ON Newsagent! Where the hell has my FREE worm sucker got to then? live it me now or there'll be all kinds of trouble! YOOARt NOW LOOKING AT THnWORLD^ES^ELUN^AME^AGAZINE €2 50 IICIMlimS ISSUI 4 reviews inside! / YOSHI’S ISLAND F m I SNES S VIRTUA FIGHTER ESPN EXTREME SCREAMER PC WA 21MM1 IJJUJJ 'ili\ iTTTsl 'I ■ M UJU.j. Us ■ Eat jim! EXCLUSIVE Mega Drive and SNES riiUnik jjiMETBTl Mil? ilJjJJijiil J iJJj UilJMiik iJJ ijJJUJiij ISSN 1358-7536 1 2 > m m'la?O?fuiliiiM; MOST AWAITED GAME NONE TO THE SUPER NINTENDO IHM0B { !«• As the PlayStation dances merrily into people’s homes this month, Sega is loading up on the ammunition to counterattack Sony’s little grey box in the run up to Christmas. Many industry heads claimed that the best next generation software on offer at the recent ECTS weekend wasn’t to be found at London’s Olympia, but rather slightly down the road, hid¬ ing in an inconspicuous looking office at Sega Headquarters. Here visitors were m ■■ 6 GAMEPRO • December 1995 treated to both arcade and home versions of Sega’s future releases and then asked to spot the differences. Some could, some couldn’t. You can make up your own mind as GamePro grabs you firmly by the hand and drags you kicking and screaming down Virtua Lane - right here, in this very issue. The future’s so bright you gotta wear shades? You bet your ass it is! Sit and prepare yourselves... ack, relax GAMEPRO • December 1995 7 Earthworm Jim 2 p20 Tekwar p81 Timegate p80 Street Fighter: The Movie p38 Yoshi’s Is Alpine Racer p95 Vectorman p50 StUING GRNIIS MRGRIIHli YOU RBI NOW 100 K 1 NG H TH CAvLUwIVCt Direct from Shiny Entertainment USA comes this exclusive look at the 16-bit conversions of our favourite segmented chum. First reviews of Earthworm Jim 2 iJPk on Mega Drive and SNES insidgj mm mmm SUPffl SiUOMRBItSJUlNS YOUR WRROROU H * CUM BO MtlSTfBS! [HUM: GOWPtfcTf 3UID\ m mi mu 1 WMJ IB StM PU 1 e» f X PQSE ftft PI AMS HJI MMt'iBrBg ESPN’s Extreme, Earthworm Jim 2, Yoshi’s ^ Island and thousands more fill our review section. Get the complete listings on page 18. You know you want to So what’s going to be in your console this Xmas? What was at the ECTS last month? We show you - in full glorious technicolour - what’s on offer to fill your Chrissie stocking \ r )- g 1 111 iii 1 T rj II 1 all \ k 1 S/rjJ J. True Lies pi 22 What is Sega up to? The .JRBHKMM Saturn was released hardly any games, but now it’s somehow got a big #4 J^ulging bagful. This is your chance to get the latest gossip on the Sonic supremos, and take a sneaky look at Sega Rally and VF2 too! Editor: MJBZmUJj Systems : David Wren Publisher: Terry P’s weird and wonderful book was turned into a top graphic adventure by Sony Interactive, and now they’ve given us an amazing compo prize too! Win the world, or something similar, on page 58 10 Eye Witness All the hottest stories, facts and wild rumours from around the world can be found on these here pages. For some inexplicable reason, Sega’s Internet device, Prince Naseem, Princess Di and Ice Cube all feature in this month’s lowdown 138 Get a Grip! Everyone needs a break from videogames, so on this page we aim to supply you with the latest info on non-games related gear, such as videos and books and things like that. Take a look, it might just interest you. Then again, maybe it won’t 140 Subscriptions The quickest and easiest way to get GamePro each month doesn’t involve camping outside your newsagents or sitting on our doorstep waiting for us to finish the mag. All you have to do is subscribe, and you’ll get the mag before your newsie. For a lot less money too! Bargain? Damn right! 142 Let’s Write to Ronnie He was ill, but now he’s better, and he’s here to read your letters. It’s Ronnie! PLUS the second part of our exclusive cartoon strip: Arcadia! 144The Internutter Girls, girls, girls! The Internutter has had a hard old month. He’s been cruising the Net on a mission for babes, downloading the pictures and then looking at them. Check out his sordid findings on page 144 1 OS Free Adverts We’ve had quite a few letters demanding some kind of classified adverts section in GamePro, so we’ve decided to arrange it all for you. Get your advertising coupon right here and start the ball rolling! SPECIAL THANKS TO: David Cower. Fresian Cows, Four Poster beds, Sarah’s jibs. The Anatomy of Melancholy. £2 surcharges, Stench, Biff for buying us beers, the pigs for making Biffs bladder even more loose, mysterious scars, Captain Beefheart & Little Walter, hangovers, Ocean for a top night out. psycho taxi drivers, Chicken's 5 year employment record, and Jo for waiting up Deputy Editor: Staff Writer: Art Editor: Art Assistant: Production: Contributors: Prod Manager: Prnd Assistant: Sales Director: Sales Executive Advertisma Pro Advertising Prod: Circulaton Director: Jay Sharpies Paul McNally Biff Jim Eagers Caz Adams Neil Jackson Mark Forbes The Cartoon Associates Nic Moran Dave Stewart Andy Teague Sandra Childs Karen Wright Mark Forbes Paul Richardson Steve Darragh Cay nor Sinclair d: Barbara Newall Denise Wright Managing Director: Ian Bloomfield Country Manager: Richard Hease Telephone: 01625 878888 Fax: 01625 879967 Email: ed@gamepro.demon.co.uk i IDG Media 1995. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Whilst every care is taken to ensure the material is accurate, the publisher cannot be held legally responsible for errors in articles or advertisments. All copy¬ rights are recognised where applicable. The best game to hit the PlayStation to date just happens to be filled with top graphics and quirky little icons that would look pretty darn cool on a T-shirt or a record bag. Fancy some of that do ya? Well enter our classy WipeOut compo then! Wrestlemama p!30 WIN! Primal Rage Arcade Machine It’s the final part of our massive Primal Rage giveaway, where you could walk away with your very own arcade machine - completely free of charge! What are you waiting for? Turn to page 128 68 MEET THE Our ongoing series showing you the blokes/birds behind the megabytes continues with Shiny Entertainment’s Dave Perry and EA’s Mitzi McGilvray Possibly the best film for some time is available for you to own in our exclusive compo. Win Mr Blonde’s box set and other Doggie prizes on page 71 Tekken pi 08 ei)8 witness The hottest news from around the world can only be found in our pant-wettingly good news section - Eyewitness. Where else can you find exclusive stories about Prince Naseem, Ice Cube, Dr Ruth, edible worms, k Pamela Anderson, the European Computer k Trade Show and The Rolling Stones all in ^one place? That’s right kids, only in ^GamePro. You know it’s the best! Oooh, you do Left It’s a worm. It’s stomach churning, it’ll scare your mum, it’ll impress your pals, and it’s Worm lolly is edible shocker! ES IT’S true! The fantastic free covermounted worm lolly (RRP £1.50) on this very issue is, in fact, edible. Strange as it may seem, the worms inside these American- made Hotlix Tequila Worm Sucker Lollies, are bred especially for use only in these scary sweet products, and are commonly known as insect larva, AKA Tenebrio Molitor. The insect is a hybrid beetle larva, which is specially raised on rolled oats and vegetables, which kind of explains why they taste so ‘wheaty’ instead of all slimy and gooey. The main question is though, have you eaten yours yet? If not, why not? Let’s face it, it’s the grossest and most down right disgusting covermount ever produced, and we want you to do something with it. Any readers who send in photos of themselves, relatives, friends or unsuspecting enemies actually eating their free worm lolly, will win the special surprise GamePro worm prize! We’re not going to tell you what it is just yet, but get your photos in as soon as possible and we’ll announce the winner in the next issue! 10 6AMEPRQ • December 1995 ground -breaking PlayStation ads to appear soon! ECTS Overload! LAST MONTH saw London’s Olympia arena turned into the biggest freeplay arcade the world has ever seen, as the European Computer Trade Show rolled into town for the weekend. The show attracted over 10,000 visitors from the computer industry, with developers, software houses, journos, celebs and gamesplayers flocking from around the globe to see what the future holds for the interactive world. All the big names of the industry were in the arena to display their wares to massive crowds, while certain companies, including Sega, US Gold, Gametek and Sony Interactive, chose to exhibit at other nearby venues. Instead of doing the usual ECTS round-up and giving you a massive list of things to expect, we decided to increase our Prospects section this month so you can actually see for yourself the highs and lows of the show. We hope you enjoy it, and it all starts on page 72. stories from around the world Punchy PSX promos IN A bid to boost its street prowess and overall PlayStation cool dude image, Sony Computer Entertainment has signed up world champion boxer and general all-round cocky bleeder, Prince Naseem Hamed, in a sponsorship package worth over £100,000. For the next four fights, The Prince is set to ditch his trademark leopard skin trunks in favour of a new PlayStation pair of pants. Bags more promotional events are planned for The Prince in the very near future. eqe witness Sega reaches for the stars SEGA MAY HAVE started pounding the cinema and TV screens with its freaky adverts for the Christmas Saturn rush, but over in the States its advertising has taken a slightly different turn. To increase the popularity of its new machine in America, Sega has started using streetwise celebrities on its advertising hoardings. The first of these features LA rapper and part time actor, Ice Cube, who treats the public to his thoughts and wisdom in a somewhat surreal manner. “Maybe you think you know who I am, how I see things, or how I feel. Maybe if I write it, or get on the mike, you’ll understand exactly what I’m like... I don’t think so.” Erm... right mate, whatever. Plans are allegedly underway in this country for ads featuring the intellectual offerings of Whigfield, Bet Gilroy and Fred Dibnah. Or perhaps not. Saturnet Owners of Sega’s next gen console could soon be accessing the Internet thanks to their new found games machine. A peripheral, due to retail at around the £100 marker, allows users to pull various information off the Net, but won’t allow them to add anything to the information superhighway via their Saturn. To compensate for this, Sega is looking into developing other Net related add-ons for the console, such as keyboards and connection ports, which can only add to the overall Saturn appeal. Sega’s European CEO had this to say: “The development of the Internet connector represents a major advantage for Saturn. The creation of Sega’s new multimedia division shows the level Of commitment we have to this format and provides us with further evidence that the true potential of the Saturn is still to be realised.” So there you have it. Who said Sega treats its punters badly? GAMEPRO • December 1995 11 ground -breaking sto om around the world It’s all a Blur Trust me, I’m a doctor IT MAY seem stupid to all of us who have a thriving sexual appetite and an energetic love life to match, but America’s favourite sex therapist, Dr Ruth Weisheimer is about to go interactive. We’re not talking hands on advice here, oh no, nothing that disgusting, but a new interactive CD-Rom based on her professional knowledge and ability to find solutions to things that go limp in the night. Questions are answered, and techniques are displayed and commented upon as the friendly family quack gives us her opinions and advice in her own special caring way. Sounds like just the thing to get your private life pumping doesn’t it? Dr Ruth’s Encyclopedia Of Sex is released by CentreGold Multimedia some time around Christmas. Just in time if you fancy popping something special in your loved one’s stocking this year. Yoshi drags his heels Bully for you YES, THE latest Mario title to spring from Nintendo’s game grand central in Japan will be the fabulous Yoshi’s Island. The only trouble is that all the UK Mario worshippers won’t be able to get their hands on it until February ’96. Sales in Japan of Yoshi’s Island are allegedly tipping the one million mark, causing mass hysteria as the first Mario game for four years has caused a buying frenzy among Japanese SNES owners. Nintendo UK has several titles to release before the year is out, so many in fact that Yoshi’s Island has been pushed back until next year, leaving the more hardened Mario junkies searching it out in the import shops around the country. Killer Instinct on the SNES will now be in the shops from November 10, with the Game Boy version hitting stores around December 1. Also released on that day will be the follow-up to last year’s fastest selling SNES title, Donkey Kong Country, namely DKC2: Diddy’s Kong Quest. Other titles also waiting in the wings for an official UK release date are the Game Boy compilation, Arcade Classics, which features Galaxian, Missile Command, Centipede and many more, plus another top Japanese RPG, The Secret Of Evermore for the SNES. This is set to follow in the popular footsteps of Zelda and the excellent Secret Of Mana. More Nintendo news next issue! GAMEPRO BULLFROG IS currently putting the finishing touches to three of its big name games in time for the Christmas rush. Top PC releases of the past are making their way onto both the Saturn and the PlayStation, with Theme Park getting a release on November 7, and Hi Octane hitting stores in early December. The big one as far as Bullfrog is concerned however, is the PC fantasy RPG extravaganza, Dungeonkeeper, due on sale on November 19. The novel twist in the tale is that you don’t play a clean-cut superhero battling dragons and the like. Instead you act out your moves via the evil dungeonkeeper. This PC beauty should be with us next issue, so keep your eyes peeled for the latest news. Big Pam and butch bloke REMEMBER THE other month when we told you about a Pamela Anderson screen saver for your PC? Well, the chaps at Telstar got straight on the phone and demanded that we feature their Pammy screen saver too. So, being the free thinking dudes that we are, we have done. And here it is. Thirteen sultry piccies of our Pam are on offer in this interactive bundle of fun, plus a nifty little calendar device which gives you a new piece of Pam every month. Good stuff eh? But if you’re a PC-owning female and you’re currently thinking something along the lines of,“Sexist pigs! Why don’t they ever feature any fit bloke screen savers instead of sexy girls all the time?” Well, surprise surprise, here’s one for you girls! Obviously it’s not a Pammy one, but the throbbing dancing bodies of the Chippendale hunks can now grace your VDU, again, courtesy of Telstar. Both savers will cost_^ you around £14.99 each, and are available right about now. Happy? • December 1995 12 INTRODUCING A GAME CLASSIC.. Best-selling Game of 1993 Best Console Simulation of the Year Sega Mega-CD Product of the Year Sega Mega-CD Shoot 'em Up of the Year Bought by 80 PERCENT of Mega-CD Owners WHAT GAME IS IT? THUNDERHAWK What we have here is the definitive Mega-CD game... The yardstick by which all others will be measuredd GAMESMASTER 94% Thunderhawk's an action- packed, in-yer-face flight sim that's more fun than any game has a right to be. MEGA 91% This is the game you simply must play... This is the game that will embarrass the hell out of the other CD-developers. SEGA POWER 91% i If you've got a Mega-CD you have two choices: buy Thunderhawk or sell the Mega-CD. SEGA ZONE 92% It puts anything else on the Mega-CD to shame... A standard by which all future Mega-CD games will be judgedd SEGA FORCE MEGA 92% GET READY FOR THIS... PC CD-ROM, SEGA SATURN & SONY PLAYSTATION CORE DESIGN LIMITED 55 ASHBOURNE ROAD DERBY DE22 3FS TEL: 01332 297797 FAX: 01332 381511 FIRESTORM THUNDERHAWK 2 © CORE DESIGN LIMITED 1995. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SEGA AND SEGA SATURN ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES. LTD. Jl. AND PLAYSTATION ARE TRADEMARKS OF SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT INC. ground-breaking o r i e om around the world New kombat! THE WORLD Wide Web has provided us with this shot of a hot new version of Mortal Kombat, entitled MK3: Ultimate. Sources say that the game has six new characters, revamped combos and brand new backgrounds and fatalities. MK3: Ultimate could be with us before the end of the year. Porn available on Internet scandal! MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY Professor, Harold Thimbleby, has recently been scanning the world wide information superhighway that is the Internet on a quest for porn. Why? To find out where it all is of course! During his analysis of thousands of sites around the globe, his findings have indicated that the most frequently visited Web sites are those of a pornographic nature, with up to 10 percent of computer bulletin boards being guilty of displaying computer generated porn. According to Professor Thimbleby, much of the Internet is being used as a “red light district”, which is somewhat worrying seeing as thousands of schools up and down the country are currently considering going on-line. But why we needed an educated University Professor to tell us that the most frequently visited sites are pornographic ones is indeed the burning question. Surely these findings come as no surprise. Or maybe they do. Blow your mind! INFOGRAMES’ EXCELLENT H.R. Giger screen saver, featuring all your favourite mind twisting images from the great man himself, is all set for a February release. Both the Macintosh and PC versions include full screen text, along with an audio cassette, special calendar features, time display programs, high resolution artwork, and an innovative message centre module, which allows you to leave and receive messages at will. An added bonus is an entirely new science fiction story, written and narrated by Harlan Ellison, entitled “The Dreams A Nightmare Dreams”. Start saving your cash for early next year or you’ll miss out. Do you voodoo? START IT up! The mighty rockers of erm... rock, that are the Rolling Stones, are about to storm your PC. And not just because Microsoft paid them eight million dollars for the rights to use one of their songs on their Windows ’95 ads. You see the ancient dinosaurs of rawk ’n’ roll have produced their very own CD-Rom. Entitled Voodoo Lounge, this interactive musicfest aims to give you more than your ample share of Rolling Stones info, as well as numerous piccies, interviews, song samples and loads of other really interesting rock trivia things. Separated at birth? EAGLE-EYED GAMERS amongst you may have noticed something strange in the Today newspaper of September 26, as Sony cooked up a nifty little PR stunt for the general paper¬ buying public. Apparently, the people behind Namco’s Tekken game for the Sony PlayStation modelled ass-kicking robobabe, and last month’s cover star Nina, on Princess Di! Sony Computer Entertainment is supposedly going to send Princes Will and Harry a PlayStation each, plus a copy of Tekken so they can, “watch their mum give bad guys the chop”. Rumours of Prince Charles being a hidden character in Tekken 2 have yet to be confirmed. 16 Smokin’ AS T*HQ International gets set to release its SNES conversion of Jim Carrey’s career booster and multi-million box office smash The Mask onto an unsuspecting public, (the review can be found elsewhere in this very issue fact fans), a whole smokin’ tidal wave of Mask-related tomfoolery is all set to batter your eyes and your wallet. A cartoon series of The Mask has just been launched on The Cartoon Channel, with the BBC pencilling it into its schedule for early next year. As some of you may already know, the movie is out to buy this month too, and to top it all off, Hasbro, the world’s largest toy company, is planning a wide range of action figures to hit stores around Christmas. Keep your eyes peeled for other Mask news soon! GAMEPRO • December 19SS At The Deadline... Saturn owners who are crying out for another decent beat’em-up for their new system may be happy to know that the top notch polygon paggafest, Battle Arena Toshinden, is being converted to the Saturn courtesy of developers Takara. Entitled Battle Arena Toshinden 1.5, the game is scheduled for a January release. The guys at Sega claim it will have souped- up gameplay that outshines the PlayStation version. Apple Computer is sponsoring the November MTV Europe Music Awards. The earliest known computer, a 19th Century invention by a Cambridge maths professor, Charles Babbage, is expected to be bought for anything up to £50,000 at auctioneers Christies. HMV games departments across the country are offering £60 worth of software vouchers - while stocks last - to anyone who purchases a PlayStation this month. Shiny Entertainment’s head honcho and Earthworm Jim creator, Dave Perry, got himself married last month. Belated congrats to him and his lovely wife. Panasonic has signed a deal with Williams Entertainment, providing Panasonic with the rights to sell 3D0 versions of current and future Williams titles. The first game is Mortal Kombat 3, scheduled for an early ’96 release. Good old Datel has come up trumps for Saturn owners. It has developed a special device that allows you to play Japanese CDs on PAL versions of Sega’s new machine. It will retail for around £50. Retail Chart 1. Primal Rage 2. Theme Park 3. Road Rash 3 4. Brian Lara Cricket 5. Batman Forever 6. Lion King 7. Micro Machines 2 8. Jungle Book 9. Street Racer in Reavis & Butthead Retail Chart 1 1. primal Rage 2. Batman Forever 3. DK Country 4. Lion King 5. NBA Jam - TE 6. Jungle Book 7. Street Racer 8. Fever Pitch Soccer 9. Earthworm Jim 10. Mortal Kombat 2 Mai H a Q Welcome to the review zone. Here the Pros dissect analyse and comment upon the hottest and coolest video aamino software around at the moment. So. if 16-bit babies aren’t too thick on the oroi he names that have been released are leneration console. If vou already have, then on with the reviews! Grrrr! piosso \mm up Premier Manager Parodius VIRTUA FIGHTER REMIX p40 The return of the beat’em-up from hell. Come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough! Usuaa pn ^ -W ' . • ■■ _ - - - Earthworm Jim2 20 War hawk 22 Werewolf Vs Comanche 24 Starblade Alpha 26 Need For Speed 28 Virtua Fighter 32X 29 Pitfall 29 Super Skidmarks 30 1 ^—-—?— |— Screamer 32 Albion: Battle Isle 3 34 Mortal Kombat 3 34 ESPN’s Extreme Games 35 Kabuki Klash 36 - - NBA Jam 37 Street Fighter: The Movie 38 Virtua Fighter Remix 40 Spot Goes To Hollywood 42 Striker ’96 43 Magic Carpet 2 44 Air Power 45 You Don’t Know Jack! 45 . Yoshi’s Island 46 Ballz: The Director’s Cut 48 Zoop 49 Championship Manager 2 49 Vectorman 50 Int Superstar Soccer Deluxe 52 Maya Drrja By Atomic Dawg Came makers certainly deserve to be keelhauled for abandoning ship on 16-bit systems and leaving millions of gamers high and dry. Thanks to Playmates, however, Mega Drive owners just might worm their way out of their depression this year. PROm To beat PsyCrow In Puppy Lore, keep your oyo on the pup closest to the crow end never miss the bomb IPs Him, Jim Earthworm Jim 2 picks up where the last Jim left off. This time the bad bird space villain, PsyCrow, has put the snatch on Jim’s girl, Princess What’s-Her-Name, to marry her himself. Jim’s out to make ol' Psy eat crow. In many ways, the action/adventure gameplay, while varied, traipses through The EWJ 2 programmers must here s thing lor corns * ■ f Mega Drive Dame Profile ^ mmwm jm 2 familiar territory... but they’re such fun and funny places to be! The 10 worlds offer assorted challenges that keep the action fresh and the challenge maxed. The basic sideview action's a blast. Our earthworm hero runs and guns through strange extra-terrestrial worlds. Jim finds an arsenal of hi-tech weapons littering the landscape, including mega plasma blasters, homing missiles, and the three-finger triple-shot gun. His standard weapons, of course, are the familiar Machine Cun and the Worm Whip, where Jim’s Powersuit uses him as a weapon. All the primo hardware is necessary to blow away a gang of bad beings that includes evil cats, Jhi lies pig problems to tooo too extra-terrestrial circus performers, and blunderbuss- wielding octopi. As the Worm TUrns The control boys must’ve put in overtime on Jim 2 because Jimbo moves through a wide variety of gameplay scenarios with style, grace and precision. For instance, in Lorensen’s Soil, Jim carries the fight to a way-out underground level worthy of any worm’s earth-moving endeavours. Using an electric sandblaster, Jim pulverises dirt and rock to burrow to the surface as pincer-head termites, icky larvae, and other underground dwellers attack him. In floating levels like Inflated Head, Jim morphs into things like the Blind Cave Salamander and Inflatable Head Jim. Here you must compensate for weightlessness as you guide Jim through passageways. There’s even a shooter level called The Flyin’ King. Using a M-overhead view, you help Jim nudge a balloon bomb past such aggressive anti-worm weapons as pig catapults and on to a nasty end boss. If your sense of humour leans towards the wicked, you’ll enjoy the finger- whacking Puppy Love bonus rounds. As PsyCrow tosses helpless puppies out of a window, you have to keep them from going “splat” by running underneath them and PLAYMATES Earthworm Jim 2’s thumb-mashing gameplay and goofy graphics make this such a good action/ adventure cartoon that you’ll want to replay Jim’s first game. £TBA Available now Action/adventure 1 player 10 levels Worm PBOTIP: In Lorensen’s SoM, nailing the soil overhead with ff.,» Mnirlyir-■*- 11 ■ urn DlaSwT CfWw& mOUMOS mm will gh/B you bettor elevation when you Jump Worriers 20 GAMEPRO • December 1995 Worm Ws&pons worm wnip The many facss of Earthworm Jim Thne4lngerfriple- shotgun bouncing them off a big marshmallow. Earthy Graphics And Sound Earthworm’s visuals are killer from the ground up. The star of the graphical show is Jim himself, who keeps things goofy with wonderfully wacky faces. He pulls assorted smirks, grimaces and looks throughout the game. As in every Jim cart there’s also a ton of bizarre stuff such as falling grandmas, flying pigs, and end-level cows. The animation’s on overdrive, so sometimes you feel like you’re playing an interactive cartoon. Worms don’t have ears, but yours are in for a treat. You can hear Scottish and Spanish influences in the tunes. The effects feature a cacophony of yells, screams, whoas and primo weapon blasts. The Conqueror Worm If you want a good workout, sign on with Jim. It worms your heart to find a 16-bit game this good. WORM INFO I PROTIP: During goo jumps, press the directionals toward I your jump to extend your range PROTIP: In The Flyin’King, you can shake off the pigs by rapidly pressing Button C PROTIP: Earthworm Jim was bom on June 9,1994 PROTIP: In The Flyin’ King, use the machine gun to clear the green goo balls out of your path PROTIP: The bubble gun is useless. If you grab it, use it up and ditch it quickly GAMEPRO • December 1995 21 PlayStation By Tommy Glide shoot’em-up action! Have you ever wanted to pilot a prime assault aircraft of the future against the vast war machine of a brutal regime? If you answered ‘yes’, enjoy the rest of this Warhawk review. It’s a game that was created by Sony’s American in-house development team, and it fits the previous description perfectly. It's your job to take control of an aircraft that looks suspiciously like the drop-ship from Aliens. While manoeuvring through a full 360° 3D environment, you must blow up various tanks and planes, and ultimately destroy the vast fortress that inhabits each level. Only then will you be allowed to move onto the next mission. warnny racoons Warhawk is a combination of a flight simulation and a shoot’em-up, although a lot more blasting than thinking is required during play. Your aircraft is equipped with various weapons, suited for air-to-air or air-to-ground targets. These can be boosted by power-ups which give you better missiles, extra shields, or a devastating smart bomb. Each button on your joypad does something different, and although the controls take a bit of getting used to, it’s fairly A ray-traced shot from the excellent introduction sequence PlayStation Game Profile ^ SONY INTERACTIVE Warhawk features gorgeous graphics, some nice FMV footage and a dramatic musical score. It won’t appeal to everyone, but it’s definitely worth having a look at. £TBA Available now Shoot’em-up 1 player 5 levels Die on accurate swarmers PROTIP: i de pyramid to PROTIP: Use your lock-on on weapon to easy to fly once you’ve got going. At least you don’t have to wade through a 400-page manual to fully understand how to play the game. The smooth gameplay is matched by some really good rendered graphics, all of which zip around the screen at incredibly fast speeds. There is a fair amount of FMV footage too. This appears at the beginning of the game and after the successful completion of each mission. If Afterburner and Gunship 2000 got romantically involved with one another, Warhawk would probably be their offspring. It’s one of those games that doesn’t have instant appeal, but once you’re past the first level, things start to hot up. It might not have the same excitement level of WipeOut, but it’s a damn fine 3D blast’em-up that’s well worth a look. 22 GAMEPRO • December 1995 Seal of Quality 16 meg. of amazing, fast paced action based on the blockbuster film. Explore the menacing districts of Edge City to humorously confront and outwit its unsavoury characters The Mask and all his incredible powers are in your control. "So, somebody stop me!” AVAILABLE NOW ON ’ED CHARACTI fRADEMARKS iRE TRA! INTEND* Graphical cut scenes are now the norm, but we still love a really good one Looks like a hit! There’s no chance calls Voxel Space™. This is the technique the programmers use to give the 3D environment more depth than any other game. This has been updated to include even more effects than normal, including stuff such as translucent smoke. From a screenshot point of view it looks stunning. It’s not quite as good when it’s moving - unless you have a fast PC - but the effect is still very good indeed. To sum up, Werewolf Vs Comanche is a good idea that fans of the series will love. If you aren’t into choppers though, beware. It's a serious simulation! You re locked on target, now an you need is a steady hand to release the missile . helicopter (how’s that for a little bit of free trivia for all you helicopter fans out there!). Novalogic is pushing the multi-player link-up option that allows you to play with a maximum of eight players over a network, or with two linked up via modem or serial cable. The CDs can also be played as individual sims if you have no access to any of these facilities. Whether you choose to link up one way or another or huddle down all lonely in your bedroom, you'll have the possibility of playing over 100 missions! If you’ve played Comanche before, you might know something about what Novalogic 's. £39.99 Available now Helicopter sim 1-8 players Network option a flick to a view over your PC Dame Profile \ wmwiir n cuiMui NOVALOGIC By Bonehead The original Comanche game from Novalogic has been knocking about for a good couple of years now. Various updates have popped up from time to time, but Comanche Vs Werewolf is perhaps Novalogic’s most ambitious project to date. Spanning two CDs, the package is almost a compilation, as you get not one, but two helicopter combat simulations for the price of one! The Comanche in question is the Boeing Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche favoured by the Americans, while the Werewolf happens to be the Russian built Kamov KA-50 Werewolf attack A well presented, well programmed helicopter game that needs no introduction. Flight sims are 10 a penny on the PC, but for ‘hover’ fans it’s either this or Apache Longbow. 