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Pg 60

Letter from the Editor Stuff

Dear Game Informer GI readers from across the globe interact with Game Informer.

Envelope Art

You can't win if you don't enter Gl's Monthly Envelope Art Contest.

GI News

Eidos announces first N64 title, Capcom goes retro, New Releases, and tons-o-fun with Name That Gamel, Trivia, and Gl's Top Ten.

Game Informer PC Reviews on StarCraft, Die By The Sword, and Rebellion, as well as PC news from the Matrix.

Arcade Brigade Games & News from the Amusement Showcase International.

Secret Access Tips from our readers and the infamous Game Genie/Game Shark Swap Shop.

Classic Gi

GI looks at classic games

on the Super NES, Genesis, and replays some codes from the vault.

his game, his work, and his killer set of wheels.

Cover Story: Banjo-Kazooie "m The creators of Donkey Kong Country have returned to Ké, di ep? the action/platform scene with an explosive title that "m. pushes innovation to new heights. But in doing so, Banjo-Kazooie borrows heavily from Miyamoto's masterpiece Mario 64. Does this new platformer shine as an action/platform landmark? Or is the design too familiar to

be worthy of respect? Well, the verdict is finally in, and

the results could very well shock you!

Feature: E3 '98

The video game industry will soon converge in Atlanta for the fourth annual E3 the biggest video game exposition in

the world. Watch as Game Informer exposes some of the never-before-seen titles that will be introduced at the E3. We also unveil a company-by-company games list and make some interesting predictions about price drops and product delays.

Pg 14

Feature: An Interview With Kazunori Yamauchi Gran Turismo creator and director Kazunori Yamauchi talks about

Nintendo 64 S / Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr., Shadowman, Chopper Attack


Gran Turismo, Cardinal Syn, Jersey Devil, Colony Wars Vengeance, Pocket Fighter, Rival Schools, Parasite Eve

Nintendo 64 World Cup 98, Buck Bumble, Gex: Enter The Gecko


Risk, Speed Racer, Punky Skunk, Theme Hospital, LN Dark Omen, Deathtrap Dungeon, Batman & Robin, a Azure Dreams, Forsaken, San Francisco Rush, Atari Collection Volume 2, Ninja

Edon rae, 66540 BIB BE TS or FAK (12 AEGIS For sitiens, back mue reckon sore quies (12) 40 208. Pafodeai popa pd RR ange

additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine", 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year additional postage.

Game Informer* does not claim any copyright in the screen shots herein. Copyright in all screen shots contained within this publication are owned by their respective companies. Entire contents copyright 1997. Game Informer Magazine”. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer* is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc.

Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies. Game Informer * June '98


| “| recently got a chance to see | the work that Core is doing on Tomb Raider 3 and boy was | impressed. Not only is it looking killer, but the vehicles in this game promise to be better than

maine RA forme

: June Issue 1998 Volume VIII « Number 06 + Issue #62

Richard A. Cihak Publisher

Andrew McNamara Editor

Paul Anderson Senior Associate Editor

Andrew Reiner Jon Storm Paul Bergren Robert Stoute Associate Editors

Thomas Blustin Art Director Graphic Design Curtis Fung Production Director Web/Graphic Design

Ryan MacDonald West Coast Correspondent

Terri Mineau Copy Editor

E Terrie Maley

- Circulation / Marketing Manager (612) 946-7274

Advertising Sales

Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728

(612) 946-8159 Fax (612) 946-8155 Manufactured and printed

in the United States of America

The Editor welcomes company product information for all video games. Such materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Informer Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Editorial

- phone and FAX numbers are noted above. Unsolicited

manuscripts cannot be returned or acknowledged.

Entire contents copyright 1997. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited, Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. :

Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies. PUBLISHER LIABILITY FOR ERROR

The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is limited to republication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. INDEMNIFICATION

The advertiser and/or Advertising Agency agrees to defend and indemnify the publisher against any and all liability, loss, or expense arising from claims of libel, unfair competition, unfair trade practices, infringement of trademarks, copyrights, trade names, patents, or proprietary rights or violation of rights of privacy, resulting from ‘the publication of the Advertiser's statement.

Audit Bureau of Circulations Member

Andy, The Game Hombre andy@gameinformer.com

ever. With the kayak you can navigate rapids and waterfalls and there will even be multiple paths that you can take. Let's just put it this way, | can't wait to play it this November. But until then, Gran Turismo and Banjo- Kazooie are quite awesome."

6 Game Informer e June '98

Robert, The Game Cassanova robert@gameinformer.com

“Another month has come and

gone, and | still can’t stop playing |

Gran Turismo! But | am even more excited about E3. This will have been my first E3 ever and |

am sooo ready to bask in the |

warmth of games, bright lights, and beautiful women. Yes, it will be a fun time, possibly the most fun | have ever had. I'm making sure to bring along a few survival items like beef jerky and a colostomy bag so | have no interruptions while | am at E3. Lucky me!”

Jon, The "— Gamer jon@gameinformer.com

"Sabres are looking like they'll make a serious run for the cup. Yeah! I’ve been playing a lot of N64 baseball, Griffey and All- Star. It's a difficult call, but I'm making an early prediction that All-Stars the game to have.

Also, I'm totally bummed on | Capcom. Mega Man Legends | rocks, it's a perfect summer || game, but we'll all have to wait ||

until September. If you're writing

Nintendo (see above), write to |

Capcom too."

Hau Iota

Paul, The Game Professor paul@gameinformer.com

"There are a number of new

| releases that must receive some

of your gaming attention. On the

| top is Sony's Gran Turismo.

Simply put, the biggest and best racing. game ever to grace the

| console. Next, | turn to the N64

for a little NBA Courtside. Check out those Wolves unstoppable. Lastly, no one should go without 100 rounds or so of Hot Shots Golf. Finally, all of you Internet heads be sure to pay us a visit at www.gameinformer.com.

| Send an e-mail to Andy, he feels

bad when his mailbox is empty."

Game Air Boarder 64 `... 2.39 Akuji The Heartless ...........+..41 Alien Resurrection ...............26 Atari Collection Vol. 2 ........... by

Azure Dreams .......... dole 56 Banjo-Kazooie .............. 0 Batman & Robin ............... 1:57. TEE 29 Brave Fencer Mushashiden ........39 Buck Bumble ........... ORIGEN 54 California Speed........ using. Capcom Generations .......... ++ 40 Cardinal Syn....... DEED DES" Pf Chopper Attack... 45 Colony Wars Vengeance .......... 50 Grash3 72552. SUDO 4] Dark Omen ............ Grind) Deathtrap Dungeon ..... ee SL Diabolical Adv. Of Tobu ...... 2092000 Die By The Sword ..... aodio eet 53 F-Zero X ...... eg 30 Fighting Vipers 2 . Dre 22:52. FOFSBKBn eei eto aera dS QR 58 Get H398 EE . 53 Gex: Enter the Gecko .......... 41, 54 Gran Turismo ....... een ee eee 36, 46 Grand Theft Auto ......... 15552) Griffey Baseball ................. 44 Gungriffon 2 ...... M ET E Handy Watcher .......... sees 39 Hexen Il: Portal of Praveus ........ 52 Jersey Devil ........ EE 49 King Emperor Leo ............ 21.28, LEAPD:2100 22:71... 207220 Lester The Unlikely . . .. .......... ,64 Madden NFL 99 ....... eror wd Marvel Vs. Capcom . ........ sess 53 Metal Gear Solid ...... VERE 27, 39 Mortal Kombat 4... 30 loli] - Vio odd EE 57 Of Light And Darkness UNES NU 52 Parasite Eve EE 51 Phantasy Star IN... 64 Pocket Fighter ....... iussus. 50 Punky Skunk ee 55 Rebalon: 0 sowie aima 52 Risk AUS 6 tee: sers Po MON UG ME 56 Rival Schoos... ibl Road Rash 3D ....... EE Rogue Trip ee Reames 30 San $^ Hd USE yd vnius 58 Séga Hally Ee d 53 Shadowman .......... DV RAUS m Speed Race... Ubudss Spyro The Dragon ............... 18 Star Ocean: The Second Story ..... 39 StarCraft .......... Ls. Iste The Unholy War .............. 41 Theme Hospital ............. esse 56 tre 53 TN DEE 27

Tomorrow Never Dies..... Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil .......... , ,27

Twisted Metal 3........ EA M . 2B Vieni rois etre qme 53 Warhammer Ill: Dark Omen ........ 55 - World Cup 98 ............. esee 54


Reiner, The Raging Gamer reiner@gameintormer.com

"Last month my blurb ended in a cliffhanger and so does this one. Due to excessive travel Paul and I haven't had time to battle, but if all goes as planned, | will be locking heads with another fellow

who makes my skin crawl Brett |

Favre. Yep, l'm off to the QB

Challenge in Orlando, FL oi

meet a bunch of ball chuckers. | wonder what Brett's reaction will be to me ripping my shirt off and exposing purple and gold nipples and Viking Bomb written on my chest. After this I’m off to Atlanta for E3.”

Bergren, The Game Burrito bergren@gameinformer.com

“Soon, there will be a new NBA Champion, and with any luck it will be the Timberwolves (but, let's face it, that's not going to happen for at least three years). Nintendo's Courtside is a great game, but | also it like because of the controversy it has sparked. Debating the finer points of the game, including why Kevin Garnett will prove to be a superior player compared to Bryant or Jones, is one of my hobbies. Bring it on Laker girls, cuz the Big Ticket's gonna kick your butt!”






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Numbered Questions of the Month

First off | am not going to suck up to you like most writers do. | think that Í is stupid and second of all | know you like numbered question so | numbered them.

I. Why does it take two women to go to the bathroom in a public place?

| 2. What is so great about Reiner? | | mean almost everbody likes him, but |

think he is a fool. What's up with that? Unknown

I. This is because women's restrooms are much more plush than your average | men's room. We know this because | Storm has been arrested four or five | times for entering a women's restroom. | It’s not that Jon is a pervert, but when he sees the sign on the door depicting the person with a dress he gets confused since he often wears a dress | himself. Anyway, Jon told us that most women's bathrooms have TVs hooked up to IN64s and PlayStations so they can play a variety of 2-player games.

GI Is a Great Tool for Learning

Just wanted to let ya'll know that my 6-year old son Dylan adores your magazine (he's a subscriber). I’m very pleased with Gl also: Big help with some of my favorite games and Dylan's too, plus Dylan is frequently sounding out words (headlines mainly) he sees in the magazine. So Gl is helping teach my son to read. VVhoda guessed it? Keep

up the good work! Dennis & Dylan Morgan aol.com

We are happy to have more satisfied customers and are pleased to have contributed to young Dylan's reading prowess. Now, if only reading could rub

Code Wizard Wanted

l'm confused? In your "Secret Access" section, where do all these people get codes from? What are they, magicians? Do they go to school to | study codes? | thought that maybe they would go to the Password screen and put anything as a password until | something would happen. So | tried that method on a game and after six hours | straight | got really [angry]. Nothing at | all was happening. Is there some kind of | guide that tells you how to discover codes? | really want to know how to become a code wizard like everybody

else. The Avenger of Sega

Bronx, NY e Game Informer e June '98

2. Well, Reiner is kind of a fool. For




Switch Hitter

Here is the scoop, we all know that | Deathtrap Dungeon is severely lacking | in every way possibly imaginable. | am a | manager for a couple of video game ! stores here in Canada and go to E3 |] every year and | remember seeing | Deathtrap Dungeon there last year.The | problem | have is why the heck do | | have to find a switch to do everything | in the Eidos games?! | Tomb Raider 2 was an over rated game because it is simply Lara Croft. If there was even one more damn switch | in Tomb Raider, | would have thrown both my PC and my PS-X out the window. Deathtrap Dungeon | gave a fair shot and played through the first

some reason he thinks baseball is the greatest sport of all-time. Many of our readers think Reiner is cool and he likes to remind us of this whenever possible. It could be the many colors of his hair, but we like to think Reiner is popular for his no holds barred reviews. If a game is good, he'll give it its due, but if a game is horrible, he'll pull no punches and tell you why with some colorful language. Consumers love him, developers and publishers of low quality games fear him.


| is going to make the next Lara Croft | adventure the same as Tomb Raider 2, | then forget it. Is this the best Eidos can do: find a switch, pull a switch?!?! | hope

Don't Judge a Game hy Its Bench Player

First off, your magazine is great, but why are guys dissing on Kobe? The only | reason he is on the bench is because of Jones, who by the way would kick | Garnett's butt (I just read your internet | news). Don't get me wrong, Garnett is good, but over Jones or Bryant, | don't | think so. | love hoops and have been | waiting for a good basketball game on

off on some of the Gl editors. Neither | Bergren nor Robert can read, write, or | speak. So, you ask, how do they score | the games they review? Well, we simply | lock them in a padded room and shove | a controller in their hand and let them | play. Then, to determine the score, we | count the number of grunts and | screeches they make and bottle all the | drool from their faces and weigh it. The | more drool and sounds they make, the | higher the score. Robert's high drool score is a whopping two gallons for any | game with a monkey in it. Go figure.

hands on

Six hours? You must be really bored. | Not everyone can be a Code Wizard, it | takes a special breed. At Gl, we don't | always find the codes ourselves. Codes | are obtained from a variety of sources. Readers are a big part of it, but we also get codes from the Internet or sometimes game companies will send them to us. You can continue to use your old method to find codes, but then we would suggest you break up with your girlfriend, drop out of school, and never get a job.

Ninja isn't run around, find a Ninja Star, and it will open something up!

You bring up some great points, and indeed we found Deathtrap Dungeon to be lacking as well (see pg 58), but excessive switches are the least of that game's problems.Yes, it's true that Tomb | | & Il have a lot of switches in their level f designs, but there are other things to enjoy about the game than just Lara Croft and her Barbie-like figure. Huge | levels, platform elements, puzzles, a | good storyline, tough enemies, and |

things we enjoyed. However, if you are concerned about too many

| level as the girl and that is it, | will play still no more. Pulling about 20 switches in switches | the first level made me sick and if Eidos by Core,

the most part, not too many switches.

the N64. When | heard Courtside was coming out | was happy. Now that it is Kobe's game | can't wait to get my |

than you think.

Why are we dissing Kobe? Because he's a punk, that's why. Why on earth

Sean Clarke Great White North

galore are just some of the

in games, don't worry. Ninja, has plenty of action and, for

it. Nintendo is a lot smarter

Matt Beck § webville.com |

would he wave off a pick from Karl Malone in the All-Star game? Does he really think he | can take Jordan one-on-one? It’s true that the only reason Kobe is on the bench is because of Eddie Jones, but Eddie has the starting position because he can do more than just dunk the ball. Eddie can also play defense and shoot more consistently from the outside. Sure, Nintendo is smart for putting | Kobe on the box of Courtside, since he is clearly one of the most popular players in the NBA, but that does not make this already awesome game any better. Timberwolves rule!

Posters, ! Want Posters

| would like to congratulate you on | a great magazine, but you have to put in | posters!!! Are you idiots or something? | Kids like posters, so | suggest you add

Burn Bahy Burn

Are the Youngblood trading cards | worth anything? | have a card that is | shiny and looks like it is very rare. On | the back it says P2-Photon and | Combat, and is from 1992. It's also in ! great condition. Is it worth much? | VoidStar

Otaku University | We are only responding to this | letter because it gives us a chance to

Kids Love Violence & Profanity

When | heard that a Resident Evil | movie was coming out, | flipped. Now | l'm just hoping that they don't make it | PG-13." What the heck" or "Holy cow” | would be common expressions in a | PG-13 movie. I’m 15 and am under age | to see an R movie, but you can ask any | 10 year old if he's seen an R movie and | he'll reply with a yes. What I’m trying | to say is that if the movie is rated R, it | can be more like the game. | just hope | that they don't mess it up like they did | with Spawn.

Budd Mostyn

| Spawn was a terrible movie, but it | wasn't the rating's fault, it was that I stupid little dog. As far as the Resident | Evil movie goes, however, we would

rip on Rob Leifeld and that thing he |

posters. | only subscribed to you magazine because of posters, can you put posters in your magazine please?!!!

Your Complainer, $

Ariel Santana |

Well, if you only subscribe | to Gl for posters you must be | disappointed because you won't find them in a standard issue of Gl. We would rather spend our budget to provide insight and news on as man games as possible. However, some “specialty” shops carr an edition of our magazine called Game Informer: Afte Hours. Each issue features photo spread of a Gl editor, including an exciting poster. | This month, After Hours features The Game Professor, | Paul Anderson, on the beaches of Key West. Pau enjoys bathing in rice pudding collecting lint, and buildin models of WWII submarines.

calls Youngblood. Reiner, the leading | authority on all that is collectible, say: Rob’s artwork is the worst in the industry and his characters are borin and disproportionate. To increase the | value of the card we suggest destroying | it. If you want to know more about the game Youngblood for the PS-X, it ha been cancelled.

guess that they will give it an R ratin since that is what the game would be But, even if the movie turns out to be PG-13, you can bet there will still b enough violence and profanity to offend | your grandmother. As far as any ten year old seeing a rated R movie, we would have to disagree. After taking a poll in the Gl office, about half of u were not allowed by our parents to see R movies at that age. Of course, Andy said that growing up in Texas he didn’ need his parent’s permission.As long a you could reach the counter and give them your money, you could see whatever film you wanted.

June Winner

Nick Delcore Westland, MI

A never-before-seen look at Lara as she contemplates who is the cutest Gl reviewer.


Lonnie Watts Chicago, IL

She's the perfect spon-

sor because she's hard

on the outside and soft on the inside.

Nicoy Drummond Hamden, CT

Lara with our logo - always a winner.


Dennis Price Chicago, IL Is that kinda like Smokin' Joe Frazier?



10130 WK. Toth ST. EDEN PRAIRIE.

Dennis Baraba Downey, CA

Lara being sassy under a waterfall...we like it.

Game LAFoumer

espe S MS. ^ E

Kamiaya Peel Phildelphia, PA

Hey, doesn't that look like Monica Lewinsky?

Game Informer * June '98 e

We don't even want to know who laid that golden egg.

The Witch's Lair (overworld) is loaded with... well...pots!


L— Using the first-person cam you can = practically see everything a level has to offer.

=== Qn each level you will need to find tons of hidden items, including these funky-colored birds.

“| have been dreaming of this day ever since | bought my N64. | love Mario ` rue GAME HOMBRE games, and Banjo-Kazooie is a fantastic Concept derivative. While the platforming in Banjo p

isn't as prevalent as it is in Mario, the exploration elements are just as good if Graphics

not better. Plus, the graphics in Banjo are 9.5

light years ahead of Mario. Textures are "T Sd splattered all over each and every level, 7

and the enemies and textures don't repeat |" 1090 as much as one would think. Throw in a ` Playability bunch of spl kooky animals that you 9.25

can transform into and Banjo-Kazooie is à "E-riacraimmanr ` winner. Nintendo owners Wars want to EEN

miss this one."


Banjo auditions to be the newest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.


"For the masses of N64 players who

played their Mario 64 about ten times rue PAUL through, Banjo-Kazooie has got to be your "T Ponespt next conquest. It borrows plenty from the once inaugural N64 game, but gives so much 80 MR more in terms of graphics and gameplay. Graphics The environments are absolutely huge 9.75 which can make navigation a chore (I think Sond I'm lost). Textures and effects in this game Ge

make Mario look like dirt. Although, BI shifting the camera perspective, like Playability Mario, has some definite trouble spots. 9 Without a doubt this game is the next echelon in N64 graphics (at least until Zelda). Banjo is a superb game that will keep you busy on those rainy summer days and nights. Heck, once you start playing you won't even notice the weather."

After nurturing her son for four years, the momma finally turned her back on her child after he announced that he was attracted

to seals.

Building on a Legacy |

The legendary Super Mario is making his triumphant return to the Nintendo | 64, and this time around he’s wearing a cute little bear costume. This joke is | not too far off the mark. The similarities are way too close to deny. Is Rare at fault here? No sir, it's a logical step in gaming evolution. What better game is there to draw 3D action/platform inspiration from than Shigeru Miyamoto's ~~ = baby. Everyone likes Mario, and we're sure Rare is hoping that everyone will Teamed together, Banjo and ` like Banjo and Kazooie as well. __ Kazoole can Ze? m almost

With uncanny similarities in design, Banjo-Kazooie actually leaps over ui dot Mario in look and size. From the extreme detail in textures to the realistic | effects, Banjo-Kazooie tries in every way possible to make your mouth drop. The gameplay experience is equally impressive. Rare has loaded this game with platform trickery, unorthodox gameplay techniques, and hidden surprises around every corner. Banjo-Kazooie also features one of the longest gameplay views we've ever seen. Just picture yourself looking down from the top of the Empire State Building and then translate this to

Have you ever danced under the pale moonlight?

Entertainment 9.25


"Rare did very little wrong in this release, but they made one huge mistake that REINER really gets under my skin. They copped a feel on Miyamoto yet again. First Diddy Concept Kong Racing, now Banjo-Kazooie. | have no 8.5


seed os Banjo-Kazooie's world. Segen " pnis d to Mario and get this, Banjo's voice is just Of late, Rare has been a development giant. In 1994 this flexible | 7% gu pit dic M dop , like eds 5 well. Now the story. Does Sound company kept the Super Nintendo afloat with the powerful Donkey Kong “一 ‘random objects out of ie eile: St ele 3 Country trilogy, then on the N64 it wowed gamers with arguably the best their rear.

j y Metam Playability first-person game ever, GoldenEye 007, and took character racing to |

with all of this you would think | despise

this title, but | don't. With all plagiarism 9.5 unfathomable heights with Diddy Kong Racing. This year, things look bright

aside, BN pushes innovation to the limit. Entertainment again, and Rare's return to its action/platform roots is definitely something that The cojoined characters were well 9.5 gamers have been looking forward to for quite some time now. Banjo-Kazooie executed, the graphics are breath-taking, EE is the first out the gates, but Twelve Tales: Conker 64 and the triumphant return

and the adventure is long and almost never ending. It’s a great game, but all uiri codeine ur

too familiar at times." OVERALL

Cover Story

* Size: 128 Megabit * Style: 1-Player Action/Platform

* Special Features: 2 Playable "Co-Joined" Characters; Transform Into 5 Different Forms (Termite, Alligator, Walrus, Pumpkin, Bee); Tons of Hidden Stuff on Each Level; Over 20 Character Moves; RPG Elements; 3 Battery Save Slots

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: Rare, Ltd. for Nintendo

* Available: June 29 for Nintendo 64

Bottom Line:

le ` ue

The Bear Necessities... The Simple Bear Necessities

Yes, one level is set 3

on a large boat. Thanktully, Leonardo DiCaprio LOOKING GLUM was nowhere to be found.

