J U l\J E 7 9 6 SEGA NINTENDO PC 3DO TDSHIIMDEIM 2 MOVES PLAYSTATION MAC ARCADE INTERNET Get your hands on Disney's Woody Libra] 771320"745001 Faster, smoother and ultimately more challenging than the original. If you liked Ridge Racer - you won’t be disappointed! __ For hints ’n tips'call the: PlayStation PowerLine 1-902-262-662 ITM calls are changed a! a rate of $1 50 per mfecJtFhigher rale applies from public and mobile phones. 1993,1994.1996 Namfco^td AH rights reserved SONY ts a registered trademark of Sony Corporation. • and “PtayStatton" are trademarks of S^ry Computer Entertainment Inc. Wrtithfr: Phillip lirii fdiior: Smart Uartit Art (Hrprior Mark & Drputy Hitor Dan loov liiitorial AwKianl: David Wildqouu fover lllaitration. drinry y) Adwmnu) Mana|fr Melli\w Opw ^ national Sato Director Sieve Wano* ^ n Victoria) Offkv Joamre lockart IQ]19579 /Dll fimilaiiw Manager Pan! toll PuMKhei i AuiUani Him foimn Aifouniv. Iheo Fafteai 0||itp Umiani Raihel Pin* \rtwiiirii<) Auistatii Imma Berk rr> „W K> '"'C IS fD ronmbuiorv hilian SchoflPl Hioi fi\h. teorrjp Snropov Max Aniohrai liw levy . mm * Nina kaleqpcBpooto. Harry MaraguV O Andy Hodqvon, Amo\ Wnn^ q Primed by Wilke CoIbbi Separations by: Pica Overwn Divinbuiion by NBOPh. IS 19911 All ropynqhn rewrtpd by Ottpr PnMicaimni Ply ltd WRIlt timVPtRI PD Box 434, Strawberry Wh. NSW 201? bit 1071 HU1JIS Arfvermiit* i07l U8147S ( mail ireakupwwiiwi.ioin an »HYPER news By the time you read this I’ll probably be in America. No. I'm not fleeing the country or taking a long holiday (even though l need it). I'll be at the Lca Angeles electronic entertainment expo. which is mere commonly known as the £ 3 . The first £3 happened last year and immediately established itself as the world’s premiere computer and video same show. All the major players will be there showing off their latest and SCXieSt pieces of software and hardware. There’ll no doubt be a few S U Yp YIS 6 S, but here's some of the hot tips that have already been leaked to the Nintendo will be revealing their new wonder machine. The Ultimate Player to Computer interface along with the hirst batch oh games such as Mario 64 Soon y OU won>t be ab)e to com p| ain about your joystick not moving left properly and LucasArts' amazing Shadows of) the Empire, or your mouse clogging up with fluff. Why* Because you’ll be controlling the whol . . . .thing by thought alone! We brought up the MindDrive in our September issue las Ihey re definitely hoping to impress the visiting u?orfdy ear and now ,t looks like it could be with us any moment now. This coul media SO we can expect big things hrem them. Talkingpotentially be one of the biggest advancements in the use of computers in over decade. The MindDrive hardware is simply a sleeve worn on the index finger. I of LucasArts. they ll be there in force With J6QI KniQht^ a | ces readings from your skin, like electrical conductivity, pressure, temperature tlHE multi player SEQUEL to dark FORCES) and TIE Fighter V&P uls * rate ’ and sdl " eh# " the M,ndDnve interprets this data and turns it mt signals to be used for controlling computer applications. X Wing leading the charge. The MindDrive has been developed by a group known as “The Other 90%“, and this hasn’t errs f, 1 *i e^Wsa^happened overnight... they’ve been toiling away for over seven years now. Nor has this SEGA and&o/ity are both likely to produce g ^ Qf £ ||n|e g » y w|fh a bnght 8 ldea " wh o ,ust went at ,t. as there’s been over Internet browsers for their consoles. which could bet en million dollars (US) invested in the MindDrive. With the implications of what this ^ n means for technology though, $10 million doesn’t seem that big. This breakthrough won’t very exciting, depending on how they re doing it. Sega. usf be a ^ ecting the game s market, it’ll be grand scale. There’ll be applications in should have a whole range of hot arcade conversions education, business, science, the works. . Think about it...no more dragging your mouse around, clicking on things... you’ll be for the Saturn, like Flghtmg Vipers. Virtua Cop 2 s|tt|flg there wa tchmg It happen. No more broken Joysticks from mastering those and Manx TT Superbike, and hopefully Saturn Sonic special moves, you’ll just need quick thinking now. More importantly IS the barriers . , ^ that this will break for the computer illiterate; people will just have to think what and Nights, which is an amazing looking gamef j, e y wan t f C happen, rather than learn confusing techniques and jargon. There that comes from the creator of the blue. spiky hasn i been a chon S e ,n P nce s,nce w ’» st "' 8150 us - " h,eh a " th,n S s considered is quite affordable. hedgehog. Sony are being fairly tight-lipped but we’ll The MindDrive IS not going to be one of those things that has no support software. . .. ... r 4 limiifntrr .^..Already there are going to be ten entertainment and education titles available upon no doubt see their tl AimUldlCV in action a tA ,f’ S release, with another eight titles available soon after the launch. Miramax Films (o more third party software for the PlayStation. Walt Disney company) have just made a big investment in The Other 90% Technologies. and you can be sure other companies will be approaching these developers. We ll have comprehensive £3 reports over the next two The h| inc j[) nve will firstly be available on PC, with plans to have the Mac version out issues, but in the meantime Sit back and feast yourtater this year. There’s still no independent reports on the effectiveness of the technology and we’re not quite sure how much hype and press release information we eyes on the games that are currenth/ available. My should believe, but we’ll get to the truth as soon as we can. it’s definitely out there... faves in this issue are TO^ 5TOI*y, which t could be one of the last great i 6 bit platformers, Panzer Dragoon 2 (which locks amazing!), Zork Nemesis and Deep Space Nine: Harbinger. But they’re only the tip of the iceberg. If games get any better I’m not going to have a social life at all! j-huEfrt Winners You're all winners if you read HYPER but he are some people who are actually receiving prizes. Aerosmith/Rev X Comp: Chris Coulthard from Hawker in S.A Issue One Comp: Andrew Marshall (QLD), Sean Whelan (las), Suneta Singh (NSW), Ross Brandli (WA) S Peter Richards (Vic) Sprint Comp: Stan Kourt (Vic), Jarad Heller (Vic), Sally Pryce (NSW), Stewart Williams (NSW) >Of-1 WARE Seismologist predict the biggest % j v y S-i ^* 3 \ to rock the world will hit soon. COMING SOON FOR YOUR PC! Proudly distributed bv Kf ROADSHOW NEW MEDIA GT Interactive Software Copyright line in this font and size centred Copyright line in this tort and size centred Copyright line in this font and size centred Copyright line in this font and size centred Copyright line in this font and size centred Copyright line in this font and size centred Copyright line in this font and size centred Copynght line in this font and size centred Copyright line in this font and size centred http//www.idsoftware.com This CD-ROM is yet to be classified by The Office of Film and Literature Classification Board. »HYPER news Eiie £dit Servers 0ay#r* Qomts ¥>•* W"dow b*lp Darkkv ± Jag Jake Newbie reaper _ RedR Sandman w pngl Who Is this | ||#chat Join Channel | Befreshj 51 Roinbird Olowin Samoan 53 Tun 1Rat 54 aha 55 Mag 57 Manglar 58 Raptar 59 Lizard 60 Snowpepai 62 Wraith#133 63 jak» 65 Strap 66 69 Timmy 113 BIG.RED 155 Thumpar 001639 005824 001104 2213 2213 2213 2213 2213 2213 2213 2213 2213 2213 2213 2213 2213 2213 j? Sandman is away (back shortly...). ••• raapar( he# joined Kali HELLO yo reaper hello reaper RedR is away (reading the news..). Newbie> hiya Ch" WU.C45.iOJ.71 010813 2213 GAME 10 417 18 011237 2213 GAME 10 539 6 011112 2213 WAR 2 47 232 9 2213 GAME 8 494 2 002071 2213 KCHAT 7 212 0 002762 2213 WAR 2 7 271 2 2213 WAR2 7 1138 0 010214 2213 DESCENT2 50 349 0 005376 2213 WAR2 61 223 2 010181 2213 WAR2 71 295 0 000093 2213 COMMAND 560 124 1 008704 2213 COMMAND 587 41 0 lUltima Online Ultima Online is a multi-player role-playing game designed for real-time adventuring over the Internet. It’s Istill in the testing stages at present but eventually, (thousands of people will be able to access this fantastic vorld around the clock and interact simultaneously with |each other and the entire world. Set in the Ultima universe. Ultima Online enables players to adventure in a truly ongoing world. A world where battles are fought with night and mind, alliances are formed and shattered, and both enemies and friends are