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Ly Be r Every time | go to an arcade (which

isn’t all that often really), there’s a new game that just bl ll excited and spend a small fortune, while shouting

to my friends “Come on, we’ve got to stay and pi s here - there’s no way they can bring this home”’. (Usually they’ve already walked away and are pretending not to know me, but hey, | can cope with that). Six months or a year later though, and

almost without fail, I’ll be playing that same game on my Sega or Nintendo ana getting excited all over again.

The latest arcade conversion that’s got me feeling all funny inside is Virtua Racing. You won’t believe how well the Mega Drive handles it, and the much-hyped DSP c hip seems to be the way forward for Sega 16bit gaming. The speed is incredible. another incredible game is Clayfighter for the SNES, which uses claymation to produce one of the best (and funniest) fighting games I’ve seen. We’ve also got World Heroes and the most excellent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters as part of a mini-special on SNES fighting carts. But for what has to be the front-runner for Game of the Year so far, turn straight to the review of DOOM. This Pc masterpiece has been

on shareware for a few months, but we review the full game, and give you lots of hints and cheats, so you can go straight to hell if you want.

And there’s so much more | could waffle on about, because we’ve got another hot issue that’s bursting at the sides with gaming goodies - Sonic 3, Eternal Champions, NBA Jam Play Guide, the moves and fatalities for Viortal Kombat Li, Ground Zero Texas, Jurassic Park on mega co, R-Type Ill, Skitchin’... oh no, rm sorry,

it’s just too much for me. I’m going to have to lie down for a while. Nurse, where did you put my pills?

1 O Features

és News

Morbid Angel - grindcore gamers Game Grrris The games industry is a notoriously sexist one. Most games New Sony 32-bit system portray women as either victims or bimbos, and girls aren’t made to feel The 3Ds comfortable in the male dominated arcades. VIRGINIA BARRATT speaks out.

Sega drop Pele & Michael Jackson Atari get 3rd party developers for the Jaguar ...and loads more

& an" * Size

os i a i i eee Bee ; earries ne i. 7 7 . ss . i F Seas ni om tH = a 7 ; Po a ye rd evict a pT " i a ‘i oy Heat ae oy oe ae oe a Puss, eg ck ae he Ts fet = i: cane wit i re a i Bi eb Bers apieaiice | eee _ prea i rei a eas ¥ 7 b if | ee i eee ae > ee Fe, i sia ania Aca ene ea hee es oi AF " | ature aa ; a iY © Ch i .O D ai 2 bast et ae ee on hee hi a ee er ee ‘i ee ae ee a er ere |e | i ae 7 ; Pat 7 —e 4% | A ! ; re 7 : eT nea / ae Pe eae et ae | Parr pep ahs . a ms (a , re Pea | " j Leh _ ae a! i

A Whole New Beast With a whole host of “super consoles” hitting the market in the next year, 16bit gaming is on its last legs. STEVE POLAK talks to Stuart Bonn, a 3D0 programmer about CD gaming in the future.

Mega Drive & Prince of Persia

Mega Drive The Moves Dragon’s Fury 2

Mega Drive Body Count

66ore2" Mode

Mega Drive Yoshi’s Cookie

SNES Comanche Over the Edge 7 O Music & Movies Litil Devil PC eee Alien Breed : ¢ a Letters P


Virtua Racing

views SF skitchin’ are

Mega Drive

36 nea Showdown ‘94 Mega Drive

40 TMNT: Tournamen Fighters

42 World Heroes a _ CONTRIBUTO) Ben Mansill, Da

Winter Olympics ree | | , : BG rT - | Wildgoose, Sim a SIS Barratt, Steve P

Pebble Beach Golf eer ee Pie Mega Drive Bg ee ee Huginkiss, N 2 : : Costelloe, Rus

46 Flintstones > ee ree SNES Peek Agee ay:

Dune: Battle for Arrakis Mega Drive

Eternal eee M7) ‘Champions [a2 ae Bl es pa Mega Drive | ff . Te

46 Jurassic Park

S35 Gabriel Knight

56 Police Quest IV

hter SME

o/ Terminator Rampage

& Clayfig


Secret of Mana

Ground Zero Texas Mega CD

Hyperdunk Mega Drive

Art of Fighting = Mega Drive Se

Addam’s Family Values cit is

Alone in the Dark 2

Mega Drive Double Switch

Mega CD Mega Man X


“Super Console”

After much rumour and specula- tion, Sony of Japan have now officially announced their intention to launch a 32-bit CD-based game system, code named the PS-X, due to be released (in Japan anyway) in December this year. This puts yet another big player in the “super console” war that looks set to be a doozy. By next year we will have the 3DO, the Atari Jaguar, the Amiga CD-32, the Sega Saturn and possibly the Nintendo Project Reality all competing for your gaming dollar. Obviously someone’s going to lose out big time, but Sony have lots of multi-national corporate money behind them, plus a very tasty sound- ing machine.

The specs for the PS-X are as fol- lows: the main CPU is R3000A 32- bit RISC, and this is backed by mul- tiple DSP chips and co-processors. It can display 16.77 million colours and processes images at 360 O00 oolygons per second. It is able to compress and decompress real, Tull frame video at 60 frames per Sec-

While we were browsing through our extensive collection of death metal CD’s, we came across this rather cool thank you from Florida outfit Morbid Angel’s guitarist Trey Azagthoth (he’s entitled to a funny name in his business, surely) on the inner sleeve to their new CD, Covenant. It goes like this...

..(Thanx to) Sega and Super NES - how could anyone live without both systems?

Captain N and the video game


is Announced &

ond, while still using all 16.77 mil- lion colours. And as for RAM, well they’re not giving much away. All they will say is that it’s more than the 3DO. All this and it will Suppos- edly retail for less than $480 US.

As | think we’ve said before: the battle is on!

masters. Chun Li and Street Fighter

ll, Simon Belmont and all at Castlevania I, Ill, and 1V. Much love to the Medusas of I, Bonechuckers of |, Ill, and IV, and the most lovely mummies of | “who love bathing in the poison’.

We couldn’t have said it any better Trey.

Cast your mind back to HYPER #3. There was a game in the Preview section that had us a bit, well, confused. That game was Pele’s Soccer from Accolade. Could it really be as bad as it seemed? Surely it couldn't. They were going to take it away and do some work on it, right’? Wrong. It turns out that the horrible mess of a game we saw was the finished oroduct.

As it turns out, the boffins at sega Ozisoft were mightily unim- pressed with the game too. As a result, they won't be releasing It in Australia. A victory for common sense we Say. As for the Super Nintendo version, who knows what will become of it?

Meanwhile, Sega of Japan have been doing a little dumping of their own. They, like everyone else in the world it seems, have been doing their level best to disassoci- ate themselves from everybody's favourite accused Pop superstar, Michael Jackson.

Sega and the gloved one have a long and (we all thought) noble his- tory together, what with Moonwalker for the Mega Drive and Michael’s intros for Sega’s loca- tion-based VR machines. But plans for an update on Moonwalker (Dangerous, perhaps?) have been shelved. Not good for the company Image you know.

Once again HYPER has some FAB prizes for you to win.

Not only do we have a pair of Adidas Gazelles and an Adidas sports bag, but we also have ten CDs of everyone’s favourite meat- heads Beavis and Butt-head.

All you have top do to win is write in. To win the Adidas prize come up with the best acronym for Adidas eg. All Day | Dream About Sex (or Sega).

To win a Beavis and Butthead CD tell us which famous rock chick they do a duet with.

Put the answer on the back of an envelope along with your name address and telephone number and send it to

HYPER Giveaways PO Box 634 Strawberry Hills NSW, 2012

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Sis Bl (Mega CD)

Bubb ‘N Stix (Mega Drive/ i

: 39

1. Nigel Mansell’ a . Cool Spot Se erect é . Another World . Tecmo Super NBA Basketball. ot Il Turbo . Pugsley’s Scavenger aaa 10. PGA Tour Golf

era leonctod Seog Aladdin Raton

. Madden NFL ‘94. | Amazing Tennis

Wa I eraalol oe

mal es . Sonic Sigidee ee | Mole eae) ee aa

10. TMNT - Ua Hyperstone Heist

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. Indycar Racing ESWC _ NHL Hockey Rela Network | pmANeltclolen

. Prince of Persia 2 : ay Gold

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itr Sonic 3 (Mega py) COE NTF cy (SNES)

Stonekeep (PC)

Virtua Racing (Mega Drive) Turtles: ur Me Ce

TT Panther (SNE | Udi re io (PC)

; Jurassic rela 4 (Mega (o/b)


Biometal (SNES)

Myst (PC/Mac CD- -Rom) ; : Dune: Battle for fia OO mr : eit (Mega oe

Hea Coreen

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Keeping up the HYPER band drop-in centre tradition, one of New Zealand's favourite bands, the 3D’s visited us at the end of their recent Australian tour. Fresh (or should | say not-so-fresh) from an all night party on the Harbour with fellow tourists, the Lemonheads, David Saunders the singer and guitarist from the band gave us the low-down on their music and Kiwi gaming habits.

The 3D’s come from Dunedin, which is way down on the South Island, but they haven't let geo- graphic isolation stop them from making some of the best indie rock around. Their influences range from Herge (the creator of Tintin), Clive Barker, a New Zealand beer called Mac’s Gold and of course their friend's Mega CD. The four mem- bers names (Dominic Stones, Denise Roughan, David Mitchell and David Saunders), as you might have noticed, all start with ‘D’ so that’s how they got their name (well, The 3Ds sounds a bit better than The ADs). In the last couple of years they've supported the likes of

Nirvana, U2 and the Buzzcocks as well as just completing a hectic tour of Australia with Evan Dando and the boys.

With this sort of frantic schedule they don’t get to play games as often as they’d like but they are seri- ously looking at getting a console to take on tour with them. Dominic is the big gamehead of the band and his favourite coin-loss at the arcades is Virtua Racing. There are far more arcades in Australia than in NZ, and David said the New Zealand game scene lags a bit behind the Australian one, but says that things are looking up with lots of indepen- dent shops opening recently.

The 3Ds have gone back to the Land of the Long White Cloud for now, but never fear, they'll be back, probably more famous and talented than ever. In the meantime check out their excellent debut album Hellzapoppin’, which a prestigious American music mag voted “the

Number 1 aloum of 1992 that you didn’t hear” and their new CD, The Venus Trail, which has only just been released.

Ken Goes to Court

Sick of crappy Street Fighter I] clones? Capcom certainly are, and they're off to court to prove it. Capcom are suing rival games produc- ers Data East, alleging infringement of SF2 copyright by a game called Fighters History. They want $5.82 million (US) in dam- ages plus an injunction!

The case is currently being fought in both Japan and the US and it could turn out to have important conse-

quences for “imitation i cS ; \ games” all twa *” over the ar -— |, world. Capcom’s President Kenzo Tsujimo is worried that the flood of imitation titles will eventually ruin the Japanese games industry. “What ever happened to originality?”, he cried (or would have, if his English was a bit better). Data East (of course) deny that they’re copy- cats. They claim to have developed Fighters History on their own and that it is sufficiently different from SF2 to avoid infringement. Hmmm, we’ll see


ee hn Re iether Lan A pee nae aoe Es as me a nl ce lll iS 8 Seite et ie

bey a y es ? Ke a Atari Lines ‘Em Up for the Jag > Remember back in issue #2 we Interplay, Activision, Gremlin and 64-bit machine. Accolade’s chair- told you all about the Atari Jaguar? Microprose have already signed on man Big Al Miller had this to say: One of Atari’s biggest problems for the dotted line. “Atari Jaguar is definitely cool new their new system (and we told you The latest company to sign is technology that is being introduced this too) was their lack of third party Accolade. They’ve committed at a price attractive to consumers. games developers. Well, the big Bubsy the Bobcat, Hardball III, We think Atari has a real shot at bods at Atari have obviously been Charles Barkley Basketball, Brett establishing Jaguar aS a Success- reading HYPER, and better still, Hull Hockey and Jack Nicklaus ful system and we want to be part

they've listened to us (and why Power Challenge Golf to the new of that effort”. wouldn't they?). Yep, Atari have got busy and they’re starting to sign up big name publishers by the bootfull. Virgin, Ocean, US Gold, Tradewest,

After a gap of around six months, Electronic Arts are once again releasing their SNES titles in Australia. All we can say to news like that is a big “YIPEE!”.

The first cab off the good old game rack for local release will be the excellent Madden NFL 94. It’s set for a March 25th release date. But armchair sports lovers will have to wait until July before they get their hands on a SNES version of FIFA International Soccer. And if you’ve read HYPER #2, you'll know how good the Mega Drive game is. Can't wait, can you?

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Tara tle ge a

One of the things that slapped us across the face like a wet fish about Clay Fighter for the SNES (reviewed this issue) was the quall- ty of the sound. The music, FX, and especially the voices, are really of outstanding quality. So how did Interplay get it to sound so good’ It’s all thanks to a new audio development system they've pro-

-duced called “ARDI”.

ARDI| (Advanced Real-time Dynamic Interplay) is supposedly “the most advanced sound devel- opment system and sound driver” for Super NES games. It’s based ona MIDI interface which allows Interplay’s sound guys to plug in to the cartridge slot and use their SNES as a playback module. How the hell this helps them is beyond us, but we certainly like the sound of it.

0055 Winners From Issue 1

Fila Shoes: G Khan NSW; P Sheriffs WA; R Wright SA; A Tait QLD; C Bowen NSW ProCDX/Mega Universal Adaptor: E Coulderon QLD; R Rankin SA; S Snadden NSW; D Faccin NSW; R Renee NT Dark Sun - Shattered Lands: G O’Neill NSW; D Lee NSW; G Gunning NSW; T Thompson VIC; A Tilly QLD NBA Jam Session Videos: M Debrocine NSW; T Melville QLD; A Wilson VIC: J Smail NSW; R Frost NSW; S Albright NSW; M Morris WA; R Privett NSW; J Morroney WA; D Mammick NSW Beverly Hillbillies Videos: S Howlett SA; B Higgs VIC: R Zallie QLD; C Northern NSW; J Hawkins SA: A Ward NSW; M Campbell NT; J Towell NSW: B Barnes VIC; M Atkins NSW.


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Let’s leave the issue in no dou!

the games industry 1S a sexist one- Games are made by boys for boys who play with other boys- Girls very rarely get a _ look ina unless of course there's a victim who needs to be rescued or someone needs to wear bikini to cheer the macho men _ on-

VIRGINIA BARRATT (for one) is a bit peeved...

Walk into any games arcade for a therapeutic, stress alleviating dose of 12, Streetfighter or Mortal Kombat, and it’s most likely, if you are female, that you’ll be the only representative of your gender pitting her wits against the machine in this ritual male bonding space.

Some people would have us believe that there is a reason for this absence of female gamers, and that the equation is simple - it is biological- ly determined that women have, at best, an ambiguous relationship to the logic and rationality of technology and this turns into a fear of technology (which includes games). Women are also not supposed to be fiercely com- petitive or perpetrators of violence, hence their lack of identification with the basic reason for the majority of computer games - more gore.

Being a casual user of arcades and displaying a decidedly masculine tendency towards technology and object fetishism (biggest, fastest, best...) myself, | resist this easy explanation. While there is no doubt that girls are not considered a target market by the major players, and that their interests are generally not con- sidered by programmers and produc- ers of video games, it is not clear that

they won’t talk to me. | walk into Tekno City and Orbit GOO. Not a single girl. Finally | find two young girls.

Suzi, 12 and Christina, 11 are a gang of two, who go to arcades maybe twice a week. They don’t go with other girls, and they don’t know many other girls who do the arcades. They don’t have machines at home, but they know a couple of other girls who have computers.

They love the arcades, and the games, but recognise that it is a male space, where they are invisible. “The boys won't talk to us, they don’t think girls can be good at games”. Their favourite games are the racing games “You get to compete against some- one else...”, the Streetfighter karate games, and the shooting games.

They like the games which make them feel transported, as if they are really there. They like games of Skill. And they like to shoot, but feel ambiva- lent about the gore factor, believing that it “puts things into kid’s heads”.

The major dissatisfaction they felt was that there was no point of identi- fication with the female characters in the games. The characters were either submissive princesses or vio- lent superwomen, neither of which they could identify with.

companies to discuss the possibility of them regarding girls as a target market. | connected with the one industry R & D dude who had an ethi- cal streak, “Ultimately, I’d really like to develop non-violent video games, but at the moment there is a commercial imperative”. He citea Ms Pacman as an example of a character that girls could identify with - oh, and let’s not forget Sonic. He also noted the pres- ence of some female characters in the Streetfighter games, but added that he had watched many young boys choose the female as an opponent purely for the thrill of beating up a woman. | won- dered whether the company would ever develop and market a game with complex female characters who played leading roles. “Well, ultimately... (it’s that old commercial imperative again) we'd like to, we really would... but we wouldn’t develop games just for girls, that would be sexist”.

These stereotypical attitudes, and outdated representations of women are found in abundance in our devel- oping cyberculture. Anybody who is into 3D graphics will be familiar with Silver Suzi the 3D fembot, perpetually Surfing on the virtual waves of some bearded programmer's imagination.

Luckily there are some aberrant

cyberterrorist and agent of the new world disorder. ANG and her band of renegade DNA Sluts, Patina de Panties, Dentata and the Princess of Slime, are the saboteurs of Big Daddy Mainframe. They tangle with a motley crew of techno mutants and data deviants on their quest, the most viru- lent being Circuit Boy, a dangerous techno bimbo and BDM'’s sidekick. In one smooth manoeuvre our sheroes oerform a major morph on the bimbo’s extremely sizeable tool and take the shine off his texture map. Their mission is treacherous, but our sheroes with attitude find some time out for pleasurable distraction...

At the moment All New Gen is an interactive multimedia computer art installation, on exhibition in Adelaide. The installation consists of twelve lightboxes with stills of favourite moments from the game, original soundtracks, a video piece and a

They love the arcades but recognise it is a male space. where they are invis-

ible- "The boys won't talk to us.i they don’t think girls can be good at

girls actually want something that is very different from the games which are aimed at the teenage boy market. | decide to do a little field research, and go looking for girls... It’s school holidays, and in sydney’s George Street Timezone the machines are deep with gangs of baggy pants and baseball caps. The boxing station is the most popular game today - 10 deep and really virtu- al. Testosterone is running at fever pitch in this particularly primal battle of man and machine. There are a cou- ple of girls by the racing game, but

The attempts that have been made by the industry to develop games which are aimed at teenage girls have resulted in the games Barbie, Barbie Supermodel and the upcoming Belle’s Quest, which is based on Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Neither Belle’s heroic quest astride her faithful steed Phillipe, or Barbie’s glamorous world of fashion held any interest for the girls | spoke to. Girls want just as much action and excitement as the boys, just with some “sheroes” they can relate to.

| rang up one of the major games

female game-freaks and tech-heads working to liberate Silver Suzi from chrome hell, and give her her own workstation to create women charac- ters that are strong, subversive, sutsy and funky.

VNS Matrix are four women artists from Sydney and Adelaide who have been working together with this mis- sion in mind for two years. Their plan is to hijack the toys from the keyboard cowboys and remap cyberculture with a cyberfeminist bent.

To aid them in their mission they have created All New Gen, anarcho


large scale billboard displaying the subversive credo of the VNS Matrix “Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century”. The VNS Matrix plan for a global takeover by All New Gen in the near future.

So if you’re interested in what women are doing with games and technology, look out for VNA Matrix, otherwise keep an eye out for sexism in games (Sometimes it’s not that obvious) and steer clear. The sooner the game industry wakes up the reali- ties of the modern world, the sooner we'll a// be having fun.


It's kept you happy for quite a while: but lbbit gaming is on its last legs- Everyone (and mean everyone) 1S rushine out out the biggest and baddest new console system. The 3D0 is still leading the pack in the hype and hope departments, so STEVE POLAK got one of EA's tog programmers the line to discuss software;

um--- Nerf Balls- oe

oricing ands;

Stuart (who was speaking to me from EA’s San Mateo offices) is a happy man. And why shouldn't he be? It is not every

science fiction fantasy and mod- day you can be in the position to ern computerised fact are often lead the world in a revolution, “| think if you are talking about defined by very blurry boundaries. pushing back the boundaries of CD-Rom then maybe... but remem- Yesterday's dreams are today’s fantasy with the new 3D0 reality. | ber that 3DO is played through a exciting realities, and tomorrow's asked him why he was so excited television and you are usually some worn out techno-junk. Look at the about that funny little black box. distance away from it. A screen is early home video game machines. “The 3D0 is amazing and total- not typically what you would want to They are still sought after, but not for /y unprecedented in terms of what _ read a lot of stuff on.” their technical abilities. Instead they jit can do. !/ think that it is much And why does Stuart think that are highly prized by a few eccentric more like watching television than the 3D0 is a revolutionary product collectors who are after them as playing a video game. When you in that it will bring a greater level examples of video game “antiques”! play a video game there is a cer- of adult involvement. | thought it Think of all the systems that are now _ tain amount of abstraction that is | was just kids stuff? obsolete; Magnavox, Spectrum, going on, because it is not exactly “The technology has advanced Intellivision, Atari, Colecovision, and what you expect to see if you to a point where we can market it the list goes on. Each system fell vic- where watching a football game or to anew audience. 3DO can do tim to the predatory monopolisation a motor cycle race. It is sort of so much more than a Super of the market by a newer, leaner, symbolic and if the graphics are Nintendo or Sega. The standard more capable creature. good enough you create a short of play, sound, graphics, every-

Well, it’s about to happen again. suspension of disbelief, and peo- thing is just so much better. | Bury your SNES, back the Commodore ple see things as realistic. With think that it sort of follows that if over your Amiga, and chuck the Sega the 3D0 it is so much easier you make it easier for people to off THE NEXT LEVEL, because the 3D0 because the graphic quality is so understand what they are looking and the other “super consoles” are much better, and it just looks and _ at, you are going to interest more almost here. Over the next year sounds like real television and so people, the market is going to there's going to be a glut of 32 bit the need for suspension of disbe- grow and as the market grows and 64 bit systems released, all lief is not quite so traumatic. It’s you can afford to do things competing for your hard earned dollar just a much more engaging experi- beyond a traditional game playing and loyalty - the Atari Jaguar, the ence. You don't feel quite as environment.” Amiga CD32, the Sony PS-xX, the much distance between you and And what is EA’s interest at sega Saturn and the Nintendo Project the interaction.” the moment? What will we be see- Reality to name but a few. But the There has also been quite alot ing for the 3D0 from the masters system that has got the most hype is of excitement about the ability of of sports sims and ball culture? the 3D0. Can they live up to it, or are the 3DO0O (with over 600 “Clearly we are going to do the established names going to carry megabytes of memory per disk) to some exciting sports products their market dominance over into the be used as an information stor- and give an improved audio-visual higher level machines? | had a yarn age medium, for interactive books _/ook, with improved gameplay. We to Stuart Bonn, one of the main men —_ and other education software are going to be doing simulator at Electronic Arts’ 3D0 software types. Could this be the end of games like motorcycles and jets development department, about the conventional paper books as we and so forth and use better tech- intricacies of interactive innovation. Know them? nology to improve the perfor-

HYPER>> 12

i bis pei we

ae Sis

hen people start predict


the end.i there is a

least one more Christmas- The Commodore b4 is a great

example. the and that went on for there is maybe e2.


