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Super NES, Ge and Jaguar.

: Electronic Entertainment Expo ‘97

Feature: Beh

Look at Gex: Ent

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Letter “From [he editor

That's right...this issue hurts! No, it doesn't hurt because it is so jam packed with information or that it is so amazingly good looking, but because this month Game Informer had to break one of its cardinal

rules. We had to put a preview game on our cover.

Yes, | know it sounds ridiculous because every other magazine on the planet does it each and every month, but to us...this is strange stuff. By now you must be asking yourself "why?", but the solution is rather obvious. We feel that our cover is the ultimate award we get to give to a game each month. Not just any game, but the game that we think is the best. So we find it very distressing to put a preview

"You may not ki wt It's true. Now you become musically

Id start a band called f men with huge pectoral

Mand Babe the Giant Blue Ox. I tried 4 into a techno soundtrack but it didn't work very well $B | decided to leave the Airforce test pilot job (Did | forget to merion that?) to lend my lightning-fast reflexes and Suave demeanor. to a nobler cause. Now | am a journalist devoted to truth in the face of obscurity, to fighting a constant battle against vagueness and the fog of corporate war...well...to playing vids and writing about them.”

ANDY, THE GAME HOMBRE "Much to my dismay | recently discovered that | am now the ‘Iron Man’ of video game editors. It may be hard to believe, but there is nobody else in the U.S. video game magazine industry that is still working and has been an editor as long as | have. Now if that isn't scary | don't know what is, because l've only been the editor of Game Informer for three and half years (though l've been working on the abun kA over aie | on a should make me feel all

itmeans s that [m now TO Senor ard l m only 25. On the u it does mean that no one else is more dedicated to getting the information to the people than myself and the rest of the GI staff. | hate to sound like l'm blowing our own horn, but we rule!"

game on our cover, when we don't have a clue how good the game will be in its finished form. Of course, we think Treasures of the Deep is a cool game in the

here and now, but in theory Namco could screw this game up before

to do with it.



“Just as the summer months seem to cool down as far as game releases are concerned, behind the scenes, the industry starts to cook with news of the games to come. Watching the gaming companies pose and posture as they send their marketing, sales, and development staffs into working frenzies is truly weird. Everyone is looking for a nice size chunk of the ‘interactive entertainment’ pie and they want all of their games with your name on it. The amount of new video game titles on the way for both consoles and PC is enough to make a gamer so oona that

‘Chutes & Ladders’ to anyone, you can bet that it's going to become a lot harder for a game to get more than an ‘8’ out of me.”

Reviewers (from left) Erik, Jon, Reiner, Paul, Andy

it’s finished (which | seriously doubt), but it is a chance you take when you put a preview game on the cover. It’s like pasting Mike Tyson on the cover of your game, and then discovering two weeks later that he’s been arrested for some awful crime.

It makes you look like a fool, even though you had nothing

- REINER, THE RAGING GAMER “In our industry, Shigeru Miyamoto is the

god of all designers. He's the creative mind behind Mario, Zelda, and practically every big Nintendo title. To my misfortune, | | I'm scheduled to compete against him in

the Star Fox 64 tournament at E3. l'm a

big fan of his work, and honestly, l'm going |

to be rather disappointed with myself when | stomp his hide into the ground with a massive assault of lasers to the tail pipe. My victory is inevitable. Although, there is the chance that he'll put up a good fight, and if he does, | have an alternate plan. I'll simply knock the controller out of his hand, and blow away his unmanned vessel. By the way... what do you think of my dress? Snazzy, huh?”


"As you read this, we'll be on our way home from E3, and boy was Atlanta hot (the weather | mean). | once worked for five months in southern Georgia tearing out railroad tracks, and | don't know if words can describe how hot and humid the summers can be. l'Il take the temperate summers of Minnesota any day of the week. l've been spending some weekends up north in the woods, fishin', d shoes, ang tossin’ back fasl

month all the great games are going to start coming in. Watch for NASCAR 98 and Sony's GameDay ‘98. As for Nintendo, | don't know what to say except to be patient."

moving along, and that means next

July Issue 1997 Volume VII « Number 7 « Issue #51

Richard A. Cihak Publisher

Andrew McNamara Editor Paul Anderson enior Associate Editor

Andrew Reiner . Erik Reppen Jon Storm Associate Editors Thomas Blustin Art Director Graphic Design

. Timothy J. Laurie Production Director Graphic Design

Curtis Fung Production Assistant Graphic Design

Ryan MacDonald Wes! Coast Correspondent

. Sarah Anderson Gia Garbinsky Copy Editors

. . Terrie Maley jirculation / Marketing Manager - (612) 946-7274

Advertising Sales Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director

|... 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 (612) 946-8159 Fax (612) 946-8155 Manufactured and printed in the United States of America Game Informer" Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is ished monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, V issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications", 10120 West 76th Street. Eden Prairie. MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. Periodicals postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. MASTER: Send address changes to 10120 West 76th Street, Eden

à iip above. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be rned or acknowledged.

is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc.

Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies.

For subscription inquiries please write or call:

- Game Informer Magazine 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (612)946-7266 Attn: Customer Service

PUBLISHER LIABILITY FOR ERROR : ublisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an ment The publisher's liability for other errors or nnection with an advertisement is limited to of the advertisement in any subsequent issue fund of any monies paid for the advertisement.

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udit Bureau of Circulations |... Member

] 'ormer m July '97


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a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. Psygnosis, the Psygnosis logo and Codename: Tenka are trademarks of 'Sygnosis. id. © 1997

From Readers: What ever happened to the |

Crashing NiGHTS debate? Did you guys chicken out because of an overwhelming response that didn't fit your opinion?

BI: While the response on the Crashing NiGHTS debate was pretty huge, most of the letters we gat were from die-hard PlayStation or Saturn owners who had never played the other game and were generally pretty biased about the whole affair The only really interesting letters we got were from people with both systems. Most of those people said Crash was the better game but there were some who thought NiGHTS was cooler. There was a rare breed (3 people) that thought both games were worthy of their attention and that was all that mattered. To us, that's the coolest attitude to have. But if you must know who won, it was Crash by a landslide!

I am interested in receiving information you |

may have about the Intellivision Model number 2609, serial number 1224944, year 1979. I also own the voice synthesis module, model number 3330, serial number 584953, year 1981. Here is a list of the games I own. [Editors Note: We omitted the list of 22 games|] I would like to know the value of this system, . along with the games and accessories. Any _ information that you can send me would be greatly appreciated. Victor "Video Kid-Whiz" Suero Hawthorne, CA The value of these things is incalculable, like your stinky orange teddy bear named “marmalade” _ with the missing eye, or your tattered but well loved "woobie" that went with you everywhere. That _ you would consider leaving them out in the cold in _ the foul hands of some anonymous collector is just another tragic case of how were so willing to throw away our SE» childhoods to make a » buck. [Editor's Note: In other words, we have absolutely no clue.]

like your mag but I wish you would devote some

_ more space to the classics.

Don't get me wrong. I love the N64, but what about the people who den' have enough money for

! a PlayStation, Saturn, or N64? Plunking down

$150 on the counter for a system is outrageous! Of

_ course taking into consideration all the technology

and everything that goes into it, $150 is about right, but couldn't they at least package a game into t? I received a Nintendo for Christmas in 1990. I oved it and still do because it was a milestone for he systems we have today. If we hadn't had systems like Atari and Nintendo, we'd be nowhere.

_ As for me, I still love my Nintendo and Game Gear,

ut decided to sell them both toward the purchase

of a Sega with Sega CD. I'll probably keep these for

a long time. In the future, could we maybe see

ome more space devoted to the classics? After all, if we didn't have them, where would we be now?

Josh Combs


Josh... we completely agree with you (Did we

. really say that?). In recent months, we've gotten . countless letters from people asking us to do more

reviews on older games, so we finally caved in and decided to do what we could. The tentative plan is 0 expand Classic GI using the format we began last

| month. If you have an opinion about this, by all

means tell us where it's at. Wa will be applying new scores to the games ased on how good they are on their respective ystem, haw they compare to similar games, and

| how much fun they are after all these years. Bionic

Commando, for instance, is one of the best games hat ever came out on the NES and still stands out from the crowd with it's unique grapplin' action. Thus the high score.

In one of your issues it says that a Nintendo 128 is coming out before Christmas. I wanted to know if this is true because it also said some crap

bout a portable system with 1028 bits that ran on ocks. I read your magazine a lot and I'm starting 0 think that you guys have completely lost your ournalistic integrity. Sometimes the Secret Access odes don't even work. My question for you this ime is: Why the $#@)! is there so much BS is your #@! magazine? PS. This time could you tell the $#@)! truth? Crash Override Explicatively Disgruntled E-Mailer

When we do an April issue and talk about a system that eats rocks, you can generally assume that it's bologna. We get a little wacky in April and enjoy spoofing our competitors by making up ridiculous stories about the next system/game/deal in the works. There is no PlayStation 5.02 with

elatinous orb controllers, no Nintendo 128, no

_ Please do something! Thank you.

Magnavox system, no

nanotech rock-eating 1028 g ‘A Buck Two

0J. Simpson RPG, and Ninety-Eight Boy" said was full of it

Here's some tips on avoiding trouble in future

April issues. If Andy says in the beginning of the |

magazine to watch for April Fool's jokes you better look out, because telling it like it is all year long can get pretty stressful and April is the month where we let loose with the shovel. What you need to do is look for key words like: “gelatinous,” “nanotechnology,” or “A Buck Two Ninety-Eight" (think about it. These are all pretty good tip-offs that were pulling your chain. Of course, goofy words and phrases don't always hit home so we try to make it a little more obvious. We entitle our April gossip page “Breaking Stuff’ and then put in a huge "BS" in the logo! We name the company that developed Juice Quest, "Ashame Interactive" And yet we ve gotten so many excited letters demanding more information on these things. So here's the completely nonintentional moral of the story just because it's in print doesn't make it so. It's kind of like learning that your parents are fallible for the first time in your life. ;

Problems with codes can arise from a number of things. Ün rare occasions there is actually a misprint, but more often than not, its because a new version of the game has been put out that doesn't allow the codes or you're not doing it right. Usually we try to test everything but we don't always have the time we need. Thus, codes we've received from the companies themselves tend to be low on our priority list. We presume that the people that make the games know what they are talking about.

Dear Editors,

In your February 1997 issue on page 15 next

to V350 you put, “game switch for use ‘wuth’ .

Nintendo" You spelled the word "with" wrong.

Andrew Breckenridge |

E-Mailer |

The page youre referring to is not ours. It's an

advertisement. We don't even see the ads going into |

our magazine until we actually get the first prints E

in our hands. Thus we joyfully dodge any |

responsibility for thus iuis a Nice try though.

Game Informer * July *

. probably thinking ahead to what they're going to . want to do, but we cant think of any reason they would have a full-fledged design yet. Think of it .. this way. The longer Sony waits on a new system, : un 8. _ .. the cheaper hardware gets. And if there's any I heard about this new digital TV sists of PGs a : wondering how it will effect video games. Will I MME especially Square Balte RPGs Im pode to bu Y 1 "Ru da uy industry that can afford to wait, it's have to buy a converter or a whole new gaming RE. the PlayStation 1.5 or C if it comes out before Final f Mon als to be under tha ! ion ih console? - Fantasy VIL My favorite games are FF Chrono B. h GADD 1 P dum vellus a i Dustin Cruz Trigger, Secret of Mana, and Secret of Evermore p^ 1 es cela dauid sylem. Pany Elkridge, MD M. which won't come out on the 84DD because f pq ady " "E gortan e o pE their Dont worry about digital TV. It probably won't $ Nintendo was dumb enough to lose Square. I need f i Hee hat hocks I the UG 4 SMS ae become a household standard for a good seven $ some other input to give me assurance that my f "m y aa. i : years and hy the time that happens, old TV's will be choice is correct 1 As for your question, we cant think of any a dime-a-dozen. If your house upgrades to digital Aaron Wardrip B. system you would want to go with except for the and sells the old TV, you might have to buy a Nelson, MN WE. PlayStation if RPGs are your favorite games. Sony converter of sore kind but it's really too far off for If Sony was planning on putting out a new E. mo t E iron xh us to know how it's all going to work out. But... system before FFVII came out, they'd have to be E. TS ane ane 9 Man catching up seven years? By that time you'll probably be É completely insane. In Japan alone, FFVII sold 2.5 È s SURE ee and Nintendo to knock Sony thinking about buying the new Nanotech Magnavox million copies in a month (the same number E. iu ae w 1028. Resident Evil sold worldwide in a year) and there is no reason they would mess with U.S. release sales by putting out a new system. We probably won't even hear about plans to make a new system until late 1998. Someone's been pulling your chain. 1.5? C? This make-believe information is exactly the sort of thing we're poking fun at in our April issue with the PS-X 5.02 and its gelatinous orb controllers. Nobody knows anything substantial about Sony's plans except for Sony themselves, and at the moment there is no reason to even think about it. Sony won't need a new system to compete with the N64 until Nintendo gets it together and starts putting out a substantial number of “must have’ games for their system. If Sony is smart, they're

Rang Sones I ^ ipida uk dete STR ET 3 QJ) MU Roth PRAISE, MN NS * $5549 à

Josh Gilbert Glendale, WI

Twisted Descent! Pure genius!


a ead

JAB oy Darnell Johnson A Pittsburg, CA You know...Cloud has rather skinny arms considering that he carries around that huge sword.

RA SV N Robert Crawford Meqivon, WI

The dinos attacked Turok’s logo d PT T2 after they heard that he had : | | ; j! | Barney for dinner. Literally! | ? | 5

Hey...does anybody know what the FF stands for?

George Hinckle Milwaukee, WI CN gn na WCW Vs. the NWO BE. (ali: Le RA or X-Men Vs. Street fk Mis Fighter are nothing compared to GI's newest game, Hinckle Alien Vs. Woofy. It's a true battle of the super powers!


Greg Lehman St. Paul, MN Rocket Girl! You know it's gonna be a long, long time!

Are We Out of Our League?

Water spans across almost seventy percent of the Earth’s surface, culminating fo a projected measurement of 320 million cubic miles, which is more than enough to bury the entire United States under a depth of ninety miles. Water is our number one resource, and the average human body is made up of approximately seventy percent water. We cannot live without water, so why are we so afraid of it?

In Black Ops Entertainments and Namco's sophisticated action/adventure title - Treasures of the Deep - the beauty and terror of the water come to life like never before. If you have a phobia or a fear of water (or its inhabitants), then Treasures of the Deep will drive it to a new level, and maybe, just maybe, you will eventually overcome this fear and find yourself at peace. Otherwise, you will find a new meaning of terror around each barrier reef corner, and in the jaws of a great white shark.

The realism factor in Treasures of the Deep is executed perfectly. Each and every level, whether it be shallow, deep, or fathom depth class, is accurately portrayed. In shallow levels the water is lighter in color, packed with more aggressive currents, and occupied by smaller creatures like schools of clown fish, bottom feeding sharks, and lobsters. The deep sea levels are much murkier, current resistant, and a home to blue whales, dolphins, and over a dozen different species of shark. The fathom depth class has barely been explored by humans since if is so deep, and

James Bond Meets Jacques Cousteau

m Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

m Special Features: Compatible With the Analog Controller, Eight Different Subs, Several Mission Objectives for Each Level, Detailed Aquatic Life and Sea Settings, Standard Equipment Including Balloon Nets and Air Ponies, Powerful Weapons, Sinister Bad Guys, Valuable Treasures, Hidden "Play As Shark" Level, and Atlantis

m Created by: Black Ops Entertainment, Inc. for Namco

m Available: September for Sony PlayStation

what lies within is mostly unknown. Down in these levels the water color is black, heat geysers and underwater maelstroms are abundant, and the species range from elusive giant squid to prehistoric critters.

A total of ten levels (with three extra ones hidden) consume Treasures of the Deep. Some of the more exotic locations you'll visit are the Bermuda Triangle, the Great Barrier Reef, and the ice caves of the Arctic Circle. The look and environments of each of these zones is portrayed with authentic detail, and the plants, coral structure, and species are also “area specific" - you won't see a killer whale searching for food in an underwater cavern, or a tiger shark dueling for supremacy against a humboldt squid.

The gameplay in Treasures is a mix between WarHawk and Tomb Raider. Each level is mission-oriented, and players must explore before any goal can be met. The basic plot of the game is as such; you are an employee of the Underwater Mercenary Agency (UMA). You'll be sent on expeditions requiring you to fix leaks on oil rigs, find rare artifacts, and ultimately, destroy the UMA's dangerous adversary - the Seismic Corp., headed by Simon Black. This terrorist group has been channeling seismic activity underwater, which has caused several disasters already. On your missions you will find clues leading to their next "project," and actually run head-on into Seismic, eventually having to disable their current plot.

Treasures of the Deep is a game about underwater exploration, Ne. and honestly, a wet or dry suit only goes so far. Therefore, eight high-tech


Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!


Better luck next time.

A great white approaches.

| .as a whale hark drifts by.

Night vision makes | these air pockets look funky.

Head-to-head against Simon Black’s deadly sub.

Steer clear of the swordfish, or they'll poke your eye out.

© die? His fate is in

submarines are available for use. You will only start off with one sub, and in order to unlock the others, you'll need to gain money through the missions. In essence, you must become a ‘treasure’ hunter. To do so, you'll need to locate hidden chests, gold, lobster crates, lobsters, and sea turtles. To pick up these items, you will be required to either touch the desired object with your sub, or shoot a net to grab it. The nets are a huge factor in Treasures gameplay since they will: 1) help you gain money, 2) disable bothersome enemy divers and sharks, and 3) allow you to obtain objects needed to complete a level.

Whether is a hungry shark or an enemy sub, every level features some kind of danger. Of course, you could try and avoid the chaos, but what fun is that? Luckily, the UMA is stacked with high-power weaponry; sooner or later you'll find yourself shooting torpedoes at divers, laying mines, and using your gun to kill any other kind of annoyance. These bountiful weapons are not unlim- ited. If you're not finding adequate ammo on each level, you will need to direct most of your funding towards replenishing weapons. Items are another key feature in Treasures. The game is loaded with different wet suits, air tanks, health packs, ROVs and new lighting systems. These too require money.

