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Reken e КЄ aker og НезШепі Evil 2 0

Critical Depite Deke Nul

Мипвога e Star Wars: Masters of TAEELEE ОСО Bomberman | E к===

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December 1997 =үш] =]

Vol. VII * Issue 12 #56

Lm gms £ | 4d |


With ten treacherous new tracks, Jet Moto'2 isn’t just a more intense, all-terrain racing game, it's a virtual graveyard. This time, you'll race through molten lava, splash down a waterfall and even maneuver your way over a broken-down roller coaster. You'll feel every bump,

зу Computer Entertainment logo is a trademark of Sony Corporatian. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment inc.


you'll catch more air, you'll even nail 360-degree corkscrews. Plus, you can challenge a friend on the two-player split screen. ws To ADULTE All you need is a PlayStation" and a death wish. Because if you're lucky, you'll reach the checkered flag. Or you'll die trying. ГАР

n <p


Believe The Rumor... d Ule бос Cangchuiogm Jim"! |

Coming Soon Clay Fighter Cxcgeme

Creacures of clay will descend on 3D environmencs of oucrageous

Coming in Оссобев

Clay Fighcen 63/3

accion and comedy. And che old games shall envy che new.

Watch out Тог these HOT TITLES.





Reece eer ts T БӘРІН СА ОНИ ОИ ae E

WWW. eidosinteractive. com мета SR TERR m

| Оуег 50 Games Reviewed % Previewed


Cover Story: Tomb Raider 2 Last year Tomb Raider was the cat’s meow (in

more ways than one) and quickly be е one of the biggest hits on the PlayStation. Now Lara’s back for more and Game Informer has created the ultimate guide to help you conquer this action masterpiece.

Feature: Gl's 2nd Annual System Wars : It's that time of year when every video game - junkie must make the most important decision of the year what system to buy. Game Informer has once again pitted the super systems against each other to see how they stack up.

ь © Nintendo 64

Bomberman 64, Diddy Kong Racing, NFL Quarterback Club '98, WCW Vs. The NWO: World Tour

Game Informer.

Епуб ре Art : i PlayStation

Spawn: The Eternal, Stal

GI Interactive buys

in plastic, Diablo comes to _ PlayStation, and tons-o-fun

PlayStation Fighting Force, Pandemonium 2, Vs., Monster Rancher,

Alcatraz Edition = Crisis, MDK, Bug Riders, Beast Wars, Power Soccer 2,

Skullmonkeys, Clock Tower, Arcade’s Greatest Hits Vol. 2

PlayStation & Saturn Mass Destruction |

"сате Informer _ GI reviews Dark Forces ||: Jedi : Knight and Shadow Warrior

_ а well as PC news from |

_ the Matrix. c Saturn

NHL All-Star Hockey '98,

Classic GI a : eae Jurassic Park: The Lost World

О! looks at classic games : on the Super NES and Sega | Nintendo 64 CD, and replays some codes | :

from the vault. ' о m Game Boy Play to Perfection Ken Griffey Jr. Presents MLB

Diddy Kong Racing

| Secret Access

Tips from our readers and the infamous Game Genie/Game Shark Swap Shop.

Madden NFL 98

tion: ine” (issn 1067-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications”, 10120 West m епју stated on 33 that Sega had Eden Prairie, ММ 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155, For subscriptions, back issues or customer service inquiries (612) 946- paid at Hopkins, MN, and | | ow NBA Fa: ү Сак) dhd w ee using addtional maling ofices SUBSCRIBERS POSTMASTER: Send adress changes о Game отеп rie, MN 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian

T orders must be prepaid іп U.S. dollars and must include $20/year addi n "98. This is not true. Midway got the

‘Game Informer" does riot claim алу copyright in the screen shots herein. n all screen shots contained with this publication are owned by their respective companies, Entire contents |, ga pts, of which Sega now owns a minority share. Game copyright 1997. Game Informer Magazine". Al rights reserved: reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer? is a trademarks of FUNCO, x Informer is sorry for any problems this might have caused. Products named in these pages are trade names, ог trademarks, of their respective companies.

Game Informer n December '97 www.gameinformer.co. Th

Аћћ the holidays. For some it means trips to eeeGrandma's house, for others it means

football and lots and lots of turkey, for us...it means а steady | diet of video games.

Like many products, video games come out in Е Ж droves during the holiday season and this year is no #9 exception. Check that...there is one. This year's crop of е games аге, оп the average, better than any other time

in video gamedom's short history. So it's a great time to be playing video games. In my opinion, PlayStation gamers are sitting pretty, | but N64 owners aren't doing too bad either | (though if I see another racing game I may puke). e is | 6 Saturn fans are getting some product, but games ! ope they ) aD a e like Panzer Dragoon Saga and Burning. 72 Ou * Rangers aren't hitting until next year so i 2 they'll һауе to be happy. with what they get. à | Since this is the greatest Holiday season of all-time | thought Га

“make a list of my favorite games for

"each system that have come ot

fairly recent

“Since the Letter from the Editor pretty much ОУ, particular order, Enjoy, ап | covered ту ever-growing list of recent see you next year. 2 3 еде favorites, Га like to take this chance to give РА mw ae ПИ orema Pon d | out what | like to call the ‘Grinch Award.’ | 521 TAE 321 А es а || Obviously, this award is picked by a staff of || | 0 period where "was Torceo ЁШ ultra-intelligent, ѕирег-ргоїісіепі video || | Cool Boarders 2

EX to clip and clean the toenails of each GI ) ЭЧ. | е gamers (in other words me), and is given to f reviewer with my own toothbrush. Even Е fho company who didnt get me what 117

my tartar control Crest can't destroy the wanted for the holida ; 3 и Қ A: ys. Without further | | ae a pu Ee it qu ae || ado...drum roll please. And the winner | | Street Fighter EX Plus Mace: The Dark Age p anes k A T e B | | 2 p у с is... Nintendo - for delaying all their product Alpha GoldenEye 007 y halt Enjoy.” alder 2 and "ed M here in the States and even delaying Zelda ПИО © 64 in Japan. Darn that Nintendo. | bet the Treasures of the Deep

7 get coal in their stockings." Critical Depth

ғ Crash 2 Duke Nukem 3D

Madden 64 Final Fantasy VII Diddy Kong Racing Tomb Raider 2 San Francisco Rush

NHL 98 Quake

Abe's Oddysee Sega Touring Car Jet Moto 2 World Series Castlevania Baseball '98

"After writing the Tomb 2 strategy guide with Andy, I can truly | say that this game is awesome. It's huge, and some levels | Reine (like the Opera House) will take you up to four hours to ; _ Solve. The settings in Venice and ће Himalayas аге awe- inspiring and Lara has never looked better. The enemies this year are much smarter and take twice the lead to bring down; plus, Core listened to our complaints and put in more music. When you inch along a cliff and finally come into a new room, and an epic soundtrack crescendos as you | . behold the brilliant site, it's an experience that can't be matched by any other game. It rules."

"1997 was definitely a productive year for me, and ! wrote more than | Lever imagined | would. My crowning achievements were primarily strategy guides (Shadows of the Empire, Mario Kart 64, Star Fox 64, Final Fantasy VII, Castlevania, and Diddy Kong Racing). I've also И started work on a science fiction novel (which is very cool). And believe it or not, next year will be even better. The work and mag will * be the same, but my favorite thing in the world will be everywhere - Star Wars. Yes, we'll finally start seeing trailers of Episode 1, Kenner and Hasbro are releasing the Rancor and Vader with removable helmet toys, and hopefully there will be another N64 Star Wars title (how ‘bout an RPG?). Yes, 1998 is the year of the geeks. Sweet!!!”

||| || I8 И |

December Issue 1997 Volume VII Number 12 Issue #56

Richard A. Cihak Publisher

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| Game Informer s December ‘97

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= ed The Sony Computer Entertainment logo is a trademark of Sony Corporation. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Spawn is a registered trademark and The Eternal is a trademark of Todd McFarlane Productions, Inc. Based on material ©1997 Тода McFarlane Productions, Inc. Game developed by Sony Interactive Studios America. ©1997 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc, www.playstation.com












> PlayStation


Readers: I noticed a problem with your FF VII strategy quide...

interest and feedback on our September '97 issue. Scores of envelope art, piles of letters, suggestions, tips, and comments are still steadily streaming into the GI office concerning Final Fantasy VIL Many asked how we approached creating the FF VII strategy guide. То begin with, Andy defeated the Japanese version of the game. If you're struggling with the game, just imagine winning it with everything written in Japanese. Then, when we got a final copy of the U.S. version, Andy played that game through again. While playing the U.S. version, many experiments were conducted. It was very difficult to determine on which discs things could only be done. In addition, we also had to determine what exactly had been changed from the Japanese version. Then, Andy and Reiner walked through each stage of the game once again and created the GI FF VII Play to Perfection. All told, there is well over 200 playing hours that went into the guide. Obviously there were some minor mistakes. People have brought them to our attention and ; now we will bring them to yours. If you're trying to get Tifa's Level 4 Limit Break Manual from her piano in the house (yes, the piano in her house, not in the mansion), you can't get the 9 manual until Disc 2. Next, the U.S. version went " through some name changes at the last minute. Aerith is of course Aeris in the U.S., and Utai is Wutai. Keith Anderson pointed out that Yuffie can be found on Disc 1 or 2 (not just Disc 2). He also correctly reminded us that after Ушће and Elena are taken away by Don, and you have to fight the monster that Don sends, Yuffie still has your materia, so its best to use Barret's Mindblow Limi cant

ак тона eee ee me

Game Informer 5 December ‘97

2 У | j

GI: First of all, thank you to everyone for your

| is something that you could add that I think | many people would love an Anime page. Oh | yeah! One more thing.I have a friend who | claims RPGs are for dorks and theyre lame (I _ really enjoy them by the way). He also says that

misprint concerning the Shiva materia. The walkthrough section ‘Trouble on the Beachfront’ is correct, you do get the Shiva materia from Priscilla after you perform CPR. The ‘Strategy Extra’ Summon Materia section is incorrect, you о not find the Shiva materia in a cave. Also, for the Alexander Materia, you must first touch the

| steaming lake before you talk to the ice | princess. And finally the answer is no, you | cannot get a certain member of the cast back. | You just gotta let it go. Time is the universal


Ive subscribed to your magazine for four years and I think it's great. I've decided that the

| games coming out today arent all that

imaginative. Final Fantasy VII and Resident Evil

| 2 have good storylines, but there are so many | bad storylines such as Virtua Hampster for 32X, · Floating Runner for PlayStation, and countless | others. I hope that programmers worry more | about the storylines than how much blood and | gore they put into а game. What do you think on | these matters?

Mark McCabe Location Unknown

Mark, we believe that everything comes with

| a price. Sure, a game must have a great story in | order to get high review scores (except racing | and sports games of course), and the story itself | must be original and entertaining. Tons of games have worthless stories, but take a closer | look at some of the more recent games. Abe's | Oddysee, Treasures of the Deep, GoldenEye 007, | Turok, Castlevania, Ghost in the Shell, Nuclear | Strike, Time Crisis (just to name a few) the | story is crucial to the experience of each of | these games. Plus, there's FF VII. But remember, | everything comes with a price. If a game's story || is anything short of spectacular, the FMV and CG | cut scenes become worthless annoyances. Do | you really want more FMV in your games | instead of action? Heck no! So considering the | games we've listed and what we've seen of the games due out this Christmas, we disagree with | your point On average, games have better | stories today that at any time in the past.

PS. Virtua Hampster never came out.

I enjoy your mag and I think it's great. There

FF VII sucks! It rocks, so please tell me what to tell my troubled friend.

Aero 3. Thanks Keith. Another problem is a 4

| that lumping things into categories is one of the | prime evils of the earth and that jumping to | conclusions is not only the wrong approach to | life, its the wrong approach to gaming. Think f | about what it takes to solve а video game. The E. entire point of puzzles, levels, and games in | | general is to trick you into jumping to E | conclusions. To succeed, you usually experiment E. | and then reverse your thinking, you work back E. | through your mistakes, and then proceed _ forward through the rest of the game. Lazy © thinkers immediately assume they've ‘seen

} in school, he probably gets in a lot of stupid _ arguments, he’s probably a sub-standard gamer, | and he's probably never had a girlfriend. Hey, · мете jumping to conclusions ourselves. We've | never met your friend, but мете pretending to | know what he’s all about. Of course we did this | to illustrate the error of prejudiced thinking. The

| thinking about it, but we'd like to hear from

| getting this unit. I just started receiving your | magazine in June of 1997 and it said the | game.com would have Duke Nukem 3D, Turok * Dinosaur Hunter, and Fighters Megamix, but you _ didn't give any release dates. I would like to f | know about any first-person shooter, fighting, ог | | any 3D games that are going to be any good. 1

| seen, we are not recommending that anyone | purchase the game.com. Yes, Turok and Duke | (along with many other high-profile titles) are

_ Tiger purchased only the rights to the names of · these games and are developing them all in- _ house. Tigers video game track record is not

| superfluous features. If the games get better, _ well change our recommendation, but as for


Brandon ‘Play On’ Myers | Davisburg, MIA Tell your friend he's a bigot. Tell your friend |

everything there is to see, done everything there is to do, and know just what this or that garne is going to be like’ You know, your bigot friend strikes us as someone who's probably struggling |

only thing for you to do is to force your friend to get at least ten hours into FF ҮП and then hell never put it down. As for an Anime page, мете

more of our readers on the subject.

Tm а ЧИИ

I have seen your review of Tigers пем. game.com hand-held unit. I was thinking about

Tony Wohlscheid Eagle, MI Tony, right now, based on the games we've

planned for the game.com, but remember that

pectacular. We love our Game Boys, and in a side-by-side matchup, Game Boy wins hands- down. Game Boy has more software, better software, it takes less batteries, is cheaper, and it's linkable. Yes, the game.com can receive e- mail, and it has a touch-screen stylus, but we judge a hand-held Ву its games, not its

ow, we'll stick with good ol’ Game Boy.

industry, а lack of com- munication between the , Japanese and U.S. offices. If

What the heck happened to Resident Evil: | you want to see the uncut | opening sequence you can

· Director's Cut!!? This isn't the same game I isit John Bobbit's h | played at ЕЗ! This game's missing all kinds DN st oun новинка nume back to them later, so I can go home and dig | stuff. For instance on the ЕЗ version, Chris takes page. just kidding, you can through a dozen GI magazines trying to find a a puff off of a cigarette, the dogs in ‘the opening | Visit Capcom's website at release date. If you guys could put release dates f cinema get their eyes blown from their skulls, of games in one area of your magazine and f they show the entire severed hand that's picked categorize them for each system, I'm sure it will ир off of the grass, and when the zombie around make it а lot easier on all of us. Keep up the {һе corner turns and looks at you after chowing good work. GI Rules! | on some poor guy, there was a half-eaten head Josh Axt that falls on the floor. Please explain to me if Im Miles City, MT

| not doing something right It seems the Josh, we would love to do this and we've been | Director's Cut was cut. | wrestling with the topic for almost a year now. It lE Chris ‘Arcade-a-Holic’ Sims always comes down to a question of accuracy. In ilwaukee, WI E. the video game world, delays happen on a daily basis. WeTe always hearing about games moving back even two and three weeks. In order to make an accurate release list, we would probably only list games coming out over the next couple of months, or create a brief box outlining only the games covered in that respective issue. This way we wouldn't jeopardize accuracy, but we could centralize release information for the benefit of the readers. Also, one of the main reasons we have yet to tackle this project is the lack of Dear GI

Here's a suggestion for your mag. My friends | | ask me all the time when a new game is coming out and then I have to tell them that I have to get

| Chris, we always appreciate receiving your | letters, and yes, the Director's Cut was cut. This | is what happened. Capcom has a number of E. | offices around the world, and the two most | important offices are the Japanese and U.S. | headquarters. Director's Cut was submitted to Б | Sony of Japan by Capcom of Japan for approval. || | Atrademark issue arose concerning the opening | sequence. The issue was very minor, but Ё | Capcom of Japan figured the easiest way to fix it | was to use the opening sequence from the || | original game. The U.S. branch of Capcom was f letters on the subject. Once again, if tons of поі aware of the change until the game was well people write and say they want it, well do our § into production. The problem can thus be traced best to get it in right away. | back to a common cause of confusion in the

Carl Winzenried

| Слагепсе, МУ ©А RL WAIN ASIN ESAE =p Two great tastes that кыс, NY 4

go great together.

William Brand Martinez, CA

Ouch...that smarts!

779—9: 9

Shauna Clarke Mt. Vernon, NY

Anime fans are everywhere.

Josh Gilbert Glendale, WI

Uncle! І said Uncle!

Brian K. Oswald Bolingbrook, IL

Hovercrafts, Planes, and Helicopters...oh my!

Djimbinou Oleg Philadelphia, PA

Kerrrr-Plow! It’s the world's first animated envelope art.

Stay alive w


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In а time unknown when magic and mystery still ruled ће world, ІП there was а dagger of great power. The Dagger of Xian was how ~“ the Chinese referred to this mystical blade that had the ability, when _ plunged deep into the heart of the bearer, to turn its master into а | fire-breathing dragon. | ||

There is legend of a tyrannical emperor у/һо опсе used x this power to rule his land until he was defeated by Tibetan warrior monks. But that is not our tale...the tale that Lara weaves is one of her search for the Dagger of Xian, which leads her to cross paths with a fanatical cult that worships the Dagger known as ће Ната Nera, and another who is searching for the dagger, Bartoli.

But the real question is do the ancient tales of a dragon and ће story of ou curious adventurer Lara Croft collide? We shall see... |

ho is Lara Croft? She's not just а name anymore...she's more than that...she’s an institution. Her buxom beauty and Indiana Jones lifestyle have taken her from PlayStation heroine..to. . industry super power. Eidos, the company responsible for her rise to glory, has also gone from 2nd rate publisher to power player in the video game world. So in essence, Eidos goes the way of the Tomb Raider, making this sequel, Tomb Raider 2, the most important game in their lives. 4 Blow it...and everyone will remember them as а one-hit wonder. Exploit it...and ~ everyone will think they’re only in it for the money. Build it...and they will come. Eidos has built it, and they didn’t follow the conventional rules. In the i video game world, sequel often means a new engine and a new; look: Core, Eidos: premi development house, opted to leave good, good enough and just expand ori their álready^ impressive 3D engine. : .

and bounds, but it does add to the overall realism of the game. For example, Lara's climbing’ | ability enabled Core to build levels upwards and downward so they could create towering | cliffs and bottomless pits. Use your flares to light a path down dark passageways, or your. | harpoon gun to send scuba divers back to the surface there are few things that —. " Lara can't do. i

14 www.gameinformer.com Game Informer а December ‘97

ш Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

ш Special Features: New Snowmobile and Boat Vehicles; Longer Levels; Larger Rooms; Rock Climbing; Flares; New Enemies; New M16, Grenade Launcher, and Harpoon Weapons

m Levels: 18

m Created by: Core for Eidos Interactive

m Available: November 17 for Sony PlayStation

> THE Bottom LINE 9.25

Я "This тау be hard to believe but concen: 3 Tomb Raider 2 is even bigger than Graphics: 9.25 Tomb 1. You can really tell that

Core did a lot of work on this one.

Sound: 8.5 There are texture maps everywhere, Е апа the new lighting effects are Playability: 9.25 awesome. The new guns are cool, Entertainment: 9.75 ^U! the best part of this game is the

One thing we certainly didn't expect from (ага is the ability to operate the DC RUE Oe E

two different vehicles that she discovers during her travels. The first, which is found OVERALL: with them is amazing. This game is in the canals of Venice, is a powerboat that Lara must use to complete her harder than the original, and will

A 5 ы i А frustrate many, but it certainly isn't adventures. The second is a snowmobile (complete with front-mounted machine и impossible. The sound is better this guns) that she must use to cross the snow-covered hills of Tibet. An awesome year, but | still think this game needs

Fa a soundtrack. Other than that, this addition to say the least. ] is a great adventure that any fan

As far the levels themselves are concerned, without the clumsy task of creating a should play." new engine, Core was able 10 spend more time on level designs to create the Рай, THE GAME PROFESSOR - largest, most challenging, and exotic locations in the world. From the waterways of Venice to the Great Wall of China, Lara travels the world in her quest to foil Bartoli and Concept: 875 ee ле pel many аата А м. жек А спапдеѕ ІП ven- uncover the Dagger of Xian. Each region is filled with thousands of texture maps to Graphies: 9.75 ture. The addition of the vehicles is a create lush environments, puzzles to boggle the mind, and new enemies, including great feature and they leave you birds, fish, and lots of human foes, to eradicate. ra se уи more те entre environ. Is Tomb Raider 2 everything we expected and more? Yes. Сап it do more? You Playability: 875 енсе add the beauty of the

et it can. But this new adventure of Eidos’ is not a dream or folly of some ппопеу- Entertainment: 9.75 2216. Tomb ЇЇ also has some great `7 cut-scenes that are a nice reward

ungry company pushing to get out the sequel and cash in while the iron is hot. Lara after conquering various levels. In an icon...a diva...and Eidos has treated her accordingly - they've build her a game OVERALL: lerms of control, the game is for a queen. And this queen will rule Eidos, as well as the hearts and minds of stil somewhat frustrating and the imers everywhere 9 combat is still a little weak. However,

y 5 Saving at any point sure keeps

you from going completely nuts. The music.is great, but | would have liked to hear more. Tomb II is a fantastic adventure that no PS-X player should miss.”

Қ "Simply put, Lara rocks, and hard | Concept 875 ight ada. Yes, this Tomb Raider Graphics: “аз sequel has rekindled its popular exploration theme to such an incredible degree that xad ny ADS ourself in love with our physically Playability: 8.75 Ghallengat maiden, and craving Entertainment: 10 7072 /ndiana Jones-like action ў after each harrowing level comes to an end. The FMVs, real-time OVERALL: cut-scenes, new moves, vehicles, lighting, textures, and ambient 9 5 sounds are absolutely perfect. The = first game made me play, this one makes me a true believer. Tomb 2 is a must have that's executed flawlessly through every

inch of gameplay.”

Game Informer в December ‘97 www.gameinformer.com F3

This guide has been created to assist you through this arduous adventure. To keep the guide as concise as possible, we have left out the locations of a number of the power-up items, and have left you (for the most part) to deal with the enemies. This guide does point out all key items and as a bonus we have also included the locations of all the Dragon relics, but there will be places that are left unexplored if you follow our guide exactly. So please explore...

spall the aha of the. gam 27 USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!”

Preserve Medi Packs - While the game does a good job of keeping you loaded with medi packs, it’s a good idea to use as few as possible on the earlier levels, as the second half of the game is much more difficult.

Look For Higher Ground Lara's pistols have the great feature of unlimited ammo. Use this to your advantage. When facing weaker enemies look for higher ground, or a good hiding place to blast away from a distance using your pistols. Not only will this save ammo, but your lifebar as well.

Explore Everywhere There are numerous items hidden throughout this game including medi packs, ammo, and the elusive Dragons. There are three Dragons to find on each level. Finding them will reward you with extra ammo.

Move All Blocks - Whenever you see a block that looks like it can be moved, move it. And remember that they can be moved in more than one direction so experiment.

Check Every Kill For Goodies Most of the items you will find in this game are found on the enemies that you kill along the way.

Lara’s Dive Roll U roll not only while you're it in the air and іп the wi the later levels, using La is the only way to survi

Save Early And Ofte: going to try something that you're not quite sure уі It will save time in the end

atented dive

Lure Fighting underwal it's hard to evade enemies, : out into the open then blast! It's fun!

_ then blast away the spiders. This пе

The game opens up in a cavern. Head for the water at.the far right-hand corner of the cavern and pull yourself up onto the ledge. From here, blast the tiger then follow the path that leads you up to the top of the cavern (along the way you'll find the STONE DRAGON on the cliff). Enter the room at the top and fall into the grate. Use the running long jump to reach the switch in the corner, then head outside and blast the vultures. Dive down into the water below and you will find the. Guard House Key. Exit the water and head back up the cliff. Use the key to

open the door. Enter the Guard House

with guns drawn and blast the spiders that appear. Head up the ladder to grab the Rusty Key, and then use it to open the door into the next chamber. Blast the spiders, pull the block back, and then slide down. On the left side wall there is a small ledge that you must use to cross the water and avoid the shoot- ing spikes. Once on the other side,

Save before you head down the hall.

The next section is action-packed. You must run across the falling floor; take a right to avoid the tumbling boulders, slide down the ramp, jump the spikes, grab the ammo’ (optional), and climb the ledge’ to avoid the compacting walls, Now Save.

After a short breather, head down the hall.-Be sure to run across the fragile-loor, jump the swinging blades, ADE DRAGON, run down the ng sure to stick to the right the chute, and then ollapsing floor behind to your left. Save. Grab the edi pack and then avoid the huge lades. Pretend to take the zip line, and

section is optional but very ol. To

then hang from the ledge and shimmy to the right and up. Go down this passage then head down the almost endless ladder. At the bottom you'll encounter a pair of T-Rex. Blast them and grab the GOLD DRAGON. Head back up and take the zip line to the exit.

