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Depa tment "

- Letter from the Editor Bend But Don't Break

Dear Game Informer GI readers from across the globe - interact with Game Informer.

Envelope Art

You can't win if you don't enter. . Gi's Monthly Envelope Art Contest.

СІ News

New Info on Final Fantasy: The Movie, PlayStation Gets Resident Evil 3, Sega shows Dreamcast, and tons-o-fun with Name That бате!, Trivia, and Gl's Top Ten.

o o 00

Game Informer PC The Game Burrito brings you tons of reviews and previews including Axis & Allies and Fallout 2

Arcade Brigade

GI shows you one great game in

Play To Perfection The strategy gurus rip open Crash Bandicoot: Warped.

Secret Access

Codes for South Park, Twisted Metal 3, and more, along with the infamous Game Shark Swap Shop.

Classic Gl

GI looks at classic games on the Super NES, Genesis, & NES, and replays some codes from the vault.

Game Informer Magazine" (ISSN 1067-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issues for $9.98 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. For subscriptions, '266. Periodicals postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices.

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Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies.

e Game Informer January '99


Cover Story: Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil Joshua Fireseed is one tough mother. But is he tougher than the Primogen, who seeks to escape

from his bonds and engulf the universe in his evil

path of tyranny and destruction? Game Informer delves into the far reaches of the Turok universe to bring you 12 pages of information, strategy, and anything else necessary to take care of those pesky dinos.

Pg 34

Nintendo 64 Magical Tetris Challenge, NBA Jam 99, Nightmare Creatures, South Park, Top Gear Overdrive


ocalypse, Contender, Dead In The Water, Dragon

| Valor, Lunar: The Silver Star Story, Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter EX Edition, NBA Live 99, NCAA GameBreaker ‘99, Ridge Racer Type 4, Rally Cross 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Tiny Tank: Up Your Arsenal, Tomb Raider Ill: The Adventures Of Lara

J Croft, Twisted Metal 3

Dreamcast Blue Stinger, Sonic Adventure

At a Glance

A Bug's Life, Animaniacs Ten Pin Alley, Asteroids, Bust A Groove, Darkstalkers 3, Eggs of Steel, FIFA 99, Freestyle Boardin’ ‘99,

Hardball 99, Irritating Stick, Jeopardy, Knockout Kings, The Legend Of Legaia, Life, March Madness

_ 99, No One Can Stop Mr. Domino!, Rugrats, Test

Drive 5, Test Drive OffRoad 2, Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour Golf, Warzone: 2100, Wheel Of Fortune

Nintendo 64 FIFA 99, WCW Nitro

Game Boy Hexcite, Smurfs’ Nightmare

Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation (Required by 39 U.S. C. 3685). 1A. Title of Publication: Game Informer Magazine; 1B. Publication No.: 10676392; 2. Date of Filing: October 8, 1998; 3. Frequency of Issue: Monthly; ЗА. Number of Issues Printed Annually: 12; 3B. Annual Subscription Price: $19.98; 4. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin Со . Complete Mailing Address of the Headquarters of General Business Offices of the. Publisher: 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; 6. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor(s), and Manegng Editor: Publisher: Richard A. Cihak, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden . Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; Editor: Andrew C. McNamara, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; Managing Editor: Andrew C. McNamara, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin. салу 7. Owner: Funco, Inc.; 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; Names and Addresses of Stockholders Owning or Holding 196 or More of Total Amount of Stock: David A. Pomije, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; Stanley A. Bodine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; 8. Known Bondholders, Mortgages, and Other Security, Holders Owning or Holding 1% or More of Total Amount if Bonds, Mortgages or other Securities: None; 9. Does not Apply; 10. Extent and Nature of Circulation: Average number of copies each issue during pre- ceding 12 months: A. Total No. of Copies (Net Press Run); 202, 425; B. Paid and/or Requested Circulation: (1) Sales through dealers and carriers, street ven- dors and counter sales: 20,561; (2) Mail Subscription (paid and/or requested): 132, 349; c. Total paid and/or requested circulation: 152,910; D. Free Distribution by Mail, Carrier or Other Means-samples, complimentary, ала other free copies: 28, 810; Total Distribution: 181, 720; Copies Not Distributed: (1) Office use, left over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: 19, 203; (2) Return from News Agents: 1,502; G. Total: 202, 425. 1 certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. - Richard A. Cihak, Publisher.

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January Issue 1998 Volume IX + Number 1 Issue #69

Richard A. Cihak Publisher

Andrew McNamara Editor

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Andy, The Game Hombre

“After all this time, | finally got Zelda home. WOW! Everything these guys were saying is true. This game is unbelievable. Of course, by now I'm sure everyone has heard about Zelda, so I'll shut up. Other than that, it's been a great month for rock as Archers of Loaf and Fugazi came through town. Football has been great as well, since the Vikings are (hopefully) still on a tear by the time you read this. And I'm sure they are.”

8 Game Informer January ‘99


Bend But Don't Break


n my October editorial | asked our readers a big question: Should Game Informer start doing preview covers [since we are putting magazines on the newsstand]? The answer from

the readers was a resounding ,"NO!" And I thank

you for that.

There are many times in the life of a video game magazine when the pull to be just like all the rest becomes an irresistible force. “Hey, the other guy has Star Wars: Rogue Squadron on the cover? Look, the other guy has Dreamcast? Man, if we did preview covers we could do them so much better than these guys." But you know, in the end, the feeling passes. And | remember all the preview covers that featured games that never came out, or titles that got hyped as the greatest thing since sliced bread and then received a less than impressive score when they

were reviewed.

And back in October 1 had a funny feeling that Game Informer needed to be like all the rest, but all of you who responded to my little plea for help set me back on the true and righteous path (I've always wanted to say that). Give me video games or give me death!!! But don’t change my

Game Informer.

Robert, The Game Casanova

“Whew. This month has sucked for yours truly. Apart from being chained to my desk and having to work so we can meet some deadlines, | haven't done much. The Square fairy is gonna come down and tan my hide, for | haven't finished Xenogears or Brave Fencer. At least, at the time of this writing. Anyhow, game on, tender souls, and keep buying stuff for the early part of 1999 so game companies will figure out that there's something happening outside the holiday season besides E3.

Jon, The Greedy Gamer

“After a long, exciting tenure with Game Informer, | am leaving the magazine to become (check this out): senior editor at North American Fisherman magazine! Awesome. Games may rule, but fishing and the outdoors are my true love. Just remember, Game Informer rocks, and the Buffalo Bills will live forever.”

As a result, Game Informer will continue to do all the awesome review covers (with strategy guide) that Game Informer has become famous for. However, there is one catch.

We are going to set a new watermark that not only Game Informer must uphold, but that other magazines will someday strive to duplicate. When we don’t have a game that is worthy enough for the “coveted” cover spot, we are not

going to just take the next best thing. Which | know sounds ridiculous, but there are times when | think about my past decisions and realize that we did just that. But no more. From here on out, Game Informer will put preview games on the cover when there isn’t an obviously superior game for review. However, keep in mind that we will do everything in our power to make sure that this rarely happens. But when we do have to do a preview cover, you can rest assured

that we will make sure to deliver the most

comprehensive story possible.

I think you'll like what we have in mind. Let's just hope we can do it to the standards that we (and you) have set for ourselves. Enjoy the issue and we'll see you all back here next month.

Paul, The Game Professor

“It is almost time to pick the best of the best for our annual awards. 1998 was a banner year for games, but it will be hard to pick winners because there was a lot to choose from. Everyone wants a piece of the video game pie and 1999 may mean that we'll have to sift through even more crap games to find the good ones. With new game systems on the horizon, this is definitely going to be an interesting year.”

Reiner, The Raging Gamer

“We have a serious problem here folks. This may sound crazy and all, but Andy and | have become hopelessly addicted to the Star Wars Episode 1 trailer. Every five minutes or so, we watch the trailer. As of now, | think we've viewed it about 350 times. Thankfully, 1 haven't gone completely nuts like poor little Andy. He actually believes that he's Anakin. Really. Right now, he's building C-3PO. (Use the Force Reiner) Wha??? Ben...”

Die By The Sword Limb From Limb....62 Deer Hunter II

Freestyle Boardin' Hardball ‘99. Hexcite .

Legend of Legala, The Life, The Game Of...

Magical Tetris Challenge. March Madness 99. Marvel Super Heroes

Vs. Street Fighter EX...... NBA Jam 99 .. NBA Live 99... NCAA Gamebreaker ‘9: Nightmare Creature: No One Can Stop Mr Domin: Plane Crazy... Rally Cross 2.. Return Fire Il.

Smurfs’ Nigi Sonic Adventure. South Park...... Speed Busters. Street Fighter Alpha 3..

Test Drive Off Road 2 Tiger Woods 99 PGA ... Tiny Tank: Up Your Arsenal................. 50 Tomb Raider Ш: Adventures

of Lara Croft Top Gear Overdrive Turok 2: Seeds Of Evi Twisted Metal 3 .. War Final Assault Warzone 2100 WCW Nitro ..

Bergren, The Game Burrito

“The moment of truth draws near. As | write this, the purple are getting ready for a sweep of the cheese in the sterile, yet beloved Metrodome. This is a huge game as it will put the Vikes up by three games and hopefully silence the cheddar for the rest of the season. But that's just the small picture. Hopefully, this will mark the end of the

Packers being even remotely good for another 20 years or so. Then all of the bandwagon Packer fans in the Twin Cities might shut-up."


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The Unholy War and the related characters are trademarks of Crystal Dynamics. © 1998 Crystal Dynamics. All rights resreved. Tomb Raider III, Lara Croft, Ninja: Shadow of Darkness and Fighting Force and trademarks of Core Design. © 1998 Core. Eidos Interactive and Omikron are trademarks of Eidos, Plc. © 1998 Eidos. All rights reserved. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Burning Questions That Need Answering

First just want to say your mag rules and only being a subscriber for a little less than a year l've seen other mags and yours is the best. (Is that enough sucking up, because | wasn't sure.) Seriously though, | do have questions for you guys, and they are numbered for your personal reading enjoyment.

1. | might be wrong but on every issue you guys make, whatever is on the front cover that month, the very top part of the character in the featured game is covering up a tiny bit of INFORMER. Not that it really matters that much but just out of curiosity, why do you guys do it?

2. It’s just a suggestion but some months the send-in art is bad, but sometimes there is some REALLY good artwork that is drawn by people that obviously have a lot of talent. Have you guys ever thought of maybe adding a section at the end of the year with all the monthly winners and then give a big prize for the year's best drawn picture?

3. I'm pretty sure Nintendo lowered the price of their product in reaction to the lowering of the PlayStation's price, but why did Sony lower the price? It's not like they were losing business or not selling enough PlayStations. It didn't SEEM that way, but | have no sources whatsoever, so т just asking. Besides if they were going to lower the price they should have done

Fears About the Asian Gaming Market

We all have heard of the falling Asian stock market. Should gamers be worried that some game companies might not survive these economic hardships, like Sega? Or should the gamers be glad because the game producers want their stock to go up so they will slash prices to increase sales? | know that Sony is safe because they are in the American Stock Exchange.

Matt Ross via The outlook for the gaming industry is positive, Don't worry about the Asian market, because the U.S. gaming scene is strong enough to support most, if not all, of the Asian game manufacturers. Yet, the Asian video game market, especially in Japan, is very solid. Spurred by the recent launch of Dreamcast, the Japanese gaming scene is exciting and all three companies are definitely “safe” for the foreseeable future. Don't expect any drastic price changes in games or systems in coming months (unless Sony or Nintendo announces a new system).

Game Informer January '99

The N64 Needs a Hot Bahe

| am so pissed off, | could just kill someone! | may own a PlayStation as well as an N64, but | must say | am sickened at seeing PS-X get another hot babe while the N64 gets nothing but dust! Okay, now | will get to the point: Witchblade!!! PS-X got Steel Harbinger and Lara Croft and now this! | can’t take it anymore! All | want is the N64’s own Lara Croft-type

hero!! Is that too much to ask? De Ro 64 via

it, oh | don't know, much earlier like around January of [last] year (this doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the fact that when | bought my PlayStation in January it cost $150, nah, not at all). Ryan Berens via First off, we get no personal enjoyment from reading numbered questions, but find answering them quite exhilarating. On we go! |. Out of the last 12 issues, 6 of them had what you described. We sometimes do this to add depth to the cover image. 2.A great suggestion. We will most likely do this in conjunction with our game awards in the February or March issue.

3. Last January, the PlayStation was selling like hotcakes and you are right, Sony was not losing any business. Our view is that the PlayStation business may have slowed slightly last spring and some market analyst at Sony put some numbers together and discovered that even more PlayStations would go out the door if the price was lowered to $130. Sony has also realized some cost reductions in manufacturing the PlayStation. This also played a role in the price drop. Like any piece of electronics, the retail príce decrease over time.

GI Should Be Polite

| must begin my letter by congratulating you and your excellent work at reviewing the newest and latest games across the board. | have been a reader for a year plus, and have found the magazine very helpful and very entertaining. But as | read over the letters to С! today in the November issue, | found your responses rude, to say the least. Now | know, and understand, that you have a wide variety of readers which send in a wide variety of letters. Now the writers can be, and often are, rude and crude, but they are just writers and you do not have to publish and respond to those letters. What upsets me is that when you did respond to two particular letters in issue #67 ("Your Play to Perfections Are Weak" and "Who Stands Corrected?”), your language and style were similar to the writers', rude and childish. l'm not going to pass judgment on who is right or wrong in these situations, but | will say that you could have handled your responses a bit more "professional" | appreciate that we all have our opinions, and that by being readers we look for your opinions on games. But when a person writes in to present their opinion, and hopefully backs it up with facts, you do not have to shoot it down such as when you said, “So YOU stand corrected. Sonic R is OK, but 3D Blast is a pile of junk" ("Who Stands Corrected?"). Or when you insulted one of your loyal readers when you said, “Hey Cody, sounds like your gaming kung-fu is very weak.” And then ended the letter by kicking dirt on him with an abrupt and impolite “Good-bye!” ("Your Play to Perfections Are Weak"). Personally | feel you should not print these letters, or

Spice Girls Fan Exposed

In your November 1998 Vol. viii issue | | #67 there is a letter about the Spice Girls video game. | happen to like the Spice Girls, the game is OK, it's not the best, but a lot better then Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch on the Sega CD...The thing that bothered me was the fact YOU implied that they have no talent. Where in the hell do you get off saying this? | used to have a lot of respect for Gl, but a comment like this just means that you are very insecure group of people and the only way you can feel good about yourself is to cut others down...Hello? are we back in grade school? As far as other musical acts getting into video games, it's a matter of how much THEY want to. Well | will leave off saying this... you may think they have no talent, but they're laughing all the way to the bank!!!

Anthony Hinkle


We did not mean to imply that the Spice Girls’ competence as singers is subpar, we were flat out trying to say they have no talent. Hiding our insecurities by cutting down the Spice Girls? Hardly. We have the Green Bay Packers for that.

Have you forgotten? Nintendo owns the rights to the best video game babe of all time, Justine Bailey from Metroid. Word on the street is Justine will make an appearance on N64. The problem is nobody knows when we might see her triumphant return. Otherwise, Activision's Nightmare Creatures features the voluptuous Nadia. Thanks for the letter.

reply in a more polite fashion. | look § forward to continued excellent reviews and codes, and improvement on your letter replies.

RCW Guy via Get, excuse us. Seriously, Dear СІ would be mighty boring if we only printed positive letters with cordial responses. Should we just print letters with no responses, like most non-gaming magazines? We could put in more letters, but the drawback would be that no letter with a question would ever be answered. Don't think for a second we're going to be polite to the bums who have nothing good to say about us. We aren't even polite to our own staff. In that same issue we agreed that Paul is from the Planet of the Apes. Game Informer is about attitude and sometimes we have a very bad case of it.

Envelope: Art

Game Boy Color

Will | be able to play Game Boy Color in the dark?



Yes, you will be able to play Game

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Boys) is not backlit so you'll need another light source.

One-On-One With the Giant and Raven

| have been subscribing to game informer for about 5 years now and | think that this magazine is great, it is simply the best. There is not one thing that | do not like about it. | just wanted to say that | thought the response the Raven gave for the question "Who would win Rodzilla and Malone or Leno and Letterman?" was excellent. Conan and Richter are the king of late night. | also wanted to say that you guys are doing a hell of a job and to keep up the good work. Dave Beastie via Our personal favorite is when Raven says if he had a choice of weapons, he'd go with the cheese grater. Ouch. We've received a lot of great responses to our November feature with Giant and Raven, but we are tired of hearing from the whining WWF fans. Just like that sniveling wimp Vince McMahon, some WWF fans are still bitter about the WCW being more popular [See Dear Gl, Dec. '98].

How Do You Do That?

| subscribe to several gaming magazines including yours. Every one of them has probably two times or more pages than your magazine does. Yet Game Informer has three times the amount of information, AND is more accurate. My question is, how do you do that? You all look so young, but are very professional in attitude. | like that everything you write isn’t slanted toward the 13-year-old male. Some of us are even over (gasp) 30 and (gasp again) FEMALE! Continued success for as long as you want it. Kudos, gentlemen. Susan Behrmann via We do so by assembling the best editorial staff in the business and playing our fingers to the bone. Don’t let the young looks fool you, we have been at this for many years. Game Informer is the longest running console gaming magazine next to EGM and GamePro. Thanks for the fine words.

Ratings Gripe

Come on;-Andy and Reiner! Parasite Eve is not.a.boring game. You guys must be pretty damn lazy because they make you do something you don't want to! It's an RPG for God's sake! I think that is one of the best games from Square, so that was terrible ratings by you two! At least Jon gave it halfway decent ratings! What were you thinking telling people not to buy this game! | usually listen to your ratings and don't buy games if you say not to! But | did the exact opposite on this game and love it! | don't think | should listen to your ratings anymore! What did you give FF7 a 5.5?! Geez | think Parasite Eve deserves a little more credit and is fun (unlike you think)! And | know plenty of people who love this game and so many others who want to get it. | encourage them to buy it because it is a great game!

J. Loxsom via

See answer to the questions below.

So What Апош Parasite Eve? 1 have a few questions of the numbered kind. |.Why does Parasite Eve suck so much? 2.Why did you change the cover layout? It was fine the way it was! | liked the ripped look in the corner. It was your choice though. 3.How do you pronounce “Chocobo”? 4.Who actually answers the questions? 5.Why does Parasite Eve suck so much? (Again) 6.Are you gonna put me in the mag? Brian Murphy Lapeer, MI I. We think you are actually asking a rhetorical question and already know the answer, but we'll answer it for the benefit of the author of the letter above. The general consensus among the staff is that this game was not up to par. Although the weapons system was excellent, most agree that the overall play was slow and the adventure was extremely short. The game is an excellent candidate for a rental. (Mr. Loxsom?) 2.A number of the staff hated the jagged edge on the top right corner of the cover. They thought it distracted from the main cover image. 3. cho - ka - bo 4. We all take turns. This month, the honor goes to... 5. Its actually caused by a change in air pressure. 6.Absolutely not!

Janua Winner Ken Vieira, Tiverton, RI

A Street

p. Eden Pratrie, MN, 55319

felZo w. 36


Lara is going to bring the big belt buckle back into fashion.

To: Game: Informer

Ss R

LO [j

Gex must have thrown the fight to appease his mafia interests.

s, IN ! : Is this Sweet What's the deal with Tooth or Oprah lizard fighting this before make- issue? Is there some- up? thing weird going on?


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THE GAME HOMBRE | home console games can. Plus, the Concept addition of mission objectives made the 8 k game much more interesting. However, the —— ———— g. While | really enjoy ^ Graphics e limited save points 9.75 Sound ү i 9 «eph oshua Fireseed took Playability [ the world by storm 9 when he, first offers so much play, but annoying that you =~ = are literally trapped playing until you find Entertainment appeared” on the | the next save point. Definitely a great 9 N64 ‘and. Turole-blossomed

game, and the addition of multiplayer is | huge, but Turok 2 just doesn't have the into-oríe of the N64's best sellers. This first-person

| same flare as the original." : mee had supor graphies, ; WISI CERERI RU control, an outdoor i SS pie om environments. Not oily that; but it didn’t throw typical enemies at-you. Instead of some generic alien freak or mutant-pig.cop,-Turok heaved dinosaurs at you. These fierce enemies were enhanced ' even further by some twitchy death animation. Human enemies would grab theit’necks ina useless ^ attempt, to keep "blood from jetting out of their fatal wounds. You-could even hear them croak БИ pine аон violently for а last gasp*of precious and fleeting oxygen. N64 sound and graphics. You'll benefit Sound So here lies the problem,for the creators of Turok: How do you make a sequel їо а game that from the RAM pak, but it’s not necessary 9.5 swept so many people off their feet? Therefore, Iguana knew it had to make the sequel twice: as Hee SEA NA. стаду good as the original. Andon almost every front, Turok 2 succeeds. New features abound. Turok „ж | as it is паві 9 ; has implemented а 4-player-deathmatch and mission objectives for the t-player adventure. Plus, ) long Ue comine, bit if wa: well worth Entertainment Turok 2 is КАМ Pak compatible allowing you to play the game in hi-res. Normally the game” 77. das 29 looks great, but with this peripheral, you'll be even more impressed. PT ү, ;


Graphics 9.5

EF Turok 2 is much lárger-than the first, maybe by as much as four times. And when you play it, you won't doubt it. You might even think the levels are too large. The caverns „= and open areas go on forever’and you'll begin to think that no end is in sight. This Æ “Turok? Or not Turok? That is the question. wouldn't be so bad, but opportunities to save your game can be few and far between, £ And a tough one it is. This first-person REINER forcing you to trod ahead, Ven though you might be dying for sleep. While this

ыо иаа can be annoying at times, it heightens the experience because you won't want 2 Al is also something to behold. Al the “GP to go back and redo. sections of a level if you can help it. RC ee Gu ie uae oo OS The enemies have changed as well. Not only аге there more of them, but the tsized. The levels in Turok 2are 9,75 Al has improved too. Yes; theré are still dinosaurs. Compys and raptors are a ^. bly large. This isn't a bad thing cound common sight. But there’s more. You'll encounter six races of enemies throughout M RA It AE i the game. For instance, the first two levels are dominated by dinosoids - half man k gonizing to save. Sometimes you'll need "ae / 7 1, to play for hours before you сап quit ortake Playability half lizard. These guys aren't that tough, but when you mortally wound them, they'll ^. j a breather. Lame. Turok 2's control is Я ү i ү ООШ packed: wth tons ш EB input a self-destruct-code on a wristband and blow themselves up. - К configurations (even a GoldenEye button Entertainment The риг-іппгаге a-primitive race of large ape-like creatures. The most amusing (8 ш TE EG E He ue pur-linn carries à large.pack.on his back containing an endless supply-of small stones. { Е

entertaining, but not quite as action- 1: f А г

packed repose ze they are in 9) The pack is hooked up-to.a machine gun allowing him to pummel you witha stream GoldenEye. Turok 2 is great, but GoldenEye of rocks from a distance: The blind ones live deep beneath the planet's surface. They is still a better package.” OVERALL ác "


14 сате тег January ‘99

Cover Story

* Size: 256 Megabit

e Style: 1 to 4Player Action

* Special Features: 6 Mammoth Worlds;

kic 43 Mission Objectives; 24 Weapons; 30 Types of

NEN ы т Enemies; 4 Bosses; Expansion, Controller, & Someone to watch over Rumble Pak Compatible; 4-Player Deathmatch; me... Save Points; Sniper Scope

* Replay Value: Moderately Low Created by: Iguana Entertainment for Acclaim * Available: Now for Nintendo 64


Bottom Line: 9

P aft see, but have acut senses of smell and hearing. Some live in the lava and . ' shoot blazing balls of fire and sometimes. "when you kill them, the body explodes” » And the legs keep running. i Of course, Turok 2 has tons of Jweapons, new and old. Naturally, the shotgun returns with both regular and explosive shells. The Scorpion Launcher fires a series of missiles and the Cerebral Bore locks onto a victim's brain waves and tunnels a path to the soft tissue beneath the skull. The Firestorm Cannon acts much like 4 Gatling Gun, but instead of wussy bullets, it expels powerful plasma-beams that obliterate anything in its path. Then there is the priceless sniper scope attached to the Plasma Rifle and Tek Bow, allowing you to pick off enemies-fíom. a distance. Two of the most special weapons, however, can only be used-in level two and are strapped to a dinosaur that you м ride. Two giant mortar cannons are bound to the head along with а machine дип. EO. The best thing is that the-ammo is unlimited, plus you can charge and gore enemies P with the beasts giant horns. , 4 Turok 2 is huge and will amaze most who experience it. The animation, Al, enemies, and just about everything else have been created with the greatest of care. If you loved the first adventure, you must | check out Turok 2 just to see the advancements alone. But after that, the challenge of Turok 2 will be more than

М to keep you satisfied. WI

Get the feather and trade it later for a Talisman.

Destroy the Sentinels for a piece of the Nuclear Weapon. |

His armor can make him a tough kill.

SEWER eae Ке еу

N ead 7. ` ¢ PN + y rouble is coming.

Pick them off while they try to 2 ER SDE EE destroy that Totem. ° ЦЕ




(апуб тв « Jahuary “99,

This guide reveals elements of the game ` you may want to discover by yourself, thereby possibly reducing your enjoyment



Talisman: None Enemies: Dinosolde Keys: Three Level 2 & Three level 3


1) Activate 3 Distress Beacons.

2) Rescue 4 children.

3) Locate the Energy Totem and defend it at all costs.

PARTI _ Jump in the water and head towards the sunken ship. There are Gold and Red Isinside both halves of the wreckage. Your Diamond count should be 92 e the water. Exit the water where you entered it and walk up the There is an opening їп the wall to the right (exposed after an Switch for the Distress Beacon. You will need the Power Cell to ore it for now. Blow up the barrel beyond that to expose an ee ladder inside.

| CELL ! - Straight ahead you'll see a pistol in a hole in the wall. You can't esb the hole, but if you jump up in front of it you can grab the pistol. Follow the

, grab the Power Cell, and head back to activate the Distress Beacon. Back up the ladder, follow the corridor, and climb the next ladder. This leads room with water on the floor. Jump into the portal on the platform. Climb 3 ind get the Gold Diamonds along the wooden walkway. Continue down T rab the LEVEL 2 KEY. Continue down the corridor, turn left, and ег up to the wooden walkway and get the Gold Diamonds. Jump hit the barrel in the NE corner to blast open the wall and enter the

grab the pistol. Kill the dinosoid above, cross the bridge, and опа. Next, turn left and get the Bullet Clip next to the NE door. заа into the water. Swim until you reach the corridor on your left end, hop up the ramp and pull the lever, releasing a dinosoid climb the ladder. Go through the corridor, drop down to the

et the Gold Diamonds, and pull the lever in the small alcove to bw. Hop down and kill the dinosoid, return to the wooden

ithe corridor, climb the next ladder, and follow the corridor until you

er lever. Pull it and head down the dead end to your left to get a

Head straight into the next hallway to access a room with a Child.

nosoid awaits on the left and a fall off the side means death. To open the cage,

enter the opening on the east side. Head up either the left or right ramp and get ready for another grenade-chucking dinosoid.

Go through the door. Note the Box of Bullets and the Bullet Clip

behind it. Through the next open door is a portal and another Bullet

Clip behind the door. On the tier above, hit the lever in the west alcove,

g | turn around, and kill the dinosoid coming at you. There is a Box of Bullets

inthe room it came from. Go back down the ramp and jump across to

the cage and rescue the CHILD. Now return to the large room with the

bridge and enter the door that you opened earlier on the west wall. Get

i Box of Bullets and the Bullet Clips hidden behind the doors. Jump into

PART tt Caution: There is a dinosoid in front of you beyond the debris. Turn | around and head towards the fire. There is a lever hidden to the right \ of the fire. Pull it and continue on. The lever you pulled opened a room just past the switch with three Silver Health. k Notice the Full Health above on the platform. Ignore it for ШЗ now. Go west to battle some compys. Don't waste bullets on these guys. Use the Talon instead. Pull the lever at the end А, of the trail to the left of the large gate to open another gate where the Arrows were (or still are). Follow the Gold } i. Diamonds, climb the ladder on the north wall, and pull ? the lever to open a gate below. Jump down facing the \ | open gate and kill the raptor sprinting at you. Continue f on, climb the ladder on the west wall, and pull the Switch. Jump down and continue east. Grab the Pistol and Bullets on top of the debris. This will trigger a. gate eleasing a dinosoid. To climb the ladder on the north wall you must jump from the hunk of debris you got the pistol from and continue on. POWER СЕС 2 - Follow the corridor until you come to an open area. Climb the Short ladder and turn around and face the tower. Shoot a barrel to blow it up and drop some Arrows, Blue Health, and a Bullet Clip. Head through the opening and veer to the right. Leap on top of the boxes to get the three Red Diamonds. Then blow up the barrel in front of the crates to expose a Bullet Clip. Head NW and explore the next area to find a Red Diamond in the back-left corner of the shallow

pool, a Bullet Clip on top of the ship, Blue Health on top of a lone box, and som Arrows beneath the ladder on the east 3$ wall. Blow up the barrel by the water to 3 expose the Power Cell. Take it and activate the second Distress Beacon d atop the east ladder. Go back towards $ the water and enter the open doors. To the sides of the frame are two Red Diamonds. Jump in the portal. P Р 3 5 - When you emerge, get the Red Diamonds behind you. Through the door is a dinosoid. Head $ tight down the hall to find a Red : Diamond in the back-right corner of the 3 shallow pool. In the NW corner is an annoying dinosoid atop a ramp. Kill it and get the Blue Health bonuses on the two ships. Shoot the large crate hanging 4 inthe net. Jump off the boat to the boxes to get the Red Diamonds. In the NE corner (before the water) there is a Pistol hidden behind four smaller boxes. Now, head up the ramp where the annoying dinosoid was and pull the lever to open two doors below. Enter both doors and activate the switch for the final Distress Beacon located on the west wall, behind a single block. Then pull the lever to open a third door.

Kill the Raptor and go through the doorway. Blow up the

two barrels in the corner to expose four Bullet Clips. Continue down the corridor and head towards the ramp. Turn the corner and watch the bridge drop. Ah yes!! The Shotgun! Keep going until you reach the Save Portal. Enter it to save your game and replenish your health and ammo if you like, but be warned, if you replenish now, you won't be able to again in this world. Next, pull the lever across from the portal to open up two doors to the west of the bridge you just crossed. Kill the dinosoid in the doorway from the bridge because a second, less dangerous dinosoid is below as well. Kill the harder one and drop down and waste the second. Grab the Health and the four Gold Diamonds through the doorway, but be ready for a raptor to jump out of the opening in the wall to your right. Note: The Health regenerates. 2 - Next, jump in the opening and follow the corridor until you see the water. Climb the ladder and pull the lever, then turn to your left, and jump into the opening. Climb through the corridor and you'll see a CHILD in a cage. Jumping down into the area below opens up two walls on opposite sides containing two dinosoids. Try to jump on top of the cage for a better vantage point. Once they're dead, another door will open exposing a switch to open the cage. Climb the ladder out of there and continue on your way. Past the water and the first switch are some barrels. Blow them up to reveal a Red Diamond, Bullet Clip, and Blue Health. Jump into the portal and climb the ladder.

