JUBA P R t M 1 ERE ISSUE ^ Introducing The Atarian Club. ^ flf v Only $15. ForAtari®Owners. M / ^ Here's your chance to become a charter member of / ^the only club that's just for Atari owners. Join the U Atarian Club and we'll send you an Atari T-shirt a custom designed sew-on patch, and an Atarian J membership card. Charter members also get a one year subscription (6 issues) to the Atarian Magazine, featuring stories on what's new, what's hot, previews of upcoming games, tips on how to max your scores, interviews with game designers, puzzles, jokes, and a whole lot more, f v Atarians also qualify for special discounts ^ on Atari merchandise, a special video wjH game preview tape, and the . {Vs opportunity to get FREE wmM ' GAMES. J&Wk j With Your $15 Membership You Get: j A T-shirt worth $10 1 A Sew-On Patch worth $ 2 | A Laminated ID Card worth $ 1 j Six issues of the Official Atarian Magazine worth Plus Discounts on Games, Contests, Prizes, Fun, Fun, Fun. $12 f Total Membership Value $25 ATARIAN CLUB, 7 Hilltop Rd„ Mendhom, NJ 07945 f YES! Iwantto be a charter member of the Atarian Club. Please send 1 | me my T-shirt, patch, ID Card and first magazine. E Name | Address i I Citv State ZiD 1 j □ Enclosed please find my check or money order for $15. 1 □ My T-shirt size is (circle one): S, M, L, XL A ATARI j ! Allow 6 - 8 weeks for delivery. (Nintendo’) (FOR YOUR NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENTSYSTEM.'} THESE ARE TWO HUNGRY D/NO-M/GHTS AND THEY'VE GOT BUBBLE F/GHT'N ^ FUN DOWN TIGHT. You and your two brontosaurus buddies, Bub and Bob, % are up to your brows in bubble trou- bles. You've got to battle battalions of bullies by blowing and bursting billions of bubbles. It's a fast-paced bubble banquet through 100 screens M of slap happy suds. Got an appetite for ^F fun...then get blowin! ^ (Nintendo} ERTERTRinmcnT SVSTtm Licensed by Nintendo® for play on The REV-A These are two hungry dino-\ mights and they've got bubble fight'n fun down tight. Bubble Bobble™ is totally addictive action. Computer Entertainer Magazine says' "it's impossible to resist... you want to play over and over again!' Bubble Bobble™ has been Europe's HI game for over 3 months. You'll scramble through 100 screens of laughs as your brontosaurus buddies, Bub and Bob, blow you away with endless action. If you're lookin' for fun, these dudes are the ones. For more arcade quality fun at home, grab Taito's other action packed hits for the Nintendo Entertainment Sys¬ tem® Operation Wolf® the awesome prisoner rescue mis¬ sion and the world's number 1 arcade game. Renegade™ the fast paced street-style Karate brawl. And coming soon, Sky Shark® the arcade's meanest air battle. taito THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN.™ Y n . . \ has evaluated the quality of these products. Licensed by Nintendo® for play on the Nintendo Entertainment System® Nintendo® and Nintendo l lmen OJ Entertainment System® are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. Taito® and Bubble Bobble,™ Renegade™ Sky Shark® and Operation Wolf® are trademarks of Taito America Corporation. Copyright © 1989 Taito America Corporation. All rights reserved. Advertisement by: Qually & Company, Inc. (Chicago). PREMIERE ISSUE 6 10 12 14 Cutting Edge Video game accessories enter the space age. Meet Alan Fetzer of Taito. Hot at the Arcades Check out what's "in" at the arcades. ProViews Our Game Pros review the hottest new titles. For Nintendo: Operation Wolf, Adventures of Lolo, Bubble Bobble, and Adventure Island. For Sega: Shinobi and FI-Type. For Atari: Desert Falcon and Mario Bros. 34 40 44 40 53 55 Secret Weapons The Pros show you their secret moves. Overseas Prospects From Japan: The amazing Super Mario Bros 3. ProNem Report Dateline January, 1989... The Computer Electronics Show. Short ProShots A sneak peak at the new games. Pro Artist Series Now is your chance to show us your artistic talent. Compare your best scores with the pros. Super Mario Bros. 3 will blow your mind. See page 40. ©1989 Superplay, Inc. The GAMEPRO™ name and logo are trademarks of Superplay, Inc. Nintendo is a Registered Trademark of Nintendo of America, Inc. Sega is a Registered Trademark of Sega of America, Inc. Atari is a Registered Trademark of Atari Corp. The Power Glove.™ You plug it in like any joystick. But the similarity stops there. Because now you don’t just guide the action. You are the action. 3-D sensors track the position of your hand, giving you free-flowing, instant response. It’s a complete connection. Intense. And powerful. Plus, the Power Glove has a unique programmable keypad that gives you amazing new ways to play almost every Nintendo® game. All your joystick games become different. More exciting. And with games specifically designed for the Power Glove, you’ll be blown into another dimension. So look for the Power Glove when it hits stores this Fall. Once you put it on, evervthinv else becomes child’s nlav. ____ EriTERTRinmEnT SVSTErTV © Mattel, Inc. 1989. All Rights Reserved. Nintendo and Nintendo Entertainment System are registered trademarks of Nintendo, Inc., used under license. Manufactured under license from Abrams/Gentile Entertainment, Inc. Lightning bolts not included. Welcome to GwsPRO! Don Ferrell, Editor-in-Chiet It’s new, flashy, fun and full of information you want to see and read. That’s what you're holding in your hands now...GAMEPRO™ Magazine. It’s a blockbuster new magazine built from the ground up just for you, the video game player. The idea is to let you know what’s happening in the video game world. Not only in the United States, but also what’s new and exciting in Japan, Europe, and the rest of the world. Not only do we tell you about it, we show you what it’s all about with some of the most exciting, hottest and eyepopping graphics and photos to come along in the history of the industry. story on a really interesting person or company that’s having a big impact in the video game industry. But we’ll try not to stray from our basic aim. And that is to give game players a magazine put out espe¬ cially for them. What you see in this issue of GAMEPRO is just a beginning of what to expect in future issues. We’ll give you information on new games and future trends. You’ll be able to latch on to some hot tips, tactics and strategies that our game preview writers develop as they play through the games. You’ll have the opportunity to check out the newest technologies and you’ll get to meet industry leaders, game developers, and super players. Our approach is not to bore you with a lot of long, dry, opinionated stories about stuff the game player isn’t really interested in. Gamers we’ve talked to told us they’d like to see short, newsy stories on games that are hot now, and what’s coming down the line. They said they’d like to see hot graphics and super screen shots combined with vivid descriptions and strategies So we really have put GAMEPRO Magazine together with you, the game player, in mind. And it's important that we hear what you think. Write us a letter and tell us what you think we’re doing right, or how we can improve your maga¬ zine. We’ll listen, and GAMEPRO will be an even better magazine because of your input. Publisher Patrick J. Ferrell Editor-In-Chief Don Ferrell Senior Technical Editor Richard Frick Director of Operations LeeAnne McDermott Art Director Michael Kavish Production Manager Lynne Kavish Features Editor Steve Massey Writers J.D. Cameron, The Pro A.J.F., B.A.J., The Eliminator, E.B.N, X Caliber, Nickel Brooke, Bill Marcus, B.P. Gundam, KATS, Mirage, Matrix, C.A.T. (Champ of All Time) MIS Director Laura Ferrell Contributors Dr. Kenneth Vosti, R.W. Ferrell, Anne Vosti, Sue Ferrell, Scott and Ann Rogers, Doug Methven, Tom Hogan, Sue Houfek, Marion Merrick, Matthew McDermott Advertising Sales West Coast Tony Sureau Sureau & Associates (415)421-7920 FAX #(415) 421-0827 New York/Mid-Atlantic Richard K. Felt D. Douglas Johnson Felt, Johnson & Associates (215) 688-9342 (Felt) (215) 935-8522 (Johnson) GAMEPRO'" (ISSN 1042-8658) is published bi-monthly by SuperPlay, Inc., 2611 Ponce Avenue, Belmont, CA 94002. Copyright 1989 SuperPlay, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduc¬ tion in whole or part without prior written permission by Super¬ Play, Inc. is prohibited. All submissions including,but not limited to, artwork, text, photographs and videotapes become the property of SuperPlay. Inc. Submissions cannot be returned: senders should retain a copy. The GamePro™ name and logo are trademarks of SuperPlay, Inc. Subscription rates are $19.00 for six issues (one year). Add $6.00 per year for Canada and Mexico, add $6.00 per year for other countries. Second-class postage paid at San Mateo. Cali¬ fornia. Foreign orders must be prepaid in U.S. Funds with additional postage. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GAMEPRO Magazine. P.0. Box 25238, San Mateo, CA 94402. For subscriptions call toll-free 1-800-272-GPRO. Editorial offices: 2611 Ponce Avenue, Belmont, California 94002 (415) 637-0204. Production offices: 953 Industrial Avenue. Suite 109, Palo Alto. California 94303 (415) 858-2299. NEW LOW PRICES ON AIARI VIDEO GAMES THE ATARI 7800 PLAYS SUPER ENHANCED GAMES PLUS HUNDREDS OF ATARI 2600 GAME CARTRIDGES. SYSTEM INCLUDES POLE POSITION II AND TWO JOYSTICKS! THE ATARI 2600 PLAYS ORIGINAL CLASSICS PLUS NEW 2600 CARTRIDGES. SYSTEM INCLUDES ONE JOYSTICK. HUNDREDS OF GAME TITLES AVAILABLE! GET GREAT GAME CARTRIDGES FROM AIARI ATARI 2600 ATARI 7800 7800 ; Now, when you buy Atari game cartridges for your Atari system, you become eligible to win valuable prizes. See your Atari dealer for details today. FROM TO $ 16" Impossible Mission 7800 ; Dark Chambers FROM M6 99 TO $29" Slip Your Hand Into Action You sit down for a couple of hours of playing time with your NES...but instead of picking up your controller pad or joystick, you reach over and pick up a robotic-like glove, pulling it onto your playing hand. After plug¬ ging it into your NES, you enter the code of the game you’re playing into the glove’s key¬ board, and now you control the action with simple motions of positions in three-dimensional space. For example, with “Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!”, the player curls his fist for a punch and then aims for the opponent's face—the character on the screen delivers that punch! In “Rad Racer” the player symboli¬ cally grabs hold of an imaginary steering wheel and literally steers the car through the high speed course on screen. Should a curve prove too in¬ tense, the player flattens his hand and pushes downward to simulate braking, and the on¬ screen auto responds by slow¬ ing down. The programmable glove key¬ board also provides quick access to “slo-mo” and turbo (rapid repeat) features. Players will be able to customize games by changing normal joystick motions into simple hand ges¬ tures, selecting their own per¬ sonal hand motions and finger movements to control the game. Housed in the POWER GLOVE keypad is a computer capable of playing all joystick-type games for the NES. For POWER