March/April Issue 1993 $3.95

r CES Update; signers Have

Battle It Out



A peaceful life in quiet Chinaland was suddenly thrown into disaster, after the Universal Peace Conference was over. The Emperor's concerns kept growing until Jack and Ryu decided to go out and settle the problem. The places they visited during their: expedition were:Chinaland, Mysteryland, Fairyland and Future- land. The more they advanced, the more suspenseful it became. What they found out was a devastating plot.

There are loads of exciting action, cool items, neat vehicles, great attacks, and magic spells available. They are all yours to blow adversaries out of the way of the once peaceful Chinaland.

























CULTURE BRAIN USA. INC. Bldg. D-130 18133 NE 68th St. Redmond, Wa 98052

A. INC. All rights reserved.

y eli




Game Informer Index

Game Consultants & Review Summations

Lost Vikings, A SNES Review

Kid Clown, A NES Review

Classic Attic - Metroid, A NES Review

Bonk’s Adventure, A GameBoy Review

Tech Talk The Latest Hardware & Software...14

Special Animation Section

Claymation It's a Wonderful World



By Elizabeth A. Olson

Having just hopped off the plane from Vegas, the staff of the Game Informer is still reeling from the over- load of new products and technology that are in store for the video game industry. The 1993 Winter Consumer Electronics Show was an exciting and exhausting experience, with trade booths and crowds of people as far as the eye could see. While this year’s show lacked that one “must see” game, the future looks relatively bright. We'll tell you all about the latest games in the CES Update.

To illustrate just how far video games have come, Game Informer turns its spotlight on several new methods of character and graphic programming with our Innovative Animation Feature. We even got a chance to talk with Michael Quarles, the man behind the claymation craze at Interplay.

We've received numerous letters from readers around the country who are new to video gaming or just miss some old classics. So for that reason, we are happy to introduce a new fea- ture called Classics Attic. We encourage you to write and tell us which timeless titles you'd like to see

View Point, A Neo*Geo Review

Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind A SNES Review 20

World of Illusion, A Genesis Review

Flashback, A Genesis Review

Cartoon Workshop Create Your Own Adventures

Animation Forecast The Best Is Yet To Come

1993 Winter CES Looking Good

History of Video Gaming - Part 2, The 8-Bit Era


coverage on. We'd also like to thank the hundreds of people who entered the Chester Cheetah Contest. We received everything from drawings to computer render- ings to poems and raps. You'll find a few of our favorites and the lucky winners in this issue.

l'm sure you're as anxious to read about all the new games and accessories featured at CES as we were to see them, so what are you waiting for?!!

Streets of Rage, A Genesis Review

Road Avenger, A Sega CD Review

Super Space Invaders, A Game Gear Review

What's Hot?, Rumors & News

Bomberman, A TurboGrafx Review

Chester Cheetah Contest And the Winners Are

Flashback Strategy Getting Through Levels 1 - 3

Free Giveaway Sink Your Teeth Into It

e e 7 Subscription Notice

Want to stay on top on what's new in the video game world? Keep the Game Informer coming to your home.

Subscribe now for only $17.88 and receive six action-packed issues; one every other month. That's almost $1.00 off each issue.

Look for the subscription card in the issue and sign up today!

We're Waiting To Hear From You!

We'd love to hear about any tips or hints you've discovered. If we print your tip, you'll receive $20.00. Send only unpublished tips, please. You will be notified by a letter once the issue has gone to print. We are sorry, but you will not be notified if your tip is not selected.

Send your tips to: The Fun Club Tip Line 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344


The correct date for the Readers Survey return should be March 15, 1993 not 1992. Sorry for this slip. Getting into the New Year has always been a tough one for us.

The 5200 picture in the History of Vids article in the Jan/Feb issue was actually the 5200 roller ball. Thanks for the letters concerning these. It’s nice to know you’re reading this magazine closely.

ы 4

Dear Game Informer: A

When one of your reviewers gave Shatterhand a perfect 10 (Jan/Feb ‘92), | knew it must be a good cart, so | went to the nearest Flipside and bought it. | can beat Balzine and the Pogoborgs, but | can only get to the Filtration Plant boss, Harptunebot. | can’t beat him.

Steve Whitlock

Royal Oak, MI

It helps to have the YoYo-bot, the satellite that uses the Beta, Alpha, Beta symbols and shoots in all directions. The Filtration Plant boss drops mines whenever he floats up towards the surface. The key is to run into a corner whenever he rises to drop mines. When he descends, run over and punch him as many times as you can before he starts to rise again. Then head back to the corner and repeat the process until you defeat him. Be

careful to avoid the falling mines. -Ed.

| simply love your magazine, but | was curious just how long my subscription lasts. | haven't received anything since Spring of 1992 and | was wondering if | still had a subscription. H not, could | get the back issues and a new sub- scription? Melinda Hough Yakima, WA

It sounds as if you have received sev- eral of our complementary issues. The only way to guarantee that you will receive every issue is to purchase a subscription. These subscriptions last for one year or the equivalent of six issues. You can find information on how to subscribe on page 30 or the subscription insert card. If you are a paying subscriber and have not received one or more of your maga- zines, please write or call our Customer Service Department at (612) 946-8883.

Several readers have written to inquire about back issues of Game Informer Magazine. At this time, most issues are available. To order your copy, please send a check or money order for $3.95, plus 75€ shipping and han-

dling, for each back issue you are requesting. Send your order to Game Informer Magazine 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344. Be sure to speci- fy which issue(s) you are ordering. Supplies are limited. Please allow four to six weeks for delivery.


| love your magazine because the reviews are tested by different peo- ple, not just one person. And the tips are excellent because most of them work. Adrian Cabural Richmond, CA

We like to give several viewpoints on a game because we know there are several types of game players. Hopefully, readers can find a reviewer with similar tastes that they can relate to. Thanks for the compliment, Adrian.


| just read the Summer '92 issue and was surprised and pleased to see the Game Genie letters for Super Mario Bros. on page 60. What a cute idea for a game that's been played hundreds of times with and without the Game Genie. l've already tried some of them. | sure hope you come up with other strange worlds for other games. l've tried for months to come up with letters for The Three Stooges and Thunder & Lightning, but without success. Guess | just don't under- stand the principle. Thanks for a great magazine. Joyce Todd Tacoma, WA

Jason Gerber's codes for Super Mario Brothers were cool, as shown in the summer issue. But we have some we have found that are neat. Try them! ZEANIE, GOATEE, KAGIVE, LAXPEG, OATLIN, OAT- TAO, SUITOP, TOZVOA, TIEETO, VIOLET, XLUTSO, and, for real fun, try KENUET and STAGEP. Wes & Mason Craig Columbia, MO

March/April Issue 1993 Volume П, Number 2

Richard A. Cihak Publisher

Elizabeth A. Olson Executive Editor

Kimberley Thompson Benike Editorial Consultant Production Manager

Kerry Cousineau Art Director

Andrew McNamara Editorial Assistant

Paul Anderson Rick Petzoldt Andy McNamara Ross Van Der Schaegen Video Game Consultants

Thomas Blustin Production

Chris Grun Greg Scott Illustrators

Advertising Sales Walter Baumgartner Richard S. Cegielski National Advertising Sales Directors 144 Oak Court Barrington, IL 60010 (708) 381-8770

Bob Rosen Don Miller Janet Kleinman East Coast Sales Representatives Kalish, Quigley & Rosen, Inc. 850 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10019 (212) 399-9500

Tony Sureau & Associates Northwest Coast Sales Representatives 11531 197th Southeast Snohomish, WA 98290 (206) 668-7978

R.C. Bublitz & Associates Southwest Coast Sales Representatives 22247 Burbank Boulevard Woodland hills, CA 91367 (818) 992-0366

at a subscription price of $17.88 per year, by Sunrise Publications, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-7250. Application to mail at Second Class Postage rates is pending at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344

The Editor welcomes company product information for all video games. Such materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Informer Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Editorial phone and FAX num- bers are noted above. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned or acknowledged.

Entire contents copyright 1993. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc.

Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies.

For a copy of Game Informer Magazine, please call Gary Gillem at our Circulation Department (612) 946-7245.

BPA Membership Applied for September 1992

The Game Informer Magazine is published bi-monthly 0

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This Issue's Reviews... The Bottom Line


How Game Informer Reviews Work...

Our game consultants rate each game on a scale from one to ten, ten being the best. Games are rated in the following areas: Concept, Graphics/Animation, Sound, Playability and overall Entertainment Value. Specific details can be found within each review (see the page numbers listed below).




Classics Attic: Metroid| Nintendo NES

Hudson Soft

Bomberman 93 rca [eese |e | 75 |z |o [zs


Гуе ££ VM

Bubsy is a trademark of Accolade, Inc. SuperNES is a trademark . f LUZ WJ 4 Claws Encounters of Nintendo of America Inc. Sega and Genesis are trademarks A. A A / L. m the Furred Kind

owned by Sega Enterprises, Ltd. Accolade, Inc. is neither affiliated `? | m і

with, nor a licensee of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. ог any of its affiliates. © 1993 Accolade, Inc. Alll rights reserved.

Now playing on the Super NES" and Sega? Genesis? systems.

Relive Heroic Scandinavia with The Lost Vikings

e Super Nintendo ° Puzzle/Strategy e 1 or 2 Player

e 37 Levels through Tomator’s spaceship, Prehistoria, Egypt, Wacky World and more

8 Megs of action, with З skill levels and a password feature

e Created by Interplay, April 1993


mythology tells of a spec- tacular palace in the land of Asgard named "Val Halla” or Hall of the Slain Warrior. There Odin and his Valkyries would select which fallen heroes were worthy of a new life and, once brought to Middle Earth, these warriors could practice battle all day and feast on an unlimited banquet. Each night their wounds would heal so they may battle again at sunrise. It is said this is how Scandinavia raised powerful warriors. So strong was the Scandinavian's belief in Odin that whenever a distinguished warrior died, he was placed aboard his blaz- ing ship and set out to sea for Val Halla.

Interplay has resurrected heroic Scandinavia and plopped it into the future in its newest game for the Super Nintendo. The Lost Vikings is a

game of strategy and teamwork as players direct three Nordic heroes through 37 challenging levels. .

Meet our three displaced heroes. Olaf the Stout, Baleog the Fierce and Erik the Swift had just returned home from the Fall harvest feast. It had been a day full of celebration and competitions of bravery and skill. The brothers had again teamed up to emerge victorious. In all the festivity, no one noticed the ; strange flying object hovering | over the village.

Tomator, the infamous intergalactic zoo keeper, had come to Earth in search of speci- mens for his collection. He observed the primitive rituals , earlier in the day and selected the victors as his target. While unsuspecting villagers slept, the spaceship lowered over their homes and teleported them aboard. The Vikings were startled awake as they materialized inside Tomator’s space- craft. They must work together, using



Olaf’s defense tactics, Baleog’s weaponry and Erik’s speed, in the challenge of their lives.

Escaping Tomator’s clutches is just the beginning. Each door throws them into another time period or world. One player controls all three Vikings, or two players each guide a Viking and share the third, to return the brothers safely to their village.

The Lost Vikings uses humorous characters, colorful backgrounds and a hot soundtrack

to make this game of skill and team-

work fun for players of all ages.

Kid Klown in

Night Mayor World: An Adventure For Young Gamers

* Nintendo 8-bit e 1 Player


e Multi-directional scrolling Action/Adventure

* Non-violent theme targeted toward younger gamers

e 2 difficulty levels * 5 stages, plus bonus stages e Created by Kemco, March, 1993

Life was a carnival for the Klown family until that stormy night in Kansas. They were cozy in their circus trailer, traveling to the next town, when suddenly there was a flash of lightening. When Kid's eyes adjusted he saw the evil magician, Night Mayor.

“Kid, I’ve found a vault of priceless treasure and | need your assistance in opening it," he hissed. Knowing not to trust the magician, Kid refused, infuriating Night Mayor.

“Very well, | have ways of per- suading you," snapped the magician.

Lightening shot from his finger- tips, followed by the roar of thunder. When Kid opened his eyes, his family

was gone.

* b

(Kid Klown Review

| Concept: 6.5

| original cart. Graphics & Animation: 6

Reviewed by Andy, The Game Hombré

This game lacks anything really new, but seems to mix and match old ideas into a new and somewhat

The graphics are not bad, but with the slow down in growth of the NES library, | believe all NES games hitting the market today should be a cut above the rest.

Sound: 5

The sound effects and music are just as good as any | NES cart. Unfortunately, that's not saying much.

Playability: 8.5 | vid has. Entertainment

Value: 5

Overall Rating: 6.25

Night Mayor’s voice boomed from the night air, “If you ever want to see your family again, you'd better come find me."

