August 1993 $4.95 Canada $5.95 UK £2.60 iii iii iiiii 08 74470 6594 5 GENESIS * SNES • NES • DUO • CDs • NEO-GEO • GAME BOY* GAME GEAR • LYNX V h | 1 Mn ■..tsecti° n y • V / ' j a ir f THE TERMINATOR & ROBOCOP NOW HAVE SOMEONE THEY CAN Introducing Cybernator. i '' the 21st Century biggest hero and ' the baddest cyborg ever to blast onto your Super NEST Standing five stories tall and loaded with stunning graphics and firepower, this mechanized marine overshadows and outguns all other 16-bit metal heads. From the Cybernator’s command . cockpit you’ll control five ^ ■KgHKjtffSj S0| tons tail-kicking. Axis annihilating battle armor and the Enemy Eliminator with 360° firing range. You’ll also power a f . hyper-space / propulsion pack that launches Cybernator through seven levels of digitized devastation. So if nuts and bolts busting action is your game, i check out Cybernator. The future of 16-bit warfare today! sum mm. SUPER AOVAHJAGE. V> That “it’s not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game" stuff is a bunch of garbage. That's why we’ve got two ways to keep you winning: the per second), hands-free AUTO TURBO and SLOW-MOTION CONTROL. With all these killer features and cool styling it's no wonder they're the #1 enhanced controllers for the Super ASC II WAR NES. So take your pick, and Super Advantage and asciiPad,™ both for then take on the neighborhood. With the Super NES.® They've got the kind of this kind of power, you'd just better enhancements you need for today’s fiercest learn how to be a gracious winner. games— features like TURBO-FIRE (up to 32 shots IT’S HOW TO WIN. nt Software, Inc. P.0. Box 6639. San Mateo, Cl All nghts reserved. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Super Advantage, Telephone: 415/570-7005. ASQIWARE am re registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. 61993 ASCII Entertainment Software. Inc. P.O. Box 6639, San Mateo, CA 94403. Telephone: 415/570-7005. 'Re coming. Sega " are incoming, so keep your eyes open. And your head low. a public service from AStM/AFt is a fradanari ol ASCII Entertainment Soltoars. Inc All ngtes reseved. Sega. Genesis and Sega CD are tradenwks of Sega Enterprises, LTD. I 8 Letter from the GamePros 12 The Mail 16 Cutting Edge Get ready, gamers, here come 3D0 games: Return to Zork, Mad Dog McCree, John Madden Football, and more. 20 Hot at the Arcades Find hard-charging action with The Punisher, FI Grand Prix Star II, In the Hunt, and more. 26 Special Feature: Street Fighter tt Turbo An exclusive review of the year's most eagerly awaited game! 38 Special Feature: CES Showstoppers Check out highlights and hits from the Summer Consumer Electronics Show. Find previews and quick hits on cool new releases, plus our picks of the best games from the show. 58 ProKenews 58 Genesis: Shinobi III, Bubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind, TechnoClash, Fatal Fury, Lightening Force 80 Sega CD: Ecco the Dolphin, After Burner III 84 SNES: Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Goof Troop, Operation Logic Bomb, EVO: Search for Eden, PTO: Pacific Theater of Operations 94 Nintendo: Yoshi's Cookie 96 Neo-Geo: 3 Count Bout 98 Duo: Vasteel 1 1 4 Lynx: Battle Wheels 1 1 6 Game Boy: Spider-Man 3: Invasion of the Spider Slayers, Raging Fighter, Chessmaster, Speedy Gonzales 122 Game Gear: Streets of Rage 2, Surf Ninjas 70 ProStrategy Guide: Flashback A detailed look at Mission 3: The Death Tower. 102 Overseas Prospects Controversy rages in England over Night Trap, while thrilling new games are coming from Europe. 106 The Spurts Page Sports Insider talks with Jack Nicklaus. Jack Nicklaus' Power Challenge Coif (C), Super Black Bass (SN), Nigel Mansell's World Championship (SN), Fall Foot- ball Scouting Report, Coach's Corner: NBA Jam. Volume 5. #8: August Issue: GAMEPRO ' J (ISSN 1042-8658) is published monthly lor $24.95 per year by Infotainment World. Inc.. 951 Mariner's Island Blvd., Ste. 700. San Mateo. CA 94404; An IDG Company: The Wald's Leader In Inlormaliai Services On Information Technology. For subscription problems only: (303) 786-7459. Second class postage paid at San Mateo. CA and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address changes to GAMEPRO. P. 0. Box 55527. Boulder. CO 80322-5527 Change of Address Please send old label and new address to GAMEPRO. P.O. Box 55527. Boulder. CO 80322-5527. Foreign and Canadian orders must be pre-paid in U.S. dollars on a U.S. bank and must include S20ftrear additional postage. Cover Gary Yealdhall I u A See page 70. 