GLOVE power players, Mattel is developing The Glove Gaming Series, which are games dedicated to maximizing the fun of using this high-tech NES accessory. The first of these games, “Bad Street Brawler”, is scheduled for release in Fall of 1989. Look for the revolutionary POWER GLOVE to be at your favorite retailer in the fall...then say goodbye to button pushing and hello to the future! your hand! Is this the year 2001? No, it’s 1989, and you’ve got the \ i unbelievable new \ {(■ POWER GLOVE V it from Mattel Toys! \ \ This technology, originally designed \ and developed for \ NASA*, provides a \ space-age link be- \ tween man and machine. V The action of the player’s hand, which \ becomes the joystick, dictates the action of ob¬ jects and characters on the screen via sensors in the POWER GLOVE that perceive hand and finger ‘Data Glove system was designed and developed for NASA as part of a "Virtual Environment Workstation" 6 GAMEPRO Magazine land the Game A video game controller that eliminates all physical contact between player and ma¬ chine?? Broderbund’s hot new NES ac¬ cessory, U-FORCE, makes you the controller! U-FORCE resembles a small attache case, plugs directly into the joystick port of your NES, and requires no batteries or other power source. When set up for play, U-FORCE rests on a tabletop in an upright position or folded out flat, de¬ pending on the game you’re playing. A simple set of switches allows players to configure U-FORCE for play with specific games, as well as enabling Turbo (rapid- fire) mode. Once play begins, you simply move your hands and body within a three-dimen¬ sional range of the U- FORCE screen to control the action! Through a series of electronic sensors, U-FORCE detects a player’s exact motion, velocity, and relative posi¬ tion, and translates them instantly to on-screen action! U-FORCE is com¬ patible with virtu¬ ally all NES games, and for many titles it sub¬ stantially im¬ proves play- value. Look for this super product in late Spring 1989. Premiere Issue 7 Subscribe to GAMEPRO Magazine. 1 year only $19.00! 10% oil the cover price. GAMEPRO is the magazine for the player who is serious about having big fun. Each issue is action-packed with all the cutting- edge info you need to be the best player anywhere. Our Game Pros search out the most in-depth tips, strategies, and secret moves to keep you at the top of your form. And you won’t want to miss out on the prob¬ ing interviews, pre-released and overseas game reviews, the lastest technology, and a dynamic look that will knock your socks off. So subscribe to GAMEPRO because like you, we’re a cut above the rest. Use the convenient order card or call our toll free number 1-8UU-272-GPRU tor an immediate response i It you have a friend who signs up with you we'll send you a free GAMEPRO Super Poster. A $4.95 value! CNhawxto) world champions, Team Bussia. Only you can lead the O.S. to victory over the Team USA is on its may to a Cinderella success story in the Super Oodge Ball morld Cup Championships, from out of nowhere, this scrappy hunch of rookies is advancing to the final round of com¬ petition. But, seven powerful teams still stand between Team USA and their ulti¬ mate challenge; the long awaited grudge match with the undefeated, defending Watch for details on the Super Oodge Ball World Cup. It ’s coming soon to a city near you. Co-sponsored by CSC Imagesoft lor and Sony ' Corporation of America. by CSG Imagesoft Inc., Los Angeles, CA. "CSG rademarks of CSG Imagesoft Inc. "SUPER DODGE span Corp., C> 1988 Technos Japan Corp. Nintendo* r are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. SUPER DODGE BALL' is distributed b Imagesoft'" and "Imagesoft'" are trc BALL'" is a trademark of Technos Jaf and Nintendo Entertainment System' lor 2 players Mi-dimensional,high-resolution lictKtiSf HutcsM firm Oi lit Nintendo 3 increasing levels of challenge mi ii iiiu7im7i« By Steve Massey Alan Fetzer didn’t know how complex the home video game business was until he jumped into it head first last April. Now he maneuvers the sword of RASTAN at an office computer when the work pace slows from furious to fast. "On my computer I’ve got a games directory where I keep four or five of the games we’re about to release. They relieve stress and tension,” says Fetzer, president of Taito Software. “I’ll take a break every so often and then go back to work. I probably play about an hour a day at From his Vancouver office, Fetzer will play a huge role in shaping the future of home video games. And, he says, new technology is creating older audiences for games. They aren’t just kids’ games anymore. you see action and simulation that reflects actual experiences, the adults are getting more and more interested.” work." Fetzer, 35, was hired by Taito America to head Taito Software, a Vancouver, B.C.-based com¬ puter cartridge development arm of Japan’s Taito Corp. The parent company, a video games giant with projected 1988 sales of $500 million, pioneered the development of arcade video games with the introduction of Space Invaders in 1978. Fetzer is now steering the new subsidi¬ ary into the cutthroat software industry. His mission: to bring Taito Corp.’s most successful arcade games to the U.S. home entertainment software market. “I see more and more sophisti¬ cation in the area of flight simu¬ lation and adventure games,” Fetzer says. “There are airplane and helicopter simulators out now that allow someone to experience the feeling of actual flight. That’s an area where there’s been a steady progres¬ sion through capturing the specifications of the aircraft involved.” “With the increased sophistica¬ tion, we see a lot of adults playing our games now. As the games have gotten beyond the very crude representations, as Early this year, Taito Software released OPERATION WOLF, a No. 1 arcade hit awaited by home video games players with much anticipation. It’s now available for the Commodore 64/128, the Amiga and Atari ST, as well as the Nintendo Enter¬ tainment System. The game is distinguished by its arcade- quality graphics and a full range of sound effects. 10 GAMEPRO Magazine Operation Wolf features a com¬ mando-style mission to free hostages held by armed terror¬ ists in the jungle. Players } struggle through six missions and will enjoy the realistic sounds of rotor blades and staccato bursts of gunfire. Fetzer hopes OPERATION WOLF will be a success with young players as well. He says the key to success in the home video games market is diversity and quality - one age group can’t make or break a com¬ pany’s success. “We’re looking for a movement forward in the release of prod¬ ucts that aren’t repeats of some¬ thing someone has already done,” says Fetzer. “The secret to keeping the home market alive is clearly with quality prod¬ ucts and a diverse selection. We’ve tried to do that at Taito.” Breaking into an already-boom¬ ing market might be easier for Taito Software, considering its presence in the Japanese mar¬ ket. In Japan, arcade games are more popular than in America. Many of Japan’s most challeng¬ ing games are now ripe for America’s home video games market. Although translating arcade games to home video can be difficult—especially when Japanese text must be converted to English—Taito Software is scrambling to com¬ plete game conversions. This fall, adventure games enthusi¬ asts will find a new treasure on the shelves of games distribu¬ tors. Taito's latest adventure game, still untitled, features multiple levels where the ulti¬ mate goal is to find a sword that "The secret to keeping the home market alive is clearly with quality products and a diverse selection...” has magical powers. Players pick up keys to doors and uncover secrets as they search for the magical sword. Fetzer has played the game himself and says it'll take the market by storm late this year. Also on Taito’s arcade conver¬ sion list is a sequel to the hit RENEGADE. According to Fetzer, street fighting and inner- city conflict are popular themes now and provide for action- packed home video games. Whether Taito’s arcade-style games make it in the home video games market depends largely on its success with Nintendo Entertainment Sys¬ tems users. In fact, the primary buyers of Taito game cartridges are Nintendo owners. Nin¬ tendo's huge presence in the home video game market could be the key to Taito’s success, since Taito is licensed to make five different games per year for the Nintendo system. “We listen quite closely to what Nintendo says,” Fetzer ex¬ plained. “Because of their ex¬ tensive telephone operation, they have close contact with the consumers. They know what people are saying about games." Nintendo has some 100 telephone operators who listen to questions from consum¬ ers about their games. As Fetzer gives Nintendo his undivided attention, he’ll also watch Atari through the corner of his eye. Atari Games Corp. plans to distribute its own series of video games that can be used on Nintendo’s hardware. The move could raise patent-law questions, depending on how Atari’s cartridges are built. Regardless, Atari’s marketing ploy could undermine Nin¬ tendo’s stronghold on the home video games market. “We’re watching Atari pretty closely,” Fetzer says. “I’m not sure all the information about the situation is readily available. Nintendo’s manner of regulating the business really resurrected the industry. While competitors may not like the restrictions imposed upon them, it’s brought a sense of balance. Nintendo has elevated the quality of products to a very high level.” Taito has contributed to a high level of game quality through the use of artificial intelligence, a sophisticated level of program¬ ming which modifies the diffi¬ culty according to a player's skill level. Operation Wolf may be the video game hit of the year, largely because of this technol¬ ogy. With quality programming and strong backing from its par¬ ent company, Taito Software is well on its way to becoming the major player in the industry. Premiere Issue 11 By C.A.T. &EB.N. Odds are very good that if a game is hot news at the ar¬ cades, it will soon be made into a home version for your Nin¬ tendo, Sega, or Atari unit. So every issue our GAMEPRO writers report to you what’s sizzling in coinop, to give you a peek at some possible future titles for your home unit. Hey, do you know what you’ve been missing at the local ar¬ cade? Last year was a boom for home entertainment games, but coinop is still the testing ground for the newest games. The latest technological advances include digitized graphics, full stereo sounds and even more realistic playability. Here are three of the hottest arcade games out. ^numsti T^eque/to aam >he ho,,e st S'f’me arounri L r eoe *"C Vour loved On ° 0lv yOu’rp /n C0/ d There are si^n f ° r reven with even si ™* of P 0un <& than On & hf aphlcs a aT ,a Mns, D n Z beDr *90n and S ‘ Ve hes ' p ickn d m ° re a 9- and m 0r t ck up diff ere J rl eball& chain nrT h P0 ^C he action. nend f or twi Ce 12 GAMEPRO Magazine use wV.e^.T’a sweeps o' 1 \^. and^.traQe^ 0 GOP ^ e in P" Dl „a< B'9 a "T P