*1 VIDEO GAME MAGAZINE MM mi 111mm • cehesis • super hes • rmomw • cm m • cue rear > an Oral rieM \r\ '' ■ bj a *■ ,v_ - tf you're into awesome action, these three Arcade Classics are so hot they're cool! Just think of it! All the great elements of the coin-op versions are now yours to enjoy on your Game Boy.® Missile Command' is non-stop action. The 16 great cities of the earth are under attack. Your job? Blast enemy ICBMs, stealth bomb- ers, satellites and other SCUDIy forms of intercontinental evil. Asteroids" finds you sweating | bullets as asteroids hurtle straight at you. Quick! Use your hyperwarp engines to streak out of danger while you blast fierce enemy ships and asteroids with your missiles. Centipede " will make your skin I crawl as you pull the trigger on waves of centipedes, spiders, fleas and scorpions. All swarming at you past eerie black mushrooms. Coming this summer... Each of these megahits has multiple skill levels. Choose either single player action, or two player alternating. For Asteroids and Centipede use Game Link'“ to connect two Game Boys for two player competitive or two player cooperative. To order these great games visit your favorite retailer or call 1 -800-245-7744. /\CjL £ — Nintendo. Game Boy. and Game Link are trademarks and registered trademarks of Nintendo of America. Centipede, Asteroids, Missile Command and Atari are trademarks and registered trademarks of Atari Corporation. Licensed by Accolade, Inc. All rights reserved. ©1992 Accolade, Inc. ® That power-crazed maniac Cobra Commander is back. This time, the snake’s raised the ancient island of Atlantis out of the ocean and turned it into a base for taking over the world. He’s got an invincible army Space weapons too. cr But hey, you’re a member of the G.I. Joe team and you’re up for the fight. You’ve got to make it through lethal territor- ies and destroy Cobra’s I awesome weapons complex and gunships. Blow it and it might as well be the end of the world. Get psyched and enlist today. The weapons the Cobra's hiding in these statues could really ruin you. Watch out for the Warlords -or you won't have a prayer of making it alive. Destroy the big blue tank, or it's the end of the world as we know it. CAPCOM USA WARNING: The Video Game General has determined that these Flying Edge games may be too action-packed for some video game players... not for the weak at heart or the boring! PLAYERS Get the edge! Flying Edge' is your hot new source for Sega Genesis' and Game Gear " games. So, if you're into back-board shattering, hairpin turns, flying dropkicks, rising fastballs, left-right combos, and an "hasta la vista, baby" or two, then look to the Edge...The Flying Edge. •THE SIMPSONS : BART VS. THE SPACE MUTANTS • KRUSTY'S SUPER FUN HOUSE •GEORGE FOREMAN'S KO BOXING" ■ FERRARI GRAND PRIX CHALLENGE • ARCH RIVALS': THE ARCADE GAME • SPIDER-MAN' •TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY • ROGER CLEMENS' MVP BASEBALL" ¥ING DGE' FL GENESIS j a, to muumble! 8 Letter from the GamePros 10 The Mail 14 Cutting Edge Hardware helpers -put a little spice in your game play with the Genesis Game Genie, Genesis Action Replay, and STD’s Handy Kit. 18 Hot at the Arcades Go where no gamer has gone before with Star Trek Pinball and Arabian Fight. 20 Special Feature: Brutal Beat-’Em-Ups There's more to life than Street Fighter II (although there is that!). Check out Super Double Dragon, Rival Turf, Battleblaze, Mystical Fighter, Mutation Nation, and more. 34 Pro Reviews Nintendo: Defenders of Dynatron City, Pool of Radiance, Fire Hawk MIG 29, The Blues Brothers, Stanley: The Search for Dr. Livingston Genesis: Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun, Atomic Runner, Steel Empire, Wonder Boy in Monster World, Valis, Test Drive II, Preview: Taz Super NES: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time, Super Battletank Raiden Trad, Thunder Spirits, Kabboey, Romance of the Three Kingdoms II, True Golf Classics: Pebble Beach Links TurboGrafx-CD: It Came from the Desert Neo»Geo: Football Frenzy, Soccer Brawl Game Boy: Hudson Hawk, Top Gun, Nail ‘n’ Scale, WordZap, Spy vs. Spy Game Gear. George Foreman’s KO Boxing, Out Run Europa Lynx: Hydra, Basketbrawl to print. 44 The Sports Page This month the Sports Page visits the local video diamond to check out Baseball Stars 2 (for Neo Geo and NES), SportsTalk Baseball, Super Baseball Simulator 1.000, TV Sports Baseball, and some baseball games on the bench, too. 88 Short ProShots A quick look at some of the hottest new carts. 92 S. W.A. T.PRO (Secret Weapons and Tactics) The hottest tips and tactics from GamePros everywhere. 02 GameBusters: Quackshot Donald quacks the case. 04 AskthePms The pros answer your toughest game questions. Over 1800 Screens and turn a tough situation into a head- banging party. In fact, these helmets come in real handy when you go head-to- head with bone- crushing Flying Robots, head-smashing Skull Ghosts or flesh-eating Land Sharks. Or any of the other vicious creatures that love to turn your world upside down. There’s over 100 rounds to slam your head against. 1800 screens with eye-popping graphics. And so many secret pas- sages you’ll be whacking your brain to find ’em. □ i tan □ □ □ So, if you’re looking for a good time, change into the Kid. Kid Chameleon. Kid Chameleon™ is one of more than 150 hit games from Genesis. Including Sonic The Hedgehog,™ Toe Jam & Earl™ Spider-Man™ and SportsTalk Baseball™ Genesis. The choice is simple. The choice is SEGA™ Become Kid Chameleon™ from Sega.™ You’ll change personalities as fast as you’ll change helmets. One moment you’re Maniaxe, a lunatic in a hockey mask, armed with hatchets and ready for action. And then switch into Red Stealth, a sword swinging samurai who turns even the baddest bad guys into sushi. Put on another helmet and become Berzerker, a demented rhinoman who takes any challenge head on. Watch out, these are just a few of the maniacs you can transform into. Col- lect other helmets a** 9 ft 9 Leading the 16-bit revolution" Control of the sky is the key to victory in the Age of Steel Unleash a storm of destruction with your Lightning Bomb Launch an assault on the heavily armored Aero Gun Ship The Motorhead Empi is steamrolling across its borders Landslides fill the caverns with boulders and explosive gases Don't let General Styron escape justice! It is the Age of Steel. Mammoth battleships cruise the skies. Invincible fortresses float on air... and military might rules the day. Only one hope against the evil Motorhead Empire invasion remains.. .You! Fire armor l piercing missiles from your Striker aircraft and Z-01 \ Zeppelin and reduce Motorhead's juggernauts to i A molten metal. Enter the future that might have A been. ..and wage the war of the Steel Empire! t Sega Enterpri Something Newr From You _ \ By The GamePros At GamePro we’re lucky that you readers continually send us feedback regarding ways to provide better coverage of video games. So, thanks to your input (and few ideas of our own), we’ve done a few new things to the magazine this issue. First, we’ve expanded the game ratings from a 5-point system to a 10-point sys- tem by adding half points. Here’s how we’ll rate the games. Graphics. We look at the quality of the art, the clarity of the pixels, and how well the animation flows. Then we judge how this all comes together to create an exciting game atmosphere. Sound. Sounds can either add punch to a game or drive you insane! We rate sound effects for their impact, coolness, and variety. Everyone’s taste in music differs, but we make a call and we think you’ll agree. Control. We used to call this category “Gameplay,” which seemed to confuse some people. So to make it as understandable as possible we’ll simply call it “Control.” We consider how well the control pad makes the onscreen action happen. We also take into account how easy it is to use the onscreen game interface, the menu system, or the game data windows where appropriate. FunFactor. Here’s the bottom line. We ask the question, “Are we having fun, yet?” and tell you what we think. Challenge. We feel it’s unfair to criticize a game for challenge since a game that’s rel- atively easy to beat can still be creative, exciting, and tons of fun. Just check out the SNES Pro Review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV in this issue! So we've decided to report the average skill level necessary to play the game: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, or Expert. When you can pick skill levels, we label Challenge “Adjustable." The Ratings also have a new home. Now, they're enclosed in a Pro Facts Box for one-stop game info - Ratings, game name, the company, game type, price, megabits, availability, number of players, and special features such as battery back-up. Next, we realize there are plenty of sports fans out there, so this month we intro- duce a brand new GamePro department —The Sports Pages. Turn there every month for all the latest reviews, news, and tips for video sports games. This month it’s Baseball season! Finally, we’ve redesigned Short ProShots to better showcase hot new games and bring you fresh info while it’s still hot! Okay, GamePro’s for you, so let us know what you think about these changes and keep sending in those great ideas! New Faces for New Ratings GamePro's Game Rating Syslem Challenge | This legend explaining the GamePro Rating System ^appears every month tor tour reference. 8 Jane 1992 teimgeim; Here's an arcade hit that really delivery — on tun, action and excitement! You'll have a blast on your bih delivering papers to customers' jioip^sjiiih|l^ taking out nonsubscribers' windows, lamps and statues' PITF1GHTER . Digitized graphics x ot live action lor the meanest, nastiest hand-to-hand combat! beyond yourl - 4 ^ M ' L A ± 675 Sycamore Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035 Buy your TENGEN games at Toys "R"Us, Kay-Bee Toys, Target, Babbage's, Electronics Boutique, Software Etc. and other fine retailers. Or call 1-800-2-TEIMGEIM to order. To Be or Nat To Be I’ve heard a few very exciting rumors and I’m hoping you might be able to substanti- ate them for me. The first rumor is that Nin- tendo is currently working on a color version of the Game Boy. The second rumor is that Nintendo’s CD-rom system will be compati- ble with the Philips CD system. Chauncey Greer, San Francisco, CA (We too have heard rumors that Nintendo is busily cooking up some sort of colorized version of the Game Boy. However, as always, Nintendo is being very closed mouthed about it As for the CD compatibil- ity rumor, we do know that Nintendo is currently working in partnership with Philips to develop an add-on CD drive for the Super NES. Nintendo will be announc- ing more details as they get closer to the alleged January 1993 release date. - Ed.) No Longer a Secret In the April issue of GamePro, you ran a review of Jordan vs. Bird for the Super NES. At the end of the review, it stated that the game was made by Electronic Arts. I thought that Electronic Arts only produced 1 6-bit games for the Genesis. Was this a mistake? Kyle Baumann, Milwaukee, Wl (Yes, it was an unfortunate mistake on our part At the end of the review, we listed Electronic Arts’ Jordan I Is. Bird as an SNES title when in fact it is a Genesis title. We regret this mistake and apologize to EA and our readers. F.Y.I. EA has been producing SNES titles, such as John Madden Football, for over a year, and they plan to continue pro- ducing SNES titles in the future. - Ed.) Horsing Around I’ve played Sport of Kings for the IBM and really loved it. Is there any chance that a horse racing game might become available for any of the home video game systems? Zachary Meador, McCrory, AR (As a matter of fact, yes. Razor Soft is cur- rently developing a game called Hooves of Thunder for the Genesis. According to our 10 Razor Soft contact, the game will contain several equestrian event simulations, including steeple chasing and track racing. You can look for the game to appear on the shelves early next fall. -Ed.) The Invisible Man Your complete coverage on the strategies and super moves for Street Fighter II was awesome! However, I've heard a few rumors about some additional secret moves that weren’t included in your cov- erage. Supposedly, there is a special but- ton/joystick sequence that will cause Dhalism to disappear and reappear. Another move is supposed to make Chun Li take her bracelets off and use them as weapons. Are these cool moves for real? Marcus Hayes, Pomona, CA (It is hue that you can make Dhalism dis- appear. However, once activated, the trick may cause other strange things to happen. For instance, the game may reset and your fire power will become useless against your opponents for a short period of time. However, if that doesn’t worry you, per- form the joystick-activated Yoga Fire move. Do not press any button while you do this move. Then wait a split second and simul- taneously execute (with a forward rolling motion of the fingers) the Forward Kick and Fierce Punch. When you want Dhalism to reappear, you must wait until your oppo- nent advances and strikes him. As for Chun U’s alleged trick, no it’s not possible to make her fight with her bracelets. - Ed.) A Disgruntled Earner I can’t believe that Nintendo is not com- ing out with a converter that would enable gamers to play 8-bit games on their SNES systems. Nintendo’s grossed millions of dollars from sales of the 8-bit NES system. Surely they can afford to give customers, who’ve shelled out $200 for a SNES, a break! James Ogles, Nashua, NH Reader “Faves" I really enjoy the reviews written by Slasher Quan and Brother Buzz. Their gaming tastes and feelings really match mine closely. I’d like to write to Slasher and Buzz and let them know how much I appreciate their efforts. However, I don't know where I should send the letters. Can you help me out? Robbie Overson, Highland, CA GAMEPRO • June 1882 (I’m sure Brother Buzz and Slasher Quan would be very flattered to know how much you enjoy their efforts. Buzz and Quan are pretty secretive guys. However, if you’d like to send a letter, or two, send them to us here at the GamePro offices. We’ll make sure they get to them. - Ed) A Contra Conflict In the February issue of GamePro, you printed Konami’s SNES Contra game as “Contra IV: The Alien Wars.” However, in the March issue of GamePro, you printed it as “Contra III.” Can you please explain this to me. George Minninger, Baton Rouge, LA (Prior to the release of the SNES Contra game, Konami had plans to release an all - new, 8-bit, Contra-style game. Logically, this 8-bit version would have been third in the Contra series and the SNES version would have been the fourth. However, for a variety of reasons, the 8-bit version’s release date was pushed to the Fall of ‘92 and the SNES version was released first Obviously, this pushed the SNES version into the third place slot Hence the tide change to Contra III: The Alien Wars.) Correction In our April issue CES report, we stated that SOFEL was planning to release Casino Kid II for the SNES. It should have read that Casino Kid II will be released for the NES However, for you video-gamblers, the folks at SOFEL tell us that they are consid- ering translating Casino Kid II onto the SNES fomrat Regardless of that possibility, we would like to apologize to SOFEL and our readers for the oversight - Ed. r Os What Vbu TTifnk. jr magazine, sots* us wJdlfcetosee'nit „ chance to design the ^oazine you've always Send your suggestions 94064 or your input! .emmings are comir The Lemmings’ 1 are coming, The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming, i emmings are coming. ^nmine, The Ler j^^T's are coming. The Lem/-**;s are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmir ••s are f ng- ang. Tcoming. Lwwmuugo mi o coming. % The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming, r The Le - noming. 