Poor Kid Klown must search Night Mayor's mixed-up world where anything can happen. He needs your help! Luckily, Kid is armed with an unlimited supply of balloons and, with your assistance, he's a pretty good shot. If he releases a balloon while jumping, he can aim it in eight directions. Or, stand still and shoot one straight up to hit enemies as they fly by. By holding an inflated balloon, Kid will float to safety from any height. Speaking of heights, set a bal- loon on the ground and jump on it for an extra boost.

You'll come across treasure chests that can be opened with a few balloon hits. Collect as many stawberries as possible to qualify for the bonus round located after each

| like the “mix and match" Mario style that this

For myself, this game is average. However, Kid Klown is perfect for young or beginning gamers.

level boss. These shooting galleries give you the chance to sharpen your aim, gain hearts and one-ups.

There are five stages in Night Mayor's World. The Deadly Meadow is full of somersaulting circus poodles and poisonous spiders. Next, it's “Bad Guys in Toyland” as you're sur- rounded by tin soldiers and wind-up robots. It's the Kid versus Mother Nature and Mother Goose in Stage Three, and things get slippery when the Kid reaches the Arctic Wasteland inhabited by sinister snowmen. Finally, he'll have to survive the syrupy pitfalls of Candy World if he hopes to save his family.

Kid Klown in Night Mayor World is a great adventure game, designed around non-violent action that's recommended for the younger players in your household.


& (Kid Klown Review Reviewed by Rick, The Video Ranger | Concept: 9 Kid Klown is an interesting variation of the Mario- style game, with enough original ideas to make the game truly unique.

| Graphics | & Animation: 6 Kid moves very well and the bosses are great. The | amount of screen flicker, however, is some of the worst l've seen in newer NES carts.

| Sound: 7 Not bad...fitting carnival tunes.

| Playability:

8 Kid Klown gives the player a wonderful range of control options for an NES cart with a shooting gallery, super jumps, and reverse controls. The challenge is moderate to easy.

| Entertainment | Value: 7.5 This is a fun game for the entire family. The

original ideas and range of options will keep you playing and prevent boredom. The low-intensity | difficulty level is just right for intermediate or

| younger players.

\ Overall Rating: 7.5

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Animation sequences tell the story,


of gaming, but there isn't enough to keep a player with over a year's experience occupied long. |

, | Kid Klown Review Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gane | Concept: 4 Kid Klown is what | consider it to be the "Brand X" game for Nintendo; kind of generic. | Graphics | &Animation: 6 It is hard to tell if Kid was a clown or a rag doll. | However, he does look good when he jumps. | Sound: 5 Like | said before, it's Brand X through and through. Playability: 8 Even though this is geared as a kid's game, it has | excellent levels to tackle. One complaint: the | bosses are too easy, but the player control is good. | Entertainment | Value: 5 Kid Klown is great for kids just starting a lifetime | |

\ Overall Rating: 5.5



Welcome to our newest feature, Classics Attic, where we have the oppor- tunity to review some of the best games from the past and see what makes them so timeless. For our first installment the Game Informer reviewers voted unanimously for Metroid, originally released in 1987. We’d love to hear which

titles you'd like to see covered in these pages.

The Magic Behind Metroid

The turn of the 21st century brought peace and prosperity. A con- gress called the Galactic Federation was formed to promote the exchange of cultures. Interstellar ships shuttling between the planets hastened

s to ergy storage tank collect yo ur journey’ exten

the appearance of space pirates. These cosmic crooks became increas- ingly difficult to apprehend, even after the Federation Bureau inducted great warriors as bounty hunters. In the year 20X5 an unknown life form is discovered on Planet SR388. It's suspected that the entire civiliza-

The besin. he of a legendary fo CR quest,


tion of SR388 was destroyed and this new life form nicknamed “Metroid” could be the cause. For that reason it’s stored in suspended animation until further tests can be run. If Metroid falls into the wrong hands and is multiplied, it could be used as a weapon to wipe out all galactic civ- ilization.

Federation researchers were transporting Metroid back to Earth when they were hijacked by space pirates. Metroid is now hidden deep within the pirate’s headquarters on the fortress planet Zebes, and plans

to multiply this deadly life form are underway. A space hunter must penetrate the fortress and destroy the Mother Brain if there's any hope


of stopping this intergalactic carnage. The space hunter chosen is a cyborg, surgically strengthened by robotics, known as Samus Aran.

Samus begins his search through the three zones of Zebes armed only with a short beam weapon. You must clear the large maze, the Brinstar and the Norfair zones, before entering Tourian, central base of the Mother Brain. To help in your battle there are several types of power-ups: a long beam, an ice beam to freeze enemies, a wave beam, the spinning screw attack, high jump boots, the shield- like Varia, the Maru Mari tucking ability, and bombs.

Power-ups are important, but it's equally important to collect the six

Collect items in this order:

1. Maru Mari 2. Missiles

3. Long Beam 4. Energy Tank


5. Bombs

6. Ice Beam 7. Missiles

8. Energy tank


Don’t be deceived by what appears to be dead-end walls. Shoot spots on the walls and ceiling in succession, then use the round ball plus bomb technique to break through. ®

energy storage tanks and the missile rockets. It will take all the energy and ammunition you can gather to defeat the more than 25 types of enemies. In addition, there are mini-bosses hid- den in each zone that will drain your strength before reaching the almighty Mother Brain. Destroy the Mother Brain to discover Samus Aran's true identity.

When you want to move to walls or places too high to reach with a normal jump, freeze enemies and use them as stairs.

* Game Boy * 1 player Action/Adventure * 5 levels of progressive difficulty

e Bonus stages and ample power- ups

e By Hudson Soft, available now

Boogalooga! That cute, coura- geous little caveman that we've come to know from NEC's TurboGrafx and Duo formats has made the cross-over to Nintendo's hand-held unit. To put this in perspective, that's like Mario putting in an appearance on the Game Gear. The good news is that Game Boy owners will get their first glimpse at this prehistoric hero.

Join Bonk as he travels through Dinosaur Land in search of the lovely Moon Princess. Bonk's old rival, King

| Bonk's Adventure Review

| Concept: 7 :

| Graphics

Turbo’s Head-banging Hero Goes Game Boy in

Drool, has returned in this new adventure and he’s up to his old tricks. The devious Drool has kid- napped the Princess and is threaten- ing to take over Dinosaur Land in his quest for power.

Bonk must face all sorts of Drool’s brigade of bad guys but not to worry. This is one cave-kid that really knows how to use his head in a sticky situation. He uses his head of stone to bash the baddies and gather bonuses in order to restore peace to the land.

Bonk has several ways to use his head of stone. His primary defense is butting into enemies head-on. For extra oomph, use the mid-air spin which increases the length and power of his attack. Land head-first on opposition to bounce them off the screen, or spring from flowers to uncover power-ups. Bonk really sinks

Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gamer

Bonk was born a few Y years ago to the proud par- ent, Turbo. He has made his pu to NES's hand held Game Boy.

his teeth into this adventure when faced with a challenge. He uses his over-sized choppers to climb cliffs and trees blocking his path. Water won't slow him down either, as he climbs waterfalls and swims to safety.

Pick up the plentiful power-ups to help in your journey. Fruit will slightly increase Bonk's life meter, and small hearts will lengthen his life. Big hearts increase his meter by three hearts, the crystal heart will max him out, and Bonk icons are worth an extra life. This kid really has an appetite, so it's a good thing there is meat along the way. Small meat icons give him a granite noggin and create a Grand Bonk that will rock your world, doing serious damage to any on-screen opponents. Large meat icons transform him into the ultimate Bonk, complete with a wicked-look- ing mohawk, whose bark is much worse than his bite.

Dinosaur Land is a dangerous place, full of hazards like hot springs, waterfalls and whirlpools. Bonk will have to battle his way through gigan-

Bonk really hasn't lost many of his characteristics, except the color, in this transition. There's still lots of head-banging and lots of power-ups.

| & Animation:

| Sound: Very little dol very few sound effects.

| Playability: Much too ‘easy! However, I did find that some of

P | the pone provide a real challenge.

| Entertainment

| Value: . Bonk's wasn't too bada game, it's just way too easy. It Us be one to rent. -

Overall Rating: 6

Concept: 7

Graphics & Animation: 6.5

Sound: 6.5

Playability: 6.5

Entertainment Value: 6.5

Overall Rating: 6.5

tic flower beds, but mini-flowers will sans color and a few sound effects. If warp him to one of three bonus you're not familiar with this hard- rounds: Wall-biting, Waterfall-climb- ^ headed hero, hop to it. ing and Free-fall bonus gathering.

Bonk’s Adventure makes a smooth transition to the Game Boy,

Bonk's Adventure Review Reviewed by Rick, The Video Ranger

Bonk's Adventure is a basic Super Mario-style game. Bonk is very cute. There is creativity in this game such as using Bonk's teeth for climbing.

| liked the very clean, easy to distinguish graph- ics. The design is solid, but not state of the art.

The music is cute and upbeat.

Bonk is easy to play and responsive. They should have made the regular levels more difficult. The bosses were just about right.

Q , F

Bonk’s Adventure is respectable on the Game Boy, just not outstanding. They did everything well, but nothing exceptional.

Bonk’s Adventure Review Reviewed by Paul, the Pro Player

Concept: 7 | always thought Bonk would be exclusive to NEC, like Sonic and Mario are to their companies. Conceptually, | think the game is like so many oth- ers in that you do the basic “run and jump” that we

| have all grown to love.

| Graphics &

Animation: 8 Real good for the Game Boy. | especially like the expressions of Bonk and his foes; they give the char- acters distinct personalities. The combination of ver- tically and horizontally scrolling levels added good

variety. Sound: 5 Average sound...average score. Playability: 8 Anyone can handle Bonk’s Adventure. You know,

do that “run and jump” thing. There’s even a little aquatic play mixed into the action. Entertainment | Value: 6 Bonk's Adventure is not a new adventure in gaming, but he's got one tough melon. If you like this game style, Bonk will give you plenty of wacky action.

\ Overall Rating: 6.75

Introducing 3DO What is 3DO? It could be the the next company to revolutionize home entertainment and interactive media. 3DO is the brainchild of Trip Hawkins, formerly of Apple and Electronic Arts. Previously named SMSG, 3DO is a collection of companies that include some heavy hitters in computers, multi-media, Hollywood, cable and phone networks, and software devel- opment. This impressive list of part- ners and backers reads like a Who's Who, including Electronic Arts, Time Warner, Matsushita Electronics, AT&T, and Kleiner Perkins. What does 3DO do? It's actually a platform developed to create a new standard for consumer electronics, similar to what VHS did for video tape. The initial hardware features a 32-bit RISC processor, a custom graphics/animation processor, a cus- tom sound processor, and a multi- task operating system. It’s compatible with numerous audio/video peripher- als and offers full rotation, scaling, texture-mapping and video-editing. Initially, the focus is interactive media but its networking capabilities are exciting. Panasonic is building the first US hardware, the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer, due out this Fall for around $700.

The Meaning of L.I.F.E. Pioneer unveiled their new inter-

active laser disc system, the LaserActive™, at a press conference entitled The Meaning of L.I.F.E. This new format combines the advantages of CD-ROM and CD-I with the graph- ics and sound of a laser disc player,

blending the analog and digital memories into an interactive experi- ence. The main unit plays any size conventional CD, CDVs and LDs. But there's more. Pioneer has teamed up with Sega and NEC to

create optional control packs for the LaserActive. The Mega-LD™ plays 8- and 12-inch LaserActive Mega-LD discs, Sega CDs, Sega Genesis ROM cartridges and standard CD-Gs. The LD-ROM2™, developed in coop- eration with NEC, plays 8- and 12- inch LaserActive LD-ROM? discs, TurboGrafx CDs and ROM cards, and standard CD-Gs. A third LaserKaraoke™ pack is compati- ble with LaserKaraoke discs and standard CDs.

Virtual Reality Comes

Home for the Holidays Sega has announced plans to ship their new Virtua VR™, a full- color virtual reality peripheral designed for use with the Sega

Genesis system, in time for Christmas. Virtua VR gives players the feel of being in a realistic 360 degree play- field by using 3-D, stereo-optic vision and depth perception, similar to the technology used in Sega's successful coin-op Virtua Racing. The Virtua VR will ship in the Fall with one virtual reality software title. Sega hopes to release at least four VR titles in 1993, featuring shooting, flying, driving and fantasy action.

Get Into the Game

Another new product from Sega is The Activator™, a full-body con- troller made up of eight interlocking modules. Players stand inside the cir- cle and infra-red "smart beams" cre- ate a bi-level ring with 16 motion- sensitive panels. The action on screen is controlled by the player breaking through these beams with their own body movements. The Activator is compatible with both existing Genesis games and new software in development.

Wonderful World Claymation

Recently, Game Informer

had the opportunity to talk

with Michael Quarles,

product manager for the

clay animation depart-

ment of Interplay.

We asked him just

what goes into creat-

ing a game such as their

upcoming ClayMates,

using this unique style of animation.