24 GAMEPRO • December 1995 Terry Pratchett’s r TWG Playstation Kacpc |cd Ed ROM ROM I PlayStation • PC CD • PC • Mac CD Kincewind the Wizard has spent a lifetime avoiding danger, but a dragon is ravaging Ankh-Morpork®, and he’s the unlikely hero who’s got to rescue the city He's got the Luggage (a murderous accessory every traveller needs) a few necessary items (bananas are always useful). - and lie’s got YOU © 1995 TWG Ltd. Discworld and Ankh-Morpork are Registered Trademarks of Terry Pratchett. Illustration © 1994 Josh Kirby. Developed by TWG Ltd. Published by Psygnosis Ltd. \ VtH9i\ tlHfi : PlayStation SCORE OOO ISOO By Major Mike ifW\) Acoin-op i;) ' favourite from a few years j back, Starblade M Alpha has been plucked out of the arcades and converted to the PlayStation. The arcade version was a fairly basic shoot’em-up, but the fact that it was placed inside a sit-down, moving cabinet (just like Afterburner), appealed to gamers everywhere, and that’s what made it popular more than anything else. How it will perform as a stand-alone game without the added advantage of the player See this ship in the middle of the screen? Open fire on it as a EB B Ol£ .33 Km -— — he fact that it was placed being hurled all nside a sit-down, moving over the place is ^ :abinet (just like Afterburner), a pretty tricky ippealed to gamers question, and one iverywhere, and that’s what we don’t have the nade it popular more than answer to. inything else. The game itself | How it will perform as a seems to have been jhese ti itand-alone game without the inspired by the space laser fit idded advantage of the player battles from the Even the first mission —^ destruction of a space - ||1 station that looks uncannily like the The graphics are very blocky, and it can be Death star. difficult seeing exactly what’s going on This is not a bad thing because Star Wars was one of the best films ever made, but Starblade Alpha is more a crossbreed of Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers. PlayStation Game Profile SONY INTERACTIVE These two blue lines represent laser fire from your ship You follow a predetermined path, as in Novastorm, and although you do experience a good sense of movement, this can be a bit of a problem. Simply put, it’s much more appealing to chase after ships rather than just take pot-shots at them when they fly across your field of vision. Alpha Centauri There are two versions of the game included on the one disk - the original arcade affair and the new, graphically enhanced PlayStation version. PROTIP: Fire at everything that moves. It’s great! Both play exactly the same, and whether you want to re-live the gaming past or experience the gaming future is entirely up to you. It’s an arcade-perfect conversion, but the lack of a sit-down arcade machine loses a lot of the game’s appeal. Starblade Alpha is just a standard shoot’em-up that is unlikely to appeal to anybody but hardcore shoot’em-up fans. That’s a harsh statement, but it’s true. Starblade Alpha has gorgeous graphics, but the lack of that arcade sit-down experience means that in the end, all you’re left with is a fairly bland, standard shoot’em-up. OG37SO& The launch sequence is quite nice, but it’s not what yo u’d call highly impressive 01X30000 ■ySflS £TBA Available now Shoot’em-up 1 player Star Wars-esque The mother ships are all big and stuff. And when YOu1ly into them vour ship bursts. That’s why it says ‘DANGER iTW SlOiVitt-TO JUUGtt. STOKE Original 1 ( Nintendo] Seal of Quality AVAILABLE NOVEMBER THE ACTION - MORE EXPLOSIVE THAN EVER THE TECHNOLOGY- THE MOST ADVANCED THE MISSIONS - LAND, SEA, JUNGLE, CITIES THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE AND TOUGHEST YET! PARADE, EPSOM, SURREY KTI8 5D : ELECTRON 1C 'ARTS. ELECTRONIC ARTS IS A REGISTERED TRADE! ND THE OFFICIAL SEAL ARE TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO CO. LTI UR^AN STRIKE AND JUNGLE STRIKI \ #PER NINTENDO ENTER’ ELECTRONIC ARTS. HQ, INC A r PC CO Rom Came Profile ' m nm for spefo ELECTRONIC ARTS The Need for Speed is a fast, exciting and challenging racer. The link-up option is especially nice, and provides for plenty of frenzied competition. Worth checking out. £ 39.99 Available now Racing 1 player or modem 6 tracks That looks like a bit of a nasty accident up ahead. ^ BySloMo Is that you going the wrong way or is it him? Either way you’re in trouble Better hit the brakes Everyone's going ® for the Ridge Racer type of game on the PC at the moment, so it’s nice to see something that’s a little bit of a change. The Need for Speed has been converted from the successful 3D0 version of last year, and gives you the chance to test drive some of the world's fastest cars across some of the world’s most hazardous terrain. They’re all in here, ranging from Ferraris through Porches to Toyotas. Technical details can be accessed on each mobile, and you can be talked through their performance while being treated to test drive digitised footage. Needful Things When you’ve finished with the multimedia bit you can get down to the race itself. You can choose to go either head- to-head with a computer controlled opponent, play a tournament racing against a whole caboodle of them, or be a bit more adventurous and link up two machines via a The road ahead is clear, so get your foot down and head off into the distance behind you. No The cops are letting up now or you’re nicked One thing to watch out for as you hare along the roads, are the traffic cops. They will go out of their way to cause you problems. Speed Racer A little indicator will flash when you are being tracked by a speed radar, and at this point you should slow down. If you don’t you’ll be stopped and get a ticket. Two tickets in a race will result in your arrest. Came over! Yet another unfortunate accident up ahead. Ha! That’s a shame modem or network so you can overall race on every track play with a little more available, which is no mean intensity. achievement. Once your car and ^"^ e 9 ame ' s type of race is accom P aniec) chosen you are / \ by a rock zoomed into the I ] soundtrack, track and off you y y . ■ which is fine if go. The courses / : £ , ' 1 / you like that are in stages, and ~~ sort of thing, obviously enough, the Whatever your taste, it idea is to finish each stage as is definitely driving music! quickly as possible. The graphics are smooth, To win the tournament and it really shifts. The overall mode you have to win the impression of speed is great. It’s going to be a tight squeeze in lt s a tremendous pile-up, as the the tunnel ahead Chase Camera shows 777 r 0 J ij — it T 0 mwi/dirTTi^ By Scary Larry Generation (32) X-ers who thought that their system was dead in the water should stop their cryin’. This Boxy Boxers Although you can set the options for almost everything, VF 32X basically remains a best-two-out-of- three fighting game. Employing authentic martial arts styles, the game has a realistic look and feel. This version includes options that the Saturn version doesn’t. A Tournament mode has been added, and other options enable you to change costume colours and camera angles. With all these options, does the game still pack a punch? When considering control, the answer is yes. Along with all 700 moves from the original, you’ll find the basic button set - Punch, Kick and Defend. the Wild Are The graphics are very close to the Saturn, with noticeable differences being a little slow¬ 32K Same Profile mm nmu SEGA £TBA Available Now Beat’em-up 1-2 players Side view By Scary Larry Harry Jr. is back in search of his long lost father, but nothing has changed in this latest version of Pitfall. This game is exactly like the other Pitfall titles and brings little improvement. PtmP: In xibalba Falls, watch improvements, but nothing noticeable. The jungle sounds are still clear, and all other sound effects are well done. Pitfall will enthral anyone who hasn’t played the original Mega Drive, SNES or Atari 2600 game. Everyone else has seen this jungle before. 32H Came Profile p\mii: m ACTIVISION £TBA Available now Action/adventure 1 player Side view PROTIP: The most lethal Brows an executed from behind. When your opponent Is turned around, dose In and simultaneously press Punch and Kick PROW: Ibo lighters ham moms mat win max opponents stacks down and a lot of polygons missing from the win animations. Even so, these setbacks are minor for this nearly flawless portover. The sounds, unfortunately, suffer dramatically in translation. Most of the Japanese exclamations are here, but their impact is lessened by the tinny sound. Don’t get us wrong - Virtua Fighter isn’t everyone’s cup of sake. But if realism and smooth fighting are your thing, this is what you’ve been looking for. You still travel through ancient Mayan ruins, whipping past pools of lava and fighting bats, rats and cheetahs. None of the levels have been changed, so if you’ve played this before, here it is again. Your arsenal of weapons includes rocks, smart bombs and your trusty whip. You can use your whip to swing from ledges, hang from vines, and slap snakes into submission. Controlling this battery of weapons is sometimes confusing. The Start button pauses the game, but it also somewhat perversely cycles through your weapons. Jumping onto ledges is also unnecessarily tricky. Pitfall’s scenery hasn’t changed in this version. Harry’s movements are still poetry though, and the layered backgrounds are beautiful. The sound has minor 32X 6AMEPR0 • December 1995 29 j 'jJjyu JJ/l!/y Mega Drive Same Profile CODEMASTERS Just as good, if not better than Micro Machines. Super Skidmarks has superb 3D graphics, quality sound effects and more gameplay than you can possibly handle. £44.99 Available now Racing 1-4 players 48 tracks / - 1 numBi I ii -> v* m A * \ j r - v i\ | % I fM V 1 A s f ^11 1 -i _ I ** ^ J \ v| WEB SITE NO. http:// ...AIM EXPERIENCE NOT TO BE MISSED.” GAMES WORLD “THE GREATEST CD GAME IN HISTORY?” C&VG WIN PRIZES RING 0891 24 44 24 Ike (all cosh 39p a minute ckeap rate and 49p at all other times (maximum costs £3.00). Please get permission from the person paying the bill. Competition starts October 1st. . ALSO ON CD-i * 1995 TripMedia Limited. : 1995 Philips lnterarti»e Media International Limited. \ 1995 Simon Boswell. PHILIPS UJJ-JIujjj £39.99 Available now Racing 1 player (+ n/work) 6 cars 41 % you could whip out your RR CD and replace it with a music CD of your choice to play in the background? Well, Screamer lets you do the same, and it is features like this that make the game that much more enjoyable. Great care and attention has been taken in getting the tracks and sideline detail right. The cars have been well drawn too, and actually look like they are on the track as opposed to floating on top. Nice Scream There is plenty of scope for fast, furious racing and spectacular crashes as you hurtle around the courses at close on 300 kph. If there is a problem with Screamer, it’s that it might possibly be a little on the easy side. It doesn't take long to complete the championship, and this could be slightly off-putting if you’ve spent 40 quid on it. But, if you have access to a PC network, this problem is made redundant as you can happily link up a number of machines and race against all your friends or colleagues. And they’re off I There’s a gap in the middle there if you’re quick enough You can see the bend ahead but you’re still doing 200mph. What happens next? BySloMo Arcade style racing games are definitely in vogue at the moment thanks to the Saturn and the PlayStation. We've already had the excellent Fatal Racin’ from Gremlin (reviewed last issue), and now comes the eagerly awaited Screamer from Virgin Interactive. Boasting slightly more impressive graphics than Gremlin's offering, Screamer also includes a couple of great Ridge Racer-ish features. Remember on the PlayStation PC Co-Rom Game Profile ^ scram VIRGIN Another quality product from Virgin that just about shades Fatal Racin’. Screamer has a lot of nice touches that makes it play like the PlayStation’s classic Ridge Racer. Screamer is a fine achievement for the PC. They used to say that decent arcade games couldn't be done on this format, and although everything is far better on a Pentium, it is products like this that show the machine can certainly hold its own against the consoles. It’s very dose U P- Fortunately GAMEPRO • December 1995 32 SO YOU THOUGHT IT WAS £299«? 2 ACCESSORIES O 1.S0NYJ0YPAD £24.99 CO 2. SONY MEMORY CARD £19.99 5 3. SONY MOUSE £24.99 S 4. SONY LINK LEAD £19.99 31 5. SONY SCART CABLE £24.99 6.NEGC0NPAD £44.99 ^ 7. SCART CABLE £19.99 = 8. JOYPAD EXTENDER CABLE mmm 5 £14.99 SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT THIS MONTHS TEKKEN - 8 characters and 9 bosses all with devastating attacks, super smooth animation with mind-bending, back breaking martial arts manoeuvers DESTRUCTION DERBY - Reckin'Racing,Stock Car Ra Destruction Derby & Time Trials. Hit and Run Mayhem with no rules no time limits & no pit stops 70 pit stops HIGHLY RECOMMENDED GAMES HERE IS JUST A SELECTION OF SOME OF THE OTHER GREAT TITLES AVAILABLE TOP TEN GAMES Ridge Racer. £37.99 Tekken. £39.99 Tohshinden. £39.99 Jumping Flash. £37.99 Wipeout. £39.99 Destruction Derby. £36.99 3D Lemmings. £34.99 Mortal Kombat 3. £39.99 Theme Park. £37.99 Fade To Black. £37.99 Primal Rage. £37.99 Split Realities. £37.99 Screaming Wheels. £37.99 Rapid Reload. £34.99 Raiden. £37.99 Boxers Road. £37.99 Dynamic Tension. £37.99 Shellshock. £37.99 Waterworld. £37.99 Ultimate Paradious. £36.99 Motor Toon GP. £36.99 Streetfighter The Movie. £34.99 Cybersled. £34.99 11th Hour. £37.99 Starblade. £39.99 Krazy Ivan. £34.99 Assault Rigs. £36.99 Road Rash. £36.99 Magic Carpet. £36.99 Spot Goes To Hollywood ..£36.99 Rayman. £39.99 Prowler. £36.99 Creature Shock - Special Ed£39.99 Defcon 5. £36.99 Syndicate Wars. £37.99 Goman. £37.99 Rollcage. £34.99 Air Combat. £37.99 Goal Storm. £37.99 Project Overkill.£36.99 Arc The Lad..£37.99 FIFA 96 .£36.99 Actual Golf.£36.99 WE ONLY SELL UK PRODUCTS .... NO IMPORTS!! WE GET ALL THE GAMES FIRST, SO WE DELIVER 1ST!! MAIL ORDER DIRECT ON 01442279700 217 LONDON ROAD • APSLEY • HEME HEMPSTEAD • HERTS HP3 9SE Cheques/Postal Orders payable to Playstation Direct Limited Postage & Packing SONY PLAYSTATION MACHINE £5.00 Software & Accessories FREE 10 TELEPHONE LINES HI (Ml Open 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. pq Uii-Jiujjj PC CDRom Dame Profile BLUE BYTE A good all-round strategy game that will pick up a lot of fans from all areas. As follow-up games go, Shadow of the Emperor the best of the three. £39.99 Available now Strategy 1 player Third in series Shadow of the Emperor. As far as strategy games go, Battle Isle 3 will become the essential purchase of produce that many games m 15 rlT”* r ■ ' It IMi i PROTIP: On the bike, pedal hard through straights and coast through turns to maintain top speed PlayStation By Air Hendrix > '-v-./v r JrtUplaci jrfi/'A/w Following in the tread marks of Road Rash, ESPN’s Extreme Games broadens the racing-combat genre. Based on US network ESPN’s televised competition, this disc doesn’t push the limits of 32-bit graphics and gameplay, but it does take you on a thrilling ride. Rowdy Racing The exhibition or season competition begins after you select one of 16 characters and your equipment-a mountain bike, street luge, skateboard, or rollerblades. As you thrash through the streets of Lake Tahoe, San Francisco, Utah, Italy, or South America, your opponents ride all four sets of equipment - and they greet you with punches and kicks. Strewn with obstacles like hay bales and tyres, the tough lengthening levels will be urban streets and beautiful, and thumps of combat sound relatively muffled. Road Tested courses are also packed with disappointed by the shortage ramps for jumps and slalom- of new territory: Extreme’s five style gates that you pass courses are all you get. through to collect cash, earn Despite these shortcomings, points, and unlock secret getting to the front of the pack passages. Grab enough cash is a heady, intense ride that and you can upgrade your will definitely engross you. gear for speedier stuff. Pummeling through the pack and bagging major air off the ramps makes for wicked fun, and the mostly solid controls respond well during the varied action. Achieving top speeds, however, requires the right mix of acceleration and aerodynamics. Mastering this is a tough task that’s made harder by a small speedometer and rocky scrolling that inaccurately reflects your changing speed. Even worse, Road Rash vets who are accustomed to fighting through ever- Smashing Scenery In the graphics department, respectable digitised courses send you through winding PROTIP: In South America, hit the third blue gate inside the tunnel to open up a cash-ladt tunnel immediately to the left remote mountains, but many details are glazed over with a tad too much pixellation. The well-detailed sprites and obstacles keep the action realistic, though some of the animations stutter a bit. Extreme’s sound doesn’t make a loud splash. Your various vehicles are outfitted with realistic effects that keep you interested, but the grunts PROTIP: Hold the Go button until your speed levels off, then use the Crouch button to accelerate more Extreme isn’t the deepest racing game ever made, but its fresh appeal and fighting edge make it worth a serious look. Besides, where else can you crank your skateboard up to 60 mph? GAMEPRO December 1905 35 Magical Mystery Moves Klash has eight fighters in the Versus mode, followed by four boss characters in the one- player mode. The characters’ fighting styles all vary - some carry weapons, while others use projectiles and even animals for special attacks. The regular special moves are the usual quarter- and half¬ circle motions with the joystick, and they’re easy to execute. Unfortunately, the regular special moves aren’t very interesting, and the game loses its freshness quickly. In addition to the various special moves, there are also a few limited combos, and some fighters rely on weapons that must be retrieved after they’re thrown at opponents. Also available are Magic moves that can only be performed when Geo • Geo Game Profile \ mum mm IMPORT By The Axe Grinder Of all the great ingredients in Kabuki Klash, somebody forgot an essential one: gameplay. Klash has terrific sounds and graphics, but it still isn’t a very fun fighting game. PROfT: Use weak kicks or the Magic bar is maxed out. All Magic moves are done by tapping Down twice on the joystick and hitting one or two buttons. The Magic moves vary from character to character, giving some fighters extremely unfair advantages. For example, Kinu’s flaming dog attack sends her trusty animal side- kick bouncing around the screen like a giant fireball. If it hits an opponent correctly, it can drain over half their life bar. The same is true of the boss Manto: His mini Jyashlnsal Karakuri stampede can almost kill an opponent if unblocked. Animation Spotlight Klash really shines in the graphics department, with cutesy Disney-style character animations and knockout Magic moves (like Oroshimaru’s Tou-Ryu). The final boss is truly something to behold: He’s loaded with awesome special moves and takes up half the screen. Excellent sound effects complement the action. Explosions, slashes, and frenzied yelps from the characters provide an earful. IQalm to Fame? Had a little more effort been put into the play engine, Klash could’ve been PROTIP: When an opponent Is blocking Yaguno’s Dragon Hre, nm In fora throw something really special. The initial gameplay is arresting, but after a while it loses its lustre. Ultimately the game doesn’t offer more than the state-of-the art animation and sounds we’ve come to expect from the Neo*Geo. Kabuki Klash has plenty of awesome graphics and sound effects, but the fighting action leaves a little something to be desired. And that’s a real shame. Import Available now Beat’em-up 1-2 player Much scrapping r FOUR^ Luclfeller. Use Klnu’s rising aura attack on Luclfaller’s dhre- Manto 36 GAMEPRO • December 1995 SUPEf$Utf\ plajjStettojj ■£wpe,i‘,s ; ■WfcioiJ t'-tia 1 g' er.-tli’e-i jr.j'bvan l- v4'^J.£"LiY.i* kVl.^a ItV'.v j'J ffl$ wjque x / yMd:teUH):: C. ' ^>19 topti/kWif. SUPERS Lkf\ frri* .swva : rwpfjgv un ■ I'irlkptfoci: ^ fi A'^a rri: i o I d^.:i*u^y^ : i |-V; , : , ^^H i : sjieecHriiW 1 s';] a^itT-df; foddsKi;'■! v ■; cVi d s: 7;.- : i: 'v*'y i :• :■: yit\'^o''• . •••. • • :■: ■•.■ .■ • ■ ■■•■ : .-::. : :■ ■.■.■'■ i :-ul” 1 F. :: : : ,. :$Wci$Ih y lyotf fcarj'.;.'; ■';'t6(l i; c'r : toljeft s! kti i cli'^iibhiic6; ‘:. '■: : • i’/:- •'.'; ;■! ;:■ ',■;: ;:■! ': Jr ■ij)'''4j|!nVC's;''j5 : ^vV'Kikjfjf'v v! : s 'c re'd fj bJig^i:: ; • i , :V'U : t ; ijov'i&l’£> ^ :! : . : :':';- .'.■ji-rliityje 1%-; ttj epe ri ai nj^.'ci rt JV.wfii t!h :'jt^ ^cpVyoij'-y ^ !chjo i s^b'iV:::':v". : ■: ^ ^ K-:—‘'-v'!-':- '/t; dd ^iiWrQvdfe trt;-e ■/ V'^irb $ ^Jd : ,lo'vr^^j'Aiid 'e, ticair;/: ; ,; •, di? 0 .y;.; ; ■ told Wed;; wi^Jip;J ;;';■:: '. , ^ jJ W d’ty.i ii g/Btil;: heff!,: ■ • ; ; Fj V'yj;e;' i iLj 5^ ,5drt^|^Joijayy , 'rj''; 5-wVi’jc-ti.lJ t>fi id- iM 6 t&HhT;; : L : .‘J.‘ : \p%Wi& iactMi cn^ancl: : ' : ;hi Q};e ;'f K)^itQ^y;:kd7>^ :;i;.' ;'#*£> ■;:,' f;.':: ; :'■'; '; aY&ete'&' t\v&6j&iv.i ■; : ;'■' £ '• :' : , : :'.v : ■i »i it'iii ij'r \ : rs' at-."':: ft: ' '$• PlayStation Same Profile MMA JAM ACCLAIM Boomshakalak! NBA Jam slams onto the PlayStation. It’s an arcade-perfect conversion and the best multi-player game to appear on Sony’s wonder machine yet. £TBA Available now Sports sim 1-4 players 28 teams PROTIP: Slay out of the comers - the computer A.I. really goes into overdrive there By Scary Larry From the slick opening scenes ported directly from the movie to the operatic intro music, you may think you’re in for a treat with Street Fighter: The Movie. Think again. SF purists will find this game choppy and unpredictable. where you fight each SF character in the order they appeared in the film. You won’t want to wait to see how this one ends though. Blanka was added to the game, but Akuma and Blade are gone, as is the ability to chain together multi-hit combos, which was a fun feature of the arcade version. Opponents recover more quickly in SF: Movie, and you find yourself playing a wait-and-strike defensive game rather than a true competitive Street Fighter match. And quirky, unpredictable frame redraw gums up the controls. Although most of the moves were taken from Super Street Fighter II Turbo, the clunky gameplay comes straight out of Final Fight. Standard two- out-of-three-match fights are augmented by a Story mode, pr in**ft* Saturn \ J asr »lm ruTi f 0 if 0 l\ 1/ 1 M ■ H i // § i 1 * M / 7 L \ J4 h 14 >eq _/| /■>*** Dngon Punch and Canmtfs Saturn Came Profile ^ mm HUTU: TMI Mill! ACCLAIM All the action of the arcade version is alive and... sickly. Street Fighter used to be king of the beat’em-up mountain, but this version tripped and fell down the hill. £44.99 Available now Beat’em-up 1-2 players Side view \_ Screen Scene The graphics are supposed to be digitised images of the movie stars, but they look and sound like extras. Clean, PROM* When fighting as Sagat, wait lor a Jumping player to ream mmr pcaKy wen unwasn a Tiger Uppercut (Motion Down, Down-Toward, Toward and tap any Punch button) fora quick lhm4dt combo decoys. Throw one, thenfodowRInto attK kabktcUng digitised backgrounds straight from the movie are upstaged by fighter sprites that move with syrupy slowness compared to other SF titles. Blocky, choppy animation delivers a final blow. Equally disturbing sounds include special-move “yells”, like “Hadoken” and “Kikkoken”, that sound as if they’re coming through a tin-can telephone. Michael Jackson could yell louder than Ken’s weak shriek - “Hiiiyeahh” sounds more like * kick (Motion Toward, faP Toward, PK or HQ “Hiya” - and although powerful music introduces the game, it doesn’t accompany the action. Pity. A Movfe-Ne Beast Acclaim should have left this one at the arcades. SF: Movie is a major disappointment for Street Fighter fanatics and a minor letdown for fighting fans. Maybe movie critics will like this version - they’ll finally get a chance to pound the bejeezus out of Jean-Claude Van Damme. GAMEPRO • December 1995 38 PlayStation ABERDEEN 01224 211102 CORK 021 278182 BARNSLEY 01266 732310 COVENTRY 01203 256148 BELFAST 01232 314733 CRAWLEY 01293 530008 BIRMINGHAM 0121 236 7060 DERBY 01332 296697 BLACKBURN 01254 693990 DUBLIN 01 677 3755 BOURNEMOUTH 01202 311668 DUBLIN TALLAGHT 01 4522 700 BRISTOL 0117 9298626 HANLEY 01782266294 BROMLEY 0181 466 0199 HEMEL HEMPSTEAD 01442 233882 BURTON 01283 539250 KINGSTON 0181 549 8018 CAMBERLEY 01276 681484 LANCASTER 01524 849522 CARDIFF 01222 382332 LEEDS 0113 2465320 CHESTER 01244 350350 LIMERICK 061 400166 GAME THE UK'S LEADING MULTIMEDIA RETAILER LIVERPOOL 0151 709 7205 ROMFORD 01708 734803 MANCHESTER 0161 8395101 SHEFFIELD 0114 2729300 MEADOWHALL 01142569299 SOUTHAMPTON 01703 237771 MIDDLESBROUGH 01642252970 STEVENAGE 01438750595 NEWCASTLE 0191 2300239 STRATFORD 01789 267736 NORTHAMPTON 01604604123 SWINDON 01793 435520 NORWICH 01603219221 THURROCK 01708890008 NOTTINGHAM 0115 9502662 TUNBRIDGE WELLS 01892 545326 PLYMOUTH 01752257033 WATFORD 01923 213494 POOLE 01202666255 WIGAN 01942243220 PORTSMOUTH 01705 833292 WOKING 01483 768376 PRESTON 01772 250310 in this Remix version, showing the general public just what L the Saturn is Lg. ..... capable of as it squares up to battle the likes of I Tekken and Battle Arena Toshinden. Virtua Fighter 2 _ *i looks absolutely I Fi'aftl stunning, but as you’re not getting that baby for a ^ | good few months yet, Sega is hoping you'll while away the long winter hours by investing in this one. Why Sega couldn’t have waited a little and released the Saturn bundled with a copy of Remix, Cod only knows. But at the end of the day, it’s a business, and businesses are - 1 here to make money, ® By Bruised Lee This is the game that hundreds of Japanese and American punters got completely free of charge, simply because they bought a Saturn and Sega fancied treating them. Sega UK on the other hand isn’t going to give it away for nothing, it's going to make you pay for your new and improved software. And it expects you to be grateful as well! Virtua Fighter came bundled with the rush-released Saturn earlier this year, and with all grievances aside, it is a top game. However, whether or not you’d like to shell out near on 50 quid for an updated version of the same game is another thing entirely. The graphics are vastly improved not to give their products away to whinging gamesplayers. So, what exactly are the differences? Well, the character select screen has been altered. All the HgjS characters M have been AA/,a re-drawn, 2 S Pan allowing for ?? a,e ‘ , plenty of o shading, flesh Kung Fu tones, fancy clothing etc, and erm... that’s about it. It looks better, the replays are incredibly nice and smooth (no polygon glitches you’ll be pleased to hear!), and the whole thing gives off the AKIRA GAMEPRO • December 1995 ETBA Available Dec Beat’em-up 1-2 players Improved visuals feeling that you’re playing a next generation game. It’s not going to appeal to the average Saturn owner, simply because they already own an Saturn Same Profile \ mm nun* remix SEGA earlier version of the game, but the more hardened gamers out there may be tempted to shell out for what has to be the best looking, most playable piece of beat’em-up Saturn software to date. The decision, as that sad, old, annoying bloke off Blind Date always insists on saying, is yours. KSEE ? 5 m nq mm The polygon puncher is back, and it’s stopped oft at the Advanced School Of Improved Visuals on its way. It all looks great, but it is still the same game at the end of the day. 6AMEPR0 • December 1995 41 ETBA Available now Platform 1 player Spot-tastic The game, as you’ve probably guessed from its title, requires you to make your way around several classic movie genres. Spot must run and jump around the levels collecting a required amount of spots. Some are easy to get, some involve an element of puzzle solving, while others look plain impossible to obtain. Cool Hand Spot It’s a mighty challenge to see if you can find all the spots, and you’ll quite often return to a level to see if you can pick up the maximum amount. There are loads of enemies to dodge, and apart from the end-of-level bosses, they can’t be killed. This makes the game a lot harder than your average platformer. The playability seems to be set PROTIP: just right. It’s water - They have easy enough at first, but a couple of levels in and things start getting a lot tougher. Graphically, Spot 3 is a Mega Drive owners wet dream. The cartoon-like graphics are marine life. superb, the animation is excellent, and the stylized backdrops are quite brilliant. This is quite literally a different angle on the old platform genre, and one that works extremely well. Spot 3 has got the instant appeal of the first game, Some levels are a little less interesting than others. Like this... enabling you to pick up your joypad and get to grips with those pesky platforms. The isometric viewpoint proves a bit tricky at times and can confuse you, but that aside, Spot goes to Hollywood is the type of quality platformer that Mega Drive owners are crying out for. Stand still for a while and Spot will answer his mobile phone j 'ri-jy-i By Sir Garnabus The original game was a massive success, seemingly for no other reason other than the fact that the star character was proclaimed as the coolest in the history of gamedom. Cool Spot was a fairly average platformer, but the pesky red dot has returned, and this time he’s gone all 3D. The runaway tain came down uw track. Woohoo! Woohoo! Mega Drive Dame Profile VIRGIN INTERACTIVE Great gameplay that comes complete with some of the best graphics you’ve seen all year. Spot 3 is an essential buy for Mega Drive owners. 42 GAMEPRO • December 1995 Fantastic Header! A$ tlwBVBt Striker WSSttSSSSSSlS. Andy’s one-liners tend to be slightly out of sync in some situations, which does add a certain comedy effect, but in general they can become more than a tad annoying. This is easily sorted out by decreasing Mr Cray’s volume to nil, so you can just sit back and listen to the roar of the capacity crowd or the PROTIP: Careful use of theaftertouc can result in with By Toxic Tommy .. - The original quickly became a classic on the Super Nintendo, spawned a sequel, then sold its soul to as many other formats as would have it. Now it's returned. Striker is THE football game as far as many people are concerned. Sensi isn't everybody’s cup of tea and the onslaught of soccer sims that followed the World Cup, FIFA included, didn’t exactly set the gaming world alight. Now the Striker snowball has rolled its way onto the next generation platforms, with the PlayStation being the first to experience the wonders of this game. Everything from the original has been vastly improved, offering the player more options, views, tactics and teams than ever before - including an excellent rejig of the indoor option. An added bonus for the PlayStation version comes in the form of ex-soccer supremo and regular SKY commentator Andy Gray, who treats you to a volley of footballing comments and general chit¬ chat whilst you play. sound of boot against ball instead. The gameplay is identical to the previous incarnations, with the only noticeable tweak being the wild and crazy aftertouch buttons. As players of the original will know, the aftertouch option quickly became the easiest way to score on the SNES version, but now this has been converted into a ‘crazy ball’ situation - it flys wildly up the pitch if the button is kept held down. This doesn’t make it any easier to score at first, but play around with it for a while and you’ll soon be swerving 20 yards shots in like a man possessed. That’s the thing with Striker, you always discover neat little touches and cool moves you never knew you had. This can only add to the competition element, and increases the playability and enjoyment of this awesome game. Decent football simulations are always few and far between, but it’s safe to say that Warner’s next gen conversion has done us PROTIP: Try not to aim too high in the penalty shootouts, you’ll sky it! soccer-hungry gamers proud. Forget your fancy high resolution flight sims and 3D virtual beat’em-ups, Striker '96 kicks them all into touch with a whopping dollop of old school flavour. A classic, despite Andy Gray’s irrelevant twittering. PlayStation Same Profile mm ii WARNER INTERACTIVE Boys in the park, jumpers tor goalposts... great shift. The pure playability of Striker ’96 demand that you play it some more. Addictive, enjoyable, orgasmic fun. £TBA Available Nov Football 1-2 players Andy Gray GAMEPRO • December 1995 43 By Brother Buzz Sequel time folks. Magic Carpet received some of the best marks ever when the PC mag fraternity absolutely creamed over the quality of the graphics and sound effects. However, what many of them failed to mention was the fact you needed to have a processor the size of Portsmouth to stand any chance of enjoying the game. Even on a high spec 486 the frame rate was stupidly slow. PC CO-Rom Same Profile ^ MUSIC CARPET 2 BULLFROG A good, solid sequel that will make a lot more friends than enemies. Magic Carpet 2isalotmore accessible than the original, and Bullfrog deserves credit for this. £44.99 Available now Arcade 1 player Persian rug \ _ So life was fine and dandy if you had a Pentium, but what about the rest of the country? What were they missing out on? Well, now could be the chance to find out, because Bullfrog reckons it has speeded the whole thing up by a mammoth 75% in this sequel. This means the joys of Magic Carpet should now be accessible to people with a decent 486 PC. m Ninjn Besides the internal workings, a lot of extra effort has been expended on making the levels as non-linear as possible. That was perhaps another criticism that could have been levelled at the original, but wasn't. No matter, once again good old Bullfrog has identified the problem and managed to eradicate it in one fell swoop. Also in this time are sleek- looking night levels and slightly better sound effects. What’s more, the game really is ridiculously playable. MC2 is perhaps what the first game should have been. Fans of the original will doubtless lap it up, and if you missed it the first time around - for whatever reason - then it’s certainly worth tracking down now. Bullfrog still hasn’t produced a bad game, and never looks likely to either. With the release schedule it has lined up, it’s easy to see this company at the top of the PC tree for quite some time! GAMEPRO December 1895 44 We previewed this way back in issue one of GamePro, but now irt here for review. Flight sim king Rowan Software has put its mind to something a little more strategically challenging than normal, with Air Power. The whole thing is based around battles between fleets of air ships as control of the ?