WlfVf MK3 C LOTS OF GA^ O PLAYSTATION MAC ARCADE INTERNET tendc a s w L I f* . . t J Ht ^ kt»* III \iiLI CING QUEST :STED WORLDS K. ■ >A*!l»Kni^»l *, Si 11' *J l~ *11 H Hr rvviTi 1 6 0190 , hiMixhi'i IHiiIIiii knr tlimit Muail ll.irkr .UiUirrtiBi Mark l.cmimi Hrimiy lililui HrnMdtisill ItlnorMl Assisiani Il.tvwl Uildquuvi' fovrr Hlusitaiuin M.nirw Halitin Mvrilisinq Manaqn MHIiw.i ll|iir Sdimnal Milos Hun lor Slrvr liaison 011111’ Manaqri Kohnl.i Mmiahan \i i minis Martint'Sur Riuppiiomsix Wrmtv Milwan. (oMribuiirv luluin Silm||ri Btixxt'l Hupkumin Hun lixh. MnMi li \rnt\iintH|. Han\' Haraqox Iluqrr Rollon. I>rnri|r Soruims MrvrAolik. Max \uiolu\ui Martin I qan lim levy. IVln Rroilr \mlv Hodgson l*riiiiril by WBkffoloui Si’iMMiiuiis hy IMa Ovpixpax PiMriluilion by Mill Hi IS mil /Ul (opyriglit% reserved by UlierPuhlualiorixPiytid Wlllll HI HNPIKI rUOnxfcH. Mtaubrny Hills NStt /HI/ lax: <071110 Ills JUtrrnisinq: 1071110 MZS ( mail tnaksrrarv/npxt iom au ni J H H 11 ft R i 1 ! ► .. *4 ** §¥t?4 ,9/exert -page ,vi> Q/ M C W S 3DO sells to Panasonic. New Horror games. Mortal Kombat - the Movie. Microsoft joy sticks, You Don’t Know Jack and much more... This month we’ve got some live action adaptations of classic anime, plus reviews of Patlabor 2 and the latest episodes of Angel Cop. net trawlin’ WIM Win win The prizes just keep on coming! Win some cult videos from Polygram, copies of Wetlands, a Spaceball Avenger 3D con troller and... 22 {previews Mission Critical PC CD ROM Ripper PC CD ROM Zoro Divide PLAYSTATION Shannara PC CD ROM Spycraft: Tho Croat Game PC CD ROM Lone Soldier PLAYSTATION Police Quest 5: SWAT PC CD ROM Captain Quasar 3DO Virtua Cop SATURN arcade This month, COIN BOY checks out two long awaited games - Sega’s Virtua Cop 2 and Capcom’s Marvel Superheroes. He also takes another spin at Ridge Racer, but nee... byte size Actua Golf PLAYSTATION Bladeforce 3 DO NFL Quarterback Club *96 SNES/MECA DRIVE Separation Anxiety SNES/MEGA DRIVE FIFA *96 SNES/MECA DRIVE Super Skidmarks MEGA DRIVE Sim isle PC/PC CD ROM Trial By Magic PC CD ROM Worms PC/PC CD ROM 3D Pinball PC CD ROM Mellfire Zone PC CD ROM NHL *96 PC CD ROM Riddle of Master Lu PC CD ROM Screamer PC CD ROM Wetlands pc CD ROM The Hive pc CD ROM Steel Panthers PC CD ROM Alien Odyssey PC CD ROM Burn Cycle PC/MAC CD ROM in The 1st Degree PC/MAC CD ROM Coop PC/SNES/MECA DRIVE 72 cheat mode 78 letters 8/ hypermart Hurt Baseball snes/mIca drive 6 Super Bomberman 3 SNES 8 WWF Wrestlfimama PLAYSTAT10N/SNES/MECA DRIVE 2 Wing Arms SATURN 4 Space Hulk 3DO 46 Assault Rigs PLAYSTATION 48 Mortal Kombat 3 PLAYSTATION/PC CD ROM 50 Stonekeep PC CD ROM 52 EF2000 PC CD ROM 54 Ascendancy PC CD ROM 56 Rebel Assault 2 PC/MAC CD ROM 58 William Shatner’s Tekwar PC CD ROM 60 The Dame Was Loaded PC CD ROM 62 Hexen PC CD ROM M!HS:OlX^r v ' ^ * v'' ' • Vff ,\J '*■- —— # \ -Ilf llMI H ■ ~ 1 ■■ J » H Y P E R Mews Here we are again, entering another new year. And what does 1996 have in Afore tier us? Oh. that was a rhetorical question by the way. because I'm buggered ih / know. What am I - Nostradamus? I've actually learnt that predictions and speculation just come back to haunt you. so I’m not goingjc make any wild statements about the J)UtU V6 of video gaming. What we will no doubt see though is the shiftt to 32 bif games and gaming systems becoming more pronounced, and the gaming world will hopefully be a happier place because oh it. The SONY PLAYSTATION has been out about a month now and is making a huge splash right around the world, so there's no doubting that Sony will be major players in the games industry in the years to come. Meanwhile. NINTENDO'S ULTRA 64 has been revealed in Japan and we'll hcpefiully have a hull report on the new beast next issue. But as her the here and now - what can we chherycu? How about another issue packed to the staples with c/nme), (/ante*, aftjnen ** The hlocd bf hot Christmartitles hasn't stepped yet and the release schedules her the next couple oh months lock chock-a - block as well. This is CLsood thing. As you can see hrom the cover, UCOTTl has crossed over to i6bit - the Super Nintendo. to be precise. At last all you SNCS owners will be able tp set whft us PC/Mac players have been Cul DD11 fid abcut a " ttliA time. It's a great conversicnhnd while some people may be disappointed that it doesn 't really compare graphically to the PC. you've got to remember that it was never really going to. PC owners haveJD's latest game to worry about anyway. H&X&H truly wonderful and my sleep patterns have been very disturbed over the last week or tu?o. I'm running out oh room here, but just a HiNT.rHEAfWtomurdi OOOR which is cut now. It's got most oh the hot hints and tips hrom the last year oh Hj/PCR plus some new moves and cheats to keep everyone happy. I 'm not just being a crappy salesman when I say that it’s an invaluable resource, because it really is handy to have all the codes and tips in one easily accessible bock. Anyway, cheek it out and keep hyping it up over summer. j-fcuE)rfc You Don’t Know Jack Let’s be honest, there isn’t much out there that a bunch of friends can do together on a PC or Mac. That s what we thought anyway... until we played You Don’t Know Jack from Berkeley Systems. We weren’t very exited when we sat down for the first game - the effect most trivia games tend to have, but it didn’t take long to realise that this was a truly remarkable bit of software. We laughed, we cried, we punched each other a lot but we couldn’t stop playing. The questions are seriously wacky, sometimes rude but never impossibly obscure. This makes all the difference. Tony Barber would be too embarrassed to read |some of the stuff in here, which is not to say it’s a risque adults-only Schlep prawn the yak, take for others lack. Step on a crack, break your mother's back. affair, but you’d want to have been around for at least a bit to stand a chance as the questions are definitely not of the normal and boring variety. Each player gets a key to use as their "buzzer". We liked this a lot, agreeing it added to the competitive ambience in a most substantial way. Winning a round lets you choose the next category, but the game never follows a set pattern of questions, as you might suddenly be called upon to find common phrases buried within meaningless gibberish or play word ioesn’t sound very exciting, but take from us that this is really, really fun. The narration and sound effects sparkle, it’s chokka with "dudes”, but of the amusing variety not the offensive type. The g aphics are ordinary, but that means you can run the game on an average computer. Extremely very high ly recommended t his. If you have a computer and a family or a few friends, then don’t nniirk Arnnnri HPt i Stuart $ 3,000 Ben $ 5,000 Mark $ 3,000 CATEGORI PICK A CATEGORY Stuart I Should Have Taken Public Transportation Just Give Her a Wedgie, Reggie That’ll Keep You Regular! Lj he Sounds of Summer No, this has got nothing to do with video games but it’s got everything to do with having a good time over summer so we’re going to share the word to you, our fun-loving readers. Summersault is the name of the music festival travelling around the country in late December/early January and it really is a must if you can get anywhere near your closest capital city. Check out this for a line-up: Beastie Boys, Foo Fighters, Sonic Youth, Pavement, Beck, Bikini Kill, The Amps and Jawbreaker. Plus there’s going to be lots of local support acts and the usual big music festival stuff like skating, art, good food etc. Summersault kicks off at the Royal Melbourne Showgrounds on December 29, moves to Sydney’s Macquarie University on December 31, Gold Coast’s Douglas Jennings Park on January 2, Adelaide’s Entertainment Centre on January 5 and finally to Perth’s Fremantle Oval on January 7. Tickets are $51 plus booking fee (not bad for a day you won’t forget in a hurry) and for more info ring 0055 12450. We’ll see you there. LOW LEVEL VIOLENCE n [77 V/' v\ ZZZf W ^T74| | m rwi E tori d Wrestling gistered tradi igh ts reserved 3ipi rises Ltd. A id. Screen >rv< . • _ UNW/Hf MAN oo vnun-’iinA -*r - ■ ~ d * ‘ r—■- | »HYPER licrosoft. mqnce ll'VIMl' The previously US-owned 3D0 company has sold all the rights to its 64-bit M2 technology to Matsushital Electrical Industrial — the folks who own Panasonic. The price they apparantly paid - $100 million (US) ini cold, hard cash. What this means is that Trip Hawkins and the other people who were responsible for the! 3 Do’s initial drive and licensing to hardware and software third parties, have now have relenquished its! destiny to Matsushita. Though it means the 3D0 machine will certainly benefit from now being totally! focused on by Panasonic (as opposed to a handful of third-party hardware developers), it cancels out thef potential the company had to force a bit of competition into a totally Japanese ruled market! Panasonic, of course, are chuffed because it means they "own" the incredible M2 technology — just like! Nintendo, Sony and Sega own the technology that materialises in the form of their super consoles. Off course, there had been rumour that Sega were going to tap into the M2 technology in some deal with the| 3D0 company in a bid to get the edge on the Playstation and the looming Ultra-64 which threaten to push their Satum out of the market. This now looks doubtful, unless of course Sega approaches Panasonic. But 1 wouldn’t ■ With the rash of hot racing games liming up on the starting grid, a Isteering wheel that does the job is flfast becoming an essential piece of lequipment for serious fans. Until ®now there’s been several car lengths between the crappy economy models you wouldn’t be seen dead with, and the high-end Thrustmaster which has a price to match it’s performance. Smack bang in the middle comes the Per4mer. Versions for SNES, Mega Drive, 3DO, PC and Playstation will be available, with the Saturn conspicuous by its absence due probably to the fact that Sega make their own wheel. ■ The advantages of proportional steering over the control pad’s full left and full right are huge. A little subtlety and finesse go a long way in a motor race, and the Per4mer delivers smooth control for navigating those tough comers. What it doesn’t deliver is proportional control for accelerating and braking. Buttons on the wheel are used for full go or full stop, with another two around the back of the wheel for gears. Half-way there is only half good enough, but we suppose that’s half better than nothing. it looks a bit dinky, but we can vouch for the Per4mer’s sturdiness after a hard road test and a few major collisions, it’s reasonable value at $129.95, with Kaylee Computing the people to call if you can’t find one, they’re on 09 310 1692. They're coming ready or not .. Microsoft are about to get into games in a big| way. Their rip-off of Terminal Velocity (Fury3) wasn’t the greatest way to enter thel arena, but Bill probably fooled quite a few ill informed non-HYPER readers intol thinking MS were at last taking fun seriously. Win 95 looks more promising as timel goes by, but the Sidewinder range of joysticks are what we’re really excited about.| Like all good things, they come in pairs. The base model Sidewinder is your stock standard two button joystick, but includes a throttle control built into the base like the CH Flightstick Pro. At $69 it’s exceptional value. We tested it hard and can happily report that it’s a durable, quality piece of injection moulded engineering. It’s good and heavy too, which means it’ll stay put without resorting to the usual pack and a half of blu-tack. Perfect for knockabout work and with a nice enough feel for precision flying. The Sidewinder 3-D Pro is an altogether different beast. It looks mostly the same as the standard Sidewinder, but features innovations that are entirely new in Joystickland. Foremost is the revolutionary optical tracking. Instead of the mechanical potentiometers found in every other joystick on the planet, the 3-D Pro has little optical sensors to detect movement. This translates into more precise control; no more joystick "drift” and hopefully a longer life. The other great leap forward is the twisting handle. This is an amazingly sensible idea and it’s a bit sad nobody else thought of it before. Instead of having to fork out for expensive and necessary rudder pedals, gamers just twist the handle to achieve the same result. Rudders are damn useful for lining up tough carrier landings, strafing ground targets or turning that mech's torso without altering the direction of movement. Sure it’s one more thing to think about in the heat of a battle, but the difference it makes to the way you fight is huge. The Pro 3-D is an eight button job - which is two more than the standard Thrustmaster or CH Flightstick Pro. Look for native support for it in new games and don’t panic if your game doesn't support the 3-D Pro, because it can happily emulate both the CH and Thrusty. We think it’s fantastic, but the 3-D Pro is still a little way short of perfect. The buttons seem to have been carefully placed in the least ergonomic positions and the thing has a huge footprint that’ll eat up what s left of your precious desk space. Still, either Sidewinder will see you right in fierce combat and both are particularly pleasant things to wrap your hand around. Recommended. GAME PIRACY a Thing of Ithe Past? We all know how tempting it is to simply borrow your 'riend's set of floppy disks nd install a copy of their ame on your own system, nd how about CDs that imply let you copy all the iles to your hard disk? mmm. We could name a andful of top-selling CD itles that have been victim 0 gamers popping down to heir video store, renting nd simply storing on the ard disk. Just a little too empting eh? Well, as you all know this 's terribly illegal and orribly depressing for any game programmers out there who ire trying to make a living out of providing YOU with entertainment. So it had to happen... Domark the game Publisher has teamed up with Diskxpress to utilise a new :opy proctection system called Laserlock. Combining software encryption and laser marking on the CD, it means that the process is completely invisible to the user — and thus makes playing the game impossible unless the CD is actually in the irive. It even prevents you from "burning" a copy on current copying machines. Wow. That'll teach all you smarty pants. for PL AT station Exclusive NBA lull motion video Best arcarde translation ever Fastest gameplav o! anv platlorm Digitised backgrounds & cha •Four new exciting modes • AH new suner; THE ARCADE GAME • Double punishing moves • Straight from the arcade game • Featuring 12 WWF superstars 10UKNMMN11 DOWN PlayStation V * oitPLAYSTATION can reallv do * "STREET EKSHTER THE MOW* - and "CAPCOMP 1 " ant hadomari* & CAPCOM O IMCCAPCOMCO LTD 1994 1 90S W Rigr* RawrvM Wortt Fodmation W«M»*fTOiivj anOds wpos arf festered of»» T«an Sp«l» He A* Rights Reserved Tn* NBA «nd irdwdu# NBA Tmip f»p*c1ivo Teams and my nntt» inert m iwirt* or in part «dtxnil tho pno< «r41«n \\ A’ ^ \ cental til MTA Pwc*i*« tnc All Rigrta Rwenml Subticonaert t>» (AtUay' Uanularturmo Cnmpany A» Rigrt* Rwemml PS Logo and PWyStatan' are fraWnuwks ol Sony Computet \\J a W HL Entertainment Inc 1006 AcOrnt Eitenamment AC Rql*s Reserved Aoc'jwn * a t*vi»ioo d Acclaim Entertanment 1994 Acclaim Ertert*mrwt All Rgnts FVwrviii \—A— / vS* A«laim CAPCOM Proudly distributed b\ ROADSHOW ” NEW MEDIA 10 »HYPER c Horror story Horror themed computer games have had a bit of a hard time of it lately, with Harvester pulled oria banned across most of Australia owing to the extreme gore and Phantasmagoria canned across m Here are two new aaultnorror titled off the schedule tas :ular...let’s see if they make it through classification... due soon which look specta 1993 , Dark Seed. His struggle with the terrifying Ancients in Dark Seed nearly cost] Mike Dawson his life and now he is\ fighting for his sanity. Mike retreats to his hometown to recuperate froml a nervous breakdown, only to discover that the Ancients have\ returned to seek revenge on him withl a diabolical new plan. When his highl school sweetheart is murdered, Mike\ becomes the prime suspect and mustl clear his name before the Ancientsl carry out their most ingenious scheme yet for destroying mankind. As in its critically acclaimed predecessor, Dark Seed II showcases\ the macabre artwork oj distinguished Swiss artist H.R. Oiger, designer of the horrific monster from I the films, "Alien" (for which he won\ an Academy Award) and "Species" Dark Seed II also takes advantage o/|assume the roles of five different characters to defeat an all-powerful super the latest in computer entertainment technology, allowing the player to computer that has destroyed all of humanity. 1 Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream is a unique, often controversial interactive entertainment that combines converse with the digitised voices of mind-bending adventure with provocative psychological and ethical themes. more than 40 characters, journey The five protagonists are each deeply scarred by a private history of emotional through more than 75 richly textured issues that emerges in the course of their adventures. Their psychological and 3-D landscapes, and witness horrifying, edge-of-your-seat cinematic sequences. More importantly to game enthusiasts, Dark Seed II features an engrossing storyline, formidable puzzles and a fantastic universe to explore. moral choices will either allow them to overcome their personal demons and conquer the computer, or drive them deeper into emotional instability. I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (is not for the weak, timid or faint of heart: woven into the fabric of the game are profound ethical dilemmas dealing with highly charged issues including courage, friendship, insanity, the horrors of rape, self- sacrifice and the dark rivers of human emotion that surge beneath the civilised surface of all of us. A new chapter (let’s call it Episode 5.5) has been created in the Star Wars saga for the purpose of becoming an Ultra 64. game. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire was devised by the crew at LucasArts, but it’s unknown whether da man himself George Lucas had anything to do with it. The game is said to be a first-person action game, with the plot dealing with the Empire’s surreptitious dealings with an organised crime syndicate. Sierra have bought commercial flight sim developers Sub Logic. Sierra plan to get serious about flight si ms again, after letting the promising Dynamix fade away. Origin have abandoned the MlDl sound format, in favour of streaming CD audio. Having game music sourced directly from the CD is a favour designed specifically for the majority of us who don’t have one of the high-end M 1 D 1 capable sound cards. The bad news is that game music that transparently changes to match whatever action is taking place may be a thing of the past in Origin games. The Saturn’s internet adaptor should be ready around April/May, with an American price of around $200. Whether it’ll hit our shores is yet to be seen, but we hope it does because the device is designed for use with a network Sega are developing to allow real-time online gaming. Creative Technology - makers of the Sound Bldster among others, have acquired peripheral manufacturer Reveal. Reveal make joysticks, mice, keyboards and the like, as well as a large range of Soiind Blaster- compatible sound cards. The first Mechwarrior 2 mission disk should be out now. Ghost Bear’s Legacy features over a dozen new mechs, just as many new missions and the eight-player version of Netmech. Snow terrain is included, as is - get this - underwater missions! Diamond’s new Edge 3D accelerator for the PC has adaptors built-in that [ allow Saturn control pads to be used with PC games. This sounds like an excellent idea, considering the abysmal state of current PC control \ pads. But we suggest you shop ; around for a quality third-party Saturn pad in favour of the standard Sega unit, as it’s a bit of a barker and that’s being polite. Meet Your Maker 'he good news is, the doctor thinks you’ll live, news is, his name is Dr. Frankenstein. It’s the classic Frankenstein tale reborn, with a beastly twist. Hanged tor the murder of your only daughter, you awaken in a body not your own. Brought back from the dead, you are trapped in a nightmare world where the concepts of life and death blur. And in this new tale, you are the monster, experiencing his innermost thoughts and fears, in a story of intrigue, humanity and the timeless struggle ot good and evil, man versus nature. Tim Curry, famous for the Rocky Horror Picture Show"' and fresh from Congo,™ will make your spine tingle as the demented Dr. Frankenstein. Complete with stunning, richly detailed graphics, realistic 3-D . worlds and a cast of monstrously witty live actors, v this eerily, hypnotic adventure game will leave i ^ you dealing with issues of life, death, - . v \ MV ^ morality and a really bad sewing job. No wonder malpractice insurance was invented. Contact Shockwave BBS tor screen shots and demos on (02) 564 0027 or (02) 317 0044 for your nearest retailer. Proudly distributed by Sega O/isoft Pty Ltd. Sega* Ozi soft 12 »HYPER Golden Game Hits the Silver Screen Don’t you just love that warm tingle of a feeling you get when a movie turns out to be exactly what you’d expected? No pleasant surprises, no unforseen disappointments, just a faithful rendition of every single one of your preconceived expectations. Mortal Kombat is one such low-risk movie. Play the game, watch the movie and if a book ever appears - avoid it any way you can. The flick is based on the characters and dare I say, plot, of Mortal Kombat i. Shao Kahn (who .unfortunately only shows his face in the closing seconds of the film), via his whip boy Shang Tsung, has arranged for Earth’s finest fighters to compete in the Mortal Kombat tournament. If none of our heroes can defeat Shao Khan’s lackeys, then the Earth will succumb to the evil forces of the Outworld and in all |likelihood be left in a dirty great heap of rubble. A bit of unnecessary character development in the first half lestablishes Liu Kang to be an honest lad with a heart of gold. Sonya Blade i* a commando-type mega babe obsessed with hunting down Kano and Johnny Cage reveals himself to be a complete egotistical tosser. Our three heroes then find themselves biffing it out on a lush tropical island, highly (motivated by the news that the future of the world is at stake. The fighting scenes (the meat of the movie) are done with ar |pleasing blend of gymnastic style and brutal thuggery. We suspect that the actor who plays Liu Kang has appeared in ^ several thousand martial arts movies before, such is his impressive proficiency. However we were slightly ^disappointed that the fireball frenzy that stamped the game as a classic was a little sparse. Scorpion’s "C'mere’’ move makes for a lengthy forest scene which warmed our hearts, while Sub Zero got a fair slice of the special effects budget as well. Not so impressive is Coro’s slow motion stomping around. Not the most convincing four¬ armed giant mutant beast from hell we've ever seen. Still, Mortal Kombat thoroughly poos on the sad Street Fighter movie and the equally ( embarrassing Mario flick. Don’t bother looking forward to the Double Dragon movie either, as j word is it’s so bad that nobody wants to bring it into our fair land. Co see Mortal Kombat. It doesn't take itself too seriously, is genuinely funny in parts and is worth it just for the scene where Sonya gets roped up to the wall while the boys fight over her. Mortal Kombat - the Movie opens across Australia on December 26 ADVERTORIAL TERMER Why bother with the arcade when you can now have the real thing at home! The long awaited release of this classic beat ’em up is now available for PlayStation in w hat the industry agrees is finally a true arcade perfect conversion! The first thing that hits you about Tekken on PlayStation is the 3D polygon graphics environment. A great deal of detailing has gone into the appearance of the characters. This has been achieved using Namco’s state-of-the-art System 11 — a real-time 3 dimensional CG system which has been jointly developed by Namco Ltd and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The result — 3D realism and smooth animation in a 360 degree world. As for the fighters, all the heavies from the arcade version are doing battle on PlayStation. These include the initial eight - Kazuya Mishima, King, Jack, Michelle Chan, Paul Phoenix, Nina Williams Marshall Law and Yoshimitsu. Each fighter has its owm personal strengths and weaknesses. There are a further 9 hidden selectable bosses, making it 17 playable characters in all! Tekken on PlayStation also boasts a first - the first fighting game to offer a total of 4 selectable view points. Within each view' the camera switches to the perspective that gives you the best action vantage point. Movement and zooming is ultra smooth. To add to the realism of each bone crunching blow , PlayStation’s CD sound quality adds to the impactful atmosphere of each battle. You can even choose between the original arcade soundtrack or the specially arranged re-recorded PlayStation version. But overall it is the gameplay and longevity of Tekken that puts it in a power league of its ow n. There is an array of special moves with 10 hit combos for each of the characters and ‘9 hidden’ . bosses to discover. Once you’ve proven yourself good enough to battle to the [end, each individual fighter has its own specific boss to defeat, before doing 'battle with the ultimate boss. Beware, each of the specific bosses knows your characters’ weaknesses! So prepare yourself for w hat is the most pow erful beat ’em up for your home. MIHT: To help in your battle quest here’s a 10 hit combo for KING RP = Right Punch UB B = Backwards i DB U = UP o D = Down UF F = Forward DF LP = Rigl = Left Punch RK = Right Kick LK = Left Kick I King 10 Hit combo: LP, RP, LP, LP, RP, RK, RK, RK, RK, LP | For further Tekken hints ’n tips call the: PlayStation PowerLine 1-902-262-662* TM & © 1994 1995 NAMCO Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Proudly Distributed by The and PlayStation are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. * ITM calls are charged at a rate of $1.50 per min. A higher rate applies from public and mobile phones. II mEmoRv cord Remember the number of times you’ve fought your way almost to the end of a game or found the secret levels or hidden characters of a game only to have it all wiped when you’ve had to unfortunately turn the machine off? Well worry no more because the PlayStation Memory Card is here! The Memory Card allows you to save and load game data, be it the best lap times in Ridge Racer to the hidden bosses in Tekken. Once saved you will be able to always access the information from your recorded memory card. How does it work? Well the card requires no batteries for a start - utilising the latest in “flash” memory technology. Each card has a 15 block memory area. Each game requires a different number of blocks to record data. You will have to refer to the manual of each game to determine the necessary number of blocks required to save specific information. It’s all pretty easy. All you have to do is insert the Memory Card into the slot just above the joypad slot. Then load up the relevant game from which thlS recorded information comes from.This will lead you to the menu where the information from the Memory Card can be accessed. You can even copy part or all of the saved information from your memory card to your friends. (That’s if you really want them to have your secrets!) Or swap data with each other. So why lose it, when you can save it on the PlayStation Memory Card. SPECIPIL OFFER: Here’s your chance to WIN one of three Memory Cards with the extra cars from Ridge Racer already saved. You’ll have more cars to choose from! All you have to do is fill in the form below and send to: Ridge Racer Memory Card Competition Sony Computer Entertainment 11-19 Hargrave Street, East Sydney, NSW 2010 --*■ - ( J RIDOE ROGER TTI EFTl ORV CORD « , COmPETITIOn | In ten words or less explain why you would like to win the Ridge Racer Memory Card: • Name:.... Address:... .Postcode:.Telephone number: I already own a Sony PlayStation Yes:. No:. If you’ve already got a PlayStation what games do you have?. 1. Competition doses Friday. 1st March 19%. 2. Judges decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. 