NINTENDO oes ДЕЕ SS TER СА E EGA ° Sony · 300 · PC - ARCADES · Сореѕ * STRATEGIES ° FULTUS CUORE TT RENN Mrs E gu DCN Mie ETE tn om SPINE SaaS oia © Ye) e сы 2 man | Lo e ч o» c © с i= c о © o eo e = А z А 2 É d E = а 2 COMPUTER RITE TAIRIMAE RT For game hints call 1-900-933-SONY(7669). The charge is $0.95 per minute. Callers under the age of 18 must get parental permission to call. Touch-tone phone is required. Available 24 hours a day/7 days a week. U.S. only. Sony Computer Entertainment logo is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony fakes fo conquer Metal Demons. And no, the ultimate goal of your ques! rs nof іо save the princess. з to «ёё Б> save lhe planet. Good luck. You're gonna need rf. PlayStation — 2 А 1 M ў Б 2 LN AND; YOU'RE GOING DOWN WHETHER YOURE READY OR NOT шы 35 outs m i innt jo Ht b PlayStation: e Cecilia 7 3 Cecilia ^ Hr їн 3! = 35 чей! 22. 78009 е fie ipe с.н 75M. 25 Computer Entertainment Inc. U R NOT E® is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Wild Arms is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. ©1997 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Get An all-new addiction exdusively The best parts from the origin h ve been Descent por the PlayStati ] o l agere ا‎ ed nda eh wh y this one m for Л, ЗЕЕ 1 left will be some incredible memories and a a um m = № new craters. PlayStati AGES 13+ CONTENT RATED BY ay5talion 87 ESRB Last Time! j | i ¥ 36 All-New levels never-before-seen in any Descent game. ¥ High-impact, non-stop subterranean action designed specifically for the PlayStation game console. ¥ New throbbing "stroboscopic" light source shading effects brings the intensity right in-your-face. ^Y More than a dozen weapons of devastation, from double-damage cannons to Level 6 Lasers. ^óY We mean 360° fluid movement - any direction, any time, at full speed. Use Sony's Analog Joystick for more enhanced control. ¥ Grab a Link Cable and go from One- "Player to Two-player Anarchy Levels. ¥ Metal pounding digital soundtrack takes your sensory input past all safety zones. © 1997 Parallax Software. All rights reserved. Descent, Maximum, and Interplay are trademarks of Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Cover Story: Star Fox 64 T cuo On June 30, I ndo EC ownt: ^ get a сап Jf T 2 SO Gaie Informer has put овет survival guide to insure that Andross will never bother you again. Read this article and burn! Feature: Spawn: De par in m e n t 5 ` Todd McFarland's Spawn is on top ; of the comics' world, and thi O Letter Trom the Editor summer Spawn will be invading Керо Man movies, TV, and video games. To get the whole story on Spawn's upcoming __ onslaught, check out our extensive interviews ~ with the game's producer and the man _ himself, Todd McFarlane. Dear Game Informer readers from across the globe interact with Game Informer. 4 0 elope Art Qu can't win if you don't enter Gl's monthly E ш art contest. e. n v Nuclear Strike, Croc, MK A Mythologies: SubZero, Wild Arms, Time Crisis, Overblood, Dracula X, . Triple Play 98, NASCAR 98, i Need for qe п. PlayStation & Saturn Warcraft II Saturn World. Series Baseball ‘98, Manx TT, Duke A ; ^ Nukem 3D, Herc's Adventure, Shining The Hoy Li p^ The Lost World: rare Park m a well as PC news from the Matrix. i F Classic GI Cu a Glance GI looks at classics on eo PlayStation the Super NES, Genesis, and NES. 8) Tail of the Sun, Bug Riders, Pitfall 3D, Arcade Brigade Battle Arena Toshinden 3, Rebel Moon, Atari Games is back with _ Blazer Champ their newe Шш PlayStation & Saturn The Dark Ас : ; Grand Slam Secret Access — Saturn Tips From Our Readers _ МВА Live 97, Mega Man X and the infamous Game a _ Super NES Genie/Game Shark Swap Shop. E: The Lost Vikings 2 Genesis | _ The Lost World: Jurassic Park ` Nintendo 64 Doom 64 Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1067-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issues for.