1V ' HU ' GENESIS “i g. HIM ! SEGA- and GENESIS' are t TheL TheL TheL TheL TheL The L&wrfffigs aj fi5ii\ \he Lemmings i The Lemmings a ImingS-fhe Lemmings a The Lemmings a\«rf6ming. The Lemmings a The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings ar The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings ar The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are cc^ The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are corning The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The! ■^he Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings!? T emmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming. The Lemmings are coming, nesis' system. ’T JUN JOFT JUN JOFTJUN JOFT JUN JOf T JUN JOFT i Enterprises Ltd Lemmings' is a trademark ol PSYGNOSIS LIMITED. 0 1992 PSYGNOSIS LIMITED. C 1992 Sun Corporation ol America. Its showtime. Bulls vs. Lakers &the NBA' Playoffs " The new updated version of the game awarded __/ hu . “Genesis Sports Game of the I 6EHE 5IS] by Game Player’s. Bulls vs. Lakers raises pro basketball to new heights. With twice as many teams: all 16 of the 1991 NBA playoff contenders plus both All-Star squads. More signature moves and more tasty dunks than a donut shop. Better defensive control and shot Use the EASN T Meter to control the power and accuracy of free throws. Sink your shots or sink your team. .ItlanLiliMu blocking. Even the exclusive EASN "T Meter" to help you sink those critical free throws. And, of course, you get to play with the best guys ever to lace up a pair ofhightops. High altitude acrobats like Jordan, Drexler, Kemp, and Malone. Dead-eye shooters like Bird and Mullin. Rebounding monkers like Barkley and Hakeem. 7ou get the entire cast that staged the most electrifying playoffs in NBA history Start with all sixteen teams. From there, the action only gets more intense. Establish your | inside game. Hit a few treys. Play I tenacious “D." With the right I moves and a little luck, you just might I advance to the championships. [ As you d expect, EASN covers every bounce of the ball. Capturing every brick that clangs off 1 , every squeal of $159 sneakers hardwood. The network's expanded coverage includes instant replays of everything that happens on the court. Timely stats. Scores from other games. Highlights. Even the EASN pre-game and half-time show a flourish: his patented Air Reverse. your frequent flyer mileage. Hardaway's unstoppable UTEP 2-step. around with basketball royalty. know Larry Legend's good for three. Nobody muscles inside like Malone. Jump at this chance to join basketball’s elite. Visit your local EA dealer or order by phone any time: (800) 245-4525. And play with the champions of the NBA. Last year we made a wish for some hard- ware help and it came true twice - Galoob’s Game Genie and STD Enter- tainment ! 5 Game Action Replay! Now this year's crop of game-beating gadgets and gizmos is rolling off the assembly lines. Here’s a rundown on the latest - two hardware helpers for your Genesis and one for your Game Boy. - The Whizz Hardware Helpers By Slasher Quan Coast-to-Coast's Acton Replay Galoob’s rubbing its lantern to deliver a Genesis Game Genie soon. Howevei; a company called Coast-to-Coast Tech- nologies beat them to the punch. The Action Replay (not to be confused with STD’s Game Action Replay for the NES covered in The Cutting Edge, Septem- ber *91) is a concept-clone of the Genie, and it’s available now. The Action Replay also has a nice little extra feature: it acts as a Mega Drive adaptor. Conse- quently, Sega’s North American and Japanese 16-bit carts can be played interchangeably. The Action Replay is a snap to install. Simply connect your cart to the device, then plug the Replay into your Genesis. Now the fireworks begin. A code book, which comes bundled with the Replay, contains “cheat” listings for Enter up to four codes and watch the fireworks! 14 approximately 50 games. Typical codes include extra lives, invincibility, level warps, and instant power-ups. You can key in up to four codes at the Parameter screen, and use the Enable switch to activate and deactivate the codes’ effects. Unfortunately, some of the codes apply to Japanese carts only, and the ini- tial selection is limited. However, Coast- to-Coast promises to keep the new codes flowing with a free subscription to their monthly magazine, Game Busters. Pro Action The regular Action Replay’s shock ther- apy for your Genesis, but there’s a hard- core model that could fry its microchips! The Action Replay: Pro Version has an awesome feature - user- friendly programmability. The Pro Version. In this version, the Enable switch has a third setting called “Trainer.” Flick it on and you can use five different tech- niques, to find your game’s codes - Countable Number, Timer, Energy, Sta- tus, and Slow but Sure. Each is different in execution, but the principle is the same. You play your game, isolate a sta- tistic, and feed that statistic^ numerical value into the Action Replay. You keep changing the numerical value until the Trainer isolates a beneficial code. For example, if you want extra lives in Strider, you enter your starting lives (five) into the Trainer. The Trainer looks for the number five in Snider’s program. Then you play the game, lose a life, and provide the number four. Repeat this process until the Trainer discovers Snider’s life code. The Pro Version won’t pull off real- ly weird code creations, such as a sky- walking Sonic, but the techniques help resourceful users create basic cheats for nearly any game. The Trainer is a great complement to the codes documented in the manual. It’ll cost you $69 to reach out and crush the Genesis opposition with the original Action Replay or $89 for the Pro Version. For more information on either product, contact Coast-to-Coast Technologies at (800) 962-0494. Game Genie Goes Genesis It had to happen! Galoob’s Genesis Genie should arrive in stores within weeks. Galoob stuck with the successful NES Game Genie design formula for the Genesis version, but added a few touch-ups. You plug a game into the Genie, then insert the whole contrap- tion into your system’s cartridge slot As with the Action Replay, you can switch your codes’ effects on or off during game play. Next, you enter up to five, count 'em five, codes for your game. The 6 AM EPRQ • Jill 1892 code screen is easy to access - simply press Reset. You can then return and edit or delete your codes. Your code selection is excellent. With around 100 games listed, Genie’s manual is larger than the Action Replay’s. Updated codes arrive in your mailbox quarterly for a small subscription fee. Also, Galoob plans to include weirdo codes in addition to the cheats. A weirdo code will allow you to manipulate your charac- ter’s abilities. For example, let’s say your hero can only run and jump, enabling a weirdo code could also make it fly. o A o r\ z = The Dame Genie TJ&E's opponents At a price point of approximately $65, Galoob’s latest wonder-toy is affordable and well-endowed. This time around, Galoob grabbed an official Sega license. No messy lawsuits will botde up this Genesis Game Genie! Game Genie Rumor Mill Playing power is in short supply throughout the video dimension. So Galoob’s tapping into their U.K connec- tion, Code Masters, to investigate devel- opment prospects for more Game Genies! Game Boy, Game Gear, and Super NES Genies are all under consid- eration, but no official confirmation yet on if or when Galoob will deliver the goods. To find out more, call Galoob’s Game Genie hodine at (513) 868-8835. Game Boy Gels Handy STD Entertainment, manufacturer of the NES Game Acdon Replay, is putting tons of cool functions in the palm of your Game Boy hands. Handy Kit has included all those neat GB enhance- ments offered by other devices. The Handy Kit slips over the top of your Game Boy and locks steadily into place. It magnifies the tiny GB screen image close to 150% and adds backlighting for those late-night play- ing sessions. Game music maniacs will love the speakers, which pipe out dis- tinct, stereo tunes. Handy Kit also cures the cramped-finger blues with a mini-joystick and oversized fire but- tons, which fit over the existing Game Boy control panel. Handy Kit has portability covered. The screen magnifier retracts and the speakers fold over for easy storage. You can even carry the unit with its built-in shoulder strap. The power pack feeds both the Handy Kit and the Game Boy. Get the Handy Kit in your hands for around $25. Handy Options To coincide with the Handy Kitis June release, STD also has extra Handy gear that will be sold separately. The Twin Turbo Power system provides 1 1 hours of juice for your Game Boy, or two hours of power for your Game Gear. An add-on kit, the Twin Power II, dou- bles your playing hours. Both models charge in around two hours. A carrying case for the Handy Kit is under development and will retail for $8. Finally, if your prefer private GB sounds, Handy Sound provides person- al, retractable earphones for $10. To find out more about the Handy product line, call STD at (410) 785-5661. LEVEL 2 SWAP S6.99 Alton Storm Gain Ground Musha Super Hang-On Atmc RoBoKId Golden Aao Onslaught Spr Monaco GP A Palmer Golf HordDall P Riley Bkthl Super Vlyball Arrow Flash J Madden F/B Phant Star II Sword Sodan Him Ini Run J Montana F/B Pnpuloue Swd Vrtnllllon Blackout Kings Bounty Powertroll Technocop B Dgls Boilng KLAX Hu. Shlnohl Thndr Force ] LEVEL 3 SWAP S8.99 Master Rattro?aga 2 LEVEL 4 SWAP $9.99 t*Ruk ' Ummhljs ” RpfijjMH i^VaRs"** ap Attack Mas? Mooters RroihinSer 2 nSur'loi lento MI^IHS Magic Saint Sword Trhl Shooter Ing Master Outran Sting In Oku Warsong ! ^ ^ Pacmanla Slaughter Spit re 3 ot these titles are never and may or may not be available. we also BUY/SELL aOP 6 " nfc s GENESIS GAMES WE PAY UP TO LEVEL 1 $12 LEVEL 2 $15 LEVEL 3 $22 LEVEL 4 $30 SUPER NES GAMES WE PAY UP TO $30 CALL FOR THE BEST PRICES GAMEPRO Jill 1992 15 1 - 900 - 446-8477 eProS Hit Jjjj $1.75 for the first minute, 90$ for each minute thereafter. Be sure to get your parents' permission to use the Hotline if you are under 18 years of age. Messages subject to change without notice. |»2ac(ran.^^/S ,S f® S “ , ' ,, ' D " to Ca, tow price ofsjg o 7/ Ss/ at toe incrediblv ' s ^MiheZ^:r ms27 ‘ » Bi" Mo n GarnePro pn « * i w( 7^' ' By Hack ‘n Slash This month, Hot at the Arcades launches you into the skies with a 7 ] ^ Arabian Fight (Sega) Arabian Fight, a simultaneous four-player fight game, is a noteworthy new contender in the arcades. The first thing you’ll notice about this game is its impressive graphics, animation, and special effects! Standard character sprites are larger than usual, and they can shrink back into the distance or come flying out to engulf the entire screen! Equally impressive are the almost 3-D smoke, cloud, and flame effects that dance around and about the characters. The heroes in Arabian Fight are Sin- bat, Ranaya, Goldor, and Datta. This four- some battles its way across deserts, villages, and palaces. They’re constantly beset by sword-wielding guards, demons, and nasty genies. Power-ups replenish the heroes’ energy and give them temporary magic powers. Each character also has a special magic attack technique. Arabian Fight’s awesome graphics and intriguing storyline stand this fighter out from the crowd. If you’re looking for more hot fight action at the arcades, your wish has been granted! Star nek (Data East) Captain’s Log: Stardate 92320 - Data East has just launched a new pinball game based on the 1960’s Star Trek TV series. This game has a lavishly illustrated playing field and backboard, which features all your favorite Star Trek celebrities. Targets and chutes on the playing field include the Portal front, The Guardian of Forever, a passage to the Doomsday machine, a transporter that sends your ball to another part of the field and more. A dilithium crystal mine sits midway down the playing area and features a moving Primary Crystal that you must hit three times in order to activate multi-ball play. Score enough bonuses, and you’ll activate the Laser Kick feature, which sends balls head- ing out of play back onto the playing field! Similar to their popular Batman pin- ball game, the Star Trek pinball’s back- board features a 3" x 12" LCD screen that displays the score, accumulated bonuses, animated sequences of tribbles devouring the screen and the Enterprise blasting a planet’s surface with its phasers. Every time you are about to launch a new ball into play, the LCD screen also displays a target sight and a speedy little Klingon bat- tlecruiser. Launching the ball fires your phasers at the Klingon ship. Scoring a direct hit earns you an instant 2 million points! The entire gaming experience is rounded out by a constant barrage of authentic digitized Star Trek TV sound effects and famous quips by the stars of the show! Star Trek represents the state of the art in electronic pinball gaming. A well- crafted fusion of audio, visual, and sensory stimulation, this game is guaranteed to transport all players into orbit! Warning Once you start head-to-head, day-and- night high speed 2 -player simultaneous racing with Kemco's brake- 1 squealing nitro-blasting Top Gear for your Super NESrifs almost impossible to stop. KEMCO Coming Soon-. Look for GHOST LION. Kemco's new RPG for beginners. SPY vs SPY: Operation , Booby Trap, the mad mad world for Game Boy. And KA-BLOOEY. the mind-blowing puzzle game Hey, ugly, yah' wanna fight? Sure you do! So, here’s a gang of beat-’em-ups just for you. We busted thumbs on five carts, but we know you hard cases might consider them warm-ups to Street Fighter II and Double Dragon for the