128 GamePro Lab Report Inside info on the latest gadgets and gear for your games. 132 S.W.A. T. (Secret Weapons and Tactics) Check out these hot tips and tricks from CamePros everywhere. 142 GameBusters: Batman Returns (SNES) 144 ProNews All the video game news that's fit to print Cookie Chaos for Mario and Yoshi! Mario and Yoshi are filling in at the Cookie Factory, and the snacks are piling high! As fresh baked cookies roll out of the ovens, it’s up to Mario to sort and stack 'em before they pile too hish! Line up a row of the same kind of cookies either vertically or horizontally, and they vanish. Clear the screen to move on to a new level of munchie-madness! Yoshi appears from time to time to stir things up. Play for high score or go head-to-head against a friend or the computer. The mouth-watering madness doesn’t let up! ^ 100 stages, plus bonus rounds. H1 1 or 2 players, or play against the computer. & Choose to be Mario, Yoshi, the Princess or Bowser. ^ Extra puzzle game from the creator of Tetris. It's a snack attack! Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. 8337 154th Ave. NE Redmond, Washington 98052 In the tradition of Tetris™ and Dr. Mario™, Yoshi’s Cookie is a heaping helping of lip-smacking, snack-stacking cookie chaos! y«lx'5CooldeisairademsitofNiiiKivdODfAiTWji3lnc. ei9M,1W3NintenddofArnenairx.©1993ButletPicofScftvve'e,lnc Original dess" by Heme OataCoip. Puzzles by AtereyPajilnov and BPS. Df.Msrio, Nintendo SMJcrNinlcncfciEntotainfncnlSvsiemaret/ademartsofNinKndoof America Inc. Tetris™* 01987 Elotg. Bullet-Prool Sofcvae and BPS are registered trademarks of Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. All nyns o. Super NES; Letter from the GamePros By the time you read this letter, Sega’s game-rating system will probably be mak- ing its debut on game boxes everywhere. The initial plans call for three different classifications: “GA” for general audiences; “MA-1 3” for mature audiences (parental discretion advised); and "MA-1 7” for adults only. Sounds simple enough... but it’s not. Initial response to Sega’s announcement var- ied. Some parents and con- sumer groups were thrilled and hopeful that a rating system would help con- sumers evaluate what games were most appropri- ate for gamers of different ages. Others were more skeptical, claiming that Sega's actions were a self- serving marketing scheme, more motivated by profit than by real concern for the gamers. Perhaps the most vo- cal opposition to Sega’s rating system came from none other than arch-com- petitor, Nintendo of Ameri- ca. In a May 25th press re- lease, Nintendo of America claimed that Sega’s rating system was nothing more than a means by which Sega could “justify the marketing of in- creasingly violent video games." Nintendo stated that the true responsibility for pub- lishing “appropriate" software rests inter- nally, and that companies must adhere to a “policy of internal standards and exten- sive game evaluation.” When the smoke from all the rhetoric clears, the issues are fairly obvious, even to opponents of a rating system. There’s no doubt that new technologies, such as CD-ROM, 3DO, and virtual reality, will fa- cilitate the creation of games with far more realistic violence and sex, whether Nintendo and Sega choose to make them or not. In an industry where an estimated 70% of all consumers are under 1 8, there If the industry doesn’t voluntarily adopt standards or ratings, it’s likely that they’ll be as they have been in other media, like film and on television. has to be some way for parents and other adults to evaluate whether specific prod- ucts are appropriate for a younger audi- ence. Although game companies may as- sert that they can provide consumers with this information, most find that it’s difficult to make objective decisions where the bottom line is concerned. So what are the pros and cons of a rating sys- tem? First, here are the po- tential problems. Any rating system could lead to possi- ble censorship and viola- tion of First Amendment rights. Rating systems, as seen in the film industry, are difficult to enforce. Who sets the standards by which games are rated? Who rates the games - an independent body or