Final Doom Mortal Kombat Trilogf Bake Hakem 3B THE #1 Multiplatfohm Gaming Magazine Nintendo 64 PInuStatinn ° PlayStation f ° Saturn I’' ° Super NES k ^Genesis ¥ _jJS August 1998 $4.99 Canatta $6.50 Vectorman 2 The Best Games of the Electronic Entertainment Expo • Super Mario 64 • Pilotwings 64 • Final Doom • Nights • Donkey Kong Country 3 • Mortal Kombat Trilogy • Wipeout XL • Crash Bandicoot • Twisted Metal 2 • Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire • Sonic X*treme '^Fio ClT'&T^d. r*<5ciP§ cig a n Are Kelp tHeV.S. /.op? t rrei’^' ' h S)^ TFi$time§ 6 ccer a aS tFe Olympic Svmmer Games. 3la§i All tde great Aatienal teams -r, r- II inchdi/igtfien.SA. ovti^^ev cant beat h tFe best in tfie "werld... pm ^ be le^-j^ sidelines tiii'i:ialUieiisedPr»iti,ec4SneAlilanaCtmmisseegs>'tlie6lgiiiptcGa«i USS^^SomsisifUeizrt^USSn.lrc iiSaSOSC-.' P,agSian,'t.JifeP.,tS ir/.trtJf.^arlitSitrlCtopnere'fertK.Vt I-f a'i tlw.'iM '.J. arf (-ajdoirl 5DC>C4mpa.ii.S^pef.lhfte.ME’iersiti..»e’t Spit." i'JiKptijifiri Sea. areregi^tertpi ICairiMIl ■ ■ E'lrrpraiei. Lu A" fcjPts Keaenu 4 - smuHiHim SEfl] GENESIS step &n tPe {if®e bt00e§t ^ame§ ^cf J^ean X1>‘ 8 ^< 5 ^ §<5miS TViVi^ dr€i'st>n\. It'g^fie&l^mpLcSvmmerGames- mfdui/Ji Oemin^ tfiig gvmmertdAlsIcintci md a vided^ame §t6re near^ev. ' $ P O R T Si Advertisement President/PuOlisher Executive Assistant to the President JohnF. Rousseau Lonnie M. Gee Vice President, Brand Development LeeAnne McDermott Editor-in-Ctiief Wes NIhei Creative Director Francis Mao Managing Editor Senior Editors Associate Editors Editorial Intern Manager. Online Services Editorial Assistant, GamePro Online Online Intern Kathy Skaggs Chris Strodder Lawrence Neves MikeWeigand Chris Nicolelia Tom Russo Paul Curthoys Jon Robinson John Fisher Kimberiy Baldwin Kenneth Li Senior Designer Designer Art Intern IS Manager Network Administrator Carey Perez Charmaine Conul Claudia Fung Susanna E. Holfert Sheily Reimer Cathie Burgyan HoiiyKiingei Marcia Newiin Biii Horan AmyNibbi irene Basurto CyndySandor Susan Crown Sara Wood Christine Y. Yam Fran Fox Cathy Theroux Lynn Luis Brian F. Sours Laura Rosenga Leona Ching Terry Gering Lloyd Schinelll Nancy Duriesler Rob Rubright Operations Manager Office Services Supervisor Receptionist Facilities Coordinator Jeannine C. Harvey Lesieii Friesen Dianna Tautenhahn Sam Grimaldo Vobjine B. IB: Augusl Issue: GAMEPRO* (ISSN 1042-86501 iSpublishM inonitily lor $24.95 per year Oy IDG Cnrmunice- Inns. Inc.. 961 Manner’s Istano BUd . Ste 700. San Mateo. CA 94404. An IDG Company. Tin Wcrhf's Leadai In Inlonrsition StrWas On Inlonnatlon Teclmdogy. Penodcal postage pM at San Mateo. CA. and al aiMitional maiiing officss. POST- MASTER Send address changes lo GAMEPRO. P 0. 8iu 55527. Boulden. CO 80322-5527 Change ol Address Please send old label and new address lo GAMEPRO. P.O. B«5SS27. Boulder. CO 80322-5527. Foreign and CanpOlen ciders iniisIM prepaid In U S. dollars on a U S. bank and must Include SOlVyear addnional poslage . Canadian GST1 131 304 347. SEGA SATURN i AcliVisioN, 25 E3 Explodes! TliefSSonic Enterlflinment Expo fedyred 1700 new ganilFBte a look at the Showstofipers. eonKfeMTUne 102 The Fighter's Edge Presents: KSmlS^ Tekken 2 (PlayStation) Unking moves, special moves, throws, and cool combos for the four most complex fighters. Pori 1 of the series. 1 5 1 1 £- ' 1 P n n [HB K^«i 1 ii^ Jri^B 12 Letter from the GamePros 12 The Mail: Head 2 Head 1 3 Art AttaPlayer's Systems Pages Realm • 70 74 88 2X)neme XlBosebdl 82,85 30 Tetris 70 9 54 Aaron vs. Ruth; All-Time Superstors Baseboit 79 Amok 46 Andretti Rocing '97 84 Arcode Classics 68 HockDcwn 46 Blest Grps 32 Bog Too! 49 Bugs Bunny in Ctouble TnxUe 52 Coslieol the Damned 4) Contra- Legacy ot War 48 Crash Bcmcoot 35 Ouis'nUSA 33 Dark Rid 49 Daytona Championship Edition 82 DeodorMve 49 DestrucKoo Derby 45 Destruction Derby 2 38 Disrupter 36 Donby Kong Country 3: Kxie's Double Troiite 50 Doom 64 27 [Veom 18: Gdf the World 85 Duke Nukem 3D 38 FI Chalienge 78 Fighting Vipers 47 Final Doom 34 The Final Round 79 Frank Thorrws 'Big Hurt" Baseball . . 82 Freak Boy 33 Front Po^ Sports; Basebdl Pro '96. . .56 GoldenEye 32 Grand Prixl 56 Grand Slam '96 82 Gun Griffon 44 Hexen 46 The Incredible Hulk 48 Intemotional Trock & Field 77 JetMolo 41 Killer insSnet . . Kirby Super Star 52 Kirfc^sArRide 32 Kumite: The Fighters' Edge 41 Moddwi'97 80 Major Oomoge 49 MonxTT 82 Morv^ Super Heroes 48 Moss Destruction 49 Metal Slug 66 Mission: Impossible 33 Monster Truck Roily 41 Mortal Kombot Trilogy 28 Mr. Bones 49 MTV's SlomScope. 