7 Get Ready For A Bloody New Year


Final Fantasy Tactics 7 Quest 64 Alundra 7 Skullme R j ning Rangers Blitz © Automobili Lamborghini e March Madne Te liiortal Katbat t

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= ie N a > = | LO o < 9 B © © = (S o ve o c a

January 1998 Vol. VIII: Issue 01 + #57

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This is what they really mean when they talk


about totally immersive gameplay. Take a dip in

these sub-infested waters for a spot of nuclear


fishin’. 12 subaquatic psychos want to send you


H z HS A oz





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©1997 SINGLETRAC Entertainment Technolog Entertainment Inc. (Twisted Metal,- Depth. SINGLETRAC and the SI the “PlayStation” logo are trader ainment, Inc. Published and distributed by GT Interactive Software Corp. The GT and the GTGáMe iT logo is a registered trademark of GT Interactive Software Corp. All other trademarks are: T

Watch out for these HOT TITLES

we E


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‘ee! tay; Resident t Evil

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Legion as well as from the Matrix.

Secret Access Tips from our reade and exclusive codes Game Shark.

Classic GI | looks at classic games on the Super NES, Genesis and replays some codes the vault.

n aro fe owned by their re ithout | eon is prohibited. Game Informer? is a tra

Game Informer : ; S S www.gamein former.

Letter From The Editor že.


ith the talk of Sega’s new machine being the

number one topic among gamers lately, | find myself listening to a lot of gibberish about how “cool”

and “hip” and “awesome” this new machine is going

to be.

While I realize there are a number of Saturn fans out there, there certainly isn’t a lot of software selling on the unit, which raises some questions about Sega’s new machine - if itis in fact based off a Windows operating system. One perspective says that this will enable Sega to bring lots of software to the market quickly (which they failed to do

Of course, | could be wrong speculation usually is. For instance, | would have never guessed that Sega’s software would start a resurgence in quality just as Sega cut down their number of retail outlets and brought the manufacturing

of units almost to a halt.

„with the Saturn. I, however, find this difficult to believe. At the rate that PC software moves forward, due to the _introduction of newer and faster hardware, | believe that culations) any machine based on a Windows OS will quickly getting better, even though the system is getting buried

become too slow for the fast-paced PC world.

S “Cheerleaders

Bergren, The Game Burrito

| "Winter is here in full force with an onslaught of...

| obnoxiously frigid weather to drive many of us

| northerners indoors. If Minnesota had any mountains to speak of, | would be out on the slopes looking for ` powder, but as it is, | find myself torn between viddin out or watching my beloved Timberwolves. It's a tough call because the Wolves are shaking up the Midwest conference, but on the other hanad, there are also tons of cool console and PC games being churned out. Hexen ll and Fallout are tops on my PC ` list and | even got hooked on Zork: Grand Inquisitor. `

Reiner, The Raging Gamer

“I could quite possibly be the most spiteful creation to ever grace this wondrous planet. Sure, | have much to be thankful for like

being a playable character in Dragon Force, `

and my name being in the credits of Crash 2 (Japanese version), Spawn: The Eternal, and an issue of The Curse of Spawn, but for some reason l'm not happy at all. Maybe it's because the three way system battle is now Sony battling against themselves. | hate to admit it but Sega and Nintendo are getting

creamed. How much longer do we need to

think about not having a new game to play

If | was in charge, Nintendo would already |

have two 64-bit versions of Metroid, and | would port all of the Japanese RPGs to the Saturn. Let's hope things turn around in 98."

Andy, The Game Hombre “Is it just me, or is everyone else getting `

sick and tired of almost every single *

Nintendo game having that stupid 64 jp. tagged on the end. At first, it was - understandable, but now | think pretty ` much everybody knows its 64-bit. Can't

a company other than Nintendo market and sell an N64 game without that © stupid moniker? I'd sure like to see it. But l digress...make sure you check out

| Resident Evil 2, the game is

unbelievable. Play vids and live on.”

One thing that is certain about this new machine is there are a lot of rumors surrouding it. Sega is certainly excited about the dawn of the machines, but the real question will come down to not how powerful the machine is, but how well Sega launches the product. Another horrific launch, like that of the Sega Saturn, will certainly devastate Sega.

nch is at least a year off (two if you go by my

s). What matters now is that Sega's games are

` atretail. Hey, at least they didn’t abandon their clientele like Atari did. -

Robert, The Game Cassanova

` “Well, | have made it into the © hallowed halls of GI and infiltrated © their top secret ranks. Its too bad ©

` Tobal 2 isn't coming over here, ©

because it's the best 3D fighter EVER. Shout outs to Sharon, Dan, Dawson, Michelle, my family, my ex- boss (Rob), the Jedi Knights | hang with in Houston, and all my regulars. My favorite games this month are Burning Rangers, Panzer Saga, and Resident Evil 2. And remember, Brak should be President, or at least have his own show.”

Jon, The Greedy Gamer

“The staff is now complete. We've got a Bergren, and now we've got a Robert. Actually, his friends call him Bob, but you can * call him dim. Hes from ` Texas...and guess what he's really into light gun games. Actually, I'm kidding, they're not his favorite, but he is into just about every video game ever made. Thus, with the staff now complete, and the recent office expansion (that tied up our entire Thanksgiving holiday),

Game Informer is going to rule M

the world. The only thing left is to

finally decide which city to focus || our sports articles around f

-Minneapolis (boo), Houston (lame), or Buffalo (yeahl).”

Paul, The Game Professor

‘I've been gaming for nearly 20 years and my five year tenure at GI has obviously been an unbelievable trip to gaming nirvana. Even with the memorable releases of games and systems over the years, | don't think I've ever been more excited for a release than | am for Capcom's Resident Evil 2. It has been a long time in coming, but I hope Capcom will continue with the series and give it the serious Street Fighter “treatment.” | can handie all the director's cuts, turbos, and alpha versions of RE they can muster'

g Camas I Iniversity Yea pt Papur (elekuisə irom bit: Pam hae Hobart Jon, Andy, Bargran

January Issue 1998 Volume VIII: Number 01 - Issue #57

Richard A. Cihak Publisher

Andrew McNamara Editor

Paul Anderson Senior Associate Editor

Andrew Reiner Jon Storm Paul Bergren Robert Stoute Associate Editors

Thomas Blustin Art Director Graphic Design

Curtis Fung Production Director Web/Graphic Design

Ryan MacDonald West Coast Correspondent

Terri Mineau Copy Editor

Terrie Maley Circulation / Marketing Manager (612) 946-7274

Advertising Sales

Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 (612) 946-8159 Fax (612) 946-8155

Manufactured and printed in the United States of America

Game informer’ Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, five trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications’, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. Periodicals postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send addre:


s changes to Game Informer Magazine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year additional postage.

The Editor welcomes company product information for all video games. Such materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Informer Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, Editorial phone and FAX numbers are noted above. Unsolicited manuscripts cannol be returned or acknowledged.

Entire contents copyright 1997. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, inc.

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Audit Bureau of Circulations Member

Game Informer = January '98




com, e Playstation

I have been a subscriber to your magazine for three years and if I had sent you this letter back then it would have been filled with praise and thanks, but it is not. First off, I want to condemn your magazine for scoring a game almost solely on its graphics. To prove this I request that you do a review on a game for the PC called Tigers on the Prowl 2.0. This game may not have the graphics of Mario 64 but it has the best strategic realism of any game. Next, I ask that you stop trying to be funny. As more proof I submit your section in which you make a poor attempt at introducing your staff with those corny pictures. Another thing is your unfairness towards PC games. I can prove this by asking why Civilization II didn't receive a perfect score? Also by showing you that your hall of fame has had no PC games in it. My final gripe is the way you constantly give out 7-9.75's. How is this going to help us decide what games to buy with such close scores? I realize that you have had many other complaints and I would like to say that you can't ignore them forever.

“One Very Angry Gamer” Dallas, TX

No, we have not received any other complaints

i about our scoring, sorry. Our scoring system is © very similar to a standard school grading system. | Students that excel will get As. Those who are good | but not great find themselves receiving De Those who fall right into the middle land (s. If you dont care but push yourself enough to pass, Ds are your reward. And if you are without a clue and don't know what class you are in, Fs are inevitable. Now compare this to our scoring system. 10-9 equals

| an A, 9-8 is a B, 8-7 is a C, 7-6 is equivalent to the fearful D, and 6-below is the horrendous F And your comment about us scoring all of the games as 9.75-7 is way off the mark. In this issue alone a good portion of the late December-January releases

the grocery store to get some milk, but there is only two cartons left, and you must buy one. One container is ninety percent full, and the other is seventy-five percent full. Which one do you buy?

As for PC games? We mainly cover console games, and when scoring them, we only score PC games against PC games, and console games against console games. Or at least we try to. Sometimes dual PC/console releases of the same game happen, and it is our duty to point out differences. Other than this, we keep the PC and console universes separate.

I have been reading your magazine for years now. And I have sent in passwords and secrets for many games over the years. I respect and admire your magazine's writing and accuracy to the a of the video game world.

I have been wondering for around two years how Andy, The Game Hombre and Reiner, The Raging Gamer have gotten to be on your staff of video game reviewers. I was also wondering if you could send me some information on how to become one of your video game reviewers. I would very much appreciate your help and time in sending me this information. I have many ideas on how you could upgrade your magazine.

Sincerely, James Alberghine

The mystery of how each of us landed this sweet gig is one of our best kept secrets. Andy, The Game Hombre is basically the father of this great publication. Hes been here since day one, and has earned the ranking of one of the longest running editors in the history of gaming. Hes turned this magazine from rags to riches and has been known to be one of the smartest men in the industry (snicker). Reiner, The Raging Gamer came out of nowhere, and kicked and punched his way into GI. Hes been called the greatest gamer of all-time by many big industry names, and is also one of the biggest freaks in the world (snicker). As for the rest of the staff? They're losers and need no recognition. We feed them, clean them, and make sure they know how to hold a controller.

The bottom line is as such. We try and recruit gamers with unique personalities who know the ins and outs of the video game industry past and present. Writing skills are required and computer competence is a must. Since this is obviously a cool job, position openings don't come by too often. However, when an opening does come along the only way to get hired is to apply. If you're interested please send your resume to the address in the masthead. But we'll tell you this, gamers don't get paid well unless your last name is Perry.


You guys have got to be joking in your review on Quarterback Club!! Did EA SPORTS pay you guys? The other web sites are raving about this

game. I had high hopes for this title, but now they are shattered by this news that you brought upon me. I have Madden 64 and it's a solid game. I guess I will just buy both because I like them both. Well


You don't always have to agree with our opinion, but it is our job to give it. If you dont like what we have to say, that's fine, but don't persecute us for saying it. We're still debating which is better,

© Quarterback Club ‘98 or that electric football game

that makes the players vibrate down the field. It's a toss up. Both of the games play almost identically. In our opinion, stick with Madden 64, it's definitely

Í the best pigskin game on the N64.

I have a ge regarding your coe and

© November issues. In the August issue you guys _rated Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee a 9.25, and in the November issue you guys rated Crash 2: Cortex Strikes Back a 9, but you guys said, © Cortex Strikes Back] is the action/platform to beat con PS-X' Why would you guys contradict | yourselves by giving Abe's Oddysee a higher rating ' than Crash 2?

“Crash 2:

Sincerely, Michael Maurice Collins

That's a good question Michael, but we have an

even better answer. Abe's Oddysee is not an _action/platform game. It's an action/adventure.

Action/platformers are usually games that don't

require too much brains. On the other hand, _action/adventures like Abe's and Tomb Raider

require solutions to problems. If Abe's was nothing but a game that made you jump and kill, then wed call it a platformer, but it's more than that. You need

to talk, save friends, and so on and so on.

Is Sega Saturn gonna die? What's Sega's 64-bit

system gonna be like? Disk-based or cartridge?

| 360-degree perspective? Smoother animation

when the action gets heavy? Fewer fogs? Inquiring minds like mine wanna know!

Peter Brand

| Game Informer 6 January '98

Astor the new machine, there are no solid specs

yet. We know they are working on one, but things change day to day. We believe it will be 128-bit (as we reported in the November GI, Sega is working with Microsoft on just such a machine). It only makes sense. We won't believe it until we see it. The Saturn is obviously losing the high-end console race, so why not spit some words about another machine to keep people thinking Sega? If we were Sega that's what wed do. Wait until you see it, and don't believe in the new system rumors. Did you _hear Nintendo has a new 128 coming out as well? Kidding, but we made you think didn't we? Be cool and game in the now.

o Have you poopie heard of any news ahot : a Shadowrun game coming out for any system? Shadowrun for the Super NES was (and still is) one

_ of my favorite games. Do you know if a Breath of

= "Game INFORMER l 10120 W. 76" STRE

Rorey Dahle Eoen PRATRIE, AN |

Oregon City, OR

Fire m will be aming out for any SE And do l

you guys know about a new Secret of Mana or Evermore? One last question..l am planning on

_ buying Final Fantasy VII and I have heard all the

good things about it, and would like to know if

there are any bad qualities to it. I doubt there are,

but I would still like to know if you can tell me. Please answer my questions. Thank you.

Matt Studivan

We'd love to see all of these games hit the consoles, but as it stands now, Capcom is the only company bringing back one of the games you crave. Breath of Fire III should be coming to the PlayStation around March of this year. Its already out in Japan, and about a year and a half ago, Capcom sent us an early build of an American

version (see October '96). Hopefully it will be out

soon. We can't see why it wouldn't be ported over. It

` looks good. As for FF VII? It has one bad quality. It


Sad to see the loss of the coolest never-before- seen in a movie Jedi master. But let's face it, the chubby guy with the poofy hair will probably turn out (hopefully) just as strong a critic and player.

The Chaos Tiger Kung-Fu Master “Unknown”

Dont count your Chocobos until they are hatched. Bergren, The Game Burrito has guite the

attitude. Fo his b a ehavi we had to hook him

up with a shock collar. Whenever he's trying to be |

evil, like kicking Andy in the back of the head, we

simply shock him. Sometimes we let him beat on Andy for a good laugh, but if were going to set him straight we'll have ta keep hurting him. Sooner or later he'll come around. Now we have to think of a way to our newest stali ob | Robert Stoute.

Hey look, it’s Game Informer...on a stick.

Vince Warner Philadelphia, PA l . Vou talkin' to me2 Daniel Ruiz

Chicago, IL Turok does his Saturdav Night

Fever imper-


Max Kraftt Canton, MA Nice painting...but what's wrong with his nose2

Nathan Norcome Philadelphia, PA

Is he doing what we think he’s doing?

@ short while after Chris Redfield, Jill,”

and the rest of the S-TSA:R.S. team into the Raccoon Forest. ered Umbrella Corporation's et genetics lab, and bleu the 9 sky high, the“smali town of -coon City started to “feel the


Anhabitants of the Raccoon Forest

Mansion. citizens of this quaint tow

Northwest have been overcome by a f 1

The source of the disease is uncertain, 'but. the effects are deadly. Slowly developing as a skin rash+ the disease quickly takes over the central nervous system to snuff the life out of its victim. Even though the victims actually lose all pulmonary and



$ P

o brain functions, the disease seems to be s d of living form that takes controI“of"the dead. = Size: 2 CD-ROMs transforming them. into horrendous zombie: m Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure "Enter, Leon Kennedy, a young and bras

jal Features: Play as Claire or Leon; Character- Ga e a 5 Se WWaapon. Minl-Quests Using Different Characters; d Claire Redfield, sister to fo

2 Difficulty Levels; Zombies & Other Mutant Foes; New ie-killer Chris Redfiel d. Thró Bosses & Story After Completing First Adventure Le

m Created by: Capcom m Available: January 17 for Sony PlayStation

> THE Borrom Line H b

A die kid da d wl V ii for one of the most anticipated PlayStation sequels ever. Gapco s Resident Evil 2 is on its s way to PS-X gamers around the world. After the original game was released back in March of 1996, Resident Evil quickly became one of the best selling PS-X titles ever racking up nearly 3 million copies in worlwide sales. A sequel was inevitable, but most gamers didn’t think it would have taken this long. Capcom originally announced the release of Resident Evil 2 to be March of last year. To ' the dismay of nearly every PS-X fan, the release moved, moved again, and ultimately culminate ed ir int this months lib Hunch. ly constant updates from Ca geet

' dm

rece aned nearly a year a as o scrapped the original desi ign and wor : sably, one of the main characters, the female protagonist, was first introduced

as a college student with an interest in motorcycle racing. She was then completely

redesigned to become Claire Redfield, sister to original RE character Chris Redfield. Other

changes | have occurred with relation to the environments, enemies, and weapons. It’s not

that every game doesn't B ) through these types of changes during its development cycle, `

but a high profile game like Resident E Fu il 2 makes us take notice. Even though the long m wait and anticipation has sent us into a fervor of comparison and reflection, Resident Evil 2 is now here, anda a

ny similarities to the first installment. The control, menu screens, and other item features are o the original. The typewriter and ribbon allow for saves, chests can be used to store items, and and a lue pl piante „o health are just a » of the parallels pet new a d old. a smo) Resident

Even with the minor likenesses to the first game, Resident Evil 2 (like any » worthy sequel) has a lot of killer new additions. Most noticeably, the overall | appearance has been drastically improved. Everything is more colorful, detailed, and vivid. The main characters, Leon and Claire, have head-tracking | animations that give them new life. Their heads swivel and tilt as they walk, or (in most cases) run through the game. Leon 7 and Claire will also show signs of injury. A strapping young rookie cop goes from a confident stride, to holding his side, to moving with a severe limp after several bites from a zombie. Speaking of zombies, Resident Evil 2’s anions detail carries over to the enemies as well. Zombies with varying looks, acid-spitting plants, ferocious dogs, wall Il crawling hose and some of the nastiest looking bosses you'll ever see in a video game come alive in Resident Evil 2. With the satiable appetite of these mutant zombies also comes the need to dispose of them. The death and carnage both saci wks of Resident Evil ~ are exceptionally gory in Resident Evil 2. Body parts explode, flesh rips, and the blood flows | in extreme graphic detail. For example, when Claire is grabbed by a zombie around her ankle, she will give a swift kick to its head, sending it across the room like a soccer ball.

