GENESIS * Sm » NES » 3D0 • m»GEO » JAGUAR » fiM£ BOY • GAME GEAII March 1884 $4.85 Canatia SS.8S Super Soccer THE #1 VIDEO DAME MAGAZINE! NBA SNES, Genesis, and Game Plus: President Clinton Jams! ui Monster Guide to the g GAME GEAR H* Strategies & SGProReviews! Sonic the Hedgehog 3 • Raiden Bugs Bunny in Rahhit Rampage Alfred Chicken • NHL Stanley Cup Ground Zero, Texas • Douhle Swttch Young Merlin • KIrhy's Pinhall Land CasUevania Bloodlines and MORE! Previews! Fatal Fury 2 • Buhsy II Skitchin' • The Horde and MORE! Mortal Kombatll Beginner's SurvivalGuide Seepage IBS. See Page 12S. mil JAM ©19B3. MMim D i HMMil M MMmy MartKOMl CMiiiy Re MA « MA Ma niMtrtii iM imM m uM Mp Hum ITM WA Pni^ Jtt. AA iWi 1^^ iHON Konami unearths Casttevania- I i ^ Bloodlines for Sega Genesis, the I-. most challenging, most chilling f adventure in vampire hunting I j j 1” J j?. | j_^ ^ history! As whip-wielding John • j3s=4s|'.X-€^ or master lanceman Eric, pursue your bloodstained destiny across Europe chasing the latest, evilest Incarnation of horror. Countess Bartley. Shudder at 6 stages of shocking new graphic sights and sounds from your worst nightmare. Skele-dragons, spear thrusting minotaurs. grotesque giants and ghastly creatures are dying to slay you with n .......1 gruesome attacks and strange powers. So take up your sacred weapons and begin, lust remember that you already have one foot in the grave. 4C3 ^WODU,\i^ ■f^CTION JAMES' HAULPt^' FAiai5i^yj v^. CLAY JS fH£ ’TS HEftr Ta SWV,/ ^LjVf ■QecftuSis HELSfl- 5iNt5 Berrs^ TWM A.I (=-p ‘^‘-'-'t'Arlih.m « having a u:,. hiiue Suede day. P°f^ARNnj. y^delpw^ p. Nintendo', big-time— up your SNES hotter than those other lame bloo^^vts flghting games. And these are the reasons that had us laughing hard enough to squirt milk out of our nose. Thanks for the killer comments, and for telling everyone why Clay Fighter has 'em beat in the streets! First Prize Third Prize Soorv, 1 oil rpunded a boy, were tney gg,et weapon. 1 showed sticW" 1 shouted. "Ever ‘This is o- Eigi'*®* '‘go give up ” T said, fihhing a httle, & one, I sata, Before you could sa ibev were half-way ho»e Lchv But until everyone never truly he saft .; i=G»-r? R£g>,'j ■*dL(i bhi lc-i^AJN4tf Vdume6. *3: March Issue: QAMEPRO^(ISSN 1042-8658) is pibhshedrmnniy for $24.95 per year DylnfotairvTienlWixld. Inc . 951 Mariner's Island Blvd.. Sle. 700, San Malso, CA 94404; An IDC Company: The W^'s leader In Intomation Services On Information Tedvology. For subecrIpAon proDlems (303) 786-7459. Second class postage paid al San Mateo. CA and at additicrtal mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address changes to CAMEPnO, P.O.Box 55S27, Boulder. CO 80322-5527 Chanffs of Aditau Please send old label and new address to GAMEPRO. P.O. Box 55527, Boulder, CO 80322-5527. Foreign and Cmadtan orders must be pre-paid in U.S. dollars on a U.S.DarA and must include $20^ear additional postage. 28 On Location! At Accolade Accolade has been busy, bringing Bubsy back in a new catventure that'll make you purr, and more. 33 HotatthoAnades Survival Arts and Raiden II turn up the heat at the arcades this month. 34 Cover Feature: NBA Jam Comes Home NBA Jam’s finally here for the Super Nintendo, Genesis, and Came Gear systems. Here's a complete look at the new carts. Plus: Play as Bill Clinton and Al Core with our top-secret tricksi 42 ProRevtews 42 Genesis: Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Castievania Bloodlines, Zooi, Mega Turrican, Action 52, family Feud, Joe & Mac, Fido Dido, Chester Cheetah.. .Wild Wild Quest. €0 Sega CD: Ground Zero, Texas; Double Switch 66 Super NES: Bugs Bunny in Rabbit Rampage, Super Alfred Chicken, X-Caliber 2097, Turn and Burn: No-Fly Zone, An American Tail: Feivel Coes West, Kendo Rage, Barbie Super Model, Beethoven's 2nd, Chester Cheetah.. .Wild Wild Quest, Preview: Fatal Fury 2 110 NES: Wayne's World 1 14 3DO: Total Eclipse, Night Trap 122 Jaguar: Raiden 142 Came Boy: Kirby’s Pinball Land 144 Lynx: Ninja Caiden 146 Came Gear: Road Rash, The Addams Family, Bartman vs. Radioactive Man 126 The Sports Page NHL Stanley Cup (SN), Winter Extreme (SN), World Soccer '94 (SN), Champions World Class Soccer (SN), Super Coal 2 (SN), Pel& (C), and World Cup Soccer (CC) 139 Hole-Player’s Realm Our ProReview of Young Merlin casts you Into a fantasy kingdom of good versus evil. Our two-page ProStrategy Guide safeguards your Journey! 