Treasures of the Deep is one of the most original games to surface in recent years, and yes, it will give Tomb Raider a run for its money in originality and action/adventure values. If the immersive gameplay doesn't hook you at first, we're sure the realistic qualities will surely turn the head of a Jacques Cousteau or two. Lastly, an interesting lidbit about the development of the game... The manta ray demo on the early PlayStation Developer's Demo Disc (that came packed with the PlayStation unit) inspired Black Ops to develop Treasures of the Deep. Without the inspiration, this game would most likely never have been made.

The Ecosystem Many games create environments - dungeons, grasslands, and battle arenas. Of the earth’s different biospheres, the ocean is the most gigantic, the most alluring, and the most difficult to recreate. A fragile web holds together all life within the ocean. Predators and prey live side by side, whales migrate thousands of miles, invertebrates creep inch-by-inch along immense coral reefs. Introducing humans to such an ecosystem is always a delicate matter. Capturing the feel of this environment in a video game is equally delicate and difficult. What's fascinating about Treasures, about introducing humans to an organic environment, is that some animals fear, some ignore, and some even lend a helping hand to the strange human. For example, there are numerous historical examples of dolphins circling below drowning victims, helping them to stay afloat. As goes life, so goes the game.

This “organic” interaction, the way in which all species react to the presence of humans, is an integral part of the Treasures experience. Hundreds of different species are represented in the game, each with individual Al. Players may swim through a beautiful school of harmless clownfish, but iry to interact with a colony of sharks and it’s a whole different story. With over twenty different species of sharks in ihe game, exploring becomes very dangerous. Killing human divers is even more dangerous, since even a spattering of blood in the water will attract a host of "feeding frenzied" sharks. But you do have help, for the dolphin is a mortal enemy of the shark and the dolphins will help scare the sharks away. Like in real life, the dolphins in Treasures are curious of humans, and they will swim up to your face, inspect you, and sometimes help you in your quest.

The ecosystems in Treasures are "species specific." Depending upon where the mission is located, the Great Barrier Reef or Cape Horn for example, players will encounter a sampling of the species that actually exist there. There are also endangered species that carry


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* a y $ W od".

heavy fines for poaching. On one level, you will have to capture endangered sea turtles, but this is an exception to the rule. Other species such as giant squid, whales, manta rays, sea anemones and exotic “prehistoric” creatures will also have to be encountered and understood.

This idea of “organic species interaction” provides a balanced mix of action and exploration, something that was sorely missed in Tomb Raider. Sometimes it’s fun to interact with the species, other times fast swimming and shark shooting are the orders of the day. We don’t want to give away all the secrets, but it should suffice to say that Treasures of the Deep comes closer to a “True-Earth Game Model” than any other game before it (sorry Ecco).

The reason Treasures makes such strides in “interactivity” is two-fold. The first reason we explained above; the second reason is the animation. Swimming up to a blocky, blue/black lump would hardly be a “deep-sea experience.” Black Ops had fo create a living, breathing world. Therefore, Black Ops employed MIME animation to give the creatures life- like qualities. The animals in Treasures are polygon-based and the MIME animation stretches and bends the edges of the polygons, creating fluid and seamless movement. Treasures has more MIME animation than any game in history, and the results are nothing short of spectacular.

Standard Equipment

You can’t take to the seas without the proper equipment and Treasures of the Deep has plenty of it. Fortunately, some missions are great for acquiring equipment from fallen enemies, which helps cut down on the expensive cost of restocking your inventory after every battle.

BALLOON NETS: When activated, these nets shoot out of your sub and wrap around smaller enemies, cargo, and sea critters. Once the net is secure, a balloon inflates and carries your victim/valuables to the surface. It’s one of the coolest and most useful devices in the game.

PORTABLE MED-KITS: Subs can carry a limited number of med-kits for emergencies.

AIR PONIES: These devices are crucial for maintaining air supply when enemies that yield air tanks, like scuba divers, are in short supply

ROV (Remote Operating Vehicle): This little remote drone helps you explore areas that might be hazardous to your health and is great for areas with traps and earthquakes.

ROV PLUS: The ROV Plus is a larger and more advanced version of the ROV.

FLARES: Flares serve two purposes. They can be used as countermeasures against enemy torpedoes and provide a bright lightsource as well.

LIGHT ENHANCEMENT VISORS: If you don’t feel like chucking flares all over

the place you might want to invest in a

pair of these.

WETSUITS: There are three varieties of wetsuits: standard, armored, and thermal. Standard suits come in a variety of fashions but don’t do anything special and cost nothing. Steel mesh shark suits protect your diver from damage when leaving the sub. Thermal protection dry suits shield against intense heat.


They still haven't figured out how to make a nonviolent game fun and Treasures is no exception. While the subs in Treasures all feature guns with an infinite supply of weapons, you will need some higher-powered ordnance to make it through the game.

TORPEDOES: Standard tracking torpe- does with weak warheads. Two or Three hits with these guys will take most enemies down.

MISSILES: Missiles have slightly stronger




The map and radar will help you navigate and locate targels.






Sand sharks are bottom feeders. Make sure you're

not foo close to the ground when they're around.

warheads and fire in pairs.

MINES: Mines are slow moving and have no guidance system. They are best reserved for bosses and things that you need to destroy quickly.

SEEKER MINES: Seekers are similar to mines in every respect but possess the ability to track enemies.

FREEZER: An expensive but frightfully powerful liquid nitrogen bomb (remember, you're underwater).

PLASMA: This is an even more expensive and explosively powerful weapon. Make sure you back up a little bit to avoid taking damage.

TIME BOMB: We're not sure about this one, since it hasn't been completed yet and is unavailable in the game. We do know that it’s very big. You probably drop it and run..fast.

"WELDING" TORCH: This is a medium range weapon, that when activated extends plasma a good twenty feet in front of your sub for a limited time. Anything that comes in contact with it suffers serious damage.

The Subs

The variation in subs is well done. Each sub has a unique look and performance. Missions have different depth ratings, so in many cases you will be limited in your selection of vehicles. Fathom Class missions, for instance, only allow the use of three different subs.

USN-R1: Single-Seat Underwater Frogman Vehicle.

Speed: 25 Knots

Agility: 38 Deg/Sec

Armor: 50 Hit Points

Payload: 1300 Lbs. -

Depth: Shallow Class

Cost: N/A

This is the vehicle you start with. It is the

weakest of all the subs, but it’s free, maneuverable, and doesn’t to run out of air as fast as some of the more advanced subs.

PORPOISE: High-Performance Sports Sub

Speed: 34 Knots

Agility: 51 Deg/Sec

Armor: 100 Hit Points

Payload: 5000 Lbs.

Depth: Deep Class

Cost: 505,000

This puppy is probably the best bargain. Statistically, it’s just a little bit weaker than the Devilray (the most expensive sub in the game) and is set at only half the cost. The Porpoise is probably your ideal first buy. Its handling is fast but a little awkward, but it has plenty of space for

weapons and equipment.

DEEP ROVER: Heavy-Armored Underwater Cargo Vehicle

Speed: 20 Knots

Agility: 26 Deg/Sec

Armor: 125 Hit Points

Payload: 8000 Lbs.

Depth: Fathom Class

Cost: 750,000

The Deep Rover is the big bruiser in the game. It has plenty of space for ordnance and has the most hit points of all the subs. Speed and handling are sluggish (but steady) making if an ideal heavy weapons platform. If you find yourself taking a beating no matter how speedy and agile your sub is, it’s time to pull out the big guy. The Deep Rover is one of our favorites.

VIPER: High-Speed Attack Sub Speed: 44 Knots

Agility: 57 Deg/Sec

Armor: 85 Hit Points

Payload: 3500 Lbs.

Depth: Fathom Class

Cost: 1,200,000

It has low armor and ordnance

« www.gameinformer.com


capacity but it’s also the speediest sub in the game. The Viper is probably best utilized for missions with a low number of objectives that need to be met quickly, or any mission where speed is the priority.

NAUTILUS: Deep-Diving Vehicle Speed: 22 Knots

Agility: 27 Deg/Sec

Armor: 75 Hit Points

Payload: 10,000 Lbs.

Depth: Fathom Class

Cost: 300,000

The Nautilus carries the most ordnance of the fathom class subs. Aside from that, it’s pretty weak and only worth buying if you're short on cash and don't own any other fathom class subs.

DEVILRAY: Agile Attack Sub Speed: 38 Knots

Agility: 62 Deg/Sec

Armor: 100 Hit Points Payload: 6,000 Lbs.

Depth: Deep Class

Cost: 1,800,000

You won't be able to take this sub into the deepest of trenches but it is, overall, the best balanced sub in the game, ideal for missions with a variety of objectives and enemies. It’s the most expensive vehi- cle but is well worth the price.

TYPHOON: Undersea Cargo Hauler Speed: 16 Knots

Agility: 22 Deg/Sec

Armor: 112 Hit Points

Payload: 16,000 Lbs.

Depth: Deep Class

Cost: 400,500

The Typhoon has more room for equipment and weaponry than most people will know what to do with. We're not sure why you'd need this much space unless you were packing some serious firepower for a certain special someone. It’s best described as an underwater tank.

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MARLIN: Aquatic Sport Sedan Speed: 25 Knots

Agility: 38 Deg/Sec

Armor: 100

Payload: 6,000 Lbs.

Depth: Deep Class

Cost: 350,000

This is a budget sub that performs better than expected for its price (and it looks like a four door). Not a bad deal if you want to pick up a new vehicle right after your first mission. Take the spouse and your 2.5 children along for the ride.

The Levels

One of Treasures of the Deep's greatest strengths is the diversity of its level design. While most missions have some element of search-and-destroy in them, the objectives range from salvage operations and rescue missions, to treasure hunts for rare artifacts. Each mission has a debriefing movie (where players are shown their objectives) so there is no uncertainty when they arrive at their goal.

WRECK OF THE CONCEPCION (Atlantic - Shallow Class): Pirates are looting a sunken vatican ship. Those artifacts belong in a museum! Take out the pirates and loot the ship yourself.

DIVER STRAITS (Middle East - Shallow Class): Terrorists have been mining waters and sabotaging underwater oil pumps to pollute the area. Your mission is to destroy the mines and seal off oil leaks with torpedoes while facing off against underwater enemies and ships dropping depth charges on you from above.

MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE (Gulf of Mexico - Shallow Class): Use flares or night vision to explore this treacherous underwater tomb. The level is made challenging by other less scrupulous treasure hunters, earthquakes that drop loose rocks upon you, traps, and whirlpools that suck you in and

teleport you to other parts of the level.

SUB-TRAFICATE (North Atlantic - Deep Class): Prevent the Seismic Corporation from getting a hold of weapons on a downed cargo ship. You will have to destroy all cargo subs attempting to leave the area and then destroy the sunken cargo ship to prevent anyone else from getting a hold of the weapons.

BERMUDA TRIANGLE (Shallow Class): One of Seismic Corporation’s chief scientists, who is believed to be a leading weapons researcher, was in a plane that disappeared in the infamous triangle. Needless to say, the paranormal area has claimed another victim. You have the grisly task of salvaging all the bodies and recovering the dead scientist.

GREAT BARRIER REEF (Shallow Class): Seismic Corporation has built a giant nuclear facility in the Great Barrier Reef. The radiation is causing the local sharks to go into a feeding frenzy. You must take down shield generators, dodge large hostile sharks, and take down the reactor core.

MARU RESCUE (Shallow Class): Seismic Corporation has seized an underwater research lab to avenge the destruction of their nuclear facilities. You must rescue

the scientists by releasing their escape pods while destroying seismic activators that are causing massive earthquakes.

BOTTOM OF THE EARTH (Marianas Trench - Fathom Class): A space shuttle carrying a satellite has mysteriously been shot down. It is believed that Simon Black is responsible because he wants to hide something. Salvage the satellite and destroy the shuttle while evading dangerous giant squid and Seismic Corps operatives.

SAFE PASSAGE (Deep Class): Escort an Aircraft Carrier fleet to Seismic Corporation’s secret headquarters in Antarctica. Quickly dispose of enemies while removing inconvenient icebergs, deadly mines, enemy ships, and more mines. This is probably the most stressful mission in the game.

DEEP FREEZE (Antarctica - Shallow Class): In the final mission, you must take out Seismic's secret base located within a network of ice tunnels deep under the ocean. At the beginning of the level you will be privy to a majestic sight - a group of feeding humpback whales. What happens next is the beginning of the end, but we don't want to spoil the mystery.





GI Feature

he third annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E9)

/ d Pah yi Meo ATLANTA 97

is the largest showcase of interactive entertainment in the United States. With Nintendo, Sony, Seda at host of othergame developers all under one roomineres

Mega Man NEO

Publisher: Capcom

new game to play inevery corner, accompanied bya story | a = Skee

fot how THIS gamewill= revolutionize” the istry.

, After nearly ten years in a two-dimensional world, Mega Man finally gets a serious facelift and leaps into the 3D world of

polygons and texture maps. The Capcom poster-boy makes

l X wm his 3D debut on the NOT. = , PlayStation this winter.


M Last years ES debuted s f Raider, Wich, cue IWISTEU. games at this years Show


G uM

Special Gaming supiese, fiere: titles that Game informer predic industry well mto 1998.


Publisher: Activision


Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 2 Turak: Dinosaur Hunter 1.5

Apocalypse as a game has been

overshadowed by its big name

star and co-producer, Bruce

Willis. However, this action

game is promising intense

gunplay and a vivid polygonal graphics engine. Activision is hoping to release Apocalypse in October and looks to give Willis another blockbuster hit.

Publisher: Acclaim

All new adventures and intense action await as Acclaim’s number one dinosaur slayer returns to the Nintendo 64 in March of ‘98. The hunting will also come to the Sony PlayStation this November with an “enhanced” Turok that is based on the 64-bit predecessor.

Batman & Robin

Odd World: Abe's Oddysee

Publisher: GT Interactive

GT has already started the buzz about Abe UD h | j with a playable demo that went out to over RSS | - Ea-T 400,000 registered PlayStation owners on i ane Sony’s PlayStation Underground CD. Abe’s

Publisher: Acclaim

| un m : "n Entertainment Oddysee is filled with rich graphics that seamlessly transition from ! animated cut scenes to gameplay. Clearly, Abe's is GT Interactive's Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, biggest console launch of the year. and Bane are here to give > ui | the world's greatest ^ 6 | |

nocturnal detective team B as XR a batty time indeed. Unlike the other Acclaim Batman flops, this title is a third-person 3D action/adventure title that requires much more sleuthing. It's hard to say how well this title will come out in the end, but hopefully much better than the movie.


Resident Evil 2 (P5-X)

Publisher: Capcom

Will Capcom again rule the PlayStation with the long awaited and often delayed Resident Evil 2? The return to survival horror won't happen until the first quarter of next year, but Capcom is hopefully taking the extra time to pack Resident Evil 2's twin CDs full of insane and frightful action.

Tomh Raider 2 (PS-X, SS)

Eidos stormed the PlayStation and Saturn gaming scene with the genre-defining Tomb Raider starring gaming’s most beautiful heroine, Lara Croft Game Informer's expectations are high for Lara's return in Tomb Raider 2 and Eidos is sure not to disappoint its throngs of Tomb Raider fans.

Game Informer 9 July 'O7

Con anies

Platforms: © PlayStation @ Nintendo 64 Sega Saturn

Sega Genesis ® SNES 44 64DD 4 Game Boy + Working Titles

3DO Army Men Baseball" Battle Sport II Uprising Acclaim Batman & Robin Extreme G Fantastic Four Foresaken Magic: The Gathering Battle Mage NBA Jam ‘98 NFL Quarterback Club ‘98 NHL Breakaway ‘98 Shadowman Spirit Master Turok 1.5 Turok 2 WWF

Accolade Hardball 6 Jack Nicklaus Golf Test Drive 4

Activision Apocalypse Grand Tour Racing ‘98 Pitfall 3D

ASC 4 Colliderz Incredible Idiots in.Space One

$ Ten Pin Alley Ten Pin Alley Strikes Again TNN Hardcore 4X4 2 TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament

ASCII Carom Shot Clock Tower Felony 11-79

Atlus Ogre Battle

Behavior/Readysoft 4 Dragon's Lair 2

Jersey Devil

4 Shadoan

Capcom Breath of Fire 3 4 DarkStalkers: Jedah's Damnation Dungeons & Dragons Collection © Marvel Super Heroes Mega Man NEO Resident Evil Resident Evil 2 ® Super Street Fighter II Collection X-Men Vs. Street Fighter «Mega Man X4

Crystal Dynamics

GEX: Enter the Gecko Pandemonium 2

Dreamworks Skullmonkeys Electronic Arts Darklight Conflict Dungeon Keeper FIFA Road to World Cup 98

Lost World: Jurassic Park Madden 98


NBA Live 98

NCAA Football 98

NHL 98

Nuclear Strike



Syndicate Wars


® Fighting Force

4 Lankhor Formula Racing Ninja

4 Tomb Raider 2

Fox Interactive

® Alien Resurrection Alien Vs. Predator © Croc


Game Tek

Robotech: Crystal Dreams

GT Interactive

Duke Nukem 3D

Odd World: Abe's Oddysee Ultra Combat



Clay Fighter Extreme ClayFighter 63 1/3 Earthworm Jim 64 Raze

Red Asphalt


VR Hockey 98

Wild Nine


Snowboarding* Top Gear Rally


Dynasty Warriors


Castlevania 64 Castlevania X International Superstar Soccer Kumite - Fighter Edge Metal Gear Solid Midnight Run MLB Bottom of the Ninth '97 Mystical Ninja 64

NBA In the Zone ‘98 Pinky and the Brain

MGM Interactive

Machine Hunter Maximum Gauge Return Fire 2 Rollerball

War Games


Atari Collection

Atari Collection 2 BIOFREAKS

Doom Absolution Gretzky ‘98 Joust Epic Mace

Maximum Force

Midway Collection MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero Mortal Kombat 4

(list continued on page 21)



Tekken 3 (PS-X)

Mortal Kombat 4 (P5-X, N64)

Publisher: Namco

What? Tekken 3 on the PlayStation without a ES hardware upgrade? You bet! Namco’s premier

PlayStation fighter, Tekken 3, will be making its way home in March of “98 y

Publisher: Midway

Midway is trying as hard as they can to keep the press at bay regarding any details on this anticipated fighter, but their guard will drop as Mortal Kombat 4 debuts to the gaming world at E3. Scheduled to hit arcades in August with a new 3D look, MK 4 will feature huge multi-tiered environments and new “customizable” fighting moves. MK 4 will hit the Sony PlayStation and Nintendo 64 in February ‘98.