indi- vidual publishers? Finally, rating systems can actually have a reverse effect from what was intended. They could actually increase sales and interest by hyp- ing a violent product. Is there anything posi- tive about ratings? Yes! Some sort of rating system for games, es- pecially as game realism and graphic quali- ty increase, is inevitable in the long term. If the industry doesn’t voluntarily adopt standards or ratings, it’s likely that they’ll be imposed on us as they have been in other media, like film and television. With ratings on the horizon, the electronic en- tertainment industry would be smart to work together on a system that adequate- ly educates consumers and assists them in making purchasing decisions. Whether you agree with Sega’s pro- posed ratings system, at least they had the guts to address the issue. Next month we’ll take a closer look at the problematic issues involved in any rating system. In the meantime, drop us a line and let us know what you think! After all, this issue is going to effect you! □ Publisher John F. Rousseau Editor-In-Chief LeeAnne McDermott Executive Editor Wes Nihei Managing Editor Susan Lusty Assistant Managing Editor Janice Crotty Senior Editor Chris Strodder Associate Editor Lawrence Neves Associate Editor Matt Taylor Technical Editor John Fisher Director ot Creative Services Francis Mao Associate Art Director Donna Welsh Senior Designer Janette Harms Designer Teresa Hill Production Manager Patricia Ferguson Production Coordinator Alex Lai Production Coordinator Susanna Johnson Marketing Manager Debra Vernon Marketing Specialist Valerie Hennigan Director ol Manufacturing Fran Fox Manufacturing Coordinator Cathy Theroux Circulation Director Holly Klingel Subscription Promotion Specialist Marcia Newlin Fulfillment Specialist Randy Randolph Circulation Coordinator Karen Bollens 1 INFOTAINMENT WORLD President/Founder Patrick J. Ferrell Executive Vice President Global Operations John F. Rousseau Accounting Manager Carmen Mangion Staff Accountant Sonja Klise Human Resource Director Christine Yam Operations Manager Jeannine C. Smith Administrative Assistant Lesieli M. Friesen Administrative Assistant Tiffany Wallace Entire contents copyright 1993 by Infotainment World, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without prior written permission by the publisher is pro- hibited. All submissions including, but not limited to, artwork, text, photographs and videotapes become the property of the publisher. Submissions cannot be returned; senders should retain a copy. The GAMEPRO® name and logo are registered trademarks of Infotain- ment World, Inc. Super Nintendo, Nintendo and Game Boy are Registered Trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. Sega Genesis, Sega CD and Game Gear are Regis- tered Trademarks of Sega of America, Inc. Atari and Lynx are Registered Trademarks of Atari Corp. Turbo- Grafx-16 is a Registered Trademark of NEC. Duo is a Registered Trademark of Turbo Technologies, Inc. Neo*Geo is a Registered Trademark of SNK Home Entertainment, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. For reprints of any article or advertisement that appear in this issue please contact the Infotainment World, Inc. Reprint Dept at (415) 349-4300. For Subscription Problems Only: (303) 786-7459 \\^RDA° \/ DrAM JOHNNY CAGE SONYA BLADE LIU KANG RAYDEN GORO SCORPION KANO COMING TO LEADING VIDEO GAME SYSTEMS SEPTEMBER 93 I Kombat* Mario Andretti W hen Nigel Mansell entered the world of Indy car racing, he knew his biggest competition would be Mario (the driver, not the plumber). In his debut Indy car race in Australia, Mansell stunned the racing world by upsetting Andretti, and capturing the checkered flag. Now you can relive Mansell's march to the Formula One crown with Gametek's NIGEL MANSELL'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP RACING. Every other racing game for the Super Nintendo is left eating dust. No other racing game puts you in the driver's seat like Nigel. Featuring a first-person hands on perspec- tive, 16-International Formula One race tracks, totally customizable Formula One cars, randomized weather conditions and even audible hints from the man himself, Nigel Mansell. So, see for yourself why reviewers are calling Nigel Mansell the best racing game ever avail- able for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. RACING