3. The contest is a game of skill not chance and as such, all entries will be judged on merit 14 »HYPER Patlabor 2 At the turn of the century there is a labour crisis. The population explosion has caused shortages in housing and services. To meet these demands LABOURS are devel¬ oped; huge mech Powersuits driven by human operators and programmed with the latest in state of the art tech¬ nology. Labours are used in all aspects of the society, from the Military to civilian applications. A police divi¬ sion using Labour suits are also developed -the Patlabors. The first Patlabor movie was based around a madman who set in place Global Bad Vibrations in order to send the worldwide population of labours crazy. The plot in the second movie deals with the plans of a man set on teaching Japan an objective lesson of war and peace. Grftnijei @°/*\ Part 4, 5, 6 & V It’s for the safety of At the close of the century violent terrorist activity has the "Land of the rising sun” in panic. To compensate, the Government forms the SSF (Special Security Force) to help keep law and order throughout the land. It’s Gunhead job torture, | mutilate oi destroy any sus pected tenroris in the neigh bourhood. They| cruise the street in true Brazilia death squad style, brandishing heavy paramilitary hard¬ ware whilst firing a few explosive rounds into anyone that doesn't agree with them. After watching the first two episodes 1 was a little unsure what to make of this series. Sure, it had great animation, but the slow moving, highly complex nar¬ rative. not to mention the ultra extreme hard core fas¬ cist undertones, left an extremely bad taste in my mouth. So how do the following episodes measure up? Well, the fascist undertones are still there. I’m afraid, but what it lacks in political correctness is more than made up for by the pure slickness of the production. I have to admit that this is one of the best series available at the moment, with the latest two videos leaving me in a slack jawed stu¬ por at the brilliant and highly detailed animation, as well as its sci-fi designs and entertaining storyline. Cyborgs, Serial Killer Psychics and ultra fascist cops battle it out for the survival of Japan and the fast buck, as almost every dangerous being alive springs from the woodwork to put the boot in. At times strangely eerie and intensely weird, this is the perfect series to watch when your thirst for blood and the bizarre needs that little extra something. Get this. 9/1 OI DISIRIBUIED BY SIREN ENTERTAINMENI. RATED MA.I in the year 2025, a great and mighty war erupted between man and machine. CHiRON 5, a powerful artificial intelligence was defeated on the island of 8JO by mankind’s last hope Gunhead UNIT 507. Part T2, part Blade Runner, all schlock, GUNHEAD is the latest live action release from Siren Entertainment. Set thirteen years after the great Robot wars, the story centres on a group of treasure hunters that journey to the now forbidden ex-war zone of 8JO. There they hope to salvage wreckage to convert into cash. However, upon arrival, things go terribly, terribly wrong. CHiRON 5, thought to have been destroyed in the last war, has been resur¬ rected, and quickly eliminates the new invaders. Only a zany salvo mechanic by the name of Brooklyn lives, and as he battles to survive he meets up with Texas Ranger, a res Through terrorist activity starting with the destruction of a bridge, he manages to bring Japan to the brink of Civil war. and this, of course, has world-wide repercussions. This is the best anime series that 1 have ever seen. It has an intensely detailed script and attention to character development that is normally indicative of a Hollywood production with its sights on an Academy award. The ani¬ mation itself is unbelievable. It is so highly detailed it’s as if the characters are alive; they have a life of their own. Beautiful city backdrops and awe inspiring designs also bring the world of Patlabor to life. The soundtrack is haunting, and 1 shudder to think of the amount of money spent to produce this pants creaming production. This is the best. See it - it’s unbelievable. 10/10 DISIRIBDIED BY SIREN ENIERIAINMENI. RAIED PC. Tokyo - The Las! urrected salvo mechanic by the name of BSergeant Nim, the sexy and extremely cheesy love interest (are you Sarah Conners?). Together they fight like dogs against Chiron; their only hope being to revive part of the sal vage: Gunhead Unit 507?!! Fully disposable and intensely bizarre, GUN HEAD is fantastic journey into Japanese schlock cinema. The acting is atrocious, the set design is a cheap cross between Blade Runner and Aliens. The plot keepf jumping like a scratched record, and the dialogue is as corny as. A fantastic effort. This is trash culture at its best. GUNHEAD will twist you. 8/10 DISIRIBUIID BY SIREN ENIERIAINMENI RAIED M Those wacky, fun loving Japanese! The original animated version of this movie was a hoot. Weird priests defended Tokyo against a sorcerous freak called Kato, as he tried to resurrect the spirit of Masakado, the dead warrior and ghost guardian of the city. Penis shaped parasites explod¬ ed from the mouths of women, while behind closed doors brother raped sister under a sorcerous moon. In the grand style of Wicked City and the Cuyver here comes the live action version of Doomed Megalopolis. here comes TOKYO THE LAST MEGALOPOLIS!!! This is the plot. Under turn of the century Tokyo, a great and powerful wanrior named Masakado is buried. Dead for a iooo years, it’s rumoured that the spirit of this great wanrior of old is the ghost guardian of Tokyo. As the town planners scheme to make Tokyo one of the best cities in the world, up recks evil Kato in fijll Bad Boy mode. It’s his plan to cleanse Japan of the eyesore that is Tokyo, and to do this he plans to awaken Masakado! It's always a pleasure to watch a film made outside of Hollywood. There's always a more theatrical feel to the movies, more blood, guts and grease off the rod. Tokyo the Last Megalopolis is a weird introduction to Japanese Horror cinema. Its got that beautiful disposable feel to it, blended with the tackiness of a stage production. The back of the video cover touts that Tokyo the Last Megalopolis is a "Brooding Gothic nightmare, and a terrifying glimpse into the world of Japanese horror". Yep. Not very scary though. 7/10 M charts HYPER'S GAME CHARTS SUPPLIED BY HI-TECH WORLD MEGA DRIVE IBM CD ROM 3 D O PLAYSTATION 1. Toshinden 2. Destruction Derby 3. Wipeout 4. Ridge Racer 5. NBA Jam T.E SATURN . Shin Shinobi Den 2. Virtual Hydlide 3. Bug 4. Panzer Dragoon 1. Bladeforce 2. Wolfenstein 3. "D" 4. Hell 5. Daedalus Encounter 6. Flying Nightmares 7. Space Hulk 8. Drug Wars 9. Mad Dog 2 10. Need For Speed 1. Command 8 Conquer 2. Need For Speed 3. Crusader: No Remorse 4. Fade to Black 5. Werewolf vs Comanche 6. Mortal Kombat 3 7. Mechwarrior 2 8. LucasArts Archives 9. Apache Longbow 10. Wjng Commander 3 1. NBA Live 96 2. Dune 2 3. Triple Play Baseball 4. Micro Machines 96 5. Mortal Kombat 3 6. Road Rash 3 7. Star Trek: Next Generation 8. Fi World Championship Edition 9. Sonic 8 Knuckles (Gold) 10. Shadowrun S NES 1. Theme Park 2. Yoshi's Island 3. NBA Live 96 4 Mortal KnmhAt 3 5. Killer Instinct 6. NHL 96 7. Chrono Trigger 8. FIFA Soccer 96 9. Jungle Strike 10. Final Fantasy 3 Saturn Universal Game Convertor* SatumAV Cable Soturn S-VHS Cable Saturn RGB Cable Saturn Infra-Red Joypads Megadrlve Controller Adaptors BattleKmg Joysticks Steering Wheel I Original Sega Controllers I Memory Cards I Pro Action Roplay ■Turbo Controller ^rtorl Fighting Stick * llite 2 Pad T 2 Joypad d More. 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Indies and logo * ate ragistarad trademark* of th#v http://WWW.Spnnt.COm.au/ ratpactivaownar* AMprlca* art !Ujbf*ct to cnarv® without notice Other Titles Super Oz Shareware Vol.1 Windows Companion Games & Entertainment Gamers Companion Sound Music & Midi Education EUTUREIINlGAMINGTATisERINT: 'uKEUmBJBWa r sesnm PSX HYPER JOYPAD 8 Button Controller with Turbo/Rapid Fire S Slow Motion Only $60 6 Button Fighting Joypad with Slow Motion & Turbo Fire Great as a second Joypad! now $24 99 (Save $25) 3DO: DRAGONS LAIR Arcade FMV Game now $49.99 (Save $50) You must mention this advert to receive this discount. This offer ends 15/11/95 Stocks are limited so be quick. Call us NOW AND SAVE!!. YES! Please send me a FREE catalog. Name: _ Age: _ Phone:( _ J Address: City/State: Systems owned:_ Postcode: Hyper 16 »HYPER ? net trawlin Hewn Cheat Codes Illustrated Not sure how to remember the new , wacky Hex&n cheat codes? Try associating some of them with faces. We're only doing this because we Kke you. :) EBIESSMAN BRAFFEL PMACART HUR CRHINEHART BGOKEY Demo Unknown INDIANA SATAN 25 of each Version info All weapons God mode Freak boy Eric Scroger has been making his fully rendered 3D cartoon, Virtually Reality for quite some time now. Here’s a guy with a sick sense of humour and some seriously good skills with com¬ puter graphics. The page is regularly updated with a new cartoon and you can browse through all his past creations. Do yourself a big favour and have a geez at: http://www.onramp.net/scroger/vreality.htm YOUTH CULTURE ON THE NE Get spanked! If you’re even vaguely curious as to what American kids get up to, then browse through Spank, an online 'zine all about the celebration of being a teen and its associated troubles. You cai even leave a ’’tagging” of 25 words or less for others to read. eg. If convenience stores are open 24 hour: a day, 365 days a year - why are there locks on the doors? The Gizmo page at http://www.iglou.com/gizweb/ /has some detailed reviews of the 32-bit games Tvnachines, CD-ROM games and Virtual reality. if you want to get all the specs and see what the n industry thinks, then this is a great source of s information. "let Trawlin' across the ilium".. .well, cyberspace at least. This month sees the ienartursof 0irintirnstjTirili|ir]hltii^nnhMntrwUctiii^^i|ila^I¥PH^HhJIII^I5I through some interesting and some not-so-interesting lire! sites... 1 to guide us TRACTIVE Thouah it’s all very American based, and i conservative, it’s well written and you can even apply to become a writer for the ’zine if you wish. Check it out at: http://www.cadvision.com/spank/ HEXEN STUFF All you Hexen freaks to be should definitely wrap your eyes around WaRRioR’s Hexen Page at: http://users.mwci.net/warrior/hexen/hexen.html for some great screenshots, cheats, the Hexen FAQ and more links to Hexen related things. There’s a huge selection of Hexen WADS too, so get to it! Or if that’s just a little too serious for you, then why not drop into the Wacky Hexen Page at: http://www.zensoft.com/Raven/Hexen.htmi for a good laugh. Have a look at Hexen Recipes, the illustrated cheat codes or the page of Hexen Finishing Moves. In particular. I love the walkthrough they give you for level one. Sick puppies! If you don’t believe me, sim¬ ply look up the web page yourself. Oh! And you must remember to ask the Hexen Answer Wizard a question - the responses are ridiculous! MORE 3D0 Here’s an unofficial 3DO homepage that has MPEG movies and audio samples of 3D0 games. What a great idea. There are also cheats and codes, magazine articles and links to other good 3DO pages. It even has news on the M2. http://tss. ca/hans/3do/3do. h tm I DIGITAL NOSTALGIA This web page is dedicated to all the classic video games - Lunar Lander, Adventure. Pacman, Space Invaders etc. The games that started a revolution. You can download shareware versions of almost all the classics, but it’s for PC only. If you want to see what great gameplay is... check out some of these great games at: http://www.umich.edu/sloane/games.html ©1994 ERIC SCROGER j scroger@onramp.net | ALLV AlmXTV The type of Barney movie most people really want to see. ★ Hundreds more titles available on all formats ★ Best prices ★ Huge range of ' import titles from U.S.A. & Asia ★ We trade & sell used Sega & Nintendo, 3DO & IBM CD ★ Hardware and accessories ★ Friendly service & expert advice ★ Toll free order line ★ Orders from New Zealand, Asia & the v \sPacific are welcome & delivered by air mail. 109.95 CORPSE KILLER.1l DEMOLITION MAN._.I EARTH WORM JIM.I ETERNAL CHAMPIONS .-' FATAL FURY.I LUNAR ETERNAL BLUE.II SAMURAI SHOWDOWN.I WIRE HEAD.I WWF WRESTLE AflCAOE.II CALL FOR ANY TITLE NOT LISTED Free members card on purchase of a control deck, hand held unit or once you have spent $300. 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SHOCKWAVE 2_ SPACE HULK... .99 95 ..... 99.95 .59.95 .99.95 .99.95 STAR CONTROL 2. .69.95 STARBLADE__ ... 119.95 STRAHL... .99.95 STAR FIGHTER. .99.95 SYNDICATE. 99 95 THEME PARK 99 95 TRIP'D (TETRISl. 99 05 TWISTED ... .49.95 WICKED 18 GOLF ..99.95 WING COMMANDER 3.99.95 WHO SHOT JOHNNY ROCK.69.95 WOLFENSTEIN.99 95 ZHADNOST 2 & FREE CONTROL PAO 119.95 TITLES ARRIVE DAILY-CALL US FOR MORE -BARGAIN -BIN i United quantities No raincftecks or laybys. A delivery charge applies BIOFORGE (CD)_ CYBERWAR (CD).. DESCENT (CO)____ FIFA SOCCER 35 (CD). MORTAL KOMBAT 2 (CO) . SYSTEM SHOCK (CD) .. SUPER ASS BATTLECLASH__ BRETT HULL HOCKEY. FLASHBACK.. INDIANA JONES. PUGSLEYS SCAVENGER HUNT . SKY8LAZER SUPER BATTLETANK 2.. TROY AIKMAN FOOTBALL. YOUNG MERLIN. ALISIA DRAGOON.. BALLZ. 49.95 49.95 49.95 49.95 49.95 49.95 49.95 79.95 69.95 .99.95 89.95 69.95 69.95 .. 69.95 49.95 .29.95 . 69.95 69.95 69.95 39 95 59.95 ECC02_ FIFA SOCCER '95.: HAUNTING .... IMG TENNIS. LA RUSSA BASEBALL .49.95 LOTUS TURBO CHALLENGE __39.95 MADDEN NFL 34. 39.95 MADDEN NFL 35....69.95 MARKOS MAGIC FOOTBALL .59.95 MLBPA BASEBALL...49.95 NBA JAM..49.95 NBA SHOWDOWN ..49.95 NBA LIVE 35.69 95 NHL 95 HOCKEY... 49.95 OTTIFANTS ....... 34.95 PEBBLE BEACH GOLF .._ 69.95 PRO MOVES SOCER.. 49.95 ROAD RASH 3..69.95 SYNDICATE.... 69 95 MECA CO BLACKHOLE ASSAULT_49.95 SOULSTAR.89.95 A HUGE RANGE OF BARGAIN SECOND- HAND GAMES AT AMAZING PRICES Some items may not be available or be out of stock at date of printing. No ranchecks on sale items. All software, new & used cames a 30 DAY WAR¬ RANTY. Dealer & Video Store enquir¬ es welcome.We reserve the right to refuse any sale or trade. Prices subject to change without notice. Some items may not be available at some stores. TO TRADE SEGA/NINTENDO CARTRIDGES, 3DO OR IBM CD SOFTWARE 1. Call (09 227 9991) for trade value of your games. 2. Use this value towards purchase of any thing we sell 3. Pack your software, with your name, address, phone number and software selection and mail to us 4. Upon receipt of your games Your order will be despatched TO BUY SOFTWARE 1. Call Toll Free 1800 801 047 (ORDERS ONLY PLEASE) Please don't ring toll tree if you're not ordering. 2. Credit card payments despatched same day. 3. Payment by cheque/money order must include name, phone, address, and order. (Allow 7 days for cheque clearance). DELIVERY CHARGES Under $50 ($5) $50 to $100 ($2.50) Over $100 (free) Delivery usually 2 days by courier or registered mail. HARDWARE: Standard delivery charge will apply). OVERSEAS AIRMAIL DELIVERY: APPROX-310.00 POSTAL MAIL ORDER ADDRESS: 94A Roe St, NORTHBRIDGE WA 6003 PHONE TOLL FR0E: 1800 801047 (Orders only) SOFTWARE TRADE-IN QUOTES & QUERIES Tel: (09) 227 9991 Fax Orders: (09) 227 1114 □ □ toiu U Lf - 1 ~l K this month and you could be slicing and aicing body parti just like the rest of the *V/A JS : O I ShLAMC TSUtJG *V//VS: OO rvMvo: y y iSO * k BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE... Thanks to roadshow new media^' we’ve got three excellent prize packs t>or three lucky new subscribers. * if you own a PC you could win a copy of Mortal Kombat 3 plus a copy of Hexen. * Mega Drivers will be kept happy with Mortal Kombat 3 and Wrestlemania. SNES owners will get Mortal Kombat 3 and Separation Anxiety to have a fiddle with. There's some ^ . serious gaming to be (AMD YOU WANT TO GET AUSTRALIA’S ONLY GAMING MAG EASIER AND CHEAPER) just ftiLL ou[ the form below 0 and it on m ... Fill out this coupon and mail it to HYPER, Reply Paid 634, PO Box 634, Strawberry Hills, NSW. 2012 Name_ System _ HiVRER>>' Address wm — Suburb/Town _ Enclosed is my cheque/money order, or debit my credit card for $44.95 Card No Postcode Bankcard Q Mastercard \J Visa r Expiry Date __ Signature You could be the first kid in Australia to be TO earn this great honour, fill out an entry SLIMED on TV. FORM ON ONE OF THE SPECIALLY MARKED SEGA PRODUCTS. Imagine appearing on Nickelodeon, the cable and There's hundreds to choose from. SATELLITE TV CHANNEL FOR KIDS. AND HAVING A HUGE NEXT THING YOU KNOW. YOU COULD COmE FACE _ _ _ _ . bucket of gooey slime poured over your head. to face with one of TV's biggest slime buckets. Conditions of Entjnr Entries must be received by last mail on the 31/01/96. entries received after this date will not be eligible to enter Entry is open to all kids aged 14 years and under who are Australian residents and have completed the Reply Paid Card enclosed in Sega game boxes. Winners wi« be drawn at random on 5/2/96 at 9.00am by the promoter Nickelodeon, Wharf 8 Pyrmont NSW 2009 ACN 071 493 340. and published m the pubfcc notices of The Austrafcan on the 7/2/96. Permit No NSW TC95/5754. NT NT95/2005. ACT TP95/2332. SA T447 »HYPER W I H W I H WIH Cult Videos Stonekeep M fmx, ■wmmr > * Balls in Space Last issue we told you about the Spaceball Avenger, the excellent new 3D controller that was thought up right here in Australia. If you want to play 3D gaming well then you need one of-these. Once you're used to turning a sphere rather than pulling on a stick, you’ll probably never want to go back. The Spaceball comes with built-in support for such games as Doom, Heretic and Descent and native sup¬ port for new games looks assured.. To win this very sexy and quite revolutionary new con¬ troller answer the following: Where was the Spaceball Invented? Answer on the back ct an envelope and send to SPACEBALL COMP. HYPER. PC BOX 634. STRAWBERRY HILLS NSW 2012 Time to Get U/et Wetlands, which comes from New World Computing, is a rather spunky looking shoot ’em up thing for your PC CD ROM. But it’s far more than just a shoot 'em up as the animated cut scenes rival Full Throttle in the cool stakes. The story’s quite a good one too... Thanks to Australian distributors Directsoft, we have two copies of the game to give away. If you want to take a deep breath and submerge yourself in the damp world of Wetlands all you need to do is answer the fol¬ lowing question: Which company is responsible for Wetlands? Send the answer plus personal details (no. not THAT personal!) to WETLANDS COMP. HYPER. PC BOX 634. WilWiWHtWi If you’re the sort of person who’s up at the crack of dawn (no doubt to indulge in some healthy carrot juice and a jog around the block before tackling the day ahead), then there’s no question that you’ve experienced the high- class drama of the superb Thunderbirds. Their acting may have been a little wooden, but "Marionette-vision” has become firmly entrenched in our subconscious. However, the Thunderbirds was not the only sci-fi puppet show on TV... there was also Captain Scarlet - Revenge of the Mysterons, the Amazing Adventures of Joe 90 and the Incredible Voyage of Stingray. We highly recommend that you jexperience these lesser-known classics in the Thunderbird tradition. To win a video of each of the above mentioned three minor-classics (you get Volume 1 6 2 of each show, thanks to Polygram Video), simply answer this simple question.. What’s a healthy, early morning drink? Write your answer on the back of) an envelope with your name and address and post it oM to CULT VIDEO COMP. HyPER. PC BOX 634. STRAWBERRY HILLS NSW 2012 At last! it may have take five or so years for interpla to bring us Stonekeep but th wait is finally over and it's great looking RPG which shoul appeal to all dungeoning dragoning, hack ‘n slashing might ‘n magicing compute game players Thanks to the excellent guys Sega Ozisoft we’ve got 5 copies o the game to throw to suitably motivated readers. Answer this question: What style of game is Stonekeep? _ Send entries to: STONEKEEP COMP. HYPER. PC BOX 634. STRAWBERRY HILLS NSW 2012. ENERGY 76/. SCORE 11»OG M.O. 0/0 Winners ULTIMATE PLAYSTATION COMP Well we were seriously buried in entries and a big thank you for the thousands and thousands of you who entered. There can only be one winner howev¬ er... hang on, there are two winners!!! Lee Jenkinson fircm Armidale in NSW Han keens Tan from Eastwood in NSW Congratulations guys! You’ll be playing with your new games on your new PlayStation on your new remote control TV real soon! Thanks to Sony for organ¬ ising such a hot comp. RURIED IN TIME Michelle Shilling^ord (SA) Stuart Jones (NSW) John Richards (Vic) I rank Howard (NSW). Vincent l u (QLD) SEGA OZISOFT SUPERKARTS COMP Go-Kart: Peter Still. Carlingtord NSW VFX-1 Headset: Ian McMullen. Fairview SA Virgin game: Sam Hurus. Mark Marlin. Malcolm Cook. G. Treven. Mark Alexander. Mark Hatton. I. Mac Elroy. Adam GriMiths. John Craddock. Paul Wade. Ryan Little. Darren Marlin. Mark Ranger. Andrew Graham. G. Targownik. Hrendon Dempsey. Steven Vucens. MarL* O'Leary. Dallas O’Connor. Ipkee Au. Andrew Usher. Darren Patterson. Hen Zappala. Jason Connolly. Rob Petersen. Jarrod Smith. Shaun Atlo. J. Lang. Frantz Landgrafi. David Warby. RAR ROARR John Thompson (NSW) Zoop T-shirts Lenny Ward (Vic). Enzo Tomaino (Vic). David Thring (SA). Bean Smith (WA). L Fisher (Vic). . v- r _-.1..^ /01) * /_ nt fcu/l Karl Feurreiter (SA). Alexander Dzajkoski (NSW). Paul Marciano (WA). Daniel Faccin (NSW). Gavin Green (Vic). [SEGATSAinlMNll MAROIBM $70 $70 $7> $74 $95 $89 $86 $91 $91 $86 $36 $91 $61 $64 $71 COMPUTERS AND ENTERTAINMENT ■ sss UNIT 8 8 MIDAS ROAD. MALAGA. WA 6062 PH: 249 4599 PLEASE NOTE OUR FREECALL PHONE NUMBER FOR ORDERS ONLY 1800-655-099 $89 $64 $39 $91 $80 $91 $78 $139 $84 $64 $86 $86 $73 $98 $89 $91 $73 $20 $91 $59 $64 $71 $89 $80 $91 $90 $55 $91 $91 $91 $91 $86 $86 $36 $86 $86 $71 $73 $86 $80 $68 & \\ SEGA SATURN HARDWARE/GAMES SEGA SATURN CONSOLE DAYTONA USA CLOCKWORK NIGHT PANZER DRAGOON VICTORY GOAL VIRTUA FIGHTER NASCAR NBA JAM TOURNAMENT_ NBA UVE 95_ I PGA TOUR GOLF 96_ PHANTASMAGORIA 7 CD S PINBALL FANTASY DELUXE_ PITFALL_ PRINCE OF PERSIA BUNDLE 1 & 2 PRISONER OF ICE_ PSYCHO PINBALL_ RAVENIOFT - STONE PROPHET_ REBEL ASSAULT H_ REBEL A$SUAIT__ RENEGADE - JACOB'S STAR. REUNION_. WING COMMANDER III WIPE OUT_ WOODSTOCK_ XWING ALL MISSIONS ENHANCED ZEPPUN_ STBS $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 MS EXPLORAPEDIA_ MS EXPLORAPEDIA PEOPLE. MS FUGHT SIMULATOR 5 1. MS HAUNTED HOUSE_ MYST_ PERFECT GOLF PETER PAN IBM PGA GOLF 486 PRIMAL RAGE RELENTLESS THE HUMAN BODY_ THE JOURNEYMAN PROJECT THE UON KING_ THE SETTLERS II_ TOP GUN THE ULTIMATE PILOT _ TRANSPORT TYCOON_ UNDER A KILLING MOON_ US NAVY FIGHTERS_ VIDEO JAM_ VIRTUA CARTS (NOV) VfTUAl POOL_ VOYEUR WACKY WHEELS. NEED FOR SPEED NETWORKS NHL HOCKEY *95'. NOCTROPOUS __ OUTPOST CYBERtA_ CYBERWAR 4 CD'S_ CYCLONES_ DARK CRUSADERS_ DARK FORCES _ DARKER_ DAY OF THE TENTACLE_ DESCENT 3.5' 30 LEVELS_ DESTRUCTION DERBY_ DOOM 2_ DOOM 3 5' (FUU. VERSION) FUGHT SIMULATOR VER 5 FUGHT UNLIMITED_ FULL TROT7LE_ FX FIGHTER_ GRAND PRIX II_ HARDBALL 4_ HEJNDAU.il KINGS QUEST 6 LANDS OF LORE MAGIC CARPET II MAGIC SCHOOL BUS EXPLOR SOLAR SYSTEM KOMBAT KQMBA3 ■ ART GALLERY MS COMPLETE BASEBALL WIDOWS WNDOW5 SPACE ACE ANWOttXW CRUSADER 3 5* SIAR IREK FNAL INrTY nra STAR TREK MOV STAR TREK Ol STAR TREK SCRE manual STARLORD__ STARTREK 25TH STRIKE COMMA SU27 OMNIPtD.A POSTER SYSTEM SHOCK TFX THE 7TH GUEST OEM THE DIG BLACKTHORNE_ "BLOODSTONE 3.5- BLOOOWINGS BLOWN AWAY _ BUG ADVENTURE BURN CYCLE CMUZAnONS FOR WINDOWS_ COMANCHE MAXIMUM OVERKILL _ COMMANCHE VRS WEREWOLF COMMAND AND CONQUER_ •CONNON FODDER H 3 5"_ CREATURE SHOCK_ CRUSADER CYBERACE AROUND THE WORID IN 80 DAYS AUSTRALIA THROUGH TIME_ BARBIE S MAGICAL HOUSE_ "BATTLE BUGS IBM 3 5"""_ BATTLE ISLE 3_ BATTLE ISLE 0 "BATTIEDROME 3 5. BENEATH THE STEEL SKY BETRAYAL AT KRONDOR BIOFORGE PRICES GUARANTEED IF YOU DON'T SEE IT ON THIS LIST PLEASE CALL AND WE WILL ORDER IT FOR YOU. •ALLOW $5.00 FOR METRO DELIVERY AND $10.00 OVERNIGHT AUSTRALIA WIDE •PLEASE CHECK STOCK BEFORE ORDERING l! PLEASE SEND ME . _ $ - NAME ADDRESS_ TOTAL $ . POSTCODE PHONE RUGBY WORLD CUP 1995 SAM AND MAX HIT THE ROAD SCIENCE ADVENTURE SCOOTER'S MAGIC CASTLE l! 1 0 J Bankcard j Mastercard J Visa Expiry Date Card Number j - £ I SIGNATURE_ HELL CYBERPUNK THRILLER HIGH OCTANE_ HISTORYUNE 1914-1918_ IBM AFl 95 MULTIMEDIA FOOTBALL INCAB_ IND CAR TRACK PACK 3 5'_ INDI CAR 3.5'_ INDI CAR TRACK PACK II 3.5'_ INDIANA JONES FATE Of ATLANTIS. INFERNO_ INTERPLAY ANTHOLOGY 10 YEARS . JUNGLE BOOK_ KINGS QUEST ANTHOLOGY (1 TO 6 ) J KINGS QUEST VII_ LEGEND OF KYRANDtA_ LEMMINGS 3 WORLD OF LEMMINGS. LEMMINGS 3D_ LESUIRE SUn LARRY ANTHOLOGY LESUIRE SUITE LARRY 6 _ LUCAS ARCHIVES SEVERAL TITUS j MAGIC CARPET_ MARINE FIGHTERS (US NAVY 22 »HYPER previews Fnnin^prinn \Z> V^>i AVAILABLE: DECEMBER CATEGORY: adventure PLAYERS: ONE PllRlKHfB* i f n fn n Mission Critical is a huge space adventure epic of interactive movie proportions sprawling across 3 CDs. You are cast as the sole survivor of a starship-wreck, rescued by the battlecruiser USS Lexington. On board| you find that the captain of this vessel is none other than Michael Dorn - who plays Worf in Star Trek: The Next Generation. This might give you a clue as to what to expect from the rest of the game. It is, for all intents and purposes, a Star Trek game despite not bearingj any official endorsement. What follows is an adventure (with some space com¬ bat sections to break things up a bit) dealing with such pressing social issues as time travel and what, indeed,! does it mean to be human?| Mission Critical boasts impressive use of FMV with Dorn and co-star Patricia Charbonneau dis-| playing a subtlety unique to these "ne> generation” film/games. The actual gam-| ing screen themselves, employing a: they do a Buried In Time style 3D worl (but with a much larger viewing window),| look equally as good All in all, this is definitely shaping up as a title to keep an eye out for. We’ll let you know whether it really does go where no one has gone before very soon. ff » • Ripper pc cd rom 1 1 AVAILABLE: FEBRUARY CATEGORY: interactive movie ^ PLAYERS: ONE PUBLISHER: GAMETEk Jack the Ripper is back and someone’s let him near the kitchen utensils. The year is 2060 and a rather unpleasant serial killer is prowling the streets of New York slicing, dicing and julienmng his way around the tourist hotspots of that fair city. Ripper is a four CD interactive movie epic from Take2 software, with more f/m* stars than the Oscars and a bigger pro- f | AT duction budget than Waterworld (OK, OK we’re exaggerating), boasting ’arcade style combat”. Whether this refers to one on one beat-em-ups like Mortal Kombat or the long queues to get onto your favourite game we’re not quite sure. Ripper has an amazing line up of actors to help tell its story; Christopher Walken (Batman Returns, Pulp Fiction), John Rhys- Davies (Wing Commander 3, Indiana Jones). Burgess Meredith (Quaack, quaack quack quaack - the Penguin from the Batman TV series) and Karen Allen (Starman) to name but a few. The player acts through the character of Jake Quinlan (why do they always have these boxy names?), a crime reporter for Gardening America who must follow the murderers trail through the “nether-regions of cyber¬ space” and hopefully the nether-regions of his female co-stars as well. Stopping him before he kills again is naturally what it's all** about. There are four f different endings to Ripper along with vari¬ ous plot twists and puzzles which evolve as you go, for that added feeling of control that we know you all want. j Could be good, so we’ll" keep you posted. I. 1 1 Mfc ' % !A . ~vm dRT 24 »HYPER previews Zero Divide CATEGORY: fichtin PLAYERS: 1- PUBLISHER: ZOO For those of you blessed with the power of PlayStation, Zero Divide (it may receive a differen name for local release) will certainly raise your blooc pressure if you’re into superbly rendered giant 3 mechanoids, beating each other to pieces (literally), surrounded by awesome backdrops, and accompa¬ nied by a pumping soundtrack. Although much along the same lines as the killer titles Tohshinden Tekken, Zero Divide is different enough to make own mark, with super smooth character movemen and the option of altering the combat camera, number of rounds, how points are scored, combo key configuration and a host ol other dandy little Executing moves is more complex and indi¬ vidual than the other two titles, which increases the game’s staying power, and because you’re up against bizarre multi-limbed opponents, there is an enormous variation in the style and type attack, which is certainly a breath of fresh air As you can opt to use any of these beastly mechs, player combat becomes an addiction. It's not only due to the greater skill involved, but with the exception of two I characters the combat is total¬ ly hand to hand; forget the flashy sword work or fireballs, it’s just pure metal-munching one on one combat. Yes, we know'it sounds on the borderline of divine, how-| ever there are some nice faults as well, which we assure you we will expose in our full review. So you’ll just have to hold back your excitement for the full shakedown next issue- that is, if we can pull our¬ selves away from it long enough to write the damn thing. • All the real teams • Over 800 plays • Realistic player animation • • All the best quarterbacks • QB signature plays • Up and over dives • Nothing Short of Spec tBC ular! SNES® Megadrive IM Game Boy® NFfe H Q| 4«laim ROADSHOW _ NEW MEDIA 3 NFL rf ?! J QQ 6 ? aCk C,Ut> ' a 3 ,rademark of ,he Na,ional Footbal1 League. All rights reserved. Nintendo. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Game Boy and the Official Seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1991 Nintendo of America Inc. Mega Drive is a trademark of Sega Enterprises Ltd. All rights reserved. Acclaim is a division of Acclaim Entertainment Inc. ® & © 1995 Acclaim Entertainment. Inc. All rights reserved. 