FREE! SEGA • NINTENDO • SONY • JAGUAR • 300 • CD-i • NEO>GEO • ARCADE PRIMAL RAGE ProStrategy Guide (SNES & Genesis) 74470 65945 7 rRi #WlDEO GAME^m 2ndJG^neration Fighting^Games! • KiUerJnstinot (SUes) • WeappnLpr;l (SNES & Genesis) • VjKtrid^ Heroes Perfect (Neo^ceo) ♦ • StreeLFighter; The. Movie (Arcade) THE REAL GAME BEGINS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 7^ ;m t * OVER 125 AWESOME MOVES, REAL DIGITIZED CHARACTERS GADGETS AND ATTACKS! AND BACKGROUNDS! OVER 80 UNBELIEVABLE STAGES! B R T M R N FOREVER FORIMFORMADONASOUTTHE ESRS RATING OR TO COMMENT ABOUT THE «>PROPRIATEHESS OF THE RATING. PLEASE CONTACT THE ESRBATT-800'77l-3772.'6ATMANanasil'«lated«lemefflsi^etneproci(^(i(DCCamic&TM &C1995 All righls reserved. Acctaim a dnnsKins'xlreoisteiedt’ademarK of Acclaim EMertsinmenI inc ei99SAcdainl«laim YOU'VE GOT IT ON YOUR HANDS. YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH OF IT. YOU'VE GOT IT ON YOUR SIDE. YOU'RE PRESSED FOR IT. YOU SPEND IT. YOU WASTE IT. IT'S IN. IT'S OUT. IT'S NOW. IT'S PAST. IT'S RUNNING OUT. IT'S DRAWING NEAR. CHRONO TRIGGER'. IT'S ABOUT TIME. Hey Subscriber! Are you Moving? Give us advance notice and you’re sure to get your next issue on time... as usual. Write to: GamePro Subscriptions AO. Box 55527 Boulder. CO 80322 (Be sure to include both your old and new address! OPTION I OPTION 2 OPTION 3 does Classic Tips OPTION 4 OPTION 5 16 Bit Hot Picks Calls average three minutes in length and cost $1.29 a minute. Touch-tone phone required. Be sute to get your parents' permission to use the Hotline if you ate under 18 years ol age. Messages subject to change without notice. A service ot lllF0imH1E)ll HOBLO In San Mateo. CA OM1E . -itrictly pro^iibiled (lit ^i^O{ League Saseball ! onual Seals are regielerm) I name Gear are irademaric of Sega Enlsrpi^. .claim f-iietiaintneni he. All Rigtiis Reserved 22 The GameMakers! The Artists How cm artistic talent leap from the drawing board to the game screen? Jason Leong, art director for Primal Rage, relates how he did it. All the Rage! Prepare your cave for primal prehistoric combat! 30 Primal Rage (PlayStaikin) 48 Primal Rage (Genesis) 50 Primal Rage fSMCS) 88 ProSIrategy Giiftfe; Primal Rage (GenesisSSHES) 28 pjwsvumm 88 Primal Rage (Benesh ASHES) Special moves, finishing moves, and wild comhos! 102 SWATPn Secret weapons and tactics for your favorite games 110 ne Fighter’s Eilge Game-busting moves for Street Fighter: The Movie (Arcade), Toshinden (Play- Station), and Virtua Fighter (Saturn) PresettOng the PlayStation! Are you ready for the Play- Station? Here’s a buyer's guide for hardware and software with an exclu- sive insider's look at War- hawk and Twisted Metal from Sony Imagesoft. Page 48. OVERREACK? NO I’M NOT, ITS HUGE .ITS UOi y irs T HE HUGEST UGUEST ANYBODY’S EVER HAD. AM) TO BLAST rr INTO THE NEXT SOLAR IS GONG TO TAKE SOMETHING^CKED. SOMETHING PCVWERRJL. SOMCTHrfIC THAT DOESN’T JUST DEEP CLEAN BUT HAS KOM KIMiER $TUIY ■net THAN THE NUMBER ONE FAD TO ••••.AND THAT SOMETHING IS T>«s RIGHTEOUS LITTLE "PAD FROM clearasil: ® PAG 1995 BmtePro • SefOamber 1995 imiJ- m 12 Letter tnm the 12 14 16 The mail GamePro Gallery The Cuftmg Edge The Virtual Boy is for real! 18 Hot at Ihe Arcades VJWF Wrestlemania, Air Combat 22, and Coo! Rider 118 GamePro Labs Saturn roundup! Sega’s Arcade Racer steering wheel and two joysticks: the Sega Virtua Stick and Hori Fighting Stick 119 Buyers Beware information for savvy Virtual Boy; better red. Page 16. 54 82 84 TO 72 Get snug with Bug! Page 44. 