EA’s Stuart

mance. We want people to feel totally immersed in our simula- tors. And we are doing kids stuff and informational products that are very like television documen- taries.”

And now to the naughty stuff. With interactive games like Night Trap causing such a stir here and abroad in terms of the levels of sexuality and violence they por- tray, what does Stuart think of adult software like the vivacious Virtual Valerie (available for Mac being produced on the ultra realis- tic 3D0?

“This kind of software is not a part of EA’s brief. We want to pro- duce clean entertainment. We are not interested in breaking new boundaries of sensibilities on this issue. Our standards are sort of like US television. If it is shown on US television before 10 pm then we would do it. Those kinds of products may find markets, but they don’t necessarily help the industry by doing so, and |

wouldn't like to see them being too common personally. The tech- nology could be put to better uses than all of that.”

So what about CD gaming tech- nology. There are some obvious problems with the use of the CD- Rom as a gameplaying storage device (put your hands up all Mega CD owners). Firstly because of the nature of the medium, access to data isn’t instant, as the CD laser has to read different tracks of data, thus resulting in times where gameplay slows down or stops altogether. Is this kind of video game, where things look great, but are fraught by pauses and periods of slowdown really an improvement?

“Well in John Madden for the 3DO we have a lot of video in it, but it doesn't get in the way of the gameplay and we have figured out lots of tricks so you aren't sitting at the screen waiting for things to happen for 30 seconds at a time. | think it depends on the product. If

Kept saying “this 1s our last Christmas” ears longer than we thought. ears tops for lbbit-

you look at Night Trap’s particular structure then things are different and there are problems. It all depends on software construction. Just like a high rise building ts built differently to a condo com- plex. It is the kind of product that you build that determines the pro- gram architecture, and some peo- ple are making decisions about the architecture they want to have that isn’t necessarily conducive to what real game players want. So those problems are a matter of good or bad software design. Better hara- ware also helps. In the 3DO the access time is in the order of half a second to get to the right place, and then it transfers at double speed so it is a 300k transfer rate. In 4 seconds you are going to get about a megabyte of data. So it’s not instant but you are not wal- lowing around waiting around for stuff to happen.

So on to the big question that is on every gameplayers lips. Is it like- ly that the new CD-Rom based tech-

nologies will replace carts as the storage device for video games?

“There is a manufacturing advantage. It’s a lot easier and cheaper to make CDs. Right now they are pricing CDs higher which is because people have invested a lot of money and so they can’t drop the prices so soon.”

Has the Mega CD helped or hindered the chances of the 3DO and other CD-based machines, in terms of the high cost of Mega CD games, and more importantly, the use of 16bit technology with the CD system, which is obviously fairly shabby in quality.

“It’s possible that the Mega CD has generated some bad publicity, ! mean | would not recommend it to anybody. But you must remember that the 3D0 is different. It is based on a far more open and adventurous concept, and we expect the memories of other sys- tems to fade as the 3D0 grows in strength. This is because we are trying to get the system onto the market as cheaply as possible. The 3DO is now in the $600 US range (over a $1000 Australian - that’s a new definition of cheap! - Ed). /t will probably be $100 cheaper by next Christmas. It is really too early to draw any conclusions as to sales and unfortunately software is tak- ing longer. But things will improve.”

Ahh, now we get down to it - SOFTWARE. If this isn’t good then

it doesn’t matter how hot your system is. Obviously the 3DO has the platform abilities that give it the opportunity to stand out, but there must be quality control as to what actually occupies the cyberspace on the screen. Any thoughts Stuart?

“Yes, software is critical. Our software strategies differ because if you have the ability to use high quality graphic images, you had better create them, you can’t just show shit very well. And the audio had better be great because peo- ple are buying the stuff and run- ning it through big amps and sur- round processors and they want it to sound good. So the pressure is on but we are up to it in that there will be some truly amazing things happening on 3D0O screens soon.”

And as a platform, is the squat little black box easy to program for?

“No it’s not easy. It’s not for the timid. People who do better at it are Amiga programmers. But program- ming software for this machine is more of a total team effort rather than just one person. To start off you hire all the right people to do the job, and figure out what you are going to do and then do it step by step. You go to the storyboard and determine what you need and then you assemble the technology that you need and implement that design and then you smash it all together and hope it works.”

OK, so everyone agrees that the 3D0O and the other “Super con- soles” are the future of gaming. What about my beloved SNES? Will | soon be lovingly swearing in frustration at it for the last time. How long will my 16 bit wonder be my preferred target of abuse?

“I don’t know, all 1 know ts that when people start predicting the end, there is at least one more Christmas. The Commodore 64 is a great example, they kept saying ‘this is our last Christmas’ and that went on for 2 years longer than we thought. So there is maybe 2, 3 years tops for 16bit.”

In the light of this, is Nintendo, the current world leader of the console industry, throwing away its lead by holding off a CD based system and staying with 16 bit till 1995/6?

“I don’t think it was wise on Nintendo’s part. | think Sega has taken a lot of their market share and | think that Nintendo has got a lot of work in front of them.”

And finally, | have read with fascination that EA Is the world’s largest purchaser of Nerf balls, and that the company has had a philosophy that when things are either too “unfun”, or too stress- ful then it is time for a full scale “Nerf Alert”. The lights at the EA HQ have been known to suddenly go out, with staff ducking under desks, to emerge fully armed with

Nerf weaponry, as full scale Nerf Armageddon unfolds. Is it true that EA is staffed by an army of would be Nerf Rambo's, itching to wreak havoc?

“Yes! I’ve got Nerf balls all over my office, but people have moved on to Nerf darts and more advanced weaponry. EA is all about not taking yourself too seri- ously and getting others not to take themselves too seriously. We are about making games which are fundamentally fun except that we do it in a way where we have to take it seriously because people want the best when they spend their money. And you can sort of lose sight of the fact that what you’re making is fun and that is really where it came from. It is all about fun.”

| couldn’t have put it better myself.

3D0 Software, above from left to right...

Star Trek

Shock Wave

Batman Animated Movie Total Eclipse

John Madden

PGA Golf

Mad Dog McCree

Total Eclipse

Star Trek

HYPER»? 15

titles, including Mortal Kombat, Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt, Starwing,

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How did the HYPER crew get to be the veritable games wizards that they are today? With skill, prac- tice, and natural charm - and with the help of the Super NES Power Tips Book and The Official Sega Mega Drive Power Tips Book 2. They’re chock full of cheats, Action Replay and Game Genie codes, and of course, enough power tips on all the latest games to keep you gaming till the wee hours (not that kind of wee you moron). For Super NES gamers, there’s full coverage of 60

and Shadowrun. Mega Drivers get tips on games like Jungle Strike, Mortal Kombat, and the X-Men, as well as 8-page extended tips on Flashback, Ecco, and


Rolo to the Rescue. Learn the cheats, follow the tips, study the maps. You might even get

as good as us. ,

You could win one of 20 Power Tips book (10 Sega & 10 Nintendo), just by subscribing to this most excellent magazine. Subscribing means that you get HYPER quicker, easier and cheaper (save 25% or $14 off the newsstand price). So get off your arse and plug into HYPER every month - it’s only $44.95. Not much to pay to be first with the latest!

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Strawberry Hills, NSW. 2012


SNES Available: May Category: RPG Players: 1-3 Publisher: Square Soft

oquare Soft are famed throughout Japan for their classy RPG games. Not all of them get translated into English though, so when a game as good as Secret of Mana is given the treatment, a

lot of socially maladjusted people enough to outdo Zelda, well, you

get very excited. Which is only can't go far wrong, can you? natural really - RPGamers are You start your journey alone, always complaining that nobody but two little friends will soon

cares about them, so when some- become your constant compan- body does, they get all warm and lions. And get this - with a Multitap,

fuzzy inside. two of your closest real friends Secret of Mana is a huge 16 can control your on-screen helpers!

meg quest. The graphics (includ- Three-player simultaneous role-

ing some lovely Mode 7 dragon playing tun? Oh, the joy of it all is

flight animation) and sound are just too much for us....just take a

nothing short of spectacular and look at the screenshots and stay

when the gameplay is intricate with us for a full review real soon.

You all know the story: Ryo Sakazaki and his mate (and rival?) Robert Garcia head to South Town to rescue Ryo’s sister (it’s always some girlie, isn’t it?) from the evil Mr Big. In Story mode you play as Ryo

some people will tell you that or Robert, but the Vs mode there is no “Art” to fighting, but gives you a Choice of 10 then they're just worthless wuss- playable characters. Needless bags, aren't they? There’s noth- to say, it was never as good ing quite like a bit of video biffo as Streetfighter //, but there’s to boil the blood. As long as the special moves and special

vailable: April ategory: Fighting layers: 1-2

ublisher: Sega Japan

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art is kept to button pressing effects galore, it plays well, and joypad manipulation, it’s and some people will buy any- fine by me. Which leads us to thing with the slightest

sega of Japan’s surprise promise of violence. The announcement of an April 16meg Mega Drive conversion release for Art of Fighting, a looks to be fairly faithful to Neo-Geo/SNK classic that’s the original but the trendy (if already been converted to good confusing) zoom feature is effect on the SNES. gone. Sigh.

basketball or video games what- soever.

Anyway, Konami have gone and produced Hyperdunk - The Playoff Edition. \t’s full, 5 on 5 basketball and it’s been heavily influenced by NBA Jam (only it’s nowhere

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Is there any reason the world near as good). It’s got a nifty needs another basketball game? intro, lots of speech (“Monster With NBA Jam causing convul- Jam”, “It’s good”, “Rejected!”), sions in Mega Drive and SNES and 16 fictional teams to take owners throughout the world and into exhibition or tournament EA’s new NBA Showdown ‘94 matches. It’s multi-player too. But

reviewed this issue) delivering without real NBA teams and play- on the realism front, what else ers to satisfy the fantasies of can be done on a shiny wooden short teenage boys everywhere, Surface? Lots of things actually, will it sell? We’ll tell you what we

but they've got nothing to do with think next issue.

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After the excellent fun of the orig- inal Addam’s Family and the fiendishly difficult Pugs/ey’s Scavenger Hunt, SNES owners should be dribbling in anticipation of the new Addam’s Family game which is based around the new movie.

This game gives the bald and


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Alone in the Dark came out of nowhere last year to become one of the best games ever released on the PC. It’s unique graphic style, ease of control and all-round spunkiness made it a must for all PC gamers who know where it’s at. And now there’s Alone in the Dark 2, which is bigger, faster and generally a whole heap better!

set in California in the 1920's when alcohol prohibition is at its height, our hero, Edward Carnby (the ‘Supernatural private eye”) has hard- ly recovered from the horrors he faced in the haunted mansion when he discovers that Grace, an 8 year old has been kidnapped by One-Eyed Jack, the infamous bootlegger. Being the brave and fool-hardy soul that he is, he sets off for Hell’s Kitchen, the

HYPER?) 20


ugly Uncle Fester his opportunity to be a hero, and he has several magic tricks with which to combat the shosts and goblins which have escaped into the house and garden. It looks quite different in style to the original game and Pugsley’s, and Fester is in a bit of a SNES Jurassic Park type environment (Ocean pro- grammed JP for the SNES). That’s all the info we have at the moment and we’re not quite sure when this will be released but we thought you'd all like a squiz at some early screenshots. Squiz away!

heavily guarded hideout of the one- eyed criminal. This of course leads to all sorts of adventures with mazes, trap doors, secret passageways, blood-thirsty pirates, gangsters, ghost ships, black magic spells and, of course, zombies.

One of the sequels’ many refine- ments is that enemies now have indi- vidual personalities and there can be up to six different characters on screen at the same time. There’s also improved 3D animations and new 2D animations included simultaneously

and you thought the last one looked good!). And if that’s not enough, it’s also three times bigger and four times faster than number one.

Alone in the Dark 2 looks set to be one of the games of the year, and anyone who played the first (and if you didn’t, we can only ask why not will already be setting aside large chunks of their life in order to play it right through to the end. It looks like being some of the best fun you can have with your clothes on.

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There’s mixed feelings in the HYPER office about the original Bubsy. Stuart loved it (“Spunky

platforming fun, especially the fly-

ing bits”, he says). Andrew hated it (“Tired, tedious, done-it-all- before platforming crap”, he Says). Aaron was neither here nor there (“Good character, average game”, he says). We admit it, we've come to blows over Bubsy, and we'll probably hit each other over Bubsy 2 too.

Anyway, the cat’s back in what is being ingeniously billed as a

bigger and better adventure than the first. Virgil Reality (a pig in a three-piece suit) has created a museum that simulates famous historical happenings. Bubsy takes his niece and nephew for a squiz, naturally the little buggers get lost in the time zones, so it’s Bubsy to the rescue. Accolade promise to chuck in heaps of bonus games and a two-player option too. But then again, they promised that Pele would be a world-beater. We await with bad...er, sorry, baited breath.

Yet another in a whole string of basketball games, Jamm It looks a bit different. It’s one-on-one rough and tumble action where the players bet money on the games they play (if you’re rich or stupid you can do this in real life too).

lt features male and female play-

Double Switch is another one of those “Interactive Movies” (you know the ones - they’re usually not very interactive and they don't look much like a movie either) that will Supposedly revolutionise games- playing and, indeed, the entire Entertainment industry. Hmmm. We’ll be the judge of that.

The plot revolves around a run- down tenement building. The tenants are mysteriously disappearing, and Eddie, who's in charge of the buildings security system, has been trapped in the basement. That’s where you come in - you need to explore the building, protect the remaining tenants, and find the codes to free Eddie.

ers (which is good) and it’s not a pro- fessional game which means It's a no-holds-barred affair. You can punch and smack the ball away from your opponent. But be careful because he or she could call a foul on you. There’s some very nice digitised voice action and when you go for the big dunk, there’s a close up shot so you can really see what’s going on.


SNES Available: TBA Category: Action/Platformer Players: 1 Publisher: Capcom

Mega Man is one of Capcom’s oldest and biggest stars. His out- ings on the old NES are legendary. Why he never made it to Streetfighter Il is beyond us - we know for a fact that he was bitterly disappointed. But now Mega Man’s tears of anguish have turned into tears of joy, for he’s about to star in his very own 16 bit game, Mega Man X (surely some kind of record in the sequel department?).

Mega Man X is rumoured to be very hot indeed. The basic run/shoot/jump/whallop gameplay of the & bit adventures hasn't changed,

but the graphics and sounds have been pumped to Super standards.

Mega Man is on a mission to destroy a bunch of renegade “reploids” (cyborgs) that have turned against mankind (talk about biting the hand that feeds you). There’s weapons and power-ups galore to help him on his way, and just like the old NES games, once you defeat a Boss, you get its pow- ers too! A beefed up Mega Man is almost unstoppable! As always, once we have it, we’ll pass it on to you, Our dear readers, for without you, we are nothing....


Like Night Trap, you’re in control of a security system, switching from room to room (there’s 7 in all), and triggering traps in each room to catch the bad guys (whoever they might be). So what makes Double Switch any better? Well, it promises to be a lot more interactive than Night Trap (does that mean you get to put three CDs in the little slot?) and it’s got some real Hollywooa- types as its stars. Yes, even bigger names than Dana Plato! Like Corey Haim (and isn’t it a wonder a man of his talents can’t find more work?) and Deborah Harry, who, when she was Blondie, sent many a funny feel- ing up the spines of the adolescent

We haven’t played it yet, but appar- ently it moves very smoothly and the moves are easy to pick up and learn.

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HYPER crew. Ah, those carefree days of youth and “Rapture”...

But can it compete with NBA Jam, NBA Showdown ‘94, Hyperdunk and the rest? We’ll tell you next issue.

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Virtua Racing is the game that rev-heads and tech-heads alike have been hanging out for. The rev- heads just want a good racer. But the tech-heads want to see how Sega’s new Digital Signal Processor (DSP) chip stacks up against Nintendo’s much-hyped Super FX chip in the polygon anima- tion stakes. Well, stick around and I'll try to keep you all happy.

The DSP chip Virtua Racing is all about polygons. Polygons are multi-sided shapes, drawn by con- necting points positioned on a 3D coordinate system. Animating these polygons creates a 3D (if somewhat artificial-looking) space. Whack a dollar or two in the arcade machine and you’ll see what smoothly animated polygons can do. But how can a Mega Drive, with its 68000 CPU, handle all these polygons? It can’t - unless it's got some help, that is. That’s where the DSP chip comes in.

The DSP chip is an extra-proces- sor that will be tucked away inside the finished cart. It runs at 26 MHz (that’s pretty fast) and drives the polygons at over 15 frames per second. With the DSP chip handling the polygons (and it doesn’t have to be used to generate polygons - in the future it will be used for many other things too), the CPU is free to do other things.

The result? Super-smooth poly- gon graphics like you’ve never seen on a Mega Drive before. It’s not arcade-perfect (the arcade machine packs in some really heavy-duty technology and 16.7 million colours) but it’s very, very impres- sive. And the speed? It’s right up there with the speed of the arcade machine. So the future of the DSP chip looks very promising indeed.

Virtua Racing offers four different per spectives.. _ and here they are.

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Split screen two player mode. There’s no slow down, even when each player

uses a different perspective.

oy racers The Mega Drive’s Virtua Racing has three play modes with three levels of diffi- culty (easy, normal or hard). You can also access a Records fea- ture which saves the names of the best racers (from ist to 24th) on each track and the fastest lap time. In each play mode, there’s a choice of automatic or 7-speed manual transmissions.

Arcade purists will go for the Virtua Racing mode every time - it's exactly what you get when you pop acoin into the arcade machine. Your “credit” lasts as long as you keep reaching the extend time point. The time ticks down pretty quickly, so you have to hurry. Just like the arcade machine, there’s a choice of three tracks: Big Forest (Beginner), Bay Bridge (Medium) and Acropolis (Expert). To master them all will take more than a few quick laps. To win a race, you’re going to have to get very good.

Aside from the VR mode, there’s the Free Run mode and the 2 Players Vs mode. Free Run is a practice mode - just you and the same three tracks, for 5 to 20 laps. The 2 player mode gives you head-to-head, split screen racing with a friend. Again, it’s the same three tracks to pick from, over 5 to 20 laps. To even things up, there’s a handicap system too.

No competition Virtua Racing looks better and sounds better than any other racer on the mar- ket. The graphics are amazing. It’s fast, but it’s detailed too. Even the Pit Crew look great. All four arcade perspectives (from right behind the wheel to bird’s eye) are included and the transi- tion from one viewpoint to anoth-

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Check out those Dire Straits “Money For Nothin’” inspired polygon mechanics!

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HYPER») 235

er is ultra-smooth. The only prob- lem is that you have to cycle through them (with button C) to get to the one you want.

The sound effects are full-on engine-rewvin’, petrol guzzlin’, heart-pounding, shit-there-goes- another-one-past-me stuff too. There’s a nice “Vroooomm’, a decent “Zooooom”, and a good “Nnneeroomph”. Plus, there’s screeching brakes, tumbles, and a lot of soeech (even if it’s a bit gravelly).

But how does it play? Well, it was never going to give you the same rush as sitting in a deluxe arcade cabinet, your feet on the oedals and your hands clutching the wheel (at least, they should be clutching the wheel), but it comes close. Using a control pad is a bit of a come-down, but the controls are excellent - your car is beautiful- ly responsive. The 7-speed manual transmission is the best I’ve used too: better than Fi, and better than Super Monaco GP II. Overall, it’s a joy to play. The action Is tense and truly exciting.

lf there’s a down-side to Virtua Racing it’s that it’s only got three tracks for you to race on. But it'll take you a long time to master them (especially on the hardest dif- ficulty setting), and the split-screen two-player option will keep you busy for years.

Quite simply, if you’re going to buy a racing game, then you have no choice but to buy Virtua Racing. Boy (and girl) racers will love it. It's a fantastic game and a stunning technical achievement.





Oooh, the wonders of the DSP chip. Ultra-smooth, ultra-fast polygon graphics that nearly match the arcade experience.

“Vroooomm”’, ““‘Zooooom!”’, “Nnneeroomph!’’. Good music, but the quality of the speech could be better.


“@ Responsive controls and a great /-speed box (no sniggers please). It’s fast, exciting, and

above all, good, smelly fun.

Only three tracks and no Championship either - but it’s an arcade racer after all. A constant challenge for one-player

and a great 2-player mode too.

game the Mega Drive’s ever seen. It’s virtually the arcade

| game, virtually | addictive, and virtually spunky.

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In this month’s issue:

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Playing as Tails can make the game even easier. Tails can fly (double jump) and swim when underwater. Flying is especially handy. You can't fly forever Tails runs out of puff.

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lll say this right from the start. I’m not enamoured with Sonic the Hedgehog. Yes, | know he’s a star, and yes, the first Sonic game revolu- tionised home gaming, but now? Well, unless Sega’s programmers come up with something new, I’m not that interested. | mean, when was the last time you played Sonic or Sonic 2°? |'ve got both games and as soon as | fin- ished them (ie, after a couple of days) | put them away for good. So, as you re reading this, just be aware that |am not Sonic’s biggest fan.

sadly (for me, you and Sonic), Sega’s programmers haven't come up with anything new. Sonic 3 is slicker, faster, and better looking than the first two games, but when you get down to playing it, the game remains the same. Sure, there’s all-new lev-

Competition Mode The two player split-screen mode has been expanded to take in three events. You can race a friend or the computer. This time the split-screen works well no slow down in sight...