just as interested in wealth land power as you are. Slay a dragon, form a government, loin a guild, craft and sell wares, and meet your friends at [the tavern, all while playing Ultima Online. JS Kali • The Future of Multiplayer G amin in the past, buying a strategy, flight sim or action game usually only allowed you the option of playing it through once, or maybe twice, with the computer as your opponent. Over the last couple of years game developers have wised up to this and in an effort to give you more bang for your buck they now often include a multiplayer option. There’s simply nothing like playing a human opponent via a modem connection or over a network.l The unpredictable nature of the human mind breathes new life into games like Doom, C£rC J Warcraft 2 and so on. While playing against one opponent using a modem is fun, network play giv you the chance to team up with a friend and demolish up to six other human-controlled opponents. I Unfortunately there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to get hold of a friend to play whenever] you feel like it. And let’s face it - most of us don’t have access to an IPX network outside of work,| school or uni. Wouldn’t it be great if you could always be sure of finding some good multiplaye opposition whenever you felt like it - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? if the answer is yes, then a new program called Kali could well be the answer to all of your prayers. Kali is a little TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) program which uses your mterne1| connection to simulate IPX (a network connection routine standard established several years ago by Novell) network protocol. So after you’ve dialled up your internet service provider in the usual way, you invoke the Kali program and log on to one of the many Kali servers around the world. Here you’ll find a list of people all interested in one thing - multiplayer gaming! Once you’re on a Kali server you just head into Kali-chat and organise a game of whatever yo kM fancy with one or more like-minded players. You can either start up a game of your own or joirJ someone elses. All you need to do is go to the IP address of whoever’s setting up the game. Kali was created by Jay Cotton. Jay’s first foray into the world of internet gaming wa! through idoom/ifrag, a program he created with Scott Coleman, which allowed people! with Ethernet connections to play Doom/Doom2 over the internet. They then went aheaJ and wrote Kali. Scott Coleman now works for interplay, so Jay Cotton has taken over| Kali’s continuing evolution and development. Currently there are two versions of Kali - a DOS version (which is a bit of a pain to set up! correctly) and a Windows 95 version (only a beta at this stage), i’ve been using the latter and! believe me, it’s as easy as pie. Just download the Windows 95 beta from the Kali web site! (http://www.axxis.com/ kali/getkali.html) and away you go. Make sure you use the Windowsl 95 32-bit winsock to connect to your ISP (internet service provider). Take note: the shareware| version of Kali times out after 15 minutes, to stop this you need to register your copy of Kali in Australia this can be done for $35 through Powerup PH: (07) 3899 3366. The only problem with Kali is the often unpredictable quality of your connection (don’t even bother if you’re using a modem operating at less than a 28800 baud rate). Currently, Australia doesn t offer the same high quality internet connections as those found in the States and elsewhere. This slows networked games (C&C, Doom2 etc.) down and makes gameplay jerky. Until good old Telstra pulls its finger out, the only way to get high quality internet connections in Oz is by either: using a very expensive iSDN line and modem or getting a permanent Ethernet connection to the Net. Regardless of the current speed problems. Kali is obviously going to revolutionise computer] gaming over the next year or two, so get into it now and go kick some American butt at Doom] or Warcraft or whatever your fave game is. The future is here and we like it a lot. • r \ l CO MEDIUM LEVEL ANIMATED VIOLENCE Proudly distributed by ROADSHOW NEW MEDIA >fl«laim Alien, Aliens, Alien 3. ™ 4 © 1979, 1986. 1992, 1996 Twentieth Century Fox film Corporation. PlayStation and the TS" logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Acclaim is a division and registered trademark of Acclaim Entertainment Inc. © 1996. All rights reserved. PlayStation 10 »HYPER Disney Goodies In keeping with the Toy Story/Di&ney flavour ob this is&u we thought we'd pan on dome information about wha other animated Atubb can or will soon be found on you computers. This latest range ob Disney tie-ins are no I simply games, they are. in foct. Interactive fomil 3 entertainment packages". Wow Toy Story is naturally the BIG one. so there's the Toy Story Screen Scenes foaturing over 40 beautiful images foom the visually wondrous movie which can be used as screen savers, turned into jigsaw puzzles, or just decoration. The Toy Story Animated Storybook looks cool with short sequences foom the movie, activities, and a picture book presentation for you to follow the story and improve your vocabulary. Delving slightly into the past there's the Pocahontas Screen Scenes ana Animated Storybook, both quite similar to the Toy Story ones. Then there's the Lion King and Aladdin Activity Centres for lots oh (supposedly) educational (but bun) games, puzzles and shorts brom both movies. And the Winnie The Pooh Animated Storybook (he's sooo cute): the Lion King and the Mickey & Crew Print Studios (which are what you'd expect - you know, bo 1 calendars, cards, etc): and GameBreak! (flve very silly but cute little games, including a Disney-fled Frogger. Pinball and Columns). Obviously, these are all aimed at kids - "For ages 5 and up" is a recurring theme, lb you 've got a son 01 daughter, young brother or sister, who adores any of the above Disney movies then they will love these graphically gorgeous, sonically sumptuous delights too. especially the Storybooks. lien Delay for PC Our cover game last month was the excellent Alien Trilogy from Acclaim which we said was available on PlayStation, Saturn and PC CW ROM. Well it's already out on PlayStation, the Saturn version should be here by the time you read this, but unfortunately the PC version has been delayed to around August. Why? We know not. So we're sorry foH all you PC Alien fans - you’re just gonna have to wait to fry the killen xenomorphs...or maybe you should buy a PlayStation! Roadshow New Media (the distributors of Alien Trilogy) would also like td apologise for the incorrect 0055 number that appeared on the huge "Win aJ PlayStation Games Library" competition. It doesn’t really matter though now as you’ve got another chance to win a Games Library in this issue. The correct number is 0055 21012. Nintendo’s Bulky Drive More news on the Ultra/Nintendo 64. No, we’re not going to tell you it has been delayed yet again. Instead, this concerns the so-called "bulky" drive add-on. You may recall that this drive is an expansion unit thati provides additional RAM to assist with particularly large games and alsd for saving games. What we can now tell you are a few of the official Nintendo technical specifications: Data Access Time: 150 milliseconds (twice as fast as the PlayStation and Saturn CD drives) Data Transfer Rate: iMB per second (over three times faster than the PlayStation and Saturn) Size: Each disk 64 MB (44MB read-only. 20MB read/write) First game: Zelda Price: Rumoured to be around $USiso OVERFLOW As we told you last month (in what actually turned out to be a bit of a world exclusive but we’re not into bragging), Nintendo have been working on a colour portable game system, whuch they’ve codenamed "Project Atlantis". It’s being developed by a team in Cambridge, England and apparantly it’s due for release in at least one territory (our guess is Japan) by the end of the year. The machine will not be compatible with any other hardware currently available, and it will be based on 32-bit technology Development tools have been sent out to selected companies all of which are under strict Non-Disclosure Agreements. More news when it breaks You want true 3D, but there's no way you would wear one of those ridiculous VR helmets or put on a pair of embarrassing red and blue 3D glasses, so you've been playing Duke Nukem 3D with your nose pressed up against the monitor instead. Well, thanks to Infinity Multimedia you may never have to chance radiation sickness ever again. Using