Draw your guns and get ready for action as you head down the alley. To get the guy on the Balcony it's best to just get out in full view and have a blast est. You'll win. (To defeat the guy with ће bat we like to use the fire and backflip technique.) After you beat him dive into the water and go under the large double doors. In this room there isa boat, a button, and а keyhole. Push the button and leave the rest for later. Ententhe Guard House and go through the series of buttons and trapdoors that lead youto the roof. Blast through the window and then head out the other window onto, the awning and over to the balcony. Grab the Boathouse Key and head to the allway. Go down the hall, kill the dog an the switch that opens the door al area. Blast the only floor, and jump to’ th

ing on |

awni other side. Work along the. awni gs

and enter the door you just

passage to the Catacombs. Dive

into the water and head back into ће

Boathouse. Open the Boathouse doors, hop in the boat, and cruise into the Catacombs.

the gate in the is a ledge to right.


К in the boat and cruise down {һе passage. After you shoot off the waterfall, jump into the water and you'll “see the GOLD DRAGON on the

bottom. Continue down the passage and you will come to the Catacombs. To the left as you enter there is a window. Blast through it and then kill the guy inside:.But.before.you flip the switch, pull your boat into the. lock just to thestight of the ladder. Now pull the switch and then head up the | Violal You have successfully used the lock! Now, jump іп the..water, flip the switch, and-take the Боа nio. the canals of Venice:

бој 10 the left first and біті onto the

the right of the bridge. Open the door `. and go down to the low flip the switch. It w metal gate.

Head back and.take the passage to ^ the right from the lock. Kill the dude on the dock and then take the far right path (the опе without laundry). On the other side of the Gondolas there is a dude you must kill and a switch. This switch opens ир а door on the far side. Take the alley just to the right of the to reach this newly opened this door, you will find the up and use the switch

1 the. first

amp and blast away the window to rab the JADE DRAGON. Head down їр. апа then enter the enclosed at's straight ahead. Swim nd kill the dude. Now take the boat inside the area and aim it at the ramp in front of the switch. Flip the switch, hop in the boat, gun it (the X button), launch off ће ramp, head ир the big ramp that leads to the skyway and blast through the windows (very James Bond). Now follow the metal gate passage and then take a right towards the area where the mines used to be and exit, all before the clock strikes twelve.

level and |

Drive up to the big double wooden doors and park. Head down the dock towards the left side of the house. Kill the enemies and flip the switch to open the door to the hideout. Enter the hide- out and blast the guy on the balcony, then the guy below. Blast the windows at the far end. Wait for the two dogs to come out and waste ‘em. Inside that room you'll find some goodies. Next, head down the hall with the statues (be careful to avoid their blades). Flip the switch on the wall to open a passage on

the right side of the house. Head back

to the mai

sof the house, and use 5 to get up to the bal- hat on the second floor one

Rock climb on the exposed wall to ach the window in the corner. Jump out to the awning and hang. Shimmy all the way to the left and then pull yourself up. Once you are standing, push back and jump and you will land on the bal- cony. Proceed to the second awning, but don't worry, you won't slide, so sim- ply jump into the doorway. Head up the stairs, killing whatever gets in your way, but before you head out the window, flip

the hidden switch just to the left as you - enter the room. This opens the door to ~ the STONE DRAGON. Now head out

the window, kill the guy on the balcony, and then go through the next window. Guys will come at you from in-front and in-back so be ready when you enter this room. Now.push the block in at the back of the Chimney twice. It will reveal the passage to the next area. To avoid the blades jump straight into the water. We advise you to Save before attempting the flame switch section.

Before you conquer the Chandelier Room, jump out the window and into the water. Head around the corner and

you will come to a series of rooms underwater. In here you will Апа Аће GOLD DRAGON. Now head Ба.

Меге. Go down the lowest and use it to jump to the гу Key. Jump back up to the top- flost chandelier and jump over to the ge holding the final switch. This

“opens up the chimney chute that is

accessible from the outside. Go out the window, then fall into the backside of the chimney.

Use the key to enter the Library. First, head into the open room and use the shelves to climb into the upper chamber. Flip the switch and it will open a door in the Main Hall. Head up the bookcases in that room and out the top window. Walk out on the awning and you will slide. At the edge, jump out to land on the far platform. Then, use the roof to make it into the next area. Inside the house you'll get the Detonator Key. Take the door back into the library, and then flip the switch on the wall to enter the final room. As you enter the water area, there's a platform to the left that will get you to the Detonator. Before you ignite the Detonator, take the brick walkway (above the door that you used to enter the area) to the house to find the JADE DRAGON. Now go to the Detonator. Ignite it, climb the debris to the roof, and you’re home free.

Enter and go to the right. After you get on the first cliff, jump out over the roof, and turn to face the wall so that when you slide down you grab the ledge. Shimmy over to the left. Stop on the ledge and kill the enemy. Dive into the water, at the far side take the ladder

up. On'your way up there is a switch |

you must flip. Flip it, and head back to the beginning of the level. Jump to where the trapdoor opened. and grab the Ornate Key. Now, go right back to the beginning once again. Head right (just ке уоџ did at the start of the level), jump on the roof above the window (making sure to turn so you can grab), drop down a level, break the glass, walk to the back of the room, Save, and саге- fully jump over the broken shards. Climb up the ladder, use the Ornate Key, go through the door and up the lad- der. When you get to the top, Save. To get across the scaffolding, the second set of squares from the right is the eas- iest spot to begin from. Get to it! Once across, head over to the roof of the building. First clear the area of enemies.

To lure them in, drop and hang from your vantage point (don't fall). Pull your- self back up and they'll all come a run- nin'. Tan their hides! Next, jump up to the swinging block (timing your jump so it doesn't knock you off), fall into the hole, use your pistols to shed light on the area (a poor man's flare), push the button, go back out to the dome, kill the two guys and enter into the trap door. Once you're in the Stage Manager's Box, hit the switch on the left to open the gate. Go down and push the button to close the gate again. As soon as you walk down, a boulder comes, so hop up and get out of the way. Now, go back up the gate and into the upper balcony of the Opera House. Drop down, kill the guy to the left and then the right. (Caution: Beware of the hanging sand- bag.) Drop down the hole to the right of the stage. Dispose of the enemies and get down to the ground floor. As you cross the Main Hall, don't jump in the water, keep running forward as the boul- ders roll out. Now, climb back up to the third tier (using the series of platforms to the left of the stage), kill the enemy, find the passage leading downward, jump across this shaft to the other side, and head to the Bathroom. Flip the switch In the Bathroom and head through the door. Slide down and jump to avoid the fans. You will find the Ornate Key. Now, climb up, turn around, do a sideflip so you can slide down and do a forward jump into the vent. Inside the vent, jump over the downward slope, turn side- ways, and do slideflips to make it over the fans. Above the second fan is the JADE DRAGON, but there's a fan

behind it, so be careful. Next, pull the Switch that's behind the block and you're back in the Bathroom. Drag the block into the Bathroom. Then put the block from the level above on top of it to cre- ate your exit. Head back into the Main

Area and down to the first floor. Jump

across the water to the stage, watch out for the sandbags, go to the room on the left, flip the switch, and head through the upper gate to the right. Now, line your- self up flush with the drawbridge, then jump over to the ledge, shimmy across to the left, pull the switch, drop the draw- bridge, and then cross it. Work your way up and across, head past the swinging sandbags (the first one you can time, the second one you can simply avoid). Here there is a switch that drops a sand- bag onto the stage and opens a trap- door. Enter it.

After falling into the water, head into the Back Room first, grab the STONE DRAGON and throw the switch (it opens the exit). Now, explore both rooms, grab the Relay Box and head up the ladder. You're on the second level of the bal- cony. Head up to the third level and go down the hallway at the right-hand cor- ner and find the Elevator Relay housing. Use the Switch to start the elevator but don't get on. Let it descend, fall on top and climb the ladder back up the shaft. To get the GOLD DRAGON, jump to the small alcove, and then walk slowly out amongst the glass. Also, there is a Switch in the darkness. Throw it. Around the corner you'll find the Uzis in the sec- ond alcove! Make your way back to the elevator and this time ride it down. Save, because there's a host of bad guys at the bottom of the elevator. Send the ele- vator up and jump into the water below it. In here, you get the all-important Circuit Board. Find the switch, and head up the ledges. Now you're on the sec- ond tier of the Main Hall. Proceed to the keyhole and use the Ornate Key. Head into the open passage. Push the button to move the gate. Head into the Stage Manager's Box, put in the Circuit Board, flip the switch on the right and the cur- tain will open. Head backstage. There are tons of enemies here so be pre- pared. Once you're inside, experiment to find the movable block that reveals a Switch. That switch closes the curtain. Now climb to the top of the boxes (by the light) and proceed through the exit. You're now at stage right (where you haven't been able to get to). Jump over the pit and flip the switch to open the door. Time your next jump to miss the swinging sandbag (line-up.all the way to the right and start your running jump when the sandbag is all the way to the right). Arm yourself with Uzis because a shotgun-wielding boss is just on the other side. To beat him, just run down the corridors between the boxes and pump him full of lead. Now, climb up to the top of the boxes, avoid all the swing- ing boxes (you shouldn't have to come near them), flip the switch, and head out to the plane.

Тһе first order of business is 10 move the blocks in order to clear a path to a button in the back. Flip the

door (it's timed). The alarm goes off,

through the glass, fall off the platform, and hit the switch below that opens the underbelly of the Airplane. Jump into the water and enter the Airplane. Push the button to stop the motor. Head back out of the Airplane, run by the guys again, and yes, roll through the glass again. Now you'll be out in the Hangar, and you'll need to do a run- ning jump onto the wings. Once there, _ {ай through the hatch to get into the plane. Hola Pistoles! Just be sure to equip them. Now go kill the guys you've been running from. Grab the Yellow Pass Card from the loser you just toasted, make your way down the hall, and use it in the obvious place. While уоште here, be sure to hit the button that turns off that infernal alarm.

Now you can go in two different tions. Head right. As soon as you the hatch, watch your back. реп another hatch (after an open door closes on you). Collect the items . and make sure you find the harpoons. As you enter the Bunk Area, the sec- lop bunk on the right contains the itomatic Pistols. The third bunk holds


his button is timed, so hightail it е third top bunk on the right d enter the hatch. Slide down the

iss Card. Take the ladder up in

idle of the hallway to get the

switch and move quickly to the open.

head through the only exit, run past the guys, use Lara’s roll to break

more air before you head down. the passage. It leads to the JADE DRAG- ON. Exit the water and you're back in the Hangar. Now go left at the alarm shut-off but- . ton, and be sure to draw your guns. Before you head up the incline, trigger the rolling barrels and jump out of the way. Use the Red Pass Card. You must томе the block on the grating to the left out to the end of the little platform. Hop up there and proceed down the pas- sage. In the Control Room, pull the Switch and you'll see that the water has moved from one tank to another. Head back out, go across the water, and jump over the pipes that are opposite the control room. There is a switch behind here that opens a trapdoor in the Control Room. Head down through that trapdoor into the interior of the Rig. There are two scuba divers in the water. Instead of jumping in, just walk around with your guns drawn, and when Lara senses them, blast away. Now, work your way around the inside of the Rig to get the Green Pass Card. After you get the Green Pass Card, dive into the water, and on one of the pillars is the GOLD DRAGON. Now, find the pillar that’s adjacent to a ladder. Take the ladder up. Hey, you've been here before. Move towards where you found the Green Pass Card and you'll find an exit along the top. You'll find yourself back at the Control Room. Use the Green Pass Card, flip the switch to move the water back into the other holding bay, jump into that bay, follow the passage, and it's level over.

First, use a running jump to get over onto the ladder. Push the button to stop the propeller and now dive into the water. Pull the switch underneath the water to open the door. Head down the passage, dispose of the enemies, and then use a well-timed standing jump to reach the central platform. Avoid the swinging hook, jump to the other plat- form, and cross to the other side. Then, before you slide down the large incline, Save. In order to survive the slide, line yourself up in the ee Slide back


Stone Dragon hidi and jump at the уе the acid, head

| diee the ole

_ down the corridor, and fall into the trap

down one level, kill

ise a running jump. the railing to reach an alcove that holds the Blue Pass Card. Take the only exit and head back

- up the long, long ladder. This time, don't

jump for the alcove where the Blue Pass Card was. Instead, use the Blue Pass Card to open the door.

This next part is tough. Dogs are everywhere and there's a guy with à flame-thrower, so we recommend using a powerful weapon. After the fire fight, head into the hatch at the opposite side of where you entered. At the bottom of the passage, jump into the water, and prepare to fight a scuba diver. Once you kill him, grab a full load of air, Save, and head through the passage in the corner. Pull both switches and you should have just enough air to make it back out. Now, exit the water, and head back out to where you came from, go to the left, and open the first hatch you see. Climb the stairs, dispose of the baddies, watch the helicopter fly away (it's cool), and you'll find the Aviation Center. Pull the switch first, then hit the button. This must be done quickly and as you move down the passage, watch out for the trapdoor. Grab the Machine Chip and head back before the flames turn on. Now, hit the switch again, run back

door. Grab the М1 Assault Rifle and

room with the and. use the A

- corridor. Take a left, jump up through

Dragon. Now you have acce: Control Center. Flip the sw

р below the crane. Use the platform to cross the Water, but be sure to avoid the

ner is a button that tr the Helicopter Room

you'll notice it's changed. Fall into the center and proceed through the pas- sage. Arm yourself with a good weapon and fall down into a new room. Blast away and avoid the flame-throwers.. Through skill (and a little bit of luck) you'll defeat the flame-throwers. Grab the Machine Chip off of one of the deceased. Now, exit out any of the four doors and head back to the Pipe Saw. Insert the Machine Chip behind the Pipe Saw to turn it off. Now you can grab the Red Pass Card. Go back to. the center square (where you got the second Machine Chip) and use the Red Pass Card. Proceed through the door. Keep traveling and soon you'll hear voices. It's your old foes from the plane! Take 'em down. Then, before you talk to the monk, be sure to head into the open door where you'l collect the GOLD DRAGON. Now talk to the monk and you'll be treated to а cool FMV scene.

First, equip your harpoon and follow the trail of garbage. Enter into the pas- sageway next to the anchor. Be sure to grab air at the first opportunity and then continue to what appears to be a dead end. Look for the switch in the corner of the room that opens a trapdoor. Swim through the trapdoor and keep moving

until you can hop up out of the water into a corridor. Throw the switch and you'll notice the water is now gone. Move back out to the now waterless room and jump the blocks to the hole in the wall. The room below has a false floor in the middle, so be careful. Drop into the room and kill the baddie. Move around the perimeter to collect the : STONE. DRAGON. Now, face the false сате in and run onto the | right- -hand side of it. Dispose of the two enemies and jump to the pas- sage in the upper corner. Once inside, flip the switch just around the corner. It's timed, so run all the way down the

he open door and into the water. After Tetrieve the JADE DRAGON, exit ead back towards the switch.

To your left is a corridor that ladder. Head up and. s 1

within the flames open

out of the flame area and turn righ

low the»wall, and you'll find the оа door. Inside here is a switch that turns off the back bun |

|| After both of these

аге. thrown move quickly across the | extinguished flames and open the door. |

Now Save.

Id tackle the

t move quickly

and soon you'll have the GOLD DRAG- ON. Exit the water all the way up top and drop down into the First Red Sand Room. Find the hole and head into the Second Red Sand Room. Now, locate

the block and pull it backwards to- access a small alcove with a switch.

Throw the switch to dump the sand. Head to the First Red Sand Room, into the alcove, and throw the switch. Thi opens a door in the Long Chamber. Now, go back into the Second Red Sand Room and just to your right is а new opening that leads to the Third Red Sand Room. Climb this hill of sand and flip the switch. Head back to the Second Red Sand Room, into the long Corridor, and you'll notice it's now filled with water. Make sure you snipe the harpoon guy before you jump in.

Now, head down through the water and into the passageway. Be sure to beef up your health because there are iwo really mean enemies at the end. After you take them down, flip the switch 10 open the door and exit the level.

_ Follow the passage around until you resurface. When you surface, grab the- _ medi pack ‘cause you're gonna need it.

Now, slide down. Note: You will fall a long way and take some damage, but make sure your guns are drawn because an enemy awaits you at the bottom. After you kill him, exit the room. As you enter the next room, there's patio furniture to your left. Get behind it and hop up through the ceiling to find the STONE DRAGON. Head back out to the Patio Furniture Room and move the blocks at the far end. To do this cor- rectly, take the three blocks on the right

- and move them into the corridor on the

left. This gets them out of the way. After you clear both passages, head into the blue corridor and be prepared for a group of baddies. When you enter into the large blue room, in the far right cor- ner the floor is raised enough to allow you to jump up to the balcony. Now,

‘hang off the side and shimmy past the

- middle area to the other side. On this . balcony you'l find the first Circuit - Breaker. Drop back down to ground

level and go to the small alcove filled with glass on the opposite side of the Blue Room. Walk slowly through the glass and you'll see a ledge in the pit. Drop and hang, then drop and hang again and you'll find the Rest Room Key. Head back out to the Patio Furniture Room and go down the corridor you skipped before (where you moved the blocks). This is the

Parlor. Use the key to unlock the Re:

Room in here.

After you open the Rest Room,

press the button and open the doors at the far side of the Parlor. Go push the -

button and it opens a door in the mid- dle balcony of the Blue Room. Go there. Get ready for lots of puzzles. As you enter the hallway, open the hatch on the far right. Drop down and pull the

rneath the switch. Pull the

| out the block to the right

) create a path up. Cruise down | corridor and in the last room is а

- movable block.

Underneath it is the Rusty Key. To

- exit, you must move the block under-

neath the switch so you can open the

- door. Now you're back where you start-

ed the puzzle sequence, except now you have a key. Head down the hall to your right and use the Rusty Key to open another door.

You're faced with a new set of puz- zles. Use a safe drop down to the next room and move the block on the floor 50 that you can then pull the block out of the two spaces. Enter the new corri- dor and push in the next block you encounter. Now you've reached a set of traps. To conquer these devious traps, simply run across the fragile floor and jump over the rolling barrels. Now, jump up to the ledge from where the barrels came from and more barrels will be unleashed. Immediately do a backflip followed by a flip to the left. Then, go back up and grab the JADE DRAGON at the end of the hallway. Continue down the hall to the Ship

to the hole and onto the "the water, pull the the now a

push the Rest .

. again, go back. up

Breakers in place. Now, pull over three spaces and head ир passage. You'll find а 5 that lowers a series of ріайо across them and you'll co chasm. Don't bother wit just drop down into the When you emerge, kill thi and then swim across to | On the Bridge, open thi Pull the switch and quick other side of the room and Push the block in and pull the This opens a trapdoor. Мо get outside the Ship. Jump water, and continue going strai you hit a wall. When yo K look up and you'll see an opening. GOLD DRAGON. Jump water and look for the outside the Bridge pee Cabin Key. |

Now, head back into th locate the Cabin А the Bridge). Use door. Inside here

Throw the switch to move the Pistons уо

. of the Giant Engine. Drop down the | hole and then head across the Pistons |

11 Flip ‘the switch again. теп go back up the way you сате |

here you e e" boxes) and

pd j you'll reach the Gear Room. Throw the switch to open a door. Go through _ and you'll find two switches on the wall that activate two flaps on the . opposite wall. Face the switches and throw the one on the right first, then the one on the left. Turn around and do a running long jump to reach the

, and head for

the corner (where | the trapdoor fell).

the angled blocks to reach the.

ump th water. п the cliffs

__ youll find the Stern Key. ) water and follow the passage that lead:

1o a large open cavern. Proceed to

- the right and you'll find a movable block | . area. To solve the block puzzle, move - the bottom block over so that the upper - _ block can be pushed to the right. Then,

move the other two blocks back to the left and you'll reach the Stern Door.

- Once you're in the Stern, dive into the

water and pull the switch. As you exit the Stern take a right. In the alcove closest

can hang from and shimmy а

Make your way over to the cave. Once

inside the cave, start working your way |

up and you'll find yourself on a shelf overlooking the deck. Make a running

jump across to the roof. Now, jump to -

the other roof and you'll find a trapdoor.

Fall down it. There's а movable block |

that reveals a switch. Throw the switch,

move outside to the now open door on

the top deck, and use the Cabin Key. ito the door and youll-come fragile floor. Line ourself up to > fl

ig at you. We found it easiest to just

jump between them and take the dam- age. As soon as you clear them, hide in соуе-ол the side of the path and second set roll by. Next, jump hrough the ice sheet and you'll sliding. Be sure to jump before

each the end and then grab the

will now find M uso back oi water. Here, jump onto the left cliff, grab the medi pack, jump back to the previ-

pieces of ice just above the and use them to get out to th cliff. You'll quickly find the 5

- over any bad guys that get in your way

and you'll reach the Lau

- Before you launch your sno th

the key, jump down into the follow the passage. It will lea

out to a switch. Beware of the spikes falling from the ceiling. Keep moving and you will come back to the chasm under the big jump. Head up the ice Sheet and you're out. Go back to the Snow Cave, mount your snowmobile, and drive across the sharp incline to the right of the hole. Yes, you can do it. Near the iced-over lake, use the Drawbridge Key to raise the bridge. Then, at the Avalanche Sign, turbo past the falling snowballs and hug the right side of the deep pit. At the bottom of the avalanche you'll find the Hut Key. As you approach, you'll hear another snowmobile. Look out! To kill him, get up on the block just to the right of the Hut Key. Use your M16 and take him down. Now, grab the Hut Key, and hop on your old sled (we know the other one is cooler but you must leave it behind). Head back to the Hut at the beginning of the level and use the Hut Key. Enter into the Hut, throw the Switch, collect all the items, and head for the open gate. Enter the chasm by foot, and head for the rock formation directly to your right as soon as you hear the snowmobile. You'll be safe to blast him from up here with your M16. NOW take his snowmobile. Take the path to the left and hop over the chasm. After you cross, cruise down the ladder and you'll find the GOLD DRAGON. As - "soon as you reach bottom, jump to the

__Тейчо avoid the boulders. Head back up

~~ “and down the path and you'll face more

snowmobile dudes. Once they're histo- ry, push the block in to enter the next room. Eliminate any resistance, and then drop down on the far right side. Jump into the water, then climb out near the left side passage. Finis!

First, take care of the bad guys, then p the ladder. Keep working your

Now, ie down he clanging jaws of ognize them from the d head up.the ladder. orde, and in the.next room e first Prayer Wheel. To

jump over the newly lighted flames, face yourself square against the far wall and perform two side jumps to reach safety. Now, pull out the blocks, and head up the ladder back to the balcony of the Buddha hall. Go to the large dou- ble doors back on the first floor and use the key. Inside the Buddha Hall, make your way behind him and you'll find the GOLD DRAGON. Next, head out of the Main Buddha Hall to the right (as you face the Buddha). Once inside, take your first right, kill the monk and head down the passage. Be on the lookout for a fragile floor, and at the end of the corridor you can take a set of stairs either up or down. Take the stairs going up, and mow down the enemies that appear behind you. These guys are amazingly tough, so use your medi packs and survive any way you can. Now, turn and creep up to the broken window to snipe the monks down below. Drop down, climb up the tall Bell

Tower, and at the top you'll find the sec- ond Prayer Wheel. Head back down and pull the switch to exit the area. Proceed down the hallway from the Main Buddha Room until you reach the end. Take a left to get past the next s of deadly traps. Run and fall to get past the swinging spikes. Then, for the rolling blade, set up on the right side of the pit and pull up just as it rolls by to the left. Dodge the second set ої

г Swinging spikes, and then finally, avoid

the deadly rolling crystal and grab the Trap Door Key. To get the JADE DRAG- ON you must head past the previous rolling blade. To do so, work your way the rolling blade and you will corridor that leads to your

continue up the corri- all into the water. Once | in

Room, open the trapdoor and Save. Head through the trapdoor, take care of the monk, and go to the right. Follow the path and eventually you will come to a Hut. To enter you must use the rocks to the right of the house to access the roof. Drop down into the Hut and you'll find the third Prayer Wheel.

Now, head back to the main Buddha room, and enter the room farthest away from the Budda on the right-hand side as you face him. There you will find the Strongroom Key. Now, head for the room adjacent to the window where you entered the Monastery (it has a wood door). Use the Stronghold Key, enter the new room, and grab the Rooftops Key. Go into the next room over (with the two spinning crystal blades), insert the Rooftops Key, and head up to the Rooftops. When you find the row of fire- spewing crowns, pull the switch around the corner. This will temporarily extin- guish the flames. Jump to the end before they turn on again and find the enclosed area with three trapdoors in the floor. Dispose of all the enemies and pull the switch to drop two of the three trapdoors. Now, drop down through either trapdoor, break the glass, and grab the two Gemstones. Now, pull the switch and climb the lad- der to exit. Head up to the two gold calves and use a Gemstone in the ¢ housing, move inside, pull th andgrab the fourth Prayer Next, return to. the | Room, and take thesdoor to the | the room where you до the Stronghold Key. This leads to another Gemstone housing. Use that Gemstone to open up the trapdoor underneath the Buddha. Drop down through the trap- door and you'll come to a room with a Switch. Pull the switch, go in the door, and push the box into the stream to stop the water flow. Drop into the now empty pool and move the box to reveal the fifth and final Prayer Wheel. Head back to the Main Buddha Room and use the five Prayer Wheels in the room directly to the left of the Buddha. After you open the door, insert the Seraph and you're off to the races.