Clay animation is the process of still frame animation in which you build 3-D clay models, shoot a frame, move the model, take another shot and so on. We can actually take these models and make them run, jump, bulge out of shape and create animation.

When did you first gain an interest in the art of clay ani- mation?

Several of us at Interplay go to the animation festivals, and a large part of what we see is created with clay. | was fas- cinated by the idea of clay animation because you can do so much with it.

What do you think this new form of video graphics offers to game players?

Internally, we call it ‘physics,’ which refers to the physical aspects of a character. A lot of people try to model their physics after the real world. | think clay animation breaks away from that and brings a new type of physics to video games. You can do all the things clay can do.

We start by writing a general description for every level and creature, then draw sketches of those, which often inspires new ideas. Once they are physically designed, we do some preliminary programming to make sure it works.

Do you first program the character and manipulate it from there or is it frame-by-frame, or backgrounds first? We create the main character first. Once we get the feel for that character, we pick the next character and so on. Then we do each object, one at a time, until they create a level.

You need someone who can build an armature and some- one skilled in 3-D sculpture; theatrical people who know lighting and photography; special equipment for digitiz-



ing, and special image processing equipment that will allow all this to work on the Nintendo platform.

Where do you see the video game industry heading?

| worry that a lot of companies get a license and then throw the game together. If a game is bad with no license, fewer people buy it. But if it has a good license, a lot of people get burned. | also worry that CD ROM isn't being taken advantage of. Most of what exists now could be done on a cart if you removed some of the music. The gameplay doesn't compete with cartridge games already out there. On a more optimistic note, | hope to see more designers come up with innovative ideas to create entire worlds you can wander around in. What we need is tech- nology supported by good games.

du o


ong to foreig of motion films and one | aracters helped bolster Support. Today those cartoon characters are slothes to furn

ms has opened the doo d-drawn frames, roto



You'll need to unleash

your fatal fists on some bad dudes and crazy creatures. Punch-in and get to work because this job will take

a real super hero!

The smash arcade hit has M ee di zr open IE] There's bone crunching been given a few new dents. ME : gel i action for Sega Genesis too. Lead-footed criminals will BEC e Ee os К Unless you want some free grind your gears, not only on Sign ا‎ a ا ي‎ dental work you had better the highway, but the jungles к... > iu td KSE WE, _ ВЕ stick in the mouthpiece, and snow choked mountains | S 3 Cas strap on the pads and

as well. | d E с CHECK it out!

This head bangin’ hard

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THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN. county. So, lace "em up and ©1993 All Rights Reserved.

E View Рой t: | I | SNK Gives Us a Whole New E "a to Look at Shooters.


| :

P b View Point Review Reviewed by Rick, The Video Ranger Concept: 8 Another Neo*Geo shooter, but this time incorporating a three-quarter, angled perspective that allows for some sensational three-dimensional graphics.

Graphics & Animation: 10 These are the best 3-Dimensional graphics produced for any home system so far. The constant animation of the entire screen is something to behold. | Ё@ Sound: 9 View Point has excellent music and sound NeoGeo > SC Ss ? effects that get progressively better. Diagonal ter with ` 3-quarter perspective ` |. Playability: 8 View Point is a simple to operate, two-button shooter that's a challenge for even the best e 1 or 2 player alternating action video jockeys. 74 megs of incredible _ A | Entertainment 3-D graphics gz ٠ Value: 9 View Point is the best shooter game to be found

and, considering the Neo*Geo capabilities, why not? 74 megs leaves us 256 meg to go...Come on, programmers.

Ug stages, with 4 levels of fire power and 5 levels of difficulty

Created SH SNK, available now

Overall Rating: 8.75

View Point Hetz the) М «Geo . system and shooters inte the к At a time when “Virtual Reality” the hot topic, SNKrereated а жы ; that feels like-you’ve stumbled onto ers, slinky-like “Coyles” and the _ the.playing field... mechaniecal Snapping Turtle King | . One of the unusual aspects of boss. That's just the beginning. The _ ` View Point is that there is no plot... underwater world of the second level _ . none; no alien race invading planet has you fighting powerful Hydra, _ Earth with you its last hope, no surrealistic sea anemone, lightening- princesses to rescue. But what this a game lacks in story line is more than made up for by eye-popping graphics. Rather than shooting it out with spacecrafts, you find yourself submerged in a distinctly computer-generated wotrld.-Instead of battling against. an alien race, you are surrounded by à host of colorful, creative, three-dimen- sional characters. : Theg View Point world con- sists of Moving walls, spinning platforms, rolling gears and

other Kc? In thé first-stage, you “H encounter gyro-like “Soo-Rollo” fight

pinning gauntlet.,

E. Make your Way throug the s

Spitting “Сой ed fish and inde- _structible worm-like creatures inhab- iting “Mareens Nest.” sa The emphasis of View Point je on.

your "Byupo" fighter ship. It's important to remember that your craft cannot

atch the arrows to Move the Wall.


| View Point Review Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gamer

Concept: 6 View Point is another shooter to add to the already long list. l'd describe it as a cross between Zaxxon and Captain Skyhawk, but it's not as highly advanced a game as I'd hope for from Neoe Geo.


& Animation: 8 One thing this game does have is high definition | graphics that are very eye pleasing, with scrolling that's slow enough to keep your enemies on the board long enough to see them.

Sound: 10 Neo*Geo has the best sound compared to its counterparts, and View Point takes full advantage of this. Voice-overs were a sweet touch.

| Playability: 7 Nothing spectacular stands out in View Point, except maybe the sound. The challenge was not n navigating hard to overcome, and unlimited continues make it rimary arše- .. | even easier. pid-fire ig ¬ Entertainment | Value: 6 View Point is not the worst game Neo*Geo ever

put out, nor is it the best.

= Overall Rating: 7.5

| amount. of tim on You can

"e TAR a homing bs canis and a meee an onde nm Don! tlet

shock wave bomb that will wipe out this ie ou, View Point is non-stop,

anything within range. Watch the 1 - i ön to collect other power-ups

such | as a nog barier, point

View Point Review Reviewed by Andy, The Game Hombré

Concept: 8 Zaxxon was a true arcade classic and | tip my hat to SNK for bringing us a close cousin. It only scores an eight because it lacks elevation control.


& Animation: 9.25 Now this shooter game really shows off the Мео• Сео. The graphics are spectacular; images are very surreal and it really brings life

to the game.

Sound: 9 | have a shortfall for “house” music; | just can’t avoid the beat. This game has a wicked sound- track. '

Playability: 9 Finally, a game that makes you work. Reminiscent

of Magician Lord in challenge, View Point is one of SNK's best.

dt - $

Entertainment Value: 8.75 It's a great challenge; not impossible, but worthy enough to take some time. If you like to work for your win, give it a try.

Overall Rating: 8.75


generally cute and lovable. Oh, and

Bubsy Review

Overall Rating: 8.75 S

` he says pr

to mind.

Here his days were spent ng his enormous E

ave an insatiable lust

Woolie. Their yearning for yarn leads

w set Profe:

cosmos for plunder.

. Woolies de SEI véi silk saucers A he wrote its Jt de an- from the planet Rayon. he Woolies. It-seems the--

for our hero alls to trolley cactus (Hey,

; e repertoire of ` expressions. Better yet, he'll even ou what's on. his mind.

KR Ж as catnip, 1 D. You'll be hooked

Bubsy Review

| Overall Rating: 8.5

Bubsy Review

Overall Rating: 9


covers. an carved like a face with a teamwork to d drawn across.itsmouth. and Soldier / ange glow from. behind. caught in the t

But, before Mickey Zi i {

5 dech | lled ês Unlimited, continues:

Created by "ër available now

` cyclones and he box to KS бг D Better con of! He, too, is gone. = ‘cuz you're

fell, anevil voice i

World of Illusion Review Reviewed by Andy, The Game Hombré

Concept: 8 Adding Donald and a two-player mode gives new dimension to this Sega sequel. However, it doesn’t live up to Castle of Illusion. Close, but no cigar.

Graphics & Animation: 8 The backgrounds are excellent, but characters aren't

: as big as those in Castle. The animation is smooth, .

but the assortment of sequences is limited.

` Sound: 7.5 The soundtrack is average. Voice-overs аге а big plus, but they aren’t used enough to be effective.


Game play is much better than Fantasia. This time Mickey is armed with a magic cape, instead of the old “jump-on-the-head” routine. However, this

attack method gets old and detracts from the game.

` Playability:


Value: 7 World of Illusion is fun and has a large variation of levels, but the lack of interesting gameplay makes it average. Don't let this discourage younger gamers or Mickey fans. It still has that undeniable magic.

Overall Rating: 7.25

World of Illusion Review Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gamer

Concept: 9 No one can resist this lovable mouse. He even > comes with Donald. ~~ . Graphics | & Animation: 9 There's a lot of animation in World of Illusion. The running effect is unreal. I’m glad to see Mickey's back. Donald shines through, and occasionally steals Mickey's spotlight.

Sound: 6 There's nothing new that wasn't in earlier episodes, except occasional voice-overs. Mickey's voice is good, too.


The classic moves are back, but this time they’ve put them to all new boards that can be seriously nasty.



Value: 9 Mickey and Donald fill the bill! Who could ever pass up anything starring Mickey Mouse, let alone the chance to control the little rodent?

Overall Rating: 8.25

showdown. It will take all the special magic you've collected along the way to beat him and make it home in time for the magic show. World of Illusion is a one or two- player game that lets you be Mickey or Donald. The two-player game requires teamwork. Give your friend a _ lift or lower him a line as you work | | through tight spaces. Gain Health %racadabya, —- points by collecting items like Candy, j e A. сути Cards, Magic Hats and ere ` Rockets. Be sure to share your good. eee


es and watch out for each other, or e e eg Tan Ff ге, . | World of Illusion Review Reviewed by Paul, The Pro Player Concept: 6 Given the popularity of Mickey and Donald on video game systems, Sega created a sequel to their successful Castle of Illusion. Graphics & Animation: 9 This game features great moves and outstanding character animation. The underwater scenes are unique and original. Sound: 7 The music and sound effects are light and airy, just as you'd expect from a World of Illusion. Playability: 9 This cart is much easier than the difficult Fantasia

game. It has very standard controls. Entertainment

Value: 7 All you Mickey Mouse Club members will have а blast. | recommend this game for younger or less experienced players.

Overall Rating: 7.5


e Sega Genesis

e 1 player Action/Adventure Strategy

* Rotoscope animation

e Digitized yeice-& sound effects e 12 megs

e 7 intricate levels; plus passwords 3 levels of difficulty

e Exclusive Marvel? comic book

By Delphine Software for U.S. Gold, available now

Only a few games had people talking at this year's Winter CES; one of those was Flashback. This adven- ture has smooth animation and an intricate story line, reminiscent of last year's award-winning Out of This World. That's not surprising, since it's created by the same French-based design house, Delphine International.

Flashback. tells the. story of Conrad Hart, an.agent-in-training with the;/.Galaxias Bureau of Investigations. Conrad has been developing a compact Molecular Density Analyzer. for Forensic Investigations class. This device regis- ters the. molecular density. of objects, separating it from its surroundings.

U.S. Gold Makes a Name For Itself. With Flashback: The Ouest For Identity

Flashback Review Reviewed by Andy, The Game Hombré

| Concept: 9.25 Take every Arnold movie, twist them together and | you've got the story line to Flashback. It's great. | Graphics | & Animation: 9.5 The animation is unbelievable. The character | moves so smoothly. Throw in great backgrounds, animated see where Um leading. | Sound: 8 The sound effects are unreal. Although there's little to no background music, | believe it adds effect. | Playability: 9.5 The first game by Delphine was great, but had limited control. For that reason it seemed more one-dimensional. They've gone back to the drawing board 'cuz Flashback has everything. You can move freely instead of being led down a path. Entertainment Value: 9 | was hooked from the second | put it in. The real-

ism and story line grabbed me and | couldn't put it down. It's a long, well thought-out game that will keep you interested. If you liked Out of this World or thought it looked cool, play Flashback!

| Overall Rating: 9

through each level. Conrad must help a wounded man and obtain an I.D. card to enter New Washington. lan helps Conrad restore his memo-

ry, but now he must take on assignments from

He and his girlfriend. discover that certain individuals are-registering an unusual density, so high it defies analysis. Key political figures are actually extra-terrestrials that infiltrated society for a full-scale take-over.

Unfortunately, his investigations were detected. Now Conrad has been kidnapped, his memory erased, and taken to the Titan Colonies. He managed to escape, but is shot down over Titan's artificial jungle. Armed only with a stolen gun and a holocube, a pre-recorded mes- sage on the holocube tells him o seek out his friend, lan. So.his journey begins.

Conrad must work his way through traps and enemies in this forbidding environment. Face hostile opposition such as mutants, replicants, anti-matter fields and watchdog robots as you move


( Flashback Review

| H

Concept: 8 Graphics

& Animation: 9.5 Sound: 8

Playability: 9

ter. Entertainment

Value: 9.

