NINTENDO ° SEGA ° Sony ° РС ° Ансап m o Ho с са a > Te) о + + со © с © c о lo e ceo p November 1997 Vol. VII + Issue 11 * #55 % ESRB | й, = IM @ and ше “М”! trad doo 2 ë ír ogo are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1997 Nintendo, of A inp 173 PlayStation ESRB BY GAMERS. FOR GAMERS All r < 5 nark: о and the PS logo are Ф hter Extrem yStation log Believe The Rumor... (Ue Gor Carchworm Jim?! a, Inc. All епса f Nintendo of Ame 0 Coming Soon Clay Fighter Схскете Creatures of clay will descend on 3D environments of outrageous Coming in Оссобев Clay Fighter 6375 accion and comedy. And che old games shall envy che пеш. With the most accurate gun available for the PlayStation’ console, Time Crisis is а can't-miss proposition. Рт REPS EHS SAN AUER ETERS, Hey kids. Get one free in specially marked boxes of Time Crisis; ИМЕ CRISIS™ & 1995 1996 Namco Ltd., All Rights served. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The rating: icon is a trademark of the Interactivo Digital Software Association. Photo of Time Crisis gun enhanced to look more scary. No collagen or saline Implants were used. ) THE MOST ACCURATE GUN ON THE PLAYSTATION CONSOLE! III! | Presenting а shooting game so intense it comes with it's own weapon. Time Crisis includes the formidable firearm pictured here, the original award-winning arcade shooting game, plus a whole new shoot- fest specifically created for the PlayStation" console. Full 3D polygon environments surround you with full 3D polygon enemies. Multiple modes include Story, Arcade and Time Attack, plus multiple endings. Blast away and duck for cover as you exterminate the criminal element in a variety of hidden CONTENT RATED BY PlayStation SRB GUNCON FOR USE WITH fg) SOFTWARE THAT DISPLAYS mit ens сон w памсо. сом TIME CRISIS™ & © 1995 1996 Namco Ltd., АН Rights Reserved. PlayStation and the PiayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. Photo of Time Crisis gun enhanced to look more scary. No collagen or saline implants were used Ө Letter from the Editor Will the 0064 ever come out? (10) Dear Game Informer GI readers from across е globe interact with ` (12) Envelope Art You can't win if you don't ` enter GI's monthly Envelope ` Art Contest. GI News Sony nabs Lara, Sega and Microsoft collaborate on a new 128-bit console, Square releases new Final Fantasy, and tons-o-fun with Name ` That бате!, Trivia, and Gl's Top Ten. Classic Gl GI looks at classics on the Super NES, Sega CD, NES, and TurboGrabx- 16 — Game Informer PC а! reviews Hexen 11 and Dark _ Colony as well as РС news _ from the Matrix. | © Arcade Brigade СІ looks at Midway's newest arcade game Off-Road Challenge. (84) Secret Access Tips from our readers and the infamous Game Genie/Game Shark Swap Shop. ` Correction: The cover story on Madden 64 in the October issue of “Game Informer” included images and player renderings from Madden 98 for the Sony PlayStation. Although both products are published by Electronic Arts, Madden 64 is not licensed by NFL Properties and does not include any NFL marks or logos. Madden 98 for the Sony PlayStation is licensed by NFL Properties, and therefore does include NFL-licensed marks or logos. The use of images and renderings from Madden 98 in the review of Madden 64 may have led readers to erroneously conclude that Madden 64 is licensed or endorsed by NFL Properties, or that Madden 64 includes NFL-licensed property. Such is not the case. Game Informer Magazine has posted this notice at the request of Electronic Arts. Game Informer в November ‘97 " World Tour, Magic: The Gather . Nintendo 64 21 Pole Position, Mischief Makers, Ba berman 64" _ - Wheel of Fortune, Indy 500 Cover Story: Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back Last year a strange man dressed as an orange rat was seen. prowling i in the Nintendo parking lot. Unknown to gamers, __ 4 this man was the prophet for the coming of the Bandicoot. Crash Bandicoot that is. And now he is back in his second adventure and Game Informer has got the goods on this superb PlayStation sequel. ا‎ Feature: Behind the Scenes At Konami For the first time in history, Konami of Japan welcomed the / U.S. press into their hallowed halls, and Game Informer was there to cover it. Find out the latest news on all of Копат! 5 games including Metal Gear Solid, Hybrid ~. Heaven, Castlevania 3D, and МВА In the Zone ‘98. Feature: GI World Tour In September, there are two huge video game conventions that take place on different sides of the globe – the Tokyo Game Show and the ECTS. Since you can't attend them, Game Informer did. This is а must read report that takes a glimpse into the future of video gaming and a look at the gaming oddities of foreign lands. Nintendo 64 Zelda 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Yoshi’ $ Story, ` F-Zero 64, San Francisco Rush PlayStation i c v Tomb Raider 2, Armored Core, Fighting ! Bie, Cool Boarders 2, NHL 98, NHL Face Off '98, NASCAR 98, One, MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero, Fast Break, Formula One Championship Edition, Colony Wars, Nightmare Creatures, Nuclear Strike Saturn s Sega Touring Car, Ten Pin Alley, Burning Rangers PlayStation Steel Reign, G-Police, Auto Destruct, Jimmy Johnson's VR Football ‘98, Pitfall 3D: Beyond the Jungle, Test Drive 4, NBA Shoot Out ‘98, Youngblood, PGA Tour 98, Moto Racer, VMX Racing, GTR ‘98, Rampage g - Battlemage © Saturn Sega Ages, Quake Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1067-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issues for $9.98 by unrise. Publicati 18, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden. Prairie, ММ 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. For subscriptions, back issues ог custom: ice inquiries | (612). 946- Per саб stage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer 0120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, ММ 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year additional | postage. Entire contents copyright 1907. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in ч without permission is prohibited. Game L а ced FUNCO Inc. Products named in these | pages аге trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies. As you read this magazine, Game Informer will have already been to Japan and seen the latest news concerning the 64DD (ог 0064 as I have heard it referred to by, Howard Lincoln himself). What we will see is unknown to me, but do have a good feeling that the 6400 will never make it to our shores even before I get to Japan. | Now I realize this is somewhat of а contfoversial statement to make, but it seems ta be the only conclusion about the 64DD that makes sense. Nintendo has had a long history of creating peripherals that never appear, or only materialize in Japan. Remember the SNES CD-ROM attachment called the PlayStation? Never showed. How about this..did you know the NES had a hard drive available for it only in Japan? Or what about the SNES Satellite View? Ever heard of it? i Certainly, Some of our more serious readers know that most of these items are available only in Japan (the SNES “Due to the fact that | was so engrossed in GoldenEye 007, | actually believed that ! was the great 007 for a solid week or two. My stealth capabilities went far beyond anything | could ever imagine, plus | made myself some sweet gadgets. My rubber band slingshot which 1 called ‘Dogwood’ nailed Paul right in the back of the ear from at least forty feet away. Yeah, | 四 | don't put up with silly review comments from | Paul, The Game Loser. Poke fun at me and I'll shoot your eye out! Fortunately, | recovered from this rare syndrome, but | have been playing the heck out of Castlevania. Maybe Ill rip Paul in half and chuckle as his blood gushes all over Storm.” ‚ “Playing Cool Boarders 2 has me totally stoked to search out ~ some slopes. Even though Minnesota s flat, Montana's not too far „` -. away, and in fact, new staff addition Paul Bergren lived there for © » a year as a ski bum. Maybe a little road trip to Montana is in > order. And by the way, we had a little.GI fishing outing, and ` everyone caught a fish except Reiner. Well, he caught two ~ sunnies, so technically it wasnt a skunk, but we'll definitely have | о gel him out on the water again for another bout with the elusive | ‚ walleye.” | PlayStation not being one of them), but doesn't it sound w think about the 6400 — it has a removable alled an MO and a modem. Sound like the Satellite View and a hard drive? I think sa. — Now why would Nintendo want to confuse its followers With a new peripheral that only takes special games that are created especially for the 6400, when Nintendo 54 gamers are already complaining about the lack of girth in the their library? The answer is obvious — they wouldn't. I know the 6400 sounds likg a great system (even though we really don't know-that much about it), but I wouldn't start saving my pennies just yet. Nintendo is notorious for delays, so I they'll string us along on this one for a while. But in the end, the 6400 is never coming out here. Japan? Maybe. “I've made my first reconnaissance mission to Japan and it was quite a gaming adventure. Besides the crowds of people and my ineptitude for the Japanese language, | arrived back at my cozy (and messy) desk eager to return to that gaming mecca we know as Japan. (I will hopefully have more Japanese words in my vocabulary by then.) | have to mention that | had the great honor of meeting Konami's Shigeharu Umezaki who directed the development of the classic Contra for NES. After playing that game for much of the first two years of my college career, | feel Гоше him for my education.” “Where ат 1? What are you doing to that action-figure? For me, being at Game Informer is a dream come true. The only problem is, Andy makes us complete a grueling two hour thumb strengthening workout every day before work. They call me the Game Burrito because | possess the gaming skills of each Gl Reviewer wrapped into one hot and spicy dish. | know _ Гуе only been here a short while, but Гуе already seen some inspiring games. My favorite is Cool Boarders 2, but | also like NHL 98, Top Gear Rally, and Colony Wars. Go Wolves!!" "Everybody put your hands together for the man with _ “ the Kramer cut, Paul Bergren. | can't tell you how ` ecstatic | am about getting a new team member. ,, We've missed the PC Jedi since he went back to = school. He never calls, you know. Well to continue ту holiday hits list: FF УП, Castlevania, Oddworld, ` GoldenEye, Cool Boarders 2, Treasures, and SF EX + | Alpha are still on the list, but I'd like to add SF Rush, ` Diddy Kong Racing, and Crash 2. Till next ‚ month...don't impale yourself on your N64 controller." | — if t m ge^ Game Informer d p” ҮҮ MAGAZINE November Issue 1997 Volume VII * Number 11 • Issue #55 Richard A. Cihak Publisher Andrew McNamara Editor Paul Anderson Senior Associate Editor Andrew Reiner Jon Storm Paul Bergren Associate Editors Thomas Blustin Art Director Graphic Design Curtis Fung Production Director Web/Graphic Design Ryan MacDonald West Coast Correspondent Terri Mineau Copy Editor Terrie Maley Circulation / Marketing Manager (612) 946-7274 Advertising Sales Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 (612) 946-8159 Fax (612) 946-8155 Manufactured and printed in the United States of America Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year five trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications”, 10120 West 76th Street. Eden Prairie; MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. Periodicals postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer’ Magazine. 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie. ММ 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year additional postage. The Editor welcomes company product information for all video games. Such materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Informer’ Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN. 55344. Editorial phone and FAX numbers are noted above. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned or acknowledged. Entire contents copyright 1997. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, inc. Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies For subscription inquiries please write or call Game Informer Magazine 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (612)946-7266 Attn: Customer Service PUBLISHER LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is limited to republication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement INDEMNIFICATION The advertiser and/or Advertising Agency agrees to defend and indemnify the publisher against any and all liability, loss. or expense arising from claims of libel, unfair competition, unfair trade practices, infringement of trademarks, copyrights, trade names, patents, or proprietary tights or violation of rights of privacy, resulting from the publication of the Advertiser's statement. Audit Bureau of Circulations Member November ‘97 на eT EET . Whenever its brought up, this question | . makes Andy and Reiner twitch. Will there be a .. Metroid for the N64? We've heard rumors that |. they are working on one, but nothing solid. But can you imagine what Metroid would look and play like on the NB4? Оћ man! They better make one. And if they don't, you can count on Game Informer to let Nintendo know how frickin’ frackin' unhappy gamers everywhere will be. As for Punch Out? Who cares..Let's get back to this Metroid 64 trip! Oh yeah..Baby don't stop!!! _ Rhino’ a huge head. You'd be surprised who ‘The | Rhino’ really is. Okay, we won't hide it апу | longer. After his fall from Saturday morning | grace, we managed to recruit Paul Reubins | the greatest employee we've ever had, and time he walks into the room, we can't help but chuckle. He loves it..Sorry, we Нед. We don't | have Pee-Wee on our staff (it was wishful | thinking though). If you really want to know who | The Rhino’ is simply say his name really, really | fast. The answer will be on your tongue. If you | can't get it — too bad! He deserves a secret life. battle racing game (like Mario Kart 64), but with all of the famous Nintendo stars (like Zelda, Donkey Kong, the guys from Spy Vs. Spy, Коора, Bowser, Peach, etc). It should have at least fifteen good and bad guys/girls. We also think that you should be able to choose different vehicles and the game should be called something like All-Star Racers 64. The last thing we think is that there should be glasses that allow you only to see the player's screen . that the glasses are set for. This way people . can't cheat by looking at other people's screens. From Adam DePietro and Pete Thomas | Wildwood, IL PS. Please write back and give us Mr Miyamoto's home address in Japan. You guys certainly deserve the title of “Game ^... Freaks" Now and then, we receive a few letters _of game ideas and general feedback on how to make a game better, but we rarely read a letter _ that deals with future technologies. Honestly, the glasses idea would be cool (if it were possible), but we ‚ probably wont see an P^ innovation like this until || the day that your console machine can walk and | talk. As for Miyamoto’s | address? Sorry, we cannot give it out. We actually know Mr. M quite well. Storm and Paul have | invited him to a few GI | barbecues, and we've talked, laughed, and had a great time. He makes ‚ the greatest salsa dip in | the world, but he’s still a little bitter about Reiner waxing him in Star Fox Here's a simple series of questions for you. | . Will I be able to use any of the guns available _ Юг the PlayStation on Time Crisis? In addition to | this, will I be able to use the Gun Con on any of the other gun games available for the | PlayStation? Hit me. “Unknown” The Gun Con is only for use with Namco's | gun games like Time Crisis and Point Blank. | Plus, you will not be able to use other | miscellaneous guns for these two games. It | needs the added action button to work. Because | of this, we've heard rumors that Namco may pack-in the Gun Con with all of their gun games. And no, the Gun Con will not work on any non- Namco gun games like Area 51 and 50 оп. | First off, I want to say what everybody else | says. I love your mag and blah, blah, blah! Regarding the September ‘97 issue and the person who calls himself “The Rhino,’ I believe that what was said was totally immature and irresponsible. Why did this impostor even take | the time to write you if he hates you so much? | Its stupid! Besides, the real ‘Rhino’ is a loyal and very experienced gamer who has found many codes and tricks for you. I salute ‘The Rhino’ for his devotion and hard work! Long live Game Informer!!! _ have one really big gripe about this game. The | Ending! Visually appealing? Yes. Full of action? 1 Square put so much effort into the plot, and | leave the ending just hanging? Yeah, they killed | the bad dude and escaped safely, but then what? | Did the humans die or not? One of the major | conflicts was that Holy Materia might end the | human race. This isn't the first time Square, or any other company, has given an incomplete _ ending. What's the matter, can't they spend a | little more time making a ‘satisfying ending? I could easily sum up an ending, and tie up all the loose ends. Why is this so difficult? Its as if, as soon as the graphics and sound got better, the endings just got worse and worse. The best endings I've seen are in FF2 and Lunar: Eternal Blue. And believe me, I have played my fair share of RPGs. I am really starting to lose confidence in video game companies. Before you know it, the endings will go back to Super Mario Bros. with “Thank you Mario! Game Over’ Frank Holtham Webville, COM Continued on Pg. 12 | (somehow), we should ' let you know that the Spy Vs. Spy characters are . not Nintendo's creation. They are from Mad _ Magazine. Plus, do you really want to see _ | another game like Mario Kart on the N64, now _ | that there are already two (see pg. 46). Sincerely, Jared Hollenbeck [Address Omitted] Were glad you took the time to write in on this dilemma, and boy oh boy, you just gave ‘The он First, I'd like to say I'm not а suck-up like those people who always write in saying how much your mag rules. But since I subscribe, _ you know I like the тад. I want to know if _ Nintendo is planning a Metroid or Punch Out for the N64? ~ x Dave Green ИЛа Park, IL Game Informer и November ‘97 DELICIOUS! “Like Lara Croft, (ROC has more moves than you can shake a stick at.” -PSM-PlayStation Magazine “Move over Mario. . .and cruise by Crash. . CROC rocks!” – GAMEPRO “CROC is looking to be one of the best 3D platform games for the year!” -PSExtreme ом о FP OF THE GOBBOS CROC © Argonaut Software Ltd, 1997. All rights reserved. CROC and CROC: Legend of the Gobbos are trademarks of Argonaut Software Ltd, 1997. © 1997 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. Sega and Sega Saturn are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. Windows and the Windows® 95 logo are the trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. А ® Windows" | yu а 95 CONTENT RATED BY ARGONAUT TM I hope you don't think I am out of line on this. 1 am a guy who appreciates the female Ds — —" form, the most beautiful thing that graces our . Good day! Everyone is doing a bang-up job little planet. Besides, some of the integrity is lost at your magazine and I truly hope it continues. when others choose to eliminate an integral I wish to impress upon you the importance aspect of an art form. of not having such an inordinate amount of Keep up the great work, it is certainly advertising as all the other video gaming É appreciated. magazines seem to have (though this is not Shawn Ristvedt something advertisers in general may want to Critical Fan and Less hear). Perhaps by having a select number of Skin can be good at times, but you have to advertisers there is more of a tendency to pause № remember that when its shown it has to be evenly divided between the two sexes. The and take a look at an ad. > I really like your page set-ups. By profiling politically correct have whined and moped about а game on а whole page, the effect is at once № ¿he appearance of Lara Croft, but they've never said a word about the almost butt-naked clean, full, and pleasant to the eyes. This is an exceptional aspect of your magazine and I hope № Incredible Hulk. What gives? In Japan, their и сап сшщ : culture accepts the beauty of the human body, Overall, Game Informer (GI) is made clear f and their easy-to-spot manga art style basically and concise by eliminating the incidental consists of nothing but beautiful girls and huge peripherals, ‘things’ that do not add to the given È mechanical warriors. All of the Japanese дате publications we've seen feature scantily clad piece or article. Many other magazines have too women оп the cover (and occasionally a Square * much about nothing that's going on. | Though this may seem a bit odd, I was ff сате). But that's Japan. Don't expect the US. (ог wondering — what kind of censorship Game Informer for that matter) to start covering, differences are there between the Japanese or uncovering, this unique gaming niche games and the American games? I am not| Luckily, every once in a while a few things leak asking specifically about translated games, but Ё through. For instance, TH*Ü will be releasing the rather any given game. For example, playing Ё Ghost In the Shell PlayStation title very shortly Sony's Super Puzzle Fighter H Turbo on the Ё which is based on the immensely popular Dark Underground disc, the character Felicia appears Horse comic series and the Manga motion picture. If уоште really into the skin thing, we to show — shall we say — a lot of cleavage. Are there many games with such intrigues, & recommend checking out the comic industry, since it's filled with nothing but overly-sized Japanese or English, that you can cite? If so, would you please cite any and all games with malas and ва such interesting characters, Japanese ог otherwise. We could call it, “Sexy Show-Offs: Uncut’ Skin to win! Continued From Pg. 10 | _ Come on, use your imagination a little. FFVII's ending is very similar to the one in the Twelve Monkeys motion picture. It doesn't resolve anything, unless you really look and link the pieces together. Remember the woman on the plane? Now for FFVII, remember Red XIII and company looking in on а grass-filled civilization? Hmmm..It shows cat beasts and run-down human products complete with moss and wildlife coverings. Hmmm... Yeah, you might be right in saying that it didn't show anything, if youre absolutely blind! Play it again and мете sure youll see what were talking about. Remember this is the Final Fantasy for that era. Not all of them end on a happy note, and not all of them end with a solid resolve. This is an ending where you... Gr b Е увы Dew^r A AC. yo yous дүй! OP med, T ewe та Royce Oatis Merrionette Park, IL Crash Dangerfield! a think if | got | а hairpiece | would look more attrac- tive.” Andrew Helms Flushing, МЇ Welcome to GI's 70's flashback hour...let’s x boogie! Jonathan Yang Walnut, CA Gambit is a tad upset. Alzaber Rucayat Brookyln, NY Being introspective is So cool. Duane Cunnighham Shawnee, KS “Lambsheep” E ТРЕТ‏ ا Mortal Kombat®Mythologies: The Adventures of DRAGON DESIGN, SUB-ZERO and all character mes are trademarks of Midway Games Inc. Distributed by Midway Home Entertainment Inc. under license, Nintendo, Nintendo 64 and the 3-0 "№" logo are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1996 Nintendo of America Inc. | Licensed by Nintendo. PlayStation and the PlayStation Logos аге trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. — PlayStation к= RB u Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Action/Platform m Special Features: Analog Controller Compatible; Jetpack and Rocket Surfboard Levels; New Moves _ Including a Belly Flop, Crawl, and Super Jump; Amusing Death Scenes; Warp Rooms Allowing for Non-Linear Gameplay; Unique Adaptive Difficulty Adjustment m Levels: 27 Plus 5 Bosses m Created by: Naughty Dog/Universal Interactive Studios for Sony Computer Entertainment America ва Available: November 4 for Sony PlayStation THE STORY Staring insignificantly at stars serried in rank and symbolic form, the notorious Neo Cortex gracefully drifted through the blackness of space. As he slowly approached Earth, he began to contemplate the misfortune of his recent past. But his memories were a blur, and the only solid thought that stuck in his mind was the goofy expression on Crash Bandicoot's face. He was not very fond of Crash, and as the seconds passed by, Cortexs muscles tensed up as this unbearable image stuck in his mind. After all, Crash was the one who foiled Cortex's latest caper with a whack of his fist, launching him up to this safe and comfortable altitude of 200,000 feet. In a chilling voice Cortex finally spoke, “I will | have my revenge’ Following this, the awkward looking Cortex began to roll with laughter, and soon the strangest thing happened. His momentum picked up, and with each chuckle it continued to increase. In seconds, Cortex was approaching an insane speed, and before he could think of the consequences, his body entered the atmosphere. Rays of pain struck every inch of his flesh. In a world of hurt, Cortex plummeted through the sky like a cartoon anvil. His vision blurred, and moments before ће blacked * out, he heard а loud thump. | Awaking in a cavern, Cortex's eyes bain ta glow. Smack dah before him 55 а valuable crystal. With enough of these crystals he could create the ultimate weapon and seek revenge on his arch-nemesis Crash (and the rest of the Earth as well). But there was a problem. He would need to find someone to search out the crystals for him as he began constructing the weapon itself. Thoughts raced through his mind as to who he would get to do his dirty work? "Why yes,’ he said, “who else, but my own ۳ enemy Crash Bandicoot!!! w. PAUL; THE GAME PROFESSOR "Crash 2 is a heck of a lot of fun. At first THE Bottom LINE Concept: 9 glance it didn't look or play much ou different from the first game. Like the Graphics: 9.5 previous game, it isn't that difficult to Sound: beat levels, but the challenge comes by | breaking all the stinkin’ boxes. Апа that | Playability: 8.75 /5 very tough in Crash 2. The play Entertainment: 9.25 new moves and modes of transportation all add some spice to the run and jump control is solid and the addition of the | action. However, | did find a little trouble | with judging distances when jumping, || but better skills always come with || practice. There's no doubt that if you enjoyed the first game, you'll think the | second is killer. This is the action/ platform to beat on PS-X." а Р Now that the moment is set, and all the pieces of the plot are in place (except, of course, the mystery of why Crash would choose to do Cortex's bidding), you should know what Сгазћ 5 adventure will contain. Crash actually doesn't have a say in whether he'll help out or not. You see, Cortex has just created a unique warp system that nabbed Crash and dumped him in a large five level tower. There is no way to escape from this tower, unless Crash finds an exit on his own. Since falling victim to Cortex's sinister plot will surely lead to Crash's doom, you must find a way out. In Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, a lot has changed since the last installment. | The biggest and most noteworthy addition is the new warp room and how it affects gameplay. Selecting levels from a path spanning across three islands has been left to rot in Crash 1. The warp room is similar in theory, but you will now have the ability to choose from five levels at once, as opposed to only being able to select one. Teleporting has also opened up a new system of finding hidden areas. For instance, you may stumble across an invisible transporter