Squirtle Comes To the N64 in Pokémon

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The Greatest yenGa

Get Your Paws On Every..« Û


The BigiGorilla Makes |, His Debut On N64


95 Canada $4.95 UK £2.50 | | 07>

о ""71486'01864' "3 | Juiy 1999 | Vol. p Issue 07 #75

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oo bad theres no “indefinite date’ box to check on

T those post office forms. Since you have no idea when

you ll be returning. Everything you do in this game will have an impact on the way the journey ends. If it ever does.

You start on a quest that begins at the edge of the


universe. And ends


well, that's entirely up to you. Everybody you meet, every step and every decision you make will shápe your destiny. And the fate of a planet.

In short, the evil gods are poised to destroy every living

creature with a great meteorite that heads straight for the planet. Ferocious monsters threaten at every turn. Deadly magic lurks in the shadows. And to raise the stakes even higher, questions of identity hang in the balance.

So you must battle against the evil and hideous monsters in real-time, polygonal combat. You can customize complicated combination moves and set up decoys to take the fall. But no matter what, theres still no end in sight.

Because who you choose to talk to and share information with will greatly affect you. Characters can think and feel for themselves. Some will join you on your quest, others will betray you. And to add to the challenge, you have the option of playing two different characters, both unique in personality and both having an impact on the course of the game.

Even your emotions determine the fate of your journey.

You may choose to be romantically linked with another

© 1999 tri-Ace Inc./LINKS/ Minato Koio/ENIX. All Rights Reserved. STAR OCEAN The Second Story is a trademark and ENIX is a registered trademark of Enix Corporation. PlayStation В

and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc

character, or you may choose to remain friends. But no matter what, it will affect your path. And more seriously, if a close friend dies in battle, youll feel incredible rage that will cause you to fight with more furious combat moves. And theres no easy way out. Tools and skills do not

(ES pecas EES Dias. just appear along the OS 237 md mme

way. You must create many items from raw materials. And to do that you'll have to master difficult skills like alchemy, cooking, songwriting, or say, metalwork.

There are count- less routes to travel through this game, and over 80 endings. The deeper you delve, the more you'll discover that nothing = no detail, no clue, no conversation, no skill— can be taken for granted. And that anything is possible. Including the fact that you might not ever make it back.


Ten Cocean



PlayStation ®



©1995, 1999 Electronic Arts Inc. Command & Conquer, Westwood Studios and Electronic Arts are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts in the U.S. and/or other countries. Westwood Studios is an Electronic Arts™ Company. The “N” Logo is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1999 Nintendo of America Inc. www.nintendo.com Game and System sold separately.

| | i | | .

Better keep it loaded.

Wir S^ 2 ЧАШ”.

Or co


Letter from the Editor Star Wars Is King

Dear Game Informer Gl readers from across the globe interact with Game Informer.

Envelope Art

You can't win if you don't enter GI's Monthly Envelope Art Contest.

GI News

Nintendo announces its next sys- tem, Sony cans PocketStation, Sega packs in modem, and tons- o-fun with Name That Gamel, Trivia, and Gl's Top Ten.

QD Photo Phite Р98 Check out our super mini- previews of some of the industry's hottest games including Tenchu Il, Team Buddies, and Spider-Man.

Game Informer PC

The Game Burrito brings you tons of reviews and previews including Half-Life: Team Fortress Classic, Requiem, and Braveheart.

Arcade Brigade

Beaux, the Arcade Assassin, looks at what's new this summer with reviews of NBA Showtime and Zombie Revenge, as well as previews of Street Fighter IIl 3rd Strike, Dead or Alive 2, and Tekken Tag Team.

Ф Secret Access

Pg 30 Codes and Tips from our readers, plus a fountain of GameShark codes. This month features access to Grand Theft Auto: London 1969, Civilization ll, and Super Smash Brothers.

Classic Gl

GI looks at classic games on the NES, Super NES, and Genesis, and replays some codes from the vault.

Pg 73

Game Informer Magazino* (ISSN 1067-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five tial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications", 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. For subscriptions, back issues, or customer service inquiries (612) 946-7266, Periodicals postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices, SUBSCRIBERSIPOSTMASTER: Send address changes lo Game Informer Magazine", 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year additional postage.

‘Game Informer* does not claim any copyright in the screenshots herein. Copyright in all screenshots contained within this publication are owned by their respective companies. Entire contents copyright 1999. Game Informer Magazine". All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer" is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc.

Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies.

& Game Informer » July '99

© PlayStation

Cover Story: Ape Escape

There are two kinds of successful games. The kind you know are going to be good (like Zelda) and the kind that surprise you (like Tenchu). Ape Escape is definitely the latter. While we've followed Ape Escape since it first surfaced, we didn’t know that it was going to blossom into one of the best action/adventure titles of the year. The game is huge and so is our cover story and step-by-step strategy guide that reveals all of its dirty little secrets.

Feature: Electronic Entertainment Expo This year, E3 was moved back to Los Angeles and once again it was a rockin’ time for all in attendance. Every major developer was there and so were some of the small ones. After scouring the show floor for three straight days and questioning tipsy developers at all the parties, Game Informer is able to give you all the information you need for all of the big upcoming games you want to know about.

Pg 10

Nintendo 64 | Donkey Kong 64, Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, Kobe ¢ Bryant in NBA Courtside 2, Perfect Dark, Pokémon Stadium, Quake Il, Quarterback Club 2000, World Driver Championship, WWF Attitude 1


Blitz 2000, Dino Crisis, Fear Factor, Fighting Force 2, Hot Wheels, Jade Cocoon, Jet Moto 3, Legend of Mana, Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete, NFL Xtreme 2, Omega Boost, R-Type Delta, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman, Sled Storm, Tomorrow Never Dies, Warzone 2100

Dreamcast Castlevania: Resurrection, Ready 2 Rumble,

Resident Evil: Code Veronica, Slave Zero, Soul % Calibur, Trick Style


At a Glance

Centipede, Croc 2, Grand Theft Auto: 1969, Hello Kitty: Cube Frenzy, The Next Tetris, Ultimate 8 Ball

Nintendo 64 A Bug's Life, Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest

Game Boy All-Star Baseball 2000, Moon Patrol/Spy Hunter, Prince of Persia, WWF Attitude

Pg 38 £u


Psychological Test #7 Discovering your inner self.

Q: Do you see a ballerina in worn slippers and pink tutu smelling a faded rose?

* * 4 9 4 eee 9v $ HO 9 6 $ 6 e «е «е €$ HEHE 9 * » 23 4 » 3 * 4 8 * * $ 9 « 4 * $ $6 e * « «€ ө

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Yes, | see the ballerina. | also happen to

wear my pants too tight.

No, | see the noble savage that lurks deep in my subconscious mind - after all, manis a combination of the sophis- ticated and the primitive, of the learned and the instinctual. Bloody Roar"ll is the perfect outlet for my animal aggression. Every scorching slash, pulverizing punch and bone-cracking combination is rendered with deadly clarity. | can morph into multiple beasts, including hidden monstrous warriors. | can even create my own devastating fighting combinations. We should never try to deny the animal. We need to unleash

the beast within us all or die trying.

www.playstation.com PlayStation ®

PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Bloody Roar is a trademark of HUDSON SOFT. ©1999 HUDSON SOFT. Portions ©1999 EIGHTING/RAISING.

Fig. (a)

Fig. (b)

Fig. (c)

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S E ®

July Issue 1999 Volume X Number 7 + Issue #75

Richard A. Cihak Publisher

Andrew McNamara Editor

Paul Anderson Andrew Reiner Senior Associate Editors

Paul Bergren

Jay Fitzloff

Erik Reppen Matt Helgeson Associate Editors

Beaux Hawkins Contributing Writers

Thomas Blustin Art Director

Curtis Fung Production Director

Rachel Gilles Production Assistant

Ryan MacDonald West Coast Correspondent

Chet Barber Japan Correspondent

Gabrielle Dane Copy Editor

Advertising Sales Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, ММ 55344-3728 (612) 946-8159 Fax (612) 946-8155

Vicky Valley Circulation / Marketing Manager Customer Service Manager (612) 946-7274 Customer Service Department For change of address or subscription inquiry only (612) 946-7266 Fax (612) 946-8155 or send correspondance lo: 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 Attn: CIS Dept

Arthur Mascot.

Manufactured and printed. in the United States of America


Audit Bureau of Circulations Member

Andy, The Game Hombre andy@gameintormer.com “What a month. I've seen Star Wars (who hasn't), gone to E3 (you wish), and now we are finishing the magazine in a mad dash that will certainly go down in history as the craziest issue of all time. Well...until next month anyway. The games | am currently foaming at the mouth for are (in no particular order): Ready 2 Rumble & NFL 2000 for Dreamcast; Perfect Dark & Donkey Kong for N64; Crash Team Racing, НЕЗ: Nemesis, Sled Storm, Driver, Dino Crisis, Grandia, Gran Turismo

2, FF VIII & Anthology."

nt in any id for

Yeah, | know this is a magazine about video games, but | just can't miss the chance to talk about the newest addition to my favorite movies of all time list - The Phantom Menace. For all intents and purposes, Star Wars: Episode | The Phantom Menace is a video game. With more computer-generated backdrops and characters than any other movie before it, this movie is a glimpse into

the future of video gaming.

Imagine the Gungan underwater city of Otoh Gunga rendered in real-time as уои, playing the role of Qui-Gon Jinn, swim around it and fight Opee sea creatures. Imagine playing the part of Darth Maul as he is sent on missions of evil by the vile Darth Sidious. “Wipe them out. All of them.” The thought just sends shivers up my spine. And if the graphical capabilities of the PSX2 and Dolphin hold true, just such a thing may

be possible.

After putting in some serious time with Racer and The Phantom Menace, it is easy to

PCT uu


Star Wars Is King


see that with games created in conjunction with a movie, such a level of detail and storytelling is possible. Racer puts you in the movie as Anakin, and The Phantom Menace lets you relive the movie over and over. As a fan of both, this is the ultimate way to live out

your gaming fantasies.

Do | have a bad feeling about this? No way. As video games continue to blur the line between movies and games, the outlook for the gamer is truly astounding. Finally, after years of being blamed for any problem a teenager has, video games may get the respect they deserve. And as video games take over the mainstream, we may finally get all the things that we have dreamed of for years. Final Fantasy: The Movie is a reality. Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back is a reality. But what's next: a new spy/thriller from MGM Studios featuring the sexy and deadly Joanna Dark? | think so. Video games aren't just taking on the mainstream, they are creating it.

Founding Father Gamers (L to R): Reiner, Jay, Bergren, Paul, Andy, Matt, and Erik.

J = ЖР, Иегі, and


Раш, The Game Professor Reiner, The Raging Gamer Bergren, The Game Burrito


“Skipping this year's E3 was well worth it as my first child arrived while the rest of the crew was in LA. It's easy to pick her over video games. The crew filled me in on all the E3 festivities and I'm especially eager to play the new Dreamcast football games. | also saw some footage of Spider-Man that looked fantastic. There hasn't been a good Spidey game in many years and I've got high expectations for this title. Equally, I'm dying to check out the array of survival horror games from Capcom.”


My warmest regards go out to the Game Professor and his lovely wife for spawning a wee little human being. Personally, | wouldn't have named the kid after Gungan dialect (wesa, yousa, Elsa). | would have named her Obi-Wanda or Vaderette instead. This kid has a lot of spunk and | sense great power is contained within her tiny body. | will watch this infant's career with great interest, and if Matt ever gathers the strength to finish his Dark Lord training, | wish to take this child on as my apprentice.”

bergren@gameinformer.com “The only problem with having E3 in LA is that not much goes on around the convention center, and the dense traffic makes it difficult and expensive to get around. Fortunately, there is a little invention we call the mini-bar. It's filled with snacks and drinks, and brings the party right to your hotel room. However, after hitting it hard night after night, we discovered the mini- bar is also expensive. Fortunately, we expensed our selections, which will soon be reflected in the new subscription rates. Thanks readers."

Game All-Star Baseball 2000 .............. Ape Escape .. 5 Armorines Blades of Ve Blitz 2000. Braveheart Bug's Life, A Castlevania: Resurrection .. . Centipede . Cro 2... A Crusaders of Might & Magic Cyber Org. Darkstone . Dead or Alive 2 . Demolition Racer Dino Crisis ... Donkey Kong 64 5 Driver s e 68 Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Dynamite Cop ..... Fear Factor..... Fighting Force 2 .......... Fox Sports NHL Championship Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 . . Half-Life: Team Fortress Classic Harvest Moon 64 ....... Hello Kitty: Cube Frenzy Hot Wheels (N64) . Hot Wheels (PS-X) Imperialism Il . Jade Cocoon Jeremy McGra Jet Moto 3 .. Ken Griffey Jr. Kirby's Adventure. Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside 2 ...... Konami Вау... Legend of Мапа .... E Lunar 2: Eternal Blue........ Lunar: The Silver Story Complete .. - Mario Goll ............. Metal Gear Solid VR Mission: Metropolis Street Racing . . Mini Racers ............. Monster Truck Madness .. Moon Patro/Spy Hunter ........ Mortal Kombat Special Forces .... Motocross Maniacs 2 ............. МВА Showtime . . Next Tetris, Тһе. NFL 2000 NFL Quarterback NFL Quarterback Club 2000 (DC) . NFL Xtreme 2 ..... 2 Omega Boost ... Pac-Man World . Perfect Dark’. Pokemon Stadium . . Prince of Persia . Quake ll ... R-Type Delta Rayman 2 .. Ready 2 Rumble Red Dog ..... Requiem .................... Resident Evil 3: Nemesis ... Resident Evil: Code Veronica ....... Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman .. Slave Zero Sled Storm Soul Calibi Spider-Man . StarCraft .... Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Sword of Vermillion . Tail Concerto ... Team Buddies .. Tenchu ll... Test Drive 6 Tomba 2 . Tomorrow Never Dies Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

Page Number

Total Annihilation: Kingdoms

Trick Style ......

Ultimate 8 Ball .

Vandal Hearts Il . 25% Vigilante 8: Second Offense Warlock ...

Warzone 2100

WCW Mayhem World Driver

Worms Armageddon ... WWF Attitude (N64)

WWF Attitude (GB) WWE Attitude (PSX) Zombie Revenge .

Jay, The Gonzo Gamer

Jay@gameintormer.com “So there | am, trying to get my photo taken with some pretty girls. They nuzzle up next to me, so | relax my arms and slap something I'm not supposed to. E3 models’ butts: they're sticking out, lookin you in the face, and have hardly anything on them. You would think things like this would happen more often. For my accidental cheek grab, | received a stern, ‘HANDS AT SIDE!’ from the lady in question, a mad-dog stare from the photographer, and two cracked ribs from security."

Matt, The Original Gamer matt@gameinformer.com

“The O.G. is coming down from a week spent representin’ the Midwest on the Left Coast. E3 '99 being my first time in Killa Cali, you know | had to lay my game down real properlike. This year's show featured a little high-stakes corporate skullduggery. How's this for treachery: the Dreamcast was all set to be É3's prom queen, when those rascals at Nintendo pee-peed all over Sega's parade with a big announcement about their next console. Still, Sega had a good show overall, with strong titles like Soul Calibur and Ready 2 Rumble.”

Game Informer J

The Emulation User Comes Clean

I’m the guy that glorified the bane of emulation users those that take advantage of them because they're free games (published April ‘99). You shocked the common sense out of me when you actually published my letter, then threw what | believed was a threat at me the crack about “lawyers waiting to put the hurt on [people like me].”

| hope you're happy, because while surrounded by thoughts of the FBI looking up my name on a national search service, tracking me down in minutes, storming my house, giving my computer a full cavity search, finding my treasured ROMs, and throwing me in jail, | deleted (sigh) 90 MEGS OF ROMS and emulators. | was one of the greatest ROM-hoarders in the neighborhood, responsible for spreading the Emulation

Why Can't They Do It Like They Used To?

| miss the 16-bit era. When game developers would make a game for every system. They weren't one-sided like they are now. The only games that cross systems now are sports games. Think about it. The N64 could have Metal Gear Solid, the Tomb Raider series, and Square's excellent RPGs. The PS-X could have GoldenEye, and many of the great racers to grace the N64.Wasn’t it great when you could get a Street Fighter game whether you owned a Super NES or Genesis? Greg “Haggis Luver” Walter

via juno.com

Strange Substance Found in N64 Controller

What’s that white stuff that comes out of the joystick of the 64 controller? | Luis Hernandez & via yahoo.com Haven't you heard? Pikachu sprinkles every controller Я with Pika-dust to bring players good luck. Seriously,

Congratulations on Dreamcast Coverage

l've read your mag for a long time, and this is the first letter [ме ever written to you. I’m writing this because I’m sick and tired of all these people writing in to yell at you because you don’t praise the Dreamcast as your new God. For the most part, these guys have never even played a DC, but they criticize you because you don’t write exactly what the other mags say. | own a DC. | like my DC. But | do not sacrifice lambs to my DC. People need to stop making

e Game Informer July '99.

Gospel throughout my school. Playing the translated Final Fantasy 5 was so wonderful, too bad | deleted 23 hours of hard-earned experience. But | hope you're happy. Since I’m now piracy-free, | feel like a new man а Paladin (remember Final Fantasy 2 for SNES? Great ROM). Maybe a slightly corrupt Paladin, as | will still preach the Emulation Gospel to all, young and old, but with a truly noble set of do's and don'ts (and recommendations). Herman “The Emulation Paladin” Waterford

via yahoo.com

Our intent was not to threaten you, but just to offer a warning. The industry has really cracked down on emulation since your letter was published, and we want to make sure that none of our readers get burned.

Wait a minute. What about all the poor Genesis owners who never had a chance to play any of the Square RPGs available for the SNES? Likewise, SNES players never had the quality of sports titles found on the Genesis. In the years since the 16- bit heyday, certain companies, especially Sony, have offered other companies big bucks to keep games exclusive to their respective machines. In some cases, Nintendo has done the same. It is just a fact of gaming life that some systems don't get all games, just like HBO doesn't broadcast every great film.

you may notice that

p" the "white stuff" in EA question is exactly the same color as the analog

| joystick. It is caused by the plastic wearing on the sides of the controller casing. It’s just plastic.

opinions based on other people’s opinions, and start playing the games for themselves. The Dreamcast is great. It will be right up there with PS-X and N64 (yes, | have both) when it comes out here, but will not totally whoop these systems in every category like the God of the Consoles or something. Play it yourself, people, and if you still think it's flawless, believe me, you have

a mental problem. Mike “HooliganBoy”Welch via webTV.net

Well said.

Snail Mail:

Game Informer Magazine Attn: Dear бі

10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Old School Reader Speaks

І have been a loyal subscriber since the issue that had Treasure Island 3 on the cover and have always loved your opinions (though | occasionally disagree). І don’t know how many of these letters you get, but | am so glad that at least there is one publication out there that has not changed its review policy over the years. | can look at an old copy from four years ago, and the same principles you used to rate those games are still what you use today.

| know there are not a lot of people from those early issues, but | believe that the basic principles are still there!

Jim "lord. oz" Fees! Il via hotmail.com

P.S. | do miss Paul, The Pro Player!

Yeah, way back when, we were kickin’ the old school SNES and reviewing games almost exactly like we are today. However, that Treasure Island issue is more than four years old.

Pokémon Trainer Challenges Gl

| wish to challenge anyone who thinks they can beat my Pokémon. In one of your magazines, | read that you could beat anyone's Pokémon. | beg to differ. | can prove it to you. If you accept my challenge, | will make a deal with you. If | should win, then you give me the most secret code in the game (I

Save FF IU !

Square has announced they will not include Final Fantasy IV on the Final Fantasy Collection because of translation and “technical” issues. This is a terrible tragedy. It might be the only chance for U.S. gamers to enjoy the hard version of FF IV, and it will deprive newer fans of the series from playing it at all (due to the fact that U.S. copies of FF Il are extremely hard to find). Please urge Square to reconsider this decision. Thanks.

Ross “Richter B.” Woodard via aol.com

PS-K 2? What Happens to PS-K 1?

Once they make the PS-X 2, will that mean they will stop making PS-X games?

Ted Hamilton via yahoo.com

No, there will still be games made for the PlayStation once the PlayStation 2 is released. There are over 50 million PlayStations in circulation,

Email: deargi@gameinformer.com

WWW www.gameinformer.com

That baby debuted in the fall of 92 (that $ IS old school). Thanks for the compliments, but you really shouldn’t miss Paul, The Pro Player you should just lay some smack down about how he changed his name to the mundane “Game Professor.” He always aims he did it because the Pro Player sporting goods company paid him off, but we never will believe him.

already know the Yoshi & Mew code).

If you win, you may have any of my

strongest Pokémon such as my Mew.

Kevin Shoxz

via aol.com

Who dares challenge the finest

Pokémon players on the planet? Oh,

it is Kevin. You win. The most secret

stuff we know on Pokémon is in the May issue.

Indeed, the SNES version of FF 11 (known as FF IV in Japan) is hard to come by, but not that hard.We found a number of them on web auctions, and we’ve seen them in retail stores as well. It’s not that much of a tragedy in our opinion.The real tragedy would be the omission of FFV.That is the game that none of us have played in English. We could try to urge Square to reconsider, but we are still trying to get them to release Tobal 2 for PS-X.

By the way, the game will be called Final Fantasy Anthology in the U.S.

and there won't be an immediate switch to the PlayStation 2. If history repeats itself with the transition between old and new system, the support for the PS-X will last at least 12 months after the PS-X 2 makes it to the marketplace. However, because the PS-X 2 is backwards-compatible, the longevity of the original may be extended.

| scared, it's just | didn't have any | questions until now. First, | have to

tell you how much | like your input and | the way the magazine is done; don't

| a big sports fan and love playing the | sports games. | own almost every system out there. | have the original Atari 2600 and have watched the sports games improve considerably. | read the | article about the football game coming out for Sega Dreamcast and how the graphics are going to be showing the crowd in more detail, etc. How are gaming consoles going to improve (or make better) the sports games? | can't picture much

| was just wondering if you could define

exactly what a platform game із. | can't

figure it out. And which zoo did Reiner escape from?

Betsi Bjoraker

via aol.com

Simply put, a platform game is a game

15 there ever going to be a Final Fantasy

for the Nintendo 64 and if so when? Mew via aol.com

| just want to know whatever happened to the Pioneer LaserActive in your February ‘99 Classic Gl section. If you guys ever find it, could you send me some more info on it? It sounds kind of cool!

Dan Mosipher via hotmail.com

helmets). When will they come out with a baseball game that will be similar to NFL Blitz, such as the flying fireball with outrageous moves and hits, maybe combat baseball? Dave Wright via aol.com The future of sports games will indeed move toward enhanced graphics that will closely mimic the look of the real deal, but you will also see vast improvements in the computer controlled players' intelligence. The processing power of the upcoming systems will make players act (and react) in ways that are far superior to the games of today. The Internet will also hold interesting concepts for the armchair quarterbacks of tomorrow. As for the baseball game styled after Blitz, Midway is working on just such

must jump on. Mario, Crash, and Sonic are all platform games. We usually classify platform games with action as most games of this style have items to collect or things to shoot.

Reiner, of good lineage, comes from the world-renowned San Diego Zoo. He also makes special appearances at Disney's Animal Kingdom. Look for the baboons.

The likelihood that Square will support the N64 is almost nil. The RPG library for the N64 is dismal, but Nintendo is working on Earthbound 2 and Super Mario RPG 2. If you want Square games, you have to turn to the PlayStation.

If we ever find it? We own one. The LaserActive never really took off because it retailed for more than $1000, and the games made specifically for the system really stunk. You will have to be extremely lucky to find one of these gems in circulation. There are just not that many out there.

Enter the Game Informer Envelope Art Contest. All you need to do is draw, paint, scratch, spit, or carve the best darn envelope art you can think of and send it to us. Please include your name, phone number, and return address on the back of the envelope. If you're the monthly winner, we'll feature your work in Gl and you'll receive a video game prize from the Game Informer vault.

nett, Aurora, CO

"| don’t know if it’s good to admit this or not, but I got totally addicted to Ape Escape. While the early levels are kinda drab and basic, the second you start to collect gadgets and discover new areas, Ape Escape takes off. Not only is it fun mastering the two analog sticks, the monkeys are freakin’ hilarious. Every time | found a new monkey, | laughed my guts out - | mean really, who can resist monkeys in those classic wacky, zany situations? | know | can't. Then throw in the fact that Ape Escape has tons of things to collect, huge levels, minigames, and vehicles to break up the monotony and we're talking some serious gametime here. If you liked Gex, or conquered Crash, Ape Escape is worth checking out. It starts out Slow, but give it time, and you'll be going ape soon enough."

“I'm somewhat of a purist when it comes

| to controllers and I’ve never found the analog controller all that great. So here we have a game that only works with analog and I'm forced to get with the times. If you're like me and don't use analog too much, Ape Escape will take plenty of getting used to. Luckily, the game starts off slow and soon presents some fantastic play mechanics. From oaring a river raft to driving a remote control car, Ape escape is always throwing something new at the player. That's probably the best thing about the game - it has a new and fresh concept centered around the analog controller. Now | wouldn't go out and buy an analog just for this game, but it's worth a look if you have the goods."

"This is the kind of game that everyone roots for, yet are overly skeptical about when it comes time to purchase it. Ape Escape's gameplay chemistry is so diverse and its appeal so obscure that you really don't know what to make of it at first. But believe me, you'll get into it. You'll groove on the analogonly controls. And you'll love attacking and capturing the monkeys. This title also jumps out graphically, and let's not forget innovation. This game leaks it like an angry baby. The unique platforming techniques are absolutely brilliant. Besides tacky character voices and a learning curve that takes a few levels too many to develop, | think Ape Escape is a great game. Platform addicts like myself will probably say it's a little easy, but will enjoy the game thoroughly anyway.”

Game Informer July 99


Concept 9.25

Graphics 8.5

Sound 8.75




Concept 9.5


. Sound




Entertainment 9




Graphics 5

Playability 9.5


we had the ability to communicate with our simian

friends, we could acquire valuable knowledge from a

monkey.or ape. An African Mountain Gorilla could possess wisdom that reveals the answers to the mysteries and origin of the human race. A Grey-Cheeked Mangabey could deliver further insight in the eradication of the Y2K bug and easier HTML coding. The world could benefit greatly from this understanding between species.

But then again, if fiction is a looking glass into the future, we may not want to communicate with these primates-or even try to comprehend their ways. Displayed in endless novels and film, we've witnessed uncontrollable disaster when one more of earth's species rises to our cerebral status. Most memorable of all is the post apocalyptic world’ that Charlton Heston stepped into in. the extraordinary screenplay Planet of the Apes. Following in writer | Pierre Boulle's footsteps comes a more playful approach to the end . of the world in SCEI's little known action game, Ape Escape. Picture if you will a wacky cartoon prequel that leads up to the movie that rocked theaters in the summer of '68. j

The storytelling in Ape Escape unravels through numerous. real time cutscenes that often interrupt gameplay for additional story developments. The introductory scene sets the stage for the entire game, and réally, you couldn't ask fora more entertaining premise. The antagonist is an evil circus monkey named Specter who wears an intelligence-boosting helmet that ^N allows him to think like а human, act like a human, and control the fate of the world just like a human. Knowing . that one little monkey couldn't overtake the entire world by himself; Specter frees an entire zoo of monkeys and attaches additional helmets to them. With a loyal army’ at his side, he then activates a time machine and slides '

into the distant past where he has unlimited time to | shape the planet to his liking. `

Enter the glimmer of hope. At the exact moment that Specter warps back in time, two boys arrive and give chase. By the time they arrive, Specter has already spread )

his diseased plan far and wide. The only way to eliminate this threat | is to capture all of the intelligent monkeys and bring them back to 1 the future. With the help of à kooky old professor, Spike and Jake

(the heroes) have complete freedom to warp back and forth in time @

and also bring-along a few useful inventions like the lightsaber-

esque Stun Rod, and the always useful Time Net, Whatever lands | 1

inthe net will be transferred to present day. Say, “Bye, bye, monkey -

swine!” і Throughout the entire game the player assumes the role of _|

Spike: Why not Jake, you ask? You'll have to play to find out, but

we'll tell you he's involved in a huge plot twist! Nonetheless, `

: SHOCK THE 7} PlayStation 17/2 ойлату G Cover Story pe 7 MONKEY..-BUT NEVER” $ ў * Size: 1 CD-ROM LOVE THE MONKEY ES * Style: 1-Player Action (2-Player Mini-


* Special Features: 204 Unruly Monkeys; 8 Different Monkey Catching Gadgets; 20+ Levels; Bonus Minigames; Analog Required; Dual Shock Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: SCEI for Sony Computer Entertainment America

* Available: June 22 for PlayStation

Bottom Line: 8 75

Spike is perfect for this job. He's agile, aggressive, and loaded with undying enthusiasm for the extermination of intellectual monkeys.

‘Ape Escape’s gameplay also dares to be different. Instead of making use of the standard controller, this game demands that you use an analog controller or the Dual Shock. The directional pad is more’ or less worthless, and believe it or not, this.game makes good use of both analog sticks and all four shoulder buttons. The left analog controls the general movements of Spike, like swimming, running, and crawling. The right analog controls his actions and. items, like swinging the Stun'Rod and swiping the net. Ape Escape also uses the two, analog buttons that until now have more or less wilted and died on these.controllers. By pressing in on the:analog sticks, youll find two cleverly hidden buttons that when used properly, like they are in Ape Escape, enhance the gaming, experience greatly. At first, this awkward control is strange, but | after you get the hang of it, you'll love it more than anything. Ape Escape will even push you to perform feats you never thought of, like running”

forward with the left analog, then ‘controlling an RC car with the right at the exact same time.

) The action also crosses. over into Zelda teritoly by pee a ring of useable-

items onscreen. Four of the eight items.(which are individually unlocked as you move

forward in the game) can be equipped at once. Each items assigned a specific button

by the user. As you journey through the distant past, your main goal is to catch

7 monkeys. Each level comes packed with a ton of monkeys. You'll then be

i asked to collect a certain amount of these:monkeys to move on to the next . level. Some of the monkeys on'the levels cannot be reached or captured ‘until a specifié item is unlocked. You'll then need to REORUM to previgusiy played levels to snag the remaining monkeys. Ape Escape comes packed with multiple endings, a ‘menu that allows you to view the monkeys you've caught, and a plethora of ^ minigames that also need to be unlocked іп a devious way. If you like ғ ash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, or even more adventurous games such b. Raider or Legacy of Kain, we suggest you.take a look at this innovate release. It's'a large game...extremely large. You won't believe how big it is until you sit and play it. When your completion percentage inches hx forward b. 1%, you'll koy what we're talking about.

Game Informer July "99


Game Informer « July 99 > 2

Ape Escape is an involving game, an adventure that will grow on you and consume your days and nights. Be warned, catching monkeys is fulfilling and addictive. After you bag one, you won't stop until all 204 are secured. Here's a quick listing of techniques, quirks, and tips we found in this fantabulous release.

Conspiracy: Ape or Monkey? In Japan, the name of this game is “Monkey Get You.” When it transferred to the States, it acquired the title Ape Escape. As we all know, apes are quite different than monkeys. Does Sony know something we don't? Or is there a greater power at work here? We decided to study the beasts in this game to see which tag is, in fact, the correct one. After hours of research, we were unable to make an accurate ID. If you thought Saturday Night Live's Pat character was hard to label, just wait until your eyes make.contact with these devious mammals. The characters in the game are also confused. Every so often they say “ape,” then a few minutes later they change their mind and say “monkey.” The only way we could tell for sure would have required the removal of one of the creature’s pants. With this not possible in a video game, the ape/monkey will remain an ambiguous species. For the sake of the guide, we chose “monkey” simply because the word has more syllables.

Catching Monkeys

There are several techniques that сап be used ~ to catch monkeys. Sometimes you'll need to

be really quiet and sneak up on the beasts by pressing in the right analog to make your character crawl. Other times you'll need to hide

by pressing in the left analog. The strategy we liked to use most (and did so for 90% of the game)

is the good ol’ whack-the-monkey-on-the-head-until-it-is- unconscious approach. Also, we found that the Monkey Radar is a key ingredient in the removal of monkeys. If the Radar comes to life with the scent of a monkey and flashes that a bio is available, then the monkey is nearby. If it doesn't flash a bio, the monkey is in a different sector, usually a different room. Catching monkeys allows you to pass levels and unlock more. Collect all 204 and you'll access a new level entitled Peak Point Matrix. Some levels require that you return with a specific tool before you can collect all the monkeys. Follow the guide to find out how to get one of these tools.

Stun Rod Extensior

The Stun Rod is the tool for every crime in this game. Rotate the right analog and the stick will spin to life with energy. A smaller alternate version of this energy move is also available. Simply stick the Stun Rod out in any direction, then add the spin of the analog. As you can see, the Rod is considerably smaller. It doesn't have the same

mer Tuum gh. RR d

) a > : ^ ) 2 H

extension as it did when it was quickly whipped out. However, if you continue rotating, the extension will return.

Net Work

If you take a swing and miss the monkey, quickly spin the Time Net 360°. Doing this will cover your sides in case a monkey does fly right past you. Learn this technique. Also, if you use crawling as a technique, don't get up to use the Net. It can be used from the crawl position...and quite effectively, too.

Quick to Your Feet

If a monkey flees while you are in the crawling position, hit L1 and Spike will jump to his feet a tad quicker than letting off the left analog. It's not much of a difference, but heck, itlooks much cooler, and this game is all about style.

Tank and Raft Controls

If you are struggling with the Raft and Tank controls, then you're putting too much thought into how these vehicles work. For the best results, press both analog sticks forward at the same time, then release full pressure on one of the sticks to turn. Don't try and paddle from left to right; your hand will fall off from exhaustion. Cheat and use the double press up.

Collect 100 of these gold triangular pieces to unlock an extra life.

There are 60 Specter Coins hidden in this game. If you collect enough, these shiny gold pieces will unlock the bonus games in Time Station.

Collect 10, 20, and 40 Specter Coins to unlock three different bonus games. These diversions from the main game are pieced together nicely, offering plenty of challenge.

Time Attack ь After completing each level with а 100% | n Completion, a Time Attack option | becomes available for that specific | level. The Time Attack pushes the j player to capture a number of ЛА monkeys as quickly as possible.

The quicker you are, the better your rank Í : (gold, silver, bronze). EU ^ Snagging Energy Chips | | 3 will partially stop the clock. S i

The Magic Punch can also

create routes through walls 4 > 4 that flash...look for them to cut Q ; afew seconds. The Time Attack WEE

accounts for approximately 15% ^ Є

of the overall Completion : Percentage. If you do want to try and

acquire gold on each level, a handy Retry ~

option has been added to the Quit menu. 2



As we wrote this massive guide, our game was left unmanned for a few minutes here and there. During these breaks, we noticed that Spike, the main character, will perform a number % of idles while he awaits your arrival. Check them

out, they're quite amusing.

Ape Escape is loaded with different endings. To trigger these, simply beat the game, capture all the monkeys, snag all the coins, and record a perfect Completion Percentage.

T| Stage 1-1 - Fossil Field )

Aside from a fourth monkey that cannot be reached until you acquire the Sky Flyer, this level is a breeze. We'd even go as far as to say itis one of the smallest levels in the history of 3D gaming.

Noonan - A more harmless monkey is

unheard of. Just run up to this runt and

apply the electric twine. We recommend

beating on this dangerous critter for awhile before capturing him.

Jorjy = This lil’ bugga is scampering about in

„the grass. Give ‘im a good whack with your Stun Rod before you attempt to use your Time Net. Ah...isn't he a beaut!!

ай - Nati is located on the ў staircase. Beware his banana peel-tossing tantrums!

-y * Shuffle your little keester up a tree К + and you'll run smack dab into this rare 7-< medallion.

жа Tray C - Requires 3 Sky Flyer |. Run to the right and use

the Sky Flyer to launch up to Tray C's hideaway.