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els, new special stages and bonus Stages too, but the basic run-to-the- right-and-jump-a-bit gameplay hasn't been touched. Sega are taking no chances; they're giving the gaming public “what they want”, and they deliver it with all the skill and style they can muster. If you’re a fan, you'll love it. But if you wanted something more than more of the same, you'll be disappointed.

New Bits? Sonic 3 takes off where Sonic 2 left off. Clever that. Tails is back (you can play as Sonic, Tails, or sonic and Tails) and the split-screen two-player mode is back too. But (and this is a welcome feature) now it’s all battery-backed. You can save six dif- ferent games at once, so when you die (probably only because you're real-

Bonus Stages

Touch a lamp—post with fifty rings and you can go into the bonus stage. It’s a sumball machine that drops goodies. In your search for rings, don't forget to look for hidden passageways.

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ly tired or careless) you don't have to start from the beginning again. You can turn your Mega Drive off and come back in the morning and start from where you left off.

What’s the new story line? We have no idea. Sega couldn't help us, so I'll try and describe what happens in the intro. Sonic and Tails are Zip- ping along in their little bi-plane, Sonic (as Super Sonic) flies off into the Tirst zone (Angel Island) where he hits this evil looking, dreadlocked pink guy (not the butchest colour in the world) who steals the seven Chaos Emeralds, laughs a bit, then nicks off. Evil Pink Dude keeps popping up to taunt Sonic throughout the game, but he’s only a henchman to the number one baddie, Dr Robotnik (who else’).

It’s all very familiar. There’s seven

Special Stages

The only way to collect the Emeralds is in the special stages. You have to find the hidden entrances. Just jump through the hole. You need to col- lect all the blue spheres.

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different Zones (split into two Acts a 00p), each with a mid-boss, a Robotnik boss and a final Robotnik to dispatch. You run around collecting rings, searching for the special stages (to find the emeralds), jumping and spinning your way through enemies until you find the exit.

There are some nifty new features though. All the old power-ups (the speed shoes, invincibility, etc) are there, but now Sonic’s got three new oowers: a bouncy air bubble (so he doesn’t need to breathe underwater), a lightning shield which will attract rings like a magnet, and a fireball which can turn the hedgehog into a deadly fireball.

The fireball (press the jump button again while you’re in the air) can be a handy weapon but Sonic’s also got a

HYPER>> 27

Aqua Island Zone _—xHydro City Zone Marble Garden Zone

VW Ww new “flash kick” up his sleeve too. It doesn't seem to do anything a normal spin attack can't, but It looks cool anyway.

And how about those Special Stages? You don’t need a certain number of rings, all you need to do is find an entrance (a big, floating ring). Smashing through rocks and stuff is usually the best way. | liked the Special Stages in Sonic 2 better, but these ones are very nice too. You’re on a big ball with a chequer board grid. lo get the emerald you need to roam around the endless grid, collect-


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Sphere and you're out. As you collect more blue spheres it soeeds up and can get very difficult. And like the first two games, to really finish Sonic 3 you need all the emeralds.

Is it enough? Of course, Sonic 3 is one of the most beautiful games around. The detail and depth of the graphics have been lifted to new heights and the faster scrolling, even in the split-screen mode, is as smooth as it should be. The graphic cutaways as Sonic goes into buildings Or SpiralS up a pipe are particularly cool. Check the screen grabs if you don't believe me. As for the sound, it’s all very “Sonicky” - much too sonicky (with the emphasis on the “icky’) if you ask me.

And the gameplay? Well, it’s Sonic -no more, no less. The levels are much bigger and there’s hidden bits everywhere, but there’s still too few enemies and it’s still too easy. The bosses, with their simple patterns, are areal pushover. After three and a half hours of playing | was up to the last Zone and the game crashed on me. Otherwise, it would have been over in a real hurry. The sad thing is, | didn’t want to play it again, even for you, my beloved readers.

But this is Sonic and Sonic has always been a game for everyone - the young, the old, the good, the hopeless. Sonic 3 is undoubtedly the best Sonic game so far (including Sonic CD- I’m just meaner than Stuart) and it will sell by the truck-load, but for me, the thrill of it all has worn off. That might not be the same for you. As they say, you can never get too much of a good thing. If you believe that, run out and grab a copy of Sonic 3 now. And even if you’re sick of hedgehogs, you have to play this game at least once, don’t you?


Carnival Night Zone Ice Cap Zone

* Ea i tee CEB r

ee ee

= eee =

sae a a

16 megs full of wonderful graphics & super-fast, super-smooth scrolling. Lots of flashy new visual tricks to make you stand back and go “Qooh!” too.

TIME 68:31

they do it, but they’ve managed to make it sound exactly like Sonic 1 and 2, even though the soundtracks are new. Weird, huh?

weet tanarek| caer See Ee,

do nothing to hide the fact that this is the same ae iim | as it ever was. You'll

ee | ees 6 & either love it all over again et a. | ® or be very disappointed.

if s

Way too easy (unless you want to finish it with all the emeralds) and you'll finish it quick smart. The

two-player mode gives you more longterm value.


verything you expect from a Sonic game, nothing more. If it was just me, the

v x


score would be lower, but Sonic freaks are going to

go off.

NYPER>> 29

sai: Ce

There’s nothing quite

like a rock hard shooter

to keep a rock hard blaster

boy happy. R-Type Ill is rock

hard. Andrew Humphreys ts rock hard. We put

the two of them together for (you guessed it),

some rock hard fun...

| thought I’d finished with shoot em ups. Let’s face it, after you ve saved the galaxy a couple of thou- sand times the thrill of it all tends to wane. So for a shooter to even begin to spark my interest, it has to be something special - which Is


exactly whatR-Type I// is. Yes, despite the ridiculous sub-title; R- Type Illis an excellent game that reminds you just how much fun a well designed shoot ‘em up can be.

Pick a peck of pickled pods So what’s so special about R- Type I/l? Lots of things actually.

aetna tae are t set ia : he

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First up is the improved fire- power. Unlike Super R-Type, you get a choice of three Force Pods, each with their own super- destructive weapons. Keep pow- ering up your pod for maximum kick-arse effect. It also helps to charge up your weapon - just hold down the fire-button, watch the power-gauge fill up, and let her rip.

But there’s even more things you can do with your pod (no “| love playing with my pod” jokes please). Sometimes it’s best to position it at the front of your ship to take care of incoming shots) and sometimes it’s best position is at the rear (to watch your back,


7 ih a a" * hee


idiot). All you have to do js launch the pod - it'll keep firing as long as you do - and Catch it again.

As a whole, R-Type II! is more like Hellfire (a Mega Drive classic than Super R-Type. Like Hellfire, it's brilliantly paced, the levels are big and tough, the bosses are even bigger and tougher, and there’s a lot more to it than simply keeping your finger on the trigger. You actually need to think. Now | Know this will bother the more cerebrally challenged of you, but | for one find it exciting. The strate- gic element is what makes the gameplay so gripping - which, in the end is what puts R-Type II] into the Heaps Good Blaster category,


Level four. In this take the walls close seaund you.

Hard rock R-Type Ii is tough. Very tough. Tough enough to attract serious games freaks. Rock hard even. The Spider Boss at the end of level three is a real arachno- orick. Don't let the infinite contin- ues fool you - you'll find yourself Stuck in the same place again and again, even in the early levels. One hit and you're dead, so it’s very easy to become familiar with the Start of a particularly difficult sec- tion. But as tough as it is, it’s never frustrating. The restart points are very friendly and you can

Aa ' PTs ap 1 a bona ee

et eh |

always power up to respectable lev- els pretty quickly. Your ship is as responsive as can be, it’s all justa matter of technique.

There’s some spectacular visuals to go with all that gameplay. R-Type ii weighs in at a hefty 16 megs and it shows. The detail on every level is fantastic and there’s some very cool Mode 7 effects to keep the scaling and rotating freaks happy. The explosions are huge and the action is always frantic, but there’s never any slow-down - it's smooth blasting all the way. The music also rocks

; : dl nur oT a ny n ‘| , eae * 4 ay o Aya ss aS . F aa Tee pera r an ; ee ae Saiaieiaeinddncediaaeeainanie sienattases eReader a a Niece Pe et ee ft: mu ce a ener ey Pern e fie etry eae Pe Wer Dee te oe Cee te ee eer > i eye eben nate sari it rer i j aa i Ft ! i me : Pay alee 2 a ir. ?

; et Slee estes

: fatale eetale.

"aco 10a ; Lots of guns. Best to fully ae: your beam.

(it’s not ultra-hard, but it’s none too flaccid) and the sound effects are extra-chunky too.

R-Type Ill is one of the best shoot

ers to appear in years. Once you sink your teeth into it (don't bite the car- tridge, I’m Speaking figuratively), you'll be well and truly hooked. Shooter fans will love it. It's only got one fault: the two-player mode is a write-off. Taking turns sucks hard - it always has. But for one-player may- hem, it doesn't come much better than this. Go on, save the galaxy once more for old time’s sake.

SNe ey

fawn te (sas "SHOOT ‘EM UP__

Soe 1- 2 ( ALTER NATIVELY) 4

r Detail, aaa

|} smooth scrolling, an ' 7 and all those other things | you look forinagame. | / Some flashy Mode 7 |) stuff too.


Ff The music rocks So along (in that Japanese 3 f ® shoot ‘em up kind of way) | and the FX are great.

© Nice squelchy noises in | level two.

= Good, old fashioned, , IC / frantic blasting action “"™ ©) and then some. It’s fast, | | ® it’s challenging, and you'll | / ) need more than a ") muscle-bound trigger eee

of r it’s tied 5 as | (alright, it’s Rock = | Hard Mate) and so much | fun you'll want to come

back to it again and again. | a

excuse e ae

‘Long live a ‘em up! If they were jf

® all this good, then / none of them would be be bad. Or | something like that ) anyway...



eee) Fete tt Are ey

| Rax: Cyber Fighter

Poe ular

Period: 2345 AD

: Si Fi (oe Pent

Hunter Period: 2060 AD

a; Style: Kem ite

irr. | ~| Period: 1899 AD Se iGo

ae : » : . Slash | Cu itarist a

ia ay aT ae . Hy aie




< Style: Hard Rock

| Trident: Gladiator |

Period: 110 BC

| Say Capoeria

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pe Unto Co reat

Period: 1692 AD


Lire mel Panty Wie

OFT i(=

art dknight: Bio

= Se erin:

Period: 1967 AD

Bs cea cu

AUT re

_ | Larcen: Cat





SECC E eae Period: 1993 AD Style: Ninjitsu

If you believe the hype surrounding this game, Chunners and the boys might finally have some competition in the biffo stakes. Is Eternal

Champions the greatest fight- ing game ever made? ANDREW HUMPHREYS has his doubts.

sega may have a tough time convincing people to buy Eternal Champions. Both Streetfighter I! and Mortal Kombat sold themselves - they’d been arcade hits and had loyal followers way before their home release. To compete, Eternal Champions needs to be either very good or very different. Luckily it’s a bit of both, but it’s probably still not exciting enough to be a real winner.

Dead Heads All the fighters in Eternal Champions are dead. Not a good start, is it? If you can’t beat up a dead guy you’re in serious trouble. But they’ve all been revived by the Eternal Champion for a tournament to find the greatest fighter of history. The winner gets to live forever as the new improved Eternal Champion, maintaining the cosmic balance between good and evil for $450 a week, a good dental plan, and 3% superannuation per annum.

But the story-line is unimportant. It’s a fighting game. All you do is pick your character (there’s nine of them), learn their moves, and start beating people up. Defeat the eight other characters and you win the right to challenge the Eternal Champion. You’ve got one match - and no second chances - to beat him.

Each character has his or her own distinctive fighting style and loads of special moves. Some, like Shadow and Jetta, are quick, hit-and-run types, while others, like Blade and Slash, are Zangief- style powerhouses. As an added strategic element, all special moves require a certain amount of “inner strength” (which appears as a Yin/Yang symbol next to the energy bar). If your inner strength is low, you can’t use your specials. That’s where the “insult moves” come in handy - insults drain inner strength. So you can stand toe-to-toe and trade insults instead of fighting if you want.

Option heavy Eternal Champions is overflowing with options. Aside from the contest mode, there’s a one-player practice mode (where you can turn off the inner strength requirement), three training modes (where you fight practice spheres and holograms), the Battle Room and two-player matches and tournaments. As for instant replay, you can even replay a whole match frame by frame if you want.

But options mean nothing unless the gameplay is up to scratch. So how does it play? Pretty well. The controls are nice and tight but like SF2 a 6-but- ton controller is essential (the layout is the same: low/medium/high punch and kick). Without 6-but- tons, you have to toggle between punch and kick, which is annoying to say the least. For every char- acter, all of the special moves are either charge moves (back or down) or button combinations.

Charge times are cumulative - you can walk back for 4 seconds, for- wards for 2, and still have a 2 sec- ond charge. The range of moves is good and there’s heaps of possible combos too..

There’s a choice of three game speeds: Slow, Normal (about the speed of SF2 Champion Edition), and Overdrive (low Turbo speeds). But because you tend to spend a lot of time waiting for your inner strength to build up, a lot of players will find it a touch on the sluggish side.

The computer opponents are tough and actually seem to learn from your attack patterns. It makes for a challenging contest. But the fact that the inner strength require- ment only seems to affect you, while the computer can rip off special moves no matter what, is really annoying.

Nice backgrounds From a 24 meg cart, you expect some fancy graphics. Eternal Champions deliv- ers some very nice backgrounds but the character detail and anima- tion is, at best, uneven. Some characters, Blade for instance, look great and move superbly. Others, like Larcen, need some work. There’s a few spectacular moves, but overall, it lacks the style of SF2.

Sound-wise, the battle effects are solid and the atmosphere-packed music for each location is excellent. The only let down is the voices. All those insults (like “Pig”, “Coward”, “Simpleton”) get very annoying, very quickly.

| just don’t know whether Eternal Champions will grow on the gaming public. The bottom line is that it’s not as good as Streetfighter I! and if you only want one fighting game, you shouldn't buy this one. But it does do things that Streetfighter doesn’t - in terms of strategy and depth, it’s up there. Some players will love it; others won’t. Your best bet is to rent it first and see if it’s up your alley. If it is, | suggest surgi- cal removal.

Various delights await you in the Battle | ames EA | aos ON adler, gta _ nn Room (seen above and right). § rmereeetnwel eee eS ees publ ish Below: Training with the dexterity sphere oe"

reat backgrounds and interesting enough characters. Some of them just don’t seem to move as well as the should.

Good fightin’ music for each location and some solid Whacking! noises too. The

a i _ | _ - =) characters’ voices suck


Lots of characters, lots of moves and good control (if you like charge moves). The “inner strength” requirement, though often annoying, adds a nice bit of depth.

Mastering every character will take a big chunk out of your | lifespan. Endless options | to explore and very solid with two-players.

Se eee ee

In-depth fighting action that won’t be BEGIN CONTEST a” ee eee, §©60 ts to every gamer’s —_- a a ee ee eee) =| | taste. | like it, but V t sure if you


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| 2 ae oo eee oe | _ suck, but it seems to me that the while powering along the highway _ this game even comes with a warning not to vast majority of EA games that | play —_on your roller blades. If you’re suc- a : oo oe. = es oe ee are total corkers (that means they're | cessful, of course, it leads to even _ try and emulate any of the stunts in real life. _ pretty damn good). think Madden, _ greater thrills and spills. If not, well ee a eee et a a a think FIFA Intemational Soccer, think: you figure it out... Sensibly, EA | - Unfortunately this game is so good that that’s © ;

Road Rash and you'll know what I’m have chosen to include a warning

‘Skitchin’ is a very dangerous pastime, a nd Ls - Now | don’t want to sound like a__ onto the back of speeding cars"

(as wwhat vau war ig QCTRETEW on about. Road Rashis probably the at the beginning of the game say- exactly what Si want to do. STRETCH spiritual forebear of Skitchin’, which _ ing that trying to “skitch” would be ~ ARMSTRONG gets back from a local highway, _ is @ totally ace roller blade combat ~—_a particularly dangerous and dumb , Nee ee oe game for the Bill, Ted, Wayne and _ thing to do, and here’s hoping kids a little bruised and battered... Garth generation. > take notice of it. |

oe | oe In the video arena, however, Hitchin’ a Ride “Skitchin’’ = ___ skitchin’ is a whole lot of fun. skate hitchin’, | presume), refers Presuming you chose the one player

to the very dubious ability to grab —_ option (we’ll get to the others later)

Vaweoouver (7.2 Krrowerers)

MUL amr:

RACIWG $3INW VAMC OUVER, A ae i ee) er THE Warrowart SHKITCHIM CHAMPIONSHIPS. Hr, II’ m eee) ae 2 ee ee i 4 ee es ee eS ee


a ine, I

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an N orth American city (Vancouver to.

1, ki

pean with with a tasty skyline on. “the horizon. Actually, I'm ahead of myself here. First, you'll meet the | spectre (Ron Barr, with street cred and an attitude) and he’ll give ve a quick rundown on the track, and a introduce you to a local for. a | / Then you can 20° sl sopping if you Pie (for pads, wheels, skates or whatever), ‘remem- ~ bering that you’ MI also need race | sntry fees, and you can also select _ a peor) “tunage” from the in-

prefer Cheese Grater or ay ‘one of 14 Lc other track alternatives © Le Sys s a ; Placenta - yeeurck!).

| a a = ul me abe

10. scope in your rear view mirror.

- Sound easy? , Vell, it gets a oie lot _ harder when you discover that there © area bunch of other skitchers on the track - = dudes like” Thrasher, Fester

reer eta a ae ST el he eed

aie se J

ae yn at ny a Ey De De he ate ee na ed pei A pM pet BT ee eye otha trie nek LM Loin al age ee

Ne fi nd yourself o on the outskirts. of

a Jerky 0 Cu . gis fan miveelt but.

ela he

ks ees pa el

and Karcass. None of these guys will ever be Goodwill Ambassadors for the UN. In fact, they’ \) punch yOu, kick you, vit you with heavy objects and ty to force you off the road, as. they all attempt to finish in the top five and Bet a ticket to the next city, not 10. -mention claim the wads. of cash avail: able to the Big Wheels of the skitchin’ COU

Road Combat But you, a diehard

blade punk, are not going to take - this lying down. You'll have to keep your eyes open to pick up

_ weapons and beat. the crap out of. your enemies and you'll also pull _ off tricks, poses and manoeuvres - (with help from well positioned ramps) in an effort to win extra

/_ cash. Learning how to “slingshot”,

which is skitchin’ a car and Ee its pace to fling you even faster towards the next skitch, is also a smart move. If it isnt enough to concentrate on all this, you Il also _ have to watch out for cops who, for reasons known only to them- _ selves, try to book skitchers | you need money for the fine) and for

ee ee ee he Se aes

De cane ed er ee re et me ih te oe iene cia

cars because, as surely as they help you along, they’ Il also run you _ down and send you on a one- way

_ trip to intensive Care.

And if that aplenener has left . you breathless, wait ‘til you play ' the - game! The reason why EA make cool - - games is. because they pay atten-

tion to detail and leave nothing to ence The pace is great, the e

graphics are impeccable and as

smooth as non-crunchy peanut but- ter, and it fulfils the prime objective of being great fun. There’s one play- er, tournament and two different two _ player modes, bonus stages, excel-.

lent sound and music and millions

of other game aspects to keep you

enthralled. Above all though, this is ©

avery original game and thankfully EA have seen it right the way

through rather than. release a half-

arsed version. They've even gone as far as to tie in graffiti art, Spray can

graphics. and, as | Said. appropriate

_ music, to make. a cohesive whole. On yeah, and good, old i oon

violence never goes astray. All ‘up, this iS excellent - and

Vr mnosuck.Sothere. :

eee ee eee eed

Fast scrolling roads, cars and enemies, choice backdrops an animation.

Heaps of music, speeding cars, police sirens and the realistic sound of flesh on bumper

Very responsive, buckets to do and smooth as... well, like |

Not super hard to master but it’s always the two player games that you keep coming back to.

glorious graphics and socially irresponsible. What more could a kia



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_ defensive assignments for the.

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triple somersault= a “Board”, »and call-both offensive and

“Freaks. with a capital + Bt a ~ they pes zeres up't

tity aL 1 Alley i

cies Now, | ask you. dome 3 el III eam c=. SHCSE. considerably. 80 fas defensive. plays: There's a goed pee cea 7 Sei asi you, o Ath ask it Up U he date NBA Showdown £ D4 et cS iS nOWwsRanTTT aN oe Seca of plays and you. can" hei : <80: i you" re look we ~¥S another. EA update. It uses the << SOUL ERAS: oneal o- =renanié thém in your own. specials = ac

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. same basic, side-on game engine ~~ ~~.You can-play wit pools ull S VS _ 7

“opponents. of

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as Bulls vs Blazers Lakers, Cate: DA. Bas!