As you enter this new level, watch for the spikes on the ceiling and head down the stairs. When you enter the next room, take a hard left, shimmy down the wall and then up and over to get to a secret area. Here you will find the STONE DRAGON. Now, make your way down to the Yeti Pit and dispose of this legendary creature. Pull the switch. Now, climb back up the ladder and take the slide. Be sure to jump at the end and grab the far ledge. Be careful of the wildlife and falling spikes and soon

it. Kill the

down the in and collect left-hand side a ramp with 5 over to it, and as are triggered do and into the р

И e

and m) into the now empty di Use the Tibetan Mask to open the gate, but watch out for rolling snow. Now, look to the left and head into the opening. Inside is an Ice Cave. Once inside the cave, take down the host of enemies and head to the ríght. As soon as you enter the next room look left and head up the stone. Down below in the water is the second Tibetan Mask. Use the Mask to open the door of the building opposite of the Ice Cave entrance. Proceed with caution, the yeti are near. Light a flare, then work your way around until you find a switch. Throw the switch and prepare for battle. After you take down the yeti, move to the ground floor and extract the goods from both cages. Then, return to where you threw the switch. Drag the block from the corner and push it under the first set of steel bars. Enter the holding pen and throw the switch to open a door in the Ice Cave. Head back outside and be on the lookout for enemies. Once you enter the open door in the Ice Cave, head to the second footbridge and turn quickly to the left to avoid the rolling snow. Once it's safely by, proceed across the second footbridge and do a running jump to the ladder. Work along

and jump into the water. Quickly get to _the shore to avoid the deadly sturgeon. After a little sniping session, hop back in the water and just as you cross the shallow section, exit the water to the right and find the ladder. Use a backflip

up top and say hello to the JADE |

DRAGON. Descend into the water and eventually you'll find your way to a set of sealed doors. Turn around, head up the ladder, and do a backflip onto the

се Palace doors. Once inside the ісе . Palace, do a running jump. over the

- ravine to avoid the Tiger pit below. То ~

enter the next room you must trigger the snowballs. Start the one to the left with a quick sideflip up and back down. Then

sideflip again to avoid it and trigger the

forward avalanche. Slide down and run _ through the newly created passage.

In this room, stand on the pressure |

plate and enter the open door. Turn left

апа scale the wall. Up top is the GOLD :

DRAGON. Get back down and return to _ the pressure plates. This time, run over both plates, jump (don't climb) through {һе door, jump over the spikes and - quickly get in the door before it closes, making sure to stop on the other side - because it's a long drop. Descend the - ladder and exit the level.

и immediately see a giant bell.

t it with your pistol to hear a pleas- ant sound. Next, you will encounter ig Be careful with

ош! be able to reach the Throw the switch up here

and wait for the yeti to come into your range. After you pick them off, move back down to the second level and jump into the opening where the yeti cage used to be. To get in there, just

_ get close and run across the gap. On

the left wall is a movable block that leads to the GOLD DRAGON.

Afterwards, throw the switch and head _ back down to the ground level. Now, _ run onto the springboard in front of the

gates and land on the newly created platform. Shoot the bell, get back to ground level and run through the gate. Run straight onto the first springboard

- and grab hold at the top of your jump.

Shoot the bell and go out the door. In

_the next room, take care of the yeti and _ head through the only exit. As soon as you enter the next room (actually a

cavern), take a hard right and head into the shadows. You'll find the STONE DRAGON. Now, carefully move down

_ the cavern and stay alert for enemy

tigers and grab the Tibetan Mask from on top of the block. Head back and

take the passage near where you

found the Stone Dragon. You'll come across a series of holes with fire pots in between. The fires aren't lit yet, but you can hear yeti below you. There are Spikes below as well, so watch out. In the middle of the very last ledge is a safe spot to drop, but use a flare to look before you drop. Use your Tibetan Mask (on the side, near the window) and head out over the bridge. You'll recognize your whereabouts from the previous level. Use the switch to drop

the lava onto the ice. Head into the water and grab the Gong Hammer. Go

through the water and you'll emerge into a yeti battle. Take the path to the right. Ascend the blocks and you'll find a room of snowballs. Carefully walk in and then jump back when they're trig- gered. Make your way to the rear of the room and into the tunnel. When you get to the Ice Chasm, turn backwards,

_ Slide and hang. Shimmy all the way across and do а backflip over to

the other side. Continue into the passage and eventually you'll come to a slide. Тит around, slide down backwards and hang. You will need a lot of health to survive the fall. Once

youre down, get it on and bang a . gong! After sounding the gong, drop

down off the structure. Take the

-~ ladder down into the pit. Throw the · _ Switch, climb back up, enter the open

door and grab the JADE DRAGON.

- Head back out of the door, go to the

left of the gong structure and enter ihe tunnel. Grab the Talion. Exit the

structure and prepare for a major showdown. -

As soon as you approach the Dragon Dagger you'll slide down an incline. At the end of the waterfall, grab the cliff, and shimmy left to the GOLD DRAGON. Then once in the water, you can't climb the ladder or open the gate so head to the Temple (watch for tigers). To the left side of the Temple is a springboard. Approach it from the left and launch on top of the Temple. Throw the switch on the other side. Now that the gate has moved, head back to the ladder and climb it. Head through the tunnel and then down the ladder. When you reach the end of the

first ladder, drop down and shimmy to the left. Keep moving down and around and you'll come upon. the

STONE DRAGON. After you grab it, | make your way left and climb up the |

long ladder. Follow the passageway and you'll come to the Spike Room. Drop down and climb up the opposite wall, making sure to move all the way to the right. Do a backflip off.the wall to

the top level. Now, you're faced with a long fragile floor. Run to the last plank and then drop down to collect the ammo. Jump to the opening and you'll begin sliding. Jump at the bottom, jump once again and grab a hold of the ledge. Throw the switch and it opens the front door of the Temple of Xian. Once inside, head into the open passage and you'll be. greeted by ап intimidating sight = a lava-filled room with very difficult jumps. A running jump to the first slide will.initiate the string. Make sure that Lara is facing forward on every slide. The way to do this is just before each landing, push the d-pad.in the direction you want to slide (in this case,-ferward each tim Grab the last.ledge, and head down a large slide into the next room. Тһе

walls will begin to close (SPO, wheres

ЗРО?), so run to the switch, throw it and get the heck out of there. Beware of three boulders in the next room. After the third boulder, head up the der, light а flare and find the swi

- Now, find the exit just to the left of the Switch. This next task is difficult but not

impossible. Grab the ladder and time your drop to miss the steel slicer. There's another blade below so wat out. Now, you have to run by a set spinning spike wheels. Time your run | through to the left-hand corner. In the next room, hit the button on the left- hand wall. This opens the door on the | right-hand side of the room, but its timed, so hurry. Once уоште through the door avoid the swinging spike ba and you're to the next puzzle. Hit t right button first, then the left butt and run as fast as you can through t door and just keep on runnin’ becau a boulder will appear. Run from | boulder and jump at the end and сай the platform. Yeah! It's the Dragon Seal and on we go.

Climb up behind the Giant Dragon and throw the switch. This creates some platforms | in the lava. Head back

appeared. Jump to the middle, and jump, slide and jump again you'll be safely atop a square pillar Now, you can jump to the tall pill

the other side of the room. Do ; ning jump off of this pillar to th

опе along t the wall. Next, t

the ‘springb g forward and you'll анд. up top. Quickly jump back and hang to escape the boulder. Now get back up · and move across to the other 5106 of

an angled platform and then јитрјо |

another boulder near the center). You will see a springboard. Slide towards it, jump onto it, and you can reach the top platform. Grab the JADE DRAGON. After you come back down, use the flat-surfaced outcroppings to reach the top of the incline. In the room up top, pull out the block, throw the switch, and head down through the grate. Outrun the boulder and you'll be back above the entrance to the Temple. Use the Dragon Seal.

Move in through the door, avoid the spinning spike wheel, head down the slide, and you'll come to a room with a collapsing ceiling. Quickly throw all three switches, grab the goods from the skeletons, and get out of there. Now, head above the waterfall, jump into the water, pull the switch to raise the water level, and head straight up to a platform with a medi pack and ammo. Next, head back down and enter the passage. Near the end, don't pull the switch on the left. Instead, head right, pull that switch (don't grab the medi pack, you can get it later if you wish), head through the open grate, pull that switch, head back out and pull the switch you passed on your way in, and it will zing you out with just enough air to survive. Now, pull the switch in the corner again and head towards the open door. Enter, pull the switch, and head back up top to the open gate. Next, go through the door and you'll come to a room with some items and in the next room there is a switch. But act quickly because a spiked wall is coming towards you. Now, run down the hall and fall in the water. It will suck you out. Be sure to grab the Gold Key. Head to the gate out by the waterfall near where you started the level. Use the Gold Key and head through the now open gate, - find the switch on the pillar and head

up through the opened grating. Quickly find a safe piece of shore and dispose

of the fish. Locate the open doorway - and proceed down the tunnel. Steadily |

make your way through spider city until _ you find the large Egg Sac. Scale the walls and when the path dead ends, leap out to the center pillar underneath " the Egg Sac. Jump to the opening in the cliff, and make a jump across the . water to the Silver Key. Head back to . the Temple of Xian, insert the Silver Key, and enter. Make your way to the top and beware of rolling boulders . (especially at the top). Head across the bridge into a large room. Use your acrobatic skills to make it to the top, and if you're sick of this level and it seems like it will never end, just think about us sitting here writing this guide at five o'clock in the morning! Anyway,

when уоште at the top, head to the left loward the rolling spike blade. As it moves away from you, do two side flips

_ to reach the upper platform. Move

across the bridge and hit the button. Now the spinning blade is coming after you. As it's coming at you, do a running jump to get in front of it, race across the bridge, and duck out of the way when you get to the other side. Now, head up the springboards and through the open doors. Now you're in another room. Yippee!!! First, head across the lava and up the ladder before the spiked wall gets you. Soon you'll come to а Switch. Throw it and move out to the Dragon Room. Move around the perimeter and jump for the Main Chamber Key, hop off the pillar, and Slide to the bottom of the level. Use the Main Chamber Key, head up the next ladder, and move into the other Dragon Room. Climb up above the Dragon and you'll come to a series of ladders with swinging steel. On the first ladder, climb to just below the steel, do a backflip, Slide, jump and catch the other ladder. Then, climb that ladder to just below the steel, do a backflip, spin (circle in mid- air), then grab the next ladder. Keep going and once уоште at the top, the level's finally over.

Jump to the left of the apex of the green structure in front of you, this slides you to the left. Jump at the bot- tom and you'll slide to the right. Jump and grab onto the Metal Grid Structure (spin in mid-air if you have to). Flip the switch, go down the slide and head over to the house. The JADE DRAG- ON is on the roof of the house and the Mystic Plaque is inside. Now, hang он the edge to the right of the house and drop down. Pull the switch. Walk out onto the fallen grate and work your way around the green structures. When you reach the top of the Wire Grid Structure where you pulled the switch, drop down onto the gray rock outcropping that reaches towards the

green platform holding the Mystic | Plaque. Jump to the small platform on

the structure to the Plaque’s right. Hop over and grab it, then jump

back. Jump to the other side of the -

structure, and climb your way back up to the beginning.

Follow the sequence back out to the thin green bridge structure that's con-

nected to the Wire Grid. Walk out to

the end and jump to the Gray Building.

Use the two Mystic Plaques to open | the door. Inside the door, head to the

right and enter the alcove. Witness the STONE DRAGON. Now head to the left of the bridge. Jump over the green

boulder, run in front of it, dive role with circle and hang to avoid it. Now, go out as far as you can, look around and make the big jump. Mount the zip and away you go! Drop onto the


- bridge and head into the building. Flip |

the switch behind the three statues, then use the zip in the other room and head upwards. Go back outside and head to the first zip. This time, use it to

-go all the way. Hop up onto the block in

the middle of the lava room, jump to the ledge, pull yourself up and throw the switch. A platform appears in the mi

dle of the Lava Room. Throw the Switch there and head to the right side of the Lava Room. Get on top of th

block again, climb up as high as you

сап, and do а swan dive into the water.

Now you're below the lava. Pull the Switch and swim out until you see t clanging steel. Throw the switch to stop

the spikes and head back to the Main Lava Room. Jump up above the zip . cable to an open corridor. Jump over

the spikes, shimmy over, and throw the Switch to open the gate. In the next

- . The item you want is the Mystic Plaque | _ (one of the cronies has it). Insert. the _ - Mystic Plaque and get ready. :

room, slide into the pit backwards, and grab the ledge. Fall down, throw the

the door. Find your way to the door that is now open. Scale the wall, do a өріп |

flip across to the other wall. After а

ries of these you will be all the way

up. Take out the baddie and move the |

block to deflect the projectiles. Befo

_ you mount the zip, head down the сій

to the left-hand side and eventually you'll find the GOLD DRAGON. Get back up to the zip, and it’s level over.

First, you will encounter a series of | switches and enemies. You know what | to do. Once you complete the series, go | through the door and you'll encounter a series of ninja-star throwing enemie:

Save. | p Now, this is the climax of the entire game and we don't want to spoil the surprise. Remember the game's open- ing sequence? If you do, you'll under- stand your purpose (and the secret to | finishing off the final boss). If you don't, |

. reset your PlayStation and watch it - again.

Now, fight the Boss and fulfill your

destiny. |

t, locate the -

50 you though „fi and use the _

Laugh while you frag, from Hollywood to outerspace!

Bag some aliens with over a | dozen hi-tech weapons!

An all-out overload of non-stop carnage!


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GI Feature

September 1995 st: $150 THE Bottom LINE


бул finished off last year with a bang and still continues to pound the competition.

Although there were some months this past spring where Nintendo was running neck and neck with Sony as far as sales were concerned, the PlayStation continues to grab much of the video gaming limelight and mindshare of gamers everywhere. From Tokyo to Berlin, the PlayStation is dominating with a constant flow of games brought upon by massive third-party support.

The Sony PlayStation again takes the crown for top system. Sony is shelling out top dollar for exclusives such as Tomb Raider 2 and Final Fantasy VII and it is paying off. The list of must- have games will continue to grow with Capcom's Resident Evil 2 and Konami's Metal Gear Solid in the pipeline. Although the release of Final Fantasy VII strengthened the RPG library, there are still less than a handful of solid role-players. Yet, the PlayStation has the sport's market cornered. There is no question that the huge number of sports gamers should look no further than PlayStation, as the competing systems are far behind in this category.

The PlayStation is obviously dominating, but the only drawback we can find for the system is that the library is becoming saturated. With all the great titles comes a slew of garbage as well. Shop wisely PS-X gamers.

| PROS: t

@ The big exclusive titles such as Square’s games and Tomb Raider 2 Low software prices with some games selling for under $20

Strong third-party support that supplies titles, in most cases, long before the other systems get them

@ This IS the sports gaming machine | CONS:

The PlayStation game market may be over-saturated: the quality of some titles are sub-standard

@ Hardware is still suspect to malfunctions Development innovations may have peaked




26 www.gameinformer.com


Game Informer

Game Informer

December 9




September 1996 - ТНЕ Воттом LINE

Mario Kart 64, Star Fox 64, GoldenE ye 007, and

now Diddy Kong Racing. Gamers definitely have a wider choice of software this year, but the continual cries of, “where are the games?" still ring true for the Nintendo 64.

Recent software delays do not sit well in the minds of some players, nor does the fact that there is still an over- abundance of racing, first-person, and character-based games. While the sports gaming genre is beginning to see a few solid titles from Konami and EA Sports, the lack of RPGs and strategy games leaves the N64 library with a gaping hole. While the hole exists, Nintendo 64 can claim some highly anticipated titles. First and foremost, Zelda 64 is on the way and that should be pure heaven to any Nintendo fan. Likewise, there are dozens of other Nintendo properties such as F-Zero, Metroid, апа Donkey Kong Country that are definitely in the works. There's no doubt that when Nintendo puts their пате оп a game, it usually rocks. Nintendo thus has the luxury of sitting back and publishing a select few games that tear up the sales charts. On the other hand, the third-party developer has less of a luxury w' ^n developing for

Not only do third-party programmer: on the uphill swing of the leari accompanies N64 development |

М intendo continues to dazzle us with such titles as

compared to the other CD-ROM format: costs of Nintendo 64 catridges involv

guaranteed to sell. JA pedes мыр а like Konami, Midway, GT Interactive, and Electronic Arts seem to be on the N64 wagon, but other big names such as Namco and Capcom aren't exactly embracing the N64.

The Nintendo 64 and Nintendo will probably outlive the current hardware offerings from Sony ага Sega, as Nintendo is always a good long term investrment on the basis of game quality alone. But gamers will still have to be patient as the number of titles slowly grows.

development has not been exploited

ө Best first-party games on the planet

@ Cartridge format offers durability and fast loading

@ Nintendo hardware CONS:

has no moving parts i and is less Ф Software prices are

susceptible to. higher than | breakdown competitors

ө Full potential of e Game library lacks software variety

www. garni former. cca 27

Мау 1995 ТНЕ Воттом ШМЕ

һе talk surrounding the next system from Sega has sent ће Saturn into a downward E

“Spiral. With gamers and developers possibly thinking;of bigger and better things, the list of upcoming Saturn games has shrunk from little to almost nothing. Although the ports label has seen a resurgence and their arcade translations still prove to be very there is no denying that the Satürn is a very distant third in the system wars. Even with a fairly loyal band of users, the Saturn’s 1997 holiday line-up is the weakest it has ever been. Still, there are a few bright spots on the horizon. Sega of Japan has some very promising in the form of Shining Force Ill, Panzer Dragoon Saga, and Burning Rangers, but all of · these дер will not make it to the U.S. until this spring.

r than the bes baseball and soccer games, are шы Lae that are also t for PlayStation, but with different titles. When Sega held their annual Gamer's ust, only five or six third-party developers showed a total of 13 games with many ving either been simultaneously or previously released on another system.

here is a fairly large library of games already released for the Saturn, we can’t

а a purchase of a Saturn until the price reflects its complete mediocrity.


1 и: и 28 www.gameinformer.com

@ Only system with the solid Virtua Fighter series

@ A few promising

titles in the pipeline | '

existent third-party support

A new Sega machine may quickly be on the horizon

2 п) LAP TImE






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Editors' Тор Ten Console Games for December

@ Diddy Kong Racing - N64

© Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - PlayStation

Ө GoldenEye 007 №4

@ NAL 98 PlayStation

@ San Francisco Rush - N64

Ө Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back PlayStation

Ө Cool Boarders 2 - PlayStation

Ө Castlevania: Symphony of the Night PlayStation

Ө Tomb Raider ІІ- PlayStation @ Final Fantasy VII - PlayStation

Readers’ Top Ten Console Games for December @ San Francisco Rush N64

©) Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back PlayStation

Ө Tomb Raider PlayStation, SS @ Star Fox 64- N64

Q Resident Evil: Director's Cut - PlayStation

© Turok: Dinosaur Hunter - N64

@ Colony Wars PlayStation

Ө Resident Evil 2 Demo - PlayStation

Ө GoldenEye 007 N64

@ Final Fantasy Vil PlayStation

Top Ten Reasons Lara Croft Won't Go Out With You... @ You can't do a backflip. ©) Her plastic surgeon says she

must stay off her feet for a while.

Ө She'll be too busy this weekend fighting crazed Tibetan Monks.

© You like Final Fantasy МІ, and

unfortunately, Lara doesn’t like to


© оп Friday night the only thing she'll tie up is her pony-tail.

© She secretly has the hots for the Greedy Gamer.

@ Ever since you gave up your

career as an arms dealer, she has

no use for you.

© She caught you playing Pandemonium 2.

Ө Sony has exclusive dating rights to Lara.

@ Lara’s not real, so get over it.

Game Informer is looking for your Top Ten favorite games. Please send your Top Tens to:

Game Informer Magazine Attn: Top Ten 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Everyone that enters every month will be entered іп a drawing to win a Gl Secret Access T-Shirt! So get writing!




Shoot Out Passes on Two, Goes for Three

GI learned that the release of Sony Sports' NBA Shoot Out '98 has been delayed until March of next year. Sony had finished the motion-capturing process of Philadelphia 76'ers star Jerry Stackhouse by early October. It wasn't until then that the game started to come together, and with less than a month to go before release, Sony felt the гате needed more time.

Although the delay will prove costly, it should definitely add to the quality of Shoot Out's gameplay, and as

Sony sees it, this is all that’s needed to compete "m against the likes of Midway, Konami, and EA

Sports, regardless of deadlines. NBA Shoot Out “97 was hands-down the best basketball game last year, and with a timely release, might have outsold the competition on sequel status alone. Sony has effectively passed up an easy two points to go for three. We hope it pays off.


Ға pee

Nintendo 64 Software Prices Drop

Nintendo of America announced lower price points on their two holiday games for the Nintendo 64. Third-party publishers will also see a reduction in their manufacturing costs.

The new pricing strategy will likely result in N64 games ranging in price from $49.99 to $59.99 a price point 15% lower than current game prices. All or most of the N64 games should now carry the lower price tag. Nintendo called this price reduction a gift for holiday shoppers and also pointed out that the reduction came on the 1st anniversary of the North American launch of the N64.

GT Interactive Acquires MicroProse

MicroProse Inc., a PC software publishing and development company, will soon be a part of GT Interactive Software Corp. The transaction is expected to be completed by the end of 1997. GT Interactive plans to bring some of MicroProse’s popular PC titles to the console format.

MicroProse’s PC titles include Star Trek: The Next Generation, Grand Prix, Magic the Gathering, and the award winning X-Com series. Microprose also has rights to a number of FASA Interactive titles such as MechCommander and MechWarrior ПІ. inevitably, тоге strategy titles should be coming to consoles as a result of the deal.

Acclaim Unveils New PS-X Racer

Acclaim’s newest racer, Super-Cross (working title), is a full-blown moto-cross racing game for the Sony PlayStation. Featuring approximately 10 tracks that range from stadiums to farmland, Super-Cross is developed by Acclaim subsidiary Probe, whose credits include the 16-bit Mortal Kombats and Extreme G for the Nintendo 64.

Acclaim is currently negotiating the inclusion of authentic cycles and drivers. Yamaha, Suzuki, and racer Jeremy McGrath are a few names expected to make an appearance in the final game. е Super-Cross is slated for а 2nd quarter “98 release on the PlayStation.

In further Acclaim news, their upcoming N64 wrestling title has been given a little more attitude via a name change. WWF '98 is now known as WWF War Zone. The game will be available for the Sony PlayStation and the Nintendo 64 next spring. The N64 version (picture shown) will exclusively feature Ken Shamrock.


Game Informer ап December ‘97

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Paes Kes 8 Ка

НАТӘ HOT + TECH TALK * MUTATION NASHUN * COMIC WATCH + TOP TEN * TRIVIA * NAME TH b 2 " " = а У Ai erica has announced the

purchase ofa minority share of the video game development company ual Concepts Entertainment, Inc. tarting in 1998, Visual Concepts will create titles exclusively for Sega's video game consoles and the Visual Concepts will continue to operate onits own, but · will occupy one of three

. seats 1 Visual. ts’ board of | wv - directors. Recenti M has created One (ASC Games) an Ж

, - M “98 (Sega) ІП addition, they we abd (EA Sports) and Clay Fi rplay) to беге credit.

(working au is а пема! tion/

The popular PC title Interstate ‘76 is finally making its way to the PlayStation. However, it will not be the same game, but a sequel or spin-off instead. Activision

noted that Vigilante 8 is a racing title that features

the characters from the / ‘76 universe, and is

tentatively scheduled for a March ‘98 release.

Just in case you are unfamiliar with the title, /‘76 IE

is a combat racer (similar to Twisted Metal) that is

set in the 70's. It’s а good game that you should

take a look at if you are interested in seeing what V8 may be like.

but Game Informer 15 always. cited to hear about a new 32-bit Contra game. Another interesting change in Konami’s release plans is that NBA In the Zone “98 will not be coming out until 1998.

Gl's Southern Rock lovin’ Jon Storm was seen crying earlier today : « when he heard Accolade's new racing game, Test Drive 4 for the Sony $ Black Ops is currently developing

PlayStation, will not include Molly Hatchet on its soundtrack. Instead, Savage Lands, a game that features Conanlike characters. In the game,

Accolade has decided to use the bands Orbital and The Younger, | MC = Younger 28's. Orbital will be contributing the song Out There Lee els m ae тео

Somewhere Part 2 and The Younger, Younger 28's awesome death scenes. As far as will provide Keep the Beat and Here ! Come. a Treasures sequel is concerned,

In further soundtrack news, if you're a regular apparently the decision is up to Namco. rave host (or hostess) you might want to look Namco has been thinking about a into the new Turok: Les Remixes Originales. The sequel, statin£ that any sequel should original Turok soundtrack has been remixed into be more amphibious, where characters

can come up on land and walk around

House, Jungle, and Techno tracks, with dinosaur Р on islands.

sounds interspersed throughout. Interesting to say the least, but unfortunately, the CD is available only in France.