120 134 138 142 Short ProShots Yoshi's Island (SNES), Virtua Fighter 2 (Saturn), Mortal Kom- bat 3 (multiple systems), and morel Overseas Prospects Hot Japanese games from the Tokyo Toy Show ProHews The Neo-Ceo CD brings the arcades home. hulexotAdverliseis 40 PlayStaHen 40 Battle Arena Toshinden 42 Ridge Racer Super HES 54 Killer Instinct 56 Primal Rage 58 Weaponiord 60 Syndicate 60 SwatKats 300 62 Zhadnost: The People's Party Jaguar 64 Rayman 66 Power Drive Rally 66 Aircars Heo’Geo 70 World Heroes Perfect The Sports Page 72 Slam'NJam’95(3DO) 73 RHI Roller Hockey '95 (SNES) 74 RBI Baseball '95 (32X) 74 HardBall '95 (Genesis) 76 Head-On Soccer (SNES) 76 Head-On Soccer (Genesis) "UiSlam H Jam '95. Page 7Z 78 Hole-Player’s Realm 78 Chrono Trigger 82 Secret of the Stars 84 Super Game Boy 84 Asteroids and Missile Command 84 Centipede and Millipede 44 46 Saturn 44 Bug! Sega CO 46 Samurai Shodown 48 Genesis 48 Primal Rage 50 Weaponiord Can you match the meal with the fit of the jeans? 7Cdd'B^ 9Q new? JB9M ‘naM 5'Bg Ttddqs i?BM. Q} apeui 8JB streaf „i099 s.iAai puv ueAO dqs aioni amn -B xpuA. 4 TK) ajB sireaf „,099 s.uvai •jetnqrvj pire ^oi jo pupi %ij siieaC ®go9 ®s,iAa^ 6red no/C ‘padnm^g LASS Imagine driving the wrong way in rush hour traffic, before catching enough air to make a seagull blush. Is it the LA freeways? No, it’s the Sony' PlayStation. '' Introducing Nomco’s* R idge Racer. Gut-wrenching first-person views, five different courses and 200+ m.p.h. lap speeds. Only the PlayStation provides racing so realistic you’ll need to check your shorts for skidmarks. One final plug: Look for Ridge Racer and 50 other titles including Mortal Kombar 3 on the PlayStation before Christmas. NOS To fi.'j out mote about PlayStation call 1.800-239^NY (7$69) or htto: .Vwww, Sony is a regtsterod trademarn of Sony Corporation. PlayStation and the PlayStWion logo ate tradc-rarKs of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Ridge Racer O 4 ' 1993 1994 Name© Ltd. All Rights Reserved- Mortal Kombat* 3 01995 Midway Manu^urlng Company. All rights reserved. Used under license. Mortal Kombat ts a trademark of Mldvisy Manufacturirig Company. Developed by Williams* ErUortainmenUnc. Wl'iiams is a registered trademark* WMS Games Inc. 01995 Sony Eiectroh'c Publishing Comp^. All nghts reserved. Call 1.800>77 1-3772 for Information on Game Ratwtgs. To get ahead turn arovnd and go back. fids Stink? P ete Valeo’s letter isn’t unusual. We get lots of comments about the many ads that run in CamePro. We admit that ads can sometimes get in the way when you’re eagerly trying to find a particular article, In a perfect world, magazines wouldn’t need to sell advertising, and every single page would be devoted to news, reviews, and previews. But that’s in a perfect world. In this world, it’s the ads that enable us to create CamePro. The ads are a big part of what keeps us in business (the copies we sell to readers are the other big part). We could try to put out a magazine with no ads, but we’d have to charge so much for a copy that nobody could afford it. So when you come to the ads, at worst you should think of them as a necessary nuisance that make the rest of CamePro possible. If you want to look at the ads in the best way, look at them for the intriguing questions they raise. Sorry, Peter, but it’s not true that "nobody pays attention to them." In fact, under Peter’s letter are six others from readers who were fascinated by what they saw in our ads. Ads might mention games you’ve never heard of, or use images you’d like to understand, or raise ques- . tions about future products you'd like to see more of. By study- ing the ads, you can learn a lot about what’s on the horizon. One final way to look at the ads