BOX® d°' w0 ': aMnd>caX e ° s0 (ne Bo^^o-wa saa'l®; ^ atta^| e s xhax f-a o\d' dtava \jO^ ,na' iO^° \ 0 \N^ e C (\m\n- e qo^ ^\\e ni®''(°“ tnosi 9 V°x» e ^SedP°" c ^-'B0« l ° rti9PP°foae< cndx'f S a o6 (U ° oo\\e cl no\^ s - „ aX0P^e> e/V rtnei'°' e " e aa^^iXPaP^* dea^ 0 ' 3 U^ ua a\\eV s aa^ ft (Se#a ’ d sounds iapP' cs ,gracing /** ,edWeyox* ,e *£ed dt'w6 ,s ;e°ne 0 '®cnnaue each 0 rt0 uXS'idP is^ ouS ' a 'lAop' we f ■ t finish'P^ crtXiacP l0 conwnua P ds and (ev nbacP9 a < 0 ve< 9 es.dumPV°^irtXoXhe .and Pump-out tea< ^ ( " S ,o C see^ s ?f hi itton s ^ caf e ^ u rtrthi(VOP’ . K .t j I: »• ,* i 'i . ”, - SCORE UUUtiSbU ODa [lJi*iOIIa *o i _ lasL Josi _ 0b| up weapons. Warning! The enemy may locate you! If you sustain a lethal injury, the game is over. If you have no ammunition left, you must join the prisoners. You move on to the Village, weary from battle, hoping to rest. 14 GAMEPRO Magazine More hostile troops confront you as innocent villagers and ani¬ mals take cover! The Village is freed and you recover from your injury PROTIP: Don't pass up the chance to collect power-up boxes... you'll need them! on to the Concentration Camp where the rest of the prisoners await you. Weak, emaciated hostages stagger around screaming for “Help!" as brutal enemy soldiers stalk them and hurl grenades and missiles. Windows are shattered to smith¬ ereens in the exchange of gun¬ fire. You succeed in freeing the prisoners! PROTIP: Save your rocket grenades lor the helicopters. Last leg of Operation Wolf is to rescue the prisoners and race for the Airport. The motorcycle¬ riding enemies try to block your safe passage. Tanks and an attack helicopter hurl mortars in a last desperate attempt to cur¬ tail this heroic one-man feat! A successful getaway...the prison¬ ers are rescued!!! Next, you must take the Ammu¬ nition Dump by force in order to replenish your dwindling supply. You are greeted by a barrage of tanks, frightened birds and med¬ ics running around with stretchers. After obtaining your ammo, move is P R 0 V I E W Your mission is not an easy one. The Devil’s Castle is filled with obstacles. Trees, rocks, hot lava flows, raging rivers and burning deserts bar your path. Even worse, you must face eight different deadly monsters. Do not despair! Brave Prince Lolo can overcome all obstacles to save Princess Lala. The success of your rescue mission depends on how well you use your wits and the spe¬ cial powers available to you. To obtain the help you need, col¬ lect the heart framers along your path. Some heart framers give you tools, such as a bridge to cross a lava stream, or a ham¬ mer to destroy a rock. Continued on page 18 ByB.A.J. The Princess Lala, daughter of the King of Edenerland, has been captured by the Great Devil. Your task, as Prince Lolo, is to rescue the Princess Lala from her prison in The Devil's Castle. To reach Lala you must venture on a dangerous journey. Watch your step through the Oevil's Castle. 16 GAMEPRO Magazine HAL America Challenge Your Wits With LOLO: The excitement sizzles with this one. Can you help LOLO save the princess LALA from the Great Devil? You must guide LOLO through a series of 50 different mazes filled with evil spirits. Each maze offers an ingenious triple challenge: dodge the evil guardians, move the maze objects in correct sequence, and solve the lethal puzzle by collecting the power objects. A game the whole family can enjoy, LOLO, from HAL America, is designed to improve your thinking skills. Challenge Your Skill With ROLLERBALL: Fire up for the ultimate pinball challenge. Four vertical scrolling screens extend ROLLERBALL’s play area, and your fun. You can have multiple balls on all four screens. It’s hot! Can you keep your ball in play long enough to reach the highest score? Play against the game, or one on one with friends on the second screen, hockey version. You’ll become a pinball wizard! It’s the perfect family game (parents will love it because there’s lots of fun, but no violence). Licensed by Nintendo for play on the (Nintendo) EnTERTPinmEnT svsTEirr HAL AMERICA INC . 7873 S.W. Cirrus Drive, Building 25F • Beaverton, Oregon 97005 • Tel 503/644-4117 Fax 503/641-5119 HAI is a trademark of HAL America Inc. Nintendo * and Nintendo Entertainment Systems ® are Trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1989 HAL AMERICA INC. 53 Keep your eyes open lor heart Iramers along the way. Other heart framers provide weapons called magic shots. Magic shots can turn monsters into eggs that help you cross rapid flowing rivers or seas. But beware! After a few mo¬ ments eggs turn back into deadly monsters. To advance to the next room you must gather all the heart framers you see....but proceed with great caution. Some heart framers will release monsters that attack you by throwing curses, or shooting you with flames. The Great Devi1 has captured the Princess Lata. PROTIP: In rooms with characters that shoot, make sure that emerald Ira¬ mers, heart Iramers, or rocks are between Lolo and the monsters. When at last all the heart fra¬ mers are collected you can race to the magic treasure chest. You must go quickly for new mon¬ sters, such as the deadly Skull, awaken to chase you. When you touch the treasure chest you de¬ stroy all monsters in the room, You are laced with countless obstacles in your journey. You will need all your wits and cunning to master each room. and hold the treasure that opens the door to the next room. PROTIP: At the beginning ol each level stay put lor a tew moments and carefully plan your moves ahead ol time. Besides the dangers of attack¬ ing monsters, fast flowing rivers, and burning lava streams, you must also watch for moveable emerald framers. You can move emerald framers to trap mon¬ sters, but the emerald framers can also trap you if you’re not careful. If Lolo is lost or trapped you find yourself back at the beginning of the same room. PROTIP: Watch lor the password at the end ol each room. This allows you to continue your next game where you lettotl. To complete your rescue mis¬ sion you must voyage through fifty different rooms, each more dangerous and difficult than the last. When you reach the end of your journey you face the final showdown with the Great Devil. Victory is yours when you de¬ stroy the Great Devil and free Princess Lala. The Adventures of Lolo requires planning and skill as you ad¬ vance through the complex mazes of The Devil's Castle. In addition Lolo’s catchy tune and fun graphics combine to make it an exciting new addition for the Nintendo. 18 GAMEPRO Magazine i 2 More Hot New Games From HAL America M SfJfPnoTMF^^ A Great Adventure Game: Stand by for launch. Your mission is to save the planet Farmel from the evil Air Fortress. And you're in for a hot time. You have to fly between defense structures, fight off defense forces, pick up bombs and energy cells to help you— and that's before you go in! Can you knock out the central nuclear power source of each complex before you run out of energy? Great! But the game's not over yet. Get ready as the fortress generates its second set of eight, tougher defense complexes. You 'll use all your skill before you sa ve the planet Farmel in Air Fortress from HAL America. A Great Party Game: Wondering what to do with your friends at your next party? Why not go to Vegas? Vegas Dream. Play Black Jack, Roulette, Slot Machines, Keno, and when you select the ' ( Vegas Dream" option extend your fun and meet panhandlers, con artists, accidents of fate and maybe the person of your dreams. Play with up to four friends at a time, and the game remembers your scores if you want to continue later. No matter what your game, odds are you'll love this exciting casino adventure from HAL America. TM Licensed by Nintendo for play on the (Nintendo) EnTERTRinmEnT SVSTEm HAL AMERICA INC . 7873 S.W. Cirrus Drive, Building 25F • Beaverton, Oregon 97005 • Tel 503/644-4117 Fax 503/641-5119 HAI is a trademark of HAL America Inc. Nintendo' and Mntendo Entertainment Systems ’ are Trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. 1989 HAL AMERICA INC. By Nickel Brooke What happens when you take a couple of friendly dragons throw in an endless array of bubbles, and combine them with fruits, candies, * and a vast assortment of the strangest beasties to ever inhabit a video game cartridge??? You’re playing Taito’s latest NES title, Bubble Bobble. You and a friend take control of Bub and Bob, two bubble blowin’ dragons headed on a fantastic voyage to save their sweethearts, held captive by Baron von Blubba. There are over 100 rounds of challenge before the evil Baron is finally confronted. into oblivion! Be sure and watch where they land...you’ll be treated to some very tasty fruit which adds various amounts of points to your score. PROTIP: Sometimes the best strategy is to let the beasties come right at you...but several beasties have special weapons and running away Irom them is your best detense! Take care, your only weapons are your bubbles, but at least you have an endless supply. All you have to do is trap the beasties in your bubbles and pop them using your spiny back, sending these evil critters ' ¥ ¥ *'¥¥ -s' ¥ s' ¥¥ t'¥¥¥¥¥ *’¥ ¥jt¥ ¥ -c ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥¥¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 40^ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥ V ¥¥ ¥ ¥ US ¥¥ ¥¥¥ ¥ ¥ ^ ¥ ¥ ¥ PROTIP: Use line, thunder, and water bubbles to burst several beasties in one blow! Bubble Bobble is original, challenging, and fun, with great graphics and music...there is no game quite like it!! PROTIP: Get to round 20 on your lirst Bub lor a hidden treat! The real challenge of Bubble Bobble is to try to maximize your points. In order to get the most points for trapping and popping the enemies, try to pop as many of the creatures together as you can. Let them float together to a central point on the screen, then pop the group...point values can increase to as much as 64,000 for a popped beastie and 9,000 points for the leftover fruit!!! During each round, be sure to pay close attention to the differ¬ ent items that appear. A shoe, for instance, increases your overall speed. By eating candles you can increase your bubbleblowing capacity. Many other objects also appear, giving you the ability to shoot fireballs, or flood the screen with water. In turn, you are rewarded with some nice diamonds to enrich your score. 