26 »HYPER previews Spycraft: The Great tfame PC CD ROM AVAILABLE: December CATEGORY: rpg PLAYERS: ONE ^ PUBLISHER: LEGEND All those RPG fans out there who were disappointed by the dreadful Dungeon Master 2 (we’re still trying to recover), would no doubt have let slip a broad smile upon reading the name of this title. Shannara is a monster of a game, based upon the best-selling Shannara series of fantasy novels written by Terry Brooks. The game is an RPG, obviously, and while it takes much from the magical world created by Brooks it does not follow any particular storyline from the series. Hence you don’t need to have read the books to understand the game. Phew. Brona, the Warlock King and very nasty piece of work, has returned from the dead to wreak havoc throughout the Four Lands. Somewhat inconveniently, the once mighty Sword of Shannara (the only way to stop Brona) has been smashed to bits. The player has to recov¬ er the pieces of the Sword, restore it, then rid the Four Lands of Brona. And make it for good this time. The demo we saw had glorious SVGA scenes aplenty, loads of pretty rendered beasties (horrible gargoyles and giant spiders to name but two), some nice fly¬ ing over forests and mountains sequences, but not many actual in-game shots. Though there were a couple that looked suspiciously like Dungeon Master 2 except with far better graphics. Legend promise there’ll be full speech for every character you meet as well as a copy of the first Shannara book. The Sword of Shannara, in the box. Here’s hoping that Shannara will go some way to restoring our faith in RPGs. CATEGORY: STRATEGY/AD VENTU RE PLAYERS: ONE PUBLISHER: ACTIVISION If you’ve ever been even vaguely interested in what goes on behind closed doors with today’s world powers, then Spycraft is set to totally consume your every waking hour. Its deadly brew of international espionage and assassination plots will have you perspiring until all hours of the early morning. Of course, if politics and subversive government manoeuvres bore you stupid, just think of the fast cars and cool disguis- _ es. Hey, you get to play with high-tech weapons too! One of the most impressive aspects to this CD-ROM thriller, is the fact that it was made with the co-oper¬ ation and collaboration of William Colby - a former Director of the CIA, and Oleg Kalugin — a former Major General of the KGB. With big wigs like this behind the design of the game, it can only be one of the most accurate, involving and revealing Spy games of the century. We hope. Of course, Bill and Oleg could have sat around eating doughnuts, just nodding their heads at the programmers — "Chomp. Chomp. Gulp. Oh, hey, yeah that looks nice - it moves! Computers, eh? Pass me a beer, Oleg. Chomp. Chomp." Hmmmm. But from what we can see, the game looks very well put together. Combining video footage. 35mm film, still photography and stock CIA footage, you’ll really be putting in the hard yards to nut out the clues and avoid detection from your faceless enemies. You’ll be performing all the! usual spy duties — intercepting radio frequencies, satellite photos, search- 1 ing through data bases and even tracking agents with your oo7“like gadgets. The game also boasts a simu-, lated internet, with "real time" onlinej communication with one of you agents. Everything from strategical commanding special forces to goini undercover yourself, should prove be a fully rewarding experience, looks like an amazing amount of det has gone into the production of t top-quality thriller. Just wait for coded transmission from HYPER for go ahead. ipnrs3s*|— MEDIUM LEVa ANIMATED VIOLENCE 28 »HYPER previews Arcade style classics are a console's bread and butter If you can create that flashy yet simple game that’ll get the kids hooked and keep ’em coming back for more (merchandise, sequels, Saturday morning cartoons etc) yet retain enough devilish black humour to appeal to kids of any age, then you just may have a winner Enter Captain Quazar, a lantern jawed space hero (of the old school) with a very large gun and a very large urge to use it. An isometric shoot ’em up that appears to have a lot going for it, even at demo stage. One mis-f sion was playable, a pretty basic "blow things up style" assignment, but even in this embryonic state it’s heaps o’ fun. Lots of spirited action and a noisy sound track with demented music and some funny speech With the addition of a two player mode (enter Captai Pulzar) and with eight (apparently) huge worlds to explore. Captain Quazar would appear to be a very strong contender indeed, let’s hope they’re not seriou about the "Captain Quazar Rap video" that apparently accompanies the game! JANUARY CATEGORY: ACTION PLAYERS: ONE PUBLISHER: TELSTAR Nothing quite matches the feeling we get when a new It was a HYPER moment. We were as blown away as the ame defies classification. Most games are comparable carnage the little on-screen dude was causing. So smooth- o at least something we've seen before, but Sierra's ly did the action flow, so rich were the graphics, so simple } olice Quest SWAT breaks the proverbial mould in ways was the recipe - such pure good time ultra-violent action hat are mildly earth-shattering. stirred feelgood emotions not felt since our first sighting of It's a simulation of life in an American SWAT (Special the four-letter ”D" word. |Weapons And Tactics) team - as you may have worked This isn’t a first-person perspective view though, so a bet- ut. Being a Sierra product, it's a feast of high res. photo- ter comparison is that Lone Soldier is more of a 3D Cannon ealism and funky FMV. The "Police Quest" in the title Fodder. A large and detailed world is where you’ll rampage >oesn't mean SWAT is the next in the perennial adventure your dude, wasting anything in sight, moving or otherwise. ame sequence, instead it's more of a lateral departure The way the commando and his world moves must be from the norm, with the fact that it's Sierra, a law seen to be appreciated. Da man struts around believably enforcement game and is the work of Daryl F. Oates to and breaks into a trot when you need him too. All the justify the normally dreaded "Quest" word. while the perspective and viewpoint spins around furious- For those unfamiliar with the career of Daryl Oates, ly, but it’s never confusing or painful, just a highly enter- his resume includes running the L.A.P.D at the t/me taining way of imparting a little tactical awareness. Rodney King copped his world famous walloping, in The point of it all is to bugger the plans of some bad addition to providing the guiding light for Sierra's people who have made off with a big missile that was previous Police Quest 4. What we didn't know, is that stamped "Property of the U.S.". All manner of obstacles Daryl (can we call you Daryl, sir?) is the "originator of stand in your way, and there are two solutions for each liH the SWAT concept". We suppose that with these seem- tie problem you face - blow it up or shoot it. Four tools ad - ingly impeccable qualifications the game will be a provided for these jobs, the Uzi, an Assault Rifle, a Rockel meaty treat to play. Launcher and ae Flame Thrower. Intensive training in teamwork, weapons and tactics Lone Soldier looks pretty damn cool and we’re looking"’ kick the game off, with a variety of missions follow- forward to doing a full review as much as you must be ing if you cut it The action looks as hot as fresh toast, of reading it. with a huge set of orders for ou to dish out to your team in the heat of a an operation. The daily grind includes fun stuff like long range sniping of hostage-holding thugs and surprise busts (not Pam's) with weapons ablaze. It's Sierra, it's a quest and |contrary to expectations, it's wildly different. We're more than a little curious to see j the finished product, so Kvhen we do we'll give you a full debriefing. oo i V j v .*. °nndfin nndnn* * CREDITS 2 PRESS START Virtua Cop Saturn AVAILABLE: December CATEGORY: SHOOTING PLAYERS: 1-2 PUBLISHER: SEGA We’ve been a bit harsh on the Saturn recently, but the quality of these screenies truly shook our waning confi¬ dence in Sega’s 32-bit box. More than a few passers-by simply refused to believe these images came from any¬ thing less than the full-blown arcade machine, but we promise you they truly are the Saturn version. Buyers of this most lush looking con¬ version get a plastic gun in the box as part of the deal. A good thing too, as playing shooting games with a control pad sucks in the biggest way possible. Speaking of which, a beta version of the game arrived in the country at the last possible minute before HYPER's deadline, so we muscled into Sega’s office and demanded a play. Naturally we got what wanted, but the gun was¬ n’t ready at the time so we were forced to perform our bloodlet¬ ting with a control pad. The experience wasn't as bad as we expected, but with a gun it’ll be a trillion times better. Our brief session showed Virtua Cop to be almost as smooth, nearly as detailed and entirely as bloodthirsty as the arcade shoot¬ er. What we can’t vouch for at this early stage is how faithfully the console version stays to the arcade game’s levels. A practise shooting gallery (which we didn't see) is apparently part of the Saturn game, so there’s at least something to set it apart. Get set iew next issue. ’JS ZZZZ Entertainment Inc. Actua Golf WoySCdtion \\\% Total NBA ‘96 Marvel Super Herce Capcom, tne parent company ot tne irrepressible Streetfighter has rejuvenated the beat ’em up genre by allowing us to fulfil our fantasies of being big and green or wearing your undies on the outside or entwin¬ ing someone in a massive spider web. So exit reality and let the battle begin. The wonderful world of Marvel has been recreated to the tiniest detail, with even the end of round insults being cutting and ego deflating. Highly rendered charac¬ ters flow smoothly over a variety of traditional background battle locations - science lab, fiery hell, cityscapes. But you're not playing this game for the journey but for the learning experience. Every character - be it Spiderman. Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Wolverine. Magneto, Psylocke, Shuma Corath, Blackheart or Juggernaut have very individual forms of attack. Mastery of manoeuvres comes only with parting with your hard earned cash or by being a natural superhero. Unleashing an in air combo using the Streetfighter joystick/button setup (kick/punch- soft, medi¬ um, hard) will take a little getting used to as experimenta¬ tion will end in the best results and maximum battle dam¬ age to you opponent. Gems are an interesting addition and give the character a short burst of either: Time. Power, Reality. Space Mind or Soul; which in my humble opinion can be carried on into real life. I mean, if a hippy chick can give me a rock and tell me it will improve my wisdom, then why can't a gem give you some Space Mind? In any case, the gems work in this way. If you have a 'power' gem, by utilising it you have increased power for a limited duration. Gems can also be stolen from your opponents and used against them (ha ha). Another unworldly quality is the use of 'infinity power’. When the special infinity power gauge reaches max, a few twiddles of the joystick and button pressing combo will have your character doing a hell manoeuvre on your oppo¬ nent. A tip- whilst summoning 'infinity power’ a character is at his/her most vulnerable. This is when it is time for a combo air strike, followed by your own infinity power attack, which should see your opponent take a dive. Futuristic sound effects and war cries dominate the game’s soundtrack. Unfortunately, most sound effects are often lost in the cacophony of noise that is an arcade parlour. In many overseas arcades, this problem is dealt with by providing headphone jack ports which is what this game in particular is literally crying out for. Marvel Superheroes is a great game and you shouldn’t let i it go by without experiencing it. Especially when Dr Doom , is awaiting punishment as one of the final stage bosses. Sy power up dudes and take the trek to the arcade today. I X X X X \ Ridge Racer And you thought that racing car simulators couldn't get better. Hooking up with Namco’s Ridge Racer, Mazda have decided to supply a real car for that extra realism (well, they did for Sydney's Pitt St Timezone anyway). Although the car doesn't lurch skid and (most unfor¬ tunately ) crash, it does make one think of driving more radically in real life. This is a good thing. you’re around Pitt St in Sydney thel check it out. Make sure you've got $1 on you thougtfl PlayStation , iaaigtaniai | and Raysiation are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. ^cMarMoritsOotrmin. Ah^raitippNM^ampuMcandmoOto^orw* "MOW 1995 Ntrx» 1 *%' lf * Maui KomMl-e »*» U*nu**_iur>n 0 Cortipany A* RIgM. RmmvwI Mod* 0»»9O- Logo, MK3 and at chmnctwi - namta am irad^arka of Midway MaMacH*'HI Conpw** Mkh**y 6 Virtua Cop 2 "Go ahead, make my day... and you hid- ing behind that garbage bin - make my day, and you - yeah, you over there- you can make my day as well". Trying to cheer yourself up after having a tough day has now never been so easy. All you need is a quick dose of Sega’s lat¬ est arcade game - Virtua Cop 2. ^ There's been a jewel heist. A massive : 1 gang of ruthless thugs have just ripped _ off thousands of dollars worth of jew¬ ellery. You enter the store only to find killers hiding behind counters and you’re fortunately/unfortunately crazy enough to hang around for an intense shoot-out. This is about where the differences between Virtua Cop 1 and Virtua Cop 2 begin. For a start, far more accurate shooting is needed, especially as no\A there are more snipers to contend with. Civilians seem to pop up every¬ where, so beware of the obvious places where they might find shelter. Bullet distribution has to be kept to a minimum as very precise aiming and timing must be made throughout the game to pick off bad guys ont by one. In other words, extra coolness is needed as opposed to just blast¬ ing away. End of round bosses are far tougher and include jetpack wear¬ ing dudes making out like angry insects, except they’re armed with guns. There are three levels of action (easy, medium, hard). The first is called Car Chase’ in which you chase a gang of jewel thieves through a city on foot and (obviously) by car. The second has been named 'Save the Mayor’ where your battle continues on-board an ocean liner. Scene three takes place in the city subway train system - 'Rail Line Shootout’. After completing all three stages ol this metropolitan shoot-fest there are two bad guys to contend with. One thinks he is a tank; the other thinks he is a fly (another jet pack guy). The soundtrack is unfortunately pretty snazzy but as long as there is the constant BLAM BLAM! sound then you can overlook this minor hitch. Graphic quality has been enhanced slightly with the characters seeming Mortal Kombat 3 to be less blocky as well as having greater background detail. Many gangsters merge with the background due to colour selection so always look for that glowing green target which surrounds each enemy gunman. Another tip is to look for extra weapons that are hidden behind fixtures, such as computer consoles, TV screens and cooking implements. All in all, the new Virtua Cop is a great adventure and far more chal¬ lenging than the first. A definite must for gung-ho gun freaks. X X X X 32 »HYPER rtMMO; HertLTH YOU’VE M0 IDEA HOW MUCH YOU’LL LOOK FORWARD TO ■-; , i cr -y '7 -r- 1 ” If mW0: rtMMO' mmw HertLtH / rum’ (Q >?*. 1 MKhob ' «mm 6' HertlTH W IV a >p?ri •rtrtHOR [•SF.. . * , ( '• « HfcflU'H Wl THIS IS A SWITCH.. REALLY! Available: NOW • Category: Anion • Players: ONE • Publisher: NINTENOO • Price: $129.95 • Rating: MA SNES It’s time for the pure HYPERactive adrenalin rush that only Doom is capable of, as Doom SNES-style malevolently stalks unwary consol gamers who are yet to be mauled by the cyberdemon in the middle of the night. Once again, you, your trusty arsenal of destructivi weaponry, and a few inter-dimensional demonic types get together to play "shotgun tiggy", as Doom maroons you in a spaceport whicl has been overrun by demons from the pits of Hell Jerky Out A m 4 i I n g Doom on SNES is an amazing conversion. Admittedly it is a little jerkier than the 32X version, but the overall result is still quite fast and playable. Also the fact that the SNES (with a little help from the fairy godmother of custom processors), is even capable of texture -1 mapped 3D polygons is pretty bloody amazing. Doom for SNES also manages to retain the foreboding feel of the original as there is still the engrossing mix of psychopathic wanton destruction and labyrinthine puzzle solving which we have come to know and love. However! the SNES isn’t nearly as powerful as the other platforms this game has been released on and sadly it shows. In particular, the graphics have a tendency to pixelate extremely badly, to the point where target acquisition at extreme ranges becomes frustrating and near impossible. Also, the floor and ceiling are bereft of texture mapping, but this doesn’t really cause any major disappointments, and I can just imagine how slow the game would have been if they were left in. Naturally on the SNES you are using a joypad instead of a mouse or keyboard. Thus Doom feels very different to play. Some of the tactics change, as the joypad is sometimes a little less pre¬ cise than you want it to be, like when dodging incoming missiles and doing other Doom tricks. The SNES 3D engines’ inertia rate is definitely harder to get to grips with when compared to Doom on a decent PC. And because the screen update rate isn’t as high as the PC, it’s hard to make fast, precise movements (which are all too often necessary when dealing with some of the harder architectural challenges on offer). This makes Doom on the SNES a lot harder to play (until you get a feel for it), and certainly adds a rather nasty frustration factor to the equation. Addition* £ Subtraction* Now when it comes to sound the SNES has never been accused of being a slouch (in fact it has been able to hold its head high in most console circles until recently). Indeed, the demonic growls, and other foreboding sounds of Doom come through really clearly, but the music is definitely a let down, as the gritty top end treble and synth effects of the PC version have been replaced by smoother sounding instrumentation which totally fails to capture the malevolent feel of the original vibes. It is also debateable whether Doom SNES will offer a save feature. This is an important thing to suss out, as the game is nothing less than unplayable without the ability to save, and I reckon a game like Doom deserves a battery back up. as the use of a password system doesn’t They said it couldn't be done but they’ve done it. SNES owners can now work well either (remember Doom hold their heads up high and shout to the world - 7 CAN PLAJ/ DOOM!" 32X?). m the time of writing Nintendo Rut / a jf any good? STEVE POLAK is packing the trusty shotgun... were unaKle fo confirm whether Doom would feature a battery back up, but my advice is that the garfte is a lot less Interesting (and shit¬ loads more frustrating) without it, so make sure you suss this issue out before forking over your hard earned. I Doom i6bit also contains 22 stages from the original game, with only 5 out of the original 27 missing. But the gameplay dynamics have been changed somewhat when compared to the PC. At times I was astonished by the ease with which I could dispatch some of the foes (especially the Cacodemon), as you could get away with simply standing there and blasting for all you were worth without fear of retribution. However there were some foes (such as the sergeants) which were much harder to dispatch than I had been used to, in that they were much quicker to fire on you and much more accurate with their weapons. This tended to unbal¬ ance the feel of the game as the low level baddies often made life harder than those higher up the hierarchy. Advantages £ Disadvantages However I think to some extent I may be missing something important here...ah, yes, that’s it. Consistently comparing Doom on PC to the SNES version is perhaps not such a good idea anyway, as those of you who have the PC version are hardly likely to zip out and grab the SNES version (unless you’re total Demon-hating FREAKS!). So the fact that the SNES version isn’t nearly as good as the PC is probably not worth worrying about too much. Anyway, Doom on the SNES does have one advantage over Doom for PC - price tag. Instead of forking over squillions for your wonderful new Pentium, you just whack in a cart which costs only slightly more than a 100 quid into your SNES and you are knee deep in demonguts before you know it. Doom is the kind of game which deservedly attracts superlatives like a magnet, but remember you get what you pay for, and it is impossi¬ ble for a machine costing less than 200 bucks to emulate the per-, formance of one which costs thousands. That said, Doom on thd SNES is a mighty fine effort with a few limitations. Just check il out thoroughly before you enter the portal! visuals 80 It's incredible that the SNES can do this at all. although the ID comes at a cost pixelation sound 78 Good samples but the music is about as hardcore as East 17 Uurgh gameplay 82 There's plenty here and once you get a [eel [or it. SNES Doom plays pretty well, but it’s a bit on the [iddly side o[ excellent longterm 8.f 22 levels is not bad going at all, but there better be a save game feature |o v E r a l L 8 0 It’s Doom, it’s on the SNES and in itsel[ it’s an amazing thing, there's good, messy [un to be had here, just don’t expect miracles HYPER» 33 jrjvimw! SEL1VI When I play baseball sims 1 like to play as Atlanta. 1 don't know why, but in the course of many seasons, in many differ ent games, on several formats, Frank Thomas has strode to the plate, gone for the tonk and put the ball into the stands Goodbye Mr. Spalding. Thank you, Frank. Vicariously, and in the privacy of my lounge room. Big Frank Thomas turns mi into a hero. Now Frank has his own game, "Big Hurt”, which 1 presume is a reference to how you feel if you are a pitchei or, more acutely, a ball, once Frank gets a hold of you.j Rare As Crap Platformers But in a world where baseball games are about as rare as crap platformers, one would expect that Frank will need some¬ thing more than just the fact that he is a f*%king good baseball player to send his cart racing to the top of the charts. Tony La Russa, Cal Ripkin... the world is not exactly short of famous faces on game boxes stuffed with stats. Well Frank has got something. He's got Motion Capture Technology on his side and the good people at Acclaim will probably say that it’s enough to knock Triple Play '96 of it's perch as the best baseball sim going around, They’ll tell you that, but we’ll tell you that they are wrong. So what is Motion Capture Technology? Well, I’m no tech head, so 1 can’t tell you how they do it, but what it all boils down to is that Motion Capture Technology * Very Good Graphic (on the batter, at least). Just as Triple Play did, Big Hurt gets you down on the plate, from the batter’s perspective ani make you feel like you’re really in the box. What it does better is digitise the batter so that the swing is incredibly smooth, accurate and lifelike. Triple Play 96 looked great, but this looks bet¬ ter, although in some ways it’s like the difference between Mortal Kombat and Streetfighter - even if one looks more "life-like" the other will still have its advocates. Elsewhere, Frank has all the other attributes that a quality baseball sim must have - full teams and season play, fully recreated stadiums. MLBPA licence, player trades, more options that Wall Street and stats coming out his butt... but somehow it just doesn’t integrate as well or seem as lovingly crafted as Triple Play. Yep, everything is in there but there’s no doubt that most of the effort here went into the action at the bat¬ ter’s plate and the rest is merely workmanlike. FROZEN IN TIMEi THE STUFF OF LEGENDS The Differ I’m not trying to overly harsh, but this game has pretensions to great¬ ness and only went halfway - the pitcher’s interface is all push button NIGHT HATCH. DON’T THESE PEOPLE HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO 00 A ball, a stick, lots of men in tight jpants. What does this add up too? That's right - another baseball sim!! STRETCH ARMSTRONG pitches a curve ball.. I pitches_, and no feel and the fielding is an afterthought. In Triple Play you feel like you are running the show and taking responsibility for every aspect of the game. Here, you feel like you’re watching something cool, but you’re not really in it. Basically it’s the dif-| ference between a good game and a great game! On the plus side, apart from the great batting animation, the Home Run Derby is a lot of fun as you pit yourself against Frank in any stadium you want, as any player you want and see if you can out hit him over a ten hit sequence. There’s also the Clutch option which is an excellent innovation. Here you are set a scenario which you must try to work your way out of. For example, itJ the bottom of the ninth, you’re one in front, you’re a terrible pitcher and you’re about to pitch to the greatest line up in history] Can you save the game? It’s a great idea, a great challenge and one of the more original ideas that has made its way into i sports sim in a long timel But of course, it’s not the main game. Welcome to the sec-[ ond best baseball sim on the market! BALLS: OUTSrO ! ,lQ ?i n ? > ,l ?"i e V ,lQ l PPi"< and if* *ot a missile lock on I pomeiy pun out in front of Playstation * ftir Combat! Is it o hratsrrkrr or a bio fat you so you can send them flllfftof IT? fftlSSll?. ELIOT FISH (lTOpS CK burning into the Pacific. Only as you get closer to reaching 100% on your little mission completion dial, do 1 enemy attempt to dodge your fire and maybe even hang on your tail. If you ever played Wing War, the polygon-aeroplane fighting game that Sega had at the arcades which gave you the opportunity to fly a WWI bi plane against a Comanche-style helicopter, then you’ll remember the technique that this game used for perspec¬ tive changes during offensive and defensive manoeuvres, When you have a bogy on your tail, the view changes to a spot just behind your enemies plane, giving you the opportu¬ nity to outmanoeuvre their fire. It s different — but it works. As soon as you manage to get your plane to roll out of th way, the perspective puts you right back to where you were so you can go on shooting. Depending on your patience lev els, this can become extremely tedious or a real challenge. Unfortunately, the game only offers continues with no optioi to save or receive passwords to levels and playing the same missions over and over just to get back to where you were 1; a right pain in the butt Graphic and Gameplay Limitation The canyon mission sucked in particular. I’ve always hated games that have "patchy” graphics ■ where there will be terrain in the distance until you get close enough to realise that there’s actually a wall there — the game just doesn’t draw it in until you get closer. Lose. Fly a little too close to the canyon wall and you can see around the shoddily drawn 2D graphics. Lose. There were moments of greatness in this game though. There is no set flight path, so you have complete freedom of move¬ ment which is always a good thing — but you can’t fly out the top of the canyon (you bounce back down) and when you hit a certain altitude the plane just levels out — so there are major limitations. The dogfighting was enjoyable but few and far between... and the AI is non-existent. No doubt the game plays the same every time you plug in. All up, everything felt just a little too restrained and repetitive to be worthy of greatness. We all know that looks aren’t everything, and with Wing Arms it’s very easy to fool yourself into thinking that it’s better than it really is. After completing it once (and it’s not very big at all), you’ll be longing for something with a lot more depth. 