buried in a corner of a massive level, and before you know it, Crash will disseminate and reappear in a hidden area containing one of the more valuable Gems in the game. Captain Kirk would die for a transporter system of this caliber. Another gigantic alteration has to do with the difficulty setting. It is once again fairly easy to beat the game and extremely difficult to find all of the hidden stuff. But now, if you are struggling at any given point in time, the game will recognize that you've failed numerous times in a row and try to help you. Developers at Naughty Dog, Universal Interactive Studios, and Sony Computer Entertainment have implemented a unique adaptive difficulty adjustment system that will help you out by reconfiguring a few things within the sector you are currently stuck on. These modifications could be as brash as a standard box changing into a checkpoint, or as simple as giving you an Aku Aku mask at the start of a level. This unique feature will allow anyone who plays to have a sporting chance. The best players won't run into reconfigurations too much, while those who have troubles will reap its benefits. The outcome — everybody wins, and no one breaks a controller. Crash 1 was a gorgeous game that left many gamers speechless. The gameplay, on the other hand, while being complicated and extensive, was somewhat lackluster when compared to | the game's appearance. All of the Super Mario titles have had a fairly solid balance between these two categories. What makes these Mario titles succeed is obvious — a wide variety of moves and random gameplay events keep the game exciting and unpredictable. Crash 1 only Ë featured a few moves (jump, running jump, and spin), plus the only shocking portions of gameplay occured on the Boar levels (which only appear twice throughout the entire game). In Crash 2, a slew of new and somewhat revolutionary moves have been incorporated, as well as two huge (and much needed) additions — the jetpack and the rocket surfboard levels — all of which will keep gamers wondering what could possibly happen next. Character-based action/platform games thrive on two things — challenge and wackiness. Crash 2 emphasizes these points to such a degree that you may become flustered with a puzzle-like bonus level where you'll need to use different jumps, techniques, and perfect timing to get it down right. Then a few minutes later, there's the chance that you'll laugh yourself silly watching Crash's victory dance, which does nothing but mock the celebrations of other action/platform stars. All together, Crash 2 is structured almost perfectly. The game flows nicely from start to finish, and the difficulty slowly grows harder with each new level. Plus, all of the graphics and little touches to the level designs, like random dragonfly appearances . | and water dripping off of a pipe, show that a lot of heart and soul went into making this an exciting game that everyone will enjoy playing. | REINER, THE RAGING GAMER ` "Crash 25 levels are much longer and | Concept: 9 offer up a greater gameplay variety than | 10 the original. The much needed new Graphics: moves add so much more depth to the ` Sound: а Wickedly entertaining gameplay. Crash || | 15 play was somewhat generic, but | Playability: 9.5 now in the sequel, the gameplay is loaded with unexpected challenges, Entertainment: 9.25 better enemies, and more hidden stuff. To add a gripe, lm not too fond of the | jetpack levels since they are а tad easy, | but they do look absolutely stunning. In ` addition to this, the two endings are | extremely lame and way too short. If you ` blink you're sure to miss them. But as a || complete package, Crash 2 is clearly | the king of all PlayStation platformers, || and 1 can't see anything in the near future that will topple its unbelievable || graphics and solid play mechanics." | ANDY, THE GAME HOMBRE „ Compared to last year's game, Crash 2 Concept: is much more refined. The annoying 95 trips back to level one to collect guys are Graphics: gone, the levels are much longer, the Sount: loading is almost non-existent, and the | new moves for Crash аге awesome. | Playability: а Graphically, Crash 2 ranks as one of the best. There are lots animations for all | Entertainment: 8.5 the characters, and the special effects like light source shading, reflections, and transparency are used throughout the entire quest. Overall, Crash 2 is much more playable than the previous version. While | liked Crash 1, І never finished it just because | got so bored repeating levels; but Crash 2 is much more entertaining and offers a lot more variation. Check it out, it's the best platformer on the PS-X." 15 UOIZE}SALCId M - мала BANDICOOT . сене to ake ie Ser aod progression through the three Star Wars movies, Crash has enlisted himself in a brutal training program between the original title and this sequel. Because of this, he now has a much larger moves list to aid him in this grueling quest. Crash has learned how to duck out of the way of head-hunting bullets, crawl under low platforms, and slide into enemies and random objects. His jumping abilities have also been improved. By crouching down and then jumping, Crash performs a super јштр that launches him through the air just like David Lee Roth (it must be the shoes!). The most obscure new move is the belly flop. This move comes in handy simply because it's the only maneuver that can both destroy iron boxes and stop you from sliding on ice. All of the moves fram the first game are also intact. Plus, if you use the analag controller, Crash will be able to run at different speeds, based upon how far you pu in a given direction. THE MARSUPIAL EXPRESS In the last Е Crash could only ride a boar. While this was fun for all who encountered this strange antic, much more was needed, and Naughty Dog and Sony answered our cries. Throughout the game youll run into a snow beaver (actually a polar bear) that can be mounted just like the boar. Other new additions include a rocket surfboard (which allows you to perform sweet tricks) and a jetpack (for anti-gravity navigation and diagonal spinning). There are a few more moves that Crash can use, but these are restricted to certain situations. He can now dangle and monkey-swing across bars stretched along certain areas. _ And last but not least, he can burrow underground by taking a header | into certain textured surfaces. This move will even allow you to stick | your hand out of the ground to break what needs to be broken. : > FACTOR The warp room is the greatest addition to the Crash Bandicoot experience. This circular roorn contains entrances to five different levels. Unce all of these levels are conquered, the lift in the center of the room will be activated. This lift takes Crash up to the next warp room containing five rnore levels. There is a total af six different warp rooms (one of which is hidden) These rooms also serve as a hologram transmitter. Randomly throughout the game, Cortex, №. Brio, and Crash's sister CoCo will contact you with urgent information. АП of the warp rooms also contain a load/save area, and unlike the first Crash title, you can save your game at any time. www.gameinformer.é WARNING!!! This strategy guide (if used completely) makes the gruesome : " : ; | one hundred wampa fruits collected, this sour but tasty treat will | Crash with one free life. `2 wouldn't be complete without the return of Сгазћ 5 sidekick Aku . Obtaining this mask grants you one hit point. If you hold three Aku 5 at once, you will become partially invincible. WNA & COCO Rumors surrounding the location of Crash’s love interest have been hitting | the tabloids for months, and the last sighting of this adorable Bandicoot was | in Hollywood. Apparently, she's working on a motion picture entitled | Nightmare on Bandicoot Street IV. Sadly, Tawna is not in Crash 2. She has | been replaced by Crash's sister CoCo (as a helper, don't think еуі). His sister | will continually contact you through the warp room transmitter, giving updates on strange developments and occurences. BOXES All the original boxes are present, and they are accompanied by an iron box, and the deadliest explosive around — nitro. EXCLAMATION POINTS The exclamation boxes are used to transform translucent box forms into solid boxes. Plus, the nitro exclamation destroys all nitro boxes on a level. ENEMIES Crash 2 features a cornucopia of new faces to send to the grave. Notables ` are the raging bears, who try to run you down in the same manner as the тт | > ы TEE boulder, log-tossing gorillas, and electric hands Ted, who will shock you if | you enter his domain. The majority of the enemies can be killed by spinning, | but if you look closely at certain critters, you'll see that a different action | must be used to take them down. ` BONUS LEVELS These secret zones are located in almost every level in Crash 2. TheyTe easy to find (since they are all highlighted with a question тагк icon), but many of them pose a difficult challenge. DEATH ROUTES Whenever you stumble across a floating platform with a skull and cross _ bones on it, then you know it's time to challenge a death route. These extra · level portions are much more difficult and often hold extra Gems. ` OBTAINING MORE LIVES Most action/platform games have easy 1-Up loops. This also holds true in | | Crash 2. Find a level you like and grab as many lives as you need. CRYSTALS Cortex wants 25 of these priceless pieces and you'll need to find them for | him. At the beginning of the game Cortex will show you what they look like. There's one Crystal per level, and all of them are easy to spot. None of them are hidden. THE GEM HUNT AND 100% Only the best of the best will be able to gloat as a 100% king. There are 42 | different Gems located all throughout the game. Five of these Gems аге colored (Red, Green, Purple, Yellow, Blue). These colored Gems open up | hidden sectors on certain levels. Unlocking these Gems first requires a difficult task to be executed. Destroying all of the boxes on a level is how the majority of the Gems are found, but dont be surprised if you need to beat a level within a certain amount of time, or not break any boxes at all. Some Gems are even sitting on the level itself. Of course, these are well hidden. If you want 100% you will need to beat every level, and find every Gem and Crystal. TEN LIVES FOR FREE (STRATEGY EXTRA) Move up to the second warp room and belly flop the snow beaver five times in a row. Doing this will reward you with ten free lives. This can only be done once. This is where the adventure really begins. Enjoy the ` quest, and keep in mind that | _ everyone (no matter how ` || cute they are) is the enemy. This level serves as a prelude to the game. Use the time in this level to learn all the new moves. You can always da this in the warp room, but its best to practice them in an actual level scenario with boxes and enemies. You won't need to break all of these boxes ta obtain some sort of a reward. Nothing is given out in this pre-game session. попе АЕ Take your time and ће careful around the Nitro and TNT ( | boxes. If you find yourself sliding out of control ой the ice, use the belly flop to come to a complete stop. It'll save your life. Right after the checkpoint you'll came across the Red Gem lodged in the ceiling. Ignore it for naw. You'll need to warp to the bonus portion of this level tp get to it. Now b continue on, fall down the bonus area, and when you come || back to the forward-scrolling segment, tun straight back ' and hit the green exclamation box. Shortly after this you will run into two translucent boxes that require an exclamation box. You will find the exclamation box just a few feet further down the road. It's hidden above the air-mounted striped í brown box. Use the concrete spring to bounce you up ta it. | This forward-scrolling level will show you just how different Crash 2 is · compared to part one. After the mud hole and the first three pits you will Р run into a native face ornament on the 9 ground. Use your belly flop move to punch through it. In this secret area there is only one trouble spot. When | you come to the Nitro box field (below : : you), use the slide and super jump to — C — — d k get across. From here, slide and jump Ems ——— off the ostrich backs and proceed back to the normal level grounds. The rest of the level shouldn't be a problem. Make sure you nail each box and grab the first Crystal, which is located between a mud hole and the third mole pit. First check out the Secret Warps — Warp 1 section to find < out how to get ta this unexpected hidden area. Then, when С inside the Hidden Warp Room, enter the secret level that says Snow Go. In this somewhat lengthy segment, race to the right as fast as you can and be sure to hit the exclamation box or youre screwed. This extra portion of Snow бо is tough, but the outcome is well worth it. When (7 you come to the end of the path follow the wampa fruit trail ` down to the Red Gem. Surprige а This level isnt inite done yet. To obtain the sacred Blue у Gem, simply run through the level without destroying any boxes. To do so, _ don't enter the secret or bonus areas, and at the box stack (two high = five Î’ across), jump off the striped box (second to the left. Don t worry, you wont break it. The only trouble spot on this level occurs in the hidden Blue Gem area. While riding the racket board you'll see that a series of boxes is translucent. The exclamation box that will change these boxes into solids is located at the end of this rocketing segment. Cautiously, backtrack after you hit it. After this bonus extra you will find the erystal located halfway © through the level between two hippos. To unlock the second Clear Gem you won't need to take the Blue бега lift. Simply race to the end of the level before the timer (in the lower right hand corner) expires. The majority of this level is easy, but after the third checkpoint make sure that ygu hit the box sitting on a narrow ledge surropnded by twa pits. If you get a good enough jump on the boulder, the boxes behind the energy fields can be approached at almost any speed. You won't need to panic and spin frantically. Halfway through this levi youll come to a fork in the road. Take the Bight path up to the ‚ checkpoint. Now, head back and take the left ‘track. Stay on this until you come to the end of the fork in the road, and head back up the right track. Not very far up this track you will run into . а little structure. Break the four boxes in here, ‚ and the two behind it, then head back down from where you were. Hit the bonus round, break the rest of the boxes, and this level is history: Shortly after the bonus round section, there is a box floating in the water to the right that is Wi extremely hard to hit. What youll | need to do is jump from the first | | square of the platform, angle over to the box, hit it, and then fling @ back to the left. Next, take the À death route — (skull-marked - floating platform) to obtain the first Gem on this level The @ second Gem is much more difficult. Don't enter the stage from the main entrance. You'll need to enter it through the hidden warp entrance (see Secret Warps - Warp 2 strategy). After entering through the back door, destroy all the boxes with the rocket board then hit the exit warp at the end of this segment. From here destroy all the boxes up to the next rocket board segment. Use the super jump to hit the platform over to the | ' Use the super jump two more times so that you land on the- platform holding four boxes. Destroy these then head back to the - rocket board. Proceed on through the level in | The gem is yours. ained his wacky charm | d once again hes easy | -hand corner | 1 This kangaroo has ret from the last 9 to beat. Stay in (on the Roo pi him in the he boxes. 00 the lower right ture facing upwar г his second pass, is again fo ; fis ап en to finish him, and head over B lower left corner. Stay here until he begins his | Now, move || over to the right a few | steps, and jum he sets the Nit Clobber him in the and he's toast! _ mp when ros off. || a normal fashion. | From here on j | s x In, this strat i your hand trategy guide wi sections оо this quest. Only до longer hold d Tategies will be outlined for eid notahle Ch level, is hard ta remember. At the this level, you can raise head high, because you've head | # just collected 124 boxes. Wow! Р You'll find the crystal just behind ¿ the first checkpoint. This level is one of the easiest, and the only strategy you'll need is to jump in | the same spot as the last whale erwise you will run into |. gne coming up, and After the first checkpoint keep an вув to your right. The track will split in two — one going down and , | another going up. Take the one heading up, and smash all of the hoxes. Make sure you slide then jump when engaging the second energy field. After | you do this, the game will graciously plop you | back on the downward track. Continue on, but | dont miss the bonus zone. Then, the crystal is located just a few steps down the path from this bonus zone. Before you know it, the level will be done, and youll have a shiny new Gem in your hands. All of the boxes are easy to find. On | the other hand, finding the Green | Gem is extremely difficult. In fact, finding it is just dumb luck. It's hidden through the back wall in the Nitro-filled room just after the first fork in the road. the spinning Komodo until he These guys are ич Пода ds on the Hoor. а d ee Komodo in the center of the d xe ere is throw sabers counterclockwise. pape d: ae 3d е . . ; behind him at шо сат buddy again. This time will spin he will be throwing Dodge, 5 the Clear Gem sitting in one of the hallways. The rest of the level should be easy to walk through. Just as а mental reminder, dont forget to hit the exclamation box and breal segment breaking all the boxes (including dynamite — dont forget). This section will then collide with the normal game route. You should know what to do next. The second Gem is in the difficult path which is located in the foreground 10% quest. They're hard to find, this flock of game editors has et the job done. THROUGH AIR CRASH andicoot butt up to the first iut instead of hopping on the пр across the boxes to the ar over to the small platform jn the right. Beam me up! this level (after Crash flies , aver) walk back and jump HANGIN’ OUT s so that you land on the Go down whenever you са ield. fall into a pool of water, x š From ћеге, fall down the : THROUGH DIGGIN’ IT on straight. Eventually, yo den almost all the way invisible warp hidden : fruits. UN-BEARABLE course and touch the sitting in the upper left-h WARP 5 – ACCESSED ‘Tt. Keep your eyes peeled for Whack him with a spin, then | plant а few feet ahead. Jur pillar with the plant and us At the end of Un-bearable, ba You'll need to perform a series of amazing moves on the rocket board to beat this level. Bringing two Aku Akus will ` help. On the last rocket board | segment, walk down the path . to the right and kill all the plants before you jump on th rocket board. Doing this will clear a straight path with no dangerous spots whatsoever. Unlocking the Yellow Gem requires level completi before the timer runs out. “= ү" st ride, ride, ride that snow beaver, and break, break, break those boxes down. area. This zone is difficult, but luckily it does | have plenty of Aku Akus and continue points. | The rest of the level should not be too much of a иопезолеја ч мала Quickly moving across the monkey bars and avoiding the spiky rats is your best bet for winning this level. Don't backtrack when you fall into the water. Make continual forward progress and this level will be over before you know it. are parallel. with each other, jump on the top one to uncover a hidden box. Shortly after this bonus room you'll see a death route їп the foreground. On this track NE you will need to backtrack P after you find’ the exclamation box so that you can destroy the one box that was not visible before. At the end of this icy run a Clear Gem awaits. After destroying the death route boxes, smash all of the remaining boxes on the regular course 10 unlock the second | Gem. Obt lining both of Шо Поле is one of the pardoni feats Near the beginning of the level you will run into an alternate death route. Take it, and you will find the first Clear Gem lying in the middle of a path. To unlock the second Gem simply explore all the unseen land and break the boxes that occupy it. Š IU RS JUIN WU At the very end of the Green Gem section lies the Clear Bem. After you grab this continue on | the regular course, and seek out | all the boxes. None of them are hidden, but the bonus level will take a few tries to figure out how a couple of the chain reactions work. - level either. It's just father difficult to break them all in a sprint. Be sure to master the timing of diving into the ground and hitting the bees at the same | time. Practice makes perfect. The Purple Gem is hidden well, and you must really look to see the secret that will unlock it. A good portion of the way through this level you will see a staircase of Nitro boxes. But, if you look closey enough you will see that they are not Nitros, since they are not bouncing. Jump off of these fake boxes and you'll warp to a hidden ` bonus realm holding the Purple Gem. ntless Bandicoot squares off — oder most hostile of baddies — А | | Gin. To beat this cybernetic goon iid | throw your матра fruits at и ie when they open up. Then, go for n shoulders and finally the hull. When attacks with lasers ог missiles, jump = | them, and this menace should be nothing | but a smoldering pile of circuits before 8 you know it. — | At the beginning of this rockin’ stage is а dés ges es © : EVE Fu 1 ROCK F. death route. Take it up to the hidden | Ñx ' RR 2 sector and after a series of difficult jumps you'll run into the first Clear Gem. The second Clear Gem will require breaking the rest of the boxes on the level. What you'll need to do is go all the way to the end of the level, and then head back and take care of the death route. -21-71:7 Just Ну into all the boxes. Yes, while this stage looks great and plays tremendously, it's actually really, really easy. $ M Uol мәглә Double check the top and bottom of each doorway and you shouldn't run into a problem on this Gem run. " Partway into the course you'll have the chance to switch routes. To the left is the death route which contains a Gem. Grab it and beat the level. To get the second Gem re-enter this level and stay on the normal course. At the bonus round dont grab the second firefly until you've broken the two boxes next to it. Now, go back to the main course and at the fork in the road go back to the left. Hit the two boxes, grab the firefly, and finish the level. The | second Gem is now in your possession. É Ei Sae Æ y Simply fly at this guy Wack "AE and spin into him three У № Ца times to bring him down this level. If you beat this far tha second tima а section you will end up at a < s : о two games. The ending different goal with а Gem @ ш а У А, will follow. If you have awaiting. For the second dh "ew 100%, enter this room Gem, use the strategy you d f 本 and watch the super- know so wall — run through E | ;. . 4__ secret surprise ending. the level destroying all of UP № | | ГА j the boxes. NR right after the first turn on hidden warp (see Secret Warps - Warp 4). There isn't a solid strategy that will work well | Memorizing this level's every niche and turn will j steel-coated boxes, don't grab the nearby firefly. First, break all’ of the boxes, then grab the fly and d ta the end of the level. Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (KCEJ), Tokyo Testing play control on NBA In The Zone ‘98. Konami has well over 20 p branches across Japan Pd and employs nearly 2,000 people. KONAMI. ког. BASE | (GI Feature An artist works on animations for ~ Т Nagano Winter Olympics. Lud ; KONANE COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT OSAKA Konami Computer Entertainment Osaka (KCEO) The premier development team at КСЕЈ (or at all of Konami for that matter) is currently working on Metal Gear Solid for the Sony PlayStation. Lead by Konami veteran and Metal Gear creator, Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid’s development team consists of 20 talented programmers, artists, and sound engineers. Although we were told that the game’s development schedule would push the release past the previously announced launch in March, Kojima reiterated to us that he and his team wanted to make the best PlayStation game ever created. While we had previously seen Metal Gear Solid in action through video footage, our visit uncovered some interesting new details as we talked with Kojima and witnessed the first playable level in the game. Kojima said that approximately 80% of the game will be played in a third-person perspective, where the computer will determine the appropriate camera angle for the action. The other 20% will consist of using both a player-controlled perspective (a la Mario Cam) and a view that allows the player to peer around corners. Like the previous Metal Gear games on the NES, the main character, Solid Snake, starts the game weaponless and is equipped only with binoculars and a pack of cigarettes. The only way to acquire new weapons and items is by taking them from the enemy. Some examples of weapons are the guided missile launcher (with missile cam) and sniper rifle. Of course, just like in past Metal Gears, moving through the environment without being detected is of the utmost importance. The playable level that we viewed is essentially a training mission that allows the programmers to test various weapons, enemy Al, and general control. What little we saw was nothing short of spectacular, confirming our belief that Metal Gear Solid will be the game to have next year. The premier game in the Konami Sports Series, NBA In The Zone, will see its third generation on the PlayStation, as well as its inaugural debut on the N64. The N64 version will hold the honor as the first five-on-five basket- ball simulation for the system. The game utilizes over 500 animations along with a host of motion-captured dunks. Each of the teams have | specialized styles that mimic the NBA teams. For example, the low | post game of the New York Knicks or the perimeter attack of the Charlotte Hornets shows through in the game. | The PS-X version has a bunch of new features within its options and | play control. The player create mode has been further modified to | include more changes with the players’ appearances. New strategy | elements allow for formation changes on offense and defense. Player match-ups can now be adjusted with defensive pressure meters that | allow you to play tight defense on the serious threats while leaving the | bricklayers alone. Another interesting element – referred to as ‘Team Order’ – gives players ten points to spread through strategies including | the fast break, crash boards, and defensive pressure. Both games are on schedule to release by December. i | The 1998 Winter Olympics are set to begin on February 2, 1998 т Nagano, Japan апа Konami will bring the video game version of the Olympiad to the N64 and Р$-Х in January. Using actual data from the various event sites in Nagano, the games will recreate a number of events from skiing to curling. The biggest difference between the N64 and PS-X versions, other than the cleaner look of the N64 graphics, will be in the play control. The PS-X version of Nagano relies more on the Konami International Track & Field interface, with plenty of button tapping in many of the race events, such as speed skating. The N64 version will have some button tapping, but for the most part relies on the 3D joystick and timing. The N64 and PS-X versions will have 12 and 13 events | | ] respectively, and each will have athletes representing 16 E OFFICIAL LICENSED ass different countries. [| 0007 | Konami has created an early buzz оп this N64 title by releasing two movie files | of Hybrid Heaven over the Internet. While this footage is taken off of ап SGI | development system, the game's director, Mr. Daikai, said it is а good representation of the graphic quality his team will attempt to duplicate on the N64. Not scheduled to release in the U.S. until 1999, the team behind Hybrid Heaven is currently reworking some of the game’s design. Apparently, Hybrid Heaven was said to be too close to the design of Metal Gear Solid. As competitive rivals with the KCEJ studio, the development team of Hybrid Heaven wants their game to stand alone, rather than be coined ‘the N64’s version of Metal Gear.’ The plot of Hybrid Heaven revolves around the main character, Johnny Slater, and involves both action elements and RPG-like battles. Slater is a member of a team of special agents sent to a futuristic Tokyo, in an attempt to stop a set of crazy genetic experiments that have evolved life forms into dangerous hybrids. The animation styles for battles will be similar to those of a standard fighting game, but will also feature RPG- styled attack selects that leave the player to watch. Additionally, other techniques such as defensive and evasive techniques can be used in battles as well. Although Hybrid Heaven has been in development since April, the game is still quite early, and many of the concepts are still only on paper. While the game concepts and overall design look promising, Hybrid Heaven could still evolve into a completely different game as € it comes closer to completion. (Continued on page 26) Development Images Shown Game Informer п November '97 | Laugh while you frag, from Hollywood to outerspace! Bag some aliens with over a dozen hi-tech weapons! An all-out overload of uel m RATING PENDING Ш RP CONTENT RATED BY ESRB " Duke Nukem Total A ©1896, 1997 3D Realms. All Шер Reserved. Duke Nukem, БА" 01996,1997 30 Ыл. All i High ls ; Rested, GT is a trademark and "s Logo is a registered... | "так of GT re аге Corp. Nintendo, the Official Seal, the 3D ч 164 аге: ladena ts of Маи of America, Ing. PlayStation and the PlayStation Logo are | м Sony Computer Entertairimeni, йб All other trademarks аге {пе property of their respective companies. == : , so Tarra s e К и» sz 7 Bi Weapons and bigger ШШ Tor a fun-filled fragfest! | Êl ا‎ 3 и 2m p" (m (Sy Earthquakes, exploding buildings and working subways! Fom player, Split-screen Dukematch action. x DUKE NUKEM 64 Г From LA. to the moon — 32 towering levels of 007 interactive carnage! Un film sets, in bars, on | ЩЕ sü buttugly alien is safe from ће E. E dt Duke! Grenade Launchers. Shrink Rays. кше ЧП action. And graphics to kill for! "ш S coming to take out the garbage! — а سس‎ s GT Interactive Software = _ ⁄ % (Continued from page 23) @ Mr. Kinoshita, President KCEO. A 16 year Konami veteran, he gave the green light to open the doors of KCEO. G.A.S.P (short for “Generation of Arts, Speed, and Power”) was originally announced by Konami as Battle Dancers and may again see a name change as Konami of America is currently evaluating both the title and the game. Mr. Shinkawa, Art E^ : 4 G.A.S.P. is a fairly straightforward fighting game кс ire tor: Metal Gear Solid. i i haract The control is based on a three | ш Ере first game, with eight С aracters. 1 Mr. Kojima had high praise for the man who button configuration with an assortment of combos, | designed all of the artwork for the game. throws, and counterattacks. G.A.S.P. features interactive | Kojima said of Shinkawa, “His talent is — 3D environments, as well as two boss characters. The big | УН Е every ten years. "if" currently surrounding G.A.S.P. is the fighter create | Mr. Kojima, Creator & Director-i feature. This feature would allow players to develop | Metal Gear Solid. The brains their own fighter by picking out various body types and | behind the entire Metal Gear series and the top choosing other appearance variables. Currently, this е G tor at КСЕ). feature is being worked into the game, but it is unclear whether it will make it into the final version. | Мг. Umezaki, Director & With the changes coming {о the game, the U.S. release | G.M. - KCE Kobe. A very unas- is still up in the air. Game Informer speculates that | suming Man MOE тое. Н : А ous undisclosed N64 products, ће is the origi- the game will not make it to the U.S. until at least the | nal director for Contra for the &bit NES. Pretty summer of ‘98. close to a saint in our book. м т. 4 Мг. Okuda, Director, Int. Superstar Soccer 64. You had better believe that this man is working on the next N64 soccer game. Mr. Nagae, Director & G.M. - KCEO. Mr. Nagae oversees development of all №64 products at KCEO. Mr. lragashi, Director, | Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. He told us that Super / Metroid was a big influence on his design. We look forward to another title from his team very soon. 4 Mr. Yakushiji, Director - Castlevania 3D. Bringing Castlevania into 3D will be a challenging task for him, but his team's concepts and work look great so far . Castlevania has obviously been one of Konami's flagship franchises for many years, and word of an N64 version has been circulating for a number of months. Castlevania 3D (working title), like Hybrid Heaven, is still early in development and will not appear in the U.S. until late ‘98. The shots shown are from development systems, but do show off some of the characters that players will be able to control. Three characters (with the possibility of additions) will have varying abilities that essentially change the game's difficulty (depending on which one is chosen). The most familiar to Castlevania players will be Schneider, who is a member of the Belmont family. He will also brandish the classic whip. The other characters will be a magic user, Carrie, and the powerful but slow Cornell. Like Castlevania games of the past, players will fight to defeat the evil Dracula and encounter scores of vampires throughout the game. One of the key concepts of Castlevania 3D is the game clock which, in time with the setting sun, will unleash hordes of vampires. The change between night and day can make areas easier in daylight and harder in the darkness. The light of the sun can also be used as a weapon, since udis. luring a vampire into the light will mean instant death for your foe. Much of the game will be action-based, but the game's director, Mr. Yakushiji, said there will also be puzzle solving, item bartering, and other traps that players will encounter. Development Images Shown Game Informer п November ‘97 In other games you kill your enemies. In Oddworld, you make them do the killing for you. i | | Í зак Ё er, ч № и я FE i 7 3 / Got some nasties to off? Why get your hands dirty? Possess one of them and let him do the blasting for you. Sound Odd? Welcome to Oddworld. see the slig. be the slig. a quantum leap in gameplay. ALIVE. Aware Lifeforms In Virtual Entertainment Oddworld Inhabitants Abe's 0 Strategy Guide а available from A p LA i ODDWORLD @ м GT Interactive “tag, | > эзе Software Microsoft d | E. i Н |. INHABITANTS NT N Designed for е TM & © 1997 Oddworld Inhabitants, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Published and distributed by GT Interactive Software Corp. PlayStation and the PlayStation Logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks off Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their spective companies 5опу зћоу оў а GT game Gran Tourismo. Tokyo Game Show- Autumn ‘97 he third annual autumn Tokyo Game Show was held September 5-7 at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japon. Game Informer was on hand for this three day event that, unlike U.S. events, is open to the gaming public on two of the three days. The industry's big names like Sega, Konami, Capcom, Namco, and Sony (Nintendo does not participate because of this month’s Nintendo Show) give the masses of Japanese gamers (and us) а chance to sample the upcoming holiday line-up of video games. Like many game shows Game Informer has attended in the past, the biggest news from the Tokyo Game Show was not the playable games on display, but the list of anticipated games that were either shown only on video or completely absent. Namco again taunted gamers with a possible PS-X version of Tekken 3 by only setting up a few arcade machines. Konami kept Metal Gear Solid (PS-X) and Hybrid Heaven (N64) under wraps (see pg. 22). Capcom’s much talked about Resident Evil 2 (BioHazard 2 in Japan) was only highlighted in a jam-packed Capcom Theater. Square’s previously announced Parasite Eve, Sou Kai Gi, and Chocobo Mysterious Dungeons enthralled the gaming public on Square’s huge video wall panning the globe to bring you a constant variety of video games, Game Informer recently traveled to Japan and Great Britain to uncover the games of both the Tokyo Game Show and European Computer Trade Show (ECTS). Two of the largest video game related shows outside of the U.S/s Electronic Entertainment Expo, both of these gaming shows are held on the very same weekend in September. The triumph and agony of gaming came together as the Game Informer staff sampled some of the video games that you will definitely see in the coming months, as well as the strange game oddities that will likely never see the light of day in North America. but were not playable. The rumors and speculation surrounding a Saturn version of Virtua Fighter 3 continue, but Sega made no mention of the title in their area. Finally, Sony went for the minimalist approach by only featuring two main titles (Gran Tourismo and FI Championship) and had only а total — of four games on display. Yet even with the absence of many of these high profile titles, there were stil а huge amount of new announcements and playable games worth noting. Sega's booth was filled with gamers sampling Burning Rangers, the newest game from Nights creator Yuji Naka. Burning Rangers is still very early, but the game will make its way to the U.S. next spring (see pg. 73). Sega reintroduced their classic RPG series on the Saturn with Shining Force Ill. The highly acclaimed series will be released in three separate installments. No U.S. release has been announced, but we speculate that it should make it to the States by next fall. Another interesting game that Sega debuted was Wrestling Featuring Virtua. The game has already been released in Japan and includes Jeffrey and Wolf from Virtua Fighter. Square had five playable games AUTUMNI (continued on pg. 30) Capcom’s booth was heavily guarded. 4 ае Xenogear – Square Hey! It’s Crash! Game Informer ù November ‘97 1 other games enemies аге eyil, ey Pe moony, territorial, 62), huniy ickle, paranoid ЛА If you don’t know what makes other characters tick, they just might explode. sound Odd? Welcome to Oddworld. scrabs ahoy! paramites on the prowl. Strategy Guide available from ALIVE A mu ODDWORLD ® > у) (= : Software Aware Lifeforms In INHABITANTS А ; г PlayStation CONTENT RATED BY | | Virtual Entertainment тм E SRB Р Designed for ote Oddworld Inhabitants Abe's Oddysee TM & © 1997 Oddworld Inhabitants, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Published and distributed by GT Interactive Software Corp. PlayStation and the PlayStation Logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks off Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective companies. (continued from pg. 28) including strategy games Front Mission Alternative and Front Mission 2, the impressive 3D shooter Einhander, an action/RPG entitled Xenogears, and a horse racing simulator called Grade 1. Japanese gamers will also get the chance to play the U.S. version of Final Fantasy VII. Square recently released FF VII International that includes an extra disc chronicling the development of the triple platinum selling game. Square also announced a fighting game called Sou Kai Gi. This title looks similar to Bushido Blade and is scheduled for the PS-X next year. The Konami booth was packed with games and people. People not only flocked to see games, the lines were long at Konami's game shop where they sold a host of game related artwork, clothing, and action figures. For the complete lowdown on the Konami software line-up, be sure to see our Konami feature on page 22. Sony, as previously mentioned, had only four titles at their booth; however, Gran Tourismo proved to be the best racing We have assumed | control... we have assumed control. | game of the show. The graphics and huge selection of cars are hard to beat. Sony also introduced an action/RPG entitled Granstream Saga. While it is unclear whether it will make it to the States, Granstream Saga definitely looks impressive. Hudson Soft had their upcoming Nintendo 64 Bomberman release, as well as versions for PS-X and Saturn. They also introduced a fighting game called Bloody Roar. This game was actually. displayed by Sony at the ЕЗ as Beasforizer and should be published in the U.S. by Sony sometime in 1998. Other titles to keep an eye out for are Snowbow Kids (N64, Atlus), Fighting Cup (N64, Imagineer), Tamagotchi (N64/GB, Bandai), Dead or Alive (SS, Tecmo), Overblood 2 (Р5-Х, Riverhill Soft), Masters ‘98 (N64, T&E Soft), and КТ Revenge (PS-X, XING). While there were tons of other titles displayed at the Tokyo Game Show, including a huge number of RPGs, most of them will unfortunately not reach the U.S. shores. @ n ће land of Robin Hood, Fish & One of the most interesting games Chips, and Westminster Abbey there occurs the yearly video game rite of passage known as the ECTS. Similar to America's ЁЗ, the ECTS spotlights European developers, as well as American and Japanese products destined for the shores of Europe. Typically а disappointment, the ECTS always plays second fiddle to other worldwide trade shows. This year was no exception, as the entire show was dominated by mediocre PlayStation titles. So why attend the ECTS? Because in between the mediocre || and terrible lie a few potential ll gems. Also, the European market is a growing market, and European developers such as Argonaut, Psygnosis, Ubi Soft, Infogrames, Eidos, Bullfrog, and Rare always seem to have something up their sleeves. | eye view Of the ECTS. ‘puke Nukem for Parliament. Yeah! of the show appeared in the Sony booth. Kula Quest $ a new puzzle game created by Swedish developers Game YMPIA, LONDON, SEPTEMBER 7th - 9th Design. The game takes place on an interconnected series of beams. The object is to touch each section on each side of each beam. The game is quite original, but it might not make it to the U.S. Sony was also displaying two games from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe - Rosco McQueen and Medievil. Rosco is a 3D adventure starring а firefighter, while Medievilis a 3D adventure starring a medieval skeleton/warrior. Both games are pretty lame, and Sony is still unsure as to whether the games will (continued on pg. 32) Game Informer в November ‘97 ор (james talk ahout their characters, (world's characters sneak for themselves. £ є -— In a lush world of diabolical danger, you're | And when you've got an entire race to save Abe... the skinny guy with no weapons. Я from the deli counter it could come іп handy. Your mission is, jump and talk i 5 | Рог Ода з sake, do something different. Chow your way out of this ravaged world. he x | down on ODDWORLD’s pure nugget of surreal, You heard me... Talk! With just your D-pad or ме i sensory overload gaming. keyboard and your brain. Its called Gamespeak. | ! > You'll never бе hungry again. ODDWORLD: ABE'S ODDYSEE GAMING GETS 000 Strategy Guide ALIVE | x cv ODDWORLD P Б (= Aware Lifeforms In Microsoft INHABITANTS Software i ; PlayStation CONTENT RATED BY Virtual Entertainment Windows 95 y TM E SR E Oddworld Inhabitants Abe's Oddysee TM & © 1997 Oddworld Inhabitants, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Published and distributed by GT Interactive Software Corp. PlayStation and the PlayStation Logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks off Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective companies. (continued from pg. 30) be published in the States. Rapid Racer is опе game we might see here in the U.S. Also developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, Rapid Racer is a boat racing game that plays well, but offers nothing exceptional in the department of entertainment. Gremlin had a decent line-up anchored by a version of Men in Black running on the PC. Men in Black features a play-style similar to Resident Evil (painted backdrops, third-person perspective) and the characters actually look like Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith. Like the movie, Men in Black is а humorous game. Gremlin is currently seeking a U.S. publisher for the Playstation version. Judge Dredd for the PlayStation also looked impressive. With the comic book license and noteworthy graphics, Judge Dredd may prove to be more than just another light gun game. Unfortunately, Gremlin was not showing the much guarded Body Harvest for Nintendo 64 Acclaim was showing a running version of Batman & Robin. Just like almost every other ‘new’ game in the world right now, Batman & Robin is a free roaming 3D action/adventure. Batman must gather clues, battle villains, and snuff out evil in This mediocre looking movie translation. Acclaim was also showing Bust-A-Move 3, which looks to be exactly the same BOMBS pas maa USA [Ep uem GU GGG ON AETI AET n / 2 Rapid Racer - Sony Europ RK IN PROGRESS Batman & Robin - Acclaim >ш. [OPTIONS C&C Red Alert 一 Westwood as Bust-A-Move 2. Interplay showcased a_ running version of Powerboat VR and Crime Killer, both for the PlayStation. What stands out about Crime Killer is the size of your police car. Other than that, the game seems pretty average. Likewise for Powerboat VR – it’s another racing game, except it’s on water. There were a number of real-time strategy games on display for the PlayStation, the best of which was (of course) Command and Conquer: Red Alert. MGM bragged of a new game based on the movie War Games. This real-time strategy offering allows players to play as WOPR or David. The game is developed by U.K. based Interactive Studios, and MGM is looking to publish it here in the States sometime after Christmas. Infogrames’ V Rally was a standout in the racing department. The game sports an excellent first-person view, with 7 tracks, changing weather, and adjustable car settings. Electronic Arts will publish the game here in the States at the end of October. Other notable games were DreamWorks’ Skullmonkeys for PS-X, Sunsoft’s Chameleon Twist for N64, Hudson Softs Bloody Roar for PS-X, Kalisto's The Fifth Element for PS-X, and BMG's Grand Theft Auto for PS-X. № VRally – Infogrames Game Informer в November ‘97 CHEAT = FIGHT = SWING = RUN = BATTLE = SHOO- DRIVE = BLAST GamePad for SUPER NINTENDO* ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM * Six fire buttons * Circular directional pad * Turbo-fire Slow motion SuperPad 8 for SEGA SATURN” * Eight fire buttons * Circular directional pad * Auto-fire * Slow motion SuperPad" for SEGA GENESIS" * Six button arcade layout * Circular directional pad * Turbo-fire * Auto-fire SuperPad" 64 Plus for NINTENDO" 64 * Slow motion * Digital direction control * Auto-fire GamePad for PLAYSTATION" * Slow motion * Eight fire buttons * Analog joystick * Circular directional pad * Memory card slot * Turbo-fire * Slow motion Game maintenance products available from Player's Edge: Compact Disc Cleaner for Cleaning your CDs (CD24) Cleaning Kit for GAMEBOY' system and games (V136FUN) Cleaning Kit For NINTENDO” 64 system, games and memory card slot (P-OO3FUN) Cleaning Kit for NINTENDO' system and games (V135FUN) Cleaning Kit for SEGA GENESIS" system and games (V137FUN) Cleaning Kit for GAME GEAR” system and games (V134FUN) Cleaning Kit for SUPER NINTENDO” system and games (139FUN) © 1997 Players Edge. Player's Edge is a trademark of InterAct Accessories Inc. InterAct Accessories is a trademark of STD Manufacturing LTD Pr Amy” Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Nintendo, and Game Boy are trademarks of Nintendo. PlayStation is a trademark of Sony a) > Computer Entertainment, Inc. Sega Genesis and Sega Saturn and Game Gear are trademarks of Sega Enterprises. ju < @ Castlevania: Symphony of İS Steffi Graf. L NS Game Informer's Editors’ Top Ten Console Games for November © Star Fox 64 – N64 ` © GoldenEye 007 - №4 © Madden 64 - N64 @ Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee – PS-X Ө NHL 98 - PS-X _ © san Francisco Rush – №4 ` @ Cool Boarders 2 - PS-X © Crash Bandicoot 2 - РЗ-Х. the Night — PS-X Q Final Fantasy VII - PS-X Readers' Top Ten Console | Games for November © Madden NFL 98 -PSX SS © WCW Vs. The World – PS-X Ө Triple Play 98 - PS-X @ Resident Evil - PS-X Ө Tomb Raider – Р5-Х, SS @ Star Fox64-N64 __ @ Turok: Dinosaur Hunter – №4 © Abe's Oddysee - PS-X Ө GoldenEye 007 - №4 _ @ Final Fantasy VII - PS-X @ You're scared to reprimand your dog for messing in the house, fearing that he may one day rule the world. © Anytime you get angry you say, "If | wasn't such a nice guy Га summons your @$$.” © You heal the bosses to extend the battles. @ You raided your mom’s jewelry box, and glued all the stones to a plastic sword. @ You always carry a PlayStation controller to help advance through boring conversations. © You're constantly in trouble because you mistakenly call your girlfriend Aeris. @ You walk around singing Madonna's song..."We are living in a Materia world, and | am a Materia girl." © You keep repeating the Slums level to see all the "cute" outfits Cloud gets to try on. @ After attempting to breed Chocobos, you move on to the family pet. 6) You start watching old tennis matches because you think Sephiroth Game Informer is looking for your Top Ten favorite games. Please send your Top Tens to: Game Informer Magazine Attn: Top Ten 10120 West 76th Street _ Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Everyone that enters every month will be entered in a drawing to win a Gl Secret Access T-Shirt! So get writing! Г Тор Ten Signs You've Played Too Much Final Fantasy VII... | + MUTAT Shining Force Ш For Saturn After a five year wait, Sega has finally decided to start development on another Shining Force title. As with the previous titles, gameplay consists of turn-based strategy combat; but this time, the battle arenas will be in 3D (as seen in Final Fantasy Tactics and Vandal Hearts). Also, Shining Force III features rendered characters, rather than the sprite or polygon- based characters so common in today's games. Shining Force Ill is being developed as three scenarios, each one to be sold separately. Scenario One will hit Japanese retailers this December, Scenario Two is set for a spring release, and Scenario Three will be available in the summer. This is definitely an interesting venture for both Sega and the game industry, and hopefully it will catch on. Unfortunately, no plans for a U.S. release have been announced. Where are you Working Designs? Sony Grabs Tomb Raider Exclusive Sony Computer Entertainment has signed a deal with Eidos Interactive that grants Sony exclusive rights to the next three Tomb Raider related console releases (which includes Tomb Raider 2). Therefore, if Lara were to venture off into another game, it would still be exclusive to the PlayStation. Any PC versions of Tomb Raider are not affected by this deal. Considering the fact that Tomb Raider was one of the best selling and most popular games of 1996-97, Sony has yet again secured a major coup against the likes of Nintendo and Sega. Creators of Tomb Raider Form New Development Company Lead programmer Paul Douglas and lead graphics artist Toby Gard have left Core Design to start a new development company named Confounding Factor. The two men were a large driving force behind the creation of last year’s Tomb Raider, and are considered a hot commodity in today’s booming video game industry. Interplay, who helped this Britsoft company form, also has worldwide publishing rights to all of Confounding Factor’s software. Their debut game, Leviathan, will be a 3D adventure with a release date slated for 1999, but there is no information as to which platform it will appear on. We had a chance to talk to Eidos (publishers of Tomb Raider) to see how much this emigration will hurt their future products. Eidos responded by stating, “Core has up to 75 people in-house, and they are constantly adding new talent. The Core guys [Toby and Paul] weren't working on Tomb 2. It's a team that makes the games, not individuals.” Game Informer п November ‘97 si i et Ph E ____- HR ^ : : — IN МАЗНОМ + COMIC WATCH + ТОР TEN + TRIVIA + в THAT ا‎ . Wa u А" ДУЛЕ Developed by Haiku Studios and based оп the creations of fantasy writer Michael Moorcock, Elric is Psygnosis’ newest game for the PlayStation. Similar in look and concept to games like Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain and Diablo (for PC), the hero Elric will hack and slash his way to victory armed with a trusty sword and mysterious magical powers. Elric is WHAT'S: нот ФЕ | ent, Shadowman _ wil longer be in development for Nintendo 64; however, it will be coming to the Sony PlayStatio | ‘stated that the one Wi currently scheduled to arrive in the first quarter of next year. Given their success with the mainly European and Japanese-purchased Formula 1 series, Psygnosis is reportedly investigating licensing deals with members of the CART racing teams. surface by the end of next year. Game Informer x November ‘97 Unlike licensing deals surrounding Formula 1 (FOCA), which is a package deal including teams, drivers, and courses, the CART teams and race locations all follow under separate contracts. Psygnosis is reported to be in negotiation with the Newman/Haas Team featuring Michael Andretti. game, if all works out for Psygnosis, could The PC images shown nns < Recent information has surfaced concerning the newest Final Fantasy title in the pipeline. Much to our surprise, it's not FF МИ. Instead, a four-disc set was released in Japan on October 2 that features the complete U.S. Final Fantasy VII (with new bosses and features), and a never-before-released companion disc. The companion disc contains missing scenes; data on the enemies, characters, and ships; and a huge map section which gives information on what everything is (even little things like a desk). There are other rumored features in this four-disc set such as the ability to snowboard with every character, and a new plot twist surrounding Aerith, but at this point these rumors are unconfirmed. At press time, Sony or Square had no plans to bring International to the States, but this could change considering current U.S. sales numbers concerning FF VII. Sony Computer Entertainment America recently declared Final Fantasy VII “the best-selling video game of 1997 after a mere three days on the shelves." During that time, FF VII sold over 330,000 copies, grossing $16.5 million. If you think that is impressive, consider that fans in Japan engulfed about 2.5 million copies during the first three days of the game's release. In comparison to other entertainment earnings, Sony was also quick to point out that FF Vil outsold G.I. Jane, the highest grossing Hollywood film ($14.1 million) to debut during the Labor Day weekend. Concepts create the going 0 for tt moving the release to ше lat next year. | » Міс Tokai, е for N64, м year’s Nuclear Strike moments after the cl secret trailer appears the upcoming title Futu series, Future Strike based mechanized units will be incl. will uu retained. TI development, and next am Wok оп Road Rash y^ for th PlayStation (see GI News, $e ship date, originally : iced December, has been noel back February. However, EA did state that ° should see some actual gamepla (screens or footage) very