$9.98 by Sunrise Publications, 10120 West 76th Street, ean Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155, For subscriptions, back issues or customer service inquiries (612) 946-7268. Periodicals postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address pem 10120 m Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year. Entire contents copyright 1996. Game Informer Magazine. All rights f reproduction i in whole or in part without permission is pc Game потег а trademark of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their = ое. бате Rs 3 im Та Borne Of Ench Л -— реге Exist Only ОП ЕЛП Expect The ImpoNsible: KIDS TO ADULTS CONTENT RATED BY ESRB This. official seal - assurance that | meets the highest. standards of SEG Inc., licensed by Worki +3772 for Information on Gf IT M strange when you think about it. Three years ago, Sega and Nintendo ruled the video game roost. To me, and I’m sure to pretty much everyone else, they seemed invincible. It was as if they had risen so high that they could never falter. But as most things go, they did falter. Nintendo encountered numerous delays with the launch of the N64, followed almost immediately by numerous software delays. Sega's early release of the Saturn back-fired on them when more software never materialized in time to give them a firm hold on the market. Then, to make things worse, many third-party companies opted to release games first on the PlayStation, leaving Saturn owners unhappy. The end result of all these inconsistent business maneuvers was that both companies gave Sony a clean shot at the title, and it seems they have not only taken the top seat, but are intent on keeping it as well. In the past, | wrote that | thought video games would end up with three companies vying for the top spot: much like NBC, ABC, and CBS. Unfortunately, | was wrong. It seems that game players and third-party companies aren't willing to put up with a : | company that is in third medium. For now, the battle for video game supremacy is still raging; however, you can start to see the kinks in each army's armor. Sega needs a must-have title that every gamer wants to play; Nintendo simply needs more titles and third-party support (even though they will continue to state otherwise); and Sony, well, they need to clean up their line-up and try to keep the “me-too” titles off the shelves. 1 place. They would much rather align themselves with a proven ` While | still believe there is a chance that any company could ; end up victorious, | finally understand that there can only be two left standing. Maybe someday the market will change and allow for more diversity, but until then, these three companies are . fighting for keeps. That's why this year's E3 is so important to all three of these companies. A good showing can mean the difference between success ы and a visit from the repo man. So tune in to Game Informer and : get ready to watch the biggest video game war that this industry и has ever seen. *Bring the dogs indoors, lock your doors, p & bar the windows, and prepare however you = "I can for the GI invasion. Over the last year, к our tiny staff of five editors has gained glory в and power throughout the video game | industry. And now that we have a taste of invulnerability, we're going to milk it for all it's worth. In the future you can expect to | see much larger Gl issues, with free pack- in gifts ranging from hair strands from Paul's head to clothing | misplace when | streak across the office screaming N64 | nonsense in Greek. 1997 and ‘98 are the ? years when we'll explode into the hot seat | of gaming editorial. You may even see a | game based on the Game Informer staff in late ‘99 for our excellent reputation and © great looks. Be wary, and be warned, we re | here to skin this industry down to the bare | bones of knowledge and reality. Viva Game | Informer!!!" | lo CEU MEC CUORE SNC OW ERIK, THE PC JED "Were the rest of you Suikoden fans out ther as | фы Was when Gremio got killed and stopped hs del ^ your party with his useless presence? Well guess what! | finally got all 108 characters and what do you get for it? That: right, Gremio comes back from the dead. Agghh! Oh well 1 think I'll iust have to go back to playing Master of Orion Il, an PAUL, THE GAME PROFESSOR “If | wasn't gainfully employed at my dream job, I'd likely be mowing Andy's lawn and stealing all his Dr. Pepper. Plus, + | think he'd pay me to keep his games ` апа CDs alphabetized. Recently, I've . been putting a lot of time in on Triple Play 98. | still haven't created the team of seven footers, but that's my next plan. We've all been keeping fairly close tabs on upcoming Sony titles like Crash 2, Legions, Jet Moto 2, and Blasto. You'll definitely hear more about these and upcoming Nintendo and Sega games JON, THE GREEDY GAMER “The snow has finally left and tha means two things: ‘In case any of you gamers out there didn't