m il nma;



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Of course, you don't drive them as much as you try to contain them. Each one is engineered according to

техАсо nonna LAU


Gran Turismo is a trademark All rights reserved

you test the wall. Either way, it's heaven.


TM Ок co S game that can finally break the maniacally-coifed pig buster into



Pg 69

Game Informer Magazine* (ISSN 1067:6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications®, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. For subscriptions,

back issues, or customer service inquiries (612) 946-7266. Periodicals postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional maling offices. SUB- SCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine", 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, ММ 55344- Game Boy Color 3728. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year additional postage. В issi Game Informer® does not claim any copyright in the screenshots herein. Copyright in all screenshots contained within this publication Beauty and the Beast: Board Game Adventure, Missile аге owned by their respective companies. Entire contents copyright 1999. Game Informer Magazine". All rights reserved; reproduction Command, Yars’ Reven ге


in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Inlormer* is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade names, ог trademarks, of their respective companies.

D Game Informer * January 2000

Cover Story: Tomba 2: Pg 10 The Evil Swine Return

Tomba is back! Whoopee Camp's epic Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return marks the reemergence of the hero with

* the most dististinctive hair this side of Coolio. Is Tomba 2 the

the maintstream? GI takes a look at the mammoth sequel to one of D e р аг ї теп t S the most unjustly overlooked games of all time to see if Tomba is ready

Letter from the Editor for for prime-time platform stardom.

PlayStation2 Transition Could Be Rocky Feature: Oddentifying the Future Pg 14 M oa ce with Сакоа Game Informer peers into the crystal ball and sees the future іп £ incoherent ramblings, and the occasion- Munch’s Oddysee, the second chapter Oddworld Inhabitant's

al bomb threat. mind-expanding Oddworld Quintology. Harnassing the power of Envelope Art the PS-2, Munch’s Oddysee looks to explode the parameters

You can't win if you don't enter GI's of the 3D gaming experience. In a revealing interview,

Monthly Envelope Art Contest. Oddworld mastermind Lorne Lanning speaks to GI about his

GI News plans for Oddworld’s future, the PlayStation2, and the won-

гева unuelis new Dre аер ders we will behold їп gaming's second millenium.

Shoot Out 2000 called for technical foul, and tons-o-fun with Name That Gamel, Trivia, and Gl's Top Ten.


We love anything mini: Mini-donuts, mini-skirts, and especially our super mini-previews of the hottest upcom- ing £ames. This month features Koudelka, Hot Shots Golf 2, and Tekken Tag Tournament for PlayStation2.

Nintendo 64

Armorines: Project Swarm, Hydro Thunder, Lego Racers, NBA Courtside 2 Featuring Kobe Bryant, Pokémon Stadium, Ridge Racer 64, Vigilante 8: Second Offense, Xena Warrior Princess: Talisman

Game Informer PC The mysterious and mercurial PC of Fate Jedi comes down from the moun- PlayStation

tain bearing reviews of Sim Theme Park, Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine, and Age of Empires Il.

Arcade Brigade After waking up in puddle of Orange Julius in the middle of the food court, the Arcade Assassin scribbled out these rantings on Jambo! Safari and King of Fighters '99.

Play To Perfection

Tomba 2, one of the quirkiest and most challenging platformers in recent memory, has enough missions to cause even a veteren to pull out his hair. To ease your stress, we've includ- ed the solutions to each of the game's myriad missions. Also, don't miss our کو‎

special Y2J-compliant WWF

WrestleMania 2000 moves guide, and At a G | ance

Twisted Metal 4 walkthrough.

Secret Access What's that pesky GI Droid up to? Find

Boombots, Die Hard Trilogy 2, Fear Effect, Galerians, MTV Music Generator, NBA Live 2000, Road Rash: Jailbreak, SaGa Frontier 2, Thrasher: Skate and Destroy, Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Tomorrow Never Dies, Toy Story 2, Î Twisted Metal 4, V-Rally 2, Vigilante 8: Second “u. Offense

Dreamcast Resident Evil: Code Veronica, Sega NBA 2K, Sega Rally 2, Slave Zero, Soul Fighter

Nintendo 64

we пеп peruse | hottest codes and Blades of Steel 2000, Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling, ps Tram our rege Namco Museum 64, NBA In The Zone 2000, Roadsters Classic GI

GI looks at classic games on the Super Trophy, Supercross 2000, Toy Story 2

NES, Jaguar, & Turbo Grafix 16 and PlayStation

replays some codes from the vault. This y

month is a long-distance dedication to Ballistic, Broken Sword Il, Chocobo's Dungeon 2,

our main man, Dave the Rave. Formula One '99, NBA In The Zone 2000, NBA

etc Showtime, NCAA Final Four 2000, No Fear Downhill

GI gets plenty of junk every month and Mountain Biking, TOCA 2: Touring Car Challenge, X-

we never know where to put it. But now, with our newest department, etc, we

can put in tons of useless stuff for you to read about. Dreamcast

Psychic Force 2012, WWF Attitude


| x | PRESENTS 1 :



urban gravity

fs 50-50 grind select to ү ron 50:50 grind rey start run start , ig [/ >=






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Audit Bureau of Circulations Member

Andy, The Game Hombre

“For those of you who don't know me personally, | have a problem. You see, my addiction to EverQuest is getting way out of hand. | have dreams about this game. That's how bad it has gotten. And the worst part is, now that rumors are flying that Verant has signed on for

layStation2, that means | will have to start a new character over when it hits PlayStation2, and let me tell you folks that is not going to be a pretty picture (I may never see my friends again). 1 need help, not more opportunities to play. Ugh...well enough with talking to you...I'm off to kick undead behind."


PlayStation2 Transition

With the new year upon us, | th would be appropriate to take a look at what will be the most talked about news of the new year - the launch of the PlayStation2. Obviously, the Dolphin launch will be big news as well, but since Nintendo has yet to | show the machine (and | still have serious | doubts about the chances of it making it this | year) | will skip it due to the lack of any hard

The PlayStation2, however, has been shown and is getting ready to launch in Japan on March 4 of this year (with a U.S. launch scheduled for sometime this fall). Even as the hype intensifies, everything in PlayStation

| land тау not be as peachy as one would hope. There is one aspect of the launch that

could make the PS-2's path very rocky, or smooth as a baby’s bottom.

No, it’s not the Dreamcast, though if it continues to grow it may be a big factor. What

Рт talking about

is the backwards

compatibility of the PlayStation2. Industry pundits have talked for years about how great backwards compatibility would be for a system, but the theory has never been

Paul, The Game Professor pauk& "Ahh, another new year and it may turn out to be one of the most exciting years in video games ever. The PlayStation2's Japanese launch is only two months away and Nintendo will unveil the Game Boy Advance and Dolphin later this summer. | can't forget about reemergence of Sega Sports as a brand to be reckoned with. Indeed, the year 2000 will be interesting if you play video games. C'mon, what else are you going to do? It is almost becoming socially unacceptable not 1o have your pulse on some type of game. Talk about peer pressure. The next thing | know, | might be

playing EverQuest."


Reiner, The Raging Gamer ‘I've received a buttload of skepticism as to why | loathe my coworkers so much. Just to set the record straight | do not ‘hate’ any of these frail creatures. | actually find their pathetic lifestyles quite amusing. But alas...they are all inferior to the ayatollah of video game rock ‘n’ rolla, or as many of you have put it, they pale in comparison to the almighty Reiner. Their walnut sized brains can't comprehend reality like my pulsating melon. As for Matt's rant...! got one word for ya brother Rogaine! With this scalp fertilization you may score something more than that inflatable

Tom Hanks you lick at night.”

post nuclear |

Could Be Rocky


seriously tested as part of a mass market launch (except for the Game Boy Color, but that system has the advantage of basically owning its own market niche). backwards compatibility confuses the market, as many consumers won’t know which games are for which system (even though it will be painfully obvious to us hard-cores). Secondly, publishers will have to choose if they want to produce PlayStation2 software that only works on its smaller installed user base, or a good PlayStation game that will work on both and have a better chance of bigger sales. Certainly, all the good programmers will want to work on the latest and greatest system, so the transition to PlayStation2 will eventually happen; but the first couple of months of the launch will be a precarious time, where game companies and gamers may not know where to turn. Of course, Game Informer readers will be enlightened like no others so you will have few worries, but don't be surprised if there is a lot of confusion through the industry when PlayStation2 hits

For one,

the streets.

Y2K gamers left to right: Jay, Reiner, Paul, Matt, Erik. Top Left: Irradiated Mutant (Andy).


Jay, The Gonzo Gamer "So this is the year 2000, huh? So where's the all the flying cars we've been promised since the 1950s? Or how about the personal laundry robots we were supposed to have? І haven't changed my underwear in weeks! For that matter, shouldn't New York City have become a nuclear wasteland filled with cannibals by now? This millennium's a дур! | for one am refusing to pay anymore taxes to the American government until | get my robot. Everybody chant with me now: Ro- Bot! Ro-Bot! Ro-Bot!”


Broken Sword Шага... Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling Chocobo's Dungeon 2

Colin McRae Rally . Crusaders of Might & Magic Die Hard Trilogy 2

Dirty War А

ESPN МВА Tonight

F1 World Grand Prix

Fear Effect T Formula On Galerians Gekido Guardian Heroes .... Hot Shots Golf 2...... Hydro Thunder (N64) . Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine Jambo! Salari

King of Fighters 99°. Konami International Rally Racing Koudelka... н Lego Rac Nias Millenium Winter Sports Missile Command . .

NBA In The Zone 2000 (N64) . . NBA In The Zone 2000 (PS-X) .. NBA Live 2000 (PS-X) МВА Showlime (PSX) ........ NCAA Final Four 2000 No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking Pharoah ane : Pokemon Stadium... ..... Pokemon Trading Card Game Psychic Force 2012 . Rayman 2: The Great Escape Resident Evil: Code Ver Ridge Racer 64 . . Road Rash: Jailbreak Roadsters Trophy ..... Roller Coaster Tycoon: Corkscrew Follies SaGa Frontier 2

Sega Rally 2 . Seven Kingdoms II Sim Theme Park . .


Page Number

4 Wheel Thunder = 73 Aerobiz Supersonic Аде of Empires II Armorines (Nà4)...... Armorines (PS-X) Ballistic

feat. Kobe Bryant

Slave Zero Soul Fighter South Park Rally

Tekken Tag Tournament .. . Test Drive 6 (DC) . gji Thrasher: Skate and Destroy . „. TOCA 2: Touring Car Challenge . Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Tomorrow Never Dies ............ Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (N64)

Matt, The Original Gamer “Houston, the ego has landed. | think my bed-wetting homie Reiner left the lid off the rubber cement a little too long, because he must be high. My pathetic lifestyle? Trick, please. You're in your mid-twenties and you still collect COMIC BOOKS. It's time to retire the Batman pajamas, skippy. | don't know what retarded thoughts are swimming around in your deranged psyche, but I do know that your SAT scores were lower than the speed limit in most states, so don't go around spouting off about your mighty intellect. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. Class


Toy Story 2 (N64) .......... Toy Story 2 (PS-X) .

Trevor McFur in the Crescent Twisted Metal 4 V-Rally 2 Vagrant Story Vigilante 8: Second Offense (N64) . . . . Vigilante 8: Second Olfense (PS-X) WWE Altitude (DC) ...................66 X-Com Collector's Edition . .

X-Files 5 Xena Warrior Prince: Yars' Revenge zt Zombie Revenge ..................-

Erik, The PC Jedi “Reiner, you sorry fool. Your pathetic and misinformed attempts at disproving Marxist theory by bringing up the tired example of the failed Soviet economy fall on a weary audience at best. The Communist Manifesto required that after stability had been achieved after the revolution, the dictatorship voluntarily give way to the rule of the working class. This never happened in the U.S.S.R. and furthermore, the ‘revolution’s’ leaders attempted to push an idea for a recently industrialized nation on to a primarily agrarian society. Thus, your point is as moot as your feet are stinky.

Get bent.”


Earn Respect

Get Work

Fight ina Gang Betray your Bosses Join your Enemies

Start Turf Wars

Faster Cars. Busier Streets. Nastier Bad Guys.

More Aggressive Police

And now, the FBI and the

Army are getting involved.



PlayStation CONTENT RATED BY ROM R, ө ESRB DMA Design Ltd.

Snail Mail:


Game Informer Magazine


Attn: Dear GI 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Pokémon Questions

In the November issue | read about Pokémon Gold and Silver and 1 got real excited, but then | realized that | don't have a Game Boy Color. | would like to know if the Game Boy Color games will work with the Game Boy/SNES adapter.

Sean Maloney via

More Classics Please

| have been a long time video game addict. From Atari, to Nintendo, to Sega, to Turbo Grafx 16, and so on. One of the things | look forward to every month is the Classic СІ section. | was curious about how this section comes to be in the magazine. What careful process goes into the selection of the codes and reviews? Or is it a deal where somebody goes through a box in the back of a closet with their eyes closed and pulls out an old game? Do fans submit their reviews and codes?

| just know somebody has to be in hog heaven sitting around playing the golden oldies or sometimes just fiddling around with a stupid game to try and see what makes it tick. It sounds like a dream job! I'd love to see a bigger Classic СІ section. Since the material is virtually limitless, could there bea bigger Classic Gl section in the future for Game Informer?

Га love to see some more Saturn reviews, Turbo Grafx 16 reviews, and of course, reviews for Jaguar in the Classic Gl section.

Dave,The Rave via

No! You Don't Want This Game

Last year, you had a cover story on Sega Dreamcast. It featured a lot of games with screenshots for each. But now since Sega's U.S. launch, I've heard nothing of these games. What happened? For example, what happened to Godzilla? That is one of the games that made me want to buy a Dreamcast! Did Sega make up the game to build up hype for their last chance at the U.S. market? Let's face it, Saturn was a huge let down. Does Sega hope to buy us back with lies?

Or is this one of these stupid things where the game doesn't come to the U.S.? If this is true, I'll gladly buy a Japanese version. (Where could | get one anyway?) It’s not like I'd have

6 | Game Informer « January 2000

Do not fret. Like many Game Boy Color games, Pokémon Gold & Silver will be backwards compatible with the original Game Boy. In other words, you won't have to buy the Game Boy Color to play the new Pokémon games. To answer your other question, games designed specifically for the Game Boy Color will not work with the Game Boy/SNES adapter, known as the Super Game Boy.

The criteria of picking the games featured in Classic Gl is fairly complicated and involves plastic straws, chewing gum, and hair spray. Without giving too much away on this top secret opefation, we keep an extensive library of classic games and an extremely knowledgeable staff that has played thousands of games. That said, picking the classic games usually begins with a perusal of the game archive. Sometimes a game just catches our eyes or we uncover a game that we hadn't seen in years. Other times, we fulfill the request of readers. This month's Classic Gl is all you, Dave.

Penning Classic Gl is very entertaining for the lucky editor who gets the call to compose it usually Paul. He hardly calls it a dream job, though, because only a small fraction of his time is spent on the section each month. Currently, we have no plans to expand the Classic Gl section beyond one page; however, anything is possible.

to read much for Godzilla. WALK!

CRUSH! BOOM! WIN! Jason Jernegan Franklinville, NJ Sega does not hope to win you over with lies. It hopes to win you over with good games and keep the stanky games away from your system. Godzilla was one of the stankiest pieces of software since Air Cars for the Atari Jaguar. Believe us, they did U.S. gamers a huge favor by keeping this title in Japan. It isn’t a stupid thing. On the contrary, it is one of the smartest moves Sega of America could have made.As for the other three games that launched the Japanese Dreamcast (Virtua Fighter 3tb, Pen Pen Tri Icelon, and July), July is the only one we have yet to see. (We likely


N64 Demos? No Way

A couple months ago, | sent you guys a list of questions. It was a rather long list at that. Anyway, you guys didn't answer (probably because it was a letter and not an email) and | finally have email now. | don't care if you don't publish these questions in your magazine, but please email me the answers.

Why aren't there N64 demo cartridges like there are demo CDs for PlayStation? | know cartridges cost a lot, but it would be nice to have a N64 demo cartridge with levels from Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini, Donkey Kong, etc.

Why do all magazines grade games differently? For example, you guys gave Tiny Tank a 5.5, and Next Generation gave it 4 stars out of 5. You guys gave Mario Party a 3.5, and a certain Internet site gave it an 8! This is really getting confusing! Why do you grade differently than other magazines/Internet sites?

Frank Koszorus Jr. via

Video Game Infatuations

Awright here's the deal: My best friend John is a video game addict, but it hadn't gotten too serious until recently. Most of my friends like video games, but John is a bit err...different from the

Hey, Bootlegs!

My father just bought me a CD-R drive, and | wanted to make copies of all my PS-X and DC games, but when | finished copying them and put them in the systems, they did not register. Why is this? What am | doing wrong? Please help me!!

Kan Jackson via

Welcome to the world of software encryption. PlayStation games include

First off, how about if we publish your Ё

questions (and answers) in the {f

magazine and don't answer them via email? Rest assured, we do read all of the email and snail mail, but we get far too many letters each day to answer them all individually. On to your questions...

You are right, the reason you don't see N64 demos is that the cost of producing them is far too high. N64 carts are all manufactured in Japan. Couple that with the fact that it takes more than $10 to produce each cartridge and you have a very expensive proposition.Are you ready | to pay $50 bucks for a demo cartridge? Conversely, PlayStation discs cost far less to manufacture (around $1) and are made in a number of locations across the U.S.

In regard to your second question, we grade games differently because we have different opinions. What a boring world we would live in if every mag rated everything the same. We have the perfect solution to your confusion Just read Game Informer!

bunch. He is attracted to... (shudders) game characters. First Lara, then Morrigan, then Tifa, and now Quistis. What do | do about it? Accept it or smack him upside the head? Joel Gimpy Puggles via We know someone exactly like that. Editor Andy McNamara used to be in love with Veronica from the Archie Comics. He had all the issues and even got the Archie gang bed sheets. Eventually, he grew out of that phase and, after a short infatuation with Julie from the Love Boat, he came to realize di] that real women were far more entertaining. However, it seems that he has again fallen into a trap and thinks ] a certain Erudite in EverQuest

is pretty peachy. Accept your friend's strange fascinations; he'll get over them.

special encoding that communicates with your PlayStation hardware.This software encoding, which is not possible to copy, tells the hardware that the software is authentic and allows your PlayStation to load it. Your copies do not work because your PlayStation does not recognize them as authentic. Dreamcast games will not copy because they are not CD-ROMs.


As you jump through a boxcar, don't stare at the hobos. "They're people too.

Many experts say that ten or twelve guests in a room is completely acceptable, but in mv y y 8 I y

Заб " T а : ® FORO е К о he fmi experience, a good host will cap it at eight. Your guests’ needs should always be top of mind. When crossing a road, share a good moon

Offer up a thigh for a pillow, or if you have a toothbrush, share it. witha family. Preferably one in a mini-van.

America ine, Designed and developed

In the heat of competition, show no etiquette. Losers never get the honeys.

Another great energy source is the #1 snowboarding game, Cool Boarders 4. Make your soul patch tingle with new tweaked out grabs and tricks like method-melons and

hand plants. 16 pros including Jim Rippey, Shaun White

and J.P. Walker tear it up on 30 new courses riddled with

short cuts, kickers and rail slides. One to EVERYONE f id 1 fi "T | 7 our riders can choose from 34 boards но)

by 9 top companies, or customize their STUDIOS

i PlayStationi ®

E PlayStation

ied trademark and 989 Studios and the.

own. Please friend, have a lovely shred.

Envelope Art

Are You Faking Time?

I. What's real-time? Is there а fake time?

2. Can you make a list of the top 25 N64 games (since you made a list awhile back of the top 25 PlayStation games)? 3.What’s the best game of all time so far? 4. Are any of you actually human? Aeris Gainsborough via Oh, numbered questions. Here we go! 1. Real-time refers to strategy games where the action doesn't stop.The classic example is Westwood's Command and Conquer. The opposition is in constant flux and continues its activity

One Last 64DD Question...

When | first heard about the 64DD how long ago? | was as impressed as the next gamer at some of the possibilities that were being thrown around under the 64DD name.Then of course it never came, and | felt fairly let down about the whole thing.

Then in your last issue you showed a glimpse of some of the 64DD games that were being released in Japan, but mentioned that we'd never see them over here. Why IS this? Personally, | wouldn't mind having Sim City 64 or the F-Zero X Expansion Kit. What happened to the "better late than never” | philosophy? Is this the last we'll see of cartridge-based games?

Julian J.Alderman via It's not that we won't see the games, but we won't see the 64DD hardware. In our interview with

Ratings: Old Vs. New

| was just looking through my Game Informer magazines and | noticed something. For regular Nintendo, you give some games really high scores, like 8s or above. You give lower scores to some N64 and PlayStation games even though they have better graphics, better gameplay, and all sorts of other stuff. Why is that? Troy Wegner


There are a couple things you have to keep in mind. In the days before the 32 and 16-bit systems, believe it or not,

Game Informer January 2000

David Elliott, Tampa, FL

January Winner

It's true she doesn't have a face, but will anyone notice?

independent of your actions. In other ; +

words, it doesn’t wait for you to execute $L t3

your moves. In games, there is indeed Е 1 ge

fake time and comes in the form of turn- КЫ А y

based strategy games.A game like Panzer ES HH Bryce Boucher General will allow the player as much AUTE Pembroke, NH time as he desires, and after his is If you think

moves are complete, the computer will

: Reiner looks then execute its maneuvers.

funny as Link,

2. No, but if you refer to the Reviews you should Archive insert in the magazine, you can See hi ih Мө p see what games our list would likely я


include. 3. So far, we'd have to say that it is chess or possibly soccer.

4, Bipedal? Mortal? Anthropocentric? The last time we checked, yes.

Zelda outfit.


Uu "d

fess SoL НЭМ otiod = av 24194: iv

Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto in the November issue, he stated that Nintendo of Japan is already developing ff a system to easily convert 64DD games into cartridges for U.S. consumption. Nintendo has already Ec announced that Mario Artist (Paint Studio IE & Talent Studio) will be released in the U.S. as a cartridge. We won't be surprised to see Sim City 64 joining that list very soon.

LE ө NW 4"

Hey look! This guy's a better artist than Rob Liefield.

Eric Anderson К | Baltimore, MD

Mmmmmmmmm | mmmm...Mega Man!

Tom Kim Blue Bell, PA

These two Pokémon, like kids at school, are fighting over trading cards.

Nintendo games did get 8s, 9s, and 105. Ё Also, when we rate games in Classic СІ we do not rate them against the current crop of new games. The classic games are rated versus other games of their time. Collectibility and the game's impact on current software are also factors in rating the oldies. Even though today's games have better graphics, we'd have to argue that not all of today's games have better gameplay. There are a ton of classic games Ё that are still far superior to some of E today's clunkers. [

Ario Elami Grosse Pointe Farms, MI "Go ahead...touch my monkey! TOUCH HIM!"

NCAA’ Final Four’ 2000 has more than 300 Division I teams from 31 conferences. It's got 100 new animations including 15 new high flying dunks with graphics twice as detailed and smooth as last year. Team-specific playbooks, crowd chants and fight songs create an intense college setting for every game. It's the complete

college experience, minus the midterms and missed classes.




i its

Е i



t the dawn of the last generation of console systems, a

“It's been a while since we've seen a strange but entertaining thing happened - just about every- classic platforming game like this, and AY AND CAST, VILE one in the video game industry became graphics snobs.

Tomba! 2 reminds you what a pleasur- THE GONZO GAMER " z^. ر‎ А i [ able experience it can be. For the first ^ Concept CURS ES, UPON People spent a great deal of time discussing the trivial details of “frame RUE зо the рае O ET you Rb Lm uad rate" and whether or not a game was “truly” 30. Mario 64 was held aloft clusion and items you Sene ise er CDRS ' НЕ. DAN over other popular platformers of the time simply because it was a true It's like being in a foreign country and not 8.5 free-roaming platformer.

Rd the Tanguage, in ime, de player Sound д a We loved the big M's return as much as anyone else did, but Tomba! 2 once set of the game, missions [m to fall 8 # again proves that the core of every excellent action/platformer is the gameplay. like dominoes, and you're hooked. | ПО | Wi Unfortunately, few developers seem to understand that the graphics and stun-

could have done without some of the voice-overs, but the thrill of exploration made up for it. Tomba! 2 obviously bor- rows heavily from classics in the genre,

ning possibilities of our new toys are quickly rendered pointless by shoddy game design. For years now, we've seen hordes of attractive free roaming games with rom ] horrible camera control and lackluster gameplay concepts. \ оов ie SD | 8.75 ) While no graphical masterpiece by a long shot, the original Tomba! proved to be a To put it bluntly, | love this game, and so T vastly entertaining game. Its bizarre humor and focus on tricky platforming earned hig! will you." gun : praise from the Game Informer staff in our July ‘98 issue. The second installment pl. тотто Tomba in a much more attractive 30 environment, while keeping the engaging 20 Tomba game, but | can say that the forming action that made the original such a hit with us. sequel is one whacked adventure. The wi In Tomba! 2, Tomba's girlfriend has been kidnapped by the vile Evil Pigs who Be aie dt ties a ale Concept d much trouble in the last game by stealing his dad’s bracelet and mutating the land. overwhelming. Luckily, the playcontrol in ume: s = quest to save girl M me “| set things right, Tomba will have the opportu Tomba! 2 is exceptional. The branching numerous people in need alon: е perspective does take some getting used 8.75 way by completing а ton of н е - to, but soon the platforming апа naviga- Sound i Funny, a lot of our readers say that about our mag. tion become second nature. The basic 85 quests. з AN ca wE 9% maneuvers are actually very simple, even P b | These tasks with the added moves of Tomba's cos- ayability b. шла. tumes. However, the RPG-styled items 9.25 =, over a hundred and and character interaction put an enjoy. -Entertainment providing able twist on the standard platformer, Entertainment There are definitely not a lot of games

like this for PlayStation, and if you liked games like Crash, Ape Escape, or Klonoa, | have no doubt that you will love

this game.” E s hard to look tough in a squirrel outfit, =


Entertainment Г

This book has too man I can*t read it,

^While the rest of the world focuses on the

ascension of the third-dimension, Tomba! 2 REINER wines and dines the second-dimension, тне RAGING GAMER delivering phenomenal side-scrolling game- Concept

play based within a colorful and creative 9 å ^ ; Е world. While the look of the game has ————— 2 й == a cotton loincloth, and... evolved to the world of polys, the gameplay Graphics 4 я и РЕ

is still brought to life with classic blood. | 8.5 E ; ф` = "ut

enjoyed the goofy play in the first game, but cnn ei. à d d

this series will be remembered by the Sound ao ys bu:

highly intense platforming delivered in this URGES UND 1 Te IPS

second adventure. Every little inch of Playability

this platformer is brought to life brilliantly. 9.25

Whether you be navigating the skies in a fly- ——————— ——

ing squirrel costume, or tackling an evil pig Entertainment

with your mouth, Tomba 2 is a wacky ride 9.25

that never seems to get old. Much to my surprise, this game reminded me greatly of Super Mario 3, and joins it as one of the


Twant a banana, а new monkey ^^. ^;

best platformers around.”

» n Ah... уо your ur baby's 8 -~ ~ crab is on fire...

The Meet р told us all about {+ khat exactly áre they?

m ierant mn атре

Tomba’s girlfriend from the clutches of the evil pig oppressors. While the objectives are offen sim- ple enough, the means of achieving them tend to be a lot more than you bargained for. So your monkey friend wants baked bananas? Well, first you'll have to locate the bananas; find a place to cook them; find a hammer so you can activate the stove; find bombs; use them to free another friend who is trapped so that the hammer’s owner will finally relinquish it to you; and finally, place the bananas in the stove and bring them back to your hungry buddy who prompily departs and requires your attention at a later point in the game when he gets itchy.

As the average quest in the game goes, this one is pretty basic. Quite frequently, the player is challenged to find a way to get across a level while suffering from one malady or another so that they can enter secret doors. By eating laughing or crying fruit, the player can access doors repre- om the same actions, but will be unable to use weapons until a neutralizing fruit can be

While Tomba has all of his old moves intact, he’s gained a few new skills as well. In addition to his basic jumping, biting, and swinging skills, he can now charge his enemies with a rapid Animal Dash that will allow him to move faster and jump higher. He also gains a wide variety of abilities through the use of weapons and garments. By donning the goofy looking Squirrel Clothes, he gains ity to glide long distances and is granted the additional benefit of staying warm in chilly b ditions. Acquiring new pants can enhance his speed.

- Enoug said. Tomba! 2 serves up a fine dish of porcine thrashing action, a tough platform chal- oY, and an immense number of objectives to ара, It's guaranteed to res

° You must defeat this hoss _ by pounding on its tongue.

~ Catch the fat clown on a hig pillow. to heighten his confidence.

Cover Story ie

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

‘e Style: 1-Player Action/Platform

* Special Features: Special Outfits Allow Unique Gliding & Magic Abilities; Pants Enhance Speed; 7 Weapons, Each Weapon Equipped With a Special Function; Special Minigames; Puzzles; Over 100 Quests to Complete

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Whoopee Camp for SCEA

* Available: Now for Playstation

Bottom line: 0.75

^E “It makes aman excited tobe __

dressed like a squirrel.


The Moves

A good action/platformer has a diversity of means towards an end, and Tomba has a vast array of skills at hand. You will need to take advantage of each and every one of them in order to get to every secret in the game. 4


It seems to even mention. Few platform gai have attempted to go without a jump and it is the most fre-

quently used action of this game, despite all of Tomba’s other options.

Animal Dash

Most of Tomba’s charm comes from his animal magnetism. The ani- mal dash helps him move a little

* faster and adds a little more oomph to

his jumps. It's also goofy and crazy looking, which is half of what makes this game so entertaining.




Tomba can climb on the vertical surfaces in the game. Even blocks of ice don't deter his sticky jungle man fingers. However, it's still best to be certain that he can in fact climb a cer- tain type of wall before making a risky jump, finding no purchase, and plum- meting poor Tomba to his doom.

Grapple n' Bite

This is the primary means of dis- posing enemies. Tomba jumps on enemies’ backs, clamps down with his teeth, and then somersaults them to oblivion. Weapons are powerful enough to take out weaker enemies, but most Opponents will only get stunned and require that you to finish the job with this move. In fact, most enemies don't even need to be hit with a weapon first. All you have to do is jump on their backs. The grapple and somersault maneuver is also the primary means of acquiring new items.

Swinging Tomba's p

| ‘The St Stuff That Jungle Boys Are Made Of

The Weapons

Most enemies won't be destroyed by a hit from apon, but a good arsenal is useful, and often necessary for stunning enemies into submission before doing a Grab 'n Bite throw on them.


This is Tomba's starting weapon. It has a decent range and fairly rapid rate of attack. For the most part, it is only capable of stunning enemies and has no real secondary use. Ironically, it was our weapon of choice for fight- ing the Pig Bosses.



The Boomerang is the second weapon you acquire and isn’t much of a step up from the Blackjack. Fortunately, it has the useful ability to grab items in hard to reach places and return them to Tomba. It’s not the ideal choice for combat, but the Boomerang sees plenty of use in the game. The Boomerang is on the rope bridge that you raise with the Star Cog in the first area.


res instantly. While it won't slay ng Capper, it will put out the firi

them. The Ice Boomerang works won-

enabling Tomba to grapple and chuck

Fire Hammer

Getting a hold of the Fire Ha grants Tomba the ability to sta as well as put them out. Hammer also becomes impi stunning enemies i ments that are im

Ranch Area of the Kujara | order to get this weapon.

certain enemies, also burst water plants (the blue jellies) Open so Tomba can get at the contents within. The Grapple can be activated as many times as you want in midair, causing Tomba to stand still for a moment as the Grapple extends and retracts. Take advantage of this as it can be a lifesaver after a making a fatal mis- jump. The Grapple can also be used to pull Tomba up and over an object automatically by our D-Pad up. Combine i

ders on burning inanimate objects as -

well, and seems especially well suited for attacking ghosts. The Ice Boomerang is located in the Pipe Area in the Large Mine Underground.

тит the Hammer opens n areas galore. In order to get ег, you need to talk to | the underground room of «do ing Town, and then go back to tation in the Pipe Area of

Pig Bullet

This goofy weapon instantly turns an unfortunate Evil Pig into a cute lit- tle mini-pig that can be used for a cir- cus act. Collect one of each type and bring them to Circus Town. In order to get the Pig Bullet, you will need to use the Ice Pig Robes to transform 30 ene- у and give it all to

1 Circus Town.

around i ns or red

with the right outfit wil hice your speed, enable him to glide great dis-

a" or even cast powerful magic.

Panis Picking шв new pants will enhance our he by a fraction. We weren't

pull off higher jumps and move ickly in and out of trouble.

call these, be look like a chi \ or a rich kid's pajamas. Wearing these animal suits will allow Tomba to reach new locations and even help him stay out of trouble.

Bird Clothes

lead canary


à Wc

Squirrel Clothes Sure, you may feel a bit odd sport- ing a bushy tail and cute little ears, but this extremely useful costume allows Tomba to glide all the way to the ground. Tapping on the jump button will not allow him to fly, but it will keep him aloft for a much longer period of time. The only drawback of this cos- tume is the serious hit you'll take to your platforming skills for using it too much. It really makes the game that Squirrel Clothes also

The Pig Clothes

The most ridiculous looking of the creature jammies is also the most powerful. At first, all this pig outfit allows Tomba to do is talk to people who have been transformed into pigs

by the evil swine curse and do a ques- tionably useful butt-stomping attack. As you progress through the game and help a mermaid out in the water temple, however, the Pig Clothes will become enhanced, allowing Tomba to


à #



swine of the ravenous porcine horde will win you these powerful robes, allowing Tomba to perform magical attacks. When used, these attacks will destroy all enemies in view, some- times transforming them into some- thing new. These attacks come at a cost, though. Each use of the robes takes up some of Tomba's magic bar, which he can slowly recharge by using the good old Grapple n' Bite.

8 a

Acquiring this robe allows you to perform ice attacks that turn monsters into Ice Candy.


The powerful magic of this robe allows you to destroy enemies and simultaneously absorb one point of health. Defeating multiple opponents with on Kock only awards one point of ic

Earth, Fire, $ | These robes are strictly damaging robes and provide no other benefits.

Becoming Afflicted _

Tomba’s world i 11 of hazards and while som use death, they can бесот sonvenience.

Unfortunately, some of them are also necessary evils that must be endured in order to get to certain secret areas in the game.

Oil Slicks

The Tiger Squid in the Ranch Summit section of Kujara Ranch spray you with a sticky oil that causes dam- age and makes you susceptible to nasty burns should you come in con- tact with fire. Steak Sandwiches pre- pared by the chef or the Tiger Oil Remover will remove this not too dan- gerous threat.

Defeating the five most powerful -

ing Crying section of there are a number ange your mentali- Crying fruit will

| through the of the ladder

Unified Pig Destroying Theory

At first we attempted to con with a clever means of | Жу each individual Evil Pig boss, but we found a one trick pony of a strategy that seemed to work qui most of them. It's simple. Stand in place and wait for them to appear next to you. If they get close enough, jump them and chuck them at the bag. If too far, hop up and whack them with the Blackjack. Repeat until you achieve victory.

lee Pig

The gate for this boss is behind the waterfall, accessible through the Water Temple. Simply walk into the middle of the screen when you've acquired the Ice Pig Bag and the door

will appear above your head. Чы, the cliff right below your stai position and wait for the Ice Pig appear close to you. Jump on him - and chuck him in the bag. If he throws a snowball, jump up to the upper platform.

Pig The doorway to this | "m.

ishiki birds in the Ranch Area of the swinging poles pikes to get up е seesaws. Jump If you have the I appear between and above two seesaws. Use the grap- ple to get in.

Ghost Pig

When you get the Ghost Pig Bag, approach the flattened steam cylinder on the red pipes you use to get to the Trolley in the Pipe Area of the Large Mine Underground. A gate will appear below the steam pipe. Hop in. The uni- fied theory works well here, but you will occasionally have to somersault a few ghost annoyances away.

In the Waterfall of the Heave at the Starting Beach, c chasm of barrels that slide do Cliff when you get on top of them. Continue left until you fall into an area with two Water Plants and a large sta- lactite. Use your Grapple to latch on to the ceiling on either side of the stalac- tite and hold up until you find yoursel area. Grapple the ceilin d use the same )p. This will cause a gate to the far left. Use the Squirrel Clothes to glide to the gate. The Water Pig is one of the more diffi- cult bosses. After you've put her into the bag twice, half the level will disap- pear. If she starts spinning, hit her even if she's right next to you to avoid a nasty attack. Otherwise, follow the theory.

4 " | "LÀ "2 PI I

Cover Story

You can not get to this boss until you have defeated the Ghost Pig and gotten a hold of the Swimming Pig Suit. Head to the Forest Entrance area of Donglin forest. It is now safe to swim in the water. Wear the Pig Suit, hop in and keep on going left until you hit a hidden cave. Walk left until a por- tal appears. Hop in for the boss battle. The usual strategy works, bu need to be patient, as ї bag is not always in the li

Evil Pig Boss You must defeat all of the other pigs before facing off against this boss. You must take the right chain that operates the drawbridge in the Pipe Area. Keep on climbing down. You will meet Kainen at the bottom. He gives you the final Pig Bag. Talk to him again and һе will open the final door. It is blocked by five Pig Statues. You must use the underground pas- sages to return to five worlds, seeking out each statue's corresponding plates and casting the associat- ed magic in order to remove the barrier from the gateway. If not for the unified pig destroy- ing theory, this boss would be, ~ really nasty. {

g” Informer


Game Informer « January 2000




hen Oddworld Inhabitants crawled out of the woodwork and stepped into

| the video game light with

its first PlayStation title, Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee, it not only graced the gaming scene with a remarkable piece of software, it also announced plans to develop an entire Quintology of games fitted into the Oddworld universe. With some of the most talented artists and designers empowering this rookie company, Oddworld’s vision - came to life with the beauty and never-ending depth of George * Lucas’ galactic Star opera only with an odd twist to it.

Abe's Oddysee definitely caught the attention of the entire gaming nation, but its tricky Prince of Persia-like gameplay seemed to scare away a good portion of the audience. Yet, for those who were bit by the Oddworld bug and truly understood its gameplay, Abe’s Oddysee proved to be one of the most satisfying games the PlayStation had to offer. A year or so passed, and the ever-creative Inhabitants’ crew seemed to disappear with the coming of the new year. It wasn't until some time later that we finally heard a peep out of this up-and-coming developer, and what a peep it was. Instead of debuting the second mex chapter of the fabled Quintology, Oddworld Inhabitants

developed a spin-off adventure to Abe’s Oddysee entitled . Abe's Exoddus. For those who loved the first adventure, this extra helping proved to be just as ingenious. Still, despite this great spin-off, we were left with an obvious question: "Where is the second piece of the Quintology pie?"

In an interview splattered messily across the hallowed pages of the April 1998 issue of Game Informer magazine, Lorne Lanning, Oddworld's voice of reason, unveiled the title and a few tidbits about the second chapter in the Quintology. He admitted that the title would be Oddworld:

Munch's Oddysee, and that it would star an offbeat character. so hideous that even Abe would think he’s ugly. After this, Oddworld again fell into silence.

...But not for long. At 1999’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Lorne Lanning and company were in attendance, offering sneak previews of concept art for two upcoming Oddworld games, Hand of Odd, a real-time strategy game for PlayStation2, and finally, the long-lost second chapter, Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, also for PlayStation2.

Since we've raved about this developer and its games from the get-go, Oddworld has granted Game Informer an exclusive look at the mysterious title, Munch’s Oddysee. So without further delay...get naked, turn the page, and let's get it odd!


Along with the revitalization of Sega, new machines are popping up like mad. Whether it be the PlayStation2, Nintendo Dolphin, or Microsoft X-Box, hardcore gamers (turned prophets) have preached about the coming of these machines; and, ever weak, weve bought into the hype and can hardly wait for the next millennium of gaming. God (the corporation behind a new machine) has revealed little, but from time to time, our hunger has been sated by a tech demo or a sheet of paper with huge numbers on it.