from GAMETEK Drive it Home. Game Hint and Tip Line: 1 -900-903-GAME (4263) • 80S per minute charge • Touch tone phone required • Minors must have parental permission before calling • Available 24 hours Licensed by FOCA to Fuji Television. Source codes ©1 993 Gremlin Graphics Software ltd. Poctioging ©1993 Gometelr, Inc. Gometelr is o registered trademark of HE, Inc. 2999 NE I9lsl Slreel, Suite 500. North Miami Beoch, Florida 33 1 80. Al rights reserved. SUPER NINIENDO ENTERtAINMENI SYSTEM IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK Of NINTENDO Of AMERICA INC. ©I 991 NINTENDO OF AMERICA. (There are a couple of ways to solve this problem. If you’re going into your TV via an RF, simply daisy chain your RFs together. For example, if you want to have two systems hooked up, hook both RFs up to their respective systems. Next, hook the end of the first RF (the end that you’d normal- ly plug into the TV) into the matching socket on the sec- ond RF. Then plug the TV out- put connector of the second RF into your TV. If you want to add another system, simply daisy chain that one in also. Another solution is the Game Link, a $50 unit that enables you to plug in five systems at once and alternate among them with a Rick of a switch. See Hardware /giu Helpers, April ’93 - .'feSP Earth Angel) The Magazine Biz Have you ever had to give a game a 1 .0 or 1 .5 rating? Edward Goryen, Fremont, CA (It happens once in awhile, but usually we try to put only the best and hottest games on our review pages. These games are rarely bad enough to war- rant a 1.0 or 1.5. A rating that low means we think the game is truly terrible, and it proba- bly shouldn’t have been released. - Slasher Quan) Have pen, will travel! books for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Sonic The Hedgehog, books for the movie Hook, and books for the Burg- er Kids. His advice to young artists: “ Believe in your- drawing!” - Gideon) We call 'em as we see ’em. Chairman Mao I have noticed your poster artist is the world-renowned Francis Mao. I congratulate you for having such a PRO in your ranks. I think you should do a profile on him so readers can get to know this great young artist better. Jesus Cabello, Ponce, PR (You’re right, Francis is a true pro. Not only does he create our posters, he also designs our pages and even draws some of our covers. Entirely self-taught, Francis never thought of being a profession- al artist when he was young. He wanted to be a lawyer! After winning $100 in a drawing contest, he left law school in 1990 to begin a career as an Associate Art Director for GamePro. He now works as our Director of Cre- ative Services. In addition, he’s illustrated the comic Tech Talk While playing the SNES I acci- dentally broke off the top half of my cart. The game was fine, but I noticed something strange inside the plastic case. Half of it was empty! Why can’t the plastic case be made smaller so we don’t pay for wasted space? Or better still, why can’t the microchips inside be enlarged to fill the space and thus make better games? Jon Waters, Glen Rock, NJ (That empty space in the cart isn’t really empty, Jon. It’s Riled with air. So what? This helps cool the chips, which heat up with extended play. If electronics Riled the case, the chips would eventually get so hot they’d melt right through the plasRc. - Hack ’n’ Slash) I’m a proud owner of both the Genesis and the SNES. Is there a TV converter that will enable me to switch from one system to the next without having to actually unplug one and plug in the other? Scott Mueller, Kenosha, Wl I have recently seen a Sega Genesis cable that is supposed to sharpen the graphics. Does it? Tom Howery, Dallas, TX (There are three ways you can hook up your Sega Genesis to your TV. An RF cable - the one that comes with the system - provides the least-sharp graphics. For $10 you can pur- chase a video cable that con- nects your Genesis to the Audio In and Video In hookups on your TV. This cable provides a sharper picture. To have the sharpest picture possible, you need a cable that hooks your system up in RGB (Red, Green, Blue). The problem is, you also need a professional mo itor with RGB capabili- ty. - The Whizz) Code-less In your SWATPro section of the March issue, there was a code that lets you set Street Fighter II for the SNES in the Champi- onship Mode. I