a rapid series of 2D images, viewed from a range of different angles and perspectives, this American based company claims to be able to create realistic 3D images on a flat screen without the need for any silly accessories to be worn. They hope to use this technique in developing several arcade games sometime soon. Starwave have plans to release a CD-ROM game called Castle Infinity, that will only be playable over the Internet. The game is aimed at the younger market, but of course any online game development will lead to bigger and better things. The package will sell for $10 US, as a preview, which can then be registered for $40. Disney Interactive seem to really be getting into top gear fast, their first release Toy Story looks like a winner, and now there's more news that they have plans to release a PC game based on their upcoming film The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The game is scheduled to be out overseas some time this Winter. We'll be keeping our eyes open to see if Disney's going to becoming a big force in the game development industry. Trekkies everywhere rejoice! Spectrum HoloByte has managed to secure the participation of the three main actors from the film Star Trek Generations film for the upcoming Win 95 CD-ROM based on the movie. William Shatner, Patrick Stewart and Malcolm McDowell (this guy just loves being in computer games) will all be acting out their roles for the game development. We think poor old Mark Hamill just got upstaged! Sega have recently announced a significant price drop for the Saturn in America. The Saturn was selling for $300 US, and now the price has been cut by $so. That's a 17% price cut, which is nothing to be sneezed at. Sega seem to be very confident that the price cut will help them get a bigger slice of the market. And their "remixed" Saturn will be even cheaper when launched later this year. SEGA MEGA CD ★ SEGA MEGADRIVE * SEGA SATURN ★ SEGA 32 X ★ NINTENDO GAMEBOY ★ SUPER NINTEND ★ Hundreds more titles available on all formats ★ Best prices ★ We trade & sell used Sega, Nintendo, Sony Playstation, 3DO & IBM CD ★ Hardware and accessories ★ Friendly service & expert advice ★ Toll free order line ★ Orders from New Zealand, Asia & the Pacific are welcome & delivered by air mail. WWF RAW ..99.95 T FREE MEMBERS CARD Simply purchase a control deck, hand held unit or spend $300 Members are entitled to 7-10% off Software. (Sale items & specials not included.) 50% OFF ALL 3.5" TITLES HUGE RANGE OF GAMES Cal tor any title you require DUNGEON KEEPER.99.95 GENE WARS___ 99.95 GRAND PRIX 2...„.99.95 HERETIC-SHADOW SERPENT RIOERS 9995 ROAD RASH .99.95 SPACE HULK 2. BLOOD ANGELS 99.95 JOYSTICKS & ACCESSORIES JOYSTICKS FROM. 29.95 SOUND CARDS & CD ROMS ULTRASOUNO ACE . 199.95 SUPER NES DECK_ 149.95 SUPER NES 4 DONKEY KONG 2 229.95 SUPER NES & YOSHI'S IS. 229.95 SUPER NES & SUPER TENNIS/INTN. 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Delivery chargeapplies. No further dtecount IBM FIFA SOCCER *95 (CO)__ 29 95 HI-OCTANE...49.95 MAGIC CARPET PLUS.39.95 MORTAL KOMBAT 2 (CD). 49 95 NOCTROPOUS...29.95 PGA TOUR 486........38.95 PRIVATEER. 29.95 RELENTLESS...-.. 29.95 SPACE HULK .. 29 95 SYSTEM SHOCK. 19.95 THEME PARK. 29.95 SUPER-NES BRETT HULL HOCKEY.„ SUPER METROID 79.95 49 98 SUPER TENNIS. 39 95 WORLD LEAGUE BASKETBALL 39.95 MEGADRIVE BALL? fiQ FIFA SOCCER '95... 69 95 JUDGE DREDO. MADDEN NFL 94.. 69.95 39.95 MADDEN NFL 95. 69.95 MLBPA BASEBALL. NBA JAM.. 49.95 49.95 NBA LIVE 95. 69 95 NHL 95 HOCKEY . .. 49.95 OTTlFANTS. 34.95 PRIMAL RAGE ifuce basemu cap SYNDICATE . 49.95 69.95 3DO FIFA SOCCER... 69.95 ICE BREAKER __ IMMERCENARY ... INCREDIBLE MACHINE.. mazer . 69 95 69 95 69 95 79 95 STARBLADE . 69 95 SYNDICATE.. 69.95 TWISTED .. 49 95 WING COMMANDER 3. 69.95 ALSO BARGAIN 2nd HAN0 GAMES CUT THROAT ISLANO MORTAL KOMBAT 3 50% OFF ALL SEGA MASTER SYSTEM SOFTWARE HURRY!! CALL FOR ANY WANTED TITLES. 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PROWLER . 99.95 89 95 PSYCHIC DETECTIVE. QUARTERBACK CLUB 96 RAIDEN PROJECT ... .99.95 . 99 95 .99.95 RAPID RELOAD__ RAVEN PROJECT .... RAYMAN... RETURN TOZOflK 89 95 . 109.95 99.95 . 99.95 ROAD RASH 3__ . 99.95 ROCK N ROLL RACING. SHADOWRUN. SOLEIL (RPG). . 69 95 99 95 69.95 SONIC 4 KNUCKLES .. SPOT GOES TO HOLLYWOOD STREET RACER. 69 95 99.95 8995 THFMF PARK 99 95 WATERWORLD. 109.95 WEAPONLORD... . 109.95 WORMS :.. ... 99.95 WWF RAW . 89.95 SAVE s ; . ONLY 8 69 l ®i Call (or ary We not listed —MEGfliC-Di MEGA CD WITH GAME_ 299.95 CD PLUS ADAPTER.99.95 BATMAN 4 ROBIN ..89.95 BLOODSHOT ....99.95 FAHRENHEIT.. 99 95 FATAL FURY SPECIAL.. 89 95 LETHAL ENFORCERS 2. 119.95 LUNAR ETERNAL BLUE. 109 95 MICKEYMANIA .. 89 95 MIDNIGHT RAIDERS.... 89 95 NFL GREATEST TEAM.89.95 RDF GLOBAL CONFLICT. 99 95 STARBIADE.. 99 95 WWF WRESTLE ARCADE. 129.95 Call for any titte not listed rSEGA*SATURI\l» SEGA SATURN.. 699.95 RACING CONTROLLER WHEEL 149 95 MEMORY CARD.. 109 95 AV CABLE..-. 49 95 CONTROL PAD...8995 6 PLAYER ADAPTER. 89 95 PRO ACTION REPLAY.. 139 95 VIRTUA STICK ...89.95 BUG.. 99 95 BUMP IN THE NIGHT. 99 95 SHELL SHOCK_99.95 SHOCKWAVE ASSAULT. 99 95 SOLAR ECLIPSE.99.95 THE HORDE ..99.95 THEME PARK ... 99.95 THUNDERHAWK 2 .. 99.95 TITAN WARS.. 99.95 TRIPLE PLAY BASEBALL 96 . 99.95 TRUE PINBALL .. 99.95 VIEWPOINT...99.95 VIRTUA COP INCL VIRTUA GUN 149.95 VIRTUA HANG-ON.99.95 VIRTUAL HYDLID6.89.95 VIRTUA FIGHTER 2.. 99.95 VIRTUA RACING... 99.95 WATERWORLD. 99 95 WING ARMS .. 99.95 WING COMMANDER 3. 99.95 WORMS .99.95 X-35.99 95 X-MEN CHILDREN OF ATOM. 99 95 MGEGA(32X«M REVOLUTION RACER Z1ZL RIDGE RACER. ROAD RASH . . 99.95 . 99.95 99 95 TBA SENTIENT ..1. SHELL SHOCK.. 99 95 SHOCKWAVE ASSAULT. SLAYER .... 99.95 109.95 SPACE HULK. STARBLADE ALPHA. 99.95 . 89.95 STREETFIGHTER THE MOVIE ... 99.95 STRIKER SOCCER.99.95 (INCL FREE T-SHIRT WHILE STOCKS LAST) SYNDICATE WARS.99.95 TEKKEN.99 95 THEME PARK... THUNDERHAWK 2...... TRUE PINBALL... 99.95 . 99.95 . 99.95 TOSHINDEN . . 99.95 TOSHINDEN 2.. 99.95 . 99.95 TOTAL ECLIPSE TURBO.. 99.95 TRUE PINBALL 99 95 99.95 99.95 109.95 TWISTED METAL . VIEWPOINT ENHANCED .. WARHAMMER.. WARHAWK . 99 95 WING COMMANDER 3 99 95 WIPEOUT..!... 99.95 MAIL ORDERS FREE CALL 1800 801 047 (Orders only) TO TRADE: (Sega/Nintendo Cartridges, Sony, 3DO Or IBM CD Software) Perth customers - please call your nearest Hitech World (See below for phone and locations). 1. Mail order customers call (09) 227 9991 for trade value 2. Use this value towards purchase of any thing we sell 3. Pack your software, with your name, address, phone number and software selection and mail to us 4. On receipt of your games, your order will be despatched TO BUY SOFTWARE Perth customers * please call your nearest Hitech World (See below for phone and locations). 1. Call Toll Free 1800 801 047 (Strictly orders only) 2. Credit card payments despatched same day. 3. Payment by cheque/money order must include name, phone, address, order. (Allow 7 days for cheque clearance) DELIVERY CHARGES Under $50 ($5) $50 to $100 ($2.50) Over $100 (free) Delivery usually 2 days by courier or registered mail. HARDWARE: Standard delivery charge will apply). OVERSEAS AIRMAIL DELIVERY: APPROX-$10.00 POSTAL MAIL ORDER ADDRESS 94A Roe Street. NORTHBRIDGE WA 6003 SOFTWARE TRADE-IN QUOTES & QUERIES 1. Call (09) 227 9991 Fax Orders: (09) 227 1114 Some items may no! be available Of be out o! stock at date of printing No ramcbecks on sale Hems. All software, new 4 used carries a 30 day warranty Dealer enquiries welcome We reserve the right to refuse any sale or trade Prices subject to change without nolice. Some items may not be available at some stores WORMS ., WRESTLEMANIA ARCADE ... X 35 SEGA 32X... KOLOBRI... METAL HEAD. NBA TOURNAMENT. SLAM CITY (CO). SUPER MOTORCROSS SUPREME WARRIOR ... VIRTUA FIGHTER. _ 329.00 ... 99.95 .... 89.95 . 99.95 .99.95 .89.95 .99.95 . 99.95 YAHOO SEGA SATURN Price Drop NOW s 699 95 X-MEN CHILDREN OF ATOM ZERO DIVIDE.. 109.95 czmzn 3 DO. 595.00 line Gex/Pal Adaptor) GAME GUN (MK 2). 99 95 JOYSTICK . 169 95 ACTION PACK.99.95 (SlMtf&occar K4 ShanghanOrtgoiw U») ALONE IN DARK 142.99.95 BATTLE SPORT. 109.95 BCRACERS.... 99.95 BIOS FEAR. 99.95 BLADEFORCE . 79.95 BRAINDEAD13... 109 95 BUST-A-MOVE .».. 99.95 CARRIER FORTRESS.99 95 CREATURE SHOCK. 109.95 D - 2 CD SET..119 95 DAEDALIUS ENCOUNTER.„ 119.95 DEATHKEEP. 99.95 DEFCON 5 . 