Sony’s machine is still in utero, but it will come to term in March. Just like every new console machine before it, the PlayStation2 has been talked up as the most powerful gaming tool ever created. At last fall’s Tokyo Game Show, gamers caught a glimpse of the future and actually had a chance to play several games on PlayStation2. Judging from the ear-to-ear smiles and the “!” that slipped from the mouths of all who were fortunate enough to play the PS-2, Sony’s next machine is no joke. Here in America, little has been said, and nothing has been shown.

All that’s changed when an obscure black box appeared at the headquarters of video game magazines across the nation. In this box was a video of real-time footage from Oddworld Inhabitants’ upcoming Munch's Oddysee game. This short reel, which ran approximately two minutes, displayed an atmosphere unlike any seen before in a video game. The entire environment, and all of its inhabitants, move in real-time; and just like Earth, this fantasy world

actually has an ecosystem embedded in its code. As a herd of Scrab

gathered wood for a rapidly approaching cold night. We also saw the environment change from lush, to dry, to waste. Most impressive of all and the finale of the clip, a Slig ran through a battle-ravaged forest to a lookout tower. Before it entered the stronghold, it looked to the sky and eyed several blimps approaching. Without hesitation, the Slig ran into the tower, sprinted past a Mudokon on a hamster wheel, and ascended several ladders. This interior environment actually looked just like the prerendered backdrops in the previous Oddworld titles... However now, it is rendered in real-time and

presented in high resolution graphics. Once the Slig reached the top of its ascent, it exited through a door and vigorously spun a crank to sound an airhorn alarm. The video then cut to black, but the show wasn't over. It also included a tech demo of real-time morphing and facial expressions. The morphing showed Abe walking into the screen, then in a split-second his flesh melted to reveal an animated set of bones. The facial expressions also looked fantastic, showing Abe change moods on the fly.

At this point, we rolled our tongues back into our mouths, and called Oddworld Inhabitants to find out more about this product. As always, “The Man” Lorne Lanning took some time out of his busy schedule to talk about Munch’s, the PlayStation2, and even the third chapter in the Quintology, Squeek’s Oddysee. If you can pull yourself away from these amazing images, flip to see what Lorne has to say.


ran through an incredibly detailed canyon, family of Mudokans .

Star of Munch's Oddysee

A herd of Scrab galop ir in a highly detailed canyon.

For the first time in Oddworld history we see Mudokons in their habitat and not enslaved by greedy corporations.

gather wood for a

Several Mudokons P chilly night.

A wandering Scrab visits a forest outpost in search of food.

16 волтен зарнаа ene reece ee SU ET ESSE ES ATS IEC

A Slig warrior runs across a ч scorched land, and ascends a Inside the tower we see

tower to sound an alarm, that despite all of Abe’s

warning his comrades of an heroics, the Mudokon

airbound invasion. race is still bound to stave labor.

v As you can see, the world changes in appearance. Pictured here are examples of a lush, dry, and desolate valley.

` Game Informer


Game Informer January 2000



Gl: Before we delve into Oddworld's new embryo, Munch, let's talk about our good friend Abe. We know he's an important character in the Oddworld universe, and we love him like a cousin. Since his PlayStation adventures made up the first chapter of the Quintology, and Munch's make up the second, does this mean Abe's journey is complete?

LL: Actually, Abe's journey is just beginning. It is Abe's cause that ropes in the four remaining heroes of the Oddworld Quintology, Munch being the second. All of these heroes have their own fall due to their ignorance, but it's ultimately the dilemma of Abe that pulls them together and gives them a greater cause.

Gl: Do you feel there's still a place on PlayStation2 for the 2D gameplay formula found in Abe's 32-bit adventures?

LL: Abe's 2D days are over. From here on, Oddworld is 3D.

Gl: Will we see another solo adventure starring Abe?

LL: It's possible, even highly likely, but at this moment there is nothing on the design table.

Gi: What role will Abe play in Munch's Oddysee?

LL: In the beginning, Abe selfishly uses Munch for his own gain. It's a dysfunctional relationship that helps each of them to understand more about their own

Shortcomings. It's an awkward relationship that ultimately makes each of them stronger.

Game informers January: 2000 eene


If the real-time sample we were fortunate enough to breathe in is any kind of indication of what this game will actually be like, then the future of video games is going _ to be a very pleasant place to be. Once again, Oddworld Inbabitants front тап, Lorne Lanning, has taken a few seconds to talk to the dorks at GI; and for the second time

running, he has spilled the beans on a ton of stuff. So what are ya waitin for? Read

on little cowboy! Read on and learn.

Gl: Who is Munch, and what is he about?

LL: Munch is similar to Abe in that he is an unlikely hero who is also "hanging at the bottom of the food chain and slipping fast." Munch is the last survivor of his species, but he's living in the animal testing department of a pharmaceutical research com- pany. Why? One reason was that Gabbit lungs made good transplants for Glukkons who had lung cancer. Many Glukkons get lung cancer, so there was a pretty big demand for Gabbit lungs. There was also a huge demand for the very expensive dish known as "Gabbiare," which is actually Gabbit eggs. (They taste great with champagne and crackers.) Hence, the demand for Gabbiare added to the near extinction of the Gabbits. However, the biggest threat to the Gabbits is the fact that their bodies' biology holds a cure to a major disease that tends to afflict the wealthy and powerful. The pharmaceutical company that is holding Munch captive is making a fortune researching a cure for this disease. Of course, they don't actually want to find a cure, they just want to keep getting paid to continue "researching" a cure. Knowing that the chemistry of a Gabbit holds the cure, they're killing off all the Gabbits so that nobody else will find the cure. They know that no Gabbits equals no cure, and then they can just keep making a fortune searching for the cure.

Gl: What will the relationship be between Munch and Abe?

LL: It’s a relationship that depends upon trust and compassion. When the trust and compassion break down, then both of them have new and horrible realizations about themselves.

Gl: We know you've had the Munch story brewing in the bowels of Oddworld Inhabitants for quite some _ time. Were you ever going to release it | on the PlayStation? Or was this title | destined for the PlayStation2 from the get go?

|. LL: The idea to build Munch's Oddysee for the PlayStation was considered | about three years ago. However, shortly after breaking it down, we soon realized that there was no way in hell

the PS-X was going to drive this game. So we decided we would hold off on Munch until the next generation system arrived. We placed our bets on a very ambitious spec, kept designing Munch for nearly two years, and ultimately crossed our fingers hoping that Sony’s PS-2 would be powerful enough to drive it. Then, when the specs for the PS-2 were announced, it was a huge relief.

Gl: How will Munch's gameplay compare to Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus?

LL: Munch's Oddysee will be more focused on world simulation and the behaviors of characters апа ecosystems to achieve much more "living" impressions. We are simulating entire life cycles for all the Characters in the world, all the communities, and even the landscape. We are truly going for a "world" simulation approach rather than gauntlet types of puzzles that you saw in our previous games. We are also putting a ton of effort into advanced behavioral, simulation, and social chemistry models. GameSpeak will also now allow you to move around and manipulate a large number of characters in order to have them do your bidding and reshape your landscape. GameSpeak has become more highly evolved and smarter, but simpler to understand and use.

GI: You say that you can now control larger groups of characters. Does this mean Munch can command an entire army?

LL: Abe’s more of the army commander type in this game. While Munch tends to have more influence over the animals and machines.

Gl: What are some of the new GameSpeak commands that Munch barks out?

LL: We still have at least a year until release. 1 don't want to spill all the beans just yet.

Gl: You've said, “Munch’s Oddysee will be in real-time 3D, but it will do it in ways that have not been done yet”; can you elaborate on that?

LL: In most real-time 3D games, the two biggest shortcomings that we identified and addressed deal / with the camera systems and the character’s seeming to truly be aware it is in the world. Many people do not enjoy the roving, wild, whip-panning camera activity that comes with over-the-shoulder or POV. So we will be offering a different twist to the camera logic, which aims to fix the orientation and motion-sickness problems that result from the status


quo of what's going on out there. Our camera system will feel more "cinematic" in its delivery, without compromising playability. As for characters, we feel the industry іѕ | suffering from a "virtual idiot" phenomena. What was very easy | ( for a character to accomplish ina. 2D gaming environment has | become much more difficult in 3D.

The controls and characters don't seem to know where the pickup item is; they can't figure out the doorway is right in front of them without slamming into the wall; they jam up in tight corridors because prep efforts are not precise. For example, pickup items used to take one fraction of a second in 2D; but now, in even some of the best examples, like Zelda or Mario, a pickup item (or sign to read) takes five times longer and as a result makes the character look stupid. So we've been working on a system that helps the game's Inhabitant identify where it is in the environment and also recognize what items of interest might be nearby. So picking up an item Should be as fluid as it used to be in 2D, yet still look totally real and convincing in 3D. The same applies to a character running through a hallway, entering a tight doorway, or anything else that involves having the desire of the game player manifest more easily in controlling the game’s Inhabitants.

Gl: Are you expanding on Game Emotion?

LL: Massively. With the additional audio memory that is now available, and the faster disk access, we will be able to hold many more words and animations. Not to mention the advanced Al that will drive all of the Inhabitants. It's our goal to make things look and feel alive. That means they need to react emotionally if a situation suggests that the Inhabitants would be psychologically effected.

Gl: Any new concepts? Game Evolution perhaps? Or have you incorporated some sort of virtual pet into the mix?

LL: All living things on this world will have life cycles. This means they depend on resources to live out their lives. Shortage of these resources manifests in the Inhabitants’ abilities and behaviors, as does abundance of these resources. You will be able to breed creatures, nurture them, and condition them by way of your actions and behavior. You will have a great deal of experimentation available to you.

Gl: What are the new language treatments you're including in Munch's Oddysee? LL: GameSpeak is expanding greatly, as are the

number of characters. There are a variety of different languages, as well as some that are more musical.

Gl: More characters?! More musical?! Speak, man! Speak!!!

LL: We're still too far away from delivery to get too much into these types of details. 1 can tell you that the world in and of itself will take on much more of a harmonic quality that is directly related to gameplay.

GI: Who are the new adversaries?

LL: Virtually all of the enemies from our previous games will reappear in the new 3D world. But they will be greatly evolved from what was experienced on 32 bit. (Bats won't be coming back, as nearly everyone hated them, and we really try to learn from our mistakes.) They will all have life-cycle patterns that make them more like real living creatures rather than game enemies. Some of the new ones will be much larger in scale, some will have strange co- dependent relationships, some will be aquatic. You'll also start seeing more herds and the like. The real

nasties will be the Vykkers scientists and doctors. These guys are very twisted, and they create some strange creatures on their own.

Gl: Is there a much larger story taking place than just Munch's saga? It looks like there is some kind of war sweeping the land?

LL: Munch's saga is about him , coming to terms with his unfortunate reality and becoming a more compassionate creature as a result of | it. In the meantime, there are a lot of confrontations that take place during this game, and some of them ultimately manifest in large-scale conflicts involving many characters. Philosophically speaking, the war that is sweeping the land is consumerism, and the land and its creatures are losing the battle. Munch and Abe are starting to take back the land and return it to its natural state. But those wonderful folks who are making profit from the land don't like giving up without a fight.

Gl: How many disks? How long do you expect the game to be?

LL: Munch will fit onto one 4.5 Gigabyte DVD. We expect that once people start playing the game, they will find themselves getting interested in subgoals and subplots going off on their own and just treating the world more like it's a habitat or terrarium full of living creatures. The result will be that people will want to nurture some things or levels for a long time, possibly days, weeks who knows? It’s our goal to let people take their time and have great fun with this living chemistry set that we're providing them, but also to have a storyline that players will want to unfold. If someone wanted to follow the core story as quickly as possible, then it would probably take a good 50 to 60 hours to unfold. However, we estimate that the replay value will be huge. It will be more like visiting Oddworld than playing Oddworld.

Gl: Could you describe how a typical gameplay scenario from Munch’s Oddysee unfolds?

LL: Not yet.

Gi: Are you (Lorne) supplying the voices again?

LL: | will be supplying a lot of them, but it's our goal to get more and / more people within the studio { involved with the voices. | love f the way Jim Henson did it on his projects. | must also admit that І really don't like the way ¥ some studios take animation and use famous actors' voices. It kills the experience for me. If | see “м fantasy characters, then | want to hear fantasy character voices. l'd much rather listen to Kermit the Frog or Yoda than listen to Sylvester Stallone or Sandra Bullock.

GI: Any plans for Internet play with Munch's Oddysee?

LL: Not for Munch's Oddysee. But we do plan to take the A.L.I.V.E.2 technology to the Internet for Hand of Odd.

GI: What do you think of the PlayStation2 hardware? Is it easy to develop for? More powerful than the Death Star?

LL: No comment.

Gl: Hmmm...We know we may be pressing our luck, but what can we look forward to for the third chapter of the Quintology?

LL: It's very possible that Squeek's Oddysee (the third chapter in the Quintology) will require a much more

Game Informer

Feature |

powerful system than the PS-2, but it's too soon to B say for sure. Basically, the Quintology was designed to require greater and greater populations of characters for each new Oddysee. We will get dozens more characters on the screen on the PS-2 than we could on the PS-X...but will it be enough to drive what's in store for Squeek? We don't know yet. Even if it's not, we have a fortune of ideas that we would like to manifest for the PS-2, all of which involve fleshing out more of Oddworld.

Gl: Do you have any plans to develop games outside of the Oddworld universe? E

LL: When you look at Oddworld the way we do which | is to say that Oddworld is a planet ten times the size | | of Earth, on which so far we've only been to | Nicaragua ~ then you can see that we have no need | to develop outside of Oddworld, because the world © hasn't even started seeing the rest of Oddworld yet. |: Our designers and artists know that if they can dream it, it can happen somewhere on Oddworld, so long as it doesn't go into space and so long as it's loaded with mountains of subtext. These are the two critical laws. The Quintology will ultimately just reveal what took place on one continent, but there are many other continents on Oddworld, with many other Inhabitants, cultures, societies, and dilemmas that our world has yet to see. | understand how a lot of people tend to think of it as Abe's world, but that really doesn't do it justice. It would be like saying Earth is Andrew's world. It is where Andrew lives, but there are millions of others there with different issues.

Gl: You left the high stakes of Hollywood for video games. Do you feel you made the right choice and can express your vision in games? Or do you eventually see yourself going back to film?

LL: Since we left Hollywood five years ago, Sherry McKenna and | have never looked back. Video games have given us creative and production freedoms that simply don't exist in Hollywood. We do see ourselves making films, but we see ourselves doing it right here, our way, with Oddworld. Not in Hollywood. Just like the games, we will build the movies under our own roof and then have them distributed through the best available means. The idea of going back down to Hollywood and having to do lunch with that group of vampiric bozos makes me want to throw up.

Gl: Alright, we want your honest to God opinion here...and no backing out! Who would win in a fight: Abe or Munch?

LL: Okay, РІ be honest. If they were in the water, Munch would beat Abe's ass because Abe can't swim. But on land, Abe could probably stomp the piss out of Munch because Munch is really quite |

pathetic; although there is Munch’s tongue move to consider. However, each of them has the ability to possess different types of things. Abe can possess organic creatures, whereas Munch can possess mechanical robots and such. Via possession, then, the winner would only be determined by who had possessed the more powerful victim.


| Sega of Japan recently debuted a new racing game for Dreamcast that appears to | be its answer to Gran Turismo. The new game, entitled Sega GT, is slated to hit the Japanese Dreamcast in the coming months, and is confirmed for the U.S. later this | year. | Sega GT will include more than 100 authentic cars from such manufacturers as | Honda, Toyota, and Mitsubishi. There is also speculation that Sega of America will attempt to include U.S. cars for the North American release. Look for more on this guid Dreamcast racing ds in future issues. ШТ Wy TOTAL co Ко | 1 пп 192)

(f iP 2) |

In a top secret location in the desert of Arizona, 989 Studios unveiled the sequel to its top selling PlayStation thriller, Syphon Filter.

Game editors that were on hand for this event were sworn to secrecy, so many details surrounding the game are extremely scarce. However, Game Informer intelligence agents found that the game, code named Syphon Filter 2, is likely to surface on PlayStation this spring.

More details on this covert title are on the way in E issues.

Sony’s highly anticipated racing sequel, Gran Turismo 2, was the subject of great speculation in the past weeks as its exact release date has come into question. Reports from numerous sources stated that the game has been delayed.

Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) originally announced that GT 2 would arrive in stores on December 7, while a SCEA spokesperson still main- tained that the game would arrive on the announced date. Retailers across the country changed the expected release date to the last week of December.

At press time we are still uncertain as to the exact release date of Gran Turismo 2, but we advise all of our readers whom are interested in purchasing the game to contact their local game store for exact release information.

© Game Informer January 2000





The Force Returns To PSX With Jedi Power Battles

Just when you thought the Episode I madness would die down for a few months, LucasArts announced a new PlayStation action game, Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles.

"Jedi Power Battles is a fast action, arcade-style game inspired by classic LucasArts titles such as Super Star Wars," says Joel Dreskin, product mar- keting manager for LucasArts. Players can choose from one of five Jedi masters - Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Plo Koon or Adi Gallia in a one or two-player game. Each Jedi has his or her own set of moves and skills. There will also be a wealth of power-ups to aid your quest against the Sith and the Trade Federation. The game will include ten different levels all based on actual Episode І settings.

Star Wars: Episode | Jedi Power Battles is set to launch on the PlayStation this spring.

Shoot Out 2000 Called For Technical Foul

989 Sports has delayed the release of its PlayStation basket- ball title, NBA Shoot Out 2000.

Video game basketball development has not been very smooth for the folks at 989 Sports in the last two seasons. If you remem-

Release Date Set For Dreamcast Hockey

ber, last year’s Shoot Out was delayed and then com- pletely canceled. This year, 989 Sports again was not pleased with the progress of Shoot Out 2000's development and decided to take a few more months to get the game just right. “We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused any consumer, retailer, or media outlet,” read a 989 Sports’ statement regarding the delay. Shoot Out 2000 has currently been rescheduled for February.

Sports hungry players on Dreameast will get yet another meal from Sega Sports next month. NHL 2K is scheduled to arrive in stores during the second week of February.

Developed by new coders, Black Box, NHL 2K will get the same graphical treatment as Sega Sports’ NBA and NFL games. Expect to see exceptional player detail with faces beautifully recreated on the virtual skaters.

Game Informer is expecting to see more on the game in the coming weeks, so look for your first glimpse of the game in next month’s issue.


@ WWF WrestleMania 2000 - N64

© Twisted Metal 4 - PSX

Ө Sypro 2: Ripto's Rage - PSX

@ Crash Team Racing - PSX

Ө Sega NBA 2K - DC

Medal of Honor - PSX

© Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return - PSX

© Final Fantasy VIII - PSX

@ Resident Evil 3: Nemesis - PSX

© Tony Hawk's Pro Sktater - PSX

Ф Sega NFL 2K - DC

Army Men: Sarge's Heroes - N64 Ө Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

@ Madden NFL 2000 - PSX

Q Pokémon Pinball - GBC

© Driver- PSX

© Tony Hawk's Pro Skater - PSX & Crash Team Racing - PSX

& Knockout Kings 2000 - N64

@ Pokémon Yellow - GBC

@ Mud

© Helmets

© Constant Skull Piercing Noise @ Shell Shock

© Both Can Leave You Sterile or Impotent

Ө Over the Top!

@ Very Few Fans of Either

Ө Low Prospects of Advancing to a New Career

Ө Hard to Make Into a Good Video Game Out of Either

@ Lots of Handsome Young Men in Uniform

Game Informer is looking for your Top Ten favorite games. Please send your Top Tens to:

Game Informer Magazine Attn: Top Ten

10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Everyone that enters every month will be entered in a drawing to win a GI Secret Access T-Shirt! So get writing!

Ó Game Informer * January 2000

F * TECH TALK + ee

P add -- К 42 ` * TRIVIA * NAME THAT GAME!

. TOP TEN * WHAT'S HOT a: xe чь

Hoping to expand the so far limited James Bond titles available, Electronic Arts has made a deal with MGM Interactive to develop and publish James Bond games for consoles and PCs. The multi-year agreement gives EA the rights to publish and distribute Bond games for current and future game consoles. The first game announced in this newly formed relationship will be a action/adventure game based on the current Bond tale, The World Is Not Enough. The game is scheduled to release sometime this year on multiple, unnamed platforms.

WUT eani, LLL Ld C0

Acclaim Starts A - косе Hardcore Revolution а 0) и [674

More details have been released on Acclaim mem CE Entertainment’s new wrestling title. As report- ed last month, Acclaim is hard at work on a new wrestling game featuring the cast of Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW). The game will be titled ECW: Hardcore Revolution and is set to release for PlayStation and Nintendo 64 on February 17, with a Dreamcast version likely to follow.

All your favorite bleeding psychopaths, including Sabu, Raven “Don’t call me Johnny Polo,” Mike Awesome, Tommy Dreamer, Justin “Not the guy at Game Informer" Credible, and “Mr. PPV” Rob Van Dam, are included for your hardcore amusement. All told, over 46 tough guys and gals will be at your control, each with their own trademark moves and taunts.

Capitalizing on Acclaim's vast wrestling game experience, Hardcore Revolution will contain a ton of modes and features. The famous create-a-wrestler option is sure to be back and improved, allowing you to make turncoats like Taz and Shane Douglas for the real workers to beat down. More than 20 game modes are planned, including a video game first: the barbed-wire match!

Acclaim estimates ECW:HR will receive a Mature ESRB rating, due to “adult language and content." More info on the game and ECW can be found in the February issue of Game Informer and at E Solid Snake Goes Portable

The popular NES action series, Metal Gear, is heading to the Game Boy Color with an exciting new chapter that capitalizes on classic game- play and retro graphics. The title of the game is Metal Gear: Ghost Babel and it should ship for the handheld unit this summer. Solid Snake is back and of course, stealthy tactics are the key to victory.

Drawing inspiration from its PlayStation brother, Ghost Babel fea- tures a more cinematic package (stillframe cuts) and VR training. You can also look forward to linking two Colors together for multiplayer.




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Japanese magazine Famitsu 644 ; recently interviewed Masahiro Deishi, а ( e member of the Game Boy Advance x design team, regarding Nintendo's upcom- B ing 32-bit handheld system. Deishi, when asked to explain the decision to make the э system a horizontal console, said, “I can't say more than what's in the paper, but you

» УЕ «2. P Е Мо j J 7 J 2


" 2 7

Sega of Japan pulled a fast one on gamers in Japan and on Dreamcast owners across the world.

As reported last month, Sega announced that the Dreamcast action/adventure, Shenmue, had been delayed until April. In a sudden switch, Sega made a surprise announcement telling gamers that the Japanese launch of Shenmue would now be December 29. The reason for this release change is uncertain, but Game Informer speculates that increased manpower was put into Shenmue’s develop- ment to get the game out before the end of 1999. Another possibility is that some of the game's features have been cut to allow the game to release early. Either way, this is &ood news for Japanese Dreamcast players.

Shenmue is not scheduled to release in the U.S. until next fall.

Artist's Rendition

could say that it has the face of the Game Boy. Up until now, we've used a vertical design, so we wanted to stick with that, but in order to keep the overall size of the unit small with the larger LCD screen, we decided that horizontal was

the best way to go."

Deishi also seemed to hint that the system might not be compatible with previous Game Boy systems. When asked about the future of the Game Boy Advance, Deishi commented, "It's becoming something everyone is really happy with. Currently, there are more than 800 titles available for the Game Boy, but we feel like we can create a new kind of experience [with the Game Boy Advance]. The people in the software development division are acting like children who just got a new toy." Nintendo has not set a release date for the Game Boy Advance, which will likely be able to link to the Dolphin. Game Informer expects to see the GB Advance for the first time at next year's Space World show in August.

о Game Informer January 2000

Take-Two Interactive Software's Rockstar Games division has

been busy with new game announcements over the past

few weeks. The company revealed plans for a game

based on Austin Powers and also a new PlayStation2

title starring Duke Nukem.

Take 2 and Rockstar gain exclusive rights to publish

console and PC games of Austin Powers and plans are

$ | being made to produce games for both the Game Boy

Color and PlayStation this year. Take 2 also stated

| there are preliminary plans for a PlayStation 2 version A as well.

For Duke Nukem, Take 2 acquired the PlayStation2

rights from 3D realms and plan to use developer n-Space,

makers of Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, to craft the new Duke game for PS-2.

Surprisingly, the triple-dub's premier purveyor of Tinsletown gossip is not based іи Hollywood, but in frigid British Columbia, Canada. Want to know the latest on Peter Jackson's movie adaptation of the Lord of the Rings trilogy? How about Fletch 37 Look wo further. Facts, rumors, and half-truths all simmer together in Corona’s spicy cinema jambalaya. Don't take it as gospel, but for every red herring there is a solid scoop. A must-bookmark for movie fans.

mi cm

@ When Tomba creator Tokuru Fujiwara worked for Capcom, he was one of the guiding forces behind what legendary title?

@ What was the first viable online console gaming peripheral?

© What was the game that came packed-in with the PlayStation when it launched?

@ What was the first classic game museum title ever released?

© What was the first magazine devoted entirely to video games?

[Answers on the bottom of page 27]

Patriotic strategy fans can relive the tumultuous days of Revolutionary War with this exhaustive- ly detailed SNES title. Created by obsessive Japanese developer KOEI, this complex and well done game lets you command the upstart Yankee forces against the dentally deficient dandies known as the English. This may be an old game, but it is as deep as many of today’s titles (the instruction book is as large as a short novel). [Answer on the bottom of page 27]

Smithsonian Institution

АП dates subject to change. Call your local retailer for more details.

Release Title Publisher/ System Release Title Publisher/ System Date Distributor Date Distributor

12/14/99 Shadow Мап Acclaim DC 1/31/00 Кі Grand Prix Jaleco PS-X

12/14/99 Test Drive 6 Infogrames DC " FEBRUARY

12/14/99 Ghosts & Goblins Capcom GBC

= s 2/1/00 GTA2 Take 2 DC 12/14/99 Knockout Kings Electronic Arts ОВС Sina DER A Fat ™”:C:COCERL OT

я - 2/1/00 Hidden & Dangerous Take 2 DC 12/14/99 _ NBA Showtime Midway GBC ч n

n ө 2/1/00 40 Winks GT Interactive N64 12/14/99 Ready 2 Rumble Boxing (w/ rumble) Midway GBC SAA EXPL ITE etm. EOD ES cam Oa А 22/1/00 Flintstones Bowling South Peak PS-X

12/4/99 Asteroids Hyper 64 Crave N64 3 12/14/99 Space Invaders Activision N64 2/100 SpecOps Take2 РЫХ _ IET 99 Space vale Clon NOS _ 2/1/00 Wild Wild West South Peak PS-X

12/14/99 Worms Armageddon _Infogrames_N64_ 2/7/00 Pokemon Trading Card Game Nintendo GBC 12/4/99 Broken Sword 2 Crave PS-X 2/8/00 NHL 2K Sega DC

; [LUN [UL —— ا‎ 12/14/99 March Madness 2000 Electronic Arts PS-X

12/14/00 Official Ei Barina a usm. БИНЕ Dax 2/8/00 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Capcom DC 12/14/99 Official F1 Racing 99 Eidos PS-X 2/8/00 Time Stalkers Sha DC

oe E fae Dat PX = ; T E бапа алка s ^e. = 2/8/00 Street Fighter Alpha Capcom GBC IRE зо AIR HE саш _ | 3/8/00 World League Soccer 2000 South Peak N64

ПОШ EE NOU RO NES GER 2/8/00 Jackie Chan Stunt Master Midway PS-X жы е Melk GHC | овоо МВА Shootout 2000 989 Studios _PS-X

12/15/99 Hot Wheels Stunt Track Mattel GBC 2/8/00 Team Buddies Activision PS-X

12/15/99 Match Вох Catepillar Construction Mattel GBC 2/14/00 RidgeRacercá Nintendo ^ N64 Ridge Racer 64 Nintendo N64 12/19/39 МБАШ ӨЗ . .. тшш GBC 2/15/00 Espionage Agent Tommo DC

ello —_espionage Agent .—— . . . lommo «— (Uv 1. 12/5/99 Uno Mattel GBC

1815/89 Uno ا‎ GBC | 5509 MDK2 interplay DC 12/15/99 Barbie Super Sports _Mattel_PS-X__ | 3/15/00 Konami Rally Racing Konami GBC

cae Macross VeA Бы SX 2/15/00 __ Thrasher: Skate & Destro Take 2 GBC Jes. IMR FOE E EOS o SUBS BONG 64. Tommo N64

12/20/99 All Star Tennis 99 UbiSoft GBC 2/5/00 Colin McRae Rall Son PS-X

12/21/99 Armorines Project Swarm Acclaim GBC ч ааз a 2/15/00 Fear Effect Eidos PS-X 12/22/99 Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense Activision N64 DORRA "оуу E AGE : 2/15/00 X International Rally Konami PS-X 12/27/99 Gran Turismo 2 Sony PS-X " 12/28/99 Caesars Palace 2000 Interplay DC 2/19/00 Jeff Gordon Racing ___AS@_PS-x _ 22902 erp _ 7 | 3/45/00 Reel Fishing 2 Crave PS-X

2/15/00 _ Saga Frontier 2 Electronic Arts PS-X 12/20/99. CAS Ralace!2000 Interpla Р5-Х 2/15/00 Misadventures of Tron Bonne Capcom PS-X

12/28/99 Elemental Gimmic Gear Vatical DC

JANUARY 2/16/00 X Virtua Striker Sega DC 1/1/00 BattleZone Crave N64 2/22/00 Sim Theme Park Electronic Arts PS-X

1/3/00 Rainbow 6 South Peak GBC 2/25/00 ^ Crazy Taxi Sega DC 1/10/00 X StarCraft 64 Nintendo N64 2/29/00 NASCAR Rumble Electronic Arts PS-X

2 О ampa 300. ac | матен س‎ B L9 3/1/00 Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse Metro 3D DC 1/11/00 X Dragon Warrior Monsters Eidos GBC я ы 3/1/00 Draconus:Cult of the Wyrm Crave DC 1/11/00 _ Magical Tetris Challenge Capcom GBC 3/1/00 Metropolis Sega DC = n ————— À— OEC M 1/11/00. Toca Touring Car Racin South Peak GBC 3/1/00 Dark Angel: Anna's Quest Metro 3D GBC 1/11/00 X Tarzan Activision N64 UPIISUC ERES NUNCA IUD UEM ——— 3/1/00 DarkStone Take 2 PS-X 1/11/00 Army Men Sarge's Heroes 3DO PS-X EUR a aa RA х - 3/1/00 Galerians Crave PS-X 1/11/00 X Crusaders of Might & Magic 3DO PS-X ы у а= 1/4/00 Muppet Take 2 GBC 3/1/00 Railroad Tycoon 2 Take 2 PS-X ие Muppets 2 _ GCE 3/6/00 Crystalis Nintendo GBC

1/15/00 Armada Metro 3D GBC x 1/15/00 X Polaris SnoCross 2000 Vatical GBC 3/6/00 Pokemon Stadium. Nintendo МЄ

1/15/00 X Return of Ninja (w/ rumble) Tommo GBC ЭО ern Supercross 2000. Acclaim GBC aL 2000 e cus Arts e 7 1/15/00 X Excitebike 64 Nintendo N64 o "-————— oA bU

ito nanm dm Киш ni | Уй eto 77 1/15/00 NBA In the Zone 2000 Konami PS-X Sony Hawks то skater __Aetviston NOS

х 3/7/00 Hot Shots Golf 2 Sony PS 1/00... omoi Onde Sega De 3/14/00 Resident Evil: Code Veronica Capcom DC

1/18/00 X Resident Evil Capcom GBC Wn 3 Я 3/14/00__ Toy Story 2 Activision DC

1/18/00 CyberTiger Electronic Arts N64 mA

е т 3/14/00__Соіопу Wars: Red Sun Activision PS-X 1/18/00 ^ Road Rash Jailbreak : Electronic Arts PS-X " P n e—a 3/14/00 Formula 1 Championship Electronic Arts PS-X 1/18/00 Tiger Woods 2000 Electronic Arts PS-X :

3/14/00 Gauntlet Legends Midway PS-X

1/8/00 Tomba 2 Sony PS-X з 1/24/00___Вїопїс Commando Nintendo GBC 3/14/00 Hydrounder _ _ Midway PSX _ PU OPERE VIN OU UP аана MEET y 3/14/00 Motocross Madness Activision PS-X

NET Е Part 2 a em 3/14/00 Rollcage Extreme Activision PS-X ато anx 3/14/00 Saboteur Eidos PS-X

1/25/00 Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 Acclaim N64 San MMi ee ee al уеешу McGrath supercross 2000___Аосат __No¢ _ 3/14/00 X-Men Activision PS-X 1/25/00 X South Park Rally Racing Acclaim N64 РР лыы ттын л MERERI ee нн Я А А 3/15/00 Monster Rancher Tommo DC 1/25/00 ^ Armorines Project Swarm Acclaim PS-X Bihan ee ` 3/15/00 Seaman Sega DC 1/25/00 Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 Acclaim PS-X 3/5/00 Baldurs Gate interpla: PS-X 1/25/00 X Superbike 2000 Electronic Arts PS-X Io "-———— OI Р е „ез superbe aoe ElecironilcArtis PSX _ 3/15/00 Digimon World Bandai PS-X

1/26/00 Die Hard Trilogy 2 Fox Interactive PS-X 3/15/00 Gekido Iriterpla PS-X 127/00 . PuchiCarat отто . GBC 3/15/00 X Major League Soccer Konami PS-X 1/31/00 Carrier Jaleco DC lat мао eagle soccer onan >a

1/31/00___Wild Metal Take 2 DC





ЛЕ . B DAE шк à20à$3$00 Be DAE TTE à$0L$— 05 0058 BL DAE ШЕ 8 0 0 0 0 000 BL DATE ТШЕ BL DATE Judge Dredd 8.25 May-98 Spyro the Dragon 9,5 Sep-98 Jeopardy! 6 May-98 Speed Devils 7.25 Oct99