You'll find a LEVEL 2 KEY in the middle of the room. Нор into the corridor with the Explosive Shells. Look familiar? Enter the door on the wooden walkway. There is a Bullet Clip hidden behind the next open door. Enter this door and behold another portal. Jump into the portal.


Once through the portal, turn around and blow up the barrel to get the ammo that regenerates. Turn around, exit the alcove, and approach the building in front of you on the right side and scour inside and out for ammo. The waterfall on the east wall contains two sets of Explosive Shells. Follow the Gold Diamonds east through the corridor and head up the ramp. In this room, activate the Warp Portal and hop in.

Head up the ramp into the outdoor environment. Climb the. ladder on the north side of the house to get the Blue Health and the four Red Diamonds. Just to the NE of the house is a lever. Pull it to reveal the opening kiddy-corner to the lever. Walk through and grab the Tek Bow. Note the Tek Arrows in the corner. Don't bother you're full up. Above and to your right is another dinosoid waiting to peg you off. This is a good time to try out your new Tek Bow and sniper scope. Hit him in the head to save ammo. There is another dinosoid perched up high around the next corner. Kill it and another door will open. Before you enter, check out the huge tower in the background. Zoom in and kill the dinosoid occupying it. Turn around and its the same deal another sniper in a tower.

c code MM NB Ч Get the Diamonds in the fountain.

A Level Key lies within.


Now, enter the door and ascend the ramps until you're outside. To your left is an arc of Red Diamonds leading to the PRIMAGEN KEY 1. You need the LEAP OF FAITH TALISMAN to get them so you'll have to come back to this area later 2 after you finish level 2. When you finish sightseeing, head back out towards the house and continue north along the path.

At the next house, search inside and out. Keep on trucking east until you come to a Save Portal. Save if you like, but ignore the other portal for now. Retrace your steps and take your first right towards the three Blue Health. Across and below is small area with a lever. Jump down and à pull it. A door has opened up behind the waterfall guarded by a dinosoid. Kill it, enter the room, and grab the LEVEL 3 KEY. Head back up to the room with both portals and warp to the next area. 5 CHILD 2 - Check out that Tek Bow and barrel in front of you. Blow up the barrel to reveal some power-ups that regenerate. Around the corner, scour that pile of junk and debris for some goodies. While on top of the debris, jump across to the ladder on the east wall to access the lever. Pull it, jump down, and you'll see a new opening to the SW. Head for the Shotgun and get ready for a vicious attack. Pull the lever to the south then cross the bridge to the next lever. After you pull it, turn around and wait for the next attack. Proceed to the left corner and pull the lever. In the far corner 1o your right is the next lever. Pull it to open two more doors next to you on the west wall. These doors lead to a large room with two dinosoids waiting to kick your butt. Kill them and head into the room. The lever to open the cage is on the east wall. Pull it, rescue the CHILD, and head back outside.

Search the area and then pull both levers in the NE corner to open a door behind the waterfall (between the levers). Follow the Gold Diamonds until you warp to a new area. You can acquire the Arrows stuck in the archery targets. Enter the building and you'll find two Bullet Clips and a lever. Pull it to open a passage in the NW corner. Follow it until you come to the next area. Enter the house on the ground level and pull the lever to open а door on the east wall on top of the ramp. Blow up the three barrels scattered about and head to the upstairs of the building. In the back room is a Box of Shells. Exit the room and go to the last window on your right. Look out the window and you'll see a Box of Bullets. Now, head ир the ramp on the east end and follow the Gold Diamonds. Blast the dinosoids across the bridge and jump in the portal.

r oy


Follow the corridor until you come to a ramp. Don't go down it, instead jump on top of the roof to your right. There are three dinosoids below. On top of the north house is a Full Health and a row of Silver Health behind it. In the north end of this area is a Red Diamond to the left of the Shells hidden in the blocks. In the à east wall next to the south house is a lever. Pull it to open the door across from the lever. Enter the passage and $ pull the lever on the left to reveal a 4 raptor and regenerating power-ups. $

:41CD ù - Ignore the right lever for 4 now. Instead, go to the north end and pull the lever on top of the boxes to open a passage beneath you. Follow 3 the passage and drop down and walk @ to the entrance of the next area. There are three dinosoids in this area and one is up and to your left, waiting to peg you off. Another is patrolling а corridor down and to your right. The third is patrolling the ground level. Eventually you must drop down to the ground level. Enter the only opening Ж. and follow it up. Jump up to the ladder leading to the caged Child and i cross the bridge. Follow the passage, 3

For the Nuke Part, get on the catwalk and ү shoot through it.

= Cover Story |

pull the lever (to open the cage), turn left, and jump down to the cage to rescue the CHILD. Jump into the portal below. Now go back to the SW passage with two levers and _ regenerating power-ups. Pull the right lever to open another . - door to the north of the north house. Pull the lever at the end «S of the passage to open the large door. Enter this large area and grab some power-ups. Search the debris for power-ups. Go up the north ramp, enter the door, and pull the lever t open a door behind you. Enter the passage and jump in portal. Follow the passage, turn right, and pull the lever open a door to your right. If you need Shells and Bullets, cli the ladder into the next room. Head back out, continue and pull the next lever. Enter the door. There is a big house in front of you. Enter one of the doors, pull the lever, and walk back around to the other door. Enter the back room and pull the lever behind the bookshelves Head back out, turn right, and climb the ladder to the top o the house. Grab the LEVEL 2 KEY, go through the opening in the wall, and pull the lever to open a door on the north wall exposing a portal. Before you jump in it, shoot the barrels to uncover various power-ups. Once through the portal, turn left. Pull the lever on the west wall. This opens two doors. The north door holds regenerating power-ups. Head down the east passage and emerge. Follow the path until you get to the Save Portal.

Go through the door and follow the corridor. When you gel to the wooden walkway, turn left to get the Blue Health th continue on the other way. Once you get the Gold Diamo! jump down (don't just drop) to the lower walkway. Follow path and at the end of the corridor you should see some Arrows. Use caution here because two dinosoids are up high waiting to shoot you. Keep your distance from the доог and use the scope to pick them off. Soon, things are going get pretty hectic. Turn left, climb the ladder, grab the pistol and back up into the corner because two dinosoids ar coming at you and a third is perched above ready to shoot, Once you kill the two, run up the two ladders and take your first left to get the Ultra Health. Turn around and blast a resistance on your way to the passageway just ahead and t your left. A couple more dinosoids lurk ahead, but once you kill them you can take a breather. However, the snipers still remain. You don't need to kill them, but we recommend it for fun alone. '

Get the Blue Health ahead and then follow the corridor. - filled with Gold Diamonds. Climb the ladder and follow the = corridor. Follow the wooden walkway around to the left and _ enter the hallway. Take it until you come to another wooden walkway and follow it to the right and the next corridor. At the end of the corridor jump down and enter the door behind уои. Make sure you kill the dinosoid first. Look familiar? Note: The power-ups here regenerate. Also note: you can continue on to the Save Portal if you like. Keep going and stop just outside : the door and you should be able to kil the dinosoid above by the Warp Portal. Next, climb the ladder to your left an pull the lever. Jump back down, gi through the entrance to your right, clim! the ladder, and enter the room with th

ilver Health, and ammo. Exit and climb the ladder across from you. Before you climb the second ladder, jump across to the debris and M grab the Full Health. A little further west i$ a barrel. Shoot it to expose a Bullet 7 Clip and Silver Health. Now go back up the ladder you most recently climbed and enter the corridor above.

Follow the corridor into a large room. Climb the west ladder and pull the lever to drop the drawbridge. Climb the other ladder to access the bridge. Cross it and follow. the hall down into the next open area. Head down the path ani climb the ladder by the west bridge cross it. To access the house, a

Circle the tower and kill.

F either of the ramps by the Shotgun and two Blue Health.

“You are now on the middle floor. There are quite a few F ammo power-ups so look around. Plus, there are two levers to pull. One in the back-left room and another in the back-right room as you're facing the house. To get to the top floor, use one of two ladders on either side of the house, accessed from the floor you are on. A LEVEL 3 KEY is located in the middle of the top floor towards the front of the house. Head back to the ground level. The two doors on either side of the ramps are now open. Each room has a lever. Pull them to open a door across where the two bridges lead. Make sure to get the Red Diamonds out of the water fountain.

Enter the door across from the two bridges. Follow the passage until you come to the Warp Portal. Turn right and | drop down to the ledge below and activate the Warp Portal. | Before you jump in the portal, you may want to go back

and save your game and stock up on weapons where the poter m: regenerate.

RT - After you go through the Warp Portal and arrive in this new area, walk up the ramp and into the large room. There is a ladder in each corner. Walk to the far end ofthe large room. There is a door showing a piece of the Nuclear Weapon. Approach it and door will slam shut, triggering the emergence of four fierce enemies. Immediately climb one of the ladders at this end of the room. The baddies won't climb up after you. Up on this catwalk are two small rooms. Each provides regenerating power-ups. We recommend firing Tek Arrows with the. scope from the shelter of one of these rooms as you will be harder to hit. With patience you can defeat them all. Note: Your ammo will penetrate the grating like it's not even there. After you kill these four dudes stock up on


Talisman: Leap of Faith Enemies: Dinosoids Keys: Three Level 4 = OBJECTIVES:

1) Destroy two Soul Gates. 2) Destroy the three Sisters of


Zo» 3) Locate the Energy Totem and defend it at all costs.

Whatever you do, don't shoot the creature ahead and to

your left. Hop on the dinosaur and go for a ride. Hit the

f button to fire mortar and the L-button for the secondary

meapon. Turn left or right and follow the path to the open

еа. If you stand on the gravel-looking path, you'll notice

that the east and west walls have sections that can be blown

F up. Blow up the east wall first. Past the opening, in the back-

left corner, is a stationary gun waiting to mow you down. You

can destroy it from a distance. There is another stationary

-gun beyond that. We'll leave it to you to discover the

remainder of these Stationary guns. Follow the path until you come to the small area with the Full Health and ammo. Return to the main area where you blew a hole in the wall.

To the north is a Somewhat of an alternate path with extra

power-ups, but it iS not necessary to follow it. Go there if you

| like, but otherwise blow up the west wall across from the

east hole. Enter and begin following the path in the general

| direction of NW. After the third stationary gun, the path cuts

_ east. In front of you is a section of wall that can be blown up,

_ revealing a Box of Bullets, Box of Shells, and Full Health.

Continue following the path to the NE. Keep going until you

| See a section of the wall that can be blown up in the SE

| corner. Blow it up and destroy the gun beyond.

Walk up to the tan brick barricade, turn left, and look up. There is a mortar cannon up in that tower. Destroy it with your own dose of mortar madness. Continue on to the south

and approach the opening between the barricades. Destroy the mortar cannon above in the tower to open the gate in | front of you. Destroy the mortar cannons and continue on by blowing up the wood beams. Go east up the incline. Travel through the tunnel. Once out of it, destroy the two mortar cannons to raise the bridge over the gorge. Once across, follow the path up the two inclines and across the bridge ‘with the Explosive Shells to the right. Below the two ramps

a section of wall that can be blown up to the west. But before you destroy it, go kill the dinosoid around the comer о your right. Enter the new opening and take your first left to the Full Health in the NW room. Exit this area and blow up the wooden posts to continue on. Travel through the tunnel, cross the bridge, and park your ride in the stable. Climb the ladder, save your game, and then jump into the other portal.

ЫА Kil the larger zombies to release the Sister.

The Arrows to the left of the portal regenerate. To raise the bridge, hit the two switches across the gap and on both sides of the bridge. Next ignite the barrel below the right switch. Enter the hole in the wall and climb the ladder. Look across to the other platform. Blow up the barrel to open the wall below. Go back over the bridge, enter the new opening, and climb the ladder to get the power-ups and the War Blade. Cross the bridge and blow up the barrel to the right to expose the Blue Health. Climb the left ladder, follow the Diamonds, and drop down on the other side. To the west is a large closed gate with a Bullet Clip next to it. Go back towards the entry where you got the Silver Health. On the other side is a barrel. Blow it up to reveal the Shells. Face west, head towards the large gate, get the Arrows behind the wagon, and go through the tunnel.

Go around to the left and enter the broken gate. At the end of the tunnel are a Pistol and two Bullet Clips. Go back and approach the drawbridge. Across from each Blue Health is a ladder. Up the south ladder you'll find Gold Diamonds and a Shotgun. Now look to the north. You should see a Red Diamond on a small platform. Access it from the north ladder. Up the north ladder are five Silver Health. Drop down and get the aforementioned Red Diamond. Next, lower the drawbridge by shooting the left switch across the gap. Cross the drawbridge, go either left or right, ascend the ramp, and hop in the portal to the east.

Drop down and follow the left path. Ascend the first ramp, turn right, and get the Gold Diamonds. Follow the path up and shoot the dinosoid across from the Blue Health. Go back down and continue up the second ramp, above the courtyard. You'll come to two more ramps. Climb the ramps and grab the LEVEL 4 KEY. Face the portal across from you and shoot the barrel to release a Blue Health. Continue north. Descend two ramps and then explode the two barrels in the left comer to reveal two sets of Shells. Before you descend the next set of ramps, look down the edge facing west. This gives you an easy shot at a dinosoid between two Blue Health. Follow the trail of Gold Diamonds leading west. Ascend the ramps and just beyond and to the right is another Blue Health. Killing the dinosoid across from it will lower the drawbridge to the next area.

health and ammo, grab the Nuclear Weapon part, and

jump into the portal beyond.

Head back the way you came, into the area with the two bridges. Don't cross them, instead drop down and go left. Blow up the barrels for some more power-ups and a Red Diamond. Continue on and get the Red Diamonds and Full Health. Pull the series of levers nearby to access the plethora of power-ups and portal. Jump in. Immediately drop down to the platform holding the Energy Totem. Here, we recommend the Shotgun and explosive shells. Simply circle the totem while killing the dinosoids and picking up additional Explosive Shells. It looks more hectic than it is because the dinosoids are concentrating on destroying the Totem. Once the mission: . is complete you'll be sent to the over world.

Before the final blue gate, look right.

- Drop down and climb the

north ladder across from the gorge and drop down to the smaller platform to get the Red Diamond.

Cross the drawbridge and enter the next

area. Turn left and instead of using the 4 ramps, drop down when the dinosoid goes „ү around the corner. Follow the path north. Blow.

up the barrel on the east wall to the right of the Bullet Clip and pull the lever. Head back south and enter the door with the Blue Health at the bottom of the ramp. Head up the next set of tamps, cross the bridge, and shoot the switch to lower the drawbridge. The drawbridge is across from the lever you pulled before. But don't cross it just yet.

Continue north until you come to à ramp. Go up the first ramp, tum around, and detonate the barrel on top of the platform. To the right of the ramp is a barrel. Blow it up and _ go through the opening. Blow up the next barrel to reveal а Bullet Clip and then turn left. Blow up the next two barrels to find two more Bullet Clips. Note the tile for the BREATH OF LIFE TALISMAN. Now arm the War Blade for a confrontation with some abnormally aggressive compys. Climb the ladder and turn left for the Full Health. Now go back and cross the draw-bridge. Jump into the portal.


Note the two tiles for the BREATH OF LIFE TALISMAN. Head to the right and enter the Save Portal. Next, go past the ramp furthest from you and shoot the barrels for some Shells and a pair of Bullet Clips. Go up the nearest ramp. At the top turn left and cautiously take the first right. Go up the ladder and carefully go through the gate.

Explore the room with care and then ascend the stairs. If you want the Full Health now, go right. If you can wait, go left. Pull the lever at the end the wooden walkway to the left. Go back down the stairs, make two lefts, and enter the newly opened door. Head up the ramp and at the top, pull the lever to the left, near the Warp Portal. Tum around. The door in the back-right corner leads to the aforementioned

Gate Keys housed within. Insert said keys into the | receptacles, located 2/35 of the way up the stairs. Go through the gate and pull the lever on the left wall. Enter the room, climb the boxes in the back-left corner, and pull the lever to activate the Warp Portal, back where you first encountered the spiders. But don't leave to enter it yet. For some needed supplies, jump in the pool and swim to the bottom. Enter the passage and swim to the next open area. Immediately pull the lever in front of you and return the way you came and quickly surface. Exit the water and enter the newly opened door to the east and grab what you need of the health and ammo. DO NOT ENTER THE PORTAL. Instead, go back to the Warp Portal (where you first encountered the spiders) to win another Nuclear Weapon part. If you haven't already, get the Full Health on qe wooden walkway. б After you go through the Warp Portal, heed op the ramp and go forward a few steps so you're on the grating and pivot to your left. Use sniper mode and peg that monster off. Now do the same for one behind you. Head to where each was standing and climb the ladders. At the top turn the valves. When finished, head back into the main room and head to the end of {һе room towards the ramp. Ascend it and quickly follow one of the catwalks around to the end, killing anything in front of you. Turn around so you're facing the opened door above the ramp. Now you won't have anyone on your back and you can continually grab the regenerating power-ups in the alcoves off to the side. When you kill four of those evildoers, stock back ир on health and ammo, making sure never to stop in front of the open door at the top of the ramp. Once full, enter that a door with guns blazing. Simply pump these e last two cretins full of shotgun shells for access to » a second Nuclear Weapon part. Restock your supplies, go back up the main stairs and past the gate. Next, jump into the portal in the bp room.


Atthe fork go left Pu head doin the series of ramps. On the east wall is a Blue Health on top of the awning. _ Beneath it are two barrels containing two Bullet Clips. Behind you are two more barrels housing a Bullet Clip and Shells. Around the corner is another barrel containing a Silver Health. Next to it on the south wall, is another batrel. Shoot it and an opening will appear in the wall. * Ignore it for now. Go to the NW comer of the room. Pull the lever in the next room to open a door directly behind you. Enter and blow up the barrels for two Bullet Clips. Just past the compys you'll find Shells inside the doorway. Follow the ramps up (ignore the trail of Diamonds for now) while crossing a series of four bridges. [Before the first bridge, note the tile for the BREATH OF LIFE TALISMAN. This eventually leads to another LEAP OF

FAITH TALISMAN tile that gives you a access to all sorts , of sweet treasure. You must return and check it out.] Keep -going until you reach a ledge. Jump across to get the Mag 60 and the five Bullet Clips. Jump back and continue on. After the last bridge, take a left before the downward ramp and follow the wooden walkway. On the box to the left is a Full Health, however, don't get it until your health is at a minimum. Go up two ramps and | then pull the lever on your right. Continue up, through the

- double doors, and down the steep ramp. Continue straight,

i ascend the next ramp, and get the three Red Diamonds __ interspersed along the right ledge. Go back down the ramp and turn right at the building fronted with the two black boxes (some Arrows lay to the right of them). Walk along the side of the building, cross the bridge, pull the lever, and turn around right away. Enter the open door across the _ bridge and pull the lever. Exit and get the single Gold _ Diamond to the right of the bridge. Now drop down below onto the awning for three Red Diamonds. Jump down to the ground and enter the hole in the SW wall. Go up as far as your can. Shoot the switch to the left of the bridge to lower it. Cross and continue on. At the top ! ofthe last incline, turn left, and pull the switch to open the door just ahead. After passing through the door, immediately follow the ramp up to your left. Ignore the west door and continue north down the ramp to destroy the first

Soul Gate. Note: If you haven't already, you may want to go back and get that Full Health.

Position yourself in one of the back corners by the regenerating power-ups. One holds Shells the other Bullets, whatever your preference. Destroy the zombies as they crawl out of the floor, but whenever you get a chance, aim up and shoot at the Soul Gate. The zombies are just there to distract you and drain your health, so with patience and a good shot, you can accomplish this mission relatively unscathed. Once the Soul Gate blows up, head to the back-left corner for a Full Health and four Red Diamonds.

Exit the room, head back up the ramp, and enter the door to the right of the flames. Keep going up until you reach the room with the portal. Shoot the barrels and jump in the portal.

There is Blue Health on either side of the portal. Head down either path until you come to a place overlooking some water. Take a few steps out onto the ledges of both sides of the ramp to kill the dinosoids in the distance with the Tek Bow. Follow the right ledge all the way to the back of the room and enter the doorway. Follow the ramps to the top, turn right, and pull the lever. Go back down above the water and this time follow the left (south) ledge and blow up the barrel to expose an alcove with a Box of Bullets and a Box of Shells. Finally head down into the lower area and get the Full Health in the pavilion if needed. Next, head out the west end.

There is a Blue Health behind the black box that regenerates. Keep following the winding path until you come to a pool with two Blue Health on the other side. Beware, there is a dinosoid just to the north of the pool. Go up the first ramp and head up the stairs. There are shells in each of the tiny pools. Continue up (the arrows regenerate), and follow the corridor to.the right into the next area. Shoot the switches on the west and east walls to open the portal in the center of the room. Jump into the portal.

Climb the ladder and follow the only corridor. Follow the Gold Diamonds to the right until you come to the small pool. There is a Blue Health behind it. Jump in the pool, swim to the bottom, and turn left. In the next area, there is a Red Diamond in each corner of the pool. Be careful of the dinosoid when getting out of the water and walk up either ramp into the next room with Ultra Health. As soon as you enter, the doors will lock behind you. Grab the Ultra Health to trigger the arrival of some spiders. Once they're dead, face the south wall. Shoot the small tile on the wall just below the plants to trigger the release of two new enemies. Exit the room and enter the newly opened corridor to the west. Turn left and climb up the long ladder. Walk straight ahead and take the corridor to the right. In the next room, again use the corridor to the right. Climb the ladder and you will emerge in a large outdoor area.

Note the tile for the LEAP OF FAITH TALISMAN. Dont drop below. Instead, follow the narrow walkway to the right until you reach the Blue Health. Go back down the ladder and follow the two corridors (one after the other) down to the other long ladder and drop down the chute. At the intersection continue straight and enter the water at the end of the corridor. Exit the water and head through the blue gate and j [тр ERE the portal.

: There is a Blue Health on either id of the portal Follow the corridor until you come to the blue gate. A couple of zombies will surface. Shoot a couple and the blue gate should open. Go through and continue along until you come to the ladder. Climb it and continue on. At the ledge, turn right for the Mag 60. Get the three Red Diamonds just below the ledge to the east. Next, drop down and get ready to battle some zombies. Don't worry too much though, because there are four locations that sport regenerating power-ups.

There are a ton of zombies down here, but only a couple of them shoot flames, and they don’t rise again. Once you kill the flamethrowers, the door on the building in this room opens revealing the first Sister. Shoot away and when you get low on health and/or ammo, seek out some more power-ups. Before you know it, she’s a goner. Exit through the blue gate and go east past the zombies and back through the portal.

Dive in the water and swim back to the corridor. Take your first left and jump in the water. Swim through the opening you used earlier and at the intersection, go

_ intersection, stay on the left-most path and keep going until: “you acquire the Tranquilizer Gun. Tum around and jump

Cover Story

straight. Follow this path until you surface. Hop up onto the structure in the middle of the pool and push all four switches surrounding the center column. Climb either ladder at the east end and cross the bridge with the Blue Health in the middle. Follow the corridor until you reach the next bridge. Enter the corridor оп the other side of the bridge. Keep © going until you find the portal with the two Silver Health | across from it. Warp to the next area.

Climb the ladder to your right and jump off the north side of the ledge so that you follow the Gold Diamonds down: Go through the large opening to the north. At the water, turn left, ascend the ramp, and go through the door. At the bottom of the ramps is a Quiver of Tek Arrows to the left behind a box. On the west wall is a barrel with a Red © Diamond. Continue on the west. Before you enter the door, blow up the barrel to the right to get the Bullet Clip. Then climb the ladder to get to the walkway above. Walk to the end and get the Mag 60 and the four Gold Diamonds. Then turn around and blow up the two barrels to expose the two Blue Health. Now exit this area to the west.

Follow the corridor into the next open area. Straight ahead is a barrel that when detonated, reveals another _ corridor. Enter it and take the path to the right. At the end, shoot the large tan block across from you to open a gate below. Go down the left path and enter the open gate. Note the tile for the BREATH OF LIFE TALISMAN. At the intersection, Keep going straight up the ramp and out on to the roof to get the Full Health. Go back down the ramp and turn left. At the next intersection, turn right and pull the lever at the end. Now take the left path up the ramp. At the ne

down to the platform to your left with the Full Health and Red Diamonds. Drop down on either the east or west side. Go back into the corridor with the gold gate taking a right, left, and then a right. When you come to the blue gate with foe Blue LER los to it, hop in the portal.

IR ? - This one is easier than the fist t s the same ‘deal Waste the larger zombies and the mausoleum gates will open, exposing the Sister. As you ` enter the area, ammo power-ups are to your left and right. _ Health power-ups are on the east end of the mausoleum. Once she's dead, fill up on supplies, and jump in the portal inside the mausoleum.

Go back to the area with the green pool and head up the ramp and out the hole in the wall. Head towards the barrels and turn right at your last opportunity. Behind those black boxes on your left is a Box of Bullets. Now go blow up those three barrels to find two Silver Health and some Shells. Next, enter the east passage. Follow the passage to the right and then go left into the room with four pools. Search them and follow the passage in the back-left pool until you come to dry land. Follow the corridor until you reach the LEVEL 4 KEY. Below the Health, on both sides, are | balconies with six Red Diamonds apiece. Drop down to get them and use the portal to return. Head back into the water.

Leave the pool room and turn left. When you reach the outdoor platform with five Blue Health, drop down to the right and get the Shotgun and Red Diamonds. Climb the ladder and get the Tranq Darts on top of the black box. Next, pull the switch on top of the platform. Go back into ће hall and enter the passage on the right. Blow up the barrels in the next room to get two Bullet Clips. Keep going until you reach the room with the small pool. Note the tile for the LEAP OF FAITH TALISMAN at one end. Go to the right of the pool and drop down for the Tranquilizer Gun and four Silver Health. Climb the ladder, go straight, and jump in the portal.

Immediately to your right is a barrel with a Bullet Clip. Over the edge are two Blue Health and a Shotgun. Go north into the water. Take the east and west paths to the Diamonds. Exit the water, turn left, and cross the bridge. In ihe SW corner of the next room is a switch to activate the Warp Portal. Activate it, but continue on through the east corridor. Take your first left and walk out on to the bridge.

ن ا ق ا ا ا

| Below the arch off to the right is a Save Portal. Finally! | Jump down and save your game. | Drop down and go back into the east passage. Cross the bridge across from the Save Portal and drop down the edge with War Blade in hand. Head through the door when it opens up. Climb the long ramp to the west. About half way up, jump down to the ledge with {һе dinosoid. Kill him and you'll find the BROWN EAGLE FEATHER which can be offered up for the Leap of Faith Talisman at the Warp Portal. Let's go there shall we? Continue up the ramp, go through the blue gate, and go to the right of the portal. Drop down and enter the Warp Portal. Approach the altar and grab the LEAP OF FAITH icon in the side room. Warp out of there. Return to the long ramp, go past the blue gates, and jump in the portal. There are three gates in front of you. Go straight and kill all of the fire-flinging zombies first. To open the Graveyard Gate to the north, pull the three levers located in three of the five buildings around the Gate. Walk through and kill the fire-flinging zombies. Pull Ў the levers in the four houses



_ Note the tile for the BREATH OF LIFE TALISMAN. Cross іе log bridge and then drop down to the right to get the silver Health and Tek Arrows. Climb the ladder and keep going till you cross the bridge. Okay, maybe not. Drop down f and jump the series of platforms to the left. Go down the log bridge, go right towards the ladder. Climb the ladder and find

the Blue Health behind the large tree. Climb the next ladder to get the Mag 60. Retrace your steps and go north at the base of the bridge.

Cross the broken bridge and look at the platform to the SE

with shells and Red Diamonds. Go down the incline. (Note tile for the BREATH OF LIFE TALISMAN. Cross the floating _ bridge. Note: Don't stop on the floating bridge or you'll die). E Cross the next floating bridge. Veer left through the two | plants to get the LEVEL 5 KEY. Retrace your steps and | continue on. Cross the broken bridge. In the plant to the left of the fire _ is some ammo. Beyond on that is a tile for the BREATH OF _ LIFE TALISMAN. Go west into the alcove and shoot the box for some goodies. Jump across the series of platforms. | Explore the houses for barrels. Follow the diamonds around ; the left house for the Explosive Shells.

ү Look at the portal. Don't go in it yet. In the | ud i in the back corner are some Tek Arrows. If you turn _ around you'll see a trail of Red Diamonds. Follow them to get a Blue Health and a SATCHEL CHARGE. Turn around d exit using the broken bridge. Cross the SW bridge and tree the PRISONER by shooting the gold lock.

Retrace your steps and halfway across the bridge, turn to

e left. Jump across to the ledge with the Gold Diamonds.

ер going until you reach the ladder. At the top is a building with four locks. Shoot them for | access to the armory. Jump in the portal and follow the corridor to the end. The Satchel Charge will automatically be t and then you have five seconds to get out of there. | Return to this area after the explosion to collect the Full lealth. Go Back to the portal to the NE of the prisoner cage | and jump in.

in the corners to open the next north gate. Enter and pull the levers in the right and left corners. Return through the gate and enter the two center buildings to the get the Graveyard Keys. Go north through the gate and insert the Keys in near corners. Cross the bridge and pass through the gate to banish the Sister of Despair. Once that is done; head through the gate and follow the corridor up until you reach the wooden walkway. Follow it around to get the Ultra Health and Red Diamonds. Return to the portal that n you here and jump in it. Go save your game.

Drop down from the save platform and go back in the east corridor. Cross the bridge and drop down like before. Go past the long ramp and into the south passage. At the top, turn right and blow up the barrels. Walk behind the boxes to get some ammo and health. Continue on and at the top of the ramp take the left path to get the ammo. Go back the way you came and continue on. At the next intersection take the left path. Keep going until you come to the LEVEL 4 KEY. Pull the lever behind it. Return to the intersection and take the other path up the long ramp and through the open doors. At the bottom awaits your chance to destroy the second Soul Gate. Use the exact same strategy as for the first Gate.

{ Talisman: Firewalker | Enemies: Pur-Linn | Keys: Three Level 5

Jump over to the tower.

Cross the floating bridge and the next floating bridge. Continue straight and follow the stone path to the north. After the first turn, look ир and waste the baddie in the tower. Take the first left and follow the path until you reach the Save Portal. Continue on and follow the Gold Diamonds past the bee hive to get the LEVEL 5 KEY. Turn around and go south past the hive and get the Gold Diamonds. Next, head back to the stone path. Continue north and enter the first building on the left for some power-ups. Exit and enter the building to the right of the stone path and destroy the barrels. Ignore the portal for now. Exit the building and turn left. Around the corner is a Full Health. Jump through the portal. Turn left and along the left wall is a Bullet Clip. Ahead on the right is a tile forthe BREATH OF LIFE TALISMAN.

[This is where you get the PRIMAGEN KEY 3. Jump in and swim into the hole on the bottom of the floor. Surface and swim north. Exit on the chunk of land with the two plants on it. Kill the pur-linn across the water to your left and continue walking until you come to a short ladder. Run for cover behind the rock. Shoot the two pur-linn on the platform above. When they're dead, climb the next ladder and grab the Key. Go back.]