44 »HYPER Available: Now • Category: ACTION/STRATEGY • Players: ONE • Publisher: ELECTRONIC ARTS • Price: No RRP • Rating: M15* 3DO After a boring few months when 3DO’s new game roster dried up to a trickle and the Playstations' performance 'made anyone who had bought otherwise feel a bit sheepish, it's nice to finally get a 3DO game that is leaps and bounds ahead of the competition. For I say it now...there is no better 3D shoot 'em up than Spacehulk on any console at this present time We're not just talking about snazzy graphics or earthshaking digital sound (of which Spacehulk has bucket¬ loads) but also a mind bogglingly brutal game environment. The Spacehulk universe is a bleak, distant future where man fights bloody and pointless wars with all manner of alien races (one of which, the CeneStealers. are represented here), in an age of declining technology and rampant barbarism.... Sounds like fun, hey! Genetic Parasites The CeneStealers are a malignant race of genetic parasites who float into "our" solar systems in huge, ram¬ shackle space hulks (large abandoned spaceships) and infest worlds. Unfortunately, this being a remote back- wood part of the galaxy, there isn't enough firepower around to simply blow the Spacehulks away. Therefore, you, as a member of the Blood Angel Space Marines, have to don your Terminator Powered Armour and entei the Spacehulk and wipe the 'Stealers out, alien by alien. This is not as simple as it sounds, for not only are the CeneStealers gargantuan, six limbed, killing machines; they’re also pretty handy in the brain department too Having existed once as a rather childish boardgame and again as a fairly nondescript Amiga/PC game, it seemJ like a case of third time lucky here because Electronic Arts have not put a foot wrong in the design and execu-^ tion of this game. From the awe inspiring FMV opening onwards. Spacehulk is a truly engrossing experience, and although at the start it may seem next to impossible to play, believe me after a bit of practise you won’t feel like playing anything else. Spacehulk is a mission based game with two areas in which to adventure. The first is the training area, which has missions that range from extremely simple to extremely hard. You can learn game mechanics, like moving, firing and, most importantly, commanding your troop of Space Marines. The ^ ^ other section of the game is a campaign, with a huge num¬ ber of missions to complete. At first you are merely a grunt, being ordered to close doors, pick up sions, you become a Sergeant and are given control of a troop of marines. This is where the challenge really starts. Not only do you need to constantly blast away enemies, you need the mind of a tactical genius! aC aotain...there are HUNDREDS ofthem!. v AAAaARGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Get set for Spacehulk. the best 3DO came in aces. Or so savs RUSSELL HOPKiNSOn ip A^iive Records and give cover^his fairly eas^u^urvival Tsstul a cnaTTenge. After five mis- • • • The Chaos Factor Whoever designed Spacehulk is a ruthless bastard, there are no easy options, and in campaign mode you get one life and the number ol Marines you command is very finite. If someone dies they stay dead, reinforcements are few and far between and the CeneStealers and their mates are extremely smart. Once you ve had Chaos Marine (these Evil renegade Space Marines trying to hinder your progress out ol pure malice) shadow you, jumping out from behind doors to fill you full of lead whilst his buddies head around back to ambush youi pals, you won't wanna play any other 3DO shooter, they really make the Hellspawn in Doom seem like complete dolts in comparison! Even when you press pause, in order to give commands or peer at the map, you only get a very short time before the game starts up again. This is governed by the "Freeze Bar", as long as you remain in play, the bar moves up. Once you stop to have a breather, the time stored up runs down like an hourglass. Except it's more like a 15 seconds glass, so learning to give orders promptly is of utmost importance! Games Workshop, who designed the Spacehulk world are masters of atmosphere, and this game reflects that. Their cracking art department have suppled EA with excellent material to work with. The interiors, the Terminator marines and the enemy sprites all look utterly fantastic. The soundtrack has very minimal musical fanfare, the designers have instead created an atmospheric soundscape that emulates the claus¬ trophobic feel perfectly. The Terminator Powered Armour whirrs as you creak along the labyrinthine passageways of the hulk, the voices of your fellow Marines buzz in your intercom and the sound of gun fire echoes down the halls. Both visually and sonically, it's a triumph. The Marines all have quasi-religious names and talk to you with crisp British accents, trying too hard to hide the fear in their voices as wave after wave of enemy bear down on them. The doom laden, Gothic ambience is a Game Workshop speciality and all in all Spacehulk manages to combine "Aliens" with the Crusades. A far future with a dank, medieval brutality. OK, I've burbled on enough about this fantastic game. All I can say is that if you own a 3DO and need something to place in the CD tray, then Spacehulk is about as good as you’ll get. A completely in your face, totally engrossing experience. In short - A CLASSIC! graphics 92 You think Ihe 300 is a bit lacking? Spacehulk looks as good as any 32 bit game on the market. sound 9.? Speaker shaking sound effects and crisp British voices enhance the desperate atmosphere perfectly. G am eplay 9V Spacehulk is a complete bastard of a game, and that’s a compliment! longterm 9V Don't expect to go anywhere for a while, OK? overall 9.3 I waited months for this and the wait was worth every second. A true classic in every sense of the word. NOT YOU AGAIN! HYPER» 45 46 »HYPER MEATY EXPLOSION E A PTU R { II MID MEAT January ♦ [alcgory: ]D Shooter • Players: Two (link cablel • Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment • Price: $89.95 • Rating: N/A PlayStation ideo games have progressed from the incredibly early days of Pong, through the late 80 s side scrolling shooters nd platformers, to the current state of the art Virtual Reality games and 3D fighters and shooters. Some time in the uture comes Assault Rigs, with players entering enclosed capsules free to spin around any axis and battle it out ini imulated tanks across a surreal virtual world. Or at least so goes the stunningly rendered introduction to Assaultjj igs, and while this game doesn't include the hydraulic pod its a mighty fine and playable game anyway. The Tron School Of Design After the introduction has set the scene, you choose your class of tank and enter the arena to battle it out against computer controlled drones or a friend (with the link up cable and another PlayStation). The design and aestheticsf of Assault Rigs borrows heavily fron est Playstatinn title, lilill the great games ,he Tron schoo ‘° f des >3 n t never StDp? ROGER BOLTOR llDpeS IlDt... glowing wire-frame style graphics! a world that deliberately tries not to be photo-realistic. Similarities also abound with CyberSled, the main dif-| ference being that the mazes and arenas are far more complicated and that collecting crystals is the main goalj ather than destroying enemy tanks. start of each level your tank is constructed before your eyes, drawn wireframe piece by then detailed and textured - kewl! The clock is ticking and it’s a race against time 0 collect crystals and find the exit while avoiding gun turrets, drones and mines and icking up any ammunition or weapon power ups available. The tank controls feel good just the right amount of inertia to make it work realistically, and there are options or spectacular jumps and power slides round corners. You can also view the action from ive viewpoints with differing situations making a in tank, from behind or top viewpoint practical. The arenas use the 3D style to good effect with lots of ramps, fly-overs, levators, floating platforms and tunnels to cruise around and through. A Missile'* Point Of View higher levels the arenas get large and complicated and require you to find dozens f crystals before the exit becomes activated, just exploring the mini-worlds and inding the crystals in time is difficult enough but keeping your shields intact and dealing with the drones anks as well becomes a real challenge. Thankfully, options for power-ups including a Catling gun. lasers, hom- ng missiles (which you guide from the missile’s point of view - very groovy) and more powerful ammunition give you an edge. he game has over 40 arenas to get through and lets you either save your progress on a memory card or enter a code to continue from where you were. Considering the size of the later arenas and added bonus of two player head to head battles if you have a friend ith a copy, Assault Rigs looks a winner and should last a good while, here’s also some puzzle solving involved, like pushing blocks around in he right order and finding hidden paths to elusive crystals, ombining shooting, exploration and a small amount of problem solving, Rigs is an original and compelling title that feels good to play and las enough longterm appeal to make it a worthy purchase. Another quali- y game for the PlayStation’s growing library. visuals (VcV A stunning iniro and last fron style fl) during ganteplay. sound Reasonably unobtrusive rommpntary and some rather derent techno tunes to battle too. play $9 Hie jumps and slides feel good, and the weaponry is fun to play with what more do you need? LONGTERM SO flie 40 odd arenas will take a while to get through and a two player option always adds to the long term appeal. overall S3 Not quite a classic, but a fun game nevertheless. And isn’t that what it’s all about? HYPER» 47 YOU WANT BLOOO? THE CYRAX STOMP WHAT A GAL! W!NS:0 83 TOSH START SHUVA UUKANG PRESS PUNQ UU KANO WB-ZSRO 2 MTS 13% DflMfi % 2 fins 11 % D ft HUGE sun ZERO FLIES, LIU KANS STAYS FIRMLY ROOTED P LAY S T ATIQjJ Available: Now • Category: fighting • Players: 12 • Publisher: Acclaim/Sony • Price: $99.95 • Rating: MI5* Pf Requirements: 486/tD ROM. 66 MR; (recommend Pentium 100 MHzl,8 Mb RAM. PLAYSTATlON/PC CD ROM If you’ve got a PlayStation or PC. prepare yourself for more carnage and mystery, as Mortal Kombat 3. the hottest arcade game of the yea now here. MK3 serves up more of what you want; new characters, more fatalities, babalities, friendships and now mercies and animalii The evil Shao Kahn, ruler of the Outworld, now more powerful than ever before, has opened a portal between earth and the Outworld is on the verge of taking all of our souls! The chosen kombatants on this journey must be ready to fight like never bef PLAYSTATION KOMBAT The PlayStation version is an excellent conversion from the coin-op, with everything complete including Shang Tsung’s morphs. There are 14 playable characters (not including secret ones), some from MKi and MK2, and new friends. There is Sindel, Shao Kahn’s lost bride, Nightwolf, an American native warrior, and 2 cyber-ninjas; Cyrax and Sektor. The basic moves are the same as the arcade, and the PlayStation controller works well with the game. The run button is both L2 and R2 on top of the controller, with Li and Ri being used as the block button. The run button is a great new feature, providing more of a challenge and adding a new dimension to the game mechanics. Another new feature of MK3 are the kombo moves. It is possible to do 2, 3, or even 6 hit kombos that waste your opponents in no time! There is a kombo meter bar on the screen that depletes when you perform these moves. Then there’s the Kombat OH {Hid jflHCl Otlt * Kodes. These can be entered on the VS screen and allow many mysterious new kombatants to enter the game (eg SmokeT me todes appear at the end of the game, only for a few seconds, so you'll need to be quick! Other secrets about the game will inevitably emerge. The sound and music on MK3 is of CD quality (of course), and provides a very dark and evil atmosphere. The announcer’s voice laughs wickedly as you annihilate your opponent, and the players scream and howl in rage. There are 5 difficulty settings for your one player games, and you can choose between 3 pathways (novice, warrior or master) to the bosses; Motaro the centaur, and the demonic Shao Kahn. This determines how many kombatants you will face. Blood and fatalities can be turned off for the kiddies as well. The loading time created by the CD ROM does unfortunately effect gameplay in some instances. When Shang Tsung morphs into another character, the game stops mid way during a round for a few seconds until the CD loads the new character onto the During normal gameplay, however, the loading time between players is acceptable and you would swear that you were playing a carbor copy of the arcade. The graphics are definitely the strong point, with large, boldly depicted characters looking more realistic than evei before. The backgrounds are dark and creepy and provide a real sense of horror to the game. Familiar earthly settings such as churches streets and subways have been transformed into terrifying places of darkness and slaughter This is the game to own for the PlayStation, as it’s the best and closest conversion from the arcade to emerge so far. It will no doubt be < huge selling title for Sony and go down in gaming history as a PC KOMBAT MK3 for the PC is a visually stunning representation of its arcade brother. The graphics are very detailed and colourful, drawing you immediatel) into the mysterious and bloodthirsty world of Mortal Kombat. The backgrounds are beautifully drawn and portray a real sense of depth and real¬ ism. Street lights flicker, layers of mist move like ghosts in the graveyard setting, and rubbish on the ghetto streets blows violently in the wind The first noticeable difference from other versions is the speed. It plays fast and furious and if you have a Pentium 100, there is also a secret turbc mode which is totally manic! You’ll have a tough time even controlling your player on turbo mode, let alone performing any special moves The entire game loads onto your PC and only draws from the CD for music, so it doesn’t appear to have any loading delays. That means more action and non-stop gameplay. The music and sound FX seem to be fully intact and identical to the arcade and PlayStation version There is also a tournament mode on the PC version for 2 player games, where you can choose up to 9 players each to battle it out elimina¬ tion style. This feature provides greater longterm value for the game, and even more of a challenge. The idea of playing such a game on a keyboard may seem awkward to novice gamers but, in fact, plays very well, and the key controls can be calibrated to suit you. Even two players can battle it quite easily at either end of the keyboard. The only negative is that you can't do some special moves, because they require more than 3 keys being pressed simultaneously, which most PCs don't seem to b able to cope with. Use a joypad I hear you say? Well you can, but the PC doesn't seem to be compatible with the 6 button joypad needed to make all the moves. If you’re serious about MK3 on PC it might be wise to search for a good, compatible joystick to play it Nonetheless, this is an excellent arcade to PC conversion and will satisfy MK freaks no end. ANDY HODGSON is the lucky lad that played the MKi we've all been waitng For. Does the Playstation deliver? Read visuals 90 The backgrounds are deep and detailed, the characters move fast and smoothly and the fatalities are foul yet funny. sound 92 Very atmospheric. Dark, evil and menacing. gameplay 92 It’s one on one fighting but with so many moves and secrets to find it’s a lot of fun to play. longterm 92 By the time you get bored with this you’ll either be a Mtf champion or a big loser. > v e R a u L 92 It’s Mortal Komb at 111 You’re going to love it or hat/ it and you probably already know where you stand. 50 »HYPER Available: NOW • Category: RPG • Publisher: INTERPLAY • Players: ONE • Price: $99.95 • Rating: M15* • Min. Requirements: 4860X33 with 8 Meg. CAN'T WE JUST GET ALONG? CALAMARI RINGS TONIGHT! YUMMY THE AMAZING EXPLORING OCTOPUS ■i B>5 bS:- PC CD ROM Come with me now on a journey back to the dawn of time. The earth, taking form from a cloud dust and gas, hardens and cools. Volcanoes erupt violently, an atmosphere is created. Slowly lift begins as proteins become single celled animals which become plants and then fish. Soon amphib ians are crawling out of the mud to breathe the air of the new world. At around this time Brian Fargi and Tod Camasta of Interplay start talking about something they call "Dungeon Came". As moun-^^^ tain ranges rise and fall and Ice Ages come and go the project slowly takes shape as "Stonekeep”. aI» script is written and the guys at Interplay wait patiently through the development of the wheel and^^T the electric toothbrush for the tech¬ nology to realise their dream. Stonekeep has been on Inti Centuries fly by until at last all is deW 08 ^ tO remember ready, production work starts on gjifgjc tjip dUnOEOn capturing the live video sequences and everything goes well for rive month* until traged^| strikes; You mean this thing takes batteries?" were, I think, the cameraman’s final words After several more disasters (programmer Peter Oliphant being kidnapped by Godzilla,I Interplay’s office coffee machine being refilled with International Roast etc.) Stonekeep i: ready for the CES trade show. Almost. Interplay executives stand agape when they see tha their carefully crafted video grabs for the game have been accidentally replaced by ol footage of Mr. Squiggle, CES visitors leave bemused. But perseverance eventually pays off foi the Stonekeep team and here, at last, it is Legendary Relay* £ P r o b I _ _ Stonekeep has probably built up more expectation than any other RPC in history due to it: rii^r^’sxeleasB scht here thougl NOW WHERE MAVI Wl SEEN THIS CHAP RCrORC? almost legendary series of delays and problems. The story is an all too familiar one though. You, as young adventurer Drake, must searcra through the massive Stonekeep and find the Goddess Thera's orb so that you can free her from the evil clutches of Khul-Caan (who als< happened to wipe out your entire family, and molest the chickens, when you were just a helpless little boy). Drake starts the game with bare chest and bare knuckles and must quickly find armour and weapons to survive this first person dungeon world Stonekeep is a ’traditional' RPC in every sense of the word; one step at a time movement, endless passages and doorways, a bit of hack'n'slash and some magic thrown in to boot. This is both its strength and its weakness. Die hards will love the full screen graphics and easy interface, the combin¬ ing of video and computer animation with the game environment has been done exceptionally well (this is what caused 12 months of delays so it should be!), and is easily the best I ve seen on this type of game. The interface is simplicity itself with no on-screen menus or buttons, an automap¬ ping, auto-notetaking diary to keep track of things and a magic scroll which keeps all your goodies in order (there are no limits on the amount of objects you can carry). The atmosphere of the game is definitely enhanced by the dark, moody music and the audio effects are also quite good. Mothbally Smell RPC buffs will revel in this 'comfortable' environment, but gamers used to the pace of Hexen or Crusader may find it a bit dated. Stonekeep suffers a bit from the same disease that afflicted Interplay's earlier release, Dungeon Master 2. That game was hopelessly out-[ dated by the time of its release and Stonekeep. while not being anywhere near as crusty, still gives off a bit of that nice mothbally smell you may associate with your grandmother or other elderly relative.! The main reasons being its antique step-by-step movement and dull combat system. The heart of any RPC is its combat system and Interplay, unfortunately, have blown it by using another RPC cliche, the point and click mouse battle. Guys, its just not that excitingl Haven’t you ever played Doom? The combat’s only half the fun you say, what about the puzzles? What puzzles? All the ones I encoun-[ tered were very simple, straightforward annoyances rather than puzzles. Cosh I have to find the round shaped thingy to go in that hole?l And I have to walk back through the umpteen levels I just finished to get it? Oh what joy.[ Stonekeep is a game for the die hards out there who must RPC at any cost in order to protect their delicate souls from the outside world. If that s you, then this game is a treat, with endless levels of magic and monsters. visuals SO Very monotonous brick walls but nice monsters and video bits. s o u rvj d S 9 Rich atmospheric tones reminiscent of that "D" game. ca M E p L a y TV Traditional RPG fare, a bit dated. Definitely one for the addicts. lo n c t e R M 7S This is a big game with lots and lots to see Imost of it being bricks). OVERALL SO As they say in the maternity business, this one’s overcooked. If it had been released when it was supposed lo be it would have been very impressive. DON ? CALL ME A HERO, JUST OOING MV JOR HYPER» SI on mPD 321KT 32 - 33 • 3S - 7S0DFT LR5 2 8 nm LASER FIRMS hir cnT It was with great trepidation that I greeted the news that DID were to do a serious combat flight sim. TFX was a feast of eye candy but was tragically short on substance, it’s predecessor F-29 Retaliator an even more extreme case of this most heinous flight sim crime. These are folks that specialise in fine looking 3D, and we assumed that EF2000 would look fabulous, but would the meat of the game shape up? It does indeed. I’ve been playing this one to death and can happily report that for the most part EF2000 is a hell of a nice combat flight sim. The world is a strange place though, and the 3D that is DID’s field of expertise is by far and away the game s weakest point. I’m not talking about the terrain and the objects inhabiting it - they're the best that’s ever been seen in this sort of game. No, what we have here is a revolutionary idea that simply doesn't work. A P « I it 1« the Butt What DID have tried to do is replicate a full 3D cockpit. It’s an idea that really had to be tried, but pity poor DID because it s a complete disaster. Instead of the traditional fixed anray of instruments along the bottom half of the screen, you get a free floating virtual cockpit that you’re supposed to move around in by way of the keyboard, Thrustmaster or CH coolie hat and mouse. It strikes you as kinda neat at first because all the instruments are fully functional, but this functionality is ironically only aesthetic. You just can t glean any useful information from them, for the cockpit is both highly pixilated and worst of all, moves around dramatically as a result of the slightest joystick movement. This last feature is supposed to simulate the effects of g-forces on the pilot. Pull back, for example, and he 11 slump in his seat with the cockpit correspondingly moving up on the screen. While to some extent this does produce the desired result, it also hopelessly ruins any hope of playing the game in this mode. Performing mild manoeuvres is a pain in the butt, trying to survive in an intense dogfight while the cockpit swivels, twists and jumps around the place madly is impossible. Your view of the outside world is constantly hidden by a curtain of instruments you can’t even read, you rarely have any idea which way your plane is heading or what s going on around it and motion sickness is a very real probability due to the extreme degree of cockpit movement. So you turn it off and fly with the full-screen HUD mode on, it’s either that or take it back to the shop for a refund. Checking instruments and radars involves a convoluted "virtual look down and check it out" routine. It’s how you re supposed to do it with the 3D cockpit and either way it’s just another case of DID showing they really have no idea. A basic radar and threat indicator can be superimposed over the full-screen view, but to get useful information means going through the "look down" drama that takes a few \f surely seconds to run, not including perusal time. In fierce combat you’ll be blind for long enough to be either be shot down or crash into the ground. Inexcusable and idiotic. I Best Terrain Ever This pathetic design is a great shame, because the terrain (set in Norway) is the best ever. A palpable sense of altitude and velocity is gained just from looking around - far more so than any previous sim. Also brilliant are the missions. EF2000 mixes aerial ballet with down and dirty mud moving. DID claim their ground attack systems are the best yet developed for a PC sim. I think not, and while EF2000 is very impressive. Tornado is still the wearer of that crown. Dogfighting is # _ above average, but not exceptional. Enemies are driven by an AI We all have our favourite games. BEN MANSILL is partial to t hat ’ll have you sweating, but start praying if you run out of mis- combat fliqht Sims, SO when we gave him this we thoughtsiles because the gun HUD mode has a most annoyingly basic aim- we were domq a qood thinq. The unhappy look on his facets re,icle ’ n^«g gunfighting aof g u«*wotk and good iu«k. the next dav tola a differen t tale • • • ^ ^ 't enter service for a few years, so EF2000 is based on a bit of concrete fact dosed liberally with likely speculation. DID's EF2000 is a plausibly difficult chal¬ lenge to fly. Taking off is a little unrealistic, but landing feels more "right" than anything else of late. In flight, tree-top level terrain-hugging is an intuitive and mesmerising experience. Were it not for the abortion in the cockpit, EF2000 would be the finest all¬ round combat sim yet built. So, despite it’s massive shortcomings, EF2000 is worth playing just to experience the elements DID got right. NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO BE LOOKING AT IN A WAR ZONE f f aa R£4IO -a.r FKV, 01 at ■ « ■■■■ « q * n k * ■ n e7 I 1 86 HE HE HE, MOST GRATIFYING FUN THIS - . * SHOD 1 ‘ -- CL > CM »o visuals 9.y A mono menial tragpdy of perfection marred by ihe clumsy hand of a wellintentioned bul ill informed idiot. sound cVif finally, a jei engine sound that's more than annoying while noise. Incidental effects are both plentiful and convincing. a AM EPLAY 75 Gorgeous plane, great missions, dynamic battlefields, in flight refuelling, intelligent wingmen. accurate weapons characterislics. fjords... its almost got il all. lo n gterm SO fry as you might, no sane person could tolerate the agonisingly bad cockpit design for very long. overall (VO Not fairl Ihe perfect combat sim is tanlalisingly within reach...If they release a patch or upgrade with a proper cockpit we ll love it lo bits. Available: NOW • Category: FLIGHT SIM • Players: 18 • Publisher: OCCAN/DID • Price: $99.95 • Rating: G Min Requirements: 486 0X266; 8MB RAM: CD ROM PC CD ROM HYPER» S3 CLOSE UP OF A BUSY LITTLE COSMIC CORNER EASLIY KEEP TARS ON YOUR EMPIRE... GETTING A PLANET THIS FAR IS A RIG JOB, NOW RO IT ANOTHER 200 TIN Available: NOW • Category: STRATEGY • Players: ONE • Publisher: THE LOGIE FACTORY • Price: $99.95 • Rating G Reguirements: 486DX/3], 8 MB RAM. SVGA. 2 X Speed CD ROM pc CD ROM I’ve always had a soft spot for empire-building galactic conquest tactical combat resource management city devel¬ opment scientific advancement games. Yep. they really get me going. This affection stems both from my endless belief that I’m really a planted alien spy just waiting to be "triggered" (I’m ready! Take me now!), as well as 1000 accumulated hours playing the undisputed ruler of the genre. Master of Orion. So when Ascendancy hit my ergonomic workstation my chums thought I was talking in tongues - such was the incoherent babble that spouted forth from my dribbling mouth. First impressions of Ascendancy were so favourable that I instantly knew how my impending week off was going to be spent. Twas verily the perfect game, it seemed. One week on and I’m not so sure. A few games played through revealed some pure design genius, but also uncov- ere d a problem - just the one problem, but a biggie of galactic magnitude. Cosmic Glory First the game, later The Problem. Beginning a new game means choosing which of the 21 races (no humans, but very plausible aliens) you’ll be leading to cosmic glory. Each has a special ability, some are fabulously useful, like being able to see the structure of the entire galaxy and the movement of all enemy ships, others are just plain silly. But a choice of 21 special abilities means you can play the game in whichever way suits your style. Like almost every other game screen in Ascendancy, the main map screen is a shining example of a really well designed interface. Youl can choose from several galaxy sizes, with the game randomly generating each one fresh. Your galaxy is presented as a 3D sphere which can be rotated in either axis, you can also zoom in or out just about as far as you like. Initially this can be mighty confusing (especially with larger galaxies), but as you get out and explore the "star lanes" linking the dots are revealed and it all starts to make a little sense. Not all star lanes lead to Rome though, certain stars connect only to certain others, which is the key to the strategy element in Ascendancy. Enough exploring should reveal that your starting point is in fact part of a large collection of stars which can be entered only through one or two choke points. This allows you to develop a quiet little corner of the galaxy, with sentry ships needing only to be posted at the star that is your effective front gate. Each star can have any number of planets orbiting, which in turn could be any of the multitude of planet types. Some are richly produc¬ tive, others barren rock. Clicking on a planet shows it represented as an isometric view of resource squares. Upon these can be built vari-- ous structures which enhance that planet’s production and research capability. UPGnAnE time Developing planets is fundamentally what it’s all about. Ascendancy runs in an unusual pseudo real time mode. The action continues until something noteworthy happens, then the game automatically pauses so you can attend to your galaxy’s needs. A completed planet structure is the most common interruption by a galactic margin. Herein lies The Problem. BE NICE TO VOUn DOG, IT COULD EVOLVE AND MAKE THE RULES ONE DAV Construction of Automation is complete on Rhovid V Rhovid V has 4 free population for additional projects Go to Planet OR "DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN” _I ARGGGHHHH! can and should have it’s completed structures updated as new technolo¬ gy becomes available. The end result is that every game turn means • Me Problem Each planet can have dozens of development squares. By the time an average game gets up to speed you’ll have at least several hundred squares to attend to. each of which , If we don t blow ourselves up or poison the planet we ll be out exploring rhe galaxy one day, Ascendancy is the best way so far to live that fantasy on your PC. BEN MANSILL another dozen or few more factories or whaler to be built. Over the c Jjrse of a galne many thousand such^actions must be taken! This gets screamingly tedious and it kills me to say this, but the game is utterly spoilt as a result. 