109 95 DRAGON LORE__99.95 DRUG WARS.... 109.95 FLYING NIGHTMARE S 109 95 Loue Oujl Qto/m CANNINGTON 1/1236 Albany Hwy, CANNINGTON WA Tel: 09 451 1340 NORTHBRIDGE 94A Roe St, NORTHBRIDGE WA Tel: 09 227 9991 ROCKINGHAM 2A Livingstone Road. ROCKINGHAM Tel: 09 592 8033 BUSINESS HOURS (WA) Mon-Frid 9am-6pm Sat 10am-4pm Sun 12pm-4 pm 1081 N 03 * SXOIlSAOr * 38 VM 1 J 0 S * INIMNIVlflOa WSI * 00 IN 91 * Z * NOIlVlSAtfld SEGA MEGA CD * SEGA MEGADRIVE ★ SEGA SATURN ★ SEGA 32X ★ NINTENDO GAMEBOY ★ SUPER NINTENDO ★ SONY 12 »HYPER I1CWS ^ ' C * X**? A >4 i J H* **Ai ' r A Golden Olvmoic Histor It a only natural in this Olympic year for us to expect a bit of cash m merchandising of the multimedia variety, and hirst cab ohh the rank is S.C .A s Olympic Gold. The usual problem with products like this is that they tend to be rushed oufl fo meet demand, because the demand is usually fuelled by the associated publicity which only lasts for a limited firne.l Well hear not. S.C.A. have got their timing right but fortunately don't seem to have been in a rush to get there. Olympic Gold is a huge and very well produced resource for all the trainspotters and fans out there who have always wanted to have the sort of information access previously only available to 7V station researchers and the Olympic Committee themselves. This extremely thorough piece of software has everything you'll ever want to know about the Games. There are individual presentations on all of the games with a rundown of the great performances and highlights from each one. the Olympic history of every country that has ever competed, a complete list of every athlete who ever won Gold at the Games (no. I'm not kidding), along with a photo and brief history of their achievements, you can check out the history of all the events that have ever been part of the games and examine their rules and regulations in a 3 D rule book, find out exactly why water polo players aren't allowed to wear floaties. why 12 foot catamarans don't have torpedo tubes and why long distance runners can t carry firearms. There's also a section on special topics of interest such as merchandising, women in the Games and the drug scandals. The whole package is very well presented, solid and carefully thought out with many hypertext links to guide .youl about. S.C.A. is an American company but they have thankfully avoided any bias in their commentary apart from fhe| inevitable accent of the speakers. Olympic Gold is fully endorsed by the International Olympic Committee which is a pretty good recommendation ifdeff and it really is a good product and a fantastic resource to have around if you 're a sports fan. GEORGE SOROPOS LucasArts Unellp One of the premiere game developers in the world, LucasArts, has just announced the new titles it will be launching this year. These games will be unveiled at the upcoming E3 show in May but we’ve got the sneak goss. First up is Jedi Knight which is the long-awaited multiplayer sequel to the superb Dark Forces, it follows the tale of Kyle Katarn and his education in the ways of the Jedi. Should be bigger than huge. Sticking to the Star Wars universe (hey, that’s where the money is!), X-Wing vs Tie Fighter will be the first multiplayer combat simulation set in the Star Wars universe and will, of course, let you and a friend battle it out for the glory of the Empire or Rebels (you get to choose). Of course, there’s also Shadows of the Empire for the upcoming Nintendo 64 and in other Star Wars game news, Dark Forces and Rebel Assault 2 are almost ready for the PlayStation. As for non-Star Wars stuff, Outlaws (for the PC) is said to be inspired by Sergio Leone’s Spaghetti Westerns of the 1960s (which is a VERY good thing) and it’s a first person adventure with multiplayer capabilities. We’re excited already. Also on the schedule (but we don’t know much about them) are Myth Adventures (for the PlayStation and Saturn) and Ballblazer (for the PlayStation). More news on these when we give you the big E3 report in the next couple of issues. READERS REVIEW IAMRROMA SBflW.Mll I HEPPARR Ambrosia Software, one of the most dominant game company in the Mac world, first rose to fame with the release of shareware version of Asteroids called Maelstrom. Since Maelstrom, Ambrosia has released a variety of other games, all shareware, the latest of which goes by the name of Barrack. Barrack begins with a square shaped field containing a number of balls bouncing off the sides. You control a cannon with the mouse, which, when fired, sends out two lines from its sides, either horizontally or vertically. When these lines reach the edge of the field, they divide it and any section not continuing a ball is removed. 1$ * v . 4 % illRv. an §n 1 Once 80% of the field is removed, you proceed to the next level. The player begins with 6 lives which you lose when a ball strikes a line as it is being drawn. This may sound like a lot but if you are not careful you can quite easily lose all on the first level. Alternately, if you do well, its quite possible to get 20+ lives by the start of the second level through a combination of multipliers and bonuses for clearing more than 80%. Barrack is one of those games, like Tetris, which you play for fun. There is no concept of winning the game, the number of balls and their speed simply increases until you lose. As Ambrosia put it; you’re born and then you die, the idea is to have some fun in between. To really enjoy Barrack, you need someone to compete against on score. There are many hidden tactics which, once mastered, can give you massive scores, especially in the first few levels where there are not too many balls to contend with. The graphics are very good for what they are, but don’t expect anything revolutionary. The sound effects are excellent and the music, while simple is quite reasonable. Cameplay is the game’s strongest point, once you’re hooked, your life will revolve around it for weeks. The longterm score is basically irrelevant, as if you don’t like it, you don’t have to pay for it, but I for one will be playing it for some time to come. As a final note, before you start playing the game, you really should take Ambrosia’s advice and find yourself a soccer ball, then spend a few hours kicking it against a wall and yelling "Take that, you stupid ball". It will make you feel much better later. GRAPHICS S/K SOUND >\0<7+ GAME PLAY LONGTERM OVERALL Barrack REARERS REVIEW BY MATTHEW S R T O R I A L BOTTLE OREDO TOlHIODEn 2 The original Battle Arena Toshinden was a worthy initiator to the power of PlayStation software. Few titles have come close to the graphical detail that this title displayed, however,Takara have been locked away developing a sequel; Battle Arena Toshinden 2. Battle Arena Toshinden 2, believe it or not, is graphically superior to the original. With Gouraud shading more audacious than ever, backgrounds that are more varied and detailed, and fighters that have been meticulously re-designed; this sequel has an even greater sense of depth. The new battlegrounds include a platform in the middle of the sea that is sure to give you motion sickness, an urban wasteland of towering skyscrapers with cars going through an underpass, a free flowing river through a canyon, and the moody mountain landscape complete with wolves and a full moon. In some of these battlegrounds an innovative light-sourcing technique has been used so that fight begins in darkness and the sun slowly comes up to brilliant daylight. Battle Arena Toshinden 2 features four new characters; Tracy, the baton wielding American PoiiceWoman; Chaos, a 30-something Sri Lankan with a devastatingly effective scythe; Gaia, the old boss has become an opponent w ho you can now r beat any time; and Master, the possessor of a mighty sword! Check out the review in this issue. Available: June/July 1996 Expected Classification RRP: $99.95 & Mr, For hints ’n tips call the: PlayStation PowerLine 1-902-262-662* Battle Arena Toshinden 2 and its characters are trademarks of A Takara Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. © Takara Co., Ltd. 1996. Proudly Distributed by The ^ and PlayStation are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. * ITM calls are charged at a rate of $1.50 per min. A higher rate applies from public and mobile phones. II PERIPHERAL) o Discover a neiu TUULIJT in steerin? The Namco neGcon controller is a revolution in joypad design. Instead of using a four-pronged directional bar to signal the four standard directions (up/ down/left/ right), the neGcon divides itself into two halves which can be independently twisted either left or right - giving you precision steering. The neGcon will be available to coincide w ith the launch of Ridge Racer Revolution in May. Some of other neGcon compatible games include: Wipeout, Ridge Racer,Tekken, Need for Speed (EA title), FI (July), Air Combat, Assault Rigs, and many others. RRP: $89.95 Available: May 1996 Rddin? to the ?anrun? experience! Multi tap means simply, more players can enjoy the PlayStation at the same time. The adaptor allows up to 8 players to simultaneously compete on a grow ing list of Multi tap compatible games. The Multi tap plugs into the Controller Port, allowing four player action. _C A second Multi tap is plugged into the second Controller Port, allowing 8 player action. The Multi tap is compatible with adidas Power Soccer (see Review this issue) and Total NBA ‘96 - the ultimate sporting experience. RRP: $89.95 Available: NOW SPECIQL OFFER: Here’s your chance to WIN one of these awesome peripherals! All you have to do is fill in the form below and send to: Awesome Peripheral Competition Sony Computer Entertainment 11-19 Hargrave Street, East Sydney, NSW 2010 PUIESOYTIE PERIPHERPL COmPETITIOn FOR YOUR CHANCETO GET INTO THE TWIST OFTHE neGcon tell us what score Ridge Racer Revolution has been given in this Issue and why you need a neGcon in 10 words or less. OR FORYOUR CHANCETO GET INTO MULTI PLAYER ACTION tell us what score adidas Power Soccer has been given in this issue and why YOU need a Multi Tap in 10 words or less. Name:... Address:. .Postcode:.Telephone number: 1 already own a Sony PlayStation Yes:. No: If you’ve already got a PlayStation what games do you have?. 1. Competition closes Friday, 12th July 1996. 2. Judges decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. 3. The contest is a game of skill and as such, all entries are judged on merit. Ask Gazza how he beats four players and sticks the ball in the top corner. He can’t tell you. Ask us why adidas Power Soccer is the best football game ever. We can’t tell you. Some things just art adidas umM Pure Class, No Effort, No Competition. OUT MAY ’96 16 »HYPER WALLACE A N 0 GROMIT N T L * A c T I > in We’ve trawled and trawled... and ended up with a lot of junk. But after carefully picking through the stinky debris, we've come up with some cool, colourful sites. All the action Is brought to you live (almost) by ELIOT FISH and his favourite Search Cnclne. igMi AAR OMAN ANIMATIONS Wallace and Gromit was one of the coolest pieces of claymation to hit the screens in a very longish time. Of course, the Net is flourishim with sites devoted to Nick Park — the animatoi in question — as his Wallace and Gromit series has reached cult status. Visit http://www.ast. cam.ac.uk/~jla/aardnian.htnil for a stack ol great images and MPEGs of the animated fea¬ ture to download. Don’t forget the cheese! DIGITAL MUSIC There are plenty of ’zines on the Web, and plenty of zines at that. However, there was something about POP-i Digil usic Zine that I thought was rather special. They had lots rlcool interviews to read, with audio samples of the interview s download, lots of links and a fun page all about the "Most Irri fating" song they could find that day/week. You download th if snippet and hear it for yourself. What 1 heard was truly They’re at http://popi.com/ and they’re waiting for ya. SCI-FI TV OK, seeing as though I gave Star Trek: Voyagei all that valuable space in HYPER last time... hen are some links to other Sci-Fi TV shows that currently screening or er... have recently beenn. axed (one or the other!!). Space: Above andg Beyond have a lovely site at http-J/www. foxnetwork. com/Prime/FoxFaves/Sp ace > Earth2 is struggling at http://www.umsa. umd. edu/Johnw/Earthi/EdenAdvance.html SeaQuest DSV is a dull show and has an equally yawnish site at http://www. phoenix. net/~leigh/SeaQuest/o\ and Babylon-5 has two excellent-lookingu: sites at http://pathfinder.com/Babylons, and http://www.babylons.com NASA TV Thanks to the wonder of modern technology. NASA are no xoffering an interesting little feature at their website calle e|NASA TV. All you need is a CU-Seeme application, and yo an be watching Space Shuttle take-offs, landings, astro- auts messing about in orbit and UFOs observing the entire oing-ons in the background (maybe)... all via your web- browser on your very own computer. Check it out a 1 V h ttp ://btree. le rc. n as a.gov/NA SA_TV/NASA_TV. h tm i it’s all very fascinating. Really it is. AGGRESSIVE SKATING What is the aggressive skating association? Well you’ll jus have to contact http://www.entrepreneurs.net/asa/ to fin ut. Hey... it's about people who skate in a "menacing” fashion sually involving "rad” tricks and generally "sick" manoeuvres r/There are interviews, pics, comps and everything you wanted t i/know about Boarding, Blading etc. etc. Cool. NASA TU GAME? Proudly distributed by ROADSHOW NEW MEDIA PlayStation SEGA SATURN Fatal Fury- Legend o the Hungry Wol oM( The i99o’s dawned and two things became certain. Bill Cates was going to be the richest man this side of planet earth, and computer games were here to stay. Six years, several hundred thousand games and some very bad lean Claude Van Damme films later and we’re starting to see the computer game invasion into Manga Anime. There’: SF2, Toshinden, Dark Stalkers. Samurai Shodown, Virtualr. Fighter and the latest release to these shores; FATAL FURY! Terry and Andy Bogard are brothers who witness then brutal and senseless murder of their father Jeff, cuts down in his prime by weirdo bad guy and undergroundai boss Geese Howard. Still being kids, they're sent off inti the world to develop their martial arts skills. Only aftei ten years can they return to Hong Kong, where they will strive against each other to inherit the family’s Martia; arts secret...the HURRICANE PUNCHMMlc! As heinous as the plot sounds (hey. whaddyasl expect?!!!) FATAL FURY is an entertaining and actiontl packed anime. Blood spurts that bright shade of red. whether slashed from the wound or beaten out of a wellsi animated mouth. The story is as mindless, moronic andi unbelievable as the SF2 anime movie; but like SF2 you’ve got to enjoy FATAL FURY for what it is. It is fairly si entertaining, especially if you’re a fan of the game FATAL FURY: LECEND OF THE HUNCRY WOLF is the firs in a series to be released from Kiseki. A fully animatedtl FATAL FURY movie is due for release mid this year, a: well as another OAV release Highly recommended for fans of the game andjtl anime buffs alike 8.5/I 0 BAUD M. BISERIBIIIEB BV KISIkl Mad Hull 34:The Manhattan Connection Mad Bull and his partner Diazaburo are staking out a s]drug bust. Down on street level their lieutenant is date aping a new female police officer. The bad guys arrive. The cops are sprung. An all out gun battle esults where Mad Bull is shot several times in the bum praying blood everywhere. When all hope seems lost nd the bad guys look as though they’re about to win. ad Bull drops his pants to reveal a cluster of irgrenades strung to his pubic hair. The rest is history. Like 1 wrote in the previous issue of HYPER, the MAD 1 |BULL series is the trashiest, sleaziest and downright heesiest Manga based Anime ever to have graced our hores. Its narrative structure and storyline is a test in he suspension of disbelief, as two of New York's finest cruise the streets breaking almost every law under the un, wading through meat, gore and ultra violence to nab their crooks. The animation is some of the cheapest, nastiest looking tuff I’ve ever seen, and I sat watching it cringing at some extremely bad examples of illustration (not to t|mention animation!). Based on the original manga by he legendary Kazuo Koike (one of the founders of is manga culture as we know it today) and Noriyoshi Indue, MAD BULL 34, part two. firmly establishes itself as he trashiest entertainment available. It’s all so. soooo wrong, that it’s almost right. 7 . 