SEGA • NINTENDO • JAGUAR • 3D0 • CD-i • NEO-GEO • 32X • ARCADE THE #1 VIDEO CAME MAGAZINE gj Sega CD ProStrategy Guide Uj Eternal Champiom !j*» Hidden Special Moves, '*» Overkills, and More! ProReviews! X • Toughman Contest a • Metal Warriors • Spider-Man r • Quarantine (300) , • Kirby’s Dream Course A • World Series Baseball ’95 C -Previews! • Primal Rage for Home Systems • Cyber Sled (PlayStation) • Myst (PlayStation) . • Chaotix (32X) „ M fo 4470 65945 7 I 7 rt W Kid »«laim GENESIS game GEAR GAME BOY Call 1-800-771-3772 lor Information on Game Ratings. Get These Blockbusters at Blockbuster! INTRODUCING THE LATEST IN RPG WEAPONRY: SECRET OF EVERMORE: SUPER NMENOO Secret of Evermore'" Is a trademark ol Square Sott, Inc. Squaresolt® Is a registered trademark of Square Co., Ltd. ©1995 Square Soft, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nintendo. FLEAS, SLOBBER AND CHRONIC BAD BREATH. UNLEASHED SUMMER '95. 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Using " the powerful spells ' and potions entrusted to you by your Druid ancestors, battle ^ m gargoyles, the Undead, fire- breathing dragons. ..and if you survive, the all-powerful Warlock! Combining strategy, intuition, and sorcery, you must be the first to locate six ancient runestones-and save all creation from unraveling! Afraid? He already knows that. GENESIS Please gel permission from whoever pays the phone bill before calling the above number. Warlock'” Developed by ReaAime Associates lor Trimark Interactive 0 1994 Trimark Inleractlve. Nintendo. Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the Official Seals are reoislered Irademarks ol Nintendo ol Amern me. Sega and Genesis are Irademarks ol Sega Enterprises l td. All rights reserved. Acclaim s a division ol Acclaim Entertainment, Inc © 4 f> 1995 Acclaim Entertainment. Inc All rights reserved endo ol America. BATMAN FOREVER THE VIDEO GAME SEPTEMBER '95 ated elements are property ol DC Comics TM 1 GamePro • May 1995 teifujisj 97 PmsmamarGam Eternal Champions (Sega CD) Complete character profiles, hid- den special moves, Overkills, and killer combos 108 SWATPro Secret weapons and tactics for your favorite games no swMwmspsmi NBA Jam Tournament Edition Codes (GenesisandSNES) 1 16 The Fighter’s Edge Move lists for Killer Instinct and Virtua Fighter 2 (arcade), and Mega Moves for WWF Raw (Genesis and SNES) 28 Once and Future Kings: A Video Game Hardware Outlook How the systems stack up for 1995! 126 ComixZone Sega breaks new ground with this Genesis cart that’s part video game, part comic book. 34 The Sega Channel Spreads Nationwide Sega has a way to get inside your home! 36 Surf’s Up! Online Video Game Information, Part One Cruise the worldwide computer networks for juicy game info. 38 WeaponLord, Part Four: Testing, Debugging, And Balancing Namco's testers are making that WeaponLord' s ready to / Cover. Francis I MMlUmLC .cull GamePro • May 1995 (0 h z LU h z 0 u 42 52 58 64 42 Toughman Contest 44 Stargate 46 Spider-Man 48 True Lies 50 No Escape 50 Eccojr. Sega CD 52 Fatal Fury Special 54 Road Rash 56 Trivial Pursuit 56 Wheel of Fortune 32X 58 Tempo 60 Brutal: Above the Claw 60 Motocross Championship Super NES 64 Spider-Man 66 Metal Warriors 80 Kirby's Dream Course 82 Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi 84 Kirby's Avalanche 84 toy's Quest for the Olympic Rings The Sports Page 94 World Series Baseball '95 (Genesis) 95 Sporting News Power Baseball (SNES) 96 NBA Hangtime '95 (Sega CD) 97 Troy Aikman Football (Jaguar) 98 Tecmo Super Hockey (Genesis) 98 Coif Magazine Presents 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples (32X) 99 NFL Quarterback Club (Game Gear) 102 Role-Player’s Realm 1 02 The Savage Empire (SNES) 1 03 Beyond Oasis (Genesis) 1 04 Dungeon Explorer (Sega CD) 1 05 Rise of the Phoenix (SNES) 90 Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls 90 Pinball Fantasies 106 Game Roy 106 True Lies 106 Pinball Fantasies 86 Quarantine 88 Immercenary 92 CD-i 92 Jeopardy 92 Lemmings 12 Letter from the GamePros 12 The Mail 14 GamePro Gallery 16 The Cutting Edge Nintendo goes into orbit, and Apple makes a game machine. 