mm * shis * m • m • m*m • mm m * mi m * m *1 VIDEO GAME MAGAZINE TheStars of ’93! GamePro Editors Ghoice Awards gj SNES ProStrategy Guide -16 pages BIG! B SUPER EMPIRE STRIKES BACK! HotArcade Games for 42 ProReviews! Super Street Fighter II Terminator 2: The Arcade Game Claymates Jammit Basketball Joe Montana's NFL Football Fatal Fury Special and MQLiiit Previews! Mortal Kombat II Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Ground Zero, Texas Star Trek: The Next Generation Dragon's Lair and /liffllfi The Fighter's Edge! A New Column About Fighting Games SeePage 186 ETERNAL CHAMPIONS ProStrategy Guide! - See Page 74 An IDG Communications Publication mm m m a "My Most Dangerous Adventures Of All Will Never Be Shorn # KHK nlendo, Determine the S outcome of the I opening story! A vast world • tS t , • TAITO ■ I’m Flake, elder of ftrus. 1 H Vou fought the Sinistrals. j 'Jrw«) I \t\ 8 Letter from the EamePros 12 The Mail 18 Cutting Edge CD-ROM-based multimedia entertainment was here all the time - the Philips CD-li 22 Cover Feature: CamePro Editors’ Choice Awards tor 1993 Here are our picks for the hottest games of the year! 30 Hot at the Arcades 30 Mortal Kombat II 36 Super Street Fighter II 38 Special Feature: Hot at the Arcades - Hot Games for ’93 Cool coin-ops are blazing a trail to an arcade near you! 44 ProReviews 44 Genesis: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Preview, Goofy’s Hysterical History Tour, The Lost Vikings, Gunstar Heroes, Cosmic Spacehead, The Incredible Crash Dummies, Dragon's Revenge, High Seas Havoc, Stimpy's Inven- tion, Previews: Castlevania Bloodlines, SubTerrania, Star Trek: The Next Generation 76 Sega CD: Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Stellar-Fire, WWF Rage in the Cage, Previews: Dragon's Lair, Ground Zero, Texas, Double Switch, Prize Fighter 1 08 Super NES: T2: The Arcade Game, Claymates, Super Battletank 2, Zool, Mario Time Machine, Metal Marines, Side Pocket 1 22 3D0: Stellar 7: Draxon's Revenge, Mad Dog McCree, Preview: Escape from Monster Manor 1 28 Neo'Geo: PreView: Fatal Fury Special 1 44 Game Boy: Bart and the Beanstalk 1 46 Game Gear: X-Men, Battletoads, Gear Works, Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, Chuck II: Son of Chuck, Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Run- ner and Wile E. Coyote, Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck 68 Special Feature: Eternal Champions ProStrategy Guide Check these combos for Shadow, Xavier, and Slash! 130 The Sports Page Bill Walsh College Football (SCD), Jammit Basketball (G), Joe Montana's NFL Football (SCD), Formula One (GG), PGA Tour Golf (GG) 138 Role-Players Realm Paladin’s Quest (SN), Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of Destiny, Shadowrun (G), Arcus Odyssey (G), Ultima: Runes of Virtue II (GB), Preview: Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Arcade) Volume 6, #2; February Iss 951 Mariner's Island Blvd lion Technology. For subscription ptob ing offices POSTMASTER Send ad an orders must be pre-paid in U S. dollars on a U.S. b< rst include $20/year additional postage. NEVER "WRITE OFF’ MR. PERFECT’ - ! LIVE-ACTION VIDEO OF EACH SUPERSTAR! BRACE YOURSELF! A supercharged lineup of SO Superstars collide in the ultimate World Wrestling Federation® slugfest! Ballistic Tournament battles, "No-Holds-Barred” brawls, thrashing in and out of the ring action, brutal fight-to-the-finish Steel Cage matchups... and more! Do you have what it takes to escape this ring of steel? It’s time to unleash the Rage in the Cage™! KOMING SOON MORTAL KOMBAT ON SEGA CD"! »«laim IP 9L ' .ft Wk 'tA. A a i f m m EIIIMVsC^ liltlll! 1 ■ U 1 VA"! ^ 1 156 EamePro Labs We give you some input (devices): Fighter Stick SC-6, Six-Button Arcade Stick, SN Programmable Joystick, ProMouse, Mini-Arcade 164 S.W.A.T.Pro Secret weapons and tactics from the CamePros 1 72 The Fighter’s Edge Tournament-winning combos and strategies for competitive fighting games 1 78 Short ProShots A quick look at some hot games! 182 Overseas ProSpects Phantasy Star IV (MegaDrive) Dragon's Quest l.ll (Super Famicom) 186 ProNews All the video game news that's fit to print. 190 Advertiser Index LI EM LIZ LIE EM ; 'l ! J L v gee l mn» rr The world has taken notice of video games. Just watch the news, read a news- paper, listen to your concerned parents, or hear the politicians. New technology breeds creative new ideas and new cau- tions, but ultimately the decisions are made by you, the players. You decide what games fly and what games die. To keep up with all the rapid changes in the industry, video game mag- azines like GamePro have to keep on their We also realize certain types of gamers have certain types of needs. Check out our first column about fighting games - Fighter’s Edge! We tracked down some of the best arcade street fighters and mortal kombatants in the country and got them to share their tips, tactics, and combos for all the new fighting games. With the Sports Pages and Role-Players’ Realm, we’re trying to cover all the bases you’ve asked us to. ...ultimately the decisions are made by you, the players. You decide what games fly and what games die. toes, too. Here’s what’s new besides games in this issue. The GamePro staff honors the best of the best for 1 993 in the first Editor’s Choice Awards. So you don’t think we in- cluded all the top games? Well here’s something else that’s new: You'll get your chance to drop an official vote for your fa- vorite video games in a couple of months! We tweaked our magazine design... and will continue to do so. Now we’re a lit- tle more visual because, as you've pointed out, one picture is worth...yadda, yadda. We plan to provide more screens, more art, and more maps than ever. Check out our snappy new comer elements, and the color pix of all the reviewers. And keep that cool envelope art coming in! Look for more arcade coverage, as well. Sure tokens cost money, but we’ve all gotta get to those coin-ops while they're hot. Whenever we can, GamePro will cov- er games for new systems as they ap- pear, such as the 3DO Multiplayer, the Atari Jaguar, the Amiga CD 32, and the Philips CD-I. Which will be the first new system to break into the bar at the top of GamePro's front cover? Some things change, many things re- main the same. Of course, we’ll continue to bring you the best reviews, previews, strategies, and news you can use. What else do you want? Tell us. Keep those cards and letters cornin' in, because some of the best ideas come directly from you! By the GamePros Publisher John F. Rousseau Edllor-in-Chlef Executive Editor Managing Editor Senior Editors Associate Editors Technical Editor Editorial Interns Director ol Creative Services Associate Art Director Senior Designer Design Associate Production Manager Assistant Production Manager Production Coordinators Marketing Director Marketing Manager Marketing Specialist Marketing Associate Director ol Manulacturing Manulacluring Specialists LeeAnne McDermott Wes Nihei Janice Crotty Andy Eddy Chris Strodder Lawrence Neves Matt Taylor John Fisher Allan McGraw Jennie Wuest , Francis Mao Janette Harms Teresa Hill Charmaine Conui Patricia Ferguson Susanna Johnson Alex Lai Vincent F. Bums Debra Vernon Valerie Hennigan Donna Deuell Cindy Penrose Fran Fox Cathy Theroux Kim Hansen Circulation Director Holly Klingel Subscription Promotion Specialist Marcia Newlin Fulfillment Specialist Randy Randolph i INFOTAINMENT WORLD President/Founder Executive Vice President Global Operations Accounting Manager Human Resource Director Operations Manager Stall Accountant Administrative Assistant Executive Assistant to the President Executive Assistant to the Publisher Accounting Interns Patrick J. Ferrell John F. Rousseau Carmen Mangion Christine Y. Yam Jeannine C. Harvey Sonja Klise Lesieli M, Friesen Rebecca Patton Lonnie M. Forbes Vivian Hui Tejal Patel Entire contents copyright 1993 by Infotainment World, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without prior written permission by the publisher is pro- hibited. All submissions including, but not limited to, artwork, text, photographs and videotapes become the property of the publisher. Submissions cannot be returned; senders should retain a copy. The GAMEPRCf® name and logo are registered trademarks of Infotain- ment World, Inc. Super Nintendo, Nintendo and Game Boy are Registered Trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. Sega Genesis, Sega CO and Game Gear are Regis- tered Trademarks of Sega of America, Inc. Atari, Jaguar, and Lynx are Registered Trademarks of Atari Corp. Tur- boGrafx-16 is a Registered Trademark of NEC. Duo is a Registered Trademark of Turbo Technologies, Inc. Neo*Geo is a Registered T rademark of SNK Home Entertainment, Inc. Printed in the U.SA For reprints of any article or advertisement that appear in this issue please contact the infotainment World, Inc. Reprint DepL at (415)349-4300. For subscription problems only, please write: P.0. Box 55527, Boulder, CO 80322-5527 GAMEPRO February 1994 GAMEBOf MALIBU GAMES WlTH The hardest-hitting football action. ^ The most authentic, full-featured baseball play. Only Sports Illustrated® gives you two great video game sports in a single P 16-MEG cartridge. With Sports Illustrated*: CHAMPIONSHIP Football & Baseball, you get realistic player animation. Lifelike sounds. And intense gameplay. Both on the gridiron and on the diamond. And you can switch from one game to the other without leaving your seat. Sports Illustrated®: CHAMPIONSHIP Football & Baseball— two great sports in one value-packed cartridge. From the trenches to the fences, no other sports video game even comes close! ypsfr''' •uun Ds loose m m 1 ill' ii Mil itt! ict tunt\and atii nee. \ero ligh- vho combii^l irtistry with e*. ianger. This repor ;een anything quite like it. T he circus starts out inno- cently enough, with Aero ioaring through the air in a ;eries of aerial somersaults. This is gold medal stuff, fans, de flips, zips, hurls and whirls hrough the air, as the audience >apes and gasps in amazement. ‘Aero the Acro*Bat is a totally iwesome dude,” sail Rita ^immerer, one of the vho sat in the front ro :ircus., “For a little ac t is based »y a nd e ot her circus per- formers^^ to watc'^Aero. rhis reporter noted clowns, nagicians and even jperators from “ gathered uns^ vhat migh fun. but then it got weird," recalled circus janitor A1 Artus. “I thought that little bugger was fia bite it, all right,” added nette Hyssong, circus vendor, eaping from a towering, tering platio r m , Aero t! ro*Bat realized that, ore death-defying tl > One of the platforms \fri rigged with explosives . which threatened not only d super bat, but the entire audience as well! “I thought I'd wet my pants,” complained Karen Shadley, a shy young girl who had traveled all the way from Illinois to see Aero the Acro # Bat perform. “When that platform disintegrated, my life was in Aero’s hands.” Capable hands indeed, as it turned out. njlarkness as the ysteriously mul- 'd leaped to safe- y and still man- with a flourish! was only the beginning, only did Aero have to protect the audience from the danger of falling debris, he had to protect himself from the “bad boy of the big top,” the evil, dia- bolical and just plain mean ^dgar ‘ I abo t0 stop ^ er 0 —and the circus— «? re c j e s vr £Hor has e m P ,o y e d a tea m of d/rty, testy, filthy, scheming nogood- ni^ s \° help him carry out his plan. Clowns that can literally make you laugh to death. Not to mention whipping spiked balls that can do seri- ous damage. Or a psycho madman named Marko, who jb/istantty shoots him self out of e crazed ka m i k a z e . •1iC5fe en 1 e v ?n motioned iund tightropeballeri- v es to squish bats. Wt aXvand/t//, ut these battles can’t corr| pare to Aero’s early strug gle toward fame. Auditions! landed him bit parts in low-bud- | get films, but noth- ing he could sink his teeth into. He answered a casting call for a made-for-TV baseball movie. Yet his hopes were quickly dashed. “They said they needed bats,” says an embarrassed Aero. “How was I to know they meant wooden ones?” But that setback didn’t keep him from the big time under the big top, where the wicked Edgar Ektor was waiting. T he evil Ektor carries a lot of emotional baggage. Ac- cording to Bruce Reilly, crimi- nologist and noted circus buff, Ektor was ban- I i s h e d from the circus years ago after endangering the lives of his fellow circus troupe members. Allegedly.his i nnQ cent pranks and p ract ' ca //bkes took a decided V| and he enjoyed - xtv f\ic W*g paj n

*or. “We had t gone down me cot- eandyXvhen this horri- .e/ugly slimeball grabbed "is from behind!" re- eled Tad “Smiley” Shim*— Me threw ' X • - ; *O e „ in '" i thought we .o, for sure,” said id we didn’t even get on candy,” he added. iprter, the climax of fie big top” of to th' dished man,” said David STTTer, who himself sur- JUNJOFT r to Tom The Iiabo- fnt, in- it makes Aero to a fight to »f which is boti^Sl^S^X^ appalling. The winn^^|j|Btolossal clash turned out to be (continued) AERO THE ACRO-BAT is a trademark of Sun Corporation of America. SUNSOFT® is a registered trademark of Sun Corporation of America. © 1993 Sun Corporatii America. Licensed by Sega Enterprises. Ltd. for play on the Sega 1 " Genesis 1 ' 1 system. Sega and Genesis are trademarks of Sega Enterprises. Ltd. All Rights Rese Nintendo. Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the Official Seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1 993 Nintendo of America Inc. Video Violence - The Debate Continues I wish that pro-censorship groups would realize that video games are only a reflec- tion of society. If those groups want to cut the violence in the games, they should first cut the violence in society, not the other way around. Eric Corse, Crystal, MN Cut the violence from games? Or from society? Here’s a scene from the ultra-violent Time Killers. I encourage Nintendo to con- tinue making games with no gory, blood-splashing scenes. We must recognize that human life is sacred. If everyone is taught extreme violence when they’re young, they’ll think that violence is the standard way of living. I know Nintendo has received a lot of criticism for taking the gore out of Mortal Kom- bat, but I think it's alright, and we should be focusing on the graphics, game play, and quality of the game. Benedict Swift, Houston, TX Everybody thinks that kids are going to grow up with ruined lives because they played violent video games, but nobody knows because no gamer has grown up yet! Games are evolving - did anybody think gamers were going to want to play Mario forever? There is far more to worry about than Mortal Kombat. Parents, please leave us alone. Matt Keatley, Boulder, CO I heard that Lethal Enforcers for the Sega CD will be rated MA-1 7. What makes it deserve that rating? Stephen Swan, Oceanside, NY (You can shoot very real-looking digitized enemies in very real- looking settings with a very real-looking gun. When you get shot there’s blood splattered on the screen. You can also shoot innocent bystanders and police officers by accident. The non- stop violence and real- ism earned the game the MA-1 7 rating. - Willy Y. Pout) 9 More Mortal I’ve noticed that in Mortal Kombat for the SNES, Kano has something gray in his hand when he does his Finish- ing Move. What is he holding? Chris Mendez, Santurce, Puerto Rico (You might be reading more into the image than what’s there. At the end of Kano’s arm is his closed fist. Nothing else - no body part of his victim has been identified. -Scary Larry) What’s Kano holding in his clenched fist? Nothing. After playing a lot of MK, I’ve found that the violence and gore don’t really matter. The blood isn't what makes the game, and the Fatalities have become boring, believe it or not. Once you see them over and over, they lose their effect, and the only reason to do them is to get extra points and impress That Little Kid Who Won’t Shut Up. (‘Wow! Is that his spine?”) I’m sure 99 percent of the MK fans will hate me for saying this, but the graphic and sound advan- tages of the SNES version are enough, and you don't need all the gore. Robert Fielder, Abilene, TX Will there ever be a Mortal Kombat game for the NES? Tom Mills, Shelton, CT (We’ve had lots of similar ques- tions lately from readers wonder- ing ifMK will come to the NES, the Sega CD, the Lynx, the Duo, and so on. The only additional versions we’ve heard of are the Sega CD and the Tiger Electronics hand-held version, both due later this year. Acclaim seems to be devoting its resources to other projects. - The King Fisher) Fightin’ Words In your November issue you gave a code to fight character vs. same character for SF II Special Champion Edition. Your code was Down, Z, Up, X, A, Y, B, and C on Controller 2, but there aren't any X, Y, or Z buttons for the Genesis. How do you put in the code? Matt Schmidt, Beaver, PA (Check out one of the new six-button con- 'ttijjMF trailers to find those Up- buttons. - Slasher Quan) Six-button control, $20-25. Let’s Get Technical What are Mode 7 graphics? Scoff Powell, Belleville, IL (Mode 7 is a special mode that allows programmers to scale and rotate graphics in SNES video games. Using Mode 7, programmers can achieve the kind of dynamic effects seen in Pilotwings and Super Empire Strikes Back, , both for the SNES. ' - Bro’ Buzz) Can I use a Game Genie with the Super Famicom? Troy Edison Yaw, Manila, Philippines (Galoob says that you’re taking a chance if you do. The Genie is only designed to work with the American game systems. - Lance Boyle) Is there a joystick available where the buttons are on the left and the stick is on the right? I have better control of the joystick with my right hand. James Hale, Palm Bay, FL GAMEPRO F ebruary 1994 12 (There’s no such joystick, unfor- tunately. Some gamers in your situation turn their joysticks upside down if their games allow them to reconfigure the but- tons. - The Lab Rat) Will there ever be a Game Genie for theTG-16? Nick Bild, Grand Rapids, Ml (No way. The TG-16 is on the verge of extinction, so other companies aren’t about to make new products for it - The Tummynator) I lost my SNES RF cord, so I plugged in my Sega RF cord, and it worked. Am I damaging my SNES? Keith Modelski, Midland Park, NJ (Nope. Those cords are interchangeable. -Andromeda) Game Requests Are there any games for Hud- son’s Super Multitap other than Super Bomberman for the SNES? Jon Whitaker, Winter Park, PL (Some of the most popular games that use the Multitap are made by EA Sports, including Madden NFL '94 and NHL ’94, both for the SNES. Supposedly all of EA Sports’ future SNES carts will be five-player games. - Toxic Tommy) 15 , Five-player hockey with NHL ’94. In June’s Super Star Wars Special Strategy Guide you mentioned the Krayt Dragon. What does it look like? Where does it appear in the movie and the game? Paul Krawczonek, Westmount, Canada (According to the lore of the galaxy, the Krayt Dragons live on the desert planet of Tatooine. These monsters prey on Jawas when they roam from their Sandcrawlers. The Dragons aren’t shown in the movies or the games. In the first film, Obi Wan imitates a Krayt Dragon to Don’t look for the legendary Krayt Dragons. Is there any chance that Cap- corn could be a third-party licensee for the Jaguar? Super SF II would be awesome on the Jag! Phil Jackson, Jr., Apopka, FL (Atari is seeking Capcom, among other companies, as a third-party licensee, but right now it looks doubtful. - Lance Boyle) Why are newer SNES car- tridges different from older models? The new ones can be pulled out during play, while the older ones couldn’t. Matt Kelley, Jacksonville, AR (Consumers complained that the older carts were too hard to insert into the SNES, so Nintendo streamlined the carts to make them easier to handle. - Earth Angel) I’ve heard of record clubs, but do you know of any video game clubs? Aaron Edgell, Belpre, OH (The closest you can get are the mail-order clubs that advertise in our back pages. - Manny LaMancha) Adios, UBS? What’s all this talk about sav- ing the NES? Who cares? It's only causing Nintendo to waste money on an old sys- tem, when it could be spend- ing that money on new 1 6-bit games or a whole new system! You said in your June issue that the NES may become extinct like the dinosaur. Though some dinosaurs became extinct, others evolved into birds. Nintendo has evolved to the SNES, so they shouldn't ding to some- thing more primitive. It's com- mon sense. Greg Rice, Cincinnati, OH Had Nintendo followed Greg’s advice, there’d have been no Kirby in ’93. Address Central I just bought the new 3DO system. How do I write to the company to ask for more information? Kent Edmonds, Shelbyville, IN (Write to 3D0 at 1820 Gateway Drive, San Mateo, CA 94404. - The Unknown Gamer) I want to give feedback to Atari about the games I'm hoping they’ll have for the Jaguar. What’s their address? Dan Johanson, Des Moines, IA (Here ya go: Atari Customer Service, 1196Borre- gas Avenue, Sunny- vale, CA 94089. - Uggs the Bug) I have many questions about the Victor Maxx Virtual Reality Stuntmaster for the Genesis that has been advertised in your magazine. How can I reach Victor Maxx to get these questions answered? David Hepfl, Cowansville, PA (We had lots of calls about those ads, David. Here’s the Victor Maxx phone number: 708/291-7666. -Lab Rat) I bought a Game Genie but I lost their address, so I can’t get their codes. How do I reach Galoob? Joe Aguilar, Dallas, TX (Call Galoob’s Customer Service Department at 415/873-0680. - The Desk Jockey) Ssssh! Don't Tell! While fooling around with my Game Genie and Super Mario Land, a message popped up on the screen while I was entering a random code: “Con- gratulations! You have discov- ered the secret!" I had no idea what I had done to discover "the secret,” and I still don’t know what it gave me the power to do. Any ideas? Chris St. Clair, Round Rock, TX (The fate of the world is in your hands, Chris. Now that you have The Secret, we’re all counting on you. Don’t let us down. - Lawrence of Arcadia) GAMEPRO • February 1994 13 EnvelopiArt Award! Envelope of the Month Of the thousands of letters we got last month, nearly two- thirds asked how to find something special in Mortal Kombat. Here’s what readers wanted to find: Fatalities on the SNES - 30% Reptile or Ermac - 23% Invincibility codes -12% Codes to play as Goro and Shang Tsung-10% GamePro Strategy Guides - 9% MK for the NES - 8% MK for the Sega CD, Jaguar, or 3D0 - 5% MK for the Duo or Lynx - 2% A way to play MK and SF II simultaneously -.09% Sonya's phone number - .01% Sonya probably screens her calls anyway. Attention, artists! Each month the creator of our Envelope of I the Month will receive Acclaim’s Jen Sep 9> Westborough, m Dual Turbo Wireless Remote System for either the SNES or the Genesis. Two controllers per system enable you to play from across the room with two-speed Turbo and Slow Motion. Now when you’re done drawing that great enve- lope art, you’ll be able to use these remote controllers to go head-to-head with a friend from 25 feet away! Erik Mamwvich, Mountain view, i Whaddaya Wink? This is your magazine, so tell us what you'd like to see in it. Send your suggestions to: GAMEPRO Magazine Dear Editor P.O. Box 5828 San Mateo, CA 94402 Thanks for your help! Pleat Advertisement SUPER NINTENDO ALADDIN, DISNEY’S S55.00 BRETT HULL HOCKEY S52.00 BUGS BUNNY $52.00 CLAYMATES $45.00 EMPIRE STIKES BACK $52.00 ESPN SUNDAY F/BALL $50.00 FLASHBACK SS0.00 HOME IMPROVEMENT $47.00 JAGUAR XJ220 $47.00 LEGEND $45.00 LETHAL ENFORCER $66.00 LUFIA $52.00 MADDEN '94 $52.00 MARIO'S TIME MACH. $49.00 MEGA MAN X $55.00 MORTAL KOMBAT $59.00 NBA JAM $59.00 NBA SHOWDOWN $55,00 NFL Q.B. CLUB $59.00 PELE $49.00 PRO SPORT HOCKEY $52.00 SENGOKU $45.00 SIDE POCKET $45.00 SUPER BATTLETANK 2 $49.00 SUPER MARIO ALL STAR $52.00 SUPER NBA B/BALL $5 1 .00 T.M.N.T. TOUR FIGHTERS $55.00 TECMO SUPER BOWL $56.00 TOP GEAR 2 $49.00 TURN & BURN: NO FLY $49.00 G.D.W. |game discount warehouse! (312) 736-5315 P.O. BOX 41936 CHICAGO, IL 60641 DONT FORGET TO ASK ABOUT] OUR SPECIALS AS LOW AS $19.99 NFL QUARTERBACK CLUB AVAILABLE ON: SNES, GENESIS. GAMEBOY TITLES LISTED MAY NOT YET BE RELEASED. ALL PRICES AND AVAILABILITY ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE VISA/MC ACCEPTED. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. SEGA CD-ROM BRAM STROKERS DRAC S47.00 CLIFFHANGER $39.00 DARK WIZARD $40.00 DUNE $47.00 ESPN BASEBALL $47.00 ESPN SUNDAY F/BALL $47.00 EUROPEAN RACERS $39.00 HOME IMPROVEMENT $39.00 JEOPARDY $47.00 NFL "94 JOE MONTANA $49.00 JURASSIC PARK $47.00 LETHAL ENFORCER $55.00 MEGA RACE $39.00 MORTAL KOMBAT $39.00 NFLS GREATEST TEAMS $49.00 NHL '94 $49,00 OUT OF THIS WORLD $46.00 SLIPHEED $39.00 SON OF CHUCK $47.00 SONIC CD $39.00 STAR WARS 3-D REBEL $39.00 STELLAR-FIRE S42.00 SUPER BATTLETANK 2 $39.00 TERMINATOR $46.00 THIRD WORLD WAR $47.00 WARRIOR OF ROME III CALL WHEEL OF FORTUNE $47.00 WING COMMANDER $4 1 .00 WOLF CHILD $42.00 WWF RAGE /CAGE $39.00 GENESIS ALADDIN S49.00 BARNEY THE DINO S46.00 BRETT HULL HOCKEY S54.00 CASTLEVANIA BLOOD. $44.00 CLIFFHANGER $47.00 ESPN BASEBALL $52.00 ESPN SUNDAY F/BALL $52.00 ETERNAL CHAMPIONS $57.00 JOE & MAC $47.00 LETHAL ENFORCERS $66.00 MADDEN NFL '94 $49.00 MICKEY'S ULTIMATE $47.00 MORTAL KOMBAT $49.00 NBA JAM$ $49.00 NFL Q.B. CLUB $49.00 NHL '94 $49.00 NIGEL MANSELL RACE $45.00 PELE $49.00 PINK PANTHER $43.00 PIRATES GOLD $46.00 ROAR OF THE BEAST $42.00 ROBOCOP VS TERMIN. S47.00 SOLDIER OF FORTUNE $52.00 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3 $48.00 STEVEN SEGAL $51.00 STREET FIGHTER 2 CH. $59.00 TECMO SUPER BOWL $58.00 TOM & JERRY FRANTIC $47.00 WINTER OLYMPICS $52.00 WWF ROYAL RUMBLE $47,00 14 GAMEPRO February 1994 NAME: RANK: SERIAL NIJMKER: Sergeant Warren was shot down by guerrilla forces last night while patrolling over enemy lines. He's wounded, and desperate for There's no time for diplomacy- YOU’RE GOING r Doom! ORE} 182® ro - ■!_ R_W_ rr wn m^w^w 1 Battle Badniks Zoom into Action with SEGA Genesis ! Grab your lightning shield and roll into action. ..Swing from vine-to-vine, dodge the deadly traps and launch a slew of souped-up spin-attacks through mega-sized zones filled with hidden rooms and secret passageways! Count on trusty Tails to airlift you out of danger, and record your progress using the new Game Save Feature. Experience the ultimate in ultra- sonic power on a ring-grabbing, super-Sonic ride that will keep you spinning! and vanquish spike-wielding enemies with a point to prove! NEW ON Sega Genesis Be blown away by the all-new 2-Player, Head-2-Head, Split Screen, Simultaneous Action Mode! By the Whizz Full-motion video. r Outrageous game graphics. Movies on compact discs. If this is what you’ve been waiting for from multimedia players, maybe you’ve been waiting too long. Philips CD-I has been around since 1991, when it and Com- modore’s CDTV (recently replaced by the Amiga CD 32, see The Cutting Edge, January ’94) fired the first shots in the multimedia wars. To refresh your memory, CD-I is a CD- ROM multimedia system based on a Motorola»M68070 chip, with one megabyte of main memory and a gang of graphics processors. Play or Pay In its first go-round with CD-I, Philips decided not to emphasize games. However, according to Dave McElhatton, President of the Philips Games Division, "Eight out of the top ten CD-I titles sold were games. A lot of hard-core gamers liked the CD-I platform, but frankly it lacked key elements topro- duce good game play and good games." With thej^ig splash being made by 3DO, Philips has seen the light. Now there are four new divisions within Philips, all oriented toward electronic entertain- ment, and one division charged solely with creating killer video games. To help the CD-I unit bring the games to life, Philips has created a couple of hot-sound- ing new peripherals. The stan- dard CD-I controller is a cool- looking one-handed remote device that looks like a Star Tre/chand phaser, and it’s just as lethal to precision game play. Fortunately, Philips now has a control pad with a typi- cal video game button design. The new pad was created by Advanced Gravis, makers of personal computer joysticks. The killer peripheral is the Digital Video Cartridge, which slips into the back of the player. The cartridge contains a multi- RISC processor with 1:5 mega- bytes of additional memory for games or other applications. The cart enables the CD-I to paint graphics at 30 frames per second in better- than-VHS-quality video DV Cartridge supports MPEG 1 video compression, meaning you can get 75 min- utes of video on one disc. Now, you can even get CD-I GAMEPRO • movies on discs. Try Top Cun, Star Trek VI, and Patriot Games for a start. CD-I Cornin’ Philips CD-I seems set to get into some serious fun. Here’s a sampling of CD-I games. Keep your eyes open for ProReviews in future issues of CamePro. (Philips CD-I, Available now. Philips: 310/444-6600) Caesar’s World of Boxing This fighting disc showcases the “sweet” science at Caesar's Palace. Thirty live actors portray fighters, managers, trainers, and even hangers-on. The entire show was shot on location at Caesar’s in Las Vegas. You train your own fighters and take on 65 opponents. This side-view punch-out is punish- ing. (DV Cartridge .game) Cre&ttjL. Fiqh/cr Mad Dog McCree Sure this cowboy gunslinger game has ridden into just about every one-horse game system there is (see the 3DO review in this issue), but this may be the best-looking version yet. You still need a hand-held gun device to do this game justice, and Philips has one in the works. (DV Cartridge game) iMli Link: The Faces of Evil Link: The Faces of Evil Kether Here’s an out-of-this-world space combat shoot-em-up. You fly your spacefighter via a behind-the-ship view past murderous obstacles in order to save the Princess from the Master of Darkness. You tackle five planets where the chal- lenge is equal parts fighting and flying. Inca Ancient history meets science fiction in this far-out action/ adventure game. You are the present-day Chosen One, and you’re out to retrieve the great powers of the Incas. The pow- ers were sent into time and space before the Spanish Con- quistadors conquered the ancient Incan nation. It’s got behind-the-spaceship shooting action, hand-to-hand fighting, and wow, what a story line! — Koridai has fallen to Ganon! If you’re an action/adventure game fan, you know that means it's Link to the rescue. This is a side-view hack-n-slash game that leads you on a lengthy jour- ney. You meet 90 weird charac- ters who talk to you in animated video sequences. □ Zelda: The Wand ofGamelon Nintendo’s two prime adven- turers, Link and Zelda, make it to CD! In this action/adventure game, Zelda’s on a mission to save Link, King Harkinian, and the nation of Camelon. Awe- some animated story sequences talk to you during mini-cartoon movies that carry the story line. Zelda still swings in side- view swordplay, but you also converse with 90 characters on your journey. 0:18:32 Official Licensed Product of the 1994 Olympic Winter Games Take on the World in Ten Olympic Events This is the one you’ve been waiting for. Challenge Olympic Athletes or go head to head against up to three of your friends in ten different Olympic events. Compete on courses iden- tical to those being used for the 1994 Olympic Winter Games in Lillehammer, Norway. Think you have what it takes to bring home the Gold? atch some air on this one. Lillehammer ’94 SPEED SKATING Power down the straight-away and muscle your way around the turns \Vk - LUGE Yeah, you heard it right, steer v\ your feet and break with your h all at 60 miles per hour. 57,' V' V BIATHLON It takes the stamina of a crosscountry athlete and the eye of a marksman to win this event. FREESTYLE- MOGULS Let it all hang out, bang the moguls, do some aerials and don't break your neck. DOWNHILL Speed is king on this course, one mistake and it's all over. It’s that time of the year, when GamePro's editors get to stick them- selves out on a limb and name their picks for the best games of ’93. After some, well... shall we say heated discussions, here are the winners. We focused on choosing a top game in each category - one that we felt had an innovative or original style and contributed something new to the gaming world. Super Nintendo Game of the Year Super Nintendo Runners-Up Super Empire Strikes Back by JVC/LucasArts JVC/LucasArts pushed the SNES farther than ever by producing a video game experience that spectacularly recreates one of the greatest epic sci-fi films ever. Gorgeous detailed graphics, including exciting Mode 7 flying sequences and innovative rota- tion and scaling, lend a cinemat- ic mood to the game. The many game play modes include a snow speeder segment, the asteroid field, and the awesome Darth Vader battle. John Williams’ original scores are recreated beautifully, and cool effects were added, including digitized voice- overs by Yoda and Vader. The Force will be with you in this game...literally! "Super Empire Strikes Back deliv- ers all the intense action and state-of-the-art graphics you d expect from LucasArts, the people who brought the highly acclaimed Super Star Wars to a SNES galaxy near you. " (Game Pro. Nov., ’93) Mortal Kombat Despite some big changes from the arcade version, MK shined through with great colors, superb sounds, clean digitized characters, a fair number of combos, and solid fighting. “The SNES version of Mortal Kombat whips up more chal- lenge than any of the other ver- sions." (GamePro, Sept., 93) This Hyper Fighter is an awe- some, value-packed upgrade of last year's blockbuster hit. It has boss action, insane speed set- tings, devastating new combos, better graphics and sound, and lasting game play. “SF II Turbo brings home a near- perfect version of the coin-gob- bler, Turbo Street Fighter II: Champion Edition Hyper Fight- ing. " (GamePro, Aug., 93) 22 GAMEPRO February 1994 Genesis Game of the Year Hand-Held Game of the Year Aladdin by Sega ft *. <*. Some of the biggest names in entertainment - Disney, Sega, and Virgin - joined forces to use a revolutionary new process, the Digicel technique, to bring actual Disney animation to the video game scene. Aladdin looks and plays more like an animated car- toon than any game before it. Accompanying the beautifully smooth animations are great bits of humor, scenes from the movie, and nice renditions of the theme songs. "Street rats and riff raff gather round. One of your own is about to make video game history thanks to the magic of Disney, Virgin Games, and Sega. Disney's Aladdin is one of the most beau- tiful video games to date. " (GamePro, Nov., '93) Mortal Kombat by Arena (Game Gear) No one really believed that Arena could stuff arcade-quality head- to-head fighting action into a Game Gear cart - but they did. Crisp, clear graphics faithfully capture the look of the arcade game. Two-button controls aren’t made to handle complex fighting moves, but Arena did an admirable job of overcoming the limitations of the hand-held sys- tem. There’s even a blood code, so for the first time here's a truly complete portable fighting game. "Here's a solid reason to run out and buy a Game Gear: Arena’s Mortal Kombat for the Game Gear is everything its 16-bit big brother is, plus it's portable. " (GamePro, Sept., '93) Genesis Runners-Up 1 Hand-Held Runners-Up Mortal Ron by Arena Gore galore! MK Genesis has it all, plus smooth-feeling game play (with the six-button con- troller). ABACABB and DULLARD make it even hotter! "Great graphics, sound, and control, in combination with the special Mode A setting, make the Genesis Mortal Kombat a beat-em-up force. " (GamePro, Sept., ’93) Street Fighter II Special Champion Edition by Capcom The voices and sound were a loss, but otherwise SCE was a superb version of the Champion with all the Hyper Features, including star speeds, all 12 characters, and superbly smooth play and combos. "Street Fighter II Special Cham- pion Edition is a razor-sharp translation of the arcade Turbo Hyper fighting. ” (GamePro. Nov.. 93) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past by Nintendo of America (Game Boy) Unreal! Zelda crammed a game that's as in-depth as its SNES cousin into a four-meg master- piece. More moves, more levels, and more items make this game all right! “You only need to glance at the box to know that finally, after four years, a true work of bril- liance in the action/RPG genre has arrived for the Game Boy. " (GamePro, Nov., 93) Star Wars by U.S. Gold (Game Gear) This Forceful action/adventure cart truly does the Star Wars license justice, boasting excellent game play, superior graphics, and marvelous sound. It’s a superb new adventure. “You won’t have to Force your- self to enjoy this hand-held ver- sion of Star Wars. " (GamePro, Oct., 93) GAMEPRO February 1994 23 @ra® a.