Graphically, there is no doubt that the first game pales in comparison to the second, and many will be glad to hear that the acting is far improved as well. We admit that some of the GI staff have a soft spot in their hearts for the cheesy and memorable lines from the first | game, yet the real-time animations were stiff and uninteresting. l Deacon Evil 2 is loaded with varying cut- ‘Scenes s that heighten

into ta new ear of surv vival


4 liked Resident Evil, but I tho R.. "As far as innovative tec ique 9.25 action was a little disjo n E ~ that much is new, but t “adv i mer. " where the ente : Graphics: „9% Beavis, | kil, kill, Kill! Fortunately, i emm (96 quest goes above and beyond ene Sount: Jent Evil 2 is filled with more fodder, (Sot 925 thought | apcom


„Playability: Tor porti 1e game), and BB Playability:

r ime from WA Entertainment: 95 $ t that ‘this game h : inment: 1 ta ghoul

© room to room. The way RE 2 inte characters that follow different sides of will scare the #%*! out of you. The

-the two adventures will keep everyone the same story, making it a necessity | S B incorporation of character side ques (interested. Also, the second time 7 OVERALL: finish the game with both character L greater numbers of enemies, and new. through is filled with new.bosses and | And then to top it off, e E -~ weapons are also petouches. areas. The first j guest. Woo-hoo is viole Resident Evi tior. m but Ve definit b

rid of survival horror. A great, ~ i A o one made me laugh, this one frighte quel and a must ro game’ | 7 7 U , and the next one we 3



+ s



The daughter of two of Umbrella’s most brilliant scientists, Sherry seeks out the protection of the Raccoon City Police Department at the direction of her parents. Realizing that even the police cannot protect her from the evils lurking through- out, Sherry is forced to fend for | herself. Small yet agile, her _ intelligence and cunning should not be underestimated.


Don’t let her girlish figure fool you, Claire is the sister to S.T.A.R.S. team member (and original Resident Evil star) Chris Redfield. Her tenacity, coupled with her bloodline, make her a serious force against the undead who stray across her path. After hearing of the dastardly events that have befallen the town, Claire travels to Raccoon City in search of her brother.

IAN IRONS BERTOLUCCI ge the title of Chief of sel jaded, vet persistent

Like the first game. various weapons can only be ac uired

Pistol > The standard arm for both Leon and Claire, a trusty piece should almost always beat ` ` your side.

Bazooká Taser | TCP OS e E

This side arm can hold three types of Beware of high-voltage! Claire can acquire Claire wields this accurate weapon that rounds. Claire will find it very useful in this deadly weapon that shoots a bolt of packs three arrows per shot. extreme situations. electricity into enemies. It requires two free

inventory slots to carry.

10 www. Game Informer a January ‘98


This appears to be one of the only weapons that can be used by either character and is especially useful against bosses. Keep the inventory open as this weapon will also



This brash young cop is fresh

from the police academy with the phrase “to protect and serve” still echoing in his mind. He soon realizes, however, that the only one in town that may be safeguarded by his constabulary duties is himself. Even with the odds against him, Leon is loyal to his duty. He has no choice

but to search Raccoon

City for survivors.


nd calculating, Annette

bitter about the tragedy destroyed the research in coon Forest. As an gent scientist working y-side with her husband,

liam, her work takes priority over even her daughter, the innocent 12 year old Sherry.

Submachine Gun

require two slots.

bok the most cunning and | bold players will use this

veapol akes a lot of + from dispose of an enemy. Most

players should store it


Game Informer ù

Custom Pistol Leon can find a special modification kit that

will turn his pistol into an automatic weapon complete with shoulder stock.

January ‘98



The sultry and mysterious lady is drawn to Raccoon City in search of her boyfriend, a


for Corporation.

the Umbrella Ada seeks the

answers to his whereabouts after he was transferred from Chicago to an undisclosed

location in ` Forest.


brains behind the work that created the T- and other strains, William struggles antly with his employer, the Umbrella ration. Genuinelv concerned about the nifications of his work, William is distraught it Umbrella using his research for mane purposes. Constantly consumed by is work, he is feared to be one of the first

ictims of the Raccoon City disaster.

Shotgun Leon’s preferred weapon is standard police issue.


` Leon can holster this arm that packs almost the same power as the shotgun.

Custom Shotgun A kit turns Leon's standard shotgun into an arm of unbelievable power that rips zombies


The ultimate Zombie killer is back in a | modified form. Find it if you can.

in half. | 11



w- Running can get you out of sticky situations. Avoiding conflict in the early stages of the game can set the player up for serious advantages later in the game.

« Items are sometimes not visible in a room. Search each room thoroughly by checking desks, cabinets, and shelves.

« Storage Boxes should be used to hoard everything possible. Picking up and storing health items (including spray bottles and plants) is a must. Even though this may mean extra trips to and from a room, the need for these items will come in handy later.

« Zombies in groups of three or less are easily handled with the standard pistol.

« The crows in this game are much easier to kill. Stand in one area and pick them off.

« A gun is never used to open a door or access a new area, so do not shoot at inanimate objects. |

« The solution to many of the puzzles is usually face. Searching files or surrounding areas wi Trial and error is often the best solution.

« Get rid of the knife as soon as possible. The knife is worthless and should be stored immediately. `

Tap d-pad and other buttons to quickly pe from rombie's grasp.


Speed is of the essence in the streets. Stay on the move and try to conserve ammo by outrunning the zombies.


Like the mansion in the first game, the Raccoon City Police Department is where much of the game takes place. The goal in the police department is to get four pieces of a puzzle that will unlock a passage into the sewer system. To do this, the player must also find access to the basement of the police department. The basement will lead either Leon or Claire to a key that opens one of the last doors on the first floor. Ultimately, a gear will be found to repair the city hall clock at the very top of the police station.

; t ve ntral hall in is Douse the flames (via the roof) to m(s). Note: Leon cannot access the

Third Floor

The third floor is accessed through the library catwalk on the west (left) side of the second floor. A gold gear must be found to repair the clock at the top-most area of the police department.

Basement (B1)

Claire and Leon’s paths make a dramatic split in this area. Claire will have no access to the holding cells and kennel area found on the west (left) side. However, your goal with either character is to find access to the Sewage Treatment Plant with the help of either Ada or Sherry.


This area is incorporated into the basement of the RPD. Leon and Ada will have access to far more of this area, but the primary goal is to solve a puzzle found at the NE (top right) corner of the area. The Sewage Disposal Plant is also where both characters will encounter the.first of Resident Evil 2’s gruesome bosses.


A door that leads out of the intricate sewage disposal system of Raccoon City is

the goal, but it is blocked by a rage of water. Finding two medallions will allow access to the corridor that leads to the Vacant Factory and beyond. Both

characters will again have to call upon their sidekicks for assistance in

conquering this area. A fairly simple area to navigate, but the real challenge is to

avoid the venomous spiders that lurk in the sewer channels. This area will

culminate in a fierce stand-off with an alligator of gigantic proportions.


Basically a passageway that leads to the Umbrella Lab, the factory is extremely easy to navigate. However, keep on the lookout for some good weapons and ammo because once the exit has been discovered, another disgustingly horrid boss will mount a challenge.

The questions and mysteries will come to a climactic closure as the player explores the confines of this corrupt lab deep beneath Raccoon City.

| Size: 1 CD-ROM „1 Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game

| Special Features: Two Fighting Forms To Choose From; Cool Spells And Special Moves; Complex Storyline; Turn-Based Combat; Some Action Sequences | Created By: Square Co., Ltd. Available: First Quarter 1998 For Sony

CN „| Style: 1-Player Shooter ` «| Special Features: Multiple Camera Angles; Role-Playing Features; Robot | Can Change Into Various Forms;

a Varying Story Paths

F Created By: Sguare Co., Ltd. a | Available: First Quarter ‘98 For Sony



PlayStation (Japan); U.S. Release i

i oren E

PlayStation (Japan); U.S. Release v + 2) is Uncertain

| is Uncertain D Ce | Einhander is a game that takes the In the long standing tradition of, -| Classic shooter formula and mixes it up

Square RPGs, Xenogears is shaping 7 y

; i _.| Square Soft style with awesome 3D =. | terrain, light sourcing, and beautiful

| motion. Players take on the role of the Einhander, an attack robot that can "| transform into various styles, each | with strengths and weaknesses. Terrain varies from cityscapes to deep forestry. A | We have not seen much of the game yet, but the story looks as complex and cool

id) as any Square game to date.

up to be another great adventure. | Surrounded by a futuristic setting, the „| game's premise and control look to be | taking a new step forward in the world of RPGs. Androids, robots, and good | old cybernetic implants are the tune of | the day, as players try to prevent the | world from being destroyed by a mad | villain bent on widespread panic and | annihilation. Nobody does RPGs on the tube better than Square, and this game stays true to that philosophy. When this game hits the Japanese shelves, another landmark in Square’s groundbreaking history will arrive.

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September 1983 May 1986 December 1987 March 1989 July 1990 Square begins software devel- | Square Co., Ltd. is established, | The first Final Fantasy is Square Soft, Inc. is established in | The first Final Fantasy is opment for video games as a and a tight-knit relationship released for the Famicom. Redmond, WA. to ensure that an | released for the NES.

division of Denyu Co. in Tokyo. | with Nintendo is born. Qe © international presence and close va RB relationship with Nintendo is kept.

18 Game Informer 8 January ‘98

Square Soft is one of the biggest success stories in the entertainment business. Their multi-million selling games are a sight to behold, and even the casual gamer bows down in respect to their vision and artistry. No one dares question e Square’s position as one of the most influential game makers of the decade. They have shaped the lives of millions of fans that are lucky vu enough to have seen their unimaginable brilliance. Hopefully, we have witnessed only the beginning of a revolution.


In the United States, Square has done little more than fill a niche market inside the gaming industry. In Japan, however, = Sauare rules the roost. With well over fifty games released in Japan, Sguare enjoys enormous success often determining the future of primary platforms. They are probably the most important third-party a hardware company could hope to ` snag. For example, in September 1996, Square announced plans to develop Final -Fantasy VII (which sold over 2.5 million copies in three days) exclusively for Sony, = instead of their longtime system buddy, Nintendo. After the announcement, Sony's stock rose on the Nikkei index, while Nintendo’s fell. Also, Sony’s RPG lineup (which before that moment was behind in performance compared to Sega of Japan’s) exploded, getting offers from Sunsoft, Enix, and others to do new RPGs. The move put Sony in first place for sales in Japan, leaving Sega and Nintendo in the dust.

Interestingly, it is not just recently that Square has had this kind of weight, Since the release of Final Fantasy on the NES, Square has helped dictate who will be ruler of the hardware wars. Statistics show that each system Final Fantasy has appeared on, has led the pack in overall sales (including the SNES and Game Boy). In fact, E one series has prompted more frenzy in the game world. Dragon

s aiuti


Quest, the RPG series by Enix, has caused truancy, mile long lines, even riots among people awaiting release. However, it is rare that Enix will make a move in the Japanese hardware market without first examining Square’s position. Simply put, there may be no other third-party as important to a system's success as Square.

Most will agree there has never been a creation that more

clearly defines video games as an art form than the Final Fantasy series. One of the few games where the mere mention of its name can stir emotion, Final Fantasy is synonymous with the best that gaming has to offer for the betterment of society. Cherished by all who played it, The Opera Scene in FF Ill is a perfect example, leaving a permanent memory etched into our minds forever. Never before or after has there been a moment in video gaming that can rival the Opera scene in pure elegance. That is not the only moment; we all have our favorites, from the betrayal of Kain in FF Il to the mourning of the fallen in FF Vil. Hopefully, this series of games will live on forever, never fading with the passing of time.

Whenever we look towards future releases by one of our favorite developers, we always hope that there is a sequel or recognizable title in the works. With Square there would be nothing better than another Final Fantasy. As it stands now there isn’t one in the near future, except for two spin-offs Chocobo Mysterious Dungeon and Final Fantasy Tactics (see page 36). The rest of the games are new releases to the U.S. audience. Some of these titles are destined to hit the States, but as we've seen in the past, there's a chance that many will never make it here.

Size: 1 CD-ROM -| Style: 1-Player Strategy/Role-Playing Game | Special Features: Customize Your Own Units and Machines; Turn-Based | Combat With Detailed Battle Scenes; Weapon and Machine Upgrades; Terrain Condition; Recruit Allies; _| Detailed Hit Point System ‘| Created by: Square Co., Ltd. Available: Now for Sony PlayStation 4 (Japan); Possibly Never in America

While this game may never make it z, to the States, it is an important series for Square Soft in the Japanese market. . = Front Mission originally debuted on the ` <| Super Famicom with two releases and gradually moved on to the PlayStation. © This second PlayStation installment is very similar to the first, where difficult | combat scenarios portray the majority of gd the gameplay and story. The battles are turn-based, but when attacking, the battle scene is presented in a movie-like | format. Customizing units and machines mil to a certain combat condition „and/or se i| terrain effect is where the difficulty lies in

| this title. It's like FF Ville Materia system, only much more complicated.

October 1995

Square Soft, Inc. is relocated to Marina Del Rey, beginning Square LA. Some say that the

0000 0000000000000

August 1996

Sguare Soft, Inc. moves to Costa Mesa, CA, positioning Square next door to sister com- pany Square LA. g


entire Redmond team was fired, and only the computers were spared.

Game Informer m January ‘98


The eleven vear relationship with Nintendo ends. Square then announces development plans for the Sony PlayStation.

| Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1-Player Strategy/Role-Playing Game Special Features: Turn-Based Combat With Detailed and Faster Battle Scenes; Recruit Allies; Detailed Hit Point System; Weapon and Machine Upgrades; More Background Action | and Animation Created by: Square Co., Ltd. (Department #7) Available: Now for Sony PlayStation | (Japan); Possibly Never in America Again, this title probably won't come ij to the States, but it is one of the coolest ~ futuristic strategy/RPGs on the planet. Alternative is almost identical to Front Mission 2 with the battle scenes removed and replaced with turn-based cl combat that takes place on the same | screen where user commands are i entered. This small change is actually huge. Combat in Front Mission 2 could ~ | easily take an hour per battle, but cutting out the movie-like battle scenes (which S 37 were extremely cool) makes the game tl move much faster. All of the other elements are basically the same and still rely on complexity to bring forth entertainment.

0000000000000 00000000

May 1997

Square USA's Honolulu Studio is established for technology research. Square ||

LA is renamed

Square USA and

no one was fired.

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January 31, 1997

Final Fantasy VII is released and in the first three days 2.3 million units are sold. Within two months 3 million units are sold.

Listed in chronological order, are all of the games Square Soft has released in both Japan and America. Some of these games were not developed completely by Square (Breath of Fire), and some were published by other companies (3D World Runner), but all of them featured the Square name.

Square Soft has done everything possible to please the Japanese market. There have been ten Final Fantasy titles, seven SaGa titles, and almost two dozen other RPGs. The change from Nintendo to Sony, from cartridge to CD-ROM, was a scary moment, but after the release of FF Vil, we know things are on the up for Square. On the PlayStation alone, they have introduced their premier fighter with Tobal, and have started their own sports line entitled Aques (Advanced Quality Entertainment Sports). Of course, RPGs are their main focus, and the future looks

very promising with rumors of FF VIII and Chrono Trigger ll.

This is where Final Fantasy first came to power. Square even released the first two adventures on one cartridge due to its success.

Title/Date Originally Released

e Teguzar November ‘85

e Kind Knight (King's Knight in U.S.) September ‘86

e Highway Star (Rad Racer in U.S.) August ‘87

e Final Fantasy December ‘87

e 3-D World Runner December ‘87

* Deep Dungeon Ill May ‘88

e Final Fantasy II - December ‘88

e Hanjuku Hero December ‘88

+ Square’s Tom Sawyer October ‘89

Soukaigi Size: 3 CD-ROMs Style: 1-Player Fighting/Adventure Special Features: 4 Playable Characters Each Featuring a Different Weapon; Bizarre Bosses and Magic Spells; Complete 3D Movement in Multi-Tiered Environments; A Wide Array of Character Movements Created by: Vuke's for Square Co., Ltd. Available: First Quarter ‘98 for Sony PlayStation (Japan); U.S. Release

e is Uncertain

Soukaigi features real-time combat

Let's face it. Fifty-five Square games have been released and we've only seen twenty. To top it off, we only have four of the seven console Final Fantasy titles. FF VII is a huge success in America but it will never come close to topping the sales in

Japan. If we want more, we need to buy more, and get those who don't

play, to play.

within massive multi-tiered 3D environments. There are four playable characters featuring different weapons (a bow, a staff, a sword, and a gigantic sword

| which looks almost identical to Cloud's). We don’t know of a plot yet, but we

can tell you that all of the enemies and character moves are absolutely crazy. We haven't seen a character walk yet. They all fly, and apparently use jump jets

M or some kind of sneaker rockets to

propel themselves into combat against a gigantic tree or enormous gnats.

The adventure spans its roots across

deserts, city streets, ice caverns, and ancient temples. It appears as though it may not be as RPG-influenced as we thought and may feature levels instead of one gigantic world with multiple sectors. In any case, it looks very interesting.

Title/Date Originally Released

* 3-D World Runner September ‘87

e Rad Racer (Highway Star in Japan) October ‘87

s King's Knight (Kind Knight in Japan) September ‘89

e Rad Racer H June ‘90

+ Final Fantasy

July 90

3D World Runner

None of these games

e Final Fantasy III April ‘90 e Final Fantasy | 8 II February ' 94

This add on for ees Japan's 8-bit con- sole (NES in U.S.) came out in 1986, but never made it to the States. The drive Was similar to a 3.5" floppy; however, the disc was shaped differently to avoid piracy. By 1990 it only sold 4 million units. That's a lot for the States but not nearly enough to stay alive in Japan, consider- ing how many Famicoms were sold.

Title/Date Originally Released

e Suisho no Ryuu December ‘86

* Deep Dungeon December ‘86

: Tobidase Daisakusen March ‘87

+ Appletown Monogatari April ‘87

e Yuushi no Monshou May ‘87

+ Haokun no Fushingina Tabi May ‘87

e Cleopatra no Mahou July ‘87

+ Jikaishounen Met & Mag July ‘87 + Kariin no Ken October ‘87

e Moonball Magic June ‘88

+ Akkusenki Raijin July ‘88

Japan was first introduced to two of the most graphically impressive series, Seiken Densetsu and SaGa, on the portable two- color Nintendo Game Boy. Seiken Densetsu and SaGa would later find their true calling on the Super Famicom.

Title/Date Originally Released

e Makaitoushi SaGa (Final Fantasy Legend in U.S.) - December ‘89

+ SaGa 2 Hihoudensetsu (Final Fantasy Legend II in U.S.) December ‘90

e Seiken Densetsu (Final Fantasy

-Adventure in U.S.) May ‘91

e Jukuuno Hasha SaGa 3 (Final Fantasy Legend Ill in U.S.) - December ‘91

Parasite Eve

Size: 1 CD-ROM (Possibly More) Style: 1-Player

Action/Role-Playing Game

Special Features: Amazing Graphic Detail; Unique Storyline; Tons of

3 Cinema Cut Scenes; Real-Time Combat A Created by: Square USA | Available: January 98 for Sony

PlayStation (Japan); Second Quarter ‘98 for Sony PlayStation (U.S.)