soon. b There are many rumors regarding the release of a “Jack” itle . developed by Sony's Foster California development. hou . Ja spiky-haired rouge, is the sta 3D action/platform game. Sor Jack will be the PlayStation's. Super Mario 64. While release de sketchy, it is possible the gam ship as early as December 98. | IN -ОБ SECONDS, THE COMPUTER PILOT LN АСЕ СОМВАТ = WILL SEND YOUR JET CRASHING TO EARTH. YOUR EGO UILL FOLLOU SHORTLY THEREAFTE TECH TALK + MUTATION МА * ТОР TEN + TRIVIA + NAM Sony’s Cardinal Syn Coming to PlayStation In January First seen at the 1997 E3 with less than a handful of characters to play and little fanfare, new information has surfaced on Sony’s head-to-head fighter, Cardinal Syn. In the likeness of many fighters, but especially drawing similarities with Midway’s Mace, Cardinal Syn features 3D fighting arenas and graphic violence. Starring 18 medieval fighters armed with battle axes, swords, and the rest of those large iron medieval sharp things, the list of features reads like a typical amalgam of finishing moves and blood, combination attacks and blood. To its credit, the graphics (from the little we’ve seen) are highly detailed and the characters extremely imposing. Our initial impressions of the play control had us drawing comparisons to Soul Blade, Star Gladiators, and even Bushido Blade. All tributes to the game in and of itself. Developed by Kronos, Cardinal Syn is the first U.S. published and produced fighter from Sony Computer Entertainment America. lt is scheduled to release for PlayStation in January. а бт мамы Konami's Cobra to Strike Konami's next arcade fighter, although previously announced, has finally been given a name (or two). The game is now playable in Japanese arcades as Fighting Wu Shu, set to debut later in the U.S. as Fighting Bujutsu. Easily compared, in appearance, to Sega's Virtua Fighter 3, the game utilizes Konami’s long-awaited “Cobra Technology" hardware (see specs below). Konami also plans to release its “Cobra” driving title, Racing Jam. D == N^ вета. LIN el COBRA BOARD SPECS: Main CPU * Power PC603e 100MHz Sub CPU * Power PC604 100MHz with Power PC403 33MHz High Speed Network Communication Performance • 1 to 5 Million Polygons/sec • 50 to 250 Million Pixels/sec Resolution • 640 x 400 to 1,280 x 1,024 Pixels • 144 Bits/Pixel Frame Buffer • 256 Level Alpha Blending Shading • Anti-aliasing by Subpixel Sampling • Flat Shading • Gouraud Shading Lighting • Linear Fog • Exponential Fog Texture Mapping • Perspective Correction Mipmap ¢ Bilinear and Trilinear Filtering е Blasto Rockets to Next Year < Sony Computer Entertainment’s platform shooter, Blasto, will not make its previously announced release of October 21. A statement from Sony Computer Entertainment announced that Blasto’s release will move to sometime in the first quarter of next year. Sony said in the statement that, “[the delay] is necessary to ensure that Blasto is truly the remarkable game that we know it will be.” The game had received some less than memorable commentary from the press, and even Game Informer was cautious when asked to comment on Blasto’s potential. To Sony’s credit, the delay is a good publishing move, since it would have been competing against Sony’s other platformer, Crash Bandicoot 2. Game Infor November № ЖО à AUN ` | ss Nae Wanuqa N NASHUN + COMIC WATCH + ТОР TEN + TRIVIA * NAME THAT GAME! + WHAT'S НОТ + TECH Sony Establishes The “Power Price” Sony Computer Entertainment America’s new pricing strategy that recently saw many retailers offering NFL GameDay ‘98 at $34.95 will be offered on four additional Sony PlayStation releases. Sony announced that Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, Bushido Blade, Parrapa the Rapper, and Intelligent Qube will also carry Sony’s “Power Price,” which means an MSRP of “no more than $39.95.” Of course, like GameDay ‘98, many retailers should ELLIGENCE offer these games at $34.95. Sony stated that current “Power Price” pricing will be limited to the five aforementioned titles. E 5 ЈЕ a un я > > Q f c. аЙ : || NENNEN % ү ; Phoenix: The Fall and Rise of Video Games ` The most realistic dogfights ever created Those interested in the history of video games might have come for the PlayStation" game console. across a book by Leonard Herman entitled Phoenix: The Fall and Rise of Video Games. As long time fans of the book, Game Informer is happy to see a second edition surface with the promise of increased distribution. This insightful, informative, and thorough summary of the history of home video games and video game systems now comes packed with pictures, new appendices, and updated chapters (up to and including 1996). Author Leonard Herman is beyond a doubt a serious gamer, and his narrative is an entertaining balance between fact and industry analysis. Everything from the thousands of ET cartridges at the bottom of a landfill, to the origin of the Sony PlayStation, to the many lawsuits and rifts that formed the basis of today’s software and hardware development wars, are explained in clear and concise detail. Phoenix will humble any braggart who claims to know all about home video gaming. The book itself is available at a price of $19.95. For information on how to order, write to Rolenta Press, P.O. Box 3814, Union, NJ 07083 - 1891. * Total 3-0 polygon environment - fly freely and unload your arsenal with reckless abandon. * Advanced artificial intelligence - cunning and calculating enemy pilots. - 30 formidable missions - nearly double the missions of Air Combat. - Awesome mission debriefings - dynamic diagrams and moving maps for surgical strikes. - Secret planes and hidden missions - the better you fly, the more you'll reveal. Charles and Shaq are Pack After a long hiatus, both Charles Barkley and Shaquille O'Neal will be appearing in all upcoming basketball games that feature the NBAPA license. For years, both players had paid to keep themselves out of the NBAPA, but with no video game companies willing to sign either player to a new exclusive deal, both Shaq and Charles are back for your gaming pleasure. However, Michael Jordan still considers himself an elite property, and since it costs a game company at least $20 million to even get near Jordan, he will no doubt dwell in video game obscurity for years to come. Look to see Shaq and Charles in these upcoming NBAPA licensed games: NBA Fast Break (PS-X), NBA Action ‘98 (Saturn), NBA Live 98 (PS-X), NBA Shoot Out ‘98 (PS-X), and NBA In The Zone ‘98 (PS-X, N64). POWERED By Game Informer п November ‘97 x DEEP SEA MULTI-PLAYER ~" 10 TOTALLY DIFFERENT "МА GAME MODES. _ HULL-CRUSHING ENVIRONMENTS. | + wY This is what they really mean when they talk Wee $ LOCKJAW Y, about totally immersive gameplay. Take a dip in a P d ий these sub-infested waters for a spot of nuclear | ~ > ARMAGEDDON fishin’. 12 subaquatic psychos want to send you д и ў Lopes без бутон" © i • L is BOTTOM LINER са STALINGRAD RON ARCHIMEDES LA GRIFFE КҮТ] GT Interactive Software AT'S нат TECH TALK Smithsonian Institution Formula 1 97 У the shelves , With content originating mainly from the United Kingdom, this site is vigorous with its reviews and coverage of Europe. What system did the first Final Fantasy appear on? What football game on the N64 has the NFL license? ) In what country were the enemies in the N64 game Turok changed to robots? What company invented Icon Passing? Name the only game that was designed and created by Square’s Redmond office before it was disbanded. (Answers on the bottom of page 43) à 45 үнө Gane! Originally created by the same Midway developers who went on to code and produce NBA Jam and Mortal Kombat, this football game was published on the 16-bit machines by Acclai s Arena Entertainment. What game is it? (Answer on the bottom of page 43) www. . MUTATION NAGRUN * „м. COMIC WATCH + ТОР TEN WHAT'S НОТ TECH TALK ° NAME THAT GAMEI à * TRIVIA • „йй " LES Ld TIE One of the most impressive new fighters at both the ЕЗ, Tokyo Game Show, and ECTS (see pg. 28), Bloody Roar is unique in that it allows characters to morph into beasts. Like the special meters found in games such as Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha, once Bloody Roar's Rave Meter reaches maximum, players can push the morph button to turn into a deadly beast. The character then remains in Rave Mode (beast mode) until a certain level of damage is sustained. Bloody Roar features polygon graphics with brilliant KO cut scenes, caged arenas, 8 characters (plus 8 beast counterparts), and a number of secret modes such as Kids, Big Head, and First-Person. The basic moves are Теккеп-зјујед, but each character also has access to a few special moves that feed off of Street Fighteresque quarter and half-circles. Bloody Roar is developed by Hudson Soft and will be available in Japan this November. Sony is hoping for a first quarter release here in the States. Rumors have been running through the industry concerning a new console system from Sega. As promised, Game Informer refused to report on misguided rumors and half-truths. That wait is now over, as the Nikkei Daily News (a Japanese news information service) reported that Microsoft Corp. and Sega Enterprises, Ltd. are currently negotiating a joint development deal that will allow the two companies to create computer games that run on both a personal computer and a new 128-bit console machine. The software itself would run on Microsoft’s operating system, which should be implemented into the console machine. The operating system itself will be based on Windows CE. The console machine is estimated to sell for 30,000 yen or less ($300). A modem will also be installed into the machine allowing for net play from a console to computer. Lastly, the machine is rumored to use a 128-bit microcontroller (which is currently being developed by Hitachi Ltd.), x making it ten times more powerful than the Saturn. Sega Microsoft and Microsoft are expected to ink the deal by the end of the year. Many fans of first-person shooting games rave about Nintendo's GoldenEye 007. One reason for this praise is its exceptionally high quality, detailed graphics. The 3D environments in the game are based on actual GoldenEye movie props. The photos here show the steps of transforming a set from the movie into a computer generated environment in a game. The graphic artists also relied heavily on the actual blueprints from the movie, to help create wire- frames оп their trusty $61 computers. Light sourcing and shading are added to finish the effect. Which only leaves one question – where's that tank? Game Informer в November ‘97 š — ~ о“ т ‚ ТОР ТЕМ + TRIVIA • NAME THA To reach Dear Gl or the Editors of в Gl send correspondence to: Tamagotchi, the leading virtual pet on the market, could very easily lose its Snail Mail - title of industry leader when Tiger Electronics’ new line of Giga Friends hits Game Informer Magazine € retailers. This line features the Star Wars license, and everyone thinks (including Me yel XN а us) that Star Wars is cool. The first batch of Star bo bad ЫН "by Wars Giga Friends showcases three different pets | а (Yoda, R2-D2, and the Rancor). Hopefully, the E-Mail — Rancor's food consists of nothing but plump and tender Gamorrean Guards. WWW Home Page a Ue To contact Secret Access or Access & Allies please send "vs ч ча ' | | correspondence to: Alan Jones was crowned National Champion at the Regional Champions: Snail Mail x * FuncoLand National Video Game Championships at the Mall New York | Game Informer Magazine €^ of America in Bloomington, MN. Jones, of Eagleville, PA, went Nicholas Markoutsakis | Attn: Secret Access undefeated in the double-elimination tournament to take NJ/CT | 10120 West 76th Street home a $25,000 college scholarship. Sovichet Ly | Eden Prairie, MN 55344 == Duelin on the PlayStation's CART World Chicago | E-Mail | Series from Sony, 15 of the nation’s top gamers David Zohdy | __ qualified on the first day of the competition (fully Milwaukee | Swap Shop | u GI sanctioned and approved), and were then Aaron Munson | To contact Swap Shop or A.P B. paired off for the next day's head-to-head Kansas City | please send correspondence to: championship flights. Jones, Paul Ayala of Sinuhe Viramontes | snail Mail . * Houston, TX and returning competitors Winer Michigan | Game Informer Magazine ©.) Raymond of Brockton, MA and Sovichet Ly of Dan Scardina | Attn: Swap Shop East Windsor, CT advanced to the semifinals. A Dallas | 10120 West 76th Street series of close races ended with a finals match-up Faisal Esaadi | Eden Prairie, MN 55344 of Jones versus Ly for the title. Jones ran away with Houston | E-Mail the victory after an early wreck by his aggressive Paul Ayala | D.C. opponent. Ly, taking the runnerup crown, was Brandon Elias awarded a $5,000 savings bond. Ayala took third И | То contact Game Informer Customer place and received a $2,500 savings bond. Philadelphia Service with Change of Address, Contestants qualified by playing Sony’s . Alan Jones | New Subscriptions or Inquiries Rally Cross at FuncoLand locations New England | please send correspondence to: | across the country and the top 15 Winer Raymond Snail Mail > finalists surfaced Кот а sea of over Minneapolis | Game Informer Magazine 3 3,000 gamers. Game Informer was on- Alvin Singh | Attn: Customer Service hand to witness some intense racing. San Francisco 10120 West 76th Street Congratulations to all of who showed off Paul Doherty Eden Prairie, MN 55344 their gaming skills at the championship. Seattle | Or Call Justin Hanson | Customer service hours: Ге USA CUP Monday through Friday, Marco Alfaro, Jr. | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (Central Time). (612) 946-7266 Outside Minnesota make sure to dial area code (this is a toll call). To Subscribe please send a check or money order for $19.98 to: Game Informer Magazine Attn: Circulation Dept. 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 1. The 8-Bit NES 2. NFL Quarterback Club '98 3. Germany 4. Sony Interactive Studios 5, Secret of Evermore У Gamers go head-to-head ۵ on CART World Series. Super High Impact Game Informer ü November ‘97 www. m Size: 256 Megabit m Style: 1-Player Action/RPG Freview Weapons (Bomb. Effects | jig rti If that monster moves as smooth as И | looks, then it could quite possibly be the i most sinister villain to date. 200099609 [i] —— Luckily, his horse is not like one of those | Ы mystic ones in Gulliver's Travels, so Link | _ will be able to ride it. | о It's going to take quite а bit more than а teenager's body to move this wall. Link is equipped with a bow, and hopefully, waterproof boots. метара ауа — —À — — a — 11 || Mt E BO tes ocn $. = отете к me eie УЫ; ES | и УУ | om | = || | $ || | | » | v | 1 | > | i | "t l ` | ч | || " 1 | | р 44 | H | 06 „од || lime | КЕ С c B —— п | #0 The heart health meter should work the · same as in the other Zelda releases. Here's a portrait of Link and his fairy friend Маше, m p " 5” | co 4 rea % a a |] ЭН < | ^ Gage Informer | Novenibér | ag t -一 一 一 — LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD JUST WET HER PANTS. Don't laugh. You just might wet yours when you see the in-your-face 3D effects the Chequemate C-3D™ Imaging System adds to your video games. Connect C-3D to your TV and game system, and BAM!—images explode out of the screen while awesome visual — depth sucks you right into the game's environment. Best of all, C-3D works on any video signal from any source*—so if you can see it on TV, you can see it in 3D. Think you're ready for something this wild? Call 1-800-889-9791, ext. 9 for the C-3D dealer nearest you. And tell 'em the big bad wolf sent you. © 1997 Chequemate International. All rights reserved. Visit: *C-3D is not compatible with averaging line doublers or LCD projectors. 3 H EQ U E MATE ~. The magnet weapon pulls you | closer to your opponents. Diddy launches into the lead by utilizing the turbo zippers. 1] 00 910) 12 00:09:22 А. Four-player is always a blast! Diddy slides to the outside. Nintendo said it themselves...take Diddy Kong (of Donkey Kong Country fame). Put him in Mario Kart 64. Update it with new characters, vehicles, gameplay techniques, and better graphics and Nintendo will once again have a hit on their hands. This is exactly what Diddy Kong Racing is, an update. But don’t let this scare you, because this game has more to it than meets the eye and it will дећинају be a hit. addition of hovererafts and airplanes to the | already familiar karts. Any of these vehicles = can be used against any other vehicle sinee the game has been balanced and designed to give both land, air, and sea vehicles different advantages and disadvantages lat this point we only know of one track where this is not the case). на Nintendo 64 and [оор tp — ing the plane, п do barrel rolls en you are fly Wi ANA wh 1 W loops 5 | = |= A ins plac Ch Iver co obvious). If you can сок Player , 128 Megabit s 3 Overworld in Speed Boos si 3, 1 fo 4 9 Bosses; ht 25 Silver Co Zipper eig KIDS TO ADULTS u eams, Inc. АЛ logos and marks of CAR acks and Sponsors and may not bi рей тепса. е Interactive Digital Software Association. EAR WILL ALWAYS ВЕ IN THE CAR WITH YOU. YOU JUST САМ Т LET IT DRIVE. ЕТ É. VASER | Me J5 2450 pad CART WORLDSERIES PROPERTY OF PLAYSTATION ATHLETIC DEPT. ш Size: 128 Megabit m Style: 1-Player Action/Platform ш Special Features: 6 Different Playable Yoshi Characters (All Colored Differently); Egg Tossing; 2D Gameplay With Slight Movements Into 3D Space; Wacky Level Designs; Gold Coin, Red Coin, and Flower Collecting ш Created by: Nintendo m Available; February 9 for Nintendo 64 Yoshi’s Island for the Super Nintendo was an easy title to like since it took familiar Mario gameplay in a new and unexplored direction. The game mixed basic action/platform elements with a unique egg shooting system that allowed | the player still the same in the sequel, but obviously, the analog stick will add a lot to the egg shooting. Another interesting aspect „01 Yoshi’s Island was the vibrant watercolor scheme that brought the game to life. Unfortunately, this stylish appearance is not found in Yoshi’s Story, but it has been replaced with something else. Take that weird Nickelodeon goo and mix it with the claymation of the Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer Christmas special, plop it into 3D, and this is basically how the game looks. If you look at the screens you'll see that almost everything, even the environments, are alive at times with gigantic slug creatures, cardboard cut-out stars, а and floating yarn balls. ANC E. True enough, this game is going ру” || to be extremely strange; but once again, it will offer something familiar yet different. The grading system of collecting flowers, gold, and red coins has returned as the key to unlocking a slew of hidden stuff. Yoshi’s Story deals not only with the adorable green fellow, but an entire group of Yoshi's tribe. Throughout the game players will assume the role of six different Yoshi characters all sporting unique colors and special moves. The premise of the game is that Yoshi gets trapped ina storybook and must escape. „announced a release date-for this new ; If it pans anymore, Yoshi = will look like a Lemming. Goodbye Mode 7, Hella 3D m Size: 128 Megabit m Style: 1 to 4-Player Anti-Gravity Racing m Special Features: 30 Car Field; 4-Player Split-Screen Racing: noe aid 20 Courses; 12 Machines To Choose From m Created by: Nintendo m Available: 4th Quarter 1998 for Nintendo 64 It's been over six years since their debut in 1991, but the Blue Falcon, Golden Fox, Wild Goose, and Fire Stingray are back in the sequel to the Super NES smash hit, F-Zero 64. Left in their wake is the long forgotten graphics technique known as Mode 7 and in its place comes the vivid 3D environments of the Nintendo 64. And with new graphics come new characters as Nintendo plans to introduce four new characters with new crafts and ratings. _ Featuring nearly 20 courses full of loops, screws, and half-pipes you can expect this new version of F-Zero to be more challenging than before; especially when you consider that the field of anti-gravity racers is now a full thirty vehicles. As with the | original version, you will be expected | to use power refilling pit-stops, jumps, ` shortcuts, and limited turbos to reach the checkered flag. At this point, Nintendo has not racer, but at a recent press event Mr. Miyamoto stated that he planned on finishing the product sometime in the later half of 1998 This game is easi Game Informer п November ‘97 Rumble т the Asphalt Jungle ƏY тэ opuəzurN ; gy until you feel what San Francisco Rush has in store for this s nifty little г acces Concept: g “Rush was a great arcade game, | every turn, down every straightaway, and on every kind of terrain, Rush and it is an even better home Graphics: 9.25 game. While the home version Rumble Pak to such a degree that your hands almost feel num | is missing the awesome force feedback. Is this the closest a racing game has come to mimick Sound: 9 feedback steering wheel from the ^ experience? Graphically, по. But physically and mentally, most definite arcade, the Rumble Pak does an | Playability: а ај ding job of relaying the feel is, you won't have to keep feeding it dares to produce the th Entertainment: g of the tires on the road. Plus, the Fran over and over again. new tracks and the hidden keys _ When we say it doesn’t stack give the game legs the arcade ге OVERALL: game could never have. In the ee crowded racing market on the N64, San Francisco Rush is a definite standout. The racing is fast and furious, and the shortcuts and the advanced Circuit i control, and car physics choose from (Practice, the environments long defeated the game to find them again in jos the and an oodle of wonderful new t 925 anime-like $ tracks filled with ful crash after crash, and hard rig after hard left, and it's hard a to have a great time playing Rus Rush does push a hefty amoun polys, and in the split-screen you will find a reduction in the frame rate, but it's not serious enough to screw with your racing. Trust me, this game is mighty impressive.” OVERALL: . “Even though there are way too vet л many racing games for the N64 Graphics: 8.75 (with even more on the way), Id have to say that SF Rush is Sound: 8.5 where its at. While the general | ан | rance isn't all that spectacular Playability: 9.2: је ће pes e esign and crash animations are s | exceptional. The control is great and even better with the Rumble Pak shaking away. The feedback _ gives a fairly close representation /ou would feel on the ine. Rush is a good lion of a great arcade game, ut the home version gives you a bunch more with the extra tracks, . hidden Cars, а d a ton of : : to disc Ver Game Informer m No mber | PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Armored Core is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc, ©1997 From Software. PlayStation CONTENT RATED BY jl * The fastest killing machines in the world. + 45 lethal missions. * Huge 3-D worlds. * Customizable weapons and armor. + One- or two-player combat. + It’s enough to excite any would-be assassin. x Last ‘month, we pr ortion of the Tibet level playable, plus a brief demo of other levels. From this, ме could obviously see two things. One - the game plays almost identically tc -= there are а few new features that will improve its features are, we're sure you'll love what's been reading last month's article, you end 5, which when stepped e air. The use of these is for the ) guess that they will be used to | | Check ouf the new iewed d version of Tomb Raider 2 that only hod a we have а nine level playable version (yes it’s good - f new features” may be going out on a limb, but ith Lara wearing а snorkel and wet suit, but this will probably lead Tomb 2 also features outdoor levels like the Great Wall of China and the streets of Tibet. However, you may по! notice that you are outside since the skies are pitch black. Hopefully, this will change. Core and Eidos Interactive even took the liberty of adding a higher polygon count to Lara’s adorable figure. With both games (the original and the sequel) running side-by-side, you can easily see the difference between Lara | and Lara 2. Even though we haven't heard too many complaints about Lara’s original appearance, some have noticed that she was quite blocky. Now, with the new polygon count, she is much more well-rounded and has a smoother appearance. The other portion of the poly count was implemented into her new hairdo. This rather large (and well braided) ponytail is just as alive as its living host, and when she performs any of her super hero-like moves, the tail follows her lead and swings about realistically. If you haven't played Tomb Raider, then get off your duff and go buy a copy, because Tomb Raider 2 will be released in the middle of November. Eidos did state that there will be a few new surprises added to the game. Whether they are even more exciting than the newly snowmobile is unknown. Yeah, you heard us right. Lara will ri snowmobile section о ће Ice Caves level. through a Size 1 CD- ROM | | Mow ‘em down! № Even the human = enemies are © capable of ` water warfare. Look out for ће | jagged glass! Game Informer п November ‘97 E So cR ony a pee ES = Size: 1 CD-ROM — ee | pua Style e vd Bipedal Battle Mechanism Combat зеста! Fea : Almost Unlimited Number of Mech. Designs; Jump Jets; Hand and Back-Mounted Weapons, Customizable Colors; Edit Team Logos; Money Manager 1; Interesting Missions and Level Designs rea : From Software for Sony Computer 5 mtertaiñmeni America ible: Late October for Sony PlayStation иогезслеюа | ње дип : Dep The larger and JoN, THE GREEDY GAMER but in (oh Core they see you as a 2 to thinka ZA | er pron . | ) and. hatever you want, you will get (if the Concept: 9 Carnage Heart meets Twisted Metal 2. It — ! x : has all the mecha upgrades and | PF Баг |. Graphics: 8.75 assembly options of Carnage Heart, but See [ legories. One — research and development, and two — Sound: g the missions take place in = levels Е x БОРА | fare. R&D is used to create the ultimate war machine for a instead of arenas (which also makes it &0 is expensive. To fund R&D you'll need to assign Playability: 8.75 much cooler than Virtual On). With the : jump jets, the levels have excellent Entertainment: 8.5 vertical space, and the various environments and missions push mission, enter the campaign, eliminate your targets, and h as little damage as possible. If you complete a mission, your faction rewards you with a set gross in cash. After the mission you Armored Core well above games ще | i ы = greeted by an expenses screen which shows the balance you've Brahma Force. The control: for the cu i — earned, tallies in any added bonuses, and subtracts certain amounts for strafing and jump Jels (8 вазу to pick up, M К the ammo used and damage taken. Thus, you need to be conservative 50 novice shooters won't have a 7. HERI f " and elusive through each mission if you want to earn a larger net bulk. problem getting into the game. The two- SELL oR x TN | With the money, head to the local war machine shop and purchase player split-screen adds to the play ome E- . upgrades for your current machine. This shop holds everything you'll value as well. With the variety of body e = x _ need (with new stuff being added periodically). But here's the catch – od and easy control. Armored dn У 4 while you can purchase whatever you like, you need to make sure that ore is worthy of your attention." | | your combat unit can withstand the weight. So to equip the best weapon, you first need to make sure your body, engine, and CPU OREN "HE RAGING ER B chips are all capable of using a weapon of this caliber. There are ende owe 5 i nearly 50 different attachments with various colors and decals that 9.25 Чт a firm believer in the mechanical : you can design, so the number of mechas you can create