+ Game Informer has learned that Midway will publish a new N64 game based on this year's Olympics in Nagano, Japan. The Game, entitled Olympic Hockey, will look and play much like this year’s Wayne Gretzky’s 3D Hockey '98, except it will feature Olympic teams and players from around the world. The game is set to ship in January 1998.

Saturn owners don't have a lot to look forward to this holiday season, but there is a light on the horizon. In March, Sega will release Panzer Dragoon Saga, easily the most anticipated Saturn title in the pipelines. Sega is not releasing any new information on the game, but new gameplay shots have surfaced. This massive game will take place on four CD-ROMs, and included in the new shots is our first look at the main character Edge. Take a peek at some of the battle scenes and prepare for Dragoon madness this spring.

> Ubi Soft has just begun leaking news as to their release plans for the upcoming N64 game, Toníc Trouble. First shown on the PC at ЕЗ, Tonic Trouble is an action/platform game that is loosely based on their hit Rayman. Ubi hopes to have the game out in April 1998 for Nintendo 64.

+ Adrenalin Entertainment, the makers of Ten Pin Alley, are joining forces with TH*Q to develop a Brunswick bowling game for Sony PlayStation and Windows 95. Adrenalin will provide the bowling engine and TH*Q will add the highly-prized Brunswick license. The game will simulate actual Brunswick national tournaments complete with professional bowling personalities, equipment, and tournament sponsors. Both versions are scheduled to be released in 1998.

www.gameinformer.com Game Informer п December '97


Don't laugh. You just might wet yours when you see the in-your-face 3D effects the Chequemate C-3D" Imaging System adds to your video games. Connect C-3D to your TV and game system, and BAM!—images explode out of the screen while awesome visual depth sucks you right into the game's environment. Best of all, C-3D works on any video signal from any source*—so if you can see it on TV, you can see it in 3D. Think you're ready for something this wild? Call 1-800-889-9791, ext. 9 for the C-3D dealer nearest you.

And tell 'em the big bad wolf sent you. © 1997 Chequemate International. All rights reserved. Visit: www.c-3d.com 'C-3D is not compatible with averaging line doublers or LCD projectors. G H EQU ЕМА TE limp.





Entertainment 22 Soltware

Rating Board

Smithsonian Institution


The ESRB is the organization responsible for rating all of the console video games. While the site needs some rework, as they still call the Nintendo 64 the Ultra 64, it can unleash some good scoops on games that are in the works.

@ Who was the main villain in Earthworm Jim? -

6) What version of EA Sports’ hockey contained blood?

©) What was the name of the traveling video game museum exhibit that opened at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh on June 15, 1996?

@ What Еау video game, loosely based on a David Carradine movie of the same name, was forced from the market in 1982 due to its excessive violence?

Ө In 1977, Atari had an arcade game similar to Milton Bradley's portable "Simon" unit. What was it called?

(Answers on the bottom of page 38)

This PES was originally distributed by ou Interactive Entertainment for the Sega Genesis and Sega 00 in 1995. Created by the makers of Ten Pin Alley, it featured bad guys that could still shoot you even after their heads were blown off. What game is it? (Answer on the bottom of page 38)

| www.gameinformer.com



іше ~


Blizzard's popular PC game, Diablo, is coming to the PlayStation. Planned for a March 1998 release, Climax Enterprises is taking care of the port while Electronic Arts will handle the publishing.

While many of the features from the PC version will be present in the PlayStation version, the bonus is that it will also boast many new features including:

* Larger Characters

* Mystical Spell and Lighting Enhancements

* Fully Reconfigurable D-Pad Support

* Separate Character Saving Option

* A Single-Screen Feature for One or Two-Player Assaults on the Dungeons

Like the PC it will also feature: * 16 Labyrinths

* 300 Magical Items

* Over 100 Monsters

* 22 Spells

* 3 Character Classes

Midway has informed us of yet another deal to | co-publish a game with Kemco. The game, Twisted | Edge Snowboarding Challenge, is being developed by Boss Game Studios. Kemco and Midway | recently teamed up to publish another Boss N64 | title, Top Gear Rally. | | Twisted Edge Snowboarding should release оп | the N64 in March or April of next year. Stay tuned for . more revenen


Game Informer uncovered some interesting information about a new title from Sony Computer Entertainment America. The Entertainment Software Ratings Board has already posted a rating for a new game from SCEA called “Golf.” While nothing about the title was disclosed, we would have to guess that they are referring to Sony of Japan’s golf game, roughly translated as Hot Shots Golf.

SCEA would not comment on our findings, but Game Informer got a chance to play the game at this year's ECTS, and overall, it's a pretty solid golf title. Look for this title to possibly hit the U.S. in the spring.

Game Informer s December “97

опе psycho cyclis Ш. 250 extreme errandils. а whole city of hurt. 4

ER ashi. ach big air, КЇЇ © 0% Buy etier yikes.



e Bicycles

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ог тв


New Wireless Headphone бу:

Nintendo releasing a multi-platform and PC a Not ay. | Instead, Nintendo is licensing its name to companies for use in marketing PC and audio/visual products. Already available is the 3D1 Joystick from the Laral Group. The only thing Nintendo had to do with this joystick was lending their name to its box.

Next on the list of "official" Nintendo products is the Wireless Multimedia

- Headphone System, also from the Laral Group. The Wireless Headphone System provides a high-quality listening experience up to 25 feet away from any computer, Stereo, or home audio/video system. The headphones are available now for an

_ MSRP of $59.99 and actually sound quite good.

= Do these licensing packages mean Nintendo is starting to research PC applications, perhaps in anticipation of the 64DD's internal modem? Absolutely not. All it means is that Nintendo is making easy money by loaning their name to the highest bidder.

We’ ге e Not Talkin’ nem Glasses 4%?

Chequemate 3D claims to have the answer to 3D viewing пуан Instead of using cheesy cardboard |

glasses, their Realeyes system employs high-tech shutter glasses that plug directly into the Realeyes converter box. The converter box alters a basic video signal, and in conjunction with the glasses, allows the human eye to overlap both images. The result is an unprecedented 3D viewing expers.

The unit can be used in conjunction with any video source, including your favorite нини video game. We checked it out with Final Fantasy VII. The result wasn't great, but | Barret and Cloud appeared slightly enhanced. We also tried the glasses with Star IN Wars Special Edition. The experience was kind of like watching a baseball game, where you wait through long periods of no 3D enhancement then suddenly an X-Wing or group of Stormtroopers appear in 3D.

The converter can work in three different modes. The first takes standard analog signals, digitizes them, and enhances color and definition. The second mode translates 2D into 3D. The third mode, True 3D, works

limited applications.

now for an MSRP of $499.

Feed Your Head

Phillips’ new Scuba technology is a self-contained | headgear apparatus that allegedly "immerses" the player | within the surroundings of diverse audio/video experiences. | The Scuba works in conjunction with all 32 and 64-bit video | game systems, as well as VCRs and televisions. Inside the headgear is a small view screen that appears larger through | magnification. There are speakers under each ear, and the player can adjust light levels and screen contrast. |

In all, the Scuba is pretty lame. The uncomfortable feeling | of having the unit strapped tightly to your head is only one of | many problems. The screen often appears blurry and the | colors and contrast seem dull and flat. The sound cannot | compare to running your game system through a set of | speakers, and if you think about playing Final Fantasy VII | with the Scuba as opposed to a high quality color TV, it's | obvious that the Scuba should stop breathing and sink to the | bottom of a deep, deep ocean. тани

only in conjunction with videos created specifically for the unit. This offers the greatest 3D experience, but has |

In all, Realeyes isn't bad, би itsa | novelty few can afford. We'd much | rather invest the money in games ora | new console unit. But if you have the | money and are curious about the | world of 3D, Realeyes might be right | up your alley. The unit is available |

| |

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1. Queen Slug-For-A-Butt 2. NHLPA 93

3. Videotopia

4. Deathrace 2000

5. Touch Me

Doom Troopers

www.gameinformer.com Game Informer в December ‘97


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% 00000000

Тһе Brother Artemis.

Bomberman is back once again and this time he's better than ever. This game marks the first action/adventure for the bomb-throwing freak and fans of this little guy should be more than pleased. In this adventure, Bomberman must use his demolition expertise and maze-solving skills to expel the vicious Altair and his wicked cohorts from planet Bomber.

To succeed, you will have to guide Bomberman through five challenging 27 Worlds, each with four stages. The colorful graphic environments are a pleasure to explore, especially since you can change the camera angle during gameplay. Ht is necessary to experiment and be creative

· when investigating these levels because, at times, they can

he difficult to solve. For example, sometimes it’s necessary

г to gain access to high platforms that lack an obvious path

10 the top. By placing a trigger bomb under a rock slate,

_ getting on top of the slate, and detonating the bomb, you can shoot upwards like an elevator.

Throughout these levels, you will encounter many

enemies and obstacles that hinder your progress. There are . living stalagmites, snowmen, and mansharks just to name | | а few. Bosses like the Winged Guardian and the Sewer Savage also add to the test. But enemies are wot the only things that cause trouble. There are also huge turret | cannons that launch bombs and pools of lava that spit out wehing balls of fire. | tunately, there are some new bombs to help berman destroy his enemies. With the correct icon, omberman can obtain an infinite number of cherry bombs that pack a bigger wallop, or trigger bombs that can be detonated manually. Any bomb can be picked up and inflated like a balloon to give it even more explosive power, Bomberman traditionalists will be happy to know that the classic Battle Mode is included in this title. There asia V arenas to choose from and your own character to fight the of your friends. When designing

fea Э

Сћеск out those stylish Blades. рох gm pana,

The Sewer Savage is modeled after Gl's own Game Professor.


te ай

in the Ваше Mode.

64 Megabit

1-Player Action/Platform (1 to 4-Player Arena Battle)

Single and Team Battle; Normal

or Hard Difficulty Levels; Continues; Gem Collecting; Create Your Own Bomberman (Battle Mode Only); Adjustable Camera Angles; New Bombs Levels: 5 Worlds With 4 Stages Each in Adventure Mode; 6 Arenas in Battle Mode

Hudson Software for Nintendo December 1 for Nintendo 64


Concept: Graphics: Sound:





Playability: Entertainment:




Playability: Entertainment: 6.75 Secrets ient very fun either. The

It's fun to blow-up friends ~

"Bomberman is a classic that will be a staple of video games for

8 years to come; however, I’m quite

sick of it. Hudson's rendition of

7.5 Bomberman 64 is certainly the best

looking of all the Bombermans, but in general, it's the same game

7 we've been playing for years. The

adventure mode is rather interesting and could easily capture puzzle lovers for hours on end, ! just found that | didn't care. The multi-player mode is still one of the greatest party games ever made, but | think there are better N64 games to spend your money on.”

“Тһе debut of the 64-bit Bomberman isnt nearly as spectacular or 7 engrossing as it was back in the days of the NES. First off, the 7 traditional multi-player game is incredibly weak on levels. With only

8.5 а handful of environments to choose

а from, this section of the game gets old very fast. The adventure side is fairly entertaining and challenging. Brain-busting puzzles kept me occupied for quite a while. The additional bosses seemed to be just thrown іп and don't really add much to the game. This game may not be for everyone, but it sure is nice to have a choice of something besides а racing game on N64.”

“This game isn't very cool. The 3D adventure is slow-paced and

8.5 quickly gets boring. Yes, there are

lots of creative ways to bomb 7 enemies, but you usually just kick a bomb, wait, kick a bomb, wait, and 7 so on and so on. Getting the

N64 needs more adventure games, but Bomberman 64 doesn't cut it. То its credit, the multi-player battle with 3D arenas is an interesting Ni: | cla: Bomberman, and layer competition is loads of

‘its not enough to warranta

you're interested in this |

m Size: 128 Megabit m Siyle: 1 to 4-Player Adventure/Racing m Special Features: 5 Areas Plus the Overworld; 25 Tracks; 9 Boss Races; 3 Overworld Challenges; 8 Characters (Plus More Hidden); Mirrored Second Adventure; 4-Player Split-Screen With Battle Mode; Rumble Pak Compatible; Weapons With 3 Levels of Attack Power; 3 Vehicle Types (Hovercraft, Plane, and Kart); Battery Back-Up Save; Controller : ) Pak Compatible (Not Required) ‘COTS, m Created by: Rare for Nintendo ,

m Avaliable: November 24 for Nintendo 64 AND AUTOMOBILES

ans пета = сы

Ч РО ориәзигму

apis te st


stion that N64 owners are faced with this holiday season. Nintendo platform titles (Banjo, Conker, Yoshi) until the first quarter of “98, leaving us with nothing Биа га me and a handful of third-party products. Most of the third-party software has already been in the spo arcades, or features a character or game formula we already know - making it a fairly easy decision whether we want these games or not. But Diddy Kong Racing has already received a lot of flak for supposedly being another Mario Kart 64. Should we spend the big bucks to add another character-based racer to our collection? Or should we wait until next year to get our fix on the character platform games that we were supposed to get this holiday season? We'll be square with you. Diddy Kong Racing is, in more ways than you'd ever imagine, similar to Mario Kart 64. It's a fun racing game that features cute characters that all should be made into stuffed animals or Chuck E. Cheese animatronics. The similarities to Mario Kart are 1) it's a character-based racer, 2) the weapon power-ups | are retrieved and used in the same fashion, 3) the multi-player options are almost |

1 is very and 5) it



^ | 9 00:15:01 / | THE Воттом LINE Амру, THE GAME HOMBRE al Раш, ТНЕ GAME PROFESSOR

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- | Cu | www.sameintornercow>+ MIN

ты Әесетһеты: есе TPNST

elieve it ог not, the most intense football battle this fall was not between Madden and

GameDay, but between Madden 64 and NFL Quarterback Club ‘98 (QBC '98). After a vicious

exchange of legalities and compromises, Madden 64 changed its uniforms so as not to

infringe upon ОВС "985 exclusive NFL license. But the question still lingers...What, beyond an NFL license, does ОВС ‘98 have to offer? The answer is - not much.

In a list of impressions, two categories come out as positive: ОВС 88 features sharp graphics and an excellent mt end. The graphics are high-resolution. Usually a term associated with PC games, the high-resolution graphics of ОВС ‘98 shine with sharply-detailed player models, little to no blurring of players, wrap tackles, and animated referees. However, this all comes with a price. Although the animations are nice, there are so few for each ple ‘much of the game becomes a study in repetition. Sure, the players can cut and spin much be an in Madden 64, but the camera is fixed


is difficult and frustrating.

soso becomes jaky and following i wrom | Ante Be Also, the receiving anima ШЇ@ё up to the gamer ав

"i : catching is based more on luck Skill The lack of diversity in completions and knockdowns makes 4he outcome of each play predictable. Yes, ОВС ‘98's graphics nice on the outside, but they contribute little, if nothinggfe play control. Dur favorite feature of ОВС ‘98 is undoubtedly the front end. For those unaware of the term, front end’ refers to the options and features available outside of standard gameplay. QBC ‘98 showcases a number of innovative features, including portable custom teams. Using this feature, players / can create a new team by drafting any player from around the NFL to each and every position. Depth charts must be У ^ managed along with the salary cap. | y / Y This new team can then be saved to |^; Mer memory card, the card can be brought

Nintendo 64 Re

5 7 to а friend's house, team can wo ae LEE а Jue t-style battles. Custom teams can also be AA > 5% M A n Аз The Fantasy Draft is well constructed, у | % ture. Rounding out the front end аге / ^ t tures, color player photos, and the Historic $ Simulation mode. а ОВС '88 is Iguanas first attempt at programming а sports game E v

for the N64. While the results are certainly lackluster, 0ВС '88's innovative custom team features and high-resolution graphics are excellent advancements in video sports programming. Iguana üg J


ay already in the film room looking over both the mistakes and the "This game is pitiful. As for the high-

uer positives of this B4-bit football cart. Were already anxious to see - . resolution hype, UM ш Er smoot

oed f i у i Дес animation over sharp detail any day.

.| next year's hes of the game. As for this year, well..lets check $ 8.8 hoe the play gets roling, QBC 98 is

~ ws ON | 7.78 Јитру and the same animations happen T ш. 7 2 on every play. Then, talk about money i "ETN 64 Megabit Playability: 3.5 plays, when you square off against the j i 1 to 4-Player Football UE computer, no matter what passing play it

Full NFL and NFLPA License: Entertainment: 2 is, the success rate is always 50% or

Т p Create Portable Custom Teams; Fantasy Draft; ү, иеш а pH

ИШЕНЕТ] Over 700 Color Player Photos; Marv Albert Doing OVERALL: hands. Here's one for you, try putting pure ee Commentary; Historic Scenarío Mode; Custom your kicker in as your ОВ, he'll throw for Cam; Over 80 Injuries; 640x480 Resolution; 5 over 300 yards every. game! 1 also like

using a punt defense as my stand defense. | usod it m almost an en | game and shut out the comput Iguana for Acclaim Sports there isn't really an Ai

Now for Nintendo 64 because the Pro difficu reason is harder." THe Воттом LINE |

Rumble Pak Compatible; Classic Teams; 6 Kinds of Weather


‘This game has a couple of good things "Besides high-resolution graphics and 8.75 going for it. It has the full NFL license | an interesting front end loaded 775 and really killer options. What it doesn't 475 with infinite seasons, complex stat have going for it is any sort of У“ accumulations, and season manage- comprehensible АІ. There are just too ment options, | think Quarterback Club many instances when a receiver pulls is үе. Hech, 1 ио pes T : down a pass in quadruple coverage or Playability: 178 recommend it to those seeking a library | тунау p the enee is just pisi stunts Tho 5 | ла of ће worst games ever made. It's not Entertainment: no excuse for stopping your opponent ME Entertainment: 2 worth the price. The animation and by calling a field goal defense every time pinu у are a and M а or calling ће same offensive play оу e physics and play mechanics а | OVERALL: апд а Sure ће дате | О OVERALL: ош of whack. | just love how resolution graphics, but onci cornerbacks and safeties stand ђе 5 the jumpy camera shifts 4 75 the receiver on pass plays. Hi animation you may Б ы course he'll catch it! ТІ laughing. Even with all shouldn't have been releas QB Club does noi | was somewhat good. Madden 64.”

42 www.gameirformer.corm- Game Informer - December :97








Developed by

B SS Produced by GAME STUB а 5 Distributed by Midway Home

Rally isa trademark of Кетсо. dway Games Inc. Used by permission. Nintendo 64 and 5

5 А 2 Designed For 1996 Nintendo of America Inc. мед Rumble Рак”

brights reserved. Top Gear idway is а trademark of Mi pa America Inc. ©

©1997 Boss Game Studios, Inc. АЈ Entertainment Inc. under license. the 3-D “N” logo are trademarks

Кеуіп Nash should have worn a cup.

Kevin Nash looks for a rope break.

; Here's a look at two of It's pure and .. the hidden characters. AE

eed : 7 Ric Рай takes Luger |, 05 utter mayhem ШЙ The WCW draws blood on a nature tour. ` б м from Eric Hisce

y now, Halloween Havoc will have come and gone. T f 4 Б - t migrations has no doubt been revealed, and maybe | "De decided to root for the NWO. If you're an NWO fan, (46 right here. However, if you're а respectable wrestli the traditions and integrity of the sport, then listen ир better than beating up on the boyz in black, working over. hyper-extended joints, watching as.the blood soaks the turnbuckle an dizzy and stupefied surrenders at the threshold of pain.

But hey, if you're a fan of the NWO, then there's nothing better than beati pansy wrestlers of the WCW, guys like the “technically superior" Dean Маје *oh so mysterious" Rey Mysterio Jr. Aren't you glad Eddy Guerrero went nd ri mask off Rey Jr.’s head? Finally, Rey's wimpy dedication to athleticism rev true wrestler, but a half-man/half-flower salesman who thinks gymnastics are " best thing to broccoli. Lome . © мок: т baby!

In case уой haven't figured it out already, WCW Vs. NWO: World Tour offers up 4 ^ sides of the coin. You can wrestle for the organization you support and take on the wrestlers'from around the world. Never before has such an awesome display of grapples, '^ Tag Team is where holds, throws and joint attacks been assembled into a video game. Furthermore, with th | the action is. _ addition of Tag Team and Battle Royale modes, World Tour is a big step above | ; е year’s WCW Ys. the World for PlayStation. Рив, characters can change into a num costumes (including a “classic” costume for Hulk Hogan), there are technical knocico and surrenders, and the much needed Rope Break has been implemented to interrupt pins and holds.

The secret to World Tour is “working over” opponents. Just like in real wrestling, а wrestler’s spirit determines the ошсоте ог a match. It’s not enough to throw an opponent to the mat, you must execute attacks on limbs and joints, enter into submission holds, or force the opponent off the mat іп ргераг for another devastating attack. Then, if your max, you can execute a special signature


move, which is typi attempt. Other move turnbuckles, еуайіп; attacks. Also, leagues

е running into ropes, climbing the ig, and rolling away from running presented by bosses, so to choose a wrestler and

defeat the various leagues. new characters will appear o In all, WCW Vs. the NWO: wrestling fans have been waiti for. It would be more 3 УА , | Ме than correct to describe it as a “5 ation," since the ў қ LA А г moves, match progression, taunting i LS ' х = у Же 4 Rage Wins! holds are modeled after actual W 248 f e ^ But the action is fast and furious enough to satisfy any style of gamer. It's truly a bout you won't want to miss.


ый ћи T о Informer December '97

Rey Mysterio Jr. seems to һауе recovered from his surgery.

I love you too man.

Buff Bagwell learns a little lesson about pain.


Game Informer

Tag Team mode is awesome. сексам

А ваше Royale is

just a slugfest.


64 Megabit 1 to 4-Player Professional Wrestling One-on-One, Tag Team, and Battle

Royale; League Challenge, Tournament, WCW Vs. NWO, and Custom Tournament Modes; Blood; Over 30 Moves per Wrestler; Migrate Wrestlers Between Organizations via Costume Change; Rumble Pak Compatible; TKO, Surrender, or Pin Victories; WCW

and NWO Signature Moves Asmik for TH*Q Now for Nintendo 64 THE Воттом LINE Амру, THE GAME HOMBRE Concent: "There's no doubt about it, this В дате is hilarious. While it's not the Graphics: 8 most technical game, there are plenty of moves to pull off and Sound: 7.5 the animations are За Тће counters and reverses аге filled with Playability: 5th grade highjinks like the kick to

Entertainment: the crotch and the flying butt plant. ep The one-player mode will entertain any wrestling fan for a while, but OVERALL: four-player mode is where it's at. Video gamers across the land, fans of wrestling or not, will eat и this mode. In this four-player battle royale, you can beat the tar out of your friends and you'll be laughing the whole time. Easily the best

wrestling game to date." PauL, THE GAME PROFESSOR Concept: ‘Jumping into the ring with the top : wrestlers and then working them Graphics: 9 into a pulp is what this game is all about. | especially like the four- Sound: 8 player Battle Royale. All chaos

breaks loose when double teams Playability: 825 and ep горе nas happen at Te Entertainment: link of any eye, and then the finale бр comes when one тап is left - standing. The control is solid, but 1 OVERALL: did find the difficulty balance to be a ё little out of whack as the Normal setting is way too easy and the Hard setting is way too difficult. Other than that, there is plenty to please any wrestling fan. Great graphics, bone-breaking moves, and the WCW make for one solid game."


Concept: "Now that | can play Tag Team and 2m Battle Royale, ! have to say that this Graphics: 8.75 64-bit WCW cart kicks butt. All my favorite wrestlers are represented

Sound: 7.25 (including the venerable Dean | Мајепко), and the control interface Playability: is top notch. I’m still a little sketchy

Entertainment: on how to perform reversals or 1 swing people into the ropes, but other than that | know why things OVERALL: happen, and ! can execute different throws and holds at will. I'm a little bummed that you can't create and wager your own belts (like you could in the PlayStation version), but the league challenge is a good ladder of competition. Next year, they've gotta bump up the sound though. The music is pretty lame, and this game really needs some pre-match drama ."