>J MJ-ilUlU PC Co-Ram Came Profile m it # 7 khbw jack BERKELEY SYSTEMS PC CD-Rom Came Profile air pawn MINDSCAPE £29.99 Available now Quiz 1-3 players 800 Questions £39.99 Available now Strategy 1 player Aeroplane antics ipenildii dbyiwcu J Jo jmalism^what jjactj By Dr Zombie There was a time _ j n the late eighties - when trivia games were all the rage, and inevitably there was some cross-over onto the computers of the time. There is only so much you can do with Trivial Pursuits on a cassette- driven Amstrad though, so they tended to be simplistic affairs. Then, for some reason, they died out. That is until the arrival of Berkeley Systems’ You Don’t Know Jack. BS is more widely known for its series of After Dark screen savers for the PC, but YDKJ is a complete CD trivia fest presented in the style of a gameshow. All the questions are spoken, and the whole thing comes complete with a huge great slice of good of American cheese! Top trivia frolics abound with the day’s first question question It’s intensely close coming up question number four KnOw Anna High School Lit & 1980’s Song Titles Jughead & Economic Theory I’d Rather Jack It’s so corny it’s unbelievable and it works because of this 800 questions are included on the CD, with plans for a further 800 to come. There will be some repetition, but that’s I inevitable. Up to three people can partake, and the more you have, the funnier it gets. Well worth checking out if you like TV quizzes! Who will be first on the buzzer for this big money question? Mein Summer Kampfl JACK! Quetp, jive gollen, man pie rant smet Wayne SO If you succeed in with your squidger, artificially trweniinati played Utldlywuikk gardened with a toftc your palin'. Here's another screen that looks just like all the others! A f R - POWER - CAMEPII • December 1995 45 By Major Mike One of the most anticipated (and requested) games for the Super NES is the sequel to Super Mario World, Yoshi’s Island is worth the wait and proves that Nintendo is still able to turn out an exceptional game, not just a lukewarm “product." Yoshi is a work of art. Yoshi’s Island takes place before the other Mario games, returning to the days when the moustachioed hero was a helpless infant. In this adventure, baby Mario’s been kidnapped by the evil Kamek, and the Yoshi dinosaurs are trying to return him to his parents. With little Mario clinging to his back, Yoshi sets out to face six worlds loaded with secrets and hidden areas... along with a plethora of bad guys! The control is almost perfect, which is critical because this game has more techniques than previous Mario titles. Yoshi can use his long tongue to grab enemies, swallow them, and turn them into eggs that he fires at other enemies. Yoshi can also pound things into the ground and hover briefly. Several power-ups allow Yoshi to change from dinosaur form into a helicopter, a submarine, and burrowing craft. Sharing the spotlight, Mario can be controlled too - but only if he gets the star power- up that affords him invincibility for a brief period. Otherwise, it’s just a matter of keeping Mario on Yoshi’s back. One hit knocks off Yoshi’s pint-sized rider, who then floats around the screen in a bubble, crying his little plumber’s eyes out. If not retrieved in short order, he’s whisked away by Koopas, and Yoshi loses a life. graphical variety. Some areas are set in the jungle, some underground, and a few look like they were drawn with crayon. Although the graphics of our dinosaur hero are simple, the game is loaded with dynamite visuals like gigantic lava monsters, spitting fish, and huge bosses that take up almost the entire screen. There are also cleverly animated elements, such as enemies walking on stilts and dressed up like savage headhunters. The game has tunes similar to Super Mario World. Cutesy, Yoshi stars in this sequel to Super Mario World, which was one of the best Super NES games ever, and matches it in almost every respect. This is great entertainment £TBA Import Platformer 1 player 54+ stages \° < ■ ° \ \ v V o V® > :.\n 46 9AMEPR0 • December 1995 • c kiddie music guides Yoshi, but it never goes overboard or gets overbearing. The sound effects are also similar to the other Marios, with the most arresting being Mario’s haunting infant cries for help when he is parted from his dinosaur friend. Yoshi's Island is big: Six worlds with eight areas in each are waiting to be plumbed. One of the best elements of the Mario games has always been the abundance of hidden items and concealed rooms. Yoshi follows suit. Each stage has a certain number of coins and other items to collect - most of which are tucked away in hidden rooms. If you find all the hidden items in a world, you can enter one extra bonus area. At the end of each area, a counter reveals how many items you found (and missed). The bonus games range from testing reflexes to challenging your memory skills. Fanatic Mario followers will probably make it a moral imperative to finish the game in just one sitting. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll find all the hidden items along the way. While the game is challenging, anyone who played the earlier entries will master Yoshi in no time. Yoshi, the Islander Yoshi doesn’t rely on flashy graphics or jazzy effects to cover up an empty game. This is a 16-bit game that shows real heart and creativity. Now if they would only do a 16-bit sequel to Zelda before the SNES is put to rest. 47 have also been worked out. m 'ATOM im With fully rendered and revised backgrounds, this version rules. Ww Mb f^ ^WKKSx The format’s still best-two-of- three rounds, and there are ^ be pm still maniacal bosses like Jester ^T^’tmuroppeno 11 ^ ^ and the Kangaroo to contend & is at 25 p er c ao d cr with. Also retained are the stinging taunts and verbose insults. New fighters, like the pugilistic poltergeist Zombie, make for nine total ball-busters. By Scary Larry Those spherically incorrect fighters are back, and this time they have a ton of graphics-processing power behind them. 3DO Ballz is a great improvement over the original. before with great CD-enhanced music and character-specific theme songs. There are even more hilarious grunts, groans and farts than before. The controls are easy to learn and understand, but Ballz is definitely a game that becomes more fun when you’ve memorised the moves. Although filled with humour, you could easily win rounds by just pounding your opponents. The fighters also have a tendency to fling themselves But Sphere Itself The 3DO tries hard to be mainstream in the fighting genre with such offerings as Super Street Fighter II Turbo and Way of the Warrior. But fighting 3DOers will find a good battle in the Ballz arena. Although basically the same game as the 16-bit titles of a year ago, this version includes improved graphics and speed enhancements. Other bugs The characters look better and move more fluidly. The speedy gameplay also makes for faster, less defensive rounds. Add in a 360-degree rotation of the battle arena, and you have the makings of a classic. The sounds are better than around the arena without stopping for air. Ballz’ appeal is mainly its non¬ conformist attitude. There are no flaming Dragon Punches or bloody ball-splitting fatalities. Just plenty of laughs and lots m Jr of fun. It's not for every fighter, but those looking for a change of pace mM should definitely get , some Ballz. 300 Same Profile mum PF MAGIC Ballz is back, and this time the fighters are Director’s Cut deserves a second look by fighting fanatics on the 3D0. Have you got the Ballz to handle it! £39.99 Available now Beat’em-up 2 players 360-degree view 48 GAMEPRO • December 1995 Lisbon! ,6 Luis Hlipe Pig° (Sporting ^'^Sttan'gca ptfBrf? : Eire* AireMa Yugoslavia AiBtbalian Vug&STiMa Arorbaijan Spain Soofamtl Ghana Enfl'and ■DeTimatK Oermany European Championship Qualifier Top Goafscorers Kennel Andersaon Rorin Raduoiolu Ronnie Ekelund Oleg Lush ny Viktor Lecwnko lar Wright Jcetei Keller Nenad Pialiia Paulo Sousa Wojcinch Kowalc-zyk Stan Colljntore Ian Rush It’s all getting a bit complex now. Keep a sharp eye on everything By Brother Buzz Just About Managing The first game was high in playability but low in graphical presentation - the standard DOS font was used on blocky, basic backgrounds. But that’s The results an all In. Left see who qualifies for the finals European Championship Qualifie PC Game Profile DOMARK £35.99 Available now Sports sim 1 player Clive Tyldsley Tactics play a very Important part In CM2 The best football management game in the world ever HAS to be Championship Manager. WAS. Now Championship Manager--' 2 has arrived, and it,takes the crown hands down. Hopefully it will persuade many of the other people who constantly churn out rubbish management sims that there is no further point in playing. “figo” means “really cool” in Italian. Interesting eh? Republic of «*«' es 19 Big Jack’s boys eye up their next nine heavy defeats all gone now, as in comes SVGA, four hours of commentary (CD) from Clive Tyldsley, and more stats than you could ever, realistically, shake a stick at! It sounds a bit sad and anorak-like, but if there’s one game that’s worth buying this year, it has to be this. PC owners up and down the land are about to go into hibernation, spending many a lonely hour shut up in their darkened, sordid rooms, playing Championship Manager 2 to death. BySloMo jjgp* If simplicity V is the key, Zoop would have to be the best game of all time. It isn’t of course, but what it is, is a fun, addictive, strange hybrid of the puzzle, strategy and arcade genres. ^ ' You control the little ship in the middle, as rows of coloured things come towards you. You can travel anywhere in the centre square and must stop the shapes getting into your zone. You do this by shooting them, but the catch is, you can only shoot shapes the same colour as your ship. If you shoot a shape that is a different colour, your ship changes to that colour and the piece you shot reverts to that * * l it .•••I • - it PROTIP: Try to line up as many shapes as possible for each individual shot of your ship. So, in this way you can scoot around in frantic fashion. PROTIP: Keep a careful eye on all four sides of the screen It sounds complicated but that’s just our special rubbish way of explaining it. Zoop is an addictive waste of time that you’ll get hooked on totally. It’s also one of those games that you can play for a few minutes before you go out. You won’t have to swap CDs and get a Pentium to play this one! PC Came Profile leer FUNSOFT £25.99 Available now Arcade 1 player Very addictive I'jJ-jjn UfVjn 0=58 10M51O PROTIP: H’s Frogger! To get out of this ribbiting level, shoot as you progress upward and be careful not to touch the pink arrows PRO TIP: To go to a special bonus round, blow up the transceiver, then blow up the dish above it ^ By Scary Larry If you plan to shelve " your Mega Drive for the newer, sleeker Saturn, hold on. Vectorman is fast and fun, and it’ll torch your thumbs for days to come. This cart rocks! Mega Drive Same Profile mmm Your 16-bit system isn’t dead yet, and good old Vectorman is one reason why! This entertaining platform game is tough, but it rewards you with tons of fun in return. ih PROW: As the bomb you’re destructive but useful. Before you go off, get enough enemies onscreen and be sure you’re facing the wall you want rid of PROW: As the fish you can glide through the water, and you’re also indestmctible PROTIP: The drill needs a surface to work on. Look for unusual colourations in the floor Vector Victorius From the moment you take control of this ballsy character, your jaw will hang open in amazement at what Vectorman can do. This platformer comes with great guns, a morphing hero, and diverse, well-detailed levels. The story line is simple: On a futuristic Earth, humans PROW: Be careful when you spot these pesky dragonflies. They appear in swarms, and they hide until destroyed PROW: Get enemies to congregate around you, then use the one-shot destruction gun to knock out everything PROW: In Stage Two, remember to jump forward and shoot. Avoid the hand by jumping while firing continually to destroy it have abandoned their homes because of the pollution. They leave behind “orbots” to clean up the mess, and an orbot named Raster accidentally gets attached to a nuclear weapon and becomes “Warhead". This new orbot wants to welcome back the humans a little differently than they hoped - with world- GAMEPRO December 1995 PROTIP: The third boss is easy once you get the pattern down. Shoot at its head, then run away when it opens fire on you. You can even shoot from offscreen PRO TIP: On the second boss, shoot the pelican while running back and forth, then, when it turns into the polar bear, shoot and avoid its projectiles PROTIP: The first boss is a breeze - just keep shooting the bomb hatch while It’s open and you’ll not go far wrong. That is unless you keep missing wide nuclear chaos. Another orbot named Vectorman has just returned from a sludge dump on the sun, and he wants to restore things to status quo. His battle to return Earth to the humans takes him through 15 levels, including a gorgeous polar level and an equally stunning underwater stage. • M2 ••••• DNS 1DM0ND PRO TIP: Morphing icons must be used in the immediate vicinity. Choose a path before you grab Vectorman is armed with a standard laser shot, but he quickly discovers other weapons, including a rapid- fire laser cannon and a three- way shot. One-ups, power-ups and health-ups give you much-needed muscle. Vectorman also has the ability to morph into other objects - a drill, a race car, a bomb, and so on. H10 :*“• 502 37250 PROTIP: These angler fish are hard to find, but full of goodies Since weapon selection is automatic, control is a breeze. You simply shoot and jump. The only difficulty is the number of enemies that come rushing at you every second. Cape Sphere The graphics are the game’s best feature. The rendered Vectorman is generously drawn, with light and shadow created carefully on his form. This is especially evident when he shoots his gun. All enemies follow a sphere theme, from the bulbous polar bear in Stage Two to the miniature ball men in Stage Seven. Everything, including the backgrounds, is interactive eye candy. The sound is a treat for the ears. Clear explosions rock your TV speakers, and the other sound effects, like the ricochet of bullets on steel, are amazing. The music is techno at its worst, but it’s still pretty good. Drawbacks? Two-player simultaneous action would have been sweet, but that’s like asking for another colour in a great sunset. Some of the bonus rounds are weak, and some of the levels are painfully difficult, but the challenge is what makes this game great. These few inconsistencies don’t even make a dent in this otherwise awesome game. If you’re looking for fast action, fantastic scenery, and great gameplay, Vectorman has the balls you’re looking for. GAME PRO • December 1995 51 €€€«€€€€€< €€<€€€<€€€€€€€€€€€ Ami m m Sgjglg m g (Ad tote M te pmgtof) to stop ym On fWOW m sfe ii BP m ®r| ^Bfeg^Tffe?) p|iM b m$m mwtotnity, loi.inwriiijni-s y=)ll MEGA DRIVE' J-CART © 1995 Codemasters Software Company Ltd 1995. Codemasters, J-Carl, Micro Machines '96. Turbo Tournament are trademarks of Codemasters Sega. Mega Drive are trademarks of Sega Enterprises Limited. Licensed by Sega Enterprises Limited for play €€<€€€€€€€< PC Came Profile mm SONY INTERACTIVE Polished, accomplished and playable, that’s Darker. But there’s something that will stop it appealing to everybody. Even so, it’s a fine game with a long-term challenge. It’s a bit dark out there, re are the street lamps? You can see how nice the polygons are, even through the gloom the beacons your mission will end in powerless disaster. Graphically the game isn’t what we’ve come to expect of blasting fodder, and it has a nice polygon feel to it! At first glance Darker is like Mercenary with knobs on. Polygons seem to be in fashion at the moment, and the programmers are certainly getting to grips with how to shift them around the screen both quickly and effectively. The PC is going to be swamped with a series of very good games this Christmas, and it will be easy for some of the lesser known titles to just disappear into the void. Darker may well fall foul of this phenomenon. Even though it is essentially a good game, it seems unlikely that Darker will be many people’s choice when it comes to selecting which game to spend their next forty quid or so on. storyline and outlining the features of the craft you are about to fly. There are also hints in there suggesting tactics and the like. Anybody who played the old classic Starglider will begin to reminisce about the way the game is played. By Captain Squideo 'Xq-f&r 4 Shoot’em-ups usually take on a standard formula that doesn’t require much thought from the player. Maybe that’s why they’re so popular in the first place. Darker tries to add a little bit more to the genre, and in turn evolves into a bit more of a thinking game than you’re used to with your regular vertical scrollers. The game’s manual goes into rich detail explaining the Dark Side of the Moon Energy beacons play an important part in the strategy, as you have to keep your ship constantly powered up in order to survive. This can be especially difficult as you - weave around blasting things out of the sky and avoiding attacks from all possible angles. However, be warned. If you stray too far away from That’s the target. Fire at will A direct hit results in a burst of smoke. Just like this! and count the casualties 1 out there somewhere. Look carefully Make sure you don’t stray from the energy beacons GAMEPRO • December 1995 53 PmmiiR Manager By Bacon Face You can get plenty of arcade football games for the Mega Drive, but it’s surprising that no-one has released a football management simulation on the console until now. Gremlin Interactive’s Premier Manager series was a huge success, particularly on the Amiga. Graphically, the games weren’t too impressive, but sheer gameplay and a high level of addiction ensured all three games a spot at the top of the software charts. For the Mega Drive version, the game’s designers have taken all the | best elements from the three games that made up the series and placed them inside just one cartridge. You start off in Division Three, and once you’ve chosen a team, you head straight into the nerve-jangling, stress- packed world of football management. The whole game is icon-led and very simple to understand. If you want to pick and alter you team, all you have to do is click on the appropriate icon. Premier League Once you’ve decided on team selection, transfers, ground improvements and other managerial type things, you can get down to the real business of watching and guiding your team through a match, hopefully with a win as the end result. Graphically, Premier Manager is fairly basic, but that’s because it needs to be simple for the game to work properly. There are quite a few animations that accompany the match action, but after you’ve played the game for a few hours, you’ll get bored and turn them off. If you’re looking for fast- paced arcade action, you’d better head elsewhere. Premier Manager is a game for thinkers, strategists and true football fans. It may be the first football management simulation to appear on the Mega Drive, but even if it had some competition, it would pound it into the ground. The main screen, where everything is just a Simple "button press" away Mega trite tame frame ^ nmu mum GREMLIN INTERACTIVE Graphically, Premier Manager is without doubt a little bland, but it’s unmatched in the gameplay and addiction stakes. Serious football fans everywhere will love it £TBA Available now Sports sim 1-2 players Battery backup ^_ PROTIP: Gain promotion by avoiding big name players. Use your cash in other areas PROTIP: i game. IPs not PROTIP: Always keep an eye on the sponsorship boards. They’re an important source of funds PROTIP: Watch out for news and other information via the printer Rochdale Sc^-rboroujh Uni led .. i On Sat or a erord Otd 19 £ 5 54 GAMEPRO • December 1995 C PlayStation Same Profile Enjoyable, if mindless, shoot’em-up action with a cute factor of 10. Parodius hardly sets a new standard fo blasters, but you’ll keep coming back for more nonetheless. £ 44.99 Available now Shoot’em-up 1 -2 players It’s bonkers PlayStation determines the difficulty of the y§ game. If you leave it on -zb automatic, then you simply have to fly along blasting ( everything that you come across and picking up the - — 1 _._ power-ups. Everything then is - x handled for you. If you decide proTIP: The bosses in on manual mode however, have a weak spot f... By Captain Squideo Here’s a bit of an old SNES classic given a new life on a new format. Parodius really is the king of the cutesy game, and now it comes complete with more characters, better graphics and great sound. Parodius is one of those game you either love or hate, but most shoot’em-up fans I will be smitten from the off. It may be little more than a bog-standard shooter, but it’s the kind of game you can unleash on your girlfriend without fear of her being bored. Parodius Maximus The game, for those who haven’t lived very long, is a horizontal shoot’em-up that starts off nice and simply and builds up to a frenetic pace. At the beginning of each game you get an option to either power-up manually or automatically. This is quite an important decision, as it ; in Parodius (like this big hammer for example), Find it and fire until your fingers bleed ke a break and check out the curious rabbit/geisha hybrid you get to choose when to power-up. This makes a significant difference to the gameplay, as you have to constantly keep an eye on the power-up bar. It does give you the chance to save your power-ups for the better weaponry though, so initially you’ll want to boost your guns. Once you become adept at this, that’s when you can begin collecting for real. To be honest, Parodius doesn't really make the most ~1 Left: The graphics are 16-bit, but the gameplay is great! of the 32-bit power available, but it’s undoubtedly great fun. This is essentially the SNES version of the game, but the playability makes that just about forgivable. Move: Pick up the relevant power-up and you’ll be able to harshly insult the enemies PROTIP: When your path is blocked, fire rapidly and in a straight line to clear a path through the obstruction Schoolboys should checkout maid’s wonderbra wobb le m mm 'Wd ■OHM m m GAMEPRO • December 1995 55 Left Watch out for the green plant-like thing Jim. It could have your eye out awaits our Jim, but he seems becomes monotonous. Apart from some select levels, most of the action is viewed from the side. But still, no two levels are the same. For instance, in the level, Lorenzo’s Soil, Jim uses a dirt-blaster to make his way to the surface, while in floating levels like Blind Cave Salamander, you must guide Jim through a maze where anything you bump into takes energy away. There’s even the Flying King level which uses a 3D isometric view where you must nudge a bomb balloon to the end of the level and use it on the end guardian. Jim has once again got an impressive arsenal of weapons, including his Psycrow is chucking Peter’s puppies all over the place. Make ' no harm though its plans are working. First things first though - here’s the sequel to one of the best games ever to grace the SNES. The evil Psycrow has kidnapped Princess What’s Her Name, and you must take control of Jim (and Snott) and rescue her. You make your way through several levels of surreal platform fun, although to call Earthworm Jim 2 an out-and-out platform game wouldn’t do the game justice. Wormwood Scrubs Not all the levels are platform- based; some, like Puppy Love, are more like one-off bonus levels rather than part of the main game. But that’s a good thing, because this breaks up the action, ensuring it never The map screen allows Jim to make his way around the different levels of the game By Atomic Dawg Everyone’s favourite worm is back! As far as platform games go, none are quite as good or as wacky as Earthworm Jim. Dave Perry's superhero has gone from strength to strength; the wormster now puts in regular TV appearances, and you’ll soon see him and his chums on your toy shop shelves. Shiny Entertainment, Jim’s creator, won’t rest until Earthworm Jim has dominated the world, and it seems as Super MS Same Profile \ earthworm jim 2 PLAYMATES 11 out of 10 for graphics, sound, playability and lastability. Earthworm Jim has made a bigger and better comeback than Eric Cantona. And he’s a lot less violent! £TBA Available now Platformer 1 player 10 levels Jim’s head seems to have gone all funny. He looks like an alien standard machine gun and worm whip. But this time they’re boosted by the addition of mega plasma blasters, homing missiles and a three-finger triple shotgun. The sense of humour from to see if you win a prize the original has still been retained, and there are some cracking gags. Sickos will love the Puppy Love level where Psycrow chucks Peter Puppy’s offspring out of the window. Jim must bounce them on a giant marshmallow to safety. If he doesn't, the pups make a resounding splat on the floor. Once the required number of pups have reached Peter on the other side of the screen, Psycrow chucks a bomb which Jim can then use against him. Complete three rounds of this manic keepy- uppy and you can move on to more wackiness. The Earthworm Jim visuals are top-notch. Jim and all the characters are superbly animated; in fact they're even better than they were in the original game. And if you’ve seen the new cartoon, you’ll find it hard to tell the difference between the two. Worn Baby Worn! As far as bizarre stuff goes, Earthworm Jim 2 is in a league of its own. Dave Perry has definitely got a couple of screws loose. Who else would include angry grannies, flying pigs and talking end-of-level cows in a platform game? The music within the game varies from rock through traditional Scottish bagpipes to country and western. In fact, almost every musical style is catered for. The sound effects are good too, with Hmm, this looks awfully familiar. Where have we seen it before? out for the angry grannies Peter is giving you a leathering because his puppies were hurt plenty of digitised speech (from Jim), and loads of cartoon-style effects. This is one of those games that is very hard to fault. No-one is quite as popular as the Jimster, and this sequel mixes quality graphics and sounds with oodles of great playability and gameplay. Sometimes the sequel to a game is nowhere as good as the original, but this just isn’t the case in Earthworm Jim 2. What on earth is going on here? Is that a giant clam? December 19S5 57 Ql] Name the main character in Discworld Q2] Name the comedy actor who supplies his voice What score did Discworld receive last issue? All entries to: Discworld Compo Camepro, Media House, Adlington Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK, SK10 4NP Please tick this box if you do not wish to receive promotional material from other companies n. ' - it j the Sony Pla 1 we’ve teame I its creators, Interactive, awe ma: r I A / , * ? | 1 1 ( . 