World 1 - The Lost Land

| Stage 1-3 - Molten Lava

Cover Story

Be a good student, and do everything the Professor says in the training session that takes place moments before this level. After you catch the monkey bobber, you'll be warped to the real level. At this point you can nab all the monkeys and reach 100% Completion for the first time. - `

Shay - This guy is pretty easy to catch. However, if you lack speed and 3 skill, he'll flee and jump 801058 the pond. Try and snag him before he

gets to his feet. '

Dr. Monk. The Doctor is observing your movements from.a higher vantage point. Cross over the bridge, hop across the square platform to the right, and bounce over to the large island mass. Kill off the alien

heads that slither out from the earth and take a look around: If you р

have good vision, you'll. see Dr. Monk's head peeking from atop a platform. Double jump up to the platform he rests upon and smack him across the head with the Stun Rod. Now, net the sucka.

Ah-Choo - After snagging the Doctor, focus your attention toward the

beginning of the level. Off to the left a'mailbox awaits next to а narrow

path. Head to it. The Professor will give you a useful tip that will aid in

the apprehension of the next monkey. Sneak up the hill and don't be afraid to get close to the slumbering. monkey. Without hesitation, and while still lying down, swipe the brown fella in your Net.

Gomit - Jump into the water and locate the flashing light atop this 3 monkey's melon. Swim over: and launch a Net onto his wet fur. You

P can net this one from the surface. Tyrone - Nowit's time to ride the beast. Approach Big Nester, the large Plesiosaur roaming the pond, and jump onto its back. When Big 5 Nester touches the lily pad in front of the platform holding the monkey, - launch through the air and confront the monkey. Smack it around a little, then add it to your collection.

atop the rock face. The monkey is your destination. To get there, jump into the water and squeeze through the crack on the rock face. Ascend the multiple platforms and Mr. Grunty is yours.

3 Grunt - On the main hunk of land, use-your first-person view to look |


e )

head first into that strange Specter Coin.

> = While splashing about, swim to the platform you started on. Dive below it and you'll run

Т Launch off this creature's back up to 7 | the monkey.

Sneak up on this monkey or it will flee W to safer ground.

There's no better rush than netting WU a monkey.

This stage is self-explanatory. Your adventure will take you up and to the left. The cave to the right can be entered, but nothing can be gained from here until later in the game. Just follow the trail: of monkeys and this level will be over before you know it.

Scotty - Ascend the ramp then Re to the left. Make a valiant ЗЕ jump through the waterfall and

teach Scotty a lesson. Net him when he's down and out.

Coco - Return to the waterfall. This time around, double jump to the rock structure a few feet in front of the falls. Double jump again to the plateau holding Coco. Able only to scurry in fear for her life, Coco is harmless.

> ~ From Coco's location, tum to e the right and jump on top of the < moving platform. Use it to get to

the next chunk of land. Ascend the stairs, then turn around. Make a little hop out onto the slide next to the stairs. You'll land right on top of that beautiful hunk of gold:

* From the lower step, \ turn and jump to the top of the wooden structure. Run along the path under the waterfall, then snatch the frightened monkey.

JA J. Thomas - This is the most | annoying monkey yet. From the

these shells.

guae le yout ‘ll ir 2

Thomas hiding under a Pteronodan egg shell. Simply look for the shell with little monkey. feet under it. Use your Stun Rod to reveal his location, then bag him with the Net before he flees to another shell. Believe us, he'll flee! Oh yes, he will! Over and over again!

^" Bamey - From the nest of eggs,

enter the red-tinted cave. Once

inside, try to lure the tyrannosaur

into ramming its head into the

rock platforms with а -light-gray tint. 20 this. process | about five „more

patie’ == ? A4 Lure the T-Rex into smashing its head ў \ against the rocks to free the monkey. ,

times. Doing this will knock the monkey off the T-Rex’s tail. When you see the monkey fly, get your Net ready.

Mattie - This monkey is takin’ it , easy on a platform in the T-Rex room. She's an easy catch.

3 Rocky - Requires Slingshot

Ascend the beginning ramp and

~~ enter the cave on the right. Use

your Slingshot.to hit the red button and

open the gate. Now, use your Stun Rod to:

deflect the bombs that Rocky tosses from

atop'the Triceratops. Three hits and Rocky will be knocked unconscious.

Stage 2-1

The Professor has set up another training session for you. Show him how tough you - really are, then enter the real world. Set the Monkey Radar to one of the free buttons (we recommend @), then begin the search.

M. Livingston - Use your Monkey «rage Radar to reveal this monkey hiding Ж in а pod on the tree. Once you find his hole, use the Stun Rod to set . him free. Net ‘im!

= Use the same technique

that you just did for Livingston.

Қ Likewise, Marquez is playing hide- ` and-seek in a pod.

/ George - From:the tree, follow the e path. and water to.the right and

you'll'run smack dab into the most

famous monkey of them all George. This feisty bugga isn't as curious as we thought, but he loves to throw hiš “own: hardened. rocks. Dodge his. assault, then launch up to his lookout platform. Nail ‘im. Nail"im good!

Elechim - Return.down the path «rab and enter the water gate parallel

with the giant tree. On the other

side, a monkey will scurry into a metal hole. When he returns; he'll be flying a UFO. Use your Stun Rod to knock him out of the sky, then bag his not-so-alien hide.

Herb - From Elechim, return to the "JJ beginning level segment and follow the river to the far water gate, Jump

8 | Stage 2-3 -

The good Professor has set up yet another training session for you. This time though, it's actually quite entertaining. Master the Slingshot controls, then enter the real level. This level is fairly straightforward. After bagging the sixth monkey, you'll enter a Dimensional Challenge against your arch- . nemesis, and long-time friend, Jack.

Troopa - From the beginning

| platform, proceed forward then

cross over the bridge to the left.

Use your Slingshot or Stun Rod to

create another-bridge, then cross over it.

* Destroy the spinning menaces, then enter

the rightmost door. Use the Slingshot.to

create another bridge, then use it to'reach

the block-holding Тгоора.- Не may look like

һе һав nowhere to go, but he will'jump off

the block and run across the bridge. Troopa

can lay down banana peels and use a laser

rifle like nobody's business. Make his career a short one.

-Stymie - After eliminating Troopa, "ye exit the tiny sanctuary and enter the door to the right. Veer to the left

A Game Informer July '99

World 2 - Mysterious Ago

= Thick Jungle

in the water and cross under.the gate and through the cave. On the other side, jump over to the raft. Use it to navigate across the „river, past the fish, and over to a wooden

dock. Ascend the pole, then double jump `

and whack the monkey off the monkey bars.

=) "Нор into the raft and work your way e 7 | over to the small alcove just at the ) beginning of this water segment. Here you'll find a Specter Coin.

жы Омеей - Continue rafting. down

the river and jump up to the

hollowed-out log cabin on the left.

Use your Stun Rod to spin the lever

that raises the gate, then quickly jump into

the water and swim under the gate before it

closes again. Immediately on the other.side, you'll be introduced to Dilweed.

Mitong - From Dilweed, exit

, through the cave and jump into the

raft. Row-up.to-a platform on the

fight, then jump out. Hop up to the next platform to the right of the cave and you'll run into. Mitong sitting atop a boiling бА of water.

> > See the Specter Coin in that pool of е /)water next to the far gate? Jump-to = grab it.

Stoddy - After bagging Mitong, take a’step back and return to the X platform with the cave entrance on it: nee onto the slanted log and

Cryptic Relics |

and ascend the small ramp. Drop down to the gate with the monkey behind й, апа use the Slingshot to hit the large red button. Once the gate opens, go get your prize.

Pally - With-Stymie in the bag,

gare the room with the gold gate

Ê lever in it, then pass on through the

- entrance with a green tint. Now,

pull out the Stun Rod and beat on the

column in the center of the room. Beat it

down to the point where you can jump up and grab the monkey.

Jesta - Exit back through the entryway you just came through, and use your Stun Rod to spin the gold lever.- Proceed through the newly opened gate and apply the Net to the frantic monkey head.

Drop down into the stream that cuts through the room that held Jesta. Swim forward under the wall until you reach an opening on

‘ascend to the top. Dancing about the trees,

Die nefarious tree! | 9

you'll find Stoddy. When he swings across the vines, double jump and whip him with the Stun Rod. If you don't watch your step, this monkey nabbing can be a tad troublesome as the man- eating plants often


Nasus - This monkey can be

А considered a mini-boss. His location is just a few clicks away

from Stoddy.-Just cross over the

parallel log and you'll see Nasus jump into a large tree. The tree will then come to life and protect the monkey. Use your Stun Rod (in a circular motion) to knock away both leaf hands. When the tree flinches in pain, use your Stun Rod to assault the tree's roots. Do this five or six times and the tree will wilt, and the monkey will tumble out. If at any point your health is in danger, turn your attention to the Cookie Container.to the left of the

is Whack it for life.

е Ее) ı Requires Sky Flyer

NEZ Head toward the water and-swim across to the small hunk of land. Use this elevated space to launch to the Specter Coin above the wooden gate..

the left. From here use the pole to reach the Specter Coin. Go through the paces again to bring you back to the waterway. Instead of cutting to the left, go straight. In this next room, use your Slingshot to. remove the "thick pane of glass, then pop-a cap into the red button. Exit through the gate, then jump out of the water to Spike's left. Use your Slingshot to eliminate any vermin along the way, then cross over the narrow walkway. Jump up fo the ledge on the left and snatch up the monkey in the next chamber.

Freeto - lf you've been following our:strategy, then-you should have X already exited this level after ~ fulfilling the: six monkey requirement, If not, we recommend leaving the level and reentering. From the starting point, avoid the bridge and cross over the Spinning wheels. Climb the stairs and push the block onto the red button. Now, corner “the stinky monkey and apply the Net of death.


,, Mitong Monkey Level 1


Attracted to shiny things

Speed Attack |! Alet |

Maki - - Requires Slingshot 3 From the beginning, swim under the gate to the right and veer to the

right again. Look up.and use the Slingshot to knock this monkey off its high horse.

Selur = Requires Slingshot

К From the beginning, enter the leftmost water cave and use your double jump and Sky Flyer to launch to the next level. In this next area, use the Slingshot to knock Selur off the vines.


Zanzibar Requires Sky Flyer

Pass by the introductory tree and keep on | heading straight ahead. Enter the cave and 3 use the Sky Flyer to launchr across to the | mushfoom: Open the gate and nail the 3 Gonzo.'From-this area, cross through the | vines and snatch up Alphonse, the second = monkey to cower behind a tree boss. Now,

walk along the ledge and drop down to the

narrow platform. Enter the cave, grab the M

Specter Coin, then net the monkey.

Ride in the raft or this catfish will YF shock you.

ъъ Bazzle - Once Freeto's stench is

quenched, shoot the red button

with the Slingshot. Cross over the

energy bridge, then hop onto the

moving platform. While moving, shoot the

red button on the far wall. Use this energy bridge to aid in the netting of Bazzle.

Crash - Requires RC Car

Ten Cross over the bridge and reenter і і the leftmost door that is locked by a red button. Travel back through the green- ` tinted entrance, and jump onto the water-- 3 mounted pole to the right. Ascend to the top | and use the RO Car to scare Crash out of d the cage. Make sure you're a good distance | away from the cage or eig will stay іп”

his coop.

This stage will introduce a few new skills that can be used to'gather energy chips. You'll also cross the path of a few new species. This time around, these baddies will require some extra techniques to kill. The onion dudes should be dodged after you nail them the first time. The purple things will continually assault you as they multiply. So stand in place and spin them to death as they approach.

Mooshy - The first monkey on this

ТТ stage is directly ahead, across the

valley, and circling the stone pillars.

~ - This critter is really fast, so don't

follow it. Run around the pillars in the

opposite direction, then smash it on the head when you meet.

= Ascend the staircase on the

far side of the pillars, and. enter the

temple ruins. to the left of the platforms. After taking out the purple

critter, crawl up the ramp. Don'tlet the second purple creature lure you out; a monkey is right around the corner. Sneak up to it and snag it without-trouble. If it does-notice you, watch out! This guy is packing a powerful laser gun.


From Papou's location, cross over the first pitfall, then stand on the second and wait until Trance steps on the switch. This will send you down a slide. Use the elevator to enter Trance's lair. Hasta la vista monkey. Use the second elevator to reach the Specter Coin. Now cross over the pitfalls again and exit the temple. Around the bend to the left awaits an

Stage 2-2 - Dark Ruins

onion dude and Kenny, the worst monkey guard of all time.

Nuzzy + Mav - After adding Kenny to. your collection, run out to the edge and push the |

block with the flashing green hands on E Turn your back to the Coin to таке Y

‘it off the edge. Follow it down to the ground (Note: You'll take damage for a fall this great), then enter the temple. Drop off to the right, kill the two fire demons, then ascend the stairs to the left. Crawl to the monkey, stop if his light turns yellow, then proceed again when it is blue. He should be an easy catch. Return to- where the fire demons were and ascend the narrow green path on the right wall. At the top of your climb awaits Mav.

& From Mav's location, you can.see a e Spectér Coin atop a rock structure. “== You can also see what a pain in the butt this piece is to get. We recommend leaving it and coming back to get it with the Sky Flyer. But then again, if you have Some lives to spare...


Exit the underground ruins at the opposite end, and you'll run right into Stan the Monkey Man. Because he's so cowardly, -we recommend that you slash him ten to twenty times with your Stun Rod before netting him. Before-leaving this area, jump up onto the poles and launch over to the rooftop holding a Specter Coin.

Cover Story |

Cratman = It's now time to test your jumping skills. Remember those platforms you passed up when you entered the temple? To the right of

the right-most green platform is a square gray

pillar. Hop over to it and you'll see your next

destination. Bye bye Cratman! It's a shame > monkeys can't fly.

&. GS). =

Jump across the platforms to the elevated peninsula of land. Enter the temple and step on the brown bricks. Upon arriving in the lower chamber, drop down underneath the bridge and grab the Specter Coin. Now, angle - your exploration to the right and crawl as Close to the monkey as you can. If he sees you, then get ready to run...like mad. This monkey is incredibly fast. Don't let him get


Chino - After snagging Runt, you'll

run into an extremely dangerous

primate. This monkey packs a wallop with his multi-missile attack. Use the same technique you did with Runt to i this furry demon.

World 3 - Dimension X

Hoolah = As you were chase Chino | and Runt, you probably noticed that | you trekked across. two. different paths. Run across the first again, | then at the next stretch (where the bridge was | that led to the elevator) jump. to the | cubbyhole. Destroy the flame tower and the sarcophagus will open revealing Hoolah; dead monkey no more. 1

Kyle - Exit through the opposite’end 1 of the temple that you entered from, | and drop off the green platform | directly ahead. You should practically | land on a monkey. Just swing your Net and | you'll snatch up a brown surprise. -q

Bemt - Requires Slingshot 1 3 Return to where you nabbed Papou-

and Trance. Use the Slingshot to remove Bernt from his haven. This monk shows signs of pure intelligence. Destroy

him. Torture him long and slow. Make him: suffer... ; :

Jump and slash!

gain on this bonus race. This race must be completed if you seek a perfect 100% game rating. You'll receive five Specter Coins for winning.

overtake him in the second water zone. Make sure you jump at the end of the slide and cut every corner possible. Use L1 to propel yourself through the water and double jump to get out. Success should be easy to

Stadium Attack

While it seems impossible at first, this guy is actually really easy to beat. Jake will always get a commanding lead. You'll catch up and

Jump to the water to cut some time.


After finishing the game; this level may be a nice Vacation spot. The sand is soft and the sun is shining. If you want a peaceful vacation, we recommend eliminating all of the monkeys who currently lay claim to this . fascinating beach front.

Gidget - If it's executed cole,

in this capture. Descend the sand hill and"look to the left. Shhhh. А

over to his location, jump through the air,

never saw it coming!

Jk Sandy - From the hammock,

maneuver to the left and hug the

"wall. Sitting in the sand awaits. a

monkey. If you get behind him, this

one will never see m soning. Sneaking is advised.

you should find great satisfaction -

monkey i is napping on a hammock. Sneak :

F and nail him with the Net. That poor lil oris Е

World 4 -

[8 3] Stage 4-1 Crabby Beach. 3

Cool Blue - Continue your search

of the sandcastles. Sooner or later, -

you'll run into yet another monkey. Be warned...this guy wont stick around when spotted. He'll head to the sea. Net him before he gets wet. After bagging this monkey (only if you are following this

guide), a gate will open. (Alternatively, bag three monkeys to open sesame.) =)

Shell E. = A few feet after the

sandcastles await two lawn chairs,

an umbrella, and a pesky monkey

getfin'tan. Don't worry, this one will stay on land. Avoid its banana antics and make it extinct.

Shaka - Enter the cave and cross -over the moving metal slabs. Wait

- Oceana.

walkway when it reaches a safe distance. Use the walkway to reach the other side, then 25 this hapless monkey.

= >. Drop down into the gap to the left е of Shaka’s platform. Enter the

cave and | uis on the elevator to . reach your reward,

Puka- Fromthe Spsctor Cain; use the elevator to ascend to a new cavern. Hit the spin wheel to open the metal door, then use the speed gate and-bumper (or the Dash Hoop) to beat the clock and reach Puka. For an easier bag, you can also come back with the Sky Flyer and launch up. to Рика - platform.

until Shaka steps on the red |

button, then jump on the extended

Even in the water, the monkeys have nowhere to run.

Moko - Requires Sky Flyer | Pion: Puka's location, continue d forward-down the path toward

Shaka's locale. When you come to the gap, look up to the right. Moko is waiting for you.

Max Mahalo - Requires. 5

; e Flyer (Can also be obtained Ф monkey - requirement i ~~ not met) yd

If you've already bagged six monkeys, us “the Sky Flyer to cross over to the g where Shaka once was. Shoot down М UFO and add him to your collection:

World 4 - Oceana |

| Stage 4-2-

Coral Cave

~ Ifyou can slide by the sharks with ease, this level shouldn't be too difficult to conquer. Nailing all the monkeys and that strange Specter Coin doesn't require any extra eS Go for 100%. -

Chip - - This guy has the pl

к hiding place - on the fin. of a hammerhead shark. If you've got he guts, drop into the water and shoot a Net at the fin of the hammerhead: If your shot is accurate, you'll snatch the

monkey right off the shark's s Spine. Just 572

away from its jaws.

2 ; Puddles - ca in the water and · + i qu toward the opening that holds

Б a great white shark. Swim below

the shark and enter the cave to the right Rise to the surface and jump to the land. Hop: across. the. three platforms and leap to the vine. Climb to the top, turn so your back is facing the next vine, then double jump over to that vine. Climb to the top again, turn so your back is facing the. platform, then double jump to it. Well...well...well...a monkey awaits.

; Oreo - From Puddles’ loft; drop ЕС down into the introductory pool and

СДА the татр. Slash n9 gray

A a

ONES cet چ‎ .* Hit these tentacles’ $us to reveal 00 топкеу.

After you bag enough monkeys, this + door will open. j-

13] Stage 4-3 - Dexter's Island )


lever, Switch your item fo the Dash Hoop. And while you're in stride, activate its power

` to quickly maneuver up the ramp. Activate

the power again to fly up the moving bridge.

7 Use a double jump at the end of the bridge.

~ to fly to the other-side and snatch Oreo.

Kalama - catch Kalama sitting with Puddles. Otherwise, he'll flee the scene and dive to into the introductory pool. гаа itdown and nail it with a Water Net.

E- Swim to the far end of the pool,- up to an unexplored cavern. Ignore

cut to the right. Pass by the swinging perils and snatch Mr. Monkey before he can escape in his cute little

| flying saucer- Е

ЕЖ е

Return to the cavern at the far end of the pool and this time cut to the left. Look out! A monkey is manning a submarine-mounted turret and he’s not afraid to open fire. Jump over the first waterfall to safe land. From this narrow gap between falls, jump to the hull of the sub. Use your Stun Rod to annihilate the

Hello Banjo-Kazooie! It’s time to enter into the body cavity of a large beast, and trek through disgusting caverns in search of the intangible monkey. There really are no

. perils on this level other than flying bubbles, and a few boulders and barrels that appear-

* out of thin air. Enjoy this eee Беба venture. -

А TonTon- Run forward and smash que the wooden image of Specter. Inside Ton Ton awaits.

` From Ton Ton's location, hit the red button next to the gate. Run out onto the dock and ride the turtle to the Specter Coin and Stuw's party barge.

> = Return to land. The ted dinosaur

/|directly-ahead is quite harmless. He's also immune to pain. бо smack ‘im in the chin and he'll open wide for ya. Jump down his throat and dive into the green digestive fluids. Sink to the bottom апа you'll find the Әредег Coin M under the ship.

Murky - Pull yourself out of the

„glop and jump atop the sunken ship. Dodge the barrel storm and jump to the purple walkway. Poor Murky...

If you get lucky, you'll `

the platform dead ahead. Instead, `

Jump from this ledge up to the gray structure.

turret. Now, apply your Net to the defeated foe. At the base of the sub, and submerged

under the falls, awaits the Specter Coin.

Jux - One more monkey is hiding in the submarine room. Cross over the falls and hoist yourself up onto

~ the platform to the left. Climb up to the gray platform, then jump to the tiny rock ledge on. the wall. From here, jump to the room of the gray structure to find Jux.

; Bong-Bong - From Jux's hiding î place, focus your attention on the Ж far wall. Use the Slingshot to hit the

bull's-eye and lower the metal bar. Drop down to the cavern and ascend the

- pole. Now, sneak around the corner, and net

Bong-Bong before he can create havoc with his plethora of weapons.

Horke - Plummet back into the digestive juices and cross into the chamber opposite the original entrance to this chamber. In this spacious pink cavity, sneak up on the monkey that freely roams the tissue. This monkey is armed to the hilt, so take him out

- quickly or suffer greatly. Don't touch the

pink tonsil-esque monstrosities or you'll get a boost in velocity.

A шы

- Again force your body into the green juice,

and head to the entrance to the left of the room you just battled in. In this pretty purple area, drop into the hole and run to the right. Enter into yet another room, and use your Slingshot to hit the eye on the bottom of the swinging tentacle. Ride the elevator, then enter into the next room. Use your Slingshot to knock the monkeys out of their cubbyholes. When they drop...bag ‘em!!!


~ Now proceed to the left. Use your Dash

Hoop to pass by the timed gate, then get your Net ready. Three easy-to-catch monkeys await. If you need some extra Cookies, look to the ledge directly below the hole you dropped from.

12 Cr

J sdb

^ When you get an opening, hop to the Sub and hack away.

ЫГ Use the Dash Hoop to cruise up the platform and cross over the bridge.

These jumps are tough, but doable.

monkeys, the gate in the room with f the infamous threesome will open. ~ Cross into the next cavern and get ready for war. A handful of tentacles will drop. from the ceiling. Run over to the Cookie Container for an optimal, and hit- free, shooting location. After the tentacles disappear, run toward the center of the room. Wait until the membrane holding the monkey drops, then beat on it with the Stun Rod. Repeat this process until Quirck is coughed up.

2% Mars- Requires RC Car

ЗР Drop into the digestive juices of the beast and swim to the pink platform. Hop onto and send the RC Car through the tiny opening. After a brief chase, the monkey will emerge. Net it when it rears its head.

carne = After you've netted five

=) = Requires Magic Punch

“=> Enter into the dinosaur's gut and | proceed to the slide off to the right. Jump | out of the pool of water at the end of the | slide, and use the Magic Punch to break the casing blocking the Specter Coin. 1

Stay out of the water and don't bother with the frozen aptosaur. To kill the snowmen, simply hit them then run and dodge their attack, or get in their face and slash them

. moments before they jump.

Рорсісіө - Cross over the ісе

"Je peninsula and jump to the next

: segment of land. Proceed under

~ the wooden structure and destroy

the evil snowman. Now, head toward the

igloos. Destroy the snowman en nail the monkey.


Continue a few feet deepér into this level and you'll see the Specter Coin hovering

Stage 5-2 -

World 5 - New Freezeland

| 6: 2l | Stage 5-1 - Snowy Mammoth )

above a pole. Simply jump to the pole and

дгар the piece. Now, slide down the pole, turn: around, and use the Stun Rod to shatter the ice. Guess who?! It's Mr. Iced. Get ‘im!

Rickets - Approach the woolly

j mammoth and shoot the monkey

cage with the Slingshot. Quickly : evade the return fire, then apply another shot. Repeat until the cage breaks and the monkey plummets to its doom.

Denggoy = Cross past the windy cavern to the left and slash the metal lever with your Stun Rod.

~ Jump onto the moving platform | that lowered and double jump over the `

deadly.blades. When the platform spins to the top, jump to the tiny platform to snag

Frosty Retreat )

7 When a monkey hops into a saucer,

E bring out the Slingshot to down it.

x E ]

Applying the Stun Rod is the easiest way to net a monkey.

The cto really starts to heat up m Em

itll remain intense for the remainder of the .

game. So adjust; or start packing your bags. This stage will test your jumping skills as well as your reflexes in combat. Take your time!

Punky - Drop off the starting platform, and = destroy snowmen to make the capture of Punky oh-so silky smooth:


Enter the cave on the lower portion-of this level, and use the Slingshot to push the polar bear into the ісе columns. As you'll

the -

Here's where you-get the Sky Flyer. This little device will allow you to finish several previous stages. Return at your own

| - leisure. Those annoying flying blue -creatures are everywhere on: this stage. Nail them with the Slingshot ag avoidthe .

jellyfish at-all costs.


Turn so that the wall is to your right. Use- the Sky Flyer to glide over to the next segment of land dead ahead. Pass:by the ice window and walk across the narrow bridge. Enter into the ice house and let the

| ^ Net massacre begin. Before you leave this.

ice house; look: straight up and the location of the Specter Coin is revealed.


Maneuver $o that you are looking into the house from the snazzy ice window. Now, jump up the series of platforms to the right. At the i enter the cave gid ascend the

soon see, Dea are a ton of sort bears and a ton of pillars to destroy. Work your Way around and you'll eventually run into Dissa, Roti, and a Specter Coin.

Ameego - Return to the ice and

arab snowman field. Jump into the

: small pool of water and swim

under the waterfall. Upon arriving

in the hidden bunker, you'll run smack dab

into Ameego. Nail | him before you: try to net him

Yoky + Jory - Return to the

starting platform and work your.

way along the tricky jumps. Hop across the falling ice bridge, then nab the monkey cowering in the cave entry.

this hard-to-reach monkey. While still on this platform, smash the control panel.

Chilly - This is-one of those

monkeys that you don't want to

A catch, but have to. He's humble

and quiet, in a world of his own. It's

too bad your-greed outweighs your love of

life and respect for the evolution of other

species. Jump. back onto the spinning

platform, then leap ош to the pipe

connected to the raised hunk of land. Now, bag poor little Chilly.

Skeens - From Chilly's location,

e head to the left and cross out onto

wt the narrow snow platform. At the = end, you 'Il find Skeens.

stack of ledges directly ahead. Snatch Gash, then run around the corner and drop down to the water below. Sitting in-an alcove to the left is a Specter Coin.

Shadow + Kundra - Return to

where you. first saw Gash, then

тип to the right. This time don’t

descend to the water. Go the other way and use your Sky Flyer to launch you over the spiked wall. Use the outlets to dodge the boulder, then cut to the right. In the next cavern, power-up the Sky Flyer to leap up.to Shadows location. Now, drop down to the cavern floor. and ascend the vanishing ledges. Kundra awaits at the top. You'll need to whack him with the Stun Rod to cool his jets.

© Dim

“From Kundra’s position, proceed to the

right and ascend the ice bridge. Enter into the light and dive into the drink. Sink down

-to the bottom and snag the final Specter

Coin. Rise to the surface and locate the

Spelunk through the cave, then jump to the platform at the other end. Sky Fly to the nearly out-of-reach platform and send Jory your love.

E ae.

(OVE. FF canter + Looza + Crank From Jory’s locale, continue working wonders with the Sky Flyer; and if you have

what it takes, you'll eventually reach another entrance. Enter in and snag the

Specter Coin to the right, then step оп the partially frozen lake and nail the wee little

monkey before he makes a run for it. Now, look to the waterfall for the location of Looza. Also, use the Monkey Radar to pinpoint the wandering Crank. He may be up the staircase to the left.

Lf From a distance, use the Slingshot to Y destroy this monkeys safe haven.

Face to face.

small ice island. Knock the UFO out of the sky and bag Ranix when he crash-lands.

Sticky + Sharpe - Sky Fly or raft Re to the ramps. next to the Ê water gate. Destroy the heads оп | your way up, then snatch the = = monkey. From Sticky's alcove, drop down

into the water and Swim to the land on the |

right. Ascend the stairs, and use your | Slingshot to eliminate-any-vermin that. 1 could cause damage as you cross over the | ice tightrope. Instead of sweating buckets | as you cross over this narrow path, simply. | walk to the edge of the first stretch of | tightrope, then double jump and Sky Fly to: | the plateau withthe monkey. Alternatively, | m can jump up to the path from the

FO pad.

Droog - Dive back into the E and head in the direction of the

wall, and you'll find an opening that leads? to Droog’s rocket-launching vantage point. 3

ет the temple just yet. Climb on



Gladiator Attack

They're neck and neck but Spike pulls through.


Twelve monkeys...Conspiracy! Conspiracy!!! Dodge the wooden ninjas and always remember lava kills. Now, go get them pesky monkeys!

look at this triple posse. Continue crawling as close as you can to

Y this tribe of monkeys. Quickly stand up and. net one, then net

another. One of the monkeys will usually flee, but if you are quick

enough and net the first two without error, you'll be able to trail and net the third. If you do loose one, search the bell.

3 Rocka + Taku + Mara-lea - Crawl up the stairs and take a good

i Use. your Slingshot to dethrone and injure Мод once again. This =- guy is a little restless so beat the tar out of him before you apply 22. the Net. j

a Walk behind the bell. That's it.

3 Wog - Look to the roof above, opposite the inaugural staircase.

М Va а/ы E ғ Head to the well on the far right. Jump inside and get ready for monkey madness. If you cannot sneak up on these guys, they'll cause a serious ruckus. Try to tail them as best you can and whack them before attempting a netting: Before leaving, head to the far right corner and use your Slingshot to activate the red button in the upper alcove. Doing this will move the statue and reveal Voti's secret home. Use the broken pillar to the left of Voti's home to start a long journey to a Specter Coin. е а)

A ча ©

Mayi + Owyang + Long + Sex Return to the main portion of this level and enter the building. Run to the left to snatch up Mayi as quickly as possible. If he runs, then you'll in turn be running for your life from a firestorm of missiles. Now, ascend the stairs and net the monkey napping in the left palm of the statue. Climb to the head to Oy a Specter Coin. Lastly, run to the right side of the room and snatch up

ang. Ps

Elly + Chunky - Dont leave

top. of one of the outer rim

cubes whefe the tiny statue resides. Use your Sky Flyer to launch up to the rafters and two more monkeys. Try crawling to catch the speedy Elly. Don’t Jet this monkey see you. ;

These monkeys are tough to net. Just hang in there and you'll get an opportunity. 3

Game Informer July A em

Beating Jake is a breeze if you're on with 4 your Sky Flyer spins. Get in front of this guy early, and restart the race if you end up

World Ó - Dimoneion X

grabbing a ledge rather than flying over it . Other than this, be cautious on the narrow | path and Sky Fly to victory. Your reward is | five Specter Coins. ў

cleanly. You want to get out in front of this guy as quickly as possible, and there's no better way than the beginning platform segment.

The only advice we can give is to stay.calm and keep pressing forward no matter how. terrible your plethora of deaths have been. This level and its nasty pitfalls will suck away your extra lives at an incredibly fast rate. If you want to tackle this stage in one fell swoop, make sure you have at least five lives waiting to be burned. Good luck! г

(Е; - The first order of business lies RE behing the cylindrical platform off to.

—— the left. Jump out to it and grab the Specter Coin, :

Эт . Continue forward on the road

«Э and ride the spiky platform to another М road segment. Jump out to the log structure on the right ahd cross over

the spinners to the Zen master’s location.

Zobbro - Return to the road and | ascend the disappearing platform. «A Instead of risking the narrower

~ disappearing platforms, drop down to the brick floor and net the: monkey. д

Du. QUIE Xesto + Zanabl + Мооре + V.

From this lower section, ascend the wooden > structures and climb onto another portion of the . '

wall. Jump. onto the roller and cross into the temple. Once you pass by the next entry, you'll

“іре locked into a circular arena with three

monkeys. Snatch them up as quickly as possible, but whatever you:do, don't let them Teach the gong. If they smack it, you're in for a

world of hurt. After capturing all three, a Gold

Specter Coin will become available.

Doxs - Ascend the siaits.that appear

«rai. after beating the three monkeys and continue on the path. Shoot the red

button’ on the left with the Slingshot,

then proceed forward past the spinning saw blade. At this: point, watch for strange rolling objects. Drop to the brick floor, then run around the corer, ascend to the ledge on the left, and snag the monkey using the binoculars.

again’ and climb up the large wooden

structure, or run up the road and hit the switch to activate the bridge, Jump across the spinning logs and enter the temple. Cut to the left and activate'the walkway. Activate another walkway then ascend the winding path. Use the Boomerang to hit the target on the pole, then use the pole to cross over to the green path andthe monkey.

/ > Buddha - Drop down to the brick floor `, '

10 Jf] Stage 7:2 - Wabi Sabi Wall )

ФЕ „Й Kong + Phool

From Buddha, exit the temple and. head forward to the trolley. Don't jump on the bar just yet. First, hop on top of the structure holding the trolley. Turn to the right, double jump, and Sky Fly to the grassy platform holding the Specter Coin. Now, backtrack to the trolley.

Jump on the bar and, when you arrive at your ғ destination, quickly take action and bag Phool

before he can fill you full of lead or flee up the wall. If you miss this beast the first time, you'll have to hold off on him until later in the game.

‘Ashort way up the road awaits Kong, another

ill-tempered monkey. After:you take down this primate king, a tile will drop on top of the tower revealing access to Phool’s hideaway. Drop down and get him if you haven't already.

Fooey - Requires RC Саг ` 1 3 Head back to the temple where you . “=~ found Buddha: Drop down tothe glass 1 on the right and use the RC Car to lure '

гош Fooey.

Rekindle your SNES skills.

Stage 7-3 -‏ ]2033[ سے

Twenty monkeys...Holy. crafka! This level is stressful. The monkeys are ferocious...and plentiful. Plus, there's a ton of backtracking and button pressing. We're not gonna tell you to stay cool on this one...panic and throw as many fits as you like. Just don't break your game or PlayStation.

/Ж- Naners - Don't head to the castle

just yet. First, cut down the path to.

“Ж the left and give Naners some manners. Ha ha! Ouy...

ay Robart - After bagging Naners; turn

e back toward the path you just

descended and cut around it to the

right. This monkey is.a tad dangerous, 50 use caution and sneak if you Can.

С.“ Return to the front of the castle,

IK but again, avoid the. entrance. This

< time, hug the left side of the castle

EX jump to the broken wooden walkway.

Double jump, and ao Fly to the

Specter Coin.

Г ‘Donqui «. Fe] + Joey < Finally...enter the castle. As you can

ФА see, the main gate is closed for

_ awhile so cut to the left and enter

the door. As soon as you step in the door, you'll scare a monkey. This critter is an easy bag, but he will flee to the holes holding the bell ropes. Back away from the bells to make the monkey show his face again. From here, jump шр оп thé ledge to the left and Sky Fly їо Fej's hidden platform. Now, hit the wooden lever to raise the pillar. Move as quickly as you can up-the platforms before the pillar. sinks. Peer the door. First, cee

minute...it's just a stupid RC Car! Even gadget; it definitely is а cool item to use.

Bh üÛp with this little thing? Hmmm...

