iffil • KiKnsm • mm • m • m* m»m • rm • ^ Arcade ProStrategy Guiile 14 Super Street IL Tournameat-Wianiag Combos and Strategies! PlKSs Super Street Fighter tl for the SUES S Genesis! Sega PreVie The Year-End Blowout! ProRew^sh Daytona (Arc^p) I Streets of 3 | Double Dr, mm V World HerMes 2 Jet MMITROID Po^p Ralmers Modown (SHES) Quit crying about getting hacked, or how your shoes hurt, or how you can't shoot outdoors. Just shut up M & and jam W ;g; A'_. 'Hey, Billy, since you're gonna be away, can 1 borrow your Rghter Stick for a few days? 1 Qromise — I'll take real good care of it..." That's how it starts. Then days turn into weeks, and the next thing you know, you and your former best friend are duking it out on the People's Court. One look at the Fighter Stick, and you’ll know why. There's enough power here to change a person, to make 'em untrustworthy, even. There's TurboPire and AutoTurbo, with up to 36 shots per second. And super slowmo lets you digest those really tough moves. So, quit wrestling with those boring, wimpy control pads — reach for the Rghter Stick SN fix' the Super NES or the Rghter Stick SG6, for £ and SegaCD. irs HOW TO WIN! S 1 994 ASCII EnterUinment Software, loc P.O.fic* 6639, Sar Mateo CA94403. Tetephooe 4IS/570-700S. Pighter Stick SG-6, Rghter Stick SN srd ASOlWARE are trademarks of ASQI Entertainment Software, (nc. Alt nghts reserved. Sega. Gene»s artd Sega CD are trademarks of Sega Enterprises. LTD. Soper Nintendo Entertainment System and Nintendo are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc "If it's in the game... it's in the game" Drop a beautiful cross to your ace front-man and watch him hammer it into the back of the netl It took the number one name in sports video games to capture the number one sport in the world. FIFA International Soccer from EA SPORTS' It's Italy attacking Brazil. A perfectly executed bicycle kick by Germany. '94 CD HIGHLIGHTS I IKWPiAYSRANIhUinONS I ISNEWINT'LTSAMS I' DOLBY SURROUND SOUND' I POWER-I/P AftSSWORDS I'i NEW COMPUIER DEFENSE A header iust past the || goalie’s reach and into the * net by England. East meets IVesf. With FIFA's 64 international teams and six regional All-Star teams you can match Europe's tops against ^/^e greatest players In ^uth America — quite a match-up. It's the most animation yet ' ^ in a sports A game. So every - Over 150 clips of real international footage integrated into both coach- ing and game modes. COrnGr kick, player artwork and animations bring a new 0\^r\/ Qlirlinn fptr'k'lo realism to FIFA international Soccer— more C7VC7/ / OllUII ly lc3L/rv/C7, animations than any other sports game. every move is picture- perfect Plus you get the strategy, the plays, the screaming, chanting fans right out of the stadium. Visit your EA SPORTS dealer or call [800] 245-4525 anytime. And get the world's best soccer game, hands down. If it's in the game, it's in the game™ You get all the moves of the international greats. Like a sliding tackle so real, it'll knock you off your feet. !1 Soccer IT' ol Do/Oy LflftygMWM Lcanajnj Cor p oi a oon PMoof^courtosyofColorvon GamePiv August 1994 24 Cover Feahtre: Mortal KoiMtat K: The Kombal Kondnues Are you ready for Mortal Kombat ll's simultaneous four-system release (SNES, Genesis, Came Boy, and Came Gear) on Mortal Tues- day In September? 30 Super Sega Ybar-End Pioviews! The latest info about 32)Q And all the games coming for Genesis, Game Gear, and Sega CD in '94! Knuckles and Sega have a secret! See p. 30. 