8 Letter from the GamePros 12 The Mail 18 The Cutting Edge Cet a glimpse of the future with RPI Technologies’ Virtual Reality glasses. 22 On LocaHoa: Skitehin’ Roll into the Great White North for a look at the making of EA Canada's answer to Road Rash! Cover credit Couilesy H8A Properties. Inc. Snap in all the power you need with the hottest new rechargeable battery paks from NAKI. Battery paks for *GAME BOY® and *Game Gear‘d so powerful they'll create a gaming explosion! Forget conventional batteries. Be kind to the environment. No tangling wires to slow you down. Nuke your GA/l/li BOY or Came Gear with pure power for hours of playing action! Rechorge overnight or plug in and ploy. NAKI's battery paks help you get o grip with their ribbed ploygrip surface. Solar Pok™ f« GAME BOY Mini 4fcode™ for GAME BOV 'GAME BOY and Super Nintendo are registered Irodemorks ol Nintendo of Ametictt. 'Gome Gear ondGerresis are registered Irodemorks ol Sega Enterprises L.T.D. Arlion Pok, Turbo Twins. Pro Ployer, Mini Arcode ond Solar Pok ore trodenomes of NAKI Internolionol USA Inc. © 1993 NAKI International USA Irx. All Righls Reserved. Look for NAKI's totally nuclear family of rechargeables including the oward winning Turbo Twins’ for Game Gear. Complete Action Pak ’ for GAME BOY line of rechargeables with AC Adaptor/Recharger and NAKI's Solar Pak” for GAME BOY charges up from the sun's energy. Now that's really nuclear! / The Gamer's Edge To power up with NAKI, coll the NAKI CONSUMER HOTLINE all -800-824-NAKI. Or (heck us out at the following retoilers; Ames, Bobboges, Captron, Circuit City, Funco Land, Sears Funtronics, Good Guys, Incredible Universe, J.C. Penney Catalog, Loneco, Macy's, Meiier, Software ETC, Video Concepts, The Wiz, Witmark, and most other ma{or retailers nationwide. 152 GamePro Lab Report Innovation's living up to its name with the multisystem Ultra Stick and Super Charger. Plus, Tyco Toys wants to give you a charge with their new Power Plug. 156 S.W.A.lPn Secret weapons and tactics from the CamePros. 164 The Fighter’s Edge Tournament-winning combos and strategies for competitive fighting games. This month we'll knock you out with tactics for Fatal Fury and Mortal Kombat II. 178 Short ProShots A quick look at the latest games! 182 Overseas ProSpects We've rounded up the latest Super Famicom carts: Super Godzilla, Ardy Light- foot, Dragon Ball Z-2, Kamen Rider, Katsuya Onizuka Super Virtual Boxing 184 ProNews All the video game news that’s fit to print. 190 AdrerHser Index Launch Squeak into action to remove enemies from the path. loin Bubble and Squeak on their land of Grool from the evil Kat of coins tjD buy freedom for Squeak’s Squeak. Explore vast levels filled wil and plenty of excitement! Using teamwork and imagination Stardust Caverns, the Neverglades : the Sed Crawlers, Flying down! You’ll need to use them and bring peace^ack to the magic realm. Scan feature allows you to see dangers and traps. Pick up and place objects to to new levels. L ately, there's been story after story in the newspapers, magazines, and on television about the hottest topic around: violence and sexism in electronic games. Senators are calling some video games “trash" and "sexist" - Mortal Kombat and Night Trap seem to be the main targets. Other legislators are calling for a ban on controversial games. To say that the debate is heated is an understatement. On the table are issues like ship as the answer, though, because if even one person is in line to buy a prod- uct, it