PLAYSTATION етш 65 Nov99 Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage 8.75 Dec-99 Је! Force Gemini 775 Oct-99 Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing 7 Dec-99 3Xtreme 5.75 Jun-99 К-1 Revenge 6.5 Apr99 Star Ocean 75 Jun-99 Кеп Griffey Jr's Slugfest 8.5 Jul-99 ТММ Hardcore Heat 575 Oct99 A Bug's Life 7.5 Jan-99 Kagero: Deception II 7 Nov-98 Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 7.25 Oct99 Knife Edge 3 Nov-98 Tokyo Xtreme Racer 5.75 Oct-99 Activision Classics 5 Oct-98 Кала: The World of Fate 85 Aug98 Streak 8.25 Dec-98 ^ Knockout Kings 2000 8.25 Dec-99 TrickStyle 775 Oct-99 Adidas Power Soccer ‘98 2 бер98 Kensei: Sacred Fist 5.25 Jun-99 Street Fighter Alpha 3 8 Jun-99 Кобе Bryant's NBA Courtside 9 Мау-98 Тоу Commander 8.75 Nov-99 Akuji the Heartless 6.75 Mar-99 Knockout Kings 6 Jan-99 Street Fighter Col. 8 Oct-98 Lode Runner 3-D 6.5 May-99 Virtua Fighter 3tb 7.75 Nov-99 Alexi Lalas Int'l Soccer 2.25 Jun-99 Knockout Kings 2000 8 Dec-99 Street Ріг. 2 Collection 7 Feb-99 Lucky Luke 65 Nov.98 Ape Escape 875 Jul-99 Konami Arcade Classics 675 Aug-99 Street SkBer 45 Apr99 Madden NFL 99 875 ors GAME BOY Apocalypse 75 Jan-99 Kula World 75 Sep-98 Suikoden Il 9 Oct-99 Magical Tetris Challange 8 Jan-99 720 7 Jun-99 Arcade Party Pak 7.5 Dec-99 Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 8.5 Sep-99 SuperCross Circuit 3.5 Dec-99 Major League Baseball f. Ken Griffey Jr. 7.5 Jun-98 A Bug's Life 5.75 Dec-98 Armored Core: Project Phantasma 875 _Nov-98 Legend of Legaia 8.25 Apr-99 ^ Syphon Filter 9 Mar99 Mario Golf 9 Aug99 All-Star Baseball '99 7__ Oct-98 - Army Men: Air Attack 6.75 Dec-99 Lemmings & Oh No! 7 Oct-98 = Tai Fu 6.5 Apr99 Mario Party 3.5 Mar99 All-Star Baseball 2000 725 Jul-99 Assault 7.25 Dec-98 Ше 5 Jan-99 TRAG. 7.5 May-99 Micro Machines 64 Turbo 7 May-99 AllStar Tennis 6.5 Dec-99 Assault Rigs 8 Feb-99 Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete 7.75 Jul-99 Тай Concerto 775 Nov-99 Mike Piazza's Strikezone 425 Jul-98 Battle Arena Toshinden 8 Jan-97 Asteroids 7 Jan-99 Madden NFL 99 9.25 Oct-98 Tales of Destiny 6.75 Oct-98 Mission: Impossible 8 Jul-98 Виі-А-Моуе4 8 Аџд-99 Atari Collection Vol. 2 7.5 Jun-98 Madden NFL 2000 8.75 Oct-99 Tarzan 7.75 Sep-99 Monaco Gran Prix 2 5 Jun-99 Billy Bob's Huntin’ Fishin’ 3.75 Dec-99 Azure Dreams 8 Ju-98 Marvel Super Heroes vs. X-Men 8 Jan-99 Team Losi RC Racer 7 Oct98 Monster Truck Madness 5.5 Sep-99 Carrot Crazy 3.5 Apr-99 BackStreet Billards 75 Dec-98 Masters of Monsters 3.5 Sep98 Теккеп3 95 May-98 Mortal Kombat 4 8.5 Ju-98 Catwoman 475 Dec-99 Bass Landing 7 Oct-99 MediEvil 8.75 Nov-98 Теп Pin Alley 85 Jan-99 NASCAR 99 7.25 Oct-98 Chase HQ: Secret Police 5.5 Dec-99 Bass Rise 4 Nov99 Меда Man Legends 85 Sep-98 Tenchu 9 Nov-98 NBA In The Zone ‘98 4.75 Apr-98 Conker's Pocket Tales 45 бер99 Batman and Robin § Jun-98 Metal Gear Solid 9.25 Nov-98 Test Drive 5 8.25 Jan-99 NBA Jam 99 7 Feb-99 Contra: The Alien Wars 8.75 Oct99 Big Air 4 Jun-99 Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions 3.75 Nov-99 Test Drive 6 7.5 Dec-99 NBA Jam 2000 6 Dec-99 Donkey Kong Land 2 8.5 Dec-96 Bio FREAKS 35 Jul-98 Medal of Honor 9.25 Dec-99 Test Drive Off Road 2 6.5 Jan-99 NBA Live 99 7.25 Dec98 Deja Vul & II 75 Dec-99 Blast Radius 7 Mar-99 MLB'99 8.75 May-98 Test Drive Off-Road 3 8 Nov99 МВА Live 2000 8.25 Dec-99 Dr. Franken II 6 Apr-98 Blasto 8.25 May-98 MLB 2000 8.5 May-99 Theme Hospital 8 Jun-98 МВА Showtime: NBA on NBC 7.25 Dec-99 Duke Nukem 6.75 Dec-99 Bloody Roar II 7 May-99 Monaco Gran Prix 2 5 Jun-99 Thousand Arms 7.75 Nov-99 NFL Blitz 9 Oct-98 FIFA Soccer 97 7.5 Nov-96 Bomberman Fantasy Race 7.25 Mar-99 Monkey Hero 5.5 Feb-99 Thunder Force V 6.5 Sep-98 NFL QB Club 99 8.25 Dec-98 FIFA 2000 45 Dec-99 Bomberman World 6.5 Oct-98 Monkey Magic 5.25 Nov-99 Tiger Woods 99 2 Jan-99 NFL QB Club 2000 5 Oct-99 Game & Watch Gallery 55 Jul-97 Bottom of the 9th 99 8 Aug-98 Monster Rancher 2 8.5 Oct-99 Ттеѕһоск! Pinball 7.25 Nov-98 NHL99 8.25 Nov-98 GB Camera 7 Sep-98 Brave Fencer Mushashi 7.75 Dec-98 Monster Seed 6 May-99 Tiny Tank: Up Your Arsenal 5.5 Jan-99 NHL Blades of Steel ‘99 6 Apr99 Gex: Enter the Gecko 8 Маг-99 Breath of Fire III 8 May98 Mortal Kombat 4 7.75 _Aug-98 Tiny Tank (Revised) 5.5 Nov-99 NFL Blitz 2000 7.75 Sep-99 GriffeyJr. Pres. MLB. 8.75 Dec-97 Brigandine 7 Dec-98 Moto Racer 2 6.75 Nov-98 Tiny Toon Adventures 6.75 Mar-99 NHL Breakaway 99 6 Feb-99 Ghosts Goblins 7 Nov.99 Brunswick Circuit 7.25 Nov-98 MotorHead 6.25 Nov-98 Tomb Raider Ill 9 Jan-99 Nightmare Creatures 8 Jan99 Harvest Moon 75 Oct98 Bugs Bunny Lost In Time 5.25 Aug-99 N20: Nitrous Oxide 825 Ju-98 ^ Tomba! 8.25 Јш-98 Off Road Challange 5 бер98 Hexcite 85 Јап-99 Bushido Blade 2 75 Nov-98 NASCAR 99 8.25 Nov-98 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 95 Nov-99 Paperboy 4.25 Dec-99 James Bond 007 85 Арг-98 Bust A Groove 6.5 Jan-99 NASCAR 2000 7 Моу-99 Trick'N Snowboarders 4.25 Oct-99 Penny Racers 5.75 Feb-99 Joust/Defender 6.25 Jun-99 Bust-A-Move ‘99 8 Apr99 NBA In the Zone ‘99 6 May-99 Triple Play 2000 65 May-99 PilotWings 64 9.5 Aug-96 Кеп Griffey Jr. Slugfest 5.25 Sep-99 Bust-A-Move 4 9 Dec-98 МВА Live 99 7.75 Jan-99 Turbo Prop Racing 8.5 Aug-98 Pokemon Snap 7 Aug-99 Kirby's Block Ball 8.25 Jul-96 C: The Contra Adventure 6 бер98 NCAA Final Four ‘99 5.5 Mar99 Twisted Metal Ill 8.25 Jan-99 Quake Il 7.75 Juk99 Klax 775 Jun-99 Cardinal Syn 7 Jun-98 NCAA Football 7.75 Sep-98 Ultimate 8 Ball 6.5 Jul-99 Quest 64 65 Ju-98 Klustar 5 Oct-99 Castrol Honda Superbike Racing 6.25 Jun-99 NCAA Football 2000 8 Oct99 UmJammer Lammy 8.25 Sep-99 Rampage 2: Universal Tour 5 Apr99 Кык 9 Jun-99 Centipede 7 Ju-99 NCAA GameBreaker 99 8 Jan-99 Unholy War, Тһе 7.25 Nov-98 Rayman 2: The Great Escape 7.75 Nov-99 Legend of the River King 7 Aug-98 Championship Motocross 6.75 Oct-99 NCAA Gamebreaker 2000 7.5 Oct-99 Uprising X 475 Feb-99 Resident Evil 2 8.75 Nov-99 Logical 5 Мау-99 Chocobo Racing 6.25 Aug-99 МСАА March Madness 99 5.75 Mar-99 Vandal Hearts II 7.75 Dec-99 Re-Volt 4.75 Oct-99 Lucky Luke 7.25 Oct-99 Civilization Il 7.75 Mar99 Need For Speed Ill 7.75 May-98 Vigilante 8 75 Ju-98 ^ Road Rash 64 8 00-99 Madden NFL 97 7.25 Nov-96 Clock Tower 2 6 Feb-99 Need For Speed: High Stakes 8.75 May-99 ҮА Baseball ‘99 7 JuK98 Rocket 8 Nov-99 Madden NFL 2000 7.75 Dec-99 Colony Wars: Vengeance 8.5 Nov-98 Next Tetris, The 6 Ju-99 VR Powerboat Racing 6 Apr98 Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA 8.75 Dec-98 Меп In Black: The Series 45 Mar-99 Contender 6.75 Feb-99 NFL Blitz 8 Oct-98 Wargames Defcon 1 7.25 Sep-98 SCARS 7.75 Dec-98 Mario Golf 8.75 Nov-99 Cool Boarders 3 7.75 Nov-98 NFL Blitz 2000 6.5 бер99 Warhammer Il: Dark Omen 7.75 Jun-98 Shadowgate 64 4 Aug-99 Мооп Patrol/Spy Hunter 675 Jul99 Cool Boarders 4 775 Dec-99 NFL GameDay ‘99 7 00-98 Warpath: Jurassic Park 6.75 Dec-99 Shadow Man 7.75 Sep-99 Mortal Kombat 4 5 Apr99 Crash Bandicoot: Warped 9.25 Dec-9 МЕЕ Game Day 2000 8.25 Oct99 Warzone 2100 7.75 Juk99 ^ Snowboard Kids 6.75 Apr98 Motorcross Maniacs 85 5ер-99 Crash Team Racing 9 Nov99 NFL XTreme 65 Aug-98 | WCW/NWO Thunder 475 Feb-99 Snowboard Kids 2 6.25 May-99 Ms. Pac-Man 7.15 Nov-99 Crime Killers 7.75 Sep-98 NFL Xtreme 2 8.25 Sept-99 Wheel of Fortune 7 Jan-99 South Park 7 Jan-99 Mulan 4.75 Dec-98 Croc 2 75 Јш99 NHL. 99 9 Nov-98 Wild 9 6.25 Dec-98 ^ Space Station: Silicon Valley 6.5 Dec98 МВА In The Zone '99 4 Jun-99 Cybertiger 7.25 Dec-99 NHL 2000 8.5 Nov-99 Wipeout 3 7.75 Nov-99 StarCraft 8 Oct-99 NBA Jam 99 7.5 Мау-99 Darkstalkers IIl 7 Jan99 NHL Blades of Steel 2000 55 Dec-99 Worms Armageddon 8 Dec-99 Star Wars: Episode | Racer 9 Jun-99 NFL Blitz 6 Apr99 Dead in the Water 7.25 Feb-99 NHL Championship 2000 7.25 Dec-99 Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style 6.25 Dec-99. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 8.75 Feb-99 NHL Blades of Steel ‘99 75 Apr-99 Dead or Alive. 7.75 May-98 NHL FaceOff 99 7.75 Nov-98 WWF Attitude 9 Aug-99 Starshot 4.5 Nov-99 Oddworld Adventures 7 Feb99 Deathtrap Dungeon 65 Jun-98 NHL Face Off 2000 7.25 Nov-99 WWF War Zone 8.5 Oct-98 Superman 125 Aug-99 Pac-Man 7.75 Sep-99 Destrega 8.25 Mar99 Ninja 25 Oct-98 X-Games: Pro Boarder 6.5 Dec-98 ^ Super Mario 64 9.75 Aug-96 Pitfall: Beyond the Jungle 65 Mar-99 Demolition Racer 7.5 Dec-99 Мо Опе Can Stop Mr. Domino 7.75 Jan-99 X-Men Vs. Street Fighter 7.5 Ju-98 ирег Smash Brothers 85 Apr99 Pokémon 9 Oc98 Devil Dice 8.25 Sep-98 ^ Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus 9.25 Dec-98 Хепа: Warrior Princess 7.75 Nov-99 The New Tetris 7 бер99 Pokémon Pinball 8 бер99 Dino Crisis 9 Sep99 ODT 5 Nov98 Xenogears 9 Nov-98 Tonic Trouble 7 Aug99 Pokémon Yellow 6.5 Nov.99 Dragonseeds 5.25 Dec-98 Omega Boost 7.75 Oct99 Top Gear Overdrive. 725 Jan-99 Prince of Persia 6 Ju-99 Driver 825 Sep-99 Pac-Man World вою NINTENDO 6 4 topcearraty2 6.75 Dec99 Quest for Camelot 5 Маг99 Duke Nukem: Time To Kill 8.5 Nov-98 Parasite Eve 7.75 Sep-98 1080 Snowboarding 9,25 Apr98 Triple Play 2000 5.75 Apr-99 R-Type DX 7.5 Sep-99 Dune 2000 7.75 Nov-99 Pitfall 3D: Bynd. Jngl. 8 May98 Airboardin' USA 55 Oct-99 , Turok 2: Seeds of Evil 9 Jan-99 Rampage: World Tour 6.5 Арг-99 Echo Night 6.75 Aug-99 Pocket Fighter 7.75 Sep-98 All-Star Baseball 99 8.5 Juk98 Turok: Rage Wars 8 Dec-99 Rugrats Movie 2.5 Feb-99 Eggs of Steel 2.5 Jan-99 Point Blank 2 8 Apr-99 All-Star Baseball 2000 8 May-99 Twisted Edge 3.25 Nov-98 Skate of Die 2: Tour de Thrash 9 Aug-97 Einhander 8 May-98 Pool Hustler 7.25 Dec-98 АІ Star Tennis ‘99 5.5 Aug-99 Vigilante 8 85 Apr99 Small Soldiers 775 Dec-98 Elemental Gearbolt 8.25 Aug-98 Populous: The Beginning 7 Jun-99 Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 7 Dec-99 Virtual Chess 3 Oct98 Smurf's Nightmare 65 Jan-99 Ehrgeiz 6.75 Jun-99 Pro 18 World Golf 1 Feb-89 Banjo Kazoole 9.25 Jun-98 МА Pool 64 7.75 Dec-98 Spawn 6.25 Sep-99 Evil Zone. 5 Oct-99 Psybadek 3.75 Feb-99 BattleTanx 6.75 Feb-99 ^ Waialae Country Club 3.5 Sep-98 Spy Vs. Spy 75 Aug-99 FIFA 99 7 Jan-99 Punky Skunk 7 Jun98 ВаҝеТапх Il: Global Assault 7.25 Nov-99 WaveRace 64 9 Nov-96 Super Black Bass 8 Jan-99 FIFA 2000 8.75 Dec-99 Quake Il 75 Dec-99 Beetle Adventure Racing 8 Apr99 WCW/NWO Revenge 8.75 Nov-98 Super Breakout/Battlezone 8.25 Oct-96 Fifth Element 7 Dec-98 Rally Cross 9 Apr-97 Bio FREAKS 45 Ju-98 Wetrix 8.25 Juk98 Super Mario Bros. Dix. 925 Fighter Maker 8 Jun99 Rally Cross 2 8.25 Jan-99 Воду Harvest 7.75 Nov-98 WipeOut 64 7.5 Dec98 Survival Kids 75 Fisherman's Bait 2 6 Dec-99 Rampage 2: Universal Tour 5.5 Jun-99 Buck Bumble 8 Oct-98 Winback 7.75 Nov-99 Tamagotchi 7 Final Fantasy VIII 9,5 Sep-99 Rascal 6 May-98 Bug's Life, A 5.25 Jul-99 Мота Cup 98 8 Jun-98 Tarzan 6.5 Final Fantasy Anthology 8.75 Oct99 Rat Attack 6.75 Nov-99 Bust A Move 2 8 Aug-98 World Driver Championship 6.25 Jun-99 Tetris Attack 85 Fisherman's Bait 6 May99 А/С Stunt Copter 7 Oct99 ^ Bust-A-Move '99 9 Apr99 WOW Nitro 425 May-99 Tetris Blast 875 Forsaken 8 Aug-98 RE2: Dual Shock 8.5 Oct98 California Speed 225 Apr99 WWF Attitude 925 Aug-99 Tetris DX 85 Fox Sports Golf ‘99 45 Aug-98 Е: Director's Cut - Dual Shock 7 Oct-98 Castlevania 64 6.5 Mar99 WCW Mayhem 75 Oct-99 TheFidgetts 75 Fox Sports Soccer ‘99 7.25 Aug-98 Resident Evil 3 9.25 Dec-99 Chameleon Twist 7 Apr98 Wrestlemania 2000 9 Dec9 The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 9.25 Freestyle Boardin' ‘99 6 Mar99 Re-Volt 3.25 Nov-99 Chameleon Twist 2 6.5 May-99 WWF War Zone 8.75 Oct-98 Top Gear Pocket 6 Future Cop LAPD 8.5 Nov-98 Ridge Racer Type 4 8.25 May-99 Charlie Blast's Territory 3 May-99 Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 9.75 Dec-98 Twouble 65 G Darius 8.25 Sep-98 ^ Rising Zan Sep-99 8 Sep-99 Chopper Attack 5.25 Jun-98 V-Rally Ed. ‘99 55 G Police: Weapons of Justice 475 Oct-99 Risk 7 Jun-98 College Hoops 99 5 roo DREAMCAST Vegas Stakes 825 Gallop Racer 6 Nov-99 Rival Schools: United by Fate 7.75 Nov-98 Command & Conquer 8 бер99 AeroWings 7 Oct-99 Wario Land II 8.75 Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko 8 May-99 Road Rash 3D 7.75 Aug-98 Cruis'n the World 6.5 Nov-98 Airforce Delta 7.75 Oct-99 World Cup 98 3 Gran Turismo 9.5 Jun-98 Rogue Trip 9 Oct-98 Deadly Arts 3 Sep-98 Blue Stinger 525 Oct-99 WWF Attitude 6.5 Grand Theft Auto 7.75 Sep-98 Rollcage 7 Apr99 Destruction Derby 64 7.25 Dec-99 Dynamite Cop 7 Nov99 WWF Wrestlemania 2000 725 Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 7 Ju-99 Rosco McQueen 3 бер98 Donkey Kong 64 8.75 Dec-99 Evolution 7 Dec-99 Grand Theft Auto 2 775 Dec99 R-Type Delta 7.25 Aug99 ^ Duke Nukem: Zero Hour 8.75 Sep-99 Expendable: Millennium 4 09 МЕО GEO POCKET COLOR Grandia 7.25 Nov-99 Rugrats 7 Jan-99 Earthworm Jim 3D 5.75 Dec-99 Flag to Flag 45 Oct-99 Baseball Stars 6 Аџд-99 Granstream Saga 6.5 Jul-98 Running Wild 6 Nov98 Extreme G 2 8.25 Dec-98 House of the Dead 2 8 Oct-99 Beast Busters: Dark Arms 8.75 Dec-99 Guardian's Crusade 8 Apr99 Rushdown 5 Apr99 F-Zero X 8 Sep-98 Hydro Thunder 8 Oct-99 Віо Motor Unitron 9 Oct-99 Guilty Gear 8.25 Dec-98 SaGa Frontier 7.25 Мау-98 F1 World Gran Prix 7.5 Sep-98 King of Fighters Dream Match 1999 8 Oct-99 Bust-A-Move Pocket 8.25 Sep-99 Hardball 99 2 Jan-99 San Fran Rush:X Racing 675 Jun-98 FIFA99 8.25 Jan-99 Marvel Vs. Capcom 75 Oct-99 Crush Roller 7.5 Aug-99 Heart of Darkness 8.25 Aug-98 SCARS 8 Nov-98 Fighting Force 64 6.75 May-99 Monaco Grand Prix 7 Oct-99 Fatal Fury: 1st Contact 8 Aug-99 Hello Kitty: Cube Frenzy 6.5 Ju-99 ^ Shadow Madness 6 Apr99 Forsaken 64 8 Aug98 Mortal Kombat Gold. 7.25 Oct-99 Кіпо of Fighters 8.5 Аџд-99 High Heat Baseball 2000 3.5 Jun-99 Shadow Man 6.75 Nov-99 Gauntlet Legends 7 Dec-99 МВА Showtime: NBA on NBC 7.25 Dec-99 Metal Slug: 1st Mission 8.5 Aug-99 Hot Wheels Turbo Racing 6.25 Nov-99 Shadow Tower 75 Nov99 Gex 64 7.75 Nov-98 NFL Blitz 2000 9 Oct-99 Neo Geo Cup ‘98 8 Aug99 International Superstar Soccer ‘98 8.5 Aug-98 Silent Hill 7.25 Apr-99 Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko 7.75 Sep-99 Реп Pen Trilcelon 4 Oct-99 Neo Turf Masters 8.25 Oct-99 International Track & Field 2000 7 Dec-99 Sled Storm 8.75 Sep-99 Goeman's Great Adventure 725 Sep-99 Power Stone 8 Oct-99 Pac-Man 7 Nov-99 Interplay Sports Baseball 2000 5 Jun-99 Small Soldiers 7.25 Dec-98 Но! Wheels Turbo Racing 7 Oct-99 Ready 2 Rumble Boxing 725 Oct99 Pocket Tennis Color 6.75 Aug-99 Invasion From Beyond 6.75 Apr-99 Soul of the Samurai Я 425 Aug-99 Hybrid Heaven 7 Jun-99 Rippin’ Riders 7 Dec-99 Puyo Pop 7 Oct-99 Jade Cocoon 8 Aug-99 Space Invaders / 8 Dec-99 lgoy's Reckin' Balls 8.75 Sep-98 ^ Sega Bass Fishing 8 бер99 Puzzle Link 7.75 Dec-99 Jeopardy 8 Jan-99 Speed Racer ) 6.75 Jun-98 In-Fisherman's Bass Hunter 64 775 Sep-99 Sega Sports NFL 2K 9.25 Oct-99 Samurai Shodown 2 8.75 Aug-99 Jersey Devil 6 Jul98 Spice World 3 Oct-98 International Superstar Soccer ‘98 9 Aug-98 Sonic Adventure 7.75 Sep-99 Jet Moto 3 7 Oct99 Sports Car GT 6 Jun-99 International Superstar Soccer 64 9 Juk97 Soul Calibur 9.25 Oct99 -

at & H


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PlayStation ‘CONTENT RATED BY | Twisted Metal is a registered trademark and 989 Studios and the 989 Studios logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Developed by -1® ESBS) 989 Studios. ©1999 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc

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Data File: ~

z EE гек» is rumored to bk work- | їп ОП a sequel to Marvel vs. | Capcom. Spider-Girl and Daredevil

are just some of the possible new character additions.

> Working Designs has renamed its PlayStation action/strategy game, Detonator Gauntlet. The new title is Vanguard Bandits.


С The festive ‘plumber i is planning. another soiree on the Nintendo | 64. In other words, gamers can expect to see Mario Party 2 later | . this month. | | The game will feature five new game boards and 64 wacky mini- games to amuse the bemused fans of the original game that arrived last spring. We can't wait for another crack at the crane game! |

Look for Mario Party 2 on January 24. The game will sell for a | suggested retail price of $59.95. |


> Reports from Japan- indicate that DVD Dreamcast compatibility could come as early as March in Japan.

Sony announced that there is.a PlayStation in one of five US homes (22 million units). In October alone, Sony claims that PlayStation games sold more than double that of their closest com- petitor.

> Pokémon Yellow has replaced Zelda: Ocarina of Time as Nintendo's fastest selling game ever. In the first two weeks of release, Pokémon Yellow sold over 1 million copies.

With an overabundance of fishing simulations already drowning the PlayStation, there is yet another prepared to wash up on shore. EA Sports is readying Ultimate Bass Challenge for the PlayStation as we speak.

А The game is currently in development at EA's Seattle studio and has tentatively been scheduled for release in March.

» Activision has tentatively slated the release of its X-Men fighting game for March 15. The game is planned for PlayStation, Nintendo ‘ee 64, and Game Boy Color. P aor

» Electronic Arts announced that they have signed an agreement with basketball broadcaster and former coach, Dick Vitale. Mr. V will lend color commentary to EA's March Madness 2000, along- side play-by-play announcer Ron Franklin.

> Vatical Entertainment has Namco's Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere has finally received

acquired the U.S. publishing rights | the call to scramble. The game is scheduled to land at stores in for the Dreamcast action/RPG, | March.

Elemental Gimmick Gear (E.G.G.). If you like flying games, chances are you thought AC 2 was the > In an interview with trade maga- | cat’s pajamas, so there wasn’t a whole lot that needed improving.

A graphical update is the major new feature to AC 3, with lighting and cutscenes highlighting some groovy visuals. Other nifty addi- tions include the technological buzzword of the day, ‘Real-time | Perspective Control,’ which basically means the camera can move | around and lock onto prospective targets. Mid-air refueling can | now be a player-controlled activity, and several landings, both day and night, land and sea, make even coming home an exciting ехре- | rience.

zine GameWeek, EA Sports vice president and executive in charge of production, Michael Pole, stated that the company currently has no plans to develop games for the Sega Dreamcast.

THQ announced an agreement with Genetic Anomalies, Inc. to / develop and publish а WWF online | | multiplayer strategy game, set to V

be released sometime in the first DS half of this year.

© Game Informer January 2000

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More Trials & Tribulations From The Pokemon Universe

After last month’s report regarding Pokémon being banned in schools in such states as New York, New Hampshire, and New Jersey, more reports of altercations have surfaced through new sources and you, our readers. Here are just a few of the reports.

> "Cheeseball", a GI reader from Washington tells us that Pokémon Cards have indeed been banned from his junior high school, although he adds that the ban has done little in stopping students from bringing them to school.

THE соор, аЛ

> GI reader, Gary Aldridge, believes the Pokémon craze is “tearing up the nation" and vows to burn the cards if he gets any.

> A recent observation from опе of the members of the GI Staff found that there are a large portion of Pokémon Card collectors who don't even know how to play the game. “The Wizards of the Coasts Pokémon cards are a game and, if you want to play, you have to know how to read," exclaims the editor who wished to remain anonymous.

» A news story reports that in Quebec, Canada, a

== I teenager was treated for a stab wound he received

"m pu at the hands of a 12-year-old Pokémon trainer. It b seems that the 12-yearold, a connoisseur of fine

> / © © Pokémon trading cards and a budding hooligan, had

P “4 Ж Stolen some valuable Pokémon cards from the teenag- Q Sy ers 10-year-old brother. When the elder brother attempted to retrieve the cards from the little thug, the

p" U 12-year-old attacked the teenager with a knife, leaving a < N W nasty gash in his shoulder.

/ > In 1977, Game Informer staff member Paul a | Anderson, witnessed a bogus trade involving baseball е ~> cards. Anderson states that one kid almost started crying after he realized he made a bad trade.

Game Of The Century Crowned

Tokyo, Japan, a virtual Mecca for gamers world- wide, chose their Tokyo Game Show to hold a cer- emony for the “Game of the Century,” Pac-Man. Mr. Masaya Nakamura, founder of the yellow guy’s home team, Namco, is the man most responsible for creat- ing this gaming icon. vi

Pac-Man has appeared in games on just about every system known to man, including Pac-Man World, а 20th anniversary 3D platformer for the PlayStation.


What is your favorite

video game system? NOT GETTIN’ ANY?

Neo Geo Pocket 2 Game Boy Color 3% PC 2% Color 3%


In a perfect world, For Change of Address, New there wouldn't be Subscriptions or Inquiries please send correspondence to:

any need for Y customer service, Game Informer Magazine because we would all Attn: Customer Service get what we wanted. But phe 2. you can't always get what you want, and і even Worse, sometimes you can't get А . .. Monday through Friday, your Game Informers. If you are. having 9:00 am 4:00 pm (Central Time). subscription woes or your dog ate your (612) 946-7266 favorite issue, contact our customer Outside Minnesota make sure to dial service department at the address to the area code (this is a toll call). right or, for even quicker service, give Qr email us at: us a call.

Dreamcast 11%

Customer service hours:

Nintendo 64 33% PlayStation 48%

Source: survey

Game Informer * January 2000 ИА

Nintendo 64

* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Action

* Special Features: 2 Playable Characters With Unique Weapons; Additional Weapons & Items Like IR Goggles & Chemical Gun; 2-Player Cooperative & 4-Player Deathmatch Modes; Monorail Ride

* Created by: Acclaim Studios

* Available: Now for Nintendo 64

Bottom Line: 7 25


WE ca: Based on yet another Acclaim Comics failure, Armorines' central character bears an unfortunate resemblance to Captain Power. If the military were ever to design powered armor suits, why on earth would they make them gold? Despite the goofy character design, JAY Armorines offers an alien bug hunting experience THE GONZO GAMER comparable to a viewing of Starship Troopers. Concept

One of the game's more impressive features is the 8.25 Al of each bug species. Upon being shot, some will run away, then attack you from behind just when you thought they had disappeared. Other bug tactics include charging relentlessly, sniping, swarming, or even attempting to flank you as they move in.

In the earlier levels, it's easy to become overconfident as nearly all of the bugs you encounter can be taken down with a couple shots. On later levels, however, the bug invaders become a serious threat. A lot of time is spent backing up and blasting at something big and nasty while casting nervous glances at your radar to make sure nothing is about to ambush you from behind.

The two playable characters in the game are each equipped with auto-targeting hand guns and powerful explosive weapons. Both characters can pick up additional weapons, but these often seem less effective than the standard handguns due to their lack of significantly increased stopping power and lack of auto- targeting. Despite this, the extra weapons are still fun to use because of the new and entertaining ways they splatter bugs.

Acclaim didn't pull any punches in the multiplayer department. The two-player Cooperative is an excellent way to blast bugs with a buddy, and the four-player Deathmatch mode allows you to play as a human or nasty bug critter. Once you die, you can change to a different character at any time. Despite its flaws, Armorines is an excellent non-racing game for the N64.

Sound 7.75

Gold armor? Don't ask. Don't tell.



Concept 5

Destroying eggs is a messy affair.

Sound 8

à If you don't like spiders,

Armorines will help you get over it. ЮР

—— - raphics 8.25



Playability 8


УҢ $ "es The cannon on the monorail is deadly.

28 | Game informer * January 2000

The Orkin Man Comet

Graphics 8.5

Playability 8



Graphics 7

Playability 7

Entertainment 1

Concept 8.25


“Firstperson shooters are normally an intense experience due to their immersive qualities, but Armorines was making me a nervous wreck. Its Starship Troopers bugs and Alien feeling of isolation have been combined to create a spine tingling sensation. If your N64 is Expansion Pak powered, then Armorines also becomes a great multiplayer experience. What mainly kept me from giving a higher score was its lack of bug-blasting choices. Your character’s main weapon, with its auto- targeting, is the one you'll probably use for most of the game. The other weapons are okay, but they don’t really dish out significantly more damage and are harder to use effectively. Despite this, | still think anyoneone purchasing Armorines won't be disappointed. This is what Jet Force Gemini should have been like.”

“If you failed to recognize Armorines as a long lost comic, don’t worry. You didn’t miss much there and you are not going to miss much if you skip this game. | do think it may be the closest thing to Starship Troopers in video games, but that is actually being far too nice. I find this game dull. The environments are very basic and the dark settings are just another way to hide the pop-up. The enemies are equally weak looking and, although they surprise you with a sneak attack at times, become increasingly uninteresting. There is little this game does that is exciting. It is basically Turok with worse graphics and a bunch of bugs instead of dinosaurs. Keep a strong grip on your wallet and don’t go with Armorines. Don’t even rent this puppy.”

“Armorines is a conceptual masterpiece, and a pretty good game to boot. It features the outstanding visuals and gameplay from the Turok series, and incorporates elements from the cinema smash and best- selling novel, Starship Troopers, into the mix. In fact, Acclaim didn’t just base the design of bugs off of those from this excellent film, it outright copied the look, motions, and sounds of these blood hungry insects. If you've played Turok, Armorines’ gameplay fits like a glove. It runs smoothly, and the auto-lock targeting makes killing a breeze. Best of all, B Armorines features two playable characters, and if a friend is with you, the game can be | played cooperatively. If you found yourself entranced with Starship Troopers for reasons other Denise Richards and that hot redhead...check it out!”



* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports

* Special Features: Arcade & Practice Modes; Create Player; Signature Player Moves; NBA Draft Mode; Three Point Contest; Expansion, Memory, & Rumble Pak Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: Left Field Productions




“Like Kobe Bryant, this game is overrat- ed and second rate. Compared to NBA Live 2000, this doesn’t even play in the same league. The graphics are sub-par. The interface is interesting, but dysfunc- tional in many ways (like when you press the button to shoot and the player runs out of bounds). Even the announcers grind on me like an episode of 90210. So should you buy this? God, no. The Create Career Player mode is quite inter- esting as you can build up your player's stats throughout the season based on how well you play. But even that won't save this second effort from Nintendo. | say your best bet this basketball season is to go with NBA Live 2000 if you have only an N64. But if you have the means, | highly recommend Live PS-X; or even better, go with NBA 2K on Dreamcast.”

“The first edition of Kobe’s N64 game blew away the competition, but this season is a different story. NBA Live is better than this game in almost every way. This game does a great job of recre- ating the look of the players’ faces, but the player models on the whole look pretty goofy. Courtside 2 also has some decent playcontro| and inventive gameplay schemes, but fails to deliver a smooth and cohesive package. Everything is pretty stiff and the players seem to be on a court of deep mud. Also, drives to the basket come up uncontested very frequently and steals are far too common. This game is nicely constructed, but fails to deliver an exciting experience."

"With NBA Live making such a strong showing this year dominating both the perimeter and the paint - Nintendo's upstart franchise entered the game with the odds stacked well against it. | really enjoyed Courtside’s rookie debut, but the sequel just doesn’t have the depth of Live, and its gameplay has deteriorated into a chunky beast. | like the new Arcade mode, and the Career Player is something that every basketball title will incorporate into next year's product. Honestly though, | would have traded both these features away if it meant the gameplay had been improved. It really needs some work. The player models move awkwardly. The fram- erate skips frantically. Swarms of players jumble in the paint. And the commentator sounds like Forrest Gump. Just like Kobe, this Courtside talks big, but plays little.”



Concept 8



Sound 5

Playability 7



6.75 ]




Concept 9



Sound 7.75








Concept 5




5.5 Playability 6.75




young superstars. His teammate Shaquille O'Neal

embraced his starting role on the City of Angel’s beloved Lakers with gusto, bathing his oversized booty in the Hollywood limelight with numerous entertainment side-projects, ranging from rapping to acting. Kobe, on the other hand, has always come off as intellectual and shy, some would even say aloof. What gives? Is he too smart to fall victim to the hype, or just a snooty nerd? Either way, his talent on the court is indisputable, as was the quality of last year's NBA Courtside featuring Kobe Bryant.

NBA Courtside was our favorite basketball title of last year, schooling perennial contender NBA Live and taking advantage of the conspicuous absence of NBA Shootout. For once, Nintendo 64 sports fans had a reason to talk trash to their PlayStation counterparts. This year, Kobe & co. return to defend their title, battling for hoop dominance against a much improved NBA Live 2000 and Sega’s breathtaking NBA 2K.

Courtside has been training hard in the off-season to keep pace with the competition. There are over four times as many player moves as last year, including crossovers, signature player moves, post-ups, and pick calls. New motion-capture done by Kobe himself means that these new move animations are as smooth as silk. Arcade mode appeases NBA Jam fans with its fast-paced gameplay and outrageous ten point shots.

Probably the most compelling feature of Courtside 2 is the Create Career Player mode. This allows you to hatch a bouncing baby NBA superstar of your very own and bring him up through the ranks, from journeyman to All-Star. At first, your player is given a set of default attributes based on his position (centers will have better rebounding and shot blocking, point guards will be quicker and better passers). You increase his abilities through in-game performance; an outstanding single-game performance in a certain category will increase his rating, as will a high sea- son average or reaching a statistical milestone.

As the Chicago Bulls well know, it doesn’t take long to go from the penthouse to the outhouse in the NBA. Left Field and Nintendo seem to have learned this lesson, and have put in enough serious gym-time to make sure that NBA Courtside is once again one of the premier basketball games on the market.

K obe Bryant is the most enigmatic of the NBA’s

for Nintendo * Available: Now for Nintendo 64

Bottom Line: 7 25

Б Team m | first Name Lost Homê

Hair Style Rair торе RES) Hist Bonds Knee Pads Se

Free Agents Kung Poo. Chicken




eu 3 г


“Соте to Vlade, my sweet."


ven though the PlayStation2 ~ s ; launches in March, Nintendo pe ; а? р ае е)

will probably be the company IT 3 Qe [ND (play | h ате Boy games)

that turns heads in the first half E T] A TT. 2 A td ai e CE i of 2000. The long overdue return of the E TIE Е Е же : л,

GoldenEye engine takes place this April Т or g A 2: A. stam) Wr В іп Perfect Dark, апа the hottest franchise | £02 Cn 6 Е) Gym Leader on the planet comes to life yet again this e L4 kA © : PON DOS Д Seda March with Pokémon Stadium. Perfect | 4 e : h^ 3 Б. F) Victory Palace Dark will attract the adults, and Stadium Ё | (Hall of Fame) will suck away the lives of our precious | | | букси. youth. Along with Perfect Dark, Pokémon 3 Я "m Stadium will be one of the first Nintendo 64 titles to utilize the Transfer Pak a device that plugs into the N64 controller and loads data from the Game Boy. With Ё Stadium, saved Pokémon сап be loaded and used as combatants on this highly

detailed battlefield. Right now, and after

one delay, Nintendo says that Stadium

will release in America on March 6 a

date that will later be known as the day

that transformed children into

mindless zombies.

= ig:

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Nintendo 64

* Size: 256 Megabit (With Battery Back-Up)

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Strategy

* Special Features: All 151 Pokémon; New Pokémon Snap Gallery; Detailed Animations; Authentic Voices & Sound Effects; Squirtle; Minigames; Rumble & Transfer Pak Compatible

* Created by: EAD/Game Freak/Creatures for Nintendo

* Available: March 6 for Nintendo 64

85% Complete


inigame Olympics

pa ^ SED



e Size: 256 Megabit (with Built-In Save) * Style: 1 to 4-Player Racing * Special Features: 8 Tracks Including 5 Original & 3 New; 24 Cars; New Music & Announcer; Night Driving; Powerslides & Countersteering; Expansion Pak Compatible * Created by: Namco/Nintendo " * Available: February 14 for Nintendo 64 Lido

70% Complete

Where'd You Learn How To Drive?

T: racing scene on Nintendo 64 is crowded. Numerous tire-burning titles have dotted the N64 library for many years. Nintendo will again add to the racing game lineage on the system with the upcoming release of Ridge Racer 64 in February.

The history of Ridge Racer was born at the arcades and matured on Sony PlayStation. Originally developed by Namco, Ridge Racer was instrumental in the successful launch of the PlayStation and later spawned three sequels for the Sony machine. The N64 version of Ridge Racer, aptly titled Ridge Racer 64, is being constructed by Nintendo and encompasses many of the features, cars, and tracks from the first three Ridge Racer home video games.

Ridge Racer 64 includes five classic tracks from Ridge Racer and Ridge Racer Revolution, as well as an entirely new environment featuring three track variations. The meat of the game is the Grand Prix mode. Here, the player starts with a choice of four cars and competes against a 12 car pack. The pro- gressively harder stages consist of three races where the only acceptable spot to finish is first. After placing first in all three races, the next stage will open. A Car Attack mode will also open. This sec- tion is a race against one car and placing first will = unlock that car and add it to your garage. A total of Driving the Namco car 20 cars are unlockable. on a classic RR stretch.

When racing through the tight turns and quick Smoking tires and switch backs of Ridge Racer 64's tracks, players will burning rubber. | have to master the powerslide and countersteer. X Nm

This maneuver is essential and allows your car to make hard turns while maintaining speed. A turn, a quick tap on the brake, and then a readjustment of the joystick sounds simple, but it takes hours to master. As the races get more difficult, you will be required to take every turn perfectly.

Ridge Racer's formula has been a proven winner on the PlayStation, and N64 owners will soon have their chance to give it a run. With new music, more tracks, / and four-player capabilities, Ridge Racer 64 may You're on the final prove to be the best Ridge Racer yet. M stretch. Go for it!


S ep,

siete oen


і penes A pp e sn n En PS suena

Á Ridgetowi А. Up to four players сап MEN Ü— Ü—" ew RR track. y race at the same time.

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E Now Available /

Expansion Pack Mo Included Р

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Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow

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Limit one per customer. Quantities are limited. Quantities and product selection vary by store. Prices and offers expire January 31, 2000. Manufacturer reserves the right to delay game title at their discretion. Nintendo 64, “N” logo, Game Boy, Pokemon and Nintendo are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America. © 2000 Funco, Inc. FuncoLand is a registered trademark of Funco, Inc. All rights reserved.

* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Action

* Special Features: 12 Battle Arenas; Destructible Environments; 18 Vehicles;

Special Terrain Power-Ups; Bad '70s Retro

Look; Quest, Arcade, Survival, Cooperative,

& Versus Modes * Replay Value: High * Created by: Luxoflux for Activision * Available: Now for Nintendo 64


Concept: 725 | 8 | 6.75 Graphics: 8.75 | 9 | 9 Sound: 9 | 925 | 85 Playability: 75 |. 9 | 55 Entertainment: 7.5 | 9 | 6.75


* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing

* Special Features: Championship, Single Race, & Versus Modes; Build Vehicles & Drivers From LEGO Parts; 4 Power-Up Types With 3 Upgrades Each

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: High Voltage Software for LEGO Media

* Available: Now for Nintendo 64


ТАРИ 0:10:72

ANDY JAY | REINER Concept: 8 8 7 Graphics: 7.5 8.5 7.75 Sound: 1.5 8 7

Playability: 7.75 7.5 8 Entertainment: 7.75 1.15 7.5 Overall: 7.15 8 7.5

Vigilante 8 is much like the first game in terms of physics and control, but it adds new cars, the ability to upgrade vehicles, excessively destructible environments, special terrain power-ups, and a whole slew of single and multiplayer modes.

By collecting tokens from fallen ene- | mies, each vehicle can be taken to a new level. Collecting the maximum points іп = any one of four different categories will award the player with a cosmetic change | to the vehicle. Once all of the categories | are maxed, the entire chassis of the vehicle will. change to a new and more powerful form.

Another new change is the addition of special terrain power-ups. Picking up any one of these wonders will replace your wheels with a hydrofoil, snow treads, or fan jets that allow you to hover above ground. Using these items to full advantage while

SY ite 4. keeping your enemies away from them is a SEMIN shui | ї man key strategy to completing certain levels of the luxury of not going up against the game.

Twisted Metal 4, so in the world Just about everything in the levels can of N64 vehicular combat, Second be broken, destroyed, or tampered with. Offense is the new king. | still have Entering through the proper gate at a some problems with its ease, but itis launching pad, for instance, will attach a Tun nonetheless. booster to your car, causing it to launch i and then drop with a parachute, giving the a limb to say that this is the best Player a brief moment to pick up a multi- vehicular combat game on the N64. | tude of special items.

recommend it to all who just like to р p -

blow things up."

pans n Pak this game

"| really don't have to go too far out.on

1 ine f Gamer "Since Twisted Metal doesn't exist in the vocabulary of N64 gamers, Activision once again has a monopoly in vehicular combat. Second Offense's gameplay is nearly identical to the first, and the improvements are minimal. | like the new characters, but the play still needs a little more of an arcade shine."

In some ways, LEGO Racers is more a strategy game than a racing game. Not only must you build your own vehicles, but the racing itself demands more than good driving skills. The fact of the matter is, the Al cheats. No matter how good your vehicle is and how much of a lead you have, the other opponents will catch up with you in no time if you don’t take advantage of the variety of offensive, defensive, and turbo power-ups scattered throughout the tracks.

Each power-up can be upgraded by pick- ing up white LEGO pieces on the track. By adding enough white pieces to a green turbo power-up piece you can teleport your = саг a considerable distance on the track instead of getting a brief turbo boost. Other E power-ups include red offense, yellow traps Andy, The Game Hombre (oil slicks and such), and blue shield pieces “| absolutely love LEGO, so this game that protect you from attacks.