5/10 RAIEB R BISIRIBUIEB BV SIREN ENEEREAINMENT arnpire Princess Miyu From Vlad the Impaler to Anne Rice s adventures of the vam- ire Lestat, humankind seems to had a morbid fascination with ndead humanoid bloodsuckers. Nowdays in the late twentieth entury it seems to be in vogue for vampires to apologise for your blood (like in Forever Knight, for instance) or to on a stage in full Goth gear playing an electric guitar. The Japanese love vampires. They love the western concept of Dracula; all the holy water and garlic and all that jazz. Now Vampire anime is available in this country, enter VAM¬ PIRE PRINCESS MIYU!!!! A cute Japanese schoolgirl by day, Princess Miyu is actual¬ ly a vampire hunter in a long line of killers whose job it is to locate demon gods from the abyss and to protect them fron human kind. Using her supernatural powers for good, she also preys on her victims to sustain her unholy lifeforce; both an enemy and friend of humans. PRINCESS MIYU is not a hack and slash journey into blood and gore. Itis a creepy and weird take on the vampire genre; where the narrative centers more on the strange lives of the demon gods and their victims. The slow and atmospheric mood established in this animae help proppell the interesting and tasteful narritive; supported by a beautiful animated world. A great little series that’s worth a look. BATED Pb. DISTRIBUTED BY SIBEN ENTEBTAIMEN1 STRAP YOURSELF IN AND PREPARE TO GO DOWN! Begin your Descent below the surface of Lunar Base 1 where an unknown alien race has taken over the Post-Terran Mining Corporation. Lunge straight down mine shafts, twist around never ending tunnels and blast your way past robotic menaces. Hang on to your senses as you pilot a 360 3D rollercoaster ride from hell. Now on PlayStation ©1994 Parallax SoftwareTM All nghts reserved. All trademarks are property of Interplay Productions. The ‘PlayStation* logo and ‘PlayStation’ are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. LOW LEVEL ANIMATED VIOLENCE 3D games are the go, and with one of these hum dingers in your PC, you’ll be running circles around your buddies! We’re talking $650 of bottom booting power here. Win this thing and you’ll make new friends, get a promising career, live happily ever after! Yup... We’re GIVING a 3 D Blaster to a lucky subscriber this month (thanks yet again to Creative Pacific ) And hey... even if you don’t win, you’ll still be getting your mitts on HYPER as soon as it’s out, every month for a year... so who cares if you lose? □ □ □ Why waste precious time and energy sprinting to the newsagents each month? Why not combine the boundless joy of receiving your latest issue of HYPER with watching your neighbour’s dog rend flesh from the postman? It’s simple...subscribe! Another lucky subscriber out there is going to Fill out this coupon and mail it to HYPER, Reply Paid 634, PO Box 634, Strawberry Hills, NSW. 2012 Name__ System _ Address_ __ _ _ _ Suburb/Town_Postcode _ ooB Enclosed is my cheque/money order, or debit my credit card for $44.95 (1 year/12 issues) Bankcard O Mastercard Q Visa □ Card No I I I I I I I I I I 1 I IT1 1 1 1 Expiry Date Signature 21 »HYPER freebies a**" m Negcon Controller r Comp Lucky Playstation owners have your opportunity to pick up the Namco NEGCON controller! “What the hell is a NEGCON?”, you ask? it’s every racing gamers dream come true! Why so? Because it’s a Playstation controller that is essentially split in the middle, so you can twist the controller left or right without taking your fingers off the buttons, it's analog kids! So. the more you twist, the more you steer! So you’ll soon be slicing your lap times in half... well., maybe, but you’ll certainly have the edge now! Of course NEGCON controllers don’t grow on trees, but thanks to Sony, we’re gonna give THREE of them away! That’s right three of you will be saving yourselves $89.95, because let’s face it., if you’re serious about racing games., you’d be buying one. To have a chance at finding one in your mailbox, just answer this simple question... Name a PlayStation game where a NEGCON controller would come in handy Just send your answer to... Namco Negcon Comp HYPER PO BOX 634. Strawberry Hills. NSW 2012 More War! We can already hear all you wargame enthusiasts bcuncins in jubilation! yes. extra levels frr Warcrafr 2! The new title is called MORCWAR 'The Return cl the Horde". Sc you can watch little knights hacking the unclean crcish vermin from the free cl the planet, or vice versa. There's 10c new levels cl real time strategy to be played through frlks.. that'll enough to keep you bcuncins frr weeksf Zone Multimedia have kindly given us a couple c$ copies to give away to the Hyper reading populace. "Hold on!" you say. " I'm not into that frntasy mumbe jumbo! I wanna reduce more military hardware to scrap metal!" Well guess what? We care about the Command & Conquer junkies too! So does Zone Multimedia, and they gave 114 two copies cl the COMMAND COMPANION, the extra levels pack! It also includes a level editor sc you can create your c«rn missions, just like Mcrewar. there’s icc levels. Each cl these giveaways are worth $39. 95... sc we're going be saving 4 lucky HYPER readers some bucks. To win you'll have to tell us the publisher for both Warcraft and CSC. Write down your answers, and tell us which cl the two games you'd like most and post that envelope efr to... Wargame Competition HyPCR. PO BOX 634. Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 IPLAY STATION |i Total NBA 1 2. Need For Speed ■3. Doom L Alien Trilogy |5 D ■6. Magic Carpet ■7. Road Rash ■8. Worms 19. Krazy Ivan 1 10. Loaded ISATU R N |i. Sega Rally 12. Virtua Fighter 2 13. Virtua Cop |4. Fi Challenge ■5. World Series Baseball |6. Thunderhawk 2 ■7. Wing Arms Panzer Draooon Cirls, boys, and others will be bursting with excitement to know that they can soon be playing the latest shoot ’em up game from Sega... PANZER DRACOON II. We liked it so much we gave it our prestigous Big Rubber Stamp of Approval. Thanks to Sega, we’re giving away a copy of this jawdroppin’, eyepoppin’ extravaganza to two lucky readers... assuming they can answer this tricky question... What is Sega’s big new robot fighting/shoot ’em up game in the arcades? lust send your answer to... Panzer Dragoon Comp. HYPER PO BOX 634 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 8 . Mystaria 9- D 10. FIFA 96 3D O li. Foes of Ali 2. Killing Time 3. Need For Speed 4. Deathkeep 5. Shockwave 2 6. Battlesport 7. Dragon’s Lore 8. Road Rash 9. Syndicate 10. Space Hulk PC CD ROM 1. Warcraft 2 2. Wing Commander IV 3. NBA Live 96 4. Command 8 Conquer 5. C8C: Covert Operations 6. Crusader: No Remorse 7. Need For Speed 8. Destruction Derby 9. Mission Critical 10. Theme Park EMEGA DRIVE Ji. Light Crusader 2. NBA Live 96 3. Mortal Kombat 3 4. Earthworm Jim 2 5. John Madden 96 6. Sonic 6 Knuckles 7. Mario Andretti Racing 8. Micro Machines 96 9. Primal Rage 10. Brian Lara Cricket SKIES 1. Secret of Evermore 2. Donkey Kong 2 3. Yoshi’s Island 4. Killer Instinct 5. Doom 6. Mechwarrior 3050 7. Mortal Kombat 3 8. Earthworm Jim 2 9. Megaman X 2 10. Theme Park o r u u 22 »HYPER 4«laim J entertainment, inc es Library So, you've forked out the bucks for a PlayStation and ow you're in need of some hot new games. Look no urther then, because we've got a whole library of PlayStation titles for you to win. Roadshow New Media are the big new player in ustralian games distribution and they've got some hot game publishers under their belt such as Acclaim, Ocean and Interplay. They've giving away 20 of the best titles from these three labels, and the winner will also receive one new Roadshow New Media PlayStation release every month for the next 12 months. For the mathematically challenged, that adds up to 32 PlayStation games! HUGE! These are the games you can win initially: \ mis: rHiinnts or thi atom ACCLAIM Wrestlemania NBA Jam Streetfighter The Movie Jupiter Strike D Alien Trilogy Revolution X Quarterback Club Rise 2: Resurrection Big Hurt Baseball X-Men: Children of the Atom OCEAN Worms Powerserve Zero Divide True Pinball Viper Offensive INTERPLAY Cyberia Descent Casper Proudly distributed by ROADSHOW NEW MEDIA I In the grand scheme of things, Australia has a very small market for video game entertainment, not due to any lack of enthusiasm, simply because of population. In the software development busi¬ ness. the developers lend to exist in an area with a strong market, like the UK, Japan or America. There's no problems developing here, it's getting something published that’s the big hurdle. In July 1902 , Paul Turbett formed Silver Lightning Software. Based in Perth, he began on Ins path to realising his dreams as a success¬ ful software developer Silver Lightning released their first game a month later, a shareware shoot ’em up called Starfire This was enough to help SLS find agents in the UK. Germany and the US. Around qoo copies were registered Silver Lightning's next release came out in January 94 . another shooter called Star Hammer, which found them another agent in Holland. After much hard slog. SLS completed their first commer¬ cial game, Trial By Magic. It was released in Australia last October, and is currently awaiting release in Europe. Trial is an RPG set in an underground world, with 25 lev¬ els for the player to overcome. It wasn’t an audio-visual feast, but the gameplay was there and it certainly wasn't a bad job for a first release SLS have a more interesting project in store for us though, a project that was kicked off with the addition of Stephen Handbury to the management team in July ’ 95 . While run¬ ning a computer games store in Perth. Stephen did some market research by talking to the customers and getting a vibe for what people were hungry for, what we were all missing. The answer was a realistic rally driving game for the PC. This is where things have really started to fall into place for SLS. Straight away SLS met with Keith Hedgeland of Spike Motorsport for assistance in making the physics of the game as close to real as possible. Keith would be playtesting, informing the SLS crew just how close they were to nailing the feel and realism of a rally car. For those not familiar with the World Rally Championship. Australia is actually considered to have some of the best courses in the world What better reason than that do you need to base this Australian made game in Australia? At the end of last year. SLS approached Events Corp for endorse¬ ment of the Australian leg of the World Championship. Telstra ' A* • s V ' - •-'«< *jf-.