4 ¥ PR0TIP: Grab every magic bonus you can get...you'll need them to outwit the beasties!! Be sure and study all the bubbles on the screen...on some rounds bubbles contain¬ ing letters float randomly about. If you are lucky enough to pop the letters that spell EXTEND, you will exit the round and be treated to an extra Bub or Bob. Each round presents a different pattern of openings and ledges to provide movement in your underground quest. Each round is more difficult and fascinating than the last. To add to the chal¬ lenge, there are quite a few “hidden" rounds for you to locate. These hidden rounds add to your fun and your score!! Premiere Issue 21 P R 0 V I E W 22 GAMEPRO Magazine Adventure Island consists of eight grueling areas with four action-packed rounds in each area. At the end of each area is a boss whom you must defeat to proceed on your quest. But Higgins is continually losing energy as the game progresses and you must pick up fruit or milk to regain stamina. By The Eliminator & J.D. Cameron No Fantasy island You are cast as Master Higgins, a bouncy and nimblefooted hero who ventures out to the balmy South Pacific to save the beautiful Princess Leilani from the clutches of the evil Witch Doctor. While hopping from island to island and cloud to cloud, you must survive against Fight on sea creatures as you hop trom cloud to cloud. a barrage of attacks from giant snails, leaping octopuses and swordfish. As you hurl axes at the advancing sea creatures, you can boost your energy by plucking tropical fruits, like bananas and pineapples, from the air. As you reach the cav¬ erns, you are greeted by pesky bats, cobras, skullheads, and falling icicles. Once you get to the forest, beware the spiders, sly foxes, and frogs. PROTIP: To help defeat the evil bosses; stay very close and let him throw fireballs past you...after he throws, jump up and throw your axe at Ids head! At the end of each round, grab¬ bing the bonus pot doubles your points. Cracking hidden eggs along your path could reveal more power-ups like a milk bottle (full energy) or even a skateboard to speed you around the island. Occasionally, the right egg rewards you with a miniature fairylike creature named Honey Girl who hovers behind you and renders you invincible for several seconds. Watch out lor dangerous creatures ■ eliminate them belore they get too close. But picking the wrong egg could reveal the dreaded egg¬ plant which drains your energy supply! Your journey also reveals sev¬ eral bonus rounds. If Higgins is standing in the right place at the right time, a platform magically appears and elevates him to the bonus round. n I't H'lM.'i i.i;t t PROTIP: To find the first bonus round, go to area 1, round 1, section 3...stand in front of the fifth totem pole, and away you go to the bonus round! Beware the seventh area, where hopping precariously along shifting ledges becomes very difficult. More unexpected hazards hinder your progress... be careful not to plunge into the dark abyss or crack the wrong egg! If you get past this area, you have the makings of a real hero. PROTIP: Throughout the game there are magic areas, where either a bonus round or egg will appear. An easy way to find these: throw your axe...if it disappears, you're in a magic area! Will you be able to save the Princess from a tragic fate? Premiere Issue 23 | By Bill Marcus/The Pro A.J.F. I You are Jo Musashi: Master Ninja. Your mission is to rescue I the children of the world’s lead- ■ ers from the underlings of the - feared Ring of Five, a gang of K evil terrorist Ninjas. Armed with shuriken, nunchaku, sword, bombs, guns, and your own agility, you must infiltrate their strongholds in order to save the hostages and rid the world of this vile plague. SCORE 22100 LIFE III Shinobi is divided into five separate missions with two or three sections in each. At the end of each mission is one of the evil Bosses who can’t be overcome unless you know his weakness. Be sure to rescue all the hostages along the way to get bonus weapons and power- ups. When you rescue a certain hostage and finish a section of a mission, you enter a bonus round where you can earn Ninja Magic to aid you in your quest. PBOTIP: Don't miss the Blue Ninja in these rounds in order to receive twice as much magic! In mission 1, watch out for Mongo the henchman, who throws his razor sharp steel boomerang at you. PROTIP: Hit him with your shuriken ■ when he throws his sword, hit him again! Ken Oh awaits you at the end of this mission. This evil Boss is larger than life...five well- placed hits in the middle of his head to stop him in his tracks. Watch out for his fireballs! You enter mission 2 through caves filled with evil Ninjas. Once past the caves, you en¬ counter swarms of deadly frogmen. Use the sword you found in the caves to eliminate these henchmen of death. You’re looking for Black Turtle, the helicopter Boss who carries a deadly load of Fly Ninjas. PROTIP: Several shots to the copter's nose will end this nightmarish scene. If you make it past another gang of henchmen, your target Boss in mission 3 is Mandara. Elimi¬ nating the four rounds of hide¬ ous Mandara requires skill, agility and aggressiveness. PRO TIP: Run up, jump and rapid fire to destroy Mandara. Just when you thought you were safe, a wicked fire breathing head appears. Try a few shots to his eye to do this Boss in once and for all. Good luck!! Two more missions left! Don’t give up! Take your time in mission 4. You must kill the Fly Ninjas or they will end your mission. Once past these underlings, you must overcome the Lobster Boss. This giant sumarai swordsman has a weakness - watch for him to lower his sword! If you prove worthy of reaching mission 5, you’re in for a very tough chal¬ lenge. First, battling the super powered henchmen Ninjas requires all of your Master skills. Then you must face the final and most deadly Masked Ninja Boss who demonstrates a true split personality! Definitely an oppo¬ nent worthy of the most expert Ninja Master! Shinobi, Sega’s recent martial arts arcade translation, is a slick combination of varied play formats, great graphics and a tough challenge that should keep even the most seasoned gamers playing for hours. 24 GAMEPRO Magazine Beware the evil Frogmen! You'll need Quick reflexes and speed to get past these underlings. Your shuriken will make short work ol a bazooka-carrying loot soldier. ILLUSTRATION: CARL BUELL P K 0 V I E Hf By CAT. The fiendish aliens of the Bydo Empire are taking over the galaxy and creating worlds of hate and evil. You must pilot the newest galactic attack fighter, R-9, into a battle to the death with these menacing enemy forces. Your weapons include a steady pulse laser beam and a super¬ shot, but power-ups can add speed, firepower, and droid ships to your arsenal. Power- ups are collected when you destroy the enemy POW Armor units. To successfully complete your mission, you must battle through eight waves of enemies and annihilate the alien boss that awaits you at the end of each wave. Prepare for battle! The Bydo Empire frontline base awaits you in stage one. Out the cockpit you see stars and metal walls as you warm-up by blast¬ ing enemy ships and alien insects with your laser. You make your way to a rotating passageway surrounded by space cannons...blast through and past heavily armed robots and meet your first boss alien, the hideous Krell! PBOTIP: Shoot your drone ship at the center of the boss alien. 26 GAMEPRO Magazine PROTIP: Save a supershot lor the blue way. Now you guide your ship into caverns of heavy vegetation and clear containers of unknown substances which protrude from the walls. Strange creatures pop out from the plant life as swarms of insects close on you. A death snake guardian protects Go- manda, the second boss alien, whose weakness is revealed when he opens his eye. PROTIP: Place your drone ship directly above the alien's eye. As you enter stage three, you are dwarfed by a Bydo Mega Battleship! Make your way under the ship and blast holes in its armor while dodging fire from the cruiser’s many can¬ nons. Watch for falling debris from your direct hits. ship. PROTIP: Use your reflecting laser here lor best results. Hundreds of Terrible Mechani¬ cal cells block your path in stage four. Enemy ships sud¬ denly appear and leave walls of cells you must clear away. Destroy the POW Armor units that are hiding in the cells. Blast through the cells and meet Blast through the cells in stage lour to reach the bad boss Monpaira. Continued on page 28 Premiere Issue 27 Monpaira, the boss made of multiple attack ships. When this boss separates, use your super¬ shot to destroy each ship. Splashdown as you guide your ship into the underwater caves. Strange aquatic plants and creatures inhabit these waters. Alien millipedes attack which break into pieces when your laser hits them. Once you get Attack the alien millipedes and blow them to pieces. past the attacking alien vessels, you face the fifth stage alien boss, Kraken, who is guarded by vicious octopi. The sixth level brings your R-9 into the Bydo warehouse laby¬ rinth. Alien ships in crate form attack from all angles...the walls hold aliens that move and shoot PROTIP: Your reflecting laser works best in this mazelike environment. Walls crumble and explode as you weave your fighter through the eroding city in level seven. A gauntlet of enemy attack vessels fire on you as you pro¬ ceed towards the boss alien, Buronku. Supershots to the bluish spot on this boss are key to your survival. PROTIP: Stay along the lower part of the city to avoid ceiling dwelling alien creatures. Finally, you enter the Bydo Empire Home Base...here you face your greatest challenge as you battle with this last line of defense that is protecting the evil ruler of the Empire. Besides being attacked by fish-like alien creatures, you have to avoid the Vins, indestructible gyro-stars that possess destructive capabilities. If you survive, have your droids ready as you face Bydo in the final battle. PRO TIP: For up to ten extra lives, when the Game Over screen is shown, move your controller directional button rapidly in a clockwise circular motion! And, for a sound check, perform the same procedure in a counter clockwise motion! The question is...can you handle the R-9 and the Bydo Empire?? c o NT I N u e OO’ o o o o O Q o o OQODOD 5 o pum SUTTON C tt EDIT i 1 28 GAMEPRO Magazine Gomin!|Soon : Nintendo and Nintendo Entertainment Systems are trademarks ot NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC XEVIOUS©1983. 1984 Namco. LTD GALAGA ©1981, 1985 Namco. LTD DR JEKYLL AND MR HYDE©1988TohoCo. LTD MEGA©TM 1988 Bandai GOlf Bandai America. Inc 12951 E 166th Street Cerritos. CA 90701 (213)926 0947 P R 0 V I E W By The Pro A.J.F. Thousands of years ago, the riches of the Pharaoh’s tomb were scattered and lost in the sands of Egypt. You arrive as the royal Desert Falcon, seeking to enrich yourself by stealing the golden eggs, silver ingots, and precious gems which glitter on the desert floor below you. You must guide the Falcon skillfully over a highly detailed landscape, seeking treasure scattered around this ancient obstacle course. You are at¬ tacked by many types of Desert Beasts from both land and air, including Phantom Gliders, Burrowing Uwes, Vultures, and Flying Fish. site You tty above your desert domain seeking riches. 