With a modern day plot, beautiful painted backdrops, and weapons ranging from small pistols to heavy artillery, Parasite Eve looks a lot like Resident Evil. The gameplay itself should be | something like Chrono Trigger with freedom to explore during battles.

„| Square calls it the cinematic RPG for

Adventure is actually Seiken Densetsu (which would later become Secret of Mana on the SNES), and the FF Legend series is really a spin-off of SaGa (which never made it to the States, but will appear later this year when Sony releases it for the PlayStation).

Title/Date Originally Released

e Final Fantasy Legend (Makaitoushi SaGa in Japan) September ‘90

e Final Fantasy Legend II (SaGa 2

Sony PlayStation, and from what we've ` seen, they're right. The graphics in this title are just as nice, if not better than FF " © VII. With a dark story, a gorgeous main character, and strange mutated enemies, Parasite Eve promises to pack a mighty wallop in the U.S. RPG market. Let's hope the American team knows how to make RPGs just as well as the Japanese team responsible for FF VII.

SaGa 3 in Japan) September ‘92

There's only one thing that can be said. We didn't get Final Fantasy V. It should have been part Ill, but instead VI (which is considered the best of them all) became Ill as opposed to IV.

Hihoudensetsu in Japan) November Interestingly © enough,

91 the first U.S. developed e Final Fantasy Adventure (Seiken Square game Secret

Densetsu in Japan) November ‘91 of Evermore never made it to Japan. + Final Fantasy Legend III (Jukuuno Hasha Once again, is this a fair trade?

ase are actually Final © Fantasy releases, but 1 like Super Mario Bros. 2 for the NES, their names and gameplay elements were changed for the U.S. release. FF

In Japan there were three Final Fantasy titles for Nintendo's 8- bit. We got one. But we did get Rad Racer li. Japan didn't. Is this a fair trade? Game Informer m January ‘98

Even though Square’s Final Fantasy series has played second fiddle to Enix's Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior in U.S), other RPGs like Romancing SaGa and Chrono Trigger helped turn Square Soft into the ultimate RPG company.

i H

Romancing Saga 2 M

Title/Date Originally Released e Final Fantasy IV (Final Fantasy II in U.S.) July ‘91

Live A Live ET

e Romancing SaGa January ‘92

+ Final Fantasy V December ‘92

e Hanjyuku Hero December ‘92

e Final Fantasy USA Mystic Quest September ‘93

: Seiken Densetsu 2 (Secret of Mana in U.S.) - October ‘93

) i Tons

Rundro No Hibu

e Alchaest December ‘93

e Romancing SaGa 2 December ‘93

e Final Fantasy VI (Final Fantasy lll in U.S.) April ‘94

e Live A Live October ‘94

e Front Mission February ‘95

e Chrono Trigger March ‘95

+ Seiken Densetsu 3 September ‘95

e Romancing SaGa 3

SaGa Frontier

Size: 1 CD-ROM

Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game Special Features: Turn-Based Combat With Tons of Options; Multiple Playable Characters; a Fast Moving and Entertaining Story; Map Screen;

4 Weapon Upgrades and Magic | Power-Ups

Created by: Square Co., Ltd. for Sony Computer Entertainment America Available: Now for Sony PlayStation (Japan); First Quarter ‘98 for Sony PlayStation (U.S.)

The SaGa series has been running in Japan for a long time now, and this is the

4 first we'll get to see of it as SaGa, notan

altered Final Fantasy version (as withthe ` Game Boy releases). SaGa Frontier will

be one of the last Square games that © Sony will publish in the States (unless they sign on for more titles). The graphics

and effects are not the best in the world,

but the combat and gameplay interface

are advanced and full of interesting options and techniques. SaGa also

_| features a strong storyline. There is no

Title/Date Originally Released

e Final Fantasy II (Final Fantasy IV in Japan) November ‘91

e Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (USA in Japan) October ‘92

: Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2)- October ‘93

+ Breath of Fire (Developed by Capcom) August ‘94

e Final Fantasy III (Final Fantasy VI in Japan) October ‘94

* Chrono Trigger August ‘95

e Secret of Evermore October ‘95

e Super Mario RPG: Legend of the

Seven Stars May ‘96

Game Informer o January ‘98

world searching, so all the events that take place are linked directly together.


It appeared as though we were finally going to get most of the games released in Japan, but then Square decided not to bring Tobal 2. Now the future of Square titles is uncertain. Will we only get the big RPGs? Or will we get more games like the

shooter Einhander and

the strategy series Front Mission?

Title/Date Originally


e Tobal No. 1- November ‘96

+ Final Fantasy VII September ‘97

e Bushido Blade October ‘97

November ‘95 + Bahamut Lagoon February ‘96 e Front Mission Gun Hazard February ‘96 e Rudora no Hihou April ‘96 + Super Mario RPG June ‘96 + Treasure Hunter G June ‘96

Early on Square was releasing a new title every month. Their biggest hit is FF VII. Square even re-released the enhanced U.S. version as FF VII International and added an additional tutorial and history disc to the set. While FF VIII is still a while off (or so we think), Square has been supplying spin-offs, Chocobo Mysterious Dungeon and Tactics, to tide over the hungry market of Japan.

Title/Date Originally Released e Tobal No. 1— July ‘96

e Final Fantasy VII January ‘97 e Final Fantasy IV March ‘97

* Tobal 2 April ‘97

+ Bushido Blade May ‘97

e Final Fantasy Tactics June ‘97

e SaGa Frontier July ‘97

e Final Fantasy VII International October ‘97

+ Front Mission 2 October ‘97

e Power Stakes Grade 1 October ‘97

s Einhander November ‘97

e Front Mission Alternative December '97

+ Chocobo Mysterious Dungeon December ‘97

+ Parasite Eve January ‘98

e Xenogears February ‘98

e Soukaigi First Quarter ‘98

+ Super Live Stadium Baseball Uncertain

e Grand Champion’s Rally Uncertain

e Final Fantasy VIII Uncertain

e Chrono Trigger Il Uncertain

rious Dungeon Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game Special Features: On-Screen Map; Item and Weapon Shops; Cinematic Cut-Scenes; Six Main Characters; Turn-Based Combat; World Exploring; Experience; Sinister Villains Created by: Square Co., Ltd.

| Available: First Quarter ‘98 for Sony

PlayStation (Japan); U.S. Release is Uncertain

The adorable Chocobo is finally getting the respect it deserves, and even though this one is yellow and not gold, ;

y| We're sure the game will be entertaining ` | and our little chicken friend will kick some

serious demon butt. One question arises will it be targeted at a younger audience? We don't know for sure, but it

| looks like it could be a kiddy or beginner




+ Final Fantasy Tactics February ‘98 e SaGa Frontier First Quarter ‘98 + Parasite Eve Second Quarter ‘98

Its been rumored that Square is working on either an arcade title or some kind of arcade board. In their Honolulu office a

a| poster of Chocobo De Battle greets

visitors. Supposedly this poster is of some importance and could be the name of the first arcade game, if one came around. Details on this are scarce, but some talk has included involvement with Namco.

Title/Date Originally Released * Chocobo De Battle Uncertain

RPG like FF Mystic Quest. The look of the game is as it should be, featuring `

4 a cartoon-like, yet detailed appearance. There

are cinematic cut-scenes, magnificent spell effects, and all the standard ingredients for an RPG (villages, character talking, item shops, weapon and power upgrades). As to this title hitting the States? It's iffy, but we never thought we’d get FF Tactics or Bushido Blade, so maybe there's a chance since it ties into the FF universe.

As with any developer who finds success, there is the need to hire help. Below is a listing of Sguare's subsidiaries. The most notable is Dream Factory for their work on the Tobal series.

+ SOLID Co., Ltd.

+ DigiCube

+ Square USA, Inc.

+ Square Soft, Inc.

e Lightweight Co., Ltd.

e Dream Factory Co., Ltd.

Editor’s Top Ten Console Games for January

© WCW Vs NWO - N64 © GoldenEye 007 - N64 © Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- PS-X

@ Crash Bandicoot 2 - PS-X © NHL9B- PS-X © Diddy Kong Racing N64 © Cool Boarders 2- PS-X © Tomb Raider 2 - PS-X @ Final Fantasy VII - PS-X © Resident Evil 2- PS-X

` Games for January © Chrono Trigger - SNES © Star Fox 64 - N64

© Resident Evil - PS-X Turok: Dinosaur Hunter ~ -N64

© Ghost in the Shell - PS-X © Street Fighter EX Plus

Alpha - PS-X

© Madden 64 - N64 © GoldenEye 007 - N64 B Final Fantasy VII - PS-X @ Tomb Raider 2 - PS-X

See Made Into Video Games -O Evita © Seven Years In Tibet © All Dogs Go To Heaven The Sound Of Music Grease © When Harry Met Sally © Trainspotting © Interview With a Vampire -A Jerry Maguire My Best Friend's Wedding

Game Informer is looking for your Top Ten favorite games. Please send your Top Tens to: Game Informer Magazine

Attn: Top Ten 10120 West 76th Street __ Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Everyone that enters every month will be. entered in a drawing to win a GI Secret Access T-Shirt! So get writing!

PlayStation il-

PaRappa The Rapper: Live and In Concert

No one can deny that PaRappa the Rapper is a game with a great soundtrack. In fact, we gotta believe that it’s one of the zaniest soundtracks to ever appear in a video game. The entire nation of Japan has gone nuts for the rappin’ PaRappa; so much so, in fact, that Parappa is now going to be a live show in Japan. The creator of PaRappa, Masaya Matsuura, is planning the show. Matsuura-san has put together a band to play the music, and has hired talent to rap PaRappa live. We don’t have any more details on the concert at this time, but we’ll keep you posted as we learn more. Maybe, if PaRappa the Rapper Live does well in Japan, it'll make it to the U.S.

mons ge aaa

Ten Pin Alley Inducted into the Bowling Hall of Fame

ASC Games’ Ten Pin Alley for the PlayStation, Saturn, and PC CD-ROM has been inducted into the International Bowling Hall of Fame. Usually athletes are the primary inductees, but since video games are much cooler than professional bowlers (except, of course, Bill Murray’s character in the movie King Pin), the recent induction makes perfect sense. If you ever find yourself in St. Louis, go check out the Hall of Fame and see if you can find the Ten Pin Alley exhibit.

King Pin Andy McNamara rolls a strike (top) and takes a spin in the pinmobile (bottom).

Get Good Stuff Free

Everyone loves getting something for nothing, so listen up. Typically, each new video game you purchase includes a consumer response card (or a warranty registration card). The cards are usually surveys asking about your background information. Always skeptical of what a company wants to know about its customers, we decided to fill a few of them out ourselves.

What happened next surprised us. After filling out a response card in ASCII’s King's Field II, we received (in the mail) a free playable demo of ASCII’s Clock Tower and Felony 11-79. We also filled out a card from a Namco game lo and behold, we received a demo of Namco games that included three playable levels from Treasures of the Deep, a level of Ace Combat 2, and movies of various other products.

Filling out these response cards will get you on company mailing lists, which could result in piles of junk mail, but for free playable demos of games, it all seems worth it. Something for nothing? Who would’ve thought.

And hey, when you fill out your cards, be sure to tell them Game Informer sent you.


E Game Informer 8 January ‘98


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Sega Announces Three New Games

Just in time for winter and its inevitable buying frenzy, Sega has announced three new Saturn games for release in the United States. Steep Slope Sliders, a 3D snowboarding game similar to Coolboarders 2 (for PlayStation), should be available now. House of the Dead, the intense arcade gun shoot-em-up horror story, will be released mid-April. Also, Sega is releasing Winter Heat, a 1-to-4-player winter sports extravaganza, sometime during the month of January. Between these, the previously announced Panzer sequel, the surprising Sonic R, and Yuji Naka’s new creation Burning Rangers, Saturn owners will have a great time with this small but action-packed lineup.

Capcom’s Pocket Fighter to Come Stateside

Capcom has followed the lead of another fighting series, Virtua Fighter, and released its Pocket Fighters for the arcades in Japan. Similar to VF Kids, Pocket Fighters takes characters from the Capcom fighting universe and super-deforms them in Puzzle Fighter style. Stateside SF fans take note: Pocket Fighter is currently scheduled to reach U.S. arcades, so keep an eye out for it.

Nintendo Bean Bag Friends Available Now

Joining the latest bean bag baby frenzy, Bensussen Deutsch is offering an extensive line of Nintendo characters.

First off the production line was the initial series including Mario, Bowser, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong. Demand has been heavy, but retailers have been promised a second shipment just in time for the new year.

The next series, scheduled to appear in early 1998, includes four more Nintendo favorites: Luigi, Wario, Toad, Princess Toadstool, and Diddy Kong. Bensussen Deutsch announced further plans to release a third series based on = Nintendo’s Zelda universe.

In addition, the Redmond, WA based Bensussen

Deutch offers a full line of official Nintendo products including watches, music compilations, and other nifty collectibles.

Informer a January ‘98

y of Nintendo's Ken Griffey title was bad news for Nintendo 64 fans, and now it looks like it’s going to

‘be bad news for Nintendo as well.

Enter GT Interactive’s secret N64 title MLB Strike Zone ‘98. Details on this title are. sketchv, but it should - be coming out when the ‘98 baseball season kicks in.

» The N64 pose, even larger with news Jeu:

Studios: (creators of Turok an Quarterback Club) are also ege on a baseball title for N64.

ħ Riding the success of NHL 98 Sports has disclosed that wg an NHL title for the N64 j underway. Of p to Vancouver studios,” "GI toured ie facilities responsible for such great titles as NBA Live 98, NHL 98, the FIFA Series, and Triple Play 98.

While no formal announcement has been made, it was easy to guess that EA has been working on NHL for N64 for quite some while, especially considering the strategy behind Madden 64’s release. A key player on any platform, the N64 desperately needs more quality titles from EA Sports. Along with hockey, rest assured that an NBA Live game for N64 is also in development.

Our guess as to a possible release date for a 64-bit NHL would be fall of ‘98. Recently, EA filed a report with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and stated only two N64 products would release before April of this year (FIFA and Madden, both already available). Logically, a 64-bit NHL would most likely come near the '98-'99 season opener.



On October 29, 1997, Midway invited members of the gaming press to Atari Games Corporation’s research and development facility in Milpitas, California to get an early look at their new product lineup. During a tour of the facility, G/ got a glimpse of their motion-capture and sound effects studios and product development areas where we talked to developers working on Midway’s arcade fighting game, Juko Thread (working title), due out this summer. The game is a mix between Street Fighter and Tekken and will feature three-in-one combos. But the real fun began when we got to “test” Midway’s latest console and arcade games.

The console lineup features ten games for Sony PlayStation and Nintendo 64. Olympic Hockey ‘98 (late January for N64) is the spitting image of Wayne Gretzky’s 3D Hockey ‘98 (including the NHLPA license), except for the addition of national teams and players and the Olympic-styled gold medal tournament. We also took a look at Wayne Gretzky for the PlayStation, but the graphics were lackluster compared to the N64 version. One of the coolest N64 titles present was Quake 64 (see page 30). This port displayed some outstanding graphics containing RGB lighting effects and the game’s first multiplayer mode. San Francisco Rush Extreme Racing (due in February for PS-X and available now for N64) was on hand with six new tracks, three secret cars, and two extra modes Tag and Death. Fastbreak ‘98 (available now for PS-X, see page 57) has a whopping 52 features, 18 of which Midway claims to be exclusive to their game. It features signature moves, a Momentum Meter, and on-the-fly play calling. Of course, Midway also displayed MK Mythologies: Sub Zero for both the PS-X and N64. The only difference between the two will be that the N64 version will not have FMVs, but will be Rumble Pak compatible. Mace: The Dark Age, based on the popular arcade game, is already out for the N64 and should be coming to the PS-X this month. Mace boasts ten player-selectable characters, two bosses, and seven hidden characters.

Midway invited some of their outside developers to show off new products as well, namely Boss Game Studios and Crystal Dynamics. Boss’s Twisted Edge Snowboarding Extreme (due March 1998 for N64) will differ from the Cool Boarders series



(for PlayStation) in two ways. It will have a Story mode centered around an international competition in Alaska and tricks will be performed on-the-fly with the help of the joypad. Crystal Dynamics displayed Pandemonium 2 (available now for PS-X), but unfortunately did not have the highly anticipated Gex: Enter the Gecko (January for PS-X and May for N64).

In addition to the console games, Midway had several of their arcade units on hand. Similar to this year’s AMOA Convention (see page 48), Blitz was by far the most popular game. Blitz’s creator, Mark Turmell (the man behind NBA Jam and NBA HangTime) was there to introduce the game. It features seven-player teams, the NFL and NFLPA licenses, tackling a la Hulk Hogan, and late hits that go unpenalized. We also witnessed a demonstration of some gory and hilarious Mortal Kombat 4 fatalities by co-creator Ed Boon. In one fatality, Reptile jumps on his victim and eats all the skin away leaving nothing but a skull and eyeballs behind. However, GI's favorite fatality so far is Quan Chi beating his victim to death with a leg that’s been ripped viciously from the victim’s own body. San Francisco Rush The Rock was the most popular arcade racing game at the event with all of the tracks of the original Rush game, along with four new ones, including a stunt track on Alcatraz complete with a corkscrew. Ivan Stewart’s Off-Road Challenge is a Baja-styled racer that contains hidden monster trucks that allow you to literally crush the opposition. Some of the courses are a little short, but overall, it is a fun game that gives racers the opportunity to nail roadside animals like coyotes and grizzlies. Lastly, there was a playable version of California Speed that was 75% finished. The game contains high speeds, tight tracks, and a wide variety of vehicles like a Porsche 911, Cadillac convertible, and even a golf cart. According to Midway, all of these arcade games will someday port to the console format.


ure to dominate the |

| The Rock is s

| racing scene just like the original. |


Blitz is Midway's best sports game since NBA HangTime.

l l

L People waited to plav California Speed even Olympic Hockey ‘98

MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero (N64) though it wasn’t quite finished. Game Informer m January ‘98



Fighter Edge, as you may have guessed,

Prior to its Spaceworld show in Tokyo, Japan, Nintendo | Beni sinniet Hana ee


published a list of N64 titles scheduled to appear at the show. There | but they take their passion of fighting are a few surprises on the list, and it does appear as though the | ħ

éier | games to the extreme with great page N64DD (note: Nintendo did not call it the 64DD) will finally be | layouts and lots of information.

playable. G/ Editor Andy McNamara is attending the trade show, so stay tuned next month for a full report on the future of the N64.

