NEWS ° PREVIEWS ° REVIEWS ° CODES Super Moves £ * Guide ; For Ready 2 Rumble” — ASTONISHING. SECRETS — For Soul Calibur, Marvel Vs. Capcom & Monster Rancher 2 SHOCKING - STORIES - "Straight From Lara Croft: S POA THRILLING DETAIĽS On Resident Evil'3, Twisted Metal 4, & t Castlevania Resurrection i n ! WWW. xemetuformier com $3.95 Canada $4.95 UK £2.50 Lf | | | 10 ti >? nada l 01864 Ils | Will Draai TM A Revon w kaa MIB „Oris tA Time Bomb Waiting To Explode? EVERYONE Wes PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Omega SHE. Boost is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. ©1999 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. s PlayStation While the engineers at NASA might have been shortsighted, ours were not. They’ve put together a gravity-defying, medulla-blowing shooting game with a full 360 degrees of free- -range motion - Translation: Now you have the ability, and the sophisticated weaponry, to annihilate alien warships with frightening speed and accuracy. All of which beats the hell out-o adjusting some wing nut on the i Space Station. Omega Boost, from the creators of Gran Turismo: "ERE Tr ‘LEVEL 3 wuo02'uoneisÁejd-MMM jueuiueuequs 1ajnduon &uos jo seWapE paxarsiba: a1e soBoj uoneisfejg Ay} pue LOREISAL|g xuirejuj1ejquaeJ9 "v Kaupog © “OU uaua endo? fuos 6661 © uj vouotuy uae] 1ayndiuog Auos jo xe tue JatuLueP uu 3NOAH3A3 "SIY} Jo ino seidno4D e109s ue^e 1uBiui NOA *xyoer ueKejd jeuyoue UO aye} ueAe ueo noA .2eddeg eui eddejeg jo susyew əy} Ag noÁ o} 1ubnoJuq S4 ‘Syu 131114 194}0 pue dod ‘jund ‘y901 01 Buiwwel Aq Kep eui e^eg "pueq [48-|[e jeu ‘Uep yN ui 616 Big 13y 104 9}e| Sous ‘S! ule|qoag 'eujeD oepiA 4204 Mau eui ,ÁAuue7] awwer wn jo 1e1seBeuuJ BulHuljs-seyin6 eui s,eus MOJO; sid ysow 'seo6 Awwe7 eJ9uM uoneisÁeld | Letter From the Editor Nintendo Lives By The Sword Dear Game Informer GI readers from across the globe interact with Game Informer. Envelope Art You can’t win if you don’t enter Gl's Monthly Envelope Art Contest. : GI News Sony and Nintendo drop price, .... Kevin Garnett works on Live _ 2000, and tons-o-fun with - Name That Game}, Trivia, and Gl’s Top Ten. PhotoPhile In your face super mini-pre- views of Planet of the Apes, WWF Wrestlemania 2000, Castlevania: Resurrection, and Dune 2000. Game Informer PC A special review of Westwood Studios' Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun. Arcade Brigade The Arcade Assassin puts his cold, hard stare on Sega's Ferrari 355 and many more. Play To Perfection Fighting game strategies for Marvel Vs. Capcom and Ready 2 Rumble. Secret Access Tips from our readers includ- ing codes for Madden 2000, Soul Calibur, and many more! Classic Gi | GI looks at classic games on the Super NES and Game Boy, and replays some codes from-the vault. Game Informer Magazine* (ISSN 1067-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. For subscriptions, back issues, or customer service inquiries (612) 946-7266. Periodicals postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. SUB- .. SCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine*, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344- : 3728. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year additional postage. Game informer® does not claim any copyright in the screenshots herein. Copyright in all screenshots contained within this publication ‘are owned by their respective companies. Entire contents copyright 1999. Game Informer Magazine”. All rights reserved; reproduction “in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer” is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies. e Game Informer * October '99 Pg 65 At a Glance (84 Nintendo 64 Cover Story: Dreamcast Explodes on the Scene The newest video game console is here. Sega's long awaited Dreamcast is in the midst of the largest launch in the industry's history. Gathering every shred of Dreamcast information we could, we break down the key components of this exciting new system. Feature: Behind the Scenes: Eidos & Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Tomb Raider and its hot female protagonist, Lara Croft, have become video game icons on the PlayStation. Lara will return to video games this fall in Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. Game Informer goes behind the scenes at Tomb Raider central — Eidos Interactive's headquarters in Derby, England. Pg 20 Nintendo 64 Air Boardin' USA, Hot Wheels Turbo Racing, Jet Force Gemini, NFL Quarterback Club 2000, R/C. ReVolt, Sprocket, Turok: Rage Wars, WCW Mayhem, Winback: Covert Operations, WWF Wrestlemania - 2000 PlayStation © ~ Cool Boarders 4, Die-Hard Trilogy 2, Fighting Force 2, Final Fantasy Anthology, GameDay NFL 2000, Jet Moto 3, Madden NFL 2000, Monster Rancher 2, NBA Live 2000, NBA Shoot Out 2000, Omega Boost, Pac-Man World, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Star Wars: Episode | The Phantom Menace, Suikoden Il, Thrasher: Skate & Destroy, Twisted Metal 4 Dreamcast Airforce Delta, Blue Stinger, Dynamite Cop, House of the Dead 2, Hydro Thunder, King of Fighters Dreammatch ‘99, Marvel Vs. Capcom, Mortal Kombat Gold, Power Stone, Rainbow Six, Ready 2 Rumble Boxing, Sega Sports NFL 2K, Slave Zero, Soul Calibur, Speed Devils, Street Fighter Alpha 3, TNN Motorsports Hardcore Heat, Tokyo Xtreme Racer, Trickstyle, Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense LN Road Rash 64, Starcraft 64 PlayStation Bass Landing, Championship Motocross, Evil Zone, G-Police 2, NCAA GameBreaker 2000, R/C Stunt Copter, Trick’N Snowboarder Dreamcast Aerowings, Expendable, Flag to Flag, Monaco Gran Prix, NFL Blitz 2000, Pen Pen Trilcelon Game Boy Klustar, Lucky Luke NeoGeo Pocket Color | Bio Motor Unitron, Neo Turf Master, Puyo Pop b KONAMI. department. lj KNOWS. " AAT IT T IT SURES: ital € " SoftwaresAssoclalion. Konami s à Tegisteled Wademark of Konami Co., Ltd. © 1999 Konami of America, Inc. All uec a” : October Issue 1999 Volume IX * Number 10 * Issue #78 Richard A. Cihak Publisher Andrew McNamara Editor Paul Anderson Andrew Reiner Senior Associate Editors Jay Fitzloff Erik Reppen Matt Helgeson " Associate Editors... Beaux Hawkins Contributing Writer Thomas Blustin Art Director Curtis Fung Production Director Rachel Gilles Production Assistant Ryan MacDonald West Coast Correspondent Chet Barber Japan Correspondent Gabrielle Dane —— Sarah Anderson » Copy Editors Cheri Peters Photo Artist Advertising Sales Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie. MN 55344-3728 (612) 946-8159 Fax (612) 946-8155 Vicky Valley Circulation / Marketing Manager Customer Service Manager (612) 946-7274 Customer Service Department For change of address or subscription inquiry only: (612) 946-7266 Fax (612) 946-8155 or send correspondance to: 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 Attn: CIS Dept Arthur ees Masoof iver, " Manufactured.and printed in the United States of America tor. Game Informer Street, Eden Prairie, MN scripts cannot be returned or acknowledged Entire contents copyright 1999. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies PUBLISHER LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall. not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the Value of an advertisement. The publisher's lability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is limited to republication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement INDEMNIFICATION The advertiser and/or Advertising Agency agrees to j ! and indemnify the publisher against any and all t arising from claims of libel ntair competition, unfair trade practices, infringement copyrights. trade names, patents, or ary rights or violation of rights of privacy om the publication of the Advertiser's y. loss, or expen of trademarks © Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Andy, The Game Hombre | "| can't remember a month where we reviewed more games in a single issue. Every time | turned around there was another awesome game on my desk. | didn't see a . person | knew outside of work this August, because if | wasn't at work playing games, | was at home . sleeping. | know, | know...wah! wah! But overall, I'm impressed with all the good titles that are on the _ horizon. Even Dreamcast is looking | pretty good." Game Informer e October '99 6 Editorial d FAX numbers are noted above. Unsolicited Nintendo Lives hy the Sword Being an N64 owner nowadays is tough. Do | you remember back when owning a Nintendo |! used to mean something? Nintendo does. In | fact, it seems to have been living on memory | fumes for some time now, since it hasn't | delivered a solid gaming lineup in years. | Justlookat the situation that we have today. Whatever third-party support Nintendo does | manage to get feeds the market with crappy | racer after crappy racer. Why isn't there a decent | fighter or even a real RPG available for the N64? | The system has been out since 1996. Where are _ the glory days when Nintendo would deliver a _ well-rounded product lineup that didn't just survive on Nintendo's...check that...Miyamoto | and Rare's games? How long will we, the | gamers, let Nintendo thrive on its first-party | game crutch? | As far as I’m concerned, Nintendo has been _ lucky that gamers (myself included) continue to | let them off the hook again and again, forgiving | astring of losers just so we can get our hands on | that occasional Miyamoto or Rare great. Think | about it, what has Nintendo done for you lately, Paul, The Game Professor “As we wrap up this issue, I'm off to Tokyo to check out Nintendo's Space World show. It should be a pretty good event, and | expect to see the debut of the new Zelda game and (hopefully) Pokémon Silver & Gold. Nintendo better have some concrete goods on its next system or Mario is gonna get a whoopin'. Anyhow, you can check out the full report in next month's issue. In the coming weeks, | hope to get some more playtime with Hot Shots Golf 2 and, of course, Sega's NFL 2K. 'Tis the season for football so be sure to wear only purple on Sundays." Reiner, The Raging Gamer “Loaded like a freight train, and flying like an airplane, The Reiner is coming at you with a master plan so big it makes King Kong look like a little monkey turd. The Dreamcast, while graphically omnipotent, is not ready for the hardcore gaming audience. The software is good, but right now, most of the great games of the fall are on PlayStation. The Reiner, being an avid RPG fanatic, will wait to get a Dreamcast, because Final Fantasy Anthology, Thousand Arms, Suikoden II, Monster Rancher 2, and Final Fantasy VIII all must be digested before The Reiner touches anything else.” BY ANDREW McNAMARA other than letting Acclaim bore you with Re- Volt? Actually, about the only thing | have seen Nintendo do lately is lead us around like leashed dogs enticing us with games like Perfect Dark, Donkey Kong 64, and Zelda Gaiden. “Just keep buying our pathetic games, and we'll pay you back soon with something good," seems to be the unspoken refrain. But a couple of huge games at the end of the year just isn't going to cut it anymore. While I’m as excited as the next guy to play Perfect Dark, Nintendo's overall lack of decent titles is really starting to get old. Notice the Dreamcast launch this month. Game Informer has never covered this many games on the N64 in a single month. Never. And at the rate of development for Dreamcast, its lineup may surpass Nintendo's before the end of the year. Nintendo, | love many of your games, but you've got to do something about your pathetic lineup. Right now, | hear you promising big things with Dolphin, but l've heard your promises before. This time | want results. Circles: Igor (the publisher), Andy (the editor), Matt (the reviewer) Center: Jay (Frankenjay) Lower right corner: Erik, Paul, Reiner. Jay, The Gonzo Gamer “During the drafting of this issue, | had an opportunity to go outside once (and only once). | was instantly blinded. Upon investigating this phenomenon, | was told there is a large, luminescent ball of flame that is very far away from us. At first | was alarmed. A sphere of fire that accosts our eyes which have grown accustom to the mellow glow of television?! It must be destroyed! But then these same people went on to tell me of a soft thing to sleep on called a bed. Sleep? Bed? Spare me your tall tales! I’m a journalist, not some hoodoo-voodoo science- fiction hack. Leave me be!" Aerowings Airboardin' USA . AirForce Delta .. Airline Pilot .... Armorines ....... ; Bass Landing 5... vice siu eee RR EA Bass Masters Classic ....... eese 97 | Bio Motor Unitron... p. Blue Stinger ns . Breath of Fire IV . C&C: Tiberiun Sun Castlevania: Resurrection . Championship Motorcross Contra: Alien Wars ....... Cool Boarders 4.... Croc | CyberTiger.......... | Deadly Pursuit ....... ! Destruction Derby 64..... inc Die Hard Trillogy 2.7.2... eee nn WUE 2000... eo als iode FR ROC HERE Dynamite Copos, sos «eser nenia sad Earthworm Jim 64 ....... uses re Evil Zones aia nic, sala nae Expendable: Millennium Soldier .......... Be, Forrati 358 2o eror renim n area os A QD inani MEET pui E Kr Fighting Force2......... i Final Fantasy Anthology .. Flag To Flag CART ....... Formula One 99 .......... 7 G-Police: Weapons of Justice . & GameBreaker 2000 ....... | GameDay NFL 2000 . ' Gauntlet Legends ... Hot Shots 2/15: Di dh rn se ni pnis Hot Wheels Turbo Racing ... Br House of the Dead 2. Hydro Thunder .... Jet Force Gemini Jet Moto 3......... King of Fighters 99... ........ eee Klustar Knockout Kings 2000.......... Lucky Luke........ Madden NFL 2000... Marvel Vs. Capcom . Mechwarrlor TE Pe o 6... Monaco Grand Prix Monster Rancher 2......-.+.+. „Mortal Kombat Gold . . . . . . ' MTV. Sports Snowboarding NBA Jam 2000 .......... É NBA LIVE 2000 1 ee s AEE A EAA NCAA Football 2000 ........ eene Neo Turf Master NFL Blitz 2000 Omega Boost ... Pac-Man World .. Pen Pen Trilcelon Planet of the Apes . Power Stona. iura ace nae to trea Puyo Pop ...... eese £ RC Revolt .......... R/C Stunt Copter a Rainbow6........ Ready 2 Rumble Resident Evil 3: Nemesis ....... 102200046 55 Boad Hash. BA o ii cene pnurzitentr eren SOMBRE eis eal ace eens i Sega Sports NFL 2K Shoot Out 2000,........-.. Slave Zero Space Invaders........... PLE 94. Speed Devils SprockOl ior d stances n iepa ce Matt, The Original Gamer “Forget keeping it real. After working 14-hour days on the mag for Allah knows how long, the O.G. is keeping it real weird. Mumbling, stumbling, hallucinations, fractured syntax — it's all good when you're sharecroppin' on the videogame plantation known as GI. My roommates are scared of me. My homies act like they don't know me. | sleep with a teddy bear and suck my thumb. I've had dreams about Pen Pen Trilcelon. | haven't showered or shaved in days. I've hooked up my arm to a Mountain Dew IV. Good times...Good times.” Street Fighter Alpha Suikoden Il... sa tg Van E Ern 44 Super Black Bass... .... «eene 110 Thrasher: Skate & Destroy ......... issue 52 TNN Motorsports Hardcore Heat .......... 80 Tokyo Xtreme Racer ........... issues 81 Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation TOV SEO: 2 ariera RR RR RA C p s 93 Trick'N Snowboarder ........... eee 85 THOKSIVIB. soap E T E irren 78 Turok: Rage Wars Twisted Metal 4 Vigilante 6: 2nd Offense . . . » WCW Mayhem os... e.a WinBack: Covert Operations ............+ 43 World Borla ii osa coi EE 99 WWF Wrestlemania 00GB ........ s 97 . WWF Wrestlemania 2000 ..........+....- 38 Erik, The PC Jedi erik& "After finishing the FFVIII Guide, | examined the door of GI Office Area D (see Map 543), opened it, and then walked through to get to Parking Lot A (see map 278). Suddenly, Chief Editor Andy McNamara ran out before | got the chance to get to the Minnesota Overland Map. A brief conversation followed in which he told me I had to help them edit the magazine. | selected the second dialogue option ("Hell no!") and examined the car before getting inside. An exciting cutscene followed in which | drove home and went to bed." M TAKE2interactive CONTENT RATED BY CNN Actual 3D lakes and Monster bass await | environments your next move! SU SS f AS ESSE Y Does My PlayStation Need Fixin’? Recently, my PlayStation has been acting up - like the graphics and music are slow or choppy.What’s goin’ on? | know it’s not the game because this happens on numerous games. If | need to repair it, please tell me what needs a fixin’. Matt, The Lost Gamer via The PlayStation is very susceptible to problems like this, and we've seen quite a few units with the same How Much Will Dreamcast Actually Cost? | know the Dreamcast is $199.99, but that’s not what it really costs. Of course you’re gonna want at least one game to start off with.Another controller is necessary if you have any friends or siblings, not to mention Internet fees and whatever else is thrown at you: VMU, keyboard, etc. My question is, what do you think it’s going to cost to have a Dreamcast that’s fully operational? Please help. Tim “poohfling” Ray via The August ‘99 Cover First, your magazine rocks, and | want to compliment you on every aspect of it EXCEPT the cover of the August ‘99 magazine. It featured a big nasty sweaty guy on the cover. I’m sorry, but that’s just sick. No matter how much Reiner insists on putting big sweaty men on the covers, you should not give in. This is just not good marketing. The cover of that magazine looks more like the cover of Manly Pleasures magazine (which, by the way, you need to cancel Reiner’s subscription to).And | seriously doubt many gamers would pick THAT up off the shelves and buy it! All | am saying is, don't give in to Reiner's evil little passions, and the least you can do is put Sable topless on the cover. Hope this is just a "phase" for Q Game Informer * October '99 symptoms. Like many CD players, the PlayStation's CD-Drive gets a little out- of-whack due to constant use and/or rough handling. The end result is that the motor that spins the CD and the laser that reads the data must be readjusted.You could have a technician at a Sony-authorized service center have a look at it, but that may run you upwards of $75. Other locations that specialize in stereo repair may be able to help you out, but if you want to save a few dollars, use the quick fix. After you get the game loaded in the system, turn on the power and position the PlayStation on its side or turn it completely over. It sounds strange, but this oftentimes gets the CD mechanism to read the data a little better. If that doesn't work, you will probably have to shell out the bucks to get it fixed or just get a new unit. Here you go. Games will go for $50. An extra controller will set you back $30.AVMU memory card goes for $25 and the keyboard will add another $25. If you want force-feedback, drop on another $25 for the Jump Pack. Another thing to consider if your TV doesn't have video inputs is an RF adapter priced at $20.Add all that to the $200 you already forked out for the Dreamcast and the grand total is - $375. We say a bare-bones starter system that will include the system, game, and VMU card will be $275. you guys. Thanks for the cool mag, otherwise. Steffan "spitzjake" Pitzel via Reiner's got a subscription to Manly Pleasures and he's been keeping it from us? What a jerk. Anyway, you are completely wrong about people not grabbing the August issue off the shelves; it sold like mad. The game is HUGE and so is the WWF. We'd like to see you come face to face with The Rock or the Rattlesnake. They’d show you an issue of “Manly Displeasure” by dropping you on your roody-poo head. We would have like to put Sable on the cover, but it seems like another magazine has that locked up. Snail Mail: Email: Game Informer Magazine Attn: Dear GI 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 PlayStation 5.022 In one of your old issues (April'97), you said that Sony had plans to skip the PlayStation 2, and move on to the PlayStation 5.02. You also said that it would have orb controllers. What happened? Eric Coleman via Sony had every intention of releasing the system, but it thought a price tag Nothing in Particular Does the PC in the PC Jedi stand for politically correct? Eric Hamm via Yeah, the politically correct Jedi never says, “May the force be with you.” He says, "Be privileged to the supernatural faculties that could surround the universe." Plus, he doesn't carry a lightsaber, rather a pencil box filled with treats for the Sith. Actually, PC stands for Prehistoric Cryogenics — something Erik has been interested in ever since seeing Pauly Shore in Encino Man. They Ripped Me Off! About a year ago, sent PlayStation an email saying my ideas for a skateboarding game with real skaters, that would be named after Tony Hawk, because he rocks. They said, “No thanks.” Now they’re coming out with a Tony Hawk skating game with real skaters! Either they ripped me off, or they’ve been making it for 2 years. What's the deal? | mean, I’m only 10 years old and they ripped me! James “Pokéslauterer” Terwilliger via We’re sure that the email said more than “No thanks.” Video game Olfactory Observations You smell like fish. The Sock via Hey, you try working 14 hours a day at GI headquarters and then punch in for a third shift at the tuna cannery. You'd smell like fish too. Come to think of it, it’s better than smelling like a dirty foot, Sock Boy! E Letters From Our Read... WWW of $68,000 was a little steep for most gamers.To think, we had already started a fund to finance the purchase, although Andy was not so sure he wanted to put his Durango up as collateral. If you think about the month that this was printed and a special (and goofy) day that starts that month, we think you may realize what the PlayStation 5.02 was really about. Enough banter, the PC stands for a certain gaming platform that is Erik's responsibility in every issue. EP. companies get thousands of emails with game ideas, and the standard reply is to offer thanks and then add that unsolicited game ideas are not accepted. Meaning, if someone doesn't ask you for it, they don't want it. To get to the stage where companies ask you for a game idea is pretty tough, and you normally have to be an employee of that company or be a licensed developer. You are not the first person to have the idea for a Tony Hawk game or the first to send it to a game company. Besides, PlayStation (Sony) is not even making the game, Activision is. EDIT PARAMETERS rane MAX SPEED A accel. GRIP DRIFT A.G.S. T these Magicite shards... eed racing action with Chocobo . Create custom racers and test their Unlock hidden characters, tracks other FINAL FANTASY. stars! skills in different racing modes and more within the Story Mode Cracking the Gi Vault Trav Carr via Paul says you can carry his golf clubs for 30 rounds.Andy needs 40 car washes. Matt would like a roadie to string his | bass guitar. Reiner wants a mint set of first-edition Star Wars dolls. Jay said something about a new collection | of pewter miniatures. Lastly, Erik mumbled something about getting a lifetime supply of lip balm. There are other instances where you might be able to win something | from the GI Vault. Just keep tuned | to these pages and keep your eye on | suck at art and the only way | get codes is by looking them up on the web. Is there any other way to win | something from the Game Informer Vault? Phil Knoll Wauwatosa, WI Zip! Za! Boo! Ba! Chi-chow! Pika? (CUS a We Were Cheated!!!...? B 3 controller for $30 and kept my old system. Ahh yes, | remember the days Jon “Outkast” Kiro when the PlayStation system hit the dia markets. Then came the N64 with its What the heck is this “we” stuff? A vibration compatible accessory called the Rumble Pak. Then came Sony's | answer - the new Dual Shock PlayStation. Then we were cheated. | learned | from my friend that you can use the | Dual Shock Analog controller on the old PlayStations!!! What the $&*@!!! | dished out $125 dollars to get | vibration when | could have bought a bunch of readers are now rolling on the floor laughing at your ineptitude. We're sorry that you didn't have your facts straight and equally sorry that your friend has to explain these things to you. Stick with him, though. The next time you can't get your PlayStation to work, he'll show how to plug it in. Nicholas Nowicki Southgate, MI Man, that armor is Another Person Leaving? or v1 m <= — None of the guys that left Gl were sentenced to a very long stint. Reiner, All but three of the people | ipit Andy, and Paul have been sentenced the hat? known since last January have left GI! «5 life - no parole for these guys. If you | 4 E AS c uris * | Who will be next? remember, Jon Storm was transferred $ ` ” DAL -—- | a. Paul? (Gasp!) to a minimum security prison at b.Andrew? (Everyone starts running) North American Outdoors Group. c. Reiner? (A scream of horror then Robert was released on good behavior. Y everyone faints in fright) And Bergren entered a work-release NTL Clay Pullins Robert A. Dumville program and is now starting a new life via at the University of Minnesota School | à à of Music. 