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Greet iOtis -_

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sr = teams, andj Hil ma Ke =A's oar for Tear gate Si your own custom tea ms of NBA age ane eTne namap ra i “Supersta rs. ol i ete cm freaks Pu oe

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“fe alin meen sty. Vea saa ee i “h. f la , Ou eae | Theré’s oaching option ..can work ‘your way. out of it. tt’ =. . ] fy rae : iy ET if ait ie ie E Hi sentinel , hy irevAy,

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RRR SRST Ts AA Lug gc ee na Lc Ae eRe Te tan eeMiteg Te OL A nade Cite Ra My il RO a canary a ca a : ie, dn sii cman ee in spe ai a, i iiagexie ae Say A pei : AES Cae a | | , : im a ~ tion and great detail = NE ig Ere iio make for a nice-looking wi Sa game. The presentation is a “oo excellent. Good dunks too. ee. we Clear speech, good “We se tig i ball-bouncing, shoe- cee . ; squeaking, and crowd ee ce oe eee | ee am ail Fa [deg Meebo w eeccmer artes hin. noises, but there’s just not ! : a enough of it. Compared to NBA Jam, it’s lame. saison oe : SE _ 4 4 : uae eal pi Feu uM i : Blaser mnanynonintn we) ae se a al) amon he wen , be 0 | ee a | | ai Rtg i Good, honest, a ee ee ee | RRS ne AR A Ne slam-dunking stuff. ea . | Bia Good controls and a faster ee el pace mean you'll get the nen agp most out of all the <n ) options. Great with 4 “a | players. co Battery backed : iyi A a pc ae ena a RAST aap oman season play, all 28 : s seme thie ORT to.the hoop . an” i , an and Custom teams to Me eae easy lay up. fiddle with - you should be bl (iii «AST Said. the graphic sand ani- busy for quite a while. Can ‘mation have been | improved out of. oes

) es but the: sound lac are , A eo ee eee ic ein ‘pe Pr ‘fienial Sitack: me 2 ae ere The best EA

basketball game by

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NBA Jam. A eee crow and a bit

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“ey MOFE*S DASE ae Pe Ue ppreciated. —- coe a long way. All the fees . a Wi SEioweloveaa is ane teams, all the stats _

lent game. It's- ‘got all thefeatures li

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and all the realism the true NBA freak

= you.want for many months of eal

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“happy gaming. Ifyou ‘re a.true. bas-’ = ot a - ketball. fan, t mi At even be wo rth needs to |

5 Ware al LT MN aS LT) oo Jam in survive : t I , : r | Liny ' your collection: Go. on, ait your- | i nye eas ; shut self. No S = f. No one else is going to. a i eaean TP en, a ; ee HAY SA rr ' fits Lay fi 4 \ Tila iis Eee : 1 Teta Te et ai Oi "l : nk ait i i = A I Wire ire | i Lilt Tire ! pa fey, 1 Mh My i] : " nae i in my f i f re - i * ty abe iy Just iJ , ue a colt saaudlannet nae ita r i petit - i i GaN ball lian uiledemrret) tise i : ia “cui ig ; alii fr attr iF aie RT yy i ; af J Dial ' i WAL Te i ai ani ! i i r ie nel ‘beanies neh Ree i : Bie Hie Tey PO tice hon AA 1 Tis eH Tei ital ie ae i ! ii TE i i ae oe ' ure i eC et Tg ere Iie i i wis of iz Leeper j Ueto Mui ; spl i

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Guyasy wilt? Finally, something a little diffe ssychedelic cousin of Street

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The sprites are big, fluid and stupid in just the right way. Amazing backdrops and claymation. I’m bedazzled!

Rich and carnival- esque tunes, a ridiculously funny theme song, and some of the best vocal samples I’ve ever heard on the SNES.

A little too easy for 1 player and | am a little sick playing SF2 clones, but this is an excellent and innovative twist. Heaps of moves and

great, fun laugh. Better than a whole heap of fighting carts, but whether you'll keep doing it over time remains to be seen. Solid 2-player option.

Take a walk on the weird side. Clay Fighter is a great fighting cart and a wildly original game. Don’t miss it.


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Watching TV in a sewer does have its advantages - especially if you re a green skinned amphibian and know a bit of karate. Raphael Spies an ad for a fighting tourna- ment on Channel 6, to be hosted by the babelicious April O’ Neil. When the other Turtles hear the news they jump higher than John Fahey did in Monaco - yes, they're : excited. So it’s off to Channel 6 to compete in what should be the i! biggest battle since Bloodsport.

Three fingered fisting fury |’ve been itching to bust some shred heads ever since | saw the first pics of this 16 meg monster. And now it’s here. Four turtles, a fear- some female warrior, a mixed up dude in a mask, and a weird assortment of mutated wackoes appear in this great title. The guys at Konami liked Streetfighter // so much they took all the moves and gave them to our little green friends. But can Tournament Fighters come close to the brilliance that is SF2? Let’s sive it a whirl...

If you’ve played SF2, you know how to play Tournament Fighters. : The main difference is that you : only use 4 buttons (hi/low punch, hi/low kick). But all the other prin- ciples remain - you can even dizzy your opponent with a kung-fu movie full of combos. One new feature is the “Ultimate Attack” 3 move. When your attack gauge ; (below the energy bar) fills up, you can let it rip. The more hits you put on your opponent, the quicker

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Leo’s Ultimate Attack. But who’s he turning into??

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it fills. Each fighter has their own devastating attack, guaranteed to rip the schnitzel out of even the hardest looking dude.

There’s a grand total of 12 fight- ers with 10 at your disposal and two bosses. Aside from the Turtles, you can play as War, Aska, Wingnut, Armaggon, Chrome Dome or the deadly Cyber Shredder. The two bosses are the Rat King and Karai. And there’s already rumours of secret fighters!

To SF2 or not to SF2? As far as playability goes, it ranks almost as highly as SF2 (that’s good). And unlike the Mega Drive version, the controls are great and the special moves are easy to; execute:

The quality of the graphics is excellent, but the animation (as Sood as it is) just falls short of the brilliance of SF2. Some of the backgrounds are absolute stun- ners - the octopus background would have to be the most original I've seen in ages. And the chunky sounds are no let down either.

There’s more options than you can poke a stick at too, with just about every detail at your com- mand. You can play either in the Tournament or fight in an Art of Fighting type Story Mode saga. On maximum speed the game plays very fast, but it’s not quite as insane as full-on Turbo SF2.

Actually, there’s nothing wrong with this game at all. Sure, it’s a SF2 clone, but it’s as good as it gets. | for one like to have as

Aska spinning out... ;

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Donatello’s Ultimate Attack. Nice dragon.

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Y Some brilliant a | backdrops and great | characters, but just shy of | | perfect for animation.

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many one-on-one games as PoOssi- ble and | know I’m not alone (Are you sure? - Stuart). |

Congratulations to Konami for a game good enough to take on the best. And it sure beats getting a Barry Manilow tape for your birthday.

Thanks to the Gamesmen for the © cart.

And reWsays. a

What the hell happened to the Mega Drive version of this game (see HYPER #2)? Tournament Fighters on SNES is brilliant! The graphics and animation are amaz- ing, the voices are crystal clear, and the sounds are extra-chunky. Best of all, the playability is near perfect, with great control, easy to execute special moves, and wild Turbo speeds too! And what about those “Ultimate Attacks”?

There’s a lot of one-on-one fight- ing games in this issue, but the Turtles stands head, shell and shoulders above the rest. There’s only one game that tops it (and we all know it’s SF2), but this still runs a very close second.

7 Heaps of excellent / 7) speech and meaty ae ') sounds but typical SNES

F tunes. | hoped for | something funkier.

F clone, what more do 7) you want? Great moves, /)) great control.

=f Have you finished =p SF2 Turbo yet? Or = stopped playing it? You

| have? That stuffs me up | then, doesn’t it...

fF : Easy to get into,

| ® hard to get out of. >) Better than some of F ) my cliches!

2UP. 998500. HE O57500 wes ee Soh FS


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oe The Mega Drive version (above) : looks good but plays bad...

World Heroes is taking on not only , but the classy new SNES

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Turtles: Tournament Fighters. Can _ the arcade classic stand up and

LAK tells it like it Is.

S| oo a _ Ladies and Gentlemen we have a | ee time classic beat ‘em up combat cart! Weighing in at a hefty 16 megs, trained by Sunsoft, | bring you the arcade wreckfest WOOOOORLD aca lj sjelne el Olt SCRE ROR GE ee ear ocd nent. Its BAD, it has dominated the - gratuitous violence stakes for a long oe time now, at an awesome 20 megs - STREET FIGHTER 2!!!! Now guys | want a clean fight, no short circuits and may the best combat sim win!

; ah


Forgone Conclusion | know in reality the competition is a forgone conclusion, but | just wanted to play the role of MC for a little while. Now down to serious violence. Is there ever going to be anything which mea- sures up to the Gargantuan SF2? Well while the Turtles come pretty close and Clayfighter is heaps of fun, | feel that World Heroes is unlikely to be the cart to knock anything off a pedestal. | Having said all of the above World Heroes is actually not too bad. It has a few bone crunchingly enjoyable : moves, a nice variety of opponents,

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Fatal Attraction? No.

In the Fatal Matches you need to contend with

spikes, electricity and even floor mines. Gore LOM LLM) Lem Ue eam all gets in the way of a good match.

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Bi 7 lis) i oh bi ci ea : aa terre a Paar arate ty es vor i 3 in at he at a os é ina ai a ° ; a ; ais . r ae mt ro a m stn A LE = . Mri hah : if t i i i ree a ‘Ae A Ate ne ; - t : i ; I i ; She eal : i a 3 ie " : + a +h ary i r i = ; MLPA ae ica % a) a ta ani A en i : Tae on 4 Fl. . my bia ! anh “i Mpa : 7 pny i rae q : me pia { i a i ‘i ne } nen i. oe : Lily " Ferd ry: Trey 7 Wea, i * ay ee La te The! the a ot * y in Z i; t : ee ae J it 7 aft Tate a) I ba : ar he saa riage baat nae a i if T, i | 1a i mf Tyree ie i 1 f : ey wea far t a ina 1 i aa The, i ALE . " } : pi i n ; f i ti OLE te t Tit i ' F ay) j or La it L Tot; I: Thy W = Lhe = + "1 z * 7 Z B 1h i A t i -


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Oe es , eS oe BF back drops on the death

Bee) and it’s a pleasant romp through

| “Slaughterama’” territory.

The concept for this cart is unsur- ae prisingly rather unoriginal. Eight fight- ers from different parts of the world

_ are brought together using a time -macnine to test their skills in order to vie for supremacy in the biffo stakes.


St a eke ER a eee aaa ee

samples are reasonable, although the music has a little too much of a toy

ee , Ue tO lea: al synthesiser oriented feel. { Farnham ’s hair styles, but lets face

es it, you don’t care about storyline with 4 i carts like Heroes, it is all about the - . sound of splintering bone. | eae Heroes does deserve some credit : in that it brings together a collection SS ne UC eeMlemae Well this is the

a of innovative, and at times rather ie Semen Aas Cane es | critical category, and weird, combatants (the most bizarre = dance around them when all you real nentabig ticklish hug andlaughing PRUE ost of them being the Magician Rasputin ly want to do is suplex the sucker —_—ilike your fat uncle. There is alsocyber [UG aerliWmali@iaiiumee who can injure opponents by twirling Standing before you. netic option for those who choose to. ' much better out there.

his skirt like robe mmmm very _ Heroes only allows youto use 2. _ play Brocken. He zooms about likea §§§ [ICRI OE once cute!). There are two identical Ninja types of punch and kick (light and _ runaway missile, hydraulic arms flail- - characters (long lost cousins of Ken heavy) in conjunction with a throw, so ing about in a very menacing fashion. and Ryu perhaps?), as well as a mus- already things are looking gloomy, in And finally, if you really want to have

ee cle bound wrestling type, afemale _ that the software should have taken an unfair advantage, you can strap on armour clad swordsman, a Karate advantage of the 6 button joypad. the armour as Janne, the French Joan. Champ, a Mongolian warlord, and a Also it doesn't really seem to make of Arc inspired swordswoman, who _ - Nazi-esque hydraulic robot. much difference which of the punch- has a variety of quite devastating spe- | | The gameplay is very straight for | es and kicks you use, so the options cial moves, as well as a giggly girl’s

| ward, with a strength bar across the for good tactical plays and combos laugh just to reinforce the sexist

: top of the screen, andthe winner = seem to narrow even more. | stereotype set by Chun Li. ; : being decided by the best of three ‘Now the blood has dried, it © QS matches, making comparisons to Funny Moves Also World Heroes Sree Chae cine 20 SF2 inevitable. There are two types of _ isn’t quite fast enough to really get fered a bit of a beating doesn’t it? It OL | arena you can os aleXek<{SFan Mc dale] gc atere | the adrenalin pumping as you could isn't abad game, the problemis that @iatyny'c good, either slug it out at a series of gener- almost have a little nap between hits. SF2 IS Just SO good and Is already © &- sounds OK. but it ally well drawn locations worldwide or This cart seriously needs more speed, King of the Genre. Still, |imagine = &~&& gis play Death Matches which believe me more variety, and less of a“When! thatitwill please some of youvion ts lacks the variety, the sound more interesting that they are growup!wanttobeaSF2clone” _ lence hungry sickos out there, and . combos and the seem (7110 ean gi B16 01 mm 70100 ©) <> em) 6-01 A) 01-6 C-] ©) AIR a> aT= 101s al (-)V/o1 ee] oae ae - | originality to appeal fight in a poorly drawn arena sur- moves are quite satisfying and even lenge for the joypad callused video | to all but the most rounded by flames or electricity, and rather funny. For those who are inter = martial artists out there! So get out : ee

there are mines on the floor. This SCCM CC Ua cAVON MCR Til Mmmm tetceuee tated al <¢] al <n diehard body-

option should be avoided at all costs, | wearing a robe, there is the highly Many thanks to Console

as the deadly obstacles really get in _ original Rasputin, who seems to (ol e¥e} Connection for the cart (elaOlsssy7fo) the way of gameplay as you have to out the damage by giving his oppo- 2904) Hees aoe

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ectually challenging

cart in the world and after the initial fun, and a few decent laughs, you'll probably never play it



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Everything old is new again In recent times the HYPER office has disappeared beneath a moun- tain of 80s games updated for a new generation of game-players. There are usually a few good origi- nal ideas around, but with Galaxians clones and “Classic Arcade Packs” filling many a supermarket shelf, you start to wonder...

Now it’s time for the 1994 Winter Olympics at Lillehammer and, true to form, the games indus- try gives us a hit of old-style snows- ports. The first game | ever owned on my Commodore 64 in 1984 was “Ski Devil” and involved guiding a skiing figure down a slalom course,

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Hollywood 1s doin

the fashion world 1S doing it and even the games industry 1s getttinc in on the act - everyone’s looking to the past for inspiration. Platform shoes and flares are

back on the streets films Like the Addams Family) HilLlLbiLLies and The Three Musketeers


avoiding snowmobiles, rabbits and snome-like pedestrians. A couple of years later, U.S. Gold produced “Winter Games” for the C64, one of the first in a series which includ- ed such sports sim classics as “World Games” and “California Games”. The series was extremely popular, but mainly involved mas- tery of joystick skills more than enjoyable gameplay.

This “Winter Games” rehash for the Mega Drive has prettier graphics, a nicer front end and a few updated gameplay features, but the events and objectives remain roughly the same - although | suppose that’s mainly because the Winter Olympics haven't changed either...

Still, it would be nice for snows- ports fans with Mega Drives to be able to play a 90s version of their sport, but for those old enough to have been there before, the Lillehammer Winter Olympics is a yawn.

Frustrating button- bashing The contro! method is still a button- bashing festival, and lasta- bility is still frustratingly based around trying to mas- ter the controls and set a

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better time. Gameplay takes sever- al forms. Players can practice, go head-to-head or take part in either mini or full Olympics. Events include the luge and the bobsled, various Slalom and speed skiing courses, a Ski jump and a speed Skating event. For the ultimate in Stamina-challenges, try the biathlon of skiing, shooting, skiing, shooting, skiing... ad infinitum.

The unfortunate fact of the Winter Games is that many events are similar. Most involve skis, and of these the downhill courses, including slaloms, involve similar duck-and-weave skills, only at differ- ent paces. The only real individual event is the incredibly difficult moguls, which, for the uninitiated, amounts to four-wheel-drive downhill stunt-skiing. The bobsled and the luge are almost identical.

At the end of the day, all that’s


reba Agen

really left to interest the solo gamer is breaking one’s own record, though the computer opponents are all Winter sports geniuses (not an Eddie the Eagle among them) and they take a lot of beating.

Much better is playing in competi- tion with a trio of friends. Make sure they've similar button bashing abili- ties to yourself, however, or some- body will get bored fast.

This is not a game to steer com- pletely clear of, but a Winter Olympics game in 1994 should be capitalising a bit more on the Mega Drive’s capabilities, not simply rehashing an old format.

9eople are Lining up to see Bever L'

while SIMON :

is playing a rehashed Winter Games.



- You’ve seen it all

| before. Today’s techno-- | logy could have made this 4 | first-person through-the-

\ goggles experience.

Some half-decent

tunes, but the grating | main theme dominates.

Maybe exciting at

' first, but the controls

| are frustratingly complex i and some of the events

. are too similar.

, It takes a long

time to master the mr | events, but they don’t hold | your interest enough for |

this to be a good thing.

Y Fun for Winter .

| Olympics fans with ! | the patience of 1]

| saints. Crap for just |

| about everybody else. |

there are hundreds of golf sims on the

Golf. Love tt or hate Lt, you

ina >t avoid ut,

Pebble Beac



shelves already. Will Pebble Beach make an impact? STRETCH ARMSTRONG doubts tut...


| can well remember my visit to the real Pebble Beach, one of the true jewels of the US Pro Golf cir- cuit. It was early morning, after a drive down the Californian coast. It looked beautiful and expensive, and there was no way a scruff like me was getting near it. But now, through the wonders of technology, you (and I) can experience all of it in our own living rooms (the golf part, that is) without the smell of my trav- elling companion and squashed Coke cups littering the floor.

Something special? But it’s not as if we’ve never seen a golf game before, is it’? PGA Tour Golf 2 is a gem and even the creaky Mac | write this on has Jack Nicklaus lurking somewhere in its bowels. Basically then, with the field pretty much defined, this game will need to do something rather special to have you handing over the readies, and you’d expect something truly awesome with 16 Meg at the programmer’s dispos- al. Unfortunately, while | really like this game and have a lot of fun play- ing it, | can’t pretend that it revolu- tionises golf games as we know ‘em.

For a start, while Pebble Beach is a great and famous course, it’s the only one on offer here and that’s not really enough. In play mode, you can choose between stroke play, match play, skins and tournament play, and while that’s all fine, we’ve done them before. The course graphics too, while often excellent and obviously accurate, sometimes look blocky, especially in the “fly over” mode.

But | don’t want to dwell too much on the negative, because there’s some excellent features as

well. With 16 megs you’d expect some serious stats and they're here, to the joy of big time sports fans. Apart from the usuals, you can also play to a handicap and the bat- tery backup remembers your previ- ous performance on each hole, pro- vided you use the same name. There’s also room to save up to ten games and that’s fine, especially when combined with the four player option. The play itself is also good, and complicated enough to keep serious golfers on side. The graph- ics, for the most part, look a treat.

Sweet approach Tournament mode is best,

These are good ideas but, sadly, don’t really translate into dynamite sameplay features. Although they may not be earth-shattering, it’s still good to have your hand-picked caddy say “Sweet approach” as you nail that booming second shot.

As | said, this really is a lot of fun and if you’re a golf nut or even

just a general sports fan, you'll get

a lot of fun out of the game, espe- cially if you can rustle up some friends for a bit of serious tourna- ment play. If, however, you've already got a good golf game, | really can’t recommend that you rush out and buy this one.

for it’s here you ae gettocompete [ise ==

with the 48 computer gener- ated pros, as well as checking out the new fea- tures like cad- die advice and the putting grid.




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Shia oe ns oa an

sey ea ae ae

Good looking, | | a few shlivonailinies, | & though the “fly by” view | § and the variable height view are nice touches.


| & Sports games need fF | & atmosphere ie crowd ~~ | & noise. Even by golf's sedate standards there’s just not | Mechough a here. A


7 Very detailed, i | pretty responsive, but.

| | reckon the putting grid | is a dead loss.


Multi- player is

| always the key to

| sports games but this one | could definitely use a few more courses.

overall a W Good isola fun to" play but we’ve been

E there and done that, p I’m afraid.

HYPER> 458

There comes a time when the reign of all great leaders must come to an end. Gandhi, Kennedy, King Arthur Beetson - all had their time in the sun before moving on, Sadly, not all of their own free will. So it goes with the revered and much loved Grand Poobah. After 15 years as the head of Bedrock’s Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes he’s stepping down, thankfully without the aid of an assassin’s bullet. But, of course, he must be replaced and the ambitious Fred Flintstone sees his opportunity. Unlike the Australian Cricket team, however, it’s not just a matter of anointing a successor. No, to claim the prize of pseudo-Masonic glory Fred must be the first to find the legendary “Treasure of Sierra Madrock” and to do that he, ana buddy Barney, will have to face a number of quests.

Inventive, involved, varied & charming So goes the long wind- ed but perfectly serviceable plot of this delightful little platformer. We may not be talking state-of-the-art graphics, or gameplay that will define the 21st century, but this is inventive, involved, varied and very charming to boot. But they had a lot to work with didn’t they? Simple but effective cartoons, great characters and years worth of terrible prehis- toric puns are all pretty useful raw materials for gaming and this has captured the spirit quite well.

After the “plot” is explained you'll head to a map of Bedrock from which, through a series of bizarre prehistoric dice rolls, you can enter any number of parts of the game. Most of the game por-

HYPER>> 46

tions are of the standard left to right platform variety, as Fred and Barney do battle with car- toon armadillos, gorillas, sharks and dinosaurs, to name but a few. They’ll also have to climb, jump, swim and traverse waterfalls as they collect clams and, though this is certainly not revolutionary, the cute graphics and game clock ensure a fast and enjoyable romp. Particularly spiffing is the stage in which Fred rides swings suspended from hovering pterodactyls before making his way over the huge and crumbling bone structure of a dinosaur well past it’s use by date.

But it doesn’t end there If you have enough clams to gain admit- tance, a visit to the Bedrock Amusement Park could be fruitful

Barne SNES!

in your quest, as could playing barfly at the Bedrock Cafe from time to time. Of course, in the finest capitalist tradition, if you haven’t got the requisite clams the info will definitely not be forthcom- ing. Best of all though is the visit to Bedrock Stadium where the little racing game inside may increase your jumping ability or maybe even let you snag a very valuable map from the Grand Poobah himself.

lf you can confidently navigate all that, maybe you'll find the treasure and maybe you'll install Fred as the next Grand Poobah and surely there’s no more noble goal than that.

on the STRETCH



e Treasure of Sierra

It’s Fred and

Grand Poobah in rehistoric




it sure isn’t Aladdin, but the original was a cute cartoon, and so’s this.

Not much other than the Flintstones’ theme and a few bashing sounds really.

Basic, but it’s got all you need and a few nice touches, like the racing bit.

Has a two player option and | suspect

younger players (surely it’s

target) will keep coming back.

It certainly isn’t going to change anyone’s life but it will provide a few pleasurable afternoons.

a ees


ea brain _

can’t you?

jal ear Tel TL

wine i


Just mentioning Dune: Battle for Arrakis to a PC owner will bring a smile to their face (well, that’s if they’re not totally stupid), and now Mega Drivers get their turn with this excellent fast action strategy game set in Frank Herbert's legendary universe. If you haven't read the books or seen the film then you haven't lived, but to fill you in ever so slightly, in the Dune uni- verse, the spice melange is the most precious commodity there is because it extends life and powers inter-stellar travel. The planet Arrakis has an abun- dance of the stuff and is therefore ripe for conquest.