In further Nintendo news, if you’ve been following release schedules you may have noticed that there are a slew of games : slated for a March release. Through inside sources, G/ has B learned that Nintendo is planning a 'Re-Launch' for the N64 in | = DE Japan. While U.S. sales of the N64 remain steady, in Japan the | @ In The Legend of Zelda, what item was

system is lagging far behind Saturn and PlayStation. Nintendo is | used to open level 6 (the level under even asking some of its third-party developers to hold their already | the pond)? ee

j finished titles until March. How manv characters were available for

play in the first Street Fighter (arcade)?

| Titles to Appear at Tokyo Spaceworld bl l | © What was the first arcade game created in

Ascii e Sim City 2000 | Japan to hit American shores? x a oar Oy ER In Final Fantasy II, what was the name of | Asmik : Japan System Supply the creature you had to kill in order to | feng GN oo ħila | receive the Adamantium Armor? e Pro Mahjong Kiwame 64 e G.A.S.P.!! Fighter’s NEXTream | © What system did the game E.T. The-Extra Atlus e Nagano Winter Olympics ‘98 Terrestrial appear on? e Snobow Kids e NBA In the Zone ‘98 (Answers on the bottom of page 27) Bandai Kotobuki System (Kemco) i e Tamagotchi 64 e Top Gear Rally | 6 Banpresto Namco | | ¢ Super Robot Spirits e Famista 64 | | Bottom Up Nintendo | | 0 64 Oozume e Banjo-Kazooie | | Culture Brain e Diddy Kong Racing | | œ Hiryuu No Ken Twin e F-Zero X | Game Bank e NBA Basketball | e Hexen e Snowboarding e Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey ` © Yoshi's Story ? Hudson e Zelda 64 $ e Denryu Iraira Bou Seta $ e Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling: e Morita Shogi 64 ji Toukon Road e Rev Limit e Imagineer e Wild Choppers e Choukuukan Nighter Pro Taito Baseball King 2 e Automobili Lamborghini af- DZ e Eltale T&E Soft TT All eo e Fighting Cup e Augusta: Masters ‘98 This game featured music by George e Kiratto Kaikesu! 64 Video System | Thorogood, Black Sabbath, Steppenwolf, Tanteidan e Sonic Wings Assault | Veep Purple, Golden Earring, and Henry

Mancini. What's its name? (Answer on the bottom of page 27)

Game Informer 8 January ‘98


If you are an avid Street Fighter junkie who is seeking another alternative to the home console and arcade scene, then we invite you to take a seat, throw your feet up onto the coffee table, and relax. Manga Entertainment has the perfect solution for you with twenty-nine episodes of Street Fighter II V (Victory). This anime series is long, character driven, and animated fairly well. All of the events predate the feature anime film and Alpha. Ken and Ryu are the main characters, and almost every other face from the slew of games appears in these episodes. If you want to know the whole story, then we urge you to take a look at these priceless volumes of SF history.

In other anime news, Manga is currently debating whether to release the animated series Street Fighter Alpha here in the States. Let’s hope they do! They are also going to be holding another theatrical tour of two films X and Lady Ninja. No dates have been set, but most of the cities that received the rare appearance of Ghost in the Shell will more than likely also get these two.



ETT AC SE, ZE m M pon P


Psvgnosis confirmed that thev and the Newman/Haas racing team are | working on a licensing agreement for an upcoming racing game for the Sony | PlayStation. The game, which will be available in March of 1998, features the | Newman/Haas Racing drivers Christian Fittipaldi and Michael Andretti, as | well as a number of other licensed drivers and tracks form the world of CART | (Championship Auto Racing Teams, Inc.).

There are several other top name drivers set to appear including Jimmy Vasser, Arie Luyendyk, and Robby Gordon. Other deals are in the works for 15 more licensed drivers. Eleven licensed tracks are also in negotiation, but only the Milwaukee Mile, Road America, Rio 400, Laguna Seca, and the Texaco Grand Prix of Houston are guaranteed at this time.

In further Psygnosis racing news, the critically acclaimed Formula 1: Championship Edition hit a few minor snags in its licensing agreement. In the States, as well as in Europe and Japan, the original game was pulled from the shelves, and what you’ll now find at your local retailer is a slightly different version of Championship Edition. The problem was one of logos that appeared throughout the game. The Formula 1 governing body and Psygnosis resolved the conflict by removing the offending logos and entering a new version of the game into production.


Michael Andretti V

Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. has announced a list of the cars that will be available in | the upcoming racing game, Gran Turismo for the | Sony PlayStation. The Japanese version of the | game will contain 146 vehicles from numerous car | manufacturers including Chevrolet, Chrysler, and | Aston Martin. | Gran Turismo, which is planned for a U.S. release | by SCEA, will not include all of the cars available on | the Japanese version, but Sony has promised that there will be at least 100 cars to choose from. Unfortunately, the release of Gran Turismo here in the U.S. has been pushed back from January to | March ‘98 (maybe even April). The name of the game | will also be changed, but no new name has been | announced. |



Game Informer m January ‘98


e WHAT'S H Weg

To reach Dear Gl or the Editors of GI send correspondence to: Snail Mail

Game Informer Magazine© Attn: Dear GI 10120 West 76th Street _ Eden Prairie, MN 55344


WWW Home Page

The Glove, from Reality Ouest, is touted by the company as the next wave in PlayStation video game control. We'd rather not ride that wave. The Glove is yet another meaningless peripheral that actually hinders a player's depth of control.

The Glove itself fits over the hand and is secured by two Velcro straps. As a one-size-fits-all product, the glove is uncomfortable for anyone who has smaller or larger hands. The button layout is also frustrating. The way The Glove fits, you have to arch your fingers and search for each of the buttons. On top of this, the start button is located next to the other buttons, and during heated gaming the start

To contact Secret Access or Access & Allies please send correspondence to:

button naturally falls prey to wandering fingers. | Snail Mail It also seems the company ‘cheapened’ the manufacturing of The Glove to come in at a lower | Game Informer Magazine price point. The result is a sticky pivot axis. It actually takes effort to move the glove back and forth, | Attn: Secret Access especially to move it up and down. With the pressure from the straps, the effort of moving your wrists, and | 10120 West 76th Street

the unnatural button positions, the glove is lame. Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Rarely does a peripheral offer any advantage over the | E-Mail standard pack-in controllers. An occasional exception is | made for arcade sticks in conjunction with fighting | games, but any self-respecting gamer can use the standard pad (be it Nintendo’s, Sony’s, please send correspondence to: or Sega’s) to defeat any game on the | Snail Mail e planet. The Glove is available now for > * 4 Game Informer Magazine‘ $89.95, but do yourself a favor and buy , o L BR Attn: Swap Shop

two or three good games instead. : 10120 West 76th Street e i Eden Prairie, MN 55344

To contact Swap Shop or A.P B.

To contact Game Informer Customer Service with Change of Address,

New Subscriptions or Inquiries please send correspondence to:

Snail Mail Game Informer Magazine Attn: Customer Service

Tired of using wimpy light guns to blow holes through menacing enemies? Maybe you should put a little kick into your gaming. Innovation’s Real Arcade 3-in-1 Jolt Gun offers just what you’re looking for. Atop

the light gun sits a plastic slide. Every time the gun is fired, the slide pushes back, emulating the kickback | ie as S Sr? of an actual pistol. | den Prairie, MN 553 The Real Arcade comes ready for both the Saturn and PlayStation, and can also be substituted for | Or Call

Namco’s Gun Con. When in Gun Con mode, a foot pedal is included for use as an action button. The Real Customer service hours: Monday through Friday,

Arcade also offers auto reload options. | 9:00 am 4:00 pm (Central Time) Everything sounds great, right? Well, to start, if you own a new PlayStation (with a single audio/video | (612) 946-7266 | : multi-out), and you want to use the Real Arcade in Gun Con mode, you'll need to purchase a separate | Outside Minsiesaia make sure lo dia!

AV Cable for around $15.00. Next, the recoil feature gets annoying after about thirty seconds of play | area code (this is a toll call).

and anyone else within the vicinity will most likely strangle you if you continue to use it. Also, the gun | is heavy, and the cable that attaches it to the PlayStation is very heavy as well. Furthermore, when in Gun | Con Mode, two other cables tap into the | stock of the gun. That makes three cables coming out of your gun, and the result is very uncomfortable light gunning action.

Since Namco's Time Crisis comes packed with a Gun Con, and other standard light guns are available at a considerably cheaper cost, there is absolutely no reason to spend $59.99 for a cheesy recoil feature. The Real Arcade Jolt Gun gets a big thumbs down from Gi.

To Subscribe please send a check or money order for $19.98 to: Game Informer Magazine

Attn: Circulation Dept.

| 10120 West 76th Street

| Eden Prairie, MN 55344

1. The Magic Flute

2. Two: Ryu and Ken 3. Space Invaders 4. The Pink Puff. 5. Atari 2600 | Name That Game Answer: |

Rock N Roll Racing

Game Informer m January ‘98

>: 64 Megabit | i Style: 1 to 4-Player First-Person í Action/Shooter

is ;: Deathmatch and Cooperative Modes; Multiple Weapons; Controller Configuration; 4 Difficulty Settings, Controller Pak Compatible dee

/: 3D Realms/Eurocom for GT

"interactive : Now for Nintendo 64

The onslaught of first-person action games has never really subsided the N64 version extra entertainment and replay value. Likewise, Duke 64 since Doom flooded the consoles a couple of years back. Yes, history has tons of levels, weapons, and carnage that will challenge and please the often repeats itself and the latest first-person action deluge on consoles solitary player. comes in the form of 3D Realms’ Duke Nukem. The PlayStation, Saturn, However, there are a few problems. While the graphics and play control and Nintendo 64 all have various translations of this PC hit. - shine in the one-plaver game, the split-screen modes for up to four players There has been considerable talk amongst gamers and throughout the become a little muddled when compared to a game like GoldenEye. press that the adult themes of Duke would never be included in Duke Additionally, the deathmatches against computer drones, although an ` ` Nukem 64. Well, much of that is true, but the Nintendo 64 version also has innovative feature, are hampered by horrible computer intelligence that additions that the other systems lack. Anyone who has played the PC often has computer-controlled Dukes stuck in corners or behind doors. version (or the SS and PS-X versions) will notice that some of the more The onslaught of first-person action games does continue with Duke risqué elements have been toned down in the N64 game. However, the Nukem 64, but considering the quality of the other N64 titles available, this additional game modes the one to four-player deathmatch (or game settles nicely into the middle of the pack. ‘dukematch’ as Nintendo calls it) and two-player cooperative mode give

| | ` |

www. Game Informer u January ‘98

£9 opuozurN

help of Square Soft, Nintendo must now look towards other companies for assistance in 8 Size: 96 Megabit ` building an RPG library. N64 owners everywhere are asking no, demanding an RPG. © M Style: 1-Player Action/RPG ` Imagineer, a Japanese publisher, has risen to the occasion. As a publisher, Imagineer works closely ` P un eta p al eS Se Ing d um with other Japanese companies and is known for sports games and strange but popular Japanese to Mestre 4 Elements of hie eer ijja simulation/adventures (Eve Burst Error for example). Quest 64 is the first game being produced in- Different Enemies and Friendly Characters; Loads of house at Imagineer, and the project is top secret. Spells, Weapons, and Items Employing our super sleuthing skills, we set out to discover everything we could about this, the m Created by: Imagineer for TH*Q first RPG for N64. As you take on the role of the main character (whose name has not yet been m Available: April/May ‘98 for Nintendo 64 decided), you become one of the chosen guardians of humankind. As a Spirit Tamer, you must search out the evil Master Wizard who has stolen the Mystical Volume, a masterbook of magic that contains the secrets of nature’s four elements. With the volume in the hands of the evil Master Wizard, the whole world is in chaos and turmoil. It's up to you and your magic to save it. Magic takes on one of four forms in Quest 64. The four elements of nature Earth, Water, Air, and Fire can be tamed and put to use. As you progress you will acquire powerful elemental Spells. It looks as though choosing spells carefully will be the secret to success, since different enemies are susceptible to different elements. The main character can also attack with his scepter, but the emphasis of the game is overwhelmingly upon magic. In an interesting twist, the battles are in real-time, rather than - turn-based. Spells and item attacks are selected off an inventorv screen, and if decisions aren't made quickiv, you'll get toasted. The environments of Quest 64 are 3D, and the exploratie

(ri are the glorv davs of the Super Nintendo and Square. Yes, it's sad but true. Without the

areas, actually “cc populated by both friendl

m Size: 64 Megabit m Style: 1 or 2-Player First-Person Action/Shooter s'— m Special Features: Improved Graphics with RGB Lighting Elects.

Fast Gameplay; Original Enemies and Weapons; 2-Player Split-Screen Mode m Levels: 25 Original Plus 6 Multiplayer m Created by: id Software for Midway Home Entertainment 7 m Available: March-1998 for Nintendo 64

ith titles like GoldenEye, Duke Nukem 64, and Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, the Nintendo 64 has put itself into position to be the premier console for first-person shooters. And now, with what we’ve seen so far of Quake 64, Nintendo’s possession of that title seems

practically guaranteed. We have raved about how cool `

Quake looks on another console unit, but when we played it on the N64 we were blown away even more. For the most

part the two games are the same, but Quake 64 looks to ch

have a few extra things going for it to put it over the top, Sly Stallone style.

First off, the graphics are fantastic. The lighting and lack of pixelization create a very smooth and pleasing picture of enemies and environments. Most of you will probably be so

that vou won't even take the time to read this article. d, Quake `

And you know what? We don’t blame you. Se 64 is now a two-player game. Originally, Quake 64 was

set to release in December 1997 as a one- player game, but Midway later decided to increase the replay value even : though it meant pushing back the ship date. It will be well

worth the wait. Lastly, the game cruises at a high speed with very little, if any, slow down. Even in two-player, the game’s speed is respectable.

So be patient. March is right around the corner and until then, GI will continue to provide you with more information and screen shots as the release of this promising title draws closer. m

Game Informer = January ‘98

l if

KAPTIME 09" 30"58

What's that in the tunnel? | It's a Lamborghini!

@ Could that be a Lamborghini?

Wow, itsa | Lamborghini!

Andy, The Game Hombre '

“What | like about this game is that there is almost no ‘pop-up. What | hate about this game is...well, the game. It sucks. How did this game get delayed? Did they need extra time to put in poor physics, boring gameplay, and lame tracks?” `

Paul, The Game Professor

“When l stack this game up against the other N64 racers I've already played it competes graphically, but the play is just boring. More empha- sis should have been put on the Lamborghini. license: with model sta) car configurations, and other info

Jon, The Greedy Gamer

‘Lamborghini is nothing special. especially considering the other games available (Top Gear Rally, Multi Racing Championship, San Francisco Rush). The graphics aren't bad, even with the slow down, and the control is adequate; but don't buy this game, it's a real yawner.” :'

Reiner, The Raging Gamer

“The graphics and general look of the game are ample. But man! The gameplay is really boring. (og rather suffer playing lawn darts than firing this cart up again, Stay away from this game, it wont do anything for you except put you to sleep.”

D pert): Six Tracks. e ed

Vertical Split- Screen Options; Rumble and Controller Pak Compatible

Created by: Titus Software Corporation Available: Now for Nintendo 64

In Rumble in the Bronx, Jackie Chan

used a Lamborghini to deflate a hovercraft, and in Cannonball Run, two. beautiful | maidens avoided police hassle by showing -off their Lamborghini wheels. Yes, the

Lamborghini is a vehicle with class, and

| now N64 owners will have the chance

to perform miracles of their own with ' Titus Software’s new release Automobili 'Lamborghini.

Six gigantic tracks and a slew of different Lamborghini models are readv for plav as you try to defeat computer opponents driving look-a-likes of other popular cars like the Porsche and Viper (which can be unlocked for your driving pleasure with

-~ victories). There are two difficulty levels

(novice and expert), and a season that is based on placement points.

While racing on some of the longer tracks you'll need to pit. Pitting involves refueling and changing tires. To do so the game will not only push your racing skills to the limit, but your team work as

well. Once you hit the pit you'll be required

to work the fuel pump and quickly change the tires. Mess up, and you'll have some catching up to do. Luckily, each race can be customized, allowing for pitting, help atrows, and the number of laps to be

` toggled on or off.

Automobili Lamborghini has everything going for it. The graphics are nice, there is no background pop-up whatsoever, and the gameplay is fast and easy to get the hang of. However, the N64 market (which is still small in size) is already loaded with racing games, and Lamborghini may play second fiddle to any of the other racers released. Fans of this expensive ride won't think twice about a purchase, but those looking for a racer with tons of jumps, wrecks, and tracks may feel otherwise.

Andy Paul Jon Reiner

Concept: , Was, 7.16 Graphics: 75 7.5 825 8.5 Sound: 5 5 7.75 6.75 Playahility: 4 8 7 5.25 Entertainment: 2 3 5 5 Overall: 4.25 5.75 7 6.25

> THe Borrom LINE 5.75

Game Informer s January '98

KS, Models (With More Cars Hidden)

ic Games ` ` , 5: 12 Events in 8 Separate Categories; olympic and hip Mode; Awards; Snowboard Half-Pipe; Memory Pak Compatible

Last year, Konami Track and

ts. no is structured as a series different events in eight ies. Players can downhill ski, tyle ski, luge, bobsled, speed fi , snowboard, ski jump, and curl way to the gold. Some categories o separate events, such as Om and 1500m Speed Skate. | h event in turn demands a unigue

control setup. Speedskating has players hitting two different butto u maintain a rhythm, while Alpine Skiing ` is a straight-up race to the bottom with, the analog stick. The Snowboard Half-Pipe is interesting in that 4 determine their routine befo event and then execute t programming in a series o before each trick begins. Although th 1 N64 and PlayStation versions a almost identical, this N64 game does ` include three exclusive events the Snowboard Half-Pipe, the 90m Ski Jump, and the 5000m Speed Skate. In all, Nagano will be a timely release as it’s set to hit the shelves prior to the lighting of the torch. H you're Gs for a taste of the ‘98 Winter Olympics, keep your eye on this one,

| or fighting game far liftabSvn ` could be a blessing. It combines D. movements of Bushido

Blade, the fighting ‘mechanics of Soul Blade, and the gore of Mortal Kombat. Developer Kronos Digital Entertainment, who developed. Dark Rift for the Nintendo 64 last year, aře again striving to create the ultimate polygonal fighter. With Mortal Kombat 4 and Tekken 3 still nowhere to be seen, the fighting game „market in ‘98 is open for the taking.

We're not saying that Cardinal Syn will be the next triple A PlayStation fighter, but it definitely has potential. The way the game is laid out is very similar to Namco’s Tekken and Soul Blade releases. Gameplay modes include Training, Tournament, Team Battle, and Survival. Plus on

m Size: 1 CD- ROM

Including Training

Entertainment America

game is beaten with a specific character, a hidden character will be S

added to your playable list.