99.9% of Ascendancy is spent perj forming mundane chores. In one game I played which looked particularly exciting, I despatched my mighty fleet to do battle in al neighbouring system. In real time it should have taken about three minutes for the fleet to arrive, but a full two days (non-stop] real reality time) passed before they finally entered the war zone. During this time I was forced to build or upgrade another fevi hundred bloody structures manually. I was seriously about to throw a brick at the monitor, such was the mad frustration] This is a game for people with a heck of a lot of spare time and an extraordinary tolerance for things dull and mundane. I was play -1 ing an almost complete Beta and I hear that facility for leaving planet development up to the computer may be available. Unfortunately I also hear that the computer does an abysmal job. and to play properly you’ll want to customise certain planets! purely for ship building and others for research. This can only be done manually. It’s a tragic situation because Ascendancy is otherwise the best of the genre by light years. The technological advances are fascinating and their application even better. Combat is brilliant and is heavily dependant upon the highest technical level you can reach! Unfortuna^'w getting there means repeating the one boring action thousands of times when you sh^-’ * v, do it more than oncel AIN’T NO ALIEN'S GONNA MESS WITH THIS FLEET visuals #3 - Elegant and austere style in a SVGA so sharp you could cut your finger on it. The 3D spherical galaxy representation has been tried before but here it really works. ^ S o U M o 75 - Perfectly sparse effects and haunting yet unobtrusive background music. GAMEPLAY 75 - Pretty goddamn perfect, but for The Problem. If you can bear with it you're in for a monster of a strategy experience. 50 LONGTERM 75 - One average game takes about a week (no work or school). For the most part the game is so compelling you'll be at it for months, but for The Problem. ^ overall 50 • It's agonising how dose to perfection Ascendancy comes, only to be dragged down to the heap of mediocrity because of just one bad design element. olice station, or factory or just about anything else everyday and ordinary. he inhabitants of this universe behave just as they should too. Receptionists sit behind desks while being chatted up by suited young small groups gather in the park for a chat, workers toil over industrial equipment - in short, what we have here is the most convinc- virtual reality I’ve ever seen, reality being the key word. Now the idea, of course, is to take out the baddies and leave the civilians be. But in effect the end result is that Tekwar is the most perfect vehicle thus far for budding Wade Frankum type frustrated postal workers. It’s a fair bet that the first time buyers of Tekwar fire it up, they’ll run happily around blasting hapless civvies and laughing madly mercy. We did. This is completely at oaas with WiITiam "the pacifist sliatner’s decree that the game include stun weapons and encouragement via mission guidelines that only forces of evil cop your walloping. Let’s not call them “Doom clones”anymore, OK? The 1 rst-person genre encom passes a H jgjme styles^and Tali , u^.v MAI lid. This is completely at oi that’s HOW TO MOTIVATE LAZY WORKERS... Rampaging Blast Eventually though, this anti-social flavour of fun will wear off and you’ll be wanting to play the game for real. The sooner you take it seriously the better. Tekwar is a hell of an impressive game and it can be extremely rewarding. Plot alert! Tek is a drug that has a tight hold on the minds and wallets of tomorrow’s working class. The cartel that runs the show has split its resources into several different zones in a bid to make the fight against them more difficult. Through each of these you’ll rampage, busting up deals in progress, blasting the plentiful henchpeople and ultimately taking out the drug lord in each zone. Sporting a refreshingly subtle toupe, Mr Shatner briefs you on the specific objectives before you head off. It’s generally not required viewing, but is worth it just to experience the bewildering realisation that the man still hasn’t learnt to act after all these years. Besides looking wonderful, this world boasts a staggering array of devices and cool secret bits. You can jump on a desk and rip off the ven¬ tilation grill, then embark on a sneaky journey through the labyrinth before leaping out in some far away place ordinarily unreachable, paddies play dead too. the nondescript corpse you just passed may suddenly open fire just as your back is turned. Bathroom mirrors show Lour reflection, until you blow it into a million shards of glass. Passing cars, trucks and the like can be leapt upon for a free ride through Lwn. The subway train must be ridden on to reach new areas and can be used as a moving weapons platform as you race past the stations Lniping at waiting commuters. The detail is mind blowing. In fact, half the fun is exploring the brilliant world Capstone have created. Something as good as this can’t be perfect and it’s not. Often you’ll be taking hits from a mystery sniper you simply can’t see. Even the Ltock standard baddies can be very difficult to make out clearly amidst the lush backdrops. Major PC horsepower is needed to run in SVCA too. Low res is fine on any old PC. but for high res. you’ll be needing a Pentium 90 as bare minimum. A mighty pleasant surprise this. It’s way more the thinking killer’s Doom than Dark Forces was. Take a close look. visuals 93 low res. looks fine, but SVGA is a special treat that last Pentium owners would be mad to miss out on. sound 78 * Pretty good but not fantastic. Meatier gun sounds would have pleased me greatly, but it’s a real world simulation here, not a fantasy blastfest. came play 90 All up. this is huge fun all up and one not to miss if you can help it. LONGTERM 85 Network play extends the life a little. Hell, you could conceivably play through against the computer a few times over and not lose the thrill. overall 90 One of the better first person action games we’ve ever seen. A little more work and it could have been one of the all time great games. Available: Now • Category: Action • Players: 116 • Publisher: Capstone • Price: $99.95 • Rating: MI5* PC CD ROM 60 »HYPER A PROFFESSIONAL RAZOR INSPECTOR, OLD ONE EYE I DON'T WANNA GO TO ANY OF THOSE PLACES THOUGH... NSIOE THE HYPER STAFF CAR UMM... DAME? COME ON GUYS, SMILE ALREADYII PC CD ROM A Scott Anger Adventure". That’s how Philips and Beam Software have chosen to promote their big new release Not. it should be noted, as "The World’s First Interactive Multimedia Movie (Really. Truly. Honestly This Time)” This could be a good thing, Stuart remarked. If it doesn't sell itself as an interactive movie, then it may very wel turn out to actually be one. That is, by concentrating on being a game with the added bonus of FMV, rather than the opposite, it might just M a k e f e b a c k Let s begin with the plot. Long derided for being a waste of time and mostly completely ridiculous, the plot is making a comeback. With this sort of game it doesn’t have any choice - bad plot, bad game - there’s nothing else there to hold your attention. In The Dame Was Loaded you have been cast as Scott Anger, hard-boiled 1940s Private Investigator, very much in the Phillip Marlowe tradition. A month ago, girlfriend (or should I say dame), Angela Donald, a nightclub singer, was murdered in a shoot-out in the alley behind your office. Sinci then you’ve been to the very depths of despair, your only company being the bottle. But now, thankfully, you seem to be getting your lif< back together again. You’ve even decided to return to your PI work with your partner, Ralph Spencer The first morning back at the office you sit down and in walks Carol Klein, a pretty, young, country girl (played by the ever-talented Tiffany Lamb, wh we have all admired in shows such as Paradise Beach and TVTV) whose brother. Dan, has apparently gone missing. This is what you needed - anothe case to get you back into the swing of things, and a gorgeous girl waiting for you once you've cracked it. And this is also where the game starts C r u i s I n C a d I I | Australia's very own Beam Software get into the PC adventure biz in a big way with The V Loaded. DAVID WIL ideo and 1 video an dgameplay are not mutually exclus' cularly pleased to see me. our took my mfney quflfe happily. Neither Ralph advised me to check out the police station to see if Dan has a record, or maybe the newspaper in case he may have made the headlines in some way. I hopped into my Cadillac and checked my street map. From here I could click on a location and be taken there auto¬ matically. Always being one for personal grooming, I decided to visit the barber’s and get a shave. Mack the barber (the bloke with the eye-patch) is good for a little gossip. Next I went to Meg’s Diner, where I ordered a coffee and some donuts. Meg wasn’t particularly pleased to see me, btf took my mfiney quflfe happily. two were incredibly useful to me, but they do contribute to the overall feel of the game. They give the city a bit of character and Eventually I popped over to the offices of the Tribune, to have a peek into their Morgue (that’s where old newspapers go to die). Here met up with Frankie Henderson, an old flame as it turns out. She wasn’t impressed when I offered her a donut. And she didn't recognise Dan. Nor did the Morgue reveal any secrets. OK, how about the police then. Officer Denton (a very gruff Cus Mercurio) was manning the front desk, and I managed to persuade to help me out. All such encounters are played out using video footage for most of each character’s responses. Every important clue be shown this way, with the irrelevant bits just spoken over a static picture. You interact in one of two ways. Conversation involves selecting a name or topic from the list provided and then listening to the reply. All the usual adventure-type icons are in attendance well - look, pick-up, use etc - you should know them intimately by now Anyway, it turns out that Dan Klein does indeed have a few secrets he hasn’t told his sister about. Perhaps those denizens of the underwork (and your good friends, of course) Mickey and CC might have heard of Dan. Next stop - the seedy Jake’s Joint. But I’ve already said too much.. A CRUSTY OLD BLOCK OF UNITS .. , _ ame. Was inds out. that full-motion v exclus * Tongue Cheek Approach The Dame Was Loaded is a very good-looking game. Whenever you enter a new location you see a short sequence that pans around the room and shows any people that might be there. The quality is great, it’s certainly smooth, and the resolution (while not being as good as it looks here on the page) is more than adequate. There’s not a huge variety in colour, but - hey, that’s realism for you! I’m no film critic, but the level of acting seemed to vary wildly throughout the game. Some performances aren’t too bad at all, while others really ham it up, and one or two make you squirm with denched-buttocks embarrassment. But I liked it. It suits the tongue-in-cheek approach of the whole game. One of my usual complaints with adventure games is the hopelessly linear gameplay. The Dame Was Loaded, surprisingly, offers a bit more lee-way than most. Perhaps it was simply my expectations, but I was a bit shocked when Dame turned out better than I thought it would be. I’d even have to say I liked The Dame Was Loaded. And if you like detective thrillers, adventure games or a send-up of film noir, then you’re sure to get plenty of enjoyment out of this too. YOU JUST STAY BEHIND THOSE BARS BUDDY visuals c S 6 The video looks very nice and it leaves room for some gameplay as well. sound 85 Top speech throughout, plus some cool jazzy tunes on your car radio. gameplay 82 Well above average adventuring fare with a good, solid story. longterm 60 * Still, you will only play it through once. overall 82 full Motion Video adventure game with gameplay. Whatever next, eh? HYPER» 61 »HYPER Available: Now • Category: Action/RPG • Players: M • Publisher: iO • Price: $99.95 • Rating: MI5* PC CDROM Once more, it happens. The hairs on the back of my neck are rising, desperate breaths are drawing shorter and shorter, sweaty palms fumble with a slippery overworked joystick as the tortured cries of unspeakable monsters rend apart the fetid dungeon air. I swear Til never accept another dinner invitation to Stuart's place again, even if I live to be a hun dred. what? It was only a game? Hexen? wha.. Sharpen The Knives Phew that was close, nearly lost it there, it's amazing what a good dose 01 smelling salts and a fresh kipper can do in these situations. Yes folks, the| wait is over. Hexen, the great grandson of Doom, is here. Rejoice, rejoice am sharpen the knives Those fabulously twisted souls at iD have trawled the' depths of their fevered minds to find yet more ways to wrack our souls with terror, yet more cunning traps and fiendis Hexen breaks further away from the Doom mould than Heretic did before it by giving you the option of choosing one of three a fighter, a cleric and a mage. If this sounds a bit RPCish, don't panic, it's still all hack, slash and bum, baby! The different simply differ in their abilities in combat; the fighter is strong, fast and powerful, while the weaker mage can keep his dist< long range magic blaster, clerics are a compromise between the other two classes being equally good at hurling bolts of deadly spell power or engaging in slightly more inti¬ mate, face to face carnage. lach of If a time to get hooked all over again* Hexen S off ware' a Heretic game engine a bout a a far a a if can go and flte world Ia a It appier place beca mac of if, arnnnF cnnnonc i.* .n • _. n GEORGE SOROPOS i mmerACA UiwtAel f in a magicalln , Acartj advenfnre*.. the classes also uses different weapons, five different flavours each, and, while they all battle across the same world, the creatures they each face differ slightly as well Hexen abandons the heirachical level structure of the previous games and presents a world in which every level interconnects with every other via ethereal Travel" You can no longer be sure that "the switch to that door just has to be on this level somewhere", as chances are it won't be! The layout and look of the terrain has that familiar Doom/Heretic feel, and the designers probably do that deliberately as! they know that a lot of tragic, alienated people like me feel more at "home" here than anywhere else. This is also about the only critisisrrJ I can make of Hexen in that one gets the feeling that a lot more ideas here could have spiced up the game considerably Spine Chilling Effect! Some of the monsters will surprise you however, and there's a very rude Centaur that has a shield which completely negates your attacks lust wait for him to move though and he's vulnerable. And the sound, well I personally think iD must have some sort of knowledge ofi psycho acoustics because there is simply no other game, even after all this time, that comes close to having the spine chilling effect thati these guys have been able to produce since the very first Doom, and in Hexen there's more scary sounds than ever m the curent climate of self importance and bombasity by software companies each trying to out bull the other, it's not only comforting but sneakily satisfying that such a down to earth bunch as iD so obviously is (what other company gives you DOS prompt command A knight club switches and interchangeable wad files?), can gather and keep a large and loyal following for no other reason than having a damn good product.There are many far bigger companies who have a lot learn from this! visuals 92 The terrain will feel like home but the house guests are far from pleasantl sound 94 Awesome, scary spine-tingling stuff. gameplay 93 Not quite as revolutionary as Doom was when it was released but still one of societies few entertaining and non lethal addictions longterm 94 Choice of different characters almost makes this three games in one. You'll kill and kill and kill some more. overall 94 If you re a fan you won t need me to tell you to go out and buy it. and if you're not. then who’s bottom have you had your head stutk up for the last two years? 64 »HYPER byte size Actud go PLAYSTATION BladeforceJ AVAILABLE: now CATEGORY: action PLAYERS: ONE NFL Quarterback '9b PUBLISHER: STUDIO 3 PRICE: NO SV1IUBU: MOW fAHGORY: SPORTS EGA DRIVE mvms i 4 I'llBlISHIR: ACCLAIM PRICE: T9 9.9 5 RAIIM. C. JAN CATEGORY: GOLF PLAYERS: 1-4 ' PUBLISHER: GREMLIN PRICE: TBA RATING: G Remember that episode of The Young Ones where Rik says, "Okay, hands up, who likes me?" and the other three immediately throw their arms to the floor? Well, walking into the HYPER office and say- ing, "Okay, hands up, who likes golf games?" would no doubt prompt an identical response. Why, when you could be thrilling to the exhilarating speed of Wipeout or the insane carnage of Destruction Derby on your spunky new Playstation, would you want to be playing a golf simulation? If it were left to Studio 3DO to be the sole designer It's not even a real simulation of golf. Oh no, this isoi games for the 3DO then boy would they be in trou- f Actua Golf. What on earth does that mean? Something ble because for the most part what they've produced Some people have no shame. It’s easy to that's nearly like something that's not quite like the real has been CRAP! Do you think if Bladeforce really was tell who they are, because they’re usually thing? I don't understand, an exciting third generation 3DO game where they the ones with no talent, originality or ere- Actua Golf may be quite a decent golf game. It certainly has really utilised the machine’s latent strengths, that itativity either. Ouch! The people at Acclaim enough options to satisfy even the most anal of golf freaks, would be languishing back here in Byte Size? Of who are responsible for this shameless Two complete courses, loads of comps (matchplay, strokeplay, course not and Bladeforce disappoints in a big way.ripoff should be carefully whipped on the skins, foursomes etc), heaps of players, a plethora (yes, a there’s no doubt about that. buttocks with wet towels. plethora) of settings to fiddle with (wind, weather, difficulty, It’s supposed to be a 3D shoot ’em up with 6 direc- NFL Quarterback is basically EA Sports ten camera angles, maps, tap-ins, and on and on it goes), tions of movement and amazing rendered city John Madden Football’s evil twin brother enough to make your eyes water. But, god, it's a boring game, scapes. In reality, whilst the game engine is fast and(say that without taking a breath!) — you The only thing to engage my attention was the view that there’s quite a bit of variety in where you can go. theknow, the one who’s not quite as pretty, let you wander all over the hole (Doom-like) before teeing game is let down by an appalling lack of anythingand gets beaten up in the end. It’s been off. This made me think about how you could improve golf decent to look or shoot at! awhile since I’ve seen a game soooo close games. What they need to be is not "golf games" but rather Really, Shockwave looks better than this and isto another. Close in many ways except for games based on the sport of golf. You would tee-off normal- probably about seventy times more fun to play (Ithe only area where it would actually have ly, then it would switch to a first-person view and you'd set always did think it was underrated!). You fly throughbeen OK. The gameplay department. off to find your ball. Along the way there'd be snipers hiding the city of Meggagrid and take out the "enemies” Someone definitely slipped something in the trees taking pot shots at you, booby-traps in the{ indistinct turret shapes or indistinct flying poly- into the pre-game Gatorade, because rough, rich wankers driving around in buggies trying to gons) before capturing the level boss. There are sev- these footballers perform like blind goril- mowyoudown stray golf balls flying past your head, eral different Crime Bosses to capture and seeing how las. The control pad response was really they all bought their equipment from the same bloke, quite sluggish. If you ask me (and you are all their military hardware is exactly theif you’re reading this), it felt like playing same.oooh boy. is it boring! a test version for one of the Madden The world of Meggagrid is a poorly conceivedgames. I guess I needn’t be so nasty, it’s cyberpunk cliche, the storyline is pretty standard just that there’s no point to clones like and most of it doesn’t go anywhere near to explain- this one when there’s an original out ing why you’re zipping around an approximation of there which does the job so much better, a cityscape taking out extras from Tron. There’s not and has been doing it better for years, much to rave about in the sound either, as the soundGive me the fluidity, response and clarity effects are uninspiring, there’s no in-game speechof a Madden game anyday. i played my and the "Guitar Rock" sound track sound like YngwieCOpy of Madden ‘95 to death. Malmsteen jamming along with a Casio Organ) But to return to the problem at hand... (thankfully it can be switched off). As for theNFL Quarterback is still a healthy football Cinematics, they’re slick but unappealing. game - if you’re an NFL fanatic. Some The game engine itself is very smooth and hopefullynice realistic pics of the ref are in there. Studio 3DO will put it to good use some day (aclear dialogue and stats galore, piles of "Wipeout” Styled racer perhaps?). The high fps rate is wasted here, and the game tries to be both sim and arcade game but fails to replicate the game- play elements of either style. Instead it sits in an uncertain middle ground, and becomes an altogether confusing and disappointing example of the 3DO Company shooting itself in the foot once more. quicksand in the bunkers and piranhas or something in the water hazards, lit¬ tle kids who scoot onto the course and nick your ball, bonus points for hitting the cars in the carpark, and anything else that might add some spice to a very dreary gaming genre. I don't care if something is an "accu¬ rate simulation". If it's not fun to play, then it's not a good game. TO TO To DAVII) WILOGOOSE TO RUSSELL HOPKINSON plays and a game engine which is Madden all over. So if you’re a big American Football fan, you can’t go too far wrong with that. But the ver¬ dict is that it just doesn’t play as well — and that is all that matters. Save your golden pennies for the release of Madden ’96 which is charging over the horizon. It should TO ■ °S7 than NFL Quarterback Club. ^ ELIOT FISH NOW ATEGORY: BEAT ’EM UP LAYERS: 1-2 PUBLISHER: ACCLAIM Separation Anxiety ilffif, FRILL yQQ.Q! marks 0:U'< AVAILABLE: now EATEGORY: RACING PLAYERS: 1-4 PUBLISHER: CODEMASTERS PRICE: *99.95 f t i -Min AVAILABLE: now CATEGORY: sports PLAYERS: 1-4 PUBLISHER: EA SPORTS PRICE: NO RRP RATING: G No one will argue that the original FIFA sent heads spinning at Christmas '93, when it burst onto the scene and shamed most other sports sims on the paddock. Somehow though, 1 thought it managed to go backwards with FIFA 95 - yes, it had domestic competitions and some other bells and whistles that I can’t remember right now, but some of the fluidity and grace of the original ver¬ sion seemed lacking. To me at least, it seemed that the quest for tactical correctness had somehow seen No, this ain't a game about gun-tot- pace and ease of play suffer. There’s nothing wrong with ing psychologists or karate proficient making a game tougher, but I don’t believe making it less psychiatrists, though it might have fun should also be part of the equation, been better if it was. It is, in fact, How then does FIFA'96 stack up? Pretty well actually. Sure, a not her Spiderman game! Great, the 16 bit original is now eating the dust of FIFA on the 3D0huh? Well, you’d think that a whole and PC CD-ROM but it’s bounced back well on its homey ear on from Maximum Carnage Apparently this game was a monster hit on the Amiga ground. Some rather extravagant claims (that I don't neces-((Spidey’s previous scrolling beat ‘emPerhaps Codemasters have completely stuffed up this con- have lived with it for a couple of years. r, P r‘. r ^ sarily buy) are made for its new features, but generally Up), things would have improved dra- version, because I cannot see how such a mediocre game speaking, the kinks of 95 have been corrected, even If thematically. Hah ha ha. Well, let mecould have proved so successful. Mediocre games that are original thrill of the game may never return to those whosee... I guess that at least the game’s successful are generally only so because they have spectac- so pissy so quickly that you won’tular graphics which look very convincing in magazines and waste any time on it, leaving you on the back of the box. Super Skidmarks does not have spec- more time for Killer instinct or Doom. That’s good. Er... it makes you laugh. That’s good. Gee. I think that’s it. Play together with a friend as The good bits: new animation sees more detailed sprites lame beat ’em up action. See if you performing a greater range of moves, it’s faster and harder Can spot Captain America, (but this time in a good way), you have new attackingDaredevil, Ghost Rider and others. Spidey and Venom, punching atmaybe it’s both. baseball cap clad dudes, and then at Super Skidmarks, as the name might suggest, is a racing each other in an arguement overgame. And it’s very much in the Micro Machines style. That who s to blame for playing the game is, it doesn’t take itself too seriously. There are four series of in the first place. That should prove tracks, each with their own unique visual trimmings (beach, to be vaguely more exciting. Of wood, snow and desert) and own type of car (buggy, mini, course, if you throw caution to thejeep, big American car). There are loads of drivers (well, wind and actually play into thecars actually - you don’t get to see the drivers) with silly game, you’ll discover a smattering of names like Undies and Putrid. Yes, it’s that funny. And Marvel characters and some very there are two different racing modes - Championship, tainly enhances the enjoyment factor. The downside? None really. If you don’t have this game on one platform or another it’s time to emerge from the shed. There’s no real difference between the SNES and Mega Drive ver¬ sions, by the way. STRETCH ARMSTRONG tacular graphics and the gameplay is seriously flawed, so what else am I to conclude? Either Codemasters have done a very bad job porting SS across to the Mega Drive or most of the Amiga games buying public in the UK are very stupid. Or ingly well) or a full-screen you-get-penalised-for- falling-too-far-behind mode. But it doesn’t work. The cars are very twitchy, skid and slide about everywhere, bounce ridiculously off the sides of U where you race through each series against five other cars, ♦ and Match Race, where you can race on any track you wish. - - --• There’s also an option to allow up to four people to join in. moves (a step over fake and a rainbow kick, but they’re notlt’s really not that exciting, but lfYoucanchooseeithersplit-screenmode(whichworkssur- easy to perform), there is now an excellent practice mode you’re a Marvel comic Wierdo then itjprisingly well) or a full-screen you-qet-penalised-for- and, best of all, the player with the ball can now utilise a will be vaguely rewarding. The game also contains some of the *1 worst sound effects I’ve heard on thes_,___ player names, from the Italian and Brazilian World CupSNES. So bad in fact that they'vethe track, accelerate too quickly, 7 nd~so on the whole thing teams right down to the Sarawak goal keeper in theinduded some textual BIFFs and POWs degenerates into an uncontrollable mess Despite looking Malaysian league. This may not affect the gameplay but cer- so that you know that what you’recute and silly, it's a pure racing game There are no Mario . . . .. hearing is not your SNES having some internal mechanical failure, if you’re after a run-of-the- mill, repetitive beat ’em up then this is the game for you! Kart-type bonuses to pick up, or any way of shooting your opponents, which is a gross oversight as far as I’m concerned. And final¬ ly. there’s a real lack of humour and charis¬ ma. The cars themselves are all very dull and, colour aside, look exactly the same. But, they’ve got wacky names! Oh. well that's alright then. Super Skidmarks is a very ordinary game and certainly isn’t even fit to polish Micro Machines’ bumper bar. DAVIO WILOGOOSE HYPER» 65 66 »HYPER byte size Sim isle