30 GAMEPRO Magazine PROTIP: You control the Falcon through three different environments, as you soar through the air, hop on land and swim in the Nile River. Beware the many obstacles in your path, such as the Pyramids and obelisks. Sphinx...only a direct shot between his eyes will destroy this sinister beast. Destruction of the Howling Sphinx will reward you with a bonus round in which you plunder as much treasure as possible within the time allowed. Acquire special power-ups by picking up hieroglyphs, symbols found scattered across the desert sands. Pick up three hieroglyphs in different combi¬ nations to gain points and weapons, but in higher rounds you may receive a problem, such as Shackles. PROTIP: The combinations tor two excellent super powers are Invincibility (Feather + Bowl+Bird) and Omnicide (Ankh + Cane + Sun). Soar to new heights with Desert Falcon for your Atari 7800! 5754 GET 3 HIERO Destroy the Howling Sphinx am1 reap At the end of each trek you are your reward! confronted by a Howling Premiere Issue 31 TDP-O 3 13 3 0 t o 3 13 3 0 H-O *« % 31 ? GAMEPRO Magazine •ce Hockey and 6 simu/tani, r but( ons A “"(rollers, and ? ,1°" both S,an on controller -! ^ Press /-?t 0r 6 <>n, e ®^ e ,eQ9- \S t>e e Booties// hal!T, r h eiZT Annlei,you G ®on,esresSr n ' Sands « need to «nd the f atefhof Vou.own,.,, here , th e e r c h ®® 0 n r iu 'S"3"CR Continued on page 38 'Bb/iiAcg 3°free,, Ves , Coofra. ' Sarris trick as , or Were /ssue 57 1843 ^ y supe 7 SSi0n!! «ere are f an on W e fe n d t es,ha ' let y 0u t^me) ,he la * lev el of s TKNE M M S ' 0n 8 ■ Graffius Starts a^MWhen'. andonespeea ^ be9 ' n tuttoTtden press tde pause butt0 , 11D _up,down- controWer pad P eft _ r - ig p t , B, A, down, \eft-r'9 - y 0 u can oniy then press ^ or eac d use this tncK last rA , then ST ABU - two options ,you "TlSo codes maue,you start at me higher areas: 6276064 2110944/ fMtyBombJack Royal Palace L? evel in lhe bomb, thenon/i Pic,is want pas h'gh as you space Harrier eivesll This c °nt\nue arne over wen the words c(een dome appear on V controller. following w'th Voo . ht oP- u P' d °aln uP dowh-oP 00 trick to work. ,0,000,000 pornts end nhe U'e' , Mlhe adhere you ride the bonus round, wk dodge all triendiV dra9 °? )0n us objects. W ttie "rio thts WioK soccesstul'V v ou do this'’ less, a andh w o fltes across the spaceship*' e t the '$£*&***"■* We. Press fde coir /asf /,y e ^lefton Con «nue whe ^ Game Got You Battled? 0ur nex t issue will feat, , r ~ section - * ,e a ne « Pros will so/vp uur Gam e p-b te jr: n r; u a n n s v r b, h e Questions you havp o V 9h ■^andwe y C^ e S m ° Send Si° Ma ^ P.o. Box 25238 San Mateo, CA 94402 " secret WeaP» n? WV0UHa IttoGA^SsLnd „ you do, sod^e publish ^ -'ireG^ R0S d t^ CdVO-- sU ' PSa GAW l£PBOW a 9 aZine P .°^oCA 9A402 Premiere Issue By The Eliminator Encore! The indomitable brothers, Mario and Luigi are back with their hopping antics in the second sequel to one of the most spell¬ binding video games in the world, Super Mario Bros. 3. Not yet available in the U.S. market, this game is currently adapted only for use with the Family Computer and Twin Famicom in Japan. Only the magic wand pos¬ sessed by the fierce, gargan¬ tuan guardian at the end of each world can restore each ruler back to his original human form. It is up to Mario or Luigi to wrest this magic wand from the wild and savage guard to bring normalcy back to each world. A Snapshot ot the Eight Worlds The first world is the Grass Land with its lush, green terrain. The ruler has been changed by sorcery into a humble dog. Mario and Luigi have to comb eight areas to retrieve the magic wand. The second world is Desert Hill, replete with swaying date palms, pyramids, and the beat of jungle drums. The broth¬ ers have to fend off fireball¬ spitting piranha plants, the menacing killer sun, and flying boomerangs whizzing over¬ head. The ruler of Desert Hill has been turned into an ugly spider. There are nine areas in this world. The third world is a watery adventure in Ocean Side, where the brothers are surrounded by deadly Spiny's Eggs, Drop into this bonus room tor coins, extra lives, etc. An Odyssey Through Eght Worlds In “Super Mario Bros. 3”, Mario and Luigi are faced with the ultimate challenge of venturing into eight new worlds with more than 80 areas to save Princess Peach from the evil hands of the sorcerer Kuppa King. Each world has a ruler who has been transformed by a magic spell into some creature or another. 40 GAMEPRO Magazine poison-spitting Lotus flowers, and lurking hungry giant fishes. Mario and Luigi must clear the course of its obstacles before the ruler can change back from a slimy, old toad to his royal highness. There are 11 areas of difficulty to cover. In the fifth world, Mario and Luigi are transported into The Sky. They have to venture through 11 different areas, as they Everything is double its size in Big Island, the fourth world. Here, Mario and Luigi have to survive against the deadly jaws of greedy carnivorous plants, Spiny’s Eggs, coral reefs, and the World Four Is double In size and twice as tough. hammer-wielding Hammer Brothers.The royal ruler has been transformed into a hideous reptile by black magic. Mario and Luigi will have to journey through eight areas before reaching the ship which houses the guarded magic wand. make a tortuous climb along a zig-zagging bridge of bricks to the heavens. Hopping, skipping, ■Igeoioo q 1 rm x © ► ►►►►► r=» CDGBQGEXD I see© 1 and jumping over moats of bubbling molten lava, the broth¬ ers once more show their prow¬ ess against voracious piranha plants and flying turtles. With the aid of staircasing drifting logs, the brothers are able to escape from their adversaries. The ruler of The Sky has been changed into a bird. The sixth world, Iced Land, has a ruler who has been trans¬ formed by the Kuppa King into a seal. In order to break the spell, Mario and Luigi have to journey through 13 areas of freezing temperatures, hopping over blocks of ice, and “moonwalk¬ ing” over slippery grounds. With the help of a frog suit, they are able to escape from their aquatic enemies. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr TrrrpTrrrrPTrrl _YY? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYY^^^^ YS. rrrr rrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrr Run Quickly to avoid the dangerous spiked ceiling. Continued on Page 42 Premiere Issue 41 The seventh world is the Pipe Maze, a convolution of pipes o[ every imaginable shape and size. Lurking in the pipes are the much-dreaded piranha plants, snapping their razor- sharp teeth in unison. The mighty ruler of this world has been turned into a piranha plant himself. The brothers must endure the 12 most difficult areas in this game in seeking the magic wand. By hopping on the box marked with an an arrow, Mario or Luigi can maneuver the box to move in the direction he pleases to avert the advances of the pesky enemies. There are also blocks with musical notes that serve as spring boards for quick escape. This time getting to the warp zones is more difficult. Obtain the whistle hidden somewhere m the seven worlds. The eighth world is the Kuppa Castle where the brothers are besieged with tanks, cannons, and boomerangs. Princess Peach is only within an arm’s reach to safety, so the Mario brothers cannot fail her now. While evading the laser-emitting gargoyles in the dank and dark dungeon, Mario and Luigi have to duck from the ghosts in hot pursuit. And then there are the blowtorches, and the moats of molten lava along the way. After going through 10 areas of wits versus weaponry, Mario and Luigi finally come face to face with the fireball-breathing Kuppa King. He is a nasty giant of a king with a disposition to match. A fierce battle ensues, and the Mario brothers are victorious. Princess Peach is saved. The curtain falls. Super Mario Bros. 3 gamepak is equipped with a map screen for each world that shows which areas one must complete before eliminating the Kuppa guardian who is holding the magic wand. Along the way the brothers will find bonus rooms which give extra lives and items to use. On the map i screen there is an item sub screen. Mario and Luigi can hold many items like mushrooms, flowers, stars, leaves, and other power-ups that they can use before the level has started so survival will be easier against these ene¬ mies. Not only can Mario and There are some new characters to the line of original enemies who try to make the brothers’ life miserable as they journey through a maze of obstacles. The music and sound effects of this game set a mood for each world, from a honky-tonk beat to eerie, suspenseful music. The The king has been changed into a different form. Try and find the magic wand to change him back. Luigi run and jump, they can also fly with the leaf that trans¬ forms them into raccoons. By flying high in the sky they can find secret pipes and power- ups. All these nice options help the brothers complete their quest to defeat the Kuppa King. You the Nintendo player have control. But, we must wait until Nintendo releases this hot title in the future. This game is not for amateurs, but it is for all adven¬ turers. Are you ready for the ultimate challenge of Super Mario Bros. 3? The map screen shows you the way. 42 GAMEPRO Magazine TO MOVE with the ACCLAIM REMOTE! Acclaim’s Wireless Remote * Controller gives you the power to really get into the action of your favorite Nintendo® games. With ho wires to tie you down, you* can roll and tumble through your greatest adventures. It’s accurate from up to 30 feet away and features a Rapid-Fire mode that gives you a shot at super high scores. It eyen looks and feels like the Nintendo® controller you already know. And the Acclaim Remote carries the Nintendo® Quality Assurance Seal. Now nothing gets between you and the action! 4«laim entertainment, inc Masters of the Game * Official CNintendcy) Seal of Quality Acclaim, M Masters of the Game M and Wireless-Infrared Remote Controller " are trademarks of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. Nintendo R and Nintendo Entertainment System® are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. (c) 1989 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. sword - straight from Tecmo’s coming hit, Ninja Gaiden. Outside the Nintendo booth were dozens of other large, elaborate booths - each one different and unusual. Sega had a great display, with row after row of Sega games, new and old, just begging to be played (of course we gave in!). The Sega booth also featured an indoor half basketball court, complete with team, to get us excited about Sega’s Super Basketball game. All the com¬ puter software companies had their own booths, as did the makers of peripherals and other video game accessories. What caught our eye insidb the booths? First, the games! Nin¬ tendo announced that their licensees (companies that have Where can you go and see a castle, the latest video games, a sword fight, football players, the hottest new video game periph¬ erals, spacepeople, all kinds of incredible new electronic tech¬ nology, aerobic dancers, an in¬ door basketball court and a ninja? There’s only one place and that’s the Consumer Elec¬ tronics Show (CES), held Janu¬ ary 7-10, in Las Vegas, Nevada. CES happens twice a year and is one of the best opportunities manufacturers have to unveil their latest games and equip¬ ment and give us sneak peeks at the fantastic new develop¬ ments on the forefront of gaming technology. Retail stores, who market