(Trailer Images Shown)

Earthworm Jim 64 (N64)

: Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero (P5-X, N64) Publisher: Interplay

Video gaming’s most recognizable earthworm has been eatin’ dirt since his 16-bit days with some less than memorable 32-bit games. Jim could be back, but the question is, in what form? Earthworm Jim 64 is said to be in limbo as Shiny has given the wormy development reigns to Interplay.

se Publisher: Midway

l| This first Mortal Kombat spin-off stars everyone's favorite popsicle-boy, Sub-Zero. This action/ adventure incorporates fighting moves from the original games, and delves deeper into the Mortal E Kombat story arc by revealing new Kombat characters and plot twists. MK Mythologies is scheduled to hit the PlayStation in

Pac-Man Ghost Zone (PS-X) ipa : | September with the Nintendo 64 version : following in October. Publisher: Namco or uu : bo spin-off titles and Namco revives the yellow chomper is this 3D

action/adventure title developed completely in the U.S. Polygonal Pac-Man—think of the Jj possibilities. Chomp. Chomp.

Over the years, Namco has launched a number of Pac-Man

Madden NFL 98 (PS-X, SS, N64?) Publisher: EA Sports

The king of the gridiron has returned for an unprecedented 8th season in gaming. The flagship of EA Sports’ line-up, Madden will debut behind closed doors as EA shows off its proprietary “V-Poly” technology that creates polygonal looking player animation in a sprite based world. Enhanced “Liquid AI” in Madden 98 will reportedly eliminate the money plays that work every time.

Alien Vs. Predator (PS-X)

o M Lf PREDATOR TO. | Publisher: Fox Interactive

| i ^ Alien Vs. Predator has already had its a fair share of hits on the consoles, but the biggest and most frightening

adventure still awaits. High-caliber firepower, infra-red vision, and the option to play as a human, Alien, or Predator, will drive any gamer loony as the hunt for

survival begins.

NHL 98 (PS-X, 55, N64?) Publisher: EA Sports

SPORTS Last season, NHL was the perennial favorite amongst : : hockey fans and is the number one contender again,

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d Clecoronte ucercatuene use 187 P

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night |PS-X) & Castlevania B4 (N64) Earthbound 64 /64DD)

Publisher: Konami

Publisher: Nintendo

Earthbound was a successful RPG on the SNES, and if Nintendo brings back the half hour pizza deliveries and photos in a snap, this title will probably do just as well. Then again, just the fact that it’s an RPG will help this title out. From what we've seen it looks great.

The drought of high-end Castlevania action is over and two explosive new adventures await. Castlevania X presents the classic 2D gameplay we know and love, and Castlevania 64 will be the first Simon Belmont simulator in complete 3D. Castlevania X will strike first blood later this year, with the N64 version following in early ‘98.

Legend of Zelda B4 /N54:

Publisher: Nintendo

| The return of Zelda's Link is easily the most anticipated Nintendo 64 title in development. Scheduled to release this

Yoshi's Island 64 (N64) Ed ue t DE D winter in Japan, the U.S. release is still l aies í = up in the air.

(Nintendo 64)

Publisher: Nintendo NS

Yet another Nintendo creation that is modeled after a 16-bit predecessor, Yoshi’s Island 64 is the brainchild of Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto. Yoshi made his first N64 appearance at last year’s Shoshinkai show in Japan after nearly a year in development and will likely move into Nintendo’s fall release schedule.

Tonic Trouble (N64)

Publisher: Ubi Soft

We’re not sure what’s in the tonic, but it sounds like trouble. Billed as a cross between Zelda and Mario, Tonic Trouble has the whimsical stylings of Rayman. Looking for a March of ‘98 release, Ubi has big plans for the game’s star, Ed.

Donkey Kong Country 64 (N64)

Publisher: Nintendo

Donkey Kong has been a permanent fixture in the Nintendo line-up for the last three years and is likely to return again. Always secretive with all of their products, DKC 64 is likely to hit the N64 in December.

Psybadek |P5-X/

Publisher: Psygnosis

Developed by the creators of WipEout, Psybadek combines action/platform gameplay with the kinetic motion of snowboard-like *hoverdeks.' Fast slopes, hair-pin turns, and deadly level bosses bring this title to life. Psybadek is expected to hit the PlayStation in the fourth quarter.

www.gameinformer.com Game Informer =: July ‘97



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" a CS x S gt " " tags

Publisher: Sony

The first game developed entirely at Sony’s Foster City studio, Blasto brings classic shooting action into a completely 3D world. Space fiends beware!

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (1

Publisher: Sony

Neo Cortex and his legion of evil |

doers are creating havoc for

Crash and his island ,

buddies once again. This §

action-packed sequel has stayed true ||

to the original, except now Crash will |

don some new threads and helpful | equipment along the way through this “less $ linear" quest. Crash 2 is due to arrive on the Sony | PlayStation in November.

CART World Series

Publisher: Sony

Final Fantasy VII

Publisher: Sony

The most amazing RPG ever [ created for home gaming is on - its way with a few new treats for the North American version. Sony has big plans for the game that has already sold well over

3 million copies in Japan. If 4 you haven't heard of Final | Fantasy VII before, you'll definitely get Sony's message from their enormous advertising campaign (see GI NEWS).


Publisher: Sega

It's back to the diamond for the third installment of this popular Saturn Series. All the Major League players, teams, and stadiums plus a whole new

World Series Baseball ‘98

batting interface will make this the crowning gem of the Sega Sports' game

The CART Racing Series is the U.S. equivalent of Formula One racing in Europe and Asia. Replicated tracks from across the country and big names like Al Unser, Jr. come

together in Sony's first racing simulation.

Spawn: The Eternal (P5-X)

Publisher: Sony

Busting free from the confines of monthly comic books, and into the multi-verse of multimedia comes the second video game offering of Spawn. This action/adventure title will feature limb-pulling combat, awesome lighting effects, and three playable Spawn characters set throughout four different scenarios. A definite contender with Tomb Raider 2.

Last Bronx (55)

Publisher: Sega

Sega's next great fighter for the Saturn is

coming and, not surprisingly, it's another

translation from the arcade. Sega's AM3

development team is responsible for this

weapon-based tournament fighter that will hit | the Saturn in November.

Publisher: Sega

Now that the game has reached nearly every arcade in America, Sega can focus on bringing Virtua Fighter 3 home. Many have speculated that VF3 will require a WC hardware upgrade, but Sega won't repeat <

32X scenario. We are uncertain if VF3 will be accompanied by a RAM cartridge, but that seems like a likely scenario. The release has a

not been announced; however, Seg realizes the impact this game could have on the Saturn’s sales and might push for a December release.

Game Informer July ‘97



Platforms: PlayStation Nintendo 64 ® Sega Saturn

Sega Genesis ® SNES 44 64DD «€ Game Boy + Working Titles

(list continued from page 15)

Quake Rampage World Tour Robotron 64

San Francisco Rush

Namco Air Combat 2 Namco Museum Vol. 5 Pac-Man Ghost Zone Point Blank Tekken 3 Time Crisis Treasures of the Deep Nintendo Body Harvest Buggie Boogie Creator Donkey Kong Country 64 Dreams Earthbound 64 (Mother 3) F-Zero 64 Golden Eye 007 * Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball Kirby's Air Ride ®Kirby’s Star Stacker Sim City Tetrisphere Yoshi's Island 64 Zelda 64

Nintendo/Unknown Silicon Valley

Ocean Mission: Impossible Multi Racing Championship Space Circus


Aero Fighters Playmates

MDK VMX Racing

Psygnosis Colony Wars Discworld 2 Fallen Formula 1 ‘97 G-Police NCAA All American Football Overboard! Psybadek Rascal Respect, Inc. Shadow Master Sega 4€ Bomberman 4 Duke Nukem 3D 4 Enemy Zero Last Bronx ®Lost World: Jurassic Park *Manx TT NBA Action '98 NHL Hockey '98 Quake Sega Touring Car Sky Target Sonic R Virtua Fighter 3 4 World Series '98 4 World Wide Soccer '98

Sony Amored Core


Bushido Blade

Cart World Series Cool Boarders 2 Crash Bandicoot 2 Exodus

Extreme 3D

Final Fantasy Tactics Final Fantsy VII Intelligent Qube

Jet Moto 2


MLB '98

NBA Shoot Out '98 NCAA GameBreaker 98 NFL Gameday ‘98 NHL Face-Off ‘98 Parappa the Rappa Porsche Challenge SaGa Frontier Spawn: The Eternal Steel Reign Cardinal Syn


4 Dead or Alive Monster Rancher Thoroughbred Derby

THQ Quest 64* Bass Masters Classic Bravo Air Race Brunswick World Tournament of Champions ® Dead Unity Disney's Hercules * Disney's Timon and Pumbaa's Jungle Games *FIFA The Road to World Cup 98 Ghost in the Shell Madden 98 4-4 NBA Live 98 Speed Tribes The Dark Half The Lost World Vs WCW Vs. NWO :World Tour WCW Nitro

Titus Lamborghini 64 Superman: The Animated Series

Ubi Soft POD Tim the Seventh Tonic Trouble Vivid Racing F1 Pole Position 64 Virgin Command & Conquer: Red Alert Freak Boy Golden Nugget Hell Razer ®NHL Powerplay '98 S&M: Slaughter & Mutilation Working Designs Albert Odyssey Lunar: Silver Star Story Magic Knight Rayearth Working Designs/Spaz Raystorm Sega Ages


j : 1 CD-ROM | GI Fe ature j le: 1-Player 3D Action/Adventure i » Special Features: 8 Worlds, Multiple Exits.

Power-Ups, Analog Compatible Crystal Dynamics wu F- 2: November for Sony PlayStation t

n the rolling hills of Falo Alto, California there lies a quaint little cottage. Inside this cottage are the creative minds of Crystal Dynamics, hard at work on their next big game Gex: Enter the Gecko. But this ie not your typical sequel, because this time Gex is in SD. In the dark halle and offices that house these crazed artists, programmers, and level designers, there is a lurking menace that screams comedy...horror...action/ platform. Ae before, Gex ie a wise-crackin’ gecko that must battle his way through a number of whacked-out worlds. The basis of the humor in the game ie eet ae a

epoof of cable TY The comedic punches are delivered by the voice of Dana Gould, returning to video games ae the voice of Gex.

Enter the Gecko hae been done completely in polygone and pute the player at the helm of Gex ae he travels through © different worlds including euch outrageous destinations ae Frehietoric World, Circuit City, Horrorland, Sci-Fi-Ville, and Kung-Fu Town. Each world features two channels that Gex can surf. On each channel Gex must explore the 3D world in search of the three different exits for each world. Along the way, Gex will be able to obtain three different kinds of collectibles that get progressively harder to find as you complete each given set. By finding all the exits in a level, or by finding all the collectibles, Gex will open up more worlds and bonus levels.

To give you an idea of the kind of graphics detail that is going into this game, Crystal Dynamics gave us a breakdown on the amount of work that went into the main man himself, Gex. He is created using over GOO polygons. This enables them to put fingers, toes, and highly detailed facial expressions on Gex. For example, there are 12 polygons on Cexs mouth so that he can articulate (or lip-sync) all his humorous observations during the quest. Flus, they used four polygons for hie tongue. Talk about some “in your face” graphics.

AH. a. EU OUT s io ; ru

CHRIESTREN DA mn Wwww.ganme5informer.com Game Informer » July (97

Game Informer a July ‘97

Gameplay in this new adventure is a lot like the original, in that Gex can climb any-which-way on certain surfaces, attack with his tail, flick and stick with his tongue, and bounce off the heads of baddies. Since Gex is now in 3D he will be somewhat limited in the areas he can hang from, but all the classic action will still be there. During his quest, Gex will be able to collect various power- ups including Fire, Ice, and Speed to help solve the various pathways hidden through each level.

The biggest change in Gex takes place in the graphics department. Gex will run at a solid 50 frames-per-second and will be loaded with tons of lighting effects and morphing. To create the wall-eticking effect in 5D, the developers had to devise a new plan of attack. Throughout the levels players will see certain areas on the walls and ceilings where the surface is flat. Only on these surfaces will Gex be able to climb around. When Gex jumps onto a wall or overhang, the camera will move with Gex eo that the control remains tight. Certainly, gamers will miss the feeling of hanging upside down, but Crystal Dynamics hopes to make the experience as eerie as possible.

Like the original, Gex will be filled with all kinds of crazy baddies, but this time he won't be alone. Gex will also be jumping in and out of crazy “out-fits” that will help him “fit-in” to the crazy TY world he ie trying to conquer. For instance, in the sci-fi world Gex done outrageous “Stormtrooper-like” garb. Since he’s in deep space, Gex will have to recharge hie euit'e air supply ae he works hie way through the level. To do eo Gex must find hie way to various recharge stations located throughout the level. And ae you might expect, if you aren't quick enough, Gex will surely let you know about it from hie witty banter.

At this point, Gex ie still under heavy development, but Crystal Dynamics plans to have the game out by this November. None of Dana'e crazy commente are in the game yet, but Crystal Dynamics assures us that this Gex will be completely outrageous. Certainly the action/ platform genre will be busy this holiday season with the release of games like Crash 2, Croc, and Blasto, but we're willing to bet that the gecko with an attitude will give them all a run for their money before all is said and done.

www. gameinformer.com

d uoner;sAeld

1 / 已/

/ @ Turok: Dinosaur Hunter - N64

) Armored Core - PS-X

) Rally Cross - PS-X


Wild Arms - PS-X ) Triple Play 98 - PS-X

International Superstar Soccer 64 - N64


(9 Super Mario 64 - N64

) Star Fox 64 - N64 ) Tobal2- PS-X

Treasures of the Deep ~ PS-X

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) Fighters MEGAMIX - SS

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SingleTrac, developers of such titles as Twisted Metal, WarHawk, and Jet Moto, have signed an agreement with Nintendo to develop ee on the Nintendo 64. No specific N64 titles have been announced, but don’t expect to see versions of Twisted Metal or Jet Moto on the N64 as Sony owns the rights to these titles. SingleTrac is still developing titles for the Sony PlayStation and PC as well.

GT Interactive has purchased full rights to the next Duke Nukem game - Duke Nukem Forever. Duke Nukem’s original creators, 3D Realms, will be teaming up with id for the development of the game. id will be bringing their Quake If engine (an improved version of the original Quake engine) into the project. In addition to full merchandising rights to Duke Nukem Forever, GT Interactive has already secured rights to the future Duke Nukem sequel, tentatively titled Duke Nukem 5. We're not sure what all of this means, but it makes one wonder whether there will be another Quake any time soon.

The 3DO company and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. announced Samsung's purchase of 3DO's hardware systems business for $20 million in cash. The agreement confirms what everyone has been thinking 3DO is (and should always be) a software company. Although both parties had originally pursued a joint venture agreement, it was determined that a straight-up sale would be most beneficial to both companies. Trip Hawkins, chairman, CEO and president of 3DO states, "We have realized that the hardware business is for large companies like Samsung and Matsushita." 3DO has already signed a licensing agreement with Sony to develop games for the PlayStation and expects to ship titles for the PlayStation as soon as early 1998.

In case you missed out, Capcom Entertainment’s "Buy the Game, Get the Grrrl!” promotion is officially over. Players who purchased any one of three different Capcom fighting games between May 1, 1997 and June 15, 1997 were entitled to a free limited edition collectable figure. Those who purchased Street Fighter Alpha 2 for the PlayStation or Saturn received a Chun Li figurine. Star Gladiator for the PlayStation brought with it a June figurine. Those who bought DarkStalkers received a figurine of the lovely Morrigan. Capcom estimates that each figurine is worth $25. Considering that the suggested retail price is $39.95 for each title, it wasn't a bad deal for the figure of a fighting gal.


time, players - and, air and -

Halcyon Days, a new digital book by author/game developer James Hague, is structured as a series of interviews. Hague really went out and tracked down the old developers and programmers for this one. Some of the more interesting interviews include: Tim Skelly (designer of Star Castle), Eugene Jarvis (Defender, Robotron), and Warren Robinett (Atari's Adventure and the original video game Easter Egg). The interviews are good, and it seems the programmers are very comfortable in speaking with Hague since he's one of their own (there's a fair bit of corporate bashing). Also included is the "Giant List of Classic Game Programmers," which catalogues hundreds of developers from past to present. The book itself is digital and not available in print form. For information check out http://www.dadgum.com.


Paradigm Simulation, Inc., creators of Pilot Wings 64, recently announced that d d e rendering

their entertainment division is now a separate company. The new Paradigm i and ligr pes cars, —— i Entertainment, Inc. will launch into the future with four new Nintendo 64 titles.

Paradigm would not reveal the names of the four new games, but did state that three of the games are ports from Japan. These three games are being developed by Video Systems, and it is now known that one of the games will be Sonic Wings Assault (Aero Fighters when it hits the States). While little is known about the gameplay, Aero Fighters will feature multi-player options and a choice between military vehicles. As for the fourth game, could it be Pilot Wings 64 2?

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In the first quarter of next year we’ll be seeing a PlayStation release of VR Hockey ‘98 from Interplay’s VR Sports. The PR at VR gave us a list of features and a rather odd statement that goes something like this, "...VR Hockey ‘98 for the Sony PlayStation is a fully licensed 360° NHL Hockey game that incorporates “Descent” style action/adventure gameplay elements for a true first-person hockey experience.” We’re not sure if VR’s PR is just trying to say that this hockey game will have a smooth first-person mode, but VR Hockey ‘98 will feature: a full NHL and NHLPA license with all 26 teams, create and trade player options, four modes of play (exhibition, season, playoffs, and tournament), 1 to 8-player mode, motion captured polygonal players, player injuries, stats tracking, play-by-play announcing and changing rink conditions.

mer a July ‘97 WWW. meinformer.com | oe |




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RAGE RACER" Real. Fast.