know, our resident | bookworm, Jon Storm, is working on a book of his own. And the | other night when | was hanging out over at his house, we began | talking about his book. While his book sounds exciting it gave me | an idea for my own book. It'll be called Reiner and the Sugar | | Stalk. The plot is along the lines of Willy Wonka meets Jack and | _ the Beanstalk. The main character, of course, is Reiner, and one | day while he's at work, he ingests so much sugar a giant bean | : s out his behind. In a fit of excitement, the Gl staff plants the after the ЕЗ show this month. bean and it grows into the sky. | haven't quite figured out what | - ENE SAPE n. KAP : opening day of walleye, and there's ' not too many things better than a cool _ breeze, a sunny day, and a tasty chop. * Well, there might be one thing better: the best baseball game I've ever played. | really dig TP 98. Luckily, my pad has a screened-in porch with couches and a TV. So if you wander over into my neighborhood, you'll be hearin' the crack of the bat on a hot summer night. And oh, by the way, | also went to the Indy 500!" happens from here, but | know it involves a steamroller, a chicken, | : | and алеге lost love from Illinois.” į June 16 for reports directly from the t : convention floor in Atlanta.” me armel ues MAGA June Issue 1997 Volume VII * Number 6 + Issue #50 Richard A. Cihak Publisher Andrew McNamara Editor Paul Anderson Senior Associate Editor Andrew Reiner Erik Reppen Jon Storm Associate Editors Thomas Blustin Art Director Graphie Design Timothy J. Laurie Production Director Graphic Design Curtis Fung Production Assistant Graphic Design Ryan MacDonald West Coast Correspondent Sarah Anderson Gia Garbinsky Copy Edilors Terrie Maley Circulation / Marketing Manager (612) 946-7274 Advertising Sales Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director — — — — 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 (612) 946-8159 Fax (612) 946-8155 Manufactured and printed in the United States of America Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1087-6292) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19 98 per year, five trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications", 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 940-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. Periodicals postage paid al Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer’ Magazine, 10120 West 7éth Streel, Eden _ Prairie, MN 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S, dollars and must include $20/year. additional postage. The Editor weloomes company product information for all video games. Such materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Informer" Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Editorial phone and FAX numbers are noted above. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned or acknowledged. Entire contents copyright 1997. Game Informer. Magazine, All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited, Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade names. or trademarks, of their respective companias. For subscription inquiries please write or call. Game Informer Magazine 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (612)946-7266 Attn: Customer Service PUBLISHER LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is limited to republication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. INDEMNIFICATION The advertiser and/or Advertising Agency agrees fo defend. and indemnify the publisher against any and all liability, loss, or expense arising from claims of libel, unfair competition, unfair trade practices, infringement of trademarks, copyrights, trade names, patents, or proprietary. fights or violation of rights of privacy, resulting from the publication of the Advertiser's statement. Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Game Informer «© luno (97 “ Б> PlayStation CONTENT RATED BY ESRB jon and the PlayStation Іодоѕ & й trademarks of Sony Gompu Entertainment Inc. "RAYSTORM' is a trademark of Taito Corp., licensed by Working Designs. Original Game © Taito Corp. 1996. branslation © Working Designs 1997. "Wofking Designs"'is a re d trademark of Working Designs, Inc. All rights reserved. "SPAZ" is a trademark of Working Designs, Inc. All rights reserved. агау light my fire!? For a dealer near you, all (916) 243-3417. 