SEGA NINTENDO PC 3DO SONY MAC ARCADE INTERNET $4.95 NZ$5.9S me GST ndependent games mag WIN A PLAYSTATION PLAYSTATION MEGA DRIVE ISSN 1320-7458 9 " 771320*745001 Skeleton hrevt Storif of Thor Pete SampraA Tcmhi'a 2 Virtual Pool Flight Vulimited Flight of the Antayon Queen wok: ur in luwsru. WITH CORN FUKES. OUT TIE BARTENDER. OIAF OUT or It BIKERS. N£Y£I LOOKED BACK. You're Ben. You're on the road. You're indestructible. And you'll do whatever it taires to clear your name from a bum murder rap. tiSre fighting ugly gangs with futuristic bi&es and Neolithic weapons. j jfaillj -( "HRPl ! j F Running big-rigs off the road at 100 mph. Mailing people pay. But that's what happens when you live your life at "Full Throttle’.' 'j till tiler Hub in i unis g a u in ft CIIIN Q For leclilcal advice call 1 - 9 0 2 -34 * 5 2 7 calls cast SI ceils pei anile Publisher: Phillip Keir Editor: Stuart Clarke Art Director: Mark Gowing Deputy Editor: Ben Mansill Cover Illustration: Matthew Hatton Advertising Manager: Mellissa Opie National Sales Director: Steve Watson Office Manager: Roberta Meenahan Accounts: Martine Sue Receptionists: Wendy McEwan, Margaret Puletua Contributors: Julian Schoffel, Eliot Fish, Chris Wheeler, Stretch Armstrong, Russell Hopkinson, Roger Bolton. George Soropos, Tim Levy, Tim Smith, Matt Teffer, Julian Bures, Jason Serda Printed by: Hannan Print Separations by: Pica Overseas Distribution by: NDD Ph. 353 9911 All copyrights reserved by Otter Publications Pty Ltd WRITE TO HYPER! PO Box 634, Strawberry Hills. NSW 2012 Fax: (02) 310 1315 Advertising: (02) 310 1425 E-mail: News Microprose Grand Prix 2, Games for Girls, Magic the Gathering goes PC. Streetfighter - the Movie game plus bits we couldn't fit anywhere else... Anime Reviews Net Trawlin’ WIN WiN WIN We're just too good to you! This month you could win Tank Girl goodies, Simpsons “Glow-in-the-Dark” jigsaw puzzles. Anime packs and copies of the awesome new PC CD ROM game, Mechwarrior 2. As some dork once said - "you gotta be in it to win it!” Features 20 interactive Binary illusions Interactive Binary Illusions are a tiny Aussie company taking on the Big Boys of the gaming world with their new adven ture, Flight of the Amazon Queen. Find out all about them in the HYPER interview... Previews 24 Rebel Assault 2 PC CD ROM Reviews 36 Slam n Jam 95 3D0 38 Pebble Beach Golf SATURN 40 Tekken playstation 42 Cybersled playstation 44 Pete Sampras mega DRIVE 46 Super international Cricket snes 48 Skeleton Krew MEGA DRIVE 50 Kirby’s Dream Course SNES 52 Story of Thor MEGA DRIVE 54 Megaman Mega World MEGA DRIVE 56 Full Throttle pc CD ROM 58 Virtual Pool PC CD ROM 60 Right of the Amazon Queen PC/PC CD ROM 62 Right Unlimited PC CD ROM 64 Mechwarrior 2 PC CD ROM 66 Byte Size Super Putty MEGA DRIVE Scottish Open Virtual Golf 32X/PC CD ROM Dominus PC CD ROM 1830 - Railroads b Robber Barons PC/PC CD ROM The Pure Wargame - Death From Above PC/PC CD ROM Lords of the Realm PC/PC CD ROM Alien Olympics PC CD ROM Gazillionaire PC/PC CD ROM Kingdom - The Far Reaches PC CD ROM Winter Sports PC CD ROM Renegade: Battle for Jacob’s Star PC CD ROM Machiavelli the Prince PC CD ROM 26 Calia 2095 PC CD ROM The Dig PC CD ROM 28 Heart of Darkness pc CD ROM 30 MagBall pc CD rom/playstation The Hive PC CD ROM/playstation 32 Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Quest SNES Killer instinct SNES 34 Arcade This month ARCANE checks out Night Warriors, Capcom’s sequel to Darkstalkers. He also gives you a peek at some future arcade winners plus some more killer moves for MK3. Play Guides 70 Full Throttle walk through 72 Bioforge walk through 74 Cheat Mode 78 Letters/Hypermart »HYPER I don’t know if it’s just me getting Older but time seems like it’s flying past at Sonic speeds right now. It's probably not just all the sexy Street Fighter the Game of the movie of the Game... o new games and systems that are on their way, but the realisation that HYPER is turning 21 issues old After copping a beating lately for its lack of a proper sequel, Street Fighter 2 is about to hit back. The new game features digitised (or maybe that should be young), that’s making me feel this way. It’s been a very busy time for all of us over the past eighteen months or so, but it all feels worth it when I read your letters and look back over our past issues. *Ve’ve certainly come along way, and with our on-line sister magazine, HYPER @CTIVE up and running, we’re taking Australian gaming culture to the world. I know I’ve probably said it before, but once again I must thank all the loyal HYPER readers out there who make our lives so much more interesting. Keep sending in the art, suggestions, letters, abuse, e- mails, competition entries, nude photos...(oops) ano we’ll keep pumping out HYPER. The new “Super Consoles” are getting all the hype but in the meantime PC gamers are being kept happy with loads of hot software just releaseciand even more on its way. Even mectwarnor 2. is finally seeing the light of day! You’ll find a review of Activision’s metal monster inside as well as other amazing PC titles such as Flight Unlimited, Virtual Pool and LucasArts' stunning adventure, Full Throttle (which we also play guide). Talking of LucasArts, as you could ^rob^ly tell ffp m our covet we take a peek at H6D6I ASSaUlt m, and two other new releases from what is probably the world’s leading game studio. LucasArts have hardly ever put a foot wrong and I don’t think they intend to start with Calia 2095, The Dig and Rebel Assault 2. Hot, hot, hot! And the good news for I *130 users is that you’ll be getting all the LucasArts games real soon too! Other than that we’ve got an interview with the guys from Interactive Binary Illusions who are a small Australian company taking on the likes of LucasArts with their new adventure, Flight of the Amazon Queen. Of course, the consoles aren’t forgotten and we’ve got a basketball game for the 3DO, a golfing game for the Saturn and a fighting game for the Playstation to look at, as well as many other titles which should keep everyone ildppy. •Ve’re moving in to the “action” part of the year in terms of game releases so stay with HYPER and immerse yourself in alternative realities over the next couple of months if you want to keep up with all the fun... Stuart characters from the movie, as well as sensational new moves. With huge sprites and careful work during development, the new game looks so good that Mortal Kombat’s hold on the beat 'em up crown is looking mighty shaky. Will we see Streetfighter dominate the arcades again? At least fourteen fighters are there to choose from, but we think we'll just play with Kylie (Cammy) because she looks so good (gratuitous - yep. Do we care? - nup). The new moves are still top secret, but we do know that throw reversals and multiple super moves are part of the new game. Comeback moves are another treat, possibly inspired by Toshinden, but they can only be used when your energy bar is flashing. The awesome damage these desperation moves can wreak may be called dishonourable and unsporting by some, but not the player whose life has just been saved by pulling one off. Playing as Jean-Claude Van Damme (Guile), allows special moves that were developed specifically to parody the great actor's trademark movie moves. This means totally wild and cool looking feats of acrobatics, with little or no practical fighting benefit. Cool} Completely new backgrounds are used, and about time too we say The digitised photo-real look permeates every aspect of Street Fighter the Movie, but will its stunning good looks be complimented by similarly high quality gameplay? The previous Street Fighters were animated, so completely ridiculous moves were possible. The new game will be limited to more conventional moves though, so will the very cause of the originals success vanish for the sake of a prettier screen? We'll let you know... Microprose Grand Prix 2 on the Grid You won’t find many PC gamers who don't include Microprose Grand Prix in their top ten list. GP’s cult status is a result of it’s clean graphics, awesome sound and accurate driving model - and the mere fact that it’s FI. Weak opponent Al was its only real problem, the cars tended to run their own race and had an irritating tendency to brake way too early, making winning a simple exercise in staying out of trouble. Despite the appearance of more sophisticated driving sims like Indycar, GP still retains the playability edge. Still, two years is an eternity in the game world and GP is starting to show its age. If you're a fan you can start getting excited now, for the Microprose programmers and artists have been toiling away on Grand Prix 2. Besides looking fantastic, new features address every shortcoming in the original and add new stuff that’ll send sim fans ballistic. Vastly improved opponent Al includes modelling of their racing style according to the driver’s personalities. Aggressive or passive driving, consideration or impatience and dirty tricks are just some of the many traits modelled. An improved replay facility is here too, but is limited to one lap. The tracks have been completely remodelled, for both improved accuracy and the inclusion of sand traps to prevent the much abused potential for shortcuts across the grass. More realistic interaction with the track is modelled too - hitting the curbing will now result in a dynamically correct major disaster. The new banked corners will now realistically affect speed and traction - Indycar style. Engine blow-outs are finally possible, but only on the higher of the five skill levels. But the best feature of all we reckon, is that each car has its own cockpit design! You can expect Grand Prix 2 around September and a full review before then. Gentlemen, start revving your engines!! ORDER NOW. Goldstar 3D0 VIRTUAL REALITY GAMES 568 Oxford Street Bondi Junction Tel: (02) 369 5700 Free call 1800 672 769 Sony Play Station »HYPER r oo ‘VlrWERS Ultimate Giveaway You may have noticed that the huge HYPER/Phoenix Imports Ultimate Giveaway prize pack was not drawn as advertised on the Zone on May 27th. We humbly apologise for that and it was com¬ pletely out of our control due to sponsorship changeover and the show going off-air for a few weeks. In the mean-time. Phoenix Imports have drawn a winner and it is... David Kelly of Annerley, Queens¬ land. Congratulations David - you get to play with your very own Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation, 3D0 and new Sony TV real soon Thanks to the thousands of read¬ ers who entered (the response was incredible) and once again, we apol¬ ogise to anyone who was inconve¬ nienced by the contest not being drawn on air. Dark Forces Troy Harrington (WA) See-Heng Chan (SA) Matthew Cope (VIC) won copies of Dark Forces while Mark Rengard (NSW) and Julie Brieger (QLD) won a copy of the game plus a Star Wars helmet Ooh. scary!! Energizer Lithium Battery Packs Leo Capizzi (SA) Matthew Leighton (QLD) Bradley Flynn (WA) N. Jason Minett (NSW) Serena Woo (NSW) Grant Higgins (QLD) D. Everton (QLD) Frank Lin (QLD) Kym Hogan (QLD) Duncan Hope (NSW) Elicia Ringrose (QLD) Michael Perez (NSW) Ashley Loh-Smith (VIC) Shaun Banfield(TAS) Gerard DeMeneghi (VIC) S. Ahern (QLD) Chris Buswell (WA) Michael Metham (Fiji) Leith Counsel (WA) Matt Ziegler (SA) Discworld Comp The winner of the first Discworld comp is the very lucky B. Matthews from St Hilda, Victoria. Well done B ! Colour my Game Boy Jeremy Polk from Adelaide in South Australia is the lucky HYPER reader who will soon be playing with a coloured Game Boy from Nintendo. Wing Commander 3 Paul Mayne(TAS) Peter Branchi (WA) Aaron Le Page (NSW) won a copy of the excellent WC3 thanks to EA. Red Dwarf Smeg Up Videos Ian Riley (SA) Nick Hume (NSW) Scott Darge (NSW) Christine Crawford (TAS) and Michael Smith (QLD) were the winners. What sort of games do girls like to play? Well, we always thought it was a case of particular people liking particular games - regardless of their gender, but apparently not. According to Games for Her (a new division of American Laser games), today’s modern girl gamer likes to be stereotyped as a teenage bimbo, who only cares about what she looks like and who she's seen with. Their new multimedia game on PC CD ROM, McKenzie & Co, throws unsuspecting free thinkers smack into the middle of a teenage American high school nightmare. The game finishes up on Prom Night, with a top score awarded to players who have the prettiest dress and most perfect boyfriend. This all comes about by working hard during the holidays, more money equals nicest dress you see. Very important stuff. A game highlight is the afternoon of the big night, players get to play mix and match with outfits, hairstyles and jewellery! Fabbo! Honestly, the game may be aimed at girls in the 9-14 age group, but the truth is there is no age group so naive that they would take this candy seriously. It’s 1995 ferchrissakes! Valley girls are supposed to be an extinct species! This patronising guff is offensive to boys and girls alike. If people really exist who lead the lives the girls in this game do, then Aaron Spelling should be told so he can start another smash hit TV series. McKenzie & Co claims to teach girls the values of honesty and consideration for others by showing that lying to parents and skipping school are bad things. If a growing girl needs to hunker down in front of her computer for a few hours to learn that, then something is seriously wrong. Vague redemption comes in the form of an edutainment CD included with the game. It tells the stories of various successful females in America, but is by no means good or relevant enough to justify the purchase of McKenzie & Co. We’re not even sure if McKenzie & Co will be released in Australia (is there a distributor stupid enough?), but we thought this public service announcement was valid. Earthworm Jim Goes PC Shiny Entertainment, the creators of Earthworm Jim. have signed an exclusive, long-term agreement with Activision which will see everyone's favourite worm shooting plasma on PC through the new Windows 95 operating system. Shiny and Activision have also agreed to jointly develop a state-of-the-art, next generation action engine which will be used for Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation and Nintendo Ultra 64 titles. Shiny's new engine is apparantly a two and three- dimensional hybrid and will deliver high-end functionality and flexibility. Shiny Entertainment, headed by gaming guru David Perry, will retain ownership of the new engine and the right to use the technology. This is a very good deal for Activision who haven’t had too many hit titles in recent years (although Mechwarrior 2 may change all that). They may also be onto a good thing with their commitment to provide the best quality action games for the new Windows operating system if it’s as good as Microsoft are telling us it is. Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure will launch simultaeously with Windows 95, which shows Activision’s committment to the operating system. According to Dave Perry. Earthworm Jim for Windows 95 will feature enhanced graphics and audio, but will retain the superb gameplay that made it such a hit on Mega Drive and Super Nintendo. And never fear, Jim fans, the Shiny team have almost completed the worm’s second big adventure and we'll have a big Shiny/Earthworm Jim 2 special next issue. 1 $19.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 Sega*Ozisoft Distributed by Sega*Ozisoft Contact Shockwave BBS for Screenshots and Demos on (02) 669 6041 or phone (02) 317 0000 for your closest retailer 10 »HYPER V Opponents CAP Slamming Sonic Slowly but surely Sonic is infiltrating our society. The latest beneficiary of his presence is the slightly weird, yet strangely appealing game of Cap Slamming. Never heard of Caps? You’ve probably seen it being played, but had no idea it was actually an organised and relatively skilful event. Also known as Pogs. the game apparently originated in Hawaii in the 1930’s. The caper is to stack the little round discs up, then chuck a bigger one at them, with the winner taking the right-side-up ones. The new Sonic series is bright, colourful and glows in the dark. They look pretty good, and at $2.95 for a set of five, they’re so cheap you can do anything you like with them. Like a game of Cap Slamming for example, or throw them at your parents, staple them to your clothes, glue them to your front door, or make jewellery for your dog... the potential is limited by your imagination alone. Carrion Ants Digfotmare Summon Bees Summon Oiohtmare Summon Ants 12 12 01 Datural Selection 1 PiM Iflyl 1 1/Tt 11 11 ry < * Because you read HYPER, you’re probably the sort of freak that is aware of the cult card game Magic the Gathering. Hell, you may even be freaky enough to have built your own dearly loved collection of cards, playing with equally freaky chums at every opportunity. The HYPER crew like to play too, but then again we’re particularly susceptible to these attractive and cultish fads. Thanks to the house of Microprose, we can now play this sensational and highly addictive game on the PC. That’s right kids, no need to mix it with real people anymore. If you do feel the need to show off your unbelievable skills, you can make use of the built in multi-player feature. The game is designed to strictly adhere to the official card game rules, with the attention to accuracy carrying over to the card designs. Reproduced beautifully in SVGA are the original cards, as well as the new expansion sets Arabian Nights. Antiquities, Legends and The Dark. For the uninitiated, games involve pitting your armies of darkness against other players. Each card represents a creature or hero type with specific attributes. The rules are quite complicated, but once it all makes sense a seriously enjoyable game awaits. Because it translates so well to the PC, Magic the Gathering should be investigated by PCers who have never seen the real thing. As a pure strategy game, it should attract new fans and real card players alike. We’re getting sweaty palms just thinking about it, so you can count on a full review the minute a copy lands in the office. Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures Are you an office worker who sits in front of a Windows PC all day? Is your lunch hour a bothersome inconvenience? Finding it tough to fill those minutes after you’ve filled your tummy? If you said yes then we say listen up! LucasArts are about to deliver your salvation in the form of Indiana Jones and his Desktop Adventures. It's a Windows adventure game designed to take no more than an hour to win. So where’s the value in that, you are undoubtedly wondering? Well the software has a random game generating engine capable of creating literally billions of new games. Each new game world has no more than 15 puzzles, with a guarantee that every new game will be completely different from the last. The meat of each game has Indy out to retrieve some ancient artefact. Being set in the land of the Aztecs, Mayans and the like didn't preclude LucasArts from including Indy's old chums the Nazis. Besides having them to worry about, Indy also has to contend with less than professional rivalry from one Dr Victor Van Loon, who like all great villains is shady and unscrupulous. The game plays like a stripped-down adventure game, but with all the features deemed essential to the genre. There’s ye old faithful inventory, a bit of character interaction and the need to explore absolutely everything. No Indiana Jones game would be complete without a dose of whip work, with a variety of native weapons able to be used for added fun. As the game is designed mainly as an office non-productivity tool, the need for a “boss key" which instantly pops up a fake spreadsheet is essential. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like such a thing is included. Shame that, you’ll just have to play by the rules then, with a little surreptitious over the shoulder checking in case you’re too stupid to finish it before it's back to work time. 30% OFF ALL 3.5" TITLES. HUGE RANGE OF PC GAMES. CALL FOR TITLES... CYB . B RMAGE.95.00 MAGIC CARPET DATA DISK . 47,50 NBA LIVE '95.95.00 HUGE RANGE. CALL FOR MORE JOYSTCKS/ACCESSOflIES JOYSTICKS FROM.29.95 CH JETSTICK.89.95 THRUSTMASTER.169.95 SOUND CARDS & CD ROMS SOUNDBLASTER 16. 199.00 ULTRASOUND MAX CARD 399.00 CD ROM DRIVE. 249.00 ST) P SUPER NINTENDO DECK.179.00 SUPER NES WITH INTERNATIONAL CRICKET.249.00 CONTROL PADS & JOYSTICKS SCOREMASTER JOYSTICK . 69.95 CONTROL PADS FROM . 29.95 ACCESSORIES A V CABLE . 25.00 MULTI TAP 4 WAY ADAPTOR . 59.95 PRO ACTION REPLAY MK2 . 99.95 US CONVERSION ADAPTOR 29 00 SUPER GAME BOY .99.95 TITLES BLACK THORNE . 85.50 BRUTAL PAWS OF FURY .95.00 CANNON FODDER . 114.00 CLAYMATES . 85.50 DEMONS CREST . 76.00 DESERT FIGHTER . 104.50 DONKEY KONG COUNTRY... 95.00 DRAGON VIEW .114.00 EARTH WORM JIM . 114.00 FINAL FANTASY 3 . 133.00 FIRESTRIKER 114 00 GHOUL PATROL . 57.00 ILLUSION OF GAIA . 76.00 INDIANA JONES . 114.00 INDY CAR NEWMAN HAASL . 57.00 JUDGE DREDD.114.00 JUNGLE STRIKE.... 95.00 ★ Hundreds more titles available on all formats ★ Best prices ★ Huge range of import titles from U.S.A. & Asia ★ We trade & sell used Sega and Nintendo, 3DO & IBM CD v ~V^ ★ New titles arrive daily, all at discount prices fp ★ Hardware and Accessories ★ Friendly service & expert advice ( ★ Free call orders line 4^ ★ Orders from New Zealand. Asia & the Pacific are welcome. Free members card on purchase of a control deck, hand held unit or once you have spent $300. Members entitled to an extra 10% off discounted prices. (Sale items & specials not incl.). , VORTEX.114.00 WARLOCK.114 00 WIZARDRY VI.„.95.00 WOLVERINE.133.00 X-KALIBER.85.50 YS III.66.50 ZELDA 3.76.00 HUGE RANGE OF NEW & USED. EARTHWORM JIM .114.00 ECCO JUNIOR. 47.50 ECCO DOLPHIN 2 . 95 00 FI WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 95.00 FATAL FURY 2. 66.50 FIFA SOCCER 95. 95 00 FLINSTONES. 85.50 GENERATIONS LOST. 95.00 HURRICANES. 95.00 IMMORTAL 47.50 INTERNATIONAL TENNIS 95.00 ITCHY & SCRATCHY. 95.00 IZZYS OLYMPIC QUEST. 95 00 JELLY BOY. 76.00 JUDGE DREDD. 95.00 JUSTICE LEAGUE. 104 50 LA RUSSA BASEBALL 95 ... 95.00 MEGA BOMBER MAN. 85.50 MEGA-LO-MANIA. 5700 MEGA MAN. 85.50 MEGA TURRICAN. 76 00 MICKEY & MINNIE . 95 00 MICRO MACHINES 2 . 95 00 MICKEY MANIA . 95.00 MORTAL KOMBAT II. 133 00 NBA LIVE'95. 95.00 NBA JAM. 66.50 NBA TOURNAMENT. 95.00 NHL HOCKEY '95 . 95.00 NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION .... 95 00 PAGEMASTER .104.50 PETE SAMPRAS TENNIS '96 95.00 PHANTASY STAR 4.133.00 GAME GEAR ACCESSORIES AND LARGE RANGE OF GAMES CALL FOR ANY TITLE YOU ARE AFTER SEGA MEGADRIVE __169.00 MEGADRIVE 6 3 GAMES . 179.00 CONTROLPADS/JOYSTICKS ARCADE PRO JOYSTICK . 59 95 CONTROL PADS FROM. 29 95 SG PROPAD 2 . 39.95 SG PROGRAM PAD 2 . 59 95 ACCESSORIES AV CABLE (MDII) . 29.95 4 WAY ADAPTOR . 59.95 PRO ACTION REPLAY MK2 99 95 UNIVERSAL ADAPTOR . 29 95 TITLES ASTERIX-POWER OF GOOS 85 50 BATTLETECH . 95.00 RUGBY WORLD 95.00 SAMURAI SHOWDOWN. 95.00 SEAQUEST.104.50 SHINING FORCE. 95.00 SHINING FORCE 2. 66.50 SLAM MASTERS. 95.00 SOLEIL. 66.50 SUBTERRANIA. 66.50 STARGATE. 104.50 STAR TREK NEXT GEN. 95.00 STORY OF THOR/BEYOND OAStS 142.50 STREETRACER. 95.00 SUPER STREETFIGHTER 2 95 00 SYNDICATE. 95.00 THEME PARK. 95.00 THE TICK.123.50 TOUGHMAN BOXING. 95.00 TRIPLE PLAY BASEBALL . 95.00 TROY At KM AN. 85.50 TRUE LIES.104.50 WOLVERINE. 104.50 X-MEN2. 85.50 CALL FOR ANY TITLE NOT LISTED SEGA 32X SEGA 32X_ 329.00 AFTERBURNER . 76.00 36 GREAT HOLES.104.50 CORPSE KILLER. 95 00 COSMIC CARNAGE. 85.50 DOOM. 95.00 METAL HEAD . 95.00 MIDNIGHT RAIDERS. 95.00 MORTAL KOMBAT II . 95.00 NBA TOURNAMENT. 104.50 STAR WARS ARCADE. 104.50 SUPER MOTORCROSS. 85.50 SUPER SPACE HARRIER ... 85 50 VIRTUA RACING DELUXE 95.00 WWF RAW. 95.00 JURASSIC PARK 2 . 85.50 JUSTIC LEAGUE . 114.00 KID CLOWN CRAZY HOUSE 76.00 KIRBYS DREAM COURSE.66.50 LEGEND . 76.00 LESTER THE UNLIKELY.76.00 LION KING . 85.50 LORD OF DARKNESS . 114 00 LORD OF THE RINGS.85.50 MARIO KART . 76.00 MEGAMAN X . 66.50 MEGAMAN X 2. 104.50 MICKEY MANIA . 114.00 MLBPA BASEBALL . 95.00 MORTAL KOMBAT 2 . 133 00 NBA JAM TOURNAMENT 114.00 NOBUNANAGA'S AMBITION 95.00 PINBALL FANTASIES . 104.50 RETURN OF THE JEDI . 114.00 ROBOCOP VS TERMINATOR 57.00 ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE . 66.50 ROMANCE OF 3 KINGDOMS 2 114 00 ROMANCE OF 3 KINGDOMS 3 ..... 85.50 SEA QUEST (DSV) . 104.50 SECRET OF MANA . 76.00 SOCCER SHOOTOUT . .66.50 SPEED RACER . 123.50 SPIDERMAN . 114.00 STARGATE . 114.00 STAR TREK DEEP SPACE 9 104.50 STAR TREK NEXT GEN . 104.50 STAR TREK STAR FLEET ACADAMY .57.00 STREET RACER.123.50 STUNT RACE FX (TRAX) . 95.00 THEME PARK .!..!. 104.50 THE TICK . 104.50 SUPER BOMBERMAN 2 . 76.00 SUPER DROP ZONE.95.00 SUPER INT L CRICKET . 95.00 SUPER METRCHD . 95 00 SUPER MORPH .. 85.50 SUPER PINBALL .„. 57.00 SUPER PUNCH OUT . 66 50 SUPER STREETFIGHTER 2 . 95.00 THEME PARK . 95.00 TRUE LIES . 114.00 ULTIMA BLACK GATE . 133.00 UNIRALLY . 57.00 76.00 95.00 85.50 95.00 LAWNMOWER MAN. ... 95.00 PUNISHER. 85.50 95.00 LETHAL ENFORCERS 1 ... ... 95.00 PUTTY SQUAD . 76.00 85.50 LETHAL ENFORCERS 2 114.00 RED ZONE. 104.50 i 95.00 MADDEN NFL'95. ... 95.00 ROCK 'N ROLL RACING ... ... 95.00 66.50 MAXIMUM CARNAGE. ... 95.00 ROAD RASH 3. 95.00 MEGA CD WITH GAME_ 199 00 3DO OR IBM CD SOFTWARE 1. Call (09 227 9991) for trade value of your games. 2. Use this value towards purchase of any thing we sell 4. Pack your software, with your name, address, phone number and software selection and mail to us 5. Upon receipt of your games Your order will be despatched TO BUY SOFTWARE 1. Call ORDERS ONLY PLEASE (Toll Free 1800 801 047) Please don't ring toll free if you're not ordering. 2. Credit card payments ‘ 3. Payment by cheqi name, address, phone numl days for cheque clearance). same day. lue/money order must include your rand your order. (Allow 7 DELIVERY CHARGES jlivery charge will apply). OVERSEAS AIRMAIL DELIVERY APPROX-$10.00 POSTAL MAIL ORDER ADDRESS: 94A ROE St, NORTHBRIDGE WA 6003 TELEPHONE: (09) 227 9991 PHONE TOLL FREE: (STRICTLY ORDERS ONLY) 1800 801047 SOFTWARE TRADE-IN QUOTES & QUERIES TEL: (09) 227 9991 FAX ORDERS: (09) 227 1114 No. 1 IN AUSTRALIA TWO GREAT LOCATIONS: NORTHBRIDGE 94A ROE ST, NORTHBRIDGE,W.A. PHONE 09 227 9991 MIDLAND GREAT EASTERN HIGHWAY,MIDLAND, W.A. PHONE 09 274 7690 HOURS OF BUSINESS (WA times) Mon-Thurs 9am-6pm Friday 9am-7pm Saturday 10am-4pm Sunday 12-4 pm EARTHWORM JIM.85.50 I ECCO 2.66.50 I EYE OF BEHOLDER.104.50 FIFA INT. SOCCER . 95.00 FORMULA 1 RACING.95.00 MEGA RACE. 95.00 MICKEY MANIA. 85.50 MIDNIGHT RAIDERS. 95.00 NHL HOCKEY . 95.00 POWERMONGER. 95.00 ROAD RASH . 95.00 SLAM CITY. 95.00 SNATCHER. 85.50 SUPREME WARRIOR. 95.00 SUPER STRIKE TRILOGY ... 95.00 SYNDICATE. 95.00 THEME PARK. 95.00 I HUGE RANGE CALL FOR MORE. ^ aoa f GOLDSTAR SYSTEM (NTSC) 745.00 INCLUDES FIFA SOCCER & 2 CONTROLS PAL ADAPTER. 99.95 CORPSE KILLER. 95.00 FIFA SOCCER. 95.00 GEX.. 95.00 HORDE. 95.00 LOST FILES SHERLOCK HOLMES 95.00 NEED FOR SPEED. 95.00 OFF WORLD INTERCEPTOR 95.00 OPERATION JUMPGATE .... 57.00 QUARANTINE. 95.00 ROAD RASH. 95.00 SAMURAI SHOWDOWN. 95.00 SHOCK WAVE. 95.00 SLAM N JAM. 96.00 STAR CONTROL 2. 95.00 SUPER STREET FIGHTER .. 95.00 SUPER WING COMMANDER 95.00 SYNDICATE_ 95.00 THEME PARK . 95.00 WING COMMANDER 3. 95.00 TITLES ARRIVE DAIL Y..CALL FOR MORE United quantities No rainchecks Of lay-bys. A delivery charge applies SUPCR NINTENDO ALIEN 3 57 00 BATTLETOADS 57 OO BRETT HULL HOCKEY 66 50 BUBSY 57 00 CHAOS ENGINE 57 OO CRASH DUMMIES 57 00 GHOULS & GHOST 57 OO JUNGLE BOOK 85 50 JURASSIC PARK 57 OO LOST VIKINGS 57 OO MARIO IS MISSING 66 50 MYSTIC QUEST LEGEND 57 OO NIGEL MANSELLS C SHIP 57 OO PAC ATTACK 57 OO PILOTWINGS 49 95 PINK PANTHER 69 95 PLOK 57 OO PUGSLEYS SCAV HUNT 76 00 SHAQFU 85 50 SUPER SOCCER ... 57 OO SUPER STRIKE EAGLE 57 OO SUPER TENNIS 57 OO SUPER TETRIS/DR MARIO 57.00 WORLD CUP SOCCER 94 59 95 YOUNG MERLIN 57 OO MEGAMfVE $ ALISIA DRAGOON 38 OO ANORETTI RACING 49 95 I&&A H STIX 85 io CHAOS ENGINE 57 00 DESERT STRIKE 39 95 FIFA SOCCER . 49 95 JUNGLE STRIKE 47 SO LOTUS TURBO CHALL II 47 50 MADDEN '94 49 95 MLBPA BASEBALL 94 59 95 NBA SHOWDOWN '94 47 50 NHL HOCKEY 95 47 50 PEBBLE BEACH GOLF 66 SO PGA EUROPEAN GOLF 49 95 PRO MOVES SOCCER 49 95 ROAD RASH ... 