\ Overall Rating: 8.75



the Department of the Interior to-earn money for false papers. Then enter the “Death Tower TV Show,” in

order to win a free trip to Earth. Once on Earth, the authorities are alerted and send robot cops to eliminate you. Your must make it to the Paradise Club, an alien hangout, to uncover their plan.


From the designers who gave us Out of this World comes Flashback. It incorporates elements of Science Fiction into an action/adventure game.

The animation is unbelievable. The intricate, subtle movements of Conrad are a credit to the game’s designers and programmers. Awesome!

There is little music in Flashback, but the sound effects, such as guns and warps, are outstanding.

With all the different moves, this cart takes time to master, even for superior gamers. The variety of extras you can acquire make game play even bet-

Amazingly, Flashback is one of the best action/adventures I’ve seen yet. I’m a sucker for Sci-Fi, and Flashback provides a great story line with plenty of cool gadgets to use along the way.


Reviewed by Paul, The Pro Player

You trigger an alarm and in the chase you fall into a ventilation pit. You are transported to the planet of the Morphs, where it is up to you to destroy the auxiliary “Head Brain" and neutralize their invasion. Flashback uses new animation techniques to bring CD quality to the 16-bit Genesis. It features rotoscope animation, the process of filming live actors and hand-illustrating these motions: on cells. Six artists then

Flashback Review

Concept: 10 Action/RPG.


& Animation: 10

| Sound: 8

Playability: 10


Value: 10


me ل‎


Overall Rating: 9


Transpor t to the Planet of th e Mor, Phs,

hand-animated these movements into computer graphics. Flashback has more than 2,000 frames playing at 24 images per second. The result is breathtaking.


Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gamer

What an idea! Many novel writers never succeed at a story this great. Sweet! The ultimate in

The only game that comes close is by the same design house. The foreground and background graphics are well done. There's so many. sprites to watch, but it’s almost impossible to take it all in.

The gun fire sounded very realistic; sound effects in general surpass many I’ve heard. | do feel Flashback needs some classic 60's tunes.

Most amateurs will find this game hard at first; timing is extremely crucial. It has jumps that will frustrate the best players, enemies that seem to never die, and traps everywhere.

| can sum it up in two words, "Buy it!”

Create Your Own Tiny Toon Adventures "

With Konami's Cartoon Workshop

By Elizabeth Olson big-time director or producer? Well, here's your chance. Konami gives Nintendo owners the opportunity to create

Cartoon Workshop. That's right, Konami has enlisted the help of Buster and | Y) ^ 7 and several of your favorite Tiny 2 Toons characters іп this experiment Cartoon Workshop is like no other cartridge available for Nintendo. characters to star in their production. Up to two characters or a character and a prop 11 solid color backgrounds to pick from, or select one of eight scenic desert, a forest, a frozen lake, an Фа Ocean (complete with ship wreck), and the steps of the Tiny Toons Looniversity. and your characters, you'll need to make them do something. Each y action sequences to choose from, including water fights, more. Buster can harass Babs or Calamity Coyote can Little Beeper. Put them together in any order; the combinations are almost lim- What would any cartoon be without dialog and sound effects? There are five until you cut them, or try six short tunes to کے‎ activity comes with its own sound effect or add one of three pro- “talkie” with 30 phrases. Pick com- mon phrases to match each personality customize your cartoon for family and friends. up like any PC windows program. The bar at the top

So, you say you’ve always dreamed of becoming a cartoons with their newest title, Tiny Toon Adventures™ Babs Bunny, Furrball, Plucky Duck

in cartoon development. Players can choose from six different can be on screen at the same time. There are backgrounds. These range from a On а city, a village, a spooky castle,


Once you've selected your set personality has fifteen, twenty- ice fishing, scuba diving and

come up with another scheme to chase


theme songs that play continuously

highlight action. Each

vided. Turn your cartoon into a

or select a special occasion greeting to Cartoon Workshop is set

features icons for character,


settings, dialog, sound effects and filming. Simply move the direc- SN tional control to each icon, ` highlight it with the A Button К 8202227 Sz and scroll down to make your

selection. A frame counter will let you control which actions take place in which frames. The scissors icon under each category allows you to

edit out any action and redo it.

Each time you select a new location it erases any pre- vious film. There is no way to store your finished produc- tion on the cart, but you can hook up your VCR and tape them to send to friends or watch them over and over. You can create a cartoon up to eight minutes in length, com- plete with the backwards countdown to add authenticity.

So, you want to be in pictures? With Cartoon Workshop it’s as easy as “Lights, camera, action!”



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DRAGON'S LAIR is a trademark of Bluth Group, Ltd. All characters, audio, visuals and concept © 1990 Bluth Group, Ltd., used under license from Sullivan Bluth Interactive Media, Inc. Character designs © 1983 Don Bluth. All rights reserved. DRAGON'S LAIR developed by Motivetime Ltd. Game program 1992 Elite Systems Ltd. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and the official seal are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc.

As the technical capabilities improve, : The Magical Que arring Mickey Mouse so does appearance of the games we play. e Сарсо | With the recent boom in high-end development, changes are coming fast and furious. Currently on the drawing board there are several new carts or discs that move gamers toward the illusion of controlling cartoon or film-quality environments. We've selected just a few that are worth a closer look:



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SE ve; Latest haws from the Vide): Game: industry ‚їп “Tech: Talk": and ev S Hot” SC > In-depth look att ‘games .

ub cus i panel w А


"wer ER the “Fi


What’s in Store for the First Half of 19932

A Consumer Electronics Show Update

Twice a year the electronics industry gathers to show off their new products and the latest technology. The Winter CES show, held each January in Las Vegas, is the largest electronics industry show in the world. Video game developers and manufacturers do their best to show buyers, distributors and the press what they have up their sleeves for the first half of 1993.

This year the talk of the show centered on new multi-media and laser CD platforms, such as 3DO and Pioneer’s new LaserActive (see Tech Talk Pg. 14). Other popular exhibits were the latest licensees for the Sega CD, Sega’s new Virtua VR and Nintendo’s Star Fox exhibit, com- plete with a laser light show. Below is a brief overview of what's in store from your favorite game companies early in 1993. Stay tuned to Game Informer Magazine for more details.

Sega's booth featured Virtua Racing

(mn E ___ TIME EMY r 1p x

Mighty Final Fight by Capcom

STD's Top Fighter joystick



Active Enterprises: American Sammy: American Technos:


Camerica: (Aladdin)

Camerica's Alladin

Culture Brain: FCI:

Hi Tech Expressions:

Hudson Soft: Jaleco: Kemco: Konami: Matchbox: Mindscape: Natsume: Nintendo:


Seta USA: Sofel:

Sony Imagesoft:



Ubi Soft:

Super Nintendo

Absolute: Acclaim:

Accolade: Activision:

Alien 3 Incredible Crash Dummies

Action 52 (52-in-One Cartridge)

Magic Candle World

Crash the Boys: Ice Challenge

Crash N’ the Boys: Soccer Duck Tales II

Final Fight


Bee 52

Big Nose Cave Man

Big Nose Freaks Out

CJ's Elephant Antics

Deck Enhancer & Dizzy, Adv.

Dizzy Pinball Dreamworld Pogie F-16 Renegade Fantastic Adv. of Dizzy Go Dizzy Go

Linus Spacehead Metal Man

Micro Machines MIG 29 Soviet Fighter Quattro Adv. Quattro Sports

Stunt Kids

Ultimate Stuntman Fighting Simulator AD&D Hillsfar Breaktime: Pool Tour We're Back Bomberman 2 Bonk’s Adventure Buster Brothers Bases Loaded 4

Ace Harding: Lost in Las Vegas Kid Klown in Night Mayor World

Batman Returns

Tiny Toon Adv. Trouble in Wacky

Noah's Ark

Mario is Missing Championship Wrestling Kirby’s Adventure Yoshi's Cookie

Cool World

Lethal Weapon

Wizard of Oz

Casino Kid II

Happily Ever After Dracula

Eon Man

Hit the Ice

The Jetsons

Ren & Stimpy

The Great Waldo Search Thomas the Tank Engine Wayne's World

Jimmy Connors Tennis


Alien 3

Incredible Crash Dummies Mortal Kombat

NFL Quarterback Club Super High Impact

T2: The Arcade Game Terminator 2: Judgment Day World Cup Soccer

WWF Super Wrestlemania 2 Universal Soldier

Aliens Vs. Predator








1993 Summer 93 Summer 93 Fall 93 Spring 93 Summer 93 Spring 93 Fall 93

Fall 93

Fall 93 Spring 93 Summer 93 Spring 93 Fall 93 Spring 93 Fall 93 Spring 93 Spring 93 Summer 93 Summer 93 1993



1993 March 93 August 93 August 93 March 93 June 93 March 93 March 93 1993


June 93 1993

May 93 April 93 March 93 1993




June 93 1993


1993 August 93 1993

May 93 May 93 March 93

March 93 1993 1993 1993 July 93 1993 May 93 March 93 July 93 1993 1993 June 93

Mortal Combat

Shadowrun by Data East

American Sammy:

American Softworks:

American Technos: Ascii:




Culture Brain:

Data East:

Electro Brain:

Electronic Arts: Enix:



Hi Tech:

Hot-B: Hudson Soft:

IGS: Interplay:








Shanghai II

Battle Blaze

Football Fury

Might & Magic II

Might & Magic III

Bebe's Kids

James Pond II

Super Troll Land

King of Rally

Super Dodgeball Dominus


Run Sabor

Super Widget

Fantastic Adv. of Dizzy Micro Machines

Final Fight II

Goof Troop

MVP Football

Super Ninja Boy

Ultimate Fighter

Congo's Caper

Dragon’s Lair

Joe & Mac 2

Monday Night Football Sengoku

Shadow Run

Fist of the North Star

Full Metal Planet

Future Zone

Legends of the Ring

Metal Monsters



Ultima: The False Prophet American Gladiators Family Feud

Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge The Humans


Mickey’s Numbers & Letters We're Back

Where in the World is Carmen... Where in Time is Carmen SanDiego Super Black Bass

Battle Grand Prix

Felix the Cat

Ogre Battle

Power League Baseball Power League Volleyball Super Bomberman

Super Shadow of the Beast Claymates

Lord of the Rings

Rock N Roll Racing

The Lost Vikings

Max Mania

Rocky Rodent

Street Combat

Brawl Brothers

King Arthur's World Super Bases Loaded Il Utopia

Dungeon Master


Skull Keep

Super Empire Strikes Back Syvallion

G2 ( Generation 2)

Kid Klown

The First Samurai


Inindo: Way of the Ninja PTO: Pacific Theater of Operations Uncharted Waters Batman Returns













May 93 May 93 March 93 Winter 93 Winter 93 June 93 July 93 February 93 March 93 March 93 May 93 February 93 1993


1993 March 93 1993



3rd Quarter 93 4th Quarter 93 March 93 March 93 1993 February 93 August 93 May 93 May 93 1993



July 93 March 93 March 93 April 93 Winter 93 December 93 September 93 1993 September 93 1993

April 93 June 93 June 93 March 93 1993

June 93 February 93 1993 February 93 1993 February 93 March 93 May 93 1993

May 93 May 93 April 93 1993 March 93 February 93 March 93 May 93 January 93 May 93

McOflRiver: Microprose: Mindscape:

Natsume: Nintendo:

Ocean: Renovation:


Seta USA:

Sony Imagesoft: Sunsoft: Sunsoft



Tecmo: THO:



Triffix: Vic Tokai:

Virgin Games:

Game Boy

Absolute: Acclaim:

Accolade: American Sammy:

American Softworks:

American Technos:



Culture Brain: Data East: DTMC: Electro Brain:


Hi Tech Expressions:

Tiny Toon Adventures Power Spikes

Super Strike Eagle Mario is Missing Outlander Terminator

Pocky & Rocky

Star Fox

Vegas Stakes Yoshi's Cookie

Cool World

Arcus Odyssey Death Probe Doomsday Warrior Jennifer Capriati Tennis Aquatic Games Super Turrican Troddlers

Cacoma Knight

F-1 ROC II Ma-Kendo


Wizard of Oz Dracula


Aero the Acrobat Duck Dodgers Superman Tazmania

Hit the Ice

Sonic Blastman Fatal Fury

Super NBA Basketball Ren & Stimpy Rocky & Bullwinkle Swamp Thing Wayne's World Blues Brothers Lamborghini's American Challenge Super Barbarian Battletoads in Battlemaniacs Super Off Road Baja Dream TV

Lost Mission

Super Conflict Caesar's Palace Global Gladiators Speed Metal

Super Slam Dunk Super Slap Shot Wolf Child

Star Trek: The Next Generation Mortal Kombat Spiderman 3

Star Hawk

Battle Ping Pong

James Bond Il

Crash N' the Boys: Street Challenge Dodgeball

Big Nose Freaks Out Fantastic Adv. of Dizzy Micro Machines Darkwing Duck

Little Mermaid


The Empire Strikes Back Ninja Boy 11 Tumblepop

Sumo Fighter

Metal Masters Pinocchio

Panel Action Bingo We're Back

February 93 1993 February 93 May 93 March 93 March 93 April 93 March 93 April 93 1993 March 93 Summer 93 February 93 February 93 1993

June 93 April 93 May 93 May 93 Sept 93 1993

June 93 June 93 June 93 March 93 1993

September 93

1993 March 93 March 93 February 93 March 93 February 93 August 93 April 93 1993 February 93 February 93 June 93 1993 March 93 March 93 1993 August 93 March 93 19943



May 93 April 93 May 93

May 93 June 93 June 93 March 93 1993

May 93 May 93 April 93 Winter 93 Winter 93 Winter 93 February 93 February 93 February 93 February 93 March 93 February 93 February 93 March 93 March 93 April 93 1993



Rock'n'Roll Racing


Take Picard's place in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Star Fox features really BIG bosses!