г Kaine = Run up the hill and use

d e the RC Car to-knock Kaine out of his cage. This little guy has been

: preparing for this moment-his entire life...but he never expected his first

fight to be against a red-haired boy with a

lightsaber. . Explicit ^ violence. is recommended for this capture. Jaxx- From Kaine's cage; ascend 3. three stumps up to Jaxx's gym,

monkey on the pipe. Sitting on а

park bench, doing his.best Forrest Gump impersonation, is Alcatraz: Would ya like a box of whoop ass, Mr. Monkey?!

Tino + 0. Bee - Backtrack to the

arî Ê саде and tree stumps. Use the ЎА stairway against the far wall-to reach. the monkeyhole that opened. Drop in and head forward. Use the RC Car to.press the button, then pass into

Alcatraz - Return to the main path 7 3 and continue forward past the

though this isn't-necessarily an innovative

What wondrous new troubles can we stir - -

Crumbling Castle )

central pillar and ds Joey ul of his misery...

Neeners + Igor -.From the 3 room, ascend the

platforms 'and enter the door. | fS :

Pass: through and. snag

Cover Story

Neeners. Before leaving, press the red button on the castle’ wall: Also, run past the strange monkey box and glide to the hill behind the castle. Hapless Igor awaits.

= Gustav + Sir Cutty - = Backtrack to

the main gate and enter. Sneak up to the throne and net Gustay. Next,

use the Sky Flyer to reach the Candlestick. .

chandeliers and net Sir Cutty.

Эль ima £ г

From the chandeliers, jump to the platform and enter to the left of the throne. Grab the Specter Coin and apply the Net of justice.on Wilhelm. Return to the chandeliers and hop to. the other“ side.-Here you will find Emmanuel.


3. 21

Run around the corner from Emmanuel's perch and jump onto the swing. Quickly hop off the swing to the door on the left and enter. Fall down the white slide and bag Ringo. Turn to the left and drop into Densil's cage and bag him too. Now, jump over to the lowest slide and use. it to reach the Specter Coin.

Keep àn eye out for Q. Bee. She's a mean

lil bugga! Є... Мемапіс

Ascend epe and use the RC Car to form a path over the slant. Use the RC Car again to get the Specter Coin and press the button. From here, you'll run smack dab into McManic.


Dont leave the complex just yet. Return up the stairs and jump into the large sewer pipe. Use your Sky Flyer to pass by the oil

drums-and land on the platform with. the.

cage: To get the Specter-Coin, you'll need to jump on top of a blue barrel and leap up to the top of the cage. Now, drop down to the lower platform. Slide with the barrels down the ramp and leap out to Dywan's secret lair.

Winky + B Luv - Hop across the

3 second set of oil drums, and enter

М into the second pipe that holds the

. monkey. If you're not quick in your netting, this little furball will run and join his.

World 8 - Futurama

[13 21 Stage 8-1 - City Park |

All right, it's а new gadget! Wait a НС Car again to lure Tino out of his cage.

held the Specter Coin to flip up to

Figero's torture chamber. If you

miss the jump, use the elevation on the left, then leap over to the slide and try again,

Castalist + Calligan + Deveneom

| = After you bag this Figero chap,

Ж drop down and challenge the knight.

To take it out, wait until it slashes at

you, then retaliate with a quick Stun Rod

swipe. When it perishes, enter through the

door, hit the red button, then junip into: the

water and snag Castalist. Make sure your air

tank is full, then swim down and.enter the

cave on the right. Maneuver through the

tunnel and at the end you'll find Calligan. Exit

back out to the main pool and continue forward to find Deveneom.

A Sige Ti U j ў . CE Dr iors towne

3 Figero - Use the jelly bounce that

Jump out of the water and pass by the

moving perils. and then on through the tiny gate. There are two monkeys in this next gear room, and don't be surprised if one jumps over your head into the water upon your entrance. Run up the stairs, hop across the gears, bag any monkeys along the way,

friend Mighty: Go get 'em both. (If you follow this guide, you'll only be able to snag one monkey. You'll-have to return for the other.)

- JA Camper + CK Hutch - Before y hitting the next tube, drop into the

water: and dive to the square entrance. - Quickly maneuver forward pastthe Camper and up to the next

- surface point. Take a deep breath and

return to get the monkey. Now, jump up onto land and snag the other monkey. If one of these two monkeys flees, simply

-< place the RC Car on’ the red-button * о сћаѕе. 2

е) г МИИ

Exit the cage and hop over the second set of drums again. Enter back into the water room and head. through the pipe on the tight. Dodge the spinning blades and drop into the next room: Swim to the left wall and jump up to-the Energy Chips. Now, angle jump out and Sky Fly back:to the ledge above that holds Huener. Jump back into the water and exit through the tube on the opposite end of the room. Jump up to the Specter Coin and assault the monkey on the, tube a few clicks down. This level is complete! Badda bing! Badda boom!

the doorway, Turn to the right and ивеЛһе =- К ; ! ing! La a

“апа, thankfully, it's really easy to beat.

then press the red button to move the gear toward the Specter Coin.-Make a valiant jump and it's yours.

Boss - The Purple Gollath

Back out of the castle and return to the roof. “1 Enter into the newly opened door and look evil in the eye for the first time. That's right; Specter awaits..and he's not very 7! happy...nor is Jake. Before.you can shove | your Net down their throats, a boss emerges ~

Simply run away from it-until it unloads its electrical ax slash. When it is electricity-free, | smash it with your Stun Rod. Repeat, and defeating the Purple Goliath is inevitable. ° |

Charles - Requires Magic: 3 gi 1

Return to the roof of the castle and | smash the monkey box to give Charles rel

1 4 Тһе RC Car will lure this monkey out | of о

Ы Slash this beast, then retreat before it as a chal

Hop off a blue barrel to reach this hi eig! ht



Any level that demands you use the RC Car over and over again is okay in our book. This stage is rather small, but some of the jumps,

which happen to be obnoxious and trying, will make it seem like it lasts forever.

^^ Big Show + Dreos = Jump into the ett tank and destroy one of the two - striped block stacks closest to the. tank station. Behind these blocks lies the foul creature, Big Show. Bring out the Slingshot or use the tank's power 10 down his UFO. Continue destroying the striped blocks and you'll run into a ramp. Ascend it and get ready to confront the mightiest monkey of them all, Dreos.

From Dreos' saucer.pad, enter into the helmet factory and run to the other end of the room. Enter the door, then descend down

Stage 02 = Speers Facey)

World 8 - Futurama

get the Specter Coin, you'll have to. be especially quick or willing to waste a life. At the end of this run awaits Weev. -

жы Vince = Return to the chamber yy Û before the RC antics and head through the monkey door on the right. Follow. the trail of Energy Chips through the incredibly easy challenge. Now, spin all three levers in order, then quickly jump across them to reach the next tier. Actually, you only need to spin two and use the Sky Flyer. Either way works well. Once you complete this, run across the walkway and enter through the door. At this point it’s time to bag Vince our kind of monkey.

Hurt - Plummet to the floor and \ activate the crank. Use the newly way accessible lift to get back to the

2Q | "soe afer e ul

the ramp to the right. Bring out the RC Car and drive it under the glass floor. Run with the RC Car to the red button (pretty whacked, huh?), then quickly jump up the stack of blocks that appear. Run with the car again across the moving platforms. If the car plummets, you'll find another entry point only a few feet back and to the left. After you pass this challenge, get ready for the hardest of all. You'll need to move the car from button to button as you cross the moving floor. To

The monkeys оп this stage are fairly docile. Sure, there are a few who choose to . destroy your strong will with missile showers, but one swift swipe with the Net will end any monkey charade. Enjoy this level. Love it like your childhood: puppy. From here on in, this game isn't so nice.

Tortuss - Run straight forward

| into the building and hang a left to

ww meet face-to-face with this foul- mouthed monkey.

Manic - From the entrance of this

building, run. straight forward

` through the glass doors. You'll find

Manic a few clicks in. This monkey may

. flee up the wall to the left. Use the Sky

Flyer to give chase. Bag it, then hit the red

switch on the opposite side of the clock to lower the water.

P r

Әс: + S Mach 3 + Charlee Exit the clock room and jump. down through the opening created by the removal of water. Hop. down the stairs, pass through the door, run to the right, and jump tothe alcove up and to the right. Now, fly to the orange walkway, and carefully walk across the green extension to get the Specter Coin. From here, drop down and

1270] Stage 83 - TV Tower )

The tank rocks...use it as much as you can.

swim to the mini-platform holding Mach 3. Lastly, swim through the green-tinted tube and’ use the Slingshot to knock Charlee down.

a tf: Ы ФЕ A^ EMEN.

Return to the lobby of this building and pass through the glass doors again. Run up the ramp to the right and pass through the monkey door. Jump into the tank and hit L2 to bring up.the scope. Shoot the red

and white boxes directly ahead to-reveal :

Ruptdis and a Specter Coin. Drop to the grass and nab:these two items, then head to the right and snag Eighty 7.

Danio - Return to the tank, and follow the flashing green path all ' the way to the top where Danio

eagerly-awaits your arrival.

Roosta + Whack + Frostee +

ramp Tellis - Use the tanks bombs to ZU blow away the blocks behind Danio's UFO pad. Enter into the structure and run across the pipe to the left. Break the glass and hit the switch. Return across the pipe and ascend the flashing arrow blocks. Run across the ramp and step on the lift. The trick here is to net the monkeys as they swing across the poles. If

* [on j C / |

door. Remember the monkey that we claimed:to be the mightiest of all? Well, he's a pushover compared to hurt. Seriously folks, this next monkey is a son of a gun. His mecha suit is quick and powerful, Dodge the missile, dodge its shockwave, and avoid the slide. When it slides by, turn and whack its jets. You'll be bloodied after this one...that’s a Gl guarantee!

2 2 << Ф.д T Radd After destroying mecha monkey, jump over

the boxes at the far end of the room, then’.

proceed down the ramp. Call upon your 16- bit platforming skills to pass by the next stretch, then hit the lever to lower the tube. Instead of crossing to the next tube, ride this one up. Jump to the Specter Coin on top of the other tube, then backtrack to the fence path and net Radd.


you-wait too long, the fans will blow you away. The red button on the right will reverse the lift. Step on it when you get too low. Bag both monkeys and a new hope will be revealed. Ride the lift down, staying close to the red button, and use the Slingshot to destroy the glass. Ride the lift back to the top, then run over and drop into the newly exposed room as the lift drops. Snatch up Frostee and hit the red button. Before leaving this room destroy the computer on the far right. Exit and jump on the lift again. The fans are now dead, so Tellis can finally be captured,

Boss - Da Flying Machine - Backtrack down to’ the red button and second monkey door. Enter it to confront Specter. Just like last time, this coward-will hide behind a gigantic boss. This flying machine is actually easier than it looks. Dodge the missiles. When it lands, run and avoid the fire and mini-UFO assault. When the green eye appears, run up and whack it. Repeat this process. You'll also have a clean shot

b X. e х0 (4

Shimbo » From here drop to the o floor. Use the RC Car to knock ж shimbo onto the killing field.

String - Return to the top and pass 3 onto thé second tube. Now, enter

А through’ the door, and carefully

ascend the conveyer-belts up to the

far left corner where the brain-fried monkey sits and mocks us all.

; Khamo - Continue up the tiers of

conveyer belts and cross over to the

E platform. Guess who? It's another

mecha monkey!! Agh!!! Don't

fear...your knowledge from the last battle will ensure that you survive and conquer all.

Shonek -. Requires Magic exc» Punch.

~= Return to the gear that lowers the tube, and use the Magic Punch to remove | the metal wall on the right. Inside awaits a- | much-needed web geek monkey:

re Return with the Magic Punch to unearth some new secrets.

To be saved or not saved...that is the question.

of the eye when the ship turns and flies. 4 Use the Slingshot during these instances. After a few hits, the vehicle will flash red;

signaling victory is near. 3 Fredo- Requires Magic Punch | А 3 level is easy to finish off. 227

= From the beginning, simply run to 4 the left and smash the metal monkey box.

We y ғ

This level is ‘massive. The monkeys are spread across multiple segments and some of the jumps are extremely ‘tough. You'll also run into a slew of bosses. Keep your guard up and in the words of Darth Sidious, “Wipe them out: All of them.”

Western Land -This segment is small...but faded to the hilt with the most wretched hive of. monkeys this side of « Apetooine. қ

UNE 4-4 Соу

Immediately after entering this stage, turn around and ascend one of the two wooden poles on the sign.to get a Specter Coin. Next, jump on the roof of Day Goods Western and net Cloy.

Flea + Nak + Shaw - Drop down to the ground and y bring out the Slingshot. Hurl your rock of justice at the

three monkeys in the Western Hotel windows, then

net them while they fall.

* Coaster ~ Just like Western Land, this level is extremely short, but we think you'll thoroughly enjoy riding on the tremendously fast coaster. The goal on this level is to save dear friend, Coasters rule! Monkeys drool! A

3 Goopo - Before boarding the coaster, head straight


С ahead and drop down to the grass. Sky Fly across the & pit, then ride the platform to Goopo's hidden arcade ы sanctuary. ; )

j <<. 2 Specter Coins - Jump on the roller coaster and e / use R1 to jump over the skull-gates. Keep your eyes ~~ peeledyand you'll. see an'extra life and: 2 Specter

Coins that Can be acquired by jumping at the appropriate time. '

е) « ` л

Є + ا‎

After the rad coaster ride, follow the red,carpet to the wooden wall on the left. Use your Stun Rod to break through, then ascend the stairs. Destroy all ofthe pots on the way, then cross over-the narrow. path«and drop down to Porto. Step on- buttons in Porto's cage, then head out and enter the next door. Before hopping across the skulls, jump straight up and nab the Specter Coin. Then maneuver.to the next room. Drop down and catch the coffin-jumping monkeys. If you need Cookies, bat away the blue ghouls. With the girl saved, jump into the second coaster and return to the main gate.-If you missed.a Specter Coin; this is a good opportunity to go get it. Otherwise; there's no point staying here any longer.

Specter Circus - Take your time on this level: There are no checkpoints, so every death restarts the level even with the clown boss at the top of the cage. To defeat the. clown, dodge his rolling attack and counter with a slash to the clown

Stage 9-1 - Monkey Madness )

body. You cannot hack the ball he rides on..You'll need to jump to getin a good shot. If you time it correctly, you can whack the clown five times before he does a thing. When you fall, switch to the Sky Flyer and safely land, or you'll take on damage. Now, simply hit the clown after he bounces off the fence and double jump his rolling attack. Piece of cake.

Go Cars = To access this level, you'll need first to beat Specter Circus. To destroy Jake’s. mighty car, Start out by dodging the RC Cars. Next, step into the red box to activate

, the green light. This will make Jake rev up and slam'into the wall. Move out of the way and whack the green spot on the back of the car. Repeat and Jake will go down.

Main Gate ~ After getting reacquainted with Jake, enter the main gate behind the Specter fountain. 1

Run along the outer rim and Sky Fly to Schafette's position. Now, drop to the valley and hop on top of the teleporter to get a Specter Coin.

ж à

RES) < 2S + BG + Laura + Donovan Enter the ‘teleporter and а Specter Coin awaits to the immediate right. Continue further to the right and ascend the

block up to the alternate door. Enter and run past the spinning ,

blades to the far wall. Ascend the two narrow ledges and jump «Чр to the balcony. Use your Slingshot to activate the button, then jump to the Specter Coin. Retum down to BG's hiding Spot. Back out to the yard and knock Laura's saucer out of the air. Next, run to the left and knock Donovan out of thé sky.

Б «Є. | dcc.

* Now, enter the monkey door. Head up the stairs and enter the room with the two buttons on the floor. Hit the button on the » wall, them back out to the main chamber. Angle to the.left and «pass through the red-tinted steel доог. Use the RC Car to open the door, then run in and bag Gordo. Continue forward in this Side chamber to nail Raeski and use the energy warp to the leftto snag Poo-Pie, who just happens to be the best-named monkey, in the game. Now, turn to the left and jump to. the Specter Coin. ,

e P = E Carlito + Bungee + Carro + e | Drop down to the ground and step on one of the floor buttons, then drive the RC Car on the other. Switch to the Dash Hoop

Stay in the green, then dodge the car rush.

Peak Point Matrix Collect all of the monkeys (reaching a 100% Completion rating on every level) to trigger this stage.

Shoot this light to find a poem Secret chamber. N

World 10

Specter Strikes Back After pondering a possible return to the

kickin’ da tar-out of you. It's up to you to return the favor. This boss is really easy. Simply use the Sky Flyer to launch over the.

to make it through the hallway. Enter into the monkey head d room. Shoot the light off the monkey | statue's head, then run to the right. Drop into the hole and hit the lever that extends the monkey's eyes. Sprint back to the ramp and jump onto the monkey's head. Next, cross into the room that was

| and the Specter Coin, then back out into | the previous chamber. Jump to the right, | and proceed into the next chamber.


- Dimon

~ blue-energy platform, use the two gears to spin the energy

| once blocked by a siren. Net the monkey ,

Las %-. four shockwaves, then counter with the Slingshot. Specter's next (and last) phase is circus, Specter opts for an alternate future just as easy to beat. Bring out the Magic Punch and smash Specter's force field.

When he propels purple energy, run around ina circle to avoid taking on damage: Smack

Grab the monkey to the left, hit the switch to lower the field, then use the RC Car to lure out Carro.

JA Teacup + Shine - Return to the purple room, ascend nme the stairs, and enter into the darkness. Destroy the «А mecha, then pass under the moving energy field. Run. | - up the multi-colored path to the red path. At this point, | keep your eyes peeled for Teacup off to the left. Sky Fly to get | to his locale. Continue up the path to the blue-tinted platform. Now, go show Shine how cruel the Z words can be.

< 3 Bronson + Wrench + Ez

Enter the door, pass by the two flying bots and cautiously cross over the next two sets of perils. Run around the corner

* to the RC Car hole. Drive the car in and park it on the central

red button. Now, Sky Fly to the right and snag Bronson and the Specter Coin. Now, back down to the green path just before the RC entrance. Run to the end of the platform and jump to the right, then Sky Fly to the far platform to snag Wrench.

The Most Troübl те World

Work your way back up to the top and when you come to the

hold to the side that the platform is floating toward. If you don't energy hold, the platform will zoom away. At this point, you'll need to destroy the green mecha to get access to the most troublesome red button in the world. Now, return to the main lobby of this gigantic building. Cross through the entrance that was previously hidden behind Specter's painting. Ride the water transports up to the top of this large cavern, and get ready for a confrontation against Specter.

Big Bad Mecha Daddy - After using the Slingshot from an awkward angle, this boss will show its true form. Just like Dr. Wily from Mega Man, Specter hides: behind machines. His mecha shell is menacing in appearance, but can.be conquered easily. It'll probably take you three or four lives to learn this boss’ every movement, so come prepared. The mecha has four initial attacks. One it raises its arms and | slams the ground causing а shockwave. Jump to avoid the | shock. Two ~ the mecha will pound on jts chest and summon | its hench-droids to plaster you. Run away from these floating | balls until they reach the pinnacle of their power-up. Jump to 3 avoid their blasts. Three - the mecha raises its arm and | shoots out electricity. When this happens, dodge the green | glow on the ground. After all the explosions disappear search Ш for a Cookie. There's always one left after this áttack. Four a rail of arm-mounted lasers sweep across the platform. Wait | until the mecha is done firing, then hit'the green spot on the arm that fired the lasers. After you hit the arms of the mecha | three times, they will fall off and the mecha will move into its final assault pattern. A large energy blast will be propelled from the mecha's head. Make sure the blast hits the side platforms, not the central one. When the blast impacts, the platform will temporarily disappear. A few seconds after the blast, a green zone will appear on the front of the mecha. Hit it, then repeat | to defeat this foe, and beat the game. After the ending rolls, | save the game, then enter any level to get the Magic Punch.

Zh, Uribe- Requires Magic Punch 1 3. back into the main gate and enter the hall. 4

=~ Smash the monkey box to the left to get-this | crazy monkey. j

Specter five times and the field will break. | Now, use the Magic Punch to nail his bare- | naked rear. Repeat and net Specter once he | goes down.



he annual gathering of video games called the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3, met once again in Los Angeles, California for yet another three days of =. pageantry. As always, this is the one show a year where all the big names іп video games, and even some we've never heard of, come together and show off what they have in store for the coming year. From new product announcements to the unveiling of new systems, E3 has it all. But perhaps the most interesting battle that takes place here is the one for hardware supremacy. With Sega back - in the fold, the hardware wars are once again a three-way free-for-all that will certainly unfold like an afternoon soap opera. Sega, armed with its new Dreamcast, hopes to make a valiant comeback, but you can rest assured that Nintendo and Sony will do everything in their power to keep the Dreamcast from becoming a dominant force. E3 is the first round of a long battle to determine who will control your gaming dollars. Each company has a plan, a course of action, but much like a game of chess, each move requires a reevaluation of the possibilities. Here is a review of each company's plan, and the game ammo

that it will use to fuel its war machine.

The Comeback Kid Sega

After a disastrous showing with the Saturn, Sega is back with its new Dreamcast. Of course, Sega's battle cry for the Dreamcast is that it is here now. It's not an announce- ment. It’s not a collection of specifi- cations. It’s a reali- ty and it is available now in Japan and will hit the States on September 9,


Sega has a tough road ahead of it, as it must rebuild a customer base that has been dis- appointed again and again since the 32X and Sega CD. But if you surf the web for five minutes, you'll quickly see that there is a large group of Sega faithfuls out there, and they are more than willing to support Sega once again.

So the real question for Sega is,

will it be able to take the system past the first million units? Certainly gamers like us, and many of the hardcores out there, will be lining up to get their hands on the Dreamcast. But breaking into the mainstream is more of a task.

Sega knows this and has put together a lineup of games that will

be hard to ignore,

even in the shadow of

Sonys PSX2 and

Nintendo's Dolphin

technology. Sonic will

be a major title of the

Dreamcast's release,

but Visual Concepts’

NFL 2000 may be

much more important

to its plans. Few would

argue that Madden was a

big part of the Genesis' success,

and many can, or will, see the logic

in how NFL 2000 will be pivotal to the Dreamcast.

With 15 titles at launch, and as many as 30 by Christmas, the Dreamcast will have one of the best launch lineups in the history of video games. Depending on your

Game Informer



point of view, the arcade ports аге either a great way to bring the arcade home or a simple way to port some games down for a launch.

Luckily, Sega is not alone, as Midway will back the Dreamcast’s launch with a spectacular game in Ready 2 Rumble, and Namco will have a better-than-arcade port of Soul Calibur. These two games, combined with NFL 2000 and Sonic, will be the driving force for Dreamcast this fall.

The second part of Sega’s attack is the announcement (pg. 27) that the modem will be packed in with the unit at the consumer friendly price point of $199.99. Sega will make sure that everyone knows about the Dreamcast’s low price point with a $100 million marketing campaign here in the States.

Sega hopes that the price point, the lineup, and the obvious power of Dreamcast over the current systems will be enough to propel it into the new millenium. But it only has a year to bring the magic back to Sega as both Sony and Nintendo have announced a fall 2000 launch for their next generation systems.

Game Informer » July "99

кенет E


24 |

The Contender Nintendo

In classic Nintendo style, it said nothing and it said everything at the show. The evening before E3 com- menced, Nintendo held a press conference where it unveiled a new system in development code- | named Dolphin (pg. 26). Claiming | that it didn't want to show its hand _ to its competitors, Nintendo only 5 gave a few measly specs. Dolphin will incorporate IBM copper chip technology to create a 0.18 micron CPU running at 400 MHz. This will enable Nintendo to either ^match or | exceed the graphic

| capabilities of Sony's PSX2," according to Howard Lincoln, soon to be ex CEO of Nintendo of America.

Nintendo claims that the Dolphin will see a worldwide launch in the fall of 2000, but Game Informer seriously doubts this, as Nintendo rarely launches a system on time. In actu- ality, the announcement of Dolphin is more than likely a reminder to the press and the rest of the world not to count Nintendo out.

After Nintendo watched Sony suc- cessfully unveil its PSX2 technolo- gy, it didn't want to be left out of the next generation system hoopla. This move also puts the screws on Sega, as it gives consumers anoth- | ег reason to wait and see what | awesome technologies" will come | from Sony and Nintendo rather than | commit to Sega. | However, Game Informer does believe that Nintendo will sell a ton of its Nintendo 64 titles Donkey

Kong 64 and Perfect Dark when they are released this holiday sea- son (for more on these games check out the previews in this issue). Perfect Dark was easily the best title at the show, and Donkey will appease the masses like few

. titles can. Nintendo even predicts

that Donkey Kong will be bigger than Zelda, though Game Informer believes the big punch in its lineup will be Perfect Dark. Nintendo will also have a number of stellar titles before the holiday rush, including StarCraft, Mario Golf, Jet Force

Gemini, and the already released Episode |: Racer.

Unfortunately, Nintendo still suf- fers from a lack of solid third- party support as | most of these | titles will continue to be sub-par.

The Champ Sony

Still running away with the video game market share, Sony came to the show with nothing to prove. Its plan for the show was simple: con- tinue to bring out solid titles from both first and third-parties and everything should be all right. Did it work? That still remains to be seen, but there is little doubt that the masterminds at Sony are still in charge.

While the PlayStation will still be mired in lots of me-too and shoddy

product, there is still a lot to look forward to for the rest of the year. From Sony proper, titles like Gran Turismo 2 and Crash Team Racing will keep PlayStation engines revving across the land. And plat- forming fans will be pleased with Spyro 2 and Ape Escape.

Luckily, PlayStation still has superb third- party support.

Capcom will seil mil-

lions with both Dino

Crisis and Resident

Evil 3: Nemesis. And

989 Studios will

deliver all the classic

sequels gamers are

hungry for with Jet Moto 3, Cool Boarders 4, and Twisted Metal 4. And even in this year of sequels, companies like EA will deliver some great new products like Medal of Honor and Sled Storm.

So did Sony get par for the course? Certainly. But it positively didn't blow down any doors. Sony had a playable version of Gran Turismo 2 running on the PSX2 and the demos from the Japanese announcement, but it didn't take E3 as an opportunity to slam-dunk the competition. A true PlayStation

2 game could have given Sony an edge on Dreamcast, and could have deflated Nintendo's announcement of Dolphin. But you can expect Sony to drop the price of the PlayStation down to $99 on or near the launch of the Dreamcast.

So Who Won?

The winner of this year's E3 was obvious - the gamer came out of this show with plen- ty to look forward to.

With the launch of

the Dreamcast immi-

nent, and Sony and Nintendo putting out some of its best product yet, we have quite a year to look forward to. And if that wasn't enough, we can also expect to get many a glimpse at Sony and Nintendo's new machines as we sit around and play NFL 2000 on Dreamcast. So sit back boys and girls, and enjoy the ride. It looks as if neither Sega nor Nintendo are going to take Sony's supremacy lying down, and Game Informer wouldn't want it any other way.

* Mario Golf N64 * Tomba 2 - Р5-Х * Sled Storm PS- * Ready 2 Rumble

* NFL 2000 - DC * Soul Calibur Di “баба Frontier ІІ * Crash Team Raci

Honorable Mei

. *StarCraft N64 |

* Vigilante 8: Secor - Ne4/PS-X/DC |

* Monster Rancher

+ Metal Gear Solid Missions PS-X

* Vandal Hearts II

* Suikoden II - PS-

+ Jet Moto 3 PS- * Survival Kids G * Ace Combat 3 Ele: - PS-X / * Team Buddies - PS-X * Ecco the Dolphin * Harvest Moon 64 * Shenmue - DC + Parasite Eve Il -

* Grandia - PS-X

* THQ's WWF Title: PS-X/N64

* Colony Wars: Red Sun PS-X

* Resident Evil 2 - N64

* Spyro 2 - PS-X

* Pokémon Yellow: rd Pikachu Edition - GB


Nintendo finally played its hand at E3 by announcing its plans for a new system. Temporarily code-named "Dolphin," the new Nintendo console is set to debut in the fall of 2000. Via a three-way pact on the project, Nintendo has enlisted the talents. of Matsushita (Panasonic) and IBM to help them develop the CPU and the system's DVD drive.

IBM will be responsible for developing the Dolphin's CPU (Central Processing Unit) which will run at 400 MHz, a speed comparable to all but the most recent PCs. The chip will take advantage of IBM's 0.18 Micron Copper Technology. This sounds fancy, but all it t means is that copper, which has hitherto been too difficult to work with in micro-circuitry, is a better conductor than the metals used in previous chips.

The graphics chip for the dolphin will be designed by ArtX, a company headed by Dr. Wei Yeng, the man who was primarily respon- sible for the N64 graphics chip. The Dolphin's ArtX chip will run at 200 MHz.

5 Matsushita, better Кпомп аѕ

Panasonic in the States, will develop the Dolphin's DVD drive, which should encourage third party developers who shied away from the N64's expensive and time consuming cartridges.

Nintendo made a number of promis- es that we're just a little skeptical of | here at Game Informer. For one, Nintendo's Howard Lincoln claimed that the Dolphin's debut in the year 2000 would be "worldwide," suggesting a simultaneous release throughout all of Nintendo's global markets. It was also stated that the Dolphin's CPU will be the “most powerful of any current or planned home video game system." As for the cost of the new system, it was promised that the Dolphin would be “retailed at a mass market price."

| While very little is known at the moment as to who will be developing software for the Dolphin, we expect | there have been a lot of deals in the works previous to this E3 announcement if Nintendo really | does plan on sticking to its system's release date this time (a goal they failed to meet for both the SNES and | the N64). | We can be certain that Rare will play a big role in supporting the Dolphin as they did with the N64 in its early days when it was gasping for software support. As far as Nintendo of Japan is concerned, you can be pretty certain that plans for the next Mario game are already in the works. A new company headed | by former Iguana Studios staff, Retro Studios, has | already announced that it will be developing sports | titles for the Dolphin. ` The only big third-party name we know of so far is Eidos, who has already signed a development deal with upstart company, Free Radical Design. Free Radical's development team consists of former members of the ' ; ы 7 | GoldenEye 007 crew for N64. No titles from Eidos/Free | |

| Radical will ship until 2001, so we have to speculate that Nintendo already has a reasonable number of third-party supporters or it simply expects to be able to meet the release date with more than a handful | of titles.

@ Game Informer July '99



ь o 5

While our first reaction to Nintendo's announcement of a new DVD system was, "Sega is screwed," Sega came out looking pretty good after its press conference (which took place after Nintendo's). The Dreamcast will be arriving in stores on September 9th with an in-box 56k modem without raising the previously announced $199 price tag.

To support the modem, Sega will have its online gaming network up and running the day the system launches. The network will feature chat, email, web browsing capa- bilities, news, sports scores, gaming sites, and national scoreboards. And of course, this will be the place that Dreamcast owners go to SENSE play online multiplayer games together. We are somewhat hopeful that with hardware equality between players, the Dreamcast could completely

revolutionize online gaming. We'll have to wait | and see.

Two new online multiplayer games for the Dreamcast were also announced. Codename: Frontier by a developer named Turbine will allow thousands of players to interact in a similar fashion to Origin’s Ultima Online. Also, the hit PC title, Baldur’s Gate, from Interplay will be ported over to the Dreamcast to help fill out its online gaming requisite.

Sega also inked a deal with lomega to develop a disk drive for the Dreamcast. lomega, makers of the popular PC Zip drives, will adapt its 100MB Zip system for use with Sega’s upcoming system. lomega plans to release the disk drive in the third quarter of this year along with Sega branded Zip disks tentatively called "Dreamcast Zip 100MB" disks.

Sega has also committed itself fully to the Dreamcast's launch with an investment of $200 million devoted to marketing in America and Europe. The launch campaign will feature Dreamcast being a sponsor of MTV's 1999 Music Video Awards and a new Sonic Underground cartoon on -

Saturday mornings. Cross your fingers for Sega, people. If they don't screw this one up, we could end up having some amazing | video game experiences this Christmas.

The search for the mysteriously absent PocketStation has come to a con- clusion. Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) has canceled its current plans to release this device in the U.S.

As reported, the PocketStation is plagued with shortages in Japan and is also prone to quick battery consumption. Although the PocketStation is receiving strong support from the Japanese development community, gamers are quickly realizing that PocketStation is not much different from a standard PlayStation memory card.

A SCEA representative commented that work is underway to redesign the PocketStation for use with the PlayStation 2. Plans call for increased memory storage and better use of battery power.

Game Informer * July '99


editor's top ten

Ф ) Tenchu - PS-X

) Rising Zan - PS-X

D Super Smash Brothers - N64 ® Legend of Legaia - PS-X

® Need For Speed:

GetBass - Dreamcast

High Stakes - PS-X

D WWF Attitude N64

© Ape Escape - PS-X @ Driver - PSX

Э Star Wars: Episode | |

Racer - N64

reader's top ten

1 @ ©


D Vigilante 8 N64

Legend of Legaia - PS-X

Gran Turismo - PS-X

Beetle Adventure Racing - N64

Need For Speed: High Stakes - PS-X

© Mario Party - N64 , © The Legend of Zelda: -

Ocarina of Time - N64

D Super Smash Brothers N64 2 Pokémon - GB Ð Syphon Filter - PS-X

lap ten places to meet geeks like yourself.



Опа mall bench in front of Victoria's Secret, supposedly waiting for a "friend".

Any arcade where Mortal Kombat is still played religiously.

© The Rising Zan Fan Club.

Э Atacomicon where they discuss

the Defenders Vs. the Avengers.

Ф Game Informer HQ.

Any parent's basement where polyhedron dice are being rolled.

© At your local Star Wars toy or

"doll" dealer.

© Ata midweek, noon showing

of Episode I.

Ө In the mob waiting to see a

| | T

booth babe or "girl" at E3.

D High School.

~ Game Informer is looking for your Top Ten favorite games. Please send your Top Tens to: Game Informer Magazine Attn: Top Ten 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Everyone that enters every month will be entered in a drawing to win a GI Secret Access | TShirt! So get writing!

ay Game Informer * July '99

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| wait until you see the Chocolate Salty Balls and other maniacal weapons.


TRIVIA + ae ges. ت‎ E

00l & UU OC

989 |

Have you ever heard the old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it?" Well, in the world of video games the say- ing goes, "If it ain't broke fix it; give it a new title and sell it all over again." This is a lesson that 989 Studios has learned well. This November, 989 Studios will release the fourth installments of both the Cool Boarders and Twisted Metal series.

Twisted Metal 4 will feature new vehicles, new characters, and new weapons. Also, the infamous Sweet Tooth is said to have an increased role in the game. Gameplay changes include faster and easier to use combo moves, and revamped physics that allow you to drive, jump, and sideswipe other cars while driving on two wheels.

Cool Boarders 4 includes a plethora of endorsement deals includ- ing board manufacturers Burton, K2, Salomon, Ride, and Forum; , and clothing companies like Billabong, Levis, and Arnette. Players | can choose to ride as a number of professional snowboarders such as Jim Rippey, Shaun White, Ross Powers, Chris Engelsman, Michelle Taggart, and many more. 989 has added a Trickmaster mode which allows riders to learn and practice their own tricks оп | long courses with dozens of jumps. There are five mountains, each with its own Downhill, Half Pipe, Slope Style, CBX, and Big Air events, not including the hidden special events с that you can unlock. The 3D engine has been improved, as has the fighting feature, which enables faster and harder hitting than last year’s model.

Look for both of these titles this fall. Salers A. Cad eS

Acclaim announced details on three South Park games that should make it to store shelves before | the end of the year. South Park is definitely a hot property for Acclaim and it will take Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Cartman in new directions. There’s even some salty plans for Chef and most of the other residents of | South Park. |

Everyone knows that the mountain elevation of South Park is perfect for racing and Acclaim will graciously | release South Park Rally for Nintendo 64 and PlayStation this winter. Joining the ranks of the numerous character-based racing games in the development pipeline, South Park Rally promises a comical take on the genre popularized by Mario Kart. All your favorite South Park characters will be along for the fun, each with their own special vehicles; including Cartman's police tricycle and Chef's family truckster. And just

Speaking of Chef, he'll be the master of ceremonies for a party/board game scheduled for this summer. сосе ги nei! eu a bunch of multiplayer minigames that include a derivation of Asteroids and a comical pop trivia game. Look for Chef's game to surface on PS-X and N64 late this year.