Cross the bridge and halfway down, take the walkway to the left for the Blue Health. Once across, turn right and take the wooden walkway to the Box of Shells. Enter the building and walk through it to the outside. Enter the building on the right for a Box of Shells. Retrace your steps and head west towards the plant in-between the two walls. Go north towards BREATH OF LIFE TALISMAN tile and get ready for an attack above. Below the tile is a Blue Health on a safe platform. Enter the doorway to the left of the tile for Gold Diamonds and Blue Health. Keep on and destroy the barrels. Exit, turn left, and continue onto the Save Portal. Climb the sniper tower. From here you can jump on the roof below for a Full Health and four Red Diamonds. Don't cross the log yet. Instead, begin crossing the bridge by the tower.

Before you reach the other side, get the two Blue Health on the left and right via the wooden walkway. Once across, ignore the portal, turn right, and get the regenerating ammo. Note: This is somewhat of an ambush. Hit the switch to


1) Rescue five prisoners.

2) Destroy three ammo storage facilities. 3) Locate and defend the Energy Totem at all costs.

it to get the Plasma Rifle and then go back. Check the

Head back to the save area and head into the east passage again. This time, bypass the bridge and keep going until you reach the three Gold Diamonds. Jump right across the water and onto the cement. Hit the switch and get ready for an attack. Then shoot the barrels. Get the. + power-ups, enter the passage, go right, and shoot the ġe # * barrels for some Shells and a Blue Health. А

[Note: If you are returning to this level looking for the = PRIMAGEN KEY 2, continue down the north passage and. ' you'll encounter a tile for the BREATH OF LIFE ; TALISMAN. Enter the water, climb out, and get in the ~ water on the other side. Scour the area for Diamonds and -4 an Ultra Health. Go back and climb back up the ladder and < use the series of tiles for the LEAP OF FAITH TALISMAN. | Follow the corridors until you find the KEY ].

Go back outside, get in the water, and swim into the = ш ш

TEM - Jump in the portal and get ready to ^ delend the Energy Totem. Use the same strategy as before. Jump down and circle the Totem while mowing down bad guys and picking up an assortment of ammo. Succeed and it's world over.

activate the Warp Portal. Return to the sniper tower (save J your game), climb the tower, jump to the roof, and cross the log. Enter the Warp Portal.

Г - Go up the ramp to trigger the onslaught and fall back. Note: A sentinel comes at you from the back. Kill the sentinels and climb the ramp. There are three doors. Another baddie will eventually. come from the room straight ahead, but each room also holds enemies that you can easily kill from a distance with the sniper scope. The room to the left holds regenerating power-ups. Fill up, go through the south door, and Kill any resistance, Grab the Nuclear Weapon part and jump in the portal. Head 4% back towards the sniper tower, cross the broken bridge, and [ jump in the portal. b.

Í Follow the wooden walkway to the left. Climb the tower and look below. Drop down inside the walls to get the three Blue Health and the SATCHEL CHARGE. Climb the ladder and get out. To the east of the tower are four Gold Diamonds and regenerating ammo. Return to where you started the area.

Take the stone path to the right. Climb the tower and cross the log with Gold Diamonds. Around the building near a plant are four Red Diamonds and a Quiver of Tek Arrows. Go back around, shoot off the locks, and jump in the portal. Turn around and go down the passage. Take the first left апа continue straight until you get to the room with the really big crate. Set the charge, race back to the portal, and jump in. If you need the Full Health, re-enter the portal, turn around, and enter the passage. Instead of taking the first left, go straight and you'll run into the power-up. Leave.

Head over the wooden walkway again (towards where you picked up the Satchel Charge), and cross the floating bridge. Cross the wooden bridge. At the end, turn left, and jump over to the ladder and climb up. Once atop the tower, drop down to the wooden walkway to the south. To the left is health and to the right is ammo. Note: These power-ups regenerate.

Face the building with Full Health inside. More to the le! is a plant concealing a walkway around the building. Follow:

а ai i, а

regenerating power-ups for Plasma Clips. Enter the building and destroy the barrels. Jump in the portal.

With the aid of the sniper scope, kill the pur-linn in the tower to your left. Go down the wooden bridge. Head SE and follow the trail of Gold Diamonds while jumping the gap. Go straight and enter the first opening of the building to your left. Blow up the barrels. Exit and jump across to the platform to the right for the Plasma Rifle. Next, enter the building via the east entrance. Exit out the other side and ascend the ramp. Save your game and enter the -other portal.

To your right is a tower with a pur-linn sniper. Head through the gate and down the long ramp. Expect a lot of resistance. At the bottom, before you head through the К gale, enable your sniper mode and nail the two pur-linn in

the eyes, up high in front of you. Go to the left to get the

power ue Next, go west of the gate. 26 Drop down where you see the lone

Gold ЛЛ: Shoot the locks on the cage to {тее the

PRISONER. Climb back up the ladder and jump in the

portal in the large building. Enter the gap in the NW corner,

following the Gold Diamonds until you come to the Box of

Bullets. Turn around and enter the small hole in the wall.

There is a cage in front of you and another ahead to the

left. However, there is a pur-linn perched above. We sniped

him from the west cage. Go SW past one of the cages.

Keep going until you see the bee hive. Run under it and jump across the green water onto the ladder. Climb up, get the Blue Health to the right, and climb the “stairs” with the Gold Diamonds. Turn around to see the Blue Eagle Feather. Drop down and follow the narrow ledge outside of the wall going east. Grab the Grenades and two Red Diamonds then keep going until you reach the regenerating Health. Go back to where you saw the Feather and go SE. Head through the doorway, and release the last prisoner. Keep going in the same direction. Before the portal you'll see a Blue Health.

Climb the ladder to the left of the portal To your right are power-ups that regenerate. Follow the walkway to the left. At the second turn, drop down to get three Red Diamonds. Jump across to the top of the cage and get the Ultra Health. Jump back and continue on until you come to the cage with the SATCHEL CHARGE on it. Jump over. get it, and jump back.

Keep on until you reach the BLUE EAGLE FEATHER. Go back and follow the Gold Diamonds across the wooden walkway. Follow the next set of Diamonds to the top of the wall and hit the switch to activate the Warp Portal. Turn to your left and shoot the chains holding the cages. Go back to where you got the Feather, jump across, and enter the Warp Portal to get the BREATH OF LIFE TALISMAN. Leave the chamber.

Cross the log, drop down to the right, and go through the SE doorway past the last prisoner's cage to the portal and



Talisman: Firewalk Keys: Three Level 6 Enemies: Blind Ones OBJECTIVES:

1) Seal three thermal vents.

Walk to the water and look for power-ups. Walk through the opening. Follow the path to the left, behind the boulder, until you reach the Blue Health. Note the tile for the | WHISPERS TALISMAN.

(Note: This Talisman tile is the path to the PRIMAGEN KEY 4. Hop on the tile, land, and walk to the next one. Jump across to the area below, circle the hole for power-ups, and then drop down. Make sure you land on the grey bricks if you want the Scorpion Missiles. There is an alcove to the east with a switch: Pull it to open a door on the west side with the CAVE DOOR KEY. Get it, insert it in the appropriate place, and enter the doorway. Kill the giant Spiders, get the Ultra Health and Red Diamonds, then jump _ in the portal. Grab the Primagen Key 4, make the short _ drop, and go west back to the beginning of the level and jump in the portal to leave.)

__, Retrace your steps and take the right path past the Trang | Darts. Go down the ramp and you'll come to an area with a large hole in the middle. Go right and blow up the barrels. Continue on to the next barrel holding the Plasma Clip. Drop down into the hole. There is a cave to the east and west. __ Enter the east cave (without Diamonds). Get to the top of the ramp and scale the wall with Gold Diamonds. At the top _ tum around and look down to see a Plasma Rifle. Jump | towards it and you'll land on the rock in front of it. Jump to the climbing wall and get the rifle. Climb back up the other | wall and drop down to the south. Go right to return to the _ beginning of the level, otherwise go left to drop back down _ the large hole. Now enter the west cave (with Diamonds). Go north and fall down the hole. The portal ahead brings you back to the surface. Instead follow the Gold Diamonds to the left and the wall will open. Enter it and head down the

тр and drop in the water.

Quickly grab the Harpoon Gun and kill the swimming evil. Swim north and you'll find a Bullet Clip in the back-left corner. Opposite is an underwater passage. Ignore it for now (see Red Eagle Feather section"). On the west bank is a Full Health. Take the east ramp out of the water. Destroy the barrel and enter the SE passage. Slide down and enter

L2 Locate the Energy Totem and defend it at all costs.

Turn around and jump over to the passage.

the water. Swim along the south shore to find three Silver Health. To exit the water, use the ramp at the east beneath the Gold Diamonds. Pull the lever and ascend the climbing wall next to it.

Go down the passage, take the first left, the next right, and drop down the hole with a Gold Diamond. Continue on to the area with the barrel holding a Blue Health. From here, there are three caves: north, NE, and south. Embark down the south cave towards the Mag 60. Once in the next room the door will shut behind you and you'll encounter a giant spider. Strafe and nail him with the shotgun. Next, destroy the barrels. Next, enter the south passage with the Blue Health.

я 79

In the next room, go to the south end and pull the skull lever to open two passages on the west wall marked by two Blue Health. Note: The power-ups regenerate. Enter the left passage. At the end, hug the right wall and look up to your left. Shoot the white lever. Exit this passage and go down the other passage on the right. At the end, look up to the right and shoot the white lever. This will open up the underwater gate. Exit the passage, jump in the water, and swim past the Blue Health to the next ladder. Climb out and get the Gold Diamonds on each side. Climb a ladder and cross the bridge. Follow the corridor and when you reach the ledge, jump out and get the CAVE DOOR KEY.

Enter the cave and shoot the barrel to knock over the column, making a bridge. Cross over and enter the passage. Continue on for a while, past the Mag 60 and Explosive Shells, until you encounter a dinosoid. Follow the ledge down to the right. At the first right, turn and note the LEVEL 6 KEY. Ignore it and continue on. On the right-hand

Follow the path behind these boulders.

Cover Story

jump in. Note the EYE OF TRUTH TALISMAN tile atop of east wall. Go up the slope and through the doorway. Follow the Gold Diamonds across the wood walkway. Note the ( EYE OF TRUTH TALISMAN tile. Shoot the four gold locks off the building and hop in the portal. To get to the blas zone, take a right at the fork. Set the charge and jump Бас through the portal. Cross over the wooden bridge and ente the ip portal.

j Go straight until you reach the tre with the two Grenades behind it. Go back and enter th gate. The LEVEL 5 KEY is in the middle, but take care ї Notice the four raptors behind the closed gates that will b released when you grab the Key. Once they're dead, gral any power-ups you need out of the raptor pens an approach the south gate. On the other side are two pur- = linns perched up high. You know what to do. Keep going south until you reach the portal leading to the Energy Totem. It's the same deal as before, stay close to the Totem while picking up ammo and pegging off the pur-linn assaulting the structure. Once you've killed enough of ‘em, it's world over.

a Place the Satchel 1 on the stone to seal the vent.

100 Wz {шы сап пй it.

side there is an alcove with a giant spider. Kill it and grab the Flamethrower. Go back and grab the Level 6 Key and the © door will close in front of the Full Health and a swarm of enemies will attack. Kill ‘em all, collect the power-ups around the room, and exit through the gate behind the Full Health. Run across the bridge and kill the blind one on the other side.

Follow the passage to the ledge. To get to the other side, - shoot the barrel to topple the column. Go up the ramp and pass through the corridor. On the other side are some rocks to your right hiding some regenerating ammo. Jump in the Save Portal. Shoot the barrel to get a Blue Health. Approach the Mag 60 and cross the stone bridge. Shoot the lever on the wall to the right to open the gate. Follow the passage up until you come to the Full Health behind the gate. Shoot the lever on the right to open it. Follow the ramp down and fall down йе hole.

FR - Follow the corridor, take the first right, and continue until you reach the water room with the RED EAGLE FEATHER. Make the series of jumps to the other waterfall. (If you fall, drop down the hole and travel down the river over the two waterfalls. Below the second waterfall to the left is a portal that takes you back.) Once you make it to the other side, enter the corridor and drop down to the water. Turn right and jump out to get the Red Eagle Feather. Drop down the hole and go to the bottom of the second waterfall and enter the portal to the left. Now it's time for some serious backtracking. Head back to the pool __. mentioned before in Part І. Once you are at that pool, continue with “Talisman” section below.

MAN Swim through the opening in the NEG Corner ard veer to the right. In this room there is a switch for a Warp Portal. Hit it, turn around, and swim down the other ' passage leading north. Exit the water and follow the ` corridor to the opening. Take the path down to the right, cross the wooden bridges, and jump across to the climbing wall. Get to the top and cross over. Follow the cave and at the end drop down.

Follow the east passage over a series of climbing walls until you encounter the first blind one. Enter the passage to the right of the Tranquilizer Gun and the two Gold Diamonds. Climb the wall to the right for the Full Health. Keep going and when you come to the large room, follow the stone bridge. Jump in the Warp Portal at the end. Place the Feather on the altar, grab the icon in the back room, and leave this place. Now return to where you got the Red Eagle | Feather. Walk straight and drop down the ledge into the water. Exit the water using the ramp straight in front of you. Look familiar? From here, it's up to you to get back to where you found the Red Eagle Feather, but if you need help, reference this area in Part I”.

Once back, follow the river over the two waterfalls. To the right is a small island that holds regenerating power-ups. Then swim to the north end of the pool. Shoot the white lever on the wall to open the underwater door beneath it.

Swim through the passage, exit the water, and go past the Charge Dart Rifle. Keep going past the assorted power-ups until you reach the room with the three barrels to the right. At the fork go to the right and shoot the barrels. Go back to the left and blow up the barrel to get the Blue Health. Enter the west passage past the Tek Bow. Psych! When the door slams shut, turn around and battle a herd of giant spiders. Kill them and the passage will reopen.

Follow the passage until you reach the gate with the Blue Health. Cross the bridge, take the first right, and jump down to the platform to acquire the CAVE DOOR KEY. Turn around and climb the wall and - take the corridor to the next room. Keep going and cross E the stone bridge that slopes down and follow it until you | reach the SATCHEL CHARGE. Turn around and go back | the way you came. | _ When you reach the bridge that slopes up, look across at the wall and you'll see a small opening on the left. There is „а climbing wall beneath it so jump from the bridge and access the passage. Drop down at the end. Take the first _ right and in the next room insert the Key in the appropriate | place. Go through the entrance and go up the first passage F to your right, Run by the blind ones and only confront them when necessary. At the top, run over to the large rock, and the Satchel Charge should set itself. Get out of here and jump in the portal back in the corridor. Once through the portal, jump back in the water and use the underwater door you used before to get back to the bridge. Once you have arrived back at the inclined bridge, continue on, take a right at the “Т, and drop down at the end. In the next passage, take od first left and drop through the hole at the end into a pool.

Swim through the passage in front of you _ and follow the Gold Diamonds to the right. In the next area | (we'll call it, and areas like it, an interchange), two of the | three other openings are gated, so follow the south (right) passage. Surface, and get on top of the spinning wood | disc. Jump to the climbing wall and pull the lever at the end to open the underwater doors. Swim back to the interchange and get the Torpedo Launcher in the first passage to your right (south), but back out and enter the | east passage where the dinosoid came from, marked by __ the Blue Health. Keep going until you get the CAVE DOOR KEY. Continue down the passage, and in the next | interchange, swim through the right (south) passage. This _ takes you to a portal room, but just take a breath and get | back in the water. Return to the interchange and swim | through the passage to your right (east). Swim back and at | the "T, go right, and at the next interchange, follow the right | (east) passage. Swim until you get another CAVE DOOR | KEY. To get some air, make a right (west) and at the dead Í end, go up to the surface. Head back, turn right, and keep | on truckin until you are back at the interchange. Here, take the passage on your right (south) and then take your next _ tight (be ready, it sneaks up on you). Follow this to another * open area and take the passage to your right (north): Keep going straight until you reach a room where you can breathe.

Get on the wooden disc and use the climbing wall to access the passage above. Follow it until you reach the SATCHEL CHARGE and fall down the hole. Take the next left and fall down the hole back into the water. Swim through the passage and take the first left followed by a right. At the open area, take the middle passage (south) until you arrive at the next portal room. Jump in. Insert the Cave Door Key, run through the gate, and go up the first passage to your right. Approach the large stone at the top, set the charge, drop down, and race back to the portal. Jump through and enter the water. At the interchange, take the right-most passage. Wind through and take a right at the next interchange. Exit the water and jump in the portal.

Insert the key, enter the next room, and pull the lever. Turn around and enter the passage on your right. Veer right and drop down from the top of the ramp (don't use it). Ammo will regenerate from behind the large tree next to the ramp. Drop down into the next area. The barrel in the right corner holds a Bullet Clip. Hug the right wall until you come to the boulder with four Red Diamonds and Grenades behind it. Head to the other side and follow the Gold Diamonds down the ramp. Follow the ledge down to the bottom and go back to the north to blow up the barrels for Shells or a Bullet Clip. Approach the opening in the wall. There is a giant spider guarding a lever. Kill it then pull the lever. Turn around and enter the passage to the left.

To the left of the lava is a tile for the FIREWALK TALISMAN. Walk across and enter the passage. In the next area is another tile for the FIREWALK TALISMAN. Walk across and enter the next passage. When you emerge, turn left and proceed to the barrels. Blow them up, grab the goods, and push the switch to activate the Warp Portal. Turn around and follow the path to the climbing wall. Follow the corridor to the room with the Warp Portal. In the back of the room are two Gold Diamonds and a Sunfire Pod. Jump in the portal for the Nuclear Part.

Ascend the ramp, go straight, and approach the closed door. Kill the two monsters and go through the round corridor. Around the corner is another nasty. Climb the ladder up and kill the next enemy. Then, turn the two valves by the openings to the left. Go back down the ladder, through the corridor, and enter the door you just opened on the right. Cross the bridge and go the left through the other door. Get ready for an onslaught, but there is regenerating ammo and health in this room. When they're all dead, turn the valve on the wall, cross the bridge, and enter the newly opened door on the left. Enter and there's one last dude to beat, then the Nuclear Part is all yours. Jump in the portal to get outta here. No need to retrace your steps, instead walk off the ledge behind the Warp Portal.

Walk ahead and jump on the small wooden platform. Jump from platform to platform until you reach the passage above with the Blue Health. Follow the cave and then cross the bridge. Enter the cave on the other side. Take the right path and fall down the hole. Make the first left. Follow the ledge down to the left. Note the tile for the FIREWALK TALISMAN. Shoot the lever across the lava pool. This will open the gates in the passages behind you. Follow the passage down the ramp to the next lava pit. Note the tile for the FIREWALK TALISMAN. Ascend the ledge to the right. Cross the bridge and follow the passage to the next room. Kill the two giant spiders and shoot the two barrels. Enter the south corridor with the Blue Health. Keep going past four Red Diamonds. Look down to see the Ultra Health. Drop down, get it, turn around, and climb the wall back up. Take that right and fall down the hole at the end of the corridor. The power-ups in the portal room in front of you regenerate. Make way to the next room. Kill the enemies and the south passage will open. Follow it to the next room.

RK - There is an obvious path up to the right. Instead, look to the south of the stalagmite and you'll see two boulders. Behind the boulders is a Tek Bow and ledge path. Follow the ledge to the bottom and enter the passage. Climb the wall and get ready to face a giant spider. Climb the next wall and start across the stone bridge. At the intersection, go left to get the Sunfire Pods, turn around, and continue on. Get the Blue Health and enter the corridor with the Shredder. Once through, take the path to the left to the Shells. From here you can go left or right. Follow the right path until you reach the end. Jump down to the platform with the four Red Diamonds and Full

Health (yes, it is possible). Follow the passage to the room and keep going until you get the Cerebral Bore. Drop down and head straight to take the left path mentioned earlier.

Keep going until you encounter the two giant spiders. Kill them and the third giant spider guarding the gate. Just beyond is a LEVEL 6 KEY. Grab it and face the music. Kill the evil infestation, grab the power-ups, and exit by the M corridor with the Full Health. Keep going until you reach the; * blind one guarding the gate. Charge him and when he's | dead, the gate opens. Follow the elevated path to another _ passage to another path. At the end, jump across to the | ledge below. Kill the dinosoids and grab the Blue Health and SATCHEL CHARGE. Enter one of the two passages and turn left. Take the next left and immediately face a giant - died Drop down the hole. E | Go down the north passage апа * enter the large room. Once clear, walk along the wall to get - the power-ups. Ascend the east ramp and cautiously enter the room with the huts. The ones on the sides house blind ones, but you can kill them one at a time before they leave their huts. Next, grab the CAVE DOOR KEY in the center hut. Turn around and cross the bridge to the next room of huts and do the same thing. Once you have both Keys, descend the ramp and enter the north passage. Insert the Keys to your right to open the gate and enter it. Turn right and take the first passage up. Approach the large stone to setthe SATCHEL CHARGE, drop down, and head back to the portal room and get out of there. Trace your steps all the way back to the two boulders (you know, the ones that were hiding the downward ledge).

Once you've made the long quest back here, follow the right ledge up until you reach the Save Portal. Kill the two giant spiders to open the gate next to the Save Portal. Follow the next corridor and jump across to the platform with the four Blue Health. Follow the walkway into the corridor. Turn left at the Gold Diamonds and get the CAVE DOOR KEY outside the passage. Go back the other way. Once oi of the corridor, take the middle path to the Full Health. K the giant spider in the next room. Head to the left for two Gold Diamonds and ammo that regenerates. On the other # Side of the U-shaped ledge is some health that regenerates. Now, go back and open the gate with the Cave Door Key. | Go through, follow the passage, and drop down the hole. 4” Make your way to a series of spinning wood platforms. dump to the first one and keep going until you make it to the passage. (If you fall, use the portal to get back to the beginning. Follow the corridor down to the clearing. Shoot the barrel to make a bridge across. Cross over to get the LEVEL 6 KEY. Grab it and you're locked in with some baddies. Kill them and you're rewarded with four weapons andan Ultra Health. Beyond the Ultra Health is the warp to the Energy Totem. Jump in and defend it at all costs.

EM - Same as always. Circle about the Totem while pegging off bad guys and picking up ammo. - When you get to the large open room, jump down 1o the middle island. Ammo and health will regenerate on this island so it should be no problem. There are several phases to this boss. The first step is to kill all the maggot- like creatures that come at you. When you've killed enough, some tentacle arms will emerge from the ooze. Waste them and then you must deal with the spores in the ceiling that spit green stuff at you. Kill all of the spores and two giant arms will attack you from the ceiling. Destroy them, and all you have to do is shoot out the big defenseless eye.



NS жштш... S You must collect Satchels before you = can do this.

Make sure you have a good chunk of health before you begin. Immediately you'll be hit by ceiling-mounted cannons on both sides. Run directly under one and blow it up. A mantid will come out of the wall next to you. Kill him and take advantage of the regenerating power-ups in the room. Destroy all four cannons, kill the mantids that emerge, and then enter the portal in the center of the area. Once through, go right and blow up the secret door covering the Plasma Clip. Destroy the large cylinder in the center to open the force field protecting the west passage. Enter it. Destroy the

_ cylinder to open the east passage in the previous room. Look for a hidden alcove on the north wall holding a Box of | Bullets. Also take the U-shaped corridor to locate additional _ Blue Health. Return to the large room where you warped in

and enter the newly opened passage. Once through

continue left. Ride the elevator disc up and follow the { corridor until you come to the next room. There are two

&ecret rooms to your left and right. Blow up the doors (check г map) to get the booty. Keep going and kill the mantid to

"open the door. In the next room behold a Level 6 Key, but f note the two cannons in the upper corners. Enter the south ! passage and press the green button to raise some stairs

around the Key in the previous room. Follow the east passage, past the Full Health and door, into a portal room and jump in.

Go down and at the intersection go straight and enter the door. Clean this room out and take the other path. When you pass through the door, continue left until the end. Turn to the right and look with the sniper scope. Kill the two mantids іп the distance. Do the same with mantid on the east wall.

_ Look down over the edge below where the two mantids ; were and you'll see a platform with four Blue Health. Jump

down to it. Jump the series of three platforms down to the

| east. On the third, look up and destroy the cannon. Also, | look for Bullet Clips. Jump across the disc and enter | the door.

Enter the south door to kill the mantid, then go back and

| enter the east room and destroy the cylinder to down the | force field. Then enter the north door for ammo. Go back |_and enter the east room and take the elevator up. Enter the | door and get the Plasma Rifle. Jump back and nail the - turrets to the upper right and left. Cautiously continue on and _ you'll see another set of turrets up on the walls next to the _ floating disks. Enter the new corridor until the room with the Red Diamonds and Full Health. Destroy the secret door to _ the south for regenerating ammo. Enter the north door and

at the far end of the room, enter the door and push the green button. Тит around and take the elevator disc up and push the next green button. Turn around and take the disc up to the next corridor. Keep going

ıa and jump across the platforms to the Shredder. Keep going until you reach the Firestorm Cannon. Drop down and exit the room. Take your

next left and open the door and get the Ultra Health.

- Follow the south passage to the portal and jump in.

Destroy the Embryo.

Talisman: Whispers а Enemies: Mantids

Keys: Three Level 6


1) Destroy three Queen Embryos.

2) Destroy four force field generators.

Enter the passage with the ring of Silver Health and the Grenade Launcher and shoot the secret door to the north. Continue east to a large room. There are two humpback mantids to the left and right. Next, press four green buttons in the rooms in the center structure. Go straight towards the Shredder and press the green button. Each time you push one, a pack of cockroaches is released. After all

four are pressed the elevator disk is

activated. Ride it and go down the corridor. At the top of the

first ramp, back into the left alcove to get the Flame Tank and

then continue on. Approach the door and turn around to

twat the ambush. Keep going until you reach the Save ortal.

Keep going, pass through the door, and jump in the portal. Enter the door and look down over the edge and note the platform. Continue left and kill the mantid. Now jump down to the platform. Look down to the NE platform, sniper the mantid, and jump down. Follow the passage and before you enter the next room, dispose of the four turrets in the corners on the ceiling. After the fourth cannon is destroyed, a door will open straight across. Enter the door and destroy the cylinder to drop the force field. This opens doors on the north and south ends of the previous room. Enter the south room and go up the elevator.

Follow the passage straight to get the Full Health, and drop down. Turn left and keep going until you get the PFM Layer. Turn around and find the two secret rooms back along the path. Both contain two Grenades and a mantid. Go back to where you got the PFM, drop down, and enter the north room for the LEVEL 6 KEY. Grab it and on each wall there are three secret doors. The north alcove has the switch. Push it to activate the Warp Portal. Exit this room and enter the south passage until you come to the ledge with the platforms beneath it. Jump across them, follow the passage, and enter the large room. Enter the north room and check the corners for secrets. The east alcove has a Box of Bullets. To the north are Tek Arrows. To the west is a Box of Shells. Jump in the warp. :

UCLEA Climb the ramp and an enemy will attack right away. Don't venture too far. Above you on the catwalk are two enemies waiting to shoot. Creep out and lock on with the Cerebral Bore. Once both are dead, head up the newly opened door to the to the east, kill the enemy, and stock up on health and ammo both regenerate. Before you enter the south passage, sniper the enemy around the left side of the door. Once in this room, turn the valve across from you. Turn around, cross through the room with the power-ups, and ascend the newly opened ramp. Kill the three enemies and restock with the regenerating power-ups this room provides. A couple of baddies from the next area will attack. Kill them, and before you enter the next room, use the sniper scope to kill the enemy across the room. Grab the Nuclear Part and exit through the portal.

Enter the next room, go through the south passage, and up the elevator and follow the corridor to the hole. Drop down, go left, drop down again, and follow the passage straight ahead to the portal room. Note: The power-ups in here regenerate. Jump in. Enter the door into the room with two secret rooms. The east room has nothing, but the north room has a Firestorm Cannon, Continue on down the corridor. After the second curve, there is a mantid waiting in the alcove to the right and a Full Health to the left. Just ahead is a ledge. Down to the left is a platform. Jump to it,

Strategy Note: This level, more than any other, hides enemies and cannons in the shadows. Therefore, remember to be careful when entering new areas and survey them with your scope.

follow the corridor, and open the door. Survey the area and? push the green button.

Take the floating disc across. Note: The power-up regenerate. Jump outside the west door to the passag below. Push the green button. Kill the swarm, go back out, and jump on the disc to take you back up. Jump to the disc out the north door and across to the ledge. Enter the room There is a secret door with a PFM to your right. There is another in the NW. Enter the west passage and get the three ^ Red Diamonds ahead. Go to the east passage and it's th same deal. Next, enter the north passage and push the green switch. Go back out to the main room and face the west side of the middle structure. Turn your map on and you'll see a gap. Blow this section up and face a humpback mantid immediately. Kill him and destroy the cylinder beyond. This opens up a passage in another area leading to the Warp Portal and the Whispers Talisman. Exit the room to the south and jump back to the center structure. Go through the south doorway and hop on the floating disc. Follow the passage and get the Cerebral Bore. There is a secret door in the east alcove. Destroy it to reach thi elevator beyond.

AN - Go up the elevator and follow the passag past the Mag 60. When you get the Firestorm Cannon you! be attacked behind and in front. Continue on past the Ful

“Health, but before you reach the bottom of the passage,

use the sniper scope to kill the humpback mantid. Jump ou to the center platform and immediately turn around an jump back. Kill the two mantids in the far wall. Jump across to the column and jump two discs to the right. In the ne foom, hit the switch to activate the Warp Portal. Go back to : the center column and follow the platforms down to the - PURPLE EAGLE FEATHER. Jump across to the doorway and in the next room there are two secret doors to destroy. Exit to the east, make the next two left turns, and take the disc up to the center structure. Go to the east doorway and take the disc down to the ledge. The south passage is now open. Follow it to the Warp Portal and jump in for the WHISPERS TALISMAN.

"Get back to the center structure with regenerating power-

ups and hop on the floating disc outside of the south doorway. Enter the passage, take a right, then a left, and jump in the portal.

To the right and left of the Full Health is a mantid. Keep on until the next room. When all four mantids are dead get ready for a true test against two humpback mantids. Two sets of doors on the north and south ends open, containing ammo and health. Exit to the east and down a ramp. In the next room there are two secret doors to destroy. Again exit to the east. Walk around and you'll trigger a swarm of cockroaches. Also, two sets of doors will open on the east with a plethora of Blue Health. Hit the green button on the north side of the center structure. Turn around and enter the door to the Save Portal. Go back out and exit through the east door. |

Jump down in the water to get the Red Diamonds. Use the floating disc to get back up where you were. Take the disc across and in the next room you'll find a secret door to destroy on your right. Also, the health regenerates. Enter the east passage and turn left slowly. Once the mantids are dead, go get the other eight Red Diamonds. Go to the southeast platform last.