38 OO ROAD RASH 2 47 SO SHAQFU 85 50 TECHNOCLASH 49 OO URBAN STRIKE 49 95 ZERO TOLERANCE 69 95 MNU CO BILL WALSH FOOTBALL 69 95 BLACKHOLE ASSAULT 49 95 MYSTERY MANSION 69 95 NOVASTORM 69 95 SENSIBLE SOCCER 69 95 SONIC 69 95 SOUL STAR 79 95 OM CAT ALLEY _R Some items may not be available or be out of stock at date of printing No rainchecks on sale items All soft¬ ware, new & used carnes a 30 DAY WARRANTY. Dealer & Video Store enquiries welcome We reserve the right to refuse any sale or trade Prices subject to change without notice 12 »HYPER jB^PUgap 5L Crossfire - Flashback 2? The 3D adventure game, often touted as the Next Big Thing, is almost here. That it comes from innovative French house Delphine is no great surprise, as their pio¬ neering game Flashback broke new ground for 16-bit machines. Crossfire stars Flashback hero Conrad, so in effect the game is Flashback 2. This time round he's trying to save the Earth from the evil clutches of an Alien species. The nasty thing about this lot is their annoying ability to morph into just about any form. Luckily for Conrad he’s got a big gun, one that can use the variety of ammo to be found as the game progress¬ es - like armour-piercing, explo¬ sive, plasma and target-homing. The breakthrough achieved by Crossfire is the real-time rendering of the game world. BioForge uses pre-rendered backgrounds, as does the Alone in the Dark series. Crossfire presents the player with a world that has more in common with Doom, but because it’s an adventure game Conrad appears center-screen. The viewpoint only changes when Conrad opens fire, then a lightning fast switch jumps to an over the shoulder view, with big crosshairs to facilitate accuracy. The amazingly smooth character motion achieved with Flashback has been carried over to Delphine’s new title, although this time an entirely new technique has been used, instead of the rotoscoped method used previously. The precise nature of the technique remains secret, but an actor (the same one that did Conrad in Flashback) was filmed in many different positions, with computer A.I. filling in the gaps. The end result is that the char¬ acter is capable of unlimited freedom of movement. Deep gameplay has been promised by Delphine. Flashback's only problem was the sacrifice of gameplay for graphics in some areas. Crossfire, which is scheduled for a September/October release, will offer the player an absorbing experience, one designed to take a considerable amount of time and attention to complete. We await anxiously. metro Games Slash Prices We've received the occasional readers letter that asks the "why are games so expensive" question. Actually we get them almost every day. There are lots of reasons, but a sizeable chunk of the cost goes to cover the expense of flying container loads of games into the country. It all seems a bit silly really, when the games could be manufactured locally under license. Tentative steps have already been taken in the right direction, such as Ozisoft’s Price Busters range. However the local releases have always been "classics", or in other words, OK games that have outlived their prime sales potential. Now more positive action has been taken. The stumbling block has always been obtaining permission from the overseas games companies to locally manufacture their new releases. Luckily for we, the humble consumer, local distributor Metro Games have been granted permission from Mindscape and SSI to locally produce a selected range of their new games. Top titles like Ravenloft - Stone Prophet, Renegade and U.S.S. Ticonderoga can now be had for just $39.95 instead of $90 - $100. Cor! Because gamers are generally clever shoppers, support for Metro’s efforts should bear fruit in the form of more games at these unbeatable prices. So renegade, new. hot and cheap! spend and save gamers, for the future is cheap indeed All the bits we couldn’t fit anywhere else... Nintendo first test for their questionable Virtual Boy will come on August 14th, when the US release takes place. At US$179.95, the Virtual Boy will have five games on the shelves for buyers to choose from: Red Alarm, Galactic Pinball, Teleroboxer, Mario Clash and Mario’s Dream Tennis. Intel's 120 and 150MHz variants of their Pentium CPU should be available about now. This news won’t cheer fans of high-end flight sims Flight Unlimited and Falcon 4.0. both of which require a P6 (the 686 - or possibly Sextium!) for maximum performance. Cheap joystick makers QuickShot are about to release a cheap clone of the Thrustmaster HOTAS system. The stick and throttle unit has all the features of the Thrustmaster, with the exception of an outrageous price tag, top build quality, ergonomic design and full ranging joystick movement. Multi-player Civilisation (Civ-Net) is finally due for release. This should have been incorporated into the original game, and gameplayers have been begging Microprose for this for years, but at least they're finally listening. The hugely successful Multi Media dance compilation CD from the groovers at MDS and Metro Games is to be followed up by (naturally enough) Multi Media II. As well as more hot techno tunes, it will include a playable demo of LucasArts Dark Forces! On the licence to print money front, the movies Casper and Waterworld will make the transition to the games screen. Playstation, Saturn, 3DO, PC and 32X are the likely platforms at this stage. A mission disk for Magic Carpet is coming! Called Hidden World, it features a new snow and ice landscape. Magic Carpet 2 is also on its way. Console gamers are about to get a decent adventure game! Alone in the Dark was released for the PC so long ago that the string of sequels is up to part III. It's a top game though, and Saturn and 32X CD owners should rejoice at this news. Go on then, rejoice! Super-fast first person shooter Descent is coming to the Saturn and Playstation! No release date as yet, but it’ll be worth the wait. The 3DO versions of Doom and Doom II should be out by the end of the year. This is not the Doom we love and worship though, designers Art Data have created an entirely new episode of levels, and will incorporate brand new weapons! Snowboarding freaks (there’s one in every office) finally get a game. Shredfest (whoa!... cool name!) EA should have it out by the end of the year, with Playstation the initial platform and a Saturn version to follow. It uses the Road Rash engine and is said to be a breathtaking feat of 3D animation. The phenomenal success of Dune II clone Warcraft has spawned a sequel. It’s currently under development by Blizzard Software. JetFighter III is coming! Featuring brand-spanking-new graphics and a choice of planes to fly. This one’s been delayed a few times, but should be out around November. When Robocop the TV series first screened. Robo’s startup sequence finished with the words "loading” flashing across his visor. Does this mean the Robodude himself runs on MS DOS? Is it therefore possible to play games on Robocop? And what of other superheroes? Our guess is that Spiderman runs AmigaDos - interesting but largely useless, Superman runs Unix - allegedly all powerful, yet seems to die with alarming frequency. MacOs would have to be Batman - no special powers, but lots of gadgets and ultimately cool, with Judge Dredd being Windows based - sadly necessary but feared and hated by most of society. Saturn CD's, Video CD’s, CDi’s, Photo CD’s, Audio CD's, CD+G, CD+EG. TITLES Virtua Fighters, Daytona USA, Clockwork Knight, Panzer Dragoon, Pebble Beach Golf, Myst, SI Victory Goal, plus many more. WHERE New South Wales: All Fx Games, Gamekeeper Entertainment, The Games Shack, Games Wizards, Gamesmen, Harvey Norman, J & C Computer Games, Oxygen Computer Services, Try & Byte, Virtual Reality Games Headquarters, Winner Computer Games. Victoria: Capital Games Centre, Gamexpress, Harvey Norman, Hi Tech Game Centre, Video Game Mania, Video Games, Heaven, Virgin Megastore. Tasmania: Rokeby Newsagency, KM Computers. South Australia: Game City, Game Mania, Virgin Megastore. Western Australia: Hi Tech World. Queensland: Games R Us, Gamexpress, Mr Toys Myer Centre, Springwood, Southport Toyworld, Vox Entertainment Maroochydore. HPB2074B Reviews by Max Antohead Star Blazers As a kid I often ran home from school and switched on to the ABC. waiting with baited breath for the next instalment of STAR BLAZ ERS! Before the coming of Macross, STAR BLAZ ERS was it! A World War II battle cruiser search¬ ing the depths of space for the planet Iscander to bring back Cosmos DNA, which will save the plan¬ et Earth from environmental destruction In their wake are the space forces of the planet Gamilon. who for some reason want to destroy Earth for their own twisted and evil ends Whatta story! Another writer once warned me about building up childhood memories The school yard always seemed bigger than it actually was That book about the dragon and the elf more exciting That television show so magic and fascinating So was I disappoint¬ ed by going back and seeing STAR BLAZERS? Well, as soon as I pressed play I reeled in shock at how dated STAR BLAZERS had become It was like looking at old photographs and cringing at the clothes one once wore. Truly embarrassing Yet it’s hardly fair to review an anime released in 1980 with the standards set by giants such as Macross and Akira In it's heyday STAR BLAZERS was king shit. It set the standards that animes such as Macross followed, and is today considered one of the insti¬ tutions of that genre, much like Battle of the Planets For all you who are old enough to remember this classic, get it out for the strange things that it does to your mind (remember the Wave Motion Gun?) For all you newer viewers, here's your chance to get a bit of history! 7/10 Rated PG Distributed by Kiseki Films Twilight of the Cockroaches A tale of two nations One affluent, where food is abundant and the needs of all are catered for The other, a warrior country, where day to day living is a nightmare of war and death. Within this chaotic backdrop two strangers meet at the end of the world, and thus are sown the seeds of a tragic love that equals Romeo and Juliet in scope as well as in grandeur This is the tale of the planet This is the tale of cockroaches A black satire from director Hiroaki Yoshida. "Twilight of the Cockroaches” is produced in the same vein as "Dot and the Kanga¬ roo". using live backgrounds with animated characters (but please, don't let that analogy put you off!) Actually, this Film reminds me of other greats such as Tombstone for Fireflies and Roujin-Z. Like the latter two. the deeper allegories of ROACHES convey the deep concerns of creators such as Yoshidsa, who expresses his concerns of a post-war Japan grown decadent through prosperity In fact, if we look at the subjects of the animes that have reached our shores, they more often than not gravitate around huge mon¬ sters or mutants or technological advancements that can affect sudden mass destruction Babylonian "end of the world” themes are deeply etched into the psyche of Japanese culture Plastic Little Y know. I’ve read a lotta strange things about Japan, one of which is the exploitation of schoolgirls I mean, you can get used schoolgirl undies from vending machines for perverts to sniff and wear You can even get recycled gum that’s been chewed by schoolgirls. Mmm- Mmm! So what's all this got to do with Plastic Little 7 A lot. Tyita is a seventeen year old "Pet Shop Hunter" She travels around on this big ship commanding a tough and hardy crew that hunt exotic animals whales, for instance. Tyita. with all her schoolgirl charm meets Elize. a sixteen year old girl on the run from the military after her father is brutally killed Both are drawn to each other because they have one thing in common, they both make Angie Hart from Frente look butch. Drawn in the kiddie Japanese Anime style. PLASTIC LITTLE seems to have blown half of its budget into animating the breasts of the teenage girls There's this bath scene for example, that takes place so that the characters can "get to know each other better". That chewing gum's tasting good already, I bet! To be fair, the rest of the animation in PLASTIC LITTLE is above par There's some beautiful designs for the flying ships and vehicles, and technically this is a good looking, well designed anime. Howev¬ er. little thought or originality seems to have gone into the narrative itself. The characters are pretty bland and cliche, and the story seems to evolve with no attention to plot climax whatsoever. By the time the tape finished I kept asking "Is that it?”. Ho hum Watching PLASTIC LITTLE is like biting into a hollow apple Rated “R" but I couldn't see why. Maybe the breasts were too well animated. 6/10 Rated R. Subtitled in English Distributed by Kiseki Films Available Now on Video! Also Available 8 Man After Parts 1 & 2, Starblazers Part 3 & Robot Carniv For all your ANIME enquiries phone or fax the Kiseki Club Phone (09) 356 1531 Fax (09) 458 2005 fhe Home of New Wave Japanese Animation w* Roujin- Z Katshuhiro Otomo.can the man do no wrong? Akira gave him world wide acclaim and spearheaded Japanese Manga and Anime into the west, and with the latest release of his movie Roujin-Z on video, I’m already creaming my pants. Another Blade Runner-esque cyberpunk extravaganza? I’m afraid not What we have here is a totally different masterpiece; a refreshing change to the street level cool of Akira 2020AD and Japan's aging population starts to take its toll on the working population of the nation As the question of aged care becomes a critical matter, the government announces the latest in elderly care, the Z-001! A robotic hospital bed powered by an arti¬ ficial intelligence computer, the Z-001 is the newest complete life support unit, programmed to respond to the needs of the elderly All needs including entertainment, medical, feeding and waste dis- TWIUGHT OF THE COCKROACHES If nothing else ROACHES is a lesson in strength and in survival. The characterisation is so strong that the cockroaches assume a life of their own They become real people This is a magic achievement that will make you stand up and applaud 10/10 Rated TBC Distributed By Kiseki Films Hi _ l Tap into the wide world of the Residents' creativity. Swirling world of surreal sound and colour inhabited by strange characters. Watch and enjoy the show! IE M !# A psychedelic experience. Enter a world of heightened aural and visual sensation. An ever changing kaleidoscope of colour and shades! mu MUSIC BRIAN CNO ieos, ambient £ striking stills, iraphics. 10 musically icks - each by artist! ely new art form! gnp ng Fea ng ent posal are catered for All needs except one dignity. If you're asking how exciting an anime on a robotic hospital bed can be, then think again Roujin-Z completely immerses you with¬ in its world and leaves you begging for more Ottomo is a master craftsman of storytelling, who has created true originals (need I AVAILABLE FROM mention Akira?), and has done so again with Roujin-Z Brilliant animation, brilliant story and brilliant directing makes this Film a must see for everyone 10/10 Rated M 15-h Distributed by Manga Video MUSIC STORES ■V h Autodesk© HEADS UP s DISPLAY v4 li';v\ mmM ; \ \ . / V A vv \ \ \ m m/. \\ \ X^Bl 11 A. more and more corporations are swarming onto the ‘Net every day, and while there’s a lot of junk going up, there’s also some very slick pages appearing. Cyber¬ freak ROGER BOLTON checks out the latest and most interesting ’Net bits... •] © * « i wFf iru\ i K « 14l ! j { i \ 1 : C*r - ■ •> , tllLiitlUtl! ©1995 SONY PICIIMS - IMA6EWQRKS Hollywood's vision of the 'Net rj I N TJLR A C T I V Sony Pictures have easily beaten MCA's "Tank Girl" effort for the most elaborate commercial website ever. "Johnny Mnemon¬ ic" is a slick new cyberpunk movie based on a short story by visionary sci-fi author William Gibson. It features the Johnny of the title (played by Keanu Reeves) as a future courier with 320 Gigabytes of seriously dangerous data stored in an implant in his skull. The hot part of this movie is that is represents Holly¬ wood's most ambitious attempt yet at creating the future of the Internet (or William Gibson's "CyberSpace"), on the big screen. Forget The Lawnmower Man, this film is going to have some stunning fully rendered sequences! The Johnny Mnemonic site features all the usual stills, video clips and cast pictures, but the really special bit is the interactive "net.hunt". The net.hunt is a scaled ^ down version of "CyberSpace" for the Web. It features thou- sands of fully rendered • frames taken from the same 3D model used in the movie and a hunt for clues to prizes in the LA Grid. Of course, • seeing as we're over here in distant Aus- j . tralia, the hunt will be over by the time the movie is released, but the website is still worth a good look. It also contains info and screenshots of the interactive movie of Johnny Mnemonic that is being released on PC and Mac CD ROM as well as the Playstation. William Gibson gives an audio sample describing it as "Myst on some nasty stim¬ ulants" . Sounds very exciting! Also of note on the site is a VR Player from Autodesk that lets you explore a very cut down version of the LA Grid on your own JOHNNY MNEMONIC INTERACTIVE NET HUNT PC in real time You need a fast PC for this and 16 MB of RAM, but if you've got the hardware go for it. " effort for For the full story on William Gibson, who is one of the / Mnemon- world’s most influential Sci-Fi authors (Neuromancer and the rt story by compilation Burning Chrome are highly recommended) jump i Johnny of over to "" or for just jr with 320 the Johnny Mnemonic site, web over to implant in "". If Sony spends as much ents Holly- on the PlayStation website as they did on this then it will be truly worth the download time! If you've heard of MUDS, and you're interested, but have no clue as where to begin playing one or how they work, then read on (and if you're not interested then bugger off to the next para¬ graph). MUDs are a cross between a Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying game and a party line, and are broadly split between Social and Combat MUDs. In the social MUDs (MOOs, MUSHES and TinyMUDS) you create an interesting alter-ego for yourself, and enter a text based world where you interact with others and just generally hang out. In the combat MUDs (LPMUDs and DikuMUDs) you begin life as a lowly peasant scum weakling who couldn't stran¬ gle an injured puppy to save your life and attempt to work your way through the ranks to the ultimate warrior-king-sorcerer- demi-god type thing. Along the way you can kill other players (always fun) or team up with them to beat tougher monsters, and then back stab them, kill them and steal all their weapons and armour (even more fun). In many forms of social and combat MUDs, you can even add your own areas to the game and create your own virtual hang¬ outs online. Be warned, this usually requires a lot of patience and a willingness to do some serious coding and wading through obscure UNIX type commands. The effort can be worth it though when you reach the exalted Wizard rank and get to build your own Castle. Two good places to look around to get started on MUDding are the CSU Mud Archive at " page.html" and the Cardiff MUDIist at : "". CLASSIC VIDEO GAMES - ATARI 2600 1. Brian Lara Cricket WestWood Studios - The creators of DUNE II and the hot new strategy game Command and Conquer have just put a brand spanking new website up at: "http://www.". SquareSoft Page - Lovers of quirky Japanese roleplay¬ ing games rejoice! All the Squaresoft info and sickeningly cute pics you want can be found at: " Dr Fellowbug’s Lab of Fun and Horror This site has the best version of HangMan I’ve ever seen on the web - the zombie's legs and arms get pulled off every time you get a letter wrong. Kewl! "". Classic Video Games Page - All the info you ever wanted on Atari 2600. Intellivision and Vectrex games! For the oldtimers who remember, this site will bring back a fond recollection or two of hours spent with “Pitfall” or "Combat". These were the days when 64K was a huge amount of memory and 32 colours was awesome! "http://www2/ecst/“gchance/”. E-mail feedback is always welcome, for general letters to HYPER e-mail "" for cool web sites or other internet news send them to “". And stay ahead of the pack by visiting HyperOctive, HYPER’s fully interactive web site at “’'. You’ll soon find the Australian Sony Playstation page there too! You can also drop in to the HyperOctive online chat area called appropriately enough “The Freak Zone” on UltiMOO, a social MUD based loosely on a warped future version of Sydney. Just connect to "telnet://” and follow the instructions. (HINT: Stuart goes by the name of "Solidburp” on UltiMOO so remember to say hello!). HYPER’s charts are supplied by The Gamesmen mega Drive HYPEH’s 300 charts supplied by Sprint Electronics 2. NBA JamTE 3. NBA Live ‘95 st Inmimcs r.MG O.FOR 1 i.fc Overs , 'PHD • i / *. ;• u * i 6 Illusion of Time 8. Rise of the Triad mega CD 1. Terminator 2. Supreme Warrior 3. Eye of the Beholder 4. Formula One 5. NBA Jam 9. XCom 2: Terror From the Dee 10 Descent PC CD ROm 1. Full Throttle 2. Nascar Racing 3. Dark Forces 4. NBA Live ‘95 5. Links 386 3D0 1. Slam and Jam 2. Gex 3. Need For Speed 4. Return Fire 5. FIFA Soccer 6. Theme Park 7. Immercenary 8. Hell 9. Dragon’s Lair 10. Samurai Shodown 3DO Charts supplied by Sprint Electronics HYPER» 17 Star Blazers Japanese anime has been around long enough now for certain older titles to be fairly described as classics. Star Blazers is one such series. The melodramatic escapades of the hero Derek Wildstar should not be missed. Many video shops now have dedicated anime sections, so hunt this one down for some dashing space epic action. Couldn’t be bothered? No worries then, just enter this fab new competition and win one! You get more than just the movie too. Thanks to Kiseki we’re giving away three Star Blazers packs complete with said movie, a cool Star Blazers T- shirt and a stunning mounted poster. Full on! You know the routine, here’s the question and the address: What country does Star Blazers originate from? Star Blazers Comp. HYPER PO Box 634 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Your Very Own mechwarrior 2 Mechwarrior 2 is one seriously smouldering game. So hot in fact that we’re going to spread the joy and give five copies of the game away! The game comes on PC CD ROM - so you’ll need one of those for starters. Got one? Cool, all you need now is a copy of this killer game. Thanks to the good people at Roadshow and Activision for making this great competition possible. Mechwarrior 2 is the sequel to which game? Mechwarrior 2 Comp. HYPER PO Box 634 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 The Simpsons Glow in the Dark You've probably marvelled at Glow Zone products - we do every night at bedtime. They’re the stick-on glow in the dark doobies that you put on your walls and ceiling. Most common are the stars and moons, but there are many varieties and one of the new must-have items are Simpsons 60 piece jigsaws! What more can this product have going for it! It’s The Simpsons, you can do stuff with it and it glows in the dark! Too much! Thanks to the radiant people at Glow Zone products, we now have five of these fantabulous jigsaws to give away. Just write the answer to this easy question on the back of an envelope and send it in. Where did Homer work part-time to help pay for Lisa’s horse? Send it to: Glowing Simpsons Comp. HYPER PO BOX 634 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Tank Girl Pack You’ve all probably heard of (or seen) Tank Girl by now. She’s a futuristic, spiky-haired, smart arse, comic book superhero for the riot grrl generation and she’s way cool. The movie stars Lori Petty, Ice-T, Naomi Watts and Malcolm McDowell and is doing big business right around the world. The soundtrack is also particularly fierce, and features Hole, Bjork, Ice T, L7, Iggy Pop and Veruca Salt, to name but a few. While there’s no word on a Tank Girl game yet, we thought we’d give you a chance to win a big pack so you can get into the whole feel of it. Thanks to UIP we have a Tank Girl dog-tag, poster, book, soundtrack and T-shirt to give to a lucky reader. To win, tell us who is the rapper who stars in Tank Girl? On the back of an envelope with all your details to: TANK GIRL COMP HYPER PO BOX 634 STRAWBERRY HILLS NSW 2012 Knowit^ ^||plieone else won when it could Ijiave been you is a thought too ugly to bear, so... subscribe! Smart HYPER rea best gamin If you read then yo Whaddya e so they get Australasia's er and easier. subscribed, Fill out this coupon and mail it to HYPER, Reply Paid 634, PO Box 634, Strawberry Hills, NSW. 2012 Name_System _ Address _ Suburb/Town_Postcode _ Enclosed is my cheque/money order, or debit my credit card for $44.95 □ Bankcard □ Mas Card No Expiry Date _ □ Mastercard □ Visa The ttyper interview with interactive Binary (Hhaioha interactive Binary IIImaioma «a a new AnAtralian ba/sed entertainment company • Recently their firAt PC adventnre title # Flight of the Amazon Queen, hit the market and early aq!ca fignre a Aeem to indicate that it ia already Aelling well• In an indnAtry dominated by the like a of Sierra* Origin , MicroproAe and LncaAArtAf HVPER woa anxioHA to find ont what made theAe Rmaaic qhija ao keen to a trap on the glove a and a tep into the ring» JULIAN SCHOFFEL donned Iua boxing AhortA and went ten ronndA with the co-founder a of IBI, John Pa aa field and Steve StamatiadiAm JOHN STEVE How long hove tfow gwifA been Involved T ROADSHOW NEW MEDIA AcfiVisioN MechWarrior. BatlleTech and Mech are registered trademarks of FASA CORPORATION Activision is a registered trademark of Activision Inc. 28 »HYPER r Heart of Darkness V Now the French may not be the most globally responsible people around, but knocking up a decent game is some¬ thing they do particularly well. French game makers Amazing Studio have been in business for three years and now they’re about to release their first game! All that time the team has been working in secret on the soon to be released Heart of Darkness. The action/adventure game should blow us all away with a rare blend of graphics and gameplay. Let there be no doubt that the Amazing Studio team has the creden¬ tials to deliver the goods. Besides look¬ ing damn cool in the publicity photos (an extreme rarity in the game world), their techy geniuses include the brains behind such masterpieces as Flashback and Another World. Those silky smooth sprite animation techniques have been re-worked to provide a cartoon style of animation. The main character has over 1500 frames of animation for the sprite movement - and that's just in one direc¬ tion of movement! The story places you in the big red shoes of Andy, who must quest his way through an "outrageously surreal” land¬ scape of rendered and hand painted backdrops. Andy’s problem is that his dog Whiskey disappeared during a solar eclipse. Things go downhill from here for poor Andy, and he is forced to confront his fear of dark and horrible places in search of his beloved mutt. Luckily he’s a sprite blessed with particularly mobile talents, and he can climb sheer cliffs, leap mighty chasms as well as swim through the mazes of underwater caves common in the game world. The baddies come straight from the nightmares of poor suffering Andy (we reckon he must sleep pretty well as most of them are far cuter than the stuff that wakes us up in a cold sweat). Normally we don’t bother mentioning special intros, but this one is a truly incredible treat. The lot is fully rendered and has a shiny plastic look that’ll make you drool. Besides lasting forever, it also impresses with the way it blends seam¬ lessly into the gameplay. Although we haven’t seen the complet¬ ed game. Amazing Studio say getting through it all will take ages - a good thing, we say. Action-style dexterity and adventure-style thinking are the required skills, with the hordes of nightmare crea¬ tures being dealt with via some spectac¬ ularly cool weaponry. Due for release in the closing months of 1995, Heart of Darkness is shaping up to be one of the hottest games of the year. We’ll be playing it to death as soon as we can so we can tell you all about it. 1 HYPER» 29 30 »HYPER r iflagBall V The nightmare future scenario is just plain silly. There isn’t going to be a nuclear holocaust, no sir. Instead we re all going to spend the days strapped into zoomy mag-lev cars, chasing a geodesic ball around at 600 MPH. So says new game crafters Trimark, who are about to release their vision of future harmony in the form of MagBall. The 3D game sound like a blend of Descent and Speedball, players can navigate freely in the 3D environment, with the sporting aim of hammering home goals by taking advantage of their surrounds for bounce shots and other fancy trickery. Fast action is what Trimark promise, which suits us just fine. As your team progresses the playing areas become more complex, with the contest ulti¬ mately moving to the All System MagBall Championship - woooooo, sounds grand don’t it! Due out in November, MagBall will a CD ROM only experience, with both PC and Playstation versions expected. PC CD ROM /PLAYSTATION I I \ %W\ Available: NOVEMBER Category: ACTION Players: 1-2 Publisher: TRIMARK INTERACTIVE The Hive PC CD ROM /PLAYSTATION Proving there's originality left in the old plot department, Trimark are about to unleash The Hive. Their fertile imagina¬ tions have been in overdrive for this one, apparently in the distant future a race of giant killer bees will emerge. Known as Hivasects, they are sought after by an evil conglomerate called the Black Nexus. Why? Because the bee s honey is a potent biological weapon. Black Nexus are the interstellar mafia and are not known for their altruism, so to combat their undoubtedly dastardly plans only a full military solution will work. This is where you come in! Taking con¬ trol of a flash starfighter, you take the Fight to the home planet of the mysterious Ancients, where the plot dictates you are to crash land. Not to worry! Ground- based gun battles and the rescue of a hap¬ less compatriot who's carelessly wound up in enemy hands are your new priorities. The action/arcade CD ROM mainly focuses on rail-running shooter sequences, and remembering the disas¬ ters that have appeared following this formula, we only hope Trimark have got it right. PC and Playstation will be the platforms, October is the due date. Available: OCTOBER Category: ACTION/ARCADE Players: ONE Publisher: TRIMARK INTERACTIVE r- Uni -1 N A L L Y , . A G A M E ;* * W 1 1 T H BALLS. k_ _ ^ VIRTUAL POOL On PC CD-ROM Introducing Virtual Pool"*, a game so real we guarantee that it will improve your actual pool game. It has all the angles, all the shots of the real game - and then some! Take a video lesson and learn trick shots from Ha 11-of-Fa mer Lou Butera-or go on an historic multimedia tour of the sport. So chalk up your mouse and take your best shot! "Virtual Pool is flat out impressive just have to see this thing in action." — PC Gamer viR TUAL. ^ POOL* On PC CD-ROM Line up your shot and get ready to sink it in the corner. • Modem and Network Play • Shot tracking • Full-motion Multimedia Library • Realistic Feel & Control Get a free demo at our Web site at http://WWW.INTCRPLAY.COM Distributed by Sega *Ozisoft Contact Shockwave BBS for Screenshots and Demos on (02) 669 6041 or phone (02) 317 0000 for your closest retailer. 