is to study their art. Many of the entries we receive for our monthly "CamePro Gallery" art contest are re-creations of advertisements. Be thankful that video game companies use dramatic illustrations to catch your atten- tion. It could be worse: At least we don’t have any of those annoying perfume ads that fill fashion magazines! The GamePros i San Mateo, CA GamePro Readers Speak Out! MadAboutAds I 'm an avid reader of your magazine with only one complaint: the ads! Half your magazine is ads. Nobody pays attention to them, so why have them? Pete Valeo Internet The Unknown Canter replies: Nobody pays attention to them? See the next six letters! S ome oftheadsfor MK3 have said “One has to pay dearly for immortality, one has to die several times while one is still alive - Nietzsche.” What’s Nietzsche? Ryan Cameron Milwuakie, OR Major Mike replies: Nietzsche’s not a what, he's a who. Friedrich Wilhelm Niet- zsche was a l9th-centuryCer- man philosopher who wrote nothing about video games but lots about how society should function. Among other things, he felt that the strong should ruthlessly exploit their natural advantages over the weak, which goes against what other philosophers were writing about "all men being equal." Nietzsche’s ideas were taken to violent extremes by the Nazis 50 years later. Y our April issue had an ad for MK 3 on pages 1 1 2 and 1 1 3. What does that last strange symbol in the ad mean? Benjamin Langford Clarksville, VA The Axe Grinder replies: We’ve had lots of letters with ideas about what that symbol means. Is it Raiden with an "X” through him to show he's not in the game? Is it a joystick with an ‘X through it? Part of an elaborate password sys- tem.? We asked Ed Boon, the game’s programmer, for an explanation. He said it repre- sents the four-armed Coro. STEERING WHEEL COMPATIBLE Y our July ’94 issue had an ad on page 25 showing Virtua Racing for the Genesis. Under the rating'is a symbol of a steering wheel and the words “Steering Wheel Com- patible." Is there such an attachment for the Genesis? Anonymous The Lab Rat replies: Sega says that a steering- wheel peripheral for the Cen- esis was going to be sold last year, but those plans were can- celled. Instead, it has a steering wheel for the Saturn. It costs about $80 and became avail- able in June (see "CamePro Labs” this issue). A n ad in the March ’93 I issue listed theSNES CD System. I noticed in later issues that your magazine never mentions the SNES CD. I also noticed that the ad stopped listing the SNES CD. What happened? Was this just a misprint? Michael Forth internet Bro’ Buzz replies: Not a misprint, just a prema- ture ad. At the time Nintendo was publicizing the soon-to-be- released SNES CD, but unfortu- nately it never materialized and became the very definition of the term “vaporware." The ad wasn't referring to the Ultra 64 because that system hadn't been announced yet, and it will supposedly use cartridges, not CDs. Want to see what a Super Punch- Out! expert looks like? Miguel Guasch of Sanhirce, Puerto Rico, sports the championship look. W hat’s up with Chips & Bits? In the back of your magazine it advertises home games for sale that aren’t even out yet such as MK3. How is this possible? Aaron Taylor Granite Falls, WA Bacon replies: We get lots of questions about the tantalizing titles listed in those ads. Chips & Bits is a company that sells hardware and software through the mail. They take advance orders for not-yet-released home games like MK 3. If you order those games now, you'll still have to wait for the games to come out like everybody else, but you won’t have to go to the store