3 Gainseville, FL The after death work- out program. Jonathan Swartz Philadelphia, PA By the Power of Greyskull, | have the Power! Who is Arthur? In your August issue, you showed the | editors who were switched at birth. Who is Arthur? The dog that switched with Santa's little helper? Jobo Buns via Arthur is the pet of former associate editor, Paul Bergren.Arthur used to | hang out at the office all the time.Too bad Arthur left; we almost had him | trained to do Andy's job. 10) Game Informer * October '99 | f ; 4| A ey — a Jason Rodriguez * Santa Rosa, CA Young Roody-Poos in love. wm cool! But what's with ane are ns Senet 51” BIG SCREE TV s * Pictur * HiFi Soung | * Remote Controt All new gameplay and graphics feature 150 new animations; SS like goalies sprawling out on their backs to cover loose pucks. New I.C.E. Artificial Intelligence designed with the help of 8-time Stanley Cup® Champion Scotty Bowman means players execute just like the pros. Add in Mike Emrick and Darren Pang calling the action, and NHL FaceOff™ 2000 ts the best thing to hit the ice since the octopus. m PlayStat [it ion EVER me 2 SE! FH Deeamcsast is here. Does it have what it takes? è eo Game Informer ¢ October '99 ith the launch of the Dreamcast, Sega has fired the first shot in the next-generation console war. For Sega, the stakes are high. The Genesis was a huge success in the 16-bit era, hut the failed Sega CD and 32X systems left the f company treading water in.a sea of unsold units and red ink. The Saturn, although a quality system, was ultimately outgunned by the technically superior PlayStation. With the Dreamcast, Sega hopes to reverse its fortunes. If Sega succeeds, it might be able to reclaim its crown as an industry powerhouse. Fail, and Dreamcast might be the last Sega home console system ever. The time is definitely right for the Dreamcast. The PlayStation, while hugely successful, is beginning to show its age. The Nintendo 64 still suffers from a lack of software and quality third-party support. Both Sony and Nintendo have new consoles in development which promise DVD's capabilities and even more graphic horsepower, but thus far all that's been shown is technology demos. Sega. says talk is cheap: Dreamcast is here now. A l The fuse is lit and the clock is ticking. If Sega can establish a foothold in the console market with the time it has before the arrival of the next big thing, there’s a chance nobody will want the next big thing when it comes along. With online gaming, high-resolution graphics, a Tamagotchi-styled memory unit, World Wide Web surfing capabilities, and compatibility with a portable gaming system, Dreamcast has already changed the face of video games, and hopefully, Created an irresistible, home entertainment package. For those that believe the Dreamcast is a gotta-have-it addition to the-family, Game Informer has pieced: together a Dreamcast Report Card to give you the skinny on what games and accessories you might want to get with your unit. For those who are sitting on the fence, we've compiled a list of Dreamcast pros and cons, as well first impressions from the Game Informer review staff to give you a chance to read what the professionals think. Read on and take a look at what Sega hias in store to see if you're the type that dares to Dreamcast. When you pick up the Dreamcast, it feels solid. Cover 9 ory Weighing about three pounds, the machine is surprisingly heavy for such a small unit. There is no arguing that Sega’s past gaming systems have been very sturdy and not susceptible to breakdowns. The Dreamcast will hopefully be no different. In the Game Informer offices, Dreamcasts sometimes run for more than twelve hours. In the year we've had the Japanese system, and in the short time we’ve had the U.S. model, we have yet to experience any problems — something we can’t say for the PlayStation. The only concern we have for the Dreamcast is the internal fan. Like most computers, the Dreamcast comes equipped with small blower that dissipates the heat generated by the system’s two central processing units. With a 200Mhz Hitachi CPU and a NEC PowerVR 2nd Generation graphics processor under the hood, prolonged use results in a lot of heat build-up. It makes us worry that, in the event of a fan malfunction, the system will shut itself down and you may be in for costly repairs. Again, we have never experienced a problem, but keep this in mind when you get the system home. y Speaking of home, the Dreamcast is the most powerful video game console ever released, and while a future systems from Sony and Nintendo are said to have even more power, both releases are far in the future. When comparing the Dreamcast to the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation, there really is no comparison. The Dreamcast outshines them across the board in terms i j of processing power and graphic capabilities. Able to deliver over 3,000,000 polygons per second, the Dreamcast can also churn out amazing effects such as real-time lighting, texture filtering, and perspec- tive corrosion. Let’s not forget the audio. The Yamaha sound processor in this system makes it capable of producing CD-quality, studio level Surround Sound and true 3D audio. Turn it up. While the Dreamcast will ship with its promised 56k modem, online gaming won’t become a reality until sometime in 2000. Exactly when? Nobody knows...not even Sega. Nevertheless, when confronted about the absence of online gaming, Sega’s Director of Development Support, Neil Robison, had this to say. “The effort required to bring multiplayer gaming to the number of users we are talking about, at the level of tech- nology we want, is a huge undertaking. So we said to ourselves, we have got to have priorities. We've got | Mamme Re to deliver the ultimate gaming experience first, and then layer in the multiplayer experience after that." : Layers. In the long run this strategy is most beneficial to gamer. Why get something now, when a far superior product is only a few months away? It makes sense to wait, but the question is, does Sega have the time to create ‘layers’ with the Dreamcast and perfect all of its technology before unleashing it? It would be nice to think so, but the cold hard facts are that both Sony and Nintendo are on the prowl, and we can only assume that online gaming will play a large part with the next generation of machines as well. Sega knows that time is of the essence, and Neil went on to add that, "this is a task that perhaps we underestimated at the beginning." Rest assured, though, Sega is still promising big things with multiplayer gaming, and while the Internet options have been removed from Sega Rally 2, Slave Zero, is and Soul Calibur, plenty of games in the near future are scheduled to have Internet play, |. | 9 s - : and massive multiplayer games, Baldur's Gate and Frontier, are still in the pipeline and scheduled for a 2000 release. So what good is the 56k modem at launch? Plenty. Sega may not have the gaming ' portion of the net up and running yet, but the online community isn't completely out mne M of the picture. When you buy a Dreamcast, the system comes packaged with a web mn EHI i / 1 + majorsoftware releases con make. eh? The browser, so that anyone with an Internet connection (or anyone who would like to — 550058 purchase one from AT&T, Sega's online partner) can go online. This browser is compatible with the existing World Wide Web, and also features an exclusive Dreamcast Network site where you can find all the latest news and information on Dreamcast. Receiving email is also one of the many Internet luxuries that you'll receive with Sega's online abilities. Don't worry, you won't have to use the joypad for typing in letters. Sega has a keyboard available for the low sum of $24.99. Sege: / Dreamcast (133,0: Besse Controller Ports D> Expandability During the months leading up to the Dreamcast's launch, there has been much talk about Dreamcast's ability to grow to meet customer demand. While it is possible to upgrade the Dreamcast's modem to an ISDN, DSL, cable modem, or ethernet, many of the other promises will be quite difficult to do. For instance, talk that Dreamcast can upgrade to a DVD player or that it could, in theory, improve the chip set is highly unlikely, and you'd think that Sega would opt to create a new console rather than deal with another Sega CD or 32X-like expansion. However, it is nice to know that Sega is in fact thinking about the future, and creating ways to combat Sony and Nintendo. Let's not forget the possibility that both Nintendo and Sony could be thinking too big and may have to downsize their promises to meet a more affordable price point. This could eliminate the need to upgrade the Dreamcast at all. CHECK > The Future Sega is hard at work making sure that the future for Dreamcast is bright. Many of Sega’s most popular franchises are receiving the red carpet treatment, and the arcade division is working on over 30 titles that will hit the arcades in the coming year. Rest assured that almost everything that comes out in the arcade will make its way to the Dreamcast due to the similarities between Dreamcast and Sega’s Naomi arcade board. Sega of Japan also recently announced that a microphone and camera are in development so gamers can use their Internet connection for video chat. 1/0 Mega also has a version of its Zip Drive in development for Dreamcast which will allow it to store more data and possibly enhance the quality of Dreamcast software. Another unique feature that shows promise is Dreamcast's ability to communicate with the Neo Geo Pocket Color. This new handheld attaches to the Dreamcast's Serial Port via a link cable. So far, King of Fighters Dream Match ‘99 is the only game that has been developed with this technology, and it's not cheap. InterAct Fission Fishing Controller D Game Informer * October '99 7 a " nae Nearacc rine D i» vbDeoolii T^ To hop on the Sega Dreamcast party barge, you'll need some J essentials. Besides the Dreamcast itself, you'll also need | to pick up a couple of games, a VMU save card, and an | NM additional controller. Here's what you'll need to fork out a one: for the goods. jaa. An Extra Controller — $29.99 You'll also need a copy of the Neo Geo Pocket Color game, King of Fighters R2. The way these games link together is similar to what Nintendo has done with Pokémon and Pokémon Stadium. Basically, you can download and upload characters between the two, so that you can work on characters even when you are away from your TV. Unfortunately, some dark clouds have recently passed over planet Sega. Its president and mouthpiece, Bernie Stolar, has left the company under mysterious conditions. Toshiro Kezuka has taken Bernie's place at the helm of Sega of America, but Sega will still need a champion to push Dreamcast to third parties and retailers if it wants to be a success. Right now, Sega is flying high with a wealth of third-party support and tremendous software quality. Both Electronic Arts and Square Soft have yet to start developing for Dreamcast, but Namco is already on board and has released what will be one of the Dreamcast's most popular games, Soul Calibur. gic I The Accessories After you've got the Dreamcast basics, there is nothing better than a couple of peripherals to enhance the gaming experience. Buy a lightgun for House of the Dead 2, a fishing controller for Sega Even More Stuff * RF Adaptor = $19.99 Bass Fishing, a joystick for Marvel Vs. Capcom, a Jump Pack for an added jolt, or a Keyboard to surf ° S-Video Cable = $15.99 the web. Sega will put out a number of these, but Agetec, MadCatz, and Interact will also have a — * Memory Card (No LCD) = $14.99 plethora of peripherals for you to peruse. e Agetec’s Arcade Stick = $49.99 * Agetec’s Rally Wheel = $49.99 e Interact’s StarFire LightBlaster = $29.99 e Sega Jump Pack = $24.99 e Sega Dreamcast Keyboard = $24.99 e Sega Dreamcast Fishing Controller = $39.99 e Sega Dreamcast VGA Box = $49.99 MX Visual Memory Unit Jump Pack * Visual Memory Card = $19.99 * TremorPak = $9.99 e InterAct’s Quantum FighterPad = $29.99 e InterAct’s Radius RacingPad = $34.99 e InterAct’s AstroPad = $24.99 e InterAct’s Fission Fishing Controller = $29.99 e InterAct’s Alloy ArcadeStick = $59.99 Fishing StarFire LightBlaster Controller - First Impressions - What We Thiak Game Informer could sit on a couch and give you shiny happy impressions on Dreamcast, proclaiming it the greatest system in the world and telling you that you absolutely have to have one. It’s not a bad idea, since Sega and its legions of fans will get all over us for saying anything negative about the Dreamcast, but that’s not what GI is all about — we call it like we see it. No sugar-coating, no butt-kissing, and no bologna: here’s our thoughts on the Dreamcast. 7 Andy, The Game Hombre Visually, the Dreamcast is impressive indeed. Even | after playing the lackluster Japanese launch games, | & wA V. found it difficult to go back to PlayStation and Nintendo : Lamm (m "m 64 games after | quickly grew accustomed to the t.» ^Dreamcast's high-resolution graphics. Sega's U.S. launch is impressive due to the sheer number ! of games, but there are only three that | feel are the real meat of | the launch: Soul Calibur, Sega Sports NFL 2K, and Power Stone. | The others just don't offer an experience that you can't get from a | | PlayStation or Nintendo 64 game. Plus, | hate the.coniroller. ! Despite these problems, I'm still buying a Dreamcast at launch. ! Overall, | think hardcore gamers, like myself, will be able to | justify the purchase of Dreamcast just for the. cool. factor that | ! comes along with being the first kid on the block to have one. But | | since Sega dropped the ball concerning online gaming, and | | considering the fact that the Dreamcast's technology could be | | leapfrogged within a year, | think the masses can take a wait-and- see approach. Besides, there are more than enough quality games | coming to the PlayStation this fall to keep you busy. Do | think Sega will succeed? Yeah, for a while, as it will be a | | great system to have for the next year. But after that, things could | get sketchy. Sega's only chance at long term success is to create | a game that can do what Sonic did for Genesis. At this point, | | haven't seen that game. 16 J Game Informer * October '99 Reiner, The Raging Gamer Dreamcast is a firecracker. This machine is destined to | light up the skies and make a lot of people happy, but in | the long run, if Sony and Nintendo pull through with | the PS-2 and Dolphin, the Dreamcast is going to fizzle | out and fade into oblivion. Basically, | see Sega having a:good year before troubles arise. Right now, the market | is pumped and not afraid to invest in a new console. Third-party developers are also on the Sega train, pumping out a slew | of games. This is the best launch to ever grace the industry, and never | before have we seen so many quality games introducing a | | console. As it stands, the PlayStation is my playground (as it | is many of yours). Sony has a phenomenal. software lineup | | planned for this holiday season, and my favorite genre, RPGs, are ! appearing in great quantities. Other than Soul Calibur, Power | | Stone, or Sega NFL 2K, | see no reason to invest the money at | launch, but in the long run, if you are thinking of purchasing one, | you won't be disappointed. If Sega can win over the hearts of gamers this holiday season, | | and create a solid user base, then there’s a chance that it could ! survive long term. Games like Code Veronica, Ecco the Dolphin, | and Shen Mue all look promising, and if Sega can finalize its online promises, then this will be the machine for multiplayer | gaming. It's a tough choice. Just think of how many PS-X or N64 | games $200 can buy. .. $354.95 $1199.76 $1504.72 $1969.57 í Paul, The Pro Player When Dreamcast came out in Japan last year, | thought | thatit was a heap of junk. The initial games were completely lame and | thought there was little chance that this thing would get off the ground. Well, the Japanese system hasn't exactly raised the roof, but | | in-the-last six or seven months, I’ve become a believer — mainly because of sports games. | Football is a mainstay in my gaming repertoire and NFL 2K just | blows the doors off of any other football game available. Almost | | for this reason alone, | am all over the Dreamcast. Think about it, | Sega and Visual Concepts have at least a year head start on | anything that 989 or EA Sports can drum up on the PlayStation 2. | Even if we do see an early version of GameDay, or Madden, | am | willing to bet that NFL 2K will be better. Heck, NFL 2K will be on the second generation by then. Besides, there is the basketball, | hockey, soccer, baseball, and wrestling games also in the | pipeline. | have high expectations for these games, and I think the | Dreamcast is going to come through. I really don't care about any | games besides sports — well maybe just a couple. Resident Evil: Code Veronica is a must have and Sega is no | if | didn’t want to get Ecco.and Shen Mue. My only concern about the Dreamcast is the Internet. If you want | the Dreamcast because it has a modem, forget about it. You are | better off waiting until next year. The Green For The Dream "NOTE: If you need a VGA box, S-Video Cable, or RF Adaptor to hook this stuff up, that will cost extra. As will a much needed subscription to Game Informer. f Jay, The Gonzo Gamer | dumping all the inappropriate titles they can onto Dreamcast. The | miserably. l'm happy to see Sega showing signs of resisting the | | If people dig these in the amusement halls, bringing them in per- | | fect form to Dreamcast is no problem. | ! as the best home console available. | the resources available to plan its next big move...and that move | will be the one to either make or break them. Game Cover Story Keyboard A Dreamcast, an Extra Controller, a VMU, and Two Games All 24 Launch Games A Dreamcast, 2 Controllers, a VMU, and all 24 Launch Games A Dreamcast, 4 Controllers, 4 VMUs, A Rally Wheel, 2 Arcade Sticks, 4 Jump Packs, a Keyboard, a Lightgun, and all 24 Launch Games I'm the kind of guy that always roots for the underdog, | so naturally l've taken a shine to Dreamcast. Sega is | making the most of its next-gen console head start, but already there's a trend | see developing that | feel may | eventually bring the system down if not kept in check | The Dreamcast is quickly being made into a poor | man's PC. | The built-in modem, keyboard accessory, and Windows CE | development tools have inadvertently opened the doors to every PC software developer that wants to make a quick-buck.- by consumer wants games made specifically for the system, and wants to feel confident that every game purchased will be a good one. Ultimate Hog Tying might sell a few copies, but it can only | harm the overall product. Plus, vid history has shown that every home console that's tried to double as a computer has failed | PC pull by putting out a load of new Naomi board arcade games. In the end, though, Dreamcast's biggest test will come this | holiday season - the only one in which it will stand uncontested | If able to convince the masses that this is the system to have, Sega will have 17 Game Informer * October 99 j The Pros & Cons As with any system, Dreamcast is far from perfect. To help you with your buying decision and to better educate you, Game Informer has put together a list of What’s Right and What’s Wrong with Dreamcast. A What’s Right SJ Jump Pack Powered Internally - " This is huge! Nintendo's Rumble Pak is almost never used — around the GI office because the batteries die and we're too lazy (or | too broke) to get new ones. The Dreamcast Jump Pack is also the most violent of all the vibration devices available, featuring a wide range of - intensity and a shock so ferocious ih ov yor hand n am ara a gaming session. 4-Controller Ports Nintendo set the standard for controller ports when it released the N64 back in 1996, and Sega has met the status quo. Obviously, it would have been nice if Sega would have raised the bar, but four is more than adequate, and we can't imagine a screen being split more than four times and remaining anywhere near playable. 56k Modem Packed In : While the modem won't have as much impact at launch as we would have hoped, it is nice to have it packed in. Of course, you will need to get a phone line and an Internet service provider to use this bonus. If _ you don't already have an ISP, AT&T has teamed with Sega to offer service for around $20. Or if you already have one, or gun like. AT&T, any ISP will do. Powered by Microsoft Being compatible with Microsoft Windows CE opens up the Dreamcast to PC developers that in the past weren't interested in developing on console platforms. This will also make it easy for PC games to be ported to the Dreamcast. VMU Gaming On The Go Dreamcast’s revolutionary VMU is the new standard that all console machines in the future will have to match. This memory card with a screen enables players to call plays in football without your opponents - seeing them, trade and manage memory slots without a machine, and — play downloadable minigames anywhere they can take their VMU. High-Resolution Graphics Console gamers have long suffered through low-resolution graphics, and the Dreamcast marks the end to this evil practice. From here on out, this is the standard. What does hi-res do? It makes any game's graphics better — the characters crisper, the textures more detailed, and the colors more vibrant. Ecco the Dolphin Draconus: Cult of the w rm (187 Game Informer * October '99 What’s Weoag Jump Pack Sold Separately For all the great things that the Jump Pack does, it's a shame that Sega is making you purchase it separately. Game Informer believes that vibration force feedback technology is simple enough that it should be built into the controller rather than plugged in as an add-on. While it is nice that you can move it from your controller to the light gun, it will spend most of its time in the controller and essentially negates one of the controller's (rather ingenious) two ports. No Reset Button That's right, the Dreamcast doesn't have a reset button. In its ias. every game will have the ability to reset by pressing Start and all four - colored buttons. Which is nice since you don't have to get up, but if the game freezes, you have to power down or open the cover. That Darn Controller Certainly the analog shoulder buttons are a nice feature and great for racing games, but to only have four digital buttons is a crime. When a company puts out a new system, it should at least match the button count from the system before it, but Sega regresses with this atrocity. Not only that, the analog is questionable, and who designs a controller with the cord facing you and not the TV? Did Sega think we play video games with the controller behind our back? Modem Doesn't Do Anything...Yet Sega has promised big stuff from the beginning with its Internet capabilities. Already Sega is disappointing people again. "Internet capabilities on Day 1!” We remember the statements, and while surf- ing the Internet is a capability, it's not what we had in mind. By the time Sega gets this thing running, the other next-generation systems may be out. Bad move, Sega. | Powered by Microsoft For all the good that this represents, it's a catch 22. The last thing Sega wants is for companies to just port PC product onto the Dreamcast. Which may happen if third-party support goes south after Dreamcast's high profile launch, or if development resources head over to PS-2 or Dolphin. Plus, who wants Bill Gates to be involved with their console gaming. We don't! Resident Evil: Code Veronica Carrier p- games. Here are our scores for the 25 titles Desamoest Gene Report Card The true measure of any system is its available at Dreamcast’s launch. For more information on these games, look for the articles — throughout this issue. me = BOTTOMLINE Soul Calibur ..... -e 4010 923 ..... 2002. Sega Sports NFL2K ..... 25 929 ........ M NFL Blitz 2000 ............... 3. 3I Hydro Thunder .............., 8... ......,,.72 House of the Dead2............. B. ou 63 King of Fighters Dream Match99...8............80 Sega Bass Fishing .............. B... Last Issue Power Stone n >. o n o Sonic Adventure... ... LI SL sss s. Last Issue - AirForce Delta ........ oa. 115... Be Trickstyle oe Marvel Vs. Capcom.............. Bo 81 Mortal Kombat Gold ............. 148 e.. 67 Speed Dos... sss... T238 eo os 82 Ready 2 Rumble ........ ~ 078 ....... 00. Aerowings ...........:, Cli sa E... 88 Monaco Grand Prix...... Loe J.) R TNN Motorsports Hardcore Heat . . ..5. 15 eee. 80 Tokyo Xtreme Racer .............9.19 ....., -3 Blue Stinger ..... .... ... -55 .. B Flag To Flag =.=. ks ce, AS o 87 Expendable.......... n 4... Re Pen Pen frilcelon............... 4... 88 Armada c d M NU t . Last Issue - Rainbow Siy o a eee 83 *Although these games were supposed to be available by September 9 for launch, as of August 20, no playable copies were available for reviewing purposes. Minaba “Wild Metal Country — Wild Metal Country Game Informer Cover Story 7er Test Drive 6 Bi > Re é L-] 83 & L ist (All dates and titles subject to change) GAME NFL Quarterback Club 2000 Sega Bass Fishing Soul Fighter Street Fighter Alpha 3 Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing Toy Commander Virtua Figher tb Carrier Centipede - Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm Dynamite Cop -Evolution Fresh Tracks NBA Showtime Red Dog Sega Rally 2 Sega Sports NBA 2K Slave Zero Test Drive 6 Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense Worms: Armageddon WWF Attitude Shadowman Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse Resident Evil: Code Veronica Wild Metal Country Boarderzone Climax Landers Crazy Taxi D2 Heroes of Might & Magic III Maken X Rayman 2: The Great Escape Renegade Racers Zombie Revenge Baldur’s Gate Croc Deadly Pursuit Ecco The Dolphin: Defender of the Future Ferrari 355 Metropolis Street Racer Outcast Planet of the Apes Seaman Shen Mue Alone In the Dark 4 Silver Star Trek: New Worlds MDK 2 Floigan Bros. Frontier Furballs Whiplash 2 Batman & Robin Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 Deep Fighter: The Tsunami Offensive PUBLISHER Acclaim Sega Mindscape — Capcom Ubi Soft Sega Sega Jaleco Hasbro Crave Sega Ubi Soft Sega Midway Sega Sega Sega Infogrames. Infogrames Activision Hasbro Acclaim Acclaim Metro 3D Capcom Rock Star Infogrames Sega Sega Sega Ubi Soft Ubi Soft Atlus Ubi Soft Interplay Sega Sega Fox Fox Sega Sega Sega Infogrames Fox Sega Sega Infogrames Infogrames Interplay Interplay Sega Sega Bizarre Creations Interplay Ubi Soft Acclaim RELEASE DATE Oct-99 Oct-99 Oct99 Oct-99 Oct-99 Oct-99 Oct-99 Nov-99 Nov99 Nov-99 Nov-99 | Nov99 Nov-99 Nov-99 Nov-99 Nov-99 Nov-99 Nov-99 | Nov-99 Nov-99 Nov 99 Nov-99 Dec-99 Jan-00 Jan-00 Jan-00 1st Quarter 2000 1st Quarter 2000- 1st Quarter 2000 1st Quarter 2000 1st Quarter 2000 1st Quarter 2000 1st Quarter 2000 1st Quarter 2000 © 1st Quarter 2000 1st Quarter 2000 2nd Quarter 2000 2nd Quarter 2000 2nd Quarter 2000 2nd Quarter 2000 2nd Quarter 2000 2nd Quarter 2000 2nd Quarter 2000 2nd Quarter 2000 2nd Quarter 2000 2nd Quarter 2000 3rd Quarter 2000 3rd Quarter 2000 4th Quarter 1999 4th Quarter 1999 4th Quarter 2000 4th Quarter 2000 TBD TBD TBD 2000 TBD 2000 Game Informer e October '99 1 9 20 “mer working on an Indiana Jones-type game got tired of looking at his character's butt for hours on end. To make his long hours seem like less of a toil, he decided to make his character a bit easier on the eye. And this was the moment that the sexy inter- national superstar, Lara Croft, was born. Lara’s loved (and lusted after) around the world, but it takes only a few hours traveling around London to realize that England is where her most diehard fans reside. Her image is found in many magazines, shown on television ads, and plastered on the sides of double-decker buses and the walls of the subway. England is, after all, the home to Core, the development house responsible for Tomb Raider, which just happens to be working on the fourth in the series, Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. With Eidos planning to release this title in November, specu- lation is at an alltime high. Game Informer, not being satisfied with rumors, took a trip out to Derby, England to tour the Core building and see just what Lara’s next adventure would be like. After walking past more Tomb Raider (TR) memorabilia than you can wave a pistol at, and skulking through rooms and rooms packed to the hilt with programmers at their computers, we were finally able to track down the very animated executive pro- ducer, Adrian Smith, to give us all the facts. Game Informer * October ‘99 SAN Adrian was the first to admit that, “Seven years of Tomb Raider is a long time. The original idea was simple, yet innovative - put a character in a pyramid and explore. TR2 wasnt a mas- sive technical jump, but the addition of levels made it bigger. With TR3, we tried to add gameplay longevity by making it not bigger, but more challenging, but | think we probably frustrated a lot of new players. "With Last Revelation, we're taking kind of a step back to part one. We've returned to Egypt, because it's just the best area for mystery and adventure. The puzzles are all solvable within a short distance. You don't have to traipse about for miles to figure things out. | feel that if there's any frustration in TR, it shouldn't be because you don't have any idea what to do, but rather that you know what you need to do, but cant figure out how to do it." Which is all well and good, we thought to ourselves, but it still sounded (and from the screens we'd seen, looked) like we were dealing with Tomb Raider 4 and not the completely rebuilt Last Revelation that Core promised. Ah, but then Mr. Smith started describing what will make Revelation a more, dare we say, Final Fantasy-like experience. "The story is very important this time. In the past, we'd make the levels, and then knit the story around them. It's the other way around this time. From start to finish, Last Revelation is an adventure story with no breaks. We're trying to have Last Revelation go from gameplay, to cutscene, to FMV, then back to gameplay. "Last Revelation is the same size as TR3, but it's hard to tell people that because there arent any levels, but there are different areas. For example, you'll be fighting someone, he'll jump in a jeep and drive off, and you'll chase him in your jeep (the chase is gameplay). When you catch him, you're in . another area and the next piece of the story. There's another transition with a train. You chase someone onto a train and the train starts mov- , Ing. There's an adventure in the train (some ^ inside, some outside), and when you get off youre in another area. In sum, Last Hevelation is a more cinematic experience." All right, so the storys important. But just what is the story? "You might consider Last Hevelation to be the beginning of the end for Lara. It maybe points in the direction TH is going should we choose to continue the franchise on next gen sys- tems. “We're doing something interesting at the begin- ning. We wanted to reintroduce Lara as a character and we've thought of a novel way to have the player learn about her. Lara is training with a mentor, Von Kroy. [The first stage has players controlling a very young Lara Croft as . she learns the spelunking craft.] At the end of the stage, the mentor gets trapped and Lara has to flee to save her life, assuming her teacher's dead. In fact, he's not. Von Kroy's role then changes to being Lara's nemesis." Flash forward to the present. "Lara's challenged to break into Set's tomb, which nobody has ever