1-800-771-3772 for Game Rating Information. \ From Readers: What do you look for when judging envelope art? GI: We dont have any seriously strict guidelines for the contest, but we can tell you your chances are better if you avoid certain things. Art done with a non-colored pencil, for instance, tends to smudge and doesn't show up very well in the magazine. We also tend to like stuff thats a little more original than copied box art from old games. The art doesn't necessarily have to be video game related, just cool. From Readers: І don't get your magazine anymore but I really liked your codes section and reviews. Can you send me a list of all your codes and review scores from the last seven months? GI: No. From Readers My subscription just ran out a couple months ago. Can you send me a free subscription and the two issues I missed? BI: Sorry, No. From Readers: My parents say I can't have a Nintendo 64 because I already have the Saturn and the PlayStation. Could you send me a free Nintendo 64? GI: Unfortunately you forgot to send a self- addressed stamped box. We'll just have to ' leave your N84 with the other 238 units sitting in a pile under Reiner's desk. Scud the Disposable Assassin looks sweet! | Your story on it in the March issue was great too. I can't wait until it cornes out. I was kind of annoyed with the fact that you talked about how there weren't really any Saturn games worthy of coverage. What about Scud? By the way, in your March issue, your _ Secret Access section was taken up by a huge . Shadows of the Empire Play to Perfection . Guide. If youre going to do stuff like that, ould you still keep Secret Access the regular ize and keep the strategy guides separate? | Thanx! Unknown (Marvin is that you?) Mars Scud is pretty cool, but there were a lot of | reasons we didn't want to do it as a cover. For | one thing, we only like to put reviewable | games on our cover and all we had at that | time were about five different versions of | Scud that weren't final. We also felt that it | wouldnt be very professional to give Scud | that kind of hype, because members of our | staff helped contribute to the deal that turned | the comic book into a game. They also got to | put two songs on the soundtrack from their | respective bands, Unbelievable Jolly Machine | (Andy as drummer and backup vocals), and | Fidget-X (Reiner on the guitar and vocals). With all of our connections to the game, we | didn't really want people to think we were gating our own boats about the whole thing. or a while we were even considering not oing a review of the game. ! The first thing that everyone says is that | | your mag rules, but it is true. Your mag is great. I arn an outraged consumer. I feel that I . have been manipulated by Nintendo. In September of ‘96, I was put оп a waiting list to receive the Nintendo 64 game system. I aved up six months' allowance to buy the machine at $200. I finally received my | machine right before Thanksgiving. Now it is he end of March and I noticed that the price f the system is about $150!! I am furious bout this because I waited and waited for my ! Nintendo, and now anyone can get it for $50 | cheaper. I feel that it is reasonable to drop | system prices after a couple years, but come | on, five or six months!? I feel that Nintendo _has taken advantage of my pocketbook. I | would like to know if any of you at GI feel _ that same way. Pat Ratliff Northbrook, IL It's a classic example of supply and | demand, Pat. The gaming public was going koo koo for Nintendo puffs and Nintendo knew it. So if you are so concerned about the rice-tag, then "wait" before you buy a new system Ütherwise, if you want to be the first n your block with an N64 or any other system, then expect to get squeezed for a ouple of bucks. First off, I would like to say that your mag |. is terrific. The first question I'd like to ask is why the heck is my Game Informer coming in so late? My second question concerns the 6400. I looked in many other March magazines and they all had some new information about it. I also wanted to know what these abbreviations stand for: PS-X, E3, FX2, and EA. Generally you should be receiving your ssues right before the month that the magazine has printed on it. If you have questions, please call the CUSTOMER SERVICE number, at (612) 946-7266. Anyone else you call won't be able to help since they are busy putting together a magazine and tend to get really cranky when _ they are interrupted. We've told you what we know about the 6400 and arent going to do you the disservice of repeating old information. We make a point of keeping tabs on what other mags are saying and we don't feel any of them have printed anything substantial that we've missed. PS-X is for the PlayStation, E3 is for the largest annual video game convention in the States called the Electronic Entertainment _ Expo, FX2 is a graphics chip, and EA is none _ other than Electronic Arts. Im a proud owner of a superb computer and I like your GI PC section. I'm also a diehard MK maniac and I recently saw some pictures for MK4 in your magazine. I was | wondering if MK4 would be coming out for | the PC? Also, which system is better: the PS-X | or the PC? I'd like your expert opinion. Anonymous МНН uuu c T Game Informer = June ‘97 as much as a PlayStation and you'd have to | be kind of crazy to buy a PC just to play | games on it. The main reason we do GI PC is because we know a lot of homes have computers and we figured it might be a plus for people to see what gaming options they have on that platform. We don't even know when MK4 is coming | out on the consoles yet, so we can't really . help you out with that one. But we'd be Willing to bet that like the other games in the series, it will be coming out on the PC. The arcade game should come out at about the same time as the movie which will be making _ its way to theaters on August 1. Is the PS-X better than the PC? Well, Erik's favorite games are still on the PC, but since he's worked with us he's become much more susceptible to the ways of the console. The PC and PlayStation are similar in that each has a ton of games, but a lot of them suck. Unfortunately, bad PC games tend to be a lot worse than bad PlayStation games because an the PC there isn't a governing body to turn the real losers down and there are no licensing fees to restrict wannabe halfwits from making games. There are also certain games that have never done well on the PC. Driving games, action/platform, and fighting games (Mortal Kombat excluded) have never had a great showing on the PC. Of course, great strategy games and complex flight simulators haven't always been very common on the consoles either. It seems, however, that many of these lines are starting to get crossed with games like C&C coming out for PlayStation and Sega taking an active role in doing PC games. Take into account the fact that a PC can cost up to ten or twenty times аа We are doomed I tell youl, DOOOOOMMMED!! In issue #47, on your Тор Ten Signs of the Apocalypse, the no. 1 sign is: “Acclaim makes a good game!" Well, they did | darn it! I'm talking about Turok: Dinosaur | Hunter for the N64. With all the cool | graphics, explosions, and 2 kinds of blood, I tell you, Turok is one mean game and Acclaim did it! WE ARE GONNA DIIITEEEE!!! THE DARK CLOUD IS UPON US AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!! Jonathan Jubida ] Vancouver, BC _ PS. When are you gonna make a Play to Perfection of WipeOut XL for PS-X? Say, they did make a good game didn't they. That's exciting. Fortunately the hidden 11th sign of the Apocolypse would require us to do a Play to Perfection on a racing game that's been out for almost a year. Shauna Clarke Mount Vernon, NY Shauna shows that Anime lives, even in Mount Vernon. Hey zombie-boy, you want a piece of me? Russell Stidham Nokesville, VA Dragon Ball Z fans always take a unique approach to art and life. Angelo Paleothodoros LaGrange Park, IL Paul will only let you screw up on his hair once. Once! op Scotch Plains, NJ My Kung-Fu is strong! Josh Gilbert Glendale, Wi Even the aliens from ID4 hate Barney! RD сег | E torzo WEST Zw S. Есен Piste MN 5x3 James Sammartano, view, MN Back in the olden days, Mario had to eat a lot of mush- rooms to be able to bounce off a dinosaur's head. d ue Lo Ri borne Once Again Star Fox 64. presents* ап unprecedented combination of personality and complexity in Va video game. We’ ve seen intergalactic shooters, and we've even seen novelty action games with happy-go-lucky: fuzzy ` characters, but we've never seen these two worlds unite successfully. All the characters presented in Star Fox, like . have the appearance of a cute plush doll or an animated Fox McCloud and Falco Lombardi, character, and the gameplay and presentation of visuals .is comparable to the action in the Star Wars movies. Obviously, this