- »r V *.jL >* >.;? •- «A V- UfcJK** <■** ...aft-" * ■P l ' "» ! > fef " v* * , " ** •• PL l t' V, :-iTf -4 ^ I ft n rVr%»? lbf**Tf i * t ‘ K $•■ #!l i - ^ ^ * •ir v, ■% * * W+ 4 k' * * ■ : WCv ■ ,trfk •l*% ft7'ft! ■** 1 ‘HYPER *9 Tekken II PlayStation AVAILABLE: JULY/AUGUST JCATEGORY: 3D FIGHTING ■PLAYERS: 1-2 ■PUBLISHER: NAM CO Finally., we got a look at what promises to be the best console fighting game thus far, Tekken II. If you’re wondering if it’s really just more of the same, well., yes., but better. There are now 23 selectable characters; 10 to start with and 13 to earn the right to play. That's heaps, girls and boys! The whole thing just looks like some¬ one’s been polishing it for a year... None of those dodgy title screens or C64 style menus, it’s all spiffy. There’s been a bit of Virtua Fighter II cloning done in the way of options and so forth, with a whole mess of different styles of game. There’s straight up playing, survival games, time based games, and team games, so you can potentially have a bunch of people over and have a big Tekken tournament. Best idea of the lot was the inclusion of a practise mode, which puts your joystick movements on screen and has a bunch of options within itself. Looks like there’s all the old moves in there, with more thrown in on top. especially with chances to link big hits in at the end of combos. There’s video cut scenes for all the characters finishing sequences now, mak-| ing it much more enticing to want to finish the game with the boss characters! once you’ve got the option to use them. Some of the scenes are amazing to say| the least. It’s all silky smooth as you'd expect, with the frame rate being vast¬ ly superior to the arcade game... just like the first Tekken PSX game pooped all| over it’s arcade predecessor. The overall speed of the game seems to have increased noticeably, so for thosel I people who thought the first game was too slow (you just never played anyonel competent!), you should give Tekken II a bash, coz it’s almost as fast as the| Toshinden games. Of course there’s an old Namco game thrown in at the beginning... this time| |it’s Galaxions. Enough said at this point. It's gonna be GREAT. We’ll no doubt be giving it the fulll I review real soon, complete with bad Tekken quote jokes and all. The HYPER crewl will make sure you’ve all got cheats and play guides to help you get the most out| of what looks to be the next king of the 3D console fighting games. 1 I - OTjc seyaefto cSeec/ on PC CD-Rom MA(15+) Medium Level Violence sequences ^ ^ of "Aliens") {£~~Q Digitized speech with over 40 chorocters © WARNER INTERACTIVE AUSTRALIA This product is published by CYBERDREAMS® & is distributed by MGM Interactive >CA 5R9/PCPP pad Mojo PC/MAC CD ROM AVAILABLE: MAY CATEGORY: ADVENTURE PLAYERS: ONE PUBLISHER: PULSE ENTERTAINMENT There have been lots of CD ROM adventure games now, Lnd no small amount of them have been presented wit™ la dark theme. Bad Mojo not only looks dark, it looks pirty, disgusting, and utterly repulsive. Don’t get us Lrong here... that's what makes it good! The general gist] pf things goes something like this... You are Roger Samms, a rather miserable individual Lho messes about with a family heirloom, which hap¬ pens to be cursed in such manner as to turn you intd la roach! If the novelty of playing roach isn’t enougra ho entice you, the sheer realism and atmosphere will. You guide your roach through the back alleys, fetid kitchens, sewer pipes etc of San Francisco, desperate¬ ly searching for some way to return yourself to humard norm. The standard playing mode looks like some sord pf pre-sequenced video streamed movie., but it’s not! K'ou’re running the show. So what could a roach possibly do that’s going to fid pnto an adventure game? Well, the things of everyday^ fife that we overlook can be a deadly test for youn [average roach. You’ll need to be extremely careful nod ho end up as Spider-chow, or to be squished mercH Dessly by the monstrous paws of that tabby cat you’vq [seen prowling about your apartment. | Looking at the samples we’ve got our mitts on, the [whole thing just looks ridiculously promising. Thq lacting actually looks pretty darn good, no Hollywood [wannabes reading off cue cards. Cobs of time and |money have gone into this one. The flashy magical |effects and cut scenes look superb. It looks like it’ll be one for the gamers with gread [powers of observation. However, it’s not for thq squeamish as there’s dead rats, roach infested hovels |and lots of ickyness in general. If the gameplay is as interesting in the complete ver¬ sion as the demo we’ve been messing with, it'll no doubd [be going under the big rubber stamp of approval. 32 »HYPER previews Maui Mallard MEGA DRIVE/SNES I 2 C 555 ^ AVAIUBLE: LATE '96 CATEGORY platform PLAYERS: ONE INTERACTIVE PUBLISHER: DISNEY Mega Drive and SNES owners feeling slightly despondent right now should perk up a little at the news we hear of Disney interactive releasing...could it be?...a new 16bit game? Oh yes, and it’s a platformer, too. But let us not dwell too long on that. Maui Mallard is the star’s name, and he betrays an eerie similarity to Donald Duck. Or rather, he is an exact Donald Duck look-alike. Or, if you prefer, he’s as close to being Donald Duck as is pos¬ sible without actually being Donald Duck. And he’s called Maui Mallard. Not Donald Duck. And if you think we’re crapping on, you’re absolutely right. But hey, this is a platform game, what else can we say? OK, OK...you win. it’ll be a 32 Meg cart for a start and apparently the level design and character animation are top class. Maui takes on different personalities throughout the game, so one minute he’ll be a gunfighter and the next a ninja warrior. There’ll be the usual tricks, traps and secrets and all in all, Maui Mallard looks like it might be fun although we’ll have to wait until we play it before we can give it a standing ovation. At least it’s a new game for the old 16bit machines, so a few cheers for that then. W - 3rT 133 . v* V fF » i ** 4l * " > 1 _ . ~ life Baldies <2 PC CD ROM AVAILABLE: july • CATEGORY: strategy • PLAYERS: 1-4 • PUBLISHER: atari In ancient times... well a few years ago... a game hit the Amiga that made the heads of all the wargame/empire gamers turn, that was Mega-lo-Mania. Atari have rehashed the idea in the form of Baldies. The general idea is to turn your handful of chromedome colonists into the fathers of a nation of shiny topped citizens. The game all takes place on a series of islands, which you can build up or strip away as the game progresses. The actual mechanics for the game are really quite simple, which in this case turns out to be a real plus. Your baldies run about aimlessly through the countryside until you give them a pur- * \ pose. You can designate different tasks to each Baldie as you see fit. There are the I workers, who seem to be preoccupied with the propagation of their race (which is a l «w*oy scary thought since they’re all men). Of course, there are the militant little soldiers, whose main responsibility seems to be to beat the living crud out of one’s opponents. Baldies can be assigned to erect new structures, and patch up damaged ones. The last type of Baldie is the most amusing, the scientist, who not only invent the devilishly fiendish traps and weapons, but also undertake the task of delivering them to your opponent’s door. The