@@ 7 * 3 . fjxwijxiiiys \„ NES Game of the Year II CD Dame of the Year Kirby's Adventure by Nintendo Overgrown puffball Kirby has rocketed into the limelight in one of the best, and biggest, NES carts ever. Six whopping megs and battery-backup, plus color- ful, entertaining game play with delightfully funny twists add up to something special. This should be at the top of your NES wish list. if you aren't yet a fan of Ninten- do's Kirby, you will be once you start playing this addicting game " (GamePro. Sept . ‘93) Sonic the Hedgehog CD by Sega of America (Sega CD) Sonic made his CD debut in an adventure very worthy of His Hedgehogness. The game has Sonic’s trademark style of play, enhanced with new moves, new gadgets, and all-new levels to explore. Each of the massive acts is filled with hidden surprises and has multiple-play “This one’s everything you've come to expect from Sonic - super speed, super game play, super original, super fun, and now a super CD! " (GamePro, Jan., ’94) NES Runners-Up I CD Runners-Up by Capcom New secret passages and items combine with the stellar game play that has made Mega Man a legend in his own time. by Capcom Capcom’s still cranking out the 8-bit greats, and RR 2 features a neat plot based on the cartoon. Its solid platform action and bright graphics make this game a winner. Lords of Thunder by TTI (Duo) The Lords fulfill the need for CD shooting speed with rockin’ sound tracks and the baddest bosses you've ever seen on a silver disc. “Lords of Thunder from Turbo Technologies has enough shoot- em-up action to satisfy even the pickiest space jockeys. ” (GamePro, March 93) Silpheed by Sega (Sega CD) This massive shooter featured some new tricks for the Sega CD, including polygon graphics and other unusual visual effects, such as rotation and scaling. “Climb aboard the Silpheed and launch into shoot-em-up action that’ll make even veteran space jockeys break into a sweat. " (GamePro, Dec., 93) GAMEPRO February 1994 24 Fighting Game of the Year Action/Adventure Game of the Year Samurai Shodown bySNK SNK outdid itself by releasing the undisputed all-time best Geo fighter, introducing and redefining weapons fighting style. The game has tons of depth, incorporating breakable weapons, counters, and fine technique. It has some of the smoothest, richest Japanese Anime-style animation ever. The mega-detailed backgrounds didn’t hurt, either. This game didn't have the combos of Hyper Fighting or the gushing gore of MK, but the fun and strategy made it an underdog winner! (Note: This award recog- nizes the coin-op version - the home version has been censored and is not as good.) "Samurai Shodown is one of the two best fighting games of all-time, period!" (Game Pro, Oct., -93) Fighting Game Runners-Up Mortal Kombat by Acclaim (SNES/Genesis) Okay, Kombateers, you got what you wanted. ..almost. The SNES had the graphics and sound, the Genesis had the original moves. Put the two together and you'd have a perfect version. "Mortal Kombat - a game that could put other Fighters out on the street. " (GamePro, Sept., '93) Street Fighter II Turbo/Special CE by Capcom (SNES/Genesis) While neither edition is flawless, both are 99% perfect game play- wise, and they’re the deepest, most playable home fighters ever. "July marks the first anniversary of the award-winning Street Fighter II release. For its publisher. Capcom, there’s only one way to celebrate: SHOW ’EM WHO'S BOSS!" (GamePro, Aug., '93) Flashback byU.S. Gold Flashback went where no game had gone before to create a new style of action/adventure gaming. Its animation, which was created with the rotoscoping technique, produced a surprisingly lifelike hero who had very realistic move- ments. The unique game play combined shoot-em-up with adventure elements and even puzzle/strategy ideas. "This awesome action/adventure cart mixes solid, complex game play with outstanding action and wraps it all in magnificent, never- before-seen graphics. " (GamePro, Feb., ’93) Action/Adventure Runners-Up Mega Man X by Capcom (SNES) The star of ten NES andGB adventures made his 16 -bit debut in style. X has new moves - like the Dash Attack and the Triangle Jump -to help him conquer more detailed worlds, defeat better- looking enemies, and uncover a host of hidden surprises. "Capcom has finally brought its man of titanium from the 8-bit wastelands into the bright, bold, brilliant 16-bit glory! Mega Man X is one of the best SNES side- scrollers ever. " (GamePro, Jan., ’94) Super Empire Strikes Back by JVC/LucasArts (SNES) This all-around excellent action/adventure game would please even Jabba the Hutt. New features, such as the Force icons, make it play better than its Super Star Wars predecessor, and give you more satisfaction when you win. "The Force will be with everyone in this exciting, gorgeous, and imaginative game. " (GamePro. Nov., ’93) GAMEPRO February 1894 25 Sports Game of the Year II Shoot-Em-Up Game of the Year NHL Hockey ’94 by EA Sports (Genesis and SNES) II JL Jl * ^ * This year’s version of NHL was far better than previous editions, due primarily to its four- and five-way play on the Genesis and SNES, respectively. The real-life players and teams make the game great, but it’s the new crowd animations and the other little touches that make it a favorite here. "Hard-core fans will definitely want to grab NHL '94. It's the hottest thing on ice. " (GamePro, Oct., '93) Star Fox by Nintendo (SNES) In this first (and so far only) Super FX chip game, innovative graphics and crisp, thumb- blistering game play brought a much-needed change of pace to cartridge shoot-em-ups. Multiple play levels and secrets were the touches that made this cart a shoot-em-up stand out. “Star Fox is the first SNES cart to be equipped with Nintendo's Super FX (SFX) graphics chip. If this is any indication of things to!" (GamePro, April, ' 93 ) Sports Runners-Up Shoot-Em-Up Runners-Up NFL Football '94 starring Joe Montana by Sega (Genesis) Joe Montana delivers the NFL teams, players, and numbers, as well as the trademark Sega Sports- Talk play announcing, incredible graphics, and more than 100 possible play combinations. "NFL Football '94 Starring Joe Montana has it all. " (GamePro, Jan., '94) Madden NFL ’94 by EA Sports (Genesis) More Madden means more good football action. The 4 Way Play support alone is worth the price of the cart, but you also get 80 teams, a tough CPU opponent, and quick, realistic game play . "John Madden is still the video league MVP. " (GamePro, Nov.. ’93) Viewpoint by SNK (Neo*Geo) Eye-popping Zaxxon-style graph- ics, huge bosses, and mind- blowing power-ups made this cart hot, while the rap sound- track made it cool. " Viewpoint is hitting the Neo*Geo like an asteroid storm, and you're the cockpit commando. " (GamePro, Feb., ’93) Lords of Thunder by TTI (Duo) This shooter was a feast for the eyes and a much-needed boost for the Duo. It rained an amazing number of objects onto the screen with no slowdown. "Lords of Thunder has some of the most awesome graphics ever assembled in one game. " (GamePro, Feb., '93) 26 GAMEPRO February 1994 Role-Playing Role-Playing Runners-Up Game of the Year Lufia by Taito (SNES) Shadowrun by Data East (SNES) Secret of Mana by Square Soft (SNES) Two years after producing the greatest RPG of all time, Final Fantasy II, Square Soft returns to the market with a truly innova- tive action/RPG adventure. Mana offers a massive action environ- ment to explore, very nice Japan- ese-style graphics and music, a three-player party that flies over the world in Mode 7, and much more. "Without question, Secret of Mana is one of finest action RPGs you 'll ever play on the SNES. " (GamePro, Dec., ’93) This is the story of boy meets girl, girl meets four elemental warlords, boy gets upset. That time-tested plot is borne out exceptionally well in an RPG that brings back fond memories of Final Fantasy II. " Out of the many RPGs that will crowd the stores this holiday season, Lufia stands apart from the pack." (GamePro, Dec., ’93) Shadowrun takes RPGs into the 21 st century with a cyberpunk background and a gritty, no- hope-for-the-future story line. Shadowrun deserves mention also because it incorporates lots of object interaction in an iso- metric perspective. The environ- ment aptly recreates the pen- and-paper RPG. "If you’re tired of kill-the-dragon RPGs, this game should be right up your darkened alley " (GamePro, April, ’93) Strategy/Puzzle Runners-Up Strategy/Puzzle Game of the Year Super Bomberman Party time, uh huh! Super B blasts multi-player fun wide open. Despite the unfortunate loss of the fifth player, this cart is polished, playable, and packed, featuring all-new power-ups and weapons, more stages, more interaction with the backgrounds, and far more strategies than in any previous version. "This high-action blow-em-up is the best thing that's ever hap- pened to group SNES game playing.” (GamePro, Sept., ’93) Bomberman ’93 by TTI (Duo) Although the SNES version has more bells and whistles, the TTI Duo version is a five-player bomb fest. Its exciting list of enhancements makes the game positively addicting. "The box of Bomberman '93 should be labelled with a warn- ing for folks prone to §ame dependency. " (GamePro, March, ’93) Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine by Sega (Genesis) The Genesis was sorely in need of a solid new puzzle game in the tradition of Columns and Tetris. Dr. R makes his solo debut in a mind-numbing, addicting puzzle challenge that’s bean quite a hit at GamePro. “Fans of this genre should find Mean Bean Machine a match made in heaven. " (GamePro, Jan. ’94) Educational Game of the Year SimAnt is a delightful combina- tion of simulation, strategy, and adventure. You become an ant and learn all about...well...ants. This cart is fun, and if educa- tional carts aren’t fun, no one's gonna play them. “Ants may be the ultimate in insect pests, but SimAnt, an absorbing sim-style game, won t bug you at all. " (GamePro, Oct., ’93) Educational Game Runners-Up Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? by HiTech Expressions (SNES) Carmen and her gang are still stealing priceless objects from throughout time, and everyone’s still having fun rounding her up. “Carmen Sandiego is a timeless game that big and little kids alike are gonna enjoy. " Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? by HiTech Expressions (SNES) This Carmen runs a close third behind Where in Time, but it’s still packed with entertaining sleuthing and enough geography to keep your parents happy. “Roam the world with Carmen Sandiego...psst, you'll learn a lot in the process. " GAMEPR February 1 9S4 27 'Leaf will have a nationally recognized accounting firm verify the exact number of cases produced of 1994 DONRUSS and that this production level is the lowest since 1985. Copies of this report will be available by March 30, 1994. To receive a copy of this report, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Certifying Auditor, P.O. Box 729, Deerfield, IL 60015. xn»v fpl © 1993 Leaf, Inc. Lake Forest, IL 60045 U.S.A. Ogj IJj ROBIN YOUNT FOIL STAMPED '84 COMMEMORATIVE CARDS ONLY AVAILABLE IN SERIES 1 HOBBY FOIL PACKS OUR HIGHEST PRODUCTI M QUALITY EVE ^ By Slasher Quan With the deafening sound of “Finish him!" in your ears, Baraka decapitates yet another victim, and Midway’s Mortal Kombat II is up and fighting. Even more violent than the original Mortal Kombat (which sparked a pub- lic outcry), this game features great enhancements in graph- ics, sound, and game play. However, Mortal still lacks the depth to keep it in the num- ber-one spot indefinitely. The Hem Kombat Essentially, MK II was recreated from scratch - this isn’t merely an MK: Champion Edition. Although the basic game play is virtually the same, all of the art and music from MK I were thrown out. The great results are obvious -just compare the old and new machines! While Sonya, Coro, and Kano have disappeared, favorites Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Raiden, Liu Kang, and Johnny Cage are the returning veter- ans. Two familiar faces are now playable - Reptile, a former secret character, and Shang Tsung, the final boss of MK I. The new characters are Jax, a buff martial artist; Baraka, a blades-for-hands demon; Kitana and Mileena, two bruise-bustin' brunette twins; and Kung Lao, the Shaolin monk who con- trolled the tournament before Shang Tsung entered the pic- ture. Overall, Midway should be complemented on the new characters. Instead of merely making Reptile a Sub-Zero/ Scorp clone, he has his own unique set of moves. Shang Tsung’s character-transforma- tion abilities are well-bal- anced, since he must beware MK II -A Major Revision A/hile the comparisons Detween MK II and Super Street Fighter II will rage on endlessly in the arcades, this game surpasses Super Street Fighter II as a revision, since it features more improvements over its predecessor than Super does. Check out what’s new and improved. . Twice the Fatalities. The old ones are redone and improved, and the new ones are more gross than ever. ■ Faster game play. MK II is about twice as fast as MKI! • Tons of secrets. In addi- tion to the Fatalities, there are rumors of up to five hidden characters! of being hit out of the trans- formation and returning to his own meager body at an inop- portune moment. The new tournament is also well presented. There's a cool story line, new and old bosses, and a very imposing “king of the mountain" battle plan for you to tackle. Once you’ve logged some hours with MK II, however, you’ll notice some weakness- es. You often feel like there are only so many patterns, and you’re seeing the same stuff over and over again. However, the game keeps your interest for some time, as it’s quite a task to find all the Fatalities and combos that Midway added, not to mention discovering the secret charac- ters or beating the bosses. The Finishing Move If you loved Mortal Kombat, get out there and pump some quarters into Mortal Kombat II. We’ll have a further blow-by- blow in an upcoming issue. G Note: This preview was based on a test machine that was close to complete. How- ever, Midway was working on the final version and reported that several prob- lems were being fixed and upgrades were being made (including revising the pro- gram so that the computer no longer plays cheaply). We will report back with a final review in our next issue. Air moves. Certain techniques can now be done in the air! . More bosses, including a relative of Goro. ■ Much cleaner character graphics. Now you can actually see facial details instead of pixelated blurs. ■ New multi-scrolling backgrounds. ■ Spooky music and clear- er voices will send chills up your spine - if you don’t lose it first! ■ Extended combo protec- tion, which stops the juggling in the corner and other ridiculous combos, but still allows for some cheese! There are also cross-ups. ■ Awesome intro sequence. ■ A kick-butt cabinet that features cool art and logos. 30 GAMEPRO • February 1994 . Three palette-swap charac- ters (that is, characters who All-New Fatalities! Check out a preview of some new Fatalities in MK II. We won’t ruin all the fun - there are plenty more to find. Look for a Fatality and combo guide in an upcoming issue! Note: All Fatalities are done when close to the enemy unless otherwise indicated. “eafc When you land, push High Punch. are graphically identical except for the colors of their clothing). ■ Few reversals, counters, and hit-trades. The whole game often boils down to who stuck out their kick first. ■ Sluggish controls and move- ment, especially in close. (MK I had the same problem.) Overly cheap CPU oppo- nents who can throw you with literally no way to reverse. Weird counter moves, like being able to block some- one as they jump in, and uppercut before they land. ■ A one-dimensional combo system. It isn’t cheap any- more, but it primarily involves doing moves sud- denly into other moves Limited background activity. While the graphics are crisp, more movement a la Samurai Shodown would help. Skull Snack Reptile wraps his long tongue, swallows it whol e from morel Jax’s Fist of Doom Jax likes to play a game of bloody knuckles and imploding skulls. GAMEPRD • February 1994 31 auinioA Two Thumbs Up ! •TlflcWOBBS-J migtgi A r\ Killer Moves and Action Strategies 45 Power-Packed Minutes With Over 40 Tips, Tactics and Codes for 22 Mega Hit Carts! Featuring: ■ The Sega Genesis, Super NES and the Sega CD Systems in full-color video. Follow along as we show you the winning moves! A Written and Directed By: The Editors of GamePro Magazine The Gaming Experts Give You Their Own Top Secret Tips To Win! 4^ A STARRING: J.D. Roth, host and gaming fanatic! Plus all your favorite cart stars! ALSO AVAILABLE AT BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO STORES (prices may vary) — — i — — 1 tm S» ■ ’SESKjaaFQS The video games covered by this tape (and Iheir trademarks and copyright rights) are property ol their respective companies. GamePro has i companies and the tape is not officially sanctioned by those companies). To Order Call Toll-Free affiliation with these 1 -41 5-330-4PRO 66% off the For all the latest HITS, kicks, punches, and FLIPS from the #1 source for Video Gaming Action! /YES! SION ME UP! Enter my one-year subscription to GamePro (12 action-packed issues) at the incredibly low price of $19.97. 1 save over $39.00 (66%) off the cover price! □ Bill Me U Payment Enclosed GamePro, PO Box 55527, Boulder, CO 80322-5527 Send Foreign and Canadian orders prepaid, in U.S. funds, with $20/year additional poslage. Annual newsstand rate: $59.40. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of your first issue. You won’t find ♦ many We needed a gun to bring this treat home. Lethal Enforcers' - comes to Sega CD' - and Sega™ Genesis™ packed with a powerful surprise inside. The Chicago P.D. needs you to go up against a slew of terrorists like you’ve never seen. Every deadly move is digitized from actual human movement. It’s so lethal we needed to load your side iron, The Justified - into every package, for a total arcade experience unlike anything you’ve played at home before . Just like at the arcades, you’ve got to time your quick feature exactly right so you don’t run out of ammo. Upgrade your firepower along the way to magnum, 12-round automatic, assault rifle or grenade gun. Six levels, including target training, will put your skill to the test in the parts of the Windy City the tourists never see. a toy like this Cracker Jack box. Be on the lookout for a bank job in progress, high speed chase, ninjas in Chinatown, helicopter pursuit and volatile Heat of the Night Vision during a chemical plant sabotage. See and hear it all in intense digitized graphics, realistic settings and painful sound effects. But watch out for the innocent bystanders or you may lose more than your badge. For one or two top cops. (2nd player can use controller or mail in for another “Justifier.” See details inside package.) A Super NES® game may be released. Please check with Konami for availability. KONAMI What’s Right with Super SF II? . By Slasher Quan More than two years after starting a revolution, Capcom has fired the final shot in one of the most popular, highest-earning video game series of all time. Super Street Fighter II isn’t entirely super, but it’s well worth the tokens you’ll drop - and it should whet your appetite for the SNES home version, which is due in July. Samurai Shodown and Fatal Fury Special are challenging for number one. For now, though SSF II reigns supreme despite its many flaws. _kL31>./ CLt -kr. i I Ijj j^i CCAPCOM 199' 1993. AIL RIGHTS HtSfcRVED^ Somewhat Super Super SF II is packed with many new features and excit- ing additions. New characters, moves, art, music, and com- bos add greatly to the depth of the game and to the player’s enjoyment. Overall, this is with- out a doubt one of the best fighting games of all time. Despite this, Super SF II could have been a lot better. The game is simply a revision of its predecessors, and you wonder if it should really be called "Special” instead of “Super.” The graphics were retouched - but not completely redone. The game in some ways is a step backward, as it’s slower and it’s missing moves. Still Super Super’s still number one, but if Capcom doesn’t make significant improvements in the series, another fighter will come along and dethrone it with more techniques and more depth - and it might happen sooner than you might think. Already lilySJiliiul) r/' ! % 36 • Four new characters. The new characters are totally cool and can hang with the original 12 for the most part. Some, though (especially Cammy), could have benefitted from more tweaking. • New art for the cinematic win and lose screens and new ani- mation frames. • New dizzies that go into effect instantly, so you have more time to plan combos. • New moves for the original characters, such as Zangiefs Siberian Bear Crush and Bison’s Flying Psycho Fist. • New music and sounds. Although the Q-Sound effects could have been better, the re- made stage tunes jam! • New two-in one hits. Although you’ll want even more, new two-in-ones, such as Sagat’s Roundhouse/Upper- cut and Blanka’s Head Butt/ Rolling Attack, give combos that extra spark. •Combo counting so you know if it was for real or not. What’s Wrong with Super SF II? • Slow action, nearly back to Champion Edition. Don’t you just love waiting for combos to come out? Argh! • A floaty control feel due to the slower speed. • Missing moves. Some of the awesome Turbo moves, such as Ryu and Ken’s combo-ready Air Hurricane, are gone. • Unbalanced play. Some characters are too powerful. Because some moves have been removed, the game has become unbalanced. Now that Guile’s Flash Kick doesn’t dou- ble-hit, he’s not vulnerable to the Uppercut Brothers, Ryu and Ken, if he does it from too GAMEPRD • far away. Also, some of the hits and counters needed more tweaking. • No damage protection. Turbo should have taught us that killing in two combos is unfair - in Super this factor is actually worse! • Goofy voices. What’s up with the announcer? And why does Guile have such a strange voice - is he trying to sing soprano? • Cheesy cabinet art. We pre- fer the great, accurate anime art from Japan, which was used in Turbo. The airbrushed American art used for Super looks like anything but the characters on the screen, ebruary 1934 The characters o> n the cabinet s umimw . don't look like the anime char- acters in the game. Capcom could have used the real anime art from Japan. THIS SHOULD OPENA FEW EYES Games never looked so good. Introducing the new GD-i titles from the Games Division of Philips Media, many featuring MPEG 3D frames per second Digital Video. You've got to see them, hear them and play them to believe them. Try them out aod you'll see why our beauty isn't just screen deep. By Manny LaMancha , Twice a year, the coin-op industry showcases new games at the AMOA (Amusement and Music Opera- tors Association) show. This year the show floor was packed with karaoke machines, jukeboxes, ticket-dispensing games, basket-shooting and football-throwing challenges - and a whole slew of video games, such as Mortal Kombat II (pre- viewed in the last issue of GamePro), and pinball tables. Here are the hot coin-ops due to arrive at your local arcades this year. Check out future installments of Hot at the Arcades for extensive reviews of these games. Biff Boarding Bonk’s Adventure (Surf Systems) (Kaneko) One of the strangest exhibits at AMOA was a game from Surf Systems called Biff Boarding. The company explains that with a little work, an arcade operator can take a standard upright game cabinet and mod- ify it to include a small platform in the front. With new software and the addition of a surfboard, this altered machine becomes a surfing or snowboarding simulator. In the spirit of Nin- tendo’s Power Pad for the NES and Sega’s Activator for the Genesis, Biff Boarding is a very physical game to play. Bonk has returned, this time in a Kaneko coin-op called Bonk’s Adventure, The Arcade Game. It has the standard comple- ment of head-bashing and meat-eating that made Bonk so popular on the TurboGrafx-16 game console. Crime Patrol 2: Drug Wars Cybersled (Namco) Namco showed Cybersled, a two-player sit-down that’s like Battlezone with jet sleds. You have to maneuver through a deadly, obstacle-filled course, while zapping enemy threats and snatching bonus items. Crime Patrol 2: Drug Wars Shoot Out at Old TUcson (American Laser Games) American Laser Games, cre- ators of the very popular Mad Dog McCree, showed a couple of new laser-disc titles. Drug Wars is similar to Mad Dog in that you have to fire your gun at vicious criminals— don’t hit the innocents! — before you take any damage yourself. Another game, Shoot Out at Old Tucson, has a Western- theme, but the highlight is that it uses a 3D0 as the “engine." The software wasn’t complete at the show, so we’ll have to wait to see how it turns out. February 1984 38 > I Ridge Racer Namco, the maker of Air Com- bat, has followed up with a driv- ing game called Ridge Racer, which consists of realistic tex- ture-mapped backgrounds and ray-traced 3D vehicles. This was one of the top new games at AMOA. Star Trek: The Next Generation Punky Doodle (SunSoft) SunSoft has reentered the arcade market with Punky Doo- dle, a game aimed at younger arcade players. Designed in- house by David Siller, who also created the Aero the Acro*Bat games for 16-bit home sys- tems, Punky Doodle requires you to maneuver 3D-rendered pumpkins around the screen. Punky Doodle Power Instinct (Atlus) Atlus is entering the fighting- game market with Power Instinct, a jawbreaker that also aims for your funny bone. The moves include your ability to transform your beautiful female fighter into a granny who damages her adversaries by throwing her dentures at Judge Dredd them from across the screen. Judge Dredd Star Trek: The Next Generation (Bally/Midway/Williams) Bally/Midway/Williams had a typical full plate of products, with Mortal Kombat II being the obvious magnet (for more on MKII, see our PreView in the January issue). Also new from this innovative company are a couple of challenging pin- ball tables, Judge Dredd and Star Trek: The Next Generation. Both offer ramps, multi-ball action, skill shots, and com- pounding jackpots, as well as digitized sound and an animat- ed LCD score display. G A M E P R 0» h s February 1 Raiden II (Fabtek) Raiden has made a return in a shoot-em-up sequel called, not surprisingly, Raiden II. There have been few changes in the concept of the game, in which one or two players fly fighter planes over various battlefields. New weapons have been added, however, and the graphic appearance has been spruced up. Last Action Hero Tales from the Crypt (Data East) Data East had two hot licenses on the pinball side, Last Action Hero and Tales from the Crypt. Last Action Hero features a big portrait of Arnold Schwarzenegger on the back- glass, and moviegoers will rec- ognize the crane from the funeral scene as a way to take the ball from one place to another for bonus points. Both Last Action Hero and Tales from the Crypt (from the HBO thriller series starring the Cryptkeeper) are packed with numerous mechanicals and skill shots for adventurous pin players. Spinmaster Run and Gun (Konami) Konami may be ready to tear up the arcade courts with Run and Gun. This action-packed basketball game uses a “cam- era" located behind the back- board rather than at courtside, and it uses drawn characters instead of going the digitized route like NBA Jam. The game play appears to be topnotch. (Data East) One of the stories of the show was Data East’s appearance as a Neo«Geo licensee. Spinmas- ter is a scrolling game that looks like a kiddie funfest— you use yo-yos as your primary weapons against a ton of car- toony enemies — but it certainly doesn't play like one. The riotous action offers a high level of challenge. Unfortunate- ly, Spinmaster isn’t targeted for release to home-based owners. Tales from the Crypt Last Action Hero 40 February 1994 Driver’s Edge virtua Virtua Fighters (Sega) Hot on the heels of the suc- cessful Virtua Racing comes a strange combination of fight- ing games and rendered 3D graphics. Sega’s Virtua Fight- ers offers loopy, marionette- like movement for a selectable stable of martial arts combat- ants. One player can face off against the computer, or two players can battle head-to- head using various kicks, punches, and throws. Driver’s Edge Hard Yardage (Strata) Time Killers helped put Strata on the map, but the company’s two latest games head off in totally different directions. Dri- ver’s Edge attempts to pull some of the market from Sega’s Virtua Racing with 3D graphics and fast-paced auto- motive thrills. A trio of L.A. Raiderette cheerleaders drew a big crowd to see Hard Yardage an NFL- licensed football game. Not only are all the NFL teams rep- resented in this game, but footage from NFL Films appears at key moments. Look at this as an attempt to make a football version of NBA Jam. Hard Yardage Survival Arts (American Sammy) American Sammy is preparing Survival Arts, a fighting game that offers digitized characters, a la Mortal Kombat. But in this game the character sprites are much bigger. It also places a higher ceiling on the play field, so you can leap high and come down hard on your opponent. 2-Minute Drill (Taito) Taito, the creator of such arcade classics as Arkanoid and Bubble Bobble, is heavy into redemption games - that is, games that reward players with tickets toward prizes. One innovative redemption unit is a football tosser called 2-Minute Drill. It mixes real video of foot- ball action along with the phys- ical task of trying to throw a football as hard and as accu- rately as possible. The key is to take your team down the grid- iron in four downs to score a touchdown. Survival Arts 6AMEPR0 February 1994 41 CHECKERED FLAG ’ coming soon CYRERMORPH ™ available now © o e o o o INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM Atari, the Atari logo, Jaguar and the Jaguar logo are ™ or ® of Atari Corporation. © 1993 Atari Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1302. All rights reserved. Cybermorph, Checkered Flag and Trevor McFur In the Crescent Galaxy are trademarks of Atari Corporation. All rights reserved. TINY 70 ON ADVENTURES, characters, names and all related Indicia are trademarks of Warner Brothers, licensed to Atari Corporation © 1993. Raiden® is licensed to Atari Corporation by Fabtek®, © 1993 ■ Yosbi’s Cookie is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.© 1992, 1993 Nintendo of America Inc. Mario is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. All rights resertvd. Sonic the Hedgehog ™ is a registered trademark of SEGA of America, Inc. AH rights reserved. COMPETITION multimedia system has a mind blowing 64 bits of power, compared to a wimpy 16 bits for the competition. 64 bits means 16 million colors in a 3D world. Breakneck speeds. Cat-like control. And special effects like you see in the movies. How does it sound? Well, if this ad had a volume button your mother would be yelling at you to turn it down. Car crashes, alien screeches, jet engines and other bone rattling stereo CD quality sounds will make you jump out of your seat. When you do, make sure to run to the nearest store. Everyone else will be there chomping at the bit to buy one. What we're really saying is Jaguar’s 64 bits eats the competition alive. Sink your teeth into it and you’ll see what we mean. Get Bit by Jaguar. ™ By The Unknown Tv Gamer ' Sonic's been makin’ the Sega scene in a big way in the last couple of months. Welcome to the next genera- tion: Sonic 3 for the Genesis is the eagerly awaited next installment in Sega’s saga of the feisty hedgehog and his arch-nemesis, Dr. Robotnik. He's A Bad Egg Robotnik never gives up. In Sonic 2 you thought you destroyed the Doctor’s evil Death Egg Machine. You were wrong! In this 16-meg, two- player game, the sinister Doc- tor’s latest scrambled plan is to rebuild the Death Egg Machine and crack up Sonic once and for all. There are speed tunnels every- where. This one’s on Angel Island. In Hydro City Sonic learns to ride these treadmills - a new trick! Sonic's teamed up once again with his trusty sidekick, Tails. They're fighting the Doctor's latest collection of mechanical menaces on an island paradise gone Robotnik. There are six all-new Zones on the island: Angel Island, Hydro City, Marble Garden, Carnival 44 Slip 'n- slide down twisting ramp i« H for dear life, Sonic gets can ami men gets washed away Tails looks mighty cute dog-pad- dlin’ his way through the water. When Sonic picks up speed, he can windsurf across the surface of the water. Night, the Ice Cap Zone, and the Launch Base. Each has two huge Acts, with the multiple pathways and the secret areas you've come to expect in a Sonic game. There’s also a brand new incarnation of Robotnik to battle at the end of each Act. The all-new graphics are the icing on the cake. They give Sonic a much more three-dimensional look and include many animations for each character. A Well-Hounded Game The game play in this cart is true-blue Sonic. He runs, jumps, ricochets off enemies, and activates his mighty Spin Dash to leap tall ledges and cliffs in a single bound. When you play alone, you can even use Controller Two to get some help from Tails, who can fly above Sonic and lift him up to hard-to-reach areas. lift in Hydro City- The Bubble Shield gives Sonic a new straight-down jumping attack and keeps him from losing air when he’s under- water. Sonic can also kick out of his spinning attack, with or without a Shield. This gives the attack more range than it’s had in the past reach any other way. laws' win*- When he’s gi Shield, Sonic a burst of n a , Other new suprises include a new character named Knuck- les, an Echidna (look it up, Jack), who’s a real practical joker. There are also some fun variations in two-player mode, including larger split- screen graphics. In two-player contests you can race as Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles, and you can compete in Grand Prix, Match Race, or Time Attack. In Grand Prix, you race through five Zones (Azure Lake, Balloon Park, Chrome Gadget, Desert Palace, and Endless Mine). In Match play, you go head-to- head against a bud in the Zone of your choice. Time Attack pits you against the CPU. The Word When it comes to Sonic, Sega always delivers something new and different. ’Nuff said! Enjoy the pix and welcome to the next level - Sonic-style. Sonic 3 By Sega Available February City to pick In Martle Ganten, Sonn Ms top flv w ™"” 1 " 9 and^1aWn^ ^,s t ,l "' In addition to the standard power-up Monitors, there are three new power-ups. The original Shield is gone, but now Sonic can grab either a Water Shield, an Electric Shield, or a Fire Shield. Each Shield empow- ers Sonic with a new special move and protects him against that type of elemental danger. For example, with the Water Shield, Sonic doesn’t need to remain underwater. Round. During the Special Stage, you race across the surface of a huge globe, trying to grab blue orbs and dodge red ones. If you grab all the blues, you’ve got a shot at the Chaos Emerald (and, yes, of course you have to grab all the Chaos Emeralds to see the real ending). You enter the Bonus Rounds by finding secret rooms with giant Rings in them. Here Sonic ricochets off a huge gumball machine and grabs all kinds of power-ups. If Sonic and Tails bat the end-of- the-Act sign around, they can influence which way it lands and earn extra power-ups. As usual, there’s an awe- some new Special Stage, but there’s also a cool new Bonus GAMEPRO February 1994 45 Time Attack wiffi You’ve got to find these big Rings to reach the Bonus If Sonic snags all the blue orbs in the Special Stages, he gets a Chaos Emerald. ST.S5S-S not to see red! In the Carnival Night Zone, becomes a hedgehog cann Sonic rotates 360 degrees around this wild tower in the Carnival Night Zone. or Robotnik's. of practical jokes One thing s tor s ^ tT 0 „ Sonic mil Tails- Robotnik makes Hydro City. BAMEPBO ebruary 1934 CAPCOM This couldn’t wait ’til the 21 st century The“X” generation of Mega Man adventures is here. For the first time on the Super NES. As his last great creation, Dr. Light developed “X — the first thinking, decision- making robot. Years later, Dr. Cain modifies his design to make thousands of supposedly “harmless" Reploids. That is until Sigma, the most intelligent Reploid of all, decides to lead the others in eliminating all humans from the planet. Now “X” must hunt down Sigma using his all -new arsenal, including the X-Buster and the awesome Emergency Acceleration System. It’s the Mega battle of the next century found nnlrr nn tho ^ttnor 1\TF^ “X” uses his X-Buster to When the robotic "X" destroys an omy on me C^uper IMHO. save Zero, the leader amoeba glues ‘X" to the enemy submarine fuel of the Maverick Hunters ground, either he tank and things get from the evil Vile. shoots or he’s stuck. extremely explosive. 01993 CAPCOM USA, Inc. Mega Man X Is a trademark of CAPCOM. CAPCOM is a tegistered trademark of CAPCOM, ltd. Super Nintendo, Nintendo and the Nintendo Entertainment System ate registered trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. For mote informatktn, call (408) 727-1665. CAPCOM Hey, Goofball Goofy’s got big problems. He’s a janitor in a museum, and he's got to make sure every- thing's shipshape in four new exhibits for the grand open- ing. The museum's curator, Professor Ludwig Von Drake, has promised to make Goofy the head janitor if he does a good job. However, Goofy’s long-time arch-rival Pete is intent on snagging the head janitor job for himself, and to get it he's sabotaging Goofy (who’s pretty good at sabotag- ing himself, anyway). Pete hides important items from each exhibit, so Goofy’s got to find them or risk Von Drake's legendary wrath. As Goofy enters each of the four huge exhibits, he starts daydreaming and imagines he's really back in four histori- cal eras: Prehistoric, Medieval, ing than average action/ad- venture fare. Namely, he has some new inventions - the Extend-O-Hand and his Goof- traptions. Goofy uses his Extend-O-Hand to climb, to swing, and to reach things that are too high for him to grab normally. As he shuffles through each exhibit, he’ll find attachments for his Extend-O- Hand that give him other use- ful abilities, as well. For example, the Boxing Glove gives him a one-two punch that’ll take out Pete’s ancestors in seconds. Other attachments include a special Boot, a Pro- peller, and the Goofball Glove. Also scattered through each exhibit are Gooftrap- tions. These include the Goof- ball Funnel, a special Bird- house, a Factory Whistle, a wacky Cuckoo Clock, Fire- fly The Unknown j Gamer f Goofy’s finally got a game he can sink his teeth into. This cart takes Disney’s lovable bumbler and gives him an appropriately offbeat adventure that’s tough, but loads of fun. PROTIP: To reach difficult objects, you can jump and use the Extend- O-Hand at the same time. Gawrsh! Goofy navigates through each exhibit in hop-n-bop-style game play Innovative twists make the game more compli- cated and far more challeng- works, and the Goofball Pop- per. Each of these can help Goofy in some way. For exam- ple, when Goofy slaps the Fac- tory Whistle with his Extend- O-Hand, it blows and all the enemies take a coffee break. PROTIP: To defeat Prehistoric Pete, wheel from side to side on your unicycle, dodge the eggs he tosses, and then jump on his head. This is safer titan trying to move in and punch him. Goofy also stumbles across a gaggle of other gatherables. He picks up Balloons to earn extra lives, Goobers and Goof- The Handy Extend-O-Hand Goofy’s got big problems - but his cart doesn't. You can give him a hand and have a lot of fun doing it with this wacky game. Colonial America, and the Wild West. This means you get to guide Goofy as he battles Pete’s nasty ancestors and a slew of other odd and imagi- native creatures. Each exhibit contains several levels with clever obstacles and enemies that match the theme. For example, in Colonial America, Goofy scales the rooftops of a colonial city and battles Weasles with muskets. In the Prehistoric exhibit, Goofy rides a unicycle across the backs of giant dinosaurs and fights an egg-tossing, neanderthal prog- enitor of Pete. 48 GAMEPRO February 1994 Ups to restore his life, and Goofballs to enable him to fire at his enemies. Goofy Graphics and Sounds Disney always carefully con- trols how their characters are depicted in games, and Goofy’s looking good here. The Goofster, as well as Pete and the rest of the gang, were drawn nicely as large sprites. Goofy’s got a number of humorous animations, and he lumbers along the same way he does in his cartoons. Each exhibit is rendered beautifully, with interesting background detail and unusual scenery. The music’s somewhat repeti- tive, but the digitized voice of Goofy saying the old stan- dards like "Gawrsh" and “Un, Unh” are great. PROTIP: Goofy can grab things diagonally. This comes in handy when you have to grab tricky blocks, like this one in the Pre- historic Exhibit PROTIP: It you destroy your ene- mies by punching them, they’ll turn into Balloons, which give you extra lives. If you jump on them, they won’t Hysterical Controls Goofy’s three-button controls are somewhat tricky. Walking and jumping are no problem, but trying to get the Extend-O- Hand to operate reliably makes you feel as klutzy as Goofy - and very frustrated. It frequently doesn’t grab and hold on when you need it to, usually sending Goofy plum- meting to his doom. The third button makes for easy swap- ping between Extend-O-Hand attachments. PROTIP: You can’t destroy the frogs in the Prehistoric Exhibit All you can do is stun them, and then move on quickly. PROTIP: Beware of this lovesick bird in the Colonial America Exhibit Try to take her out before she comes after Goofy, or she'll cause major damage. PROTIP: Watch out tor puffs of smoke coming out of chimneys in the Colonial America Exhibit Hysterical History Tour is geared for intermediate to advanced players, so it will make beginners will feel pret- ty goofy. The game's precise hop-n-bop requirements, com- bined with tricky Extend-O- Hand swinging and jumping maneuvers and the unreliable Extend-O-Hand controls, make this cart tough - even on the Simple setting. PROTIP: When you reach the second cliff in the Wild West Exhibit, take the upper route via the blocks in the air. The route along the face of the cliff is nearly impossible to navigate. PROTIP: If you run from the Bees in the Wild West, they’ll contin- ue to follow you. Instead, turn and face away from them so that they’ll fly in close, then quickly turn back and clobber them with the Extend-O-Hand. Hot a Museum Piece Despite the high frustration factor, this game’s a fitting saga for the Goofster. An appropriately quirky story line, tons of wacky contraptions, and of course, the "dawg" him- self, make this more than just average action/adventure fare. lt’s...well...Goofy! 