As far as the look and play, you really couldn’t ask for much more. Each environment is gigantic and decorated nicely. Some even feature hazards and obstacles fo maneuver around. It may bea mine car mo ena

m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head- To-Head Tournament amer d

m Special Features: Analog Compatible; 8 Characters (With More Hidden); Block Meter; Low and High Block Buttons; Special Items Spread Throughout Arenas; Full 3D Movement Within Arenas; 5 Gameplay Modg

m Created by: Kronos Digital Entertainment/ Sony Interactive Studios for Sony Computer

m Available: saning for Sony a!

' tiered combat. ` P l

„wall and take ing witi tine chance that it will h -s clobbers an enemy.

‘health tonic, ower-up. If 'h runs low, you avoid your _ 'arby chest

“he a health power-up.

D movements ¢ on the d-pad. Combos and spe- Sie play a big port, ‘but so does blocking. In fact, there isn’t a special

move meter, but rather a shield meter which monitors how much you block. When it’s green you can block as much as you want, but when it

turns red (after multiple hits are accumulated), blocking won't help too much. You'll stil on damage. 1as a going for it. The SR zeg: animation

Trapping opponents against a wall will limit their attacks.


_ Stay in the middle of this arena

or you'll be spiked to death.

Juni spins in for a clean neck slice.

MckKrieg goes for the attack, ` but is run down by a boulder before he can land a hit.


After breaking a chest, grab the health power-up to rejuvenate.

: Blocking an attack, then : countering with a combo,

usually lands big damage.


Game Informer * January ‘98

© 1 CD-ROM 1-Player Action/Platform i Multiple Mission _ Requirements on Each Level; Tricky

Platforming; Random Camera Panning; Pick-Ax and Special Power-Up Attacks;

Evasive Roll; Classic Pitfall Traits Including Vine Swinging, Tar Pits, and Scorpions i ; 20+ Activision

Look Out Lara... Harry’s

Most of the bosses require some kind of strateg

Harry auditions for the David Vs. Goliath On Ice show.

As Bane broke Batman, this red ck creature breaks Harry.

„Designed For, umble Pak

1-4 Player/Alternating

Tel: (213) 234.91 ‘E-Mail Address: albeit

m Style: 1-Player Action/Platform ` m Special Features: Claymation: Password Save; Cool Weapons; CG Animations; Classic Platform

Gameplay; Funny and Bizarre Storyline m Levels: 120 (In 20 Different otldel reated By: The Neverhood for DreamWorks and Electronic Arts m Available: January for Sony PlayStation

Hey look at me, I'm Mr. Spoon-in-the-Eye-Man!


of new secrets that keep even the first levels fresh and new during each game. Skullmonkeys has a great learning curve, allowing newbies to play the first levels without dying right off, while the experts can head for all of the secrets and try to max out

each level giving a varied degree of difficulty without any actual changes to the game itself.

If you are a fan of great action/ platform games, this one should be purchased the moment it arrives at stores. If you are looking for a great game that anyone can get into, be they young or old, this will be it. +, Hopefully we will have a final A copy soon so we can give a full review, but until then, keep an eye out for Skullmonkeys. It is a great time.

e received an early preview copy of Skullmonkeys for the Sony PlayStation and is it ever cool. Created by the Neverhood for DreamWorks Interactive, it hits the player in all the right places, from gameplay to graphics to an entertaining yet bizarre storyline. Doug TenNapel (co-creator of Earthworm Jim) and his crew will have once again done us game players right when this game hits the stores this month.

The story starts with an evil villain landing on a remote planet inhabited by Skullmonkeys creatures that look like gorillas except with (you guessed it) skulls for heads. The evil villain takes over the Skullmonkeys, and knowing the good guy will be appearing shortly, he prepares his minions to take out the hero. There are lots of funny claymations that take place in between levels to put a little background behind the dangers our hero faces as he rambles along on his quest to save the universe. Theres a scene about the hero eating some beans and those beans later saving his life (in a gaseous form, of course) and there are a few animations that carry the same sort of humor as the old Bugs g Bunnv/Loonev Toons cartoons (like when he jumps in a hole while being chased bv a bad guv and then chaos ensues).

The gaming is top notch, reminding us of Donkey Kong Country and Earthworm Jim, delivering precise control, a few cool weapons, and the beloved head stomp. The levels are huge with secrets abounding from every corner, multiple entries/exits to each level, and crazy vehicles as well. We have been playing this game quite a bit lately, and when we go through a level, we always seem to run across a new exit, or a couple

After the A-Team was canceled, Mr. T. was willing to do anything for work.

a: 1 CD-ROM ay Hla dak rano

Spec e : Complete Tutorial (Learn

How to 5 Play): Massive Database (Shows All

Scenes and Characters); Tons of Character

Classes, Weapons, and Items; Experience;

VE a Cre y: Square Soft for Sony Computer Entertainment

e: January for Sony PlayStation

or those of you who have conquered the first PlayStation Final Fantasy challenge, you won't need to hibernate in your gaming shells for long. As fortune would have it, Square Soft and Sony Computer Entertainment E have a new FF adventure lined up for a January release, but it may not be the seguel or next guest you desire, This new Final Fantasy is much more complicated and combat-driven than VII, and in all actuality, is nothing like any other Final Be before it.

your party. You'll need 9 hire them, p. train them, and eguip them with the e ` weapons suitable to their dass Once they are ready, send them into combat and see how they perform. If they fail, then it’s back to the dressing room for an overhaul,

The one thing you have to remember is that the computer is always smarter than you. When controlling five to six different characters in combat, it can be difficult to-

remember who needs a potion, who is out of ` IB magic, and who should be attacking whom. ee

er P in computer doesn't have this 7 : problem. Thus, you'll need to keep a close eye on what happens.

With different character classes, you

can make a battalion full of

personality, or make one that looks like it just stepped out of a clone factory. All of the characters can attack, and when special abilities

are granted, they can even cast magic (light, dark), throw stones,

shoot arrows, and exchange.

"MP &

Fa Rene ` lege | former = January ‘98

kk iena

items with others. The key to combat is setting up the enemy. To do so, strategic movement and trickery are in order. If you can corner an opponent, then you should have no problem taking them, down with basic weapon attacks, but always keep your eye out for the double cross. The only thing linear in Tactics is the basic progression of key battles that make up the story. Random battles can happen at any time with any enemy, but the battles that register story involvement are the only important ones. Getting to these battles is easy, as Tactics bascially holds your hand. It draws a line from town to town leading you along the quest. _ Depending on how you play, you can rack up more gameplay time in combat or in / developing a killer team, How you play is up to you, but we will say this, Tactics ^

is very difficult, and more often >

need to take your tim with l and know when to quit for T the = Ke |

could e sily kill you and your brain.

T Jarithary DE

Size: 1 CD-ROM

THE FORCE IS. STRONG yle: 1 or 2-Player Head.

To-Head Tournament Fighter A WITH THIS ONE | Special Features: 8 Characters Plus 5 Hidden Characters; Weapon“Bašed“ | "And Hand-To-Hand Fighting 3-D Arenas;:Cool Movie plifases


: LucasArts val Now før Sony PlayStation



S PlayStation Re


m tar Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi is a fighting game that uses a revamped version of the Star Gladiators engine. Players can choose to be any one of eight legendary Star Wars characters from the movies and books. The game’s background is that once there was a group of fighters with skills tivaling that of the Jedi Knights called the Masters of Teras Kasi. So Emperor Palpatine commissions one of the last of these fighters named Arden Lyn to seek out and exterminate the Rebel M | Alliance, namely Luke and his pals, to obviously get rid of the mme, Empire's major obstacle in galactic domination. | mme The gameplay has some unique elements. For example, a player can go from hand-to-hand combat to weapon-based combat with the touch of a button. In other words, Luke and Dad can either go at it fisticuffs-style or with their weapons unsheathed. Each character has an implement of destruction that suits them well, from Chewie’s bowgun to Han’s trusty blaster. There is a Force Meter which builds up similarly to that of Street Fighter Alpha, which when unleashed, can really smash an opponent. As far as combos go, well, there are a few juggles, but mostly the preordained chain combos take about as much time to master as it took Yoda’s face to wrinkle up like a little prune. Regarding the graphics and overall atmosphere, much attention was paid to detail except for the actual faces, but that’s a very small quip in the face of cool sounds from Leia’s Boushh disguise, the Lightsabers sparking together, and an awesome looking Chewbacca (you can see his breath during the battles on Hoth). Loading times are quick and little or no pop up is visible at any point during the game. There is a bit of slowdown, when both opponents attempt to pull off a big Force move at the same time, but that’s about the only time when the game’s graphic prowess shows any holes. There are many secrets in the game, from hidden characters (like Boba Fett’s arch-rival Jodo Kast) to extra options, even cool little sound bites from the movies. Considering the overall weightiness of the controls, most people will probably not want to invest the time necessary to get the combo system to work for them, but it is a great buy for the Star Wars fan.



i. SE “Why, LucasArts didn't do this game Concent: Concent: 7 before i is D me. As far as the

Graphics: a 2176 i y, ay eeh | Sg EC E Ee We 121 Graphics: f jak eat Pe a Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

a ha

that it is Star Wars. The æ ironments are awesome ‘fom Luke's talking about wi the sound of lightsaber ae is extreme. Kasi is rough a oves to be a


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Kill ‘em All!!!

1 CD-ROM 1-Player Action/Shooter i Unique Rage Meter; Hidden Weapon Power-Ups Including a Flame Thrower and Pulse Cannon; Somersault Jump, Forward Run, Dash, and Hand-To-Hand Combat; Huge Bosses, fons of Pang Special Effects

More firepower = | more destruction. Concept: Graphics: | Sound: |

Playabiity: 32-bit Contra a ave een completely insane! | do have a lem though, and it has nothing to d with the sound, graphics, or play ONE has a dynamic story that d 0 m Tu | J i ; never really presented at an Destroy the enemy before M , | y i e SE did we ae ac E they take out your ride. = di

PlayStation has t and nothing hort

“Concept: U 8 has SE ‘thing.

His shields are too Graphics: © 875 and ol per ki re get gi

strong. Run!

‘When you check out the gr phics in this ee Pon I be amazed. rh 185

hen e GC the control e - somewhat by the camera per

sight, and then you reach maximum tint oa at Se ge

Playability: 85 Rage and a huge wave explodes ` Entertainment: E and takes out everything on-screen EH It's awesome. This game is all about ' getting PO'd, and you really feel that ay. | mean it, you reall get mad at

: little too Seel for my tg analog controller will rec situatio a little but be par

-dependen upon the camera angles. But overall,

Enter at your own risk.

January ‘9S

Creating a game based on one of the world's leading comic books has to be a serious hassle for game designers. it not only must appeal to gamers, but to loyal readers as well. Comic readers known for tough criticisms will dissect every inch of a game with a fine tooth comb. Does the character’s cape move correctly? Are his facial expressions portrayed accurately? And what about lighting? Does sunlight bounce off of his black leotard in the same manner? These are just a few of the many questions that Spawn nuts are probably asking themselves right now, and as fortune would have it, we have a few hard-core Spawn fans in the office who do nothing but read comics and play games. Let’s dissect.

We hate to say it, but Spawn fans will fall into cardiac arrest when they see this game. It’s nothing like the comic whatsoever. The characters may be the same but there is no solid story, Spawn rarely wears his cape and chains (except for in combat), and almost all of the levels are environments that have never appeared in the comic (except for a drastically different Hell). in addition to this, the polygonal character models look more like Spawn action figures than anything else and Medieval Spawn wears the modern Spawn’s cape. Don't die on us yet Spawn fans, here’s something on the upbeat. Spawn: The Eternal is the only place where you can See your favorite hero and villains completely three-dimensional. They may not look perfect, but the modeis are pretty cool and are far better than the sprite characters in Acclaim’s horrible SNES release.

For the hard-core gamer, Spawn: The Eternal may attract some interest. The game splices a standard fighting interface with vast exploration elements to create a game like no other. The fighting engine used is similar to Tekken (limb combat), and the exploration is sort of like Tomb Raider. Most of the levels fall into one flat plain, and the largest multi-tiered experience you'll run into ranges from long stairways to huge pits of death. items and keys will open up different sections of levels, and health and special moves power-ups are hidden and scattered about these somewhat large levels. To move on to the next level, defeating a boss like Overtkill or Violator is usually required.

Spawn: The Eternal may not be exactly what you originally pictured, but it is a rare release that tries to do something different.

senza EE

70.78 /

77 m Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1-Player Fighting/Adventure

m Special Features: Necroplasmi¢, Magic Meter; Toggle Between Che and Cape While Fighting; Puzzle-Fi Levels; Three Playable Spawns Spread Through Three Time Zones; Item and Power-Up Obtaining; Spawi Cam; Booby Traps © is

m Created by: Sony Computer Entertainment America

m Available: Now for Sony PlayS

“Give me a shovel so l can permanently 5.25 bury this Spawn character from video ames once and for all. Sony had a

Graphics: 7.75 roat concept in mind, but it just didn’t Sound: slum out in the era ey focused more

z "on fighting than exploration and story. Playability; 4.25. The sad thing is the fighting engine is

really weak and choppy. Fans of the Entertainment: 4.5 comic should forget that this game was ever e since offers them nothing. The graphics are okay, the soundtrack is kind of cool, but everything else is less than desirable. It's too bad, I really wanted this game to be above par and show that a fine line can be paved between the comic and video game industry.”


d “When Sony first began this project it Concent: 3 really looked like they were going to do pa Spawn right. Unfortunately, it didn't Graphics: 6 exactly go as planned. The fighting was revamped so that it is now the same as

Sound: every other fighter on the planet, except Playability: 5 you can't jump and the moves suck. Moving around and exploring the

Entertainment: 3 environments is kinda cool, but since there's no story there is no motivation.

Graphically, the game is alright, but the

OVERALL: animation is horrible. This game does

followed by something bad. Spawn fans should rent this one first, everyone else _ should just avoid it.”

5 do some things right but it is always

“Where to start? Here's where, don't

4.5 P Ser E ji me si this Ja, e? t

SCH uv it, and definitely do not play it. It's

Graphics: 6 that bad. It's worse than bad. There is

Sound: no story, the fighting interface is

repugnant, the animations for Spawn

2.5 are pathetic, and the sound is just

ridiculous. There's nothing good to say

2 about this game, except that some of

the later levels get less pixelated.

Spawn is a game that certainly could

have been great, but Sony crapped it

out instead. Even if you're a Spawn comic fan, just let it go.”


Plavabilitv: Entertainment:


3.0 > THe Borrom Line 4,75

Game Informer = January ‘98

m Size: | a Slyle: m Special Features:

m Created by: : m Available:






eerste DE eem mem 5 5 ete ren ae i S Game Informer u January '98 ; F i i : ġiti : 41


Killing Pigs Is Only Half The Fun

m Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1 or 2-Player First-Person Action/ Shooter (Up to 4-Players Via Multi Tap)

m Special Features: Babes; Big Guns; Multiplayer Death Matches; Analog Compatible; Save Anywhere; 6 Exclusive PlayStation Levels Including Parodies Of Tomb Raider, Pulp Fiction, Resident Evil, and Wipeout

w Created by: 3D Realms/aardvark For GT Interactive

m Available: Now For Sony PlayStation

As if the world hasn’t seen enough of the

|.. | tude and crude Dukeman, here he comes in

Mother + Vet another incarnation, this time forthe = o ab LL BI errs mm 78 beckons. 71 Sony PlayStation. In Duke Nukem: ( te

This poster looks familiar.

CH even toilet games, so it

1yStation Review & Pre

g room. In Konami’s

The player basically goes out and searc S cs there are thirteen events for passcards, new guns, health, ammo, : Irling, speed skating, skiing,

babes. But there are enemies that c oarding, luge, bobsledding, ing, and freestyle aerials.

ugh many of the events were nplete when GI got its first hands example, the speed of the giant om event was way too slow), we ere able to sample a small portion of mi's Olympic buffet. had the most fun with the ski jumping, especially in multiplayer. This event requires you to wait for a orable wind direction, get a good lift-off, keep your balance in the air, get lenty of distance, and of course, make good landing. Another solid event was the freestyle aerial competition. To do well in this event you must get a good lift-off as well and then program in a pre-selected routine in mid-air. While airborne, the sequence is displayed along the bottom of the screen and resembles something you might find in Secret Access. bad thing about this event is t you miss watching your jump while concentrating on entering the | _ sequence properly. = The wide variety of sports is only part of the Olympic allure. The competition from around the globe is what really makes these entertaining. With solid contol al meaningful. 3 Xclusive pako this PlayStatio 7 825 international flavor hat you to | | | i s“ different nations in . With the s and events, this , : e i promise. If Konami of Gr st-pefson action A „comes through on the other events wish it was a little smooth ' -85 8.25: fof Nagano, they should be able to i -~ please even the most hard-core Olympic fanatics.

Andy, The Game Hombr SE

"While the graphics arent as nice ge `

the Saturn version (when's the last am

time we said that), the play is solid. An fu

Total Meltdown is not an exact trans- lation of the PC, but it's close enough and the extra levels are Ce funn But in the end, this version places i third, behind the Saturn (1st) and th Nintendo 64 (2na)."

Paul, The Game Professor "Tue played a lot of Duke lately an this version doesn't stack up. ite do Stay loyal to the original and th are a bunch of new levels, graphics are pretty weak. Rer you enjoy Doom and the like.’

‘Jon, The Greedy Gather “Im scoring this PS-X version almost the same as the Saturn (see la month). (ve been. playing a l of Duke latelv, and even though e version is a little late in co

of Doom with the addi -and panties.”

> THE Borrom Line ZP |


The World’s Greatest Sporting Event

ize: 1 CD-ROM f 1 or 2- -Player Basketball (Up To 8-Players Via Multi-Tap) | es: Exhibition, Season, Dynasty, and Tourney Modes; Create Player: NCAA License; 108 Men's and 8 Women’s Division 1 Teams; Zone Defense; Momentum Meter; Players Based on 1997-98 Rosters yy: EA Sports le: : February for m PlayStation

The torch in Nagano is about to be lit and it’s easy to see the special role the Olympics play in our global society bringing together countries from 4 around the world and uniting them 4 under a flag of international athletic | competition. With numerous countries and world-class athletes participating in a wide variety of events, it seems obvious that the Olympics are the greatest sporting event of our modern 7 times...unless, of course, you're a | basketball fan. Any self-respecting college hoops nut will tell you that the NCAA's college basketball tournament is the single greatest athletic event in the world, bar none. Every aspect of March Madness, from the announcement of the 64 teams to the Final Four itself, can overwhelm hard core fans to the point where they may not stray more than 15 feet from a television (and if the games aren't being played, there's always Sports Center).