suc- cessfully done. Accomplishing this mission, unfortu- nately, releases Set upon the world. The only person who can recapture Set is the one who released him, so this becomes Lara's task." But as everyone knows, storyline alone doesnt make much of a game. Adrian laid out and then, using var- ious monitors around the office, showed us the graphical and gameplay differences Last Revelation will incorporate. "The moment you turn it on, everything will look different. In a way, we've torn down the TR house, but built a new game atop its very strong foundation. Last Revelation has the advantage of & ..we can "You might consider Last Revelation to be the beginning of the end for Lara." down a fireman's pole..." Feature a longer development time. In the past, we would finish up a TR game in, say, November, then come back in January and start again. The Last Revelation started in the middle of TRS. "In TR3 Lara had about 15 moves; right now, we're at around 45. Not all of these are super action moves, though. You might walk past a key object and she'll point at it. If she can't open a door, she'll try to kick it open. We've introduced swinging ropes. Lara can go up and down the ropes, and swing and jump off the ropes Tarzan style. Since we introduced going up and down ropes, we can have her go up and down a fire- man's pole, so we've added those. She can open trap doors in the floor, but also trap doors in the ceiling. She'll reach up and pull the door down. "Lara's old automatic targeting system was nice for the play- er, but it meant that designing devious enemy Al was useless since no matter what, her guns would always be pointed at them. Or if we put an object in the room that you had to shoot, as soon as you pulled Lara's guns out, she'd point right at it. Lara now has binoculars she can swing around to look at things, and we're working on a first-person crossbow you can use to flip switches. “We've also overhauled the inventory system, making it more Resident EviHish. If you get a flashlight, then you find batteries, you combine them and then you can look into dark areas. If you combine the flashlight with a shotgun, you can shoot things hid- ing in dark areas. "With Set alive, we get to use his magic as an excuse to throw out skeletons, walking statues, and other weird monsters. VVe have fewer enemies onscreen, but the ones we have are much, much smarter. Some of the baddies have almost the same move set as Lara, so if you run, climb, or swim away, they'll follow you. You can shoot skeletons, but they get right back up. It makes the player think of new ways to defeat things." Again, it's all sounding good, but there's one sticking point we just have to have an answer to. Is it so hard we'll be pulling out our hair in clumps? "Personally, | thought TR3 was too much. For Last Revelation, we have Lara keeping a diary. In it, she'll automatically write down important clues and what she's doing in certain places, so the player wont forget. There's also a hints-and-tips section : in the diary. If you absolute- ly cant figure out a puzzle, | you can look in it to get a lit- | tle help. But theres a Jj penalty for using it." Whats the penalty? "I'm not going to tell you!” Adrian yells with dramatic flair. But 1 then he adds sheepishly |. : i " “Because we havent LL du. 1j worked it out yet." So there , are still a few details to be |! unveiled, but from what we've seen so far, Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation is definitely going to have us looking at Lara Croft in an entirely new way - and were not talking about a nude code." have her go up and ov ania HAT'S HOT « TECH TALK + MUTATION NASHUN * C A +. TOP TEN - . E T z x l| * TECH TALK * MUTA Nintendo released three screen shots of a new Zelda title for Nintendo 64. | Posted first on the official Zelda web site,, details concerning | the game are slim. Currently being called Zelda Gaiden, the game will likely be on prominent display at Nintendo's SpaceWorld video game expo held in Tokyo in late August. Rumor has it that this Zelda adventure is actually the update that was planned for the Dynamic Drive (64DD). If this is so, will some of the original game return, or is this a completely different adventure with new lands to explore and a new adversary to bludgeon? To secure the answers, Game Informer is planning to attend the SpaceWorld show where all of the details surrounding this mysterious game should surface. = sacecessas —UE— Im © VHG Nintendo and Rare’s highly anticipated sequel to GoldenEye may not make its scheduled release date. Perfect Dark is scheduled to release for Nintendo 64 on December 6, but Game Informer has learned that the first-person shooter will likely not hit stores until next year. A source within Nintendo stated that the game’s developer, Rare, needs some extra time for development and gamers might not see it surface until April 2000. Game Informer speculates that the development of Perfect Dark has been slowed due to the inclusion of a mode that will make it compatible with the Game Boy Camera. The camera will be used to map users’ faces onto multiplayer characters in the game. P9 7 Another reason could be that Nintendo is Preiss withholding the N64 GB Pak that allows p Game Boy carts and peripherals, like the Game Boy camera, to hook into the Nintendo 64. © Game Informer « October '99 AM STUDIO y, iba anil ll iil i j di dl NASHUN * COMIC WATCH * TOP TEN * TRIVIA * NAME THAT GAME! « WHAT'S HOT * TECH TALK * MUTATION NASHUN * COMIC WATCH * uui ao T mmn — ai TOTIS: ÓUNBSNNSNNM PT iia TT su ETT Du ud - oi RAI [: PLZ gy 4 The retail price of the Nintendo 64 and Sony PlayStation have dropped. On August 23 both systems' prices were reduced to $99. Accompanying the new console pricing is a list of newly priced games. For Sony, A Bug's Life, Crash Bandicoot: Warped, Gran Turismo, Spyro the Dragon, Cool Boarders 3, and Twisted Metal Iil have joined the PlayStation's Greatest Hits collection and now carry a $20 price tag. For Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Banjo-Kazooie, 1080 Snowboarding, Yoshi's Story, and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron now carry a $40 retail price. The price drop had been rumored since last year, and the reduction took effect almost one year to the day that both systems went to $129. If you've held out on the N64 and/or PS-X until now, this is your chance for quite a bargain. unm NiNttuppes Acclaim has finally opened the bag on WWF Attitude for the Sega Dreamcast. As announced in our August issue WWF spectacular, Acclaim has been secretly working on the game in its Salt Lake City, Utah studios. At a recent press event, Acclaim showed off an early version of the Dreamcast game. This version obviously benefits from the increased pro- cessing speed of the Dreamcast and, as you would expect, WWF Attitude's - wrestlers are far more detailed than their counterparts on Nintendo 64 | and PlayStation. Acclaim has reworked some of the photos on the Character Select screen, made slight changes to the wrestler entrances, and said that there will be more audio commentary. As for the playcontrol, the moves are identical, but do have a tighter feeling due to the increased framerate. A solid release date has not been confirmed, but Acclaim hopes to have WWF Attitude available near the end of October. dl 4 The third installment of Turok is in the works and it isn't the multiplayer Turok: Rage Wars. While Rage Wars is a side adventure of sorts, the third game in the Turok lineage, Turok 3, was briefly shown to members of the gaming press recently. Only a handful of preliminary screen shots of Turok 3 were available and showed off a cavernous environment with watery reflections. Essentially, Acclaim just showed them and said, "Here it is." No word as to when this N64 game will surface, but Game Informer speculates that Turok 3 could also be a likely candidate for Nintendo's next system, code-named Dolphin, or Sega's Dreamcast. E" we Game Informer * October '99 © EC CHCACES idis uar, e sil HATS HOT * TECH TALK * MUTATION NASHUN * COMIC WATCH « TOP TEN * TRIVIA * NAME THAT GAME: WHAT'S HOT * TECH TALK + editor's top ten @ Tony Hawk's Pro Skater — PS-X LJ Final Fantasy Anthology - - PS-X e Soul Calibur - DC P Monster Rancher 2 - PS-X Q Ready 2 Rumble - DC € Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - PS-X 25 @ Sega NFL 2K - DC © Final Fantasy Vill - PS-X ? | phon Filter - PS-X "€ Need for Speed: High Stakes - PS-X @ Tarzan - PS-X | @ Star Ocean: The Second Story - PS-X Q Star Wars Episode 1 Racer - N64 @ Pokémon Pinball - GBC @ Super Smash Brothers — N64 e WWF Attitude - PSX - " et Driver - PS-X ' o Pokémon Snap - N64 top ten Signs that erik's been Playing too much ff viii |. @ He has a full beard v He has amnesia and thinks his . name is Squall | @ Went to Vegas and tried to play Triple Triad e The Chocobo tattoo on his butt © Thinks his pet hamster is a -Guardian Force © Screams “On Ragnarok!” when he starts his car @ Keeps looking for the R1 button on the Coke machine © The office is starting to smell funny @ Blames his absentmindedness on GFs @ Tries to count the polygons on every woman he meets CMM jii We ae “Game Informer is is looking for your — A Top Ten favorite games. Please send | your Top Tens to: | | Game Informer Magazine Attn: Top Ten | | 10120 West 76th Street | Eden Prairie, MN 55344 | Everyone that enters every month will be | entered in a drawing to win a GI Secret | git y WE T-Shirt! So get writing! - | — 27277" Game Informer * October '99 £ Peer am n 2" " see — orm Citing the arduous process of securing licensing for an overwhelming number of car manufacturers, Sony Computer Entertainment has delayed the Japanese release of Gran Turismo 2 until November. Concurrently, the delay may have a direct effect on the U.S. release that was scheduled to hit stores before the end of the year. Gran Turismo 2, the sequel to the top-selling PlayStation racing game, is said to have over 400 cars from manufacturers across the globe. Getting the approval for each and every car from the manufacturer is a long process and led to the delay of the first. It has not been confirmed, but the game's U.S. release may now be moved to next spring. A rumor circulating in the indus- try has also hinted that Sony may hold the game for release on the PlayStation 2. Gran Turismo 2 is under development by i Digital, the same team that brought you the original. The Learning Company and Nintendo of America have reached an agreement that allows The Learning Company to develop and | publish educational software based on Nintendo’s overnight | phenomenon, Pokémon. The Learning Company's president, Greg | Bestick, had this to say, "We are thrilled to introduce Pokémon to an entirely new audience of fans by combining its global popularity with innovative software technology." Greg really wanted to say, "Holy | Pikachu spit! We just acquired rights to the biggest franchise in the world! Hello early retirement!" Se neemnre ge: » uu — The Learning Company already has two Pokémon titles scheduled to p ion hit PC retailers this fall. P ^ SR "ese A Minnesota Timberwolves' star forward, Kevin Garnett, recently marched his multi-million dollar booty up to Vancouver to do motion-capture for EA Sports' upcoming NBA Live 2000. Garnett rushed the high security EA complex with a sixdeep posse and hung out all day, showcasing some jaw-dropping moves for the mo-cap team. After his session was done, § 44 The Big Ticket got in a FRc ER ; |. qc little PlayStation time, ENI * m providing the developers with some NBA-caliber input on Live 2000's gameplay and graphics. a MAGAZINE ATTN: SUBSCRIPTION DEPT. 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Fujin Weapon: b. b. LP Whirlwind Spin: f, d, (Hold LP) Dive Kick: d+LK (In Air) Tornado Lift: f, d, f, HP Slam: (After Lift) b, f, d, LK Rising Knee: d, f, HK Fatality: Run+Blk (5 Times) Fatality 2: d, f, f, u+Blk Spike Fatality: b, f, b+HP Fan Fatality: d, d, d HK Jarek Weapon: f, f, HP Cannonball: b, f, LK Ground Shaker: b, d, b, HK Tri-Blade: d, b, LP Vertical Roll: f, d, f, HP Fatality: f, b, f, f+LK Fatality 2: u, u, f, f+Blk Spike Fatality: b, f, f+LP Fan Fatality: f, d, f+HK L-——— " ATTN: SUBSCRIPTION DEPT. 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Jax Weapon: d, f, HP Ground Wave: f, f, d, LK Dash Punch: d, b, LP Backbreaker: Blk (In Air) Fireball: d, f, LP Multi-Slam: LP (Run+Blk+HK)(HP+LP+HK)(HP +Blk+LK)(HP+LP+HK+LK) Fatality: (Hold LK For 3 Secs) f, f, d, f+Release Fatality 2: b, f, f, d+Blk Spike Fatality: f. f. b+HP Fan Fatality: f, f, b+LK Kai Weapon: d, b, LP Falling Fireball: b, b, HP Rising Fireball: f, f, LP (In Air) Air Fist: d, f, HP Super Roundhouse: d, f, LK Handstand: BIk+LK (Hold LP Spin) (LK/HK Kicks) Fatality: (Hold Blk) u, f, u, b+HK Fatality 2: u, u, u, d+Blk Spike Fatality: b, f, d+HK Fan Fatality: f, f, d+Blk Kitana Weapon: f, b, HK Fan Throw: f, f, HP Fan Lift: b, b, b, HP Fan Swipe: b+HP Wave Punch: d, b, HP Fatality: b, d, f, f, HK Fatality 2: f, f, d, f Spike Fatality: d, d, f, LK Fan Fatality: f, d, f, LP Se, a kh i tii vi cp — Án cn Se Release Title Publisher/ System Date Distributor OCTOBER 10/15/99 40 Winks GT Interactive GBC 10/15/99 Azure Dreams Konami GBC 10/15/99 Blues Brothers Interplay GBC 10/15/99 Carnivale Vatical GBC 10/15/99 Harvest Moon Crave GBC 10/15/99 NASCAR Racing Majesco GBC 10/15/99 Tonka Racing Majesco GBC 10/15/99 US Open Tennis Tommo GBC 10/15/99 Viewpoint Classified GBC 10/15/99 Yoda Stories THQ GBC 10/15/99 AirBoardin' USA Agetec N64 10/15/99 Blues Brothers Interplay N64 10/15/99 Castlevania Eternal Darkness Konami N64 10/15/99 kElmo's Letter Adventure New Kid Co N64 10/15/99 Elmo's Number Journey New Kid Co N64 10/15/99 Harvest Moon Crave N64 10/15/99 Top Gear Hyperbike Vatical N64 10/15/99 Animorphs GT Interactive PS-X 10/15/99 Brunswick Bowling 2 THQ PS-X 10/15/99 Detonator Gauntlet Working Designs PS-X 10/15/99 Elmo in Grouchland New Kid Co PS-X 10/15/99 Indiana Jones & Infernal Machine LucasArts PS-X 10/15/99 Lego Rocker Raiders Lego Media PS-X 10/15/99 Major League Soccer Konami PS-X 10/15/99 Monkey Magic Sunsoft PS-X 10/15/99 NHL Blades of Steel ‘00 Konami PS-X 10/15/99 Renegade Racing Interplay PS-X 10/15/99 Unreal GT Interactive — PS-X 10/15/99 Cut Awa Classified DC 10/15/99 Sega NBA 2K Sega DC 10/15/99 Sega Bass Fishing Sega DC 10/15/99 "Virtua Fighter 3TB Sega DC 10/19/99 Ghosts & Goblins Capcom GBC 10/19/99 kKiss: Psycho Circus Rockstar Games GBC 10/19/99 Magical Tetris Challenge Capcom GBC 10/19/99 Ms. Pacman Namco GBC 10/19/99 NFL Blitz 2000 Midway GBC 10/19/99 Alien Resurrection Fox Interactive — PS-X 10/19/99 Arcade Party Pak Midway PS-X 10/19/99 Army Men Sarge's Heroes 3DO PS-X 10/19/99 Crash Team Racing Sony PS-X 10/19/99 Dune 2000 Westwood PS-X 10/19/99 Grandia Sony PS-X 10/19/99 Official F1 Racing 99 Eidos PS-X 10/19/99 Pong Hasbro PS-X 10/19/99 Scrabble Hasbro PS-X 10/19/99 Trickin Snowboarder Capcom PS-X 10/22/99 Grand Theft Auto 2 Rockstar Games PS-X 10/25/99 Beauty & Beast Board Game Adventure Nintendo GBC 10/25/99 Pokemon Yellow Nintendo GBC 10/25/99 Rayman2 Ubi Soft N64 10/25/99 StarCraft 64 Nintendo N64 10/26/59 NBA Live 2000 Electronic Arts N64 10/26/99 Paperboy Midway N64 10/26/99 Army Men Air Attack 3DO PS-X 10/26/99 FIFA 2000 Electronic Arts A PS-X 10/26/99 Juggernaut Jaleco PS-X 10/26/99 NBA Live 2000 Electronic Arts A PS-X 10/26/99 NBA Shootout 2000 Son PS-X 10/26/99 Supercross 2000 Electronic Arts PS-X 10/26/99 V Rally 2: Need for Speed Electronic Arts PS-X 10/26/99 Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense Activision PS-X 10/26/99 Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense Activision DC 10/27/99 Earthworm Jim 3D Rockstar Games N64 10/28/99 Carmageddon Interplay GBC 10/28/99 Wicked Surfing Interplay GBC Release Title Publisher/ System Date Distributor 10/28/99 Carmageddon Interplay N64 10/30/99 Paint Ball Majesco GBC 10/30/99 Pong Majesco GBC 10/30/99 Carnivale 64 Vatical N64 10/30/99 Carnivale Vatical PS-X 10/31/99 Clock Tower 2 Agetec PS-X NOVEMBER 11/1/99 Armada:Secret Weapon Metro 3D GBC 11/1/99 NBA 3 on 3 with Kobe Bryant Nintendo GBC 11/1/99 Polaris SnoCross 2000 Vatical GBC 11/1/99 NBA Courtside 2 Nintendo N64 11/1/99 Road Rash Unchained Electronic Arts PS-X 11/1/99 Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm Crave DC 11/2/99 Knockout Kings 2000 Electronic Arts N64 11/2/99 — NBA Showtime Midway N64 11/2/99 Cool Boarders 4 Sony PS-X 11/2/99 Formula 1 99 Activision PS-X 11/2/99 Knockout Kings 2000 Electronic Arts PS-X 11/2/09 NBA Showtime Midway PS-X 11/2/99 — NBA Showtime Midway DC 11/9/99 Army Men 3DO GBC 11/9/99 X Battle Tanx 3DO GBC 11/9/89 Grand Theft Auto Rockstar Games GBC 11/9/99 Marble Madness Midway GBC 11/9/99 Oddworld Adventure 2 i GTI GBC 11/9/99 Rainbow 6 South Peak GBC 11/9/99 Rampart Midway GBC 11/9/99 _ Space Invaders Activision GBC 11/9/99 Vegas Games 3DO GBC 11/9/99 R2R Boxing Midway N64 11/9/99 Rainbow 6 South Peak N64 11/9/99 X Space Invaders Activision N64 11/9/99 q— Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense Activision N64 11/9/99 — Cybernetic Empire Jaleco PS-X 11/9/99 Gran Turismo 2 Sony PS-X 11/9/99 Jackie Chan Stunt Master Midway PS-X 11/9/99 K1 Grand Prix Jaleco PS-X 11/9/99 — Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Midway PS-X 11/9/99 Rainbow 6 South Peak PS-X 11/9/99 Spyro the Dragon 2: Ripto's Rage Sony PS-X 11/9/99 Twisted Metal 4 Sony PS-X 11/9/99 X Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style Activision PS-X 11/10/99 Resident Evil 3:Nemesis Capcom PS-X 11/10/99 Spec Ops Rockstar Games PS-X 11/11/99 Battle Tanx 2 Global Assault 3DO N64 11/11/99 Worms Armageddon Hasbro PS-X 11/12/99 Q-Bert Hasbro PS-X 11/15/99 Boarder Zone INFOGRAMES GBC 11/15/99 Cage Metro 3D GBC 11/15/99 Dracula Return Tommo GBC 11/15/99 M Hot Wheels Mattel GBC 11/15/99 International Track & Field Konami GBC 11/15/99 Junk Bots ElectroBrain GBC 11/15/99 Konami Rally Konami GBC 11/15/99 Legend of the River King Crave GBC 11/15/99 Magical Drop Classified GBC 11/15/99 Mask of Zorro Classified GBC 11/15/99 Ninja Metro 3D GBC 11/15/99 Supreme Snowboarding Infogrames GBC 11/15/99 Test Drive Offroad 3 Infogrames GBC 11/15/99 Worms Armageddon Infogrames GBC 11/15/99 Looney Tunes:Taz Express Infogrames N64 11/15/99 Major League Soccer Konami N64 11/15/99 Polaris SnoCross 2000 Vatical N64 11/15/99 40 Winks GT Interactive — PS-X 11/15/99 Barbie Race & Ride Mattel PS-X WELON B TITLI D A TITLE BL DATE Guilty Gear 8.25 Dec-98 Rascal 6 May-98 Bomberman 64 7.25 Dec-97 Virtual Chess 3 Oct-98 PLAYS TATION Hadai 2 Jan-99 Ray Tracers 75 Feb-98 Buck Bumble 8 Oct-98 VR Pool 64 7.75 Dec-98 3Xtreme 5.75 Jun-99 Heart of Darkness 8.25 Aug-98 . RE2: Dual Shock 8.5 Oct-98 Bug's Life, A 5.25 Jul-99 Waialae Country Club 3.5 Sep-98 A Bug's Life 75 Jan-99 Hello Kitty: Cube Frenzy 6.5 Ju-99 RE: Director's Cut - Dual Shock 7 Oct-98 BustA Move 2 8 Aug-98 WaveRace 64 9 Nov-96 Activision Classics 5 Oct-98 Hercules 6.75 Sep-97 ReBoot 7 Apr-98 — Bust-A-Move '99 9 Apr99 — WCW/NWO Revenge 8.75 Nov-98 Adidas Power Soccer '98 2 Sep-98 High Heat Baseball 2000 3.5 Jun-99 Red Asphalt 75 Dec-97 California Speed 2.25 Apr99 — WCW/NWO World Tour 8.5 Dec-97 Akuji the Heartless 6.75 Mar-99 Hot Shots Golf 9 Apr-98 Reel Fishing 7 Apr98 Castlevania 64 6.5 Mar99 Wetrix 8.25 Jul-98 Alexi Lalas Int'l Soccer 2.25 Jun-99 |Q. 7.5 Sep-97 Resident Evil 2 9.5 Jan-98 ^ Chameleon Twist 7 Apr-98 Wheel Of Fortune 8 Feb-98 Alundra 8.5 Jan-98 International Superstar Soccer '98 8.5 Aug-98 Ridge Racer Type 4 8.25 May-99 Chameleon Twist 2 6.5 May-99 WipeOut 64 75 Dec-98 Ape Escape 8.75 Jul-99 Interplay Sports Baseball 2000 5 Jun-99 Rising Zan Sep-99 8 Sep-99 Charlie Blast's Territory 3 May-99 World Cup 98 8 Jun-98 Apocalypse 7.5 Jan-99 Invasion From Beyond 6.75 Apr-99 Risk 7 Jun-98 Chopper Attack 5.25 Jun-98 World Driver Championship 6.25 Jun-99 .... Arcade's Greatest Hits Vol. 2. 6.5. Dec-97 — J. Johnson's VR Ftbl. 98. 6.75 Nov.97 Rival Schools: United by Fate 7.75 Nov-98 X Clayfighter 63 1/3 ,,Et5,, Oct-97, WCW Nitro oss 4,25 May-99 Armored Core 8.25 Nov-97 Jade Cocoon 8 Aug-99 Riven 8.5 Feb-98 College Hoops 99 5 Feb-99 WWF Attitude 925 Aug-99 Armored Core: Project Phantasma 8.75 Nov-98 Jeopardy 8 Jan-99 Road Rash 3D 7.75 Aug-98 Command & Conquer 8 Sep-99 WWF War Zone 8.75 Oct-98 Assault 7.25 Dec-98 Jersey Devil 6 Jul98 Rogue Trip 9 Oct-98 Cruis'n the World 6.5 Nov-98 Yoshi's Story 8.5 Feb-98 Assault Rigs 8 Feb-99 JetMoto2 8.5 Dec-97 Rollcage 7 Apr99 Deadly Arts 3 Sep-98 Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 9.75 Dec-98 Asteroids 7 Jan-99 Judge Dredd 8.25 May-98 Rosco McQueen 3 Sep-98 Diddy Kong Racing 8.5 Dec-97 Atari Collection Vol. 2 75 Jun98 K-i Revenge 6.5 Apr99 R-Type Delta 7.25 Aug-99 ^ Duke Nukem 64 75 an8 DREAMCAST Auto Destruct 7 Feb-98 Kagero: Deception Il 7 Nov98 Rugrats 7 Jan-99 Duke Nukem: Zero Hour 8.75 Sep-99 Sega Bass Fishing 8 Sep-99 Azure Dreams 8 Ju-98 Kartia: The World of Fate 8.5 Aug-98 Running Wild 6 Nov-98 Extreme G 8.5 Oct97 Sonic Adventure 7.75 Sep-99 BackStreet Billards 7.5 Dec-98 Kensei: Sacred Fist 5.25 Jun-99 Rushdown 5 Apr99 Extreme G 2 8.25 Dec-98 Batman and Robin 5 Jm38 Koma — 8 Aw399 SaGa Frontier — — 0 10 725 My FZnX Sep GAME BOY «— . Big Air 4 Jun-99 Knockout Kings 6 Jan-99 San Fran Rush:X Racing 6.75 Jun-98 F1 Pole Position 64 7 Nov-97 720 7 Jun-99 Bio FREAKS 3.5 Ju-98 Konami Arcade Classics 6.75 Aug-99 SCARS 8 Nov-98 F1 World Gran Prix 75 Sep-98 ABUugsLife 5.75 Dec-98 Blast Radius 7 Mar99 Kula World 7.5 Sep-98 Shadow Madness 6 Apr-99 FIFA98 8 Feb-98 All-Star Baseball ‘99 7 Oct-98 Blasto 8.25 May-98 Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 8.5 Sep-99 Shadow Master 7 Apr-98 FIFA99 8.25 Jan-99 All-Star Baseball 2000 7.25 Jul-99 Bloody Roar 8.5 Apr-98 Legend of Legaia 8.25 Apr-99 Shipwreckers 6.5 Feb-98 Fighter's Destiny 8 Feb-98 Asteroids/Missile Command 7.25 Aug-95 Bloody Roar II 7 May-99 Lemmings & Oh No! 7 Oct-98 Silent Hill 7.25 Apr-99 Fighting Force 64 6.75 May-99 Battle Arena Toshinden 8 Jan-97 Bomberman Fantasy Race 7.25 Mar-99 Life 5 Jan-99 SkullMonkeys 8.75 Mar-98 Forsaken 64 B Aug-98 Bust-A-Move 4 8 Aug-99 Bomberman World 6.5 Oct-98 Lost World, The 5.5 Sep-97 Sled Storm 8.75 Sep-99 Gex 64 7.75 Nov-98 Carrot Crazy 35 Apr-99 Bottom of the 9th 99 8 Aug-98 Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete 7.75 Ju-99 Small Soldiers 7.25 Dec-98 Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko 7.75 Sep-99 Centipede/Millipede 7.75 Aug-95 M Brave Fencer Mushashi — — — 775 _Dec-98 MaddenNrLo8 — — 85 OctS7 Soul of the Samurai — 1 425) _Sep-97___Conker's Pocket Tales — 45 Sep99 Breath of Fire Ill 8 May-98 Madden NFL 99 9.25 Oct-98 Spawn: The Eternal ; Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions 6 Jan95 Brigandine 7 Dec-98 Magic: The Gathering 6.5 Nov-97 Speed Racer 6.75 Jun-98 Gretzky 3D Hockey 98 7.75 Jan-98 ^ Donkey Kong Land 75 Ju-95 Broken Sword 7.25 Feb-98 March Maddness 98 7.75 Apr-98 Spice World 3 Oct-98 Hybrid Heaven 7 Jun99 Donkey Kong Land 2 8.5 Dec-96 Brunswick Circuit 7.25 Nov-98 Marvel Super Heroes vs. X-Men 8 Jan-99 Sports Car GT 6 Jun-99 lggy's Reckin' Balls 8.75 Sep-98 Dr. Franken Il 6 Apr-98 Bugs Bunny Lost In Time 5.25 Aug-99 Masters of Monsters 3.5 Sep-98 Spyro the Dragon 9.5 Sep-98 |n-Fisherman's Bass Hunter 64 7.75 Sep-99 FIFA Soccer 97 75 Nov-96 Bug Riders 6.75 Dec-97 MediEvil 8.75 Nov-98 Star Ocean 7.5 Jun-99 International Superstar Soccer ‘98 9 Aug98 Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball 6.5 Feb-96 Bushido Blade 8.5 Oct97 Mega Man Legends 8.5 Sep-98 Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi 6.75 Jan-98 International Superstar Soccer 64 9 Ju-97 ^ Galaga/Galaxian 6.75 Aug-95 Bushido Blade 2 7.5 Nov-98 Metal Gear Solid 9.25 Nov-98 Steel Reign 7.75 Nov-97 Jeopardy! 6 May-98 Game & Watch Gallery 55 Juk97 Bust A Groove 6.5 Jan-99 Micro Machines 8 Feb-98 Streak 8.25 Dec-98 Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest 85 Ju-99 GB Camera 7 Sep-98 Bust-A-Move ‘99 8 -99 — MK Mythologies: Sub Zero 6.5 Nov-97 Street Fighter Alpha 3 8 Jun-99 Knife Edge s 3 Nov98 Gex: Enter the Gecko 1 — 1118 $Mar99— Bust-A-Move 4 E -88 ^ MLB 99 8.75 May-98 Street Fighter Col. 8 Oct-98 Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside 9 May-98 QriffeyJr. Pres. MLB 8.75 Dec-97 C: The Contra Adventure 6 Sep-98 MLB 2000 8.5 May-99 Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha 8.5 Oct-97 Lode Runner 3-D 6.5 May-99 Harvest Moon 75 Oct-98 Cardinal Syn 7 Jun-98 MLB98 6 Sep-97 Street Ftr. 2 Collection 7 Feb-99 Lucky Luke 6.5 Nov-98 Hexcite 8.5 Jan-99 CART World Series 8.75 Dec-97 MLBPA Bottom of the 9th 97 8.25 Oct-97 Street Sk8er 45 Apr-99 Mace: The Dark Age 9 Dec-97 James Bond 007 8.5 Apr-98 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 9.5 Oct-97 Monaco Gran Prix 2 5 Jun99 Syndicate Wars 8 Sep-97 Madden 64 9 Oct-97 Joust/Defender 6.25 Jun-99 Castrol Honda Superbike Racing 6.25 Jun-99 Monkey Hero 5.5 Feb-99 Syphon Filter 9 Mar99 Madden NFL 99 8.75 Oct-98 Ken Griffey Jr. Slugfest 5.25 Sep-99 Centipede 7 Jul99 Monster Rancher 9 Feb-98 Taifu 6.5 Apr-99 Magical Tetris Challange 8 Jan-99 Killer Instinct 725 Jan-96 Chocobo Racing 6.25 Aug-99 Monster Seed 6 May99 T.RAG. 7.5 May-99 Major League Baseball f. Ken Griffey Jr. 7.5 Jun-98 Kirby's Block Ball 8.25 Jul-96 Civilization II 7.75 Mar-99 Mortal Kombat 4 7.75 Aug-98 Tactics Ogre 8 Apr-98 Mario Golf 9 Aug-99 Klax 7.75 Jun-99 Clock Tower 7. Dec97 Moto Racer 8 Nov97 Tales of Destiny 6.75 Oct-98 ^ Mario Kart 64 9.25 Feb-97 — Kwirk 9 Jun-99 Clock Tower 2 6 Feb-99 Moto Racer 2 6.75 Nov-98 Tarzan 7.75 Sep-99 Mario Party 3.5 Mar-99 Legend of the River King 7 Aug-98 Colony Wars 8.5 Nov-97 MotorHead 6.25 Nov-98 Team Losi RC Racer 7 Oct-98 Micro Machines 64 Turbo 7 May-99 Logical 5 May-99 Colony Wars: Vengeance 8.5 Nov-98 N20: Nitrous Oxide 8.25 Ju-98 Tekken 3 9.5 May-98 Mike Piazza's Strikezone 4.25 Jul-98 Madden NFL 97 7.25 Nov-96 Contender 6.75 Feb-99 Nagano Winter Olyp. 5 Feb-98 Ten Pin Alley 8.5 Jan-99 Mischief Makers 7 Nov-97 Men in Black: The Series 4,75 Mar-99 Cool Boarders 3 7.75 Nov-98 Namco Museum Vol. 5 725 Jan-98 Tenchu 9 Nov-98 Mission: Impossible 8 Ju-98 Moon Patrol/Spy Hunter 6.75 Juk99 CoolBoarders 2 9 Nov97 NASCAR 98 8.5 Nov-97 Tennis Arena 7.5 Feb-98 Monaco Gran Prix 2 5 Jun-99 Mortal Kombat 4 5 Apr99 Courier Crisis 45 Dec-97 NASCAR 99 8.25 Nov-98 Test Drive 5 8.25 Jan-99 Monster Truck Madness 5.5 Sep-99 Motorcross Maniacs 8.5 Sep-99 Crash Bandicoot 2 9 Nov97 NBAFastBreak 98 8 Jan-98 Test Drive Off Road 2 6.5 Jan-99 Mortal Kombat 4 8.5 Ju-98 Mulan 4.75 Dec-98 Crash Bandicoot: Warped 9.25 Dec-98 NBA In The Zone 98 8 Feb-98 Theme Hospital 8 Jun-98 —Multi-Racing Champ. 8.25 Sep-97 NBA In The Zone '99 4 Jun-99 Crime Killers 7.75 Sep-98 NBA In the Zone ‘99 6 May-99 Thunder Force V 6.5 Sep-98 Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon 8. Mar98 NBA Jam 99 ..15. May-99 Critical Depth 8.75 Dec-97 NBA Live 98 8.25 Dec-97 Tiger Woods 99 2 Jan99 Nagano Olympics 98 5.5 Mar98 NFL Blitz 6 = Apr-99 Croc: Legend. of the Gobbos 8 Oct-97 NBA Live 99 7.75 Jan-99 Time Crisis 8.25 Oct-97 NASCAR 99 7.25 Oct-98 NHL Blades of Steel ‘99 7.5 Apr-99 Croc 2 7.5 Jul-99 NBA ShootOut 98 8.75 Apr-98 Timeshock! Pinball 7.25 Nov-98 NBA lIn The Zone '98 4.75 Apr-98 Oddworld Adventures 7 Feb-99 Darkstalkers III 7 Jan-99 — NCAAFinal Four ‘99 5.5 Mar-99 Tiny Tank: Up Your Arsenal 5.5 Jan-99 NBA Jam 99 7 Feb-99 Pac-Man 7.75 Sep-99 Dead in the Water 7.25 Feb-99 NCAA Football 7.75 Sep-98 Tiny Toon Adventures 6.75 Mar-99 NBA Live 99 7.25 Dec-98 Pitfall: Beyond the Jungle 6.5 Mar-99 Dead or Alive 7.75 May-98 NCAA Football 98 8.5 Sep-97 Tomb Raider Il 9.25 Dec-97 NFL Blitz 9 Oct-98 Pokémon 9 Oct-98 Deathtrap Dungeon 6.5 Jun-98 NCAA Gamebreaker 98 9 Jan-98 Tomb Raider IIl 9 Jan-99 — NFLQBCIub '98 5 Dec-97 Pokémon Pinball 8 Sep-99 Destrega 8.25 Mar-99 | NCAA GameBreaker 99 8 Jan-99 Tomba! 