SNES. See the previews of those games-in-waiting and check out the Quick Hits section for more fighting action. Let’s get it on! pitied fickle* By Slasher Quan I Twin guardians of the Mys- tical Kingdom, Red Lion and White Lion, roar to life when the Evil Lord Kabuki threatens their homeland. For a final confrontation, Kabuki’s unearthly powers spirit the Lions away to his domain, the Underworld. Fighting Kabuki DreamWorks’ Mystical Fighter for the Genesis is a solid combat cart for one or two-players together. The Lions tackle six side-view, horizontally scrolling stages of hand-to-hand martial arts action. The colorful backgrounds include rickety bridges, foggy forests, sparkling waterfalls, and fiery walkways. PB0T1P: Sneak across the top of this Stage 3 bridge and you’ll be safe. Although standard, the Lions’ moves give Double Dragon enthusiasts a pleasant dose of deja vu. With practice, you’ll punch, jump kick, slide, grab, and throw enemies like a Mystical Pro. To backup your attacks, summon spells with a Scroll storing system similar to Golden Axe’s. One shot’s a devastator, but it drains your entire Scroll collection. PROTIP: Ring enemies at each other for a double-damage attack. PROTIP: Rght opponents while they’re still off-screen. In addition to Scrolls, you can grab Fans and Jittes (knives) to use as weaponry. Sushi gives you a power boost, and points add up to extra lives. Each player is granted three continues, and you can choose between three difficulty settings. Kabuki’s hit squad consists of Samurai Warriors, Sumo Fighters, Ninja Kunoichis, Janen Minis- ters, and massive end-level bosses. PROTIP: Tackle this snarling, blue ogre boss with jump kicks while its back is turned. The Lions’ Share Visually Mystical Fighter is a treat, and the audio selections do their job. Some- what limited, repetitive game play and a lack of obstacles and variety take this cart down a peg. As a good Genesis fighter behind Streets of Rage and Two Crude Dudes, Mystical Fighter is a respectable third place. Mystical Fighter by Dream Works | $49.99 Beat-'Em-Up 4 megs Two-player Available now 3 continues tyattlekhze By Dr. Dave i Battleblaze by American ' Sammy is an awesome- / looking SNES game set in a fantasy realm of knights, warriors, ogres, and demons. This cart displays a great- looking fight, and the CPU will chop you down in no time. The Hero and The Battle You play as one of 6 warriors against the computer or a friend. Once you make your pick, you take on the remaining five fighters. The combatants feature special- ized fighting techniques with Sword, Lance, Daggers, Mace, and vicious Claws. The cart features two game modes, the Hero and the Battle. The Battle places you in an arena where you pit your skills against all the other characters in a best of two-out-of-three contests. If wanderlust is in your heart, you can play the Hero mode. It takes you on a fighting tour to beat the other warriors on their home turf. You battle for the honor of meeting an evil demon. Battleblaze is one of the best-looking beat-'em-ups around, and the sound is above average. The cart features some outrageous graphics and animation. Fighting moves are vicious and smooth. The backgrounds are knockouts, and the sprites are extremely well-detailed. The controls are cunningly cool. Each character has eight to ten different moves, which you can pull using combi- nations of only two buttons and the directional pad. PROTIP: When a computer player makes a leaping attack, you can always nail him on the way down. Two-player matches are excellent. This is one of the few fighting games for home systems that lets you block your opponent’s attacks. In one-player games, the CPU gives you a workout. It might make mince meat of intermediate fighters. PROTIP: Battleblaze rewards aggressive behavior against the CPU. Always try to stay on the attack. Go to Battle Battleblaze will definitely grab your atten- tion. Hard-core fighters will find the game challenging in single player mode, and it’s absolutely great for head-to-head contests versus a friend. If you want this fight, go for Battle-hardened friendships. Battleblaze by American Sammy | Graphics Sound Control FunFaclor Challenge § % INT. 4.5 4.0 5.0 4.5 Intermediate Price not available Beat-'Em-Up 8 megs Available June '92 Two- player l^iual 1u4 By Boogie Man j Rival Turf by Jaleco is a ' lean, but mean, beat-’em- up for the SNES. Its strong point is that one or two-players can throw some major fists and feet at a gang of goons or each other in Versus mode. You bust up Big Al’s Street King gang through 6 Stages, which totall 8 fighting arenas. PROTIP: You can’t be harmed when you're in the air. lUrf’s Up Your moves are slick. You can play a quick kick boxer named Jack Flak or a brawny brawler called Oozie Nelson. Jack’s lethal spinning Sweep Hurricane kick is slick. Oozie’s slower, but he packs devastating wrestling slams and a mon- ster Storm Bomber spin. Each character has seven moves in all, including a Super Move. There are also some nice close in body slams and shoulder throws. You can hit L or R to speed up your character, too. Pick up knives, bricks, rocks, or dynamite and toss ’em. The optional Angry Mode makes you tem- porarily invincible if you take a beating. PROTIP: Attack bad guys by moving in from the side and you can usually get them before they get you. PROTIP: Stage Four’s Captain is mucho tough. Use jump attacks or Jack’s Sliding Kick, but back off when you knock him down. He's quick. Turfs graphics are SNES solid, with tough-looking bad guys, nice back- grounds, and nifty Mode 7 traveling sequences. The sounds don’t offer a lot of “oooohs” and “ahhhhs,” but there are plenty of grunts and groans. Turf dishes out a good workout, but street fighting vets ought to make mince- meat out of it, especially in two-player mode. You get five lives and eight contin- ues. So, even in a single player rumble, you ought to last pretty long by switching between Jack and Oozie. Alright for Fighting Rival Turf’s a stimulating Saturday night SNES fight that’ll jack you up. It might not blow you away, but you'll have a good time blowing it away. Itout&tioii Ration By Slasher Quan In the year 2050, a leading professor unlocks the secret to gene splicing, but his experiments backfire. Now street vigi- lantes, Ricky Jones and Johnny Hart, team up to overthrow the Mutation Nation. Birth of a New Nation SNK’s latest two-player fighting cart for the Neo Geo, Mutation Nation, brings post-nuclear era brawling home from the arcades. Ricky and Johnny face six humongous stages of side-view, horizon- tally scrolling, beast-and-body bashing against Mutoid monsters, deformed foot soldiers, insect offenders, and other weird undesirables. GAMEPRO Jill 1812 21 SNK gets a double fist clap for the sharpest Neo-Geo graphics ever! The color shading and background details are gory and gorgeous. In one scene, slugs are born from a dancing arachnid’s blood-drenched belly. Break out the barf bags! You’ll jam to the rock-sock-’n’-roll music score. PROTIP: Dump the disco queen in Area 3 with up close kick combos. Leap away from her larval children! PR0T1P: Charge and store a Deathblow, then unleash it when a boss monster appears! Your regular ‘blow consumes power, the special ‘blows don’t Nation overflows with sickeningly satisfying sights, sounds, and enemies. However, this cart’s weakness is a lack of killer attacks. Johnny and Ricky bust kicks, punches, uppercuts, knees, head butts, and limited combos, but no throw moves. Their one unique ability is called the Deathblow. Four special ‘blows are available as power-ups to replace your standard ‘blow. Mutant Challenge Despite a limited repertoire of moves, Mutation Nation puts up a good Neo-Geo fight, home or arcade. Even Memory Card owners are in for a three continue chal- lenge. Tampering with nature can be dan- gerous, and Mutation Nation proves it! ByN.Somniac The super fighters and nonstop bone-crushing ' mayhem of Pitfighter has been shrunk down to Game Boy size. However, the game play is exactly the same as the arcade version. Select either Buzz, Kato, or Ty to do your fighting. PROTIP: Jam an opponent into the crowd and keep nailing him every time he gets up. Pardon My Fists You’re thrust into a crowded, sleazy underground warehouse, where you must fight 10 matches against a host of 22 GXMEPRO June 1992 deadly, shifty characters. No two oppo- nents fight the same, so you must adjust I your fighter’s strategy accordingly. Each fighter moves 360 degrees on a 2-D horizontally and vertically scrolling playing field. Punch, kick, dodge, and block until one fighter’s strength meter hits zero. Winner takes the purse wagered by the crowd and the loser’s body gets tossed out! Make it to the final round to take on the all-time greatest Pit- fighter of all! PROTIP: You must be horizontally aligned with your opponent in order to inflict or receive damage. THQ faithfully reproduces the classic digitized images of the fighters onto the Game Boy’s monochromatic screen. Despite the size limitations and lack of color, the images move smoothly and are distinct from the background. Unfortu- nately, some of the visual details have shrunk out of view, but there’s still plenty to look at! There’s even a hip soundtrack that doesn’t grate on the nerves. Get into the Pits The only major drawback, to an other- wise entertaining fighting cart, is the missing two-player competition feature. Nevertheless, Pitfighter is full of fast action, excellent game play, and surpris- ing challenge! Tiny Pitfighter for the Game Boy measures up to its big broth- er quite admirably! Continued on page 24. By Slasher Quan Street Fighter II lives! Here's a GamePro sneak peek courtesy of Capcom. Tfce SF II for SNES! Can a monster-size arcade machine be crammed into a 1 6-megabit Super Ninten- do game? From the looks of the SF II pre- view cart, the answer may well be a resounding “Yes!” Capcom went full speed ahead with a nearly IDENTICAL conversion of the Street Fighter II coin-op! As in the arcade arenas, the home version contains 12 World Warriors, including Guile, Chun Li, Blanka, Dhal- sim, E. Honda, Ryu, Ken, and Zangief. Players can choose their fighter from a group of eight. Then you fight the remaining seven for the right to meet the four champions: Balrog, Vega, Sagat, and M. Bison. But wait, there’s more. If you’re a Street Fighter II music buff, catch an earful of the all-new, re-scored music tracks. Also, if you’re concerned about a lack of maneuverability on the SNES pad, don’t worry. You can reprogram the A, B, X, Y, L, and R buttons any way you wish to facili- tate your favorite moves and attacks. If that weren't enough, Capcom plans to market a separate Street Fighter II joystick, which will truly bring the Street Fighting arcade experience to your living room. Street Fights to Come We’re still anxiously awaiting a final, renewable version, but the preliminary cart has the collective GamePro staff slavering for more. Come this July, Cap- com may give several million Street Fighters a convincing reason to rush out and buy a Super Nintendo system. Street Fighter II: The World Warrior by Capcom U.SJL, Price not available 16 megs, Available July SATISFY YOUR NEED FOR SPEED! FERRARI GRAND PRIX CHALLENGE FOR NES , GAME BOY AND GENESIS .By Slasher Quan B Flash! Marion’s been kid- napped again, and this is good news for Double Dragon enthusiasts. Billy and Jimmy Lee are back in town! We Want MORE! We’re counting the days until Tradewest slips us a final cart with all seven martial arts missions in place. We bet you are, too. Look out Final Fight! Look out Streets of Rage! Look out world! Double Dragon kicks butt and takes names. Super Double Dragon by Tradewest Price not available, 8 megs Available July ‘92, 2 players Continued on page 28. Enter the Dragon Super Double Dragon is Tradewest’s all- new, never-before-seen, SNES martial arts cart. Check out this pre-fight first look. With the help of a refresher martial arts course and the SNES controller, Billy and Jimmy have mastered advanced fighting tech- niques to complement their classic moves. The Jump, Punch, and Kick attacks are sharper than ever, and the fierce new Kiai and Defend options strengthen your Double Dragon arsenal. For a Roundhouse move, Cyclone Spin Kick, or to power-up your damage, you must charge your Kiai meter and let it fly. The Defend button enables you to block and reverse enemy assaults! You grab an arm lock. Then throw, fist-slap, or face-kick the opponent. Super DD's seven mission make this cart the Lee Brothers’ greatest challenge yet. Billy and Jimmy hunt down Duke, kingpin of the Shadow Warriors. They rock through great-looking deadly alley- ways, dojos, and deserted factories in Las Vegas, the Airport, Chinatown, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Slums, the For- est, and the Duke’s mansion. The gang's all here - Williams, Roper, Baker, Jeff, Chin. These boss bruisers mix it up like never before. Hand-plant your Watch out tor way through the big fish! wilds of Africa! Whoa, Thrilla Gorilla! Bag your boards for the raddest surf and skate action ever! The evil Wazula has taken your babe to Africa. Skip the curbs and quarter-pipes; gnarly jungles and bakin' deserts are the ultimate skate challenge...ever aerial over a crocodile? Killer volcanoes and mammoth waterfalls mean surfin' more hardcore than Maui! The excitement rips, but Wazula's two-headed flying Rhino and a way-tough Lava Monster demand serious shreddin'! So carve, slash, and trash Wazula with THRILLA'S SURFARI for the NES"...before he makes a monkey out of you! Town & Country Surf Desijins* 4 ffl 1991 Town & CcwntryiSurt Design Nintendo*. Nintendo Entertainment System* and the official seats are registered trademark ol Nintendo ol America Inc. Thnlta's SurtarP and Made in USA. I®”*” Ws besieged W WJj Ij^seksses ® Figpter sports powerful digitrad Q ra P' »“^Ssr STJWE&- Guardians arrives! Guardians of the Hood by Man Games, | Available now ■»r“=“ s 1 coming to your home 1 6-bit system thanks to American TecPnos. Wtt new mt* and 1 new gangs, Berzerker, Blitz, and Bullova I must dismantle the Ground ZBre g I* I jts leader, Martha Splattemeao, oeep I New York’s crime-gripped streets. n, CmtoHMs n. » ««»" “> Merica " ™ Available October Poubte Drogon (1.