these products, come to the show to see what's available so they can provide it for you! A lot of serious business takes place at CES, but the show is also a lot of fun! And “Show” is the right word for this huge event. Video game hardware and software makers for the Nintendo, Sega, Atarii and Personal Computer Systems software all gathered together in the West Hall of the immense Las Vegas Convention Center. A carnival atmosphere reigned as characters from your favorite video games wove in and out among the huge complex of booths. Within the gigantic, space-age Nintendo booth were all the companies who produce the famous games you love to play on your Nintendo system. Each company had their hot new games for 1989 on display - right there for us to try out! Many went all out, decorating their booths with giant murals and posters. Some were even more elaborate. The F.C.I. booth was turned into a castle, complete with turrets, a king, battling swordsmen and knights in armour - all to advertise their new adventure game, Ultima. At the Taito booth a charming robot talked with passers-by, while live commandos from Operation Wolf helped to show us all of Taito’s new games. At the Tecmo booth a dark and myster¬ ious Ninja lurked, complete with a dangerous looking 44 GAMEPRO Magazine permission to make games that are played on the Nintendo system) will release over 40 new games for play on the NES in 1989. From what we saw we guarantee there will be more than enough dynamite games to keep you happy all year long! We could hardly tear ourselves away. details on the Game-of-the- Month program. “Tell us about all the new games,” you say! Well, there’s not enough space here, but check our ProShots section for a sneak peek at some of the hot new titles that caught our eye - straight from their press re¬ leases to you! Sega had big news of their own, with 20 new releases planned for 1989, including several hot new arcade game translations, and games in every category, from sports to adventure to 3-D. Exciting news for Sega owners was the announcement of the Team Sega Game-of-the-Month program. Each month will fea¬ ture a different game-of-the- month, free when you purchase any three (3) SEGA games. In addition, purchase of special Sega games will get you some “cool stuff”, special Sega prizes! Call 1 -800-USA-SEGA to get Besides the games,the biggest show stealers were the newly unveiled peripherals and acces¬ sories. Crowds flocked around the Broderbund booth where every 20 minutes U-Force was demonstrated. U-Force is Brod- erbund's new video game controller for the NES that allows you to play your favorite game without punching any buttons, pushing any joysticks; in fact, without touching anything at all! U-Force claims to have broken “the contact barrier,” making you the controller. Once play begins, the player simply moves his hands and body within range of U-Force’s force field and the control translates your motion into on-screen action! For example, if you’re playing Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, you set up U-force, throw a left, a right, a hook through the force field and the boxer does what you do! You’ll have to see it to be¬ lieve it. For those of you that like physical contact, U-Force comes with a set of accessories that allow it to function in the more traditional manner. At the Beeshu booth everyone wanted to try the Zoomer. A console type controller, avail¬ able for Nintendo, Sega and Atari systems, the Zoomer features a Life Saving Slow Motion button, 2 Dial-A-Speed auto-fire buttons, and a steering wheel that turns left or right as well as tilts up or down. Nintendo demonstrated their own unique control system, the Power Pad. Aerobic dancers and track athletes jumped, leaped, hurdled and jogged their way through games by bouncing on the different circles of the power pad. All three of these accessories, U-Force, The Zoomer, and The Power Pad, are great ways to put some new life into your old games and vary the way you play the new ones for more excitement. The next Consumer Electronics Show will be in Chicago, in June of 1989. It's hard to imagine how our favorite video game compa¬ nies will top themselves, but we’re sure they will! We’re looking forward to Chicago, and you can count on us making sure you hear about it, too! Premiere Issue 45 NEW FOR NINTENDO FROM ACCLAIM Knight Rider, based on the popular T.V. series of the same name, is a driving adventure game. Featuring hi tech, fast driving action, Knight Rider allows players to assume the role of Michael Knight, strapping themselves into Kitt, the fully computerized, rocketpropelled race car. The onboard com¬ puter guides players across the United States from city to city and relays onscreen messages from command headquarters. Gameplay becomes increas¬ ingly challenging as players compete in both day and night adventures across twenty differ¬ ent terrains, against dozens of enemy vehicles. Airwolf Airwolf is an exciting inflight battle game, based on the T.V. series of the same name. The game allows you to sit in the cockpit, as you become String- fellow Flawke, ace fighter pilot, the only one skilled enough to command a top secret Mach I helicopter. Your mission is to rescue top level American advi¬ sors that are imprisoned by foreign terrorists using the cutting edge weaponry avail¬ able to you in Airwolf. Multiple screens and serial battles combine to make this a hot new title. Wizards and Warriors II A fantasy adventure game, IronSword is the sequel to Wizards and Warriors. The game begins where the original Wizards and Warriors con¬ cludes. Although Kuros, the knight warrier, defeated the evil Wizard Malkil in the original game, the Wizard returns in IronSword in the form of the four elementals: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Armed with a map, sword, shield and magic, Kuros journeys through enchanted forests, attempting to obtain the power of IronSword, the only weapon feared by Malkil. IronS¬ word features more than 100 different characters, horizontal and vertical gameplay, twenty different screens and five com¬ pletely unique lands. FROM ACTIVISION Three Stooges One of your favorite computer games comes to the NES with pioneering animation and sound. This breakthrough comedy hit stars television and movie legends Curly, Larry and Moe. Players choose from ten games within a game and relive scenes from their favorite Three Stooges episode. You can actually hear your favorite Stooges wisecrack and experi¬ ence the punching, slapping and pie throwing mania that only the Stooges can provide. The ultimate realistic flight simulation that jets players to the skies forcing them to confront dangerous enemy aircraft in fast arcade style action. Players can take on a computer controlled enemy fleet or battle a second player in an all out dogfight. Experienced pilots can use the “stealth” feature to avoid enemy radar. With an advanced instru¬ mentation panel and a three dimensional front view of the action, players can manuever their fighter jet through breath¬ taking nosedives, climbs and 360 degree rolls. Predator Predator is a thrilling adapta¬ tion of the hit 20th Century Fox film starring Arnold Sch¬ warzenegger. Players assume the role of the leader of an elite military rescue team. The mis¬ sion is to battle through the 46 GAMEPRO Magazine deep jungles of South America, past militant guerillas to rescue U.S. diplomats from a terrorist stronghold. Players must avoid the relentless tracking of the alien Predator that eventually leads to a final confrontation. FROM BANDAI Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Follow Dr. Jekyll as he fights off enemies in hazardous 19th century London, only to be suddenly plunged into Mr. Hyde’s World of Demons! Here Mr.Hyde must battle attacking monsters and ghouls with his secret weapon , the deadly PsychoWave! But the excite¬ ment doesn’t end there as you do battle in each of the two worlds of this game, the worlds themselves are struggling with each other for control! Which will triumph? Good or evil? Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? FROM BRODERBUND Play one of the world’s most difficult and challenging golf courses! Enter your handicap, choose your swing and the ball’s flight, direction and spin, while trying to break par on this superrealistic, incredibly difficult golf course. Long ago, in a distant galaxy, an alien race sent a huge world called Naju hurtling toward Earth, loaded with a cargo of mysterious lifeforms. During the long journey, these creatures have multiplied and become in¬ creasingly evil and now Naju teems with evil. However, deep within this complex globe are self-destruct mechanisms that can be activated to destroy it before it reaches Earth. Now, you must battle your way deep within Naju’s labyrinths to de¬ stroy it. In this adventure fantasy game you are the guardian of Earth, and your saga will be¬ come the Guardian Legend. FROM CAPCOM In the tradition of the ever popu¬ lar MegaMan the evil Dr. Wily returns once again, with even more sinister robots to mount his attack. But MegaMan has also grown in power and ability, and so the battle is joined. Each of the eight empires is ruled by a different super robot. You must defeat each enemy on his own turf, building up weapons as you go. Only after all are de¬ stroyed will you go head to head with the mastermind himself, the evil Dr. Wily. Civilization relies on your skill and courage. Mega¬ Man will stand tall in the end! Strider Strider receives his orders and is dropped in the heart of Rus¬ sia, armed with only a lightning quick sword. The task is to infiltrate the Red Army and return enemy secrets to your superiors. You are attacked by the KGB, journey to the snow¬ capped mountains of Siberia, and the Lowlands, where jungle tribes wait with poison spears and arrows. If you succeed in getting this far you return to Moscow to face the Grand Master of the Red Army. If you don’t get to him before he destroys you the world will fall under Russian control! The free world relies on your success. FROM CULTURE BRAIN Kung Fu Heroes . r I rl njr r ***||||d >vyiri; — HtdKP ^ tt-rf-. AIM' / r |r~|r— HUP Evil monsters have taken Prin¬ cess MinMin and the treasures! Sorrow abounds throughout the land. Only the two young friends, Jacky and Lee, can Continued on Page 49 Premiere Issue 47 Stock up on this great stuff before someone beats you to it! 10A. The Super Poster. Show you mean business with this huge (18”x 23") wall poster. $4.95 11 A. Short Sleeve T-Shirt. Show you’re a cut above the rest with this cool 100% cotton shirt. White only. Specify S/M/L/XL. $9.95 11B. Long Sleeve T-Shirt. Get the shirt all the best players will be wearing. 100% cotton. White only. Specify S/M/L/XL. $11.95 1ZA. Cool Cup. Keep your drinks as cool as your game moves. Holds can or drink insert (included). Black or red. $4.95 12B. Baseball Cap. Be a part of our dynamic team with this classic cap. Adjustable. White only. $8.95 13A. Beach Towel. Make a statement wherever you go with this 100% cotton towel. 