Star Fox |

Duck Dodgers

Program your favorite SF 2 moves in STD's controller.

Jade's Hardball 3

Hot-B USA: Hudson Soft:

Interplay: IREM: Jaleco:

Kemco: Konami:

Microprose: Namco: Natsume: Nintendo:


Sony Imagesoft: Taito:



Titus: Tradewest:

Ubi Soft:

Vic Tokai: Virgin Games:

Sega Genesis




Active Enterprises: American Sammy:

Camerica: Data East:


Electronic Arts:


Black Bass Lure Fishing Adventure Island II Buster Bros.

Felix the Cat

Milon's Secret Castle

4 in 1 Funpack Il Omar Sharif on Bridge Hammerin' Harry R-Type II



Sword of Hope II Batman -The Animated Series Championship Fever Kid Dracula

Top Gun: Guts & Glory Zen Intergalactic Ninja F-15 Strike Eagle

Great Greed

Spanky's Quest

Top Rank Tennis Yoshi's Cookie

Zelda: Link's Awakening Addams Family: Pugsley’s... Cool World

Jurassic Park

Lethal Weapon 3 Chuck Rock


Beach Volley

Ring Rage

The Flintstones

Cool Ball

Ren & Stimpy

Wayne's World Lamborghin Challengei Titus the Fox Battletoads Sequel Jimmy Connors Tennis Legend of Zod

Robin Hood

Spot: Cool Adv.

Amazing Tennis


Bart's Nightmare Mortal Kombat

World Cup Soccer Bubsy

Hardball 3

Jack Nicklaus Golf Summer Challenge Warpspeed

Action 52



Sorcerer's Kingdom Fantastic Adv. of Dizzy Micro Machines Dashin' Desperadoes High Seas Havoc James Bond 007: The Duel MIG 29

Team Williams Grand Prix Jungle Strike


Mutant League Football PGA Tour Il

Rolo to the Rescue Tony La Russa American Gladiators Family Feud

Gadget Twins


Caribbean Kawasaki Challenge

1993 February 93 April 93 June 93 March 93 April 93 March 93 1993


1993 March 93 March 93 April 93 1993

April 93 February 93 March 93 March 93 May 93 1993

April 93 April 93 June 93 February 93 February 93 1993 February 93 July 93 June 93 June 93 1993 February 93 May 93 1993


June 93 February 93 1993 March 93 May 93 March 93 Now

January 93 March 93 Summer 93 Fall 93 Summer 93 Summer 93 Spring 93 Spring 93 Summer 93 Spring 93 June 93 February 93 March 93 January 93 Fall 93 Spring 93 Spring 93 Summer 93 March 93 Spring 93 Summer 93 May 93 Spring 93 March 93 January 93 February 93 March 93 January 93 Fall 93 January 93 February 93 Spring 93

IVC: Kaneko:

KOEI: Konami: Mentrix: Microprose: Namco: Parker Bros.: RazorSoft: Renovation:


Sega of America:

Sony Imagesoft:



Takara: Tecmagik:

Tecmo: Tengen:


Tradewest: U.S. Gold:

Vic Tokai: Virgin Games:

Game Gear

Absolute: Acclaim:



Sega of America:

King’s Table

Wolf Child

Chester Cheetah Deadly Moves


Pacific Theater of Operations Rocket Knight Adv. Tiny Toons

Nolan Ryan Express Championship Bowling F-15 Il

Pirates! Gold

Rolling Thunder 111 Splatterhouse III



Hooves of Thunder Keeper of the Gates Elemental Master Speedway Pro Challenge Tecmo World Cup Chakan: The Forever Man Cool Spot


Indiana Jones

Outrun 2019

Shining Force

Shinobi 111



ESPN Baseball

ESPN Football


Last Action Hero

Aero the Acrobat Batman Revenge of the Joker Blaster Master 2

Chase HQ

Hit the Ice

The Flintstones

Fatal Fury

King of the Monsters Andre Agassi

Tecmo Super Bowl Paperboy 2

Race Driven

Road Riot

Great Waldo Search Thomas the Tank Engine Wayne’s World Battletoads

Indy Heat


Strider 11

King Salmon

Chi Chi's Pro Challenge Out of this World Tyrants

R.C. Grand Prix

Arch Rival’s

Bart Vs. the World

Krusty’s Fun House

Mortal Kombat Spiderman: Return of Sinister 6 Steel Cage Challenge

T2: Arcade

T2: Judgment Day

James Bond

Team Williams Grand Prix Humans


Wheel of Fortune

Ariel: The Little Mermaid Chakan: The Forever Man Evander Holyfield’s Boxing

Summer 93 March 93 January 93 January 93 April 93 Spring 93 Summer 93 March 93 February 93 February 93 March 93 Summer 93 Summer 93 Summer 93 January 93 January 94 Summer 93 March 93 Spring 93 1993 February 93 January 93 April 93 February 93 June 93 March 93 April 93 May 93

Fall 93 March 93 Fall 93

Fall 93 March 93 Fall 93

Fall 93 January 93 January 93 February 93 February 93 February 93 February 93 March 93 January 93 Summer 93 March 93 Spring 93 Spring 93 January 93 Spring 93 Spring 93 February 93 Spring 93 February 93 March 93 February 93 Spring 93 March 93 February 93

January 93 February 93 Spring 93 February 93 Fall 93 March 93 Summer 93 Summer 93 Spring 93 May 93 Summer 93 February 93 May 93 February 93 February 93 January 93 February 93

The long awaited Shining Force

Splatterhouse 3 55

Muhammad Ali makes an appearance.

MA ж. ار‎

Dinosaur for Hire

Sega's X-Men

Afterburner for Sega CD

Chakan for Game Gear



Mickey Mouse

Sony Imagesoft:


Virgin Games:

Sega CD


American Laser Games:



Renovation: Sega of America:


Sony Imagesoft:


Virgin Games:

TurboGrafx-16 (HuCard) Hudson Soft/TTI

Turbo Technologies

Irem/TTI Taito/TTI

Pal Soft/TTI Hudson Soft/TTI

Home Alone Mickey Mouse: Land of Illusion Talespin




Last Action Hero Paperboy 2 Strider 11

Double Dragon Global Gladiators Robin Hood


Mortal Kombat Wrestlemania

Gallagher’s Shooting Gallery Mad Dog McCree

Space Pirates

Who Shot Johnny Rock Brutal


Dungeon Master 2 Hiemball

Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2 Thunderhawk

Road Avenger

Afterburner III

Batman Returns

Dark Wizard

Ecco: the Dolphin

Final Fight

Indiana Jones

Joe Montana’s NFL Football Make My Video: Marky Mark Make My Video: INXS Rise of the Dragon Spiderman vs. the Kingpin Virtual VCR: Prince

King’s Quest V

Mixed-Up Mother Goose Space Quest: Roger Wilco Stellar 7

Willy Beamish

C&C Music Factory Cliffhanger


ESPN Baseball

ESPN Football


Journey to the Center of the Earth Last Action Hero

Son of Chuck

Wheel of Fortune

Pit Fighter II


Out of this World

The Terminator

Bonk 3: Bonk’s Big Adv Battle Lode Runner Bomberman ‘93 Darkwing Duck

Legend of Hero Tonma Liquid Kid

Magical Chase

World Sports Competition

March 93 May 93 March 93 June 93 Spring 93 Spring 93 Fall 93 Spring 93 Spring 93 March 93 Spring 93 Summer 93

Fall 93

Fall 93 Summer 93 Fall 93 Summer 93 Summer 93 Fall 93 Winter 94 Winter 94 Summer 93 March 93 January 93 Fall 93 Summer 93 February 93 March 93 March 93 May 93 May 93 April 93 June 93 April 93 January 93 January 93 March 93 June 93 February 93 Spring 93 Spring 93 Summer 93 Summer 93 1993 January 93 Fall 93 March 93 Fall 93

Fall 93

Fall 93

Fall 93

Fall 93 Summer 93 Fall 93

Fall 93

Fall 93 Spring 93 February 93

Spring 93 Summer 93 Spring 93 Spring 93

Spring 93 Fall 93

Spring 93 Spring 93

Super CD/Duo

- SITT / A dwar m Aci Te Hudson Soft/TTI Bonk 3: Bonk's Big Adventure Spring 93 Beyond IETT Icom Simulations/TTI Beyond Shadowg sate Winter 93

Camp California Summer 93 Hudson Soft/TTIl CD-Zonk Summer 93

Cotton Fall 93 Electronic Arts/TTI Dangerous Journey Summer 93

Hudson Soft/TTI Dungeon Explorer 11 Summer 93 Konami/TTIl Dungeon Master Spring 93

Hudson Soft/TTI Lords of Thunder Spring 93 Riot Zone Fall 93 com Simulations/TTIl Sherlock Holmes Il Spring 93

TTI's Premiere Shooter...

NCS/TTI Shockman 2 Summer 93 ^ ludson Soft/TTI Sim Earth Spring 93

Right Staff/TTI Syd Mead's Te dii didi. Spring 93 Aedia Ríngs/TTI World Cup Super Soccer Summer 93

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upon Gah ticipating video game


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A Historical Look

At Video Games:

The 8-Bit Era

By Elizabeth Olson & Andy McNamara

(Part Two of Three)

In the last twenty years, we've seen game systems evolve from simple 8-bit processor-based units to 16 and 32-bit units, incorpo- rating near infinite colors, stereo sound and 3-D graphics. As we stand on the threshold of yet a new genera- tion of interactive, multi-media tech- nology, it's important to take a look back at where we've been.

Nintendo Revives a Dying Industry

1985 has been noted as the year the video game industry crashed. Retailers and distributors were dump- ing software for a fraction of it's cost and game manufactures were pulling out of the industry or restructuring. In a brazen move, Nintendo intro- duced a new video game cartridge system to the U.S. Based on the over- seas success of their Famicom System, which had already sold an estimated 6.5 million units in Japan alone, they tested the unit in New York just in time for Christmas. Touted as the new generation of video games, the Nintendo Entertainment System boasted improved technology and the likable Super Mario characters already famil- iar from Donkey Kong.

Following their successful test, Nintendo introduced the NES across the country in 1986. Nintendo brought with it a third-party licensee structure to help control the quality and the quantity of software devel- oped for their system. With strong Japanese support and an ever- expanding list of games, Nintendo quickly captured more than seventy percent of the “new generation” mar- ket. The NES sold more than one mil- lion systems in that first year, but they were not the only participants in the game. Atari Corporation released their 7800 System and INTV intro- duced a product called the

Nintendo Entertainment System

Intellevision3, or the INTV3, which was essentially the same design as the original Intellevision from Mattel. Late in the year, Sega of America entered the U.S. home video game race with their 8-bit unit, the Sega Master System.

1987 was a frenetic year of growth for the industry. Sega signed a deal with Tonka to market and dis- tribute the Master System in the United States and Canada. Atari Corporation reopened their video game division and the now indepen- dent Atari Games formed Tengen as a division to bring their coin-op suc- cesses like 1985's Paperboy to the home game systems. Nintendo pre- dicted that industry sales would reach $825 million by the end of the year. In fact, the video game industry sold more than four million game systems, reaching sales of over $1 billion. Part of the growing popularity was due in- part to games like Metroid and the Role-play/Adventure title, The Legend of Zelda, which was the first “new generation" game to sell more than one million copies.

Meanwhile, NEC Corporation, a leading international manufacturer of computers and communications products, introduced the first 16-bit game system in Japan. The PC Engine featured a faster processor, more available colors, a larger memory capacity and six channels of sound. The software was loaded onto a thin, plastic HuCard about the size of a credit card, eliminating the bulky cartridges. Sega was close on their heels with the Japanese release of another 16-bit system, the Sega Mega Drive.