Playing Housie There are three powerful Houses fighting for control of the spice on Arrakis - the evil Harkonnens, the goody two-shoes Atreides and the sneaky Ordos. Each House has its own tactics, strengths and weaknesses, so you will get a different game dependent on which team you choose (this adds a lot to the lastability). When you start, you will meet your House Mentat who

D0WeFr . that Stuart Clarke has , tell he wrote this introduction

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will give you instructions and valu- able advice on the missions he sets you. Most missions involve earning a certain amount of money from har- vesting spice or wiping out the enemy in that region. You start in neutral regions, move on to attack enemy areas and the final mission is against the Emperor Frederick for total control of Arrakis.

The battlefields are on the endless sand dunes . You start with only a small section of ground visible, a few troops and tanks and a Construction Yard. You can send your men and tanks out to explore which will reveal the location of spice fields and enemy troops. Your Construction Yard is the base where you build such things as Wind Traps (for power), Spice Silos, Refineries (where the Harvester returns to convert spice to credits), Barracks (for training more troops), Outposts (provides a radar view) and even Space Ports. Of course you're going to need money for this so you'll have to harvest lots of spice, and everything needs to be built on con-

Fortunately that’s somethinc ot stacks of. You can

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Dune: Battie

ite iL

sabato hp ba ; ay

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crete slabs or they will damage quick- ly and cost money to repair.

House Specialties Actually com- pleting many of these buildings is very difficult as you are constantly under attack from one (or both) of the other Houses. Each House has its own special weapons. Atreides have Sonic Tanks as well as the support of the Arrakis natives, the Fremen. Harkonnen have the awe- some Detcnator Tank and Death Hand missiles which will take out enemy bases. Ordos have the Deviator Tank which launches a mind-altering gas to convert ene- mies, as well aS Saboteurs who bomb enemy buildings. To throw in another element, there are sand worms who will eat anyone who walks over their mound.

There is so much more to explain about this game, but luckily there is an excellent tutorial option on the cart, which goes through controls and specifics. All you really need to know now is that Dune is an excel- lent strategy title that will have you hooked from the first mission. The Mega Drive conversion is excellent and plays faster than the PC which will make action fans happier. It may not have universal appeal, but if you've got half a brain, you should



While the maps all 4 | look the same, great ~““"} | detailing and smooth, fast | scrolling make this a A delight to control.

Excellent sampled | speech and

battle noises really add

| atmosphere to the game.


: So addictive that ,

you will have to be drag- ~~ | ged kicking and screaming | from your MD. It’s faster | than the PC version too.

Ree ae

| There’s lots of

missions and there | are 3 different Houses to | play which adds up to . long-lasting fun. A

TUG ee

have many, many hours of fun.

The best action/

| strategy you can get | for the Mega Drive.

| it’s fast, hard and

| totally addictive.



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Regular HYPER readers know that the Mega Drive version of Jurassic Park was a touch on the crap side, and that the SNES ver- sion was bordering on excellent. Regular regular HYPER readers also know the benefits of a high- fibre diet, but that’s another story. What even regular regular readers won’t know about, however, is the Mega CD version of Jurassic Park, so that’s what we’re going to learn about today.

Jurassic on Mega CD is a new game altogether. If anything, it’s closer to the SNES game (in con- cept) than the Mega Drive’s dodgy platform “fun”. Basically, it’s the kind of point-and-click, first person 360 degree viewpoint graphic adventure game that PC users have been getting for years. But on Mega CD, it’s a fresh idea, and it’s actually been executed rather well.

Power lines | still haven’t seen the movie, but even | know the

olot and you don’t want to hear it anyway. In the game, you crash a


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: Haven’t you lot had enough of dinosaurs by now? Here’s a little joke guaranteed to rid you of the dino-fetish forever: She was only ™) =a ccaveman’s daughter, but you’d never guess what Y Dina saw. Boom, boom. ANDREW HUMPHREYS is the idiot responsible...

and ¢ggs

helicopter (| hope you were insured) on Isla Nublar, right near the gates to Jurassic Park. A tropi- cal storm has ravaged the park, ripping down fences, washing out roads and bridges, and freeing the dinosaurs. What’s a guy to do, eh? Well, dodging the dinos, sal- vaging their eggs, and getting both the eggs and yourself off the island is a good enough plan to Start with.

You have to find the dinosaurs’ nests, grab the eggs, and take them to the incubator in the Visitors’ Centre. You need at least one egg from each species (7 in all) to get off the island. The problem is, aS you transport the eggs around, they get cold. If they get too cold, the dino-foetuses will perish, and you can't make an omelette with a dead egg. Speed, therefore, is of the essence. Watch the clock (it ticks by in real time), because you've only got till sundown.

While you're hunting for eggs you should also stumble across a heap of weapons and tools care-

Giant ostrich dinosaur Role: Vitra-fast running predator who hunts small reptiles, small mamurals

ria eater rf nnn

lessly left lying around the island. Pick them up, they might be useful. You can use the tools (like pliers, wire cutters etc) to solve little prob- lems along the way. The weapons are all non-lethal (obummer!), so when faced with a hostile man- eater, you can either run like hell (not as easy as it sounds), or try to put him into sleepy-sleepy land with a stun gun.

The exploration is helped along by a no-frills interface. At most loca- tions you can only spin around till you're dizzy. There’s no free move- ment, it’s all done with “Travel Arrows” (find one, hit button A). You explore an area with a crosshair (when you choose an item or a weapon, the cursor changes). The crosshair changes into a little hand when you move it over something that can be handled (like a light Switch) or acquired (like a spanner).

When you’re over an object that can

be examined, the crosshair changes into a magnifying glass. It’s all stan- dard stuff, if you're used to PC adventures.

t eer Tee 1

- ss I am

rrp ple en oo

Sleeping Triceratops.

E for effort The gameplay is solid, but it’s nothing special. It’s not the most involving adventure of all time, nor is it the longest. You have to map it yourself too. But it is on a par with your average PC aaventure. Where Jurassic Park gets extra brownie points is in the Sraphics and sound departments. A lot of work (and the odd nifty touch has gone into the game, and we Should be thankful for it.

All of the game screens are well detailed and the scrolling is gener-

lip on the latex gloves Laura!

ee re aoe)


Lee |

vial gyal

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, Phra Hane pian reereetirteenttal a

ally smooth. The travel sequences and the up the stairs/down the Stairs bits in the Visitors’ Centre are particularly noteworthy) are excellent. Even the commentary from the old hippy palaeontologist is nice. Finally, good-looking full- motion video (and it’s not in a pissy little window either) thanks to the wonders of Cinepak technology. It’s a marked improvement over old Mega CD stuff.

The “sense-boggling” Q-Sound is great too. There’s lots of your typical

{ Te rl r rae re Ue ateoe en RL tt LL aie en Se 7

etter ih Tee s


Bored? You can always look at the scenery.

dino-in-the-lush-jungle sounds com- ing at you from every direction. I’m Still not sure it adds to the gameplay element, but it does make every- thing pleasant - unless of course it’s the sound of a dino munching on you! Gross.

Jurassic Park is definitely a step in the right direction for Mega CD gamers. It really is a well-made adventure. It’s just not compelling enough to be a must- buy. Check it out though, it might

just surprise you.

RRL ea

Some rather plain bits, but the excellent travel sequences make up for it. Good full motion video (what a surprise).

Atmospheric, spooky, and cleverly used - everything you expect from CD sound.

Not that much to do, but there’s a big enough area to explore and it can be fun doing It.

Standard PC adventure

It’s not overly taxing, but you can always use it to impress your friends, and you can never learn enough about dinosaurs, can you?

and enough fun to play to make it a worthy addition to

the paltry line-up of quality Mega

When the Mega CD was released there was a lot of fuss made about its fullemotion video capabilities. It was supposed to revolutionise the way you play - take you to the “next level” of excitement and interactivi- ty. Instead, we saw grainy snippets of film at the beginning and end of same rounds, or the full-motion action but non-interaction of Night Trap and Sewer Shark. It’s taken up until now, with Ground Zero Texas to show what fun can be had with full-motion video as an important element in gameplay.

It’s Interactive! The term “interactive movie” has been used far too often to describe games that have as much in common to films as Beverly Hills 90210 does to reality. Ground Zero Texas |s the first Mega CD title to really earn that description. Night Trap had minimal inter- action and you had very little impact on what occurred in the video footage, no matter how many Augs you caught


(or didn’t catch). In Ground Zero, Texas your actions really do affect the plot in both subtle and obvi- OUS Ways.

It does have similarities to Night Trap though, in that you control hia- den cameras and can switcn between them at will. This time the cameras are hidden around a small Texas border town called El Cadron, where a scabby bunch of aliens, the Reticulans, plan to launch their assault against the Earth. In order to keep their presence secret, the aliens have abducted local humans

money to spend ona

game. Well, that’s

the amount it cost to make Ground Zero Texas, and it’s probably why they’re calling it an interactive movie. Stuart

Clarke doesn’t care what they call it,

because he’s having a good time.

and have taken on their forms through a process of cellular regen- eration. You are a sort of secret agent/commando, and the American government's last hope to destroy the extra-terrestrial threat before resorting to nuclear weapons.

It’s Violent! There are four Battlecams set up in the small town that you switch between in your attempt to root out the aliens; one in the main street, one in the plaza square, one ina

hotel window and one in the pub. Each Battlecam is armed with a State-of-the-art particle beam dis- ruptor with which you shot the aliens in a sort of Mad Dog McRee style. Don’t shoot any humans though, or it’s game over. You’re helped by a friendly agent at each location, as well as a shield which can be maintained even when you are not at that Battlecam. The shield is a crucial protection, and don’t forget to activate them, as Reticulans will attack the cameras whenever they

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can (all four locations at once

sometimes). If a camera gets put

out of action, you'll be told off by

your commander Reece, but the

agent will repair it quickly enough

unless you've let them be kid-

napped, but more of that in a sec-

ond).Well, this goes for three of re se —* FUR HY

the four Battlecams anyway. If the | i. ee ~~ : me _ oo : : Se. a ae | 5. wee Ector rey lotel Window camera gets taken a ae Ninety Pea: e

out, you’re not far behind

because your command point is in

the hotel.

It’s Intelligent! But there’s far

more to this game than just lining

up targets and shooting. You have

to watch the dialogue and action

in all the locations, and stop the ae Me ee eet i § HLS Reticulans kidnapping locals or \ . Ps . : - 3 a os babar ae aaa


' 7 qi i - , A oe 4 ny = Me Mem e at, : ‘iii Me ae a + i ' es ard i, e , | i a : Ser 7 ‘F ro ire. mu CaS epee a ee . tee ee eee entree eee >: ae ne aero nena rn Nen Nene Maren neEheereErRv rr ewep ete reo liek asbieentiitiiinlaa eee a ee eee See ie ieee , uuihae ee sa inSain gee ale nae es Eom kaha et Le a Seah i Tt r F " Fee a ay F | ii : Li vy 1 i i. ' "i - a i i = a : Mir mam! ve . a . A A : i A al ie A a or ‘i 4 | ie vit ote M ff ; re | ' i ae UT 4) " I , , ve r Po . F a i J ah il Oe n a . : P 7 =a i nie oF a F nee. oe ae ae tl coon ; t i * oh - ¥ Per in mt f er eee i rere eet tbe tien eet eet Tt ite emboldened ge egg im mm Gas Ped i a ee

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even your helpful agents. If you miss the kidnapping, the next time that person appears they will be an alien. You'll also have to use the strategic side of your brain, in order to protect your Cameras. Sometimes more than one is attacked at the same time, and you'll have choose which needs help more desperately. If you make the wrong decision, you could miss an important event or your camera could be destroyed (and you along with it).

If you subdue all the aliens on the first level then you can activate a Rovercam with which you can search the town for the alien’s weapon stockpile. You have to choose locations and undertake a

Se He, See

HYPER>> $2

search which may or may not come with the extra-terrestrials. The longer you take though, the more time the Reticulans have to gather their forces (it’s here that you will first see them in their own form - they're sort of Aliens rip-off, but just not as scary).

After you've shot them to bits, the next challenge is a safe with an ingenious puzzle lock. To open this you need to piece together clues you would have picked up from the Stunned Reticulans. And there’s more at stake than just your pride here. The lock is rigged, and if you get the wrong number combination, El Cadron will be blown into orbit.

If you get the lock figured out you'll face the final alien assault in the form of robotic stormtroopers. This basically means lots of target- ing and shooting, occasionally interrupted by reports on the approaching enemy. If you manage to wipe out the stormtroopers with your very tasty laser cannon, you ought to be congratulated, you've

os fae a

ae Re oo Pace

saved El Cadron (and Earth) from nuclear destruction.

It’s Good! | got a very pleasant Surprise from Ground Zero, a nice warm and gooey feeling inside. They


spent a lot of money on it and it’s PARED

all paid off with the creation of a catec et new-style of video game. It is a very INTERACTIVE MOVIE high quality production - it looks : players

good, the controls are responsive, 4 the gameplay is challenging and eee nen addictive and even the acting is publ A sner

good, which is probably the first SONY IMAGESOFT

time | have ever said that about a game. It’s also fast-paced, which is something that Night Trap definitely wasn't. There’s no sitting around bored, flicking between cameras and waiting for something to hap- pen. There’s always something for you to shoot or watch, and when the aliens really start to attack you'll be pressing buttons frantically.

And the best thing about this game, is that every time you play it, It’s slightly different. There’s over 110 minutes of interactive footage on the 2 CDs, and aliens appear at different times and different places which means you've always got to be on your toes. And because you’ve got so much control over the game, your actions (or in-actions) really do affect the outcome, sometimes immediately and sometimes further down the track.

Mega CD owners have had to put up with some pretty crap titles that have used none of the machine’s capabilities, so they Should be rejoicing when they see this, which not only uses full- 7 motion video as an important part ; of gameplay, but uses it very well. 7



While the FMV has the usual Mega CD

| grainy look, it’s surprisingly colourful and all the footage is well-shot f and well-acted.

y Nice sombre and | § atmospheric musical | & soundtrack, with quite | & chunky effects on | occasion.

| @ it’s a movie! It’sa

| # game! It’s a...um...

interactive movie! And to | © top that off it’s very easy

| to learn, enjoyable to play | and surprisingly addictive.

AL Se Se

| Night Trap, you can

| (and will) play this one to | the end more than once. ; Every time you play it’s

| slightly different.

overall | At last we see what ¥ | | the MegaCDcando fq | § with full-motion '} video games. | Ground Zero Texas

| sets a new standard, | and it’s a weet




sa a »


Loved and Loathed throughout Sweet stor

Sierra games are alternatelL the world. They are famous for their sickly Lines and heroes. Gabriel Knight is the Latest hero, but Sins of the Father is definitely not a kid- dies’ rom NICK

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father is more like a computer novel than a same. And like all novels, the back- ground is important, so stay with me while | bring you up to date.

Voodoo Curses A drought-strick- en tribe in Africa were so desperate for rain that they made a deal with the dark gods. The price was the life of the Shaman’s daughter. The Shaman tried to fool the dark gods by taking her soul and transferring it into another girls body, however the gods knew and punished them for their betrayal. They sent the white man. Few survived the attack and those who did were taken to a new land to become slaves to the pil- srims. To try and regain their past lives and exact vengeance against the white man, the slaves continued their rituals to the dark gods.

The mayor of Charleston, South Carolina had gotten weary of the Strange deaths and occurrences which these rituals caused and called upon a witch hunter called Herr Ritter. He was a Shadow Hunter, one fated to fight the Supernatural armed only with a sacred Talisman. Unfortunately in his quest to discover the witch, he is drawn towards a beautiful slave who just happens to be the witch he’s after. Ritter becomes obsessed by the woman and unknowingly uses his amulet to unleash terrifying powers of voodoo, thus being cursed forever.

Gabriel Knight begins centuries later in New Orleans ee We still



haven't started!- Ed), as Gabriel,

last in the long line of Shadow Hunters still bears the curse and the horrifying nightmares that go with it. This is where we get the spooky subtitle - The Sins of the Father. You take the role of Gabriel trying to unravel the clues and find the key to your ancestor’s dark past. You'll have to search through New Orleans before the final part of the Shadow Hunter curse falls upon you and your immortal soul is destroyed.

Eerie Unease Now while that may sound all very supernatural and scary, Gabriel Knight is basically just a stan- dard Sierra point-and-click game. To progress, you must talk to people to find clues and objects that give Gabriel an insight into what is ahead of him. Interrogate people to research

ee ne a

At least the cherubs are an aesthetic way of asking for donations.

vital information about his past.

The game is very well presented with a well written and beautifully painted graphic novel included to set the atmosphere and to intro- duce you to the weird world of voodoo that threatens Gabriel’s life. The graphics do well in creat- ing an eerie feeling of unease, with the animation and computer con- trolled sequences being entertain- ing enough to not interrupt the flow of the game. The music is of a high standard and some sections have sreat New Orleans jazz to bop along with. The sound effects (on the floppy version) are not of the same high standard but do not detract from the game.

There are some new features here for a Sierra point-and-click same, namely the interrogation

screens that are saved onto Gabriel’s tape recorder which can be accessed later for important infor- mation. Gabriel also has to write and decipher voodoo style code symbols. And it’s a very challenging game, and will be tough even for Sierra experts. Be prepared to enter a world quite unlike one you've known before, and to experience a peculiar sort of fear that is unique to this neo-Gothic computer novel. If you feel any sharp pains, don’t worry, that just means the voodoo doll is working perfectly.






PRICE: $99.95


Nice animated sequences and

f & detailed backgrounds, but

slow down is a problem.

New Orleans jazzy ¥ sort of music, but the

fF @ sound effects are crap on = the floppy version.

- ganeplay 7 One of the harde

Sierra adventure

games, but it’s still lots of

fun if you like that sort of


Lots of puzzles an places to go, and like I said, it’s a toughie.

A well thought out

|| game, and worthy of a place in any

= adventure fan’s


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ple and intuitive to play and unbeliev- able fun. Doom is although ID, the makers, won’t say

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date lem ian kourel xe the most violent exe] aale, _ | have ever seen, and Sy Corel scc1rolVINy ~ habit forming. This isa big one Kel cy a elt a long time people Mi oye SN are

“is it aS ZOOd as Doom?” and in the very near future you can Coole iA erator

less series of clones.

ntering the Gates of Hell The cis- tant future. The Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) have been conduct- ing secret research into inter-dimen- sional space travel on the two moons

of Mars, Phobos and Deimos. A portal

has been established between the moons, anything thrown in one end

iia die oe eee


comes out the other. Recently Tate tt

“volunteers” sent through the eel Ve

have emerged foaming at the mouth

and in a really bad mood. Now, the moon

Dye ng(ossy has disappeared completely, sucked into the Dark Side through atoye

NeW gates of Hell! You lead a crack The

of Space Marines to Phobos, the Ciurelias

ing moon. From the security of your com-_ mand bunker you monitor their progress. Screams, shots, silence. Looks like it’s

up to you. With only a pistol and a bad attitude, in you go...

Cautiously peering around the first corner, the huge room intimidates with it's dark and eerie colours. Flashing computer banks are the only sign of activity. For a moment you think you hear a far off wail, haunting, un-earth- ly, but dismiss it as paranoia. Hoping


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the room is empty, you folic} your way. to the nearest door, ray SKN Keke te EEN Oliolavareitey you don’t quite make it. Halfway to VielU lg =XoFe| NEMA NI e) - cacophony of tortured death howls

explodes behind you, and reflexes take

over! Spin, shoot shoot shoot! find areola runl, the fe leroy, opens, thank God,

a shotgun on the floor!, thank God again, cle it, spin, S 10ot and pray as you get your first close look at the mutant beasts from Hell ripping at your face. Lucky for you the shotgun is the rec- ommended Space Marine Corp. weapon of choice for dealing with a dozen crazed death-demons letting loose with fire balls. A few healthy pumps and it’s just you and splattered ooze on the floor. It was close, you took some potent hits. Bleeding, dazed and almost out of ammo you resolve to work through the eight buildings on Phobos until you find your buddies, or what's left of them, and figure out what the Hell is going on here.

Diem ES IMAM Mtl

Playing Doom, you see the world entire- ly in the first person perspective, and the best looking 3-D world | have ever seen unfolds in front of you The Doom we can buy today has three main worlds to leave a trail of blood through; Phobos, Deimos and Hell Later there will be more. Each has a distinct flavour, and each has eight buildings as levels, plus a secret level.

The look of each area in each world is just stunning. Believable space archi- tecture and charismatic style with a different flavour through each level and world. The first two worlds, the moons Phobos and Deimos, are made up of refineries, computer sections, research centres and the like. Hell is slightly dif- ferent, surreal landscapes mostly in an appropriate pulsating deep red. Population: pure evil.

- a4 Cs


ae) Y aie of it looks sensational. mar building runs through multiple eee necting levels and covers

expansive rooms, claustrophobic

strobe lit catacombs and a whole lot

‘more. Acentral mezzanine may over- melee ACT eMC No] ce IIMoOCols Caen) lata oresieolame Meet aw reiceneele](e mek-Xe1 Cola idameemeclan ee charge, but expose yourself to deadly

Forel -Armour fire from surrounding balconies.

This ts as good as it gets The worlds in Doom look so real it’s eas- ier to believe you are really there than playing a computer game, and that aspect is easily Doom’s strongest point. Like no other game, Doom well and truly Sucks you in. Close the door, turn out the lights and consume


i. i

Dee ee oe oe a er ,

whatever you are legally entitled to, this is as good as it gets.

A very major contribution to the whole effect is provided by the most realistic and scary sounds that ever came out of your PC. Through a decent stereo sound card you will be deeply disturbed by gut wrenching howls in the distance. As you move towards the Source of the sound it grows slowly louder, more intense. An unexpected mutant suddenly pounces from nowhere and you ruin it’s day with a few rounds from your BFG 9000. The far away growl suddenly becomes more urgent, it’s heard the shots! Doors Slam and elevators whine somewhere in the building, there are more of them and they are closing in on you rapidly. Run away! Run away!

Oe ere rey

rata hie

secret chambers reveal better weapons, stimpacks, armour and other extremely useful goodies. A pain to find but usually well worth the effort. ssentials like first aid, armour boosts and ammo are scattered everywhere, and should be enthusiastically col- lected at every opportunity.