8.25 Ju-98 NFL QB Club 99 8.25 Dec-98 Primal Rage 7 Aug-95 Devil Dice 8.25 Sep-98 | NCAA March Madness 99 5.75 Mar-99 Treasures of the Deep 9 Sep-97 NHL99 8.25 Nov-98 Prince of Persia 6 Jul-99 Diablo 8.25 -98 Need For Speed Ill 775 May-98 Triple Play 98 9 Jun97 NHL Blades of Steel ‘99 6 Apr99 Quest for Camelot 5 Mar99 Dino Crisis 9 -88 ^ Need For Speed: High Stakes 8.75 May-99 Triple Play 99 8.5 Apr-98 NFL Blitz 2000 7.75 Sep-99 R-Type DX 75 Sep-99 Dragonseeds 5.25 Dec-98 Need For Speed:VRally 7.5 Dec-97 Triple Play 2000 6.5 May-99 NHL Breakaway ‘98 8.25 Mar-98 Rampage: World Tour 6.5 Apr-99 Driver 8.25 Sep-99 | Newman/Hass Racing 7.75 Apr-98 Turbo Prop Racing 8.5 Aug-98 NHL Breakaway 99 6 Feb-99 Rugrats Movie 25 Feb-99 Duke Nukem: Time To Kill 8.5 Nov-98 Next Tetris, The 6 Ju-99 Twisted Metal III 8.25 Jan-99 Nightmare Creatures 8 Jan-99 Skate of Die 2: Tour de Thrash 9 Aug-97 Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown 75 Jan-98 NFL Blitz 8 Oct-98 Ultimate 8 Ball 6.5 Jul-99 ^ Off Road Challange 5 Sep-98 Small Soldiers 7.75 Dec-98 Dynasty Warriors 9 May-97 NFL Blitz 2000 6.5 Sep-99 UmJammer Lammy 8.25 Sep-99 Olymplic Hockey 98 4 Feb-98 Smurf's Nightmare 6.5 Jan-99 Echo Night 6.75 Aug-99 NFL GameDay '99 7 Oct-98 — Unholy War, The 7.25 Nov-98 Penny Racers 5.75 Feb-99 Spawn 6.25 Sep-99 Eggs of Steel 2.5 Jan-99 NFL GameDay 98 8.75 Oct-97 Uprising X 4.75 Feb-99 PilotWings 64 9.5 Aug-96 Spy Vs. Spy 7.5 Aug-99 Einhander 8 May-98 NFL XTreme 6.5 Aug-98 Vigilante 8 7.5 Jul98 ^ Pokemon Snap 7 Aug99 Super Black Bass 8 Jan-99 Elemental Gearbolt — — — 8.25 Aug-98 NFLXreme2 — 0! 8.25 Sepk99 — VMX Raci anaana NOV-97 Quake 64 — aaa J5 _Mar-98 Super Breakout/Battlezone 825 Oct-96 Ehrgeiz 6.75 Jun-99 NHL 98 9 Nov-97 VR Baseball ‘99 7 Jul-98 Quakell 7.75 Jul-99 Super Mario Bros. Dix. 9.25 Aug-99 Excal. 2555 AD 6.25 Sep-97 NHL 99 9 Nov-98 VR Powerboat Racing 6 Apr-98 Quest 64 6.5 Jul-98 Survival Kids 7.5 Sep-99 Felony 11-79 8.25 Sep-97 NHL Breakaway 98 7.75 Nov-97 Vs. 6.25 Dec-97 Rampage 2: Universal Tour 5 Apr99 Tamagotchi 7 Apr-98 FIFA 99 7 Jan-99 NHL FaceOff ‘98 8.25 Nov-97 Wargames Defcon 1 7.25 Sep-98 Robotron 64 5.5 Feb-98 Tarzan 6.5 Aug-99 FIFA: World Cup 98 8.75 Feb-98 NHL FaceOff 99 7.75 Nov-98 Warhammerll: Dark Omen 7.75 Jun-98 Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA 8.75 Dec-98 Tetris Attack 8.5 Oct-96 Fifth Element 7 Dec-98 NHL Powerplay 98 8 Sep-97 Warzone 2100 7.75 Jul-99 San Francisco Rush Extreme Racing 8.75 Nov-97 Tetris Blast 8.75 Mar-96 Fighter Maker 8 Jun99 Nightmare Creatures 8.75 Nov-97 WOW Nitro 6.75 Feb-98 SCARS 7.75 Dec-98 Tetris DX 8.5 Dec-98 Fighting Force 6.5 Dec-97 Ninja 2.5 Oct-98 | WCW/NWO Thunder 4.75 Feb-99 Shadowgate 64 4 Aug-99 TheFidgetts 75 Apr-98 Final Fantasy Tactics 8.75 Feb-98 No One Can Stop Mr. Domino 7.75 Jan-99 Wheel of Fortune 7 Jan-99 Shadow Man 7.75 Sep-99 The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening 9.25 Mar-99 „Final Fantasy VIN — — — ^ 95 Sep99 Nuclear Strike — — — — .— — 9 Nov97 Wid9 . — . 825 Dec98 Snowboard Kids op ( D. May98 Final Fantasy Vil 9.75 Sep-97 Oddworld: Exoddus 9.25 Dec-98 WWF Attitude 9 Aug-99 ^ Snowboard Kids 2 ‘woul 6.5 Apr-99 Fisherman's Bait 6 May-99 Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee 9.25 Aug-97 WWF War Zone 8.5 Oct-98 South Park Jan-99 V-Rally Ed. ‘99 5.5 Aug-99 Formula 1 8 Nov97 ODT 5 Nov-98 X-Games: Pro Boarder 6.5 Dec-98 Space Station: Silicon Valley 6.5 Dec-98 Vegas Stakes 8.25 Oct-97 Forsaken 8 Aug-98 One 8.5 Jan-98 X-Men Vs. Street Fighter 75 Jul98 Star Wars: Episode | Racer 9 Jun-99 Wario Land II 8.75 Apr-98 Fox Sports Golf '99 45 Aug-98 Pandemonium 6 Dec-97 X-Men: Children of the Atom 45 Mar-98 Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 8.75 Feb-99 World Cup 98 3 Oct98 Fox Sports Soccer '99 7.25 Aug-98 | PaRappa The Rapper 8.25 Oct-97 Xenogears 9 Nov-98 Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire 925 Jan-97 WWF Attitude 65 Jul-99 Freestyle Boardin’ ‘99 6 Mar-99 Parasite Eve 7.75 Sep-98 Starfox 64 9 Jun-97 Future Cop LAPD 8.5 Nov-98 Pitfall 3D: Bynd. Jngl. s my8 NINTENDO 64 Superman 125 Aug-99 G Darius 8.25 Sep-98 Pocket Fighter 7.75 Sep-98 — 1080 Snowboarding 925 Apr98 Super Mario 64 $75 ag- NEO GEO POCKET COLOR GPoie 7.25 Nov97 Point Blank —— — — — .85 Feb98 Aerofighters Assault 6 Mar98 SuperSmashBrohers — 85 Apr99 Baseball Stars — — 15 11 1 | 6 Augo9 Gex: Enter the Gecko 9.25 Mar-98 Point Blank 2 8 Apr99 AeroGauge 5 Feb-98 Tetrisphere 7.5 Sep-97 Bust-A-Move Pocket 8.25 Sep-99 Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko 8 May-99 Pool Hustler 7.25 Dec-98 All-Star Baseball 99 8.5 Jul-98 The New Tetris 7 Sep-99 Crush Roller 75 Aug-99 Ghost in the Shell 8 Oct-97 Populous: The Beginning 7 Jun-99 All-Star Baseball 2000 8 May-99 Tonic Trouble 7 Aug-99 Fatal Fury: 1st Contact 8 Aug-99 Golden Nugget 8 Oct-97 Pro 18 World Golf 1 Feb-99 All Star Tennis ‘99 5.5 Aug-99 Top Gear Overdrive 7.25 Jan-99 King of Fighters 8.5 Aug-99 Gran Turismo 9.5 Jun-98 Psybadek 3.75 Feb-99 Automobili Lamborghini 5.75 Jan-98 Top Gear Rally 8 Dec-97 Metal Slug: 1st Mission 8.5 Aug-99 Grand Theft Auto 7.75 Sep-98 Punky Skunk 7 Jun-98 Banjo Kazooie 9.25 Jun-98 Triple Play 2000 5.75 Apr-99 — Neo Geo Cup '98 8 Aug-99 Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 7 Juk99 Rally Cross 9 Apr97 BattleTanx 6.75 Feb-99 Turok 2: Seeds of Evil 9 Jan-99 Pocket Tennis Color 6.75 Aug-99 Grand Tour Racing 7.75 Nov-97 Rally Cross 2 8.25 Jan-99 Beetle Adventure Racing 8 Apr-99 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 9.5 Mar-97 Samurai Shodown 2 8.75 Aug-99 Granstream Saga 6.5 Jul-98 Rampage World Tour 6.25 Nov-97 Bio FREAKS 45 Jul98 Twisted Edge 3.25 Nov-98 Guardian's Crusade 8 Apr99 X Rampage 2: Universal Tour 5.5 Jun-99 — Body Harvest 7.75 Nov-98 X Vigilante 8 8.5 Apr-99 nes 7 SUBSCRIBE!!! Don't get stuck with another lame game. Subscribe to GAME INFORMER MAGAZINE TODAY and receive twelve information-packed issues for only $19.98. 12 Issues Only (Please print clearly) [] New Renewal Name Address Clty a rn Phone ( ) IN U.S. FUNDS, with $20/yr. additional postage.) Payment Method: [C] Visa MasterCard Discover Card Cadi i Ep, Dal Cardholder Signature (For faster service with credit card - call 612/946-7266 M-F 9am to 4pm Central Time) Or subscribe online at Please allow 8 - 10 weeks for 1st mailed issue. (For faster service with credit card - call 612/946-7266 M-F 9am to 4pm Central Time) Or subscribe online at Please allow 8 - 10 weeks for 1st mailed issue. | a mum um Pe. i d GIFT SUBSCRIPTION! i Please send one year of Game Informer Magazine to: i Name ' Address i City ae State Zip I F rom: l 5 Name | Check or money order enclosed. (ALL INTERNATIONAL & CANADIAN ORDERS MUST BE PRE-PAID, IN U.S. FUNDS, with $20/yr. additional postage.) | Payment Method: C Visa MasterCard — (-] Discover Card H Cad# Ep, Date I Cardholder Signature l l - Show'em who knows all the moves! Baraka Split Punch: BIk+LP Fatality: f, b, d, d+HK Weapon: b, b, HK y: T, D, Q, ain Swipe: b+HP Fatality 2: d, d, f, d+Blk Blade Fury: b, b, b, LP Spike Fatality: b, f, f«LK Blade Spark: d, b, HP Fan Fatality: d, f, f+HK Blade Spin: f, d, f, Blk Fatality: b, b, b, b, HP Cyrax Fatality 2: b, f, d, f, LP Weapon: b, f, HP i| Spike Fatality: d, b, b, Close Bombs: (LK) b, b, HK | LK Far Bombs: (LK) f, f, HK Fan Fatality: f, f, d, HK Net: b, b, LK P Teleport: f, d, Blk (Also In Cage Air) Blk- Block . HK- High Kick LK- Low Kick HP- High Punch LP- Low Punch ^ ll. LÀ ys Part 1 of 2 S | Weapon: f, d, f, LK Air Jump: b, d, f, Blk Shadow Kick: b, f, LK dod n 3 E: Shadow Uppercut: b, d, b, atality 2: d, d, f, u, Run p e Spike Fatality: d, b, b, LP High Fireball: d, f, HP Fan Fatality: b, f, f, HP Low Fireball: d, b, LP TETE ie ee se my a EVERYONE sf: mmy uus PlayStation IEEE — À mum IT TET T7] u A HMM hi UMP itm ttt om n * = ld NFL GameDay 2000 gives you 1,200 new plays and 200 new motion captured moves designed and performed by 45 NFL players. There's a Training Camp Mode to practice plays, and a GM Mode to manage your team over multiple seasons. We've even added a revolutionary telestrator along with Dick Enberg and Phil Simms commentary. Now everyday is game day. E O. pur (IJ dd un > f2 ©1999 NFLP. Team names and logos are trademarks of the teams indicated. All other (NFL-related marks) are trademarks of the National Football League and NFL Properties. Officially licensed product of PLAYERS INC, The PLAYERS INC logo is a registered trademark of the NFL players. ©1999 PLAYERS INC. Developed by 989 Studios and Red Zone Interactive, Inc. 989 Sports and the 989 Sports logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. ©1999 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Licensed for use with the PlayStation game console. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc ATS HOT * TECH TALK + » TOP TEN * Sonic fans rejoice! Sega’s blue superstar is making a return to the handheld market for the first time since Sonic 2 and Sonic Chaos on the Sega Game Gear. SNK recently signed a licensing deal with Sega which will allow it to develop and publish a Sonic the Hedgehog game for its new handheld system, the Neo g Geo Pocket Color. From what d we've seen, the game looks to be very similar to the Game Gear version of Sonic 2; however, there are two new modes: a Puzzle Room, and a Duel Room. The game should be in stores sometime before Christmas. j m The Phoenix Suns’ franchise point guard did a little shakin’ and bakin’ for 989 Sports’ upcoming basketball game for PlayStation. NBA All-Star and Olympic team member, Jason Kidd, recently completed a motion-capture session for 989’s NBA Shoot Out 2000 - he also did some work for another upcoming basketball game from 989. Game Informer was in attendance at the session and noticed that Kidd was equipped with more mo-cap sensor balls than normal. When asked why, 989 stated that they added more balls because work was also being started on a version of Shoot Out for the PlayStation 2. Shoot Out is the first confirmed sports title for the PlayStation 2, and we expect to see information concerning other 989 PlayStation 2 sports titles very soon. We gathered some preliminary screens of SNK's ne game for Neo Geo Pocket Color that pits classic fighting game characters from SNK's stable against the power houses from Capcom. : Think of the possibilities of Terry Bogard against Guile, or Jubei going toe-to-toe with Ryu. It's a fighter game fanat- ic's dream - although it isn't a fighting game. The new title for NGPC, SNK vs. Capcom, is a card battle game. Not unlike the Pokémon card game, players will collect cards , and battle for supremacy. Do not be distraught, because | an actual fighting game is being developed by Capcom for | the arcades. It is likely that this game will make it to home | systems, including the NGPC, in the near future. JIHAD 2025! Game Informer * October '99 Nae The doost surf the wot just Whe Jar ‘Jar Sinks equa URL 0 the eed = Further proof that some people have way too much time on their hands, this unique site can translate most web pages into the Gungun dialect of the lovable Mr. Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars: Episode 1. Just log onto the site, type in the URL, Smithsonian Institution and Jar Jar will read the page to you-sa in great . speakalike of Gunguns. This site even allows you to send email in Gungun. Note: wot all pages hest). You-sa enjoy! — ., Work with this site (text-heavy pages work Nintendo’s new system is codenamed the Dolphin. What were the original codenames for the Nintendo 64? What were the codenames for the Dreamcast? Which console system was the first to offer a CD-ROM add-on? What company had, at one time, planned to manufacture a CD-ROM attachment for the Super Nintendo? What was the Sega Genesis called in Europe? [Answers on the bottom of page 30] In 1992, Kaneko released this SNES platformer which starred a super-hip feline snack salesman. Hopefully he lived off his Frito-Lay royalties, because this horrific game might well be one of the least tasty action/adventure titles ever. [Answer on the bottom of page 30] -60 IN 1 SECOND. HIGHSPEED d At 60 frames-per-second, TOKYO XTREME RACER is one of the fastest console games in existence. It's a white- knuckle racing experience that will leave you breathless. 090999 frarnes/ second HIGHVOLTAGE AM MA "gn N Throw down against road rivals in point battle mode, customize your import racer in quest mode, or choose versus mode to go head-to-head at a blistering 60 frames per second. HIGHOCTANE “This game has unbelievable graphics that, in my opinion, easily rival that of the Gran Turismo 2 demo” “SBGANET.COM “Graphically, this game is better than any console racing game to date...period.” “GANEFAN ONLINE a : oO os O Sega Available 9.9.99 Sega © Dreamcast. | CONES CO Tokyo Xtreme Racer, Crave and their respective logos are trademarks of Crave Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Crave Entertainment is a registered trademark in the U.S. © 1999 Crave Entertainment, Inc. Genki is a registered trademark of Genki Co., Ltd. Sega, Dreamcast, and the Dreamcast logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. TECH TALK + MUTATION NAGRHLUN * CC 2 . TOP TE * TR A 8 "E T AT (GA ‘(HAT ES CT - TECH TALK Date File: ^ lz 2, a game rumored to be a launch title for the PlayStation 2. » Infogrames smurfed that it is smurfing The Smurfs cartoon to the PlayStation this winter. Smurf will be had by all as they play with Smurfette, Hefty, Gargamel, and Papa Smurf (what, no Azrael?). Y active publishing division. Pipe Dream will publish original and licensed games for the Sega Dreamcast, Game Boy Color, and ` other game consoles. The first £ame under the Pipe Dream label will be Rainbow Six for Dreamcast. »- Midway is bringing a version of its highly anticipated Dreamcast title, Ready 2 Rumble Boxing, to the Game Boy Color. The game will ship sometime in November. » Sega announced that its cover- boy for NBA 2K is the Philadelphia 76ers’ Allen Iverson. The young sensation is apparently helping the developers analyze gameplay and graphical elements of the games and will appear on the box art for the games. » Game Informer associate editor, Erik Reppen, spent four straight days in the Gl office. »- Hasbro Interactive announced that it will publish NASCAR Challenge for Game Boy Color. The game has been scheduled to release sometime after September and before January. In other words, it is slated for 4th quarter. » Acclaim announced plans to bring Shadow Man and Jeremy McGrath Supercross to the Sega Dreamcast. These games join other Acclaim DC titles: WWF Attitude, NFL Quarterback Club 2000, and TrickStyle. » Nintendo has moved the release of Excitebike 64 to an undetermined date. » ASC Games has pushed the release of Jeff Gordon Racing for PlayStation to February of next year. Ó Game Informer * October '99 Pipe Dream Interactive, an inter- An e GAY. ve T | Eidos has acquired the rights to publish the Game Boy version of Enix’s popular ix KS j “sx, Dragon Quest series in North America and T ES M. MOM Europe. The game, to be renamed Dragon M A 2S0 SHE to fe NA a Warrior Monsters - Terry’s Wonderland, = -HE 37 has already sold a whopping 2.2 million copies in Japan. An Eidos representative said a firm U.S. release date has not been established, but added that the game should appear between October and December (4th quarter). Dragon Warrior Monsters will be compatible with both the Game Boy and Game Boy Color units. The editors of Game Informer have put the finishing touches on | a special edition of the magazine featuring Final Fantasy. The Final Fantasy Companion is a comprehensive look at Final | Fantasy V, VI, VII, and VIII. All of these games are broken down into easy to follow walkthroughs that cover many aspects of playing the game. The magazine also contains a look at the history of Square Soft with a complete listing of games the company has released in Japan and the U.S. | The Game Informer Special Edition: Final Fantasy Companion is available now and carries a MSRP of $14.95. The eame will cast à deos as pilots or a Faderation fighter ae | who must complete over 30 missions, ranging | from defending the | Fede ration against alien enemies to investigating interstellar mysterie s. There will be multiple sre: which will. ‘require players Star Trek posse, as well as the Klingons, Borgs, and a never-before-seen alien race. © MUTAT e gm uum, o, ar PERFECT AERIAL STUNTS AND FORMATION PILOT ONE OF 11 DIFFERENT JETS FIVE MODES INCLUDING BLUE IMPULSE FLYING IN 20 TRAINING MISSIONS. FROM THE F-86F SABRE TO THE F-15D). MISSION, FREE FLIGHT AND EXHIBITION. kk & *» - NEXT GENERATION RATING PENDING | m LU -— Sega(9 Dreamcast. teed Aerowings, Crave and their respective logos are trademarks of Crave Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Crave Entertainment is a registered trademark in the U.S. © 1999 Crave Entertainment, Inc. CRI is a registered trademark of CSK Research Institute. Sega, Dreamcast, ond the Dreamcast logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Lid. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. HATS HOT + TECH TALK +» MUTATION NAGSRUN « L C ak TOP TEN Todd McFarlane recently debuted a line of action figures based on the successful Cliffhanger comic book series, Danger Girl. The whole D-Girl posse should be hitting the PlayStation this fall, in the form of a 3D action/adventure game, which is being developed by N-Space for THQ. Although the original has some problems with combat and control, we're still excited at the prospect of Nightmare Creature 2. Developer Kalisto promises a completely new combat system, which might help alleviate some of our gripes. There are two new characters to play as: Rachelle Donnerty, an English secret agent, and Wallace, a psychopath. You must hack-and-slash your way across the globe to retrieve a magic relic from Crowley. Combo moves are back, as well as new weapons and spells. The plot takes place over 100 years since the first game. The game is in development for both Nintendo 64 and PlayStation and will be published by Activision. Nightmare Creatures is scheduled to release on both systems in March of 2000. In a perfect world, For Change of Address, New there wouldn't be Subscriptions or Inquiries please send correspondence to: Video Game Trivia Answers: 1. Project Reality and Ultra 64 2. Dural, Black Belt, and Katana. 3. The Turbo-Grafx 4. Sony 5. The Mega-Drive. Name That Game Answer: Chester Cheetah: Too Cool To Fool any need for customer service, Game Informer Magazine because we would all Attn: Customer Service 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Customer service hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 am — 4:00 pm (Central Time). get what we wanted. But you can't always get what you want, and even worse, sometimes you can't get your Game Informers. If you are having * NAME T Subscription woes or your dog ate your favorite issue, contact our customer service department at the address to the right or, for even quicker service, give us a call. © Game Informer * October '99 (612) 946-7266 Outside Minnesota make sure to dial area code (this is a toll call). Or email us at: HOT * TECH TALK BAD, WHAT THE GOOD, ha} who S pays sA i — = WCW Mayhem (PSX) Expected available date of Sept. 24, 1999 | 9.95 Sled Storm Now Available ; PlayStation us FuncoLand carries all of these exciting EA Sports titles: e Madden NFL 2000 (PSX/N64) * NCAA Football 2000 (PSX) * NASCAR 2000 (PSX/N64) e NHL Hockey 2000 (PSX) AVS all te action en tne wine Jy, = = Xena Warrior Princess Expected available date of Sept. 24, 1999 J 0870/8 WCW Mayhem (N64) Expected available date of Sept. 24, 1999 Hot Wheels Turbo Racing (N64) Expected available date of Sept. 24, 1999 b: TURO ON d C ART s Di m y i | at b | cmt Knockout Kings Now Available NINTENDO Woops Hot Wheels Turbo Racing (PSX) Expected available date of Sept. 3, 1999 ıncoLand Bring Home The Fun Visit us @ $900.99 "29 | Tiger Woods 99 : PlayStation: = Go to FuncoLand today and reserve your copy of Medal of Honor and Tomorrow Never Dies. Expected release date for these games is November 16, 1999. Ask Game Advisor about reservation policy. Limit one per customer. Quantities are limited. Prices and offers expire October 31, 1999. Manufacturer reserves the right to delay game title at their discretion. Electronic Arts, EA Sports and game titles are trademarks or reg- istered trademarks of Electronic Arts. Nintendo 64 and “N” logo are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America. PlayStation and PlayStation logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. © 1999 Funco, Inc. FuncoLand is a registered trademark of Funco, Inc. All rights reserved. Review * Size: 128 Megabit * Style: 1 to 4-Player Racing * Special Features: Stunt, Championship, Resolution; Weapons; Multiplayer Battle Mode; Rumble, Controller, & Expansion Pak Compatible * Replay Value: Moderately Low * Created by: Acclaim Studios * Available: Now for Nintendo 64 Bottom Line: [] 75 The Stunt mode is complete with huge jumps and sor ii loop. Rii. 7 LAST LOO 3 00: 60: 600 EAP 00: 61: 487 RACE 600: OF: 290 $ RX 44d "a un Pulling ahead did the turn. A3 x4 SPRINTER XL OL. MOSS Neck and neck. 'Übe VS " "Js ST ^ "n - n [12 P mi & Track Editor Modes; 28 Cars, 13 Tracks, & 4 Multiplayer Arenas; Normal & Medium Acclaim Studios is fully aware that the Nintendo 64 racing stable is bulging at the seams, ready to _ explode with the overabundance of replicated racing trash. So instead of creating another clone for Nintendo's racing armada, Acclaim took a stab in the . dark and chose to construct a racing simulation that breaks new ground and adds a playful element to this diseased genre. ; _ Behold Re-Volt! The Nintendo 64's first radio- controlled racing game. To give this long overlooked ter- ritory extra spice, Acclaim has integrated an element of- fantasy into this high-speed venture. While retaining a normal RC car appearance, each vehicle is actually a liv- ing hunk of plastic with a different name and differing abilities. All of the vehicles are also endowed with magi- cal power and can launch a number of different attacks at the opposition once a certain spell is acquired. Zapping your pint-size adversaries with lightning. bolts is extremely entertaining, but the sole purpose of this game is racing and the gathering of Championship Cups. With a realistic physics engine at its side, this racer pushes the player to memorize the tracks and master techniques for certain turns. All of the tracks are mod- eled to show the minuscule size of the RC car. The seven environments range from science museums to supermarkets. These real-world settings create thirteen different tracks, all of which can be raced mirrored. Along with hairpin turns and narrow paths, the RC cars must outmaneuver obstacles ranging from street cones to cash register checkouts. If these tracks become monotonous or too challeng- ing, you can also create your own racing loop with the Track Editor. Or you can hang up your racing and try to collect hard-to-reach stars in the Stunt mode. As with- most Nintendo 64 titles, this one supports multiplayer. | Race against three friends. or try to rip their hearts out in Battle mode. _ The sheer abundance of Nintendo 64 racing Baro is | quite overwhelming, but rest assured, Re-Volt won't get- lost in the shuffle. UM ED 4" CU. omu?” O MPH Push your batteries to the i limit in multiplayer estate, SASSER : A br od; boo M enaxs big Pe) Nie vm. +, x Taron THE GAME HOMBRE Graphics A baeause the game has all the extra Playability 5 Entertainment THE GAME PROFESSOR Playability 5 Entertainment REINER THE RAGING GAMER Graphics Entertainment The Bite-Size Revolution “A long time ago | used to race RC cars, and my memory of the experience is a pleasant one. | wish | could say the same Concept thing for this (1 just have to say it) revolting 6 game. The list of problems with Re-Volt goes on and on - graphics, sound, computer Al, you name it. Which is sad, ANDY Sound goodies like a track editor and stunt track. 3 But even with these little bonuses, | can’t find any reason to want to play this game. | mean come on, it’s a crappy racer on N64...what more could an N64 owner want? Don't look in this game’s direction, 1 don’t rent it, and hey...while I’m thinking about it, don't even read this page 3.75 anymore (unless you want to show it as a warning to your friends). Forget this game OVERALL ever existed.” “Micro Machines, RC Pro-Am, and many other games established this genre in the C past, so | can't say | was too dazzled by oncept ^ the concept of Re-Volt. | think the graphics 6 and environments are fantastic. The tracks Graphics are pretty wide open, but there just aren't 8.75 enough shortcuts and other crazy elements. A few jumps here and there just Sound doesn't cut it. Acclaim forgot about the 8.75 control. Sure, this is supposed to be some type of RC simulation (in a way), but it's not any fun. There are a few basic physics settings in an attempt to adjust it to people's liking, but there isn't one that fits. 5 Additionally, the little weapons really add PAUL little to the action and, for the most part, are pretty dull. Again, this game looks great but it offers little else." OVERALL "Re-Volt is nothing short of revolting. When | play this game, | feel as though | should bludgeon out my eyes, stick them in a parcel, and UPS them to Acclaim Studios so that the development team can get a close-up look at how displeased | am 5 with this hideous racer. | really don't have Sound a problem with the concept. | actually like the idea of controlling RC cars through Concept 4.25 1 49 _ real-world settings. | just wish this game Playability 2.25 had a better engine beneath its tires. The graphics are certainly pretty and the environments are constructed nicely, but 1 because of a choppy framerate and sloppy 5 controls, you never really get a solid grasp of the gameplay. The overall experience is very frustrating and not worth the time or effort.” OVERALL : Nintendo 64 Review * Size: 96 Megabit * Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing * Special Features: 40 Classic Hot Wheels Cars; 10 Tracks in 4 Environments; Mad Tricks; Huge Crashes; Loop-The-Loops & Criss-Crosses; Controller & Rumble Pak Compatible * Replay Value: Moderate * Created by: Stormfront Studios for Electronic Arts * Available: Now for Nintendo 64 (PlayStation) Bottom Line: ? he Hot Wheels brand made its debut in 1968, and ever since this landmark day in American history, kids have been dri- ving these little metal cars across linoleum kitchen floors, and collectors have been snatching them up by the truckload. In Electronic Arts' long-awaited Nintendo 64 title, Hot Wheels Turbo Racing, 40 of the all-time favorite Hot Wheels vehicles have heen recre- ated with perfect accuracy. As you would with any toy, striving for complete and utter destruction is the best way to play with Hot Wheels. To accommodate this aggressive play style, developer Stormfront Studios has constructed ten outrageous track designs that will surely leave every Hot Wheels vehicle a smoldering wreck, Through the three environments, Wild West, Glacial Rift, and Haunted Highway, each track comes to life ora ire E? : : | in its own unique way. Some tracks feature spirals ee dr xen d and loops; others feature criss-cross intersections and «OVERALL — danger changes. Stormfront has put together a sinister gameplay style that will surely make gamers yank their hair out. by the handful. The only way to win races is to use turbos. To gain extra turbo boosts you'll need to catch air and perform a variety of stunts like mid-air kinds of big a air and monster tricks. In this racing game, driving takes a back seat to the stunts. pes or the track sections place first. Some familiar Hot Wheels cars | are present, but the graphics aren't much ` to look at. The game is quick, but at the sacrifice of rich textures. If you're into Hot Wheels, you at. least have to see it in action. Otherwise, it is probabi best to Skip this game.” “Į expected this game to be butt ugly. As it turns out, the only truly grotesque portion of this racer is the texture quality. The majority of Hot Wheels is actually quite beautiful. It's also the most hyperactive — racer on the Nintendo 64. The track — : designs are completely wic d, tossing out a ton of air and a plethora of twists and- Soins As obscure as it sounds, the go this game is to hit as much air as “possibly can. As you glide through the | you can Do à number of tricks to spins and end-over flips. The harder the trick you per- form, the more turbos you'll receive. Learning the levels will also aid you in the run for the checkered flag, and if you are truly adventurous you'll shave off even more time by locating all the shortcuts. To accompany racing so radical, a handful of killer | tunes have been laid down