^ sssssr** f^SimukrtorWn-MGc^ |ans rB |„ tel „ I simulator 2-in-1 combines the best of KSHgi H«naBnH both martial arts worlds. In the Fighting mode, you oppose from seven conBct sports such as kung-lu, wrestling, and §9 boxing and enter a World CPampionsbip II tournament. The Action mode pits Rick against tP. Dark Dragon clan in a lamiliar sid e-mew. s, $39.95, I ri V6r » d P zen VICI0US clubs ’ J'aws, and tenta- I cle attacks. Enter a one-player tourney to i —I [^^b^^'^Mgematob. ' [ Soughwsp^l*^ teorfs sl a Uamer sport is the new nameotMondu'sHgWPaW^^ I arpna of Death, you battle Monou anu I his 15 top contenders With fists, claws, 1 and Magic moves. j Slaughter Sport by Razorsoft | Available now BAMEPRO Jane 1992 you're a gladiator about to face off in an intergalactic game of space hockey called Ballistix. An alien hand drops the puck. And before you know it you're off blasting at the puck with your cannon, ricocheting it off walls and bumpers and trying to slam it into the enemy goal. Hittiogbonus items on the way will boost your score. Hitting land mines and puck splitters wont. Not to mention the acid pools, puck magnets, and the weird effects of gravity you'll find on the playing field. And be prepared, because Ballistix comes flying at you with graphics that are out of this world, and sound that will hurtle you into the next. But if you still think this game is a slapshot in the face, we let you change the difficulty levels in every part of the game, from the puck's speed to the nagging pull of gravity, to give you a fair shot. So suit up and get Ballistix. Because outer space hasnorc for spectators. s VOU MHV NOT BE ABLE ID CO Available at Toys "R" Us, Babbages, Electronic Boutique, The Good Guys, McDuffs, Software etc., Video Concepts and t you've been bitten by the Queen of Darkness, and you have until dawn to find a cure. Wander through nine nightmarish levels on your quest to cure yourself. Along the way, you'll encounter witches, werewolves and other GRAPHICS demons of the night. Get help from the few friends you meet on your journey. Iron swords, crossbows, rifles, and other life saving weapons are yours to use, if you can find them. Fend off werewolves and vampires with garlic and crosses, or lure these creatures of death out with pieces of meat. And as you battle your way past the different levels, you'll gain special powers to change into different creatures. Of course, don't forget the hair raising graphics and spine tingling sound effects that will make your blood curdle. Dawn is quickly approaching. Either save yourself from the evil spell of the Queen of Darkness, get yourself a nice, black velvet cape. JUGHT Navy Patrol Boat. But before you get your orders, you'll receive training as a sharpshooting machine gunner, a deadly artillery expert, and a steely eyed navigator. Once you master these skills, the admiral will give you a briefing and you'll shove off to rescue POW's from the Viet Cong. Or go up against a Colombian drug cartel. Or root up the fanatic rebel army of a deposed South American dictator. As you do battle, monitor the action from a first person perspective at four different battle stations. And choose which weapons you want on your boat But don't wait too long, your enemies aren't going to let your POW's live forever. So get your training, your assignment, and your visa card. Because the jungles of the world don't take excuses. And they don't “ g vmm ough Sears Catalog. What do you want? Finger-blistering speed? Eyeball-popping color? Total control? Gameplay so smooth you can cut it with a knife? Well whatever it is, we’ve got it. And plenty of it. Like awesome sports and incredible action/adventure games. Check ’em out. In Extra Innings, our newest hit for the 16 -bit, you call the shots and control all the action: the starting lineup, your batter’s slugging power, the spin on the curve ball, even your player’s dive for a shot up the middle. With Soccer Mania, for GameBoy, you take the field against six of the world’s toughest teams. Then it’s your job to kick, pass and dribble your way to the world cup championship. On the action/adventure front, for NES and GameBoy, both Hook and Hudson Hawk will get your blood pumping. In Hook, you not only do battle as Peter Pan with the pirates and creatures of Neverland, you also board Hook’s ship and square off in a duel for the fight of your life. (It’s a good thing you can fly!) Hudson Hawk puts you in the shoes of the world’s most famous cat- burglar. As The Hawk, you have to outsmart world-class criminals and sneak through traps, tunnels and airshafts to steal the secret device that will save the world from ruin. And in SmartBall you’ll enter the wackiest worlds imaginable, as you change your shape and slip, slide, slither and ooze your way through steamy tropics and urban battlezones. So check out these action- SONY packed games from Sony Imagesoft. E If it’s action you want, we’ve got it | IMAGESOFT^ game by Lucasfilm Games. It’s the long awaited, quirky, action/adventure title, Defenders of Dynatron City. If the Defenders sound familiar, it's no surprise. The crew stars in a special six- part, miniseries comic by Marvel and a 'A hour cartoon show, which airs on the Fox Television network. This crew’s definitely not lacking for backing! However, they do lack thumb-burning excitement and sharp graphics, which together dull this cart’s potentially dazzling concept. An impressive looking bunch. Once Upon a Crime Professor Melvin Myron, a scientist with a brilliant mind and nasty intentions, began tinkering with his infamous soft drink recipe, Proto-Cola. Eventually, Dr. M came up with what he lovingly called Atomic Syrup, which he promptly tested on a lab monkey. The results? A super smart simian and a self satisfied profes- sor. Dr. Myron then went a bit off his rocker and decided to use the syrup for his own selfish gain. Glug, glug, glug. Down went the syrup and...ZING...Dr. Myron became Dr. Mayhem - destructor of Dynatron City! Fortunately, the lab monkey had better plans for his newly acquired super brains. He took the last bit of syrup and sloshed it over his friend, Wendy Weedwacker, and her workbench. The Defenders of Dynatron City were bom: Monkey Kid, Toolbox, Buzzsaw Girl, Jet Headstrong, Ms. Megawatt, and Radium Dog. Dr. Mayhem’s created a menacing mass of robotic henchmen and planted them all over Dynatron City. This means major clean up duty for the sensational sextet. Your key to the city. The four-level quest for justice takes the Defenders through the streets of Dyna- tron City, into the local Mall, down into the vast sewer system, and through the infa- mous Proto-Cola factory. Only one hero at a time can seek and destroy robots. If a Defender is captured, another one steps in to complete that leg of the mission. Dynatron puts up a pretty good fight. In addition to blasting the fast-mov- ing robots, you must beat a time limit for each level. Super Power Ups and Downs Each superhero, of course, has their own special powers. Monkey Kid, for exam- ple, hurls a mean explosive banana. Jet Headstrong really blows his top at enemy robots. Shapely Ms. Megawatt, lights up Mayhem’s menagerie with bolts of electricity. The variety of superhero powers in this game is commendable, but you may long for your own super powers to master ROBOT RAMPAGE NEIC8T DEFENDER U0M8 TO @1992 Lucasfilm. 34 G AMEPRI June 1992 PROTIP: The Hospital’s a great place to look for Power-ups - especially If you’re Toolbox. Obviously, a tremendous effort was put into the graphic details of Dynatron’s architecture and its inhabitants. However, they lack the punch to pop off the screen and grab your attention. The tunes aren’t A hard head, for sure! Super Shopping Dynatron City has plenty of places to explore. Dozens of shops, a hospital, a police station, and other urban facilities line the city streets. Once an area has been cleared of enemies, a Defender can enter the various buildings to search for clues, Power-up items, and Dynatron dollars, which can be used later to pur- chase goodies at the Mega Mall. PROTIP: Look for food in Matt’s Meat shop on 0 Street, as well as in Harry’s Diner on 5th Ave. bad, although they sound suspiciously similar to those heard in that video blast from the past, Maniac Mansion. The jaws of steel. PROTiP: Many of the robots are slow in their method of attack. This makes attack- ing from behind very effective. PROTIP: Save Ms. Megawatt for last PROTIP: Make a rough drawing of the Dynatron City street map and keep it handy. A big problem for a small dog. A Well-Intentioned Crusade The Defender’s of Dynatron City are unquestionably full of personality. But they need more than that to make this cart an outstanding video game. Let’s just say that the Defenders of Dynatron City is perhaps worth its weight in silver, as opposed to gold. The Defenders of Dynatron City by Lucasfilm Games Graphics Sound Control FunFactor Challenge Mifl Price not available Adventure 2 megs Available June ‘92 One-player GAMEPRO June 1882 By Scary Larry J You and your band of y adventurers smirk at the 7 stories of gruesome mon- sters and hideous guardians that litter the way to the Pool of Radiance. The glory and gold you seek is too tempting to let a trifling matter like death stand in your way. “Advanced" Dungeons & Dragons The key word here is “advanced.” The city of New Phlan needs your help, and only serious Role Players need apply! In order to squeeze any fun out of Pool of Radiance by FCI, you’ll need to have a good working knowledge of things like charisma levels and THACO (To Hit Armor Class). This game’s two most important attributes are HP (hit points) which shows how much punishment you can dish out, and AC (armor class) which shows how well you can avoid being hit. Pick charac- ters with a high HP and low AC. You begin the game by creating your own band of warriors or by using three presets. There are fighters, thieves, clerics, magic users, or combinations, like a thief/magic-user and a cleric/fighter. Different players need dif- ferent strengths. For example, fighters need higher HP’s, while thieves need higher dexterity levels. When starting out, you should make everyone "neutrals” (the middle-of-the-road sissies of the RPG world). Since the game play is slug- gish (often times players will hit out of turn or repeatedly get hit out of turn with- out being allowed to defend themselves) you should set your characters for “AUTO” when beginning the game and watch the battles with a detached eye. You might want to turn the sound down as well. The music and sound effects are repetitive and uninspired. PROTIP: Don’t listen to too much gossip in the tavern. After the second attempt at eavesdropping, a fight always erupts. By Die Book The standard RPG format follows throughout. Your warriors must rid the land of monsters, find something magi- cal/mysterious and watch out for butt- chomping bad guys. On your way, you’ll encounter familiar opponents, such as ores, trolls, goblins, Lizard Men, Giant Frogs and other assorted uglies! Of course, there are treasures, magic spells, weapons, and mysteries galore. PROTIP: Keep bows and arrows in the early levels. Although not high in damage points, you can shoot them from a distance and they are usually pretty accurate. You start the game in a classic 3-D perspective that switches to a % over- head battle view, where the graphics are small and nondescript. You may have trouble telling your party from your oppo- nents.’ In the 3-D scenes, keep an eye on your direction meter, since the walls are indistinguishable from each other. Use the “AREA" command (a handy auto mapping feature) as much as possible. You’ll encounter fewer monsters and have a better idea of where you’re going. Also, make maps of your own. You’ll need them. If you flee during a fight, you’ll lose the ability to use “AREA.” Down In the slums. PROTIP: Never resist the guards unless you are powerful enough to fight them! Guards begin as Level 8 Fighters. PROTIP: After clearing Sokal Keep, you can sail anywhere. Head East The monsters are weakest here, and you can rack up valuables in the Kobolds’ cave. PROTIP: When the old man in the slums asks for the potion, go to the entrance of the Rope Guild and continue Southeast. RPG Lite Don’t dive into Pool of Radiance with your eyes closed. The graphics and sound are pretty weak. The manual reads like the Tibetan Book of the Dead and is harder to understand than calcu- lus. If your idea of a fun afternoon is figuring out dexterity levels as opposed to personality alignments, then by all means jump feet first into this Pool. Pool of Radiance by FCI Graphics Sound Conlrol FunFactor Challenge Ban S69.99 4 megs Available April '92 Role-playing One player Battery back-up 36 GAMEPRO June 1892 MIND GAMES The Game Two-Dimensional Poker LAZLOS' ® LEAP.® Puzzle Extraordinaire Think fast. This is definitely no ordinary poker game. Counting the cards is not so easy when you're dealt a new one around every five seconds. It'll take all the concentration you have to beat this game. Of course, a little luck couldn't hurt. Think all you like. In fact, take all the time you need to figure out 1 00 increasingly challenging and involving puzzles that may make you forget what planet you're on. By the way, make sure you have plenty of spare batteries. ^UCENSEDB^^ {Nintendo) DTMC 370 Convention Way, Suite 202 HECT <& Redwood City, CA 94063 Nintendo. Game Boy. and Official Seals are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1992 Nintendo of America Inc. Square Deal is distributed by DTMC Inc. Square Deal and Lazlos' Leap are developed by HECT CO. LTD. © 1992 HECT CO. LTD. Square Deal™ is a registered trademark of Interactive Network Inc. Square Deal is available for competitive play on the Interactive Network System. DTMC and Lazlos' Leap are trademarks of DTMC Inc. PROW: If the shields are low I and you have paratroopers on- | board, return to the ship. By Frequent Flier ) Fire Hawk by (America is a wild W and wooly whirlybird shoot-’em- up. This is one of the best helicopter I combat carts currently cruising the NES skies. Just for the Latte The airborne war against drugs has flown into the country of Lafia. You must fly seven Mis- sions to pick up commandos who are gathering key intelli- gence data. The game features two cool perspectives. For the most part, you fly and fight via an overhead view. When you make a pickup, the action shifts to a behind-the- copter view, where you must blast druggie copters flying in from the sides of the screen. Miss and they get a free shot | that always scores. Fire Hawk is a monster I thumb-burner. You fight with a 1 generous, but limited, supply of I ammo and bombs. In each Mis- | sion, you recover commandos ed across ever-growing I island strongholds. The drug | forces lay down a murderous id of fire. Just four hits fry your s. At least, blasting enemy vehicles, buildings, and gun emplacements releases power-ups | for ammo, bombs, shield repair, and broader shot patterns. The game play is definitely tricky. The turning controls are I very sensitive, which helps when moving quickly. Being able to fly backwards, as well as you can | fly forwards, is a big plus. The graphics and sound are I top-notch. The overhead view pix