Doom will run beautifully on any 486. Lowly 386ers might have to utilise the optional window size adjust- ment to achieve satisfactory results though. Sorry, but please realise the world is rushing ahead of you. 4 megs RAM minimum, OK?

Buy Doom, it is revolutionary, benchmark. It is the future and it is good. Mostly though, Doom is insane- ly wicked fun and a nice place to visit when reality gets a bit dull

Big, fast and sexy. Phenomenal. Find me something better and I'll stand and cheer.

Paste a note above your screen that says “it’s only a game’”’. This may help preserve your sanity.

Massive, compell and addictive. Supremely violent, buy before “concerned parents” try to ban it.

Prediction: once installed, Doom will never be deleted.

Why are you wasting time reading this? Go and buy it!



Police Quest has traditionally focused on the really dull part of polic- ing. No arcade-style shootouts or car chases to be found here, instead it’s strictly proper procedure all the way. You want to talk to a suspect? Better flash the badge first. Want to leave the crime scene? Not without chalk- ing the body first. The game box includes the actual L.A.P.D. procedures manual. It’s a hundred pages of most- ly very boring - although in parts fas- cinating, public service rules and reg- ulations, and to play this game successfully you have no choice but to become intimately familiar with it.

Sierra adventure games have always been especially harsh when it comes to doing it all in the right sequence, without missing a thing. If you miss doing something crucial in the very first scene, you can expect to waste a few tedious weeks playing the game through to the end before you discover your error. Police Quest takes this to an extreme. Still, a lot of you out there call this fun.

Rodney King Police Quest IV was created with the guidance and advice of “retired” L.A.P.D. Police Chief Daryl Gates. He’s the friendly guy that ran the show when some even friendlier cops were videotaped gently explain- ing their point of view to Rodney King, with boots and batons. He was forced to quit amid public outrage and it was


assumed he would lay low with his massive superannuation payout. But no! Sierra, the world’s largest family and educational software company took him on without flinching. The level of his contribution is difficult to judge. | suppose he lent authenticity, but any street cop could have provided that. It looks like Sierra are counting on his name to boost sales, and that’s got to be one of the most bizarre market- ing ploy’s there ever was.

Playing Police Quest IV is the usual Sierra point and click affair, it’s a delightfully simple interface that an entire industry has copied. The left but- ton scrolls through the various icons (walk, talk, chalk etc.) and the left but-

ton makes it all happen. It’s one hand-

ed gameplay that only requires the use

of one finger and at least one eye. It

doesn’t come any easier than this.

So real, it hurts Sierra have always tried hard with the Police Quest series to produce graphics which are as real- istic as possible. Open Season takes this style to a stunning new level, with live actors being filmed, digitised and re-painted. Scenes where lots of move- ment and activity (not many!) take place look brilliant. While it falls short of cre- ating any sense of “being there’, it’s a sreat effect that is very impressive. You’re a L.A.P.D detective and you wear a brown suit. Your mundane exis- tence has been rudely interrupted by the murder of your bestest buddy and

partner, Hickman. His tortured body is found in an alley, along with that of a young boy. Hello, hello, what's Hickman been up to? A bit of sniffing around and some apparently use- less information is obtained, then its back to HQ for the good news that It’s you that’s gotta figure this one out. Lucky for you, you posses a keen wit and mammoth patience. Should have this one wrapped up in no time...

This is high quality, not very exciting entertainment. It is also a fresh chal- lenge to disciplined minds who don’t mind a bit of plodding and fancy them- selves with a shiny badge and an even Shinier brown sult.

ranee Quest IV



ESE ie | Sharp, fluid and


©® realistic. So much so

that any element of style

| is completely absent.

ou and

- : annoying elevator | music drones on and | on and on...



= effortless, mentally ® taxing. There is a | definitive “Sierra’’ style, © and this is it.


If you decide to

| play it through you’re | in for the long haul, don’t | | book any holidays for a few . weeks.


- Sierra fans will love”

it, but newcomers

| may be put off by the = bland tapestry of it oy all.

The Terminator has spawned countless computer and video games. Most of them are crap. But The Terminator Rampage is an exception. Or so says DAVID


The Terminator, as you all know, was afilm. The Terminator Rampage is a game, a very tasty one at that. This makes it a bit of a special case, the one that slipped through the net etc. Yes, it is sort of a film conver- sion, but no, it isn’t rubbish. It is, in fact, rather good. And even better than that it’s not a hastily cobbled together platform bore either. Why, It's almost enough to make you leap to your feet, raise your arms to the heavens and joyously shout “Hooray!”. Almost, but not quite.

Meta-Nodes & Sky-Nets You play a Resistance commando, sent back through time to just before the war, you know, the big nuclear one which eradicates virtually the entire human race, and is consistently happening in all things sci-fi. You’ve

been sent back to destroy the Meta-


been sent back by the 21st century SkyNet Orbital Platform to provide info and data to the 20th century version of SkyNet and ensure that it would triumph in the war against Man. But, if you succeed in termi- nating the Terminator then Man will win. Right. But, hang on, if the war has already happened in the future and Man lost, then surely you didn’t succeed in your mission in the past... So, um, what’s the point in playing the game? Time paradoxes, eh? Love ‘em.

No, I'm just joking, there is a point (or points, if you want to get

least 24 levels beneath the surface.

Node Terminator which, in turn , had 7

pedantic) to playing the game and they are (1) the astonishingly impressive graphics, (2) the nail- shreddingly intense atmosphere and (3) the cathartic release generated by participating in computer-simulat- ed violence. Oh yes. The action Is presented in full-screen first-person 3-D with your right-hand visible at the bottom holding whichever weapon you happen to have at the time. Sound familiar? Yes, we’re talking Wolfenstein SF or CyberWolfenstein here, with less Germans and blood but more Cyborgs and explosions.

Basic mindless violence The Meta-Node Terminator is housed in the massive Cyberdyne Systems building, the place where the SkyNet development is being carried out, at


You must venture through each of the levels and on the way construct a plasma cannon, from any spare parts you discover, as it will be your only effective weapon in the final

Showdown with the Meta-Node itself.

The great thing is that you really feel like you're exploring an abandoned building the layout of the each level is just right (though | occasion- ally found myself wishing they weren't quite so large) and visually, with messy desks, swivel-chairs and rubbish bins complete with still- smoking cigarette butts, it’s

Superbly detailed. The music, sound-

ing like a crossbreeding of Jean- Michel Jarre and The Orb, really does hit the target beautifully, although the effects fail to rise above functional.

But the real pleasure of playing Terminator Rampage comes from knowing that you own a ninja-com- puter. That is, you really need super- fast machine to enjoy this to the fullest. Got a 33MHz 486 with a ridiculously quick VGA graphics card? If you do, then buy Terminator Rampage immediately.

Any possible reservations? Well, it’s basic, it’s mindless and it’s vio- lent, so maybe... God, what am | Saying’? Basic mindless violence, it’s great!

SUSUR CEE e it ee >

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| £& Simple, accessible & | Ff and terrifically violent “| | fun. It’s also very | “atmospheric”.

Ric eae

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| ( BETHESDA SOFTWORKS ) = $99.95 |

Y Quite stunning


Large playin | but simplistic nature may restrict game life.

Easily one of the

| best action games / for the PC.



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All those people who rushed out to buy a Menacer, when 72 was hitting its peak must be feeling a little stupid now. And probably a tad pissed off too. Sega promised lots of Menacer compatible software, but apart from the excel- lent 72 and the crappy pack-in cart, nothing else has emerged to get trigger fingers itching. And apart from Body Count, there doesn’t seem to be too much else arriving in the near future. Luckily though, if you’re a fan of mindless vio- lence and shooting everything that moves (or doesn't move, what the hell!), then you should have a big smile on your face when you line up Body Count in your infra-red sights.

| could make lots of Ice T jokes here, but I’m going to resist. It’s enough to say that Ice would probably be totally down with this cart because It contains lots of intense violence and non-stop adrenalin charged action. | haven’t even both- ered to find out the plot (if there is one), because it really doesn’t matter. All you need to know Is that there are monsters on the screen firing at you, and you have to obliterate them in any way possible. There’s your standard gun-fire plus lots of juicy grenade’s to make things easi- er. In fact, if you’ve played 72 with the Menacer, then you'll know exactly what to do - the game- play is basically identical.

The graphics are great - there are heaps (and | mean heaps) of large, gruesome baddies all coming at you at once, and the backdrops are basic but effective. The Menacer works well, but it's probably just as much fun with a joypad. If you like shooting things frantically, then Body Count is for you. If you don’t, then you’ll proba- bly think this is the most mindless bore in exis- tence.

Stuart Clarke

POP MC REO a) MEGA DRIVE Available: Now Category: Flight Sim Players: 1 Publisher: Electronic Arts Price: No RRP

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Flight sims are not exactly suited to console gaming. If you’ve got a PC, then the world is your sim oyster, but if a grubby old 16-bit console is all you have, then you’re probably better chasing golden rings with Sonic, than entering the heady world of flight simulators. But be that as it may, F- 117 Nightstorm, for all its fundamental flaws, manages to at least provide a few hours of enter- tainment. It isn’t gonna change your life but if you can get over the basic inadequacies (its slow, moves jerkily and looks pretty crappy) then, at least In Campaign mode, you’ll want to spend some time to master it.

The game has two modes of play - Arcade and Campaign. In Arcade mode you can set the game- play variables - number of enemy units, time limit, flying conditions (day, twilight, night or fog) and level of difficulty. Unfortunately without a purpose, the game is slow and pretty tiring.

At least Campaign mode sets goals and gives you a chance to learn how to use the various laser-guided bombs and missiles available. You Start with training in Nevada, followed by covert operations in Grenada and Panama (putting down disobedient former allies), then on to Libya and the Gulf (to deal with those “insane” madmen). After all that you get to pit the Stealth Fighter’s “awesome firepower” against future targets such as Bosnia and Korea. Yes, you too can be a mem- ber of the world’s police force!

Whilst the graphics are rudimentary, some of the alternative views (accessed through the Pause button) allow you to watch the plane from various perspectives, and this is quite effective. You also get a “bomb’s eye” view (ala CNN Gulf news cov- erage) of the “Paveway III” and “Maverick” bombs. These can be guided to their destination quite easily but take a few minutes to master.

If you're after a decent campaign-based mili- tary simulation, then F117 Nightstorm will provide it. However, if you're in the market for a top notch flight sim - buy a PC!

Russell Hopkinson


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PEC ‘Category: Gothic Pinball ==

ec er a ESC a | Price: TBA |

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Come hither, O ye of stout heart and face the “awesome might” that is Dragon’s Fury 2. Yes, the Dragon Queen is back, and this time she’s captured three nubile warriors whose freedom will ald you in the destruction of Queenie and her dreaded minions.

Dragon's Fury 2 is the sequel to the highly enjoyable Dragon’s Fury (Doh! - Ed), and if you didn't see the original, you missed out because it provided hours of mindless entertainment (and let’s face it, that’s the best kind!). Basically it’s a pinball simulation that pits you and your trusty flip- pers against a whole bunch of evil swords ‘n’ sor- cery type goons. Not that the denizens of DF2 are that harmful, they merely wander around the play- ing field waiting to get KO’d by your silver ball.

Once the cannon fodder are wiped out, you have to shoot the pinball through the designated portal and enter the special zones that enable you to firstly free your allies (drawn in the best Frank Frazetta cleavage, muscles and loincloth manner, natch), and secondly combat the trio of hideous monsters that lurk within. Finally you have to fight the Dragon Queen in both her reptilian and buxom wench forms. Once you've done this the game ends in a flash of crappy animation and silly digi- tised histrionics.

Dragon’s Fury 2 is a whole bag ‘o fun for pin- ball enthusiasts, and stands up to repeated play- ing, but ultimately it is no different from the origi- nal. A few digitised images and some rather garbled digitised speech does not a sequel make. The game plays well but looks pretty crappy. Most of the targets and monsters are a bit fuzzy and as for the sampled sound effects and muzak, well “tacked on” is a phrase that springs to mind.

You'll probably have fun playing it, because it’s the type of game even computer phobic philistines could relate to, but it’s very much a “been there, done that” situation. As a sequel it’s no improve- ment over the original and as my Uncle Clarence used to say, “If it ain't broke, don’t fix it!”.

Russell Hopkinson

You're in a dungeon somewhere in medieval Arabia, you're wearing MC Hammer pantaloons that look quite ridiculous (they must have been the fashion at the time) and you’re desperately trying to save a virginal princess who’s in severe danger of being ravaged by a horny Sultan. Yep, you guessed it, you’re on your way to becoming the Prince of Persia.

After appearing on every other computer and console format known to man, Prince of Persia is finally making its debut on the Mega Drive. It’s been a hell of a long wait for this classic title...far too long in fact, and this is no longer the must-have it once was. With games such as Flashback and even Prince of Persia 2 taking the same concept much further, the original is really starting to show its age. Not that it’s lost all its appeal though. This is still a landmark game and if you've never seen or played it before you should definitely do yourself the favour.

The Mega Drive version is a good one, and is probably better than the tragic Mega CD effort (apart from the music). The graphics are very nicely detailed and the main character moves beautifully (as you would expect). But as I’ve alreaay said, with other rotoscoped games such as Flashback taking character animation much further in complexity, it no longer has the “Wow” value it once did. Still, you have some fun run- ning through the dungeon, jumping spiked pits, sword-fighting with guards and rescuing your obligatory princess.

All in all, Prince or Persia is a great game, and rightly deserves its legendary status. Unfortunately for all you Mega Drivers it arrived about two years too late.

Stuart Clarke |

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The similarities between this and Dr Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine (reviewed last issue) are uncanny. Two fat, overly cute spinoff characters starring in their own puzzle games with lots of Mario/Sonic branding all over the place - if you thought about it for too long you might begin to realise that two mega corpora- tions were out to trick you into parting with your cash for a couple of very simplistic games. Market manipulation, eh?

Here's the plot: Yoshi lands a job in the Mushroom Kingdom’s cookie factory and, being the fun-loving dinosaur that he is, he decides to liven up the day’s drudgery by using the cookies for a game. The basic idea is to arrange the cookies into horizontal or vertical lines. Do that and they disappear. Bang! Next level.

There's three variations on the basic theme. The Action game (one-player) has 10 rounds of 10 stages. Your aim is to empty the cookie jar in each stage - if you’re not fast enough Yoshi adds more cookies. The Puzzle game adds a more strategic element: you’ve only got a set number of moves to clear the stage. There’s 9 rounds with 10 stages, but none of them are too taxing. As a puzzler, it’s best suited to younger gamers. Older puzzleheads should stick to Super Tetris.

The only thing that’ll really keep you interest- ed is the two-player Vs game. It’s a head-to- head bake-off, full of the seething bitterness and lingering hatred all good two-player games should have.

The Mario World graphics are fine (if uninter- esting), the music’s as annoying as all hell, but the simple gameplay might appeal to the sadder members of the gaming community. If you like puzzle games, Yoshi might do the trick, but if you don't, he’s definitely not going to convert you.

Andrew Humphreys

This port of an Amiga classic brings back fond memories. It was a perennial favourite for the rusty old A5OO - pure arcade fun, especially in the brilliant two player mode which is it’s best feature.

Alien Breed brings all its original charm and

appeal to the IBM, and happily gives PCers some-

thing new for two consenting players to do simul- § taneously. It’s an Amiga/Sega style run around |

and shoot anything that moves kind of fun, set in an overhead view of the corridors and rooms of an alien infected Space Base.

Rampage your dude through the levels, toast- ing the hordes of creatures that just keep on com- |

ing. It is no great surprise to find that it is impos- sible to actually clear an area, as the moment you move away from the bit on screen it is instantly re-populated with more of the nasties. While this is a bit annoying, it’s more a reflection of the sort of game this is than any failing.

The mandatory array of keycards, credits and

first-aid are lying around everywhere, to be picked

up by running across them. What a fresh and excit- Ing new concept!. Naturally enough the keys open doors, although there always seem to be more doors than keys so you might have to do a level a few times to figure out where to go and what to avoid.

Every bit of Alien Breed is a re-hash of ideas

which have been used reliably throughout the his-

tory of the computer game, so for innovation this one scores a low zero. There are at least hundreds, possibly thousands of games exactly like Alien Breed, but there is a reason for that - they’re lots of fun (in small doses).

Leave your brain in bed and go make a few alien

families fatherless, and as with most things, do

it with a friend for the best effect. Ben Mansill

Rey Waa aw las aoe

PC |

Available: Now

Category: Action Flight Sim Players: 1

Publisher: Nova Logic Price: $59.95

Baa Tae ates eons

With computer games remaining one of the premier legal alternatives to reality, it is encour- aging to see the kind people at Nova Logic doing their bit to push the medium to its techni- cal and emotional limit.

Comanche Maximum Overkill has been with us for almost a year now, and in that short but most pleasant time has established itself firmly as the cutting edge in both graphics and utter fun. It is a simulator of combat in the U.S. Comanche helicopter, a devilish Kevlar killing machine under development by those friendly souls at the U.S. Dept. of Defence.

The real Comanche is slowly dying the death of a thousand budget cuts, but in the sim you can take this techno wonderbeast through the most sensational two dimensional 3-D ever seen. Hunt enemy helicopters, stalk formations of tanks ringed by devastating air defences, rip through iced canyons in a snow storm, skirt the edge of a smoking volcano, do it all! Comanche is the sort of game you play until a caring family member shakes you violently, pointing out how beneficial it would be if you ate or washed.

We have already been blessed with one add- on mission set, and now the second, “Over the Edge”, has arrived. In this one you'll get to race around towering mesa formations and narrow canyons, shooting all they way. It looks stun- ning, as do all of the dozens of new missions and terrains added to the original game. New bad guys to waste and new places to waste them, the new missions escalate gradually from the easy to the almost impossible, and it’s more of the glorious same all the way.

If you're a Comanche fan it would be silly to tell you to check it out, because you'll probably already own the add-on. If you’ve never played Comanche before (I pity you), then you should rectify the situation immediately, and get this glorious mission disk with the main game. It’s about as good as it gets.

Ben Mansill

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Litil Devil is a very deceptive package. At first glance it seems like just another lame arcade game, good for a couple of hours until the bore- dom becomes to much to bear. But as one per- severes It becomes apparent that this is a game with great variety and depth, a demanding game but not a taxing one. Most surprisingly, it’s a | real hoot to play.

The utterly believable plot: The Grand Council of Devils meet for the ceremonial drawing of straws to determine who will quest through the Labyrinth of Chaos for the Mystic Pizza of Plenty. Yeah, right. You are Mutt, the looser (or winner?) of the draw. Cheerfully you bid your chums farewell and descend bravely into the Labyrinth.....

I've always hated Labyrinths, in any such game they are boring, repetitive and usually festooned | with unexpected pitfalls and other hazards which are always a pain to deal with. Devil’s Labyrinth IS no exception - vast tunnels which need to mapped on the provided grid-lined notepaper, a task that makes it all even more dull and tedious. | Fortunately though, the Labyrinth serves only to connect a variety of rooms which each contain a different challenge for Devil.

The usual variety of tasks to be found in these - rooms cover combat, puzzles or dexterity. You will quickly want to head to these rooms, for they offer the real core of the game. Each challenge is always a fresh and original progression from the last and § IS uSually very straightforward in what it requires of you but demanding of your skill and cunning.

The style is all Saturday morning cartoon. Devil IS deliberately cute and extensively animated, as are all the characters in the game. A quick check | of your hard disk space shows why, a massive 30 megs of catacombs and critters make for many long hours of amusing play.

Ben Mansill


Cant shoot? Can’t

ten k?

Computer, opponents kicking wood polish\ in your face” You need the HYPER Helping to NBA Jame:

Althouch) the buttons might be in different places, all the moves for tle SNES and)Mega Drive versions, as welll as the arcade) game; eracihy die Same, SO alll NiE\ Jammers should wake Move.

Hie ed

Shooting Hold the Shoot button

down to make your player jump.

i Release the button at the top of the jump to improve your accura- cy. If it looks like your shot will be blocked, remember that you

| can “dish off” to your team-mate

| while you’re in the air by press-

ing the Pass button.

You can also tap the Shoot button twice for a quick-release shot - but these shots are easier to block.

"s a ea

aCe Mae

Hit three shots In a row (with- f out an opponent scoring) ana you're “on fire” until the other team scores. While you're on fire, all your shots are much more likely to hit - so go for three-pointers. You can also

gsoal-tend as much as you like and never get called. So to stay on fire, hang near the basket and goal tend! You've also got unlimited Turbo power when you’re on fire, so make the | most of it!


Hook Shots Hook shots have a

higher chance of going in than a standard jump shot. Run straight towards the basket and tap Shoot for a regular hook shot. Hold Turbo and tap Shoot (you still need to be running straight at the basket) for a higher arc on the hook.

Lay-Ups Hold Shoot for a short time as you run for the basket.

Head Fakes Tap the Shoot button once. But if you’re not playing in Tag mode, a computer team- mate with the ball will shoot when you do this.

Turbo Passes Turbo passes are quicker and harder to intercept than a standard pass. Press

Throwin’ Elbows Tap Turbo twice. Very useful after you grab a rebound or to make an easy shot. Remember the travelling rule though.

Turbo and Pass at the same time.


Knockdowns Press Turbo and Steal at the same time to knock an opponent down. It’s sreat on both defence and offence - you can even do it if you’re holding the ball. If you're downed, try hitting your buttons to get up.

Steals Tap the Steal button repeatedly while you're in your opponent’s face. Otherwise, knock ‘em down till they drop the ball.

Res one ae

Rebounds Hold Shoot and point the control pad in the direction of the basket. Hold Turbo and Shoot to jump higher.

Blocking Shots Stay in your man’s face. Hold the Shoot but- ton to jump as he shoots. Hold Turbo and Shoot to jump higher. It's all timing. Knock downs (while the player’s in the air) also work great.

Rejecting a dunking player is Slightly more difficult. If they're soing for a low dunk, try knocking | them down. Otherwise, get between them and the basket and press Turbo and Shoot when they’re at the peak of the jump. You can take the ball from behind a dunker sometimes - it’s always worth a try.

