First Look From Japon! Nintendo’s Ultra 64 THE #1 VIDEO GAME MAGAZINE Street Fighter Alpha The Best Street Fighter Yet! S.W.ATPRO Strategy Guides Featuring: Earthworm Jim 2 (snes) Loaded (Playstation) 43 ProRevlews! Virtua Cop (Saturn) Gex (PlayStation) Gargoyies (Genesis) 22 Previews! Aiien Triiogy Ridge Racer Revoiution Siam ’N Jam ’96 Featuring Magic & Kareem Febpuapy 1996 $4.99 Canada $6.50 02 > PC GamePro! • Duke Nukem 3D • Dungeon Keeper • indyCar Racing ii Its that moment just after you rip it off, ‘cause they don’t know what hit ‘em, ill* w ft arm! when the circuits are still pumping and the/ve got that expression on their the first gush of oil from the socket.. .the lights in their eyes eomg Know Launch a savage cybernetic attack with Neei^rg's moiecular distortion blows! No human being could survive Chromax's 100,000 watt electrical charge! The ultimate spot remover: Vandal's tetrabasic acid spit! Organic virus derivatives make Lockjaw attack without provocation! MIRAQE"*. RISE 2 RESURRECTION"' is NOLOGIES (UULTIMEOlAi LTD. MIRAGE' MEDIAj LTD and used win i>enrissni> AL icsnecd t'om MIRAGE TECHNOLOGIES (MULTIMEDIA) I ■ and RISE 2 RESURRECTION'" aie l>ademai*eol MIR( . RE^RVED. and Sega Salum are Itaden Jl«laim I 1^31 1 r-ftgi T’ V^-<' 'Jfe- J^*K THE END OF THE WORLD. •cclaim«d Pinal Fantasy* THE END OFTIJTE. Hey Subscriber! Hre you Movinsi? Give us advance notice and you’re sure to get your next issue on time... as usual. Write to: GamePro Subscriptions P.O. Box 55527 Boulder. CO 80322 T6e sure to include both vour old and new address) Volum. 8. n. Febmapy Isue: BAMEPRO'^ (ISSN 1042-B698) Is cubli^eil monmiy lor S2S9S per ynr by Iptoalnmem World. Inc., 961 Mariner's Isi^d 8tvd.. Sle. 700. San Ualeo. CA 94404: An IDG Company: The Worm’s Leader In Intormalion Services On inlormalion Tecfmology. Second class postaoe paid at San Uateo. CA. and al additional mailing oDIces. POST- MASTER: Send address rdtanges to GAMEPRO, P.O. Bo> 55627. Oooldsf. CO 80322-5527. Clienge ol Addrast Please send old label and naw arUrass 10 GAMEPRO. P.O. Box £527. Boulder. CO 80322-5527. Feralgn and Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars on a U.S. bank and must include S3Q/year addibonal postage. Canadian GST4 131 304 347. D... Damnation... Det Call (51 6) 759-7806 PlayStation' UbijsOikiKaistiaWarp. Jnder license loAcclaiirEnierUintnaii, Inc Ail Rigtiis Reserved Sega ami Sega SaiimaieliademaiU cl Sega EnteiDiiSK. Lid. All RighisReseived.'PiaySiaiK logo aie Irademaiks of Sony ComDule' Emeilaininent. Inc. Acdaiir Is a division ol Acclaim Enlelainment li)c.®& @1995 Acclaim Enledainment. Inc All RigMs Reserved ' StreeT lighter Alpha Editors' Choice Awards For 1995!" Doom, Virtua Fighter 2,"^ and more take top honors ^ in GamePrci's annual retro^Dedive. The Fighter's Edge Street Fighter Alpha (PlayStation) "Hie Rghter's Edge" brings you the toughest S^eet Rghter to dote! Learn the bosk moves and heavy-hitting combos for six fighters. Looded ProStrategy Guide (PlayStation) Lood up widi four levels of loaded info, then get ready to take on the meanest space scum in the galaxy! SWMPro ® May os Smoke in MK 3 (Genesis), plus other . secret weapons, tricks, and toctics. Get Loadetl (page 94), then get dirty m 40> Earthwom Jim 2 (page 100)1 Earthworm Jim 2 ProStrategy Guide (SNES) Jim's back, and he has something to Psy-crow about! Get dowi and dirty with these maps and game secrets. 108 Street Fighter Alphir The best Street Fighter ever comes to the Play- Station ! Meet Street Fighter Alpha's tough new combatants and learn their heavy-nilting moves. 'The Fighter's Edge" breaks it all out for you. Breath of Fire II Strategy Guide (SNES) Take a big breath and plunge into Part One of our Breath of Rre II ProStrategy Wsribffii