are good-looking and sharp. Tiny tanks, and even tinier comman- dos, are very easy to see. The sound doesn't mess around with cheesy music, devoting all its | energy to aggro game effects. This Hawk’s on Fire I Even if you don’t like combat chop- per carts, you might like this one. PROW During the pickup sequences, learn to hit PROW To make relatively safe landings, dear out enemy I anti-aircraft batteries around r your paratroopers before you \ pick them up. But watch your fuel gauge. Hre Hawk by Camerica It’s suitable for all ranges of flight experience, but only the pros are likely to reach Mission 7. Don’t do drugs, do Fire Hawk. By Frequent Flier / ^ The new world order has driven the KGB’s Colonel Crackov absolutely ^ nuts. He’s out to sabotage the Ameri- | can/Soviet alliance at any price. In Mig 29 by Camerica, you’re I an ace Soviet pilot out to crackup Crackov. This jet combat cart doesn’t take you into any new air- space, but it flies pretty well. Mig 29’s major strong point is the solidly designed, diverse pay- prow: in the first mission, load of jet combat that it drops into the NES. You fly six lengthy mis- take off to get ail four sions. The graphics are solid, if weapons. | familiar, but it’s best to ground the sounds. The aerial action begins with a behind-the-jet aerial I shootout. Later missions require you to fly a behind-the-jet ses- | sion and then tackle an overhead perspective shootout Veteran NES jet jockies will have flown these unfriendly skies several times before, but they’ll find that Mig 29 puts up a world-class fight Jets and heli- copters attack in merciless waves, and ground fire is mur- J derous. Massive, well-armed | prow versus boss lets, stay boss aircraft and fiercely defended 0f n M um rt 9 rour| d targets await fliers who I underneath ftfblast away, and ma ^ e ^ P as * the initial waves Of enemy forces. I PROTIP: When you’re killed, you’re temporarily invincible for I a few seconds after your new jet appears. Your challenges aren't limit- I ed to shooting. To keep your buttsky flying, you must also pull off midair refueling and land safely after every mission to earn replacement jets and four types of weapons. Mig 29’s combat action is I intense, and the game play doesn’t make it any easier. During behind- the-jet scrapes, the controls are super sensitive. However, dur- ing the overhead view fighting, your jet’s reaction time slows, noticeably. ’* Dig This Mig If you’re a rookie flier, this cart’s full of first-time thrills. If you’re an NES Ace looking to add another “kill" to your col- lection, Mig 29 will give you a run for your rubles. 1992 Morticia has been kidnapped! Kidnappers have hidden Morticia somewhere in the cary Addams Mansion. You and Gomez have to escape hidden traps, and battle scary ghouls and goblins on vour search to find her. Collect the million dollar \ ransom, find Wednesday, Pugsley and the t\ rest ol the family in your attempt to fk l \ rescue the beloved Morticia. *4 TM & 1991 Paramount Pictures. All Righis Reserved. THE ADDAMS FAMILY logo is a Trademark ol Ocean ol America I f ^ PWKrr ' i II mm ■ K MmIBB 1 ■ 1 I BL - 9 ^^ r '" r wZ . Z<%> Stanley: The Search lor Or. Livingston k By Slasher Quan Blues Bros., Jake and Elwood, rocked and rolled their way to a box office smash in “The Blues Brothers.” Unfortunately, Titus NES cart isn't quite up to the swingin’ standards set by John Belushi and DanAkyroyd. You must guide Jake and Elwood through five side-view, multi-directional scrolling stages to reach the performance on time. The brothers can journey together in a two-player mode and flip-flop the screen view back and forth between them. However, this means one character often disappears off the screen-a major pain. BB’s levels contain little story complexity and are, for the most part, unrelated to the movie. J & E attempt to survive until they reach the exit of each stage. They must avoid being mashed by snakes, blobs, birds, blobs, cops, and more blobs. Where’s the orphanage in need of rescue? Or the jilted girlfriend? Or the gig at the country bar? If Blues’ game play had been well designed, the lack of film tie-ins could have been excused. Sadly, this is not the case. Jake and Elwood are haphazard to control at best. With only 2 continues, this cart’s way too difficult for most gamers and there are too few items, secrets, character moves and power-ups. Blues Brothers’ big plus is it’s music. You 8-bit sounds, but there aren’t a ton of tracks. The graphics are crisp and fairly colorful, too. However, this cart’s action doesn’t win any laurels. If you're still up for these brothers, try a pre- cautionary rental or you might end up singing the video game blues. LONG BEFORE THERE WAS A BEDROCK -THERE WAS A CHUCK ROCK! Help Chuck in his action-packed quest to rescue the luscious Ophelia from the clutches of the evil Gary Gritter. Kick, throw and belly-butt your way through a multitude of comical zones featuring 500 screens of addictive rocksolidr ELECTRONIC G< ce SONIC. Chuck Sock new concepts to the scenario. This Chuck h 'I split your side playing Chuck Sock, you belong in the Stone Ages! Nothing but fun, fun, the whole way through!" “ This looks to be one of the best Genesis games this winter! It ha sound, good control and humorous 00^ Best of oil ■it's fun to pit MEGA PLAY "Joke Move over Soiling S the real roots of Smk By Feline Groovy lt 'Itostrious Dr. Livingston is i-Wr missing in the Masza Jungle. In this cutesy action/adventure from SOFEL, you play a mild man- nered news- paper reporter who's latest assignment is to cover the appearance of . Dr. Livingston. Before you enter the not-so-wild jungle, you first hoof it through Port Harken in search of supplies for the journey and infor- mation from the locals. From here, the remainder of this long, continuous journey (no level breaks) takes you through various sections of the jungle, across a rugged coast- line, and into weird subterranean caverns. Once inside the jungle, you are promptly greeted by the resident creatures. You’ll encounter a mean-looking, though rela- tively harm- less, bunch that includes protip: Move from vine to snakes, man- atssez, “• and time, you’ll be eaten alive snap-happy by snakes that slither crocodiles. down from the treetops. Defense is a matter of choice. You can zip away from ene- mies via your propeller pack, oryou can duke it out head-to-head with your fists. If you prefer to attack from a distance, a variety of objects, including spears and coconuts, can be confiscated from enemies or picked up off the ground and hurled. Stanley: The Search for Dr. Livingston doesn't rank among the hottest action/ adventures of the decade. Yet, it has a cer- tain amount of charm, and better still, end- less continues. The graphics are large and attractive. The gameplay is fluid and its loaded with secret areas to explore. You just might like this cart, I presume. dfodt, there mi (buck Rod 'the jw w hit long rim* r.vol In lovt. I TOP SELLING VIDEO GAMES 800 - 942-4162 THE SOUTHEAST GROUP ;;_TO ORDER CALL TOLL-FREE: 800-628-8193 WayneGreSky 39.00 Werew# 35.00 WheelolFortjne29.CD Ud FortuneFam 3350 Where's Wail) 39.75 Waaids& Wamors3 35.50 Wolverine 35.90 Wort) Champ Wresting 36.00 Worid Cop Soa»33.50 WresDemania 3450 WWFChalenge 35.50 YolNoid 1450 m 19.00 ZeUa2 3100 F-15SBteEade3550 Fighloflntiuder 3350 FWones 4250 Frankenstein 37.(0 HomeAlone 42.00 L'empereiT 5150 MotofC*yPalrcil3650 DieHard 3150 Sack Bass 3250 BlueMartn 3500 SNES Ad Raiser 49.90 Addams Family 4850 A*, tod 4850 BJLaribeer 4590 ChessmSet 4590 Cas«evania4 47.90 D-Force 4590 DariusTvwn 4850 Drakkhen 47.90 Earti Defense 44.00 F-Zero JoeSMac 4350 John Madden 92 50.50 Ugoon 4850 Papertoy2 4590 Piblwings 46.00 Pilfighlet 45.00 Pcpdous 38.95 RPMRaang 44.90 Sim City 46.00 Smash TV 45.00 SipetBsbc Sin 4650 Slier Ghouls 4 Ghost 4395 SuperRType 4700 Slier Terns 4900 UNSquadron 47.00 YS3 50.50 HomeAbne 46.50 Hyper Zone 40.00 SoperolfRd. 4450 Ultaman 43.50 MfpetMr. 1800 NascarChefcnge3650 MrjaGarden3 41.00 Rocketeer 3850 StarTrek 39.75 RogerCtemens StarTrcoics 33.00 BsbL 3750 StarWars 3850 Romance3 3550 Super Jeopardy 3350 Kingdoms2 54.% SuperMano2 33.00 Srirpsonsl 3750 SeteerMario3 41.00 SMASH TV ORB 3D XEXYZ REMOTE CONTROL NARC BATMAN FRESH FAXANADU CASTLEVANIA 3 RON SWORD MISSON IMPOSSIBLE MULE HESS YOUR CHOICE $ 19.99 BALLOON KID HARMONY BLOBETTE MR. 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The voice belongs to Lon Sim- mons, who San Francisco Bay Area residents will recognize as the one-time voice of the San Francisco Giants, the Oakland A’s, and the San Francisco 49ers. You're in the "Bigs"! A “smart” mouth isn’t the only thing this cart has going for it. This game’s licensed by the Major League Ball Players Asso- ciation (MLBPA). That means, you get players from all the major league teams in both the American and the National Leagues! The cart features 520 players from the 1991 league ros- ters. Each team has 20 players, including 8 pitchers. You can play three nifty game modes. For one-time prac- tices, choose the Exhibition Game. This is the only spot for multi-player match-ups, but you can set up 2 to 6 team round robin games. When you’re ready for the Bigs, go to the Pennant Race, where you can set 15-, 30-, 8 1-, or 162-game seasons on your way to the World Series. The CPU sets up a schedule of a 3- game series, and you can save your standings. If you’re a fantasy fan, All Pro Game enables you to put together a “dream” team of play- ers from both Leagues, or you can play one star at several posi- tions simultaneously. Sports Talk does more than talk a good baseball game. Video ballplayers get a solid contest, and managers earn their pay. Pitchers tire, so you have to go to your relievers. In the Pennant Race, pitcher fatigue carries over several games. The infielders can play Up, Back, or Normal, and the outfielders adjust according- ly. Batters are rated according to their ability versus right-handed and left-handed pitching. Pitchers are rated according to their ability to throw four pitches - curves, sliders, fast balls, and change- ups. Each fielder is rated for speed, hitting power, range on defense, and throwing arm strength. PROTIP: In clutch situations, batters "come through" accord- ing to the ability of their real-life counterparts to make clutch hits. That attri-bute’s pro- grammed into the cart. However, I there’s no clutch hitting indica- I tor in the game. During a game, individual players can dive and leap for hit j balls. Pitchers can also vary the speed of their pitches. With men on base, you can adjust your ! lead, steal, double steal, delay steal, hit and run, and even pull a j suicide squeeze. PROTIP: These hitters are real j pros. So, don't throw the same | pitch three times in a row, ! even if it's a strike the first | two times. The stats nuts will have to do their own arithmetic. Individual player stats and team stats don’t accumulate over a season. How- t j ever, you do get postgame analy- j sis and, of course, commentary. The graphics hit a solid .300. Using actual team colors makes the uniforms look cool, and the batters have different stances. The sound, naturally, is I impressive. However, sometimes the announcer’s calls lag notice- ably behind the plays. It's Outta Here! This is a no-brainer for Genesis , ballplayers. Sports Talk is definitely your next baseball challenge. It’ll open your eyes, and ears. GAMEPRO Jim 1812 Continued on Page *16 Sports Talk. Sega' announces the biggest improvement in the game since nachos. New Sports Talk Base- ball' from Sega' Genesis.' The only video baseball game with a play-by-play announcer who covers wm t to * all the action as it happens. We’re talkin’ everything from the top of the first inning to the bottom of the ninth. Listen Up. “Bottom of the seventh. The relief | pitcher is in. He takes a long look and delivers. The steal is on. There goes the throw... safe! Runners at second and I third now. Here’s the three-two pitch. Ball I four. He loads the bases!’ Terry Sleinbach Play Ball. Its like playing and coaching in the bigs, only better. You’ll get to call everything from the More than 500 players and their 1991 season stats. Talk about your deep bench. We’ve teamed up with the Major League tion to let you choose from more than 500 big Travis Fr r nm league players, and their 1991 stats. Sluggers such as Canseco, Strawberry, Puckett and Ruben Sierra. Strike-out artists like Ryan, Eckersley and Roger Clemens. a ; : fice bunt. Through a full 162 game season, includ- Urmy Dyksira j n g a pennant race. And yoifll hear the action on every play as it goes down. From Rickey Henderson’s steals to Cal Ripken Jr.’s latest grab. All the runs, hits and errors. The pick-offs, steals, and shoe-string catches. Remember, there’s only one place to catch chatter like this. New Sports Talk Baseball from Sega Genesis. Everything else is just bush league. ■ o SPORTS TALK Sports Talk Baseball is one of more than 150 hit games from Genesis.' Including Sonic The Hedgehog,' Toejam & Earl,' Spider-Man' and Joe Montanall Sports Thlk Football' The choice is simple. The choice is SEGA. Robbie Thompson makes a close play to stop Cecil Fielder. Leading the 16-bit revolution.