deserves to be on the store shelf. At the same time, we're all for a system that provides everyone with clear game- content information, so that video game consumers - from the youngest gamer to the grandparent buying a gift for a grand- child - is better informed. For that reason alone, we encourage an industry-wide rat- ing standard that everyone is happy with. ". . . mhal mak^ titles like Mortal Kombat and Street Fierier // popular isn’t the violence, Ws the game play," whether violent video games cause players to be more aggressive, and if a video game rating system would help curtail excessive violence in society as a whole, The release of CD games with foil- motion video and the advent of more ad- vanced systems like 3DO and Jaguar - hardware that can display near photo-re- alistic graphics - means that games are evolving into interactive movies. Most parents wouldn’t let their preteen watch Terminator II, but they permit them to pull the heart out of an opponent in a video game. Yessir, we're in the middle of this is- sue. The GamePros here in the office like playing games and feel that what makes titles like Mortal Kombat and Street Fight- er II popular isn’t the violence, it’s the game play. We’re not looking for censor- Take a look at our masthead. Tbe name of the group that heads up CamePro is Infotainment World. Break out the word “Infotainment," and you’ll under- stand our mission. We are here to provide you with "info” about your “entertain- ment.” In the case of CamePro, it’s the best information on the most popular video game products. VWth PlayRight, it’s a newsletter for parents, to inform them about the electronic entertainment prod- ucts their kids are playing. With the new Sectronic Entertainment magazine, it’s a look at the higher-level gaming offered by computers, CDs, on-line services, and oth- er game platforms. To paraphrase a fa- mous saying, we believe Infotainment means “power" - the power for you to make an informed decision about elec- tronic entertainment. Publisher John F. Rousseau Ed(tDr-ln-Chlel Liecullve Editor Managing Editor Assistant Managing Editor Senior Editors Senior Associate Editor Associate Editor Production Editor Editorial Interns LeeAnne McDermott Wes ^lhei Janice Crotty Kathy Skaggs Andy Eddy Chris Strodder Lawrence Neves Matt Taylor John Fisher Kevin Ferguson Allan McGraw Director ot Creative Services Associate Art Director Senior Designer Design Associate Production Manager AssiBlant Production Manager Production Coordinators Director ol Monulacturing Manufacturing Specialists Circulation Director Subscription Promotion Spociallst fultillment Specialist Francis Mao Charmaine Conui Patricia Ferguson Susanna Johnson Debra Vernon Valerie Hennigan Donna Deueii Cindy Penrose Fran Fox Cathy Theroux Kim Hansen Holly Klingel Marcia Newlln Randy Randolph ^INFOmiNNENIHOIILII Presldent/founder Executive Vice President Glottal Operations an Resource Direclor F*atrtck J. Farrell John F. Rousseau Carmen Mangion Christine Y. Yam Jearnine C. Harvey Samuel Grimaldo Laura Rosenga Lesieli M. Friesen Rebecca Patton Lonnie M. Forbes Receptionist Pamela Raass Accounting Interns Vivian Hui Te|al Patel Jenny Situ Entire contents copyright 1993 by Inlotainment World, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part vnthout prior written permission by the publisher is prohibited. All submissions Including, but not limited to, artwork, text, photographs and videotapes become the property ot the publisher. Submissions cannm pe returned: senders should retain a copy. The GAMEPRC® name and logo are registered trademarte ot Intotainment World, Inc. Super Nintendo. Nintendo and Game Soy are Registered Trademarks of Nin- tendo of America, Inc. Sega Genesis, Sega CD and Game Gear are Registered Trademarks of Sega ot America, Inc. Atari, Jaguar, and Lynx are Registered Trademarks Of Atari Corp. TurbpGrafx-16 is a Registered Trademark of NEC. Duo isa Registered Trademark of