by Mix Master Mike, Reverend Horton Heat, Meat Beat Manifesto, and Primus. The PlayStation version also includes a bonus song by Metallica, plus another racing environment called Volcano Island. We all played with Hot Wheels as kids, so why shouldn't we continue to do so as || adults on our prized electronic playlands? : In hot pursuit. La SARI rni e 9 PlayStati E m E [4 i * Size: 256 Megabit * Style: 1 to 4-Player Action (With Built-In Save) * Special Features: 3 Playable Characters; e Armor Upgrades; Multiple Weapons; Complex Targeting System; 2 Control Modes; i Widescreen & Dolby Surround Support; Rumble Pak Compatible * Replay Value: Moderate * Created by: Rareware ; j à e Available: October 11 for Nintendo 64 | |n the same vein as Starship Troopers and | Joe's Apartment, Jet Force Gemini is . Bottom lille: J. 75 | infested with bugs. As it turns out, these aphidic vermin are actually evil aliens who seek galactic supremacy. Led. by the tyrant bug, Mizar, new worlds are fal 1s oser. Enter Jet Force | Gemini, the universe's last bastion of hope. While their numbers are few, the three members of Gemini form together to cre the ultimate exterminating unit, one capable of cleansing the | entire galaxy before McDonald's changes over to àf its lunch menu. Players assume the role of aspiring hero, Juno, and. later don the roles of the sexy heroine, Vela, and the | wacky dog, Lupus. Along thélliay, an additional ally | will join the quest. His name is Floyd. Floyd looks like i ups gene m | a flying toaster or a long lost companion to the aliens TA P |] in Batteries Not Included. Floyd roams the alien planes — | with the brave Gemini crew, and lends a hand in combat and puzzle solving. The majority of gameplay in this wicked Nintendo 64 title is dedicated to bloody warfare. All of the characters come equipped with powered armor (which can be upgraded) and a slew of powerful weapons. Gemini allows you to perform any action needed to take down the bugs. The controls in this game are 4 incredibly comprehensive, and the targeting system | isso complex that it can often be confusing. As for | the graphics? Alien limbs, buckets of bug blood, and _ ... | enormous explosions flood the senses and create action Multiplayer includes a 4-player So intense and so graphic that you may need to sit Hogan's Alley-like shooting game. | MI/FTa arate] dii after trudging across a battlefield. oa r—— i Just like every other Rare game, this one is | incredibly deep, and enormously long! There are a ton of secrets to find, plus Suo eren multiplayer modes to compete in. Up to 4-players can bang heads .in deathmatch, or you can try and out shoot your friends .in a Hogan's Alley-like target game. As an added bonus, | Rare has included an option for two players to journey through the normal game. However, this mode is limited. One-player controls the hero, the other controls Floyd. RENE ER { Lupus’ tank is loaded wit Advanced targeting allows play- - | high-tech weaponry. ers to target specific limbs. You can y ^ even blast a S s head off. ‘Nintendo 64 Review * Size: 256 Megabit * Style: 1 to 4-Player Fighting * Special Features: 56 WCW Wrestlers (17 Hidden); Over 600 Wrestler Animations; 15 Rings; 12 Backstage Areas; PPV Password; Create Wrestler Option; No Bobby Heenan; The Tazer; Rumble Pak Compatible * Replay Value: Moderately High * Created by: Kodiak for Electronic Arts * Available: September 21 for Nintendo 64 Bottom Line: 7 b A rage in Harlem's bathroom. eine cit gj t's not too often that a new pro-wrestling engine is but together. This is partly due to the difficulty of obtaining a big license, but mostly it's because creating such an engine is really freakin’ hard. Your standard sports games have rules that have to be followed. Designers of a wrestling game must assume that its players will want to break the rules in as many ways as possible. At least, that’s what Kodiak did when they put together WCW Mayhem for Electronic Arts. Sure, there are 15 rings to fight in, but assuming you play with no count-outs, there are also 12 backstage areas to brawl in. Any time during a singles competition, you and your opponent can head back out the entryway to continue your dispute in such locales as the ticket office, the bathroom, or the parking lot. Think carefully before heading behind the scenes, though, for these areas are not only always filled with weapons (Singapore Canes, black bats, tazers, and chairs, for example), - but often contain an enemy waiting to ambush you. But don’t worry about getting low on health, because your wrestler doesn’t have any. To simulate the quick turnarounds that are often seen in the ring, Mayhem uses a Momentum Meter. Even if you're getting creamed from pillar to post, all it takes is a few sweet moves to turn yourself (and the crowd’s interest in you) around. Another intriguing Kodiak innovation is the PPV Password option. Say you've just watched Booker T pin Big Poppa Pump on the Fall Brawl pay-per-view. After the shock of the Big Booty Daddy actually losing a match has worn off, you can plug in Mayhem, enter the password flashed during the show, and play the entire PPV to right this horrible wrong. Those with Internet access will also be able to get passwords for many classic WCW PPVs of the past. God forbid you'd tire of wrestling with WCW's two greatest wrestlers, Scott Steiner and Ernest Miller, but just in case, Mayhem does have the now-mandatory Create Wrestler. Once you’ve chosen from the 24 nicknames, stolen someone’s move set, decided on a personality, and distributed 55 points between nine abilities, you can get to the most important part - your wrestler’s appearance. As has become the norm for this wrestling game feature, the options are staggering. In all, there are 40 different appearance options to fiddle with — everything from the mundane (boots) to the ostentatious (body piercing). Lest we forget, Mayhem also has all the touches necessary to flesh the game out. Wrestlers enter to pyros and music. “Mean” Gene Okerlund - announces entering wrestlers. Tony Shiavone makes the in-ring play-by- play. And yes, Norman Smiley does the Big Wiggle. Benoit signals to the crowd. * Size: 256 Megabit * Style: 1 to 4-Player Fighting * Special Features: Over 50 WWF Superstars; Full Create-A-Wrestler & Wrestler Edit; Create-A-Pay-Per-View; TitanTron Entrance Videos; More Moves Than Ever Before; The Dynastic One; Rumble Pak Compatible * Created by: Asmik/AKI for THQ * Available: Late November for Nintendo 64 65% Complete Even the impossible can happen in a video game $ ria ma (€ were to E u u -Wrestler option. allows. -Would7bi managers ios WWE WrestleMania 2000 (WM2K), he or SAL. decide on not only moves and. appearance (both ` be M. first. to remind you that it runs entrance and in-ring. clothing can be designed), c on engine . derived from- WCW/nWo — but also ‘such important personality traits as ‘Revenge. tr. all, Revenge is the best-sell- who his allies and enemies are, if he comes Jing third-party Nintendo title to date. Given to the ring with a weapon in hand, and how Aki's wrestling engine dynasty combined with much he bleeds. Borrowing a little from the WWF's phenomenal popularity, the response from competition, the Create7A-Pay-Per-View mode the video game world is sure ices anea hace makes its second wrestling game to be unequaled. "; allthe right moves. Wie Ke appearance. WM2K will share many of 2 SE WM2K features a few touches the features that made rarely seen on the Nintendo 64. Revenge a hit. The Spirit All wrestlers enter to their own Meter (renamed Attitude theme music, doing their entire Meter) and grapple system are shtick with the TitanTron playing still in full force, allowing their entrance video. We were anyone to get in a few good especially impressed that the anu slams by jamming out on the developers went so far as to "^ E ~~, controller Since motion? have separate music and videos ^ capture. qnt used, the y à for Mankind, Dude Love, and action is incredibly fast and i ee Cactus Jack (and if you don't get chaotic. Whenever a particularly devastating that reference, you're reading the wrong move is pulled oft, a replay camera quickly article, buddy). shows it in triplicate from different angles. When the gift giving season comes around, This isn't to say that the programmers are many are going to be wondering which resting on their developmental laurels. In wrestling title is the superior one: Attitude addition to having more moves, taunts, and or WrestleMania 2000. Although Game Informer ho says Kane | doesn't love his For new moves try grappling E animations, WM2K will also have many features can't call the better game yet, it's certainly from different )4:37:. that will bring it up to snuff with the beginning to look like there won't be a wrong positions. — ' impending holiday competition. The Create- decision. » Orattacking v | & from a different | y GORE? + NT HE iai t with, tHe Better YOUR chance oF pereating tHe most meLent- E enemies YOU'VE Face GAUNTLET LEGENDS © 1993 Atan Games Corporation. Al rights. reserved MIDWAY add the M na a Circle Design are trademarks of Midway Games Inc. Conversion assistance provided by Blam! Video Game Develop: . Distributed under hcense by Midway Home Entertainment Inc. NINTENDO. NINTENDO. Í à à N' logo are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1997 Ni tendo of America. inc. Licensed by. Nintendo. Mi i ; Pia Station and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Al other ESR < - as and trade names are properties of their respective owners, l PlayStation Nintendo 64 Preview * Size: 64 Megabit * Style: 1 to 4-Player Shooter * Special Features: First-Person Perspective; 4 Modes of Play (Multiplayer, Scenario, Co- Op, & Awards); 36 Environments; 17 Playable Characters With Alternate Costumes; 4-Player Simultaneous Memory Pak Load; Rumble & Expansion Pak Compatible * Created by: Acclaim Studios * Available: November for Nintendo 64 80% Complete i ly ners an + cclaim has made quite a name for Turok on the Nintendo. Resurrecting the dinosaur hunter from the abyss of failed comic books, Turok has been the go-to guy for Acclaim; and Turok: Rage Wars will continue the legacy this winter. Rage Wars is the third Turok title for the N64, but it is not the next game in the Turok trilogy. Rage Wars is a spin-off in which multiplayer deathmatch takes precedence over anything else. Containing a total of 36 environments, Rage Wars’ arenas are designed with makine players in mind. If you remember, in the first two Turok titles the environments were enormous, representing miles and miles of virtual space. Wars confines the Rage player(s). This makes the action incredibly hectic and perfect for confrontations. Multiplayer modes include Blood Lust (death- match), Team Blood Lust, Frag Tag, and Capture the Flag. Players can customize these modes to their liking with such options as time and frag limit, as well as add computer-controlled “bots” to make solitary ventures more like playing against friends. Also for the solitary play- er is a Scenario mode, which is a campaign of tasks that not only acts as training, but unlocks extra characters and the like. Rage Wars begini with o four playable characters, but 13 more will become available through playing the Scenario mode. Turok and Adon are, of course, members of the cast, with other Turok enemies, such as the Raptor, joining in. Players will also be awarded with alternate costumes for every character. For example, Turok can be changed to have a zombie-like appearance or a futuristic, high tech look. Weapons are a huge part of the Turok experience, and past games have included some of the most memorable and ingenious tools of destruction ever to grace a first-person shooter. Past Turok weapons like the tek bow, Mag 60, and grenade launcher return to Rage Wars, but cool, new weapons such as the chest burster and inflator have joined the arsenal. Each weapon is equipped with an alternate capa- bility that allows for increased firepower or, in the case of the mini- gun (gatling), adds a temporary player shield. A total of 16 weapons will be available with five other “special weapons" (including the enjoyable cerebral bore) hidden as pickups in certain arenas. Whereas other first-per- son shooters give gamers the multiplayer action as a bonus to a one-player game, Turok: Rage Wars is the first game for N64 designed specifically for multiplayer. Is this enough of a game to keep people happy, or will they still crave singular action? ONU VPL aco ON enc YOU CAN LEAVE THE RING ONE OF THREE WAYS. AS CHAMPION. VICTOR. OR PROJECTILE. PlayStation ® bolted down. It's a big arena out there. Give ‘em a guided tour. WCW MAYHEM. IT STARTS IN THE RING. IT JUST DOESN'T HAVE TO END THERE. ELECTRONIC ARTS ©1999 Electronic Arts. Electronic Arts is a trademark or registered trademark of Electronic Arts in the U.S. and/or other countries. All rights reserved. ©1999 World Championship Wrestling. A Time Wamer Company. All W ing 1 rights reserved. WCW is a trademark of World Championship Wrestling, Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Nintendo 64 and the "N" logo are trademarks CW...The Album Coming 0.19.99 of Prima Communications, Inc. Prima Strategy Guide Available. of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1996 Nintendo of American Inc. Gameboy Color is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. The Prima Logo and Prima Publishing’ are registered trademarks Andy, The Game Hombre “Ugh! QBC is a debacle. Underneath its shell of high-resolution graphics and wide array of impressive, motion- captured animations is a. football game crying out for help. The boring play and horrific framerate are just the beginning of what's wrong with this one. Avoid QBC at all costs.” Paul, The Game Professor "QBC's passing game has really taken a turn for the worse. The switch to the passing camera is annoying and the catch button is too inconsistent. Plus, there are things like substitutions and pass-rushing moves that are broken — they just don't work right." Reiner, The Raging Gamer “I've seen dead squirrels with more spunk than this game. QBC wasn't bad last year, but what the heck hap- pened?! Its framerate skips like a lop- sided vinyl. The gameplay is a junk heap of horrible Al. And the frontend just plain sucks." = Acclaim's Quarterback Club franchise has e Size: 128 Megabit e Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports e Special Features: New "Ultra Hi-Rez” Graphics; Adjustable Resolution; User- Controlled Celebrations; Create Teams & Players; Fantasy Draft; Historic Simulations; Rumble & Expansion Pak Compatible e Replay Value: Moderately High e Created by: Acclaim Studios Austin * Available: Now for Nintendo 64 Bottom Line: ANDY PAUL | REINER Concept: 5 6 4 Graphics: 6 9 4 Sound: 6 9,25 6.25 Playability: 2 5 3.25 Entertainment: 1 6 2.15 Overall: 4 7 4 evolved into an impressive football pack- age. QBC has always had the graphics of the pros, but initially the playcontrol and Al | were on the level of Pop Warner. Acclaim Studios Austin has worked hard to get the computer to play on par with the real NFL and, sure enough, the work is beginning to show. Again, the graphics in Quarterback Club | 2000 are superb. With the help of Nintendo 64's Expansion Pak, details such as player face masks, eye black, and breath strips show up. The interesting thing about the graphics is that the user can set the detail ! level. By turning the detail down, the fram- erate increases and provides a smoother gameplay experience, even though the players look a little blockier. Playcontrol-wise, the team at Acclaim hasn't made a huge number of changes over last year's game, but has added some minor adjustments. The speed-burst move is gone and in its place is the brake button. A new pass-catching button has also made its way into the playcontrol scheme. The new Al, graphics, and playcontrol aren't flawless, and players may notice some strange happenings with QBC 2000. OLLIE OOP. MCT WIS? M Andy, The Game Hombre “If you really got into Airboardin’ USA, there would be quite a lot to it; but | just couldn't get past the annoying voice-overs, lame characters, and super-happy graphics. Really bored N64 owners looking for some boardin' action might venture a rental. People with lives, shouldn't." Paul, The Game Professor "There are a couple of good things about Airboardin'. The environments are huge and the tricks at least, have some basis in regular boardin'. Still, the game is pretty slow and the cam- era isn't too great. Hold out for Tony Hawk." Reiner, The Raging Gamer “This hoverboard simulation is moder- ately entertaining and, if not for the dull graphics and mediocre gameplay, it might have been a stellar release. The track designs are cool and the Coin Challenge is rather amusing, but the rest is subpar." mea TIRE e Size: 128 Megabit e Style: 1 or 2-Player Action/Racing * Special Features: 4 Characters (Plus More Hidden); 5 Levels (More Hidden); Lip, Pole, Air, & Combo Tricks; Practice, Normal, Time Attack, Free, & Coin Challenge Modes; Controller & Rumble Pak Compatible * Replay Value: Moderate e Created by: Human for Agetec e Available: Now for Nintendo 64 Bottom Line: 5.5 ANDY PAUL | REINER Concept: 8 6 6 Graphics: 5 6 6.25 Sound: 2 5 5 Playability: 6 8.5 5.75 Entertainment; 3 6 5.5 Overall: 4.75 6.25 5.75 Futuristic boarding games are a tricky business (in more ways than one). To suc- cessfully pull them off, you must meld the sports of skateboarding, snowboarding, and surfing into one all-encompassing title. Airboardin’ USA is not that title. Instead, it is basically a skateboarding game that skips out on the wheels and lets you go up walls and ride on water. Airboardin’ starts off with a Practice mode that explains its tricks through a tutorial including explanations of the "radi- cal" terms it uses such as Goofy Foot and Fakie, so even the pop-culture challenged * can play along. This sets the tone for the * entire game, as the characters, levels, and especially the annoying voice-overs all fol- low suit with equally inane fare. In terms of tricks, Airboardin' USA actu- ally has quite an arsenal - lip tricks, flips, ollies - all the basic skateboarding skills are present. Even a couple of extras, like drum and pole tricks, are included to add some extra spice to this ^Xtreme" title. Airboardin’ is even deep in its play modes as it offers a Standard Tricks mode, as well as Time Attack, Free, and Coin Challenge. But in the end, is it enough to save this already confused and childish game? We think not. Hi , Nintendo 64 Preview * Size: 96 Megabit * Style: 1 to 4-Player Action/Adventure * Special Features: Multiple Weapons; Automatic Sighting System; Crouch Button; Puzzle Solving; 4 Multiplayer Modes; Event Cutscenes * Created by: KOEI * Available: October for Nintendo 64 70% Complete Peek-A-Boo, I See You! OPERATIONS. h À Terrorism runs rampant in the post-Cold War world, revealing our defense systems to be as weak as wet toilet paper. If a small | band of losers can cause huge damage with a primitive fertilizer bomb, imagine what could happen if they got their hands on a doomsday weapon. WinBack deals with just such a scenario. It seems a Saroczinian revolutionary group has gained control of an army satellite equipped with a deadly laser beam. The government has called in Jean-Luc Cougar (Mellencamp) and S.C.A.T. to regain control of the satellite. With its emphasis on stealth and puzzle solving, WinBack bears some obvious com- parisons to Metal Gear. Another similarity is in the limited faculties of the enemy troops. If you have cover, just jump up (through use of the crouch button), blast your opponent, and duck again. Most times, enemies will wait for the next engagement without pursuing. As a result, most combat in WinBack begins to resemble a deadly game of peek-a-boo. This also makes it important to plan your attacks strategically to ensure good cover. The Automatic Sighting System makes aiming a breeze, allowing you time to ponder the game's numerous puzzles. Nintendo 64 JOTE * Style: 1-Player Action/Platform * Special Features: Multiple Vehicles; Tractor Beam; Realistic Physics; Power- Ups; Puzzles; Minigames e Created by: Sucker Punch for Ubi Soft * Available: November for Nintendo 64 85% Complete n a black turtleneck. In fact, this Sprocket couldn’t even touch his monkey if he wanted to, due to his lack of arms. No avant-garde poet, the title character of Sprocket is a cuddly little unicycle on a mission to save the intergalactic amusement park Whoopie | World from Jo Jo the Raccoon, a disgruntled | mascot. Published by Ubi Soft, home to such idiosyncratic platformers as Tonic Trouble and Rayman, Sprocket offers a unique approach to the 3D platform genre. For one thing, the "| game's realistic physics engine means that | objects move and fall with uncanny accuracy. | It also makes stopping on a dime virtually | impossible, so the control might take a little | getting used to for platform fans accustomed | to changing directions at light-speed. Sprocket is equipped with a tractor beam that | he can use to pick up, move, and throw | objects. He can also latch onto beams for a | little Tarzan-style swinging action. Several | vehicles, ranging from a go-kart to a robotic | porpoise, appear when Sprocket tires of | one-wheel action. Throw in a few minigames M. and some challenging puzzle-solving, and | Sprocket begins to look like a game | that could make even the most nihilistic = Kraut smile. | PlayStation Review * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game * Special Features: 108 Characters; New Oversized Creature Characters; Tactical Mass Combat System; 3 Battle Modes (Party, One-On-One, & War); Compatible With Save Data From Suikoden Replay Value: Moderately Low * Created by: Konami * Available: Now for PlayStation Bottom Line: 9 t 3 TE meat d viata renli aa Fon, cling to similar plots where the main character is either struggling with inner demons or suffering from an identity crisis. In Suikoden II, you won't find your - character walking around towns mumbling things like, “I think my name is Cloud,” or “Oh look! My hand is glowing and I really don't know why: As with the first Suikoden, the main character (whom you name) is but a small pawn in a gigantic battle. Granted, you do learn a sufficient amount about your in-game persona, and of course, he'll undergo some serious hardships, but the overall goal of the game is to overthrow tyranny and pro- tect the land. You're just along for the ride. To combat the evil forces, you'll be asked to scour the world and recruit allies. Even though you don't have to find them all, there are 108 different characters in total. Some of these draftees would like nothing more than to | become your ally. However, some of the more valuable i According to the sentries, the Highland Army is headed this way. $ Get ready for a flerce battle." : | 44 F aim, Check aut the improved one-on-one battles. E The new spell effects add a much W** needed punch to combat. D Game Informer è October '99 characters ask that you perform specific feats or trek on a side quest before they will join your ranks. To accom- modate the arrival of new confederates, your castle will continue to grow throughout the course of the game. Every once in a while, a new room will appear or a new wing will be tacked on. At the end of the game, and if you've found all 108 characters, your castle will be so big that it appears to reach to the heavens. Suikoden Ils gameplay hasn't changed too terribly much. To its benefit, the graphics have been improved, the loading slashed in half, and the overall speed of gameplay increased. Once again, combat takes place within three different turn-based scenarios (Party, One-On-One, and War). Both the One-On-One and War modes have been partially redesigned to include more dynamic play, but the Party combat received minimal changes. Certain charac- ters are now large in size and take up two party slots, and while the graphics remain grainy, the spell attacks look more vibrant. The original Suikoden made Game Informer's Top 25 PlayStation Games list, and the sequel will more than likely join it as another great RPG experience. oe thirsts for b —— Luca lives on the second floor. ANDY THE GAME HOMBRE Concept 9.5 Graphics 8.75 Sound 8.75 Playability 9 Entertainment 9 OVERALL JAY THE GONZO GAMER Concept 7.75 Graphics 8.25 Sound 8.5 Playability 9.5 Entertainment 9.25 OVERALL REINER THE RAGING GAMER Concept 9 Graphics 8.25 Sound Playability 9 Entertainment 9.25 OVERALL “Stupendous! Not only has the animation been much improved, the story is light years ahead of the first installment. And the game...ohh the game. It’s unlike any other RPG because so many characters join your party during your quest. Every time you turn around, there is a new member in your party — and, of course, you just have to see what each new recruit can do. Then there are the superb cutscenes, as well as the party and single battles — they rock. Fans of the first game are already chomping at the bit for this one, but even if you missed the first, you should definitely check out the second. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll play this game for weeks. And then you'll play the first one just so you can use the data in Suikoden II when you play it again.” “Of the improvements that have been made to Suikoden Il, I’m most impressed with the item management. Now that might seem a strange thing to mention in a review, but when you consider that it’s about the only major change from the first, what else do | have to talk about? There are still 108 characters to find, all of whom still send you rushing back home so you can see what their job is. Combat still has players using runes for magic and trying to discover new ways to unite characters. Heck, Konami even reused a lot of the characters and monsters from the first game. Suikoden definitely goes down as one of my favorite console RPGs, and it breaks my heart to not be able to give Suikoden Il a higher score. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game that any RPG player will like, but l'm disappointed that it's just more of the same." “Suikoden II is more or less a carbon copy of the original. Really, why mess with a good thing? All throughout this quest you'll encounter the most minimal of changes as you strive to recruit all 108 characters into your army. Believe me, stumbling upon new allies is quite exhilarating. As in the last game, all of the characters reside within your ever-expanding castle walls. With more variety and humor, the overall quest is considerably more entertaining than the previous offering. The three different combat scenarios are the same as you remember, but the microscopic wars now incorporate a better look and a tad more strategy. From a graphical standpoint, Suikoden II is improved, but some of the zoom shots are still rather hideous. It’s not Final Fantasy, but it still rocks!” " "d ed Vani of Son calc iere "SILHOUETTI IRAGE' is a trademark of Treasure/ESP. - Original Game ©.1998 Treasure/ESP. English Translation € SPAZ 1998. Thi: Treasure/ESP. "Working. D. gns'"and. 