™ G£liE51S Baseball Stars II: The Same Only Different Baseball “ After a few minutes of playing the latest NES Romstar cart. Baseball Stars II, you’ll feel time- warped back to 1989. That was the year SNK sold over a million of the all-time great NES sports cart. Baseball Stars. Baseball Stars wasn’t the prettiest looking baseball game ever made. It didn't have digi- tized voices, real pro baseball players, or real pro teams. Bui despite all of that, it was. with- out a doubt, one of Ihe most addictive baseball carts ever made. Unlike its competitors. Baseball Stars had a battery backup that enabled you to create a team from scratch, save your team stats, and even name the players. If you wanted Will Clark on first base, you got him! As you played, you earned money each time your leant won, which you used to improve your players' skills. With Base- ball Slars you were both player and general manager. Deja Vu in '92 Flash forward to 1992. SNK is no longer a Nintendo licensee, and Romstar is releasing Base- ball Stars II. The good news for Baseball Stars' fans is the sequel is a lot of fun. The bad news is it isn’t very different from the original. In fact, there are only three key differences - you can choose from four stadiums in BS II (BS- I only had one stadium); you can shift your outfield formation left or right (BS-I outfielders always played "straight away"); and you can no longer name your players. Other than that. Baseball Stars II is an exact duplication of Base- ball Stars I. more powerful team by using the “Make Team" and "Trade Play- er” options. Start with a base team, then create five "dummy" teams. Each dummy team starts with approximately $30,000. Use the money to improve one or two players. Then trade your weak base team players for the improved players on the dummy teams. You can do this over and over by removing the dummy teams you’ve picked clean and versus right-handed batters and right versus left-handed Baseball Stars 2 Belts a Baseball Stars 2 By Colorful Commentator Yeah baby! Fans of the arcade titles. Baseball Stars and 2020 Super Baseball, haven’l seen nothin' yet. Baseball Stars 2 is SNK's latest hardball strive for- ward on the Neo-Geo, and it cooks! Remaining faithful to the coin-op schematics of the previ- ous entries, BS-2 keeps it simple. Sign up for a 15-game pennant race or a player vs. player con- test. Choose either automatic play, which positions your fielders for you. or manual, which makes you work the joy- stick. The CPU logs stats for the six imaginary teams in your League, while you manage relief pitchers, pinch hitters, and batter power-ups. You can't shift fielders or customize teams, so concentrate on the action. Step up to the plate and take your cuts from a blow- away, over-the-hitter’s-shoul- der view. Check it out! Close-up camera windows dis- play the pitcher-batter con- frontation. A hit shifts the perspective to a smooth- scrolling, top-down view. The control is near perfect. You can throw to any base, run pick-off plays, and dive or jump for the ball. If only BS-2 had an outfield radar to track your fielders! PROTIP: Take a lead! Press But- ton B once to inch your runner off the base, and then again to steal. BS-2's ballpark atmos- phere is unreal! Struck-out The Old Ball Game If you already own the original Baseball Stars, you’ll be disap- pointed that the sequel isn’t much more than a clone. If you don’t own an NES baseball game, this is a great catch. Because of its battery backup and great controls, you’ll never get tired of it. Base- ball Stars D is a great way to get into the swing of the 1 992 base- ball season without worrying about contract negotiations or player injuries. Isn’t that every baseball fan’s dream? Homer players snap their bats, exhaust- ed hurlers breathe heavily after an overload of pitches, and bean balls clear the benches. Even the digitized voices are coherent. Bean a powered-up batter and suffer the consequences! BS-2’s game play is World Series caliber. Buy me a Neo- Geo, and take me out to Baseball Stars 2! Continued on Page 48 46 EAMEPRO June 1992 SUPER HOT GRAPHICS FOR SUPER NES! HAVE A BLAST! Get ready for the fight of your life with Gun Force ' M . This top- [~ ten arcade game brings explosive adventure right into your living room. With incredible 1 6-bit graphics. Dynamite special effects. And two-player simultaneous action. Put the ultimate arsenal of weapons at your command. Futuristic choppers, humungous tanks, and the most daring army in the universe. Super NES delivers action and sound so real, you'll be tempted to duck. Load up today! Ik IREM AMERICA CORP 1992 Irem. Nintendo and Super Nintendo Entertainment System ISNES) are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. Ultra League Kegs SBS Comebach Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 By Colorful Commentator Culture Brain’s done it again! Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 warps SNES baseball reality. Forget traditional rules, the real SBS 1 .000 fun begins when you play in the Ultra League. Each team gets Ultra Points to use on several of the 39 batting, pitching, and field- ing techniques. Hit a baseball and turn it into a meteor! Throw a baseball, which freezes in mid-flight! Also, jump three stories into the air to catch a ball! Aside from the optional Ultra moves, SBS plays by the book. Exhibition mode is a standalone contest for one or two-players. Season mode sim- ulates between 5 and 165 games with up to six players each. Season also records 27 stat categories for all six of your League’s imaginary teams, and you can save the pennant chase to battery. An Ultra screwball! SBS 1.000 puts cus- tomization options at your fingertips. You can edit teams, create teams, form a new League, alter your Ultra Points, and play in a management mode. As expected, SBS upholds the established video baseball controller template. Only the Ultra and dive moves take training. The graphics swing a bit below 16-bit average, with balloony cartoony players. However, they provide a clear view of the action. The music Bdbebdli Gomes on Ueih By Colorful Commentator Here are two games that didn’t make it to the Sports Pages this month, but they ought to be available about the time you read this. Look for Sports Pages coverage on both these products soon. Keliet Pitcher (Arcade) Atari’s Relief Pitcher looks and sounds like a coin-op grand slam! The nearTV-quality graphics combine with real-life announcer Jack Buck’s commen- tary to take you out to Atari’s arcade ballpark. Using the joy- stick and a special Cluster button, one or two-players control the action and manage their teams. Pitchers choose from a range of throws, and batters can call their shots and use power swings. No real Major League teams, but you get five stadiums, salary bonuses, on-screen baseball cards for the players, an All-Star game, and play-offs. and sound effects are obnox- ious, so hit your mute button! PROTIP: Fool the computer by alternately advancing and retreating third- and first-base runners. Draw a throw to home and steal second! Players who take hard- core baseball in big gulps can suit SBS to their needs, and casual gamers should try the offbeat Ultra League. If you place game play depth high on your scouting reports. Super Baseball Simulator 1 .000 deserves early-round draft con- sideration. | &, * ,° UALr ™. Any questions 1 4 1 5/570-700S. ® : ^ . By Weekend Warrior 'jf Your fantasy of a Porsche 959, a Ferrari F40, ora Lamborghini Dia- I bio is now a reality with Accolade's PC mega- | hit The Duel: Test Drive II forthe Genesis! The Duel I is a first-per- son perspec- tive, one- person racing | simulation I that pits you mow: Here’s a shortcut against a hard Rev up to top speed on the drivin' computer racer. You begin ’t^"Zc,T,S' by Choosing a dnve the course at 90% car. Then you top speed without having pick one Of to deal with sharp turns or three tracks occgmmg mma You get five lives to complete the selected track. Crash, run out of gas, or blow your engine, and you lose a life and receive a time penalty. The objective is to complete the track with the best overall time. Therefore, it's more important to drive safely. I PROTIP: Hit the brakes as soon as you see the gas station sign or you’ll overshoot it. These cars I aren't sparse on features. Important ele- ments nicely laid out on the prottp: Save time in “S” dashboard are curves by downshifting, the speedome- and releasing the gas. . , a 7hnmpter Don’t hit the brakes as ,er ; tonometer, you enter the turns. Let ra dar detector , your car coast through, and the trip then punch the gas me ter. oinlm log gear. The Duel is extremely faithful to its PC origins. However, its graphics and sound are rather simplistic compared to some of the other racing titles available for the Genesis. The controls are easy to learn. But like real life, woriong the manual transmission requires a lot of prac- tice. If you're looking for a well-rounded rac- ing simulator, The Duel: Test Drive II won’t steer you wrong. The Duel: Test Drive II by Accolade PROTIP: Use Earthquake magic against this bird- ByAbby Normal Renovation's Valis II and III ' arrived first, and now Valis I has arrived. After experiencing this gorgeous cart, complete with silky smooth game play, you’ll agree that it was worth the wait. Yuko Ahso makes her debut as a pure- hearted school girl with a perfectly balanced Yin and Yang. She's been selected to save the universe I from the | clutches of Rogles, King of the Dark | Worid.You hack ‘n’ slash | through seven Stages Of woman creature. intense sword-swinging action, as Yuko is I attacked relentlessly by a horrific zoo of Dark | World creatures. Also out to dump on Yuko are six major forces of evil: Rogles, King of | the Dark Lords; Voldes, Lord of Thunder; Izard, Lord of the Winds; Venon, Lord of Fire; Gyeda, Lord of the Earth; and Geeva, Lord of Water. Risking her life in battle against these I fierce beings does not come without its rewards. Each time Yuko destroys a wicked one, she gains possession of its special power. Used wisely, these magical powers come in very handy in moments of despera- tion. However, Yuko’s amazing Valis sword, which via Power-ups can emit everything from bullets to lasers, is the heart and soul | of the action. Valis fanat- 1 ics and new- comers alike j will dig on I this game. It I presents a PROTIP: Watch these ceiling feast for the stones carefully and pro- eyes an( j ears ceed towards them with caution. If one begins to ^ nd , vibrate slightly, it is about Straining chal- to come crashing down lengeyou won’t soon j forget. You'll also be thankful for the unlimit- ed continue feature! Good things really do come in threes...Valis I, II, and III! k By Kay Oss Courtesy of Sega, Shion (a.k.a. Wonder Boy) has journeyed into the Genesis from the Master System. This time, Shion is the only one that can save the once peaceful Monster Worid from evil, PRORP: Use the Ocarina to lurking mon- open the doors in the cave. ctprc Thic mac- Stand over the red notes siers. i nis mas andplayBABABCBtoopen Sive Side-View, the first door, ABCBCAB to horizontally open the second door, and scrolling crea- ACCABAB to open the third. ture feature is a fun epic-length, action/ adventure game with a role-play twist. This game’s a continuous trek that’s long and adventure-filled (no levels). Start- ing out with only a Gradius sword and three lives, Shion braves other worldly dangers in castles, deserts, towns, and even underwa- ter. Don’t worry, he’ll pick up other weapons, magic, lives and goods on the way. Save his journey by PROTIP: The only way to beat the Ice Bomber is to run along the top ledge and hit him in the head. Inn. The Boss I monsters are extremely tough to beat. But the bigger they are, the more gold, lives, and magic Wonder Boy collects when he beats them. He’ll also find gold and extra lives in ] the most unusual places. PROTIP: Be sure to buy EVERYTHING. Won- [ der Boy will need it later. If he doesn’t have enough money, go kill a few mon- | sters until he has the gold. Wonder Boy in Monster Worid is a win- I ner for any system. The graphics are color- ful and cute. The music is pleasant and calming. Make sure you have a couple hours, if not days, to spend travelling with Wonder Boy in Monster Worid. You’ll have a | ] monsterously good time. Wonder Boy in Monster Worid by Sega A yourself for a pinball game that’s beyond 4 your wildest fantasies! Incredible graphics paint an awesome playing field of sorccrors, skeletal undeads and other fantastic creatures. Score hundreds of millions of points! Six bonus levels filled with dragons, bats, live skulls and other evil monsters. An ATARI GAMES Company iycamore Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035 and Saturday morning cartoon shows, is now starring in a unique video adventure all his own. Devilish Fun The folks at Sega have taken this whirling dervish and spun him straight into a one-player, 17 level, action/adven- ture game. You play Taz, who's searching for a giant, prehistoric, sea bird egg - a prime delicacy to Tasmanian Devils. As Taz searches for the prehistoric egg, he journeys through the badlands, an iceworid, a jungle, a mine, and even an Acme Factory. His protagonists include three villains from his Saturday morning cartoon show (Francis X. Bush- land, Bull Gator, and Axl) plus a slew of new baddies - from crabs to mice armed with bow and arrows. The graphics in this adventure have been carefully crafted in order to give the game an animated look and feel that’s straight out of a Warner Brother’s car- toon. Taz spins, eats everything in sight, and even growls and snarls in annoy- ance if you keep him waiting. All of this is accompanied by cool sounds, as our devilish friend whirls to the beat of jungle drums and the trill of a flute. More Taz to Come Sega’s showing its stuff one more time as it takes yet another cartoon classic and turns it into a video game classic. We’ll have more on this one in upcoming issues. Tazmania by Sega, Available July Acbon/Adventure, One-player Taz chills out! Nothing is sacred as far as a hungry Taz- manian Devil Is concerned. Taz makes short work of the Sega logo. Although he's on a quest for a missing egg, Taz is always ready to scarf down any food in sight Here he’s munching on a roast chicken in the middle of the jungle. G AMEPRO Jill 1112 i A , K v? % f ” <<*,, y I W tp; KONA Ml V\ -V’ By Boogie Man It’s Turtle time— again! Those green-spirited Heroes in a Half Shell are back to kick some tail on the SNES in Kona- mi’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Tur- tles in Time. In this installment, that disembodied alien brain, Krang, swipes the Statue of Liberty. Everyone knows the Big Apple is Turtles’ Turf. So, the guys take off to recover the lost Lady Liberty, only to run smack into the sinister Saki, better known as Shredder! Shred Head zaps the anxious amphibians across several thousand years of history in thumb-burn- ing, side-view, multi-scrolling, hack-’n’- slash action. The Turtles take on the Technodrome. Hot from the Arcades This game is based on the coin-op hit, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Turtles in Time. If you’ve pounded on that quarter- cruncher, you’ll be fighting across familiar terrain. The graphics are Turde-rrific, vir- tually identical to the arcade version. You can literally throw Foot Clan soldiers right out of the screen. You get some nice Mode 7 effects, especially when the Tur- tles warp through time. Even when a Tur- tle’s not fighting, he’ll twirl his weapon and make a menacing grimace while waiting for his next encounter. The ani- mation scrolls smoothly, and the game’s lighting quick. Once again, Konami asks, “What’s SNES slowdown?” 