sounds ridiculous, and just the thought of your stuffed Fozzie Bear manning the helm of an X-Wing Fighter seems a little far-fetched to us, but not to Nintendo. Somehow, Nintendo managed to fuse these two completely different worlds together to make one of the greatest арас. shooters of all time. A flare of creativity is always welcome in the world of gaming, and Star Fox designer Shigeru Miyamoto, who has done all of the Mario and Zelda titles, knows how to. entertain not just a Unlike Supe completely ble | ) jent" that Mario did by introd ucing a whole new gaming environment to fans of the series. Star Fox 64 is here to please gamers who love the original version, and to turn the heads of those who never experienced a Star Fox adventure. The gameplay is almost identical to the original, with a few new control additions that make the game more involved. The first thing you'll notice,is not every area in the game is a forward scrolling design. There are three- dimensional arenas for certain levels, mainly the gigantic boss stages. Plus, instead of having every mission be air bound, you'll now man a Landmaster Tank for ground melee and a Submarine for aquatic assaults. Star Fox 64 is back with a vengeance and although it has been a while, we’re sure the 0. www. те ‘ Fa with a Aentrélier peripheral, · .or simply hit the Fox 2 was canned : of the cosmos returns to the 64-bit version. The game. comes ped force feedback the Rumble Pak, which shakes the controller when you take a hit, run into a canyon wall, launch a bomb, turbo. The release of. Star Fox 64 is a exciting event fo the gaming natio and we never tho would happen after SNES. But on June 30, even the most skilled of gamers. | fire In the Sky The entire cast of Star Fox has а to rid the universe of the evil Andross, the most | _ sinister intergalactic villain around. Your three g men: Slippy Toad; Falco Lombardi, and’ Peppy Hare, will travel with you (Fox "Foxy" McCloud) across the cosmos, through the emy bogie that they cannot shake, and it will be up to you and your skill to get them out of a bind. If you don't, there is the possibility that — | they will not be around to help you on the next mission. | | Obviously, these characters won't help y too much, but the most surprising character the Nintendo universe has been resurrected to help you out. R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Bu the Robot is an 8-bit relic, and he mak Nintendo 64 debut as a helping hand to Fox his squadron. Every once and a while, Rob will pop up on the radio waves offering a. helpful. power-up to assist you in your current battle. This is a lifnited time event, “so you'll need to keep a watchful eye on your radio view screen and the top of the screen for the okay button to tell him to drop some supplies. The level designs and enemy Al have always been one of the high points of Star Fox. This. time around there is a bit of irony and sarcasm E presented. in certain ie | bosses reveals its true for original clan of Star Fox fans will be back to challenge the forces of evil in this souped up atosphere, and into the heart of evil. At. - mes these characters will: encounter „ап ш Size: 96 Megabit ш Style: 1-Player Space Shooter (1 to 4-Player Split-Screen Versus Mode) в Special Features: Built In Memory Back-Up for Saving High Scores, Three Gameplay Paths, Split- ‘Screen Multi-Player Versus Games, Three Different Vehicles (Arwing _ Assault Fighter, Landmaste. and a Submarine), Two P. Views, Rumble Pak Coi m Levels:15 | m Created b : Ni from Star Trek, one entir uld easily be called "The Battle on the Death Star," and there is also a large dogfight with a huge saucer preparing to fire a deadly ray on a significant landmark. Yes, the game does have some stolen ideas, and whether it is an intentional knock on these ‘other sci-fi. films ^ is been the ability. to T “fying, the АВ well as а mere difficulty level... ж Game ine & тота 191 A " 4 HITS o 9 cmm —dXia Game Informer.» Ju Www.gamein =p um A Рік we i SSS lethal bonus. The rest of the level Boss: To beat this fiend first take o his le routes which rang from. ) E The.easy path, course A, is located. at ie ottoni of the map, course tHe middle path, and course C is bombs and lager piar EE a located all the way at the oe In order to travel B or С, Objective: You must keep Falco al tain level objectives on any harder section of the level. ма, instance