73 Super Street Fighter H Turbo Arcade: Combos, Super Moves within a combo, rankings for all 1 6 characters Super NE5 & Genesis: Tourna- ment-winnning strategies, expert combos 130 SWATPro Secret weapons and tactia from the CamePros. 124 Spedat Strategy ^perMetroid Super Metroid and the Mother Brain defeated. 136 Filter’s Edge Clay Fighter Tournament Edition: Crushing combos and super strategies Cover Bslly/VIIDWAY Evil EXISTS IN MANY FORMS. None DARKER THAN THE Shadow Master. The Shadow Falls. August 5 , 19 9 4 . GamePro •August IBBA PnSjisjjsm Genesis Super Street Fighter II Streets of Rage 3 King of the Monsters 2 Outrunners Preview: Urban Strike Preview: Michael Jordan in Chaos in the Windy City 52 Super Nintendo Fatal Fury 2 Preview: Fatal Fury Special Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls The Death and Return of Superman Beauty and the Beast Eek! The Cat Aero Fighters Preview: Samurai Shodown 68 Neo*Geo World Heroes 2 Jet 70 3D0 Jurassic Park Interactive Out of This World 92 CD-i 7th Cuest 94 Duo Bonk III: Bonk's Big Adventure 98 The Sports Pages Champions World Class Soccer (Genesis) Championship Soccer '94 (SNES) Championship Soccer '94 (Genesis) World Cup ‘94 (Genesis) Mario Andretti Racing (Genesis) MLBPA Baseball (Genesis) ESPN Baseball Tonight (SNES) Barkley: Shut Up and Jam! (SNES) Tip Off (Game Boy) 108 Roie’Piayer’s Reaim Eye of the Beholder (SNES and Sega CD) Ultima: Runes of Virtue (SNES) Future Fantasies: Phantasy Star IV (Genesis), Vay (Sega CD), Shining Force II (Genesis), Shining Force: Sword ofHaJya (Game Gear) Breath of Fire (SNES) 120 Super Game Boy Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers T/spsimsm 8 Letter from the GamePros 12 The Mail 16 GamePro Gaiiery 20 Hot at the Arcades Daytona USA and Alien \/s. Predator! 142 GamePro Lobs Super 8 Converter (SNES), Mega Mouse (Genesis), The Game Wiz- ard (SNES) 144 Buyers Beware! Information for savvy consumers 146 Otferseas Prospects Super Game Boy twosome: Donkey Kong and Tetris Flash 148 Short ProShots (^uick looks at hot new games. Including Contra: Hard Corps, Blackthorne, and The Shadow. 154 ProNews 158 index of Advertisers Shadow Master" COMING WILL SURVIVE Available now for SNES‘, and Sega'™ Genesis™. Coming I Jaguar^ . Inc. hy l/rland ■ "Tonight I'm Gonna Party Like It's 1999" E very year here at GamePro, the presi- dent dusts off his crystal ball and takes a crack at predicting the future of \fldeo gaming. This year, he asked 41 in- dustry leaders from 38 companies to give us a hand. What they have to say might surprise you...and then again it might not. The future isn't easy to predict, but when asked to look into the not-so-distant like Toys “R" Us and Blockbuster to close their doors - they’ll be stronger than ever. Look for a merging of the different en- tertainment businesses: music, games, and, of course, Hollywood. Came play itself will evolve, becoming more experiential, more personalized, more interpersonal, more challenging. future and speculate on what the elec- tronic-entertainment industry will look like in 1999, the experts were unanimously Jazzed. Here are some of the things they had to say... ■ The electronic-entertainment industry will be bigger and better than ever, probably doubling in size as compared to today. ■ The dreams of the 80s will come true in the 90s as the technological limits that have held back hardware and software designers are overcome during the next several years. Say hello to 32-bit, 64-bit, and higher-bit systems with standard features like 3D capability, full-motion video, 1 6 million colors, graphics co- processors, voice recognition, and more. ■ CD-based systems and on-line distribution (like the Sega Channel) will win out as the predominant game-delivery systems of the near future. But don't expect retailers more Interaaive, and...well...more, more, more! ■ Virtual reality will be more of a reality and less of a fantasy, making for more realistic game-play experiences. ■ Expea more multiplayer gaming, especial- ly with the prediaed explosion of on-line services. ■ Although the biggest game players will continue to be teenage guys, we’ll see more and more girls and adults enjoy- ing elearonic entertainment than ever before. The upshot? Prince probably said it best: 1 was dreaming when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes astray. But when I woke up this morning, this morning was yester- day....2000 zero, zero, party over, oops, out of time...Tonight I’m gonna party like it's 1 999." Here's to the future. By the CamePros GAMEPRO AieiSl 1994 SUPER NE$ krw ore immiin tg cam;)' uocpeioisiloMeiimgt irwinrf— extepl/Iw/ Supv sfro^l-i/p fiui^— fibytr f Wo tiw^ ftoin i)bi^ 0 spado/ ino)« Ufortonsfopai 6AMEBOY. wliaHebiSs So sWo^ M mf-o/M boss Co sWoig/H )o ia Joro/'s ioAus peow IfftefflisHles THE LATEST CODES FOR THE HOHESTCAMES! genesis: Oohwdilrocb-sakrCoiihnrds 1 ijoaiAiodosakfsrraan 1 nMfoUso'fnimldoMi 1 itrre/arorioArIdKalorofoMdaiWr 1 iWtiWorhoKos 1 ^mMnUMMESM oriAdCla-ajrcapfogaABfsiiportos 1 lAaMiftafiarCoss 1 o/oKtoonmo 1 nCAWaWw 1 ^SameS oteoatte 1 ear: /oo'lttladomopaAmmsfUlr 1 AnsiiSi)' 1 Sorrafop^scraoA 1 ^^PTtTTTTiTi^BiiiauLZiufl itteoslio/nifeoAorp/ 1 Slor(OAOso(7afloi«/ 1 WaapweopoAsoftofAol/i 1 1 NES. 1 ^^^^^^kMM^^^QQQj^HWaodltoAwlorornpblaoW I kjl£i4H ;) W mte ariarg)' ^^^^9/oA)iMNimu?rapro{|finiAii(i;sIi^ I M AUaeUT CLM WITH THE POWBR TO TRAH&FORM MTO FEARFUL MOBSTBRS STAUPE POISEP TO PEETROy ITSELF FOR A 30PPEEE WHO WILL 0RAUT THEIR eyepy wisn„. ORE HBRO MUE T FIRP THE 9iX MBPS TO BARIEH HER FOREVER.... oueFALse Move Auc we'Re HisTORy toast. euo OF s TORY. SAME OVER HI &HOUI.P HE A TTACK WITH A BAUP OF BiGHT VAUAHT WARRIORS OR SHOULD HE PULL UP HIS ASBESTOS UhiPERWEAR ARP SET FORTH ALOHE KHOWIhIG ms ttexT step may ae rue last*?'? WILL OUR HERO SURVIVE? OHty you HOLp the ahswer. you ru/uAc th/s /s ^i/Sr A GAM^! BRBArft OF FtRB, A REP-HOT IZ-/AS3 EXTFAVASAHZA FROM SGPARBSOFT. "WHA T RP0 FAR CAR'T GET EXCITER ABOUT A GAME LIKE THIS? ...COULP EASILY ERP UP BEIUG THE BES T RPG OF THE YEAR." GAME PLAYERS- MAY '9< 3/A-BArriE PERSFECnVE! AMIMATEP MOMSTERS! MOW yOM'RE PlAYt/iG WITH P/RB/f/ (fffd irademark and Brwih of Fire is irademark ol CAPCOH Co. Ltd. 8tea* of Fito Japantse Onginil Vmion © 1893 CAPCOH '1994 aPCOH Co. Ltd. All righu ftiereed. Fijiiatosoft© is a registered trademark of Square Co. Lid. Package design. Screen i work on CAPCOM's Japanese Version. All rights reserved. Super Nintendo Enieriainment System and the offitial seals GamePro Readers Speak Out! Aasmerin’ Atari I had to laugh at Sam Tramiel’s letter in your April issue. Here’s what 1 discovered: Electronic Arts told me they have no plans to support the Jaguar, my local game stores won’t carry the jag because of poor manufacturer sup- port, and Atari Canada went out of business! His tetter sounded more like an apology with phrases like: "...and hope that they (the game makers) become pub- lishers on the Jaguar," “there could be a creative force out there,” and “We at Atari are doing all we can" (the italics are mine). He doesn’t sound very optimistic, and I'm not surprised. As a former ST computer owner, I'm painfully aware of what to expect from Atari: The Jaguar will be yet another ill-supported machine that will soon be forgotten. Darren Cray Halifax, Nova Scotia A lot of people are criticiz- ing the Jaguar, but I say give it a chance! Even if it doesn’t have many games available right now, it's got great potential. Shouldn’t we all be hoping the jag will be a success, rather than cutting it down and speeding its demise? Terry McNeil Tallahassee, FL Jumpin’ on the Jaguar. 