62 The sounds don’t embarrass the cart. They feature some nice effects, agonzing grunts and groans, Shredder’s sinister laugh, and a catchy rendition of the Tur- tles cartoon's theme song. PR0T1P: After you beat Rahzar in Level One, Scene Four he turns into a wimpy dog. If you’re feeling sadistic, beat the dog to hear pathetic whimpers. Does Anybody neatly Know What Time It Is? TMNT IV takes you on an awesome adventure. Michaelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, and Raphael fight through seven murderous historical levels. You pick your favorite Turtle. No time for a pizza break here. Each level is swarming with Shredder’s Foot Clan slimeballs and mutant misfits who are led by some of your favorite Turtle villains: including Rahzar, Tokka, Metal Head, and buggy Baxter. That’s just the first level! PROTIP: In Level One, Scene Three's sewer section, you can nail the aquatic “ Aliens ” fugitives by following them as they swim underwater and then positioning yourself at the place where they surface. In fact, Level One features four fight- ing scenes through New York City. You try to beat the streets and surf the sewers. You end up at the Technodrome in a great boss battle that isn’t in the coin-op. Here you fight Clanners by looking over Shredder’s shoulder as he tries to sight in on you with blasters and pinchers. EAMEPRO • June 1932 Hit the nose of R. King’s sewer ship to sink him. Beat the Dread Shred and he still gets the last laugh as he transports you backwards and forwards in time. Your fist stop is a rowdy prehistoric romp through Level Two’s dinosaur land. Beat up on Shredder’s minions and you get to take on the same gang again in an old, double-mast galleon in Level Three. Sink Rocksteady and Bebop at the ship’s aft, and you warp to an Old West train. All aboard are after your tail, so step lively to face Leather Head in the caboose. Next, it’s fast forward to Level Five and 2020 A.D. for some anit-gravity disc surfin’ a’ la F-Zero. Krang's here in his massive cyborg body, but you’ll have to chase him to the Level Six Star Base and beat him in his saucer to find Lady Liberty’s prison. The final shell-shock occurs back at the Technodrome, where Shredder’s ready to cook up some Turtle soup PROTIP: To beat Shredde. at the end of Level One, you have to toss bad guys ini the screen. PROTIP: Keep an eye out for shadows on the ground. If they aren’t yours, they’re trouble. PROTIP: Escape damage from explosions in Level Two by jumping into the air as the bombs explode. PROTIP: If you’re playing Normal or Hard mode on the pirate ship, watch out for the ship passing through the background. It fires cannonballs that squash you flat! PROTtP: In Bury My Shell in Wounded Knee, you can roll some barrels into the bad guys. Mutant Moves The Turtles are decked out for action with their classic weapons and new special attacks. You also get the flying side kick and special super moves from the NES games. As in the 8-bit games, the stan- dard single-button press move is tough stuff. With this move, each turtle can fire off the appropriate move for each situa- tion. For example, one button press might make Donatello spin his Bo staff like a propellar, swing it one-handed, or make a devastating overhead chop. Something for Everyone A great feature about this cart is that it dishes out plenty of top-notch action for players of any skill level and age. One or PRO TIP: In a two-player game, try to bap bosses between both Turtles and then wail away. PROTtP: You score a new life for every 200 bad guys you beat two-players can play as any Turtle. Play- er Two can join in at anytime. You get five continues and you can set the game for 3-, 5-, or 7-lives per continue per Turtle at skill levels of Easy, Normal, or Hard. At each continue you have the option of switching to another Turtle. This cart isn’t an overwhelming chal- lenge, but it’s a shell-full of fun. Easy mode is perfect fun for little kids, novices, and players who don’t want to work to see the end of the game. At Nor- mal and Hard skill levels, the thumb- burning action may temporarily turn solo players green, but even intermediate video martial artists can conquer the cart eventually. Two Turtle maniacs can really kick shell even in the Hard level. When you and your bud beat the cart, you can try Versus mode to see who’s the bad- dest dude in the cart. You won’t find this level in the coin-op! Score IV If nonstop hack and slashin’ is your thing and you love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, get this cart! This SNES game is better than its arcade counterpart overall, despite the coin-op’s great four-player buy-in. All the bosses are straight out of the comics. Plus, you get two additional fighting scenes, and you don’t need to feed it tokens. If you’re still pondering a 16-bit commitment to Nintendo, this cart might make up your mind. Is this game great? Do Turtles have lips? TMNT IV: Turtles in Time by Konami EBB $59.95 Action/Adventure 4 megs 2 player Available Now 5 Continues 63 GAMEPRO June 1892 PER NES 0 REVIEW ‘ .. ^ Hm ,, By Gideon a You sit inside an Ml A1 Abrams Battletank, a 63-ton metal warhorse packed with state of the art weaponry and a 1 ,500 horsepower gas turbine engine. Your only links to the outside world are three small windows, which offer a bleak view of a vast, desert landscape that stretches end- lessly into the horizon. Sweat trickles down the sides of your face and your throat begins to tighten. Out in the emptiness, you know a massive military force waits. Its one goal: to blow you out of existence! Desert Stormin’ Super Battletank: War in the Gulf by Absolute is a well-crafted, one-player tank cart. Since it's meant to be a realis- tic simulation of desert warfare, there are no catchy soundtracks, Stage Bosses, or power-ups. Instead you get true-to-life graphics and authentic game play. Based on actual military operations from Desert Storm, Super Battletank fea- tures 10 missions. Your mission objectives are scattered throughout the Middle East, and you Ye pitted against an army of ene- mies and obstacles, which include Soviet- made T-62 tanks and MI-24 HIND helicopters, mine fields, SCUD launchers, and heavily fortified enemy strongholds. PRO TIP: Memorize the distance required for each mission. The M1A1 has a limited range of about 300 miles per fuel tank. Heavy Metal If this isn't what it's like at the controls of a real tank, it seems pretty darn close. The first-person view from inside the bat- tletank’s cockpit effectively conveys a sense of claustrophobia and limited mobility. A sophisticated control panel lies in front of you, providing pertinent infor- mation about gun angle, range to a sight- ed enemy, number of targets, speed, fuel, weapons status, and ammunition. Your panel even records damage like the real thing, too. Five hits and you’re scrap metal! Fortunately, your commanding officer permits you 3 con- tinues at your last level. PROTIP: Pay extra attention to the fuel gauge, ammunition gauge, and short-range radar map. The tank’s main weapon is a 120mm cannon, which fires standard and laser-guided shells. The cannon tur- ret (and your view) moves independently of the direction that your battletank’s traveling. Twin 62 mm machine guns flank either side of the cannon, and they're extremely effective at close range. Finally, you may release a sudden smoke screen to confuse your enemy. PROTIP: Machine gun fire destroys mines and oncoming enemy cannon shells. A Long-Range Radar ties all this awesome firepower together with an overhead-view map of the entire field's operation. The map identifies you, the Super Battletank: enemy, and the all-important allied bases where you may refuel, rearm, and repair damage. This map is invaluable for finding the enemy and planning your war-wining strategy. PROTIP: You can still be attacked when you’re in Long-Range Radar mode. PROTIP: Take out mobile tanks first. Then attack the stationery enemies in hit-and- run strikes. PROTIP: Just before you take on an enemy stronghold, Rearm and Repair at an allied base. A Direct Hit! Super Battletank has plenty to offer mili- tary strategists and action gamers alike. Don't worry if the digitized sound effects and graphics appear limited compared to other SNES action games. Instead, note the smooth scrolling animation and excellent responsiveness of the controls. Tank battles require serious plan- ning. Tank control and actual combat require quick thumbs and a keen shoot- ing eye, like any good video shooter. The higher levels of this game are extremely challenging. With Super Battletank, like in real warfare, victory requires luck as much as strategy. Fortunately, unlike the real thing, this cart offers plenty of sec- ond chances. Super Battletank: War in the Gulf by Absolute Software Graphics Sound Control FunFactor Challenge $60 Tank Simulation 4 megs Available now One-player Wo* iifcifee Gulf Our Critics Talked About Os So Much We Started Rippin' Them. ~-.i- "■ - W.Wi Castlevania IV is the first REAL reason to purchase a Super Nintendo. Konami took the time to take full advantage of theSNES 's 16-bit 1 technology. 1 °l CH,f V^NrAW«D Game Pro Reader's Choir Great sound effects like the Super NES Ninter Player's Guide Challenging and interesting game play make Castlevania IV live up to its heritage. KONAMI Video Game^r Computer Entertainment By Speedy Buns , Chill, space jockeys! If you're crav- ing a nen/e wracking, thumb- numbing dose of good old-fashioned, arcade-style shoot-or-be-shot action, Raiden Trad, of arcade fame, may be just what you’re looking for. “Traditional Thrills Raiden Trad for the SNES is a one or simultaneous two-player shooter that uses an overhead vertical scrolling perspective. Your mission is a familiar one: save the Earth from yet another horde of alien invaders, wave after wave of them in each of the game’s eight stages. The fighting begins over a country pasture, continues high above a ruined metropolis, and eventually takes you into outer space for a climactic battle with a giant alien boss. In fact, alien bosses abound and you'll have to contend with an oversized nasty at the end of each stage. The Raiden itself may look small, but it packs some fire- power. Blasted enemies turn into power-ups: blue for the Laser Cannon and red for the Machine Gun. Exploded supply crates yield Nuclear Missiles, Homing Missiles, or Medals. PROTIP: Collect mucho Medals for end-of -stage bonus points. Deja Vu A Configuration Option enables you to alter the difficulty of the game. Easy is...well...easy for all pnm>: the Laser cannon but novice gamers. But Pro should challenge even the most die- hard shooter veterans. Simultane- ous two-player play is a nice change of pace, but super slowdown mars the fun. Raiden Trad is well-done, standard shoot-em-up fare, and a nice version of the arcade title. Although there’s nothing new or different here, the game packs more than a few hours of good shooter action. P.S: If you’re experiencing deja vu, not to worry. This game has been previously released for the Gene- By Boss Music Genesis-less players who crave Thunder Force III for Sega’s machine need crave no longer. Correctamundo, Thunder Spirits is the Super NES translation by Seika. A New Spirit Thunder Spirits is an excellent side view shoot-em-up with G ra- dius-style action, only better. You | fly the Vrax combat ship into eight lethal areas. The backgrounds of the screen, then at the last are beautiful by any standard. A few moment accelerate through Genesis stages were lost in the trans- totsuydramtssaebamec. lation, but a few new ones have appeared. Unfortunately, the new levels aren't as frantic and sharp-looking as the old ones. Thunder Spirits definitely fits the bill if you’re looking for supercharged bosses and explosive screen effects. Each level throws out some wild-looking creatures and creations to breathe down your neck. Mortals can pump down the difficulty at the options menu, but you can't change your continues - three and that’s it! No shoot out is complete without an assortment of space- rending weapons, and Spirits WWW! sneak in-between we contains a truckload. From lava toukjersand gmbMs power-up pods, you win master upm e blasters such as the Lancer, Sever, and Wave guns. You can also add-on a Claw, which revolves around the Vrax and boosts your cannons’ firepower, and the Shield, which absorbs several shots. PROTIP: From a safe distance, use your Sever to sink the IGngfish in the Saline stage. May Thunder Force Be With You Similar to other Super NES shoot- | ers. Spirits is riddled with flicker and slowdown problems. Overall, nm> . To destroy both GorH this Force incarnation is not up to its ' ' I Genesis cousin’s high standards, but the cart’s still first-rate. Well-animat- ed, beastly-looking enemies, fine code the twin Batcams as they move and pummel them sis and theTG-16! PROTtP: Grab the Fairy when you see her. The next time you die, she’ll reappear and give you power-ups. dying for a round of SNES shooting, Thunder Spirits will stir up a Raiden Trad by Becbv Bran Thuider Spirits by Sedta if lilillijffl 11 megs 2 player Available June 92 $59.95 Shooter • megs Iptayei Available May '92 3 Continues yjr - Tai - nn\ [L, fr. neut. of arcanaj secret, fir. arcere to enclose, defend], 1. Mysterious kj fctfew. 2. Ancient rites and spiritualpowers understood only by initiates. 3. The secrets of 1 Rearing. 4. The exciting new RPG from HAL America. HAL AMERICA INC. tNinl«nd.