B f t£i Near this NE platform, below the water and in the center structure, is à door. Go through it and then through another door and follow the passageway. Kill the mantid and destroy the cylinder to drop the force field. Swim out and take the elevator disc back up and return to the large room connected to the Save Portal. The NE door is now open so go down the corridor. Ride the elevator up, follow t

passageway, and keep going until you can drop down to:

the ledge. There are some ceiling-mounted turrets in here гапа regenerating ammo and health. Destroy all of the cylinders to drop some force fields, including the one F protecting the Master Computer near the end of the level.

Hop on the disc to the north and grab the Scorpion

Launcher. Head back through the SE door and ride the disc Over to the structure.

Walk to the other side and jump across the series of discs to the passage in the north wall. Blow up the secret door to the left to expose a mantid and a Box of Ammo. Enter the east passage. Follow the room to the south and get the regenerating power-ups. Approach the east door to the LEVEL 6 KEY, but get ready for an ambush. Once those two are dead, go get the Key. Go back to where you started this paragraph and go north through the wacky tunnels and jump in the portal at the end.

Follow the winding tunnel and you'll run into some

cockroaches. To save ammo, we found the War Blade to be effective. They'll keep coming until you enter the room ahead and launch a Grenade or PFM into the hole in the wall that they spew out of. Work your way to the north of the room while looking for power-ups and at the end, ascend the climbing wall on the east face where the mantid is. Take the left path for a Full Health, then continue on. In the large room there is a mantid up above. Shoot a grenade down the cockroach hole. Ascend the climbing wall on the west wall. Walk the translucent bridge, enter the corridor, and jump in the portal at the end. QUEEN EMBRYO 1 - Enter the large room. Navigate it carefully. Enter the south passage and you'll enter a large circular corridor. Towards the south end, enter the passage on the inside wall. Past the pods you will find the Embryo. The two mantids regenerate so don't bother. To avoid wasting ammo, continually circle the embryo to avoid enemy fire and only shoot the Embryo. Once it's destroyed, the mantids won't regenerate. Finish them off, exit to the corridor, and leave through the west door.

Carefully search the next room. Exit to the west and enter the portal. Go down the corridor to the outdoor ledge. Drop down to the next ledge and before you drop down again, kill the mantid just below to the left. Check the area for power- ups and scale the north climbing wall. Note the mantids patrolling the walkway above. At the intersection, take the right path through the door. In the room with three doors,

; you'll find regenerating ammo to the left and health to the right. Past the middle door is a Save Portal. EUUEEN EMBRYO 2 - After exiting the save portal area, ı follow the walkway straight ahead to the seeming dead end. F in-between the Box of Shells and Box of Bullets is a secret * door that can be blown up. Pass through the next door into



| south door.

Follow the corridor and blast the minion in the opening ahead. In the Toom, note the PRIMAGEN KEY 6 surrounded by a force field and __ regenerating ammo. Next move to the SW door and look out for the cannon the about half way down the corridor. Turn left at the cannon (the other passage _ contains diamonds) and at the next “T” turn right and hit the red button and | enter the green portal. To the east is a door containing ammo. Move to the _ west door and follow the corridor to the next door. At the "Y," go to the west for some booty. Move to the south corridor and enter the fan room.

Move to the fan in the center to reach the first ON CAPACITOR and also

| Şê it to reach the platform above. On top of this platform, there is a door © to the east (containing various power-ups) and a door to the west. Enter the _ door to the west and then move down the south corridor. You'll come to another ^T." Pick either direction and prepare to retreat as two minions will ambush you. Proceed ahead for plenty of power-ups. Move to the other

| side of the room and up the stairs. Move around the catwalk and jump to _ the two blue ION CAPACITORS on the north side. Return up to the catwalk | move to the elevator platform in the center of the room. Once on top, take | out the minion and hit the switch on the circular console to open the

the portal. In the large room, follow a NE passage to a humpback mantid guarding a Scorpion Launcher. Clear this room, head to the south end, and slash the pods to the circular corridor beyond. Make your way to the east end of this corridor and enter the door on the inside wall. Use the same basic strategy for Embryo 1. Exit by the south passage.

Go left and you'll see a tile for the LEAP OF FAITH TALISMAN. It brings you to the lower platform with two humpback mantids and a ton of different weapons. Next, enter the south passage to the portal and jump in. Follow the corridor to the ledge with the Full Health. Drop down to the passage below. Take a right, then a left to get back to the Save Portal.

Exit the Save Portal back outside to the translucent walkway and enter the south door. Enter the room with the BREATH OF LIFE TALISMAN tile. Ascend the climbing wall in front of you to the top of the platform. Get the goods and look up to south and nail the mantid in the distance. Jump down to the south and use the LEAP OF FAITH TALISMAN tile to access the upper corridor leading to the Ultra Health. However, if you can wait, we recommend getting this right before the last part the Energy Totem.

(Note: If you are looking for a place to use the EYE OF TRUTH TALISMAN, this room leads to the tile. From the entrance hop in the water and swim on the bottom along the left until you reach the door. Swim down the corridor until you exit the water. Jump the floating discs and follow the walkway to the platform and enter the left door behind the pods to the portal. Jump in. Follow the corridor until you reach the Talisman tile. This path leads to the PRIMAGEN KEY 5.)

From the Ultra Health, drop down, and swim to the east end and enter the doorway above the water. Follow the corridor to the large room and destroy the two cockroach holes. Behind a rock on the west wall are two Red Diamonds and a SATCHEL CHARGE. Past the lava pit is a small pool of water with a portal in it. Ignore it for now. Walk to the ledge past the pool. To the right, behind a tree is another SATCHEL CHARGE. Follow the ledge to the left and you'll find another SATCHEL CHARGE behind a tree. Ignore the translucent ramps for now they lead to the Energy Totem and level exit. After you have the third Satchel, jump in the pool behind you to enter the portal.

QUEEN EMBRYO 2 - Go across the walkway grabbing the

SATCHEL CHARGE and various other power«ips.on your way to the next corridor. Enter the portal and gexnto-the next room. With the help of the map, you'll see a t door to

blow up along the east wall concealing tons of weapons.and

БАЁ Talisman: Eye

Keys: None

OBJECTIVES: the newly opened door and take your first left to return to cavernous

switch and jump through the portal.

boss reappears. Fight her for a while, then the cockroache

a humpback mantid. Enter the east door when youll. АЧ" х D: Truth

Enemies: Primagen Minions

1) Locate lon Capacitors and purify the River o 2) Destroy three automated Assembly Plants.

Toom. Jump to the corridor down and to the right. Follow it around to the red Switch. The switch will move a platform and give you access to another ION CAPACITOR. Return past the red switch and follow the passage to the north. At the intersection, go left and take out the minion. Search the room (and green water) for power-ups and then place the lon Capacitors in the gus center structure. Exit and move into the small room to the east. Hit the 7

PART H - NW DOOR i From the portal continue to the north for an Ultra Health. Hit the red. 4 switch and drop over the edge. You have now returned to the room where you started the entire level. Refill on ammo and then enter the NW door. Take your first right and head north, hit the switch, and enter the portal. Walk just through the next door and sniper the minion patrolling the stairs. 3 Go to the fan on the left and float up to the next tier, Jump out to the catwalk "a8 and hit the red switch to activate the moving platform. Quickly jump back = down, use the fan, and then use the floating platform to get to. another а

encounter a tile for the FIREWALK TALISMAN. Search the lava and the tops of each platform before you climb the east ledge. Once on top push the green button. Walk to the north end of the ledge and take the floating disc across. Here, hit the two green buttons and enter the door. Keep going to the next room with three humpback mantids patrolling below. Kill them, drop down, and scale the climbing wall to the NW. Slash the pods and make your way through to the circular corridor and enter the door on the inside wall in the west end. Use the same strategy as before, then go back and save your game.

WASTER COMPUTER - Exit the Save area and go back ` through the south passage to the room with the green water. Ascend the climbing wall facing you as you enter the | room. Kill the mantid in the distance to the south, hop in water, and scale the climbing wall beneath the mantic’ prior location. Follow the corridor into the portal room Destroy the secret doors to the north and east to reve: Blue Health. Jump in the portal and open the door to th large room. Cross one of the bridges leading to the center structure. If you destroyed the cylinders in the “Big Force Field Generator” section the Computer will be accessible. Place a Satchel Charge on each of the four structures immediately surrounding the Master Computer and get off the platform. Watch it blow up, and leave this place and go save your game for good measure.

ENERGY ТОТЕМ - Exit the save area back out to the walkway and enter the south door into the room with green water. Hop in, swim to the left, and enter the door above water inthe east end. Follow the corridor to the large room and cross it going south until you reach one of two ramps going down. Use the sniper scope to get the humpback mantid beyond and then jump in the portal. Use the same strategy as you have with every other Energy Totem to this point, but this time beware of the pits surrounding it. Bose . As usual there are regenerating power-ups to hel you out. Whenever you are confronted with a swarm о cockroaches, you must kill them all first before the тай

reappear. Kill them to face her again. This cycle repeats fou or five times, and each time you face the main boss, ther i$ a different part of her body you must target. Sometimes 7 its her tail, other times can be her head, etc. When you hit 4 the correct part, it will glow white to let you know. When ү, firing upon her, keep circling so she cant get a bead on you. $~ ~.. Eventually she will lay down helpless with only a fraction of =

health left. For fun, whip out the War Blade and walk right up to-her and attack her head. However, since she is helpless, yeu, may want to stock up on power-ups before you finish.

Lom Destroy the pue to the right of the switch.

Continue down the corridor to the intersection. Straight ahead is a Save

| Portal. Note the Flamethrower Tank behind it. Return out and move down the corridor to the east and continue through the only door that opens.

You'll emerge in a cavernous room. Here move down the stairs to the left P and then look under them for the Red Diamonds and the WHISPER | TALISMAN tile. Use the tile to cross the cavern. Proceed around and use * the other WHISPER TALISMAN tile to again cross the same cavern. In the. next room hit the red switch to disable the Force Field Generator. Exit out

Switch. The west door in this room is now open. At the "T" go through the door to the right. At the next intersection, go through the door to the left (the other door contains powe- ups). In this room dispose of the minion and then, 8 activate the red switch to open the large door to the south. © Jump straight out and stay over the fans on the right side of the room until. you get to the other side of the room. (The Look button along. wi direction will guide you up and down.) Follow the catwalk to the other Sidi and jump to the platform holding the ION CAPACITOR. Now hit the red

‘switch and jump to the north-most platform апа go back fout. Now enter the north doorway. Follow the corridor to the intersection and take the passage for power-ups and then Е return down the north path through the door. Jump out over

the fan, ride it to the top, and jump off into the west passage.

Follow this corridor to the Save Portal.

Return to the fan, descend to the bottom and move down the east passage. At the end of the passage is a large room. Turn to the left and leap to the catwalk below, hit the switch, and take the floating platform up to the next tier. Look for a small air duct to the left and jump into it. Follow the passage until you drop down. Keep on to the south to locate the next ION CAPACITOR. Move back and follow the north passage until you reach a dead end. Jump off (to | theopposite side of the cannon) and ascend up to enter the | top of the room you were in a while back (the one with the

_ moving platform). The switch on the right activates a bridge " Next to the RAZOR WIND and the switch to the left opens the door. Proceed through the door and move down the east passage (the very first right in this passage contains power-ups) and note the EYE OF TRUTH TALISMAN tile. Return back and follow the corridor to the north. Jump in the portal.

[Note: Once you get the Eye of truth use it to walk the narrow path to reach the top. There you'll find a switch that deactivates the Force Field Generator, giving you access to the PRIMAGEN KEY 6.]

Move north through the door and take the first left to find a red switch. Use it to open the door on the opposite site hurry because it's timed. Inside the door ride the elevator up and take the south path (the north path offers some power- ups). Move through the door and walk to the center of the room to find a timed switch. Back into the switch and cruise to make the jump to the opened door (next to where you entered). Grab the ION CAPACITOR and next find the Switch near the north-most wall. Hit that to open a door next to another ION CAPACITOR. Return back to the room of many switches.

The two switches in the center open a door on either side. __ Hitthe switches and enter the south door to find the Power

_ Generator. Use the lon Capacitors to reactivate it. Exit and _ move to the north door and the portal exit. Move up the corridor and take a quick left. Move up the stairs to find a - switch that opens the NE door. Drop down to this familiar room and find the NE door.

* Inside the NE door follow the passage to the room with |. Red Diamonds and a switch. Hit it and move through the north door to the portal. On the other side gather the power- ups to the left and then proceed back to the right (north). At the next fork, continue north (the passage to the west contains power-ups). The next room is loaded with minions with heavy firepower. Take a left down the stairs. Drop down and cross’ asnarrow catwalk marked by Gold Diamonds. platform to reach the center console the switch to activate the other platform and then h the ION CAPACITOR (beware of the fans) side of the room. Once on the other side i tairs up to the next passage. Continue past the first. моо red switches and hit the third to open the door. | Move in and hit another switch to locate the ION _ CAPACITOR. Move back out the way you came in and move through the passage to the SE. At the very end of a this passage is a 4 Save Portal. Next, proceed back to an Я air duct and follow Я it. Soon you'll find a fan that will hoist you. Take the passage to the east a and drop down. ^ Move through a few rooms and you'll be shot back up. Move { to the west and jo) continue west until 4 you reach a 4 normal corridor. Take the passage to the right (north) to find some booty.

and take the west passage until you reach the LEAP OF FAITH tile (the other passage contains some power-ups). Take a leap and then hit the switch to disable the Force Field Generator. Return via another leap and continue down the corridor (west). The next room holds many villains. Once they're dead, grab the power-ups and hit the red switch on the south wall. This timed switch opens the door in the southwest corner so hightail it in there to find an ION CAPACITOR. This next part is another timed event, so hit the switch and make your way to the room opposite the one you are now in. You'll eventually find another ION CAPACITOR. Now find the newly opened door in the south and exit. Hit the next red switch and move through the door you just opened. This leads to the generator. Jump from moving bridge to moving bridge to place the lon Capacitors and recalibrate the generator. Return through the portal in the SE corner. Once on the other side move through the passage and take your first right to find the Ultra Health and hit the switch to open the SE door (do you sense a pattern?).

Stock up on the ammo and head inside the SE door. Continue down the passage and enter the portal. Enter the door. Mind the cannons as you make your way to the passage in the NE corner to clear east then back to the South where you originally entered. Hit the two red switches to open the door on the far east. Enter through the portal and proceed to the east and note the blue object as you walk under it. When you reach the "T," go north up the stairs. Activate the switch and look for a fight. Return to the south to find an open door. Move through the corridor and hit the timed switch on your right. Move through the door that just opened and cross the hall to another door (that also just opened). Ride the elevator platform and ascend the stairs to the west (right). Hit the switch to activate the lift platform. Get the ION CAPACITOR and then move across the lift platform to the south. Look for minion guards as you patrol to the south. Get the switch up the stairs to open a door in the SE corner. Before entering the door, move behind the piston (in the МЕ corner) to expose a switch that opens the Warp Portal. Next to this switch are some noisy pistons. Blast the lock until the doors open and the innards explode. This will DESTROY PART OF THE ASSEMBLY PLANT. Also note the regenerating ammo next to the stairs. Move through the door to the south and east and note the Talisman portal entry is to the east. Continue on to the end of the passage and through the portal.

Enter the portal and move down the corridor. At the intersection take a right and enter the door. Inside you'll find some good old regenerating ammo as well as an ION CAPACITOR. For another item (making this a super bonus room), look behind the capacitor to find the GREY EAGLE FEATHER. Leave the room and return to the Warp Portal we mentioned earlier and make use of the Feather to gain the EYE OF TRUTH. Exit and return through the portal to the room where you originally found the Feather and Capacitors. Shoot and destroy the PLANT COMPUTER (with pink lights) to open a small door outside and to the left. Proceed in and down the stairs. Make your way down and grab the blue laser cells. Exit the way you came and go to the left (west). In this area is another portal. Enter it. Follow the passage to the west and note the Warp Portal on the right. Collect the Diamonds as you make your way down the stairs. Look behind the pillars (next to the red lasers) to find the red laser cells. Collect the other power-ups and move down the narrow corridor to the west. Activate the switch and enter the room. Use the red laser cells to destroy the ASSEMBLY PLANT. Return to the blue laser gate and walk through it to the south. Immediately turn to the left to activate the Warp Portal switch. Before you head back to the Warp Portal continue down the passage. At the power generator, jump in the water and you'll soon find a passage in the murky water. Move up and hit the red switch to disable the force field generator. Swim back out. Use your blue laser cells to deactivate the red beams. Now easily place your lon Capacitors a level objective is complete. Exit to the north and find the Warp Portal that was mentioned a little earlier.

Inside the portal you'll be greeted by a cutscene. Pull out the weapons and make quick work of the legions of enemies. Activate the valves on the east and west side to open the central door. Proceed down the hall and dust the gang with some Scorpions. Hang tight on the

The south passage leads to a portal. Go through the portal

Cover Story

central structure and collect the regenerating health and ammo. Look to the sky for a perching enemy. Give ‘im а missile surprise from directly below. Once full, take the elevator on the west wall. At the tip follow the short corridor and activate the valve. Move back down and go through the door directly below (west ). Proceed down the dark hall and toast anything that moves. (Remember, you can retreat to stock up.) Activate the valve and return to the elevator on | the east wall. Activate the valve to open the door below. Again, let symmetry prevail and activate the valve. Back out _ and go through the south door. Proceed cautiously but © forcefully and retreat for help as needed. Straight ahead is = the last Nuke Part. You now have the NUKE WEAPON. ` Before you run off wait around for more Nuke ammo in the = north corner behind you (5 shot max.). Continue on to the | Warp exit. ;

Move out to the right, down the stairs, and to the right (west). Activate the portal and then move to the portal to the west. Exit this portal and continue to the west and you'll find the last of the red switches. Yes, you have again looped around to the place where this entire world began. Don't forget about the Eye of Truth mentioned above to deactivate another force field generator and give you access to the PRIMAGEN KEY 6 that has been sitting in center of the room the entire time.

Now move out and find the big door on the north wall (down the stairs). Here you'll find all the weapons and the level exit...Or is it? 4

¢ First form - In this form you must stay fairly close, If this mother keeps shoving his tentacle in the ground, get closer. Time the jumps over the swiping tentacles and keep shooting at its arms. Second form - In this new form, the beast will grab the 4 Ceiling and launch out of sight. Stay stationary and keep = your distance while still aiming at the shoulders. Third form - In the third form, this blob will sprout spider legs and spew chomping critters at you. Aim at the head and keep moving.

First avoid the bombs. They will split into smaller bombs. When the large bugs are launched, take out all but one and stock up on health or ammo.

After you've shot down the last bug, target the tentacles at the back of the Primagen’s head. Look out for the charge and especially keep the gun on ‘im when he tries to recharge energy (he'll throw his head back and vibrate). If you can’t keep a steady stream of fire on his head during this, things will be difficult. The Plasma Rifle works extremely well. You'll know that you have partially defeated this boss when it retreats to unleash more bombs and flying bugs.

The next time the Primagen comes out, you'll have to target the claw arm (or the head if it's trying to recharge). The beast will run at you and it will also shoot sonic blasts. It might even soar through the skies dropping fire balls. The Shotgun or Shredder work exceptionally well during charges and the Plasma Rifle will pluck him from the Шш Also note that you can shoot : d the pink sonic blast, but itis $ better to keep your distance, strafe to the right, and try to $ catch the arm. As soon as it retreats, avoid the bombs $ and stock up on supplies 4 while nailing the flying bugs.

The last phase combines & many of the past strategies, but the Primagen will spend a lot of time in the air. Targeting the head is key, but try to stay clear of the SE edges ofthe arenaasitmay $ try to shove you off the side. Keep cranking and this dude will soon be toast.



Editors’ Top Ten Games for January

@ Rush2-N64

© Blitz ‘99 - Arcade

Ө Xenogears - PS-X

© WCW/NWO Revenge N64

© Metal Gear Solid PS-X

Ө Pokemon - GB

Q9 Crash Bandicoot: Warped - PS-X Ө Tenchu- PS-X

€) Tomb Raider 3: The Adventures of Lara Croft - PS-X

@ The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64

Readers' Top Ten Games for January

© Chrono Trigger - SNES © Banjo-Kazooie N64

© Pokemon - GB

© Rogue Trip - PS-X

@ Xenogears PS-X

© NFL Blitz 98 N64

@ WWF War Zone - N64

© WCW/NWO Revenge N64

Ө Tenchu - PS-X @ Metal Gear Solid - PS-X

Top Ten Signs You Are a Video Game Dork

© Sports don't interest you unless you can play them with a controller.

© In the middle of your room is a giant Shrine to Miyamoto.

© Your entire wardrobe is adorned with logos of various games.

@ You think your high school should make gaming a varsity sport.

Ө You were wrought with guilt the day you traded in your Saturn for a PlayStation.

Ө You think there should be a Nobel prize for video games.

Q You believe there is a good chance you can make a living competing in video games as a professional.

© When exposed to the sun, your skin breaks out in a rash and your eyes burn with the intensity of a thousand super novas.

@ Before you play a game, you strap on a pair of gaming gloves to reduce blisters and calluses.

© Games good. Girls bad. (Or for our female readers: Games good.

Boys bad.)

Game Informer is looking for your Top Ten favorite games. Please send your Top Tens to: Game Informer Magazine Attn: Top Ten 10120 West 76th Street + Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Everyone that enters every month will be entered in a drawing to win a GI Secret Access T-Shirt! So get writing!

Ó Game Informer January '99


Columbia Pictures To Distribute

Final Fantasy Movie

Columbia Pictures reached an agreement with Square to distribute Final Fantasy: The Movie. Columbia will distribute the film worldwide, with the exception of Asia. Gaga-Humex will distribute the movie in Japan.

Gamers are already wetting their beds at the prospect of this movie. Imagine the already impressive FMV scenes in the Final Fantasy series on the big screen, with graphics that make the PlayStation characters look like stick figures.

The success of CG films like Toy Story, A Bug's Life, and Antz have established that computer animation-based movies can do big box office numbers. These films have been both financial and critical successes, but all were essentially conceived of and marketed as animated films, in the tradition of Disney. What Final Fantasy: The Movie is trying to do is a different matter entirely. Square's press release reads, "This will be the first attempt in movie-making history to simulate human emotions and movements through computer graphics that are more real than any current animated graphics."

If Square succeeds, this movie will be important for both the future of computer animation and movie-making in general. If we can create com- puter-generated images that are so realistic that they can actually produce an emotional response in the viewer that is comparable to that produced by live-action films, can we be far away from the demise of traditional filmmaking? The production costs in film have reached an all-time high, creating an environment where even a film that grosses $50 $80 million is a financial loss for the studio. Computer-generated films could cut out the cost of film crews, expensive on-location shoots, and the huge salaries commanded by Hollywood stars. Why pay Cameron Diaz $10 million to star in your film when it's already been proven that a computer-designed woman (Lara Croft) can become an international sex symbol?

So when Final Fantasy: The Movie debuts in 2001, keep in mind that you might be watching more than just another killer flick. You might be watching the future of films.

New Star Wars Games To Debut on N64

Nintendo of America has reached an agreement with LucasArts granting the company limited exclusivity to distribute three new Star Wars games worldwide. All three games will debut in home console form on the Nintendo 64 and in portable form on the Game Boy Color. LucasArts will develop and publish the N64 games, while Nintendo does the same for the Game Boy version.

The first game under the agreement will be Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. Players assume the role of early '80s heartthrob Luke Skywalker (the man with the coolest Ў bowl-cut since the Beatles) as he pilots more than a dozen vehicles. Rogue Squadron will be the first game to utilize Nintendo's new Expansion Pak memory cartridge, which inserts into the top of the N64. Screen resolution will increase to 640 x 480 pixels, allowing for great detail and visual effects as Luke flies through 16 dif- ferent 3D environments. While Rogue Squadron looks like a sure winner, the real moolah will start rolling in when Nintendo releases the first LucasArts game based on the upcoming blockbuster Star Wars: Episode 1. We don't know any solid details about the two new games, just that they will feature interactive storylines, plus characters and settings from the new films. However, we do have a hot lead on a project codenamed Pod Racer that is supposedly in development deep within LucasArts. If Pod Racer does exist, then it might pit young Anakin against his racing nemesis Sebulba. The pod races play a big role in Episode 1; and no, the pods are not round objects, but high-tech spacecraft with unique logos and designs to suit each character's personality and look. We believe that the second game that Nintendo mentioned

may very well be the action game we've heard rumors about. The Jedi versus transforming Battle Droids and ‘stripped wiring’ 3PO's may all be part of the pack- age.

Jack Sorenson, president of LucasArts Entertainment, predicts that the new Star Wars games will “redefine what LucasArts can achieve in gaming...[these] new high-resolution titles on Nintendo 64 will allow our fans to feel a part of the Star Wars saga as never before."

Well, there's a lot ака on in the hallowed halls of Sega these days. Recently, a group of gaming journalists were invited to take a look at some of Sega's new wares. So, what happened? Roving cub reporter (and editor) Andy McNamara was on the scene, where he saw (and listened to) Sega push the upcoming Dreamcast. Here are the more interesting tidbits of info Andy's allowed to talk about...

First, the item previously known as the VMS is no longer the VMS. It's now the VMU. Why? Apparently another company already has the moniker "VMS" copyrighted in the States. So, the name has officially changed to the VMU.

Virtua Fighter 3tb will come with a second disc when it hits Japan later this month. This disc will contain footage of Yu Suzuki's super-secret labor, Project Berkeley. No other information was given concerning Project Berkeley.

Sega is in negotiations with Electronic Arts to bring games to the Dreamcast. No games are currently in development. However, once negotiations

are finished, EA can begin work immediately, as it Virtua Fighter 3tb

| already has the development kits in hand.

Some of the minigames for Sonic Adventure were announced. Apart from the one we have

| already seen that has Amy playing a derivative of Whack-A-Mole, there's a shooting game and

Bio Hazard: Code Veronica

| a fishing game. No other surprises surrounding Sonic Adventure were revealed.

The Dreamcast game discs are officially called “GD-ROMs,” a proprietary format developed by Sega. These discs will hold about 1.2 gigabytes of data, and resemble a double-density CD. This is being done to curb piracy.

Previously, we reported that Turbine Entertainment was working on some sort of online-only sci-fi adventure. Now there are a few more details. The game, which is still untitled,

| contains an entire world for players to explore. Everything seen in the distance can be reached,

and there are no "backdrops" to the game. Meaning, if you want to see what's on top of the mountain in the distance, you are more than welcome to head there and check it out. The world will be populated with characters that are, in reality, other players. To finish quests, players must join with other players to create well-rounded parties. Millions of character designs are possible, and players can create their own looks, including form, functions, and shape. Colors and more can also be altered to allow for extreme customization of characters. This is pretty

neat, as you should be able to recognize friends, as well as enemies, in a crowd. This game | is Sega's attempt to draw players of such games as Ultima Online into its folds. Let's hope |

it turns out well and is exciting. A lot more happened, but our friend the NDA (non-disclosure agreement) is keeping our lips sealed until March 1. Берир, carer for the return of Sega.

yStai tion | Has

Dreamcast Gets Resid

Dreamcast version.


Capcom has created quite a stir with its recent unveiling of Resident Evil for the Dreamcast. Known as Bio Hazard: Code Veronica in Japan, this game has legions of fans ready to jump at the next title in the successful series. However, Capcom is making it clear that Code Veronica is not Resident Evil 3. When Code Veronica was announced last November, Capcom’s Mr. Okamoto stated that this game is technically the fourth episode in the series because Capcom began developing the PlayStation version

(the third) before Dreamcast version (the fourth) had begun. So where’s Resident Evil 3 for the PlayStation? There is a good chance it may appear before the

by Robert Stoute

The gamers of the world have ' been duped. Always, when I’ve X thought of better graphics on a new gaming system, | have also thought of more interac- tivity. More people running around because you just blew up their summer cottage. More items to pick up and grab so you can beat on the next evildoer coming your way. But that doesn’t seem to be the way things are heading at all.

Instead, the focus on graphics seems to place an overzealous attention on how much “popup” there is, or how many polys something is made out of. “The character is made out of 350 polys, 75 more than the last game,” we hear developers brag. But do you really care that Lara’s boobs have 20 more polys than last year’s version? | don’t. | wanna run head-on into a cult of 25 people and annihilate them. | want to invade a hidden temple, only to face down a den of 10-15 lions.

Is this too much to ask of today’s systems? Sure we look for excellent graphics, but if it comes to a choice wouldn't real gamers prefer larger worlds to explore and more interaction? Why aren't these pos- Sible? Because we would have to give up some sacred "level of detail"? For shame!

The most recent example that emphasizes where we are headed is the new graphics king, Sonic Adventure for Dreamcast. The game is super-fast in some parts, and the graphics are overwhelming. But what about enemy interaction? At most | have seen three enemies onscreen at once! The Sonics for Game Gear had more enemies onscreen. And this is true of many games receiving the 3D upgrade. Super Mario 64 suffers from this reduction in chal- lenge, as does the new Mega Man Legends. What is happening to the bar we have set for challenge in our games? Unfortunately, to the developers making the games challenging is not nearly as important as making them "pretty."

So for those of you who wish developers would use the new hardware capabilities for more interac- tion, you are not alone. Or is it me who is alone?

In other Resident Evil news, the long reported Nintendo 64 game by Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami has been scrapped. This £ame was reported to be a Resident Evil spin-off with a martial arts theme. Mikami is said to be working on another top secret game with some of the Resident Evil team.

Game Informer January '99 Q




Crave Entertainment is bringing three of its à 2 ч кес high-profile titles Gex: Enter the Gecko, Pitfall: Electronic Arts announced that it acquired the exclusive rights

Beyond the Jungle, and Men In Black: The Series | to three of the world's major soccer brands: FIFA, FIFA World Cup,

to the Game Boy Color. | and the UEFA European Football Championship. The agreement will

All three titles will be backwards-compatible | last for eight years and includes the next two World Cup competi- ON | with older Game Boy models, but Crave promises | tions. м. PN | that they were designed specifically for the This licensing agreement means two things. ګر‎

56-color palette and increased CPU speed of the Game Boy Color. |

Gex and Pitfall are 2D versions of the 3D originals and will have all the moves and levels featured in the originals. Men In Black: The Series is based on the popular cartoon of the

One: for the next eight years any game that comes out regarding FIFA, the FIFA World Cup, and the UEFA Football Championship will be from Electronic Arts. Two: If EA markets future footie games like it did this year, we'll have FIFA games up to our ears. Better get on that road to the World Cup early.

same name.

Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) announced today that the PlayStation is outselling the rest of the competition by a 2 to 1 margin. In the month of September, sales soared 97 percent over the previous month. This is particularly due to the price reduction of the System (packaged with a Dual Shock controller) to $129.

Kaz Hirai, executive vice president and CEO of SCEA, said, "Consumers have made it overwhelmingly clear that PlayStation is the

number one choice in video game systems. Sony announced the opening of a new 989 Studios’ product و‎ A,

Consumers don't look for toys anymore when they development house in Santa Monica, CA. 989 Studios currently

shop for video game entertainment. They look for operates its headquarters in Foster City (Blasto, Tobu) and a

long term value and a wide variety of titles, which software development studio in San Diego (Shoot Out, GameDay).