to get them because they’ll be mailed to you. Call 802/767-3033 for more information. O n page 21 of the May issue is a six-page adver- tisement for the Super Came Boy that mentions that the Super Came Boy now comes with a free 72-page player’s guide. I bought my Super Game Boy before this deal, and I didn’t get one. Is there any way I can get the guide for free? Jason Borchers Internet Bruised Lee replies: You can get one, but not for free. You have to write to Cus- tomer Service, Nintendo of America, P.O. Box 957, Red- mond, WA 98052-51 1 1, U.S.A. Include this part number in your request: #3 1 395. if you're writing from the U.S., include in your letter $7.50 plus $ 1 .50 ($9 total) for shipping and handling. In Canada, send $10.50 plus $2fors&h.The guides are available only by mail, not through any stores. Shocks to The Systems I ’ve read many letters about how gamers are worried that their 1 6-bit investments are going down the drain. I, too. share these concerns, but I think we’re writing to the wrong people. Writing to your magazine is one way to reach gamers and game-making companies, but you can also write directly to the compa- nies that make 1 6-bit games (Konami, Capcom, etc.). If they get enough letters, they might keep SNES and Genesis games coming for a little longer. Al- though advanced systems are coming, the current systems don’t have to die Just yet. Jerry Schmer, Jr. Henderson, NV Earth Angel replies: You're right. Those addresses are usually on the game boxes or in the manuals. Keep in mind, though, that money talks. If nobody is buying 16- bit games and systems, com- panies will be reluctant to risk even more money on new games, no matter how many letters they get. ( don’t get it! Why does Sega keep coming out with more and more new systems? I bought a Sega CD a while ago, and the next thing I knew the 32X was coming out. Now I'm hearing about the 32X CD, Sat- urn, Neptune, and Nomad. It's not like we are all walking money trees! “KBall" Internet Toxic Tommy replies: Good pointi Check out the letter from the CamePros in July’s 'The Mail" because it addresses something similar. The Magazioe Biz W hy have you stopped reviewing Mario games? My friends and I love Mario games, but we don’t know what’s available because you’ve stopped reviewing them. Travis Lee Springfield, TN Coach Kyle replies: We haven't stopped reviewing them, Nintendo stopped mak- ing new ones! The last Mario- related game we reviewed was in June - Mario Picross, a puz- zle game for the Super Came Boy. The next one we review will be Yoshi’s Island for the SNES later this year. We've reviewed every Mario game since 1989. Call our Back Issues department (4 1 5/ 361-0310) to order those older magazines. An about-to-be-Rnlshed picture of Bullet BUI In Mario Picross for the Super Game Boy Cart Queries I ’ve been playing Sunset Riders on the SNES, and I think it's a great game. How did it rate with you? Daniel Badovinac Canyon Country, CA Doctor Devon replies: Sunset Riders rode off with some pretty impressive ratings in our December '93 issue. Surnd Rkkn iFy Konami mugs We’ll Never See ■ have an idea for MK3:the Cookality. You beat your opponent, rip off their head, throw it in an oven, take it out, and eat It. Chris Reynolds Alton, IL Tommy Clide replies: Toasty! GAMEPRO • Siplemliep 1889 13 This month's winning artist will receive a GAMEPRO ^ T-shirt! * 2 B Santa AM, CA maMaya This is your ; yoursugacstionsto. 1 CAMEPBO Magazine OearSMor p. 0 . 80x5828 1 San Moteo, CA 94402 1 send us e-moil or. the internet l (jt this address: 1 the-riMa' 9 “mepro®'f>"-"'"' IVe cannot puWish oil l«t« *^wo...