Scores some points with me right off Building vehicles is less complicated the bat since you can build your own than it sounds and primarily cosmetic. The car. The racing is nothing innovative, only real difference depends on which ose ie tan: a for starting chassis you use. By unlocking new Jay, The д amet j LEGO sets, you will eventually get access “Although it's certainly no Mario Kart, tO higher performing chassis. Adding bricks LEGO Racer is a very enjoyable and to a chassis will affect top speed vs. accel- challenging game. | just can’t fathom eration and balance. The differences are why this game doesn’t have a four- marginal, but it’s still a blast to make your player mode. If it did, and if car build- own cars.

ing had more than a cosmetic effect, this game would have been huge.” Reiner, The Raging Gamer

"LEGO Racers is actually a nice little surprise that boasts a mighty chal- lenge within. its block-mount-block world. Its gameplay is not as balanced as it should be, and the non-LEGO worlds are somewhat confusing, but the create-a-car feature and multiplay- er frenzy come together as a solid game.”

LAP Т 0:00:21



"Sometimes there are those games that are so bad that you have to rent them to see for yourself just how bad, bad can be. This is one of those games. The only thing positive this game has done is stopped Superman from winning worst game of the year by a landslide."

Jay, The Gonzo Gamer

"Unless | was fighting against two people at the same time, | was able to, consistently defeat Al opponents with one move. Fighting game fans will feel nothing but dislike for this fighter, and probably only true Xena fanatics need apply."

Reiner, The Raging Gamer

"At first glance, Xena looked inviting and somewhat amusing. After my first bout, my thoughts spun 180°, and | soon realized that Xena's gameplay is a hideous beast with a. bite so venomous it'll kill you in seconds. If the choppy combat engine doesn't Scare .you, then hopefully the appalling animation will. Xena is truly evil incarnate.”

* Size: 96 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Fighting

* Special Features: 10 Playable Characters From the Xena Television Show (Plus 1 Hidden); 3 Difficulties; 4-Player Arena

Battles; Special Maneuvers; Multiple Costumes; Wall Climbing

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Saffire for Titus

* Available: Now for Nintendo 64


Concept: 3 4 4.25 Graphics: 4 6 5.25 Sound: 3 7 6.5 Playability: 0.25 2 0.5 Entertainment: 0.25 5 0.75 Overall: 2 4.15 3.5

Why has Xena: Warrior Princess had such a successful run on television? Is it the engaging storylines? The campy characters? The legions of Renaissance Festival workers looking for costume ideas in the off-season? Or is it something bigger than all that? Could it be the ineffable ecstasy that all humanity inexplicably finds in the hypnotic dance known as the catfight? Titus' new fighter based on the Xena universe, Talisman of Fate, is banking on just that, with over half its characters being attractive, scantily-clad females who swing big swords.

Talisman of Fate has all the standard ingredients of a three-dimensional arena fighter. Up to four players join in and try to thwack each other silly using combo attacks and special moves. Talisman prevents people from getting cornered by allowing them, when near a wall, to climb and jump to the relative safety of the middle of the ring.

In the Quest mode, players select a character and then fight ten battles in an attempt to win the game-entitled Talisman from Despair, the game's boss. As holder of this hallowed item you'll have control over the fate of the world. What this translates to in game terms is getting a code for secret characters and options each time the game is won.


* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 2-Player Racing

* Special Features: Irritating Announcer; 9 Tracks Plus 4 Unlockable; 9 Boats Plus 4 Unlockable; Turbo; Shortcuts; Booster Fuel Pickups Allow Insane Jumps & Knock Opponents Out of the Way

* Created by: Midway

* Available: March for Nintendo 64

65% Complete

Hydro Thunder was a hit in the arcades and translated well to the Dreamcast. Now it comes to the N64 and shows surprisingly low graphic degradation from the other two ver- sions. If you’re a N64 fan, you’ve had the opportunity to race cars, planes, bikes, Tron

i light-cycle lookin’ things, RC cars, toy cars,

futuristic hover-vehicles, and countless other tools of locomotion. Now Midway brings boats to the burgeoning barrel of N64 racing games.

Hydro Thunder’s racing premise is fairly simple. You can't win without using turbo fuel. Unfortunately, it is often in short supply or

j| hidden. In order to keep your rockets blast-

ing, you will need to take advantage of every single shortcut and secret fuel location on the track, making track memorization a key factor in winning the game. Just knowing where the secrets are isn't the end of it, how- ever, as you will often be required to complete a series of tricky jumps in order to maintain your fuel supply.

We can already tell that Hydro Thunder compares favorably to most N64 racing games, but that's not saying much. The only way this game will succeed in its new endeav- or is on its arcade reputation and how willing the average N64 owner will be to stomach yet another racing game.

Ge gs P exi



* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action

* Special Features: Large Real-World Environments; First-Person Targeting;

Hidden Power-Ups; FMV Cutscenes; Dual

Shock & Analog Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Traveller's Tales/Disney Interactive for Activision

* Available: Now for PlayStation (Nintendo 64)

Bottom Line: 9

7 Buzz could probably bring home a gold metal in men's gymnastics the last true hardcore sport.

Toy Story 2 is loaded with FMV up the wazoo.


Woody always loves to see Buzz on a pole.


Game Informer January 2000

E а A a OW | "I :

Originally planned as a direct-to-video release, the Disney empire and its apt pupil, Pixar, reworked Toy Story 2 into a theatrical release that received enormous _/ praise and left audiences rolling with laughter. Toy Story 2 also stomped across the retail market with a mighty toy

line rivaling that of The Phantom Menace. How else Could Disney suck so much cash out of the civilian populace like a blood-thirsty vampire? Seeing that the first Toy Story transformed into a blockbuster 16-bit title, Disney Interactive teamed with Traveller's Tales yet again.

to see if history could be repeated. -

The first Toy Story game incorporated several different

genres into its shell, creating a diverse and entertaining package. In Toy Story 2, only one gameplay formula is present, and in the same vein as Tomb Raider, three-dimensional exploration in vast real-world environments is the main focus. Traveller's Tales' game design truly captures the essence of the film. The environments are all sculpted just as they appear in the movie, and of course, the wacky toy personalities run rampant through each zone. While the majority of play is dedicated to finding items or new routes, Toy Story 2 does present a significant amount of action as well. As Buzz Lightyear, players must laser-blast evil toys, glide with the jet pack wings, and infiltrate the evil toy collectors base to save Andy's favorite toy, Woody. Plenty of secrets abound, and if you're truly thorough in your search, you'll unlock new abilities and levels. After each level comes to a close, a snazzy FMV from the motion picture brings players up to speed.

Andy loves to play with his Woody, as do most of you; but never fear - we think you'll find Mr. Lightyear with his gadgets o' plenty to be the ultimate video game action hero, going above and beyond the call of duty to fill the 16-bit shoes of his cowboy friend. The plastic is in motion, and the race is on! Can Buzz save the day? Or will Woody become yet another dust collector on a mantel of rare toys? His fate is in your intergalactic hands. Never e-e-ever let a Woody down.

To PlayStation ani Beyond



Graphics 9

Sound 8



‘Entertainment _ 8




Concept 8.5



Sound ыз LOST Playability 7

Entertainment 6


Concept 7.5



Sound 7.5





“Since | had to review this game before the movie came out, | wasn't too excited about the prospects of Toy Story 2 (I was pretty sure that the Buzz and Woody jokes had run out). But this game quickly grabbed my attention and my anticipation for the movie shot through the roof. I'll go see the movie on opening day, and fans of the movie will want to play this game. Featuring the standard movie clips (which are hilarious) interspersed throughout the quest, it would seem that this was an easy movietogame port, but there is much more to this game. The levels are impressive, and can be as hard or as easy as you'd like them to be by offering many different challenges for you to complete. Graphically, everything looks spectacular with surprisingly little clipping, and great use of the real-world objects. Toy Story is back, and it's a good thing."

"There's a lotto like about this game. It has great-looking graphics, the environments are huge and varied, and it has a ton of film footage. Also, the set up of the levels makes it easy to progress to new areas fairly quickly. Even with all this, Toy Story falls into the trap that most 3D action/platform games do. At times, the camera is incredibly frustrating and left me wanting to hurl this disc across the room. Add to this the slippery platforming and I’m not throwing this game across the room; it is going out the door. | love the films, but | can’t say as much for the new video game. | still find it entertaining at times, but you really must have some patience. If you like games along the lines of Gex, you may like what's in store for you in Toy Story 2. However, | would suggest giving it the pass-o-la.”

“| expected Toy Story 2 to be a throwback to its 16-bit precursor delivering a plethora of different genres sown together into an exciting shell that covers every inch of the movie. Toy Story 2 does a commendable job of capturing the settings and flow of the film, but it doesn’t go the extra mile to include different scenarios for specific scenes. All of the action takes place within a third-person engine that is heavy on exploration and light on action. Toy Story 2’s play is smooth and the environments show fine details, however these dynamics are not displayed throughout play. Repeating the same procedure to obtain a gameplay milestone wears thin rather quickly. Its cushy difficulty and lax learning curve makes it a good game for kiddies, but only average at best for experienced players.”

Ghosts of the Past & Carnage of the Future

"Revamped and improved, Twisted Metal is back in all its glory with this latest installment. While | was one of the rare fans of TM3, | would agree that the back-to- its-roots gameplay that TM4 brings to the table is better (no more screaming at the screen because your car is on its roof once again). But perhaps the best thing about TM4 is the great array of cars to choose from. While you can create your own vehicle, it's nothing spectacular, and this feature probably will go unused because the characters in the game are the best yet. While TM4 does have a four-player option, you won’t want to play this choppy mess, but the two-player and single-player games are a blast. Twisted Metal fans unite; TM4 is here to cure all your vehicular combat woes!”

“The adrenaline rush of Twisted Metal has. never faded. The first two games rank as some of the best games the PlayStation has to offer. However, last year's game was a total stinker and soured me on the experience. Luckily, the developers have returned to the roots of the game and made Twisted Metal 4 a worthy car combat experience. Gone are the small levels and cumbersome car physics found in TM3. | still think it lacks some of the insanity found in Rogue Trip, but TM4's control and excellent weapon effects are very well done. The two-player game is a blast, but think twice about trying the four- player; it's horrible. Don't let your ill thoughts of last year's game keep you from trying TM4. It is extremely entertaining and worth a look."

"Ever the vigilantes, Twisted minions were quick to voice their dissatisfaction toward 989 Studios for the facelift it gave to the Twisted Metal series. If you despise the last game, bury those memories and approach this new title with an open mind. 989 has completely reinvented its formula to closely mimic the play in Twisted 2. Fans of SingleTrac’s work will go hog wild over what has been incorporated into this sequel. The gameplay is incredibly slick and never for a moment dull. From its incredible effects to its outrageous explosions, Twisted Metal has never looked so good either. The new vehicles and weapons are also nice entries to the ever-expanding Twisted universe. | dislike a few of the levels, but this time around, this is the only complaint | have. If Twisted 2 is your cup of tea, Twisted 4 is the follow-up you've been waiting for.”




Graphics 8.75

Sound 9

Playability 9




Concept 8





Playability 9

Entertainment 9



Graphics SAE > Sound 9


9.25 Entert:

The world fell into a state of shock when SingleTrac renounced itself as the developer of the Twisted Metal series. Seeing gold buried ín this license, 989 Studios revived the Twisted Metal franchise and developed a sequel in-house. With a different engine under its hood, Twisted Metal came to life like never before, featuring a new physics model poised to bring realism to the carnage-filled battlefield. 989's first attempt, Twisted Metal 3, eventually sold one million units. At the same time though, most gamers voiced their disappointment with the new physics and eventually demanded that it be tossed in the pits of hell before being implemented into another Twisted Metal game. Not wanting to be responsible for the first video game World War, 989 Studios returned to the drawing board and revamped Twisted Metal's insane play to closely mimic the chaos of Twisted Metal 2 the clas- Sic, the fan favorite, the most twisted game ever to grace the PlayStation console.

For those of you who are sweating buckets in anticipation, we can happily say that 989's cloning process went exceptionally well. While Twisted Metal 4 is still running on a different engine, it's completely twisted to the second degree. From the quick 180* spin to the bal- ance between characters and weapons, Twisted Metal 4 is a well- oiled machine that strives to unleash addictive play before it attempts to deliver realism. With technology improving, 989 was also able to make Twisted Metal look better than ever. Very rarely do textures break at the seams, or does the game slow down or display poly drop out. Twisted 4's effects and explosions are also a sight to behold. Along with these numerous improvements. 989 has upped the CPU Al to be as aggressive as ever, giving the player little chance to pull over and rest. n total, there are twenty vehicles/characters to buckle up in or to annihilate. Along with well-known faces like Sweet Tooth, Thumper, Axel, and Calypso, a slew of new vehicles await. From Trash Man to Microblaster, all of the new vehicles fit in nicely with the already exist- ing Twisted Metal universe. Along with the colorful personalities, a host of new weapons accompany the powerful selection from Twisted Metal Ill. Some of the weapons have also been tweaked їо be more powerful, and of course, many weapons have several dif- ferent uses. As always, all characters feature a mighty special attack of their own.

The two biggest demands from fans were a Create-A-Car feature and four-player split-screen. 989 has implemented both of these wishes into this latest venture. The Create-A-Car is limited in cos- metic choices and options, but it does bring at least a dozen different cars to the fray; and while the four-player can be choppy at times, a group of friends can blast each others’ bumpers off for the first time.

Calypso's special attack rapidly across the entire



* Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 to 4-Player Action * Special Features: 20 Characters; 8 Levels;


8 Additional Multiplayer Arenas; Create-A- Car Feature; Improved Graphics & Vehicle Physics; Tons of New Weapons; Dual Shock, Multi-Tap, & Analog Compatible

* Replay Value: High * Created by: 989 Studios * Available: Now for PlayStation

Bottom Line:


Game Informer « I ШШ 37

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game

* Special Features: Multiple Story Paths; Team; Solo, & Army Battles; Attack Combos; Hand-Painted Watercolor Backgrounds; Political Intrigue; Analog Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Square Soft

* Available: February for PlayStation

Bottom Line: 9

Poor Gustave. In Square's second title in the SaGa

Frontier franchise, only he (out of everyone in the у world) has no Anima, the force that allows people to perform magic. His lack costs him his right to the throne and his mother's life, but it gives him the resolve to become a great warrior, one who can excel without any mystical aid. Gustave's quest for self-esteem sets the scene for SaGa Frontier 2, a second attempt at a Square franchise, the first of which was reviled by even the most diehard fans. Attempting to make a silk purse from its sow’s ear

an Anima

“Revamped since its previous showing, ANDY SaGa Frontier 2 is actually quite a treat. THE GAME HOMBRE While it’s no Final Fantasy, | do think it Concept delivers an entertaining quest that is

8 definitely one of the standouts of recent

- months, The battle system is solid,

Graphics allowing the player to gain experience as

predecessor, Square has given SaGa a complete makeover. The en A Sene Ade CERES тев eyesore landscapes have been replaced by pastel spun a unique Duel mode that | thought was a hand-painted watercolor backgrounds that are not only easy particularly nice innovation. The story and

Playability the quest are somewhat odd in that you pick different chapters to play out and then

SS basically complete that goal, but this Entertainment unique approach is forgivable since you

on the oculars, they're flat out gorgeous. Rather than playing through the life of.a character chosen at the beginning, players now go to a world map, pick an area or country, and

then participate in one of the branching storylines. Em Ee Mec d ав тар. Completing an adventure not only opens up new options in (7.75 then SaGa Frontier 2 is definitely worth a j look as it offers plenty of gameplay in a

"m Лы» one area, but all others as well, since time moves on in all places.

Naturally, combat and character advancement is the main focus of SaGa 2. Rather than going up levels to gain hit points, magic points, skill-points, and so on, every ability increases individually through combat. If you tend to use axes and tree magic, that's what you'll be best at. On the battlefield, you'll often have the choice of engaging a group of monsters with your entire party or having a single character face a lone beast for the whole enchilada. In the one-on-one duel, players choose four moves to perform, with certain strings pulling off combos that can be completely devastating. In addition to all this, SaGa 2 also has a Tactical Battle mode that occurs whenever you get involved in a war between nations.

Square most definitely intends for SaGa Frontier to become another of its legendary RPG series. With all the improvements made, it's definitely moving in the right direction. All that's left is to find if it's come far enough from

OVERALL well-rounded package."

"Although | feel SaGa Frontier 2 is a step

JAY in the right direction for the series, it still THEGONZOGAMER hasn't come together as an engrossing Concept and compelling RPG. The simultaneously

8 occurring storyline adds more replay value

= than most in the genre, but also

Graphics encourages the player to switch around 8.75 and generally lose track of what's Sound happening. The backgrounds are

1 incredible, but are difficult to navigate,

——— especially in dungeons, since the colors Playability tend to blend together and hide passages. T.5 Most disheartening of all is the combat тер system. It's entirely adequate, but since merament SaGa focuses heavily on battles, it quickly degenerates into an arduous task. There's

plenty that SaGa 2 does right, and by no means is it a bad game, but it's stil somewhat of a disappointment con-

OVERALL sidering the developer behind it."

the first to build a legion of fans.




Concept life with magnificent colors and beautiful

9 artistry. Add a brilliantly composed ———— ———— soundtrack to the mix and SaGa's Graphics gameplay atmosphere comes together as

Song has not only enhanced the graphics, it has

X9 also worked wonders with the gameplay Playability and story. Early on, the plot skips around a

8 bit - not allowing you to find your footing


8 progresses, the story settles down and shows its brilliance. SaGa's play is basic, yet the combat is well balanced and bountiful in options. If RPGs are your forte,

OVERALL do not miss SaGa 2."

"Very rarely do | see a game that delivers a blockade of gorgeous visuals like SaGa Frontier 2. Every environment is brought to

one of the most awe-inspiring to grace the PSX. Since the last adventure, Square Soft

with the adventure or understand your character's motivation. As the game


yo Review

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 to 8-Player Sports

* Special Features: Multiple Seasons Wit! Statistical Tracking, 60 NBA Legends Including Bird & Jordan; One-On-One Mode; End of the Season Awards; Motion Capture by Kevin Garnett; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible; Season Requires 4 Memory Blocks

* Replay Value: High

* Created by: EA Sports

The Return of Ў hat do Minnesota Vikings fans do ЩАС Dr. J and Larry Bird after a grueling season? They turn Bottom Line: 5 e

their attention to the NBA and

the Minnesota Timberwolves. We won't bore you with the details of the most exciting team in the NBA, but we will present you the details of NBA Live 2000, the exciting basketball game featuring the Timberwolves’ big ticket, Kevin Garnett.

The biggest addition to this year’s installment of EA Sports’ long-running franchise is the inclusion of 60 NBA legends. Representing each decade since the 1950s, the NBA legend teams include such names as | Julius Erving, Wilt Chamberlain, Pete Maravich, and Michael Jordan. These cagers are not only available | on the respective decade teams, but can also be unlocked through the Season mode. It is then possible E^ to activate the eminent players and add them to the current free-agent pool. Without a doubt, resigning Larry Bird to Boston would be any Celtics fan's dream.

Fans’ dreams will also come true with NBA Live's new “Michael Jordan in One-On-One” mode, a |7 3? throwback іо EA's classic hoops game. Here you сап aH ES р pit any player, past or present, against Jordan. Or you : at ? can create а match-up of your own. Imagine putting Shaq against Kareem, Marbury vs. Isiah Thomas, or the timeless video game classic, Dr. J vs. Larry Bird. Anything is possible.

Lastly for the stats and fantasy league fanatics, EA Sports 4 added a Season mode that will extend 10 years. Player statistics will be tracked, attributes will rise and fall, and the computer will conduct a number of trades and free agent signings. By the end of our E 7 three year reign as the Wolves, the team had won I back-to-back айр оер; and every team was try- ing to tempt us with multiplayer trades for future NBA star, Wally Szczerbiak.

Va b t

Bx мїн 16 2ND . ed SAC 6 2:15 u Dime M


SNC Weide: investing in.”

"-— | January 2000



ND усу сс cm



* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: Young & Middle-Aged Lara Croft; Set In Egypt; New Rope Climbing & Swinging; Improved Texture Quality & Character Model Detailing; Cinematics Galore; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderately Low A

* Created by: Core Design for Eidos Interactive

* Available: Now for PlayStation

5 ame Informer picked Tomb Raider as one Bottom Line: 9 G: the most influential games of the 90's. With Lara Croft’s dynamic personality leading the way, Tomb Raider raised the standard for 2 all adventure games to follow. If the dynamic real-world B n » c. THE GAME HOMBRE environments didn't make gamers drool, then the foxy ae protagonist did. Many of us fell in love with Lara Croft’s sib polygonal sensuality, and because of this fanfare, Core Design and Eidos Interactive have forged four different Tomb Raider adventures since 1996. The latest offering. Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation picks up right where Tomb Raider III left off, but this time around, a vast array of improvements have been

-Lara Croft j Bounces Back.

“For how much I have enjoyed this series, | just can't bring myself to get excited about Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. Yes, it may be the best yet; but the relentless barrage of games over the last four years has left me with little or no desire to play through yet another Lara Croft adventure. Especially since this game really doesn't Sound look any different, or really play any different

8 for that matter. Sure you can swing on ropes —__* _____ and stuff, but it just hasn't changed enough Playability ^^ ofthe basic gameplay mechanics. | will give

8. props to Eidos for taking Lara back to Egypt та Where she belongs, as exploring the Entertainment environments is totally enjoyable with some awe-inspiring vistas. However, | say let Lara


Graphics 9


rm plugged into the quest. If you found yourself fed up with the incredibly challenging difficulty of III, or found it too similar to the previous two games; The Last Revelation

Just like Indiana Jones and his kick-butt dad, Lara commandeers a cycle with sidecar.

$ Classic Tomb | Raider action to the fourth degree.

A beautiful day... nda beaut know what we're saying wink wink).

Cinematic cutscenes run rampant through- out Lara's latest adventure.


42 | Game Informer « January 2000

features a ton of variety, a more involving story arc, and graphical enhancements galore. In the expansive story telling. Eidos delivers a ton of back story on Lara Croft's

past. and as you've all heard, you can now play as a teenage Lara Croft on the first level of the game. This stage is nothing more than training a stage where Lara learns the ropes with her mysterious mentor.

Unlike the other Tomb Raider games, this one takes place in just one area Egypt. It would seem that monot-

ony in settings would quickly assured, Core has gone the extr: unique. Whether it be the Buria the Kings, or the Temple of Ka

grow tiresome, but rest a mile to keep each stage Chambers, the Valley of rnak, all of the stages are



view (if ya

quite different in design and mission structure. As for the gameplay, the same dynamic engine from the previous titles is reused once again. Along with the side flips, handstand, and swan dive, Lara can now climb poles, swing on ropes, and hand over hand shimmy around cor- ners. The player has the ability to combine two items into one. For example, adding a laser sight to the revolver will allow Lara to take out baddies with ease.

In Egypt you Is see NUES puras { pharaohs, and fire breathing dragons!



Concept 1.15











Concept 7.25


Playability 8



lie for a while. I love this series, but | don't know how much more І can take. Now if you were to give me revved-up Lara game on DC or PS2, I'd be a lot more interested."

"Lara Croft fanatics, you know who you are. You've played the other three adventures and you are probably ready for the fourth. If that is you, you will most likely be pleased with this game. Yet, | am a little disappointed with how little this game has progressed over the years. This new version does have some nice graphical improvements and a few new moves, but | view these changes as minor. You still have the annoyingly difficult jumps and other pitfalls. Although it is great that the save anywhere function has returned, where | think the game has declined is in the game design. There is way, way too much backtracking and returning to levels. | find this extremely boring. There's no doubt that Tomb Raider freaks should take a look, but just don't get your hopes up that this is something completely new."

“| think it’s safe to assume that Tomb Raider fans know what to expect from this fourth chapter. Lara is indeed back, and with her cometh the long running gameplay that we've manipulated for three consecutive games. Along with the original maneuvers, Lara can now climb poles, swing on ropes, shimmy around comers, and combine items and weapons. The biggest enhancements are displayed within the storytelling and graphical presentation. Gone are the hideous pixels, and gone are the ten hours of play without a story break. Core has implemented a ton of cutscenes into this sequel, making it the most explosive and provocative story in the series. Those who truly appreciate Lara’s quests will love this game to death. As for the rest of you, this edition blends in with the other installments offering the same gameplay yet again.”

Boni oy

New Feats of Bondage

“Hoping to capitalize on the good deeds of GoldenEye, MGM wouldn't let the Bond license go, and thus embarked on its own crusade to create an entertaining Bond experience. On paper, the addition of skiing and driving seems like a good thing, but | think it may have spread the team a little thin, as the main focus of the game, the third-person action sequences, are quite mediocre. The overall presentation is also quite average with only decent graphics and sound. Which is a shame as | was really hoping for something worthwhile from this title. | will admit that playing Bond and completing the various missions certainly makes this game a decent rental, but Syphon Filter and Medal of Honor make this game look stupid and rule it out as a purchase in my book.”

“There’s a real love/hate relationship going on with me and this game. The weapons aren’t that great, the camera will give you vertigo, and enemies were sometimes able to shoot me through walls and closed doors. The worst part is that Tomorrow Never Dies feels very un- Bond-like. Other than to score some Style Points at the end of the mission, there’s no reason not to constantly use the assault rifle and blast your way through every mission. The driving minigame is okay, but the skiing is absolutely ludicrous. Deep in my heart, | know | should be scoring this game lower, but for some reason | couldn't stop playing. Curse you, Bond! Luckily, the game isn't too long, but you'll likely get stuck somewhere for an hour or two and have no idea what to do. | say rent this one and get it out of your system.”

“Black Ops had huge shoes to fill, and while the game feels like an authentic Bond adventure, it doesn’t have the gameplay presence needed to rank with the likes of GoldenEye, Metal Gear Solid, or Syphon Filter. It may not be the next big spy thriller, but Tomorrow Never Dies is a decent game that does many things well. The story is brought to life nicely with plenty of cutscenes, the missions are sculpted to be both difficult and thought provoking, and the graphics are colorful and filled with effects galore. On the other hand, this title also does several things wrong. Its animation is choppy, the controls are loose and unresponsive, and targeting is often a serious nightmare. | enjoyed the challenge and the soundtrack absolutely rocked, but the gameplay made me think of greener pastures - namely Syphon Filter.”



Concept 7

Graphics Е OEE Sound 7



Entertainment 7



Concept 7.5

Graphics 8

Sound 7.75

Playability 6

Entertainment 7



Concept 7.75

Graphics 8



Playability 6


Tomorrow Never Dies

When jealous PlayStation owners see screenshots of this game, we know what they're thinking. It’s Goldeneye for PS-X, right? Unfortunately, it's not. While Tomorrow Never Dies may have many features similar to the hit N64 game, its focus is more on achieving an experience close to the movie than on being a separate game.

While there is plenty of combat and the plot has been bent and broken in some pretty big ways (you can rescue the woman this time around), there are plenty of action sequences that are meant to go along with the movie like downhill skiing, hopping into a Mig and spinning it around a couple of times to blow everything up before taking off, and blowing up terrorist convoys with a fully armed and armored Beamer. Just to remind you what point of the movie you're in, the end of every mission is followed by a cutscene directly from the film.

This isn't to say that the gameplay has no merit. There are a wide variety of weapons, many of which were never used in the film. Assault rifles, submachine guns, sniper rifles, and rifles with infrared scopes are a regular part of the action as well as Bond's classic sidearm, the PK7.

Bond can also take advantage of numerous gadgets to help him out. Unfortunately, the use of these items is pretty obvious as the game will tell you when you can and can't use them. People looking for Goldeneye on the PlayStation, may be disappointed by this new Bond experience at first, but they may still find the game enjoyable if they hack at it long enough.

PlayStation Review

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: Special Scenarios Like Skiing & Driving; Auto-Targeting; Aiming Mode; Sniping; Cutscenes Straight From the Movie; Plenty of Gadgets & Guns; 10 Levels; Wai Lin as a Playable Character

* Created by: Black Ops for Electronic Arts

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Bottom Line: 7 25


1 Deseo cor

Pamela т

A ee - = ы


Game Informer * January 2000 | 43

Playstation Review

* Size: 1 CD-ROM m came / 7 * Style: 1 to 4-Player Racing I d ) : i own * Special Features: Arcade, Rally тиле - - D du -—— Championship, V-Rally Trophy, & Time Trial M Modes; 16 Cars Plus 10 Unlockable; Visible Damage; Caked Mud & Snow; 80 Lu Courses in 12 Locations; Excellent Track Editor * Replay Value: High

S Created in: СЕ There is nothing quite so thrilling as a high speed race Rightenusly Real

e Available: Now for PlayStation through hilly territory and rough terrain. Actually, that's a lie,

but it's still a pretty cool racing concept. V-Rally 2 offers a lot Rally Racing Bottom Line: 7 2 5 to the armchair Rally car fan and then some. The racing is e


smooth and the game has a wide variety of modes to try out.

Cars are not purchased in this game, but instead are ANDY “Personally, | thought last year’s V-Rally cmm unlocked in the way of old. Available vehicles may be used at game was atrocious, so | was pleasantly Won " any time. Using higher class vehicles won't be to the beginning НЕЛЕ surprised at how improved V-Rally 2 is. ; ie driver's advantage; however, as the game will automatically assign Concept Тһе improvements are numerous with

[m A 7 smoother playcontrol (though it does get a vehicles of the same class for every race. фе rubbery at ti a Beales th f T Graphics ittle rubbery at mes) an graphics that Rather than featuring a complicated parts system, V-Rally 2 $5 are infinitely better than the original. Also keeps car tweaking simple with a slide bar system that players can 9 _ improved are the track designs and use to change the performance of their vehicles. Before every race, Sound soundtrack, which really get you pumped cars can be modified through a series of slide bars for Tires, Gear 8 as you fly though a barrage of tight turns Box, Chassis, and Brakes. Jacking your car further off the ground Playability m р, 4 mo Arcade pe increasi leration at the cost of top speed is a simple matter 8 засто or Gane, Spee or Increasing acceler р р 9 апа out-of-control slides. The Cham- | | of pointing and clicking. А | E. - Entertainment pionship and Trophy modes still feature ЕКЕТ: One of the game's more impressive features is its Track Editor. 7 the same action, but it is tempered by the This excellent mode allows you to design all of the turns and bends (7.75 | fear of mistakes as one screw up can cost


in your course and then change the elevation of certain points, set D ад Ша ШОНУ the location (determining track surface and background graphics), Er hut soon B T а t whole rally experience. and set the weather conditions. Driving on your own twisted track is thoroughly entertaining. It's our hope that Track Editors will become F à as mandatory to racing games in the future as being able to modify PAUL inay aone o: Mech m Шыр La your vehicles has become now. THE GAME PROFESSOR specific racing genre has come a long way V-Rally 2 is a fine mix of modes and options, and offers a great Concept and leading the pack is V-Rally 2. The Track deal of replay value with its Track Editor mode. Regular racing fans 8 e lee copiis я may cast a stern and speculative eye at the reviews on this game, Graphics ^ always entertaining. | SAT A the but V-Rally 2 offers 8.75 adjustments that can be made to the car's plenty of solid racing Sound suspension are nicely transferred into action that anyone 8 gameplay; however, in the early stages it ; —____—__—. doesn't pay to waste the time as they are could Suey. If Rally Playability pretty dang easy. That's probably the racing IS your box of 1 game's downfall; it is pretty dull to start out. " = i chocolates, you'll find Although, | must commend the replays, SIMPR I 4 ез с IN | a + few of those nasty

complete with the two-person team in the car. It's a cryin’ shame that rally racing isn't rum t a cherry that popular, as V-Rally 2 would probably be nougats In {nis game: one of the top racing games of the year. As it stands, it gets buried by flashier games CAC like Test Drive and Gran Turismo.”

Entertainment 5

“With a handful of improvements igniting its

REINER engine, V-Rally 2 shines as one of the most

UAP/TIMES A < THE RAGING GAMER _ detailed and accurate racers on the market. САР! 0:02*50 SS T окоо Сопсерї With a finely sculpted physics engine | : 6.25 bringing forth realistic suspension and |

à T —— ..——— Collision, V-Rally 2 had all the key elements ferns STAGE ois : mi ШҮҮ ' Graphics ^ ip place to perform just as miraculously as [ ERE à Dope - 8.25 989's Rally Cross series. It controls

TIME 33 ERA das 3 Sound phenomenally forcing the player to pump

6.5 the brakes and counter steer. It looks —— outstanding delivering beautiful terrain Playability ^ designs and very little pop-up. It offers 6.25 plenty - with options galore in vehicular configuration and game modes. Ironically, all of this doesn’t add up to excitement. It 3 should have been a killer game, but one LAP TIMES 2 huge fault holds it back from gathering CAPI I*04* 10 praise. All of the tracks suck. The courses LAP? 0:42*40 are vigorous in tums, yet each track is as plain as a Perkins’ pancake.”




CaP No esr a7 f Ў.

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m 1 УЙГУ, Iste 7 5 d УИ Е а ме оло ЕГ да ИР qr еа

The Twisted Assassin?

"Most of what made the original a solid game is still here, but the additions, like the transformations and the expanded Quest mode, really don't do that much to make this game all that different. It's still a realistic version of Twisted Metal with a TO's personality. While | am usually all about the retro thing, | think the new characters in this sequel are less than exciting and really don’t do anything to further the series. Plus, | don’t know if I've been playing too much Dreamcast, but the graphics in this one don't look that great. If you are a Vig 8 fanatic, you will be pleased by this new addition, but I’m gonna play Twisted Metal on PlayStation, and hope that the Dreamcast version of this game rocks so. | can forget all about this one.”


Concept 7.25



“This game has made huge improve- ments in the playcontrol and computer

Al departments. It also got a big dose THE GAME PROFESSOR

of da funk. The James Brown-esque ‘Gimme Mo’ Torque’ is tight. To say the least, this game has a lot of personality. The characters and cars are great, as is the addition of the car transformations. With both the Quest and Arcade modes, there is a lot to accomplish and destroy. | especially like the new areas that launch you into a new place or high into the air. Graphically, the game puts Twisted Metal to shame, but there are some instances where the graphics bog down. That aside, veterans of the first game should enjoy the mix of classic old environments and impressive new ones. Be sure to give this game a look.”

Concept 8





"Every little oddity in the first V8 release has been kept intact and magnified in this subpar sequel. Vigilante 8's main attraction was the vehicular combat - not the missions or the depth of the quest. In the sequel, Luxoflux has incorporated longer missions that do little more than infuriate and sidetrack the thrills of vehic- ular destruction. Once again, the com- puter drones showcase prehistoric reflex- es and sheer stupidy. The new characters and levels are definitely improved upon, but the misery of gameplay eventually drove me to a state of great depression

Sound 8.75

and unhamessable anger. If you love Entertainment

the first title, then disregard my words 5.5

and drop down the pretty penny. xd

Otherwise, | suggest hooking up with Sweet Tooth and cannonball running it over to the Twisted fields."


Graphics Sound Playability 7

Entertainment 7

Graphics Sound йыш дещ Playability 9

Entertainment 9

Graphics 9

Playability 5

В nder a marketing push with more cash behind it than Donald Trump's presidential bid, Vigilante 8: Second Offense will be plastered

practically everywhere. From boob tube commercials to urinal patties, Activision is forking out the cash all in an attempt to capture gamers' votes (and hard earned cash) for vehicular combat game of the year. The leader in this genre, Twisted Metal, is also making a triumphant return to the PlayStation scene. Unlike last year's lethargic sequel, Twisted Metal is well oiled, juiced up, and in classic form. In this issue, Game Informer reviews both products, adding closure to the clash of the vehicular titans, and once and for all, crowning one title as the king of this vigorous genre.

Instead of revamping a formula that worked wonders just a year ago, Luxoflux, Vigilante 8's developer, has rendered additional flair to the previously used (and thoroughly abused) V8 coding. Of course, like every sequel known to man, Second Offense features a host of new characters - all diabolically warped in unique ways. Along with these person- alities, Luxoflux has created 12 arenas that are loaded to the hilt with trigger events (like a space shuttle launching or a secret gate opening) and a ton of objectives that must be completed in the revamped Quest mode. Almost everyone who played the previous V8 offering complained that the quest was too short, ending abruptly after four minuscule stages. This time around Luxoflux constructed the quest with 'double your pleasure' in mind. Level objectives, like finding gas tanks or destroying complexes, are in greater number on each of the eight double your pleasure stages.

As for the gameplay and look, this sequel is constructed with the same bag of tricks as the original, and even though a complete year has passed, the game still looks incredibly sharp - portraying realism in vehicular damage and environ- ment designs. The control schematics are also fitted for realism, although we have to admit, amongst the well lubricated chassis, we've never seen a bus mounted to water skis floating down an Alaskan stream.

Like Twisted Metal 4, Vigilante 8: Second Offense is loaded to the hilt with features galore, phenomenal graphics, and a booty shakin' box of beats - but does it just sound good on paper? Or is it really the prophesied Twisted killer?

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Action

* Special Features: 18 Vehicles; 12 Arenas; Quest, Co-Op, & Survival Modes; New Weapons; Vehicular Transformations & | Power-Ups; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible E

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Luxoflux for Activision

* Available: Now for PlayStation

(Nintendo 64, Dreamcast) р

1.15 |

on water skis, snow treads, and hover jets.


ІГ е new vehicles are creative апа T | loaded with personality. A

агасїег specific weapon:


re as deadly as ever.



* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Action/Racing

* Special Features: Eleven Weapons; 2 New Multiplayer Modes; “Five-O” Mode; First Ever Story Mode; 2 Rival Gangs; New Combos; Multiple Bikes; FMV Cutscenes For Story Mode; Redesigned Tracks; Leather Clad Dwarf Riding Shotgun

* Created by: Electronic Arts

* Available: January for PlayStation

80% Complete

ay back in the days of the Sega Genesis, the Road Rash series carved out a unique niche in the video game totem pole by combin- ing two simple genres, fighting and rac- ing, into what would become one of the longest-running franchises in gaming. Few games have attempted to follow Road Rash's burnt rubber tracks, mak- ing the series almost a genre in itself. Numerous sequels have left many with the feeling that Road Rash is run- ning a little low on gas. Can Road Rash: Jailbreak top off the tank and get this

old hog back on the highway? EA has upped the horsepower with some new features that should have haggard Road Rash groupies crawling back

for one more whiff of the tailpipe.

First and foremost among the myriad of new

modes is the Story mode. At the outset, you must join one of two rival gangs, and gradually work your way up through the ranks. Attain status as a rasher extra- ordinaire, and you will be sent on a mission to free an unjustly imprisoned man. Mumia, per- haps? No - leave the Mumia freeing to Rage Against the

“Tickle, tickle!”

Dorit <

Game Informer January 2000

PY 23125




7 4 EHE

"- The motorcycle gimp Olympics.

Machine, son. Your job is to save Spaz, a legendary rasher who's been thrown in the clink. For those law- and-order types out there, there is Five-0 mode, which allows you to assume the role of a little piggy out to lock up renegade bikers. Finally а chance to live out all your CHiPs fan- tasies!

Jailbreak's combat has been augmented with over 45 new combo and super- moves that will have your foes eating asphalt and spit- ting out teeth. Also, the new multiplayer Sidecar mode should double the fun with cooperative _ two-on-two action. One player is the designated driver, while another (who appears to be some kind of midget/gimp) concentrates on assault and battery.

Check yourself before

you wreck yourself, because Road Rash: Jailbreak will have gamers burning and loot- | ing retailers nationwide come winter.


Settling for anything less than the real thing can be a bad idea. So get yourself a genuine PlayStation"

branded Memory Card. Save your score or level. Immortalize a disemboweling fighting move. Hit the john. PlayStation Then pick up where you left off later. Even if it’s on somebody else's PlayStation. And unlike the generic e . . T Look for official PlayStation stuff, you'll never run the risk of damaging your console. Or annihilating your self-esteem. branded accessories.

PlayStation and the PlayStation logos оге registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. ©1999 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.