tried it and it didn’t work. Ryan Culp, Hamilton, Ontario (Sharp eyes, Ryan! You’re right, the code is wrong. We accidentally flopped the let- ters. The correct code to get to the Championship Mode is Down, R, Up, L, Y, then B at the Capcom logo. Champi- onship Mode in this tip means player-versus-player capabili- ty. You cannot play as any of the bosses. - Slasher Quan) In the SWATPro section of the May ’93 issue there was a code for Super Star Wars for the SNES. It was the AAAA, X, BBBB.Y code. I couldn’t get it to work. Which title screen do I use, at what point do I use the code, and with which controller? Jimmy Peet, Highlands Ranch, CO (To get this code to work, wait for the words JVC PRESENTS and the LucasArts logo to appear at the very beginning. When the Super Star Wars title screen asks you to choose Start or Options, punch in the code on Controller 1 immedi- ately. You only have a few seconds. Then hit Start until you’re at Level 1. If the code doesn’t take the flrst time, you have to turn off the game completely, take it out, put it back in and try again. - Scary Larry) Girly Gamers In the March review of T2: The Arcade Game (page 1 72), the 12 GAMEPRO August 1903 IM 1 hSi -jil n ssss on 5 1 ACTION SO INTENSE IN AND OITT OF THE ONLY 1 5 FEET OF STEEL RING MAYHEM! CAN CONTAIN IT! UNPLUG ELECTRO BATTLE DR. OCTOPUS' WITH WEB-SWINGING ARMY OF ARMS! ACTION! DESTROY CYBERDYNE HASTA LA VISTA, RESEARCH! BABY! For more portable power, check out the bodyslamming excitement of WrestleMania Steel Cage Challenge™, the amazing web-swinging action of Spider-Man®: Return of the Sinister Six™, and the explosive firepower of Terminator™ 2: Judgment Day. Gear up for great graphics and game play with the biggest superstars on Game Gear™! GAME GEAR ggg| - Entertainment Group. Inc. All rights reserved TERMINATOR- 2 JUOGMENT DAY. T2. ENOOSKELETOIJ^ OdteTcoSwsI Vl993 Catoko Pomes Inc. and used by UN. Lid under authcnralion Sega and Game Gear are trademarks rt Sega Enterprises Lid. Flying Edge is a division of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. TM & c 1993 Acclaim EmertalnmenL Inc. Comouler game e 1993 Acclaim EntortainmenL In:. All rights reservet writer said “Don’t be a girly- gamer, get out the guns and waste ’em!" Wham! I got seri- ously offended, and so did my friends at school! Can’t you try to please BOTH genders of GamePro fans? Alexis Henetz, Oceanside, CA (My “joke” was a reference to the characters Hans and Franz on Saturday Night Live, who parody big-muscle types like Arnold Schwarzenegger, who in turn was the star of Termi- nator 2. I’d never take a shot at female gamers. There are too many here in the office who'd beat me up! - Scary Larry) My friend and I both own an SNES. I rent, trade, and borrow games from friends and rental stores. My friend won’t partici- pate in any of these things because he thinks that his sys- tem and games will get dust on them and will become ruined. Does dust affect games as much as he thinks? Could a cleaning kit put him at ease with his fears? Joe Carter, Dublin, OH (No. Yes. - Data Carvey) What does the “M" in "M. Bison" stand for? Manuel Castillo Cortes, Monterrey, Mexico (We had a lot of good guesses on this one. Monsieur? Mike? Mama? Sega of America’s game counselors told us it was Master. However, Capcom refuted that notion. They claim that the M is part of the char- acter’s mystery, so they’re in no hurry to settle on a name.) Mike Byson? Can a Came Genie mess up your games or your system? Brian Faust, Toledo, OH (Absolutely not. If you insert and remove it correctly, the chances of it damaging any- thing are the same as any cart damaging your system - virtu- ally nonexistent.) You’ll get more than three wishes with this Genie. Who comes up with the codes for the Came Cenie codebooks? Genesis Krzyzaniak, Austin, TX (Programmers at Galoob “crack” a game’s program and then use the knowledge they glean from it to create helpful new codes for the Game Genie.) Was there a Street Fighter I? Can I still get it? Chris Meek, Wichita, KS (Sorta. The original SF was an arcade game, which was con- verted from a Japanese game. The only home version is for the Turbo-Grafx CD and is named Fighting Street.) GamePro’s Game Rating System Challenge | BEG. Beginner INT. Intermediate ADV. Advanced EXP. Expert ADJ. Adjustable Graphics: Judges the overall artistic quality of sprites, animation, and background scenery. Sound: Critiques music and sound effects. Control: Rates how smoothly the control pad commands and the game’s interface turn you on to the on-screen action and fun. FunFactor: Are you gonna have a good time? Challenge: This is the average skill level necessary to play the game. When you can pick skill levels, we label Challenge “Adjustable." GamePro’s Game Rating System: 5.0=0utstand- ing! 4.0=Great job! 3.0=Good job! 2.0=O.K. but could be better. 