By the end of 1988, the video game industry had more than dou- bled sales over the previous year. Following the popularity of Zelda,

Sega Master System

TurboGraphx-16 System

Sega enjoyed

their first hit

Role-play title,

Phantasy Star 1. In addi-

tion to following their popu-

lar Light Gun with the Power Pad,

Nintendo introduced the Mario and

Zelda sequels, Super Mario Brothers 2

and Zelda II: the Adventure of Link.

Punch-Out and Legend of Zelda both

exceeded two million units sold.

Foreshadowing the success strategy of

sequels, Capcom introduced their lit-

tle, titanium hero, Mega Man in the

first of his adventures. He would go

on to become the first original video

game character with eight titles to his credit.

To Be Continued...

The staff of Game Informer Magazine would like to thank the representatives of Atari Games, Tengen, Rogers & Associates, Manning Selvage & Lee, Berkhemer Kline Golin/Harris, Activision, Turbo Technologies, Aldrich & Associates, Williams/Bally/Midway, Roger Sharpe and other indi- viduals for providing background information for this article.

Life In The Fast Lane.




In this issue we look at the innovations in graphics and animation. To grasp how far we’ve come, Game Informer talked with Garry Kitchen, President and CEO of Absolute, Daniel Kitchen, Vice President of Creative Development, and David Crane, Game Developer Extraordinaire. These three have been responsible for numerous award-winning games (i.e.: Pitfall, Amazing Tennis & Super Battletank) in their years at Atari, Activision and Absolute.

GK: “When David did Pitfall, its 4000 byte program was considered huge. Amazing Tennis is one megabyte, 1,000,000 bytes, so obviously there is more room to store animation. The way we create animation is different. In the late 70’s and early 80’s, animation was very simple. Today there are various ways to create animation, such as video-taping live players as a source, so it’s a much more sophisticated process. All of the pixels and colors used in a single image of the tennis player are more than half the size of the video games back then, and there are hundreds of images of that player in that game.”

DK: “There are over 1,000 frames of animation in Toys.” DC: “Color resolution has improved; there are more col- ors available now. If you go back twenty years, all objects were one color. Graphics were done by coloring in boxes on graph paper and holding it at arm’s length to see what it would look like on screen. Today there are many utili- ties and products on the PC that allow us to develop graphics on screen as we see them.”

DC: “In the old days, it was making something look like what it’s supposed to be out of a little tiny object made out of few pixels. There was a lot of experimentation; we would try a little shading here, a little of this or that, just to make it look like what it’s suppose to look like. Now we have a staff of artists trained in how to draw on a comput- er, and they’re masters at dealing with shading, highlight- ing, animating objects, smoothing edges; all kinds of tech- niques that didn’t exist 15 or 20 years ago.”

GK: “Alan Miller did Tennis for Activision and put a shadow on the ball; that was amazing. Now every game we do, lighting is an issue. You're much more concerned about how real life affects the graphics than when you were killing yourself just to get it to look like the guy had a racket in his hand."

David Crane


DC: “The best way to do that is to think of it in terms of man-hours. When | did a game by myself, it could have been a four or six month project. Now you've got a dozen or more people on every project, and 2,000 hours for every one of them. Some games can take seven months, while others could take two years, so it's a much longer process. "

DK: "The shelf life of a game is pretty independent of the technology; it's the game type itself. ‘Catalog’ products continue to sell while those based on flash-in-the-pan themes are gone when its gone."

GK: "There are certain genres of product that are long sellers, while others have hit potential but may have a shorter life span. It's a fickle audience with a short atten- tion span, so our job is to keep coming up with neat, new things."

DC: "That has always been a concern. Dan pointed out that we like the fact that the hardware is capable of doing pretty pictures because we can simulate reality, but you could have a good game without graphics. What you can't have is a good game with only graphics, and a lot of peo- ple don't realize that. There are a lot of companies out there that will put out something very pretty, but it isn't fun. The game player is the ultimate judge and it doesn't take them long to realize that this doesn't work."

DC: "Graphically, we're moving towards a finite conclu- sion, which is television, video or big screen animation quality. The real challenge is interaction. There's a long way for people to go creatively to use video quality graph- ics in a way that is fun and entertaining, and that's really our challenge going forward."

GK: "It addresses the previous issue. The fact is you still have to have a good game."

DC: “Right, entertaining is the key. | mean, a CD ROM drive will eventually play movies. It's not interactive but it’s entertaining. You have to have some element of solid entertainment in there. Putting out pretty pictures and adding some very basic interaction isn't going to cut it."


Al Michaels Announces HardBall III is a trademark of Accolade Inc. Sega and Genesis are trademarks owned by Sega Enterprises, Ltd Accolade, Inc. is neither affiliated with, nor a licensee of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. or any of its affiliates. © 1993 Accolade, Inc. All rights reserved.

Game Genie Swap Sho

Welcome to the Swap Shop, the newest and hottest part of the Tip Line. Where you can send and receive new and undiscovered Game Genie codes. Because, we all know, you can never have enough codes. So when you need a code, send in a request and we'll put out an All Points Bulletin to get an answer. Or if you have codes, and | know you do, send them in and wel print them here in the Swap Shop. So everybody.... let’s get crack’n on new codes.

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Street Fighter Il- Super NES

Here are a ton of Game Genie codes for Street Fighter II. 4DC6-6493: Champion Edition Code (minus bosses.) Jump off the wall. Air Moves. Levels and character are mixed up. Instant Double KO. One hit to win. 155 sec. round. Start game by fighting Sagat first. Start with 1/5 the energy. Start game by fighting M. Bison first. Start with 2/3 energy. 74A4-6767 + DD61-6DA9: Super Air moves. Dizziness lasts until hit. Dizziness last for a short time. 130 sec. for first bonus round. One win bouts. Edwin Seelinger Sunnyvale, CA

4A6C-6D69: 74A4-6767: 7 2A6-AF 64: E3AC-AFD4: DFAC-AFD4: 3362-672A: B1AC-AFO4: 47AC-AFDA: B9AC-AF04A:


EEBE- OF09: EEBE-0DA9: 2D63-6D2A: DF80-AD64:

WA d

The excitement con- tinues.

This summer, once again, the Consumer Elec- tronics Show will be open to the public.

Top name manufac- turers will return to Chicago to share the latest techno- logical advances in consumer electronics products.

And the shows within the show are as exciting as the show itself.

Interact with the ever- changing world of Multi- media hardware and soft- ware. Immerse yourself in the technical magic being displayed through CD-ROM. Talk-along, sing-along, play- along and even teach-along through every multimedia device ever created. It’s all




here and all the major players are involved.

See special displays like Innovations '93 featur- ing, the *Best of the Best" in consumer electronics, Tech- nologies of the Future, and many more. Take part in the extremely valuable seminars hosted by well-known speakers and celebrities within the con- sumer electronics industry.

Come see an even more exciting Consumer Electronics Show in 1993. Just call 1-800-388-6901

at 312-559-1212 for advance tickets for the CES Consumer Day—Sunday June 6th.

Experience the show of shows.

Sonic 2 -Genesis

In Sonic the Hedgehog 2 there is a way to cut off the music that is playing and remove it from the game entirely. First, go to the option screen and highlight

C Bonk's Reven е - de for SOl IG-16 5 elect 2^ О practice all th ions screen In Bonk's Revenge. n SO

B, Ч K nter e К Difficulty Select meny and

d cor ип. Choose an s y Ortenzio eight bonus rounds. Y of the C Johnn an, N у Cababe Mataw ' Delano, CH

Joe Montana 3 -

Choplj Genesis ai ег 2 - Here is the code that will enable е Bo you to play any team in the play-

He | | Bona are the codes for 5 offs. First, pick your team and | ПУ enter the letter or number for that

. Pi r S . T / | e EE Зюсс. мура qam. Then fish E C button to fade out the music. Sector 1-3. SPRYSK5 TCY:9:KDJ Number 7D will cut off the Sector 4.1. LKYBY55 B- Atlanta L- Green Bay music and 7E will turn off the Sector 2-4: CMPTRWZ V- N. Orleans 3- Seattle sound of the entire game. Sector 4-2: CHPLFTR C- Buffalo M- Indianapolis

Marc Sozynski Sector 25 ` СНРҮВү5 W- N. England 4- San Francisco

Pittsburgh, PA Sector 4.3. BYM5FWR D- Chicago N- Kansas City і Sector 2.3. ҮКҮНРРҮ X- NY Giants 5- Tampa Bay a Sector SES RGHTHND F - Cincinnati P - Houston Sector 34 | GMBYQZD Y - NY Jets 6- Washington 4 Sector 5-2. GDGMPLy G - Cleveland Q- LA Raiders > Sector HS LVLYTYZ Z- Philadelphia H- Dallas Sector 5-3: [RYHRDR R- LA Rams O- Phoenix be Wel CZ J- Denver S- Miami А е er, YO izabeth O’ 1- Pittsburgh K- Detroit külljag each E tex rn б T- Minnesota 2- San Diego мите» wn a Y \low along ! Kyle LaBeth re 510 ext a fo а Fora Richmond, TX Read SC? ok for er read in the lue айе JE ras press ZS major © pelow the only do x < the text IR cor ot eae eV Rt on the first part Desert Strike - Б SKOKIE ter UEL GER SNES | c on SE m x = SE hapter 2 RUEL BI N Here are the codes that will stl epes nie 5 £ С. C MEA 1 ot @ obo e allow you to start on any br архе! ОСК level. i Ge | ОС WILD ү Level 2: 8ZL2H2H = = JOozuz chapter А: ANGRY FLY Ai ` Level3: 93L2BRJ c Baatz OME L | 65520222 Chapter 5: SNO D k Nanny Winner's Screen: KICF41T4 E 5 а ср см ter, ТХ Burton Hallman II е = BANM tt Lancast\"" VC) Charleston, SC asc

Quack Shot -


After getting the Bubble Gum Blaster at Duckburg, head straight for Dracula’s Castle Proceed until you reach the first large stack of barrels. The last barrel on the second row holds a one-up. Now every time you leave the castle and return you can add a extra duck. Use this as often as nec- essary, and if you need more

Super Double Dragon - SNES

To receive unlimited continues, simply wait for both players to get down to one credit. Then press Start on both controllers simultaneously to receive 7 new credits. This trick can be done as many times as you like, but make sure both play-

ers are at one credit. Humberto Villegas

Chicago, IL ammo f or the your Blaster j ust Su er Star Wars head to Duckburg. i Tip Librar SNES max out УОЧ! lives ОП d You can Supe! NES cart. is aW Ss level 5 89 ki: mr © гүп тьш os су. неге, а TEPEEEFEEEEF S, а left to fall on the 353828239333 2 ress to the the left and ci9. s 52082 edge bel ptm d ollect the <5бшоот=& -5 5 shoot the гос n die. e Eo HB 29zaRaog © seven free 6 ga often aS Ros a ауьф не Repeat the proc 0 ce ne Ole. ШЕ фе ер ке for added I right НЕЕ E ۷ ny Wright т 885517595928 З Jamestown, аа Ia OD c` e jem TEDERI OLEDE] oF aó6€go£2osg9zo Q9 < CC EFFE KE noo 200 5. FF =, 9E 35852252505 ' a25 ® SSF

Blue Lightning - b L Paperboy 2- die KE bës NES

Here are all the mission codes for Blue Lightning. To go to the “Hard Way” on Paperboy 2 enter 6479 as your

Mission 2: PLAN Mission 3: ALFA

route number. Good lu it’ | | ck, it quite a bit tougher. |

Mission 4: BELL Mission 5: NINE Mission 6: LOCK Mission 7: HAND Mission 8: FLEA

Mission 9: LIFE Jim Donavos

York, PA

IW ‘oulles xouedazozs oof 'odeus UE jnoÁ esoouo О} u99J25 uondo ue 308 үм noA pue 1X10 apoo ay} 19109 ysn{ sedeus mau ози! UO 1no^ asueyo OL


Tip Library

El Viento - Genesis a To skip a stage enter this code when you pause the game: d Up, Left, Right, Down, then B.

To charge up your magic power enter this code when you pause the game: Up, Left, Right, Down, and C.