T poar ld HARD, "iol

Even the enemies are highly detailed and well animated. Wow! Look at that frog move. And its skin looks soooo real!

Gruntilda will try to sidetrack you as much as possible.

Banjo and Kazooie can morph into five different animals during their quest. This, of course, is the crow form.

large organ.

| | Bigger Is Better

| Banjo-Kazooie is one of the few N64 titles around that pushes | imaginative concepts to the limit. In this gargantuan release, you | won'tbelieve what you see, and often, you won't believe what you're | required to do. With 128 megs backing this title, Rare had the room | to add some unique gameplay qualities that actually create great | missions and interesting subquests.

! The story of the game is by no means revolutionary. It turns out that a witch named Gruntilda wants to be the most beautiful woman

Along with over 24 moves, Banjo and Kazooie can visit a witch doctor named Mumbo who has the voodoo power to transform them into different animals. These different forms are used for tackling certain tasks. Of course, this is not a free gift from Mumbo. To transform you will need to find Mumbo Tokens hidden through each level. If you have the required number, then Mumbo will use his voodoo to either change you into a termite, alligator, walrus, pumpkin, or bee. What you transform into is based on the levels. You will need the termite to scale the termite

in the land, but her magic cauldron foresees even greater beauty in Banjo’s sister. So instead of feeding her a poison apple, Gruntilda kidnaps the girl and holds her hostage. Enter the heroes. It’s now up to Banjo and his pet bird Kazooie to save the fair maiden and make sure Gruntilda will never pop up as a problem again.

This title doesn't start out like any platformer, but rather an RPG. Right after nio] jumps out of bed and enters the overworld the game starts, . but he’s not ready for the quest just yet. He only has one move available to him - the jump. In the first section of the overworld you will need to train with Bottles the mole and learn new moves. Even after training you will not have all of the moves in | the game. To obtain the new techniques you will need to find | Bottles on most of the levels. Sometimes a level will grant you | with a few new moves other times, you will only learn one. | The moves range from simple new jumping techniques, to a technique that requires an item or some kind of launch pad before it can be used.

hill, the alligator to enter the swamps, the walrus for a sled race, and the

bee for a battle within a hive.

As expected, Banjo-Kazooie is chock full of secrets. When searching for the hidden goodies like Puzzle Pieces that open levels or Honeycombs that add more health points, you will not be knocked out of a level when you find one (like in Mario). Banjo-Kazooie will allow you to collect everything on one run through a level, and won't knock you out unless you die.

There are a slew of secrets hidden within the overworld and the only way to find everything is to play, play, and play. Banjo-Kazooie is a massive game that throws everything from great graphics to fantastic gameplay around as if it were nothing. After playing this title gamers may need to hibernate and wait until the fall or winter for another great N64 platformer. But if it's not what you expect, and plays too much like Mario, you can always give Banjo the bird and walk away and wait for something new.


Camera Is Your Friend - Mastering the camera controls will greatly aid in searching for many of the secrets. The biggest help is the first-person cam (Up C). With this you can easily search a great distance around you. Also note that the remaining C buttons will allow you to pan your view. Don't be afraid to use the camera, it will save your life and help you find valuables on a timely basis.

Treasure Hunt - If you see yourself as an Indiana Jones type of hardcore explorer, then you probably won't want to leave a level until it is completed in full. All of the levels contain 100 Music Notes, 10 Jigsaw Pieces, 5 Jingo Birds, 2 Honeycombs, and a plethora of Mumbo Tokens. All of these items can be recovered in one swoop, unless of

Jigsaw Piece ` Honeycomb Mole Hill Spell Book course, the level requires a new power that is obtained later in the game. More times than not, though, the only thing

you'll miss is a Jigsaw Piece or two.

Jigsaw Pieces - These are the most sought-after treasures in the game. The Jigsaw Pieces are used to open later levels in the game. Each level contains ten, but there are also ten hidden in the Witch’s Lair. To unlock these gems you will need to hit the Witch Switch that is hidden on each level.

Music Notes - Like Mario 64, you will need to collect these in one run. If you die or leave a level then you will have to start over. This is a cruel reality on some of the levels, but don’t fear, the game doesn’t have any level exits, so if you die, but managed to collect 80 Music Notes, then the game will record this. The Music Notes




eui Lair 1 To enter this level you will first need to IR de% place a Puzzle Piece into the mural for Level |.

You will find the Puzzle Piece up and to the left and the picture up and to the right. Place the Piece in the mural to open the door. Now enter the level. Inside there are three mole hills to discover as well

as....[insert climactic music here]


The Pink Jingo is just to the right as you enter the level. Use the Kicking Bird Flip (backflip) to get him. Right behind that block is the first Mumbo Token as well.


right of the bridge.

ed. 1 Pass by the charging bull and challenge ww& Congo’s Orange Tossing by standing on the block

and running off it at the last second to have him |f smash his priceless orange thingies. The reward for this

feat is the first Puzzle Piece.

Gui 2 Don't leave the ape alone just yet. Climb his tree and grab an orange. Bring it around to the familiar monkey for the second Puzzle Piece.

i+ Se

The monkey will also jump off of a platform that will allow you access up to a new level. On top you will find | a mole hill with Bottles. He will teach you the power of |! Egg Shooting. Next, head to the left to find the second |

Mumbo Token.

gi 3 Go the opposite way across the platforms 4p from where you found Bottles and Congo will |

The Blue Jingo is located on a platform to the



d Piece.


Mumbo Token ` Witch Switch

Jingo Musical Note are needed to open the Music Note Doors in the Witch's Lair.

Cool Little Jingo - When you are near a Jingo it will whistle. Follow the voices and you should find it.

The Overworld - Don't fear the evil witch Gruntilda. Her Lair is large in size, but tame when it comes to perils. Carefully explore each cavern in this massive structure to find Cauldron Warps, Mumbo Tokens, and power-ups. You can even talk to Brentilda, Gruntilda's kind sister, for some naughty secrets.

Easier Exploration - Before diving headfirst into your search, destroy all of the enemies on the level. There's nothing worse than using the first-person cam, then being whacked off a cliff by a hungry little critter.



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x! Token and Bottles. This time your mole friend will teach you | the Talon Trot.

Head left down the hill and use the Talon Trot to find the Yellow Jingo.

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Shoot eggs into the mouths of the Juju statue, but don't destroy the last one. Rather, use it as a platform to find the first Honeycomb piece. Now, destroy the last one to find a puzzle piece.

| | n | ANA 4 Enter Ticker's Tower and ascend the platforms : | © until you run across the fourth Mumbo Token. | i

Bess Hinds

! First, go up to the hut area and look for the third Mole Hill. Talk to Bottles and break all the huts surrounding Dr.

Mumbo’s hut with the Beak Buster attack. One of the huts

holds the sixth Puzzle Piece. You'll also find the Blue Jingo

| through this. This last Jingo will grant you the seventh Puzzle

, Jump into the right eye of the witch doctor's hut to obtain |

| this well hidden Piece. Also, look under the stairs for the fifth Mumbo Token. "

éd 9 Climb the mountain surface at the beginning of ig the level to find this Piece.

| 2 Jump off the cliff hovering over the water pool | 2 L and land in the tiny cavern for the last Honeycomb on this level.


~ challenge you to a shoot out. Blast him with eggs : and he'll cough up the third Puzzle Piece. 1 From the monkey, ascend the platforms to the right and use your Beak Buster to hit the Witch

Switch that opens up a puzzle piece in Witch's Lair.

f Yeas Ph + VETE | After goofing around with the monkey and ape, head | to the stone hinge structure. In the center you will find |

the fourth Puzzle Piece. On top is the Orange Jingo and around the side you will run into the third Mumbo

a 10 Go to Dr. Mumbo with five Tokens and he will du turn you into a termite. Climb the inside of Ticker's Tower and you will find an extra life and the final Puzzle Piece. Before exiting this level grab all of the Music Notes | and exit with the termite power. :



Your abilities are still infantile, yet deep within that fur and feather shield you possess great powers indeed. Talk to your friend Bottles, the happy mole, and he'll teach you the skill required to pull off some of the basic moves in the game, but don't forget to grab the Honeycombs in this segment for a boost in health. Here's where they are located.

1 You'll find this one just to the left as J = œ you exit the house. Use the Kicking Bird . Flip to grab it.

2 Get wet and swim under the bridge. * æ Look to the central tower for your prize.


3 This one is above the tower and on top of the tree to the left of the bridge.



“=~ boulders to the right of your house.

9 On a plateau to the right of your

E : house destroy the veggie demons.

and get ready to start the game.


(,* Lair 2 With the termite power sp ascend the hill containing the Level | door. Grab the Lair Puzzle Piece 2 and head back to where you found the first Lair Piece. Use the Talon Trot to make it up the steep incline just in front of you and enter the 50 Note Door. In here, put two Puzzle Pieces into the picture to open the treasure chest to Treasure Trove Cove. You will find the chest located through the spooky eye door in the far left corner. Inside this level, exploration is necessary before anything else is tackled.

Right off the bat, jump into the water

pj and grab the blue Jingo who is hiding out under the dock.

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Go straight from the beginning and climb the boxes to the right. Talk to Bottles and he will give you the Shock Jump skill. Use it on the first pad to capture the first Mumbo Token. Now, use the Shock Jump power on the series of platforms to your left to get your hands on the Purple Jingo. Continue on and scale the cliff on the right side. Here you will find the first Puzzle Piece.

1 From the Shock Jumps hop up Ka > œ onto the tall platform and jump into the wi .. water. Swim out to the box and grab am the Honeycomb.

ER E At the pirate ship enter the only open backside

window (in the water). Bring the gold bar to the pirate on top of the ship. Now, use your


4 The fourth bee-made prize is unlocked when you break the four

6 Go to the waterfall and complete the jumps to find the last piece. Also,

jump into the waterfall for an extra life. This concludes the training. Now, talk to Bottles

| atria eng

| sixth. Mumbo Token. Continue working your way along this path and you will run into the fifth Puzzle Piece and the Orange


i i | |

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Beak Buster power to break the hole on the deck. Grab the Mumbo Token and bring the second gold bar to the pirate for the second Puzzle Piece.

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Ascend the ropes leading up to the crow's nest and talk to Bottles to learn the Flying Power. Before taking your first step into airness, climb the pole and grab the Green Jingo and third Mumbo Token.


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From the crow's nest use the Flying Power to elevate up to the lighthouse. On top you will find the third Puzzle Piece. Walk through the door and you will be rewarded with the fourth Mumbo Token when exiting. Explore this area and you will also find the Yellow Jingo on top of a tree and the Witch Switch behind the lighthouse.


Head back to the beginning and make your way to the left. Be ready to challenge the crab boss. Use Kazooie's beak to poke him in the eyes. Once defeated, go behind the shell and grab the fifth Mumbo Token. Now, enter his shell. Inside you will find the fourth Puzzle Piece.

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From the Shock Jumps head to the right and you'll run across a mine in a water pit with the

Jingo. This, being your last Jingo, will give you the sixth Puzzle Piece. Also, keep an eye on the water to find the second Honeycomb. After picking up these priceless treasures walk down the stairs and jump into the treasure chest to get your paws on the seventh and eighth Mumbo Tokens.


From the last Mumbo Token you picked up, go down the wooden stairs, go across the narrow path, jump on top of the wooden crates, and continue along the platforms to reach the seventh Puzzle Piece. Now, head back toward the beginning.You should run into two treasure chests. Keep going in the direction of the beginning and you will see a Mumbo Token in shallow water next to a large rock tower.

et 8 & 9 Use the Flying Power to enter wu a small alcove in the pirate's cove. Jump

. in the treasure chest to find the eighth Puzzle Piece. From here head back to the green tower and jump on the red X. Fly through the air and Beak Bust all of the X's you run across. When the question mark appears, look to the ocean and leap down to the isle with the last X. Beak Bust it and the ninth Puzzle Piece is yours.

10 —Drop down into pirate's cove and Vi grab the Mumbo Token in the far corner.

—n 10 -Go to Leaky the pail and shoot eggs et from your bottom so that they land in

^. the pail. Enter the now drained structure and spell out Banjo-Kazooie on the tiles to get the Piece. From here grab all of the Music Notes (if you haven't already) and exit to the Witch’s Lair.


& Lair 3 After exiting Level 2, jump up on the es pirate ship to grab the third Lair Puzzle Piece.

Next, head back to the room with Gruntilda's picture on the floor. Use the Shock Pad to jump up to the Level 3 mural. Place the Puzzle Pieces then go up the walkway and into the next room. Jump on the pipe and you're on your way to Level 3.

Go to the left and ascend the ladder. To the left you will find a Mumbo Token, and to the right you will find the Yellow Jingo hiding behind a Honey Hive.

Ge 7 In the next passage go through the hoops

“AF in order to win the seventh Puzzle Piece. Hint: Follow the green tint to know which hoop to hit next.


In the next passage talk to Bottles to get the Invulnerability skill. Become Invulnerable and run down the passage to the eighth Puzzle Piece.


e Now, exit Clanker and reenter his body through the MS the green colored hole just below Clanker’s tail. left gill. Inside here you will bump into the Pink Jingo

In here you will fi fight Snippets. Defeat them and i PEE EAE (which will unlock the ninth Puzzle Piece) and the you will receive your prize. Ir: stick To Move ARO | fourth Mumbo Token.

Take the green passage to the right of | we, d 10 +

Clanker to find the Blue Jingo.

From the platforms on the side of Clanker, shoot eggs at his teeth. Then head into his mouth to get the final Puzzle Piece. Now that you have everything don’t forget to grab the Music Notes and hit the Witch

Switch located right out in the open.

of 1 Jump into the deep pool and then swim to

e 2 —Take the yellow passage to the left of | Wap Clanker to find the second Puzzle Piece.


Take the passage below Clanker and there you will find the Green Jingo, as well as the key that unlocks Clanker. Simply swim into the key to turn it. Once you do so, the third Puzzle Piece will be waiting on Clanker's back.

P 1 The second Honeycomb is in the pipe to $ the left of Clanker's left fin. It can only be ... reached underwater.

2 Jump off Clanker's left fin and launch off the y Shock Pad to reach the platform on the right. * Jump out to the pipe and shimmy up. Now, jump out to the right and grab the Token. Beware, the platforms do fall!

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From the Shock Pad you just used, launch over to the left. Use the platform to reach the pole on the left. Head up and then break the gate with the Beak Buster attack to uncover the Orange Jingo and a passage to an extra life. Get back on top of the pipe and follow | the passage to another breakable gate that will give you the second Honeycomb. Head back up the pipe again and follow the passage to the third Mumbo Token.

4 4 Run up Clanker's Tail and then use the Rat-

č P

Let Ta-Tat move to break open the gate. Inside you ~ will run into the fifth Puzzle Piece.

ge 5 Hop on the screw that shoots out of IR pt Clanker’s blowhole and it will lead to the fourth Puzzle Piece.

ei 6 Wait for the screw to shoot out of |

ist Clanker's Blowhole and then drop inside of him. Pound the switch and then head down the passage to the sixth Puzzle Piece.

© Lair 4 In the Witch's Lair enter the room with Gruntilda's yo picture on the floor. Her eyes will be raised for you to Beak

Bust. Do this and the Lair Piece will appear. Grab it! Now, press the switch to the left of Level 3 and then climb across the newly formed bridge to the grate switch. Press it and then enter the grate. Place the Puzzle Pieces into the picture and then head to the 180 Note Door. Inside this room head through the swamp and enter the Hut. Beware the piranhas!

1 Go to your immediate left and talk to mo Bottles. He will tell you how to use the | Wading Boots.

Go across the bridge to the right and grab the first Mumbo Token and the Yellow Jingo.

After crossing die bridge smash the Green Puzzle | Tile and use Kazooie to ascend the bridge right in | front of you. Go to the right and grab the second Mumbo Token and Green Jingo. Before the timer | runs out dash for the first Puzzle Piece. Don't fret if you miss it, you can hit the switch as much as (8 you like.


/ / Now go back to the Green | ] Puzzle Tile and go to the left. |E . Use the Wading Boots to get to | the giant egg. Now the fun part destroying the egg. To do so locate |

the colored spot and use your | techniques to break it open. Inside is

the second Puzzle Piece. Jump on the fi match stick to obtain the third Mumbo "8 Token.

£ $ Again, return to the Green Puzzle | Ze Tile and this time trek to the right. Kill six |

Flibbets and they'll give you a Puzzle | Piece reward.

Sir 8

From the Flibbets head toward the large turtle | known as Tanktup. Jump on his feet and he'll give | you the fourth Puzzle Piece. From here jump on his shell and grab the wading boots. Hop in the swamp | (unharmed he he!) and save the Orange Jingo. |

Vf c. $ed

Don't leave Tanktup just yet. Now that you've |

relaxed him, enter his mouth and walk around the | outer edge to get a Mumbo Token. Then, from the | orchestra stand do a Kicking Bird Flip and you'll hit | the first Honeycomb. Talk to the instructor and | complete his lessons to get the fifth Puzzle Piece. |

And never once question the fact that Tanktup has an orchestra inside of his gut.

Now go back to the Flibbets locale and head toward the alligator statue. In this new area take the left-hand path. At the top of the trail grab the boots and go through the maze. Avoid the green Puzzle Piece and continue onward. Go behind Dr. x; Mumbo's hut and grab the Mumbo Token. Now Wi enter the hut and jump up on the ledge and grab BI the second Honeycomb. Finally, talk to Mumbo and transform into the alligator.


As the alligator, enter the alligator statue via a | nostril. Grab the exposed Mumbo Token and play , the game. Beat Mr.Vile in all three games and the | sixth Puzzle Piece is all yours. This part is tricky. Don’t get too flustered!


Continue on in alligator form and strut your stuff

|| underneath the trees. Make sure you grab all of the

| items listed above then head back to Mumbo for

another painless transformation back to bear and bird the ultimate crime fighting duo.

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From Mumbo’s hut backtrack to the Green Puzzle Tile. Now, run across the tiny platform and grab the seventh Puzzle Piece. After you get this Piece drop down and grab the Blue Jingo on the match stick. Doing this will also give you the eighth Puzzle Piece.

« 9 After completing all of these cruel tests

ds of courage go back to the beginning of the

7 level and shoot an egg in the golden alligator's

mouth. In total you will have to locate and shoot up

M! 5 alligators. With completion you will receive the | ninth Puzzle Piece.

23 10+@e+ À

| In the tree segment break the third hut to unveil the

| Witch Switch. [News Break Hitting this switch

will make Gruntilda’s hat explode in the Witch's

| Lair]. Continue breaking huts and you will eventually

| unearth the eighth Mumbo Token and tenth and | final Puzzle Piece.

| 1 —Leave this level as the Alligator and walk WEE through the swamp over to the snow area.

| "9 From here ascend the hill and go in the ultra a slim and tight tunnel. Talk to the Spell Book and take kd its clue back to Level 2.


After dinking around with the book and Level 2, go back to the Level 4 entrance. You will see that there is a tunnel behind the hut.To get there you must go back across the swamp bridge and enter the log tube on the right. Grab the boots and run around the hut and into the swamp tunnel. The Level 5 picture awaits. Fill it with your nifty stash of Pieces and head back to the towering witch statue (its hat blew up earlier).

© Lair 5 At the blown-up witch statue head Se up the steps on the far side, and enter the 260

Note Door. Immediately to your left is a brick wall. Use the keen Charge move to break the wall. Hit the switch and jump into the pot in the center of the room.This little warp will drop you down to the Lair Piece. After this exciting feat go back up through the Note Door again and walk up the stairs on the left. In the next chamber cut to the right (toward the ice) and enter the door.

Excellent! e 2+ Y):

On the broom side of the snowman there is a collection of presents. Inside of these gifts you will find the Pink Jingo,a Mumbo Token, and Bottles (who will teach you the Beak Bomb Attack).


1 Head straight for the igloo and don't y bother knocking. Run inside and steal the Mumbo Token from the crying children.

VELA 1 W Kill all five of the Killer Frosty Ballthrowers (with the Beak Bomb Attack) and you will be rewarded with a Puzzle Piece that will appear on the top of the snowman.Two of the Killer Frosty guys will give you a Mumbo Token. Another will whip out the first Honeycomb as he dies in agony, and the last Frosty

will move out of the way so that you can hit the Witch Switch.

2 Simply jump into the snowman’s pipe.


e 3 From the top of the snowman, jump on M the sled and you'll land on a new Piece of the


| 5 & B There are two Mumbo Tokens around the snowman’s feet. This guy is keeping warm in Mumbos ultra-

4 warm Hut.

This guy is protecting the snowman's broom. Jump on top of it and take him away.

Behind the snowman (his non-broom hand) j you'll find the Green Jingo behind the second little people house.

eui. 4 Dive Bomb the three buttons on the 4e * Snowman’s chest to get this bad boy.


Game Informer s June '98

KEE e 7

Just in front of the snowman you will find a big present. | What could it be? Of course, it's nothing cool, but another grueling challenge. Get ten Twinklies to the tree and the light switch will be open to you. Jump inside the plant and grab the Mumbo Token, and then shoot the switch with eggs. Hurry to the Flying Pad (using the Talon Trot) and fly through the star on top of the tree three : times. After doing this, climb up the base of the tree and grab the fifth Puzzle Piece.

.6 Remember the crying kids? Well, now it's time 4F7 to give them a happy Christmas. To get the first present, fly to the top of the snowman and then drop though the top hole directly above his nose. The second present is on an island right behind the snowman.The third present is inside the lighted tree to the Broom side of the Snowman. When all three are collected head back up to the igloo and give them to the kids. Then the kids will give a present back, and guess what, it's something you already have dozens of. Lame!

i 7 Go up the hill located near the left-hand side Let of the snowman and join the race in progress (note: you must be the walrus). Win the race and you'll receive a Piece.

B On the far right side of this level enter Dr. Mumbos5 hut and transform into the walrus. Walk through the water and you'll run into a Mumbo Token.

4 8 Head down the path from the finish line (still Ze? as the walrus) and the big walrus will give you a Piece just for being so cool. | am the eggman! | am the eggman! | am the walrus! Koo koo kachoo!