llfnrms FL LD HUM AVAILABLE: NOW CATEGORY: SIMULATION PLAYERS: ONE PUBLISHER: MAXIS PRICE: NO RRP AVAILABLE: NOW CATEGORY: platform/puzzler PUBLISHER: TEAM 17 SOFTWARE PRILL: TBA HATING: G Trial By Magic AVAILABLE: NOW CATEGORY: RPC PLAYERS: ONE PIIRIISHIR SILVER LIGHTNING PC CD ROM PRIff: S 59.95 KAIING: G8 iis game. I knew it was never going to be the greatest game in the world, but I was hoping that beyond the cliche Dungeons 6 Dragons scenario, beyond the naff. Amiga-on-a-bad-day graphics, beyond the jerky animation, beyond the dreary surface of the gameplay, the seemingly endless wandering around drab corridors finding the occasional foe to slay, treasure chest to plunder or secret door to open, beyond the dreadful speech during the cut-scenes, and beyond the fiddly control method there would be a nice, cuddly little game - endearing in its mediocrity - that could charm its way into my heart. Just when you thought the world has run out of I had to think this way for Trial By Magic is, after all, an Lemmings clones, along comes another one. Australian game. But, I must admit, my hopes weren t Worms is a strategy platform game with a differ- exactly high. mce; its a hybrid between Lemmings and Cannon So, imagine my surprise when I found myself having a bit Fodder and designed to appeal to your nasty of fun. Well, maybe not so much "fun” exactly, but I don’t side. Kill or be killed is the only rule that matters know, I was compelled by this game. Admittedly, the sce- Sim- from simulation; meaning i) pretending or feigning, is up to four platoons of four worms slug it outnario was still cliched. the graphics still naff, the animation 2) assumption of a particular form, n a multi-directional scrolling landscape. still jerky, the speech still dreadful, and the control system This being the case this is definitely a Sim Computer Came. It may sound silly (well, actually it is) but it still fiddly, but the gameplay was compelling. Wandering It pretends to be fun and amusing while assuming the jets worse. Each platoon of worms comesaround the endless corridors became a heart-in-mouth thrill appearance of a eco-friendly fluffy-bunny. tree hugger quipped with an arsenal; bazookas, Uzis, horn- of "what’s round the next corner?" anticipation. The fact tutorial. It’s actually a kind of fun game about trying to run ng missiles, exploding sheep, tunnelling equip- that you can only see as far as your torchlight extends con- a small island nation with industry, tourism and the envi- ment, banana bombs and much more. In addi- tributes enormously to this effect. ronment to organise, lion, the worms can also "Dragon Punch", and The occasional encounter with a dastardly foe became a Simlsle gives you the power over a nation of primitive vil- throw fireballs with explosive effect. But thefiercesome, toe-to-toe. battle to the death. Discovering a lagers in a resource rich land. You must create powerful city iction doesn’t stop there, as worms can even treasure chest and plundering the gold and gems contained states of natural beauty and fine technology, be a captain perform individual finishing moves whichwithin became an exciting, sparkle-m-the-eyes moment. of industry, manage those resources, alleviate that econom- nclude using a chainsaw and baseball bat. _ | ic pressure and bring your common man to a higher, car- There’s no danger of the carnage slowing down driving, furniture-buying, mass-consuming state. If you either, as throughout the game weapon crates get your kicks out of the various Sim-games by wielding ire scattered over the playfield and airstrikes Cod-like power, constructing machinery to fatten your bank :an be used too. The winner being the person accounts, enslaving the poor and weak to build huge pollu- * ith the most survivors at the end of a scrap, tion riddled monstrosities, riding the razor’s edge of public Worms is a game that simply must be played to revolt to bleed your seething herd of humanity to further ^e believed. The game reeks of gameplay and empower your Fat Cat elite, then there is still something in :an get easily become very addictive. The this game for you. jraphics are adequate and effective and the The game mechanics are generally smooth, with a few bugs jame itself is crammed with options. There’s a that don’t ever slow you down too much. Information on ’ A 1 *- J the various aspects of your nation/empire is a bit piece¬ meal and it’s hard to keep track of where all the money goes and where all the money comes from. The scope of the game is excellent and you can go from farmers in grass huts to cities producing high technology. The only worry might be in the idea behind it. It sells itself as an eco-friendly game, trying to teach you the threat of industrialising rainforests. But playing the game, even reading the manual, the story’s different. You want to win, dou¬ ble the coal mine’s production, don’t v.ju, worry about the resulting pollution, / just stay in power. Buy the villagers off their land to build a ferry port for the ^ incoming tourist dollar, don’t worry " ( about the now homeless villagers OA they’ve moved to town to get jobs y dressing funny and singing in night¬ clubs. Yeah, its a joke, but it’s still i©*ui what you have to do to win. O r i ; - ' - »• i ■ f'crl tbIP network/modem option, time limits, sudden death modes and even a option to allow you to name your individual worms. As a one player game, Worms is pretty good, but as a two-or-more player game is where the|Triggering a hidden trap caused a few panic stricken sec- game really comes into its own. There are onds as you wonder what fate awaits your on-screen corn- countless of different strategies that can be panion. Surviving one of the twenty-five levels brings a used but the basic strategy is that you must smug sense of satisfaction and pride. Even stumbling MARTIN EGAN protect your worms whilst causing as much pain to the other teams as possible. A lot of pleasure can be gained depend¬ ing upon the persons you are play¬ ing with. The cocky player is always worthy of a shotgun to the head, while teaming up against the short tempered player is also fun. By the end of a Worms sessions many friendships will be in tatters. If you thought Lemmings was too cute but fun to play, then this game is for you. It will leave you itching for more. HARRY MARAGOS upon a scrap of food lying on the floor prompts a warm glow from the depths of your belly...but let’s not get too carried away. Thus, 1 will excuse Trial By Magic for its fashion crimes. And I will also excuse it for being nearly identical to the ancient PC/Amiga RPC, Legend (TBM has only one character compared to Legend’s four). Even though Legend is the superior game. Trial By Magic is alright really; there are far bet¬ ter games around (there are many that are far worse too), but diehard RPC fans will lap this up. DAVin WILRGOOSE "33 °Tt) LOM ^m I 3-D Ultra Pinball iiinmti PLAYERS: 1-4 ELECTRONIC ARTS PRICE: G8 MIINE: HI.IS doesn’t excite - everything is too small and distant. Plus there are a few annoy¬ ing graphical glitches where the ball sort of hesitates for a second and puts your timing right off. Ultra Pinball has some cool ideas, but the basic pinball game underneath doesn't quite measure up. OAVID WILDGOOSE rum twin; AVAILABLE: NOW CATEGORY: pinball PLAYERS: 1-4 PUBLISHER: SIERRA PRICE: f79.9 5 RATING: G Here’s an interesting idea. Sierra have taken their somewhat disappointing strategy epic, Outpost, ripped it apart, and rebuilt it as a pinball game. You have to build a space colony, adding build¬ ings and mines and stuff, and eventually you will launch a Starship (sadly, 1 didn’t make it that far). This means you have tangible goals in mind, rather than playing to accumulate as many points as you can. The game is split over three tables, each of which has a main table plus two smaller sections at the sides. You begin on the Colony table, but when you’ve col- Does anyone remember a game lected the right bonuses you can warp to one of the otherChoplifter? ‘Twas a crusty old two - the Mine (pictured above) and the Command Postgame that involved piloting a ch tables. By collecting 20 Premium points (by hitting variousbehind enemy lines to find and targets and rollovers) you gain access to the Operations numerous hostages and return th< Centre where you can choose to build a new structure fora life of daytime TV and nasty fast food, your colony or pick up an extra ball or continue bonus Ahh, the American way, where would It’s no secret that team sports games usually leave me cold. Well, so far so much like any other pinball game we be without it? and not just ones played on ice either. This is usually because What makes Ultra Pinball different is that it takes advan- The reason l*m dribbling on about this is I always end up competing against the programmer’s dodgy tage of being a computer game, leaving behind pinball that Hellfire Zone is a very similar game, interface rather than the on-screen opponents. EA have over- not in presentation but in theme. Your come this problem, producing an absolute ripper of a game main task in Hellfire is the finding and that no sports fan can be without. NHL 96 kicks butt! retrieval of pilots downed behind enemy The gameplay is fast and fabulous. It takes a bit of prac- Imes. Well it wouldn't be much fun if they tice. even at the easiest level, to get to the point where you were lost in Darling Harbour would it? To can really give it some stick (so to speak), but this is only to achieve this end you are given an Apache be expected in a game which is so true to life. The movement attack helicopter armed with Stinger andof the players around the ice is very fluid and realistic, you Hellfire missiles, a chain gun and flareswon’t be able to pull off any sudden 180 degree turns for (what purpose bellbottoms serve on the instance (fans of soccer and football games may be a bit battlefield is still a mystery to me. but disconcerted by this but you’ll soon get used to it), and the perhaps the unlucky pilots only feel com- wide range of animated moves adds even more to the feel- fortable being rescued by members of ing of being there. Trip your opponent and watch him fall A fashion victims anonymous). over T and slide across the ice or shoulder charge him into The graphic front end looks quite unique; the wall and shout with glee as he wilts to a crumpled heap, big, detailed SVGA sprites dominate a If all that agro isn’t enough, NHL has returned with a fight slightly cramped playing area andmode that could almost be a game in its own right. The convention and doing things only a computer game can do. smoothly scrolls over nicely rendered ter- Mega Drive and SNES versions gave you a simple profile of There are five Challenges on each table - start one of theserain. Your chopper is viewed from a 3rd the two offending players and let you punch it out in 2D. but and you enter a sub-game where you might have to shoctperson perspective, like the 'external' now you can chase your opponent around the ice in 3D. an energy ball that hops around the screen, chase a meteor view on most flight sims, and controls arejlanding uppercuts, jabs and crosses. You can also pull off through tunnels, load a mine cart then hit it along the railjextremely straightforward, without much his jersey but this isn’t as much fun and could lead to tracks, ward off an alien attack, and many more, need to go to the keyboard. My main beef embarrassing propositions. These bonus games add a lot to Ultra Pinball, and make inhere is that the up-down joystick controls For those of you out there with particularly tight sphincters even quite enjoyable for a while. But there’s something lack- are the opposite of what most flight sim- there is enormous scope for creating your own teams, play¬ ing; the adrenalin rush of a game like Pinball Fantasies isn’tmers would be used to, and I find this toers and competitions, lots of mind boggling statistics to there. Ultra Pinball looks pretty, but the static screen|be not only very stupid but it really read, memorise and bore people at parties with. I have to detracts from the playability of the game as you will con¬ stantly find yourself going the wrong way. Most annoying! Hellfire Zone gives the impression of a Mega Drive on steroids, as it's a very ‘conso- ley' game, it's also very hard and some of you may get very frustrated with it. On the other hand 1 don't play a lot of this sort of thing so maybe it's just me! GEORGE SOROPOS give another big "Yay!” for the audio, which is about the best I’ve ever heard on any sports sim. The sounds of the sticks whacking, whistles blowing and pucks pucking must have been recorded inside a big stadium as all the ambience and reverb are there... lush. The only bad things I can say is that the puck is quite hard to see at times and that it’s too hard to initiate punch-ups, but apart from that its a winner. If you don’t have a Pentium though, be warned, the game will run SLOWLY. GEORGE SOROPOS W) Wj W HYPER» 67 68 »HYPER byte size Screamer The Riddle efi Master L LE: NOW RIVING PLAYERS: 1-7 Simple arcade fun. That’s what we have here. You H know the kind; funky music ever present, game- H play more show than substance, pumped up voice- H over dude - basically the sort of game that you’ll H be bored silly of within a week. H There’s nothing particularly tragic about H Screamer, but there’s nothing particularly good H about it either. It’s a racing game, as you may have H figured, which means only one thing is really important - how well the cars handle. Well they don’t, basically. Check out Ridge Racer either in an arcade or on a Playstation, it’s the game that was the inspiration for Screamer and features an almost identical driving model. It’s a driving model that bears no resem¬ blance to anything out here in reality. That in itself isn’t a criticism, because the game doesn’t try to simulate, it tries to entertain. To that end the dynamics have been tweaked tc| provide a wholesomely unrealistic drive, one which ia intended to be nothing more than clean, simple funj Unfortunately clean, simple fun sometimes ends up being mindless, boring crap. I’m sorry to say that that's pretty much i AVAILABLE: NOW EATEbORV: ADVENTURE PLAYERS: ONE PUBLISHER: SANCTUARY WOODS PRICE: #79.95 AVAILABLE: NOW CATEGORY: SHOOT 'EM UP PLAYERS: ONE PUBLISHER: NEW WORLD PRICE: #69.95 what we have here. Each race pits you against a horde of fluorescent supercars, and by default is set to three laps - which should give you a clear idea of how seri¬ ously it takes itself. It’s an OK game if you give it the respect it deserves (ie. none). Screamer’s biggest problem is that it just can’t offer any longterm value. Within a week or two at most you’ll have gotten everything out of this game that it can give. Network support is there, and in this guise Screamer will probably provide the most joy. But then every second game now offers network support, so we can’t use that as a selling point any more. To summarise: Screamer is a boring racing game with graphics that look fantastic on a Pentium 133 or better and a driving model that’s more a thing unto itself than any sort of simulation. tiis sort of point-and-dick ad tore game is on its last legs? it now take in exceptionally well crafted story for 1 maintain any degree of in in these sort of games. And an exception¬ ally well crafted story is something that le Of Master Lai does not have. During a routine infiltration of the world’s game makers, This is a boring game and infuriating asour deviously efficient investigative reporters managed to Well. I’m sure you've all spent numerous record the following exchange. Allegedly. ours sitting in front of the moni- Executive Production Manager: "How’s our latest product tor literally tearing your hair out in frus- coming along? Wet Ones or something, isn’t it?" _tration as you play some endlessly exasH Lead Visual Artist: "It’s Wetlands, sir. And it’s coming B ting adventure game. The sort in along quite well I believe. Take a look at this. [He plays an 1 you can't enter a particular buildingimpressively animated Wetlands demo in which a bloke runs m't go through this door or that door around various shiny high-tech locations, beating up ly because they aren't deemed utterlymasked guards, surviving earthquake tremors, getting cap- itial to the plot (why bother havingtured then escaping again, leaping into sleek ultra-fast sub- there in the first place?). The sort in marines, and chatting up a girl with unnaturally large which solving a puzzle consists of trial- breasts while everything is exploding around him], and-error mouse clicking, battling yourwhaddya think?’’ way through the various stock responses EPM: "Wow, that looks cool! So it’s, er, a kind of next genera- of "You can't do that" or "That's not going tion interactive adventure action multimedia, er thing, then?” to work" to your perfectly reasonable LVA: "Well, no. Try as we might, we just couldn’t manage requests. The sort in which the puzzles you to work any gameplay into these scenes, sir." come across are merely distractions from EPM: "Hmm, no interaction, eh? Don’t we have an old - oh, the storyline, artificial and contrived what’s it called? - shooty-sheoty type game lying around? It obstacles impeding your progress. was a clone of Micro Cosmic or Microcosm or something. Just TROML has found some new ways to infU- stick that in there somewhere, the customers won’t notice." riate as well, in attempting to become LVA: "Oh, you’re a genius, sir. Can I have my cheque now?! some kind of interactive multimedia EPM: "Here you go. Well done. Now tell me about this new extravaganza, it uses "real" actors to multimedia FMV 3D ray-traced next generation, er, interac- portray each character. This does not five rendered..." work. The actors are mostly appalling. Wetlands is one long gee-whiz cut scene with occasional they often appear to be floating abovepiss-weak shoot ’em up bits. Wetlands is a shallow, shame- the background, and it simply makes forless rip-off. Wetlands is crap. a very staid and limited game. Using I particularly liked the fact that you need to switch control "real" actors does not make a game like a film. You need dra¬ matic close-ups, multiple cam¬ era angles, some sense of action and movement. With big, empty, static locations populated by tiny characters, TROML fails on all accounts. And I haven't even mentioned the cringingly politically-cor- rect, sub-Indiana Jones non¬ sense that constitutes the plot. DAVID WI10G00SC devices at times (this entails quitting and re-installing in the middle of your game) because even though about 90% of the game can be completed using the mouse, there are several sequences that are just totally unplayable unless you’re using a joystick. Start with the joystick and you’re stuffed from the beginning. Dumb. DAVID WILDGOOSE the hive AVAILABLE: NOW mien Odijssei) steel AVAILABLE: NOW EATEGORV: SHOOT 'EM up PLAYERS: ONE PUBLISHER: TRIMARK INTERACTIVE _ PRIEE: f 99.95 RATING: G S n AVAILABLE: NOW EATEGORV: STRATEGY PIAYERS: 1-2 PUBLISHER: SSI PRITE: f 39.95 RATING: GS + Oh no t it's another FMV shoot ‘em up thingy from Philips. Thankfully this one’s a bit more interesting than most. You play the part of Psaph (named after the sound you made the first time you broke wind in your mother v s arms), a planetary surveyor who has crash landed on the world of Betan. You have made a friend of Gaan, one of an oppressed race of aliens and the two of you must find a way off the planet as well as saving it Ifrom destruction. The Hive is one of the first games to be released exclusively Alien Odyssey is essentially threel for the Windows 95 operating system. It is incredibly prettygames in one, with the aim of the first to look at and really showcases just what Win 95 can domissi on being to get to thej when it comes to slick graphics and sounds. Communications Bunker via a stan-j The Hive is strictly an arcade style game where thedard FMV type shoot ‘em up level very emphasis is placed firmly on action and subsequently the reminiscent (ie. a rip off) of the Endc player’s joystick dexterity, in a lot of ways it reminded me hover bike scene in Return of the iedi of LucasArts’ megahit Rebel Assault, where the player After this the game gets more inter¬ takes control of spaceship/laser-turret in a variety of dif-esting as the ‘Communications ferent environments with some mighty attractive cut- Bunker* section is a different game sequences thrown in to give the whole exercise a feeling of altogether. This part, along with the continuity and purpose, last section called ‘The Armoury* will The storyline is fairly typical sci-fi fare, and sees the playerlook familiar to anyone who has saving the galaxy from mutant bees known as Hivasects, played Alone in the Dark as they have whose honey possesses extremely harmful biological charac- the same polygon animation and fee teristics. The player must thwart the plans of an evil crime syn- The camera angles are a bit awkwar dicate who wishes to use this honey as a biological weapon. sometimes, and again Alone in the Like Rebel Assault, The Hive puts the player in a series of Darkers will be familiar with this, but pre-rendered environments where the main aim is to shootthe puzzles are quite good and The as many of the enemy as possible while avoiding hostile fire. Armoury level has over 70 locations I could cite the game’s limited player interaction as a majorto check out. The combat in these lev- flaw but The Hive doesn’t pretend to be a Wing Commanderels is also quite satisfying, style space combat sim, instead it is an unashamedly audio- These two ‘adventure* sections of the visually extravagant shoot-em-up. Unlike Rebel Assault, Thegame add most of its interesting ele- Hive is insanely easy to install: just insert the CD (when inments and take away the predictabil- Win 95) and away you go! ity normally associated with these While I did find the game a tad on the boring and repeti-sorts of games, in between these lev- tive side, these type of games aren’t really my style. Butels is another FMV shooting stage, ‘The there are plenty of people who love them and in this Rebel Mines’, which has the innovation of Assault/Cyberia action genre, The Hive reigns supreme. The graphics and sound-effects are superb, the interface simplistic and the difficulty levels extremely challenging. So if you own Win 95 and have a pen¬ chant for arcade shoot-em-ups, you’ll absolutely love The Hive. JULIAN scHorrn letting the player rotate left and right within the FMV. This has never been done before but isn’t really that exciting and FMV still has a long way to go before it becomes truly interactive. This is probably Phillip’s best game to date, and hopefully they’ll just keep getting better. Wow. I’ve just come up for a breath of fresh air to write this wee review, then I’ll be straight back into my European cam¬ paign. leading the might of the German army to the victory it could have had, were it not for the misguided interference of a madman the world would have been better off without. There have been more WWII strategy games than I’ve had cold beers (now that's a lot! - Ed), but this is by far and away the best. First a short preface: while you can play as just ibout any of the major forces in the Big One. the biggest and most effective army (at the outset at least), are the Germans. ■ ■Some people have been understandably upset about the favourable treatment of the bad guys - internet newsgroup talk is rampant on the subject of this games' morals, so for jsome. this game and others like it are best left on the shelf. I No single factor makes Steel Panthers the winner that it is; [instead one could simply say that this one has it all. As men¬ tioned, you can lead most members of either the Allies or Axis teams (like the Italian army with their ineffective tanks if you’re after a real challenge). Many fascinating re-enact- Iments are included, but the meat of the game is the Long "campaign, where WWII is fought in its entirety from 1939 until whenever you achieve unconditional surrender from your opponents. A gold plated touch that makes this monu¬ mental endeavour worth the effort is the emerging availabil¬ ity of actual technology through the years. Here it makes a lot of sense to play as the Germans, as the U.S. Sherman was lacking in both firepower and armour, whereas the Germans had relatively top notch gear throughout the war - the King Tiger being an unstoppable but rare case in point. Some players fed on a luxury diet of real-time strategy may be put off by the traditional turn-based, hex-grid gameplay, all I can say is you’re missing out big time! Air strikes, artillery bombardment, an online encyclopaedia and the unusual ability to order unit leaders (with varyim to rally depressed troops further enhance the appeal. To adequately cover just the noteworthy aspects of Steel Panthers would take up most of this magazine. Take that as a stout recom¬ mendation and put it on your shopping list. 72 GEORGE SOROPOS HYPER» 69 70 »HYPER byte size Burn Cycle PCfc (g® AVAILABLE: now _ -y (AIEGOH Zoop AVAILABLE: MOW (AIEGORV: ACTION/PUZZLE PLAYERS: ONE PUBLISHER: VIACOM In The ist Degree PLAYERS: ONE PUBLISHER: PHILIPS PRICE: * 79.95 RATING: M A 15* I should perhaps start the review of Bum Cycle by mentioning that the CD it came on is now being used as a drink coaster on my coffee table. During the intro the lead character, your alter ego, makes the comment "It was like someone had put a shotgun upside my head and blown a hole through my brain”. He could be referring to some sort of prerequisite for enjoying this game or to its after effects. My guess is both. Bum Cycle looks very much like a CD 1 ’port. CDI is a sort of souped up VCR that Philips brought out around tl same time as their wildly successful Digital Compact Zoop is a game from another time. It Cassette system and proved to be every bit as popular. Nowdoesn’t simulate anything, it’s non-vio- they're trying to inject a bit of profitability into what mustlent, free of sexual imagery (well, at be very saggy CDI sales by converting software over to the least I think it is) and you don’t need a PC. Unfortunately CDI is a very limited system which doesn’t 53 page manual to play it. It has noth- come close to the versatility of a real PC. ing to do with martial arts tourna- BumCycle’s world is a "Blade Runner", Cibson-esquements, wizards, princesses, Shooting "Your Honour, I plead guilty to the charge of having a pre¬ hybrid in which you play the part of Sol Cutter, data thief.things, outer space, fast cars, fast conceived misconception. Upon first sighting Exhibit A-the You find yourself inside a high-tech tunnel network aftermotorbikes, fast boats, explosions orWeo game ’In The ist Degree’, thoughts of negative preju- being zapped while trying to pinch some valuable data. Aoverpaid, overexposed Americandice entered my mind as I observed that it was a courtroom deadly virus has been downloaded into your brain, there areSporting stars. It belongs to a timedrama with FMV as the apparent heart of its substance. only two hours before it kills you. when you would become so fixated on Having played the game, I now feel great remorse for the The game plays in real time so you actually only have tworotating blocks falling from the Sky error I made and throw myself at the memy of the court to hours to complete the task at hand and it’s almost certain that you would see them in your sleep, dispense an appropriate punishment... No sir, I wasn’t that, unless you have the mind of a flea, you’ll get veryon the bus and in the shower. laughing at your wig”, bored long before this! First you have to find your way out of Zoop is simple to leam, it consists of In my defence, it was a bad experience with Capstones’ the passageways and then figure out who gave you the virus one idea, it looks crap and it’s infun-(before they came good) LA Law that helped form such prej- and how to get rid of it. Lots of identical twins roam the cor- atingly good fun. Zoop, of course, isudice. This is different though. I’ll limit my comments on the ridors trying to stop you, and the game very graciously lets merely the latest in a line of puzzles FMV to a brief mention of its graphic quality and an unnat- you know when they’re around by stopping, smoothing out that probably began at the time of theural level of competence on the part of the actors. I’ll also woolly mammoth and has encom-mention only in passing that there’s been a murder and passed, at least in the last couple of you're the prosecuting attorney, decades, everything from the Rubik’s where ist Degree stands out is amazingly enough in the Cube to Tetris. One suspects thatgameplay. Each game (you can play it through a few times, Tetris will, at least in popularity, be as but there’s no great longterm value here) can be divided good as simple puzzles ever get in the into two halves. The first half has you studying evidence and J video games environment, but players are looking for other things now. Zoop is not as good as Tetris but it is fun and addictive, and a refreshing break from the bigger, better, faster, more ethos of commercial gaming You are in a small central square and lyou control a coloured arrow. Blocks land shapes approach you on all four fronts, in a variety of colours. You fire the graphics and putting a cross hair on-screen instead of a your arrow at the blocks and if hits one cursor. If the Russians had a warning like this in ’41 the warthe same colour, that block disap- may have been over a lot sooner! pears. It hits one of a different colour, Beyond the corridors BurnCycle becomes more of a tradition -your arrow then takes on that colour. al graphic adventure, visiting locations, picking up objects etc. The graphics are all pre-rendered and come off the CD in short bursts as you move around, giving the game a very stilted feeling and also making it quite slow. The graphics are quite dull overall and the audio is extremely irritating to say the least. There are lots of much better games than this around and I wouldn’t bother with this one. unless you’re short of drink coasters, of course. GEORGE SOROPOS m JS O N «l R» *5 That, folks, is Zoop. That’s as complicated as it gets but within that simple ideas lurks strategy, pace and cer¬ tain exasperation, i won’t go on - there’s nothing else to say. Unless you’re a puzzle freak you probably won’t check it out, but if you do you’ll have fun. They should sell it for $20 and it’d move interviewing witnesses and the accused. This part is relatively fun, as the intricacies of the case run deep and your brain will be asked to perform. All is not as it would seem, so approaching the case with an open and fully functional mind will reveal certain winning courtroom tactics. Once you’ve figured out what angle to take, it’s time to go to court and show your stuff. You can call just about anyone to the stand and question them along certain lines and with variable emphasis on particular points. There is of course an optimal route to take, once you figure that out it’s shelf time for the game, but until then you really can play it like it was real and explore different avenues. Being a prosecutor, the best you can hope for is a guilty conviction of First Degree Murder. Anything less and you’ve failed. It’s not a game you’ll be telling your grand children about in years to come, but it’s a happy little experi¬ ence that could have you enthralled before you know it. BEN MANSILl V.JUAL* 50 VO ■ STRETCH ARMSTRONG OVERALL 70 Distributed b yaega v uzisoTi Contact Shockwave BBS for Screenshots and Demos on (02) 669 6041 or phone (02) 317 0044 for your closest retailer 72 »HYPER cheat mode OV18 Rapid Reload Playstation After the opening demo has finished and you’re sitting at the title screen, hold L\, L2, Ri, Ri, and Select. The words Secret Code should appear. To changej the code press U/D and T/X. They are: Stage 2 - MA Stage 5 - MK Stage 6 - HT lecjiuraruor 3D5D sncs Ridge Racer Playstation ;hort one. Enter the password A1R0C3. You have unlimited immo. Cheers. 