'SPAZ" are trademarks of Working Designs. Inc. All rights reserved. The-first game that goes both ways! Web Address you, Call (530) 243-3417. asa w oT ' p Naa BIS, i p! j j | Never trust stone monkey NC Fuld 46 PlayStation Review * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1-Player Strategy (2-Player Fighting) * Special Features: Over 400 Different Monsters; New Polygonal Environments & Training Exercises; Works With Original Monster Rancher Saves; Use Any CD To Create New Monsters * Replay Value: High * Created by: Tecmo * Available: Now for PlayStation Bottom Line: 9.5 EET AT NE 1994199] OQakieyman | Train your monster to become the world's greatest combatant poama | eee so f VE Draco Hopper?) f i ht Ue» Ne. Se MA MEI Game Informer * October '99 aie | "m ki To accumulate the most experience, monsters must embark on dangerous missions : f MONSEER cn M ges de s a sequel to one of the most widely overlooked A PlayStation titles on the market, Monster Rancher 2 shows true signs of growth, and once again delivers a unique gaming experience that sets the standard for all virtual pets to follow. With Pokémania sweeping the nation, and the new Monster Rancher cartoon airing on BKN Kids Network, there's a chance that Monster Rancher 2 may actually become a mainstream title rather than a sleeper hit. For a game that could have been an update, Tecmo went back to the drawing board and redesigned this product. One of the big complaints with the original was the overabundance of loading. Every little action, like heading to the shop or placing a monster in a training exercise, was bogged down with obnoxious loading delays. In Monster Rancher 2, this problem has been not only addressed, but eliminated. To accomplish this feat, Tecmo was forced to trash most of the 2D artwork and replace it with streaming polygons. The traditionalists out there may not like it, but the 3D aspect actually works quite well. You really can't whine about the increased speed, and the incorporation of new camera angles certainly doesn't hurt the play either. Considering its strange demands of additional games and CDs, it seemed likely that Tecmo would change the way that players receive new monsters. But alas, this is not the case. To get the rare beasts, you'll still need to track down specific music CDs and games. Tecmo has also made save game files from the first game compatible, and a handful of monsters can also be bought at the shop. Many of the creatures that battled in the first game are back and, of course, are joined by a slew of new species. Other than developing a parental link to your monster, which you come to love like a child, the sole purpose of this game is to train your critter to become the ultimate fighter. The life span of these beloved monsters is once again short, lasting roughly four to five years. In this time, you'll need to power-up your monster's attributes through several different training exercises. Since all of the training was 2D in the original, it has been overhauled with a 3D appearance that is lightning quick and loaded to the hilt with different animation sequences, one for success, failure, cheating, truancy, and greatness. Another way to power-up your beast is to send it on expeditions. As expected, these missions are quite different than those in the first game and are now constructed as hilarious real-time movies. The only part of this sequel that has not been © reworked or partially tweaked is the combat. Sure, there are new moves and | attacks, but the || fighting dynamics are | unchanged. | In many ways, || Monster Rancher 2 is | a different game, but | the addiction it inspires is just the same. RANCHERS 4 THE GONZO GAMER Graphics Playability Playability 9 Graphics Playability 9 JITITITOTC: Virtual Pet Simulation "Forget the hundreds of monsters. Forget JAY the thousands of animations. Forget the fact that you'll be rummaging through every CD in your collection looking for good DNA codes. All that matters is the one good monster that you bring close to your heart. As you raise the little beast to be a champion, you'll quickly learn its combat nuances, constantly trying to strike a balance between damage, guts, and attack percentage. As it grows, you'll already be formulating 100 more ways to rear an "S" class monster. Then one day, your champion will begin to lose the stride in its step, and you'll know it's time to say good-bye, freeze it, or combine it. Forget Pokémon and the stadium they'll be fighting in some time in the future; this is the game that will keep you awake even when you aren't playing it. Hawless? No. Addicting? Oh yes." Concept 8.5 8.25 Sound 1.5 8.75 Entertainment "People always ask when Pokémon will be on PlayStation. Well, Monster Rancher is about the closest thing. In fact, it’s pretty similar to the upcoming Pokémon Stadium. PAUL THE GAME PROFESSOR Concept -8 | had a blast with last year’s Monster Graphics Rancher and this version is almost 8 identical. There are some graphical Sound updates and the monsters now drill in full 7 polygons. Of course there is a new selection of monsters, but that’s about it. | am a little disappointed that there isn't much new with the playcontrol. However, just like the first game, after a few battles you are hooked. Even though there are only a few updates, | find this game extremely addictive. Monster Rancher freaks will dig this new version.” Entertainment 9.25 cg OVERALL “Just hook it up to my veins! If this game were any more addictive l'd check into rehab. Take my warning, just experimenting with Monster Rancher 2 can ruin your life and make you a monster junkie. | became so obsessed with this game that | would sneak out of my house late at night, drive to work, and play it until dawn. | did whatever | could to get a quick fix. | had the same problem with the first game, and while this sequel is more or less the same bag, the new look, absence of loading, and abundance of new monsters make it all the better and all the more irresistible. If you find Pokémon intriguing, then by all means, pick this £ame up and let it rock your world." REINER THE RAGING GAMER Concept 9.25 8.5 Sound 8.25 Entertainment * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing e Special Features: All-New 3D Engine; 19 Tracks; 11 Riders (Plus More Hidden); Horizontal/Vertical Grapples; Hop Button; Stunt Mode; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible * Replay Value: Moderately High e Created by: Pacific Coast Power & Light Co. for 989 Studios ! he Jet Moto series is a PlayStation staple. Since its first appearance back in 1996, & Jet Moto has sold millions and millions of “Jet Moto has always been one of my copies, and it doesn't look to be stopping favorite racers on PlayStation, and the ANDY anytime soon, with the third installment ready third edition doesn't disappoint. At first | _THE GAME HOMBRE to launch for Jet Moto-hungry gamers everywhere. SaaS was a little concerned that the game Concept Sporting a new 3D engine, Jet Moto 3 has more i woud o9 eid oe MN graphic firepower than any of its predecessors. But that this little option would come in quite Graphics Twisted Metal 3 confirmed that improved graphics handy. Jet Moto 3 has outrageous tracks. 8.5 aren’t the only thing gamers are looking for - they want | thought the courses were hard in JM2 - Sound a bigger, badder, more intense experience. If intense un no ata a aspe 7.25 action is what you want, Jet Moto 3 has got it in spades. you'll ever see. And on top of that, 989, Playability Loaded with fourteen courses and five stunt areas to added stunt courses that | could play well 8 master, Jet Moto 3 has a lot to offer. In the one-player into the wee hours of the morning. While Entertainment Season mode, the Novice and Semi-Pro series are ipt Moto d may be s litde hard for Some, 8.25 fairly easy. But once you get to the Professional Jos o ee dedi xe level, your skills will be pushed to the limit and modes, and two-player action cure the beyond with some of the most difficult tracks you’ve racing game doldrums.” OVERALL ever experienced. From the death-defying curves of Skypark to the obstacle-ridden paths of Sequoia “Three is definitely not the magic number Forest to the endless chasms of the Catacombs, there for 989. Just like Twisted Metal, the third PAUL are plenty of challenging tracks. version of Jet Moto doesn't live up to the THE GAME PROFESSOR standards set by its predecessors. The ^ Concept — And when you need to take a break from Jet Moto * Available: Now for PlayStation Bottom Line: J graphics’ engine is extremely choppy and 7 3’s harrowing tracks, the stunt courses are a great way is muddled by an abysmal framerate. The ~~ Graphics — to get jiggy with huge ramps and halfpipes that will gameplay is somewhat affected by the 6 capture hours of your playtime. poor graphics and doesn't feel nearly as à y solid as Moto 2. To the game's credit, Sound The play of Jet Moto 3 is basically many of the track designs are fantastic, 1 ihe same as the previous versions, clearly more insane than the other two CUBEMEBÉN with the exception of the newly games put together. However, the first pes P added hop button and analog two tracks in Season mode are wretched, . support, so fans of the original will and | cringe when | have to race through Entertainment , MUN i NO them again to get to the cool stuff. There 4 find much to like in this new edition. are far better racing games to sink your If you haven't played Jet Moto teeth Into, and Jet Moto fans Woud ne EX before, you should. If you are ready better off sticking with a past version. io fake on the next level of hover- Si r a en dietas bedi bike racing, nothing tops Jet Moto 3 “Jet Moto's development reins have an been passed from SingleTrac to 989 REINER PREE UU nea Studios. | fell in love with SingleTrac's THE RAGING GAMER | work, and could hardly wait to see what Concept 989 had in store for the continuation of 6 the series. Well, my anticipation quickly ——— — — — — changed to dissatisfaction. | have to say, Graphics Jet Moto 3 is a big letdown. | don't mind 6.25 the new material 989 tacked on, but Sound creatind a decent engine should have 7.5 been the first priority. Playing Jet Moto 3 ——— — is an extremely frustrating experience. Playability It's a tough title to begin with, but the 6 inconsistent framerate only adds addi- tional choppiness and more agony to Entertainment the insanely fast play. The texture quality 6.5 is terrible as well. Hats off to the level designer and to whoever redesigned the bikes, but unfortunately, the praises end there.” OVERALL 7; 2 — PlayStation Review | e Size: 3 CD-ROMs (2 Game; 1 Music Disc) * Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game * Special Features: Includes Both Final Fantasy V & Final Fantasy VI; Collector's Audio Disc; New FMV Sequences; Class Changes (FFV); Espers (FFVI); Rad Mode 7 Effects; Monster Summoning * Replay Value: Moderate * Created by: Square Soft A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, a galactic * Available: October 12 for PlayStation development crew known across the constellations as "the - Square Soft" neglected to serve its people and abandoned its Bottom Line: 9 75 promise to bring this nation the goods it needed to survive. d The faithful people of this prosperous nation sat and waited, praying that its protector (and God) would hold true to its word. For years, the people would look to the stars for any sign of the Square Soft, hoping against hope to catch a glimpse; but alas, it was nowhere to be seen. The Square Soft had abandoned its people, and Final Fantasy V the society's foundation began to crumble. But before chaos could completely seize the land, the Square Soft mothership made its long awaited return, bringing forth the goods it had promised to deliver years before. Now, the people have become whole again, and the streets are once again safe...because everyone is at home, glued to their television sets, breathing in Square's missing chapter, Final Fantasy V. Role-players who've sentenced themselves to a life of misery in their parents' basements can come out of hiding and walk amongst the surface dwellers once again. Go ahead, toss aside those 20-sided dice and hang your cape in the closet. You no longer need to pretend that you are the hero of a Final Fantasy game, because Square Soft has released three different Final Fantasy adventures within the last two months. Gumph!!! That's right. After you put Final Fantasy VIII through its paces, we recommend that you pick up Final Fantasy Anthology. This three disc set features both Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI, plus a collectible music CD featuring all the rockin' tunes from both games. Many of you have already played Final Fantasy VI, but under a different guise. Square Soft originally released this game on the Super Nintendo as Final Fantasy IIl. On the other hand, you've never had the opportunity to digest Final Fantasy V. It's really a shame that Square Soft decided not to port this game to the Super Nintendo. Its story is tremendous, and the Final Fantasy VI combat...holy sweet motha MARET FC of mercy!!! It rocks hard!!! The Job/Class system from Final Fantasy Tactics debuted in Final Fantasy V and, for this reason, the play in this game can become quite complicated. Sure, the graphics are old school, but it doesn't matter. The play is too good to miss. As for Final Fantasy VI? Espers rule!!! ‘Nuff said. Square Soft has also added a little zest to both these games by incorporating newly created FMV cutscenes to the mix, and just like those in Final Fantasy VII and VIII, these little movies showcase incredible detail and amazing animation. But really, these scenes weren't necessary. Both these games are truly remarkable as is. Sell your miniatures. Place your EverQuest account on eBay. Mow your neighbor's lawn. Do what you must to get these games! Or forever live your life incomplete! 1 ar! Y a T i [ AU AY) g” a NR NIU m f i TU DANCE TE OO ay 3 E i mue c T v uu o s PlayStation Review * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1-Player Action/Platform * Special Features: 3 Game Modes (Quest, Maze, & Classic); 6 Gigantic Worlds; Sophisticated Platforming Techniques; Bonus Rounds & Bosses; FMV Intro; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible * Replay Value: Moderately High * Created by: Namco * Available: October for PlayStation Bottom Line: 9 E gt Frustrating jumps : abound! 0 celebrate the 20th anniversary of one of America's oldest video game icons, Namco has assembled a new adventure that thrives on nostalgic pellet-munching as it reunites Pac-Man with long time ghost rivals Pinky, Inky, Blinky, and Clyde. This monumental has actually been in development for several ye and during this time, it has worn many guises. Originally titled Pac-Man 3D, this game then disappeared veral months before resurfacing with the tag | an Ghost Zone. Before long, it sank back into the I) ws and didn't step back into the light until this |* - E3, where it had the title, Pac-Man World. re ( c-Man World is a throw o yesteryear; and in fact, it even comes equipped "Zero. That is the amount of interest I had — j in Pac-Man World before | played it. But AN DY you know, the world is full of wonderful THEGAMEHoMBRE — little surprises, and. this | game just hap- ^ Concept _ pens to be one of them. Sur | times moving that lit -M " around in 3D space i a little glitchy. But who cares? Pac-Man World delivers hair- raising platforming that can't be beat. From the opening sequence wieed —— = credits, this game is fantastically pro- Playability , ! the original 1980 arcade game. For a character that ; E per ie ify oreo NEM. MUN started out as a one-dimensional sphere, Pac-Man has mM CG. But perhaps the thing that impressed Entertainment transformed greatly through the years, and now he me most is that the characters actually 9 delivers a performance that is as likable and wacky as any of make you give a hoot. Whenever | finished - EX» Nintendo's crop of platform stars. To accompany its mascot's a level and didn't save my friend, | felt | development, Pac-Man's game had to change as well. After count- absolutely horrible and had to go mu — lcs mediocre 16-bit attempts, Namco has finally hit the nail on the -and do it again. Great platformer.” OVERALL head, creating a workable formula that ties together Pac-Man's F omna techniques. apable of free-roaming play, Namco opted aeie iigh for a twenty year _ THE conzo camer ME tly side-scrolling, where tricky leaps soil ca reprisal of Pac-Man. | have giv Namco Concept - exploration. As with every high-end platformer, this one “This is definitely a ¢ oining the evil ghosts are | credit; Pac-Man Worl me ud comes equipped with a gripping saga that pits the The designers found a good way to com- ———— — —— yellow puck against a wicked adversary. Joining the af slew of new bosses. ae iae ries Hi pel Bon Gr TS bothersome multi-colored ghosts is a mechanical : N : e Nee monstrosity by the name of Toc-Man. This sinister being | vw EU ndis wa ak hodie: Rr has kidnapped Ms. Pac-Man and a slew of other Pac-Man 1 stages will send you back to replay at , characters. Of course, Pac-Man’s goal is to save them | least a few levels. Plus, this game is as Playability — all. To accomplish this feat, he is equipped with an ; cute as all get out. The opening movie 1 us armada of moves. When he eats pellets, he acquires the $ | with the ghosts hanging out in a ig “Entertainment ability to toss energy at nearby enemies. Pac-Man has 1 a a had es TA: ds, laughter. m. = i also learned how to jump, hang on ledges, swim, run, | ix SE at it's God's and bounce off his butt. As if this wasn't enough, he ~| d can pick up a silver power pellet that turns his Scurry like a bandicoot | | _ d: yellow hide into steel. vo i former and Pac-Maniacs out there." i OVERALL Most of the levels are puzzle intensive, forcing — A 3 es ve moes u— NOR the player to think before performing just about | “I'm really surprised that this game 7m — any action. If you are good enough, you'll find a l doesn't suck. I’ve kept a close eye on this REINE soo hidden snars on each stage that spell out | 99 y * Pac-reincarnation and, as it underwent _THE RAGING GAMER — "Pac-Man." Collect these, and you'll | j i cosmetic surgery and countless name — Concept E. i2 bonus sector full of mae s changes, | thought for sure that Namco’s 7,5 j p er a "efforts were all hopeless. Yet here it is liv- ——— => W OU ET. EMEP ing large on the PlayStation as a finely —— Graphics — — game also awaits. As in the classic polished platformer that embodies the Ce game, the goal of the mazes is to : i proe s peris me while break- Sound § § collect pellets while dodging ghosts. bh A aed he es Now, extra perils like falling rocks, lasers, and Mie lava balls have been added to make the Pac way of life a little more hectic. | =! The heart and — Fans of the never-ending Pac-Man saga and . action/platform experts shouldn't miss this 20th year soul of the out tricky jumps just like celebration. The gameplay is surprisingly difficult, classics is ut tricky jumps j NEA Bandicoot adventure. For a Venen. that the outlandish graphics are phenomenal, and the ; „ < embodied in this : Pu ^ si originated as a yellow blip, Pac-Man has -— benefits reaped are nearly limitless. "i m 3D platformer. - sure evolved into a fine platforming star." OVERALL > cial Game Informer * October '99 i 49 PlayStation Review * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 or 8-Player Sports * Special Features: Create Player & Customize Roster; Play Editor With Team-Specific Playbooks; 8-Player Franchise Mode With Career Stats; New Passing Mode; Custom Season; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible * Replay Value: Moderately High * Created by: Tiburon for EA Sports * Available: Now for PlayStation Bottom Line: 8 75 e most popular sports title on the PlayStation, EA Sports might be expected to be happy with the status quo. Truth is, EA pretty much is. There haven’t been drastic changes in the game since it came to the PlayStation in 1997. Sure, there was the obligatory move to polygons and some little tweaks to playcontrol, both of which were likely fueled by additions to Madden’s main competitor, GameDay. In the last couple of years, Madden's f have expanded off the field with the ref of the Season mode and the additio extremely popular Franchise mode. These two teatures, in themselves, are ahead of the competition and are some of the reasons that this game is on top. elebrating the tenth anniversary of the dawn of the Madden vid era, EA Sports is- 2000. Enjoying th f being the EN Triple coverage? Looks like a sure INT. fanatics is called the Madden Challenge. This mode works in conjunction with the user record, keeping track of personal records and awarding points after milestones are met. One task may require playing a complete game with six minute quarters. Another . may ask a player to score 21 points in rter. No = problem with the Vikes. Complet rewarded with secret codes for stadiums (among other things). Graphically, Madden doesn't ha and buffed player models of Ga addition of the lineman gut and othe attributes are welcome. Equally welc small animations, such as place- for a PAT or the QBs throwing off Madden 2000 does offer a few ne the field. Ball carriers can now juke to the right and the left. There is also a new Passing mode which lets the user audible routes at the line of scrimmage. Leading the receiver before he cuts is also new to the 2000 version of Madden. Like its counterpart from 989 Sports, Madden 2000 isn't filled with huge changes from last Senn year. However, the game does give fans just enough to war- rant a new look. Is Madden on top again this year? (tei, ed ee tttm nlt numus, ttu tapas There's nothing better than seeing Brett Favre on his butt. C.ERADEORG RECOVERED BY KSIBINBER. — 2: after making a big play. Robert Smith raises the roof after scoring a touchdown. 50 Game Informer « October '99 A new feature that is sure to please some Madden > King of the Football Hill ANDY THE GAME HOMBRE Concept 8.75 Graphics 8.5 Sound 1.15 Playability 9 Entertainment OVERALL PAUL THE GAME PROFESSOR Concept 9.25 Graphics 8.5 Sound 8.5 Playability 9 Entertainment 9 Gi OVERALL REINER THE RAGING GAMER Concept 8.75 Graphics 8.75 Sound 8.5 Playability 8.75 Entertainment 9.25 OVERALL “Even though Madden’s gameplay is still the same old hat, it’s hard not to give this the nod as the best football game for PlayStation. Madden 2000 is just so balanced. Certainly the computer Al has a fair amount of faults, and the play- control and graphics play second fiddle to GameDay’s; but the bottom line is, this game feels like football. Plus the frontend on this monster offers some nice innovations like the Franchise mode and Madden Challenge. | like GameDay a lot, but it is missing some of the nuances that Madden seems to bring to the table every year — like computer players com- mitting penalties or the ball randomly getting blocked at the line of scrimmage - and until 989 gets it right, | have to go with Madden. So should you." “Initially, Madden 2000 really didn't seem at all different from last year's game. The playbooks and control are vir- tually identical. After a few games, how- ever, the changes begin to show. The run- ning game has been modified with the improved juke, and it is now easier to hit the holes and turn the corner. | also noticed some new animations and on- field audio that make the experience more realistic. Some of the tackles are just brutal. New passing route audibles are a welcome addition, but Madden still has a way to go to beat GameDay in that department. | think the best new feature is the Madden Challenge. The list of tasks are extensive and | spent a lot of time just trying to complete them all. Like last year, Madden is my pick for PlayStation football." "For the second consecutive year I’m crown- ing Madden as the best PlayStation football game. As it ages, this series continues to grow. Madden 2000 delivers the same classic play we all know so well, but it’s now smoother than ever before. The running game has been tweaked for the bet- ter, and passing is now much more realistic. As if it needed to get any larger, Madden's extensive frontend has been weighted down with several awesome new features. Up to eight players can track career stats in the Franchise mode, and to unlock codes, you'll need to accumulate Challenge Points by performing specific feats during gameplay. The graphics are improved, showing different player sizes and a slew of TV-style presentations. For both gameplay and fantasy options, Madden is the ultimate football experience on PlayStation." PlayStation Review * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 to 8-Player Sports * Special Features: GM Mode; Intro by NFL Films; Play Editor; 4 Difficulties With Custom Settings; Commentary by Dick Enberg & Phil Simms; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible * Replay Value: Moderately High * Created by: Red Zone for 989 Sports * Available: Now for PlayStation : 9.25 i ded football games with culi va Graphics " an playcontrol. ‘It was the first to go polygon, and it . offer the trademark Total Control. But even with irsts, GameDay has commonly been second es to sales. ar's version of 989's football franchise, NFL o Da y 2000, b borrows a little from its WS EA AN rts Phil Simms shows us ga ow Smith went for six. whe A T m Robert Smith coming from the backfield. import players from the new version of GameB eal GameDay also comes up to snuff with extra He include a Play Editor and Practice mode. defense. When it comes to sioycontal ane T returned to its i eee This is by no means a ba considering « a common gripe with the or was that there were too many interceptions. Indeed, the top |. two difficulties are grueling and, just like that Green Bay _ quarterback did last season, you can easily throw multiple |= INTs in a game. That doesn't mean it's a cakewalk for f the Vikings either. We can still turn the difficulty setting to - z Veteran and then mop the floor with the NFL, pul th entertainment lies in a challenging battle. era It is a given that GameDay's graphics far outshine offering from EA, but everything else is flavored fo | over the years will be plea ol this square meal ded s Game TEE, * October '99 Playstation Preview * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player Action/Sports * Special Features: 12 Cities (With Multiple Locales); 12 Skaters With Unique Skills; Endorsements With Skateboard & Clothing Companies; Modify Trick Combos With Shoulder Buttons; Funky Fresh Soundtrack; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible * Created by: Z-Axis for Rockstar Games * Available: November 15 for PlayStation 50% Complete Skateboarding is too a crime. A vision of radness. The soundtrack for Skate and Since its inception, Rockstar Games has cultivated an image as the hipster bad boy of the gaming industry. Its arty ad campaigns have made it a cult favorite here at the GI offices. Unfortunately, the Grand Theft Auto series notwithstanding, recent Rockstar titles like ^ Monster Truck Madness have been about as hip and cutting edge as Dukes of Hazzard re-runs. With Thrasher: Skate and Destroy, Rockstar looks to address the underground youth culture that it relies on for such a large part of its image. For Skate and Destroy, Rockstar tapped the brains of the Thrasher Magazine staff. Thrasher, the oldest and most-respected skateboarding magazine, helped the devel. opment team create the playmechanics of the game. The game places an emphasis on street, rather than competi- tion, skating. The environments are very open, allowing riders to pick their own routes and plot a variety of differ- ent routines. There are 12 cities, including L.A., San Francisco, and New York, and over 17 different levels, often modeled on real-life environments. Some levels con- tain hidden areas that can be accessed by jumping over fences or other obstacles. Motion-capture for the game was handled by professional skaters Cairo Foster and Colt Cannon. Each level begins with a free-skate session, followed by a scored "run" in which points are awarded. At the end of your run, 5-0 rolls up on the scene, trying to harsh your gig. Skate like the wind, fair skater! Button combi- nations are easily accessible by means of a pop-up moves list. Also, moves can be reversed or modified with the use of the shoulder buttons. Presto! — Ollie become nollie. As you advance in the game, you land more endorsements, which allows you to customize your skater, changing everything from your trucks and wheels to your clothing. Destroy ranks as one of the best of all-time. Skate-thrash icons like Murphy's Law and the Cro-Mags politic with hip-hop classics like "Award Tour" by A Tribe Called Quest and “White Lines" by Grandmaster Flash. Especially def is the inclusion of EPMD's late '80s speech-impediment funk classic “I’m Housin'." Rockstar also hooked up a slew of licens- ing deals with skate equipment and clothing companies like Santa Cruz, Anti-Hero, and Converse. Thrasher: Skate and Destroy looks to attract the hardcore skating audience, not casual fans of hoverboarding games and extreme sports. The controls offer a lot of flexibility in creating your own routines, but can be a little tricky at times. Game Informer e October ‘99 i “| think | bent my Wookie.” mong the legions of Twisted Metal fans that the series has garnered over the years, there are many who were disappointed with Twisted Metal 3. Some blamed