2 —Head into the big walrus’ cave (his name is Wozza) and then jump into the pool of water. In the next corridor you will find the second Honeycomb.

s 9 «o

The Orange Jingo is located inside Wozza cave. You must be the bear, however, to jump up to the Jingo.

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€^, 10 Race the obnoxious GE walrus again. This time around, though, you will need the Speed Shoes. Complete the next level then come back for this Puzzle Piece.


Go through the 350 Note Door and you'll see the place to put your Pieces. Not feces, pieces. Head E] back out into the room with the large f vase and take the stairs on the far side to get to the pyramid and the entrance to Gobis Valley.

ics Ka Geh i CILLUM M+ Beez

| This is a long one. Go up to the tower within the water and shoot the Sphinx head with eggs. Repeat this two more times and a new temple will emerge from the land. Like a curious beaver, examine this new structure. On the peak a Mumbo Token awaits. Now, go inside and complete the maze. While cutting through the Labyrinth keep your eyes peeled for the Pink Jingo (which gives a Puzzle Piece) and Witch Switch. After beating it, grab the Puzzle Piece and don’t forget the eighth Mumbo Token which is hidden in one of the many jars.

w/ Watch out! He's right 4 behind you.

t B Go back and grab the Running Shoes and Ze drop into a pit left of the target pyramid. Here | you will need to snatch the Puzzle Piece out of a mummy's hand. Careful! This guy is sneaky!

, 1 Locate the Flying Pad and glide through the cactus for the first Honeycomb (make sure you've hit the switch first!). Now, Dive

Bomb the target to open the pyramid.


Enter the pyramid and grab the ninth Mumbo Token. Talk to Rubbee and shoot eggs into the nice pottery. After doing so jump on the snake's head and grab

the seventh Puzzle Piece.

KI 1 Out on the end of Jinxy the Sphinx's nose.

Shoot an egg into each of Jinxy's nostrils and then enter the door that opens after this event. Inside you'll see a Mumbo Token. Grab it then climb on |f | the carpet and shoot an egg into the mouth of | the mini-Jinxy to get your ride moving. After the first one, the Orange Jingo will be right behind you. Continue up the carpets to the first Puzzle Piece.

ae EI

Scale the pyramid on the far right. Grab the Green Jingo on the backside, then climb to the top and Beak jj Bust the tile so that the door will open. Use your | Invincibility to kill the mummy, then butt slam the tiles | and match pairs. Just like good ol’ Concentration. The reward is another Puzzle Piece.

Ad 3 Go to the Aztec temple and walk around ES the side (where the race begins). Here you will find a Mumbo Token.

1 Go behind the left-hand pyramid and talk | to Bottles. He will give you the last move in

the game, which happens to be the Running Ve a | Sadly, We Depart

Shoes [insert Chariots of Fire music here].

C s 4 8 It’s back to the skies with you kid! Yes, fly | “£5 like the dickens and make like a stupid dog | trick. Go through all of the rings that appear. For this tedious act you will receive a Puzzle Piece.

* 9 Drop down to the ground again and go ei behind the rightmost pyramid and free Gobi to get a Puzzle Piece.

$ X. 10 - Follow Gobi to the tree at the SÉ: beginning of the level and stomp his back to give the tree the water it craves. The last Puzzle Piece is yours.

@ d Fly or ride the magic carpet over to the | door that will not open (on the outer ring). | Then, jump on Gobi's back and he will give you the 2nd Honeycomb.

«C Ze B You're on your own folks. This is the halfway | | p? a B marker (or so we believe), and from here on in, 4&54 £f, | Il the secrets must be found by your lonesome self. But there is hope for those who find themselves helpless.We will be back in the next month or so to complete this massive strategy guide. We've played through all of the levels, and we can safely say that you're in for a real treat. Just wait until you see the level with seasonal changes! It's mind blowing! Until next time Game Informer says good luck and safe journey.

Head back to the Aztec pyramid and grab the shoes behind it. Now beat the clock to the top and inside you will find the fifth Mumbo Token and the third Puzzle Piece. Completing this will also add more water to the landscape. Jump down in the new water hole and grab the Blue Jingo and sixth Mumbo Token.

ou suddenly get bumped as a body flies by, ID tags and p. in hand. Loud, obtrusive music blares

from every freshman developer's decked-out display b . Whisperings of rumors, takeovers and

: meltdowns, scantily clad models and half-cooked snack bar hot-dogs. Ahhh...the sights and sounds of :3, the video game industry's biggest, baddest, earth-shatterin, innual sensory extravaganza.

The Electronic Entertainment Expo is a yearly vigil in which every company that has anything to do with video

games can literally "strut" its stuff. Members of the press, retailers, distributors, everyone has a chance to

Game Informer



| SUIV - Get off my hill! says Sony; but apparently, Nintendo isn’t ez ` listening. The mountain that is PlayStation is under constant pressure from Nintendo, but PlayStation is still king. With almost three times as many games In development, not to mention.its already massive library, PlayStation i is the most popular next generation system in.the world. But where is the PlayStation going, and are there any "new" titles in the pipeline? Simply put, there are tons of crap games on the PlayStation, and many of the games at E3 will be total losers. Sony's approval process is permitting more and more clone games, but beneath all the junk are real gems. According to developers, the PlayStation is not only easy to work with (which is the reason every two-bit developer creates a "me too" PlayStation game), but it has yet to reach its full potential. For example, Gran Turismo used only 75% of the PlayStation's potential. Metal Gear Solid might ` mark the peak of the PlayStation, but a mysterious platformer (created by Insomniac Games), known only as Spyro the Dragon, is supposedly the new benchmark for PlayStation color and graphics. In short, the end of the PlayStation is nowhere in sight and any epochal PlayStation game has yet to surface. Plus, with Madden finally going polygonal, and Sony's maturation as a sports developer, PlayStation sports games are the best sports games in history.

With so many third-party games, and a world install-base that will number over 30 million by year’s end, Sony is basically on autopilot. Sit back and the lawn will mow itself, right? In some respects yes, but don't think Sony isn't working on the PlayStation 2. We probably won't even hear inklings of a new Sony system until E3 '99, but let's hope it's well built. The current PlayStation is a cheap piece of junk that just happens to house some powerful processors. Has your PlayStation broken down lately?

Ging fy MS, LA i :

June 98


Game Informer

orio s Repent Car 7


games, fans (once again) will wait. Zelda will be huge, and current rumor surrounds a new secret Rare game (which could be a fighting or a racing game, or both), along with the sequel to GoldenEye (minus the Bond license). At E3 '97 Rare wowed everyone with Banjo-Kazooie, but that was a year ago and the &ame's still not available. Expect to see another surprise from Nintendo we've heard it's Donkey Kong but don't count on playing the game until summer '99. Miyamoto also has a new game that could make an appearance, King Emperor Leo.

meet with companies, talk about products, peer into the future of video games, and market a new type of snake oil,

Memorable E3 moments from the past include Sega's sudden e Saturn, getting a professional massage while Crystal layed Gex: Enter the Gecko, and watching Reiner blast of the sky in a StarFox competition. You can always surprise, but what will it be this year?

as Game Informer previews the games and systems E3 ‘98. The video game wars are heating up: prices are falling, new systems are surfacing, companies are bought and sold like cows, and various add-ons and peripherals are in the pipeline. As always, a full show report will follow (in the August GI), but for now, here is an educated look at what will constitute this year's E3 in Atlanta, Georgia...

yar count on

“But where is the

any ‘new’ titles in the pipeline?”


Although the N64 is doing very well in the U.S., Japanese consumers are anything but enthused by this 64-bit system. In March, Game Ir saw copies of Yoshi’s Story piling up in the ot bins, retailing fo

proper is doing poorly i in Japan, since its Game En is still rocking the ae world. Nintendo’s new Color Game Boy is the next step in handheld gaming, and might be a major focus at Nintendo’s E3 booth. Along with the Pocket Camera/Pocket Printer, the Game Boy franchise is helping eg to stay afloat in the video game wars. a But more and more, Nintendo's release

7/4 Woh dates are sliding. Games spend six extra But more Dy months in development, the 64DD is quickly disintegrating into the atmosphere, and a role-playing game isn’t even available yet. Lean and mor E, times, but with Nintendo it's usually feast or famine, and with the quality of its firstparty ` Mimtendo’s


[continued on page 24]

c Lid p= eS e dota [47] E p= denm [us | Cz

Wanna see the other 99 cars? Play the game.

So you think you're a good driver? Can you thread the needle at ` Choose from arcade mode, go head-to-head or compete on 140 mph? Up for that? C'mon, leadfoot, put yourskillstothetest ^ the GT Circuit. That's where the racing experience really comes with the most realistic, in-depth, graphically rich racinggameever to life as you drive for cash and then modify your car to go designed for the PlayStation'(or any gaming system): Gran Turismo: as fast as you can handle. Real racing pales in comparison.


GRAN TURISMO E Competition License e , 4 1998 Ax.

Michael “Iceman” Janis 340 Main Street Venice, CA 90291


The Gran Turismo circuit is So compet- itive you can’t even leak a drop of oil on

the track until you’ve

earned your license through a grueling qualifying

series. Be sure to practice. Trust us, you'll need it.

Fig. 1: Oversteer




Fig. 2: Understeer

Hope you paid attention in physics class. Because the racing in GT is so real- istic, its based on the actual suspension, braking and engine systems of over 160 cars, as well as the dynamics of the track. Don't oversteer (fig. 1, rear wheels sliding out) or understeer (fig. 2, plowing with the front wheels). Find the right

apex (fig. 3, correct turning angle) and accelerate vigorously (kick major tailpipe).



Use a clock as a reminder of correct hand positioning on your controller. Your left hand should be at 9:00 and your right at 3:00. Note: : ; ; Avoid digital clocks and A E ett,

E eer ege ER



Start/Finish «mm

Tunnel 3

Tunnel 1

Fig. 3: Correct Tunnel 2

Map the turns and braking paths before you hit

the tarmac. Then test your car on all 11 tracks with-

out the threat of competition around. You’re trying

to learn the course, not how to lose. Here’s a tip:

Take Trial Mountain’s first two turns at full speed.

PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks IST of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Gran Turismo is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. All manufacturers, cars, names, brands and associated imagery featured in this game aretrademarks and/or copyright material of their respective own- ers. All rights reserved. 1998 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.



As a winning

Gran Turismo

driver, you'll

find your bank account

growing with every race.


But don't treat your

friends to lobster and

caviar just yet; you'll

want to sell that Subaru

wagon you're driving and buy a new, faster car.

Like a Dodge Viper. And

Vipers don't come cheap.

The more you win, the more money you make.

The more money you make, the faster you go.

The faster you go, the more you win.


A. ENGINE Get a new engine or tune one to your personal specs with a turbo kit or gear ratio adjustment. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty.


Spending an inordinate amount of time staring at the wrong side of a pile oftires? Check the brakes. You don't have to be a crew chief to know that.

B.TIRES Improving splits may be as simple as making a pit stop for a quick tire change. The time you sacrifice is often made up with the control you gain.

Spend some of your winnings on upgrades for your car. Try new brakes, a stiffer suspension or a turbo kit. Then machine-test your car to see how it's improved. Or not. Store all your customizations ona PlayStation memory card. It's a small price for a checkered flag.

® www.playstation.com

D. SUSPENSION Adjust your spring ratio, soften your damper or decrease your camber force. Don’t know what all that means? Learn fast or lose.

ENGINE 600hp, 8.0 liter, V-10 TIRES F285, R335 SUSPENSION multi-link

MAX SPEED 221 mph

PRICE $125,000




“I’m driving the big yellow bus that's gonna take you to school.”

Any driver worth his salt can pass

, inthe straights. It takes skill to rule

the turns. For an inside offensive evita tare Gran:

Ma material than Gran Turismo.”

move, take a late apex and use

your exit speed to pass. Or watch “You spend so much

time in my exhaust you must enjoy the aroma of my stinky tailpipe.”

your opponent's defensive line and

“You drive like #!$@”

pass when you spot a weakness.




! All your long hours of practice will be

rewarded when you thrash your bud- The new Dual Shock Analog Controller brings Relive your winning races, or defeats,

dies in GT's two-player mode. And again and again with GT's replay

the thuds and crunches of racing to life.

with PlayStation memory cards, you Skid-out and it squirms in your hands. Crash mode. Be sure to enjoy your moment

and your friends can race cars you've into a pile of tires and it whips violently. And of glory while you can, because vic-

customized in your own personal tory is fleeting and, as the adage goes,

GT is just the first of many games that will

garages. The action is just as fast, second place is just a nice way of

take advantage of this new technology. It'll

but the victory is twice as satisfying. change the way you feel about PlayStation. saying you're the first of the losers.

Bi hor ad



Game Informer

Feature =

Things we might see...

» The 64DD - Nintendo’s solution to its cartridge problem, the 64DD, has been delayed indefinitely. If the 64DD is a part of Nintendo's booth, we could see the Mario Artist series, Sim City 64, Pocket Monsters, and Super Mario RPG 2. Otherwise, these titles are all delayed indefinitely as well.

»- Sony's PDA - A mysterious attachment that plugs into the PlayStation memory card slot. It continues to process data even when the PlayStation's power is turned off. Perhaps Sony plans to interface Tamagotchi-style applications with PlayStation memory files.

Voice Recognition Unit for N64 - This dandy thingamajig lets you control N64 games with your voice. This technology has never succeeded in the past, but does Nintendo know something we don't? Seeing this peripheral is a long shot at best.

» Color Game Boy - The Color Game Boy is coming, that's a fact. But in classic Nintendo style, the release date of summer, 1998 will most likely slide. Nintendo's booth will be filled with Game a stuff, but the Coor Game Boy may not show up.

» Pocket Pikachu - Pikachu is everyone's favorite Pocket Monster character, and now it has its own virtual-style pet. A novelty at best, but important for collectors.

[continued on page 26]

imm qs i i


SEGA’S NEW SYSTEM At long last, there is solid news regarding Sega’s new system. Sega has yet to reveal any official specifications or software plans, but development kits have been distributed. What this means is that Sega is approaching many video game companies with details on its new system. A few companies do have games in development already, using Sega’s development kits, but for the most part, companies are afraid to jump headfirst into Sega development. Sega’s new sSystem looks to be a pretty powerful machine, closely tied to Sega’s arcade hardware, but also (and more surprisingly) very close to standard PC architecture. Its CPU will be the Hitachi SH4 (the Saturn used Hitachi's SH2). This is a definite fact, but the GPU (graphics processing unit) is still undecided. Sega planned to use NEC’s Power VR chip, but because of cost considerations, these plans were summarily canceled. NEC currently has a second generation Power VR chip in development, but like the first chip, it would be too expensive for Sega to use. However, NEC does have a third chip in development that strives to capture elements of Sega’s Model 3 arcade board. This non-Power VR chip might be Sega’s ticket. Regardless of its graphics processor, the system is most definitely trying to achieve some form of PC/console cross-compatibility.

First off, Sega is focusing on Internet play. Many potential developers have been approached and asked by Sega to develop Internet-based multiplayer games. To do so, Sega has to either build a modem into the console, or provide an outboard modem. To go with anything less than a

33.6 modem would be foolish, but if Sega packs. a 33.6 in with the new system, the price could

jump by as much as $50 (up from its projected launch price of $250). Either way, the new system definitely strives to emulate a PC, and might in fact be able to link up to a PC; all of which creates major problems. With

PCs changing in power and performance on a month-by-month basis, any attempt at cross-compatibility could instantly

outdate Sega's machine. The attempt at Internet-based gaming is certainly bold, but many people would also say it's foolish.

Instead of a traditional dedicated console, Sega's new system might resemble more a set-top box that plays advanced games.

Like Nintendo’s N64, Sega's new system will also launch with a revolutionary controller. Its

design is similar to the Nights 3D controller, but is made much smaller to fit comfortably into the

hand. Both analog and digital controls will be available, along with an LCD screen (similar in size

“Go con Segu and resolution to a Tamagotchi). The screen will first be used primarily for sports games - calling

plays and making substitutions but the developers have other unique and imaginative uses in

mind. However, the sports applications raise an interesting point, as Sega has already

rise from announced a strong sports focus to be in place by the time the system launches. Obviously, Sega

will rely heavily on Visual Concepts (makers of Hardwood Heroes and One) to build a first-party

the ashes sports line-up, and the new controller could be a powerful sports marketing tool. So can Sega rise from the ashes of the Saturn? Is the company releasing a new system too soon? Should it wait for chip prices to go down, therefore providing a more powerful system? of the Video game history is filled with failed platforms, and Sega has been a major contributor. With

Sony's dominance, Sega’s aggressive moves just might be "Japanese" by definition. The N64 is failing miserably in Japan, and gamers are ripe for new-system-picking. The U.S. audience is more

Saturn?” N64-entrenched, so with an early foothold in Japan, and the first true attempt at Internet console gaming, Sega’s next system, at this point, appears to have a fighting chance. But many gamers also purchased Sega CDs and the 32X, two upgrades that still leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Sega's playing for keeps, and if this project fails, it could mean almost certain doom.

Pocket Pikachu

Game Informer * June '98

Color Game Boy


* PlayStation

* Sega Saturn


* Game Boy

** Nintendo 64

® game.com

* Sega's New System



© All-Star Baseball 99 * All-Star Baseball '99 * Batman & Robin

* Brain Drain

® Bust A Move 2

** Bust A Move 2

* Constructor

^ Forsaken

* Forsaken

** /ggys Reckin' Balls

* McGrath Supercross '98 ** NBA Jam '99

® NBA Jam 99

© Turok 2: Seeds of Evil * WWF: Warzone

“> WWE: Warzone

WWF: Warzone


* Hardball 6

® Redline

® StarCon

® Test Drive 5

* Test Drive: Off-Road 2 Activision

* Apocalypse

® Asteroids

*- Nightmare Creatures ® Tenchu

® Vigilante 8

ASCII ® Armored Core: Project Phantasma ® Bass Landing * Carom Shot * Fighter Maker * Hit Back * Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia ® Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman * RPG Maker

Atlus * Cardio

Bandai ® Tail Concerto

Capcom * Breath of Fire Ill * Capcom Generations | Capcom Generations II * Darkstalkers III * Mega Man Legends * Pocket Fighter ® Rival Schools * Street Fighter Collection Vol. II * Unknown Title X-Men Vs. Street Fighter EX Edition Crave & Caesar's Palace * Lode Runner *- Milo's Bowl-a-Rama * Redneck Rampage Shadow Madness & VR Pool 64 Cryo ® Roadkill * Sportscar [continued on page 26]


me Boy.” By the


Licensed by Nintendo. Nintendo, the Official seal, and Gameboy are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1998 Nintendo of America Inc. Sunsoft is a registered trademark of ™Sun Corporation of America. © 1998 Sun Corporation of America Square Soft? is a trademark of Square Co, Ltd. © Square Co., Ltd. All rights reserved

Crystal Dynamics : Akuji The Heartless 9h.

Things we might see... (coni)

Gex 3 » Game Boy Adapter - This lets you download data Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver from Game Boy games to the N64. Unholy War » Tiger's game.com.pocketpro - Tiger is releasing a EA new pocketsized edition of its not too popular Dark Omen game.com. It doesn't make the games Fight Night any better, but it is easier to carry around, Game Boy Adapter L.A.PD. 2100 A.D. ; m oa ^ gek i z » New Bandai Handheld Presumably, the success of Tamagotchi Moto Racer 2 has convinced Bandai to travel new roads in the handheld universe. The NASCAR 99 DVD Player company has announced a new handheld system to debut this fall in Japan, NBA Live 99 LAYER H wae] but maybe it's just another Tamagotchi. NBA Live 99 »- DVD ROM - It will be interesting to watch as PC companies begin to code Mon dos Tiger game.com.pocketpro games for DVD format. Rumors are circulating that Sega's new console will be Populous: on Coming DVD-based, but it's unlikely. Regardless, DVD is a powerful new format that bae dk "s directly affects the future of all video games. Small Soldiers a »- VM Labs’ Project X - Last issue, Game Informer told you about a new Tiger Woods 99 Holyfield Boxing system being cooked up at VM Labs. The company will most likely leak a Tiger Woods 99 large bit of information concerning its Project X, but a hands-on experience at TOCA Touring Car Championship E3 is unlikely. World Cup 98 World Cup 98 r THE GAMES Deathtrap Dungeon Fighting Force Fighting Force 2 Ninja ga: : Crash Bandicoot 3: WARPED [P5-H) Omikron i , , Publisher: Naughty Dog/Universal Interactive/SCEA Tomb Raider 3 : : j uon Enix The biggest no-brainer of the year will finally surface at E3, Danos and Rhythm Action and this time around the Bandicoot addiction is presented in | an epic saga involving time travel and a sinister new boss. This Crash Fox Interactive ; ' mx features a different look that allows gamers to see all the way to Alien Resurrection ` E, e the horizon, and will feature three playable Alien Vs. Predator S characters (Crash, Coco, and ???). Crash and Croc II : d Lr company have ditched the snow beaver and are Fox Sports Golf now riding tigers, motorcycles, and a baby t-rex. Fox Sports Hockey They'll even take on the Red Baron in a dogfight, Fox Sports Soccer [- pm E and carry a bazooka through most of the levels.

Fox Sports Tennis N20: Nitrous Oxide Team Losi RC Racer

GT Interactive Duke Nukem: Time To Kill Duke Nukem: Time To Kill Invasion From Beyond Mike Piazza's Strike Zone Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus Rogue Trip Streak Hasbro Battleship Centipede Jeopardy! Life Wea! of Fortine Alien Resurrection [P5-H) Hot-B Publisher: Fox Interactive Blue Marlin Hank Parker's Black Bass

Not much is known about this game, but obviously, its storyline will follow the movie very closely. In the screenshots, Ripley can Hudson be seen running from a number of aliens, even climbing a ladder,

Bomberman Hero trying to get away. Count on tons of firepower, an evil corporate Interplay scheme, and thousands of menacing, acid-bleeding aliens. Giants (working title) mN WC e ve

ote we eet Heart of Darkness !

Messiah Star Trek: Klingon Academy Wild 9 Jaleco ET | Dragon Seeds K j N A j ves . " "EHS Vau V LUN nm x # Peere PITE

Kemco Knife Edge

[continued on page 28] .