18 Hot at the Arcades Night Warriors (Darkstalkers' Revenge) and Street Fighter: The Movie 122 GamePro Labs The new Magnovox CD-i Model 550, the Philips Game Pad, and NakiTek’s wireless 3DO controllers 123 Buyers Beware Information for savvy consumers 126 Short ProShots ComixZone (Genesis), 3D Baseball '95 (Saturn), Chaotix (32X), Primal Rage (SNES, Genesis), and more! ^SlBdforthePla^ont V Page 134 . 134 Overseas ProSpects Cyber Sled, Myst, and Cosmic Race (PlayStation), along with Saturn previews! 137 Index of Advertisers 138 ProNews Nintendo begins fielding Ultra 64 developers. a b ww i uu w h bilk ivih. i \ CARLES. NO ONE’S DOPER THAN ME. rM DRAPPIN’ HOOKS. I’M SWEEPIN m THE n^' !’M THREADING THE NEEOI 4b. i K "TWIN’ TIRT” AD. IU INTO fl ..fWi, .a BREAKS d /bi, .rtfl. YOU COULD (STRAP IN A mi i CASE. I’LL FREEZE V 3SE. COME ON. GIVE UP THAT ROCK. YOUR POCKET AND REVERSE SLA ' LL THAT OFFENSE? A vr AND FAKE TEETH YOU WISH YOU Vk.. fOU THROW EN r M^ISION Y * "IU;;T !f*fl C>. II \m C!/|T f OU GOII “JUST SHUT UP AND JAM! |H Shut Up and Jam 2 is all the trash talkin', elbow- throwin' streetball you could ever want The animations are dope “ B ARKL^V r ‘ 7 * and the combination moves ate deadly. You've got twenty-five ways to slam. Behind-the-back passes Double- jjj SHU* “ clutches Allev-ooos 10 olavers to Dick from and zero refs And it's the onlv video name in the world with Sir lu IIR J 1 - clutches Alley-oops 10 players to pick from and zero refs And it's the only video game in the worid with Sir U.SfK'f ' ‘ v Charies himself. Enough talk Get Shut Up and Jam 2. Then take some chump off the dribble and drive it to the hole. |JAM SPORT ACCOLADE — ... no* c O'® '" ' W s «*>*' o»' ” ^ OVA dOKXr need a lot of brains to see why «0 * ““ s “ r '"'««« n u ,^ y „. » * / 4 ^' game system that c an f be ^ ^ /Japping VlJii-MOT/OAj ‘S 5 Tm«ju‘ 0 m C uCRs , full-bloun mate everything else took 'to ’ <&■ LI 3 TVs SOUND' \o* 'k'e f 0 * 0 ' kead trip ^ 32 - m && c( ^ _ Vast, other game sys( . , „ , r .\y Heard enough? ^ves ms /oot j||- e they 're standing ■tft, time to face the f uf( TV**"’" out Ad6 tar3D0« if youVe gof ^ ■t a. II 0 logo and Inisractire Mutttpiayer a Hitting the Highway It's cool when you’re driving down the road and you see some- one you know. You make contact with a wave, a nod, and a grin. CamePro's found a road you can cruise and make contact with us any time you want: the information superhighway. The Internet started about 25 years ago as a linked network of computers around the globe that enabled scientists and researchers to share information. Recently opened to the public, the Internet now permits computer users across the world to exchange e-mail and share opinions in discussion forums called "bulletin boards." Commercial online networks, such as Com- puServe and America Online, have also linked up, adding inex- pensive Internet access to their offerings. Savvy users can find hot new game tidbits online, from both other gamers and game companies. If you're hungry to hit the highway and are in need of a road map, be sure to read "Surfs Up! Online Video Came Information" in this issue. It’s the first installment in a two-part series that shows you how and where to find video game info via online sources. Once you're wired into the Net, drop us a line - we're speed- ing along the highway, too. We've established a number of e-mail addresses for incoming messages: the “The Mail" “Buyers Beware" fighters ‘The Fighter's Edge” role “Role-Player's Realm” “SWATPro” Suggestions and observations vents us from responding to you personally. We will, however, consider your questions, comments, game tips, and codes for publication. Be sure to include your name and address in your e-mail so that, if you win a prize (for supplying us with a tip that we publish, for instance), well be able to send it to you. We don’t expect our online presence to be limited to just e-mail in the future. In fact, some GamePro editors can be found surfing the networks