Кыт aan dena Peay de Kelly Flock, president of 989, promises the new studio will be "dedicated to pushing

and beyond." the boundaries of PlayStation by diversifying 989's product mix." The Santa Monica His last statement is the most interesting one. studios will be staffed with the producers and designers of the original Twisted Metal and

Apparently, Sony is not swayed at all by the Jet Moto franchises.

looming release of the Dreamcast. We'll see if that attitude is continued by Mr. Hirai in the coming year.


One of last year's more controversial releas- es, Take 2 Interactive's Grand Theft Auto, is now due for a sequel. Tentatively entitled GTA 2, this game should appear on

PlayStation (and PC) in October of

1999. No other information is available

about this upcoming game, but you can expect it might be even more controversial than the last. With the first Grand Theft Auto shipping over one million copies, Take 2 expects big things from the sequel.

more than two years of gaming, associate editor Jon Storm is leaving to pursue his other passion fishing. Look for Jon's work in North s American Fisherman magazine. 9

Like you couldn't see this coming. Mega Man sequels have been a mainstay of Capcom's development strategy since Mega Man 2 appeared in 1989. Another Mega Man is indeed on the way, and this game is a follow-up to the first 3D Mega Man. PlayStation owners should expect Mega Man Legends 2

Storm's new boss may fire him if he | | (Mega Man Dash 2, Japan) to appear at the end of the year. |

can't pull in bigger fish than this.

Ó Game Informer January '99

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HOT * TECH TALK » аанай NM : c"

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n M ОГТ ТОГ Gl on 2. | Чаап

With Sony ramping up efforts to garner PocketStation support in | Japan, many games are being given at least some level of interaction with | the new gizmo. Crash Bandicoot: Warped is no exception.

With the addition of the Time Trials found on each level of Crash 3, players can download their best times onto the PocketStation and carry | these around with them. The top scores can be traded with other PocketStations, allowing for a sort of ranking to be created among the Crash players of Japan. Unfortunately, neither the American nor | the European versions of this game will have PocketStation support.

ROTTS jand speculation continue to Ишен етпе the next'PlayStation. eports out of Japan have named Toshiba as a probable hardware partner with Sony. Toshiba apparently has a RISC- based processor that clocks in at 250 Mhz which is slightly faster than the announced Dreamcast CPU. As reported їп November, industry pundits expect Sony to announce some of its PlayStation 2 plans surrounding the

Data File: ۹

launch of the Sega Dreamcast in Japan. At press time, Sony had. not made any official announcements concerning its next video game system. |

According to the NPD Group, retail sales of video games in the U.S. went through the roof in 1998. Against the same period in 1997, sales wentup 32%. Sales went up every month in 1998, with increases varying from 16% to. 5296 per month.

Sony Music Entertainment will release an upgraded edition of Tenchu in Japan. Entitled Tenchu: Shinobi Gaisen, the new version for PlayStation will feature addi- tional missions (found in the U.S. ver- Sion), improved controls, and a new edit mode that allows players to design their own missions. This game is scheduled to hit Japan in February.

Sega of Japan has launched its official Dreamcast site, Japanese users of the system will refer to this page frequently as their main meeting place for new infor- mation concerning the upcoming system. Currently, there isn't much there except for some new pictures from the Sega New Challenge conferences and the Tokyo Game Show. The U.S. will also get a site for stateside gamers later this year.

» VM Labs, creator of the chip code- named Project X, has finally come up with an official name for the platform, as well as a logo. The moniker, NUON, has apparently taken some time and patience to come up with. After tons of focus groups, professional groups designing the logo, and countless think tanks, NUON was chosen, suggesting that the name reflects something entirely "new, powerful, and futuristic." Let's hope VM Labs spend a lot more money convincing people to make games for the thing than it spent on coming up with the name.

The ultra-hot classic in the making, Gran Turismo is still flying off the shelves Since its release in early May. Now, The Right Stuff record label has released the Official soundtrack from the game. AII of the songs from the game will on the CD, including tracks from Garbage, David Bowie, Blur, Ash, Supergrass, and more. Get the CD, titled The Sound of Gran Turismo. The hills are alive...

» Nintendo announced that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time racked up over 325,000 presale reservations before it was shipped on November 23.

© Game Informer January '99

of? Sony could not be

reached for comment. | Here are some pictures | of PocketStation Crash. |

The new Game Boy Color revision of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

| has a great extra. Apart from the 56 new colors, there is also an

extra dungeon containing a brand new item. Excellent! This is a great incentive to pick up a new Game Boy Color and replay a deluxe (DX)

| version of the best Game Boy game of all time. The Game Boy Color is

available now and Zelda: Link's Awakening DX is scheduled to arrive on December 14.

So why is Sony waiting on the release of the PocketStation in the United States? Is the compa- ny waiting for something everyone else is unaware

r | | | |

Comic book publisher Top Cow enjoyed success with the issue

| | | | | |

teaming its voluptuous comic character with another well-known girl from the video game world (we think you know who). The | Witchblade/Tomb Raider partnership will continue with a new comic | and even a Witchblade video game in collaboration with Eidos |

Interactive (who else?).

Force and we can only speculate that the Witchblade game will be action-packed. Both Top Cow and Eidos are pretty quiet, but have dropped a few hints about Witchblade.

The new comic is 32 pages and Top Cow states that this comic will be an action-packed thriller, and the events within will actually effect the future of

the Witchblade character. This exciting release will feature three

different versions: the standard newsstand edition, an edition | featuring a rare alternate cover (one of every four issues), and | another edition featuring an ultra rare holo-foil cover (one of every fifty issues). All of the content will be the same (whew!). A week before this comic ships, Top Cow will be reissuing the original comic with a brand spanking new cover. Yabba-bahloo!

The details are sketchy as to the development of Witchblade the | game, but we do know that it is scheduled to release this spring for the | PlayStation. Top Cow did design the characters for Eidos' Fighting |

| | | | |


Wow! Remember those Toy Biz toys we previewed a few months ago? (See GI News, Nov. 1998.) Well, as it turns out, they are actually Mario Kart 64 toys!!! Skitchin’!!! Right now, Toy Biz has only announced three racers (Mario, Bowser, Yoshi). But if we, the all-important consumer, consume these toys, more will likely be made. Buy three or four. Heck, a case if you have to. We want a Toadstool toy more than anything in life. Yes, we are serious. Anyway, the toys can fire the weapons you see, and yes, the weapons are interchangeable. Kickin' tomatoes!!!

d Activision's Guardian's Crusade adds the concept of а | virtual pet to the RPG genre. In this PlayStation title, а | player becomes a knight who must reunite a baby monster with its mother. The monster's abilities change based on the knight's relationship with it.

Guardian's Crusade features 3D polygon graphics and dozens of monsters, spells, and weapons. Cinematic j cutscenes feature classic Japanese style anime.

Players are also equipped with "living toys" that can be used to attack their enemies. For example, the voodoo doll | slowly dismantles enemies one body part at a time. Even more intriguing is the Freud toy. Does this toy cause your enemies to have the hots for their moms and resent their | dads? No, but it does cause them to go nighty-night under a

hypnotic spell. | Unique features like this make Guardian's Crusade а | game to watch for. It is scheduled to release this March.

Hp/max S06 / s92

PP/max 30 / 126 |

2329/4592 Attack!

dew | Voice Talent

Crystal Dynamics already has the exceptional voice talent of Dana Gould locked up as the infamous Gex, but it has recently acquired the talents of two other actors for Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko and Akuji the Heartless.

The voice of Marliece Andrada will accompany that of Dana Gould as she takes on the role of Special Agent Xtra, Gex's sultry partner. Andrada was Miss March 1998 in Playboy magazine and currently fills the role as lifeguard Skylar Bergman on Baywatch.

Richard Roundtree is another actor selling his talents to Crystal D for use in its upcoming game Akuji the Heartless. Some may recognize Roundtree as the actor who portrayed John Shaft in the films Shaft, Shaft in Africa, and Shaft's Big Score. Roundtree is currently star- ring in the upcoming television series Rescue 77.

Akuji the Heartless is slated for a December 1998 release, and Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko should be out in March of 1999.

re lo


All of the latest and greatest news in tl Pokemon universe is documented here. What" s tl newest Pokemon toy? Is Pokemon coming 1 N64? Who would win in a fight - Mewtwo Pikachu? When if ever can | expect anoth Pokemon game? All of the answers to these craz questions can be found at Pokemon World.

What were the names of the two children that starred in Sega’s Nights: Into Dreams for Saturn?

Abe is a member of what race?

What was the second game Mario appeared in?

© What was the last game released in the U.S. for the Sega Saturn?

[Answers on the bottom of page 32]

This game may look siwilar to the ‘Wipeout iie but the graphics are worse, the control is T and the hovererafts move at a snail's pace. TI racing game by Bullfrog for the PlayStatio came out in 1995 and featured combat, Z-player split-screen, nine tracks, and variou power-ups. What game is it? [Answer on the bottom of page 32]

Game Informer January '99 o



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[ШШ Groovin’ Dance Action!

Here's the dilly, yo... It's called Bust f Groove: The fresh, competitive dance game for a funked-up Playstation" generation. You control more than 10 club characters as they perform their super realistic dance moves to disco, house and hip-hop beats. 20 get your body movin

with the game that's pJ got the groove goin on! Ж


PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. 989 Studios and the 989 Studios logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Published by 989 Studios. © 1998 Metro/Frame Graphics/Avex D.D. Inc./Enix

Nintendo 64

* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Action

* Special Features: 6 Episode-Based Missions; 20 Deathmatch Characters; Strange Weapons, Expansion, Rumble & Controller Pak Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Iguana Entertainment for Acclaim

* Available: Now for Nintendo 64

Bottom Line:

34 31 3 3

With the Super Shi ү tiver Chi enemies can be yolkoj (a Seat distances,

in’ Marvin, Ike, Pip, Mephisto, i ay Al. They re all here.

“Obviously, the South Park TV show is

ANDY pure genius, but unfortunately for us, its

_ THE GAME HOMBRE video game counterpart isn't. It is too Concept bad, because the introduction and player

4 select screen will crack you up, as will

the lines during gameplay. The bad news is, that they say the same freakin’ lines L9 over and over again. Which isn’t too bad Sound in itself, but when you mix that with the 9.25 fact that the gameplay is absolutely dull; —Buozam. the game becomes a pure test of Playability willpower. Shoot the same stupid ene- ENT: Uh tela mies over and over. And over and over. Entertainment And over and over. | think you get the 4 point. The only way to play this game is

multiplayer. So my advice to you is that 65 | you go rent this game, invite your friends, and play it all night. Then return

OVERALL it and never play this дате again."

Graphics 8

"Anytime Acclaim touches a TV or movie

license | shiver. Who can forget The Crow

THE GAME PROFESSOR оү any of the Batman games? | can't.

Concept Luckily, Acclaim comes through with

South Park. The cast of characters with

accompanying voice-overs are abundant

and hilarious as is the game's original

LY LL. Story. The only problem is that you see

Sound most of the cast only in multiplayer. This

9.5 isn't a problem if you have a code, but

- Playability - unlocking characters through the normal 8

Graphics 9

story mode gets a little old. Every level objective is virtually the same. South Entertainment Park is a very entertaining game, but it lacks polish. South Park isn't the best

TEE] жез вате when you compare it to Turok 2 or ER | [8.75 | Goldeneye, but it does the TV show jus- n Ever wonder what the tice. That's good enough for me."

os butt оца et Chea, ша top left image,


“it's good to see that Acciaim has resort

REINER ed to its roots. You know, creating piles _ТНЕ RAGING GAMER of junk based on hot properties. What Concept were they thinking?! | thought the

6 'Batman nearly bankrupted us' incident

made Acclaim see straight. But | guess not. This could have been a great piece $ ___ of software, but it was rushed to meet í = LE Sound the holiday deadline. The engine that The objective oh ¢ | : 6.5 this game is running on is smooth, real- every level is the Playability Y freakin’ smooth, and the animation same: Stop the | : $ 2 ds Y апа weapons are great, but the game- tanks before they } is play is horrible. Each and every level reach the South ; Entertainment contains the same objective and only Park sign. 4 one type of enemy in two sizes. What?!

The multiplayer is decent, but the areas (6.25 | are too small. And I love the voice-overs but they come up too often. It needed

OVERALL more time. Acclaim jumped the gun.”

Graphics 8

Game Informer January 99:. 35

* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Racing * Special Features: Up to 15 Vehicles (3 at


Start); Vehicle Upgrades in Acceleration, Handling, Top Speed; 6 Tracks With Numerous Shortcuts; 3 Racing Views; Internal Battery Save; 4MB RAM Pak Compatible * Replay Value: Moderately Low * Created by: Snowblind Studios for Kemco * Available: Now for Nintendo 64

e've said it before. The Nintendo 64 has been

Bottom Ше: 7 25 ө deluged with racing titles and here is yet

n another to add to the pile. But be sure to keep

Top Gear Overdrive near the top of the pile because this title moves out. Sure, nearly one out of four N64 games is a racer, and this is the follow-up to a fairly mediocre offering in Top Gear Rally, but Overdrive goes back to its Super Nintendo roots and offers a fast-paced, arcade-style racing game. The graphics in Overdrive are crisp and quick, even without the use of the 4MB RAM Pak. The visual effects, which include dynamic lighting and changes in weather

conditions, are excellent. The detail of the vehicle models is | 0/7

also impressive and even includes fiery crashes. All of this is

happening without the RAM Pak. If you double the RAM (via |}. dE TE W ПЛ Poe"?

the RAM Pak), the graphics are even better. The looks don’t change drastically, but the clarity is better.

Looks aside, the racing consists of a season mode called Championship and a single race mode called Versus. In either mode, one to four racers can jump in. The object in the Championship is to place in the top four to advance. Advancing to the next race also awards you cash that can be spent on upgrades in handling, acceleration, and top speed. If you have the cash, you can also buy extra nitrous tanks for speed bursts. However, saving the cash is probably the best bet as the extra dough can buy new, more aggressive machines. The cars are similar in design to many of today’s more recognizable sports cars, but do not bear any official names or logos. All 15 of the cars have different characteristics when it comes to speed and handling, but every car has the same simple controls.

Simple is an understatement. Despite the excellent graphics and overall speed of the game, Top Gear Overdrive will likely be way too easy for the strict racing fan. It took us only a few hours to see every track and every car. Keep this in mind when you are thinking about a purchase. iili

t f

Up to four players can race at once. А


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10, , Hit the nitro and hang on. (o eim


Top Gear features plenty of air.


` 1717: 7




Graphics 8

Sound 8






Concept 1

Graphics 9

Sound 1



Entertainment 5

THE RAGING GAMER Concept 6.5 Graphics 9

Sound 7.75




“Surprisingly, Top Gear Overdrive is pretty entertaining, though not for long (the game ain't too hard). However, the game features nice, clean graphics, and speed like few N64 games ever achieve. And speed is probably Top Gear Overdrive’s selling point, since the computer opponents have absolutely no artificial intelligence and the collisions are, at times, confusing. But in the end, Top Gear Overdrive puts a lot of N64 racers in their place (namely Automobili Lamborghini, Multi Racing Championship, & GT 64...the garbage). If it comes down to the question of a purchase, | say rent it for a night since you should have no problem beating this one. But you just may find ‘yourself addicted to this game’s shortcuts and high speed.”

“Seeing and playing a new N64 racing game is starting to make me cringe. Other than Mario Kart, Diddy, and a couple others, | find every N64 racer incredibly short and extremely uninteresting. This game is one for two. The graphics are quick and the environments look excellent (even w/o the RAM Pak). Controls are simple, but the execution is challenging. Where Top Gear misses is with the length of gameplay. You can see all there is to see in a weekend. With only two cars to start, the thought of building ир to a garage of 15 was enticing. Getting there is just too quick. If you're jonesin’ for anew N64 racer, you just need to rent this game for a few days. Otherwise, let it quickly slide into the bargain bin.”

“Overdrive relies heavily upon its SNES heritage for the basics of gameplay. No, the cartoon voice balloons have not been implemented into this version. On the other hand, the Nitros have made a triumphant return, and push Overdrive's already impressive speeds to the limit. This game hauls serious bejesus, and to accompany the terror of flying out of control, Snowblind Studios has supplied beautiful graphics and lighting effects. But as with every odd numbered Star Trek movie, Overdrive has serious problems. The tracks are extremely short and packed with too many shortcuts. The options and season setup just plain suck. And at the tip of the complaint list, Overdrive can be conquered within a few hours. This game runs like a dream, but soon turns into a nightmare.”


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Nintendo 64 Preview

* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports

* Special Features: 5-on-5 Gameplay; General Manager Mode; Simulation & Jam Modes; Full NBA License; Icon Passing; Create Player; 29 Offensive Plays; No Lockout Mode

* Created by: Iguana for Acclaim Sports

* Available: Now for Nintendo 64

90% Complete

He title of this article is a little harsh, but it's'not aimed

at the folks at Acclaim or their product, NBA Jam 99 ¥

for the Nintendo 64. As we write this, the real NBA l

season is already two weeks overdue. If you're a fan of these Wealthy whiners (both owners and players), the lockout is frustrating because you know you should be watching the games and seeing the highlights on SportsCenter, but there is just nothing out there. Instead, we/have to sit through extra NHL highlights and special reports on | Androstenedione. And what makes itf worse, the | negotiating between the two sides is moving with no | urgency. Do they think we'll be here forever? Maybe... · Luckily for now there are tons of NBA products for both the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation to tide/us over. |

Basketball on the two leading American consoles is at an all-time high with both the NCAA and NBA flourishing. One of the veterans of vidéo game basketball, ATE NBA Jam, is making a return to the’ N64, but this time it Jam 99 uses a tedious free-throw interface. | isn't the 2-on-2 scorefest that we’ve/come to love. Although "inim nas дт there is a Jam mode that allows high-flying dunks, flaming ball trails, and excessive contact, NBA Jam 99 makes a serious attempt at becoming a basketball simulation. There is no 2-on-2 game, instead it’s 5-on-5, and/the amount of gravitational exaggeration is not nearly as oùt of proportion as in the past. On occasion you can witness a/player flipping in midair before a dunk, but mainly, Jam mode offers you and your opponent many opportunities to cheat by doing things such as decking the ball carrier/in order to get a steal.

In addition to the Jam mode, there is an NBA mode that allows sim fans to play the kind of game they like in either Exhibition, Season, or Playoff modes. Jam 99 also features all 29 teams with complete rosters, special moves, icon passing, and 29 offensive plays. With the 5-on-5 addition, it's plain to see that NBA Jam 99 is going in an entirely different direction. Does this new approach pay off? Find out in next month's review of NBA Jam 99.

Stanley Roberts is HUGE!

38 Game Informer » Januar

Available at

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In the year 2098, mankind had been critically attached by a military force from Zeograd, a hostile planet in a far off galaxy. Commander Parker Deehan of Special Interception Airforce . (SIA), decided to deploy and pilot the F98 Star Soldier fighter craft into the frontline of battle against Zeograd. Losing the battle means the extinction of mankind and the total annihilation ФОР Earth!




TRAIN YOUR OWN' ROBOT! Customize your fighting machine to duke it out in the ultimate 3D space environment. Take on the CPU, or personalize your robot for the auto-battle mode. Use over 600 moves to bring your mechanical opponents to their E ated Hnees. After all, you ARE г human. _ E



* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Puzzle

* Special Features: 4 Playable Disney Characters: Mickey, Minnie, Donald, & Goofy; 3 Modes; 3 Difficulty Levels; Story Mode; Rumble Pak Compatible; Temporary Landing System

* Replay Value: High * Created by: Capcom * Available: 1st Quarter '99

Bottom Line: 9


[сере y Andy, The Game Hombre ipne Д om E : д A “Magical Tetris Challenge takes a Р Е classic puzzle вате and adds a great Неу vou! Give ne Playability: 9 9 9 new dimension with the wacky special that stonc! Entertainment: 8 9.5 8 shape attack pieces. Trying to get Overall: 1.25 8.25 8.25 these new pieces to fit into your

standard Tetris creations is about the only thing that separates this game from its Game Boy. counterpart. Nothing spectacular but a solid title." Paul, The Game Professor

“Forget about Tetrisphere, this game is the real deal. A great game, but you might. get your fix by renting it a few times."

Jon, The Greedy Gamer

"Tetris is awesome, everyone knows that, but this N64 cart packs a few surprises, including some really crazy new shapes. The story mode is very short, but fun for the kids. However, 1 just don't think an "improved" Tetris is

| (screenshots © Walt Disney Со.) worth the big money. Rent it first.

M "$44 Capcom Debuts With Disney

Surprisingly, Capcom's first N64 title is not Resident Evil or Street Fighter, but Magical Tetris Challenge (MTC) a Tetris

3 spin-off with new features and four playable

Disney characters. MTC has a story mode that centers around a mysterious stone Donald accidentally snags while fishing. Depending on which character you select Donald, Mickey, Minnie, or Goofy - the per- spective changes, but the story remains the same. To progress through the story

[| and discover the mysteries of the stone, © you must beat other characters (playable $4 and non) in a series of Tetris showdowns.

There are three playmodes in MTC: Endless, Magical, and Updown. Endless is

a 1-player traditional Tetris game without

the story mode. However, the Endless mode can also use the special shape attacks of Magical Tetris. Magical Tetris, along with Updown Tetris, must be played against a computer or human opponent. In Magical Tetris, every time you clear a line, or a series of lines, an awkward shape is sent to your opponent. These hard-to-place shapes can take the form of huge five-by- five blocks or a large diamonds. Updown is similar in concept, but instead of sending over odd shapes, complete lines appear at the bottom of your opponent's screen, effectively shrinking the space he or she has to work with.

A helpful feature is the Temporary Landing System (TLS) that true Tetris fans may frown at because it makes fitting puz- zle pieces much easier. The TLS casts a shadow below the falling piece so players can tell where and how the piece will land.

And To Think Some People Collect Stamps.

OK, you've started collecting Pokémon” and you're on your way to becom- ing A master trainer And you want to catch ‘em all. How do you do it? Grab a Game Boy? Game Link? cable, grab a friend, hook up and start

trading. It's that simple. So what are you waiting for?

Pokémon: © 1995, 1996, 1998 Nintendo/CREATURES, INC./GAME FREAK, INC. тм and ® are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1998 Nintendo of America Inc. Game Boy, Games and Link cable sold separately.

Andy, The Game Hombre "Even a year after its original release, Nightmare Creatures is still a good вате. The graphics are a little better. on the N64, but otherwise it's pretty much the same. If you missed it on PlayStation, definitely check it out." Paul, The Game Professor

“You have to be patient with the con- trols because they are difficult (even more so when the camera doesn't cooperate). This action/adventure stands with a select few on the N64. Not great, but a welcome addition to the N64.”

Reiner, The Raging Gamer

“You gotta love Nightmare Creatures’ combat engine. It’s quick, responsive, and loaded with blood-splattering combos. Be warned though, this ver- sion doesn’t have cutscenes (so the story is boring), Rent it first. | enjoyed it, but most of you probably won't."

Get Connected And Collect Them All.

The Evil Has Awakened

After becoming an overnight success on the PlayStation, Activision and Kalisto Entertainment immediately went to work porting Nightmare Creatures to Nintendo 64. Featuring button-mashing excitement not found in many games today, players can now break out Nightmare Creatures,

8$ regardless of what platform they own, and

slice zombies, werewolves, and gargoyles

1 into little tiny pieces.

Embark on this horror-filled adventure as either the priest Ignatius, or the hot tart

= Nadia. Both have similar skills, but Ignatius 4 is stronger and Nadia is faster. Also, while

Iggy carries a staff of the holy, Nadia car- ries a sword for the wicked. Both weapons are capable of dicing enemies into nothing. Utilizing combos like the "Westminster Goose Step," and the "Bloody Ballerina," these two cohorts take great pleasure in punishing the evil villains of the night.

And not only is there a solid fighting engine to pull off such ghoulish moves, there are tons of items to use as well. Like the triple-barrel gun that sweeps around the player in an arc of bullets. And the trusty dynamite, used to obliterate the harshest of foes. These items are obtained by smashing in some boxes, as well as finding some secret areas. While these areas are most often off the beaten path, they usually contain more than a fair share of wholesome zombie-busting items.

So, action-craving Nintendo 64 owners, get ready for Nightmare Creatures. It should be out in stores by now, but if you were waiting for the thumbs up from Game Informer, check out the reviews. E

* Size: 128 Megabit

* Style: 1-Player Action

* Special Features: 2 Playable Char 1 Numerous Attack Moves & Combinations; Hidden Passages; Unique Adrenaline Meter; Auxiliary Weapons & Power-Ups;

Self-Drawn Map; Password Save * Replay Value: Moderately High * Created by: Kalisto for Activision * Available: Now for Nintendo 64

Bottom Line: @

ANDY | PAUL | REINER Concept: 8 8 7 Graphics: 8.5 8.5 8.5 Sound: 8 8 1.15 Playability: 8.5 7.5 8.5 Entertainment: 8.5 8.75 8 Overall: 8.25 8 8



PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Dual Shock is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Twisted Metal is a registered trademark and its characters are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. 989 Studios and the 989 Studios logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Developed by 989 Studios. ©1998 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.

i: PlayStationit


Se et see вт sym ч Кл] ле ~ | a ILU a




Sw i

Playstation Review

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Adventure

* Special Features: High Resolution Graphics; New Crawl & Speed Burst Moves; Save Crystals; Improved Lighting & Particle Effects; New Vehicles; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible; Memory Card Required (2 Spaces)

* Replay Value: Moderately Low

* Created by: Core Design for Eidos

Bottom Line: "Ahhh, another Tomb Raider. For fans of

: : ; Е A | ine THE GAME Homere the series, Tomb III will definitely not E y the time you see this article, 4 ре UAT ee a Rrrrarnt disappoint. But is it really different from

2 Сопсерї ; i i i | : the previous games? Well, yes and no. The mox ed | " 8.25 new high resolution graphics and lighting

about Tomb Raider Ill, (B) already own a copy of | <% M | Graphics effects make Tomb Ill look tons better than

this wonderful game, or (C) still haven't quite made up | wv V ni 9.25 Tomb 1 or 2 but you don't really notice it, | М am merear: unless you put in the older games. The

your mind. So at this point our job is simple. The people | : | ЛК a jevels ате well designed and the new in group “А” and "B" could give a rip, so we just need to | zz VI. 23 : moves are cool, but they haven't changed concentrate on those in group "C." | 3 А Ў Playability һе game that much. Tomb Raider Ill is still й : A 9.25 the same adventure you've played before,

Now, we have some questions for those of you who Enertainment but it's worth the money. This adventure

fall into group "C." Did you play and enjoy the other —À = 9.25 will have you glued to your TV for weeks, Tomb Raiders? If you did, then stop reading this article |) e 4 : resins e ДАр bec right now and go get yourself а copy of Tomb Ill. If you | ' 9. gigging wth delight when you find the пен played the other Tomb Raiders and didn't like them, | Ti ; SW vehicles."

don't expect Tomb Raider Ill to be much different, as it

is basically the same game you've played before. If you 2 M "Lara looks better than ever. The have never played Tomb Raider, then boy do we have a : ү PAUL environments ае massive, and surprise ton voul | THE GAME PROFESSOR conquering the first area will take a good

p уои: Сопсерї chunk of time. Exploring every поок and

Tomb Raider is Indiana Jones come to life. The goals 9.25 cranny while meeting with some success of the game are simple, explore massive environments : Graphics 2nd failure is what this game is all about. f А k d itch eliminate al А йырт" 9.75 Sometimes it is beyond frustrating, but or various keys and switches and eliminate all enemies i finding the next killer weapon, level exit, or

or animals that get in your way. Sounds easy, but there а Sound phenomenaHooking new room is plenty of is more to this game than meets the eye. On each level A 8.5 reward. A lot of the playcontrol is still the

з ~ Plavabili same and the gunplay is again weak there are secrets to find, puzzles to solve, guns to Playability though RU Corson bank on

collect, and on some levels, vehicles to master. And each { 1 E Ri CM the vehicles they had promised. Even with Entertainment these gripes, Lara's third adventure is far

level will take you to some exotic corner of the world and 9.75 better then the other two put togethor- let you kill its inhabitants. What more could any well worth the money. Easily one of the adventurer want? та [9.25 | best PlayStation games of the year. Be

; prepared to invest many hours in this

Tomb Raider Ill is by far the best Lara Croft adventure yet, with better graphics, new moves, lots of “cute” OT. outfits, and new vehicles to keep even seasoned Tomb |: oO) DE REINER ШО Il Ue ш EE exploration

а n : , К the same ‘larger than life’ hero, and the Raider veterano interested. So if you ue ready 7A uncover А: i THE RAGING GAMER same action that we've manhandled for the mysteries of Area 51 or explore the jungles of India, me Nk E ~ Concept the last three years. And you'd think that Tomb Raider Ill is the game for you. Ж kg м 8.75 after all of this time, the series would

_ i 3 ————— finally lose its flavor. But it doesn't...and ff - Graphics probably never will. As with Tomb 2, this 8.5 adventure is enhanced and includes higher Sound resolution, several non-linear aspects, and 8.75 the standard fare of new vehicles, weapons, and moves. Tomb Ill is much Playability ^^ easier, but now, gathering all of the hard-to- 9 reach secrets is actually worth something. i But to my dismay, the horrendous combat КОБ and object blockiness аге still intact in their frightening and unappealing forms. Yes folks, Tomb Ill may be the same tired old rag, but it's still one fun ride. Don't be afraid to dive in again."

OVERALL вате.”

Game Informer January '99


RUNNING WILD. YOU’ UE NEVER SEEN ANIMALS THIS FAST. six cra3y characters. six wild tracks stretching from the arctic to the jungle. no speed limit.


NIAE р o8 )

UNIVERSAL. piste er PlayStation Running Wild TM & © 1998 Universal Interactive Studios, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by 989 Studios. 989 Studios and the 989 Studios мут S Ct d logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

PlayStation Review

* Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player Action (4-Player Via Link Cable)

* Special Features: Dual Shock & Analog Compatible; 4 Camera Views; Computer Ally; 12 Characters (Plus 2 Hidden);

8 Environments (2 Hidden); FMV Endings; Tru Physics Vehicle Model; Password Save

* Replay Value: High * Created by: 989 Studios * Available: Now for PlayStation

Bottom Line:

a d ar

ne Informer * January. 199

Graphics 8

Sound 9

Playability 8


Concept 8


Fortunately they didn’t, but it does feel like Ё a different game. For instance, the Tru Physics model creates an interesting mix of | entertainment and frustration. Sometimes | you go through a series of jumps and the handling is just great, other times you want | to turn the game off after

on its roof for Ше billio

—— d A9

“Twisted Metal 1 and 2 are still a couple of | the best games for PlayStation, but 989 really has dropped the ball м i Metal 3. It's not that the gra

res ctable, but | think m new car

small and boring. An the p had something number or T mies


"Twisted 3 showcases | razor sharp Al, and interesting physics. Howe it's far fron

ld | say simplistic napalm ke matter: nec the |

насе ^ 59

"Live 99's most noticeable improvement is the artificial intelligence. While it still isn't perfect, at least it offers up some kind of challenge on the harder difficulty settings. But this game has undergone some less obvious changes. The control has been tightened up. There are still little hitches, but the control is definitely a lot smoother. The music is better, and the multiple seasons will keep NBA fans playing for weeks building their dynasty. However, without an NBA season in progress, | found myself less than excited about playing this update, even though it is improved over last year's. Live 99 rocks, but without a NBA season | say we protest all things NBA.”