1 1 - JI -. It- F s:_i rt a - 9T. _ Exclusive Reader Offer If you liked the WORM lolly featured with your December issue, here’s how to get more! ORDERS UNDER 36 4 8 12 Tick quantity required (✓) 16 Name. Address. ^Allow 28 days delivery £4.99 £8.99 £11.99 £15.99 20 24 28 32 £18.99 £22.99 £24.99 £26.99 Please complete this coupon and send to: IDG Media, Media House, Adlington Park, Macclesfield SK10 4NP I enclose a cheque made payable to IDG Media to the value of £. .Postcode. -,-, _ Tick here if you do not wish to receive promotional material from other companies^ ORDERS IN MULTIPLES OF 36 - CONTACT HOTLIX DIRECT: HOTLIX, 791 Dolliver, Pismo Beach, 93449 USA. Phone: 001-805-773-1942 Fax: 001-805-773-3840 Other fun HOTLIX Insect Products Include: • Cricket Lick-lt with genuine cricket • Apple with worm lollies • LARVETS - Original Worm Snax Alter years ot waiting, the J c? ’ Sega Saturn didn’t exactly -lode onto tlie scene. expiocu _ Somewliere ii rusk to get it kefore tke PlayStat ion and tke release o{ next to no software in tke first tkree montks of sale, tke Saturn lias kecome somewkat overlooked. But witk Ckr istmas almost upon u is tke Saturn akout to lie given a second ckance? ween Nobody could ever say that the first games for the Saturn were rubbish. Nor could you really say that they were what we were expecting. Virtua Fighter was the best of the bunch, but that came free with the console, and there hasn’t been much to buy of late. Will this change with the advent of the PlayStation? Sega knows it has to in order to compete, and has therefore lined up some of the most impressive software seen on the next gen machines to date. Using its heavyweight arcade line-up to full potential, Sega has a couple of very special treats up its sleeve for Saturn owners. Christmas will be an important time for Sega, and showing that quality games are available for the Saturn will be essential if it is to compete efficiently with a Sony machine selling for £ 100 less. It’s all very well talking about hidden costs and saying that you need to buy a game and a memory card with the PlayStation, making the prices virtually the same, but the public don’t and never will see it like that. They know they’ll Virtua Remix for the Saturn A testing ground for VF 2 ? PRESS STPRT BUTTON mm J39 : Sega Rally-the best racing Virtua Cop for the Saturn have to buy games for as long as they have their machine, and the prospect of “saving” £100 is an attractive one. For approximately the £400 Sega is asking for a Saturn, you should be able to pick up a PlayStation, two games and a memory card. Suddenly it looks like a whole new proposition. So why should you buy a Saturn? Are the promised quality games ever going to arrive? The answer is a definite 'yes’. A trip to Sega’s offices in London reveals^ that it has some storming stuff for release aroOnd Christmas time, including Virtua Cop, Virtua'fighter 2, and the awesome Sega Rally/XfieLfhere’s plenty more besides. Sega UK’s PR bloke Mark Masolvich enthuses, “People were saying that we had the best three games at last month’s ECTS. There was nothing new on show from Sony, whereas we had VF2, Sega Rally and Virtua Cop. People have been going on for years about games being arcade-perfect, but we had ours running next to the arcade machines to show how close they are. We wanted to prove we have nothing to hide!" The thing is, he has a point. All three games are stunning, and Rally is the best racing game seen to date. We’ve seen it at about 50% completion and it’s obviously been lovingly crafted by people who know the coin-op version-inside out. Virtua Cop is one of this year’s best ^ l arcade games, and the Saturn conversion is once again spot on. Rumours are it’ll be packaged with a gun (not a real one obviously), even though it’s perfectly playable on the pad anyway. Sega Rally for the Saturn has been crafted by people who know the coin-op inside out 62 GAMEPRG • December 1995 Second Coming? At first glance, VF2 may look a bit like VF Remix, but the game has hundreds more moves and combos and is not surprisingly, exactly like its arcade dad. This is all software that really is at the cutting edge'of gaming technology. It’s_ just a shame Sega felt pressured into releasing the Saturn early, as having these titles around at launch time would have ensured the console found its way into ajot more homes. — -Ma'solvich goes on, “Some of the stuff we've already released was a little rushed for the launch, but now we’re not rushing anything. Every game we launch vyHf be as perfecFasTtcan be. We have no need to rush games now. We’re going to show people what the Saturn really can do.” But what about the grey import market? There’s still big bucks to be made by importers who can give the kids Virtua Fighter 2 a good couple.df months before the official PAL version arrives. “Sure there’s an import market, and people will be able to play Japanese games on their PAL machines with one of those converter things from Datel, but we’re taking the NTSC versions of the games and upgrading them for PAL, making sure they run on virtually a full screen and at the proper speed. People with converters are going to have huge borders and slower gameplay, and we’re trying to persuade people to wait for the the UK versions. However, the imports are still there if wanted.” Possibilities f or VF3? I . Believe it or not, developer AM2 is already busily beavering away on work for Virtua Fighter 3! So, it seems Sega is on the verge of finally sorting out the Saturn’s teething troubles, and not before time. Despite these problems, Sega has still sold enormous numbers of machines and peripherals in the early days, and it seems like Christmas really will be a boom time. Sony can only be pleased at what’s happened in its main ri¬ val’s camp so far, but maybe its eyes are about to be opened over the next few months. There will be no more industry- perceived cock-ups from Sega in ’96, you can rest assured of that. The Saturn is about to arrive with a vengeance, albeit three months after release. You be tbe judge As you can see, VF has made a steady progression from the boxy look of the original to the smoothed-down look of Remix. Although the 32X version is identical to the arcade game, the graphics are definitely not in the Saturn’s league The original Virtua Fighter on the Saturn ] H9-- L 09 ■ Virtua Fighter 32X Virtua Fighter Remix ;. OQi os UEFHIY hKI I Interview with the Virtua gurus In Japan, Sega has put together an ace gang of game developers who are currently working on its cutting-edge games. The team, Amusement Machines Research and Development Department 2 (or AM2), has a strong track record. Starting with the seminal 3D shooter Space Harrier, AM2 has scored a succession of outstanding hits, including Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter, Daytona USA, Virtua Cop, and the spectacular Virtua Fighter 2. Our Tokyo correspondent, Nob Ogasawara, visited AM2 recently for an exclusive meeting to find out what Sega’s sharpshooters are up to now, and where they're headed in the near future. Virtua Father GamePro: So you’re the proud father of the Saturn Virtua Fighter series? Keiji Okayasu: That’s right. GP: How closely can you approximate the arcade version of VF2 on the Saturn? KO: Well, ultimately we would love to make Virtua Cop: Saturn Virtua Cop: Arcade GP: But in VF1, the characters didn’t have fingers. So you increased polygons in some areas and reduced in others? ^ KO: In VFI, we used hardly any textures Just polygons, which resulted in a high number of polygons per character. This time, by using textures, we could reduce the number of polygons in some areas, so we were able to add fingers. GP: Because of the high quality achieved by VF Remix, do you feel .pressured to make YF2 even better? KO: We did obtain VF Remix’s data as reference. For example, our designers it look identical to the arcade original, but it’s not possible. So in a certain way, we've given up trying to achieve that goal. What we're aiming for is to re-create the feel of the arcade gameplay. We hope to make it so that people who heavily played the arcade game will be able to play the Saturn game without noticing differences. GP: Will there be graphical differences? KO: Yes, that part can't be helped. We’re up against the limitations of the hardware. GP: Will you be able to retain the 60- frames-per-second (fps) rate that made the arcade version so smooth? KO: We intend to; things are looking positive at the moment GP: So perhaps visual oddities may be ap¬ parent in still photos but not no¬ ticeable in motion? KO: Even though the polygon count is lower, we’re ap¬ plying texture maps and other gra¬ phics techniques, so the differences will be minor. If you placed the arcade ver¬ sion and the Saturn version side by side, you would notice only a slight cosmetic difference. GP: But this version looks much better than the original Saturn Virtua Fighter. KO: The texture mapping has a lot to do with that. GP: So Lion’s wiggling fingers are “faked' with texture maps? KO: No, we used proper polygons. Virtua Figkter 2 on the Saturn Can the Saturn version surpass the arcade equivalent? 64 GAMEPRO • December 199S I e away To gain an insight into VF2, we went to the source, Sega’s core group of Saturn game designers in America. Known as the Away Team, this group of programmers and producers brought VF2 over from Japan. GamePro: VF2 was originated in Japan by Sega’s AM2 team. How closely did the Away Team work with AM2 to bring the game to America? Tim Dunston, team leader: We worked directly with AM2. in fact, Eric Rawlins, one of our assistant producers, is like an honorary member of AM2. Steve Payne, vice president of product development: This team is the true voice of AM2. The AM2 team can be a hard group to talk to sometimes, but we seem to get their attention and are able to work with them on their products. GP: How will VF2 on the Saturn compare with the arcade original? TO: I really think VF2 will be a great title for the Saturn. It’s going to look virtually identical to the arcade game. We can now double the resolution of that we had in VF Remix, and we can keep the exact number of polygons that were in the arcade version. We’re actually enhancing the arcade original. For instance, you The Away Team works at Sega HQ in Redwood City, CA may be able to pull up character sets from past fighting games. You’ll probably be able to interact more with the backgrounds than you could in the arcade. It should be the most exciting fighting game of ail time. Eric Rawlins, VF2’s assistant producer checked the character data for developing VF2 characters. In that sense, Remix has been a good source of inspiration to us. GP: Will new features be added to the Saturn version? KO: We’re certainly thinking about it. GP: Will you have the game ready for release in December? KO: Even we don’t know (laughs). We would like and intend to make that schedule, but we don’t know where obstacles will suddenly arise. GP: Will the Saturn version be VF2 or 2.1? KO: Ours will be based on 2. VF2.1 just came out, and to be honest, we didn’t know anything about it (laughs). We intend to re-create 2, but if the schedule allows we may incorporate elements of 2.1. GP: Did you work on the arcade ver¬ sions of the VF series? KO: I was involved in 1, but then I started on Saturn VF. GP: What’s next for you? KO: I wonder. I don’t think any¬ thing has been decided. Since I’ve been working on the Saturn for a while, I imag¬ ine I'll keep working on the system and not go back to arcade games. GP: Which do you find more re¬ warding - developing games for the Sat¬ urn or for the arcades? KO: It’s neither one or the other. It's all work, so it’s not fun either way. GamePro: What’s next for AM2? Fumio Kurokawa: We’re work- popular because they’re in a popular genre. GP: Are you talking about VF3? FK: No. We're working on VF3, but we'll have another game out before it that’s even more spectacular. In some ways, this game represents the culmination of our production expertise. GP: Will this game use Model 2 [the hardware used for VF, VF2, Daytona and Desert Tank]? FK: Yes, that’s our top-of-the-line system. GP: Do you have anything planned for the Saturn-compatible ST-V arcade system? FK: We don't have anything active right now, but there are plans in the works. We’re doing basic studies on the arcade system with an eye for developing titles in the future. GP: There have been rumours that the Model 3 board for VF3 has not been finished yet. FK: Those rumours are unfounded. It’s very difficult to say how far along we are in terms of development, but we are conducting thorough studies. We can now produce high-quality CC images. In ing on several new arcade games now that should be GAMEPRO • addition to modelling work such as this, we have also developed rou- Oecember 1995 65 0 SBT.) AM2 s Top Guns Fumio Kurokawa Publicity Section Manager Koji Umeda Ki Publicity Section Manager Keiji Okayasu Manager, Software Section (Saturn VF2 Project Chief) Takashi Isono Design Section That seems to be the sensible option. Armed and Dangerous GamePro: What did you fore? Takashi Isono: The arcade Virtua Fighter 2. GP: On^tje subject of the Saturn’s' Virtua Cop^wflthe Virtue Gun be packed iritwith the-gjime? Tl: Yes. GP: Can you buy a gun separately for Player Two? Tl: Yes, but we haven’t arrived at a price yet. Virtua Fight er 2 tines for fluidly mov¬ ing modelled characters, which will definitely contribute to VF3’s development. GP: Will you be able to achieve CG quality in the actual game itself? FK: We're trying to achieve that level of quality. Put it this way: From VFI to 2, there were considerable enhancements in graphics. We hope to achieve that kind of dramatic improvement with VF3. GP: To achieve that, wouldn’t you need significantly more powerful hardware? FK: We don’t think we have to rely entirely on hardware. We have gained better insight into our arcade hardware so we can make software improvements. Also, VF2 didn’t fully tap Model 2’s potential. We can do much more with Model 2 now. GP: Are you working on any original games for the Saturn? . FK: Our boss, Yu Suzuki, would like to do that, but we don’t have anything exclusively for home systems right now. GP: Will there be'a sequel to Daytona FK: We’re thinking about it since Daytona was a major hit. We’re not sure if it will be Daytona 2 though. I think one approach would be to look at popular racing games that are around at the moment, refine the best elements of each, and incorporate these into the game. In the arcades, Virtua Fighter 2 has been kicking tail over every other fighting game, including the original VF. Now the landmark coin-op is set for a release on the Saturn. It looks like fighting fans won’t be disappointed: This could be the fighting game of the year - on any home system. Preliminary looks at VF2 suggest that it has much deeper gameplay than either the first VF or the more recent VF Remix. In addition to the eight original characters, VF2 introduces two new fighters, Shun Di and Lion Rafale, and all the combatants have additional moves. But it’s still a game for defensive players, and the combo system is still rudimentary at best, limited to the PPPK combos of Pai, Lau, and Sarah. The eye-catching visuals should pop up on “Best Graphics of 1995” lists at the end of the year. Sharp and clear, the graphics are clearly superior to either VF or Remix, showing off new texture-mapped polygons and gorgeous background scenery. The camera angles vary during gameplay, and short instant replays recap each round perfectly. Early indicators strongly suggest that Virtua Fighter 2 has the potential to be an out-and-out winner. \v The^wqjeels quite solid and sturdy. mat tel) lack? —-- ii; uruy nrjt^tuufor the UK, I think it will be orange more like a toy. GP: Can you use the cofitroj pad for shooting? s 66 GAMEPRO • December 199S Virtual Vi Tl: Just a little bit. A training mode and a two-player training duel mode. Not anything radical like adding a new stage, but we plan to add a few little extras in here and there. GP: What’s next for you? Tl: I have no idea. Holidays, maybe? Tl: No. We plan to have the UK version ready a short time after the Japanese version is released. GP: How much work do you really need to do for the Japan-UK translation? Tl: Not very much really. We changed some translations of Japanese text and changed some oddities, like when it says ‘Justice Shot" when you wing a villain. GP: How close can you get this version to the original arcade version? 77: It depends on how you look at it. If you look at the Saturn game next to the arcade version, the looks will obviously be different. But we hope to get identical gameplay. In certain ways, our game is actually better than the arcade version. For example, we’ve added more shades to the sky and backgrounds. GP: Do you have any new features planned? Tl: Yes, and you can also use a mouse, which may be easier than a pad. GP: Are you planning any surprises, like a Blood mode? foe example'" Tl: We can’t do a Blood mode. Since we're trying to make this a game for • players of all ages, we can’t go overboard with \ Wf a lot of gory violence. ',E53j GP: Not even _ forthe UK? And you certainly deserve it mate! Here at CamePro we can't wait to see Virtua Fighter 2 and Virtua Cop finally up and running on the Saturn. The Virtua Gun. The UK model will be a more tasteful orange Sega Rally is the most eagerly awaited coin-op conversion as far as fans of racing games go. The virtually glitch-free visuals and outstanding gameplay should be an improvement on Daytona USA, and more than a match for the PlayStation’s Ridge Racer posmtu make it one for Saturn owners to watch and unrivalled playability, Sega Rally’s impressive graphics, 6AMEPR0 December 1895 67 Producer’s Resume Name David Perry Company Shiny Entertainment Current job title President/Producer Last game Earthworm Jim Upcoming game Earthworm Jim 2 Previous companies Too many to list; include Virgin Previous games worked on • Disney's Aladdin •Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles •Smash TV •Terminator •The Jungle Book •Overlord Education Methodist College, Belfast, Northern Ireland Age 28 Online address info@Shiny.com David Perry looks over Animator Michael Koelsch’s shoulder at some new art for the Earthworm Jim Saturday mornings very soon indeed The Job “There are two kinds of producers. One oversees what’s going on, keeps track of the game’s development, and submits it for testing. The other kind of producer actually gets their hands dirty, which is what I tend to do. I used to do a lot of the programming when Shiny was smaller, but now I’m doing 90 percent administrative work and only 10 percent programming as our company’s grown from five guys to 17. But I’m still involved in every aspect of the game. A producer doesn’t Everybody’s favourite wormboy returns in Earthworm Jim 2 work on the first EJ had begun always do this at other companies, but at Shiny the producer always has final say over every part of the game. “Though a producer is supposed to begin a project with all the details thought out in advance, I’ve found that games created strictly from early meetings end up very bland. There just aren’t that many ideas early on. What we do now at Shiny is design the games as we go, which is very risky. It means changing our minds when we think of something better, but the final result is much more off the wall than the original concept, giving us something much more surprising. That’s how Earthworm Jim evolved. The lawyers in the What the Heck level were added after we’d started. So was the giant hamster, which was drawn by The GameMakeis: l3ie fcdbirjers This ongoing look at the people who make games kicks off with the producers - the guiding force behind the game. WANTED: PRODUCER ✓ Someone to lead a a creative team through the development of a video game. Must be imaginative, have computer-programming skills, and be able to generate story ideas. Must have vast video game knowledge. By The Feature Creature & The King Fisher T hey’re often the most famous person associated with a game. They’re also the guiding force behind a game’s creation. They’re the producers, the generals who make hundreds of important decisions as they lead a small army of creators to a common goal. A diverse pair of producers tell you in their own words how they do what they do, and what it took for them to get where they are. £ar thy/onii Pave Producer Perry's Perspective 68 GAMEPRO • December 1995 one of our guys at three o’clock one morning, and it became one of the funniest things in the game. “A producer also chooses people to work on projects. I always try to find the best people in the world to work on our games, and we can get them because Shiny pays the highest salaries in the industry. It’s expensive because we could get a lot of people much cheaper, but we want the best, so we make them offers they can’t refuse. We’re attracting a lot of excellent people right now as the word spreads.” The Advice “I talk to a lot of young people who want to get into this business. Some jobs are relatively easy to learn, such as becoming an artist, because there are many art colleges that teach computer graphics. And being a musician for video games is a lot easier now than in the old days when you had to learn all the idiosyncrasies of the different game systems. Now, anything you play can be put onto a CD, so it’s just a matter of being good. “Becoming a programmer is probably the toughest job of all. My start in programming began when I was a kid playing games in Europe on a system called the Sinclair computer. While everybody in America was playing on Ataris, every kid in Europe was playing on Sinclairs. Instead of an Atari- style joypad, the Sinclair machines used a keyboard, which meant we could also type things into the computer. You could both play games and program them, and that’s how I learned how to program, rather than just learn how to get high scores in the games. I think this gave a lot of Europeans a head start on programming that wasn’t available in America. “Now it’s important to take classes. I know of only two schools in the world that teach video game programming, Middlesex Polytechnic in England and DigiPen in Vancouver, Canada. However, if students study advanced mathematics and C-language programming, then they could be hired as an apprentice to a veteran programmer. Then you can work your way up to a job as a producer from there.That’s how I started, working for only $5000 a year as an apprentice to someone who taught me howto program. But I accepted that as the cost of getting started. You have to pay your dues.” AM! i 6AV1D FERRY, MIA! IS MUR HISM? At the Options screen of Disney’s Aladdin for the Mega Drive, hit A, C, A, C, A, C, A, C, B, B, B, and B to see this shot of David Perry. The subsequent screen presents a cheat menu Pause the SNES version of EJ. Simultaneously press and release Left and A, then hit B, X, A, A, B, X, A, and Start. A picture of the EJ design team appears and a debug menu follows The EWJ team (from the upper left)... Column 1: Steve Crow, artist; Eric Ciccone, artist; Nick Jones, programmer; Ed Schofield, animator. Column 2: Mike Dietx, animator; David Perry, producer; Andy Aster, programmer; Tom Tanaka, designer. Column 3: Mike Pilotti, artist; Doug Ten Napel, designer; EJ, star; Nick Bruty, art director , I David Perry on the rocks A character from Earthworm Jim 2 riding a unicycle. Makes sense GErefoky's Producer McQilvray The Job Producer’s Resume Name Company Current job title Last game “The producer’s first job is to decide on a game. Last year several of us at Time Warner thought about creating a new hockey title. We were fans of EA Sports’ NHL games, but we thought we could make something better. So for a long time we just played all the available hockey games, coming up with ideas and thinking about who would Upcoming game Previous companies Previous games worked on Age Mailing Address Mitzi McGilvray Time Warner Interactive Producer Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars T-Mek Activision, Maxis, Epyx •Shanghai II •Dragon's Revenge •Paperboy 2 Education San Jose State University, California 31 Mitzi McGilvray Time Warner Interactive 675 Sycamore Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035 GAMEPRO • December 1995 Check out who has the fffth-highest score in Dragon’s Revenge for the Mega Drive - Mitzi! Dragon’s Revenge is another game she worked on John Smedley, a producer at Sony Imagesoft, and Mitzi Rank basketball guru Dick Vitale 70 work on such a project. After looking at lots of programmers and artists, I settled on a company called Semilogic Entertainment, which I’d worked with in the past. They loved hockey and were really enthusiastic. I met with every single person individually who would be working on the game because, as producer, you really need to know everyone personally. “We didn’t have a firm plan of what this new game was going to be - originally it was an international hockey game! We had lots of design meetings, and everybody on the project contributed ideas. “As producer I try to make sure my team gets all the resources they need and all their questions answered, then I stay out of their way and let them work. I’m therefor creative support and to make decisions about big design issues: For instance, did we want the ice to scroll the way EA Sports does it or the way Sport Accolade does it? “Everybody on the team gives opinions, but I have final say. While the team is working, I constantly review their work to see where we’re going. They’re running music and art past me every step of the way for approval. Then, as the game nears completion, I start playing it almost 20 hours a day to evaluate it.” The Advice “Anyone who wants to become a producer should take lots of computer classes - you have to be technical, or you’ll get eaten up by programmers. Also study film production because that’s where this In Wayne Gretzky andtheNHLPA AH-Stars for the Mega Drive, go to this View/Edit Stats screen, enroll down to Credits... industry is going. Any prospective newcomers should get in touch with the big game companies, and perhaps spend a summer doing game testing or customer service just to make sure you like it. If the work doesn’t scare you off, you’ll make lots of useful contacts. “Finally, interested students should try to attend as many computer shows as possible. It’s a great way to meet people and see what’s new.” So, if you think you have the necessary talent and tons of dedication, go for it! Mitzi in her Northern California office... ...and here she is on vacation Mitzi’s next big project; Bnngrn’ home T-Mek, the GAMEPRO • December 1995 wmmmmmmmmmm jjjjj budga- 'Zi'j'jo Jj^jijJ:^/, find ■/jjs Blonde's Deluxejcdi I 0,000, and feaclre^ filmed giuda io’chu 3V7Jicij-'ijiiJjJi soml® that lot you’ll get al 'Zippy, some h|mdcu an exclusive Res? cij/om PjS -Dog3||j pic VegJl !e movie, K X3, a pair 0 ^ i\yjiy b iOOXJJpJC Groovier ijuJ/ xj/e ; Mi. jusc arntwer rj one of thsi; ATe^ you a movie you spend hours upon hours discussing ti^^mer joints of Taranto’s ~ r llebut R'gservoi r-Dacj^Vy ith yx>ur mates? Did you ■ .know the-underlviJ^nJ^BsagAin Madonna’s Like A e above, tfeejji Virgin? If.you we’ve got ffljg Mjze fd j Dogs is cuVrently outl •» .version won’t be orl • 7 yet: So what ya gonf do! You enter this coi JL thexiltimate Reservoii^^ffl Wpo prize on offer. We’ve got two of thel^HjflW^u, 000 ) Collectors Editions, which include Joe Cabot’s little black ^IjQgJfc^aiteossed in silver with a silver pen, two a Monster Truck Extravaganza car Ql) Dress Groovier is an anagram of what? Q2) Who plays Mr Pink? Q3) Who shot Nice Guy Eddie? e making oftjj sngraved W m opyofth«£ |ff cufflinM: ^rvoir DoglH ise. Sounds gi e ques^ons o ibove could b< 1 go to work... G POLICE p9l Cyber rozzers and all kinds of virtual handcuffs ahoy in Sony Interactive’s latest crime stormer! leneration software knocking about, and quite a ProSpects concerned, the future n dislav at the show did consist of mainl malitv games however, so all is not entirely lost et. Never in what Is or wl imino scion to a console Olookwork Kntgirt GhM/m Oi The Lost Oh Pa/aail 'Jsiuid P/ja ijliumijas Sm Pally SimMylOCQ ftlmil NmffMi} 74 Power Drive Rally 75 75 76 A 76 f 77 f 77 4 77 / J| Vs ^ A J 79 f TimfTbi 80 - d Jack’s Back 80 A 01 * 81 0 *¥ Synne/, 82 iddje Of MastW*iX 82 * . 83 32X Saturn You know the Primal Rage story. A beat’em-up featuring seven fantasy dinosaurs in a battle for world supremacy, it’s the first video game to use stop motion animation, the process still used in many of today’s top Hollywood movies. The result? A set of very life-like characters indeed. The Primal Rage fighting engine gives the game more combination potential than any other fighting game to date. Each dinosaur has its own fighting style, with more than 70 moves at its disposal, Jaguar CD including the usual special moves and fatalities. Worldwide, Primal Rage was the biggest selling coin-op of 1994, so it wasn’t too much of a shock when, in August of this year, it reached the number one spot in the Gallup all-format charts. This after being released on the Mega Drive, SNES, PC, Game Boy and Game Gear. iA A few months down the road, and the 32-bit versions are just about ready to rage. Programmed by Probe Entertainment, they’re expected to be the most impressive of all, thanks to the next generation technology which can produce arcade- perfect conversions. All the characters, moves and options of the coin-op have been incorporated, and more gameplay modes have been added to the home console versions. There’s training where players can practise fighting any opponent. Better still, there’s a tug-of-war mode where both players’ health bars join up - while one loses energy the other player gains. These extra gameplay modes also feature in the Jaguar version. Tekken and Virtua Fighter may well be the starring beat’em-ups on their respective machines, but Primal Rage is going to roar onto the next generation consoles with a vengeance. Believe us, it ain’t no dinosaur! By Time Warner Interactive Available November 74 GAMEPRO • December 1995 skidmarks and working brake-lights. Jaguar owners are in for a bit of treat when Powerdrive races into the shops next month. By Time Warner Interactive Available November You must race around the tracks gaining prize money, although how much cash you get your hands on depends on how quickly you complete a course, and the amount of vehicle damage you sustain. There are 48 different courses raced over a set number of days in locations and terrains such as forest regions, mountain passes and desert areas. You get to choose from a total of six cars. Each one handles in a slightly different way, with changes in cornering, road¬ holding abilities, acceleration and deceleration curves. On the sound front there is constant speech from your co-driver, who calls out bends and hazards as you make your way along the course. In-game graphics are highly detailed, and make full use of the Jaguar’s palette of colours. The attention to detail is also impressive, with loads of nice touches such as Jaguar Released a year ago on the SNES, and meeting with considerable success, Power Drive Rally is now about to appear on the Jaguar. The game designers have made full use of the machine’s 64-bit technology, and improved both the graphics and speed considerably. Following a successful release on the Mega Drive, Wayne Gretzky and his All-Star chums are about to appear on the SNES, Jaguar CD and PC CD-Rom formats. This title, with its balance of action and simulation, will appeal to arcade freaks as well as die-hard hockey enthusiasts. It incorporates 26 North American teams, six international all-star teams, and the names, profiles and sporting statistics of over 600 professional ice hockey players. Gamers who prefer a less serious approach to the sport can opt for the arcade mode, a rougher version of the sport where rules are thrown out of the rink window. Video footage of real players appears following a goal or penalty, and it’s all complemented by the digitised voice of the referee. CD versions of the game even feature the movements of Wayne Gretzky himself! By Time Warner Interactive Available November ir>/\ Super Nes I Jaguar CD BAMEPRO • December 1985 75 impress the hell out of you. Gremlin Interactive is rapidly becoming one of the best software developers in the country, and with releases of This Operation Wolf-style shoot’em-up was a number one smash in the arcades, and it’s now about to be converted to the PlayStation. The game centres around top rock combo, Aerosmith, and you’re up against the New Order Nation, whose plan is to control the youth of the world and prevent them from having a good time by capturing the “kids” favourite rockers. What would the planet be like if we couldn’t hear “Dude looks like a lady” ever again?! Probably a much better one, but you must make your way through the various levels aiming your crosshair and killing the New World Order Operatives. Viewed from a first-person perspective, you can collect , loads of power-ups in the form of CDs, superguns and extra energy. Revolution X is backed up by tunes from Aerosmith, and is due to hit the stores this Christmas. By Acclaim Available Christmas the quality of Normality Inc., it can only go from strength to strength. By Gremlin Interactive Available November Something strange has happened in the city of Neutropolis. After one of the city’s leaders is blown to bits, a thick cloud of smog descends. The population rapidly stagnates, and anything described as “fun” is stamped out by the Norm Troopers, who hold the city in a firm grey grip. In Normality Inc., a new point ‘n’ click adventure from Gremlin Interactive, you play Kent, a young slacker described as apathetic and a dreamer. Recently imprisoned in his bedsit for a week for whistling, Kent decides he is not going to take any more. He wants to discover what’s really going on in Neutropolis, but first you’ve got to help him get out of his flat. Viewed from a first-person perspective, Normality Inc. uses Gremlin’s True 3D™ engine, one of the most advanced of its kind. This allows you total freedom of movement around the city. The adventure is vast, with over 120 locations to explore, and to ensure a lack of tediousness, there’s a strong narrative to enjoy and a good level of humour. Gremlin used its in-house motion-capture facility to add some realistic characters, and graphically, with over 100 FMV sequences, Normality Inc. is going to really 76 GANIEPRO • December 1S95 PC CD-Rom Yet more stuff from America, this time from Bethesda Software. These guys released a Terminator shoot’em-up a couple of years back. That was okay, but nothing amazing, and they’ll be looking for an improvement with the release of Future Shock. The Terminator films are getting on a bit now, so it’s something of a surprise to see a game based upon them. But whatever, rest assured there’ll be plenty of blasting action with lots of metal baddies to blow away. More news as and when we get it! By Bethesda Software Available November The PC is going to be even busier than usual in the run-up to and post Christmas areas. American company Capstone has quite a few things in the pipeline, and Witchaven is just one of the goodies we managed to pick up at last month’s ECTS. We've only seen a demo to date, but it’s a first-person perspective game with sexy SVGA graphics. Before you start crying “Doom!”, Capstone promises that the freedom of movement, flight and control will be like no other first-person perspective game. Hmm. You’ll have to wait and see if we believe them when we review Witchaven sometime within the next couple of weeks. By Capstone Available November PC CO-Rom Chronomaster is another one of those titles destined to come from Capstone. Over in the States it’s been billed as the Ultimate Graphic Adventure. This is an extremely bold statement, but it does look rather good! The finished version of the game will include: “boundless gameplay with multiple puzzles as well as non-linear plots with varied endings”. Sounds like somebody’s been told to write a glowing press release to us, but it looks very nice, and sounds a bit on the special side! Check out a GamePro review soon! By Capstone Available November GAMEPRO • December 1995 77 There have been a couple of Duke Nukem games in the past, but they’ve tended to be platform type things. In fact, Dukey has always been popular, and was one of the first shareware releases that really made it big on the PC. Now it’s back in glorious 3D. Yep, it’s Doom clone time again, but Duke Nukem 3D looks special in its own right. The PC is absolutely bursting with this type of stuff, so whether another one will get noticed is a debatable point. But rest assured, Doom fans looking for a new challenge will be ready to lap it up when it arrives just before Christmas. Watch this space. By US Gold Available December A quick glance at the screenshots for Virgin’s Mortal Coil may have people thinking about Dark Forces, and there are definitely some similarities, especially in the way the map is used. Mortal Coil puts you in a similar sort of role, except this time you are in command of a crack force of troops sent out to destroy an alien threat. However, the aliens are only attacking humanity because somewhere in the future we invade their planet, so they’ve travelled back in time to sort us out! Virgin is most pleased about the level of intelligence it has managed to give the aliens. Apparently they’ll have no discernable pattern of attack or defence. By Virgin Available December 78 GAMEPRO • December 1995 Aircraft simulations are hardly few and far between for the PC, and any new title being introduced into this market has to be something special if it is to avoid simply get lost on the shelves. The title of Fighter Duel sums up what it’s all about really. It’s about fighter’s duelling of course! Philips is billing it as a spectacular new World War II combat flight simulator, which all sounds very impressive. if You’ll get the opportunity to fly any one of 13 different planes through the air as you do battle with the dreaded enemy. The action takes place over the sea and will feature several aircraft carrier missions that you’ll have to master. There are a whole variety of other features that Fighter Duel will have tacked on by the time it eventually gets released. These include multiple cockpit and external views, and support for various controllers, including rudder systems if you’re daft enough to have spent over a 100 quid on one! There are a lot of quality plane games about at the moment, and this will come up against the likes of Top Gun and Falcon 4 from MicroProse. Flowever, it’s important to realise that Fighter Duel is more of a blasting game than the others, although it still manages to retain its simulation-esque appeal without too many problems. A fairly high spec 486 DX 33 will be needed to get the best out of Fighter Duel. The official release date at the time of going to press is November 24, so watch your shop shelves round about then. By Philips Available November GAMEPRO • December 1995 79 Shelf space is going to be at a premium for PC games shortly. It really is boom time for the format with so many decent games arriving. Infogrames has been uncharacteristically quiet over the past couple of months, but its next two releases are set to rocket its name right back up there once again. First up is Time Gate, which as you may imagine is based largely around a gate that allows you to travel through time. You play William Tibbs, an American student in present day Paris, who suddenly comes across a Black Knight he must fight and defeat. The thing is, this Knight bloke hails from the Middle Ages! Along the way, William’s girlfriend gets kidnapped and transported back to 1329, so Bill has to get himself tooled up in a suit of armour and make his way back through the Time Gate. As you can see, the game looks absolutely gorgeous, and it should be ready early in the new year for your perusal. By Infogrames Available December PlayStation Infogrames’ first dabble in the PlayStation market comes in the shape of faithful old character, Jack. The Alone in the Dark series has done the business on the PC for a couple of years, and as there is no format better at shifting polygons around than the PlayStation, it would seem to make sense that this polygon-intensive effort makes it on the console format. The list of features is too extensive to print here, but let’s give you some of the more important ones that you might be interested in! There are 1000 3D animations, full screen video sequences, 230 backgrounds, 600 modelled objects, and much more technical stuff than you could ever be interested in! Jack’s Back should hit the shelves nicely in time for Christmas. Watch this space for a full and in-depth review before then. By Infogrames Available December 80 GAMEPRO • December 1 S95 Touche from US Gold is unfortunately nothing to do with a certain turtle you might remember from a cartoon series about 10 years ago, but is based around the exploits of those dashing Frenchies - The Musketeers. All for one and one for all and all that. You take on the role of the fifth Musketeer as you roam around Paris and other parts of France trying to sort out any injustice you come across. As you can see from the screenshots, adventure fans look to be in for a real treat. An awful lot of effort has gone into the 400 plus locations. Flowever, an adventure game is only as good as its puzzles and US gold assures us that what’s on offer here will be enough to keep even the hardened adventurer busy for a good long while. By US Gold Available December William Shatner became remarkably successful during his time as Captain Kirk. He then joined the police force for TJ Hooker, retired from acting and wrote some books. These books were the Tekwar series, and this release from Capstone is based upon them. Capstone is going all out for success, and to this end has been in contact with Shatner right through production. Another big name signed up to help is Texas-based Apogee, which has designed the 3D engine that Tekwar will use. The game will apparently be more than just a hack and slash affair, but details of what else Tekwar will feature are sketchy at the moment. As usual, you’ll have to hold your EAMEPRO • December 1995 horses and check out a review in a future issue of GamePro for the full low-down. By US Gold Available January ’96 81 Pinball stereotypist 21st Century has been putting the work in on an adventure game which should hopefully help to change the company’s image. You take the role of reporter Tim Machin as he traverses the city of New Arhus where a series of violent crimes have been committed. No prizes for guessing who’s got to track down the killer. The game is set in the future, as is the release date of Synnergist, which has slipped back a little from October. There shouldn’t be too much of a problem though, and the game should still hit the shops before the mad Christmas rush arrives. Synnergist will hopefully show off all of 21st Century’s true talents, and make people see that there’s a lot more to this hard working outfit than endless pinball games. By 21st Century Available December Sanctuary Woods is a fairly new American outfit, and The Riddle of Master Lu is the game it is hoping will propel it to stardom. Master Lu has been produced by a guy called Lee Collins, whose previous credits include the likes of Charlie’s Angels and Quincy! This is yet another PC adventure game featuring high quality SVGA graphics, but this one features a more unusual plot than most, not to mention a strange title! The plot goes along the lines of you owning some kind of curiosity show and having to keep punters coming through the door so that you can make an honest living. Obviously to do this, you have to keep discovering new stuff to get on show. It’s all very intricate and well presented, and we’re looking forward to seeing the finished version very soon indeed! By US Gold Available December GAMEPRO • December 1995 82 Saturn PCCD-Rom Saturn Late ’93 and a game entitled Thunderhawk arrived on the Mega CD. A storming success, it sold 70,000 copies in Europe alone, and that meant eight out ot 10 Mega CD owners had a copy of the game. Thunderhawk suffered a slight, but very good identity crisis. It was a helicopter simulator that thought it was an arcade game, and likewise, an arcade game that thought it was a helicopter simulation. a multiple camera angles from inside and outside the helicopter, in-game speech, and a mind blowing intro sequence all backed up by a raging soundtrack. Thunderhawk was one hell of a game, but when this sequel lands towards the end of the year, it will quite simply blow you away. By Core Design Available Christmas ’95 You got the best of both worlds, realistic flight combined with hot shoot’em-up action. Two years on and Core Design is letting loose the sequel. Technologically it’s going to be very impressive, and according to its creators, will push the PC to its absolute limits. The gameplay has been enhanced, thanks to new 32-bit technology, the introduction of a virtual cockpit which enables you to view the combat area through 180 degrees is just one example. Other features include fractal-mapped 3D terrains, polygon¬ generated vehicles, Blam! Machinehead has perhaps the world’s weirdest title, but if you’re over the age of 18, this first-person perspective shoot’em-up could well be of interest to you. Due to the amount of hyper¬ violence within the game, it’s going to be aimed at adults. This blast-fest is set on the surface of a post-apocalyptic Earth, and in the hallucinatory environment of cyberspace. You take on the role of Dr. Kimberley Stride, described as a babe on a bomb. The game features interior and exterior 3D environments. The various terrains have been fractal-mapped, the polygon enemies (all of which are displayed in 256 colours) are fully texture-mapped, plus there’s a collection of B-movie style, Full Motion Video cut sequences. Blam! Machinehead is ultra-violent and for adults only. It’s just got to be good. By Core Design Available First Quarter ’96 GAMEPRO • December 1995 83 rendered cut sequences and plenty of in-game speech. If you fancy some juicy graphics and a trip through your nightmares, Swagman characters, an of which have been modelled on hi-tech silicon graphics workstations. Other features include polygon textured-mapped bosses, fully A blend of action and puzzles, Swagman is being billed as a totally immersive gaming experience. Apparently, you’re dragged on a journey through 20 levels of your worst nightmares, but with 24-bit colour graphics and a vast variety of rendered environments, the outlook can’t be all that bleak. On the way you get to meet a host of weird and wonderful Super NES Believe it or not, out of the 24 Tintin books that were created by Herge, 170 million copies have been sold all over the world. That means that one book is sold every 12 seconds. Couple this with a cartoon series that’s been watched in 35 different countries, and it’s not too surprising to find that the ginger-haired adventurer is about to make his SNES debut. Tintin is a platform/adventure game with 13 huge levels to roam around and explore. A nice feature is Tintin’s ability to move about from foreground to middleground to background. The graphics get bigger when they enter the foreground, which is a nice touch. They’re nicely animated, and the various sprites look as though they’ve just jumped straight out of one of the books. are no doubt going to love it, but the rest of us will have to wait and see how different this plat¬ form/adventure is from the rest. Bylnfogrames Available Fourth Quarter ’95 Saturn Tomb Raider is a state of the art 3D action adventure viewed from a third-person perspective, thanks to a unique and intelligent camera system The views adapt to any situation that the game throws up, giving a cinematic feel to the action. Tomb Raider follows the exploits of world famous adventurer, Lara Cruz, as she tries to discover the secrets of several ancient mysteries. The action appears in a fully light- sourced 3D environment which is in turn part of a detailed texture-mapped world. Particularly impressive is the smoothness and look of the polygon characters (over 2000 frames of animation went into creation of Lara Cruz). Boasting a situa¬ tion dependent soundtrack and a good mix of action and strat¬ egy, Tomb Raider looks like it’ll 14 6AMEPRQ • December 1995 PC CD-Rom When you set your stall out and call your business Amazing Studio, it simply' won’t do to release games that are rubbish. They have to be amazing or you are setting yourself up for a fall in the games press! Heart of Darkness has been causing many a rumble in the PC world for the past few months, but work on the project first began three years ago. The game has changed much since its inception. Amazing Studio is headed by Eric Chahi, who was the creator of the Delphine classic Another World, and working with him is Frederic Savoir, the man who created Flashback. Between them they’ve come up with what looks likely to be the PC game of the year. ‘Simply stunning’ would be one way to describe the visuals in the game. ‘Delicately crafted’ would be another. The main character consists of 1600 frames of movement in any one direction (in case you don’t know about stuff like this, that’s a hell of a lot of frames of animation!). Virgin is pushing Heart of Darkness not as an interactive movie, but as an interactive action game with animation comparable to “leading-edge animated feature films”. This is no idle claim, as you’ll find out for yourself when you eventually get to see the game up and running in all its glory. Not surprisingly Heart of Darkness will only be available on PC CD-Rom. There will be no floppy disk version of this little baby when it eventually comes out next month. One thing you can be sure of is that it will sell by the absolute bucketload to people out there with high-end PCs who are desperate to get their hands on something like this! By Virgin A iM**il**hln /Innnmltnv GAMEPRO • December 1995 85 More and more famous actors are getting into doing CD-Rom product. Toonstruck will feature the talents of Christopher Lloyd, more famous for being Doc in Back to the Future than anything else. The game is billed as an animated PC adventure where for the first time you will get to control a live actor. Basically, you (or Lloyd) are transported into a cartoon world that is split into three different kingdoms. Obviously you have to escape. Toonstruck looks like being one of those games that is so different it will appeal to everyone, but it’s not going to be released until the first quarter of 1996-which actually isn’t that far off if you think about it. By Virgin Available First Quarter ’96 This is another of those PC games that was first mentioned about two years ago. Back then all the excitement was about a certain Mr Spielberg being involved with the game design. At that time LucasArts was a part of US Gold, whereas now it is exclusively tied up with Virgin Interactive Entertainment. While only the ideas have come from our mate Steve, a game has been cleverly crafted around it that looks like making it one of the most original adventures to date. LucasArts of a track record at this sort of thing, with past successes including the Monkey Island series and the Indiana Jones adventures, and there are no reasons to expect The Dig will s any less stunning. The machine requirements we’ve been given at the moment state that you’ll need Windows ’95 to run it, but we’ll be sure to let you know if that changes at all. By Virgin Available First Quarter ’96 GAMEPRO • December 1995 Gametek is on the golf trail with its aptly titled Hole in One Golf. As you can see, the graphics compare favourably with the best the PC has to offer in this line, but there is already an exceedingly high standard on the format, including several well established names that will take some beating. Gametek has got off to a good start and included all the features you would expect from a quality golf game, but there is a problem in that Hole in One only includes one course. So, 18 holes is all you get, like it or lump it! However, on the plus side, there are plenty of camera angles, replays and extremely quick loading sequences, so we shouldn’t get too downhearted. By Gametek Available November Ian Bird has made a bit of a name for himself in gaming circles thanks to a couple of classic ideas. Millennia is the latest to formulate in his over-active brain, and Gametek has picked up the rights to publish it, no doubt doing its bank balance no harm at all in the process. Set deep in space, you must pilot your special future craft and try to impress people throughout the galaxy. As is usual with this sort of thing, the aim is to become the all- powerful dominant one. From what we’ve seen so far, Millennia looks very impressive, creating a dark and moody atmosphere as you wend your way to the stars. It should be in the shops by Christmas, when it will doubtless find its way into many a PC owner’s home. By Gametek Available November SAMEPRO • December 1SS5 87 Super NES Mega Drive 32X Saturn Since its initial Mega Drive release in 1993, FIFA Soccer has sold over two million copies world-wide. This ’96 version is making an appearance on most formats, but the game’s creators have taken their brilliant soccer engine and completely redesigned it to take full advantage of new 32-bit technology. So, if you’ve got a Saturn or a PlayStation, you’re in for a treat. There are a load of new player animations, the sound effects have been enhanced, and with multiple camera angles, this could well be the most realistic soccer simulation to date. around the stadium. The game designers believe that FIFA ’96 contains the most sophisticated computer player intelligence ever created. Players are able to react to Full in- commenidiy is provided by John “Motty" Motson, but this will only be available on the 32-bit consoles and the PC. The multiple camera angles are part of FIFA ’96’s Virtual Stadium mode, which allows you to play the game from varying viewpoints 88 GAMEPRO • December 1995 THE UK’S ONLY 100% PURE MAC ENTERTAINMENT MAG ON SALE NOW FROM YOUR NEAREST NEWSAGENT OR CALL 01858 468888 FOR A SUBSCRIPTION (ONLY £47.40 WITH A FREE COPY OF MARATHON OR FLASHBACK) PC CD-Rom It’s a little early to start making suggestions for 1996’s game of the year, but breathe the word ‘Bullfrog’, and you can at least start to have a good guess. Theme Hospital is the second game in its designer series, and the follow-up to Theme Park. Starting off with a small scale clinic, it is your job to build it up into the biggest, most profitable hospital ever. All sounds a bit bland? Don’t worry, because Bullfrog has added its magic touch to the proceedings so you can rest assured it will be as popular and playable as anything else it has ever done. The hi-res graphics in TH will still have the Theme Park humorous feel, but will be slightly more serious and less cartoon-like Don’t expect Theme Hospital to appear until February of next year at the earliest, but then watch it rush straight to the top of the charts. By Bullfrog Available February'96 Philips has Alien Odyssey on the verge of readyness, and it looks like it may create a bit of a fuss amongst graphics freaks. Take a look at these screenshots and you’ll be able to tell why immediately. If you’ve seen Creature Shock beforehand, certain parts of this game may well seem familiar. That’s probably because it handles in a disturbingly similar way. The game has been developed by Argonaut Software, which has built up a bit of a reputation for producing quality games, and Alien Odyssey looks set to continue this trend. If you’re into aliens, the finished version will come with a whole new alien language to learn and a free T-shirt too. So start saving up now. By Philips Available December GAMEPRO • December 1995 Sony Interactive carries on beefing up its stable of titles with this 3D shoot’em-up/simulation which’ll be hitting the shelves early next year. G-Police uses a 3D graphics system that can produce an authentic and believable city all displayed in real time. Everything that appears in a real city (shopping centres, power stations, airports, sports stadiums, playgrounds, traffic) can be found within the game world. You control many different types of transport including gyro-copters, block hoppers and riot vans. G-Police uses a system entitled “Tell Me a Story”, which lets the outcome of one mission influence the next. As an example, if you fail to stop a terrorist attack on the power station, you’ll find the city in total darkness during the next mission, with the terrorist gang still at large. Movie-like rendered animations are taken directly from the CD to show mission briefs, positive and negative mission outcomes, and flashback sequences. The game boasts an easy-to- use control method which allows the player to head straight into action. There are plenty of weapons available with which to cause maximum death and destruction, including riot nets, gas grenades and particle beams. The scripted missions allow plot twists and interesting stories to unfold the more you play the game. By Sony Interactive Available February ’96 We took a look at this first- person 3D combat blaster last issue, but it’s come on leaps and bounds since we first saw it at the ECTS. Previously the action was restricted due to the lack of space, but now the playing area is a lot bigger. Another major improvement is the speed of the game. It’s now loads faster, which in turn makes the gameplay even more manic and frenetic. The artificial intelligence of the huge robots is constantly being enhanced and tinkered around with to make sure the difficulty and playability levels PC of the game are set just right. We’ve now managed to grab ourselves a glimpse of the introduction sequence and it’s looking rather good. A good mixture of ray-traced graphics and full-motion video, it sets the scene well, and features top model Sarah Stockbridge, who recently made an appearance in Blur’s “Countryhouse” video. Krazy Ivan is going to be one hell of a shoot’em-up, and you’ll be able to get your hands on it some time after the Christmas period. By Sony Interactive Available January ’96 GAMEPRO • December 1S95 91 It just had to happen. One of the most popular games | of all time is about to be converted to the newest of next generation '—-" formats. Doom is a way of life for many PC owners who have recently had virtually nothing to play except a seemingly endless parade of inferior Doom clones. In case you’ve only just been born or have been back¬ packing in the Himalayas for the past two years, Doom is the finest example of a game played in the first-person perspective. You play the part of an ultra-tough marine wandering around a variety of increasingly tougher dungeons blowing away any hell spawn that dares to cross your path. The game rotates the full 360 degrees, and looks at this stage as if it will be the best conversion of the game yet. Up to now this distinction has been held by the recent SNES version which we reviewed in issue two of GamePro. Inevitably there are a variety of increasingly violent weapons converted millions of people to PC gaming, but you can’t actually afford the wads of cash to get a decent PC set-up, then you’ll find this version will be the best alternative when it is released some time around January next year. By GT Interactive Available January ’96 to pick up and use to obliterate your enemies. There’s even a chainsaw in there so you can slice them up in the most gruesome way possible. Nothing too innovative has been added to the PlayStation ___ version, but then that doesn’t really matter. As long as the conversion is accurate, Doom on any format will sell by the absolute bucketload. If you’re looking to play the y— I game that 92 GAMEPRO • December 1995 Espionage is an adventure/role playing thriller that’s had $2 million spent on it. The game teams former CIA director, William Colby, with former KGB major general, Oleg Kalugin. The two were actually consultants on the project, and even portray themselves in the game. It’s a suspense thriller which provides a realistic view of life as a CIA operative in the post cold-war era. As a rookie operative you must enter the dangerous world of international espionage and complete several assignments. Espionage was shot on 35mm film, which is more expensive than video tape, and this provides a rich and realistic cinematic environment that immerses you in the on-screen action The film-quality soundtrack that accompanies the action was created by Soundelux Media Labs, the people behind the sound for flicks such as Cliffhanger and JFK. By Activision Available December PC Cl Electronic Arts is all set to launch a brand new line of titles which has the full endorsement of an international defence industry publisher. Jane’s Information Group produces reference books on military planes, ships and artillery. The first fruit of this partnership is AH-64D Longbow, a helicopter simulator that gives you the chance to fly in one of the world’s most lethal attack helicopters. The producer behind the project is Andy Hollis, a man with 12 years of experience and a proven history when it comes to authentic combat sims. His previous titles include classics such as Gunship 2000, FI 9 Stealth Fighter and FI5 Strike Eagle 2. There are a variety of situations, including historical conflicts like Desert Storm and Just Cause. The 3D graphics look quite brilliant, and Longbow looks as though it’s going to be a little special. By Electronic Arts/Origin Available December A huge success on the 16-bit formats, this rough ‘n’ tumble racer is about to make the transition onto the Playstation. Bizarrely enough, it’s the first next generation title to integrate motion picture technology with video games and alternative rock music videos. The heavy soundtrack features music from Soundgarden, Paw, Swervedriver, Therapy?, Monster Magnet and Hammerbox. Each band provided three tracks, with the exception of Soundgarden, who kindly provided four. The game’s creators incorporated film production techniques and integrated many Hollywood movie processes into Road Rash. The combination of rendered stylized graphics mixed with blue screen technology, and live action video sequences using professionally directed stunts are just a couple of examples. Photographs of real motorcycles, riders and pedestrians were also used so that the game appears as realistic as possible. Basically, its been converted from the 3D0, and then been boosted with the advent of 32-bit GAMEPSO • technology. You race on photo¬ realistic texture- mapped tracks, ranging from cities to canyons and country roads. Road Rash was good on the Mega Drive and even better on the 3DO, but the PlayStation version will get all Road Rash fans excited. By Electronic Arts Available November December 1995 93 Scottish Open is billed as a Virtual Reality Golf Game, but in this instance the VR tag seems to be just using the buzzword rather than being the true definition. Anyway, it’s golf and you hit a little white ball around scenic fields. If you want to know any more, check out the review next month. By Core Design Available November ya.ne that was originally touted on the Mega Drive 32X ages ago, but it’s only about to touch down now. With the 32X long since gone as a serious competitor in the video gaming market, its release will really only be of interest to those people who actually went out and bought one instead of waiting for a Saturn or PlayStation. Scottish Open Golf has already been released on the PC, but it struggled to get high ■BP* ' ' marks due to the stiff competition from established golf games on that format. There is no such rivalry on the 32X, although the Mega Drive does already have the classy PGA Tour series. 32X Amiga owners are about to get wildly confused. US Gold has just released Super Street Fighter 2 for the machine, and now here comes Gametek with Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo on the same format. The US Gold offering was very nice indeed, but we haven’t actually managed to see this version up and running at the time of going to press. The screenshots are pretty impressive though. If you have an Amiga and are in the market for a Street Fighter game, you’re going to have to seek them both out and find out which one is more to your suiting. They’re both basically the same game, but are based on different versions of the arcade hit. The Gametek version is scheduled for release any time now. If it isn’t in the shops already, you should be able to find it very soon indeed. By Gametek Available November 94 GAMEPRD • December 1995 nkkMi a C Current PlayStation favourite Tekken is back... with a vengeance! Tekken 2 follows Heihachi as he seeks revenge against his son, Kazuya, who beat the martial arts daylights out of him in the first game. New to this version are better graphics, faster gameplay, and a host of features, including selectable sub-bosses and hidden characters. There’s also a new Time Release feature: A month after the game is installed in the arcade, it introduces new characters at the rate of one per week. Each sub-boss character is activated according to the frequency that their corresponding main character is chosen. Sounds confusing? Yeah, we know. But you’ll have to play to find out if it’s better than the original. ByNamco Available Now Aipln* Bnew t!}/5 1 KM/H Forget your lame excuses for not having a go at skiing. Too cold? Race inside. Too expensive? What’s a few quid these days? With Alpine Racer, skiing comes to you. Using Namco’s proprietary Super System 22 hardware, it’s a cinch to simulate skiing. Two ski “steps” allow the player to turn, pivot and slow down, just like on the slopes. You can ski solo, or you can race against four computer- controlled opponents who will bump, juggle and outright slam into you. Stop whining, or you’ll be off the slopes, headfirst in a drift! ByNamco Available Now 6AMEPR0 • December 1995 95 Super NES out there who’ve got plenty of cash to spend. Gametek is about to lay its 16-bit titles to rest with Frantic Flea, a manic puzzle/platformer, concentrating on the PC and next generation stuff instead. This is fair enough, because it’s better to be on the bandwagon than left running behind it. Frantic Flea is the first major project from Haiis Tekknikka, which is out to prove that despite the limitations of 16-bit technology, there’s no reason to produce a shoddy game. From the outset, Frantic Flea has been treated like a cartoon rather than a piece of software, as you can probably tell from the screenshots, which uncannily look like a cross between the Jetsons and Tazmania. The game has six zones which are divided into three levels, and the object is to guide Frantic through the levels to collect his smaller flea friends. As they are collected, the fleas follow Frantic the place. Once the required percentage has gained, Frantic must then Bump into an enemy and you lose your mates. Then you’ve got to start picking them up all over again. The levels progress in difficulty, and although it could be quite easy to dismiss Frantic Flea as being just another platformer with a slight puzzle element in it, you shouldn’t. Just like Lemmings, it gets more and more manic and quickly becomes very addictive. Combine this with the superb cartoon graphics and the weird retro jazz/fusion soundtrack, and it proves.that the 16-bit market hasn’t faded away just yet. By Gametek Available November With everyone going next gen crazy at the moment, it’s only right we should spare a thought for the 16-bit machines. Okay, so they’re not exactly the height of technology, but not everybody will be able to afford to buy one of the new breed of consoles. It would be a real shame if software houses gave up on the 16-bit market, because there must still be loads of SNES and Mega Drive gamers 96 GAMEPRO • December 1995 PANZER DRAGOON DAYTONA USA INT’L VICTORY GOAL BRIAN LARA THEME PARK STAR WARS ARCADE VIRTUA RACING 41.99 SAT 41 .99 SAT 34.99 SAT 32.99 M/DRIVE 35.99 M/DRIVE 29.99 32X 37.99 32X WIPEOUT CHAOS ENGINE SUPER INT’L CRICKET PGA TOUR GOLF 39.99 psx 14.99 snes 33.99 snes 19.99snes SUPER NES SNES WITH STARWING .79.99 SNES WITH S/FIGHTER TURBO 79.99 SNES WITH MARIO ALL STARS 79.99 SNES WITH FIFA SOCCER AND MARIO ALL STARS .94.99 SNES WITH DONKEY KONG COUNTRY .111.99 MEGADRIVE MEGADRIVE 2 WITH EURO CLUB SOCCER .69.99 * } SAVE 1 Ik £50 L SEGA SATURN REGULAR RF 48-PAGE COLOUR A m CLUB MAGAZINE CHEATS & MOVES SM RELEASE SCHEDULE m CHARTS REVIEWS HUGE RANGE ALL GENUINE fia © UK PRODUCTS m HEAVY DISCOUNTS S'® XS SAVERS ■ vy CREDIT TERMS GREAT PRIZES Vi TO BE WON , PHASE 9 MULTI PLAYER ADAPTOR FOR SNES ... SCART LEAD - SNES TO TV . . .9.S LIGHT GUN FOR PLAYER 2 ... 