Details have emerged on Acclaim’s first South Park game for PlayStation. In a cookie cutter move that Acclaim was so well known for in the past, the compa- ny is merely translating the N64 firstperson shooter | directly to PS-X. Look for it in August. |


| Сва 7407 7,5)

* TOP TEN + TRIVIA >. 3 AME! + A нат.

Nintendo Surprises апа Excites

One of the most exciting moments of the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) is Nintendo’s unveiling of secret software. This year we expected to be slapped silly by the unveiling of a 64-bit Metroid. Again, it remained in hiding. Two new games did debut and both are true surprises. Track building returns to the game market in a 3D revamping of the NES classic, Excitebike. This wild supercross game will feature 3D gameplay loaded with big jumps and painful biffs. Even though Kirby’s Air Ride was canceled, the pinkest character in vids will still star in his own game thanks to Hal Laboratories. The inventively named Kirby 64 will bring gamers back to Dreamland and appears as though it will feature many gameplay similarities to the NES and Game Boy releases.

This really isn’t a surprise, but Nintendo showed off a video of Super Mario Adventure, formerly Super Mario RPG 2. Nintendo still hasn’t solidified the release date of this game. Let’s pray that it doesn’t slide out of the year. When asked about Pokémon Silver & Gold, Nintendo commented that Yellow is its primary focus and Silver & Gold will be dealt with at a later time, which we speculate to be early next year.


| Kirby 64 N64 (below)

Super Mario Adventure N64 (right)

Turok Say Kill Deathmatch Good!

Acclaim’s Turok: Rage Wars builds on the Turok 2 engine, boasting all-new textures and character animations. This time around, Acclaim appears to be aiming at GoldenEye fans, putting the emphasis on the multiplayer deathmatch mode. There are over 15 deathmatch levels and 18 characters, featuring new personalities like Adon, the Oblivion

Deathguard, the Campaigner, and Lord of the Dead. Killing

your enemies becomes an absolute pleasure when you have

16 dual-function weapons to choose from, including the

mini-gun. Turok: Rage Wars also has stat tracking, enabling

players to look back at their kill counts with pride. Medals and

awards will be granted to those with an aptitude for executing

their foes. Also, you can unlock secret arenas and new skins by

completing levels. Although the game is definitely about the multiplayer deathmatch levels, there is also

a 1 to 2-player mission based game, which has a performance-based mission tree to ensure a variety of gameplay, and improved Bot Al. Turok: Rage Wars should be out this fall.

The Parasite Returns

Aya and her handful of Mitochondria tricks are returning to PlayStation in the sequel to last year’s sleeper hit, Parasite Eve. Square Soft gave the video game press a sneak peek of Parasite Eve Il at this year’s ЕЗ. What we saw was mostly rendered cuts, making us believe that

Square’s U.S. development house is once again shooting for a cinematic RPG design. We briefly caught a glimpse of gameplay, and from what we could tell, dramatic camera angles and lifelike motions are all part of the package. Stay tuned for more developments and a release date in the coming months on this unexpected sequel.


Game Informer's

e 0’ The Month

‘Smithsonian Institution

idala.com http://www.queenamidala.com

Hotsa, hotsa, hotsa. This site gives us all the gossip and news from around the world on naughty Natalie as that luscious leader of Naboo, Queen Amidala. Fan sites like this help make sure she'll never have a date where she isn’t asked to -

wear just one stripe of lipstick on her lower в

is the code name for Nintendo's console?

Ө Name the two Japanese developers that THQ is tapping for its new WWF games.

© Due to manufacturing problems, what PlayStation peripheral will not be launched in the States?

Ө True or False: The Dreamcast will come packed with a modem in the U.S.

Ө іп Mike Tyson's Punch Out for the NES, who was the first boxer you faced in your career?

[Answers on the bottom of page 32]

Based on a movie about virtual reality, the Sega Genesis adaption developed by Time Warner Interactive was virtually unplayable. Levels consisted of flying through an Atari 2600 landscape, playing a side-scrolling “virtual” war, flying through a cyber tube, and if you were really into torturing yourself, fighting Cyber Jobe. What game is it? [Answer on the bottom of page 32]

Game Informer е July 99 [25]

NEWS = i 152


—5S6ga wt continue its stead stream

S tiles for Dreamcast and will

bring the NHL to its new system early

next year. NHL 2000 (working title) is

currently being developed by Black Box Games, a Vancouver based company.

Data File: a"

> According to the April 16 issue of MCV magazine, Mr. Fuji, or Harry Fujiwara in real life, is suing THQ for developing and publishing, Nintendo for manufacturing, and Prima Publishing for printing a strategy guide for the N64 game, WCW vs. NWO. According to the complaint, the game includes “10 photographic likenesses” of Mr. Fuji. The law suit also claims that the game uses Mr. Fuji’s fictional background. Мг. Fujiwara, who has also wrestled under the name Master Fuji, is seeking $1.5 million.

> ASC Games has announced its first game for the American Dreamcast. TNN Motorsports: Hardcore Heat is a retooled, retitled version of the Japanese Dreamcast game Buggy Heat by CRI.

> Upstart developer, metro3D, has signed a strategic licensing agreement with Nintendo of America. metro3D is developing Game Boy Color titles Chase HQ: The Secret Police, Puzzle Master, Bubble Bobble, Ninja, Armada, and The Cage.

> Sony Computer Entertainment America opened a "first-of-its-kind" PlayStation retail store at Metreon, a super mall/entertainment complex in San Francisco. The store, called PlayStation, had its grand opening on June 16 and is being used as a testing &round for new merchandising and promotional concepts.

> Pocket Books has released the third and fourth books in its series of Resident Evil novels. Entitled "Resident Evil: City of the Dead’ and "Resident Evil: Underworld", the books are written by S.D. Perry.

> Midway now has a coin-operated game locator on its website - www.midwaygames.com. Players can quickly and easily identify locations featuring the latest Midway video games and WMS pinball games. The database is updated every business day, and allows visitors to quickly and easily submit new locations.

> SNK is looking Nintendo right іп the face and saying, “Bring it on!” The pricepoint on its bigger, badder, and better Neo Geo Pocket Color will be $69.95 when it goes on sale online June 1 at www.snkusa.com.

ah Game Informer * July '99


* WHAT'S HOT * TECH TALK * MUTA = io. Nw Ser =


Eurocom Adopts Crash Bandicoot

After the third game he will rise again. Game Informer has learned that Crash Bandicoot 4 is in development, and as reported last year, it will not be pieced together by Crash's % original developer, Naughty Dog. Crash Bandicoot 4 has founda ' - new home at Eurocom, the famed studio that brought us Duke Nukem 64, Cruis'n World, Machine Hunter, and War Gods. |f you're worried about Eurocom working on a platform game, you can check out its work in the readily available, Disney's Hercules.

Acclaim Eyes Sporting Future

Not only will Acclaim Sports continue to support the Nintendo 64 with titles like NFL Quarterback Club 2000 and All-Star Baseball 2001, the company is committed to future platforms. All of them.

"We're developing for the Dreamcast, the PlayStation 2, and the nextgeneration Nintendo 64," remarked Jaime Grieves, Acclaim Studios' executive sports director.

Acclaim is already hard at work with the Dreamcast and hopes to have Quarteback Club ready to go sometime in September. Game Informer also learned that All-Star Baseball for the DC is underway. Obviously, the PSX2 and next Nintendo system are more than a year away, but early design ideas are taking form. Expect to see Acclaim's existing baseball, basketball, and football titles on future platforms, but also look for possible additions such as soccer and golf coming from Acclaim. However, Acclaim is not forgetting about the past and present.

“One thing we're not going to forget is the old platforms. Sports gamers don't convert to the new system immediately," stated Grieves. “We cannot forget those people, so we will continue to develop on the

old platforms well after we see the new systems."

Oddworld Reincarnates Twice

GT Interactive's development house, Oddworld Inhabitants, will be putting out two new titles in its Oddworld series on the PlayStation 2. The long awaited Munch’s Oddysee is officially the second title in the Oddworld Quintology, despite the release of two Abe's Oddysee games. Munch's Oddysee will introduce Oddworld fans to a new rabbitlike protagonist, Munch, and will replace the old Glukkon corporate villains with a race called Vykkers. The Vykkers primary interest appears to be science, particularly along biotech lines, and Munch is the lab rabbit. Munch will be different from his predecessor in that players will actually be able to choose between being a hero or a self-preserving backstabber.

Hand of Odd is a strategy game that will be available for PC and PlayStation 2. The game takes place in the Oddworld

universe, and from the sounds of it, will be some kind of bizarre reaktimer in which players can choose to play the Mudokons or the Glukkons. We are currently specu- lating that these new Vykkers might also be available as a playable species or at least somehow involved, but we'll have to wait for some more solid information before we can say so for sure.





* COMIC WATCH Бс zi Ep слони

A Look At The Next PlayStation?

Behold the PlayStation 2 - well, maybe not. While we are almost certain that this picture was created by someone outside of Sony, we are even more certain that this artist's rendition of the PlayStation 2 is extremely interest- ing to look at. Note the text display and front loading mechanism that the artist has obviously borrowed from Sony's car audio designs. Another reason we believe this to be a hoax is the lack of four con- troller ports. Even if this isn't what the PlayStation 2 will look like, it sure is cool to look at.

Mickey Mouse For The Next Nintendo Console?

Disney slipped Nintendo a Mickey. That's right, the M, the I, the C, to the K-E-Y is coming to the N64 and the Game Boy Color. Rare has been tapped to develop the

series of Disney games for Nintendo, but that's just 7 the tip of the iceberg. There аге signs that lead us | to believe there is a Disney game in development for the next generation Nintendo console, code named Dolphin.

Mickey Racing for the GBC will be released sometime this year, and Disney Racing will follow in 2000 for the N64 and GBC. In 2001, Mickey Adventure will be released for “Game Boy Color and a home console.” Since Nintendo mentions a “home console”, not specifically the N64, we have to assume that this means it plans to release Mickey Adventure for Nintendo’s new Dolphin system. Stay tuned for more developments.

Star Wars: Episode І The Phantom Delay

On May 17, a simultaneous release of two completely different Star Wars: Episode I console titles was almost a success. LucasArts stated that both of these games would launch together, but when the 17th rolled around, one game was noticeably absent. Episode I Racer sped ahead and launched on time for Nintendo 64. But The Phantom Menace for PlayStation was nowhere to be seen. To this day, this phantom game

still hasn't hyperspaced to retail. LucasArts representatives state that the game will be finished soon and it Should show up around the end of July or early August. This anticipated product was delayed to fine tune the gameplay or because Jar Jar Binks ‘accidentally’ destroyed half of the game during a test session. Wesa no liken Jar Jar. Destroying himsa wesa should.




hat are you doing here? pw can І reach the hang л ise me, but | must be going.”

Sega's presence at E3 brought about many a discus- sion regarding Dreamcast's future. GI put two writers of highest caliber to the task of making a stand: Dreamcast &ood or Dreamcast bad? Sealed in air tight, soundproof containers these geniuses at work put together their the- ses before the oxygen ran out...

Bs. Dreamcast А #1 Cool Sexy Machine MN by Jay The naysayers main argument against Sega succeeding with the Dreamcast is that both Nintendo and Sony have superior consoles on the horizon. However, most of America isn’t aware of the upcoming console war. Dreamcast is up and running now, while PSX2 and Dolphin are still on the drawing boards, with vague release dates proposed. The populace's first inkling that new systems are on the way will be in the form of Sega’s advertising blitz coming on $100 million strong. With a push like that, and a one year (at the least) head start, Dreamcast should get off on the right foot.

Plus, Sega is welcoming all third-party developers into the fold, while Nintendo and Sony seem to be pulling in the reigns. Of course there are going to be bad games (there always are), but more developers equals more games equals better titles to match or beat the competition.

And then there’s the simple facts. Dreamcast games look better and play faster than anything currently available. The unit will be affordable and will come packed with the modem. Plus, why would Sega repeat the mistakes that they made with the Saturn? Corporations like to make money, and the Dreamcast should treat Sega just fine.

Saturn’s Failure Makes Sega Too Anxious S by Bergren d

Some people fail to realize that the Dreamcast will be as successful as a hot dog stand at a bar mitzvah. Here's one problem: Most of the people who will buy a Dreamcast this fall are the diehard Sega freaks those of you, who when you read something about the Dreamcast, get hysterical just because the author doesn't happen to mention that the Dreamcast is the greatest thing ever seen on earth just to sooth your feelings.

Certainly, less fanatical people will buy Dreamcasts too may buy one myself), but when all the dust and rubble settles, the Dreamcast will be even less successful than the Saturn. A lot of PlayStation and N64 owners are perfectly happy with the status quo. Both Still have exceptional games and their user bases are incredibly high. Without question, the Dreamcast has exceptional games too, with more on the way this fall, but obviously its user base will be smaller. Not enough people will be motivated to buy a Dreamcast when their current system can still play a lot of awesome games. Maybe in one or two years (not coincidentally about when Sony and Nintendo release their new consoles) will the mainstream (and majority) of gamers be ready to shell out a wad of cash for new hardware.


Game Informer July "99 o



г. ш.‏ اس COMIC WATCH + TOP TEN + TRIVIA * NAME TH ME! + WHAT'S HOT * TECH TALK * MUTA‏ * ін‏ ت کک aom а A Me x‏

Namco Grants Nintendo a Ridge Racer Title THE GOOD, ЛТ)

Ridge Racer fans yearning for a title on the Nintendo 64 will be excited to hear that UGLY Nintendo has acquired the rights to work on a Ridge Racer title. The game, creatively named Ridge Racer N64, will be a Ridge Racer in name only. We spoke with Namco on the subject and were told that it would have absolutely nothing to do with the development of RR64. From this, we assume that Nintendo will be developing Ridge Racer 64 from the ground up without any support, including code from the previous Ridge Racer titles. Whether the game will play like the classic series or not is dubious, but we’ll have to wait and see. Ridge Racer 64 will be the first ever Namco licensed title on the N64.



New Video Game Toys From Resaurus

Resaurus launched a new series of Crash Bandicoot toys based on Crash Bandicoot: Warped. Available in stores right now, the line features Bazooka Crash as well as SCUBA Crash. Look for a total of six toys in the series. Resaurus is also launching a line of figures based on Capcom’s Street Fighter franchise. The first series is planned to include 6" 8" figs of Ryu, Ken, Cammy, Vega, Blanka, and Alex (strange choice, huh?). Another series is also in the works and is based on the character designs in Pocket Fighter. These figs stand at 4” and include partial articulation. The first wave will feature Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and Chun-Li. The Capcom based figures are slated to hit toy shelves in the fourth quarter. And who knows? Resaurus may make a few , plush SF figures as well.

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АП dates subject to change. Call your local retailer for more details.

Release Title Publisher/ System Release Title Publisher/ System Date Distributor Date Distributor

JUNE : 7/15/99 Quake 2 Activision PS-X 6/15/99 Golf w/rumble TOMMO GBC 7/15/99 Return of Ninja TOMMO PS-X 6/15/99 Klustar Infogrames GBC 7/15/99 Shao Lin THQ PS-X 6/15/99 Legend of the Sea Kin Crave GBC 7/15/99 Toonstein Vatical PS-X 6/15/99 Puchi Carat TOMMO GBC 7/20/99 Tarzan Sony PS-X 6/15/99 Tom & Jerr MAJESCO GBC 7/26/99 F1 World Grand Prix 2 Nintendo N64 6/15/99 Vigilante 8 w/rumble Vatical GBC 7/26/99 New Tetris Nintendo N64 6/15/99 Zebco Fishing w/rumble Vatical GBC 7/26/99 Pokemon Snap Nintendo N64 6/15/99 Star Shot Infogrames N64 7/27/99 WWEF Attitude Acclaim N64 6/15/99 V-Rall Infogrames N64 7/27/99 NCAA Football 2000 Electronic Arts PS-X 6/15/99 World Driver Championshi Midwa N64 6/15/99 Centipede Hasbro PS-X 6/15/99 Iron Soldier 3 Vatical PS-X 6/15/99 Next Tetris Hasbro PS-X 6/15/99 Shanghai Sunsoft PS-X 6/15/99 Ultimate 8 Ball THQ PS-X 6/16/99 Tarzan Activision GBC 6/16/99 Fighter Maker AGETEC PS-X 6/22/99 Duke Nukem GT Interactive GBC. 6/22/99 Ape Escape Son PS-X 6/22/99 Warzone 2100 Eidos PS-X 6/28/99 Pokemon Pinball Nintendo GBC 6/28/99 R-Type DX Nintendo 6/28/99 Command & Conquer Nintendo 6/28/99 Bugs Bunny Lost in Time Infogrames PS-X 6/28/99 Driver GT Interactive Р5-Х 6/29/99 Chase HQ: Secret Police Metro 3D GBC 6/29/99 Quake 2 Activision N64 6/29/99 Rugrats Scavenger Hunt THQ N64 6/30/99 Asteroids Activision GBC 6/30/99 Lucky Luke Infogrames GBC 6/30/99 Monaco Grand Prix Ubisoft N64 6/30/99 Monaco Grand Prix Ubisoft PS-X


8/1/99 R-Types Delta AGETEC PS-X

8/10/99 Pocket Bowling Jaleco GBC 8/10/99 Monster Truck Madness Take 2 N64

8/10/99 Jet Moto 3 989 Studios PS-X 8/15/99 Bubble Bobble Metro 3D GBC 8/15/99 Return of Ninja w/rumble TOMMO GBC 8/15/99 Skateboard Kid w/rumble TOMMO GBC 8/15/99 Survival Kids Konami GBC 8/15/99 Track & Field Konami GBC 8/15/99 US Open Tennis w/rumble TOMMO GBC 8/15/99 Goeman's Great Adventure Konami N64

8/15/99 Lego Racers Lego Media N64

8/15/99 Atlantis Infogrames PS-X 8/15/99 Demolition Racer Infogrames PS-X 8/15/99 Dreams Infogrames PS-X 8/15/99 Lego Racers Lego Media PS-X

8/15/99 Mission: Impossible Infogrames PS-X 8/15/99 Sled Storm Electronic Arts PS-X

8/15/99 Soul of the Samurai Konami PS-X 8/15/99 Suikoden 2 Konami PS-X 8/15/99 Virus Infogrames PS-X 8/17/99 Duke Nukem Zero Hour GT Interactive N64 JULY 8/17/99 South Park Acclaim PS-X

7/13/99 Bass Hunter Take 2 GBC 8/17/99 Um Jammer Lammy Sony PS-X 7/13/99 NFL Xtreme 2 989 Studios PS-X 8/23/99 Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko Crave N64 7/14/99 Jade Cocoon Crave PS-X 8/24/99 NFL Blitz 2000 Midway N64 7/15/99 Cage Metro 3D GBC 8/24/99 Re-Volt Acclaim N64

7/15/99 Deer Hunter Vatical GBC 8/24/99 NFL Blitz 2000 Midway PS-X 7/15/99 Micro Machines 1&2 THQ GBC 8/24/99 Re-Volt Acclaim PS-X

7/15/99 Motocross Maniacs 2 Konami GBC 8/25/99 Magical Tetris Challenge Capcom GBC 7/15/99 Puzzle Master Metro 3D GBC 8/25/99 Madden 2000 Electronic Arts N64 7/15/99 Revelations: Demon Slayer Atlus GBC 8/25/99 Tonic Trouble Ubisoft N64 7/15/99 Spawn Konami GBC 8/25/99 Madden 2000 Electronic Arts PS-X 7/15/99 Yoda Stories THQ GBC 8/30/99 Jet Force Gemini Nintendo N64 7/15/99 All Star Tennis 99 Ubisoft N64 8/31/99 Shadow Man Acclaim GBC 7/15/99 In Fisherman Bass Hunter AIM N64 8/31/99 NFL QB Club 2000 Acclaim N64 7/15/99 All Star Tennis '99 Ubisoft PS-X 8/31/99 Shadow Man Acclaim N64 7/15/99 Echo Night AGETEC PS-X 8/31/99 Shadow Man Acclaim PS-X

7/15/99 Knights of Carnage THQ PS-X 8/31/99 Tiny Tank Sony PS-X

BL Bottom Line |


TITLE BL DATE TITLE BL DATE TITLE BL DATE TITLE BL DATE TITLE BL DATE G Darius 8.25 Sep-98 OverBlood 725 Jun-97 Vs. 6.25 Dec-97 бал Francisco Rush Extreme Racing 8.75 Nov-97 PLAYSTATION борс 7.25 Nov-97 Pandemonium 6 Dec-97 War Gods 625 Feb-97 SCARS 715 Dec-98 3Xtreme 575 Jun-99 ех: Enter the Gecko 9.25 Mar98 РаВарра The Rapper 825 Oct-97 Wargames Defcon 1 7.25 Sep-38 Snowboard Kids 675 Apr98 A Bugs Life 75 Jan-99 бех 3: Deep Cover Gecko 8 Мау-99 Parasite Eve 7.75 Sep-98 Warhammerll: Dark Omen 7.75 Jun-98 ^ Snowboard Kids 2 6.25 May-99 Ace Combat II 8.5 Sep-97 Ghost in the Shell 8 Oct-97 Persona 8.5 Mar-97 WCW Nitro 6.75 Feb-98 ^ South Park 7 Jan-99 Activision Classics 5 00-98 Goal Storm 97 8.75 May-97 Pitfall 3D: Bynd. Jngl. 8 May-98 WCW vs. The World 8 Мау-97 Space Station: Silicon Valley 6.5 Dec-98 Adidas Power Soccer ‘98 2 Sep-98 Golden Nugget 8 Oct-97 Pocket Fighter 7.75 Sep-98 | WCW/NWO Thunder 4,75 Feb-99 Star Wars: Episode | Racer 9 Jun-99 Akuji the Heartless 6.75 Mar-99 (ғал Turismo 9.5 Jun-98 Point Blank 8.5 Feb-98 Wheel of Fortune 7 Jan-99 Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 8.75 Feb-99 Alexi Lalas Int'l Soccer 2.25 Jun-99 Grand Slam Baseball 45 Jun-97 Point Blank 2 8 Ар-99 Wild9 6.25 Dec-98 Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire 9.25 Јап-97 All-Star Baseball "97 w/ Frank Thomas 55 Juk97 ^ Grand Theft Auto 7.75 Sep-98 Pool Hustler 7.25 Dec-98 Wild Arms 875 Jun-97 Starfox 64 9 Jun-97 Alundra 8.5 Jan-98 Grand Tour Racing 7.75 Nov-97 Populous: The Beginning 7 Jun99 Wing Commander IV 775 Apr97 Super Mario 64 9.75 Aug-96 .. Apocalypse ... 75 Jan99 G 5 JuL98 Porsche Challange 275 Augg] _ WWF War Zone ... 95 Oct98 Super Smash Brothers 85 Ар Arcade's Greatest Hits Vol. 2 65 бес97 G 8 Ар-99 Powerslave 825 May-97 X-Games: Pro Boarder 6.5 Dec-98 Tetrisphere 75 Sep-97 Armored Core 8.25 Nov-97 Guilty Gear 8.25 Dec-98 Poy Poy 7 Jul-97 X-Men Vs. Street Fighter 75 Jul-98 Тор Gear Overdrive 7.25 Jan-99 Armored Core: Project Phantasma 8.75 Nov-98 Hardball 99 2 Јап-99 Рго 18 World Golf 1 Feb-99 X-Men: Children of the Atom 45 Mar98 Тор Gear Rally 8 Dec-97 Assault 7.25 Dec-98 Heart of Darkness 8.25 Aug-98 Psybadek 3.75 Feb-99 Xenogears 9 Nov98 Triple Play 2000 5.75 Арг-99 Assault Rigs 8 Feb-99 Hercules 6.75 Sep-97 Punky Skunk 7 Jun98 —Xevious 3D/G+ 5.5 Aug97 Turok 2: Seeds of Evil 9 Jan-99 Asteroids 7 Jan-99 High Heat Baseball 2000 35 Jun-99 Рају Cross 9 Apr-97 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 95 Маг-97 Atari Collection Vol. 2 7.5 Jun-98 Hot Shots Golf 9 Apr98 Rally Cross 2 8.25 Јап-99 Twisted Edge 3.25 Nov-98 Auto Destruct 7 Feb98 10. 75 Sep-97 Rampage World Tour 625 v NINTENDO 64 Vigilante 8 85 Ар-99 Azure Dreams 8 Jul98 Independence Day 6 Ар-97 Rampage 2: Universal Tour 5.5 Jun-99 1080 Snowboarding 9.25 Apr98 Virtual Chess 3 Oct-98 __BackStreet Billards 7.5 Dec98 International Superstar Soccer 98 8.5 Aug98 Rascal 6 Мау-98 Aerofighters Assault Mar-98 ҮН Pool 64 7.75 Dec-98 Ball Blazer Champions 625 Jun-97 75 Feb-98 Аегобаџде Feb-98 ^ Waialae Country Club 35 Sep-98 Batman and Robin 5 Jun-98 Invasion From Beyond 6.75 Apr99 RayStorm 7.75 Aug-97 All-Star Baseball 99 Ju-98 War Gods 6.75 Ju-97 Battle Arena Toshinden 3 7 Jun97 J. Johnson's VR ҒЫ. 98 6.75 Nov-97 RE2: Dual Shock 85 Oct-98 All-Star Baseball 2000 8 May-99 WaveRace 64 9 Nov-96 Battle Arena Toshinden 3 (Japan Import) 6.75 Mar-97 Jeopardy 8 Jan-99 НЕ: Director's Cut - Dual Shock 7 Oct-98 Automobili Lamborghini 5.75 Jan-98 | WCW/NWO Revenge 8.75 Моу-98 BattleSport. 3 Sep97 Jersey Devil 6 .Ш-98 Rebel Assault 2 6.75 Feb-97 Валјо Kazooie 9.25 Jun-98 | WCW/NWO World Tour 85 Dec97 Battlestations 6.75 Apr97 Jet Moto 2 8.5 Dec-97 ReBoot 7 Apr98 ВайеТапх 6.75 Feb-99 Wetrix 825 Jul-98 Big Air 4 Jun99 Judge Dredd 8.25 May-98 Вед Asphalt 7.5 Dec-97 Beetle Adventure Racing 8 Apr99 Wheel Of Fortune 8 Feb-98 Big Bass World Champ. 7.25 Apr97 К-І Revenge 6.5 Apr99 Reel Fishing 7 Apr98 Bio FREAKS 45 Ju-98 WipeOut 64 7.5 Dec-98 Bio FREAKS 3.5 Ju-98 Kagero: Deception II 7 Nov-98 Resident Evil 2 95 Jan-98 Віа! Corps 8 May-97 World Cup 98 8 Jun-98 Blast Radius 7 Ма99 Капа:Тһе World of Fate 85 Aug98 Ridge Racer Type4 825 May-99 Воду Harvest 775 Nov98 WCW Nitro 25M Blasio 825 May-98 Kensei: Sacred Fist 825 Jun-99 ^ Risk 7 jun38 ^ Bomberman WWF War Zone 875 Oct-98 Bloody Roar 8.5 Apr-98 Klonoa 8 Apr98 Rival Schools: United by Fate 7.75 Nov-98 Виск Bumble 8 Oct-98 Yoshi's Story 8.5 Feb-98 Bloody Roar Il 7 Мау-99 Knockout Kings 6 Jan-99 Riven 8.5 Feb-98 Bust A Move 2 8 Aug-98 Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 9.75 Dec-98 Bomberman Fantasy Race 7.25 Mar-99 Kula World 75 Sep-98 Road Rash 3D 775 Aug-98 Bust-A-Move 99 9 Apr-99 Bomberman World 65 Oct-98 ^ League of Pain 5.75 May-97 Rogue Trip 9 00-98 California Speed 225 Ар-99 Bottom of the Sth 99 8 Aug-98 Legend of Legaia 825 Apr-99 Rollcage 7 Ар-99 Castlevania 64 65 Mass GAME BOY Brahma Force 7.5 May-97 Lemmings & Oh No! 7 Oct-98 Rosco McQueen 3 Sep-98 Chameleon Twist 7 Ар-98 720 7 Јип-99 Brave Fencer Mushashi 7.75 Dec98 Life 5 Jan99 Rugrats 7 Jan-99 Chameleon Twist 2 6.5 May-99 ABug's Life 5.75 Dec-98 Bravo Air Race 5 Sep-97 “Lost World, The" 5.5 Sep-97 Running Wild 6 Nov-98 Charlie Blast's Territory 3 May-99 All-Star Baseball ‘99 7 Oct-98 Breath of Fire lll 8 May-98 Machine Hunter Р 227.25 Ац Rushdown —— EN 5 Apr99 Chopper Attack 5.25 Jun-98 Animaniacs -— 22725 Juk95 Brigandine 7 0ес:98 Macross Digital Missons VF-X 5.75 May-97 баба Frontier ji 7.25 May-98 Clayfighter 63 1/3 85 00497 Asteroids/Missile Command 25 Aug-95 Broken Helix 7.75 Jul-97 Madden NFL 98 85 Oct-97 бап Fran Rush:X Racing 6.75 Jun-98 College Hoops 99 5 Feb-99 Battle Arena Toshinden 8 Jan-97 Broken Sword 7.25 Feb-98 Madden NFL 99 9.25 Oct-98 SCARS 8 Nov-98 Cruis'n the World 6.5 Nov-98 Carrot Crazy 35 Apr-99 Brunswick Circuit 7.25 Nov-98 Magic: The Gathering 6.5 Nov-97 Sentient 6.75 Apr-97 Dark Rift 6.5 Jun-97 Centipede/Millipede. 7.75 Aug-95 Bug Riders 6.75 Dec-97 March Maddness 98 7.75 Apr-98 Shadow Madness 6 Apr99 Deadly Arts 3 Sep-98 Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions 6 Јап-95 Bushido Blade 8.5 Oct97 Marvel Super Heroes vs. X-Men 8 Jan-99 Shadow Master 7 Apr-98 Diddy Kong Racing 8.5 Dec-97 Donkey Kong 8 бер-94 Bushido Blade 2 7.5 Nov-98 Masters of Monsters 3.5 Sep-98 Shipwreckers 6.5 Feb-98 Doom 64 85 Jun-97 Donkey Kong Land 75 Jul-95 Bust A Groove. 6.5 Jan-99 Месһ Warrior II 85 Apr97 Silent Hill 7.95 Apr-99 Duke Nukem 64 7.75 Jan-98 Donkey Kong Land 2 8.5 Dec-96 Bust-A-Move ‘99 8 Apr99 MediEvil 8.75 Nov-98 SkullMonkeys 8.75 Mar98 Extreme G 85 Oct-97 Dr. Franken II 6 Арг-98 9 Mega Man Legends 8.5 _Sep-98___Small Soldiers 7.25 Пес-98 FIFA Soccer 1997 ...15 Nov-96 | -98 Metal Gear Sold ~ 77925 NovS8 SouBladé —— 778 Wa97 FZeoX 8 Sep-98 FlFASoccerG7 —— 75 Nov-96 Cardinal Syn 7 Jun-98 Micro Machines 8 Feb-98 Spawn: The Eternal 4.75 Jan-98 F1 Pole Position 64 7 Nov97 Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball 6.5 Feb-96 Carnage Heart 8.5 Mar97 МК Mythologies: Sub Zero 6.5 Nov-97 Speed Racer 6.75 Jun-98 F1 World Gran Prix 7.5 Sep-98 Galaga/Galaxian 6,75 Aug-95 CART World Series 8.75 Dec-97 MLB 99 8.75 May-98 Spice World 3 Oct-98 FIFA64 8.75 May-97 Game & Watch Gallery 55 Jul-97 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night | 95 0097 МІВ 2000 85 May-99 Spider 55 Мағ97 НРАВ в Feb-98 GB Camera 7 Sep-98 Castrol Honda Superbike Racing 6.25 Jun-99 MLB 98 6 Sep-97 Sports Car GT 6 Jun-99 ҒІҒА99 8.25 Jan-99 Gex: Enter the Gecko 8 Маг-99 Chronicles of the Sword 2 Маг-97 MLBPA Bottom of the 9th 97 825 Oct-97 Spyro the Dragon 95 Sep-98 Fighter's Destiny 8 Feb-98 GriffeyJr. Pres. MLB 8.75 Dec-97 “City of Lost Children, The” 5.5 Apr97 Monaco Gran Prix 2 5 Jun-99 Star Ocean 7.5 Jun-99 Fighting Force 64 6.75 May-99 Harvest Moon 75 Oct-98 Civilization II 7.75 Mar99 Monkey Hero 5.5 Feb-99 Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi 6.75 Jan-98 Forsaken 64 8 Aug-98 Нехсйе 85 Јап-99 Clock Tower 7 Пес97 Monster Rancher 9 Feb-98 Steel Reign Д Jam 007 __8.5 : Monster Seed | 7 “6 Мау:99 MU 825 De І 675 May-94 Codename: Tenka 8.25 Mar97 Mortal Kombat 4 7.75 Aug-98 Street Fighter Alpha 3 8 Jun-99 Gretzky 3D Hockey 98 7.75 Jan-98 Joust/Defender 6.25 Jun-99 Colony Wars 8.5 Nov-97 Moto Racer 8 Nov97 Street Fighter Col. 8 Oct-98 Hexen 64 7.25 Jul-97 Killer Instinct 725 Jan-96 Colony Wars: Vengeance 8.5 Nov-98 Moto Racer 2 6.75 Nov-98 Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha 85 Oct-97 Hybrid Heaven 7 Jun-99 Kirby's Block Ball 8.25 Jul-96 Command and Conquer 8 Mar97 MotorHead 625 Nov98 Street Ftr. 2 Collection 7 Feb-99 lggysReckin Balls 8.75 Sep-98 Kirby's Dreamland 2 8 Jun-95 Contender 6.75 Feb-99 N20: Nitrous Oxide 8.25 Jul-98 Street SkBer 45 Apr99 International Superstar Soccer ‘98 9 Aug98 Klax 7.75 Jun-99 Cool Boarders 3 7.75 Nov-98 Мадапо Winter Olyp. 5 Feb-98 ^ Super Puzzle Fighter II 7.75 Feb-97 International Superstar Soccer 64 9 Juk97 Ки 9 Jun-99 CoolBoarders 2 9 Nov97 Namco Museum Vol. 4 75 Ju-97 Syndicate Wars 8 Sep-97 Jeopardy! Legend of the River King 7 Aug-98 Courier Crisis 45 Dec-97 Namco Museum Vol. 5 7.25 Jan-98 Syphon Filter 9 Mar-99 Knife Edge Logical 5 May-99 Crash Bandi 2222229 №97 NASCAR 98 85 Nov97 TaiFu 65 Apr99 Кобе Bryant's NBA Courtside Madden NFL 97 725 Nov-96 77825 Deci 825 Nov98 ТААС. 75 May-99 Lode Runner 3-0 777777775 Wario's Picross 725 Jun-96 Crime Killers 7.75 Sep-98 МВА FastBreak 98 8 Jan-98 Tactics Ogre 8 Apr98 Lucky Luke 65 Nov-98 Меда Man V 6 Моу-94 Critical Depth 8.75 Dec-97 МВА HangTime 75 Aug-97 Tail of the Sun 725 Jun-97 Масе: The Dark Age 9 Dec-97 Men In Black: The Series 4,75 Маг-99 Croc: Legend. of the Gobbos 8 Oct-97 NBA In The Zone 98 8 Feb-98 Tales of Destiny 6.75 Oct-98 Madden 64 9 Oct-87 Mortal Kombat 4 5 Apr-99 Crusader: No Remorse 7.75 Mar-97 МВА In the Zone 99 6 Мау-99 Team Losi RC Racer 7 Oct-98 Madden NFL 99 8.75 Oct-98 Mulan 4.75 Dec-98 Crypt Killer 7 Mar97 NBALive98 8.25 Dec97 Tekken 3 95 May-98 Magical Tetris Challange 8 Jan-99 NBA In The Zone 99 4 Jun-99 Darklight Conflict 7 Sep-97 МВА Live 99 7.75 Jan-99 Теп Pin Alley 8.5 Jan-99 Major League Baseball f. Ken Griffey Jr. 7.5 Jun-98 МВА Jam 99 75 Мау-99 Darkstalkers III 7 Jan-99 МВА ShootOut 97 8.75 Apr-97 Tenchu 9 Моу-98 Mario Kart 64 9.25 Feb-97 NFL Blitz 6 Apr-99 Dead in the Water 7.25 Feb-99 МВА ShootOut 98 8.75 Apr-98 Tennis Arena 7.5 Feb-98 Мало Party 3.5 Mar99 NHL'95 7 Jul-95 Dead or Alive 75 May-98 МСАА Final Four 55 Mar99 Тез! Drive 5 825 Jan99 Місго Machines 64 Turbo 7 May99 NHL Blades of Steel 99 75 Ар | .5 Jun-98 ~~ NCAA Football 775 Sep-98 Test Drive Off Road 2 85 Jan-99 MikePiazzas Strikezone | 425 Jul-98 ~~ Oddworld Adventures 7 Feb-99 Descent Maximum 8.5 Apr-97 NCAA Football 98 8.5 Sep-97 TestDrive: Off Road 5.25 May-97 Міѕсһеії Makers 7 Nov-97 “Original Blues Brothers Game, The" 5 Nov-94 Destrega 825 Mar99 NCAA Gamebreaker 98 9 Jan-98 Theme Hospital 8 Јип-98 Mission: Impossible 8 Ju-98 PGA European Tour 7.25 Juk95 Devil Dice 8.25 Sep-98 МСАА GameBreaker 99 8 Jan-99 Thunder Force V 6.5 Sep-98 Monaco Gran Prix 2 5 Jun-99 Pitfall: Beyond the Jungle 65 Маг-99 Diablo 8.25 Apr98 МСАА March Madness 99 5.75 Mar-99 Thunder Truck Rally 7.75 May-97 Mortal Kombat 4 85 Jugg Pokémon 9 Oct-98 Discworld Il: Mortality Bytes! 7 5ер-97 Need For Speed ІІ 8.5 Jun-97 Tiger Woods 99 2 Jan-99 Mult-Racing Champ. 8.25 Sep-97 Рита! Rage 7 Aug-95 Dragonseeds 5.25 Dec-98 ^ Need For Speed III 7.75 May-98 TigerShark Apr97 Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon Mar-98 Quest for Camelot 5 Маг-99 Duke Nukem: Time To Kill 8.5 Nov-98 Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 8.75 May-99 Time Crisis Oct-97 Nagano Olympics 98 Mar-98 Rampage: World Tour 6.5 Apr-99 Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown 7.5 Jan-98 Need For Speed:VRally 7.5 Dec-97 Timeshock! Pinball .25 Nov-98 NASCAR 99 Oct-98 ^ Rugrats Movie 25 Feb-99 _Dynasty Warriors 228 May97 Newman/Hass Racing Tiny Tank: Up Your Arsenal 5 _Jan-99 МВА Hangtime Feb-97 5кае of Die 2: Tour de Thrash 9 AUg-O7 | Eggs of Steel 25 Jangs NFLBlz 00 8 0098 Tiny Toon Adventures ,75 Mar-99 МВА іп The Zone 98 275 Apr-98 Small Soldiers 75 Dec: Einhander 8 May-98 NFL GameDay 99 7 Oct-98 Tomb Raider I! .25 Dec-97 NBA Jam 99 7 Feb-99 Smurfs Nightmare 6.5 Jan-99 Elemental Gearbolt 8.25 Aug-98 NFL GameDay 98 8.75 Oct-97 Тоты Raider Ill Jan-99 МВА Live 99 7.25 Dec-98 51 for Kids: The Ultimate Triple Dare 7 May-94 Ehrgeiz 6.75 Jun-99 NFL XTreme 6.5 Aug-98 Tomba! Jul-98 NFL Bitz 9 Oct-98 Super Black Bass 8 Jan-99 Excal. 2555 AD 6.25 Sep-97 NHL 98 9 Nov-97 Treasures of the Deep Sep-97 NFL QB Club 98 5 Пес97 Super Breakout/Battlezone 8.25 Oct-96 Felony 11-79 8.25 Sep-97 NHL 99 9 Nov98 Triple Play 98 Jun-97 NFL QB Club 99 8.25 Dec-98 Tamagotchi 7 Apr98 FIFA 99 7 Јап-99 NHL Breakaway 98 7.75 Nov-97 Triple Play 99 Apr98 NHL 99 8.25 Nov-98 Taz-Mania 7 Sep-94 FIFA: World Cup 98 8.75 Feb-98 NHL FaceOff 98 8.25 Nov-97 Triple Play 2000 May-99 NHL Blades of Steel 99 6 Apr99 Tetris Attack 85 Oct96 Fifth Element 7 Пес-98 NHL FaceOff 99 7.75 Nov-98 Tunnel B1 Feb-97 NHL Breakaway 98 8.25 Mar-98 Tetris Blast 875 Mar-96 Fighter Maker 8. Jun99 NHL Powerplay 98 8 Turbo Prop Racing NHL Breakaway 99 Tetis DX 002 = Deo-98 Fighting Force 65 Dec-97 ~~ Nightmare Creatures 77878 Nov-97 ‘Twisted Metal lit. ~~~ ^ 825 Jan-99° Nightmare Creatures 7778 Jan-99°” The Fidgetts = 75 Apr-98 Final Fantasy Tactics 8.75 Feb-98 Ninja 2.5 Oct98 “Unholy War, The" 7.25 Nov-98 Off Road Challange 5 Sep-98 The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 9.25 Mar-99 Final Fantasy VII 9.75 Sep-97 Мо One Can Stop Mr. Domino 7.75 Jan-99 Uprising X 475 Feb-99 Olymplic Hockey 98 4 Feb-98 Тор Gear Pocket 6 May-99 Fisherman's Bait 6 May-99 Norse By Norsewest 5 May-97 Vandal Hearts 8 Mar97 Penny Racers 5.75 Feb-99 Twouble 65 Арг-99 Formula 1 8 Nov-97 Nuclear Strike 9 Моу97 Vigilante 8 7.5 Juk98 PilotWings 64 9.5 Aug-96 Vegas Stakes 8.25 Oct97 Forsaken 8 Aug-98 Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus 9.25 Dec-98 УМХ Racing 6 Nov-97 Quake 64 7.5 Mar-98 Маску Sports Challenge 6.25 Jan-95 Fox Sports Golf ‘99 45 Aug-98 Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee 9.25 Aug-97 УМХ Racing 6 Mar-97 Quest 64 6.5 Ju-98 Майо Land II 8.75 Арг-98 Fox Sports Soccer ‘99 7.25 Aug-98 ODT 5 Моу-98 ҮН Baseball 97 7.75 May-97 Rampage 2: Universal Tour 5 Apr-99 World Cup 98 3 Oct-98 Freestyle Boardin' ‘99 6 Mar-99 Ogre Battle Lmtd. Ed. 65 Aug-97 VR Baseball 99 7 Jul98 Robotron 64 5.5 Feb-98 World Heroes 2 Jet 7.75 May-95 Future Cop LAPD 8.5 Nov-98 One 8.5 Jan-98 VR Powerboat Racing 6 Apr98 Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA 8.75 Dec-98 - ex Е