Turbo Technologies, Inc. NeoMSeo is a Registered Trademark olSNK Home Entertain- menlinc. Printed in the U.3A For reprints of any artttle w advertsemsht that appear In this issue please contact the infclainmenl World. Inc. Reprint Dept at (415) 3494300. For subscription problems only, please write: P.O. Box 55527, Boulder, CO 80322-5527 CAMEPRO MaPCh 1994 THE SEGA CD BEWARE THE BANZAI DROP! LIVE-ACTION VIDEO OF EACH SUPERSTAR! BRACE YOURSELF! A supercharged lineup of SO Superstars collide in the ultimate World Wrestling Federation* slugfest! Ballistic Tournament battles, "No-Holds-Barred" brawls, thrashing in and out of the ring action, brutal fight-to-the-finish Steel Cage matchups,.. and more! Do you have what it takes to escape this ring of steel? It's time to unleash the Rage in the Cage^“! KOMING SOON MORTAL KOMBAT' ON SEGA CD"! JlCCIaim mic Kuti xogjn HAvm iw hu«» n tnOOTuks oi Vmi EntnuiniM fi'na w bceinMtaMiMiioTanScioiis me UomdtsucMcnnMrninw.ilmutt.iiaesaMlotcisusM KmnsiilviwiuaTcaiSgotis me OitntanSpcRvK MrmitHnM Uon< irlii>mg Con^ Aln^rtsanM SttiMSvCOmtraMitsrntfWI hem s < dnisim a taltci (lewnm IK lU ( C tW3 tcOM" t wuwnB l. Ik M 119HS mefyK Quit crying about getting hacked, or how your shoes hurt, or how you can't shoot outdoors. * lust shut up VUeo Vixens - The Sexism Debate I’m writing about Sue Packard's November letter in which she claims that women wear only bikinis in video games. Well, here are three who wear more - Chun Li in SF II, Sonya in MK, and Ripley in Alien 3. And any- one who thinks that there are no men in underwear hasn’t seen the guys in Super Adven- ture Island, Super Ghouls ’n Ghosts, and WWF Royal Rumble. Patrick McKeegan Brampton. Ontario ArViur’s unperwear In Super Ghouls ’n Ghosts for the SKS. Women aren’t the only ones in distress in video games. How about Mario in Mario is Missing? Marvin Mahayag, NY, NY Mario in distress. Video Vices - Cut the Commerdats Please print this message to Sega: I'm sick of your commer- cials that imply we Came Boy players are vulgar freaks of nature. Nor are we as stupid as dogs, as another commercial suggests. Stop insulting me and my friends. Tomasz Strzeiczyk Ontario, Canada The Magazine Biz How can I write to Scary Larry or Slasher Quan? Steven Schrandt, Mansfield, OH (You can reach any of us by writing to our office. The atUress Is on page 14. Ail the lettws, which add up to thousands per month, are opened and read. - Bonehead) In your December issue, you reviewed Turtles Tourna- ment Fighters for the SNES, but there were no ratings. Why was that? Hector Escobedo, Los Angeles, CA (Talk about embanassing! The ratings were there when we proofed the pages - / think Shredder got to them at the priori Hoe yago.- Bro’ Buu) I need tips for old games. Can you help me out? Aaron Burgin, Long Beach, CA (SWATPro can! Check out our odier magazine, SWATPro. In addition to having hundreds of tactics and stratogles for the latest games, iVs got a section called Classic SWAT, which gives tips for all of those not-so- moldy oklles. -Andromeda) Super NES Game ProRte Teenage Mutant Ninja lUrtles: Tournament Fighters (By Konamf) You want Street Fighter action widwut Street Fighter II? Here’s a serious SFII rdone that can bring Street snobs as well as fledgling Bghters out of ttieir shells. 6AMEPR0 • Classic SWAT, and way more. When you give release dates for games, are you talking about the release in California? Preston Eckman, Boise, ID (We’ll consider everything for the contest Here are some Ops: Use strong colors; portray game characters In creative ways; put your name and city on the back; don’t use regular pencil; don’t covff the envelope with tape; and don't write messages all over your art. Good luck! Maybe you'll win the cool prize we're giv- ing away! - Captain Sguldeo) Let’s Get IMmicat How many colors can the Came Gear show on-screen at once? Chris Schiaffo, Allentown, PA (The Game Gear can disiHay 32 colors at one rime. -Video Head) (Those dates are for the nahon- wide rdease. The manufactur- ers tell us when they are planning to release the games nationwide, butthedah sometimes change at the last moment. - The Unknown Gamer) In your magazine, Chips & Bits is advertising Super Return of thejedi for sale at $59. 