“There hasn't been that much competition for this long running franchise and it looks as though there won't be any for at least a month or two. With the real NBA season ground to a halt, a good video game is needed to pacify the masses. Live 99 does a pretty good job. The new facial expressions and updated look of the players are great upgrades to the graphics. The playcontrol does welcome a couple of new moves, but overall the feel is fairly sluggish. The one-player competition is still fairly easy. Expert players will have to boost the difficulty to have any fun. Matching up with a human opponent is the most entertaining part of the game, but it still can be terribly unrealistic. | haven't seen Shoot Out, but Live 99 is solid."

"Live 99 is woodrow city for simulator fans and a major disappointment for those who actually crave some hands-on action. If you enjoy the statistical side of hoops, then look no further than Live 99. The fantasy options are simply overwhelming, CPU team management is resourceful and intelligent, and the daily updates and stat tracking are right on the money. But if you want gameplay, then be wary. Each year, EA ups the graphics and options, but the gameplay and framerate are sacrificed. This year, the graphics are drastically improved, and are accompanied by new attitude-driven facial expressions and tons of new animations and moves. Very cool. But all of this is wasted, as the user control is loose and unresponsive, making Live nearly unplayable. Bummer. It almost seems like EA made this as a PC game first. ..hmmm."



Concept 8

Graphics 8.5

Sound 8.5

Playability 8.5

Entertainment 8

8.25 ]






Sound 8.5

Playability 8.





Concept 1.25


Playability 3.15 Entertainment 5.75




* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Sports (8-Player Via Multi-Taps)

* Special Features: NBA License; Player Facial Expressions & Attitudes; Coach & Player Chatter; Simulation & Arcade Modes; “МВА on TNT" Presentation; Create Player; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: EA Sports

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Bottom Line: 7 75

pparently $2 billion is not enough money for the owners and players of the NBA to survive on. When this piece was written, the NBA season was two weeks overdue with no end in sight to the lockout. Fans wanting to see some NBA action are limited to the Classic Sports Network or the many NBA video games emerging. Some pathetic soul іп the GI office is even using Live 99 just to watch the computer play itself in an attempt to resurrect the season.

Live 99 is similar to last year's offering with a couple of exceptions. Live 99 boasts facial expressions for the players. It's almost impossible to see during gameplay, but on instant replays, “player of the game" displays, and stuff like that, a player's face will contort to show different emotions. Let's say Charles Barkley gets called for a foul. Charles, of course, never commits fouls, so it's quite natural for him to get a little upset when the ref blows the whistle. If you're lucky, you might see Charles' face cringe and his mouth open up to scream. It's right on the money. EA has included other details like background chatter. When the clock is running down you can sometimes hear your coach yell, "Watch the clock!”

In the past, О! has been less than impressed with the Live's Al. Although it has improved somewhat, it could still be better. On the positive side, when the computer opponent is on offense and the ball carrier gets double teamed, it's good about finding the open man and getting an open shot. However, when you are playing on defense your computer teammates often look about as smart as deer in headlights. Rotating on defense still remains a big problem, and open lanes to the basket are exposed far too often.

As expected, Live, uses icon passing - a great tool for distributing the ball to Specific teammates. Unfortunately, Live does not assign the same icon to a player or position consistently throughout a game. Plus, if a player is not on the screen, you can't see his icon. We like it when an icon will appear no matter what, informing you of the player's general location on the court.

But we are sounding too negative. Live is definitely a solid game that has everything modern-day video basketball games possess including the full NBA license, season play, and the best create player in the business. If you want to know more, read the reviewers' bottom line: Wi


заре gs

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5 Iverson hoists one from downtown.

47 }

Game Informer January '99


2 |

j; » Normal

аЙ ^ocoressivel

[RATING Penone



* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action (2-Player Deathmatch Available)

* Special Features: Wise-Cracking Tank; 12 Levels; Collect Brains To Power-Up Weapons; Many Extra Weapons Available; Varying Objectives; Explosive Lighting Effects

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Appaloosa/AndNow for MGM Interactive Ж T * -

* Available: Now for PlayStation e Can Only D

Bottom Line: 5.5

ANDY "Tiny Tank walks the fine line between THE GAME HOMBRE being funny and being annoying. There are kanaan times when his strange personality really makes me laugh and there are other times

when | want to punch a hole through my TV

just to shut him up. The mission directives

are easy to follow, but the control of the

little fellow can be clumsy at times.

Overall, this game may not be that bad to

__° ____ play (the levels are pretty interesting and | Playability love how you distribute the positronic ii 7 brains), but the constant chatter and

bacc oi RDUM р ( Ugh..lava.. Y _————— horrific music just gives me a headache. Ugh...lava... Entertainment +... К Use these to teleport around the level. J 9 4 This is one of those games you either love

or hate. Someone out there will love it, but


SURE YOU'LL ENJOY П PAUL “Ha...giggle...smirk, Tiny Tank is not at all „ЖЕ кеи THE GAME PRoressor NUMOTOUS. In general, comedy runs a fine

TAMAS - PROGRAMMER AROC T line between what's funny and what's oncept downright stupid. Tiny Tank is the latter. The 7 story creates this ridiculously stupid universe

Graphics that’s stuck somewhere between South Park A and the Transformers. The graphics are



ч pretty weak. There are numerous incidents ае i че Sound where you'll mysteriously meld with the sides 4 ж 22 1 of corridors, and the appearance overall is

5, P Playability extremely dull. The dialogue for Tiny is so NU 1.15 annoying and repetitive that | wanted to

——L —— —L- pull the game out and snap it in two. Sure,

Entertainment there is an option to tum off the voice, but then what’s the point of even having it speak? As far as gameplay goes, the combat is not too bad. Yet, the platform jumps and general navigation are both ultra lame. Ick.”

Firefights are common.

—— E^


“Oh mother mercy! What's more annoying

REINER than Bruce Willis? A stupid little tank that TTE UT never freakin’ shuts up, that always tries to p be freakin’ funny, and absolutely drives me

. 225 _ freakin’ insane whenever it appears on- Graphics screen!!! To make matters worse the basic premise of this game is asinine as well.

Let's see...It’s the Love Bug meets the

Yellow Submarine meets the Terminator

meets Andrew Dice Clay. As for the game

Playability itself, the play is riddled with slowdown, but features an interesting weapons system,

ү great variety in missions, and intuitive Entertainment controls. Granted, if MGM removed Tiny's personality and would still

blow...but it would be greatly improved. Die

Tiny. Die. You horrible little thing.”



* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing (4-Player Via Link)

* Special Features: 8 Race Tracks; Dual Shock, JogCon, PocketStation, & NegCon Compatible; 14 New Music Tracks; 2 Views; Grip & Drift Driving Styles; Bonus Disc of 60 FPS Ridge Racer; Time Attack, Extra Trial, Vs., & GP Modes

* Created by: Namco

* Available: March/April for PlayStation

70% Complete

nese market has received the fourth installment of the series, and you can eleased in the U.S. sometime around March or April. While greatly changed nal, R4 still is one of the premiere racing games. The newest addition

Prix mode. Here you are challenged to a season of racing where you qualify to advance. There are three save points along your journey, and

the Crew Chief from your team will talk to you about how finished and how the cars is running. Defeating the Grand Prix mode will unlock cars (which you can trade via the PocketStation) as well as other secret modes.

Racing Тє Teams & Manufacturers

Namco claims to have over 300 different combinations of colors and cars, but we just don’t see it. The way it looks to us there are 20 different cars in R4 and lots of colors. You can unlock the different types of cars by beating the game with different team/manufacturer combinations (of which there are 16). Then, through other modes you can unlock the 4 super cars. However, it is interesting to note that some cars are designed for Drift and others for Grip. The difference between the two is that cars in the Drift mode feature the familiar powerslide from the original Ridge Racer, and cars in the Grip mode stick to the road.

dpe ete

These are the four basic manufacturer models. There are 3 upgrades for each for a total of 16 cars. |

“Age Solo (Grip) Assoluto (Drift) Lizard (Drift) Terrazi (Grip)


If R4 wasn't enough to get your motor running,

Namco h || packed in a new 60 fr. d (FPS) version ofi original Ridge Racer Sl sporting the greatest ever

(Hard) -


8 New Tracks |

Опе of the biggest improvements to R4 there are common sections between a coup а ` arefairly'unique. Some of the track highlights iad Brightest Night's huge jump, Wonderhill's light sourcing, and Out of Blue's neck- breaking 90 degree turns.

race against one opponent, but you can save your times from the Time Attack and Time Trial modes.



h M

PlayStation Preview

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action/RPG

* Special Features: Fight Dragons; Story Changes Through Generations; Arcade- Style Gameplay; Huge Story Structure; Based on 8-Bit “Dragonbuster”

* Created by: Namco

* Available: Late 1999 for PlayStation(Spring in Japan)

very once in a while a company comes up with a game that reminds us why we do all this. Why we wade through tons of junky games to search out the gems. And why the anticipation of great games remains so high. Final Fantasy VII was one of these gems. And the latest Zelda was also one. Another game of this caliber could be coming from a company that is no stranger to blockbusters: Namco. Ё A handful of old-school gamers can recall Dragonbuster for the | Japanese MSX. An even smaller number can boast that they beat the game. So, why revive it? Well, Namco has been on some sort of retro kick lately. Bringing out all of those museum discs, as well as Tekken after Tekken, reveals their current mindset. But Namco pulls it off so well, and we reap the rewards. And we are about to be rewarded again. Dragon Valor is an action-oriented game with some interesting, RPG elements. The basis of the game is that a man has chosen -tó dedicate his life to destroying dragons. But there are far too many dragons for him to slay alone. So, what should our hero do? Why, find a bride, and have children to continue in his footsteps; shackled to the job that he created! Now did.HIS father ;crüsade- against dragons before him? Probably not. His father. was roba aly: a pea farmer who hoped to pass on this heritage to: his sont Bute nooooo.. AU. play through multiple generat ed 2 interesting facts about the family, all while trying to annihilate. the-- I dragons. Along the way, meet interesting people, and- help фет nm with their daily lives. Remember to leave no stone ‘unturned a: the Es Hes ЕЕЕ i one place unchecked may be the spot a potential pee А | Find the bride that best suits your character and marty] changes depending on which person a character с 35 Carried over several generations, this creates тату. differei possible storylines, all of which will most assuredly Derich i in-detail And the dragons aren't exactly stock either. Evefy-dragon your character will face during the game is different. "Sofnetimes a- dragon will be red, and breathe fire; other times one may come across a blue dragon that breathes lightning. Each dragon wil probably have a name and be easily identifiable. This adds anothers level of interest, as players can compare their stories with others that have played a different route in the game. So for those of you who have felt that the Action/RPG genre is not very well represented these days, as it was on the NES, then prepare yourself for Dragon Valor a blast from the past, but a fresh new title nonetheless. And keep on checking out Game Informer for the latest on this upcoming title. Ш

25% Complete


Game Informer January '99.



* Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player Action/Racing * Special Features: 13 Playable Characters; 9 Courses (Plus More Hidden); 2 Modes of Play (Tournament & Battle); Tons of Upgradable Parts; Link Cable Compatible; 3 Viewpoints; Dual Shock Compatible Fun ky * Created by: Player 1 for ASC Games

* Available: January for PlayStation jand” AA ons

Ew N 75% Complete Galore

one were to pigeonhole Dead in

the Water, it could be called

Mario Kart Meets Twisted Metal. Yes, this new vehicular variation is a cross between these sub-genres. First, it features two modes of play: Racing mode and Combat mode. Second, it offers players the ability to purchase upgrades and items, both useful and not. There are quite a few other similarities as well. The characters are basically outrageous extremists who don’t fit in any conventional slot. And the levels are all filled with insane jumps, interesting themes, and lots of secrets. Secret places to ambush your foe. And secret stashes of money. So why hasn’t anyone else done this simple combination of two neighboring genres? Currently the control is a little touchy, but it is probably being tweaked as we speak. So, let's take a closer look at some other parts of this game that brings two genres together.

There are many different secondary items to use against your foes: There's the standard Rocket, the slightly more powerful Double Rocket, the Torpedo, the Heatseeker, the Grenade, the Flamethrower, Lightning, the somewhat fruity Skipdisk, the all-purpose Mine,

the ever-popular Oilslick, and the

irritating (yet satisfying) Shockwave.

Other pickups include Nitro, ghosts,

and money, all of which the champion

needs in abundance.

The characters in this game can almost all be traced back to some pop- culture reference. Ebony Justice is the Shaft of the group; the infamous Number 7 is supposed to be the Six Million Dollar Man; the Crotchet Family comes across as a familiar group of hillbillies that happen to be millionaires; and so on. Expect also to see a Baywatch ripoff, as well as caricatures of James Bond, and even a Crocodile Dundee-type character - something to suit everyone's personal fetish. Each character also has three sayings to match a particular occurrence such as taking first place, blowing up opponents, and performing stunts. All boats are rated according to five different areas: Armor, Acceleration,

Vou Sank Marvin Meddier! Engine, Weapons, and Special.

+ А


Currently, there are two choices of play modes. There's the typical Race Your Foes, complete with tons of weapons and upgrades to purchase. Here, coming in first is all that matters. The other mode, Destroy Your Foes, is a straight rip of Twisted Metal. Play through both modes. It's like two games in one! Plus, you can take your saved boat from one and put it through another.



LI) Game Informer January '99

Playstation Preview

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting

* Special Features: 25 Characters; New Special Meter Styles (A, X, V); New Guard Power Gauge; Practice Mode; PocketStation & Dual Shock Compatible

* Created by: Capcom

* Available: March for PlayStation

23 70% Complete

Each time you block, the Guard Power gauge depletes slightly. Continue blocking and it will f | n ) eventually empty out. When this happens your

character becomes dizzy. The Guard Power gauge will refill slowly when a character doesn’t block.

A-ism (Standard Made]

Game Informer January '99

Playstation Review

* Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player-Sports * Special Features: 3 Different Fighting

Styles Including Detroit, Open, & Peek-A- Boo; 16 Playable Boxers, Plus 4 Hidden;

Super Punch; 1st- & 3rd-Person Views;

Save Fighters to Memory Card; Dual Shock

& Analog Compatible * Created by: Victor Interactive for SCEA * Available: January 12 for PlayStation

70% Complete

IG 20

Though boxing fans may be declining in numbers, their intensity and devotion are second to none. Sure, wrestling fans are devoted too, but excessive face paint and lame sign after lame sign show how unbalanced many of these folks can be. Boxing fans, on the other hand, are above all of that nonsense and carry themselves with a pride that comes from knowing their sport is real. Plain and simple, boxing is a slugfest, but when the blood spills, it's not from a self-inflicted wound.

Despite an undying loyalty to their sport, boxing fans have been left out in the cold on the PlayStation. Recently, however, things have been looking up. Last spring, EA unveiled its plans to release Knockout Kings for the PlayStation and sure enough, once that happened, someone else got in on the boxing action. Not surprisingly, that company is Sony Computer Entertainment America. Sony, along with Victor Interactive, plans to release Contender for the PlayStation in January.

If you're a simulation fan, then Contender might be somewhat of a disappointment, since it's being billed as an arcade-style game. But hey, with only two games to choose from, boxing aficionados can't afford to be too picky. In all, Contender uses 40 characters, 20 of which are playable. With every fight, players can build up their fighters' speed, strength, and stamina. Then, 4

fighters can be saved onto a memory card to be used against His defenses are weakenin

another player’s saved fighter.

The 40 boxers in Contender have been given realistic character reactions. Fighters twitch on the mat after being knocked unconscious, their eyes blink and their faces grimace in pain whenever an opponent’s glove lands a facial hit. Also, as bouts continue, black eyes and other facial bruises start to appear.

In the quest to become the boxing champion of the world, Contender has something for boxing purists as well. The game uses a true boxing scoring system and three different fighting styles Detroit, Open, and Peek-a-boo. But when those disciplines begin to fail, players can always use a super punch that has three times the power of a regular punch.

So there you have it. After a long drought, two boxing games will suddenly appear on the PlayStation. Soon, Gl will inform you which is worthy of the championship and your money.



* Size: 4 CD-ROMs (2 Game Soundtrack, Ma * Style: 1-Player Role * Special Features: Inc Mir tes of An 05 Plot Points Graphics & Sound

* Created by: ESP/Game Arts

Working Des

* Available: 15r Quarter `99

69% Complete

Ф Many spells abound. }

A good book is reprinted and rebound. A good movie is remastered and refor- matted. But what of a good game? What happens to the classics that breathed life into the console machines of old? What happens to the games that revolutionized genres and lived large as timeless legends? In an industry obsessed with the future and constant transformation, the past is hardly called upon. Thus, the classics usually wilt and die. It’s the nature of the |! beast. But sometimes a developer defies the push of the mainstream and veers off ; to do something a little different. Take Game Arts for example. This Japanese devel- oper couldn't move forward until it made amends with the past. Game Arts released | .- i| Lunar: Silver Star Story for the Sega CD, but was not entirely happy with the finished | ^" product. Actually, it was disgusted with 90% of the game. So instead of dwelling in the past, Game Arts has ported Lunar to the PlayStation and reworked it from its original form into the game it was originally intended to be. In this revamping of sorts, only 10 to 15% of the original script has been kept the am Theres 8, prandepankin, new marria New scenes and Supporting charac- T Pup "wm ters have been added. As have more verbal jousting and drastically altered person- nd S100 malo appear, }»-<alities within the main party of characters. Game Arts has also implemented over 45 cl minutes of dubbed FMV anime cutscenes. It’s like a freakin’ movie and RPG all in one! Don't worry, this reworked Lunar will not be restricted to Japanese PlayStations. Working Designs, who happens to be the developer that ported both Lunars to the = Sega CD, will bring this version Stateside. And in typical Working Designs fashion, this game is receiving the red carpet. Especially the packaging. Get this, the box will feature a chromium cover, a color manual, and as an added bonus, a cloth map inserted within. Besides the two lengthy game discs, Working Designs has also | included the complete soundtrack and a new “making-of” disc that features new | Шү with the producers and designers from Game Arts and Working Designs. ow! In every shape and form, Lunar is definitely a classic. Now it comes to the PlayStation. The look of this RPG is definitely old-school, but still quite comparable to some of today’s most recent releases. And the gameplay? Oh momma! The game- play and story will blow you off your feet! Inventive combat, massive lands, swarms of enemies, and more magic then you can shake a staff at make Lunar very playable. Like the upcoming Final Fantasy VIII release, Lunar: Silver Star Story introduces -«gamers to a different tone - a love story. The main character, Alex, must choose between the woman of his dreams and his undying lust to become a Dragonmaster. Can he find the perfect balance between the two? Or will he be forced to choose one М over the other?. МӘ” The combat chemistry is unique * and loaded with option

Hitting the open WR is easy with Total Control passir

* Style: 1 or ё (8-Р!ауег Via Multi-Tap) * Special Features: NCAA License;

Commentary by Keith Jackson; 2 Control Styles; Total Control Passing; Blue Chip Recruiting; Play Editor; Create Player; Heisman Trophy * Replay Value: Moderately High * Created by: 989 Studios

* Available: Now for PlayStation Bottom Line: @

JON PAUL | REINER Concept: 7.5 8.5 7.75 Graphics: 8 9 8.75 Sound: 9 8.15 7 Playability: 7.75 9 7.75

Entertainment: | 7.5 7.5 7.5 Overall: 8 8.5 775


It’s Got Spirit, How ‘Bout You? If you are a fan of Prairie View or the

i, WR. University of Minnesota, you'll probably

Jon, The Greedy Gamer

“For 2-player arcade-style battles, GB “99 is lightning fast and very hard-hit- ting. But for single players, or serious strategists, GB ‘99 doesn't offer much. | continually ran the same plays up and down the field with no challenge whatsoever.”

Paul, The Game Professor “Obviously, this is GameDay with college teams. The good thing is, 989 fixed many of the bugs found in GameDay. Even though Keith Jackson says ‘Whoa Nellie’ way too often, this is a good college game.”

Reiner, The Raging Gamer “GameBreaker delivers a drastically improved GameDay ‘99 engine that absolutely crushes EA’s college offer- ing. The money plays and poor defen- sive coverage that destroyed GameDay have been tightened and partially fixed. But the overall play is Still too loose and floaty.”

"ws have no interest in this game. After all,

these horrible teams are accurately portrayed in GameBreaker '99. Slow, shallow, and with few skills to rely on, these basement dwellers of Division 1A college football can be pummeled easily by teams like Ohio State and Florida State. However, even though they have little

| chance of winning in the real season, you

can change that in GameBreaker '99, if you're up to the challenge. Sure, it's possi- ble to produce the big upset immediately, but by building your team with patience and persistence, you can turn your favorite

| underdog into a collegiate juggernaut.

Of course, you can create a player and have him walk on to any campus in the country to help boost the talent pool. But in GameBreaker “99 you can also try your hand at team management. Go recruiting for the top players in the country and if enough of the top players commit, you'll be well on your way to turning the program around.

Many other things will draw the diehard college football fan to this game, including the sounds of marching bands playing in the background. Another is the Heisman trophy award presented at the end of each season. Getting your prime offensive star to accumulate the stats needed for that prestigious award can become a game in itself. Other aspects of the college football experience included in GameBreaker are Bowl games and, more importantly, the electric sounds of Keith Jackson coming out of the microphone. Does GameBreaker “99 have enough spirit to capture football fans?

Plenty of weapons abound.

Andy, The Game Hombre “Even though the Bruce Willis voice- overs are utterly annoying, this дате ain't bad. Graphically, it's very impres- sive with tons of explosions and lighting effects. | really like the level designs too, but in the end it is what itis - a shooter. If you're a fan, at least rent this one, you may find you really like it."

Paul, The Game Professor

“То its credit, this game makes excellent use of both the analog pads. Bruce Willis’ voice-overs are pretty cheesy, but it is an enjoyable shooter nonetheless."

Reiner, The Raging Gamer

“If you thought Bruno was annoying before Apocalypse, just wait. You'll hate him with a passion after this &ame. Apocalypse presents non-stop action, impressive effects, and a load of comedy with what Bruce calls acting. Check it out. You'll laugh. You'll cry. But you'll dig it."

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action

* Special Features: Stars Bruce Willis; Tons of Voice-Overs & FMV Cutscenes; Voice Toggle; Smash TV-Like Controls; Dual Shock & Analog Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderately Low

* Created by: Neversoft Entertainment for Activision

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Bottom Lin

ANDY | PAUL | REINER Concept: 7 8.5 7 Graphics: 8.5 8.5 9 Sound: 8 8.5 5.25 Playability: 8 8.5 7 Entertainment: 5 8.5 1.25

Overall: 1.25 8.5 7

To All боой Things Comes a Bruce

In the voice of those hilarious Budwelser frogs, Bruce Willis is a BAD-ACT-OR. Now now, don't jump down our throats just yet. We love the Die Hard series just as much as we love our brothers and sisters, but let’s face it, Bruce Willis should never be cast in a role with tons of dialogue. He’s a silent film kind of guy. Okay, we may be a little jaded towards Bruno, but we have good reason to be. You see, in Apocalypse (Bruce’s first video game role) he never shuts up. Never! And to make matters worse, he tries to be funny with everything

M that comes out of his mouth. Everything! |

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Bruce even tries to imitate the great James Brown. Ouch. As you play you'll hear Bruce say something every five seconds or so. Your ears will tingle with the over-used clichés like “Open up a can of мир ass!” and “Can't we all just get along?" Your ears will ooze with pain as Bruce preaches, "Let God sort “ет out” and “Smell the humanity!" And before long, your ears will bleed pro- fusely as Bruce belches out, “Strap one on and let's jam!" The horror.

Fortunately, there's a great voice toggle that allows you to shut Bruce up. With Bruno silenced, Apocalypse shines. It blows away Contra and delivers a gameplay experience that is very similar to ASC Games release ONE. Apocalypse features Smash TV-like controls, awesome firepow- er, and amazing effects and graphics. The challenge is definitely there and the levels are loaded with everything from plenty of cannon fodder to tricky platforming. Apocalypse is a good game, you just have to get past its Hollywood aspects to truly appreciate it.

JA Eighteen of your favorite characters all in one place!

| абыс... 22 Akuma and his furious Hurricane Kick.

Blackheart shows power of the underv

Andy, The Game Hombre

"Capcom is getting better at the PS-X versions of the team battle games, but they still suffer from slowdown. The Cross Over mode is a move in the right direction, but after seeing Alpha 3, that's the only Capcom fighter | want to play."

Jon, The Greedy Gamer

"Although not up to an import Saturn standard, this game is pretty darn &ood. The character tagging, even though it's limited, works pretty well and the Super slowdown isn't too bad. It's alot better than PlayStation X-Men Vs. SF."

Reiner, The Raging Gamer

"Besides featuring a strange pallet of characters from both the Marvel and SF universes, this Capcom fighter shines and crushes X-Men Vs. Street Fighter with improved animation, very little slowdown, and more options. SF and Capcom fans will be quite pleased with this release.”

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting

* Special Features: Based on the Popular Arcade Game; 4 Modes of Play (Arcade, Vs. Training, Cross Over); Special Team Attacks; 18 Characters (Plus More Hidden)

* Replay Value: Moderate * Created by: Capcom * Available: February for PlayStation


Concept: 1.15 8 8 Graphics: 8 1.15 8 Sound: 1.15 8 7.75 Playability: 8.75 7.75 8.5

Entertainment: 8.5 7.5 8 Overall: 8 7.75

More Cross Overs Than Ru Paul

After the meager showing that X-Men Vs. Street Fighter had on the PlayStation, one might assume that Capcom wouldn’t dare try again, right? Wrong. Capcom is once again testing the boundaries of what the PlayStation’s memory can handle, and has made some small progress. In Marvel

j Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter, players

can now actually play in Tag mode without inputting some silly code. Of course, there are still some drawbacks, such as only being able to fight with two identical teams. However, this is done rather well. To conserve memory, the computer randomly selects an identical second character for both teams. And the tagging happens pret- ty quickly, giving the “feel” of actually play- ing on the arcade machine. Unfortunately, slowdown still seems to plague this game.

As far as characters go, there are 18 characters immediately available. There are others, but they are hidden. After choosing a fighter from the Street Fighter or Marvel universe (which includes Hulk, Blackheart, and Captain America), players then select a supporting character. This character does not do much except offer the occasional counter and the chance for a Team Super. The “rules” are based on the Vs. serles engine, with lots of aerial attacks and big, flashy, slow-the-action supers.

If you were ecstatic about getting X- Men Vs. Street Fighter for the PlayStation, and you don’t feel like you got burned, then maybe you'll want to check out Marvel Vs. Street Fighter. The rest of you may want to rent it first.

Andy, The Game Hombre

“Personally, | thought Rally 1 was bet- ter, but there are a lot of cool things going on in Rally 2. The track editor is good (though it could be better), and the graphics are much improved. | just miss the awesome jumps and seat-of- yourpants action of the first. Good racer, just not as fun as the original." Paul, The Game Professor

"This game needs more than four cars racing at a time. Why the heck did they get rid of the squeaky shocks? However, for off-roadin’ and mud slingin', there is not a better racing game.”

Reiner, The Raging Gamer

"| like the out-of-control physics and weight balancing in the original Rally Cross better than the training-wheel- like control in Rally 2. As a complete package though, Rally 2 is an okay sequel that produces higher speeds, more tracks, a track editor, and the same thrilling competition. If you liked the original for the physics, then beware."

* Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing (4-Player Via Link) * Special Features: Normal, Suicide, & -On Variations; Shortcuts; 12

* Created by: Idol Minds for 989 Studios * Available: Now for PlayStation

Bottom Line: § 25


Concept: 9 9.25 8.25 Graphics: 8.5 9 8 Sound: 8 8 7.75 Playability: 8 9.25 6.25 Entertainment: 8 9 8 Overall: 8.25 9 7.5

Mud for the Masses The original Rally Cross blended speed,

| air, off-roading, and crashes to create one

of the most addicting racing experiences

| on the PlayStation. If you liked the racing

in the original game, you might be disap-

Я pointed with Rally Cross 2 (RC2). However,

if you thought the original too easily caused your car to perform a series of som-

, ersaults like a hyperactive three-year-old | after a gulping a carton of Quick, then you Ё might appreciate RC2. The wrecks are still É huge in RC2, but they happen a lot less

frequently and are much easier to recover

Î from.

Basically, RC2 is set up exactly like the

| first game: there are 10 cars and 12

tracks. Place first in a season (there are three seasons in all) and new tracks and cars become available to you. As far as cars go, there is an assortment of small hatchbacks as well as a pick-up, jeep, utility vehicle, and more. Overall, the tracks in RC2 have more pavement and less off-roading. Other than that, expect the expected. There is a desert course, a snow-covered mountain course, an indoor arena course, and others.

RC2 has made some solid additions. Now you can tweak your car’s performance to fit the circumstances (and your racing abilities). On a more technical course you might increase your acceleration in favor of top speed. Or, on the snow course, you may switch to narrower snow tires. Perhaps the best addition to RC2 is the track editor. While not completely flexible, you can design a course with a variety of obstacles and bumps and save it to your memory card. Do these additions make RC2 a worthy sequel? Let’s check the

Bottom Line. О

* Size: 1 GD-ROM * Style: 1-РІ n * Special Features: 3 Playable

Characters; Lots of Weapons; Exquisite

Attention to ail; Many Animations * Created by: Climax for Sega * Available: Septe

Dreamcast (Now in Japan)

* Size: 1 GD-ROM * Style: 1-Player Action /Parorm * Special Feature Р

VMU Corpstible: ; Unknown Internet

Functions * Created by: Senile Team for Sega

* Availab| 2 г 1999 for Dreamc. Now in Japan)

50% Complete СЕИР E 60% Complete

Mascots, Mayhem, and More

Our initial response to Sonic was a little lukewarm, but there’s no denying the graphic detail in this game is nothing short of amazing. The game is quick, but not all the characters are fast. Big, Amy, and Knuckles | all seem to have a major deficiency in the afterburner department. So what, right? Well, the areas are seriously huge. Each area has to be large enough for Sonic to gain some real speed, so the obvious result is that the ' | slower moving characters will take more time

| to get across the same level. However, lack | of speed will be made up for by the ability to search in many unique areas, as well as enjoy the sights.

But there is more to Sonic Adventure than the differences between characters and their respective styles. The A-Life system is alive and well in Sonic Adventure, after two outings on Nights and Burning Rangers. EE Players can meet the Flickys and other B animals they already freed from the clutches

a of Robotnik. The game will allow you to play

with the little creatures, trade them with friends, and otherwise collect them. Players should also expect to unlock new areas, as well as other goodies.

Among the new areas that have popped up in photos over recent weeks is a city with casino games and the like. Also, there are some very interesting mini-games, including some fishing with Big the Cat, a Sonic-ized version of Whack A Mole, and more. Plus, Sonic Team is planning to incorporate the | Internet to connect players throughout Japan. Get ready Sega fans, Sonic Adventure is headed to these shores later this year.