the realistic physics model, others blamed...well, the realistic physics model. At any rate, your cries have been heard. Revamped and reworked to have a more arcade-style feel, Twisted Metal is back. This time Calypso has been ousted by Sweet Tooth to give the game a whole new flavor. The storyline is still unknown to us, but we did manage to discover that Sweet Tooth has created a legion of midget (vertically challenged) clowns to help him carry out his diabolical plot. Speaking for us, when you say midget clowns, we get a little excited. But believe it or not, there’s more. Since Sweet Tooth is the master of this installment, he has created all the battlefields to his liking. These will transport us to such faraway and only- dreamt-about places as Sweet Tooth’s Bedroom and a junkyard of...well, we'd better not say. There’s nothing quite like the smell of napalm in the morning. | came here to drive my tracks. Let me drive my tracks. The environments in Twisted 4 are bigger than ever. Playstation - Preview * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player Action * Special Features: Improved Graphics; New Arcade-Styled Physics; Bigger & More Interactive Battlefields; Deathmatch-Only Arenas; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible * Created by: 989 Studios * Available: November for PlayStation 50% Complete 4 HE SWEET TOOTH TANGO Even the cast of TM4 is said to be completely reworked with all new villains and futuristic versions of classic characters. And for hardcore fans, there are hidden characters from past games. Finally, to keep the true-blues happy, 989 Studios has decided to keep things pretty simple for this installment. The name of the game is still auto-destruction, and TM4 promises to leave well enough alone. But of course, we need some innovation, so 989 Studios promises that TM4 will feature bigger and more interactive environments to bring the game back to its roots. Even the playcontrol will get a little upgrade as 989 has revealed that players will be able to race up a ramp, land a death-defying jump, and side-swipe other cars - all on two wheels. For now, staring at the pictures is the best way to pass the time until this monster hits the PlayStation in November. And if you take a real good look, you'll see that the environments are truly gorgeous. Just gorgeous enough to make us want to repaint the streets red. Drive as the pizza boy and deliver pain, not pepperonis. Futuristic hoverbike? Doesn't that belong in Jet Moto? Lighting effects are now standard fare for Twisted Metal. Is that an ICBM on your back or are you just happy to see me? 1 Game Informer « Of Playstation Preview e Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 to 2-Player Sports * Special Features: 16 Professional Boarders; Real Gear & Snowboards From Today's Hottest Companies; 5 Mountains To Conquer; Create Player; 3 Trick Master Modes; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible * Created by: Idol Minds for 989 Studios * Available: November for PlayStation 65% Complete now surfers from across the nation have been jonesin' for 989 Studios to show its next installment in the Cool Boarders series, aptly titled Cool Boarders 4 (probably to help those who suffer © from short-term memory loss). And as before, CB4 (not to be confused © with the Chris Rock film about Milli Vanilli rappers) is all about gettin' the freshies. And freshies it shall deliver - in spades. | Developed by Idol Minds, the same team responsible for CB3, CB4 uses | the tried and true playstyle from CB3, but everything else has been completely reworked. On the outside, the most obvious change is the addition of 16 professional snowboarders and their sponsors. From the 13-year-old phenom | Shaun White to the Forum's JP “Dy-no-mite!” Walker, all the big names | are here. Also here are a slew of sponsors, including board manufacturers Burton, Forum, Salomon, MLY, M3, Ride, Santa Cruz, Morrow, and K2, as well as clothing manufacturers like Westbeach, Etnies, Arnette, Special Blend, Bonfire, and Billabong. While it's nice to see snowboarding get its props, it is also a shame to see the sport commercialized like this...but who are ^ we to complain? |! Luckily, underneath the myriad of brand names there is a game that E features some exciting improvements. While the previously reported signature — moves are no more, Idol Minds did manage to get in a ton of new grabs, faster turning, harder carving, hand plants in the halfpipes, and the ability | to take your foot out of the bindings for some added flair. On top of that, P there are five new mountains to master, each with a specialized course | for all the standard modes from CB3 - Downhill, Halfpipe, Slope Style, CBX, and Big Air - minus the Alpine mode which has been replaced with | D E a! | — This Special Course mode, which must be unlocked through gameplay, diae one pipe to the next, snowboarders will feature some of the most insane snowboarding around. While 989 Studios are always ready to inhale the next challenge.” was tight-lipped about this new mode, they did tell us that it involves being chased, on one level by an avalanche and on the other by the ski patrol. Scchhwwiinnngg!! There's plenty more to say about CB4, but we'll have to save | that for next month when we finally _ get some hands on. Until then, keep your board waxed and edges sharp, because you're going — to need all your skills and | more when Cool Boarders 4 hits the slop et s I'm looking for Private Ryan. Is he around this bridge? Halfpipes feature plenty of jumps and rails to keep things on the edge i) $E oo yf [ , HE What meathead put the road in the middle of this run? Preview * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure * Special Features: Story Takes Place Both Before & After Resident Evil 2; New Sidestep Dodge Maneuver; More Aggressive Enemies; Boss Events; Larger Environments; Dual Shock Compatible * Created by: Capcom * Available: November 15 for PlayStation Áo -. |85% Complete d The ‘Nightmare Continues | Strong willed S.T.A.R. s. agent, Jill Valentine, is back in Raccoon opening moments of Resident Evil 2. Then, to justiy a sequel, the tale City reprising her role as the lead character in the third manifestation concludes just minutes after the final ba 2 of the Resident Evil saga. In Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Capcom has of the series won't have long to wait sint sewn together a nightmarish tale that begins just hours before the - upon retailers this November. Meet Your Nemesis The grotesque legions of zombie warriors were enough hassle to begin with, but now Jill has a Stalker watching her every step. Every so often this shady character, the Nemesis, steps out of the shadows and confronts Jill. One of the new features in RE3 is the ability to choose an action .When the Nemesis appears. Usually the actions are fight or run, but sometimes you'll have the - opportunity to jump out of a window, toss some electric cables into water, or turn on search lights. Choosing wisely brings partial freedom, while choosing poorly brings about certain doom or at least uncomfortable situations. The Nemesis character appears quite often, and whenever he - does, it's usually with a bang — the kind of bang that makes you jump out of your seat and scream - in sheer terror. Who the Nemesis is and what his Intentions are remain STRIS that will surely The Nemesis is incredibly crafty and calls upon pe solved at the end of the eae ee Face-to-face with evil. a wide variety of attacks each time s : DAE i cp ane pays you a visit. P Exposing Raccoon City Lo Meere. | Weapons & Gore sag: |n the first game you were trapped in the Along with the standard arsenal, Jil mansion. In the second game you were forcedto ^^ ^ ^ willalso run across some inventive new. clean up the police department. In the third weapons like the mine launcher. This - game you finally get to see the rest of Raccoon gun propels a sharp mine into the torso - City and, as if we need to say it, the entire cityis — of the enemy, which after a few sec- infested with zombies and demonic mutations. — onds delay blows up showering flames T. e [o bring this large city to. life, Capcom has once. "and flesh. everywhere. Jill can also pick again constructed each environmen with pt-- ups gating gun, and even assemble - angles. The success of the previous tiles seems ^ — ES with mixing up mult aired i The puzzles are crafted just like those in —- o ips | plants for health and curing poison, - The Evil Dead series showed us Resident Evil 1 and 2. _ -she can also make her own bullets by that the shotgun is king. fusing powder and shells. Jill's ame digne actions are the same as those she originally had, but now she can use © background objects. defensively and also perform evasive rolls at the touch of a l button. : get, which real- ly shows with the intricate details in each zone. Most of the city is blocked off until you solve puzzles or find specific items. The puzzle mechanics are the - standard RE fare, ranging from key code combina- tions to moveable Statues. d cu ae a We is finally open to exploration. : NL e e 2 14.5 hd mr : : : c ; DF r- sc ih . Some zombies hunt in packs; after meeting Jill, they leave the streets really messy. à 2 WE C. S it, i * After years of waiting, the entire city N Movie Magic The Umbrella Corporation's secret experi- part of a S. WAT. team sent by. Umbrella. ‘Should a i ; ment has escalated into a national epidemic. ^ Jill trust these new recruits, or try to survive on her- Beautifully erai cinematics are interspersed Along with some familiar faces, Jill will also run n TU answers are going fus Ma ne throughout this epic adventure. EROR a Hest aD en LC IERAGIOIR, some a which are i K H VN a | E = acre odd RS A Pow 55 | MATURE| CONTENT RATED Y | 2 PlayStation ESRB ® © CAPCOM CO., LTD. 1999 © CAPCOM U.S.A., INC. 1999 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CAPCOM and the CAPCOM LOGO are registered trademarks of CAPCOM CO., LTD. RESIDENT EVIL 3 NEMESIS and CAPCOM EDGE are trademarks of CAPCOM CO., LTD. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. à Wy yi "d reserve your copy now: , * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1-Player Action * Special Features: 3 Modes (Action, Racing & Shooting); Destructible Environments; Mission-Based Play; Multiple Weapons; Analog & Dual Shock Compatible * Created by: N Space for Fox Interactive * Available: November 8 for PlayStation 0% Complete * faa ae ee Dl inch e Eg sl NE ers. i lane h ERR of a fla ard ilog vi weapons. am Playstation Preview * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 to 8-Player Sports * Special Features: Full NBA & NBAPA License; Create-A-Dunk; 42 Signature Dunks; Commentary by lan Eagle; Authentic Team Playbooks Featuring Over 60 Plays; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible * Created by: 989 Studios * Available: November for PlayStation 60% Complete * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1-Player Action * Special Features: 4 Playable Characters (Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Amidala, & Panaka); Duel of the Fates Bonus Video; Analog & Dual Shock Compatible * Replay Value: Moderate * Created by: Big Ape Productions for LucasArts * Available: (Hopefully) Now for PlayStation PAUL | REINER Concept: 8 Graphics: 6.75 Sound: à 9 Playability: 7.75 Entertainment: 8 Overall: i 8 EPISODE THE PHANTOM MENACE - E Andy, The Game Hombre - "I'm a:huge Star Wars fan, so TPM is interesting to play just because | get to experience other parts of the movie. Unfortunately the play control is only so-so, and redoing entire levels. with cutscenes is a tad annoying. But as a Star Wars fan | have to like it, and so will you." Paul, The Game Professor "This is one of the best video game adaptations of a film l've seen in a while; however, the control completely blows. If this. wasn't Star Wars, it would probably. have scored far worse.” Reiner, The Raging Gamer “The graphics lack the crispness and intricate detail of the more powerful PC version, but the gameplay is right on par. It does get a tad monotonous, but the awesome cutscenes, sheer amount of destruction, and unlimited supply of Battle Droid fodder will keep Star Wars fans entertained.” Wesa no liken delaysa, so wesa bein | playing elsa. When is LucasArtsa releasin’ The Phantom Menace? Nowsa!!! Finally, after waiting an eternity, LucasArts has been liberated from Trade Federation con- trol, and the long-awaited PlayStation game will finally be released. Much like the Super Nintendo trilogy, | this new venture into the action genre is loaded to the hilt with intense combat situ- ations, familiar characters and locations, and an awesome soundtrack. The story follows the movie step for step, but instead of rehashing stock movie footage, LucasArts created new computer-generat- ed FMV sequences and a ton of real-time cutscenes. Interestingly enough, you'll learn quite a few things that you didn’t get out of the movie, like why exactly Jar Jar was banished from Otoh Gunga. The gameplay is also tethered to the plot of the. film; however, a ton of new action sequences have been added to keep the play lively and incredibly difficult. You'll destroy hundreds, possibly even thousands of Battle Droids with your trusty lightsaber or blaster. Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Queen Amidala, and Captain Panaka are all playable characters, and yes, the awesome Darth Maul duel awaits at the end. COF aa poss ENAR ITA LEBEN. Andy, The Game Hombre “The production of Omega Boost is outstanding - the graphics are spectacular, the soundtrack freakin’ rocks, and the gameplay will make you sick from the screen spinning around so fast. It's hard, but it’s a great shooter.” Paul, The Game Professor “This is the most innovative shooter to come out in a long time. It’s almost like a flight game, and it took me quite a bit of time to get the hang of the con- trols. Like any memorable shooter, this game is tough. You'll either like it or be so confused you'll hate it." Reiner, The Raging Gamer "The opening video sequence is noth- ing short of incredible. It really pumps you up for the rest of the game. But once you do start playing, all of your enthusiasm is channeled into a fast- moving and overly confusing game where you spend most of your time watching an arrow in the lower left- hand corner of the screen." * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1-Player Shooter * Special Features: 9 Zones; 2 Bosses Per Zone; 1st & 3rd-Person Camera Views; Spin Evasive Maneuver; Lock-On Cannon; Analog & Dual Shock Compatible * Replay Value: Moderate * Created by: Polyphony for Sony Computer Entertainment * Available: Now for PlayStation 1.15 PAUL | REINER Concept: 9 5.75 Graphics: 8.5 8 Sound: 8.75 Playability: 6 Entertainment: 8 Overall: 8 Bottom Line: 7.75 In Sony’s shooter, Omega Boost, tech- ] nolo has evolved into sentient beings intent on wiping out the human race. Mankind's last hope lies in the hands of one hot-shot jockey (played by you). With "| an incredible mecha under your control, you'll travel back into the past to combat the mechanical revolution before it enslaves humanity. The action is similar to most traditional | shooters; however, fast-moving 3D play adds a unique spin to things. The battle will take you to the farthest reaches of the galaxy and even to alien worlds. Enemies range from squadrons of fighters to nearly indestructible mechanical spiders. There are nine different levels in Omega Boost, each delivering two killer boss battles. The mecha is equipped with 360° move- ment, turbo boosters, evasive roll tech- niques, and a powerful rapid-fire gun that can also lock on to multiple targets at once and propel a shower of heat-seeking energy blasts. As with most shooters, this one is incredibly difficult. There are no save points, just a handful of continues to use in a long and dangerous journey. PlayStation * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 to 8-Player Sports * Special Features: GM Mode; Commentary by Reggie Theus & Don Poier; Create-A- Dual Shock & Analog Compatible * Created by: NuFX for EA Sports * Available: Late October for PlayStation 85% Complete EA Sports NBA Live 2000 looks to build on F its past successes with a few key additions more dynamic and decrease bunching under the basket. Where in the past players ran on play-based scripts, they now react. more to | ball position. Small transition animation, like players tapping knuckles after a free throw, adds to the realism of the game. Player facial animation and speech brings trash-talking to life in all its Technicolor glory. A one-on-one Streetball mode allows gamers to reenact with ease their favorite scenes from White Men Can't Jump. The big news this time out, however, is the arrival of NBA All-Star teams from the fifties through the nineties. Over 60 classic players are available, including such icons as Wilt Chamberlain, Bob Cousy, Oscar Robertson, and. Dr. Julius Erving, complete with his majestic afro. These players can compete against each other in one-on-one, play with their decade's team, or even be drafted onto a current NBA team. The possibilities are endless. Imagine Wilt Chamberlain kicking Shaq-Fu's over-inflated booty all over the é court, and then stealing his girlfriend after the final whistle. Kazaam that hurts! PlayStation Previeu Player Mode; New Transition Sequences; 60 All-Time Greats; Outdoor One-On-One Mode; meus o * Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure * Special Features: More Than 10 Weapons, Including Sniper Rifle; Hand-To-Hand Combat With Super Moves; Puzzles & Pick- Ups; Stealthy Sneak Mode; More Than 20 Missions * Created by: Eidos Interactive * Available: Late October for PlayStation 60% Complete Straying quite a bit from the design of the original game, Eidos' Fighting Force 2 is little like. its action-based predecessor. If you recall, the first game was a two-player free-for-all where players just beat the tar out of anything and everything. On the other hand, Fighting Force 2 has strong adventure elements. Plus, the fighting "force" has now dwindled to one. As you take on the role of renegade Hawk, you'll enter a game presented in a style similar to Eidos' popular Tomb Raider. The camera is now locked behind the hero and shifts as Hawk is moved around - as opposed to the. stationary. camera offered in. the original. Additionally, the game makes use of a Look mode that allows you to see through the eyes of Hawk. A typical scenario found in an early version of this game finds Hawk in a large room surrounded by thugs. Hawk can take them on using his bare hands, but weapons such as a machine gun, sniper rifle, rocket launcher, and others will do the trick more quickly. One of the downed thugs just happens to be carrying a key, and Hawk can then grab it to open up a locked door. Additionally (but not yet implemented in the version we saw), Hawk will be able to sneak up on some enemies using the Sneak mode. It's not often that game developers branch off from original concepts, but with Fighting Force 2, Eidos definitely does. Game Informer * October '99 61 * Size: 1 GD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting * Special Features: Mission Battle, Museum, Team Battle, Time Attack, Survival, Extra Survival, Battle & Exhibition Theater, Opening | Direction, & Character Profile Modes; 19 i Characters; VMU & Jump Pack Compatible * Replay Value: Moderately High * Created by: Namco * Available: Now for Dreamcast Bottom Line: Q 2 amco has a knack for launch games. On the PlayStation, Namco's Ridge Racer was without a doubt the premier title to get; now on Dreamcast, Soul Calibur is far and away the must-have game. And why not? Soul Calibur not “Soul Calibur is a must-buy for the i : Dreamcast. Not only is it the most impres- only looks better than its arcade counterpart, it THEGAMEHOMBRE — sive looking of the launch titles, it offers comes packed with extra modes and characters, Concept hours of game time for the single player as : well as endless showdowns in two-player. and a quarter slot is nowhere to be found. ee : Namco's famous extra features aren't as In typical Namco fashion, the extra modes and Graphics spectacular as usual, but they are nice fighters are unlocked through the Mission Battle 9-5 nonetheless (especially the martial arts : j Sound demos in Exhibition mode). The fighting, as mode where you collect points for completing 9 you would expect, is fierce with lots of each mission. These points can then be used to —_____________ unblockables, combos, and specials for Playability each character. Unfortunately, the comput- 9 er opponents aren't too tough, and with some practice can be picked apart with purchase art from the Museum Gallery, which in turn releases new modes, costumes, stages, and features. The missions aren't terribly tough, but ease. But | found myself playing it over and ` i Y i over anyway. It's fun just to watch its ani- they do offer some interesting twists that you don't mations — they are easily the most impres- usually see in a fighter — like strong winds that try se a seen on a home eno. If " i | you like fighting games even remotely, get * to blow you off the edge, quicksand floored arenas OVERALL Soul Calibur. IPs worth it." . that slow you down, and rats that bite at your feet as you battle. Entertainment 9 "Unbelievable. Not only do Soul Calibur's The animation for each of the 19 characters in JAY graphics put you in a state of utter awe, its à : í finas THE GONZO GAMER — gameplay delivers more challenge and Soul Calibur is amazing. This is even more Concept fun than most fighters. Even this game's ; impressive when you look at the number of moves, 9.5 weakest points are cool. Take, for > throws, combos, and specials that each character Gens oe Pon be eis has in his/her/its arsenal. Hours on end can be 10 the last thing I'd care about in a fighting am a < spent just learning the characters’ moves lists in Sound game, and I'd just buy me ones har wong Me ; the Practice mode. After you get tired of that, you SIS C due The Os dl Bodo Des de ESTE Es can explore any of Soul Calibur's other modes Playability some truly beautiful pieces. The only chink ; : 1 ; 9.5 | can find in Soul Calibur's armor is how including Time Attack, Survival, and Vs. M Inrmenr comparatively lame the end boss looks, As far as fighting games go, Soul Calibur is in a but that could just be me desperately look- league all its own with its unique concepts and 10 ing for a flaw. | kid you not when I say that ; : "n this is a game that even those who dislike extra modes. So if you are planning on buying a 9.75. fighters can enjoy. Not only is it the best Dreamcast, make sure you have some cash left cual fighting game for Dreamcast, it is the best over for this fighting extravaganza that perhaps Dreamcast game available, period. best represents the power of the Dreamcast with its ‘The Dreamcast is already overflowing A, gorgeous graphics and fluid animation. REINER _ with fighting games, yet when you take a THE RAGING GAMER really good look, you'll see that nothing Concept comes close to delivering the mark of 9.25 excellence of Soul Calibur. Like clockwork, m Namco has again pieced together the Graphics most comprehensive fighter on the mar- 9 ket. From the flawless combat execution to Sound the graceful animation, Soul Calibur is a 8.75 masterpiece. Along with an arcade-perfect : translation, Namco has improved the Kick butt in the Arcade and Mission Battle modes to unlock all 19 characters. "al ic Playability ^ graphics, added a ton of modes, and 9.5 increased the longevity by adding a slew of secrets. The best addition is the Exhibition mode. Just wait until you see the anima- 9.25 tion in this section. It's unbelievable. The gameplay is equally impressive, and the number of moves is unfathomable. If there's even a hint of fighter in your blood, OVERALL let Soul Calibur kick your face in." Entertainment à t ee ie Xianghua offers an extra little featurette before she faces off with Inferno. : e 3D polygonal backgrounds Spectacular, THE HIGH STAKES @F LIVING “I'm not a big fan of gun games, but I’ve played quite a few in my time and | can tell you that, without a doubt, House of the Dead 2 leads the pack. The story, with all its hokey dialog, is great and works as a good break from all the zombie-killing action. HOTD2’s graphics fly off the screen with some of the most gruesome images you'll ever see, from half-blasted skulls to unthinkable mon- sters of death. The gore in HOTD2 is only matched by its outstanding challenge that will put your sharpshooting skills to the test. But ultimately, HOTD2 is just a gun game, and for that it should be a rental for most. A good two-day, invite- your-friends-over rental, but a rental nonetheless. Of course, hardened gun game fanatics will want this one for their collection." “| usually stay far away from gun games and only play them when I'm coerced. Faced with the alternative of 30 days in the cooler, you could say that | wasn't too excited to play this game. After checking out the Arcade mode one time, it seemed like the same old stuff. The graphics are completely gruesome and the character design is fantastic, but big deal, right? Wrong. After playing it some more, | came to the realization that this game has multiple paths — way cool. This really makes the replay of the game stand out. You can spend plenty of time trying to get all the paths. Add this to a fun Training mode and this turns out to be a solid and entertaining game — and this from one who normally hates games of this genre.” "Translations don't get more arcade perfect than this. Other than a slight variation in resolution, House of the Dead 2 looks just as nice on the Dreamcast as it does on the Naomi Board. Most gun games are extremely short and not terribly difficult. This is not so with House of the Dead 2. This shoot- er is tough, and cannot be beaten until every level and enemy location have been memorized. Accurate shot place- ment makes this chore very entertaining, plus the over-exaggerated drama and overabundance of gore makes this game quite amusing as well. It’s never scary or suspenseful, just bloody as all heck. Even without the lightgun accessory, House of the Dead 2 is a fun game to play. If the funds are available, the gun does add to the experience.” vi Vine IS e are | $i? dl THE GAME HOMBRE Graphics Playability 8 THE GAME PROFESSOR Graphics 9 Sound Playability 8 THE RAGING GAMER Graphics Playability Entertainment - Dreamcast Review * Size: 1 GD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player Shooter * Special Features: Accurate Shot Placement; Level Branching; Arcade, Boss, Original, & Training Modes; 5 Difficulties; Game Gun, VMU, & Jump Pack Compatible * Replay Value: Moderately High * Created by: Sega * Available: Now for Dreamcast he story in House of the Dead 2 takes place just two years after the resolution of the first game. Dr. Curian's sinister plans were demolished by Agent “G,” but the Dr’s legacy still lives on through his excellent student, Goldman. Just like the late Doctor, Goldman is a sociopath, and he has succeeded in resurrecting an army of faithful zombies that he will use to bring mankind to its knees. As with most mad sci- entists, Goldman's Achilles' heel is his big mouth. Instead of staying quiet and surprising the world with an unex- pected undead invasion, Goldman has come clean, announcing his plans well in advance of his actions. Since Agent "G" already has one success to his credit, the government has once again asked him to bust a cap into this national threat. This time around, Agent "G" is striking a well-prepared enemy, and so he has dragged two upbeat rookies, James and Gary, along for the ride. Players assume the role of these new recruits, who before long become the main players in this important mission. Since the Dreamcast is designed to handle flawless translations of Naomi Board games, House of the Dead 2 looks just like it does in the arcade. For a game that is so evil and so violent, House of the Dead is actually a pretty game. All of the environments are texture-heavy and loaded with the smallest of details. Even the enemies, while grotesque, look astounding and very lifelike. But never once will you think twice about sending a bullet through the brain of an axe-wielding