6AMEPR0 February 1994 49 , The Lost Vikings are in trouble again, this time on the Sega Genesis. They’ve got to escape “inter- galactic zookeeper" Tomator’s ship, and it’s up to you to get the hapless threesome back home in this very entertaining puzzle/adventure game. Vikings Stick Together Teamwork is the key to the challenge and fun in this game. The Vikings each have particular attributes, but indi- vidually they can't accomplish much. You must team them up to solve various puzzles and work their way through the 43 levels. On top of the often-intri- cate puzzles, the fun is dou- bled by the personalities of the cart’s stars - the three Norsemen are constantly wise- cracking during the game. For instance, they razz you if you mess up too many times dur- ing a particular level. PROTIP: its a good idea to send Olaf the Stout Into action first. His shield will block most any threat, giving you time to bring one of the other characters in to- do their specialty. Control of the characters is simple, and you'll be switch- ing from character to charac- ter and using the items you pick up in no time. Many of the latter levels will make you scratch your head, so it’s nice that the controls don’t get in your way. Be advised, though: some moves require compli- cated button-press combina- tions, so owners of a six- button controller will have an easier time. Good Enough for the Genesis It's natural to compare this version with the original SNES game. What you’ll find are slightly poorer graphics and sound, and not as much pro- gramming pizzazz. Even so, the graphics are nothing to sneeze at (bless you). All of the characters are well animat- ed, and they tickle your funny bone with their expressions and comic appearance. The sound effects really spice up the game play. Overall, Inter- play has compensated for the cart’s shortfalls by adding six new levels and humorous mid-game intermissions. You’ll Laugh Til You’re Norse This cart offers fresh puzzle- solving fun that strains your brain and takes a long time to complete, but makes you laugh out loud along the way. Three’s no crowd when you get lost with the Vikings. □ Baleog the Fierce PROTIP: Unless otherwise nec- essary, it’s a good idea to keep PROTIP: Before you rush in, look PROTIP: When you take a Down your three party members close ahead for which obstacles need elevator, be sure to bring the to each other. They work better as a team. to be cleared. Then, carefully entire party along. A steep drop think through how you can best means certain doom for strag- solve the problem. gling Vikings. The Lost Vikings Lost Vikings lost a little of its sights and sounds during its jump to the Genesis, but it gained more levels and inter- missions. The fun is the key, though, and that’s not lost in the translation. Eric the Swift Age: 19 Height 5'8“ Weight: 160 lbs. Hobbies: Sprinting, rock climbing $59.35 43 levels 8 megs Side view Available January Multi-scrollir Puzzle strategy Passwords 3 players 50 GAMEPRO February 1894 4«laim Genesis J If you’re itching for 'classic side-view shooting action, Gunstar Heroes wants you. But be advised: This Genesis action/adventure cart is an assault on your senses as well as your trigger finger. Better Dead than The planet Gunstar has the Red blues. Colonel Red, a vicious dictator, has stolen four Mystical Gems, which can revive a long-dead, planet- ^ killing robot. The Gunstar twins are out to retrieve the Gems and cream the Colonel. SNES Game Profile Gunstar Heroes (By Sega) If you want to be a lock-and- load star, Gunstar Heroes is a serious side-view, run-n-gun game guaranteed to put you to the test PROTIP: In Stage Four, you can make a stronger throw with the dice If you catch and throw it before it stops bouncing. PROTIP: You can snatch bad guys, robots, and bombs out of the air and toss ’em. rime a jump and hit B. PR0T1P: Force with Lightning and Double Force are strong weapon combos, especially at the end of the game. The Colonel and his evil crew await you on the murderous final stage. PROTIP: You can rebound off the sides of the screen to jump a lit- tle bit higher. PROTIP: Run with the Duck! Sometimes you can score an extra Vitality. Kitter Controls The real stars of this thumb- buster are the outstanding controls and the character moves. In addition to the ener- gy weapons, each Gunstar has an easily accessible hand- fighting repertoire: a flying kick, a sliding kick, a throw, and a body slam. They can block attacks, fire weapons 360 degrees, and climb hand- over hand. During the mining you can even down. from weird, Erector-set rejects to teeny, tiny, mechanical ter- rors. You select four difficulty levels, where even Easy is nasty hard. You need superior firepow- er to survive, and the cart obliges nicely. Periodically an Electronic Duck flies in to drop four energy weapon power- ups. You can use two separate- ly or combine them into one awesome blaster. There are ten combo weapons possible. Colonel Red is a vicious dictator (and a very bad dresser). Gunstar Heroes is chaos in a cart. Colonel Red’s droid horde comes charging at you on land and in the air from both sides of the screen. The Gunstars fight through a spaceship/shooter stage. The bad boss 'bots run the gamut £ye Strain, tar Cain The cart’s graphics wage their own battle against good and eviL.but good ultimately pre- vails. The character sprites aren’t very sharp, and during the riotous two-player con- tests, you're hard-pressed to distinguish your Gunstar from your friend’s. Although slow- down is infinitesimal, blocks of pixels sometimes disappear from your sprite during heavy fighting. On the other hand, there are some truly creative stage designs. For example, one imaginative stage is a board game, where you roll dice, move to a square, and warp to a boss challenge. The sound effects pack a power punch. Crystal clear gun blasts and explosions will rock your house. Gunstar is a fierce space shooter, too! ’Star Quality This cart doesn’t blast open new territory, but it soups up a standard shoot-out game with murderous action, excellent controls, and imaginative game design. Gunstar Heroes is a certified Genesis gun star. □ What the Duck Drops! Lightning Duck! Force! Fire! Chaser Combine these power-ups into ten super weapons! 52 f * * { S EGA PLAYERS... WELCOME TO THE FAMILYI W, EVERY STEP YOU TAKE ■COULD BE YOUR LAST! EXPLORE THE WEIRD WORLD OUTSIDE THE ADDAMS MANSION LETHAL OBSTACLES AWAIT YOU IN THE GAMES ROOM. ITSTHEFEZI-COPTER FLYING GOMEZ TO THE RESCUE! AVOID THE DEADLY WEB \ OF TROUBLE i ill mil! - 1 i , E T ! ; r *x « ^ r a ini Kianappeai its up w 1 Gomez to rescue her •nnokv darners haunt .ia F :;q y Cosmic Spacehead tries to combine role-play, text adventure, and a comic story line. With such galactic goals there’s some cosmic fallout, but also a lot of outer space fun. Cosmic Calamity Cosmic Spacehead is a point- and-dick text-based adven- ture, similar to Monkey’s Island for the Sega CD and King's Quest for the NES. As Cosmic Spacehead, you travel around and collect items to progress to the different stages in the game. You can combine the items or use them on other characters to gather more items. Cartoon Cosmonaut The graphics in this game are colorful and very cartoony. As a matter of fad, Cosmic Spacehead would probably fit right in on most Saturday morning lineups. The back- grounds are bright and vivid, and the towns have a very Hanna-Barbera look to them. PROTIP: Ask to play in the Space Bumper Car. You’ll be rejected, but you’ll receive a balloon that will help you against a very stubborn alien monster. In this cartoon adventure, the land you explore is the Planet Linoleum, with such cities as Formica, Linograd, and Cape Carnival. You’re try- ing to get to the car show in Detroitica, although you start the game with nothing but the space suit on your back. PROTIP: Sugar Icing does a great job of freezing some watery areas. The sounds and music in C.S. lack originality, but then again, what Saturday morning cartoon boasts great music? The sound effects are com- mon plinks and ploinks, and the music is static and mildly annoying. PROTIP: Flying back and forth in the Teleporters empowers you with some strange side effects. When you transport to Old Uno Town, you’ll glow like a flash- light : This might be useful in a dark underground place. Genesis Game ProFile Cosmic Spacehead (By Codemasters) It's easy to let some games slip through the cracks, but don’t make that mistake with Cosmic Spacehead. It’s an entertaining graphic adventure (sort of a scaled-down Mon- key’s Island), and it’s great for younger players. 12 levels Available now Side view Graphic/adventure Multi-scrolling Along the way, you pick up objects like Teleport Keys and Coins, and use them to obtain Passports, Bus Tickets, and other items to get to Detroitica. A menu of interactive com- mands like Look, Pick Up, Talk To, Give, and Use is at your disposal. Before each city you must get through a cutesy side- scrolling game where you pick up icons to get an extra life. On one level there’s even an overhead-view car-racing game. • ^ ^ A 3 1 %' * ; r.ur vc l o* u PROTIP: The Clerk won’t give you the Targeting Device unb'l you get all the parts for the Mis- sile. You need the Gunpowder, a Match, and the Fusewire. PROTIP: The first two items to pick up are the Old Uno Town Teleport Key and the Coin. Take the Coin to the left and find the Luk-E-Day slot machine. It’s Uke...Cosmic, Man... The real fun in Cosmic Space- head is the addictive hunt- and-search due-finding that pervades the game. The story is linear, so you won’t be able to get past an area without finding or doing something to complete your mission. PROTIP: You’ll need to enter Dodgey City from the front and the back to receive the Driver’s License and the Rubber Plug for the Bathtub. Most intermediate gamers will spend a lot of time with this one, although the graph- ics are geared toward young players. Younger players will need a little help to figure out the text and some of the clues. Don't let a little reading deter you, though. Cosmic Spacehead will grow on you like an alien space fungus. 13 PROTIP: Leave some password icons lying around and return to them after you’ve completed difficult side-scrolling secb'ons. 54 GAMEPRO February 1894 TERM AX. tO HI Taito's new International Tennis Tour in stunning detail, making it seem as 1 actually on the court. You’ll face the same challenges the pros do, from tough training sessions to the pressure of court competition. Play the professional circuit and battle the world's 64 best players for the championship title! j Automobile-impact r testing tools, safe- driving TV commercial stars, toy figurines, and cultural icons...not a bad track record for a bunch of Dummies. In fact, The Incredible Crash Dummies is not bad for a Gen- esis video game. This zany, side-view action/ adventure game makes you the Crash Dummy, Slick. You’re on a mission to save the syn- thetic hide of Dr. Zub, who’s been Dummy-napped by the villainous Junkman and his Junkbot gang. You must find Zub before Junkman can squeeze the plans for the TORSO-9000 Super Dummy body out of him! PROTIP: The forward roll gets you past tight squeezes. Press Left or Right to run, then hit Down. PROTIP: The sounds are a dead giveaway to nearby foes. The Incredible Crash Dummies The Incredible Crash Dummies crash into the Genesis with fun but familiar results. Price not available 4 zones 8 megs Side view Available now Multi-scrolling Action/adventure S continues 2 players You Ain't Got No Body The frenetic fighting action here is straight hop-n-bop, and the hoppin’ plays off the key characteristic of the Crash Dummy toys - detachable limbs. You got it! It literally costs you an arm and a leg every time you get hit by a bad guy ! If you aren’t careful, you’ll wind up as a tumbling torso. Don’t worry, you can still hurl a mean Wrench at the Junkbots, and Screwdriver power-ups restore your appendages. Crash Dummies’ challenge won't make your ego crash and burn, but intermediate action buffs will get a good workout. The cart’s four Zones consist of four to five Dummy- dangerous stages, each of which has a hard-to-find exit and a time limit. PROTIP: You can destroy bad guys and most traps by hop- ping on them. PROTIP: If you have the time, you can outrun most moving Dummy destroyers, such as tires. Re- verse direction and run away until they disappear off-screen. In general, the controls do a good job of enabling you to handle the action. However, precision play is necessary, since the Dummies slip and slide whenever they leap. Looks Like a Dummy The smart-looking graphics do the Dummies justice, but the sprites definitely lack person- ality. Turning down the game’s volume is no loss. Its sound effects are cute, but not cutting edge. DoN for the Dummies! The Incredible Crash Dummies is a creditable cart. Dummy fans will want this game for their collections, but kids will face a fairly tough fight. If these merry manikins turn you on, don't be a dummy, be a Dummy. □ 56 GAMEPR February 1 994 Genesis Game ProFile Dragon’s Revenge (ByTengen) By Erik Suzuki The exc ' tement °f a coin-operated pinball game is in the flashing lights, the harsh sounds, and .the mas- sive scores you can accumu- late. But pinball video games always seem to lose something in the translation. With Drag- on's Revenge, Tengen lost and found something new. PROTIP: If you can make it here, you’ll rack up thousands of extra points. Fury’s Revenge Almost two years ago, Tengen released Dragon’s Fury for the Genesis. This cart opened up an entirely new dimension in pinball video games by incor- porating sub-levels, monsters, great graphics, and awesome sound effects. Dragon’s Revenge definitely borrows a lot from Dragon’s Fury, but it improves just slightly upon the original game. PR0T1P: Don’t mess around with the Gold Ball. It lasts for only 60 seconds. schemes wash out the wild fantasy-land art. In particular, the cart’s limp color palette causes some otherwise nicely drawn pix, such as Darzel’s face and the Dragon's head, to look pale. Still, the graphics are definitely unique, and they keep you entertained. Simple Sounds Dragon’s Revenge makes good use of the Genesis's audio port by presenting a ton of digitized explosions and voices. When you lose at a sub level, a girl sarcastically taunts ‘Try again,” and amazingly enough you can understand it. Although the music fits the game, it's merely average and has an annoying twang. Here’s just one of the eight differ- ent sub-levels. Beat this Bonus screen to earn the Gold Ball. PROTIP: Hit A and C to shake balls into hard-to-reach comers and to hit targets. The flipper-pumping game play makes you sweat, and it keeps you guessing, too. Dragon’s Fury required sharp flipper skills and good timing to successfully complete the game. With Dragon's Revenge, skill is still essential, but luck plays an almost equal role in your success. The multi- plier balls, especially the Gold Ball and the Red Balls, really come in handy. Color Blind Graphically, Dragon's Revenge looks good for a pinball video game, but the muted color You get eight sub-levels this time. Naturally, you run into an entirely new set of nasty-looking boss characters and monsters, such as the Mindslayer and Baalzhog the Spiked Nightmare. You also get much more detail in the background graphics. PR0T1P: If you nail the Dragon’s head enough times, he’ll let you inside his mouth. PROTIP: You must destroy Daizel’s face after you complete the 8 sub-levels. Is Vengeance Yours? Dragon’s Revenge is a solid game for pinball fans and gamers who like fast action. It offers new variations and hides plenty of secrets. If you liked Dragon’s Fury, then defi- nitely go for Revenge. □ PROTIP: Try to balance the ball on a Ripper, a bumper, or some other object. If you keep it there long enough it explodes, but you get 500,000 points. You must destroy this fiery foe. Dragon’s Revenge is a nice followup to Dragon’s Fury. It’s a good, though not great pinball game. GAMEPRO February 1994 57 ihjii±uh look up. Each of the buttons does the same thing: A single button push makes Havoc jump if he’s standing, or he can roll out of danger if he’s in a squat position. Havoc can bop enemies by jumping on their heads, or double-push on a button to swing his sword at evil passersby. Not all is dangerous in Havoc's trek.Jreasure'Chests are strewn dbout, and can pro- vide swifter fodtware, food that offers healing to Havoc’s damage bar, as well as extra lives and bonus points. PROTIP: You’ve got to beat the clock, but if going for additional points or bonus power-ups doesn’t put you in danger, make a quick run for them. The graphics are very crisp and clean, The animation is smooth for all characters, and levels such as the Burning Hamlet feature swirling back- grounds (and you thought that was only possible with Mode 7). PROTIP: It's possible to jump | and swing your sword. Though « double-push on the button will make you swing your sword, timing is of the essence. Your second press of the button has to take place before you hit the ground. Practice the timing of this early in the game. ' pROPPPh's usually better to ™ i avoiirconfrontation. If you can leap over your enemies, your . points will suffer, but you’ll live to fight another battle. Wreaking Havoc High^as Havoc sports a homin’ soundtrack. The ,tfbund effects, however, cat\ be pretty disappointing. Whil most are decent, many of them are raspy. By Manny LaMancha , Ah, poor Cap’n Havoc’s gotten him- self into a fix. Bernard, the seafaring pirate canine, is holding a map that could lead him to wealth - and the Emer- alda gem filled with magic. It’s up to you to guide Havoc’s search for the treasure in this fun adventure. * J ; Who Said pi P§n Is Mightier Tfiaij t y the Sword?' '.i. High Seas Havoc is a fot- paced hop-n-bop action/ adventure jaunt that wjll test your reflexes. As you hdht for hidden riches, you must*sur- vive all kinds of peril, fffyn ice caves and fire pits, to dernger on the open water and strug- gles at the top of the wofld. Each level has more thanpne ■ path to the exit. You can take detours that will brfng yeu rrpre treasures or more tfiemy conflicts. This,ehables you to make your seafaring • different each time. « ‘ . Putting Havoc, a cartoony. character, through his paces ik« very easy, thanks tpa simple control system. The directional pad moves him from spot to spot, and mak& nim squat or , » , Genesis Game ProFile High Seas Havoc (By Data East) The tide is rougher in the fun category. While High Seas Havoc owes a lot to such plat- form icons as Sonic and Mario, there are a few sections that will simply irritate rather than titillate. For the most part, though, the game is an enjoy- able and well-designed romp. PROTIP: When you reach the first boss at the end of the Pirate Ship level, you can safely bounce on his head, then jump off and strike as he turns. If you hit him and bounce away, you’ll be out of reach when he starts swinging wildly with his sword. Ahoy, mates! Better batten down the hatches and swab the decks - then take to the ocean blue for some wild adventure courtesy of Data East. PROPP: Some bonus items are out of normal jumping range, but you can springboard off an enemy’s back to reach High Seas Havoc’s faults are minor, but can com- bine to really distract you from your mission. If your pref- erence leans more to gradually discovering how to reach the goal rather than being battered until you complete a level, High Seas Havoc might not be your gaming lifeboat. Other- wise, prepare to set sail. □ PROTIP: Be sure to hit the orb checkpoints. Even if you back- track for bonus items and get V killed, you’ll be able to restart jr from the' point farthest forward. GAMEPRO February 1894 F 0 - kay*be 10 OFF ^JFemale J CouDon # GET YOUR COPY NOW -WITH THIS COUPON SEGA GENESIS® SONIC 3 Good lor Sonic The Hedgehog 3'" Game KraisEE' MM AMERICA’S TOY STORE Genesis Game ProFile Stimpy’s Invention (By Sega) ball or two from Stimpy. They also roll each other like bowl- ing balls, toss each other like boomerangs, and hang onto each other for short aerial maneuvers. Unfortunately, despite such apparent variety, the game is still too simple. PRO TIP: Hop a rising bubble in the Lab, and stay on it until Continually use Ren or Stimpy’s Hying move to get to the lip of the Test Tube. Genesis Stimpy s Invention^ Stimpy’s a Joy! In Stimpy’s Invention, you play either Ren or Stimpy as you wind your way through five twisted levels in search of pieces of Stimpy’s new inven- tion, the Mutate-O-Matic. You’ll go through such levels as the Zoo, the City Streets, the Dog Pound, and Stimpy’s Lab. You’ll meet banana-tossing Chimps, ice-box bound Wal- ruses, and bullish Bulldogs Small, Dark, and Handsome The graphics in Stimpy’s Invention will keep you glued to the set. All the outrageous characters appear, including the Horse and the Tooth Beavers. The backgrounds look like they came straight from the R & S episodes, and they’re as colorful, cartoony, and comedic as the two stars. KlFggSsli PI B PROTIP: Knock off the Fireman in the City Streets, then jump on the hydrants for a lift to new areas. The music, although sparse, comes across well, as do the sound effects. You’ll clearly hear every belch, every utterance of "Joy!" from Stimpy’s mouth, and even Ren's patented, “You stupid iiiiidiot!!!” A brief rendition of ‘The Log Song" opens the game, and “Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy” closes the game. Hen Again Stimpy's Invention plays better than the SNES game (called Veediots, reviewed in Decem- ber ’93), and it captures the humor better than the Game Gear version (Quest for the Shaven Yak, reviewed in November ’93). If you’re look- ing for something fast and funny, then Stimpy’s Invention is right on the money. □ By Scary Larry Happy Happy, Joy Joy! Ren and Stimpy are on the Genesis in a very funny (and very playable) game that gives you all the best elements of the TV show. Although the party ends just as it starts to warm up, Stimpy’s Invention is the formula for fun! along the way. The levels are so imaginative and fun, you’ll they were longer. PROTIP: in the Aviary, watch out for thorny baps. To make it out safely, aim Ren or Stimpy’s head in one direction, then press on the pad in that direction. PROTIP: In the City Streets, pedal the bike and jump ovei the cars in front of you. PR0T1P: In the Zoo, the easiest way to get past the killer Giraffes is to fly by them. You’ll also wish the game were more challenging. Inter- mediate players will have no problem clearing the levels. You perform standard run- and-jump maneuvers against enemies who attack from above, from the side, or from anywhere. Ren and Stimpy also have some special moves. Stimpy can squeeze Ren to belch enemies away, and Ren can squeeze a hair- Ren and Stimpy are havin' a blast Stimpy’s Invention is not only a treat for fans of the show, but also for side-scrolling video game enthusiasts. * V, > r • h; • | WTl ill $54.99 5 Available now Si Aclion/adventure M 2 players Pa ti-scrolling sworils €• * » 60 GAMEPRO February 1994 pmtcMS for the Super Nintendo One Player Mode with 9 levels and password support. Entertainment System only has two speeds: fast and way fast. Two player head-to-head mode. Tournament mode tracks up to 8 players stats. * 9 grueling tracks! Brutal high-tech weapons! Check it out, if you’re up to it! Blow away traffic jams! High speed thrills! Two player split screen Mode 7 head-to-head action! Run 'em off the Genesis By Scary Larry The Belmonts are back with a blood lust for the baddest biter around. That’s right, look what the cat Grac'd in, folks. It’s an interview with a vam- pire, and with so much at stake, the Count had better take it to heart (ouch!). Fangs for the Memories Genesis owners have been waiting breathlessly for Konami to bring its classic Castlevania series to the Sega systems. Castlevania Bloodlines, an action/adventure side-scroller with graphics and game play similar to the rest of the carts in the Castlevania series, brings new blood to the popu- lar series, as well as a lot of new bite. The story’s hero is John Morris, the great grandson of Dracula-slayer Quincy Morris, and a dedicated vampire hunter himself. You can also play as Eric Lecarde, a young man who wants revenge against the witch who turned his girlfriend into a vampire. During the adventure, you travel through castles, haunt- ed ships, and more as you search for the father of all vampires, the Fang Sinatra of bloodsuckers...Dracula. John is armed with the patented Belmont whip, while Eric uses a spear. The spear- tossing Eric can also super- jump, and both characters collect weapons, life bar power-ups, and more to forti- fy themselves during their hunt for Dracula. Tooth or Dare Konami’s first Castlevania foray for the Genesis looks to little cool whip to the Johnny tries to add . Count's birthday cake. Well, if it isn’t the old ball and chain! be filled with ghoulish fun, lots of thrills, and plen- ty of excitement I in the true Castle- vania tradition. Tune in next month for a com- plete ProReview - and don’t forget your garlic! M Heav Castlevania Bloodlines By Konami Available Now with you. Niiiiiice doggie!! The aliens try to spin a web of deceit, but you’re up to the task. When you voyage under water, gravity disappears, but you'll have to deal with your ship’s buoyancy, which pushes you to the surface. The Training mode helps you get a handle on maneuvering your ship. Large, colorful boss « By The Unknown Man your battle stations, space jockeys! Sega’s letting fly with a space shooter that has some very interesting twists. Don’t Let It Get You Down Fire up Sub-Terrania and climb aboard for nine missions of interstellar combat. In each mission you must complete various tasks, including rescu- ing stranded space miners, destroying nuclear reactors, and defeating awesome space bosses. You'll notice that the game play is similar in style to Ecco the Dolphin or Jungle Strike - with a cool spaceship thrown in. There’s plenty of variety among the mission objectives. It’s gonna take more than a fly swatter to destroy this pest. You've got an overhead view of the shooting as you pilot your ship through eerie alien landscapes. Your ship rotates 360 degrees, and you maneuver with Forward and Reverse Thrusters. This may sound easy, but gravity's wait- ing to drag you down. Gravita- tional forces constantly pull your ship to the bottom of the screen, draining energy and damaging you badly. Fortu- nately, power-ups include Shields, Missiles, and three dif- ferent Lasers. Fly Me Designed by Scavenger, a new developer for Sega, this game looks like an original and extremely challenging shoot-em-up adventure. Stand by for a closer look in an upcoming issue. □ Sub-Terrania By Sega of America, Available First Quarter ’94 64 GAMEPRI February 1994 CHASE HQ RUNS DOWN CRIME! Put your Super NES on wheels with Taito's turbo-driven CHASE HQ! In an undercover sports car, you'll race through cities and mountains in pursuit of suspects. Shift your reflexes into overdrive to dodge through gf[4 traffic and around obstacles as m 1 you catch up with the fleeing C vehicle. Force the criminals I jB over or smash their car to a mill f/ standstill - in this game, you ■ IjS ijj choose the method of justice! ■ Turbo Acceleration! ■ Five Different Rounds! ■ Windshield Screen View! FONI mmm \ Also available for Game B ROM II SUPERNOVA UNLEASHES THE SILVER HAWK! Taito's SUPERNOVA for the SNES offers you the sleekest fighting ship ever launched! You will command the Silver Hawk in battle against hyperbacteria, dinosaurs, and a leviathan battle cruiser as the Pelsar Empire attempts to conquer the federated planets. Victory depends on your skill with Silver Hawk's three fighting modes and power balance system! ■ Fifteen combat zones! ■ Three different endings! ■ A war of wits and speed! TAITO I TAITO HINT LINE 01-9OO-28-TAITO THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN taito America corporation 31 You Command the Bridge! ByBro’Buzz The Enterprise is finally about to enter Genesis space. Star Trek: The Next Generation is due to be released by Sega in March. This long-awaited 24-meg action/adventure game will enable you to command the U.S.S. Enterprise I70I-D. A Strange New Story The cart warps you into several types of game play challenge which are woven into an intriguing story line. During a routine mission, the Enterprise encounters a derelict space- ship. Captain Picard brings the crew out of suspended anima- tion and finds that they seek a legendary omnipotent device. The device was created thou- sands of years ago, but it was • so powerful that its creators, fearful that it would fall into evil hands, sent it into the future, where it reappears every 1 0,000 years. A TYek for Trekkers Trek will combine several inter- esting game play interfaces. You’ll start out on the Enter- prise bridge with a first-person perspective. Full-screen dis- plays enable you to use such ship's stations as the Sensors, the Computer, and Engineer- ing, as if you’re the crewman on duty. Although fighting is always the last resort (as in the television show), you'll engage the starships of Romulan, Fer- engi, and other races in face-to- face confrontations, some of which will end up in Phaser shoot-outs. When it comes time to carry on outside the ship, you pick an Away Team based on the talents of your crew. Comman- der Riker, Data, Dr. Crusher, Worf, Geordi, and Counselor Troi are among the crew mem- bers eligible. Of course, you have a full complement of "expendable" crewmen. Away Team missions appear in a J Z-overhead per- spective and take place on various planets and ships. The Transporter sends you on your way. Away Team members can go their separate ways. A Genesis Generation Star Trek: The Next Genera- tion sounds like it's going to satisfy even hard-core Trek aficionados...and it had better! Since there are no fans like Star Trek fans, let's hope Sega can make it so. □ Star Trek: The Next Generation by Sega Available March You’ll be able to switch con- trol among the Away Team members, so that the Team can accomplish several tasks at once, in real time. You'll pick the Away Team. GAMEPRO February 1994 If you think cafeteria food's gross, this But you better get help first. Because, as an ant, that spider is about ten times bigger than you. And you better hurry up or you won’t be eating — you’ll be eaten. Introducing SimAnt for Super NES — the first, best and only game that lets you experience real life through the compound eyes of an ant. super mm For the location of a dealer near you, or for more information, call 1 -800-33-MAXIS. SimAnt ©1991, Sim-Business and Will Wright. SimAnt Super NES version is copy- right 1993 Imagineer. Published under license from Imagineer Co., Ltd. of Japan. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the Official Seals are regis- tered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. M ( m ETERNAL By Scary Larry We’ve cornered one of the hottest fighting carts this season, and if you read last month’s review you know that Eternal Cham- pions is setting new standards for fighting games. In this spe- cial three-part series, we’ll show you some of the best combos for this mega-mon- strous mashed February 1994 Xavier is a real cloak-and-dagger (-in-the- back) fighter. His Hapkido Cane Fighting style is great for long-range attacks, and his background in Alchemy lets him do some weird stuff to his opponents. Watch out for this boy in the hood. 7 Tie Gold Digger Finally, send Slash in with a Run- ning Head Butt (Charge Back, then press Forward and hit Button C). Mliiwli Cavemen (excuse me...cavepersons) are not an easy bunch to please. Unless you're somewhat adept at cave painting, it's hard to get a grunt out of them. They like to I hang out, and they enjoy the (spiked) club scene I immensely. Although somewhat slower than his advanced opponents, Slash’s Pain style of fighting can be ! very effective. Who needs opposable thumbs when you j walk heavily and carry the biggest stick? The Slash Kicker Slashes to Slashes Leap Forward with Button Z. Then, go low and hit Button B. Stay low and hit Button C. Conclude with the De-Claw (Charge Back, then press Forward and hit Button Z). Then, get in dose and hit B. Stand and press Button Z. Hext Montli: Trident, Larcen, and Jetta! 70 GAMEPRO • February 1994 THIS GAME CONTAINS GRAPHIC SCENES AND MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. In this action-packed role playing game, you’ll either use your brain to solve a complex TION AND DIGITAL SOUND. THIS GAME COMES WITH VIACOM KONAM I But be prepared, because Tournament Fighters for Super NES® Sega Genesis and NES ' puts a whole new face on fighting games. It's intense, one-on-one fighting that has every savage street hardened w warrior drooling if - ''.' /|p with anticipation CTCE&I&E MUTANT HINJA, JO? h Plllf imiWKtl: ; ii-lj, . Streak across the stars for an all-new hip-hop-’til-U-drop adventure on the far-flung planet of Funkotron! Toejam & Earl are caught in a manic panic when a flock of Earthling tourists hitch a ride on their Rapmaster Rocket. Now it’s your turn to help the dynamic duo round ’em up with their FunkScan and send this pesky posse packing through 17 levels of funkified fungi jumping, bubble bouncing and rhythm rapping fun! Feel the funk.. .with Toejam & Earl! Toejam & Earl take off on a > Funktastic# New Voyage! SPLASH DOWN ! Dive for presents in underwater caverns and sneak a smooch from a friendly blowfish! BUBBLE UP ! Bubble-bounce your way to the Funktivate Spots and help restore the fabric of the Funk Dimension! LOCALS ONLY! Jar the touristy twits - and those pesky poodles too. while you're at it! THE ACTION HEATS UP ! Hotfoot through the fires of the underground caverns! jam out ! Kick it with the jivesters on Homey StreeLand collect valuable clues in the process! bust a move ! Drop-lob a jar on shin-kicking Earthlings! Everyone on the bus...pronto! 1 % .vJP|r; Francis Ford Cop- pola's 1 992 movie of Bram Stoker’s classic novel didn’t become the new stan- dard for Dracula films, and the recent 1 6-bit games weren’t huge hits, either. Now that the CD version has finally arrived with little impact, perhaps we can finally lay this bloodsuck- er to rest. PROTIP: Pay attention to Van Helsing’s commentary between levels. He’ll point out some of the dangers ahead. \ Wanna meet a ruthless villain » This goes for the throat! Sega CD Game Profile Bram Stoker’s Dracula (By Sony Imagesoft) There’s not much life left in the Count. Slow, repetitive game play and disappointing graph- ics make the CD version the worst of '93’s Dracula games. $59.95 1 player CO 7 levels Available now Side view Aclion/advenlure Multi-scrolling Less Bite for Your Buck The film and Sony Imagesoft’s SNES and Genesis versions all shared two things: the plot and the lush visuals. On the Sega CD, you again play Jonathan Harker, a young Eng- lish solicitor who fights his way to a deadly rendezvous with that pain in the neck, Count Dracula. While the story line is familiar (and illustrated here with scenes from the flick), the Sega CD for some reason has the weakest Harker of the bunch (including the fine Came Boy version). Harker no longer picks up daggers, swords, and muskets along the way. He’s your standard punchin’, kickin’ fool in a supernatural world that demands extraordinary pow- ers. With only three continues, this slow, feeble hero drains all the life from the game’s veins. PROTIP: Walk halfway into the traps buried in the Level One snow , then jump safely across them. PROTIP: Kick field goals with these nasty beasties as you move through the Castle. PRO TIP: Rely on your Jump Kick against this batty version of Drac near the end of Level Two. Even worse, the graphics have somehow been dimin- ished. The full-motion video scenes from the movie, which you get at the beginning of the game and between levels, are pixelated and unimpres- sive. The colorful back- grounds from the SNES have gone gray, and the varied ene- mies of the other games now seem small and monotonous. The Count showed up in sev- eral huge forms on the 1 6-bit systems, but here he seems much less intimidating and much more beatable. You'll want more from the game’s graphics than you’ll get. PROTIP: Don’t walk to the edge of this last plank to get across the Level One bridge. Step back to the center of the plank, then make your jump. PROTIP: Get your kicks (and punches) in the Castle’s library. Stand in front of the pillars and you won’t be struck by the books that fly from the back- ground. Music of the Night The chilling sounds help keep . you on your quest, however, and are the best part of the game. The suitably creepy music underscores the action in the horrific settings, and atmospheric sound effects create a malevolent mood. Screeching ravens, tolling bells, and whistling winds add, death.. .well, you get the idea. Fangs, But No Fangs Despite the potential for a gruesomely good time, you're really sticking your neck out with this monotonous game. Bram Stoker's timeless novel deserves a great treatment, but, unfortunately, this isn’t it. The CD game only makes you hungry for a nice stake. ■ 76 GAMEPRO February 1994 FROM 1HE MINDS HIM BROUGHT YOU CIAY FIGHTER. First they brought you ]lay Fighters — the clay animation heroes that hilariously ruled the Super Nintendo action scene. Now, the Interplay team introduces Claymates ™ — five amazing clay animation characters to bring you hours of action-packed fun. Transform yourself into any Claymate character, like Muckster the cat to race up a tree, Doh-Doh the bird to flap through the air, or Oozy the mouse to turbo-scurry out of danger. Claymates — the outrageous new game from the people who made clay a force to be reckoned with. Coming March 1994. Interplay Productions. Inc. 17922 Fitch Avenue Irvine. CA 92714 (714) 553-6655 LICENSED BY r M ■ nlanflfA J <993 Interplay Productions. Inc. All rights reserved. Claymates is a trademark of Interplay Productions, Inc. Nintendo. Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Super NES and the official seal are trademarks of Nintendo of America. Inc. © 1989 Nintendo of America, Inc. Sega CD Game ProFile Stellar-Fire (By Dynamix) This eagerly awaited CD doesn’t quite deliver the intense, varied shooting action everyone had hoped for. Strong sounds and graphics help keep Stellar-Fire burning, just not as brightly as you’d expect. galaxy, but it’s not as blazing hot as everyone was hoping for. Stellar-Fire arrives with fiery sounds, some sparkling graphics, and a stellar heritage (it’s based on an acclaimed PC game), but there’s not enough action to keep this Fire burn- ing brightly. You’re the last remaining pilot in the battle to wipe out the evil Draxons, whose home planet, Arctura, is protected by five moons. Skimming above the colorful lunar sur- faces, you shoot, chase, dodge, and gather Crystals until you finally arrive on Arc- tura for a final confrontation. Fly me to the moon...the moons of Arctura, that is. If Stellar-Fire seems disap- pointing, it's only because we had such high hopes. It's still a good shooter, just not a space ace. barely up to the task, which is one of the game’s flaws. The Raven doesn’t move quickly enough, nor does it go in reverse or spin sharply. The stiff controls cause you to plow into oncoming traffic. What’s more, a great shooting game usually has great weapons in great variety, but the Raven has only the ineffectual Laser and Cannon, with an occasion- al all-powerful Fat Boy bomb thrown in. Slow, weak weapons mean you have to shoot some targets repeatedly from point blank range. You'll see plenty of these as you blast your way through the Arc- turan System! Stellar-Fire boasts a great opening sequence that will make you want to get your hands on the controller. The game, though, looks nothing like that teaser. You peer out from a wide cockpit onto a colorful lunar surface. As in Star Fox for the SNES, polygo- nal ships zoom toward you, but they are slower and less exciting than in Star Fox. Only a few of the Draxon ships are particularly imaginative. Your cockpit Radar isn’t very help- ful, either. The best details are the cracks in the windshield after a collision and the splat you get when a flying enemy hits the glass. Explosive action sequences start the game. The sounds are consistent- ly strong. You’ll hear an array of rockin’ tunes that'll get your adrenalin pumpin’. A snippet of speech propels the action, as do the sounds of shots, c lisions, and explosions. GAMEPRO • February 1894 78 Outlaw Mad Dog McCree and his henchmen have taken over a wild west frontier town, locked the sheriff in his own jail, and kid- napped the mayor and his daughter. Sharp shooting is a must in this arcade classic where the player must save the town, rescue the mayor and his daughter, and triumph in a final showdown against Mad Dog himself. It's the Rollicking ‘30s and someone has killed popular singer Johnny Rock in this action-packed gangster whodunit. The player will need to navigate the back streets, gaming halls, funeral parlors and the dirty sections of this city to get at the clues held by a num- ber of shady characters and solve this murder mystery. Bad guys with machine guns provide a high level of challenge. # SEGA CD PC CD-ROM IBM/Compatible 3 DO Introducing the world’s first interactive live motion picture games, for CD home entertainment systems. Now available at your favorite retailer. Amer ican •t GAMES,**: LIVE MOTION PICTURE ACTION Sega CD By Manny LaMancha , Acclaim’s the first company to climb into the Sega CD ring with a wrestling disc. WWF Rage in the Cage is a lot of fun - if you don't mind waiting for your match to begin. Beaten to the Punch The name of the game in Rage in the Cage is as simple as pro wrestling itself: beat the stuffing out of your opponent with kicks, punches, elbows, and eye gouges. For variety, you pull special moves (each of the 20 wrestlers has one). In the simple one-fall match, all you have to do is slam and pin your opponent. In the no- rules, no-holds-barred Brawl contests, the match goes on until one wrestler can't fight any longer. In the Steel Cage RAGE IN THE CAGE PROTIP: The cheap, against-the- niles moves are great in the Brawl match. Be sure you know them going in. Sega CD Game ProFile WWF Rage in the Cage (By Arena) Get ready to r-u-m-b-l-e! You can wrestle against some ot the hottest pros in the WWF in this above-average big-time wrestling disc for the Sega CD. matches, whoever escapes first by climbing the fence that sur- rounds the ring, wins. Finally, during the Tournament you pick one wrestler and compete against the 1 9 other computer- controlled stars for the WWF Championship. A Smashing Success Rage in the Cage is a lot of fun - once you get the hang of the controls. Veterans of prior WWF carts will find the game play very familiar, but begin- ning wrestlers and any using a three-button controller will have to learn myriad tech- niques. Six-button controllers make things a little easier, but still it takes practice. And the winner is...Lex Luger! Next challenger, please! PROTIP: If your opponent is climbing out of the Steel Cage, quickly run to the comer he’s leaving from and hit Button B. You’ll slam into the ropes, caus- ing the other wrestler to fly back into the ring. Once you really start sweat- ing, the game play makes you laugh and cry. The good vari- ety of the matches extends the game’s playability, but despite the smooth action, the CD takes annoyingly long to load game information. The massive information storage comes into play with the sound more than with the graphics. Each wrestler has his own theme music, and cool battle sounds and the thuds of bodies hitting the mat definitely set the mood. GAMEPRO • PROTIP: Study the special move for the wrestler you’re using. It’s usually the best way to drain your adversary’s energy. The visuals have style, at least. At the character selec- tion screen, each WWF star (such as Macho Man Randy Savage, the Undertaker, and Yokozuna) gets a half-screen “photo" and (the best part) a quick film clip of his special move taken from actual wrestling footage. PROTIP: In a Steel Cage Match, get your opponent down on the mat away from your comer. If you stun him well enough, he won’t be able to catch you before you get out. PROTIP: If you’re mnning between the ropes, a flying kick will tag your opponent before he has a chance to pull a move on you up close. More Trounce to the Ounce Rage in the Cage isn’t dramati- cally different from Acclaim’s prior WWF carts, but it has some additions worth pounding the mat for. If you don’t mind the frequent breaks - in time, that is, not bones - you’ll get a kick out of Rage in the Cage. Q 80 February 1894 Infinite lives Infinite bolls in all bonus rounds Start with all force abilities to my* of continues i Infinite lives \to any f of rounds in Options s Start at fight with Perth Voder" to any diffkulty level in Options scmet Start on Cloud City™ 3D Player 7 or computer starts with l Almost invincible 1 1229 . i Infinite opptes -fioWdwn It, level select on main menu - I use Up/Down to change level, , Left/Kight for sub-level , Boms round pkyei after every level Protection front most enemies Infinite magic I must hove I pWy^Bltill most enemies vrilh I hit Infinite lives Never lose " n 8 s 1 5 , 0( t wit h some rings i ("Sonic™ starts °n I with 5 lives Infinite lives | Don't hide i pause -oil D369-17D7r FC69-1707 strange sounds and graphics) PPA7-4DD5 PP33-476F PP67-4468 ZEKESSPP+ pesaosap avexoyxz I HE LHTEST CDDES FOR THE HOTTEST GHH1ES 8AXA-AA52 ACBT-GAAG s.sM/z/ KZE221 repaired immediately ^^^^^ gjnfinile ammo on pick-up Ml © 1993 Lewis Gaioob Toys, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Game Genie and Galoob are trademarks of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. "G Sega™ Genesis™ and Game Gear™ Systems. Sega, Genesis, Game Gear, Sonic Chaos, Sonic, Electric Egg Zone, Sonic S[ Game Genie is a product of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc., and is nol manufactured, dtstrlb ‘ ' listed below. Game Boy, NES and Super NES are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ActRalt Duck are trademarks of Disney. Splder-Man/X-Men— Arcade’s Revenge, Spider-Man, Cyclops, Wolverine, G Star Trek: The Next Generation, Photon Torpedoes and Phaser are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. Super Er Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a trademark of Mirage Studios. Tetris 2 Is a trademark of Elorg. Tou i of Konami (America) Inc. Sega CD By Scary Larry i Dirk the Daring is back! If you loved Dragon’s Lair in the arcades, you’re going to love this faith- ful Sega CD translation. Scary Lair-y Dragon’s Lair is being pro- duced by ReadySoft. It looks like the folks there have done a great job of translating the Bluth Animation Laser CD arcade game to the Sega CD. Any player who fought for Daphne’s hand in the arcade a couple of years back knows that the game’s move-and- click interface is somewhat archaic when compared to the advanced button movements of newer games. However, this animated graphic adven- ture still has a great charm that won't be lost on the new breed of gamers. Dragon's Lair is the tale of hapless Dirk. He's in love with Daphne, who’s been kid- napped by the Lizard King. It’s the timeless story of knight- meets-girl, girl-meets-dragon, with outrageous humor and lively graphics. You travel through the forest, into the castle, and eventually right into the Dragon’s Lair in your search for Daphne, glory, and a little respect. Hmmm...must be flu season, 'cuz I heard someone coffin. 82 "cans m me belfry" describes both Dirk and the game! GAMEPRQ • February 1894 That’s the way the catacombs crumble! Dirk Works It Since its term at the top of the arcade scene, Dragon's Lair has been imitated but never surpassed. The pictures in this article tell the real tale. For more on this classic adven- ture, see our ProReview in an upcoming issue. You may find you’ll want to spend a lot of time in Dirk’s world. □ Dragon’s Lair by ReadySoft How does Dirk get into sucn thorny situations? Are you a Sega-maniac? Or an SNES success? Would you rather duke it out in the street? Or at an altitude of 30,000 feet? QuickShot Technology, Inc. A Member of Tomei Group, 47473 Seabridge Drive, Fremont, CA 94538 INVADER 3™ QS183 Take on the toughest contenders with turbo-ease. No matter how you play the game — or what games you play — QuickShot is behind you all the way. With a hill lineup of high-quality joysticks, arcade-style controllers, and thumb- control paas. And the best prices anywhere. So look for QuickShot wherever your favorite videogame prod- ucts are sold. And in the hands of value-wise gamers like you. PYTHON 3™ QS135 Get a grip on the action with cutting-edge control. MAVERICK 3™ QS162 Get powerful arcade- style performance — to go! CONQUEROR 3™ QS185 This programmable controller remembers your moves. QuickShot is a registered trademark, ond Storfighter, Invader, Python, Maverick, Conqueror, and Supercon ore trode WE'RE ON NO MATTER SEGA GENESIS® SYSTEMS STARFIGHTER™ QS181 More thumbs-on excitement! Sega CD By Earth Angel Sega's ready to unveil its next generation of discs for the CD system. Here's a first look at the games - we’ll give them ProReviews in upcoming issues of CamePro. person point of view. The interactive story line unfolds as you choose what you want to do and where you want to go in the town. Battle Cams enable you to see different areas of the town as you search for the aliens you’re out to destroy. You’re armed with standard- issue military weapons, and your main task is to gun down T here’s a little problem deep in the heart of Texas. It seems that about 20 years back, the inhabitants of a small town were faced with an influx of immigrants - from light years away! Now the aliens are planning the extermination of the human race. As a govern- ment agent, you’re assigned to move in and clean out the aliens in this two-disc game, which boasts a movie-quality soundtrack and more than 100 minutes of full-motion video. Disguised aliens lurk everywhere, even in the Cantina. aliens wherever you find them. During the game, you’ll eventually have to snag some of the aliens’ own weapons, and then you’re in business. Ground Zero's graphics will blow you away. The game’s characters are real actors and actresses, and you see the action from a first- Similarto Night Trap, Ground Zero, Texas' TruVideo game play puts you in control of the plot and the action. Its innovative style and extensive full-motion video are an out- of-this-world change of pace for CD gamers. □ Ground Zero, Texas By Sega Available First Quarter ’ 94 , $59.99 T he long-awaited Jurassic Park CD is finally about to hatch, and it looks well worth the wait. The story begins after the book and movie end. You're the first visitor to return to Jurassic Park, and you've got to find the dinosaur eggs and return them to the Visitors Center to be preserved. Of course, the island is still popu- lated with dangerous dino- saurs, so you’ve also got to stay alive long enough to escape after you’ve completed your mission. T. rex is looking for lunch, and you’re a likely entree. The game play is similar to other graphic adventure games, except that the graphics are highly involved and detailed - so real you’ll feel like you’re actually walking through the steamy jungles. You have a 360-degree panoramic view of the action as you journey to more than 50 locations on the island. Lurking everywhere are beautifully detailed and animated dinosaurs, which were created with the help of the same powerful Silicon Graphics computers used to create the movie. Q-Sound adds to the atmosphere, with actual rep- tile and jungle noises. In fact, you’ve got to listen if you want to survive, because dinosaurs and other dangers will come at you from behind, and your only warning is the sound of their footsteps. In addition to having fun with the Jurassic CD, you’ll be able to learn a lot about dinosaurs. Sega recruited Dr. Robert Bakker, a reknowned paleontologist and dinosaur expert, to appear in the game. Jurassic Park looks like an exciting addition to the Sega CD library. □ Jurassic Park By Sega Available First Quarter ’94, $59.99 Dr. Bakker’s always got a few handy tips that’ll help you solve your dinosaur problems - or scare you to death! 84 GAMEPRO February 1994 S ega's climbing into the ring with this interesting disc, which makes use of innovative technology to involve the player in realistic first-person game control. With the help of Ron Stein, who choreographed the boxing sequences in the movies Raging Bull and Rocky III, Sega filmed boxing footage in a real ring using actual boxers. It took five weeks of choreographing and training to get the moves right for filming, and the resulting footage (done in black-and-white to set the mood) is very cool. When you tag your opponent on the chin, the entire screen rocks. Even before the bell rings, you've got a first-person view of the game as your trainers prep you for the fight and your opponent taunts you with his prowess. When the bout begins, you throw lefts, Don't let him Intimidate you. He's down for the count Once they had the footage on tape, Sega went into their own studio to put together a very unusual fighting inter- face. As 'The Kid," you're try- ing to battle your way to the championship. You fight four other increasingly challenging boxers, including Mega Joe, Honey Boy, and T. Rex. rights, uppercuts, and other standard punches. You’ll see your fists tag your opponent right on the chin, and the con- trols are so fast that there’s virtually no delay between your button presses and your fighter’s reactions. The fighters' faces at the bottom of the screen illustrate how much damage each boxer’s taken. Other details in this two- disc boxing extravaganza include detailed stats after each fight, different fight action each time, a training mode, and, for boxing aficionados, the one, the only Jean LaBelle as the referee. □ Prize Fighter By Sega Available Now, $59.99 S ega hired Mary Lambert, who directed Pet Semetary, Pet Semetary 2, and several Madonna videos, to help create this off-beat murder-mystery adventure. Lambert directed the filming of all of the game's footage, and helped craft the Egyptian interiors in the old apartment building where the story takes place. This apartment building has...well... shall we say, some unusual tenants. During the game’s cinematic intro, you meet Eddie, a kooky guy who’s set up a series of traps to provide security for a crazy old mansion and its tenants. The tenants range from techno-punk band mem- bers “Jeff and the Scream," to archaeology and architecture graduate students. Unfortu- nately, Eddie’s gotten himself locked in the basement, and now he wants your help to get out...or so he says. With that, the mystery begins. ■. As in Night Trap, you move from room to room in the mansion in real time, trying to solve puzzles and problems and figure out what the heck is going on. There’s always something happening in any room at any given time - it’s up to you to be in the right place at the right time. He’s screaming we can’t tell you - that would ruin your fun. The game also features a very cool musical soundtrack by none other than Thomas Dolby. Various celebs, includ- ing Deborah Harry and Corey Haime, also make guest appearances. □ Double Switch By Sega Available Now, $59.99 Weird things are going down in this creepy old apartment building. GAMEPRO February 1994 capacity v ^ sion afte* betweer tjj . ^^B sumpti a ~ highly, 7 scores \ f best, let/ f * flh^v ^ Jj j ’ 5>s&- begun ^Ljjjft — <• ~^b& ^b « ■Bbbb n i \ IB IBPBBn ihe-.:. VLr ^^B ■ JB. < interactm. While at this wriTiro-^Bo elusive data, a number of sources nave eBI^^Hpe^TolincI propensity to discuss international politicsTa^Ia bizarre compulsion to sit up straight in their chairs, speak in clear, Mo lore powerful, more colorful, more respon- sive than ordinary systems. 3DO technology is so real it hurts. And Panasonic makes the only system that has it. Put on your protective gear; what we've got here is no sissy video game. You're barreling downfield toward the end zone, eating up yardage when suddenly you see him. 240 towering pounds— and talk about muscles —there isn't a flat surface on this guy! Or anywhere on your screen, for that matter. We're talking near 3-D graphics here. You fake to the left, the right — the program gives you total freedom. But he crushes you just the same. First and goal, the crowd goes ballistic, and you watch an instant replay that actually comes up instantly. Before you know it, you’re in for- mation again. Breath short, knuckles white, heart pounding —this is a video game that makes you break a sweat. This is R‘E*A*L. Introducing the Panasonic R-E’A-L 3DO Interactive Multiplayer, the most highly-evolved integration of audio, video and interactive technology available. It plays audio and photo CDs, and soon, with an optional adapter, video CDs. It will introduce you to a stunning new gen- eration of interactive education, information and entertainment software. And it makes video gaming come to life. With 50 times more power than ordinary video game systems and PCs. Up to 16 million displayable colors for photorealistic picture quality. Digital CD sound (with right and left outputs for stereo hookup). And a 32-bit RISC chip architecture that makes inter- action fast and furious. All of which means less lag time, better visuals and more play options as you lead your team downfield. In other words, it’s real. To speak to the dealer nearest you, call 1-800-REAL-3DO. ■ Panasonic just slightly ahead of our time* ♦■◦I ; W ~ ^^F t -tr. ( Wf / jAiit SEGA AND SEGA CD ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. Game (C) 1 992 Game Arts. “LUNAR" is a trademark of GAME ARTS. Licensed from GAME ARTS by WORKING DESIGNS, 18135 Clear Creek Road, Redding, CA 96001 . This game produced in 3B, eh? For a dealer near you, call (916) 243-341 7 ext. 190. v 4 w e mm L r ] ; s 1 ***«&& . • ■r' ft Hcmyit» r 1 If ■ & v; i. .. , . on Hoth I If you’re gonna try to fight while riding your Tauntaun, use your Blaster, not your Lightsaber. The Hoth beasts won't be able to get as close to you. Avoid the Ice Crystals that form underneath you. They inflict the most damage. Use your Tauntaun to jump safely over the Ice Crystals on Hoth. To get the best footing on the ice, dismount from your Tauntaun and jump from col- umn to column on foot. Just inside the first Ice Cave is an air flow where you'll find some big Hearts and a weapon power-up. r3HI Constantly jump in the Ice Cave to find hidden air drafts that will take you to weapon power-ups and Health Swords 90 6AMEPR0 February 1994 fk.~m The big Probe Droid just before the Rebel Base can be a problem. If your Blaster isn’t powered up, use your Lightsaber to whack at the Droid. Try to hit it from under- neath. Don’t worry about the sinking ice floes. When you jump off of them, they rebound to the surface. Don’t use your Lightsaber against these Wampas. Shoot them from a distance with your Blaster. If you die half way through the Ice Cave, you'll end up on this ledge, with a Hoth monster breathing down your neck. Just above you i§.an air flow that will take you to some powetups. • Use the L and R buttons to look up and down in the Ice Cave. You’ll avoid many crip- pling stalagmites this way. To knock off the Hoth Wampa Boss, just stay to the right or left of his mouth and shoot up and toward his head. After he breathes his icy death breath, immediately jump to the other side of the screen and shoot from there. Repeat this proce dure until he goes dowifl 1 **' Jump up when you get to this dead end. You’ll be rewarded with two lives. The platforms that you land on are invisible. ■ r n -j a w After you beat the Wampa Boss, you’ll fight through a stage that ends with this Probe Droid. Take him down with a few hits of your Lightsaber. Proceed right and you'll encounter the mother of all Probe Droids. Leap from floe to floe, stay airborne, and keep twirling your Lightsaber. When you're on the Speeder Bike, stay in the upper left- hand corner and blast any Stormtroopers that get in your way. Use your Slide to get past these fiery floor sensors with- out taking any damage. Shoot boxes in the Rebel Base stages to uncover power-ups, Hearts, and Health Swords. Keep your Snowspeeder’s nose up or you’ll bump into small slopes as you skim across Hoth's surface. If you’re running low on Health in the Snowspeeder Stage, circle the snowy field and you’ll come across Snow- troopers on bikes. Shoot ’em for Hearts. Here's how to beat the AT-ST (two-legged) vehicles. Shoot them from far away, then fly past them and circle around. The first AT-ST you see will be the last one you were shooting. They can’t get a lock on you if you shoot and run. If you’ve got the patience, skill, and dexterity, you can shoot the AT-ATs from your Snow- speeder, rather than using the faster harpoon strategy. To take down an AT-AT with your harpoon, get in dose, : fire your harpoon with L or R, then swing to your right. Circle the AT-AT three com—' plete times (you’ll hear a noise after each pass). When the " harpoon automatically releas- es, the Walker will tumble. 92 G AMEPRO • February 1994 Before you get to-the AT-AT Boss, knock off the flying Stormtroopers until one of them gives up a Thermal Detonator. After you destroy the last AT AT, you, enter this side-view Snowspeeder Stage. If you hold down the Fire Button, you'll achieve rapid fire. Don’t let Stormtroopers get behind you. To destroy this AT-AT Boss at the end of the Ice Field, knock off the flying Stormtroopers. Then, when you reach the AT- ATs head, explode' a Thermal Detonator. If you don’t have a- Detonator, go after the guns one by one, beginning with the gun on the left. When inside the AT-AT, it’s always best to use your Lightsaber instead of your Blastenjump^ver enemies and attack ’em from behind. GAME PRO • February 1984 The best way to get Han under these swinging spikes on the Rebel Base is to use his Roll move. When you reach dead ends, shoot into the air to find power-ups, Hearts, and Health Swords. Using your powered-up Blaster, stay low and shoot at this hovering Stormtrooper. You’ll get a big Heart. Don’t let Han stand too close to boxes when he shoots them, or he'll be hit by flying shrapnel. While inside the Rebel Base, don’t waste Han’s Grenades by throwing them at Snowtroop- ers with Shields. Get up close to them and their bombs will arc over you. February 1894 I to get rid of this pesky boss outside the Rebel Base, shoot the gun turrets in the front and back, then go fonts swinging spiked legs. Roll whenever the I legs come near you. Grenades are more en^ ssssSSSSS far right of the screen to help you in this battle. Asteroid Field When you see a red dot on Mj the Millenium Falcon’s Radar I Screen, there’s a Tie Fighter I behind you. Pull hard left or right on the directional pad, then swerve back to your original spot. The red dot will turn green, and the Tie will be in front of you. fiJJ BAMEPRO • February 1984 K«| Once you have Elevation, let yourself die. You’ll keep your Force Powers, even if you have to Continue. Co back to the beginning of the stage and use Elevation to float up to the rest of the Force Powers. Slash with your Lightsaber or shoot with your Blaster to uncover the other Force Powers. When exploring Dagobah's swamps, look out for these blue Gundarcs. Don't waste your time fighting 'em, because they take too many hits and don’t yield enough Hearts for your trouble. Find a Blaster power-up and a large Heart in the lower left- hand corner of the second that you can use to maximize your lives. Just after the first set of rocks (where many Force Powers are waiting to be found), you’ll see a second set of rocks. Climb to the top rock and use your Lightsaber to thrash the air. You’ll find a weapon power- up and two I -ups. Now die and repeat the trick to get another life. ture’s body on Dagobah with- out picking up the Force Powers, bounce up on any ledges you see. Keep bounc- ing and battling all the way to the top, and you’ll find more Force Powers. You may lose a life in the process, but you'll need the Force Powers to finish the game. Use the Lightsaber against all small land animals, such as these creatures on Dagobah. Your 'Saber is more effective and has greater range than some of the other weapons in your arsenal. Dagobah Stage. ++y ****>.>• There’s a 2-Up loop in Dagobah 96 GAMEPRO February 1994 on Dagobah. net friend. To get rid of Habogad at the end of the stage, you must first shoot out his eyes and nose. After that, every shot you make will decrease his life bar. To regain some Health when you're low, use the Heal Force Power. Bounty Hunters Use Superjump to bounce past the platforms. Don t roll Han along the out- door ramps of Bespin. He’ll tumble into lowered platforms that have high voltage. If Han lingers while bouncing past the ramps, he’ll be attacked by these Cloud Cars. Crouch down in front of the User Cannons and shoot for- This „ d Bount Hunter ward. Then press diagonally on Bespin is invincible when np on the directional pad to nail he airbome . Use Ha „. s ff r w the Cannon. Immediately step away as it explodes, or Han will be hit by flying shrapnel. Roll move to get out of the way and over to... ' . , — — ; — ; ...this gap to the right. Ride Duck in front of Bossk, the the , atform t0 , he bottom disk-throwing Bounty Hunter, and ri ht t0 flnd , . ups . a and shoot him from a Blaster power-up, and crouched position. Health Swords. It s a waste of. time to shoot at these invincible ceiling cannons. Hootin' the Sttipln Boat You'll have to blast this Hover Transport in seven places before it disintegrates. Lando Calrissian will enter as the boss exits. Keep Chewie moving at the start of the Ugnaught Factory, or he'll be overwhelmed by these small workers. Don’t waste energy shooting at these purple droids while you’re still in the lava. Keep moving until you're on solid ground, then shoot the droids. The Ugnaught Factory Boss will spew garbage at you from openings in his ship’s hull. Shoot at those openings, then fire on his craft. In the Ugnaught Factory, have Chewie shoot whenever he comes to a pillar. Workers love to hide behind pillars. Chewie can briefly stand in this hot Ugnaught Factory goo, which he couldn't do with the lava in Super Star Wars. Lando Calnssian double-crosses ms pals. with Chlllin *Sa In Han At the beginning of the Carbon Freezing Chamber, go left and let the "pincers" deplete your Health to three-quarters, then continue left. You’ll find Hearts. 1-ups, and Blaster power-ups in the gap on the left. You can use Han’s Roll maneu- ver to get past the Carbon Freezing Chamber's pincer- like cranes. ET * » « ■* If Han's Health Sword gets low in the Carbon Freezing Cham- ber, shoot out the pincers to find a load of Hearts. If you fall into this bottomless pit in the Carbon Freezing Chamber, glide to the left or right and you’ll land safely on the walls. Don’t stand on Carbon Freez- ing Chamber vents. Even though the carbon blasts can't touch Han. he’ll still get frozen. Check dead ends for Hearts in the Carbon Freezing Chamber. Hearts, 1 -ups, and Blaster power-ups are above this plat- form in the middle of the Car- bon Freezing Chamber. To defeat the boss at the end of the Carbon Freezing Cham- ber, jump to the highest plat- form and shoot at it from above. If your Health Sword is full, you'll beat the boss. 100 6AMEPR0 February 1994 X-Wing X-cellence Do your X-Winging above the In addition to rapid-fire wing guns, your X-Wing has slow, but powerful, cannon shots that are effective at close range. Blast away with your L When Luke’s flying his X-Wing to Bespin, avoid collisions at all costs. They cause far more damage than the enemy shots do. clouds. When you’re below the cloud layer, you can’t see the on-screen status indicators or the approaching Cloud City. and R buttons. Luke parks his X- inserts The Club ii GAMEPRO • February 1994 101 Emm®! 6§g In Bespin, Chewie can safely shoot up at Laser Cannons mounted on the ledges. To defeat Boba Fett. shoot him. trap him in a corner, and use Chewie's Flame Spin. If things get too hairy on the lower walkway in the Reactor Core, use your Elevation Force Power to float to a higher one. For a quick kill with no dam- age to Chewie’s Health, use his Flame Spin on the Cannons. To gun down Boba Fett's ship, 1 shoot out the turrets first, then Use Luke's Slide move to get use the Flame Spin on the ship, past these Reactor Core wall cannons. If you come to this bridge in the middle of the Reactor Core and you've used up all your Force power-ups, wait and blast approaching enemies. Many of them, especially the flying Stormtroopers, will yield Force power-ups. 102 GAMEPRO February 1994 When you finally meet Darth Use yo Vader at the very end of the Vader. game, jump... i Beware as you get close to eliminating Darth; he rains debris on you, even when he's off the screen. ...and use the Saber Control Force Power, which is your most effective weapon. ...and slash at the debris he throws at you. Hit his projec- tiles to get power-ups. To Order Cm 1-41 5< WUJfjM Get Em While THEY'RE Hon The Mtepensable strategy guides to Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter lllUrbo! •Ovef 160 action-packed pages of COMPLETELY NEW, game winning shots, blocks and codes for these two megahit carts. •Over 2,000 full-color game screens... see the action as it illustrations not available anywhere else! • Our Street Fighter II book also includes an exclusive section on Super Street Fighter II for the Arcades! • Step by step photos make you a gaming expert! Written By the Editors of OamePro Magazine! •Also available at Blockbuster Video, Toys R Us, Walden Books, B. Dalton, and Software Etc. Konami just look your It’s time for a change of screenery as Konami takes the TV style adventures of The Turtles, the Tiny Toon Adventures characters and Batman: Vx Animated Series to Game Boy. With no commercials! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles HI —Radical Rescue ' pits the sewer crew against Cyber Shredder, a heinous, hulking cyborg. But first Mike must use a Fortress Map of Shredder’s hideout to find the rest of the captured fab four. Luckily, each TVirtle has a new special skill for surviving the action. Locate ID cards, keys and power ups in 5 rescue adventures crammed with creeps like Dirtbag, Scratch and Scale Tail. Batman '— The Animated Series is 5 original game episodes of sizzling crime fighting action, each capturing the gritty, urban heroics of the hit TV series. Strategically use Batman's grappling hook and Robin’s ceiling grip to survive the onslaught and escape certain doom. In episodes like "The Green Menace" and “The Chill of a Lifetime” you’ll suffer the sting of Catwoman's claw, the icy bum of Mr. Freeze's frost gun, and The joker's sick sense of humor. Sinister fiends like The Penguin , The Riddler and other Gotham City goons are also out to make this the Dark Knight's darkest day. Tiny Toon Adventures 2 —Montana 's Movie Madness premieres 4 freaky films directed by that Bad Boy of the Box Office, Montana Max. And he’s cast Buster Bunny as the villain! Buster must use new attack moves like the Fast Dash and Freeze Kick to defend his character. Buster’s screen test includes action packed scenes in a classic western, a samurai saga, a sci-fi thriller, a creature feature and cool subgames. Ultimately, Buster takes on Max himself and tries to drop the curtain on his movie career. KONAMI By Scary Larry i There have been ' many incarnations of the various Terminator films - except for 3 DO, there isn’t a game system around that hasn’t seen at least one Terminator game. One of the most popular spinoffs was the action-packed arcade shooter called T2: The Arcade Game. Now it’s here for the SNES, and the graphics and sound keep pace with the block- buster arcade title. PRO TIP: Keep the Police chopper away from the SWAT van by aiming your gun sight just above the back door. The Police chopper will try to come in from above as well as from behind. PR0T1P: Shoot at the engine and the cab of the big rig that’s try- ing to squash the SWAT van, and you should make it to the Steel Mill. Super NES Game Profile T2: The Arcade Game (By Acclaim) The most popular cyborg in video games returns in the much-anticipated T2: The Arcade Game. Was it worth the wait? It was if you like hard- hitting shooting action and non-stop fun. Available January First-person 2 players perspective 7 levels PR0T1P: If you pop off an Endoskeieton’s head, it quietly self-destructs. Try keeping the gun at the Endoskeieton’s neck level and sweep from left to right Gunning on Empty In 1 997, three billion people perished in the nuclear devas- tation known as Judgment Day. Now, three decades later, those who survived the fire are subjected to Skynet’s ulti- mate irony. Machines have taken over the planet, and a small human resistance is fighting to keep them at bay. In T2: The Arcade Game, your mission objective is to shoot first, and forget about the questions later. Using either the Super Scope, the SNES Mouse, or a joypad, you blast through seven cyborg- slamming levels as you try to protect the leader of the resis- tance, John Connor. PROTIP: When you’re in the Cyberdyne labs, destroy every- thing. Shoot desks, telephones, file cabinets, and anything else that can be destroyed. If you don’t destroy everything, research will continue at Cyber- dyne, and you’ll get a different ending. PROTIP: To get past the Level Three Truck Stage in one piece, shoot at Hying HKs before they appear (this takes some guess- work and a lot of patience). Shoot the HKs in the middle with a Rocket, and they’ll explode immediately. In this one- or two-player game, you start off in the ashes of Judgment Day, fight- ing leagues of Endoskeletons and flying HKs while trying not to shoot human resistance fighters in the back. You move on to Skynet, where you find the time-travel equipment, then you zoom back to the past, where you must destroy Cyberdyne Labs and retrieve the CPU from the first Termi- nator. From there it’s off to the Steel Mill for the final con- frontation with your arch- nemesis, the poly-alloy T1 000. Helping you out in the fight to save Connor is your trusty machine gun, which you can power up with enhancements like Rapid Fire Coolant, Plasma Pulse Energiz- ers, and Shields. You also have a missile-launching attachment that fires Rockets, Grenades, Shotgun Shells, and MIRV warheads. Shoot boxes along the way and you’ll find screen-clearing Smart Bombs, Extra Lives, and other helpful surprises. PROTIP: To knock off the Ground HK at the end of the first level, go for the gun turrets first, then the head, torso, and base, in that order. Use your Rockets generously. 108 GAMEPRO February 1994 favorite shows off TV. Konami Game Hint and Tip Line: 1-900-896-HINT (4468). 