1 .0=Wake me up when it's over! WteMaya Think? This is your m a g a zin e ■ tell us what you'd like 'to see in if- Send your sug- gestions to: Dear Editor P.O.Box 5828 San Mateo, CA 94402 Thanks for your help! 14 GAMEPRO August 1993 IM IF YOU CAN’T STAND THE HEAT... GO DACK TO CARTRIDGE GAMES! SCORCHING ACTION FOR THE SEGA CD. COMING IN AUGUST 1003. (teimgemI u , VIDEO GAMES SEGA 5gg | Rika Aleste: IM leagen lie. 19S3 © Eiapile 1932. lieeised li leijei In. All rights reserved. Sega, Genesis, Sine Eeir, and Sega CD are trademarks el Sega tilergrises ltd. Activision Zork under the Infocom label -the original creators of Zork. UffOsl? Glimpse Sntolris tPMTQJJKd Panasonic’s REAL BDO Interac- tive Multiplayer is poised to make an October debut, and the real world of electronic gaming may never be the same again...or will it? Trip Hawkins, the driving force behind the 32-bit CD system, is on record as promising that 80 products will be available by the end of the year. Among the 1 50 software developers currently listed as 3 DO licensees is a familiar coterie of video-game names. Here are a few previews of new games from old names. Zork, which sold two million copies, is the text-based adven- ture game that arguably set the tone for all PC adventure games. In Return to Zork, you must embark on a quest to save humanity from Morphius, the evil ruler of the Great Underground Empire. Players must pick up objects and solve numerous, sometimes inter- connected, puzzles of increas- ing difficulty. The zany Zork characters are portrayed by real actors with make-up, cos- tumes, props, and scenery. Characters respond in real time with tips, questions, humor, and typical Zorkian sarcasm - just like the characters in the text-driven Zork series. The Great Underground Empire is a weird but dangerous place. Rim of Zork actors was digitized... ...and set against detailed, com- puter-generated backgrounds. Fans of PC games will be interested to know that Activi- sion will publish Return to American Laser Games Mad Dog McCree You may have shot your way through Mad Dog McCree, a Wild West shoot-em-up. Well, this boot-kickin’ fight is about to find new life. Before 3DO arrived on the scene, ALC (originally producers of live-action systems for police and military firearms training) hit on a winning formu- la that combines film footage of live actors with arcade-style shoot-em-up action. You’ll meet some tough 3D0 hombres. This game’s only for straight shooters. The Old Timer has a dynamite problem. In this game, outlaw Mad Dog McCree and his gang have taken over a frontier town. As you rescue townspeople, they reveal clues to the whereabouts of Mad Dog’s hideout. This gun game ought to put the 3DO controller through its paces. 16 GAMEPRI August 1993 Electronic Arts John Madden Football 300 and an NFL license make JMF look entirely different. John Madden’s happy to conquer yet another game platform. If you liked the regular John Madden Football games, then BDO may press the hot buttons to drive you nuts. The existing football engine has been enhanced for 3DO, and now the game sports the official NFL license to let you play with real teams, real logos, real team colors, and real players. John Madden has also designed new plays. Of course, there’s CD- quality digitized sound and John Madden commentary. PGA Tour Golf Playing golf is one thing, but playing golf against the PGA pros is something else entirely. PGA Tour Golf enables you to play against 60 top Tour pros, each of whom has been filmed and digitized for the game. The game features four actual Tournament Players’ Club courses, which utilize digi- tized video footage and fully accurate elevation data. With variable wind conditions, 1 0 different ball lies, and realistic digitized sounds, you’ll never miss a tee time again. Road Rash: The Blood of the Couriers The scenery’s so