30" x 60". $19.95 Please fill out the attached card with your order. defeat the monsters and save the Princess. Fortunately both are well trained in Kung Fu techniques for they must journey through eight separate castles, filled with dangerous monsters. It’s said that secrets that will help Jacky and Lee are hidden in the castle rocks and stones. To find out Jacky and Lee will have to destroy them with their powerful Kung Fu punches. Only then can they rescue Princess MinMin. FROM DATAEAST Bad Duties Bad Dudes, another recent arcade hit, has arrived for the NES. The challenge you face is to rescue the kidnapped Presi¬ dent Ronnie. Armed with knives, shurikens, and numchucks, the Bad Dudes must take to the streets and fight their way through ninjas, dogs, flame spitting strongmen, and even more heinous enemies to res¬ cue the President. Only you can save the day! FROM FCI The devil Boralis has killed the King, cast a magic spell to turn Princess Ann into three fairies, and let loose a horde of mon¬ sters and evil creatures to destroy the Kingdom. As the young knight, Jim, you must search through the labyrinth to find the missing jewels, the King’s sword and shield, and the special charms that help you destroy the monsters. The more you kill, the greater your experi¬ ence and your defense power. An eternal flame lamp and immortality potion gives you the extra chance to survive the deadly maze. You must find all three sparkling fairies to restore the beautiful Princess because only she has the key to help you slay Boralis and the fire breath¬ ing water dragon that guards the devil’s castle. FROM HAL AMERICA Challenge your skill with Roller- ball. Fire up the ultimate pinball challenge. Four vertical scrolling screens extend Rollerball’s play area, and your fun. You can have multiple balls on all four screens. It’s hot! Can you keep your ball in play long enough to reach the highest score? Play against the game, or one on one with friends on the second screen, hockey version. You’ll become a pinball wizard! Your favorite games in one; Black Jack, Roulette, Slot Ma¬ chine and Keno. There are two major sections to this game. One is the straight simulation of those casino games with up to four players. The other is closer to real life situations. You and your friends can take a seven day tour of Las Vegas. You start out with $700. You may be chal¬ lenged by a highroller, you may be pick pocketed and lose your money, or several other sur¬ prizes. If you succeed in making one million dollars you will see something astonishing on the screen. FROM HI TECH TheChessmasten Welcome to the Chessmaster... the most powerful micro com¬ puter chess game ever, now available for NES. The perfect chess program for the beginner or Grand Master. Use the teach¬ ing mode, play against a friend or analyze your game. The game has 71,000 opening moves, the finest chess algo¬ rithm in the world, 3D graphics, and ability to take back and replay moves or switch sides in mid-game. Chess never looked this good! FROM JALECO Hoops Hoops, a new basketball game with a twist. Unlike other “pro” basketball simulations Hoops features one on one or two on two player “street” basketball. The players aren’t high priced professionals, they’re street players. Some are tall, and are good rebounders and shot blockers. Others are small and quick, burying the twenty foot jumpers is their forte. Players Continued on Page 50 Premiere Issue 49 can go head to head, or team up against the computer. De¬ fense is as important as offense, and Hoops is filled with ball steals, smooth moves, and plenty of "in your face” slamdunks. Goal! GOAL! is here for devoted soccer players and fans every¬ where. Three different formats allow you to play your own game. "World Cup” lets the player choose from 16 different national teams and compete for amateur soccer’s most glorious prize. "Tournament” play fea¬ tures eight different “pro” teams competing in a three round single elimination competition. “Shoot Competition” pits one forward against two defenders and a goalkeeper. You can play against your friend or the computer. FROM KEMCO/SEIKA The heavy gate screams open on ancient hinges. Before you, a mouldering hallway looms ominously. You have entered the world of Shadowgate. Un¬ speakable evil and sudden death await you at every turn. Which doorway should you choose? What should you take with you? What should you avoid touching, at all costs? These are decisions you must make, if you are to save the world from the Warlock Lord. Only you can stop the Evil One from his dread purpose: the raising of the titan Behemoth and the destruction of the land. Superman From the asphalt jungle of the underworld to the far reaches of outer space, the Man of Steel's arch-enemies have conspired to enslave the world and destroy Superman in the process. Only you can stop them! Find them with your X-Ray Vision. Freeze them with your Super Breath. Fry them with your Heat Vision. Flash through the air at the speed of light, or gather your strength for the Super Spin, to bore through the center of the Earth. But watch out! If their Kryptonite gets to you before you get to your enemies, it’s the end of Truth, Justice, and the American Way!! FROM KONAMI The Adventures of In this action packed game you become Billy, the meanest good guy in the Louisiana Bayou, determined to save your girl from the evil clutches of the Gangster King of Bourbon Street and his henchmen. Billy must fight, shoot and drive his “doom” buggy through the murky swamps and into the streets of New Orleans in search of Annabelle. You’ll be zapping evil monsters, wrestling alliga¬ tors and cruising through the streets shooting up a storm on your road hugging, four-wheel drive doom machine. The chase ends with a climactic battle inside the Gangster King’s heavily armed estate where Annabelle is imprisoned. Track and Field II This sequel to Track and Field features improved, larger char¬ acters and a choice of events. As an Olympic contender, you’re up against an opponent or the computer in 15 events that test skill, willpower and concentration. You can com¬ pete in taekwondo, pole vault¬ ing, canoeing, skeet shooting, hammer throwing, high diving, archery, hurdles, gymnastics, hand gliding, pistol firing, arm wrestling, fencing, triple jumping and swimming. Whoah...you better get in shape! 50 GAMEPRO Magazine FROM MILTON BRADLEY California Dames It's awesome, it’s radical, it’s....well you know! California Games finally comes to the NES, allowing you hours of fun as you surf, skateboard, ride BMX bikes, play hacky sack, rollerskate, and toss the frisbee. You’ll almost feel the sun on your back, the wind in your hair, and smell the ocean breezes, as you play this highly original game. It’s the next best thing to being in California! FROM SNK P.O.W. You are surrounded, captured and imprisoned in an enemy war camp! To escape you’ll have to fight your way to free¬ dom with you bare fists. But if you can break into the ammuni¬ tion depot, you’ll find grenades, knives, and M16's to tilt the odds in your favor. This is the prison camp they called “es- capeproof.” You’re going to try to beat the odds! Guerrilla Wan Your small island country is struggling against the cruel domination of an evil dictator. As the guerrilla leader, you must attempt to land secretly on the shore. But the dictator’s militia has taken prisoners and they are waiting to attack you! Two players can join forces to battle the dictator’s army, rescue the prisoners, and bring liberation. You’ll need all your wits to get out of this one alive. FROM SUNSOFT The Terminator The mechanical hit man from the movie, The Terminator, is back, on the same mission, but with much better odds this time around. Because this time, the happy ending isn’t guaranteed! The screens are based on actual movie footage, as the Terminator chases you through city streets, a crowded bar, the police station , ready and able to blow you away at a moment’s notice. The game is as action- packed and nerve-wracking as the movie, so if you loved the movie... FROM TAITO Sky Shark The arcade hit Sky Shark is coming to NES. You’re a World War II ace in your P40 Tiger Shark. You’ve got to fly through blazing artillery attacks deep behind enemy lines to save your P.O.W. buddies. Sky Shark features arcade quality graph¬ ics, spellbinding sound effects and multiple levels of action. FROM TAXAN Mappy, who is a policemouse, has been preparing all kinds of wonderful birthday presents for his girlfriend, Mapico. But Nyamco and his Mukies have stolen them and hidden them in the eight towns of Mappyland! Mappy must move fast to get the presents back before Mapico’s birthday party. But it won’t be easy, with so many mysterious towns to search, and Mappy's enemies pursuing him constantly! Can you accept the challenge and help Mappy to succeed? Fist ot the Dlorth Star Ken, a fierce and skillful fighter, is known as Fist of the North Star. He must battle his way through eight scenes to rescue his people from the tyranny of the Emperor Heaven. Using his mighty fist, shooting power, and Gento Karate, Ken must con¬ front and defeat eight vicious enemies, who will attack him with Smokeballs, Fireballs, Clenching Claws, White Light Bombs, and the Deadly Sliding Kick! Continued on Page 52 Premiere Issue 51 Mystery Quest A message to you from the Great Wizard: “As my appren¬ tice, you have been studying a long time to master the secrets of magic. Now the time has come to prove yourself! You must journey to the four Mystery Castles in search of four magic talismans. You will face many perils along the way: the castles are riddled with under¬ ground passages and intricate mazes, where you may become lost forever! And strange crea¬ tures prowl the castles, ready to pounce upon you when you least expect it! But you will find magic powers hidden along the way, to help you in this Mystery Quest. The magic talismans you seek are the greatest gifts known to man: wealth, wisdom, happiness and peace. Go now, complete your quest, and prove that you are as great a wizard as I!” FROM TENGEN One or two players can race in Super Sprint, experiencing the thrill, speed and excitement of racing in the Grand Prix. The game features four lap tracks, jump ramps, opening and clos¬ ing gates, over/underpasses and hairpin turns. Super Sprint allows you to customize your car with such features as super traction, higher top speed and turbo acceleration. Super Sprint, it’s definitely not for Sunday drivers. FROM TECMO A top video arcade game comes to the NES! Ninja Gaiden the mighty warrior, is a member of a secret police force who possesses unimpeachable credentials and the highest moral values. Armed with his special shuriken and sword Ninja confronts evil forces with super strength and agility, to defend his country, its people, their wealth and ancient tradi¬ tions. The mystical, magical Ninja challenges his foes in 20 different areas, each with six individualized rounds of play. Now you can enjoy this action- filled Ninja classic at home. Silkworm Another arcade hit coming