* Size: 3 CD-ROMs

* Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: Psychic Attacks; Manage Character Levels Through Use of Drugs; Futuristic Visuals; CG Cutscenes; Ambient Background Sounds; Item Management & Map Screen; Puzzle Solving

* Created by: Polygon Magic, Inc. for ASCII Games and Crave Entertainment

* Available: March for PlayStation

60% Complete

Psychotic Reactions

human beings utilize only 15

percent of their brains. The editors at Game Informer use only about 3.8 percent of their mental capacity, most of which is devoted to thinking of ways to break into the Coke machine in the cafeteria, but that’s beside the point. Imagine what feats humans could accomplish if we could exploit our vast lumps of untapped cerebral matter.

In Galerians you are cast in the role of Rion, an androgynous male ingenue who wakes up in a hospital with a case of total amnesia. Rion soon discovers that he is possessed of very powerful, and volatile, psychic powers. As he begins to explore the labyrinthine hospital complex, he soon begins to unearth clues about his shadowy past. It turns out that Rion is the son of Dr. Steiner, one of the original developers of Dorothy, a massive supercomputer that manages the futuristic megalopolis of Michaelangelo City. Shortly before Dr. Steiner and his family disappeared under mysterious circum- stances, he had been involved in a top-secret project that was devoted to cloning genetically-altered workers who could withstand the most extreme working condi- tions. The key to unlocking Rion’s past lies in finding out how this project went wrong.

We might as well get this out of the way now - Galerians is very similar to Resident Evil. The pre-rendered backgrounds, the controls, and the fixed camera all scream Res Evil.

However, don’t discount Galerians as a cheap knock-off. There are a number of well done and interesting elements that make this game one to watch. In place of weapons, Rion uses psychic attacks to dispose of his enemies. These psychic powers are managed through the use of drug capsules that you inject into your neck with a hypodermic needle gun. You can also use your powers of intuition to help you solve the game’s many puzzles. Be careful in using these powers, as they exact a heavy price on your fragile equilibrium. In addition to a health meter, you have an adrenaline meter which must be monitored. Stressful situations can push it into the red-zone, causing you to become disoriented and your health meter to plummet. Fortunately, your adrenaline can be regulated through the use of Delimeter, another psychoactive drug.

Galerian’s cyberpunk ambiance, extrasensory action, and engrossing story should capture the imagination of survival horror and Dionne Warwick fans alike. Although there is less gore and nary a zombie to be found, Galerians dares you to discover something infinitely more horrifying - the truth.

commonly known that

“I'll never understand this modern

art stuff."

Michael Jackson really needs to lay off the plastic surgery.

Meet your 8 mechanical Fe К nemesis.

"We don't need no water, let the muthahubba burn!"

The janitor's going to have Ee

fun cleaning this one up.

b. е

s et Fear and Loathing in Hrs Kong

D H H D We D | Chances are you've played Resident Evil; you've farted around,in Qddworld; you've capped

some fugitives in Syphon Filter While combining elements from each one of these titles, Fear Effect strives to be its own game. The game's story is somewhat unique, its graphics are original, and its control has a few innovations, and still it appears like each of the

Looks like you've had a rough sight, ch, mate?

Green Zombies: Heavy metal rip-off or music sensation?

above-mentioned games in one way or another which certainly isn't terrible.

Mercenaries Glas and Hana are headed to the Lam building in downtown Tokyo. Word is that Wee Ming Lam, daughter of a powerful Triad boss, is missing. Returning her safely means big bucks. Reaching their destination, things seem awry. Hana, ever the independent gal, sets out to find some answers. She discovers both bad guys and puzzles, and deals with them using gunshots to the head and keen problem-solving skills, respectively. After diffusing a time bomb, and busting a few skulls in the process, the duo takes on grizzled partner Deke, and all head toward a tiny fishing village. A sexy shower scene ensues before their barge docks. Fire and green machete-wielding zombies greet them, and the story becomes more tangled.

Each character has a distinct personality. Bound to be the favorite playable character in Fear Effect is Hana Tsu- Vachel, the svelte lynx of the outfit. Raised an orphan in the Republic of China, she grew up a skilled marksman and driver, and an infiltration specialist. Her partner, Royce Glas, is an ex-soldier from Cali. His sense of honor during a job is second only to his need for money. Big bad Aussie Jakob "Deke" Decourt is the third link in the chain. This macho assassin constantly spouts witty drivel with an Australian twang. The other prolific performer in FE is Wee Ming Lam, the object of the mission. She is supposedly a beautiful young girl with a very important father. The whole story seems to revolve around her.

From the word go, the control breathes Resident Evil. Movements and puzzle solving mimic the survival horror to a tee. Gunplay leans a bit toward Syphon Filter, with a mildly detailed target system. When you near an enemy, a sight shows up on top of the screen. If a fatal shot is in range, the sight turns red. Simple, but effective. We're all for stealth, and it plays a role in FE as well. Use your sneakiest stroll to glide unnoticed directly behind enemies, and say peek-a-boo with a slug to the dome.

Cutscenes take up almost as much game time as actual play. Few actions occur without some animated elaboration. The anime-style graphics lend themselves well to this setup, as the transition between cutscene and gameplay comes unbelievably smoothly, and with virtually no load time.


* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: 3 Playable Characters; Pre-Rendered Backgrounds; Tons of Cutscenes; Challenging Puzzles; Intuitive Targeting; Stealth Sneaking; Dramatic Camera Angles; Cartoon-Style Graphics; Shower Scene

* Created by: Kronos for Eidos

* Available: February for PlayStation

80% Complete

Dead dockworkers revolt!

THAT'S for saying women belong in the kitchen!

Most combat is close range.

i И 3




He toasts his enemies one by one. And this time, he's not taking any prisoners. Spyro is оп a rampage in the air, land and sea. This is one fire-breathing dragon ready to take on the world. Spyro 2: Riptos Rage! It's fast. It's fierce. It’s where second-degree burns are just part of the job.

er Entertainment Inc.

5 Ea © [72] 5

& © 1999 Universal interactive Studios. Шс. Alffighis reserved. Developed by insomniac Games, Inc: All rights reserved. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registere

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!

аш -




It's ape anarchy and it's up to you to stop their banana-fueled mayhem. You'll hunt down over 200 unruly apes, you'll drive a Tank, steer a Remote Control Car, you'll even launch an aerial attack in a propeller-powered Skyflyer. You'll use plenty of anti-ape devices, like a primate-pun- ishing Stun Club, a simian Slingshot and Monkey Radar. Plus, it's the first and only 3D game that fully utilizes the Dual Shock’ analog controller. Prepare yourself, things are about to get hairy

*Or other official PlayStation brand or licensed controllers featuring the “Analog Control” icon. Analog mode only. May not function or performance may Entertainment America Inc. ©1999 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. No apes were harmed in the making of this advertisement. As for the truck driver, that's a different story.

You better get them before they get you.

vary with other controllers. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Ape Escape is a trademark of Sony Computer

3L CHOL] 2 Pla ri ia soog ©) Arca selection Cang note parameters 2 Change riff слава motes j|

жн ta жес

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Action/Strategy

* Special Features: Mix Together Your Own Music Tracks; 4-Player Music Jam; 6 Music Styles; Over 1,000 Sound & Voice Samples; Over 300 Visual Effects; Riff Editor

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: Jester Interactive for Codemasters * Available: Now for PlayStation

PAUL | REINER Concept: 9 9 8.25 Graphics: 8 6 4.25 Sound: 8.75 9 8.5 Playability: 4 6 1.25 Entertainment: : 7.5 1.15 7 Overall: 7.5 7.5 7

Are you the type of person who goes to a club, watches the. DJ mix up a dope beat, then says to yourself, "That's easy!"? Codemaster's MTV Music Generator shows you how wrong you are, and saves you mucho turntable dinero to boot.

Held within this single CD are over 1,000 sound and voice samples from six mixing styles - Beat, Drum n’ Bass, House, Rock, Techno, and Trance - all waiting to

ИЙ be pieced together on a 24 track mixing

9 Сә C) " ш ш шш шш ш ш ш шшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшш


векат а=

"There's definitely plenty of fooling around (and a lot of laughs) to be had with this freak-out of a product. In the end, though, it's limiting because you can’t cut samples from your own, music collection. Consider this the Easy Bake Oven of DJing.”

“It definitely takes a while to get into it, and | did get a little frustrated with some of the hardware limitations messin’ up my musical masterpiece. If you are a Serious. audiophile and into the club music scene, you might want to check this software out.”

“Andy and Matt prove that you don't need to be a musician to make music. With the same theory in mind, any dolt with a.PS-X can use this title to lay down some killer dance tracks. If you have a creative flair, are into really obscure sim- ulations, and have way too much time on your hands...then MTV is worth a look.”

board. Every single effect can be taken to the Riff Editor, where such things as vol- ume, pitch bend, octave, and vibrato depth can be adjusted. If one were willing to do the work, practically any sample could be made, giving wannabe DJs near infinite capabilities.

Once a phat track has been assembled, it's time to hit the Video Editor and gather mind-altering visual accompaniment. An incredible number of backgrounds, anima- tions, and effects can be combined to cre- ate something that all your hip college friends can like, get totally into. The game will even randomly generate a video for something from your own CD collection.

If it all seems overwhelming, MTV Music Generator also features a Music Jam mode where up to four players can have a mix off à la Um Jammer Lammy.

m j (MTV MUSIC file I30 (024 бос



“This is an interesting fighting game, but it does absolutely nothing for me. Yes, the claymation story scenes are funny, and the fighting techniques are solid, but playing the. game itself is humdrum at best. The combat is just too slow.”

"Claymation cutscenes at their best, arenà combat at its worst. That's about the best, way to sum up Boombots. | think a disc filled with Neverhood claymation would have been more enjoyable than this."

*With the exception of hilarious clay- mation cutscenes, Boombots is with- out a doubt one of the worst-playing games I've seen this year. l'Il leave it at that."

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting

* Special Features: Claymation Cutscenes; 10 Characters Plus 5 Hidden; Homing

Missiles, Guided Missiles, Guns, Throws, & |

Hand-To-Hand Attacks

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Neverhood & Dreamworks for South Peak Interactive

* Available: Now for PlayStation

ANDY JAY REINER Concept: 6 5 3.5 Graphics: 6 6 6.5 Sound: 6.75 5 6 Playability: 5 2 0.75 Entertainment: 3 5 3 Overall: 5.25 4.5 4

About three years ago, an upstart com-

DK pany led by Doug Tenapel of Earthworm Jim | fame put out an excellent point-and-click

adventure on the PC called The Neverhood. The entire game was done through stop- frame animation and took place in a strange world composed entirely of clay. While the game never got the attention it

i| deserved, we witnessed the return of The

Neverhood's hero, Klaymen, in (the compa- ny) Neverhood's next, project, Skull

* Monkeys. The action/platform game fea-

tured the same brand of bizarre humor and also took place in a claymation world.

Now, Neverhood returns with a bizarre fighting game. Earth is being invaded by a strange race of cat-like aliens, and it is up to the elite Boombots to stop them. These robot warriors are equipped with homing missiles, guns, guided rockets, and deadly hand-to-hand attacks. Unfortunately, the cats have captured all the other Boombots and forced them to fight for the other side.

Beating the game is not hard, but unlocking all of the characters and arenas Is tricky, because you must fight your way through every character in the game with- out being defeated.



* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Action/Sports

* Special Features: 12 Cities With Multiple Locales; Funky Fresh Sound Track Featuring Numerous Rap Artists; Unlockable Tricks; Tons of Grinds; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: Z-Axis for Rockstar Games

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Bottom Line:

JAY REINER Concept: 8 8.5 Graphics: 7.5 Sound: i 8.75 Playability: 7 Entertainment: 7.25 Overall: 7.75



Rockstar Games’ excursion in skate- boarding comes at a time when legions of skate fanatics have already skated the vert of Tony Hawk. Comparisons are inevitable, although Thrasher: Skate and Destroy

li bares little resemblance to the aforemen- M tioned game.

Thrasher, like Tony Hawk, is comprised of a number of huge skate environments

3! where just about everything is skateable.

You won't find yourself grinding across canyons in Thrasher, rather, most of the

ES areas are styled for grinding stairs, side-

“Be prepared for frustration in your first few hours with Thrasher. After this educational time passes, you'll find a very challenging street skating game. Fortunately, the bails are cool enough to keep you entertained until this time


"Don't expect to be busting huge tricks right off the bat. Moves in this game are nearly as hard as real skate- boarding. It doesn't touch Tony Hawk, but it is still an addictive and enjoy- able skateboarding game."

Relner, The Raging Gamer

“Thrasher is definitely sick, but not nearly as ill as. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. | thoroughly enjoy the wrecks and depth of Thrasher, but Hawk's gameplay outperforms Thrasher in every possible way. If you’re a diehard skate buff, look at both...otherwise, stick with Neversoft's killer title."

walk edges, and rails. Indeed, most of Thrasher is designed more like a simulation than an extreme airfest.

The gameplay is designed with the basic skateboarding move in mind the ollie. Just like riding a real board, the ollie will start many tricks and can be linked to a number of grinds and grabs. Don’t expect to be ripping 540 varials from the get go, Thrasher is more about finesse and setting up a succession of tricks. It is not about vert, it is about street skating. As in skateboarding, the learning curve in this game is steep, especially after playing Tony Hawk.

The technical sides of Thrasher may turn off some players, but gamers who skate will. definitely have to give Thrasher some...thrashin'!


Playstation Preview




* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action

* Special Features: 3 Modes (Action, Racing, Shooting); Destructible Environments; Mission-Based Play; FMV Cutscenes; Multiple Weapons; Trigger Events; Analog, Lightgun, & Dual Shock Compatible

* Created by: N Space for Fox Interactive

* Available: February for PlayStation

85% Complete

Fox's Big Gamble


The original Die Hard Trilogy has sold over two million units worldwide, and Fox

Ё Interactive is gambling that this sequel will

do just as well. Granted, it does have a new developer behind the mask, but the gameplay has been sculpted to closely mimic its prede- cessor. Just as before, three game modes (Action, Racing, and Shooting) unfold the dra- matic story arc with vibrant details and amaz- ing special effects. Finely polished cutscenes also bring to life certain aspects of the plot after each stage comes to a close.

All three game modes are shaping up nice- ly. The action stage is the best of the bunch, producing both slick controls and a diverse gaming experience. The first-person shooter stages, with all of the movements on a track,

M. are the next best delivering tons of action

and completely destructible environments. At this time, the targeting is still a tad too cum- bersome...but, good journalists that we are, we phoned Fox and relayed a message saying that this needs to be worked out before it

==) ships. We also voiced concerns about the J Racing mode. Right now, this mode is

extremely frustrating and a nightmare to con-

= | trol. Hopefully, Fox takes our suggestions to

heart and does a little surgery before we see the game again. If all goes well, this could be another million plus title for Fox. Die Hard Trilogy 2's fate is hanging in the wind.

Dreamcast |


* Size: 1 GD-ROM al

* Style: 1-Player Action ж». 4

* Special Features: Throwing Weapons; 6 Vo) N (| D `

Levels; Block Button; Punch & Kick N Combos; 3 Playable Characters; Shifting e LN

Camera Perspectives; Each Character Has X & л Unique Weapon А + mue * Replay Value: Low x * Created by: Toka & Piggyback Interactive for Mindscape Soul Fighter contains as much death, deceit, and - * Available: Now for Dreamcast familial dysfunction as your average Shakespearean Check It Out Now,

Bottom Line:

Place. If you thought your family was bad, we suggest

you peep the plot of Soul Fighter; then go give your Mom "Not to say that | don't like brawiers, but a great big hug. ; 4 ANDY there is something about them that leaves ——Áá The medieval soap opera begins with the tragic death THE GAME HOMBRE me feeling empty. Yes, there is lots of À 253 fO of Sedan Valmek, the King's eldest son. Driven mad with grief, Concept action, but basically all you do is hit the a 9 9 р

5 drama; and almost as much as an episode of Melrose The Funk Soul F ighter 5 о e

Queen Antea and her surviving son Felies enter into a pact with 5 Kiek an punar bad ang о, Pn : nsn Sufesyou, ic the powers of darkness to re-animate Sedan. King Valmek Graphics ^^ combos, but the action never gets that sends his army to stop his treacherous family, which results in 6.75 intense (even when you hop into the the death of the King’s chief swordsman at the hand of Felies. Sound inventive firstperson blasting mode). The д Incensed with his trifling brood, King Valmek banishes Queen 6 pee in Soul P че decent, 2M ne A NA Antea and Felies from Gomar. In exile, Antea and Felies pledge BG ы ЭД ешеш nU GO E / ah : : EE ayabili j ы v^ LE their allegiance to the forces of evil in exchange for powers that er Yy паа САИН pme ame Ne \ enable them to transform men into vile beasts. With an infernal brawler as well, since some of the fun of

legion at their command, they begin their attack on Gomar. esi ee beat-em-ups is hooting it up with your

Whew! This family should settle their differences on the Jerry friends. If you like brawlers then this one is Springer show! LOB worth a rental (as it is fairly challenging) Р ] 1 but there really isn't much substance to The kingdom's last hope rests in the hands of Atlus, the this game so I’m not even going to son of the King’s chief swordsman; Sayomi, a beguiling spy; OVERALL do that.” and Gomar's chief wizard, Orion. This trio of marauders must kick butt across the land, defending it from the advancing PAUL “Soul Fighter unleashed the barbarian in hoards of beasts. me. It has the makings of a great hack and While the game’s overwrought story might make your head Concent slash game with its lush surroundings, a hurt, the gameplay focuses on satisfyingly simple violence. 8 p ШИ 4 ed and ees of three Soul Fighter is essentially a brawler in the vein of such classics characters. Те E OED nE

КЕ?) S:

Й emos s Watch your back.


Graphics my barbaric self by slicing up some 8

AU edet l ; as Double Dragon and Bad Dudes. Walk into a new area, and baddies, I was very tempted to slice the Ў A. Yb^ WM “диш! you'll soon be accosted by swarms of man-beasts just begging ———— fame into pieces - very small pieces. The LESE NN "Ue for a knuckle sandwich. Open wide, sucker Blaugh!! If you Sound play control in the game is just hideous. mm ыы! ыс want to get а little fancier, there аге a number of combo and Е ЖОС b: ЕП Conan, Soui шы BT OI special moves for each character. Every character carries a nee E AUC HERE due, x eer ==] unique weapon, which should be used sparingly; as your : everything is far too unmanageable. NP IE NO L3 25 weapon has a power meter that must be replenished. Also, Entertainment Combine that with a story presentation SM | ed ~ | there are special weapons (like axes, daggers, and bombs) that 1 that is as exciting as dirt and you have one

you can throw from a first-person perspective. nasty game. | can’t recommend enough

These interesting touches give Soul Fighter a depth that peras иеа ai should help distinguish it from the pack of ho-hum beat-em- y j

ups, while still offering more than enough senseless violence

to satisfy the schoolyard bully in us all. "You don't expect much when playing a

£ame like Soul Fighter, but you should at

THE Gonzo Gamer least know where the heads that need

^ Concept - busting are. The camera in this game is so

out whack that not only will you lose

track of enemies (the map in the corner is

: d \ b: Graphics of little use), you'll have trouble focusing

i Jon 1 5 á 8 on them even if you do. During your first

m 23 5 Sond ae game, | guarantee that you'll miss at least

ў Soun one hundred times due to a sudden shift

of viewpoint. The first-person targeting was

Playability cool, but limited and not really worth doing

since damage from throwing an axe or

—— ———— ——- dagger is minimal. Some good gore could

Entertainment have been this game's saving grace, but

C cuf wes I Н um | alas, the attack animations and action аге CS P \ v N only average. If you must play Soul Fighter, і г a » $ Á Gon | then | recommend playing it in Arcade

Y ў iN. i mode. At least that way there's a time limit fn nés $ Orion's flami.

Ub » d tee 1 y L OVERALL on how long you have to play." ing crotch combo. =

Pumpin' Da Jam like Nobody Can

"For a first year product, NBA 2K is simply

amazing. There is a lot of game here, and

the graphics are impressive with tons of _ THE GAME HOMBRE animations and great attention to detail. Concept Even the who-are-those-guys? announcers 8.75 aren't too bad. Overall the game is solid, -—

but it's my job to nitpick, so here 1 go. First ^ Graphics off, | think the icon passing is a little goofy 9 (maybe it's because the Dreamcast controller doesn't have enough buttons); and when using the standard passing, the game throws the ball away a lot. | also don't like that the league stats don't conform to the quarter length that you play (which totally screws up the stat tracking). Butin the end, NBA 2K is a solid game with Some great play mechanics. | like the play of NBA Live 2000 PS-X better, but for graphics alone, I'll probably put more time in on NBA 2K.”

Sound 9

“Just like its NFL game, Visual Concepts has created a visually stunning game that is more than just eye candy. NBA 2K is a solid basketball game. From the phenomenal Player-Create mode to the Superb playcontrol, NBA 2K has all the basics down. The game definitely still has to catch up to NBA Live’s deep assortment of options, but it shines when you're on the court. Initially, | was a little frustrated with the passing; however, as soon as you become accustomed to your offense, things begin to click. Heated battles in the office proved to be close and extremely entertaining. NBA 2K gives you a great feel for the court and the players interact in incredibly lifelike ways. VC did exceptional Work with the game's Al. Even though you may initially find a few quirks in the game, the entire package is rock solid."



Concept 8.75

Graphics 9.5

Sound 9

Playability 8.75 Entertainment

OVERALL “Never before have | seen a developer deliver such excellence with its first year product. | became completely ensnared by the play in NFL 2K; now Visual Concepts is redefining the game of hoops with NBA 2K. The same amazing graphical prowess from the gridiron release lives just as large on the wooden court. The dunking animations and changing facial expressions are simply spectacular. NBA 2K’s realism even pinpoints sideline activity with riled up coaches, running referees, and rowdy benches. | also like how the crowd dwindles in numbers for a sub-par team. Its gameplay fires direct hits in ease of control and difficulty. Along with a Create-A-Team feature, NBA 2K's fantasy options are simply huge. The only complaint | have is the lame free-throw system. The rest of the game is oh so sweet.”



Concept 8.75 Graphics 9.5

Sound 8.5


Entertainment 9


When the Dreamcast made its North American debut, eager gamers snatched it up and launched this rookie console

through the stratosphere, making it the fastest selling video game unit of all-time. History has shown that a console launch accompanied by a platform game featuring a first-party mascot is destined for greatness. Sega brought Sonic along for the ride, but it wasn’t big blue that guided the Dreamcast to its landmark destination. The title that sent gamers into convulsions was Sega NFL 2K. With Visual Concepts’ awesome gameplay code, some of the most remarkable graphics outside of Industrial Light and Magic, and the most electrifying player in football plastered on its cover - Sega NFL 2K was a must-have release in every way. Visual Concepts has already sedated football fans with its lethal video game IV. Now, the corrupt doctors at Visual Concepts are bringing a new drug to town for America's tall, lanky, and somewhat dimwitted nation of hoops.

The same high caliber presentation found in NFL 2K runs rampant through Sega NBA 2K. From the dual commentary to the. menu configuration, NBA 2K is styled to share the same DNA as NFL 2K. While you won't see Randy Moss dunking over Jason Williams (maybe next year?), you will see the NBA's finest brought to life with authentic detail right down to the color of mouth guard and number of rubber bands on the wrist. NBA 2K also delivers player moods and facial expressions. When Karl Malone gets tapped on the elbow, you'll see him whine and complain like the big dope he is. NBA 2K also features on-court referees and coaches, plus animated benches featuring the NBA's overpaid scrubs. To top off the realism, if your team really sucks the big one, the crowds will dwindle as the season drudges forward.

As far as gameplay is concerned, NBA 2K is once again the trend setter in both animation and player collision. From the forearm check on defense to the swift-footed drives on offense, NBA ZK is as realistic as our feeble minds can perceive. If you thought the one-handed snags in NFL 2K were awesome, wait until you see Kevin Garnett performing a tomahawk jam over Tim Duncan and David Robinson. For the intelligent crowd who enjoys the statistical side of basketball, a wide array of fantasy options and statistical categories bring every numerical change throughout the course of an entire season.

We think you'll agree that Visual Concepts has once again proven that the Dreamcast is THE sports machine in the current console race.


The graphics are so real you'll М hemorrhage at the seams in glee.

Bottom Lire:


Review * Size: 1 GD-ROM

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports

* Special Features: Create-A-Player & Create- A-Team; Authentic Player Detail; Player Moods & Facial Expressions; Realistic Crowds; On-Court Coaches & Refs; Icon’ Passing; Injuries; Stats Galore; VMU Compatible

* Replay Value: High

* Created by: Visual Concepts for Sega Sports * Available: Now for Dreamcast

Kobe delivers a personal "personal" foul.

All the players feature a slew of facial

КОЛ expressions.

£ e


A vivid TV-style presentation brings Ў every stat and key play into the big picture.

* Size: 1 GD-ROM

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Action

* Special Features: 13 Missions; 37 Levels; 13 Enemies; 13 Weapons; 8 Unique Multiplayer Maps; First & Third-Person Perspective; 3 Difficulties; Destructible Environments; Jump Pack Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderately Low

* Created by: Accolade for Infogrames

* Available: Now for Dreamcast Oh, we got trouble. Right here in Megacity

x S1-9. Trouble with a capital T, and that rhymes

Bottom Line: 2 with G, and that stands for giant biomechanical

e slaves taking over Megacity in the name of the

ruthless tyrant, SovKhan. A spiritual brotherhood

of resistance known as The Guardians have cooked

/ up a countermeasure in the form of a poor schmuck

melded with a mecha named Slave Zero. Playing this

20 foot tall rebel, it’s up to you to climb to the heights

of Megacity and take out all the SovKhan loyalists that get in the way.

Fortunately for you, Slave Zero isn't just a heap of junk. It's equipped with jump jets and a rocket launcher, is able to stomp things at its feet, and can carry both an energy and a projectile gun. With people fleeing for their lives, cars swerving out of control, and the pavement constantly cracking beneath your step, you'll constantly be reminded that you are indeed an awesome weapon made for pure destruction.

And that's exactly the kind of gameplay Slave Zero dishes out. At the beginning of each level, a feminine voice will tell you what the mission objectives are (usually to shoot something), and it's then your job to į navigate the city mazes, blasting away at pretty much ^ anything that moves. Enemy robots will come running Y at you on the street, but will also snipe you from hard

7 на еу to see places, so caution, as well as a quick trigger @ A I cunt = finger, is often needed for success. Lying about the city are giant robot-sized power-ups that regenerate health and ammo. Occasionally, a ERS mee aea с "= new Weapon will be found, but since you can only

Y carry two, decisions will have to be made. In those

rare cases when you haven't a bullet to spare, you can pick up debris and chuck it. Although the planned 16-person Internet death- match had to be scrapped due to Sega's online diffi- * culties, Accolade did manage to include a multiplayer option. Eight arenas were designed specifically for up to four players to participate in. Happy hunting!

If you don't like the explosions in third-person...

„ог multiplayer deathmatch.


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Slave Zero smash puny humans!

So Rufus, you're saying this phone booth will help us pass History class? Excellent!


A Program of Zero Tolerance


Concept 6.75 Graphics 1.15

Sound 7

Playability 8





Concept 7

Graphics 7.5

Sound 4

Playability 2

Entertainment 2



THE RAGING GAMER Concept 8.5 Graphics 7.25 Sound 1





“There really is a lot that Accolade and Infogrames could have done with the whole Mecha theme in this game (like more object manipulation), so it's a shame that in the end it's just a shooter game along the lines of Apocalypse (but instead of Bruce Willis, you have a huge unfeeling robot - or maybe it's not that different). Another bummer is that you are confined to corridors almost the entire game, which is a waste since | like the look and control of Slave (except that jump is on the digital pad yet another example of the Dreamcast controller being inadequate), and | would have liked to have taken him into different environments. Overall though, Slave Zero is an enjoyable title, with a pretty good story and decent cutscenes. It is a shooter, so it's not for everyone, but Slave Zero is a good game that DC owners will want to at least rent."

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a loser! Say hello to the only Dreamcast game worse than Blue Stinger. While playing Slave Zero, you can almost taste how cool it could have been. If only you could hear the city surrounding you, with civilian panic ensuing as two giant mecha had a gun and fisticuffs duel nearby. All you get is rapid machine gun fire at targets so far away they're barely specs on the screen. Oh, and that civilian panic | was talking about consists only of one guy running down the street and two cars swerving by. You're telling me that's all the Dreamcast can handle? Add all this disappointment to choppy animations, miserable controls, uninteresting combat, bland multiplayer, and the erroneous exclusion of a sniper option and you have... well, | don't know, but | wouldn't play it.”

"Slave Zero's kickin’ character design and intricately detailed Blade Runner-like cityscapes instantly drew me into this game. Its look and concept are a sci-fi junkie’s dream come true. With the gameplay though, this dream quickly displays several nightmarish overtones. The framerate is choppy, the controls are just as uncooperative, and targeting enemies is a serious hassle. Slave Zero just doesn't play well, period. Yet even through all of my complaining, | found myself intrigued enough to press forward and complete the game. As for multiplayer? It's so unplayable it shouldn't have been added to the game. Only the dedicated dorks that collect any kind of MechWarrior and Transformers memorabilia should invest time in Slave Zero. The rest of you straightedge jocks will dislike it."

"| don't mind driving games that utilize the powerslide, but Sega Rally 2 makes the move monotonous. If you can't powerslide properly, you lose. Once you master the technique, you win. Simple as that. | was also disappointed to see that the game's &raphics suffered from undue fogging and pop-up. Plus, the one truly innovative feature the game was to have, Network play, is absent. On the positive side, Sega Rally 2 looks good, handles well, presents an adequate challenge, and the car tweaking options are decent. Sega Rally 2 is a solid title in the genre, but isn't that gigantic hit that blows you away. The Dreamcast has yet to acquire that ultimate driving experience. If you don't have a racer already, check it out. If you're happy with the one you have, leave it be."

"Sega Rally 2 seems like old hat. The game has been in the arcades forever and my interest in it is all but gone with the introduction of Ferrari Challenge. As soon as fired up Rally 2 in my Dreamcast, | was unimpressed. There's not even an intro to &et you into the racing mood. There's just а dull arcade title screen. Granted, this is an extremely challenging game, and the graphics are considerably better than most racing games on the DC. However, little has been added to the gameplay modes to set this apart from the arcade. Additionally, | found the analog control to be extremely touchy. | much prefer the digital pad. Like | said before, Rally 2 is tough and this may be great for some, but just too frustrating for others. | recommend you skip this game altogether and take a look at a game like Test Drive 6.”

“Rally 2 really tears out, delivering breakneck speeds and aggressive CPU competitors determined to keep you behind their bumper. Sega's award- winning arcade racing formula is the main push behind this title, and while my hunger has been expanded by Gran Turismo, Sega Rally 2's difficult Arcade mode and Ten Year Championship can keep you playin for eons. The environment designs are a tad simplistic and some of the effects are way off the mark, but the texture quality is sufficient and the realistic vehicular detailing is right on. Just like the arcade version, you'll need to master the powerslide to stand a chance. Its controls are very responsive and both views are perfect. If you enjoy arcade racers, then Rally 2 should keep you hooked to your Dreamcast."

lts Powersilicde or Ne




Graphics emergency brake, and make a heavy turn is the 9 . only way to achieve success.

Sound Unfortunately, due to the ever-pervasive Interne 8 problems Sega U.S. is having, the Network—play


8.75 To make up for it, Sega has increased the framer- |. PSN Entertainment ate. Overall, the game looks fabulous. Mud will mar |: 031933 - 8 the side of your vehicle, rain will batter your wind- |:80'31"933 «4 .;






* Size: 1 GD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing

* Special Features: 16 Courses; 19 Cars (11 Hidden); Time Attack, Arcade, 10 Year Championship, & Versus Mode; Weather Effects; Customizable Vehicles; Jump Pak & VMU Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: Sega AM Annex

* Available: Now for Dreamcast

Bottom Line: 7 5

Even though it only had four tracks and three cars, many still insist that the original Sega Rally was the ultimate driving experience on any home system. Sega Rally 2 should drive these same people into a rabid frenzy. It’s a massive leap from the original, it's much bigger than the arcade version, and it’s come to the States to take over as Dreamcast's premier racing title.

Of the game's four modes (Time Attack, Arcade, Ten Year Championship, and Vs.), Championship is where the meat of the game lies. Every year of rallying consists of a race on four of the game's 16 tracks. Weather conditions cause a course's surface to vary between wet OTIO and dry, gravel and mud, and snow and ice. To Entertainme! effectively handle the road conditions, and shave

8 split-seconds from every turn, players need to

EAD adjust their car’s transmission, gear ratio, front

and rear suspension, steering, brakes, and tires.

OVERALL Placing first for the year is difficult, but if ———ashievedanother of SRe’s cars is unlocked.

The play of Sega Rally 2 can be summed up in one word powerslide. Since most of the racing is done around tight turns in rough conditions, the powerslide isn't an option in this game, it's a neces- sity. Mastering when to let off the gas, pull the




Concept 1.15

Two-player split-screen action.



Sound 7


Т Ав


Concept 8

option of the Japanese version has been dropped.

shield, and there's never any noticeable slowdown despite massive numbers of objects onscreen. There's plenty of competition to be king of Dreamcast driving games, and if Sega Rally 2 isnt the champion, it's definitely a contender.



cohoutLa шас.


Mud it up.

Graphics 8.5

Sound 6



Powerslide, powerslide, E powerslide!

Be sure to change your

tires for the weather.


Game Informer * Januery 2000 59


* Size: 2 GD-ROMs

* Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: Story Branching; New Weapons; Continuation Of RE 2 Plotline; New Enemies; Spin Move; 2 Playable Characters; Dual Targeting Special Weapon; Story Branching; Undead Minions; Amazing Lighting Effects

* Created by: Sega/Capcom

* Available: March for Dreamcast

70% Complete

This guy's had one too many shots | of Jag.



NA \ Ze


i. Dreamcast owners starved for an

immersing gaming experience worthy of \ the system’s graphical horsepower should \ : thank Jehovah that Capcom is bringing Я

the next chapter of the Resident Evil saga to ФА \

Big Blue's upstart console. Resident Evil fans @ E VO ub might look at Code Veronica as the true vx

continuation of RE 2, as RE 3 followed > ou M

a convoluted plot that somehow АС. Jg managed to take place both before AND N

after the second chapter. x

Code Veronica stars the lovely and \ LS talented Claire Redfield, who is still scouring the European continent for her brother Chris, all the while looking svelte in a pair of snug jeans and a red leather jacket the likes of which hasn't been seen since Michael Jackson's "Beat It" video. Of course, this being the RE universe, nothing is {8 ever easy. Sure enough, Claire is captured and ЧЁ imprisoned by the Umbrella Corporation on a remote island somewhere off the coast of Europe. Not one to Ў accept this distressing fate lying down, Claire is soon snooping around the Umbrella complex, looking for secrets about the nefarious shadow organization and for clues to her brother’s whereabouts. Need we mention that there might be more than a few zombies and other hideous creatures lurking about this deserted tropical isle? If you thought the Nemesis was a terrifying foe, wait until you see the infernal beasts that are equipped with Mr.Fantastic-like stretching arms to swing from ceilings and capture our beautiful protagonist in their nasty clutches.

Like love in the Appalachians, Code Veronica is a family affair. Expect to see many of your favorite characters from RE’s past making return appearances. Chris, once lost but now found, will be the second playable character in the game, although Capcom hasn't divulged just how this element of the game will be implemented. Jill Valentine will most likely be making a celebrity guest appearance, though nothing is confirmed yet. Most intriguing is the rumor that Barry Burton, the barrel-chested hunk many consider to be the living embodiment of testosterone, will make his long-awaited return in Code Veronica.

With the move to the Dreamcast comes the requisite graphic improvements (the light sourcing is particularly impressive). Code Veronica rests squarely in the tradition of the series, including the familiar opening-door animations. Capcom confirmed that there will be some type of story-branching system, similar to one used in Nemesis, as well as trigger events. The gameplay is essentially identical to the previous games, but Claire does have a few new tricks up her shiny red sleeves. One hidden weapon is a set of matching, fully-auto handguns, which Claire uses to target two zombies simultaneously.

With Shenmue caught in a seemingly endless tailspin of delays, Code Veronica is shaping up to be the most exciting Dreamcast title on the horizon. With a little luck, the new millennium might be shaping up to be quite evil indeed.

T d

his is the strangest YMCA I’ve ever seen.”


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fe 1 EN | 4 | RI PA : | 4 | ШШ L d 2 ]

These and other Prima Strategy Guides available at PuncoLand

| + ЭЭА acc FuncoLand

Nintendo 64

by Reiner, The Raging Gamer

* Size: 128 Megabit

Style: 1-Player Action

Special Features: Large Real-World Environments; First-Person Targeting; Hidden Power-Ups; Still- Frame Cutscenes; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Traveller's Tales/Disney Interactive for Activision

* Available: Now for Nintendo 64 (PlayStation)

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line: 7.5

Nintendo 64

by Matt, The Original Gamer

* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports

* Special Features: Hot Streaks; New Dunk Contest; 3 Point Contest; Quick First Step; Icon Passing

* Replay Value: Low

* Created by: KCEJ for Konami

* Available: January for Nintendo 64

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line:

Nintendo 64

[ by Andy, The Game Hombre

* Size: 64 Megabit

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Action

* Special Features: Includes the Hits Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Galaga, Galaxian, Pole Position, & Dig Dug; Tips for Each Game; Dip Switch & Option Settings; Controller Pak Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: Namco

* Available: Now for Nintendo 64

Concept: Graphics: $оипа: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line:

© Game Informer January 2000

Just like Al, the evil toy collector in Toy Story 2, | fancy the action-figure market and found Pixar's sequel to be both hilarious and dead- on accurate when dealing with greedy toy aficionados. As a game, Traveller's Tales did a tremendous job bringing this action-packed film to life. All of the environments look perfect and the gameplay is very enjoyable. The game does suffer from monotony, and the difficulty is a tad on the easy side; yet this is the kind of game that once you start, you gotta finish. Comparatively, the Nintendo 64 version doesn't display the flash and polish of its PlayStation counterpart. It misses out on delivering the hilarious FMV clips from the motion picture, and the graphics lack definition and texture clarity. If you have both systems, pick up the PS-X version. It's cheaper and loaded with additional material. However, if you only own a Nintendo 64, don't be afraid to invest in this title. It's a decent title that dishes out an enjoyable gameplay package.

NBA In The Zone 2000

ТҮТТҮ {por DICT әсе) aunn TO,

While the PlayStation version of In The Zone 2000 nearly managed to achieve mediocrity, on the N64 the game is downright bad. The animation and framerate are much choppier, which exacerbates the existing control problems. In The Zone does have many of the elements that make for a respectable basketball title, Konami just fails to incorporate them into a cohesive game. When compared to NBA Live, In The Zone 2000 just doesn't have what it takes to compete.


ніс scone 2699% 26390

You really can't go wrong with this six pack of fun. Personally, I'm not a big fan of Pole Position or Galaxian, but Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Galaga, and Dig Dug are all mega classics that will bring back fond memories for older gamers, and maybe spark a whole new generation of fans with their addictive and never-ending gameplay. If you haven't bought the Namco Collection on PlayStation yet, this one is a must.

Everyone in the world wants a plastic Woody! 8

Nintendo 64

by Erik, The PC Jedi

Size: 128 Megabit Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing

* Special Features: Freestyle, Head-

To-Head, Single Race, & Season Modes; Modify Bikes for Shocks, Traction, & Gearing; Over 20 Licensed Tracks; 25 Professional Riders; Tracks Degrade as the Race Goes On

Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: EA Sports

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line: 6. 5

Nintendo 64

^ by Jay, The Gonzo Gamer

* Size: 96 Megabit * Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing * Special Features: 8 Drivers; 8

Tracks; 34 Cars; Vehicle Upgrades;

Weather Effects; Pit Stops; Trophy, Multiplayer, Quick Race, & Time Trial Modes; Rumble Pak Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Titus

* Available: Now for Nintendo 64

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line: 7

While the score for this game is pretty low, keep in mind that none of us here at Game Informer are huge motorcross fans. Supercross 2000 offers plenty of options, the ability to do stunts, a ton of licensed racers, and a wide variety of tracks. Unfortunately, | find the stop and go racing of motorcross to be not entirely unlike the frustrating experience of driving through Minneapolis traffic to get to work in morning. For me, watching motorcross can be fun. Simulating the experience is not.