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TH*Q recently announced that it will publish The Dark Half in conjunction with Orion Interactive.

The game, currently being developed by Bits Studios in the U.K., is based on the Stephen King novel of the same name. Billed as a real-time 3D action/horror experience, characters explore through a third-person perspective. The story follows the writer Thad Beaumont’s struggle with his murderous alter-ego, George Stark.

Although the game is based on Stephen King’s novel, TH*Q and Orion are enlisting the help of writers Matt Costello (The Seventh Guest This wonth's site, Hype, is a gamers best and The Eleventh Hour) as well as Paul Wilson (The Keep). Look for The friend. The webmaster of Hype runs contests Dark Half to appear in the middle of 1998 for Sony PlayStation, and let's hope every month and regularly updates the news, it’s better than the older PC version (well, a lot better). reviews, and previews. Plus, the site's got plenty of attitude! Their motto is “you are not cool because you read hype - you read hype because you are cool!”



Back in April, there were rumors circulating through the industry that BMG Interactive had closed its doors. BMG interactive denied these claims, stating that the company was “restructuring.” As it now stands, BMG will continue publishing and distribution operations in Europe and Asia; however, the entire a ve U.S. sales force has been laid off and BMG has no plans to publish any more titles in the U.S. In the 9 Who is the voice of Gex? near future, BMG will likely seek possible partners to bring their titles to North American gamers. Ð How many jet-ski/waterbike games are

available for play in the arcades?

What were the first two Saturn games available for Net Link play?

) Memory Card is to Sony PlayStation as Controller Pak is to what?

/. Acclaim has had some problems with saving and making d pm , money over the last two years. Buying expensive movie ee ee naog Controter: licenses and turning them into poor products was a model (Answers on the bottom of page 32)

for disaster.

Acclaim recently laid off 115 people and fired president, Jim Derose, who was to be responsible for Acclaim’s reorganization. Acclaim has stated that they want to focus upon ' research and development to improve the quality of games produced. Acclaim expects to realize annual savings of nearly $40 million through the recent downsizing. Couple this with increased sales revenue from heavy-hitting games like the new Turoks, and

it’s obvious Acclaim is here to stay.

DreamWorks Interactive has hit a few development snags in their upcoming title, Lost World: Jurassic Park. The game will not ship until August 30, a full three months after the movie’s debut.

The reasons behind the delay are unclear, but DreamWorks is still a fledgling company,

and with Electronic Arts stepping in to publish A TOME This game was released for the super Ni Nintendo

the PlayStation version, DreamWorks is get- - í and Sega Genesis back in 1993 and featured a

ting some much needed help. The Saturn ver- us aM wacky robot with a silly name. It was published

sion, published by Sega, should be available by by Electronic Arts and developed by Gray Matter. late September. READS gn What Game is it?

(Answer on the bottom of page 32)

.gameinformer.com Game Informer & July ‘97



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Many readers have asked us this question. Yes, based on the intelligence engine, Deep Blue is definitely a video game. When we review games, the Al engine is always a top priority. Sports games, shooters, action/platforms, and any other electronic game in the world (except Myst and its progeny) require advanced intelligence engines.

Chess is a game like any other; it demands thinking, stamina, creativity, concentration. When the top chess player in the world was pitted against Deep Blue, and lost, a number of issues were raised concerning the programming of artificial intelligence. Was Deep Blue programmed specifically to beat just

Kasparov, not every grand master in the world? We may never know, but remember that the first application of advanced computer intelligence research will always be games - the ultimate contest between humans and machines. In a few years, Deep Blue’s technology will begin showing up in games like Star Fox 5 and GameDay ‘03. Anyone who wants to work with video games for a living would do well to follow the development of artificial intelligence.

Although ASCII publishes a number of games in Japan, U.S. gamers know ASCII more for producing quality peripherals. King’s Field and King’s Field 2 assured ASCII that they have a good chance of making money in the U.S. market. This year, ASCII is porting three Japanese titles to the U.S. One of these titles, known aS Runabout in Japan, will be called Felony 11-79 here in the States.

As a thief for hire, players must drive around the city searching for three valuable objects. In what looks like a Blues Brothers-style driving game, the search will include busting shop windows, driving through malls, and wreaking general havoc upon the populace. Twenty- two different cars are available for play, ranging from a street sweeper to a Formula 1 racing car. Watch for Felony 11-79 in the third quarter of this year.

ASCII is also porting over Carom Shot (see p.54) and a point-and-click adventure called Clock Tower.


This year, Sony Computer Entertainment America plans to distribute over a million new Final Fantasy VII demos. The distribution will proceed through a number of channels. Starting in July, all PlayStation units will be sold with the new FF VII demo and anyone who subscribes to PlayStation Underground will also get a copy. The updated demo is still set in Midgard, but features new summons spells and playable characters.

It’s too bad that Square Soft will not release Tobal 2 in the States (see p.43), because it's probably the best fighter we've seen on the PlayStation since Tekken 2. Apparently, Square was unimpressed with the U.S. sales of Tobal No.1, assuming that many people purchased the game in order to play the FF VII demo that came packaged with it.

Tobal 2 was created for Square Soft by their affiliate development house, Dream Factory. The CG endings, character animations and fighting tactics will be sorely missed. It's interesting that Square will be porting Bushido Blade to the

U.S. instead of Tobal 2, since the obscurities of

Bushido Blade might have even less appeal to

the U.S. market. Unless you own a Japanese PlayStation (or know one of the many "tricks" that allow Japanese games to be played), you won't be able to play Tobal 2. Sorry.

Game Informer u July ‘97

On May 12, Square Soft officially opened their new Honolulu branch of Square USA. While it was a much ballyhooed event, the real story was behind the scenes where members of the press met with the movers and shakers of Square USA to talk about Square’s plans for the future.

The day began with an introduction by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of the Final Fantasy universe. He explained that Square’s goal is to unite the “game know-how from Japan with the computer graphics

" technologies of Los Angeles," and that the new Honolulu office would Hironobu Sakaguchi is the bridge that gap between the Japanese and U.S. offices.

creator of the Final Fantasy Square's first project at this new office is to create an animated motion series. We like to think of him picture based on the Final Fantasy universe. Scheduled to release in the as the George Lucas of Japan. United States sometime in 1999, the Final Fantasy animated film will be

Square's first attempt to fuse together games and movie magic. Sakaguchi went on to say that this new fusion will be applied to the console machines of the future, which he felt would start to surface in late 1998.

The film, which is still in its pre-production stages, will be a fully rendered feature, much like Pixar's Toy Story. As a matter of fact, Square has hired a number of key employees from Pixar to insure that the project is successful.

As for the rest of the U.S. office, Square informed us that the L.A. office is hard at work on a new game titled Parasite Eve, that should release before the end of 1997. Square was uncertain as to whether it would release in Japan first (to be followed by a U.S. launch), or if it would be a simultaneous release. They hope for the latter. The title is a science fiction interactive game featuring Square's newest character, Tetsuya Nomura.

While Square was tight-lipped about other future products, they did have some rather interesting art on their walls. There were renderings of various chocobo with -n riders in futuristic battle garb. Below each picture was the title “Chocobo De Battle.” Simple art work, or a glimpse into the future of Square?

GI editor Andy McNamara does an * awesome Don Ho impression.

Sony has finally begun to leak information about the various changes they plan to make to the U.S. version of Final Fantasy VII. The localization, which is being done in Japan, is underway and will include a number of new surprises ranging from simple menu changes to new bosses.

Square promised that the story would be left untouched, so most of the changes are graphics-based. The first major change Square implemented was to upgrade the mini-games. Square felt the games were

good before, but that they could make them better. Next up were the menu screens. The Materia menu bar was reorganized to make it more simplistic, and the finger cursor option has been upgraded so that it points to all the exits with the press of a button.

Square is also lowering the encounter rate on the game. They felt that if they lowered the encounter rate, the game would be more balanced between battles and story. Whether this is an improvement or a detriment remains to be seen.

One huge improvement that certainly won't detract from the game is the addition of two new quests and two new bosses. Square and Sony

certainly aren't willing to show their hand yet, but they're promising a pleasant surprise.

At this point, no other changes have been announced, but we could tell from the attitude of the Sony team working on the project that they have the highest regard for Sakaguchi and his team of developers. Therefore,

Sony will try to keep the translation as true to the

original as possible.


Game Informer July ‘97

This is the view from Square’s office on the 31st floor.


No one can ever say that Square's offices lack computer power. These massive servers are the backbone of the Honolulu office.

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* TRIVIA * iut

No, it's not the "PlayStation 2" or even the "PlayStation C," it's just a new configuration of the same PlayStation that we all know and love. As for £ames, this change-over means nothing.

To be exact, Sony removed the built-in RCA jacks on the back of the unit that output video and audio.

By doing this, Sony standardized the PlayStation’s

output so that all audio and video output goes

through the AV multi-out (a configuration very similar to the N64). Previously released in Japan

pn ait and Europe, U.S. gamers should now see this new PlayStation PlayStation configuration at stores everywhere.


Sometimes, players like to have a free hand while playing a game. RPGs and strategy games rely on such a simple button interface that we often wonder, “Why can’t | have one hand free?” In fact, what could be better than holding a non-potent potable in your hand while playing Final Fantasy 7? The answer is nothing, and ASCII is here to help. Witness the Grip, the PlayStation’s first one-handed controller.

For maximum comfort, and to reduce thumb fatigue, ASCII has lined the back of the Grip with soft rubber backing. If you're having difficulty pulling off a quick button combination, say for instance A, 6, simply rearrange the button configuration through a simple programming interface. The Grip should arrive near the end of summer, just in

time for Final Fantasy 7.

Gamers who are searching for that classic arcade feel might also want to check out ASCII's Arcade Stick. Equipped with a true-to-form arcade grip, jumbo size "coin-op-style" buttons, solid metal base and steel construction, the Arcade Stick is a perfect complement to any fighting game library and will also be available near the end of summer.

The Mad Catz Dual Arcade Joystick for the N64 offers gamers an analog flight stick, a digital control stick, the convenience of a large button layout, as well as turbo and slo-mo options. While the flight stick works very well with Pilot Wings 64, we were more impressed with the controller's performance when tested with Star Fox 64. Basically, the flight stick side of the controller is great for flying/shooter games, while the digital control stick and arcade-styled buttons are great for fighting. Unfortunately, the controller is not compatible with Nintendo's Rumble Pak. With an MSRP of $59.99, the Dual Arcade Joystick is available now.

| www.gameinformer.com



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1. Dana Gould

2. 3, Namco's Aqua Jet, Sega's WaveRunner, and Konami's Wave Shark

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BY Play

Unlike most other

... football games,

QBC '98 includes the huddle.

; Looks like a neck stinger.


22 Like the Me generation, ll Dallas prefers the I-formation. Wi

3 i ^ a. nor yg ‘Ist orR


m Size: 64 Megabit

m Style: 1 to 4-Player Football

m Special Features: All NFL Teams and Players, Lond e by Marv Albert, Polygon Graphics, Salary Cap Management,

-Create New Teams and Players, Injuries, Historic Scenario

Mode, Custom Brett Favre Designed Plays

m Created by: Iguana for Acclaim

m Available: November 1997 for Nintendo 64

It may be a while before EA releases owners need not fret. NFL Quarterback

complete and total football package for the N64. Endorsed by 2-time NFL MVP

and feel of classic NFL action. To start, all the NFL teams and

also create a brand new team with custom uniforms and players. The playbook for these new teams is based on an existing NFL team, so if you like the "West Coast Offense,” choose San Francisco as your play- book. Options such as trading, creating and drafting players should make it fun to build a team from scratch, but ihe salary cap will stand in the way of creating unbalanced teams. Within the Season mode, statistics are tracked for all players and teams, and injuries will no doubt wreak havoc on starting lineups.

Another outstanding feature appears to be the Scenario mode. Live out all your NFL dreams by choosing one of fifty different historical situations. Scott Norwood's missed field goal in the '91 Super Bowl, Green Bay's infamous ice bowl, Miami's undefeated season, all the greatest NFL games are offered for replay. Can you change history? If you're a Bills fan, then you've asked this question before.

QBC ‘98 will allow four players to compete simultaneously, and it will | 7 be interesting to see how the analog control works. Running should be better with the analog, as well as passing and receiver control. Marv Albert is there to give insightful commentary, and Brett Favre has included a few original plays of his own. With the release of FIFA 64 and International Superstar Soccer, it looks like the Nó4 is shaping up to be a pretty decent sports machine. Let's hope NFL Quarterback Club ‘98 continues the trend.


a 64-bit version of Madden, but N64 i Club ‘98 (QBC ‘98) looks to be the first | :

Brett Favre, QBC ‘98 captures the look a

players are included, but players can |

Historic scenarios are a great part of QBC '98.


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With role models like

Michael Irvin, it's no wonder the stands o are lhl

: He shakes that tackle.

QBC ‘98 includes detailed play information.

Game Informer « July ‘97

ld b9 OpuezuIN


64 Megabit : 1 to 4-Player Wrestling e 2s: 4-Player Tag Team Mode, 100 Wrestlers —- From Around the World, 40 WCW Wrestlers (10 of Which Are NWO), Belt Modes, Difficulty Handicaps, Grappling, Holds, *% Celebrations, Current Plans are for Rumble Pak Compatibility = by: Asmik for TH*Q E: October/November 1997 for Nintendo 64 s

I age Re

A n 097a ai I ah

ny fan of wrestling understands that the drama, the behind-the-scenes double dealings and dirty 3| E—— tricks are always well guarded secrets. Perhaps it's wrestling's devotion to professionalism. Perhaps gg its the intense competition. Maybe it's the personal nature of wrestling itself, but reliable information | jim about the WCW's combatants is scarce. Equally scarce is information on TH'Q's new wrestling game WCW ; Vs. the NWO: World Tour. Game Informer got on the phone and tracked down all we could about this N64 ; “sports sim," and here's what we found out. - de Asmik (of WCW Vs. the World fame) is once again developing this game over in Japan. TH’Q is porting it ft to the U.S., adding their own touch of WCW [Ric] flair. Expect to see up to 40 wrestlers from the WCW. Here 244 at Game Informer, we become upset when the renegade NWO thinks they can rewrite the rules of wrestling. E d What if Michael Jordan suddenly decided the moving pick was legal? Would league managers stand for it? - y, Heck no, yet week after week we watch as these boys in black, the NWO, act like reckless vigilante wannabe 4 “wrestlers,” defacing America’s sport. But TH'Q knows the rules of wrestling, and you can expect their game / to abide by all the rules of wrestling, including strict tag-team regulations.

? NWO members will be proud to see their representation as a separate organization. With 10 wrestlers from the NWO Vs. 30 wrestlers from the WCW, there should be plenty of hot wrestling action. Along with ; these two organizations, there will be up to sixty other wrestlers from various organizations around the * ! world. Belt modes will once again be included, and players can now handicap their wrestlers for balanced : * matches against weaker players. Gameplay will be very similar to WCW VS. the World - working : /^ opponents, bragging and celebrating, grappling and turnbuckle smashing. $ ; Aside from a few notable exceptions, the history of video game wrestling has been a series of j. | disappointments. Simulating such a complex and captivating sport is a difficult task indeed, but it looks like ` (^; Asmik and TH'Ü are ready to defend their 1997 WCW championship belt. Wrestling fans unite.

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64 Megabit j or 2-Pla yer Racing 3; 8 Cars (2 Hidden Cars), 3 Courses with Multiple Variations, 2 Racing Views, Adjustable Car Attributes, Powerslides and Counter-Steering

à : h di Created by: Genki for Ocean of America n terms of racing games on the Nintendo 64. we m Available; Mid-July-for Nintendo 64

have seen little more than water, mushrooms, Mw

and an average arcade translation. However, the N64' s racing line-up is about to explode with a number of traditional racing sims. One such game, Multi Racing Championship, is being developed in Japan by Genki and will hit the N64 this month thanks to Ocean of America.

Multi Racing Championship combines elements of down and dirty rally racing with tire-burnin' street racing. It includes three race courses that vary in both difficulty and length. The course variations are further enhanced by a number of "short-cuts" and driving surfaces such as gravel, snow, and water. The shortest and easiest track only has a couple of these "shortcuts" and the most difficult track is loaded with off ramps, blind intersections, and hidden paths. With the route choices on the tracks also come the choices of appropriate cars and their attributes. Each of the eight selectable cars have different performance characteristics that reflect the car's acceleration, handling, and top speed. Multi Racing Champion- ship is not about just picking the fastest car and attacking the course. Through seven adjustable car T settings such as suspension and gear ratios, a i amo e WU 1 ! "1 Pht AU particular car’s performance can change drastically. X Cr C— Pec D \ = 01, 03°798 Fine tuning the car for a particular track will be the 27 e E pis a an nnn essence of racing success because tuning a car j ! incorrectly may turn the “shortcuts” into “longcuts.”

Multi Racing Championship offers a wide variety of racing options that are found in numerous racing games. A Championship mode, Time Trial, and two- player split-screen offer plenty of challenge. Succeeding in these modes will unlock two hidden cars and may offer other goodies such as new track variations. The first racing sim off the line, Multi Racing Championship will offer more than a bus and a banana peel.

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Game Informer

wo years ago, Konami called us out of the blue and told us that one day, their new Konami Sports division would go head-to-head with EA Sports. Of course, that's what everybody says pi when they talk about their new sports 1 division, but it seems Konami took those E words to heart. Does it all start with the N64? We don’t know, but their first Nintendo 64 title

is easily the best soccer game available.

Unfortunately, the game does suffer from the lack of a professional license, so the players are fictitious; but when you grab the analog joystick and start playing, it really doesn’t matter. The game incorporates many of the gameplay techniques that Konami built into their 32-bit soccer game, Goal Storm ‘97, including the through pass and the one-button


The game features 36 ambiguous teams from around the world including all the classics like Germany, Brazil, and Italy. You can add your own players in the Create Player mode, or go straight into any of the five play modes - International Tournament, World Tournament,

Training, Scenario, and Open Game.