32 »HYPER f Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong’s Quest You didn’t really think Donkey Kong Country was the last hurrah for the SNES did you? Nor did you honestly believe that the adventures of that lov¬ able scamp and his chums would be just a one hit wonder! Oh no, there’s blood in that there stone, with Nintendo set to out-Mario itself in the sequel stakes. Now be honest, you thought Diddy Kong was at least as cute, if not more so, than that big lug Donkey? We thought so too, and so did Nintendo 'cause now wee Diddy has his very own game. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong’s Quest is what it'll be known as, but we think we’ll just call it Diddy’s Quest. Diddy’s off in search of his lost buddy Donkey, with a little help along the undoubtedly treacherous way from his girl¬ friend Dixie. Yep, little Diddy's got a bad case of the girl germs! The pair can be used together in all manner of gamey ways (as with the first game), like lifting each other up to those hard to reach places. Over 100 levels and a feast of new bad¬ dies should push up the HYPER valueme- ter, with a whole bunch of new moves for Diddy and Dixie set to keep us up late until... well, until we finish it at least. British designers, Rare, have promised an even more spectacular visual treat in Diddy's Quest; the rendered artwork is said (by them) to deliver "spectacular anima¬ tion" . while the CD of the music (sold sepa¬ rately) is said (by us) to be a bit silly really. We ll all be playing this assured master¬ piece by the end of the year, so stay tuned to HYPER for all the details that count. SNES Available: NOVEMBER Category: PLATFORM Players: 1-2 Publisher: NINTENDO Killer Instinct Who needs a super console! With the stuff Nintendo are getting their 16-bit SNES to do, maybe buying a new wonder box isn’t the priority you thought it was. We’ve seen it, but we still don’t believe it, Killer Instinct on the SNES!!??!? The humungous rendered beat 'em up; that many suspected would have problems converting to the Ultra 64; will be faithfully recreated for SNES. The fully rendered graphics that won our hearts in the arcade translates remark¬ ably well, while the gameplay apparantly makes the journey fully intact - complete with the outrageous combos! The style of fighting may not be everyone’s idea of how a head should be bashed in, but the undeniable beauty of the game should attract even "pure" fighting fans - just so they can marvel at the unbelievable graphics. Even more remarkable is the announcement of a Game Boy version. It won t have the ren¬ dered graphics of course, but the gameplay will be untouched so you can impress fellow commuters with your 46 move combos It’ll be a mighty expensive game, but as a special treat for the first 2 million cus¬ tomers, Nintendo will include free an audio CD of Killer Instinct music! Hurry Hurry! mm The biggest expo oF computer games, interactive multi media, music and imaging yet seen in Australia. Three eye opening days oF Fun, games, music & activities!!!!!!!!! rs For more info contact H/ !»*ny Pool at High ProFile Exhibitions Pty Ltd -r }6S Swan Street Rich Vic 3121 Aust . Ph: (031 9428 041S Fa*: (03) 9428 9S08 OHIftfUO Mobile: 01b 3S4 180 HYPER» 34 »HYPER — This month, ARCANE catches up on the killer (and we mean Pp “killer”) moves for (Vlortal Kombat III, reveals Sega’s Virtua Fighter 3 as well as K taking a look at Capcom’s latest ^ bifferama, Nightstalkers. Well, Capcom are still delaying the much anticipated (will it ever happen?) Street Fighter III. In the mean time they have thrown in our wet-with-excitenient laps Night Warriors - Darkstalkers Revenge. Reviewed only a few issues ago, Darkstalkers features beautifully animated characters in an action packed fighting game. Night Warriors is more of the same, but with even more improved graphics that will keep you watching in amazement. There have been many fighting games in the past using animation, but few can match the animation of this game. In fact you could be mistaken in thinking that one of the major animation studios produced this masterpiece. What makes this version different to the first one? Well, for starters the graphics are improved tenfold (they are truly beautiful), the gameplay has been refined (now you can play as the bosses) and all the character’s special moves are more freakier than ever before. Of course, the moves are all based on Street Fighter, but there is also a Super power gauge that when charged lets loose some astounding, and visually awesome moves that will leave you gaping in awe. Sometimes sequels to games leave us wondering why they bothered, but Darkstalkers Revenge’s visual appeal and marked improvement on playability lets you rest assured that Capcom are the Combat game sequel producers with no equal! There are two new characters - Hsien-Ko and Donovan. Hsien-Ko is a Chinese ghost fighting to save his poor muni’s spirit and Donovan is the game’s Rebel with a cause - he's looking to stop the Darkstalker’s evil for good. On top of playing all your favourite characters with graphical overhauls and the two new characters to learn, it is equally enjoyable getting a shot to play as the bosses - Pyron and Huitzil. Overall, Capcom have done a remarkable job in producing a slick package that once again should act as the temporary dummy for those crying out for their new Street Fighter fix. Well...maybe. In 1996, the arcades will be on fire with the latest in the fighting game sequel wars! Sega have announced that Virtua Fighter III will be out and will be hotter than ever with more characters, moves and improved graphics that will leave all else for dead! Virtua Fighter III will be running on Sega's Model 3 Board. You may have read in past issues of HYPER about these customised Sega boards, each one being hotter than the other, being able to do many a wondrous thing. Well, the Model 3 board is still in development, with the designers and programmers working together to put out the best game they can in the shortest possible time. Be sure of one thing though, this baby will hurl more polygons per second than you, poke a joy stick at! In the mean time though, keep an eye out for the game (currently code named) Fighting Vipers. This one is being released as the interim game between Virtua Fighters 2 and 3, and is expected in Japan in the last quarter of the year. Be sure of lots of ideas and moves left over from the Virtua Fighter series. i . . W.’iC/Joponfcff? Bt (Nf ii /vy KUNG LAO 7 Hit Combo - HP, LP, HP, LP, LK, LK B+HK Now that you have brushed up on your basic moves from last issue, it’s time to get down to business and let some serious fatalities loose. Below, find the first list of the hottest fatalities and Animalities around. As it gets updated and changed frequently I will always try to update you with the moves from latest version. Each character is said to have 2-3 fatalities! Firstly, remember that Animalities can only be completed from a close distance, after a 'Mercy' has been performed. NB: Mercy for all characters is Down, Down, Down, Down, Run. NNB: And if you don't feel like giving mercy, especially on the Subway, Bell Tower and Pit III levels - Tap F, F, F, Run! LIU KANG Fatality 2: (Press U, Block, Run) twice. 7 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LK, LK, HK, B+LK NIGHTWOLF Fatality 1: D, F. F. HK (close) Fatality 2: B, B, B, HP (close) Animality: Hold Block D, D, D, Release Block Multi-hit Combo - HP, HP, Hatchet move, HP, HP Shoulder Slam Key for Kombat moves - LK - Low Kick; LP - Low Punch; HK - High Kick; HP - High Punch; F - Forward; B - Back; U - Up; D - Down. SEKTOR Fatality 1: B, B, B, B, HK (from sweep distance) Animality: Hold Block D, D, D, U Release Block 4 Hit Combo HP, HP. LK, LP CYRAX Fatality 1: Hold Block - U, U, U. D + HP from far distance. Animality: Hold Block - U, U, U, D, Release Block 5 Hit Combo - HP. HP, LK, B+HK SHANG TSUNG Fatality 1: Hold LP, D, F, D, F, Release LP 5 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LP. B+HK JAX Fatality 1: Hold Block, Spin joystick 360 degrees and press HP (Close) Fatality 2: Run, Run, Run, Block, LK (From full screen away) 5 Hit Combo - HP, HP, Block, LP. B+HP SINDEL 5 Hit Combo - HK, HP, HP, B+HK SONYA 4 Hit Combo HP, HP, LP, B+HK KABAL Fatality 1: Hold HP, D, D. D. Release HP (Close) Animality: Hold HP to charge up and Release. 4 Hit Combo - HP. HP, D+LP, D+HP STRYKER Fatality 2: F, F, F, F, LK (sweep distance) 6 Hit Combo - HK, HK, HP, HP, B+HK KANO Fatality 2: F, F. F, HK (sweep distance) 5 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LK. HK, B+HK SUB ZERO Fatality 1: D. F, D, F, LP (close) Fatality 2: D. F, B, HK (Sweep distance) Animality: Hold Block U, U, U. U 6 Hit Combo - HP, LP. LK, HK, B+HK SHEEVA Fatality 2: Hold HK, F, F, F, Release HK (Close) 4 Hit Combo-HP, HP, LP. F+HP * Namco's Skiing simulator Alpine Racer is on its way. Very fast and very slick! * Sega’s latest Virtua game is Virtua Striker. Texture based everything on the good ol’ Model 2 board. Could this be the best Soccer simulator yet? We’ll get to find out real soon. ALPINE RACER HYPER» 35 Available: NOW ° Category: SPORTS ® Players: 1-2 • Publisher: CRYSTAL DYNAMICS ° Price: N/A • Rating: N/A * 76% - Big sprites and nice Jam’s but they get chunky close up and the viewpoint is awkward. ♦ 0% a nnoying commentary and some bodgy crowd effects, not what we expect from a CD-ROM system. iy 70% - Awkward at first, but still strangely satisfying. Longterm 74% ' Enough to keep you and a friend happy Overall 70% - Could have been great, but try it out first unless you’re the sort of person that peaks over Reebok ads. Out of Bounds NEV^YORK 1ST QUARTER 3DO fcf 3 H, Pierson Dallas .H Lll ' 1-1. (1Q0X) AyVro jjDm 111* .It.' • i* 1 *' ? BaAhetball waliCA it to the 3 DO in tl tiA immcIi Ittfped aIow*- fe/st from CrifAfal DtfMCiftttiCA* Can it challenge the NBA Jaw* crown? ROGER BOLTON ia oh fire*.. Although the 3D0 already has some excellent sport sims (FIFA Soccer and John Madden Football), basketball fans have been eagerly awaiting Slam *N Jam, the 3D0’s first basketball title. Slam ‘N Jam gives you all the usual options for a sports sim; exhibition mode, season play or playoffs and a wide range of teams and individual players to sort through (no NBA license however.) FroMclu'Ae Novelty One option which stands out is franchise play, which has you controlling a single player for the whole game instead of the usual swap to controlling whoever’s got the ball sort of variety. While it’s got a certain novelty value, most of us would probably want to always be where the action is rather than end up defending left court all the time. One tip, immediately turn off the commentary, as this guy has the most grating American accent and repeats the same phrases far too often. The crowd noises and sneaker squeaks arc nothing to get excited about either. Slam N Jam gives you a rather unique view on the action. It’s all viewed from behind one of the bas¬ kets. and quite frankly I’m not at all sure it was a good choice. The game zooms smoothly to follow the action but you can only view it from the one angle, which is a little annoying after seeing what the 3D0 can do on other titles like FIFA. The characters are also very large, but quite jerky and unnatural in their movements. In fact because the characters are so big and the action on screen is so fast paced and frantic, it’s very easy to lose your player off the side of the screen and oops... in the meantime the computer has just pulled off a huge jam and scored yet again. The camera angle which often puts all the big sprites right next to or on top of each other doesn’t help, and making crucial judgements like which player is in front of who is often very difficult. Alley OopA Scoring is fast and easy and your players pull off a huge range of nicely animated Jams, from Alley Oops and basket stuffers to backboard shattering slams. In fact scoring seems a little too easy and it’s usually the case that who ever has the ball simply runs around the other players to the far side of the court, launches into the air and stuffs the basket. Stealing and interception seem to be mainly a mat ter of luck, usually performed by the players you aren't controlling at the time. While the difficulty of stealing or intercepting may be accurate it seems to also take most of the skill out of the gameplay. Despite the flaws. Slam N Jam is still fun, especially as a two player game. Get used to the awk ward view and turn the commentary off and there is a decent game here, it’s just not what we expect from the 3D0 after seeing a great sports sim like FIFA. Sure to be fun for basketball freaks though others should try before they buy. HOME TEAti || | fcVin Player 1 Manual AWAY TEAM Dallas QUARTER - Writ Computer 6 Minutes Long MAIN MENU <\ m 4, CONTINUE P5TOftI0N^ READY FOR ACTION HYPER» 37 GOLF IS A SCIENCE YOU KNOW... lf 9 A galf oh Sainrn! No, lyon won't be needing a ApaceAnit, bnt a fair cIoac of patience wifi come in If and if* Slipping into ft i a neatcAt polqeAter plaidA, BCN MANS ILL gaeA far a wall* in the ntidda 19 amm*** You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll leap from your chair in ecstatic joy. You’ll smash the control pad through the screen. The entire spectrum of human emotion will be experienced as you play Pebble Beach Golf Links for the Saturn. Just like the real thing, this golf game can be as incredibly frustrating as it can be ultimately rewarding. But of course this can be said for pretty much every golf video game that ever has been. LimLa, Stroke* & GrccMA Computer golf has been with us since the dawn of the Game Age. Its popularity requires no explana¬ tion, for golf is one of the few real life sports that translates well to the screen. The control method is fundamentally the same for each game, play one and you can play them all. So what does Pebble Beach on Saturn offer the genre? Well, not much in the new and revolutionary department, but then again there isn’t much scope left to do anything new with a golf game. This ones’ variation on the control method theme plays identically to PGA 486 for the PC. All golf games have a slider which has to be stopped twice for a stroke, once on the way up for power, again on the way down for accuracy and direction. Pebble Beach Golf Links uses a huge ish circle which rep¬ resents the arc of your swing. With lots of practise you’ll get good at it, but it’s here that Sega man¬ aged to flaw one of the simplest game interfaces there is. As the power meter nears the top of the curve you hammer the C button to set the power, but if you try for Ultimate Skill by hitting it at the last possible second and miss, the game punishes you in a most severe way. Instead of having the meter continue its journey by heading back down the scale (like every other golf game in the uni¬ verse), it starts again at the beginning. End result: near miss equals ball moving about two feet. Secondary end result: your stuffed round and possible control pad damage. It’s a serious flaw, but not a fatal one. Merely exceptionally aggravating. Compensation comes by way of abundant options for ball control. This is probably the most sophisticated set of options in a console golfer. The whole process of firing a shot down the line comprises club selection, direction fine tuning, feet positioning, wind compensation, hook or slice selection (and by what degree) and the Final powernieter shebang. By no means is this a convoluted and drawn-out affair, instead the game offers thoroughly enjoyable opportunities to maximise your skill - with luck only coming into play on the powernieter. Dweeb* im Plaid TroM*cr* Putting works much the same way, with a new need to account for any slope on the green. To help gauge the slope, we fondly welcome back everyone’s favourite golf game feature, the grid. When select¬ ed, it blankets the green indicating perfectly any wee slopes that are likely to screw your shot. Keeping you company through most games is big Craig Stadler. Unless you play against other people (up to four). Craig is your competition, along with a third player selectable from an array of dweebs in plaid trousers. Craig also provides a bit of professional insight prior to starting each new hole. With only one course to play the game won’t last the distance of more generous golf games, but Pebble Beach is an attractive and challenging course. As you tour its grounds the Saturn graphics vary from impressive to dismal. Getting up close to anything reveals a pixilated disaster of virtual brick. Still, most gamers need a golf game in their collection and if you've just bought a Saturn, you could do a lot worse than this one. HYPER» 38 mm s>2tt Z'/Jy Available: AUGUST • Category: SPORTS SlM • Players: 1-4 • Publisher: T ft E SOFT ° Price: TBA « Rating: G Ptayer~l | 5th stroke 2nd stroke f 5th stroke j 18 /«* • . | ^ 4m .■ ' Player -l 3 rd stroke 33 yard^m 4th stroke SATURN VISUALS 78% - Aerial footage of each hole and Craig’s words of wisdom prove the Saturn has no problem with fast FMV. Horribly pixilated close ups show the downside. SOUND 67% " Muzak lives! Spend a day in any suburban mall to get the idea. Meaty thwacks and realistic impact sounds are good, but you won’t be pumping up the volume. GAMEPLAY 82% " Patience and judgement will see you through, no worries. Only the weak design of the powermeter detracts, but you’ll play on anyway. LONGTERM 7A% " Y° u can on *y P^ a y a s ' n gl e golf course so many times. It offers plenty of different ways to play, but it won't be long before you master it and never want to play again. OVERALL 74% * With digitised players and semi-real scenery, it tries hard to offer a virtual experience. Sort of achieves it too, but golf is golf, and this isn’t quite as perfect a sim as it could be. LEADERS L hole 123456789 Dllttuucsns PAR 454435344 443454435 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 Tho ti*s 122233334 S Grirffa 11112 3 3 Dr vs 11110 112 3 3 S C**J*rU 0 111110 11 2 3 3 Morris 02233223 Mart* 02222222 Sutlf.w 100012222 2 2 2 _ 000001122 H22 _ 2 Hi RENT A CROWD SCORECARD THE DREADED POWER METER HYPER» 39 Available: NOW (IMPORT) • Category: F 1 GHT 1 NG © Players: 1-2 • Publisher: NAMCO © Price: NA © Rating: TBC HYPER» 40 CHARACTERS T he PlaqAtation Ia getting Aotttc vcri) toAt »§ fighting title a ver»f qnicklq and the latent ia the arcade amoaIi front Nantco. JULIAN Bl/RCS and JASON SERDfl are the one/% tekhen the challenge ... As ti wise iiitin once s.»id “you’t get too much of a good thing" and *illliongh he said this well before anyone had even heard of (or thought of) a PlayStation, if he was around today, he would be playing Tekken. Tekken bor rows heavily from existing heat cm ups, like Virtua Fighter, using similar Gourand shaded polygons and detailed backgrounds but a major difference is a four button control system which allows the player to control all four of the fighter's limbs. This is complimented by an array of special moves as well as many secret manoeuvres. A brilliant representation of the arcade version. Tekken combines the brutal destructive power of Virtua Fighter with the hec tic fighting pace of Tohshinden. Real Skill Tekken is a test of real combat skill, up close and personal, as opposed to Tohshinden. where you can press everything and hope to God that something happens. Not with this baby; you slip, you hesitate, you make the slightest error in judgement, and you're history. Rapid punches and kick combos will leave you struggling to devel op some form of counter attack, and when you’re (inevitably) knocked down, your opponent walks up and slams you in the head, which really doesn’t help at all. Although the majority of the attacks aren’t to tricky to execute, as with most of the new generation games the learning curve is very steep. Although moves and combos are easy to learn, when you consider the speed of the game and that you really have to use the right attack at precisely the right time, the results may mean a bad headache for your warrior (and probably a new dental plan). The moves of the various characters are flamboyant, but highly potent. In other words, if you really don’t know what your doing, do not get in too close to your opponent. As with the masterful Tohshinden. the backgrounds of Tekken are an awesome sight, from the Grand Canyon to an American football field, to a quaint village setting in winter; all beautifully rendered and with silky smooth pan and zoom qualities. There is no limits to the combat arena, with the fighters simply decreasing in size. Although some of you may feel the graphic colour clarity of Tekken falls below that of Tohshinden. realise that although the characters are still classified as block polygons, Namco has done its best to compensate with outstanding attention to detail. Character rendering deserves the greatest praise; shading, muscles, clothing and facial expressions are possibly the finest amongst this new generation of 3D beat ’em ups. far outstripping Virtua Fighter, and posing a real threat to Tohshinden. Unfortunately this feature may be the greatest downfall of a great game; character movement is simply not as fluid as Tohshinden. and jerky movements of the characters is not uncommon. The choice of options is far more varied than Tohshinden. and totally sits on Virtua Fighter. You can configure everything like level of difficulty, opponent, time duration, and handicap settings, rated in stars. This is a terrific feature as it allows two people of a different skill level to enjoy a good game of Tekken. Each blow from your opponent is indicated by power and flame radiating from the point of impact, blue flame represents the attack was fully or partially blocked, green represents a solid strike, and a yellow means a full powered strike. When and it you have played long enough to attempt the hardest setting, there’s a little tip you should be made aware of. It you succeed against all opponents (horrendously difficult), you must then face the two secret charac ters Beating them you then have the option of using these characters as you see fit. Tekken is truly a masterpiece if not for the fact that there really isn't any difference between the arcade version and the PlayStation, then simply for the amazing piece of work that it is. Marshall Law * Chinese American. The legitimate transmitter of Jeetekunedo . a top martial artist, works as a cook in China town. Dreams of days to own his own Dojo. Very fast and with a superb kicking style. Nina Williams * British. Taught Akido by her parents Nina is currently the top martial arts expert in the UK. She has been sent to the tournament to assassinate the promoter, who is also Kazuya's dad. Also high speed, with some contemporary moves Paul Phoenix - American. A nomadic Phoenix travels the world looking for the perfect opponent with his sole goal to be the best. Great strength, and effective throws King * Mexican. A priest . caring for young children in a orphanage. To raise money he dons his leopard mask and battles vicious opponents in street fights the world over. Strong, with excellent jumping and falling attacks. Michelle Cang - British. Her father once worked in the Hong Kong branch of the Mishima financial empire. Sent to a native American reservation, he fell in love with a girl and was. of course, killed as a betrayer. So now Michelle roams the world looking for her father. Not strong but lightning fast Kazuya Mishima - Japanese. Heir to the Vast Mishima Corporation which is sponsoring the event. Kazuya has his sights on taking over his fathers position at the head of the Mishima empire after the tournament A powerful and skilled kickboxer. but a little slow. Jack - Russian. The android killing machine is a product of the state of the art technology. Huge and strong, noticeably slower than all others. Yoshimitsu - Japanese. The leader of an international crime gang called Swastika, he is participating in the contest to act as a decoy so his crook friends make off with the prize money. His spinning attacks are danger¬ ous. otherwise pretty standard moves. nv Namco are ^pitting out their cIoaaic arcade gameA for the Pla tf* tation, with CifbcrAlcd being one of the ntOA t anticipated title a. JULIAN BURES and JASON SERDA go head~to-head in a a led*.. I don’t know about you lot. but wc really enjoyed playing Cybersled in the arcades. Few games can equal the ten sion and thrill of the bunt around the arena, the satisfaction of a missile bit and the elation of watching your enemy exploding and burning to pieces. Now its arrived on the Playstation, so we switched on and expected an Event. Glory in Annihilation The aim of the game is really very simple; you are squeezed into an armoured, anti grav "sled” armed with sophisticat¬ ed shielding and weapon systems. To receive the glory you must annihilate your opponents one encounter at a time; glid ing around an obstacle Filled arena taking out your opponent before he takes out you. Yes, it sounds mindless, common and dull but Namco has created a reproduction to rival the arcade version, with a hell of a lot more thrown in. The First thirty seconds of Cybersled represent the very finest example of Playstation power. You are treated to an amazing animated sequence of all the combatants