The story told in Blue Stinger centers around a small island that was created during. an earthquake near the Yucatan Peninsula. А year after the quake, geologists returned. to the-area to chart the island, but were never heard from again:-Years later, strange creatures begin to appear-in society. Where are they coming from? Well, duh, but as Elllot Blade, Dogs Bower, or Janine-King, it's-your Job to take care of these pests. Each charac- ter has unique advantages over the other two: Elliot is good.-with his hands.-Dogs is ап expert gunner. And Janine is the hacker of the group. Accompanied withthe mysterious 4 Nefilim, the characters attempt to get to the bottom of the-situation and return peace to all who deserve it.

Many have speculated that-Blue Stinger will be extremely similar to- Resident Evil. While the game is 3D and features hüge £uns, that's where the similarities end. The backgrounds are all polygonal-based, and not simple textures on a flat-poly. The lighting features of the hardware put to use, with-lots of explosions, neon signs, laser beams, and-more just waiting to cast some new glow.

But the definite kicker to this game is the attention to small details that the Dreamcast can handle. The writing on- signs and-even on E clothing is readable. Each bottle on a shelf Ex is individually rendered—out of polys, and the smallest of particles can be seen flying off the- different alien bodies after you've punctured them with your weapon of Choice. There will also be.some effects to thé-environments,-but exactly what this will amount-to remains unknown.

Blue Stinger looks like-a-very promising Dreamcast title, but we'll have to hold judgement for-a-few more months.

Once Again,

Available at

Just Don't Forget the

So, you thought that you had rid the world of evil monsters, dark knights, vicious overlords and devils. Well, guess what? They're baaack, and this time they're coming at you all " t once! Final Fantasy, the ultimate fantasy role laying franchise of all time has returned to

Game Boy™. By the way,

f Е С __ is that a sword in your

For B&W Game Boy System or 2 ' pocket, or аге you SQUARE SOFT Enhanced Color ovs With COM really excited? (GAMEIBOY 6c NE Е AERE à Ф


THIS GAME IS NOT FOR THE Smaller 8 x 12 play field means a leaner, meaner BRAINDEAD!

game. Definitely not for wimps!

\ ) Clear blue designer color looks great.

Tetris Jr.'s pause function allows you to continue your game at a later time.

by Bergren, The Game Burrito

Plane Crazy.



Die by the Sword: Limb From Limb Interplay - 7.5

his expansion pack delivers all of the same

hack'n'slash action found in the original game. This time, however, there are different playable Characters to choose from in the Quest mode: three different warriors, a minotaur, dwarf, sorcerer, and orc. There are also some new arenas added to the deathmatch competition, including a rather boring game called “Ogre Hockey" a nice idea, but poorly executed. You can even access a 2-player cooperative mode amid these selections. The highly responsive VISM control is intact, making slicing and dicing enemies almost second nature. There are plenty of puzzles to hinder your progress through the game as well.

Deer Hunter Il Wizard Works - 6.75

f you liked the z TS original, you will most certainly Ê

approve of Deer Hunter Il. By imple- menting a simple 3D engine, this game allows you to explore different environments Washington State, Michigan, New England, and Georgia in first- person, and track your prey by spotting hoofprints, droppings, and the occasional splatter of blood. There is also a GPS unit and a variety of weapons like a crossbow, powder rifle, .44 Magnum, Shotgun, and more. A wind gauge is included as well to help you stay upwind. Deer Hunter Il has made many solid improvements, but | still don't think it’s that great a game, no matter how many millions it sells.

Axis & Allies Hasbro - 8.25

S long as you don't miss rolling real

dice, you will most definitely enjoy Hasbro's resurrec- tion of Axis & Allies on the PC. In this turn-based strategy game, you control one of five armies during WWII, while working together with your allies to conquer the enemy. The graphics are decent, but hey, it’s only a board game. There are even some cinematics added to the mix. One to five people can play, and an Al level can be set for each computer opponent. The big difference in the PC version is several changed rules, all of which are optional for traditional fans. For instance, planes can retreat from an amphibious assault; Western Canada no longer borders on the Atlantic Ocean; and when an aircraft carrier is sunk, surviving planes can relocate.

© Game Informer January '99


Many of the games I’m waiting for have yet to arrive at the office, but | have discovered some games to tide me over. Axis & Allies is a great re-creation of the classic board game, and some other solid games this month are Fallout 2 and


Fallout 2 Interplay - 8.5

asically, this

RPG is an

enhanced ver- Sion of the original Fallout. The graphics are impressive and the interface is easy to use (just like in the first game). But the folks at Black Isle added some other goodies in the form of a new story, new ways to kill enemies, and twice as many weapons. Plus, you can instruct non-playable characters how and when to fight, or even retreat. Also, you can upgrade their weapons and armor, and teach them abilities. The new story is decent and there are plenty of sidequests to keep you busy and help you gain experience. Fallout 2 is a worthy sequel, but | had more fun with the original because everything was so fresh. | would like to have seen more experimentation with Fallout 2, but fans of the

` original will be pleased that everything in the first

game can be found in the second.

Plane Crazy SegaSoft - 7.75

(1:03.76 AA Wor?’ 44

his racing game T: nuts. You get ]

to pilot WWII- style planes and race them in courses that seem tighter than a pair of blue jeans straight out of the dryer. The six courses are filled with all sorts of terrain like narrow canyons, tightly packed sky- Scrapers, and winding tunnels. These are the kinds of tracks that you have to learn; it's tough to win on instinct and piloting prowess alone. Plus, you have to deal with eight other planes and any weapons they acquire from the various power-ups. The weapons aren't that great, but flying through these varied and colorful tracks is downright fun and challenging. It’s too bad there are only six tracks. You can also upgrade your plane by winning races and earning money in the Championship mode.

Return Fire II Ripcord - 8

he Return Fire series is basi- cally capture

the flag, Soldier of Fortune style. You get to wreak havoc with a garage-full of tanks, Jeeps, ASVs, helicopters, jets, and PT Boats. Veterans of Return Fire (which | am not), may be wondering what’s new in the sequel. Well, you now have an aircraft carrier that launches half your vehicles. Return Fire also sports sharp graphics, fast gameplay, and first- and third-person views. As a one-player game it lacks depth, but the multiplayer is much more intense, spurring great competition among participants. There is also a medal board that keeps track of your military ranking and various other awards.

Sin Activision - Preview

lexis, а psy- chopathic bio- chemist,

plans to take over the world with her army of genetically- engineered mutants. Fortunately, Colonel John Blade is ready to put a stop to this overused plot. When you begin playing Sin you'll mow down baddies out the side of a helicopter. After that, it's fairly typical first-person action. The graphics of Sin Seem average, but the gameplay is better. Mission objectives play a big part in completing levels and help to move the story along. If the demo is any indication of how things will work, there is plenty of ammo, but little in the way of health power-ups. Enemies move fast, are quick to shoot, and often Show decent intelligence by running for cover or &rabbing a hostage. Keep an eye on this one.

Extreme PaintBrawl Head Games - 5

became curious | about Extreme

Paint Brawl (EPB) when | read it had no violence. | like blood and gore in my games, but it's nice to see developers making games that are appropriate for younger kids. It's a nice effort; the only problem is EPB isn't very fun. Rarely do graphics alone make or break a game, but in this case I'm willing to make an exception. Another thing | dislike about EPB is the musical score. If you like Satriani rip-off artists you'll appreciate it, but it made me cringe with horror. If you are still interested in EPB despite my trashing of it, you may like to know there are 8 paint weapons and 10 fields of battle in desert, urban, space, and medieval environments.

Speed Busters Ubi Soft - Preview

his game uses the F1 Racing Simulation

engine, but it's a far cry from a racing sim. The back grounds for the six tracks (plus one hid- den) are outstanding. There are also seven cars (plus one hidden) that are rated on speed, acceler- ation, braking, and grip. The demo of Speed Busters has five tracks, but only two of them impressed me Louisiana and Nevada. However, the Hollywood track has tons of interactive objects like Jaws, King Kong, and a T-Rex. The bulk of this game's entertainment might be the Championship season mode where money is awarded for placing high and registering high speeds on radar guns. You can then purchase upgrades, nitros, or make repairs. You can even buy car insurance if you're a sloppy driver. Speed Busters also has shortcuts, alternate paths, and plenty of jumps.

This month, there is only one game in the old Arcade Brigade. However, it is a doozy. Read on...

War: Final Assault

Size: Standard

Style: 1-Player Action/Shooting (4-Player With Linked Cabinets)

Specifi Features: 2 Modes of Play (Campaign & Deathmatch); 4 Different Characters; 8 Levels of Play; 12 Different Weapons; Lots of Killing & Maiming Created by: Atari Games for Midway

Available: February 1999 for Arcades Everywhere

There is even more. The detail in the game is amazing. Players can mark different parts of a target's body, and the blood flows like the river Styx overflowing its banks. Exploding heads, spraying blood, and dismembered bodies are the prize for waxing an opponent. And let's not forget the great explosions and gun animations. This game simply rocks, and could spark another movement in arcades. Look for War: Final Assault sometime early next year in your local arcade.

the fighting game genre, no other genre has managed to break itself into the arcade industry with much success.

But now, that may change. While the first-person shooter genre has been around awhile thanks to high-end PCs, it hasn't managed to really dent the arcades except in select locations. But now Atari wants to infiltrate the rank-and-file of arcades with War: Final Assault. Featuring graphics running off a 3dfx board, lots of explosions and destruction are the norm. Huge weapons give players the ability to wreak havoc among evil beings or among themselves.

The game is based on an escaped group of humans who are seeking to stop a maniacal dictator threatening to enslave the entire planet. He seems untouchable, as nuclear attacks on his home base prove useless. He has created huge factories where unimaginable killing machines are being created. Take him down using one of four different characters, all killing machines in their own rights.

But the assault on the enemy is not the only game. There is also a Deathmatch Mode that allows you to massacre other players mercilessly. Item grabbing, time extensions, and killing your friends are what this mode is all about. There are a number of different Deathmatch arenas, which though limited in size, are still big. These areas have hard-to- reach places that contain more health, huge weapons, and time extensions. Not to mention, these places are usually very strategic killing points.

if cmm | his game could start a new trend in arcade games. Since n

ymbo - Crash бас perfected his Jump into a Miete work of art. To see this magnificent marsupial perform this maneuver, then follow these easy directions. At the end of the Slide hit Jump to access a Super Jump. At the peak of the Super Jump | press Jump again to perform a Double oint of the Double Jump use the

a helicopter. You won't have . Tropy’s challenge.

Jump. And at the highest Continuous Spin to float access to this move until you conquer

Trials - This is where the severe difficulty hides within Crash 3. To unlock this mode you must first gather the Crystal

from a given Level. Return to that same Level and a gold Clock

will be sitting near the beginning.

Secret Zone. There

If you marched through Crash 1 & 2 then be prepared for a drastic change in gameplay and overall game length. Crash 3 is plentiful in variety and challenge. You'll find out for yourself soon enough.

Lovol 1 - Toad Villago

If you can't get the Clear Gem on this stage, then you might as well quit trying to collect everything...or seriously improve your Crash 3 skills. Honestly, you truly don't stand a chance if you can't get this one.

Level 2 - Under Pressure «p^ third of the way through à this level a Checkpoint Box is sitting just in front of the tube filled with spinning fans. Don't hit the Checkpoint Box quite yet. First, go down and break all of the Boxes within the tube. Ascend back up through the tube and smack the Checkpoint. Doing this will save you some time (and frustration) as the next two legs of this level feature two tricky submarine rides. If you lose the submarine, then you will have to try again. Blast all of the red coral with torpedoes and you'll accomplish Box Completion.

© Game Informer January '99

Run into the Clock and the Time Trial begins. The goal of this mode is to acquire a Talisman. The Talisman opens up hidden levels within the hree different kinds of Tali ismen:

Раши меге: ing along the

times set for each level. NOTE: Don't bother with ¢, the Time Trials until you've received the Running \ \ Shoes from Cortex

finish with {һе best times will find out, racing as changes the way Crash your own techniques, a and all sorts of wacky

We wanted to chart howto ..

on each level, but as you Ф. as you can really i layed. You'll develop ent timing for jumps, euvers to skim a few e've listed key strategies for a maneuvers that we used for Gold or

Super Combo over almost every large pit; ils

of levels; and the quick Jump (just

| ails tapping t the button). Find the pattern that leads to the Negative Huc Boxes and always use the Running Shoes.

; -There are no codes i in Crash 3. This is one of those tt




үч (dha) е

Lovol 3 - Orient Express

You don't need to evade the

rolling barrels. Smash 'em! SMASH!!! SMASH!!! Also, hit the second springboard (which is actually a man holding up a trap door) to reveal three well hidden Boxes atop the lookout. Avoid the rest of the springboards and don't use the run button too often. This shouldn't be too difficult...unless, of course, you still haven't acquired Box Completion on Level 1.

Lovol 4 - Bone Yard

This first Gem is a cakewalk.

In the Bonus Round, reduce the large stack of boxes down to two, then jump off the topmost Arrow Box over to the extra life and additional Boxes. At the end of this Level, spin wildly so that you hit the two boxes and the Nitro Exclamation Box all in one swift


movement, otherwise the odds of getting crushed are extremely high. 4 After picking up the Red Gem in Level 12, return to Level 4 and use the newly formed Red Route to launch to a hidden sector. Complete this brief challenge and another Clear Gem awaits.

Level 5 - Makin’ Waves

If you miss a Box, then don't

waste any time starting over. Just go back and find the Box (or Boxes) that you missed. Isn't 3D cool!

Восе -

Dodge Tiny's jumps, then smack him when his weapon becomes planted in the coliseum floor. Avoid the lions by either running away or spinning them dead. Tiny's first pattern consists of five jumps. His second pass is six, and you guessed it, his last run is seven jumps. Tiny is

Tiny Tiger


once again a really easy boss. Note: If you return with the Continuous Spin (gained after beating N. Tropy) you'll receive a free life for every five consecutive lions killed. This is the best 1-up loop in the game.

Lovel 6 - Gee Wiz

As this Level name states,

the wizards within are a pain in the orange fur. The plethora of frogs are kind of annoying as well. Jump up on the brick walls (on the sides) to avoid any menace. In the Bonus Round don't hit the first Exclamation Box until you hit the Box floating to the right. If you mess up in the Bonus Round simply jump off the side and try again.

Lovol 7 - Hang 'Em High

mx Shortly after the first Y^ Checkpoint, you'll come across two bouncy tarps. Follow the stack of Wumpa Fruit on the second tarp traight up to an offscreen Box. Then, fter the next Checkpoint, don't hang with е scorpion too long or a Timer Box will rendered “disabled.” In the Bonus ‘ound, the second Timer Box needs to be hit so that the TNT Box appears. Doing this will create a Steel Arrow Box that will launch you to a free life ind four Boxes.

See Level 27 for the whereabouts of the pesky Yellow Gem.

Don’t spend too much time here or | this Timer Box will expire. |

Level 8 - Hog Ride

== Come on! There are only 13 W Boxes on this stage! Just steer into them.

Time Trial

Here's a really cool trick. It is possible to tide a wheelie from the first turbo pad all the way to the end of the level. You'll have to memorize the track and have a fair amount of luck on your side, but it is possible.

It's possible to ride a wheelie from | | . the first pad to the last. |

Lovol 9 - Tomb Timo

«P Don't attempt to

get all of the Boxes until you have secured the Purple Gem from Level 13. At the Bonus Round destroy the lower two Boxes in the TNT Stack, then quickly bounce off the top Box before the TNT goes boom. Angle your leap to the right and snag the free life and Box. Then, after the Bonus Round, head to the only fork in the road and veer to the left. With the Purple Gem in hand, the door will open. Snag all of the Boxes and a Clear Gem from this area, then head backward through the level and snag all

of the Boxes you missed. Proceed to the end, and a second Clear Gem awaits.

Use the Super Combo to cut back a | few seconds on these large gaps. |

Level 10 - Midnight Run

Apply the knowledge you

Y" learned on the last Great

Wall level and amplify your skills tenfold.

You'll need to do a lot of running and

jumping to get all of the Boxes from the

balloons. But otherwise, this level shouldn't suck too many lives away.

You don’t need to dodge these h ‘em!

Boss - Dingodile Dodge his fire bombs and then his fire blasts. Let Dingo clear out enough crystals so you can run in and whack him, then run right back out. Don't get too cocky, Dingo’s last fire bomb hurrah is a doozy.

Avoid his blast, then enter his crystal world.



Level 11 - Dino Might!

LP = Ej? Acquiring these

Gems is fairly tricky. You'll also need the Yellow Gem from Level 27. First, run past the Yellow Gem and clear out all the Boxes all of the way up to the side-scrolling segment (past the two t-rex as well). Then, run back to the Yellow Gem and ride it to a new route. Clear all of the Boxes here and grab the Clear Gem at the end of the

road, then return to the main level and finish it off. Another Gem awaits.

Gocrot Level Entrance

Hold on! This Level is far from complete. Return to the Yellow Gem Route and when you come to the segment where you are running at the screen, have the second Pterodactyl carry you away to the 32nd Level.

Let this Pterodactyl carry you to a | __ Super Secret Secret Level. |

Level 12 - Deep Trouble

< мы ho portion of T the way through the level you will run across a stack of metal and TNT Boxes. One Box is missing though. Proceed up the tube to the left of these Boxes and grab the submarine. You'll have to keep this vehicle until you pass by all of the Nitro Boxes. After this, hit the Exclamation Box and proceed down to the stack of Boxes you examined earlier. Touch the new TNT Box and back off. Complete this next portion and you'll find the Red Gem and a Clear Gem waiting to be snatched up. Combo meal!

Torpedoes rule!!! |

Level 12 - High Time

mm Simply march from 7?" beginning to end hitting all the Boxes and this Gem will be yours. Pass by the Bonus Round platform and run forward a few feet to the Death Route. Take this dangerous pass to an exciting new zone and the Purple Gem awaits at the end.

Time Trial

Before you hit the Clock, use your Bazooka (you received from N. Gin) to remove the baddies throwing cocktails. Also, use the huge Super Combo to launch across large pits.

‘Blast the cocktail chuckers before [| you start the Time Trial. |

Lovol 14 - Road Crash

> 599 Remember, you don't need Y^ to place first to get Box Completion. Take your time and always, always, always! hit the turbo pads when dealing with Boxes dangling over jumps.

Gocrot Level Entrance

On the left-hand side, one of the road Signs has an alien face spray painted on it. Drive your hog into this sign and you'll warp to a super secret level.

. much of a hassle. The Bonus Round is the only segment posing any kind of difficulty. Don't hit the TNT Boxes until you hit the Exclamation Box.

Bouncy bounce.

HEN Boss - N. Tropy

N. Tropy is kind of like the Boba Fett of the Crash universe. He looks great, has a massive stash of weapons, but doesn't amount to much when it comes to combat. Simply dodge the fur-seeking missiles, jump the magnetic energy, and hop across the platforms over to N. Tropy. Smack him and repeat this easy process two more times. No problem.

Game Informer * January '99 ©

blasts, then run over and slap him. WARP GECTOR 4 - EGYPTIAN PUPPY ZONE

Level 16 ~ Sphynxinator

There are no Boxes to the

"^" direct left, just a slew of free lives. To get over to the left area you'll need to use a Super Combo to glide over the massive pit. Good luck. The first four Boxes on this Level are directly behind you from the start. Tricky tricky. Continue forward and every other Box is right in front of your freakin’ face.

b d To get your paws

on this Gem you'll first need the Blue Gem from Level 20. Follow this Level's dangerous curves to the Blue Gem. Jump on it and cruise through the slippery slick to the Clear Gem.

Timo Trial

Go back to the hidden four Boxes and pull out your Bazooka. Blast the Clock directly and smash the two -3 Boxes to get a four or five second headstart.

a> There really is no direct strategy or path to follow

here. Just blast all of the balloons and/or Boxes hovering like unmarked helicopters to get the Gem. To avoid enemy fire keep the fighter planes offscreen. They will not fire at you unless

If Tis wm i у yy? If you keep the enemies offscreen, they won't fire. © Game Informer January ‘99

Lovol 18 - Tell No Tales

ims. To get all of the Boxes make sure you don't miss the alcove hiding five Boxes. This alcove is located to the right of the three consecutive jumps (with the extra life underwater). After the first checkpoint ои should have 34 Boxes UU К

Veer to the ship on the right to find the missing Boxes.

Level 19 - Future Frenzy

GP Level 29 for the x whereabouts of these two Gems.

the end of this hazardous Level and a Gem awaits (if you smash 'em all).

= Return into this nasty Level and jump on the Egyptian Death Route just a few steps after the Bonus Round. Complete this harrowing

area and you'll receive the Blue Gem. Score!

Don't be afraid to get partially wet. Crash is safe up to his armpits. И Восс ~ М. Gin

Little Coco wants revenge! Апа N. Gin wants her dead! Blast away the guns on the mecha's arms then target the missile launchers on the shoulders. Lastly, destroy the yellow dot in the center of the mecha. When it transforms, focus all firepower on the lower weapon, then the two plasma cannons on the sides. Now,

just the missile launchers remain. Position yourself so that your blasts land on at least one of the launchers. The mecha's pattern doesn't change and the missiles always fly in front of you, so you can sit there motionless with the button held down and defeat this boss without even taking another hit. Heck, at this point you don't even need to watch the Screen.

Level 21 - Gone Tomorrow

LP Use the Ba-

$ zooka on every- thing. Enemies, Boxes, every stinkin' thing. To get the first four Boxes to appear in their white translucent shells use the Bazooka to hit the Exclamation Box in the distance. On the side-scrolling segment, don't hit the Exclamation Box sitting in a stack over a translucent Box. Nor should you hit the TNT Box in a stack a few feet down. Use the Green Gem Route to secure the first Clear Gem and activate the last Exclamation Box. Now, go back and activate the Exclamation Box and destroy the TNT you passed up.

Use the Bazooka to rid these Lovol 22 - Orange A«phalt qp а a pain in the keester.

Memorizing the Вох placement is the only way to succeed.

Again, use the turbo pads to hit the Boxes above ramps. Also, keep a lookout

for a Box across a pit. You'll need to launch across to break it. |


Level 23 - Flaming Passion

= You know what to do. Just

7 run to the end of the Level.

Use the Bazooka as much as possible to reduce the difficulty.

Proceed up to the Death

Route and take it to a much more difficult sector. Complete this area and the Green Gem is yours.

Time Trial

The Super Combo works extremely well here. Master it so you can pull it at your convenience and you'll have no trouble securing the Gold.

Lovol 24 - Mad Bombers

= Use the same technique you did before to acquire this Gem.

Shoot out the bomber's engines.

Level 25 - Bug Lite

«99 Run like a bandit through this

poorly lit level. In the Bonus

Round don't pick up the firefly until you've

destroyed most of the Boxes with your

Bazooka. Memorizing where the Boxes

are increases the chances of success in this Bonus Round.



_ After you run through the first building

` Structure use the Blue Gem to access а new area. Don't come here until you have all of the colored Gems. Also, entering this zone with the Running Shoes will help you sprint past the poison darts.

The Blue Gem Route is full of danger.

D os 7 000 Т Boss - М. Cortex

Cortex has always been wicked, but he's never been the best combatant in the world. This time around, Aku Aku is inactive and actually engrossed in his own battle (which means you cannot take a hit). Study Cortexs movements and avoid the masks to find victory.

Jump! Jump!! Jump!!!


Level 26 - ki Crazed (Requires 5 Taliemon)

This level just tries to sucker you into dying. Avoid the Nitro Boxes above the jumps, and keep your eyes peeled for the Nitro Exclamation Box toward the end of the


Level 1 Toad Village Sapphire 1.03.00 Gold 0.57.53

latinum 0.44.06

Platinum 0.53.26 Level 6 - Gee Wiz Sapphire 1.35.00 Gold - 1.22.73

Platinum 1.05.93

ressure pphire 1.46.00 old 1.17.93 latinum 1.10.50

Sapphire 1.24.00 Gold 0.52.66 Platinum 0.43.80

Level 8 Hog Ride

Sapphire 0.45.00 Id 0.27.80 Gold 0.41.46 latinum 0.18.10 Platinum 0.35.06

Sapphire 1.42.00 iol d Gold 1.10.00 atinum - 1.21.00 Platinum 0.53.93

Level 5 - Makin’ Waves Sapphire 1.08.00 Gold 0.58.23

Sapphire 0.53.00 Gold 0.38.23

level. Otherwise, be careful, and good luck.

Lovol 27 - Hang 'Em High - Back Entrance (Requires 10 Taliemen)

gp? Hopefully, you didn't search

the normal segment of Hang “Ет High for too long. All you have to do is run past the dangers and launch over the Nitro Boxes to grab the Yellow Gem. Now, drop back into Hang 'Em High and finish the level to add the Yellow Gem to your collection.

Lovol 28 - Area 512 (Requires 15 Taliemon)

Box Completion grants this

puppy. Stick near the center line and the Boxes will explode beneath your tires.

For placing in first you'll receive a Gem.

MMM о н Level 29 - Futuro Frenzy ~ Back Entrance (Requires 20 Taliemen)

Run to the end of this segment and a Gem awaits.

ess Collect all of the Boxes in this tiny segment, then drop back into the main Level. Head to the right and hit the Checkpoint. Now, proceed back to the beginning of the level. Yes, that's right. It's time to go all the way back. Grab all of the Boxes, then return to the end of the Level. Ouch! This is a tough one.

Shooting into the distance to clear Boxes and enemies is a great technique.

Lovol 30 - Ringe of Powor (Requires 25 Talismen)

Hey! It's Naughty Dog’s

second Rings of Power

game. Use the ll button to spin through

the rings and gain maximum velocity.

Blow away all the balloons to capture the

first Gem.

===> Place in first to snatch up the second Gem.

To acquire the Talisman, obliterate these times. Piece of cake, right?


QUPER SECRET SECRET ZONE eee Level 31 - Hot Coco

Seung» How do you get here? See Level 14 for the answer. This level is completely circular and loaded with challenges. There are only a few Checkpoint Boxes, no Aku Akus, and tons of dangerous jumps to master. Pace yourself on hitting the Checkpoints and use every technique, even diving below the water, to avoid the bombs.

The Nitro Exclamation Box is dead ahead.

Level 32 - Eggipus Rox

«209 There are no Boxes to break. Just a ton of Wumpa Fruit to collect and several tricky dino jumps to conquer. Make it to the end and a Gem awaits. This Level is a great 1-Up loop as well.

Timo Trial

Grab the t-rex before you hit the clock to cut back three or four seconds.

Level 7 - Hang ‘Em High

Level 9 Tomb Time

Level 10 Midnight Run

Platinum 0.18.20

Level 11 - Dino Might! Sapphire 1.34.00 Gold - 1.25.76 Platinum 1.03.00

Level 12 - Deep Trouble Sapphire 1.47.00

Gold - 1.25.16

Platinum 1.18.36

Level 13 - High Time Sapphire 2.12.00. Gold - 1.04.12 Platinum 0.56.96

Level 14 Road Crash Sapphire 1.25.00

Gold - 1.20.73

Platinum 1.17.10

Level 15 Double Header Sapphire 1.27.00

Gold 1.21.16 latinum 0.59.43

evel 16 Sphynxinator apphire 1.42.00

old 1.22.66

latinum 0.56.70

evel 17 - Bye Bye limps

apphire 1.09.00 019 0.58.43 latinum 0.51.50

evel 18 Tell No Tales аррһіге 1.42.00

019 1.25.66

latinum 1.05.26

evel 19 Future Frenzy apphire 2.01.00

old 1.34.00

latinum 1.19.66


eor 3S8 S8 TOON



Level 20 Tomb Wader Sapphire 2.44.00

Gold - 1.45.06

Platinum 1.24.00

Level 21 Gone Tomorrow Sapphire 2.05.00 Gold 1.25.60 Platinum 1.02.13

Level 22 Orange Asphalt Sapphire 1.36.00 Gold - 1.31.30

Platinum 1.21.80

Level 23 Flaming Passion

Sapphire 1.43.00 Gold 1.13.10 Platinum 0.59.40

Level 24 Mad Bombers Sapphire 2.08.00

Gold 1.55.23

Platinum 1.38.16

Level 25 - Bug Lite Sapphire 1.49.00 Gold 1.34.86 Platinum 1.14.93

Level 26 Ski Crazed Sapphire 1.16.00 Gold 0.50.50 Platinum 0.33.33

Level 27 - Hang 'Em

ligh (Time Trial Not Available)

Level 28 Area 51? Sapphire 1.53.00 Gold 1.49.83 Platinum 1.44.50

Level 29 Future Frenzy (Time Trial Not Available)

Level 30 Rings Of Power

Sapphire 1.20.00 Gold 1.01.46 Platinum 0.51.76

Level 31 Hot Coco Sapphire 1.00.00 Gold 0.30.10 Platinum 0.19.96

Level 32 Eggipus Rex Sapphire .55.00

Gold 0.50.03

Platinum 0.44.83

Game Informer January '99


Nintendo 64

© Ё $ emuo arena е Review | Gino E

Size: 128 Megabit FIFA 99 comes to us courtesy of the makers of * Style: 1 to 4-Player World Cup 98 with a Season mode and a Sports European Dream League. The Season mode СОДИ has а Cup season or League season. Plus, each New Stadiums; Chest 1 Н ПОРИВИ of these seasons can be customized in a number ОИТ ways. The player determines the format, СОДИР ЕОНИ E number of teams, number of matches, and even ppm M the name of the cup or league. There are plenty ШЕИ of other fantasy elements with a create player Emme and extensive team management that allows MM players to choose team strategies, formations, SE ы and more. Overall, FIFA 99 is a decent soccer game, but the bottom line is that it's pretty much the same as last year’s game, and neither

Bottom Line: measure up to International Superstar Soccer.


Nintendo 64

TTT TT wcw nitro

Se WCW Nitro is one of the most popular “sporting” M e. * Style: 1 or 4-Player events where fans can expose their true wrestling "sd Setect Wrestler | Fighting colors and faithfully cheer on their favorite # ef [LE Seteet взек ! * Special SGN Orapplers. If you dig the show, you should | a T A appreciate THQ's upcoming Nitro video game EIT even more. After all, unlike the real Nitro, this Royale Mode; game gives wrestling fans the opportunity to SGOD watch complete matches between opponents

ае MINIME that fans would actually care to see. Heck, this | e E | РО game could save ап individual hundreds of

Controller Pak dollars in Pay-per-view bills alone. Plus, there is | Compatible ten times the action without commercial breaks Beans КО every five minutes. And this is where this game ВРТИ excels action. Although Nitro 64 will have new S for Nintendo 64 grappling moves, it emphasizes a traditional 0 fighting interface of kicks and punches and is 5076 Complete more a brawler than anything else.