12 Cut Those Commercials S ega's commercials are unfair. Not only do they portray Came Boy players as being stupid, but they com- pare a Came Cear action game like X-Men to a Came Boy puzzle game like Tetris. Of course they look different! Why not a fairer comparison using Kirby or Blades of Steel? Nintendo should fight back. Tyler Rose Brad McNair of DriscoH, Texas, knows how to get the right Info. I 'm sick of commercials that lie to us. Nintendo has an ad where they say the SNES comes with four free games and the Cenesis comes with none -then in the commer- cial, Nintendo shows the Cen- esis core system! Everybody knows the core system has no games, but you can buy a. Cenesis that comes with a free game. What’s more, the SNES doesn’t really come with free games - you have to send away and wait for them. Matt Koch Brewster, MA is ft everything Nintendo says it is? GAMEPRO • rightin’ Words K endal Dismore showed his complete disgust for Super SF II in your April mail. He overlooks the fact that Capcom fine-tuned what was already an almost-perfect game. They gave the charac- ters more detailed move- ments - for instance, when Ken Jumps, his entire body reacts to his leap. In MK II, all the characters jump the same way and have limited body reactions. Their bodies remain in the same frozen animation from takeoff to landing dur- ing a flying kick. Jim Cordon Windber, PA Uu Kang’s “frozen" Flying Klidt. saw a message in MK II advertising some MK comic books and CDs. Unfortunate- ly, I couldn’t Jot the addresses down fast enough. Can you tell me what they are? Lambert Duong Wichita, KS Video Head replies: Midway advertises the MK II Collectors' Edition Comic Book and Compact Disc. Here's all the on-screen info: The MK II CD is $12.45, the MK II comic is $5, and the MK I comic is $3. Write a check to Midway Manufacturing and send it to: August 1994 Mortal Kombat If 1340 W. Irving Parir Road Suite 414 Chicago, IL 60613 Allow six to eight weeks for delivery. The offer expires February 22, 1995. The rap on Rep's rep. I 'm writing about the game play and fairness of Mortal Kombat II. When MK II first arrived at the arcades, I was immediately attracted to Rep- tile. I liked his pose, bright green clothing, and head- gulping Fatality. In the first MK II (Version 1.0), Reptile Just didn’t cut it as an effeaive fighter. His special moves were and still are incredibly slow, especially the Forceball, which you can see coming a mile away. And the Invisibility maneuver? For- get it! In Version 2.0, Reptile was given a Sub-Zero Slide. This made Rep a little better, but he was still slow, and you could deck him after any missed Slide kick. Version 3.0 has nothing new for Rep. He's simply not a good fighter. I rarely see anyone else ever use him. If It’s generally impossible to be a winner with Reptile, then Midway has done something wrong. Is there a “Fair Play" version of MK II planned for the future? Kenneth “Reptile” Bagwell El Sobrante, CA Get today’s awesome, totally cool music. Fbee! Music by: Bizarre Inc ‘The Connells Culture Beat • Expose His Boy Elroy • Inclined Kris Kross • October Project Rozalia •Zhane. Get a Free CD or cassette when you buy 2 Pilot pen packs! G«t this free CD or cassette of “Music