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Nintendo 64 Review

* Size: 96 Megabit p aie > * Style: 1 to 4-Player Action с * Special Features: New Level Designs; 4 Multiplayer Modes; 4-Player Split-Screen; 3 Difficulties; Secrets; Power-Ups; Rumble, Controller, & Expansion Pak Compatible; Password Save * Replay Value: Moderately High * Created by: Raster Productions/Rogue


Available: Late June for Nintendo 64 4

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34 Game informer е July ‘99


When they lose their heads, watch out for stray bullets.

Bottom Line: 7 75

“| of each level.


'| solid first-person shooter

When Quake II first appeared on the PC, it was probably the best 1st-person shooter on the market. Of course, that was eons ago and, while it's still solid, there are now superior games in the

genre, most notably Half Life. Yet let's say you don't have a PC, but instead the trusty Nintendo 64. Then your options are extremely limited.

The latest 1st-person shooter to join the N64 ranks is indeed Quake ІІ. Midway published the first Quake installment for the N64 and it was so-so. Quake ІІ from Activision is slightly better. First off, the two-player split-screen uses all of the display area. Also, Quake II has a 4-player split-screen that can be used in all four multiplayer modes Deathmatch, Fragteams, Flagwars, and Deathtag. Each is a unique and entertaining game by itself.

To improve the graphics, Quake ІІ is also compatible with the Expansion Pak. The graphics don't become as sharp as Turok 2's, but still there is noticeable difference in quality. Resolution is increased and lighting effects are implemented.

If you are a serious Quake Il fan you may scoff at the idea of playing this game on any console, but some serious changes have been made in the game. The enemies, weapons, and power-ups are all the same, but all the levels have been redesigned. The developers took the original level designs and tweaked them to the point that they are virtually unrecognizable, giving new thrills to those who have mastered the original.

Quake II's control is very commendable and friendly. Sure, aiming with a mouse is ten times better than using a joystick, but keeping your gun steady isn’t that hard with the N64 controller. Plus, strafing doesn't cause the auto center feature to engage; only forward and backward movements do that, allowing you to keep your arc of fire for enemies up above while ducking back behind a wall.

Is Quake II as involved as GoldenEye? Not really. The story is merely a couple of paragraphs in the manual. Are the graphics as stunning as those of Turok 2 (with RAM Pak)? No way. But the levels have a better flow and you won't spend hours looking for that next

save point which, in Quake Il, only happens at the end

Quake Il proves to be a

with multiplayer options that are equally impressive. Plus, those who have already played Quake 1 | _ can still find suspense in |^

the redesigned levels. р 7 5 wit


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Concept 7



^ Sound -— 8

Playability 9

Entertainment 8.75


Concept 1.5


8.5 Sound 5

Playability 8

“Entertainment 7



Concept 7.75



Sound 6.5

Playability 8


“Even though Quake II is a million years old now, it’s still a great game. Compared to the Turoks and GoldenEyes of the world, Quake II may not quite have the flash, but it certainly has all the gameplay you can handle. The levels are a tad smaller on the N64, but the new level designs will keep even the most seasoned Quake veteran entertained as they dish out plenty of evil minions for you to annihilate. But perhaps the best part of Quake Il are the multiplayer modes, with both team and head-to-head play. If you've got three friends and an itchy trigger finger, don’t miss out on Quake Il; it's a blast."

"There's nothing to get really excited about here. It's a standard port of the extremely popular PC game. Even so, the game looks excellent with or without the RAM pak. Everything is vivid and gruesome, and that's exactly what | expect from a game like this. Another thing | expect is some good sound and music, but | thought in this department it was fairly average. There is a fair amount of challenge in Quake Il, but | found the enemies to be exceptionally dumb. The saving grace for this game is a very entertaining multiplayer mode. If you're into first- person shooters and have yet to play Quake Il, you have to go for it. Otherwise, this really doesn’t have anything over GoldenEye, Turok, and the like.”

“Unlike its predecessor, Quake II is equipped with a commendable multiplayer mode. It’s not as smooth or option heavy as GoldenEye, but it’s developed well enough to plant the addictive seed into a group of four players. The single-player game is also quite admirable. From a graphical standpoint, the effects and lighting crush the PC offering, but still don’t come close to touching Turok 2’s realism or explosive show of effects. Since it is an old PC game to begin with, Quake 1 also misses out on some of the unique enemy Al techniques and weapon innovations that have debuted within the last two years, like limb-specific hit zones and the sniper rifle. Just like id’s previous games, this one delivers mindless action that just happens to be entertaining.”

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Nintendo 64


* Size: 256 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Fighting

* Special Features: Improved Create-a- Wrestler; Impressive Sound, Music, & Entrances; 40 WWF Superstars; Commentary by Jerry Lawler & Shane McMahon; No Nude Codes; Rumble Pak Compatible

* Created by: Iguana West for Acclaim Entertainment

* Available: Late July for Nintendo 64

90% Complete

"Talk about timing. WWF Raw ratings are at an all-time high, making people ravenous for a new WWF game. It may be Acclaim's last release for the world's largest sports entertainment company, but WWF Attitude has become more anticipated than The Rock regaining the World Heavyweight belt, and will EQUUS certainly inspire more controller grapples than Sable's Playboy photos. CHSHOS Р The gameplay will be familiar to anyone who was а master of War Zone, | ,,тснкенсти with the exception of the 150 some moves that have been added. боле is the | _ 2”


much reviled Stun Meter. Wrestlers instead have one bar that shows health, pi changing from shades of green to red to show fatigue. A good variety of moves AERE | W and holds will not only cause your opponent to be momentarily dazed, but will pu also cause more damage than repeating the same grapple over and over. Tene] me. | NM Es High-flying action included. Attitude also has shorter match lengths, making 5 minutes in the ring more Reno BE common than 15. If not decided by pinfall, an after-battle score card decides a | === A cue "te | Winner based on superior maneuvering. An after-match graph decides the au yen ы ARGREL | winner if pinfall doesn't.

Speaking of avoiding redundancy, Attitude has more modes and options than The Godfather has lady friends. The 15 modes (Vs., Lumberjack, and Tag Team, to name a few) can be mixed with the nine match stipulations (First Blood, Cage Match, etc.) and fought in three different rings. Once the WWF's personalities have worn thin, the incredibly expanded Create-a-Wrestler allows practically any kind of grappler, real or imagined, to be made. To get a good mix of it all, Career mode lets players traverse the long, hard road to stardom. Starting at lowly house shows, a player may eventually achieve top billing at the next pay-per-view. Heck, since it's your wrestler's moment in the spotlight, you may as well use the Create-a-Pay-Per-View to give it that special touch. Choose the name, the eight matches, the signs, banners, even the rope and lighting color.

Acclaim could have put out a piece of trash, and it would have sold just fine thanks to having the letters WWF on it. Instead, it | «f is now producing one of the |С.

THE прак

E Valbowski and a vampire meet in the cage. Rock smacks down Austin again.

Au Yl

4 eee) lea Ғалнооц

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most solid and accurate a wrestling games around. The T RANDON proof? In simulation, The Rock [CLEAR 30

Lon beats Steve Austin every time. 2

Create-a-Wrestler can make your nightmares come true.

New weapons include a guitar case and a bedpan.


Nintendo 64


* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Strategy

* Special Features: Rental Pokémon for First-Time Players; Packaged With 64GBPack Adaptor; Multiple Stadium Environments; Minigames; 2-on-2 Tag Team Battles; Features All 151 Pokémon

* Created by: Nintendo

* Available: Fall for Nintendo 64 (Now in Japan)

80% Complete

savy) 42 $022:

Everyone's favorite trouser-dwelling critters are set to take over the Nintendo 64 with the release of Pokémon Stadium. The game is the sequel to the Japanese game Pocket Monster Stadium, which was never released in the States. It will be titled Pokémon Stadium in the U.S. and should be in stores this fall.

This time out, the 3D battles can be fought by all 151 Pokémon that appeared |)

Pokémon Stadium.

Pokémon Stadium features six different tournaments, each with its own rul and level restrictions. Players compete against CPU trainers, except in the Battle mode where 2-on-2 tag team battles can be fought. Each player can e three Pokémon in this mode. The 64GBPack, which will be packaged with game, allows you and your friends to load data from your Game Boy on N64 to see whose Pokémon are the bomb. For those few who haven't p

tournaments and tag battles. To take a breather from the battle ac

Ratata Race, and Lickitung's Rotating Su players use their Gene Simmons-length tc hunks of sushi. Delish! І This game should be huge when it graphics are superb, with a ci meter. The gameplay is simpl the ability to play your Game

І | zu 7250!

e eee

Making 007 Obsolete eee

If you wanted more players in GoldenEye, Perfect Dark delivers an unlimited supply. If you wanted more multiplay- er arenas, Perfect Dark delivers twice as many plus some recycled GoldenEye levels. If you wanted a longer and more complicated single-player game, Perfect Dark delivers an


* Size: 256 Megabit (With Built-In Save) * Style 1 to 4-Player Action

* Special Features: 20+ Weapons; 3 Difficulties (With Added Objectives For Each); Over 1 Hour of Real-Time Cinema; 10-Player & Army Deathmatch Modes; Create Multiplayer Characters; Rumble, Transfer, Expansion, & Controller Pak Compatible

* Created by: Rareware

* Available: December for Nintendo 64

75% Complete

so large and so perplexing that it will take you a lifetime to completely conquer. If you want it, Perfect Dark has it. At this year's ЕЗ, Rare had Perfect Dark on hand and it looked nothing short of stunning. Most impressive of all were the new additions. Read on and get ready for some highly

adventure excitable surprises.

New & Improved

Perfect Dark is equipped with one of the most explosive arsenals in video games. New weapons include a FarSight XR-20 that allows you to see through walls, trace an opponent's heat trail, and hone in on his or her position. Accompanying such favorites like the Sniper Rifle and Rocket Launcher is a new power weapon that drops a missile and launches it at enemies’ ankles. You'll also cross paths with over 20 new and improved guns and gadgets. Joanna can ride a hoverbike, and she can even hide behind specific objects and propel them at the opposition. A big change in this semi-sequel is the inclusion of enemy voices. If you don't see them, listen for them.

A Familiar Taste

All of the new weapons and gadgets sound great, but let's face the facts, the best part about Perfect Dark is that it's running on an improved GoldenEye engine that not only runs smoother, but looks better as well. Double pistols, limb specific hit zones, and similar CPU intelligence are on the way. The mission structures are also very similar, and yes, each mis- Sion features added objectives for difficulty level adjustment.

With the FarSight XR-20, players | Ес, can now look through walls. The new laser scope is the ultimate tool for headshots and limb specific targeting.

The texture quality has improved tenfold, and new motion capture has been added, but still...Perfect Dark's gameplay

The John Woo double pistol feels just like GoldenEye.

action is in full force.

Multi-Player Explosion _

A dream of every video game enthusiast is to be included into a game as a playable character In Perfect Dark this dream has been recognized and answered. Thanks to the Transfer Pak (a Game Boy adapter that fits into the N64 controller}, the Game Boy Camera can be used to take a mug shot of your ugly face and whoever else you'd like to incorporate into the multiplayer modes in Perfect Dark. This technology allows players to create characters that look even more impressive than those in GoldenEye. The

photos taken can be saved onto the built-in memory, plus the Controller Pak (if you need more space). Perfect Dark’s multiplayer marvels don’t end here. Deathmatch can have up to 10-players (4 human, 6 CPU drones); you can also form mini-armies consisting of five characters. VVith these platoons, you can command your CPU allies to lay down cover fire, attack the enemy, and flank to different posi- tions.


Mix and match stock bodies and heads, or use the Game Boy Camera to implement

yourself into multiplayer mayhem. А GoldenEye's

story slithered tightly against the tale in the movie, and in its own unique cinematic styling the game retold the important plot twists, reintroduced the important characters, and rein- vented some of the slow segments in the film. In Perfect Dark, a whole new story has been forged, and it looks like Rare went haywire with the writing and directing of this new

Cinematic Punch

thriller. Perfect Dark will include well over an hour of real- time cinema, depicting Joanna's battle against dataDyne and the mysterious involvement of the 'Grey' aliens. From what we've seen so far, the cinematics look really good. Voice-overs accompany each segment, and Rare didn't back down on incorporating new animation for these cuts either.

Rare estimates that there will be over an hour and a half of real-time cinema packed into this shooter.


* Size: 256 Megabit

Style: 1-Player Action

(1. to 4-Player Minigames)

Special Features: 5 Different Characters:

Multiple Paths On Each Stage; 30+

Minigames; Mine Cart & Roller Coaster | Stages; Weapons; Expansion Pak Included;

Rumble Pak Compatible ч Created by: Rareware for Nintendo | )


Available: November 22 for Nintendo 64


For three years now we've speculated that Donkey Kong would return to the Nintendo 64. Alas, in | all three of these years we've been stood up by the big ape. Then of all things, in the year we turn our | back on Kong, he sneaks up behind us, taps on our shoulders, and hurls a nasty banana belch right into our faces. Yes, the king of the SNES frontier is finally making his N64 debut, and in typical Rare fash- | ion, this frantically anticipated release will stretch the boundaries of 3D gaming while still incorporat- ing the heart and soul of the original releases. {

At first glimpse, Donkey Kong 64 looks as though it is strapped onto the Banjo-Kazooie engine and | sent for a wild ride. The graphics are similar and the gameplay is eerily reminiscent. But lo and behold, | DK64 is nothing like Banjo at all. After an hour of gameplay, - = Е you соте to realize that the only similarity to Banjo is the

и third-dimension. DK64 is basically the SNES version with a

Fach jeva come: packed with at bud facelift. In Banjo-Kazooie, and even Mario 64, the goal throughout

a dance before heading тень his every level is to find an object. In DK64 the goal is to run from exclusive level segment. beginning to end just like you did years ago on the SNES.

To add a little juice to this 3D recreation, Rare has implement- ed five different playable characters. Joining Donkey Kong is his long time pal Diddy and three new faces not yet seen in any game. So without further delay, give a warm welcome to: Tiny, a female character who looks and moves just like Dixie; Chunky, a fat primate with the ability to grow on command; and Lanky, a character who walks on his hands through most of the game. Of Those tricky swimming levels have course, all of these characters won't be available for play from the moved from 16 to 64-bit. get go and there may be more hidden...only time will tell. You'll need to find and unlock all of the characters (excluding Kong) through gameplay. Once you do unlock a new ape or monkey, new portions of each level can be accessed as well. Basically, each level consists of five different routes - one for each character. The lighting effects and texture quality The Donkey Kong Country trilogy thrived on tricky platform-

squash those in Banjo-Kazooie. ing, and Rare has attempted to transport this important aspect to this 3D adventuring first. Vine swinging, mine cart riding, and over 30 minigames have been incorporated into this beast of a game. The action is fast, demanding quick reflexes and pinpoint accuracy in jumps. The minigames will allow up to four players to compete head-to-head. Once you unlock a minigame it will be saved to the built-in memory, allowing play at any time.

The last surprise with DK64 is the fact that it only works with the Expansion Pak. Fortunately, when this game hits retail on November 22, it will come г packaged with the 4Meg expansion. Rare says that Donkey Kong 64 will be

EE à : priced по higher than Zelda: АП of the characters wield a weapon or | (2757717 7115 11557 2

special power. Here a wooden gun i : guarantee. And believe us, SES anut into a butt come November you'll have ape fever in anticipation for this game. Nintendo is launching the biggest marketing campaign in the history of vids for this one. If you despise Kong, then you might as well move to another coun- try because he’s going to be everywhere.



Racing is one of over 30 different minigames.

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Nintendo 64


* Size: Unknown

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports

* Special Features: Fully Licensed: Improved CPU Al; New Moves & Dunks: Icon Passing; Realistic Face Textures: Hi-Res Graphics; Rumble Pak Compatible

* Created by: Left Field Productions for Nintendo

* Available: November 1 for Nintendo 64

80% Complete

The NBA's Finest Shines Again

With Kobe Bryant off the courtside and in the Lakers' starting lineup, Nintendo should

B really change the name of this game to some-

thing more appropríate. Perhaps "Ball Hogs R'.Us" or ^World's Most Famous Starting Scrubs" would describe the cover boy's game a little better. Granted, Nintendo should ditch Kobe in the first place and sign Allen Iverson, but alas, when signing a video game license the player must first be able to fit his head through the door of the attorney's office.

In Courtside 2 not much has changed. Kobe's still out of control, Marbury's gone to

ER the place where God told him to, and Chrissey 3 Laettner is still a wuss. Now to some facts. ў The gameplay in this cart is more or less the

same, only now the CPU competitors are

ў smarter and more aggressive. Even without

the Expansion Pak, Courtside 2 delivers hi-res

2 graphics and intricate details, especially in the players’ faces.

Nintendo has kept this game under tight development, but there’s a good reason why,

| it’s not coming out until November 1. The

Game Informer * July ‘99

details are scarce now, and from what we saw at E3, this game is your typical sports game update. A little razzle dazzle here. A new move and dunk there. But everything else is mostly the same game from last season. Stay tuned though, something big may turn up...like Shaq’s butt.


Nintendo 64 Preview

* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Action

* Special Features: 4 Time Periods; 20 Levels: 15 Enemies (Plus Bosses); 18 Weapons: ist or 3rd-Person Perspective: Innuendo-Laced Surroundings; Rumble, Controller, & Expansion Pak Compatible

¢ Created by: Eurocom for GT Interactive

* Available: August for Nintendo 64

75% Complete

Duke Nukem is to Nintendo's squeaky clean image as pornography is to the Pope. Despite this, GT Interactive is pushing the

Î envelope by releasing Duke Nukem: Zero

Hour on the Nintendo 64 in all its lewd glory. This time around, Duke has to travel through four different time periods (Post-Apocalyptic New York, Gold Rush Old West, Victorian England, and Time Collision Zones) to stop the epoch-traversing aliens. from not only destroying all humanity, but also killing his ancestors and preventing his existence! With the camera in either first or third-person, players run Duke through 20 chronologically diverse levels, shooting

j leaping lizards and swine police with

weaponry appropriate to each era. Not only can anything that walks be shot, but so can pretty much any object onscreen. Car alarms sound, windows shatter, and Spice Girls

* mannequins explode when fired at through

the cross hairs.

GT is focusing more on mission-based gameplay so, rather than just shooting everything in sight, Duke will have to achieve certain goals while shooting everything in sight. There are historical figures to save - some to keep Duke alive, others just thrown in for fun. Also, certain switches can't just be flipped by hand, but will require wire cutters or crowbars for activation.

When the destruction and dirty jokes get old in one-player mode, it's time to gather some gutter-minded friends and go to the four-player cooperative (for wimps) or death- match (for studs). Duke Nukem may be getting on in years, but he doesn’t look to be getting old quite yet.

* Size: 256 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports

* Special Features: Full NFL & NFLPA Licenses; Create Player & Team; Historic Sim Mode; Team-Specific Playbooks; Pin-

Point Passing Mode; Controller, Rumble, & Expansion Pak Compatible

* Created by: Iguana Entertainment for Acclaim

* Available: Late August for Nintendo 64

70% Complete





NFL players will soon report to training camp in preparation for another grueling 17 weeks of smashmouth antics.’ Like clockwork, video game developers are also readying themselves for their football season, and Acclaim’s Iguana Entertainment is again bringing its successful Quarterback Club series to the Nintendo 64.

The emphasis for Quarterback Club 2000 is on gameplay. On the defensive side of the ball, the computer artificial intelligence (Al) | is being worked over, and secondary coverage is being concentrated on. Blitzes will also be more effective and will reward players who like to take risks. On the other side of the з ball, blocking schemes will get attention as | will new play features. Iguana has added a new passing mode called Pin-Point Passing. This mode will allow a quarterback (you) to throw under and over coverage. Iguana j has also removed the turbo button and ! replaced it with a break move that is similar to a juke move.

The look of QBC 2000 has also been revamped. It is not a drastic change, but | Iguana motion-captured 1200 new animations that will hopefully add to the realism. The look of the players will also benefit from small details such as individualized face masks, arm pads, eye black, and breath strips.

Andy, The Game Hombre

“While there is а lot of. gameplay packed in this racer, it falls in the mid- dle of the pack. The realistic driving model is nice, as is the team-recruit- ing system, but why not have crashes if you don't have any licenses to restrain you? Boss could have sepa- rated this one from the pack, but with- out them this game is standard fare." Paul, The Game Professor

"| can't get too excited about yet another racing game for the N64, but World Driver is pretty solid. It has great track designs and excellent playcontrol. It is: a game for the true racing enthusiast. Novices may find it far too difficult."

Reiner, The Raging Gamer

"Where World Driver excels , it also fails. The graphics are superb, yet nothing happens in the environments or to the cars. The gameplay, while loaded with options, lacks significant challenge. And the soundtrack assaults your ears with torturous metal licks.”

* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing

* Special Features: 34 Cars; 10 Varied Tracks; 5 Modes (Training, Arcade, Championship, Vs., & Time Attack); Controller & Rumble Pak Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Boss Game Studios for Midway

* Available: June 16 for Nintendo 64

Bottom Line: 6.25


Concept: 6 6 6.75 Graphics: 7 8.75 8.15 Sound: 5 5 1.75 Playability: 6 9 6.75 Entertainment: 5 9 5.25 Overall: 5.75 7.5 5.75

Оп the Road to Mediocrity

How. many times has it been said before? There are too many racing games for Nintendo 64. If a racing game wants to rise above the overwhelming competition, it has to have some kind of hook that will send it to the top of the heap. Enter Midway's: World Driver: Championship, coming to the contest with many a feature.

For a quick race, there's Arcade, Vs., and Time Attack, but Championship mode is where the action is. Players initially choose to represent one of two teams, each having one car to race. Winning an event earns you points that increase your

M rank in the World Driver scene. As points

and ranks are racked up, more teams, cars, and tracks become unlocked. In all, there are a total of 15 teams (each repre- senting a different country) and 34 cars. To make acquiring points a bit of a chore, the ten tracks are reversed, mirrored, and mixed to make. 120 different paths that seasoned drivers thought they knew.

To make World Driver an attractive racing option for all, Midway has imple- mented a letter box format, which elimi- nates the need for the Expansion Pak. At any time during a race, the graphics can be switched to high-res, shrinking the display height by nearly half and thereby doubling the resolution. With such beauty whizzing past the, screen, players just might want to save their finest speeding moments. The instant replays of great ráces can be customized and saved via the Controller Pak.



* Size: 4 CD-ROMs (2 Game Discs, Soundtrack, Making of)

* Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game

* Special Features: 45 Minutes of Anime FMV; New Plot Points & Story Direction; Intuitive Combat Scenarios With Auto-Battle Feature; Includes Cloth Map; Dual Shock Compatible

* Replay Value: Low

* Created by: ESP/Game Arts/Jam for Working Designs

* Available: Now for PlayStation T: here is good reason why Lunar: Silver Star o Ranni

А Story has been resurrected. On the Sega Bottom Line: 7 75 CD, this relic lived large and garnered a fol- and Late As Usual e lowing of RPG faithfuls. Lunar intertwined classic role-

playing mechanics with an incredibly deep story, and for “Working Designs certainly can't meet a

those who took the time to get acquainted with the ANDY deadline, but it sure does put out some

unique characters and trek the treacherous lands, this RPG _ HE GAME HOMBRE excellent games. While Lunar is certainly

delivered an engrossing journey unlike any before it. But accord- Concept dated (the Genesis-esque graphics are

ing to Japanese developer, Game Arts, nearly 90% of this adven- ___7.75 arthaic, and the simple animations " e

ture was garbage.To put it lightly, Game Arts was far from happy Graphics оа ШЕ T T т

with Lunar. So instead of looking back to a dismal past, the hard- 6.75 Beauti musie 2 lots M A

working staff of Game Arts stepped forward and rebuilt Lunar Sound video. Generally, | don't let video alter my

into the classic they thought it should be. score, but in Lunar's case it does a good

2 If you thought you knew all the conflicts taking place Paani job of keeping the story interesting. | did

Yoü'llinever find a more wretched between Alex and Luna, then think again. Only 15% percent of find that the game made you level up quite hive of scum and villainy...plus, the the original script is intact. The rest has been trashed and ——_—~____ a bit, which gets a little old, but | can beer 15 watered down. replaced with new dialog and new plot twists. Game Arts has Entertainment forgive it for this little problem. Lunar is a

worthwhile product that is a must for you RPG nuts, even if you played the Sega CD

also designed a dozen new characters to interact with the main 8.7 cast. Some mean well, others pose a great threat. Lunar's ani- version And А ae apis mation sequences have also been revamped. Gone are the pint- complete WD ‘i em AW fee size, still frame cutscenes, as well as the whopping two minutes product to bring over."

of animation. Now, over 45 minutes of fluid anime has been dis- persed throughout this rewritten adventure. From a graphical standpoint, Lunar is more or less the same old bag of tricks.The PAUL resolution is far superior to the Sega CD version, and the col- THE GAME PROFESSOR nade an English version of Lunar a reality ors appear to be more vibrant, but the little sprite characters Concept | This RPG doesn’t exactly break 50) whose heads аге as large as their bodies have been restored іп 7 ground in the genre. Everything in Lunar is perfect form. And as expected, the gameplay hasn’t been —~~anhine adequate. The graphics, menus, and touched at all. It's identical to the first effort. The sit-back-and- Graphics ране control, although atypical, are nicely relax auto-battle is still there, and the combat chemistry is once . 125 done. The animated interludes are a little again well balanced, and at times, rather difficult. Sound disappointing as they are really grainy

Star Wars quote? Watered down beer? Looks like the penmanship of none other than Working Designs.

"After countless months in development, I'm glad to see Working Designs has finally

This redesigned 6 and not even full screen. That's really a

PlayStati i 7 Bivanm, small gripe because Lunar has an

. If combat becomes too EA TN a ; FREI entertaining story filled with enjoyable tedious, turn on auto-battle and let diti 8 ав 555 3 SAR д quips. Plus, the game is pretty difficult. the computer duke it out for you. Japan, and it is just now ES Entertainment Luckily, you can save anywhere. The hitting the shelves in MBE е 8.5 PlayStation is becoming very RPG heavy

America.The reason for | к / E and Lunar is a great addition to the library.

this delay? None other 1 ЖА». ee «rta However, with Star Ocean, Grandia, and FF

than Working Designs. iim VIII on the way, | would suggest holding off

As we've seen time and 3 ы с ее Я on Lunar.” time again, the dedicat- ; і i

ed staff of Working “This Lunar regurgitate is an entertaining

Designs has held this Di ./ 5 2 REINER package. Its graphics and gameplay, while product close to its Е 7 л а 5 THE RAGING GAMER old school, still hold their own with today's hearts and cherished it : Concept crop. Lunar's biggest triumph is the story. as if it were its own = = 7.75 The character development isn’t as

systematic as it was on Sega CD, and the

child. Before releasing it A Graphics plot takes some unexpected turns that

а to the streets, they first ا‎ o 7 keeps it from becoming monotonous.