ш Size: 1 CD-ROM i

ш Style: 1-Player Fighting/Adventure х ЗЫ

m Special Features: Necroplasmic Magic Meter; Life Meter; Puzzle-Filled Levels; Booby Traps; 3D Fighting; Special Moves; Villains From the Comic Including Overtkill, Redeemer, Violator, and Malebolgia; Пет Obtaining; Three Different ас Spawn Characters

m Created by; Sony Computer Entertainment America E<-

ш Available: December for Sony PlayStation

McFarlane's home to check out everything that was Hell. As far as actions go, Spawn can jump, happening in the Spawn universe. We saw the movie, push buttons, kick and punch breakable

scripting for new comics, and most importantly, the game. objects, strafe, walk, run, and roll. He doesn't Sony originally planned to release Spawn: The Eternal іп have a hang and climb feature, so when E 4 August, then the date slowly began to slide back, and before approaching platforms, you will need to make p. long it appeared as though it was going to be eternally delayed. accurate jumps. This is okay though, because | = Well, this is no longer so. This December gamers will be ableto Spawn’s excitement comes through combat. get their first 32-bit Spawn fix. The combat has been drastically revamped, and

As of late, Spawn has been in a rut. The comic is going each time you enter a combat scenario, Ў nowhere, the movie was PG-13 and featured a puppy and а Spawn's costume will unleash his infamous drastically different Terry, the new toy line is nothing but Kiss oversized cape. By pressing R1 and R2 together you will be and famous monsters, and the SNES game really blew. able to toggle between wearing either the cape or chains. Hopefully though, Sony's take on the game will be more like the These costume bonuses can be used as weapons, and both HBO cartoon, which is perfect. With a game like Spawn, which have their own attacks. features both Tomb Raider-like exploration and a standard The combat scenarios will no longer allow you to run away fighting game interface, it will be hard to portray an in-depth from an enemy. Encountering an enemy will automatically story. But without one, why play the game? Where does your thrust you into a somewhat 2D (one-plane) quest take you? And why are you risking your life by entering combat system. Basic movements into 3D battles with the most grotesque and sinister villains to date? аге allowed, but you will not be able to roam

Right now, in the version we have, Spawn: The Eternal around and punch the opponent in the back, doesn't feature any kind of storyline. There is a brief FMV intro ог back off quickly. Basically, it’s similar to sequence (see bar of shots on the bottom of the page) which Tekken or Virtua Fighter. shows Al's grave, and him as Spawn in Hell. Without We're excited about Spawn: The Eternal, knowledge of the comic, you won't have а clue as to what this since we are Spawn nuts, but to please us means. So basically, from what we've seen, the game is aimed Sony's going to need to add a story and at pleasing those who know the comic series in and out andis tweak ће combat so it's flawless. They have not targeting people who want to get into the scene. a lot of time left before they hit final beta,

The gameplay is the same as it was before, but a few so let's hope these guys know what changes have occurred. The level structuring is still set with they're doing. three stages for each of the three Spawn characters (Spawn, Medieval Spawn, and Savage Spawn). Then after these are

4. n early March, Sony invited из to their studio and Todd completed, you will travel to the eight levels d тт =

| ^ yt:



WM ONE > 7 КАШ жге: 1 CD-ROM Д || ^ m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Ж Fighter

m Special Features: 5 Different MBtles (Arcade, Vs., 7 Survival, Practice, Team); 1 ifficulties; 8 _ Playable Characters (ИЛ МО ел); Familia 227 Stage Designs; Ring Outs, Tera Ci Based on 4 Point Power Meter | m Created by: LucasArts

| ш Available: Now for Sony PlayStatio % »

[s] 4%% ur emm k ye P 9 ‘ticipation fdr the new Star Wars prequels has reached an * .all-time high in ће! office, and even though we won't see ет on the big screen until late ‘98 or Memorial Day ‘99, LucasArts has just supplied us with two new games that should hold us over for ali longer. PC gamers can check out Dark Forces Il (see page 65), ап ole gamers can experience Star Wars hand- to-hand combat fi st time in Masters of Teras Kasi. gnizable (and favorite) Star Wars characters # л. rumble. Luke Skywalker, his sister Leia Jabba’s palace? == Organa, her love Han Solo, and his furry companion Chewbacca are all presented with authenti vie attire and weapons. Leia is outfitted in her bounty-hunter guise which she tried to fool Jabba with. Both Han and Luke are in Bespin garb, with Luke's alternative uniform being the popular black Jedi suit complete with a glove hiding his artificial hand. And as for characters from the classic Empire, only Vader makes an

What really happened in

( Hoar lands a jab against Arden Lyn.

Ден Boba is present, and he's easily the best i e game. His moves include a Mandalore-powered А it, a rocket shot, and two different shots with his handy blaster.


> 1 makes ап appearance i jrounds in the game feature 'es à moving AT-AT, and the pi meet'the Rancor face-to-face. : _ The characters and backgrounds alone may be enough to warrant f а rchase, but remember it is a fighting game, and the only thing that natters in this genre is animation and technique. Luckily, Star Wars

Thok winds up and | ї unleashes a huge fireball ЕКЕН t.

ез Playing as the AT-AT would make = this game much easier. Too bad

ays hit R2 to draw his Lightsaber. With this shiny green in hand, new moves and specials are unlocked, and combat is 3 sier and much more entertaining, to say the least.

eras Kasi is yet another fighting game for the PlayStation, and it's Special because of its theme. We'll tell you right not that it's not largest or most complex fighter on the market. In fact it’s not even close. It does have a few nice features like the Teras Kasi moves which are based on a four point power meter, and amusing throws for each character, but right now, the combat lacks luster. Check out GI next month for the bottom line and the fate of this highly anticipated Star

Wars release. Е ws Boba that 4 disintegrations are поі шак

All too easy. Ў

офа Ж»

allowed in the Empire, ees

m Size: 1 CD-ROM

one of the best selling racing titles each month. And, not surprisingly, the developers at SingleTrac have concocted another racing morsel they simply call Jet Moto 2. Oh sure, it's not the most creative title for a sequel, but heck, the game is basically the same as its predecessor (if it ain't broken, don't fix it). Yes, Moto mongers rest assured, the new version contains massive aerials and fantastic wipe-outs just like the original. In fact, if you thought the air was huge in Jet Moto, you will surely be impressed with some of the insane altitudes obtained in the sequel.

While the game has remained true to the original with characters like the Max, Technician, and Bomber returning some changes, like improved polygonal graphics and superior background displays, have been implemented. In addition, many of Jet Moto 2’s ten new tracks are more challenging and will probably have you throwing your controller at the TV screen with hate and disgust (one ride on The Shaft should convince you of this). But fortunately, Jet Moto 2 allows a race to be restarted at any time which can make winning a season easier and a lot less time consuming.

As far as the track environments go, you had better believe Jet Moto 2 has more than one track on a snow-covered surface, but there are some new surroundings.too. For example, one of.the races, Melt.Down, is located/next to an active volcano that sends molten lava flowing over the course, while the After Shock track brings you through a Los Angeles that has been destroyed by an earthquake. Perhaps the coolest track, though, is Rollercide which takes place on the biggest and baddest roller-coaster this side of the Pecos. Rollercide contains steep inclines, corkscrews, and a “Tidal Wave" turn-about that propels you straight up for tricks galore. | Jet Moto 2 provides ample

options with four difficulty levels and four race modes. There is also an obtainable Stunt Racing Key that lets you perform some really funky maneuvers. Furthermore, the previous racing field of twenty has been shrunk down to ten. This does two things: (a) it opens up the course, and (b) it makes you feel better about yourself when you finish last.

m Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing

ш Special Features: 10 New Tracks; 10 Characters and Bikes; Vertical ог Horizontal Split-Screen; 4 Race Modes; 4 Difficulty Levels; Analog Compatible

m Created Бу: SingleTrac for Sony Computer Entertainment America

ш Avallable: Now for Sony PlayStation

> THe Borrom Line б


Graphics: 8.75 Sound: 8.5 Playability: 8.75 Entertainment: 9





"SingleTrac has done it again with yet another great racing game for the PlayStation. Sporting better graphics than last year's game, Jet Moto 2 screams speed. And with that speed comes this game's greatest attribute - air. Big air. The jumps in this game are awesome. You can catch up to five seconds of hang time which, unlike Jet Moto 1, gives you a chance to pull more tricks. While the tricks are nothing spectacular, they do put an interesting twist on this title. In the end, Jet Moto is a winner the two-player mode is a blast and the racing is fast and furious."

Playability: 8.75


| TI

Concept: 7.76 Graphics: 8.75 $оши: 85 Playability: 8.75 Entertainment:


jumps, and the challenge is still extremely difficult: Personally, 1 like what Sony and SingleTrac have done in this sequel, although I would. have liked to see some real tricks and better graphics."

"In the first game, the racing was wide open, with awesome speed and manageable air. This year, many of the tracks are cramped the turning is tighter, the safe ground is thinner, and there are a lot of terrain bumps and hills that slow you down. Yes, the racing is more difficult, and the ‘Rollercide’ track is one of the coolest Jet Moto tracks ever, but | didn’t have as much fun with this second edition. Instead of getting faster as the tracks progress, the racing slows down. | loved Jet Moto, but Jet Moto 2 is nothing new. In a year of sequels, this game comes up short.”

сате Informer |

layer Action/Adventure

«>/> Л

: : Different Weapons шшр Powers; Не ne Combat; . Run and Jump Buttons; Specialty Items

- Including Bombs and Potions ;realed by: Sony Computer



arvester of Japan’s LY industrial crop, hero to America's RPG fan

base, and now a Sony third-party developer, Working Designs is | without a doubt one of the most respected developers in the console | industry. Our respect for these guys is far different from other | developers simply because their operation supplies

| us with exactly what we want Japanese RPGs. | They don't make t eir own games and Ф there's the possib ity that they OF à

never will. But without them, we would % | never have seen Exile or Cosmic ж, | Fantasy || for Turbo, Lunar and Уау ; | for Sega CD, ог Dragon Force and | Shining Wisdom for Sega Saturn. Now, with Working Designs’ first ‘true’ PlayStation | release, Alundra, PlayStation RPGers have the chance Ё | to insert themselves into a story-heavy quest of a | 7 different caliber. Obviously, Final Fantasy VII is the Е | king of all RPGs, but not everyone enjoys turn- based combat. Therefore, there must be an 3 alternative to suit the cries of the unsatisfied | customer. There is the immensely popular Legacy | |... E = of Kain, which actually features a similar design. | Duy * 71 toAlundra, but thrives on an extremely dark story. d ы é | This makes another alternative that not everyone e ж | will find to be that unattainable utopia. So what | else is there? To be blatantly honest, absolutely | nothing until Alundra is released this December. | Alundra features the basic story elements and - у | trickiness of a classic RPG, real-time combat, and а ¥ esum 0 (57%

| lengthy challenge. The combat is easy to get the hang of. | Cautiously approach an enemy, swing your sword or ] whatever weapon you wield, and kill it. Magic spells can | also be acquired and used on-the-fly to destroy the ghastly menaces | that threaten your world.

The game design is almost identical to Zelda. Weapons can be | usedatthe same time as magic and specialty items, the crystal health | system is indistinguishable when compared to Link's hearts, and the | opening of new sectors throughout the land is also the same. The | story, оп the other hand, is somewhat unique. While we don't want to | give too much away, you will eventually posses the ability to | enter dreams to clear the thoughts of troubled characters and | beings.

bout that time, the 392 in the porth Babe was ns d Sunk, actuary

а 5.

While all these characteristics make this game a | sound like a complete Zelda rip-off, there's another АБА ~ | sideto Alundra that must be pointed out. Alundra is у | actually a sequel of sorts to LandStalker, which was released a few years back on the Sega Genesis. The character design, graphic presentation, and basic gameplay traits are the same, but the developers are different. Climax created LandStalker, and Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. created Alundra. So if | you crave another LandStalker, it’s here, but on а different platform which competes directly with the creators of the Genesis.

Game Informer з December ‘97 www.gameinformer.com 49

= Ф > Ф йш S $ S >

1 CD-ROM 1-Player Combat Racing (2-Player lj Via Sony Link Cable) ГА 6 Characters; =" Character Upgrades; Purse Winnings; 6 Vehicles; Equipment Mace Т Power- Ups; 3 Difficulty ; ЕМУ 4 Tracks with 6 Мана, Each and the Final Arenao. Death: Ж” : Interplay е Now for М?

m cA ж.

tis the early рап ofthe 21st «бу; and Earth has been taken over by the

evil Draenek in-&'quick and bloody war. Unfortunately, Draenek’s thirst for

death is not easily satiated. In search of some violent entertainment, Draenek establishes a combat racing tournament that forces prisoners of the rebellion to participate. As a prisoner, you must survive a race circuit that tours the four planets of Draenek's empire. If successful, you will proceed to the Arena of Death to face Draenek himself. Destroy him in battle, and you will save all of humanity. The storyline for Red Asphalt may be stupid, but hey, it’s a racing game and a plot isn't that important anyway. Once you look past the thin plot, Red Asphalt does have some good things going for it.

With inklings of sim racing, Red Asphalt requires the managing and upgrading of both vehicles and racers. Making your vehicle and character the meanest combo of death on the road can become quite addicting. There are six vehicles, but only two are affordable at the start. The cars vary in handling and speed, but the most important variation is the weapon systems. For example, the Tigershark has timid machine guns, but the Hellfalcon possesses Hell Fury missiles that take out an opponent in one or two hits. By saving your pennies, you can buy a more powerful car, but it is also important to


TRIO > HES fff)

5 Í

50 www.gameinformer.com



continually upgrade your current vehicle in order to stay competitive. The armor, engine, offensive and defensive weapons, and tires and suspensions of the cars can be improved after each race. In addition, you can purchase nitros for speed bursts. These are always handy when there is someone pegging away at your rear-end.

In addition to vehicle upgrades, you can improve your character's abilities by spending the experience points you receive after each race. In all, there are three areas of ability: “Driving” determines your top speed and how well you turn, "Tactical" affects how quickly you lock-on to an opponent, and “Aggression” will determine how much damage your weapons inflict.

The four planets in Red Asphalt have one main track with six variations. As you move from planet to planet the speed of the vehicles and tracks all improve. On the tracks, there are seven different power-ups to obtain. You can pick up free money, replenish your armor, and acquire the White Dwarf. If you get the White Dwarf, vehicles that touch yours will blow-up. So sweet.

Red Asphalt is in many ways a combination of Wipeout XL and Twisted Metal 2, but not as cool as either. If you can get over the cheese factor, Red Asphalt might be to your liking.


Game Informer = December “97

P d

a T PUN À Where's a giant moth ball VON when you need one? \

4 A ;

. The submachine gun is a X

completely automatic weapon. * ; | п Size: 2 CD-ROMs NO) W Leon Pe the bowels of < | m Style: 1-Player MN “Ӯ ассооп City.

Action/Adventure m Special Features: 2 Playable Characters (Leon & | ес AJ Ew

Claire); Multiple Character and Enemy Deaths; New

2 29

The upper floor of the police station.

| Weapons; Struggle Move; Head Tracking; Quick Aiming (AJ LB | to Face Closest Enemy ORLO OF 5 | m Created by: Capcom

ш Available: January 16 for Sony PlayStation S UJ RAVIY A с!

пі the Resident Evil junkies have likely played through the | Resident Evil 2 дета that is | included with Resident Evil: Director's Cut. Giving us a glimpse of the new horror that will soon be upon us, the demo is just a short taste of what lies ahead when this monumental two-disc sequel finally arrives in a few short weeks.

As we briefly mentioned in our October ‘97 preview, a new female character, Claire Redfield, has replaced Elza Walker as a playable character. As many know from locating Chris Redfield’s diary in the RE 2 demo, Claire is Chris’ sister and later you actually catch just a J м: glimpse of her at the climax of the demo. While little is known about Claire's 7 B. background, you can het that from her heritage she can mow dawn zombies with the с | One-shot magnum from best of them. Aside from the new cast addition, an arsenal of new weapons will cut 45 paces. BOOM! through the undead like a knife through..er.the undead. New weapons that we've А seen in action are ће auto-fire submachine gun, one-shot death magnum, and а huge recoiling super shotgun.

At the time this issue of Game Informer went to press, we were able to garner a | few additional screen shots of the game. Highlighting some of the underground scenarios, notice the mutant alligator that lurks in the sewers as well as some " / huge, nasty moths that may be easier to avoid than kill. Like many, we are dying " E. to get our hands on more than just a demo. Hopefully by next month we сап y | give you the ІШ, gory details on Capcoms most anticipated title ever. E i Jn


Тһе custom pistol has a stock and is semi-automatic.

What lurks in the = records room?

/ #

Serious firepower.

! "—

SS - " e Game Informer з December “97 V 7 MEER л...

ver the last few years the Batman franchise has exploded into a billion different directions. New comic

и Size:1 CD-ROM

series апа spin-offs appear “Тһе Batmobile; Realistic Cape Motions; Authentic Actor Detail; оп a weekly basis, different artistic , Driving, Fighting, and Sleuthing Gameplay directions and actors appear Created by: Probe for Acclaim Entertainment

in each new film, and worthless

m 'chandise like electronic toiletries _ ind fuzzy undergarments have taken on he Batma ides

i [^ become rather difficult to stay loyarto үле Ba

each day passes, as Batman becomes less of a hero ahd more

of a marketing tool, othef lesser-known comics like The Hitman and Major Bummer continually look better and better. P

m Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure m Special Features: Three Playable Characters (Batman, Robin, | Batgirl); All of Gotham is Available for Exploration; Bat Power-Ups;

Available: TU for Ser PlayStation


Even the Batcave (complete with {һе secret entrance) is portrayed almost identically to its movie counterpart. The Batcomputer can be accessed, and changing control to Robin or Batgirl is also done through this secret bunker. The biggest bonus accessed through the Batcave is the ability to roar out onto the streets of Gotham in the Batmobile (version 11).

, you willbe. required|to stop Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, and her bodyguard Bane. Clues and strang nts. will lead you to their whereabouts. If you locate their next move in time, you'll foil their plan before it starts. If you arrive at Ње same time

Of course, we Мо» have our-pléasant thoughts of ће - -as them you'll have to duke it out in combat - where kung-fu

days when Frank Miller's series The Dark Knight Returns was ju: hitting the racks, and there w only two monthly Batma series; butinow, those days are: s forever. о we want to stay fanatical, we must look ме that hidden prize buried

beneath each pile of Batman merchandise. And while Acclaim Entertainments new release based: on fourth Bat film, Batman & agen, which e classified as.an outrage by

Bat fans, it does feature a y element th at will make even Batman's ears perk up. This game thi Да AN detective elements, and if the finished praduct turns out | right, Batman's sleuthing abilities will be ће key'to game lay. | ~All of Gotham is presented in vivi ағ, апа еуегу Мо апа гоаа сап бе ћого | hly explored'and examined

and Batbelt specials like ће Batarang апа Batbomb can be used. And if you arrive late, you may find another clue Rointingi to where they are heading. --

The graphics are phenomenal, and the capes and environments need to be seen to be believed. The soundtrack) is taken straight from the таге the likenesses. All of their faces а d physiques are portrayed realistically. If it turns out right this could sos be the best Batman game to дгасе ће cónsolés] But A claim’s track; record of creating bad Bdtman games could kill it in the епа. At least Acclaim doesn't Have а fat Вай ап actor in this game. like they did in Batman Forever. *

Britical Depth is Twisted Metal underwater. ize: 1 CD-ROM

[There's no mistaking ії, the features aretoo ш Styl : 1 or 2-Player Action/Shooter close to be a coincidence. There's a hard atures: 12 Subs (Plus 3 More Hidden) Each | turn button, special attacks for each sub, 8 other With Its Own Ending; 8 Explosive Weapons; Special | explosive weapons, death matches, individual Attacks; Ten Battle Arenas; Shields; 3 Game Modes

(Missions, Battle, Death); 5 Different Power Pods Increase Performance and Grant Abilities

by: SingleTrac for GT Interactive

e: Now for Sony PlayStation

character personalities, and the big kicker the i combat is crazy. There's no need to go any | further. We could, but why bother? There's | already a cake eatin' grin on your face.

Besides the enhanced 360% movement, the most noteworthy non-Twisted Metal aspects are the three different game modes. Mode 1 - Missions - features a storyline and a gameplay concept similar to capture the flag, only on a much larger | scale. What you'll need to do is hunt down the five Power Pods (each one adds a different boost in performance ability), then once they are in your possession, | find the exit and finish the level. Here's the tough part | though, there are also other teams trying to gather the Pods, and you'll need to blast them back to the beach to obtain Pods they might already have picked up. Overall, this mode gets pretty insane as missiles, strange special attacks, and a barrage of enemy fire shoots across the combat zone.

Mode 2 Battle Mode ‘is basically the same, but it |, | doesn't feature a story, or a mission Structure. You pick the | | enemies and the arena you wish to fight in. Mode 3 Death Mode is nothing short of all-out warfare. There are no Pods to scurry | death.

When all is said and done, Critical Depth is nothing short of a good time. It’s unique, sports nice graphics and effects, the soundtrack is amazing, and there’s plenty of subs and arenas to choose from. If you have any SingleTrac games in your library, and enjoy them, -| then we highly suggest Critical Depth.










PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back 8 ©1997 Universal Interactive Studios, Inc. All rights reserved. Developed by Naughty Dog, Inc. All rights reserved. www.playstation.com

This time, Crash will have to work his way through huge, all new

3-D environments. He'll fly with a jetpack, surf on a jetboard

and saddle up a polar bear cub. He's got new moves, he'll meet

new characters and he'll face plenty of dangerous new

obstacles. It won't take long to realize: Only the strong survive.





m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player Football (Up to 8-Players Via Multi-Tap) ш Special Features: Analog Camera System; NCAA License; All 112 Division

1-A Teams; Full 3D Graphics Engine; 3 Modes (Fantasy, Simulation, Total Control) т Created by: Sony Interactive Studios America for SCEA ш Available: Now for Sony PlayStation

затероок Series; ; Traps

Sony has dropped the “Football” from the title of this year’s sequel entitled NCAA GameBreaker ‘98. The new GameBreaker is a real-time strategy game where you portray | a University of Michigan booster |“ out to buy top-grade athletic talent. The realism is uncanny as Athletic Department officials feign ignorance to the numerous infractions. Just kidding.

NCAA GameBreaker is still early, and it does look promising; however, it has some problems with balance. For example, the stiff arms we performed were rather weak in power, but the computer’s were so fast and furious it seemed like Bruce Lee маѕ under the helmet. Chances are, though, this game will be great when | its finished. After all, its basically | | NFL GameDay with college teams.

in-your-face duels, you wi use weapons like the

mer. But if yi 't want to get too Sary, unleash the fi hant gun ТҰМАНЫ»

der, but does not come close performing at the same level. game is still unfinished at this t, so hopefully we will see some ovements. Right now, there is lly no front end whatsoever in't even select a difficulty level. ombat is awkward and the А! akes many of the enemies seem like nplete morons. Some bad guys will pay no attention to you even if you | are right next to them while getting pelted by one of their own comrades. In addition, the graphics are choppy and the camera angles are hindering, providing poor views of oncoming threats. The idea behind Deathrap Dungeon is cool, but in its present state, games like Nightmare Creatures leave it in the dust.

Game Informer = December ‘97

UE www.gameinformer.com

or many of us, basketball all-time, where coordim

“even approach. The highest level of th "up in a huge marketing package ме “periodicals and networks across the globe are Updates in Season Mode; 3-Point Shootout; | dedicated to covering NBA box scores, gossip, and | Direct Dunking, Shooting, and Passing | interviews. For МВА fanatics, it invades our sleep, a Ares EA Sports personal life, and bathroom time. It may seem we are e: Now for Sony PlayStation need of clinical help, but nothing:could be further: from the truth. What we need is more basketball. Fortünately, companies like EA Sports are there trying to fill the void on rudis games like NBA Live 98.

Compared to last year’s NBA Live, this year's version has grown considerably. The front end, for example, has improved by expanding the options in the Player Create. There are more performance attributes to tweak and numerous facial options as well. Our favorite is combining side-burns with huge reflective goggles to make a player that is half Elvis and half bug. In addition, there is a cool daily news feature that reports on season happenings, including tid-bits on created players - if they do anything newsworthy that is.

The graphics and gameplay have improved most of all. The graphic flow is smoother and the camera angles bring you closer to the NBA action, creating a more intimate and intense basketball experience. Furthermore, there is greater freedom during gameplay with EA’s direct passing. This allows you to pass with confidence, knowing you can choose specifically between all of your teammates. NBA Live 98 also lets players perform crossovers, spin moves, lean-in and fadeaway jumpers, and a wider variety of dunks.

Live 98, however, does have its shortcomings in one-player mode. On defense, for instance, to get the ball back you can gently redirect a ball carrier to step out of bounds without picking up a foul. With two or.more players, however, the problem is not obvious and the games are a blast.

Still the question remains, what is the best NBA basketball game to buy? Unfortunately, not all are available to judge. Fans of NBA Live certainly will be thrilled with this latest version, but should the rest of us hold out to see what crops up? That's something each of us will have to decide for ourselves, but that doesn't mean we can't get help from the experts.

Simulation Play;


г own player to | |

ninate the league. rain downtown.

Game Informer

December “97

dg n 4 Play Modes; Daily News ©

developing ОСК these sports are sil why are gamers. who tops and starter ja ets |

7085 graphi

Concept: драфту, over last ies ра rs аге large roe s wel But the bestpart the front em ег = FB a great Playability: апа 1һе stat tra dau: У Unfortunately, this дате does һауе а Entertainment: 8 couple of drawbacks. The game is way

too easy - even on the hardest mode - and the Create Player mode doesn't. make you earn your stats. In the end, however, this game is a lot of fun to play, but Га wait to see how Shoot Out turns out this year unless you just want to play two-player. Go Wolves!"