70c per minute charge. Minors must have parental permission before calling. Touch-tone phone required. licensed by Surge Licensing, Inc, BATMAN and all related elements are the property ot DC Comics” and © 1993 All Rights Reserved. Konami* is a registered trademark ol Konami Co, Ltd. © 1993 SEALS ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. © 1989 NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. PROTIP: When you reach the end of the Level Two Hideout, shoot the wall to the right and you’ll get a Continue credit. You’ll need this firepower overkill as you battle Endo- skeletons, the T800 (Cyber- dyne’s first foray into the Terminator series), Cyberdyne security personnel, lethal Orbs, and more. Plus, at the end of each level you’ll face a boss who would like to sepa- rate you from your synthetic hide. The bosses can range from futuristic metallic mon- sters to scores of LAPD’s finest. PROTIP: Use Rockets as soon as you see the Missile Launchers. You’ll hear a lock-on tone when you pass the sights over the machines. Shoot to Thrill The graphics in this game closely match the arcade ver- sion. All the details of the ene- mies stand out, as do the backgrounds. The crisp, almost digitized action lends a sense of realism to the game that greatly enhances game play. You'll see small touches, like light reflecting off the Endoskeletons’ metal frame, and the detailed markings of the Police chopper. You don’t hear digitized voices often enough in this game, but when you do you’ll recognize them immediately. Arnold's “You're terminated," and the T1 000’s “Are you John Connor?" lines seem to jump straight out of the screen. Too bad there aren’t more. Other sound effects include scream- ing resistance fighters and explosions, explosions, EXPLOSIONS! There are more booms here than there are in an L.A. lowrider. PRO TIP: To keep the T1 000 chilled, blast him with the shot- gun as soon as he lands, then spray the Nitrogen truck with machine gun fire as he lays on the ground. Shoot him again when he tries to get up. GAMEPRO • As for control, you may find that the Mouse is more responsive than the Scope, which is, in turn, more respon- sive than the joypad. No mat- ter which device you choose, you’ll need lightning-quick reflexes and precise targeting skills to keep the resistance up and the cyborgs down. When the Shoot Hits the Fans If turning machines into cyborg sausage is your bucket of bolts, then you can’t go wrong with T2: The Arcade Game. There’s plenty of action, more than enough thrills, and a considerable challenge in this game. Be forewarned: The scene where you must protect the pickup truck carrying John Connor is just as abysmally hard in this version as it was on the Genesis (and in the arcade). But if you make it past that scene, it’s smooth shoot- ing all the way. PROTIP: What's behind door number one In Level Four? Trouble. Shoot continually at the doors to blast them apart and prevent more enemies from coming through. PROTIP: To knock out Skynet, you must blast every inch of its mainframe computer. Shoot at every comer and every bank of lights and buttons, then go for the missile-shooting panels near the middle. February 1994 PROTIP: Leave Smart Bombs on the ground until you’ve gathered a number of enemies. Points are given for the number of enemies destroyed. How fun is T2? It’s proba- bly the only good excuse you have for getting a Super Scope. If you love shoot-em- ups, put T2: The Arcade Game on the list of games that you gotta have. Lethal Enforcers, move over. The SNES has a date with a cyborg. □ Weapon Systems On-Line Rapid Fire Coolant 109 Super NES photographed, and digitized into the game to create a unique look and a new twist on an otherwise overused game concept. PR0T1P: In World One, Level Four, you have to hit the levers to turn off the steam fets and clear the way for safe passage. The appeal of this 'mate is definitely in the unique cast of hero characters. You start out as a ball of clay with only limited jumping ability and a powerful fist. As you find color-coded balls of clay, you turn into one of five clay ani- mals: a cat, a mouse, a fish, a gopher, and a bird. Despite their dopey names, each of these animals has unique tal- ents, weapons, and weak- nesses. This power-up system is similar to Super Mario's - take a hit and you return to the small, weakened state of the clay ball. Take another hit and you're road pizza. nte Proof Is in the Claying Other than the transformation ability and the innovative ani- mation routines, Claymates is a typical, but enjoyable plat- form hop-n-bopper. You tra- verse five big worlds en route to rescuing your dad, with four levels per world. Enemies come in all sizes and shapes, from little clay globs to evil Claymate clones to giant flying dogs. The claymation really stands out when you fight the big bosses! PROTIP: Muckster can make high and long Jumps If you build up enough speed. PROTIP: Muckster can grab walls in midair If you hold Up. The game imitates Mario more than any other cart. You explore each world to find the exit, searching for midway continue markers, power-up clay balls, extra points, and secret areas. You'll find some nice diversions in the game, such as a Mode 7 “superball" PROTIP: To beat the big Dog Boss of World One, stay a few steps away and watch for him to try to land on you. Run under him and hit him with acorns. ] **> . h T • , - » PROTIP: Punch to increase the speed of the robots on the Over- world Map. Fortunately, the controls aren’t made out of clay. You move with reasonable agility, but there are also times when it’s hard to turn around or jump precisely. PR0T1P: Use rapid Jumps to clear spikes in the water. If you’re not fast enough, you'll sink and be poked. bonus stage and overworld map puzzles, where you guide robots as they smash barricades to clear the way to the next level. By Boss Music ’ If you had a small, ” slimy, grey ball of clay in your hands, what would you do? Squash it? That’s just what the evil witch doctor Jobo plans to do. The only trouble is that the im- pressionable lad Clayton is the squashee! After being zapped into a ball of clay, Clayton must save his dad from Jobo and find ajar of serum to get his boyish figure back. PROTIP: If you already have an extra clay ball for shooting, don 't touch like-colored clay balls - they’ll do you no good. Save them for later. Claymation Temptation Claymates is a visually grab- bing side-scroller from Inter- play that you can’t help but like. Like its fightin’ friend Clay Fighter, Claymates features actual claymation. The charac- ters were modeled in clay, Super NES Game Profile Claymates (By Interplay) Have you already powered past Super Mario? Did you beat Bubsy? If you’re looking for your next platform cart, Clay- mates Is a good playmate. 110 GAMEPRO • February 1894 Claymates was designed with a young audience in mind, but the game doesn’t skimp on the challenge. This one can reach the “controller-throwing" frustration level, especially dur- ing the harder mazes. Howev- er, you never get totally discouraged as continues are unlimited. The warp zones, which enable you to skip worlds, are also nice. When you clear a World, you’re shot out of a cannon to reach the next Continent. PROW: One warp zone is hid- den in each of the first four worlds. In World One, Level One, Jump on the first flower you find four times. This will warp you to World Two. Graphics are Clay’s strong- est suit. The weak point is the background art, which is re- used from level to level. The pop-off-the-screen animation earns the cart a high mark, anyway. Bouncing a clay ball gets a whole new attitude in Mode 7! PROTIP: You need to be a fish out of water to finish World Two, Level One. PROTIP: Run back and forth to build up speed for Doh-Doh's Right Claymates has fun finger- snapping songs and sharp sound effects. (Listen for Muckster's squeal when he takes a hit.) Be warned, though: If you hate bouncy kiddie music and repetitive theme songs, Claymates may drive you bonkers. Good Things Come to Those Who Clay Claymates certainly won't open any eyes with its game play. However, the cool look of the game’s characters and the length of the cart give you enough reason to fire up Clay- mates. This one was cut from the right mold. □ THE CLAYMATES /HUCKSTER Claw Swipe [ GOOPY Swim Underwater GL08MEISTER - A Acorn Toss DOH-DOH ime Duck Flying GAMEPRO • February 1984 111 All the action is viewed from a first-person perspective in the tank cockpit. The clearly illustrated control panel shows all the important features of the tank, including weaponry, radar, speedometer, and fuel. You move within a 3D envi- ronment, which you view through the main and side windows. Your secondary view is via the Radar Map. PROTIP: Use the flash of your opponent's fire and the radar map to target enemies through a smoke screen. PROTIP: Plot the most fuel-effi- cient route through the battle- enemies and objectives with as little unnecessary movement Super HES by Gideon pfcSaPl ) Following up on the tracks of last year’s hit SNES cart, this sequel has even more missions and challenges, along with heavy doses of arcade shoot-em-up action that give it a wider range of appeal. Ten-hut! Desert Demolition You command an M1A2 Battle- tank, the most technologically advanced ground-based fight- ing vehicle ever created. Civil- ians peedn’t shy away from this cart, though, because it's not a stiff, heavy-handed war game. As in the original Super Battletank, the program- mers are extremely faithful to every detail of the real tank, but the game interface is very user-friendly. Super NES Game Profile Super Battletank 2 This tank-battle simulabon Is even more realistic and challeng- ing than the original. Fast-paced, arcade-style shoot-em-up action ensures this cart won’t appeal just to war buffs. PROTIP: Immediately hit a full reverse if you come to a mine- field. Don’t try navigating through it, because you don’t stand a chance. The only safe route out Is directly back the way you came. It gives you a birds-eye view of the entire mission terrain, track- ing not only your movement, but that of all enemy elements. Sixteen hard-core missions pit you against a wide array of enemies, such as Soviet T-72 tanks, SCUD missile launchers, armored jeeps, and armored assault choppers. To help you tackle such tough adversaries, your tank’s arsenal has high- powered weaponry and defense systems that include smoke screens, Air Support, and Patriot Air Defense Mis- siles. Allied Supply Depots also appear on certain missions. Super Battletank 2 is extremely challenging and may prove frustrating at times. As in true warfare, you don’t have a difficulty select or customizable options. If you crash and burn, that’s it. Fortunately, the programmers were kind enough to grant a password feature. PROTIP: Attack enemy bases last, after you’ve removed all PROTIP: The 1/11 A2 is not intended for close combat. You need some range between yourself and your enemy in order to hit your target. The optimal range is situating your enemy right below the horizon line. On-Target Although the graphic range is limited in the tank cockpit, it realistically recreates the atmosphere of tension and claustrophobia of actual tank battle. The sound effects are limited, but they’re well exe- cuted. This cart does get a chance to strut its Super NES- powered audio-visual muscle, though, with an impressive full-motion startup sequence. PROTIP: You can still be attacked by enemies while you view the computer radar dis- play. Always return to the cock- pit view when you come close to engaging an enemy. Tanks for the Fun Super Battletank 2 is a wel- come change of pace from the fight games hogging the mar- ket. Although it’s fashioned with an easy shoot-em-up interface, this cart is really a very engaging and challenging puzzle. You’ve got to accom- plish a task and stay alive against immense odds. This cart takes no prisoners in its campaign for 1 6-bit fun! □ 112 GAMEPRO Fikrury 1894 DOSKELEtONa Colorful Combat Zool's great-looking graphics make the game seem like an outrageous Disney hallucina- tion. Krool’s hordes feature handsome character sprites ^-that launch a fun-loving f visual assault on your eyes with sharp animation and slick details. The sounds swing hot and lukewarm. There’s a ton of crys- tal clear effects, but most aren’t too imaginative. The music tries hard with sometimes-catchy syncopated rhythms. Zool’s Tools Zool possesses a nifty reper- toire of moves. He fights by tossing energy blasts and stomping on his enemies. ^ His speed enables him to take big-time flying leaps. ” Moreover, Zool climbs hand-over-hand, scales walls, and slide-kicks, too. One slick power-up creates a Zool shadow double. The top-notch controls make executing any move a breeze . . . and you need all the help you can get! § By Game Over Man Zool is an extrater- restrial ninja with a big responsibility: He’s Protec- tor of Creative Thought and Defender of Positive Action... for the entire universe! If you have a positive attitude toward SNES fighting/platform games, , Zool’s very cool. Good-bye, Knot Worlds Zool, is battling the negative forces of the cosmos, which are led by the evil Krool. Zool must pull every martial arts trick in his arsenal to blow A Krool's cool and plow Aj through seven wild Worlds.’^® PROTIP: The safest way to leap through the air is to whirl with your blade. Press Left or Right, hit Y, and hold down L. PROTIP: Blast the walls every now and then. You might exca- vate a short cut. PROTIP: Bombs explode as soon as you touch them, so wait for a crowd. Study Zool-ology Zool is a tough game with great-looking graphics. If you think you’re a pugnacious platform player, Zool will take you to school. □ You run through major pulse-pounding platform action. Zool is one of the fastest-moving SNES ninjas around, but he must sprint and jump through 28 stages to beat the clock, fight Krool’s weird minions, and find stage exits. Each World looks like a theme park gone mad. For example, among the beings that overrun the Sweet World are pesky Humble Bees, grue- some Dodgy Jellies, and sharpshootin' Life-Saver clones called Sweet Beasties. The Music World is populated by cunning Cymbals, devious Drums, and violent Violins. PROTIP: You can put some lift on your jumps by leaping onto fly- ing beasts, such as the Bees. PROTIP: If you fall to nab a fall- en foe’s flying Heart at ground level, it might come floating by you when you reach the upper regions of a level. This good-looking action plat- form game will keep you lost in space...but you’ll enjoy every minute of it. Zool’s Moves Zool’s a Ninja on the move! Star Toss Super NES Game ProFile Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension (By Gametek) 114 GAMEPRO February 1994 /£/7y\ Bv Marvin » I ASM Kubeczech It’s time to face the facts: First-generation video gamers now have children old enough to play games. Now parental gamers are eager to find not only games they can play with their children, but also carts that will help their kids grow and learn. Mario's Time Machine is a great place to start. Imaginative backgrounds help you feel like you’re making history... again! Mario’s Time Machine has its flaws. The historical back- grounds feature some imagi- nation, but only Mario adds personality to the graphics. The confusing button sequen- ces needed to set the Timula- tor are too clunky for little kids, and Time Surfing gets repetitious fast. Bowser and his turtle cohorts mess with history. Make History No Mystery The game design is simple, but little kids will need some- one with good reading skills and reading comprehension to make this time trip. You sneak into Bowser’s museum, snatch the artifacts, and then display a History Sheet, which is a fill- in-the-blanks reading lesson about the owner of the item. The Sheet reveals a year and a location, which you program into the Timulator, Mario’s time machine. Next, you take Mario Time Surfing. PROTIP: If the Whirlpool hurls you back to the Donkey Kong prehistoric world, use those classic DK strategies! Climb ropes to avoid boulders. Don’t jump up into boulders on the ramps above you. Hold down Y to move more quickly. When he reaches his desti- nation, Mario talks with char- acters to find the answers for the History Sheet. You can help out 15 historical figures, including Abraham Lincoln, Marco Polo, Cleopatra, and many others. The dialogues with historical figures are original and witty, and the scenarios make flesh- and-blood human beings out of people who are usually just static jYv-. pictures ' * in text- books.] PROTIP: Conversations hold all the answers you need. It’s about Time Make no mistake about it - this game is meant for kids under 12. If you’re the average GamePro reader, you won’t find it very challenging. Still, Mario’s Time Machine is an engaging way for little kids to learn histo- ry while having fun. □ Super NES PRO TIP: Spiked mines make you lose all your Mushrooms when you Time Surf. Bowser Stays after School! Bowser’s back, but he’s not kidnapping the Princess or holding the kingdom for ran- som. This time he’s stolen arti- facts from famous historical figures in order to alter the course of his favor! Mario has to use the Time Machine to restore the arti- facts to their rightful owners. Super NES Game Profile Mario’s Time Machine (By Software Toolworks) Players from seven to 12 years old can learn a thing or two or three from Mario. Just focus on the info, not on the graphics, sounds, or controls. The Time Surfing sequence is simple Mode 7 thumb candy. You glide across an ocean, snatch ten mushrooms, drop into a whirlpool, and land at the correct location. Fall in the pool without the 'shrooms, and you're really into ancient history as you hop through a Donkey Kong remake - a pre- historic obstacle course of rolling boulders. PROTIP: Scan over the answer list when you first display the History Sheet. Maybe you know more then you think! PROTIP: Time Surfing takes time, so to help you remember key facts, jot down notes when you arrive at a destination and begin your research. 116 GAMEPRO February 1994 / I I \ r^r— "* ■•BS-**** 0 *^ r ^5wf^P\ ■ 5 * 5335 ^* ; ,.900.896-HINT (««» KONAMI FUTURE SHOCKS! Amazing video game action hitting your screens soon! C.J. - ELEPHANT FUGITIVE™ He’s on the run! Join C.J. the elephant in this , action-packed > race through ♦i SSs. Europe and Africa as he busts out of the •i — zoo and heads I —] coming' 1-^6 p EB , 94 WORLD SOCCER ’94™ All the action! All the players! Play World Soccer ’94 and 1 “ ' - ru ‘ ‘ 1 5 enter the very best arcade soc- cer challenge game for 1994! COMING SOON! MICRO MACHINES Micro Machines® frl Experience the wildest racing V; game ever created! 27 all-action tracks of ^ miniature mayhem as ■ you race the Micro T Machines vehicles - f loaded with turbo- 1 power. Sand buggies, 1 Turbo Wheels, Formula X One cars and more! A smash-hit video game - it’s the hottest two-player head-to-head chalienge race ever devised! “Will keep even the most hardcore gamers hooked” VideoGames magazine AVAILABLE NOW! WHAT ARE YO PSYCHO PINBALL™ Here's Psycho, the silver-plated armadillo with one hell of an atti- tude, as he launches himself into the wildest selection of pinball tables 1 COMING f A SOON! W51J5S i DREYFUSS SMARTVARK™ Your TV’s gone wild - the gremlins are loose and the shows are out of control! Send in Dreyfuss to sort problems! COMING Jfyfiw COSMIC SPACEHEAD" Codemasters Codemasters FANTASTIC DIZZY ^ f Fantastic Dizzy'" J/I Dizzy is in full iM action in a huge arcade adventure! Explore the V magical kingdom, Palm Tree beach, medieval towns, haunted graveyards, the troll palace and many more exciting and mysterious realms. Loads of great characters to interact with in this most excellent adventure of a life time! “In a league of its own, a unique cartoon adventure” EGM magazine AVAILABLE NOW! Reckon you can handle awesome action and the greatest mind- power? Prepare yourself to experience the explosive gameplay of Codemasters’ video games! Total playability and great graphics! From the best in arcade racing to the wildest fantasy adventures to a completely cosmic experience! If you haven’t got ’em - what are you playing at? J PLAYING AT? Dino Basher! " Join Bignose the ^ Caveman in Dino Basher! a mad, prehistoric t platform race to catch ♦ his fast-moving dinner! Bash and club your ^ way through hordes of dinosaurs across four huge islands, 7> t_ collecting bones and I rocks to increase your strength and rock power! Pterodactyls, huge J W scorpions, saber- ^ toothed tigers and 1 more - let’s go 1 clubbing! ^ rBa g raphi’cs" brilliant music I and, most , importantly, excellent fun!” ■ AVAILABLE FEB '94 To grab a piece of Codemasters action contact your favorite retailer! Retailers contact CODEMASTERS, Ontario, Canada - Tel: (905) 771 9007 By Johnny Combat After a massive Anti-Matter chain- reaction accident, the shat- tered Earth is in chaos. The only order is a cruel empire ruled by a former Federation general. This dictator's only opponents are you and your Metal Marine warrior robots. You must take the Earth back. Your orders are to defeat the Federal forces and destroy enemy HQs around the world. Prepare to move out 1 Super NES Game ProFile Metal Marines (By Namco) Metal Marines has the fire- power, the mettle, and the metal to be a great robo-warrior strategy game. $74.95 1 player 8 megs ^.-overhead view Available February Multi-scrolling Strategy Passwords Military Mindset Metal Marines is a tough strat- egy game that calls for hard- core tactical thinking. You assemble a force of awesome offensive and defensive high- tech, sci-fi weapons, then you go head-to-head with your nemesis. Once you move indi- vidual weapons systems into position, you begin turn-based combat on ^-overhead-view battlefields. The computer fights the fights with a nearby enemy and displays the car- nage with action-packed ani- mation. Hopefully, you chose the superior firepower. PROTIP: Listen to any advice given to you, especially in the early campaigns. It will prove to be invaluable. PROTIP: Once you locate an enemy base, soften up its defenses with a heavy missile attack, then clean up the mess with your Metal Marines. You scroll around the ter- rain to select enemy targets for your missiles as well as landing zones for your Marines to do the voodoo that they do so well. Your opponent has the same weapons of destruction, so developing a defensive stance is equally important. You must also build and sup- port your forces, so you con- struct weapon facilities and energy plants, too. Your enemy - seek and destroy. Marines in Control The controls in Metal Marines look tough, but after the first couple of campaigns, they’re easy. You choose your wea- pons from an easy-to-read menu, then you scroll around the battlefield and place them. Setting up battles is a simple point-and-dick affair. PROTIP: During the early stages of your campaigns, check the enemy’s defenses by bombard- ing their coastline with missiles. You may even get lucky and blast a site or two. The one notable control drawback is a lack of control over your Metal Marines once they've landed. This is especial- ly frustrating when you realize you’ve landed next to a gun pod rather than an AA missile battery, and you watch your 'bot turn into Swiss cheese. PR0T1P: Since gun turret pods in the ground can blast your Marine, try to take ’em out with missiles before you land. If you must land in an area that has several pods, choose a location that’s out of range and take out the guns one at a time. Usually, strategy games lack hot graphics or sound, but not Metal Marines. From the launching rockets to the growing military installations, the graphics are sharp and the animation sizzles. The sound and music, too, are above reproach. Explo- sions and high-tech gunfire rock your world. Likewise, the jazzy, symphonic music jams. PROTIP: Make sure your bases are deployed in areas that are heavily defended against both air and ground attacks. Remem- ber, your overall defense is only as strong as its weakest link. Gold Medal Metal Metal Marines scores a victory. It’s a must for all strategy buffs, and anyone else who wants to get their mind into hard-hitting warfare. Do you have the “metal” to be one of these marines? □ 120 GAMEPRl February 1994 Super NES Super NES Game ProFile Side Packet Side Pocket is video pool- player’s heaven. If you like ti bank the ball, sink the nine, i the shots, or play the trick, tl you gotta get it. You play for the champi- onship by competing in five cities. There are a set number of points that you must make to pass through each locale. You have to use every millime- ter of the ball to hit shots. The computer allows you to hit the ball from any angle, and it even lets you add Draw (which drags the ball back- wards after it’s hit) or Follow (which makes the cue ball trail the ball it hits). You can also make Masse shots, which make the cue ball jump over another ball. Cool Pool The lush, realistic graphics in Side Pocket have nice details, with highlights on the balls and gorgeous cut scenes. All that’s missing is a cloud of cigar smoke. PROTIP: When playing against a friend, remember not only to knock in your balls , but also to leave your opponent with the worst possible shot. PROTIP: When you see a flashing "SUPER" ball, hit it and your cue ball becomes a high-powered projectile, careening ail over the board and sinking balls left and right In that situation, It’s best to drop the balls consecutively and forget about hitting them in numerical order. PRO TIP: If you slam a ball at maximum strength, the cue ball remains near the point of initial contact Use the Draw to place the cue ball in a location that’s beneficial to you. You compete against either a friend or the computer. There’s even a Trick Came, where you try to sink any- where from one to six balls in one stroke. only the Masse 3 jumps balls. The other two levels of Masse the ball. The sound effects are awesome, and the music is cool, clear, and crisp. You can hear the satisfying smack when balls collide and even the excit- ed murmur of the crowd as you make a spectacular shot. Hack ’Em Up Side Pocket is a great game for pool enthusiasts and casual video game pool players alike. There are plenty of great options and genuine pool strategies to keep serious play- ers interested, and yet it’s sim- ple enough to play without the manual. Whether you’re slick with a stick or a fool at pool, you'll enjoy Side Pocket. □ By Lawrence of Arcadia ' Pool games rarely make it past the 8-bit market these days, but Data East is taking a chance on a 16-bit version of this NES classic. The gamble will pay off in the end, because Side Pocket is chal- lenging, entertaining, and fun! Sight on Cue This overhead-view pool game transforms a felt table into a nine-ball chess board. In the Straight game, you accu- mulate points by sinking a certain number of balls in a row or by dropping the balls in numerical sequence. In the traditional Nine Ball game, you sink balls by banking them off the number nine ball. PROTIP: Pay close attention to the angle markers. Sometimes your heart says you can make a shot, but the angle marker says no. Trust the angle marker. GAMEPRi February 1394 121 300 By Game Over Man Now this is more like it! Nevermind that Stellar 7 is more or less a straight translation of a PC game. This first-person-per- spective tank-combat game brings good fighting action to 3DO and gives the system’s much-publicized graphic promise some teeth. Tanks a Lot Cir Draxon, Supreme Overlord of the Arcturan Empire, is hot to add the Earth to his domin- ion. But you’re ready to turn up the heat on his invasion fleet with your ultra-deadly super-tank, the Raven. PROTIP: Outrun Seeker homing bombs. PRO TIP: You can see cloaked enemies on the radar screen. PROTIP: Yes, that’s the voice of Michael Dom, TV’s Worf of Star Trek: The Next Generation. 3D0 Game Profile Stellar 7: Draxon’s Revenge (By Dynamix) This fierce sci-fi tank game will make you go "Wow" as you make your guns go “Pow." The distinctive graphics go a long way toward establishing a 3D0 "look." $59.95 1 player CO 7 worlds Available now First-person perspective Shoot-em-up Forward-scrolling The Raven warps into war. PROTIP: You must learn to lead moving targets. The farther away they are, the more you must lead them. PROTIP: Don’t stop and spin. If you do, you’re a stationary target. PRO TIP: Remember, your enemies can hit you from long range. This is heavy metal fighting all the way. You’re inside the Raven; Draxon’s armored army is outside. You face 1 2 known Arcturan attack vehi- cles. They’re rough, but the unknown vehicles are murder, especially the ones you can’t even see. To make matters even more challenging, weird robotic bosses occasionally drop into the fray. Enemy forces attack you on the ground and from the air, but the Raven is up to the challenge.Jf you are. You must fire for effect, of course, but dodge that Arcturan fire- power, or your shields will fail. Gir Draxon has Raven on the menu. Your basic gun is mean, but you can power it up into a rapid-fire super cannon. With luck you can also find an invis- ibility generator, a shield that destroys tanks and mines. The Raven’s controls are excellent. The game keeps up an all-out pace. You rely on a sharp view-screen and a radar panel to track your foes. You can whip your tank at break- neck speed around the surface of the seven Arcturan worlds. sizzles. Each world’s back- grounds present gorgeous planetary scenery. The game sounds are a lit- tle lean, but they come off well. In particular, the blast effects and the excellent voice narration stand out. PROTIP: If you’re moving in reverse to escape an enemy, watch the radar screen. Run up against an obstacle, and the Arc- turans will be on you in no time. The Raven, Nevermore Graphics Have On Stellar 7’s graphics are a knockout. The Arcturan armor consists of vividly painted poly- gon-based vehicles, and the animation Lucky 7 If you want to space out with your 3DO Multiplayer, take a shot behind the controls of the Raven. Stellar 7 is stellar. □ 122 GAMEPRO February 1994 \s\idiGame’ t Watch 33 minutes of awesome video action as heroes fight wicked monsters and powerful magic - more action than you’ve ever seen before! Then team up with friends for more adventure than you’ve ever played before! The revolutionary - AdventureVisiori" ■' ° -s a . gaming experience is on ^ sale now at stores r ^7 everywhere. .'•I i Start your quest today! When DRAGON STRIKE" the yide& : ends, DRAGON STRIKE Che game begins! GAME By Game Over Man Mad Dog McCree f is a rootin’ tootin’ shootin’ game in the arcades. The 3D0 version mimics the original's graphics and basic game play, but the arcades are still the best places to play this game. “If you’re going to a gunfight , you’d best bring along a gun. ” — Wild Bill Hickok The Mild, Wild West In this funky first-person gun game, you're a gunslinger called the Stranger, and you’re out to clean up a one-horse town that’s being held hostage by Mad Dog McCree and his notorious gang. You aim by pressing the direction- al controls to move a little hand holding a gun. You must make long-range shots, too! PROTIP: Remember, since you have to pull the trigger to select the stage you plan to play, you lose one shot! 300 Game Profile Mad Dog McCree (By American Laser Games) This shooter looks good, but it’s a slowpoke, cowpoke. Chalk it up to 300 growing pains and ride off into the sunset. First -person perspective Forward-scrolling The Wild West comes alive. The Practice mode is the first indication that you’re in for a long ride. You shoot bottles off a fence. The firing sequence goes like this: press the trigger button, hear a bang, count “one Mississippi," see the gun recoil, blink your eyes, then watch the bottle break. That would be nice if you were shooting from 200 yards away, but these targets are in your face! PROTIP: During a one-on-one showdown, slide your bolstered gun along the bottom of the screen until it’s directly under- neath the bad guy. That way you can load quickly and press Up to draw a bead on him. It’s Called Acting! At least the graphics are impressive, if a bit grainy. The story is a classic horse opera, played out by real actors in cos- tume, who pull off just about every cowboy stereotype there is. The old prospector, the undertaker, and the dastardly villains are familiar and fun. You get gunfights galore in a saloon, in a stable, at a bank, and in just about every other typical cowboy scenario. PROTIP: Don’t fight fair! Never let the bad guys draw first. PRO TIP: Always aim for the torso. PROTIP: It's critical to reload as quickly as you can. Do It at any opportunity! PROTIP: If a bad guy pops up when the screen freezes as the game reads the CD, move your gunsight on him. Immediately begin pressing the trigger before the action resumes, or he’s likely to nail you. The characters speak directly to you, and the predictable dialogue is a kick for cowboy wannabees. Likewise, the CD sound effects are crystal clear. First, you’ll need ^ plentybf a mifiuniTion-to? shooter. d^^>ad it by putting it in yo^r holster. HUM 00400 Your revolver looks more at home in 1990 than 1890. Mad Dogs Foam at the Mouth As the Undertaker says, “In this game you better get lucky or you’re gonna be dead." Unfor- tunately, he's right, since the unwieldy controls frequently send you to Boot Hill. The directional controls are shaky and imprecise. After several attempts, you can anticipate exactly when and where each gunman will appear. Even then, moving your gunsight to the right spot in time is a chancy chore. Another prominent flaw is the frequent and noticeable disc-accessing, which freezes the on-screen action. More- over, almost every such pause is a dead giveaway that a bad guy's about to appear. This guy isn’t flashing you a peace sign. PROTIP: Keep your gunsight at the ready, positioned just below the center of the screen. Ho Thank You, Masked Man Mad Dog McCree 3DO will make Mad Dog arcade fans mad. American Laser Games reports it has a 3D0 gun in the works for '94. You might not want to face Mad Dog until you get your shots. □ GAMEPRO • February 1394 124 Westwood ByBro’Buzz I Escape from Monster T Manor, the first 3DO game from Electronic Arts, will be a first-person-perspective gun game with a supernatural twist. Armed with only a hand- held ghost zapper, your mis- sion will be to recover the scattered fragments of a shat- tered talisman from a creepy haunted house. your hand becomes a little more transparent until you’re just a bag of bones! There’s a grisly suprise in the garden. All Manner of Monsters Monster Manor will summon forth memories of the classic PC game, Castle Wolfenstein. You will move in first-person perspective through a murder- ous maze, zapping any ghosts, grim reapers, or other spec- tres who come after you. As the search unfolds, players must explore shadowy corri- dors, clammy catacombs, eerie attics, a mysterious hedge labyrinth, a twisting series of treacherous mud caves, and a graveyard. These creepy things are all over the place. The 3DO-generated graph- ics will try to blitz you. On- screen you’ll see your hand holding the ghost zapper as you move left or right to advance through the mazes. You'll face truly creepy-looking beings, primarily sinister spec- tres. The early version show- cased five different ethereal fiends. Each time a phantom puts a hurt on you, the skin on The CD sound, if it remains true to the prelim version, will send shivers up your spine with horrific screams and moans. You'll likely find it hard to believe that audio can do so much to chill the atmosphere of a video game. There’s No Escape Escape from Monster Manor is a 3 DO ghostbuster waiting to happen. If your tastes tend toward the macabre, stand by for a ProReview next issue. □ Escape from Monster Manor By Electronic Arts Available Now The Reaper reaps for you. ESCAPE FROM * 126 GAMEPRO • e b r u a r y 1994 4«laim Spider Man X-Men"' and i <&■- > WOHEV** Sr; Neo-Geo By Erik Suzuki I don’t understand. ’ Usually "super" is supposed to be better than “special," but Fatal Fury Special is definitely a supergame. Fatal Fury Special is the lat- est in SNK’s long line of one- on-one fighting games, which includes the games Art of Fighting and World Heroes. Fatal Fury II was SNK's first actual hit; it had great charac- ters and smooth game play. It allowed you to control one of eight different characters in your goal to be the best fight- er in the world. Super Special Just how super is Special? Well, for starters there are four new characters, of which three are playable. That brings the total number of playable characters in the game to 1 5! Instead of taking away spe- cial moves from old characters and slowing down the game like Capcom did with Super Street Fighter II, SNK got smart and added some new moves for the original eight charac- ters and even gave some of them new colors for their cos- tumes. Then SNK used their little noodles again and speed- ed up FF Special about 1 5 per- Neo«Geo Game ProFile Fatal Fury Special (By SNK) Fatal Fury Special is better than Super, but a bit less than perfect. ijpl Price not available 2 players, simultaneous 150+ megs 16 levels Available now Side view Fighting game Multi-scrolling cent! SNK actually realized a slow game is just...well...slow. Finally, the four boss charac- ters from Fatal Fury II are now playable, and they even have new frames of animation. The new Player Select screen enables you to choose from 15 characters. fr l % % iimM rtph , hPF . Fas Kuh. i mu. fcuh? iol Vf.U as-* lei vtu. New text for a new character. The biggest new feature in Fatal Fury Special is the com- bos. Every character has at least two different combos and some have more than five. With combos, master players can use their skill to waste their opponents. But the Special difference is that two combos won’t destroy you, as they do in Super Street Fighter II. In fact, it can take up to four combos to beat an opponent. That's almost perfect damage control. Amazingly, all 1 5 playable characters are evenly balanced, including the bosses and the new characters. Hot Death Moves. Looks and Sounds Good Graphically, Fatal Fury Special remains awesome with fine detail for each character and background. Each new charac- ter has an entirely new back- ground and musical score. The new backgrounds seem to have been created by a new artist, as they're noticeably bet- ter-looking than those in Fatal Fury II. SNK maintained conti- nuity, however, by drawing the new characters in the same style of animation as the cast of the original Fatal Fury II. characters. The new objects in the background are a serious crack-up to watch, and you’ll want to play through the game just to see what’s been added. For example, when you beat an opponent in Big Bear’s stage, sometimes Kim Kaphwan flies across the screen like Superman. Also, when you're in Andy's stage, see if you can spot other Fatal Fury characters cheering in the background. The old and the new come together here. Geese is back. The new musical scores sound great, and there are even voices for the new char- acters. There's still true stereo on almost all of the stages, and digitized music on some of them. If you’re good enough to beat the game without losing a round, your character utters a few sen- tences during the ending graphics sequences. It sounds 128 GAMEPRO February 1994 PROTIP: Try and knock your opponent into the background in Billy Cane's je. Since you cannot play in the background, your opponent will be knocked into the machinery and will take extra damage. PROTIP: Jubei can slide under some projectile attacks like Mai Shiranui's