Tip Library

Sabe od

and enter the Ver \\ to ye start ОП N. e y stage апу, Library H


The Vents: The Lagoon: Ridge Water: Hard Water: Cold Water: Island Zone: Deep Water: Marble Sea: Deep Clty: City Forever: Origin: Trillobite: Dark Water: The Tube:

The Machine:

Ecco the Dolphin -

Here’s some passwords to help your undersea journey:


lip i: P Librar, e Fantasy Zon

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Lemmin S a

ere are the

classic Düzxle WK

Genesis game. rds for this

e title screen press t Operation C - two times. Next press and ho 3. ND 17. VH Game Boy Up and to the left on the con- " Ge A DVD At the title screen press U rol pad and press Start. You M E ju oo Bodo On, Down Dau. MN level three. If YOU ` куку 20. CBK e Down, Down, Left, L'eft, Left, wish to start on another ewe 7. BE PAR PXDW/ Left, Right, Right, Right, Right, "Ре! the same trick but H. 8. MAKES 22, TOKE A, B, and Start. a the B button one less time than 9. VDD BX 23. RXDWA have nine guys in reserve and the level you wish © p y o ZWKYN i WQkCx one on the screen. This should Tip Library 17. ҳорто 52" DVD ake things a little easier. Ss CXKYN SCH KBKBP 2 Tip Library 3. PTDVM 7. HIDVD > 14. TMKBX 28. MBKBP E 16. WMKBX 0: DRKCX Tip Libr Super Tennis “у S »o-cz802cm-$z- per NES favorite player E S S0583 24 oC б To change У \ ing madman ESS F REDS aaa Tg Ss io a Tennis Play he Wu па 555и 3a 03 3 s code at the t oa Ux > 26980 enter in this PE leen. First ЕБЕ ЕН ЕРА layer lec er you wis 5 ears але" рта [| пећ the Play J zc. B 200-205 5 МР = highs a Contorlle' , Sas PIER 225 3 to use. Then ton five timor SUR. 2953835 (С) press th n the Button = C ЧО $. 9 E Adi о 2 A = ho a س‎ the X Butto ' d one last pres? SILLS о ю55 25555 © seven tim s, 90 = oe Sa SR Te SFO a n me = D o> an = [uud < the X Butto The Tip Library S S SZ d ga ® SS To E S. 3 Sa 05205053 5 2 228 62 soo?

Chip’s Challenge - Lynx

Here are the first 16 passwords for this addicting Lynx game.

1. ВОНР 10. CNPE 2. )ХМ) 11. DCKS 3. ECBQ 12. BTDY 4. YMC) 13. COZQ 5. TQKB 14. SKKK 6. WNLP 15. AMG 7. FXQO 16. HMJL 8. KCRE 9. VUWS

Tip Library

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Mr. X is Back

H With a Vengeance Î in Streets of Rage 2

e b * Sega Genesis cd e Sequel to Streets of Rage * 1 or 2-player cooperative/duel modes Д

* 16 action-packed megs

* 7 rounds of competition

e Created by Sega, available now

on the city.

Evil has again descended

It’s been one year since the city found peace; one year of safe streets. It's been one year since Adam Hunter, Axel Stone, and Blaze Fielding, three former police officers took down the Syndicate that con- trolled the city; one year since they put an end to

Mr. X's reign of terror. Their celebra- tion was a little premature.

Mr. X is back, this time with a vengeance. He has kidnapped Adam and thrown the city into chaos. There's no one left on the force that can help them. Axel and Blaze must rescue their friend alone and put a final end to the Syndicate. They've enlisted the help of Axel's fellow bodyguard, Max, and Adam's younger brother, Eddie “Skate” Hunter.

As one of the four vigilantes or teamed with a friend, you'll face some of the nastiest tough guys and professional muscle available. Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses, such as speed, power and stamina. They also have

their own series of fifteen moves or combinations. Axel has speed and power on his side, while Blaze has deadly legs. The sheer bulk of Max is intimidating enough, but his hammer punch really hits home. Skate may be small, but he’s wicked with those wheels.

Track down Mr. X through eight vicious stages. Battle it out in a bar brawl where you'll meet a beefy | bartender with an attitude. Bomb- tossing bikers make things interesting as you slug it out through bridge con- struction, only to end up at an amuse- ment park that's no party. Anything goes at the local sports stadium where

Big Ben is waiting to take you out of the ball game. Climb aboard a cargo ship headed for the Syndicate’s head-

quarters, but you'll have to make it through the jungle and munitions plant first. Finally, you reach the Syndicate Stronghold. Mr. X has been expecting you.

There are four difficulty set- tings and three continues. Collect

items along the way to increase your energy or your score. Pick up any weapons lying around or steal them from your opponents. Streets of Rage 2 can be played as a one-player or two-player cooperative game. Or try the two-player duel mode to strengthen your skills.

Road Avenger:

It’s Time to Clean Up the Streets

e Sega CD

* 1 player, behind-the-wheel Action/Adventure

e 15,000 hand-painted frames

e 30 minutes of full-motion animation

* 360 degree scrolling

* Digital sound effects in binaural sound

e 9 stages of play * 2 levels of skill, plus 5 continues

e By Wolf Team for Renovation, available now

S.T.O.P.! S.C.U.M.!

As a ten year veteran of the Special Task Operations Patrol, an elite branch of the police force, you've put your share of thugs and degenerates behind bars. It's time for a little vacation. You've just got to fin- ish up the paperwork on the carjack- ers you just busted, then it's off to the beach with your fiancee, Cindy.

Unbeknownst to you, these car- jackers are members of a road terror- ist group who call themselves S.C.U.M. (Secret Criminal

d ornament!

This is one nasty hoo


Underground Movement.) Since you hauled in their friends, these road warriors have been watching with revenge in mind, planning to run you off a cliff the minute you get out of town.

The fiery crash that took Cindy’s life has left you to avenge her. Thinking you, too, went down in flames, the road terrorists continue their crime spree. The force has given you the perfect cover, a vehicle to track S.C.U.M. and make them pay for Cindy’s death: a souped-up sports car called the Road Avenger.

Tracking the terrorists through all types of hazards takes incredible concentration and quick reactions. Road Avenger takes you through some unexpected terrain: sun- drenched beaches, hotel lobbies, crowded shopping malls, and the

Road Avenger Review

Concept: 8


& Animation: 8.5 Sound: 8.5 Playability: 7.5 Entertainment Value: 8 Overall Rating: 8


The one negative | have about this game is the designers used the same graphic and control for- mats as in their CD game, Cobra Command. On the plus side, | like the plot of a hard-working cop avenging the death of his fiancee.

Half animated, half real life blended for an eerie graphic effect. The screen scrolling is very fast, yet smooth. Aerial scenes and crashes are breathtaking.

From the squeal of your brakes to the roar of your Turbo, it has first rate sound all the way.

Controlling Road Avenger is simple, yet intense. The game is actually easy if you can concentrate through all crashes and explosions; that's a BIG if.

Despite being a copy of Cobra Command graphi- cally, Road Avenger is exciting. | found myself physically and mentally drained.

I ———— m

local muse- me um. Dodge innocent by-standers and avoid screaming pedestrians at break-neck speeds through canyons, sewers, fields and freeways.

Road Avenger has been created by Wolf Team, the development team behind nine Sega CD titles including Cobra Command, Sol Feace and Time Gal. They've taken the technology one step further in Road Avenger by recording the soundtrack in binaural sound. This method uses several strategically placed microphones to produce the effect of real-life sound. That means that the car screeching by you on the left actually sounds as if it’s on your left.

The more than thirty minutes of full-motion action were created with

Reviewed by Rick, The Video Ranger

Road Avenger Review Reviewed by Paul, The Pro Player Concept 8 Road Warrior meets an Al Unser in this high- speed chase. Graphics & Animation: 9.5 Clearly the strong point of this game. It's actually more like a full-length cartoon.

Sound: 8. | can't complain about the sound, it's a CD game. | can't say anything outstanding about it either.

Playability: 5 Quick reflexes are a must. Like Cobra Command, : Road Avenger doesn't give you any control of where you go. You're limited to left, right, turbo, or brake, which is kind of lame. Entertainment

. Value: 6 I want more control of the car. Even so, Road Avenger does display some of the coolest sights апа sounds which are worth checking out.

Overall Rating: 7.5 hitchhikers.

Don't pick up

more than 15,000 frames of hand-

drawn animation. They've added

360 degree scrolling for realism in

this white-knuckled race for survival.

Play with directional displays or > without for an extra challenge.

" e

votato HP MO MEME DV

Road Avenger Review Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gamer

| Concept: 7 Although Road Avenger has borrowed from a few other games, new ideas were thrown into the action. This is a driving game with guts.


& Animation: 8 Supreme graphics; no slow down and the crashes are sweet. The animation made it hard to see where | was going and distracted from the action, causing me to lose concentration and die.

Sound: 8 The music is great and creates a sort of mellow atmosphere. The lack of sound effects is the down- fall. Those present are incredible. | want more.

Playability: 10 Road Avenger is one of the great, if not the best, driving games l've ever played. | used a joystick and found it to be a white-knuckled, wrist-wrench- ing, challenging game.


| Value: 9 Renovation has found a way to unite gamers. This game will satisfy everyone, young and old alike!


| Overall Rating: 8.5

Narrowly escaped that one.

Tengen Brings You Arcade Action to Go With AA Super Space Invaders EC

e Game Gear From the first few beats of the rhythmic bass soundtrack, the tension begins to mount. Your heart beats faster as the pulsing increases and the

* Classic, vertical arcade, space shooter

e 10r2 player cooperative space ships drop ever closer to Earth. w/Gear-to-Gear Space Invaders, the arcade classic : that dominated coin-op and helped * Bonus stages and hidden levels the Atari 2600 grab a major share e Normal/advanced play, of the home entertainment market, | з difficuly levels has returned. ӨГ A Super Space Invaders is a prime Se * Published by DoMark, example that "the name of the game 2 available пом is the game.” That is, а game with grec simple graphics and sound can still A be a timeless success, if game play is 2

entertaining. This Game Gear version from Tengen has thrown in several new features to please both the nos- talgic players and those demanding something new.

Taito introduced Space Invaders Monster, this alien invasion to the coin-op arcades in 1978. It was became so popular, production the first video microprocessor game couldn't keep up with demand. That of its time, allowing players to destroy frenetically thumping soundtrack everything on screen, and it wasn't could be heard everywhere. long before it had taken the country For anyone not familiar with this orig- by storm. Originally titled Space ` inal arcade hit (Hey, it could happen!),


ws as a bonus:

н ИЙ со : Е stolen agains Guard

the object is to destroy waves of space ships decending on Earth before they land. Take out the space ships flying across the top of the screen for extra points and special weapons. Super Space Invaders incorporates several new tactics. Even the best marksman will be chal- lenged. Every fourth “attack wave” they've thrown in a Cattle Theft

bonus screen or a Level End Guardian. Protect your Holsteins as the aliens try to airlift them into outer space. Earn extra points by saving all the cattle from being cow-napped. Each Level Guardian will require strategy and all your firepower; it’s up to you to discover their weak spot. Super Space Invaders incorpo- rates new screens and strategies into an arcade favorite. This one or two player game has two modes of play, normal or advanced, and the difficul- ty level can be adjusted to match the skill of any player. Try your hand at the invasion that swept the country.


News & Rumors From the

iher Ri k and blsiher Rich Ciha GI $ Thornton of Capcom.

Game Informer Magazine award- ed their first ever "Best of 1992" game awards at this year's Winter Consumer Electronics Show. Game of the Year went to Capcom for Street Fighter Il, which also won for Best Playability in a Game. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 walked away with Best Graphics and Best Action/Adventure Game. Sega was also awarded Best Peripheral for the Sega CD, and Best Sound for Cobra Command. Best 8- bit Game was awarded to LucasFilm/JVC for The Empire Strikes Back, and Bullet-Proof Software's Faceball 2000 won for Best Hand- Held Game. Bart/s Nightmare claimed the prize for Best Game Concept and Interplay's Out of This World won Best Computer Translation. Rounding out the awards were NHLPA Hockey '93 for Best Sports Game, Enix's Dragon Warrior IV for Best Role-Play Game, Konami's Axelay for Best Shooter, Absolute's Super Battletank for Best Simulation and Sunsoft's Lemmings for Best Puzzle/Strategy Game. Congratulations to all the winners and keep those award-winning games coming!

Video Game Industry

Aloha & Congratulations!

. Congratulations also go out to Video Games & Computer Entertainment, winner of the Bomberman Battle, sponsored by TTI and Hudson Soft at this year's Winter CES. The competition pitted five mag- azines, VG&CE, Electronic Gaming Monthly, GamePro, Kids Magazine and Game Informer Magazine, against one another in TTI’s new Bomberman “93. Each publication duked it out in a fight to the finish. The winning team was awarded a trip for four to Hawaii. VG&CE came from behind to take the competition. Congratulations are also extended to Game Informer's own Andy McNamara for earning the best per- sonal score of 310.

And Speaking of Competition...

The real heavyweights came face to face in The Nintendo World Championship: Battle of the Champions 1 - The Rematch. Jeff Hansen, the 12-year old World Nintendo Champion hailing from Murray, Utah, defended his title against 12-year old challenger Yuichi Suyama, current Japanese Nintendo Champion. These two champions had faced in Tokyo at the First World Famicom Championship held last September.

The rematch, held on January 8, 1993 at the Winter CES Show in Las Vegas, pitted the gamers against each other in timed rounds of Super Mario World, F-Zero, and the skydiving por- tion of Pilot Wings. Both competitors played like champions, with Hansen emerging victorious and retaining his World Champion title.