is almost Concept: revolution, and Armored Core presents | A o e cot | й limitless. Y Graphics: 8.75 а futuristic scenario | wouldn't mind ining through ВЕ Ме won't appeal lo With your unit customized to your liking you must then head back to battle. Each and every mission presents a different challenge. : everyone, since the font end and Sound: 8 opti fe available will easily lose the a али ue ll need to un pe a jen. renegade chick Pls а hyperactive ‘must click button’ gamers, | d жааш walkers and other times you'll go head-to-head against a new prot yahility but it's mainly for those who have the | x . | machine. Hence, you'd better make sure your unit is develope Entertainment: 9 patience to sit down and take the time to ا‎ properly so that you can either eliminate your target e cie ly create their own robotic shell. Idontsee | a в abeating and still come out the victor. anything wrong with this title. You can | | i m Unlike the other comprehensive PlayStation 0 design your own vehicle (and even | | ~. Carnage Heart – Armored Core will actually allow you ` WE customize the color and logos to your = combat. In each scenario you will have the ability to Malt king) there are tons of missions | ' U | h some seri ir, straf atten which are often completely different catch some serious аа than the last one completed, the effects rock, and the combat is sophisticated and captivating. If you like |. у I Transformers, MechWarrior, Voltron, or x | I cheras in the basic level py d even Micronauts, Armored Core should В : = : The graphics in this game are clear be right up your alley." | | U Амру, THE GAME HOMBRE "Рог mecha lovers, or people who like mechs, this game 15 a dream come true (even though FASA would say otherwise since this game is not Concept: 8.5 Graphics: 8 Sound: 75 endorsed by them). If you're looking for ~ ` something with plot, you aren't going to Playability: 7 lind it here; but you will find lots of items and weapons to purchase, tons of Entertainment: 7 upgrades for your mechas, and plenty | ws AoT I S. of action. While entertaining, this games | | ^ 2 levels can become somewhat repetitive, LL: so if you arent in it for the upgrades, ЈИ pr youll find nothing here." Шуут О гг. CQ, » m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Siyle:.1 or 2-Player Progressive 3D Fighter (Brawler) m Special Features: 4 Different Playable Characters (Alana, Hawk, Mace, Smasher); Over 40 Attacks Per Character; Interactive Environments; 2-Player Modes (Standard Co-Op Game, Head-To- | Head Duel); Combos; Bosses | m Levels: 7 Levels (30 Stages) m Created by: Core for Eidos Interactive m Available: November for S Рази — — о It's Like Double Dragon, But 3D Similar to a cat rpillar transforming into a butterfly, the progressive fighter genre has quickly matured into a completely different entity. While featuring controls similar to any fighting game, the progressive fighters have always had an appearance that is very similar to basic action titles. The only difference wa 5 the pan (isometric) view which allowed for players to move in and out of the fore and backgrounds. The combat was limited to one plane and you always had to fight the baddie to your left or right. You could never take on an enemy above or below you. This minor detail was never seen as a problem (since we didn’t know better); but now, as fighting games move into complete 3D, so should the As with every good horror movie, progressive fighters. Sega’s Die Hard Arcade came close > "М. T | b=. Fighting Force has plenty of blood faked it well), but it still featured one plane comb: : x | A Like Perfect Weapon by ASC Games, Fighting Force ill У allow the player to use а full 360° of movement. № also пе that made the very first progressive fighters so every one of the thirty different environ in review damage, release a few pop cans, and pen i be со ИЙ ENS. do» pop cans t either be drunk to regain health or thrown as a weapon. Another nice # e with these items ` is that they don't flash and disappear before y have time to pick the . Thay will stay on the screen until you pick them up or leave the area. U | | ' One really noticeable feature in this title is the smoothness of character animation. All four № | Nice Move! playable characters (Alana, Hawk, Mace, and Smasher) have unique attributestand are equipped with up to 40 plus moves (which rangerfrom standard attacks, reverse attacks, : combos, throws jumping, running, and sli ven the enemies feature several differen anim especially the bosses. You can aftmBB use the number of animations as a guide. : The Weaker enemies basically stand around doingynothing, and the tough guys pick you up and smash your head into the pavement a thous erent ways. All the enemies (like yourself] have health bars and some enemies have mare health than others. Thus, you will - have to think quickly on who to take out first, since certain stages will feature up to five enemies in a room at a time. There really isn't tdo much more you "progressive fighter that delivers one punc categories. The combat is extremely we ET own NES c^ | ins (like the machine gun) add some | in re to-head or versus) modes аге entert in say abouj Fighting Force. It’s a gorgeous er another in the graphics and gameplay 3, all the environments look outstanding, the esting gameplay variables, and the two-player He's a very large version of John McClane. If you can't jump the chasm, | take the bridge. Rail slide! The two-player split- a screen is great, but 3 you both have to | know the tracks first. or snowboarding fans, the first Cool Boarders was THE best game on the PlayStation. The reason we say it "was" is because Cool Boarders 2 makes the first installment look like a Geriatric Olympics game. The control of the game is basically the same as last year's, except UEP has added a whole slew of new grabs (31 total, that can be strung together), rail slides, quick spins to fakie, and a tuck for increased speed. Also, most of the levels have been opened up to give the player a better sense of an actual run. For instance, if you are heading down the hill and you see that you can jump off the cliff and cut the turn, you can do it. As with last year’s game, Cool Boarders 2 features a Freestyle mode where you compete to win trophies in three categories: Time, Trick, and Total. This mode is basically the same as last year’s game, except now there are ten courses to master and the tracks feature numerous short-cuts and alternate paths. Of course, you will be rewarded with hidden tracks and boards for collecting trophies. New to this year’s installment is a Halfpipe, a Board Park obstacle course, a Big Air Contest and Master Mode, and a Tournament Contest Mode. As you may have already guessed, the Halfpipe mode lets you pick your board, your boarder, and then tear up the pipe. While it does take a little practice, you'll be pulling Alley-Oop Crippler 540s With a Mute to Indy Grab in no time. Simply put, the Hal awesome. |} ; 542 Go to the Board Park to perfect your moves. On the hidden track, you get to jump through a waterfall. SER 0704 TOTA ту The Board Park is basically a training mode (if you hit Select the game will walk you through various moves), but it is also fun to just cruise around the park and pull tricks on and off the different cars, barrels, and pipes that are located throughout the course. The Big Air contest is just one big jump, but this mode gives you a chance to practice up for the Contest mode where the Big Air contest becomes very important. In Contest Mode, you are given two jumps off one of the three Big Air ramps. How you score in the Big Air contest will determine where you start in the eight man grid of boarders for the second part of the contest (which is a downhill race consisting of all the runs from the Freestyle mode). You'll need to score well on the Big Air mode so that you can place first for the entire nine round season and unlock the other characters and modes hidden in the game. For snowboarding fans, there is no other game that comes close to the excitement and speed that Cool Boarders 2 offers. While snowboarders may be the only gamers interested in this title, game fanatics everywhere should give Cool Boarders 2 a try when it hits the slopes this November. It rocks! - oe Tw Borrow Line 9 ‚ Concept: 9 and bounds over last year's game. First Awesome Misty ` 1440 dude! Амру, THE GAME НОМВВЕ Watch your run on the replay to check out all your coo! tricks. | Jon, THE GREEDY GAMER “Cool Boarders 2 has grown by leaps 85 of all, the new grabs are amazing. Then "© there's the half-pipe. Wow! It's just hours Sound: 8.5 and hours of awesome tricks. You'd 1 ` V aqoa have to be an bs not to itv: „25 love this game. It's got a Competition геу 229 mode, Big Air contests, and a two-player Entertainment: 9.5 split-screen. Plus, it'll take plenty of time, to win each course for tricks, best time, and overall score. Then, you can design your own board, which is totally cool. CB 2 should be in everyone's library. It's easily one of the most entertaining games of the year." Graphics: OVERALL: "lil Size: ! CD-ROM. or 2-Player Snowboarding Jal Features: 2-Player Split-Screen; : оп Snowboards; 31 New (ре Characters; А dit Mode; Big Air aster; Mirror Mode; Hard у 6c Node; Halfpipe reated by: UEP Systems for Sony Computer Entertainment America m Avaliable: November for Sony PlayStation С "| loved Cool Boarders. Even after | beat Concept: 9 it | could boot that game up and play it Graphics: g over and over just to pass the time. The "— great part is, Cool Boarders 2 leaves Sound: that game in the dust. First off, the я halfpipe is unbelievable. | would buy this Playability: g game for that mode alone. Then you throw in 10 courses in the Freestyle Entertainment: 9.5 mode, 31 new grabs, a two-player split- screen mode, plus hidden boards, characters, and courses to find — and ! think Гт in snowboarding heaven. About the only complaint | have is that it didn't include the original tracks so 1 wouldn't have to ever take this game out of my PS-X. If you don't like this game, you don't know what video gaming is all about." OVERALL: PAUL, THE GAME PROFESSOR 8 “There is no doubt that this is one of my Concent: 9 favorite games for the PS-X. I сап easily | N put in four hours without blinking an eye. | Graphics: 8.5 The addition of the new grabs, halfpipe, Sound: g and big air are all welcomed and a huge 4 advance over last year’s дате. CB 2 Playability: 9.25 Still suffers from strange little graphic oddities, but the tight control and variety 3 Entertainment: 9.75 of challenges more than make up for that. Skateboard and snowboard junkies take note: this game is a must. There hasn't been something like this since 720°.” OVERALL: It's Time to Drop the Gloves NHL Face ОН ‘98 m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player Hockey (Up to 8-Player Via Multi-Tap) m Special Features: Icon Passing; User Records; Full Season With Playoffs; Stats Tracking; Create, Trade, and Release Players; Controlled Trading; Fighting; Real NHL Awards; Shaking Glass; Practice Mode; Game Speed Toggle; Control Non-Puck Handler; Team Strategies m Created by: Killer Game and Sony Interactive Studios for Sony Computer Entertainment America m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation > THE BOTTOM LINE 8.25 Without a doubt, EA Sports' NHL franchise has achieved legendary status; but Sony's Face Off series is now making its third appearance on PlayStation and earning a name for itself as well. Remember, Sony released the original Face Off in '95, and an EA Sports hockey game didn't surface until more than a year later. By that time, Sony had discovered a way to include a new invention termed Icon Passing. Now, both companies enjoy a strong history of 32-bit development, and these two games are the best hockey titles available this year. [= © a ~ л ГО С. | Control Each company takes a different approach to video hockey. Sony’s Face Off uses every button (including Select) on the PlayStation controller, whereas EA Sports’ NHL 98 relies primarily upon three buttons. The NHL button layout is much like the Genesis versions of the game with shoot, pass, and speed burst. NHL 98 also includes a special move button, which is used in conjunction with the d-pad. This special move button is difficult to learn, but can be used to pull off some tricky delay shots and spins. Face Off, on the other hand, demands that players be well accustomed to the PlayStation controller. L2 lights up the icons, the other shoulder buttons are used for hip checks and goalie saves. Each Icon button is employed differently for offense and defense, and Select brings up the line change window. The use of Select for line changes is pretty lame since it’s tough to get in the open and dump for a clean change while searching for the Select button, then back to the icon buttons to continue the play. As for an overall judgment, we like NHL’s approach, where fewer buttons make for better, more manageable gameplay. Passing How much does Icon Passing matter? In October we voiced our complaints about last year’s Face Off. The games were too high scoring and the icon passes ripped too fast around the ice. This year, Sony did include a game speed toggle, and we prefer playing the game at a speed of 25 (default speed is 50 on a scale of 100). This does make the icon passing more defensible, but the general feeling in the office is that Icon Passing is not a big deal in hockey games. But the problem with Face Off is that the game forces you to use Icon Passing; if you don’t, the regular passes miss the mark and scream down for an icing call way too often. There seems to be only one speed of pass, and even sending the puck around the boards from behind your own net will result in an icing as well. NHL’s passing is much more natural in execution. The passes work at different speeds depending on body position and direction of pass, while the one-time shot and give-and-go pass offer a comparable equivalent to the benefits of Icon Passing. NHL wins this battle. К seems like players always № | get injured after a big trade. He gets flattened. HOCKEY SHOWDOWN NHL 98 ш Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player Hockey (Up to 8-Player Ма Multi-Tap) m Special Features: User Records; World Teams; Full Season With Playoffs; Stats Tracking; Create, Trade, and Release Players; Fighting; Real NHL Awards; Play as Single Position; Shoot Out Contest; On-The-Fly Strategy Calling; Special Move Button и Created by: EA Sports m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation 9 In regards to roster options, both games score the same. NHL and Face Off feature excellent Create Player features, with a number of categories in which to allot points. Both games also. allow you to save and load line-ups, and in the event of mid-game injuries, the computer will substitute accordingly. Of course, you can rearrange your lines whenever injuries or major penalties occur, but this tends to slow the game down. NHL does offer a third scoring line to bring the total to four regular shift lines, which helps in longer games, since you'll be able to cycle star players with high endurance into odd shifts. When it comes to trading players, Face Off is more sophisticated, because a trade must be approved. For instance, you will not be able to trade Mark Messier for some first year scrub. This is an interesting feature, and it’s fun to balance out creative trades. However, Face Off does not include a trade deadline. EA Sports’ trade deadline is a good feature that will surely be a factor if key players are injured late in the season. For those who care, NHL 98 also includes world teams, Face Off does not. > THE BOTTOM LINE Graphics and Sound NHL 98 takes home the title in both these categories. NHL 98 sports a brand new look with awesome stick and skating animations. Also, NHL's goalies feature the coolest, smoothest animations we've ever seen in a hockey game. Face Off has a number of animations, but in general they’re not as realistic as NHL's. In fact, it’s the different animations in NHL that make the passing so intuitive – since momentum, direction, and timing are all important in working the offense. Face Off does feature shaking boards, but the stiff player and goalie animations lose out to NHL. One thing that NHL does suffer from is excessive cut scenes, but these can be sped along bt pressing buttons. The sound in NHL is also superior, with more organ sounds, blaring rock music for the menu screens, and two-man commentary that follows the play closely. We just hope EA Sports dumps Jim Hughson for next year's game. His voice just doesn't fit the hockey experience. Any hockey commentator from around the States or Canada would have been much better. Sony stuck to their formula of an 'at the game' experience, but EA's TV-style presentation and organs take home the cup. Conclusions In the end, these are the two best hockey games of the year. There are things to like about both games, but since most gamers have to make a choice, so do we. Therefore, we choose NHL 98 as the winner. Overall, the gameplay of NHL can't be beat. Games are lower scoring and harder fought, with a simple control interface and better balance of gameplay. But as we always say, listen to the reviewers before you make a final decision. "А That shot is easily handled. Jagr turns ир ісе. Е” Game Informer ú November ‘97 Game Informer November ‘97 Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: Overall: Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: Overall: Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: Overall: Face Off 8.75 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 „NHLPA Š LA GUELEADE RO "While these games have been out for a few weeks, now that the NHL season is in full swing it's time to play some video hockey. Both games have great new graphics engines and the player animations look sweet. The board rattling animation in Face Off is a fantastic touch. However, the edge goes to NHL in the graphics department. A lot of small details have been added to NHL's players while Face Off's players look disproportionate. In terms of play control, neither game really stands out, but | do regret the fact that Face Off pretty much forces you to use icon passing. Both games have good stats and player create features. Face Off has the speed and quick loading and NHL sweats the details and has the extras for the veteran hockey fans. In the end, | found myself standing in the corner of NHL for its big improvements in graphics, sound, and options." "Aside from a few outstanding features like fluctuant boards and a well developed icon passing system, NHL Face Off '98 looks like a game that was developed three years ago when compared to EA's NHL 98. Yes, Electronic Arts has done it again. This year's installment focuses more on solid gameplay and overall realism. NHL has a TV-styled presentation consisting of beautiful camera work during game breaks and dual announcing which is often hilarious. Plus, EA has developed this game so that you can really get into the players' heads. When there's a serious goalie duel, you'll know it. On the other hand, Face Off doesn't offer anything like this. It's just straight-up hockey. NHL has better graphics, smoother animation (especially the goalies), and a superior front end. Also, both games are extremely difficult." "First of all, both of these games could have been a lot better. Face Off is basically the same game as last year, and the sticks are still very disproportionate, reminding me of the Chexx bubble-hockey games. This might not matter to some, but it's one example of Face Offs less than stellar graphics. NHL's animations, on the other hand, are truly outstanding. The way players guard a puck on their stick, spin, or chase down the puck With their stick out in front of them now sets a new standard. The biggest problem | have with Face Off is the scoring. Most goals come from non-scoring situations, like shooting from well above the top of the circle. This makes the game too high scoring, especially playing longer than five minute periods. In terms of season and roster options, both games come out about the same. NHL 98 is far and away the superior game, and the head-to-head battles are incredible.” ‘www. ue o аша оп Soundtrack: Official NASCAR License; Jeff Gordon Drives Like the Real Jeff Gordon; 8 Qvals and 9 Road Tracks (Including NASCAR Short - Tracks); Custom Race Options; Pitting _ and Drafting; Caution Flags With Wrecker. | On Track; Practicing and Qualifying; 2- ` Player Split-Screen for Single Race; ` Championship Season; Memory Card Save | Create : Stormfront Studios for High Score and EA Sports 1 : Now for Sony PlayStation (Sega $205 Version To Ship in Early November) d T Ме 2 Drafting is a crucial part of NASCAR 98. PlayStation Review Look at Gordon mixing it up fine 88:531181 REINER, THE RAGING Gamer in the turn... ; 8 “As you might have ud " iod -= „how he's doing it to you! fond of southern roc : VQ ee torm), so Molly Р lly, it drove me ! | the game, it's not [00 | ic Arts did a smash-up | listic as it look per 4 ecially the Hot 1), it displays a few пісе x ан А ds ‚ In fact, this game is 50 much like NASCAR, tt И ош of my wa hing it's missing is a party in the biis lot and the : rickyard 500. | compete i in NASCAR 98 “sasawan a field of six other cars, The | | . саг tuning is also similar to Andretti racing, except players | ANDY THE | . who race the default amount of laps will not need to worry | о гаспа датез пе about pitting for fuel. Fuel only becomes а factor as races get MEAL Î up into the fifteen to twenty lap range. During longer races ae players will also have to pit in order to repair c ar da | and change tires. — —— | Ovals are ап important part of ^ ГАБСАЋ 98, and the = to pone i) bg | |с пина МЕ ог Speedways, and va swear r you were _ is there а wens behind the wheel of the wa ld's fastest stock cars. _ г atleast the racing ië БО NASCAR 98 strikes а good balance between the ins I UTU Simulation and arcade racing experience. Turns are увгу | ло ык SS MEC ME : manageable, and the caution flags and car damage are “CHANGE TIRES — “e entertaining without detracting from the game's арыса | E f cou cob During caution laps, the line of cars cuts back and forth to № WEDGE: + 1.0 keep debris off the tires, and the wreckers can be seen hauling wounded cars off the road. NASCAR 98 also features | spectacular crashes, and just like the real cars, roof flaps pop up during spin-outs. In fact, МАЗСАВ 98 is so close to m. real thing, you can almost small the gasoline. AR ^" i alot Ge d oak optimum dei are oe d courses are adequate, ma fun as those in Andretti Racing. I'm acy bummed that m _ have to race а lot of laps before fue | а factor, because | really liked | etup in Andretti Racing. But | when you pull away from eh _ pack the engine roaring and Mol ly | ` Hatchet cranked up full blast, it's a _ таста experience that's hard to beat.” ЈЕ 6: 60 Game Informer 1 November ‘97 : 1 CD-ROM :1 ог 2. Player Action/Shooter :: Unique Наде lh Weapon Meter: Alternating 2- layer Modes; Three Difficulty Levels; issortment of Weapons; Awesome ighting Effects; Five Gigantic Worlds With Level End Bosses; High Tension ire Swinging; Complex Controls | (Ашо-Тагде та, Duck, Walk, Double 4 аяр Hang and Climb) : Visual Concepts for ASC | Id 25. Е 9: November for Sony | j sequels, and for newcomers inch it to the top of the charts. ith fourteen other titles), and о far. It may not be as well- alli is said and done, ONE will ation of special effects and explosive gameplay cannot | је ме said before, ONE is a momentum game that strives to be entertaining and completely insane at the same ‘time. For example, one of the levels places the player (John Cain) on top of a city's rooftops. As you play through this stage you'll come across enemies with laser sightings, and airplanes that launch rockets at you. Rockets that miss their target will either destroy the platform you are standing on, or simply destroy a building near your locale. Plus, you'll need to destroy random obstacles blocking your path, shoot down a billboard to create a bridge to the next rooftop, and eventually square off against a deadly boss. The gameplay itself is a blend of the classic Contra and not-so-classic MDK. Players will have freedom to maneuver about any given area in complete 3D. John's moves range from a highly useful double jump, to hanging and climbing up platforms. There is no health in ONE, and in order to stay alive you will need to kill as many enemies and destroy as many obstacles as you can. Doing this will change your rage meter from green (passive), to yellow (semi-aggressive), and then eventually to red (rage). When the meter is red, John can unleash an attack that destroys Lud | everything on-screen. But be careful - if you take on enemy fire and sustain damage, your rage meter will drop. ONE has the potential to be one of the best action/ shooters on the PlayStation, but at the moment the game is extremely | difficult, and the camera views (which swing all about) are | frustrating. Hopefully, Visual Concepts and ASC Games will be able to find a steady balance between gameplay and the camera | problem. And if they do, look out! This underdog title could easily stir-up a massive holiday commotion. This per will put your ? НЫ skills to the test. | | | | | With your rage meter | in the green, this >. heli-enemy could ` very well be too much to handle. оку Shoot down this billboard to create a path to the next rooftop. Shoot random objects to ‚ build up your rage meter. — 4 This could possibly be the largest spider to ever cross the video game scene. m Style: 1-Player Action/Platform m Special Features: Continues, Lives, and Difficulty Toggle; МК4 Preview; Item Collecting; Gaining Experience Unlocks Special Moves (Ice Blast, Slide, Etc.); Continue Points; Memory Card Save; FMV Cut Scenes m Levels: 8 m Created by: Midway Home Entertainment m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation (November for Nintendo 64) > THE Borrom Line [5 Sub-Zero is one of the few characters to appear in every Mortal Kombat installment, and even though many call him a cheap character (because of his freeze moves), he is one of the most popular combatants to ever grace the MK scene. He now stars in the first Mortal Kombat action game – Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero. Within this quest you will learn more than you ever thought possible about Sub-Zero and the MK universe. While the gameplay and basic structure are presented in the form of an action/platformer, the action/platform junkies probably won’t get into this title. It's strictly for those who feed off of the MK experience. The combat is identical to MK3, where you'll need to use specials and combos to destroy enemies. The only difference between the combat in the MK fighters and this game is that the screen scrolls, the combat zone is limited, and the enemies don't have a life bar. Otherwise, it's МКЗ all over again with the addition of platforming - like jumping from ledge to ledge and avoiding deadly obstacles. At the start of the game, Sub-Zero will not be as deadly as he usually is. In fact, he won't have any special moves except for the MK3 combo. To unlock the ice blast, slide, ice puddle, and other ice moves, you will qu EXPERIENCE THE HFARTWARMING SAGA OF POPSICLE BOY need to gain experience by killing enemies. After a certain amount of experience is obtained, Sub-Zero will learn a new move. But even if you are good enough (and you can fly through each level), it could still take quite a while to learn all of these moves. Additionally, experience gaining isn't the only RPG-like aspect of this quest — you will also need to use items, keys, and health power-ups. The graphic display in Mythologies is somewhat strange. All the characters are 2D (as in MK3), and all the environments are polygonal. Sometimes you will find yourself on a track, which will zoom in and out of 3D space; but for the most part, the game will make you run from left to right. At the end of each level you will encounter a boss (many of which are new to the MK universe), and you will need to push your MK skills to the limit to beat them. And yes, on some you will be able to finish them. The story presented in Mythologies (through cool FMVs) links directly to MK4, and as Midway has promised, you won't be able to decipher the complete MK mystery unless you beat both games. Mythologies is a tricky game (to say the least) that will surely frustrate everyone who challenges it. Getting the hang of the gameplay, and memorizing each level is the only solid foundation for victory. Game Informer " November '97 mithelogs imi-ihol соја) wes. plural mo thelegior 1 A Rody er collceiien of msthe belemplag ie a peoplc sad addressing thelr bistors. delilen. wacevtery. aed heroes J, f слати we [able relaslep ie podi snd ar smperaztural «зз Game Informer з November ‘97 ure to use your |, and then head е right to move . "This is not a game that you just blast Concept: 9 through in one sitting. The pace of the ine. game is primarily set by trial and error, Graphics: 8 which can become more frustrating than Sound: g it is fun. If | have to watch the falling | death animation опе more time, I'll Playability; 7.75 never play an MK game again. Hard- core MK fans will likely enjoy using Entertainment: 7.75 some of the old combos and other moves to annihilate enemies, but the control in general is a little cumbersome. Although the game environments look fairly cool, the player animations are almost comical. MK fans should at least try this game, but anyone else should steer clear." . "Before you castrate me for giving an Concept: 2.75 MK game such а low score, let me T explain why. The gameplay in this title is Graphics: 75 absolutely wretched. The first level is Sound: 7.25 done perfectly, but after that (when the i ` platforming really kicks in), everything Playability: 4 goes downhill. The only way to win this game is through memorizing levels and Entertainment: 4.5 hoping that you time your jumps correctly. | liked the combat, but when it's surrounded by this platforming junk, its hard to enjoy since you know something ridiculous and horrible is just a step away. They should have used polygon characters instead of the (somewhat) replicated MK3 Sub-Zero. Only those who love MK will find this game entertaining, but | know that there will be a tear in your eye...and no, the ‘I'm crying because this game rocks!’ explanation will not work.” . "When | first heard about an MK action Concept: 7 game starring Sub-Zero | was truly — excited. The idea of playing MK in a Graphics: 6.5 moving, breathing environment certainly Sound: had my brain doing loops. Unfortunately, у the reality is that this game is horrible. Playability: 3 Previous MK games have managed to have decent gameplay, so you could let Entertainment: 5 the bad animation slide by, but this game has such horrendous play mechanics that the poor animation becomes all the more annoying. Couple that with the bad acting, boring Al, regenerating enemies, and mediocre controls and you can see why | hate this game. Certainly funny for a while, but eventually this game gets just plain exasperating. Rent it first, if you don't believe me." E АНИНА ин CALIFORNIA Capitola Brown Ranch Marketpl. (408) 464-1774 Daly City/Colma Serra Center (415) 756-7170 Fremont Fremont Hub (510) 792-4988 Hayward Southland Mall (510) 780-0311 Modesto The Promenade (209) 238-9390 Mountain View San Antonio Center (415) 941-8557 Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill S.C. (510) 609-8019 Richmond Hilltop Plaza (510) 758-8482 Sacramento Howe ‘Bout Arden (916) 564-4828 San Jose Tully Corners (408) 531-9451 San Jose Westgate Mall (408) 379-8862 San Jose Winfield S.C. (408) 362-0202 Vacaville Vacaville Commons (707) 455-0454 Opening Soon Citrus Heights Sunrise Festival S.C. Merced Mall Merced Mall Santa Rosa Coddingtown Mall Stockton College Sq. S.C. CONNECTICUT Danbury (203) 798-7881 Enfield Enfield Sq. (860) 741-2341 Manchester Plaza at Buckland Hills (860) 644-3546 Meriden Townline Sq. (203) 235-6955 EEN не — du uu U ПОДА ИНИ о ei | America’s Place то 5 Milford Turnpike Sq. (203) 877-5977 New Brittain Brittany West (860) 224-8551 North Haven Price Club Plaza (203) 239-7533 Norwalk Grade A/Shoprite Plaza (203) 831-0393 Waterbury Edwards S.C. (203) 757-8000 DELAWARE Wilmington Concord Gallery (302) 479-7833 Wilmington Kirkwood Plaza (302) 633-6088 ILLINOIS Arlington Heights Southpoint S.C. (847) 670-1166 Bloomingdale Bloomingdale Court (630) 529-3340 Calumet City River Oaks West S.C. (708) 862-2288 Chicago Bricktown Sq. (312) 637-2727 Chicago Midway Sq. (773) 735-8008 Chicago Riverpoint Center (773) 549-0885 Chicago Scottsdale S.C. (773) 284-5599 Chicago Venture Plaza (773) 761-3298 Crestwood Rivercrest Center (708) 385-3322 Crystal Lake Crystal Court (815) 459-3466 Deerfield Deerbrook S.C. (847) 498-5511 Downer's Grove The Groves S.C. (630) 241-1001 Evergreen Park Park Plaza (708) 422-0098 Gurnee Grand Hunt S.C (847) 855-8230 Harwood Heights Harwood Commons (847) 867-7171 Joliet Northridge Plaza (815) 741-9090 Matteson Matteson Plaza (708) 503-1333 Naperville West Ridge Ct. S.C. (630) 355-4666 Niles Village Crossing Mall (847) 647-8114 North Riverside North Riverside Park (708) 442-1331 Orland Park Lakeview Plaza (708) 349-4443 Rockford Forest Plaza (815) 397-6475 Schaumburg Scharrington Sq. (847) 584-2233 Schaumburg Woodfield Village Green (847) 240-5656 Vernon Hills Hawthorn Hills Fash. Ctr. (847) 367-4444 Villa Park Villa Oaks S.C. (630) 530-2828 West Dundee Springhill Fashion Corner (847) 836-0606 | Wheaton Danada Sq. East (630) 260-4975 INDIANA Greenwood Greenwood Shoppes | (317) 888-0016 Highland : Highland Grove S.C. (219) 922-0838 ` Indianapolis. ‘Washington Vill. Shoppes (317) 899-7977 Merrillville | _ Merrillville Plaza (219) 756-1455 Mishawaka/Southbend ` Wilshire Plaza (219) 273-2884 Speedway Speedway Supercenter (317) 240-1120 Opening Soon Keystone Keystone Cross. Shoppes 317-475-0122 KANSAS Lenexa Orchard Corners S.C. (913) 438-3636 Roeland Park Roeland Park S.C. (913) 677-3343 KENTUCKY Louisville Springhurst Towne Ctr. (502) 423-7718 Opening Soon Louisville Tymberwood S.C. MARYLAND Annapolis Annapolis Plaza (410) 224-4426 Baltimore Mondawmin Mall (410) 225-9828 Columbia Dobbins Center (410) 740-2090 Forrestville 2950 C Donnell Drive Penn Mar S.C. Gaithersburg Montgomery Village S.C. (301) 212-9884 Glen Burnie Governor Plaza (410) 768-0538 Greenbelt Beltway Plaza (301) 345-0987 Laurel Laurel S.C. — (301) 776-9606 Rockville | Federal Plaza (301) 231-6691. Towson | York Road Plaza (410) 372-0544 Opening Soon Forrestville Penn-Mar S.C. 301-516-6500 MASSACHUSETTS Braintree Pearl Plaza (617) 849-1711 Brockton West Gate Mall (508) 559-1710 Burlington Burlington Sq. (617) 229-8676 Dedham Dedham Mall (617) 329-3133 Dorchester Fields Corner S.C. (617) 282-4049 Franklin Franklin Village (508) 528-7011 Natick Sherwood Plaza (508) 655-4888 North Attleboro Fashion Crossing (508) 695-3484 North Dartmouth Dartmouth Towne Center (508) 984-5540 Peabody Peabody Place (508) 532-5511 Saugus Hillside Plaza (617) 233-6652 Somerville Assembly Sq. (617) 776-7181 Tyngsboro TJ Maxx Plaza (508) 649-3060 Waldorf St. Charles Town Ctr. Opening Soon Eastover Sq. MICHIGAN Ann Arbor ` || Стапбгоок М аде (313) 668-1400 Clinton Township Clinton Pointe (810) 792-5151 Dearborn Shops Fairlane Meadows x (313) 271-6700 Detroit — Bel Air S.C. (313) 366-4400 Farmington Hills West River Center (248) 615-0011 Flint | | | Eastridge Commons (810) 743-8123 Flint Oak Brook Sq. (810) 733-1144 Fort Gratiot K-Mart S.C. (810) 385-3636 Lansing Delta Plaza (517) 323-3144 Lansing Edgewood S.C. (517) 393-7845 Lincoln Park Lincoln Park S.C. (313) 381-5524 Kentwood Kentwood Towne Ctr. (616) 942-7710 Novi West Oaks 11 (248) 348-5090 Portage Portage Crossings (616) 321-9363 Rochester Hills Hampton Village Centre (248) 299-4848 Saginaw Saginaw Sq. (517) 799-6600 Southfield Southfield Plaza (248) 557-7001 Sterling Heights Clinton Valley Mall (810) 726-9480 Taylor Burlington Sq. (313) 374-2020 Troy Oakland Plaza (248) 589-2138 Warren Hoover Eleven _ (810) 758-2111 Waterford Summit West (810) 738-0077 Westland | 7044 Wayne Road (313) 728-5740 . Opening Soon _ Holland Grand Rapids Traverse City | Battle Creek MINNESOTA Bloomington. Mall Of America _ (612) 854-6191 Brooklyn Center Shingle Creek S.C. (612) 561-8782 Over 215 Locations Nationwide • Visit our Super — e hop for Vi Burnsville McAndrews Center (612) 898-4801 Eden Prairie Lariat Center (612) 944-2070 Maplewood Maplewood Commons (612) 779-9669 Minnetonka Ridgedale Sq. South (612) 591-5939 Northtown Northcourt Commons (612) 783-0788 Plymouth Rockford Road Plaza (612) 551-0178 Richfield The Hub (612) 861-3575 Rochester Northwest Plaza (507) 280-6424 Roseville Rosedale Commons (612) 638-9551 St. Cloud Division Place Fash. Ctr. (612) 654-8900 West St. Paul South Robert Plaza (612) 552-9515 Woodbury ` Woodbury Village (612) 739-2202 Opening Soon Duluth MISSOURI ` Balwn Dietrich Meadows (314) 256-9800 _ Independence | Market Place S.C. ce 373-3133 | ү | (718) 85 0: Виск Brick Town Center (732) 920-1110 Deptford Locust Grove S.C. (609) 384-8448 East Brunswick Midstate S.C. (732) 651-0055 Jersey City Hudson Mall (201) 451-4577 Middletown Middletown Commons (732) 706-0611 Mt. Laurel East Gate Plaza (609) 722-0211 Paramus 501 C Rt. 17 Closed Sunday Union 2317 Rt. 22 (908) 686-6399 Watchung Blue Star S.C. (908) 322-6808 Wayne Willowbrook Mall (973) 812-7933 Woodbridge Caldor S.C. (732) 750-9424 Edgewater Edgewater Commons (201) 945-8431 Opening Soon Old Bridge Toms River. Monmouth ` Freehold | NEWYORK Bayshore Atlantic Center Huntington Station (516) 673-5 Islandia Islandia S.C. (516) 348-0706 Lake Grove Smith Grove S.C. (516) 366-5185 Levittown Nassau Mall (516) 735-8030 Massapequa Sunrise Bend Center (516) 799-4002 New York Manhattan Mall (212) 868-3156 Oceanside Caldor S.C. (516) 594-1549 Queens (718) 533-1993 Ridgewood (718) 497-0008 Staten Island Forest Plaza (718) 494-1550 Valley Stream Green Acres Mall (516) 823-9526 West Hempstead Cherry Valley Ave. S.C. (516) 485-3024 ` Yonkers 2347 Central Parkway (914) 779-8027 eo Games® King Of Prussia Gateway S.C. (610) 902-0636 Philadelphia Andorra S.C. (215) 483-8889 Philadelphia Chelten Green (215) 842-2090 Philadelphia Great NE Plaza (215) 745-7477 Philadelphia Home & Design Ctr. (215) 824-1108 Philadelphia One & Olney Sq. (215) 548-4594 Philadelphia Port Richmond Village (215) 425-3680 Philadelphia Whitman Plaza (215) 271-9399 Springfield Marple Crossroads (610) 690-4402 Upper Darby 69th Street (610) 352-9889 Wyomissing Berkshire Sq. S.C. (610) 373-2005 Opening soon Lancaster Harrisburg _ York Fort Worth Remington Park S.C. (817) 370-7170 Galveston Galveston Place S.C. (409) 744-8998 Garland Oak Ridge Plaza (972) 495-5435 Houston Commons Deerbrook (281) 548-0708 Houston Commons Willowbrook (281) 807-9800 Houston Northbrook S.C. (713) 686-8886 Houston Shops at 3 Corners (713) 663-6900 Hurst Melbourne Plaza Il (817) 590-0900 Irving Grande S.C. (972) 258-1176 Lewisville Vista Ridge Village (972) 459-1828 Mesquite Towne Crossing S.C. (972) 279-1672 Разадепа Bayshore S.C. (713) 944-5501 Plano Springfield Best Buy Metro Ctr. (703) 971-5597 Sterling Sterling Town Ctr. 703-444-9311 Woodbridge Smoketown Station (703) 492-8627 WASHINGTON Bellevue Crossroads Mall (425) 643-9282 Bellingham Sunset Sq. (360) 647-7929 Issaquah Pickering Sq. (425) 392-3209 Lynnwood Alderwood Plaza (425) 771-6116 Olympia West Olympia Place (360) 753-6068 Tukwila Parkway Sq. (206) 575-1077 Opening Soon Tacoma Tacoma Central WISCONSIN Brookfield Brookfield Fashion Sq. (414) 789-7311 Glendale _ Port Plaza S.C. _ (414) 964-6688 - Grand Chute ТЈ Maxx Plaza 14) 731-5857 4) 774-7355 емеуу Pr Psygnosis Returns To 7—1 m Size: 1 CD-ROM | m Style: 1 ог 2-Player Racing Simulation | m Special Features: 1997 F1 Teams & Drivers (Except Villeneuve); 17 Authentic Tracks; Arcade & Grand Prix Modes; Vertical or Horizontal Split-Screen; 4 Difficulty Settings; Adjustable Car Damage; Disqualifications; Variable Race Length ш Created by: Bizarre Creations for Psygnosis m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation ш Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player Basketball Up to 8-Players Ма Multi-Tap) m Special Features: МВА 8 МВАВА License; Full NBA Season; 16 Offensive Plays Custom Defensive Settings; Variable Game Speed; Arcade and Simulation Modes; Unique Practice Mode | m Created by: Visual Concepts for Midway | m Available: December 5 for Sony PlayStation Will Midway’s new Fast Break. {the artist formerly known as Hardwood Heroes) be able to compete With Excluding the United States, the world’s premier racing series is Formula One. The reigning video basketball c grueling 17 race season takes place on four NBA Shoot Out and NBA Liv continents and pits race car versus race car, game, developed by Visual Cong driver versus driver, and nation versus should be available by ОесетЬ ' z x Wd | i nation. The prestige, history, and intense for all to judge. | competition of the Е1 Championships make it like no other racing series in the World. — р Last year, Psygnosis released the first Googs takes flight. de E installment of their F1 game to rave reviews | I and over a million copies in sales worldwide. pick and roll, cross box, pick Now, Bizarre Creations and Psygnosis are picker (gross), four twirl, and ae | back with Formula 1: Championship Edition. zipper to name a few. Select ћи | : Based on the actual 1997 F1 season, this i game packs in the sounds, sights, and personalities of the volatile and lamorous racing circuit. In Grand Ë player jumps into the tr Andy, The Game Hombre can be played indi "| like my racing games to be quick The Marbury Man toys and in-your-face. F1 is certainly can tell ae А with the full-court press. quick, but unless you're willing to “an ‘allor the things well. The game incl extensive offensive playbook different plays. Choose betweefi team’s pressur aggressiveness, different presets that _ put in the time to master the abilities and pref he game will up for certain in-game situati Simulation mode this game isnt even give you as in steering and double-team function is | in-your-face. Sim fans rejoice... braking if you need Where some games just let у arcade racers avoid." The Arcade mode in F1: Championship ` the double team off and on x Edition is also offered for competition. Here Break allows you to double-team a The тежа ga kkinen the emphasis is less on the simulation, as specific player. — Aes тод as Gorton Cars will not be drastically affected by The graphics of this game are n the States, but | much leaving the road or crashing. The Arcade orld of F1 to NASCAR, mode also features а powerslide button that treets of Monaco sure Works using the brake button. Races аге val at Bristol. Try this set up in three difficulty settings with five you want to know what real courses in each. Т racing is all about." lap race in last Jon, The Greedy Gamer / "F1 C.E. is an outstanding simulati ; 7 “racers, and a long list of ОУН fom н. p al a customizable options make F1: C.E. equally However, unless you are into race as impressive as the first game. If you're a ejections and caution flags, CART hard-core racing fan, or just want to know World Series from Sony offers more about the premier racing series in the friendlier open wheel action. Since World, Psygnosis' game will blow you away. the Arcade mode is nothing to brag about, F1 С.Е. is for serious sim fans only." good, but nothing revolutionary. The flow of the game is smooth and the ‘detail of the court is as good as any game. One cool thing – if you shoot with your back facing the basket, the player on the court will lob it up over his back instead of automatically doing the turn around. Options-o-plenty can describe Fast Break. Almost every rule of the game can be adjusted or turned off. For example, the shot clock and goal tending can be turned off. The likelihood of three seconds in the lane, reach-in and shooting fouls called can be manipulated. Quarter B ` Andy Paul Jon Reiner Concept: 8 875 9 8 length (3, 5, 8 and 12 minutes) and Reiner, The Raging Gamer š game speed (slow, normal, fast and his a; decent racing sim for Graphics: 9. 8 7.5 fastest) can also be varied. purebred racing fans, but it does Sound: 925 85 6.75 Fast Break appears to be an average basketball game, but hopefully by the time it is released, it will prove to be much more. 8 | 7 Ç mode is outstanding, Playability: 8 9.25 825 7.25 5 2 itself is plagued by Entertainment: 8.75 7.75 6.25 und pop out. If you can live ‘this then you'll enjoy this title, Overall: 7.25 9 8.25 7.25 otherwise you might want to look Unstoppable! elsewhere. Drat!” 66 www. з Game Informer ú November ‘97 m Size: 2 CD-Roms m Style: 1-Player 3D Space Combat m Special Features: 5 Solar Systems Containing 40 Planets; 6 Pilotable Craft; 56 А.1. Driven Ally and Enemy Craft; High Resolution Graphies (Thirty | FPS ` 512 x 240 Resolution): 14 Weapons ; m Levels: Non-Linear Mission Structur Missions and 6 Possibl linc m Created by: Psygno: T m Available: November for Sony PlayStation ` № of Gallonigher have formed the League 0 | other solar systems in order to escape t | Earth Empire. As part of the League six different combat-oriented spacecraft. Yo Empire. Your assigned missions include objective escorting fleets through hostile territory, taking ov space stations, and conducting intelligence reconnais: What makes these missions so cool is that they are non-lin ™ other words, there are multiple endings to the game. exact. What this boils down to is lots of combat, mano a ma against the skilled and lethal pilots of the Empire. ~ Detail abounds in Colony Wars. The storyline contains an ` ҜӘ FMV history of the conflict between the League and the Empire ` ® along with general, historical, and military data on each of the five solar systems and their 40 planets. Furthermore, there are 62 fighter and fleet craft. The different fighter classes are scouts, interceptors, strikes, bombers, stealths, and heavy support. Bot he League and the Empire use the same classes. Of course, these ships wouldn't be worth spit if there wasn't a respectable arsenal of weaponry to go along with them. The weapons of Colony Wars are divided into primary and secondary categories. There are five primary weapons that consist of assorted ray guns. Lasers are standard and they come in single, dual, and tri configurations and are primarily used to inflict hull damage. Anti-shield lasers destroy a target's shield, but are unable to damage hulls. There are also electro-magnetic pulse x EMP) guns, plasma cannons, and perhaps the most effective primary weapon — scatter guns. The scatter gun has the fastest rate of fire and a wide spread. The nine secondary weapons are made up of missiles, torpedoes, mines, and a grapple gun. The motion missiles ar but inaccurate, and the anti-shield missiles and inate a target's shield. You can also unleash the cker and stun missiles along with plasma and burst лом шотезелела etail creates a very engrossing game. The аг5 space environment also contribute to ying around at speeds too fast to | society, the graphics flow by rty frames per second. And the stant planets, warp-tunnels, star | Space stations. To sum it all up, . but attack the big boys in third. JoN, THE GREEDY GAMER PAUL, THE GAME PROFESSOR "Im by all means not "Colony Wars is a Wi u i 9.25 | would rather have seen ‹ 8.25 game. Mission-bas Concept: В eranhics: а alien action in Colony Wars, g have been around for 8 k 9 рес. to just a struggle betwe ' and Colony Wars ехе ' 35 Plus, the real-time cut-scenes 7.75 impressive graphics and smoo REINER, THE RAGING GAMER Concept: “Even Wes iti 7 completely ifferent company дате as essentially generation Wing Commander Sound: 8.75 the cheesy ЕМУ. Colony Wars" gra Playability: Entertainment: x FMVs) could have been illustrated much 8.5 better. They really stick out when compared to the rest of the game. outstanding. The controls allow fo some serious space comba OVERALL: ^ maneuvering, the special effects are 8 75 explosions), and the computer А! wil Pu keep you on your toes. Even the measly fighters pose a threat. With six differen endings, multiple paths of gameplay, and beautiful polygon graphics, Colony Wars is a serious space sim tour de force (no pun intended Star Wars fan 9 Otherwise, | think Colony Wars is ` perfect (especially the in-your-face | control. There's no need for flight 5 8.75 since the standard d-pad is perfect your ship’s real physics. | was less than 8 impressed with the weapons though. Standard lasers and a few smart bomb get boring after a while. Also, the missions get pretty repetitive. This is probably done to keep a cohesive story, but that doesn't mean | like it. Colony Wars is a оа game, but by no means tional." are he killer. The weapon e 8.75 explosions, lighting, and ship di are all impressive. 1 did notice it Entertainment: 8.5 some minor problems with slow-down, but for the most part it was the sweetes. of eye candy. The control left a little to desired, as the rocket thrust works more as a gas pedal and switching over д weapons is tough. Those are fairly petty gripes about a very o and long series of campaigns that will please any Wing. у Anyone who enjoyed ommander or Descent will be bean away. Otherwise, a test run should be in order.” 67 ИЛЕН IMA RE view ~ " n Woo " ree Bosses: Sewer Sn m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player 9 Weapons ae POR Selt-Drawn Ma m Levels: 15 (Plus 4 Bosses) m Created by: Kalisto for Activision m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation layStation Re ‚ “This дате is cool. Yes, it does have its Concept: 8 me dad but they m aly 。 overlooked once you start fighting. You Graphics: 8.75 could say the game is a mix of Tomb Sound: 8.5 Raider, Street Fighter, and Resident 3 Evil, but that к ђе um and ilitv: correct. In other words, there's тты 0 adventure (but not that much), fighting | Entertainment: 8.75 (that's not that complex), and it's scary (but not as scary as Resident Evil). In the end, however, this mixed breed pulls OVERALL: off the experience quite well. This game O could use some work, but its definitely a 8 D PlayStation game that you don't want to miss." REINER, THE RAGING GAMER e "Now this is what the combat in Tomb Concept: 9 Raider should have been like. ' Nightmare Creatures feautres ап Graphics: 9 amazing combat system which is № a . Wo Sound: g executed quickly and smoothly. Some of ome of'us at GI get the same feeling playing Activision’s Ni Y Creatures as we do reading ` the levels could have been а little longer, the graphic novel Gotham by Gaslight (only becalise shin th tak e pláce inthe 36th бе | Playability: 9.5 but | can't really complain since | had а The n behind Nightmare Creatures begins, wifh Adam ens азопсе resflected sc pesa e ese Seda E | | of nowhere. Adventure and action fans will easily take a liking to the OVERALL: sophisticated level designs and tricky level end bosses. And fighting fans will 9 absolutely fall in love with ће freedom of before all of London is a in Nadia and Ignatius have other differences besides their weapons. Even though they shafe$ 5 и the same basic fighting combinations, they also have their дип exclusive attacks. You might also" а СОЕ discover that Nadia is quicker when executing her moves. The game is set throughout the [ll definitely buy this title.” London, with levels like Regent's Park, Hamstead Heath; Marylebone, and four additional boss levels. i The bosses (Sewer Snake, Snowman, Jose Manuel; and Adam Crowley) each present difficult SON, THE GREEDY GAMER challenges that require timing and weapons. For instance,»the Snowman hufrls bouldet-sized snow i : gs What's cool about Nightmare balls at you. If you get too close to the Snowman, barragesvof lethal icicles will pelt you from aliove, — 9 around fg is que you get | cruise So you will probably want to stand back and shoot a gun or throw sticks of dynamite. У Graphics: воо | И n ges S coro There are all sorts of goodies to obtain as you progress through the levels. You can get 2 types of Sound: g pushes you to move quickly through the guns — the single shot pistol and a sweet triple barrel pjstol that spins the character around while - и and the control iei y the mowing down monsters on all sides. You will also firid weapons like а circtifar saw-blage; mines, and Launa О ا ا‎ dà p м {a vile of green stuff that when thrown on the ground cfeates a cloud of gas, renderifig your opponent PI Entertainment: 8.25 /'ve ever seen, and the characters and ` helpless and vulnerable: In addition, there are health boosts.and extra lives to acquire. x s Whe eerie IR Ни || p | | A unique aspect of Nightmare Creatures is the Adrenaline Baf that drains if you are not ШШ OVERALL: London | was very disa ported e (endmy. Once the Адгела пе Bar is fully дерјејев һе Health Bar will begin tofall. Find an enemy and lack of story. Ї also thought the the Adrenaline Bar will stop going down, Afthe Kill is fade, the” Adrëñaline rotura to full: The 8.5 Adrenaline Meter was e of lame, but Adrenaline Bar adds a cool and different aspect to gameplay and forces you to keep/moving through ` пе ШШ ae И We anor the levels in search of the next Nightmare Creature, but пе фаў drains fast and leaves almost no lime Nightmare Creatures is not like Tomb for exploring the different levels. _ MK “ Raider, it's just kill, kill, КЇЇ” Nightmare Creatures is a challenging дате that combines 3D adventure and fighting into one title. > THE Borrom Line 8, 75 The gameplay is smooth as Nadia and Ignatius are able toymove quickly through the many eerie, 68 «б. Р | £ wah “4 " 4 E €: | Game Informer = November ‘97 environments. The variety of evil monsters that bleed profusely when.slain also miakes Nightmare Creatures a truly horrific pleasure. - РАЈ др" Тур“ № " E әу UOHEISAEI A ie! M Roady for Orders % Just like т Apocalypse Now, Wagner’s Ride of the Valkries accompanies this mission. ~ Deploy ground units to reinforce your position. - $ Check out the armor оп this baby. local mercenary. move by North — x | _ехсе | gation Here comes the fire department. | The tank packs an incredible amount of explosive power. о PAUL, THE GAME PROFESSOR - | i "Last year's game was clearly one of my MI 9 favorites, so | was pretty stoked to get | 925 "У hands on Nuclear Strike. The | THE RAGING GAMER | 9 “The environment scrolling still chugs а Concept: little due to vehicle elevation changes, JON, THE GREEDY GAMER REINER, | : "Nuclear Strike expands on the basic | Concept: 3.25 Strike formula, creating a game that is EI deeper апа more entertaining than the | ж, and it's still rather difficult to pinpoint а dea | Graphics: 8.75 previous Strike. There are so many Graphics: 8.75 target; but otherwise, this Strike Graphics: graphics, especially the explosions, are š different ways 10 complete each || Е installment is rock solid. The new À | better than ever. Adding all the new | | о а mission. Commanding alternate B — ып explosions, thirteen playable vehicles, MI — m vehicles to pilot was a much needed B Playability: 8 new directional radar, and multiple objectives fill in the void of what was Entertainment: 8.75 Missing ín last year's installment. | Unfortunately, this Strike still has the | problem of being wickedly difficult. I'm sure the majority of gamers out there will & "m = struggle with each and every mission ET = (the two difficulties don't make that Bi yan big of a difference). But if you can get the hang of it, or if you have the patience, Nuclear Strike proves it is one of the best, if not the best, combat | simulator on the market. It's easy to || control, yet extremely complicated and || comprehensive.” || ility: ‚25 feature, even though some of the planes | р ks shouldn't be able to hover. While the Entertainment: 9.5 controls and most of the main features haven't changed. | do like the fact that E there are now difficulty settings and B UVERAL other options to make some gamers’ B d Ar” lives (like Reiner s) easier. The targeting | £ and radar screen will make it easier for Y I ҸӘ? — all those who complained about last years game (like Reiner). Nuclear | Strike is a killer action game that shouldn't be missed. If you have the skills, it has plenty to offer." | ility: ‚75 vehicles, deploying ground and air | | Жаник ыч troops, and the painstaking analysis of Entertainment: 9.25 intelligence puts a huge demand on | gamers. It takes skill, a lot of skill, to play & Strike. For first time ‘Strikers, EA added | | je T i ] —— an easier difficulty level without ‘dumbing down’ the game, and the new radar and direction arrow on the HUD really speed up gameplay. Nuclear | Strike is a must play title for any fan of tactical intelligence and combat. The attention to detail is incredible.” зо зиешеред әле у 2110$ рие HINES "95110 мешерејј pue 34318d 'S'N 343 ш pais}siBai $1 2895 autor siu ју “£9006 V2 "1o poompay ‘1608 298 4 95 (6619 МоАЗ SNLLVY || под “182 1noÁ si Appng ЈпоХ }suiege u9913s-1i|ds 10 uoys ]9199$ pue 519322122 иэррщ 13A0IJUN 9021 0} $19} EEE 098 п; ul paapua узео 'sesinoo Q£ әл 481014} шпјес 2895 10} y 21005 `ƏuB| 1Se} au Ш 8J!