tearing around the arena. The camera angles are superbly placed, the individual vehicles are brilliantly rendered, the colours sharp, and the attention to the surrounding detail is simply awesome. Sony really put their cards on the table with this one. and it just so happens that they came up aces. When the opening sequence is over you can get down to business. Each sled boasts strengths and weaknesses, which are divided into the categories of speed, weapon power, and shield strength. The scale, from one bar to five, shows which craft excels (or doesn’t excel) in that particular feature. Actually it’s using the arena to best effect (hiding, circling and ducking behind obstacles) rather than your particular sled, which is the real key to this whole game. The arena itself is a far superior rendering than the original arcade version, with highly detailed walls and backdrops and with each opponent the layout of the arena changes giving great variety to the combat strategy. The weapons at your disposal and the way you use them will also determine the outcome of a match. As a bench mark, the weaker the missile the faster it is. Your gun, although sporting rapid fire, is pretty pathetic compared to the missile, and being over zealous will cause it to overheat in no time. Since your craft can only carry a limited compliment of missiles you’ll be forced to hunt for replacements. Missiles are scattered around the arena and are fast guided war heads which cause devastating damage. Fortunately there are a number of ways to avoid an impact. Firstly although the missiles are fast they are not terribly manoeuvrable, and if your sled is fast and your timing good, they can he dodged by sideways movement. In two player mode special items that you collect will give you a scrambler Field so the missile can’t find a lock. However if all else fails: you’re out in the open and can’t afford another hit, if timed just right, you can knock the incoming missile out of the air with one of your own (not recommended as standard practise). On each level there is a shield booster, which gives you most of your shields back and in two player mode you can aquire temporary missile and radar jammers so your opponent will have to see you visually. Every time you pick something up, the voice over will let you know what it was, which is good, because when you’re smashed up and on the run, you'll have no time to look. One visual perspective is from outside your craft, behind and slightly above, giving you a good look of your sled as it slides and turns around the place. It also gives you a far better view of the arena and allows you to more easily avoid the obstacles and incoming missiles. The inside view although more realistic is not as beneficial. Getting down to the nitty gritty, the controls for the Playstation pad require a great deal of practise getting use to. The shoulder buttons control the crafts axial spin, whilst the directional buttons, dictate slide sideways, for¬ wards and back. The combination of the buttons give you total control over the movement of the sled, the winner will be definitely determined by skill level, rather than lucky button pressing. As with most things, every up has a down, and Cybersled's down is the two player mode. While one player action is fun for a while, killing a computer becomes a bit boring, so two players becomes more and more necessary. Take it from us; the horizontally split screen just does not work. Not only is your view too small, but any tactics or strategy you may have had planned is lost, as your opponent can simply glance down (or up) and see exactly what you're up to. The obstacle polygons are simple and unshaded, and either appear out of nowhere or disappear just as you approach an edge, giving the game a rough and unfinished quality. The colours indicating near and far obstacles are not specific enough, which by itself is confusing, but added to this is the annoying and often frustrating problem of you apparently colliding with an obstacle when there is clearly nothing there. Add to this the sudden appearance and disappearance of walls, and navigation becomes really annoying. But all is not lost. It is rumoured that Sony will be releasing a special adaptor cable with allows you to connect two Playstations and two screens to each other, so both players receive full effect. This is just as well, as two player mode at present won’t keep you excited terribly long. In a nutshell this games for you if you’re into high speed, high power, hand sweating, action packed combat (if you’re not, then why have you read this?). This game is reserved for the action strategist who has little patience for strategy, and even less for losing. HYPER» 42 Available: NOW (IMPORT) ® Category: ACTION ® Players: 1-2 ® Publisher: NAMCO ® Price: NA ® Rating: TBC PLAYSTATION VISUALS 83% * The intro is stunning, and the in-play graphics are nothing to sneeze at either. SOUND 67% - You won’t remember the soundtrack, and the FX are pretty standard. GAMEPLAY 63% - Commendable conversion, but controls are not as fun as the original, shame. LONGTERM 58% * The one P ,a Y er mode will not keep you captivated for long and the two player option needs serious help. OVERALL 65% ' Great for those who enjoy this class of game. Ho hum for anyone else. UOOLO & CV*£V 94.1& C" i H $ T 11 ffl ^ 1 W ,/ Vi raws min emi i d , ■ “ ,—- ■■■■■ Available: NOW ® Category: SPORTS © Players: 1-4 © Publisher: CODEMASTERS © Price: $99.95 © Rating: G CHALLENGE MATCH GRASS COUR 1 MEGA DRIVE visuals 84% - It's still cartoony and, by Jove, it works. In the same way that the “significant other" of every ranked tennis player is attractive, so is this. SOUND 87% - The grunts, the squeaks, the oohs. If it had a “call the umpire a jerk" option it’d be perfect GAMEPLAY 86% Ace! LONGTERM 92% If you have friends (a big if, I know) you will never get sick ofit. OVERALL 88% - Still the best tennis game (especially for multi-player action), but rent it first if you have the original. Pete Sampras maif be a touch oh fl«e boring ai de, bwf there* a ho do m b tin g ItiA ability oh the tenniA court# Th ere* a al ao mo doubting CodewaAterA ability when it coma e a to programming hot video game/%, Pnt the two together and go n ’ vc got a hot tenni/% video game . STRETCH ARMSTRONG lob a a fen ball a aronnd,.. Oh, what a year it’s been for Pete! Another year of no scandal, no tabloid gossip and, well, nothing much other than tennis, tennis, tennis. Let’s face it, it’s just as well that the Sampras boy can play, because he was never going to get endorsement contracts on the strength of his personality. Sure, he’s been knocked off his number one perch by that obnoxious furball Andre Agassi, but at least he displayed some emotion during the Australian Open, thereby crushing those cruel rumours that he wasn’t just boring he was, in fact, Swedish. Second Serve But while Pete may be personally languishing, and with fellow No.l Monica Seles still recovering from a knife wound that entered her and back and seemingly pierced her brain. Pete’s game still reigns supreme. After trouncing Davis Cup World Tour, the only game ever slagged off for being too hard, and seeing off EA’s very disappointing entry into the tennis ranks, Pete is back with his second service, and there’s no chance of a double fault (those tennis puns just keep on coming!). It’s called, remarkably. Pete Sampras Tennis II and even if it’s better than EA’s tennis effort it has taken a leaf out of that company’s book of standard procedure. The leaf I’m referring to is EA’s predilection for reissuing sports games with enough features to improve them but not enough to have you rushing to the HandyBank. Pete falls fairly and squarely into that category: it was the best tennis game by far (in my opinion), and now it’s better, but probably not so much better that you should be chucking your much loved first copy of Pete in the bin. So what’s the diff? Well, for a start, the sprites are smaller. Normally this wouldn’t be a good thing, and I'm still in two minds here, but it does open up the court a little and leave things marginally less cramped, especially in doubles. It also allows for some "camera” movement as you rush about the court, which opens up your field of vision but is somewhat disconcerting to begin with. Same Aa If Ever Woa Second, you can now only use the player names you are given. While this means that the between game announcements (in beautifully modulated English) use your player’s name, it also means you can’t have the thrill of seeing your name up in lights as you grind Pete into the dirt (or the clay, as the case may be). Sure I like to play as the impetuous Italian Dino Turnetti. but I was christened "Stretch" and when I’m vying for the world tennis crown that’s what I like to be called. The rest of the changes are equally cosmetic: more stats, a bit of racquet throwing and better diving animation in the game, as well as some fist pumping on the big aces. The reverse angle playing is also a nice touch and the world tour is longer. None of these “added extras” drove me into paroxysms of excitement, but let’s not forget the glorious gameplay and four-player thrills Pete 1 brought us and which we now take for granted. Pete 2 delivers big on the fun factor, which is what we’re all searching for, after all. All up, this is still the best tennis game by far, it’s just not a whole lot different that it ever was. TEST MATCH - THE VIRTUAL VERSION CROWD-CAM' HYPER» 46 ft’* popular with all AuAtraliaHA f rather exciting at timeA and praiAcd the world over — Vca, it*A another HVPER review bif SHOT FlStt! ThiA one 9 a got Aowtethiug to do with cricket• • • I love cricket for a number of reasons; it takes skill and strategy, can be unpredictable and nail-biting to watch and the players have personalities which you grow to love or hate. Now by all means, if a console game is going to work, it would have to include all of the above. Anything less, and it simply just wouldn’t be cricket (old chap). Now, if anyone's going to get a cricket game right, it’d be an Australian software company. So here we have Beam (who brought us the brilliant Shadowrun and other snazzy titles) with Super International Cricket for all you SNES owners. The big question on everyone's zinc-covered lips is — did they get it right and deliver a true-blue, corker of a cricket cart?! Very nearly, but not quite. FokeA With Dumb NameA Before I go into the details of the gameplay, I'll point out my biggest disappointment with Super International Cricket. All of the players from all of the eight teams on the cart have fictitious names with dodgy mug-shots. None of your favourite cricketers are there. And what's worse is that they even used the same mug-shot for different players — sometimes even in the same team. This glaring over¬ sight neatly removes a huge chunk of the appeal of any cricket game. The beauty of having famous players to choose from, is that besides making the game more fun, it’s easier to choose your teams because you know what everyone does and how good they are at it. Playing with a team of fakes with dumb names isn’t very cool at all. Now, we can’t just set off to Beam headquarters with pitchforks and torches, because for all we know, they tried to use the real players but were rejected by some stupid suits who gave all the rights to Brian Lara’s Cricket on the Mega Drive. So don’t blame Beam, because leaving out the real players is so stupid, there’s no way they would have done it on purpose. And that my friends, is the only major problem with Super International Cricket. I’ll get to a few other niggles later. The game plays very well. Batting is definitely harder to get the hang of than bowling, but with a bit of practice (it’s all in the timing) you’ll be knocking those Windies for six. The controls are really well laid out and intuitive to use — the Y button bowls outswingers and the A button inswingers etc. You position an arrow where you want the ball to bounce and then execute your delivery. All the rules apply, so expect a few No Balls your first time at the crease. With a push of the Select button, you can alter your approach, change the field placings or check the scorecard and bowling stats. Fielding is a bit on the sluggish side, as everything tends to go straight to the fence, but you’ll get used to the fact that boundaries are probably more common than singles — the whole game is pacier and much less defensive than the real thing. In fact, the One Day games and Test Matches don’t play any differ¬ ently. Textbook Shot a Scoring runs is by far the hardest thing to do successfully, even with a big white arrow showing you where the ball will bounce. You can choose to play across, defend or drive and all the textbook shots are in there, though how you approach the ball and how much Loft or Power you give it. determines the type of shot you play, instead of a combination of buttons. The feel of the game on the whole is very realistic and thanks to the view point, you might even start to believe you’re watching live cover¬ age. Minus, of course, the commentary. There’s none. No ’’Great Shot” or "It’s in the air!!”, which certainly would have made things more exciting. The presentation is very dull. Whenever anything “happens” (catch, run-out, six etc.) all you get is a little matchbox-sized animation of about three or four frames, detailing the event (crowd shouting at the camera etc.). These look poor and are very repetitive. On the whole, this is a fine cricket simulation. It just needs replays, commentary, more statistics (like graphs of the run-rate etc.), the real players, and certainly a more satisfying ending to the games. Beam have produced a cricket game that plays very well, but it’s just a bit dull. Price: $69.95 ® Rating: Q Available: NOW ° Category: SPORTS ® Players: 1-4 © Publisher: NINTENDO R i «r. t ^Hdnaed Fast Bowler B-&».tirva * • BOWHrvfl t miHtfiii Fteiatrvo* •••• Ri-rv*»irva» •••• NEW BOWLER BATSMAN IS OUT Visuals 80 % • Highly realistic movements and easy on the eyes, but no awards will be won. Soilfld 72 % ~ Some Umpire speech and that's about it. Dull. Gameplay 81 % - Addictive and satisfying for even a hard-core cricket fan. Easy to pick up too. Longterm 74 % - It's not exciting enough to keep you hooked, and the four player option isn't simultaneous. Overall 76 % - Close to being good, but there is just too much missing (including any sense of excitement) to make it a must-have. SELECT YOUR BEZERKER HERE BIG BAD BOZO BOSS Available: NOW ® Category: SHOOTER/ACTION ® Players: 1-2 © Publisher: CORE DESIGN • Price: TBA ® Rating: TBA Visuals 82% - Colourful, detailed and workable: like Subterrania in some ways. Soilfld 80% - Lot’s of blasting, as you’d expect. Gameplay 85% - Easy, logical and very good indeed. Longterm 75% ~ Not as tough as it thinks it is, but if you like it you'll come back for a few stress relieving blasts. Overall 82% - Pretty damn good but, to some extent, don’t believe the hype (believe the HYPER!) MEGA DRIVE Y * f* f. * m w + SHARP ARCHITECTURE Skeleton Krcw ia a l« ard, f a a i f frantic bfaAt fc*t. gnarranteed to give ijowr trigger finger a work o m t. STRETCH ARMSTRONG likeA UiA action ft ard and faAt 9 bnt wonder a wkatA happened to the letter c’#., Out with the old and in with the Krew! That seems to be the message with Kore Design’s newest Kombat gamer. It’s futnristik, kolourful and full of klassic, killing kapers. A kool marketing effort to be all things to all people, sitting squarely in the Blade Runner/Offspring demographic and especially aimed at those who jst kan't get enought of the “k” button on the kompnter keyboard. It leads me to wonder whether this game will be released for PK, bnt I’m probably getting a touch obskure. Whatever. Skeleton Krew komes highly rekomniended, having picked up reviews in the high nineties from rea sonably respectable mags in the UK. Whether those audacious ratings are to be blithely accepted is open to some debate (they are, after all. the product of nionachist scum) bnt there's no doubt that the Krew is worth checking out. KrifogcMiCA It’s 2062 (of course, none of this shit ever happens in the 20th century) and the delightfully monikered Moribund Kadavar, well known psyko, mortician and kryongenics enthusiast has taken over the kryogenics plant in Monstrocity, preparing to wreak havok on an unsuspekting world. He’s already seen off all of the official defence operatives and it seems that the Krew, a krack team that’s both nnderkover and undcad, is civilisation's remaining hope. That, of course, is where you koine in. Krew is one of those strategy/blasting kombos that’s becoming more and more popular, probably bekause they beat the crap out of the usual, boring left to right, scrolling, beat 'em up. shoot 'em up, platformers. Krew has an isomtrik, top down perspektive reminiscent of EA’s Strike series, the recent True Lies licence for the SNES and (to be completely irrelevant) FIFA Soccer. It’s a scheme that lends itself far better to both exploration and mutilation than its predecessor and gets the game off on the right foot immediately. Within this environment yon can choose to play as one of three Krew members; Spine, Rib or Joint (this is not a game for vegetarians), all of whom have awesome killing power and. to quote a great 20th century philosopher, an appetite for destruktion. Throwing yon in the lion’s den that is the MonstroCity External Kryogenics Plant, you then begin your quest to rid this already stench ridden city from Kadavcr’s pestilence-inducing komrades. They will, it goes without saying, komc at you with all sorts of suggestions, none of which are pleasant audit will be your job to see them off, though six levels enkompassing MonstroCity (which is on Earth, by the way), Mars, Venus (what, no Uranus?) and the mysterious Psykogenesis Planet. Di/%Lorpora fed All through this you'll have to implement strategies to take them out and to prevent yourself being diskorporated. which is fancy MonstroCity lingo for being killed. In saying this. I shouldn’t overempha¬ size the stragety element. While there are some puzzling situations to deal with, the only real strategy on hand is the one which says shoot everything that moves, and if it doesn’t move, kick it until it does, and then shoot it. While this is a fine and very enjoyable game, I must say I'm puzzled at the exceptionally high ratings it has sekured. It looks good, though not revolutionary, and plays well, but it’s certainly not long or diffikult. Some concerted efforts on a rainy day saw the HYPER Krew (now there’s an idea!) uncere moniously polish it off and we suspekt you won’t have too many problems, even on Hard Mode. That, however, is the only problem we have with it and. provided you don't come here looking for the world’s greatest game you’ll be very handsomely rewarded. V3 '"M I, mioi v - • * # - ’• m* *•! mssm ZJH r • * * If* lUW i 9 FREAKS CONVENTION ttansTRflziXTV Ki*t«f*vt.f« i r.r.i, i i.i, f»r i.t i.i, iw.. i.k i-i i.rn l l l.l l»M. T(.L£Mit«r H Y P E R » 49 HYPER» 50 "I’m gonna kill Aomething if I have to review another /scrolling beat ’em np!" BEN MANSILLwaA clearly a miAerable aoh I, ao we gave him Hirby’ a Dream ConrAe to review • Now hiA only problem Ia the big Atnpid grin that won’t go awai }••• Now this is what I call a game! It takes just a couple of minutes to figure out what’s going on, then a heck of a lot longer to master it - and all the while you’re loving every second! Kirby's return to gaming takes the form of an unbelievably addictive Putt-Putt Golf game. Similarities to Marble Madness are soon dispelled after a bit of a play; sure it looks the part, but with Kirby’s the more traditional golf approach is taken, and once the ball is hit there isn’t much you can do about it. Weird Mini-Golf If these really are Kirby’s “Dream” Courses, I’d say the poor fellow lost a bet and had a bad experi¬ ence with the tequila worm, before settling in for the evening’s slumber. They are over the top in the Weird Landscapes Dept, and littered with a plethora of obstacles - perfect for a round of mini-golf! Shooting accurately is merely half the equation, to get the most from Kirby’s you must utilise the bizarre assortment of devices scattered throughout each course. Some are there to help you, others are to be avoided at all costs - conveyor belts are an example of the former, lakes the latter. The caper behind it all is to hit the cute (it’s Japanese) creatures present, there is no hole until only one creature is left, this last one then morphs into a hole. Because any creature can become a hole (a bit like some of my friends), serious strategic thinking is required. Plan which one you want to finish on and play accordingly - remember it’s golf we’re playing here, the lower the score (number of strokes) the better. To get the ball to where you desire, either a low rolling shot or high lob can be employed. The trajec¬ tory is mapped out with a string of dotted lines, but this only applies as a best case situation and you still need to manually control the speed and curve of the ball. With high lob shots you can even tell the ball what to do after it lands, from subtle course changes to right-angle bounces, spin back or just stop dead - whatever the course demands of you, you can deliver. Special Abilities One of the many nice touches that makes Kirby so playable are the special abilities he learns along the way, by hitting certain creatures Kirby picks up the ability to do fun and useful stuff like bounce on water, fly, hover, parachute and more. This is a game you could sit down and play non-stop for a month. Each time around new-found skills can be put to use, with each course offering more than one solution. Luckily, there’s a tutorial mode included which demonstrates Kirby’s many abilities. It’s scary to watch first time because it makes the game look impossibly difficult, but don’t be fooled, the game is easy enough for littlies to play using basic techniques, yet richly rewarding for sophisticated players prepared to give the tricky stuff a go. It’s a sparkler for two-player fun, with handicaps available if your friends are too intimidated by your awesome skill and plead no contest. I honestly can’t think of a bad thing to say about this game. Sure, the music is awful, but you almost expect that. Apart from Unirally and Brian Lara Cricket, this is the most playable 16 bit game in months. Get it! Got it? Good. I +4 SNES Available: NOW • Category: GOLF/ADVENTURE ° Players: 1-2 ° Publisher: NINTENDO ° Price: $69.95 ® Rating: G ViSUALS 84% - Gaming's all-important three C’s and an F - crisp, clear, cute and functional. Kirby comes up trumps in each! sound 50% - I think we should simply abandon this category for Japanese console games! It's everything you expect - bland, sugary, grating, cheap... GAMEPLAY 94% - Perfect. First timers will experience simple joy at a successful bounce shot, six months later they’ll still be at it. but like an old pro using every trick available. LONGTERM 90% - The eight courses are enough to suck months of productive time from your life. Replay value is excellent! I just can’t imagine ever getting sick of this one. OVERALL 89% - A rare gem. Perfect for solo play as well as for two player fun. Personally, I’m just pleased I’ve finished the review so I can get back to playing! HYPER» SI MEGA DRIVE GRAPHICS 85 % - The main character is very well animated for this type of game, but a little small. The colours could have also been beefed up a little. music 84 % - The background tune is very atmospheric, taking you back to the glory days of adventure, while on the other hand the sound FX are only adequate. GAMEPLAY 84 % There’s lots of action. Ali moves very well and in general this game is a very enjoyable thing indeed. LONGTERM 82 % - There are plenty of caves to explore, but play before you pay because this may not be your cup of tea. OVERALL 83 % This is the biggest adventure on the Mega Drive, but bigger doesn't always mean better. Still, a very pleasing time will be had by fans of action RPGs. Press or tap Button B to attack the enemies. ^1 1 j u^ps K-he n C button is tapped, and ducks *vhen Button C is held. I CAN FEEL A QUEST COMING ON i ll bite your legs off 22 * S 3 ’ Available: JULY ® Category: ACTiON/RPG ® Players: ONE ® Publisher: SEGA ® Price: $99.95 ® Rating: G8 if LUltaf do i|OM get ivlten tfOM croAA Prince of Persia with The Legend of Zelda? A rather exciting game called The Siory Of Thor. TIM SMITH goeA for an action role-play on the Mega Drive... Years ago, two wizards fought one another in an epic battle of good and evil. The wizards drew their power from magical armlets, one made of gold and the other silver, each created to unleash powers that would rule Oasis. Neither wizard won and the two armlets were lost for ever, well that is until an evil power found the silver armlet and used it for nasty purposes. Now you have been summoned by the guardian of the Gold armlet, to learn the secrets of its powers from the four guardians, and to then seek and destroy the evil bearer of the Silver armlet, whose powers grow daily. Sword*, KetfA & FaSricA The game is the familiar Zelda type adventure viewed from overhead and taking place in vast, mythi¬ cal lands. Our hero Ali, doesn’t have the usual fighting style that you have come to expect from this genre of game. On gaining levels, Ali becomes more adept at fighting styles, so not only does he swing his sword with the hunger of Tim Shaw and his Demtel steak knives, but his martial arts fighting becomes more and more fluent, giving you more hits the quicker you press the fight button. On attacking enemies you feel a real satisfaction about kicking the crap out of them. The main part of the game is exploring caves to reach bosses. Throughout the caves there are locked doors that are only accessible by keys. Where do you find the keys? In each area there is an abundance of local monsters, and on killing the correct one, he will drop a key on his passing. To help in your travels you will eventually summon the help of different fairy folk who will help you to use the powers of your Gold Armlet. They have different abilities such as heal, cool weapons blasts and special features to stop enemies. As the story unfolds as to your opponent’s whereabouts, and as the monsters become more difficult, the fairies help will become invaluable. They even help with a bit of puzzle solving down the track! In game options are selected by pressing start. From the menu you can select from the following: Save Game - you can only save the game while you are outside; Status - this tells you your level, how many kills you’ve had and other tid bits; Map - on selecting the map, the island of Oasis will appear, it shows your current position and where your next goal is. This is handy for finding places that you have been told to go to. Items - on selecting this you can choose which foods you want to eat to replenish your health points or your magic points. And finally, Weapons - choosing this allows the swift change of new weapons currently at your disposal. CentHricA Old Adventuring The Story of Thor is a big adventure, 24 megs in total. The animation of Ali is like a 3-D perspective Prince of Persia as Ali can run, jump and fight much like the Prince. The music is great and very atmospheric, reeking of large, centuries old adventure, just like the good ol’ days of the Commodore 64. Well, maybe not that old! The game’s biggest let down is the fact that it’s just more of the same. A big map, big bosses and big weapons. The game does have a feeling of de javu and becomes a little repetitious after a while. When we’ve had a taste of such PC games as Relentless, Ultima Underworld and even Ecstatica something inside nags that we want a game with a new flavour. A more satisfying, fresh approach, rather than just regurgitating the same old tired “search through the caves, open treasure chests, and defeat increasingly difficult bosses that jump around the screen, swing their arms and breathe fireballs everywhere” syndrome. But when all is said and done, if you enjoy this genre of gaming and own a Mega Drive, ignore me, throw on an extra 10 odd percent to the scores and get out there and play it! Bii# XMHpur x 1 . ** YOU CAN WASH YOUR CAR WITH IT TOO HYPER» S3 Available: NOW © Category: PLATFORM/ACT ION © Players: ONE © Publisher: CAPCOM © Price: $89.95 © Rating: N/A GRAPHICS 70% - Basic yet sharp. A colourful little conversion SOUND 60% ' Hardly mind shattering but that's not the point with these sorts of games, is it? GAMEPLAY 90% * Just remember.. gameplay is everything and this has it in droves. LONGTERM 85% * Three games in one cart gives value for money and this is certain to keep you occupied for a while. overall 84% - Yaay! Megaman on Mega Drive in Mega World. It rocks! HYPER» MEGA DRIVE MegamoH It a a finally jetted over to tlte Mega Drive bnt do (ua adventnre* come too little, too late? RUSSELL HOPHINSON goeA back in time far Aome old-Atyle fun*.. Has the platform game outlived its welcome? Its a matter for debate, but I don’t think they’re dead yet. it’s just that too many times the platform game format has been such an easy situation to stick a popular character in. and over the years the public have become wary of dodgy movie tie-ins and the like. The real classic platformers of the past few years have been games that rely on gameplay to sell its characters and not vice versa (Aladdin and other Disney pals humbly excluded from this generalisation). Which brings us neatly to Megaman Mega World, the long-awaited Sega version of the popular Megaman series. Back in the days when 16 bit was a buzzword and most of the world had their faces stuck in front of NES consoles. Megaman was one of the chief rivals to Mario in popularity and some might even say that he had a superior game. Three Gomica in One The primary attraction of these games is the simple yet effective graphics and smart handling. Megaman is pret¬ ty easy to control but the world he resides in is fraught with dangers and ultimately it is an addictive yet strangely non-annoying platform excursion that has no trouble keeping you hooked. What you get here are three versions of Megaman (or Rockman as he is called on this Japanese cart), each thor¬ oughly playable and surprisingly, the game gets better as you advance through the sequels. The graphics are basic yet colourful and quite charming, the music sucks, of course but it’s a credit to the game that you don’t even notice! Megaman himself is a small, cute superhero who ventures into the lairs of various super-criminals in order to bring them to justice. The supercriminals have names like Electroman or Fireman and have powers and minions that reflect the name. As in a lot of platformers (and Japanese ones especially) the opposing sprites are basic, colourful and quite weird. Giant robotic cats and dogs, huge Bulldozers. Bombmen. Laser firing Shellfish and a myriad of other oddball entities are there to make your journey a hazardous one and the game can get quite fren¬ zied. The bosses are hard to kill and will take a few attempts to get rid of. Despite the cute packaging (like Mario), Mega World is challenging and frustrating yet retains the addictive qualities that have people playing games with little cutesy characters and a lot of platforms all over the globe. CIqaaIc Platforming Fore Megaman is pretty much a standard platform hero and can do most of the things you would expect from a char¬ acter of this kind. This is probably a strong point, this is classic platform fare and there’s nothing that's going to blow your mind graphics wise but if you look past the very basic presentation, you’ll discover a nifty little game with loads of bite. It’s hard to really comment beyond this because Megaman defies criticism, its a good game and that’s all there is to it. So who is going to shell out for Megaman Mega World? Well obviously a lot of Sega owners with Nintendo envy are going to want this (to be truthful the differences between the two are negligible) and. of course, anyone who likes that late 80’s/early 90 s platform look will find this game to be a necessity. But I bet even the least interest¬ ed, platform-phobic killjoy will enjoy Megaman’s basic, eminently playable style. r T LUCASARTS JUST LOVE THOSE TRENCH RUNS... HE MAY LOOK MEAN. BUT DEEP DOWN HE'S JUST A LOVABLE SOFTlE YOUR GOAL. EXPOSE THE BAD GUYS - JUST LIKE REAL LIFE LUCAS RE-INVENTS THE INVENTORY HYPER» 56 IF * a hot, it 'a hard. If ’a herd JULIAN S CHOFFLL rev a wp the long-awaited LncaAArtA bihie adventure,.. Tired of playing your adventure games as some politically correct pixie in a poncy technicolour jump suit? Ever wanted one of them cool looking motorcycles with heaps of chrome and enough torque to rip the gate off a garden fence? Ever wanted to kick the crap outta the bartender for serving you a flat beer? Ever seen a grown man naked? Ooops, I got a little carried away there. If your answer was in the affirmative to the first three points you could do one of two things; join the Hell’s Angels or buy yourself a copy of Full Throttle and take a little walk on LucasArts' version of the wild side. AdventMre UJifit Attitude Full Throttle is an adventure game, but it’s an adventure game with a difference (and an attitude). After putting up with a plethora of cheesy, corny, sickly-sweet and often downright crappy adventure games over the last eigh¬ teen months I was more than pleased to play this new release from LucasArts. Full Throttle concerns the plight of a gang of kick-ass bikers (The Polecats) and their sombre, yet strangely charismatic, leader Ben (no surname). The Polecats have been down on their luck in recent times and are in need of some cash. After being bamboozled into escorting the head of the only motorcycle manufacturer left in the country to a shareholder’s meeting, they find themselves in a wee bit of trouble. It would seem that Malcolm Corley (head of Corley Motors and yep, it might as well have been Harley) wants to sack his nasty second in com¬ mand Adrian Ripburger (played by Mark Hammil). Unfortunately Ripburger has other plans and kills Corley while he’s taking a leak, planting the blame on the Polecats. So it’s up to Ben to save the Polecats from a lifetime of feeling edgy about picking the soap up in the shower (ie prison) and then avenging the death of his beloved icon-maker (or motorcycle manufacturer) by expos¬ ing Ripburger and then killing him (whichever comes first really). Full Throttle features some of the best music, sound-effects and visuals I have experienced in an adventure game. While the game does involve performing fairly standard adventure game tasks ie. find object, bring object back to so and so, find next object, hit so and so over the head with object etc. everything is done with such coolness and style that even a cynical old bastard like me found himself chuckling heartily whenever Ben kicked butt. FoaMtiMg At The Month The adventuring side of the game is broken up with some very nice action sequences where you beat up other bikers on the road. These sequences look incredible and, when accompanied by the wicked soundtrack, really had me foaming at the mouth. The voice-acting in Full Throttle is a bit of a mixed affair but some of the characterisa¬ tions, particularly Ben’s, Corley’s and Ripburger’s are the best I have yet heard in a PC adventure game. Full Throttle features a mouse controlled interface with a difference. Instead of the screen being split between the interface and gameworld you have a single cursor instead. When you move the cursor over a live' object it changes to a square, clicking the mouse then invokes the flaming tattoo interface. Using this interface, you can then pick up. talk to. kick or beat the crap out of the object. This leaves the screen uncluttered and allows you to admire all the sexy artwork. The animation of all the characters is smooth and very cartoon-like - none of that 2D rubbish here kids! The cut scenes are amazing, especially since they are in good old 256 colour VGA and the music is excellent. LucasArts got a proper rock band (Gone Jackals) to score the game and it really pays off . I know it's hard to believe but for once we have an adventure game without the elevator music. ToMgMe-fM-Cf«eef< Macho While Full Throttle is a cool game about nasty biker types it doesn't really contain any offensive language or vio¬ lence (more’s the pity). Sure, it’s full of cliched dialogue and macho platitudes but LucasArts have pulled it off in a very tongue in cheek way. What’s really great about the game is the non-dependence on fancy CD graphics and a healthy concentration on plot and character development. Arrrgh, I'm starting to sound like Bill Collins! But let’s face it. how many stunning looking duds have been released in the last twelve months. Luckily LucasArts can still manage to keep abreast of new technology without sacrificing all important ganieplay. I only have two problems with Full Throttle; it was too damned short and it had a tendency to crash in the action sequences (on my PC anyway). So I suppose a sequel and a patch wouldn't go astray. While Full Throttle may be more appealing to young male gamers with macho biker fantasies (my girlfriend laughed whenever she heard Ben speak), it definitely shakes the dust out of a stagnating genre. If you yearn for the open road and don’t mind a few bugs in the teeth then Full Throttle is exactly what you’ve been waiting for. Buy it immediately. PC CD ROM Available: NOW « Category: ADVENTURE ° Publisher: LUCASARTS ° Price: $99.95 ° Rating: M1S+ Mm Requirements: 486/DX33; 8MB RAM; D/SPEED CD VISUALS 94% - The animation is excellent and the cut scenes and action sequences will make your hair stand on end. SOUND 98% ' A rocking soundtrack sets off the visuals perfectly. The voice-acting and sound-effects kick buttock. Check out the incredibly beefy effect when Ben fires up his bike! GAMEPLAY 85% “ Simple, easy and doesn’t detract from the atmosphere and biker vibe of the game. LONGTERM 72% * This 8 ame * s faMy short. This may be because I am no stranger to adventure game puzzles, but I do think LucasArts could have stretched it out a little longer. No doubt a sequel is in the works. OVERALL 93% - Short, but very very sweet. Manages to generate more atmosphere and adrenalin than all the Sierra "Quest" games put together. HYPER» 57 fMU S I i'-Aul; 0 iin*i FvmU l!fi fl'.rn Liny Uf» >hol VijIjh* P'i'j'H Point; tjjtin; F’jvU Paly Pli'jyr I H flUn L'iy Jlirjty ■ __ ^ Lliiy Uy >iiOl j'J 2 i»ti Cyy finy ly PLAY YOU FOR A BREW •itmlyM Pool | PIj-j/V>» Ajf ^MjU^uj .y.vfr ^ J Available: NOW • Category: FUQHT SlM • Player*: ONE • Publisher: LOOKING GLASS TECHNOLOGIES * PRICE: $99.95 Rating: Q • Minimum R*quir*m»ftts: 466DX2/50, 6MB RAM* 2XCD ROM PC CD ROM VISUALS 95% - No adjective has yet been invented to adequately describe the breathtaking awe you’ll experience. The impression is not of a spectacular backdrop, but of a reality you’re immersed in. SOUND $0% - Wind and engines. Done as well as wind and engines can be done. GAMEPLAY 92% - Flight. Real, natural, peaceful, exciting flight. No weapons systems or radars to bother with, just the best flight model ever, period. LONGTERM 82% - There will come a day when you've had enough, but more planes and locations to come will prolong that sad but inevitable moment. OVERALL 90% " $ ure ’ there are people out there who can’t appreciate the sheer joy of soaring with the birds in a machine of power and grace, let 'em play Sonic. TECHY STUFF WARNING!! PC owner a ^parting an if thing Ica a tit an a 486/ 50 aU onld not nnder an if circutMAt omcca read tl «ia review. Severe depreAAion «a gnaranteed if if on do* BEN MANSILL tell a whif*. Arrgghhhh! I’m having fun and I don’t know why! I’m flying a propeller biplane that could never be described as sexy, my wings have not one missile or bomb bolted to their underside, nor is there a sin¬ gle bullet on board. My cockpit has no radar - let alone any glowing Heads Up Display. Below me is neither an awaiting carrier or forward air base. No waypoints exist to tell me where to go. Nobody cares if I land without clearance, or gives a damn if my navigation lights are off. So why is the experi¬ ence so absorbing and exhilarating? Because it's real. Utterly convincing and as real as a sim can be. Or at least it was until my cat walked slowly in front of the screen, simultaneously shattering the illusion and ruining its chance for a bit of pizza. True Flight Flight Unliniiteds shining quality is that it conveys the true sensation of flight like no other sim. It achieves this by combining two revolutionary approaches. The first is photo-real scenery. Other flight sims can run in SVGA, but the effect is merely one of impressive graphics. Here though, are graphics as far ahead of the competition now as Comanche was two years ago. You will believe you are 10.000 feet above a mountain range, or inches above the ground as the canyon walls race past. The second breakthrough achieved by Flight Unlimited is its astounding flight model. Virtually every sim so far; whether it be combat or commercial; has used the vector method. This simple system moves the aircraft proportionally to the joystick input - pull back an inch and the plane climbs 20 degrees. The fact the vector system dominates is due not so much to lazy programming, but that the alternative has so far been out of reach due to insufficient CPU power and design expertise. Now the alternative is a reality. It's called Computational Fluid Dynamics and its main aim is to accurately model the movement of the air around the plane. This is what makes flying Flight Unlimited real. You pilot a virtual plane with virtual control surfaces - ailerons, elevators and the rudder. As they move in accordance with your input, the airflow over the plane changes and it responds accordingly, just as a real plane would. You may be thinking that this is just a fancy irrelevance, with the end result the same who really cares? Fly and understand. The experience is completely different to any other sim. It’s no more diffi¬ cult than any of the better sims currently available, it’s just different. It feels like you’re airborne, like you’re in a cockpit looking down, like you’re moving, like you’re in control, like you can go anywhere you want just for the hell of it. Sorry, but that's the best description I can offer. I’ve flown and loved pretty much every flight sim there is, but this is the first time I’ve experienced the true sensation of flight with me at the controls. It’s amazing. Great Thcraptf Accentuating the sensation is the inclusion of a sailplane in the sim. Flight Unlimited doesn't just replicate the dynamics of the wind around the plane, but also the updraughts that are generated by the presence of mountains and other sheer surfaces. These updraughts are a sailplanes best and only friend. With just the soothing rush of wind to accompany you, the challenge is to both maintain and gain altitude. The feeling is magic. Half an hour of this after a stressful day is great therapy. Flight Unlimited models six purpose-built aerobatic aircraft, from the spunky Pitts Special to the potent Sukhoi-31. Later scenario disks will add new aircraft, as well as new places to fly them. For now you get five flight areas, all perfectly replicated from aerial photographs. Despite the sheer joy of flight that the sim rewards you with, it is a fair criticism that eventually the thrill will wear thin. To counter any premature boredom, the sim includes a few features to add a bit of game to the sim. An A.I. driven flight instructor is patient enough for the most inexperienced pilot, leading them progressively through most common flight manoeuvres. When you’re comfortable with the controls, the next step is to build your skill by flying through a string of mid-air rings. The rings steadily get smaller and their patterns more twisted. Ultimately, there are air shows you can enter, fly¬ ing a series of set manoeuvres against both the clock and computer pilots. Anyone who has aspired to fly for real should buy this, as well as those that really do. Combat fans should try Flight Unlimited before dismissing it and Microsoft Flight Sim lovers probably already own a copy. Take the minimum requirements seriously. A 486DX/33 just won't work, with a VL bus DX2/50 just sufficient for the minimum res. of 320x200. Flight Unlimited is a product designed for the emerging generation of ultra fast PC’s. Some of us (well, most of us), will be sent into a tailspin of depression at the thought of having to fork out thousands of upgrade dollars to realise the potential of the software. Just accept it. The days when our "hot" 386SX started to show its limitations are being relived, with the upgrade cost about the same. You know you'll have to upgrade soon so be thankful for potent motivators like Flight Unlimited. The beta version of the game we reviewed would only run up to 640X480, the full game will run up to a maximum of 2048X2048! Looking Glass Technologies are honest enough to admit the need for the yet unreleased Intel P6 to run in this phenomenal mode. The full gambit of resolutions are: 320X200. 320X400, 640X480, 1024X768. 1280X1024, 1600X1200 and 2048X2048. As an indication of the power you’ll need, a Pentium 90 should just be able to handle 1024X768 (sigh). With support for all commonly available VR headsets. Flight Unlimited is pushing the enve¬ lope to new extremes. In a year or so though, none of this will be remarkable; Falcon 4.0 is expected to need a P6 for its highest resolution too. Save, spend and be grateful. HYPER» 63 / MECH MECH :on» ig r . ROOM HYPER» 64 Th ia m the game that we've been waiting almost two »jearA to platj, JULIAN SCttOFFEL *a the Ittchtj one who got the fir At fight,.. Here’s we have the game that’s been in development for so long it’s a wonder the programmers haven’t died of old age. Luckily all the time hasn’t gone to waste and Activision may be on a big winner here. The game is set in FASA’s BattleTech Universe and the storyline goes a little something like this: The year is 3058 (coincidentally this is also the projected release date of Mechwarrior 3) and the Clans have had their butts kicked in the Battle of Tukayyid. After agreeing to a cease-fire treaty they slink back to their prospective conquered worlds. Unfortunately this embarrassing defeat also leads to a spot of infighting between the rival Clans. Your role is to choose a Clan and then mercilessly beat members of the rival Clan into submission with your arsenal of bi ped behemoths. Heavtf Metal Combat After sitting through a very impressive pre-rendered intro you choose which Clan you wish to fight for and then play through a campaign of missions. If you don’t feel like wading through a campaign you can always opt for the instant action option which, funnily enough, throws you straight into some heavy metal combat. There are about 15 BattleMechs to choose from and each of these varies in size, weight and weapon¬ ry. Obviously you will only have a limited choice of Mechs at the start of the game but this will change as you progress through the campaign and increase your stature and rank in the Clan hierarchy. The visuals of the fighting sequences are made up of shaded polygonal objects, with the overall effect reminding me of an old Dynamix game Nova 9 (although there was a little more detail). While the land¬ scape was a little on the plain side, you still have quite a lot of variety. This is because you fight on a number of different planets and each one has different geographical and environmental characteristics; there are urban landscapes, deserts, icy tundra, canyons and post-apocalyptic cityscapes. In contrast to the landscape, the Mechs themselves look great, as do the explosions. When your Mech moves the cockpit shakes accordingly with the appropriate sound-effects. While the BattleMechs are large and heavy they can move with surprising speed and agility in the right hands (hopefully yours). Generally missions consist of a combination of different objectives ie. go to nav point 1 and destroy any hostile Mechs in the area then proceed to nav point 2 and blow up a chemical factory etc. Tbe Keif to Shcccaa The key to success in Mechwarrior 2 is successfully formulating good combat tactics. You have to decide which BattleMech will be most suitable for a particular mission and then outfit it with the right combination of weaponry. Obviously variables like geography and atmospheric conditions will also influ¬ ence your BattleMech’s performance in combat. In the later missions I found the Mechs with the jump- jet device to be extremely effective, as you can use the jets to jump over enemy Mechs or even on top of them. This is particularly useful if your opponent is more mobile than you are. The range of weaponry available is quite impressive ranging from the boring laser cannon to more lethal missiles and guns. Onboard the Mechs you have access to a variety of different options encompassing everything from weapons cameras to damage meters and radar views. Even though the in-game graphics are a tiny bit on the primitive side, especially when you compare them to the very flashy pre-rendered cut-scenes, the feeling of controlling and driving a huge hulking BattleMech really does come through convincing¬ ly. The way your Mech sways around and jerks when hit by enemy fire or climbs over a hill really gives the illusion of movement and is the direct result of a very convincing physics engine which the pro¬ grammers have applied to the gameworld. The meat of the game is the combat and this is where Mechwarrior 2 comes into its own. Once you get the hang of the control system you can concentrate on the fascinating business of tracking down and defeating enemy Mechs. This proves to be extremely entertaining. Enemy Al is quite solid and you will often find yourself set upon by a number of enemy BattleMechs all coming at you from differ¬ ent directions. You have a calming influence in the form of your onboard computer system which tells you important details like when you reach a nav point or when you destroy a Mech or when to run for the hills. Missions vary tremendously and the variety of different terrains to explore means you won’t be getting bored with the scenery (unless you have an aversion to polygon graphics). The combat sequences are given a tremendous boost by the great sound-effects and music. There’s every loud metallic thumping noise you could possibly imagine and guns and missiles sound great. The game features plenty of digitised speech which also pumps up the already impressive atmosphere. Multi-player Coming Soon While this version of Mechwarrior 2 didn't support modem or network play, there will be a multiplay¬ er facility added about three months after the game’s initial release. This title would be very well suit¬ ed for one on one modem play and the network option promises to allow up to eight players into the game at once, either playing competitively or co-operatively. So while Mechwarrior 2 may lack the cutting edge graphics of some other recent releases it does offer a very playable and atmospheric gaming experience. I would compare it to LucasArts’ TIE Fighter in terms of graphic detail and like TIE Fighter it runs smoothly on a 486. The combat sequences are challenging and enjoyable with the added incentive of winning the funky title of ‘il- Khan' leader of all Clans if you win the game. Highly Recommended. TARGET LOCKED. MISSILE AWAY! Available: NOW ® Category: ACTiON/COMBAT « Players: ONE « Publisher: ACTlVlSlON ® Price: $99.95 Rating: G8+ ° Mm Requirements: 486DX/33; 8MB RAM: 15MB HARD DRIVE SPACE; D/SPEED CD - Great pre-rendered cut-scenes and smooth polygon graphics make Mechwarrior 2 extremely pleasant to look at. Whether your BattleMech's clanking along or just blowing things up for the hell of it. your ears will be in auditory heaven. \% - Combat in 30 foot high roboty things has never been so fun! Longterm 90% - Once you begin a couple of missions it's my bet you'll be in for the long haul. Overall 90% ‘ A sexy, spunky, cuddly little game. IiI I IiI UflSCP 33 (mi ~d fiCD llf^CD mirsco 1 MGufi 200 *Sur> 20CL SlflSEP,. MPlflS IRM20 120 PC/PC CD ROM c " .. ■ ' • fr-i 66 »HYPER f Putty Squad Available: NOW Category: PLATFORM Players: ONE Publisher: OCEAN Price: S89.95 Rating: G Aargh! I think someone higher up in the HYPER chain of command must have it in for me. Why else do they keep giving me such crappy games to review? First Mr Nutz 2 and now Putty Squad. Come to think of it, there’s actually a lot of simi¬ larities between the two games. They’re both pub¬ lished by Ocean, feature cutesy characters in colourful platform worlds and both games are bloody annoying. In Putty Squad, your sprite is a bright blue blob of putty whose aim in life is to run, walk, jump (and here comes the gimmick which the program¬ mers were creaming themselves over), slide and drip your way through various worlds. And what is all this effort in aid of? You have to find the red bouncing putties, of course, who are liberally sprin¬ kled through each level. Wahoo, what fun! To aid you in your quest, you can call upon a skate-Nazi cat, punch him out and promptly use him as a mini-tramp to reach those hard-to-get-at places. There are also baddies to punch out or blow up with bombs, as well as stars to collect along the way. If all this is sounding inane and puerile, that’s because there ain’t no hidin' the truth - and the truth is Putty Squad is a bit of a dud. This is definitely one for the little kids and/or the masochists out there. It might help you while away half an hour instead of doing that assignment/essay that you really should be doing, but no-one would want to play this unless they were getting into some pretty heavy duty procrastination. Play Putty Squad for long enough, and you’ll probably find a new found passion for Quantum Physics, Classical Greek, Algorithmic Calculus, writing HYPER reviews or whatever it was you were trying to escape in the first place. 