And just like that... needed to translate it \ “Sound Granted, at times you'll just want to click

Alex vanished forever. perfectly meaning not one у ga n ES through text, but don't be surprised if you

comma out of place, nor one ЖҮНІН ІЗІ HEVOS find yourself totally immersed with

word misspelled. To accompany this exciting release, Working iar Playability ^ Working Designs’ fine translation. | have Designs has whipped together quite a package. Joining the two ИЕ” P i v Ww MUR ECT one complaint with Lunar, and it's the game CDs are a soundtrack CD, a Making of Lunar CD, a cloth ; Ў \ Entertainment спе comprani Lt ee map, a leather-bound booklet, and a chrome cover. т der қ 7 when a character breaks out Tore dU If you enjoyed the involving love story and high-brow humor ER. а crucial plot moment. Lunar, while not from the first attempt at Lunar, then you should probably get E E 5 (7.25 . spewing musical numbers, does produce a reacquainted with this second (and hopefully last) Lunar: Silver few cheesy licks that you'll want to write

Star Story endeavor. OVERALL

Game Informer July '99

Expected to be available June 11, 1999



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* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game

* Special Features: Capture & Combine Over 160 Monsters; 2-Player Arena Battle Stage; Over 600 Gorgeous Pre-Rendered Backgrounds; Animated Cutscenes; No Random Encounters; Save Points

* Created by: Genki for Crave Entertainment

* Available: Late July for PlayStation

95% Complete Gotta Catch ‘Em АП

Don’t have a Game Boy? Feeling left out of the Pokémon craze? If you have a PlayStation, then Jade Cocoon could cure your woes. In this eye-pleasing RPG, you'll embark on a quest through enchanted forests filled with nasty monsters. Instead of killing these ; creatures, you'll want to beat them silly just enough to 3 2, | capture them. EE crane

As the Cocoon Master Levant, you have the ability aC «e. sa to imprison evil minions in cocoons. Then, you must You'll meet all sorts of | bring them to a Cocoon Sorceress for purification. 4 After that, you can equip them to be called upon in

battle to fight in your place. Once you build up a good Challenge a menca Tue supply of monsters, merge them together so they have 85. more power and versatility. To avoid a poor merger,

paraa 59 o fd 4 784120 ад Іні g ix

Mus 54

сақы Ae < 245 - Jade Cocoon allows you to preview any creation. You a Y د‎ ^ can see what the beast will look like, as well as what m. hy БЕ 22 E a spells it will have and the maximum number of hit and A j M M ониб Mana points. In all, you can store 24 minions, but only LAM 26 V г =, three of them can be brought into battle. Plus, you can кессе 7 ы f challenge a friend to a multi-monster battle (one to

: Еда Чарн 27 three each) with no fear of losing ownership. :

Stored A eet Findi diff t d troli Ка

И y ‘inding different monsters to conquer and control is ' The battle heats up as ^ 2 definitely a blast, but Jade Cocoon has more. The 600 Levant takes on two minions.

eco 4: 2? 5r or so prerendered backdrops and animation sequences


S Quit RE R2 Zoom ^. are lush and colorful, creating an excellent setting for

em preview of your creation x. the story. The story itself has a couple of facets. First, before you commit to merging. there are the Locusts of the Apocalypse that have infected many of Levant's fellow villagers with a sleep- ing sickness. As Levant,'you will search enchanted forests to find a cure and, not surprisingly, the plot will take a number of twists that reveal more about the sickness and its origin. In addition to the quest, the story also focuses on Levant and his relationships with his family and other villagers.

Every Cocoon Master is married to his Cocoon Sorceress. The catch is, purifying cocoons is unhealthy for the Sorceress. Levant's father, also a Cocoon Master, left his mother to spare her further harm. T xu ле; Some villagers call him compassionate, some а coward, Jade Cocoon is loaded with but either way you are driven to discover your father's

stunning back drops. fate. This fact affects your relationship with your wife, Mahbu, and the other villagers, some of whom see you as an outcast. The story becomes a commentary on the place of tradition in society.

As deep and intriguing as Jade Cocoon's story is, the monster capturing and merging are what keep you playing. Like many RPGs, Jade Cocoon starts a little slow (and the monsters a little boring), but eventually picks up so that you crave (pun intended) the power of a new beast.

of a minion.

ehold the capturing

E y quema » du қ К ap E е

E ше

One (1) grand prize winner will win а 4,000 shopping spree | of PlayStation products and a FREE subscription to Game | Informer magazine,

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* Size: 1 CD-ROM j

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Role-Playing Game

* Special Features: 9 Characters (2 Playable); 2-Player Simultaneous Play; 3 Character Party; Land Make System; 11 Weapon Types; Combining Moves Creates New Attacks; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible

* Created by: Square Soft

* Available: Summer in Japan (U.S. Release Undetermined)

Translation | Analysis |

fi ©1200:

Game Informer e luly '9°

: of Mana for

е States. Although Legend of Mana for

PlayStation loses the three-player option that Secret

had (two players can now adventure together in a three-

person party), it more than makes up for it with a larger

quest, increased options, and a pastel world of watercolor backdrops.

Like most RPGs, Legend of Mana’s story begins small. After choosing between two female lead characters and deciding which of six initial weapons to wield, you begin the adventure in a small village. It’s not long before it’s time to depart from this boring burg, and that’s where the Land Make system first comes in. Every time a person tells you of a new town, landmark, or dungeon, a wheel on the world map will have objects for you to place. Once set down, these Artifacts transform into the locale you’ve heard so much about. Every space on the map is aligned in varying degrees with the eight Mana (light, dark, wood, gold, fire, earth, wind, and water), and setting a location down in a different part of the world will change the layouts, monsters, events, and even the shop items within. Thus, Legend of Mana is practically guaranteed to be different for every player.

Once you place that dungeon, it won’t be long before you get into a scuffle. The other people in your party will fight bravely at your side, but if you don’t learn to take care of yourself by using the Action Edit menus, the adventure will end prematurely with the party’s death. Action Edit allows players to combine any two moves they’ve learned (which depend on the weapon selected) to create something new and assign it to a button. For example, mixing Crouch with Jump brings about a High Jump. The new maneuvers you create can also be combined once more with other specials to create a maneuver of stellar bruising capabilities. These specials take away some of the power shown on your energy bar, but do much more damage than boring standard attacks. Also, if two characters are close to one another and their energy bars begin flashing, they can join to perform a powerful Synchro Attack.

Square hasn’t given any kind of indication when we might be seeing Legend of Mana in North America, but it’s coming. Something this good has to be shared with the world.

Night driving makes it a little more dangerous.

Sled Storm mould Her the

first 4-player split-screen for PS-X.

Characters are rated in five categories.

| that affect the handling of your sled.



* Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing (4-Player Via Multi-Tap) * Special Features: 2 Racing Modes; Tricks &

Comb Characters; Night Racing; Short Cuts; Taunts; 3 Engine Classes; 1st & 3rd- Person Perspectives; 4-Player Split-Screen; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible

* Created by: Electronic Arts

* Available: Summer for PlayStation

70% Complete

GAS and Snow Come Together

The title of this game can be misleading for those not hip to the lingo. Sled Storm does not use those red plastic sleds seen on the snow-covered hills of the northern states. No, we're talking about gas-chugging | snowmobiles. But Sled Storm isn't what you may | think of as typical snowmobiling. Here, trails aren't timid | and you'll find no bars out in the middle of the forest. |

If you've seen the snowmobile racing on the X Games, then you have an idea of what Sled Storm is all |) about - racing, jumping, and performing tricks. In Sled | Storm, there are two kinds of courses: six SnoCross tracks Ё and eight Open Mountain tracks. SnoCross is the stuff , you see on the X Games - man-made, tightly built tracks with a lot of bumps and opportunities for air. The Open Mountain tracks feature varied and open terrain | that contains short cuts, alternate paths, and a greater variety of snow surfaces like ice, water, and mud

In addition to the racing, there are also tricks to perform. In all, there are over 50 tricks that can be combined, | like Superman airs, Heel Clickers, and Decades. Once | you master these tricks, you'll score points that can be | collected to upgrade and customize your sled. There are three engine classes (400cc, 600cc, and 800cc) to acquire.

Sled Storm has six characters, plus two hidden, who also affect performance. Each is rated in top speed, acceleration, handling, and stability. Plus, each has his or her own trick set and verbal taunts.

Driving around in these snow-covered environments | is a lot of fun. The control is a little loose to accurately | reflect the sensation of floating across powder in the Open Mountain courses. The SnoCross courses demand more technical expertise as the turns are tighter and, with tons of bumps packed closely together, you'll need to display timing and rhythm. ;

Night racing and the first-person view add variety | to Sled Storm, but perhaps the best feature for | extended replay value is the 4-player split-screen. The | only problem is the noticeable drop in framerate from 30 fps to 20.

Being northern boys, we at Game Informer are excited about a snowmobile racing game. But this game could also appeal to other geographic regions due to its tricks, solid control, course variety, and multiplayer features. Look for it this summer.



* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Sports (4-Player Via Multi-Tap)

* Special Features: 4 Modes (Arcade, Tournament, Season, & Practice); Offensive & Defensive Play Editors; Fire Mode; 3 Difficulties; Fantasy Stadiums; Secret Players; Icon Passing

* Created by: Midway Home Entertainment

* Available: Fall for PlayStation

70% Complete


In Blitz, spearing is totally legal.

Е %- 7 (POSUN) (POSEN) RU НАТ Yarns 7 Стрази ETE CRIS WT LI :

LX We hope Favre is okay. Blitz RE meum action. з

Show your creative side with the play editor.

Robert Smith makes a mad dash for the goal line.

Blitz hasa muc of By ^ fantasy stadiums.



48 Қалқан EUREN SMS



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MIDWAY Take this card with you to your local arcade and show’em who knows all the moves!

Moves List

pee ee ee ee ge eee

Dunks Double Dunk Hold Turbo down and hit the Jump/Shoot button within the three With Ball: When teammate goes up for an empty handed dunk and point zone. starts flashing, start to perform a dunk as well and hit Pass. Evade Without Ball: When teammate goes up for a dunk, do an empty Double tap the Turbo button. handed dunk and tell him to pass the ball right before he reaches . the basket. Pushing Hit the Turbo and Pass button simultaneously. Fire

mum mA AZINE


10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344




10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Secret Characters Vs. Screen Codes BEAR 1228

HORNET ир Note: You must be on the Vs. (Versus) Screen to make these BENNY 0503 OLDMAN 2001 codes work. BOOMER 0604 PINTO 1966 BRIDE 1935 RAPTOR 1020 esee id Press all three buttons once and then hit CRUNCH 0503 SASQUA 27785 у FRANK 1931 SLY 6765 Big Heads - Press Turbo once and hit Joystick Right. GORILA 0314 TURBO 1111 Play With ABA Ball - Press Turbo twice, Shoot three times, HAWK 0322 Pass twice, and hit Joystick Right.

Fog (Outdoor Courts Only) Press Turbo once, Shoot twice, Pass three times, and then hit Joystick Up.

Snow (Outdoor Courts Only) - Press Turbo once, Shoot twice, Pass once, and hit Joystick Left.

کس ee ——— ке‏ ت ق

4 NAF pe

жы Tamorrow Never Dies -—

on the Nintendo 64, it certainly behooves meee B Ops to соте:

sure TND is in high form = but let's get a move on. Fortunately, the PlayStation 2 will be backward-compatible because, although TND is

PlayStation Preview

75% Complete

Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1 or 2-Player Action

* Special Features: 2-Player Deathmatch; 3

Kinds of Action (Foot, Skiing, & Driving); Sniper Mode; Auto Aim; Real-Time

Cutscenes; Stealth; Three Camera Views;

Power-Ups; Film Footage Created by: Black Ops for MGM Interactive/Electronic Arts Available: Fall for PlayStation

Slated for a fall release, you never know what other delays this zum = :


Unlike Rare’s GoldenEye, TND uses a third- -person perspective. Obvious comparisons сап be made to Metal Gear Solid and Syphon Filter. With TND's gadgets and items, stealth, and overall espionage intensi the Bond license will help set TND apart from the other two. That: leans you'll get to hear Bond's catchy Jingle as well as see Pierce Brosnan’

special weapons à la Q, including exploding cufflink “detonators, ;

microscopic tracking devices, satellite up-link cameras, ski pole rocket

-launchers, and a versatile cell

phone device. Ofte

TND will have over

deve t these missions

e game are taken straight | re the Military Outpost, |

ў мо. has. еле |

vertical split-screen, youanda |

friend сап enjoy ‘the | game's deathmatch mode as Bond, Wai Lin, or a | select few other character: fi he film. Deathmatch also features |

several levels and regener Ver en Other features of this spy th e three: third-person perspectives,

three styles of gameplay (foot, skiing, and driving), and analog and dual |

= expect to see IND this fall.

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: Interactive 3D Environments; Dinosaurs Stalk, Disarm, & Toy With Prey; Weapon Creation; Blood Trails; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible; Save Points & Continues; Puzzles

* Created by: Capcom

* Available: September for PlayStation

65% Complete

f "Now that's disgusting."

“ы M NE AS


Es б

vuv Ree 4| If only we could establish the cause of death. ~n 4

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Regina comforts the dying.







Capeom is not afraid to find a niche ала T

stick to it. We project that in two years there will be as many Street Fighter releases as there are Bob Dylan albums. In addition to fighting games, Capcom loves its survival horror. The RE series promises to get bigger with exclusive releases planned for the N64, PlayStation, and Dreamcast. But, as many of you already know, Capcom is bringing the genre to a new universe with Dino Crisis.

A young Dr. Kirk is conducting secret research on Ibis Island to discover a clean energy source called Third Energy. It's very unstable, however, and in the wrong hands can be used as a weapon of mass destruction. But that's not all. Third Energy also has the side effect of opening a dimensional portal allowing dinosaurs to travel to Ibis Island. How convenient. Naturally, its up to you to stop the dinosaurs and get the data on Dr. Kirk's energy experiments.

You are Regina, a member of a small assault force led by a man named Gayle. Sure, it's a girl's name, but let us assure you, Gayle is all man and then some. Then there's Rick, a wise- crackin’ techno dude whos really good at restoring lost power to buildings and gaining access to computers.

Without a doubt, this game screams Resident Evil. But that's okay since RE has produced some of the best games around. Plus, there are enough subtle differences to make Dino Crisis a must-have game, provided you don't get squeamish at the sight of blood and mangled bodies.

Regina has a couple of moves up her sleeve that her RE counterparts did not. For instance, she can walk with her gun drawn and perform a 180° quick turn. The latter is especially useful since dinosaurs attack a lot faster than any zombie ever could. Plus, the dinos are relentless. If you leave a trail of blood, they will follow it. If they catch you, they might play with you by grabbing your arm with their teeth and shaking you to a slow and painful death. Also, the dinos can knock weapons out of your hands, creating all sorts of problems.

Dino Crisis seems to have it all. Horrifying enemies, solid control, great graphics, dramatic cutscenes and camera angles, humorous dialogue, and of course, lots of blood. Look for the horror to begin this September.

i | H y~ З Г 7 = 22 DINO


Regina, Rick, and Gayle for action.

“Hey! That's a brand new desk!!”

E é i n UAM

"Oh $@%#!!”


Let's face it. The Vikings had their best chance in years to | win the Super Bowl, but threw it all away in the МЕС -championship game against the Dirty Birds. As devoted fans of the Purple, many at GI have been in mourning ever since that fateful January afternoon. To deal with the depression of the loss, some of us release aggressions on punching


* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Sports

* Special Features: 125 New Taunts, Sound Bites, & Celebrations; 230 New Player Animations; 4 Modes (Quick Start, Season, Playoffs, & Tournament); 5 Players on a Team; Ever yone's an Eligible Receiver; Create Player; Roster Substitutions

* Created by: 989 Sports

* Available: July 15 for PlayStation

90% Complete

bags while others, every morning before starting the day, chant positive-affirmations like: “Тһе Vikings are a good

football team. Randy Moss is fast and tall. Offense wins : Super Bowls. Red McCombs would never move the Vikings to Texas.”

Another way we deal with the pain is to avenge the loss by conducting rematch after rematch of the NFC ; championship game on arcade-style football games like -Xtreme and Blitz. In case you haven't been paying

attention, Xtreme and Blitz are football scoring fests that

emphasize late hits, crazy tackles, trash talking, and other

rule benders. For instance, in 989 Sports’ NFL Xtreme 2,

defenders can grab a ball carrier by a limb, swing him i

around, and launch him into the air. Some rules have been

seriously altered as well, like the option to pass the ball |

beyond the line of scrimmage, making scoring even easier.

If you're a sports fan, then you have no doubt noticed the increased popularity of trash talking and celebrating Football is по exception, and Xtreme attempts to deliver the shameless self-promotion on the field. Last year, the

| trash talking іп Xtreme was horrible. The dialogue was |

unoriginal and was delivered with the flair опе would expect from comedian Steven Wright. For Xtreme 2, 989

Sports has added 125 new player taunts, sound bites, and |

celebrations. But unless the latest preview copy we played

is omitting the choícest bits, the dialogue and delivery still | lack the edge needed to convey the true attitude of poor: |


Xtreme 2's graphics аге better than last year's and no | longer look like a pick-up version of GameDay. The control -

has also been simplified, no longer requiring many of the multi-button combos of last year's game. Ball carriers will be able to lateral, shoulder charge, high step, hurdle, stiff arm, and jump flip. On defense, you'll be able to perform a

swim move, flip a blocker over your head, dive tackle, and

unleash a clothes-line move. The first Xtreme was okay, but Blitz blew it out of the water. Clearly, Xtreme 2 has improved in many aspects, but

will it be enough to slam Blitz onto the Astroturf of the |

virtual gridiron?

Preview ;

e Size: 1 CD ROM

* Style: 1-Player Shooter

* Special Features: 9 Zones With Both a Mid & Last Boss; 1st & 3rd-Person Camera Views ; Full Replay With 4 Camera Angles; 2 Weapons With Multiple Power-Ups

* Created by: Polyphony for Sony Computer Entertainment

* Available: Now in Japan for PlayStation (U.S. Release Third Quarter)

ШЕПНЕ Easy - Most basic FE instructions, like button Analysis functions, are in English.


219 sse Rage Against the Machines

Computers our friends. They make our jobs easier. They keep us іт touch with friends and family through email. The Internet brings us a world of : knowledge with a simple click of the mouse. We love our computers. Still, don't you sometimes get the sneaking feeling that, if given a chance, your computer would violently take over the world and enslave humankind? We do, but then maybe we haven't been getting enough sleep.

This technological paranoia figures strongly in the plot of Omega Boost. It seems that a group of evil

v——wuwe-saassega"? Mechas, called the Alpha Core, have traveled back in time to ) 3 | 1946 and replaced a vacuum tube in the original ENIAC | computer, triggering a chain of events resulting in the | mechanical domination of Earth. Your mission is to go back after | them and replace the vacuum tube with the original, freeing | mankind from the tyranny of the Alpha Core. However, this is no | job for a mild-mannered computer tech with taped-together | glasses. To vanquish your foes, you must use your own well- | armed mecha to turn the Alpha Core into scrap metal. | The most striking aspect of Omega Boost is the graphics - | some of the best we've seen on PlayStation. The FMV introduction and cutscenes have production values that put | many Hollywood sci-fi clunkers to shame. Throughout the game, you'll be astounded by the detail and size of the enemies and bosses. қ Despite the detailed graphics, Omega Boost is a lightning-fast ! shooter. Enemies swarm from all directions, making the action so intense that you might have to pry your fingers off the controller after a long session. To help you inflict maximum damage, you are equipped with two weapons: a Vulcan Cannon which fires off short bursts, and a Laser Cannon which locks-on to a target and | T BEHRE RES i delivers a deadly, accurate blast. Also, a power-up weapon called the Viper Boost emits a comet-like ball of destruction that pulverizes anything in its path. The Scan function immediately | detects and zeros in on enemies. The Boost button comes in | handy when it's time for some evasive action.

Omega Boost also offers a wide variety of backgrounds, enemies, and gameplay. Some levels have you blasting it out in deep space, others have you scouring the surface of a planet for adversaries to rub out. The ee Timeshaft levels —— y

Ena yon Mening TTE cannon does some

22 down tubes filled debito

with obstacles and senoun damage.

robotic weapons. You face enemies ranging from huge, | heavily-armed spacecraft to mechanical super-gophers; from

enormous sand worms to 20th-century fighter planes.

| Shooter fans should definitely be in line for Omega Boost when it drops in the States. It offers amazing graphics and intense action, and compares favorably to the classic Sega : || Saturn series, Panzer Dragoon.

A Jedi Knight must

remain focused.


x | NN “д;

Mastery of the

requires that one

| ii purge all unnecessary

activities from daily lile.




Prepare to immerse yourself in the epic adventure that is The Phantom Menace. As the central character, you will journey to all the stunning locations of Episode I, where you are destined to play a decisive role in every key event. All-consuming? Yes. But then, there’s no such thing as a part-time Jedi.

PlayStation L.


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© Lucasfilm Ltd & TM. All rights reserved. Used under authorization. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. 3D accelerator hardware required for PC version.

PlayStation Preview


* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: Anime-Styled Graphics; Three Playable Characters; Letter Box Format; Onscreen Inventory; Sneak Mode; Fear Meter; Multiple Targets; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible

* Created by: Kronos for Eidos

* Available: November for PlayStation

50% Complete

My Three fllercenaries

After seeing Fear Factor (FF) in action, our initial reaction is positive. When Eidos claimed FF was going to look like an anime, we were skeptical, as we are with all claims of this nature. In this case, however, FF will likely come pretty close. The cutscenes look fantastic and, even during gameplay, the graphics convey that anime feel.

Fear Factor is very comparable to Resident Evil (minus the zombies). It uses a third- person perspective with a fixed camera, and controlling the character is very similar in that you will have to draw your gun and

f pivot the character to aim. FF builds on this

concept with weapons like twin hand guns and twin Uzis that allow you to target two enemies at the same time. Eidos also claims

И FF will have significantly less loading time

than either of the Resident Evil games and, from what we saw, that looks to be true.

The story of FF centers around three mercenaries trying to rescue the kidnapped daughter of a powerful leader of the Hong Kong Triad. All three mercenaries are playable, but you don’t get to choose. Instead, each character is made available for certain parts of the game.

A unique feature of this game is the Fear Meter. As a character's fear (and with it the meter) increases, so does his or her adrena- line. When this happens, the. character becomes more calm and focused, and kills with greater skill and efficiency. One-shot kills are more apt to happen with the Fear Meter high, but if the character gets shot or makes other mistakes, adrenaline goes down and some control is lost.

FF, with, its RE-style gameplay апа

1 anime-style appearance, is definitely а game

54 Game Informer « July 99

to watch for as its November release date draws closer.


* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: Not Just a Brawler Anymore; New Engine; 1 Playable Character; Sniper Mode; Stealth; Gravity Motion Effects

* Created by: Core for Eidos

* Available: October for PlayStation

45% Complete

If you've been reading GI for over a year, then you may recall that we were not big fans of Fighting Force. Not that it mattered, because the game still sold well for Eidos,

А which began work on a sequel. Despite the

success the original Fighting Force found,

Ч Eidos has decided to give Fighting Force 2

(FF2) a serious facelift.

Dr. Zeng is gone and so is most of the rest of the cast. The only one left is Hawk Manson, who has been hired by the CIA to infiltrate the faceless and evil Nakamichi Corporation to find out about the cyborg technology it acquired from Dr. Zeng.

Also gone is most of the brawling that was in the original. FF2 has turned into an all-out action/adventure game with more story, more weapons, more ammunition, and even a little bit of stealth. There are so many weapons, we think you'll rarely have to use your fists.

Core has also given this game a brand new 3D engine that supposedly runs faster. Also, Core has put in place gravity motion effects that affect clothing and hair, and real-time lighting that casts shadows on the charac- ters as they move. About the only thing remaining from the original FF is the non- linear level progression that lets you decide what level you want to conquer next.

The original Fighting Force sold well for Eidos, yet it is taking a gamble by drastically changing the sequel. Therefore, even though we didn't care much for the original, we're excited to get our hands on FF2 and see if this metamorphosis transforms the series into something worth paying for.

PlayStation Preview

29g un ) |

| | Many tracks have alternate paths. 1

Size: 1 CD-ROM

Style: 1 ог 2-Player Racing

Special Features: 40 Classic Hot Wheels; 4 Environments With 3 Tracks Each; 3 Modes; Stunts & Classic Hot Wheels Tracks; Turbos; Half-Pipe; Alternate Paths; Rockin’ Soundtrack

* Created by: Stormfront for Electronic Arts

* Available: Fall for PlayStation

50% Complete

If you're like us, you have a special place | іп your heart for those tiny automobiles | known as Hot Wheels. How many afternoons | have you spent trying to find out which of | your hot rods can jump the farthest, roll the

fastest, or endure the most punishment? EA has decided to take these classic toys and deliver them to both the PlayStation and Nintendo 64.

- Thousands of different Hot Wheels cars have graced toy shelves throughout the years, but EA has narrowed its selection down to 40, about half of which must be unlocked. Each car is rated according to top speed, durability, control, and stunts. That's

| right - stunts. Once in the air, you can command your car to do flips, spins, and rolls.

| If you successfully perform a trick, you are | rewarded with turbos. And the greater the _ | difficulty, the more turbos you get. Plus, you'll | encounter classic Hot Wheels track sections like the Danger Changer, loop-to-loop, and

| Criss, Cross, Crash.

In all, there are 12 tracks divided into four unique environments - Volcano Island, Glacial Rift, Wild West, and Haunted, Highway. The tracks themselves vary as much as the cars do, so that different cars work better on different tracks.

Hot Wheels has three modes of play. The Cup Series is a standard season mode and the Exhibition mode is for single races. The Air Time Challenge is what EA refers to as a party mode. You are given a certain amount of time to perform tricks and earn as many points as you can.

EA has also included a thumpin' sound-

| track with music from Metallica, Mix Master

ike, Primus, and the Reverend Horton Heat.

ПОСТА ШЕСІ ІЗ |) Look for Hot Wheels this fall.


* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Shooter

* Special Features: 4 Unique Spacecraft (1 Hidden); 7 Levels; 3 Dimensions; Flight Record Save Via Memory Card; Ambient Soundtrack; Unlock Backgrounds; Dual Shock Compatible

* Created by: IREM Software Engineering for AGETEC

* Available: July for PlayStation

80% Complete

Shooting for the Third Dimension

Two dimensions may have entertained a decade ago, but now a game's got to have at least three to trip the buyer's trigger. R-Type Delta from AGETEC is finally bringing this twelve-year-old. shooter series up-to-date on the PlayStation. Those damnable parasitic pests, the Bydo, have returned to vex the Earth once more, and have apparently gotten a little smarter as time has rolled along. Not only will they strike from the left and right, but from the background as well.

To defend against this revitalized menace, players will have three ships to choose from (one of which must be unlocked) in addition to the trusty R9. Each has its own unique weapon and. power-up configurations, allow- ing players to find that special R-Type to fill their needs. For serious devastation, every

|| spacecraft comes equipped with the limited use Delta weapon, which warps space in front of the ship, seriously mangling anything in its path.

With a memory card plugged in, players are able to keep a record of their war efforts. Along with high scores, things such as hours played, average destruction rate, and how many times the Delta weapon has been used are kept for later perusal. Overall success at obliteration will.not only unlock that mysteri- ous fourth ship, but also 12 background Screens that display your craft in their finest moments. Additionally high scores can be registered on AGETEC's website, so players from around the world will know who's really doing all the work saving the planet.


Game Informer е July "99

PlayStation PlayStation Preview JEN Preview ЕТЕ * Style: 1-Player Action * Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing

* Special Features: Western. Sci-Fi, & * Special Features: New 3D Engine; 16 Kung Fu Collide: 10 Levels: 3 Tracks in 6 Environments; 11 Hover Difficulties: 1 Johnny No More: Hidden Bikes; 4 Modes (Practice, Single Race, Characters: Secret Areas: Minigames; Season, & Stunt); 3 Difficulties;

Dual Shock & Analog Compatible Radar/Map; Turbo Dual Shock &

* Created by: UEP Systems for AGETEC Analog Compatible;

* Available: September for PlayStation * Created by: 989 Studios

* Available: September for PlayStation

65% Complete


95% Complete

Evil Is Bigger Than Your Gun

In the 1800’s, a cowpoke named Johnny : е Single Trac has no part in Jet Moto апу Й finds out that evil is bigger than his gun, so more. As with other Sony franchises (like he trains under a samurai, changes his name Twisted Metal and Cool Boarders), 989 to Zan, and returns home to fight ninjas Fos Studios is changing the developer of Jet Moto and robots galore. A, mixed plot like this venons PME. mid 3, opting to keep it in house. shouldn't work, but it does in AGETEC's s КЗ Naturally, а change in developer means Rising Zan. This 3rd-person slash-and-shoot e ^ changes in the game. In Jet Moto 3's case, spectacular will have you laughing while : 5-46 this means only minor modifications. The new saving townsfolk: that is, when you're not Y 3D engine runs at 30 frames per second and singing the theme song. س‎ has improved lighting effects that add things Zan, the self-proclaimed Super Ultra Sexy Бет like reflections to the 11 hover bikes, each of Hero, has a load of special moves to help him à which is rated according to acceleration, take out the evil forces that threaten his top speed, and handling. The racing is home. Sure, it's easier just to plug away while 4 ? al faster and the hover bikes are easier to the enemy approaches, but you'll earn no xa ШТІ; | spin, allowing you to pull off even crazier Sexy Points that way. Killing, while looking a aerial maneuvers. bame, good is very important to Zan, and the more E Of course, much of the game is identical. ALL BUTTON EVENT Circle Sweeps, Sword Charges, and Spinning * The magnetic grapple is still in place for GRASSES Slashes you perform, the higher your Sexy - > difficult turns. In all, there аге 16 Moto-esque Meter becomes. When enough sexiness tracks located in six different environments: has been acquired, a push of the button water, dirt, sand, ice, snow, and concrete. makes Zan a super-fast killing machine for a The tracks can be raced in three modes, brief time. | g Practice, Single Race, or Season.: Plus, if In addition to the standard minion-slaying Жы P you beat the Season mode on the hardest action, Rising Zan also relies on all-button 1 E. difficulty, you will unlock a Stunt mode. jamfests. A sumo pushing machine gets in i i Jet Moto 3 won't have any drastic M your way? Slam everything to push back. Just m changes, so fans of the series needn't beat a boss? Press like mad to earn more j worry about the change of developer. This cutting and shooting time. Why? Because it's 44 September, expect to see а refined and sexier that way. mi improved Jet Moto racing game.

d e


It's the Super Fitra Sexy Were


Game Informer July '99

PlayStation Preview



* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: Starring Jill Valentine; Developed by Shinji Mikami; 10 Types of Zombies; New Dodge Move; Live Selection Feature Lets You Affect the Story's Outcome

* Created by: Capcom

* Available: November for PlayStation

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Strategy

* Special Features: Real-Time; Unit Design; Find & Research Technologies; Improvements & Units Carry Over; Designate up to 4 Squads; Dual Shock & Mouse Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Pumpkin Studios for Eidos

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Bottom tine: 7.75

PAUL | REINER Concept: 7 8 Graphics: 7.75 7.25 Sound: 7 Playability: 7.5 Entertainment: 8.5 Overall: 7,5

40% Complete

In Warzone 2100, the player takes on the roles of a handful of survivors of a glob- al nuclear. holocaust who have committed themselves to restoring society. Your initial goal is to go out into the wastelands, establish a base, and attempt to salvage old technology. Of course, this usually involves destroying other survivors’ bases and picking up relics for research back at your home base. As with most real-timers to date, diplomacy is not an option.

One of the more interesting things about this game is the fact that all units and base improvements carry over between missions. Thus, particularly astute players can prepare themselves for future engage- ments by riddling the territory around their bases with defenses, finishing all available research, and creating large reserve armies before meeting their final

, mission objective.

The game has a wealth of interesting features. Vehicles, for instance, can be designed by choosing between three differ- ent component types: chassis, means of locomotion (wheels, treads, hover, VTOL), and turret system. While the design system is simple enough that players will constantly be upgrading to the newer, tougher technologies from the beginning of

iret ES

Г Capcom is kicking horror into high gear. 5

Ч With Dino Crisis for PlayStation, ав well eS < as unique Resident Evil titles for the Е PlayStation, Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color, and game.com. There will be no

| shortage of soiled underpants this winter. Resident Evil 3 Nemesis will һе the next chapter in the ongoing saga of the experiments of the evil Umbrella Corporation. Although the third in the series, Nemesis will actually occur hours before RE 2 in time. You will start the game in Racoon City as S.T.A.R.S. team member, Jill Valentine, while she packs for a trip to Europe. Unfortunately for Jill, Racoon City is already crawling with | zombies, and she is knocked unconscious and injured severely before she can escape 4 | the town and catch her plane. You must then | search for a cure to save Jill from death with the help of Carlos Oliveira, a young, “hot-

=] blooded, tough guy from South America." 1 In all, RE 3 will feature ten types of 0! zombies; some will be from past games, while | others will be totally new. In this adventure, enemies can come back to life at any time. To counter this annoying enemy trait, Capcom has implemented a new. dodge feature that makes it easier to avoid attacks. Also, you will be able to interact more with the environment and use background objects for

Andy, The Game Hombre

"For strategy nuts, Warzone is a notable addition to the PS-X library. Its interface is easy to manage (once you get the hang of it); researching and designing units is entertaining in its own right; and the. action is quite fierce. Poor resolution and no person- ality are its only drawbacks."

Paul, The Game Professor

“Initially, the cursor control is cumber- some „and. extremely frustrating.

defensive purposes.

However, like many good real-time Strategy games, this title is highly addictive. If you enjoyed Command & Conquer, take a look at this one." Reiner, The Raging Gamer

“You gotta love it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a 3D version of C&C, especially considering there aren't many real-time. strategy games on the consoles. Warzone’ 2100 shows a nice design that capitalizes on vehicle R&D. and carry over mis- sions. Better clarity would have been nice, but hey, that's a small gripe.”

the game, the choices do become less obvious as a greater diversity of powerful technology becomes available.

Warzone 2100 also features a unique battle view, in which players can take control of an individual vehicle in a third-person over-the-top view. While it's nothing. incredibly. new, Warzone offers plenty of options and solid Al work to keep any real-time strategy fan satisfied.

Game Informer July :99




* Size: 1 GD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Racing

* Special Features: Over 40 Tricks With Various Combos; 9 Racers; Open Race Courses With Multiple Paths; Practice Mode; VMU Compatible

* Created by: Criterion Studios for Acclaim

* Available: October for Dreamcast

60% Complete

the DC in late Sagte ber;

Trickstyle in-October. Formerly known:a May ‘99), Trickstyleʻis part racing. gat suggests, part stunt-based action. Trickstyle is set in the future. A future varies utopian society has led to a bored populace. To-revitalize their apathetic lifestyles, the masses have turned, to gravity surfing. High above. major cities across the world, urban surfers have quickly made this gravity-surfing the new global pastime. Now seeking fame and-glory, the best urban surfers have gathered for a worldwide: “competition. The basis of the competition in Trickstyle-iS not only to beat your opponent to the finish line, but also te see who can pull off the most outrageous tricks. There are over 40 Extreme air off the transition. different tricks that can be executed, and tricks can be

For extra speed you can go luge style...

and; as the name

There are more than 40 different tricks.

linked:together to offer hundreds of different combos. Executing moves will score points, boost the overall speed and open access to alternate paths. For example, if your racer has enough speed, it will allow | you to launch over obstacles апа bypass a longer route. Likewise, some obstacles апа jumps.can send | you into the abyss, and back to the rear of the pack.

There аге a total of nine racers who сотребе in the Trickstyle competitions. All have varyingsstrengths and weaknesses that can be exploited in city: environm nts: such as London, Tokyo, and Manhattan. in addition, 1 the gravity surfboards have different ‘attributes, mare: of which can be found throughout the competition, | Plans also call for Trickstyle minigames via the Virtual- Memory Unit. The VMU will allow players to build up characters and access new boards. There is also а | practice arena called the Velodrome. Here you can perfect tricks and get the feel of this radical, futuristic sport.

Trickstyle may not have the most original concept, but the game is looking impressive. Stay tuned for тоге on this title in upcoming issues.

_ Strollin’ through the park " Hangtime over London.

urban-surfer style.

Trickstyle offers very detailed graphics.

Game Informer е July '99.


Size: 1 GD-ROM

Style: 1 ог 2-Player Fighting

Special Features: Rumble Meter for Powered-Up Punch; Voice-Overs by Michael Buffer; Multiple Camera Angles, 1st-Person Mode; Dreamcast Modem Compatible; Manager (Championship) Mode

* Created by: Midway

* Available: September for Dreamcast

(Launch Title)

70% Complete

Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts!

| Ladies and Gentleman, we here at GI are pleased to announce | the arrival of a new video game hero. Comin’ straight from the “| NYC, he goes by the name of Afro Thunder a.k.a. the Chocolate

| Boy Wonder; known for leaving the competition 6 feet under,

drinkin’ milk straight from the udder, and never gettin’ caught | with the foul-ups, the bloops, the bleeps, or the blunders! His righteous republic shall not be torn asunder and that’s word to the mother.