zombie or bloodthirsty slug. Accurate shot placement plays a large role in this shooter, and as you face each new enemy, you'll have to 7 find the sweet spot that will drop it to its knees. As you progress cautiously through the levels, you'll encounter several alternate routes, some easier than others, that lead to different sectors. Most shooters are easy to beat. House of the Dead 2 is quite the opposite, forcing you to memorize levels and enemy locations. The Dreamcast version comes equipped with several new modes not available in the arcade offering. Learn the best strategies for the head honchos in Boss mode, or play a slightly different quest where new weapons can be acquired in Original mode. House of the Dead 2 is compatible with lightgun accessories, but works equally well with the default controller. You can run and you can hide, but there's no way you can outrun this finely polished Dreamcast title. It's a good investment. Bottom Lire: ANDY Concept 8 9 Sound 8.5 Entertainment 6.5 OVERALL PAUL Time to cleanse this room with my pistol of righteousness. Graphics so good you'll stop shooting. Concept E 8 Entertainment 8.75 OVERALL REINER Concept 7.5 9.25 Sound 7 8.5 OVERALL A difficult boss challenge awaits at the end of each level. All of the enemies are equipped with limb-specific hit zones. Dreamcast. * Size: 1 GD-ROM * Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports "t | * Special Features: 31 NFL Teams Plus Over 30 Classic & All-Star Teams; Play Editor; = VMU Playcalling; Player Create & Draft; Practice Mode; Crazy Cheat Codes v e Replay Value: Moderately High * Created by: Visual Concepts for Sega * Available: Now for Dreamcast , been only one system that launched with a football THE NEW DEFINITION OF FOOTBALL Bottom Line: title. In 1985, the NES was accompanied by a ver- y e sion of IREM's 10-Yard Fight. Since then, sports gam- ing, particularly football, has become a genre that can n the modern era of home video gaming, there has M T | "Sega Sports NFL 2K is the best launch make or break a system. Still, systems like the ANDY game on Dreamcast, and easily the best Genesis, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, and PlayStation didn’t have =o ipic id ja oe el fare ay n . . . . once a ' a football title until many months after their introduction. The 9 p it all. The animation of the players Is just Dreamcast is different. If sports games are an anchor for the launch —_——*—— unbelievable. Shoestring catches, one-han- of Sega’s new system, then Sega Sports NFL 2K is the flagship. For Graphics ders, you name it and it's in here. It's a the first time in more than a decade, a home console system will 1 XM e ies dos el : aD debut with a football title. à : "M move or quick shift), but the passing is Seeing Randy Moss on the cover of the game will automatically M amazing. When Cunningham airs it out to assure most Viking fans of perfection, but as soon as the rest of Playability ^ Moss on a streak, it’s just phenomenal. you see NFL 2K in action, you may agree. All other football games 9.25 pid ples p at Son games, yot m" pale in comparison. The graphics are simply amazing. Developer Entertainment fre Y the stat aie te PE Visual Concepts spent months viewing actual NFL footage to get 9.5 the playcalling on the VMU - it's all fantas- everything just right. How many seconds does it take for the half- tic. About the only gripe | have is that the back to hit the hole off tackle? How fast does it take the cornerback TUR Aperiri Put 2 to blitz to the backfield? These are the kind of questions Visual OVERALL tional. Get this game; you won't regret it." Concepts asked themselves, and then tried to exactly duplicate the real-life situation into NFL 2K. Likewise, the team of artists used “This game completely rocks and is my NFL footage to make animations equally realistic. A quarterback is PAUL top pick for the Dreamcast. After seeing grabbed by the ankle and tries to shake loose of the would-be tack- THE GAME PROFESSOR NFL 2K in action and putting it through ler. He hobbles, trying to maintain balance, and is on the verge of a Concept the paces, | can easily say that I'll be : hard pressed to go back to PlayStati sack. Suddenly he breaks free and hurls a desperation pass. The 29 Pra bli is s solid and defender jumps to knock it down, but the ball is just out of reach. oC intuitive, the graphics are spectacular, 4 | The receiver jumps too and makes a finger-tip catch for a 45-yard — E ______ and the Vikes rule. What more could you Jake Road takes a how. | gain. It’s like watching the Vikes on TV. The list of amazing anima- Sound ask for? Maybe a Career mode and GM : 9 stuff, but | expect that will be in next tions goes on and on. NES o o ; i , Plavahilit year's game. The bar has been raised to As you know, graphics can only take a game so far. Many foot- SY8DIU new heights, and EA and Sony will have ball games have been great to look at. However, the minute you p MM o to take note. This game could have start to play, you realize that something isn't right. Luckily, this Entertainment the impact that Madden had on the isn't the case with NFL 2K. This game was built around the action 10 slg is rayau nany, Football ield. Visual Concepts made sure that executing the play- visui. wao Naro gean cavarne on the field. Visual Concep g tne play whether this game is for real had better control was top priority. Work on the rest of the game’s menus, sea- see it for themselves.” son play, and other options wasn’t started until the control was just OVERALL right. NFL 2K doesn’t add any new control schemes or extra button combos that haven’t been seen in prior games, but it does all the “The Dreamcast's first football title is also fundamentals to perfection. REINER __ this year's all-around best gridiron release. y There are few weaknesses in NFL 2K’s package. You could M ^u eene eee dg ecd j ; E ts amazin raphics and incredi argue that the game doesn't have extra features to allow users to uera smooth SATA, it'll be difficult to Eo build a dynasty and man- CU back to anythin£ else. From the ball age the front office with rapnicS physics to the sheer number of tackles, x^ Á cabs and: free $5 NFL 2K is lightyears above anything cur- Y p Sound rently present in video football. Its list of R. Moss #84 TODAY'S GAME Ist Half 2nd Half 2415 41/96 Randy Moss is da' man! pu qx ji agency. Some football 9 accomplishments and innovations covers fans will miss these — S LL all the bases, and even the dual commen- options, but any who Playability tary is a breakthrough. Since it is a first- lav NFL 2K will likel 9 year engine, it does have a few little quirks play Y "Entertainment" around the edges, plus the play is a tad soon forget them. unbalanced where passing highly out- Without a doubt, Sega's 9.25 weighs running. As a complete package, | really couldn't have asked for a better-look- poral Tx i. Bon SUE ing or better-playing game. Madden is still standard in video game the king of fantasy options, but Sega NFL Player detail comes complete 5 with gloves and elbow pads. tQ LE | football. OVERALL 2K is only a small step away." | 64 | Game Informer « October '99 Dreamcast Review * Size: 1 GD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player Sports * Special Features: 17 Boxers; Career & Arcade Mode; In-Depth Training Exercises; Introductions by Michael Buffer; Rumble Flurries; VMU & Jump Pack Compatible * Replay Value: Moderate * Created by: Midway * Available: Now for Dreamcast Bottom Line: 7 2b + CNEL betier EE LLL UEG LLOSG! Whether it be a professional boxing match, a Major League Baseball All-Star game, or a celebrity bar mitzvah party, Michael Buffer is always on call, just waiting for someone to ask him to say that little line he’s become famous for: “Let's get ready to rumble!!!” This catch-phrase rules Buffer's life, and if he continues saying it, he'll eventually become bigger than the "Where's the beef?” lady, and pe hala O ie n “Ready 2 Rumble was so close to being the new Punch Out it isn’t even funny. The ANDY graphics are impressive, the sounds are _ THE GAME HOMBRE ma ven more recognizable than that annoying Taco Bell mutt. great, and the character designs are some Concept i. 9 ms t of the best l've seen in years - come on, “Big Willy" Johnson, Afro Thunder — they just don't get any better than this. Then there's the boxing, with every punch 8 looking and sounding like it hurts and Sound playcontrol that’s solid as a rock. In the 8 two-player game, all this works like a charm. Sit around with your friends, and you'll find Ready 2 Rumble is awesome beyond belief. Unfortunately, somebody forgot to give a rat's butt about the one- player game, as it’s terribly easy. Overall, Graphics Playability 7 Entertainment 7 Midway's explosive boxing title, Ready 2 Rumble, is not only one of the most gorgeous Dreamcast products available, it's also the crowning achievement in Buffer’s career. Throughout the course of the game, Buffer provides commentary for all 17 boxers, his face is plastered on banners and ring mats, and of course, he starts each match with the line that will be etched on his tombstone, “Let’s get ready to RUMMMBLE!!!” In the last couple of years, wrestling has outshone boxing. Evander Holyfield, while one tough cookie, doesn't have the charismatic appeal of Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock. But in Ready 2 Rumble, all of the boxers are crafted with high-class personalities and attitudes. Salua is so fat that he’s phat. Afro Thunder is dynamite! Selene Strike is irresistible. And Jet Chin is one cool dude. All the boxers feature amazing detail, tons of facial expressions, and a few taunts that summarize their killer personalities. When it comes down to it, the video game industry hasn't been graced with a great boxing simulation since the Super Nintendo classic, Super Punch Out. Ready 2 Rumble, while not as strategic in play as Punch Out, is hands down the next best thing. Its gameplay is easy to understand and loaded with a slew of arcade elements. You don’t have to work the opposition’s gut or left eye to wear him or her out. All you R2R is a big disappointment because it had everything it needed to go over the top, but then the developers forgot to make the one-player game any fun.” OVERALL “Without a doubt, R2R is one of the best looking games to launch with the Dreamcast. The fighters are excellently designed - right down to the jiggley stuff. Concept It is fun to see all the crazed fighters and 4 PAUL THE GAME PROFESSOR their routines, intros, and taunts, but the Graphics action gets old fast. In the single-player 9.5 have to do is land enough punches to deplete his or her life bar. When game, the learning curve is pretty flat. t —————— —— this happens, the opponent will fall to the mat. The goal of the game is | n UM. RES didn't take me too long to figure out how to Sound to knock the adversary down three times in a match, rather than the ( Rumble bumble! = — J march through every match. I started MENU ctandard boxing rule of three times per round. Very seldom can you win with about five wins and five losses. Then Playability by knockout i VAL pec CHIN P pud ys EAE AO. 8.25 All of the boxers in Ready 2 Rumble feature exclusive moves and NA - n A w a special Rumble Flurry combo. Once certain punches are landed, the in the Championship mode, but they are r completely worthless because you can player will receive a Rumble letter. When you get enough letters to spell Rumble, you can then unleash the Rumble Flurry combo and devastate the opposition with a ballet of quick punches and jabs. This combo is amass unlimited money. Granted, the two- player is enjoyable but only as a simple party game. For a boxing game, it is mighty weak.” OVERALL pre-scripted, and the player doesn’t need to do a thing other than sit back and watch the beating. When it comes down to it, Ready 2 Rumble is an exceptional release by Midway Home Entertainment, and “Ready 2 Rumble is a great game against a we think you'll agree that it floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. friend. If that’s all you want it for, then byal REINER means, run to the store and buy it THE RAGING GAMER Jm Lula goes for blood. immediately. However, if you seek a game Concept oe En ^ . WiMLAOC with a deep single-player mode, avoid this 6 P T i Tr | F i , boxing simulator at all costs. Ready 2 ————————— EN T s eii a KEPS 3 Rumble’s computer opponents are so stupid that they make Mike Tyson look like a rocket scientist. | won over 100 matches in a row, half of which were with my controller upside down. Lame! The Career mode is equally frustrating and shallow. Where are the options?! deste is the challenge?! Why do | never lose?!! Weak!!! | —— ——— — —— Graphics do not make a game; I've said it Entertainment before. Now I'm saying it about what | 6.25 thought would be the premier Dreamcast game. Like | said, this game should only be played by the multiplayer audience. You'll be disappointed if you expect anything more.” Graphics 9.5 Sound 8 Playability 7 PRESS AND HOLD © TO LIFY THE WE ONIS. +~ Pump up your attributes through training. p- RON rA ; eS EM E. A ^ Au Au BÉ em iON OQ iene. Game Informer * October ‘99. 65 Dreamcast Review * Size: 1 GD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting * Special Features: 8 Characters With 8 Alter Egos; Interactive Arenas & Objects; Multiple Weapons & Power-Ups; VMU & Jump Pack Compatible * Replay Value: Moderately High * Created by: Capcom * Available: Now for Dreamcast ® t may sound like a glam band from the 80s, but Power ' Stone is actually an exotic fighting game concocted by i- the leader of the martial arts revolution, Capcom of Japan. Since the debut of Street Fighter I! in 1990, Capcom has walked a straight line with its fighting crop. Despite unique improvements and a gradual evolution, the majority of t | Capcom’s fighters all bear similar birth marks. With Power a Stone, a different DNA strain has been tapped to create a new | breed of fighter. And just like Street Fighter, Power Stone may be | the inaugural title in another fighting insurrection. i Running on Sega's Dreamcast-compatible Naomi hardware, | Power Stone made its debut as a Japanese arcade game. While | this stand-up unit never came Stateside, the arcade-perfect |! Dreamcast port will. You've dreamt about the endless | possibilities, but now, you'll finally get to see a completely | unbound 3D fighter in action. Power Stone unleashes full freedom of movement within multi-tiered 3D fighting arenas. < These stages resemble rather large cubes cluttered with obstacles and items. Almost everything in these arenas is fully | interactive. Tables can be rolled across, tossed, and kicked at ! opponents. Beams holding up balconies can be climbed, swung ! around, and even ripped out of place and used as bats. | Power Stone features eight unique combatants, all of which _ are loaded to the hilt with unique attacks and fighting styles. As 4 the name implies, these combatants are hunting for rare gems, | otherwise known as Power Stones. There are three different gems to find. Player One starts the match with the red gem. Player Two begins with the blue. The yellow gem appears ‘| randomly across the combat plane on a fairly frequent basis. If a 4 player knocks the gems away from the opponent and acquires all three at once, that player will be infused with magic, and his or J her appearance will change, revealing a powerful alter ego. This transformation will only last for a limited time or until all of the gem energy is drained through magical attacks. When this happens, the player changes back to normal and the gems scatter across the arena. | Power Stone's graphical qualities are truly remarkable and are highlighted by seamless textures and incredible special | effects. The detailed character models also boggle the mind as | they interact flawlessly with the environments and other characters. Whether this is a one-time fluke, or an inspiration for future software, Capcom definitely has a hit on its hands with this unique fighter. You don't want to miss it! Bottom Lire: Snag all three gems to transform into rampaging warriors. Use heavy artillery to send opponents runni Ww ANDY THE GAME HOMBRE Concept 9 Graphics 9 Sound 8 Playability 8 Entertainment OVERALL PAUL THE GAME PROFESSOR Concept 8 Graphics 8.75 Sound 1 Playability 7 Entertainment 5 OVERALL REINER THE RAGING GAMER Concept 9 Graphics 9.25 Sound 8.25 Playability 8.25 Entertainment 8 OVERALL "Power Stone, unlike the rest of Dreamcast's fighting lineup, is unique. It's a 3D fighter that introduces the attributes of a brawler, like Streets of Rage, into the fighting genre. This is both good and bad. The bad side is that the fighting portion of the game isn't very deep - there just aren't many moves you can do. On the plus side, the brawler part of the game makes the surroundings become more than just a backdrop. Throwing boxes, picking up weapons, sliding over tables, swinging around poles, and generally just moving around the environment is a thrill all its own. There’s a lot of strategic thinking as well, since you must decide whether you want to pummel your opponent or go for the stones. Power Stone is an innovative game that features amazing graphics and Solid gameplay, putting it in the top five of Dreamcast launch titles.” “Power Stone really packed a punch when it initially hit the Dreamcast in Japan. Since then there have been a number of good fighting games to surface, especially Soul Calibur. Truthfully, Power Stone really turns the fighting game genre on its ear with its whacked-out weapons and hectic action. It doesn’t really rely on much technique; rather it becomes a mad scramble for the loot. | had the chance to watch some newbies play this game and some came away a little confused. Indeed, moving around the space is a little clumsy and does take some getting used to. It’s fun to check out all the environments and see each character's other form, but the enjoyment is fleeting. What this game needs is an Adventure mode to spice things up.” “It’s time to get Stoned. Even without the Street Fighter connection, Capcom knows how to construct top-notch fighters. As it stands, Power Stone is the most sophisticated 3D fighter to date. Along with incredibly fast and fluid gameplay, all of the multitiered environments are fully interactive, allowing the player to slide across tables, swing around poles, and even pick up and toss chairs at the opposition. Once you get the hang of the basics and fully understand the play, Power Stone will become your substitute for food, sleep, and work. If you are into multiplayer gaming, or simply want to entertain yourself with one of the most unique fighters around, then don’t delay. Give Power Stone the props it deserves. It's a phenomenal game that sets the stage for many games to come.” Dreamcast Review * Size: 1 GD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting e oe Features: 5 New Characters (Plus More Hidden); New Arenas; Team, Endurance, & Practice Modes; Fatalities & Limb Break Moves; VMU & Puru Puru Pack Compatible * Replay Value: High * Created by: Eurocom for Midway Home Entertainment * Available: Now for Dreamcast ejr msi] Exclusive to the Dreamcast console, Mortal 3T Pam 1; Kombat Gold is the long-awaited revision to Midway's arcade hit, Mortal Kombat 4. “It’s true that over the years, the Mortal ANDY Developed by Eurocom Entertainment, Gold r Kombat series has lost some of its luster. — rue came HOMBRE presents an arcade-perfect translation and also || But for me, every time a new version makes — Concept reacquaints MK fanatics with long lost combatants || an appearance, | always get caught up in : : ; | the camage and start to like it again. Every 3 Cyrax, Kung Lao, Baraka, Mileena, and Kitana. Hidden || time, that is, except this time. Here is Graphics within Gold's shadows are the mysterious || where | make my stand. Mortal Kombat 8.5 phantom Noob Saibot, the four-armed monkey || Gold, though easy on the eyes with its —— Sound —— Goro, Cyrax's alter ego Sektor, and a new long- |; high-resolution graphics, just doesn't offer 7 horned demon by the name of Belokk. enough for me to jump back on the 7 : : : | bandwagon. Certainly the new characters Playability For the first tii on any consete, wis Dreamcast | and moves are a nice addition, but 7 version runs at 60 frames per second with || otherwise, Gold is just the same old game -E tertainment high-resolution graphics adding intricate detail | with shiny new graphics. Unless you are a 5 to every texture and effect. Loading is virtually | total Mortal Kombat freak (and already nonexistent. Matches fly by in the blink of an eye. Sharp high-resolution graphics bring a have Power Stone and Soul Calibur), there "m Fatalities appear nanoseconds after inputting the a new level of definition to the MK series. is no reason to buy MK Gold.” í i command. Never once will you see any kind of OVERALL slowdown or polygon drop out. All of the new recruits are modeled with knes "I've always had a special place in my over 3,000 polygons and are equipped with heart for Mortal Kombat, the series that JAY familiar signature moves and voices. New FMV stands as the innovator in video game THE GONZO GAMER : violence. The Dreamcast has finally — Concept - endings have been created for these characters, brought MK home in perfect form. The 7 and for the first time you will learn Cyrax's true sound, sights, speed, and slaughter are o identity, see how the dispute between Mileena all at their bloody best, and | do like this ie i and Kitana ends, and observe the ascension of Baraka. game. There are only two large sticking : é points that prevent me from giving this a Cem As with every Mortal Kombat, the gameplay is much higher score. First, why didn't they 8.5 lightning quick and bloody as all heck. | just throw in every character? It might not : There's plenty of replay tucked into the work with the story they've built up over the iic 2 Practice, Survival, and Endurance modes. Mortal f nere Senn Im Kis lue pus Kombat was the pioneer of video game gore, and MK is getting a little old. If there are no Entertainment it's great that even after all these years, it's still plans for some serious innovation in the 8 at the top of the food chain as one of the best selling | future, | believe it's time to retire this video games on the market. The Dreamcast A E version will surely keep this franchise alive and | opening lineup, it's certainly no slouch." OVERALL kicking. Now, all we need is for Kabal to return. Mortal Kombat Platinum, perhaps? "Mortal Kombat 4 consumed a good year of my life, and to be dead honest, | really didn't REI N ER want to play it again for a long, long time. — THE RAGING GAMER But alas, Midway has made my life a living Concept nightmare by resurrecting this arcade title 6.75 for the Dreamcast launch. Joining the ranks ——— ———— —— of Reiko and Sub-Zero are a slew of long Graphics lost characters like Baraka and Mileena. 8.5 The models of these new recruits look nice, Sound but some of their moves (like Cyrax's 8.25 netting) seem rather awkward. As a whole, — —7* .— these were good character choices, and Playability it’s nice to see hd their stories panned 1.5 out or progressed. The Dreamcast has no —=—— problem handling the MK experience. It Entertainment runs at 60fps, the graphics are high-res, and the loading is minimal. MK enthusiasts will thoroughly enjoy this updated arcade port, but as a whole, there are better I Dreamcast fighters.” L Fatality! r jj Vi Y f^ * | »» "e i N i jut "7 nd TES as i ; * I 4 3 | / r ^ Qm ^L ^" à i N ] Ld i m" j maani ib ~ w- ^ |» |. Vee mm uc c : Dreamcast - Review * Size: 1 GD-ROM * Style: 1-Player Shooter * Special Features: HUD & 3rd-Person Perspectives, 30 Authentic Aircraft; More Than 20 Missions; Ground & Air-Based Missions; 4 Difficulty Settings; Novice & Expert Controls * Replay Value: Moderately High j E * Created by: Konami i p i * Available: Now for Dreamcast n some respects, nearly _ Puoi J j every console system 5 ; Bottom Line: has at least a few titles where you get to pilot Kick the Tires & Light the Fires i " sleek jets and knock bogeys out of the sky. The NES has Top Gun, the SNES has Turn & Burn, the "Personally, I'm not a big fan of good-old- Genesis F-22, and the PlayStation Air Combat. ANDY fashioned plane games. They just don't Speaking of Air (Ace) Combat, this successful PlayStation THE GAME HOMBRE — do it for me. Now spaceships are a dif- A — AN y= franchise is quite similar to Konami's AirForce Delta for the Concept ferent story, but | digress. For what it is, Q3 (20 T X 8/7". Dreamcast. So much so that if you've played any Air Combat, 6 SR eee io patil Saes / NS you'd swear that AirForce Delta is a direct descendant. If (to Graphics ^ do get to watch a quick briefing before borrow a cliché) imitation is the highest form of flattery, 8.75 you head out to conquer the world. The Konami seems to have appreciated Namco's work. Sound terrain in each level is convincingly real- AirForce Delta is a fairly straight-forward action/shooter. 7 istic and really adds to the flying experi- The game starts you with one plane, an F-5E, and a single — Playability - ence. The control of the plane is on par lad j / r A y with the best that console gaming has to | mission. After being briefed about the upcoming sortie, you 7 offer, with missions that give you plenty ; 3 T are tossed out into the fly zone. Using the onscreen radar Entertainment chances to fire at will. And although A" The sleeping city is in” J’ | < and HUD, you zero in on the targets and, just like Maverick 2 s eae e Em for a rude awakening. ' and Goose, you ace the enemy with missiles and machine to watch. It rotates through a number of = guns. Once the mission is accomplished, a reward is given ot. camera views and lets you see what for each of the targets destroyed. The reward is then used to went right and wrong. A solid effort, but purchase other, more powerful aircraft that magically start to OERAL | would rate it as a rental at best.” appear on the tarmac of the airfield. In the ensuing missions, ^ i ; objectives include such tasks as destroying a naval convoy, PAUL Let me get this out of the hed first. This ambushing refueling SR-71s, and, of course, dog fighting laneo ELS ee ee a with some hot shot from an enemy squadron. Maybe it’s the — Concept explosions. Additionally, it needs some Jester, or possibly the Iceman? Anyway, completing more 8 chatter on the radio. Other than that, | missions results in more available aircraft — popular U.S. - Graphics — thoroughly enjoyed AD. I've always been and Russian-built planes such as the F/A-18, A-10, MiG-31, 9.25 ans A lacie e cou Lam re favorite). There are 30 beautifully — Sound Planes look fantastic - right down to the i ; ; mti replicated planes In all. detailed paint jobs and moving flaps. It is Brey ude detaliga Danone Indeed, all the aircraft are nice to look at, as is most of the U o o definitely on the difficult e l found the game’s graphics. The aircraft spurn contrails on tight turns Playability very easy setting to get pretty dang hard and the terrain is rich with textures. There isn’t much time to 9.25 bodas dies eee and : É : Entartainman: look forward to playing this even more in enjoy the scenery when you're playing, but a Replay mode Entertainment the future. This is easily one of my top will show off the successes and defeats. Each entire mission, 9.75 picks for the Dreamcast, and | hope some of which take upwards of ten minutes to complete, is QUE Konami is already working a sequel." shown in dynamic fashion. Multiple camera angles highlight the action, and you can even see the pilots in the cockpit and OVERALL the plane's flaps move. Like the games mentioned earlier, AirForce Delta is by no ith TIEN “Airforce Delta is a fairly decent flight BINGO ^ (3. \\/ | means a true flight simulator. Even though each plane has REINER sim. its play is fast and accompanied by T . | different flight characteristics, aircraft all come equipped ence cere truly remarkable plane detail right down Battle in the air, and -| - with the same firepower, and there are no take-offs or land- Concept to ville com instrumentation. The on land and sea. | ina’. Even so. this 7.75 landscapes and cities are also breath- This mission has you navigate a TUN : "oss "(NE WU S Manou