17.99 NINTENDO CONTROL PAD .16.99 TECHNOPLUS CONTROL PAD FOR SNES . .10.99 BATMAN FOREVER • 47.99 BATMAN RETURNS .19.99 CHAOS ENGINE .14.99 DOOM • 49.99 HURRICANES .19.99 ILLUSION OF TIME .36.99 INT’L SUPERSTAR SOCCER ...39.99 JOHN MADDEN ‘93 .9.99 JUNGLE STRIKE .36.99 KILLER INSTINCT .49.99 LEGEND OF MYSTICAL NINJA 19.99 LEMMINGS 2 29.99 LETHAL ENFORCERS (WITH LIGHT GUN) .49.99 MARIO ALL STARS .24.99 MICKEY MANIA .29.99 MORTAL KOMBAT .19.99 MORTAL KOMBAT 2 .29.99 MORTAL KOMBAT 3 • 47.99 NHL PA ’93 ICE HOCKEY .19.99 PGA TOUR GOLF .19.99 PRIMAL RAGE .44.99 SECRET OF MANA .33.99 STREET RACER .32.99 SUPER BOMBERMAN (FOUR PLAYER GAME) .17.99 SUPER BOMBERMAN 2 25.99 SUPER INT’L CRICKET .33.99 SUPER MORPH .19.99 THEME PARK .36.99 WATERWORLD* .39.99 WEAPON LORD • .43.99 WORMS • .36.99 MEGADRIVE 2 WITH 6 GAMES 89.99 WORLD CUP ITALIA 90, GOLDEN AXE, STREETS OF RAGE, REVENGE OF SHINOBI, SUPER HANG ON, COLUMNS AND ONE CONTROLLER MEGADRIVE 2 WITH SPORTS PACK.89.99 ULTIMATE SOCCER, WIMBLEDON TENNIS, SUPER MONACO GRAND PRIX AND ONE CONTROLLER ...99.99 UNLESS STATED ALL BUNDLES ARE SUPPLIED WITH TWO SEGA CONTROLLERS ATARI LYNX ATARI LYNX 2 WITH BATMAN RETURNS .29.99 MAINS ADAPTOR FOR LYNX 10.99 ATARI KIT CASE FOR LYNX . . 12.99 BATTERY PACK FOR LYNX ...10.99 COMLYNX CABLE .7.99 APB .15.99 BASKETBRAWL .9.99 BILL & TED’S EXCELLENT ADV 9.99 CHECKERED FLAG .16.99 CHIP’S CHALLENGE .9.99 CRYSTAL MINES 2 .9.99 DESERT STRIKE .25.99 HOCKEY .12.49 HYDRA .9.99 NFL FOOTBALL .15.99 PINBALL JAM .14.99 QIX .10.99 RAMPAGE .12.9! ROBOTRON 2084 .12.9! S.T.U.N. RUNNER .9.9! SHADOW OF THE BEAST .9.9! SWITCHBLADE 2 .11.9! T-TRIS .27.9! TURBO SUB .10.9! ULTIMATE CHESS CHALLENGE 16.9! WARBIRDS .25.9! WORLD CLASS SOCCER .12.45 XYBOTS .9.9! SAITEK MEGAPAD X 6 BUTTON PAD FOR MEGADRIVE .13.49 SCART LEAD - MEGADRIVE TO TV (STATE MEGADRIVE 1 OR 2) 9.99 ACTION REPLAY CARTIDGE ...37.99 BATMAN FOREVER • 40.99 BRIAN LARA CRICKET .32.99 CHAOS ENGINE .16.99 EARTHWORM JIM.31.99 FEVER PITCH .35.99 FIFA INT’L SOCCER ’95 .22.99 JOHN MADDEN ‘93 .9.99 JURASSIC PARK .24.99 LETHAL ENFORCERS (WITH LIGHT GUN) .24.99 MEGA BOMBERMAN.29.99 MORTAL KOMBAT .24.99 MORTAL KOMBAT 2 .43.99 MORTAL KOMBAT 3 • 40.99 NHL ICE HOCKEY ’95 22.99 PETE SAMPRAS TENNIS ‘96 ...36.99 PGA EUROPEAN TOUR .16.99 PGA TOUR GOLF 3 .29.99 PRIMAL RAGE .41.99 ROAD RASH 2 .19.99 ROBOCOD (JAMES POND 2) ...10.99 RUGBY WORLD CUP ‘95 .22.99 SHINING FORCE 2 35.99 STREETRACER .35.99 THEME PARK .35.99 URBAN STRIKE .22.99 VIRTUA RACING .47.99 WATERWORLD* .33.99 WEAPON LORD* .39.99 WORMS * .33.99 WWF WRESTLEMANIA .9.99 SEGA SATURN CD CONSOLE WITH VIRTUA FIGHTER , ONE CONTROLLER .349.99 PLUS FREE FAST DELIVERY TO UK MAINLAND SEGA RF UNIT TO RUN SATURN VIA RF AERIEL SOCKET FOR TV’S WITHOUT SCART INPUT 24.99 SEGA SATURN 8 BUTTON PAD 19.99 SEGA SATURN VIRTUA STICK 39.99 SEGA SATURN ARCADE RACER STEERING WHEEL .49.99 SEGA SATURN MEMORY CARTRIDGE FOR GAMES THAT REQUIRE BACK UP MEMORY 39.99 SEGA SATURN MULTIPLAYER ADAPTOR .29.99 CLOCKWORK KNIGHT .31.99 DAYTONA USA .41.99 INT’L VICTORY GOAL .34.99 MORTAL KOMBAT 2 * 39.99 PANZER DRAGOON .41.99 PEBBLE BEACH GOLF .34.99 THEME PARK * .36.99 VIRTUA RACING DELUXE • ...31.99 3DO CD SEGA 32X SEGA 32X EXPANSION MODULE FOR MEGADRIVE 1 OR 2 ... .99.99 CHAOTIX . ..39.99 DOOM . ..39.99 METAL HEAD . ..45.99 MORTAL KOMBAT 2 . ..43.99 NBA JAM - T E . ..41.99 STAR WARS ARCADE . ..29.99 STELLAR ASSAULT . ..37.99 VIRTUA RACING DELUXE ... ..37.99 MEGA CD MEGA CD WITH ETERNAL CHAMPIONS CD ...119.99 COBRA SPACE ADVENTURE 29.99 DRACULA UNLEASHED .29.99 EARTHWORM JIM.35.99 LETHAL ENFORCERS (+ GUN) 26.99 SENSIBLE SOCCER (CD) .19.99 SNATCHER .26.99 THUNDERHAWK .23.99 YUMEMI MYSTERY MANSION 19.99 GOLDSTAR 3DO WITH FIFA SOCCER AND ONE CONTROL PAD .279.99 SCART LEAD - 3DO TO TV .9.99 3D ATLAS .49.99 ALONE IN THE DARK .30.99 CANNON FODDER .26.99 CREATURE SHOCK .27.99 DIGITAL DREAMWARE .16.99 FIFA SOCCER .29.99 FLASHBACK.21.99 FLYING NIGHTMARES .35.99 GEX.32.99 INCREDIBLE MACHINE .29.99 JOHN MADDEN 3DO .33.99 KILLING TIME .35.99 NEED FOR SPEED .34.99 PANZER GENERAL .31.99 QUARANTINE .19.99 RETURN FIRE .24.99 ROAD RASH 3DO .34.99 SAMURAI SHODOWN .32.99 SLAM AND JAM .32.99 SLAYER .34.99 SPACE HULK .30.99 SUPER WING COMMANDER ...33.99 SYNDICATE .29.99 THEME PARK .29.99 V R STALKER .29.99 WING COMMANDER 3 .29.99 HZI&I NEO GEO WITH 2 CONTROL PADS .309.99 2020 WORLD BASEBALL .43.99 AEROFIGHTERS 2 43.99 AGGRS OF DARK KOMBAT .. .50.99 ART OF FIGHTING .43.99 ART OF FIGHTING 2 .39.99 KING OF FIGHTERS ‘94 .50.99 MUTATION NATION .43.99 RALLY CHASE .43.99 SAMURAI SHODOWN 2.50.99 SAVAGE RAIN .50.99 STREET HOOP .39.99 SUPER SIDEKICKS 2 43.99 SUPER SIDEKICKS 3 50.99 TOP HUNTER .43.99 VIEWPOINT .43.99 WIND JAMMERS .43.99 WORLD HEROES 2 JET .43.99 SONY PLAYSTATION SONY PLAYSTATION WITH ONE CONTROLLER AND DEMO CD . 289.99 PLUS FREE EXTRA CONTROLLER AND FAST DELIVERY TO UK MAINLAND LINK CABLE FOR PLAYSTATION CONNECTS TWO MACHINES FOR PLAY WITH OR AGAINST EACH OTHER .24.99 PS GAMEPAD 8 BUTTON CONTROLLER WITH SEMI AUTOFIRE FUNCTION .19.99 PS PROPAD 8 BUTTON CONTROLLER PROGRAMMABLE AUTO FIRE & SLOW MOTION 22.99 SONY CONTROLLER .29.99 SONY MOUSE & MOUSE MAT 29.99 SONY SMART CARD ALLOWS YOU TO SAVE AND LOAD GAME DATA .24.99 3D LEMMINGS * .37.99 AIR COMBAT* .37.99 ASSAULT RIGS* .37.99 CYBER SLED* .37.99 DESTRUCTION DERBY * .39.99 DISCWORLD * .37.99 EXTREME SPORTS * 37.99 JUMPING FLASH * .37.99 KILEAK THE BLOOD * 37.99 KRAZY IVAN * .37.99 MORTAL KOMBAT 3 * 41.99 NOVASTORM * .37.99 PGA TOUR GOLF* .36.99 PHILOSOMO* .37.99 PSYCHIC DETECTIVE *.36.99 RAPID RELOAD* .37.99 RIDGE RACER * 39.99 STARBLADE ALPHA * .37.99 TEKKEN *.39. THEME PARK* .36. TOSHINDEN * .37. TWISTED METAL * .37. WARHAWK*.37. WING COMMANDER 3 * .36. WIPEOUT* .39. Club Shops at CHELMSFORD, ESSEX 43 Broomfield Road. Just around the corner from the bus station. SAWBRIDGEWORTH, HERTS The Mailings, Station Road. A few miles from the Ml 1, near the station. Items bought in the shops carry a 50p surcharge on the Mail Order prices. Members only but you can order as you join. UNLESS STATED ALL PRICES INCLUDE VAT & DELIVERY I FREE WHEN YOU JOIN BUY ANY ONE ITEM AT THE SAME TIME AS | JOINING FOR A YEAR AND WE LL SEND | YOU A SUPERMODEL KELLY MOUSE MAT ! OR A MANGA VIDEO ABSOLUTELY FREE Just state your choice of mat or video as you order. Existing members can renew early (£5) to take advantage of this offer - we’ll just add 12 months to your expiry date. Offer subject to stock. Overseas Members add £2 carriage NEW from Manga Video STREETFIGHTER 2 ANIMATED MOVIE rated 15, VHS tape 12.99 AMIGA AMIGA A1200 MAGIC PACK AND 8 FREE GAMES .399.9! NEW MEMBER DISCOUNT : *wOFF ANY ORDER OVER £90 PLACED AS YOU JOIN FOR ONE YEAR| JUST DEDUCT £3 OFF THE PRICE OF YOUR FIRST ORDER IF IT IS OVER £90. PROVIDING YOU PLACE IT AS YOU JOIN FOR ONE YEAR ' USE BY POST. AT OUR SHOPS OR BY PHONE ON 01279 600204 Ends Jan 96 ■ " r WE ONLY SUPPlYm EMBERS BUT YOU CAN ORDER AS YOUJOIN MEMBERSHIP FEES UK EC WORLD ONE YEAR £6.00 £8.00 £10.00 Club benefits include regular club magazines, £180 worth of XS Savers (coupons) per year, huge discounts across the range and club competitions. Members are under no obligation to buy. All prices include VAT and carriage to MOST UK mainland addresses. NEO GEO CD AMIGA A1200 MAGIC PACK, 8 FREE GAMES AND 170MB HARD DRIVE .499.99 BEAU JOLLY COMP CANNON FODDER, SETTLERS, CHAOS ENGINE, T2 .17.99 BODY BLOWS .3.99 CHAMP MANAGER 2 (95) .20.99 CLASSIC COLLECTION - DELPHINE FLASHBACK, CRUISE FOR A CORPSE, ANOTHER WORLD, OPERATION STEALTH, FUTURE WARS .18.99 COLONIZATION .22.99 ELITE (512K) .3.99 FORMULA 1 GRAND PRIX .10.49 INDIANA JONES - ATLANTIS ...13.99 PREMIER MANAGER 3 + EDITOR 13.99 SENSIBLE GOLF .19.49 SETTLERS .15.49 SPEEDBALL 1 & 2 (512K) 7.99 SUPER SKID MARKS 2 .20.99 SYNDICATE .12.99 UFO - ENEMY UNKNOWN .20.99 ULTIMATE SOCCER MANAGER 19.99 PC CD ROM NOKIA 14” COLOUR TELEVISION THIS UNIQUE 14” COLOUR TELEVISION IS BUILT IN GERMANY TO THE HIGHEST MANUFACTURING STANDARDS AND FEATURES • REMOTE CONTROL•SQUARE TINTED TUBE • HEADPHONE SOCKET • SCART INPUT (LEADS AVAILABLE) ALSO AVAILABLE WITH • NICAM DIGITAL STEREO • TELETEXT • SOUND DEFLECTORS TO ENHANCE THE STEREO IMAGE j NOKIA 14” SCART TV .159.99 I NOKIA 14” SCART TV WITH TELETEXT & STEREO 214.99 ATARI JAGUAR ATARI JAGUAR WITH CYBERMORPH AND ONE CONTROL PAD .114.99 SCART LEAD - JAGUAR TO TV 14.99 CONTROL PAD FOR JAGUAR ,18.99 ALIEN VS PREDATOR .47.99 CANNON FODDER .35.99 CHEQUERED FLAG .45.99 DOOM .45.99 DRAGON .35.99 INT’L SENSIBLE SOCCER .39.99 IRON SOLDIER .42.99 PINBALL FANTASIES .39.99 POWERDRIVE RALLY .38.99 SYNDICATE .40.99 TEMPEST 2000 .27.99 THEME PARK .29.99 TROY AIKMAN (US) FOOTBALL 48.99 WOLFENSTEIN 3D .34.99 1944-ACROSS THE RHINE ...31.99 CHAMP MANAGER 2 (95 ) .26.99 CIVIL WAR .29.49 COMMAND & CONQUER .31.49 DARK FORCES.34.99 DISCWORLD .34.99 DUNGEON MASTER 2 .30.99 FORMULA 1 GRAND PRIX 2 ...31.99 FULL THROTTLE .31.49 LORDS OF MIDNIGHT .22.49 MICRO MACHINES 2.26.49 OVERLORD .9.99 PRIVATEER + DATA DISKS ... 13.49 SAM & MAX HIT THE ROAD ...20.99 SIMON THE SORCERER 2.27.99 STAR TREK - NEXT GEN .33.99 SYNDICATE + DATA DISK ... 13.49 ULTIMATE DOOM .21.49 ULTIMATE SOCCER MANAGER 21.99 X-COM - TERROR FROM DEEP 28.99 X-WING COLLECTION (X-WING, B-WING, IMPERIAL PURSUIT + 6 NEW LEVELS) .. .29.49 Overseas orders must be paid by credit card Hardware items (battery or mains) are only supplied to the UK addresses Overseas surcharge £2.00 per software item or 25% on other items (BLOCK CAPITALS please) Name & Address_ OOZE Phone No_ Enter membership number (if applicable) or NEW me mbership fee (annual uk s.oo) _Postcode_ If Mac or PC please state DISK or CD ROM Machine item item item Please use this box to add any optional fast delivery charge 1 st Class Post 50p per posted item or £3 hardware ALL PRICES INCLUDE UK POSTAGE & VAT Cheque/P.O./Access/Mastercard/Switch/Visa CREDIT CARD EXPIRY DATE _ Mail Order address. Cheques payable to: SPECIAL RESERVE P.O. BOX 847, HARLOW, CM21 9PH >r FAX a credit card order on 01279 726842 - and we ll FAX back. Inevitably some games listed may not yet be available. Please phone to check availability. Prices may change without prior notification. Sent to press 08.09.95 E .& O.E. SAVE = Saving off full retail price. Inter-Mediates Ltd, The Maltings, Sawbridgeworth. Herts. SWITCH _(ISSUE NO_) Charge card or personal loan subject to status. See the club magazine for details. PC 32X Just like the 32X, cheats unique to the PC have been included within the game, but by far the biggest feature is the network facility which allows you to link up four PCs or play against your friends over a modem. T-Mek is looking really good and it’s nice to see someone actually taking the time to improve a game from the arcades rather than just simply doing a straight-forward “port”. By Time Warner Interactive Available November Coming your way next month is the conversion of T-Mek, a futuristic tank combat simulator, which is due to appear on PC CD-Rom and the 32X. Both versions are based on the popular coin-op which last year reached No. 2 in the US takings charts. T-Meks (as if you didn’t know!), are specially constructed battle tanks that hover above the ground. In the game you get to choose from six different Meks, each with their own attributes. You then enter your Mek into a tournament which consists of a series of dark and challenging battle arenas. Each battle pits four T-Mek warriors against each other in frantic and deadly head-to- head combat. In addition to fighting the other warriors you also have to contend with deadly alien drones and individual bosses. A near replication of the arcade version, but unlike many conversions, the PC and 32X efforts have had more features added. Six extra arenas, including two secret ones, resulting in a total of 20, have been included in the 32X version. Other features include a two-player split-screen mode and a duel option which allows two players to battle it out one-on-one. Cheats from the coin-op have been incorporated, but a load of new cheats, designed specifically for the 32X, have been added. The in-game effects and vocal samples are also taken directly from the arcade version. The PC version features 13 extra battle arenas, making 27 in all - including the three secret levels. 98 GAMEPRO • December 1395 This new-age puzzle game is already available on the PC, but next generation console owners will have to wait until early next year before they finally get a go at the Endorfun experience. The game combines hypnotic graphics with a tribal soundtrack, and it’s packed with plenty of “good” subliminal messages. Apparently, it can put the player into a trance-like state. It’s been found that certain video games stimulate the brain to release endorphins - the body’s natural chemicals which relieve pain and impart a natural ‘high’ in everyday life. Endorfun is “one” of those games. You manoeuvre a pulsating, multi-coloured cube around a grid so that the colour on top of the cube lands on a square of the same colour. However, blocks appear and impede your progress. Sounds simple, but Endorfun is dangerously addictive and could easily become Tetris for the next generation. Available Early ’96 By Time Warner Interactive Saturn Super NES LkLrLU ir w developed by the team responsible for the highly popular racer, FI. Superbikes uses an upgraded version of the FI game engine, so you can expect plenty of fast and furious racing action. Thanks to continuous input from the people at Kawasaki, the game is incredibly accurate, not only in detail, but in feel as well. You get to drive a ZXR750R around 15 of the world’s finest race circuits. To become a successful racer, you must select your tyres and gearing according to the course and the weather conditions. Other features ir ir include a tilting horizon, contoured circuits, adrenalin¬ pumping speed, razor sharp handling, and the option to play alone or race against a friend in split-screen mode. If Kawasaki Superbikes is going to be anything like FI, then it deserves to be put at the top of your shopping list right away. By Time Warner Interactive Available November Released on the Mega Drive in March, Kawasaki Superbikes is about to rev its way onto the SNES. The game was SAMEPRO • December 1995 99 Saturn Climb into the cockpit of one of seven planes and take to the unfriendly skies for air combat flight sim action in this one-player game. You can choose to be any of seven pilots as you strive to complete eight missions with various objectives and across diverse terrain. The flying environment is completely free flight. Three points of view - cockpit, chase and reverse chase - and 360- degree movement keep you on top of the aerial action. Saturn After starting out with a line¬ up geared towards action and sports gamers, the Saturn gets its first RPG from Sega. A one- player game, Mystaria features a 3D first-person look with multiple angles. Evil Lord Bane has captured the four kingdoms, forcing you to rely on the special powers of a prince, a ninja and a lion man to help you recapture the land. Mystaria’s RPG features include up to 12 unique characters, special moves for each character, special items and magic, and more than 50 enemies and monsters to battle it out with. By Sega Available January ’96 mm Monte: TtM Uwt Qty Of Mnl Saturn Based on the summer sci-fi movie and Michael Crichton’s book, this game takes you on a journey deep into the heart of the Congo. You’re searching for diamonds and the lost city ofZinj. To find the city you’ll have to battle through a jungle filled with the likes of ferocious grey gorillas, mutant spiders and deadly mosquitoes. The one-player action/ adventure comes to life with a first-person perspective, 360-degree action, and rendered 3D graphics. By Sega Available January ’96 Clockwork Knight 2 Saturn The sequel to Clockwork Knight, this one-player action/adventure game takes place in a mysterious toy world. You’re a toy soldier, stomping through a strange land where toys come to life. Improvements over the original game include 12 new gameplay environments, better 3D graphics and animation, more background interaction, and larger puzzles. By Sega Available December 100 GAMEPRO • December 1 19SS ■ % ft 4? i Set in a post-industrial universe, this action/adventure game was created in collaboration with Marc Caro, one of the most original talents in contemporary cinema, and co-author of Delicatessen. The game is based upon on the soon to be released film of the same name, which cost £10 million to make, and was co-written by Marc. One is the star of the game, and he must find his little brother, Denree, who has been kidnapped. Krank, who is ageing prematurely because he can’t dream, is trying to get his youth back by kidnapping and stealing the thoughts of young children. One meets Miette, a young girl and leader of a wild bunch of orphans. The two make their way through the adventure confronted by a multitude of bizarre characters. High-resolution 3D graphics dominate throughout the adventure, and more than 50 real-time animated 3D characters, designed using Softimage modellings and motion capture animations, are featured in the game. Children of the Lost City sounds completely mad, but what do you expect from one of the men who helped create Delicatessen? By Sony Interactive Available Second Quarter ’96 m '*mm Another action adventure from Sony Interactive, but this one takes place in a village in Arkansas where people have disappeared and no-one knows what’s going on. You control “normal” bloke, Jack who, after having a beer, starts to feel a bit squiffy. Unknown to him, Jack has swallowed an alien parasite called Ar’Kritz, a microscopic extra-terrestrial policeman on high-res scenes, rendered and entirely modelled in 3D, have been inspired by countless science- fiction flicks. The game designers have used special lightning effects, animations taken from video footage using the blue the look-out for criminals, who just happened to land his space-ship in Jack’s pint. Jack’s face starts to swell and loads of cysts start to appear. This scares the already frightened villagers, and they decide to kill him. Jack and his parasite must travel through different places, fighting various enemies, searching for the outer space invaders, and for an antidote against the mutation of Jack’s body, which is slowly turning him into a monster. Tho Qnn nr on screen technique, and a wide number of cinematic sequences to create some superb and impressive visuals. To be honest, Parasite is looking absolutely great, and hopefully all this high-quality presentation will be matched by some decent gameplay. By Sony Interactive Available First Quarter ’96 GAMEPRO • December 1995 101 by the time it’s finished, it should cover all the major aspects of motor racing. So, if you’re fed up of all those football management games, stick around for a couple of weeks until this is ready for release. By MicroProse Available November This year’s Formula One Championship may be all but over, but you’ll soon be getting the chance to show the Germans a thing or two thanks to Grand Prix Manager. Take charge of your very own Formula One racing team and make it into the highly efficient outfit you’ve always wanted to see on the telly. MicroProse has had its fingers in the Grand Prix pie since the ST and Amiga arrived on the scene, and with Geoff Crammond’s F1GP2 just around the corner, it is backing the sport pretty extensively. GP Manager will run on PCs equipped with Windows, and MicroProse hasn’t set about designing any completely new titles for the PlayStation yet, but it is beavering away converting some of its biggest previous releases for the format. Top Gun hasn’t actually made an appearance on the PC yet, but rather strangely it is tied in with the film of the same name that was released about 200 years Most major movies have the game rights tied up within seconds, but MicroProse is doing it differently with this game that is based around the exploits of top fighter pilot, Maverick. So you’ve guessed by now that it’s a flight sim. Well, it’s likely to be more action based in its PlayStation incarnation, but great things are still expected from Top Gun when it is released in December. Until then you’ll have to content yourselves with gawping at the screenshots to whet your appetite. By MicroProse Available December GAMEPRO • December 1S95 102 Time Att Qck COURSE SEUECIf DESERT r POREST mountain lake sioe t ji.0 ns: <•* ■ game that we’ve seen to date, burning off anything that’s gone before it. The detail level is also unsurpassed, and the clipping (where you can see the scenery being drawn as you race) that Daytona suffered from so -- badly, is nowhere near as bad with this. There are three different cars to choose from, and they provide a combination of manual and automatic gears. Three tracks are also included, although only one of them was fully playable when we got our hands on it. Sega has a new breed of Saturn game lined up (see the feature starting on page 60), and Sega Rally is just one component of a many pronged attack on the next generation market. This will be lapped up by eager Saturn punters when it does eventually get released. At this stage of the day it’s looking like it will hit the shops in January, but there is a possibility it will make it just before Christmas. By Sega Available January ’96 Saturn Okay, so we’ve had Daytona and Ridge Racer. We’ve even had Fatal Racin’ and Screamer on the PC. But now it’s time for the little boys to move over, because Sega is on the verge of launching Sega Rally onto a Saturn audience. Many of you will have already played the original arcade version, and you’ll be fully aware of how good that is. Well, the Saturn version is so accurate, Sega had it running right next to an arcade machine at the recent ECTS show, almost daring people to try and find fault with it. At this stage there’s quite a bit to be done before the game is completed, but there was more than enough for us to play when we paid Sega a visit. Graphically it’s the fastest race GAMEPRO • December 1985 103 The Sega Saturn has a whole new generation of software on the horizon. Besides the new stuff like Virtua Cop and Sega Rally, there are also plenty of conversions of classic PC titles just around the corner to help entice plenty of people over to the next generation consoles. Sim City 2000 remains one of the most popular PC titles ever. Maxis took on the job of revamping the already classic Sim Mega Drive City, and turned it into a 3D isometric architecture-fest that you could really lose yourself in as you built up the perfect urban conurbation. The Saturn version shouldn’t see too many changes from the original, although there are bound to be a few fine enhancements here and there that will improve the game even further. So, if you’re a Saturn owner and you fancy designing your very own super city or town, what more could you ask for? By Maxis Available January '96 Maui Mallard (now there’s a title that’s going to be spelt differently in just about every magazine you see) is a rare treat for Mega Drive owners that's come fresh from the Disney stable. Despite what you might think, it actually features good old Donald Duck, this time in his latest guise as a Hawaiian Private Investigator, complete with tasteless shirt, just like Tom Selleck in Magnum. As we’ve come to expect from the Mega Drive, Maui Mallard is a platformer. But, as you can see from the screenshots, it’s certainly very colourful. The animation is also more than up to scratch - but then you’d expect nothing less from Disney. Decent software for the Mega Drive is becoming scarce, and it’s good to see companies continuing to pledge support for this format. By Sega Available November 104 GAMEPRO • December 1995 port, On - Screen, The Funnies, Sexi ledia, Business, Bizarre, Education, I terature, Music, Graphic Arts, Politic festyle, Sport, On - Screen, The Fun exual, Media, Business, Bizarre, Edu ealth, Literature, Music, Graphic Art first issue out now your guide to internet access visit our web site at http://www.idg.co.uk/theweb/ ducation, Health, Literature, Music, < rts, Politics, Lifestyle, Sport, On - S< he Funnies, Sexual, Media, Business izarre, Education, Health, Literature, graphic Arts, Politics, Lifestyle, Sporl preen, The Funnies, Sexual, Media, psiness, Bizarre, Education, Health, ss, Bizarre, ure, Music, i port, On - Si terature, Media. Businei ucation, H< ts, Politics The Web @idg. co. uk ; ||||ii' u pfoi yy| yf ijja/f JjJiJJa jiJtijjJn i ;Jjj 2 yi/affl Page 121 Loads of completely excellent cheats and pokes for Daytona and other games can be found right here! Page 108 The complete Tekken guide that makes up for last month s top cock-up. Although none of you seem to have spotted it! Page 118 Pure red hot tips, direct from the US of A, hit you square in the face on this page. Honest they do Gametek’s top scary cyberspace thriller starring Dennis Hopper gets the full guide treatment. All thanks to the Pros! Page 130 An arcade hit and soon to be a console stormer, Wrestlemania gets tipped to death! Page 122 Super Street Fighter? You betcha ass! Even more top tips are hiding right here on this page Tekken: It’s hot, it’s cool, it’s on the PlayStation, and it’s getting tipped to capacity as soon as you turn over. Can you handle it? We bloody well doubt it! But go ahead anyway, because we’ve spent loads of time doing it! Tournament-Winning Combos and Strategies PLAYSTATION W ith incredible graphics and near-perfect controls, Tekken makes a smooth jump from the arcade to the PlayStation. All fighters’ moves and combos have been faithfully translated, and you can even play as the bosses, doubling the number of playable fighters. Tekken is one of the top fighting games for the PlayStation so far. Check future issues for boss moves and combos By Bruised Lee Got Up and Fight When your fighter is knocked down during a match, you have five ways to recover offensively and defensively. Use the method that best suits your situation. Roll Forward Tap Use this tactic to get in close to your opponent High-Kick Recovery Tap (t RK) Use this recovery if your opponent is blocking low Roll Backward Tap*- Use this maneuverto avoid air attacks. Low-Kick Recovery Tap (4- RK) Use this recovery if your opponent is blocking high Lunge-Forward Recovery KiF 11 ^ in i * Tap («- LK RK) Use this tactic when an opponent is running in or just starting a move How to Run Running is an essential part of Tekken. It’s most often used to get in close after a combo. There are also some special attacks each fighter can perform while running. Tap ■», ■*, ■* quickly to make your fighter run Stun Moves Many of the fighters have stun moves, which are a great way to knock down an opponent’s guard and score free hits. See the character profiles for info on how to do the fighter’s stun move. Each character can counter a stun move using Ah Juggle Move The air juggle is a quick and easy way to launch your opponent into the air to start a juggle combo. Tap RP) to start the air juggle Note: To start Michele’s air juggle, tap*, * then hold*, tapLP To start King’s air juggle, tap ■*, (4 RP) various moves Controller Hey t =Up 7i = Up-Toward = Toward = Down-Toward 4, = Down - Down-Away *■ = Away * = Up-Away LK = Left Kick LP = Left Punch RK = Right Kick RP = Right Punch / / Motion= Move the joystick in one smooth, continuous motion (J /LeftPunch yy / \y Left Kick —' )0v// Right Kick jj Right Punch—/ \ Tap = Tap the indicated buttons or J directions in sequence Charge = Hold the direction or button indicated for the time indicated () = Execute commands in parentheses simultaneously Note: All techniques are described under the assumption that your character is facing to the right. If they’re facing left, reverse any Toward and Away commands 108 GAMEPRO • December 1995 Edge Fighters Super Moves Super moves, which most of the fighters can do, take a few seconds to execute and leave you open to attack. However, if a super move connects, it can inflict 50 percent to 80 percent damage. Use these moves as a last resort. Tap t, t to stop doing the super move Note: Not all fighters can stop a super move once they start one Throws and Grabs Each fighter has an assortment of throws and grabs. These are great manoeuvres to use when commencing an attack or to break through fighters who are blocking. Timing and positioning are the keys to success. Because they’re unblockable, throws and grabs are often successful against opponents who stay on the defensive. Ducking is a simple way to avoid being thrown. After ducking a throw, you can easily counterattack. Counter a throw with a throw. If timed correctly, the two throws will cancel each other. Then you can perform another move. mrifi Tap**, (-» LP RP) Flip Kick Tap ■*, (-» RK) Note: This move will stun a blocking opponent Ground Attack Use this attack when your enemy is on the ground. Diving Punch Tap (t RP) or use the Flip Kick Running Attacks Ground Slide While running, tap RK Air Kick While running, tap LK Dive Attack While running, tap (LP RP) Mon Grabs and Throws Note: You must be close to your opponent to perform these moves Elbow Smash TapM^LPRP) Shoulder Toss Hold ■*, tap (LP LK) Arm Flip Tap (■* LP LK) : Hip Toss Tap(RPRK) In-Close Attacks Face Smack Over the Shoulder Single Arm Dreaker Motion T * -»(LP RP) Note: There are three moves you can perform following this move Motion l ^ ■* (LP RP) for the Face Smack, then quickly tap LK, RK, LK, (LP RP) Motion I ^ -* (LP RP) for the Face Smack, then quickly tap LP, LK, RP, LP Double Arm Breaker Motion i ^ ■* (LP RP) for the Face Smack, then quickly tap LP, LK, RP, LP, LK, LP, RK, (LP RP), (LP RP) Motion i * ■* (LP RP) for the Face Smack, then quickly tap LP, LK, RP, LP, RP, LP, LK, RK, (LP RP) Super lAnue Tap (tf LP RP) GAMEPRO • December 1995 109 Fighters Edge ■lyswag; ^ *• wpt| ^8^1^~j JACK Overhead Smash Tap (* LP RP) Machine-Gun Punches Tap (tf LP), LP, LP The Clapper Tap ■>, ■>, (LP RP) Power Punch Motion «- it 4 ^ RP Sitting Move Tap (4. LK RK) Windup Punch Motion «- * 4 * LP Sitting Attack While sitting, tap LP, RP, LP, RP Tackle Move Tap (LP LK) 110 GAMEPRO • December 1S95 Fighters Edge Ground flttsrlf Use this attack when your enemy is on the ground. Butt Siam Tap(^LKRK) Super fUnue Motion 360 degrees towards the opponent starting from You can keep doing the motion until the count of five. Then tap LP Note: The longer the count, the stronger the punch Running Attacks Jumping Ground Slide While running, tap (LK RK) Dive Attack While running, tap (LP RP) More Grabs and Throws Note' You must be close to your opponent to perform these moves Head Slam TapiM->LPRP) Back Breaker Motion i * «- RP Pile Driver Motion ^ LP Body Slam Tap(RPRK) TapRP Tap IP TapLP Tap (LP RP) Tap (LP RP) Tap (* RP) Tap (-» RP) Tap (* LP) Tap (* LK RK) More Combos Five-Hit Smash Combo Hold MapLP four times, RP Triple-Punch Combo TapLP three times ansHimiTS Backhand Tap (-» RP) Spinning Leg Sweep Tap (kf LK) Note: Keep tapping LK to repeat spins Knee Charge Tap-*,(-»RK) Spinning Elbow Tap (<- LP) Note: Keep tapping LP to repeat spins Flip Kick Tap-»,(■* LKRK) Flip Kick to Corkscrew During the Flip Kick attack, tap (LP RP) Sword Slash Tap K LP) More Grabs And Throws Note: You must be close to your opponent to perform these moves Sword Bash Tap (RP RK) Body Press Tap (LP LK) OS’ GAMEPRO • December 1995 111 Fighter E d {rround Attack Use this attack when your enemy is on the ground. Hard Pounce Tap (a LK RK) dunning Attack Super Aluue Dive Attack While running, tap (LP RP) Tap («• LP) Ton-Htt Combo TapRP TapLP TapRK TapRK TapLP TapLP TapLP TapLP More Combos Hard-Pounce Combo Three-Hit Slash Combo Tap RP, LK, (* LK ,RK) Tap (-» RP), ■», (■» RK), (tf LP) Tap ■»,(■» RK) TapLP TapRK Tap (* LP) Tap (* RP) Sweep Tap (4- RK) 112 ^rjUrj — Jump Kick Hammer Punch Tap (■* RK) Note: This move will stun a blocking opponent Tap-*, (-> LK) Lunge Punch Tap (4 LP) Ground Punch Charge 4 for one second, motion ^ -» RP Motion 4 ^ -» RP GAMEPRO • December 1995 Tap (4 RP) Elbow Punch PAUL d g e i 9 h t e p s E Ground Attack Use this attack when your enemy is on the ground. Diving Punch Tap (* RP) Running Attacks Dive Attack While running, tap (LP RP) Slide Attack While running, tap RK tatlng EDtmljiss More Grabs And Throws Note: You must be close to your opponent to perform these moves Hip Toss Tap (LP LK) Power Elbow Tap (■> LP RP) Arm Flip Tap(RPRK) Monkey Flip Tap («■ LP LK) Tap (4 LP) TapLP TapRP TapLK TapRP TapLP Tap RP) Tap (* LP) Tapf*RP) Tap RP) TapRP TapLP TapRK TapRP TapLP More Combos Sweep Ebow Combo Pimch-Mck Combo Tap (I RK), (-» RP), Tap LP, RP, LK (t RP) Ground Attacks - £|.ja-jjjxn5«£: Spinning Backfist Standing Uppercut Double Kick Use these attacks when your enemy is on the ground. Diving Punch Tap (t RP) Bounce-Back Punch Tap(» RP RK) Hard Pounce Tap(* RK), LK Tap (-» RP) Axe Kick Motion -» l 'x RP Uppercut Motion 4- * RK, tap RK Jumping Spin Kick Tap (-» LK) GAMEPRO • December 1995 Motion I to LP Gif’ Tap(tRK) 113 e p s Edg* Fight Running Attacks Use these attacks when your enemy is on the ground. Slide Attack While running, tap RK Diving Attack While running, tap (LP RP) Note. Hip Toss Tap (RP RK) Double Kick Hold Tap (LP LK) Headbutt Tap *, (** L p pp ) .IIJPlUaWStatlB 111. ^SiTT-ll^ miCHELLt Tap (* RP) Tap(*LP) Walk in with LP Motion* * * Tap (* RK), LK RP Tap*, hold TapLP TapRP TapRP TapLK (*RP) More Combos Triple-Punch Combo Tap LP, LP, RP TapLP TapRP TapRP TapRK TapRK TapLP TapRP TapLP Power Punch Vertical Kick Sweeping Jump Kick Punch and Side Step Tap *, (* LP RP) Motion i * «- RK Hold \ tap RK, LK Tap (<- RP) 114 GAMEPRO • December 1995 Fighters Edge JTJ£I3>35 Ground Uppercut Motion I * -» RP or motion -l' * «-RP Two-Hit Uppercut Tap RP), LP Around Attacks Use these attacks when your enemy is on the ground. Hard Pounce Diving Punch Tap(* RP) Bounce-Back Hard Pounce Tap (* LK RK) Running Attacks Dive Attack Jump Kick While running, tap LK Super Rluue Tap hold tap LP More Grabs And Throws Note: You must be close to your opponent to perform these moves Side Suplex Tap (LP LK) Leg-Hook Supiex Tap (RP RK) German Suplex Tap (LP RP) Note: You must do a punch and side step first IieuastDtIng rgm^s Tap *■,hold Walk in with LP Walk in with U> Tap-»,-*,(LP Tap(tRP) «-,tapLP RP) Mon Combos Bounce-Back Hard-Pounce Combo Tap RK, (^ RK), LP, (7 LK RK) GAMEPRO • December 1995 115 E d a • F i h t • r LfUU When in close, tap (LP LK) Tap (* LP RP) Tap(t RP) Diving Punch Tap(* RP) While running, tap (LP RP) While running, tap RK Knee Bash Tap-M* >-K RK) Heuastatlng romans Low Flip Kick Jumping Side Kick Atomic Noogie Flying Knee Bash High Flip Kick Super Flip Kick Charge I for one second, tap (t RK) Note: Tap * to flip toward your opponent: tap * to flip away Atomic Body Slam Charge 4- for one second, hold (t LK RK) Note: Hold * to flip toward your opponent: hold * to flip away Ground Attacks Use these attacks when your enemy is on the ground. Tap ■*, ■*, (-» LK) When in close, tap (RP RK) Note: This move will stun a blocking opponent Running Attacks Diving Attack Slide Attack Charge l for one second, hold (t RK) Note: Hold * to flip toward your opponent: hold * to flip away Super Alone Fighters Edge KMGr Uppercut jxssEto'j _ Elbow Drop Jump Kick Spinning Jump Kick ? Tap(^LP) Tap (-> LK RK) Note: This move will stun a Note: This move will stun a blocking opponent blocking opponent Overhead Smash Big Boot Tap-*, ■*, (-> LK RK) Note: This move will stun a blocking opponent Scissors Takedown Tap (-* LP RP) Draund Attacks Tap(* LP RP) Running Attack Tap-*,(■* RK) Tap LK RK) Note: This move can be used as a ground attack Use these attacks when your Diving Attack enemy is on the ground. Hard Pounce «.. - ■ — J iV*ir-T n 1 1 n trl m '*■ «* • c ^ 4 i While running, tap (LP RP) More Grabs And Throws 1 Note: You must be close to your opponent to perform these moves Face Plant Tap 4 K LP RP) Pile Driver Tap *, (* LP RP) Super Pile Driver Motion i * -» LP Mind Sweeper Motion * <- * 'L * * LP Knee Bash Tap (LP LK) Suplex Tap(RPRK) Tap(*LKRK) Elbow Drop Tap(t RP) Qeua5tatin9 QDm),D5 More Combos Note: To start these combos your opponent must block the first hit Tap (* LP), waft in with LP, continue in with RP, tap ■*, (->LPRP),tap-*,-*,RP *vV l ?