real...hey, this is the road to GamePro! The space station is your safe harbor in the alien storm. It’s 201 9. Space is the final frontier, and the extraterrestri- als are on the warpath! You're GAMEPRO • an elite fighter pilot aboard Earth’s first orbital aircraft car- rier. As the alien attack ships advance on our planet, you blast into battle over true- color photorealistic terrain. The outer space views are awesome. TWisted: The Sitcom of Game Shows Trapped in twisted TV Land, your challenge is to save a video contestant from a fate worse than death - eternal life in a game show! Players pair up with digitized partners who talk and interact with them. You must solve living jigsaw puzzles, zap commercials against the clock, mix and match famous voices, and beat literally thousands of other brain-draining games. It sounds like family fun. WOftdbuTders, tec. You’ll feel like one of the gang. In this lawless, high-speed motorcycle game, players compete in a series of adrena- line-pumping races. You ride for your life through rush-hour traffic, canyon runs, and derelict inner city streets as you try to avoid punches, kicks, and club attacks from your competitors. This game pushes texture mapping to another level for awesome photorealistic road effects. ShockWave Your terraforming spaceship con- tains worldbuilding potential. Welcome to the world of ter- raforming. You’re cast as the CEO of Worldbuilders, Inc., a company that specializes in the art and science of building Earth-like habitats on inhos- pitable planets. This game's textured graphics combine an atmosphere of cyberpunk with strategy and an educational element. Oh yes, you need to turn a profit, too. Software Toolworks Oceans Below Go scuba diving without even getting wet! This innovative CD teaches you how to use scuba equipment, whether you can swim or not. Then, for your very own personal dive, you can select a real underwater area to explore. Excursions to hot diving spots in the South Pacific, the West- ern Pacific, the Caribbean, and the Red Sea reveal shipwrecks, underwater formations, and colorful sea life. Take a deep breath, as you consider diving into this CD with 3DO. Specfrum HoloByle Star Trek: The Next Generation Engage 300 Star Trek. It’s aTrekker’s dream come true. At last, you can join the crew of the Star Trek Enter- prise (Galaxy Class, NCC- 1 701 D, of course), meaning Capt. Piccard, Worf, Data, and Counselor Troi are among your 3DO shipmates. The epic story line crosses time and space as a legendary device containing unimaginable power suddenly materializes in Federation space. You com- mand the Enterprise, organize Away Teams, fight ship-to-ship battles, and, of course, uphold the Prime Directive. No word yet on whether you’ll be able to play with the actual stars of the show. □ 17 I AM WITH THE BEST ■THE NBA Barkley’s Monster Dunk. Harper’s Air-Reverse Slam. Malone’s In-Your-Face Jam. Rice's 360° Slam. Manning’s Double Pump Jam. Ewing's Bounce-Ball Slam. I When Char Stives, get . . . Jou t of his way or gel bounced like a basketball. \not even a double- team can stop his double pump jam. Welcome to Jam City: Bulls vs. Blazers" and the NBA Playoffs ' The updated version of the most popular basketball game ever. With the complete rosters of all 16 1992 NBA playoff teams. Updated stats. And the ’92 East and West All-Star squads. get even more ways to steal the show With tougher defensive playcalling. And the chance to build your own dream team from the NBAS finest. You also get new signature moves that’ll your head spin. Like Kersey’s Gorilla Slam. Stockton’s Behind- Your-Back Fbss. And Owen’s Alley-Oop Jam. It’s the NBA’s biggest guns. And all their shots. You can even create your own dream team. Pick any player tom the starting tve of any playoff or All-Star squad. Then create a nightmare for the rest of the league. Plus there’s much tougher “D.” Smother the ball with a full-court or half-court press. Of course, the tougher your "D" the more you ’ll tte and commit fouls. The action starts at Round 1 with all 16 playoff teams. From there, it only gets more intense. Establish your inside game. Hit a few keys. Play the substitutioj game. If you can stand tallest in the paint, the NBA title is yours. EA SPORTS" covers every brick that clangs off the rim, every squeal of $159 sneakers. With instant replay. Scores from other games. Stats. Highlights. Jump at this chance to join basketball's elite. Visit your local Electronic Arts dealer or order by phone anytime: (800) 245-4525. And play with the champions of the NBA. If it's in the game, it’s in the game. mmm 35C tor the lirst minute. 