41 Nemotek Warrior 41 NASCAR Rocing 84 NBAHangTime 37 NBAIntheisne 2 . 82 NCAA Basketboli: Find Four '97 .... 87 NCAA FoiSball: Soturdoy Showdown 86 NCAA GomeBreaker 82 The Neverhood: A Curious Wod d Woy Finds His Soul 57 NFL '97 82 NFL Full Contact 84 NRGameDoy '97 82 NHL '97 80 NHLlWf'97 82 NHL Qjen la: 2 on 2 Challenge 37 NHLPowerplay'96iPlaySiation) 76 NHL Pctwerploy '96 ISolum) 75 Nights 22, 47 Olympic Soccer 78 Olympic Summer Games 70 Pilolwing5 64 28 ftjwerslove 56 PropCyde 60 Roymonit 48 Roootech: Crystal Dreoms 33 RobotronX 40 Shettered Sled 39 Shellshock 64 SmartGomes Challenge#! 57 Snow Crash 57 Sonic Blast; The Ullimate 3D Adventure 51 Sonic X-Treme 42 Sod Storm 34 Soviet Strike 38 Spider 40 StorConIrd 3 57 StorFox 64 32 Star Wars: Shodows of the Bripire. . . 27 Super Mono 64 26 Super Mario KortR 30 Supesonk Rocers 40 TecmoGreotGdf 85 Teemo Super Bend 84 Tenka 38 Tetris Attack 52 Three Dirty LXvorves 45 Tobol No. 1 23 Tomb Roider 36 Top Gun: Fire at Will 62 Toy Story 70 Triple '97 74 Turok; Dinosaur Hunter 33 Tvwsled Atetal 2: World Tour 38 Uhtnole Mortal Kombot 3 51 Veclormcn 2 Vefle: San Froncisco Thrills Vir1uaC^2 Virtuo Fighter 3 Virlua Fighter Anirr Virtuo Fighter Kids Virtual On . . Virtual C^sen Tennis . . VRFbd Worhommer 40,000: Dark Crusoders 54 Waveroa64 30 Wayne Gretzky 30 Hockey 82 Werewolf: The Apocalypse 48 Wipeout XL 35 World Series '96 82 World Series Bosebdl II 82 Worldwide Soccer 2 84 WWF Arcode 44 ^Th^^osUealistic racing experience yet for the Sega Saturn. Amazing 3-D graphics and tight control for gameplay so intense you can almost feel your head rattle. ^Sb^Sor^adced tracks including Monte Carlo, Suzuka and Hockenheim and five top authentic Formula-1 racing teams featuring Ferrari, Benetton, and Williams. ^Custof^zaNe player settings for greater control of your car's performance including mid-race pit row changes. f^Thi^emadng sim sets the pace for the rest of the field... The game's 3-D graphics match or surpass Sega's previous racing titles..." -cy^RSPorrrs v.i.t's WE» SITE I www.vie.eoin I I Head 2 Head Letter from the GamePros \ t first glance, the adjacent letters from Debra Lyle and L "MogNothin” don’t sound very significant. Somebody in a faraway state is having trouble finding games to play? Cmon you think, it can’t be that bad. Why don't they just order games by mail? Why should this matter to me? It matters. Throughout the 1 990s a rising tide of conservatism has washed over the country. It began in 1 992 when Pat Buchanan became a bona fide presidential candidate and "family values" became the main political topic. Soon Congress began debating the violence in video games; Night Trap, a hilariously mundane • full-motion-video game, disappeared from shelves, and video games sported a new age-group rating, courtesy of the Enter tainmeni Software Ratings Board. The conservative wave is building strength as the country heads into the homestretch of another presidential election. Once again video games amePro retoErs Speak Out PlQ[_IT FOR Your attack, this time from an Arizona parent Right to party! who's outraged by Primal Rage (see “ProNews, "June). Everyone has a right to voice his or her opinion, but Primal Rage is already gone from shelves in more than 250 stores nationwide. Senators and Hillary Clinton are sharpening their swords for bat tie. And Debra Lyle and MogNothin are sounding the alarm in Arizona and Florida. Maybe it’s not enough Just to play video games. Maybe gamers everywhere need to become advocates, writing to politi clans, retailers, and software companies to express their needs and their rights. Maybe whati already happened in Arizona and Florida could happen everywhere. What gamers need is a spokesperson who defends games as effectively as those who attack them. Perhaps that person will be you. A single voice can make a difference (the Arizona mom proved that). After all, as those noted philosophers the Beastie Boys once said, "You’ve gotta fight for your right to party! The CamePros San Mateo, CA The Rage Over i Primal Rage R egarding your "Pro- News" story in June: 1 an’t believe