70 SOUND to GAMEPLAY Matt Teffer sa so 55 The Scottish Open Virtual Golf Available: NOW Category: SPORT Players: 1-4 Publisher: CORE DESIGN Price: TBA Rating: G The Scottish Open is a 3D simulation of the ancient sport of Golf, in the same way that Home And Away is a 2D simulation of the ancient sport of life. It lacks a little in depth, and leaves you feeling that you’ve been there before, far too many times. It’s supposedly "been rendered on Silicon Graphics Workstations’’ (a candidate for the most overused hype on game packaging) but looks more like it’s been rendered on a two dollar wristwatch from Woolies. The trees being particularly exceptional examples, looking like a cross between a sneeze and the Jolly Green Giant's pubic hair. "Why 3D in a golf game?”, you may well ask with a sceptical tone in your voice. Well, it's so you can have a camera’ tracking the ball as it sails through the air, straight at the head of the car salesman who just hit a 330 yard drive in front of you. Now. there’s a thought - Death Match Golf with exploding Sarin gas balls and suicide bomb golf buggies! But I digress. Virtual Golf gives you six different camera views, some which are fixed at certain points (ie. behind your golfer) and some which track the ball either from behind or by slowly rotating around it. The actual mechanics of the game would be familiar to anyone who has ever played computer golf before, being only a slight variation from the way Links works, with the LMB doing all the work using the standard power bar type setup. Core Design boast that this is a simplified, uncluttered game rather than a heavy simulation, but what this actually means is that there is no way of accurately aiming your shots because there is no aiming marker and putting is infuriatingly silly because the ‘Grid Overlay’ hugs the ground about as closely as I'd hug an enraged Grizzly Bear. There are four courses to play; The Bowery, Kilmarney, Penperro and Carnoustie in England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland respectively, and anyone who knows UK golf courses knows they are about as pleasing to the eye as a squirt of nitric acid, and the game’s graphics live up to this expectation perfectly The only real insight this game gave me was to make me realise how way ahead of their time the designers of Links 386 were. Three years old and still the only way to go! 50 60 70 bS George Soropos t>5 Dominus Available: NOW Category: STRATEGY Players: ONE Publisher: US GOLD Price: $79.95 Rating: TBA After the success of Warcraft, there seems to be a variety of companies cashing in on the boom in fantasy wargaming. The latest of these games is Dominus by U.S Gold. What’s interesting about this one is that it combines a wide variety of strategic and tactical elements - with the end result being a strange hybrid of Warcraft and Masters of Magic. Plot-wise the game is straight-forward. You are the commander of a fortress which is under attack from a multitude of hostile creatures. These creatures are formed into 8 different clans, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. The weapons you have at your disposal to fight off these hoards are many and varied, including traps, spells and genetic experimen¬ tation. Your armies are composed of about 20 differ¬ ent types of monsters (ghouls to swamp wraiths to giant scorpions), and they’re under the control of four generals who report directly to you. The interface allows you to control a large number of troops without having to go into battlefield mode and control each trooper individually. It allows you to delegate troops to make traps and research spells, with the wide variety (fireball, summon, lightning) providing you with a full array of heavy weapons. This is the most interesting and uniquefeature of the game and the ability to experiment with genetics allows you to combine various mon¬ sters into super beasts. Graphically the game is average with nothing to recommend it either way. The battlefield presentation is particu¬ larly unimpressive although it certainly doesn’t detract from the game. The sound production is a little better, though it certainly has a way to go before it is competing with Warcraft. The real strength of this game is its innovative gameplay and unique approach to fantasy gaming. It is challenging on both a strategic and tactical level, with its interface allow¬ ing for a completely personal military style. The first time you have two clans on the lower level of your keep, with others closing in on your borders will provide a tense and exciting wargaming challenge. Chris Wheeler b3 71 7fl 74 7fl 1830 • Railroads & Robber Barons Available: NOW Category: STRATEGY Players: 1-5 Publisher: AVALON HILL Price: $89.95 Rating: G The latest in the long line of Avalon Hill board game adaptations is 1830 - Railroads and Robber Barons. While the game is an extremely exact recreating of the board game, fans of this style of strategy game would be better served in purchas¬ ing the old classic, Railway Tycoon. Essentially the game is identical in outlook to that famous simulation. You are a tycoon in 19th centu¬ ry America trying to forge a massive railway empire. To this end you purchase trains, build stations and invest in the stock market. As your empire grows so to the hostile intentions of the five computer gener¬ ated players. Stock takeovers and underbidding will undercut your income and leave you vulnerable to the manipulations of other players. The game allows for a multi-player option as well as variable speed solo play. The multi-player option is the games strongest feature although you’d better have plenty of time spare if you want to play an entire game. Basically the game's major downfall is that it does nothing new compared to the railway simula¬ tions that came before it. Therefore if this type of game is your bread and butter, you'll enjoy it, oth¬ erwise the experience may be a little lacklustre. Chris Wheeler VISUALS b7 SOUND b3 GAMEPLAY 75 LONGTERM 75 OVERALL ba Lords of the Realm Available: NOW Category: STRATEGY Players: 1-2 Publisher: IMPRESSIONS Price: $89.95 Rating. G Pure Wargame - death from above Available: NOW Category: STRATEGY Players: ONE Publisher: QQP Price: $69.95 Rating: G Big game this. Not so much in terms of depth of play (although it’s no slouch in that department), but for sheer time consuming length of play. Night after night, week after week, this is a game for players who like a bit of epic about their gaming. Set in England around the time of William Wallace (who Mel Gibson portrayed in Braveheart), the caper is to expand your territory from the starting point of just one county, to all of England and the crown itself. Like most great strategy games, Lords of the Realm is most effectively played with an initial burst of expansion, followed by a consolidation period before the final thrust of conquest. Where Lords of the Realm differs though, is its focus on heavy fortifica¬ tion of your territories by way of mighty castles instead of mighty armies. Indeed, the game discour¬ ages the development of large permanent armies for defence, with units usually rebelling after just a few rounds because of unhappiness. You can keep your troops happy enough by having them kill a few of the enemy to cheer them up, but this must be kept up throughout the entire game and it may not suit your plans to be at war constantly with your neighbours. So you build enormous, expensive and resource consuming castles instead, letting invaders suffer the consequences of rebellious soldiers as they lay siege on your (hopefully) impregnable castle. With each huge territory occupied by just one representative castle, loosing one is a major setback. Making sure this never happens means engaging in diplomatic and economic warfare. A bit of super-efficient resource management goes a long way here, with crop selec¬ tion and peasant appeasing the tickets to ultimate victory. Being the meat of the game, castle design is a detailed and complicated affair. Historical designs are available, but hand crafting your own siege- proof castle is the most satisfying and effective fun. The lack of a random map generator and appalling modem-play design are the only problems. Even so, this is one of the better strategy games to appear for some time. 7b SOUND bM GAMEPLAY 6Z 6b Ben Mansill az It seems amazing to me that this game has taken so long to be produced. A wargame that concen¬ trates on airborne operations seems way too long in the making. While this game has a few prob¬ lems, the exciting environment it deals with will prove an interesting addition to any dedicated wargamer’s collection. Essentially you take command of an airborne operation from a variety of wars. There are eight operations in total and start from Arnhem in WWII before moving on to later conflicts such as Maleme, Saint Marie-Eglise, Kanev , Syracuse and the hypothetical Folkestone, which was the German plan to invade England from the air. The game has been exhaustively researched, providing fully accurate Orders of Battle and unit strengths. The interface is reasonably easy, though, as with most wargames, it takes a little getting used to. Graphics and sound are good, adding an interest¬ ing feel to the game. The Pure Wargame’s main strength however, lies in its subject matter. The scenarios are so challenging and exciting you'll be playing them over and over. The total research involved lends the game a truly authentic feel - you feel that if you win against the computer, you may have won in real life. The variety of scenarios present an interesting overview of airborne conflict, each with its own peculiarities and unique visuals aspects. So if modern wargaming is your thing - geronimo! 7Z Chris Wheeler b7 GAMEPLAY 71 75 OVERALL 7Z 68 »HYPER r N S h Gazillionaire m PC CD ROM Available: NOW Category: STRATEGY Players: 1-6 Publisher: MICROPROSE Price: S39.95 Rating: G Kingdom: The Far Reaches Renegade - Battle For Jacob’s Star Available: NOW Category: ADVENTURE Players: ONE Publisher: INTERPLAY Price: S99.95 Rating: G Available: NOW Category: SPACE COMBAT Players: ONE Publisher: SSI Price: S39.95 Rating: G8+ Let’s play spot the market trend, consumers. Microprose have simultaneously released two trading games. Machiavelli for DOS is huge, complex and multi-threaded, while Gazillionaire for Windows is as simple as such a game can be, with an average round taking around an hour. Microprose committed their entire development and advertising budget to Machiavelli. abandoning Gazillionaire to the vagaries of the market. So which one is creaming the sales figures? Why lil' old Gazillionare, of course. This phenomenon is easily explained. There are two types of Windows users out there; those that use it out of necessity and those who use it by choice. The later segment of the community bought their Packard Bell at Harvey Norman and think Windows is the ideal games platform because its got Solitaire built in. Sad but true. Enter Gazillionaire. It’s “universe” comprises seven planets which don't change in any way from game to game. They’re spread out on the main screen and your voyaging is just a mouse click away. Upon arrival, the marketplace screen presents you with a list of what goods are available and their current price. The gameplay: buy lots of cheap stuff, travel to the planet where the same stuff is expensive and sell it. Do it in reverse, backwards and forwards. The winner is the first to earn more than a million credits. What fun. Various spanners are thrown in the works at predictable intervals, but the random crisis generator doesn't hit you with anything that would require a serious strategic re¬ think, instead it’s just a minor bother. The computer opponents perform with clinical efficiency on the medium to hard levels, so to win you must be super efficient at every stage. A curiosity driven motivation to beat the game engine kept me playing for a few hours. That achieved, the desire to ever play again vanished forever. This is a lunchtime game for Windows users. The extraordinary popularity of both Windows and lunch is to blame for Gazillionaire’s success, not the people who play it because they don’t know any better. VISUALS bS GAMEPLAY 72 MS Ben Mansill L3 Dragon’s Lair. Space Ace. Do these names ring a bell? They mean all of two things to me; games with fancy graphics and zero gameplay. Welcome to Interplay’s newest attempt at a game - Kingdom: The Far Reaches. This game is really just some mildly attractive ani¬ mated footage pasted together with a very shoddy interface. I’m still finding it hard to believe that Interplay would even have the audacity to release this as a game. To add insult to injury the animation isn’t that great (certainly not a 3D studio rendered mas¬ terpiece), instead it's rather reminiscent of those crappy 70’s cell-drawn cartoons TV stations are so fond of screening at 5.00am on a Saturday morning. The plot of the game/cartoon goes something like this: As Lathan Kandor you must find three relics of the Hand of Mobus. Apparently this Hand of Mobus will help you destroy the evjl Drakesblood thus allowing you to save the beauti¬ ful Princess Grace Delight. Oh my God, somebody get me a bucket! The game screen is horribly set out; you have a box on the left side where the cartoon runs and on the right you have the sparse interface (drawn in 16 colour VGA and very ugly). After watching seg¬ ments of cartoon, you are then given an amazingly deep level of control ie. go to another place on the map or pick something up from the last scene in the animated segment. If you do it right you get to watch some more funky cartoon, if you don’t do it right you die. Oh, did I mention you only get three lives. Wow! This game makes Dragon’s Lair look like Harpoon 2! What with Stonekeep about two and half years overdue, the prehistoric looking Dungeon Master 2 due on the PC around August, the cruddy Cyberia gathering dust in many a disillusioned PC gamer's cupboard and now this piece of junk, Interplay executives must be very worried little chappies. Thank God they have Descent and Virtual Pool to fall back on! Avoid this pathetic attempt at a game at all costs! You have been warned. Julian Schoffel GAMEPLAY The world can’t have enough SVGA space com¬ bat sims. This ancient pearl of wisdom was found scrawled in red texta on the last page of the Dead Sea Scrolls and was previously discounted by theolo¬ gians the world over. But SSI are out to prove it right with the release of Renegade. Based on the “Renegade Legion: Interceptor” board game by FASA, SSI have faithfully reconstructed that uni¬ verse in PC land, placing you in it, so to speak, as a pilot with the Renegade fleet defending the Commonwealth (Jacob’s Star to be exact), against the might of the Terran Overlord Government. Yeah, yeah, yeah I hear you say, so what's the bloody game like ? Well, if you took the Hollywood out of Wing Commander III. Renegade would give it a damn good run for its money. It runs in either VGA or SVGA resolutions and I personally think the high res graphics are a little nicer than WCIII's. It is a tad slower but smoother (ie when the screen fills with bogeys they don’t all start going into epileptic fits). The same mission goal/waypoint type structure pioneered by Wing Commander is used with missions including the usual recon/res- cue/sweep/escort/intercept and defence. Where the game stands above WCIII (sorry for all the comparisons) is in the actual fun of combat, which is, after all, what these things are all about isn't it? The silky smooth flight model makes dogfight¬ ing an absolute joy. One negative however is that the missiles provided for your fighters usually make less of an impact on your enemy than a few harsh words, so I always ended up using ships that had more guns than missile points. There are a variety of options which can be adjusted to make Renegade more or less difficult. You can even make your ship invincible but you won't be able to advance through mis¬ sions in this state, or you can just thick¬ en your armour and shields instead, and still be able to progress. Another great feature of the game is the price. At $39.95 you can’t go wrong. George Soropos VISUALS flfl 7fl GAMEPLAY flfl 75 flb Alien Olympics Available: NOW Category: CUTE SPORTS Players: 1-8 Publisher: MINDSCAPE Price: S39.95 Rating: G Machiavelli the Prince Available: NOW Category: STRATEGY Players: 1-4 Publisher: MICROPROSE Price: S79.95 Rating: G Winter Sports 00:H9.13 _IN PC CD ROM Available: NOW Category: SPORT Players: 2 (4 with Pentium Processor) Publisher: MINDSCAPE Price: S39.95 Rating: G Alien Olympics is an eight player contest consist¬ ing of fifteen different "sports”, some of which are loosely based on Olympic events. All of the action takes place on alien planets and the contestants are all of different alien species... sound interest¬ ing? Boy, do you lead an exiting life. The mechanics of the game are simple, you run by hitting alternate keys on your keyboard or by jiggling your joystick from side to side (this method is for lonely single men only) and jump, shoot, throw using the keyboard/fire button. The competitors in these games all suffer from one obnoxious failing, they're all dreadfully cute, so cute in fact that a picture of all of them together would look like a novelty store’s stuffed toy cata¬ logue. This may give the game some appeal to younger (and female) types, but most hardy veter¬ ans will be appalled at a complete lack of warts, scars and festering, puss-filled cankers. The "sports” include the 50 Qbits Dash (run¬ ning), 200 Qbits Splurge (swimming), Sabre Launch (javelin) Alien Hurl (shot put) etc. The more interesting (if I can use that word here) events are the ones which have no connection with real Olympic sports, like the Lizard Leap where you are required to jump over an enormous, hungry dinosaur; Jet Pack Tag, which is self explanatory and the wonderful Wall Jumping, in which the player must run and jump straight at a wall to see how high he or she can leave a splat mark. The game is a dead bore to play on your own and really must be played with a group of (preferably deranged) people to get anything out of it. Make sure you have a heavy duty control device though, as games like the 200Qbit dash can require much joy¬ stick jiggling. VISUALS bD George Soropos ss LONGTERM 50 tiO Microprose can’t really be blamed for exploring every conceivable variation of the Civilisation game engine. Colonisation did nothing new but was great anyway, Master of Orion took the concept into space and is one of the all time Great Games, Master of Magic added spells and miniature battles and now Machiavelli the Prince is here, with the focus this time on trade and not much else. This is certainly the weakest version of the game we all love so much. The appeal behind these games lies with having to manage many different aspects of play, balancing the seemingly unrelated dynamics to produce a powerhouse of military and industrial might. Together with the joy of explor¬ ing new worlds, this is why these strategy games have deservedly won their fans. Machiavelli starts in 14th century Italy, with the entire world (minus Tasmania and America!) out there to exploit - a random map generator is in there too for replayablity. The basic outline of the world is shown, but detail must be uncovered by moving a unit out on reconnaissance duty. This is a new device and should have been featured in the previous games. Trade is what Machiavelli is all about, buying ships and camels and establishing automated trade routes with the many far-flung foreign cities. A set array of commodities can be shifted around, with certain goods only avail¬ able from the most distant ports. Over the course of the game your wealth builds, with the caper being to ensure it's you that has the biggest wad of cash at games end. The only diversion from this repeti¬ tive monotony is the ability to bribe city officials and church power mon¬ gers. This is supposed to provide an economic boost, but in reality the end results are too insignificant to bother with. Very occasional combat crops up too. but just doesn’t offer any chal¬ lenge Machiavelli offers little over that ancient Amiga classic Ports of Call, which in all honesty is what I’d rather be playing. 75 72 55 MD Ben Mansill bi A skiing simulation that doesn't let you experi¬ ence the delights of the midnight dash to Thredbo in your mates clapped out Combi, or savour the thrilling early morning sunstroke that only a severe case of alcohol poisoning can bring? Some say it can’t be done, but the people at Mindscape have made a very good effort. Six events are there for the skiing; Downhill, Slalom, Giant Slalom, Ski Jump, Snowboarding and Bobsledding. These are all self explanatory to anyone who has ever donned a pair of snow goggles or watched an Olympic Games coverage and anyone who hasn't done either can stop reading now and sod off. The execution of each of the games is pretty near faultless, my only beef being with the ski jump which is a bit tricky and with the slightly sluggish turning ability of the skier which makes the Slalom events a challenge. The 3D rendered bobsledding is by far the hardest of the bunch (it took me about twenty goes just to make it to the end of the track let alone worry about the times I’d done) and looks gorgeous. Winter Sports makes extensive use of audio sam¬ ples to heighten the feeling of “being there", and you get to hear the roar of the crowd, the swoosh of the snow and all that stuff. There are two com¬ petition modes, and a training mode to give you some practice at the events. The dif¬ ferent competition modes let you play all or only selected events respective¬ ly. There are also four difficulty levels to choose from. Before you begin each event you are allowed to choose the length of you ski/snowboard, and this will effect your speed and manoeuvrability on the snow. As is usually the case with these type of games, you really need to play against another person to get the most out of it, and if you like sports sims and are sick of Soccer and Golf you might want to give this a try. George Soropos flD 75 7fl 70 7fl 7 0 »H Y PER s * * * s * Full Throttle • Use the bunnies on the minefield, but make sure you pick them all up when they first come out of the box (you want to release them one at a time). • Follow the bunny tracks and keep releasing them (one at a time) until you get across the minefield. • Watch the animated sequence and then convince Mo that you were a friend of her father's (Malcolm Corley); to do this choose the conversation option which leads to you calling her something (a pet name of her’s that you could only know if you were a friend of her father’s). • Now watch the animated sequence and listen to the plan. • Walk down to your left until you reach the old guy. • Steal the rabbit when he’s not looking. • Now talk to him and get him to tell you about the Vulture's hideout. • Go back up to your bike and ride it to the Vulture’s hideout. • Use the bunny on the minefield and pick up thd battery • Go back to the stall and use the remote control car, when the battery goes dead, replace it with the one* from the bunny. • Make the car go under the turnstiles and into the stadium. • When the stall owner goes after his car take a box of bunnies and head back to the Vulture’s hideout. • OK, now you should be in your suit in flames running around the arena. • Run around the edge of the arena to make it catch fire. • The stadium will be evacuated. • Jump onto the bonnet of the empty car in the arena and wait for the blue car to ram it. Now jump onto the roof of the blue car. • Wait until the blue car drives near the flames and wreck¬ age of your car, then jump off and run into the flames, the blue car will follow you and subsequently explode. • Don’t try to get your car past the blue one, you can’t beat it for speed. • Go to the ramp on the left of the arena and jump it, you should land on another car making it stall. • Use your car to push the other stalled car in front of the ramp on the right side of the arena. . • Now jump the ramp and the stalled car; you should land on the blue car stalling it. • Next, have the collision with Mo and watch the animated sequence. • Use the numbers from the bike parts as the combination (It’s 154492). • Take the audio tape and the card from the safe and go through the door. • Now go to the door with the card slot outside it and use the card from the safe. • Pull the left hand lever all the way up and the right hand lever all the way down. • This will break the machine and cause the transvestite from the next room to come in and try to fix it. • Now go into the room next door and use the tape on the tape machine and the photos on the projection unit. • This will ruin Ripburger’s presentation at the sharehold¬ er's meeting and cause him to flee in a Corley truck. • Now watch the animated sequence. • Talk to Mo, take the photos of her father’s death and look at all the motorcycle parts lying on the floor. • Click on each part and write down all of the numbers; one of them is the combination (key) to Corley's safe. • Now go back to the Corley factory and walk to the back of the building • Go up to the wall near the meters and wait until each of the meters has a line with a black spot in the middle (you'll hear a sound as well). • Now kick the bottom of the wall until you hear a weird sound, once you have the spot kick it again when all the meters have that line with a black spot in the middle. • This will trigger one of the manholes nearby to open. • Go down the manhole. • Now look at the floor and trigger the floor safe. • After Ripburger has rammed you with the truck, open the grate at the front of the truck, this should expose the fan. • Now open the vent above the grate and Ripburger will stick his cane out the window to close it again. • Grab the cane and jam it into the fan. • Now climb to the back of the truck cabin and look at the fuel lines. • Use your tyre iron on the fuel line farthest away from you, this will slow the truck down. • Now watch the animated sequence where the Vultures swallow the truck using their huge air/land transport. • The transport is out of control and must be stopped. • Climb the ladder to the control room and push the green button. • Now go to take-off, landings and raise the landing gear. • This causes the transport to skid to a halt halfway along the blown up bridge. • To kill Ripburger climb into the truck cockpit and operate the defence controls to withdraw the guns. Bye, bye Ripburger. • Now climb over the truck and into the transport. • Jump on your bike (left of the screen) and ride out of the transport before the truck blows. • Watch the credits. • The End. Julian Schoffel Get out of your detention cell by hitting the floating droid into the force door Pick up anything you find in the cellblock. Fight and kill the blue guy and take everything from his cell. Use the fork from the blue guy's cell on the electrical panel near the closed door. Solve puzzle and open door. • Use the guardroom wall monitors to deactivate cell doors. • Read Dane's logbook (in the cell across from yours) for a security code. • Press the red button on the guardroom wall. • Use the guardroom desk monitor to move the nursebot; have it pick up Cayman’s severed arm and move it over to the palm reader by the door. • Now use the other desk monitor to reactivate Cayman's palm's clearance. Stand on the plate by the palm reader to open the door. • Evade the robot in the corridor. Just sidestep instead of moving forward and you can go right by it into the cryochamber. • Open the hatch in the cryochamber and explore the lower tunnel. • You need to lure the growling beast in the tunnel beneath the hatch so you can freeze it. To do that, you need to send someone else down the tunnel. The cyber¬ raptor in Chamber 1 will do nicely. • Drain some cryofluid to wake him up. Go check on his stats in the monitor. Knock him out with kicks and mid punches. Make sure the hatch is closed. • When he wakes up, wait for him to come near the hatch, then knock him out so he collapses on top of it. Now open it. drop him through, wait for the fighting to start, and freeze 'em both with cryofluid. • Turn off the cryofluid and go down the ladder. Walk up the catwalk to the hole in the right side of the tunnel. Go through it and kill the guard in the darkened cell. Make sure you take his blaster • Take the elevator up to level 1. You can take out the probes by shooting from behind the cover of the elevator door. • Rough up the guard and he'll prepare the AA gun for you Blow up both dropships • Take the lift to level three. • Destroy the droid in the corridor by ricocheting blaster fire off the walls of the ele¬ vator. Open the door on the left and watch the animated sequence. • Pick up a healing device, and (optional) a battery from Dane. Check out the monitor. • Go to the room at the end of the corridor and defeat the marine; read his logbook and the wall monitors. • Get yourself encased in an envirosuit by the machine here. In one corner of this room you’ll Find the Icarus monitors — use them to descend to the hangar. • Kill the guard and get a bigger battery from the nose of the Icarus and drop your old one here - you’ll need it later. Get the alien cube from the floor. • Use the forklift bot from the room at the end of the hall to dispose of the reactor guardbot. (There’s a forklift control monitor in that room). Now you can enter the reactor (wearing your envirosuit). • You can’t defeat the alien in combat You do need to get rid of it before you can Finish your job, though. • Go pull one of the two pylon levers down Now that the alien is after you, run back to the landing and knock the bridge out from under it. • Now go back, pull the other pylon lever down and punch in the code you got from the control room’s wall monitor to activate the power»down button on the reactor monitor. • Take the elevator down as far as you can Watch the animated sequence as the security droid enters the corridor. • To destroy the droid just Fire your blaster at it, do a spinning kick, Fire blaster, spinning kick, fire blaster etc. until you nail it. • The airlock code you’re looking for is in the logbook of the marine back in the level three control room Make sure you’re still wearing your envirosuit before you venture outside. THE GUARDROOM THE CYROQENiC CHAMBER THE REACTOR THE PLANET SURFACE • To solve the airlock puzzle leave all the squares lighted except for the centre one. • Take the elevator down to the catwalk. Run past the droids — you’re too fast to track as long as you keep moving. • When you come through the rock opening jump down from the catwalk to the square in the acid lake. • Use the alien cube to move across the stone blocks, arriving at the wreck. • Go into the dropship and kick the crap out of the marine who confronts you. This