But where this game really shines is in the amazing animations and graphics. The players dance and run around the field when they score, they get in each others’ faces when they are fouled, they even help each other up when the contact is incidental. And as far as sounds are concerned, the whole time the field is alive with amazing graphics, the announcer goes non-stop, commenting on good plays and bad decisions.

Ultimately, what sets this game apart from the pack is the number of gameplay options that are available. Obviously, you can choose your formation, but within a formation you can give different players different roles, stretch zones, and designate


While soccer fans may be the only ones to pick this game up, any sports fan will enjoy this game’s ferocious competition. With solid gameplay, amazing graphics, and tons of play modes, International Superstar Soccer offers hours of entertainment; however, Konami really should have gone out and gotten the Major League Soccer license on this one.

Maybe next year.


wm (M ES E pamm | 5 i Ed

> THe Borrom Line §


“For some strange reason | thought

FIFA was cool before. and for this |

9.25 apologize, because 1.S.S. 64 blows it away. While the lack of a license is

9 a little lame, | quickly found iteasy to overlook simply because this game

9.5 has so many animations and the gameplay is phenomenal. You can Entertainment: 8.29 contro! everything. From.a thrown to a corner kick, there aren't too

OVERALL: , "many timesywhen | don't f&el like | 9 have completė control. It does suffer

Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability:

from the. otcasional auto-player switch problem that plagued Goal

Stor ‘97, but otherwise this game is near flawless. Sports fans should definitely.check this game out."

Game Informer © July ‘97


g Boy oh boy am | bummed | gave FIFA a 9. International Superstar 9.5 Soccer (ISS) absolutely. positively leaves FIFA in the dust. If you

9 bought FIFA, return it. ‘cause ISS will rock your world.. Not only are

9.5 the graphics second to none, but shifting strategies on-the-fly,

Concent: Graphics: Sound: Playability;

Entertainment: 9.5 changing the roles of individual

players, and custom formations; add to an already incomparable interface. Net since



exciting.» Also, people who don't even like the sport of soccer will loves ISS. 4-.only have two suggestions Konami should go with a professional license and better comnmand of defensemen.”

Eats FIFA For Lunch!

m Size: 64 Megabit m Style: 1 to 4-Player Soccer m Special Features: 36 Ambiguous International Teams,

- Two Tournaments and Open Play, Create Player Mode, Eu. Controller Pak Compatible, On-The-Fly Strategy Calling, maanu taia TOO Training Mode, 5 Stadiums

? m Created by: Konami m Available: Now for Nintendo 64

. Concept:


16-bit hockey has there "been a | sports game ‘this: fast paced and |


9.25 Konami really brought me into their "^. soccer world with Goal Storm '97

Graphics: 9.5 and this game really vaults them

into the top spot as the premier 8.5. soccer developer. The attention to detail is tremendous. The players 9.25 jostling after a foul or watching the ref book a player really captures the

Entertainment: 9. favor of the sport. Additionally, the tailoring

size, clarity. and animation, of the

OVERALL: players are amazing." What

essentially makes the gamé so

a great are thé endless options and

superior play control. The through

passes, aftertouches., and on-the-

fly strategy leave FIFA 64 on the sidelines,”


Style: 1 or 2-Player Shooter

becial Features: Capture and Play i^ aS Engimy Droids, Over 30 Different ' : M ai Two-Player

a "


| This droid has powerful : : Pg; sly F ricochet lasers. UST] wm Created by: < * x TTD og Eurocom for MGM Interactive m Available: . = Mid- al for Sony peyson


Fd si Rai Nei P NN

What happens when the hunter becomes the hunted? Enter Machine Hunter. MGM Interactive's new shooter for the PlayStation. A twitch gamers delight, Machine Hunter thrives on fast and furious à action. Its a hunt for droids where The 3D map selective sniping is the order of the day. M i BERE helps pave the The key is to blast the droids to near Se way to victory. death so they can be approached and 3 Sfc: y z mounted. AS successive levels are defeated, more advanced droids become available for takeover. The spider-like ~ droid is relatively weak. but the two- legged armored droid is truly a study in destructive power.

Each of the nine droids that can be controlled has unique weapons and methods of movement. AS soon as a droid is injured it turns pink. Be quick; and jump in the droid before it's destroyed. You ll be greeted with a full health bar and a new appetite for destruction. This is CO. ux 3 RUAK the beauty of Machine Hunter, § P ES This army surplus mastering the mechanics of every MONETE Wzo DEM o NUR tank is left over individual droid amidst a barrage of F E T d^ MS from the war. lasers. bombs and energy fields. A

Levels are mission-based: focused primarily on rescue. Your friends are all prisoners, and finding all the prisoners on each level will unlock the exit. On occasion, missions will include more objectives: such as lowering bridges or finding secret areas. debriefing follows each level; o i gu MC PE highlighting kills: secrets, D | The two-player rescues and items found. E ee split-screen

Much like Loaded. Machine T . | DIEM allows for Hunter features a 3D overhead | i | roncen perspective. The play screen can E TOSHERS: be set to one of four options: fixeda, tilts fixed tilts . or rotating: Since’. the. control interface is like Smash TV. with fire control working off the four icon controller buttons (forward, backward, side-to-side and diagonal), we prefer the fixed perspective (the rotating view is confusing).

Certainly: shooters are a video game Standard, but Machine Hunter has added a new twist with the variety of droids available for play- Fans of the original 4 : is This boss ls a distant Loaded should keep an eye out for this one. w EU relative of the octopus.

|The Future of War

m Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1 or 2-Player Action/Shooter

m Special Features: Five Gigantic Worlds, Alternating 2-Player Modes, Three Difficulty Modes, Unique Rage Meter, Multiple Power-Up Weapons

m Created by: Visual Concepts for ASC Games

m Available: November for Sony PlayStation

In the world of video games you must dominate or be obliterated. In last year's fourth quarter software

elease extravaganza, Eidos Interactive and their.

lockbuster title Tomb Raider destroyed the

:ompetition, leaving a trail of bargain bin games in their

yake. This year, the battle to rule the holiday season . s already begun, and yes Tomb Raider 2 will be a- ajor player, but more and more third-party developers _ e publishing serious triple A titles that should make :

is holiday season much more interesting. For

tance, ASC Games has unveiled their next big.

project - ONE. This third-person action/shooter has

amazing graphics, vast multi-tiered levels, and a ealistic character that could very well make Lara Croft OOk like a wimp.

Sure, Lara has a certain attitude or look that eople will always like, but this fad is very similar to the ©

notion picture business. Lara Croft is sort of the 3haron Stone of video games, and until ONE, we vent had an action man like Schwarzenegger. ayers will assume the role of John Cain, a misplaced man from the past, trapped in a chaotic future. With no recollection of who he is or where he is from, John will use his cybernetic left arm (retrofitted Wit high-powered weaponry, of course) to find valuabl clues about himself and the future. .. With dynamic level designs and amazing playe - control, ONE delivers a gaming experience unlike most others. There are five gigantic levels and at times Joh will find himself destroying huge mech bosses whi iding a speeding train, sliding on high tension wire and drawing enemy fire to blow open secured doors.

John’s controls are very similar to Tomb Raider, where .

he'll be able to perform evasive rolls and acrobatic flips, slimb and hang, and simply blast enemies dead.

The unique factor in ONE is how the health meter -

works. Players will not have a set amount of health on

| level, it all has to do with Johns love for killing. John's ©

current health situation depends on how violent you are, and how many enemies you kill. If you shoot everything you see, then you'll more than likely be okay on health. If you run around without killing a thing, then you 1l have problems. This is a momentum game, and

in order to beat it, you'll need to play it the way

it's meant to be played - like a pee with the right to






um Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1-Player Mech Simulation (2-Player Via Link Mode)

m Special Features: Mercenary-Style Level Selection, Use Money From Levels to Improve and Reconstruct Your Mech, Jump Jets, Incredible Variety of Weapons, Body Parts, and Special Equipment

m Created by: From Software for Sony Computer Entertainment

m Available: October for Sony PlayStation

The Fu Mech Gam






pue ^




= cut


u Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-to-Head Tournament Fighter

m Special Features: 10 Characters, Power Meter, Acquiring Gems Allows New Moves, Dashes, Super Jumps

mw Created by: Capcom

m Available: August '97 for Sony PlayStation, Shortly After for Saturn

Take the Street Fighter engine, throw in the X-Men and their enemies, add super jumps, and you have X-Men: Children of the Atom. Marvel Superheroes is similar, but incorporates a host of of new features and several classic characters from other parts of the Marvel Universe. The full list of characters includes Spider Man, Iron Man, The Hulk, Magneto, Juggernaut, Wolverine, Psy-Locke, Captain America, and the less prominent Shuma-Gorath and Blackheart. The two bosses in the game are Dr. Doom and Thanos.

Based loosely on the Infinity trilogy, Marvel Super Heroes allows characters to gain access to powerful moves by acquiring infinity gems. This can be accomplished through a variety of means, like getting in the first hit, or beating a gem out of an opponent. There are six gems that grant your character different offensive and defensive powers such as healing, super armor, and special projectile attacks.

Marvel Super Heroes also features the Infinity Moves, which are for all intents and purposes identical to Street Fighter's Super Combos. As you initiate more attacks a special power bar builds up. Depending on how much power is accumulated, the player is granted hyper maneuvers like Iron Man's super gun attack, where a gigantic weapon drops out of the sky, lands on his shoulder, and unleashes a blast that fills up the entire screen. It's a great way to finish a match.

informer © July "O7


m Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1-Player 3D Action/Adventure

m Special Features: 55 Different Enemies, 10 Levels, Bare Hand Combat, Devious Traps, Enormous Character and Enemy Third-Person Perspective, 3D Movement, lan Livi Fantasy License

m Created by: Eidos

action games such as Ninja Gaiden and Shinol such as Alone in the Dark. Deathtrap Mo

victory - a grand formula indeed. " S w—

One thing that immediately catches our eye is the enormous character siz Squaring up against a t-rex or super scorpion is truly “in your face” Stumbling upon these enemies should prove frightening; but what might be more heart-stopping are the deadly covered pits and booby traps. Few diy: es Upon the EKG faster than instant death.

Deathtrap Dungeon features the license from lan Livingstoné’s | Fighting Fantasy books. Along with bare hand combat, players can also cast spelle and use weapons ranging from medieval rocket launchers to j enun grenades and swords.

A plot similar to the Hobbit (sorry lan) forms the backstory, and the Guest | is to assist a helpless village escape the wrath of a power-hungry dragon. If Deathtrap Dungeon delivers as promised, expect live out all goy fighting


fantasies this fall. -



aS gh

Broken Helix has all the makings of a cult classic. It features some impressive graphics, a wealth of obnoxious one-dimensional characters, plenty of action, and Bruce Campbell. The thing most likely to make or break this game will be its somewhat restrictive time limit. Once you defuse the bombs in the first level, you will be in a constant race against time to stay ahead of the goon-squad that has been sent out to kill you. Your superiors forgot to tell you that anyone who knows anything about Area 51 is considered a threat to national security and you've seen far too many dead scientists. To complete this game successfully, you won't have time to talk to everybody and see all the sights unless you save frequently and don't mind getting killed a lot. Of course, getting killed can be quite entertaining in this game. There are over 56 FMV clips in Broken Helix and many of



them are devoted to death scenes.


In the press release we were told not to “forget” that Bruce Campbell’s voice is used for the main character. It would be hard to forget even if we wanted to. Perhaps you know of Bruce “from such classic roles as...” Ash from Evil Dead 1-3, the thief character on Hercules, the main character on that made-for-TV tornado movie, and Brisco County Junior. Before you get this game, make sure you know the man, because his voice becomes a constant source of one-liners and snide remarks as you descend deeper into the madness of Area 51. This can be both extremely irritating and gratifying (sometimes at the same time) and cements the mood into a semi-serious quest seasoned throughout . with pompous machismo from the master himself. If you enjoyed

Duke Nukem 3D for its obnoxious commentary, then you'll love Broken Helix. Bruce is the guy that made this stuff into a staple of the entertainment industry and he's not ripping off - those Army of Darkness lines, because he's the one that made them memorable.

The game itself is graphically impressive and cheesy at the same time. The polygon characters are well detailed but suffer from the same "scary face syndrome" of Perfect Weapon. A wealth

of lighting effects and detail contribute to level-design and the bizarre creatures scattered throughout the levels add to the

ambiance. Whatever the scores turn out to be, a point should be made that we're pretty impressed with what Konami put into this game. It’s attractive and has many features that games of the future would do well to emulate.


m Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1-Player Third-Person Action/Adventure

m Special Features: 16 Levels, A Ton of Audio Files Including 95 Minutes of Voice Clips, 56 FMV Clips, Wide Variety of Weapons and Special Items, Bruce Campbell's Voice as the Main Character, Special Gun Upgrades, Melee Attacks, Remote Controlled Robots, Turn Into an Alien Hybrid, Laser Targeting for All Weapons

m Created by: Konami

m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation

> THE Bottom LINE 7. 75



Concept: 85 Konami provided us with tons of playable previews, so I've had a

Graphics: 8.5 chance to see Broken Helix come together in terms of gameplay and

Sound: 8.75 storyline. In general, one thing that a sticks in my mind about the game is Playability: 8 the incredible trial and error involved

Entertainment: 7.5 Wit completing the tasks. The game's intense challenge. can be quite frustrating. While the graphics

OVERALL: are very reminiscent of Fade to Black, the variety of controllable

8 25 figures and excellent level design " sets Broken Helix apart. There's a nice mix of action and puzzle |

solving with more emphasis on the

latter. Not just a shooting fest, it's a

very challenging quest that requires

considerable patience." REINER, THE RAGING GAMER : "The graphics and character Gone ' animations didn't draw me into this Graphics: 7.5 game's over-used plot of infiltrating Area 51. Instead, | zoned in on the Sound: 8.5 humorous one-liners and the blood

i lust of killing your teammates. This Playability: 7.79 is what drove me into actually Entertainment: g emoWng this mission-based action/ .

shooter. The missions in this game are challenging, and you will have OVERALL: to memorize some of the level

designs before you can complete

7 75 an objective within the given time ^ limit. Konami intentionally made this game cheesy, and honestly, we

need more American cheese than

meaningless drama in our high-end gaming experience." ;


; ‘| was never a big fan of Bruce temi n Campbell, but the voice-overs in Graphics: 7.5 Broken Helix are excellent. Since

the mission objectives are laid out

Sound: 8.25 through interaction with people, lis close attention must be paid Playability: 8 lo every sound bite. The action is Entertainment: 6 varied players can crawl, jump,

and change temperament. What's also nice is the alternating tempo. OVERALL: Sometimes you'll have to race

7 m against the clock, other times you're 7 i d

free to explore. There are some bad points to Broken Helix, namely the frustrating third-person view and the repetitious enemies. Since Broken Helix is an interesting game that will appeal only to a small faction of gamers, rent before you buy."

Game Informer » July 'O7

o E o


ST -

m Size: 1 CD-ROM w Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter (1-Player Quest Mode) m Special Features: Ten Playable Characters, Over Two Hundred Enemies, Sophisticated Grappling Mechanics, Practice Mode With Slow Motion and Character Design Creator, Special Desperation Moves, Analog Controller Compatible m Created by: Dream Factory for Square Soft IM. m Available: Now in Japan, Cancelled for U.S. sia Sony PlayStation an ; 7& / 200

Fights Back With a two-year hiatus from developing console software, Square Soft surprised the world last year by releasing a fighting game as their first 32-bit venture. Sadly, reports from Japan mentioned that a majority bought Tobal No.1 for the FF VII demo, not Tobal itself. This year Tobal 2 is as much a part of Square Soft’s 1997 power line-up as Final Fantasy VII. The fast and ferocious action of Tobal returns with animation running at sixty frames per second, 640 x 480 high resolution graphics, and a completely redesigned quest mode that will turn role-players into fighters.

One big complaint about Tobal No.1 was that the graphics were too generic. Obviously, this impression was made before the Nintendo 64 hit the States. The graphics displayed in Tobal are very comparable to any N64 title, and now with Tobal 2, they may even go beyond 'N64 quality.' Square Soft has put a lot of work into making this game look much more impressive and visually appealing. The backgrounds are now high-res stills of landscapes and buildings, and more textures have been added to the characters and environments. The characters themselves in the fighting mode are much larger, and the lighting and

258/288 shadows which bounce and swarm around the characters have also seen improvement.

The gameplay structure in Tobal 2 is identical to the original's offering of having three-dimensional combat with ring-outs. In our May issue we told you about the new projectile attacks and the two new characters Doctor V and Chaco. The projectiles are actually desperation attacks that should be used sparingly. These moves drain your own health when used. They are charge attacks that can basically be powered-up to destroy the enemy in one hit. The only catch is, if you miss with it fully charged, you'll more than likely lose the match since you'll have no health.

The Quest mode has also gone through a dramatic change, and now has the appearance of an action/adventure game, The quest is a large one that spans across an entire world. You'll find yourself traveling through ruins, towns, and valleys. All the basic necessities of an RPG are included item “shops, equipment upgrades, and over two hundred monsters, all are available for your enjoyment.

^ Giant strides have been taken to improve the combat and exploration in Tobal 2, and the end result is a work of art. All the characters are once again designed by Akira Toriyama, there are now FMV endings for all the main characters, and there are tons of hidden characters and items to find in the Quest mode.

i , 90/200

Game Informer ù July O7 : i T a w.gomeeitormoer.com

The Madden Football series has long been the strength behind EA Sports’ success. It took a little while, but the EA Sports football package is starting to branch, and a new focus within the company is being brought to bear on its new 32-bit college football line. It would have been easy for EA Sports to simply take the Madden engine, add some uniforms and fight songs, and call it college football. Instead, College Football 98 will be a landmark release, a brand new approach to the college game, and will launch an individual, autonomous division within EA Sports.

The idea is to recreate, in detail, the


size: 1 CD-ROM

it - a national championship.