-~ To satiate the needs of roundball freaks everywhere, EA Sports is going to release NCAA March Madness 98 this February. The version of MM 98 that GI has been playing is still early so we don’t know how the computer intelligence and control will turn out, but we can tell you about a few features. First off, MM 98 will incorporate eight women’s and 118 men’s Division | teams, each with authentic uniforms, logos, and stadium floors. Adding the women’s teams, according to EA, is an “interactive sports gaming first,” but unfortunately you will not be able to pit the genders against one another. Moving on, MM 98 will have the Exhibition, Season, and Tournament play modes that you might expect, as well as a Dynasty mode that lets you manage your favorite college team’s roster from year to year by creating, | recruiting, and red-shirting players. You can also track your team’s success through the Weekly Top 25 poll. To enhance the college feel, MM 98 will have fight songs, crowd chants, and pep bands playing classic rousers like the theme song from Hawaii Five-0.

Game Informer u January ‘98

straightforward. proximity to the b

m Size: 4 CD-ROMs m Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game m Special Features: Ride on a Dragon or Walk by Yourself; Dragon Morphing and Shape Shifting; Tons of Weapons Including Lock-On Pulses and Lightning Strike; Levels Gain Through Experience; Full 3D Exploration; Lock-On + A Communication System; Non-Linear Gameplay; Item Shops; - $ (Real Time and FMV Cut-Scenes Created by: Team Andromeda for ice L le; March for Sega Salus

Sege across a four disc set, Rees brings back the eye- -catching and powerful graphic display, couples it | with a variation of the same gameplay, and contains them both within a role-playing shell.

Before the Saturn, Sega paved a road that any RPG fanatic wouldn't mind driving on. There was always a new role- playing game being released, but once the Saturn hit, the RPGs disappeared. While it may be too late to draw everyone’s attention, Sega appears to be on a reconnaissance mission to reinstall role-playing to the Sega name.

Everything that made the Panzer Dragoons popular and : enjoyable is found in Saga. The storyline is intricate and EN 9B) 0 TA | unpredictable as it unfolds through well placed real-time and FMV cut-scenes. The main character, Edge, = and his trusty Dragon are on one heck of a mission that takes them through worm-filled deserts and pits them against elusive new enemies that range from humans and monsters, to other Dragon riders.

As in any good RPG, Saga features non-linear gameplay that gives you freedom to explore several different locations. Riding the dragon is basically the same, except there are times when you are able to move in 3D space. The combat however, is much different. It is no longer real-time, but rather a turn-based system. This is the unique thing though. At anytime during combat, you will be able to maneuver your Dragon around the enemies. Doing this sucks up some of your attack time, but it may get you into a position to see an enemy’s weak spot. Another revolutionary aspect is the attacking system. Turns are based off of three meters. When the first one is full you can simply shoot your gun, use items, or heal. And when the second and third fill up, you can use magic power and change the shape of your Dragon so that it has a thicker shell or faster attack abilities.

The detail and animation of the Dragon in flight is still a sight to behold, and when enough experience is gained, it will morph into different forms. Morphing is not the same as changing the shape (as mentioned above). Morphing grants the Dragon different abilities like more lock-on shots and hit points. Of course, to truly be considered an RPG, there has to be some kind of character interaction (sure enough Saga has it). When you're not off saving the world, you can dismount the Dragon and walk around towns, make friends, and shop for items and weapons.

Saga could very well be Sega’s saving grace. It has the beauty and gameplay factor it needs to hook RPGers. This March is the date set for release, and we urge all RPG fans to dust off their Saturns and prepare for the coming of an instant classic.

Januar TAN

A Visite

m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Action/Platfo m Special Features: Choose From Two Characters; FIRE, Including Backdra Huge Explosions, Fireballs; Mult Camera Angles m Created by: Sonic Team for Sega m Available: February for Sega Saturn `

Saving lives is what it's

Imagine a game that puts you in all about.

the middie of a huge towering inferno...a game that challenges you to rescue hapless citizens while preventing fire from spreading...a game with the ultimate goal of

Cem u DER Ze EZ? a KE "eeror ma al

finding the fire’s cause and snuffing i l L

it out. Well, that’s Burning Rangers, sessing WA o a very unique title using a variant of i 0414 the Nights engine. Created By Yuji T

Naka, the man behind the beloved Sonic, Burning Rangers is a 3D game in which you search for

victims to rescue and then put out

fires that are ravaging the building. Players can jump, then use their jet pack to make leaps across gigantic pits of flame and float safely to the go /

Arare look at the exotic Flaming Lily.

$ 4

' a any flame, as well as any rare ~ M V enemy that isn’t made of fire, like robots or boss enemies. Probably the coolest aspect of the game is the way sound plays a vital role. No busting out the tunes while playing this game you have to listen constantly for the impending backdraft about to rip through the wall and engulf you in heat, as well as the instructions from your team on where to go next. While this game is still early in production, 5 we think it will turn out to be a great game Barely escaped being with lots of excitement and action, leaving crisped. the gamer wanting even more.

= he c ntrols are easv to use one button is for jump and the other is to shoot the player’s weapon. All other buttons zoom and rotate the camera angles. It takes a little while to understand the physics that determine distance while jumping, but once mastered it is easy to get from one point to another quickly and with style. The characters’ “guns” are filled with a fire-extinguishing material that can take care of

A close-up of Alen.

Game Informer a January ‘98





Sat 4


The Newest Member of The Sega Racing Stable

m.Size: 1 CD-ROM

Hidden somewhere in th game is the Sega Proto Car.

Round 1; LAP TIME hal DI

Taking the inside line.

Andy, The Game Hombre

“This is great racer. It's really $4@?* fast, and the control (when you use the analog) is precise. Although it is rather easy to beat, the 2-player mode, the extra difficulty levels, and wicked speed will keep you coming back for more. This game is a reason to own a Saturn.”

Paul, The Game Professor

“This game seriously moves out. The car physics and adjustable attributes make this a worthy sequel to Daytona and Rally. The two-player battles are also killer.”

Jon, The Greedy Gamer

“Touring Car is a solid racer. The car configurations matter, the analog control is good, and the competition's tough. Sega makes good racing games, and this one's no exception. Fun and challenging.”

Reiner, The Raging Gamer

“Now here's a game that's not afraid to go balls out. Fans of Daytona and Sega Rally shouldn't miss this explosive arcade racer. The controls are silky, the graphics are phenomenal and the challenge is intense. This game will definitely keep you on your toes.”

| m Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing

m Special Features: Full Car Tuning; Special Time Release Secrets; Two Racing Modes; Choose From Real Racing Sedans Plus One Hidden; 5 Tracks

m Created by: Sega

m Available: Now For Sega Saturn

Sega Touring Car gives the player the thrill of being in the driver’s seat of some of the fastest racing sedans on the planet. Choose from one of four cars (all maxed out for high end racing) and get on the road. Bringing together the feeling of the road race from Daytona and the great graphics from Sega Rally, STC is a racer that stands out from the pack with its high frame rate and some cool cars. There are two racing modes - one being the original arcade mode where the clock is always ticking, and the Saturn mode where players try to conquer a championship circuit to beat the game. Also in Saturn mode, there is a one or two-player time trial mode where you try to beat the best time, mainly for posterity and bragging rights.

One noteworthy feature is that there are certain secrets that are set on a time release situation. Therefore, when the time and day on the internal clock reach a particular point, certain extras will be opened up, like new tracks and possibly new cars and/or options. Also, there is an option mode similar to that of Sega Rally, where the player can fine tune a car to exact Specifications and then save it on the Saturn’s memory for later use against the computer, or to tear past a friend in two-player mode.

Probably the only major flaw is the lack of tracks. Currently we know of five, but more could be released through the time release capability where at least one more track will be available for a period of time. But apart from that, this is the kind of quality the Saturn should have. If you're a big fan of racing, particularly of the type that Sega puts out, then pick this game up. It will not disappoint.

Andy Paul Jon Reiner Concept: 8 8 8 85 Graphics: 9 875 8 9 Sound: 85 9 7.75 7.75 Plavabilitv: 85 9.25 8 85 Entertainment: 8.5 9 7.5 8.5 Overall: 85 9 7.7 85

> THe Borrom LINE 8.5


kal BB

Andy, The Game Hombre

‘This is the closest thing to a Sonic adventure game on the Sega Saturn. The racing is decent, the levels are interesting, and there's lots to find from Chaos Gems to Sonic Tokens to shortcuts. This game is a definite thumbs up for Saturn fans. Check it out!”

his spot in action/platform category. While this game is fun for a while, it fizzles with an annoying soundtrack and fairly poor animation. This is not worthy of the Sonic label.”

Jon, The Greedy Gamer

“| had fun with Sonic R for a little while, and the two-player mode is surprisingly entertaining. The tracks are imaginative with the hidden tokens, emeralds: and alternate paths, but there should have been about fifteen more of them. Good but not great.”

Reiner, The Raging Gamer

“The polygonal graphics look sharp. The way they hid the background pop through translucent melting is innovative. The challenge is difficult (especially finding the Chaos Emeralds), the tracks are wacky, and the two-player modes are a blast. The animation sucks, butithe rest of the game is solid.”

m Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing

m Special Features: 9 Playable Characters; 7 Courses; Rings, Chaos Emeralds, and Sonic Tokens to Collect; Two-Player Split- Screen; Special Time Attack Modes ©

m Created by: Travellers Tales for Sega `

m Available: Now for Sega Saturn

It may not be the Sonic game everyo has been waiting for, but Sonic R is an unique title nonetheless. With classic Sonic characters and wacky racing mayhem, Sonic R will surely be popular among the legions of Sonic fanatics (maybe even the casual Sonic fan should take a closer look).

There are two ways to play Sonic R. You can try to finish in first place on all five tracks which will unlock Dr. Robotnik. After this, the Second challenge is more difficult.

d throughout each track are five Sonic Tokens and a Chaos emerald that you

and you must have that number of rings to enter. Typically, you can pick up at least one Sonic Token on your first lap, but after that you'll need to start opening doors. In short, grab those rings! There are also a number of power-ups to assist you in the race. These include Ring Magnets, Water Shields, and temporary Speed Accelerators.

Sonic R is certainly not revolutionary, nor is it a particularly long game, but seeing Sonic and friends back in action is always a treat. Although we’re still waiting for Sonic Extreme, Sonic R is the best thing to happen to the Saturn in a long while.

Concent: 5 7 85 Graphics: 7 85 8 Sound: Re 7 7 Playability: 8.75 8.5 7.25 7.75 Entertainment: 9 6 7.25 8 Overall: 86 65 75 7.75

> THe Borrom Line 7,9

Game Informer $ January ‘98

Now everyone who plays wins a free six month

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Seege m- KULL L, A NNN

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Video Game Contest. bet on the hi-tech cutting edge with this line-up: each puzzle. We don't know how many wil play but typically 55% will have the Sony Playstation w/ ASCII control pads; Sega Saturn; Game Boy Pocket; and ri score possible score to Phase I, 43% to Phase II, 36% to Phase III, and 32% Nintendo 64! Get all four or trade the ones you don't want for CASH! Bonus options to Phase IV. The tie-breaker determines the winner. If players are still tied they will include: 33 inch monitor, $1,000 in games, cash, accessories and more! split the value of the grand prize they are playing for.

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Expo ‘97 Bigs TENNESSEE a -~ DETROIT

The Amusement and Music Operator's Association (AMOA) recently held its annual fall expo in Atlanta, BH St oJ Georgia. Game Informer was on hand for the three

day event and got a chance to play test the latest

arcade creations.



“4ST AND 30

Eri: 10r2- Player Football

Special Features: NFL and NFLPA (Scenes: Designed By Creators of NBA Jam; Secret Plays _. and Formations; Late Hits; No Penalties K „Created by: Midway `

-There was little doubt that this was s the hottest game at the AMOA. Desigfed i Midway's creative team

à that brought us NBA Jam/HangTime, Blitz is a seven-on-seven football free-for-all. Massive polygonal P f » players stumble and. bumble over the gridiron as the player attempts to defeat all.of the NFL teams. Eikes - „NBA Jam, users Can keep track of records and crazy codes. If you played a lot of Jam or HangTime, ` Save.your quarters because this game blows them Qut of DP water:

Bottom Line


Bottom Line


San Francisco Rush The Rock Style: 1 to 4-Player Racing Special Features: Force-Feedback Steering; 4 New Tracks

Plus All Original Tracks; 12 Cars; Shortcuts; Massive Air Created by: Atari Games

The original is a favorite among the staff and the addition of the new courses is awesome. The Alcatraz course is simple when the car is kept on the normal road, but the shortcuts include a corkscrew and a loop-to-loop that make the entire game worth playing. The intensity of Atari Games’ force-feedback steering coupled with tons of air give players a worthy update.



weu pomers | de:

Bottom Line

sat Pe e sii MIMO) Pee aes ns l ` S EELER Ae

e äu


Sega Water Ski Style: 1-Player Water Skiing Special Features: Deluxe Arcade Cabinet;

3 Courses (Difficulties); 4 Skiers; Jumps and Tricks Created by: Sega

Take Sega's Top Skater, add water and you'll come up with their new deluxe Sega Water Ski. The game is a race against the clock as the player slaloms through buoys and launches off of multiple jumps. Like Top Skater, tricks are performed by tipping and sliding the foot platform. The graphics are great, the courses are challenging, and the whole game is quite a ride, but it's not as entertaining as Top Skater.


Bottom Line ` =. = l | i variation is Data East's / | | t fessions. This machine

Off-Road Challenge

Style: 1 to 4-Player Racing

Special Features: 8 Trucks; Truck Performance Upgrades;

6 Courses; On-Course Power-Ups; Endorsed by The Ironman Ivan Stewart

Created by: Midway

Based on the Cruis'n USA graphics engine and incorporating elements of the classic Off-Road arcade games, Midway’s Off-Road Challenge is a blast. The monster trucks, selected by using the view buttons, give the distinct advantage as they allow the player to mow over much of the competition. The wacky courses filled with plenty of obstacles including planes, UFOs, trains, and exploding roadkill, make the: game unique and challenging.

Game Informer & January ‘98 cull

international Expo


Rushing Heroes

ess A to pass okii you receive Style: 1 to 4-Player Football

eM w ` a Special Features: Dual Monitor Cabinet; Over 50 Offensive Formations; 30 Teams Created by: Konami

Loosely based on the graphics engine of Konami's Run ‘N’ Gun, Rushing heroes is far more of a simulation than Midway's Blitz. The game is slightly lackluster because it doesn’t carry any NFL licenses, but it does have redeeming qualities with its simple control and wide selection of plays. The graphics allow for a good view of the action when executing plays and head-to-head games are awesome. It lacks real teams and added bells and whistles, but Rushing Heroes is a solid

NI football game. ‘ress A tinely te nake a successful pas

A `. "A A



d £ BN X

Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter Special Features: Polygonal Fighters; Rage Meter; Classic Shodown Characters; 3D Movements

Created by: SNK

Built on SNK's new arcade hardware called Hyper Neo Geo 64, Samurai Shodown 64 launches the previously 2D game into full polygon 3D. Classic Shodown characters including Hanzo, Galford, Haohmaru, and Nakoruru join the cast of 12 fighters. The version we played was still early and we'll hold off on any score. However, we just can’t help but voice our displeasure with the omission of Jubei. Fans of the old series will recognize many of the moves and combos, but it is still hard to say if it will beat SS II, a favorite around the Gl offices

Motor Raid

Style: 1 to 4-Player Racing/Combat 2 Special Features: Deluxe Cabinet with Handleba and Tilting Chassis; Weapons; 4 Courses Created by: Sega

The latest racing game from Sega puts a little twist on motorcycle action. Motor Raid is described as a “futuristic bike racing simulation,” but we like to call it a Road Rash arcade game set in the future. The track layouts are well designed, the graphics adequate, and

the controls simple, but the entire package is deadly boring. The combat is too sparse and the racing is uninteresting. Stick

with Manx TT. SS Léi Bags a Bottom Lin

ais Game Informer a January ‘98


Bottom Line

E is

Game Informer m January ‘98 www. gei



m Size: Over 1 Million HP

Prize: Earth Harp (Give to Man in Kalm for Three Master Materia)

m Minimum Party Level: 75

m Materia Requirements: Each party member should have one of each equipped: Final Attack, Revive, Mime, Restore, HP Plus, MP Plus. At least one party member should have these eguipped: Knights of The Round, W-Summon, Underwater Materia. All Materia should be at highest level.

m item Requirements: Turbo Ether

m Suggested Equipment: Ultimate Weapons

m Suggested Spells: Haste, Regen

m Suggested Materia: Double Cut, Counter Attack

m Suggested Party: Yuffie, Cloud, Tifa

Why we choose Tifa and Yuffie is simple. Tifa's Ultimate Weapon, Premium Heart, does more damage as her limit meter fills. Considering that a lot of hits will be taken during this fight, she will constantly be pumped for battle. Vuffie's Ultimate Weapon, Conformer, has its power based on the difference between her power and the enemy s power. The greater the difference, the greater the power. Since Emerald Weapon is the embodiment of power in FFVII, it is


obviously much more powerful than Yuffie, making the choice of using Conformer a no- brainer.

Start the battle by casting Haste and Regen on all members. Then, as soon as possible, cast a W-Summon Knights of the Round. This will hit Emerald with Knights twice, causing about 200,000 points of damage. Wait for Emerald to change forms (you'll see three gems appear on each arm) and then Mime with another character. This will cause Emerald to change again, but only after letting loose a pair of attacks that may kill the party members. If Final Attack and Revive are equipped and linked on each party member, there is nothing to worry about. All members will cast Life2 and be restored to full health. Repeat this process until Emerald Weapon is destroyed, watching the MP levels. If the MPs run low, be certain to use a Turbo Ether immediately or there may not be enough MP to cast Life2 after dying. Be careful about using Mime, it will copy the last thing that happened, so make sure the last spell cast was Knights and not Life2.


m Size: Over 1 Million HP

m Prize: Desert Rose (Give to Kalm Traveler for Gold Chocobo)

m Minimum Party Level: 80

m Materia Reguiremenis: Each member should have the following: Final Attack, Revive, Mime, HP Plus, MP Plus. At least one member should

a seemingly endless amount of HP. What's worse, you cant summon the big daddy Knights on him because he responds by killing your party with Ultima. What's worse, there doesn't seem to be a set pattern to defeating him because the battle hinges on what Ruby does next. You will probably not defeat him on the first try (or the second or the n”), but keep working at it and tune the strategy for your method of play. So, here we go. i

Before the battle begins, be sure that two of your members are already dead. If there is more than one, Rub ; eliminate members until t

using Whirlsand. Have th

with Phoenix. After = put

have one of each of these: Phoenix, W-Summon, `

Quadra Magic, Master Summon, Counter Attack, e

Bahamut ZERO.