‘In my book, EA doesn't exactly have a Concent: 8.25 He track record Nin (леу 22, : basketball games. Sure they've been Graphics: 3 extremely popular, but the past PS-X Sound: 8,75 games have really lacked innovation. ч This year's game is a step іп the right Playability: 8.75 direction. The graphics have been cleaned up, options have been Entertainment: 9.25 expanded, and the play control is bringing Live 98 on par with the likes of Sony Sports and Konami. The ‘direct dunking' system and the-three point shoot-out are`great additions to this game. If you've enjoyed the past Live games, you shouldn't be disappointed with the 1998 season. It does have its little quirks, -but it is an otherwise

solid game."

> THE Bottom LINE



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Party Time.

ega is finally getting off their collective butts and

providing Saturn owners with some decent first-person

action/shooters to choose from. Duke Nukem 3D is making its console debut on the Sega Saturn with all the sex, violence, and rock-n-roll that the PC version gave us. But the most shocking thing about playing Duke Nukem on the Saturn is the graphic quality. Surprisingly, the enemies and environments that Duke encounters in this version are exceptionally detailed and move quite smoothly. Periodically, there is some slow down in the graphic display, but overall, Duke on the Sega Saturn compares favorably to the PC version.

In Duke Nukem 3D, the world has been taken over by aliens and it's up to Duke to shoot, kick, and squish the enemy scum in order to get it back. The odds seem to be insurmountable, but Duke is looking good with a big ego and an awesome arsenal of weaponry to help destroy all who oppose him. He will encounter the same nine enemies that plagued the PC, including those mutant-pig cops and machine-gun- toting lizard dudes. To neutralize these threats, Duke will be able to obtain all of his original weapons like the trusty shotgun, freeze-ray, and shrinker. In addition, the numerous attainable items and power-ups like the SCUBA gear, holograms, and steroids (that make Duke fight like Sean Penn with a camera in his face) can all be found in the different levels. And speaking of levels, Lobotomy Software has included the original 28 that have Duke exploring locations in Los Angeles, an orbiting space station, and the surface of the moon. But a bonus for Saturn owners is a new extra level that is exclusive to the Saturn version.

Duke Nukem 3D is a great addition to the Saturn system. Along with Quake, Saturn owners suddenly Will have two more quality first-person shooters to choose from. Although the gameplay of Duke Nukem 3D is basically the same as in other games of this genre, its tongue-in-cheek attitude is unique and often amusing. What could be funnier than a big meathead destroying things “Commando” style, while stopping to admire himself in the mirror, propositioning women to "shake it baby," and trying out a little karoake when the violence slows down?

Hog Heaven.


Old faithful...the Shotgun.

P| Watch O.J. take а leisurely Em 50 | 27 ЗА drive in the city.

1 CD-ROM 1 or 2 Player First-Person Action/Shooter(2-Player via Net Link) 10 Weapons; 20 Power- Ups and Objects; Net Link Play 29 (Includes New Exclusive Saturn- Only Level) 6 3D Realms & Lobotomy for Sega Now for Sega Saturn



Game Informer = December “97




m Size: 2 CD-ROMs m Style: 1-Player Adventure m Style: 1-Player First-Person Action/Shooter

m Size: 1 CD-ROM

Blood; Limited Save and Load Credits; Database and Videopho V 8 Weapons; 12 Weapo peg sodas болай а Levels Sound-Based Location System = Created by: id/Lobot :

m Created by: Warp for Sega , БАУДЫ Ме оса т Available: Now for Sega Saturn

ш Special Features: Inventory Screens; True Motion Video Graphics; Death; "t m Special Features: Ana

As seen many, many times before, T > Enemy Zero takes place aboard а Most of the exploration E spaceship, where the main character фри АНГ» ecco > (Laura) has awoken from а cryogenic | sleep. To her dismay, the ship is оп emergency status and a number of: invisible enemies are roaming about: As Laura, you must locate crew members and solve puzzles while avoiding the ghastly enemies. Killing the enemies is the most frustrati part of the game. The enemies are invisible, so Laura always carries trusty VPS - a Geiger-counter; ke instrument that reads life i and creates sounds according 310 their proximity. The closer the ent the faster the VPS repeats. Lal must then charge her gun a approaches an enemy and r the trigger when the gun | maximum charge. Whether the kil successful is determi d by Lau exact proximity to the invisible be as well as the rate of charge sh achieved on her gun. E to s the least, and most enemic

Boy oh boy, we ar Quake for the Seg. decided to print anoth The fine folks at Seg kind enough to whet our appetites for this game by continue y waving improved version after improved version in front of our drooling chops. For those who are still upset at the quality of Doom's translation onto the Saturn (including us), fear not. Compared to Doom, Quake for the Saturn looks like it could be the PC version. Well, it’s not quite that good, but with Sega and Lobotomy's Duke Nukem translation also making a relatively unscathed

Use the severed fingers to bypass the DNA security system.

they are getting the first-person shooters

you'll immediati playcontrol and Zero. Laura exp

cut scenes. But unl die in Enemy . lot. Also, Епе!

Get out of the -elevator now!

levels to h vicious | » [gx 'od-thirsty enemies that want to | our butt into the afterlife. Therefore, you will need to do some bottom-blasting of your own. Your arsenal includes the traditional shot- gun (single and double barrel), as well as the not so traditional nail gun and thunderbolt. To help you explore and kill, Sega has made Quake analog com- patible. With the standard controller, Quake moves pretty smooth and fast, but when you plug in the analog controller, the movement through levels is even better. Action fans oe) get ready.

wisely andavoid death ]

there is a way around this

RAM cartridge, copy your last save to the cart and then remove it before you play. After у; die, copy the records

. from the back to the internal memory and remove the cart again. The process is tedious, but unlimited continues makes the game easier.

The ir quences are sharp and clear my True Motion video technology, “| t this point, the exploration is sli ШЙ The load and reaction time might be improved in the final version, but the game will definitely take time and patience

\ to complete. If you liked D, Myst, or Lunacy, keep ап eye out for Enemy Zero.

Game Informer з December “97

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m Size: Sit-Down Deluxe Arcade Unit

m Style: 1-Player Racing (Up to 8-Players With Linked Cabinets)

m Special Features: 4 New Tracks Plus All Tracks From Original Game; Corkscrews; Loop-to-Loops; Massive Air; Shortcuts; 4 New

Cars; Unbelievable Wrecks; Force-Feedback Steering m Created by: Atari Games m Avallable: Now in Arcades Everywhere

ғ 27 you never got the chance to play San Francisco Rush, you ; У ef к M8 missed out on playing one of the greatest driving games P. / у ever made. San Francisco Rush is about air, and lots of it. | Now, іп arcades everywhere, you can revisit this incredible driving experience complements of the sequel San Francisco Rush The Rack: Alcatraz Edition. Set in San Francisco and upon the island of Alcatraz, ^m Rush The Rock offers тоге cars, more tracks, more air, more wipeouts, and а stunt course, First of all, Rush M The Rock includes thi e original Rush tracks, but new Де FransAmerice pyramid is оре CULTS) shortcuts and Һа ps have been added to two of à these tracks. For example, the Beginner track from SF Rush now includes three new shortcuts. The coolest one goes down the painter's path пе the Golden Gate Bridge (see picture) The Advanced track has four new shortcuts, but the Extreme track has remained unchanged (since it was Р ally рі á This is what the Chevy anyway). к commercials should look like. The new tracks look pretty hairy. Two" Ame > з, оза the Advanced level (The Rock and Dow г. {8°

И Rush The Rock is Іші of alternate paths.

(The Heights and Sunset) are rated а Ei | ІЛЕ eight tour around the prison i i = ; ы! fea corkscrew, a loop-to-loop, ani Ж ~ in the middle of the prison) own includes a wicked right turn at the base of the ТІ imerica Pyramid, а tour through the

E financial district, and a by the Center for Performing Arts.

Е The Downtown track also includes a jump that is the biggest in the game (and we mean big!). The Heights takes drivers through the famous Pacific Heights part of San Francisco with a jump that Жаш launches you across an entire yacht harbor. The final track, Jockeying for position on the Sunset, circles around Lake Mead and finishes up in Golden ЫШ ee ene Gate Park. On this track you'll speed by such sights as the SF Zoo and the Legion of Honor golf course. |

Rush The Rock still includes the great fo

steering system that made the first game so much

and up to eight cabinets can be linked for inte

amongst you and your friends. Also, be sure

Y towards old S.F. Rush cabinets since arcade TERES to upgrade these old cabinets to Rush E | conversion Kits. Lets hope we see Rush | arcade a America.

This is a new shortcut in the original Golden Gate track.

The Alcatraz track is actually a ~ E MT : 4 Water water everywhere and not a М лш ды drop to drink. aa :

Game Тв оғ December “97

“А Y % And then there were two. With the entire staff hacking away last month,

* Gl has now put their PC faith in Reiner and the Burrito to get the job ) 4 done. While everyone at GI can deliver the key ingredients to our PC kitchen, hopefully, by reducing the number of cooks, this month's broth will have a more unified and full-bodied flavor. Perhaps the most exciting thing to happen this month was getting Dark Forces II in the mail. It may not be the sequel we had hoped for, but as Jack Tripper would say, anticipation is the best part.

Shadow Warrior 3D Realms ETE

D Realms again has created a delightful firstperson action/shooter with

3 another witty hero. This time, Duke has been replaced with a Japanese

assassin, Lo Wang, who is on the run from his former employer. One of the

best things about Shadow Warrior is the variety of weapons that cover everything

S from the traditional to the downright weird. The more unique weapons include

WU A samurai swords, shurikens (throwing stars), and a rail gun that shoots pieces of

e metal at light speed. The most bizarre are the guardian head that shoots fireballs

ql Me. ШІ from its mouth and the ripper heart that when squeezed summons a zombie

AMA FAREN version of Wang to kill your enemies. Some of these weapons can also be fired in

& fe: different modes. For example, the riot gun, a four-barrelled shotgun, can use a

single barrel in one mode or all four in another. The missile launcher has a

standard mode plus two special. If you acquire a “Heat Seeker Card” your next five missiles are heat seekers

and “the Nuke” gives you a nuclear bomb. Sporting a “Mature” rating, these weapons draw lots of blood, but

parents can lock-out the gore in the options menu. Fans of Duke and the first-person genre in general should definitely check this title out.

Dark Forces ІІ: Jedi Knight LucasArts | 8.75 | ү arious readers have complained that we always go soft on Star

Wars games and give them high scores. We beg to differ. Conceptually,

imaginative ideas and basic Star Wars themes are hard to top. Plus, the Star Wars soundtrack and sounds (mainly taken straight from the movies) is quite possibly the greatest thing to ever pass through our ears. And thus far, LucasArts has done an amazing job of making the games look and play very well and correspond to the Star Wars universe. Dark Forces ||, while being yet another firstperson shooter and a sequel, is everything a Star Wars fan would expect (since they are the ones who buy these games). The addition of the Force and the lightsaber are sweet. As you progress through this two-disc set, you can either train to become a Light or Dark Jedi. Light Jedi can use persuasion and heal Force spells, while those pursuing the Darker side can use the famous Palpatine lightning blast and other destructive Force spells.

If DFII didn't have the lightsaber it would basically be the same as the first game with the addition of smarter polygonal characters. The levels are huge and full of puzzle elements. Even the most deadly Jedi will have a hard time maneuvering through these environments in one-player or network play.

LucasArts Entertainment released another variety This month, Marvel Interactive and

The compilation includes titles like the hit Star Wars Ravages of Apocalypse, the first total Бате Dark Forces, as well as adventure conversion of Quake. That's right, its

» titles The Dig, Full Throttle, Monkey Island Quake with the X-Men, featuring two new Madness (which contains full versions of The episodes and an exclusive CyberComic

pack of sorts with The LucasArts Archives Vol. Ill. WizardWorks will release X-Men:

recent releases

Postal - Ripcord

6 In Postal, you portray a crazed civil servant on a mad shooting spree, killing cops and civilians alike. It’s pretty demented, hence ` the 17 and over rating. Other than that, the graphics are choppy, lack detail, and the perspective is a very distant third-person. It's really not that cool.

Constructor Acclaim

8.25 It's not nearly as complex as Sim City but it does follow the same concept fairly closely. The key factors that make this game entertaining is the fact that you can interact with neighboring Cities (construction zones) and destroy them if you like. We need more games that include mob involvements (killing opponents, ripping off tenants) like Constructor does so well. It’s a good game that internet and single-player crowds should definitely check out.

Uprising - Cyclone Studios/3DO

6.76 Nothing in this title can keep a hard-core gamer enthused. We've been trampling on graphics and gameplay like this for years. The

8 PC crowd doesn't need another

£ame that tries to be as cool as MechWarrior, but fails in the end.

Sid Meier's Gettysburg! Electronic Arts

8.5 Storm has read a lot about the history of Gettysburg and he says the game is pretty cool, so we'll trust him. Even players who don't know squat about this famous battle will have a good time with this title. The combat is extremely complicated (watch the flank), and the graphics present a realistic tone (complete with authentic uniform detail). Fans of C&C and Koei's expansive line-up will surely find some pleasure in Sid Meier's latest release.

Fin Fin Fujitsu

5 They (Fujitsu) say this is the most realistic virtual pet of alltime, but we found if somewhat unrealistic

4 in the fact that token phrases

like "Die Fin Fin." and “Кип away Fin Fin, run away" couldn't be recognized by the complex voice modulation accessory. But hey, it comes with a free whistle, and when. you blow into it, Fin Fin becomes really happy.

Secret of Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge) and a playable demo of the up and coming The Curse of Monkey Island. Rounding out the set will be LucasArts' first sim game, Afterlife, in addition to The LucasArts Super Sampler 2 which has demos of five different games, including Jedi Knight: Dark Forces ІІ.

Electronic Arts teamed up with Anark Game Studios to release Galapagos: Mendel's Escape for Windows 95 and Mac OS CD-ROM after three years in development. The game, classified as a 3D Artificial Life Adventure game, introduces a new concept with Mendel, a character that learns and adapts to his environment via the new NERM (Non-Stationary Entropic Reduction Mapping) technology developed by Anark. NERM technology makes it so that no two Mendels are alike; some Mendels will be well adjusted where others can "grow up" to be neurotic.

Game Informer s December '97

introducing the game's storyline. In one-player, Gamers portray a cyborg killing machine out to stop some mindless X-Men clones from taking over the world. In multiplayer death-match, gamers can battle it out as their favorite X-Man or X-Woman. The game will also be packaged with a free Marvel comic book, The Rise of Apocalypse No. 1.

Sony Interactive Studios America (SISA), a long time developer of PlayStation games, is adding the PC and on-line mediums to its domain. On November 15,

SISA introduced Tanarus, a team-oriented combat strategy game, as a multiplayer-only server-based game that is able to support 10,000 players at once. The other on-line title by SISA is the client-based role-playing game EverQuest in 3D. The game will be able to support 1,000

players simultaneously per server. SISA will also convert Gl favorites Jet Moto, Twisted Metal 2, and WarHawk to the PC.

www.gameinformer.com |


Shadowrun Genesis At the Title Screen press А, B, В, АС, A, B, and then hit Start. Begin the gamé and access your trusty Pocket Secretary. Now, £o down past Save/Load to ' an invisible option. This option will give you:.250,000 | Nuyen, 10 Karma, and а faSter walking speed. Whenever you start a game; (whether it's new or saved), the code.must be entered again.

;Pllotwings ~ SNES Enter these codes at the Password screen. Level 1 - 000000 Level 2 - 985206 Level 3 - 394391 Level 4 520771 Level 5 108048 (Heli Mission) Expert . Level 5 - 400718 \ Level 6 - 773224 “Level 7 - 165411 \ Level 8 - 760357 * Level 9 882943 (Heli Mission)

‘The Immortal - Genesis

Enter these codes at the Password screen. Lével-2 АА9Е510006Ғ70

Level 3 Ғ47ЕҒ21000Е10

Level 4 B5FFF310001EB0

Level 5 В57Ғ943000ЕВ0 2

Level 6 - C65FF53010B41 . Level 7 C250F63010AC Level 8- E011F730178C1

Ecco 2: Tides of Time - CNN Bear Enter these codes at the Password, screen. Maze of Stone - FHGAI ‘Sea of Darkness VEECB Skyway.- GAVGD “DDD Swimming - AMBAL Get,Away - RFFOB "Asterite Cave - GMRGD The.Eyé.— NSBCG ‘Deep Ridge JNVAP Sea of Birds - JMXDP Convergence MWCKO Vortex Future MADWP Globe Holder NADXP Convergence 2 PFDUP New Machine - UNHGM Vortex Queen MBXVH Atlantis JSUNG

Star Wars Arcade ~ 32X

Turn Off Timer To disable the timer pause the game and press Down, B, B, Up, Right, Left. If this is done correctly your reward will be а “уаһ-һоо!”. Note: for some reason this code опју works with a 6-Button controller.

Aladdin -SNES

Enter-these codes at ће Password screen. Level 2 Genie, Abu, Aladdin, Sultan

Level 3 - Jafar, Abu, Jasmine, Genie

Level.4 Genie, Jafar, Aladdin, Abu

u, Aladdin, Genie, Jasmine

г, Jasmine, Aladdin, Jafar "Aladdin, Jasmine, Abu, Sultan Bahu Level Jasmine, Jafar, Sultan, Jasmine.

ewe ^


Rolling Thunder |! ~ Genesis

Enter these codes at the Password screen. Note: The strange.phrases-below “аге (ће level codes.

Level 2: A curious rainbow learned

the future

Level 3: A magical isotope blasted.

\the device

Level 4: A private leopard punched the neuron

Level 5: A slender fighter elected the genius

Level 6: A rainbow muffed the secret Level 7: A logical thunder smashed the powder

Level 8: A rolling machine desired... : the future Level 9: A slender nucleus blasted the target Level 10:,A curious isotope created the killer

Level-11: A natural program desired the neuron

Ristar - Genesis

Enter these codes at the Password screen. Very Hard SUPER

Onchi System Set Up- MAGURO

Round Select - ILOVEU

Boss Rush - MUSEUM

Time Attack Mode DOFEEL

Flashback - SNES

Enter these codes at the Password screen.

Level 2 - JWLYX ‘Level 3 - RSLP Level 4.- DXCPT

216/615- SLMN

Level.6.— ZTHRK Level 7. CRLQXZ

Shaq Fu - SNES

Characater Select (Story Mode) - n the Options screen quickly tap Up, Down; B, Left, Right, B. | Remove Background - In the Options screen quickly tap Up, Right, B, Down, Left, B. Now; 8010 бие! Mode and when the game starts press X and.B--Simultaneously to make the background disappear. |

Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures - Genesis

«Enter all of these codes at thé Password

Screen. The # sign indicates ‘the’ Pac-Man symbol:

Sound Test SO#NDTP

Pattern; Test ^ P#TT#RN

Time Trial - TR##LMP

{Pac-Man\2: The New Adventures -


Enter all of these codes at the Password screen.

Time Trial - TRLMDPW

Pattern. Test PCMNPTT

Sound Test BGMROST

Pac-Man 2:

The New Adventures SNES/Genesis Availability: Uncommon

Replay Value: Low

Similar Games: Tamagotchi.(Hand-Held Unit); Pac-Man (Arcade, Various Consoles); Pac-In-Time (SNES); Pac-Mania (NES) Created by: Namco

Access Tip: Bonus Games (Genesis)

At the Password screen enter PCMNORG;to. play the original Pac-Man, or enter PCJRD- PW to play Pac-Jr..-Bonus Games (SNES) = Atthe Password screen press RCMNDPW to play the original Pac-Man, or епјег `i MSPCMND to play Ms. Pac-Man.

(See Classic Codes for more cheats) Overall: 7

With the virtual pet Tamagotchi sweeping across the globe as the next great toy, it only made sense that we'd cover this title. We like to call it action Tamagochi: In this title you really don't have any control over Pac-Man, and the only gameplay is to 1) keep him alive, 2) have him look at objects, and 3) shoot stuff with your sling shot so that Pac-Man will either notice it or pick it up. Basically, you'll be required to-.complete certain tasks during gameplay, then you'll move onto the next level or task. Pac-Man’2 includes both the original Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man arcade titles. This is an innovative title that could easily be heralded as the daddy of Tamagotchi. Then again, we could just be crazy.

Sega CD Availability: Moderately Rare Replay Value: Low Similar Games: NBA Jam (SNES, SG, Arcade); NBA Jam TE (SNES, SG, PSX, Arcade, SS); NBA Jam Extreme (Arcade, Р5-Х, 55); МВА Hang Time (PS-X, Arcade, N64); Hoops (NES) Created by: Sony Imagesoft Access Tip: Dunk the ball, shoot the ball, then win. Overall: 4.75 Wow, this game is wretched, but we had to cover it in this month's Classic GI so that Someone doesn't get suckered into buying it. As you may well know, Midway released a £ame called NBA Hang Time in the arcades last year, and now, it's slowly trickling onto all of the console machines. For Sega CD owners who like basketball, we'll warn you right now. ESPN NBA Hangtime ‘95 is not the same game. While it has the same two-on-two interface, all the NBA teams, the best players, and tons of dunks, this Hangtime is horrible (whereas Midway's is quite good). We don’t know why Midway REKST decided to name their game Hang Time [5] 5 also, but it did stir up some confusion, and | мете glad we could finally clear ир апу : 4 questions you may have had.

Game Informer г December ‘97


NC NHL All-Star Hockey '98



1 or 2-Player Hockey (Up to 8-Player Via Multi-Tap) Special Features:

NHL and NHLPA License; World Teams and Tourney; Coaching Strategies;

5 Camera Angles; Full Season With Stats Tracking Created by:

Radical for Sega Available:

Now for Sega Saturn

NHL All-Star Hockey was originally created ру. Radical, the same company who created Powerplay '96. However, this year they created the PlayStation version first. Sega then bought the rights from Radical, and tweaked the Saturn game themselves. Thus, the menus and options closely resemble Powerplay '96, with the same complement of NHL and world teams, strategies, and season options. But there's also been a few changes. New to the game are five different camera angles, although the original Powerplay Cam still seems to be the best. The graphics have also changed, but it's too early to tell if this change is for better or worse. For Saturn owners craving a new hockey game, this 15 the best (and only) one this year.

шини Monster Rancher

1or 2. Player Strategy Special Features:

Over 200 Types of Monsters; Create Monsters Using Other CDs; Work, Train, and Discipline Monsters; Freeze and Combine Monsters Created by:



Now for Sony PlayStation

The influence of the virtual pet Tamagotchi is apparent in Tecmo's Monster Rancher. Described by its creators as "Tamagotchi on steroids," this game is not just about raising a pet. Monster Rancher is about working and training your beast for battle. Start with a young little monster and raise it to become a master fighter. The most interesting part about creating monsters is that you can use other CDs to create different monsters. Use FF VII to make a fairy or a Weezer disc to make a killer bunny. Then do a little genetic engineering to combine these monsters in a lab to create another strange monstrosity. Monster Rancher should be perfect for those gamers who like strategy games and raising pets of the virtual kind.

Game Informer = December “97

lor 2. Player Head-to-Head Tournament Fighter Special Features:

Seven Play Modes; Auto Blocking; Polygon Graphics; 16 Characters (Plus Four Locked); Memory Card Save Created by:

Polygon Magic, Inc.

for TH*Q


Now for Sony PlayStation

fford 55 very welt.

ПА Жиі 157 = дат” RUS : Ro г |


It's good to see different companies reaching out into the challenging world of fighting game development, but as you might have predicted, Vs. is not a worthy investment of your gaming time and dollar. The three button interface (Kick, Punch, and Evade) is a lot like Sega's infamous Virtua Fighter series, but the moves list for Vs. is less than comprehensive. The secret to combos is to work from high to low and low to high, but the computer А! is pretty lame and most opponents can be beaten by using a series of sweep kicks followed. by a high kick. The polygon graphics aren't bad, but in terms of gameplay, Vs. can't hold а candle to Tekken 2, Soul Blade, or SF EX Plus Alpha.




Style: riding bugs, doesn't allow the player to 1 or 2-Player Racing actually control the bug through a race. Special Features: Maneuvering your bug is very limited. If you

Bug Cropping; Eight Riders;

3 Difficulty Settings; 3 Race Modes (Time Trial, Campaign, Exterminate); 2-Player Split-Screen (Horizontal or Vertical) Created by:

n-Space for GT Interactive Available:

Now for Sony PlayStation

кїтє? І

Unique concepts are а rare and welcome sight in this industry, but unique concepts with strange limitations are not. Bug Riders, while showcasing an interesting idea of

dont turn, the game will turn for you. The only control you have is obstacle avoiding. This is a real bummer because the rest of the game is actually somewhat cool. The three game modes offer different challenges, all of the riders have different attributes, and the graphics are good. This is a neat concept that should have been executed better. Who knows, it could have been a hit.