Rival mode matches teams against arch-rivals, and Practice mode allows players to work through plays and formations before important games. Much like the Scouting Report in Triple Play 98, Scout mode allows players to view the tendencies of opponents. Outlined are such crucial details as preferred formations, percentage of plays run, and individual match-ups. Another feature that should bolster the play value is the ability to replay historic games. Twenty of the greatest match-ups of all-time are available for play, along with recreated players and

1 or 2- is do a! Football (Up to 8-Player Via Multi-Tap)

: Dynasty Mode, Rival Mode, Practice Mode, Nu lees,

Of course, NCAA Football 98 features

college football experience, with the i fight songs, team rivalries, bowl games, 119 Real Coll ego Teams, 20 Historic Games Available for Replay, : stadiums and uniforms. But the most 122 Rendered College Étadiiins (Including Post Season Extra a comprehensive stats package, and interesting aspect of this college sim is Stadiums), Championship or Bowl-Based Season, Over 30 the ability to create players. Expect to the Dynasty mode. Played over succes- Licensed Fight Songs, Create Player, Team-Specific Playbooks, ^ see the classic EA Sports attention to

sive seasons, players manage teams through recruiting decisions. Every year the seniors leave, and a crop of incoming freshman will have to be evaluated.

Based on the previous season's performance, you will be able to attract only a certain number of players. A weak sports program may take years to build, but the reward for the work should be worth

Save Highlights to Memory Card, Only Game to Feature Orange,

Sugar and Fiesta Bowls jy: EA Sports e: August for Sony PlayStation (and PC)

detail, especially in the stadiums. Although we haven't heard too much about Sony's GameBreaker '98, we can say at this point that EA Sports'

Dynasty mode is not an evolutionary, but a revolutionary step in the growth of simulations. NCAA Football 98 should arrive just as the college season gets underway.

m Size: | CD-ROM u Style: 1 Player Space

note; Sh VUNG

m SUBE Features: Sixty ies ons de | Varying

pene th

Psygnosis has been showing off great diversity in their PlayStation titles of late, and this time, they are waging war on the simulator market. Designed in Psygnosis’ Liverpool studio comes Colony Wars, a space combat simulator that packs over sixty missions of intense dog- fighting, protection, and search and destroy. The player will have complete freedom to choose fram six different vehicles - a scout, standard fighter, Meo fi ptor and heavy assault vessels. Plus, the of allied and enemy craft. o fe

The sixty nerede ssions will unt ic through eighteen acts. In between acts. dramatic rendered FMV scenes will bring you up-to- date on war highlights and the complete story behind the Colony Wars, Through gameplay you'll have the chance to reroute your mission and at the end, depending upon where you go, you'll unlock one of the six different endings.

Colony Wars looks

great at the moment, and we still can't get over the lighting effects displayed when enemy cruisers blow sky high. Set for a fourth quarter release, Colony Wars will surely be one of the most explosive shooters on the PS-X.

Game Informer a July (97

er Action/Platiorm

Informer has been reporting on this title for months (See Gl: Feb. 97, June 97) and we now have our first plavable version. Electronic Arts h as stepp xed in to publish the PlayStation version, and whether it was EA's input, or problems in the development schedule. The Lost World has been


Bv now vou and rie rest of the

J delayed until

ape OF i AMT 1 E l A World wil nave seen the movie.

DreamWorks. rather than rehash

1 E 1 the movic through a Singie c i

characters point

Aser J E ae: } si has tite om x created what they term to De


progr ressively morph into five

litter -hoaracter h at rent characters = throt igh

twenty different levels. The order is: Compy, Raptor, Human Hunter, T- Rex, and Sarah Harding. Each dino has a number of different attacks such as lunges and tail sweeps. The human characters possess flame throwers and rifles; and the Human Hunter can use a grappling hook to swing from rocks and ceilings. While the objective of each level is to reach the end, certain. tasks. within levels must be accomplished. For

example, a:

find and attack

generators in order

the Lost World’. is an action/platform all the way where the o nh 3D gameplay is found in the numerous path branchings and shifting camera angles. It can be "T

point that The Lost

{ hi said at this | T

M orl d conta

ns the most realistic

dinosaurs ever seen in a video game Hand animation and polygon technology | make xx dinos hauntingly life-like. Their skin seems to stretch and ie and the many special moves and attacks are flawlessly seamed together. Lets hope that DreamWorks uses the extra two months to fine-tune this modern day Jurassic adventure.

MAI gameinforn 0er.cotrn


Before the fall of commu T of communis; Facing was not allowed in Moscow

pit crew.

one. The amo mes, and t


" rised every 96 pi racing ga am

di i 8 blends Of ee Hong pt offers o r course are

You heard the man, turn arour

dim E SAGEM dud à ae ^ ; ooks like the Duke boys gave. | | 35 BE wm Size: 1 CD-ROM D old Roscoe theslip. | s is ; m Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing (Up to 4-Player Via Link Cable) "cc _ gee u Special Features: 6 Courses, 6 Variations of Each Course, 4 ie Vehicles, Unique Quick-Turn Steering System, True Physics Racing Model, 8 International Teams, Split-Screen Mode, Shortcuts, s _ Weather Effects, Death im Created by: Eutechnyx (Formerly Merit Studios) for Activision Available: September ‘97 for Sony PlayStation

Check out that hairpin just up ahead.

46 Www.zameinformer.com is un Game Informer

w Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1 or 2-Player Football (Up to 8-Player Via Sony Multi- Tap)

m Special Features: Authentic Stadium Designs With Sideline Crews, New Playbook With Over 500 Plays, Create Player and Draft Feature, Comprehensive Season Stat Tracking, Injuries, Total Control Passing

w Created by: Sony Interactive Studios America

m Avallable: September for Sony PlayStation


d UOI.

Using the carefully crafted GameDay '97 engine, Sony has | advanced the Al, improved the 4 game realism, and has completely redesigned the overall look for NFL GameDay '98. Now, using polygon characters (which are motion captured by Tim Brown and Jerome Bettis), NFL GameDay ‘98 will deliver the ultimate football simulation with realistic character animations, faster gameplay, and tons of new features. Most importantly, the playbook has been overhauled and features over 500 plays, the Total Control passing system has returned, mmi and the stats have been —À beefed up to impress even the most dedicated fantasy leaguers. GameDay ‘98 will be the first title to feature detailed crews, camera men, and coaches on the sidelines of the authentically detailed stadiums.

We could ramble on for hours about the new features and changes in NFL GameDay ‘98, or we could simply show you an awesome feature bar with everything planned for the game. Enjoy!


Features: (subject to change) e Draft Mode (Drops the top six players ° icially licensed by the from each team into a draft pool) National Football League e New Playbook * Officially licensed by the National (Featuring Over 500 Plays) Football League Players Association, Inc Polygon Characters and Stadiums * All 1,500 Players are scaled accurately Stats (Includes QB Rating, League in height and weight Leaders, Individual Team) * Five Game Modes Weather Conditions (Preseason, 1997/1998 NFL Season, (Snow, Wind, Rain, Sunny) Playoffs, Pro Bowl, Super Bowl) PA Announcer (Calls the play summary) e Infinite Number of Playing Perspectives Player Injuries (Includes game injuries e New Crowd Sounds Including and season ending injuries) Crowd Swells Difficulty (Rookie, Veteran, All-Pro) e Options (Trade Player, Create Player, Game Settings Release Player, Sign Free Agent) (Simulation, Arcade, Total Control)

. The cloud stage is : quite surreal.

This place reminds me of ! Beggar's Canyon.

"v e

target. :



? M odds ert Toe | aae ud i i iw y at ret [nt aet verres T Pa et vp tdt ke MHD Ui i

The sunset looks lovely tonight.

If you don't avoid these blue laser » blasts, you're toas

if Bie

This stage has you accelerating towards Earth.

| www.gameinformer.com ©

"Set Your Sites on the Skies

m Size: 1 CD-ROM

. m Style: 1-Player Flight Combat . um Special Features: 4 Aircraft, Path Branching, 4 Difficulty Levels.

Analog Compatible, Cloud. Canyon, Jungle and City Stages. Lock-On Targeting for Missiles, Arcade or Ranking Mode m Created by: TrueMotion for Sega

- w Available: July for Sega Saturn

Sky Target is a flight combat game already available in Japan. As an arcade translation, Sky Target offers fast and exciting combat action without the wealth of complex controls that other games demand. The key to success in Sky Target is the early targeting of enemies. Squadrons of enemy fighters appear on the horizon. Players must move a cursor over the distant fighters in order to obtain a missile lock-on. This strategy is also important when battling sub-bosses, as well as each level end boss.

Sky Target offers four planes immediately available for play. There seems to be little difference in their characteristics, other than appearance. Whether there are any hidden or bonus planes remains to be seen. It's interesting to note that, unlike other games in this genre, Sky Target offers no power-ups. We found no shield bonuses, and guns and missiles are unlimited. The terrain is nicely laid out, but players are affixed to a track. Therefore, planes cannot turn into the screen, or perform loop-to-loops; however, the boss stages are unique. Players only have a certain amount of time to defeat each boss. If you can't destroy them in the required time, the boss flies away. In Arcade mode, all you lose out on are the points; but in the Ranking mode, not destroying the boss will rob the player of the all-important "ranking stars."

Ranking mode is an exclusive mode not found in the arcade version of Sky Target. One of four missions can be chosen where the player is awarded combat stars based on performance. Five stars are needed to advance to the each new level, which in turn unlocks four new missions. The Ranking missions are the same as the Arcade, but the rating system is more comprehensive, creating a higher replay value.

While Ranking mode offers players a choice of missions, Arcade mode puts players on a progressive track. At key points on this track, players will be prompted to choose paths. With only three contin- ues, Arcade mode will take quite a while to complete.

In the end, if you're a fan of arcade combat shooters, Sky Target definitely deserves a look. The graphics are nice and the analog control offers an excellent touch. Watch for Sky Target to hit the U.S. this July.

en popped ‘this game, | j jus d Sonic Jam is to the Sega mascot and the | four games says a bout technological he coolest thing is the new Sonic.


m Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1-Player First-Person Shooter (2-Player Via Net Link)

m Special Features: 9 Enemies, 28 Levels, Jet Pack, Cool- Weapons Like Shrink Rays and Pipe Bombs, Analog Compatible, Net Link Compatible, Mature Themes

m Created by: 3D Realms / Lobotomy Software for Sega

m Available: July 1997 for Sega Saturn

There’s a special feeling one gets while blasting porcine aliens into a bloody mass of stinking flesh. The feeling’s even better when the bloodshed is accompanied by snide and sardonic remarks. So remember, Duke Nukem’s about attitude. Hey, wouldn’t you be mad if aliens occupied your planet? As for how Duke Nukem 3D stacks up against otor first-person shooters, it’s too early to make a judgment; but we can say that Duke is unique. :

Originally created by 3D Realms for the PC, Duke was the £1 selling PC title bises - Lobotomy Software is taking care of the Saturn port, and we like to call them "the good hands people Powersla ing

Rays, Freeze Blasts and fiendish Pipe Bombs all add to t traps for other (CN with the pipe bombs, lying in wait

w e i likes pict aN : include a trip to b. red light distri

Your enemies have Jet Packs too.

7^ Duke can swim.

Look at those flying bits of flesh.

Forget about dish-pan-hands with these gloves.

|] By inserting the Powerslave | ü ZEN The Jet Pack offers g Mission Pack...(just kidding). @ dizzying heights.

www.gameinforme m v ; 2 Fr Game Informer 3 July '97

ouve slain a three-headed dragon with a fire sword,

located the illusive water fairy, and saved the world

from evil. You are the role-players the select, the few, the proud, the brave. Now, Saturn owners will become the elite. With the arrival of Shining the Holy Ark, the first true Saturn RPG, the basic fundamentals of role-playing have been brought to life with no gimmicks or “explosive new features” attached. This game was made to impress those who are experienced in pen and paper RPG rules, and fans of Shining in the Darkness, Phantasy Star II, and Might and Magic.

Displayed through a first-person view and through the eyes of the main character Arthur, players will need to explore huge dungeons, maneuver through forest labyrinths, and meet with village folk. The movement is fairly smooth and the controls offer plenty of freedom. While walking you can strafe, peer into corners, and look up and down. Since all of the dungeons are massive in size, a detailed automap feature has been included to help you find your way. Some of the dungeons or zones you enter feature traps, hidden items, and valuable allies that can be recruited to join your party. When entering unknown territory, make sure your exploration is quick and thorough, because the enemies in Shining are feisty and quick to the draw.

The turn-based combat system has ring-based menus and is extremely easy to understand. When initiating an attack sequence you can either set each command for all of your characters or you can go into auto mode and have the computer simulate the combat sequence. The battles are quick and intense. When you or the enemy summons a spell, a series of awesome effects and lighting flashes across the screen. Through winning battles you'll gain valuable experience, gold to use in the towns to buy items, and sometimes items themselves. You may even find a new weapon or armor upgrade if you are lucky.

Surprisingly, one of the high points in the game is its overall look. With all the options and material in this title, one would think that the graphics would suffer, but they don't. Key features from old Genesis games are abundant in Shining the Holy Ark, and you'll even see the character class promotion from Shining Force. This is an extremely difficult RPG and beginners will more than libely get lost in the shuffle.

TE M 209 ad "m


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Game Informer x July '97

——[ - | PEE

flisummpnea the lingering ghosts!


1 CD-ROM j }-Piayer, Role-Playing Game First-Person Perspective Gameplay, Class Changing, Turn: Based Combat, Reserve Members in Party, Detailed Pre-Rendered Characters and Enemies, Sophisticated Automap Tracking, and Fai ly Helpers Sonic Software Planning! for Sega a «. & Available: Now for Sega Saturn

i Treo Rodi Nelody | À HP 23 Se HP 17


Ta : /

| nrr ih S p | we | $. DES MU 9 | Erman and the others

| aig AGI 3 D 8 | found a lost dog.

1 doi. THE GREEDY Gamer


L. 4 M 4 * he ba * :



Next in the long line of fighting games created by Midway is the 3D brawler B.I.O.F.R.E.A.K.S. While we're not sure what the acronym stands for, the game is sure to turn a few heads when it hits the arcades around October or November.

Building off the 3DfX chip technology that Midway has incorporated into most of its recent games including War Gods and Mortal Kombat 4, B.I.O.F.R.E.A.K.S. offers a complete 3D fighting environment filled with varying terrain and interactive objects. The most notable and truly innovative aspect of B.I.0.F.R.E.A.K.S.’ graphics are the multi-tiered fighting environments. Unlike some of the current fighting games that offer a few ramps or stairs, B.!.0.F.R.E.A.K.S. brings fighting arenas to new heights with platforms and perches that rise toward the sky. Each of the eight playable characters in the game will not only have some vicious weaponry, but they will all have the ability to take to the skies and rise stories above their opponent. Another very interesting feature that Midway is promising with B.I.0.F.R.E.A.K.S. is customized fighting moves that the player can create. While we're not quite sure how these will be implemented, Midway boasts that players will be able to mix and match existing moves to suit their own fighting styles. Finally, this game will unleash a maelstrom of video game

violence with brutal decapitations. Highly reminiscent of Strata's - Time Killers and Blood Storm, B.I.O.F.R.E.A.K.S." combatants ©

stay in battle even though they've lost a limb. The " battle isn't over until the health meter is depleted. {fas Midway had been fairy secretive about this game which has made for some confusion amongst gamers as to the where's and when's of B..O.F.R.E.A.K.S. As with Midway's previous fighters, the arcade launch in September or October will be followed with PlayStation and Nintendo 64 versions, probably by the second quarter of 1998.

Game Informer

July “97

RE p



by Erik, the PC Jedi

be glad that point-and-click has replaced the “me too” genre of FMV gaming (ugh), but can’t we just try and be a little more creative?

Point-and-Click Has Gotten Way Out of Hand

Who are you people who keep on buying all the point-and-click games? | don’t know you, but the industry seems to, because | keep on getting the silly things. If you want to solve puzzles, games like Seventh Guest are fine, but why waste so much time trying to set an

haphazardly bizarre, vague, and full of holes. | suppose | should

X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter LucasArts 7.5 |

f all you cared about in the previous X-Wing and TIE Fighter games was the " fighting, then by all means go for this game. It's pretty much the same deal with improved graphics and multi-player options. Unfortunately, it seems LucasArts opted to focus entirely on multi-player and left out many of the things that | thought made the other games great. There are no longer any kind of training modes that require you to pass gates while destroying gun emplacements or

dodge fan blades that will destroy your TIE fighter in one fell swoop. There is no camera mode allowing you to review your previous missions. Historical missions

are nonexistent. There are no mission briefings with a cool rebel alliance guy or *

imperial general dictating your goals. There are no secret mission bonuses that allow you to gain nifty tattoos. | guess | found myself thinking more about what X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter wasn't, instead of what it is, and that's not a great thought for a sequel to inspire.

Redneck Rampage - Interplay HELM

s far as gameplay, level design, and weapons go, Redneck Rampage is A nothing more than another mediocre first-person shooter (Doom clone).

It is, however, one of the most humorous games I've played in a long time. Aliens have attacked a redneck town and it's up to you to put them in their place. Your enemies are inbred redneck clones, giant aliens with devastating weaponry, alien vixens with brassiere blasters, and turd minions creatures made from recycled feces. In addition to the enemies, the levels are also plagued with hordes of chickens, cows, and pigs wandering all over the place. Health can be gained by picking up yummy pork rinds and various types of

alcohol. But you'll have to watch your consumption, or else you'll get drunk and the controls will start getting screwy on you. If you eat too much, you'll develop

a large gut that will hinder movement and make it harder to sneak up on enemies. In addition to a large number of hilarious redneck audio clips, the soundtrack is a series of eight songs (played at random) from live bands. Blast away to the tune of songs like, “(my) Baby's Liquored Up", “Nurture My Pig”, and “UFOs Big Rigs & BBQ." If you can justify buying a game for its tastelessness (| usually wait for the bargain bin),

then go for it.


atmosphere in a genre where plots can never be anything short of =

recent releases

_ Shivers Il - Sierra | | 6.75 It's a Myst clone that lets you look around. . Unfortunately, like all other _ Myst clones, the plot is just an excuse for the weird music and surreal environments, and it s still ll nothing more than solving funky (ic en Yay

The Arrival - Enteraktion | 6.25 It's a Myst clone that doesn’t let you look around, 4 but at least it's better than the . movie. That's not saying much, of course, but the visuals are nicely done, which is iui that matters in one of these Rune | £uess.