Dunks are what it’s all about, position. Experiment wit Ree gt ccie ae are fe ce ee = ee te we bs fe ye ce at but sometimes, dunking can be a favourite players, startin ee er eer ere ea a ee “bad decision’. If time is running from different positions in and ey re ei Pee. ryaeeray EONS go Oe out in a period, use a jump shot. around the key. : ih Se eS a a ee ew, a a It the buzzer sounds while you re You need a clear path to the tte oe eee a al in mid-air going for a dunk, it basket. Then just hold down OTe. “Ae, MAE eae SB a eS oe Oe v4 won't count. Turbo and Shoot as you run. For

There are over 50 different some of the weaker dunks, you dunks in NBA Jam. The dunks a only need to hold down Shoot. i perms i racer Ng tein Ne eb AE eas oe See ure real lcs eens Ie player can perform depends on Alley-Oops: Much easier with a [RAMSAR atau ine gets © Se ER ie ee ee rating, the more dunks are avall- ball should move under the bas- _ |__ AEE GSS, es G eS eee ee ae eee ee es | able. Scottie Pippen and Mitch ket and hold shoot while the ae a A a ate ln ee ee TD | Richmond are HYPER favourites. other guy presses Turbo and Pass

| Dunks depend on your court o throw to the jumper.


Seek eee





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Phage ae. -

So what’s new? More blood for

a start. The fatalities are back, and they’re better than ever. Each character has multiple fatalities too - we’ve given you aS many as we know. There’s at least 3 secret characters. How do you get to them? We don't know... yet. Along with the new fatalities, there’s two new sets of bizarre “finishing” moves. The first are the Friendship moves. A Friendship move is very unlike a fatality - they show the softer side of the MAIi//l warriors. Shang Tsung, for example, raises his hands above his head (looking very omi- nous) then lowers his hands to produce a beautiful rainbow with a big smile on his face! Scorpion pulls a little Scorpion doll from his Gi and says “Buy a doll”!

The second set of moves are

the Babalities. When the voice Says “Finish him/her’, you can turn the losing character into a screaming little baby!

Now, these moves won't work

on all machines (we think you need aversion 2.0 or 2.1 machine), but if we can get them working we'll print the moves for you next month - along with a MA // strategy guide.

The Moves of MKII


F = forward,

B = back,

D = down,

Ur =p;

DB = down back, DF = down forward, iP’ = low punch,

HP = high punch, LK = low kick,

HK = high kick,

() = together. Simple really.


You want a hot game, eh? Mortal Kombat Il is hot enough to fry an egg on. Go on - head

down to your local arcade and try it (it’s messy, but nice). While you’re there, try out this awesome array of moves NICK SMITH assembled for us.


He led the attack against Liu Kang’s Shaolin temples. Baraka belongs to a nomadic race of mutants roaming the wastelands of the Outworld. His fighting skills gained him the attention of Shao Kahn, who recruited him into his army.

Double kick

Tap HK twice (stand close to oppo- nent).

Blade swipe


Blade fury

5. 6; Bole

Blue bolt

D, DB, B, + HP

Blade Spin

D, DB, B + (LK + HK).

Fatality 1 Hold Block, B, B, B + HP

Baraka extends his blade from his arm, then decapitates his victim with one swipe. Stand close. Fatality 2 BP OD 7P LP

Baraka stabs his victim then lifts them up. They slide down the blades Slowly (ouch!). Stand close.


Shang Tsung’s personal protec- tor. His human form is said to dis- guise a horrid reptilian creature whose race was thought extinct mil- lions of years ago.

Acid spit

Ae reRe


DB + Block + LP + LK Force ball

B, B, (LP + HP) Invisibility

Hold Block, U, U, D, HP

Fatality 5, By ye

Reptile shoots his tongue at his victim’s head, then eats it. Icky> stand about a jump’s length away.

Liu Kang

Having defeated Goro and Shang Tsung, Liu Kang returns to his tem- ples as the master of the Shaolin Tournament. He discovers his sacred home in ruins, his Shaolin brothers killed in a vicious battle with Outworld warriors. Now he trav- els into the Dark Realm to seek revenge.

Standing fireball

F, F, HP (can now be done in mid-air) Crouching fireball


Flying kick


Bicycle kick

Hold LK for 5 seconds, then release.

Fatality 1 DD, F,-B,B; HK

Liu Kang will transform into a dragon and bite the victim in half, leaving the legs standing. Stand | close. Fatality 2 Rotate the joystick 360 degrees away from your opponent.

Liu Kang will do a cartwheel kick followed by a massive uppercut. stand outside of Sweep range.


After learning of Sub Zero’s return, Scorpion rises from the pits of hell once more to stalk his assas- sin.


B, Boke

Teleport punch

D, DB, B, + HP (can be done mid-air) Leg grab

D, DB, B, + LK

Air throw

Jump towards a jumping opponent and press Block.

Fatality 1 Hold Block, U, U, HP

The old Rib Roastin’ move. Stand a step or two out of Sweep range. Fatality 2 Keep holding HP and press Down, PEE.

Scorpion slices his victim across the neck then cuts them in two.

Kung Lao

A former Shaolin monk and mem- ber of the White Lotus, he is the last descendant of the great Kung Lao, who was defeated by Goro 500 years ago. Realising the danger of the Outworld menace, he joins Liu Kang in the contest.

Ground teleport

D, U

Aerial kick

D + HK while jumping. Hat throw


Whirlwind spin

Hold Block, U, U, LK

Fatality 1 FP aesce: AP

Kung Lao will uppercut the victim into the pit or onto the spikes. You must be on The Pit Il or Kombat Tomb stage. Stand close. Fatality 2 RR Fak

Kung Lao removes his razor hat and slices the victim down the mid- dle. Stand just within sweep range.


Realising the grim intentions of Shao Kahn, the Thunder God ven- tures into the Outworld.


B, B, F (can be done mid-air) Lightning

D, DF, F, + LP




Hold HP (4 seconds) and release (close to opponent).

Fatality 1 Wo UA Raiden will uppercut the victim into the pit or onto the spikes. You must be on the Pit Il or Kombat Tomb stage. Fatality 2 Hold LK, D, F, F, F, then release. Raiden grabs and lifts his victim, then shocks the shit out of them. stand close. Tap Block + LK repeatedly after the shock treatment and the victim will explode.

Johnny Cage

Cage follows Liu Kang into the Outworld to compete for Planet Earth, glory, and a potential film- script (not necessarily in that order).

Low green bolt

D, DF, F, + LP High green bolt

D, DB, B, + HP Shadow Kick B,F+LK

Ball breaker

LP + Block Shadow uppercut B, D, DB, B, + HP

Fatality 1 D: DF. Fate Cage grabs the victim and rips off their torso. Stand close. Fatality 2 FE Pobe The Big Uppercut. Stand close.

Shang Tsung

Stinging from his defeat, Shang Tsung flees to the Outworld, and to his master, Shao Khan. Shao Kahn restores Shang Tsung’s youth and allows him to live.

Flaming skulls B, B, HP (one skull) B, B, F, HP (two skulls) B, B, F, F, F, HP (multi-skulls)

Morph to Liu Kang

B. Fe F, Block

Morph to Kung Lao

B, D, B, HK

Morph to Johnny Cage B..6..0,.Le

Morph to Reptile

Hold Block, U, D + HP Morph to Sub Zero

F, D, F, HP

Morph to Kitana

Tap Block three times Morph to Jax

D, F.. B. HK

Morph to Mileena Hold HP (3 seconds) then release Morph to Baraka

D, D, LK

Morph to Scorpion Hold Block, U, U Morph to Raiden


Fatality 1 Hold HK (3 seconds) then release. Shang Tsung turns into a mist and enters the victim’s body, which explodes. Stand just within sweep range. Fatality 2 Hold Block, U, D, U, LK Tsung picks up his victim and drains their life force.

Sub Zero

Thought to have been killed in the Shaolin Tournament, Sub Zero makes acome-back. It is believed he travelled to the Outworld to assassinate Shang Tsung.


D, DE, Fy + LP Ground freeze

D, DB, B, + LK


DB + Block + LP + LK

Fatality 1 F, F, D; AK

Sub Zero will ice his victim all over. Stand just out of Sweep range. EDF ey He

sub Zero will shatter the top part of the iced body. Stand close. Fatality 2 movement unknown.

Sub Zero will throw an ice- grenade into his opponent's stom- ach. Boom!


Her beauty hides her role as per- sonal assassin for Shao Kahn. Seen talking to an Earth Realm warrior , her motives have come under suspi- cion by her twin sister Mileena. Only Kitana knows her true intentions in the tournament.

Fan swipe

B + HP

Fan throw

Fy re (EP + AP) Fan lift

B, B + HP

Air sweep F, B + HP

Fatality 1 F, D, F,cAK Kitana will uppercut the victim into the pit or onto the spikes. You must be on The Pit Il or Kombat Tomb stage. Stand close. Fatality 2 Hold LK, F, F, D, F, then release. Kitana leans and kisses the vic- tim, who then expands to unnatural proportions and explodes. Stand close. Fatality 3 Tap Block three times, HK Kitana draws her fan and decapi- tates her victim. Stand close.


Johhny Cage

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me i ae a a

ang Tsung Kitana


Serving as an assassin with her twin sister Kitana, Mileena has been asked by Shao Kahn to watch for signs of her sister’s suspected dis- sension. She must put a stop to it at any cost.

Teleport kick


Ground roll

B, B, D+ HK

Drop kick

5, F +L

Sai throw

Hold HP (2 seconds) then release (can be done mid-air).

Fatality 1 Faby ee

Mileena repeatedly stabs the vic- tim, lifting them up as the blood flies. Stand close.

Fatality 2 Hold HK for three seconds, then release.

Mileena removes her mask (revealing Baraka-like teeth) and inhales the victim, spitting out the bones. Stand close.

Sub Zero

a F ay



Full name: Major Jackson Briggs. Leader of a top US Special Forces unit. After he receives a distress sig- nal from Lt. Sonya Blade, Jax embarks on a rescue mission. He winds up in the Outworld, where he believes he will find Sonya still alive.

Ground smash

Hold LK (3 seconds), then release. Gotcha grab


Quadruple slam

Throw the opponent then tap HP. Energy wave

D, DB, B, + HK

Back breaker (air throw)

Jump towards an opponent in mid- air and press Block.

Fatality 1 | Hold LP, B, B, B, then release.

Jax claps the victim’s head. It explodes with a loud pop! Stand close.

Fatality 2 Block 4 times, then LP.

Jax grabs the victim’s arms and

rips them off.

HYPER>> 65


During the stunning opening anima- tion, take controller 1 in your hot little hands and press the buttons in this order: RIGHT, LEFT, A, RIGHT, UP, C, B, DOWN, LEFT, B, A, UP and START. You can then start the game and play as normal, but when your shield is running low, take pad 2 and press button A repeatedly, and your energy will be restored. Keep on blasting!


BEOOOPNS ea ie in

eee e ere oe er ee te Sek See ere weer oe i Tie F 5

SELECT ANY WEAPON Play the game, PAUSE it and oress these buttons in this order:


BON COO C wR. Al CC tO.8 Credit for this one goes to oo <. B. Phew! Now UNPAUSE it and Brad Bown of Coomandook, SA. se a hold ays buttons A. B. and C. § Nice one Brad. To get to the super hard level (and who doesn't like a

challenge?), on the Konami screen, press DOWN 6 times, UP twice, and

You can select any weapon by | : & then DOWN twice. If it’s worked, you should hear a scream. Now get to it!

oressing DOWN on the control pad. Now make some blood!


Yes, it’s another oldie, but

it’s also another goodie and it

might just help someone out

there. If it does, you've got

Michael Theoclitou (or is that

Theochtou?) to thank. CHEATS GALORE

You've got Bruce Braybrooke of St lves, NSW, to thank for these juicy cheats for this top Shooter.

For a Level Select and Invincibility, at the Player Select screen move the cursor to the Big Viper and press UP, button L and X together for 15 seconds. The Stage select will pop up. Pick your level and press Start.

For Full Power and Options PAUSE the game and press B, B, Ki he, ¥ A YSU, LEFT then Start. You can only do this once per level.

For three Super Bombs, PAUSE

All you have to do is PAUSE the game in any level and press A, B, C, B, A, C, A, B, C, B, A, C and you ll skip to the next level (and maybe

even to m’lou my darling).

STAGE SELECT Getting bored of starting at the beginning? Hmmm, we are too. Go to the Options, and set the sound to 3A, the level to Hard, and the CD-

DA number to the stage of your choice. Now press the B button and the game and press AX, X, x, B, B, the START button at the same time. Hopefully you will see a Continue ¥, 7; ¥; Ay Ay A, Button L, bution KR option on the title screen. Choose this option and go to whichever @ and Start.

stage your heart desires.

5S STARS IN CHAMPION MODE When the animation of the fighters begins and it scrolls up the building, wait until the screen fades and only the Street Fighter li words are showing.

With the 6-button controller, quickly press the buttons in this order: DOWN, Z,

UP, X, A, Y, B, C. With the 3-button controller, you’ll have to try and quickly do

it this way: DOWN, C, UP, A, A, B, B, C. If you get it right you’ll hear Zangief’s voice. On the Title Screen, go to Champion Mode and move the pad right for 5



ee ene Ae ead


It’s an oldie, but a goodie, it’s been sent in by Daniel Hammond, and it goes something like this: when you're choosing your men, choose as many as possible. Place your tower then QUICKLY move down to the number of men and HOLD button C to decrease the number. You'll have plenty of men on the island and lots left over too!


It’s a lame game, but this will help you get through it a lot faster. The timing is critical for this code to work. At the Title Screen press START. When Rocky is running across the street, enter this as fast as you Can - Y, A, R, A, B, A. You will then see a new Options screen. Make the contin- ues a “?” for unlimited goes.


The following codes will take you through most of the levels of this extra huge game, but not all (believe it or not, you really have to do some things yourself





You can have the CPU play any match for you, not just the demo. Play a whole league season complete with passwords in this way if you want!

set up the match conditions re teams, Strategy, tourney type, pitch conditions, total game time and so on, then go to the controller icon screen but instead of choosing LEFT or RIGHT as your controller option, let the two controller icons stay in the middle of the screen and simply oress START.

The game will now start with the CPU controlling both teams. The ultimate lazy video game. Mind you, it’s rather nifty to be able to set up your very own Match of the Day whenever you’re in a footy watch- ing mood, and if you hook up two con- trollers you can fiddle about with both team strategies as though it were VS mode.

Peter Brodie Cronulla NSW

ee ae

cscs manag PASSWORDS

Meanwhile, Andrew has been busily ™s cobbling these passwords together. The World Cup is only one game away.

Here’s a code for Italy RKWB33J1CY1F

= Some codes for England KO3WT160+ (Quarter final K53WT 26153 (Semi final K53WT5PLG (Final

Codes for the Cameroons ne oo JWSBK4MO3D (Semi final int onan we es ela als JWSBK5MO79 (Final LEVEL SELECT seeing as though we reviewed the fantabulous R-Type III this Codes for Australia issue, we thought we'd run this cheat to help you get the most out HTPWDD4T = ha iy of the old game so you can move on to the new one. It’s got noth- HTPWDM6J | ti ing to do with the fact that we need to fill up space. Honest. HTPWDWPTB (Final round | ie On the Title Screen press RIGHT, then UP nine times, then HTPWD2PR8 Quarter final Vs Brazil ee START. During the game, PAUSE it and press RIGHT, A, and START g_ TPWD4PSRS (Semi final Vs England oe rf f | all at the same time. The level number will pop up in the bottom left § PEE Oar nts iia) Ye eeeuand = ere TY | &=| corner. Choose your level, press Start and blast away.

—_ —— = # Ht ete ao eee * F e Pe A insects ts fern

i} 1 \ wat r i f I ; i 4 . ‘i 1 i _ hy s 7 , ‘i Q . hag f - : 7 1 i | —" zoe

| SANT ee mn oh tJ : a a! fot | , I - ny

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WH ae ae Serta

| : oe mi : ee on si) i a ais i ny Moti "| LEVEL SELECT May 5 ie - a ¥ : : aiip 2 a a i aa eee ee Another classic cheat, this time sent in by Craig White of

Hornsby, NSW. As long as you keep sending them, we'll keep print- ing them (providing they’re good, of course) - you never know who they might help.

On the Options Screen, move the cursor down to “Exit”. Hold down button L and START on control pad 2, then press START on control pad 1. Now you can go where you want, when you want. Isn’t personal freedom a wonderful thing?

Here is a list of cheat codes for [43 See ee ee DOOM. During play, just type the [am ee rtrti“(“i‘“‘OSOSOSOSOCS codes in with the keyboard. You col Me 0 As Po need not hit ENTER after the code.

After entering, a message should be displayed at the top of the screen telling which cheat mode was activated.

iddad God mode. invincibility

idkfa Full ammo, 200% armor, all weapons available

iy ai acted a Ca oa neice ES er ee, a 4 0 . i 2 a ha Be AE SAR RSS aM MR I Me 2 ee te tae

on the ledge, which throw fireballs at you while you're trying to navigate the path through the acid. The sec- ond door Is just past that room, on the right, and eventually leads out- side to the blue armour


You can walk through walls

Walking into this room normally, the alcoves rise before you can see them. But, if you run up the stairs to one of the alcoves fast enough, you can get in it and rise to a secret

| door. Alcove 2 leads to the blue glowing sphere. Alcove 1 leads to an island surrounded by ooze.

You can get a rocket launcher here. In alcove 1, follow the ooze down the tunnel. The tunnel leads to a switch that raises the bridge over the opening ooze pit. A secret door is also near the switch, but the bridge leads to the secret exit.

idbehold Displays menu (followed by S, V, I, R, A, or L for choice)

| LEVEL TWO You can get a chain saw on this

level by entering the computer area, finding the spot where the green armour is, and shooting the outside wall. However, if you go to the oppo- site side of this area, you will notice two bright metal strips in the wall which look to be about a door’s

/ width apart. There is a secret door

there, with a backpack behind it.

s Furthermore, after you get the chain

| Saw, Search the walls of the pas- Sage back to the computer area,

B and you will find another secret

door, which should be on your left

as you leave.

idclev Warp (followed by episode number and level number)

1dchoppers Gives you the chain saw (long story behind the message)


Toggles Automap between normal, full, and full with objects (enter when looking at the Automap)

Q SS: 1 4 a a d i I

Bi | a 5 tf. bse oe 7 I EB ia a q

You must be on level three to access the secret level. First, there is a room with an elevator with armour on it in the northwest corner of the map. Press the red button in this room. This opens a corridor in the room where you can see a glow- ing sphere. The room it leads to has some lighted alcoves. Walk up the Stairs. You should be able to hear a mechanical sound. This is the sound of two alcoves being lowered. The map looks similar to this drawing.

ages tala at oS ih wang Os tia laed Soa a cies ean

bi ri


(ge LEVEL THREE i eek Oe 3 First of all, | wouldn’t bother Sniping from the half-door; you use up a lot of health from sergeants blasting you from just below with their shotguns. Kill and explore everywhere else, and flip every obvious switch you see. After you do, you should have on your map a diagonal passageway in the left wing that leads to a computer room, also “diagonal”.


ees Se AL oe

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e fr —— ae z my W a we

The chain saw can be found on level 2 of mission one. Here’s how to get it. (1) Hit the switch surrounded by the acid.

(2) Go through the door that the Switch opened. This will take you to a “computer maze.”

(3) On the WEST side of the maze, look for a secret door. Listen for the sound the character makes when

| looking for a door. When you find a

Alcove 14% #‘

AE ee ~section of wall where he doesn’t i. _, & FSP CM make the sound, shoot the wall. 4 : om pigs (4) Follow the passage which was : ee Cea ; Ac opened. Pay Ko (5) Activate the red button in the ae on ee large room. a ease tag teu Aes Alcove 2%, Py oN ee Re LEVEL ONE x Level 1 has two secret doors. Entrance The first is behind the Imps way up

The walls don’t go N-S-E-W, but NW-SW-SE-NE. If you check the computer room for secret doors, notice that in two places your char- | acter will not grunt. Then, if you check your Automap while you are leaving the room, you will notice that after passing a certain point in the hallway, these two places will turn yellow on the map. Aha!

Go to the beginning of the hall- way, wait for those doors to close again, and run as quickly aS possi- ble to the upper door. There is a cave with acid running around the perimeter. Also present are a rocket launcher and several rockets; it is believed that these are the first ones in the game. Then run down the acid stream (out the opening that you can fit into) and you will come to an alcove with a switch. It is this switch, | believe, that triggers | the bridge across the infamous acid | pit. Also in that alcove is a secret door leading to your first chain gun, with other supplies, and an elevator leading to one of the rooms you have already explored, through a one-way secret door.

This time run to the second

| secret door in the computer room,

and ease down the dark spiral stair- case until you've killed all the Imps down there. Hit the switch in the

side of the pillar and get that pesky Power Charge. Cross that bridge and

-open the secret panel, and head | down the hallway. Be careful! There

are two places down there which trigger secret doors to rooms full of nasties. When you battle your way to the end, there’s a small passage in the back of the last room which

leads to the room with the exit to

the Military Base, the secret level. Don't leave just yet, though.

Go the room opposite that switch, and bring down the elevator. It takes you up top, where there’s another box of rockets. Keep going a little further and you come out looking down at the Oval Pit.

And we'll bring you more Doom- laden hints next issue...


ae q rind

Reading reviews of this movie in overseas magazines, you'd think it was a disgusting piece of violent schlock - blood spiattering everywhere and no plot to speak of. And it’s not like that at all. Never mind that my love is Christian Slater's whenever he wants it or Brad Pitt’s if Christian doesn’t - I loved every single minute of it, vio- lence and all. Christian plays Clarence, a weirdo who works in a comic shop, who is given a night with a prostitute called Alabama (Patricia Arquette) as a birthday present from his boss. The two of them fall in love and get mar- ried and Christian decides to let Alabama’s pimp know that she’ll no longer be working for him. Gary Oldman plays the pimp - an evil white dreadlocked creature who thinks he’s black - and in a very nasty scene, Clarence kills him and escapes, taking with him a huge haul of cocaine by mistake. The two lovers flee across the country to Hollywood to try and sell the drugs, pursued by Gary Oldman’s cronies and the FBI. It all comes to a head here, with shoot outs and violent struggles between Alabama and the mob (a tip: cover your eyes 1n the shower scene) but all that 1s practically overshadowed by the wonderful cast. Brad Pitt plays the permanently stoned hippy flatmate of Clarence’s friend and while he’s only onscreen for a minute, he almost steals the show; Val Kilmer plays the ghost of Elvis who talks to Clarence in the bathroom and Dennis Hopper as Clarence’s dad and Christopher Walken as the drug lord have the most memorable and amazing scene together since, well, since anoth- er memorable and amazing scene. Probably the best film you’ll see all year. And I’m not kidding either,


he Concierge One thing really gets me about Michael J. Fox - he never gets any older. it’s like he has discovered the fountain of youth and bottled it. And while in this particular film he is supposed to be a fairly respectable age, | kept thinking of Marty McFly and | was just waiting for the moment he’d zip off in his time machine. Never happened. Michael and the gorgeous Gabrielle Anwar star in this fairly lame comedy about a hotel concierge named Doug who wants to build his own dream hotel. While looking for an investor for his hotel idea, he meets a very a rich man who agrees to

give him the money provided he’ll babysit his beautiful girlfriend. This seems like a fairly easy way to get an investor, so Doug agrees, but gradually begins to hate the way rich blokey treats Gabrielle and falls in love with her himself. The nastier it gets, the more Doug seems to be losing sight of his dream, but things work out in the end. . .sniffle. It’s actually kind of old fashioned, this film, as if it was made in the ’80s or something. Remember the ’80s? Me neither.