Ó Game Informer e June '98

Game Informer

Feature :

Tomb Raider 3 (P5-H)

Publisher: Eidos

You want more Lara, well you got it. But this time Lara's coming at you in high resolution (512x256). The game features new moves (including, but not limited to, a crawl move, a super running jump, and the ability to dive straight into a roll); 5 new areas with 3 levels, each with a new vehicle (including a kayak); new weapons (like a knife that can be used both in and out of the water); and all new artificial intelligence. The new Al is probably the biggest breakthrough, as Lara will find herself stuck between two warring factions. She can help one or she can take on the world, but her decisions will affect the whole game. Plus, the animals have been upgraded, where Tigers will only stalk you and won't attack straight on; or if you kill the strongest lion in a group, the pride will retreat and develop a new strategy of attack. The list goes on and on. Even the levels will be improved with multiple paths and varying difficulties. Look for Tomb 3 to be a big leap forward in the series.

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (N64)

Publisher: Acclaim LC

First off, Turok 2 features a killer multiplayer mode. There are 7 different characters

to choose for multiplayer, one of which is a raptor, and players can team up against others. As for the 1-player game, Turok 2's level design is like the first. There are eight levels, and you must find keys and secret talismans in order to unlock the other levels. The enemies feature soft-skinned technology, so the dinosaurs look incredibly life-like. Your ultimate quest is to protect seven sacred energy totems. The enemy is Primagen, an evil foe who Turok unwittingly awoke when he threw the chronoceptor into the volcano after defeating the campaigner.

Metal Gear Solid (pe Ai

Publisher: Konami

Game Informer had a chance to meet with Konami in March, and Solid Snake's game is looking better than ever. Of particular note is the enemy AI they will follow your footprints until you do something to cover them up, they can hear your footsteps, Solid Snake even gets a head cold

` during gameplay and must suppress his sneezes. Many of the weapons are remote controlled or time delayed, but

skilled players will rely on the most effective weapon of all bare hands.

Snake crawls under the tank... ..and the view quickly changes to first-person.

Game Informer e June ‘98



Azure Dreams

** Blades of Steel

Blades of Steel


Contra Adventure

© Deadly Arts

Dolphin's Dream

* International Superstar Soccer ‘98 * International Superstar Soccer ‘98 © International Superstar Soccer ‘98 Metal Gear Solid

MLB Bottom of 9th ‘98

~ NBA In The Zone ‘99

NBA In The Zone ‘99

Poy Poy 2

* Silent Hill

Suikoden Il

* Survivor

Lucas Arts œ Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

MGM Interactive

* Return Fire 2

@ Tiny Tank

4 Tomorrow Never Dies WarGames: Defcon 1




© Blitz

© Blitz

** Chopper Attack

** Doom 64: Absolution 4 Fastbreak '99

«> GEX: Enter the Gecko *- Micro Machines

** Mortal Kombat 4

Mortal Kombat 4

= Off-Road Challenge Off-Road Challenge ** Rally Racing

«© Rush America

«> Twisted Edge Snowboarding

Namco Pac-Man 3D * Tales of Destiny

Natsume œ Flying Dragons Harvest Moon * Legend of the River King = Legend of the River King Ring Rage Nintendo *- Banjo-Kazooie * Body Harvest © Cruis'n World > Donkey Kong 64 * F-Zero X © King Emperor Leo * MLB Presents Ken Griffey Jr. ® Player's Choice: DKC 1-3 Player's Choice: Super Mario Kart Player's Choice: Super Mario World Player's Choice: Zelda: A Link To The Past * Pocket Pikachu * Pokemon Stadium *- Unknown Rare Title - Fighting + Unknown Rare Title - Racing * Waialae Country Club > Zelda 64

Nintendo/Rare œ Twelve Tales: Conker's 64

Ocean ^ GT Driver

[continued on page 30]

Game Informer * June '98

MER ii! us NL. "ama it | If) Laf II) Eg






Game Informer



Mortal Kombat 4 [PS-H, DEA

Publisher: Midway

Mortal Kombat is making its way home in June and MK fanatics will be pleased with the results. Both versions of the game are very smooth, with tons of colors, and yes, tons of blood. Goro is playable as a hidden character, and all the ‘alities and endings from the arcade version are included.

F-Zero # (N64)

Publisher: Nintendo

Miyamoto is hard at work on yet another racing game for N64. But with Miyamoto behind the project, F-Zero X is sure to succeed. The races offer a field of 30 competitors, and you can die from falling off the track. The game will feature some interesting gameplay modes, one of which is a sudden death competition, there are multiplayer split- screen races, and cars can be adjusted to your liking.

Rogue Trip [P5-H)

Publisher: GT Interactive

1997 was a tough year for SingleTrac, but help is on the way for 1998. Rogue Trip is definitely Twisted Metal 3, but with a few key differences. Your job is to deliver tourists to vacation spots. Due to limited vacation real estate, others try to stop you. You can win cash to visit the body shop, upgrade your basic weapon selection, two players can play in the same car, and there are plenty of bonus levels to mix up the action. Level locations include Area 51, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and the eerie Nuke Town.

[continued on page 32]

Game Informer ¢ June '98


Mission: Impossible Space Circus Wetrix

Paradigm/Video System World Grand Prix

Psygnosis Blast Radius Colony Wars: Vengeance Dead Ball Zone Formula 1 1998 Global Domination O.D.T. Power Soccer 2 Pro 18: World Tour Golf Psybadek Sentinel Returns WipeOut 64

Radical ESPN Extreme Games ESPN Hockey Night


* Fighter's Megamix 2 + NBA Action 99

NFL 99

*€ Panzer Dragoon 3

Phantasy Star V

Sega Rally 2

* Super GT

Top Skater

Unknown Sonic Game * Virtua Cop 3

* World Series Baseball 2000

Sirtech Joe Blow Wreckin Crew

Sony Cool Boarders 3 Crash Bandicoot 3 Dark Guns Diabolical Adventures of Tobu Jersey Devil Legion Medievil NBA Shoot Out '99 NCAA GameBreaker '99 NFL GameDay ‘99 NFL Xtreme NHL Face Off '99 Rally Cross 2 Sorcery Spyro the Dragon Syphon Filter Turbo Prop Racing Twisted Metal 3 WarHawk 2 Xtreme 3D

Square Soft Bushido Blade 2 Final Fantasy VIII Parasite Eve Soukagi Xenogears

Take 2 In Fisherman's Bass Hunter 64 Golden Goal Featuring Alexi Lalas «€ Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto D.C. In Fisherman's Bass Hunter Monkey Hero Montezuma's Revenge Space Station Silicon Valley Spec Ops [continued on page 32]

you'll have c



ASC Games™ is a trademark of American Softworks Corporation. ©1998 American Softworks Corporation,


Zelda (N64)

Publisher: Nintendo

Game Informer




THE GAMES (cont.)

The Diabolical Adventures af Tohu (P5-H)

Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America

This new platformer is being developed in-house at Sony, and it sounds pretty good. Tobu is a little boy with metal wings. The game is set in full 3D, so there is plenty of flying, along with some quality ground-based exploration. The atmosphere in Tobu is very dark, almost evil in nature, and the characters and cinematics are

done in Japanese-style animation. A kiddie platformer it’s not.

Tomorrow Never Dies [P5-H) Publisher: MGM Interactive

To further exploit its James Bond franchise, MGM Interactive plans the release of Tomorrow Never Dies. Black Ops, creators of Treasures Of The Deep, will be programming the game for MGM Interactive. The story in this game begins where the movie left off. Tomorrow Never Dies will feature lots of first-person action like Nintendo’s GoldenEye, but with the addition of many different vehicles and tons of assorted gadgets. Shooting, racing, scuba diving, and practically any other action James Bond engages in (except maybe seduction) will be included.

Zelda is Nintendo's most important title. New pictures are starting to appear, and word from Nintendo of America estimates upwards of 50 hours of gameplay. As the pictures show, Zelda is amazing, breathtaking, mind-blowing, and we just can't wait to play it. Nintendo is guarding details on this flagship product, but Game Informer has learned that the rumble pak will be closely tied to gameplay. Like the glass of water in Jurassic Park, the rumble pak will slowly start to twitch as huge enemies move closer. The intensity will continue to build as you creep through the environment, coming ever closer to danger. Enough talk, let's look

at some new shots.

Game Informer « June '98

[continued on page 34]

Wheel of Fortune

Tecmo Gallop Racer Monster Rancher 2 Tecmo Super Bowl 2 Castle of Deception

THQ Brunswick Circuit Bowling Dead Unity Disney's A Bug's Life @ Disney's Mulan FIFA World Cup 98 Quest 64 Rugrats Rugrats Rugrats Shao Lin Small Soldiers Speed Tribes The Granstream Saga WCW Thunder WCW Thunder ® Yoda Stories



® Giga Deluxe

+ Holyfield Boxing


«€ Madden Football ‘99 * Monopoly


NBA Live '99

Resident Evil 2

Small Soldiers

Tiger Casino Wheel of Fortune 2 X-Files


® Quest for Camelot Superman 64 Superman Virtual Chess

Ubi Soft Buck Bumble F1 Racing Simulation 2 F1 Racing Simulation 2 Hype Predator Racing Predator Racing Rayman 2 Rayman 2 Shadow Gunner Tonic Trouble

Virgin C & C Red Alert: Retaliation Roadkill Sportscar

Working Designs Elemental Gearbolt Lunar Silver Star Story Magic Knight: Rayearth Silhouette Mirage Unknown Title Unknown Title

Legend PlayStation Sega Saturn SNES Game Boy Nintendo 64 game.com * Sega's New System


(Game Boy not included)

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Rumors of a Price Drop

Sony has been hinting at plans to drop the PlayStation's price to $99. Sony has retooled the design of the PlayStation to cut costs, and considering Nintendo’s hefty investment in the N64, dropping the PlayStation’s price would be an excellent business move. Nintendo has already stated that if the PlayStation drops in price, the N64 would follow within 24 hours. But Nintendo isn't moving the volume of software that Sony is, so an N64 price cut would be tough for Nintendo to swallow. Game Informer fully expects a price change for PlayStation. The only question is: Will Sony wait until the fall?

The Square Question

Since the holidays, there has been lingering questions as to who would publish Square's titles in the U.S. That question has finally been answered, in the form of two letters EA. Announced April 27, a massive deal has been struck between Electronic Arts and Square Soft, cementing a partnership that should (if all goes well) help Square get its long list of titles published on U.S. soil.

Two new ventures have been formed (and listen closely because this is confusing): Square Electronic Arts, and Electronic Arts Square. Square Electronic Arts (SEA) will publish Square titles in North America, while Electronic Arts Square (EAS) will publish EA titles in Japan. In each case there is a 70/30 split in ownership. SEA is owned 7096 by Square Soft, while EAS is owned 7096 by Electronic Arts.

In 1998, SEA plans to pub- lish Parasite Eve, Xenogears, Bushido Blade 2, and Brave Fencer Mushashiden in North America. In 1998, EAS plans to publish Tiger Woods 99, World Cup 98, NBA Live 99, Diablo, Theme Hospital, and the Ultima series in Japan.

Final Fantasy VIII Rumors

Who will publish Final Fantasy VIII is no longer a question, it will be Square Electronic Arts. But the game itself is still a long way off. However, rumors abound, and here's a few of them. To begin, FF VIII is rumored to be 4 CDs in length, due to the massive CG cut-scenes. The Limit Breaks are back, but some of the moves can only be learned in certain places (like in a forest maze). Supposedly, your cast of characters might number as high as 30, and each character will have large differences in attacks and abilities. Some characters will focus on magic, while others will focus on

physical combat.

o Game Informer e June '98


n" ees e Abe's Exoddus - GT Interactive |

Croc Il - Fox Interactive


Gex 64 - Midway

G Shock - Konami



HET e L Konami

Int'l Superstar Soccer ‘98 -

Moto Racer 2 - EA

peny "


Return Fire 2 - MGM Interactive

Survivor - Konami Tiger Woods 99 - EA

Tail Concerto - Bandai

Superman 64 - Titus

The best rumor we've heard is that, in a break from FF tradition, FF VIII will pick up where _ FF VII left off. Sephiroth's cells have continued to grow and are N attacking the planet. A group of ancients (including Red XIII) must | stop it. If this is true, it would be the first time a Final Fantasy _.// storyline has been interwoven with another. This might silence e, everyone who complained about the unanswered questions in FF VII. Maybe that was Square's plan all along. No release date is set, but FF VIII could ship in Japan as early as spring '99 (the same time as Dragon Quest VII from Enix).

Game Informer


Pers Os are)

GT Interactive

ES Fre

Duke Nukem: Time

| | | Tm : |

Fighter Maker ~ ASCII


Iggy's Rec.



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Knife Edge - Kemco Lunar: The Silver Star Story - Working Designs e .

Mike Piazza's Strike Zone - GT Interactive

dicium Poy Poy 2- Konami

TUS et

NHL Face Quest for Camelot - Titus Rayman 2 - Ubi Soft

Small Soldiers - EA E CEN


Sil m. a: Star Wars Rogue Squadron - LucasArts

a ni

Turbo Prop Racing - Sony Virtual Chess - Titus

WarGames MGM Interactive

World Grand Prix - Paradigm/Video System

e informer e June '98 35

Before this year, his biggest claim to fame was working on Motor Toon Gran Prix one of the first games offered for the PlayStation in Japan. Now he has created a racing game, Gran Turismo, that many are calling the best racer ever created. Did he expect the game to do so well? What does he do for a follow-up? And exactly what kind of car does he drive?

Read on, as Game Informer speaks with the creator of Gran Turismo, Kazunori Yainauchi, and gets the answers to...

Game Informer e June '98

Actually, there are none.

What is your inspiration for creating Gran Turismo?

Kazunori Yamauchi: Since | was 15 years old | thought that this type of game was needed. There were, and are, already a lot of racing games in the market but there weren't any with many of the cars that you see on the streets. The games had a lot of special sports cars and racing cars - and special races as well. So | don't think I’ve made anything really special, but something that every driver wants.

How long did you spend developing the game or at least designing it?

Yamauchi: The actual development and pro- duction took three years, but in actuality it has been over six years since | first submitted the game design to Sony.

Your previous work on the Motor Toon Gran Prix series is obviously a lot different from this game, but is Gran Turismo the evolution of Motor Toon?

Yamauchi: Motor Toon itself has nothing to do with this game, but Motor Toon's bonus game, Motor Toon R, was kind of the beginning of Gran Turismo.

You didn't put any of the Motor Toon cars into Gran Turismo - did you?

Yamauchi: Keep on wondering [laughs].

The data for the cars, how they handle, the characteristics where did the data come from? Did you get to drive and test any of the cars?

Yamauchi: | really didn't have a chance to drive in ALL of the cars, but what we did is have a physics model that we could input the cars' actual physical parameters like weight, horse- power, etc., into this model. Then we were able to get a fairly realistic representation of the car. Most of the data was supplied by the car manufacturers.

So what cars did you have the opportunity to drive?

Yamauchi: The Japanese car makers approached me and other members of the GT team and we were able to drive about 30 of their test cars. | was to drive, for example, the Nissan GT-R and the Acura NSX - actually that was my main reason for making GT [laughs]. | didn't want to make a game, | wanted to drive the cars [laughs].

There was a story or rumor that one of the GT staff members had wrecked a test car. Is that true?

Yamauchi: You mean an accident? It was actually me who wrecked the car. Actually this is my third car, | have wrecked two others a GT- R and a FTO [Mitsubishi]. | now drive a Mitsubishi Lancer GSR Evolution V.

Tell us a little about your background?

Yamauchi: Actually in junior and senior high school | wasn't making games, but | was


involved in making films with my own production team. Every year there was a film competition and we were submitting a film every year on average. Then when | was in my third year of high school, all the friends that were making films with me started to say - OK, I’m going to be a lawyer or I’m going to be a doctor and I said to them, ‘what happened to your passion to become film makers?’ So | sat down and thought to myself what | really wanted to do from then on. | was using computers back then quite a bit and considered that an option. So while my greatest interest was in making films, | thought of being involved with computers, not games necessarily but computer applications. So | guess that is what brought me to here.

Besides Motor Toon, have you worked on any other games?

Yamauchi: Yes, | worked on the Super [Nintendo] game Sky Blazer.

Do you feel that Gran Turismo is pushing the PlayStation technology to its limits?

Yamauchi: When | was working on the Motor Toon series, each time | was attempting to achieve the best quality product using the technology of the PlayStation. After | finish each of the productions | understand even more of the technology PlayStation has to offer. | think after finishing Gran Turismo, in hindsight | realize that it may use something like 75% of the power the PlayStation can achieve, as the GT team has dis- covered where we could squeeze out more of the machine's potential. However, if you look at the PlayStation games that were released in Japan for 1997, | am confident that Gran Turismo makes the best use of the technology. In GT, the physics engine uses approximately 50% of the CPU's power alone, but | am certain we can lower that to something like 20% or so.

The High-Res mode is a great and amazing looking bonus feature. What prevented you from using it in the entire game rather than on just three tracks?

Yamauchi: At first | wanted to do it for all of the tracks, but it became a choice of framerate the High-Res mode runs at half the framerate

of the normal graphics. It was that issue, plus the fact that there just wasn't enough time to complete the High-Res mode for all of the tracks.

What was the hardest part about developing Gran Turismo?

Yamauchi: There are several aspects that come to mind, one being getting the control just right was very difficult. But in the first two years of the game's development the major thing was to speed up the graphics engine. | knew then that if the engine were not sped up the final product would not be so good.

Besides Gran Turismo, what are some of the other racing games that you play?

Yamauchi: Grand Circuit and Gran Prix II for PC. When | was younger | really admired just about any game on the Apple Il.

It sounds like you have been playing some PC games of late. Is there any chance we'll see Gran Turismo for the PC sometime in the future?

Yamauchi: That is not something that | can decide, it is SCEI, as a company, that makes that decision. But | have made Gran Turismo ready to be converted to PC.

Were there any cars that didn't make it into the game that you really wish you had put in?

Yamauchi: | obviously really wanted to get many more European and American cars into the game, but a line had to be drawn somewhere or I would still be working on the game.

Any cars in particular?

Yamauchi: | would obviously like the “super” sport cars, but like in Gran Turismo, there are the cars that the beginner would be driving - not the super cars ~ but real family cars. So | guess if there were a sequel | would like to have more of the American and European versions of these family cars.

Are you going to be making a sequel?

Yamauchi: | really can’t comment on that, but

Game Informer


if | were | would obviously add the European and American cars.

What has been the reaction by the car makers to the success of Gran Turismo in Japan?

Yamauchi: | have already been approached by a number of Japanese car manufacturers who want to be involved in any future projects. | have also been contacted by companies such as Bridgestone and Castrol concerning their inclusion in a sequel.

Do you ever think the car manufacturers will allow their cars to be damaged?

Yamauchi: Japanese car manufacturers, as probably compared with American manufactur- ers, are quite concerned about how their cars are represented and shown in the game, so I’m not exactly sure. But | have an idea to include a crash test in the next Gran Turismo game, if possible. For example, if you have a very bad crash in the game you will be told that that crash killed you.

Does it feel strange to see a game that you designed become so highly acclaimed?

Yamauchi: | am in awe and honored to have a product that is so highly reviewed. My team and | have always considered ourselves a challenger. We know that designers such as Sega's AM2 team make magnificent racing games, but all of a sudden after making Gran Turismo we realized that we may no longer be that challenger. It is a strange feeling indeed.


Games for June @ Atari Collection Vol. 2 (Paper Boy) - PS-X - | © Parasite Eve - PS-X © Pocket Fighter - PS-X @ NBA Courtside - N64 @ Mega Man Legends - PS-X Q Banjo-Kazooie - N64 Q MLB ‘99 - PS-X © 1080 Snowboarding - N64 | @ Tekken 3 - PS-X |-Q Gran Turismo - PS-X

Games for June

@ Diddy Kong Racing - N64 © Final Fantasy Ill - SNES Q Final Fantasy VII - PS-X @ GoldenEye 007 - N64 @ Yoshi's Story - N64 Q Resident Evil 2 - PS-X @ MLB '99 - PS-X © WCW Vs. NWO World `

Tour ~ N64 | @ Jet Moto 2 - PS-X @ Gex: Enter The Gecko - PS-X

~ Top Ten Things We Do When The Bosses Are Away On Vacation

@ Arrive at the office at 11:00 A.M. Wait, we do that anyway. Leave at 3:00 P.M.

® Save the bad games for when Q they get back.

Score games solely on box art.

© Catered lunches and cigars on © the expense account.

Wear shorts.

O Make believe that we're @ productive units in a highly tuned office work force.

Unshackle our chains. © Pretend we work for money.

e Play video games on @ company time.

Game Informer is looking for your Top Ten favorite games. Please send your Top Tens to:

Game Informer Magazine Attn: Top Ten 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Everyone that enters every month will be entered in a drawing to win a GI Secret Access T-Shirt! So get writing!


Game Informer * June '98

m Wa À à b E d " Z WHAT'S HOT * TECH TALK *

Ce T ai S EE AE Weer, LL w M Su 3 TG"

Nintendo 6400 Delayed Indefinitely?

According to numerous Japanese sources, the 64DD has been delayed indefinitely, along with DD titles Picture Maker, Polygon Maker, and Talent Maker (see Gl, Feb. '98), which are all under the Mario Artist label. However, Pokemon Stadium, the game that uses monsters from the Game Boy Pokemon via N64 Game Boy Adapter, is still coming out, but on a cartridge. No official statements from Nintendo have been posted regarding the reasons for the delay, only the actual postponement was confirmed. Expect Pokemon Stadium to hit Japan sometime this summer. While the 64DD isn't dead yet, this delay is certainly another nail in the coffin.


The Tokyo Game Show: Spring ‘98

In March, Japan's video gaming masses converged on the Makuhari Messe outside of Tokyo for the bi-annual Tokyo Game Show. The three-day show puts on display the latest Japanese video game offerings.

The first day of the show is open only to members of the press and gaming industry, but once the weekend rolls around the doors open to the voracious Japanese gaming public. Close to 20,000 gamers were estimated to pass through the turnstiles in one day. That makes this show an endless barrage of pushing and jostling to get the best view of the games, or plenty of standing in line for hands-on play.

Not surprisingly, the show was dominated by the Sony PlayStation. In fact, well over 50% of the titles displayed were for the Sony machine (even though Sony itself only displayed two fairly mediocre titles). Namco's | area was jammed with gamers looking for a chance to compete in Tekken 3. In the largest display of a single console game, Namco had over 30 systems set up for some serious butt-kickin’. In fact, Namco sponsored a tournament with the champion earning the chance to compete at the upcoming E3 in Atlanta. Besides all of the hubbub at

the Namco booth, a number of other companies and titles garnered plenty of attention.