you waona have” when you buy any 2 specially marked Pilot pen packs. Choose from any of these totally cool pens and highlighters: Pilot’s Better Ball Point; Better Retractable; Precise V5 and Spotliter Supreme. Get the details wherever you see a Pilot pen display. Follow the simple instructions printed on the pack. That’s all there is to it. You end up with the best pens you can buy and an awesome CD or cassette you don’t buy. PILOT Offer expires March 31, 199S and is good while supplies last. Slasher Quan replies: Ifs unfortunate that Midway didn’t truly balance the game in the newer revisions. Version 3. 1 is final, so don’t expect the game to change any further. Reptile really is the weakest character in the game for com- petitive head-to-head situa- tions, as reported in July’s MK II ProStrategy Guide. The only ways to win with him are luck, randomness, or an overmatch In skill. Cart Queries M ost of the music in games is so boring. Why can’t they just take a famous band's album and put it in the game? Josh Tindeli Bradenton, FL Boss Music replies: Cost is the main reason. Came manufacturers have to pay exorbitant licensing fees to get a famous band’s music, and the fees are even higher if they want the actual band to perform. Still, some games do have reputable music. Aerosmith's in the arcade game Revolution X. Activision’s X-Caliber 2097 uses the high-tech music and performance of Psychosonik. Interplay's Rock 'N’ Roll Racing for the SNES uses the music (not the words or original per- formances) of legendary rock songs like ‘‘Bad to the Bone." On the Sega CD, Microcosm has music from Yes keyboard- ist Rick Wakeman, and Tom- cat Alley is backed by jazz- man Herbie Hancock. JVC may have Brian May, Queen’s guitarist, do the music for Rise of the Robots for the Sega CD. By the way. Tommy Tallari- CO, Virgin’s music composer, has his own Capitol Records CD featuring his music from Cool Spot, Robocop Termi- nator, and Global Gladiators. Rockin’ an' rollin’ wlOi Rock 'N' Roll Racing. I S Nintendo working on a new color handheld system? Mike Kimball Fairfax, lA Scaty Larry replies: There’s nothing in the works, according to Peter Main, VP of marketing for Nintendo. At a press conference on March 14 in San Francisco, Main showed off the Super Game Boy and said that sales of the Came Boy are strong enough to eliminate the need for a new color portable. H’s co/or, but It's not portable. The Magazine Biz W hy don't you list ratings for games you Preview? Tim Cross Seattle, WA Doctor Devon says: It wouldn’t be fair to the com- panies making the games. Often our Previews are of games that are less than 50 percent complete - how would you like to have your test grad- ed when you’re only halfway finished! Thafs why we only rate games in our ProReviews. Y our LamePro section of the April issue cracked me up. Will there be future LamePros? Sam Winzar Canberra, Australia Bro’ Buzz replies: It's an April Fool’s Day tradi- tion! Wve created a LamePro feature for several years now and probably will next year. Advertisement COMING IN SEPTEMBER AT SOFTWARE ETC. GO THE DISTANCE WITH US AND YOU COULD WIN A MORTAL KOMBAT STAND-UP ARCADE OR A FIGHTING VIDEO GAME LIBRARY PLUS MANY OTHER PRIZES. SEE SEPTEMBER ISSUE OF GAMEPRO MAGAZINE FOR DETAILS software (\c Timmy Bomalez of Longmont, Colorado, dlmbs to new heights when he plays Jurassic Paik. Anderson, Indiana, cousins Trls- lan (nine years old) and Elliot Smith (eight months) team up for some hot NES acdon! 