Duking it out with Bomberman


Capcom has just signed licensing agreements with 22 companies as part of their Street Fighter merchan- dising program. Hasbro, Inc. is just one such company that has signed on to manufacture a line of action fig- ures. Other companies jumping on the Street Fighter wagon include The Thermos Company, Fruit of the Loom, and Malibu Comics Entertainment, Inc., who will develop a Street Fighter comic book series. Entertainment Licensing Associates, a Los Angeles-based company, will serve as the official licensing agent of the Street Fighter line. "This exclusive and far-reaching line of Street Fighter consumer products will be among the most sought-after items of 1993 and beyond," Dan Kletzky, Entertainment Licensing Associates president, stated.

What's in a Name?

Turbo Technologies announced they are dropping the "Turbo" from the name of their integrated CD- ROM and cartridge-based system. The name change comes after initial sales indicted the product appealed to a selective, more mature audi- ence. The Duo, as it is now called, was released in selected markets last October and will begin it's nation- wide roll-out in early 1993. Already TTI has reported sales of nearly 25,000 units. The Duo plays all of the company's cartridge, CD and SuperCD games, which are now sold under the trade name of DuoSoft™.

The popular strategy board game makes a comeback on the Game Boy, thanks to Software Toolworks. Hide your fleet's ships from the com- puter or a second player while you plan an attack of your own. Available now.

Mario is Missing

Software Toolworks introduces the first in its new line of edutainment PC software featuring the famous Mario Bros. characters. Bowser is stealing famous artifacts and now he's abducted Mario. Explore famous Cities on your search for Mario. SNES and NES versions of Mario is Missing are in the works, as well as a com- plete line of Mario Bros. edutainment software that teach history, mathe- matics, reading and early learning skills.

Spectrum HoloByte has announced their latest release for the PC and it's guaranteed to have even the most serious chess player falling out of their seats. National Lampoon's ChessMeister 5 Billion and 1 com- bines live action video chess pieces, sex, violence and a whole lot of funny stuff, in a game that provides both challenge and laughs. The ChessMeister will stop at nothing, including attempts to distract you with crazy antics. There is a normal chess board for those with no sense of humor. Look for it this March.

News Flash...

apcom or Sega wo u all signs point to yes. :

7 13 Ka 14500"

(Gas sti "

Shinobi 3

The Ninja that started it all on Genesis is back to add another chap- ter to the Shinobi epic. Rescue Naoke from the depths of the Z Bio Lab in this 8 meg monster that pits Joe Musachi against armies of bio- ninjas and gene-spliced replicas of himself. Available May, 1993.

Critics are singing the praises of this unique game by Sega. You are a young dolphin on a quest to find your family and friends that vanished in a mysterious storm. Travel through 29 levels of stunning seascapes to unlock the secret behind your fami- ly’s disappearance. Ecco introduces new programming technology known as Dynamic Play Adjustment (DNP) that automatically adjusts the difficul- ty to each player's ability. Currently available for the Sega Genesis, a Sega CD version is slated for this Fall.


A Three-in-One

Game That’s A Real Blast

e TurboGrafx-16, TurboExpress, & Duo HuCard

e Strategy e 1 to 5 player action

* 7 stages in 1 player mode, 7 boards in multi-player

e Passwords and hidden power-ups * 4 Megs of chaotic game play

* Created by Hudson Soft for TTI, available March 1993

Turbo Technologies has brought Hudson's classic character back to life in a game that's really three in one.

For those not familiar with this explosive character, Bomberman is a robot built to produce bombs in a factory deep underground. Bored and in search of a career change, he decided to see if there was truth to the rumor that any robot that escaped above ground became human. The only weapon he had in his struggle

| Bomberman ^ ‘93 Review `

| Concept: | X Graphics & Animation: new perks. Sound: Playability:

Entertainment . Value: |

Bomberman “93:

They took the old Bomba man from Nintendo and updated it in a way players will love, like the option of blowing another player into oblivion.

This game was playable from start to finish. It’s a great challenge and anyone can play it.

to the top were the bombs he created. TTI’s 1993 version has added several interesting plot twists as Bomberman makes his way to the TurboGrafx-16, TurboExpress, and Duo HuCard format.

As for the career change, our little hero has returned as Bomber Cop in the one-player, Normal Mode. The action takes place on the six planets of the Alagellan solar system. In a robbery of galactic proportions, the Evil Bomberman and six wicked associates have stolen seven vital computer chips from the Pan- Galactic Mother Super Computer. The Alagellan galaxy will fall into chaos if the chips are not returned. There’s only one man for the job, Bomber Cop and his exploding arsenal.

After receiving his orders, Bomber Cop makes his way through several levels on planets like Ajanstar, the quarry planet, and Brazistar, the garden planet. On each of these plan- ets, he must battle his way through mazes full of enemies, warp holes,

Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gamer

Many sequels just take the graphics and upgrade them. Bomberman ‘93 is e with a few

| liked the background и. but this really could have used a lot more in the way of sound effects.

| believe that, while Bomberman ‘93 may not hit

the top five all-time best sellers’ list, this game is `

Overall Rating: 7.5

enough fun to ensure it will sell many copies.

conveyor belts and other traps, before time runs out. Collect power-ups like

the multi-bomb icon, increased fire power, bomb-kicking ability and remote controls. There is a password feature and a save option to pick up where you left off.

The real fun is found in the Battle Mode. Up to five players duke it out in this “King of the Hill"-style game. Choose from one to four human or computer competitors in a game of survival. Set bombs to blow up your competition and try not to do yourself in. There are seven boards to choose from, constructed of revolving pas- sages, anti-bomb tiles, and other haz- ards. Power items are hidden inside boulders and bricks. Watch out for hidden skulls, as they can speed you up, slow you down or have other adverse effects. The more players the merrier in this intense-action game.

Two TurboExpress units can be connected by a communication cable to play the Versus Mode. This is essentially the same game play as the Battle Mode, except that the play fields are automatically selected and you cannot play against the comput- er. If you're looking for a game that's а real blast, pick up Bomberman “93.

Game Informer Magazine & Kaneko Present...

The Winners of the Chester Cheetah" Sweepstakes

CHESTER, Casen. 09 Cat, becouse We asked you to give us an idea of what males Ge Cheetah Е Pt NO Lad DRUGS. such a happenin’ cat and your <> responses were great. We WEE ee F received everything from poems Ce -3 e to raps to comic strips. And here jii Y

are the results you've been wait- ing for...

D occ dae e “ae mmm,

Congratulations to all our winners and a special thanks to everyone who entered..

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Chester Cheetah is cool because he’s a rebel and too slick to fool. Oh Snap Dude the cat’s outta the bag left the zoo because it was a drag. Sporting his glasses on a bike like a mack forget trying to catch him so hit the road Jack.

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and snag ya fat bag of Cheetos today!

2nd Place Winner 1st Place Winner 3rd Place Winner Bayo Shivamber, 19 Ronald Williams, 20 Arthur L. Jones, Jr.

©1993 Game Informer Magazine. Chester Cheetah® and the character are registered trademarks of Recot, Inc. under license by Kaneko USA, Ltd. ©Recot, Inc. 1992 Frito Lay, Inc. Dallas TX 75235-5224


Basic Training:

Flashback has to be one of the most amazing adventure games to come along in a while. It's challenging even to the greatest players. Master some simple basics and exploration into this strange world will be less threat- ening to your health:

Trick A: To get an edge on an enemy, it is often easier to surprise him than to walk in unarmed. Pull out your gun and roll in firing, you'll always get the drop.

Point 1: Drop to the bottom level and destroy Tank 2. Go left and up to surprise the Guard from behind. After knocking him unconscious, get the cartridge. This will draw Tank 1 over to the door to give you room to go back up and waste ‘em.

Trick B: When someone or some- thing is below you, pull your weapon first. Then, when you drop, you'll duck and be ready to put a hole in something or somebody.

Trick C: Learn to use the Force Field. Against the Police, it's your only hope.

Trick D: Against the Morphs, the best approach is to stay low and roll left to right until they solidify. Then take your best shot.

Point 2: To get the elevator to stay down, place the stone on the first

switch and go claim your prize.

Planet Titan: The Artificial Jungle

Level 1

Code: Falcon

Point 3: To remove the guard on the next screen, simply line up just to the left of the tree root and roll in shooting.

Point 4: These Guards are easy to outsmart. Throw the stone and the Laser Cannon will do all the work.


Titan Travel

Code: Data

Energy Generators

Point 3: Make a running leap over the : n top of these guys, and one will shoot his , buddy. Then you just turn and reward Mision ; wm him for his good aim!



Point 4: As you drop to this screen draw your gun and the first Guard is easy pickings. Guard 2 can be a little more difficult. Just use the Force field when you see him about to fire and you'll get your chance.

8 Restricted ` EM Area 3

Point 5: Get to roll into the next screen, at one step. Go in shooting then retreat to the former screen. Throw the stone to el LR the left at the edge of screen 6. Then make a running jump 100 Credits Û over the mine to clear the hole. The one guard, to the left, E | El will be easy money. Make sure you hit the switch at the top

a of the screen.

Point 2: The Bar is the best place to start your hunt for the escaped Cyborg.

1 © Titan Travel 8

Administrative | Center

TNT i Pescar

oint 1: As you’re about to enter е complete your first job, watch Restricted out for the Cop who is waiting for you at the top of the eleva- Area 2

їог. Make sure уои соте ир blazin’.



Level 3: This is a test of your blasting skills so don’t hesitate to back-track to get to an Energy

Generator or Save.

Point 1: When you shoot the Cyborg he will drop and play dead. Don’t fall for it. Just turn around and leave. Then when you come back, he’s up again and easy bait.

Level 3

Now you should be off and running in this futuristic adventure. The levels are tough, but not impossible. Just

Code: Milord


Enéfgy Generator


The fight continues... Level 4: Quickie

remember your Basic Training and Level 5: Bijou keep a cool head. Conrad will thank

you later!

Don't forget to recharge your shield. |

The Death Tower

Point 2: Make sure to go to the right first and flip the switch, otherwise it's a long trip in vain.

Point 3: To avoid the mines, make your leap from the edge of the previous screen. Next, jump the mines and

. Save 1 remember to roll under the

ceiling mine before you А make the final jump.

Energy enerator > >

ee ee E

Energy Generator

Level 6: Bubble Level 7: Clip Level 8: Cygnus

Amazing feats and adventure lurk around every street corner in this incredibly exciting game for

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Save the Universe from the evil Bydo Empire. Features non-stop Tee-off with skins— winner-takes-all on every hole or match

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Sink Your Teeth Into It Giveaway! ГА | а mu

st be postmarked by May 15,

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Please print carefully RK phone and/or mail. Chances of win- bech, . ning are determined by the total num-

Name: | ber of valid entries received. Total value

of the prizes is under $1,500. This contest is sponsored by Game Informer Magazine,

Address: Jaleco and Tombstone’ Pizza.

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TE : "ed d ` a Offer valid in the U.S.A. Void where prohibit- City: Eege St: Blees Zip: pee E Мат ed. Employees ої Funco, Game Informer =“ Magazine, Jaleco, Tombstone’ Pizza and

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Send your entry today to: Game Informer reserve the right to cancel this promotion at

Magazine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, : - any time with appropriate notice. Winners’ Minnesota 55344. All entries must be postmarked ANAL LING ә wh и poen des prize e hay stead no later than May 15, 1993. No purchase necessary! . ате Informer Magazine and Jaleco for See official contest rules in this advertisement for all details. Magazi ne promotional or advertising purposes without

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Hey, now it’s your turn to be James Bond! All you have to do is rescue hostage scientists from a Caribbean island.

Defeat a mad professor and his ruthless army.

Take on all of Bond's

old arch enemies. Enter

a volcano. Blow up an enemy space shuttle. And of course, save the world. That's not too much to ask of you, the world's greatest secret agent... is it?



Take a Drive Off the D End wit

Take it to the extreme. Road Avenger for the Sega CD gives you the license to do whatever it takes to wipe

SC UM (Secret Criminal Under- ground Movement) off the highway. Ever smash a car through a hotel lobby? Spin off a bridge at high speed? How about tearing up the beach on the tail of perpetrators? Now’s your chance! Gear up for the ultimate hot pursuit. Road Avenger, so much fun it should be illegal!

e Full CD soundtrack!

* Digitally recorded stereo sound puts you right in the game!

* In your face close-ups!

* Over 30 minutes of full motion animation!

* Heads-up-display keeps your eyes on the action!

e Nine rubber burning stages!

* Head spinning 360

degree scrolling!


| Avenger. ance; |


Licensed by Sega of America, Ine. tar play of the Sega CD™ System. Sega, Sega CD a Se als are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. Road Avenger is a trademark of Renovat Data East. ©1993 Telenet (Wolf team) /Renovation Products, Inc#All rights

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