Realms of Arkania Ill: Shadows Over Riva - Sirtech K^ 7.5 ROA III runs on avery f minimally altered ROA Il 2 engine. It still bogs you down with tons of intricate details. While some people may dig this, | never did, and I’ve enjoyed RPGs of the pen & paper, console, and PC

variety. It's Tesw bur n not my r

| Jack: Movies

even coo a new ponies: and hilarious movie questions.

3 m recommend it a nder

We recently paid a trip to Studio 3DO and the, iL} Á

were very impressed with their line-up for the

upcoming year. Studio 3DO has acquired New World Computing (best known for

Might & Magic), and some hot new guys on the block who go by the name of Cyclone Studios.

Studio 3D0’s in-house project is a game called Army Men in which players have direct control over one of six vehicles and deploy troops to accomplish mission objectives. Control over the troops is limited to getting them into position while using your main vehicle to support their efforts. The cool part is that your army men are exactly like those cheap action-figure wannabes that we all melted with magnifying glasses when we were kids. Studio 3DO will also be releasing an expansion pack for their immensely popular on-line fantasy roleplaying game (graphic MUD), Meridian 59. The pack is called Revelations and will feature additional landscape that increases the world's size by 5096, 30 new NPCs, new spells, and a number of other features. Army Men and Revelations will both be out in the fall.

New World Computing is taking a giant leap beyond the Clouds and Dark Side of Xeen (Might & Magic 4 & 5) with Might & Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. MMVI is now completely free roving, taking advantage of two separate engines. The horizon engine used for the overland and town modes allows for full 360? exploration. The labyrinth engine is more similar to Arena in that it will be action-based (though you can also choose classic turn-based combat), allowing characters to jump and attack. MMVI will be hitting the stores in November.

Cyclone Studios, who we reported on in our April issue for their impressive new game in development, Uprising, has two other games in the works. Requiem is an attractive looking first-person “adventure /action” game where

Game Informer w July ‘97

players take on the role of a heavenly being gone material to protect the world from an encroaching horde of darkness. This may sound familiar, but it appears that Cyclone has put a lot of effort into making Requiem more than just another Doom-styled action game. Players will frequently be required to put away their guns in order to talk to the local characters and get involved with the game’s plot. While Cyclone will be focusing primarily on Requiem’s single-player appeal, they will be adding an internet multi-player feature. Third Domain will be the first real-time strategy game to feature a physics engine and full 3D environments (meaning: hills will slow you down). While the game is nowhere near complete, it looks like a 3D C&C. Cyclone has suggested that the complete version of Third Domain will feature “something” special that will free it of that particular generalization. Requiem should be available next spring and Third Domain should be seeing the sun sometime next summer.

If you're a C&C fan looking for a new twist, you won't have to wait for Third Domain. A company called Mediastation, whose experience up to this point has been entirely in the realm of Disney games, is working on their first non-license title. It’s called Extreme Tactics and could throw some very interesting elements into the real-time-strategy genre. Players will be able to design their units from a list of available parts, creating a number of possible vehicles that could reach into the thousands. Of course, many of those vehicles would be extremely similar to each other, but it’s still pretty darn cool. Extreme Tactics will also allow players to streamline the artificial intelligence, letting players designate what their units do when given a specific order. It is scheduled for release in November.

www. gameinformer.com

2 Megabit 1-Player Puzzle

Four-Games-In-One With Classic and Modern Mode, Easy and Difficult Settings, Battery-Backed Memory Saves High Scores


Now for Nintendo Game Boy

Originally released in the early 80's, Nintendo started a video game craze with their “Game & Watch” portable line-up. Featuring a liquid crystal display (LCD), a size small enough to fit in a pocket, and a dynamic choice of games ranging from Ball to Spitball Sparky, the Game & Watch line became immensely popular. Now, seven- teen years later, Nintendo has brought the Game & Watch classics to the Game Boy. Manhole, Fire, Octopus, and Oil Panic have returned and can be played in the original form, or the new modern mode featuring familiar Nintendo characters. These games are very basic, and more or less a novelty experience than anything else, and the replay value on these titles is non-existent. This is a good purchase for those who are


keeping a classic game archive.

64 Megabit

1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter

Fatalities, 3D Evade Button, Link and Juggle Combos, Five Difficulty Settings, Ten Playable Characters, Two Bosses

Eurocom Entertainment Software for Midway

Now for Nintendo 64

War Gods had promise, and it very well could have been the next fighting game smash. Unfortunately, the finished product didnt meet the standards we are accustomed to (as in Tekken, Tobal and Virtua Fighter). Simply put, War Gods has great Mortal Kombat controls and combo structuring, but should have been left 2D. The animation and evade techniques, which play a big factor in the three- dimensional combat, are a tad on the choppy and glitchy side, which results in unrealistic and confusing gameplay. War Gods will fascinate some of the MK crowd, but not much more.

| www.gameinformer.com


1 or 2-Player Pool Game

Story Mode (“Hustlin”), All Standard Pool Games Including Three Cushion Games, Mouse Compatible, Billiard Bosses, 3 Hidden Levels

Argent for ASCII

Summer in Japan, 4th Quarter ‘97 for U.S. Sony PlayStation

Few games of skill enjoy the history, myth and legend afforded to pool. Many of our parents came of age in dusty, smoky billiard parlors. Lest these memories be forgotten, ASCII is porting over what might be the first “true” pool simulator. Created by Argent, Carom Shot’s Story Mode is actually a “Hustling Simulator.” Starting in a dusty waterfront shanty, moving onto middle class bars and taverns, eventually competing against swank millionaires, Carom Shot demands both skill and charisma. On your journey you'll encounter billiard bosses, and if you're lucky, you'll visit three hidden levels.

Game Informer ù July ‘97

1 CD-ROM 1-Player Racing

4 Tracks (Plus Multiple Hidden Fantasy Tracks), Weather Effects, Totally Customizable Options and Cars, Action and Simulation Mode, MPEG Video


At Launch of M2 (Which at Press Time is Unknown)

1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Racing

Two-Player Split-Screen, More Dramatic Crashes, Statistics and Drivers From 1997 F1 Season, 17 Tracks, Weather, New Improved Replay Feature, Individual and Team Rivalries

Bizarre Creations for Psygnosis

3rd Quarter for Sony PlayStation

While there has been little said about the M2, Game Informer has already gotten a glimpse of some its upcoming software. Displayed in glorious 640 x 480 resolution, World Championship Racing brings the world of Professional Sportscar Racing (for- mally IMSA) to life. Visually, the game is crystal clear, with virtually no pop-up and extremely realistic images via the M2’s impressive list of graphic capabilities. The game gives players the opportunity to mas- ter four tracks including Suzuka Raceway, Laguna Seca, a New Orleans city course, and a 3DO World Speedway in either Arcade or Simulation mode. While no release date has been announced, this game offers a visual extravaganza that will delight racing fanatics.


Last year, Psygnosis surprised the world with F1. A brilliant combination of great racing action and the real F1 tracks and drivers made it a truly memorable game. What more could racing fans ask for? Not much, but there was room for improvement, and Psygnosis started by including a two- player split-screen mode in this year’s update. Also, there didn’t seem to be too many individual rivalries in last year's game. There was the Ladder mode, which provided a driving nemesis, but this year Psygnosis promises rivalries amongst teams and drivers in all modes, based on Such statistics as car reliability and aggression level. We loved last year's version, and we're anxiously awaiting F1 ‘97.

Game Informer s July ‘97

64 Megabit

1 to 4-Player First- Person Action/Adventure

3 Character Classes (Fighter, Cleric, Mage), Up to Four-Player Split-Screen Deathmatch, Controller Pak Required for Saving

Raven/Software Creations for GT Interactive

Now for Nintendo 64

Eddie Irvine

The only reasons this title received a fairly decent score, are A) it has great puzzles that will have you confused for hours, and B) it features a multi-player Deathmatch mode, where four players can compete or solve levels together. Otherwise, Hexen 64 hasn't made the gigantic leap from the PC to the N64 like Doom did. All the levels in Hexen 64 are identical to its PC counterpart, the sound isn't nearly as good, and the only improvement is the smooth- ness of the textures. Big deal! Out of the three N64 first-person action titles, Hexen 64 obviously comes in last, since it is just another PC port with nothing new to offer.



Size: 1 CD-ROM

Style: 1 or 2-Player Baseball

Special Features:

MLB & MLBPA License, 28 Teams Plus 2 Expansion Teams, 6 Gameplay Modes, Quick Season Option, Play-By-Play by Jon Miller

Created by: Iguana Entertainment for Acclaim

Available: Now for Sony PlayStation (and Sega Saturn)

Size: 1 CD-ROM

Style: 1 or 2-Player Off-Road Racing

Special Features: Two-Player Split-Screen, Weather, Car Damage, 10 Vehicles, 16 Tracks Including Indoor Stadium-Style, Alternative HardCore Soundtrack

Created by: ASC Games

Available: Fall for Sony PlayStation

All-Star Baseball ‘97 Featuring Frank Thomas

Acclaim and the Big Hurt have been at this for a while and they still don’t have it quite right. The animation is all pretty good except for the unrealistic looking pitches. The ball looks the size of a volleyball when it crosses the plate and the slider looks like a knuckle ball. Throw in some horrible computer Al quirks and there’s not much simulation left. All-Star Baseball has adequate options and game modes. It even has the in-field fly rule. Yet in the end, All- Star lacks league leading stats, a player create, and solid play control which might have put it in contention. This doesn’t come close to Triple Play 98.

| MotorSports HardCore 4x4 2

Last year's HardCore 4X4 was a surprise seller. This year, ASC Games is beefing up the play with a little bit more of everything: more cars, more tracks, more jumps, and a two-player split-screen. Also new this year is the ability to win car upgrades through successive races. For maximum performance, purchase nitro boosters and Suspension upgrades; after a grueling circuit, invest in car repairs. Players can also upgrade engines, tires and suspension. Sixteen tracks in such areas as the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas desert should provide plenty of challenge. Watch for HardCore 2 this fall.

www. gameinformer.com

AVG HH HE! .o00 e Ld



64 Megabit Style:

1-Player Racing

Special Features:

Full F1 License, Car Tuning, Wireless Pit Communication, 22 Authentic Cars, 30 Drivers

Created by: Human for Ubi Soft Available;

Fall for Nintendo 64

osition 64 Known in Japan as Human Grand Prix, Ubi Soft will release this game in the States as F1 Pole Position 64. With its release, the N64 should have its first licensed racing simulation. Until last month, Ubi Soft was unsure as to whether they could get the F1 license, but racing fans will be glad to know that they did. This means real tracks and drivers, a crucial factor for any racing game. F1 promises plenty of spin outs and powerslides, so players will have to tune each individual car in order to achieve optimum perfor- mance. One interesting feature is the Wireless Pit Communication, that should sound just like real driver/pit communica- tion. Players will also have to contend with engine and transmission damage.

Game Informer a July ‘97


1 or 2-Player Classics Collection

Genji and the Heike Clans, Pac-Land, The Return of Ishtar, Assault, Ordyne, Museum Mode Featuring Slide Shows, Audio Clips, and Artwork


Now for Sony PlayStation

1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Wrestling

Over 16 WCW Stars, Realistic Nitro Backgrounds, Signature Holds and Slams, Over 30 Moves per Wrestler, Commentary


Late Fall for Sony PlayStation

It seems that as the Namco Museums continue on to their fourth installment, they reach deeper into the well of the obscure or Japanese-only games. We've enjoyed Pac-Land, Ordyne, and Assault but never even heard of the other two games. The Return of Ishtar is a maze game that requires players to operate two characters at once. Genji and Heike Clans is a hack and slash game that is constantly changing perspective. The big question is whether the museum is going to stop at the letter 'O', or go all the way through M-U-S-E-U-M.

With the recent (and unexpected) success of WCW Vs. the World, TH*Q is moving on with its wrestling line-up. This brand new game, WCW Nitro, is not being developed in Japan by Asmik. Instead, WCW Nitro features a brand new game engine with photo-realistic graphics. Also, the entire Nitro experience is being recreated for the gamer's pleasure (can you see the Nitro ramp in the background?). Wrestlers will emerge from backstage accompanied by their theme songs. Unfortunately, there will be no tag team mode, but WCW Nitro will feature "run in" characters who disrupt matches. Rumors are that TH*Q will sign Mean Gene Okerlund to do insightful commentary. Sweet.

Game Informer a July ‘97



1 to 4-Player Wacky- Chucking-Stuff-Party-Game

Multiple Characters to Choose From, Special Abilities, Tournament and Exhibition Modes, New Characters Gained by Winning Tournaments, Use Money From Tournaments to Upgrade Abilities


Now for Sony PlayStation

Poy Poy is a party game. lts wacky, senseless, and will probably become a favorite to many. Players run around on a variety of levels and chuck stuff at each other. You can pick up and throw small rocks, big rocks, opponents, and a bunch of other stuff. Players can take advantage of special abilities granted to them by upgradeable gloves. One ability teleports an item directly above another player’s head. Another turns thrown items into deadly homing projectiles. If you’re an iso- lated gamer who typically spends more time by yourself, then we don't recommend buying this one. Rent it first. If you frequently get together with other gaming fanatics then you probably won't regret picking up a copy of Poy Poy.

www. gameinformer.com E.

1 CD-ROM 1-Player Action/Adventure

Over 200 Locations, Eighty Talking Characters, Hand- To-Hand Combat, Intriguing Puzzles, Realistic Light Sourcing

Tempest Software for Telstar Electronic Studios

Fall for Sony PlayStation

án, Sie



1-Player Action/Platform

Humorous Weapons, Clay Animation, Over 12 Minutes of Film Clips, Developed by Doug Tenapel (of Earthworm Jim and Neverhood Fame)

The Neverhood for DreamWorks Interactive

Fall for Sony PlayStation


Hot on the heels of Tomb Raider and Resident Evil comes Telstar Electronic Studios’ first U.S. PlayStation title Excalibur 2555 AD. Graphically, this title shines with beautiful light sourcing, extremely detailed polygonal locations, and great FMV cut scenes. Half of this title's gameplay is devoted to puzzle solving, and the other half consists of nothing but ferocious hand-to-hand combat. Players will have complete freedom to explore each and every room in hopes of finding an object that will help them later in their quest. Excalibur 2555 AD has the appearance of Pipi LongStocking meets Indiana Jones, and gameplay that is a mix of Resident Evil and Broken Helix.



Based off of last year's success of The Neverhood for PC CD-ROM, The Neverhood is now the name of a separate development team within DreamWorks Interactive. Doug Tenapel is heading up that team, and this year they chose to do a PlayStation game. Skullmonkeys features Klaymen, hero of The Neverhood, and to put it simply this game is pure action/plat- form. The jumping is tough but manageable and the humor and comedy are shaping up to be truly unique. Take for example the Fart-Head, a weapon that allows Klaymen to replicate himself for the purpose of exploration. Clay animation is used for all the characters and backgrounds and the results look more than impressive.


64 Megabit 1-Player Shooter

Improved Graphics, Dual Analog (With Two Controllers), Funky New Backgrounds, Power-Ups, Kickin' Techno Soundtrack, Classic Robotron Insanity

Player 1 for Midway Home Entertainment

September for Nintendo 64

Arcade veterans from the days of yore remember Robotron for the ferocious intensity of blasting away wave after wave of ruthless aliens and robots while trying to rescue civilians from extraterrestrial terror. Earlier this year, Midway and Player 1 introduced Robotron X, featuring 3D graphics, a sweet techno vibe, bonus levels, and a host of power-ups to the PlayStation. While the 3D aspect of the game made it graphically acceptable for the modern gamer, the gameplay remained the same. Robotron 64 is simply a pumped up version of Robotron X, adding even more to the game with crazy multi-colored backgrounds, improved graphics, new levels, and hopefully even more gameplay aspects.

Game Informer x July ‘97

LU The Ultimate ov 520.0000 w prizes E Gaming Rig!) zzzzxuzz


Now everyone who plays wins a free six month

magazine subscription! f You can't lose!

^ o-wa

ii ee dert tms


Se pL


Bammer è

?laySta PlayStatio

You have the POWER. in this contest you don't rely on the luck-of-the draw. You determine if you win or not. You win by outscoring others in a game of skill. Can you solve the puzzle below? Then you have what it takes. It looks simple, but it's only the start. Each of five more puzzles get a little harder. But this time it's all up to you. Stay in to the end with the highest score and the gear is yours. With whatever options you want. Do you have what it takes? Then play to win!

Media Rig Contest. The Ultimate Gaming Environment, 60 inch monitor, 130 watt receiver w/ Dolby Digital Surround Sound, and all components shown. Win DSS Satellite Receiver as a BONUS OPTION! This rig will blow you away!!

We're talkin’. GAMING HEAVEN:

Directions. Fill in the Mystery Word Grid with words oing across that spell out the Mystery Word down the side. Hint: use the Mystery Word Clue.

Computer Contest. Win a blazing fast computer with 200 Mhz MMX Pentium, 24 meg. RAM, 4 Gig. HD, 8X CD-ROM, Windows 95, modem and more!

Video Game Contest. a on the hi-tech cutting edge with this line-up: Sony Playstation w/ ASCII control pads; Sega Saturn; Game Boy Pocket; and Nintendo 64! Get all four or trade the ones you don't want for CASH! Bonus options include: 33 inch monitor, $1,000 in games, cash, accessories and more!

In the future. There will be four more puzzles at $2.00 each and one tie- breaker at $1.00 which will be sent to you " mail. You will have 3 weeks to solve each puzzle. We don't know how many will play but typically 55% will have the i ea score possible score to Phase I, 43% to Phase Il, 36% to Phase Ill, and 32% to Phase IV. The tie-breaker determines the winner. If players are still tied they will split the value of the grand prize they are playing for.


es: L1($3.00) Video Game Contest L1($3.00) Media Rig Contest

Feo Computer Contest

- L1 ($5.00) SPECIAL! Enter them all (SAVE $4.00)

Name o i.