to your NES. What action! Players grab hold of the controls to perform aerial acrobatics with massive jet-powered helicopter gunships. Helicopters penetrate enemy territory to destroy enemy headquarters, using machine gun weaponry and launching heat-seeking misslies. Soldiers counter attack in jeeps with heavily armored MHC2 tanks, armed with machine gun firepower and land-to-air rock¬ ets. Heavy-duty warfare be¬ tween the “good guys” and the “bad guys”! FROM TRADEWEST John Elway's Quarterback TM QURRTERBRCH Just out, the NES version of this popular arcade game, features realistic gridiron play. The game, whether played by one or two players, provides the fast, hardhitting action of real foot¬ ball. Players are forced to strate- gize as they would in a real game, calling their own plays on both offense and defense right up to the line of scrimmage. Lifelike sounds and graphics accompany every move as players run, pass, kick and tackle. John Elway’s Quarter¬ back will keep you entertained until the next football season! Taboo, the Sixth Sense, is based on the ancient Tarot method of predicting future events. To play, all you have to do is enter your name, sex and birthdate. Then ask any ques¬ tions you like and enjoy the Continued on Page 54 52 GAMEPRO Magazine Each issue, the editors of GAME- PRO will announce a theme for you aspiring player-artists to make an original drawing and enter in our contest series. Examples of themes are favorite villain, most awesome weapon, favorite hero, and so on. Entries should be in color - you can use anything you desire to make your drawing. In the following issue we will announce the winners and feature your art in the magazine! Next Issue’s ProArtist Contest: "THE VILLAINS" All entries must be postmarked by May 19, 1989. Don’t forget to include your name and address and send your artwork to: GAMEPRO Magazine ProArtist Series P.O. Box 25238 San Mateo, CA 94402 Enter Today! 1st Prize $100 and your drawing in GAMEPRO 2ntl Prize $50 and your drawing in GAMEPRO 3rd Prize (8 given) A GAMEPRO Super Poster One entry per person. Artwork will not be returned and becomes the property of GAMEPRO Magazine. Premiere Issue 53 intriguing, and often hilarious, answers based on the reading of the Tarot pattern. Play by yourself, or use Taboo as the perfect party game. All will be intrigued by the mysteries of Taboo. FROM ULTRA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles This game teems with carnivo¬ rous robots who chow down on China Town, while brutal “Foot” Clan Ninjitusu Warriors bust up bystanders from the Bronx to Broadway. The Police Swat Teams can’t stop them, but you, with the help of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, can. You’ll team up with these heroes in a half shell armed with nunchukus, wacko bombs, an armed blimp and machine gunnin’ party bus, mixing it up with the nasty Ninjitsus, knock¬ ing them senseless, or getting yourself into turtle soup. FROM VIC TOKAI BumpN'Jump You're cruising along with your baby, Bunny, in your Buggy, when from behind you hear this brainboggling bbbarooooom! It's Dark Jackal and his beastly band of Blacktop Bullies! They buzz by and when the smoke clears, the passenger seat’s bare. These Dudes have kid¬ napped your baby, Bunny! Only you and the Buggy can bring her back. But not without a bone-bouncing chase that makes the Indy 500 look like bumper cars. Over jampacked city streets and treacherous curves on mountain cliffs. Past Dark Jackal’s Bullies to catch the Buggy and Bunny. And the cops are bearing down on you from behind! Think you got what it takes to save Bunny? NEW FOR SEGA FROM ACTIVISION GalaxyForce This smash hit arcade game from Japan has arrived in the U.S. In this futuristic space- fighter classic, players choose five different spacecapes through which to fly, ranging from fiery seas of lava to Milky Way style meteorite storms. To penetrate the heart of the enemy nerve center, players must guide their powerful craft through a maze of underground tunnels packed with deadly obstacles and enemy craft. FROM MINDSCAPE After Burner You pilot an FI4 Tom Cat through a variety of rescue missions. Feel the power and the rush of being airborne as you control air speed, flight direction and weapon selection. You’re outnumbered, but that’s O.K. Your ability to maintain Mach 2 speeds and to use your state of the art battle computer, guided missiles and Vulcan cannon has already earned you the nickname of “The Ace.” Action Fighter You are the Super Rider, in¬ structed to carry out five dan¬ gerous air and ground battles. You’re riding a motorcyle, but if you can find the right parts along the road you can trans¬ form it into a customized car or an aircraft. Knowing which vehicle to use when will deter¬ mine whether you survive. FROM SEGA Altered Beast You are the centurion warrior called from the grave to rescue the daughter of Zeus. By defeat¬ ing enemies, players get “power up” atoms which give them the ability to transform into wolf man, dragon, bear man and tiger man; each with special supernatural powers. A revolutionary game that offers four different play modes and complete control over the func¬ tions of twenty-six different teams. Players can choose American or National City teams, control the functions of batters, pitchers, runners and outfielders, play mini tourna¬ ments, enter home run contests and go for the Series. The game also has cutaway screens for close calls at the plate and infield action. When a batter is hit by a pitch, the results can only be described as hilarious! 54 GAMEPRO Magazine Challenge the ProScores! When you have achieved your best score on any Nintendo, Sega, or Atari (7800 or XE) game, you may submit your score by sending us a photo of the screen. If you have the high score, your name will appear in our next issue! Also, each issue a drawing will be held of all high scorers, and one in each area (Nintendo, Sega, and Atari) will win a free GAMEPRO Supershirt! For best photo results, turn out the lights in the room, use a 35mm camera and no flash, and stand at least 3 to 4 feet from the screen. You can also use a video recorder/ camcorder and submit your score on video tape. (High scores submitted on photos and tape cannot be returned.) In order to be fair to all players, please abide by the following rules: 1) Players must play the game continuously...for example, finding a safe corner, setting your joystick on autofire to rack up points, and going on vacation is a nono...Scores achieved through these kinds of tricks, or scores which are impossible to achieve in normal play, will be disqualified. 2) Secret power-ups are allowed. 3) Slow motion is discouraged, but will be allowed on certain games when our panel of judges feels slo-mo is necessary. Please mail in your proof of a super score,and print on a piece of paper your name, address, phone num¬ ber, name of game, name of game system, score achieved, and mail to: GAMEPRO Magazine ProScores P.O. Box 25238 San Mateo, California 94402 Here are some "challenge" scores to get things hopping NOmiDO SEGA Game Player Score Game Player Score Arkanoid Mike Pirring 669,070 Astro Warrior A.J.F. 273,400 Contra Jim Flernandez 6,553,500 Black Belt Challenge Score 400,000 Donkey Kong Jr. Challenge Score 75,000 Choplifter Challenge Score 1,000,000 Donkey Kong 3 Buzz Morgan 744,000 Fantasy Zone A.J.F. 9,999,990 Double Dragon Challenge Score 100,000 Hang On Challenge Score 750,000 Gauntlet Glen Gilmore 2,135 Out Run Challenge Score 25,000,000 Gradius Challenge Score 750,000 Rambo Challenge Score 500,000 Iron Tank A.J.F. 562,000 Safari Hunt Jon Christopher 186,700 Jackal Bryan Datu 638,590 Shinobi A.J.F. 527,900 Kid Niki Challenge Score 100,000 Space Harrier Mike Pirring 25,145,000 Mighty Bomb Jack Challenge Score 750,000 1943 A.J.F. 1,441,400 ATARI Rush’n Attack Challenge Score 1,000,000 Game Player Score Setting Section Z Challenge Score 150,000 Star Force Challenge Score 6,000,000 Asteroids A.J.F. 71,000 INT Stinger A.J.F. 2,656,300 Desert Falcon Challenge Score 100,000 STD Super Pitfall Jim Flernandez 2,115,000 Food Fight Buzz Morgan 2,213,800 INT Track & Field Dan Preston 400,100 Galaga Challenge Score 100,000 ADV Trojan Jon Christopher 175,750 Joust Challenge Score 100,000 INT Ms. PACMAN A.J.F. 142,640 Banana Xevious Buzz Morgan 811,910 INT Premiere Issue SS f', we e \ us e y° ur rsG -l* age erf 9 srfi F s ee eg this W 0M e$ an d erf , rnrf u "7,orf ai " ■Ane O fga first 101/!™ ,, do 140 rad rldge nfo^^to erf *** 0 *™*'»'*’ 0****"" s0 ' we 1l trf %d y° U Li S e rf G pIU$’ t se^trurP^ 0 * pro- S rf pon‘ NINTENDO GAMERS, START YOUR PULSES. Do you feel your pulse quickening? Your breath getting shorter? Don't worry, It's a perfectly normal reac¬ tion to seeing so much fun and excitement on one page. Presenting the full line of hits from Tengen for the Nintendo Entertainment System®: GAUNTLET. We've added a dangerous quest, new mazes and a host of features to this legendary arcade phenomenon. Now, live your sword-and-sorcery fantasies! R.B.I. BASEBALL. The only baseball game on the NES that is officially licensed from the Major League Baseball Players Association. When you play R.B.I. BASEBALL, you're playing with real superstars — not no-names! PAC-MAN. The biggest hit of the decade is back! Find out how the dot- munching, maze-running, ghost-evading PAC-MAN captured the hearts of millions around the world! TETRIS. The first game software from the Soviet Union is an intense battle of wits. This dynamic puzzle will have you wishing you had ten brains to handle the never-ending cascade of rotating blocks. You better stop reading now or you're liable to overheat from sheer anticipation. Save some of that energy for running to your favorite dealer and playing the games today! TEIMGEN 1901 McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 435-2650 GAUNTLET: ® and ©1985, Atari Games Corp. R.B.I. BASEBALL: TM and ©1987, Atari Games Coro; ©1986, 1987, Namco. PAC-MAN: ® and ©1980, 1984 Namco, Ltd. TETRIS: TM and ©1987, AcademySoft-Elorg. All Rights Reserved. Tetris licensed to Andromeda Software Ltd.; and sublicensed to MIRRORSOFT LTD and Sphere, Inc. ©1988 Tengen Inc. All Rights Reserved. Original concept, design and program by Alexey Pazhitnov ana Vadim Gerasimov, respectively. Nintendo and Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. Nintendo® If you’re not buying your Nintendo at Toys “R” Us, you’re simply paying too much. □□ NEW GAME SYSTEMS AND THE HOTTEST TITLES FOR LESS. With over 350 stores coast to coast, the world’s biggest toy store can offer you more of the hot¬ test games for less; since we sell more Nintendo systems than anyone else, we can feature a low price every day. Come see for yourself why we’re number one! The hottest new games of the year are coming in by the truckload every week- we ve got ’em for less! Over 350 Toys “R” Us stores coast to coast, check your local directory for the store nearest you! We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, OPTIMA, AMERICAN EXPRESS and DISCOVER cards. Prices effective U.S.A. only.