that Primal Rage las been pulled from Best Buy stores just because some l^woman doesn’t like it. I thought we ail had the right to make our own purchasing decisions, as long as we were old enough according to the Entertain- ment Software Ratings Board ratings. I’m angry that some- body else is deciding what I, a 16-year-old honors student, can and can’t play. Debra Lyle Phoenix, AZ Captain Squideo replies: j, By law you should be able to buy any video game (except ^pornographic games). The ■ESRB does rate games to de- cide if they're appropriate for kids, teens, or adults, but those ratings are only guidelines for consumers, not laws that stores must enforce. Therefore, the only time you can't buy a game is when stores like Best Buy de- cide not to sell them to anyone, no matter how old they are, which has happened with Pri- mal Rage. A warning for all of you who . enjoy video games. Don't : move to Florida! You almost ? never find a store carrying R anime videos, game music CDs, or Japanese games. In '• chain stores like Electronics l^utique or Blockbuster Video, : you’ll be hard-pressed to find a good RPC. When they finally do get in a copy, there^ only one! I wish Florida weren’t so I conservative, I wish the people here supported video games more, and I wish game com- panies would recognize that there are people everywhere who are interested in games, and make sure we all have an equal chance to buy every game. “MogNothin” Internet Mario Madness I have a few questions about Super Mario RPC: 1 . Who is the guy who looks like Kirby on a spring? 2. Who is the wizard who looks like he’s from a Zetda game? 3. Is all the fighting menu driven? 4. Can you swim? Tyler Butler Brockton, MA Sir Scary Larry replies: I. Mallow. 2. We think you mean Ceno. 3. Yes. 4. Not only can I swim, but I can also do a mean cannon- ball. Oh, you mean in the game. Yes, you can swim. The Magazine Biz W hen was the first GamePro printed? What was on the cover? Shaun Viola Independence, LA Dr. Zombie replies: CamePro first appeared in April 1989 with a rampaging soldier, a football player, and a barbarian on the cover and reviews of the NES and Sega Master System inside. We'll be celebrating our 100th issue at the end of this year! Parting Shot [ ’m fed up with the way I Canadians are repre- sented in games. We are not Sasquatches (Dark- stalkers), fat boxers (Su- per Punch-Out), or face- painted wrestlers (Virtua Fighter). Most Canadian names are more dignified than Bear Hugger or Wolf, Americans aren't depicted as rednecks or hicks, so why should we be stereotyped? Tom Olhiser Ontario, Canada *V> "f.-/ Poul HI is OIK of O several readers asking for the v oddress of Cvistopher Lombert, star of the Moifid Konixit movie. Conned with Chris at this oddress: Ovistopher londiert c/o United Toieat Agency 9560 WVshire Blvd, Suite 500 Beverly His, CA 9021 2 We’re Not Perfekt 5(iper PuncfhOufs stereotypical B^r Hugger. The result of eating too much Canadian bacon? I n our May “Buyers Beware," we got part of the Lucas- Arts information wrong. You can call 900/740-5334 to ' speak with live counselors Monday through Friday be- tween 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (PST). This number also provides taped information 24 hours a day. Why don't companies that ' moke fighting games ever put oil the moves in the monuols that come th the game? Tell me one person who ' figured out all the moves without using some - sort of guide from a magazine. Aaron Jackson lernet Reader Report In May's "Reader Report" we asked you to name on oddicting gome that you knew wasn't that good. Here are the top IS responses (in olphobetical order): • Barbarians (Commodore 64) • Clockwork Knight (Sotvrn) « Contra (nes) • Dune: The Battle for Arrakis (Geiotis) • E.T. (Atori 2600) • Golaga (Airndo) • General Chaos (Gonosis) • Kingdom: The Far Reaches (30O) Because it's summer, a time for blockbuster movies, your faithful Reader Reporter would like to send a message to movie studios telling them what movies we'd all like to see made into video games. Personally, we always thought Friday the 13th would be a hoot, with Jason mowing down le- gions of scared teenagers. Anyway, identify one movie that has yet to be a game, send it to the address below, and we'll publish the results in an upcoming issue. • Mario Bros. |Ar