>fe .ifc im m arms Dm, BuiUutg ISf^ntrton, On^mS • Td mU6S-53S4 • Fax M3/M/-5® BALaildad4BUMmk.NWmlSw^E*mMHS^'m^lninmbi(Mdi4tomk. s By Colorful Commentator J T&E Soft's True Golf Classics: ' Pebble Beach Links sports 18 authentic holes based on one of the U.S. Open's host sites. You and the basic Practice, Stroke Play, and Match scenarios, you can enter a one-round Tour- nament against 48 real pros, or engage in hole-by-hole gambling golf known as Skins. In T&E’s golf classic, you choose a club; check and compensate for your ball’s lie, hazards, and wind; adjust your stance to add draw or fade; and swing on a power meter PROTIP: Cheaters can use their controllers to Interfere with their buddy's swing! The TGC system displays all vital info on a first-person-view screen. Caddies give you RHR; amice. You ■I . H ran replay for dose-up chipping and putting. A battery saves your scores, records, and position. Pebble Beach’s sights are scenic with T&E’s custom “Polysys” polygon graphic technique. Unfortunately, Pebble Beach's landscapes are slow-moving and scroll in fits. Tire music's laid-back, along with bird chirps and ocean sounds. Overall, Pebble's atmosphere is fairly pleasant. Take your time with Pebble Beach. The game may not be in a hurry, but you’ll appre- ciate the full complement of shot selections and the true-to-life course. For PGA players and bystanders alike, Pebble Beach is the next-best thing to being there in person. Available June ‘92 Super Nintendo gamers, rejoice! Kemco is ready to roll with one of the first puzzler titles for the SNES. Kablooey (originally known as Bombuzal in Japan) pits one or two players against 130 different explosive puzzles. Each puzzle is a strange maze of different tiles surround- ed by a chilly blue sea. Your task is to explode all the bombs resting on the tiles before time runs out The trick is to PROTIP: Plan carefully when large Bombs abound. They'll exploding setoff chain reactions that yourself . Each leave you without a leg (or puzzle also has The) to stand on. up to five different kinds of tiles, including slippery Ice Tiles, indestructible Riveted Tiles, Spinners, Teleports.and Slot Tiles that enable you to move bombs. The explosives on the tiles vary from Small to Large Aerial Bombs - each with dif- ferent explosive capabilities. You must figure out which order to detonate the bombs in order to wind up standing on a tile that isn't going to blow itself (and you) to smithereens. PROT1P: It's OK to end up standing on a Dissolving Tile. Luckily, Kablooe/s options include an overhead view of the puzzle for quick strate- gizing and a password system to return to whichever puzzle you're stuck on until you get it right In Kablooey, nice graphics combine with an engaging PBOnP-.GosUppin’anda zlestochal- slldln' In level 9 In this pat- | en geeventhe SStTCTC left, up, and right Now repeat onented of your steps In reverse, deto- gamers. Apply natlngbombsasyougo. some brain cells to this game and prove you’re the king- pin of krafty gaming. Romance of the Three King- doms II by Koei is a historical role-playing/strategy game based on a real- life slice of ancient Chi- Yourtaskisto | unite 41 war- ring provinces I into one empire. Supporting up to six players, these six epic-length sce- narios require a major time commitment At least, the CPU makes lightning fast calcula- tions, and you can save two games. PROTIP: Save your game periodically, especially before you go to war. Eight major commands - View, Army, Personnel, Trade, Internal Affairs, Diploma- cy, Spy, and Move - open up a hefty, sim- ple-to-use menu of subcommands. You must build up your province’s conduct wars, and master the art of diplomacy to ifliSSSmmSL unite y° ur WMamaa* In Romms II, cloak and dagger politics are just as impor- tant as upfront nation-building or war-mon- gering. In fact the key to the game is being able to plot revolts, incite betrayals, forge slan- derous letters, create turncoats through secret pacts, and hide spies in enemy territory. The graphics are simple. You spend most of your time studying a static 41 -province map or looking at a slick command screen. The sounds are similarly spartan. Either you really like Koei games or you dont Romance isn’t everyone's cup of tea. But if your tastes tend towards far-reaching historical strategy, you’ll drink long and deep from this cart. HardBalllll plays textbook "team effort" detense. The strongest fundamentals in the game. Outfielders back up one another and Infielders act as cut-off men, coming out to take the throw. a HardBalllll has the best play-by-play man In the business. Network broadcast great Al Michaels joins the HardBall III Team up in the booth, with a digitized description of all the action. ET EmPl) Baseball We Play Hardball PRESENTING THE ALL-NEW HARDBALL III ▲ HardBalllll takes a full cut at major league realism. A power line-up that includes printable stats, standings and box scores; the ability to import data from HardBall 1C Earl Weaver 1C and Tony LaRussa"-, plus a Team & Player Editor that allows you to alter everything from team logos to a player’s ability. rw^v_vjLrujC The best in entertainment software."" HardBall III tests each hitters power with eight real ballparks. Famous fields from both major leagues. Your catcher may have just enough pop to put it out of Chicago’s "friendly confines;’ but can he go deep in Toronto? Play-Byplay announcing requires 2MB o( RAM Actual game screens from IBM PC VSA version trademark of Electronic Arts. Tony LaRussa is a trademark of Strategic Simulations. Inc. All other produr a may vary HardBall III, HardBall II and Hard8all!are trademarks of Accolade, Inc Ead Weaver II is a B trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners. 0 1992 Accolade, Inc All ngiks reserved. By Monty Haul Lovelock’s a sleepy, desert ' town in for a shock. A toxic " spill at the local Atomic Plant causes a colony of harmless ants to mutate into an army of rabid, man-eating beasts. If someone doesn’t stop her soon, the Queen Ant will exterminate Lovelock’s inhabitants as an appetizer to her main course - the entire human race! This can only mean one thing. It Came from the Desert is heeeeere - for your TurboGrafx-CD. A Deadly Encounter You play homeboy biker Buzz Lincoln, quite possibly humanity’s last hope before...CHOMP! As Doctor Horton Pang- bome's atomic energy assistant, you investigate the Atomic Plant when the Doc's radiation sensor grid is disrupted. As you search the deserted facility, you’re jumped by a pack of glow-in-the-goo ants. A few revolver rounds save your skin, but the war has only just begun. Buzz hits the road. 70 You have eight days to convince Love- lock’s citizens of their imminent ant danger. Then you must hunt down and torch the Queen before she fulfills her sinister plans to use an A-bomb to turn Lovelock into a smoldering, mushroom-shaped cloud. Eight Days to Save the World To produce stunning visuals, It Came from the Desert melds full-motion video, digitized scenes, and hand-drawn images. You see Lovelock’s settings through Buzz's eyes, and the bulk of the game is a menu-d riven graphic adventure. You choose people to talk to, places to go, and sights to see. Cer- tain cinema segments run automatically, others are triggered by your actions. PROTIP: At the end of Day 2, head to Borax and choose Strength. The Man o’ Steel will teach you a forward flip move that’s handy in the tunnels! You interact with an eccentric cast of characters, each with their own personality and motivations. Some folks will help you and provide important clues. Others have been psychically enslaved by the Queen’s Antmind and turned into Antdroids! The Antmind’s influence will try to possess you over the radio waves, on T.V., and whenev- er you encounter a ‘droid. PROTIP: Save Prissy and Sonny at the drive-in and they’ll join your cause. Each day you have several turns to visit the surroundings. Key locations include the Atomic Cafe, the Foundry, the ghost town Borax, Lud’s Ammo Shop, Doc’s Observatory, and your girl- GAMEPRO • June 1892 friend Prissy’s home. If you encounter an antsy situation, you’ll waste the bugs in one of three arcade sequences. PROTIP: If you’re captured, escape alive from the Queen’s holding cell to save time. Crawl this Way It Came from the Desert tosses several types of game play at you. The most common battle pits you against the ants in an overhead view, tactical land war. You use bombs and dynamite to seal off the ants’ underground tunnels. This sequence is good action, but not spectacular. PROTIP: With a dismembered leg, prove the ants’ existence to General Hightower and you'll have access to the U.S. Air Force dur- ing the overhead battles. PR0T1P: To win in the land war game, fill in the green slime pits with dynamite . Expose the Queen's mental control over an Antdroid and she’ll unleash a gaggle of flesh-rending mini ants to nib- ble this helpless human to bits. In this overhead view segment, you stand over the prone character. You must aim an onscreen gun sight and snipe-shoot the creepy crawlers before the citizen is skin- less ant chow. This segment is grue- some, but fun! PROT1P: Conserve bullets. Take out two or more ants with one shot To reach Queenie’s hideout at the game’s end, you must run, gun, and grenade your way through a maze of ant tunnels. Your pistol and explosives keep ants and Antdroids at bay as you inch through three side-view, horizontally scrolling levels. Your moves are somewhat limited and hard to control, but survival of the f ittest is the name of this game. Desert Beauty It Came from the Desert was written, produced, and filmed on location by the folks at First Light Entertainment and Interactive Pictures Corporation. They teamed up to bring this classic Cine- maware Amiga computer game to life. Similar. to NEC’s earlier CD-ROM hit, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, Desert features real live actors and pro- fessional-quality, recorded dialogue. The total effect lends Desert an early ‘50s, “B” horror flick feel. The story’s first-rate, and you’ll love every twisted turn. However, Desert’s not flawless. The arcade areas quickly become repetitive, and only the difficulty factor varies from one scene to the next. Also, outwitting the Queen Ant isn’t a brain-strainer and replaying the struggle isn’t too thrilling. Additionally, the live actor graphics are painted with a rather limited color palette. Average action sequences aside, Turbo Technologies’ latest wins accolades for its stylish, cinematic package. It Came from the Desert is guaranteed to make you bug-eyed! It Came From the Desert by Turbo Technologies One-player Available now CD-ROM Action/Adventure PROTIP: To deactivate the Queen’s force field, you must save three Antdroids and win a combination of three over ties and/or tunnel games. Sonny gives you the signal, make i run for the Queen! PROTIP: If you’re sandwiched between ants, quickly back- hip or forward Rip over them. 718-229-1435 SUPER NINTENDO We Sell $34.95 We Buy $20.00 ACT RAISER ADDAMS FAMILY CASTLEVANIA 4 CHESSMASTER COMBAT BASKETBALL D-FORCE DARIUS TWIN DRAKKHEN -ZERO FINAL FANTASY II FINAL FIGHT GRADIUS III GUNFORCE HOLE IN ONE GOLF HOME ALONE HYPERZONE JOE* MAC J. MADDEN FOOTBALL LAGOON LEMMINGS GUARANTEED! ST'U ALL THE GAMES WE SELL ARE USED AND ARE SOLD WITH A ONE YEAR GUARANTEE. EXCHANGE WILL BE FOR THE SAME GAME ONLY IF DEFECTIVE. 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COUNTDOWN SHADOW OF THE NINIA SILVER SURFER SNOOPY STAR TREK STAR TROPICS SUPER C SUPER OFF ROAD SUPERMAN TALE SPIN TECMO BOWL TECMO CUP SOCCER TEEN TURTLES II TETRIS TOOBIN T*C SURF II ULTIMA QUEST AVITAR We SeU $39.95 We Buy $25.00 BASEBALL STARS DRAGON WARRIOR 3 GALAGA MONOPOLY SIDE POCKET TECMO SUPER BOWL TURTLES 3 VEGAS DREAM 718 - 229-1435 r 1000 title* for Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Gameboy, Sega Genes!*, Sega Master and TurboGrafx-16. gain, P.O. Box 6718. Flushing. NY 11365. Attn: Order Dept. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. NO FOREIGN ORDERS (EXCEPT CANADA SEE BROW). o: Play It Again. Dept. II cartridges securely. Inckxie a Mall Sega Genesis and Sega Mr Ontario, Canada K2P-1W8,. Phone 613-236-1983. "Noi FOR LESS THAN _ |)Mpi GET VibTflRTE YOU CON GET HMD JUST TO MED, WE' IT YOU CUN HOVE FOR Available at Toys "R" Us, Babbases, Electronic Boutique, Turbo Technologies, Inc. McDuffs, Software etc., Video Concepts and throush Sears Catalos. they release the incredibly awesome Baseball 2020 for the Neo*Geo. Now, they give us Soc- cer Brawl - an incredibly fast- i; ^ moving, action-packed, soccer I- : -Shps==-s ,j, simulation starring eight interna- 5 tional teams and an assortment of tough cybernetic athletes. The Gloves Are Off ! Soccer Brawl is a one or two- I player game that mixes the best ^2 M . a i soccer moves with elements of GkTme bali Street Rghter II. The object is simple: score more goals than your opponent and you win the game. Scoring occurs in the traditional soccer way - kicking or heading the ball into the net What is not traditional is your ability to punch your oppo- nent, or when powered up, stun him with a ray blast from your hands. You can also take down a ball carrier with a nasty sliding tackle or make him see stars with a devastating shoulder block. Each team’s captain is called the Head Master. The Head Master doesn't have the blasting ability of his teammates, but he j-J does have an awesome Power , J _ ' s | Shot which makes him the main Ifor®* '.J3I offensive threat on the team. MM • ' - 4? 1 There are four different types of Power Shots: the Guardian Shot, the Wave Shot, the Cross Rebuild your body pais during Shot, and the Boomerang Shot we half time show. Each of these kicks will damage any player stupid enough to be in its path. PROTIP: Use Korea or Japan’s Boomerang Shot when you're UM=== 1 ball circles around the goalie I and goes into the net PROTIP: Your most effective \ shot is to play the ball off your I head or body near the oppos- \ ing goal. Then hit A and the directional control to deflect the ball into the net Let’s Get Offensive! Soccer Brawl has it all: great sports action, strategy, violence, great sound effects, and still more violence! It’s the ideal cart to shake up a peaceful Saturday afternoon. Just don't blame us if you accidentally destroy the furniture in your excitement! Football Frenzy wmww j 4 Soccer Brawl By Fanatic Fan ' 1 1 j -~ ^\' l By Fanatic Fan Football Frenzy, a chaotic gridiron Simula- . .J SNK might have this sports thing down! First, 74 GAMEPRB Jill 1 1S2 Can't talk. long. I'm /Vay wildest game ever. I should know "THAT'S JOP -C. Kids' artlett invented it GNASH As in the M.C. Kids ” Mick and Mack. Two cool dudes I mind-warped into McDonaldland9, who turn the whole place upside down low McDonaldlantf ? Wait 'till you meet GNASH, GOFORIT, I. PSYCHO, and other video misfits I've unleashed. "’rrts a ° /. TOO OLD FOR MOM BUY BROTHER. BET SEE IT AGAIN. m (Nintendo) GOT IT? GET IT. PLAY IT. THAT S IT. I'M OUT OF HERE. and Bombing Run modes to find which one suits each flight simulator and a flat out shoot- em-up, Konami’s Top Gun series fits the bill perfectly. Now, Game Boy pilots can take to the skies with Top Gun: Guts and Glory. HotShots Konami hasn’t changed much from the two original behind-the- jet view NES classics, and why should they?! The Top Gun series is one of their sleeper hits! This time you can choose from four types of aircraft the F-1 4 Tomcat, the Mig 29 Fulcrum, the F-1 6 Fal- con, or the F-1 1 7A Stealth Fighter. Also, you can fly five Air Combat dogfights, five Bombing Run assignments, or 10 Career Option covert missions, which are increas- ingly difficult combos of Air Combat and Bombing Runs. Every a time you complete a mission, you earn a promotion medal and a password. So have a pen and paper handy. Whichever war bird you pick, you'll find its cockpit loaded with goodies, like a radar screen, a degree heading gauge, an altime- ter, and a missile lock indicator. to teii where you am. To Your hardware seriously soars. avoid ge tting tost either pay in combat, you can either use the drome missiles ( radar Q uided Or heat Seek- sun as a guide. ing) or the 35 mm cannon, effective for enemy aircraft near you. The throttle (the Start button) adjusts your speed from Air Brakes (slowdown) to Military (Cruise- control) to Afterburner (sonic boom!). Strategize, then Pulverize Guts and Glory is a good combi- nation of strategy and action. The sound is great, with realistic can- non shots and explosions. The graphics are cheesy in some . respects, like the wimpy oceans and ^tysiarmb ymueMr f clouds. They really kick though when Brakes and pulling an aerial the well-animated aircraft and war- "