You can bet Square had plenty to



ER X "0 d H vi auf * COMIC WATE * TOP TEN * TRIVIA * NAME ..: AT. CH TALK * SN LC A aiii ail à

Sony Announces Pact With Microsoft

Sony announced that it will be collaborating and cross-licensing with Microsoft to "create a home networking environment that links personal computer and consumer electronics products."

Sony will license Microsoft's Windows CE operating system (the same OS purported to be the framework for Sega's New System) for consumer electronics products and handheld computers. Microsoft will license Sony's Home Networking Module for use within "certain versions" of Windows CE. "We hope our combined efforts will give birth to even more exciting products and applications in both the computer and audio visual entertainment arenas," said Microsoft's CEO Bill Gates.

The ramifications of this agreement as it pertains to Sony's future video game systems is

Do Bill Gates and Crash Bandicoot have : dire : still unclear, but the possibilities seem endless.

some secret up their sleeves?

offer hungry gamers. The action/RPG Brave Fencer Mushashiden with its platform elements and hack'n slash combat hasn't been seen in a Square game since Secret of Mana. Konami's debut of Metal Gear Solid was equally impressive, yet disappointing when Konami announced it wouldn't release in Japan until September. On the RPG side, the emergence of Enix's Star Ocean: The Second Story should reestablish Enix as a top RPG maker. Enix's Dragon Quest VII is rumored for a spring '99 release in Japan. Lastly, Bandai has tailored a 3D action/adventure, Tail Concerto, that turned some heads. It has already been announced for a U.S. release this fall.

The pickings were pretty slim on the Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn fronts. ) However, Human's Air Boarder 64 and GameArt's Gungriffon 2 for Saturn were quite impressive. Hudson displayed the most unique gaming-related product when it unveiled the Handy Watcher for Game Boy which, get this, is a depth/fish finder that plugs right into the cartridge slot of the Nintendo handheld. An unusual but exciting development for the avid anglers on the Game Informer staff.

The Tokyo Game Show always has its share of unusual titles that will likely never see the light of day in the States, but most of the games we have mentioned (and others) will make their way to the U.S. very soon and we'll bring you the word.

The Handy Watcher (at left) turns your Game Boy into a depth/fish finder.

Game Informer e June '98 ©



After announcing its intentions to develop Nintendo 64 titles last June, Game Informer has learned that Eidos Interactive will release Fighting Force as its first N64 cart.

No details are available on the exact changes from the PlayStation release, but Fighting Force 64 is a definite for release this fall. Eidos is expected to debut the game at this month's E3.

THQ Announces Plans for Road Rash and Nuolear Strike on Nintendo 64

THQ is partnering up with Don Traeger Productions to bring Road Rash and Nuclear Strike to gamers in, as the press release put it, "the discerning 64-bit audience, a significant and growing market segment that demands originality as well as superior gameplay." Lofty goals indeed, as neither title is the summation of 'originality' or even 'superior gameplay, especially considering that both games have spawned numerous sequels.

But we at Gl are here to inform, not to judge (yeah right), so maybe there will be something original in these rehashes of popular favorites. Possibly a three-wheel bike, or maybe a chopper with even bigger guns? Let's keep our fingers crossed and look for these titles coming in the next 12 months.

EA's Waistline Expanding

Electronic Arts' business strategy is "to enhance its development and creative resources through acquisition or investment." This time, EA has purchased Tiburon Entertainment, Inc. and made it a wholly owned subsidiary. Since April 1996, EA has had a minority interest in the company, owning 19.996. In the past, Tiburon has developed titles for EA Sports like Madden Football 98 íor the Sony PlayStation and Nintendo 64, and NCAA College Football 98 for the PlayStation.

Sony Interactive Studios America Takes On New Role

Sony Interactive Studios America (SISA) will expand its responsibilities to those of an independent publisher. With games like NFL GameDay ‘98, MLB ‘99, Blasto, and Rally Cross, not to mention its many others, Sony Interactive Studios America (SISA) is one of the premier game developers for the Sony PlayStation. Plus, SISA dabbles in the PC market with Internet- only games like Tanarus and the upcoming EverQuest.

Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) will continue to handle sales and distribution for all SISA products.

© Game Informer * June '98

Gaming e Past Relived With Capcom Generations

The great folks at Capcom have given us a sneak peek at two of the company's fall titles, both in the Capcom Generations Series. Remember the game Ghouls & Ghosts? How about the shooter classic 1942^? Now you can play all three versions of both games on your Sony PlayStation. The two discs will release separately, with all the versions from both the arcade and previous consoles included. Look for these games this fall.

A Ud tos

Electronic Arts Ranks jet in 1997 Software Publishing

According to Access Media International, a New York- based industry analyst firm, Electronic Arts topped all software companies in 1997 by racking up $848 million in revenues in the home interactive entertainment market. However, other companies, especially Nintendo of America and Sony, gave EA a run for its...ahem...money.

From 1996 to 1997, both Sony and Nintendo increased revenues by 40096 with Sony ending up at $801 million and Nintendo of America at $834 million. This shows that the market is not dominated by one player, as each of the three companies accounts for about 1296 of the $6.6 billion total spent on software by consumers.

During the period between 1996 and 1997, global software sales went up by 34%. Europe experienced the most dramatic increase of 5196, while the U.S. had an increase of 34%.


Ranking 1997 Revenues (in millions) di ;Bipetrdble AHSoS coser euch in aee Ee e Reve $848 2 .Niotendo.of Amslleq sis eua epe m E aer eed $834 3 Sony Computer Entertainment `... $801 WE ET simo m max ore percer E EE hehe $531 5 Cendant Software (formerly CU), $496 6 Microso Corporation AN usus e Eee du d das $477 T <The Learming-Company . ss ces au cc te m Ry E ad y tees $392 g Seek OT AE Ce eg tot eso wets sean ced $303 S Eldgs PIE arat hha coo iua s te Fisted a scr OPER $246 | TOV SBfrederbnd: EE $228 Hi Milwey GNTES, He. cies acid oor mes ok C PNE $224 125 ABS Sic 108. A Rica dra ROS A E E ef dude $204 13. Infogrames.Entertainrhent e ee nm rng $196 TA ARE Zoos bch el Sa nied sake ag xu ar ist epe uM $191 165. THO voz dioi is apogr eve ee Pru Suh secet e as mg NE eth e $89 kter lote rosa ew deh ag PRN) bo ee ips fid ede $86 17 Microprose/Spectrum Holobyte . .......... eee ee ee $70 NU GNE. ros sse ala odis a e $382

Source: Access Media International (AMI)

Game Informer 's

TRIVIA + ET s or e s e ite 0’ The Month

‘iii NS TW Ny Tom

Bandai To Break Into Handheld Market

The handheld gaming market has been dominated by Nintendo's Game

Boy, but this fall Bandai plans to release a pocket-sized unit of its own, priced somewhere between $30 and $40.

Currently negotiating with several major software firms, Bandai will initially offer about 20 different games tentatively priced at about $25. The company plans to focus its marketing efforts on children and young women. Characters from the Bandai universe like Tamagotchi and the TV super-hero Ultra Man, will more than likely be featured in the first wave of software products.

The machine will be equipped with a 2.5 inch monochrome LCD and will allegedly have at least twice the visual processing capacity of a Game Boy, allowing Bandai to create the visual effect of several characters moving independently. The unit will run on an unspecified number of AA batteries and Bandai expects sales to : reach 3 to 4 million units by March 1999. An ambitious sales effort considering

Nintendo's recent announcement of the Color Game Boy.

Red Hot Manga Video News

Manga Video has had a close tie to the video game industry lately, and even though its Street Fighter Il V series recently came to an end with the release of episode 10, more good game stuff is on the way. While we're on the subject of Street Fighter, a Manga representative recently informed us that the Japanese film Street Fighter Il Alpha could possibly be coming to U.S. theaters later this year. Also, keep your eyes peeled for the Fist of the North Star series coming to video this July.

In other news, Manga is bringing out a slew of new videos. The list includes Sword of Truth, Psychic Wars, Perfect Blue, X, Lady Ninja, å i

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Saturn 2 Technical Pages http://www.canadawired.com/- gvink/index.html

With the word technical in the title, be prepared to be overwhelwed by this site's compilation of data gathered concerning Sega's Next System. A must see.


ER What company is attempting an apparent suicide mission by planning to break into the portable handheld market, currently dominated by Nintendo's Game Boy?

O What two companies have recently become official developers for the

and the General Chaos Film Festival (no relation to the game sorry). All d $ ? 3 Nintendo 64?

of these videos are due out before the end of the year. ` waeetene AE © Eidos’ Deathtrap Dungeon is loosely For DVD owners, Manga has just released Ghost In the Shell and the .. Wear Glasses... bassd.on the written works of

equally popular Ninja Scroll. Wings of Honneamise is scheduled to hit on what author?

July 28.

ER What kind of car does Gran Turismo

Lastly, Manga and Palm Pictures will be distributing the creator Kazunoni Yamauchi drive?

highly acclaimed live action movie Six String Samurai to theaters later this year. From what we've heard and seen, this movie looks killer! Stay tuned!

© Blasto producer Jonathan Beard also made a Super Nintendo game that was based on a popular movie. What is it?


[Answers on the bottom of page 43]


Crystal Dynamics Joins Nintendo "nd DO" in Holy Matrimony

Recently, Crystal Dynamics became an "official" member of the Nintendo family. But you can't be born into this family. To join, Crystal had to go through a rigorous courting process that ended with an oral presentation to Nintendo.

Now that it has been accepted by Nintendo, Crystal has been given the development tools necessary to make games for Nintendo platforms. In other words, Crystal can publish and develop games for the N64 all by itself. Therefore, Midway will take a lesser role as Crystal publishes and develops exclusive levels of Gex: Enter the Gecko for the Nintendo 64. Midway, however, will distribute the game and will also hire Real Time Associates to convert the game to the Nintendo console.

In addition to Gex, Crystal has the option to bring other games to the N64 like Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Akuji

wee Allen Ludden

a This game, released in 1994, is a pioneer of the "mg, the Heartless, and The Unholy War. Will Crystal satisfy the first-person shooter genre. Published by Accolade

legions of N64 owners that are sick of one racing game after on the Sega Genesis, it features armor and health

The happy couple, they plan to honeymoon ` another? No official word has been given yet, but expect an

in Las Vegas. power-ups, a ton of weapons, strafing, and five

announcement from Crystal after E3 detailing any plans to fat- playable characters each with different abilities

ten the N64 library. and starting equipment. What game is it? [Answer on the bottom of page 43]

Game Informer e June '98 D



COMIC WATCH ms . a rr





‘aga of America 2 s Bernie Stolar has been pro- - moted from COO to president and COO, responsible for all facets of BA North American video game operations. This might not ~be the biggest ı news of all- time; but Sega tipped its hand as to key” launch titles when Sega’s New . System is released. next year. œ. According to. Segajits..ne system will ship with a .néw Imphas 3 on its Sega' "Sports up, anchored” by Visual Concepts. Sega has invested heavily in Visual Con company responsible for One and - Hardwood Heroes (to name a few). Visual Concepts does impressive

work, and sports games are fundamental to any platform. Look

for more information on Sega's Next System in Game Informer’s E3 Preview on page 24.

» The news of a sequel to Psygnosis' highly acclaimed space combat game, Colony Wars, has been circulating for months; . however, the company told Game

. Informer that it has settled on an official title for the product due to hit the PlayStation in mid-November.

Now known as Colony Wars Vengeance (see pg. 50), this sequel was formerly called Colony Wars: Codename Vendetta. It was changed to Vengeance due to copyright issues.

» Crave Entertainment, Inc. salvaged Lobotomy Software from the wreckage of Saturn-based first-person shooters for work on a future Nintendo 64 title. Crave obtained the senior members of Lobotomy, including Paul Lange, who started the company in his apartment. Lobotomy is known for its Saturn development of Powerslave, Duke Nukem, and Quake.

» Square has begun development on Ehrgeiz for PlayStation. Inside sources at Square indicate that a PlayStation release could happen as early as December 1998 in Japan and spring 1999 in the U.S. The home version of Ehrgeiz is also rumored to include an adventure/story mode, like Tobal 2.

© Game Informer e June '98

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Asteroids is back! Activision is planning to release a new 32-bit version of Asteroids for the PlayStation and PC later this year. Although Hasbro legally owns the rights to all of Atari’s old properties, the deal with Activision was signed before the acquisition took place. So, everything’s on schedule. Apparently Activision is pretty excited about it, but we'll reserve our judgement until we get to hyperspace all over with total disregard for the crew's safety (as if the Asteroids ship had a crew).

In other Activision news, the company has garnered the rights to publish Sony Music Japan's newest title, Tenchu.

| This action game (see Gl, May '98), which centers around the


Turbo Prop Racing

1 |

use of stealth, is very awesome. We should get a release date on Tenchu when v we > head to E3.

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scheduled for July.

Capcom fans start screaming, because you are not going to like this bit of news. Mega Man Legends, the awesome, fully 3D action/adventure featuring the Blue Basher himself, has been delayed until September. The reason? Well, it seems that Capcom feels it would make a bigger sales impact with a September release instead of a June release as originally planned. The game is finished, it looks and plays great, and there is no real competition on the PS-X as far as new action games go, but Capcom doesn't care. It has delayed the game until September, and we'll all have to wait.

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Asteroids for PlayStation

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe first unveiled this game as Rapid Racer at last year’s E3. Sony Computer Entertainment America has picked up the title for U.S. release and renamed it Turbo Prop Racing. |f you haven't figured it out, Turbo Prop is a high-performance boat racing game. Sony has been keeping quiet about the details of the game, but we've been able to dig up its release which is



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4 06/22/98 ....... Dead .Ball.Zone. ....... 22. e GT Interactive ............... Attn: Swap Shop 06/23/98 ....... Mortal Kombat 4 ............ Mick 10 12 0 West 76th Street 05/23/98... ...... Mortal Kombat 4 ............ MIWA oS uA ONE si Ed d Prairie, MN 5534 4 06/25/98 ....... Harvest Moon `... Natsume: .....: Sees eS Granstream Saga

$ 06/25/98 ....... Flying Dragon... Natsume er oc nec eee io i 06/25/98 e GERacInE 225980... EE o.a Ocean/Infogrames 06/25/98 ....... Mission: Impossible .......... Ocean/Infogrames 06/25/98). cass QUESCOM: oaeee pee 7 06/29/98 7... WET ae cock eir Ocean/Infogrames z 06/25/98 ....... Granstream Saga ........... THO S aaa Rh merenge x A x Lo at 06/25/98 ....... Silhouette Mirage ............ Working Designs .............

06/25/98 ....... Tiger Woods 99 ............. Electronic Arts 92v E 06/29/98. ....... Banjo-Kazooie .............. Nintendo o oT TT a si 06/29/98 ....... Off Road Challenge ........... Le 06/29/98 ....... Off-Road Challenge ........... lee 06/29/98 ....... WWF: Warzone... i oa ver ere Quest 64

July 07/15/98 io. World Grand Prix (tentative) ..... Video System uideor d Ai Stee? m Customol service hours: 07/15/98 7... Turbo Prop Racing ....... se Bolt ACRES E TRE EE - e TE LI. : : Monday er) Friday, 07/15/98... i. NB Xtreme. i ES db SONY Hie d coL AREE E - 9:00 am —4:00 pm (Central b 07/15/98... 2. Pocket Fighter .............. Capcom: Ee z "i Wee 2 \ 1 (61 2) 94 6-7266 d een e T Bia NR NEN. a E. ano E ps S ACRI a EE £ : ih Outside Minnesota make sure to dial

ee om n os s vlNIHIOTI s s s k $9 3 9 39 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 9 9 3 5 CH 4.4 74 ee 4 8 &52.4 W sd A 3 » 5. 6 "M area code (this i is a toll call). 07/25/98... ..... Small Soldiers <; ..:.... 2... THQ os SR o Se eS a cus | 07/25/98 ....... Deady Ane ee E EE Konami. ii e oed | ge 4 To Subscribe please send a check or 07/25/98 ....... WWF: Warzone ..... sese Acai Fs: E Sd ees i OU NOME UN money order for $19.98 to: 07/28/98 ....... Dead Uniy ee EE UE E - * N m T " e Game Informer Magazine

Attn: Circulation Dept.

» August 10120 West 76th Street 08/01/98 ....... Waialae Country Club ......... Nittel " Eden Prairie, MN 55344 08/01/98... Battleship 257 ollis Hasbro V ST Le es eres - www.gameinformer.com/sub.html 08/11/98... . i. Sentinel Returns ............ PSYBNOSIS! |. Rod aie Rn S

y 08/15/98 ....... Superman 64 ......... sees. Titus o D E Video Game Trivia Answers: 08/15/98 ,...... CBN Sn i.d su s S0 hen EIS a da e 1. Bandai. (See Gl news, page 41) 08/25/98... acai Caesar's Palace ............. Cm s Ke A uoc 2. Crystal Dynamics and Psygnosis. 08/25/98 ....... GEX: Enter the Gecko ......... MINE EE SC Eege i 3. lan Livingstone.

08/25/98 ....... Blast Radius ............... PSVOROSIS V. res er ee un] 54. MI ncer GSR op 08/25/98 ....... Brunswick Bowling ........... DO uu QU i T. a CE

08/25/98 <<. 22. LUNAR: Silver Star Story ....... Working Designs ............. Ne at Game eng 08/25/98 ....... Redneck Rampage ........... CRAVE ich Fe o S E CES e

[all dates subject to change] Virtual Chess 64 Zero Tolerance

Game Informer e June '98 Ó


* Size: 96 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports

* Special Features: Exhibition, Season, World Series, & Home Run Derby Modes; All MLB Players, Teams, & Stadiums; Virtual Stadium Tours; Rumble & Controller Pak Compatible

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: Angel Studios for Nintendo Sports

* Available: Now for Nintendo 64

Bottom Line: 7 b

JON “I’m going easy on Griffey, simply because the game looks great and plays so well.

The motions in the game are very smooth. Concept ^ The fielding is challenging, but easy to pick 7 up. | like the batting interface too, you

5 THE GREEDY GAMER The baseball stylings from Nintendo have carried TL

the name of Ken Griffey Jr. for many years now. In fact, Griffey has to be the longest running sponsor of any

baseball game - in years, not in games. Not only Graphics bv bigis App a opper SCH partial ownership of his team, the company has Sound often, and working the bases offers great locked this young ballplayer into titles that have 7 rewards. But, and this is a big “but” -

Playabilit Nintendo, after so much delay, only y y delivered half a baseball package. You can't create players, the season setup

appeared on Game Boy, SNES, and finally (and we mean finally!) on the Nintendo 64. With a development cycle that spans well over Eee 2 : : ntertainment two years, Major League Baseball Featuring Ken 775 lus d Mice p eon d

Griffey Jr. is a game that has had its fair share of t ; - | LE strategy. Griffey is arcade all the way. If

delays. Ironically, the Japanese market has seen a you need the extras, wait for All-Star. If number of baseball games for N64 and Nintendo’s not, pick up Griffey.” own Griffey will be the first N64 baseball in North America - almost two years after the system's launch. We now depart from the gaming commentary to get to some stone-cold gaming facts (with plenty of GI | opinion to mix it up). E While this game may not hold a revolutionary status as the end-all, be-all of video baseball, it is quite impressive to look at. Attention has been paid to many of the nuances of the game. Some batters will pick up a handful of dirt before entering the box, fielders catch and fire the ball with the form only coaches would appreciate, and the umps fire a fist


"The games with the Griffey name have

PAUL always been fun to play if you like the 106

THE GAME PROFESSOR mph fastball and quick action. It does have

Concept many things going for it. Graphics, fielding,

7.75 and batting are excellent. The game is not

Graphics burdened with a lot of menus so playing a 9

whole game is rather quick. If great ~ > arcade-styled gameplay is what you Sound want, the playcontrol will likely be hard to 6.25 beat. | wish | could say the same for the simulation aspects. Trades and draft are

when ringing up the guy trying to steal second. An dvi adequate, but no player create is weak - endless barrage of different throws and other v .... almost inexcusable. | also don't like the exceptional fielding animation adds a great Entertainment fact that you can't sim through

8 meaningless games in the season. Well,

dimension to the fielding control. When you add to SC See fl this the analog batting/pitching control, there are no |. adi e F Wes e A serious flaws in this game’s graphics or control. | a qood à. ather a Gr Lag, Se i ide e A good looking and (especially) playing game is always important, but in most baseball games the added features such as player create are what really put a game over the top. Unfortunately, Griffey lacks in a number of these categories that the fan of baseball simulation looks for. It has no player create, no sim.seasons, and no multiplayer season. Well, actually it does have a multiplayer season (for up to four players), but it does not in the sense that you have to wait for your teams to meet in the schedule.


REINER "This is a sad story indeed. Nintendo has THE RAGING GAMER Created a mammoth of a title here, but ^ Concept - forgot one key feature - a create player. 3.15 Griffey has amazing graphics, fantastic

—— Xv ——-— camera panning, and extremely tight Graphics pitching, batting, and fielding, but with this

9 little feature missing, | cannot stay enthused with this game. In my opinion

In a 162 game season, that may be a long wait since Sound half of the experience is missing. Sure you ie ou can't sim-advance AP. games. E e can play it, and it is a grand time, but for a T Playability ^^ fantasy league geek like myself, not 1.15 having the option to add players to a

"er team makes the game kind of worthless. E If you don't mind this missing feature then Griffey is a game you should definitely

check out. Otherwise, sit back and shake your head at Nintendo. What were they thinking!?”


ae vm nM (€

Nintendo 64 Preview

e Size: 96 Megabit (Possibly Larger)

* Style: 1-Player Action

* Special Features: Complex Puzzle Solving; Non-Linear Storyline; Varied & Explosive Weapons; Multiple Views Via Camera Movement; See All the Way to the Horizon

* Created by: Iguana U.K. for Acclaim Entertainment

* Available: 3rd Quarter 1998 for Nintendo 64

35% Complete

The Voodoo

Is in You

ton eRe MON ENaC OO

It seems there is another new fad in the marketplace of video games: the religion of voodoo. Taking another character from the pages of mainstream comics and bringing him to life on the Nintendo 64, Acclaim’s go-to men at Iguana are sending out another big, scary, action-packed smash. Shadowman is a hitman-turned-voodoo warrior, thanks to a | curse placed upon him by a voodoo priestess. Using his newly found black magic and his

| trusty truckload of weapons, Shadowman sets out to destroy serial killers, zombies, and other underworld denizens.