PlayStation MAL The Legend of Legaia

Everyone is talking about Legend of Legaia, and most are calling it, "Sony's answer to Final Role-Playing Game Fantasy VII." That description may not be far off * Special Features: the mark. Legend of Legaia is an RPG of epic ЩОДО СОЯИ proportions, spanning across a vast world of

* Size: Unknown * Style: 1-Player

System; From tl кн d i А RAM intrigue, fantasy, and evil. What immediately

CG & Real-Time separates Legaia from other RPGs is the battle ш ы interface. Like Square's Xenogears, characters f duc have access to combos; but in Legaia, the ОИ combos function like those in a 3D fighting game. Entertainment, Inc. After choosing a combo, the battle screen CE Caecum changes into what looks like a 3D fighter. Then, Ped cue the character performs his or her attack combo, ME i while hit points are displayed for each limb attack. i Add to this the beautiful graphics, and deep | 80% Complete magic system, and Legaia could be the next RPG

sensation (until FF VIII, that is). © Game Informer January ‘99


8% Darkstalkers 3 БЫ For PlayStation-owning Darkstalkers fans, it has аеру been a long time since a Darkstalkers game fi Style: 1 or 2-Player appeared on the system. Unfortunately, the Fighting

game still has many of the flaws that plague 905 PlayStation 2D fighters. With difficult controls EM and lots of slowdown, this game comes across cese 5 as mediocre. To its credit, Capcom has added Training); Cu

æ Many new characters that PlayStation fans have 079258 never seen before. Plus, the option to choose to БО n play using the original "rules" from the first game j EH ich

is added as well. Unfortunately, these goodies f RESA TAT don’t manage to defeat this game's 70907 shortcomings. There just isn't that much fun 259 ; 5 involved after figuring іп the touchy controls and Bottom Line: _ If you are such a loser Fag

the problems with animation. 1 can't get some | Wer to your house

be for you. Otherwise, this game

A Bug's Life

Some people will complain about this game | being a little too easy. But it's not really. A Bug's

* Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1-Play

Life is certainly geared toward a younger Action/Platform audience, although older animation fans will still. Ж 0270

head to the theaters to see the film. The game Film Clips to Un Variety of Power-U

is simple, with only three buttons to push. It is, including Homing however, creative, and while a child could finish Berries & Health

the game, very few will find all of the items and Flowers; Good Puzzles collectibles in each area leading to a perfect B а finish. The only problem is the fact that the | анин TEE control is a little touchy, and there are some Tales/Disney Interactive camera concerns. Overall, this is a pretty solid for SCEA

game created from a license. * Available: Now for [ PlayStation

Bottom Line:


E March Madness 99

Wouldn't it be great if EA told the NBA to stuff it fas Say

and use the Live engine on the college game, бө: 1 б 2-Player Since it's the only one in town anyhow? УИА Whatever. You can keep up with your favorite Via Multi-Tap) players of the future with this game, March oe dee N Madness 99. Sure, you'll have to remember their еен names, but that's a small price to pay, right? Sixteen” Finalists of Anyhow, MM99 features all that cool stuff like NCAA Women's Create Player and Dynasty Mode. There are рооза 3 also the 16 women's teams that made it to the Иена NCAA Tournament round known as "Sweet Lots of Options Sixteen.” Also, the controls are pretty simple to 17779 use and the animations are solid. Expect more 324 is on this game in the coming months. ы ;

t. OK, so she’s not he’s cheaper and

à Spits out lese soccer games, it's

70% Complete

Game Informer * Jar


* Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1 to 4-Player Puzzle * Special Features: on the Hit TV Show; 4 of Play (TV, Original New Ри aming Man * Created by: Jaleco * Available: 1st Quarter for PlayStation

75% Complete

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Action

* Special Features: 1

Motion-Captu Dancers; Play Based on Rhythm; Lame N

* Replay Value: Mo

* Created by: Av Trax/Enix for 989 Studios

* Available: Now for PlayStation

Bottom Line:

* Size: 1 CD-ROM * Style: 1-РІ * Special Features:

mpaign, Fa esearch New Based on the * Created by: Pumpk Studios for Eidos * Available: March for PlayStation

50% Complete

© Game Informer January '99


v Lyrics


Irritating Stick

In Irritating Stick, the goal is to guide a metal stick down a path. What makes the game interesting, however, is that players cannot touch the sides of the path. It's very similar to the carnival game found at state fairs, but more extravagant. The game is based on a show in Japan where people compete for cash and prizes. Obstacles, such as giant slot machines, robots, falling bolts, revolving gates, and more are there to impede progress. Once players become bored with beating the pre-made levels, they can create their own with a number of shapes at their disposal. This very unique video game will be heading to U.S. shores sometime early next year.

BEST 45700700, кт. Olo *

Bust A Groove

Some loved PaRappa. Some completely hated it. Е This game will affect people in much the same E way. Bust A Groove is centered around a visually | pleasing dance competition where players | outscore each other with dance moves. Different | styles are represented, from capoeira to jazz. Using d-pad and button combinations, players keep the rhythm and build points. Direct attacks keep opponents at bay. Some things that were changed for the U.S. release, like the drinking and smoking, are OK. But the new lyrics for the songs are horrid, and should not have been done. Like PaRappa, Bust A Groove will either be loved or hated. Renting is the only way to find out.

Warzone: 2100

Strategy fans have slim pickin's when it comes to console games. There's Command & Conquer, Final Fantasy Tactics, and X-Com, but why aren't there more? Eidos attempts to help occupy the strategist with Warzone: 2100. In Warzone, players establish a base and then create troops with energy mined from the ground. Sound familiar? Well, that's where the similarities end, as here players are able both to create troops from different parts they research, as well as to directly control the movement. For those who don't want to get involved in a campaign, there's the Fast Play mode, which lets you jump into the action, with your only concern being the annihilation of the enemy. Look for Warzone: 2100 early next year.


ялаа" ЫИ ОШ




I| capcom


T па A E

Ш т

These and other -—--—-" ^ TEA Prima Strategy Guides | М Sy х available at FuncoLand.

у = Г a cath emalit


A ‘Versions!


* Style: 1-Play * Special Features: Secret Chara 3 Domino Pieces in t Positions for Big Easy to and but Hard to

ed by: ArtDink for laim

* Replay Value: h

* Availabl PlayStation

Bottom Line:

* Style: 1 or Action * Special Features:

C S | * Replay Value: High * Created b vision * Available: S n

Bottom Line:

* Created by:



* Available: Feb PlayStation

75% Complete

@ Game Informer January '99

No One Can Stop Mr. Domino!

This is a very odd title, one typical of ArtDink. Mr. Domino is either a game that gets you, or a game that you don't get at all. Basically, you try and lay dominoes in strategic locations to cause huge chain reactions. Since you only have a certain amount of dominoes to drop, some strategy is involved. Then there is a time limit thrown on top of that. Many will think this is simply silly. And they will have a valid point because the rewards are pretty small. But others will think that this is one cool game. There’s just something creepy about Mr. Domino that's different from the rest of the

games out there.


When Asteroids made its debut on the arcade scene back in 1979, no one would have thought that 19 years later a new version would be hitting the shelves. But lo and behold, it's back. Being released under the same moniker, Asteroids brings back level after level of asteroid- and alien- busting action. The control features a laser, thrust, hyperspace, flip, and shield button. But the best addition to this enhanced game is the wildcard button that lets the player unleash any of the 13 power-ups found floating on the level including Homing Missiles, Mines, and Trigger Bombs. Besides new weapons, the game also features interactive backgrounds housing such menacing things as black holes and exploding suns. Asteroids certainly isn't innovative, but it's fun for old-school players looking for a new challenge.

Freestyle Boardin' '99

Released more than a year ago in Japan, Capcom is working on porting FCI's ZAP! Snowboarding Trix to the States this February as Freestyle Boardin’. Created with input from real Japanese snowboarders, Capcom's first entry $ into the snowboarding genre should be an interesting one. The control interface is archaic; |f using the left and right shoulder buttons as the brakes and carve makes turning a clumsy experience. The trick interface is simple, but

uneventful with three jump buttons. One turns | you left, one turn you right, and the third lets you do flips. However, this game does have one interesting feature. In the championship mode you can win points that can be used to increase

your character's stats.

O 3577708


Knockout Kings me уо ES to ge een "eme AT aa points for initiative on the desperate need for a | ренина boxing game, you cannot forgive the sad state it erent arrived in. The control is far too “sticky,” not 07777962 nearly responsive enough. There are a sizeable # ДЕ

ber of boxers, and yes, there are lots of them f КИ

number o Ц yes, & Sugar Ray; Create-A- you can create on your own, but the gameplay 97778 simply kills this title. Also, it is sad to see only 127) portions of reality displayed. For example, you 4659 ` fi Moderately Low

= cannot change weight classes if you want to do

hase mode where

3 * Created by: EA Sports So, but you can hit a button to make the boxer ЗИН

II ‘train.” Rent it if you are a boxing fan; everyone f TELES NIG else should wait until somebody does it right. узап

Bottom Line:


Test Drive Off-Road 2 PlayStation

t Drive Off-Road 2's ghastly ff-Road 2 could have been one


Super Black Bass

Anyone who has played Hot-B’s SNES fishin’ Tein Wee B games will be able to dive right into this second йн ИН 4 Game Boy version. The only real difference is a ЧРИ smaller lake. Otherwise, the tournament 4 Tournaments on 4 structure is exactly the same. The object is to Р win the four tournaments, which each take sonal Gu Й place on different lakes. To help you along, an Password Save

annoyin' young lad offers his services as а АБ ЕАШ ША Cara fj guide. He has some good information at first, # ay ЕЕ and tells you how to fish the lake and what ше енне

PE to use in certain situations, but you'll quickly

j choose the option that basically tells him to shut E up. The graphics are good, and everything is Clear and easy to see. Hot-B is the king of fishin’ and this new Game Boy cart is no exception.

way around it, lley is the best

Bottom Line:

8 (ou gotta have eg steel to play this g

thatis just as stupid Impressive.

| Rugrats


Hexcite Review

Though Hexcite looks like Chinese Checkers, it M Pu Y * Size: 2 Megabit is in fact an intense puzzle/strategy game that Д Шенне takes brains and foresight to win. In a battle of Puzzle/Strategy wits against a computer or player opponent, the B 091 object is to alternate placing pieces on the grid. [I TIAA АШЫШ Each piece must connect to a previously placed Practice & Training piece, with higher points given for matching Modes; Color Game multiple sides. But it takes careful planning as Boy Compatible completing a hex is worth bonus points, and any f DASS

А i 3 Moderately High unused pieces will take points away at the end E severos of the round. It sounds easy, but this game is a Inc./Gajin for Ubi Soft real mind-bender. The computer is relentless, Entertainment and one misplaced piece can lead to a horrible BI EDI КОШ Score. If you love strategy, Hexcite will not only Bottom Line: drain your brain, but your batteries as well. 8


Game Informer January.

m | WCW/NWO Revenge Nintendo 64 Play As Managers Choose One-on-One Exhibition and pick at least one wrestler who is accompanied by a manager. When the match begins, press Z on controller 3 or 4 to take control of one of the managers standing ringside.


TV Title Win the Cruiserweight competition.

World Heavyweight Win the U.S. Heavyweight competition.

Hidden Characters Curt Hennig Win the U.S. . Heavyweight Belt. dy Roddy Piper Win the eavyweight Belt. Win the TV Title Belt. in the Cruiserweight

barian ~ Win the Tag


South Park Nintendo 64

Enter this awesome code at the Cheat Menu.

All Multiplayer Characters OMGTKKYB Reik Metasu Washington, DC

| Deadly Arts Nintendo 64

Enter both of these codes at the Title screen. c Unlock Gouriki Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A lock Reiji А, B, Right, Left,

Left, Down, Down, Up, Up Reik Metasu Washington, DC


the Belts in the game will from Gold to Silver. _

Steal Opponent's Special First, make sure your opponent is in the same weight class as you. Then, begin a match and allow

your opponent's Spirit Meter to fill в

(flashing red). Now, grab your | opponent with a Strong or weak Grapple and simultaneously press A and B. WHAM! You just did his Special!

Steal Opponent’s Ground Moves - Simultaneously press A and B while your opponent is on the ground.

Steal Taunt When the opposition |

or tag team partner uses a taunt,

rotate the analog stick counter- clockwise to mimic him.

Joseph “WWF Sucks!"


Yukatown, KY

: | Gex: Enter the Gecko | Nintendo 64

Enter this code at the Passw Screen.

Unlock Everything M758FQRW3J58FQRW4!

Charles Basendorf }

Sarasota, FL

T Test Drive 5 Playstation

To input these co

J Time Trail and input

one of the codes below. Then, e back to the Title screen.

All Modes - VRSIX

Extra Cars NOLIFE

All Tracks & Bonus Cars - Input all three of these names individually: RONE, NTHREE,

"Ted Turner Ж

Atlanta, GA

zi Informer e. = '9

| ня Quarterback Club 99 - Nintendo 64 Enter both of these codes at th

Cheat menu. We'll have plenty more QBC codes next month!

Overweight Players MRSHMLLW

B More Injuries - HSPTL

“Mr. Protoplasmic" & "Super Friends" New York, NY

[judge Dredd PlayStation

Enter all of these codes as nam at the High Score screen. Invincibility 'EIKKIN Deformed Characters Ending 2LOVESEXY? Ten Credits IBEDSTRAW!

Tim Drake Gotham, WI


| Cool Boarders 3 | PlayStation

Enter all of these codes as names |

in Tournament Mode.

All Tracks - WONITALL All Boarders OPEN EM ig Heads - BIGHEADS

Todd Slachen Perita, IL

| Cardinal Syn mee Enter all of these с "Press Start" flashes Screen. v Unlock Kron L2, L2, Up, Up, Left, Down, Up, @, L1 : Unlock Syn R1, Right, R2, IM, | R1, Down, R1, R2, R2, Unlock Bonus Characters L1, R2, R1, Æ, Down, 6, Down, L2, [M M M E Fatalities Anytime - Up, Up, Right, Right, Left, @, @, Down Unlimited Magic Right, Right, Right, Left, A, Left, Left, Ш View Endings Down, Up, Down, Right, Left, Left, Up, Left, R1, @, @ 12 Alternate Syn Costume - Ө, Ө, ©, L1, R1, @, Left Alternate Orion Costume R2, Down, Down, Circle, Bil, Ml, R2 Iternate Juni Costume Down, E, Down, L2, Down, Down, Down ate Nephra Costume - ІШ, , Left, А “The Rhino” _ Toledo, OH

| Future Cop: LA.P.D PlayStation Level 2 - CRGRGYBLRY | Level 3 - FUMRGYBLRL




| Level 8 - SIFYGYBISR

Tony Sacs Grantel, WA

acSUME 1040. Corts Өш

| Duke Nukem: Ti | = PlayStation Enter all of these games from the In-Game Pause menu. You'll know

: you: entered a code correctly when description pops

Enter this code at the Passw Screen located within | Options/Settings menu. Cars & Modes - ALLVID "The VidMan” Uptown, MN

Down, R1, f

Unlimited Am

Right, Select,

Right, Select

All Keys Up, Right, Up, L Down, Up, Right, Left, Right, D:

АП Items R1 (x5), L2 (x5) Invisibility L1, R1, L1, R1, L1, R1, L1, R1, L1, R1

Double Duke - L2, R2, L2, R2, L2, R2, L2, R2, L2, R2

Big Head Duke R1 (x9), Up Small Head Duke R1 (x9), Down Big Head Enemies R1 (x9), Left



[ Pool Hustler Playstation

Bowlliards At the Title sci press Up, Up, Down, Down,

| A, %, X, Left, Right, Bl, 6 to | | unlock a wacky new bowling/poi

id game. "Virtual Gap Boy 2000" Phoenix, AZ


m Rival Schools - Playstation

These first two tricks W Arcade or Evolution dis

Good Endings Succeed Team Up Technique during 7 of a 1-player game and you Wi

compete in a secret 8th stage.

Beat these goons and you will be rewarded with a good ending.

Hidden Characters Win the game with Hinata, Natsu, Tiffany,

or Kyoko to unlock a hidden

alternate for each.

These tricks only work on the Evolution Disc.

Й 24 Extra Characters Each time

you beat the 1-player game, a new character will be added to the list. There are 24 hidden characters that can be unlocked this way. Target Mode Simply beat the game with any character under any difficulty and this option will be available on the Main menu. Home Run Mode - Beat the game with Shoma under the highest difficulty and this option will become available. Jut Mode Beat the game oberto under the highest and this mode will

me |

| Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA

Nintendo 64

Cheat Menu Enter

then simultaneously press Ор Down C, Left C, Right C, Lef Button, Right Button, and Z t bring up the Cheat menu. Now, enter the Cheat menu and.

E highlight the code you would like '

active. Continuously press Up C, Down C, Left C, Right C, Left Button, Right Button, and Z simultaneously until the cheat becomes active. Note: This works for all of the codes except Stunts. How to enable Stunts is still unknown at this time.

Hidden Vehicles

Simply acquire the Key or Can requirements on any track to unlock these dream machines. Note: The Hot Rod, Formula, and Dragster are not enabled for the Stunt Track.

mula 1 Car - 10 Keys ‘ototype Car 12 Keys

Enter all of these codes at the Password Screen. Note: All codes are case sensitive. Stage Select - Demon

Infinite Energy Vampire

Infinite Afterburner Avalanche

All Weapons - Tornado

Infinite Secondary Weapons - Chimera : Max Upgrade Weapons - Hydra : K No Gun Overheat Dark" Angel All Fighters Thunderchild

All Cheats Blizzard

Disable Cheats Stormlord

agero: Deception 2 PlayStation

Enter this code at the Title sci

hen head to the Mode Select

iccess your new option.

Test - R1 (x5), R2 (x6)

- Jim Varney

Webville, COM

Sean Davis Flint, Michigan

ets right here


Small Soldiers Space Station Silicon -Streak

Vigilante 8

“Game Boy

Send Game Informer Your |

asswords and Codes

гапа if we print them you'll

Ee is an ASCIIWARE | your choice.

"PlayStation Saturn ASCII Pad ASCII Saturn Stick Specialized ASCII Super NES Stick ASCII Pad SN "LUE Super Advantage Enhanced ASCII bb. i N i Pad Genesis ^ : ASCII Carrybag ASCII Specialized i Mach 1 Pad 1-4 ASCII Grip Rhino Pad 56 7 3

The runner-up will receiv

complement his/her wardrobe. |

Send To! | Secret Access:

c Brave Fencer Musashi ¦ Invasion From Beyond Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus

| | Send i in your codes and passwords,

| in the Game Informer/ASCIIWARE | Secret Access Contest. The Grand.

Informer Secret Access T-Shirt ~ | d

Game Informer Magazine - 10120 W. 76th Street | Ç

and we will |

m Twisted Metal 3 PlayStation

Special Moves Freeze Left, Right, Up

Rear Attack Left, Right, Down Jump Up, Up, Left

Invisibility Up, Down, Left, Right

Note: All Passwords for Twisted Metal Difficulty


Washington - %, Start, Left, Left, L2 Hangar 18 Up, Down, A, L1, R1 North Pole Left, 9, Right, 3€, E London L1, Right, 3€, Start, Left Tokyo @, ©, Left, Right, Left Egypt Select, Right, L2 L1, L1 The Final Battle -@, L1, А, 3€, Down




L2, A, A Start, Down

Hangar 18—R1, Up, Down, Down, L1

North Pole -%, A, ІШ, R2, %

London Up, L2, ©, W, L1

куо Up, A, Select, Right, Up

Egypt Left, Up, L1, Up, R2

Battle -L1, R1, Up, Left, @ ==>,

апа Win!

be епіеге

product of

е а Gam


Egypt - ©, Wi, Left, L2, Do

The Final Battle Select, Lel R2, Left

Hammerhead Washington A, Right, A, 3€, Select

Hangar 18 Select, @, Down, Up, W North Pole Start, Up, В, Right, L2 London Down, A, L2, R2, R1 Tokyo - R2, Up, A, Bi, %

Egypt - А, А, R1, Select, Start The Final Battle Wi, Up, Up, Start, Left

Minion Washington Up, Start, Down, L1, E Hangar 18 Left, R1, Select, @, Left North Pole L1, Start, R2, Down, A London - ®, R1, Up, L1, R2

Tokyo Select, Start, R1, L2, Up Egypt Start, L1, Right, R1, R1

The Final Battle Down, 3€, Bi, Down, Select ^

Mr. Grimm


Down, Down, Start, R2, Hangar 18 R2, %, A, Down, Right North Pole &, Down, Right, R2, R2 London - 3€, %, E, 6, Ө

Tokyo Down, L2, Select, Select, Right

Egypt Up, @, Up, Up, L1

The Final Battle Left, Right, L1,

Select, Down, ©, L1 gar 18 - W, L1, R2, R2, n Pole Start, ©, Right, Up, L2

2, A, Select, R2


The Final Battle ^

Sweet Tooth Washington ©, 0, L1, L1, Start Hangar 18 Right, Right, Down, 6, *

North Pole L2, ©, Select, London R1, Right, R2, Up, Right Tokyo - ©, Up, L2, R2, Left _ Egypt Select, Up, R1, R1, @ The Final Battle Start, А, Up, lil, L2

Thumper Washington R2, A, Left, Down, L2

Hangar 18 А, Up, Select, R2, A. North Pole Wi, R1, R2, ©, Select London Start, Start, Select, Up, L1 Tokyo —Right, R1, A, Up, L2 Egypt - L2, Start, Right, Left, A The Final Battle R1, R1, 3€, L1, Warthog


Washington é

Select, L1, Left, Start, Left

Hangar 18 Start, L1, Right, R1, L2 North Pole Down, L1, Start, L2, MI London R2, A, A, Start, Left Tokyo A, R2, Right, Ill, Left Egypt - Bi, W, Start, L1, А

The Final Battle R2, L2, Down, %, Left


Garrett Moss Bergsville, NV

enhancer attachment. Ti 18 bright


Metal Gear Solid Diazepam PlayStation 800b7578 0004

new season and input

the Enter Name screen. Ni Infinite Air пее. Tracks, Difficulties & Cars 5 kie > c es = 0001 doesn't unlock all of the track nfinite Health Ine Detector You'll also need the individua 80067526 0307 80067580 0001 track codes. | SOCOM Pistol & Ammo MO Disc = All Tracks, Difficulties & Сав - - | 80007532 0019 80067582 0001 "s moobmoob FAMAS Rifle & Ammo оре Metal Gear Solid Î Hillside Track - bsirhc d 0065 i е NFL Quarterback Club 99 - : B. renade andkerchief : | Dusty Road Track mit 800b7536 000c 800b7586 0001 Pool Hustler Rock Creek Track -kcin Nikte APO. КЫШ ‚= Dry Humps Track - cire 800b7538 0004 800b 756c 0001 Rally Cross 2 е ro - e Stinger & Ammo - Stealth Suit es Rival Schools zen rail Тас 2 nivel / 800b753a 0004 00b756e 0001 | Rush 2: БОЯ Ra cin g US A. ollision -incorporeal 9 * Claymore - Bandanna р : | в. 800b753c 0006 800b7570 0001 i S.C.A.R.S. | | | | C4- Level 10 Key | | 800b753e 0006 800b757c 000a Test Drive 5 Dn. Stun Grenade isquatch Man WCW/NWO Revenge _ оз у Nintendo 64 - 800b7542 0006 We ees ESG ERIS & Ammo Hidden Characters 800b7544 0006 е t во Maximum Spirit 800ae164 000d 8000425 009 э No Spirit = 800b755c 0001 80079025 0000 | Cigarettes Е a | Aue gon 800b755a 0001 ee SEGA | Ehe Cardboard Box A No Spirit РІ 2 Sega Game Play Assistance T | premere 800b755e 0001 $us ЕТО 900-200-7342 (SEGA) ! Tomb Raider III PlayStation Cardboard Box B- Я са. | $.95 per minute for automated nem aximum Spirit Player 3 assistance and Enter | of thes И 800fa485 00ff $1.50 per minute for live help. gameplay. Cardboard Box C No Spirit Player 3 Canada 900-451-5252 All Weapons –12, 80007562 0001 80012485 0000 $1.25 per minute automated L2, L2, R2, L2, R2, R2 Night Vision Goggles ; " NINTENDO dedi ш Е Maximum Spirit Player 4 ) NIA, L2, L2, R2, L2, L2, R2 cg pd 800fa835 DOR | Game Counseling Top Energy R2, R2, L2, R2, erma! Goggles No Saint Paver 4— 900-288-0707 L2, L2, L2, L2, L2, R2, L2, L2, L2, 80067566 0001 BOOfa835 0000 $.95 per minute R2 12, 12, L2 L2 L2 атак pees 2 | Canada 900-451-4400 3 800b7568 0001 nfinite Time Out of Ring : |! $1.25 per minute oe Skip L2, R2, L2, L2, R2, Body Armor 800face8 0014 : | Nintendo's Automated Power Line! 2, R2, L2, R2, L2, L2, L2, L2, R2, ^ А ial | 1-425-885-7529 Т Bois - 12, 12, L2, L2, L2, amera Always Special Player 2 900-933-SONY (7669) 2, L2, L2, L2, R2, L2, R2, L2, L2, г s 0001 80йабо5 0008 27 ees per minute allons lote: These lines may not have information for 2 La, EL 800b7574 0002 Always Special Player oe peal If "s к AE to p a

rack Key R2, L2, L2, L2, Medicine 800fa495 0008 com a R2, L2, 800b7576 0004 Always Special BUR. 4-

rent в терот

_ 800fa845 0008

бУЛ gl

‘gaming Гос the past to the pressni ^

Tetris Attack - SNES Special Stage - At the Title

screen, pick a 1-player

game and then choose Stage Clear. Now, type in X6GINJ45 at the password screen. Have fun stompin’ this Mario menace.

Hidden Characters Enter а 2-Player Vs. mode game

and go to the Character

Select screen and press and hold the L and R Buttons оп controllers 1 and 2. Four hidden characters will now be accessed without having to proceed through the game.

Extra Hard Mode - Enter a 1- Player Vs. mode and start a new game. Now, go to the Set Levels screen, highlight the Hard icon, and press Up * L Button to access the Extra Hard mode.

Wolfenstein 3D - SNES

When you turn on the game, press and hold the R Button until the Title screen appears. Then start the game and go to the map Screen. Next enter these codes:

Invincibility. B, Up, B, and A

Level Map: A, A, Up, and B

Free Ammunition: В Button, Up, B, and A

Level Skip: Up, B, R button, and B


Avallability: Common _

Replay Value: High

Similar Games: Play Action Football (NES), Ten Yard Fight (NES), John Elway Football (NES)

Created by: Tecmo

Access Tip: Enter this password to play some serious purple power Vikings vs.

Vikings: AC37FFA9 Overall:


Triple Play ‘96 - Genesis

Secret Players To bring back the legends all you have to do is enter the name (the way it's listed below) in the "Custom Players" section. If this is done correctly you'll hear

Until Tecmo Bowl, console football games lacked personality. Loosely based (very) on the arcade title of the same name, the NES version features a selection of mock NFL teams, but with real marquee players from the NFL. The Bears have a "sweet" running attack with Walter Payton and the Giants' Phil Simms can kill you from the air. Each team has essentially the same playbook, but a number of teams have "the play" and it is very hard to stop. Just like the real game, calling plays is a mind game between you and your opponent. That's the beauty of Tecmo Bowl. Although some of the teams (Bears,

Giants) are just too good for the game to be , ;

fair and there are only 9 guys on the field, there is still a great satisfaction with calling the right defense and stuffing your opponent. We've come a long way since Tecmo first hit the NES in 1989, but we have to say that this is still one of the best football games ever.

(78) Game Informer * January '99

a ring, and the players’ stats should magically appear before your eyes.

1 Babe Ruth Mickey Mantle 3 Joe DiMaggio 4 Hank Aaron 5 Yogi Berra 6 Pee Wee Reese 7 8 9


Carl Yastrzemski Roberto Clemente Ted Williams 10 Sandy Koufax 11 Nolan Ryan 12 Steve Carlton 13 Tom Seaver 14 Cy Young 15 Reggie Jackson 16 Frank Robinson 17 Honus Wagner 18 Rogers Hornsby 19 Lou Gehrig 20 Stan Musial 21 Willie Mays 22 Jackie Robinson 23 Jimmie Foxx 24 Ty Cobb 25 Goose Goslin

lassi codes



Availability: Uncommon Replay Value: Moderate Similar Games: F1 ROC Il (SNES),

F4 Pole Position (SNES), GP-1 (SNES), Nigel

Mansell Racing (SNES), Top Gear (SNES), F-Zero (SNES)

Created by: Seta

Access Tip: For a mere $200 the Hi-Grip tires are a great addition.

International Tour Tennis

Availability: Common

Replay Value: Low

Similar Games: Racket Attack (NES), Super Tennis (SNES), Pete Sampras Tennis (SG), Amazing Tennis (SNES, SG), ATP Tennis (SG) Created by: Electronic Arts

Access Tip: For a topspin serve, hit the

ball cursor slightly at the top. This may ace your opponent.


IMG International Tour Tennis was EA's attempt to do for tennis what it did for football and hockey on the Genesis. While Madden Football and NHL Hockey have become game institutions, IMG International Tour Tennis, released in 1993, was never seen again. After playing this game, it's not hard to tell why. EA's usually superior gameplay is nowhere to be found here. The serving is hard to control, and aces come at seemingly random times. Sometimes your opponent will rocket back a wicked topspin serve, other times he'll whiff оп an easy second serve. It's also hard to hit passing shots on the run, because your player has to stop and go through his full hitting motion, usually resulting in a missed Shot. Especially annoying is a glitch that allows your opponent to return your shot after it's bounced TWICE, making you want to throw a racket (or controller) smashing hissy-fit. Tennis fans are advised to check out Super Tennis on the SNES for a truly classic tennis game.


F1 ROC is a racing game that garnered a lot of respect from the Game Informer staff when it was first reviewed in 1992. In retrospect, the game has many racing essentials. The 16 authentic track layouts, the car upgrades, and solid control make for an enjoyable experience. Utilizing Mode 7 graphics, the look of F1 ROC is essentially FZero with race cars. Even though the graphics engine is fast, slowdown is evident with more than two cars onscreen. The graphics are also hindered by annoying direc- tional arrows that pop up to warn you of a turn. Piling on more criticism, F1 ROC is extremely easy. Once you start earning a few dollars, car upgrades will make placing in the

top three simple. Not bad for the novice, but |

extremely boring for gaming veterans. Time has not been kind to F1 ROC as our fond

memories of this title have been tainted after |

playing it again.


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PLAYERS © 1997 Player's Edge. Player's Edge is a trademark of InterAct Accessories, Inc. InterAct Accessories is a trademark of STD Manufacturing LTD. Бек] те = Wipeout, Wipeout XL and Psygnosis are trademarks of Psygnosis. © 1996 Psygnosis Ltd. Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Nintendo and Game Boy EH Æ |

are trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. Sega Genesis and Game Gear are trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ltd.

E o g x



16Р the flight goggles of Star Wars“: Rogue Squadron". As the Rebel flight commander, you have 5 starfighters to fly, 15 planets to save from destruction; and a hangar full of proton torpedoes, cluster missiles and laser cannons all at your fingertips. ow go blow the evil Empire to bits. Only „уои can save the galaxy on N64? War even more hyperspace? Then boost your system

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