■ Tap LP), ■*, (■* RK), (t RP) TapLP TapRP TapLP TapLP TapRP Tap ■*, (-> RP) Hold*, tap LP Hold *, tap RP l 4 rv H TapRK TapRK TapRK TapLP TapLK GAMEPRO • December 1985 Tap *, (* RP) Tap(tRP) 117 yidHU liujjw JkuteijlUj M&jpyjiJ mid fuulluj Double Dragon Play as Duke andShuko At the player-select screen, move Player One’s cursor over the following fighters for a little over three seconds in the following order: Billy, Marian, Cheng-Fu, and Jimmy. If you did the trick correctly, you should hear Marianne say “Bingo!” Note: Charged moves can only be done when the word “Charged” appears beneath the life bar. Duke’s Moves Fire Lunge: Motion t ^ any button Fire Knee: Motion any button Knee Crash: While jumping, motion it b any button Head Smash: Charge ^ two seconds, tap t, any button Teleport: Charge two seconds, tap any button Charged Tiger Lunge: Motion vP ^ any two buttons simultaneously I Charged Fire Knee: Motion t ^ any two buttons simultaneously Charged Knee Crash: While jumping, motion it ^ any two buttons simultaneously Shuko’s Moves Fireball: Motion ^ ^ any button Jumping Fireball: While jumping, motion it ^ any button Rolling Fireball: Motion ^ ^ ^ any button Lightning Strike: Motion any button Shadow Teleport: Charge two seconds, tap any button Death From Above: Charge i two seconds, tap t, any button Charged Rolling Fireball: Motion ^ 4* any two buttons simultaneously Charged Lightning Strike: Motion i ^ any two buttons simultaneously 118 Street Fighter Alpha This will allow two players to team up and fight Bison! However, only Ken and Ryu can fight him in this mode, and they both share one life bar. The code will only work on a “fresh” game - not one currently in progress. Press and hold the Start buttons for Players One and Two and keep them held down. When the Player Select screen appears, both players should do the following: Tap t, t on the joystick and release the Start button, then tap t, t again. Then Player One should press Jab and Player Two 1 should press Fierce. If done correctly, Ken and Ryu will prepare to fight each other on Chun Li’s stage before they are interrupted by Bison. Note: Bison is almost impossible to beat in this mode. Red Zone Invincibility Password Enter the following password. You will start on level 3 and your ship will be invincible: baabaacbcaa NBA Uve ’95 Play Golf MODE exhibition STYLE Arcade LEVEL ROOKIE Quarter 3 Minutes Set Rules Set options Plays) Setup lego Drivi The Adventures of Batman and Bobin Stage Skip Start the game and pause it. Then press B, A, Down, B, A, Down, Left, Up, C. You will then automatically advance to the next stage. Select the Exhibition mode and select your teams. At the Player Setup screen, move the controller under any team and push Up until an option named “Start New” appears. Press Start and enter the following name: reflog. Press Start, and you will be able to play golf. Saturn Daytona USA Hidden Area and Message Arci Street Fighter Alpha PlayasAkuma To find a hidden message, pick either Arcade or Saturn mode and start on the Advanced track. As soon as the race starts, turn around and drive in the opposite direction. Look for a small hill to the right. Drive up the hill, and you will see a special message from your sponsor. Press the Start button to start a new game. For Player One: At the Player Select screen, move the cursor to the question- mark box in the lower-left corner. Press and hold the Start button, and tap ithen simultaneously press Jab and Fierce for a red Akuma (or simultaneously press Short and Roundhouse for a blue-garbed Akuma). For Player Two: At the Player Select screen, move the cursor to the question-mark box in the lower-right corner. Press and hold the Start button, and tap >l>, 4, 4, then simultaneously press Jab and Fierce for the red-dressed Akuma (or simultaneously press Short and Roundhouse for the blue-garbed Akuma). NOW .LOADING , ' l 1 I til UM-H I UIiIhl) UinjJiJ IjitiJ&jl&jj M&JPW& iuiil hvitez Saturn Daytona USA No Wheels on Opening Screen Start a race and enter the pit. Before the crew gets the new tyres on your car, simultaneously press A, B, C and Start. This will reset the game. Now, at the demo screen, your car will have no tyres. Wooh. Rocko’s Modem Lite - Spunky’s Dangerous Day Play with the Nickleodeon Bone € > HB ; At the Nickleodeon dog bone screen, simultaneously press Button X and Button Y to make the bone long and thin; simultaneously press Button A and Button B to make the bone short and fat. Street Fighter Alpha Play as Bison Fatal Fury 3 Little Fighters This trick works in the Versus mode only. After selecting the two fighters, hold Buttons B and C on both controllers through the “Now Loading” screen until the match starts. This must be done for each fight. 120 GAMEPRO • Press the Start button to start a new game. For Player One: At the Player Select screen, move the cursor to the question- mark box in the lower left-hand corner. Press and hold the Start button, and tap ^^ithen simultaneously press Jab and Fierce for the red-clothed Bison (or simultaneously press Short and Roundhouse for Bison's alternate colour). For Player Two: At the Player Select screen, move the cursor to the question-mark box in the lower-right corner. Press and hold the Start button, and tap i, 4< ithen simultaneously press Jab and Fierce for the red Bison (or simultaneously press Short and Roundhouse for Bison’s alternate colour). ifl Street Fighter Alpha Play as Dan Space Ace Watch All Sequences To view all the animated segments in Space Ace, start a normal game and pause it. Then press Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, and unpause the game. Mega Bomberman Passwords This code is the same for Players One and Two. Press the Start button to begin a new game and continue to hold it down. At the Player Select screen, move the cursor to the question- mark box in the lower-left corner for Player One (or the lower right-hand corner for Player Two). Quickly tap these buttons in the following order: Jab, Short, Forward, Roundhouse, Fierce, Strong (or Fierce, Roundhouse, Forward, Short, Jab, Strong for Dan’s alternate colour). World 1: Jammin’ Jungle Stage 2 : 6800 Stage 3 : 5120 Boss: 7420 World 2: Vexin’ Volcano Stage 1 : 4501 Stage 2 : 8 111 Stage 3 : 7421 Stage 4 : 1051 Boss: 3351 World 3: Slammin’ Sea Stage 1 : 4502 Stage 2 : 8112 Stage 3 : 7422 Stage 4 : 1052 Boss: 3352 World 4: Crankin’ Castle Stage 1 : 8114 Stage 2 : 0513 Stage 3 : 9723 Stage 4 : 3353 Boss: 5653 World 5: Thrashin’ Tundra Stage 1 : 8 114 Stage 2 : 2814 Stage 3 : 1134 Stage 4 : 5654 Boss: 7954 Final World: 0515 If so, send it to swf T fj®* Weapot 1 send you a free GamePmi h We publish 't vt s ° me of your artmrk FvJn * 1 We als ° ^ artwork published in SWaZT, 6 " Who 9ets C00l! Smyo ^Xs Z r lZ e ,s GamePro Ma gaz ine Secret Weapons 'JhJau ihluli) Mbtupmu mid fnvilm sup The Death and Return of Superman Retin Life Bar and Special Attacks, Nine Lives, and Level Skip _ Before starting a new game, choose the sound test in the Options menu. Play these sounds in the following order: OB, 29,2C, and 05. Then start a new game, and simultaneously press A, B, X, and Y any time during play. Your life bar will refill and you will get five special attacks. To skip levels, press A, B, X, Y, and Select any time during play. Mega Drive Ristar Hidden Super Difficulty Level At the Password option, enter superb to access a harder difficulty setting. 122 Mega Drive/ snes hue Lies Passwords for Infinite Lives, Full Weapons, and infinite Continues Enter the following passwords: Infinite lives: bglvs Full weapons: bgwpns Invincibility: bggrly Earthworm Jim: Special Edition Red Afro, Black Afro, Groucho Marx, and Antennae Pause a game, then enter any of the following: Red Afro Groucho Marx Press C, A, A, A, A, A, B, C Press A, A, A, A, A, A, B, C Black Afro Antennae Press B, A, A, A, A, A, B, C Press B, C, A, A, A, A, B, C EAMEPRO • December 1995 SONIC 'N' KNUCKLES - GAMERS GUIDES. .0891 445 946 sonic i, 2 & 3. 0891 445 941 EARTHWORM JIM. 0891 445 985 lion king. 0891 445 951 MORTAL KOMBAT 1, 2 & 3. 0891 445 987 DONKEY KONG COUNTRY. 0891 445 928 STREETFIGHTER 2: (World Warrior, Super, Turbo, SCE). 0891 445 940 THE STRIKE LINE: JUNGLE, DESERT, URBAN. 0891 445 953 DOOM. 0891 445 926 FOR FULL INFORMATION ON ALL OUR SERVICES CALL .... .0891 445 939 NEW! Mega Games Line - Mega Drive Mega CD. 0891 445 787 NEW! Sega Spot-Cheats, 32X, Mega CD, Mega, Master .......0891 445 933 NEW! Handheld Hot Line - Gameboy, Gamegear Lynx. 0891 445 990 NEW! Console Cheatline (if it eats Carts it lives here). 0891 445 991 NEW! Super Nintendo Games Line - SNES. 0891 445 993 NEW! The Amiga Games Line - Featuring CD32. 0891 445 786 Star Wars Arcade Timer Reset, Freeze Timer, and Hidden Sound Test GUIDING LIGHT COMPUTER SERVICES LTD, PO BOX 17, ASHTON UNDER LYNE, 0L7 OWW If you are under 18 please ask permission to call. Maximum call charge at peak rate £3.68. Calls cost 39p per min cheap rate, 49p per min at all other times. Timer Reset Lett, Down, Button A, Button C, Down, Up Freeze Timer Down, Button B, Button B, Up, Right, Left Sound Test Up, Right, Left, Button A, Down, Button C ADVERTISEMENT • IBM PC • ATARIST • SUPERNES • MEGADRIVE • GAMEBOY • AMIGA • • MEGA CD • COMMODORE 64 • GAMEGEAR • CDi • SINCLAIR SPECTRUM • • NES • CD 32 • NEO GEO • ATARI JAGUAR • MASTER SYSTEM Pause a game and enter the following button presses: llllllllllllllllll Cone Boy (Came Genie) Donkey Kong Land C3D aob E6i Lose all your lives when you die C9D edb 4ci If you get hit, you don’t change characters until you’re back at the map screen 3eo 8ib 4ca Invincible 002 Ira 3 be Change soundtrack Staigate 008 22B E6E 0E9 7EB 80E + 049 7EB D53 0E9 7DB 80E + 0F9 7EB D53 C92 74D C49 Tile counter doesn’t work The bottom of the tiles is always tile four The bottom of the tiles is always wild-card tiles Tiles look blank but aren’t Super HES (Pro Action Replay) The Great Circus Mystery: Starring Mickey and Minnie Mouse 7 E 029 F 04 Player One has infinite lives 7E022D3X Player One can jump high (replace “X” in code with a number; higher numbers yield higher lumps) 7E00B70X To select the stage, replace “X” in code with number of level 7 E 028002 Player One starts the game with the sweeper costume 7 E 028004 Player One starts the game with the safari costume 7 E 028006 Player One starts the game with the western costume 7 E 029 HC Infinite costume energy 6AMEPR0 YES” FOR YOUR SYSTEM ALL FORMATS CHEATLINES JUST SAY 101 0891 Are you stuck PROBLEM aues,ionsAnswer s,nice Who ya gonna call? busters 0891445 977 JJul mm MM mil yjfJ AuMj lmmy nLMj \No need to look in your wallet for that Out of fj e jl card kecause you're going... FRF rr ‘ i>acR A guide to the first half of 3*2)0 's land of the damned.\ By ‘Tommy Cjtide (ziritf. thanks to ‘WiCy ‘WeaseQ The game begins after you escape from the Scrub Crew. Once inside Dante’s apartment, talk to him. Question Capt. Jersey. Although he sheds some light on your situation, pay close attention to what he tells you about Mr. Beautiful and the Transgressors. Take the Scrub List from his table. Then head for the Interface Bar at Foggy Bottom. Kween Chaos gives you the only clue to summon Mr. Beautiful. You’ll find his henchman in the back room. Inside the office, enter your inventory. Drop Sophia’s pass template, then select Sophia Bene’s pen and use it on the template to create a Level 4 pass. Give the pass to the guard on the right, then enter the garage through the door. At the bar, go to the door. Enter the password SESAME, and the manhole in the street will open. Enter the bar via here. 124 When the henchman asks you for the password to see Mr. Beautiful, enter CONDEMN. GAME PRO • December 1995 Next, take the key to Dante’s place and select the D.C. Map from the interface. Find Georgetown and choose Frank Jersey’s Kitchen. Talk to everyone inside Interface to get clues. Mindrunner gives you the first Latin clue. Also, be sure to recruit Cynna Stone, Sophia Bene and Scub Stevens. You must promise Sophia to help her daughter, Chastity. Mr. Beautiful offers you a job in Hell. Accept it and save your game. iguinarius talks a mean game, but if you ected all the weapons, you can defeat l. Return to the Interface Bar to talk to Beautiful, then head to Aldous Xenon’s Aldous Xenon assigns you a mission for the resistance. Take the homing device and head for the Pentagon Garage. Examine the lunchbox on the garage floor. The lunchbox shows the name of the mechanic, Jo Boyle. Talk to the mechanic then return to the garage entrance and have the dispatcher page Jo Boyle. Now go back into the garage and plant the homing device on the car. Take the mechanic s creeper. Return to Xenon’s apartment. He instructs you to see Senator Burr at the British Embassy in Dupont Circle. i "V 1 * i ' ' If Talk to Vivid, Derek, and the psyborg, Charles, in the waiting room. Enter the door on the left to talk to the Senator. The Senator sends you on a mission to find the rest of her lost attack team. Head to Chinatown to Pap Pap John’s Comix Shop. Talk to Pap Pap and Anna Mae. They tell you about their computer problem. Look at their computer screen. When combined, the next-to-last letter in each word spells IMPERATOR. Enter this password, and on the second try, the computer reads “All Systems Normal”. Head over to Gang Alley at the McPherson Square stop. If u ■ If* - •& Talk to all the characters standing around in Gang Alley. Then cross the doorway on the right to enter the Deadly Seven s clubhouse. Exit through the lower part of the screen to the Rec Room. SAMEPRO • December 1S95 h \ In the Rec Room, talk to Languo and Barbara. Languo asks you get him a still, which you must build later. Cross the street and enter the Clean’s building. Talk to Gracie Lovell and Drip. Gracie requests erotic comics for Temperance. Go back to the comic-book shop and get them. i. * W \f When you enter this room, talk to Temperance on the far right. When you give her the comics she’ll agree to back off. Speak to Phrackie on the far right - she’ll jack into the bank account of one of the Deadly Seven. Accept the money she offers. On your way out, talk to Gracie and reassure her Temperance has been bribed. 300 Same Prattle Hill GAMETEK This cyberpunk graphic adventure originated on the PC. In a dark and futuristic Washington D.C. society, you play as either of two low-level members of a cyberspace police force: Gideon Eshanti or his partner/love interest, Rachel Braque. You’ll deal with everyone and the devil government wants you dead. £TBA Available now Adventure 1 player 4 save slots Um 125 Return across the street and give Electric Sex the key to Dante’s apartment. In turn she’ll give you Dolph Van Ittey’s password. Go to the Rec Room, then into Dolph’s room through the door behind Languo. Enter Dolph’s password, BLOODNET, on the computer. 7.1*-ft* C3 IT*** i MiC* 3 ^ j * I HC S S nm **** ** You learn from reading Dolph’s files that he is a spy for the Hand. Return to the alley and tell Chris Modesta. Talk to Chastity and then Dolph. Visit the Cybershop. Talk to Dr. Clean and buy the lockpick. Also, take the copper tubing you need to make the still. Head to the Transgressions Entrance in the Federal Triangle and use the lockpick on the door. Once inside, take the pencil on the right of the computer and use it on the pad of paper to the left of the computer. This reveals the password to St. Mouchoirs computer, GODS JUSTICE. Listen to all the files on St. Mouchoir’s computer. Mouchoir’s notes will fill in many vague areas. Some of the areas in his computer require more passwords; these passwords aren’t available until later in the game. When prompted with “ggyttom”, enter FOGGY BOTTOM. When prompted with “lit”, enter HELL PIT. When prompted with “remyrdi”, enter JEREMY VERDI. When prompted with “anerling”, enter 1st ¥ I. Listen to the mobsters, then take the mug from the table. Pick up the steel lid and go to the hostage, Krystal Getty. Free her. Return to the General’s office. Head for the Learn about the Phreakbeats at Judiciary Square from Nick Cannon. Go there and talk with them. You find out they want to kill Oscar Drexler at Union Station. Go to Drexler. Talk to him, then head to Dante’s apartment. Return to see Dean Sterling, who gives you a bomb job. Now head to Asmodeus’s porn studio at Union Station. DEAN STERLING. If you listened to everything currently accessible, you now have access to many new areas. Head to Dean Sterling’s office in Farragut North. Talk to Dean Sterling. He’ll ask you to come back in a few days to help him track Asmodeus. Go to the Pentagon. Talk to the receptionist and select General Manghims office. Then go through the doorway. Now talk to Sanguinarius, and accept his mission to Hell. At the studio, talk to the desk girl, Rutterkind, then talk to Asmodeus. Agree to join Asmodeus on his set in Hell. Once in Hell, talk to Asmodeus. When he falls over, you will return to his studio. Dean Sterling is there. Talk to him and before leaving, take the Psychopump. Return again to Dante’s apartment. GAMEPRO • December 1995 126 Speak to Dante. He tells you he’s connected with Deep Throat. Use the Psychopump. Enter the address to the Garage. When you warp there, Deep Throat gives you the lowdown on Hell. Return to the Interface Bar at Foggy Bottom and see Mr. Beautiful. jn you enter Mr. Beautiful’s ottice, you his head on the floor. Talk to the gsters and the little demon. To solve little demon’s code, go to the jukebox enter songs D9, E3 and E8. A hole ■ns in the floor. Drop into the hole and 'the DAT from the gangsters. On your y out get the cue stick and talk to Mr. autiful - but don’t recruit him. Give the O’ to Nick Cannon at the Voice of God jio station. He plays it for you. Then visit .chatology Inc., at Watergate. , V- 4 " '•X A A V At Eschatology, talk to They cloe you in to Resuirechoo Unlimited. Head to Resurrection Unlimited at Arlington. The woman standing there directs you through the door. In the hallway, use the mechanic’s creeper to In the next room, examine the corpse of Shonbrun inside the coffin. The phrase on his chest reads “Vocabulum est acquirer Ominus venire ab genitor”. Head for the New Corporeal Biologies. Cft h ”d m n > t—* r/j *—1 § m O il<; rn m n H O When you reach this place, grab the two beakers, the magnet, kerosene, and steel cup. Ask Ben Brewer about Hennelly. Then go to the Deadly Seven’s clubhouse in Gang Alley and buy information on the Solux Stakes from Laura. In the Rec Room, select Scub Stevens’ juryrigging skill and put it over the copper tubing in your inventory. Then press Button B. You now have the still to give to Languo. Give it to him, then talk to him. Next, head to the Gnostics’ office at Capitol South. Talk to Professor Coronary and head to the Collector’s room in L’Enfant plaza '-T '■ I « I (■pi . k Use the electromagnet to steal the Blaze Parchment. Return to the Gnostics’ office and give Coronary the Parchment. Enter the next room and get the list of readings in Latin. Go to Coronary for the last translation. The code is formed i from the five clue words: get, [ gate, slate, stilts and late. The I code word is GESTICULATE. GAMEPRO • December 1995 127 r/j m Q > i rjj —i g m O rj j Li] O O U1 Q > r XSl > m O r/j Li] n ni o primal questions waiting in an envelope, all ready to plop the final three answers in there. The questions haven’t been overly hard over the past two months, so we ^ decided to give you pi something tough to ,J chew on this time. Only a true games animal will have a chance of winning. After all, this machine , is worth £3000. Right then, are you ready? Eyes left ••• Here it is, the concluding part of our massive Primal Rage giveaway, in which you, yes you, could get your sticky little fingers on a full-size, fully operational, absolutely massive, butt-kicking been reading the past ,, | two issues you should ’ [ have the answers to l| : ^| the six previous Answers from issue 2: Q1)l -- Q2)C_= Q3)dHm Ql) Name the Primal Rage Art Director we featured in our Camemakers series in If you can answer all our questions correctly, you just might have a chance of winning the top prize. But, being top annoying blighters that we are, we’re not going to print the first six questions again. Only those of you who possess issues two and three stand a good chance. Let’s face it, if we printed all the questions now, all you lot who bought the last two issues may feel slightly cheated, and that’s something that we don’t want. So, now you’ve got everything you need to enter, what are you waiting for? Fill in all nine answers in the relevant boxes provided on the coupon, and send it to the address that we’ve kindly printed there for your convenience. And don’t forget to include your name and address and your date of birth. A daytime phone number would be helpful for arranging delivery of the machine too, cos this thing can’t just be popped in the post, and it certainly won’t fit through your letterbox. Cot everything you need? Good stuff and good luck! the last issue Answers from issue 3: Q2) Name the top Saturn racing title coming soon from TW Interactive Q3) What score did we give the Super NES version of Primal Rage? ] Address: Fill in the coupon and send it to the following address: — f Primal Rage Competition, - C CamePro, Media House, Adlington Park, Macclesfield p os t C ode: Cheshire SKI 0 4NP (-1 Please tick this box if you do.not wisti» receive lei. ,_ □ Please tick this box if you do not wisn to rec promotional material from other companies Primal Rage arcade machine. ON SALE ISSUE 6 November 1995 By Bruised Lee (Special thanks to Mailt Tumtell, The King Fisher, Brian Odom, Brian L Smolik, and the Midway WWF staff) Before stepping into the ring before battle, here are the basic moves every wrestler should know. The following pages break down each character’s moves and combos. Basic Skills The following moves are the same for each wrestler. Run Quick Reversals Shove Grab Power Up 1 \ To make your character run, tap (P K) Note: Some wrestlers can do special moves while running. You can also perform charge moves while running 2 Tap 4, PP when an opponent grabs you Note: High-risk moves and mini combos are reversible, but super combos aren’t Hip Toss 1 -—--— Tap P Note: This move is great against defensive opponents and unblockable Hair Grabs When an opponent is on the ground, stand by their head and tap PP to pull them up by the hair 8 ™ T - & . ~ «lBWi Hold B and tap P to push your opponent away from you. Shoving your opponent does very little damage, but it gives you time to set up your next move Power Throw Tap PP To grab an opponent, tap PP Note: After a grab, you can perform a special move or combo SpeedUp Rotate the joystick counterclockwise two full circles starting Toward your opponent. If done correctly, your wrestler flashes for a second. You move twice as fast for a short time Hold B and rotate the joystick clockwise two full circles starting Away from your opponent. If done correctly, your wrestler taunts his opponent. If you perform a move within five seconds after a taunt, it does four times the damage. You can power up only once in a match Super Combos To start a super combo, your combo meter must be flashing. Your combo meter builds up gradually as you perform special moves. Super combos are not reversible Controller Ken t = Up = Down-Away P = Punch 7* = Up-Toward 4- = Away PK = Power Kick 4 = Toward ^ = Up-Away PP = Power Punch ^ = Down-Toward B = Block 4 = Down K = Kick Motion = Move the joystick in one continuous, smooth motion. Tap = Tap the indicated buttons or directions in sequence. Charge = Hold the direction or button indicated for the indicated time. () = Execute commands in parentheses simultaneously. Special Note: All techniques are described under the assumption that your character is facing to the right. If they’re facing left, reverse any Toward and Away commands. 130 GAMEPRO • December 1895 Fire Grab The Clapper Boxing Glove Kicking Back- Breaker Combo After a grab, hold ■*, tap PK, PK, PK, PP, M,PK Super Combo: 20 Hits After a grab, tap ■*, PP, PP, P, P, P, K, K, K, PK, PK, PK, K, K, PP, PP, PK, PP, PP, PP, PP Note: Your Combo meter must be flashing to perform this combo — Hold PP, run toward your opponent, release PP Flying Kick Motion 4< ^ P Note: To repeat the move, keep tapping P Joy Buzzer Charge P three seconds, release P Overhead Grab Tap P rapidly Happy Hammer TapPK Note: After tapping PK, tap K rapidly to repeat the move. The Happy Hammer can also be performed after a grab When close, tap (PP PK) Overhead Back Breaker Charge P three seconds, release P, or, after a grab, motion I * P Pile Driver Head Slam After a grab, tap M,PK Note: After tapping PK, tap PP rapidly to repeat the move When close, tap (PP PK). While your opponent is in the air, tap i,PK After a grab, tap i, 4^,PK After a grab, tap ■*, ■*, PP Quick Slice Combos Quick Slice Fire Pounce Combo After a grab, hold I, tap P, P, P, P, PP Motion i ^ P Snap Mirror Charge P three seconds, release P Flying Drop Kick Super Combo: 21 Hits After a grab, tap PP, PP, PP, P, P, P, PP, PP, PP, PK, PK, PK, K, K, K, PP Note: Your Combo meter must be flashing to perform this combo Body Slam Tap K Note: Keep tapping K to repeat the move Charge PK three seconds, release PK After a grab, tap i,K Note: Keep tapping K to repeat the move After a grab, tap ■*, ■*, PP Combos Punching Hip-Toss Super Combo: Combo 18 Hits After a grab, hold tap After a grab, tap ■*, P, P, P,P, hold tap PP PP, PP, PK, PK, PK, PK, Kicking Head-Slam K, K, P, P, P, P, PP, PP, PK, PK j Combo Note: Your Combo meter After a grab, hold tap must be flashing to perform PK, PK, PK, PK, PP this combo 1 fr-ti GAMEPRQ • Dtcem&ep 1995 131 tr* d ill ti *t$k lex lu§^ Fist Smash Elbow Girder 3 J j S spue's/ Salt Throw 1 d i;j vy Belly Rush Overhead! Grab After a grab, tap ■*, •*, PP After a grab, tap 4<, 4<, PK Eye Raker Rolling Uppercut Clothesline After a grab, tap -*, PP Body Slam After a grab, tap 4-, A, PK Motion A * ■* P Charging Uppercut Tap 4>, A, P Charge PK three seconds, release PK Tap-*. -».P Overhead Leg Spin When close, tap (PP PK) Gi Hip Takedown Vertical Suplex Suplex Charge P three seconds, release P Fun Flail Tap ■*, -»,P Overhead Grab Charge P three seconds, release P. or after a grab, motion ^ P Charging Punch Tap*, *, PK Note: After tapping PK, tap K rapidly to repeat the move. The Fun Flail can also be performed after a grab Oveirhead Back Breaker Tap (t PK) Motion ^ * P When close, tap (PP PK). While your enemy is in the air, tap ^,PK While running, tap PP Flying Drop Kick Combos Kicking Over¬ hand Combo After a grab, hold *, tap PK, PK, PK, PK, PP Super Combo: 19 Hits After a grab, tap *, *, PK, PK, PK, K, K, K, P, P, P, P, PP, PP, PP, PK, PK Note: Your Combo meter must be flashing to perform this combo Motion i ^ * P or charge P three seconds, release P Sharpshooter When an opponent is on the ground, stand by their feet and tap PP Combos Head Smash Combo When close, tap P, P,P,P Super Combo: 13 HRs After a grab, tap *, *,P,P,PP,PP,PK, PK, PK, PK, K, K, K, P, PP,PP, PP Note: Your Combo meter must be flashing to perform this combo 132 GAMEPRO • December 1095 J-* J £j Jj i J j sp^es / ^awn miohaets 5 d £1 3 \ Sp' I the uffldertakfeql Motion 4> ^ -* P Motion 4> ^ -* K Tombstone Smash Neck Breaker Shadow Neck Choke Grim Reapers Double Snapkick Back Suplex Sunset Flip Tap-*,-*, PK Charge P three seconds, release P While running, tap PP Droplock Tap-*, -*, K Flying Drop Kick Charge PK three seconds, release PK Frankersteiner Tap -*, -*, PK, or while running, tap PK Tap-*,-*, PK Shadow Neck Breaker Charge P three seconds, release P Stun Ghost After a grab, hold -*, tap After a grab, tap -*, -*, P PP Face Slam fr&lfyes / / l£ Neck Breaker After a grab, motion 4 ^ -*P Note: Keep tapping P to repeat the move After a grab, tap -*, -*, PP DDT After a grab, tap 4>, i, PK or charge PP for three seconds, release PP Combos Juggle Kicking Combo Motion 4> * •* K, tap K, K, K Kicking Overhead - Throw Combo After a grab, hold -*, tap PK, PK, PK, PK, PP Super Combo: 16 Hits After a grab, tap -*, -*, K, K, PK, PK, PK, PP, PP, PP, P, P, P Note: Your Combo meter must be flashing to perform this combo Combos Uppercut Jump- Kick Combo After a grab, hold tap P,P,P,P,PP lacking Neck- Breaker Combo After a grab, hold -*, tap K, K, K, K, PK Super Combo: 16 Hits After a grab, tap -*, -*, PK, PK, PK, PP, PP, PP, P, P, P, PK, PK, PK, K, K, P, P, PP Charge P, run toward your Motion 4* K opponent, release P Note: This move stuns an opponent Super Uppercut Mystic Glove After a grab, tap I, 4>,PP After a grab, tap 4-, 4>,PK Combos Kicking Snap Mirror Combo After a grab, hold -*, tap P, P, P, P, P, PP Super Combo: 17 Hits After a grab, tap -*, -*, PK, PK, PK, K, K, K, P, P, P, PP, PP, PP, PK, PK, PK, K, K Note: Your Combo meter must be flashing to perform this combo 133 6AMEPR0 • December 1895 Tel/Fax: (0181) 539-9980 Sony Playstation £299.00 WITH ANY GAME OF YOUR CHOICE Ridge Racer Toh Shin Den Tekken Arc The Lad Dragon Ball 2 3 DO Panasonic Icebreaker Space Ace Mad Dog I & 2 Pebble Assault Mind Teazzer Sega Saturn £385.00 Daytona £55.99 Clockwork Knight £46.99 Race Drivin £59.99 Street Fighter Movie £68.99 Slam Dunk Ball £71.00 Atari Jaguar £139.99 White Men Can’t Jump £65.00 Syndicate £46.00 Theme Park £46.00 Sensible Soccer £46.00 Doom £46.00 Neo Geo CD £319.99 Fatal Fury 3 £53.99 Samurai Shodown 2 £55.99 Viewpoint £52.99 Top Hunter £45.99 Puzzle Bobble £51.99 Double Dragon £54.99 Galaxy Fight £51.99 Baseballstars 2 £33.99 Windjammers £46.99 Savage Reign £55.99 Mutation Nation £45.99 World Heroes 2 Jet £50.00 Please Phone For Other Titles Come and see us at our address below £59.00 £59.00 £59.00 £59.00 £59.00 £385.00 £49.99 £52.99 £62.99 £35.99 £35.99 ACE CONSOLES 702 HIGH ROAD, LEYTON, E10 6JP ACE NO. 1 4 GAMES & FUN S SONY PLAYSTATION/TEKKEN_£365 SONY PLAYSTATI0N/R. 