Butterfly Fan. PROTIP: Look for the extras ii the backgrounds. PROTIP: Use Terry’s invincible Rising Tackle to counter projec- tile attacks and escape from corner traps. wonderful, but it would be more enjoyable if they spoke English, rather than Japanese. Secret Stuff Obviously, combos have helped FF Special’s game play by about 1 000 percent, but to rev it even more, there's a cool hidden character. As men- tioned earlier, there are four new characters. The fourth character appears only after you’ve beat the other fifteen opponents without losing a single round. Ryo from Art of Fighting then appears in the dream match to challenge your number-one ranking. (Art of Fighting was popular because of the many special moves each character had.) If you can get to Ryo's stage, take a few minutes to notice all the neat little extras in the background. Trust me, you’ll be surprised. Fatal Fury Special also con- tains death moves, but SNK has made them extremely hard to do. Plan on spending a few rolls of quarters if you want to master these devas- tating moves. Special Sauce With all the improvements in Fatal Fury Special, it's really hard not to love this game. However, in 1 3 of the stages, you have the option of jump- ing in and out of the fore- ground and background, as in its predecessor. This can cause a fight to become very frustrating, especially if your opponent is trying to avoid you or annoy you. Super Recipe Special's great game play and likeable characters make it one the best fighting games around. Anyone and everyone who enjoys one-on-one fight- ing games should check this one out for its humor first, but then stick around for the great fighting action. H GAMEPRO February 1994 129 lUit Snorts Pane Fehruarq 1934 Walsh's College Football CD Comes Up Big By Athletic Supporter Bill Walsh’s College Football for the Sega CD isn’t much different from the Bill Walsh carts for the Genesis or the Super NES. That’s not a criticism, because Bill Walsh College Football is one of the finest football games on the market. The CD version follows dial old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Thank goodness the people at EA Sports didn’t tamper with an already top-notch product. Wild About Walsh With only a few exceptions, play- ing EA Sports’ Bill Walsh College Football is just like playing any of the John Madden Football install- ments. And if you liked John Madden ’93, the best-selling 16- bit sports cart ever, you’re almost sure to love its CD counterpart, which has more horsepower than Walsh’s cartridge games. The Team Matchups screen gives position-l>\ -position comparisons. The game play is the same on the Sega CD as it is on Walsh’s Genesis game. Bill Walsh College Football features 24 all-time great college teams and 24 of the top programs from the 1992 season, including Alabama, last year’s undefeated national champs. However, since Bill Walsh is not licensed by the NCAA, the teams are all fictitious. You’ll notice names like Los Angeles for UCLA and College Station for Penn State. Don’t get too upset, because you’ll still be able to pick out your favorite players by their jersey numbers, and the teams’ strategies closely represent their real-life counterparts. A l.earn from the master with video footage. As on the Genesis, there are lots of pre-game options. Walsh himself offers expert advice before each contest, and you can compare performances via the Team Matchups. Better still is the multi-player option. EA’s new four-player adapter, the 4 Way Play, enables up to four gamers to butt heads simultaneously in any combination, including four against the computer. Psyched for the Big Game The game play has generally been improved over the Madden games. The hash marks are wider in Bill Walsh College, and some of the offensive formations are a little different, to reflect subtle variations from the pro game. The computer opponents are still creampuffs, but the computer now calls its offensive plays quicker, which can leave you scrambling on defense. All the top conferences are repre- sented in this game. PROTIP: As a defensive back, try to bump the intended receiver at the line of scrimmage. Continue to bump him and knock him off his pass route so he can’t catch the ball. Watch out for the zebras - they're pretty quick to throw the flag. PROTIP: When running the Triple Option, pitch the ball just as your quarterback is about to be tackled. This should give your running back more room. Still, the designers of Bill Walsh do draw an Unsportsman- like Conduct penalty for the lack of realism in some areas. In real life, college players are penalized for spiking the ball or throwing it into the stands after a TD. What’s more, since the 1992 season play- 130 GAMEPRI February 1894 ers may advance a fumble in col- lege football. These changes aren’t in Bill Walsh. Also, though Bill Walsh supplies you with plenty of team and game statis- tics, you might miss the individ- ual player breakdowns that John Madden supplied. Heisman-Winning Sounds and Graphics The major difference between the Genesis and CD versions is the improved sound on the CD. Thankfully, EA has kept the sound effects and the crowd noise to a minimum. You still get all the grunts and hard hits, but there’s no repetitive, mind-numbing soundtrack, as you get on many of today’s carts. PROTIP: Don’t always run your offensive plays to the wide side of the field. The computer tends to compen- sate for this strategy. PROTIP: If want to avoid being tackled, press “C” to high-step out of a defender’s grasp. The graphics for Bill Walsh are sharp and smooth. Although the Bill Walsh players are not as fast as they are in John Madden, they are a little larger. They’re also more responsive and easier to control. Montana Limps onto the Sega CD Joe Montana's NFL Football By Athletic Supporter For Sega CD owners who have been eagerly anticipating the sequel to Joe Montana-II Sports- Talk Football, your wait is over. Was the wait worth it? Not by a long shot. Joe Montana’s NFL Football for the Sega CD is a real bench warmer. This disc doesn’t even stack up to its original name- sake (which came out more than five years ago). Movin’ to Montana The best part about Joe Montana Football is that this cart is licensed by the NFL. This means you get each of the league’s 28 teams with their real logos. Unfortunately, you don’t get real players, just generic positions. You have several playing options. You can play an exhibi- tion game between any two teams in the league or start a 16-game season. NFL Football keeps up with league standings while you’re playing, so if you make it through the regular season with a good enough record, you can qualify for the playoffs. If you win the Super Bowl, you’ll get a shot at ten of the greatest teams in NFL history, which include the 1985 Chicago Bears and the 1972 Miami Dolphins. M— IT PROTIP: Study the Team Select screen to learn your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses. It’ll enable you to call the right plays at the right time. Use the Helmet Cam to get instant replays of exciting moments. An Average Joe Now for the bad news: To begin with, the graphics are dull and lifeless, giving you blurry, pixe- lated figures and awkward move- ments. What’s more, the poor graphics hinder game play - often the players and the ball get lost on the field. This is especially true during a turnover. In fact, the ball is so difficult to see that you don’t always know there’s been an interception or a fumble until the play is over and you’re ready to pick your next formation! PROTIP: The computer blitzes on almost every third-down play. You can beat the blitz with a swing pass to a running back or a quick slant over the middle. Bill Walsh College Football does have its minor problems, but don’t let that stop you from play- ing it EA Sports has done it again with Bill Walsh College, a Heis- man Trophy front-runner. Q When in doubt, consult with the expert You can use the Ask Joe fea- ture three times during each half. PROTIP: If you're a defensive back, press Button “C” just as the play is beginning to knock the receiver down and out of the play. The sound isn’t much better. The crowd sounds like monoto- nous white noise. The quarterback doesn’t have a cadence before the snap of the ball. He’s totally silent. Even worse, the so-called announcer is late and often wrong with his calls. In Joe Montana-II you got to hear the announcer’s play-by-play call during the action. That’s not true of Joe Montana’s NFL Football. The announcer’s calls come after the play is over, while you're selecting your next play. Any run of more than ten GAMEPRO February 1194 131 yards is called “a big gain,” and you never find out exactly how many yards you gained. Any pass of more than ten yards is referred to as a “bomb!” PROTIP: Move your QB out of the pocket on pass plays for more time. This will help your receiver get open. Out of Control The controls are only slightly better than the graphics and the sound. Each player has approximately the same speed, which takes away from any realism. The players are slow to respond at times, and once they get going it’s almost impossible to get them to change directions quickly. There are no cutbacks in this cart. PROTIP: Move your defensive line- man into gaps between your oppo- nent's offensive linemen. It’s much easier to get to the QB or running back this way. Joe Montana NFL Football is a big disappointment. Inferior graphics, sound, and controls make this disc a basement dweller - not at all worthy of the superla- tive Genesis game that premiered in '93. □ Just Shoot the Ball, Jammit! Jammit „ Bashetball bSneSIS By Weekend Warrior Although one-on-one basketball has been featured before in games like Hoops and Jordan vs. Bird, it’s never had the zest and appeal of Jammit Basketball, Virgin’s first b-ball hoop-ful. This cart shoots up extremely sharp, realistic graphics, a wide assortment of half-court one-on-one contests, and a very contemporary, urban inter- face. Unlike the proliferation of structured, NBA-based carts, Jam- mit is b-ball in its truest form - in your face and with no holds barred! Jammit takes to the streets in an all-out battle for court supremacy. You’ll play against some mean- looking characters named Chill, Roxy, and Slade. When you play solo against the computer, you start with $400 in your pocket and lay bets against your opponents. The more you wager, the harder your opponents play. Win enough money and The Judge will grant you an appearance on his court. The Palace, for a final showdown. PROTIP: Always keep yourself between the basket and your oppo- nent. If your opponent gets past you, don't go for the steal, just catch up to him as quickly as possible. Jammit has a good mix of options. Select the two-player mode for head-to-head action in eight dif- ferent versions of one-on-one bas- ketball, including No Fouls, Slams Only, and 2-Ball Free for All. You can also customize the games. PROTIP: When you're on defense inside the paint, stick close to the bas- ket and time your block with your opponent's shot. PROTIP: Avoid knocking down an opponent from behind, or they’ll instantly receive two free foul shots. You can slam opponents as much as you want from the front. PROTIP: It's easy to Clear the Ball off the sides of the basket, but some- times your best move is to go all the way outside the paint and come back in. This separates you from the defender and opens up more lanes so you can charge the basket. No matter which game you select, the controls are easy to pick up and execute. On-screen action responds very well to your button-pressing, which is crucial in this fast-paced game. Jammit also supports the new six-button controller for even faster action. Be forewarned, however - the computer opponents move just as efficiently as you do, especially in the higher levels. Walkin’ the Walk, Talkin’ the Talk Jammit is def with its contempo- rary, presentation of the games. Well-rendered, realistic graphics capture the urban atmosphere per- fectly. The large, digitized players dress in the casual clothes you see the outdoor courts, and they move with silky-smooth grace. The backgrounds are lush, with graffiti on the walls, trash on the court, and even dirt smudges on the backboard. PROTIP: When you carry the ball, crouch low to protect it. Use your Elbow Jab to keep the defender away. PROTIP: Go ahead, be rude. Dis the foul shooter by pressing B to yell out distracting comments. A boom box located near the baseline can be reset to play three thumping hip-hop tunes. Crisp, digitized voices of the players yell out some of the meanest “trash talk” you’ll hear. Although it’s not profane, some talk is offensive enough to earn it an MA-13 rating. (limme the Ball! Fast action, easy game play, and hip graphics and sound bites make Jammit perfect for action- minded gamers who want the speed and accessibility of an arcade game. Traditional basket- ball purists may grow bored with the simple game play and repeti- tion, but this game is meant to be rowdy, not strategic. See you on the court! □ Jammit Basketball By Virgin 132 GAMEPRO February 1984 Domark Sprints to Formula One Championship Formula „ . One Game Gear By Doctor Devon A hot new racer is rolling onto the Game Gear track. Domark’s For- mula One sports enough cool graphics, sound effects, and action to be in the running for the Grand Prix Championship! Gentlemen, Start Your Game Gears! Formula One presents two rip- roaring ways to play - Arcade mode, which is a sprint around real international F-l tracks like San Marino’s Imola and Britain’s Silverstone, and Grand Prix, which is a full season of racing action on eight circuits. Other options include the ability to cus- tomize your car’s Wings, Tires, Gears, and Engine. The graphics are not only colorful and attractive in Formula One, they also help you win if you can pick up the details. For instance, the car’s tires will start smoking if you rip too fast around a comer. An on-screen map shows you what’s ahead, but unfortu- nately the digital prompters are too hard to read at a glance. Use the Set Up screen to change the features on your Formula One racer. PROTIP: Italy’s Monza is probably the easiest and fastest track, while Japan's figure-eight Suzuka is prob- ably the toughest. PROTIP: The brakes are touchy, so slow your car by running onto Ihe shoulder. The sounds make the game roar to the pole position. While the music is inconsequential, the racing sound effects will make your heart pound. Your car view shows you a long stretch of green ahead. Once you swing, the ball sails flatly into the distance, then another screen shows where it lands. Though colorful, the graphics don’t always help, since you can’t see the whole course in front of you, and you’ll some- times be surprised by the sudden appearance of trees around your ball when it stops. You’ll also see your ball overshoot the hole, even though the stats will tell you you’re still short. PRO TIP: Use the vantage info to cal- culate how hard you need to hit a shot. You won’t always hit with 100 percent power. The graphics need to be much stronger in this game, because the sounds are almost whines into high gear, your tires screech around tight curves, and other cars zip past with a whoosh. Control is another plus. Your car responds quickly and smoothly to your button presses, so you can weave efficiently through traffic at more than 200 miles per hour. Chequered Flag Domark’s Formula One was just slightly above average on the Genesis, but it races into first place on the Game Gear. This is a cart worth taking for a spin. □ nonexistent. A bit of music plays as the maps roll out at the begin- ning, but you play this game in virtual silence. More and better sound effects would’ve helped involve you in the action. PROTIP: Yardage estimates include rolls, so be sure to hit your shots hard enough to clear hazards on the fly. While it’s hardly a double bogey, PGA Tour Golf isn't quite the eagle it wants to be. It’s about par for the course. □ Puttin' Around with the PGA Game Gear lour Golf By Doctor Devon Good golfing on the Game Gear- that’s the goal of PGA Tour Golf, and for the most part, the game delivers. It’s not thrilling or enthralling, but it does keep you interested enough so that you’ll want to play all the courses. Walk Softly, Carry a Mean Club PGA Tour Golf presents three real courses, plus a challenging fictional course. Sterling Shores. In addition to tournament action against the leading pros, you can try out any course in the Practice mode, slug a bucket of balls in the Driving mode, and drop a few in Putting mode. If you’re a novice, the game helps you by suggesting clubs, offering maps, and providing advice. If you're a pro, you might be frustrated by the simple con- trols, which don’t require much skill. You often get the benefit of nice rolls, and it’s fairly easy to score a par. PROTIP: Play the other three courses before you try out Sterling Shores. Use the map to help you on this long, tough course. Golf Graphics Though the game boasts four courses, they all seem to look the same. Your behind-the-golfer GAMEPRO • February 1994 133 LYNX KICKS Atari, the Atari logo, and Lynx are™ or ® of Atari Corporation. © 1993 Atari Corp., Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1309. All rights reserved. Checkered Flag. Dracula and Warbirds are™ and © 1992 of Atari Corp. All rights reserved. Lemmings and Jimmy Connors' Tennis are™ and ©. All rights reserved. Game Boy® is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America, Inc. © Nintendo of America Inc. All rights Lynx has a 3.5" screen. BUT Game Gear has a 3.2" screen. Lynx has over 4000 colors. BUT Game Boy has two. Lynx has a 1 B bit graphics engine. BUT Game Gear has an B. Lynx has molded rubber hand grips. BUT Game Boy has plastic. Lynx allows up to eight players. BUT Game Boy allows up to four. Lynx has right or left hand play. BUT Game Boy and Game Gear do not. THEIR BUTS. Get to your store now, or call: 1-800-221-EDGE reserved. Game Gear is a trademark of Sega Enterprises, LTD All rights reserved. GamePro Products Recommended by the Top Editors at GamePro! Awesome Super Nintendo Secrets 3 J. Douglas Arnold & Zach Meston This amazing sequel features complete tips and strategies for the hottest new games, including Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter II Turbo, Aladdin, and Jurassic Park. No SNES player should be without this top-secret information! Some Awesome Star Fox Strategies! Use the barrel roll (by pressing L orR twice rapidly) to deflect laser beams. You can deflect all types of lasers, including the Plasma Balls and Oval Beams, by barrel rolling. You can 't deflect missiles or other weapons, though. Awesome Sega Genesis Secrets 4 Zach Meston & J. Douglas Arnold The Best Secrets! This guide covers the most popular games for both the Genesis and the Sega CD including: Jurassic Park, based on the mega hit movie; Mortal Kombat, based on the popular arcade game; Aladdin, the first video game drawn by Disney animators, and many more! Street Fighter II Strategy Guide Editors of GamePro Magazine This is it!! THE guide to beating Street Fighter II! Jam-packed with indepth tips and tactics for the Super NES home version and the Champion Edition arcade game. Over 2,000 full- color game screens! All 1 2 world warrior characters profiled! Free...Street Fighter II poster! Super NES Game Secrets, Volume 4 Rusel DeMaria The Unauthorized, Uncensored Guide to the Latest and Greatest Games! Like our other SNES titles, this one contains nearly two dozen walk-throughs and some special sections on the newest, most popular games for the Super NES. • Includes Super Battletoads, Bubsy, Super Strike Eagle, Final Fantasy II, NCAA Basketball and many more. Special sections on Street Fighter II and Super Star Wars! Super Mario World Game Secrets Rusel DeMaria & Zach Meston Mario’s Back in His Greatest Adventure Ever! Super Mario World Game Secrets is an indispensable guide to the hottest Super NES game of all time, with detailed strategies, tons of screen shots, and the wildest secrets to blow Super Mario World wide open! Super NES Games Secrets Greatest Tips Editors of GamePro Magazine The experts at GamePro magazine tell you the secrets of how to win the latest Super NES games! Take advantage of their video power and skill. This book includes thousands of tips, cfieats and tricks for . hundreds of the most popular new games! • includes Bart’s Nightmare, Desert Strike, Krusty's Super Funhouse, The Legend of Zelda, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV, Final Fantasy, Mystic Quest, and many more! Super Empire Strikes Back Official Game Secrets Rusel DeMaria The complete guide to LucasArts Entertainment’s incredible mega-cart for the Super NES. Draw your Blaster and slash your Light Saber in a hair-raising adventure! This is the ONLY strategy guide to Super Empire Strikes Back officially endorsed by LucasArts and is jammed-pack with secrets and strategies. Prepare to defeat the mighty Darth Vader and learn all the secrets of the Force! Official Sega Genesis Power Tips Book, 2nd Edition Neil West This fantastically popular full-color strategy guide to Sega Genesis games has been updated to include the hottest new games of the season. Over 100 games covered in eye-popping spreads that walk readers through the hardest levels. • Includes Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Streets of Rage 2, Alien 3, Lemmings, Batman Returns, Thunderforce 4, and many more! EA Hockey— It Only Takes a Second to Score! The best shot to master is the midfield shot because it usually beats the keeper for sheer speed. Alternatively, run directly up (or down) at the keeper and when you’re just outside the red semi-circular line, press B. Timing is Editors of GamePro Magazine Yet ariother hit volume from the editors at GamePro magazine! GamePro makes it their business to bring gamers the hottest, most outrageous game secrets ever! • Includes Ecco the Dolphin, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist, Flashback, and many more! Sega Genesis Games Secrets Greatest Tips, 2nd Edition Sega Genesis Secrets, Volume 6 Rusel DeMaria Action, adventure, sports! Here are the hot tips that will get players through the games! The big hits just keep on coming for the Sega Genesis game machine, and this hot new book is there to => nlayers through all the treacherous traps and mind-bending puzzles! < ^tt ore role-playing games are coming to the game screen 'Vllthan ever! D&D is finally gaining some respect in the arcades with this long-awaited debut from Capcom, and now an all-new Shadowrun is coming for the Genesis. Now if only we'd get Vampire... By In dill the Incredible The great-grandfather of all RPGs - and the progenitor of an entire industry - has finally been translated into an awe- some action-packed arcade game from Capcom. The RPG and coin-op industries have collided, and hopefully they won’t ever look back. By the Book Skeptics may ask, "But how could an RPG become a coin- operated action/adventure game and still be faithful to the source material?" No wor- ries. This game combines the finest elements of a side- scrolling Golden Axe or Final Fight with all the rules of D&D. detailed spell system. The game is, of course, four-player simul and features four buttons for a variety of attacks, special weapons, blocking, crouching, dashing, and much more. Down in Darokin D&D merges an actual story with hacking, slashing, and exploring action. Obviously the game is extremely combat intensive, but there's more here than meets the sword. You must save the town of Darokin from a collection of enemies, but you have multi- ple paths to choose from as you explore the game. There are traps, secret rooms, and mazes. Non-playable charac- ters are reasonably interactive. The game is amazingly faithful to its origins. For example, the monsters incor- porate all the special attacks and vulnerabilities of the D&D pen-and-paper games. Beware, Trolls can regenerate! D&D is nearly complete and will be out by the end of March. We’ll be back soon with a full review and a few strategies, to boot. Dungeons & Dragons: Tomer of Doom By Capcom Available March Just like in the original D&D, cler- ics can’t use edged weapons. You choose from four D&D char- acter classes. You select from four charac- ters: a dwarf, an elf, a cleric, and a fighter. All their talents, skills, and attacks are based on real D&D rules, including weapon selection and a D&D is four-player all the way, and you’ll need the extra firepow- er to chop off all of the Beholder’s The Lightning Bolt Spell rocks the Displacer Beast. OF DOOM 138 6AMEPR0 February 1994 PaLadfn’s Qaest By The Wizard of Awe Paladin’s Quest falls in the middle of the RPC food chain. While the game’s overall story is acceptable for this genre, its curious Magic/Hit Points method is frustrating and too easy to exhaust, causing you to frequently start over from your last saved game. Lennus Under Siege Like the fine RPG Secret of Mana, Paladin's Quest starts with a young and curious character (Chenzi) causing some big troubles by sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. After class one day in the local magic school, Chen- zi's peers dare him to climb to the top of the town's mysteri- ous tower, where Chenzi acci- dentally awakens the evil monster/machine Dal Gren. Now the bad guy’s on the loose, and it’s up to Chenzi to stop him and restore order. Trouble In Paradise Unlike Secret of Mana, howev- er, Paladin feels rather stale. Its dialogue, story, transitions, settings, and even its game play seem to have been done before. From the very start, foes are enormously powerful. Battles occur at random and switch you from a good /- overhead view to a monoto- nous first-person view. Even Points and Magic Points that gauge your life and magic power separately. PROTIP: Keep fighting on the outskirts of the second town until you have enough money to buy big weapons. Relying on your weapons is virtually useless, and using spells drains you fast. You can take medicine to recuperate, but you’ll run out quickly when you face certain bosses that must be slain in order to move the game forward. So, back and forth you romp to the local inn to recoup and replen- ish - provided you’ve gained enough gold from your battles. Friendly Advice Fortunately, the little Chenzi is not alone in his quest. Other characters lend a sword-wield- ing hand or wand now and then, which makes for fairer combat. futile to waste physical attacks trying to wipe him out. As you attack with Fire, let the other two members of your party heal you and themselves. mm after the bridge breaks, walk over to a second town and stand next to it. Press A and it will be repaired so you can cross it. PROTIP: Save often, especially when your hero picks up an important person Or item, or when he advances a level. Paladin’s graphics are col- orful but uninspired. Its sound, as in many RPCs, is mostly dire and repetitive. For- tunately, a straightforward menu system makes control- ling Chenzi, brandishing spells and weapons, and checking his status and inventory easy. Not the Paladin’s Best Despite many hits against Pal- adin, fans who enjoy lots of slow-going combat and char- acter-building in their RPC’s will appreciate the game for its enormous challenge and lengthy crusade. The rest of us, though, will do better keeping with the Zeldas, Manas, and Final Fantasies already out there, and those on the horizon. □ PROTIP: Talk to everyone in the second town to find out that the woman is gone. If you go straight south to where the small house is located, the old man won’t appear. PROTIP: Look at shelves in build- ings to find weapons and items. PROTIP: To beat the Dragon Boss at the top of the mountain, you must use your Fire Spell - it’s mmimm worse, each spell you cast eats away at your Hit Points. Most RPGs assign you Hit Paladin's Quest (By Enix) (B3| $59.99 1 player 12 megs X-overtiead view Available now Battery backup Fantasy role-playing PROTIP: Before leaving any town, stock up on medicine. February 1994 6AMEPR0 Romance of the y Th»ee Kingdoms ■: Dr agon of Destiny By Bro' Buzz Romance of the Three King- doms III is a fine conqueror- take-all game. You'll plan long-range strategy to unite all of Ancient China by waging war on your unneighborly neighbors. Although it's even more sparse in the graphics and sound departments than most Koei carts, the simula- tion is excellent. As usual, you should march into any Koei cart with a head for numbers and Asian names, an eye for icons, and hands that have plenty of time on ’em. Romantic China You play six scenarios with starting dates ranging from 189A.D. to 235 A.D.The game’s massive menu system is simple to use, but decipher- ing the abbreviated command labels and the plethora of icons requires a close read of the manual. Eight major com- mands access a mess of menus that delegate tasks to a stable of Generals. If you like, you can build your own char- acters, determining their char- acter data, gender, and even their faces. PR0T1P: Invest Gold in Develop- ment - of your Economy and your Cultivation - during every turn, if possible. PR0T1P: Search for Hua Tuo the Healer to treat your wounded officers. PROTIP: Spying is essential to your stratagems. Be sure to give your spy plenty of spying time to do his job. Among the multitudinous tasks required to lead your state, you must develop your economy, feed your people, and buy and sell goods. To prepare for war, you draft sol- diers, train troops, recruit officers, and spy on your neighbors. Wars between the States Romance warfare consists of serious number-crunching. Preparation is 90 percent of winning any battle, since vic- tory via the easily executed turn-based combat system is primarily dependent upon your army facing an inferior numerical force. PROTIP: Ambushes are very effective against superior forces. PROTIP: Spreading False Rumors can affect an enemy unit that’s readytofold. never a stand- ;i, are even more plain than usual. Static por- traits of the characters are great, but the Main Map of China seriously strains your eyes with tiny icons. The bat- tle graphics between fighting units are miniscule, and you don’t even get Koei’s cartoony horses and soldiers. The sparse sounds are dominated by a rich, Asian-sounding, orchestral soundtrack, which unfortunately drives you crazy with its repetition. Ancient China has looked better. rime for Romance? The joy in RTKIII is about watching numbers grow (for example, at harvest time) and shrink (when you knock off enemy soldiers). If you have a for it, it’s great fun. How- ever, first-time Koei gamers should probably go for easier- to-digest SNES fare such as Gemfire or even Genghis Khan II. If you’re already Koei crazy, you can’t help yourself- you’ll love Romance. □ There are 22 battlefields found on four types of terrain, including the famous Great Wall. You can also engage in naval warfare, and take on an enemy commander in a CPU- refereed one-on-one fight. 140 GAMEPRO February 19S4 By Scary Larry It’s 2053. Do you know where your Shadowrunners are? In this fantastic translation of the all-time number-one cyber- punk pen-and-paper RPC, you’d better hope that your ’Runners are dose...and in a good mood! A Gritty Adventure This tale of corporate evil and computer-jacking has fascinat- ed RPC fanatics for some time now, although it has just recently been brought to the home video game market. Data East hit the SNES first, and now Sega has brought it to Genesis owners, but wit^a* whole new look and story Umj This is no small graphic adventure. Sega has tumedjgjj FASA's Shadowrun into tJHH monstrous, gritty, and reaMir RPC that it was meant to WF*. virtual reality world where deckers and data-jackers rule the electronic highways. ^fo help you make it out alive, you'll need the help of Shadowrunners, the unique and lethal assassins who will “run" with you...for a price. Talk is cheap, but bullets cost. Run for the Shadows This new game keeps the clas- sic RPC elements alive by incor- porating a personal electronic secretary who keeps notes of all conversations you’ve had in the game. When you come across someone or something mentioned in a conversation, the notes are automatically deleted from memory. No more writing down vital pieces of information. Watch Role-Players’ Realm for an extensive review of Shadowrun for the Genesis. Great intro, i starts you off. In Cyberspace, you’ll battle for information - and your life. You can now choose to be either a samurai, a decker, or a shaman as you prowl the streets and alleys of a devas- tated, futuristic Seattle. You’ll see action in the urban jun- gles, in the sinister corporate offices, and in Cyberspace - a EAMEPRO • February 1994 Take a Cyber Taxi around the ruins and find your destiny. 141 Aorrm ^ ^ Odyssey GENESIS RoV II doesn’t play particu- larly fast, and the controls are only a bit above average. How- ever, the puzzles are solid, and this cart plays better than its predecessor. You still get two- player link capability. Ultima Fun The graphics are shrimpy and the music and sound effects are repetitive. However, with ever-increasing puzzles, you’ll be running all over Bri- tannia’s huge maps for hours. RPC strategists should read these Runes. February 1994 PROTIP: The Whip-Stinger is the best fighter. She has a longer life bar and great range with whips. of Arcus. Then a good sorcer- ess harnessed all the powers of light to fight and defeat her. PROTIP: Wait for this frog to jump before you run past him, then attack him from the back. You travel through a vast ^-overhead world of caverns and mazes. Along the way you’ll pick up items to help your quest, like health power- ups and magic spells. Seen It, Done It The graphics in Arcus Odys- sey are small and crowded. There’s not a great amount of detail or special effects in the game, and the enemies are uninspired. Each area looks suspiciously alike, and the only real action comes from the beginning animation. You expect more in the SNES. The sounds are pretty decent, although there's not a lot of ’em. The music serves its pur- pose, and stays faithful to the overall theme of the game. Odd(ysey) Man Out If you played Arcus Odyssey on the Genesis, then you’ve seen it before. If you're look- ing for an interesting game with little to offer but average graphics and better-than-aver- age music, then this is for you. True RPG fans, though, may want to skirt around the town of Arcus and hold out for meatier titles. Arcus Odyssey has crept over to the SNES from the Genesis, with very little upgrading. You have to be a fan of the Gene- sis version to appreciate the shoot-and-scoot play of the latest Arcus Odyssey. I’ll Be Fleeing Ybu In Arcus Odyssey, you play as one of four warriors with a unique special ability or weapon. Your standard Archer, Sword-swinger, Magic-user, and Whip-slinger are all in the house, this time to bring peace back to the land of Arcus. statue just before the entrance to the first area, and you’ll receive a helpful hint and some power-ups. It seems that there once was an evil sorceress who planned to wipe out the world, starting with the town ULtfma: Runes of VfRtue II By The Wizard of Awe Ultima: Runes of Virtue II is a great combo of role-playing and strategy. Like any RPG, you’ve gotta up your strength in this puzzle-solving quest if you want to find the eight may- ors who have been kidnapped by the evil Black Knight. The strategy elements somewhat diminish the story line, but the cart’s great fun if you like multi- level puzzles rather than tradi- tional role-playing. GAME BOY" Shjfmlno, tip has a handy pro- foodie weapon and a good mix oftctrenqlhs. Run for the Runes At the start, the esteemed Lord British informs you that one of the neighboring town’s mayors has been kidnapped. Rescue him and you’re bestowed with the first Rune. Then you seek out the next abductee. The puzzles require lots of experimenting: hitting switches, moving barrels, and wiping out certain monsters. Often you'll find yourself total- ly stumped, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel as the cart has battery backup. 142 6AMEPR0 (sure, it 's just a game.) ‘Cliffhanger could send gamers over the edge. - Gamepro , October 1993 ‘Non-stop, pulse-pounding adventure that won't give you a break.’- Electronic Gaming Monthly, October 1993 Hangon/RxtieSraiimeetetoiianynleo game, lest four surma/ stals on a fug.'vspeaJ snowfoanliig teve/ (haJElectronc Ganwig MonWy says tbs »6e seen # he Meted' CLIFFHANGER distributed by Company CLIFFHANGER a l Available for all Nintendo® and Sega" systems. Imagesoft. 2100 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404. Sony Imagesott and Imagesolt are trademarks ol emark owned by CLIFFHANGER B.V. and used by Sony Electronic Publishing Company under authortzalion. i ic. 01991 Nintendo ol America Inc. Sega. Genesis, and Sega CD are trademarks ol Sega Enterpnses, Lid. A Ring Company. Cl 993 Sony Electronic Publishing sr Nintendo Entertainment System Is a registered is a registered trademark ol Chrysler Corp. regain strength by picking up Magic Coins, and you must have a certain number of coins to exit the level. Why the artillery, man? Because the Beanstalk and the surrounding areas will throw, bees, stalk weevils, flying bugs, and more at you. Plus, you have to reckon with a boss at the end of each level, and that could be anyone from the Cloud Boss to Homer the Huge. The graphics in Bart and the Beanstalk are grainy and not very detailed. Bart is a tiny sprite who takes up less than a quarter of the screen, and the backgrounds lack any real detail. The Beanstalk just kind of hangs there. The music and sounds in the game don’t fare any better. There are no discernible Simp- son tunes, and the sound effects are minimal. Since Bart is full of his own brand-name witticisms, you'd expect to hear one of them from time to time. Side view Multi-scrolling Came Boy By Lawrence of Arcadia ' America’s favorite dysfunctional family takes a leap back in time for a satiric retelling of a classic fairy tale. Fans of the show, though, will be disappointed. Fee Fi Homer Hum A Bart and the Beanstalk is a six- level, side-scrolling action/ad- venture with a Simpsons touch. The very poor Simpson family sends their son Bart into town to exchange the family cow for some food. Along comes Monty the Miser who wants to give Bart some magic beans for the cow. When Bart refuses, Monty throws in a slingshot, and before you can say “Don’t have a cow, man," Bart returns home with the beans. The rest is a tale about a boy, a beanstalk, and a big brute of a giant. As Bart, armed with only your trusty Slingshot, you travel up the Beanstalk, across the Clouds, and into the Castle of Homer the Huge. Along the way, you pick up trusty giant- slaying items like Paper Air- planes, Firecrackers, and Golden Eggs. You can also Game Boy Game Profile Bart and the Beanstalk (By Acclaim) The funniest family to hit the TV in years is back in a hand-held version of a classic fairy tale with a Simpsons-esque twist. The only giant you’ll see here, though, will be a giant sigh of disappointment. & beanstalk All Stalk, No Action It’s hard to figure out where the fun went in this humdrum title, since it’s almost impossi- ble to lose out with a naturally funny family like the Simpsons. Nevertheless, this drab game definitely lacks personality. There's a challenge here for those who want to sit through yet another simple side- scroller. Everyone else, though, might be better off trading in their magic beans for a cow. □ , PR0T1P: If you catch three Magic Coins in a row, some of your health will be restored. Plan your jumps carefully when you see three coins in a row. PROTIP: To knock off the Homer Spider Boss in the first stage, just stay in your comer, shoot, and jump over him when he gets near you. Remember that your slingshot doesn’t reach all the way across the screen. PROTIP: Beware of the holes in the castle wall. Steam shoots out of them and knocks you off your perch. PROTIP: *st to the left and below PROTIP: Beware of stationary this doud is an Invincibility Goose Egg. Use it to march past Ms missile and into the castle. light-colored clouds in this stage. They disappear after you * 'S'\Qtj!