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070s 9«xm-w«z

B _ State PANDEMONIUM, P.O. BOX 26247 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55426-0247 VOID WHERE PROHIBITED * ENTRY DEADLINE: POSTMARKED BY AUG. 23RD, 1997 * ENTRY FEE MUST BE INCLUDED —- Only one entry per person. You must be under 30 years old to win. Employees of Pandemonium, Inc. and its suppliers are ineligible, Judges decisions are final, If judges are in error the sponsor's liability is limited to entry fees paid. Not responsible _ for lost or delayed mail. Open to residents of the US. and Canada. You can request Winners List and Official Rules by writing

Pandemonium, Inc. 7204 Washington Ave. 3. Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Merchandise names and models are trademarks of their respective companies who, along with this magazine, have no affiliation with this contest. © 1996 Pandemonium, Inc.


- City c 2 iS a S SPRAY ..C TURBO.. Y ~




2 s

: Cheat Menu - At the Copyright Screen press C, A, B, B, Y, C, A, B, B, Y. From here enter a game and press Pause to bring up the Cheat Menu.

: Become a Baby - This trick is : fairly difficult and will more than likely take a few tries before you are successful. First, start your

game as Die Hard: With a :

Vengeance. As soon as you are

able to control your vehicle doa : : Quick Finish - 4258 8524

Rockford (360 degree turn). If done correctly a Police Car will appear. Follow it, or the blue arrow if you get lost. This friendly officer will lead you to a

parking lot full of power-ups and :

a baby stroller.

: All of these oii must be sa jJ : at the Code Menu through the : Option Screen. The first series of : numbers will enable the code, the * second set will disable it.

: Free Play - 0705 5070 : : Player 1 Invincibility 2358 8532 : ; Player 2 Invincibility 1224 4221 : : Player 1 Extra Damage - ;

7879 9787 Player 2 Extra Damage - 3961 1693

Easy Fatalities - 0322 2230

: Always Play on Level 1 -

5550 5556

: Always Play on Level 2 -

5551 5556

: Always Play on Level 3- Nicholas Cage : : Grammy, CA

5552 5596

: Always Play on Level 4 3

5553 5556

yn | : Always Play on Level 5 -

t Level Skip - At the Title Screen : simultaneously press Down/ : Right, Y and Start (DRY). If :

entered correctly, the hidden answering machine track will ring out. gameplay and press and hold

the L and R Buttons to skip to :

the next level.

: Mimic Mode - Enter the code Play as Grox - above, then highlight 2-Player : Game and hit B. On the next. :

screen highlight Let's Play and =

press C. When the screen goes

|! www.gameinformer.com

9994 5556

: Always Play on Level 6 -

5555 5556

i Always Play on Level 7 -

5557 5556

sods Nintendo 64. :

Free Play - At the first War Gods i

: Screen press Left C Button, : Left C Button, Right, A, B, Up

C Button, Right C. Button.

Now, head to the Option :

Screen to toggle this feature.

: Cheat Menu - At the first War : From here, enter :

Gods Screen press Right,

Right, Right, B, B, A, A. Once : again, head to the Option :

Screen to toggle this menu. At the Character Select Screen press Down,

Right, Left, Up, Down, night i

Up, Left, Left.

) : Play as Exor - At the Character | ; black remove the controller from . : port 2. After this, you'll have. : control of both Drywall and Scud. : Rob Schrab :

Hollywood, CA P]

Select Screen press Left,

Down, Down, Right, Left, Up, |

Left Up, Right, Down.

“Gelatin Boy” :

Sn NH :

: To unlock these a e : vehicles, enter the designated code : : for the desired car : Password Screen.

Henry Jeter : New York, NY :

Bus - BUSME A, X, A, 6, X, A, E, X, A, Citreon - CITME : *X0.A Crate - CRATME i Cloak ~ i : Jeep - JEPME : 965 A; @, m e, A, B, x, as " Toyota Landcruiser -LCME : *,A€ d Limousine - LIMOME = | Full Shields- > * Log - LOGME ^j ARONNE, x, 6, A, E, : Mazda - MAZME : * @, Outhouse - OUTHME i Go Wingnut - Audi Quattro - QUATME : ANOO Ax E, å, B, Semi Trailer Cab - SEMIME ; A, " & Utility Truck - SNOWME : Turbo - Trash Bin - STDAME ; A, E, e, x LS *, 9 B, A, Trash Bin 2- STDBME : e*x**x Ws Trash Bin 3 - STDCME “+ Extra Life - = Tram - TRAMME : A, *, Bl, 6, A, X, B, X, O, Tyrannosaurus Rex- TREXME : *,A,0 9 Van - VANME : Enemies Slower - Volvo Wagon - VOVME : A, X, Bi Bi, A, O, Bi, X, O, Wagon -WAGOME : BAO : Jeep 2 - YJME ; Colors - “Virtua Gap Boy 97 | A, %, ©, A, E, ©, X, A, X Phoenix, AZ : A, e9,* : Acid- : MLA, @,8, A, B, X, A, X, A, @,% Mega Wowie Zowie - A, Bi, @, x, a E, A, *, A, -xeo All Accessories - 4 M A. e. 其, al A, Bi, X, 0, mox Hello Minnie! d x 0, x1 , €, e, x, [2 x, $ Fake viec mc P Albert Tolken i

: Enter all. of hese codes during a gameplay ^. : Mega Wow ; (Weapons/Energy/Shield) -

: M, A, 0 E, A, E, X, E, 0,

at the

Semi - SEMIME .

VW Bug - BUGME [ARX | Army Truck - ARMYME : All Keys- _ " Saab - BEETME | WA XA,09 A XAX BMW 850 - BMRME Amx .

Mercedes Benz - BNZME i Invulnerability ~

While in gameplay hold L1, L2,

. R1, R2, and then press A, @, : A. If this is entered Correctly the : umpire will call "Time". E

Scott Grubber ;

Senai, HI. :

Seattle, WA :

Big Head Mode At the Title : : | Screen hit: Top C Button, Top :

C Button, Bottom C Button,

Bottom C Button, Left C : Button, Right C Button, LeftC :

Button, Right C Button, B, A, then hold Z and press Start.

You'll know this code worked : .

when the announcer calls out.

i Hidden All-Star Teams -At the : : Title Screen hit: Up, Left :.

Button, Up, Left Button,

. Down, Left Button, Down, Left

Button, Left, Right Button, Right, Right. Button, Left,

Right Button, Right, Right : Button, B, A, then hold Z and : press Start. You'll know this : . code worked when the :

announcer calls out.

Mark Rosenberg : -. Nashville, TN :

your vi vehicle at any time.

: Enable Memory Card - This code : will allow you to save your game. : First, pause your game and : enter: Left, Right, Left, Left, : R2, @, L1, %. Once this code is. : entered, quit your game to save. : Doing this will prompt you on a : modified Password Screen with : five slots to. save to. Note: A : memory card must be inserted : into the station prior to booting :

the game.

Full Shield - While in gameplay, :

ause your game and press : P ys E i Power Bomb (pinning move) -

Select, 6, Right, Up, Up, L1,

LI, .

: Warp Sim - While in gameplay, : 1 pause your game and press @, : í : Leg Drop (opponent on mat) -

BOB A, A, A, X.

: Destroyable Obstacles - While in | = Pile Driver - Hold & and Dow

play, pause the game and press : | « A, Left A, Right, A, Up, A, : |. Start. From here, re-enter your :

game and use the A to stop : i submission holds and special :

1 Rolling Clutch (pinning move) - Use R1 to duck behind, the

“Hold @ for a few seconds. Throw German Suplex - : Use R1 to duck behind, then :

Here are a few of the. tricky :

moves in MES J

Bolt Suplex Hold @ until the move is initiated. Í 10 b With opponent diod Chicken Wing Facelock -Use R1 | e Ia Open gg

i Hold @ for a few Seconds. " to duck behind and then hold. @ : German Suplex - |

Use a Rear Attack strong, then -

: Avalanche DDT (use fr

STF (submission hold with opponent on mat) - Move near legs and hold @. Water Wheel Drop - Hold @ and Up.

; Diving Head Butt : (with opponent on mat) e i Use the d-pad toward the

turnbuckle then press 3€. Attain White Spirit and hold @ : à

: Side Suplex - for a few seconds. : Hold @ for a second.

: Dragon Suplex (pinning move) - Use R1 to duck behind, then hold @ and Up.

Move near legs and hold @.

t Super Rayman - Shortly after the : : Ubi Soft logo appears, press and : : hold L1, L2, R1, R2. Continue to

: hold this until the animated brick :

: Continue Screen appears press : : Start (to continue of course), then : : quickly hit Up, Down, Right, Left : : for an additional ten continue : |

gameplay, pause your game :

and press M, @, R2, R2, Left, : Atomic Drop - Use R1 to” duck : behind, then tap @ and Up.

: Top Rope Clothesline

Up, Down, %. ; (with opponent on feet) -

PC Images - All you have to do to ; “Umo Uragor : Use the d-pad towards the

wall appears, then add Start to: ^ see these hidden pictures, : Asai Moonsault ww : turnbuckle, then press 3€. : your button held list. Hold all of : ^ codes, and stories, is place the : (opponent must be out of the ring)- = Bryant Front Suplex - : these buttons down (including : ^ NanoTek Warrior CD into a PC : . Use the d-pad towards the rope; Hold @ for a few seconds... t Start) until the screen turns black. and open the files. : _ and tap @. : Throw Dragon Suplex P : From here you'll see a hidden : Oscar McDougol. : Tope Con Hero. - "| Use Ri to duck behind, then HW : Rayman movie. : Las Vegas, NV : {opponent on feet) - " t hold 6 and Uns : : Free Continues - When the : .. i Use the d-pad towards the ; “Big Jimmy Slam"

turnbuckle and tap %. Boise, N,

: options.

: Enter all of these codes at the ; Password Screen. :

99 Lives - XNB9FMIZ2? Music - J5VLFP58VB - Mountains J5K!ZZC8MD

i . Caves -SMIKV7WSXD | _ Space Mama - T64H5M'?BB 1i . Skops - ?2MC9JIGTB. | Image - SX2!ZP58MD. All But Final - SD3BKFOOMN : > Louis Montross : Yonkers, NY :

gruesome demon.

: Unlock Sonork - At the Title :

Screen press Left Button,

Right Button, Up C Button, E Down C Button, Left C Button, =

Right C Button to activate th

- Elirk Rgopenhemer

St La FL:

‘Password Screen. : Weight Limit - #OXO/A>>0/

: Unlock Every Mission - ^

of these codes at the

: Enter all of these codes at the : Password Screen. i i Level Codes - : Crimea- MAROZ Black Sea - KRAZHA Khyber - VERBLUD

No Weight Limit #OXO/A>>0/ All Mechs Have Jump Jets SYXO/ASYOL

Toledo, OH

| Unlimited w 800f0acc 03e7 : | Infinite Turns 8008c15c 090a

, Descent Maximum

| PlayStation i. 800c59CO 0003 D. | : Infinite Continues Infinite Lasers 800e92fe 0064 : 800c7012 0403 -

_ Infinite Energy 800693020064 © Infinite Time - 800fb31C 0063 Infinite Concussion Missiles a Invincibility 80005938 0108 | 80009328 0063 : Player 2 Invincibility- | Infinite Homing Missiles : g00c59b8 0108 E. Ser 006 : Süper Buster Brothers Infinite Proximity Bombs - : Infinite Lives = 800a4a1 | 800e932c 0063 : Player 2 Infinite Live

E 500320 0003 = Infinite Time 80024970 9900 | Infinite Mega Missiles - : Infinite Continues -

ss Peeteoedo eee:

7 800e9330 0063 : -infinite Flash Missiles : aoe. QUOS | 800e9332 0063 | Infinite Guided Missiles

| 800e9334 0063 : : : Player 2 Infinite Lives- | intthite Smart-Bombs £ : . 90171227 0003 | we s : Infinite Time - 80171220 6300

| , 800693360063 t Invincibility - 80081348 0001

| ...800e9338 0063 3

| Infinite Quake - 800e933e 0063 : oe j | Infinite Lives 800e9304 0109 i “All Primary Weapons . i Carnage Heart. PlayStation

| 800e930c ffff : Infinite Funds 800df38c 86230 |

_ All Secondary Weapons : Always on Turn One- -

| 80069310 ffff : 800df37c 0001

| Infinite Vulcan & Gauss - : 800df380 0001.

80069316 0063 ls : Cool Boarders PlayStat Battlestations - - PlayStation : High Stability - 80182724 00 Infinite Health P1— 800c368c 0064. : -o Infinite Heati P2- oe 0064 : Grand Slam Pla : Infinite Balls 300f602

^ Wing Ci N- : One Ball Draws Wal

PlayStation 1 Infinite lasts - 801e6a8c O3fc :. d "4 Infinite Energy - ; ; One Strike Draws K | 8010750 0000 : dO0f6028 0000 | 80107152 0000 | r 80015028 0002. | Infinite IMREC Missiles : | 801e6C080009 ; En | Infinite Decoys 801e6aa0 0018 : dO0f6028 0000 c. | Infinite Fuel - gion ee00 : 300f6029 000


to become our ally codes for the games li

i letter pues codes and we i help you access the secrets bu here jn in Secret Access.

Nintendo 64 Blast Corps International Superstar Soccer Dark Rift

Star Fox 64

. PlayStation Broken Helix All Star Baseball 97 (Frank Thomas) |. d Dynasty Warriors ‘The Eradibaior ©. a B Grand Slam - Phoenix AZ i... : Machine Hunter MDK Thunder Truck Rally Wild Arms : Big Head Mode All you bolo ip i| as | Eu a co htp ig Cups and he : Canada 900-451-525 Sega Saturn . .Duke Nukem 3D * : $1.25 per minute automated Manx TT : Nintendo : 3 Scorcher i Powerslave Shining the Holy Ark

“The Rhino" a Swagman Toledo, OH : Arcade ...Mace: The Dark Age

: Send Secret Access Requests To: i. Access & Allies .. Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344


e " :


Secret Access Notice: Send Game informer Your Passwords and Codes and Win!

S end in your codes and passwords every issue, and if we print _ them you'll be entered in the Game Informer /ASCIIWARE Secret Access by, Pause your game : Contest. The Grand Prize is an ASCIIWARE controller of your choice.

ss the Bight B Button, Right, PlayStation: Super NES: Genesis:

ASCIIPad, ASCII Pad SN, ASCII Specialized Pad, Specialized ASCIIPad, Super Advantage, Fighter Stick SG-6, Specialized ASCIIStick Fighter Stick SN, Rhino Pad SG

` Fighter Pad SN, Saturn: Rhino Pad SN ASCII Saturn Stick,

All runners-up will receive a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to complement their wardrobe.

Send To: Secret Access Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344

E-Mail: gionline@winternet.com

NES 8-Bit Availability: Rare Replay Value: Low Similar Games: Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy, Phantasy Star (Sega Master System), Two Ultima Sequels on NES Created by: FCI

Access Tip: Open Treasure Chests With Thieves, Only Steal From Towns If You’re Near an Exit



While it wasn’t a feast of graphic joy (even on the NES), Ultima Exodus was a long and complex game that was unique to the fledging world of RPGs in that it allowed people to create their own characters by selecting from multiple classes and races, and then customize ability scores from a pool of 50 points. Parties were maxed out at four, so variations on the traditional Dungeons & Dragons fighter/cleric/thief/mage foursome were rare. If you’re looking for a long and arduous adventure for your NES, Ultima Exodus is the way to go.

» Super Nintendo Availability: Common Replay Value: Medium Similar Games: Target Earth, Cybernato Created by: Konami.

= Activates When the Item is First

Sized Doors . Overall:

"i eit:

- „marine it's very much like a standard-Doom 2 lone where you run around picking up weapons and ammo. As the Alien, you must

earned by killing enemies for points. You are

you points.

| Access Tip: PowerUps Have a Time Limit 7!

Used, Avoid Abandoning Mechs Near People.

Jaguar Availability: Rare Replay Value: High Similar Games: Pick Fróm Hundreds of Doom Clones Created by: Atari Access Tip: Avoid Cocoónirig T Until Health is Low (So as Not To-Lose Too Much Ground), The Predator Cloak is Ineffective at Close Range and After. Enemies Have Already Spotted. s:

being able to choose between colonial marine, alien, or predator as your character makes for a very interesting game. With.the

get used to the idea of being expendable as you roam corridors in search of marines to use as birthing fodder for your: next-of kin, Cocooning enemies allows you.to continue on as a new alien. To take on the role of a predator is to take on the role of the hunter seeking sport. New weapons must be

also equipped with the predator cloaking device. Attacking enemies while cloaked is considered dishonorable will cost

Genesis Availability: Common Replay Value: Medium Similar Games: Vandal Hearts (PS-X) Created by: Sega

Access Tip: Try to Keep Fighting Characters Equally Exposed to Damage, Avoid Rushing Forward With Your Fastest Characters, Never Fight a Battle on Two Fronts (Many People in History Have Learned This the Hard Way)


Shining Force definitely classifies in the rent-before-you-buy category. While it is, technically, a role-playing game, many hard- core RPGers have been disappointed by its heavy emphasis on fighting. You will rarely traverse the overland map in the familiar

Metal’Warriors was probably the last and best . 2D. shoot ‘em up mech game. Playérs can interchange between 6 different types: Of robot “pattledroids” by jumping out of a:droid (a la; Blaster Mastéron the NES) and hopping into a’ new one. Each. droid has a number. of special - abilities ` ‘like using: a shield, close quarters attacks,.cloaking, and special weapons. Level puzzles typically require players to exit their battledroids frequently in order to get into narrow corridors so that doors can be unlocked and special purpose battledroids can be : acquired. Players can also go head-to-head in a 2-player split-screen mode.

| www.gameinformer.com `

main character icon mode, occasionally harassed by invisible “random” monsters. Instead, every inch of ground you gain in this game will be in combat mode. All the characters that have joined the “Shining Force” in its quest to eradicate evil from the land appear on the map and you will move and attack with them in a lenghty and detailed turn-based system. Getting to your final destination requires you to get the main character to the area and usually involves the deaths of all enemies that stand in your way. Shining Force is well loved by many of us here at Game Informer but if you're one of those people who prefers to skip the combat and get straight to the plot, this game definitely isn't for you.

Game Informer & July ‘97

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