Sure, the slim young brother with the hundred-pound hair is cool, but that's far from all Midway's Ready 2 Rumble Boxing has to offer. This game was attracting large crowds at E3 and could | bethe first blockbuster title for the Dreamcast. Instead of offering | up another run-of-the-mill boxing simulator, Midway has jam- | packed Ready 2 Rumble with wacky fighting action the likes of which have not been seen since the glory days of Super Punch- | Out on the SNES.

So far, we’ve seen eight of the 20 boxers that will be in the final | game. The cast of characters includes: Salua Tuna, a big-boned | sumo; "Raging" Rivera (no relation to Gl's Ragin’ Gamer); Tank

А a Thrasher, a chrome-domed hesher with a bad disposition; and А Kd Selena Strike, a pretty pugilist with a wicked jab. Each fighter has

Tank and Butcher share а his or her own strengths and weaknesses, as well as unique ani- tender moment. mations.

= ы 7 wo tons of fun

; This game makes the most of the Dreamcast's graphic capa-

| bilities; the detail on each character is stunning and the animation

| is fluid. As the fight heats up, you begin to see injuries like black

| eyes and split lips appear on your fighter.

| While its cartoonish yet hyper-realistic graphics are definitely

| amazing, the real draw of Ready 2 Rumble is the gameplay.

| Each boxer has a variety of different punches, and a

^| Power-Up Super Punch. Screw the sweet science -

| Ready 2 Rumble is an all-out slugfest.

| You can go head-to-head іп two player mode, сот-

| pete against the computer for the championship belt, or =)» $ 4 :

. compete via the Internet using the Dreamcast's wy "AAARRGH!

"ете | modem. There is also a Championship mode, == Wen My'handsiareonfire i ta] where you can manage a boxer, controlling

" | your fighter's money and workout time. ~ ba 14 fe <? | Unfortunately, there is по Don King e? , $ .^''.| mode where you set your fighter & Cd up against tomato can chumps on Ж ^

ў | Pay-Per-View and fleece your f

s Fo client for every dime he's got.

| Stay tuned for more on this one in /

September; it’s set to be a launch title for the

| Dreamcast and released for the N64 and PS-

X at the same time.

~ к.

Game Informer July "99



* Size: 1 GD-ROM

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Action/Shooter (12- Player Via Internet)

* Special Features: Destructible Environments; 15 Weapons; Throw Rubble & Cars When Desperate; 12- Player Deathmatch; Big Freaking Robots

* Created by: Accolade

* Available: September for Dreamcast (Launch Title)

70% Complete

Let's take a look at the upcoming Dreamcast lineup. We've got a good showing of fighters, some promising sports titles, and racing games up the butt. Heck, there's even a couple giant mecha games on the horizon: From Software's Frame Gride and now, Slave Zero from Accolade.

Taking place 500 years in the future, play- ers control a human fused with the frame of a 60-foot-tall mecha that goes by the name of Slave Zero. Played in a third-person perspec- tive, the emphasis of this game is on scale and interaction. When your giant robot comes stomping through town, people get out of the way. Bridges can һе smashed, buildings jump-jetted on, and humans squished. You can even throw cars and rubble when you're in an ammo jam. Luckily, such a situation will rarely come up, as huge weapons lie about

` the city. Slave Zero сап carry one gun and | sling another across its back. All this to fight

off the forces of SovKahn, who has the giant metropolis of S1-9 in his iron grip. The single player game will provide 40

| hours of action through city, sewers, and

suburbs, but add in the 4-player split-screen battle mode and Slave Zero starts to show a lot of promise. Oh, did we mention there's going to be a 12-player deathmatch thanks to the Dreamcast's built-in modem? Now we're getting somewhere.



* Size: 1 GD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting

* Special Features: Weapon-Based Combat; 10 Characters Plus 7 Hidden; Custom Combos; 4 Types of Throws; Active & Neutral Guarding; Unblockable Attacks; Sidestepping; 60 FPS

* Created by: Namco

* Available: September for Dreamcast

65% Complete

Soul Calibur is the sequel to the arcade

| game Soul Edge (aka Soul Blade on

PlayStation) and continues the weapon-based combat saga. In Soul Calibur, players are on a

Я quest for a mystical weapon called the Soul

Edge that is said to have limitless power. However, there is a catch to this super weapon. The Soul Edge is also rumored to cor-

| rupt its owner, attempting to take the soul of

the one who holds it.

Ten fighters, plus seven hidden, are avail- able to control and shred with. Naturally, each have their own unique weapon and special moves. Moves can also be fitted

bi] together with other moves, allowing you to

effectively create your own custom combos.

The defensive system is somewhat exten- sive with two basic types of blocks: active and neutral. Neutral blocks require no button and can be broken down by attacks that stagger you or come in rapid succession. Active blocking is the most common and effec- tive means of defense because it protects against almost all types of attacks. For active blocking, using the block button is required.

There are, however, some unblockable attacks that help balance Soul Calibur. In addi- tion, you can sidestep out of harm's way, and then move in to perform one of four different types of throws.


p * Size: 1 GD-ROM * Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: New Villain in League With Dracula; Two Characters; 3D Environments; Large Bosses

* Created by: Konami Computer Entertainment of America

* Available: 4th Quarter for Dreamcast

30% Complete

NN AF "| 2 ж us 1

Resurrecting the Belmonts

E ` wN T r3bsurtectión Ms

> LÁ.

Since the original Castlevania on the NES, the Belmont family's eternal quest to stop the repeated resurrections of Dracula has

"M established itself as a mainstay of the gaming || consciousness. The excellent PlayStation offering, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, = best revealed the experience to be a Gothic =| saga, rather than a game about a guy with a whip, by straying from the usual Castlevania accouterments while continuing to focus on

the same Gothic themes.

Following the mediocre N64 offering, we hope that Konami has learned to respect the fact that Castlevania isn't about a big name or a three dimensional environment. Symphony of the Night proved that by sticking to the traditional 2D sidescrolling environment and still winning a place as one

of our all-time favorites.

While details on Resurrection are scarce, we do know that this time around, Dracula is in cahoots with the Countess of Castlevania who has helped him return to the mortal plane and cause trouble for the living. To stop this menace, ancient heroes of the Belmont clan have been resurrected to return to the eternal labor that is the curse of their lineage

- staking Dracula.


* Size: 1 GD-ROM * Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: 1st-Person Battles; European Setting; Return of the Hunter Beasts; New Things to Kill; Lovely Dreamcast Graphics

* Created by: Capcom

* Available: Winter for Dreamcast

40% Complete

Horribly Beautiful


Do you want to know the truth? We here at GI don't know that much about Resident Evil: Code Veronica, we just wanted an excuse to show you seven pictures, so we made it a half page story. Rather than use a bunch of five

| syllable words and an incredible amount of conjunctions, how about this we spill what little we do know, you stare in fascination at the pictures for a half hour or so, and we all walk away happy.

Exclusively for Dreamcast, Code Veronica has Claire Redfield leaving Raccoon City and heading for Europe, following scant clues regarding the whereabouts of her missing brother, Chris. Upon arrival, Claire soon finds a remote Umbrella Corporation laboratory, and that's where her nightmare really begins.

Capcom promises to incorporate а íst- person perspective when battles take place that will entrench players' minds even deeper into the survival horror series. Naturally,

B with Code Veronica running on the power of Dreamcast, enhanced graphics, lighting, =) sound, character detail, and freakiness can E be expected. Also, from the videos Capcom has been showing, it seems we can look forward to the return of the hunter beasts from the first Resident Evil. What are you still reading this for? Stare. Drool. Dream. Sweat.

Game Informer е July '99 61

Nintendo 64


* Size: 256 Megabit

* Style: 1-Player Action/Platform

* Special Features: 3rd-Person Perspective; Practice Mode; Create Special Plants To Get Past Obstacles; Rumble & Controller Pak Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderately Low

* Created by: Disney Interactive/Traveller's Tales for Activision

* Available: Now for Nintendo 64

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line: 5. 25

Nintendo 64


* Size: 128 Megabit (Built-In Save)

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Sports (Up to 4-Player Season)

¢ Special Features: Player Create; Wide Screen Mode; Virtual Stadium Tours; Full Umpire Crew; Rumble Pak Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Angel Studios for Nintendo

* Available: Now for Nintendo 64

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line: 8. 5



* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Shooter (2-Player in Arcade mode)

* Special Features: 6 Worlds With Many Levels in Each; 3 Camera Views; 15 Power-Ups; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Real Sports for Hasbro Interactive

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line:

Game Informer July ‘99


A Bugs Life

Although it looks like a lot of effort was put into making this cardboard cutout “free-roaming” action/platform game, one still gets the feeling that Disney Interactive was just banking too much on people buying anything with the Bug's Life name on it. It’s one thing to do a solid game within a genre that's already saturated with copycats, but to do it worse than everyone before you is unforgivable. Flik may be a lovable little guy and the art is pretty enough, but this doesn't make up for lousy play control and dull levels. We'd call it a kid’s game, but the awkward handling might be too much for them.

This game is essentially the same game as

last year, but it now has a much needed Player #

Create feature. Without a doubt, the camera perspective in Griffey is the best of any baseball game. Charging ground balls in the infield and judging pop flies in the outfield brings the fundamentals of the true game to life. The animation is terrific, but the players still look strikingly similar. Additionally, the simulation of games is fairly slow and does not account for any of the bench players. In the end, this is the best playing N64 baseball game available. However, it does fall short of

All-Star Baseball in options that many

simulation fans crave.


In Centipede for PlayStation, everything from the Atari arcade hit has become 3D, plopped into scenic surroundings, and sprinkled with a story. As Wally, the reluctant hero, players must pilot the Shooter ship through six worlds, each with slightly varying level goals,

to save the world from a terrible bug menace. %

While trying to save villagers that live amongst fungus, Wally finds many power-ups to aid him in his exterminating chores: Ladybug Shields, Triple Shots, and Lob Bombs, among other things. Centipede succeeds in translating the classic into a playable 3D game, but doesn’t add enough

innovation to make it much more than an |

update. The fact that playing the classic Arcade mode is almost as fun as the rest of the game speaks volumes. Still, this title is worth renting at the least.


by Erik, the PC Jedi

by Paul, the Game Professor

by Jay, the Gonzo Gamer есейе

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by Matt, the Original Gamer


The reptilian marauder is back, and as expected, many of the problems that besieged his first escapade have in fact been fixed or completely revamped. Croc 2 showcases larger environments, faster gameplay, and | smoother controls. It also comes packed with gameplay variety and a more involving story. But alas, Croc 2 still isn’t for everyone. The cuteness factor that ran rampant in the first game has been spread even thicker in this sequel. Every second of play comes accompanied by a funny little voice, a goofy beat in the soundtrack, or a wacky animation or two. | enjoy the challenge that this platformer dishes out, but it's almost too cute to play. Until Croc develops an appetite for Gobbo, | don’t think | can ever truly get into a Croc adventure. The kids will dig it though.

Ultimate 8 Ball



* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action/Platform

* Special Features: 40 Levels; 4 Gobbo Tribes; Secret Village; 7 New Bosses; ^ Like Croccy Paddle & Power Flip; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Argonaut Software for Fox Interactive

* Available: Now for PlayStatior


Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line: 7.5



There is nothing like the feel of a long shaft of wood in your hands. Unfortunately, it's not


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Hello Kitty:

always possible to whip out your stick and Í smack some balls around. Thankfully, THQ has created Ultimate 8 Ball for those of us who don't have pool tables in our homes. Pool, not being the most action-packed sport, doesn't provide you with many thrills. What Ultimate 8 Ball does provide is realistic gameplay and a wide variety of games. Players compete in a g number of different locations ranging from а ritzy gentleman's club to a seedy biker bar. Each location has its own cast of pool sharks (our favorite being Japanese hottie, Idoru) and table conditions. You must adjust your shot selection and strategy for each table if you

= want to be successful. Pool fanatics should

check out this well done pool game. The average gamer might want to save this for a

=— one-night rental.

Cube Frenzy

Н gender bias, it’s hard to dig a game where the goal is to unlock new outfits for Hello Kitty to Б choose from on future levels. The puzzle B aspect of the game itself, while not very challenging, definitely tweaks that intuitive cluster of brain cells that women are supposed

$ to be so "naturally" inclined toward. The goal

of each level is to acquire all of the items that

1 B have been scattered around by using blocks

as stepping stones for Kitty. Sometimes blocks will need to be cleared out by lining up matching colors of three or more. Young girls

IB who have a thing for Hello Kitty should throw

an extra point or two on the entertainment

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 to 16-Player Sports

* Special Features: 14 Different Pocket Gar 5 Tables & Configurations: Tutorial Mode; Trick Shots; Hustle, Single Match & Tournament Modes; Odd Shaped Tables; 10 Environments; 17 Computer Opponents;

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: THQ

* Available: June 16 for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line: 6. 5



* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Puzzle

* Special Features: Story & Puzzle Modes; Passing Areas Unlocks Snazzy New Outfits; Extra Chapter Added to Storybook After Each Area; Dual Shock Compatible; Targeted at Younger Female Audience

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: NewKidCo.

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics:

Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line: 3 5

Game Informer July "99


score for this review, but the rest of us may #4 find it hard to avoid feeling silly when playing this game.



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* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 Player Action

* Special Features: Must Be Used With Original Grand Theft Auto CD; 50 New Missions, New Vehicles & Characters; Vintage Trojan Records Reggae Soundtrack; First-Ever Mission Pack for the PlayStation

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Rockstar Games for Take-Two

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line: 7



* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Puzzle

* Special Features: Cascading Blocks; Marathon, Puzzle, Classic, & Score Marathon Modes; Leader Board & Player Record Save Via Memory Card; Spinning Playfields; Dual Shock Compatible

* Replay Value: High

* Created by: Blue Planet Software for Hasbro Interactive

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line: 6

| vam L010 | Review

* Size: Unknown

* Style: 1-Player Fighting

* Special Features: 20 WWF

stars With Trademark 7 Modes (Challenge,

Career, King of the Ring. Vs., Tag Team, Cage Match, & Training); No People's Elbow

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Crawfish Interactive for Acclaim

* Available: Now for Game Boy Color

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom ше: 6. 5

Game Informer July ‘99


Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 proves that all criminals are alike, some just have funny accents. This mission pack, which must be used with the original GTA, takes its predecessor's felonious gameplay to the swinging streets of late 60’s London. You are a crook working for the notorious London crimelords, Albert and Archie Crisp. The Crisps assign you jobs ranging from rubbing out rival gang members to stealing a scooter- load of bennies from some Mods. The gameplay and look are exactly the same as the first GTA, complete with less-than- dazzling graphics and slightly sloppy control. But as any O.G. will tell you, the car jacking, cap-busting action remains a unique game experience and a bloody good time. Throw in the sheer joy of running over limeys, and you've got something that GTA fans might want to throw down a few quid for.

Tine Меухі: Tetris

This may be the most appropriately named game to come along in a while, for that's all it is: The Next Tetris. The newest addition tacked on to this standard Tetris model is the cascading blocks. Some bricks will come in two different colors, and if there is space below where the shades split the block, it will slide on down. Two-player mode gives adversaries the opportunity to give one another vertigo. Whenever two, three, or four lines are scored, the other person's playfield will spin in a varying direction. With about a thousand different versions of Tetris floating around for every system since the NES, one must truly ask themselves, "Do | need this?” The answer is probably not, since Classic mode proves almost as entertaining as the rest of the game.

WWF Attitude

First, the good news. Acclaim's WWF Attitude Е f for Game Boy Color is packed with wrestlers | and modes, with gameplay very similar to that |

of War Zone for PS-X and N64. A health meter

ranges from green to red, to show the EJ wrestler's status, with the blue stun meter | counting down after each shade is depleted. |

When the small circle in the corner flashes

white, it's time for the finisher. Now, the bad |

news. The background music and sound

effects are about as wussy as it gets, m wrestlers flying off the top turnbuckle act like | heat-seeking missiles, there is no 2-player link |

option, and you often stand up not facing the computer opponent, who will then pull about eight atomic drops on you. Attitude is,

however, the only wrestling game available | for Game Boy Color, and that will truly be the |

bottom line for many wrestling fanatics.



E S 22224




by Reiner, The Raging Gamer tar Baseball 2000


Infield Depth Standard

ә Outfield Depth


Outfield Shirt

by Matt, The Original Gamer




This pint-sized version of Iguana’s graphically acclaimed baseball series pairs fast arcade play with a sharp Baseball Stars appearance. All of the MLB's top athletes like Sammy "I'm Gonna Kick Mark McGwire’s Butt This Year” Sosa, and Rickey "| Ain't Dead Yet" Henderson are all a part of this exciting release. For the true enthusiast, an entire 162 game season complete with 1999's authentic Schedule is packed in for hours and hours and hours of fun. But without a battery to save down to, you'll need to ink a monstrous

Î password after each game. Ugh! Playwise,

this game is pieced together nicely. There’s a good sensation of speed behind each pitch, and the fielding, while a tad sluggish around the corners, is executed nicely. If you want nine whopping innings of microscopic joy, look no further.

Prince of Persia

Old games don't die, they just get ported to new systems. Such is the case with the PC classic Prince of Persia. This epic adventure game has been reincarnated as a Game Boy Color title. In its day, Prince of Persia was an innovative title. Its mix of exploring, puzzle solving, and fighting make it the precursor to games like Tomb Raider and Legacy of Kain. This GBC adaptation stays true to the original Prince of Persia, right down to the fluid character animations. While the graphics and sound might seem a little primitive by today's standards, the gameplay remains engaging. Unfortunately, Prince of Persia's notoriously touchy control remains unchanged. The difficulty of the game coupled with the unforgiving control can cause frustration at times. However, if you're looking to relive old memories, or in search of an addictive and

m demanding game for the GBC, Prince of [| Persia delivers.

Both of these games look just like their original counterparts. Heck, they even sound the same. But both happen to be somewhat difficult to play on the Game Boy and Game Boy Color. The controls in Moon Patrol are silky sweet, however, the UFO bombs are nearly impossible to see. In Spy Hunter, the play is pieced together kind of clunky. As I've said before, any game that requires that the Start button be used as a primary function is troubled. Spy Hunter forces the player to throttle with the Start button. On such a small screen, reacting at high speeds is incredibly tough and not nearly as intense as it was in the arcades. Just playing Moon Patrol again was a blast, but one that quickly loses its classic bite.

Game Boy Color


* Size: 8 Megabit

* Style: 1-Player Sports

* Special Features: Home Run Derby; Complete 162 Game Season; 2 Difficulty Levels; Auto Fielding Option; Current MLB Rosters; Password Save

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: Realtime Associates for Acclaim Entertainment

* Available: Now for Game Boy Color

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom une: 7.25

Game Boy Color


* Size: Unknown

* Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: Game Boy Compatible, New Training Level & Enemies for Game Boy Color; Language Options Include English, French, Italian, German, & Spanish

* Replay Value: Low

* Created by: Red Orb for Mindscape

* Available: Now for Game Boy Color

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line: 6

Game Boy Color


* Size: 2 Megabit

* Style: 1-Player Action

* Special Features: Authentic Soundtrack & Graphics; Multiple Courses (Moon Patrol) & Multiple Paths (Spy Hunter); Top Secret Weapons & A Bouncy Lunar Patrol

* Created by: Digital Eclipse Software for Midway Home Entertainment

* Available: Now for Game Boy Color (Game Boy)

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

Bottom Line:

Game Informer е July 99


StarCraft was a hit on the PC for its wide variety of units, three different races, and intriguing mission designs. The missions for the Nintendo 64 number over 50 and are pulled directly from the original StarCraft and its expansion pack. The game also features competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes via a 2-player split-screen.

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Here's a foreign conceptin the vid market: no killing. Instead, Harvest Moon 64 challenges players to run a successful farm and lead a happy life. Raise crops and animals, participate in town festivals, go to market, take a part-time job, even find a hot farm mama and settle down (we're talking humans here, gutter-brains). There's even 400 subplots to draw you away from the daily farming grind.



Monster Truck Madness, originally a popular PC game, is a big truck racing game featuring a wide variety of vehicles, a racing circuit mode, and a king of the hill-style battle mode in which players must stay on the top of a platform the longest. Tracks are furnished with a number of breakables, Shortcuts, and jumps with crazy air time. While Monster Truck Madness is supposedly "Beta" at this point, the game doesn't appear to be anywhere near finished yet. Monster truck maniacs may want to hold off on getting too excited about this one until seeing a review.



The classic miniature hot rods are coming to a console near you in a racing game that is all about getting enough air to pull off as many stunts as possible. In addition to the stunts,

on certain tracks you'll be able to perform wall stalls and drive on the ceiling. EA has included 40 real Hot Wheels for use on 12 tracks located in four unique environments. Hot Wheels fans will love this game that is due out some time this fall. For information on the PlayStation version of Hot Wheels, turn to page 55.



This game is something of a cross between RC Pro Am racing and Micro Machines. The game features remote control car racing. From the look of it, players will be able to upgrade their vehicles or get power-ups and repairs by picking up parts on the track. Up to four players can compete against each other on a split-screen.

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This game is being made by the same people who brought us Hot Shots Golf on the PlayStation. The gameplay of Mario looks to be very similar to Hot Shots with the same powerbar concept and a number of other look-alikes. The characters will include Mario, Luigi, Baby Mario, Wario, Yoshi, Princess Toadstool, and a number of other non-Nintendo mascot characters.



In this prequel story, players guide either a motion-captured Jax or Sonya through seven 3D worlds filled with an assortment of power-ups and weapons. Using the fighting engine of MK4 with some new moves, Special Forces adds role-playing and puzzle solving facets to make the

game interesting. Hey! The TV series should try that. “I knew I'd find that secret portal somewhere.”


CREATED BY: NEVERSOFT FOR A AVAILABLE: SPRING Spider-Man is coming to the PlayStation and N64, and from what we've seen so far, that could be a good thing. The game features a 3D environment full of wall crawling and webslinging action. Doc Ock and Venom are the only two villains that we know of so far. Keep an eye on this one. We liked it at E3.


Although the original Rayman achieved Greatest Hits status on the Sony PlayStation, we were never all that impressed with it. We have to give Rayman 2 its due though. It is a visually appealing game and appears to have quite a variety of environments. Fans of the first game will no doubt be immensely pleased. Skeptics had best wait for a review.


With features like these, why have sentence structure? Over 60 wrestlers; dressing room fights as seen by a security camera; commentary by Tony Schiavone, Mike Tennay, Bobby Henan, and Gene Okurlund; a create-a-wrestler that recognizes names; controls that are easy to learn but hard to master; over 600 mo-cap moves; ring entrances with music and pyro; 15 WCW sets; crowd reactions; & extensive facial expressions.


Believe it or not, Armorines was once a comic

under the now defunct Acclaim Comics label.

Like Turok and Shadowman, Acclaim is resurrecting the world of Armorines and turning

it into a first-person shooter. The game will

make use of Acclaim's Turok 2 engine, as well

as Probe's Forsaken engine. The story sounds something like Starship Troopers and Acclaim

boasts that there will be swarms of bugs to kill.



This fall, history marks the return of Pac-Man. The release of Pac-Man World will also mark the first time that the Pac Daddy's voluptuous curves will be rendered in full 3D. The game's Quest mode updates the franchise as a 90's-style action/platformer. Not just content with munching pellets, the new Pac-Man can jump, roll, shoot, swim, and “butt-bounce.” (Shake what ya Momma gave yal). The Maze mode brings the classic Pac-Man gameplay into a 3D environment, with a few new tricks. Gamers resistant to change take heart: Namco has included a Classic mode, which features the original arcade game.

—— a y d



For the criminally minded among us, Driver is a game that allows players to terrorize the

roadways like yt Lee after a few Long Island Iced Teas. You are Tanner, an undercover cop

7 а * who poses as a driver for an underworld crime ring.

Complete the missions, and you'll advance from small-time spot runner to big willie, gathering information to bring down the organization from the inside. The realistic cities (NY, LA, San Francisco, and Miami), are modeled from actual photos. Add in tight controls, cinematic cutscenes, hilariously hard-boiled dialogue, and a Director mode; and you've got a game that will make players burn rubber to the nearest retailer.


RSOFT AVAILABLE: OCTOBER Hot digitty dog! This game is gonna rock da ramps to the ground! Since last previewed, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater has improved greatly. While the new copy still only included two tracks

(School and Skate Park), four new professional skaters have been added into the mad phat mix. Joining Tony Hawk are Bucky Lasek, Chad Muska, Bob Burnquist, and Geoff Rowley. For your viewing pleasure, and to sedate your lust for this product, we've included pictures of four of the known skaters. Keep in mind, more ramp rackin' fiends are on the way.


The pink afro made its three- : dimensional debut at this year's E3 and to our satisfaction, the gameplay mechanics haven't changed a bit. Tomba can still swing around poles, hop


on pigs, and turn and jump into the | f background. The big change is the absence of loading and an entirely new |& adventure to embark on. Tomba 2 will rock.


Attitude is going to hit the console market harder than The Rock smacks around Steve Austin. Acclaim is working very hard to have the options and look of the N64 and PS-X versions as similar as possible, yet the PlayStation will most definitely have a touch better sound and a sweet FMV intro. Then again, it will also have load times. The choice will be tough for those with both systems, but either one will be dynastically Rockalicious.

T v IIT _


FOX Sports is set to crosscheck the PS-X | si СН" with NHL Championship 2000. Officially x features FOX Sports television presentation 3 2 with 99. by-play and game analysis by A

Kenny Albert & John Davidson. Players can create, edit, and trade players; and utilize adjustable coaching strategies. Fluid Al and multiple difficulty settings allow players of all skill levels the opportunity to enjoy the thrill of hockey without losing any teeth.


Some members of the Destruction Derby 1 and 2 team have gotten together to bring us an unofficial sequel in the form of Demolition Racer for PlayStation. One or two players race amongst 16 cars around the track, attempting to cause as much collateral damage as possible. Fun features of this game include hidden cars (a hearse and a bus, for example), customizable paint jobs and decals, and destroying all in your path.



Ұз u 3 3 Y й і А i METAL GEAR SOLID VR MISSIONS - CREATED BY: KONAMI AVAILABLE: OCTOBER Metal Gear Solid VR Missions consists of nothing but puzzle intensive virtual training missions. The game will focus on all of the puzzle aspects of the previous Metal Gear Solid and will require the player to use deductive reasoning to solve murder cases as well. While we're not so sure

what we think of Metal Gear Solid with nothing but training missions, there are 300 of them, which could equal a lot of playtime. In some of these missions, the ninja is playable. Cool.



Might & Magic fans whose PCs are too far gone to play the latest of the series can look forward to a new Might & Magic title on the PlayStation. If you're hoping for strategy or role-playing,

Crusaders may be a disappointment at first. The game is an action-based adventure along the lines of Tomb Raider, with a focus on exploration, fighting, and some RPG elements. The game's environments will be a mix of open outdoor areas and dungeon crawls Consisting of tight corridors and mazes.


Picture if you will a cross between Project Overkill and Xenophobe. Now, strip away any Potential of this combination shaping into a decent game. Developer FuzzBox pieced together a fascinating concept, but the 3D engine this game runs on is as archaic as they come. How much fun can a fast moving action game be when the camera doesn't self-adjust and the angle is always a nuisance? Not very much at all. The combat is moderately amusing in a Fighting Force sort of way, and the individual character use is also rather interesting. But as a whole, this game doesn't add up to much. Don't expect to see it in the States.



The first Tenchu stands as the greatest ninja game ever created, so naturally, we are fidgeting to get our hands on this upcoming game. Tenchu II will be a prequel to Tenchu and still set in feudal Japan. This time, the game will feature three playable ninjas instead of just two and, from the looks of it, one will be the honorable Rikimaru. There will also be new ; ninja tools, weapons, mission objectives, and character abilities. If that underwater picture is any indicator, you'll be able to see your prey above the surface while swimming and then sneak up for the kill. Tenchu 11 will have a multi-level Training mode, a Story mode, a Two- Player mode, and a Custom mode which will allow you to create your own levels. Hai!



It's a well-known fact that if a cat's owner dies, it will feast upon the corpse. In Tail Concerto, these troublesome animals, members of the nefarious Black Cat Gang, are wreaking havoc on the floating islands of Prairie. You are Waffle, a policedog who must stop their plot to resurrect the Iron Giant God. If this doesn't sound nutty enough, Waffle is in command of his own mech, armed with a bubble gun (!?). This whacked-out | premise leads players through eight levels filled with platforming action, Zelda-style exploration and puzzle-solving, plus anime cutscenes.

E I just saw one tap dancing on а barrel of my vintage wine!



Although we're rather skeptical of the winter ‘99 release date, Working Designs will have to be working fast and hard on this title before the new systems start to take away the spotlight from the old. As with the first, Lunar 2 will sell with a number of extra trinkets, including a cloth map, a soundtrack CD, and yet anoth




Aracing game where brains, as well. | The original Vigilante 8 proved that a car as engine brawn, are needed. Know | f combat game can always be a winner, even thy tracks! As 1 or 2-players take | " 0 without breaking new ground. Second Offense their fully customizable cars through jj du m | will feature more of just about everything. New courses from around the world, an Ji А am." £ power-ups, weapons, special moves, and eye must be kept towards proper ІН” 2 с characters should keep fans of the original maintenance and adjustments. | ЧМ 2. 4 waiting in giddy anticipation for the game's fall Shoddy workmanship will cause а | J , NA release. People who plan on buying a lazy driver to get mangled on the | o ---- may Dreamcast on September 9, should be wary of courses’ many hills, turns, and dips. | э - the fall release date.





The sequel to the precursor of Final Fantasy Tactics, Vandal Hearts Il will feature a unique

character class system that is based on

which of the 120 different types of armor :

and weapons your characters are carrying t

and how high those trinkets have leveled ! JEREMY MCGRATH SUPERCROSS 2000 -

up. As the items acquire experience, ы

special moves unique to each will be 3 ? P | SBER D BY: PR EE! FOR ACCLAIM

unlocked, allowing characters to unleash | à ; & | AVAILABLE: OCTOBER

devastating attacks. The game will also PAIN ыу A Acclaim is spreading this supercross racing

feature a simultaneous turn-based system TU à Ду: A game across all platforms and, as the

that will make it difficult to anticipate the | ; Pw NÉE name suggests, it stars supercross legend,

Al's strategy. | е? ШАҢ Jeremy McGrath. Together with seven

j Й other racers, McGrath will feature eight

authentic supercross circuits as well as a 3D track editor to allow players to design crazy circuits of their own. Hit the whoop- de-dos and showboat over the table top jumps in this crazy racer from Acclaim.

| CREATED BY: ACCOLADE AVAILABLE: FALL | Test Drive 6 represents a major overhaul in || the Test Drive series. This latest offering has | over 40 American and European dream cars = and an improved physics model aimed at RUAN AE В IRE SIS making each vehicle have its own unique

; driving style. Each car can be upgraded up to Real-time strategy has never been so adorable! Up to 4-players on split-screen collect falling five times as races are won. The game will

crates with their team of vitamin-shaped buddies. Different box configurations create weapons @ also feature huge "all units” police car chases, and vehicles for the buddies to use, or entirely new buddies to join the team. NPAs (non-player | including helicopters that track the player, animals) abound across the eight playgrounds to thwart, love, or attack the buddies. Look at breakable objects (a la Felony 11-79), and the little buddies run around! Hee, hee! ll over 30 new tracks.

Game Informer July '99



Sega's NFL 2000, which features every NFL team, player, and stadium; is shaping up to be an impressive title. Visually stunning, the game features over 1,300 motion-captured player animations and 12 collision zones on each player. From what we've seen, this game will set the standard for graphics in a football game. NFL 2000 looked really good at E3 with only the Exhibition mode working, but we've been promised that there will be a Create Player mode, Play Editor mode, and impressive stat tracking. This game looks so realistic, we ran a play- action long bomb to Randy Moss for a touchdown, and we could have sworn we were in the Dome.


The sports scene on the Dreamcast will benefit from Acclaim's successful Quarterback Club football franchise. Joining Sega’s own football title, QBC 2000 will make its way to the Dreamcast soon after its launch. In terms of playcontrol, we don't expect a lot of variation between this version and the N64 game. However, the graphics will be far superior. Look for rich details on the player models and other graphical tricks only capable via Sega's new workhorse.


No system is complete without a good Dungeons & Dragons-type game. Blades of Vengeance fills the Dreamcast gap with a third-person quest to defeat the Dragon Lord. Two playable characters swing their swords through over 15 levels filled with vile beasts. Over 30 spells and power-ups mix the action up a bit, allowing players to mix a bit of sorcery in with their swordplay.



AVAILABLE: UNDETERMINED Sega makes Die Hard Arcade and it's a good action game. They lose the license, expand the game, and make Dynamite Deku. With Dreamcast on the way, Sega makes Deku 2 for the arcades, then releases it for the home


This Dreamcast racing game has players ripping through full city environments with realistic weather effects. Both arcade-style racing and hardcore physics models are available to make this game accessible by all. From the pictures, it's obvious that Bizarre remembered to include the sweetest ride of them all: the Ford

market under the name Dynamite Cop. Confused? Luckily, the game's more basic. Three characters (controlled by up to 2- players) can punch, kick, and shoot enemies ‘til doomsday. The newly added character inventory aids in the slaughtering quest.



So there's this dog who likes beer. One night after a real bender, it builds a car/tank thing with

guns, drives through the city, and shoots stuff.

It eventually passes out and is then thoroughly

thwacked with a newspaper. Sega will probably change the story before this title hits the market, but we swear that's what it was. It's not that we don't know anything. Ooooh, pictures!


This Game Boy favorite returns with not only colors, but more tracks and features thanks to the power of the GBC. Once tired of the 10 new courses and hidden bonus tracks, existing courses can be edited, or entirely new tracks created. A 2- player mode is available via link cable, but if you don't have any friends, the Ghost Rider feature lets

you race against yourself, get mad at yourself,

punch yourself іп һе arm. Vroom! Vroom!


: by Bergren, The Game Burrito “14 1 apologize for so many previews, but these things happen around ЕЗ. The first-person games are ^ (again) my favorite this month. The angelic powers of Requiem are sweet, and Team Fortress Classic

Not that this is a bad thing, but Darkstone has clearly been influenced by B Diablo. But the real question about the game will be how it compares to Diablo ІІ. Seriously though, the story, the interface, and the game play are almost the spittin’ image of Diablo. Darkstone has a couple of additional character types to choose from; the graphics, while not as detailed, are more 3D; and the camera is focused closer on the characters and action. There are a total of eight interchangeable characters, and you can control two simultaneously through 32 dungeons filled with monsters and bosses like the Prince of Darkness. The goal of Darkstone is to find seven magical crystals to empower a mystical orb and defeat the evil dragon Draak. Look for Darkstone this fall.

This turn-based Strategy game is in the same vein as Civilization, but is not Nearly as wide in Scope. The game + begins in the 1500s and continues past Я the 1700s. As опе of the world’s great powers (Spain, England, Holland, and others), you must try to develop your country while exploring and exploiting minor nations and the tribes of the new world. Taxation is not an issue, but you'll manage natural resources, food, trade, labor, research, and the military. Fortunately, computer control for almost every- thing can be toggled on and off during the game. Imperialism Il also lets you enter the field of battle where you can have the computer take control of the turn-based fracas, but where's the fun in that? Imperialism starts out slow, but there is definitely a lot to do and, once you learn the game's quirks, it becomes a lot more fun. If you like world domina- tion but were overwhelmed with Alpha Centauri, Imperialism Il should make empire building more fun.

то | Game Informer July '99

offers online gaming that is not only unique, but free.

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s far as first-person shooters go, l'm not too big on playing online. Sure, deathmatches are fun, but after a while | can get bored with the endless slaughter of strangers. | like having my victims near by so I can rub it in. But playing Half-Life

online goes beyond the deathmatch.

If you've played Half-Life online before, you know it offers team play. The Half Life add on, Team Fortress Classic (TFC), is also about coordinating your efforts with others. Sure, you can be a rogue and try to win the games by yourself, but naturally, you'll

have more success if you cooperate with teammates.