| 0} 0lled Aes This November, gamers should find the new console version of Sega's Touring Car Championship available at their local retailer. This racing staple doesn’t offer any new concepts for the racing genre, but the smooth gameplay and detailed graphics (both back and foregrounds) create an entertaining racing environment. Fans of the arcade version will be delighted that the home version, complete with Arcade and Saturn sides, will have two new circuits to race on, as well as the three pre-existing ones. In the Championship mode, found in both the Агсаде and Saturn sides, racers begin with a time trial on the Country circuit in order to E12 get positioned for the eight car race on the same track. The Country circuit is a fairly basic track, but there are two deceiving turns at the О Ш r || | beginning and end of the track. When approaching these turns, it р appears that you might бе able to go full throttle through them; G | | however, that might cause you to ride up onto the shoulder and Championshi lose valuable seconds. Then you'll move on to the Grunwalt circuit, surrounded by the inspiring Austrian Alps. This > course, though technically more difficult than the Country circuit, is actually easier to place well on. The Long Road Home Like the Country circuit, the first turn is long and deceptive. It will suck you out to the shoulder if ASHES ; EROR yi à ; | m Size: 1 CD-ROM you are not cautious. Turn eight is another difficult turn that requires а hard powerslide to the right. — & Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing ы After Grunwalt is the considerably more difficult Brickwall Town. There are at least four turns that m Special Features: Variable Race Length; 3 approach, achieve, or exceed 90°. Racers who are unable to drive successfully through these turns Difficulty Settings; Arcade and Saturn Modes; will find themselves short of a checkpoint when time expires, so be generous with the brakes. Automobile Customization; 3 Traeks (Plus 2 Hidden) Successfully completing these three courses will bring you to an extra track. ш Created by: АМЗ for Sega | The new Urban circuit dips and banks through a city with narrow roadways surrounded by m Available: November for Sega Saturn barricades that can cause huge pile-ups with even a seemingly minor driving mishap. In addition to the Urban circuit, there is a mystery course too secret to discuss in this publication. Touring Car simulates four vehicles that you can choose from. There is the Opel Calibra V6, Alfa Romeo 155 V6T, AMG Mercedes C-Class, or the traditional Toyota Supra. On the Saturn side, gamers are allowed to manipulate a саг5 specifications to fit their own performance needs. You can tinker with its final gear ratio, handling response, tire hardness, brake sensitivity and front and rear suspensions. | The Arcade and Saturn sides have different options. In addition to the previously mentioned Championship mode, the Arcade side also has a Grand Prix mode that is still in development. The Saturn side has a Time Attack mode, Exhibition mode for racing individual tracks, and a Head-to-Head mode. As far as options go, both the Arcade and the Saturn sides allow you to adjust the difficulty (easy, normal, hard or expert) and the number of laps (2, 3 or 5), but the Saturn side also contains cat boost and damage features. The lack of cars and tracks are disappointing, but the smooth graphic displays, the split-screen competition, and the challenge of the Brickwall and Urban courses make Sega Touring Car an enjoyable racing experience. Slide DiMaggio! On your right... Sweet machine. You're going the wrong way. Game informer в November '97 Ten Pin ` Strikes Again Size: 1 CD-ROM і Style: 1 to 6-Player Bowling Simulation | Features: 3 Alley Environments; Тоитате r Profiles; Season Statistics Hey, it’s only a дате. he gameplay is so J smooth and realistic you and your friends just might give up going to your local bowling alley all together. One great thing about this game is the number of options gamers have. For example, there are three different alleys to choose from (Ten Pin Alley, Maui Bowl, and Congo Bowl). The Congo Bowl offers the most unique graphics with a “Moonlight” bowl feel to it, complete with a glowing blue floor. Ten Pin also lets you choose your own bowler that can be used in practice, open play, team, and tournament modes. There are numerous characters to base your bowler upon. Each character has degrees of power, accuracy, and spin. The characters range from a beer-swilling fat man to a nerd with pants pulled up well past his waistline. You can also give a character specific qualities to fit your most secret bowling desires. Choose either a plastic, urethane, or resin · covered ball (which can be varied from 8 to 16 pounds), as well as your bowler’s outfit, hair, and skin color. . Each character also reacts differently _ to how well the game is being played. For example, after a strike, a ` bowler might do a back flip, a little ` break dance, slap their rear end, or a о number of other humorous graphic sequences. But things can go the . other way. For instance, if you don't _ release the ball properly you might go ~ sailing down the alley, fall on. | back, or drop the ball on your foot. Ten Pin Alley also keeps great It will record your game ам game, earnings, strike. _ your overall tourn what really makes yy Nice form. The agony of defeat. Mowin 'em down. from the creator of Nights is а welcome announcement for any _ finding surviv The Newest Effort from the creator of Nights and Sonic m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Action ш Special Features: Directed by Nights Creator Yuji Naka; Based on Nights Graphics Engine; Five Playable Characters; Character Unique Weapons; Health and Weapon Power-Ups m Created by: Sonic Team for Sega m Available: Spring ‘98 for Sega Saturn News of an upcoming Saturn game Saturn owner. The almost legendary Yuji Naka, responsible for creating Sonic and the previously mentioned game, has introduced his latest Saturn creation called Burning Rangers. Unveiled at Sega Gamer’s Day (see О! News, October ‘97), Naka and his Sonic Team have developed a game based loosely on the Nights graphics engine. The storyline involves the adventures of five playable characters who are members of the Burning Rangers team. An elite fire and rescue team of the future, the Rangers are not only given the job of battling flames and assisting those in need, they police situations by protecting against giant enemies set on destruction. Each member of the team possesses a rocket-assisted suit and a character unique fire-fi . weapon. The м for extended explore the 3D environmen rescuing survivors, and squelchi ravaging flames. However, t game promises randomly genera obstacle and victim locations for ea environment. Additionally, Burni Rangers will place a heavy emphasi: upon sound-bites like Backdraft wisps that signal impending explosions and- a ‘voice navigation system’ that aids in Nights. was only 60% complete. Burning Rangers is scheduled to release in Japan by year's end, but unfortunately will not reach U.S. shores until next spring. last bronx тар В { <-їар B =. “yoko” 2d му! 'Sui2ud/sjsq 4694 под eui XON Apueo.efa 50109 'se1-usiu U! ү `$әлош suodeoM SHR |128 JO |PUBSIE UMO JIS) ЧИМ YILI "SJ01JJeM 14819 {0 9uo шоу} uo peseq etes. Suldust sje [222 Mau PIAM Iy} ',xuoig 1527 u! Лем INOA E jo 481 aj} aaj nof |1], ем "ацзереац шеэло 321 ue зпоце Peay эл, под аттен es m AN hard stuff t SNES Availability: Extremely Rare Replay Value: High Similar Games: РСА Tour 96.(SNES); PGA European Tour (SNES); Pebble Beach Golf (SNES); Wailaie Country Club (SNES) Created by: Sterling Silver Software for EA Sports Access Тір: In Tournament Modë, Sávë your game after each successful shot. If you subsequently duff a shot, you can reset the game and-reload the shot. | САМІМ SES 7 кй ы ; К Уа Омега: 9 TurboGrafx-16 (TurboChip) - | MAR Тһе flagship of EA Sports’ golfing franchise Availability: Moderately Rare ` | | | i appeared on the SNES in 1991 and has Replay Value: Low | , Л. never been surpassed by the others that Similar Games: Kileak: The DNA Imperative | ries followed, The graphics may seem а little (PS-X); Epidemic (PS-X); Brahma Force: The ea Aic outdated at first glance, but the speed of Assault on Beltlogger 9 (PS-X); Uninvited — Г], | play is unparalleled. One of the best features (NES); Space Hulk (300, PSX); Battlecorps И МЕ“ graphically is the EA Ва! Сат. After the (Sega CD); Eye of the Beholder (РС, Sega apa stroke is played the camera scales upward CD, SNES) Rie апа follows the ball through the air. The Ball Created by: Data East — === Cam is a feature that you won't find on any Access Tip: Use your map as much as | | other 16-bit console version of the game. It possible, and don’t wander around. You're WB | can be said that the ball physics, swing on a time limit through each and every : WT | meter, and selection of game modes: аге a vermin as quickly as possible. real players, and solid control, it. stacks up Overall: 6.75 h ү amnem 7075 TO6 4 against the others available and proves to Huge flying alien hordes have infiltrated ЗОНЫ у Still be one pf the best golf games to ever your space station, and only you and E i grace the Super Nintendo. your unlimited supply of ammunition can А A w exterminate them. Silent Debuggers uses a simplistic first-person frame-by-frame walking interface, and mediocre weapon effects and enemy animation to bring the action of alien killing to life. The entertainment is found within the complex menus and options available. Choose from over a dozen weapons, track the aliens using motion detectors, and talk to those who've survived the attack thus far. This title is strictly for those who like sci-fi first-person alien stompin’ games. Dark Wizard Availability: Rare Replay Value: High Similar Games: Ogre Battle (SNES, PS-X); Allied General (PS-X); Panzer General (PS-X); Iron Storm (SS) Created by: Sega Access Tip: Always do all of your preparations before entering battles. Be sure to leave a soldier or two behind at your base when pursuing the enemy. Overall: 8 The Sega CD wasn’t exactly a system loaded with quality software. The select few games that were impressive really didn’t appeal to the full spectrum of the gaming audience since they were mostly RPGs and strategy titles. For those who do get into these games, we recommend Sega’s Dark Wizard. This turn-based strategy game features an easy to use interface, three different playable characters, loads of in-game strategies, and complicated fighting tactics. Of course, since this is a CD title, it does take time to load different scenarios and combat sequences, but then again, this is a slow moving game to begin with, so the lag really isn’t a problem. et The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles NES Availability: Rare Replay Value: Medium Similar Games: Indiana Jones: Last Crusade (SG, NES, GB, GG); Indiana Jones Adventures (SNES); Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (NES) Created. by: Jaleco Access Tip: Search each and every level for power-ups. The gun is the best weapon you'll obtain. Hold onto it as long as you can.when you do find: one. Overall: 7,5 So you-thought Harrison Ford portrayed: the great Indiana Jones better {Пап anyone’ ever... could? Well; усих меге wrong. This» younger sprite version of Indy is ten times as dynamic as Mr. Ford, and with some skillful playing you'll be able to make your own Indy adventures as exciting as the movies. This game doesn't feature the best graphics in the world, or the best gameplay either; however, it is extremely intense, violent;-and above all, entertaining. If you like-Indy or standard action/shooters, then you'll probably їаке а liking to this game. If you do play, wear the hat, snap the whip, and place your knowledge ahead of your will to kill. 7 | Game Informer п November ‘97 get to the reviews. Hexen ll — Raven Software from a distance to defeat his enemies. Hexen Il is a definite improvement over the original. The story is engrossing as ne of my first real PC love affairs was with Doom, so | was crazy about Hexen II. The truth of the matter is, it’s hard for me to dislike any first-person shooter (so I’m biased, at least I’m honest). But technically, Hexen Il, featuring the Quake engine, isn't just a shooter because a player can engage in a lot of up-close combat with swords, battle-axes, and the like. You can choose one of four characters (Crusader, Paladin, Assassin, or Necromancer) in your quest to defeat Eidolon, the last known Serpent Rider, and his Hell-spawned henchmen. Each character has his or her own unique weapons and combat traits. For example, the powerful Paladin prefers the sword and likes his combat up-close and personal. The Necromancer is fragile and uses magic We are sad to say that we have yet to find a replacement for the aaa ааа PC Jedi, but the rest of the Game Informer staff put our heads и x together to fill in. While we may not be as strong in the PC force as Erik, we are by no means inexperienced. Erik is probably quicker to pick out the stinkers since he did the page for so long, but we always ` see the players' eyes blink. À checked out the gems he'd find on the PC. That's enough chat...let’s W, great hockey sim that will take g. In replay mode you can _ зоте graphics adjustment to — you travel over four continents, the graphics show more detail, the enemies are more vicious, and the © 9 Mn ы. levels require greater skill to solve and defeat. This game is а must for fantasy fans and shooter fans alike. Dark Colony – Сатетек еаште strategy games are everywhere nowadays. Even scarier, most of them start with the word Dark (Dark Reign, Dark Colony). Out of these we chose to review Dark Colony for one reason – cool FMVs. We've never seen FMVs this graphic or violent before. In one scene a human holds an alien by the neck, yells some ‘humans are the best’ gibberish, and then blows the alien’s head off. Ouch! The gameplay is also just as gruesome. Sometimes your troops will simply fall over and die, and other times nothing will be left but their lower torso. There are thirty missions (all In Europe, console gaming is starting to catch on, but PC games are a much bigger market. Many fairly interesting), multiple upgrade options Тог E Eminent Domain – TH*Q every unit, day and night effects, and wicked | 7-75 Choose your species, animation. This is a good real-time strategy title 2 n that kind of reminds us of Starship Troopers. Check it out if you like sci-fi and C&C-style games. me take over Pax Imperia is a good title for - г realtime sim fans. must exorcise the queen from the system through strategic command of these PC games wouldn't appeal to U.S. gamers, especially the soccer and decisions. As players control strategies from different computer terminals rugby management games, but European gamers do have a passion for first- around the ship, they will also need to conduct research and think of different person shooters and real-time strategy. So it was no surprise to see a strong ways to achieve objectives. Often, crew members will have to be sacrificed in line-up of PC titles at this year's ECTS (see pg.30). order to win (too bad Wesley's no longer on-board). First Contact includes two With the acquisition of Maxis, Electronic Arts was showing a trailer holodeck levels (1930's and Klingon), as well as levels outside of the ship video of Sim City 3000. What's especially interesting about this third (just like in the movie). In other Microprose news, comic company Wild Storm installment is that each building will be treated as a micro simulator. Not will be producing a one-shot comic for the upcoming strategy title - Guardians: only does this create a more organic micro-system, but it will alter the Agents of Justice. typical zoning strategies as well. You'll still be able to zone, but you'll also Lucas Arts was at the show, exhibiting a trailer video of their latest PC be able to pick individual buildings to micro-manage. Each building in the project - Grim Fandango. The game is largely based upon stories from вате is created as a separate unit, and although you can assign advisors Mexican folklore, all set within a film noir atmosphere. Tim Schaeffer (Day to oversee buildings, they will never do a top notch job (when compared to your own trusty hand). Sim City 3000 promises more player control over every aspect of the city and its people. It will also include disaster scenarios. There is no word yet as to a release date. Microprose was showing a very early version of the new game Star Trek: First Contact. Slated to release during the second quarter of '98, First Contact uses Unreal's 3D engine. The game begins moments after the movie ends, and the Borg queen has put herself into the computer. Of course, you Game Informer ú November ‘97 of the Tentacle) is heading up development of this 3D graphic adventure. The game should ship by summer ‘98. Blizzard has announced development of Diablo 2 (duh!). Diablo has now sold over 1 million units world- wide. Blizzard will not be releasing an expansion pack for Diablo, but parent company Sierra plans to release a Diablo expansion disc titled Hellfire in November. Hellfire will feature four quests, a new Monk character class, and two new dungeon areas. Also, Blizzard's Warcraft Adventures, originally planned for a Christmas release, has been bumped back to second quarter '98. ^ force feedback таке this a must — — Arcade (Classic Stand-Up or Deluxe Sit-Down) 1 to 4-Player Off-Road Racing 8 Different Trucks; Speed Shop For Vehicle Upgrades; Roadkill 5 (Plus Hidden Tracks) Midway Now At Your Local Arcade Midway has announced the release of yet another arcade racing game, this time in the form of Off-Road Challenge. Those who love the thrills and spills of Rally Cross might want to check this baby out. Sure, there are a million different racing ‚ games to chose from, but how many are endorsed by Ivan Stewart, the man with more off-road victories than anyone in the history of the sport? Not only does Ivan rave about the realism of Off-Road, he also likes the fact that racers have to win money in order to improve and ultimately succeed. _ Off-Road gives you a place to spend your winnings. Take your cash into the Speed Shop and soup up your racing machine ‚ by increasing top:speed and acceleration. Or you might want to invest in some beefy tires or nitro tanks for turbo bursts of speed. But if you do not possess the same racing prowess as Ivan Stewart, and are unable to accumulate enough cash to stay competitive in the circuit, do not fret. Off-Road Challenge allows you to pump your own quarters into the game in order to boost your buying power. The courses have varying environments, but all are off-road with ample opportunities to catch boneshaking air. Courses ` include: the Mojave desert, the El Paso ghost town, the Baja coast, Pike’s Peak, and the challenging Las Vegas course which contains a spoof of Area 51. To conquer these courses, racers choose between eight different trucks that differ in size, acceleration, center of gravity, top speed, and handling. On the course, you can pick up different bonus items. There are nitro tanks, helmet icons that improve the structural integrity of your vehicle, and money bags that can be spent in the speed shop (much better than spending your own money). Also be on the lookout for animals crossing the road. There is no bonus for tagging coyotes with your front bumper, but it is cool to see them go splat all over the road. www. Game Informer The Road Not Taken fp RACING November ‘97 GLANCE «АТ GLANCE Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1-Player First-Person Action/Shooter Special Features: 4 Episodes Containing 39 Levels; 8 Weapons; 12 Weapon and Ammo Power- Ups Created by: id/Lobotomy for Sega Available: Now for Sega Saturn Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing Special Features: 3 Racing Modes; 3 Difficulties; 4 Views; 6 Tracks (4 More Hidden); Analog Compatible; Memory Card Save; Turbo/Trick Button; Mirror Mode; 2-Player Split-Screen Created by: Delphine Software for Electronic Arts Available: Now for Sony PlayStation Dim the lights and bring home Quake for a romantic evening with your Sega Saturn. Nothing comes close to the intense and furious action of a first-person shooter and the Sega Saturn is definitely in need of a new one. With Duke Nukem 3D also coming to Saturn, things are looking up. Quake, at this point, looks like it will play just as well on the Saturn system. The 3D environments are not as sharp as they would be on the PC (duh), but the flow during gameplay is good and fast. Included in Quake will be 4 episodes (39 levels), 8 weapons (like the axe, nailgun, and thunderbolt), and 12 ammo and weapon power-ups to collect and use. Moto Racer As far as Motorcycle racing games are concerned, this game is one of the best. As far as racing games are concerned, Moto Racer falls somewhere in the middle. Certainly the graphics are fantastic and the sound is great, but where it comes into a problem is the only way to play successfully is with an analog controller. So obviously, if you already have an analog controller this game becomes a lot more attractive. It makes the turns smooth, the acceleration exact, and the game fun. Otherwise, Moto Racer is frustrating with standard digital control. Game Informer в November ‘97 Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1 to 4-Player Golf Special Features: 8 Different Modes Including Tournament, Shoot-Out, Stroke Play, and Skins; 5 PGA Courses (Including Pebble Beach, Sawgrass, and Colonial C.C.; 14 PGA Tour Personalities Created by: EA Sports Available: Now for Sony PlayStation PGA Tour 98 With games like NHL 98 and Madden 98, EA Sports has proven they can produce some of the best sports titles in the industry. Unfortunately, PGA Tour 98 falls well short of these standards. Load time is slow and occurs often. For example, after double tapping on the swing bar, there is a delay before the golfer even begins his or her swing motion. The graphics for PGA Tour 98 are acceptable, but hardly a breakthrough. Golf titles on Sega Genesis or SNES have graphics that rival those of PGA Tour 98. One positive is the eight different modes including: Tournament (18, 36, or 72 holes), Shoot-Out, Skins, and Stroke Play. Size: 2 CD-ROMs Style: 1-Player Futuristic Shooter/Simulator Special Features: Detailed Geodesic Dome Cityscapes; Targeting Analysis System; Lengthy FMV Cut Scenes; Several Camera Views; Multiple Weapons; Varying Mission Objectives Created by: The Wheelhaus for Psygnosis Avallable: Now for Sony PlayStation Size: 64 Megabit 1-Player Racing Special Features: Advanced Car Tuning Options; 16 Real F1 Tracks; 22 Drivers; Arcade and Simulation Modes; Realistic Brake, Tire, Gear and Suspension Deterioration Created by: Human for Ubi Soft Avallable: Now for Nintendo 64 (вани) 00044) GLANCE G-Police The FMV sequences are gorgeous and fairly entertaining to watch, the light sourcing and cityscape detail are beautiful and very realistic, but the gameplay is confusing and executed poorly. G-Police has the look it needs to impress, but the background and object popping really interfere with the gameplay. At times you will find yourself chasing an enemy chopper, and just a mere 30 feet away (game scale), the ship will vanish into blackness. Where did it go? Nowhere, it's still there, but you can't see it since the ship popped out into the "unseen." The whole game is filled with popping everywhere, which makes the playing experience rather annoying. Its too bad though, this game looked like it could have been cool. ` BARE 0000 F1 Pole Position 64 The Nintendo 64 now has its first professional racing sim. Unfortunately, the results are rather disappointing. Even though F1 Pole Position 64 offers a great wealth of car configuration options and even has the F1 license, the control is far short of spectacular. The cars seem to jerk back and forth instead of gracefully rounding through the curves. Also, for an N64 game, the graphics are dull and it doesn't seem like you're going close to 250 mph. To the game's credit, hard-core sim fans will enjoy the gearbox and suspension wear, but these same fans will regret the lack of realistic wheel lock and bumping. Sometimes you even seem to pass though the rear end of cars. pH www.gameinformer.conm Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1 or 2-Player Retro Collection Special Features: Includes 3 Sega Arcade Translations; Variable Difficulty Settings; Adjustable Lives Created by: Sega of Japan for Sega Ages (5 in 1) Sega Ages is a compilation of three classic Sega arcade games that appeared in the middle 1980s. Space Harrier is a surreal third-person perspective shooter where players do everything from blasting giant heads to taking down caterpillar dragons. Out Run lets you and a computer companion climb into a Ferrari and drive the countryside on levels of increasing difficulty. After Burner || is another third-person perspective shooter, only this time you're taking down bogies while maneuvering an F-16 jet. All three games have the look and sound found in their original arcade counterparts and all are extremely challenging. By today's standards, the graphics may not be up to snuff, but the gameplay is rock solid. PIT WORK LIGHT! BORK NORMAL WORK HEAVY WORK Game Informer в November ‘97 Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1-Player Action/Platform Special Features: Rope Swinging; Tricky Platform Jumping; Pick-Axe Attack; Evasive Roll; Gigantic Bosses; Large Level Designs Created by: Activision Avallable: February for Sony PlayStation i 000 093. ; Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing Special Features: Drag Racing; 2-Player Split- Screen or Link Play; 5 Different Cup Modes; 10 Cars (5 Muscle and 5 Exotic); 6 Tracks; Powerslides; Huge Jumps; Massive Wrecks; Doppler Effects Created by: Accolade Available: December for Sony PlayStation Game Informer в November ‘97 The legendary Pitfall Harry has returned. This time his exploits take him beyond the jungle in the first three-dimensional Pitfall adventure. All the traditional elements are present, only now they occupy 3D space. Thus, Larry will not only rope swing side-to- side, but into the fore and backgrounds as well. All the levels pose a great challenge and you'll need to make some tricky platform jumps while facing deadly enemies. Of course, Harry is an adventurer and at the end of each level a worthy reward awaits. Pitfall 3D is still in the early stages of development, but we can tell you that the gameplay is a mix between Crash Bandicoot and Pandemonium! (with more emphasis towards Pandemonium!’s level structures). Size: An old-fashioned Bomberman appearance 64 Megabit collides with large puzzle-filled levels to Style: create this, the first Bomberman adventure. 