= този -1 с 2:11-5


KIRG? 12

The game that took the PC by storm is now on the Sony PlayStation. In a typical game story of trying to save the Earth from alien invaders, MDK surrounds the player with not-so typical levels of action and mayhem.

le: | ae Action/Shooter Large real-time 3D environments filled with Speclal Features: crazily designed enemies give the player

Variety of Weapon Power- Ups; First-Person Sniper Mode; Parachute;

plenty to look at and blast away. While the action is fast and the zaniness is endless, the graphics suffer from drop out and

еу un appear fairly muddled. The shooting portion Environments of the control is great, but when it comes Created by: to jumping and navigating MDK proves

Shiny Entertainment for Playmates Interactive Avallable:

Now for Sony PlayStation

weak. With the number of action games for the PlayStation, MDK wallows in the sea of averageness.

Pandemonium 2

If you were kicking around Haight-Ashbury during the late 60's, or if you're aimlessly Size: wandering the earth after the death of Jerry 1 CD-ROM Garcia, you just might like Pandemonium

е: 25 distinctively ‘trippy’ graphics. But as for us, we'll pass. This sleepy title ІШІ5

1-Player Action/Platform

Special Features:

Nikki; Special Power-Ups; Nikki; Ledge Grabs; Rope Climbing; Hand-Over-hand Swinging; Two Playable Characters; Nikki Created by:

Crystal Dynamics for Midway


Now for Sony PlayStation

gamers to sleep with boring and repetitive gameplay. Crystal D took the wrong approach to gaming with the original, and this sequel is equally poor. Action/platforms need gameplay and Pandemonium 2 offers none. Simply collecting treasure and moving through 2D tracked levels is anything but entertaining. Yes, Nikki is the next best thing to Jessica Rabbit, but even she can’t save this game.


Game Informer п December ‘97

біге: 1 CD-ROM


1 or 2-Player Racing (Up to 4-Player Via Link Cable and Split-Screen)

Special Features:

Official CART Teams, Tracks and Drivers; Arcade or Simulation Mode; 10 Tracks; Optional Clutch; Car Setup Options; Practice, Qualify, and Race

Created by:

Sony Interactive Studios for Sony Computer Entertainment America Available:

Now for Sony PlayStation




1-Player Action/Platform Special Features:

20 Worlds; Over 120 Levels; 8 Claymation FMVs; Weapons; Secret Areas Created by:

DreamWorks Interactive for Electronic Arts


January for Sony PlayStation

CART World Series

CART World Series offers a little of both worlds. The Simulation mode is extremely difficult with realistic car damage and tire wear. Fuel depletion is also a factor. With all this, even coming close to winning a season in Simulation will take a tremendous amount of video game skill. The tracks all look nice, and the grandstands, poles, and race environments outshine Psygnosis' F1. Arcade mode is available for those who don't want to deal with car damage, speed- sensitive steering and fuel, but real racers will crave the Simulation. CART does feature a number of oval tracks, so be prepared to turn left a lot, but this is part of the CART experience. CART is an excellent racer that will challenge anyone.

ENTE Skullmonkeys

DreamWorks has acquired the talents of Earthworm Jim creator, Doug TenNapel, for their new action/platform game Skullmonkeys. In the story, the evil Klogg has fooled the dimwitted and primitive Skullmonkey to help destroy the Klaymen and his home planet. Іп your quest as Klaymen, you will travel through five different worlds and over 120 different levels. Intermixed with gameplay are eight hilarious claymation FMVs totaling about twelve minutes. Skullmonkeys also features item collecting, numerous secret areas, and unique weapons like the Universe Enema and Fart-head. The game is early, but overall does not seem as imaginative or challenging as Earthworm Jim. But the idea of 120 levels is daunting to say the least.

Game Informer s December “97


Size: 64 Megabit

le: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter Special Features: 12 Fighters Plus Additional Hidden Characters; Execution Moves; Practice Mode; 3 Difficulty Settings; Gore & Blood Settings Created by: Atari Games Corp. for Midway Home Entertainment Available: Now for Nintendo 64

Mace: The Dark Age

There are a number of fighting games on the Nintendo 64, but none look as good as this one. The more than 12 characters are extremely well designed and animated, and the 3D environments are huge. Working off a three button attack system, the control is fairly easy to execute and multiple hit combos unleash bloody attacks. We did notice some sluggish graphics on certain stages, but to its credit Mace offers an extremely challenging one-player game. While Mace does carry a mature rating (M), the gore settings can be turned off to allow for no blood or decapitations; yet the life-like animations are extremely detailed and graphic in nature. A test may be in order for some players.


біге: 1 CD-ROM

le: 1 or 2-Player Racing Special Features:

11 Authentic Vehicles; 8 Racing Locations with Multiple Stages; Varying Surfaces & Weather; 2- Player Split-Screen; Car Settings; NegCon & Steering Wheel Compatible

Created by:

Infogrames/Ocean for Electronic Arts Available:

Now for Sony PlayStation


64 Megabit

Style: i

1 or 2-Player Racing Special Features:

5 Tracks; 8 Cars (With More Hidden); 4 Modes; Car Set- Up; Paint Shop; Short-Cuts and Hidden Trails; 2-Player Split-Screen; Rumble Pak Compatible

Created by:

Boss Game Studios for Midway and Kemco Available:

Now for Nintendo 64

The Need for Speed: V-Rally

What really looks like an impressive racing game turns out to be rather boring once you sit down and play. This game has varying racing surfaces, but seldom does the game make the player feel a difference between ice or asphalt. Even though this seems to be a rally sim, races only consist of four cars. The locations of the races are dynamic, but lack transitions in topography. V-Rally isn't all that bad when compared to some average racers, but when you stack it up against the likes of Rally Cross, it doesn’t come close. Serious racers may want to rent it, but this is by no means a breakthrough racing game.

Top Gear Rally

Although Ocean's Multi-Racing Championship has more variety in vehicles and tracks, Midway's Top Gear Rally (TGR) feels more natural and the tracks are longer and more fun to race. Furthermore, the crashes in TGR are more severe and often send cars twisting and turning high in the air. TGR's Championship Mode allows you to unlock other cars and tracks by competing and qualifying in six different seasons. The bummer with the first four cars of the Spring and Summer seasons is that they are as Slow as snails. But once you acquire the faster cars of Fall and Winter, the racing becomes fast and furious.

КАР 373.

LAP 1/3

Size: 1 CD-ROM

1 or 2-Player Action/Brawler Special Features: Breakable Foreground Objects; Weapons Including Lead Pipes and Rocket Launchers; Four Playable Characters; Level Branching; Bosses; Loading Time

Created by:

Core Design for Eidos Interactive


Now for Sony PlayStation


TOTAL TIME 0'59"96

САР oT ME D'58" SB».

In Fighting Force there are times when it appears as though there is more loading time than actual gameplay. While the loading is somewhat troublesome, the graphics are sharp, the animation is smooth, and the combat is fast. Kids will love the intensity produced in this game (kick, kick, punch, punch), hard-core gamers like ourselves should be warned of the repetitious and unimaginative gameplay. Fans of Die Hard Arcade, Double Dragon, and Streets of Rage should definitely check this game out, but should also take note that this game is not as good as any of them. Well, it’s better than Die Hard Arcade.

ГАР: 273


December '97

Game Informer


1-Player Bike Messenger Special Features:

Tricks That Enable Power- Ups; Use Earned Money to Buy New Bikes; Kill Pedestrians and Dogs; Shortcuts; Memory Card or Password Save

Created by:

New Level Software for GT Interactive


Now for Sony PlayStation (and Sega Saturn)


Courier Crisis

It's hard not to like a game with Big Drill Car on the soundtrack, but Courier Crisis gives us plenty of reasons to despise it: 1) Shoddy Animation the bike clunks around the streets like a log with only a few disjointed peddling, punching, and kicking animations. 2) Pitiful Collision Physics - there’s nothing worse than a game that ‘sticks’ you to objects in the environment. Come up against a tree and you'll see what we mean. 3) Polygon Drop Out turning your bike around near a wall inevitably causes an entire building to vanish. Plus, everything else in the environment is horribly pixelated. In short, the graphics suck. Yes, the soundtrack rocks, but this game is lame. Steer clear.

ЕЙТ ЕРДА Beast Wars

1 со. ROM


1 or 2-Player Shooter Special Features:

Based on the 3rd Generation Transformers TV Series; 10 Different Characters From Maximals and Predicons; Transform from Robot to Beast and Back Again; Adjustable Difficulty Settings Levels: 32

Created by:

Hasbro Interactive Available:

November for Sony PlayStation




1 to 4-Player Soccer Special Features:

Arcade and Simulation Modes; 210 Teams; Season and Tournament Modes; Dangerous Head Tackles; 5 Camera Views; Varying Weather; Aftertouch Spin Created by:

Shen for Psygnosis Available:

January for Sony PlayStation

Game Informer

Beast Wars is based on the Transformer universe that popularized Optimus Prime and the evil Megatron. Loosely encompass- ing the world of the current Transformers television series, the game allows you to choose characters from the Maximals or Predicons. A total of five characters per team will battle through 32 areas that vary in landscape and appearance. Beast Wars is basically a shooter that mixes minor ele- ments of flying, jumping, and navigation. The version we had a chance to preview is said to be 80% complete, yet we are left with the feeling that this game has a long way to go to achieve a November release. Hasbro may have something up their sleeve and we hate to pan a game before it's com- plete, but in its current form we doubt that you will see it this year.

Power Soccer 2

A completely new graphics engine is used in the newest soccer game from Psygnosis. Aside from a change in the overall look, developer Shen will include 210 international teams, 8 gameplay modes, and a host of other options. The Arcade Mode, if you recall the first version, is very entertaining and PS 2 has some of the same crazy shots and moves. New this year is a dangerous flying tackle that levels your opponent with a shoe to the head. Besides the zany Arcade matches, PS 2 includes seasons and tournaments for the sim fans. Look for Psygnosis' Power Soccer 2 to hit the PS-X in January.

December “97

Price: $11000

Cashflow- $504

Whitsett Rdr E


Desert Strike is a better combat game than Mass Destruction and it came out in


1992. The graphics are poor and thi

ment of a good game.

t game tions to accommodate two-players and the graphics look just game that's old but fun

Game Boy

: lightly faster gameplay, | and new rosters are ene :

is game is pretty cool, ats. A full season with Че players, decent ind 2-player link. What

"Шил m =


To enter this zone drive on the bridge located under a rainbow.

The Key is located оп

grab the key you can leave the race, or try to win.

Key 2 On the Snowball Valley track, simply

spin hard to the left from the start line and enter the hidden valley.

j f if myr


Talk to the Genie and change your craft to the plane. Next, enter the cave covered with snow located in the northwest corner.


After the title of each section we have listed the


cient Lake immediately after the first turn on a brown ramp. From:the:start line you can drive straight, and you'll basically run right into it. After you

Diddy Kong Racing is Nintendo's premiere title this fall, and by no means is it an easy task to conquer all the.tracks and challenges in this 128 Megabit racer. For an overview of how the game works check out the review on page 41, otherwise this is a cut-to-the-chase strategy quide to help you defeat that vile hog, WizPig. ^ Since the standard race strategy for each track is the same - hit as |) many Zippers as possible, collect lots of bananas for speed, and use CF turbos and missiles whenever possible - we'll leave that up to you. This guide will focus on the harder tasks of Defeating the Silver Coin Challenges, finding the Keys, and defeating the bosses.

Ancient: Lake Silver Coin Challenge he eight coins you desire are fairly easy to hit n this track, since.they are all lined up in a row ndin the middle of the road. After you grab them, remember = you must also finish the race in first place.

Fossil Canyon Silver Coin Challenge _

Seven of the coins are easy to pick up, but the | eighth isn't. To grab this one, you'll need to hit the Zipper in the sand located just after the first tu Hit it and you'll launch across the water to the co on the other side. Also, on the split, the coin located on the high road, and bottom. Both are easy to get, and can be grabbed in one fell swoop from the high road, but we recommend grabbing them on individual laps.

Everfrost Peak Silver Coin Challenge

To get the second coin you will need to sacrifice your chance of hitting a crucial Zipper. Doing this on the first lap seems to be the best strategy for staying with the pack. The rest of the coins are easy to grab, but you won't be able to grab them all in one lap since one coin is located above another. Having the ten missiles is helpful when it’s a close race. Blow ‘em up!

Walrus Cove Silver Coin Challenge

The first two coins are easy to grab. The third coin is located right after the bridge. You'll need to two-wheel slide from right to left to grab it. Another tricky coin is located after the two coins in the cave and the one in the clearing. Its exact location is next to the large body of ice. Keep your eyes peeled for it on the right. You'll need to use the powerslide to grab it. Lastly, there is one coin on the left split, and one just before the right split hidden behind a tree. This is a tough course that will require numerous tries before perfection is even an option.

Lobby. This is located at the lighthouse. It will turn into a rocket.

Trophy Challenges

This race configuration is identical to Mario

When hitting this track-mounted turbo booster be sure to let off the gas for a split second to gain an extra boost. Always try to ht ES many of these as you сап.

Turbo Start

By pressing the accelerator as the "Ready" logo fades off the screen уои сап де! a turbo start, just Не а Zipper. The green flame is good, but the blue is better: |


number of Balloons needed to enter that area. Balloons can be found on the Overworld, and won by defeating the different challenges.


You can collect up to 15 on each race. Each banana collected will raise your average speed. When you take on enemy fire you will lose a few bananas, so keep an eye on your meter to see how many bananas you have. The more the better.

Kart 64. Each circuit in each Lobby is composed of the four main tracks. You will not be able to restart your races, and you must place well on each of these tracks to gain points in the standings, The competition is much more difficult, than in the original races, and having a general idea of the track layout is a bonus. Don't forget about the Trophy Challenge. Complete theseWhen you finish the other segments of a Lobby. When you collect all four Trophies you'll open up the Space

Genle Challenge 1 (Kart)

This three lap oval race is easy. Follow the N64 flags that appear in front of you and the Balloon is yours.

Cenie Challenge 2 (Hovereraft)

This Challenge will be unlocked after you enter the Snowland Lobby. This one is a tad more

Game Informer п December ‘97

| тіс Falls Siver Con Challenge

Тһе majority of these coins are hard to get. Using the powerslide to obtain the coins located in the corners works best. Use this strategy on the two coins located directly before and after the bridge as well. Or ~ "if. you think you're really good, try this! Hit the Zipper directly before the bridge, and angle yourself so you bounce off the palm tree to the left. This will give you the coin, and will either A) Stop you so you can turn around and head back to the bridge, or B) bounce you right back to the bridge. If you hit it right you won't fall in the water. The coin after the bridge will also require the powerslide technique. Remember slide early!!!

pecially on the smaller paths). You can Shoot him with missiles but this won't get him out of your way. You can try using the shortcut right after the first arc (surrounded by bushes), or turbos might help, but we recommend staying ahead of him from the get go. Beat him and you'll obtain a Balloon.

Challenge 2

The same technique used to beat him in Challenge 1 When you get to the top of the mountain, don't use th and use the powerslide and two-wheel turn to stay on the path. 129 you win, you'll

obtain the first piece of the Amulet and acce:

Fire Mountain (Requires Key)

The first player to collect and hatch three eggs is the winner. To do so, swoop down to the lava pit below, and touch an egg to grab it. Next, fly the egg up to your nest and drop it by hitting the Z Button. Be careful

efore they hatch. You can do the same. We recommend. sitting in the lava until an egg appears and then running it back. Don't worry, your : vehicle is lava-proof. Just in case-one of those egg-snatchers decides to take one of your eggs, continue grabbing more even if you already have three. Remember, they have to hatch before they are recorded. Your reward will be a piece of the Т.Т. Amulet.

Hot Top Voleano Silver Coin Challenge

At the very beginning of the race the first coin is hidden on the right side of the pillar. The rest of the coins are easy to find. They're either in the middle of the track or centered in the middle of a Zipper.

Snowball Valley Silver Coin Challenge

Ifyou are a master of the powerslide, all of these A- coins are fairly easy to pick up. In the clearings keep your eyes peeled for coins on the far left and right and be sure to take both routes (go left first). Then, in the snowball area, split the two coins on the left and right into two runs. You'll lose serious time if you go for both at once. Otherwise, good luck, and may the slide be with you!

Walrus Challenge Challenge 1

This guy stirs up quite a bit of debris, so getting in front of him will help immensely. All the huge jumps make this course.a fun one to play, but don't underestimate this tusked wonder because he's always one step behind you. Avoiding all of the obstacles and putting the pedal to the metal will ensure a victory if you're good.

Challenge 2.

difficult than the previous one. Follow the track and the flags throughout the land and the

Balloon will be yours.

Cenie Challenge $ (Plane)

Frosty Village Silver Coin Challenge

This track is very wide and the coins are located in every little nook and сгаппу. The hardest one is hidden between the two leftmost houses. Take the left tunnel when approaching and stay as far left as you can. Powerslide to grab it. Next, stay to the left

through the cave and into the next tunnel. Doing this will reward you with three coins. Lastly, до

through the right tunnel (avoiding the tree) to

snatch up the last coin. If you miss the Zippers and

bananas, then you might as well start over. The

competition is unforgiving on this track.

Hidden Balloons Balloon 1

This Balloon is needed to enter the Mountain Cave. To get it, simply drive up ie pe ai grab it. It's as easy as that. *

Plain and simple, this genie shouldn't be a racer. Again, follow the course, and you'll have no problem beating him. At the lighthouse take the turn wide, then slow down to enter the small wall-mounted opening. Win and you'll receive a Balloon.

Game Informer г December “97

Balloon 2

Talk to the Genie and change your vel ice into the plane. Fly up to the leftmost rainbow and grab the Balloon sitting on the topmost ledge.

Balloon 3 s Head to the northeast corner re the Overworld

He’s a little faster, but not much more difficult. Beat him and you'll receive the second piece of the Amulet.

lcicle Pyramid (Requires Key)

The last player alive wins. Everyone starts with ten bananas, and the only strategy is to be a good hunter. Oh yeah, a little luck always helps. Your reward here is the second piece of the Т.Т. Amulet.

where there is a log across the top of a waterfall. Maneuver yourself over to the north side of the log (right side if it is pointing at you), and run into the two trees. Behind them is a hidden Balloon.

Balloon 4

This Balloon is to the left of the lighthouse. It's located near the water, just south of where you found the third Balloon.

The Overworld



Whale Bay Silver Coin Challenge

All you need to do is make sure you grab both coins located on the outside of the ship on the right side of the screen on the first run. After this, if you approach the ship, a whale will appear and create a shortcut. Use this to your advantage.

Key 3

Choose any vehicle and enter the waterfall to the left of the

WizPig's head.

Key 4

On the Boulder Canyon level, drive up to the bell in the castle and then turn around. Punch it, making sure to ring the bell, and then blast off the rising drawbridge to reach the balcony. Viola! The Lobby Key.


Неге it is, the final battle! Stay оп the track and pass

the loser. You'll need to hit every Zipper to be Ш

successful (remember to release the gas to get the blue flame turbo). If you're having trouble, try using Pipsy the mouse, she's a little easier to control.

Future Fun Land Lobby (29 Balloons)

To get here you must first defeat all four Trophy Challenges and WizPig. Then head over to the billboard by the lighthouse апа prepare for liftoff.


Take the Plane or the Hovercraft out to an island located in the eastern corner.

The key is also hidden just past the start line on Crescent Island. Tak outside path and driv the water and you'll find it behind the large column.


тз (Х6 02:55:21

Crescent Island. Silver Coin Challenge

The first route you should take is to the left. You will find a coin in the cave and three bananas. Plus, immediately after this, another coin and two banana: await on the far right. Then before the boat, use powerslide to grab the coin sitting dangerously close the water on the left. On the boat itself, take the upper route to the left (you'll see bananas), and gra the coin centered in the opening. On the next la take the split to the left and grab the two coins.

All the coins on this track are, for the most part, in the open. The hardest coin to find is located in front of the castle entrance. 9 Look in the sand to the right to find it.

| Otherwise, race well and grab as m bananas as you can. Getting all of these « coins early is necessary for a first place finish. Hit the jumps and Zippers, ands blast the enemies whenever possible

B" 7; 6


Windmill Plains Silver Coin Challenge

Eorget the coin in the first windmill and go for as many bananas as possible while getting all the obvious coins, The next three are easy, and after you grab the fifth Кот. * beneath a windmill, steer towards the waterfall to the left: The sixth coin is hidden just behind the falls. The rest are по problem. You should be able to find all eight coins in one lap. Now, just race for the finish line.

Greenwood Village Silver Coin Challenge

The coins on this track are hidden well, and it will take every ounce of your skills to obtain them. First, make sure you have an awesome start and grab the central banana and the three on the right. Then, cut over to the left and grab the first coin. From here continue on straight and grab ће

4 А спе coin. Immediately after this use the two-wheel slide to grab^the ‘coin in the left corner. Proceed straight, grabbing the two -іп. the forest, and then in the next tunnel miss the Zipper and cüt to the left. Grab the coin here and cut back onto the main course. In the second town, grab the coin and use the two-wheel turn to cut through the ‘S.’ On the second and third laps use the well shortcut (located in the village), grab the missing coins, and go for first. You'll need to have ten bananas and drastic Zipper action to win.


Spacedust Alley Silver Coin Challenge As always, use the Zippers to keep your speed up, but look for the passage. beneath the winding bridge it's a short cut. Use it. Otherwise, all these coins are fairly easy to get.

Varkmoon Cavern Silver Coin Challenge

At the beginning, ignore the Zippers and go for the first two coins. Look for one coin hidden in the electricity above the winding bridge.

`7 їн жж

4 «5. 22709: 92

Spaceport Alpha Silver Coin Challenge

Star Wars fans may notice the familiar trench scene; bit don't stare too long, because unless you hang to the tight, those turbo lasers will blast you out of the sky. Also, the best way to get through the dip is to come in high and pull up quickly. This should lead you to all the coins since none are hidden.

Game Informier г December ‘97

Treasure Caves Silver Coin Challenge

On the opening straight-away nail the coin on the left,

snatch the three bananas, then quickly veer to the

right and nab the next one. Then after the cave, duck

out to the right and powerslide into the third coin and go behind it onto a hidden path. This will shoot you right over to the fourth coin. Finally, split the path in the second cave into two tracks. Zigzag it so that you hit the first right coin and the second left coin. This “strategy is flawless.

Octopus Challenge Challenge 1

| Use the jump button to launch over the logs and | steer around the mines that Octo dispenses, Aturbo | start, missiles, and turbo power-ups will keep you close. This track is three Јар. t you fall а few strides behind. The rest is up ` and your instincts.

Boulder Canyon Silver Coin Challenge

The first three coins are obvious. Grab,them. Then at the fog springs, stick left, grab the.coin and hit the Zipper. Next, take the left path at the split. Down here you will find two coins. After you grab them use the right course for the remaining laps. The rest of the

coins are easy to locate. On the other hand, winning may not be so easy. Hunt down | bananas like they are going out of Ё

season. You'll need them!

Dragon Challenge Challenge 1

First of all, fly low and use the Right ‘Shoulder Button to cut the turns. Obtaining the heat-seeking or the ten shot power-ups are a bonus, but he can be beaten with good flying tactics.

Challenge’ 2.

Be cautious. Some spots in the level have been beefed up with more obstacles and certain power-ups have been removed. You тау мап! to change your focus from weapons to power-ups. If you're a good shot then grab the missiles. Otherwise, go for the extra speed boost. Being the best is the only way to obtain victory on this boss track. Your reward the last Amulet, access to this Lobby's Trophy Challenge, and access to the WizPig level.

Amm m 6 ыз 4% 00:23:19



Star City Silver Coin Challenge /

The racing on this level is pretty. straightforward as is the location of the coins, but you'll need to be a master of the two-wheel turn. Stick the turns and the coins will be yours.

йр 173


Thr & X^ 50.24:35

Game Informer п December “97

га pattern to*picking up bananas, making this

TT Door (47 Balloons)

showdown with WizPig. This is a tough challenge and will need to be raced perfectly. The tactic we used was to start with a'blue flame and get the early lead. Мехі; ріск-шр-іНе two red Balloons and then blast WizPig with the homing missile as you grab the blue Balloon off his nose. Use your turbos on the straight- aways and fly high in the throne room. You should be having pork for dinner in no time.

Challenge 2.

This time he's actually difficult. Instead ог dropping mines, he drops bubbles. These new obstacles move about the course and are a serious pain in the tentacles. If you can manage to get in front of him, then you really shouldn't have a problem. If you don't, use the ten missile trick to slow him down enough for you to pass. Stick this Octo-pussy where it counts down and out. He'll give you the third piece of the Amulet.

Varkwater Peach (Requires Key).

This is another battle stage. Power-ups are d beachfront.




Аха o xw

Smokey Castle (Requires Key)

The first player to,get ten bananas into their trea- sure chest wins: You can only carry two bananas at a time, so you, better hurry. You can easily find

boriü$ Stage fairly easy. Plus, the outcome is magnificent. You'll unlock a secret character. Congratulations! The T.T. Amulet is now yours. But where's the door?