is the hardest fight in the game and your blaster is useless so save often. • Now take the device from the marine and use it to open the door in the ship. • Go to the screen and shoot a missile. • This should get the attention of the acid lake creature. Wait until it goes over to investigate and then nail it with another missile. • Now go outside the dropship and use the missile lying on the sand. You now have a live bomb with a timed detonator in your hand so speed is of the essence. • Run to the back of the dropship and use the alien cube to teleport over the acid lake from block to block. • Once you make it back to the catwalk run to your right until you get to the tunnel entrance protruding from the cliff face. • Run up the tunnel and drop the bomb near the sealed door. Then run like hell back to the catwalk. • You should see an animated sequence of the explosion if you do this right. • Now go back into the tunnel and go through the airlock to the dig. • Kill the small, floating alien in the first chamber and use a first aid kit on Escher. • Take the translator she gives you and go back to the stone blocks outside. Use the alien cube until you get to the large room with the disc in the middle and the writing on the walls. • Use the translator on the writing and then go back to the dig site. • Go into the room next to the chamber where you found Escher. • When the alien comes through the hole in the ceiling hit it a few times until it runs away. • Follow it and watch what it does. • Now go back to the room you were just in and pry open the cracked sarcophagus door. • Solve the puzzle to get a device which lets you do what that alien did. • Take this device to the tunnel the alien departed through and use it to open the tunnel. • Now go down the tunnel. • In this room the central column monitor activates the tubes. Which tube you open is determined by the sign in the centre of the monitor (match it to the sign by the tube). • Hit the left, right, and bottom tiles in the monitor to activate the one really useful tube at this point. • Use your blaster to give you the momentum to put you through the other side of the zero-gravity chamber. • In this room you will find the alien again. Read the writing on the pillars before you head over to meet him, watch your step, and then punch and kick him into oblivion (the blaster won’t work on him)! • Use his shield device to get through the force field at the far end of the room. • Move carefully to the monitor and solve the puzzle. Try this combination: Green- Red-Blue-Red-Green-Red-Blue-Green-Blue-Green-Orange-Yellow-Violet-Yellow- Orange-Blue-Yellow-Green-Yellow. • After the enlightening conversation, go back to the central tube chamber and acti¬ vate the other two lower tubes. Now use the control device by the blinking tube • Have fun and eliminate your opposition from afar. Raise the sphere. Lower it to crush one marine. Raise the sphere again. Drop your gun, run over and grab the grenade and throw (“fire”) it back up the tube. • Now go into the remaining tube to fix the gravity ring. • Step on the plates to rotate the highlighted segments into a single line. Watch out for asteroids. • Make sure your shield (the alien device) is on, then take the Big Sphere Room tube up to the surface. • Run back up the catwalk and avoid the marines. With the shield on they can’t hurt you. • Avoid the blaster fire from the departing ship and then take the elevator back up to the landing/take-off pad. • Kill the marine (don’t use your special weapon more than once because you need as much charge as possible very shortly). • Open the airlock door, the code has changed but the dead marine’s logbook should tell you what you need to know. • Go back to the Icarus spaceship and put your new battery in the nose of the ship. You need a three quarter charged battery to get the Icarus working. • Now climb into the ship and take off. • Sit back and enjoy the rather short endgame sequence. Julian Schoffel THE MARINE DROPSHIP CRASH SITE 74 »HYPER SAMURAI SHOWDOWN MEGADRIVE Winning Tactic Adam Berry’s figured this one out. now he want's to share the fun with all the little Grasshoppers who need help. First choose Gen-Gai. When the match starts immediately jump diagonally into the air towards your opponent. If he/she jumps quickly, kick them and jump again. When you land, hopefully you will be next to your opponent, press the B button twice and you should begin to spin on top of them. Quickly press PAUSE and push all of the buttons onto auto-fire. You will rapidly spin and take away half their life. Immediately do it again, if they're still not dead, do it again. End result: one dead opponent and a fully charged life meter. This works on every player including the boss. CLOCKWORK KNIGHT SATURN Level Aelect/Skip, Heap a of Live*, Million a of Point a Wey hey! the Saturns top platformer is as cheatable as anything. Level select: When “PRESS START BUTTON’’ appears on the title screen, press L, U. R, D, D, R, R, U, R. Use up and down to select the level. Last stage: Do the level select code, then enter L, R, R, U, R, R, U, D. R, R, U.R. 999 lives: Enter this code on the title screen when "PRESS START BUTTON" is showing: U, RIGHT X nine times, Down X six times, Left X seven times, Z, X, Y, Y, Y, Z. You'll get the theme music again if it worked. Million point bonus: Finish the train stage (2-2) in less than 30 seconds. Don’t miss the clock bonus or you won’t make it. EARTHWORK! JUYI MEGADRIVE Level Select The stark realisation that we re not perfect must have been as big a shock for you as it was for us. Yes. we got it wrong. The level select codes published in HYPER #17 for Megadrive only worked in the US! The other Earthworm Jim cheats are OK, but for Mega Drive level select do the following: PAUSE. A. B. B. A, A+C. B+C. B+C, A+C. Thanks to Peter Brodie for letting us know. Yeah, thanks heaps. 'too* % *1775 A NatnrcA RivarencAA Spell Ok, so it’s not the easiest game in the world. For a little divine assistance, go to the Magic Menu and hold ALT while pressing R then V then L. This empowers you with Natures Awareness, letting you see everything on both planes. TRUE LIES SIMES/Mega Drive Energy, Livca and Weapon a Last month we gave you the level codes, this month you get the cheats! A big sloppy thanks to Adam Berry for this. Enter these at the password screen, then go to "End". Viola! BGGRLY - Unlimited energy BGLVS - Unlimited lives BGWPNS - All weapons KIETAL AND LACE PC CD ROM Free Hi f point a This strange and attractive game can be a little tough for some. No worries, just cheat! During the game press SHFT F11-F12. All your hitpoints should now be restored. WING COMMANDER III PC CD ROM iHAtant Death Wacko! Fear those Kilrathi no longer! Start the game from the DOS prompt by typing WC3.EXE -MITCHELL. Once in the cockpit, target the enemiy as usual, then press CTL W and they'll instantly explode! mOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP 32X Level Code* The game may be a right barker, but these codes should help you get the most out of it. 2 - aVwwhEKAgoA 8 - [iKFLWsAAsD 3 - 5hQxiHTAAJB 9 - h9CWsYyAkME 4 - jDBCFLXAkpB 10 - q KjGNb7AEtE 5 - xVpSmNdAMKC 11 - [dT30fFBoNF 6 - imhDoQjAwqC 12 - kuLYQkKB]uF 7 - dDSkpToAYLD DEATH AND RETURN OF SUPERfflAN SNES Level Ship and Extra Energif Luke Coleman was good enough to let us in on these little beauties. Now this ordinary game has some sparkle. Go to the SOUND TEST in the OPTIONS menu. First play OB (a machine gun), second play 29 (a laugh), third play 2c (a warp) and last play o5 (a break). Exit OPTIONS and start the game. If you want lives, energy or more special power press A, B. X, Y all at the same time. For a level skip, press A, B, X, Y and hold them while pressing select. LEMMINGS II - THE TRIBES ra m fs m \ pi pi m * PC Cheat Cade Its been with us for a while, but no matter how hard we try we just can't stop playing! This cheat opens up a world of opportunity. From the L2 directory, edit the L2.INI file and add the line: Cheat = 1. Now when you play, the Preferences Menu will have a new item to select. TOSHINDEN PLAYSTATION Nevs VicwpoiMI a It's not really a fighting cheat, but this game is just so gosh darn pretty we had to tell you about a new way to look at it. Go to the OPTION MENU and change the control type to "NO USE" for the LI, L2. Rl, R2 buttons. Select "YOURSELF" as the camera angle and change the CONTROL TYPE to 33 or higher. PAUSE the game once it's started, and press the CIRCLE. TRIANGLE, SQUARE and X buttons simultaneously, then press SELECT twice. Now the four L and R buttons (or the control pad) can be used to view the action from any vantage point. SELECT also zooms now. THE HORDE 3DO ttcap/% of Stuff! Even with Kirk Cameron in it, this is still one hot game. Now you can spoil the fun completely! Cool. First of all, begin a new game and press and hold A, B. and UP. When the game starts, pause it and enter these codes: Instant wealth (30,000 crowns) - LEFT, A, A, B, LEFT. A. RIGHT, DOWN Run fast - B, RIGHT, A. B. Invincibility - B, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, A. DOWN, A, RIGHT. Jump to castle and meet king DOWN. A. LEFT. LEFT, DOWN, A. A, RIGHT SNES Mega St mm t a Rik Wheatley reckons he's aced this especially cool game, we reckon he could be right. Tabletop - be airborne and tap Z-flip to flip sideways, tap it again to re-orient yourself. Head Bounce - (do while stationary) press Jump, then hold down Z-flip for a few bounces. ANY GAfflE ATARI JAGUAR Mcmm Trick a Well here’s a beauty! Casey Will knows the true meaning of fun, and isn’t afraid to share it. Insert any game and turn the power on. As the Atari letters tumble into place, press the PAUSE and OPTION buttons. Now, pressing left or right on the controller makes the cube spin faster or slower! But that’s not all! Pressing 0 causes the cube to reverse direction! Wow. Who said Jaguar fans had no idea about fun. HI Cheat Cade a This is one of the all time great games, but it tends to veer towards the impossible on later levels. Suffer no more! Mark W has your salvation. Press the I key to access the communications mode, then type in RATTY. Now press RETURN to activate the cheat mode The following cheats may now be used: ALT + FI - All spells ALT + F2 - More mana ALT + F3 - Kills all players ALT -I- F4 - Destroys all castles ALT -|- F5 - Destroys all balloons ALT + F6 - Heals ALT + F7 - Kills all creatures Secret StageA and Character a. New Outfit* Aaron Dillon sent these fab codes in for this less than fab game. After you start the game, go to the options and move down to names. Now enter the name, month, day and year for each character and special stage. You must be playing in 2 player/versus for them to work. Characters: Gulab Jamun - Gulab, February 29 1900 Black Dragon - Wyvern, March 9 1927 Major Trouble - Bad Boy, February 4 1908 Voodoo - Evil, June 6 1966 Stages: Garden Stage - Taj Mahal, January 1 1901 Turbo world - Speed. August 8 1980 Sharp New Threads: When the main menu appears, go down to the Arena Selection and choose the Lava Pit. Next, go to the Player Mode Selection and choose Versus Mode. This trick works if you are Nobunaga, Dragon or Crimson Glory. Choose any of these players for player 1 and any other for player 2. Let the First player win one fight and the second player win the next. This will bring you to the third round where the bridges around the lava pit are removed. When the third round starts, have player 1 walk towards player 2 and move him/her backwards in the process. Player 2 will then fall into the pit and end the round. It’s important that neither player kicks or punches the other, and the trick must be done within the first few seconds of the third round. Here are the results when you reach the continue screen: Nobunaga - He wears mirrored shades, faces the screen and smiles. Dragon - He wears dark shades and says “Internet users have no life” . Crimson Glory - She just faces you and sticks her tongue out. WAY OF THE WARRIOR 3DO IM QRfffAL.KQ MBftfl pommonde^ Enclosed is my cheque/money order for HYPER issue/s □#i n #2 n#3 n#4 n#6 n#7 n#9 n#io □#« m#i5 n#i7 m#i8 m#i9 d# 2 o at $7.50 each (including postage and handling). Send to HYPER Back Issues, PO Box 634, Strawberry Hills, 2012. 11 ame: Address HXP.ER** HYPER ». HYFJER^y H^PER » ./ HYPER » HYPER» STREETS OF HYPER» IHYRERS HYPER» HYPER» HYPER» War m$$d No home is complete without the complete collection of HYPER. But don't despair. For a mere $7.50 an issue (including postage and handling!) you can regain your street credibility. Be warned, there are only limited stocks of issues #1 and #3. New Zealand readers please pay AUDS7.50 per issue. Issue #1 SF2 Turbo and SCE, Aladdin, Jungle Strike Play Guide and Virtual Sex! Issue #2 Sonic Spinball and CD, Super Empire Strikes Back, Pocky and Rocky Play Guide, Laserbeam Software and Volition Records. Issue #3 NBA Jam, Rebel Assault, Crash 'n' Burn, NFL, Aladdin Play Guide and VR founder Jaron Lanier Issue #4 Virtua Racing, Clay Fighter, Tournament Fighters, Sonic 3, Doom. NBA Jam Play Guide. Issue #5 Sold Out Issue #6 Mechwarrior, Jammit, Mega Man X, Ultima 8, Sonic 3 Play Guide plus Music Video in the 90s. Issue #7 Streets of Rage 3, Mega CD Special - Tom Cat Alley, Double Switch - Turn and Burn, Super Battle Tank 2. PC Subj&m Special Mg §e ftl Sold Out Issue #9 Mortal Kombat CD, Mortal Kombat 2 Preview, Stunt Race FX, Theme Park, Clayfighter Play Guide, Jungle Book. Issue #10 Super SF2, Mortal Kombat 2, TIE Fighter, Shining Force 2, Harpoon 2, Subterrania Play Guide & CES Report. Issue #11 Sold Out Issue #12 Sold Out Issue #13 Donkey Kong Country, 32X Preview, Shaq Fu, Mickey Mania, Rise of the Robots, System Shock, Doom 2 & Urban Strike PlayGuides Issue #14 Sold Out Issue #15 Top 100, Wing Commander 3, Doom 2 Poster, Ecstatica, Super Punch Out, Magic Carpet, FIFA 3DO, Rugby World Cup. Brutal. Issue #16 Sold Out Issue #17 Full Throttle, Road Rash 3, Discworld + Terry Pratchett, Under A Killing Moon & Relentless Play Guides. Hell, BC Racers, Rise of the Triads, Alone in the Dark 3, Virtua Racing Deluxe. Issue #18 Virtua Fighter vs Tohshinden, Dark Forces, Super Punch Out & Ecstatica Play Guides, Saturday Night Slammasters, Unirally, Ridge Racer, MK2-PC. Issue #19 Mortal Kombat 3 arcade, Dark Forces & Wing Commander 3 Play Guides, Chris Roberts, Clockwork Knight, Victory Goal, Immercenary, Itchy & Scrathy, Phantom 2040, Samurai Shodown, Bioforge, Decent. Issue #20 Daytona USA, E3 Report, Ed Boon & John Tobias, Dark Forces Play Guide, Gex, Deadalus, Panzer Dragoon, Motor Toon Grand Prix, Judge Dread, Brian Lara Cricket, Star Trek TNG, Pyrotechnica 78 »HYPER There goes another month, sucked forever into the ftth Dimensional Time Space Vortex that is the HYPER office. As you read (HYPER is best experienced *vhen read to really loud music) the cre*v are playing the ne-vest and bestest games, as -veil as trying to think of funny things to say in the next issue. The sumptuous pics above and belo-v are from t-vo ne*v Origin games Crusader and Cybermage. They arrived at the last possible moment, but *ve couldn't possibly deprive you of a sneak Igok, so soak 'em up! Next issue •ve’ll tell the whole story. Empty your head HYPER Letters PO Box 634 Strawberry Hills r«S‘V 2012 Fax: (02) 310 1315 E-mail: f reakscene @next r om au SEGA BUS? Dear HYPER. Great mag and all. But there is one thing that is starting to become bleedingly obvious to readers of the magazine. That is, the fact that you continue to shrug off questions about which is the best new super console. It is my opinion that you tend to stick up for Sega. This company has proved time and time again to be substandard in terms of hardware specs, software sup¬ port. originality, meeting dead¬ lines etc etc. Just look back a few years at the Mega CD (a total lemon), and more recently the joke that was the 32X. To say that Sega’s track record has "not been that good" is a major understatement. The Sega Sat¬ urn is looking to be substandard as far as the specs. This does, of course, not mean they're not going to make trillions on it as thousands of people rush out and buy it "because it’s Sega, and they're the best" . All I can say is, don’t come back complaining and giving us excuses when the Ultra 64 annihilates the Saturn in every department except for the number of crappy platformers, as you have done previously when you finally woke up from your self inflicted cluelessness and admitted (grudgingly) that the SNES is better than the Mega Drive (shock, horror, the revela¬ tion of the 21st century). If I didn’t know any better I would say that they are paying your salaries. You have a duty to the gaming public to inform them of the best hardware and software that the industry has to offer. This gives companies and software houses the incentive to produce products that the people want, and not continually churn out crap in the pursuit of quick bucks (not mentioning any names). HYPER must realise that people out there do in fact value your opinion in making their purchases, people do, in fact, enjoy playing quality games, and that by having such a "make up your own mind stance", peo¬ ple are being ripped of by the marketing gurus that are Sega. I think it is about time that HYPER’s "vagueness" and "lets just sit on the fence" attitude is changed so we ALL can benefit. Michael Holyday Bias is a hard allegation to refute, as it’s largely determined in the mind of the beholder, but all I know is that we've never given Sega preference over anyone - we slag off Sega games as happily as we slag off Nintendo or PC titles. We've always said that the SNES is technically superior to the Mega Drive (and it wasn 't admitted grudgingly). As for the Saturn vs Playstation vs Ultra 64 - yes. if you look at the specs Sega doesn 't come off too well, but as we've said a million times before - its not the hardware specs that count, its the gameplay in the software that's important. And it's stupid to say we're sitting on the fence or shrugging off questions about “ super-consoles" because we re not - we're a multi-format maga¬ zine with an obligation to our readers to cover all formats fairly. The only reason Sega have had a lot of games reviewed recently is because the Saturn is being released any second now, whereas the Playstation won t be out for a couple of months and the Ultra 64 won't be out until next year. Prob¬ ably when they come out we'll be accused of being anti-Sega. Oh well, can't please everyone.. . BLAH BLAH BLAH Dear HYPER Crew, Blah Blah Blah ... Mag is great ... Blah Blah... hamsters ... Blah Blah ... 30 feet of PVC tubing ... Blah Blah ... baked beans ... Blah Blah ... erect... Blah Blah Now that I have all the childish buttkissing and knob/plop jokes out of the way, could you answer me some questions. 1. Why does it take so long for games to get to Australia? I read EGM and see so many more games available for the Mega Drive and CD over there that may eventually get here or not at all. Why is it so? 2. I played Doom on the 32X recently, and despite the absence of a level or two, thought it was awesome. My girlfriend couldn’t play it for more than two minutes because it scared the crap out of her. Are there any plans to bring DOOM II out for the 32X or Saturn. Sorry if these questions have been asked and answered many times before. Thanks Deaf Matty 1. We don't have the population of America and therefore we don't have the market to buy as many games as America. That's why a lot of games never make it over here - don't worry, this is often a blessing as we get to avoid some crappy games, although we do miss out on a few tasty titles. 2. I hope so and I'd probably put money on it, but there s no firm release dates yet. miSSING KONIBATANTS Dear the 20000 volt loonies at HYPER, I am about to explode. Why? Because Midway seems to have this annoying habit of taking characters out of the newest Mor¬ tal Kombats. It always seems to be some to be some of my favourite characters as well. For example, I was horrified when Sonya and Kano left (thank good¬ ness they’re back in MK3), and now they’re taking out Mileena and Kitana for MK3. I wouldn’t mind if it was a crap player like Reptile, but my two favourites? While on the subject of MK3, I’d like to ask if it’s any good. I mean, barely anyone really liked it in that "random comments” column. And without all the good characters from MK3 (Mileena and Kitana) and don’t really like it already. I will play it before I judge though. But guess what? The madness is spreading over to Capcom. No Dee Jay. Dahlsim, Fei Long. T. Hawk or Blanka for SF3. Now we have to ask ourselves: Are sequels better worse? Now it's question time!!! 1) Out of all the HYPER crew, who is the best at fighting games? 2) Which system does HYPER think will win the battle of the super consoles. No whoosy answers please. Now I will go self-destruct. PussE-Cat Don't write of MK3 just because two of your favourite characters aren't in it. Go play it and you might get some new faves. 1. Can’t say really. Every fighting game is probably different. Stuart is pathetic at Mortal Kombat though. 2. Saying we can't really tell at this stage is not a "whoosy" answer, it’s the truth, although we like the Playstation a lot. FIGHTING FIT To HYPER, Congrats on your sick mag. It’s the best mag that I’ve ever seen and you should be proud of it. Anyway, down to the questions. 1) Will Virtua Fighter come on 32X and will it be a good conversion? 2) Apart from Super SFII Turbo, are there any good one on one fighting games on the 3DO? (or Virtua Fighting clones?) 3) How much is the Playstation going to be when it is totally released? (or how much is it at import stores?) 4) I like fighting games and car games, which system do you recommend I buy? Playstation, 3DO, Saturn or 32X? Thanks a heap Sprewell 1. Yes, but I don ’t know how good it will be 2. Samurai Shodown is great on 3DO 3. The Playstation is anywhere from $700 to $1200 in import stores and there's no word yet on official price although we should definitely know by next issue 3. Aaargh! Buy what you want - I'm not your brain. Look in HYPER, read our reviews and then make an informed decision (hint: don't buy a 32X). SATURN vs PLAYSTATION Dear HYPER, Firstly I would like to congratu¬ late you on an excellent mag like everyone else does. Now for the questions. I was wondering about the Saturn and the Play Station, concerning their capability. I know you printed tech specs of both these machines in issue 16 but I don't understand a lot of that so my question about them is whether they are going to turn out like the SNES compared to the Mega Drive. What I mean by that is the Saturn going to end up like the Mega Drive in respect to the fact that the Mega Drive has less capability compared to the SNES. and the Play Station is like the SNES which has greater sound and graphics ability com¬ pare to the Mega Drive. Because I don’t want to buy a Saturn and find out that the Playstation is a way better machine and I have wasted my money on a machine that has no life in it. The reason that I am asking this is that in the Tech Specs you gave the Play Station beats the Saturn in most aspects or at least equals it. In the Tech Specs that you printed for these two con¬ soles you said that the Satur has 2 CPUs that run at 28 MHz, while the Play Station has a CPU which runs at 33.8 MHz. Wouldn't this mean that the Sat¬ urn is a faster machine because it has two relatively slow CPUs but when put together they have a combined speed which is greater than the PlayStation or doesn't it work like that? Also what is the point of the Sat¬ urn having a cartridge slot because if it runs CDs and CDs have more capacity to hold games than a cartridge wouldn’t they (Sega) be better off just having a CD thus reducing the price of the Saturn even further. At the Play Station's unofficial Home Page on the ’net I read that the Play Station is getting Mortal Kombat 3 at least 6 months before any other 32 or 64 bit system, is this true and if so, why? Keep up the good work. Thanks Matt Deavin, ACT OK Matt. We're comparing two different machines here and the dif¬ ferences aren 't as simple as the SNES vs Mega Drive. In terms of colours on screen and sound they're pretty much on par. The CPUs have different strengths though and while the Playstation has more 3D polygon throwing grunt, the Saturn is better at 2D and parallax scrolling. Both systems will have games that utilise their strengths and both can expect some HOT titles. I actually have no idea why the cartridge slot is on the Saturn, as I know of very few cart-based games planned for the machine. As for MK3, Sony did a deal to guar¬ antee a six months exclusive peri¬ od, so yes, it's true. QUESTION OVERLOAD Dear HYPER, I only have 4 copies, but I think you mag is the best. I have tried many mags but none have as many competitions or reviews or cheats. I also really love the price - most mags cost seven dollars. Anyway I have some questions to ask. 1. What is the price of the Sony Playstation? I heard it is going to be under 500 dollars. 2. What is the price of the Sega Saturn 3. Is it worth selling my Sega Mega Drive and games plus my Game Boy to get one of these consoles? ROBERT BEATlE SENT US THIS. YEP. WE RE ALL SHINY AND REFLECTIVE HERE AT HYPER 4. Which of the super consoles is worth buying if I like sport games and platform games? 5. Is the 32X worth buying? 6. Should I stick with computer and CD ROM games or buy one of the super consoles? 7. Could you please recommend a really good CD ROM game com¬ ing out soon for under 100 dollars 8. How long before the super consoles come down in price? 9. Which CD ROM game should I buy out of Dark Forces and Wing Commander 3 (please don’t say it’s up to you). 10. Could you please tell me about a good PC joystick under 100 dollars. From your loyal fan Anton Cukrov I. Not quite sure yet. I’ll hopefully be able to tell you next issue. 2. It's RRP is now $799 with Virtua Fighter packed in. 3. Sounds like a good move to me. 4. All of them will have good sport games and platformers. The Saturn s probably best for platformers. 5. In my opin¬ ion, no. 6. That one's really up to you. 7. Most CD ROM games are under $100. Full Throttle and Star Trek: Next Generation are excel¬ lent and Command and Conquer looks hot. 8. Don't know but hope¬ fully we'll see some discounting at Christmas time (or more likely, just after Christmas!). 9. I'd go for Dark Forces. 