now and then. Well keep you apprised of new developments as they happen. Until then, well see you on the highway! The GamePros San Mateo, CA GamePro Readers Speak Out! Fightin’ Words T here's a lack of interesting characters in today’s fight- ing games. Most games have someone who looks suspi- ciously like Ryu, ninjas are a dime a dozen, and there's usu- ally one woman who’s not very strong but compensates with lightning speed. The story lines are also bland and overused: How many times have we heard about some mean guy who calls upon the fighters from around the world to fight to see who’s best? Unless designers begin to expand the personality of these games, the genre is doomed to collapse. Ingmar Freske Bellingham, WA Here’s a fan of fighting games: 17-year-old Andrew Hepburn of Miami, Florida. Andrew wonders when we gave out the MK II fatali- ties. Check our October ’94 Issue. Cart Queries D onkey Kong Country is great! Is there going to be a sequel? Bryan Munch Westlake, OH The Unknown Gamer replies: You bet! One of the biggest- selling games of the last few years will be followed by Don- key Kong Country 2. At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nintendo an- nounced it's working on the sequel for release late this year. And don't forget Donkey Kong Land for the Super Came Boy - it's a pseudosequel. I enjoyed the awesome NES game Batman: Revenge of the Joker back in 1 992. Later that year, you showed a pre- view of the SNES version. It should’ve come out two years ago, but I never saw it in stores. Did SunSoft ever release it? Cheyne Hirko St. Augustine, FL Batman and Joker battled on the Genesis, never the SNES. Lawrence of Arcadia replies: SunSoft did release Batman: Revenge of the Joker on the Genesis in the spring of '93, but it never made it to the SNES. The game got ratings of all 3.0s in our May ’93 issue. R.I.P. ill there ever be any more games for the NES? Everyone keeps talking about more megs and bigger sys- tems, but we should all realize that more power doesn’t equal better games. Some of the best games ever made were for the old 8-bit NES. So I hope Nintendo and other compa- nies don’t turn their backs on that great machine. After all, if 12 GAMEPRO Miy 1085 it weren’t for the NES, we never would’ve had the 1 6- or 32-bit systems. Ceri De Guzman Manila, Philippines Toxic Tommy replies: Enjoy those memories, Geri, because the NES has gone the way of the TurboDuo, the Lynx, and the dodo bird. At the Winter CES, Nintendo announced that it had official- ly “retired" the NES, so no new games will be made for it. Rental Requests A re video game rentals going to be available for the 3D0 and Jaguar? I’m inter- ested in buying one of these systems, but I’m worried that I won’t be able to rent games. Matthew Stevenson Sugar Land, TX Tommy Glide replies: Currently, rental games for these systems are available in very limited numbers. Block- buster, the nation’s largest rental chain, rents 3DO games in only 50 of its stores, and it doesn't rent Jaguar games at all. Some small, independent stores do rent Jag games; call Atari for dealer information: 800/462-8274. If you want to see rentals in the major chain stores, direct your appeals to the 3DO and Atari companies themselves. With enough letters from gamers, they’ll push to make those games available across the country. To reach Atari, write to Customer Service: Jaguar rentals, P.O. Box 61657, Sunnyvale, CA 94089. To reach 3DO: Customer Sup- port, 600 Galveston Drive, Redwood City, CA 94063. One postscript to this issue: Until rentals are available everywhere, you can check out 3DO games before buying them by purchasing 3DO’s CD samplers. Each disc shows off about ten titles, with up to ten minutes of interactive gameplay for every title. The samplers cost around $5 and are avail- able in stores or through 3DO Direct Sales: 800/335-3506. Let’s Get Technical A re there any accessories or add-ons available for the 3 DO system? Lee Weeks Winslow, ME The Lab Rat replies: We’ve checked out two 3 DO peripherals lately - Innovation's SNES