35 lO/i * t km.'fi Cphersled Playstation FIVE NEW SLEDS Press up, left, down, right, up, triangle, up, right, down, left, up, 2nd circle when the screen says "press start button”. Now go to the sled selection screen. Keep moving right and you’ll find another five sleds to choose from. Primal Rage SNCS To access the Cheat Menu, go to the Start/Options/Credits screen and press left, left, left, right, right, left, left, right, right, right, left, right. There should now appear a fourth option, simply called Cheat. Incredibly, this takes you to the Cheat Menu. If you would like to race in a sleek black Diablo, then follow this difficult cheat. Pick any car to begin with. You must win all three races and the time trial. Succeed, and you'll get another ) four courses to race on [ ^ backwards! During the last one (the time trial) you'll come across a speedy black Diablo. Beat it to the chequered flag and you'll be able to drive it yourself. liter: The Movie 1 Playstaticn/Satum Both these cheats allow you to change the configuration of your controls. On the Playstation, during a game press Start to pause, then Select to reach the new menu. For Saturn, during a game press Start to pause, followed by A or C. Snatcher Mega CD You want blood and gore? Course you do. Start the game and nip over to use the Jordan computer. Select Load I.D. File and enter your name as Konami. You should now begin to notice a few visual differences - most of them red. Ilfipe out Playstation ACCESS RAPIER CLASS To access Rapier class without completing Venom first, highlight one player on the start screen, press X while holding down L2, R2, Left, Start, and Select, and you’ll be able to choose the new class. SECRET TRACK To access the Firestar track without completing Rapier (after you’ve not completed Venom by using the cheat above), again highlight one player on the start screen, then press X while holding Li, Ri, Right, Start, Square, and Circle. Rha Live 96 SNCS/Mega Drivt YOU CAN BE MICHAEL! For the SNES, enter the name Jordan, and a new yet familiar character will appear, complete with stats. For the Mega Drive, you will have to enter Michael Jordan. Thanks t< Leon "Slug" Slattery for that one. Oh, and Leon, why do your friends call you slug? Mortal Komhat 3 Playstation CHEAT MENU Wait for the screen after the logo screen, then press X, Li, L2 on controller one. Did you hear something? Cood. Now don’t press start on the Kombat icon, instead press up and a cheat menu will appear. OVcO.O R1R JamT.E. Playstation Get to the Tonight’s Match Up screen then enter any of the following: Baby mode - square, circle repeatedly. Big head mode - square, X, circle, triangle repeatedly. Huge mode - triangle, X repeatedly. Mammoth head mode - square, triangle, circle, X repeatedly. Manpower - right, right, left, right, X, X, right. Power-up defence - right, up, down, right, down, up. Power-up dunks - left, right, X, circle, circle, X. Power-up fire - down, right, right, circle, triangle, left. Power-up three pts - up, down, left, right, left, down, up. Quick hands - left, left, left, left, circle, right. GAMES 74 »HYPER cheat m TO PLAY AS SHAO KAHN At the menu screen, press: X, B, A, Y, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down You'll see Scott's Menu pop up. Co there and enable Shao Kahn. Then, on the character select screen, press start on controller 2 and you should see him in the MIDDLE square. (See Scott’s menu section for more details on other options in the menu). SHAO KAHN’S MOVES Shoulder Slam F, F, LP Upward Thrust Sledge Hammer Fireball Taunt Laugh TO PLAY AS MOTARO At the menu select screen, press: Select, A, B, Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up You’ll see the Kooler Stuff menu pop up. Co there and enable Motaro. Then, on the character select screen, press start on controller 2 and you should see him in the MIDDLE square. (See Kooler Stuff menu section for other options in the menu). SEKTOR . * frV/A/S: O 3 omputer chose for you until le/she actually pops up in tattle.... interesting! ID QAME CHARACTER SELECT tess start on the other :ontroller (the one you’re not laying with) and the game will lause. Now, simply press start m your controller and you can :elect another character. OUND TEST ,t the menu select screen, press: y, b,x SCOTT’S MENU At the menu screen, press: B, A, y, Up, Left, Down, flight, Down Here is the list of options, explanations are provided whenever needed: THROWS ON/OFF BLOCKS ON/OFF SWEEPS ON/OFF SWITCHEROO ON/OFF (your character wilt morph into someone else every few seconds) UNLIMITED RUN ON/OFF QUICK UPPERCUT ON/OFF (When this option is on, the ippercut recovery time is lessened) 012-012 * Timer Disabled, Health Recovery 432-234 8 Timer Disabled, Limited Damage 120-120 * Credits screen before fight 989-898 * Tournament Mode 221-557 * Always uppercut through ceilings, even if there isn’t one! 944-944 a One Round, One Button Fatalities 191-191 • Turbo Mode KOOLER STUFF MENU At the menu select screen, press: Select. A, B, Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up Here is the list of options, explanations are provided whenever needed: 2x HEALTH f Damage is reduced when you ire hit by an attack) 2X DAMAGE (you do twice as much damage to your opponent) MOTARO’S MOVES Grab and Smack F, F, LP Fireball F, D, B. HP (Try half circle away ♦ HP) Tail Whip B ♦ LK Teleport D, U NOTE ON PLAYING AS BOSSES If you have Smoke enabled with the bosses, all of them appear in the middle square. You’ll see one in the middle and then the tile will flip and then there is another there. You can’t seem to have Smoke fighting the bosses nor can you have the bosses fighting each other. You also CANNOT have two of the same bosses fighting each other. Remember you CANNOT use the bosses in a one player game nor will you see their faces in the character select screen. TO PLAY AS SMOKE At the copyright screen that shows up when you first turn on the game hold LEFT on the control pad and hold button A. When the Williams screen v appears, hold RIGHT on the control pad and hold button B. When the quote screen appears (There is no knowledge that is not power) hold both the X and Y buttons. If you did the kode right, you should see Smoke walk across the screen that has the ''MK3” symbol on it. On the character select screen, you can now choose SMOKE! NOTE: You can also access Smoki via the Kooler Stuff Menu. KOOL STUFF KODE This kode will allow you to access a cheat menu (kool stuff). At the main menu screen, (the one that says ’’start" and "options" do the following on the control pad: Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, A, B, A If you do the kode right, you will hear Shao Kahn laugh and see the "kool stuff" option appear. (See Kool Stuff Menu section for options on that menu). RANDOM SELECT On the character select screen, press Up and hold start. STEALTH SELECT OK, here’s a better way of doing the stealth select. This kode keeps your opponent from seing who you are going to select. On the character select screen : Controller 1: Rotate the control pad counterclockwise Controller 2: Rotate the control pad clockwise This motion must be done VERY fast. No need to press select. TOURNAMENT MODE Just as in MK2, you can hold button L and button R on and then press start on the menu screen. One thing I found is that if you hold start on the screen and press A, the computer will select your opponent for you. And then there is the *?" The ? simply means that you won’t find out which character the HYPER FIGHTING ON/OFF (turbo mode) SHAO KAHN ON/OFF (allows you to select shao kahn in a 2 player game) PLAY SLOTS ON/OFF Scott's Slots (The ones found so far) 449-449 8 Players Invisible (New) 688-688 8 Quick Uppercut Recovery (New) 987-655 8 Play Scott’s Slots (New) 999-995 «Kombos Disabled (New) iUICK FINISH 'One button fatalities) NABLE SMOKE NABLE MOTARO NABLE POWER KODE 'Damage is reduced even more) EALTH RECOVERY :0 CREDITS NE BUTTON FATALITIES ver wanted to see all of he fatalites, babalities, tc. in the game but are ever quite good nough to pull them ff? Well, now you can ee them all! lust ctivate one button ■fatalities and you’re all set. If you’re wondering which buttons correspond to which finishing move, I have experimented and made a list. Keep in mind that you can be standing anywhere on the screen to do any one button fatality, just so long as you press the right button, and hold it down. Button B 8 Fatality (Close) Button X = Animality Button Y 8 Fatality (Far) Button R 8 Babality Button A 8 Friendship Button L 8 Stage (Pit) Fatality Go Head-to-head With MechWarridr 2 AcTiVision AcIiVisioh m ROADSHOW * NEW MEDIA Activision is a registered trademark of Activision Inc. © 1995 Activision Inc. All rights reserved. MechWarrior, Battle Tech and ’Mech are registered trademarks of FASA CORPORATION. 76 »HYPER cheat mode Hekeii PC CHEAT CODES Last issues cheats were for the pre-release demo version. Here are all the cheats for the commercial version of Hexen. The first HYPER reader to send them in was Due Phan of Wagga. NSW. SATAN - God mode NRA - all weapons LOCKSMITH - all keys INDIANA - all artifacts SHERLOCK - puzzle pieces MAPSCO - map toggle CASPER - no clipping CONAN - remove all but ist weapon DELIVERANCE - turn to pig BUTCHER - massacre INIT - restart level NOICE- sound check PUKE - run script mm A Mayan Adventure SNCS UNLIMITED CONTINUES On the continue screen, move the cursor to CONTINUE and press: B, Y. B, Y, B, Y t B, Y. Thank Alex Wallbank for this one. THe Hards Any Fermat TRIDENT In Kar-Nyar (the desert level) dig water out to the funny tree thing you’re not allowed to dig up. Next to it, put: Green Meat, Blue Fruit and Purple Nuts. Now the green imp Wimbli will give you his trident. HlastEr of Magic PC EVERYTHING Peter, Bo and Raistlin are seriously weird dudes, but they gave us these cheats so they can’t be too much of a worry. Go to the MAGIC MENU and hold ALT while you type in PWR. Now you’ll have all the spells you can research. 10,000 mana, 10,000 gold and a hundred casting skill. Sounds good eh? The bad news is that your opponents also get this bonus, so think of it as a fast track to the interesting part of the game. 45 FDD 35 Mortal Kamliat 3 PC CHEAT CODES Peter Crayton sent these in, we’re grateful. Type these codes in at the DOS prompt (C:) with a space after MK3 (eg. MK3 666). 666 - Play as Smoke 8000 - Turbo speed 1000000 - Play as Shao Kahn and Montaro (two player mode only) 54321 - Players become half size 12345 - Players become twice normal size 1995 - Players become semi-invincible You can put more than one code in at a time. MK3 666 1000000 8000 for example. lEapanlord MegaDrive/SNCS FATALITIES We gave you a few specials last month, here’s the good stuff. Fatalities can only be performed at the end of the second winning round. ZORN Move, Hellfire - FORWARD * DOWN, DIAGONAL DOWN RIGHT, UP. Gut. Down, Corpse Striker - BACK * DOWN FOR l SECOND, UP, DIAGONAL UP %IGHT. Decapitate. Demon Axe - FOREWARD, LEFT fOR 1 SECOND, DIAGONAL DOWN RIGHT, LEFT. Decapitate. DIVADA Psycho Blades - FOREWARD * UP, DIAGONAL UPRIGHT, LEFT. Gut BANE Bezerker - FORWARD * LEFT, RIGHT, DIAGONAL UP RIGHT. Down, Power Flip - BACK * UP, DIAGONAL UP RIGHT, DOWN. Decapitate. Combo, Ground Blast -BACK* UP, DIAGONAL UP LEFT, LEFT, DOWN. Explode. KORR Knee, Tarok - RIGHT, DOWN, DIAGONAL DOWNRIGHT* FORWARD. Decapitate. Move, Tarok - FOREWARD * DIAGONAL DOWN LEFT, DOWN, DIAGONAL DOWN RIGHT, RIGHT. Decapitate. Move, Gut Slash - LEFT, DIAGONAL DOWN LEFT, DOWN, DIAGONAL DOWN RIGHT, RIGHT * FORWARD. Gut. Combo, Heart Strike - BACK * UP, UP, DOWN. Explode. Head Explode. KEN TAI Move, Shield Stab - LEFT, RIGHT ♦ FORWARD. Gut Back Blade Strike - FORWARD * RIGHT, LEFT, DIAGONAL DOWN LEFT, DOWN, DIAGONAL DOWN RIGHT. Decapitate. Combo. Leg Breaker - DOWN, DIAGONAL DOWN RIGHT, RIGHT * FORWARD. Explode. Down, Down Strike -BACK* UP, UP, DOWN. Decapitate. IAREK Move, Web Crip - RIGHT, DIAGONAL DOWN RIGHT, DIAGONAL DOWN LEFT * FORWARD. Web Trap. Down, Guillotine - BACK * DOWN FOR / SECOND, UP, DIAGONAL UP RIGHT. Decapitate. TALAZIA Move, Talon Blade - LEFT, DOWN, LEFT* BACK Decapitate. Combo, Air Tear - BACK * UP, DIAGONAL UP RIGHT, RIGHT. TErminal VElacit^ UNKNOWN PLANET LEVEI Rohan Peterson says: To get to the Unknown Planet withoul going through the entire game, at the login screen type Terminal as your name and Reality as your callsign. Remember to use a capital letter at the start of each word. 78 »HYPER letters It’s a bit of a bother really. The fames usually dry up for a u/hile after the early pre-Christy rush, but this year they kept on cominf in rif ht up 'till the last minute. Boy did use u/ork hard to tell you all about them! This happy situation doesn't look like chanfinf either, a veritable avalanche of fames has been spotted on the horieon and u/e're all set to play hard then five you the juice. It's a toufh job... A bif uset huf of a thank you this month to our lefion of contributors. They aren't merely exceptionally talented usordsmiths, they're ff}f J €33 to ° u/ho sacrificed a normal social life in the interests of keepinf you informed. Golly, u/hdt a bunch of troopers! Think it, write it, post it. HYPER Letters PO Box 63M thought it was already in the bargain bins 7. yes 8. eventually, it the 32X is still around. FAVE GAMES Dear HYPER-condriacs, Yours is one sick mag. hence the pun in the intro. Anyway what I really need is some help. Now, I know you must throw away hundreds of letters a month asking which "Super Console” is the best, so I thought I’d try a different approach. How about a list of the ten tor 15, or even 20) best console based games currently available and on what systems The system with the most games in your list wins $700 from me! bh, and one more thing. Since I have no access to a PC I have never played or or something I’ve sent in a photocopy of the ad. In case you don’t print it. I’ll tell the readers that it looks just like the lists of games for sale in HYPER. What does this mean? Is someone pulling our third leg or are there beta version passing for the proper game? And I’m sure I saw Lands of Lore 2 for sale somewhere as well. One last question: What the hell is ’Courad Shading’? Oh, and the American magazine was a bucket of shit compared to HYPER. Thank you F MIAISI Kemps Creek NSW Game retailers and mail order outlets open list games that are not out so they can get anxious gamers to pre-order it need a MPEC decoder like the Satum? 2. lama fan of basketball games and I was wondering if any basketball games will be released for the Playstation such as NBA |am Tournament Edition or NBA Live 95 or 96? 3. In one of the advertisements in your magazine, it states that Universal Adaptors and Action Replays are available for the Playstation. Will these plug straight into the memory slots in the front? 4 .1 read somewhere that Namco will be producing games such as Ridge Racer for the Saturn. Is this true? And if it is. will they be better than the ones on the Playstation? I would be really grateful if you could Strawberry Hills NSULf 2012 Fax: (02) 310 1315 C-rnail: freaksceneanext.com.au HORN INDUCING Hello there HYPER, you big lovely thing; Your magazine certainly is cool, although it could do with some photos of naked chicks and perhaps a hree sample of Dieter BrummeT’s favourite magical plant stuck to the front cover. I currently own a SNES and I (like so many others) have been pondering which of the "super duper who needs a life when you’ve got one of these babies?" consoles 1 should purchase. I’m in no major hurry though, as the latest SNES stuff is so damn hom inducing. I’m having too much fun to be all stressed out about replacing the funky, old, grey fella. Nevertheless (which is a great sounding word with no precise meaning) I will have to move on eventually, so how about answering some questions for me? C’mon you slack bastard, it is your job after all. 1. Do you know of any promising action-style RPGs in the pipeline for the Playstation and/or Saturn? 2. Can 3D0 *s M2 upgrade bring the system back from the rather endangered position it currently appears to be in? 3. I’m a big fan of Nintendo’s, yet that Virtual Boy thing hasn’t exactly been showered with praise by the games media, do you think this criticism is premature, or the machine simply a useless piece of crap? 4. Do you believe the Ultra 64 will be the huge leap forward that Nintendo boasts about? If so, will it be a big enough leap to (at least slightly) justify the long wait? 5. Roughly how much will an Ultra 64 cartridge retail for? 6. Why is it that I always feel so shitty the day after a night of beer- fuelled mayhem with my mates? This sudden, mysterious reduction of health has me totally baffled. That's all I have to ask at the moment. Thanks and I truly do love you all. SAM "THE SPAM” HILLIER Than 4 a Sam, and the love’s cornin' right back at ya! As tor your questions ». Shining Wiadom is the latest in the Shining Force series and will be cut on Satum in early 1996. There aren’t too many more that have really caught my eye but we’ll be having a lock around in the next couple ot issues so we’ll see what we can come up with 2. Time will tell. It It’s outstanding as the specs suggest then they could be on a winner, but they need much more sottware support 3. I’m leaning towards useless piece ot crap myself 4. I think it the Ultra 64 will be an excellent system but we’ll all have to wait and see whether the long wait is worth it 5. No idea, but they shouldn’t be over $100 6. excessive alcohol consumption damages your brain, you big tool. Drink some water before you go to bed and you mightn't feel sc bad. WHOLE BUNCH Dear HYPER. I wanna ask you a whole bunch of questions 1. Will the CDX ever come out in Australia 2. Will the Satum, Playstation or 3DO ever come down in price like the Mega CD did when the company realised they wouldn’t sell very well at such a high price? 3. Does Doom on SNES move as quickly or smoothly as the PC version. 4. Will Dragons Lair come out on Playstation or Satum. 5. Will Primal Rage come out Playstation. 6. Is the Mega CD going to go down in price anymore. 7. Is Doom coming out on Playstation 8. Will Daytona come out for the 32X MA, TAMWORTM 1. Sega Oziscft say no 2. I’m sure all systems will come down in price 3. It moves well but graphically it doesn't really compare to the PC 4. I don’t really care 5. yes, should do 6. I even seen "Doom” outside your mag (I know, sad isn’t it?) but I’ve heard and read enough to know I need it! Which consoles will ’’Doom’’ be available for? Your assistance in helping me wisely spend my life savings is much appreciated. Thanks heaps CRAIG OK Craig, here's my ten favourite ”Super Console” games in no particular order Road Rash (3DO, PlayStation. Saturn). FIFA Soccer (3DC. Playstation. Satum). Wipeout (Playstation). Destruction Derby (Playstation), Panzer Dragoon (Satum). lumping Flash (Playstation). Virtua Fighter Remix (Satum). Tchshinden (Playstation). Assault Rigs (Playstation). Warhawk (Playstation). So there you go. but remember it's only my (Stuart’s) personal picks and I expect many of you will have different faves. As for Doom, if'a coming on Playstation and 3 DC (although it's been coming on 3D© for more than a year). No confirmed word about the Saturn but I'd say it’ll make an appearance there too. PULLING OUR THIRD LEG Dear HYPER. There are just a few dilemmas that 1 tiave and would like to be solved. First of all. just the other day 1 was going through some American games magazine from April 1995 and found something weird. The games ’Stonekeep’ and ’7th Guest: u Hour’ were for sale in one of the Advertisements at the back. The thing is that in you September 1995 HYPER it said that these two games were delayed in production (yet again). Just so you guys At HYPER don’t think I’m like 0 | Simpson through them, sc don't get tricked as you're going to have to wait until the game is released like everyone else. No one sells Beta copies and if they did they'd get their asses sued. "Gouroud Shading” allows programmers to colour an object with shades of the one colour. It is more realistic than Flat Shading (only one colour in one shade) and less realistic than Texture Mapping (which can be multi-coloured). Mechwarricr 2 is a good example of Gouraud Shading - there’s not many colours used in the terrains but there are lots of light and dark shades of the same colours which gives a more realistic lock. SATURN VS PLAYSTATION Dear HYPER, I have just started reading your mag and I think it’s great. Ever since I started reading news about the Sony Playstation, I have put aside some of my money in order to get one. However, after seeing the Sega Satum and its multimedia capabilities, I have a few doubts in my mind. I therefore have some questions to ask you: 1. Will the Sony Playstation be able to play CD movies? And if it can. will I answer these questions and in the mean time, keep up the good work. yours sincerely AN ANONYMOUS READER 1. An MPCG card for the PlayStation is not yet confirmed, but it’s likely 2. NBA Jam T.C should be out on the Playstation by the time you read this and CA will definitely release a basketball game for the Playstation 3. yes 4. Not loot sure if it's true yet but I doubt that Ridge Racer on Saturn will be better than on Plantation. unless they include extra bit*. ANTI SEGA Dear HYPER. After reading your letters column over the last few months. I’ve decided to express my opinion of the Satum. Crap is the first word to come to mind. How can people honestly prefer the Sega Satum over the other super consoles? On the hardware side of things, the other consoles piss all over the Satum. Sega has never been known to be at the forefront of hardware, they pump out whatever shit they think will sell. Look at the Mega CD for example, hardly amazing, and the 32X is just a glitchy piece of junk. The only good thing Sega has done is release the Mega Drive. "But its the games that count!" 1 hear you cry. Well yes. it is the games that count, but the other consoles have the Saturn by the balls in this department also. Whatever game is on the Saturn is. it can be done better on another console. Virtua Fighter isn't as good as Tohshinden. The Need for Speed is better than Daytona and Gex is better than Clockwork Knight. And then there are the developers. The Saturn has good third party developers but when they realise the market is bigger elsewhere, they will slow down the production for the Saturn and move Civilisation is released will it be the same as the original (besides the multiplayer part). 2 .1 have heard about a 3DO card for PCs but have not seen it anywhere. Could you fill me in with some details. If you could provide me with some answers I’ll be sure to pass them on to the old man. WAYNE BYRDEN 1. yes 2. The 3DO Blaster \or the PC has not been a great success largely because it 's too expensive and you can only use it irith a Jew compatible CD ROM drives. NEW TO COMPUTERS Dear HYPER. I am fairly new to the computer world and know very little about computers. My family recently purchased a Pentium with 9oMhz and a quad speed CD ROM drive and already my dad is screaming down my throat about getting a computer virus on our dearly beloved Pentium. Please help me out and answer a few of my questions about the deadly virus. 1. If you lend a computer CD to someone with a virus infected computer can their virus be transferred to the CD? 2. Can hardware (such as a printer) be infected by a virus when connected to an infected computer? 