Utilizing a story that is non-linear, Shadowman's game changes during each play and offers some never before seen gaming scenarios. Complex puzzle solving | that includes deciphering ancient text and using other artifacts are staples that players must become familiar with. But not all things are new. Shadowman must fight his way through two versions of the same world, Liveside and Deadside, but is allowed to roam at will and go places not necessarily in the order originally planned.

The game is set in third-person and allows for multiple viewpoints, as well as a fully controllable camera. Plus, the camera view allows the player to see all of the action and his or her current weapon of destruction doing its thing. Guns like the Eagle, the Violator, the Shadowgun, and the Flambeau are common equalizers for Shadowman, and utilizing each to its full potential is important. The backgrounds are heavily detailed and allow the player to see as far as the horizon.

We really don't have a whole lot of information on this game as of yet, but we are digging our noses in and sniffing out the goods. Hopefully we'll see this one at E3 and even have some good things to say about it.

this game."

- Nintendo 64 Review

SCORE 00039200

“The control problems from the

Japanese version of this game have been fixed, but targeting with the Vulcan is still a little off. 1 do like the arcade action of this title, but this game doesn't hold a candle to the Strike series. Chopper Attack is nothing spectacular, but it is fun and worth a rental."

"Hey, it's a great game for mindless shooting. It lacks in many areas but at least it's not a racing game. If you rank AeroFighters as one of your favorites, you might like

“No brainpower went into this title whatsoever. It tried to be like Strike but failed miserably. You can see seams in-between textures and the physics and effects are horrible. This is a good venture for monkey men, but merely a joke in today's savvy programming world."

* Size: 64 Megabit

* Style: 1-Player Action

* Special Features: Choose From 8 Choppers & 9 Special Weapons; Earn Money To Purchase Special Weapons; 7 Objective-Based Missions; A Hard-Drivin' Commander

* Replay Value: Low

* Created by: Seta for Midway

* Available: June for Nintendo 64

Bottom Line: b 2b

Concept: 7 7 3.5 Graphics: 6.5 6.5 4.25 Sound: 5 5 5 Playability: 7 8 3.5 Entertainment: 7 5 1.75 Overall: 5.75 3.5

There are a lot of Strike Series fans out there who did not buy a Sony PlayStation. Those of you in that group, rejoice, for your hopes fot a tactical shooter are being answered. Chopper Attack is the U.S. translation of the Japanese Wild Choppers from Seta. Choose from eight choppers with varying attributes and pilots, and send them to victory with an arsenal of weapons, including homing missiles and

| cluster bombs, even dummy missiles to

distract the oncoming heat-seeker.

Each level starts with a debriefing, with the commander stating the key points of each mission. What he fails to tell you,

| however, is that the buildings and crates

carry money and power-ups, all for you to pick up if you disregard the personal safety of the homeowners. But there is no conscience here, just some explosive goodness to keep you blowing things to high heaven.

Different operations include the standard "rescue the POWs" as well as defending an airplane, taking out radar stations, and the shoot-everything-that- moves level. Some of these missions are fairly easy, while others are really tough with lots of enemies to kill and miniscule fuel/shield reserves. Chopper Attack keeps you on your toes with decent Al as well as some cross hairs that are really difficult to aim. Between the two, it takes some time to master the controls and the finer points of destroying your enemy. Some enemies take only one hit with a homing missile, while others are much tougher, needing as many as four or five dead-on missiles to take them out.

Geane Informer » June 98. 45




* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing

* Special Features: Over 160 Cars; Upgrade Parts Including Mufflers, Brakes, Turbochargers; 11 Tracks; 17 Cups; 3 License Examinations; Analog/Dual Shock/Negcon Compatible

* Replay Value: High

* Created by: SCEI/Polys Entertainment for Sony Computer Entertainment America

* Available: Now for Sony PlayStation

Bottom Line: 95



JON "GT is the new standard by which all other racers are judged. | spent days buying and

Racing fans rejoice, because most of your wildest dreams are lo: Mien dag cables! AAMER selling cars, purchasing racing kits, and about to come true. Gran Turismo, the highly touted racing game $2 ev fmi | Concept then using my memory card to square-off from Sony, is the next game up for release in the United States. | ' "C home LE S c ME against other members of the GI staff. The This game is more than you can imagine, with so much stuffto do | -— yw CG se Graphics ^ graphics are awesome - you totally feel it makes the average gamer swoon, and the hardcore gamer | | 255. | LE h E HE dae: GEN LEE giggle with glee. Eleven different tracks are available, with options | ~~ e, A aL Sound one e celdas dues d to race each forward and backward. Over 160 cars are in the | £ Siasi 9.25 handling. This game will be so popular, game, with all the major Japanese car manufacturers, two British | e You an ean Hoon Playability ` that you'll be able to have gatherings of car manufacturers, and two representatives of the Big Three |. pb 9.5 memory cards and machines, setting up (Chevy, Dodge) included. Although there are only a few cars Entertainment bo alt Ne pe abi Wn available from American manufacturers, they are the big * 9.75 game is missing is a dës of RPG junkyards dogs of speed: for example, the Dodge Viper, the Chevy S where you can randomly discover parts Corvette, and the Chevy Camaro. While they really get up and £I E Ct and rebuild classic cars."

move, they don't exactly handle like a dream.

One of the really impressive features is the ability to purchase upgrades for your vehicle. Each company has its a. own speed shop and offers an assortment of items to choose PAUL ` tts time to drive and Gran Turismo sets from. Mufflers, pistons, valves, suspension kits, tires, Adicio albany em apace er A turbochargers, ROM kits, it's all here. And after you install EE TE Concept mode, because the GT mode is where this each part, you can adjust your car for each particular race - | (GA e SE, Si and you ME es game is at. Initially, | found the GT mode a tightening the suspension, changing the downforce on your he OS Graphics little lackluster as you start with some



vehicle, even adjusting the gear ratios, all to get the maximum © Kim e * P I— bs vollen bu. d

performance out of your baby. UU uM MM ape new ones. Car tuning has been done But all these goodies aren't available unless you prove your T s. l 9.25 before in racing games, but never on this

worth. License examinations separate the real racers from the E E: Playability ^ scale. | could spend hours just browsing

wanna bes There are three license examinations, and they are [B "0 p 7 dur er 9.5 the deer qus for SEEN

relatively difficult. Once you acquire a license, you will feel you È a E 3 = Entertainment Peia the A UE LO seu

have earned the right to drive. But the basic license won’t keep 1 JAE a 9.75 racers before it. Racing aficionados have

your interest for long. There’s not much money in the B class ee E got to get this game."

races, so you'll hunger for an A license quickly. Master it and : GER

you will have a wide array of races and money-earning OVERALL

opportunities to get your dream car. Another reason to hitthe | 777 ` license exams is that each time you get first place in a cup, you | 35:2: 733 | : get a new car. Depending on whether you win all the races or | 3:75: eer é R EIN ER "ee deg psi o ee es just get the necessary points to win the cup, the car will : —— Gran Turismo’s brilliance is not found change. Plus, the cars you earn are not available anywhere else ; uir within its features alone, but in its play and in the game. nA ~Y ——— look as well. The gameplay engine is DTi ‘te r a à

But there's even more to tell about Gran Turismo. If you get RS GJ Graphics ` synonymous with Ridge Racer, but shows

tired of a car, put it in your garage. You can have up to 120 cars

9.25 true signs of evolution in the amount of

à i "eau Options available. With over 140 cars, at once. Or sell it to a car dealership or another player to get 7 Hen BU DO Sound awesome vehicle dynamics, and unlimited some quick cash for your next dream machine. Just pop their er obum Umper .—* .... gameplay time, it's hard to deny Gran memory card into the other slot and make sure they have the sonet z Playability ^ Turismo's magnificence. This is a must necessary funds. Curio aed CE 9.5 idum hti sét rene anyone

But all of these great options don't mean jack without the 3:507 SS Entertainment Ge Bue. s Boi iem Game Informer seal of approval. And what exactly do the |- 9.5 crashes would have made it so much reviewers have to say about this game? Well, read on and check = better, but even with these elements

ee ee eege missing, GT still blows away all other OVERALL racers on the market.

TS Getting the car up to speed.

Torat Time titan


Wi 46 Game Informer « June '98

PlayStation Review

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting

* Special Features: Dual Shock Compatible; Memory Card Save; 8 Characters (With More Hidden); Dismemberment Moves; Stun Throws & Blocks (Parry Moves); FMV Intros & Endings; Magic Powers; Special Items

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: Kronos Digital Entertainment, Inc./SISA for SCEA

* Available: July for Sony PlayStation

Bottom Line:

You'll definitely know wee When somebody œ parries an attack.

Cardinal Syn injects (and uncanny similarities to toda within its own bloody combat E? -— fighting genre will easily pinpoint hee am bud From this combo you can link into | elements, but they may be throw > gam ."* . aDismemberment finisher. | itself. While similar in theory to m | | E ITE PONE fighters, Syn tries to stray awa! : d : path as much as possible.

The basic necessities of S


chemistry is extremely complicated ou see yourself asa pugnacious pers )

to come by, but the answers are there. The best

technique for beating the game is mastering a . character. e pin e

With 3D movements, pe to other fighter on the market, but none have presented see a lot of camera a changes. are juirement label like Syn. And if you think you can sei turn your back and set the game to Easy, then you have another thing coming. Yes, it is feasible to beat

ticeship is often frustrating, but

me a wizard of the juggle combos Magic plays a big role. ~~ ]

| 1. O OS n DET dug HUE


* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action

* Special Features: New 3D Graphics Engine; 4 Biker Gangs; 3 Play Modes: Time Trial, Thrash, & Big Game; 12 Custom Bikes; Bike Shop; 4 Courses Each With 8- Levels; 150 Kilometers of Interconnected Roads; 32 Races; Police; Atlantic Records Soundtrack

* Created by: Electronic Arts

* Available: Now for Sony PlayStation

90% 1

; for this. combat’ gasic, 8 new d, 3D version is close at hand.

ak and | Best Sex of the toa massive Road Rash world, EA.

Our first Gëf to this earls burn of Road Rash | 3D was mixed. Some felt the control needed a little work, while others found it handled quite nicely. However, ^ we all agreed that there wasn't nearly enough combat. The Road Rashes of old included a lot of fighting, but so far, this edition does not live up to its legend. This version is early, however, and EA told us that by the time this game is finished, the combat will be up to par.

Crashing your bike is best avoided if you want to win the race, but it sure is fun to watch. Some bails will send you and/or your bicycle sailing and tumbling for hundreds of feet. We're bummed that you don't walk back to your motorcycle after a crash; instead you shake the cobwebs out of your head and then suddenly appear by your bike. On the other hand, since your bike often gets thrown a couple hundred yards away, the game could HE? turn into a foot race.

So far, what has impressed us the most about Road Rash 3D is the road system. The highways are filled with lots of steep hills and well engineered banking curves that push your machine to its limit. Throw in some oncoming traffic and the occasional police officer, and your concentration will be thoroughly tested. In all, there are 150 kilometers of interconnected roads that make up the Road Rash 3D and its 32 races. Sections of road are sometimes repeated in different races, but the overall lengths are so long that races still deliver a good deal of variety.

With new elements like four different biker gangs, twelve motorcycles, and a bike shop, the new Road Rash could turn out to be a great game. But the bottom line will hinge on how control and combat are fine tuned in the final burn. Look for a review of Road Rash 3D in the next month or two.

Thwack him with your chain...

Once in a while you can catch big air.

If y you don't change the oil, your o chases you down as punishment.

Synchronized crashes receive a

higher score.


* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 Player Action/Platform

* Special Features: 3D Environments; Multiple Moves Like Climbing, Pushing, Tail Thwacking, & Gliding; Collectibles & Power- Ups; Bosses; Hostage Rescues; Analog & Dual Shock Compatible; Rotatable Camera

* Created by: Mega Toon Studios for Sony Computer Entertainment America

* Available: Mid-June for Sony PlayStation

90% Complete

ony unearthed a gold mine in Crash and Crash 2. We all know it's action/platforms that define a system, that give it character and lasting appeal. With total sales of Crash games topping 5 million, Sony's action/platform claws are digging in new dire

Interactive, now Mega Toon, a little known Canada-based developer,

and what Sony ts, Sony gets. So Jersey Devil is about to debut on | d "ie | compliments. of sony, but can it battle Crash or Gex latform supremacy? Probably not. à Regardie Jersey Devil is an excellent looking game ~ nice polygons and good 3D

and Jersey Devil himself is a very skilled character. Throughc

| jumping skill always put to the test; but Jersey has a lot of other moves, like p unching, ducking,

| and gliding. ide, Jersey spreads his wings, and looks remarkably. similar to a vintage Aero the Acrobat. But J ey also plays the standards; he can CN and peus blocks, climb, spin-flip, and lash out at enemies ei ith his pointed devil-tail. % z j

But what g | th ors sey 's main adversary, and he’s created a ger empire full of mutant vegetables and 's. Jersey squares-off again enemies like green zombies that grab him by the th at and shake him silly (like Homer scolding Bart), cobras that emerge from baskets and wait for Jerse enough to strike, and giant mosquitoes and bug . But the strangest ei emies are muta giant carrots, pumpkins, and eggplant. Ever been forced to eat eggplant Yeech!

But Knarf's sinister plans don't stop there. The dastardly Knarf has also captured 32 human hostages. For safekeeping, the hostages a spread throughout the levels. Not o os ae ala destroy Knarf’s s evil L s, he also must rescue eh ao i

| Abe's Odd see, Ae game offers two differen MU o eC Non ET | | tro s, but does not save all the [mñ 5 rn " | "hostages th the ending will not be as good. Only the e players skilled | Ada, UN | | enoug | to destroy all the labs and rescue ET We wil Fa wee "ee hr

get the bonus ending. e : : H : Sti

As expected, Jersey d : an FMV cartoon i . Like poa 2, » has smooth control, QUA y hem ful environmen ,and lots of crazy enemies. However, if we D guess now, we would say that Jersey Devil won't be as

but it will be a good time nonetheless.The |

hip in mid-June, so expect a review from

Game Informer e June '98

Playstation Preview

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Shooter

* Special Features: Enhanced Explosions & Effects; New Weapons & Vehicles; Edit Ship Mode; Real-Time & FMV Cut-Scenes; Longer Missions; Easier Targeting; Multiple Gameplay Routes

* Created by: Psygnosis

* Available: Fall for Sony PlayStation

50% Complete

Have any of you + seen my wookie?


į outgunned all of its PlayStation competition in graphics and gameplay. With star trails

eliminating the darkness of space, and confrontations with space stations the size of small moons, it's safe to say that Colony Wars was thoroughly engrossed by sci-fi junkies. This year the explosive sequel, Colony Wars: Vengeance, features improved effects, tighter gameplay, and more space combat than a wampa could digest in one sitting.

A From what we've seen thus far, you can start twitching now. The new explosions are d simply breathtaking. Gone is the solar flash that blinds the player. In its place is a 1 marvelous ballet of destruction. Just as d impressive is the detail that has gone into the ~ ships. Psygnosis is really trying to capture the feeling of the Earth Empire this time. All of the Empire's ships feature the same insignias and similar ship designs. Along with this, the player will also have the ability to customize his or her own vessel by adding decals and such.

Of course, the gameplay has also been slightly overhauled. A slew of new weapons ] and mission objectives have been implemented. | Most of the missions will be similar to the original's offerings, but may be longer in size or greater in difficulty. Attacking huge battle stations will be much tougher than before. You | will now need to locate the vessel's weakness before beginning your assault. All of the larger vehicles will have specific hit zones so you won't be able to sit and pick off ships from any

angle - you will have to find the sweet spot.


Game Informer e June '98

Colony Wars is most definitely back with a ` vengeance. Last year this Psygnosis shooter |

screaming across the screen, laser blasts ||

li Tessa (left) is from P 3 the Japanese arcade " game, Warzard.

pape eu r = In this combo, Tessa

PlayStation Preview

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting

* Special Features: Arcade, Free, Running, & Training Modes; Comical Combos; Gem Power-Ups; 12 Super- Deformed Characters; Edit Fighter; Three Button Configuration (Kick, Punch, Special)

* Created by: Capcom

* Available: Late June for Sony PlayStation

90% Complete

Just Happy To See You

In Pocket Fighter, a spin-off of Capcom's Super Puzzie Fighter Il, miniature versions of ! Street Fighter and DarkStalkers characters go | head-to-head using comical combos and | moves (like when Ken gets on a donkey that turns around and kicks his opponent with its hind legs). From the Street Fighter universe, |! you can select Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Sakura, | Akuma, Zangeif, Ibuki, and Dan. From DarkStalkers, Pocket Fighter presents Felicia, |! Morrigan, and Hsien-Ko. Pocket Fighter also introduces to the U.S. market a new character from the Japanese arcade game, Warzard, named Tessa.

Tessa plays a big part in Pocket Fighter's Edit Fighter feature. To begin editing, Tessa performs a psychological evaluation on you ! by asking a series of questions. Based on your t answers, a new “sub-character” is created. Afterwards, you can fight against the new character or watch it duel another customized 174 fighter loaded from a memory card, but you won't be able to control it yourself.

Pocket Fighter contains four gameplay ch modes. Arcade Battle is a translation of the arcade version with the addition of new opening and ending storylines. Free Battle has 2-player, head-to-head combat that allows the rules to be customized. The third mode, Running Battle, is a game where you must try | and defeat all 12 Pocket Fighter characters in a certain amount of time. Lastly, there is a Training mode that allows you to practice moves and combos before entering the real arena.

Even though “miniaturizing” popular creations like Scooby Doo, the Muppets, and Virtua Fighter is overdone and unimaginative, Pocket Fighter looks like it will be a solid fighter. Yes, it has smooth control, but most of all, it's funny. Watch for Pocket Fighters late this June.

transforms into Barney and bites Chun Li's head off.

PlayStation our Preview

* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Fighting

* Special Features: Choose From 6 Different Schools With 3 Team Members Each: Double-Team Supers & Regenerators; 3D Graphics Similar to SF EX Plus Aloha

* Created by: Capcom

* Available: Fall 1998 for Sony PlayStation

20% Complete

These Kids

f Rival Schools is one of the newest Capcom i fighters being released under the Fighter's Edge label. Originally called Legion of Heroes, Rival Schools was released in Japanese and ` m American arcades earlier this year. And unlike eau all of Capcom's other releases this year, Rival Schools will feature an ALL NEW cast of WE fighters. This isn't something that happens # every day (or every five years) in Capcom fighting games, so it should be interesting.

Although Rival Schools is still extremely early, we had to give you a peek at this crazy fighter. The story is based around a bunch of sl high schools in Japan all ready to pound on one another. Each school is highly | stereotyped, with e team being all regular kids, one team all gangsters, one all jocks, well...you get the picture. There's even a d team made up of teachers that want to teach

the upstarts a few lessons in manners.

The graphics are comparable to Street Fighter EX. but the moves are more akin to the Vs. Series. with high jumping. double- teams, and two characters to fight in each OO battle. Although you cannot tag the other

| teammate, you can change to that character at the end of the round. This adds a lot of d variety and surprise to the match. because at MI the last minute before the next round loads you can change characters on your opponent.

Choosing which two members from each school to fight with is an important decision. Some characters have double-team my attacks. while others run in and refill Sea their teammate's health or charge meter. | Although it costs one level from your charge meter to call a teammate, the characters wl that recharge usually replenish around five to D seven levels of energy. The double-team regeneration is well worth the one that it costs you. We'll keep you posted as more info becomes available.

Import PlayStation Preview

* Size: 2 CD-ROMs

* Style: 1-Player Role-Playing "he.

* Special Features: Involving & Dramatic Cinemas; Painted, Rich Backgrounds & Environments; Customize Weapons & Armor; Unique Battle Interface; Interactive Environments

* Created by: Square USA for Square Soft

* Available: Now in Japan

(U.S. Release Pending)

EIDEN Manageable - Advanced options tm like weapon upgrading, etc. are Analysis difficult to understand.

A Cinematic RPG

Somewhere in the teeming social cell that is New York City lies an evil secret, created by a scientist bent on power. Unfortunately, two unwitting girls are the catalysts for what will be this city's greatest cataclysm. A mutated mitochondrion, code-named Eve, is injected into these girls' bodies and lies dormant for years. Until one day, when Aya Brea is at Carnegie Hall, she hears a beautiful voice. But it is quickly drowned out by the screams of people spontaneously bursting into flames.

This is the beginning of the days of strangeness that you will inhabit as you play through Parasite Eve. The newest RPG from Square borrows graphically from Final Fantasy VII, but is completely original in the item management and battle system departments. Opting to go with a modern-day theme, Square decided to do away with shops altogether; instead, players can customize their own weapons and armor. While the style of a certain piece of armor is unchangeable, its attributes and Special abilities are all upgradable and movable, but with a price. For example, if there's a piece of armor that has a useful special ability, like anti-poison, then you can take that ability and add it to your awesome new Kevlar vest, but all your bonus points will be lost.

Probably the coolest thing about Parasite Eve is the ability to evade. Use it sucessfully and you'll receive Bonus Points at each levelbup. These points can be used for adding power to weapons or raising personal attributes.

Parasite Eve is a tad short, but it offers some interesting gameplay. Square hasn't announced plans to bring this game to the U.S., but we'll know soon enough.

Game Informer e June '98 51

y Bergren, The Game Burrito

my pilgrimage to gaming nirvana in the next couple of months.

Uher e DOS Wanmadow zs ollicde

828 StarCraft Blizzard

W arcraft sucks. Okay, maybe not, but Blizzard has topped itself


with this beauty. Sure, it has some minor problems like old classic: a unit in a selected group occasionally wanders off in the wrong direction, or hearing the same vocal responses from units over and over again. But | have more praise for this game than petty gripes. Great animation, three diverse races, three types of environments (space, land, and corridors), tons of upgrades, and lots of blood are some of the things that brought me back for more.