© m Suggested Equipme : Ribbon, Utimate


© m Suggested Spells: l Haste, Shield © m Suggested Items: Turbo Ether, Bomid

m Suggested Party: Anyone

By far one of the toughest bosses ever inhabit an RPG, Ruby is truly scary. :

attacks always do tons of damage and he has `

tothe o we pálí with our cover stories, but there: MS BALJI other games out there that people need help = with. So, as often as we can, we'll clue you in on sc ome of the secrets in our favorite games. Please, write in, tell us the

kind of help you need, and what games we should include i in future Mini-PTPs. As always, thanks for reading.

p a A SZ bo to the left and you will see a platform with

ALU NDRA A m. pairs of columns creating a sort of hallway. o l i Get on the platform and two tornadoes will

= appear, bringing you to a new area. Here you must leave each screen on the correct area, or you will return to the Desert of Despair. Go

PTP, we'll look at the location of important through the sand up and to the right, leaving through the top of the screen. Next, there will

iterns, caves, and solutions to difficult puzzles. Fey Er

Hopefully. well taka erett for Al dea A o be a pair of boulders next to a platform. Grab opefully, we'll take another page for Alun SCH e | the top boulder and jump on

next month, delivering an item blowout and z g AL top of the other one. Get on

more secrets. = 4 BE e > ¿ | the platform and stand on

As in any Action/RPG, Alundra i is a doc: d the left edge. Toss the with ` lots of uzzles, searching, and the Mad Cliffs, one jii Ske d boulder to the left and then

guide should help for the on the cliff over- jump on it to cross and exit looking the right the left side. The next

bank of the river screen has pillars sticking [|

next to Water Mill | out of the sand. Walk u the © get there by going | through the Desert

Here are some tips for Alundra. In this mini

pecially dané in this game because ou will run into many situations Ma. ee of Denial to second Also, do not be afraid to swing at, push, screen, go left to a e pick up, or blow up anything : in the game. next screen, jump F s A Cp 3400 until you reach the ere meny P and extra items across gap and fall off the Log u leftmost one, then ` ttered throughout the game. If you don't cliff, keeping to the left side a jump up to the next eriment, you will miss cut on a lot of stuff. screen. Now, just Backtrack a lot. Every time you acquire a walk up the stairs ori and into the sparklies. m

of the platform.

Sand Cape: This item is a little out of the way, but necessary. On the first screen of the Desert of Despair there is a cave in

When trying to the top left corner. Go the rule of ‘trial and erro inside and down. It’s inside over the toughest spots ill not c the chest. ` every puzzle (it would Besides, that's wher

As far as knowing where to go, just about anyone in town seems to know what you are doing next before you have a chance to figure it out. Just talk to almost anyone outside, and they'll clue you in. If you are stuck as to the whereabouts of your next ‘assignment, just go to the Fortune Teller in Iona Village and she'll tell you for a small amount of Gilder (usually around 15-20). Here are a couple of tips for some really tough puzzles.

maximum of 20 life vessels to acquire. The locations for most of the vessels are as follows: one at the store in Iona Village (500 Gilder); one at Crazy Man's Shop (400 Gilder)


In the Graveyard, when you pay homage to the Spirits, speak to them in the following order: White, Blue, Red, Green, Brown.


ANCIENT SHRINE. PP © This puzzle is super tough. You must have the Sand Cape in order to do it. First, enter the Desert of Despair via the Mad Cliffs. Look

Last month’s GI PC featured two first-person shooters, but this month. 'Metosiostostalakuiitaliaiitii asa ati

we mixed it up a bit and did not include a single game from this genre. You could say this is a result of GI's dedication to providing a variety of games to satisfy a greater number of the PC gaming public. But the truth is, we just didn't have a first-person shooter to review, otherwise we would have. Still, we found some games that you are sure to enjoy.

ere "o —1—— ~ not wi game, bi e A em d __ is, there are bette 7th Legion MicroProse | 85 fa. 3 - |

th Legion may not be as good as another MicroProse 1 real-time strategy game (X-COM Apocalypse), but

compared to some others, 7th Legion is groundbreaking. First off, 7th Legion is supported by a solid storyline where, in the future, the Earth’s ecosystem is near collapse and the populace is desperate to evacuate hoping to someday return after the planet has healed. The problem is, only the rich and we are allowed to leave, while the rest are forced to stay behind and live through decades of mass starvation and disease. They are bitter to say the least, and when the “chosen” return to reclaim the Earth, a war, and the game, begin.

In addition to this storyline, the game is also blessed with detailed graphics and cool FMVs after each successful mission. 7th Legion has what you would expect to find in any standard real-time adventure, but it tries some new things as well. For example, instead of mining natural resources for money on the battlefield, your biggest source of cash comes from destroying the enemy and ER gr mp their assets, thus encouraging conflict and aggressiveness. You can also use f = f and st practitioner, up to 52 different “Battle Cards" to damage the enemy or enhance your own ie af ~ Yumi; Żak from the S capabilities in some very creative fashions. | 2

Fallout Interplay | 8.75 |

P nterplay has created an unigue RPG, Fallout, with a post-nuclear setting. As

In in Aen? Rivers, you can ate SE fishing

a nuclear war survivor, you have lived your entire life in Vault 13, a

huge underground bomb shelter that is home for an entire community. Unfortunately, the water supply is threatened when the Vault’s water chip | malfunctions. The fate of the entire community rests upon your shoulders as you leave your underground home for the first time to brave the surface world and find another chip before the water supply runs out.

In Fallout, you can choose between three characters or create your own. There is a wide array of diverse skills and traits like lock-picking, gambling, endurance, and metabolism that can be assigned and improved. To find the chip, you must first engage in smaller quests in order to gain experience, money, and equipment. To make these gains, you can do things like securing the confession of a casino owner who tried to kill a competitor, or you might choose to get a job as a hired killer or a guard for a merchant caravan. There is a lot to explore, figure out, and master, making Fallout an immersive game that RPGers should find very enjoyable.

MicroProse has a long list of upcoming releases with games such Star Trek Pinball. The first Star Trek pinball game will feature three as X-COM: Interceptor, Civ II “Fantastic Worlds,” Ultimate Civ II, tables “Boldly Go,” “Qapla,” and “Nemesis.” Lastly, Simon © Schuster and Starship Troopers. Interceptor, the fourth in the X-COM series, has already released Star Trek: Captain’s Chair, a virtual tour of five recently began development and will combine in-depth strategy starships hosted by Jonathan Frakes, Kate Mulgrew, George Takei, elements with new first-person 3D fighting and piloting. Interceptor Michael Dorn, and Avery Brooks. will also be the first X-COM game with multiplayer `, GT Interactive plans to bring H.G. Wells’ revolutionary “deathmatch.” Civ Il “Fantasy Worlds” is the newest edition eee science fiction novel, War of the Worlds, to the PC in a of Sid Meier's Civilization II. In the game, players will be 3D realtime combat strategy game that will feature fully allowed to create and exchange new scenarios, as well as texture-mapped animated objects and non-linear gameplay. units, cities, and terrain. MicroProse also announced the Gamers can either command the invading Martian development of Ultimate Civ II, a multiplayer version of m forces or the more numerous Humans. Jeff Wayne, Civ Il. Capping off the MicroProse highlights is the composer of the musical version of War of Starship Troopers due out Spring of 1998. In this the Worlds that sold over 6 million double albums, will action game, players control a trooper participating produce 45 minutes of new musical arrangements in orbital combat drops. exclusively for the game.

Trekkers everywhere will have to make some No doubt about it, Activision’s horrifying Nightmare Creatures is an budgetary decisions with a plethora of related titles coming out. excellent game on the Sony PlayStation. Therefore, PC gamers should be MicroProse has three Star Trek titles in the wings with First Contact thrilled to know that this third-person fighting adventure game is already (action/adventure) due out summer 1998, Klingon Honor Guard available for the PC. The new version will contain improvements including (action adventure), and Birth of the Federation (turn-based 16-bit graphics, multiple resolutions, faster load time, and Direct 3D and multiplayer strategy). Interplay has scheduled a January release for PowerVR support.

(s Game Informer w January ‘98


64 Megabit


1 to 4-Player Hockey Special Features:

Full NHL License; Adjustable

Rink Size; Arcade and Simulation Modes;

Adjustable Team Size (3 to

5); Season Play; Fighting Created by:



Now for Nintendo 64

Accuracy 58 Stamina

Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey ‘98

Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey is again the only hockey game on the N64. Without any competition, it seems Midway just slapped the ‘98 tag onto the old game without making improvements. The only noticeable changes are updated rosters and the extraction of the Short Season option. On the positive side, WG 3D ‘98 does have detailed graphics and a competitive front end with unique options like two rink sizes and adjustable line sizes (three to five players), but it has problems with things like choppy animation. For example, goalies often seem to instantly teleport to a spot ten feet away. Essentially, Gretzky’s 3D Hockey 98 is an average game that is almost identical to last year’s edition.

BT Black




1-Player Action/Platform Special Features:

3D Tracked Gameplay; Grab and Throw Attack; Run Button; Jump and Float; FMV Cut-Scenes; Huge Bosses

Created by:



February for Sony PlayStation

Game Informer

Klonoa, while featuring tracked gameplay similar to Crystal Dynamics’ Pandemonium, offers up a unique action/platform challenge filled with bizarre enemies and tricky bosses. The gameplay is somewhat simplistic, but like Mischief Makers for the N64, enemies can be grabbed, then thrown or used to add an additional boost in jumping. There are tons of secrets, hard to reach platforms, and well detailed FMV clips. Klonoa may not be the next ‘big’ action/platform release like Crash 2, but it does grant gamers an interesting new quest that is loaded with wackiness and traditional action/platforming.

January ‘98

1 or 2-Player Football (8-Player Via Multi-Tap) Special Features:

Team Specific Playbooks; Play Editor; 17 Real Bow! Games; 112 Division 1A Teams; Fight Songs; Create Player; Season Awards

Sony Interactive Studios

Now for Sony PlayStation

NCAA GameBreaker ‘98

Sony Interactive encourages its development teams to share technology. Nowhere is this more apparent than in GameBreaker ‘98. The game takes everything that made GameDay great (including outstanding graphics), but tailors it perfectly to the college experience. The running game, with the different option plays and wing formations, is executed brilliantly. The passing game is difficult, so mastering the Total Control system is a must. The play editor is not expansive, but does let players add a personal touch to playbooks. It may not have all the bells and whistles of EA Sports’ NCAA Football, but the gameplay blows it away. It’s just too bad it was so late in coming.

www. SE


CITE Punky Skunk




1-Player Action/Platform Special Features:

Wacky Bonus Games; Six Different Powers Including Snowboarding and Digging; Scent Attack; Non-Linear Gameplay; Cute Friends and Sinister Evil Doers Created by:

Visit for Jaleco


February for Sony PlayStation




1-Player Real-Time Strategy (2-Player Via Link Cable) Special Features:

Soviet or Allied Forces to Command; 28 Missions; Adjustable Play Speed;

20 Maps for Link Play; 3 Difficulty Levels; Password Save; Mouse Compatible Created by:

Westwood Studios for Virgin Interactive Available:

Now for Sony PlayStation

How many years have we yearned for a punk rock skunk to star in an action/ platform game? Lets just say, not long enough. Nonetheless, let bygones be bygones, and skunks be skunks. Punky Skunk is here and it’s actually kind of neat. The gameplay is simplistic and targets a younger audience, and the fun in the game comes from obtaining one of the six different powers on a level. Throughout gameplay Punky will find a jetpack, snowboard, parachute, pogo stick, roller blades, and claws. Each one of these allows Punky to perform a different task like digging with the claws, or flying with the jetpack. This Jaleco release is a good one for kids or amateurs who are trying to get the hang of PlayStation gaming. It's a good action/platform starting block.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert

In Red Alert, a scientist travels back in time to kill a young Adolph Hitler, hoping to avoid World War II. Unfortunately, one small detail has been overlooked Joe Stalin. Now the question is, would you rather lead the Allied forces to maintain the status quo or help Stalin turn Europe into his personal communist playpen? Either way, you will need to complete missions requiring different skills like commanding rescue units behind enemy lines or creating and managing bases by mining resources, constructing different structures and vehicles, and training personnel. Plus, there is a Skirmish Mode where you can battle either computer-controlled enemies or, with a Link cable, an actual person.







1-Player 3D Action/Platform Special Features:

13 Moves Including a Tail Spin, Rock Climbing, and Butt Stomp; Over 50 Levels (8 Secret); Hidden Items on Every Level; 9 Bosses; Analog Compatible; High Cuteness Quotient Created by:

Argonaut Software, Ltd. for Fox Interactive


Now for Sega Saturn


Croc: Legend of the Gobbos

Along with numerous levels, secrets, and nine bosses, Croc: Legend of the Gobbos for the Sega Saturn features sharp graphics enhanced with bright colors. If you experienced Croc on the PlayStation, you will find that it is almost identical to the Saturn port. In addition to a cast of would- be Muppets, Croc boasts 3D environments that allow you to roam and explore every nook and cranny of a level. At times, the levels are rather small, leaving little to explore and you realize that you can quickly complete Croc’s 50 levels. Make no mistake, Croc is a well-constructed game that younger gamers should love; however, others will find greater challenges elsewhere.

Game Informer a January ‘98


65 `




1 or 2-Player Head-to-Head Tournament Fighter Special Features: Japanese Anime Intros and Ending; Two Practice Modes; Watch Mode; Photo Gallery

Created by:

AM3 For Sega Available:

Now for Sega Saturn





1 or 2-Player Basketball (Up To 8-Player Via Multi-Tap) Special Features:

Full NBA License; Momentum Meter; Pass Icons; Arcade, Custom,

and Simulation Modes; 3 Difficulty Levels; Practice Session; Offensive and Defensive Playbooks Created by:

Visual Concepts for Midway Available:

Now for Sony PlayStation

Last Bronx

Last Bronx is a new step forward for AM3, mixing the Virtua Fighter engine with weapon-based combat. While entertaining, the game appears to be somewhat off-balance. Some fighters are much more powerful than the rest of the pack, getting a good mix of speed and strength, while others tend to be awkward, slow, or just plain weak. The hi-res mode is gorgeous, and if you are an AM3 junkie, you should rush out and buy it. Otherwise, the fun will probably fade rather quickly.

NBA Fastbreak ‘98

When it comes to playing the computer, the Al in Fastbreak ‘98 is great. The computer will make a switch on defense when you get an open lane to the hoop and it will run the fastbreak for easy points if you don't get back and play some defense. In addition, Fastbreak ‘98 also has an extensive playbook for offense and defense and a Momentum Meter to help overwhelm an opponent when the game gets down to crunch time. The graphics for Fastbreak ‘98 are average (the animations could be smoother); but overall, it’s a good title that basketball fans should rent before making a purchase.

Game Informer a January ‘98

ms ëmm

1 or 2-Player Retro Arcade Game Collection Special Features:

Five Retro Games; FMV; 3D Museum Environment

Now for Sony PlayStation

Namco Museum Volume 5

Namco’s Museum series might have the best front-end in this genre. You can explore a 3D museum in first-person (with strafing capabilities) and get an entire list of Namco’s arcade releases beginning with Gee Bee in 1978, check out the 52 covers of NG (Namco Community Magazine), or look at some artwork and storylines from The Legend of Valkyrie and Dragon Spirit, two games in the Volume 5 collection. The other three games are Baraduke, Metro Cross, and Pac Mania. Our favorite is The Legend of Valkyrie. If you get into playing games from the past you should enjoy Namco's final Museum, but with an abundance of quality new games, we cannot recommend a purchase. |


NBA Action ‘98

By far the best basketball game to ever ! ' A GER come out on the Sega Saturn, NBA Action H z TALIN he

‘98 features some great gameplay, nice i i graphics, and excellent control. All of the


1 CD-ROM , Style: big name players except for Jordan are

1 or 2-Player Basketball (Up featured, each having their particular to 10-Player Via Multi-Tap) signature moves and the like. There are Special Features: many options during gameplay, including Multiple Length Seasons; foul sensitivity, team aggressiveness, and

Create Player; Computer Al

For Trades: Lats of play calling. Probably the coolest new

Coaching Options feature is that when a trade is being Created By: struck, the computer may not allow the Visual Concepts For Sega ` trade if it’s too unbalanced. It is a dramatic Available: improvement over the previous attempts by

Now For Sega Saturn Sega to produce a basketball game. A must

buy for basketball fans that own a Saturn.

Most first-person shooters are very similar, but this game is fresh. Lobotomy Software went buck wild on this one making a

Sizo: near perfect version of Quake. Everything 1 CD-ROM Se A í ‘ah iosi i

Style: is here, from tight explosions to fun 1-Player First-Person exploration, lots of secrets and a large Action/Shooter amount of thrills. Control is slightly loose Special Features: but as good as any first-person shooter

Lots Of Different Weapons; save GoldenEye. Enemies are huge and Huge 3D Enemies; Two have some sense. They'll hide behind

Levels Of Difficulty; Analog > Compatible; Hidden Secrets things and try to sabotage the player. The

Created By: game is hard, but beatable once a few id/Lobotomy Software for classes of Quake 101 have been taken Sega of America (in other words, getting smoked a few Available: hundred times). Definitely a surprise,

Noy FO) Salum Quake should be checked out by any

Saturn owner looking for some good exploration and death.

Enemy Zero

Enemy Zero features an interface similar to D, Myst, or Lunacy, but it is unique in that

Size: you have a gun. The gun is used to kill 1 CD-ROM invisible enemies, and since it’s difficult to Style: use, the result is frequent death. Unlike 1-Player Adventure other games, you only have a limited Special Features: amount of save and load credits, and this

True Motion Video

Technology; Gun; Limited backup system makes the game longer and

Continues; Database;

more time consuming than it should be.

Inventory Throw in tons of loading and you have Created by: a slow and boring adventure. It might p appeal to the point and clickers, but we Now ior Gens Siin don't recommend it. However, if you do

want to play, be sure to have a RAM back- up cartridge so you can ‘cheat’ the limited continues system.