Roadsters Trophy

Сор tine 0055755 i j

Сер 175

Hm, how 'bout that? There are plenty of саг options (with many European cars you don't see in other racing games), adequate upgrades, nice looking tracks, somewhat challenging races, and you even need to pit if the weather changes so you can switch tires. The game's only major drawbacks are that reverse gear is difficult to use and after a few upgrades races are too easy to win. Roadsters Trophy is a perfectly adequate game from Titus! | can't believe | just wrote that.


EIE flor Circuit Pro Bowling

= For some inexplicable reason, | find golf f games (unlike the actual "sport") entertaining. Therefore, | expected to gain similar enjoyment in Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling. f : m. It didn't happen. It could be that the thrill of | ER Spinning thrice-bored balls down oiled wood M" Cosmic Bowling; 15 doesn't translate well to the video game world, but | believe the finger of blame should be pointed at the developers on this one. There is very little happening onscreen, yet somehow the graphics are still choppy. The ЕТЕТШ View crowd makes the same noises every time. All for THQ the bowlers share the same three victory {ЕАС animations. There is absolutely no "MI! commentary. The control works, but is an uen

в. Graphics:

{ absolute snoozer. Brunswick's only high anid points are the Cosmic Bowl (because it's just Playability: too gaudy not to like) and the replay edit Entertainment: option (since it's such an unbelievably obscure feature). Everything about this game is dangerously close to the real thing (i.e., a boring to watch, and not that much fun to play

unless you have a bunch of friends with you).

Blades of Steel 2000)

#4, You think the PlayStation version of Blades of Steel 2000 was bad? The N64 port sucks so hard it caused a low-pressure system to form directly over my cubicle, resulting in a nasty hailstorm. Ouch! Of course, getting pelted with hail wasn't nearly as painful as playing this game. Blades of Steel 2000 might actually unseat Wayne Gretzky's Hockey as M the worst hockey title in Nintendo 64 history. Randy Ha 81 The framerate is so slow and choppy it almost [Ell Replay Vales Low t duplicates that trippy stop-motion effect you |. аннин ЧИЙИНИ see when the D.J. turns on the strobe light in | . дуанаые: Мочи їог ETE аны "d a dance club. I've seen smoother animation з АНА 41643 in episodes of Speed Racer. Heck, I've seen à smoother animation in flip-books | made Я when | was a kid. | realize that this is the only hockey game being released this year for the N64, but | urge you to avoid this game at all costs. Buy a used copy of NHL 99; read a book; do your laundry; do ANYTHING except play this game. If you're looking for a more enjoyable winter sports experience, | advise Sticking your tongue on a cold metal pole.

* Size: 96 Megabit * Style: 1 to 6-Player Sports


BUF 9 Ist ANA 119:01

Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Formiula One 99

| think there is no more prestigious racing season than Formula One. It is truly a world - league with races held on virtually every [ЖА АНН | continent. Psygnosis has had a great track | BM Ret idi dA: record for recreating the whole F1 experience in a video game - although | did have some apprehension after a fairly weak version last year. Luckily, Psygnosis hired on Studio 33 for this game, and the developer came through with a fantastic simulation. Virtually every : aspect of gameplay is adjustable, so much so | Bi Replay Value: Мо that you can almost let the computer drive for ЕНУ

т sygnosis/Activision y You. On the other hand, you can go the full sim | e Available: Now for PlayStation route which makes the game almost too difficult - to play. All the circuits and all the drivers are Ш here. The historic Monaco GP, the tight turns of e a Suzuka, and the rest of the 17 circuits are even P UM highlighted with a virtual track preview complete e with commentary on turns and speeds. As «| racing simulations go, Formula One ‘99 is pretty

impressive. However, itis just for hardcore fans afl Ali 7.75

of F1. I only recommend it to people who know Game Informer January 2000 ©

how to pronounce Mika Hakkinen.

PlayStation by Erik, The PC Jedi

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Role-Playing Game

* Special Features: Tons of Spells, Equipment, & Items; Excessive Cuteness Factor; CG Cutscenes; Summoning Feathers; Cooperative 2-Player Mode; Classic FF Characters; Combine Items To Make New Ones

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Square Soft

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

PlayStation hy Reiner, The Raging Gamer

* Size: 4 CD-ROMs

* Style: 1-Player Adventure

* Special Features: Streamlined Point-&Click Technology; Gadgets Galore; New FMV Sequences Starring Fox, Scully, & Skinner; Cunning Puzzles; Analog Compatible

* Replay Value: Low

* Created by: Hyperbole Studios/FPQ for Fox Interactive

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:


by Jay, The Gonzo Gamer

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Puzzle

* Special Features: Panic, Stage, & Versus Mode; 3 Difficulties; Power- Ups; A Hypnotic Swirl; Addictive Fun for the Whole Family; Dual Shock Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Mitchell Corporation for Infogrames

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line:

Chocobors DUnseoln 2

Chocobo's Dungeon attempts to be a G-rated RPG for all ages, but will most likely fail to meet with approval from most. While dumb and cutesy, the game is also weighed down with enough items and things to do with them to confuse younger players, while the mind- numbingly simplistic dialogue will have all of us who have learned to read books without pictures bored to tears. If the game had been funnier, it would have been cool. As it stands, it's just a little too cute for me to stomach. All of your items are perishable, meaning you have to manage inventory more carefully than in any of the "adult" Final Fantasys; and if you try to rush ahead, you'll often find yourself running into trouble. If you're one of those exceptionally devoted Square fans who thinks everything Japanapop, anime, and Final Fantasy is cool, Chocobo Dungeon might warrant a trial run. Personally, I'd rather think of Chocobo as a big, dumb, happy, domesticated bird that you use to cross swamps and mountains with.


As odd as it may sound, | was actually quite excited to play the X-Files game. | knew it was a point-and-click adventure, and | knew that it would be as slow as an ox, but | enjoy the show and thought maybe | could have gotten a little something out of the game. Boy, was | wrong.

After only 30 minutes of play, | had to leave jj

work and scrub myself down in the shower. X- Files made me feel extremely dirty not because it was a frightening game, but because it reminded me of the dreadful past where Digital Pictures fought valiantly to transform gamers into mindless drones with its crude and rude FMV technology. These were dark days indeed, and to me, X-Files is nothing but a depressing look back. If you continue to

die on the first jump in Crash Bandicoot, then Ё

maybe this game is your speed. If you like X- Files and don't know what a video game is, then again, this could be the game for you. If you don't fall into these categories, then X-Files will more than likely disappoint.


Ballistic is like Bust-A-Move, except the balls move on a swirl toward your sphere-shooting ship. When you match three balls of the same color, they explode. If the marbles touch your ship, you die and the game's over. Ballistic has the basic necessity of a good puzzle game: simple, yet addictive play. Unfortunately, the game is so elementary I'd feel cheated if | purchased it since that money could have been used to buy a game that lets me do more than bust my balls.




by Andy, The Game Hombre

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action

* Special Features: Championship, Single Race, Time Trail, Duel, &

Tournament Modes; 3 Difficulties; 6 Racers; Replay; 7 Bike Settings;

No Fear; Tournament Ladder * Replay Value: Moderately Low * Created by: UDS/Codemasters for Activision * Available: Now for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Lire: 4. 25

82% ior v7

HP 33/74

ey <3

n't the + оп +Һе shelves. it's bad.”


NO Fear Ролат 111 [оп Кап Biking

Sometimes life puts you at the edge of a cliff, and it's moments like these when it's time for a gut check to see the cut of your jib. No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking attempts such a challenge by putting you on two wheels and sending you careening down a mountainside. The only thing you'll want to check your gut for is to locate your lunch, as this horrific racer is sure to make you hurl. Ignore the title, and definitely fear this one.




п The Zoe was once a top contender in the basketball game market, but like an aging NBA dynasty, it has stagnated and been eclipsed by the competition in recent years. In The Zone 2000 attempts to dispel the perception that the series has lost a step, with mixed results. The animation is fluid, which unfortunately tends to interfere with the controls. A serviceable game, but it is one that lacks so many of the features (most notably in-game commentary) that NBA Live includes.


by Matt, The Original Gamer

Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 to 8-Player Sports

* Special Features: Hot Streaks;

New Dunk Contest; 3 Point Contest; Quick First Step; Icon Passing * Replay Value: Moderately Low * Created by: KCEJ for Konami * Available: Now for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line:


This version of Showtime doesn't stack up against the Dreamcast and Nintendo 64 offerings. The graphics lack definition and the player models have been dwarfed to Smurf- like beings. In addition to this, NBA Showtime's arrival is already severely dated. Cobwebs and sheets of dust accompany each of the 29 team rosters. Not having the promising rookies or big time trade transactions for this year's season implemented makes it kind of worthless. On the other hand, | do have to give credit where itis due. Midway did a phenomenal job porting the gameplay to the PS-X. Stride for stride,

ве this version performs just like the arcade

counterpart. Its play is responsive, fast, and addictive. If you really enjoy hoops, and

then you'll definitely like Showtime. If you have a Dreamcast or N64...| suggest investing іп these versions before dropping a dime on this one. They both look nicer and don't have the long loading times this version does.

Year after year, | nearly wet my trousers in icipation of the upcoming college basketball season. Unfortunately, my beloved

"| Minnesota Golden Gophers have been

crippled by accusations of academic fraud, so the only way they'll make the Big Dance is on my PlayStation. College hoops’ rabid fan base will appreciate the number of teams and conferences included in Final Four 2000 (300 and 31, respectively). Little touches like conference Player of the Year Awards, and a "bubble" team watch also add to the true-to- life atmosphere. Overall, this game is just solid, not spectacular. The graphics are lackluster when compared to NBA Live, and the gameplay isn't as intuitive. Another major

X problem is that the touch-shooting meter,

once mastered, makes it almost too easy to score from the perimeter, even when there is a player right in your face.

TOGA 2: yourins Car Challenge

Touring car racing, outside of Europe, has what Spinal Tap’s manager once termed a “selective” appeal. The sport's low profile in the States means that TOCA 2 will probably have a hard time making a dent in a crowded racing marketplace. The game attempts to approximate Gran Turismo’s ultra-realistic physics and control, but can't seem to get it quite right. Graphically, it also lags behind much ofthe competition, including Test Drive 6 and V- Rally 2. Close, but no cigar.


by Reiner, The Raging Gamer

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports

* Special Features: Create-A-Player; Combo Dunks; Record Keeping; Difficulty & Clock Speed Slide; All 29 Teams & Arenas; 98/99 Rosters; Analog & Multi-Tap Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Midway Home Entertainment

* Available: Now for PlayStation (Dreamcast, Nintendo 64)

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

PlayStation by Matt, The Original Gamer

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 to 8-Player Sports

* Special Features: Create-A- Player; Scaled Player Models; "Bubble" Watch; Year-End Awards; 6th Man Meter; Commentary by Quinn Buckner

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: 989 Sports

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line:


by Matt, The Original Gamer

Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Racing

* Special Features: Championship, Arcade Challenge, Time Trial, Single Race, & Support Car Championship Modes; Official BTCC Cars; Pit Stops; Crew Communication; Car Set-Up Options; Variable Weather Conditions

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Codemasters

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line:

Game Informer January 2000 ©

PlayStation by Erik, The PC Jedi

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Adventure

* Special Features: Third-Person Perspective Point-&-Click Adventure; Sierra "Quest" Approach to Puzzles; Pick Up

Everything Not Nailed Down; Audio Dialogue; Screen Scrolls With Main

Character; Animated Cutscenes * Created by: Revolution for Crave Entertainment * Available: Now for PlayStation





Entertainment: 6

Bottom Line: 6.7

Dreamcast - by Jay, The Gonzo Gamer

* Size: 1 GD-ROM

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Fighting

* Special Features: Expanded Create-A-Wrestler; Expanded Commentary; Create-A-PPV; Improved Wrestler Entrances; Improved Graphics; 41 WWF Superstars; Jump Pack & VMU Compatible

* Replay Value: High

* Created by: Iguana West for Acclaim

* Available: Now for Dreamcast

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

mcas by Erik, The PC Jedi

* Size: 1 GD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting

* Special Features: Floating Combat; Arcade, Vs., Training, & Story Modes; Block Button; Throws; 10 Playable Characters Plus 2 Hidden; Mad Fireball Action; Still-Frame Cutscenes

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Taito for Acclaim

* Available: Now for Dreamcast

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line:

© Game Informer * January 2000

Having been a huge fan of Sierra's old "Quest"

games and some of the excellent LucasArts & =

clones that followed, І was looking forward to having a look at this one. Unfortunately, the main character is kind of a nerd. This wasn't so bad back in the days when all you had to do was read the text, but when a character's voice is your constant companion throughout a game, they need to be cool or funny or interesting. This guy is just kind of annoying. While much of the dialogue is witty, the delivery often had me cringing. The game's other big problem is that the graphics are fuzzy to a point where it's really hard to find smaller objects without “scanning” by just moving your cursor around until it changes to a pick-it-up icon. | was stuck on one scenario for about 20 minutes just because | couldn't even see a drawer that was in plain sight. Broken Sword II

fails to compare to the classic experience of §

using an athletic supporter and a rock to knock a hostile guard unconscious or trading insults with pirates in order to become a master fencer.

When Acclaim announced that a Dreamcast Attitude would be on shelves before its license expired, industry skepticism was high. Just under the wire, Acclaim delivered. Dreamcast's

Attitude has exactly the same wrestlers, modes, I^^

and moves of other versions, but with improved graphics. Wrestlers’ faces are much more distinct, the ring ropes have textures, flames look very realistic the list goes on and on. There have also been some additions made to {һе already expansive Create-a-Wrestler, and Shane and Lawler have a few new things to say. So why does Attitude for Dreamcast score lower than other versions? First and foremost, it feels rushed and like a quick cash-in. The cosmetic improvements are nice, but nowhere near what they could have been, and the character animations are slow and choppy. The cumbersome controls, which can't be adjusted, also force you to use the analog stick for some moves. Attitude's already showing its age (one fourth of the roster is no longer in WWF), but should satisfy all Dreamcast wrestle-heads.

The concept of a floating fighting game may {ii not be all that bad, but the Psychic Force fes

series has yet to prove it. As the actual fighting itself is primarily long-range fireballs and crazy

special moves, the actual hand-to-hand le portion of the game is limited to two attack y

buttons and some really short combos. The only vast improvement 2012 has over its predecessor on the PlayStation is its challenge factor. The Al of the opponents, while still somewhat basic, won't always fall for the same

moves; and toward later levels, the game |f

actually becomes quite difficult. Graphically,

the game would be good on any other system, | but it's not too mind-blowing when ranked up |

with the rest of the Dreamcast fighters. If you're tired of the standard formula fighter, get Powerstone before you try this game. Psychic Force 2012 isn't bad, but we'd rather be playing Soul Calibur, MK Gold, Virtua Fighter, or Powerstone. Still, if you're curious, a two night rental wouldn't hurt.

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: “How unfortunate that | should | have to kill a former comrade by my own hands...^

=) yo =

Missile Command was a great arcade game and has been entertaining on just about every video game platform until now. Hasbro has created an update to the classic that is vastly inferior to the original. The targeting icon moves at a dismal pace, making the game's challenge factor more of a frustration factor. The explosions are so ill defined and choppy that you can never be sure whether you stopped the enemy warheads until they reach the other side of the blast. It's the worst classic update I've ever seen.

Yars Revenge

Are you old enough to remember one of the best games ever released for the Atari 2600? Well, now you don't have to be old enough or even have a memory because Yars' Revenge has been re-released on the Game Boy. Originally arriving to the video game world in 1982, this game puts players in control of Yars, a nasty mutant space bug. The goal is to defeat the Qotile Armada by disabling their energy shields and blasting them with your Zorlon Cannon. This may seem like a simple concept. In actuality, it is. There is not a lot of innovation in level design, but the addictive qualities of this game are undeniable. Some in the office just rave at the return of Yars' Revenge, but | find that, with the multitude of choices available for the Game Boy, this game is only for the players who once called

| the 2600 their prized possession. In a day

and age when you can get two classic arcade games into one GB cart, Yars’ Revenge falls short by offering not much more than a

А glimpse at the past.

Millenium Winter Sports

by Erik, The PC Jedi

Size: 4 Megabit

* Style: 1-Player Action

* Special Features: 2 Miss Bases; Enemy Now Uses Hard-To- Kill Bombs in Addition to Warheads; 2 Kinds of Overhead Fly umble Cartridge With Battery Included; Challenging Slow- Moving Targeting Icon

* Replay Value: Low

* Created by: Hasbro Interactive

* Available: Now for Game Boy Color

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability:


Bottom Line: 1.75

Essentially, Millenium Winter Sports is a collection of timing and rapid button-pushing games. If you do well, the upper screen will show your skater winning the race or your ski jumper building up enough power to make a strong jump. Some events, like the bobsled run and the halfpipe, were cool, but for the most part, | found myself wanting to stop. In the past, there were a surprising number of

L| games like this, which died | believe for a x| reason. Video gamers have evolved beyond

the level of getting a kick out of the fact that they actually made something move on a TV screen. They need more than spastic button- pounding action to keep themselves entertained. To be fair, Millenium Winter Sports does have games that focus more on timing or performing a series of button sequences before a timer runs out; and it is excruciatingly challenging, but it's hard to feel like you're in true control of what's going on when your fingers are off the buttons half the time.

Beauty and the Бе аж Board Game AdVenture

ПУШ the Beast! ЖИП the Beastt

If this home video sees more time in your VCR than any other tape, | suggest that this may be a worthy purchase. For me, the interest runs short after just a couple rounds of the Crazy Chopper minigame. This game is styled much like the successful Mario Party on N64, but really falls short in offering any worthwhile minigames. Unless you're hip to why the Beast decided to fight Gaston and other goofy trivia, you should not even considering giving this a look.

by Paul, The Game Professor

* Size: 8 Megabit

* Style: 1-Player Action

* Special Features: Remake of the Atari 2600 Classic; More Than 250 Levels; Level Password

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Atari for Telegames

* Available: Now for Game Boy Color (& Game Boy)

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment

Bottom ше: 6.25

by Erik, The PC Jedi

* Size: 4 Megabit

* Style: 1-Player Sports

* Special Features: Classic Timing & Button-Tapping Action; Championship & Challenge Modes; Ski Jumping, Downhill Skating, Halfpipe, Aeri Slalom, & Bobsled Events; Gnashing Frustration

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: Konami

* Available: Now for Game Boy Color

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

* Size: 16 Megabit * Style: 1 to 4-Player Board * Special Features: 4 Gameplay Modes Including Story, Board, Practice, & Challenge; 3 Difficulty A Variety of Simple

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Left Field/Disney Interactive for Nintendo

* Available: Now for Game Boy Color (& Game Boy)

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment

Bottom Line: 4.75 Game Informer « January 2000 ©


Activision's chart-topping PlayStation release is thrashin’ its way to Mario’s playland. In just a few short months, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater will bring the thrills (and spills) of professional skating to the Nintendo 64. All the same features that made the PlayStation game the hot title it is today will be redefined in 64-bits.

As for the kickin’ soundtrack and skating videos? There’s a good chance that some of this material will be cut, and as of now, Activision isn’t saying squat. Hopefully, if something gets deleted, something new will replace it.


Recently, we've had a severe case of pre- millennial Cold War nostalgia. Sure, there was always the threat of global thermonuclear war, but the world was so much more orderly. In Dirty War, a 3D tank strategy game, you can recapture that old paranoia in a three-way struggle for world

domination between a U.S.-based conglomerate, the New Soviet Republic, and Kage, a shadowy Japanese organization. The single-player mode

allows you to upgrade and modify your tank

as you complete the missions. Multiplayer modes, which support up to eight players, (# include Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, | Search & Return, and Tank Racing.

© Game Informer * January 2000




| Not even Konami of America knows a whole heck of a lot about this game. From the

playable demo we got our hands on, we discovered that the game has at least three cars, highly detailed environments, and top-notch physics. The way the cars react to road

| surfaces like gravel and snow is right on the money. The game will also feature a host of

customizing and upgrading options, but we have yet to see any of these.



Giddy golf geezers might want to whip off their [@ knickers and polish up their woods in anticipation of Hot Shots Golf 2, the sequel to one of the greatest R golf games ever created. HS 2 features all-new, hip, Americanized characters, each designed with individual abilities and animations. Play modes include Match Play, Vs., Training, Miniature Golf, and

a new Tour Play mode in which you use your career earnings to outfit your bag with the newest in golf equipment. Add in six new courses, and you've got a game that should make a crater-sized divot in the marketplace.

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Despite its success, last summer's South Park movie The human mind is the mightiest weapon in existence, except maybe for the AK-47. While your seemed less like a crowning achievement for the show's ^N brain IS powerful, we wouldn't recommend trying to stop a bullet with it. However, when your creators than a last gasp of relevancy. South Park's psyche becomes filled with rage and adrenaline, there is no limit to the feats you can perform. ratings on Comedy Central have slipped considerably In Gekido, anger is the key to unlocking special Rage moves that will lay waste to your since the show's breakout rookie season, but Acclaim is enemies. Interplay has combined Wu-Tang's four-player Arena mode with Powerstone's 3D betting that the license can still move some units. South interactive environments into what could be a very promising fighter.

Park Rally brings Parker and Stone's sick sensibility to the familiar cart racing genre. The game features a number of different race modes based on locales and situations from the show, plus all your favorite South Park characters, from Mr. Hankey to Satan.

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Recently announced for release in North America, Koudelka is a Victorian horror title that takes place in the ruined Nemeton Monastery in Wales. Players control three characters: Koudelka lasant, the psychic babe; Edward Plunkett, the egotistical hunk; and Father James O'Flaherty, the curmudgeonly Irish priest stereotype. Abandoned treasures supposedly lie in the building’s bowels, but so do monsters and demons. Players must explore the monastery and solve its mysteries. The game looks to be heavy on FMV and cutscenes, kind of like a cross between Final Fantasy and Resident Evil, but with a story that changes due to characters’ actions.

Game Informer * January 2000 ©



Rally race legend Colin McRae, known to millions as “The Flying Scotsman,” has lent his name | AVAILABLE: NOW and fame to this mammoth racing title. Just a quick peek up the kilt of Colin McRae Rally will f The goal for a sports game is realism. Fishing is a sport, and Black Bass and Blue Marlin tell you that this game is going to be a huge, hard, and exhausting racing experience. There f painstakingly strives for realism. Seemingly aimed at the serious fisherman, this game has are 12 rally cars (including the Toyota Corolla and the Subaru Impreza) to choose from, five f a great array of options. From tutorials with voice-overs and choice of lures to scenario camera angles, and a whopping 48 tracks. McRae's real-life co-driver and cabana boy, Nicky options, it tries to present the full experience of fishing. Included in that fishing experience is Grist, will be on hand to provide in-game navigation. the other half of fishing the wait. Black Bass and Blue Marlin looks to be a faithful rendition

of the real thing, for real anglers. However, not everyone fishes.

8:27am © 70۴


AVAILABLE: WINTER IN JAPAN (FIRST QUARTER IN U.S.) Vagrant story is an action/RPG that appears to be something of a cross between Tomb Raider and Parasite Eve. While the main character's abilities can’t be enhanced, he gains greater power by creating new weapons from grips, “blades” (or axe heads or whatever), and gem stones. From what we saw in Japan, the variety of weapons you could construct was quite impressive. The game’s action system is similar to Parasite Eve’s in that you run around in real-time, but must wait until a power meter fills up before you can attack. Hopefully, multiple plot paths and the

& weapon system will add a lot of replay value - ees sore

to this game as play time is relatively short |, : WITH You... PO... (under ten hours). !


ws supersmint previews Supel


In Armorines, you take on the role of a grunt in a prototypical suit of powered armor who has been charged with saving the world from an alien menace. Essentially, the game is a first-person shooter, only with the

As anticipation for PlayStation2

Î mania begins to reach a fever pitch, Namco is making moves to ensure that it won't be standing alone by

f the punch bowl at the big PS-2

j| launch dance. Namco should be getting jiggy on the dance floor with Tekken Tag Tournament, an enhanced port of the arcade smash. Just looking at these sumptuous pix makes us want to tell Namco to "back that thang up" and give us more, more, MORE of triple-T! The detail is amazing. From the smallest blades of grass to the tautest of biceps, the graphical power of Sony's new system is evident.

addition of a suit of strength-enhancing armor that can be upgraded. Armorines for the N64 runs on the Turok 2 engine, something Acclaim never attempted to use on the PlayStation, so expect the game to have a serious graphic overhaul.

Crusaders has everything your

12 sided die-rollin’, half-elf кыин BG SY

fighter/mage lovin’, Ruins of

Undermountain dungeon crawlin’ The Dreamcast version of Test Drive 6 is =

heart desires. Playing a super stud essentially unchanged from the PlayStation

with a grudge, Drake, you have to version. With the exception of a little graphical

fight your way out of imprisonment, Spit ‘n’ polish, the only thing that separates the

battling monsters and dodging two is the amazing speed at which the game

traps along the way. As you moves out on the Dreamcast. The game == appears to have all the same features, right |^ down to the Cop Chase, Circuit, and Single- Шш Race modes.

progress, you'll go up levels, find new weapons and armor, and learn better Spells. Crusaders plays and looks like Tomb Raider without all the puzzles. Hack n' slash at its finest.

This graphically dazzing and surprisingly fun action/platformer (the first Rayman sucked) is one of the better games we've seen on the N64 in recent months. Now, Ubi Soft appears to be bringing it over to the Dreamcast. It doesn't look like they're planning to change a thing, but we can't be sure until we get hold of a playable version. While about as original and innovative as Coke Il, Rayman 2 looked great and was put together well enough to be a good time on the N64. Either way, Rayman 2 certainly won't hurt the Dreamcast and should actually lend a strong hand to the DC's relatively thin platforming library.


Unlike your average racer, where you can crank through the first few tracks, F1 WGP demands the utmost racing skill from the very start. There are no unlockable vehicles, no secret shortcuts, and no special power-ups. At the beginning of every race, you are asked to adjust your car's fins, gears, engine, tires, fuel, etc... We have a feeling this one is going to end up being a game for serious racers and sim-addicts only.



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Game Informer January 2000

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Frustrated by Resident Evil 3? Tired of running like a coward from those undead morons, just to preserve your precious supply of ammo? Zombie Revenge should help you sort out your “issues.” No puzzle solving, no exploration, no item management just balls- to-the-wall beat-em-up action. Choose one of

three playable characters; then run amok through seven levels, turning Zombies into mincemeat with weapons ranging from a hatchet to a flamethrower. Can you kill something that's already dead? You can sure try. Go get 'em tiger!


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Acclaim traveled to Japan to find the first golf game for the Dreamcast, Tee Off. As you can probably see, the game is styled much like Camelot's successful Hot Shots and Mario Golf engine. Filled with an assortment of super-deformed characters and beautifully designed courses from around the world, Tee Off is extremely easy to play. However, it still seems to have the options and control that will please the golf fanatic. Tee Off is currently being localized for the U.S. and will be out later this spring.

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шш Rising from the ashes of Konami Sports is Another in Kalisto’s offroad products, 4 Wheel Thunder is an indoor/outdoor track game. B. ESPN Games, a joint venture between the Although the release for this game is scheduled for spring of 2000, the action over 12 tracks veteran game publisher and the world's and six locations through the world (who would of thunk that people in Italy would have been premier sports network. The first title man enough for giant wheel madness?) seems to be mainly track-oriented. Yeah, you can spin released under the ESPN Games moniker your wheels through a shallow river or up a hillside; still the vehicle physics of this game are Will be NBA Tonight for the Dreamcast, (slightly) more exciting than balling through which will compete with the brilliant NBA 2K g the mud and jumps of the tracks themselves. for DC roundball dominance. Konami has The Championship mode features 22 races harnessed the graphical power of the broken up into four sub-championships split Dreamcast to render realistic player between six indoor and six outdoor courses, models brought to life with over 1,000 allowing for vehicle upgrades. A Tag mode animations. A Create Player mode will and split-screen action is also on the way, allow you to sign your young hoopster to a but regardless, watching the opening team, then increase his attributes over the i Os" i sequence of Lee Major’s monster truck in course of the season. The ESPN-style Se : Ё the Fall Guy was more exciting. presentation will feature post-game j :

interviews and Brent Musburger on play- by-play. Sportscenter icon Stuart Scott will also be on hand to spout off such trademark catchphrases as "Off the heezay!" and “Тот Hammonds must be butter, ‘cuz he's on a roll!”


So your teacher confiscated all your Pokémon cards because there were too many fights on the playground, huh? Boo hoo hoo! Don't you worry, buckaroo, big daddy Nintendo has the solution. It’s

taken all the Wizards of the Coast cards, added some

Game Boy only cards (for a total of 226), and hidden

them within its upcoming Game Boy cart, Pokémon Trading Card Game. Of course, you begin with only a HEF Ty pECEIVER а BOOSTER

starter deck. From there you must travel the world, locu. гм accrun | winning matches and tournaments to get booster

packs. If you're the social type, two Game Boy owners with the cart can put their units together 50 they each get a new card. This trick only works once for each coupling, however, so you

better be nice and stop а up kids for their rare cards, bully boy.


The classic NES gameplay with a Rush N' Attack

look. Using extendible claw and gun, you must >... کے‎ climb, swing, and shoot your way through 22 levels | s Me.

to thwart international terrorism. Just as in days of old, Bionic Commando can't be won by charging ahead and blasting blindly. A crafty claw approach must be used. This sharp-looking revamp also makes use of the occasional overhead firefight and a Sniper mode. It looks sweet and plays great, but leaves us wondering why the old NES version wasn't ported over.


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Game Informer « January 2000 &

by Erik, The PC Jedi Nobody Knows the Trouble 1 Seen j After people finally figured out how to set up their games to install on Win 95, things seemed to be

, running so smoothly in the PC gaming realm. Now, suddenly we have all these 3D Accelerated Only

games that work for about half the cards out there and don't even look that great despite the costly # acceleration. Do you think there's a reason console games sell better than PC games do? g

WHERE DOS Er winaa ws Coe lia Ee

HERE ‘pos Er windows: ка сау ЕНШ IE кс


The similarities between Sim Theme Park and Roller Coaster Tycoon (which came out earlier this year) are so numerous that I’m surprised there hasn’t been a lawsuit yet, but both games somehow manage to deliver a differ- ent flavor. If you’ve already played Roller Coaster Tycoon, you'll find it pretty easy to hop into Sim Theme Park. In fact, you'll have a pretty serious case of deja vu.

In both titles your goal is to create monstrous amuse- ment parks for fun and profit. You hire from almost identi- cal pools of staff types, albeit for slightly different reasons. Research is done in order to acquire new ride types. Janitors must be hired in both games to clean up litter, and unfortunate mishaps result from placing that burger stand a little too close to an intense thrill ride with a high nausea factor. Both feature intriguing ride design systems. In sum, there are more similari-

axe» ties than | have space to list.

Sim Theme Park does stand above Tycoon in one respect. It's a much more graphically compelling game.

in the amusement park in order to get a first-person look at what's going on. You can even hop onto your own rides in order to experience them first hand.

The game is also a lot goofier, with funny looking people and a much more punctuated “bleh” sound whenever happy customers relieve themselves of their lunches. The rides, while less realistic, are a lot of fun to look at and mess with. In one go-kart ride for instance, you eventually get the option to place jumps and tunnels that no insur- ance company in its right mind would allow.

Unlike those in Roller Coaster Tycoon, people are pretty much out of your hands. You can't read their thoughts or follow them around. Rather, you must attempt to control them through subtler means, like upping the amount of sugar at the Ice Cream stand to get kids hyper for that next ride, or messing with the ingredients of your hamburgers to balance the ever-present nausea factor against cost effectiveness.

Sim Theme Park also doesn’t allow you to mess with the terrain. This takes a lot of complexity/hassle out of the game. | personally enjoyed making mountains out of molehills in Tycoon, but at the same time it's kind of a relief not to have to deal with it when space gets tight, and you can't quite fig- ure out how to place those entrance and exit booths.

ance to Roller Coaster Tycoon, it still manages to be its own game. Where Roller Coaster Tycoon is a more serious, in-depth look at amusement parks, Sim Theme Park balances its strategies and simulations with a more light-hearted and visual- ly appealing approach. Which one's better? I'd have to call it a tie. In the long run, Roller Coaster Tycoon has more replay value, but Sim Theme Park had me cracking up at every turn. Considering that | generally hate sim games, that’s high praise for both titles.

@ Game Informer « January 2000

Я At any point, you have the option of setting yourself ТОСУ you want

In closing, Sim Theme Park is a blast. Despite its clone-like appear- |

= РС Quickies = Roller Coaster | Tycoon: Corkscrew

Follies Microprose $

This is a solid expan "m Sion pack that allows MSs you a great deal more EZ ort control in altering the look of your amusement “parks, It also changed some of the rules that | didn’t think made much sense in the unaltered game. If you're still playing RC Tycoon, you'll dig it.

Indiana Jones [>= and the Infernal is Machine - LucasArts This game's a com- plete and total Tomb Raider clone, brought back to the license that clearly inspired it. | would have been more impressed by the whip action and gorgeous graphics if LucasArts had- n't opted to go with the awkward Tomb Raider control.

Pharaoh Sierra -

This is a great game for city building $ sim addicts, with lots to (# see, lots to build, and plenty of strategy. If you've played any of {һе Caesar games, Pharaoh is pretty WU the same game with a different look and different priorities to focus on. It's cool.

Seven Kingdoms f Il - Ubi Soft -|

| wasn’t sure that | was enjoying this game, which is similar to Age of Empires, until (i | got over its monster \ ; learning curve. Essentially, Seven КОЛО! [T isa real: time game with all the complexities one might expect from a good turn-based game.

Age of Empires |< Il - Microsoft - А

Age of Empires 11 is a solid sequel, but! was f a little disappointed by the fact that many of the cool features intro- . duced in the first game's expansion pack weren't pre- sent in the sequel. It's a great multiplayer game, but lacks long-lasting single-player appeal.


Its X-Com 1-3 in one box. This collection seems like an apology for not putting out a fourth X-Com sequel yet, but for about $29.95 you get two of the coolest turn-based strategy games of all time (Terror From the Deep was kind of lame).

By Beaux, The Arcade Assassin

They tell me it's okay to come out of my fallout shelter now that the world is still there. But | just don't know. | think they just want my stockpile of canned food and will do anything to get at it. | know what it must be like out there - scorched lands everywhere and hoards of crazed marauders looting gasoline and bartering with animal bones. | think l'Il stay down here with ту Y2K compliant boomstick and can opener. Maybe I'll come out іп 50 years when society rebuilds itself.


‘Jambo! Safari Architecture: Naomi Style: 1-Player Driving _ Special Features: Technical Driving; Four Drivers/Rangers to Select From; 28 Different Critters to Wrangle; 6 Areas to Choose From

Created By: Sega

Available: First Quarter 2000


Jambo! Safari takes place in the deepest parts of Africa, where the most villainous of poachers come to destroy the poor defenseless creatures that dwell there. Your job is to help the critters by capturing as many of them as you can to send them to the safety of a zoo or research facility. In Jambo! Safari you drive in one of six areas in search of animals attempt- ing to lasso, net, and crate them for shipment. It sounds easy enough, but these guys don’t know you are here to help them and always try to get away. Never fear though, you are a trained Ranger with all the skill and equipment necessary for your craft. After getting your rope around a beast, you must drive carefully to tire him without snapping the rope, much like many fishing games out today. When you feel they are weak enough, it is time to launch your net and claim your prize. Now you can sleep easy knowing you helped the little guy out.

Controls in the game seem pretty straightforward. You have your basic driving controls (steering wheel and gas/brake pedals) and a stick and button for aiming and firing your rope/nets. The gameplay looks similar to Crazy Taxi. Each animal you capture will give you more time to catch the next. The faster you capture your quarry, the more point you will rack up. Jambo! Safari is yet anther whacked-out game from Sega that shows there are still a few ideas untouched in arcades.

> -— 2 ee The King of Fighters 99 е I have never been а big fan of the King of Fighters series. | find the series а

little too rigid for my blood. However, 1 can say it is definitely getting better, and | found myself really enjoying “99. The graphics look great and the animation is far better than in earlier renditions. This one boasts many new j play techniques like powering-up defense and various counter Support Characters (Strikers) attack and evade moves. Probably the most noticeable new addition } Created By: SNK ; to King of Fighters “99 is in the introduction of support characters Available: Now in Arcades n M ==] into the series. Taking the idea from Capcom's Versus series, SNK : has improved on it. The Strikers, as they are called, do different moves (making them harder to predict) and can be swapped around in-between battles. The basic fighting is almost the same as '98 with a few questionable tweaks to help balance the characters. One nice > n thing about this series is Team Battle. You can create your team of

\ "i pain p four fighters (three active fighters and a striker), then

INE battle it out until they are all defeated. This gives you a \ е »


Architecture: Unkown Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting Special Features: 32 Characters to Choose from; Team Battle;

little more bang for your buck by making the fights last a little longer. King Of Fighters '99 is probably not a game to go hunt down, but if you are a not a fan of the series or if you see it at your local arcade, be sure and give it a try.

Game Informer January 2000 ©

This is a game walkthrough. It may spoil the enjoyment of the game. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Writing a walkthrough for Tomba! 2 would be both

igantjé\and pointless task. Considering that players have the n ym the game ‘however, they like, roaming from area to area i iia [Town oF THe FISHERMAN | missions, GI has opted to simply list all of the tasks and GTS REQUIRED MISSIONS Eun»

eir 5а! D. If you're stuck, flip through this guide for the answers. ET] Of all the Evil Pigs turn to page 13. Find Tabby! This is the first mission of the game. You must finish this monster of a game to complete it.

Go to the Burning House! Talk to the panicky gent past the hanging net to complete this mission. This will start Save the Crab!

Save the Crab! Climb the hut with the ladder on it, then grab the | Bucket on the other side (see Pour the Water In). Take the filled Bucket to the old man, then fill it again. Bring him the other Bucket of

water and the precious crab will be saved. Yeah!

Pour the Water In! Take the Bucket from the hut to the spigots by MIS the pools of water. Raise, then lower, the seesaw near it. Catch a drop from the spigot and you will complete this mission. Note: One pond has two small fish in it.

Win's windmill! You must collect three Golden Crabs and bring them back to the windmill. (See Save the Crab!, The crab basket!, Collect the Golden Crabs! for locations).

The Tiny Mouse's House - Take the path past the formerly burning house to the end, then look at a tiny door. Come back to this door after you've completed Tiny Tomba/Mini Tomba in the Water Temple. Finish by simply entering the small door | when Tomba is small. Be sure to play Tiny Mouse's Berry Nuts to get the Minitta f Mushroom (this can turn you small at anytime). |

Tiny Mouse's Berry Nuts (Annoying Mushroom & Berry Nuts Harvest) After completing The Tiny Mouse's House, enter the Mouse Door in the Town of the Fishermen at anytime to play

this minigame. First, nab the Ж

Adventurer's Chest in $

the southwest corner (two Ж

million AP required). Talk to the ff



mouse gathering nuts to play this

Pac-Manesque game. Collect 100 nuts in 60 seconds and you'll complete Tiny Mouse's Berry Nuts. Before you can play again, you must give the mice Ж a Spoon to dig out the Annoying Mushroom. You can then proceed to play again. Make a new record to finish Berry Nuts Harvest and get a

Golden Star.

