
The foreseeable future

· hyperreal

Me: I don't know. Maybe I'm just meant to be a sort of starving FOSS community volunteer who lives with his parents for the foreseeable future.

Rubber duck: Perhaps. You also have aspirations to become a Debian developer, which could open doors for future job opportunities, including sysadmin.

Me: Yeah. But I'd be middle-aged by then, and companies tend to want younger folks.

Rubber duck: Not necessarily. If you've got skills and experience with FOSS projects that companies covet, you're more likely to be hired.

Me: What worries me about that is that jobs aren't guaranteed for life, even if you have skills and experience. Companies lay people off, and if that happens to me, then that would be a big change I'd have to adjust to, with no guaranteed safety net to cover my medical and living expenses.


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