Game Informer a January ‘98





1 or 2-Player Soccer (Up To 6-Plaver Via Multi-Tap) Special Features:

47 International Teams;

.20 British Club Teams; 6 Stadiums; 6 Modes of Plav; Plaver Editing; Live Broadcast Simulation; Multiple Camera Options; Three Languages

Created Bv:



Now For Sega Saturn

BA L-A FIFA: Road to World Cup 98

e ët


1 to 4-Player Soccer Special Features:

172 National Teams; 189 National Clubs; Play-By- Play; Team and Player Edit; One Touch Passing; Multiple Fakes, Headers, Volleys, Etc.; Training Mode; Weather Options; 16 International Stadiums; Special Crowd Chants For Each Team; 512 x 240 Resolution

Created By:

Electronic Arts


Now For Nintendo 64


Worldwide Soccer ‘98 Soccer fans, another year of new games is here, and as usual, Worldwide Soccer ‘98 takes the cake for Saturn. The graphics are smooth, and the physics are perfect. Ball direction as well as pitch can be controlled with ease. There are 47 teams representing all of the classic soccer powerhouses, as well as the British Club teams. Player editing is also available, enabling the user to change certain characteristics of each soccer player. The rules are enforced well by the referees in Exhibition mode, but they become really strict during the World Cup play. All soccer junkies should score this one as soon as possible.


While we were only expecting moderate changes for this game, FIFA: Road to World Cup 98 is looking great. Ball physics and player animation have been improved. There are many new moves, like jumping over tacklers, faking out defenders, one touch passing, tons of different kicks, show off moves, kick throughs, dekes, and step-overs. The graphics were revamped as well, coming in at a higher resolution and frame rate. The play control is nice by using a pair of shoulder buttons and double tapping, any type of motion can be used to move the ball downfield. Precision passing is easy, as well as passing through defenders or past one attacker to reach another.

Game Informer a January ‘98

Size: 1 CD-ROM


1 or 2-Player Combat Racing

Special Features:

Three Playable Vehicles (Car, Plane, and Cycle); Animation Sixty Frames Per Second; Powerful Weapons; Different Mission Objectives

Created by:

Pixelogic for Interplay Available:

Late February for Sony PlayStation

ETO Crime Killer

In Crime Killer, it's your mission to save the world from crime brought on by festering villains, renegade bikers, and treacherous law molesters. This combat racer is fast and comes loaded with flashy lighting, big weapons, and three different vehicles to choose from (cycle, car, and plane). When new weapons are obtained they don't just magically shoot out the front of your vehicle. Instead, cool animations bring the weapons out of the vehicle and plant them on the hull. All the missions have a different objective, and all the vehicles present their own abilities. Look for Crime Killer in February, and stay tuned for our review. =

playe Left Button, Right Button, Left © Button, Right Button, Left , Button, Right Button, Left |

V Right Button.

Nola Righ hold Right C. Rele

os and press Up

< when crossing the finish line, then

Toggle tuck Cars - At the setup screen pe Upc, ve C, Up C E, C

gh e these buttons and Dress. and hold Left C and Right C. Note: Make

eep entering t this ci e to unlock tire sizes.

hold the Left Button, Right

Button, and Z when “Game Over" : ~ appears, Hold this until the High : : Score screen appears.

rive Broken Car

: Selection screen hold Up C and ii : press Z four times. Enter this code | again to unlock another wre

variant. ' Start From Crash

pre hold Right C and Left

Note: Make sure you hit the Ur

_ buttons i in this order,

e screen hold Z, Down C, and Up C. E Continue dE e but release :

inthis order.. -o Chang Control Dir

Enter these codes at the Magic screen. anas (Multiplayer) NOYELLOWSTUFF Bananas Reduce Speed BOGUSBANANAS

| ‘Start with Ten Bananas Crash Replay Crash your Car: o


All Balloons are Rainbow- OPPOSITESATTRACT |

All Balloons are Red (BOMBSAWAY `


BEA aaen, ut a


VIDEO GAME ENHANCER olice - -o eip out a ader

© Codes only work

with InterAct's | Infinite Firestreak issiles in se Acce meShark enhancer : 800fScb0 ee l Te Nintendo 6 64 attachment, lnfinite Hyper Missiles SE EE ` 800fócac 0063 Duke Nukem 64 : Infinite Rockets | WOW heNWO L

800f5cb8 0063 inite PlayStation Bug Riders

| Cool Boarders 2 Dragon Ball GT; Final Bout - eo ee Cine Pepin

Duke Nukem 3D New Armor for Zero At the : PlayStation JeiMoio2

Character Select Screen highlight i ` Infinite Health P1 Need for Speed: V-Rally ro, hold. RI, and press = | : 80072840 0188 PaRappa the Rapper Right, Right, Right, Right, : ge : Infinite Power P1 2 © Red Asphalt Right, Right. Now release R1, ` Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex ` 80072842 0004 a Resident Evil 2 hold ©, and press Start. : Strikes Back - PlayStation S ~ Tomb Raider 2 oe E 100 Lives 8006cbd0 6400 Sega Saturn

Los Angeles, CA | Al Crystals 8006cda4 ffff i Fighting Force PlayStation Enemy Zero a : 8006cda6 ffff : Infinite Credits 80093d50 0009 : Quake 8006cda8 Hit : a Sega Touring Car All Gems 8006cc28 ffff : Sonic R 1. 8006ce2a ffff | Armored Core PlayStation Garne Bog 8006cc2c tiff = : Infinite Armor 801a2818 8000 ` Ken Griffey JI. Presents MLB 8006cc2e ffff : Infinite Energy 80040fbe 6d60 Tamagotchi l s qad : Infinite u 80039ca6 00ff M A a : Left Shoulder Weapon Ammo © E rcade ` | GoldenEye 007 Nintendo 8 ` `` 50041206 e E : Note: These codes first require 7 Right Arm Weapon Ammo - e" Sand Secret Access Requests To: a

` that the Cheat Options menu be : 8004128a 01f4 : Access & Allies - Game Informer Magazine : opened through normal gameplay. .: Right Shoulder Weapon Ammo ` 10120 W. 76th St Eden Prairie, MN 55344 i To do so you'll need to beat levels : 80041302 0028 ` these codes at the _ + within a certain amount of time. ; ` Password screen. "` Running away is the easiest. Just : Colony Wars PlayStation Level Select | ta Ch KE stage and jump ` ` Infinite Shields - 800463b4 00c8 7 Tetesettes 31 9T : : Energy Weapon Never Overheat - Unlock Almost Everything ` All Weapons 80069653 0001 = 39119c4c 0000 | tttetssetisieta | ; Invisible Bond 8006965a 0001 ` ` 30119080 0000 7: The Human Torch”... DK Mode 8006965c 0001 `" © © 80119cb40000

E-Mail :

~ Enemy Rockets 8006966c 0001 : 80119ce8 0000. ` Fast Animation 8006966a 0001 : 30119d1c 0000- | 900-200-7342 (SEGA) : Infinite Ammo ` 8006965b 0001 ` Infinite Missiles First ae SET $.85 per minute for automated

7 assistance and

$1, 05 per minute for live help.

Canada 900-451-5252 $1.25 per minute automated

7 Invincibility 80069652 0001 ` 80119cc0 0001 : Line Mode - 80069657 0001 infini : No Radar (Multiplayer) ` < 80119cf4 0001

777. 80069667 0001 : Infinite Missiles Third aie. - Ze r Paint Ball Mode 8006965f 0001 i 80119d28 0001.

; Slow Animation 8006966b 0001: ` Infinite Missiles Fourth Position = Gane na : Turbo Weess 0001 l gee

$1.25 per minute

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900-933-SONY(7669) ` $.95 per minute `

ese lines may not have infor „If you're under 18 be sure t parent's permission.

PD SENN non on nod on nog ana aod opp

y 112 Gravity FLOAT - Heavier Gravity - RADBRAD - o Collision BANZAI © Wheels Only - WHEELS - Fat Tires - FATTIRES

SE? L : 2 Lap Races - GEK © Dual Analog Buttons Active PUSHBUTT Set Number of Cars - MAXCARS +a letter A, B, C, etc. Tracks SUNNYSKY s- 'NIGHTRID

on : Space Tracks - SPACERID “The Rhino" _ Toledo, OH


vel Select - OCMCKKEJ

David Sebastian

Seattle, WA ` | MI Level 26 - EUANLEC -

Level ci EDFIRE

Level Codes

(+ screen. 7: Level 2 - DOLMAN

: Level 3 - SONAGAV —i Level 4— ACEDUF : Level 5 JOJOGUN ; Level 6- WENSKI ` ` Level 7 - SAEGGY : Level 8- MAZMAN : Level 9 - DAZMAN

All and Unlimited a -At the Weapons Loadout screen |

hold L1, L2, Ri, R2, ©, A, E,

: and press Left. Note: The game :— : will not move past the current

level with this code active.

Secret Training Missions At the Password screen enter ©

PANTALON. Head into the Training menu and six new missions will be waiting. .

invincibility During the mission ©

briefing hold L1, L2, RI, R2, ©, A, E, and press Left.

Enter these codes al the Password

vel 10 - DELUCS vel 11 - ANDOOOO

Level 12 - KIMBCHS : Level 13 - ANDYMAC : Level 14— YERMAN : Level 15 - OLLIEB Level 16-THEYOLK `

Level 17-TONYMASH | vel 18 - ANDYCROW vel 19 BIONIC

` Level 20 - TSLATER : Level 21 IAINTHOD | Level 22- JONRITZ

Level 23 CLAIREC

i Level 30 IMMAC

: Level 31 - PUGGER

: Level 32- ROSSCO Level 33 - CAKEBOY

work in Contest Mode. ~ All Tracks and Bonus Cars At the Password sereen 61GGB5 or 81GGD5.

Boulder Dash When choosing _ your bike press the Right `

Button. Then when the name prompt appears press R agai

Now enter your name as ‘roller’. : Unlock Roach -All you have todo ` is finish the Contest Mode on the ` `

Meltdown setting.

„© ; Extreme Mode At the Name ;

Entry screen input “xtreme”.

: Transparent Tracks At the Name

Entry sereen input “ghostly”.

“| Unlimited Weapons -At the Name

Entry screen input “arsenal”.

: Distorted Graphics At the Name

Entry screen input “fisheye”.

77 New View At the Name Entry

screen input “magnify”.

: Upside Down Racing At _ the Name Entry screen nur:


-Invisible Obporierità -At the.

Name Entry 'stealth'.

sorgen input

7. Transparencies At the Name

Entry screen input 'ugivmode'.

XG Team At the Name Entry screen input “xgteam”, and © change your name to one of the © programmers. (See the credits or : manual.) Here's some to get `

started: Ash, ' John, Justin, Greg.

screen input yo gus”. This code same way as XG Team but t only

in the shoot ‘em up mode.

` RA50 Enter the Name Entry : Nebraska 96 Neb 9 screen and input “ra50". To |

„activate this code simply quit a

race to win.

input ` -~ road. Slowly appr

ei 0:51:26 2: O540:53

Enter Hong Kong (level 5) and ©

race until you run. across the dirt ach the bridge and drive across

after this take a right. From here drive under the bridge and touch

“featuring a new car. _ "The Eradicator” :

Enter all d these codes at the Easter Egg menu located below

the Memory Card option.

Win All Games in Sim sc

: Add Team Boost in Sim BOOST

Make Great Team - , BEAT DOWN

how Credits - CREDITS

_ Alabama 89 - Ala 89

Alabama 92 Ala 92

: Arizona State 96 ASU 96 : Colorado 89 : Florida 95 Fla í Florida 96

Col 89

ami 83 Miami 83.

Miami 85 Miami 85 - Miami 86 Miami 86 Miami 89 Miami 89

Miami 91 Miami 91

Miami 92 Miami 92

| iami 94 Miami 94 D in 91 Mich 91

Nebraska 83 Neb 83 ` Nebraska 91 Neb 91

Nebraska 92 Neb 92

« Nebraska 93 Neb 93 "Nebraska 95 Neb 9

Mer © January DH

Progni SC

Debi “Menu At the Password :

reen. enter: Left, Up, %, E, Down, A, ili, Down.

: Cut Body - At the Title Screen first |

-enter in the level select code (L1,

_L1,L2, R1, R1, R2, Select). Then.

Fight With Bunny Slippers Go :

Barrel Game - Highlight the | to the Character Select screen Practice icon and hit Select, Up, | and move your cursor onto each

Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, | character name listed (Ragnar,

Dregan, Koyasha) and hit Start : ` op each. Next choose your fighter :

by hitting A or B.

“highlight Die Hard Arcade and ` then press and hold X, Y, Z, : and B. This mode will start you © with four continues and a harder :

Kennedy Vool i San Jose, CA :

Game Informer

Howard Grant l | New York, Nr `



Season Mode and enter the Front : Office menu. Now, access the `

Create Player menu and input your name as TIBURON. After entering this press Start (Save and Continue), and go back out

-to the Title Screen. Select

waiting as a hi

View Ending When the EA logo | first appears hold the Left

Button, Right Button, and Z. `

“Star Wars Geek” Ventura, NV-

invincibility a and Level Select - At the Main Menu (with Options

hold Left, IM, LI, and R2 until Cheat Mode appears at the

bottom of the screen. Enter the-

T to toggle these cheats. “The VidMan'

Uptown, MN `

Debug Mode When the “Press Start” screen appears, press and hold the Left Button, the Right Button, X, a With these held press Down, Down, Up,

S Down, Down, Lett, Left, Left,

© Up, Down, Right, Right, Right, Start. If entered correctly you'll hear a bell and the Debug Menu

_ will appear.

r, The Game Killer"

Boston, MA



*Carrybag only. `

Contents not inclu

Start, B, A.



; | Enter e a ipat Done At the New ' Game screen press A and Y simultane- ously to bring up a Japanese font. Sound Test - When the Nintendo logo appears (from starting up) Dies om ` hold the Left and Right Buttons po warp to a sound and music test,

: Enter Te codes at he: Kc

Level 2 - D9963D1D % Level 3 - 4H253DGF Level 4 4CC138CF ‘Level 5 OC4F458H screen. ‘Level 6 - D31551FG Medusa Bay - QMBRB Level 7 - 09BF596F Undercaves AGCFU Level 8.— DB8D9B4H Ridgewater VADJR Open Ocean QYEKR

-James Bond Jr. Su 'Enter these codes at the Passy

Deep Water VAHWV

Level 2 - 0007 Level 3 - 3675 Origin Beach CCRIJ `

“Level 4 - 9025 ark Water - WGUKK Level 5- 1813

4. Chakan: The Forever Man - dental.

Maximem Power- Immediately after: thea ing the game on press ag Holt Start and C on both controllers. a this

-times'à$ you want.

jal the ġotions. : f d ` Panic! - Sega CD —— Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Genesis pom) „Select At the Title Screen-press 7

„„Enter..all-of, these codes at the Title „Sereemm | f Unlock All Weapons - A,B, Up, C, A, C, A `. Original 2600 Version Down, A (26 timés), Down „Bira Livés'— Left, A, Down, B, Right, A, B, Up; Down, A, B, Up, C, A, C, A Levél Select- B, Right, A, Down, Right, Up, B, Left, A, Up, Right, A | “Bonus Game - B, A, Down, C, Right, d A,B ' Speed - B, A, Rig, c, Right,

‘Level 5 - RLRB Level 6 RJLG

Level 7 -LKHC - Level 8 = HIJO... ' Level 9 TK `

~ Level 10 - CXLD.. Level 11- TBBL e l Level 12 - - WLCD’ “Level 13- CDIR

Cold Water - IAFWN ;”

fight) hold, Fit a and ëss Select,

Enter this Den ‘atthe’ eTitie SCH “Add Continues Hold A, B, Start, and Select, then press Up/Right:~.

Enter this code at the Title Seren: F ~~Add_ Options - Up, Up, Down Down, , Left ‘Right, Left, Right, A, B,

crite this ode: at the Password screen: “soreen, Sms More'Monev - JFKBBBBBBBBBBJFK `

Enter these level codes at the Password

_ The City of Forever 1— OKBKI Y

City of Forever 2 - MEMSK

controller’ ‘two. Using controller ‘two, pase the game 73 times to recei 45 gold. You cán does this as maň

Right, Right, Down, Up, Left; ‘Right, Up, Upý Left, Down. Now, select whichever

= -Access Tip: Enter:

da boss rounds before you bon „the boss. ` Overall:

/ “Gunsmoke, Sunset Riders“ presents fast

` oer, Check it out if you want to live your

Super Nintendo Availability: Moderately. Rare: Replay Value: Medium. ` Similar Games: Sunset Riders (SG, Arcade); Gunsmoke (NES, Arcade); ‘Contra (NES);

Contra Force (NES); Super C (SN IES); Contra Alien Wars (GB); Contra'Ħafd Corp. (SG);

Gunstar Heroes (SG); Gunner's Heaven (PS- X Japan Only)

Created by: Konami

Yeee-ha! Konami's wild west arcade shooter exploded onto the Super Nintendo. with flashy graphics and an addictive gameplay style. Similar to Capcom's“ NES smash

'gun-totin' action with the chance of receiving a reward when a wanted criminal is. taken down. It also showcaseš four playable characters (Bob, Steve, Billy, and Cormano), and an always entertaining two- -player simultaneous mode. The only drawback with the game is its length. It's not.too-difficult to master the learning curve for the stages and bosses, and before you know it, the game is

lifelong dream of becoming Clint Eastwood or John Wayne. The Duke will live on!

Jordan Vs. Bird

Sega Genesis Availability: Medium Replay Value: Low Similar Games: Larry Bird Vs. Dr. J

(Apple JI, NES); Basketball (Atari 2600) Created by: EA Sports Network

Access Tip: During one-on-one, turn your back to your opponent when you first get the ball to protect it. Then, if he or she overplays for a steal, spin around and penetrate for the easy dunk.


The NBA All-Star game is fast approaching and basketball fans must face the possibility that this will be Michael Jordan’s last appearance in it. Jordan’s retirement will be a sad one, but at least we'll have Jordan Vs. Bird one of the few basketball games to feature his Airness to keep him playing until the end of time. The gameplay of this one-on-one gem is slow, but what really makes this game cool is Bird’s 3-point shootout and Jordan’s slam dunk competition. In the 3-point shootout, it’s tough to shoot 25 quality shots before the timer expires and the slam dunk contest has 10 dunks to choose from including the Fly Swat, Leap Frog, and Helicopter.

Game Informer © January ‘98



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© 1997 Players Edge. Player's Edge is a trademark of InterAct Accessories Inc. InterAct Accessories is a trademark of STD Manufacturing LTD. PLAYER’S Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo, and Game Boy are trademarks of Nintendo. PlayStation is a trademark of Sony u Computer Entertainment, Inc. Sega Genesis and Sega Saturn and Game Gear are trademarks of Sega Enterprises.

Between the State of Conscious Ano talm of the Dream taker




PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. "ALUNDRA" is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., licensed by Working Designs. Original Game © Sony Computer Entertainment Inc./Matrix 1997. English Translation © Working Designs 1997. "Working Designs“ is a registered trademark of Working Designs, Inc. All rights reserved. Landstalker is a trademark of SEGA Enterprises, LTD. Combatting wetness, one dream at a time! For a dealer near you, call (916) 243-3417. Call 1-800-771-3772 for Game Rating Information.

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