3. What is the risk of getting a virus off of the internet? JOSEPH BUISDEN Cabocltu re Qld ». No 2. No 3. Tiny onto greener pastures. And to all you whingeing gits, yes I have played the Saturn and yes I have the other consoles, and yes I do want you to write in telling me how stupid I am. but the fact is that although the Satum isn't that bad. there will always be something better than a Sega. TROY WATSON Gympie Qld Well thanks tor your opinion Troy. Tm sure there'll be letters about that one. COUPLA QUICKIES Dear HYPER lust a couple of quick questions for you. I must confess that I actually looked for help from someone else first. An old man who lives at the end of my street. Whenever 1 need to know something I can usually ask him and he will tell me the answer. He’s great for football tippings. Anyway. I asked him a couple of questions and he couldn't tell me the answer. He just kept mumbling HYPER, over and over again. So here I am. 1. When the multiplayer version of i § Supermarionation 2 Volf, of each out noui - $19.95 rrp each. FOR THE FIRST TIME ON VIDEO!! From Gerry Anderson, creator of THE THUNDERBIRDS Available from all leading video retailers For your convenience, should your Retailer be temporarily out of stock, call AUSTRALIA’S DIAL-A-MOVIE on Sydney (02) 9936 7979 and buy any PolyGram Video title for normal retail price plus postage and handling. Please have the video catalogue numbers and your credit card or payment method available before calling. We can deliver anywhere in Australia. Distributed by PolyGram Video, PO Box 17. Millers Point NSW 2000 §ITC PolyGram Video 80 »HYPER letters Censorship Sucks CENSORSHIP OF COMPU Here are .some thoughts on THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE A baste right that all humans have is the right to chooso. Tho freedom that wo have, to chooso tho games that wo want, is botng stripped from us by hypocritical politicians. Tho so aro tho samo politicians that Hwmtho ACT. tho only ploco in Australia whoro X-ratod oidoo matonal is availablo. Thoy condone this by saying that tho public can chooso whether thoy want to M. If we wore all population being denied tho samo rights What is worse, an X-ratod video or an MA (maybe oven R) rated game whoro tho high level scones can bo cut out completely, an option you don’t got with tho video. Censors though aro playing Ood and taking aro justifiable when tho carnage of war etc. can quite happily bo shown on tho nows at a 8.30pm time slot. If video gamos aro tho cause of people becoming rapists of graphic scones or worse? Of course, but that’s too logical. This obvious case of double standards has to stop. All now things shock (eg adult viewing in computer gamos) but this is not reason to bon them altogether. If wo simply just ‘got nd’ of all that was now and “shocking” then we would still bo living m caves and making gargling noises. Its appalling to think that as soon as you turn 18 tho treating you like a 8 year old. I know that when I turn 18 in March my vote definitely won’t go to tho hypocritical, vote-seeking politicians that kick up a fuss and impose all tho restrictions and who blame a gome (after all. this is a game we are talking about) for aM the problems that narrow my freedom of choice being taken away tees. To all the ignorant, technophobic conservative community groups, politicians and bureaucrats - get your head out of the sand and stop looking to a game as a icapegoat for societies problems. To rapists or ase-wielding maniacs (and the rest of that crap) is ludicrous. Considering that in Phantasmagoria the player is a victim and not the aggressor, basically they are saying it’s no OX to behave in this way. I would rather see this than the graphic, violent, aggressive and sexuolly explicit .. VIDEO GAMES. our reader’s e issue... censors have to wake up from the 16th century and get their act together. BRIAN JEFFERY CONSUMER RIGHTS BEING VIOLATED don't let these people ruin a fantastic gaming experience. NATASHA NUNN yVAKE UP FROM THE 1 6TH CENTURY Dear HYPER. I think its good that video games get a. M and MA ratings on them but banning them is both totally stupid and unfair. The idiots nho decide to ban a game must think that because it’s a video game that it’s automatically for kids. Well that shows what they know, as I bet people of all ages play video games for the entertainment, challenge and most of all fun. in the video »tore you find movies for all age groups and all different tastes (Horror. Comedies. Action. Pomos etc). Video games ore the tame. So why don’t they treat them the same? And that garbage about the ‘interactiveness” of the game making the player think he/she’s committing the acts themselves. BULLSHIT" it don’t matter how realistic a game is. you never feel like your doing it yourself. After l perform a fatality on someone in Mortal Kombat i don’t dodge the police Why do I get the feeling that my rights as a consumer are being violated, yet again, by the same people who are supposed to protect my rights. I am a 19 year old bloke from North Queensland, and when I get to the local video store and see a R rated video on the shelf that looks good then I’ll rent it out. but if I see an R rated video (or any video for that matter), that doesn't look any good then I’ll leave it there. The same goes for games. When I go to the game shop and see a good game, whether it be M or R rated or whatever. I’ll get it. but tf I see one l don’t like then l won’t get it. People have different tastes and it is because of these tastes they are able to decide what they want to see and what they don't want to see. What about the game "Phantasmagoria”? A few seconds of "clothes on" sex - please spare me the crap' How is it that full on. hard core sex videos are available through mail order purchase. All you have to do to get a video is sign a piece of paper saying that you are over 18. It is not hard for a kid to forge his big brother's signature, is it? And what about the female gamers out there? How often do you get to play a female character. I don't think I’ve seen too many games where the main character is a female. You guys wrote m your article, and I quote “the Office of Film and Literature Classification readily admits that their knowledge of video games is not comprehensive enough to let them make accurate and informed decisions about the medium” and these are the people who affect the “well being” of people in today’s society, it should be illegal to do something like that. And as for the conservative community groups - shove it right up your conservative arse, It's not games breeding rapists and murderers, it's bastards like you. Yours respectively JOHNNY GOOD Johnny, we should point out that the Office cfl Film and Literature Classification did not write the legislation, they 're just given the unenviable job of following the guidelines and copping the blame when they're forced to ban a game. It's not their fault, it's the Federal Governments. DISCRIMINATION IS ILLEGAL Dear HYPER. For the record. I'm 34 years old and living proof that adults play computer games. I love 'em. And - as an adult - I dislike few permit the distribution of videos that depict explicit sexual violence and yet won't condone the distribution of computer (ames that contain elements of implicit lexual violence. Movies such as The Bad Lieutenant - in which a cop on the edge forces two teenage girls to fondle each other while he watches and masturbates - and The Exorcist - in which a pre- pubescent girl is extremely intimate with a religious symbol- have been rated ‘R’ as a waring that their content is not considered suitable for viewers under the age of 18. So why should computer games be treated differently’ If both videos and computer games are forms of home entertainment, there is no valid reason to do so. This is the purpose of organisations such as the Office of Film and Literature Classification: to advise the individual concerning the alternatives that ore available so that they might then moke an informed decision. Any other act on the part of these authorities is clearly on insult to the adult individual's right to make their own choices. OX. so there are limits - things like child pornography, snuff flicks. moking decisions about what l can and cannot bring into my own home. That's why I'm thoroughly pissed off about the abolition of the ‘R’ classification for computer games and the banning of games like Phantasmagoria. There's something wrong with a society that will weapons... But. c’mon guys; do the right thing. Allowing the distribution of gomes such as Phantasmagoria isn’t the same thing as making them compulsory - and it’s past time that the idiots who demand these bans woke up to the fact. Re-mstate the R classification for computer games; use it; and leave to the 16s-and-over to make up their own minds. Failure to do so is discriminatory - and discrimination is supposed to be illegal! BRAD TURNER P.t. I'm going to organise a petition and distribute it to as many computer game retailers as I can. If you see it - SiQN IT! If you don’t - START YOUR OWN PETITION! Lets ■JjtfjP; V V V m today's society. I'm not a rapist or a murderer or someone who is corrupting society because I watch or play games. The games themselves don’t make me angry and mad - THIRI ami GOING TO Bl MORI AMO MORC "IlOUlT" CAMIS RllfASIO AS IHI GAMING COMMUNITY GROWS OP. If WE DON'T TIGHT IOM OUR RIGHTS WE RE GOING TO BE MISSING OUT ON A LOT Of TON hyper m a FOR sale: 3DO games: Shock Wave $50, Shock Wave Op lump $40 (or both for $80). Cex $50. Need for Speed $50. Ph (079) 261843. ask for Michael. Mega Drive: 3 pads (one 6 button), converter. 7 games. SF2:CE, Streets of Rage 2 £ others $300. Ph Phil on (02) 621 7452. SF 2, Smash TV, King of Monsters (lap). Another World. Populous, Start Wing (Aus) from $20. Came Cear 6 Rechargeable battery, power adaptor. TV tuner. MS converter. AV cable, magnifier for $260. Ph Ted on (02) 322 7626. Sega Saturn with Golden Axe the Duel, Daytona, VF Panzer, Street Fighter, Cyber race, Clockwork. Soccer, Coif £ 2 control pads, arcade racer, import game adaptor. As new $150. Ph Michael on (07) 3376 7221. Super Probotector Alien Rebels for the SNES $40. Ph Lucas on (033) 626 198. Panasonic 3DO: Pal adaptor. 1 controller, 1 fighting sword controller, 2 games: Wing Commander 3 £ Road Rash, other 3DO games for sale too. Ph Michael on (079) 261 843. SNIS for sale: Pal. 2 controllers and 7 great games like Mortal Kombat 2 £ Earthworm lim, $650. All in good condition. Ring (09) 310 6513 after 4pm, NB. Perth buyers only. Mega Drive 2 with a 3 button control pad and a 6 button control pad. 4 games including Mortal Kombat, Sonic 2. Alex Kidd £ Columns. All for $230 or negotiable. Perfect condition. Ph Erkan on (02) 546 3974 after 4pm weekly. SNIS games: Super Bomberman 1 £ 2. Street Racer. Super Mario All Stars $30 ea. Gameboy unit $65. Shadow Warriors $15. Bubbleghost $15, Kirby’s dreamland $20, Donkey Kong Land $43. All have manual except S. Bomberman 2. All have boxes. Ph Am on (02) 729 0386. All swaps and offers are welcome. SNES with 2 control pads plus 4 games. Including Lawnmower man. Bubsy, Art of fighting and Super Ghouls £ Ghosts. All in good condition and original boxes with instructions only 4 months old. $200. Ph Tony (047) 222 424. Sega Mega Drive 2 boxed with Mortal Kombat 2. Spiderman vs Kingpin, Formula 1 racing. Cheats £ manual included. $243 ono Ph (004) 621 424. PC CD ROM games: Drugwars £ Megarace, Dominus, Star Trail. Disk games: Lemmings. Ultima 7. X-Wing Imperial Persuit. Mario World, Demo CD’s £ more. Ph Tim (09) 385 7653. SNES games: Jungle book $50 Stunt race $60. both boxed with instructions. Ph Tim (087) 385 280 after 4pm Mon. Wed £ Friday. Sega Came Cear, 14 games, AC Adaptor, Gear master. Games include Mortal Kombat, Sonic 1 £ 2. etc. $350. Ph Rodney on (02) 8711847 Fade to Black $70, Command £ Conquer $70. Star Trek: TNC A Final Unity $60. boxed with instructions. Ph David on 047 335 414. 3DO Blaster, brand new. unopened comes with 5 programs including Shock Wave and Gridders $500. Ph Dom (06) 2861 373 SNES 1 controller, 1 honeybee turbo pad, Starwing, all cables $100, open to offers. Ph Michael on (079) 261845. Soundblaster V2.0 $60. Indycar racing $35, The Journeyman project $40 or the lot for $130. All in good condition and recently purchased. Call Patrick on (02) r t 626 7413 between 5pm and 8pm weekdays IBM CD ROM: Dark Forces $30, Full Throttle $40. Renegade BFJS $25, System Shock $40, Wing-C: Armada $20. Star Trail £ clue book $45, Wake of the ravager $30, Lords of the Realm $25. Perfect condition $250 for the lot. Ph Brendan on (077) 795 372. Donkey Kong Country $55. Mortal Kombat 2 $55, Earthworm Jim $55, Starwing $40, Rival Turf $25. Ph Careth on (003) 3011103. Sega Mega Drive in superb cond. 2 control pads. 7 games. Super Hang on. Kid Chameleon. Gynoge, Columns. Altered Beast. Chikki Chikki Boys £ Forgotten Worlds All boxed with instructions, also 5 Sega magazines etc for $375. Ph Declan on (003) 761064. PC-CD ROM games: Full Throttle. Magic Carpet $65 ea. Both in excellent condition. Ph Jesse on (02) 398 3487). Atari Jaguar 64 bit console. PAL converter, RF/composite video cables, two joypads, three games: Alien vs Predator, Cybermorph £ Kasumi Ninja. $370. Negotiable. Ph Brett on (02) 452 2580. Dark Forces CD in box with manual $50 or will swap for Flight of the Amazon Queen Ph Clinton on (057) 810 070. Mega CD games: Cobra Command. 6 in 1 collection. Road Avenger, all worth $50 incl Sol Feace. Sonic $40, Mickey Mania $60. FIFA $50. Batman returns $45. Ecco $40. Final Fight $50. All worth 8335. buy this and receive free BALLZ with box and instructions worth $99. Not sold separately. Ph Minh on (02) 632 0090 after 8pm. Atari Lynx: 16 games, power adaptor, boxed with instruction manuals. Worth over $500, sell for $200. Ph Peter on (049) 325 229. Sega Mega Drive with 2 control pads (i 6 button). 5 games incl NBA Jam. FIFA Soccer games all boxed Mega drive home made box. $260. Ph Adam on (08) 388 6592. Mega Drive with 2 control pads and 11 games, including NBA Jam TE Sonic 2. Ren £ Stimpy. $500 for the lot. Ph ( 03)775 7553 Sega Came gear S70, Power adaptor $20. KO Boxing (George Foreman) $35. The lot $125. Call Michael on (07) 33661709. Sega Mega Drivq 264 controls £ 5 games incl Street Fighter 2, Special Champion edition, Bubsy, Sonic 2. Toejam £ Earl £ NBA Jam. All in great new condition £ all with instructions. The lot $399. Ph Jared on (07) 5546 7017. Sega Mega Drive and 32X. 5 games: Virtua Racing deluxe. SF2. Mortal Kombat. FIFA Soccer, Sonic 2. 2x6 button controllers. 1x3 button. All in excellent condition. Worth over $800. Sell for $600 ono. Ph Jarrad on (08) 263 4666 Sega Mega Drive 6 months old. excellent condition. 2x6 button controllers. Micro machines 2. NBA Live 95, Lemmings 2. Games in original packaging. Worth over $400. Sell $230 Ph (02) 642 2994 SSF2 for MD alone, boxed. $30. Sonic and Knuckles alone, boxed. $35. Altogether $70 Ph Daniel on (02) 7468 592. Mega Drive games. Dune 2 $30, Landstalker $50, Shinning Force $50. Phantasy Star 3 $83. Ph Ricky on (077)831 344 Panasonic FZ-10 3DO (NTSC) with video and power converters, one control pad and 6 games including Need For Speed, Gex. Road Rash and others. $600. Ph Adam on (06) 2383369. IGOTTA GETTA GAME! JBETTA CALL GAME LINK! V 9 9 9 9 9 f i 9 9 9 9 9 SUPER NINTENDO BATMAN FOREVER.$95.95 EARTH WORM JIM 2....S109.95 MECH WARRIOR 3050...S95.95 MORTAL KOMBAT 3.$95.95 MICRO MACHINES 2.$95.95 NBA GIVE N GO.$105.95 NBA LIVE 96.$95.95 TOP GEAR 3000.$95.95 MEGA DRIVE AUST RUGBY LEAGUE.$95.95 BATMAN FOREVER.$95.95 MORTAL KOMBAT 3.$95.95 POWER RANGERS MOVIE $95 95 PRIMAL RAGE.$95.95 STAR TREK. DS9.$95.95 WEAPON LORD.$85.95 ZOOP...$65.95 PLAYSTATION DESTRUCTION DERBY.$95.95 DOOM.$95.95 RIDGE RACER.$95.95 ROAD RASH.$89.95 STREETFIGHTERMOVI$89.95 TEKKEN.$95.95 TOSHINDEN.$95.95 WIPE OUT.$95.95 9 i 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 $ 1 POSTAGE & HANDLING Please allow $4.50 for standard and $10 for express delivery. ORDERS Phone: (09) 592 7770 Fax: (09) 592 3304 Post: 94 Penguin Road, SAFETY BAY. WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6169 PAYMENT We accept Bankcard/Mastercard/Visa chequc/Moncy Order. Please allow 5 working days for cheque clearance. Prices are subject to change without notice and some items may be unavailable at date of printing PHONE FOR ANY ITEM NOT LISTED. ^ Please fill out and send to GAME LINK, 94 Penguin Road, £ SAFETY BAY, WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6169. & ® Name.Phone.. V ill Address. 9 ^ Postcode.System.,. ^1 <§? Enclosed is my cheque/money order, or debit my 0Bankcard ^ ^ [jMastercard []Visa for the total amount below. ^ W Signature. F.xnirv Hate_ W 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Signature.Expiry date. □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a DESCRIPTION PRICE TOTAL PLUS POSTAGE AND HANDLING 9 9 9 9 £ 9 A £ 9 9 £ ypermart Sega 32X with Star Wars Arcade $220 Ph Ben on (067) 691 628. 486 DX2/50 8MBRam, 400 MB HDD. DS CD ROM. SB16. 14" SVGA 6 monitor. Wing Commander 3. Full Throttle. Under A Killing Moon. MK2, Inferno, Lands of Lore with SNES 8 2 controllers $2000. Ph Luke (071) 593 484 after 4pm. NES with 14 games including Mario 1.2.3. 3 pads. 2 normal and one with turbo fire. Nintendo gun worth $800 but will sell for $500 or swap for SNES with 4 games and 2 pads. Ph Ray (03) 93832380 after 3.30pm. Mega Drive 2, Mega CD2. Super NES. Games include Sonic CD. Killer Instinct, Earthworm Jim (MD) and a couple of others, boxed with instructions. $400 ono. Call Stimpy on (09) 409 2509 Mega Drive games Landstalker $40. Zero Tolerance $55. The Flintstones $50. The Lost Vikings $30. Aladdin $35. Ren 8 Stimpy $25. Brutal Paws of Fury $15. lames Pond 3 $15, Zool $30. Haunting $10. Toe jam 8 Earl $20. Ph Daniel (03) 97445991 SNES, 3 controllers, 1 autofire, t normal and 1 autofire joystick. 4 games; Donkey Kong Country. Stunt Race FX, NBA lam Tournament 8 Super Mario Kart. Also Action Replay MK2. All with instructions, boxed except Mario Kart. $390 ono. Ph Sean (047) 826 940 after 4pm. Manga videos: Streetfighter 2 $20. Ninja Scroll $20. Ranma 1/2. Desperately Seeking Shampoo $20. Legend of the Overfiend $15. Battle Angel Alita $15. All in perfect condition, and may sell for cheaper Ph David (02) 635 8549 - PC CD ROM Star Trail, perfect condition, still in plastic wiap. $60 or swap for some MD games. Ph David (03) 789 1028 after 6pm. Mega Drive and Mega CD. 2.6 button control pads. 20 games 8 Master System converter. $500. Also 16 bit sound card $90. Ph Matt (074) 485 135 - SNES with MX2, Mario Allstars 8 2 controllers. Ph Alex (08) 3621440 after 3 30pm. Super Came Boy with FIFA International Soccer. Brand new with instructions $100 ono. Ph Kane (066) 223 678. Urgent! Super Metroid $60, Super Mario Paint $60 (in mint condition) sell both for $100 or swap for a game gear and one game. Ph Andrew (090) 273 389 weekdays after 3pm. Sega Saturn, 2 control pads. Virtua Fighter, Daytona. Victory Goal. Panzer Dragon. Unwanted Gift. $700. Ph Minh (02) 568 2414- SNES games cheap. Excellent condition. Super Star wars. Prince of Persia. Streetfighter 2. Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts. All $40 (box 6 instructions). Ph Christian on (074) 464 765 between 5 • 8pm Mega Drive 2 with Sonic 2 8 Bubsy (both with boxes 8 passwords), 3 button control pad. All in good condition. The lot for $200. Ph Adam (09) 305 4272 - SNES plus 5 games including Killer Instinct $220. Ph Ben on (049) 72 5128. Coldstar 3DO with 8 games: Need for Speed. Roadrash. Wing Commander 3, Super Streetfighter 2 turbo. Cex, Shockwave. Starblade 8 FIFA Soccer, j Also incl 1 controller and Pal converter. Still with box. All Games 8 machine in mint cond. Ph Sean (051) 551881. SNES $100. Super Mario World, Turtles in Time. Mortal Kombat 8 Super Adventure Island $50 ea, with 1 joypad $10 8 1 new in box joypad $20. No manuals or boxes for games. Price negotiable. Ph (055) 682 368. Panasonic 3DO: 6 games 8 controller $650. Also 5 3DO games. Selling separately from $50. incl Myst. FIFA, Wing Commander 3. All new. Ph lens (02) 452 1247 Mac Carnes, Super Wing Commander CD ROM $60. Civilisation Disk $60 ono. Exc cond. Ph Chris (002) 283 439 SNES with 1 control pad, i 6 button arcade joystick 8 3 games: Mario All Stars, Super Mario Kart, Tetris 8 Dr Mario. Everything in excellent cond. $200 ono. Ph Andrew (03) 791 6102. SNES games: Legend of Zelda 3 $45. Virtual Soccer $455 boxed with instructions except Zelda ( in good cond.) Only Melbourne residents 8 deliver. Ph David (03) 94601752. Mega CD games: Road Avenger $30. Lethal Enforcers $90 8 NBA Jam $90. Ph Damian (066) 661 264. Sega Mega Drive 2 with 2x6 button control pads, and 7 games incl Mortal Kombat 1 8 2. Sonic 3. Streetfighter 2 6 Earthworm Jim. All new. boxed with instructions. Perfect condition $550 ono. Ph (004) 257 150. Panasonic 3DO: FIFA Soccer, SSF2T. Road Rash, Myst. Shockwave ♦ controller. NTSC. Perfect condition, boxed. Ph Andrew (02) 388 2836. PC games, Dark Forces 455, Magic Carpet $50. Warcraft $45. Mortal Kombat 2 $40, Tie Fighter $45, Alone in the Dark 2 $40. Privateer $20. Ph Geoff (042) 72 553 *- Mega CD 2: Sherlock Holmes 2. Road Avenger 8 Fatal Fury Special Demo CD. All boxed with instructions and directions. Good condition. Hardly used $250 for the lot. Ph (02) 568 3504. PC CD Rom: Discworld $60. Return to Zork $50. Dracula Unleashed $45. Who shot Johnny Rock? $40. All boxed, in excellent condition. Mad Dog McCree $20. Iron Helix $20. (no box) 8 Simon the Sorcerer (3.5) $20. Ph Steven (042) 61 7085 after 3pm. Cameboy games for sale: Mr Nutz $20. Metroid $20. Fi-race $20. Wano Blast $25, Road Rash $25, Top Ranking Teams $20. Soccer $20, Zelda 4 $30. Kirby's pinball Land $30, 4 player adaptor $5 or the lot for $200. Ph Lucas (051) 992876. Cameboy: 6 games, accessories. All boxed and in excellent condition. All for $150. Ph Josh (066) 462644 after 4pm except Thursday. No WA residents please. Mega Drive a: Bubsy $2S, Sonic $15. Sonic the Hedgehog $5. Ph Joyd (065) 536 141 after 4pm. SNES: 2 controls, 7 games Mortal Kombat 3. Killer Instinct. Donkey Kong Country. Kirby's Dream Course. Mega Man X, Micro Machines 8 Unirally. $500 ono or sell separately. Ph Paul (09) 418 3343 (Perth residents only). SNES games: Super Mario Allstars $40 or swap for Killer Instinct on Cameboy or MK3 on Cameboy. Write to Craig Sharp at 10 Camelot Close Camden NSW 2570. MD Road Rash 3 $50. PC CD Full Throttle $60. Ph Ashley (03) 9822 9650 6 to 9pm weekdays. swaps: Amiga CD32, Diggers 8 Oscar. Liberation and Pinball fantasies, swap for Amiga 200HD or Amiga 1200HD or Panasonic 3DO FZ-i. Must be in prime condition. Ph Scott (08) 296 7912 or write to: Amiga Swap 74 Sunshine Avenue Brighton SA 5048. Mega Drive: Mortal Kombat 2 for Mortal Kombat 3. Will also swap Alladin for Mutant League. Hockey or Football. Ph Lee (071) 552 430 after 3.30pm. World League Basketball for a Racing Game 8 Jurassic Park or Clayfighter for Street Fighter 2 (Champion edition game). All game SNES. Ph Leslie (069) 951168. Super Probotector for WWF Royal Rumble. Ph Lucas (055) 626198. Slam "it" lam for other 3DO game, preferably SSF2TX but will consider anything. Call Thomas (048) 212 368. Stunt Race FX for Zelda 3. Ph Louie (051) 992 876. Turn and Burn for Samurai Showdown or Gamesaver or any one on one fighting games for SNES or will sell for $50 or less. Contact Floyd Anthony PO Box 407 Rakiraki FIJI ISLANDS. Dominus, Drugwars, Megarace. Star Trail or FX Fighter for either Warcraft 2 or Command 8 Conquer. I will also sell them all for Sony Playstation or Sega Saturn. Ph Tim (09) 385 7653 - Mega Drive with 9 games (including a new Menacer Gun, Sonic 1/2. Mortal Kombat. Alien 3) and two control pads (and maybe about $200?) for a PAL Saturn with at least one game Ph Leigh on (060) 33 2550. MD2 with Chakan, Sonic 2. X men, Aladdin. Atomic Runner, Master Mega Converter with Sonic 1 and Mercs, 2x3 button control pads for a SNES with MK2. Donkey Kong Country, Super Metroid, Mano Kart. Mario Allstars, plus 1 or 2 control pads. Must be boxed with instructions same for games Ph Richard (004) 262 865 after 4.30pm weekdays. Cex 3DO for any good 3DO game. Game must be in good condition. (Sydney area only). Ph David (02) 771397t- MK2 (CD) for MK2 (3.5). Rise of the Triads (3.5) for Heretic (3.5). All games boxed with manuals. Also swap Offspring Smash or Pearl Jam Vitalogy for anything by Nirvana except Unplugged in NY. Ph Daniel (087) 620 240 after 5.30pm. Mega Drive game: Wonderboy in Monster World for Shining in the Darkness or $30. The Wonder Boy in Monster World is 5 months old and comes with a booklet. Not boxed. Mega CD z. Moral Kombat, Sonic 1 8 Jungle Strike on the Mega Drive. Tomcat Alley and Road Avenger for the CD. will swap for 386 PC or Amiga CD32 Ph Daniel (004) 711101 after 3pm weekdays. I'll swap my copy of Rise of the Robots or Starwing or Super Mari Kart all on SNES for NBA Jam Tl on SNES. Ph (042) 283 126. Ask for Jason. Basketball cards for the original star wars. Empire Strikes back or Return of the Jedi figures or ships. Also swap Earthworm Jim for Return of the Jedi on the SNES. Ph (07) 3888 0162. WANTED: 3DO games. Any titles in good condition. Preferably Wing Commander 3. All prices considered. Ph (079) 261845 Playstation with PAL adaptor, 1 controller with or without games. Will consider any price. Ph Michael (079) 261845 Ranma 1/2 3. Will pay top dollar Ph Sam (02) 872 1619. Command or Conquer or Warcraft 2. Ph Tim on (09) 385 7653 The complete PC gamer’s guide. SpTing/Summer 1992 magazine. Will pay full price. Ph Scott (07) 3888 1202. US SNES games. Please send a list of your US games you wish to sell to: Graham M/S 2217 Oakwood Road Bundaberg QLD 4670. All replies answered. Came Cear TV tuner. Will pay up to $60 depending on condition. PC-CDRom games: Quantum Gate 2 (3CDS). Dragon Lair, Journeyman. Lemmings, Chronicles, all $25, all brand new in Jewel cases with instructions. Ph (063) 82 5469 Rebel Assault on the Mega CD. Willing to pay good money if its in good condition. Ph Luke on (09) 409 2509. Second hand SNES for under $100 or less has to have at least one control pad and all the stuff that makes it work Ph Daniel (080) 915 tor weekdays after 4pm. Lemmings SNES must have box 8 instructions. Ph Clenn on (086) 33 2617. MK2 cheats for GC Will. Swap for other cheats for games. Send to Corey Galea 3 Challenger Street Mackay QLD 4740. MK2 on SNES. Must have box. with or without instructions. Will pay $6o-$75. Ph Sean (049) 304 154 - Flashback Manual, Tie Fighter manual. Castles 2 Seige and Conquest plus Solar Winds 2 .1 must have these!!! Will negotiate price. Ph Aaron (09) 574 273J after 6.30pm. New Mac Carnes especially Warcraft, if it exists. Ph Chris on (002) 283 439 - penpals: Hi! I’m Semen. Well not really, some bastard at school cursed me with it! Anyway. I'm 14, love basketball and skateboarding. Greenday, Foo Fighters, Regurgitator. pTimus and HYPER. Age. sex. interests (apart from blading) I don't care just write to Matt Debreceny 223 Canambe Street Armidale NSW 2350. Hi! I’m Daniel, I'm looking for a penpal aged between 12 and 15. male or female! If you are interested in the SNES. Killer Instinct. Mortal Kombat 2 and other fighting games, write to Daniel 90 Coridean Street Heathridge Perth WA 6027. Hi! my name is Michael Moors. I'm looking for chaps or chappettes with attitude, in short, no morals. Age open, interests anything and everything. SNES. Mega Drive etc you name it. its my life, my food, my sanity, its an addiction I cant seem to kick, and HYPER isn’t helping (that’s great!). So if your a addict like me just send me something (maybe something plastic with the queen on it) at 5 Bransfield Street Tregear NSW 2770. Hi! My name is Scott. I'm looking for somebody n -13. I’ve got a SNES, NES and Cameboy. If your interested write to Scott Me Intyre 22 Alice Street Stanthorpe QLD 4380 Wanted now! Crazy fun 11 year old female penpal to discuss games, movies and anything else interesting with 11 year old male. Please send a letter to me now! Write to Jarrid Uusioja 36 Rutherford Avenue Burraneer Bay NSW 2230. MK3, MK3, MK3, If I have your attention that means you must like it! Well so do I and the rest of the series. My name is Damien and I own a PC CD ROM and a Cameboy as you know I love the MK’s and I love the Doom clones and flight and Racing Sims. So if you fit the bill nicely, send all letters and cash donations to Damien 120 Wellington Road, Portland VIC 3305. ( it can be male or female, and I'm 13). Ve’re being < HYPERMART ads, and we can 1 longer guarrantee that 1 will all be printed. To maximit your chances - keep 1 UNDER 30 words and L£GlBl£.| Advertising in HYPERMART i free for private advertisers,| and make sure you include \ phone number (me. area code).! Send them to:| HYPERMAR PO Box 634 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Hi. Im a 13 year old male looking for a male or female between the age of 12- 14. Must have a Master system a PC or Cameboy. Must like Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct. Write to Ashley at 19 Me Bride Cresent, Seaford 3198. Attention all Manga Lovers!!! My name is Damien and as you know now I love Manga and Anime! My favourites are Alita: Angel Warrior 8 Akira. I own a PC CD ROM and a Cameboy! So if you fit the bill nicely send all letter to Damien 120 Wellington Road Portland VIC 3305. C'day, My name is Chris Me Ardell and if you people out there have any KilleT Instinct cheats or special moves or any SNES cheats, please send em to me at 54 Sanderson Road Lesmurdie WA 6076. Hi! I’m Robin and I’m looking for a male or female penpal between the age of 11 to 14. I’ve got a PC-CD Rom and a Mega Drive and I like all sorts of sports. Please write to Robin Caswell 24 Stans Road Quinns Rocks Perth WA 6030. Hi, my name is Heath. I am looking for a male/female penpal, any age between 11 and 14 years. I like both Mega Drive and SNES. I am a Mortal Kombat 1 8 2 and 3 freak. Send letters to PO Box 499 Tully QLD 4854 My name is Corey and I am looking for a penpal to write to. I have a PC CD ROM, and a Game Cear. Has to be funny and mad. I like playing fighting games and watching Horror movies. I like Stephen King (but you don't have to) I am around 11 -12 (11 and 1/2). Write to Corey Galea at 3 Challenger Street Mackay QLD 4740. Hi, my name is Christopher and I’m 14. 1 would like a penpal between 13- 15 .1 like Nintendo and Sega. All letters answered, please write to 46 Scott Road Bridgewater TAS 7030. Hi, I’m Elliott and I’m trying to find a penpal aged between 11 and 13 so if you are bored and have a SNES like me than please write to me at 41 Mort Street Katoomba 2780. My name is Hugh Waudly. I'm desperate for a 11-13 year old penpal. Male or Female. I own a Mega Drive and I am looking for someone who likes Gore or mucking around. Please write to Hugh Waudly PO Bojc 38360 Winnellie NT 0821. Bored? Want to write to someone interesting? You must own an IBM, be over 15 and preferably have a sense of humour! I'm 18, write to M King 'Killarwanra' via Wingham NSW 2429 - Worthy letters will receive replies. Attention all 12 -14 year old boys! Looking for a penpal? My name is Megan and I am a Computer Freak, not your average girl. but please! I need a penpal urgently. If you think you’re pretty cool then write to 42 Boundary Road Dubbo NSW 2830. Hurry! Wassup? Hi my name is David and I'm looking for a penpal. I’m 10 years old, and I like Sega 8 Nintendo, my favourite game MK3. Cannon Fodder and Probotector. I draw my own comics and my best friend is loshua. 1 live at 36 Ward Terrace Enfield SA 5085. f SVSPEWjp ) WTpruup, ODCE HOOKS, EVADE THE ALWAYS WELLABMED WTT, AND HUNT DOWN THE EVIL DB. NEBO fEUBOSIS AS YOU BACE THBOUCH HIS TWISTED CASTLE UT ALWAYS KEEB AN EYE OUT OB THIS EYPLOSIVELY (ITEBACTIVE EYPEBIENCE WILL BLOW YOUB MIND! No cartoon characters were maimed or mutilated during the making of this game Distributed Exclusively Extreme Cartoon Violence! PC CD-ROM • 3DO • MAC CD-ROM • MPEG BrainDead is a trademark of ReadySoft. ©1995 ReadySoft Incorperated. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Bedel assault II game © 138$ Lucasf>lm Lid ml Lucaslrts £nrerla»nmenr Compang Bil Digits deserved Star Wars is a registered Kitemark if LitasfWm lid Bedel Dssailt is a trademark af Lucasfiln Ltd fie Licaslrts logo Is a registered irademark of Lucasdrts Eitertamaeat Cempang