Wind it Up! In the Town of the Fishermen, take the back path to the house, then Swing on the crank to raise the net. Climb it and receive the Star-Shaped Cog to start this mission. Later, at the end of the path past the house, give the | Star-Shaped Cog to Ark. | The crab basket! After completing WEE

Wind it Up!, Ark will give you some

advice that begins this mission. Complete

this mission by hitting the winged pig on

the entrance bridge to the Waterfall of the

Heavens to dislodge the Crab Basket. It

will land on the second suspended

seesaw. Jump up and retrieve it. Done and done. |


A Red Treasure Chest- From the second seesaw, Animal Jump onto the locked jim

treasure chests to open this mission. This mission can be completed when you get | the Red Key from Win (see Win's Windmill).

Chick from an Egg- This mission is related to Where is the Bird's Nest? Go to

the first seesaw, knock off the piggy, then roll the egg into the lower barrel. Hit the

barrel to hatch a chick, then take it up the tree to the left (see Where is the Bird’s |

; Nest?). Go to the next seesaw and repeat the process to complete Chick from ап $

Я Egg and Where is the Bird's Nest? |

76 Game Informer * January 2000 |

Where is the Bird's Nest? Take the chicks you get from completing Chick from an Egg and place them on top of the tree to the left of the first seesaw. Be sure to grab the Rare Fish that is hanging nearby.


8 Collect the Golden Crabs! Ascend up the series of seesaws, cross the gap, then proceed around the corner. There are two paths, the left leads to the Crab on the roof of the tower. Jump from the pole to the crank, turn the crank, then jump on the roof to nab a Crab. White you're up there, grab the bobber stuck in the net. The second Crab will be right above your head after you complete The stuck Fishhook line.


Adventurer's Chest This is located by the gate past the first bridge. You will be able to open this chest if you have enough AP. If not, go collect some nearby Gems. | If you open it, you will receive a Pig Nose Panel.

Adventurer’s Clue This mission begins when you get the Pig Nose Panel by

completing Adventurer’s Chest. Open all five Adventurer’s Chests to gain the

final Pig Nose Panel and finish this mission. 39 The stuck Fishhook line When you get the Golden Crab on the tower roof, grab

MN the bobber that's blocking your path. The fisherman will reel you in to complete this

mission. He rewards you with the Bird Clothes.

(1 TheGolden Fishhook This mission begins as The stuck Fishhook line ends. | Find the fisherman’s Golden Fishhook, then return it to him at the tower. He will | give you a Mermaid Scale (See Closed Clamshell).

Other Side of the Waterfall Go back to the roof where you released the | fisherman's bobber. Animal Jump to the pole on the left, then swing and make a long jump to get on the other tower's roof. This will begin this mission. In the Water

Temple, between the Mini Temple and the door to the Golden Tower, there is a

platform with a door hiding behind a waterfall above you. Go through this door to

finish the task.


Cools off and disappears! After ÎÎ saving at the Pipe Area town sign, talk to the nearby miner to hear his dilemma. Thus starts the mission. To complete this j| mission you must find the Ice Boomerang and remove the first Capper from the pipe.

Let's Go to Tabby’s house! Talk to the guy by the door you opened in Pull and open! He will open up this mission. Complete the mission by entering Tabby's house on the northwest side of Coal-Mining Town.

I'm Thirsty! After talking to the miner that begins Cools off and disappears!, grab and hang from the chain above you to reveal a Red Chest. Ignore the chest and jump to the next chain, then go in the door talk to the thirsty man with the red hat. Go back to the Town of the Fishermen and bring back a Bucket of water to quench this man's thirst. He'll drop a hint about the Tower of Courage.

The Fuel that Burns Well After you defeat the Anemone that live below the thirsty man, venture onto the pipe behind it and jump on the chain to the right with the Red Chest attached to the bottom. Quickly jump on the chest (it will begin to sink into the lava if you're on the chain too long) and open it. This reveals the Power Coal, which prompts this mission. To complete, ride the conveyer belt that's just out the door of the second floor of Gran's House in Coal-Mining Town. Ride it west until you meet a miner who asks for your Power Coal.

Feed the Chicks Open the Red Chest between two Cappers on the uppermost pipe. This chest contains Chick Food x2. Take this food back to the bird's nest in the Town of the Fisherman to complete this mission. l

The Laughing Door Go to the Trolley Entrance, then check out the Laughing Door above it. This mission is completed when you enter the Laughing Crying Forest and jump on a laughing fruit. This will put you in a laughing state. Go back to Witch Mizuno's Hidden House in the top right of the Forest Entrance. Enter and give her the Anemone's Icy Dregs to finish this mission and prompt Witch's Concoction.

Remove all the Cappers! These gross blobs are blocking the tops of pipes throughout the level. To remove, strike them with the Ice Boomerang then jump on them and toss 'em! Remove every Capper to complete.

Pull and open! From the Pipe Area town sign, head right, go down the ladder between the two pipes, go down the chain at the far right of the lower pipe (watch out for the fire-breathing pig). From the next lower pipe, go right and grab the chain and climb up. Put out the fire on the next chain, jump on it to release the door jam. This will begin the mission. To complete, ride the steam up from the Trolley Entrance, jump on the scaffolding to the right, follow the path down, and talk to the guy by the blocked doorway. Animal Jump up and grab the chain above you to release the second door jam. Mission complete.

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Look for the hammer! Talk to Charles in the machine room, then backtrack to the Trolley Entrance and the Hammer will [| be inside. Blast the rock! After you complete "I Look for the hammer!, Mole will tell you =| that Gran is trapped under a rock. To get him out, you must complete Get bombs! After you get the Bombs, go to the drawbridge where Gran is trapped. Set the Bombs and hit the plunger with the Hammer to free Gran. Deliver to Gran! After you free Gran, he will run off and drop the Trolley Rails. You must bring them back to him. He will be at the broken tracks between Tabby's ' House and Gran's House. Give them to him and he will give you his Flame ` Pig Bag. | Capture Evil Flame Pig! After you get the Flame Pig Bag from Gran for completing Deliver to Gran!, this mission will begin.

Where's My Son? Talk to the woman in the house nearest the city entrance. After 1 you've completed Getwell Plant Heals Wounds in Circus Village, return to see $ the woman to complete this mission and receive a Half Spell of Courage. Get bombs! Talk to the miner in the Large Shed, who tells you to get a Hammer and bombs. After you get the Hammer, go back to the door you couldn't # open in the Pipe Area and hit the plunger with the Hammer. Behind this door are the bombs you need. Lost clay spatula Talk to the sad potter in the Large Shed. He's lost his favorite | utensil. Across the street is a miner with a pot. Touch the pot twice and break it to ' reveal the Lost Clay Spatula. Return it to the potter. » Let's Make a Pot! - After Tomba breaks the pot to find the Spatula, he must accept this mission. You need Clay (see Get clay from the mud). After the potter gives you the Master's Pot, bring it back to the miner whose pot you broke. He will give | you a Halí-Spell of Courage. | Get clay from the mud You start this mission by remembering that you could get Clay by washing Mudballs in the machine room's Washing Machine. After Ж completing Bury it in the sand!, wash a Mudball to get Clay and give it to $ the potter.

What's Inside the Mud? = Begin this mission by heading right on the pipe that's | down from the door for Pull and open!. Discover a set of Magic Wings and a | Banana. Jump to the second chain on the right to lower a bridge and reveal a Mudball Surprise. After completing Bury it in the sand!, wash the Mudball in Coal-Mining Town's Washing Machine to find Low-Purity Lightomite.


Wash the MN lump! Find the giant dirtball upstairs at Tabby's house. You must toss it in the Washing Machine (to reach Washing Machine, see Bury it in the sand!). Get the man watching the dirtball to carry it to the Washing Machine for you. Return to the machine room and talk to him again. This completes the mission.

Bury it in the sand! You must fill the large hole in front of the machine room to reach the Washing Machine. At the end of the broken tracks between Tabby's House and Gran's House lies a wheelbarrow. Fill it with sand on the north end of town. It takes three loads to fill in the hole.

Cooking with Tombal Start this mission by reading the cafeteria signs. ' You must make a Steak Sandwich. Once you have the Hammer, return to the Underground Machine Room and put your Big Pieces of Meat in the Burning yî: | Machine to make Big Steaks.

4| The best! Hash potatoes! Start this | mission by reading the cafeteria signs. You must make a Hash Brown Sandwich. Later, in the Ranch Area, you can complete this mission by getting the Potatoes from the Red Chest in the snow pillar Ж where you found the Squirrel Clothes. Return to the drawbridge in the Pipe Area. S Place a Potato under the pipe and hit the switch with the Hammer twice to make a Boiled Potato. Bringing this to the Chef in Coal-Mining Town to produce a Hash Brow Sandwich, a cure for laughter and crying. Let's make Dried Fish In the Coal-Mining Town cafeteria, you learn that Ark from the Town of the Fishermen knows how to make Dried Fish. Return to Ark in the Town of the Fisherman for advice on putting Fish on a net. Wait awhile, come back, and they will be dry. The cook’s special menu Talk to the cook in Coal Mining Town. He needs ingredients. After you complete Cooking with Тотра!, bring the steaks to the Coal-Mining Town Cafeteria, and he will make you a Steak Sandwich.

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get the Low-Purity Lightomite from completing What's Inside the Mud? Later you will find another Mudball by where you freed Gran. Return to the Washing Machine, wash the new Mudball to produce Low-Purity Hardonium. Open the Burning Machine with the Hammer, put the Lightomite and Hardonium in to produce Hi-Purity Hardonium and НЕР Lightomite. Put both in the Combining Machine to make a Light Alloy.

Starving Charles Go to the house up the stairs on the west side of the city and talk to poor Charles. To feed him, take the bananas you found in the Pipe Area to the machine room. Put them in the Burning Machine, then take the freshly Baked Bananas back to Charles. After he chows down, he gives you a Life Potion. Precious Ring After the Flame Pig is defeated, return to Coal-Mining Town. A miner near the entryway has lost his ring. Find it in the Pipe Area and return it to him. Way to go!


Trolley ticket Before you leave Coal-Mining Town, go talk to the man with the broken arm in the Large Shed. He will give you the Trolley Ticket if you agree to work for him. Go back to the Pipe Area and the Trolley Entrance. Show the man at the counter your ticket. Now you can board the Trolley.

Quick! the trolley! & Super fast on the trolley These missions are your basic platformer mine cart ride. Ride the first track in less than one minute and sixteen seconds to complete Quick! the trolley! (you will earn another Bucket for your

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trouble). While you are racing, be sure to

lean your cart and collect all five of the

Clues (green circles) along the track. If

you're having trouble with the last one, rock your cart back and forth as you approach it. The next trolley is even faster and you must complete the track in one minute, ten seconds to finish Super fast on the Trolley. For this you will receive a Golden Sun.


Bring the Big Sack! Climb up to the

ladder at the right of the first level, talk to

a girl, then hit the giant snowball to your

right. This will reveal a chimney. Jump

down into the Chimney Shed and have a

chat with Santa, who's lost his Big Sack.

It's your job to grab his sack. Take the

downward path from the swinging pole by

the traveler whose diary you found. The

- snowball directly ahead of you contains

Santa's Big Bag. Go back to the Chimney and return it to Father Christmas. In return he will give you the Fire Hammer.

*| The Hidden Diary After you are done | talking to Santa in the Chimney Shed,

push the large box through the fence on `

the left and jump on the ledge to get the Hidden Diary. To the left, past where you opened Kujara's Favorite, talk to the shivering man. He's lost his journal. Give him the Hidden Diary and he will give you the Green Key. You can now open any Green Chests you passed over previously. Destroy the snow pillar to your left to reveal some chests. The Green Chest contains the fabled Squirrel Clothes. Kujara's Favorite Head left rom the Chimney, jump over the Anemone (don't fight it yet), and climb up the leftmost ladder. At the top, destroy a snowball to reveal a balloon and open this mission. Swing up the poles to the left of the man who told


| you about Melt the Giant Ice!, then go across the seesaws to the left. Jump on the

floating peach next to the second seesaw to finish this mission.

| Melt the Giant Ice! Climb up the ladder nearest the girl who told you about Santa

and talk to the man on the right. This negative nellie will tell you to get the Fire Hammer to complete this objective. Once you've finished Bring the Big Sack, come back to the giant ice block and hit it with your Fire Hammer. This will awaken the Big Freeze Pig. Three deft blows to the snout will K.O. the frigid swine.

Let's Take the Lift! Go in the door to the right of the ghost mural, and talk to the bearded men. The Kujara are too pooped to pop. Give them the Kujara Peach and they will spring to life. This activates the gondola. Board it to

{| complete this mission and go to the Ranch Summit Area.

Collect snow fireflies These lovely creatures live in the snow around the first level of the Ranch Area. Run through the snow to roust them, then jump on them : to capture the little bugs. You won't catch all you need here, but eventually bring 20 Snow Fireflies to the guy with the firefly cage in the upper left corner of The Forest Entrance.

Snow Firefly Nest With the Squirrel Clothes, traverse the crevasse to the far right of the first level by jumping and gliding from poles to platforms. There is an AP Box (500,000 AP required) on the upper right ledge which contains a Pig Nose Panel. Climb down the pole to the left and jump onto the cocoon-like object to start this mission. Collect the snow fireflies from the nest to complete this mission.

Ghost Sticker Go up the ladder at the beginning of the slide and inspect the ghost mural оп the left to begin this mission. At the beginning of the Forest 4 Entrance, allow a flying ghost pig to turn you invisible. Make sure you have a Dried Fish Sandwich to turn you visible (give Dried Fish to the Chef in the Cafeteria). Enter the ghost mural while invisible and you complete this mission.

Sea Anemone's ice Climb up next to the trolley car at the beginning of the level. From the log, long jump right to the platform, then jump onto the pole. Climb up about an inch from the top, then Animal Jump to the ledge with the Anemone. Dodge it, knock over a nearby Hedgehog, and throw it into the Anemone. He will freeze himself, starting this mission. Smash the ice with the Fire Hammer and jump

|, on top of the Anemone's Icy Dregs to complete this easy mission.

Holy Tree Traverse up the snowy incline by the Anemone's Icy Dregs, then long jump to the left to see the Holy Tree. After you complete Holy Pedestal in the % Water Temple, go to the pig-faced spigot and fill two buckets with Holy Water, return here and use the Holy Water on the petrified tree. When this mission is finished the tree grows tall, leading to an area full of Chests and Gems. At the end is a ladder and the Rucksack (see Forgotten Rucksack).



Static Explosion! Climb the ladder ` next the Kujara Washing Shed. Enter and talk to Pham. He needs the static

| electricity of three more Kujara to start the

| gondola. The first Kujara is at the bottom of the slope, trapped in a block of ice. The

| second Kujara is in ice by the Sculptor's

Hut. The third is hidden in the ice blocks `

across the gap from the top of the Raised |

Ladder (see Raise the Ladder!). Return the three Kujara to the Summit Shed to complete this mission and start the gondola. You will receive an Ice Pig Bag. Capture Evil Ice Pig Complete Static Explosion! receive the Ice Pig Bag, and this mission will begin. 1 Raise the Ladder! Give the Hexagon Gear, which you find in a Green Chest in the ice blocks down the incline to the left of the Collector's place, to the man | standing next to the Summit Shed. Mission accomplished! We're so proud of you! 4

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drawbridge in the Pipe Area) to fill the ЩЩ | spa. Hop in for a quick dip to restore S| your health.

Ready Or Not! Here | Come! Exit the spa, smash the block with the Tiger Squid, then climb up the next set of ice blocks. Smash another ice block to reveal the hidden door. Walk into the Operations Room. Talk to the brood of tots by the fire to begin a rousing game of Hide and Seek. Return to the Ranch Area to find the kids. Take the hidden slide to unearth Kid #1. Kid #2 is hiding on the ledge in the large crevasse to the far right across from the bird's nest. Kid #3 is holed up in one of the small niches in the cliff where the Giant Ice Block had been. You can only catch Kid #3 after you defeat the Ice Pig. Throw a Boar into the niche to dislodge him. Each kid you catch will give you a Snow Firefly. After you're done with this annoying waste of time, be sure to play the brats in a game of Who’s the Liar?

Who's the Liar? The point of this game is to figure out which one of the treacherous tots is a lying muthahubba, and give the Liar Badge to that dear child. The middle girl is always the liar, so give the Badge to her. Complete this game for a Half Spell of Strength. Oil-Smeared Traveler next to the kids. Give this hapless moron a Steak Sandwich (The cook's special menu) to cure him.

A rare collection Climb up the ice E Î blocks to the right of the Operations Room, and smash the ice block with the Tiger Squid. Kill it, then smash the block below you to reveal a ladder. Climb down fee] it and talk to the collector. Give him any < | rare animals you find. You should already 3| have a Rare Fish that you found on a اش‎ - hook by the bird's nest in Town of the Fishermen. There is a Rare Shrimp i in the forest level by the fruit that hangs over the water. Hit the mushroom at the bottom right and jump on the shrimp as it comes out of the water. A Rare Squid is in a water plant at the top left of the Ranch Summit. Use the Hammer to reveal the squid and the Grapple to pop the plant. The Rare Crab is in the Water Temple. Go all the way to the right, then go up (need Swimming Pig Suit) until you see it swimming in a shallow pool. The collector will create a portal that puts Tomba in taboo status. This opens up Taboo fruit.

Taboo fruit After completing A rare collection, go to the high treasure area at the top of the Holy Tree (this mission must be complete). Jump across the sky and go down the ladder to a large box. The Taboo Fruit is inside (you must be in Taboo Status to open it).

Kujara Washing Shed Climb out of the entrance to the collector's house. Climb the ladder to the right, and go in door to complete this mission.

Itchy Charles Climb up the new ladder (see Raise the Ladder!). Use the Ice Boomerang to put out the fire on the first rope, then glide from the first rope to the ice blocks. Smash the top block to acquire the Itching Salve. Take this back to the Tool Shed and give it to Charles. He will give you half a Life Potion.

The Ultimate Sculpture Push the opaque blue ice block down the incline by the Collector's place. It will go down a hole. Follow it down to enter the Sculptor's Hut. Help out this volatile artiste by pushing the block onto his ES workplace. He will begin to hack away at ml] the ice. Return later to see the finished J work and finish this mission.

The Crying Door Start this mission by inspecting any Crying Door. Finish this mission at the beginning of the Laughing Crying Forest. Jump on a crying fruit than go in the Crying Door to complete this mission. This will prompt the Strange Fruit and Normal Fruit missions.

Fatigue-Curing Mission Walk into the © Ranch Summit and talk to Kainen. Use ' the Hot Water Bucket (collected from the |

In the Operations Room, talk to the oily man standing |

| to the platform with the ladder where you (@

Wash the Kujara (The Washing Machine Fuse & A Kujara washing expert) These missions take place within the Kujara Washing Shed. It's basically a minigame in which you must wash a bunch of dirty birdies. On both 4| walls of the shed there are Kujara Washers. You must jump onto and then throw the Kujaras in to the various holes. Each time a Киага washer is used, it

cannot be used again. Try throwing the Kujara straight down to bounce them a little |

higher if you need elevation. You have 90 seconds to get all the Kujara washed. This is extremely challenging. We advise taking off the Squirrel Clothes before you try it. After you complete three levels of the game Wash the Kujara will be finished. The attendant will ask for the Fuse to complete The Washing Machine Fuse. Get through ten levels of this hectic game to be certified as A Kujara washing expert. This will earn you a Golden Moon.

Escaped Kujara After the Ice Pig is vanquished, talk to the girl's father in the Summit Shed. Three of his Kujara have escaped. Find them scattered throughout this level. Return them and receive a Half Spell of Wisdom.


Put In the Spirit's Eye Exit the gondola from the Summit Shed, talk to the man standing there, then grab and throw the ghost on your left. This brings up the mission. The second ghost is in the middle of a long series of swinging cocoons and platforms to the left. Get to the third by taking the two sets of cranks up, then glide to the next platform to the right. Jump up to the wooden platform to the right, grab the pole, then land on the next wooden platform (Witch Mizuno's Hidden House). Grab the swinging cocoon below you, then swing to the platform with the ladder to the right. Capture and throw the ghost to the right. This will complete the mission.

Kill the Guards! This objective begins when you complete Put in the Spirit's Eye. Return to the beginning of the level,

Defeat the ghoulish tongue creature by hitting his tongue three times with the Fire Hammer. Blaugh! You will receive the Donglin Bell, which will allow you to return to the Forest Entrance at anytime.

More Blue for the Picture! - On a platform in the middle of the swinging cocoons, swing up the crank directly $ above you, glide and grab the Blueberry 84 on the right. This begins the mission. Go NUM

captured the third Ghost for Put in the Spirit's Eye and climb up to the Artist's Atrium. Give him the Blueberry to complete this mission. The artist will give you the Blue Key. You can now open the Blue Chests you passed over in earlier levels.

Witch's Concoction After completing The Laughing Door in Witch Mizuno's Hidden House, giving her the Anemone's Icy Dregs will begin this mission. She needs more dregs. Get the other Dregs by returning to the Pipe Area. Hit the first Capper you see, then ride him down the ledge, and throw him into the Anemone next to the pit (completes Sea Anemone's burning dregs), hit the burning Anemone with your Ice Boomerang and grab the leftover Dregs. Repeat this process with the Anemone near where the Ice Boomerang was found. Bring the Dregs back to Witch Mizuno's Hidden House in The Forest Entrance to get Hot Powder and finish this mission.

then go to the far lower left of the level.

a айланын


28 Take the Grapple! Head up and left to the end of the area. There are three pegs SJ you must hit with your Hammer to reveal a Blue Chest and a door at the far left.

Grab it to receive the Grapple. Optional Missions

Baron Turned to Stone This mission starts at the beginhing of the Laughing 1 Crying Forest when you check out the dog statue. After you complete Holy 1

Pedestal in the Water Temple, go to the pig-faced spigot and fill two buckets with

Holy Water. Return here and use the Holy Water on the petrified Baron. Baron joins 1

your party, giving you the Super Fly ability.

Strange Fruit A man behind The Crying Door in the Laughing Crying Forest will |

tell you of the Strange Fruit, which allows you to switch emotions. Return to the

Ranch Level in a crying state, then enter the Crying Door at the far left top. Inside 1

is Blue Chest which contains the Strange Fruit. Well done, sir!

Normal Fruit Talk to the second man in the room where you completed Strange Fruit. The Normal Fruit is in a White Chest (need the White Key to open) located

in the Laughing Door above the Trolley Stop іп the Pipe Area. Retrieve it, and you |

can change back to a normal state from laughing or crying.

Switch with Donglin Head to the second Laughing Door at the left of the level. 3

Enter the Laughing Door (must be in laughing state) to start the mission. Go to the far end of the room, push the switch right towards the front door, then jump on it. This completes the mission. Always suspected that you were a switch hitter!

Laughing Traveler Go in the Laughing Door above where you completed Take the Grapple!. Give the laughing man a Hash Brown Sandwich. The giddy idiot is now cured and this mission is done.

Device guards the treasure Grapple up and left from Wormy Charles. You will encounter several tricky seesaws. One will open this mission. All the seesaws must have the crescent symbol in the

j| middle facing up. After you complete

| Potato bug eats leaves there will be one seesaw left to switch. After you complete this mission, head to the top left door (The Treasure House).

Use Rock Crabs for Balance! After completing Device guards the treasure, enter the Treasure House and talk to the man by the book in the cage. You must find а Rock Crab to find the book. Travel all the way to the left of the Deep Forest on the lower level, avoiding the spikes. Here lies the Rock Crab and an AP Chest. Open the Chest (one million AP required), capture the Crab, and take it to the Treasure House. Kainen will give you the Ghost Pig Bag (see Capture Evil Ghost Pig!).

Capture Evil Ghost Pig! This mission starts when you receive the Ghost Pig Bag for completing Use Rock Crabs for Balance.


Wormy Charles Use the Grapple to Swing across a series of acorn platforms. Jump on a platform, then climb down а long ladder. Go down, left, and then down again from the ghost mural (there's a Clear Mushroom in there if you're invisible). Enter the cave and talk to Charles, who's imprisoned in some leaves. After you complete Potato bug eats leaves, land on top of the bug, and he will crawl to where Charles is and eat him out. Success!

Potato bug eats leaves Follow the white string from the seesaw that triggered Device guards the treasure. There will be a green bug suspended. Knock him

Charíes? What are you doing in that place?

loose, then lead him down the string by tripping the seesaws down as he follows you. When the bug lands on the leaf in the spikes, leap on top of him for a wild ride.


Use Pig Suit to Talk! А lady near the Circus Village entrance tells you about the Pig Suit. Get the Closet Key on the upper level of the town and take it to the Circus Warehouse. Open the closet, get the Pig Suit, and'talk to any Pig-Person to finish.

ift the lid on the Well! Examine the capped well the Pig-Person is looking at to start the mission. After you receive Paon Grass from the elder at the Pig's {| Tribe Hall, go to the warehouse with the Paon Grass on your back and lead the Paon to the heavy lid. The Paon will lift the lid. You complete the mission and receive the Carpenters Book (see A Pig Tribe Clown Statue!)

ENS» 81


Game Informer January 2000

Use the seesaw! А clumsy Pig-Person has whacked a bird onto a place too high to reac f| Find the balancing ball . nearby, roll it onto the ^w lower level seesaw, then hammer the ball “ә up to the next level. Once more place the ball on a seesaw and hammer again to hit the bird. This will finish Use the seesaw! and earn you the Triangle Gear. The Triangle gear will lower the Drawbridge. Let's see the Clown Circus! Speak with the pig and the kid with the other pig suit. Return to where the old man and the child were to speak with them and the clown. You will witness a great act and earn an invite to the Pig's Tribe Hall. Let's Help the Clown! $| Go talk to the Clown Pig. Help him practice. Grab the cushion quick and break i. 2] his fall. Good job! ЭЧ A Pig Tribe Clown Statuel The pigs are all hyped up to break this statue, but they need the Carpenters Book to do it. NS After completing Lift the lid on the Well!, bring the book back to the ~ elder. This opens the way to the Temple of Water. M Capture Evil Earth Pig! Go down the chain to the Temple of Water to stat ` this mission.


Getwell Plant Heals Wounds A boy near the entrance to Circus Village needs e. a Getwell Plant for his sick mother. Speak with the Pig-Person standing by the underground river to receive a Getwell Plant. Give it to the boy to finish the mission. (see Where's My Son?)

Invisible Traveler In the

building nearest the Circus Village А

entrance is an Invisible Traveler.

Give him a Dry Fish Sandwich

to cure him. Finito!

Unmoving Blessed Priest Talk

to the Pig-Priest near the fountain to hear

the problem. Once you've made all the

=! Magic Flowers in the land bloom (by

pouring water on them), go talk to the Cherub in the Fountain to finish this task. Collect ice candy Talk to the Pig-Person in the house next to the whiny kid to start this objective. After you've acquired the Evil Ice Pig's Suit, use it to turn enemies into Ice Candy. Bring 30 Ice Candies back to the Pig-Person. In thanks, he gives you the Pig Bullet weapon and the mission Pig Ball to the Pigs. Pig Ball to the Pigs Take the Pig Bullet and go to every world to collect one of each kind of pig (Tiny Water Pig, Tiny Ghost Pig, Tiny Ice Pig, Tiny Flame Pig, and Tiny Flying Pig). Give them to the Pig-Person that wanted the Ice Candy to complete this mission.

Open the Water Gate To the right of the entrance are some water spout platforms. Look high around here for the Round Gear and the start of this mission. Talk to the man at the end of this series of platforms, and give him the Round Gear to end this mission.

A Mermaid in a Water Tank! Go into

the Water Tank Room. A mermaid is

4| trapped there. You will need to patch the

E] hole in her tank with a Crystal Panel to

free her (see Crystal Panel Block a

ÎÎ Hole!). After you get the Crystal Panel

Hi from the Crystal Artisan, bring it to the

mermaid, then step on the water switch to

5 the left to finish the mission. She will

change your Pig Suit into a mm Pig Suit.

Crystal Panel Block a Hole! The Crystal Artisan needs the Crystal Claw of the Great-Clawed Long-Leg Turtle. Go to the Water Gate crank and defeat the turtle. The Crystal will come off and land on a ledge. Bring it to the Artisan and he will make you a Crystal Panel (see Mermaid in a Water Tank!).

Sink the White Platform! Go out the other archway in the room where the water plant mermaid was trapped. Swim up the river until you reach a man standing on a chest. Jump and hit the switch directly above you to complete this mission. He will give you a White Key. You can now open any White Chests you may have missed. A nearby White Chest contains the High-Pitch Pearl.

Wake up the Giant Fish! From the starting point, climb into the fast moving water and move against the current. When you get to a platform with a ladder, climb it to see a sleeping fish. A mermaid Î offers to help you if you can find the pieces of her harp (see Broken-Up Mermaid Harp!). Once this is done, and you bring back the pieces, the mermaid will wake the big fishy. Huzzah! This causes the Great Temple to appear.

Broken-Up Mermaid Harp! The pieces are hidden throughout the Water Temple (one is in the Water Tank Room). Finding them all finishes this mission. Take the pieces to the mermaid.

Find another reflector! Go into the { Great Temple and talk to the priest. Bust the Kokka egg to reveal a reflector and start this mission. The other reflector is in the bird's nest in the far right top of the crevasse in the Ranch Area. Crack the egg in the nest to get it. Return it to the Great Temple and you're done! Cheers! Capture Evil Water Pig! After you finish Find another reflector!, a gateway will open. Go in it to grab the Water Pig Bag and start this mission.

Secret of the Aquatic Plant From the Artisan's door ledge, jump to an upper pillar on the right, then jump left to the higher platform above the Artisan's place. A mermaid is trapped in a water plant. You must pop all the water plants in the land to free her (use the Grapple). After you are done, return and talk to her to finish. She gives you the Mermaid Bucket.

Starving Traveler Next to the mermaid trapped in the water plant is this destitute soul. Give him something to eat. Doesn't it feel good to do nice things? Forgotten Rucksack The Starving Traveler has lost his bag, and needs you to find it. Itis at the top of the ladder at the end of the high treasure area that opened up when you completed Holy Tree. Return it to this sniveling idiot to complete the mission.

Closed Clamshell Begin this mission by going to the Water Gate crank, then passing through the gate where the Crystal Crab used to be. There is a giant clam with a shy man looking for a familiar scale. After you've completed The $ Golden Fishhook, bring the Mermaid Scale back here.

Too Dark to See! Continue right from the giant clam room into a new area. Go into the first room you see, which will be pitch black. You need 20 Snow Fireflies to light the room.

Holy Pedestal To the right of the Dark ` Room is a Holy Water Spigot, with a | Switch that looks like a pedestal, which you can't use. Go back to the Sculptor at і Ranch Summit and get the Ice Statue. Bring it back, stand on the pedestal, and use the Ice Statue to complete this mission.

Tiny Tomba/Mini Tomba Higher up from the water plant mermaid is a man standing by a four-cogged crank. He needs three more cogs. Go back to every crank you've brought gears for in the past (Circus Village, Waterfall of the Heavens, and Ranch Summit). When you've given him all three, he'll raise the Minitta Tunnel. Walk through and this mission is complete. You are now small, so you can enter any Mouse House doors (see The Tiny Mouse's House).

With the Nishiki bird- Up from the Minitta Tunnel is a gate with a small hole. Use the Minitta Mushroom or Tunnel to become small and enter. Inside the Mini Temple, a mouse gives you Nishiki’s Wings and asks you to find two birds. Stay small and return to the Town ofthe Fishermen. Climb up the bird's nest at the very beginning of the game to finish this task.

Nishiki Bird Servants- After completing With the Nishiki bird,

you're returned to the Mini Temple. You will now need to find mouse servants for the birds. Go through all the Mouse Houses in the game to find the mouse with the same color tail as the birds (the color changes from game to game). Good luck, sucka.


Golden Tower- After you've collected {| the five Pig Nose Panels from the Adventurer's Chests, go to the top and right of the Water Temple. Put the Pig Nose Panels in the Golden Tower door. This completes the Golden Tower. Put on you Pig Suit and talk їо the elder pig at the top of the tower. He will inspect your Adventure Journal, and then probably scold you for not having done enough

With the Flame Pig defeated, the dark doors that were previously locked in the levels are now open. The passages behind these doors are to a series of tunnels that connect to the other dark doors and to the Pipe Area’s chains that formerly went into the fire. Go to the Pipe Area chain under the drawbridge and jump on the tight end. Go all the way down to find a secret room. Kainen is at the bottom. He will give you the Final Pig Bag, which gives you infinite magic, finishes Find the last Evil Pig!, and starts Capture the Last Evil Pig!. Talk to Kainen again and he'll unlock the door for you.

After the final boss makes some threats, you'll be in a room with five Pig Statues. spect the plate all the way to the right to open The Evil Flame Pig Plate!. Put on ` your Evil Flame Pig Suit and use the magic to destroy the Evil Flame Pig Statue to complete this mission. Inspect the other four statues in the room to get these missions:

The Evil Ice Pig Plate! In the Ranch Area, use Ice Pig magic on it to finish the mission.

The Evil Ghost Pig Plate! In the Laughing Crying Forest, use Ghost Pig Magic on it to finish the mission. 1 The Evil Earth Pig Plate! In Circus Village, Use Earth Pig Magic on it to finish the mission.

The Evil Water Pig Plate! Head right from the doorway to the Water Temple to find it, then use Water Pig Magic on it to finish the mission.

After these are completed, go back to the secret room and go through the floating doorway for the final facedown. Win and not only do you Capture the Last Evil Pig!, but you complete your mission from 4 the beginning of the game Find Tabby!. What a long, strange trip it's been. Peace.

1) Use Save Data From the Original Tomba - In the Mini Temple in the Water Temple, the mouse priest gives you a fortune if you have a saved game from the first Tomba game with more AP than you currently have in Tomba 2 (Dex Drive, anyone?). Following the mouse prophecy, you can find four of Tomba's friends from his first adventure, scoring points for performing the tasks they ask.

2) There are Three Towers in the game: the Tower of Wisdom, the Tower of Strength, and the Tower of Courage. You must use your spells (wisdom, strength, and courage) to find the doors to unlock these fabled towers. The doors are invisible, so you must use trial and error to locate them. Try casting spells as you complete other missions throughout the game. Happy hunting!

Game Informer January 2000


To document every single move of all the wrestlers in WrestleMania 2000 would fill this entire magazine. We couldn't even fit all the wrestlers! Instead, we've opted to give you a few trademark moves from some of the major players.

\ Kitchen Sink: Move toward opponent STEVE AUSTIN and press Down C, then A and B. Lou Thesz Press Punches (strong Î Double Underhook DDT: Strong front Irish Whip): Move toward opponent | grapple, then press Left and B. lio" d Get Socko: Taunt when Attitude meter is Mudhole Stomping (turnbuckle): AoE d. Strong grapple, then press B. t Mandible Claw (special): Strong front Austin Elbow (opponent face up on grapple and А дет You may have thought the tricks you learned in Revenge mat): Simply press B.

were going to work 4 life, brother, but it just isn't so. The infamous tap-the-analog-stick to get out of every pin and submission is out. In fact, according to the game's producers, doing so will actually cause you to be stuck in | the pin or hold longer. There are, however, a few of the |

Stone Cold Stunner (special): Strong $ T^ front grapple and tap the analog. UNDERTAKER Chokeslam: Strong front grapple, then

THE Rock | press Up and B.

Tombstone Piledriver (special): Strong front grapple and tap analog.

classic tricks that still work in WM2K. Rest in Peace (opponent face up on mat): Press A while by opponent's head. Steal Opponent’s Special: When your as P de Rope Walk (turnbuckle): Strong

Attitude meter is flashing Special, perform a strong grapple, then press A and B simultaneously.

Steal Opponent's Ground Submission: When your Attitude meter is flashing

grapple, then press B.


Tombstone Piledriver (special): Strong

Special, press A and B simultaneously Samoan Drop (strong Irish Whip): front grapple, then tap analog.

with your opponent on the ground. Move toward iae d go A lou ng Clothesline: Press Down С Steal Opponent's Taunt: Rotate the analog stick counter-clockwise when Rock iden (ес ): ites! tont when near and pressing toward your opponent taunts you. Qrapp'e ane tapine ana og. turnbuckle.

Unlock Characters: Keep plugging away е саш OPER face upon Rest in Peace (opponent face up on

in Road to WrestleMania. Finishing it the ч ; mat): Press A while by opponent's

first time should unlock three new People’s Elbow (opponent face up on head.

characters. Жин уны, t Daa cto { Punning Boot: While moving toward

б 1 1 : t, Down C, then A Attack Onlookers: Having accom- jump over him, then press B to deliver dp Bs $

LISTE EE paniment to the ring can be handy since

MIENNE they'll jump in the ring for the assist if

- there's a run-in. For the opposition, they're

a sitting duck. Don't be afraid to go outside and hit a lady for a quick Attitude boost.

Take It Outside: Tag matches can last forever since pins are constantly interrupted by the two count. If the count-out option is on, drag your opponents outside the ring and around the eighth count, throw them into the barrier. Climb back in immediately and the chump on the outside will be | counted out. Of course, this could also backfire if your hold is reversed.

Isolate: In tag matches, never let a tag happen. You'll know your Nintendo is thinking about it when your # j opponents start walking toward their partner's corner. Do a running block or grapple them before they make # it. In Royal Rumble or three-way matches, let everyone else do the work. Stay out of the fray, j b running if you need to, only stopping pins that would cause you to lose. By the time you're ready to make your move, you'll be fresh while all the others are on their last legs.

Taunt: The surest way to get your Attitude up: Taunt between every move you do, between every action you take, and whenever the fancy 1 Strikes you. Taunting is especially effective when you're inside the ring and your opponents aren't. Throw them out and jiggle the analog like mad.

the elbow.


Jumping Knee: While moving toward opponent, press Down C and then В. 1

Turnbuckle Head Punch (turnbuckle): Weak grapple and press B. The more Attitude you have, the more punches | you do. |

Double Underhook Knee Suplex: Strong front grapple, then press Left 4 and A.

Pedigree (special): Strong front a Giant Headbutt: Weak front grapple, grapple and tap analog. then press Up and A.

j Chokeslam (special): Strong front

grapple, then tap analog.

Foot Choke (turnbuckle): Weak grapple, then press A.

Big Thump (tumbuckle): Strong grapple, then press A.

{Mr. Ass e Д Running Elbow: While moving toward J opponent, press Down C and then B.

84 Game informer January 2000

Tumbuckle Head Punch (turnbuckle): Weak grapple and press B. The more Attitude you have, the more punches you do.

Press Slam: Strong front grapple, then press Up and A.

FameAsser (special): Strong front grapple, then tap analog.

Roap росс


Muay Thai Roundhouse: Press and hold A and B.

Belly to Back Suplex: Strong grapple, then press Left and B.

Ankle Lock (opponent face down on mat): Press A near opponent's feet. Super Belly to Belly Suplex (turnbuckle, special): Strong grapple, then tap analog.


Big Boot (Irish Whip): Move toward your opponent and press B.

Elbow Drop (opponent down): Press toward a turnbuckle and press Down C.

Diving Powerbomb (special): Strong front grapple, then tap analog. Pump Handle Slam (special): Strong back grapple, then tap analog.

Bic BossMAN Sidewalk Slam (strong Irish Whip, special): Tap analog.

Bearhug (special): Strong front grapple, then tap analog.

Powerslam (strong Irish Whip):

Press A.

Two Handed Choke: Strong front grapple, then press Up and B.

Snap Powerbomb: Strong front grapple, then press Down and B.

Dominator (special): Strong front grapple, then tap analog.

Spinebuster (strong Irish Whip): Move toward opponent and press A. Running Dominator (strong Irish Whip, special): Tap analog.


Big Boot: Hold B.

Clothesline From Hell: Move toward Opponent, press Down C and then B. _ Fallaway Slam: Strong front grapple, then press Left and A.

‘Powerslam (strong Irish Whip): Move loward opponent and press A.

Shake Jab: Move toward your opponent and perform a strong punch. | Shake, Rattle, & Roll (special): Strong _ front grapple, then tap analog. Pump Handle Drop (special): Strong back grapple, then tap analog. | Shake Knee Drop (opponent face up on mat): Simply press B while near opponent.

san | Leg | Sweep: Weak front

“grapple, then press Down and B.