10. We like the Gravis Analogue Pro. for knock¬ about work and the CH Flightstick for flying. Thrustmaster is better still, but costs a little more. 16BIT NOT DEAD Dear HYPER Before I get hyped up, I’d just like to say your mag is excellent. But enough kissing up, it's time to say what I have to say. I’m writing in reply to Chris Taylor's utterly spastic letter (issue #18). Chris, read your letter. You said you sold your Mega Drive to "some low down game freak who though he was getting a good deal” It’s time to wake up and smell the mouldy meat- loaf that’s been in your fridge since Christmas 94. Sure a lot of people are selling their 16bit consoles, but if a lot of people are selling their 16bit consoles, then a lot of people are buying 16bit consoles. And if a lot of people are buying 16bit con¬ soles, then 16bit gaming is FAR from dead. I also have some insults to give to Chris. Chris, if I had a dog with a face that looked like you, I’d shave its f*#@ing arse and teach it to walk backwards. I suppose you're one of those people that thinks Pong has better graphics than a game like Dark Forces or Tohshinden. Oh well, nothing more to say. Yours sincerely Dean Bell & Joshua Day You had a good point about people still buying 16bit consoles - they’re very cheap now and a lot of people are still buying, so 16bit games will still be big for a while yet. There was no need for abuse (although it was pretty funny, I guess). BlLC HYPER» 79 80 »HYPER THIS BEGUILING PIC OF QUllE WAS HAND-CRAFTED BY LOIS AND IAN MARQUEZ. mOULDY LETTER Dear Editor Congratulations on creating such an excellent magazine. I think the idea of the “Net Trawlin’” column is great and that you should expand it to a full page. I have a few questions: 1) Recently I’ve seen the game Myst selling for $120 when a few months back it was selling for $70 to $80 and is still selling for that price in a few shops around now. Why is there such a big price difference? Is the game that is selling for $120 a new enhanced version or something? Or are we just being ripped off? 2) Is there any news on the release of a “3DO Mark II Blaster” for the IBM? 3) I heard that “Doom 3 Special Edition" was coming out for the Ultra 64. Is this a combination of “Doom I" and “Doom II"? Or is it a whole new game? If so when will it be coming out for the IBM?. 4) Roughly how much will Ultra 64 games cost? Yours sincerely Jordan Moulds I'm sorry to make fun of your name in the title, but sometimes I just can't help myself. You 'll be pleased to know that Net Trawlin' is now bigger than a page! 1. The price difference is just caused by different retailers pricing as they will. There are no enhanced versions around so if you 're paying $120 you 're being ripped off. 2. No. 3. It's apparently a combination of Doom 1 & 2 but could end up a whole new game. In other words, I'm not too sure, but it won t come out on IBM. 4. No idea, although Nintendo will try for a low price-point. IBffl Vs fflAC Dear HYPER. My family want to buy a com¬ puter. Dad wants an Apple Mac, and my mum and I want an IBM Being the gaming gurus that you are, you might tell me which one is better in one sen¬ tence. So, can you? Leo Lavarre - Waters Bundaberg QLD There s no way I could talk about the differences between an IBM and a Macintosh in one sentence and neither one is "better", but if all you 're after is games, then an IBM (or compatible) is the one to get. moDEm costs Dear HYPER. I live in the little WA town of Moora (Pop 2000) and I have been told that if I bought a modem the cost of using it would be very expensive because Moora hasn’t been connected to the optic fibre cables or something. Is this true or will country towns always have dearer prices than the cities. I also wondered if local modem calls are the same prices as long distance calls. If you could please answer my questions I would be very thankful because after playing Doom Link at my cousins house I have not felt quite whole and my modem-less misery was increased 10 fold when I read about Mechwarrior 2 in issue No. 19. Playing that with 7 of your friends would be awe¬ some. I just hope I get to play it instead of just having wet dreams about it. Then I can return to dreaming about Elle McPherson. See Ya Maggot WA Your mother must have been having a bad day to call you Maggot, but I'll still answer your questions. Fibre optic cables are being laid at the moment, but only to exchanges, not residences so you 're not disadvan¬ taged there. Modem call rates are exactly the same as phone rates, so you pay more for long distance calls. SEX SELLS Dear HYPER. In response to the Matthew Burgess letter (issue 19), I would just like to say that while he did make some valid points he com¬ pletely ignored how men are also exploited. Sure, while many of the women portrayed in video games are wearing outfits that would be too tight for Elle, the men are wearing nothing but shorts that not even AFL players would be proud of. It all comes down to just one thing - "sex sells". It sells music, it sells clothes...hell, these days it even sells eggs. The next time you're playing a video game, take a look at all the characters before you go running off to the nearest feminist convention. You will often find that while the sexy women are there, so are the men, complete with muscles that would put the Gladiators to shame. I’m not condoning this, all I'm saying is that is goes both ways and that's just the way it is. Craig Gold Coast QLD PS Almost forgot. Any news on Landstalker 2? Fair comment Craig, and it's true enough for fighting games. Howev¬ er, men aren't made to wear bikinis and parade stupidly around the ring in boxing games or through the pits in racing games (ie Ridge Racer). There’s a lot more to sexism than just skimpy clothes - its the whole positioning of women in video games. For example, when was the last time you played a game with a strong female hero? Super Metroid and Alisia Dragoon are the only titles that spring to mind, which is not good. As for Landstalker 2, all I know is that it’s in production. damning Doom i Dear HYPER, I'd like to bring forward some fairly damning statements about DOOM and even more damning about its sequel, DOOM 2. First of all, I'd like to make clear, that I think that 3-D, first person perspective games are about the most brilliant and original con¬ cept in the video gaming market. A market that is crammed to the bloody ceiling with stale and unimaginative platform games as well as shitty shooters, and to tell you the truth, I can’t see what the hell most people find so inter¬ esting in beat ’em ups. On to Doom! Why is it so dark? I’m into atmosphere and dark, spooky levels, but the whole damn game! C'mon! Also, I think that Doom is far superior to DOOM 2 as the level design is more realistic and intricate. The enemies are more strategically placed, allow¬ ing more satisfying combat I laughed out loud when I played DOOM 2! Do the programmers actually expect you to make it through some of these levels? The first two difficulty settings are not too bad, but the others? Give me a f#%king break! What I’d like to see is a 3-D game with kung-fu fighting, bar¬ rel throwing, and solving an adventure game in between the Nazi slaughtering. It wouldn't be hard to make considering today’s programming “genius". I see Wolfenstein as Pong, the Doom’s as Alex Kidd...we need a Sonic of the 3-D world. Thank you Giuseppe Marino Victoria Giuseppe you probably wouldn't Find too many people agreeing with you but your points are tak¬ en. I'm sure you 're going to find a 3D game with a lot more to it than just shooting real soon. danining Doom 2 Dear HYPER, Why are you such complete and total thrap-masters over there? All you ever do is rave about iD soft¬ ware’s stupid bloody Doom. You really have been pushing that crock of excrement just too far down the track now. I get sick and very bloody tired of hearing you and every other twang-addicted cretin rave about a dated, blocky, pixeled old game where all you do is run around for half the game with a shot-gun and a rocket launcher. What bloody use are all the other crap weapons? What is the use of this utterly crap game? It serves no purpose whatsoever other than to rot the mind of any sick individual who loads the game up and immediately types in “IDK- FA" and “IDDQD" and wastes half of their miserable lives? And when I talk of these stupid cretins who indulge in such wasteful activ¬ ities I mean YOU!!! Get a real life and GET RID OF DOOM!! Yours unfaithfully Matthew Rankin Thanks for your opinion... loser! WHERE’S THE JAG? Dear HYPER. I have every one of your issues and I thoroughly enjoy your magazine. I am an Atari Jaguar owner. When issue 9 came out I was so glad to see HYPER was going to review my system, but issue 14 was the last time you put "Jaguar" on top of your maga¬ zine. During those 6 issues you reviewed 6 Jaguar games. Not one of those games you gave a full review. There are 19 Jaguar titles when I last looked in March! You have reviewed 5 out of those 19 titles. Until you have reviewed all 19 titles you can not stand behind and I quote "Lack of software support". This bothers me because in the letters section when you suggest games that Jaguar owners should buy (issue 15) you suggest games that you have not fully reviewed Also (issue 18) I quote “ It’s not quite dead yet". After all this could you please do just one thing: REVIEW JAGUAR GAMES!! PLEASE!! Kmw OUR FRIEND SlEN T. PROVES HE’S NO SLOUCH WHEN IT COMES TO FINE CRAYON-WORK. We 're really sorry about the Jaguar but with only 19 games released after well over a year I certainly can stand behind the "lack of software support” defence. Especially con¬ sidering that none of the games is truly great (well, maybe Doom). There s just not enough Jag owners in Australia to justify inclusion and Atari Australia have closed down so there s no support for the system. It isn't dead in the US though, so don't give up hope. If things start improving we'll cover it again. PLATFORm GACHES SUCK Dear HYPER, Platform games are being released quicker than the West Indians had time to think of their first excuse for losing the test series. However this is just fine because their are so many respectable, original, fun games which take full advantage of the resources available. NOT! Platform games fill row upon row at my local game store, yet if you even bother to take a good look on the back of the boxes (which by the way I don’t, simply because I have either read the reviews or know that it is simply another run of the mill platformer), you will amazingly realise that they are nearly exactly the same, with dismal graphics, average gameplay. etc. Now surely this would mean that programmers either; A) Have no originality at all, or B) The com¬ pany behind them has told them to do it. Most likely it is B, but if companies continue to fill the market with low quality games the entire gaming market or at least the platform market. Despite the terrible platformer games which I am directing my comments at, there are the occasional mind-blowing efforts of originality and most importantly fun which are found under piles of rubble bigger than in Oklahoma. For example, Earthworm Jim (which I am proud to own) and Donkey Kong Country. Some may say that I am miss¬ ing the amazing Clockwork Knight, but that is merely a re-hash of other games bun¬ dled together with some “pretty" graphics. That’s it, no more (perhaps the Sonics could rate a men¬ tion, but they are copies of each other), approximately one hundred platform games and I can only seem to find two, maybe five if I tried really hard, original games which live up to the expecta¬ tions of games in general and the gamers who play them. Perhaps if companies attempted to enter other domains, such as adventure, etc. which have had very few produced recently (probably the only good one being Dis- cworld), they may make enough money to produce better platformers. We can only hope!!! Adam Berry Thanks for those comments Adam and I 'm sure most peo- For Sale SNES Games: SFII Turbo $55. Vor¬ tex $45, BOB $45, Prince of Persia $40. Super Castlevania $30, Jurassic Park $25. or the lot for $190. all with good condition books and boxes. 3DO games as new; MYST $60, Immercenery $60, Night Trap $50, Total Eclipse $60, Dragon s Lair $50. Call Andrew on (03)98 27 9049. Mega Drive II: with 2 six button control pads. FIFA Soccer, Flash¬ back, Mega lo mania, Streetfighter II, Mega Drive and games all boxed in excellent condition $300 ea Ph (048) 683543 after 6pm. SNES with 2 control pads. Super Gameboy & US converter plus 10 games NBA jam TE, Super Street- fighter II, DK Country, Stunt Race FX, Mickey Mania, Junglebook, Syndicate, Aladdin, Mario Kart & All Stars All this for $750 ea Ph (015)784 685 7pm Gary. SNES in good condition with eight great games (Donkey Kong Coun¬ try, SSF II, MK II, etc) plus a lot of secrets. Will sell all for $375. Call Ferdinand in Jakarta, Indonesia Ph (021) 580 4360. Send letter to Kedoya Angsana 4 blok D5/26, Jakarta 11520, Indonesia. Theme Park CD for $65 Everything including instructions and box. Ph: (07) 376 3018 and ask for Sunny. Sega Game Gear with columns, Wonderboy and crash dummies with boxes and manuals $170.00 you can buy games separate Won¬ der Boy $35 Crash Dummies $40 Call Troy on (087) 662 332 4-9pm Mega Drive II and games for sale: Mega Drive in excellent condition. It comes with 3 games. Sonicl, Sonic 2, and Aladdin. All together for $120, Mega Drive also includes 6 button control pad Call Michael on (02) 553 8791. PC CD-ROM Games! Relentless for $65, Sam & Max $55, Megarace at a low $25, Beneath the steel sky $60 and finally a Gamemaster CD with bts of big shareware games on it like Wolf-3D, Windows games. Arcade games, Music selections and some clip art!! Plus more CDs like casino games, the gambler, and board games all for $45 for the lot only $185 PS Megarace CD and manuals have no box but all other CDs are with box and are in excellent condition!! Phone Mike on (08) 326 0299 SNES with 3 controls. 3 games- Cybernator, Donkey Kong Country and Stunt Race FX Pro Action Replay MK2 Stereo cables. All mint condition, only $350 ea Ph Alex on Amiga 500 ($350) and a Amiga 2000 ($1000) for sale They both include games, programs, blank disks, mouse, joystick and some other goodies. Will negotiate. Please call (03) 763 6282 after 4pm weekdays. Super Nintendo games CHAOS engine $50 Space Ace $45 Fifa Soc¬ cer $55 Madden 94 $50 Choplifter III $45. Ph John (02) 808 3416 I'm selling my Gameboy with 9 games and a link cable for $200 or willing to swap for 4 Nintendo games. Ask for Marcus only on weekends. (066) 877 764. Mega Drive II with 2 six button pads and FIFA Soccer, all in perfect condition. $200 the lot. Phone Luke after 4.30pm on (06)231 5171. 3DO Games FIFA soccer $40. Star- blade $55, Also all EDGE magazines from 1-19 except issue 5 $60. Will consider swaps for 3DO games & magazines. All Ex cond Phone (087) 232 368. Sega Mega Drive + Mega CD, 2 control pads & 24 games including Earthworm Jim, NBA Jam Tourna¬ ment Edition, Lethal Enforcers, Ground Zero Texas, Thunder Hawk, etc. ALL EXCELLENT CONDI¬ TION including original boxes and instructions. Paid $2,900 Sell $1 800 Ph: NSW (067) 713 939 after 6pm Mega Drive and Super Nintendo games CHEAP!!! SF II Turbo $60 SNES MK II $80 SNES Donkey Kong Country $80 SNES Sonic and Knuckles $60 MD Stunt Race FX $50 SNES Streets of Rage 3 $70 MD FIFA Soccer $45 MD Sim City $40, SNES Action Replay $55 SNES American/Jap adaptor $15 SNES ring anytime before 9pm to leave number (will call back) (07) 356 - 6890 ask for Dave. SNES -f 4 games Mortal Kombat, Fatal Fury, Donkey Kong Country (Jap) (converter required), Aliens vs Predator. Also included the Game- saver Wings Convertor Normal Pad SN Turbo pad Games Magazines. Tons of cheats also included. All games boxed with instructions and in perfect condition. All $350 Ph Steven (07)841 1137 Cheap! Amiga CD32 + games, origi¬ nal Japanese Super Famicom (NTSC only) with SF2, and a Mega Drive II with Sonic 2 4- Landstalker. All boxed as new $395 the lot. Buyer must col¬ lect Armidale (067) 713 849. Mega Drive with Streetfighter, Alladin, Coolspot, Sonic 1 and 2, Menacer gun with 6 game cart and Columns. All in good condition and all only for $250. Ph (044) 210 888 Sega Saturn with Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA (I dearly love my machine but I desperately need the cash). Also includes PAL converter, stepdown converter and 1 control pad. Only 3 weeks old. Boxed with instructions. Worth $1400 sell for $900 Ph 257 5610 (06) Joe Looker Super Play (UK) magazine issues 5,7,8,9 and 13. Very good condi¬ tion. A bargain at $8.00 each!!! Ph: 071 599 907. Panasonic 3DO FZ-10 with Road Rash, Super SF2 Turbo, sampler, 1 pad includes PAL converter $720 unwanted gift perfect condition nego¬ tiable Ring Ben on (02) 247 0605 NES complete with two control pads and seven games - Zelda II, Rad Rac¬ er. TMNTII, Mario Bros, Tennis. Iso¬ lated Warrior and Adventure Island II Spent over $450 But selling for only $200 (under half price) Ph (03) 9848 6166 after 6pm ask for Patrick. Atari Lynx. Includes 12 top games power adaptor, Instruction manuals, Games include Stun Runner Toki and Electrocop Worth over $500 to sell at bargain price for $250 Ph (049) 325 229 Ask for Peter. IMP high quality 6 button arcade joy¬ stick, with variable turbo-fire LED illumination, fully micro-switched, black in colour, compatible with SNES and Mega Drive. Excellent con¬ dition. $65 Phone (057) 67 2232 ask for Willy Must be sold. Also Sonic 3 on Mega Drive (competition prize). Mega Drive games, boxed with instructions. Ex. con Jungle Strike $35, Flashback $40 Speedball II $30. Call Stephen or Jamie on (097) 959030. Mega Drive games: Mortal Kombat 2 $80, X-men $40, Bubsy $40, Gala- had $20 Ml Abrams Battle Tank $10 or the lot for $170! Ring Luke after 6:30 on (067)677 314. Dynalink 14.4 bps Data/Fax Modem with 5 hours FREE Internet access and BitFax Software, $300. 80 Mb HDD (Seagate) with controller card, $80. Sega MD II with 2x3 Button and 1x6 Button controlers. $110. Under a Killing Moon 4xCD, $55. Sam and Max 3.5”, $40. 4D Boxing 3.5” $10. Everything boxed, with cables/manu¬ als etc, Perfect condition. Phone Charles on (07)282 7770. I have a NES with Mega Man 2 , Donkey Kong Junior, Mario 1 and Duckhunt (with gun and two control- pads) Will sell all for $60 or will swap for Final Fantasy 3 or Illusion of Time. Phone Tim on (06)2586130 Sam ‘n’ Max Hit the Road on IBM, boxed with instructions and cheats. they will surely turn buyers off pie in HYPERIand woukjagree. (065)558452. after 4pm and ask for Ashley. Will sell for $50. Ring (02) 418 4296 C c HYPER» 81 82 »HYPER PANASONIC 3DO PAL version, 6 months old. Includes Need for Speed and Road Rash. All boxes and Instructions included. $850. Call Ian on (02) 6393035 between 4-7pm. Mega Drive with 39 games includes Sonic 3. Micro Machines 2,2x3 button control pads 1x6 button control pad, 1 joystick Good condi¬ tion price $700 Ph (07) 282 6947 Riverview 4303 Jason. SNES games - NBA Jam + Super Mario All Stars $90 or NBA JAM $55, Mario ALL STARS $45 Ph Peter (042) 83 2784 SNES: 1 controller, fully boxed with instructions and NBA live *95' only 2 months old selling for only $170 ea worth $300. Call Scott on (03) 9761 1965 after 4pm on weekdays. Dark Forces $70. Under a Killing Moon $50, Ultima 8 $40, Syndicate $35. Elite 2 $30, Dracula $25 Iron Helix $25, Jurassic Park $25. All on CD-ROM. Everything Boxed with Instructions. Phone David on (047) 335 414 also SNES with 2 con¬ trollers and Super Marioland, Mor¬ tal Kombat, SFII, Viper Joystick, AV Cable. The lot $150. Everything boxed with instructions. NBA showdown 94 for Sega Mega drive $30 or near offer. Ring (02) 679 1478 and ask for Anthony. Mega Drive games Robocop vs Ter- minator, and TMNT tournament fighters $40 each. In great cond. Ph Benson on (06) 2914454 Call after 4 pm on weekdays only. Sega MD2 & MCD2. 17 Great titles. 2 pads (one 3b & one 6b) 4 player adaptor (Sega). Full range of cheats for games sold. All manuals & boxes. As new cond. Sell for $800 or nearest offer. Ph (09) 293 4627. Ask for Mark. A NES with 11 games and two con¬ trols, in good condition. If interested call (046) 772269. Ask for Matthew. Mega Drive games Batman 3 $35, Alien Storm $35, Turbo Outrun $30. Jungle Book $45. Goofys Hys¬ terical History Town $40, Greendog $35. or all for $200. Will maybe low¬ er prices. Will swap for other games. Ring Peter on (03) 9787 3188 SNES package inc. Control deck, 2 control pads, Universal game convert¬ er, new carry case, 5 new games inc, Super Mario world, WWF super wres¬ tle mania, Tecmo NBA Basketball, NBA All Star Challenge & Alien 3. All equipment & games have original boxes & manuals. Perfect condition, originally worth $785 ++ sentimental value, current price $350 - $400 ea. For enquires phone (06) 258 7509. Ask for Tim. Offers are welcome. Game Gear with 3 games (Jungle Book, Global Gladiators, 4 ind car¬ tridge) and Master Gear Converter. $220. SNES Games Donkey Kong Country $65, Earthworm Jim $75, Bubsy $30 and Super Game Boy $70. All in very good condition with boxes and manuals. Phone Matt on (06) 255 1905 after 4pm weekdays or anytime weekends NES + 17 games, game genie in good condition to sell for $350 ea. Call Mark after 3.30pm on (075) 911463 Bubsy $35. Another World $35, Blockout $25 & Quackshot $25 for the Mega Drive. Call Sam on (087) 256 573. Commodore 64 Disk drive printer 2 tape decks + spare keyboard. 100's of games. All for $250. Call Sam on (087) 256 573. Sega Master System II 2 control pads 7 games : Alex Kidd, Secret Commando, Sonic, Sonic chaos, Gain Ground, 5 caster, Wonderboy III. Old TV included! $220 Ph (004) 317 529 if interested 3DO games -World Cup Golf. Pebble Beach Golf links, Off World Intercep¬ tor, VR Stalker $45 ea. Shockwave 4- Shockwave Operation Jumpgate $80 Call Rob on (03)465 4346 Atari Jaguar, games include DOOM, Alien vs Predator, che¬ quered flag, Cybermorph $500 or nearest offer PH (089)452 2415. Sega Mega Drive II, with two 6 but¬ ton control pads (1 with turbo), 8 games including Streetfighter II SCE, Mortal Kombat II, Lion King, Aladdin, Jungle Strike, Zero toler¬ ance, Rock and Roll racing. NBA Showdown 94. Worth $900 Sell for $600 Can be flexible, will not sepa¬ rate. All boxed with instructions, manuals Ph (03) 401 5018 Ask for Yang after 8pm. SNES games sale All negotiable Alien 3 $40 MK II $50, Smash TV $40 Shadow run $35, Young Merlin $50 Secret of Manna $45 Mystic Quest $30, Mario Kart $40, Sim City $40 Zelda III $35 Mario World No Box $30, Tuff-E-Nuff No Box $30. Will make swaps. Call Jon (063) 513 964 Mac games: Leisure Suit Larry 6 $50, Monkey Island $40, Monkey Island 2 $40, Willy Beamish $30, Swamp Gas $20, 3 in 3 $20. Deliverance $30, Syndicate $50, Thexder $20, Castle of Doctor Brain $20, Darkseed $30, Sky Shadow $20, Mission Starlight $20. Windwaler $20. Will sell the lot for $400. Call Andrew after school hours on (065)666 432. Lord of The Rings $50. Good condi¬ tion. Good value. Rex Taylor (043) 234 642. Please ring if interested. We're being overloaded with HYPERWIART ads, and we can no longer guarrantee that they will all be printed. To maximise your chances • keep them UNDER 30 words and LEGIBLE. Advertising in HYPERmART is free for private advertisers, and make sure you include your phone number (inc. area code). Send them to: HYPERWIARTPO Box 634 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 SNES 24 meg backup system with battle station II. Stereo AV cables, SNES. Honeybee adaptor and 2 control pads. About 50 games on disk including MK II, NBA Jam TE, NBA live ‘95, NHL ‘95 and Donkey Kong Country. Everything for $900 ea. Ph (08)384 6508 IBM CD ROMs: Cyberia $65. Noc- tropolis $70, Journeyman Project $30, Under A killing Moon $70, 10 CD pack vol II $45 Phone Dale on (09) 313 1068. SNES games: Street Fighter 2 Tur¬ bo in mint ($50), Tiny Toon Adven¬ tures Buster Busts Loose $50. All games with box and instructions. Ph Richard on (03)9787 6959. IBM games: Relentless CD $60, Star Trail CD $60. Sherlock Holmes CD $40, Ultima 8 - Syndicate as well as Syndicate plus - Strike Commander plus Speech pack - Wing Commander 2 all on one CD $110, Sim City 2000 HD $50, Theme Park HD $50, Sam *n' Max HD $40. Cannon Fodder HD $40, Lost Files Of Sherlock Holmes $30. and Populous 2, HD $20 Will swap any of the above for Myst. Bat¬ tle Isle 2, Ecstatica, Transport Tycoon or Rail Road Tycoon Deluxe Phone Tom on (003)522 754. Swaps I will swap Sam n Max on disk for Day of the Tentacle on disk If interested Call Eliot on (03) 9531 6104 at about 5pm weekdays. Will swap NES with 2 controllers Zap- per gun & 4 games for SNES with 1 game or Super game boy. Will also sell for $130 Ph Joel (099)643 127 I would like to swap WWF European rampage tour (for PC) or swap WWF Wrestlemania (for PC) for Police quest 2 (for PC) both games boxed with instructions Police Quest 2 must be boxed with the manual. Ph: Chris on (06) 238 1925. I will swap Super R-Type, Zelda a link to the past, Rastan and Aztec Adventure for a Mega Drive with 1 game and 1 control. Or sell for $200 prices negotiable Call for Ben after 7pm (08) 387 1703 I would like to swap Mortal Kombat II for the Mega drive for either Zom¬ bies etc My Neighbours of Flash Back on Mega Drive. Ring Justin on (077) 877 838 or write to Justin Morel 24 Day Dawn Rd Charters Towers QLD 4820. I will swap my Jaguar with Doom Alien vs Predator, Chequered flag II, Cybermorph plus Lynx with 4 games for a Sega CDX with some games or for a Sega MDII with 32X and some games. Ph (089) 452 415. Will swap any of these two games, (chaos engine. Choplifter III, Space Ace, madden ‘94’) for a Super Mul¬ titap or boxings legends of the ring Ph John (02) 808 3416 3DO sell or swap as new MYST $60 Immercenery $60 Night Trap $50 Total Eclipse $60 Dragons Lair $50 Call Andrew on (03)98 27 9049. I will swap my American SNES con¬ trol deck for an Australian SNES control deck (PAL) Ph Andrew on 049 347231 PC-CD-Rom games swap! will swap Relentless for Under a Killing Moon plus I’ll pay $15 extra! Sam & Max hit the road for Mortal Kombat II on CD plus I'll pay $10 extra!! I’ll swap anything for Microsoft’s com¬ plete NBA history 1995!! plus I'll pay $30 extra!! Megarace for Disc- world plus I’ll pay $70 extra!! thankyou!! PPPLLEEAASSEE phone Mike on (08) 326 0299. I will swap my Gameboy with two games for NBA JAM + E or Mortal Kombat II or sell for $80 Ask for Andrew Ph (096) 551369 after 4pm I want to swap my Master System plus with two control pads, A light phaser and two building game for a 16-bit sound card IBM in good con¬ dition. Call Tony on (03) 364 9546. Will swap Mega drive II with 6 but¬ ton control with Mortal Kombat 1 + 2 for SNES with MK 2 or Clay- fighter. Does not come with box all instructions. Sell PGA Tour III $45 Ph (074) 644 772 (hardly used). Swap 3DO game Total Eclipse for any half-decent 3DO game. Will sell for $45. Ph (071) 599 907 between 5-7pm. Ask for Quintin. Wanted Back Issue 15 of EDGE (December issue). I have every other issue and will pay well if in good condition. Phone Simon on (09) 316 5198 Monkey Island 2 Box and original manual Will pay $5 Ph (02) 418 4296 Red Dwarf magazines in good con¬ dition, will pay up to $2.50 each. Star Wars technical journal 1 + 2 wanted will pay up to $5 each if in good condition Ph (07) 2032 931 Super Nintendo with Super Punch out two control pads will give $69 Ph: 234 0263 ask for Dimitis call after 12 noon. SNES games Zombies Ate my Neigh¬ bours and Super Punch Out. Will pay good money depending on condition. Call Jason on (02)639 0860 Sunset Riders for the Mega Drive will also swap for Sonic 1, I live in Bundaberg Queensland Ph (071) 599 785 Ask for Raymond. Manual for Flashback PC. I ll accept photocopies. Will pay up to $10. Call (02) 679 1478 after 5pm and ask for Tim. World Heroes 2 Jet for NEO GEO ask for Sergio on (077) 436 273 after 6pm. Wanted Phantasy Star 1 (Sega) Please tell me if you've got a copy of PS 1 on the Sega $40 is my offer. Please contact Rex Taylor on (043) 234 642 Penpals Penfriend between the age of 16 and 15 Who uses the internet or modem lines. Is interested in computer mags. Likes programming and is a real critic about computer games and the com¬ puting world write to Oliver L T King Apia Western Samoa PO Box 1603 My name is James Kelly if you like sports (except netball) and like get¬ ting short letters occasionally I am the perfect person to write to I have a Pentium 75 and am a PC freak if you are male, female or alien aged 12-13 who likes PCs and doesn't have a console write to me at James Kelly 6 Lumsden St Cammeray NSW What’s up? My name is Jason Lucas. I'm a hip happenin' homie who's looking for a penpal aged between 13-15 preferably female. I'm into Boyz II Men, Bodycount, TLC and Snoop Doggy Dogg. My interests are girls, music basketball, SNES NES Gameboy arcade games I’m in Year 8 this year and I'm 13 years old. So all you homies and sexy girls write to JASON LUCAS 38 Caledonian Ave Winston Hills, NSW 2153 (somebody better write.) Hi. I am looking for a penpal 8 -12 I am looking for someone who has a Mega Drive or Master System, and who likes to cheat in games and knows lots of them. I like card, comics and cheating write to Ray Zhang 8/448 Albion St Brunswick Vic 3056 Hey you in the seat or wherever your ass is parked. Send a letter to Raul Torres, 24 Justin PI. Quakers Hill, Sydney, NSW 2763 NOW! Remember it doesn’t matter what system your into. Send me. a 15 year old male, a letter. Penpal wanted for 17 year old boy who likes ambient techno & trance music (especially Itch-E & Scratch- E) also likes John Lennon, Jimmy Hendrix & Alternative music & hates rap (except for PM Dawn & Beastie Boys) I don't care if you're male or female or both (that would be interesting) So if you're 16 or over please write to me so I stop talking to myself. Spaceboy, 31A Suttor Street Bathurst NSW 2795. - eriture featuring PR0GRISSIVE1Y DlfHCULT IEIIEI Of PLAY - 100 DIFFER OVEH 40 CHARACTERS WHO WHICH 10 INTERACT^ ATMOSPHERIC MUSIC A murk tv JOHN PASSFIELD and STEVE STAMATII FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PHONE: 1-902-240*527 (50c PER MINUTE) e 1995 INTERACTIVE BINARY ILLUSIONS PUBLISHED BY RENEGADI