&£ ”” j V* PROTIP: In the Hellfire Club, jump over these pillars with your Spin Jump. Game Gear By The Tummynator 5 Whether pressed ' between the color- ful pages of a comic book or brought to life in a cartoon, superheroes are fascinating figures. Now Sega is introduc- ing the greatest lineup of heroes and villains since the Iran/Contra hearings, and they’re being brought to you in all their glory. X, Lies, and Video Games If someone had told you that Sega could bring all the excite- ment of the Genesis X-Men to the Game Gear, you’d have thought they were lying. Well, the truth is that X-Men Game Gear squeezes all the action and graphics it can into four megs of Marvel-ous comic book mayhem. You start the game by choosing either Wolverine or Cyclops, and you can pick from the other X-Men once you've rescued them. You travel through six villain- pounding levels as you search for your mutant mates, who were kidnapped by Magneto. PROTIP: When you play as Wolverine, turn off your Mutant Powers when you’re not using them or they’ll drain away. Game Gear Game ProFile X-Men (By Sega) Your favorite mutants are back and in fine form on the Game Gear. Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, and friends are all making an appearance in this Marvel-ous miniature game. PROTIP: Walk into waterfalls in the Savage Lands and you’ll find power-ups. This arch-villain has locked Storm, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Rogue, and Psylocke in differ- ent strongholds, and to find them you must travel through such stages as the Savage Land, Brood Cave, and the Hellfire Club. Each stage ends with a friend of Magneto’s trying to pull the plug on the party. Foes like Callisto, Sebastian Shaw, and Sauron engage you in immortal combat, but the forces of good are on your side. You also have those razor- sharp claws and the patented X-Men abilities, like Storm’s power over nature, Cyclops’ concussive eye-beams, and Nightcrawler’s Teleport. You Look Marvel-ous The graphics in X-Men are sharp and clean, but you’ll need super-powered vision to see the tiny details on the small sprites. The colorful back- grounds have the comic-con- noisseur’s touch. The sound in X-Men is good, with changes in the unobtrusive music at each level and each boss. PROTIP: How do you fight Sebastian Shaw? You don’t. He gets stronger with each hit, so knock him off by leading him Gorgeous cut scenes enhance the action. PR0T1P: To progress through the Savage Lands, jump on these light-colored logs repeatedly and they will break. nte Joy of X Fans of the X-Men will love this cart, with its formidable array of superheroes and super villains. The long levels are complex enough to keep your battery bill high, and the challenge is strong enough to keep you busy in the back seat for that long drive to Grandma's house. If you’re not a fan of the X- Men, but you like portable side-scrollers with solid graph- ics and involving game play, then you’ll love this game, too. Put all your X in one bas- ket, and check out X-Men. □ 146 GAMEPRl February 1994 CHICKEN WITH TRAFFIC AS YOU DODGE MOLOTOV- fr&m ■*SSS" ““'SOing Comoanv S' , S ^" l 'J m> 9 eso "- 2,00 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404, Sony is a tradems a E, f ur «s IndUslnes Inr *s» & T y Elecl ' onic Publishing Company. Last Action Hero™ and © 1 993 Columbia 1 01 Hintenoo ol/uL^. A " 9Ws rese,w;d - Nintendo, Nintendo Entertainment System, GameBoy. Supei ^Nin TOrt °a Inc. e 1993 Nintendo ol America Inc. Sega, Sega CD. Genesis jjtGame Gear are t ; j | WA m - ‘ . -TJ- ' ii Lean, Mean, and Green The Toads look great on the Came Gear’s tiny screen, warts and all. Each level is well rendered and has very de- tailed backgrounds. Although the sprites are small, the char- acters move smoothly across the screen. If you’re familiar with the game and its charac- ters, though, you’ll notice that many of the whimsical details of the bizarre characters are lost on the small screen. The two-button controls are easily learned - just punch and jump. The on-screen action responds perfectly to your directional commands. No fancy moves and combos are required - all you need are split-second timing and quick reflexes. The sound is above-average for the Came Gear. A nice vari- ety of sound effects and musi- cal tracks livens up the action on each stage. It’s nothing fancy, but then, hey, they’re just frogs, ya know! Ribbet! PROTIP: Slam opponents into the edges of the screen, and con- tinue hammering away at them. This keeps them off-balance and prevents them from retaliating. PROTIP: Hit the Stage 1 Boss three times to destroy it Use the boss' own targeting display to aim your throws. To guaran- tee that your rock will hit its mark, position yourself in the center of the target before throwing. PROTIP: Swing into the green, multi-toothed nasty as you drop down Stage 2’s tunnel. Kick ’apidly kick tn orevent it from •aking a blit -ul of yc You must kick it Uuee time o i u defeat It. Hop To It! Webbed hands-down, Battle- toads is a solid action/adven- ture cart for the Game Gear. It offers interesting characters, sharp graphics, simple game play, and a tough, but not insurmountable challenge. Gamers who’ve already played the NES, Genesis, or Game Boy versions won’t find anything new and may want to wait for the sequel. On the other hand, Battletoads neophytes can’t miss with this fun cart. Last one in the pond is a rotten egg! □ Your favorite trio of high-action amphibians hits the hand-held pond with the same zest that they brought to the Genesis. Game Gear ByN.Somniac I Zitz, Rash, and Pim- 5 pie are bringing the same amphibious adventure and mayhem to the Game Gear that they brought to Other sys- tems. A faithful conversion of the original NES cart, this pint- size, streamlined version of Battletoads is a blast. PROTIP: You get only one shot at the fireflies carrying extra health units. Wait until they cluster closely togethei the" try to hit as many as pussioit with shot PROTIP: It’s most effective to time your jumps to avoid obsta- cles. Stay near the top half of the screen and jump accordingly. Remember to maintain full speed as you hit the ramp for the super- long jump to the next level. Game Gear Game ProFile Battletoads (By Tra dewiest) PROTIP: In Stage 2, pull up on the rope each time you automat- ically descend into the tunnel. This pulls you out of any new dangers lurking below. ’Toad-al Action The evil Dark Queen has cap- tured a Princess. It’s up to the warty trio to rescue her. Eight action-packed, side-scrolling stages of Toad fun lie before you in this one-player game. On each level, you control one of the three toad heroes and then run, jump, and punch through endless waves of the most bizarre-looking enemies ever. Pyscho Pigs, Rabid Rodents, and other mutant goons drop out of nowhere, bent on grinding you into slimy frog patties. The game play is pretty straightforward - take out all the enemies and progress through each level until you’ve lost all your lives. However, you start with only three lives, five health units, and three continues, so it’s as tough to beat as the original (remember those Speeder Bike levels?!). 148 GAMEPRO February 1994 (sure, it's just a game.) Here’s a game that forces you to get your act in gear. In Gear Works you start with a truckload of gears. You have to lay them out in a line to get your motor runnin’. But there are mis- chievous Poffins throwing wrenches in your works, and you have to finish before the motor temperature melts your pistons. Be a Spin Doctor You start with one gear spinning on the left and one gear idle on the right. It’s pretty simple to work the Game Gear buttons to drop gears into place, but it’s quite another story to make sure they all mesh and spin. As you go further into the game, idle gears appear on the right side. To keep the gears turning, you have to lube the gears with oil, blow up misplaced gears, and blast the annoying Poffins. Game Dear puzzle you're trying to solve, and the puzzle should be your prima- ry concern. Since you work against a clock, it gets very frus- trating if you put down a gear and discover it’s not what you thought it was. . - * Si.-y The audio accompaniment consists of forgettable back- ground music and simple sound effects. It does just what it should in this type of game - it doesn't get in the way. The graphics, on the other hand, are simply too small. You’ll strain as much over the Game Gear screen as you do over the about tbe Poffins. The clock Is As a result, Gear Works isn't nearly as enjoyable as it could be. What should be edge-of-your- seat, brain-stumping game play too often turns tedious. This game would play much better on a larger screen. Slaving over a Hot Engine Gear Works is a good concept and a great design , but it’s ham- pered by the Game Gear format. If you don't mind risking your sight for a few hours as you labor over these brain teasers, by all means start this engine. Otherwise, take a vacation day and skip Works. □ _ zling about this Game PROTIP: Look to the top of the Gear version of Mean Bean Machine. It’s more fun than a Beans fmm y° ur opponent will bowl full of chili. dr °P- *** gives you a few Dr. Robofnik*s Mean Bean Machine Sega’s Bean Busy Sega’s cooked up a range of puzzle challenges for Dr. Robot- nik's Game Gear debut. In game-play that resembles Columns, but actually has a lot more depth to it, you must emancipate the beanfolk of Beantown - and pump up some brain cells in the process. In each mode of play, colored beans drop into a rectangular screen. You manipulate the beans to match four of the same color together, which makes them disappear from the screen. PROTIP: Stack series of thret at the bottom of the screen. This increases your chances of scoring big points and sabotaging your opponent. im b ft HHR 3 ZTXSK33 ft WTBFfj off fiTAliTS. PROTIP: Glance at the "Next” window to get a sneak preview of what’s coming. Variations on this theme include the Scenario mode, where you go head-to-head against 12 increasingly difficult stages; Exercise mode, where you practice your bean stacking techniques; and Gear-to-Gear mode, which puts you head-to- head against a buddy. In the most innovative game, Puzzle mode, you solve specific puzzle challenges, such as eliminating all the red beans. Mean Bean Machine is an absorbing and complex game. The graphics and sounds are simple and straightforward, but the fun is in the varied game play. The controls are easy to use and learn. Although novice puzzlers will be able to play the game, the tougher scenarios will challenge even veterans of Columns, Tetris, and the like. Make No Beans About It Mean Bean Machine is perfect fare for coffee breaks, long car rides, or any other time you need a puzzle break. It’s no has-bean! □ 150 GAMEPRO February 1994 i- cross 5* VOUR SWOREK WITH THE \ BLOODIEST PIRATE OT THEM ALLf Hook wants revenge. ..and he's looking for you! So take on the role of Peter Pan and embark on a magical quest to free your children and destroy the notorious above the enchanted Neverland, clash with Hook's brutal band ot pirates and face strange, dangerous creatures like poisonous porcupines, man-eating Captain James Hook. Based on the tigers and pirate ghosts. As Peter, blockbuster Spielberg movie, Hook you'll need all your strength, stealth for Genesis and Game Gear delivers incredible non-stop action and critically acclaimed game play. You’ll fight the Lost Boys and Rufio for your golden sword, soar high GAME GEAR and magical powers to sur- vive this epic adventure. Then face the ultimate battle against the bloodiest pirate of them all! nd imagesott are trademarks ot Sony Electronic Publishing Comi Dame Dear PROTIP: Stand underneath these strange metallic contraptions and you’ll be zapped to secret Each stage looks like a scene out of a classic Road Runner car- toon. When he’s not evading the hostile desert flora and fauna, the Road Runner has to look out for Wile E., who’s looking mighty hungry. The coyote always makes a last-ditch effort to snag the bird, usually while riding atop his latest ACME contraption. Desert Speedtrap’s graphics look like the original cartoon, although the sprites are too small. The various enemies aren’t particularly imaginative, and they’re often difficult to spot, seed fill up more than one health point. Peck several times to see If you've found one of the super bowls . The game's controls are very difficult to manage. Button press- es make the Road Runner leap with abandon. It’s frustratingly difficult to make him hop and jump where you want him to. Not a Fun Run Adjustable challenge makes the cart good for beginners in the early levels, but its toughness at the harder difficulty settings is due to frustrating, imprecise con- trols, not complicated game play. This cute cart’s good for a play or two, but if you’re looking for a top-notch Game Gear product, you may have to send away to ACME. □ GAMEPRO • PROTIP: When the first dinosaur boss stops moving his head, he’s coming after you. Slide next to him when he hits the grass and whack him in the head. Chuck II is easy on the eyes, featuring colorful graphics and smooth animation. Sometimes, though, you wish for slightly bet- ter character detail. The sound effects are done well, and the music isn’t irritating - which is about all you can ask from Game Gear audio. February 1934 PROTIP: Jump around wherever you go - invisible platforms pop up where you don’t expect them. Out-of -reach bonuses are a dead giveaway. Pounding bad beasts is a kick, but the key to the FunFactor in Chuck Junior's trek is trying to reach the end of a level with as little damage as possible. Most of the game play involves memoriz- ing the sequence of hurdles, obstacles, and neanderthals, but it’s still an exciting trip. Dino-soaring Scoring Chuck II doesn't give up much in the fun department in its step down the evolutionary scale from Genesis to Game Gear. Chuck II is a chip off the old Chuck. □ Starring HCKtU m WlLE E. RUNNER Coyote The music’s uninspiring, livened up only by the Warner Brothers theme. The Road Run- ner’s beep sounds more like a broken car horn. By Earth Angel \ The Road Runner’s ^ still plagued by the same old nemesis - Wile E. Coy- ote. In the cartoons, the fine- feathered bird makes his escape with the greatest of ease. In this Game Gear adventure, things are a lot tougher for the speedy fowl. Beep, Beep As the Road Runner, you've got to race through multiple stages of hop-n-bop action. The premise is simple: get to the exit before time or your health runs out. since they blend in with the ter- rain. The cool-looking intermis- sion screens are worth watching. By Manny LaMancha Chuck Rock is back...well, sort of. Time has passed since Chuck Rock last rescued Ophelia. Now he’s been kidnapped with his Mastodon Motors dealership as the ran- som. Who can save him from Brick Jagger, owner of the com- peting Keystone Cars? Why, his son Chuck Junior, of course. A Prehysteric Baby Chuck ll's game play is as simple as stone, though beating this cart is as hard as granite. Baby Chuckie clubs a path through four levels (eight zones) of Stone Age adversaries and obstacles. Control is as easy as pressing one button to swing the club and pressing the other button to leap from walkway to walkway. PROTIP: Swing Chuck Junior’s club all over the place, because there are points hidden behind Desert Speed Trap Few have faced Draeula and survived. Now it’s your turn! Based on Columbia Pictures’ blockbuster thriller, Bram Stoker’s Draeula goes straight for the jugular. Photo-realistic graphics, camera rotation, digitized scenes from the film and an awesome digital soundtrack on the CD version plunge you deep into cold, dark dungeons crawling with spiders and packs of bloodthirsty rats. On every platform you’ll experience thrilling game play and battle your way ass* through the treacherous mountains and forests of Transylvania to Castle Draeula. And just like in the movie, SONY the evil Prince of Darkness will rise and attack — as a bat, x a wolf, even an old man. But whatever form Draeula 'Sjk takes.. .make no mistake, he must be stopped! Available for all Nintendo and Sega platforms. imagesoft Bram Stoker's Draeula is distributed by Sony Imagesoft, 2100 Colorado Avenue, Third Floor, Santa Monica, CA 90404. Sony Imagesoft and Imagesoft are trademarks ot Sony Electronic Publishing Company. © 1992 Sony Electronic Publishing Bompany. Brant Stoker's Draeula™ is a trademark ol Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.® 1 992 Columbia Pictures Industries. Inc. All rights reserved. Nintendo, Nintendo Entertainment System. Game Boy. Super Nintendo System and the Official Seals ire registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1992 Nintendo of America Inc. Sega. Sega CD. Genesis. Game Gear aie trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ud. fraught with perils. There are two scenes in each round, and Don- ald has to make his way through using hop-n-bop-style game play. Donald's easy to control, whether he’s jumping, running, swimming, orslip-slidin’ across the ice. By Andromeda k{$ Disney’s duck has a ' fowl temper, but gorgeous graphics and solid game play make his newest action/adventure cart worth checking out. Don’t Quack Up Uncle Scrooge is in deep trouble. After messing with an enchanted amulet, he’s blown up like a bal- loon. Donald must solve the mystery and deflate his unk. Came Gear PROT1P: When you reach what appears to be a dead end in the Volcano, simply push Up to enter the door. PROTIP: Watch out! Donald’s an instant frozen duck dinner if he falls into the water during the Mountain round. Each of the four areas of the game (the Jungle, the Inlet, the Volcano, and the Mountain) is PROTIP: Grab Chiles to send Don- ald into a Super Attack mode. During each round, Donald can capture gems and other trea- sure to boost his points. He also snacks on ice cream and turkeys (hey, Donald’s no cannibal). Then, at the end of each round, Donald snags a special charm that'll help him solve the mystery. The game’s graphics capture that ol’ Disney magic. Donald’s personality is quite evident, whether he’s impatiently tapping his webbed toe or racing across the screen during a mad attack. Although the enemies could have been more imaginative, the game's backgrounds are creative and well done. The music’s not top-ten fare, but it doesn’t detract from the fun. Fowl Fun ntermediate and advanced ers will find the game an waddle, but it's still a lot of fun. Donald’s a charmer, and his latest adventure is just ducky. □ GAMEPRO • By Manny LaMancha In Pinball Dreams gamers get a trio of fields that are far simpler than previous pin- ball simulations, like Devil Crush and Revenge of the ’Gator. Unfortunately, more sometimes means less. Take the Plunge You can choose from three play- ing fields: Ignition, Steel Wheel, and Graveyard. Each has differ- ent layouts, targets, bonuses, and goals to shoot for, but the basics are all the same: two flippers at the bottom, and pro- gressive point scoring. Control of the ball is simple, using a standard two-button, directional-pad combo for the flippers and plunger. Sometimes you’ll feel that the ball weighs a ton or the flippers are “soft,” because you can’t zing the ball through chutes and passages. score at targets PROTIP: Each table has a spot that can be used to score lots of bonus points, like the channel on the left of Graveyard. light, as is the musical accom- paniment, but they complement the action just fine. Will You Flip Over This? Unfortunately, Pinball Dreams tilts when it comes to the enter- tainment factor. There just isn’t Snazzy graphics highlight the ball's travels around the fields. The sound effects are enough replay value or challenge to keep you excited and wanting to play again. By trying to give Pinball Dreams more with the three playing fields, the game actually ends up with less. It would have been better if Game- tek had created one blockbuster pinball field instead of three mar- ginal ones. The elements are all there, but the chemistry just doesn’t hit the jackpot. □ WTIP: To score big points, you ist have the courage to hit ? ball at the very tip of the jper. It’s scary, but that’s the ly way to repeatedly get the II up to the top section of the lying field. February 1994 TECmO TURN & BURN: NO FLY ZONE from Absolute . For Super NES. EYE OF THE BEHOLDER from Capcom. For Super NES. PAC ATTACK from Namco. For Super NES. SECRET OF MANA from Square Soft. For Super NES. TOP GEAR 2 from Kemco. For Super NES. ALIEN VS. PREDATOR from Activision. For Super NES. ART OF FIGHTING from Takara. For Super NES. RIDDICK BOWE from Extreme. For Super NES. MARIO'S TIME MACHINE from Mindscape. For Super NES. ij SKYBLAZER I* from Sony I magesoft. [I For Super NES. YOSHI'S COOKIE from Bullet Proof. For Super NES. HAVE TO BE HERE! L SAVE BIG ON THE HOTTEST VIDEO GAMES AND ACCESSORIES! SEE PARTICIPATING STORES FOR REAL DEAL COUPONS. NBA BASKETBALL from Team. For Genesis. >REALl>lAn GROUND ZERO TEXAS from Sony lmagesoft. For Sega CD. •RealdealI LAST ACTION HERO from Sony lmagesoft. For Genesis. NINTENDO VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGE CENTER from Dynasound. For Super NES. GENESIS VIDEO GAME ORGANIZER from Dynasound. For Genesis. A Player’s Guide to Power Peripherals By The Lab Rat ] Well, I’m back from my vacation in Rat- lanta, and just in time, it seems. There are packages on the step of my Rat Hole from Ascii, Naki, and Sega! Hmmm.Jt’s getting crowded on my step, so lets grab some cheese and check it out! Power Players Asciiware has long been known for its innovative joy- stick and joypad designs. Well, they’ve met the demand for a better mousetrap (eek!) head-on. The Fighter Stick S&6 is a six-button joystick that fea- tures independent Turbo con- trol for all six buttons. It also offers Auto-Turbo, Slow Motion, a heavy steel base for stability, and an extra-long cord. The ball on the Fighter Stick SC-6 is oversized for greater control, and its ergonomic design is kind to the hand that feeds it. Not to be outdone by Ascii, Sega enters stage-right with their new Six-Button Arcade Stick. Like the Ascii Fighter Stick, this joystick features adjustable Turbo settings for all six buttons, but it also has a switch to change the ’stick back to three buttons if necessary. The design on this new stick is also very pleasing. The joystick features a palm rest that's just as comfortable for five-year-old Billy/Susie as it is for Billy’s dad or mom. There’s something here for everyone, and it's got the Sega stamp of approval. On the SNES side of the board, STD’s new SN Pro- grammable Joystick features their usual see-through design, a large joystick ball, pre-programmed moves for the most popular fighting games, and extra memory slots to store more moves. The sturdy unit has a comfortable hand rest molded into the lower-left area. The button configura- tion follows the standard SNES configuration, though three Action But- tons were added for the programmed moves. A unique revolving base enables you to turn the but- tons to a position that suits your style of game play. Action Accessories Just when you thought all the life had been squeezed out of your Came Boy, Naki comes up with a weird- looking accessory for your home or office. Their new Mini- Arcade transforms your Came Boy into a table-top arcade unit. It gives your Game Boy blastin’ speakers, a magnifier, a joy- stick, and storage areas for your ear- phones and games. The unit slants down toward you to increase the screen’s visibility. It’s sturdy, tough, and very unusual, putting it in a league with STD's Handy Boy. Office power players who want arcade fun and arcade control should keep one oftheseinthe top drawer. Just don’t let the boss see it. □ The Mini-Arcade Type: System: Game Boy Features: This sturdy little unit turns your Came Boy into a tiny arcade ma- chine, with speak- ers, a magnifier, a joystick, and storage areas for your earphones and games. Price: $39.99 Available: Now option of switching back to a three- button control configuration. Price: $49.99 Available: Now Contact Sega 415/508-2800 GAMEPRO • February 1994 Will You Accept the Challenge of a Jedi Knight? Pursued across the galaxy, you and your Rebel Forces now marshall new strength on the remote ice world of Hoth. Although tracked by probe droids, attacked by ice monsters, and confronted by an army of gigantic Imperial Walkers, you must not give in. You are the Alliance’s only hope. Leam the ways of the Force, then test your skills in this fast-paced, action-packed sequel to the hit game, Super Star Wars. Alternate between sideways scrolling, dizzying Mode 7 flight sequences and first person cockpit views. Experience the richness of a 12-megabit, interactive Star Wars universe, loaded with new enemies, exciting dialogue, movie sound effects, cool vehicles, and intense 3-D space battles. Join Luke Skywalker, Flan Solo and Chewbacca in a continuation of their epic action/adventure in Super Empire Strikes Back. (Nintendo) super mm CALLS AVERAGE THREE MINUTES IN LENGTH AND COST $.99 A MINUTE. OAAAC A/1CCID TOUCH-TONE PHONE REQUIRED. Vfimt VVU/r All the news that's fit to print! PJMilSl '1 ifiBliW III ^ H 1,1) jJl| GET A CLUE The Hottest Weekly tips for your favorite system! NINTENDO 1TIP SUPER NINTENDO 3 TIPS Frt? SEGA GENESIS 3 TIPS HAND HELD GAMES 3 TIPS HIT US WITH YOUR HOTSHOTS BEST TIP Leave or pick-up some of the best tips from the most serious gamers around! NINTENDO SUPER NINTENDO SEGA GENESIS Let your favorite editors give you the lowdown on the latest. Be sure to get your parents’ permission to use the Hotline if you are under 1 8 years of age. Messages subject to change without notice. A service of Infotainment World in San Mateo, CA SCARYLARRY S.W.A.T.PRO From the PASSWORD to the LAST WORD! Get SWATPRO, the magazine dedicated to strategies, tips, tactics, and passwords, delivered to your door and pay half the cover price. A winning strategy! Don’t miss a single issue! I1E SWATPRO Half-price Coupon •ip Enter my one-year subscription to SWATPRO for the unbeatable J ^ * ow P r ' ce i ust ^ 4-97 - a sav ' n 8 s °* 500/(3 cover price. That's just like getting two issues for the price of one! Address City/State/Zip O Bill Me D Payment Enclosed Send to: SWATPRO, P.O. Box 50309, Boulder, CO 80322-0309 Magazine delivered bimonthly. Send foreign and Canadian orders prepaid, in U.S. funds, with SI 0/year additional postage. Annual newsstand rate: S29.70. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of your first issue. 542C0 UNLEASH YOUR MUTANT POWERS RULES AND REGULATIONS NO Purchase Necessary 1. To Ploy: Complete all six levels. Find all 12 Bonus Power-Ups hidden throughout the game. (The 12 power-ups can only be found in the “I Don't Think So" difficulty level). Take a picture of the last screen, handprint the secret X-Men password and your score on the back of the picture, and mail along with a 3 x 5 postcard with "X-Men on Sega Game Gear" written on it (including name, address^ city, state, zip code, and phone number) to: Game Gear/X-Men Sweepstakes, P.O. Box 656, Amityville, N.Y., 11701-0656. 2. If you do not have a Sega™ Game Gear™, or a Marvel Comics'® X-Men™ cartridge, just write or draw "X-Men on Sega Game Gear" on a 3" x 5" postcard. Handprint your name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number and age on the postcard and mail to the same address above. 3. All entries must be mailed separately and received no later than April 15, 1994. No liability is assumed for lost, late, misdirected or illegible mail. 4. Random drawings, will be conducted from all qualified entries received, on or about May 16, 1994 by LittleS King Co., Inc, an independent judging organization whose decisions are final on all matters relating to this game. Odds of winning Prizes are based on the total number of qualified entries received. 5. Prizes: (1 ) Grand Prize - (1 ) SEGA Genesis Core System, SEGA CD System, Choice of any (5) Sean cartridges, 3-volume set of X-Men Home Videos, 4- Volume set of Marvel Masterworks Hardcover collection of X-Men Comic Book series, and a 1 -year subscription to GomePro Mogozine. Approximate Retail Value: S778.00; (10) Rrst Place Prizes: SEGA Genesis Core System, Choice of (1 ) Sega cartridge, "Bag-0-Comics"/Assorted Collection of Comic Books, X-Men Baseball Cap, and 1 -year subscription to GomePro Magazine. Approximate Retail Value: $203.00; (25) Second Place Prizes: SEGA Game Gear Water Bottle, X-Men T-shirt, "Bag-0-Comics"/Assorted Collection of Comic Books, and a GamePro T-shirt. Approximate Retail Value: $63.00. 6 . Winners will be notified by mail and may be required to sign an affidavit of eligibility and release within 1 4 days of the dote of the notification letter or sponsor reserves the right to choose an alternate winner at random. Prizes are non-lransfer- 1994 Ma/vtfEnwfttnwiiGroi®. Inc. All rights reserved. The Videogame AND WIN FABULOUS PRIZES! Here's HOW To WIN: • Play Marvel Comics'® X-Men™ on Sega™ Game Gear™ — Find 12 Bonus Power-ups hidden throughout 6 awesome levels of mutant crawling evil! (The 12 power-ups can only be found in the "I Don't Think So" difficulty level.) • Take a picture of the very last screen. (See screen shot below for lost screen) and write down the X-MEN password and your score. • Write "X-Men on Sega Game Gear", on a 3 x 5 postcard. Include your name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number and age. • Send both the picture AND the 3 x 5 postcard received no loter than April 1 5, 1 994 to: X-Men Contest c/o Little & King Company, Inc. P.O. Box e>56> Amityville, NY 1 1701 1 Just send the 3 x 5 postcard with "X- J Men on Sega Game Gear" written on it. i Include your name, address, city, state, j zip code, phone number and age, received no later than April 1 5, 1994, tol the above address. n GRAND PRIZE! - ( 1 ) SEGA Genesis Core System - (1) SEGA CD System - (5) Any five SEGA Cartridges of your Choice - (1)3 Volume Set of X-Men Home Videos - (1 ) Marvel Masterworks Hardcover Collection of 10 Premiere Comic Books (Vol. 3, 7,11,12) - (1 ) GamePro Magazine Subscription lO FIRST PLACE PRIZES! - ( 1 ) SEGA Genesis Core System - (1 ) Any one Sega Cartridge of your Choice - (1 ) "Bag-0-Comics"/Assorted collection of Comic Books • (1 ) X-Men Baseball Cap - (1) GamePro Magazine Subscription rable and no substitutions or cosh equivalents are allowed. Entries are the property of Sega of America, Inc., and will not be returned. All state and federal taxes, if any, are the responsibility of the individual winner(s). By submitting an entry, Winner(s) agrees to allow use of their name and likeness thereof for publicity and advertising purposes without 7. The sweepstakes is open to all residents of the continental United Stoles excluding its territories and overseas military installations. Employees and their families of Sega of America, Inc, GamePro Magazine/Infotainment World, Marvel Comics, Little & King Company, Inc, their Ufe of each orTnol ei?® wrere^rohltenrTestrictedTyirAllTederol, Stole and local laws and regulations apply. Sega Game Gear Winners, c/o Little & King Company, Inc., 140 Broadway, Amityville, NY 11701. Request must be received by August 1 5, 1994. Please do not call Sega for a list of winners. 25 SECOND PLACE PRIZES! - ( 1 ) SEGA Game Gear Water Bottle - (1) X-Men T-shirt - (1 ) "Bag-0-Comics"/Assorted collection of Comic Books - (1) GomePro T-shirt Rocket past any level in Ranger-X with this easy level- skip trick. At any time play press Start to pause the game. Then, press Up Down, Up, Down. Up, Down, Button C B, A, Right, anil then Lett. It you’ve done the trick cor- rt, the music should begin again. Then, press Button B to make the screen fade and the next level appear. You can keep repeating this trick untU you get to the level you want. Wade Daws, Spokane, WA iZZr u , plugin,his ^y , level-skip tnck for Disney’s fe^nyouwan/to skip levels, press start to lD B S B a Then ’ Press - B. B, A, A, 8, 8, and then fl You can repeat this trick as i^ytlmes as you like S 'preach the level „, your W Joe Hutsko, San Francisco, CA Here's a trick that enables you to tight the bosses without fighting through the stages. Go l to the game’s Option screen, highlight Sound Test, and I select Sound 18. Then, choose the Sound Effects Test option and select Sound 72. Exit the mode and press Start. Begin your game, and you’ll zap straight to the first-stage boss. Donato Jiminez Philadelphia, PA I Zeed can’t touch a hair on Shi- I nobi’s head when you activate I this invincibility trick. When I the title screen appears, select 1 the Option mode. Choose the I “Music" option and use Button J B to play the following tunes in I this order: He Runs, 1 Japonesque, Shinobi Walk, I Sakura, and Getufu. Begin I your game, and Shinobi’s 1 invincible. George Josephson, Miami, FL Genesis Zombies Ate My 1 Neighbors 1 Passwords I Here are some ghoulish pass- | words for Zombies Ate My I Neighbors'. I Level 5'. TYZR 1 Level 9'- CBRK LCFJ BMLK Level 29 Level 33 Level 37 Level 4‘ Level 45 QNKR SDHM BKVR BZPM VNYQ Spider-Man vs. I KingPin Find the Comic Book Icons Here are the locations for all 21 Spider-Man comic book icons in the game: 1 . Starret Leight Building 2. Harlem Meer 3. West 70th 4. Saint Patrick's Cathedral I Level 13 1 Level 17. Level 21: VQBB Level 25: QLNK lbvbi ’ * — Kevin Miller, Regina, Canada 1 5. Bus Terminal 6. Civic Center 7. Clarkson St. 8. East Harlem 9. Central Park Zoo 10. Court Street 11. Empire State Building 12. West Street 13. Bleeker Street 14. South of Power Station 15. First Avenue 16. Houston Street 17. Jilliard School of Music 18. Washington Street 19. Central Park North 20. Henry Street 21. Riverside Drive Brad Geiger, Logan, OH Silpheed Hidden Sound Test . Ten Extra Contim \ Spider-Man vs. King Pin Electro Half 2 Life Stables Permanent Public 45 Kidney 2 Pencil 6 Brad Geiger, Logan, I Soar into the stratosphere with ten extra continues for ®£ eec( : Pl f areoitlargame until you re down to one con- tmue When the screen reads Continue 01," wait until the J™ m “ be 9ins to play. While I the demo runs, on Controller I p I e f s r'B ht . UP. Button Celt. Left, Down, C A and then Start. When the title' 1 screen ^appears, hit Start again. You’re set with ten I extra continues. I To access a hidden sound test I in Silpheed, wait until the I demo runs and the title screen I appears. Then, press Start, I and choose Option. Next, □ simultaneously press and - hold Buttons A, B, and Con [1 Controller Two, and press Start on Controller One. A new choice called Voice Test will appear in the Option Mode. Choose it and checkout some new sounds. B AMEPRO • February 1994 165 No charging tor special moves: D071-E460 Kevin Ng& Boric Perdon, Ontario, Canada Super NES Here are passwords for every stage in Super Widget: Stage 2 - Blue Beach: JHKBHW Stage 3 - Wonderland: RKJSHR Stage 4 - Volcano Eruption Zone’ JKJMFW Stage 5 - Moon: RBLHKH 1 Stage 6 - Ratchet’s Castle: JBKFFR Stage 7 - Aqua Planet: RJRBFF Stage 8 - Planet of the Giants: JJRSHH Stage 9 - Planet of Seven Colors - WSRMHH Stage 10- Dwarf Planet: JSRFKL Stage 1 1 - Home Planet: WLKKKL Stage 1 2 - Flim Flam Station: JLLJKL Stage 13 -Difficulty 1 & 2, Space Wonderland and the Water Planet: RMLLKL Stage 14 -Difficulty 3, Ghostship: HWBLBF Stage 1 5 - Difficulty 4, Star of the Demons: LRBBJJ Stage 16 -Last Stage, Difficulty 5, Mega SlankBase: KFBRSJ the title screlnappears ”2 Whe " youVe 901 50 lives Wl >e and press mode Year 0^2 change to Mi a " d|,ress 166 Advertisement Super NES Super NES To play as the Tuff E Nutt bosses or any other character, wait until the title screen appears. When the Select Mode screen appears, on Con- troller One press Left three times, Right three times, and Left seven times. Press Start to begin your game. If you’ve performed the trick correctly, you'll hear an explosion. When you select which character you want to play as, you’ll dis- cover you’ve got additional characters to choose from, including the bosses. If you want to play a two-player game as the bosses, perform the same trick and then Reset the game. When the Player screen Select appears the sec- ond time, press Right three times, Left three times, and Right seven times. Finally, press Start and you’re set. Justin Turner, Huntersville, II Super NES Wolfchild Invincibility Don’t sit and howl at the moon. Activate this invincibili- ty code instead. Play through the first level of Wolfchild, and then, when the boss dies and you raise your arm in victory, simultaneously press Buttons A, B, and Start. You’ll remain invincible unless you touch the Energy/Mutation icon. GAMEPRO February 1984 167 Uhlan Ham UbsiisijJsd, Xfmjjum, mu! MS | Lords of Thunder ' with 10,000 Coins Speedy Gonzales I Passwords m To stock up on coins before you evert begin the game, go to the Configurations screen and enter the following options: Set Level to Super, Music to 02, and Sound to 02 Then, highlight "Sound." Final- ly press and hold Select and press Button l.lf you've done the trick correctly, you'll hear a chime. Now you can buy everything in stock! Raheem Hinton, Hephzibah, GA |T-' ■ B3 ■ eee geej^_gel Zip through Speedy Gonzales with these simple passwords: Level 2: 500999 I Level 2 1 Level 3 I Level L I Level 1 Level 500999 343003 830637 812171 522472 J.P. Watson, Morgan Game Gear \ Invincibility and pSgr lSUode and choose tes? I maye^oursel^n|^cib^^ Lords of Thunder Play Only the Boss Characters To battle just the boss charac- ters, go to the Configuration screen and choose the Mow- ing options: Set Level to Hard Music to 01, and i Sound to 