75 ® lor each additional minute The Punisher (Capamt) H ls ne y destroyed his Comics toughest heroes The Punkhor ilSi# SfK’SS” S« levels of intense beat-em-un sstss Wc/r fizzy, Agezz/ of S.H.I.E.LD. strength, the Punisher end cl p p tor aa;sss=r Frankc ^.^m ePm ._ r! ou.s.a T 5diSu^st7„™' ,,iSBanie ' s S==S=r own hands, ct^S'" ,0WS Bushwacker will lay a major hurt on you. Put yourself in the driver's seat for heart- pounding Formula One racing. FI Grand Prix Star II is a sit-down racing game that features excellent bit-mapped graphics in the grand tradition of Super Monaco GP. The action’s fast and furious as you take on a pack of drivers across four interna- tional tracks. Great Britain features a clas- sic circuit for beginners. South Africa's tight turns and slight hills up the challenge. Australia is a tire-screaming run through a popular tourist resort town. Finally, Switzerland’s mountainous terrain and blind corners present the ultimate test of your arcade driving reflexes. Up to eight units can be linked together. If you're lucky, your local arcade guy will go for the maximum setup, since multi-dri- ver races are the best! You can bump the other guys off the track. Plus, if any car takes a header, you’ll see it flip through the air! There are only two gear speeds, High and Low, but an awesome Power Boost can rocket you past your competition. Each unit also features a vibrating steering wheel and seat to make you feel like you’re really on the road. FI Grand Prix Star II really lets you drive by the seat of your pants. 20 GAMEPRO August 1 9 93~ The enemy attacks from above and below. You’ll hunt unimaginable tenors. There’s no Sub-shtute for in the Hunt. can set the machine at various skill levels. No matter what the setup, you still may not be able to keep your head above water when you’re In the Hunt. Cruisin’ fora bmisin’ Dinosaurs aren’t your only threat. You draw a major crowd wherever you are. Five hundred years ago, Columbus discov- ered a New World. Five hundred years from today, mankind will discover the new-yet- old world of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, a world gone mad with giant behemoths of Earth’s past coexisting with the men and women of its future. For 25 cents, you can discover Cadillacs and Dinosaurs at any time at your local arcade. This is a standard but fun side-view^ three-player action game, where you and your partners cruise around in a cool, clas- sic ’50s Caddy. When dinosaurs enter the screen, it's fossil-making time! You toss a pretty mean punch and a powerful kick, but you can find high-tech weaponry to really hurt the “terrible lizards." This game is real- ly Final Fight meets Jurassic Park, with out- landish sci-fi style graphics. There’s a cool Cadillacs and Dinosaurs comic around, but keep an eye out for the new CBS Saturday- morning series this fall. In the Hunt (irem) In the Hunt is an intense submarine bat- tle game that looks wet and wild. There’s no heavy-hitting story line here — sink the enemy or be sunk. A military super- computer called the D.A.S. has blown a fuse, and now mankind’s in big trouble. The D.A.S. has programmed the Human Mop-Up Missile System to begin its countdown, and the only way to stop it is to breakthrough its protective underwa- ter defenses. The action occurs above and below the sea. Naturally, you’re under water, but helicopters, aircraft, and various sub-chas- ing surface ships bombard you from above with all manner of explosives. You can counterattack with missiles and torpedoes. Don’t get caught up in all the surface action, though, because enemy subs will catch you from below, j Under the sea, one skipper can go it alone, or two players can fight simultane- ously. You guide your sub via a side-view, I multi-scrolling game play perspective, so you can view the battle from above and below the water line simultaneously. The ship with American i l y °n marksrT| an- fe sort of a tf,^S e C " me Pat ™' "«ed «.C ateo a«ion 0 teleS ™ intense sta °t-m-up Crime Pi y uaiiiing. "' a " epfeo e d?^sSIi e . takin9 P art game play msnmZ „? e ’ ,rst ' pers