14 6AMEPR Angast 1884 In May, we asked you to vote for your favorite character from any fighting game. August '94 Gallery Winner Kate McKee of Bulger, Pennsylva- nia, voted for M. Bison because she uses him to beat "arrogant boys who think I can't play because I’m a girt." Hew York, HY The favorite fighter: ShangTsung! Runners-up (tie): Guile, Scorpi- on, and Chun Li. Patrick Kakala, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada GamePro Gallery Prize Here are this month’s best art- works from the more than 1000 CamePro Gallery entries we've received in recent weeks, The win- ning artist will receive their choice of any Tiger Barcodzz game from Tiger Elearonics. See the next page for an exciting announcement about our special Fifth Anniver- sary Samurai Art Contest. 16 GAMEPRO ABBMt 1894 abT T his summer, CamePro marks its Fifth Anniversary, and as ' , part of the celebration, you ■ could win an arcade machine -free! '* As announced last month, GamePro and Takara are giving away a Samurai Shodown arcade machine as the first prize in the Samurai Art Contest. The contest ends August 31 , 1994, and winners will be announced in our November issue, the month when Takara is releasing Samurai Shodown for the SNES, Genesis, and Came Gear. There are four age groups for the contest: 10 and under, 11-14, 15-17, and 18 and over. CameProwW select a single finalist in each category, then we’ll randomly draw the champ from those final four winners. That way, a great nine-year-old Picasso has the same chance as a terrific 19-year-o1d Van Gogh. Plus, we’re picking 50 random winners who’ll each receive a game cart or T-shirt! ■‘A'l The final winner will get a Samurai Shodown arcade machine delivered to his or her doorstep, courtesy ot Takara. The other three finalists will each receive a Samurai Super Set, which includes: The Prizes for the Finalists 1 . Samurai Shodown for the SNES 2. Samurai Shodown for the Genesis 3. Samurai Shodown for the Game Gear 4. A Takara T-shirt 5. A CnmePro T-shirt 3. Draw on an envelope or a piece of paper no bigger than 8.5 x 1 1 inches. 4. Write your name, address, phone number, and age on the back of your mailing enve- lope (and on the back of your artwork if you mail It Inside an envelope). BAMEPRO 5. Send to: Samurai Art. P.O. Box 5828, San Mateo. CA 94402. 6. Entries that don’t have alt the right info or aren’t sent to the right address will be disqualified. 7. No art will be returned. 8. Read all the rules for the Samurai Art Con- test that were specitied in the July issue. Because of the mature content ot Samurai Shodown, winners under the age of 13 will need parental permission before Infotainment World and Takara will award their prizes. AURIISt 1S94 17 The only thing you have to tose ptaying Stunt Roce FX. Ho I chron to your S'^ gonna be^lfee wildest used to drjS« you to bury steak. This is e since Aunt Bert class. 5F out-of-control racing game where yo^ll feel every turn •T*n your gut;.^ Unless, of course, yj^ gut's still back on the last hill. Super FX chip That's because ;^y o u ' v e got a I under J he hood . Big whoop, yo^say? Welb?i^try saying that w^ien you ' re^TiSrt I i ng off a 3-D clif'f at 130 mpl^»r a flying boulder looks like it's about to -land in your lap. You might say, "OHNOGOO!!" o r B u t we doubt you'll say, "Big whoop. V And there's other wacky, weird stuff. In Stunt Race FX, ^yVr V e h i c IV,' pick one with hi 1 1 s^, 'tanked curves, tunnel wild jyinps — you name it. (Th^ other guy's newest game ha^^ only 3 tracks, so aboJLrt all you get to pick is your nose.) i. But you gotta -nave t.fis maybe an iron gut.ffSo r what do you have to lose?^> 0 (\W Well, besideiri, that. smmHimo * I9S