The 30 missions in StarCraft are divided among the three races. Players begin controlling the Terrans, a group of humans exiled from Earth generations ago. The Terrans are an effective fighting force, but being human, they're boring compared to the other races. The Zerg, on the other hand, are believed to be a race of bio-engineered weapons. Taking a page from Alien, the Zerg rely little on technology and instead focus on cruelty and destruction. Using spawning larva, the swarming Zerg reproduce quickly and can also burrow beneath the surface to surprise unwary foes. The last race is the ancient and highly advanced Protoss. They are blessed with psionic powers that give them a psychic link with each other and their home planet, Aiur. Their psychic ability allows the Protoss to perform a number physical feats, like the manipulation of space and time and the formation of weapons and shields without using a physical power source.

StarCraft can provide days of gaming satisfaction with free internet play for up to eight players on Battle.net. Plus, an extensive Campaign Editor lets you create single and multiplayer campaigns with custom characters, sound, speech, and text. Even though littering the market with another real-time strategy game makes things more confusing, let me offer up a little advice: Buy StarCraft.

ED Sv Tantrum/Interplay

j n Die By The Sword (DBTS), players take on the role of a broken-

hearted warrior whose girlfriend has been kidnapped by some blue,

dog-like creatures called Kobolds. The Kobolds bring her down into a network of dangerous underground caves. Since you're whipped, you follow the Kobolds, armed only with a sword and shield, to save your sweetie.

Fortunately, the love story takes back seat to some spectacular hack'n slash fighting. Make your way through seven levels while encountering tons of enemies, traps, puzzles, and power-ups. The real-time, hand-to-hand combat in DBTS offers an innovative control in Tantrum's new V.I.S.M. Motion Control technology that gives greater control over sword movements. Once the interface is mastered, you can effectively combine the motion of your weapon with the momentum of the character's movements to deliver more powerful blows.

The Arena mode lets up to four players duke it out in one of four different arenas. There are nine characters that you can fight as or against, such as a powerful ogre who will send you across the room like a baseball with his oversized club. The Arena mode also keeps stats, such as the number of kills and severed heads and limbs.

Another feature of DBTS is the Move Editor. Create a sequence of attacks, flips, blocks, or whatever else you desire, and save them to be implemented at the touch of a button. You can even download another player's choreographed creations for yourself.

There are a couple of drawbacks to the game. For instance, auto save is the only way to record your progress, the character's hand and sword pass through walls in cramped areas, and with only about ten lines of cheesy dialogue, the hero quickly got on my nerves. Despite these minor complaints, however, DBTS is a game that fantasy and adventure fans should check out.

ly first trip to E3 has me all pumped up. Knowing l'Il get early looks at titles like Tiberian Sun, Diablo Unreal, Force Commander, and Fallout 2 has kept me warm at night. You can expect highlights of

pmera-etssU rerlerszises

Rebellion - LucasArts 5.5 Rebellion, the first real-time strategy game in the Star Wars universe, is filled * with authentic charac- ters (like Admiral Thrawn) and spacecraft, but it's almost overwhelming. Plus, there's not much action and too much time is spent waiting for something worthwhile to happen. Combine that with lame combat and encyclopedic gameplay and Rebellion is a big disappointment.

Grand Theft Auto - ASC

7 |f you are offended 4 by profanity and continu- ee al references to sex, P ^" drugs, and violence stay

far, far away. In GTA, you must steal

cars and cruise around large downtown environments while completing missions for your mob superiors. A fun game if you don't mind the 2D overhead view and

adult content.

Hexen II: Portal of Praveus - Activision ©, 9 This expansion pack contains 15 new levels and a new added char- SS? acter, the Demoness, who was a former minion of the last known Serpent Rider, Eidolon. The levels in Portal of Praveus are just as in-depth as they are in Hexen Il, plus they have some cool snowstorm effects added. If you liked Hexen Il, this add-on will not disappoint.

Of Light and Darkness Interplay

5.5 Im not afraid to. «admit. I| enjoy Fa good point-and-click adventure, but Of Light and Darkness is a wasted effort. The environments and character designs of the game provide a dark and disturbing feel, but mixed with tongue-in-cheek dialogue, it doesn’t work for me. Even though Of Light and Darkness features voice-overs from the great James Woods, | still couldn’t get into this game.

Well, Rebellion may be an insult to consumers, but LucasArts might have a better product for real-time strategists. Due out this Fall, Force Commander will allow players to command armies of the Rebel Alliance or the evil Empire. The game, which will be at E3, offers full-scale, ground-based combat in a variety of a 3D environments from the Star Wars universe. Force Commander is comprised of chapters each taking place in a different world and consisting of an average of three missions. The game begins just prior to the destruction of the planet Alderaan and ends after the final battle in Return of the Jedi. One mission will include the Rebels’ retreat from Hoth and other settings include the dense forests of Yavin 4, the deserts of Tatooine, and Corellia’s grassy plains. Plus, new locales like the spice fields of Kessel and Coruscant’s polar icecap will be introduced. Vehicles like the AT-AT and AT-ST walkers, Y-wings, and TIE bombers will be featured, along with never-before-seen tanks, missile launchers, and troop transports.

In April, Activision announced a feudal Japanese-themed action/role-playing game based on Legend of the Five Rings, a popular collectible card and paper role-playing game by Wizards of the Coast. As a young samurai, players journey to seven cities in the world of Rokugan to find pieces of a sacred artifact. During

© Game Informer e June '98

Force Commander date for DirectX 6.0 for Windows 95 and 98. Microsoft has told developers to continue developing their applications to the existing DirectX APIs until they receive the update.

the journey, players develop skills of magic and the Japanese fighting art of kenjutsu. The game will feature seven different warring clans, 30 quests, and a cooperative mode for up to eight players.

» Mindscape and Piranha Interactive will co-publish the Media f Station real-time strategy game, Extreme Tactics. It is expected to ship 2nd quarter and players will be able to customize their own weapons and vehicles and use them on 25 huge battlefields. Mindscape will also publish Team Apache, a helicopter simulator developed by Simis, that should ship in June.

Thief: The Dark Project is the new name of the upcoming first- person 3D action/adventure game by Looking Glass Studios and published by Eidos Interactive. Expected out this Fall, the game utilizes the "revolutionary" Dark Engine and puts players in the role of a master thief relying on stealth, cunning, and combat to make it through a fantasy world filled with deception and intrigue.

Microsoft announced.that it has scheduled a July, 1998 release

Sega GameWorks Sega featured a plethora of Model 3 games including the awesome Sega Rally 2, the ho-hum Harley-Davidson & L.A. Riders, the wow-that-ain't-much-different-than-the- original Fighting Vipers 2 (which features two new characters Emi and Charlie), the mecha fighting game Virtual On 2, and the very cool fishing game Get Bass. The only game that wasn't Model 3, was the Model 2 based semi-sequel to Die Hard Arcade, Dynamite Deka 2. Dynamite Deka features the same control and gameplay as Die Hard m e Arcade except there are three characters = Some H the action to choose from, the weapons can be d at ASI ‘98. stockpiled, and there are more weapons and objects that can be moved.

Game Informer recently visited the Amusement Showcase International (ASI) in Las Vegas, Nevada to

see the latest and greatest on the arcade front.

Unfortunately, the arcade world isn’t what it used to

be, so the latest and greatest was somewhat limited.

So here’s a booth-by-booth account of the big six. The only game Capcom had on hand was Marvel Vs. Capcom, but boy is it a winner. There are 15 characters to choose from (with more hidden) and 20 characters that you can call on for help. The game features some classic Capcom & Marvel fighters, but the addition of Mega Man (with Rush),

Captain Commando, Ryujin (from

Strider), and Jin Saotome makes . this game a cut above the rest. | The gameplay is almost identical ; to X-Men Vs. Street Fighter, but = this game is still a must-play. ©

Although a Maximum Force & Area 51 dual cabinet was on the show floor, the only new games present were California Speed and Surf Planet. California Speed is a great rip-off of Cruisn' USA that takes you to some wacky locations like a ride on a roller coaster and a mall where you get to wax pedestrians. A great game indeed. Unfortunately, that cannot be said for Surf Planet. This game is bad and should Be. ; be avoided. i " Kin

- umm

yg T | e SEET Vipers 2

As always, Namco's arcade line-up featured a lot of unique games: the strange horse racing game Final Furlong; the Mountain Bike racing game Downhill Midway Bikers; the white water rapids simulator Rapid Pr ye DD) Midway’s only new game of the show was Hyperdrive


Racer, the Dream Factory fighter Ehrgeiz (see ` 75 - a futuristic hover racing game. Featuring the May ‘98 Gl for details); the off-road racing Pa standard three tracks and four vehicles, Hyperdrive game Motocross Got: and the gun shooter Time i | separates itself from the rest of the pack with its Crisis 2. Ehrgeiz, as you already know, is a good $ | ( unique controls. The steering wheel not only turns fighter, but most of you probably haven't had a 2 9X left and right, but tilts to control height. It also chance to play Time Crisis 2 or —e e 1 features two thumb buttons to control the flaps Rapid Racer, which we felt Ka for big banking turns. As would be expected, were the best games at Q [ vy ~ the tracks and graphics

the Namco booth. Time cm X -— are phenomenal, featuring

Crisis 2 features some E : interactive backgrounds

insane 2-player shooting i ; and lots of speed. Sunday j d c | 3 action and Rapid Racer is a Ø in ”一 drivers need not apply, this of ^ AE emm Sega Rally 2 blast and a workout all in “> game takes serious skill.

one. Check'em out.

Game Informer e June '98 ©

* Size: Unknown

* Style: 1-Player Action

* Special Features: Cartoon-Like Graphics; 22 Missions; Free- Roaming Flight (No 2D Track); Weapons; Missions; Rumble Pak Compatible

* Created by: Argonaut for Ubi Soft

* Available: Fall for Nintendo 64

25% Complete

* Size: 64 Megabit

* Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports

* Special Features: All The World Cup Teams; One-Touch Passing; New Fakes & Tackles; Play Classic World Cup Matchups; Country Chants

* Replay Value: Moderately High

* Created by: EA Sports

* Available: Now for Nintendo 64 (& Sony PlayStation)

Bottom Line:

* Size: 96 Megabit

* Style: 1-Player Action/Platform

* Special Features: Over 100 Hard Hitting One- Liners From Dana Gould; 1, Perhaps 2 Exclusive N64-Only Levels; Multiple Level Exits; Secrets Galore; Several Camera Options

* Created by: Realtime Associates/Crystal Dynamics for Midway Home Entertainment

* Available: August 25 for Nintendo 64

70% Complete

© Game Informer e June '98


Buck Bumble

Way back when, the little old programmers at Argonaut developed a game called Star Fox for monster-company Nintendo. Argonaut then began creating Star Fox 2 for the FX2 chip, but consumers were never offered the game (ask Nintendo). After a decent game in Croc, Argonaut is back with a cool looking cart for N64. If it was coming from Disney, Buck Bumble might find itself under a "Honey | Shrunk the Kids ^ License"; but instead, our hero is Buck, the bumblebee. Buck inhabits a cartoon-like backyard world, where he must try to infiltrate enemy hives, take on huge insec- toids, and avoid typical garden obstacles like giant plants and shrubs. Full 3D flight is some- thing Star Fox 64 didn't have, but Buck Bumble's got it. Stay tuned.

World Cup 98

Although this is basically the same game EA -

released earlier this year, it is a lot better. While 4 He

the Road to World Cup seemed a little rushed, World Cup 98 has been tweaked and made into a great soccer game. The one-touch passing is still a little frustrating, but can be manipulated into working for you. With solid timing and precision aim, you can put one into the goal before the other player knows what hit him. More challenging goalies, new slide tackle ^ and deke animations, as well as on-the-fly playcalling are also new for this game. It even

has the opening celebrations of the World Cup 1

as well as country-specific crowd chants. Get | this game if you are a World Cup junkie, it | won't disappoint.

Gex: Enter the Gecko

Gex: Enter the Gecko for PlayStation received the highest of accolades from our Gl reviewers, and the N64 port is looking just as impressive.

The N64 version will even include a new level or

two. A few things will be drastically different though. On the upside, the textures will be smoother and the camera will not be as loose, but sadly the N64 will not be able to handle the , FMV clips or the extensive list of Dana Gould's |

voice-overs. So basically, N64 owners will be C =

trading in a good portion of the comedy in the game for new levels. Hmm... This sounds like a | pretty sweet deal to us. Stay tuned and we'll be back soon with more Gecko choppin’ action.


Warhammer Ill: Dark Omen

Renaissance Festival groupies will love Dark Omen on the PS-X, the sequel to Shadow of [EP 8 , à q * Style: 1-Player Strategy the Horned Rat. But they're not the only ones. | Ig mem ovn If you like real-time strategy games, but don't (REECH care for classic elements such as mining, nate siege SET building, and training - then Dark Omen may IO EN | be to your liking, especially if you lust for the INTE e battlefield. Loaded with fantasy elements, Dark WEN qune x | Omen stars Morgan Bernhardt, Commander of BAGNI d * Replay Value: | the Grudgebringer calvary. As Morgan, you | NEN | lead regiments into battle against your long ITT time enemies both the Greenskins (trolls, Electronic Arts ` orcs, goblins, etc.), and the mysterious Undead EI i Ser Say (vampires, zombies, necromancers, etc.). Bottom Line: A nice feature in the game is Hero Power. In x B battle, rapidly tapping a button boosts a unit's 7 75 ga strength and provides an extra edge. »

E. | Punky Skunk

While Punky Skunk isn't much in the way of fas Se << innovation or challenge, it does give the IER SN | younger gamer something to play. Punky BITE EZ “| Skunk is a standard 2D platformer and would f ucasan sJ not be considered revolutionary even in the B ERMUA aaae a ; 5 : : Abilities; Platforming

| 16-bit era. Most gamers will grow tired of this E Kew ^^] game after about 10 minutes or so, but the Challenge for The Young gm oodles of minigames scattered throughout the (RECKEN £| game add fun and excitement for the kids. Stay E a o “| away from Punky Skunk unless you are buying IS OSTEN AX for a child, or really want another look at what ITT TE

*- .| might have been cool ten years ago. * Available: Now for Sony i PlayStation




Je" H

e d i ver preme E EE E e Ce d

Ge 4 E S T Sus Mec gan ; é a B

Bottom Line:

Speed Racer

As a cartoon Speed Racer is a cult classic. But Ieeegereere

as a game, Speed Racer is just another ISSN MEIN mediocre racing title. The animated series E Egger found success by presenting strange racing ISS MENU techniques and quirky character personalities (RAMES i i Race Styles; 3 Tracks; 1 in a fun little half-hour package. On the other (ai rd e hand, Speed Racer the game tries to present UNENEE realistic racing with a few oddities on the side. EIE C ATE

Well, who cares?! This isn't the Speed Racer ff Pavan d ES we know, is it? Don't get us wrong, the game IUaiegegv nba

| is somewhat fun to play and features a nice UNO

racing engine, but very little is offered to the BEEETEUEL ESTAS. | Speed Racer fan. And even if you don't like E Elisaia

—- Speed Racer, the one playable car and track Bottom Lire:

won't keep you playing for long. 6.75 Game Informer e June '98 ©


Theme Hospital mme The doctor is in, and whether he (there are no e Style: 1-Player she” doctors) will be a medical god or death Simulator dealer depends solely on your actions. Provide * Special Features: your hospital with the necessary staff and MEME equipment and you'll win over the hearts of RT your patients. But if you fail in providing the sy User Interface: goods, you'll be faced with some tough Cute Graphics & decisions. How do you cure an unknown : vi debetis ath ME ness? Do you try a random drug? Or send aE them back for evaluation? All of this is up to Bullfrog Productions, you. You'll even need to keep your staff happy CG Ltd./Electronic Arts by building break rooms and providing timely (= = i seas HEGE raises. Theme Hospital is almost identical to amem Bottom Line: Theme Park in graphic style and gameplay : presentation. The consoles lack sims, and 8 Theme Hospital fills this void. But the real question is: Do you want to play Theme Park again?

[ed vt mont

" Select the Aubor af dice fo ith.

Review "E

Wee While there is nothing really spectacular about « Style: 1 or 2Player this game, especially if you played the board Strategy (4-Player Via version, the menus are easy to navigate and Multi-Tap) the control works fine. If you hate playing Risk one ra? because of all the pieces you have to pick up but you really love the game, you should get this. Another good reason to pick this up is if Board Game you have to practice for a Risk tournament y =i om- or something. Maybe there's a local Risk enemies tournament with huge cash and prizes and you OTTEN need to brush up on your world domination PlayStation skills. Or, maybe you are going to meet Saddam Hussein and you need to be on your baa: strategic toes to pound him. Regardless, if you

Bottom Line: don't have anyone to play Risk against, this is

7 your ticket.

nd ILI] other Life: Azure Dreams

idi DE dA Right now there isn't much that can be said e Style: 1-Player about Azure Dreams, besides the fact that it Role-Playing Game has some new and interesting ideas to offer * Special Features: the RPG crowd. Players search a huge tower, SE Neel looking for monster eggs, which can then be S hatched and the baby monsters raised. Another MESE NE property that is truly unique is Konami's spin on Mas CE uEC ME fighting. Consider it a cross between Final peres = Tu E ed Fantasy, Shining Force, and Zelda, and you're a iaa by: Kone somewhat close to understanding how it GETRENNT works. Of course, not all of the options from PlayStation these three influences are included, but Azure Dreams imports the essence of each intact. Another feature worth mentioning is the way the game changes based on the choices

you make.

70% Complete

Ó Game Informer e June '98


| Atari Collection Volume 2

It's too bad that three of these games demand e : à : * Size: 1 CD-ROM

a trackball, because this gathering of classics ISS EC is the best retro collection yet. The PlayStation INTE mouse can be used, but it can't approach the IM feel of an arcade trackball. However, Gauntlet pls Millipede; and Road Blasters work fine with a standard | Seien controller. Most people never beat Gauntlet, Crystal Castles, & but this collection makes it easy with unlimited EMI CREME credits. If Warrior needs food, just tap R1. Ia

; Compatible; Information Paperboy also brings back lots of memories, ITT and it’s re-created in perfect detail, except for BEI OEA ETA the “handlebar” control that Atari used on the Ree Cl Ran original cabinet. We set Paperboy up with an IN asin A for Sony analog joystick and it worked pretty well. Once Bottom Line: again, this is an excellent collection of games, $


but it suffers from poor control.

Ninja genre of late, and Ninja locks 1o complement IESSE i ge ] , ja 100 S o comp el en * Style: 1-Player Action

! Fighting Force and Tomb Raider rather nicely. (RETTEN The sole purpose of this title is to fight off the Magic Power; Real-Time | evil that inhabits your path. Of course, ninjas IER

th ky. but this ninia d like t Booby Traps; Weapon

are rather sneaky, but this ninja doesn't like to (REGER | hide in the shadows. He's kind of like a cross 8 IPTE tires between Bruce Lee and Obi-Wan. He has solid (NOESEN kung-fu skills under his belt, but he also has a IS NUM mystical magic power at his side. If he gets in (eege

y g p A 9 Design for Eidos trouble he can simply summon a lightning bolt INTE to strike his adversaries down. This title is still EAE CEST rather early in development, but it is starting to E a show strong signs of an impressive combat engine with fantastic graphics and effects.

ven i Fight on ninja! Fight on! 65% Complete

j eck EE Ded : : Batman & Robin = se St This is Acclaims best Batman title yet, but Iessen 9 S j its still bad. We like that it focuses on IRSsero

pa Batman’s expertise as a detective, but that's Action/Adventure

about it. The Gotham City environment is huge, ff RE Toes but most of the buildings repeat like a scrolling d iio coda s | background from Scooby Doo. Plus, Batman S ptus Oy 3D only travels the streets; he doesn't swing Environment: Detective between rooftops. The control in Batman & (RICK Robin is also frustrating. Hindered by a jumpy ISSN | camera, getting Batman (or whichever


* Created by: Probe for H character you choose) to move exactly how Acclaim Entertainment

you want proves an awkward task. Plus, IMMO when you're fighting, if you want to use a INSIGNE

n or jump you itch to another : weapon or jump you must switch to the Bottom Line:

controller configuration by tapping a shoulder button. Lame.

Game Informer e June '98 o




* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Action

* Special Features: Multiple Characters To Choose From Each With Personalized Bikes; Full Movement in Any Direction; Tons Of Different Power-Ups; Smooth Framerate

* Created by: Probe for Acclaim

* Available: June for Sony PlayStation (& Nintendo 64)

75% Complete


* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing

* Special Features: Link or Split-Screen Multiplayer; Tons of Game Modes; Day, Night, & Snow Racing; Big Air & Wrecks

* Replay Value: Moderate

* Created by: Climax for Midway Home Entertainment

* Available: Now for Sony PlayStation

Bottom Line:


* Size: 1 CD-ROM

* Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

* Special Features: Based on lan Livingstone's Fighting Fantasy Series; 7 Dungeons With 37 Levels; 2 Playable Characters; 50 Enemies

* Replay Value: Low

* Created by: Eidos Interactive

* Available: Now for Sony PlayStation

Bottom Lire:

6 LJ 5 Q Game Informer e June '98


Forsaken takes you on a fast-paced, harrowing journey through the underworlds of the future. Take the position of one of a number of different characters that are well known for their refusal to abide by the law. Use them to plunder and thwart the other evildoers out to do the same. The game is really running smoothly at a quick framerate and boasts some really nice graphics. While the gameplay still needs to be tweaked a little, there is more than enough time for that. It doesn't look quite as impressive as its N64 sibling, but it's pretty darn close. Expect a full review next month.

San Francisco Rush Extreme Racing

If you've already played the N64 version, then B :

youre not missing much with this port. Of course, there are a few exclusive toggles like link play and night racing, but the control is a far cry from what the N64 delivers. For those who haven't played it, but do own a PlayStation, this game may be worth investing some time into. Rush features big air, huge wrecks, and an enjoyable multiplayer experience. It may not look like the greatest game around, and the horrible fog effect may get on the nerves, but all in all, Rush still manages to be a fun racing title that pushes unrealistic physics to the limit.

Deathtrap Dungeon

Every time Eidos mailed us an updated burn of Deathtrap Dungeon, it made improvements. Unfortunately, this game needs more of them.

There are definitely good things about i

Deathtrap, like the variety of monsters, the

combination of weapons (swords and elephant |

guns) and magic spells (the exploding pig head and fireball), and a respectable depth to the lev- els. However, it falls short in other areas. The graphics are dull and the animation sequences often seem incomplete or missing altogether. This could be overlooked, ` but combine it with awkward control and you have a below average game. It’s a good recipe, but Deathtrap Dungeon just didn't cook long enough.