Before choosing a team, you'll have to decide what kind of game you want to play. One is your typical capture the flag where each team has a base containing its flag. To enter the other team's base, you can either run through the front door or swim through an underground passage to the basement of its base. If you manage to capture the flag, return to your base to score points. Your base has supply rooms filled with health, ammo, and armor, but you cannot access the supply rooms in your enemy's base. If low on health while in the enemy's base, you can call for a medic to pump you full of health.

In another capture-the-flag-style game, each team defends a base. Your objective is to infiltrate the enemy's base and get its key card. Then, bring the key card to its gas chamber (in its base) and insert the card in the proper slot to release a deadly nerve gas. If your team gets gassed, there are two ways to save yourself - find a bio suit or hop in the water.

While Total Annihilation remains a real-time strategy game, Kingdoms abandons its futuristic setting and returns to the days of castles, knights, wizards, and A : dragons. Combat is not only "Tr -based, bat aes you to the seas and skies as well. There are four armies to command, each corresponding to a certain Kingdom: Veruna, Aramon, Taros, and Zhon. Also, each family is aligned with one of four elements - earth, air, water, and fire - which provide unique powers. Some specialize in more traditional weapons (Aramon and Veruna), while others have magical abilities (Taros and Zhon). Like its predecessor, Kingdoms has a ton of units (160 in all), from deities and knights to dragons and skeletons. | was not a big fan of the original TA, but Kingdoms, with its fantasy motif, diverse units, air and sea combat, and exceptional graphics and animation, has me drooling with anticipation. It should be available sometime this June.

most revolutionary game, but | still liked it alot. First off, the story actually seems like it was crucial to the game and not just win- dow-dressing. It's the 21st century, and some angels have gone against God's will and descended upon earth to end human life. You take the role of the angel Malachi who is sent by God to destroy Lilith, the leader of the Fallen, and her minions. The story is advanced, in part, through interaction with other characters who give clues or sometimes assign missions. All of the ene- mies - humans, droids, and the Fallen - are designed nicely and can be attacked with either traditional human weapons, like the "Trinity" Combat Shotgun, or Divine Powers that include the ability to warp time, possess a victim's body, turn an enemy into a pillar of salt, or boil an enemy's blood.

Another interesting game is called the Hunter where there are three character types to choose from. One type simply tries to escape a large military compound by accessing a truck. But it's not as simple and boring as that may sound, because you can also choose an assassin whose goal is to kill all those attempting to escape. The third type, the body guard, is there to protect the escape artist by mowing down the assassins.

While these games aren't that innovative, they're still a good change of pace from the typical deathmatch. But the coolest thing about TFC are the different character types (available in most games) that have unique abilities and arsenals. For example, the spy can pose as the enemy; the heavy weapons guy is slow, but has a lot of armor and a big chain gun. The engineer carries a gun, but can also build auto-controlled turret cannons just about anywhere. Medics can not only cure allies, but also poison enemies. In addition there is a scout, soldier, pyro, and demolitions expert.

The teamplay aspect of TFC is solid, but what really hooked me was trying to master the strengths of each of the character types. Oh yeah, | almost forgot. You can also download this baby for free.

Often, when a movie is made into a game, it's merely a brittle shell that relies on the movie's reputa- 8 tion to bolster sales. | thought this would 85 be the case with (МШ Е Braveheart, but was mistaken. Although only іп preview form, it's obvious it is a very involved strategy game that emphasizes both empire management and warfare. The computer can help you manage the business side of things if you'd rather focus on warfare, but unfortunately, the com- puter control can't be toggled on and off once the game begins. On the combat side, the warfare takes place in huge and beautiful 3D environments. There are dozens of Scottish clans to command, including Wallace and Robert the Bruce. Naturally, | opted for the Wallace clan led by the sexy Mel Gibson. If you like in-depth strategy like Civilization and a combat engine with a lot of potential, don't blow off Braveheart. Look for it this October.

If you think humor is important in a turn- based strategy game, then Worms is for you. In Armageddon (third in the series), cartoon worms take to ran- domly generated 2D ee ee battlefields and duke it out with an arsenal of wacky weapons. Armageddon is the sequel to Worms 2 and is basi- cally the same game with a couple of exceptions. Some mis- Sion-based games have been added, as well as some new modes like Basic Training and Deathmatch. There are some new weapons too, like Skunk, Earthquake, Aqua Sheep, and Mole Bomb. But, as with past versions, the meat of Worms lies in the multiplayer. Over the net is fine, but face-to-face is even better. You can do a victory dance in. your opponent's lap if you want, but you'll probably end up laughing hysteri- cally together. This game is a riot, but If you already have a Worms game, you don't need Armageddon.

ER c ER. re mie | AGAT. 2 ветар а: -ме----- : =

By Beaux, The Arcade Assassin

The arcade scene is picking up a bit this month. We are starting to see the summer lineups hit, and all the veteran gamers and weekend scrubs are piling in, offering some new competition. Late in the issue, | caught a glimpse of Tekken Tag Team, and it looks very cool with features like “tag combos” (one character starts a combos, tags out, and the other continues it). Expect to see some info on this title very soon. We also-heard that Capcom is releasing arcade cabinets marketed for consumers; consoles are great but can never truly capture the same feel as the arcade. A bit of bad news though: it appears that Jo Jo's Adventure didn't test as well as Capcom hoped and will most likely not be released, which is а shame since it looked very nice.

Size: Standard and Deluxe Cabinets Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports

Special Features: Create Player; 2-on-2 Matches; Instant Replays; NBA & NBC Licensing; Up-to-Date Rosters Replay Value: Moderately High Created by: Midway

Available: Now in Arcades

A must for any real basketball fanatic, Showtime offers a new addition to Midway’s tried-and-true formula from NBA Jam. Showtime is filled with many features such as combat codes and a Create Player option that lets you build up your characters by earning points to distribute among their various attributes. The game moves a little slowly, but this allows you to use a bit more.technique since you are able to juke and make combination moves like alley-oops and double dunks. The camera is top notch, really getting you into the game by showing replays and nice close-up shots. Probably the most annoying thing in the game is the computer assist. It’s not bad in the 2 to 4-player game where it’s more fun to have a close game. But it can really tick you off in а 1-player game when you’re up by 10 to 15 points and, all of a sudden, your team becomes a couple of drooling idiots. This one’s not bad and will most likely have a long life at the arcades.



Size: Unknown Style: 1 or 2-Player Fightin, Special Features: Tag Team Mode; Large Battle

Areas; Multiple Costumes; New Characters

М Created by: Tecmo Available: Late ‘99

It’s still a little early to say, but Dead or Alive 2 seems to be coming along nicely. All the characters are crisp and clean on the new Naomi board, and the arenas are large with a lot of detail. So far there is only one new character (we don't know her story yet); but more are in the works, and all the original crew is returning. It is unknown if Dead or Alive 2 will feature the same danger zones as the first, but it’s a safe bet the multiple costumes and wild feminine physics will make it to this version. Probably the most exciting new addition is the Tag Team mode which might have you seeing double, double. Keep an eye out for this one; it will hopefully be worth the wait.


Size: Standard and Deluxe Stand-Up Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting Special Features: 4 New Characters; The Return of Chun-Li (19 Characters in All); New Backgrounds & Animation

А Created by: Capcom Available: 3rd Quarter

The third installment of Street Fighter Ill is looking very exciting,

boasting even more new characters and a new rating system. 3rd strike | also marks the return of Capcom's foremost female combatant, Chun-Li.

The new character line-up includes Remy, a vengeful Frenchman | (hmm...where have | heard that before?); a girl gifted in karate, named

Makoto; a mysterious enigma to the world known as Q; and Twelve, a

genetically engineered killing machine created from the same

experiments that made Necro. Gameplay has been tweaked a

bit to ensure the balance between the new and old charac-

ters. The new rating system offers a new spin on scoring by

ranking you on various aspects of your bat-

tle. If you flail around too much, expect 4

a low score; but if you hit your moves

on cue and counter at every opportunity,

your score should reflect it.


Size: Standard and Deluxe Stand-Up

Style: 1 or 2-Player Action/Adventure Special Features: Hidden Areas;

Simple Puzzles; Varied Attacks; 3 Playable Characters; Status Effects * Replay Value: Moderately High 4j Created by: Sega

Available: Now in Arcades ll

Zombie Revenge is a side adventure to the ever popular House of the Dead series. It portrays the exploits of three agents trying to solve the mystery of the zombie invasion. The level layouts are fairly simple with arrows to guide you to the end of each level and to the various story-developing stops. The levels are also littered with many weapons, varying from axes and shotguns to a fully automatic guitar case plucked straight out of the movie Desperado. Enemies in the game are relatively stupid (well, they are dead). Their dim wits are your gain, due to the fact that your life bar drops very quickly when the zombies decide you might be a tasty snack. The control is a little tricky and can become annoying at times, especially during a heated fight. One feature the game has, which is almost unheard of in an arcade game, is puzzles. There is one that has you stopping a train by pulling the break while fending off an endless supply of corpses. Other than the poor control and a slippery life bar, the game is a very nice change from the big three (driving, fighting, and shooting games), and | do recommend it.

Game Informer * July '99 er

The hints and tips compiled in the April issue were tested on the Japanese version and thus, a few changes occurred. Here’s the complete listing for the U.S. version of Super Smash Brothers.

Play as Captain Falcon - Beat the game on any difficulty with any character in under 20 minutes without continuing to be thrust into battle against the nefarious Captain Falcon. Defeat the Captain and he'll be added to the Character Select screen.

Play as Purin (Jigglypuff) - Beat the game with any character under any difficulty setting to enter battle against this weak Pokémon. Win the fight and she’s yours.

Play as Ness - Beat the game with three lives, without continuing, on the Normal difficulty setting. Then, take down Ness.

Play as Luigi - Complete “Break The Target” with the eight original characters to bring about a fight with Luigi, Mario’s underrated bro. Don’t worry, you can reach a completion rating on these boards in Practice as well.

Unlock Mew - Unlock the four bonus characters listed above to randomly unleash Mew in Pokéballs.

Mushroom Kingdom Level - Simply beat the game with all eight original characters.

Item Menu - Rack up over 50 games in the Versus mode to unlock this cool option.

Sound Test Defeat all of the bonus games with every character (even the hidden ones).

Bonus Points Seconds after beating an opponent, press the L Button to perform a taunt. If your character is still taunting when the camera zooms in, you'll be rewarded a few bonus points.

"The Rhino" Toledo, OH

Cn Game Informer e lulv

helpful hints °




Easy Home Run - This code kind of stinks because it only works for The Kid, but hey, he deserves his props now and then. When Ken Griffey Jr. is at bat, press Left (x2), Right (x3), Left (x2). After this, Mr. Griff will point to the outfield just like Babe Ruth did 2000 years ago. Now, connect with the pitch to smack a dinger.

Michael J. Fox Shortlittleguy Town, NH

Enter all of these codes at the Enter Cheats screen.

Big Baseball - BCHBLKTPTY Blackout Mode - WTOTL Blur Mode - MYEYES "Scarecrow" Burnt Hills, NY

Enter these codes at the Password screen. Pause the game to access the new features unlocked by these codes.


Puts Level 32 in Demo RVNH 3CT1 CD3M 0???

Daniel, The Retro Wookie Tental, WA

appear in the lower left hand corner

of the screen. After the desired code %

ў if / 4

is entered hit the Left Button with the cursor on “End” icon followed by A. The word "Ok" will appear, signifying correct code entry. Now, start a race, pause, and use the digital pad to hit Up, Left, Down, Right (rather quickly). Doing this will bring up the Cheat Menu.

Cheat Menu - These codes must be entered at the Name Entry screen (Save Game file). When inputting a code, hold Z then use the Left Button to tap a letter. When you do this, the letters you input

тосо weme

passwords с

Enter both of these codes at any point

during gameplay.

Add Run to Home Team - Simultaneously press and hold L Button, R Button, and Z. Now, press Left C (x2). Add Run to Away Team - Simultaneously press and hold L Button, R Button, and Z. Now, press Right C (x2). Yani Boni Goal Hickleburg, KY

Enter the first three codes while your ball is rolling down the lane.

Mega Ball Left (x2), Right (x2), Left,


White Dwarf Ball Right (x3), Left (x3)

Booster Ball Right (x2), Left (x2), Right, Left

Clone Ball Left (x3), Right (x3)

Enter this code when it's your turn to bowl. All Green - Right, Left, Right, Left (x2), Right Clark “Manager of the Panty Museum” Pood Orlando, FL

Invincibility - RRJABBA Mirror Mode - RRTHEBEAST

Dual Controllers - RRDUAL (Must have two controllers plugged in, one into port 1 the other in port 3. Each controller separate

manipulates а engine.)


Unlock Jinn Reeso - JRRJINNRE (This new IP pod racer will replace

Mars Duo when selected.) Mark Davidson New York, NY

If you're looking for codes you might as well give up your search, because Cali Speed has none. You'll have to unlock it all manually, and as you know, this is a grueling feat. Here's how to do it.

Five-Oh Car - Beat the Sport Series. Predator Car Use Five-Oh to beat Sport Series. Mano Car Use Predator Car to beat Sport Series. Squirrel Car - Beat Light Series. Insect Car - Use Squirrel Car to beat Light Series. Forklift Car Use Insect Car to beat Light Series. MD Pickup - Beat Heavy Series. OL Truck - Use MD Pickup to beat Heavy Series. Camper Truck Use OL Truck to beat Heavy Series. Semi - Beat California Cup. Dozer Truck Use Semi to beat State Mode. Fuji and Clover Tracks Beat Sport Series Week 2. Round Track - Beat Heavy Series Week 2. San Andreas Track Beat Heavy Series Week 3. California Track Beat California Cup Week 5.

Thomas "The Big Round Man" Rollie

Lancaster, IL


Send in your codes and passwords, and if we choose your entry as Code of the Month you'll win a wonderful prize from the Game Informer Vault! All other entries printed within these hallowed pages will receive a Secret Access T-shirt.

Send To: Secret Access Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344

E-Mail: secretaccess@gameinformer.com

Enter all of these codes as a player name.

Mack Daddy Code 1 - HAROLDHAND This code unlocks All Levels, All Weapons, Infinite Ammo, Get Out of Jail Card, Mega Points, 99 Lives, No Cops, Armor, Display Coordinates, and the Parrot Picture.

Mack Daddy Code 2 - GETCARTER - This code unlocks All Levels, All Weapons, Infinite Ammo, Get Out of Jail Card, 99 Lives, Max Wanted Level, Armor, and Display Coordinates.

Mack Daddy Code 3 - FREEMANS - This code unlocks All Levels, All Weapons, Infinite Ammo, Get Out of Jail Card, Armor, and 5X Multiplier. Little Daddy Code 1 - SORTED - This code unlocks All Levels, All Weapons, Infinite Ammo, Get Out of Jail Card, and Armor.

Little Daddy Code 2 - DONTMESS or TOOLEDUP - All Weapons, Infinite Ammo, Get Out of Jail Card, and Armor. All Levels - RAZZLE ог READERWIFE London Levels 1 & 2 - MAYFAIR London levels 1, 2 &, 3 - PENTHOUSE

No Cops - GRASS

99 Lives - MCVICAR

9,999,990 Points - BIGBEN

5x Multiplier - SIDEBURN

Display Coordinates - SWEENEY Max Wanted Level - OLDBILL

Mr. Monday Night Fargo, ND

Enter all of these codes at the Codes screen. To find the codes screen, highlight Memory Card, then press Left or Right.

Unlock All Alien Characters - ASTROMEN Race as Bink - BINK Race as Lug Nut - LUGNUT Race as Geep - GEEP Race as Dominique - DOMINIQUE Race as NYUB - NYUB Race as Blue Car - BLUECAR Race as White Car - WHITECAR Race as Red Car - REDCAR Race as TP - TP All Exhibition Tracks - VOUYEUR All Freestyle Tracks - TRIXXY

‘Virtual Gap Boy 2000"

Phoenix, AZ


passwords * co

Enter all of these serendipitous level codes at the Password screen.

Train 1 - Dalton, Dalton, Luke, Jolly Jumper Train 2 - Luke, Luke, Jolly Jumper, Rantamplan Pueblos - Dalton, Jolly Jumper, Luke, Rantamplan Mine - Luke, Jolly Jumper, Dalton, Rantamplan Indian Desert - Rantamplan, Rantamplan, Dalton, Jolly Jumper Saloon - Dalton, Dalton, Jolly Jumper, Rantamplan Waterfall 1 Dalton, Luke, Luke, Jolly Jumper Waterfall 2 - Rantamplan, Dalton, Dalton, Jolly Jumper Mine Cart - Rantamplan, Dalton, Dalton, Jolly Jumper Bush Wackers - Jolly Jumper, Dalton, Rantamplan, Rantamplan Dalton City Joly Jumper, Jolly Jumper, Luke, Rantamplan

"Scary Mary" Butugli, RI

All Monsters - Enter the Options screen from Soulin Monster Ranch and highlight the “Buy Monster" icon. Now, press R2, R1, L2, L1, R1, R2, L1, L2 (x2).

All Items At the Options screen press R2, L1, R1, L2, R2, L1, R1, L2 (x2).

View Ending At the Title Screen

press L2, R1, L1, R2, L2, R1, L1, R2 (x2).

"The Kramer Gamer"

Whitefish, MT

Enter all of these codes at the Password screen.

Unlock Circuit -€, 6, *, A, A, M All Tracks & Circuits - Wl, A, %, Bl,

өө Super Circuit & Boarders A, %, E, *,A,0

"The Rhino"

Toledo, OH

Unlimited Lives This really isn't a cheat, but more of a helpful tactic. Enter the Training Mode and collect the F, L, |, and K letters to gain a life. Repeat this process over and over again to as many lives as you desire. Carl Delgadodeagnelistica Pooville, SD

Enter all of these codes at the Password screen. Note: Ignore the "Invalid Password" message.

All Leagues, Mirror Mode, Mega Trials, & More Options - MAXCHEAT Expert Tracks, Bonus Car, Mega Trial, Mirror Mode, & Deathmatch - HHMPNEED Hard & Mirrored Tracks - EADNCMAH All Leagues and Neoto Deathmatch - KKKJBCFA Harpoon Deathmatch - HAFIJEAF Air Horn - AIRHORNS (Press Select during play to hear the horn.) High Scores - BESTLAPS “GI Droid” (location unknown last seen walking Broadway with a three-armed gypsy)

Play as Animal - During a single player game go to the Character Selection screen, highlight Stan the Man, hold L1, and press Start.

Play as Master Ishi Beat the game with any character.

Alternate Character Color Highlight a character and simultaneously press L1 and e.

Johnny “Oh My” Darla San Wan Ban Tan, AZ

Enter this code at the User Name menu accessed through the Options screen.

Play as Cop Car in Hot Pursuit Mode - NFS PD


Enter this code at the Main Menu.

All Tracks - Up (x2), Down (x2), Left, Right, Left, Right, A, 6, A, @

Mark, The Mad Gamer

Defrotto, AK

Ed Lutan Washington, DC

Enter this code from the "Push Start" Screen. Extra Options Up (x2), Down (x2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up. Ellis O'Donnel San Antonio, TX

Here's the cheat code you've been scouring the earth for. Nearly 10,000 faithful GI readers have requested this code, and finally, one of our academically acclaimed readers has delivered the goods. Thanks DaStranj1! Thanks a million!

Free Money - Head to the Town

Name entry screen and hold R1. Now enter ^ CasH" to get the moola.


Webville, COM

EA Sports Team - Select "Single Game" at the Main Menu, then at the Team Selection screen press Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right. If

entered correctly, “Triple Baseball” will be spoken.

No On-Screen Clutter Hold L1, L2, R1, and R2, then press A, Up, A (repeatedly and the on-screen display will disappear.


Conrad Heart Stone Mountain, CO

Enter all of these codes from the

Pause screen.

Freeze CPU Players - Left (x2), Up,

Down, R2

Extra Damage - Up (X2), L1, L2,


Enable Combos - R1, L2, R2, L2,


Take Minor Damage - Down, Up, L2,

Right, Left

Take No Damage - R2, L2, R2, L2, R1

Automatic Super-Pins Down (х4), L1 “Mr. Monday Night"

Fargo, ND

Game Informer « July '99 e

helpful hints ·

passwords °

Unlock All Tracks - Enter the Options and set the difficulty to Master and the lap count to 5. Now, enter a 1-Player game and press % on Lil' Dave. Now press A to back out to the Title Screen. While here press Up, Down, Left, Right, R2, Ri, 12,11. Re-enter the Options and set the laps to 3. Now, head back into a 1-Player game and press ж on Wild Ride. Go back to the Title Screen and press Up, Left, Down, Right, W, R2, ©, 12. If entered correctly you'll hear a bell. From this point, go into the Options again and set the difficulty to Amateur and turn the turbos off. Go to a 1-Player game and press % on Bomber. Back out to the Title Screen and press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right. Go back into the Options for the last time and set the difficulty to Professional and turn the turbos on. Finally, back at the Title screen press R2, R1, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L2. Asecond bell will ring and all of the tracks will be unlocked.

Unlock Enigma - Go into the Options and set the difficulty to Master and the lap count to 6. Now, go back to the Title Screen and press Left, W, Down, A, Right, 6, L1, R1. Ding!

Chad E Geist

Ephrata, PA

Unlock All the Tracks - Enter the Option Menu and set your difficulty to amateur, trophy presenter to male, then hit Start. At the Title Screen press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left. Doing this will place your cursor on the 1- Player icon. From here, hit Left and your cursor will move back to the options. Enter this menu and set the difficulty to professional, trophy presenter to rider's choice, then hit Start. Back at the Title Screen press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right. Once this is entered, you will here a ding confirming that all the tracks are now open. Marco Pollo Teller, PA

Stage Select - At the title screen press Up, Up, Down, Down, %, %, Left, Right, Left, Right, Ж, A, X, A. Now, start a game and use the directional pad to select your stage.

"The Rhino"

Toledo, OH

e Game Informer July "99

Enter these codes at the Password Screen.

Level Select - Up Left Down Left Right Left Down Up Left Right Right Down Right Right Up Unlock Almost Everything - Left Left Left Left Down Right Right Left Left Down Right Down Left Up Right Douglas Adams Pintayale, OH

Big Trucks - At the Main Menu press L1, R2, L2, R1, Up. Mega Car -At the Main Menu press L2, Left, Right, Up, Down, R2. No Damage - At the Main Menu press Left, Left, Left, Left, Up, Down, L1, R2. Ice Cream Truck Hold L1 and R2 at the Vehicle Selection screen. Continue to hold these while selecting your driver. "The Rhino" Toledo, OH

Mo Money - To get more money than Uncle Sam input your nickname as BOVINE. Choose the rest of the options you desire, then enter your park. Now press and hold Wi, +¢, and ©. Some strange noises should be heard while holding this combo, and your money should start to pour in. Cha-ching!

Nate Baustad Williston, ND

Enter all of these codes at the Password Screen.

Weight Limit ЖОХО/А>>О/

No Weight Limit - #OXO/A>>O/

All Mechs Have Jump Jets -


Unlock Every Mission -


Extra Weapon Supply -


Extra Heat Sinks - #XXO/A4>Y+

Elemental Chassis - T/XO/AZ

Continuous Throttle


Unlimited Ammo - ТОХО/АХ>ТО Tony Lamontone

Las Vegas, NV

( cS

* strategies

Enter all of these codes in the Keys section.

Weapons, Energy & Shields WA. om AEX БӨЛЕК

Weapons, Energy, Shields, Keys & Level Select - АНӨХА ШАХ AEXO


All Accessories - ШАӨХ%Ұ А шхо mox

Toggle Invincibility - АХАӨХ AEX АХФА

Toggle Cloak - A69 HOAX АХАФ

Recharge Shields - A*em ахо ABXOH

Turbo Speed - amex АхӨ Шлехх

Slow Enemy Fire - AXE ШлӨ шхо HAO

Weird Colors - АХӨ amo» AXAOX

Toggle "Go Wingnut" Mode - ANO AX BAGH AXO

Acid Mode - MAOH AHX AX 40x

Hello Minnie Mode - *exe *exex exe

"The Rhino" Toledo, OH

Play as the Announcer - At the Title screen press L1, L1, L2, R2, R2, Ri, A, Down, X, Up, and Select. Now, at the Character Select screen, highlight Agent Orange and press Select to access this new character. Play as the Referee At the Title screen press Up, Down, Left, Right, A, X, lll, 6, L1, R1, L2, R2, and Select. Now, at the Character Select screen, highlight El Temblor and press Start to play as Sallie. Play as Sparrow - At the Title screen press @, Right, A, Up, W, Left, Ж, Down, Ж, Down, W, Left, A, Up, 6, Right, Select. Now, at the Character Select screen, highlight Commandant and press Select to access this deadly new character.

"Captain Russia"

Oslo, Norway


helpful hir

Enter these codes at the Password

screen. Unlimited Secondary Weapon - Memo*X33RTY

Unlimited Shields Hestas*Retort Level Select - Commander*Jeffer Unlimited Primary Weapon -


Turn Off Cheats All*cheats*off “The Rhino” Toledo, OH

Enter all of these codes at the Password screen.

All Easy Levels - ХӨХӨХӨ All Medium Levels - AAA All Hard Levels - ХӨШАХА "That Geeky Kid Around the Corner" Smackdown Hotel Rockville, IL

New Uniforms - At the Main Menu press Down, R1, Up, R1, Down, R2, Up, R2, Up, Up, R1, Down, Down, R2. If this is entered correctly the announcer will scream "Here We Go!" after each movement is entered. Now, enter the menu and hit R1 and R2 to unlock the new uniforms. Unlock the Alien, Boss, and Snowman - There is no easy code for this. To get the Snowman and Boss you must get golds on every track in the Free Ride Mode. For the Alien you must complete Master Mode. Special Boards - Breaking records in Free Ride unlocks different boards. No Music - During gameplay, press Start rapidly until the music continues to play on the pause screen. At this point, press Start one more time to resume racing with the music missing.

"Frosty the Snowboarder"

Redmond, WA

The code$ below only work with ingetAet’s GameShark enhancer al attachment.

C 3E] IE m JRE j

ry | (] لسم‎ H [F4 Codes found in this issue: EO GAME ENHANCER aene -

Enter all of these codes at the Aou Bessbal 2000 .

Continue Game screen. Va Street Fighter Alpha 3 Amy Men ЗІ)

Level 2 06769075 Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 3.5 evel 2 - AES California Speed Level 3 - 28611065 ТІР NN. Infinite Health Civilization 2... Level 4 92117015 81191292 1f1f 80194310 0090 Croc: Legend of the Gobbos . Level 5 - 87019105 Infinite Health (Player 2) Cole UE EE

8119129c 111 Cool Borders 2 ... Level 6 46308135 8119129 80194758 0090 i

e 1f Descent Maximum ..

Level 7- 65903195 811912. ў Level 8 70914195 ваи p БЕ im ESPN X-Games Pro Boarder. EEUU рН 81191222 1111 0194310 0090

Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 .. Level 10 - 01414654 80191224 003f 80194310 0001 Hello Kitty's Cube Frenzy ..

Level 11 32710744 Invincibilitiy 1-Hit Death (Player 2) Jet Moto .. Level 12 - 26614774 81181572 0008 90194758 0090 Jet Moto 2

Final battle - 98119464 Rapid Fire 80194758 0001 rp eda

End - 89012414 81181572 0800 Max Guard Bar - Ken Griffey, Jr.'s Slugfest ..

“Daddy Fat Sax” Мот TN Enhanced Missile - 801944c0 0050 mo

81181572 0400 Max Guard Bar (Player 2) - Mech Warrior 2 Reduced Gravity 80194908 0050 Miet Astro Lanes - 81181572 0002 Max Power Bar - E

peed: Hig All Cars and Tracks - YQX-%Z No Enemies Present 80194402 0090 Prince of Persia ..... Extra Goods - YOX+%Y 81181572 0004 Max Power Bar (Player 2) Pocket Bomberman

Point Blank 2. .......... Jane McCracken Can Choose Same Cars 8019484a 0090 FOU GARE WES

Reinecke NY 81181572 0020 (A, Ridge Racer Type 4 Rebel Assault I... Hardest Difficulty Ridge Racer Type 4

Roll AM 81181572 1000 All Team DRT Cars - she.

i Slow Motion- 800f3ae0 ffff Star Wars: Ep EUN code at the Password 81181572 2000 800f3ae2 fitt Street Fighter Alpha 3 Ў Ultra H-R 800f3ae4 ffff Pond od Brothe

81181572 4000 2001 RES TIT Thunder Tuck 80013а68 ff Triple Play 2000 . Top Gear Pocket.

Unlock Bonus Game - Green Alien, Green Alien, Circle, Square

Bobby "Game Star" Anderson Tires - 800f3aea ffff Monta Carta, CA 81181572 0001 800f3aec ffff

8 À Invincibility & Rapid Fire 800f3aee їй Invincibility, Rapid Fire & 800f8af0 tiff

Enter all of these randomly selected Enhanced Missles - 800f3af0 н

level codes at the Password screen. 81181572 0c08 80013а14 tiff These lines may not have information for 800f3af6 ffff all titles. If you're under 18 be sure to get Level 4 - SXBX47 Super Abilities & Health 800f3af8 fff your parent's permission. All calls cost

Level 5 - ХСВВАВ E 1 81 572 fof. d i 505гі Ш between $.95 and $1.25 per minute. Level 6 - CTB84R Point Blank 2 516-759-7800 Level 7 - CCB84H 800f3afe ff Capcom Level 8 - TTB8GR Infinite Lives All Team PRC Cars 900-976-3343 Level 9 - 1TBX4J 800bd4e8 0003 80013000 ## Electronic Arts Level 10 - L1BXGW 80013002 fff 900-288-4468 Level 11 51BV42 Infinite Lives (Player 2) 80013004 ff co Level 12 - .LBVGN trt: 80013006 ## 900-225-5248 Level 60 - 97X8GW 800f3b08 ffff Konaml Tony Martin - Amy Men 30 800f3b0a ffff 900-896-4468 Pittsburgh, PA Infinite Lives 800f3b0c ІН LucasArts

N Infinite Health 800f3b0e ff i c 800432a0 2400 All Team R.T. Solvalou 903-874-5092 800f3b10 ffff

Infinite Ammo Nintendo uos o mege codes at the 80057fd2 2400 800f3b12 ffff 900-288-0707 (Game Counseling) - 800f3b14 ffff 425-885-7529 (Automated) Infinite Flame-Thrower Fuel 800f3b16 fff Sony All Power-Ups - 5656 80058e3e 2400 800f3b18 ffff 900-933-7669 Ocean Level With All Items 4622 800bd4e8 0003 800f3b1a ffff

"Scarecrow" "na di 900-407-KLUE(5583) ; Infinite Lives (Player 2) 800f3b1c ffff Burat c o 800bd4ea 0003 80043916 fff ma


Game Informer July "99

| Availability: Uncommon SNI

| Replay Value: Low ——

| Similar Games: Cutthroat Island (SNES), Spawn (SNES), Batman Forever (SNES) Created by: Acclaim

| Access Tip: Here's the final code if

| you're actually curious about the ending,

| but don't want to waste time on the rest of the game: DFGBH

\ Overall:

A ou'll get no beef from us for liking

' the so-bad-it’s-good movie, but the

game is one of hundreds of poor and inappropriately licensed games that Acclaim pumped out during the 16-bit era that nearly led to its downfall. While visually appealing at times, Warlock is repetitive and lacking in interesting enemies, and the only thing that challenges the player is the horrid playcontrol of the character. The true novelty of playing this game is appreciating just how great a comeback Acclaim has made in recent years with the acquisition of killer titles like Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. We'd play it if we were stuck in an elevator for a day, but after the 12th hour or so we'd start to go insane. If you ever get your hands on this jewel of a game, we find that

the it works best as a doorstop or a bookend.

Availability: Uncommon Replay Value: Low Similar Games: Might & Magic (Genesis), Shining in the Darkness (Genesis), Zelda 2 (NES) Created by: Sega

Access Tip: Equipping cursed items and having them removed causes permanent agility and strength reductions. Do this repeatedly and you'll push them under 0, causing the game to read them as scores inthe thousands. 565 Overall:

hile Sword of Vermillion attempts W: mix a number of interesting

concepts, it flops desperately in all the aspects that make up a good, solid RPG. As one of the earliest games for the Genesis, SOV featured graphics that were impressive at the time, with sharp looking bosses and colorful towns. Unfortunately, the towns, while colorful, are lacking in detail and completely void of side quests; and the action-oriented boss and regular enemy scenarios are just plain dull. On top of that, you get the Sword of Vermillion from some irritating shopkeeper who steals whatever weapon you had in the middle of the game and then gives it back to you toward the end of the game. There is absolutely no quest for the sword whatsoever. Sorry to ruin it for you.

| Availability: Common Replay Value: High Similar Games: Mega Man Series (NES, SNES, PSX), Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES), Kirby's Dreamland (GB) Created by: HAL Studios for Nintendo Access Tip: When in doubt, inhale. About 99.9% of enemies and projectiles can be | sucked up without any problems. Overall:

ames about cute, pink blobs that

go around inhaling enemies and

digesting them in order to gain their abilities are always cool with us. Kirby originally debuted on the Game Boy and has since seen a number of sequels with Nintendo's various systems. While the game is lacking in serious challenge, this is more than made up for by the sheer entertainment of the whacked out bonus levels and voracious enemies. It’s worth buying the game just for the bonus levels. "Intense" seems to be the watchword of more recent video games, but Kirby reminds us that sometimes "pleasant" can be just as entertaining. If you're getting tired of all the carnage and mayhem in your video game collection, Kirby's Adventure will definitely hold a special place in your video game library.

жа жәна. ( xırey : 000)


KY 4 9 7 Moore + 0000 ов 2 * 000000 ICORE : 0003500 SCORE : 0006680

Game Informer July "99

Dragon Warrior - NES

Game Genie Codes

Start With 255

Energy - EAAKOZ

Gain 255 Experience for Every Critter You Kill - LLVLOP

One-Hit Kills - YLTTOP

Gear Upgrades Every Time You Check Your Inventory - VTUZOP

WWF Wrestlemania

Challenge - NES

Tag Team and Survivor Series Mode Cheats

Select + A will cause your partner to jump in and help you without tagging.

Select + B will cause your partner to go on a ram- page outside the ring and beat up on your opponent's partner.

Ikari Warriors - NES Level Select - This code takes some serious training. When the Title Screen pops up, press Up, Down, A, A, B, Left, Right, A, B, Up, A, Down, Right, Right,

Left, B, Up, Left, A, Right, B, Left, Right, A, Left, Up, A, Down, A, Right, Left, B, Start.

classic codes ІШЕР ТІПТІ

Shadowrun - SNES

Bonus to Computer and Firearm Skills - D1BE- 4DA4

No Loss of Karma for Killing People - CE6D- 47А4

All Items Are Free - 6DAE- 4FA7

Spell Points Never Run Out - 8E69-3DA4

Super Mario RPG - SNES

Do 9999 Points of Damage - Get Geno in your party and use the Geno Whirl attack. When the ring goes off the screen, hit Y and you'll hear an explosion. This only works on normal enemies.

Syndicate - Genesis

Mega Agents and Lots of Money - Enter the pass- word HACKERSQVAD.

Haunting: Starring

Polterguy - Genesis Toggle Music On/Off - Pause the game. Hold A, B, and C simultane- ously and hit Start. This will send you back to the Title screen. When you start a new game, the music will be off. Repeat the code to turn it on again.

Level Skips 1st House - Enter the &randfather clock and hit

C, C, C, B to skip up to the second house.

2nd House - Get into the toilet in the Jacuzzi room. Hit C, C, C, B to warp to the third house.

3rd House - Go into the garbage can in the garage and hit B, C, B, B. Leave the garage and you'll be in the final house.


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