1 thought it wasn’t com- ing out until later. Tony Gutierrez, Manteca. CA There may be oidy 32 of 'em, but the colors are dazzling in Ecco the Dolphin for the Game Gear. You’ve often mentioned some- thing called the Game Gear cable. What is it? (You have sharp eyes, Tony. Chips & Bits takes advance orders on merchandise that is expected In the next six months or so. Super Return will be out later in ’94, although no release dato Is set Call Chips S Bits at (802) 767- 3033 fw mote Info. - Lance Boyle) Can aspiring artists like me send in art on regular paper for your monthly art contest, or do we have to draw on envelopes? Ivan Diaz, Modesto, CA Mrs. Charlene Cooper, Claymont, DE (You can buy the Gear-to-Gear cabto s^rately for abwt $15. It enabl^ you to fink up two Game Gears for simultaneous head-to-head competition in games, such as Mortal Kimbat and Streets of Rage 2. Note that you need to have two copies of whatever game you’re play- ing, one tor eadi hand-held system. - Miss ChievtHts) 12 Is it possible to convert Pro Action Replay codes to Came Genie codes, or the other way around? Nick Lauseng, Herington, KS FiglWa’ Words What does thejapanese writ- ing in the background of Chun Li's stage in SF II mean? Jon Craves. Allen, TX (There’s no way to this as of now, but it may hap- pen some tlay. - The Lab Rat) Out unUi the Olil, In with the Hew I must have a Jaguar. Where can I get one? Creg Lalone, Sterling Heights, Ml (The car? At a dealership near you. The game system? For now, only in New York or San Francisco toy or electronics stores. A national roll- out of the Jag is com- ing soon. - The mia) (These are signs. One adverhses a Poultry Shop, another reads High Voltage, and the last says General Store. - Boss Music) When I’m fighting in China in Super SF II, there's this strange laugh that randomly comes on. Also, when I finish the game with M. Bison, his dosing statement is something like “Not even the ancient one was brave enough to challenge me." Are these clues to a secret character? Long Yu, Vancouver, British Columbia If you want to drive a Jag, you’ll have to head for die coast. (Hope. That cackling sound is from a chicken, according to Capcom, because there’s a Poultry Shop nearby. Capcom also says that there are no secret characters to be found. - Hack ’n’ Slash) On the cover of the SF II Turbo manual there’s a blurry old Dhalsim teleports frm Ote center. I’m confused. The cover of your October issue announced Atari’s 64-bit Jaguar, but your November cover said it was "Nintendo's New 64-bit Sys- tem!” Which is it? Ryan Celeslie, Arnold, MO (Both! Atari started selling its 64-bit Jag in New York and San Frandsco fust befrnv Thanks- giving, atd Nintendo has announced its new 64- blt system, Prtgect Reality, which Is due in '95. - Earth Angel) man in the center under the word Turbo. What's going on? Mitch Cook. Creensboro, NC (That’s Dhalsim. He’s teleporting, which is why he kuAs ready to disappear. - Game Over Man) Halloween in Hawaii -eight-year-old Teal Willingham of Kaneohe shows off Chun Li’s moves. Why are there High Scores in Mortal Kombat? it's impossible to get my Initials among them, even though I’ve won the game with enough points to qualify for a High Score. Chris Kunigenas. Berkeley, CA (Those scores are simply targets Mortal scores. I recently beat Super SF II. Since I did it without continu- ing once, I got to see the cred- its. Under Special Thanks, they listed the name Dr, Dave. Is this the Dr. Dave from Came- Prol What’s with the white blood in Samurai Shodown for the Neo*Geo? I paid big bucks to have an accurate, uncensored version of the arcade game. If I wanted a “milk mode," I would’ve