Haunted Woods Silver Coin Challenge

This track is easy to finish. Simply do whatever it takes to stay in first and powerslide to get the out of reach coins. Victory is right around the corner. Now, it's on to the Dragon Challenge.


e £


i Treasures of the Deef -

i PlayStation

| Pause the game and then enter ,

Down, Ж, Left, W, Up, Up, А

А, Right, Right, @, © before |

each code listed below.

| Banana Shooter - X, Up, А, |


| Тит Off Fines R2, R1, L2, L1 :. Speed Up R1, R2, R1, R2, R1,


| Obtain Tablet Piece - L1, L2, L1,

L2,H e

; Display Off - Right, ©, Down, ж

A,X, A

i Unlock All Doors - 3*; ©, A, BI : "Мах Out Gold R1, R2, L1, L2,

| Max Out Air & Health - Up, |

R1, R2, L1, L2

: . Down, Left, Right, 3€, 3€

Unlimited Air - А, 6, %, M, Up, |

: Fight as Anita - First enter the. : Del Роот codes. : ‘Return to the Character Select :


Right, Down, Left

_ | АН Weapons - R1, R1, R1, R1,

L1, L1, L1, L1, R2, R2, R2, R2, L2, L2, L2, L2

i Invincibility A, A, x, x

: New Camera View

i All Items - L1, L1, L1, L1, R1, R1,

: КӨР Entire Map = M к... No Mercy - After knocking your :

opponent down іп the-second :

; Unlimited Payload - A, Up, | round, press Select to continue |

R1, R1, L2, L2, L2, L2, R2, R2, R2, R2

x, ш

%, Down

| Reset Continues - R2, 82, R2,

L2, L2, L2

| Tum Off Current - R1, L1, L2,

R2, ж

72 All Missions Available Down,

Right, Up, Left, A, Ж

: All Missions Complete Bi, 3€,


| Dive Complete - A, А, A,

Down, Down, Down

| Uncap Frame Rate - Left, Left,

Left, Ө, e, Ө

: Double Time On Shark Attack : Smashing Pumpkins. - When 2 |

reality gem is used press Select :

L2, L2, L2, R1, R1, R1, R2, L1 All Debug Off R2, L2

: Optimization Off -N,M, e, Өө : : "The Нћто" : Toledo, ОН :

: Marvel Super Heroes | PlayStation

Fight as Dr. Doom - Beat the : i. game (on any difficulty), select : Arcade Mode, and then place `; your "cursor on Spider-Man : (Captain America for Player 2). : From here, press Down, then. : press Down again and hold it. : Immediately press and=hold : 1 ; Thumper Down, Up, Left, Left,


Weak Kick, then Medium Kick,

and finally Strong Kick (while still. : holding Down): With all of these | are held down Dr. Doom will : appear. Press any action button |

to select him.

to select him.

Thanos or Dr.

screen and press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down,

Left, Up, then while holding this : | Up, press Light, Medium, and :

finally Heavy Punch.

beating on-him or her.

: Alternate Costume - Highlight -: i any character, and if they are оп : the top row, hold Up for three : seconds, or if they are on the : bottom row hold Down for three >


| Taunt - While іп gameplay press. удоск Hidden Track 2 Оп.

Moscow 1, pick Ahmed as your < ; : The Lost World: Jurassic Park- : move on to Moscow 2. Мом-гасе : i i Enter all of these codes at the : of the track hit the-jump while : i : Level Select - MAGICBOX : New Uniform REDHUNTR : New Mode CIVILWAR

Down, Down, Select to taunt the :


to throw out pumpkins.

i МОК = PlayStation : «Invincibility €, А, A, ©, Right,

"The Rhino” ` Toledo, OH :

TS * PAS! | i Unlock Hidden Track 3 - On `

Up, Left, L1, MI

World's Smallest Nuke Down, i

Up, Bi, A, Down, 6, 6, Right Decoy - %, L1, Right, ©, ж, Up, ш

World's Most Interesting Bomb 3 ;

Down, Right, 6, Ө, Left, Left, Up, Ш А

А, Up, Right, Down Twister Down, L1, W, а. Right, Up, ж Hand Grenade - A, Ө, " W,L1, Right

> : Bones Airstrike - Down, Up, Ф, : ТТ as Thanos ~ Beat the game : M (оп any difficulty), select Arcade : Mode, and then place your cursor: on Spider-Man (Captain America -: for Player 2). From here, press : Up, then press Up again and hold. : it. Immediately press and hold. : Strong Punch, then Medium : Punch, and finally Weak Punch: : (while still holding Up). With all of f these held down Thanos will : appear, press any action button :

Down, Up, Down, L1

Super Chain Gun - Left, L1, Down, W, А, Up, Down

Sniper Grenade Up, W, L1, Left, ©, 4, E

Homing Sniper Grenade - Left, Up, %, Bl; L1, L1, Right

Mortar - Left, L1, A, Ill, Right, 6, Left, Left

Cow Drop Up, Down, Down, L1, Right

Grand Tour Racing 98 PlayStation i ; Unlock Hidden Track - On Egypt : sopi : ; i Sonic Jam - Saturn à mut the th : { zu ag на woode Access Credits Enter the Sonic :

bridges. Shortly after the third. : bridge you will see an old building: to your right-.Drive along the : beach to reach this. building: Оп: the far side of the building is a. :

hidden object that when touched, will warp you to a hidden track.

team. Place in first, and then as the same team and at the end drifting to the right. The trick here

is to launch over the right guard rail. In between two buildings is a

golden object, that when touched : will warp you to the second :

hidden track.


Switzerland 1, pick Ahmed as. : your team. Мом race through the : two tunnels and launch over ће : left shoulder (you'll seepeople : and cottages). Then look behind the cottages to find the warp to : the third hidden track. E "Dry Cheese" : Leon, France :


| NHL FaceOff‘98 PlayStation $ : Enter these developer names at :

the Player Create Screen. Note: : Don't edit any other attributes : besides the name. i









Louise Franken : University of Illinois

World and complete all of the : world missions. After successfully : doing this, a-gigantic golden гіпо. : will appear іп the waterfall. Јитр : into it to view the credits. : Theodore Henry :

Corozal, NH. :


Password screen.

Freddy Davis ;

Bolton, СТ ~ 52

December “97

Enter all of these codes at the :

Password screen. i Recon Mode EAGLEEYE | Reduce Fuel Consumption - MPG : 4 Extra Lives - PHOENIX : 5 Extra Lives - WARRIOR : Level Codes Level 2 - CUTTHROATS Level 3 COUNTDOWN Level 4 PLUTONIUM Level 5 PUSAN Level 6 -ARMAGEDDON Secret LIGHTNING

Enter. this code at the Password Screen.

Final level —XJKNZT

Finishing Move (Level 1) - To : : Statue | Infinite Health 810с543с 3180

perform a Fatality on Scorpion, press Forward, Down, Forward, HP. "Scorpion Hater”

Webville, COM


Button and press Up С, Right С,

correctly will open'a Cheat Menu in the Options.

: Cheat Mode - At the Character 5 i.|Select screenhold the Left : : Infinite Gold 80097bf2 Offf Left C, Down C, B, A. Doing this :

“The Ice Berg" :

~ San Jose, СА | Max Guard 800f504e 1400

Game Informer | 529 ET rd


with InterAct’s


| GoldenEye 007 Nintendo 64

: Flat'Characters - 800211df 0001 : Dam

; Infinite Health 810d303c 3180

810d304e 0000

г Infinite Ammo = 800037 0007 Facility ; Infinite Health 810b643c 3180

810b644e 0000

© Infinite Ammo 800b6bff 0007 ; Runway, Surface, Depot 5 Infinite Health = 810d943c 3180

810d944e 0000

; Infinite Атто - 800b9bff 0007 ; Bunker, Silo ; Infinite Health - 810b3c3c 3180

810b3c4e 0000

; Infinite Ammo = 800b43ff 0007 ; Frigate ; Infinite Health 810с683с 3180

810c684e 0000

; Infinite Ammo 800c6fff 0007 ; Surface ; Infinite Health 810E633C 3Ғ80

810E634E 0000 Infinite Ammo 800C6FFF 0007

810c544e 0000

* Infinite Ammo 800c5bff 0000 i Archives ; Infinite Health 810есс3с 3180

“810ссс4е 0000

. nfinite Ammo 800cd3ff 0007 ; Streets : Infinite Health 810d6c3c 3180

810d6c4e 0000

: nfinite Ammo 8004731 0007

; Castlevania; Symphony of the i Night - PlayStation

Start At Level 99 80097bee Offf nfinite MP 80097660 0017

infinite Hearts 80097ba8 001

г Infinite Health -80097ba0 2701

80097ра4 2704 Max Attack - 8001406 1400

| Max Strength = 80097668 03e7 i^ Max Constitution 80097bbe 03e7 : Max Intelligence 80097bc0 03e7

Max Luck 80097bc4 03e7 Ж } Max Experience -

Codes only work

80097bec 4231 80097bee 0001

: Croc: Legend of the Gobbos : PlayStation

GameShark enhancer :

Infinite Crystals 80074964 0064

: Infinite Lives —.80074fdc 0003 : Start With'6 Gobbos on Each Level

—8007496c 0006 3

: Have А! 5 Colored Crystals

80074ac8 001f

: Start With Gold Key on Each p

80074ac0 0001

: Start With Silver Key оп Each ы

- 80074ас4 0001

__-Start With All Puzzle Pieces =

80074е6с 0008

| Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub i Zero - PlayStation

: Infinite Lives 800d7d48 0003

= Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee -

: PlayStation

£ 99 Escapees 80082170 0063

^ Zero Casualties 8008216e 0000

+ Instant Guard Takeover

8008213c ffff

: Resident Evil 2 Demo "PlayStation

: (Packaged With RE: The Director's а Cut)

: "АП items will appear in the fourth

inventory slot. Change the last digit in the code to place it somewhere else.

: Infinite Health 800а1с92 00с8 i Start With Lock Key

800a4bf0 0726

| Start With Desk Key -

800a4bf0 0742

i Start With D Key = 800a4bf0 0741 t Start With’S Key 800a4bf0 073f : Start With Key 800a4bf0 0740 į Infinite Handgun Ammo

800a4be4 0502

: Infinite Shotgun Ammo = |

800a4bf0 0707

» Start With Custom Shotgun


| Start With Custom Handgun : ,'800a4bf0 0704

; Start With Magnum

800a4bf0 0705

| Start With Custom Magnum

800a4bf0 0706

i Start With Submachine Gun

800a4bf0 07017

x g and. 1 help out а fellow reader i | ; : Or if you're stuck on a game, send us 0

а letter requesting. des and we will help you access the secrets sree in Secret Access. Ж pr

Nintendo 64

pet Diddy Kong Racing ~

~ Duke Nukem 64 IN © Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero San Francisco Rush „Mischief Makers

Pla yStation us CART Word Series ^ -- oe. ~~ Glock Tower c d Croc: Legend ofthe (00005 4 7 Marvel Super Heroes | Mega Man Х4 Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub- өр Oddworld: Абе 5 Oddysee

Sega Saturn 2 Marvel Super Heroes Меда Мап X4 p Resident Evil. ј Sky Target. ТҰ

ade San. Francisco Rush The Rock: Alcatraz Edition

Send Secret Access Requests To: Access & Allies Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th St + Eden Prairie, ММ 55344

E-Mail: gionline@winternet.com

Sega. Game Play Assistance 900-200-7342 (SEGA) $.85 per minute for automated. -

assistance and ~ $1.05 per minute for live help. уе Сапада 900-451-5252 б $1.25 рег minute.aulomated |

NINTEND i illo ШИ T P x 277 900-288-0707 T. $95perminute | Canada 900- 451-4400 * $1.25 per minute Ты; Nintendo's Automated Power Line! 206-885-7529 |. sONY 7 .900-933-SONY (7669) $; 95 рег тілше

М “all titles.If you're under 18 Бе рагеп!5 ogg

Unlock Hidden Level Using the

to an awesome hidden level. “Captain Piett"

Temple, OR :


Racing - PlayStation

: Enter all of these codes during gameplay.

Display Coordinates Down, Әр, :

Left, Up, Down, Right, Right, Down, Select Gouraud Shading - Bl, Ш, %, А, г еи, х, Ш Select | Freaky Trails А, %, A, E, Bl, | A, Ө X, Select : Disco Tone- х, ©, Ш, ХХ, А, А, Зејес! ; Unlock АП ЕМ\з - ©, ж, E, Ө, : ^M, A, А ©, Select : Waves - Up, Left, Right, Right, i; Down, Up, Down, Up, Select *«New Song - Left, Up, Right, Right, Left, Down, Down, Right, Select

Unlock New Tracks If a certain amount of tricks are performed during a season new tracks. will

appear. Here's what you'll unlock :

if you nail enough tricks: Moon,

Desert, and a Figure-8 Super :

Cross. Tricks List

before hitting а jump.

i Мас Nac R2

*. Table-Top R1

Special R1, R2, R1, R2

Special 2 R1, R1, R1, R1

> Special 3 R2, R2, А2, 82 _ "Virtual Gap Boy '97"

Phoen, AZ |

n s i Third Jerseys - Pick New York: : GDI disk, go to the Password : screen and input PATSUX to warp... :

(Rangers), Tampa Bay, Chicago,

Boston, or Anaheim as» the :

visiting team. Then, highlight the "Start Game" icon at the setup Screen. From here, press. and hold Right + W until the game starts.

; Cheat Mode - During. gameplay

pause, and press R1, R2, Right, Left, R1. Doing this correctly will unlock Pete's and Pat's Cheats in the in-game statistics menu.

“Virtua Gap Boy '97"

Phoenix, AZ

: Sounds of the Wampa At the

Мате Entry screen enter R Testers ROCK. Leave spaces on both sides of Testers and capitalize R, T, and ROCK. Jason Whitten

Webville, COM. :

New Character ‘Colors - qm the Character Select screen, and on

the fighter you desire, press and;

hold any of the four C Buttons. Now press Evade, and then hit A or B to start the match with a. new character color.

‘Note: These must be entered right кы а а вет

Select screen, and on the’ fighter

“whose. stage you want, press,

Start four times, and then select’ who you would like to fight as.

Р Fight as Pojo - All you have to do

is perform Taría's execution move іпа 1 or 2-Player match. Then, at the Character. Select screen, highlight Taria and hold Start and,

1do: 64

Cheat Manu At the TitlesScreen :

press Right, Right, Right, B, B, А, А to unlock the Cheat Menu

containing Level Select and Easy :

Fatalities in the Options.

“Тһе Rhino". : Toledo, ОН :


Enter all of ж ж at ће :

Password screen. Stanley Cup FMV - STANLEY Tiny Players NHLKIDS Huge Players BIGBIG Small PLAYTIME

: Powerplay Award GIPTEA

Big Heads - BRAINY EA Team EAEAO

EA Players Can Be Traded - `

FREEEA ; Third Jersey - 3RD (Only works for the New York Rangers, Татра

Bay, Chicago, Boston, or Anaheim): Samantha George - :

Tissa, TX

Players/Big Heads - :

: Fast Reset - During gameplay, : Pause, and then press Start and Select simultaneously to return to. : the main menu. }

New Character -Clothing - :

Rescue the other two characters, :

then finish the game. You should

be greeted with the message :

"You've got the special key." Now

Save, and then start the game :

you just saved. From here enter

the room. on the “second floor containing the large mitror. Use = the key on the back and then : change into your fünky new duds. :

* Unlimited Rocket Launcher = :

This is tricky. You must beat the game within three hours without rescuing any characters. After- : you win, a rocket.launcher willbe : added to your arsenal with : + unlimited ammo. Brad Johnson. :

Mankato, MN :

Evade. Hold this until ће appears; and then hitan attack button to select him. A

Fight as Grendel Start a 2-player match, and have whomever-is controlling Player 1 win three matches іп a row. Now, back at the Character Selection screen, highlight the Executioner and hold Start and Evade. Hold these buttons- -down until Grendel appears, then hit an attack button to select him:

Fight as Ichiro and Gar At the Copyright screen press Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down. If this is entered correctly а chime will sound out. Now, head

to the Character Select screen |

and the two new characters. will appear above the Executioner. i Other Goodies = To access these :

you must tap the Start button оп : each of the names listed. in the

correct order. character.

New Arena - Mordus Kull Taria, Ragnar

Big Head Mode - Ragnar, Al Rashid, Takeshi

Tiny Combatants. Takeshi, Al’ Rashid, Ragnar, Xiao Long

Random А!-— Hell Knight, Хао :- A Dregan, Namira

Charleston, NM £

Then- selecta :

Hadden Fox : ~

Secret Access Notice: Send Game Informer Your - Passwords and Codes and Win!

Send in your codes and passwords, and if we print them you'll be entered їп {һе Game Informer /ASCIIWARE | Secret Access Contest. The Grand: - Prize is an ASCIIWARE product of

i ТЕ іп ће Tree Trunk- x Primrose Fairy - Tower of Illusion

| NCAA Football 98 PlayStation

‘Formula 1 Championship * Multi Racing Championship your choice. _

| Unlock Hidden Stadiums - Start. Edition = PlayStation 272 Nintendo 64 d

| an Exhibition game and then : Enter all of these codes at the | Time Trial Numbers At the Title re, enter the Stadium.Select screen. : Мате Entry screen. : Screen press the Right Button to Specialized dec Stick From here press 12 and R2 : Round 16 (Championship) - : display the best time for the ASCII Arcade Stick simultaneously to initiate а : ОБАМ ALESI, PEAN ALESI, : Mountain Course. Enhanced ASCII Pad random select. Hit this com- : NEANALESI,QEANALESI.Any : Unlock Hidden Cars Vs. Mode - ASCII Carrybag* bination several times, then scroll : of these names will work, and": Enter the Vs. Race Mode and go Mach 1 down to the bottom ofthe stadium = -only Опе needs tobe-entered. 7 to the sealed garages (where the ASCII Grip

list, and the new stadiums should. :

appear at the very bottom.

stadiums do not appear.

Phil Taffy : Orlando, РІ: : Bigger Tires - LITTLE WEELZ i- Wipeout XL Mode PI MAN : i New Camera View -ZOOM LENSE : Weird Announcements - BOX :

5 Diddy Kong Racing = Nintendo 64 : Enter these codes at the Cheat : entry screen.

: Small Racers - TEENYBOPPERS ` : Start With 10 Bananas-JUMPSTART : E "The VidMan" : Uptown, MN :

fe 2 4

| Shining thé Holy Ark - Saturn : Heres where to- find these-

г important Pixies.

Four New Tracks = BILLY BONUS : : VR Graphics - VIRTUALLY : Continue doing this if the : i | 1960's Vehicles - SWINGING Н : Unlock Bonus Cars Single Player




Muran Fairy Desire Mine Inside |

the Alcove

Dahlia Fairy Enrich Town by the :

"Burger Girl" : Clarkston, IA :

bonus cars-are unlocked). Then, on any of the sealed garages, have both players press B. It will say “Selected.”

Enter the Vs. Race Mode, go to the sealed garages, then push B several times. Doing this will kick you back to the Title Screen. Now, pick any mode and don't enter the Machine screen. Just start the race to use the bonus саг.

Mirror Моде - Beat all three courses in Championship Mode to unlock the challenge against Hannya. | you beat her you'll race against Deus. Defeat him and you'll unlock the Mirror Mode.

*Carrybag only. Contents not included.

i Maple Fairy Forest of Confusion - -. Alley Wall : и y

апе Pond Roberia Fairy - Enrich Town Well- үө ШЕ (od oie

* Cherry Fairy Desire Village inthe Alcove са. :

С When намона те Dog Orlea Fairy = Aborigine Mansionin О ы

© Willow Fairy Forest Cave Level. he Painting ASCII Pad SN

: ВІ onthe South Side Ripanos Fairy - Mountain Cave ^ Croton Fairy - Tower of Illusion Super Advantage

i Palm Fairy Mountain Cave Level Level Bf in Alcove Level 1F by the Stone Statue Rhino Pad SN

i Втанће Water Kathorea Fairy - South Shrine рапа Fairy - Desire Mine Outsidé

i Apple Fairy Far-East Village in. = Level 1F in North Alcove the Wall "x ber di ; the Barrel Viola Fairy = Mirage Village by the ^. так Fairy - Forest Cave Level B2 mud ЕА 7

: Lime Fairy - Enrich Dungeon i Level B1 in the Jar-

i Pear Fairy West Shrine Level 1F i tothe Eastin the Water ==.

_ Baldric Fairy Desire Mine Level.


Lunaria Fairy - Tower of Illusion Level 1F inthe Alcove

Natasha Fairy Desire Mine Level 2F in the Alcove. ~

in the Hole Morgan Fairy - Enrich Dungeon Level B2 in the Treasure Chest Kokus Fairy Forest of Aborigine in the Graveyard by the

i ЗР in the Jar -Lantano Fairy Desire Village in Tombstone

= j Daisy Fairy Forest of Confusion the Box ‘Zircon Fairy Aborigine Mansion i inthe Tree Enjewel Fairy Forest Cave Level in the Pendulum 2 Iris Fairy - Forest-Cave Level B1 B2 by the Rock Mangus Fairy Mountain Cave in

i. in the’North Side Pillar _ | Camellia Fairy - Enrich Dungeon : Level B2 in the Alcove

Masakari Fairy - Enrich Town in- the Fireplace

- Krupis Fairy Forest of Aborigine

the 2nd Ice Area in the Treasure Chest Darbie Fairy South Shrine Level

The runner-up will receive a Game


: Peony Fairy Forest of Aborigine in the Graveyard __ | B1 South Side by the Statue Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to —i Бу ће Tree in the Graveyard Liknis Fairy - Aborigine Mansion Solo Fairy - East Shrine Level 3F complement their wardrobe.

i Sisal Fairy West Shrine Level 1F. | n the Painting а: ру the Stone Pillar . 2

p Ьу ће Western Water i Cypress Fairy - South Shrine ІП Stilt Fairy - Mirage Village in the 3 Send To:

1 Mimosa Fairy - East Shrine Level | the Crypt Desert Far Side | с

Level ДЕ by ће Stone Statue іп the ат

Game informer | December 797

lyde Fairy Desire | Mine Level

Aster Fairy - Enrich Dungeon Level B2 inthe Chest : Adonis Fairy - = West Shrine Level

526 B the А Pillar


Eric Fairy Tower of Illusion Level БЕ inthe Alcove

~ Greenwood, WA

Locust King -

Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344

E-Mail: gionline@winternet.com


® and the М” logo are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1997 Nintendo of America Inc. www.nintendo.com. Call 1-800-771-3772 for Game Rating Inforn

Kong Racing: Trademark of Nintendo. ©1997 Rare. Diddy Kong, Banjo and Krunch characters licensed by Nintendo. GoldenEye 007: ©1997 Nintendo/Rare. Game by Rare. ©1962,

LLC. & МАС. All Rights Reserved, ©1997 EON Productions Ltd & Mac В. Inc. James Bond Theme by Monty Norman. Used by permission of EMI Unart Catalog Inc. Star Wars: Shi Empire: and ©1996 Lucasfilm Ltd. Licensed exclusively to Nintendo, Tetrisphere: Tetrisphere™ licensed to Nintendo by The Tetris Company, LLC. NFL Quarterback Club 98: Quarterback Club is a trademark of the National Football League. Team names, nicknames, logos and other indicia are trademarks of the teams indicated, ™/© 1997 NFLP. The Play is an official trademark of the National Football League Players. All rights reserved.™, (9 8 ©1997 Acclaim Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. International Superstar Soccer 6 Superstar Soccer and Konami® are trademarks of Konami Co., Ltd. ©1997 Konami co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Madden Football 64: John Madden Football, EA Sports and the E/ logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronics Arts. Officially Licensed Products of the National Football League Players. The PLAYERS INC. logo is a trademark of the NFL


This product is not licensed or endorsed by NFL Properties or any NFL team. Top Gear Rally: ©1997 Boss Game Studios, Inc. All rights reserved. Top Gear Rally is a trademark of Kemco. Distributed by Midway Home Entertainment Inc. under license. Midway is a trademark of Midway Games Inc. Used by permission. The NHLP & NHL Present Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98: ©1997 Atari Games Corporation. All rights reserved. THE NHLPA & NHL PRESENT WAYNE GRETZKY'S 3D HOCKEY '98 is a trademark of Wayne D. Gretzky and the National Hockey League Players' Association, excluding the word NHL. NHL is a registered trademark of the National Hockey League. All NHL logos and marks and team logos and marks depicted herein are the property of the NHL and the respective teams and may not be reproduced without the prior, written consent of NHL Enterprises, L.P. ©1997 NHL Used under license by Atati Game Corporation. Officially licensed by the National Hockey League, NHLPA is a trademark of the National Hockey League Players’ Association and is used. under license, by Atari Game’ Corporation. Officially licensed product of the National Hockey League Players’ Association. MIDWAY@ is a registered trademark of Midway Games Inc. Used by permission. Distributed by Midway Home Entertainment Inc. Mischief Makers™: ©1997 Treasure/Enix. Licensed to Nintendo. 7


Okay, so you're flying through the city of San Francisco : hitting a heart-pounding speed of 160 mph. Ви up ahead is Lombard Street famous for its many сите. :

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