01. Next, highlight "Sound, then press and hold Select end I press Button 1. The word Boss | will appear where the word “Exit" should be. Finally, high- light Boss and press Run to begin the game. I Bateem Hinton, HephzibaO, M G AMCPRO • February 18 Advertisement 1 - 508-281 -0178 caff Ui fox laxd-to-find titfet... Witk all orders ovcp $100 OVERMIGHT SHIPPING available! GENESIS ACCESORIES Price Title $114 System W/Sonic $124 System W/Sonic II $124 Syst. W/St. Rage II $229 CD Player \SwrShark $ 69 Mertacer W/T2 $ 52 Mertacer $ 24 Ascii Pad $ 29 Turbo Touch 360 $ 54 Game Genie $ 34 STD Program Pad $ 79 Proaction Replay $ 1 9 6 Button Controller $ 29 E.A. 4-Way Play $ 49 ASCII Fgtng Pwr Stic GENESIS GAMES In-stock & Coming soon Price Title $49 Aladdin $46 Barney the Dinosaur $38 Bart’s Nightmare $52 Btl Toads/Dbl Dragon $54 B. Walsh Coll. FtBall $24 Bio Hazard Battle $44 Blades of Vengeance $43 B.O.B. $55 Brett Hull Hockey $49 Bubsy $44 Bulls Vs Blazers NBA $46 Castlevania Bloodline $40 Chakan $51 Clay Fighter $49 Cliffhanger $46 Cool Spot $41 Dashin' Desperadoes $44 Dolphin $51 Dracula $37 Elemental Master $55 E.S.P.N. BB & FB $56 Eternal Champions $49 F15: Strike Eagle II $49 F-117 Night Storm $43 G-Loc $49 FIFA: Intntl Soccer $46 Gauntlet IV $38 General Chaos $24 Green Dog $46 Haunting $43 Itchy & Scratchy $42 J. Capriati Tennis $53 J. Maddon ’94 $19 Jewel Master $29 John Maddon ’93 $46 Jungle Strike $46 Jurassic Park $49 Legends of Ring $69 Lethal Enfrcr w/gun $24 Lightning Force $43 LHX Attack Chopper $49 Lotus II $51 Marvel Land $53 MORTAL KOMBAT $44 Mutant League F-Ball $51 Mutant League Hockey $53 NBA Jam $49 NFL Sprst talk FB94 $49 NHL ’94 $31 NHL Hockey ’93 $10 Offical Aquattic Gms $50 Out of this World $43 Outrun 2019 $49 PGA II $50 PGA Tour III $59 Phantasy Star II & III $69 Phantasy Star IV $44 Pig Skin Footbrawl $43 Road Rash 2 $44 Saint Sword $20 Shadow Blaster $46 Shinobi III $43 Socket $56 Sonic III $43 Sonic Spinball $52 Sportstalk baseball $62 St. Fghtr 2 Champ Ed $44 Strider Returns $45 Supr Baseball 2020 $43 T-2 Judgement Day $43 Tazmania $54 Techmo NBA Bsktb $43 Toe Jam & Earl II $33 Tony Larusa Bball $20 Toxic Crusaders $58 Uncharted Waters $43 Virtual Pinball $56 Virtual Racing $53 Vital Basketball $49 WWF Royal Rumble $36 X-Men $46 Zombies ate Nghbrs GENESIS Look for soon. $50 Fievel Goes West $49 Pirates Gold $45 Road Riot $49 Star Trek Next Gen $49 Wrath of the Gods $49 World Series Bball MORTAL 0 KOMBAT ISEGAaS' GENESIS CD GAMES $45 Adv. of W. Beamish $35 After Burner III $45 AH3 Thunderstrike $52 B. Walsh Col. Fball $38 Batman Returns $50 Cool Spot $50 Dracula $49 Dragon’s Lair $43 Dungeon Master $40 Ecco the Dolphin $51 ESPN Fball & Bball $43 Final Fight $44 INXS $49 J. Montana NFL $51 Journey Ctr Earth $49 Jurassic Park $51 Last Action Hero $46 Mad Dog McRay $43 Monkey Island $43 Mortal Kombat $49 NFL Greatest Teams $52 NHL ’94 $46 Night Trap $50 Out of this World $43 Rise of the Dragon $38 Road Avenger $49 Sonic Hedgehog II $43 Star Wars 3D $50 Terminator $43 Wing Commander $48 World Series $39 Wonder Dog GAME GEAR $1 49 GG Sports System $129 System W/Sonic II $119 TV Tuner $ 49 Rchgble B. Pack $ 29 Axe Battler $ 34 Batman Returns $ 39 David Robinson $ 39 Ecco the Dolphin $ 39 Jurassic Park $ 34 Land Illusion w/MM $ 29 Lemmings $ 39 NFL J. Montana $ 34 Shinobi II $ 20 Sonic Hedgehog $ 39 Sonic II $ 39 Sonic Chaos $ 39 St of Rage II $ 34 Tom & Jerry $ 39 World Series Bball $ 39 X-Men » SUPER N Accessories Price Tille $141 System W/SMario $ 79 Proaction Replay $ 41 Ascii Supr Advntge $ 24 Ascii Pad $ 29 Turbo Touch 360 $ 34 STD Program Pad $ 64 Fighting Powerstick SUPER NINTENDO In-Stock & Coming Soon Price Title $52 Actracerll $50 Aero the Acrobat $48 Alien Vs. Predator $56 Aladdin $58 Art of Fightina^^^^ $50 Battle Cars $31 Battle Clash HflpIpK $44 Boxing Legnd Ring $55 BtleTds/Dbl Dragon $48 Blues Brothers $51 Bubsy $38 Bulls Vs Blazers $52 Capt. Amer. Avenger $46 Championship Pool $55 Clayfighter $49 Cool Spot $51 Daffy & Marvin $52 Dennis the Menace $50 Dig & Spike Vball $51 Dracula $59 Empire Strikes Back $55 ESPN Baseball Fball $55 EVO $53 Final Fight II $49 First Samurai $54 Flashback II I wsx ~ $53 Goof Troop $49 Itchy & Scratchy $54 Jim Power 3D $57 NBA Showdown $50 Jaguar $56 Jurrasic Park $38 John Maddon ’93 $52 John Maddon ’94 $50 Kendo Rage $43 Lamborghini AC $69 Lethal Enfrcr w/gun $54 Lord of the Rings $60 Lufia $52 Mario Time Machine $51 Meca Robot Golf $48 Mega Man X $59 Mortal Kombat $44 Musya $62 NBA Jam Session $57 NBA Showdown $52 NHL ’94 $53 Operation Logic $45 Pac Attack $48 Pilot Wing $50 Pink Panther $44 Power Moves $53 Ranma 1/2 Hard Btle $49 Red Line FI Racer $51 Ren & Stimpy $59 Return of Jedi $56 Robocop Vs Terminator $49 Rock N Roll Racing $58 Secret of Mana $55 Seventh Saga $58 Sim Earth $40 Shanghai II $39 Skulljagger $48 Snow White $59 Star Trek $45 Street Combat $39 Street Fighter II $49 Sunset Riders $62 St. Fighter II Turbo $46 Super Battleship $53 Super Battle Tank II $59 Super Bomber Man $29 Super High Impact $54 Spr Mario All Stars $42 Super Ninja Boy $52 Super Strike Eagle $50 Super Valis IV $50 T-2 Judgement Day $51 Tazmania $57 Techmo Super Bowl $59 TMNTTmmt Fighter $54 Tuffenuff $53 Turn & Burn $56 Ultima: False Prophet $51 Utopia $51 Wicked 18 $52 Wing Commander $52 Wizard of Oz $50 W.C. Secret Miss. $49 WCW Superbrawl $64 World Heroes $60 WWF II Ryl Rumble $46 Yoshie’s Cookie $49 Zombies ate Neighbors Super N. Look for soon $49 Arcus Odyssey $50 Gmd Prix I Mtrcycle $56 Hardball III $49 Hyper Volleyball $52 Mario’s Time Mach. $55 Might & Magic II $52 Radio Flyer $53 Ranma 1/2 Hrd Btle $50 Robo Saurus $50 T-2 Judgement Day $55 Ultimate Fighter $54 Warrior of Roam 3 Prices current of printing, subject to change. Not responsible for typographical errors. Plus S&H min. $5.00 MA residents add 5% sales tax. Advertisement IN i GAME ^ GENIE * s vs. Predator Cenie Codes Came < oming soon on ms , Super NES™ & GameBoy gobble 2 en ie Codes en Upw« s - GAME GENIE Kirby’s Dream Land «*** l cnrt oo 'eve\ 80- GAME GENIE 1 '"finite lives- Infinite time: Infinite enern do, send it to S.W AT. Pro. ros will review it. If we ; h it well send you a free .pro Super Shirt! Send your tips and secrets to-. CamePro Magazine Secret Weapons P.O.Box 5828 San Mateo, CA 94402 Infinite lives: FA6-DBB-4C1 Infinite vitality: FA4-63B-4C1 Affred Chicken? "That's My Name, Don’t Wear ft Out" Tlw Hoticsi New Game of Chicken! M 1-800-ALFREDC, , tk,, .. . .ibii JdkA GflMEPRO 171 Tournament-winning Combos and Strategies for Competitive Fighting Games falling all Street Fighters! Mortal Kombatants! And everyone Wwho wants to get an edge on the opposition! Now more than ever, competitive gamers want an inside source for the best strategies; combos, techniques, and tournament informa- tion for fighting games - and you’re looking at it. This new col- umn, The Fighter’s Edge, is backed by such writers as Tomo Ohira and Charles Franco, co-editors of Capcom’s recent SF II strategy videotape, Erik Suzuki, a former Capcom Street Fighter expert, and Slasher Quan, a co-editor of GamePro's SF II Turbo strategy book. So let’s get to it! . By Slasher Quan If you thought Guile’s Magic Throw was pretty ridiculous in the original version of the arcade SF II. you’re really gonna flip out when you see this one! £ 1) When an opponent throws a Fireball at you, take the hit and watch for ZangiePs head to snap back. 2) As soon as you see the animation frame shown above, quickly spin the joy- stick for the Spin- ning Pile Driver motion and hit the Forward Kick button. 3) If timed perfectly, you'll suck ’em in and do the Siberian Suplex. This works from all the way across the screen! Gel Up and Spin ting up and this ani- mation appears, do the Glitch Driver. This is extremely difficult. jump just as the F, Zangief. He can’t suckyouinwhile you're airborne. 2) If you can fool him, he might take the hit and try an unsucces- ful Spin! Press the advantage! Block the Fireball and Spin % 1) Try blocking a Fireball, then instant- ly doing the move as you slide back (look for the dust on the ground). 2) This is tougher, but it’s less taxing on your lifeline if you mess up. Martials Arts Expo Date: TBA in all locations, probably in February Future Locations: Los Angeles; Boston; Milwaukee; Phoenix; Houston; Greensboro NC; Florida Tournament Description: A Super SF II single-elimination tourna- ment, with a martial arts exhibition for the spectator’s enjoyment Prizes: Trophies and cash (up to $750); other prizes include Drag- on: The Bruce Lee Story and Mar- tial Art II movie videotapes, Dragon posters, Capcom home games, in-line skates, and moun- tain bikes. Benefit: Supports the National Martial Arts Association Information Hotline: 408/236-2149 Tournament Report - February '94 Call to Readers We are searching for re-dizzy combos for Super SF II and other games. Send us your best! If we print yours, you’ll receive a free T-shirt (indicate choice: GamePro or Street Fighter II, and size). Send all comments, suggestions, com- bos, tournament listings, artwork, Dragon Punches, and more. The Fighter’s Edge c/o GamePro Magazine P.O.Box 5828 San Mateo, CA 94402 FAX Us! FAX it to: 415/349-8347 Send us your tournament listings, combos, or any hot tips. Be sure to include your phone number so we can call you back for more details. Contact Tomo and Charles Tomo Ohira, tournament cham- pions, play and Charles Franco, at World's Finest Comics, 9054 Whit- tier Blvd., Pico Rivera, CA 90660. For more information call: 310/948-4030. 172 GAMEPRO February 1994 Chrome Dome - E.P.D. Combo V Cross 'em up with a super deep Fierce Kick. - Rising Thunder Special ssna— Punch while Charg- ing Down. tating hits. bska - Super Spin Attack Cyber-Shredder - Uppercut Combo se;st 5®-— Siss* »<“« Raphael -Super Drill Combo D Cross Up your 2) While holding l) cross up y charge for Si" ' SSwrW** fierce Kick. standing Normal Punch. irfp?! 3) Follow mis Him an 4) Complete “ — tefW “ ZTroT Price nol available 16 megs Side view Available December Side-scrolling GAMEPRO February 1994 173 By To-Ryu-Mo and Char-Li It's the most hotly debated topic in arcades across the country, and we're here to answer the question: “Who are the best characters in Super Street Fighter 117' Well, here they are - Super Street Fighter II Overall and Tournament Power rankings! What do these charts mean to you? Well, any time you go down to your favorite Super SF II hot spot to show your stuff, you’ll put yourself in a position to win more games in various match-ups with either Guile or Sagat than with any other character, and that's what you want, right? In developing the Overall Rankings, we noticed a ten- dency for certain characters to pile up big numbers against overmatched weak characters (see numbers in red). There- fore, we added the Tourna- ment Power rankings to show you just how well the eight stronger characters truly match-up against each other. These are the warriors you’re most likely to see the elite players use in tournaments. In the Power Rankings, Balrog leads the way, fol- lowed by Vega, Guile, and then Sagat. This shows that , while Balrog’s Overall scores suffered due to a few key oddball weaknesses (such as Cammy), he can really fight in the top ranks. Overall Rankings RANK VS. ■a £ I 1 1 3 1 1 ! [ M. Bison 1 1 4i 1 I 1 5 Zangief 1 Dee Jay 1 J Total Wins Guile ■ 5.5 5 5 5 5 5.5 5.5 5 5.5 6.5 7 6.5 7 u 7 87.5 Sagat 4.5 5 5.5 6 4 5.5 5.5 5 6 6 6.5 6.5 7 6.5 7 87.5 Vega 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 6 4.5 6 5.5 5 6 6 5 82.0 Ryu 5 4.5 4 5 6 5 5.5 6 7 5 6 5.5 6 6 Chun Li 5 4 5 5 5.5 4 6 5 6 6 5 5.5 6 6 6.5 Dhaisim 5 6 4 6 4.5 ■ 3 4.5 6 5.5 6 4 7 6.5 6 6 80.0 Balrog 4.5 4.5 5 5 6 7 6 5 5 5.5 3 5 4 5.5 7 79.0 M. Bison 4.5 4.5 5 4.5 4 5.5 4 6 5 5.5 5 6 6 5.5 5.5 76.5 Ken 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 7 4.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 6.5 75.0 B. Honda 4.5 4 5.5 3 4 4.5 4 5 3 5.5 6.5 5 6 5.5 6 72.0 Fei Long 3.5 4 4 5 4 4 4.5 4.5 5.5 4.5 5.5 6 5 5 7 Cammy 3 3.5 4.5 4 5 6 7 5 4.5 4.5 5 5 5 6 71.5 3.5 3.5 5 4.5 4.5 3 5 4 4.5 5 4 5 5.5 5 B 68.0 Zangtef 3 3 4 4 4 3.5 6 4 4.5 4 5 5 4.5 6 6 Dee Jay 3.5 3.5 4 4 4 4 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5 5 5 4 5.5 65.5 Blanka 3 4 4 3 4.5 3.5 4 3 4 4 4 4., 55.0 How to Read the Chart Each entry shows the num- ber of fights that the charac- ter listed on the left would win in a ten-match series against the character listed at the top. The rankings are calculated assuming that both players are of equal skill, and that they are play- ing at an Expert level. For example, Guile will beat Sagat 5.5 out often times, given equal skill on the part of the players. “Heavy advantage" fights are highlighted in red. “Heavy disadvantage" fights are highlighted in blue. What the Numbers 5/5: Even match. Could go either way. 5. 5/4. 5: Nearly even match. One warrior has a slight edge. 6/4: Advantage. One war- rior in the fight has the upper hand. 6.5/3.5: Heavy advantage. Several counters and sce- narios favor one warrior. 7/3: Major advantage. Many counters, hit-trades, and other factors favor on< character. )r one_ j Power Rankings The Top Fighters RANK r6 (tie) 6 (tie) Vega uses his reach advantage and overall quickness to mix up his attacks and keep oppo- nents off-balance. He has definite advantages over Ryu and Dhalsim, while giving Guile all he can handle in a tough, even fight. With excellent defensive and offensive capabilities, Guile plays consistently strong with no real disadvantages. With his ability to follow Sonic Booms, Air Throw his oppo- nents, and use a backhand or knee after matched Fireballs, Guile offers a wide assortment of techniques. When Guile can effectively control the tempo of the game, he usually wins. Although not as flashy or styl- ish as others, Sagat can slowly but methodically wear down such enemies as Guile with fast and low Tiger Shots. Use his reach advantage over char- acters like Ryu and Balrog. Important Note! Keep in mind that although certain characters are ranked higher than others, winning is more a test of the player's ability than the character's arsenal. □ #2 Vega #3 Guile # 1 Balrog With his strong play against the Power characters, Balrog leaps all the way from fifth in the Overall rankings to the top of the Power chart. Keep in mind that Balrog’s style still has weaknesses against some of the lesser-ranked characters. Next Month in The Fighter’s Edge Mortal Kombat II: Secret Moves and Fatalities Fatal Fury Special: Combos! And much more! *• Guys like Bruce Smith, Junior Seau, Reggie White and Cortez Kennedy. In Madden ‘94 all you GET IS THEIR NUMBERS. My GAME'S GOT COOL STUFF LIKE DIGITIZED PLAYER MOVEMENTS, SIX PLAYABLE VIEWS, SPEED BURSTS, A ZOOM VIEW AND A COMPLETELY REVAMPED PASSING GAME. GET Sega's NFL Football ‘94 starring, me, Joe Montana. Hear the play by play commen- tary. Watch from the new Behind the Quarterback view. And learn from the TRUE PLAY CALLING PHILOSOPHY OF EACH NFL team. Just go easy on me, Okay?** WE SWEAT THE DETAILS. Sega CD Quick Hits on Hot Games! Skitchin’ (Electronic Arts) FireTeam Rogue combines flight simulation with action/ adventure combat for the Gen- esis and the SNES. Leading the fight on the outer edges of the galaxy against the Dark Lord is FireTeam Rogue, a team of four unique warriors. They use their ninja skills, sword-fighting talents, and problem-solving intellects to defeat the Dark Lord’s minions. (Available Summer ’94) You’ve raced cars and motor- cycles - how about roller- blades? In Skitchin’, EA’s 16-meg action cart for the Gen- esis, you go to various North American cities for no-holds- barred rollerblade racing with a behind-the-skater view. You grab onto cars for a quick ride, a chain to knock oppo- into traffic, or crack the nybody ahead of you. to be fast on your u dodge road work, fallen opponents, and weapons. Two players road simultaneously cart that resem- Rash. FireTeam Rogue (Accolade) Brutal (Gametek) Kung Fu Bunny, Tai Cheeta, and Kendo Coyote are three of the six cartoon critters that have martial arts skills in this new beat-em-up, which is coming first to the Sega CD and later to the Genesis. The fighting action gets a humor- ous flourish in this game - heads flail back at impossible angles and bodies bend like they’re made of rubber. As players improve they’re awarded higher belts, which are saved with a password feature. You'll be able to relive your victories at the ten loca- tions with the game's instant replay. Up to eight players can compete in a single tournament. (Available March) Family Feud (Gametek) Survey says? Family Feud is coming to the Genesis! As in the recent SNES game, two players - or families - compete by spelling out answers to 4000 common-sense ques- tions. The four-meg video game follows the show - after guessing survey responses for various categories, you race the clock in a fast-action Bull's- Eye round. Authentic TV studio graphics and theme music help capture the atmosphere. (Available February) Barney’s Hide & Seek Game (Sega) The popular purple dinosaur is making his first video game appearance in this one-player, side-view adventure. Children up to six years old play as Bar- ney in a game of hide and seek. As they play, the kids learn counting, matching, and prob- lem-solving skills, as well as recycling and safety lessons. Barney’s colorful world fea- tures four levels of forest 178 GAMEPRO February 1994 Super NES 300 friends, musical instruments, farm animals, and sunken trea- sures. There are no enemies, and no losers - players always win and get immediate rewards, regardless of which buttons they press. (Available Now) Rocko’s Modern Life: Spunky’s Dangerous Day (Viacom) Media giant Viacom has announced its first video game. Rocko is based on Nickelo- deon’s new animated series about a friendly wallaby and Spunky, his pet pooch. The 12- meg side-view game is target- ed for kids 6-14 years old. It emphasizes puzzle-solving skills as players try to keep the lovable, but not-so-smart Spunky safe through 16 levels of single-player action. (Available First Quarter ’94) Alfred Chicken (Software Toolworks) Mino the Whale, Mag-Mine, and Jack-in-a-Bomb are some of the villains trying to ruffle Alfred’s feathers as he takes on the evil Meka-Chickens in this side-view, action/adventure game. Alfred's a flyin’, walkin’, dive-bombin’ bird who can pick up items (including a Can O' Worms) and turn on TVs to hear from Mr. Personality during the game. Six levels, invisible walls and plat- forms, bonus stages, and plenty of hidden rooms add to the car- toon-style fun. (Available Now) Super NES Bubsyll (Accolade) Guess who's going to save the world on both the SNES and Genesis next Christmas? Yep, that precocious Bobcat, Bubsy. Bubsyll unites the Bubster with his sidekick, Arnold Dillo, and the Bubsy Twins. They’re battling the evil capitalist, Oinker P. Spamm, and his partner, Vir- gil Reality. When Oinker and Virgil begin stealing reality with the awesome Wompum machine, Bubsy hits their trail in this side-view, multi- scrolling action/adventure game. Along the way he finds new items (including a diving suit), clever obstacles, bizarre weather, and...his voice? Many of the designers of the first Bubsy adventure are working on this sequel. (Available December ’94) John Madden Football (EA Sports) The best-selling 16-bit football game ever is coming to 3D0. Fully digitized player anima- tions, 3D-modeled fields and stadiums, and CD-quality digi- tized sound are some of the enhancements EA Sports has built into the latest addition to its acclaimed series of Madden Football games. You can choose from 28 NFL teams, eight champi- onship teams, and two All- Madden teams. The NFL license means you'll play with real teams and real logos. And, as with previous Madden games, the bombastic person- ality of the former coach comes through in the exuber- ant commentary. GAMEPRO February 1994 179 Shock Wave: Invasion Earth 2019 (Electronic Arts) Aliens have bombarded Earth, and only you and your trusty FI 77 sub-orbital fighter can stop them. Shock Wave is a technologically advanced flight simulator from Electronic Arts. There are three modes of fight- ing: dogfights against swarms of fighters, battles against alien ground forces, and one-on-one duels with alien motherships. Cinematic motion-video scenes, 24-bit true-color art- work, texture-mapped land- scapes based upon real terrains, and digitized sound enhance the game’s realism. (Available Now) PGA Tour Golf (EA Sports) Play with ten pro golfers, such as Mark O’Meara, Craig Stadler, and Fred Couples, on real PGA Tour courses, including Saw- grass, Avenal, and River High- lands. Plot your strategy, play around obstacles, and learn to deal with the pressure of intense tournament play. There’s also a Skins Challenge in which you compete for big money on every stroke. For this version of PGA, which has been a big seller for the SNES and the Genesis, EA Sports has added more stats, better ball control, ten different ball lies, extra commentary from radio personality Ron Barr, a new interface, and instant replay. (Available Now) Who Shot Johnny Rock? (American Laser Games) Johnny Rock, a popular singer, has been snuffed, and his girl- friend wants you to catch the killer. The 1930s mystery takes you to back streets, warehous- es, funeral parlors, and other places where you’ll meet shady characters. This movie-action game is based on the popular arcade game. Like its predeces- sor, it doesn’t use computer- generated characters - instead, it shows footage of actual stunt men and actors on real sets. (Available Now) Super Wing Commander (Electronic Arts) The award-winning 16-bit game goes Super on 3DO. An ex- panded story line and never- before-released missions put you in the middle of Wing Com- mander’s exciting 27th-century starfighter cockpit. Thousands of on-screen colors, full speech, and CD-quality stereo sound should intensify the action of Super Wing Commander’s deep-space dogfights. (Available Now) TWisted: The Game Show (Electronic Arts) Twink Fizzdale's the smooth-talk- ing host of this wacky TV game show. Choose from six off-the- wall contestants and eight inter- active contests. Trivia quizzes, video puzzles, and matching tests will challenge your coordi- nation and your memory. The challenges are automatically tai- lored for different skill levels. Gaudy sets and cheesy commer- cials will help make this the goofiest game show any couch potato ever played. (Available Now) 180 GAMEPRO February 1 984 Worldbuilders, Inc. (Electronic Arts) : Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends: Adventure Series (T»h In this strategy/action game, you play the CEO of a firm that transforms desolate planets into worlds that are suitable for human habitation. You com- mand spaceships, miniature black holes, and advanced technology, all rendered in 24- bit color. Worldbuilders fea- tures video footage from NASA and full-motion shots of the characters you’re interacting with. The list of designers reads like an all-star team, with key personnel from Lucasfilm Games, Silicon Graphics, and Industrial Light and Magic. (Available Now) There’s life in the ol’ NES yet with this 8-bit game for young players. Based on the TV series Shining Time Station, this side- view game combines entertain- ment and learning. Children between three and seven guide Thomas across various tracks that lead to seven worlds filled with puzzles, races, stories, track-building challenges, trivia quizzes, and even a painting program. A special mode helps beginners master the challeng- ing areas. (Available Now) Shipping in February Genesis Bubble and Squeak (SunSoft) Caesar's Palace (Virgin) Family Feud (Gametek) Incredible Hulk (U.S. Gold) Jammit Basketball (Virgin) Lost Vikings (Interplay) Romance of the Three Kingdoms III (Koei) Sega CD Mansion of Hidden Souls (Vic Tokai) SNES Alfred Chicken (Mindscape) Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage (Sunsoft) Claymates (Interplay) Star Trek: The Next Generation (Spectrum HoloByte) Time Trax (T«HQ) Wolfenstein 3D (Imagineer) 300 Sewer Shark (Virgin) NEO'GEO Art of Fighting 2 (SNK) Top Hunter (SNK) Alfred Chicken (Mindscape) DUO Syd Mead’s Terraforming (TTI) Game Boy Alfred Chicken (Mindscape) Game Gear Caesar’s Palace (Virgin) Advertisement $ VIDEO GAME NETWORK $ TOP $ PAID TO YOU FOR YOUR USED GAME CARTRIDGES VIDEO GAME NETWORK BUYS, SELLS, & TRADES THE BEST SYSTEMS & CARTRIDGES AVAILABLE! * CD ROM SYSTEMS ♦ NEW GAMES DAILY ► NEO-GEO ♦ SEGA MASTER ► SNES ♦ ATARI LYNX ► GENESIS ♦ GAME GEAR ► NINTENDO ♦GAME BOY ► TG-16 ♦ ATARI SOME OF THE LOWEST SALE PRICES ANYWHERE ! CALL THE GAME GODZ AT : TEL (612) 757-5509 ’ FAX(612) 757-5236 * FAX ORDERS ONLY PLEASE VIDEO GAME NETWORK 1232 COON RAPIDS BLVD. COON RAPIDS. MN 55433 $ * CALL OR WRITE FOR A FREE PRICE CATALOG * A BETTER GAME STORE WITH BETTER IDEAS! G AMIPRO February 1994 181 An Internationai View on Video Games By The Trackman in Japan Japanese gamers have started playing two games that RPC fans around the world can’t wait to hook their controllers into. Here’s a look at the two tantalizing titles. Phantasy Star IV (Mega Drive) We had to look it up to be sure, but yes, it’s been three years since the last Phantasy Star game came out (not counting hand-held versions). Is the new Phantasy Star IV worth the wait? One look should put any doubts to rest for good. The Rudy-ments of the Game PS IV takes place a thousand years after PS III and begins in the now-familiar Algol system. This time the hero is a spiffy banana blonde by the name of Rudy. True to the series' form, he quickly makes lots of adventuring friends and takes up the challenge of saving planets and populaces. Probably the most pleasing feature of PS IV is the maxi- mum use of all 24 megs of memory. Sega has held noth- ing back, and the results are cleaner, sharper sprites, vivid scenery, and fight scenes that’ll knock you out of your steel boots! Most PS fans were disappointed with PS III because, in an attempt to add somethng new to the series, Sega took out much of the cool stuff fans loved. All has been restored for PS IV, though, and it's most notable in the fight scenes. Different magic and weapons generate different attack scenes, and all characters are visible on the screen at all times (as long as they don’t get killed). Entirely new to PS IV is the Combination Battle System, where characters link their battle techniques into baddie-blasting ultra-tech- niques that take out monsters in a hurry. You’ll have a hard time finding an enemy that can stand up to the weapon called the Trinity Blaster. A Phantasy Spring If you're new to Phantasy Star, don’t worry. There are the usual non-playable characters (NPCs) to explain the techie wonders of the universe. If you’re a PS veteran, bear with the beginning, as the action gets fast and furious before you can say "mother brain." Available in Japan now Available in the U.S. Spring '94 182 GAMEPRO February 1994 K33>j7i*M-n Dragon Quest ill (Super Famicom) When a series gets up to the V or VI level, like good ol’ Dora-kue, it's sometimes easy to forget there was ever a I or II. For the benefit of those who never got to play the original Dragon Quest games for the 8-bit Fami- com (NES), Enix has put the original game and its first sequel on one fab SNES cart. Quest Times Tlvo If you think this is just a rehash of old games with out- of-date technology, stop right there. DQ l.ll takes advantage of the more powerful 16-bit system to make the graphics livelier and the game play smoother than they were in 8-bit version. The opening scenes are colorful beyond the capabilities of the originals, and Enix has given gamers many new and useful options. For example, even though DQ II takes place after DQ I and is actually a continuation of that game, you can start from II if you’d prefer. Thankfully, the basic story and action remain untouched. In DQ I, the player takes the role of an ancestor of Loto, the ancient savior of Alfgart. When new troubles arise in Latatom, the king lays the responsibility of saving the kingdom on your sprite’s shoulders. As always with DQ games, you need to listen carefully to all the NPCs and use the informa- tion they give you to your best advantage. In DQ II, the player continues his quest and meets the challenge of tougher ene- mies and new warp zones. Available in Japan Now RECEIVE $ UP TO l (When selling us your games) NINTENDO GAMES SELLING YOUR GAMES IS QUICK AND EASY!! Call our friendly FUNCO agents at (612) 946-8883 first for current prices. After you call, you'll be asked to do these things: a. Alphabetize the games you wish to sell on this list. b. Write the number and name of the agent you spoke with. c. Ship your games A.S.A.P. and your list to: FUNCO, INC. -10120 W. 76th Street • Minneapolis, MN 55344 SUPER NES California's Attorney General Attacks Video Violence In the strongest anti-violence statement yet from a top gov- ernment official, Dan Lungren, Attorney General of California, has written to 12 major video game companies and retailers asking them “to stop the man- ufacturing, licensing, distribu- tion, or sale of any video game that portrays graphic and gra- tuitous violence, including, but not limited to... Mortal Kom- bat and Night Trap." These are the only two games Lungren names specifically. ‘‘The message conveyed to our children by these violent video games is that the only way to to demean and destroy opponents while skipping away their humanity. ” - Dan Lungren, Attorney General of California. In the letter sent November 15, 1993 to Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, Acclaim, Hasbro, and seven retailers, Lungren makes it clear that he’s not officially regulating violent video games, nor is he suggesting that legal action will be taken to limit their availability. Rather, he appeals to the companies’ “sense of corporate and personal responsibility,” to “either remove the needless violence from the games or remove the games from the market.” “Let’s call these violent games what they are,” he writes, “totally unnecessary, completely irresponsible, and destructive to our efforts to create a safer and more humane community.” Lungren cites research to back his claim that “violent ! video images encourage ag- : gressive activity and antisocial behavior." Among his statistics : is a reference to juveniles arrest- ed for murder in the U.S., a | number that increased by 119 percent from 1986 to 1991. Lungren concludes by i pointing out the realism of the violence and the adult-oriented themes in the games, 50 million ! of which, he notes, are pur- chased each year by “children under the age of 15.” He also acknowledges the ironic timing i of his request, since it came just : before the peak holiday shop- ping season. His final challenge i is for “industry leaders” to “explore new ways to challenge, educate, and entertain our youth, rather than going for the cheap, mindless, misleading, and dangerous thrill of video game violence.” Atari Announces Jaguar Licenses At a recent press conference in : New York, Atari announced a host of new third-party licensees for its 64-bit Jaguar system. Of the companies (all of which are based in the U.S. or Europe), Virgin. Interplay, and Accolade are the most well known. Joining that prominent trio are ID Software (makers | of Wolfenstein 3D), Micro- Prose UBI Soft. Gremlin Graphics Millenium Inter- active. and 21st Century Accolade has stated its ; intention to license five of its titles to Atari for the 64-bit machine. Accolade President : Alan Miller indicated his : company’s optimism in a recent ; press release. According to Miller, the “Atari Jaguar is I definitely cool new technology that is being introduced at a : price point attractive to : consumers. We think Atari has : a real shot at establishing Jag- j uar as a successful system, and we want to be part of that effort.” Jaguar - bound! Accolade games being adapted to the Jag are Al Michaels Announces Hardball III, Brett Hull Hockey, Charles Barkley Basketball, Jack Nicklaus’ Power Challenge Golf, and Bubsy in: Claws Encoun- ters of the Furred Kind. Accolade and Atari announced that the products would be released this fall, and they would take full advantage of the Jaguar’s power. Also coming are Jimmy Connors Tennis from UBI Soft, Nigel Mansell's World Champi- onship from Gremlin, Battle Chess from Interplay, and a free-scrolling 3D followup to Wolfenstein from ID. Citadel: A Third-Party First for SFX Whatever happened to those fabulous SFX chip games for the SNES? Well, the first third- party SFX game is due out in April. Citadel by Electro- Brain is a mech-warrior com- bat game designed by Argo- naut Software, the company that designed the SFX chip and developed Star Fox for Ninten- do. In it, you control a giant robot that can change into a ; walker, a land cruiser, a super- ; sonic jet, or a hard shell (which I is exactly what it sounds like - ! a big, impenetrable shell). The i cart will feature polygon-based : graphics in the tradition of ! Star Fox. i Blockbuster Busts Out CD Titles Anticipating a surge of interest in CD games. Blockbuster Video stores have begun rent- : ing and selling CD-ROM enter- i tainment software and hard- | ware. At a winter press confer- : ence held in San Francisco, : Blockbuster’s top execs show- i cased the new Interactive ! Experience kiosks that will i present five CD systems and i approximately 200 games to I consumers. So far, the kiosks i can be found in only 57 of ; Blockbuster’s nearly 3400 stores; : all 57 are in the San Francisco j Bay area, with a national rollout I expected sometime this spring. The CD systems represent- i ed in the stores are the Sega i CD, Panasonic's 3 DO, the Philips CD-I, the Apple Macintosh, and the IBM PC. One major advantage for consumers is that the systems will be set up adjacent to each other, for easy comparisons. Also, trained demonstrators 186 BAMEPRO February 1994 will be on hand to answer ques- tions and help consumers leant how to use the machines. The systems and games will be available for purchase or for rent. Games will rent for $4 per disc for three nights; a system and three discs will be available for three nights for $19.97. Sports-minded gamers will find John Madden Football 3D0 and NHL Hockey '94 for the Sega CD at Blockbuster’s new Interactive Experience kiosks. Nintendo May Owe You $3 In Redwood City, CA, a San Mateo County judge approved a settlement that entitles buy- ers ol Nintendo carts for the NES to a future $3 discount on new Nintendo games. This settlement is in response to a class-action suit that alleged that Nintendo’s use of a “lock- out” security system in video game carts created a monop- oly and was unfair to con- sumers. According to the suit, competing video game car- tridge manufacturers were required to enter into a licens- ing agreement with Nintendo to gain access to the security system. Under the terms of the agreement, California con- sumers who purchased Nin- tendo carts from January 30, 1986, to June 30, 1993, are entitled to a $3 discount coupon on an 8-bit Nintendo cart. The offer will apply to a game to be selected by Ninten- do during a one-week period prior to June 30, 1994. Video Gifts Top Request Poll Did you hope Santa would bring you a new system or a new game last Christmas? According to the seventh annu- al North Pole Poll conducted by BKG Youth, a youth marketing firm, 91 percent of kids be- tween seven and 13 years old hoped to find video game sys- tems more than anything else under the tree, with the SNES beating out the Genesis as the number-one choice. Coming in second as the most-requested gifts were video games, with Super Mario All-Stars topping Mortal Kombat on the list. Of the 3000 kids polled nationwide, 86 percent said they played video games. Also noted in the poll were the most popular fashion items: Levi’s jeans, Timberland boots, and Doc Marten shoes, in that order. At the Deadline Coming Attractions: Super ^1 Street Fighter II is busting up the — arcades now, but it won’t be long before it smashes your SNES - possibly by July '94. Capcom of Japan already has a team working on i the 24-meg translation, and i yes, they are planning to include Hyper star-speed set- tings. No word yet on other | systems such as Genesis. Super SF II on the SNES: Coming this summer. Other games in your future: Samus Aran’s i adventures are far ; from over. The Metroid hero of : the NES and the Game Boy is : j coming to the SNES early this | j year in Super Metroid from ; Nintendo. What’s more, ; Beavis and Butthead will : | soon be starring in their own : i video game. Viacom has i announced that it’s working : on a game starring MTVs two i i cartoon geniuses for several j i unspecified systems, all due j : for release in the fall. Uh huh i huh huh that would be cool : : uh huh huh huh. Is the Saturn j for real? Probably, i According to inside I sources, Acclaim and Virgin have already started software development for Sega’s 32-bit | monster. (The system could I be upgraded to 64-bit in time i for its scheduled release in Fall ’94.) Namco Signs With ; Sony: Sony and Namco made a joint announcement in Tokyo of Namco’s intention to produce I licensed software for Sony’s i upcoming game system. As : announced in last issue’s ProNews, Sony created a new division, Sony Computer Enter- i tainment, which will bring out a j new CD-based game console in Japan later this year. Aside from ; the undetermined software tides : Namco will create for the system, j the two companies will also work : together to do research and devel- : opment for Namco games using i Sony's proprietary technology. February 1894 yy Mortal Marketing: The : success of Mortal j __J Kombat continues : to escalate. Having already set a : record for most sales in one i week back in September of ’93. j Acclaim announced in j November that it had already : shipped more than three million ! units of MK for the SNES, Gen- i esis, Game Boy, and Game Gear. : Acclaim expects the total num- ! ber of copies to eventually sur- j pass four million, which would j make MK one of the best-selling j games of all time. Also in the : works are a movie (see last I month’s ProNews), a possible ; TV show, a music CD, action i figures, and apparel. Fightin’ for that Mortal Hash. See the Movie, Play j the Game: Evolver, " - I the story of an interac- tive robot that turns aggressive, is coming to movie screens and arcades. Trimark Pictures and its sister company Trimark Interactive are beginning i simultaneous production on the j film and the game, which are : being touted as combinations of j The Terminator and Child $ Play, j Footage for the game will be j shot concurrendy with the film. ; Creating the special effects are ; the Academy Award winners j behind The Abyss. Trimark is ; already developing video games i based on the movies White Men i Can’t Jump and Warlock. Unscrambling the j ^ Dino Eggs: Oceans