1 to 4-Player | As with every other release, Bomberman Action/Adventure/Battle ' А Š : Special Features: 64 is complete with an intense multi-player Battery Back-Up Save; Two Battle mode and a difficult challenge for the Different Multi-Player Battle 1-player crowd. The gameplay is basically Modes (Team and Single); the same as in past games, only now you New Power-Ups, Create will need to explore much larger lands and Your Own Character; Two О che g Difficulties (Normal and backtrack to find valuable items. One newly Difficult); Puzzles added feature will even allow players to Levels: create their own character, set their attributes, 5 Worlds – 20 Levels choose their weapon assortment, and then Cre by: Hudson Soft for Nintendo Ах Ava e December 1 for Nintendo 64 head out to cream the competition. New bombs, new power-ups, and all-new action round out this millionth B-Man sequel. Bomberman 64 should be hitting retail shelves on December 1. combines the might of legendary muscle cars and exotic super cars in a free-for-all joy-ride through familiar city streets and famous locales. The single-player game features five cup modes, where it’s you against the most aggressive and ill- tempered Al racers around. Plus, as you race for the gold, it appears that the police will play a huge part in the racing (as in the previous installments). The 2-player options available are outstanding. You and a buddy will be able to compete head-to- head through a split-screen or link mode in regular racing or drag racing conditions. The gameplay is also very much like Need for Speed, except a Ridge Racer-like powerslide has been implemented. GLANCE ENTE "ВА Shoot Out ‘98 Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1 or 2-Player Basketball (Up To 8-Player Via Multi-Tap) Special Features: All 29 NBA Teams; 350 NBA Players (including Charles Barkley and Shaq); 30 Different Dunks; New 2-on-2 Contest; NBA All-Star Game; Total Control Passing, Shooting and Dunking; Real NBA Awards; New NBA Playbook Created by: Sony Interactive Studios America for SCEA Available: December for Sony PlayStation Size: 64 Megabit Style: 1-Player Action/Platform Special Features: Bizarre Puzzle-Oriented Levels; Multiple Ways to Beat Levels; Grade Assigned After Each Level; 2D Pre-Rendered Graphics; Battery Backup Save; The Unmistakable Stamp of Japanese Culture Created by: Treasure for Nintendo Available: Now for Nintendo 64 The programmers at Sony Interactive Studios America have been busy adding improvements to make Shoot Out even better than before. For starters, Shoot Out has added Charles Barkley and Shaq. But that’s just the beginning. Shoot Out features Sony's new Total Control passing, dunking, and shooting. For passing, this means behind the back, no-look, and fake passes. You can also control cutters, screens, and double-teams. For dunking and shooting, you can choose between a player's four signature dunks, and control his shot arc. In addition, Sony has added a 2-on-2 play mode, the deeper three-point line, an all new NBA playbook, and the NBA All-Star Game. Mischief Makers If this title was graded on originality alone, it might have scored a 9. Otherwise, the game is short and can be beaten in one sitting. Although you can go back to each level to locate hidden gems and improve overall times, the question is — will you want to? As for the game itself, it is mostly 2D. The levels are both bizarre and entertaining. Mischief Makers is definitely addictive the first time through because you'll always want to see what strange twist the next level offers. The bosses are easy to beat, but in order to get the best score youll need to defeat them quickly. The seven-event olympics are an excellent treat, but overall most gamers should rent Mischief Makers for the weekend. | Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1 or 2-Player Real-Time Action/Strategy Special Features: 11 Playable Characters Including Badrock, Shaft, and Riptide; Training Room; 2 Player Death Match or Cooperative Modes; Comic Cut Scenes; Weapon and Item Management Created by: Realtime Associates, Inc. for GT Interactive Available: November for Sony PlayStation SC Youngblood As far as comic titles go, Youngblood is one of Game Informer’s least favorite (since we think Rob Liefeld is a weenie), but the game itself has some serious potential. Eleven characters, a training room (not to be confused with the X-Men’s Danger Room), and weapon and item management make this complex action/strategy title a serious brain teaser. All throughout gameplay you will need to keep track of your characters (1 to 4 at once). The combat and general appearance is very similar to Project Overkill, but is based on icons rather than simple button pressing. Comic cut scenes loaded with drama (who is Shaft’s love interest?) are implemented throughout each mission. Game Informer « November ‘97 СТАНСЕ Size: 1 CD-ROM GLANCE Steel Reign Steel Reign, while pushing the player to use strategies during gameplay, features toned down user-friendly control (similar to that in Super Battletank). The main focus in this game is to have fun blowing up everything 1 or2-Player Combat/Tank that crosses your path. Plus, for the hard- Simulator Special Features: 11 Different Tanks; Eight Head-To-Head (2-Player) Levels; Three Difficulty core players, you will need to search each level carefully for hidden tank cards that reward you with a new playable vehicle at the end of each gameplay segment. In total, Settings; Two Modes (Quest there are eleven different tanks, a slew and Arcade); Three Controller of weapons (including the missile cam — Configurations (Beginner, Thumb Saver, and Expert); Bubble Shielding Created by: Chantemar Creations, Inc. for Sony Computer Entertainment America Available: Now for Sony PlayStation very cool), and vastly different terrains and levels to explore. A good purchase for those who thrive on games like WarHawk, Black Dawn, and Treasures of the Deep. BENT Auto Destruct 1- -Player Combat Racing Special Features: Detailed City Driving In Auto Destruct, the new combat racer from Electronic Arts, the main character is a former motor racing champion who turns vigilante after seeing his wife and daughter murdered by a cult called the Disciples of Environments Including San Lazarus. Now, he is seeking revenge by Francisco, New York, London, and Tokyo; 20 Missions; Hidden Bonuses and Power-Ups Created by: Neurostone for Electronic Arts Available: December for Sony PlayStation Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1 or 2-Player Football (Up 8-Player Via Multi-Tap) Special Features: Playbook Editor, All 30 NFL reworking and look far more detailed. The Teams and Players, Adjustable Season Length, Adjustable Camera Views completing missions that will foil the Disciples’ evil plots. Every finished mission provides the vigilante with more information about the Disciples’ plans, as well as the cash and equipment needed to destroy them. Auto Destruct is not yet complete, but the driving environments, like San Francisco, are large and detailed. Players also must manage fuel, ammunition, armor, and beat the clock. Jimmy Johnson's VR Football '98 After months of reporting on Interplay's first football title under its VR Sports label, we finally have the bottom line on the game. то While we did review it last spring, it was in a completely different form. The game's graphics went through an extensive speed of gameplay has also been drastically increased. However, the game is plagued During Gameplay, Practice by jumpy animation that could be the Mode, Season Stats, Player direct result of trying to speed up the game. Create, Memory Card or Password Save Created by: Gametek for Interplay/VR Sports Avallable: November for Sony PlayStation Game Informer The play control is also rather boring. VR Football ‘98 is the only game with a play creator and team-specific playbooks, yet it comes in a distant third behind Madden and GameDay. November ‘97 PlayStation Overall: 7.7! Combining four differ- ent racing worlds into ne package is a nice t or gamers, and ) h 10 find that solid turning ra roblem, the car speeds are way able, but options о not a game Where'd that turn come from? This game is . way too choppy to be | anything but bad. PlayStation Overall: . We've already review this pu (March ame as before, the graphics have been fine-tuned. Rampage just isn't as fun : when battling in 2-Player mode. — WWW. gameinformer. com GoldenEye 007 - Nintendo 64 game on Secret Agent. To unlock game on 00 Agent. Unlock 007 Mode – To unlock this Egyptian and Aztec Stages): inlock these new weapons: Magnum – Beat Janus Вазе Laser – Beat the Aztec Complex Temple ` Level 8 (Surface 2) = Acquire Tiny : _ Level 9 (Bunker 2) – Acquire 2x | : Throwing Knives with the: | | Level 10 (Statue) — Acquire Fast | Е - Level 11 (Arch) - Acquire - Invisibility with the difficulty setto : Enter all of these codes at the ` :- Character Select screen. Unlock Hidden Levels – To unlock : the Aztec level you must beat the : is : Level 12 (Streets) - Acquire : ч U Enemy Rockets with the difficulty ° Unlock Dr. Kiln — Hold the Left : ‚ setto Agent. Time to beat – 1:45. | Shoulder Button then hit LP, : ` Level 13 (Depot) – Acquire Slow · МР, HP, HK, MK, LK. : „Animation with the difficulty set ' Unlock Sumo Santa - Hold the : to Secret Agent. Time to beat : - Left Shoulder Button then hit ; – 1:30. i: LK, MK, HK, HP, МР, LP. U Level 14 (Train) — Acquire Siiver ; Unlock Boogerman — Hold the : PP7 with the difficulty set to 00 : Left Shoulder Button then · : hit Up, Right, Down, Left, : | Bad Hand- (1 Hop Back) +++ | "ће Egypt level you must beat the : useful mode (which allows you to : configure the enemy А! and : various other things) turn the : difficulty to 00 Agent and beat : every stage (even the hidden : Golden. Gun – ре he Egyptian : Unlock Cheats - To D these | fascinating codes, simply beat - a level within a given amount of : Bond with the difficulty set to 00 : Agent. Time to beat – 4:15. U difficulty set to Agent. Time to : | beat – 1:30. | Animation with the difficulty setto : Secret Agent. Time to beat 3:15. 00 Agent. Time to beat — 1:20. Agent. Time to beat – 5:25. ^. Level 15 (Jungle) — Acquire 2x Right, Left. ‚ Unlock Bonus Weapons – Simply ` beat any of the levels below to : ‚ Hunting Knives with the difficulty: set to Agent. Time to beat- 3:45. : ‚ Level 16 (Control) - Acquire U Infinite Ammo with the difficulty. : set to Secret Agent. Time to beat ° LEGEND – 10:00. : LS - Left Shoulder | ` Level 17 (Caverns) — Acquire 2х RS - Right Shoulder E `... RC-P90 with the difficulty setto 00: ( — ) – Where to Stand Next to © Agent. Time to beat — 9:30. : Opponent | : Level 18 (Cradle) — Acquire Gold : PP7 with the difficulty set to : BuoB TERR 63 1/3 - №4 All the moves listed Баби Knock Off – (чех) evtt + RS Squish — (Next) 44 + LS Squeeze – (Next) +++ + RS Launch - (Next) 2€4e» + LS DR. KiLN Death X-Ray – (1 Step Back) еә ` Blood Pressure Squeeze - (1 Step Back) ¥44 Cut-In-Half – (Next) эээ Launch - (Next) +e Earthworm Jim Cow From Sky – (1 Hop Back) 444 RS LS Knock ОН - (Next) =+ + RS Squish = (Next) «++ + RS Squeeze - (Next) ++<=<= + LS Launch – (Next) ++. + RS HOUNGAN — . CN Hand Grope – (Next) +++ + LS + RS ` Bad Mojo – (1 Hop Back) «+= +15 See Ya WA (1 Step Back) мо У, IckvBoD CLAY Demon Spin ~ (1 Step Back) ertu» + LS Scary ~ (1 Step Back) ++ə< + RS time. М metimes it will : ^ Agent. Time to beat – 2:15. i Da Bomb - (Next) «4» + RS require a different difficulty setting ` Level 19 (Aztec) - Acquire 2x | Meat Grinder – (Next) +++ LS. : Kune Pow à to и ` Lasers with the difficulty set ^ Hit and Run (1 Hop Back) iie» | Bruce Lee Squish - (1 Step : o Secret Agent. Time to: THP | ` Back) 444 : 1 vel 1 (Dam) - Adi Paintball `. beat — 9:00. : Pac-Man - (Next) tue + RS - -Slice & Dice – (1 Step Back) _ Mode with the difficulty set о Level 20 (Egyptian) – Acquire All ; Squeeze – (2 Steps Back) $4294 5 | t Mert Time to beat- Guns with the difficulty set to 00. Squish ~ (Next) LS RS ++ | Round Toss – (Next) +> | E | Agent Time to beat — 6:00. ‚ Bite — (Next) LS +++ RS : Рап Toss – (2 Steps Back) | (Facility) - деше : . “The Rhino" : Knock Off — (Next) +ъэ + RS i yu x invincibility wi the difficulty set : Toledo, OH : Launch – (Next) ++ ES + x о 00 Agent. Time to beat - 2:05. = wd — ~ | Sumo SANTA x x Í evel 3 (Runway) — Acquire ОК | s . Bap MR. Frosty : Phat Assault - (1 Hop Back) 444 Mode with the difficulty set to : dus ње : Hat Smash - (Next) RS +++ P BB" Agent. Time to beat – 5:00. = i __ ~ 1. |: .Snowcone а - | | Tap (Surface) — Acquire 2x GoldenEye 007 ~ Nintendo OUS cua «LS ; e ap FONS Back) | Grenade Launcher with the diffi- : Two Guns Trick = First make sure ` Knock Off - (2 Steps Back) eg js. | culty set to Secret Agent. Ti Time to _ that you have two different sets of Squish — (2 Steps Back) ++ — ` T Hoppy ke ~beat-3:30. “一 — мо guns (the Archive allows Launch = (Next) 22 LS RS "Rabbit Pellets – (1 Step Back) Level 5 (Bunker) – Acquire 2x i er this). Then scroll up to the о Мамо LS p 4 Rocket Launcher with the difficu _ second set of two guns. Now : BoNKER ^i Rabbit Out of Hat – (1 Step Back) т ty set to 00 Agent. Time to beat press and hold A, press Ztwice, . Drum - (1 Step Back) at> reias < als 4:00. release A, press А again (d. Cannon = (Next) 4444 _ : x Level 6 (Silo) - Acquire Turbo : hold it), and finally hit Z to fire two; Headbutt (Next) эээ _ v with the аю set - 6 Launch - hee sees ° hE x Tone - (Next) TAFFY | Slap Sily - (ы BS > | Level 7 (Frigate) - Acq | know it works when one о BOOGERMAN `- d ; ladar Mu Itiplay | T ; into f Flaming Fart - (2 Steps Back) Toiletality - (1 Ho Back) Hee өр MP p ~ Game Informer = November ‘97 Enter all of these codes at the : Create Player screen (it doesn't `. matter what kind of player you make). Save and Exit, and then 1 enter the Exhibition Mode to unlock : these new options. Hidden Stadiums Dallas - GHOST TOWN Astrodome – JETSONS Cleveland - DAWGPOUND Oakland – SNAKE Tampa Bay - BIG SOMBRERO Miami - DANDAMAN . : Washington = OLDDC : Tiburon - SHARKSFIN Hidden Teams NFC - ALOHA AFC - LUAU All 60's - PAC ATTACK : All 70's - STEELCURTAIN ` All 80'5 - GOLD RUSH All-Time Leaders - LEADERS All-Time All Madden - COACH Tiburon - LOIN CLOTH EA Sports – ORRS HEROES Jacob Henry : Chicago, IL : View FMVs = Go into the Options : and highlight the FMV Test. At : this point press Left, Right, №, : . Ө. After this is entered all the ` _ FMVs in the game will appear. — Play Hidden Game – Once again ` enter the options and highlight : the FMV Test. From here high- light any of the unlocked FMVs : and hit № and @ simultaneously ` to bring up this interesting дате. : _dacob Ville : Татра Bay, CA : VIDEO GAME ENHANCER Codes only work with InterAct's attachment. Climhazzare VEL 4 Omnislash Finishing Teuch Final i Fantasy | Vil — Z 4^ PlayStation w. Unlimited Gil — 8009d260 ffff All Limit Breaks (Cloud) – 8009с75а Offf 0fff All Limit Breaks (Barrett) – 8009c7dE Offf First Character Limit Breaks Every x Time — 800f5e6a 00ff Second Character Limit Breaks Every Time — 800f5e9c 00ff Third Character Limit Breaks _ Every Time – 800f5ed2 00ff One Time Max Materia – 8009ce62 0100 No Battles – 8007173c 0000 No Battles on World Screen – 8011627c 0000 Save Anywhere – 8009d2a6 0000 | 65535 Experience After Each Battle – 80094748 НЕ 50000 АР After Each Battle — 8009d7dc c350 | 9999 Gold Points at Golden Saucer — 8009d3d2 270f 50000 Battle Points at Golden Saucer - 8009d3d8 с350 GameShark enhancer : ; Materia. Here's a quick list of the All Limit Breaks (Tifa) – 8009c862 ` Bahamut – 8009d086 0051 < C= | HEEE IE Lucky 7's Fever (Cloud) – 8009d85c 1661 8009d85e 1661 x | Lucky 75 Fever (Tifa) – 8009dc9c _ 270 " 8009dc9e 270f — All Characters at Level 99 – 801ffdd6 0100 8009d7da 0100 (Make sure you have the GameShark off when you are in battle. Then at the victory portion of the battle, tum , it on again. Finally, make sure _ it is off before you enter the experience and finds screens. After this everyone who joins your battle party will be at Level (ba A a letter requesting сс in Secret Access. Nintendo 64 Clay n ushido Blade Cool Boarders 2. ‘Extreme G ` Fantastic Four Ghost Inthe Shell MAH o _ МНЕ Breakaway '98 NHL Face Off ‘98 Nuclear Strike > Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha ~ Ттесље | Treasures. ofthe Deep — Sega Saturn — RI MATERIA Sonic R Note: Changing the last two num- bers with different numbers or let- ters will grant you different Genesis The. Lost World: Jurassic Рат | Arcade Mortal Kombat 4 Send Secret Access Requests To: _ Access & Allies • Game Informer Magazine | 10120 W. 76th St * ' Eden Prairie, MN 9534; most useful Materia. MP Plus – 8009D086 0000 HP Plus – 8009d086 0001 Experience Plus – 8009d086 0005 Enemy Plus – 8009d086 0008 Chocobo Plus -8009d086 0009 Mega All – 8009d086 000c Enemy Skill – 8009d086 002c Ultima – 8009d086 0048 x Chocobo/Mog - 8009d086 004a Shiva — 80099086 004b Ifrit - 80094086 004c Titan = 80099086 004d E- Malk бопїгефипеге, сот еда бате Play Assistance Ramuh > 80090066 004e "900-200-7342 (SEGA) Odin A 80099086 0041 $.85 рег minute for automated _ Leviathan – 80094086 0050 ЖЫ d. у _ $1.05 per minute for live help. Canada 900-451-5252 < $1.25 per minute automated Kjata – 8009d086 0052 ` Alexander — 8009d086 0053 Phoenix – 8009d086 0054 Neo Bahamut – 80094086 0055 е сале Hades – 8009d086 0056 -.. 900-288-0707 Typhoon – 8009d086 0057 $.95 per minute | : ‘Bahamut Zero – 80090086 0058 ` Сапада 900-451 -4400 à "Knights of the Round Table -~ U $125perminuté — 8009d086 0059 P Nintendo's Automated Power Line! _ Master Summon — 8009d086 | META ue 005a _ — “The Headless Gamer” 900-898-SONY(7668) —' $.95 per minute _ Webville, СОМ ___ | | Note: These lines may not have information for all titles.If you're under 18 be sure to get your | parent's permission. "help you access the secrets uo bos doa Сгос: Ж, of the Gobbos , NFL GameDay ‘98 - PlayStation nter all of these codes at the - aster Eggs menu. Loud Announcer – loud mouth _ Easy to Block Passes - rejection Harder Hits — crunch time More Penalties — busy ref i. Less Penalties — blind ref : Mute Spectators – quiet croud ‚ No Heads – horsemen : Faster Players — fire drill Super Fast Players — juice Higher Kicks – thin air : Unstoppable Stiff Arm – » jack hammer Longer Kicks — big foot ‚ Show Credits – credits ‚ Easier to Catch – gloves Easy to Burn Defense – toast : Better Coverage – leech — Mite Size Players – flea circus Stupid Computer – watery ai Flat Characters – virtual polygons Higher Difficulty – gd challenge ‚ Better CPU Offense – cpu offense : Better CPU Defense — cpu defense ; Tougher Defense – psychic 2222 — deep gray 272? — hatchet 2729 — nyse Triple Play 98 — PlayStation . team, press L2, R2, L2, R2, @. Los т, № | Hokem & Hex : Sarasota, FL | Play In Your Jock – First enter the : Exhibition Mode and set the : stadium to the Polo Grounds (GI : July 97). Then, while choosing a : > Play аз а T-Rex - A, №, Ө №, x, А, A, off. Exit the game. Enter the options an View Compy Gallery - %, A, A, Bi, X, @, A, : Мем Hunter Gallery – A, 3, Ш, A, Өх = ‚ №, x, Doing this will activate the EA : ~ Dream Team. Choose the newly : added EA squad to play as the :- home team and pick the San : Diego Padres as the visitors. If : _ you do this correctly, the EA team `- will be wearing nothing but a thin · white jock. This also Works when : you choose both teams as ^ DM P Rush Hout - PlayStation : Unlock Bonus Cars - At the : ‘Press Start’ screen hit Up, Left, Right, ¢, Ө, B. Unlock Metal Cars – At the ‘Press x Start’ screen hit L1, R1, L1, №, R1, Up. Unlock а Hidden Track — At the : š 'Press Start' screen hit %, ‘Up, À ; x Down, В1, Li Unlock Backwards Championship | Mode -At the ‘Press Start’ screen : - hit Left, A, R1, @, L1, Down. Unlock Super Championship ` Mode - At the "Press Start : screen hit Right, №, Left, Ө, Up, %. Time Crisis — PlayStation Unlock Hidden Options — At the | ' Main Menu shoot the “В” in : ‘Crisis’ twice, then shoot the ‘+’ over ‘Time’ twice. Doing this : successfully (and accurately) will : unlock the hidden Options menu : with lives and continue toggles. Louis Carter : Webville, COM : АРА GEN c e CE А И ИМА РА РАВАН АВАРА РЕЉА АЊА MM e E Xevious 3D/G+ — PlayStation David Lynch | | o LA | Unlimited Continues — -At the Game Selection screen press and hold L1, R1, L2, R2, and @ until the game begins. Unlock Heiachi – At Title Screen press and hold 3, Left, ©, and | Start until the game begins. “The ViaMan" Uptown, MN x Street Racer ~ Saturn Unlock Cheat Mode - All you have to do is enter your name. : as TURGAY to unlock this useful Mode. Anthony Hopkins The Lost World: Jurassic Park – PlayStation Enter all of these codes at the Password screen. | Play as а Hunter - Ш, €, @, A, x © B, A, E, X. ©, x. ‚ After entering this, the game's sound will be türned off. Exit the game. Enter the options and turn on the sound. Now re-enter the code to play as a Hunter Play as Prey - A, %, A, %, ©, Х, М, А А, Ш, @ X. Play as a Raptor - W, 其 , ©, А, X, ©, E, А, X Ш, ®, х ® View Prey Gallery – А, №, View Raptor Gallery - @ №, А, X, ФА, View T-Rex Gallery А, A, 6, №, А, х Begin With 59 Lives – A, %, №, will be turned off. Exit the game. 59 lives. ш x А, 3 A, m. m. i | | | де *, Ш, @ Ш A, x, ө. Айег entering this у слов hé g game's prie Enter the options an turn on the sound. Now re-enter the code to start with x ° xu x e» . Unlock All Levels > e code must be entered three times) Ш, x, 9,A, A, X, Mi ©, A, ©, X, ` CoolBoarders - PlayStation Unlock High-Pitched Announcer ` - Enter the Options screen and : . press Select forty times to give the announcer a high-pitched squeal. : _ Laura Graving ` Boston, MA : Sonic Јат ~ Saturn E Bonus Images – Simply place your ` Sonic Jam game into your PC to : unlock a series of screen shots and : wall paper. These files are located : in the Extras folder. бт Curt Boeing : Salt Lake City, UT ` Я Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha – : PlayStation : Barrel Busting — Note: This may only work on the Japanese version. | At ће Mode Select Menu highlight i Practice and press Start, Up, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, then Start. : Now, head into the Practice Mode : and a new option called ‘Bonus ) : Game’ will be in your menu. Mt. Morris, IL : "The Rhino" : Toledo, OH : , Ш А, А, X. After entering this the game's шк will be turned urn on the sound. Now re-enter the code to play as a aT Ге x “Lenny, The Lunatic Gamer” U Helena, MT ` Level Passw' 5 — Level 2 - HIABY. EUHQ , Сап Задап р _ батећ, en press pawn and 2 x simultaneously. New Pause Screen — While in | C белое Points) — Button, ese press Up or D the directional pad to change : : the Outrider into an X-Wing or : = TIE Fighter. a : Матра Sound Test – At the name ; entry screen input В Testers : Roar to activate a strange sound : at. Note: Make sure you have : а space between all of the words. : Lance Johnson ` New York, МУ : x — . i- Vortex of Souls – Soldier, In the final : stage, during gameplay, turn the. : controls to the traditional setting, : Pause, then press and hold the : Left C Button; Down C, Right C, : : the Right ` Button, and Z. While holding : . The Hero's Gauntlet — international Superstar Soccer 64 – Nintendo 64 We printed these codes in July, but : we thought we'd print them again since the game was released later than we originally estimated. Big Head Mode – At the Title : Up C, Down : С, Right C, Left ` В, A, then quickly P ld Z. Now, hit Start. | Screen press Up C, Down C, Left C, | press Up, the Left Button, Up, : . the Left Button, Down, the Left : Button, Down, the Left Button, - Left, the Ri | is Right, ` "Саб _0ї-уш2 Hercules — PlayStation _ Enter all of these level codes at the Serpent, Medusa, Coin, Medusa Centaur's Forest — Centaur, - Hercules Silhouette, Minotaur, Archer The Big Olive – aur, Coin, Serpent, Hercules Silhouette Hydra Canyon — Coin, Gladiator | Helmet, Coin, Soldier Cyclops Attack — Gladiator Helmet, Pegasus, Hercules Silhouette, Archer Titan Flight – Soldier, Coin, Coin, Thunder Bolt Passageway of Eternal Torment- . Medusa, Soldier, Centaur, Pegasus Lightning Bolt, Soldier, Centaur - The End – Pegasus, Soldier, Centaur, Soldier Virtua Gap Boy 97" Minneapolis, MN Warcraft И: The Dark Saga — PlayStation Game Loss - YPTFLWRM _ Enable God Mode – TSGDDYTD вир e ame – ^ - NNRWNNR. Michael Richards x paren NY — sad in your r codes and о па if we nt them you'll be entered ' Secret Access Contest. The Grand _ Prize is an an ASCIWARE product x Enhanced ASCII Pad _ _ ASCII Carrybag* || Machi ASCII Grip "Carrybag only. — Contents not included. _ Saturn - ASCII Saturn Stick Super NES ASCII Pad SN Super Advantage Rhino Pad SN Genesis ` ASCII Specialized Pad Авто Pad SG The runner-up wil receive а Game · Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to complement their wardrobe. Send To: . Secret Access ` Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street den Prairie, MN 55344 E-Mail: gionline@winte ` Ñ — м эг SY >A |! ii) hi wuo2'uonejsAejd"MWM р“ 09 auenbs jo yrewapey релеја ба e sI! © yOSesenbs ууну 266 LO punos ‘pan лева SUB им "pr1 “09 зублемуцвпугру “09 eenbs 766 1© SUI иешшеџејиз ndu) Áuos Jo злешеред эле $060] џопејслеја eu pue иопејслија 'иопејофог) Auog јо дешереде si 066| jueuureyieju јејпашоо Лиос ay | TM = m BUSHIDO BLADI SQUARESOFT CONTENT RATED BY ZO teh << ZO Б-ы d-i-r са0о0ор> AWLI рад <«иным SOMO 2 4 У освит ров dln -UIF =Z Ыхы PlayStation NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF PLAYSTATION™ Yo live playing San Francisco Bash in “the ka _ arcades. Well. now you. can race through: the “streets of the Bay Area in 1 the comfort of your. ; x “own Nino od room. dn. fact, P Be able to ^ choose from s Six different: tracks three more: than’ in the arcade. version). Each. one showing | authentic бай Francisco landscapes and; $0 many places to batch air that you might: be mistaken : for ¢ an unidentified Пиће: object. And. if that са ON 1 MENT. ` = not ud you. can 2 dion cut нао. ae open. Fields and underground sewers. You can. a _ Soar over building tops. or ‘be catapulted into the | “DESIGNED FOR” UE Nt LE PIK PED. "pne S Баје AM 58. dismantled freeway overpass. Ago L > ВЕ PlayStation! ~ | - % z. РЕ ‘San Francisco Rush; And: lucky. For. you. it's M -coming поте ii in'a more manageable size. Уз San Рапаин Rush Extreme. Васто“ "©1997 Atari Gaines Corpérdtren. АП rights’ reserved. hiia is а, PE trademark of Midway Gamies Inc. ^ San Francisco Rush Extreme Racing” ја trademark окап Games Cdrpération. Distributed by: Midway Ноте Entertainment inc. underticense,” "Nintendo. Nintendo 64-and the 30^ "NE Jogo arf tr fademerks of Nintendo, of America | ane ©1997 Niptendo of America Inc. PlayStation апд the x Ынагы aes are trademarks of Say Computer Entertainment. Inc. у : : Ў ; . | PlayStation CONTENT RATED BY| 2, , ESRB! Made with) love’ by, Our goal is to preserve elassie video дате magazines So that they аге not lost/permanently: People Interested in helping ош папу capacity; please visit us at No profit is made от these scans nor do we offer anything available from the publishers themselves: Ifyou come across anyone selling releases from this Site please do not support them апа do let Us know: Thank you!