Grind (opponent face up on

Stand by opponent's head and press A.

Fisherman’s Suplex (special): Strong

front grapple, then tap analog.

High Grind: Taunt while climbing the



Pimp Kick: Weak front grapple, then press Left and B.

Chugga Chugga: Taunt when Attitude meter is in the red.

Ho Train (turnbuckle); Run toward opponent and press B.

Pimp Drop (special): Strong front grapple, then tap analog.


Uppercut: Press toward opponent and hold B.

Russian Leg Sweep: Strong front grapple, then press A.

Facebuster (special): Strong front grapple, then tap analog.

Figure Four (opponent face up on mai): Stand by opponent's feet, then press A.


D'Lo Legdrop (opponent face up on mat): Press B.

Sky High (special): Strong front grapple, then tap analog.

Lo Down (opponent on mat, special):

Press toward turnbuckle and press Down C.

Running Powerbomb: Strong front grapple, then press Down and B.


Flipping Dropkick: Press both A and B.

Missile Dropkick: Move toward turnbuckle and press Down C.

Flying Body Press (special): With your $

opponent standing, move toward

turnbuckle and press Down C. Downward Spiral (special): Strong

front grapple, then tap analog.


Impaler (special): Strong back арр then tap analog. ;

Headscissor Takedown (strong irish. Whip): Hold A.

Tornado DDT (turnbuckle): Strong. grapple, then press A.

Diving Reverse DDT: Strong back grapple, then press B.

Double Underhook Belly to Belly: Strong front grapple, then press Left and A.

Double Underhook Pin: Strong front grapple, then press Down and B.

Bulldog: Strong grapple from behind, then press B.

Implant DDT (special): Strong front grapple, then tap analog.

Harpy Boyz

Spinning Wheel Kick: Move toward opponent, then press Down C and B. 450 Splash (opponent down, special):

Move toward turnbuckle and press Down C. 3/4 Turn Neckbreaker (special): Strong front grapple, then tap analog. Spinning Hurracanrana Pin (special): Strong back grapple, then tap analog.


Snow Butts: Strong front grapple, then press Left and B.

Snowplow (special): Strong front grapple, then tap analog.

Frankensteiner (turnbuckle): Strong

grapple, then press B.

Mahistrol Cradle (opponent face down on mat Siang у opponent ead.

Game Informer January гв)

Basic Training

Special Combos

The meter to the right of the selected special weapon is your special meter. Using this wondrous gauge, you can enter a number of directional pad combos to unearth secret powers. And you thought Herby was amazing!

Freeze Burst - Left, Right, Up, Up

Rear Freeze - Left, Right, Down, Down

Massive Attack Up, Down, Up, Down, Up

Rear Massive Attack - Up, Down, Up, Down, Down Rear Attack - Right, Left, Down, Down

High Jump - Up, Up, Left

Shield Up, Up, Right

Invisibility - Down, Down, Up, Up

Hyperspace - Up, Up, Down, Down

Quick 180? Spin

Оп most of the stages, large strips of green acid cover the play- ing field. You can drive over these without harm, but there is a trick to these strange slicks. If you shoot napalm or use a fire special attack, the acid will start on fire and spread. When an enemy is on the acid, initiate the burn.

Hidden Vehicles After you beat a boss, he or she will become available in the Character Select screen.

Final Rating

After you beat the game, you'll be placed back into Level 1; however this time around it's called Level 9. Dont fret, no extra bonuses can be unlocked through further gameplay. All you play for now is a higher rating (listed on

your save file). Each time

The most helpful move in Twisted 4 is the quick 180°. With the gas held down, apply lil and Left or Right to spin out and face the opposition. Master this move to excel!

you beat the game, you are placed back at the start of a more difficult game with your previous rating. If you really want the final rating (bragging rights), then keep playing!

Sneaky Move

If you're having trouble landing damage with the Remote weapons, plant one next to your car and park. When a car is nearby, put your shield up and detonate the bomb to send the opposition flying.

Level 1 - Construction Yard

Enemies: 3

Boss: Crusher

For a stage that is so small, a ton of well hidden secrets await. In the center of this square-shaped level sits a crane (A). Simply shoot out the doors on the crane's command and drive into the green icon. Doing this will give you control of the crane. Move it around the arena and use the map to track enemies. When an enemy is under the crane, hit to capture the enemy. With him or her ele- vated on the magnet, maneuver to the left or right and drop the enemy into the flames or onto a barrel. For more ammo, a secret alcove awaits at point (B) behind the cracks in the wall, and at point (C) underneath the square block or to the left of the bridge. If you're in need of a full health, turbo from the elevated platform over to point (D). Additional warps bring you to various power-ups; and this stage's boss, Crusher, is best handled from a distance. In close quarters his claw will eat you alive. One last note - if you die, we recommend starting over. You'll want every last life for the battle with Sweet Tooth at the end of the game.

4 Blow away the block to uncover a secret area.

4 Shoot the doors to reveal the crane controls...Then use the mag- net to suck up the competition.

; Level 2 - Neon City

Enemies: 4

Boss: Moon Buggy

This is an unforgiving stage that will suck your life away if you are not careful. Use extreme caution when approaching the raised railway. Every minute or so, a train occupies this space; and if you happen to be in its way, prepare to be sent into an uncon- trollable spin that will eat away a good portion of your health. Speaking of which, Health power-ups are scattered all about. To get the Full Health, work your way up the railway onto the build- ing tops. Pass by the teleport and use your Turbo to launch off the ramp through the window. Here, you will find an Auto Lob and a Health. Shoot the wall to the left (A) to reveal the air taxi icon. Drive onto the icon and wait for the air taxi to transport you to a secret sector. Blast the windows on this building to reach another rooftop that holds this level's Lightning and the air stream (B) leading to the Full Health. The first rooftop you were on is the blast zone for the Lightning. If you use it, and you're on this roof, be sure to raise your shield as the skies electrify.

4 ...and the secret path to the Lightning and the Full Health.

: E Е : EN A Launch from the ramp through A Then shoot out the wall to the window... reveal the air taxi...

Level.3 - Road Rage Enemies: 6 Boss: Super Thumper To be successful on this level, you'll need to control the flow of the Health power-ups, and you'll need to continually make your rounds to snatch them up as they appear. When an enemy's power is in danger, he or she will flee the fray and seek Health. We recommend leaving the Full Health hidden until you need it. When the time comes, destroy the wall in front of the glass (A) to reveal the Full Health and Auto Lob. Also, be sure to blow away the gates (B) guarding the Lightning early on. Lure enemies to the target zone, and use the Lightning to make them fry. As for Super Thumper, stay away from his flame, and use missiles (Homing and Power) to take him out from a comfortable distance.


Blow away this window to unearth Destroy this wall to the right of the highly coveted Full Health. the building to find the Lightning.

Enemies: 5

Boss: RC Car

Just like in the last stage, staying in control of the Health power- ups gives you a huge advantage. The Lightning is also a mighty weapon that can clear out multiple enemies at once. To unveil this weapon, simply destroy the Sweet Tooth lamp (C). Once the weapon is secured, lure the enemies to the floor, then drive up a ramp and activate the Lightning. Its blast covers most of the floor and fries almost everything on the premises! To unlock a wide array of weapons, destroy the gas tanks (A) next to the walls. From here additional weapons and the Full Health await behind the bomb box and gas box (B). Before confronting the boss, RC Саг, make sure your health is full and you have a powerful arsenal in your back seat. The RC Car is a vicious adversary with both speed and power. Never confront this boss head on, or you'll feel the zap of a megaton laser.

A Snag all the Health before the A Blow away the gas boxes to find A The Lightning awaits behind opposition can mend wounds. secret mouse holes. the lamp.

Level 5 - Amazonia

Enemies: 6

Boss: Super Axle

There's a lot of ground to cover on this level, and unfortunately, all of the weapons seem to be evenly dispersed throughout this dangerous land. Once you do obtain a fairly large arsenal, we recommend battling in the prairie (B). This area allows you to use jousting-like maneuvers to take down the enemy. Charge head on against any foe. Take a few shots, then when you pass the enemy, quickly spin 180° and charge again. If you want the Lightning or need the Full Health, both await in the same place. Simply jump across the platforms and a warp leading to these powerful tools awaits at the end. Good luck!

A Launch across the ramps to reach 4 Use this wide open terrain to the warp leading to weapons party. outperform the competition.


-Level-8 - The Oil Rig

Enemies: 5 с Bosses: Super Auger & Super Slamm 41.

$ : в 2 aunch across the Une false move on this stage can result in death, so be extra cautious when ' ramps to reach battling near ledges, otherwise you'll plummet into the white unknown. m the warp leading Another bummer is the lack of Health. There's only one Health unit on this 5 Е to weapons party. stage, and you'll need either to get a running jump to nail it (B) or to use the Ў Warp (D) to teleport onto its ledge. This power-up reappears every few ѕес- onds and is greatly wanted by the CPU. This is one of those stages that you need the Lightning to clear out the competition. To get it, use the jump combo to launch from the rooftop to the warp on top of the red building (A).

This warp will bring you to a slew of goods. Be sure to nail a swarm of enemies with it on the main platform. This technique works well on the bosses too. Just like the previous Twisted Metal games, stay far away from these bosses, and use your Specials whenever you can! Their armor is tough, so you'll need the heavy firepower to weaken them.

Level 7 - Minion's-Maàze

Enemies: 6

Boss: Minion B On this stage, you're basically nothing more than a mouse in a maze. Your cheese is four differ-

ent Health power-ups scattered across the terrain and an easy-to- reach Lightning blast (A). The Lightning on this stage is incredi-

bly powerful spreading across

the entire play field. Let it rip whenever you want and watch the enemy drown in pain. It'll take a while to get to know this level, but hope- fully you wont be on it too long. When confronting Minion, stay on his tail. He's incredibly slow and easy to pick off from the side. Just confront him prepared with tons of firepower. If his health drains, he'll run for Health. Dont let him get his bandages.

Jump from the central > platform to the magnetic lift to get the Lightning.

devel: 8 - The Carnival

Enemies: 6 Boss: Sweet Tooth

Tooth car, and grab the Full Health. For the Lightning, use the

warp next to the Sideshow Freaks’ hut to reach the roof. Jump

from this brown surface to the tent (D) and you'll find the Lightning

on top. All unlucky cars on the main floor will receive a jolt from

this powerful weapon. Also,

enter the Sideshow Freaks'

booth and blast the walls to see

some hidden imagery (C). Lastly,

when fighting Sweet Tooth,

make sure your arsenal and

combo meter are full. Sweet

Tooth's special can kill you in a

hit, and you'll want to use three

shields to block it. Otherwise, PETER. ES 4 Use your Machine Gun to unearth keep him away from the Health, А i | secret images. and enjoy the ending! "a I

3006605 000099

"oae ome

Enter all of these codes at the Password Screen.

Level Select - 8ODYS

Invincibility - HPPYHPPY

All Weapons - RCKTSRDGLR

Bonus Level - WRDRB

Brandon Gang - NNKNHCKS

Custom 1 Gang - TRDDYBRRKS "Azrael, Angel of Death"

Queens, NY

Enter all of these codes at the Press Start screen.

Trial Mode Up, Down (x2), Right (x3), Left (x4), then hold Down C and press Start

All Multiplayer Characters - Up, Down (x2), Right (x3), Left (x4), then hold Up C and press Start

Bryan Williams Indianapolis, IN

Enter this code during gameplay.

All Cars & Tracks B, A, 2 (x2), B, Left Button, A, Up C Bob Dole

Enter all of these codes as player


Level Select ITSALLUP

Infinite Health - LIVELONG

All Weapons - NAVARONE

$500,000 - MUCHCASH

No police - LOSEFEDS

Max Wanted Level - DESIRES

Display Coordinates - WUGGLES

5x Multiplier - HIGHFIVE

10 Million Points - BIGSCORE

Debug Scripts - NOFRILLS Bryan Williams Indianapolis, IN

Enter these codes as player names in the single player mode.

Delete Line Totals & Reset Wonders 01DERS Delete Line Totals, Reset Wonders, & Erase Scores 1N175R4M “Da Ill Communicator” Boisel, MT

© Game Informer January 2000

Braindead, AK |

Enter all of these codes at the Password screen.

Invincibility INVINC

Infinite Papers - NOBUNDLE View All Headlines - HEADLINE Super Jump - MOON

Super Jump Springs ALLJUMP Rocket Boosters - GOFAST Turbo Mode - RUSH Slow-Motion Mode - WAKING Frame-By-Frame Mode UNTIMED (Press C-Right to advance frames) Near-Sighted Mode - MAGOO Invisible Obstacles - JUMBLE Screaming Obstacles - SCREAM Throw Papers Backwards BACKWARD.

Big Newspapers - SUNDAY Small Paperboy - LITTLE

Mr. Yuck Middletown, VA

Enter these codes as names at the Make License screen.

Rocket Car - FLYSKYHGH Turbo Mode - FSTFRWRD No Wheels - NWHLS No Chassis or Bricks - NCHSSS Pootang McBootang Webville, COM

To Increase your power over fate, enter this cheat at the Main Menu.

Debug - Right (x2), Left (x2), Right, Left, Right. A sound will indicate Success, and then...

..these codes become available for entry:

Play as Despair - Left C, Right C, Left C, Right C Play as Bunny Despair - Left C, Up C, Right C, Down C Titan Quest Mode Up C, Down C, Up C, Down C “Mr. Monday Night" Fargo, ND

As promised, here are all of the Skill Points in Spyro 2. We recommend

beating the game with a 10096 rating before attempting to meet most of these Skill Point goals. The Superflame reward for this feat will help greatly!

Skill Point Level Strategy

All Cacti Skelos Badlands (Flame all cacti)

All Windmills Hurricos (Destroy all windmills)

Perfect in Hockey Colossus (Win hockey 5-0)

3 Laps of Supercharge Fracture Hills (Zoom through the Supercharge area by passing through the gate on each lap)

Perfect Crush's Dungeon (Defeat Crush without taking a hit)

Perfect Gulp's Overlook (Defeat Gulp without taking a hit)

Perfect Ripto's Arena (Defeat Ripto without takinga hit)

All Trees Scorch (Smash into all trees to make them drop a coconut)

Under 1:10 Ocean Speedway (Beat Ocean Speedway in under 1:10)

Under 1:15 Metro Speedway (Beat Metro Speedway in under 1:15)

Under 1:15 lcy Speedway (Beat Icy Speedway in under 1:15)

Under 1:10 Canyon Speedway (Beat Canyon Speedway in under 1:10)

Land on Idol Idol Springs (Land on large idol Head in hula girl area)

All Seaweed Aquaria Towers (Flame all Seaweed with the Superflame power)

Hit Ripto Gulp's Overlook (Hit Ripto with a rocket in Gulp's Overlook)

Catbat Quartet Skelos Badlands ^ (Defeat all four Catbats in

the rocket area) “Gl Pleasure Droid”

(location unknown last seen under the gun)

Enter all of these case-sensitive codes at the Easter Egg screen.

Better Passing - Pass Attack Better Running - Run Attack Better Defense - Da Wall Super Recruits - GOLDEN Small Vs. Big - David Goliath Mo "Golden Gopher" Ommit Really Stinky Dorm Room, MN


Laugh At Opposition After scoring a goal, simply tap the s button to crazily laugh at the competition. Note: Doing this against a friend in a critical situation will surely lead to you getting your arse kicked. "The VidMan" Uptown, MN

Enter all of these codes at the Password screen.

Unlimited Special Weapons - A, L1, Down, A, Up

CPU Only Attacks Player Right, A. Right, A, L1

Only Napalm - Right, Left, R1, Right, @

Hidden Songs - Place your totally tubular Twisted Metal IV game disc іг an audio CD player and access track two to hear music by Rob Zombie, Cypress Hill, Cirrus, Goulspoon, One Minute Silence, Cirrus, and Skold. V'GI Droid

(location unknown last seer

playing Othello,

helpful hints * passwords °

Enter all of these codes as player names at the Career Player creation screen.

Fight as Jermiane Dupri - JERMAINE DUPRI

Fight as Q-Tip О TIP

Fight as Gargoyle - GARGOYLE Fight as Clown - SHMACKO

Fight as Alien - ROSWELL

Fight as 0 - 0

Fight as Marc Ecko - MARC ECKO Fight as Tim Duncan - TIM DUNCAN Fight as Marlon Wayans - MARLON WAYANS

Enter all of these codes at the Password screen.

All Co-Pilots Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down

d Level Codes Fight as Ed Mahone - ED MAHONE an Sean "The Dark Jedi" Davis 2) Right Down, Left (x2), WI, Ө

Flint, MI Level 3 A, Up, Left, Right, Down,

A, 9, U Level 4 - Down (x2), Bl (x2), Left,


Right, ©, 3€ Cheat Mode - Pause the game then Level 5 Right (х2), €*, @, Down, press Select (х2), @ (х2) to enable the (Ор, Down, Up cheat mode. After this, and while the Level 6 - Bl, Ө, 3€, lil, A, Left, Up, game is still paused, enter one of the Right

Level 7 - Right, Down, Left, Up, s, Down, Up, Down Level 8 - @ (x2), Right, Up, Right,

three cheats below:

Full Health A, Select

All Weapons - L1 (x2), R1 (x2) Up, % (x2) Complete Mission Select, Level 9 - 3€, Down (x4), 3€, Left, “The Rhino" Right Toledo, OH Level 10 - А, Up, @, Down, lil, Left, c ж, Right

(тї Level 11 A, Up, 6, Down, W, Left, MT J ж, Right

è З Level 12 Up (x2), А (x2), Left (x2), Enter this code as a PPV Password. e (x2)

Level 13 Left, Down, Left, Down, momo

World War Ill PPV yKh#J$=JQLmFs

Trey Witherspoon Level 14 - Down (х4), # (x2), @ (x2)

Austin TX Level 15 W, Right, Left, & (x2), Up, Down, BM

Miles Lane

Sun City, OR

inventory and highlight the Large Medipak icon. Simultaneously press and L1, L2, R1, and R2, then press and hold Down. At this point, exit the inventory to

Level Skip Position Lara so that she is | 0 receive a ton of items.

facing to the North. The easiest way to do this is to hoist Lara up onto a block or item. If she’s facing South, rolling (@) will spin her to the North. Now, enter your inventory and highlight the Load Game icon. Simultaneously press and L1, L2, R1, and R2, then press and hold Up. At this point, exit the inventory and the level will skip.

All Weapons - Position Lara so that she is facing to the North. The easiest way to

(@) will spin her to the North. Now, enter your inventory and highlight the Small Medipak 4 icon. Simultaneously press and L1, L2, R1, and R2, then press and hold Up. At this point, exit the inventory to receive the full arsenal in The Last Revelation.

АП Items Position Lara so that she is facing to the North. The easiest way to do this is to hoist Lara up onto a block or item. If she's facing South, rolling (@) will

spin her to the North. Now, enter your John Mosklet

Great Neck, NY

Enter both of these codes during gameplay (must be done rapidly).

TV Style Camera - 6, Li+ A, 1+ %, A, R1 + Up, Select Insane Speeds 1+ Right, R1 + Down, Bl, L1 + A, R1 + Down, L1 + Left, Select Sammy Haggar Rosewood, WA

do this is to hoist Lara up onto a block gi or item. If she's facing South, rolling gg

Enter both of these codes as player names.

All Riders, Boards, & Mountains


Open All Events ІМ SPECIAL "The Rhino" Toledo, OH

Enter both of these codes at the

Character Selection screen.

Unlock All Characters & Levels - Wi (х4), ® (x4), Ш (x4), Select (x3) Cheat Mode - B, © (x2), Ш, © (x2), Bi, Ө (х2), Bi, Ө (x2), Select (x3)

Enter this code from the Pause Screen.

One-Hit Kills CPU Opponent - ® +

ША Teddy “Snugly Wugly" Roosevelt Washington, DC

Enter all of these codes at the menu with “Training” at the top.

All Gold Medals Down, Up, Left,

Right, A, х, M, ©

Level Select Down, Up, Right, Left, A, %, E, ө

Extra Points L2, R2, L1, R1, А, Ө, P E

Long Name - Up, Down, Left, Right, A, X, E, Ө

View Ending Up, Down, Left, Left, x, E, A, ©

Jeff Nallen Stool, AZ


Send in your codes and passwords, and if we choose your entry as Code of the Month you'll win a wonderful prize from the Game Informer Vault! All other entries printed within these hallowed pages will receive a Secret Access T-shirt. Send To: Secret Access Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E-Mail:

Game Informer January 2000

SHOX9X7- OO 5006066

Enter all of these codes from the Pause screen. Note: The menu will shake when the code is entered correctly.

Cheat Mode Hold L1 and press 6, Right, Up, Down, ©, Right, Up, BI, А All Practice Areas Hold L1 and press W, Up, Left, Up, 6, А Random Start Locations Hold L1 and press W, ©, 3€, Up, Down Level Select Hold L1 and press A, Right, Up, lil, A, Left, Up, III, А Special Meter Always Full - Hold L1 and press €, A, ©, Down, Up, Right 10x Stat Bonus Hold L1 and press W, A, Up, Down 13x Stat Bonus Hold L1 and press ж, Ш (х2), A, Up, Down Big Head Mode Hold L1 and press E, ©, Up, Left (x2) Blood Mode Hold L1 and press Right, Up, Ш, A. "Scarecrow" Burnt Hills, NY

Enter all of these codes at the name entry screen displayed in Championship mode or after a race. Vote: " " indicates a space.

All Classes - ALL EVENTS All Tracks - DIRT TRACKS Big Heads - GROSSE TETE Mirror Mode - OPPOSITE LOCK Wrath Child FMV - LIVE ACTION "Virtual Gap Boy 2001" Phoenix, AZ

Enter all of these codes at the Default Name screen located іп the Options/Game Setup menus.

Phantom Class - JAZZNAZ All Circuits - WIZZPIG All Teams AVINIT All Challenges - THEHAIR Infinite Hyperthrust - MOONFACE Infinite Shields & Thrust - GEORDIE Infinite Random Weapons DEPUTY Prototype Tracks - CANER W All Tournaments - BUNTY White Turbo Triangles - BEBEDEE Wall Resistance - NOWHEELS Link Mode - LINK (Before you enter this, load Wipeout 3 on two linked PlayStation units. Now, change the Default Name on both units to LINK. If entered correctly the screens will flash and a new Establish Link option will appear.

"The VidMan”

Uptown, MN

© Game Informer January 2000

helpful hints

Enter all of these codes at the Password screen. Note: Ignore the Invalid Password message.



Level Passwords Subpen Area - ABEMJQLNVTPG Russian Embassy - OGLIESHVIRLL KGB Warehouse - OQRFFSITJMNI KGB Headquarters - EHNJHSURWJMP Security Hallway GDPSISJOWUAN Underground Sewage Plant GGHIHSJVWRML Security Hallway - GQOFISKTLMAI KGB Headquarters IGCJMJMVMRBL Russian Embassy - IQDSNJNTOMCI IMF Headquarters IJENMUNHONCJ IMF Headquarters 2 IMQPNHNKOSCM Infirmary - PBFROUOPPWDB CIA Rooftop - PHGKPUPKQSDM CIA Mainframe Computer PJGNOUPHQNDJ CIA Rooftop - KEJPPUPSRKEE Waterloo Station HDGGFPKQMOBC Train - IGILGPMLMYBO Train 2 - HDGOFTKQMOBC Train Roof - |GJDGTMLMYBO Lundkvist Base - NGHSMGQTXMGI Tunnel - MOEEOJGHVXJH Mainland - MKEHTJSSVVJD Gunboat - AFQMOJGPVTPG

Sean "The Dark Jedi" Davis

Flint, MI


Enter all of these codes into the Enigma Machine (code entry screen).

Capt. Dye Mode - CAPTAINDYE (enter this code BEFORE starting a new game) Also, beating the game in this mode will unlock all of the secret multiplayer characters (like the Raptor). Nifty Multiplayer Powerups DENNISMODE American Movie Mode - SPRECHEN Col. Muller in Multiplayer - BIGFATMAN

Orlando Thomas

Edina, MN

Play as Dural - At the Character Select screen press Down, Up, Right, Left + Start to unlock this powerful adversary.

Play as Alphabet - Set the game to Normal, then head to the Character Select screen, highlight Akira, then press Start. Next, move to Lion and press Start, then highlight Pai and press Start. From here, simply hit A to bring up the big Alphabet dude.

| Fight Against Alphabet - Set the game

to Normal, then head to the Character Select screen, highlight Akira, then press Start. Next, highlight Lau and press Start, then move to Pai and press Start. From here, simply press A on the character you desire to fight Alphabet.

Change Backgrounds - When in Training Mode, hold Start and press A while selecting a stage.

Hidden Train Pick Jeffry as your character then execute a Toe Kick (4 + К) into a Slash Mountain combo (4, м, э + P + б) a train will fly by in the background.

Hidden Snowman - If you get an Excellent victory with Shun Di on Dural's

| desert stage, a snowman will randomly

appear during the replay.

Peace Sign - Immediately after achieving an Excellent victory with Jacky or Kage press + + P + G + E to bring up the symbol of peace. If you do this with an alternate costumed cage a basin will appear instead.

Remix Music When the Sega logo

appears at the beginning of the game

press and hold Start on both controllers

until the new remix music plays at the Title Screen.

Ewan McGregor

Blaine, NH

Enter all of these codes from the in game

pause screen. Note: A 'bing' sound

confirms correct code entry.

All Maps Hold the L Button and press A, Y, X, B, Y, X. Heavy Weapon Hold the L Button and press X, A, Y, B, A, X Switch Machine Gun - Hold the L Button and press B, A, Y, X, A, B. 99 Heavy Ammo Hold the L Button and press A, B, X, Y, B, A. Fix Toy Hold the L Button and press A, X, B, Y, A, Y

“Daddy Fat Sax”

Memphis, TN

Enter all of these codes in the Cheats menu.

Win Everything - CITYBEACONS Always Win - TEAROUND Infinite Time - IWISH Power-Up Moves - TRAVOLTA Big Heads - INFLATEDEGO "The Rhino" Toledo, OH

Су мшш 7)

Enter these codes from the Pause Screen.

Additional Lives A, B, X, Y, L Button, R Button, Up, Down, Left, Right Additional Credits A, B, Left, A, B, Right, B, A, Down, R Button Level Skip Y (x2), X (x2), L Button, R Button, Down (x2), Up (x2) Level Select Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right (x2), Y Grenades - Down (x5), Up (x4), R Button Instant Victory L Button, В Button, L Button, R Button, Left, Right, Left, Right, үх Shields Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Up, Down, Left, Right, Y First-Person View L Button, Left, R Button, Right, 3€ (x2), Down (x2), R Button, L Button Red Green Ontario, Canada

Enter all of these codes during gameplay. All Cars & Tracks B, Right, B, Right, Up, B, Up Extra Cash -A, Right, A, Right, Up, B, A Infinite Nitros Down, Up, Down, Up, A,

Х,А Skip Class Down, Right, Down, Right, A,X,A Paula Abdul Aol, Com

Female Character Enter Arcade mode then simultaneously press A + B at the Level Select screen.

Sonic Lure - Complete All Five

Tournaments in Consumer mode to unlock this tasty fishy treat.

Jon "The Balding Fish" Storm

(It doesn't matter where he's from!)

The codes below only work with Interact's GameShark enhancer attachment 7 > ي‎ Codes found in this issue: С) Rayman 2: The Great Escape Battle Tanx: Global Assault


Boombots Championship Motocross:

Enter all of these codes at the Infinite Health Have All Crates Featuring Ricky Carmichael

Cool Boarders 4 . Password screen. 810d9f78 0000 810c70f8 7fff Beer beue.

Classic Mode CLSS1281999DBM 810d9f7a 0064 810c70fa ffff Grand Theft Auto 2...

Level passwords No Health 810c70fc ffff Jet Moto 3............. Venus - RTJNPBKCX2RJPW 810d9f7a 0000 810c70fe ## Kroon Kings 2000 ... Earth - WWYXTC2NQW79VY e 810c7100 fff Medel of Honor Mars - ?2WZ4VCLN4W81V? Infinite Stamina 800c7102 00% Heide hopr Jupiter - RSSN3QJ78?GJMC 810d9f7c 0000 Mortal Tani qu Saturn - WSPZMSO8N?H8NF 810d9f7e 0064 Lotsa’ Lums Part 1 NOUS CURE Bec DO Uranus - CV1?QWKGJ3X8R5 ) 50006401 0000 Neptune - HV27RW1GN3YOR7 No Stamina 800c7108 00 Pluto - MV7HRCLHS3ZSR9 810d9f7c 0000 c

James Jordan 810d9f7e 0000 Lotsa’ Lums Part 2

Houston, TX Max RIMBIE - 50001901 0000 8100984 0000 800c70bd 00ff 81099186 0030 Open Map - Expert Mode During a game, Pause, Never RUMBLE 810c7010 ## Bude Aen then press Select. Doing this will 810d9f84 0000 810c70f2 ШЇ Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage...

remove the next piece preview menu Tetris DX........ when gameplay resumes. 81009186 0000 р ҮТ The New Tetris ...

Move Blocks Up - When any piece Infinite Health (Player 2) Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation...

other than a straight bar or block is 810da790 0000 Tomorrow Never Dies falling, hold to the Left or Right until the 810da792 0064 Infinite Ink Ribbons In Chest шыны Skater .. block touches the wall. While still 800921а0 6381 w ae er. holding the direction, rapidly tap A to No Health (Player 2) БОШОО OOO GR

make the piece rise. 810da790 0000 Twisted Metal IV. Alternate Screens Before starting a 810da792 0000 Infinite Health for Jill - Virtua Fighter 3tb

game, sit at the Main Menu and wait Infinite Stamina (Player 2) 800ccc90 00c8 WCW Mayhem ... until the demonstration begins. Now, UE Winback: Covert Ops ... press Select and wait until the 8100794 0000 Condition Fine Wipeout 3 ...........

swimming fish show up. Press A and 810da796 0064 300ccc97 0004 Xena: Talisman of Fate.

wait to return to the demonstration, No Stamina (Player 2) - Have 10 Slot then tap A again to wait and see confetti ave 19 Slots and the Nintendo logo. For the last 810da794 0000 800d225e 000a

surprise, press B and wait to bring up 810da796 0000 Have All Maps

the demonstration again, then press B Max RUMBLE (Player 2) 300d2127 00е These lines may not have information for

to eventually bring up a blackboard. 810da7a0 0000 all titles. If you're under 18 be sure to get ? . All call Continue Game - In single player, 810da7a2 0030 300d212b 00е Between §96 and $125 ао.

pause the game then turn off the Game Have All Files Acclaim

paa ptmp PEP 29 طط‎

9 & 9 i pampo

Boy Color. When you turn on the GBC Never RUMBLE (Player 2) 800d212c fff 516-759-7800 again, a continue screen will appear 810da7a0 0000 80092126 fff Activision ang you can resume your previously 810da7a2 0000 e 4-900-680-HINT рус дате, Abe Froman Infinite Time Hyper Mode Capcom Greenwood, NJ 810e7596 0e10 800d454c 0002 mo z Unlock All Characters Secret Mode о ен ET 5000125с 0000 8001132 ffe0 Electronic Arts а 810ec938 0000 Total Time (Get Grade S) - 900-288-4468 Extra Credits Press Up at the Difficulty screen to obtain up to five 5000125¢ 0000 80041128 0000 GT Interactive credits. 810ec93a 0003 800d1f2a 0000 900-225-5248 Enter these Kombat Kodes before the ini di LIENS Konami match begins. The numbers represent ТОПЕ ол Have All Pics in Epilogue 900-896-4468 noy many times you need to tap the D- ; 800d1f3e 0008 LucasArts ad Up. seamen ties ini де 900-740-5334 Play as Reptile - 192-234 Infinite Fuel Midway Fight Against Reptile 205-205 903-874-5092 Disable Throws 100-100 Max Coins Гать ЕНЕ Nintend Dark Kombat 688-422 | Knockout Kings 2000 900-288-0707 (Game Counseling)

Randper Kombat 333-333 810bb10e 0063 425-885-7529 (Automated)

Psycho Kombat 985-125 inite Lives ү : ;

No Blocking 020-020 шш. ао осоне m ни

Player 1 25% Health - 707-000 800c56980 0064

Player 1 50% Health 033-000 Infinite Battery Sow

CPU 25% Health 000-707 81066106 000d 900-933-7669

CPU 50% Health 000-033 Ef Square Soft Ponda Bonda Infinite Double Jumps 900-407-KLUE(5583) Mos Espa, UT, 810bb0fc 0002 THO


Game Informer « January 2000 ©

gaming from the past to the СЕ > -TY ‘Trevor McFun ia the Crescent Galaxy ү 4

Availability: Uncommon Replay Value: Moderate Similar Games: Raiden (Jaguar), R-Type (Various Systems) Created by: Atari Corp.

Access Tip: To activate the Cheat mode, hit 1, 1, 9, 3 at the Title screen and use the second controller buttons to activate various cheats. Overall:

Jaguar > NPS

1992 Summer Consumer Electronics

Show, you would have seen the. first glimpse of Atari's Jaguar in action. While still s promoting its handheld, the Lynx, on the showroom floor, Atari held a pecia press conference to tout what it was calling the first 64-bit gaming system. One of the first games introduced was a side-scrolling shooter that would later be known as Trevor McFur. This game not only holds the distinction of being the first game ever shown for the Jaguar, but also the first shooter released for the system in 1993. McFur is fairly typical to the genre. The player controls a spaceship armed with unlimited cannon and bomb shots. Through destroying targets, the player can then acquire power-ups and special weapons. An interesting feature of McFur's special weapons’ control is that it makes use of the Jaguar controller's 12-button keypad. The nine special weapons are selected via a corresponding button; however, finding the correct button is difficult because taking your eyes off the screen is a poor strategy. As a shooter, Trevor McFur is pretty forgettable even though the cud S a in 210 и is prominent.

[: you меге lucky enough to attend the

| Availability: Common Replay Value: Moderately High Similar Games: Gunstar Heroes (SG), Golden nus The Duel (SS), Streets of Rage (SG) Created by: Treasure for Sega Access Tip: To get 99 continues, start a game on easy difficulty and then reset the game. Next, | а ЕВ enter the Options menu, select a difficulty, and begin another game.

, Overall:

uardian Heroes is a very stylized side- | ms brawler that appeared on the ! Saturn early in 1996. Developed in Japan by Treasure, makers. of the classic Genesis game Gunstar Heroes, the game is full of spectacular graphical effects and incredible character melees. Part brawler, part RPG, Guardian Heroes mixes traditional hack n’ slash gameplay with magic use, level-ups, and adjustable character attributes. The game unfolds in many different ways depending on which of the four characters you begin the adventure with. There are numerous path choices, and after certain scenes, character attributes such as agility, strength, and intelligence can be modified. Using the attacks and magic is much the same as in many fighting games. Additionally, playing through the game a number of times will unlock over 40 new players for the Head-to-Head mode. Up to six players can rack each other to a pulp here, but this mode is more a а than anything else.

Game Informer « January 2000

| Similar Games: Aerobiz (SG), A-Train ( "m Theme

Availability: Uncommon Replay Value: Moderate Similar Games: Splatterhouse 2 & 3 (SG), Final Fight (SNES)

Created by: Namco for NEC

Access Tip: To activate the Level Select, start the game and when you see the Intro screen showing the rain, hit Run, Select, Select, Select. Then hold down/left and hit the | button. Overall:

surge of horror films in the early AS Friday the 13th in particular,

fueled the development of this Namco arcade title in 1988 and later a home version for the TG-16 in 1990. Like Friday the 13th, Splatterhouse stars a hockey-masked mutha; only his name is not Jason, but Rick. It's not like Rick is evil and bent on killing the counselors of Camp Crystal Lake. Rick's quest is to save his girlfriend, and the special powers of his hockey "Terror Mask" will give him the strength and courage to do so. Splatterhouse is a classic beatem-up with a standard array of punches and kicks that allows the player to truncheon the monster minions that come Rick's way. While some timely jabs will usually do the trick, the real splattering begins when you grab the various item weapons found throughout the game. You start out finding a simple two-by-four; then in later levels you'll discover a shotgun, spear, and cleaver. Splatterhouse remains a very entertaining game; its only downfall may be that the game is over way too quickly.

Availability: Rare Replay Value: High

Park (Various Systems)

Created by: Koei

Access Tip: To find a minigame where you have to identify a country’s flag, go to the Options menu and push Select.


5 requested from the peanut gallery, we have one of the more unusual and W unique strategy games for the SNES. If e

you are familiar with the developer Koei, then you know that the company makes games for a different breed of gamer. Aerobiz Supersonic is no different and, in actuality, it is the second game of the series to appear on the SNES. In the game, you manage all aspects of running an airline. From determining routes to buying planes, the goal in this game is to dominate the world of global airline travel. Choosing one of four scenarios that range from the dawn of the jet age to the future of supersonic air travel, the creation of an airline empire will take countless hours and plenty of brain power. As with most strategy games, things begin simply enough, but then become extremely hectic as more variables are added. Did you monitor the capacity of the Atlanta to New York route? Are your ad campaigns effective? What about taking care of your shoddy in-flight service? Some things just never change - even in video games.


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PLAYERS © 1997 Player's Edge. Player's Edge is a trademark of InterAct Accessories, Inc. InterAct Accessories is a trademark of STD Manufacturing LTD. E A cmd Wipeout, Wipeout XL and Psygnosis are trademarks of Psygnosis. 1996 Psygnosis Ltd. Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Nintendo and Game Boy [x] а |

are trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. Sega Genesis and Game Gear are trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ltd.

1 " Y 3 ON к>


Manufacturer: 21st Century Toys List Price: $29.99

асады: cin Hate the living, love the dead! They ain't : i cheap, but if you've had We Are 138 stuck in

Saitek's first foray into the world of console your head for the last ten years like some of peripherals has yielded the Tilt Double Shock. us around here, these аге an absolute must Notice how it has only one analog stick? A sec- buy. As they come in coffin-shaped boxes, ond isn't needed since the PX3000 will sense if don't expect to find Jerry Only and Doyle at UE СААТИ ШЭ ICD CIE IG Wal-Mart. Your best bet is specialty stores or move that direction. It's like being. a TIE" online. All 21st Century has to do now is make

Fighter pilot. There's even a throttle wheel near GWAR figures, and they'll officially become the your thumb. It's a little pricy, but with its clever coolest toy company on the planet.

control set up, you'll be able to play games one- handed - and using that free hand in the right way can add a whole lot of entertainment value to any game.

Manufacturer: Manga Entertainment List Price: $19.95

Manufacturer: InterAct List Price: $79.99 Manufacturer: Boston Sox (plus $9.99/ month subscription) List Price: $5.99

Back in the old days, these socks were avail- able only in rainbow hues and were the exclu- Sive footwear of hippie freaks like that magician Doug Henning. Well, now they're available in

more toned-down colors, so us middle- class businessmen types can finally let our freak flags fly.

Manufacturer: InterAct List Price: $19.99

It comes in four fruity colors and has an auto-fire button to boot. The AstroPad is nice and lightweight, and the cord actually faces the right way;

but the triggers feel а little flim- 4 4 Sy, and the Start button is so small it's hard to reach. Still,

you won't find a better lime green Dreamcast controller anywhere.

© Game Informer January 2000

Buzz Mightyer to the R

Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue

“To PlayStation and Nintendo 64 and Beyond!” Game Informer, January 2000

Visit us @ Trade-in your previously played games at

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Limit one per customer. Quantities are limited. Prices and offers expire January 31, 2000. Original Toy Story Elements © Disney. Toy Story 2 Elements © Disney/Pixar. All rights reserved. Developed by Traveller's Tales. Published and distributed by Activision, Inc. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc. PlayStation and PlayStation logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Nintendo 64, "N" logo and Nintendo are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America. © 2000 Funco, Inc. FuncoLand is а registered trademark of Funco, Inc. All rights reserved.




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