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Japanese Nintendo Ultra 64 (orders being taken) Tal/fax: (018221 871544 8am-7pm or (83781 548388 aoy other tiaie ★★ fsfab/isbed 1992*+ mm gambs Satisfy your desire for the latest in video game lust and violence on the following formats Sega Saturn • Sony Playstation • Panasonic & Goldstar 3DOs • Jaguar • MegaDrive • SNES • PC CD-Rom • also imports & second hand. Telephone the gamesters on: mm Tiiiii 1 5 High Street, Woking, Surrey, GU21 IBW 3 THE PARADE STONEGATE ROAD LEEDS LS6 4HZ SATURN CONSOLE - CALL VIRTUA FIGHTER 2 SEGA RALLY NBA JAM TE (USA) SIM CITY 2000 (USA) MORTAL KOMBAT (USA) NHL HOCKEY (USA) BLACKFIRE (USA) CYBER SPEEDWAY (USA) VIRTUA RACING (USA) RAYMAN (USA) ROMANCE III KINGDOM IV (USA) SUPREME WARRIOR (USA) THEME PARK (USA) VIEWPOINT (USA) DARK LEGEND (JAP) PRO WRESTLING (JAP) FANTASTIC PINBALL (JAP) WING ARMS (JAP) GOLDEN AXE - THE DUEL (JAP) KING OF BOXING (JAP) VIRTUA COP (JAP) ULTRA 64 - December 3rd BE ONE OF THE FIRST TO OWN ONE FOR XMAS AMERICAN SNES SUPER BOMBERMAN.CCALL SECRET Of MANA 2. FINAL TANTASY III.EM 09 MORTAL KOMBAT 3. KILLER INSTINCT ::: S S2^ E '" K,NGn0Mlv CHRONO TRIGGER.CCALL „ SECRET OF EVERMORE.CCALL Y0SHre ISLAND MEGA MAN 7.CCALL DOOM. FRONT MISSION.CCALL BATMAN FOREVER. VIRTUAL BOY AND GAMES NOW IN STOCK 11-7pm Mon-Sat 12-6pm Sun Tel: 0113 230 6007 Fax: 0113 268 8936 SONY PLAYSTATION WWF WRESTLING (U_.., DISWORLD (USA) TWISTED METAL (USA) ACTUA SOCCER (USA) DOOM (USA THEME PARK (USA) WIPE OUT (USA) PGA ‘96 (USA) --.e-g/vLi. ZEITGUIST RAYMAN DEEP SEA WARS HYPER FORMATION SOCCER J-LEAGUE PRIME GOAL METAL JACKET PRO BASEBALL DARK STALKER KING OF BOWLING VIRTUA TENNIS Many other new releases and back catalogue in stock SEGA MEGADRIVE SPECIAL OFFERS WWF RAW.£28.99 ROBOCOP v TERMINATOR.£17.99 URBAN STRIKE.£28.99 MEGA BOMBERMAN.£28.99 PSYCHO PINBALL.£28.99 CANNON FODDER.£24.99 STARGATE.£19.99 SYNDICATE.£28.99 BEST DEALS ON PART EXCHANGE ON ALL SYSTEMS 100s OF OTHER GAMES AVAILABLE ON ALL SYSTEMS-NEW AND OLD. No.1 WE ALSO STOCK: NEW GEO AND 3D0 - Cainordejaijs _ ©FIFIKSQ&IL EPfL/&V@‘m c O I 0®M] SUPPLIERS OF: Sega Saturn, 3D0, Sega 32X, Jaguar, Nintendo, PC, CD Rom, Amiga Playstation.£289.00 Sega Saturn.£375.00 Gold Star 3D0 ...£289.00 FZ10 3DO.£299.00 We buy, sell & part-ex all goods CALL NOW - CHEAPEST PRICES AROUND! Tel/Fax: 01785 256202 104B Wolverhampton Road, Stafford, ST17 4AH ti 4 p^8b waudM wmbb£> (-'.I esaMr SvjMh if Ktn Is .• • . vMNShfJLJcd AVAILABLE. Saturn, 32X, Mega Drive, Playstation, 3D0, Super Nintendo, Nintendo Hand-Held. Hours of business: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat. 10-6. Web 12-5. Sunday 12-4 Contois EjtchsRSSc iff Srslo liwsfn®?? iyj jpj* Tfifie 991173 All tot hfttirt TaS* A97AA til I’ww VI4W AAllrv AlnUilll Kui vv/y^ "1—^fCCI BOVIS HOUSE VICTORIA ROAD HARTUPOOl CLEVELAND TS26 DOB TEL-01429 869459 (4 fees) FAX: 01429 274660 DREAM MACHINES 2 OPENING HOURS: flMIGM CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED NEW GAMES ARRIVING EVERY WEEK SO \ IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING ^ FOR DON'T HESITATE TO CALL! % fTIEGfl DRIUE/SflES/ITlECH ED/nED GED 4 Visions Games and Consoles Stock Exchange Buy, Sell, Swap and Part Exchange, Dealing in ★ PLAYSTATION ★ SATURN ★ 3DO ★ C.D.I ★ JAGUAR ★ 32x ★ Mega CD ★ Megadrive ★ SNES ★ NeoGeoCD Playstation & Saturn Game Rental only £1 per day ★ Large numbers of new and second hand games in stock plus imports. ★ Ring for details. Ring our Tel/Fax Games Hotline (7 days) for a quote. Visions, 728 King Lane Leeds LSI 7 7BA ALPHA CONSOLES LTD Import Saturn.£call Import Playstation.£call UK Saturn.£384.99 UK Playstation.£289.99 UK Goldstar 3D0.£329.99 Neo Geo CD.£329.99 Import Playstation Games from.£45.00 Saturn Games from.£34.99 3D0 Games from.£34.99 Neo Geo CD Games from.£32.99 ALL NEW TITLES AVAILABLE PLEASE CALL FOR DETAILS TEL01815741907 FAX; 01815713316 ZONE VIDEO 336 Londonderry Road, Warley B68 9MB We specialise in Mega Drive, SNES, 3DO, Neo Geo CD, Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation and Virtual Boy We will beat any price in the West Midlands 1st with all JAP imports Also Specialise in Japanese Animation, Martial Arts films, Hong Kong films & Ex-rental films [_ThL 0121 511J436Jflra 0121 544 7041 J MANGA VIDEOS TRADING CARDS !:& /X VNC & CREDIT CARD AND INFORMATION HOTLINE MANGA POSTERS MANGA T-SHIRTS i Si 01989 767 655 FREE CATALOGUE AVAILABLE MAVERICK MAIL ORDER PO BOX 7, ROSS ON WYE, HEREFORDSHIRE, UK HR9 7YX TEL: 01989 767 655 FAX: 01989 768 563 WANTED Part exchange deals available for all consoles - Phone for J latest deals 7 FENNEL STREET LOUGHBOROUGH SEGA SAT JAP GAME E345 All machines 12 months warranty SONY ALL £55 DOOM NFL 96 TWISTED METAL WC III KRAZY IVAN J MADDEN 96 FIFA 96 ASSAULT RIGS LONE SOLDIER LEMMINGS 3D SEGA ALL £50 FORMULA ONE NFL 96 HANG ON 95 GP MK II DEFCONS THEME PARK KING OF BOXING CASPER MAGIC CARPET CYBERIA TO ADVERTISE IN THE WORLD'S BEST SELLING GAMES MAGAZINE CALL: Gaynor Sinclair 01625 878888 for further details... Tha nordi^or Fioa^Jdadorj ooma to ba LUlpaOud ba bonaN rjiarootli/aJ 5upar arnoo'dri, oabaranaoa raalno ho5 oavar ioolcad so sood on aour taiiH and UJaVa ood a faiu dnlnoo do diva aiuaa do oaiabrada dhiad r ood HJrjad a on orrar ja^j »ba'/ar^j i. Iona and E^|^^ai/ad T^brilrda EErdb a aaiadborj of ;dna Ql) Name the stock car racing game from Sony Interactive Q2) Name the design group behind WipeOut’s futuristic little icons and characters Q3) Name a band who worked with these designers before they did WipeOut Gert»e<» s ‘ £ W Hit 21.35 771 355115740031 ON SALE After its record breaking run on SKY, and with the new series currently gracing the airwaves of BBC2, Gerry Anderson’s Space Precinct has secured its very own comic book. Launched by Manga Publishing on October 31, the comic features two all-new strips capturing the excitement of the show, plus behind-the-scenes features, interviews and a special pull-out poster every issue. Aimed at the 8 - 14 year old space cadet with £1.25 to spare, the comic hopes to pull in the punters with its special free gift on issue one (a free sticker album and stickers, plus the chance to win over £500 worth of Space Precinct toys!) DOGGY VISION Ever wondered how a dog goes to the toilet? No, neither had we until P.A.W.S popped through the flap. It’s a doggy simulator with a difference. Many of the mysteries of your canine chum are explained, and there are plenty of humourous little touches and amusing animations too. The whole package has been designed with a strong Rubarb & Custard-style theme, with the graphics and animation sequences looking remarkably like the aformentioned cartoon series. Amazingly it also has a similar effect on your giggle glands. It’s bright, it’s fun, it’s completely pointless, but it’s also ever-so entertaining. DOG BOX Let’s go to work! Res Dogs, as most of you will already know, is currently out on video rental.The retail version isn’t hitting stores until next year, so, as a sort of compromise, and to make a truckload of money in the run-up to Christmas, the Res Dogs Box Set is set to grace the shelves. Two different sets are available, one costing £25, the other £50. As well as the video you’ll get loads of Dogs related junk, including Mr Blonde’s Zippo, Joe’s little black book, and a K.Billy’s Super Sounds Of The Seventies car sticker. Movie buffs will be in their element! For a chance to win one of these beauties, turn to page 71 now! THICK AND STUPID Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels star in this crazy comedy about two dimwitted American morons who travel the States in search of a lovely lady and their lost luggage. A fully sized-up Dogear, lighting farts in public and an amusing frozen tongue/pole combination all add to the slick, surreal, star-studded, stateside shenanigans on view. Top funny stuff from two rather annoying Yanks! REAL LIFE ROZZERS Crash, bang, wallop what a picture! The Police Stop series goes from strength to strength with the latest addition to this family of accident packed videos. More comedy crashes, amusing accidents and downright stupid examples of dri¬ ving fill the vid from start to finish, leaving anyone watching it doubled up on the sofa. Top class entertainment from the guys behind such video revelations as Riot Police, Police Stop, Police Stop 2 and erm... Police Stop 3. i! ANY CHANCE OF A RUCK? Gary Oldman’s best performance ever as Bex, the super violent soccer hooligan, is now available on video. Directed by Alan Clarke (the man responsible for such hard hitting British movies as Scum and Made In Britain), the film tells the story of how footy hooliganism more often than not resembles gang warfare as the soccer scum take to the streets and clean their town in their own special way. Rated 18, The Firm isn’t a film you’d watch with your gran. IT’S THE PITTS! Tom Cruise and big Brad Pitt headline in this rental release of last year’s blockbusting vampire flick. Christian Slater also stars along with Antonio Banderas in this adaptation of Anne Rice’s blood soaked novel of old. The film has its high points (Cruise eating disease-ridden rats), but also tends to drag its feet somewhat on the action side. Swoon fans will love it. Others may prefer to watch something with a little more bite. KYLIE KOMBAT They said the Mario movie was pants, so they set about converting Street Fighter to the silver screen and making it the best movie based on a game ever! Well, they failed, miserably, and it frankly stank of old people’s slippers. But, those of you who were wise enough not to pay out good money on a cinema ticket can now laugh out loud from your very own armchair, as Street Fighter: The Movie arrives to rent on November 15. Jean Claude Van Damme, Raul Julia, and more importantly, Kylie Minogue, all feature in this terrible big budget disaster of our time. Quite frankly, it looks more wooden than Pinnochio’s armpit, and we’d wager it’s equally as entertaining. GJIMEPRO December 1S9S 138 IF IT’S A GAME IT’S AT.. . The Best C LOUR Hand Held Console EVER! THE ATARI LYNX II CHOOSE FREE GAME FROM: Ishido, Shanghai, Zarlour Mercenary, Pinball, Bill and Teds Loads of Games and Accessories in Stock Mail Order - add £6.00 for Consoles TELEGAMES NEO CD ★ SATURN ★ GAME BOY ★ COLECO VISION ★ ATARI 2600 ★ PLAYSTATION ★ LYNX ★ MASTER SYSTEM ★ INTELIVISION ★ NEO GEO ★ NINTENDO ★ JAGUAR ★ MEGADRIVE ★ ATARI 7800 ★ GAME GEAR ★ 32X ★ SUPER NINTENDO ONE OF THE WORLD’S OLDEST AND LARGEST VIDEO GAME SPECIALISTS a nTLes STOCK FREE 4 PLAYER | Adapter wth white men i CM n jump PRICE £ 245.00 JAGUAR 2 GAME CARTS CD UIXIIT 3 CD’s JAGUAR CONSOLE WITH 3 GAMES 413S.00 JAGUAR CD WITH 3 CDs £145 FOR All YOUR GAME SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS CONTACT US NOW FOR QUICK REIIABIE SERVICE (AND GOODS IN STOCK!!). Send SAE for lists - stale male of game. MMMBnm BON, LEICESTER, LE18 3TE. TEL (0116) 288 0445/2813606 2813437 GAME I u 01384242513 ©Wolverhampton Street Dudley DY1 IDA 242 514 TITLES UK & USA Alone in the Dark Demolition Mon Need for Speed Gex "s. Iron Ajrgel OTA Rebqt Assault Rood Rash Samurai Showdown Total Eclipse Theme Park Another World Corpse Killer Mead Race Night Trap Oft World Interceptor $laye* Myst Star Control II Virtuoso Wicked 18 Way of the Warrior Dragons Lair Fifa Soctec ^. Monster Manor Burning Soldier Crime Patrol Incredible Machine Mad Doq Mcree Rise of the Robots Flashback Dragon Maddens Football ipras^ic Park Pebble Beach Goff Powers Kingdom Shockwave Hyatt WC Golf sorcer Kid - Streetfighter 2 Turbo Wing Commander The Hoarde S^ire Space Pirates Wing £onqmand9r 3 Syndicate \ I \ Hell VR Stalker (improved) Patacmk Microccpm Siam N Jam Ssee Cannon Fodder New Used & Part Price Exchange Value 38.99 20.00 34.99 15.00 39.99 30.00 39.99 30.00 34.99 15.00 39.99 15.00 39.99 25.00 38.99 20.00 29.99 15.00 39.99 20.00 39.99 20.00 39.99 25.00 34.99 15.00 34.99 20.00 34.99 20.00 39.99 20.00 39.99 30.00 34.99 20.00 34.99 15.00 39.99 25.00 34.99 20.00 29.99 15.00 39.99 25.00 34.99 15.00 34.99 20.00 39.99 20.00 29.99 15.00 39.99 15.00 39.99 20.00 34.99 20.00 39.99 30.00 34.99 20.00 34.99 20.00 39.99 20.00 34.99 20.00 34.99 15.00 29.99 15.00 34.99 20.00 34.99 15.00 29.99 20.00 44.99 30.00 34.99 15.00 34.99 20.00 34.99 20.00 39.99 30.00 39.99 20.00 39.99 30.00 39.99 25.00 34.99 20.00 34.99 20.00 29.99 15.00 34.99 15.00 39.99 25.00 19.99 15.00 39.99 25.00 39.99 25.00 Playstation Adaptors to play import £389 - w MKIII — Soon IN STOCK NOW!!! Ridge Racer-Destruction Derby-Kileak virtua Fighter Remix-Bug-Clockwork Knight Starblade-Toh Shin Den Tekken 1 &2-Deadlus-Shmobi-Darkseed-Myst-Astal Cybersled-Jumping FI a : h -Rapid Reload Battle Monsters-Gran Chaser Mortal Kombat 3-Novastorm- Disc world fp x-s / (? f" O OO War Hawk- ii -Air Combat )P//i W V © ) m m V Wipeout-Twisted Metal -Krazy Ivan 1 ' * * £ — 3 ^ ' £ 57 . 9 $ •£^■■1 r " We also deal with SNES MEGADRIVE NEO-GEO PC CDROM P/X your games and machines, or sell them for cash. We buy alt formats for top cash prices, swaps from £2.50 Mail order £1.50 p&p first game plus 50p per additional game. Consoles-next day delivery £8.50. Please call for best deals. Game Shack reserve the right to refuse any tile or console or p/x deal. All Major credit cards including Switch accepted. All prices are correct at time of print and prices are subject to change as well as stock availability. Shop prices may vary from those shown here. Full Mail Order Service!! ■ TRASH THE COMPETITION!! A SMASH TOUR RECORD A SCORES!! GAMEPROS ^ HINTS TIPS& CHERTS GIVE YOU THE m — POWER!!!!!! J EamePra Subscription Offer *mi\ - a bargain Christmas offer - only £999 gets you : stonking issues of GamePro - makes an ideal gift instead of socks and hankies!! Tell your granny! GamePro Christmas offer available to UK residents only mu-fTl Hurry! First 1 5 subscribers will receive EWJ2 — ■ f -- Tick your choice B £14.99 for 12 issues of GamePro £9.99 for 6 issues of GamePro Name: Address: Town: Post Code: Daytime Phone No: Send this form to: Database Direct, FREEPOST, Ellesmere Port L653EB (no stamp is needed if posted in the UK) SUBSCRIPTION HOTLINE for card holders Tel: 0151-357 1275 Fax: 0151-357 2813 Udyiimc ■—' . _ First IS subscribers this mo nth will SNES & Mega Drive versions only - please tick you Let’s Write to Ronnie Hi kids! Enjoying our fourth issue are we? Good stuff, that s what we like - happy punters. As usual you've battered my postbag into submission with your usual onslaught of queries and gripes, but being the informative bloke that I am, I’ve managed to blast my way through them quicker than a Frenchman with a nuclear detonator. Anyway, enough about me, lets get on with the show... NITPICKING Whilst reading the free SonyPro supplement which came free with issue two, I noticed that the screen shot of the Ridge Racer title screen on page 12 does not have Namco’s name on it. Instead it has Namcot’s. Why is this? I thought Ridge Racer was developed by Namco. Gary Osbourne, Cleveland It is Gary. However, our version is Japanese and it has Namcot all over it. It’s the Japanese way of doing it apparently. Don’t ask me why. I’m not Japanese and it frankly isn’t that interesting a question. BOSNIA BLOKE Please send me a large T-Shirt. Sorry my letter is a little late but I’ve only just got your magazine. Could I have my T-Shirt before the 20th of October please, cos I leave this grim place then. Sgt DC Hunn, Bosnia Atten... shun! Right then you ’orrible little worm! Want a fancy T-shirt do ya? Impress your mates will it? Eh? Eh? Eh? Well you’re gonna ’ave to work for it sunshine, we don’t just ’and ’em out willynilly you know! If I give you a shirt, I want something in return, understand? Don’t worry, I don’t mean scrubbing out the latrines with your toothbrush or anything as exhausting as dropping and giving me 30, it’s something quite simple in fact. So simple, even you and your mates could manage it. All you have to do is get one of your squaddies to take a picture of you - in your Game Pro shirt - doing something manly and army related. If you do that and send us the piccy, who knows, I might even send you some more shirts. Anyway, all the best army bloke, and I hope the shirt gets to you in time! IRRITATE... Should I wear my blue jumper today or throw caution to the wind and go with the red one? Luce Brie, Didsbury Red, always the red. After all, better red than blue... no that isn’t right. USEFUL SECTIONS Great work on the first two issues, especially issue two with the excellent S.WAT.Pro section. The MK3 and Primal Rage sections were really useful. Anyway, let’s get to the important part; I’m definitely considering getting a PlayStation and I’ve got to make some gaming choices. Could you make this easier for me by answering my questions? 1) What’s better, Battle Arena Toshinden orTekken? 2) In the super SonyPro supplement it showed secret and death moves for Gaia and Sho. Are these extra characters? If so, how can you play as these geezers? 3) When will Goalstorm be released for the UK PlayStation? 4) And finally, what games will be out on the PlayStation on release? Mr G Pleaseprinthisletter, Essex Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Why is it that you kids can’t make up your own minds about which games to buy? We provide you with a mag full of reviews and previews so you can build up your own opinion on which games you’d prefer to purchase, and still you write in asking us to make the decision for you. Would you rather we have a section of the mag saying ‘BUY THIS!’ and another one entitled ‘DON’T BUY THIS!’? It all comes down to personal preference mate. I don’t know what kind of games you like to play, only the ones I like to dabble about on. If I told you to buy Tekken instead of Battle Arena Toshinden and you didn’t like it, you’d hate me wouldn’t you? I’m sorry, but I refuse to answer questions like these. As far as your other queries go, if you want to play as Sho or Gaia you must write to SonyPro and get the full cheat rundown. Goalstorm will be released early next year, Kileak The Blood, Toshinden, Jumping Flash, Ridge Racer, Rapid Reload, WipeOut, Novastorm and 3D Lemmings will be available from launch, but as the PlayStation was launched just under a month ago, you should know this by now. I hope this helped. AND ANNOY... What should I have for my tea tonight? My mate says I should have those burger bites and beans, but my Mum prefers me to eat more healthy stuff like salad and cress. What do you think? J Bland, Sadville, Ohio Go away. CAN I HAVE A SHIRT? I have a cheat for Aladdin on the SNES. To get to the last level, simply enter: Aladdin, Princess, Monkey, Old Man. I also have cheats for SF2 Turbo: When the Capcom sign appears, press down, R, Up, L, Y, B and it will prevent special moves. Lost Vikings on the SNES has a level select: On the title screen hold down the buttons X, Y, A and B simultaneously. Alisdair Taylor, N. Ireland Cheers. Nice one. Top tip. Wayhey! Ooh I’m so excited I can hardly contain myself. Oops, I can’t. Oh dear, another trip to the toilet for me. Want a shirt do you old pal? Well, you done good, but next time, try tipping some more recent games rather than ones you could have ripped off from some other six month old games magazine. How do I know you’ve worked these cheats out for yourself and not read them elsewhere? I don’t, and if I carry on handing shirts out to everyone there will be none left for those who deserve them. Sorry mate, life’s a bitch. SEGA SUCKER Excuse me for asking, but why do you love the PlayStation so much? Why is there this massive debate about which company will win the next generation console war? You say that both the Saturn and the PlayStation can produce perfect arcade conversions and bring them to the home, am I right? Well, have you been to your local arcade recently and seen how Sega’s games are kicking butt compared to other companies (ie Namco)? Now you seem like a cleaver (sic) bloke to me Ronnie, standing there with your bowling ball, so tell me this: If Sega’s arcade games rule and the Saturn can convert them perfectly, what will happen? THEY WILL BE RELEASED!!! Ha Ha Ha! Then we’ll see who wins the console war won’t we? Ridge Racer just beating Sega Rally to the flag? I think not! Tekken beating Virtua Fighter 2 in the battle for best beat’em-up? Yeah mate! Winning Eleven outscoring the most excellent Virtua Striker? Not a chance! Sorry Sony, it’s back to TVs for you! You must print this letter as I’m sure Saturn owners are getting sick and tired of hearing you praise the PlayStation. Tom C, Winchester Tom, a few questions. Are you completely bonkers? For one, I’m not a “cleaver bloke” and have never been in contact with large food 142 GAMEPRO • December 1995 cutting implements in my life, despite what the police say. And secondly, do you by any chance work for Sega? If not, why are you getting so worked up about this? I can understand that you regard Sega’s arcade games the best in the world, but if it has escaped your attention, Sega hasn’t converted any of these hard hitting arcade blockbusters to the Saturn yet, and Sony has. Admittedly VF2 and Rally will give Tekken and Ridge Racer a run for their money, but they aren’t available yet! When they are we will no doubt be praising them to high heaven, but until that day comes, we’ll be raving about the current butt kicking pieces of software. Virtua Fighter, no matter what you say, doesn’t pack as big a punch as Tekken, and Ridge Racer definitely has the lead as far as the Daytona battle goes. So stop moaning and wait for Sega to back up its arcade conversion promises. As you may have noticed in this issue, we do actually have something nice to say about Sega’s products, so stop calling us PlayStation praisers! Git. GET AM OPINION I would be very grateful if you could answer these questions: 1) Is the Saturn worth buying? 2) How long before the prices drop on the Saturn? 3) Hold do I get hold of issue one? 4) Will Virtua Fighter ever be available on the Mega Drive or PC? If so, when? Gareth White, Middx And I would be very grateful if people stopped asking me to make their minds up for them! Of course the Saturn is worth buying. What do you think it is? A paper weight perhaps? Prices won’t start dropping fora while yet Gareth, so if you want one, buy one. If you don’t, don’t. It’s as simple as that. To get hold of a copy of issue one, all you need to do is send a cheque for £3.00 to Game Pro Back Issues, Media House, Adlington Park, Macclesfield, SK10 4NP. And finally, Virtua Fighter will be released for the 32X but not the Mega Drive. However, rumours have it that a PC version of Virtua Fighter Remix is soon to be released together with Diamond’s funky new NV1 graphics board which allows PC owners to play Saturn software. Cool eh? Hope this helped, but if you write in again, make sure all your questions are a little more, you know, interesting. CAN I HAVE A SHIRT TOO? Can I have a shirt? Medium size, not too long in the arms, you know the sort I like. Cheers. Simon Hayes, Essex No. GEORGE & MILDRED I was given a game made by Blue Sphere in 1993, and distributed by UK Gold, called “In Extremis” for my 13th birthday last week. Unfortunately, disk four has two files on it that are unreadable and UK Gold told me it is no longer available. As I cannot send it back to the shop, I thought you might be able to help me. See, no moans! Have any of your readers got this game and can they let me have a copy of disk four? Tim Sherman, Somerset In Extremis eh? UK Gold you say? I was under the impression that UK Gold distributed such classics as Are You Being Served, Dad’s Army and early episodes of Brookside, not videogames. Tim! Tim! Do you have any idea what you’re asking me? I can’t ask my loyal readers to give you a copy of disk four, simply because that would be piracy. Videogame piracy, the sort of thing this industry can do without quite frankly, and I don’t appreciate you trying to get me involved in some petty disk copying ring. Your letter did raise a few questions though. Firstly, why can’t you take it back to the shop and explain your problem? And secondly, why would you want to play this game anyway? It’s completely pants! Media House, Adlington Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire SKI 0 4NP and he’d love to hear from YOU is.it he/psU : ih-ffie /Heed > hfak I'll % 3 buffer Jgjwc Winner of the oolden TousticK is r~7 Hot Woe King is it' 'cS® 8 ? W3s It 3oyvetimT Wots-tetl tfikinui left tiis leys tick Bihhj! , [Quick Kids' ! Dieijve got ileww ir-iJtft of JNextjsifel eiifceb pootor M&nm Hie sinister Qu^K ggi'ieslnc cite hoHihg 4 39in«9 «qnM»r- at Arcadia / and gqess Sweeping-the board-•• 8AMEPR0 • December 1995 143 As a special treat for er, well S^lS'lZtT ... ... ft/s? The Daily Bikini is a good me I guess, this month s source of, er, bikinis Internutter is all about the It’s like a Thursday morning down at Clacton beach isn’t it? Nice boulders though I’m sure you’ll agree Let me introduce you to my girlfriend! We’ve actually been seeing each other for years sexy girls who inhabit the Internet. As a predominantly male-occupied arena there is no shortage of pictures of attractive girls to look at and download. Within minutes vou can pet quite a collection of bikini clad lovelies going, and while it may not do much for the image of the new man of the nineties. I know it’s something you are all interested in. So come with me as I dig up some of the best babe sites on the Net. and point all you anast-ridden teenagers in the right direction for some hot dating tins that might come in handy when you finally oet off with Sharon outside the chippy on Friday night. So. get your best tra pping trousers on and let’s go and pull some Net chicks. A s usual, the best _1 place to start if you haven’t got a clue is one of the search engines, such as Yahoo - (http://www.yahoo. com). This is a tremendous starting point for any subject on the Net. Just type in a relevant key word, hit enter, and you’ll be presented with a list of links. I started my search by using the word “models”, and while this did spin up a couple of babe sites, for the most part I was presented with a list of sites telling me all about the latest models of various vacuum cleaners, cars and helicopters. A new approach was needed. What word or words would bring up the kind of girl I’d like to see plastered all over my screen? Then, in a flash of inspiration, the words ploughed into my mind like a dirty, mud-soaked farmer tending his fields — “Pamela Anderson”. Sweating, I keyed in the magic letters and pressed Enter. It seems Ms Anderson is quite a popular topic for the millions of Net Nerds out there. Many of the sites promising her charms were either closed down because they’d simply been too popular, or were too busy to access at all times of the day. However, with some careful probing, this journalist was able to gain access to the secret treasures of the Web. There she was in all her glory (and I mean all her glory). Chances are most of you, especially if you’re aged around 16, have got a copy of the Playboy she appeared in tucked under your mattress. Well, all that filth is on the Net too. There are also plenty of Pammy pictures where she has clothes on, but you’re/l’m not interested in that, so we’ll skip onwards. The Miss Metaverse contest is an interesting concept in female interactivity that has been going on for quite a few months now. It’s actually a bit of a publicity stunt designed to accompany the launch on CD-Rom of the world’s first electronic beauty contest. Sexy people (male or female) were GAMEPRO • December 1995 144 invited to send in pictures of themselves, or even digitised movies, along with clips of their voices to be showcased on-line. Then we come in. We peruse what’s on offer and give a mark out of 10 depending on how much we fancy them. So, for the sleaze queens it’s a massive 10, while the real dogs get nil points. Interesting and unusual - check it out. About Girls is a site most males will be interested in. But be warned! It can get a bit near the knuckle at times. Basically, each week, five girls are chosen to answer boys’ questions on dating, sex and so on. So, if you need a little bit of useless advice on your I’m not being funny love but you’ve got strange eyes. I had to point that out readers, because the chances of you getting that far up were slim! Token arty shot to justify the whole two pages... I mean, er, er, oh why am I bothering? interest of public decency I had to download everything and keep it to myself. There are loads more babe-related antics available on the Net if you are willing to look around. All you have to do is put the right words in the search engines and see what comes up. However, the sites listed on the right and the links from them should keep you busy fora while. Next month the Internutter will be looking at the bizarre world of Net dating and Net marriage. Could you meet your ideal partner electronically? Tune in fora blind date, making sure you’re wearing a pink carnation and carrying a rolled-up newspaper. love-life, you may find what you need to know on this site. Something else that isn’t totally girl-related but is an interesting site for other reasons (are there any?) is The Daily Bikini. This Web site is sort of an on-line magazine that updates every day and runs some quite interesting features. But whatever its editorial content, there can be no denying that its major draw is the daily-changing cover picture of a girl wearing a bikini. Some of the girls are stunning, making it a perfect site for all you collectors out there. Many of the other sites I visited contained lots of gratuitous pornography unsuitable for your eyes, so in the Goodness, your skirt is falling off. Typical, just when someone takes a picture as well! C1MEPR0 • December 1995 145 ry- • ^ r> . —, ' ,r > * , . , w ~~ v. \) f s in l/ctv -1 Yc> ,/*■ r £ , it , z-.v'C' . .C'A ,P ^ ' V v/P t r ‘/vf , * v . i: /" /- /t' ' v Jo '0 c-'l i? ,/' t .r- ./ V 1 /> A '■' i » / f V ,0 :/ ^ ~ J r / // LcVi* .CVLCLl* Loc^Lc.' *CcLTL'i Simply choose from the menu of amazing Game Busting cheats...Just look at some of the games in volume 1 Ridge Racer Tekken Select all extra hidden fighters. 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