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| 1080 Degree Snowboarding e Nintendo 64 Unlock Transparent Boarder Beat the Expert mode, then highlight Akari and press Left C and A at his stat screen. Unlock Gold Boarder Enable the Transparent Boarder and use him to beat the Expert mode. Now, Select Kensuke and press Up C and A at his stat screen. Unlock Panda Boarder - First, score in first in all Time and Trick Attack modes. Now, Select Rob and press Right C and A at his stat screen. Unlock Penguin Board First, complete all 24 tricks in Training mode. Now, highlight the Tahoe 151 board and press Down C and A. Lisa Loeb Jones, KY

' Ten Pin Alley - Saturn

Unlock Hidden Character At the

Name Entry screen enter FEIF in

slot 3, DEI in slot 5, and gdbg in slot


Unlock Pin Character At the Name

Entry screen enter Vector in slot 1

| and Pins in slot 2.

Extras Insert your Ten Pin Alley to a PC or Mac and open the directory to view a few

me Informer +| June '98

Debug Menu Go to the Password screen and enter QQQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQQO. The game will then tell you that the Password you have entered is incorrect. Now, go to the Options screen, and several helpful toggles will be waiting. | "The Rhino" Toledo, OH

| San Francisco Rush

` Nintendo 64 Enter Alcatraz Win a circuit and save it to your Controller Pak. Doing

| this will enable the Car Selection

screen. From here hold Left C, then hit and hold Z. Now, release these buttons, tap Left, and enter the Set- : Up screen. Hold Up C, then press

| and hold Z. Release these buttons,

press Up, and enter the Track lection screen. Hold Right C,

interesting files.

Happy Crowd At the Name Entry screen enter Happy in slot 5. Upset Crowd At the Name Entry screen enter Downers in slot 4. Space Age Lanes - At the Name Entry screen enter Refract in slot 4. Old Fashioned Mode At the Name Entry screen enter 1950s | in slot 5 and TV in slot 6.

Increase Difficulty At the Name Entry screen enter CPU300 in slot 4. Ichabod Crane's Revenge At the Name Entry screen enter Ichabod in slot 4 and Crane in slot 5.

No Accuracy At the Name Entry screen enter Icant in slot 1, Play in slot 2, and Legally in slot 3.

Add Shadows At the Name Entry screen enter Vorlons in slot 3.


Lee (emm, CH 7

FA US, C1: ü x d

Unlock Tracks and Cars Using controller 2, go to the Title Screen and press and hold Up, Right Button, Left Button, Z, and Down C. Release these buttons and press Start on controller 1 to get your goodies. E Bruce Wayne New York, NY

these buttons, press Righ enter the Car Selection. Finally, hold Down C, then pr and hold Z. Release these butt and press Down, Left Butto

Right Button. Whew! The Alcatraz

track is now ready to rock your world! "The Rhino" Toledo, OH

nep! character to se animation. Spinning Screen At the Entry screen enter Babyln5 in slot and Spinmde in slot 4. Clear Balls At the Name Ent screen enter Glass in slot 1 and Balls in slot 4.

Wireframe Characters At the Name |

Entry screen enter Vectrex | in slot 1

and Mode 1 in slot 2. For greater

detail, enter Vectrex in slot 1 and Mode? m slot 3.

"The VidMan"

Uptown, MN

Get More Cash - Right afte answering a question press Left Button, Right Button, Left Button, Left Button, Left Button, Right Button, Right Button,

Down C, Up C.

Falco Magnolta Hunt Valley, MD

Unlock It All Baby At the Titi

Screen press the analog Down analog Up, digital Down, digi

Up, Down C, Up C, Left Button, Right Button, Z, digital Left, Right C, analog Up, B, digital Right, Left C, Start. You'll hear laughter when this code is entered

| correctly.

Jason Poopiester Jr. Seattle, WA

| Rampage World Tour | Nintendo 64.

Alternate Color Highlight any of | the beasts at the Character P Selection screen and press Up when choosing who you wish to play as.

Unlock VE HN - In any of the Scum Lab levels eat a toxic waste

- container to play as V.E.R.N. for the remainder of the current level.

Louise Loco Chicago, IL


| Pitfall 3D: Beyond the Jungle

PlayStation Enter these codes at the Password

E screen.




Play Cut-Scenes - PITFALLCOMIC 2D Mode - 2DHARRY

_ Float Mode - ZEROGHARRY

Big Head Mode -


- 2600 Pitfall - CRANESBABY

| Vigilante 8 - VIGILANTE (Alternate


Credits - CREDITS (hold R1 last credit for extra scre

Level Codes SE Level 2 - METROPOLIS - Level 3- DEEPDARK ` ` Level 4 - TEMPLEME

Level 4 Boss - GEEHEISBIG Level 5 - HOTROCKS



Pitfall 2600 Codes Enter these codes during play in this bonus game. Gary Head - Hold R1 + R2 Elvira Head - Hold R1 + @ Talking Croc (must be on a screen with a crocodile) - R1 + A Infinite Lives - L1 + L2 "The Rhino" Toledo, OH

Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit PlayStation

Enter all of these codes at the Names screen. Unlock Standard Cars and Tracks


More Camera Views - SEEALL Unlock The Room - PLAYTM Unlock Caverns XCAV8

Unlock AutoCross - XCNTRY Unlock SpaceRace - MNBEAM Unlock Scorpio-7 - GLDFSH Unlock Empire City MCITYZ Unlock Jaguar XJR-15 - 1JAGX Unlock Mercedes Benz - AMGMRC- Unlock El Nino - ROCKET

Adam Scherzer

Webville, COM

T Triple Play ‘99 PlayStatio

| maximum Force PlayStation

Original Mode Enter the Optio screen and input Select, Start, Select, Select, Start, Select, Select, Select, Start, Select, Select, Select, Select, Start. "The Game Junkie" Irvine, CA

Play With Crowd & Announcer During a game hold L1, L2, R1 & R2, then enter one of the codes below.

E Crowd

Ohhh - 3€, Down, Down, 3€ Cheer - A, %, %, A

Roar RW Left, Left, I

Boo - 6, Right, Right, 6 Announcer

Hey Buck... - Up, A, Right Baseball Trivia - Down, 3€, Right, Commercials Left, Bl, Right, @ Nicknames 6, Right, Iii, Left Weather %, Down, A, Up Random - Left, Bl, Up, A

Special - Up, A, Up (followed by)

Jon Spencer- A

Gary Lam -

Chuck Osieja - %

Steve Rechtschaffner - Wi Brent Nielsen -Up

- Pauline Moller Left _ Agathat Kuzniak - Down Mike Swanson - Right

ial 2 - Left, Il, Left (followed

[ Deathtrap Dungeon -

j PlayStation Invincibility At the game Setup | Screen press Up, Down, Down, | Up, Left, Right, Up.

Level Select At the Main Menu | press L1, R1, A, A, E, @, R1, EL BE "Lean Jean Beanface"

Oakland, CA

Kirby Leung - M

Jeff Coates 3€

Mike Sneef -Up

Mark Liljefors Left Anne Fouron Down Kenneth Newby Right

Special 4 - Down, A, Down (followed by)

Carolyn Cudmore A

Rick Falck 3€

Louis Wang Up

Mark Dobratz Left

Brett Marshall - Down

Jason Lee Right

Jen Cleary Up, Up, Up, Up Bob Silliker Left, Left, Left, Left

Erik Kiss - Down, Down, Down, C%


Darron Stone - Right, Right, Right, Right

Ryan Pearson %, €, %, %

Sian Tung - e, e, e, e

Rob Anderson - W, E, E, E

Mike Rayner- A, A, A, A

Hidden Stadiums At the Stadium

Select screen press L2, L1, R1, R2,

R2, L1, R1, R2 to unlock three new

stadiums. If entered correctly the

announcer will say “Triple Play 99" Mark McGwire

Seattle, WA


I NBA Shoot Out '98 [San Francisco Rush ( NBA Live ‘98 - |

PlayStation ` PlayStation ` Black Jerseys -

Perfect Create Player W Unlock Truck Select any car the creating a new player, simply ent hold L1 & L2 until the race begin

his first name as "Nothing Can’, his MIN. Unlock Super Car Select any car

last name as “Save”, and the MM then hold R1 & R2 until the race college name as “You”. He? begins.

attributes will all be set to 99. Now, go back and rename the character MI. Unlock UFO Hold R1, R2, L1 & L2, then select any car. While still

to your liking. 7 r9 holding this combo press 3€ at the Transmission Select screen. Then, A and the combo until the

Offs set at 1-1-1-1. Choose Chicago as your team and simulate all games until you reach Golden State. Start a new game and you should have black jerseys. If this doesn't work, abort the $ game, and select the LA Lakers and play their most recent game. This code also works with the Magic vs. Rockets, Heat vs.

. Breath of Fire Ill |... Dead or Alive Einhander j Judge Dredd "Virtua Gap Boy '98" MLB 99 : Minneapolis, MN

Rascal `

Team Losi Racing olden State, and Bucks vs. WarGames S ; Bias We ` Sega Sate "e "Virtua Gap Boy '98 -. Sega Saturn m Beast Wars: Minneapolis, MN : Sarah Harding House of the Dead mI! lavStati | Jameson, KY PanzerDragoonSaga ` —— MK PlayStation : : SC - Game Boy. == |. | Weapon Power Pause the ga =r - | Castlevania Legends _ | hold L2, and press Up, Do l— Acade œa | Left, Right, A, %, W, Start. | NASCAR 98 PlayStation Ehrgeiz. MP | Level Skip - Pause the game, hold Wavi i inc Mew Ty , faving Racers -While racin . Send Secret Access Requests To: | L2, and press Up, Down, Left, to "ee cam (with the die

Recess & Allies «Game Informer Magazine ^ Right, A, %, %, A, Right, Left, .. 10120 W. 76th St* Eden Prairie, MN 55344 | | Down Up, Start.

More Characters Enter the Options screen and press R1, L1, R2, L2, Select.

holding the wheel), and hold A for

onds to make him wave. : Kyle Patte Indianapolis, IN

_ Send Game Informer Your Passwords ` | - _ and Codes and Win! b Send i in your codes and passwords, and -if we print them you'll be entered in the | Game Informer /ASCIIWARE Secret Access Contest. The Grand Prize is an carrots. By age six, your baby will ASCIIWARE product of your choice. P morph into Mimitchi. PlayStation Saturn : ; | inlock Monohull Boats PLA Kyle Henderson ASCII Pad ASCII Saturn Stick ` Jessie Kalison Madisonville, KY Specialized ASCII Super NES Atlanta, GA Stick ASCII Pad SN ASCII Arcade Super Advantage REPE d SC Rhino Pad SN E | me Enhanced ASCII i EF. —— E l Game Boy Pocket Camera Pad Genesis | Cal ' March Madness 98 | Game Boy

ASCII Carrybag" ASCII Specialized . PlayStation ~

Mach 1 Pad | EX 2e 2 d " ero oe Rhino Pad S8 - | ReBoot Playstation Hidden Women's Team Star | T new season, and when the

calendar appears select Division | Vs. New Mexico. From here, back - out and enter the Exhibition mode. "Choose Division | to access the . new team.

Marko Patelian Á— e P i Los Angeles, CA ' Powerboat Racing Km l PlayStation ! Tamagotchi Game Boy.

Unlock Mimitchi Simply hatch a black egg and feed it nothing but

Enter all the these codes at the

Password screen.

Unlock Championship Mode - P

and play until all of the bosses are Bl dead. A congratulations screen will appear. From here, die and start the game again. Shoot the question mark in the middle of the screen for a bonus racing game. im "The Rhino" Y

Toledo, OH

Play as Enzo - To play as th freakish space age ghoul go to the Main Menu and press Up, Left, Down, Left, Down, L1, R1, Right, Down, Right. Now, start a new game.

The runner-up will receive a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to ` complement their wardrobe.

"Virtual Gap Boy '98" Minneapolis, MN

E Roo 9 90949 OA EDO c Rue t

10120 W. 76th Street ` JF Eden Prairie, MN 55344

> EMail: mu 5

Jason Kidd Phoenix, AZ

| Game Informer e June '98. |



The codes below only work with InterActs GameShark - i enhancer attachment.

801a2988 0000 801a2af8 0000 - 801a2c68 0000

finite Health Player 2 | 80093c88 0020

| Low Health Player 2 -

.. 80093c88 0001

800c6ca0 0a0a

Infinite Strength Potions - 800c6ccc 0a0a

Infinite Speed Potions . 800c6cd0 0a0a `

Infinite Charms of iy Cool -

Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo - 800c6c84 0a0a

Infinite Infernal Device Ammo - 800c6c8c 0a0a

800cb384 0005

Triple Play 99 PlayStation Away Team Scores 0 -

iub Most 8008e9c4 0000 iablo PlayStation Away Team Scores 50 - eathtrap Dungeon Quick Level Gain (Sorcerer) - Pug 3200 layStation d00047ac 0000 VUE ee ‘Infinite Fireballs 800d937a 3fff S REA oe *

AeroGauge Armored Core Beast Wars Bloody Roar - Dead or A e Deathtrap Dungeon ` Diablo | Game Boy Pocket Cam Jeopardy! `

Judge Dredd


801a2dd8 0000 Lode Runner | 80122148 0000 ae March Madness 98 * 801a30b8 0000 Infinite Warding Maximum Force 800c6cd8 0a0a NASCAR 98 loody Roar PlayStation Infinite Magic Charms _ NBA Live 98 ` ig Arm Mode Player 1 800c6cdc aa z NBA Shoot Out '98 | 30104508 0010 Infinite Invisibility Infinite Keys Need For Speed IIl: Hot Pursuit - Big Arm Mode Player 2 800c6ce0 0a0a cce und Pitfall 3D: Beyond the Jungle | 301045090010 Infinite Flame Lance Ammo - Two Powerboat nc 1 50. 1 800c6c80 0a0a 8010e5d0 0006 Rampage: World Tour nn ead Or Alive PlayStation intime Bombs Infinite Lives | ReBoot ` l Infinite Health Player 1 800c6c7 ca0a dauern P | dae E | 80093c30 0020 Infinite Firethrower Ammo ystati por hohe: Lou Health Player 1 800c6c78 0a0a lode Runner Pla on Snowboard Kids : | 80093c30 0001 Infinite Lives Player 1 - |

| Infinite Razor Spells - Judge Dredd PlayStation nome Team Scoria S0 SEG 800c6ca4 0a0a Infinite Health Player 1 i Ebene SM y eee toe S finite Jet Spells 800da992 03e8 Rampage: World Tour ` $.85 per minute for automated 800c6ca8 0a0a Infinite Health Player 2 Nintendo 64 assistance and ` MM 800da9da 03e8 T $1.05 per minute for live help. Infinite Greater Razor Spells - = Infinite Health Player 1 Canada 900-451-5252 | 800c6cac 0a0a Infinite Ammo Player 1 800bf86c 0064 $1.25 per minute automated Infinite Arcs of Power 800da9a0 0803 Infinite Health Player 2 NINTENI : . 800c6cb0 0a0a Infinite Ammo Player 2 800bfa38 0064 Game Counseling Infini igs 800da9e8 0803 2 900-288-0707 ghe inis Heati ge $.95 per minute F C Canada 900-451-4400 Infinite Star Spells Star F c 64 Nintendo 64 : $1.25 per minute 800c6c9c 0a0a Note: This code works for V1.1. Snowboard Kids Nintendo 64 | Nintendo's Automated Power Line! finite Fireflies Es poet ilapRace- p 800c6c98 0a0a C d0122288 0000 - | | 1 | 900-933-SONY(7669 Infinite Health Potions Sui Ouf SE | in $.95 per emt 2

800c6cc4 0a0a | Infinite Antidotes 800c6cc8 0a0a

1 Note: These lines may not have information for ‘all titles.If youre under 18 be sure to get your I | 's permission.

Game Informer « Jui

vi FÜC Gl

eming e the d to the present `

Zero The Kamikaze Squirrel - SNES Enter all of these codes while the game is paused.

Unlimited Hit Points - B, Up, B, B, A Unlimited Lives B, A, B, B, Y Unlimited Ammo - Down, A, B

The Tick - SNES

Level Select- From the Title Screen enter the Options screen and follow this simple set of commands. Set Arthurs to two, Lives to seven, and Continues $ to four. Finally, highlight Test Sound and scroll through the choices until you come to Teleport. Press Start on this and the word "Cheat" will appear in the corner. Now all you have to do is start a game, pause, and press Select to bring up the Level Select.

ActRaiser 2 - SNES

Enter all of these codes at the Password Screen.

Original Boss - XXXX YYYY ZZZZ Credits - MTKM SkTk HNSH


Battletoads/Double Dragon - SNES

Level Select - At the Character Select Screen press Up, Down, Down, Up, X, B, Y, A. Now, choose the character of choice.

Warp Trick - At the Character Select Screen use controller 2, and input Up, Down, Down, Up, X, B, Y, A, Start.

Cool Spot - Genesis

Debug Mode - Enter the Options screen and press A, A, B, B, C, C, C, C, B, B, A, A, A, A, B, B, C, C.

Level Skip/Invincibility - While in game- play pause the game and press C, A, B, C, B, A, C, A, B, C, B, A, C.

Exo Squad - Genesis Enter all of these codes at the Password screen.

Level 2 - RROMBEUU Level 3 - ITMALGNL Level 4 - SYLROAKA Level 5 - ZIUJKCHT Level 6 - TZKAISAO Level 7 - AEEBIAJL Level 8 - TSAOTTCY Level 9 - IALKTAIA Level 10 - SZAINBHN Level 11 - ZADMIAOM Level 12 - TGAINRKI Level 13 - AYRNCDIN Level 14 - AEOILNNV Level 15 - YUYUSIHO Level 16 - ATTSVNAN Level 17 - MAOTAANY Ending - REVOEMAG

Toughman Contest - Genesis

Enter all of these codes at the Password Screen.

Invincibility - MAXX


Power Punches - MRBUCKEYE

Game Informer e June '98

Short Opponents - WEASEL Headless Opponent - RUBE Dark Opponent FOSTER Bright Opponent NUCLEAR No Time - 2LT

Faster Game - HYPER

E.T. The Extra Terrestrial - Atari 2600 No Way Home - Have E.T. die on the landing pad while waiting for the ship. If Elliot makes it onto the screen and cannot save you, the ship will crash and the game will freeze up.

the mother ship, have E.T. extend his head as he climbs on. If done correctly, E.T will be too large for the ship, and his butt will stick out of the bottom.

Ninja Masters - Neo Geo

Unlock Ranaru and Nobunga Go to the Character Select screen and highlight Kamui. Now, press Left, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down/Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, C & D. If entered correctly, the two bosses will appear.

Turrican - Game Boy

Enter all of these codes at the

Title Screen.

Invincibility A, B, B, A, B, A, A, B, A, A, B. A, A

Level Select - press Start

Level Skip Activate the Invincibility code and start a game. Simply pause the game and hit Select to skip to the next level.

Hold Select and

Dick Tracy - NES

Enter these codes at the Password Screen.

Case 2 - 207-119-060

Case 3 - 164-003-201

Case 4 - 036-224-136

Case 5 - 007-215-047

Mickey Mousecapade - NES

Level Select - At the Title Screen push any direction and press and hold Start and Select to warp to a different level.

Level Breakdown

Castle - Press Up

Pirate Ship - Press Down Ocean - Press Left Forest - Press Right

Fire Hawk - NES

Dizzy Demo - At the High Score screen enter your name as DIZZY to see a demo of Fantastic Dizzy.

Secret Files - At the High Score Table enter your name as CAMERICA or MIG 29 to unlock some secret documents.

Start at Level 2 - At the Title Screen hold A and press Start.

Alien 3 - Game Gear More Ammo At the High Score screen enter your name as CHEAT.

. Access Tip: Here are a few powerful spell

Butt Ship - When you make it to ~ a ; ~ When this title was first released in 1994 it

"price of the game wasn't the only thing to

( Phantasy Star IV

Availability: Rare Replay Value: Low

Similar Games: Phantasy Star (Master System), Phantasy Star II & III (SG), Dragon Warrior 1-4 (NES), Final Fantasy Legend 1-3 (Game Boy)

Created by: Sega

combos: Triblaster - Wat & Foi & Tsu; Blackhole - Negatis & Nagra; Holocaust Savol & Diem; Destruction - Deban & Megid & Legeon & Posibolt; Conduct Thunder - Nawat & Tandle

Overall: 8

retailed for around $90. It’s hard to believe, isn't it? A 24-meg cart actually sold for $90. Wow! Kind of makes our cries for lower N64 prices look pale in comparison doesn’t it? The

bring tears to Sega fans’ eyes. This was also the end of the Phantasy Star saga (as it states so on the box). While not as innovative as it should have been, PS IV still produced plenty of thrills that kept gamers playing for months. Many argue that it is the worst in the series, but with all things considered, we feel that all three Genesis releases played and looked basically the same. Granted, PS IV had a rather boring story and the characters lacked flavor, but it was still a darn good SG RPG.

Lester The Unlikely

Availability: Common

Replay Value: Low

Similar Games: Prince of Persia (SNES, SG), Out of This World (SNES, Sega CD, SG), Flashback (SNES, SG), Harley's Humongous Adventure (SNES)

Created by: Visual Concepts for DIMC

- Access Tip: First off, don’t play this game. Secondly, if you look like Lester, then think about a change.

Overall: 4.25

We had to show you this game for one reason . alone. Lester, the unlikely hero of this epic release, is also the biggest geek to ever grace the video game scene. Seriously, this guy permeates the scent of dork wherever he goes. He loves to read comics, he’s afraid of almost everything, and his rock throwing abilities show that he is weak in the wrists. He almost falls over when he runs, his glasses dwarf those that Harry Caray wore, and he doesn’t even acknowledge the presence of beautiful native women. The game itself is absolute drivel. The gameplay technique is comparable to Flashback and Prince of Persia, but it doesn’t hold much entertainment at all. Sure, Lester is fun to laugh at, but his adventure is the real joke. Stay away at all costs!

Ee TS Ze e BEST Bue" A Hosur

D a E ee



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PlayStation™ and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. WARGAMES GAME © 1997, MGM Interactive, Inc. WarGames™ and © 1983, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. Distributed by MGM Home Entertainment, Inc. 2500 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90404. All Rights Reserved.

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People interested) in helping outiinjany capacity; please visit us at retromags.com:

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