waited for Nintendo to come out with their version. Bruce Richter, Lyons, II (You'd have to get the Japanese Neo»Geo to see what you want. The Japanese version of Samurai Shodown has all the uncensored blood and fatalities. - Lawrence of Arcadia) Samurai milk. What was the best-selling Sega Genesis game of 1993? Chris Stassis, Canada Ed Haggard, Honolulu, HI (That’s him! Dave Winstead, AKA Dr. Dave, used to work for GamePro, but he now works tor Capcom asanRSD specialist. He no longer writes for the magazine. - Sladter Quan) (Many Karts battled for number one, but the Most Kash resulted from a record-setting Marketing Kraze. The actual sales Rgures won’t be official for another few months, but it’s unlikely that Sonic Spinball, Aladdin, or Jurassic Park will come out on top in the world of Money Kombat Any More Klues necessary? - Manny La Mancha) GAMEPRO MaPCh 1994 13 Games, Games, Games When the goalies score in NHLPA Hockey '93 and NHL Hockey '94 for the Genesis, why don’t they get credit for it in the stats? Creg Sayuk, Vallejo, CA (Goalies rarely score, either In real life or in mleo games. According to £4 Sports, soft- ware limitations prevent the goalie’s stats from showing both the goals he prevents and the goals he scores. ShouU the goalie accidentally knock the puck into his own goal, It’s credited to the last oppo- nent to touch It ~ Coach Kyle) Danny Leone, 12, of Weston, Ontario, will check anyone who gels between him and his GamePro/ Remote System for the SNS or the Genesis. Envelope of the Month Patrick Throgmorton, Iowa City, M Reailer Beport Of the thousands of letters we receive each month, almost half comment on violence in video games. Here’s the estimated break- down for those letters that express opinions; 84% - Violence in games has no effect, parents should back off. 14% - Extreme violence in games should be cen- sored, parents should monitor closely. 1.9% -All violence, no matter how minor, should be deleted from games, . 1 %- Can’t understand the fuss about games with violins. Whaddaya Think? This is your magazine, so tell us what you'd like to see in it. Send your suggestions to: Magawie Dear Editor P.O. Box 5828 San Mateo, CA 94402 Advertisement SLPKK MM KM)() BR£TT HULL HOCKEY BUGS BUNNY CLAYMATES ESPN BASEBALL ESPN SUNDAY F/BALL FLASHBACK FXTRAX HOME IMPROVEMENT JAGUAR XJ220 LEGEND LETHAL ENFORCER MADDEN '94 MARIO'S TIME MACH. MEGA MAN X MORTAL KOMBAT NBA JAM NBA SHOWDOWN NFL Q.B. CLUB PELE PRO SPORT HOCKEY SENCOKU SIDE POCKET SUPER BASES LOADED 2 SUPER battletank: SUPER MARJO all star T.M.N.T. TOUR FIGHTERS TECMO SUPER BOWL TURN* BURN: NO FLY YOUNG MERLIN G.D.W. ( 312 ) 736-5315 P.O, BOX 41936 CHICAGO, IL 60641 Dbl^l^MEr TO ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIALS AS LOW AS $19.99 NBA JAM aVAUABLEON sues, genesis. (JAMEBOV. cea» TITLES LISTED MAY NOT YET BE RELEASED. ALL PUCES AND AVAILABILITY ARE SUBJECT TO CHANCE WITHOUT NOTICE, VISA44C ACCEPTED ALL SALES ARE FINAL. CLIFFKANGER DARK WIZARD DRACULA UNLEASHED DUNE ESPN BASEBALL ESPN SUNDAY F/BALL EUROPEAN RACERS HOME IMPROVEMENT JEOPARDY NFL '94 JOE MONTANA JURASSIC PARK LETHAL ENFORCER MEGA RACE MORTAL KOMBAT NFLS GREATEST TEAMS NHL '94 OUTOF THIS WORLD SLIPHEED SON OF CHUCK SONIC CD STAR WARS 3-D REBEL STELLAR-FIRE SUPER BATTLETANK 2 TERMINATOR THIRD WORLD WAR WARRIOR OF ROME HI WHEELOF FORTUNE WING COMMANDER WORLD SERIES BBALL WWF RAGE / CAGE ALADDIN BARNEYTHEDINO BRETT HULL HOCKEY CASTLEVANIABLOOD CLIFFHANOER ESPN BASEBALL ESPN SUNDAY F/BALL ETERNALCHAMPIONS JOE & MAC LETHAL ENFORCERS MADDEN NFL -94 MICKEY'S ULTIMATE MORTAL KOMBAT NBA JAM NFL Q.B. CLUB NHL '94 NIGEL MANSELL RACE PINK PANTHER PIRATES GOLD ROAR OF THE BEAST ROBOCOP VS TERMIN. SOLDIEROF FORTUNE SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3 STAR TREK: NEXT GEN. STEVEN SEGAL STREET FIGHTER 2 CH. TOE JAM* EARL 2 TOM * JERRY FRANTIC VIRTUA RACING WWF ROYAL RUMBLE 14 GAMEPRO MiPCh tOS4 BK'.CliK LOUDER MEANER MIDWAY SEGA CD i<<