Carlito's Way

It only | was about twenty years older, | would rush over to Hollywood and create a stir by get ting Al “Craggy but still rather gor- geous” Pacino to dump his “other” Australian girlfriend and set up house with moi. But, one can only dream about these things because being the young, nubile creature that | am, Id just tire him out. Instead | just have to see his movies and dream. Carlito’s Way is a stylish and way cool film about a gangster who gets released from jail in the '70s and who is all set to start a new life away from the crime he once was king of. Life in his neighbour- hood has become more and more violent and evil and he decides to go to the Bahamas with his dancer

i a ue


»all reviews by cana Amanda Hugginkis

girltriend - all he needs is the money. Which is where Sean Penn comes in. Not that you would even know it was Sean Penn - his ‘70s attire and very attractive sideburns make him look like the daggy maths teacher you had at high school - but it is him (| checked in the credits!). Penn is Kleinfeld, Carlito's lawyer and he comes through with a proposition that would enable Carlito to have loads of dosh, except the plan calls for Carlito’s return to the world of crime. Will he choose the straight and narrow path or will he be forced to go with his loyalty to his old friend? Will he still be wearing those tab '70s outfits when he and | get married? Those are the questions.



HEART srs fn

Tae ae ( : is i t A i Pe Pek, (— - 4 i ; WA 4 fi i hs ¥ ie ; Mk rt a. ah, pal ‘ol ari ha 1 . °

i i Fe he a Ay ie a4 ¥ i a. 2 Pm FE A. y ; e

La VA oP Et a The band name gives it all

away: Carcass! The mental image you conjure up is an accurate picture of Re sound. Hearturk | is not light dinner music. It’s 100% grindcore at its best with no surprises. If

ou’re into death metal lyrics of Led, guts, carnage an death- piles read on. If you re not, read on because you should lis- ten to anything once. Those in the know have tagged this album as a semin art esata release. I may not be the most

committed death metal chick in the business but I’ve got hair to throw around and I can marvel at the sheer power and some- times even the melody of Heartwork. The production is excellent and these would-be vegetarians are masters of their guitars. That vocalist Jeff Walker does not suffer from major vocal strain is an achieve- ment in itself. Heartwork is fast, heavy and rich with some expert riffs and it’s better than rival releases.

8/10 Sarah Longhurst

f frr - Platinum on Black


TOL aver

D* Note

Babel Sock

Vocal sampling and funky soul- inspired live grooves combine extremely well on this characteristi- cally English album. Musically, D*Note possess a sense of indivia- ualistic self determination. No one has told these guys how to play and they have enough depth and talent to avoid imitating other crews. The grooves are definitely customised for full booty movement, in the tradi- tion of Brand New Heavies, Corduroy, and our own SkunkHour. If | had to be critical, there is at times an over-reliance on repetition of the well chosen vocal samples during lead breaks. Re-triggering the one sample 50 times or so does not fill out a good music bed with interest- ing lyrics. Also the vocals are at times a little buried and overpow- ered by the grooves so that the rhymes seem a little lost. But in reality these are very minor criti- cisms, as Babel is an album which confidently carves out a place in your day-to-day consciousness, so that you find yourself humming to the groove just when you least expect it.

7/10 Steve Polak

| remember buying the ffrr compilation Silver on Black at the height of the acid house craze in 1989, and while acid house has come and gone, | still find muself spinning the disc every now and then without feeling too embarrassed. | think the same will happen with Platinum on Black. The ffrr compilations seem to capture moments in dance

it mens was one end thing to say about this release then I'd be the first to say it. But there isn’t. This could be the shortest review in HYPER histo- ry and summed up in three words, offensive, boring crap. Doggystyle inspires sponta- neous disgust and then sadness that time, money and effort could be so completely wasted. Explicit lyrics have their place, basic rap and dull beats have their place too. But at a time when the rap genre is offering so much that is new and inter- esting both lyrically and musi- cally, Doggystyle is an outdated throwback. The final nail in its coffin is Snoop Doggy Dog’s treatment of women as worth- less animals and a correspond- ing obsession with his own all powerful dick. Someone should tell the Dogg Pound to do the humane thing and put this dog to sleep, permanently.

music (well, European dance music anyway), and while | hate to agree with the over- the-top sleeve notes, this disc is “more like the heart- beat of a generation than a mere electronic pulse from a drum machine”. And it should please just about the whole generation of house and techno fans, as the styles contained are widely varied; from the mainstream style

4/10 Sarah Longhurst



Tagged as the "“godfathers of the Seattle sound" the Melvins make their major Label debut release with Houdini. It's about time and not too hard to see why they're called the "“godfa- thers", (aside from the fact they've been around since 1984). It's a release that embraces a range of genres. There's blocks of hardcore, grindcore and grunge with the occasional cleaner slow- er melodic number such as "Lizzy". If someone could explain what the Lyrics on "Hooch" meant it would no doubt make me feel better about instantly Liking the track. Nevermind, because there are quite a few others to choose from Like "Teet", "Joan of Arc” and a cover of KISS's "Going Blind". The fastest and favourite track is definitely ‘Honey Bucket". Nirvana's Kurt Cobain and Rage Against The Machine's GGGarth Richardson have helped on the produc- tion side of things (which is a bit of interesting trivia) and Kurt also plays guitar and percussion just Like a good friend should.

?.5/10 Sarah Longhurst

of New Order and Utah Saints, to the High NRG of Capella, the underground anthems of H-Press II and Zero B and the funky Wonder that is Sagat. Nearly every track is a gem, and if you want to capture house music in the midst of its on-going evolution then Platinum on Black is the perfect pur- chase.

8/10 Stuart Clarke


Stuart’s finally out of the playground, and in the street with the rest of the HYPER crew That’s Andrew “Ringleader” Humphreys on the left, and Aaron “CyberChimp”’ Rogers, art director extraordinaire in the middle. And what a good looking bunch of gameheads we are too!

Anyway, enough of that indulgent crap, it’s time for letter answering. If you want your missive of love, hate or confusion in these here pages, try to keep it under 300 words and don’t ask too many dumb questions. Send it to:

HYPER Letters PO Box 634 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012

Oh, and there’s no way we can personally reply to letters (even if you send a self-addressed envelope) - WE’RE TOO BUSY! We would love to help you out, but remember the Sega & Nintendo hotlines for games hints, and the game distributors for release information - they’d be more than happy to answer questions!



Star Wars Freak Dear Ed

Firstly | have to say that yours is truly a great mag. | have a few questions that | would like answered,

1. Since | bought X-Wing for my PC | have become a bit of a Star Wars freak, so when | heard about Star Wars for Mega Drive | had to have it. Unfortunately | can’t find it and was wondering if it actually was out yet. If not, when will it be out?

2. On the same lines, will Super Empire Strikes Back also come out on Mega Drive?

3. To do with X-Wing, | have two add-on tours of duty, /mperial Pursuit and B-Wing. Seeing B-Wing on the shelves was a complete sur- prise, will there be any more com- ing out? If so, it would be good if they could be shown in your mag, even if it is brief.

4. | have heard about Tie Fighter for PCs, and assumed it would be out by now, but | am having the same trouble as with Star Wars. Is it out yet, if not when will it be out and how much will it cost?

| really think that you have a good thing going. The music and movie reviews are a really good addition. It would be good if you could have more pages, maybe taken up by more PC reviews. Other than that, keep up the good work.


Duane Burns


Let’s get straight to it. 1. Star Wars is not out yet, and there’s no firm release date either. 2. No. 3. B-Wing was in the last issue, and we ‘ll inform you if there are any more X-Wing add ons. 4. No it’s not out yet, but will be soon. Not sure about the price.

Inaccurate Bimbo Dear Hyper,

| have just purchased the game Return to Zork, so whilst browsing in the newsagents the review of this game in the February issue of your magazine, caught my attention.

| have a question. Why did your reviewer choose to refer to the char- acter Rebecca Snoot as “gun-toting bimbo”? As | understand it the word ‘bimbo’ refers to a person (usually a woman) who is ‘silly’, ‘stupid, ‘empty-headed’, or whatever. In other words, a person wha is incon- sequential rather than useful, deco- rative rather than intelligent. So why does Rebecca Snoot deserve this label. Having now played the game past the halfway mark | have yet to discover the reason. So far Rebecca has done nothing stupid, so is her downfall still to come? Will her char- acter commit Some awesome/ pathetic bungle in the latter stages of the game?

In the game her character is quite the opposite to a ‘bimbo’. She iS bi-lingual, is well educated (an anthropologist) and, of all of the active characters in the game she is the one who has the greatest under- Standing of the prevailing ‘evil’. She is also the character who has the most knowledge and offers the game player the most hints in solv- ing the game.

So lam at a loss to understand why such a character should be identified as a ‘bimbo’. Even if she does ‘fail’ in some way at the end of the game, (which | doubt) even then | can’t see that she would deserve such ridicule. | am con- cerned, because | can identify no reason for calling Rebecca Snoot a ‘bimbo’ other that the fact she is female.

Quite simply it is alarming that in your magazine you should ‘tag’ a female character as a ‘bimbo’ even when the character is portrayed as helpful and intelligent. Just what does a character/woman need to do/be to be thought of as a nor- mal, thinking human being? Even though | would imagine that your Magazine is mostly read by boys and men, it may be that some young women do read it. Try not to insult them by labelling women as Stupid. It is unnecessary and unac- ceptable to encourage such stereo- typical labelling of women and, as

in this case, it is particularly unfor- tunate when your words are blatant- ly inaccurate.

Yours sincerely

Rosemary Young


Well | think we deserved that one. | agree with everything you have said, and my only defence is that | did not see the game before we went to print, | took my review- er’s word that the character was, in fact, a “bimbo”. Thank you for bring- ing the error to my attention and | most humbly apologise.

Questions & Answers Dear Hyper

| have a number of question for you

1. Will you be supporting the Amiga CD32? If not, why not? (I hope you will be)

2. What are your views on the banning of non-violent X-rated com- puter software in most states? (I understand why violent X-rated soft- ware should be banned, but not non- violent) How do other readers feel about this?

3. Could you include the RRP for each game and music CD you review?

4. Could you extend the news section?

Apart from that, congratulations on your mag being Australian pro- duced, and including a music and movies section. Your articles on vir- tual sex and the Australian techno revolution were informative and excellent.

John Rowell

Doubleview WA

John, | have a number of answers for you. 1. Yes, we will be supporting the Amiga CD32 as soon as Commodore decide to sup- port us with a machine and soft- ware - we can t do anything until then 2. Censorship is a tricky issue. | personally don’t particularly like it, especially for non-violent material, but by law computer games are going to be classified in the same way as movies which means that non-violent X-rated games will only be available by mail order from the ACT. 3. We try, but sometimes they are not available at the time of going to press, or there is no recommended price. 4. OK. Next issue.

There is a God Dear Hyper

After reading your first two issues all | can say is “wow”. Grunge, Techno, VR sex and Chun Li... there is a God!

Enough of that though, down to business. While looking at the stats at the beginning of SFI/ Turbo on SNES | noticed the second time you saw Vega his claw started flashing red and white. What do you think it is. Is it the start of a cheat?

Keep up the amazing work and the posters.

Yours faithfully

A K Akers

Um, | think you were either very tired, under the influence or were seeing things that we haven't seen. We don’t know what it is. Does any- one else?

Good Designer Drugs Dear Editor

My nine year old son purchased your mag. He is, like millions of other kids, extremely interested in video games. | just happened to read the review on Panic on Funkatron. Perhaps you would like to review the introduction paragraph.

Do Sega programmers really need good designer drugs like acid to create new and exciting games for children as well as adults?

Your mag is both colourful and exciting. How about a little responsi- bility when writing articles and not promote the use of drugs as a form of excitement and intelligence. It will be interesting to see Sega’s reviews on Toe Jam and Earl’s association with drugs.

lf you don’t use a little sense in the future, your mag will be lucky to reach the 4th edition.

S E Chappell


We reached the 4th edition already, and we still don’t have any sense- aren't we lucky! We weren’t promoting the use of drugs - we were being funny. I’m sure your son isn’t going to rush out and gob five tabs of acid just from reading a tongue-in-cheek introduction to a game. And as for Sega, they have often commented themselves on the “tripped out” graphics and old hippy programmers who have used drugs for inspiration. Oh, that wasn’t pro- moting drugs either.

The Queen Reads HYPER Dear Andrew Humphreys

Could you take a few minutes of your time to do me a bit of a favour and explain what this means; “lets just Say you would have more fun going through life with rubber bands attached to your testicles than you would playing this game for one minute”. This line appeared in your Byte Size review of Crash Dummies in issue #2.

OK, so you're probably wondering why | am asking you to explain this quote of the year. Well, it’s because | have a bit of difficulty knowing what it would be like to go through life with rubber bands attached to my balls because, obviously (well, if you could see me anyway), | don’t have any balls. | am one of your many female readers.

Now you can choose to totally ignore my request, or you can go ahead and try to explain what it’s like having a tight piece of rubber attached to your nuts, that’s your decision, but could you at least realise that you aren’t writing for a magazine aimed at blokes, you are writing for a magazine aimed at games players, and a games player is no longer a prepubescent boy. A games player can be any Sex, age, race, religion, etc., etc. (er, sorry | took the liberty of telling you your job, | promised myself | wouldn’t do that when | started writing this letter, but | just had to make a dramatic point.).

Yours In A Minor State Of Disgust

Liz Windsor (No shit, that’s my real name)

| appreciate and understand your dis- gust - I’m disgusted in myself. When | wrote the line in question it simply didn’t occur to me to use a gender-neutral image. Maybe if | replace “testicles” with “nipples”? No, that wouldn’t work. How about “buttocks”? No good either, it's the whole image that’s at fault.

The only explanation | can offer (and a rather sad and sorry explanation it is) is that | am aman who thinks about his testicles a lot. When | think of pain (owing to an unfortunate child- hood accident with a cheese grater), | think of my testicles. When | think of pleasure, | think of my testicles. When | think of nipping across the road for lunch, | think of my testicles.

Anyway, please don't think we’re forgetting our female readers.

Honestly, we’re very aware of the changing face of games and gamers.

Thanks for picking me up on it,



Above: Hyperreality'™ and Balls in Space™. These fine examples of comput- er art (plus the Surrealism™ pic on the next page) were sent to us ny Tim St Clair. Once again they were created in Photoshop on a Macintosh LCIll. So if

you want your creativity displayed to the world, send in your PC, Mac or Amiga

disk and we’ll make you famous.

A Poem Dear Hyper crew and Ed. HYPER the name | see this mag leaping out at me Bringing us more

right to our local store.

Great articles, reviews

the informative news

Stuart Clarke at the helm

bringing us the video game realm.

But more than just games

a wealth of entertainment remains To be spread and read throughout the mag

telling us what’s cool, what’s bad.

Movies, music in with the games

or anything else that comes our way It will be there for us to read

this HYPER, magazine of our need.

Farewell to you all now

its been great reading HYPER, wow! For the next issue | now wait

the anticipation is so great.

And a very special farewell to all the video game legends from hell.

P.S. NOUGHTS AND CROSSES | hope this letter is not to hard Other wise Ed might turn retard One day Ed will work out the game And the world just won’t be the same He'll be champion of noughts and crosses And roam the world trying to forget his former losses.

Done by

S.S. MaD

sydney NSW

I’m speechless. Who would have thought we'd have a future poet lau- reate amongst our readers?

Keep up with the times Dear You-lot-at-Hyper

| originally planned to write after Issue #1 and nit-pic, but Issue #2’s cover was green and that’s my favourite colour, so you’re let off.

| just want to say keep it up (the good work, you fools, not the sleep- ing/drinking/partying), but as any other number of others out there in Hyperland would also write and say this, then | feel that | will say some- thing else. So...

| request that you lot keep up with the times (how couldn’t you?) and keep us informed about the 3DO and Virtual Reality develop- ments before they happen (hmmm) and the SNES and SEGA whatsits, and all the other junk that you throw into the 80 or so pages that | happi- ly gaze through.

Plus, is it possible to dedicate just one or two more pages to the music/movie reviews and maybe one or three more to the news pages. | think they’re excel-o-dudie (and | like the bits like the report on the Jaguar system with its resolu- tion/CPU speed table etc). That gives me some notion as to what's under the hood of those beasts.

Anyway, too much column space already...

You know, all those thanx and go- wells

Tim St Clair

Thanks for your letter and excel- lent graphics, and of course we'll keep you up-to-date with all the lat- est - that’s what we’re here for. As for more music and movies, you mightn’t be so lucky, in fact we're cutting down a bit after analysing the reader’s surveys. But news pages are hopefully going to increase soon.




Thank you for being so colourful, informative and independent... wicked! All magazines should be in HYPER mode. So satisfied am | that | even enclosed a non-bouncing cheque for my subscription. No longer do | have to pay $7.95 for a month-old import mag. Def.

Sad statement - the reviewing of each individual game is only done by one “Hyper-punk” rather than two, like other mags. | don’t believe we can depend on the rating by one reviewer, no matter how honest and impartial they are. Fair enough, the written text on the game can be done by one reviewer, but the per- centage rating should be done by more than one party. Do you know what I’m saying?

Thanx dearly for news on the Atari Jaguar (it’s been a long decade since | last pronounced the word Atari). It looks as though Atari aren’t holding back to protect the coin-op industry like Sega etc have been doing. Being that the Jaguar (a cart machine) blasts away the 3DO (a CD machine), and that HDTV’s will be coming out in a year, does this mean that the SNES and MD are finally doomed? It looks as though, as far as carts go, the Jaguar is tops and as far as CDs go, the Saturn is mega (rather than use the word super). They’re worth waiting for. So is HYPER!


Stan Kourt

Heidelberg VIC

PS Gunstar Heroes is a very good Mega Drive game, though HYPER rated it below 90% whilst other Mags rated it higher. Was this because as compared to SNES games (which have more colour and resolution) it’s just average? Please answer this query with a simple Y or N at the end of your other com- ments. Thanx.

/ can understand your concern about only one person reviewing the game, and it can be a problem sometimes, as everyone can get subjective (without even realising it). But that’s why | choose reviewers carefully, eg | don’t give a flight sim to someone who hates flight sims, | give it to someone who gets into them and can compare the game to others already available. Also, either myself or Andrew gets to see all the

HYPER>> 74

games that go in, so we can (and do) fiddle with the ratings so every- thing is fair (some reviewers are tougher than others). So | hope that puts your mind at rest. As for the death of the Mega Drive and SNES - take a look at the article on the 3DO and CD gaming in this issue.

Oh, | almost forgot. N.

A Total Suck To the editor

Wow, what an awesome maga- zine, it is everything that others try So hard to be, but don’t come close. You provide and unbiased view of games, plus reviews, on film and music. The feature articles were great. The “virtual sex” article was interesting. The cheats section was helpful.

God, I’m starting to sound like a total suck, | apologise.

Keep us the good work and as soon as | get enough money, |’ll Subscribe.


Chris Prelos


If you think you’re going to get a free subscription, you're a sad fool. Let’s hope you get the money soon so we won't have to put up with any more pathetic brown nosing... Oh, don't snivel, I’m only joking.

Ooops | Forgot to Pay Dear Hyper

When | saw the gleaming cover of the January Issue of Hyper (opposed to last Issues cover which was quiet dull) | was so eager to get it home and read that | ran out of the store without paying for it, (not something you should try to often). Ooops, almost forgot to congratulate you on a totally brilliant mag.

There is one question that has been keeping me awake at night, and that is: do you think that Sega and Amstrad will team up again to produce a computer in which you can use Sega’s Mega CD Software on it.

That’s all from me, until next time, bye.

lan Rawson


How dare you Call our first cover dull? | have given your address to

the Greenacre police and they will be around to see you about the Stolen HYPER very soon. As for the Amstrad Mega CD possibility - | ‘d Say you are dreaming rather than being kept awake.

Information on

all Systems

To all HYPER people,

Hyper - the latest mag release on the entertainment market has taken paramount place as | see it. But diplomacy aside, time for business.

The news articles on 3DO, Amiga CD32 and the Jaguar, not to men- tion the future machine releases from Sega and Nintendo turn the market into a battle ground. The point I’m trying to make is that with all this fighting for our entertainment time and money between the many different companies is that maybe in the future you could provide informa- tion on all systems. Such as their tecn specs. games and just give them a good through reviewing. So all uS people that need the best deal we can get due to money terms can see where to spend it best. eg. which one machine comes out on top 3D0, CD32 or Jaguar or any other machine.

Business over now, time to say good bye. Keep HYPER on the track to greatness beyond all imagining.

Signing off.

S. Patrick

Thanks S., and we have been giv- ing you all the details that we have on the “super consoles” and we will be updating the information all the time. That will include comparisons when the time comes. Never fear - we Il tell it to you like it is.

Dairies We’re going to be starting . small classifieds section for | those of you who want to swap, sell and buy games (we may also have a section for penpals if Tne it 4 These ads will be FREE, so send your details in 30 | words or less to: Th Atiela PO Box 634 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 ie service Is only ma EL Pe (no aed es F eC a Ts CM mM eT EM ECM TIC Bett c-Scy-Sopm LT ae YL UT ey

Benes cn caltt that.

hae eM Mss Terie

of issues time, as soon as we get

| enough response.

Flambe took pity,on poor Trixi SCR boy Mice ele



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