graphics aren’t revolutionary, but they're very cute. Lovely family values ideas are included, like the ability to pick up small furry animals and drop them onto landmines, or better still, try dropping Belamy in front of the playful fox and see what happens. There's amusing little sound effects to go with the visuals, as you would expect. Your opponents appear to be apes which stands to reason., erm.. right? We haven't had a chance to see how the game plays over the modem or across a network, but one would assume you play a different breed of Baldies as opposed to a bunch of hairy primates. Hopefully the final version will see the ability to have more "global control” over your Baldies, as they end up breeding way too fast for you to control them all with the existing interface. Being as cute as it is, this one looks like it’ll be a hit for those keen on real time network gaming as opposed to the hardcore civ/wargame players. Time Commando PC CD ROM UvAILABLE: JULY • fAIEGORY: adventure PLAYERS: one •PUBLISHER: ea I Adeline Software are the French developers responsible for last year's highly acclaimed Vielentle&A: Little Big Adventure. They were also formerly part of the Infogrames team that Icreafed the legendary Alone In The Dark series, j/ou can understand then, how eagerly we lare anticipating their next release. I Time Commando looks, on first impressions, just like a graphically-enhanced version oj Mone In The Dark. Indeed, this is not all that far from the truth since, predictably. TC is yel lanoffter third-person 3D action/adventure. However, there are three major differences. [One. is that all the characters look incredibly solid, thanks to shading techniques similar Ifo those used on Twinsen and his friends in Relentless. Not only is it a big step on from the Iflfaf polygons of Alone In The Dark, but it is also a marked improvement over Relentless too. I Two. is the outstanding quality of the backgrounds. As you can see. these beautiful, hi¬ kes landscapes are the equal of any current adventure titles. This is all the more impres¬ sive when you realise that the view actually moves around to follow your character, yep. nhe third difference is that Time Commando sees the abandoning of Alone In The Dark's ttured point camera angles. So. rather than awkwardly switching between views, the cam¬ era now glides, sweeps and pans (and whatever else moving cameras do) around the pcfion. This is how we have always imagined a genuine Interactive movie ” Whaf may not be such a good thing, however, is the apparent stronger emphasis on com- par. The basic fighting elements to both Alone and Relentless were their weak points. If Adeline intend to increase the fighting aspect in Time Commando, they had better make pure it is a huge improvement upon their previous games. Still, they seem to have managed fc do 40 with the graphics, so we see no real reason to doubt their abilities to do similar rhtng 4 with the gameplay. On the evidence thus far. Time Commando could easily be one of the games of the year. K ■ I 1 w * if # 34 »HYPER Super Turrican 2 SNES AVAIIARIE: TB CATEGORY: platform SHOOTER PI AYERS: ONE PllfUISHIR: OCEAN Turrican is now a fairly old name in the world of platforn shooters, but a very good one. The first! appearance for Turrican happened sev-l eral years back on the good ol' AmigaJ Referencing this to the last SNESI Turrican game though, number two is[ looking like more of the same, except < tad more violent. For those that haven’t! indulged, you play a would-be hero ini a suit of power armour, battling yourl way through seemingly endless hordes! of alien invaders. It’s a common plot,[ but Turrican always did it well. Word from overseas suggests that| this one’s going to be a hit for all the SNES owners. The graphics look rather! damn nice, sound and gameplay are! reported to be just as good. Superl Turrican 2 looks to rely on its playa-[ bility and its naff array of kick-bot-| tom weapons to win the gamers overj as its predecessors have in the past. One thing that’s puzzling, screen! shots don’t seem to suggest any two! player option, and there’s been no! mention of it from overseas... So we| can only hope. MHH IT much ovary PC game we've ever seen udad - look slightly doll. Honestly." - PC Gamer >oks film a 3D tupormodel of a gamo: md gory with lead-thrashing action." « ’Strategy Plus FULL MOVEMENT CONTROL lets ymi run, jump, crawl, swim, nml jetpack your way thru hostile environments as you look up and down from any vantage point to survey the situation around you. DYNAMIC COMM-BAT features let you duke it out one-on-one via modem, and enables up to B player battlefests over your network. Also, send pre-recorded taunts to your human opponents via Duke's unique RemoteRidicule" system. FANTASTIC 3D REALMS, with stunning graphics supported in opptional SVGA modes, await you as you thrash sinister aliens thru the streets of L.A., out to an orbiting station, and onto the surface of the moon itself! WITH “BUILD'’ TECHNOLOGY you will explore an itfteractive. fully immersive world of 1 /^towering skyscrapers. £ deep, canyons. and murky bodies k of watfl^Jfcfiiplete with sloping i stfttfflMKistic earthquakes, n^PbefflH™§pecial effects. Distributed in Australian & New Zealand by Manaccom Pty Ltd ACN 010 397 823 Tel: (07)38704900 Fa*:(07)38709440 (02)4849277 (02)4849313 (03)95696377 (03)95699641 NZ: (09) 3600800 (09)360 1231 AVAILABLE AS SHAREWARE REALITY IS OUR GAME Developed by 3D Realms Entertainment. All rights reserved. Published by Formgen. Distributed by Manaccom. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners inal antasy VII LAYSTATION YAIIABLE: TBA ATEGORV: RPC LAYERS: ONE UBLISHER: SQUARE With RPC giants Squaresoft lulling out of developing for the NES, they have now turned their ttention to the PlayStation. The irst fruit of this will be the next hapter in the inexorable Final antasy series, Final Fantasy VII. To look at the Playstation version fter previously playing it on the NES, you wouldn't think they had he slightest connection whatso- ver. Where are the tiny little haracters? Where have the prim- :ive backgrounds painted with rimary colours disappeared to? here indeed, because FFV 1 I is a -smackingly good-looking ame. Lush scenery, spine-tin- ling lighting effects, awesome istas and eerie shadows, all com- lemented perfectly by great, olid, polygonal characters. There re three characters for you to ontrol, though sadly it seems hat there will be no multi-player ption as in Secret of Mana something to look forward to in FVII 1 then). Claude is the main haracter (the little spiky-blond uy with the enormous sword), hile the other two, Ealis (the ink-trousered girl) and Barett the very tall, green-trousered loke), are companions who can >e picked up along the way. The main view is not simply estricted to the traditional top- own forced view, as different erspectives are used to, no oubt, heighten dramatic ten- ion. This will also be used to reat effect in the fight scenes, here you can move a camera round the entire arena to see the iction from almost wherever you ish. Apparently the same turn- ased combat system will be lused, but you can expect (and |hope for) enhancements and dded complexity. Spread across two CDs, FFVII ill be a huge RPC and due to its ieerles$ pedigree, one of the best as well. HP TIME 1540 2500 120 150 [mss 1468/1930 270 310 2590 . 3540 0 Z0RK PLACED miLLIOHS UDDER ITS SPELL.. THE SPELL iS YET TO BE BROKER. FIRST ( AMI Nil ( I ASSK ZORK II XT ADVI N UJRL SLK1I.S. Till N Till AWARD-WINNING RIOT-SI U KR, Ri/i/rn to Zork. Now iiii ni-.wp.st addiiion to it n /ork uniytrsi iuckons you io JOURNIY IO Mil DARKI ST GORNCKS Ol If IF (i RT AI UNDITU.ROUN! ) I\MPIRI ... KXPIORI I IVI LANTASTIC ALLY 1)1.1 All in, 3D Rl Al MS As YOUR SI NS! S D1 VOUR SUNNING GRAPHICS AND SOUND I I1AI SI I A NKW STANDARD IN COMPUTER ADVPNTURIS. /ork Nimisis. Dari, i nii k iiii iorriddin lands. Awn arm on DOS and Window s 1 >S CD-ROM Uncovirihi mystiryai hitp://www.a< NVISION.COM OR ( ONTAIT Ac I IVISION on l.MAll: aaivis^mpx.com.au AcWision Activision. Zork and Return to Zork are registered trademarks and Zork Nemesis is a trademark of Activision. Inc © 1996 Activision Inc Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved 38 »HYPER arcade ■"• . yo n lw •*-*-**-'*' ikJb^ ' ■' CITS 7. ma %3$m* ^W- viifcT’ ' v« •*• - Streetfighter Zero 2| (Capcom! Killer instiirct 2 Alter countleA a variationA on the all-time claAAic game. Streetfighter 2.1 Capcom haA releaAed the beAt verAion to date . After ignoring Sf 2 for a u>h