on kn one, . . Objective Boss: First take out th blinking target in the middle to tak Medal: Defeat 115 enemies. . one of the fifteen levels. Cornilia, your K^ to ihr Falco complete an Mam. уои! T] be End on the eat : far the entirety ‹ of the game. In the end, all path: eventually coverage at Venom for. the final ass Medals E e^ e T t Y p.t esi e Í Enter into the asteroid field and keep an For mech fans, this is one of the coolest К То obtain a Medal on any one ‘Of the fifteón ateds yeu I eye out for the gold rings (3 extends levels around. Early on, shoot out the need to meet a level requirement of enemy kills: On some . | | max shield). To avoid taking damage, use first batch of enemy fighters to obtain a * "levels this requirement is easy to meet, but at times it ` the barrel roll and turbo to avoid dual laser power-up. As you proceed mays seem nearly impossible to meet the desired number. * If you obtain. all fifteen of the Medals you'll also unlock the - secret Expert Mode. The best strategy to meet this goal - on any one of the levels is to memorize the: enemy patterns and level designs. dti may sound like a fip but * dé it may be 22 oniy way, a жы ' Ў asteroids and tricky enemy fighters. through this level, take out the catt red turr ts c on йе space vessels . This strategy guide ` ; is being released a little | prematurely, and we urge you to not reäd it until the. gamei is released, or until you are stuck on а level. This. guide has a complete breakdown of all the levels, ‘techniques on bosses, and useful tips that will таке уои а master of the game. Below i is 8 list ofa few tricks that will make. your voyage a this technigl Ж Ж Always go fo ` їп your afte and most ir ` ж When going for th тода опа level and: a swarm of enemies appear; use the braké to slow your ‘movement and shoot as many-as you сап. 3% Use bombs to kill clusters of enemies. 3 Use the lock-on shot to take out fast moving enemies. `Æ Use the flip to lose bogies off your tail: p i: Banking (with the escas on its ees will allow you to turn faster. # In tight areas use the first- "person view to clear ир. confusion. In three- dinen arenas, use your beg at all times. ` Ж Try and keep your wing men alive at all times. They are annoying, but they do come in handy during certain fights. 3 Save your ammo for every boss. b. m 12 www.gameinformer. com This is the only submarine level in the game. Avoid This is an all-out war against $ all the sea life since some of it is extremely enemy fighters, and only your dangerous, and continue on through the caves understanding of the game and | and strange structures of this sea planet. You flawless maneuvering will pull you wont be able to charge up underwater, so your through. Take out as many targeting will have to be precise with both the fighters as you can with the laser and unlimited bomb attacks. The level itself power-up attack. Before long, a is fairly easy, but there are a few enemies that will EN 2 É mother ship will enter the sector. be a bother. Eliminate them immediately. | You'll need to continue dogfighting $ Boss: To defeat this extra large clam, simply blast ong enough for the mother ship @ his parasitic. predators, nus then take out the First, carefully maneuver throu platforms and take out as many: : ж : Ee | т roll and brakes will come іп handy wi dee и B This is a fairly straight- collapsing blocks. Take out all the pl: | к - forward level that shouldn't a visual on, and try to avoid all | ЖО 80 ЕЕ КУЭ give you too much trouble. structures that float by. oy MEE | оз. Basically, you'll need to Boss: Avoid his laser blasts, f =н | ! |. = ле: | destroy all the birds and arm spins, and flying fists while TS a Pu | 3 L avoid the metal structures shooting his yellow eyes with | E Bi mA a | zE and river snakes that rapid fire and bombs. After ће И. - um. - E | d _ appear. From the halfway loses his head, shoot the red mE е АН bM - : : E marker you'll need to shoot dot on his neck. Slippy wil || WT... = io M ч AI E. » . out targets located on perish in this battle, and there | Www i с уа EE docks to receive shield is по way to save him. Sorry. FS | ШИШКА power-ups, and destroy the f Medal: Defeat 150 enemies. __ T - — ie X хот сф cruisers that come by to coms : NI GODORO tid me the amount of On this level you'll ретту Іоѕе shields be you are flying over. Shoot out as m power-ups. Avoid the lava at all costs an keeping your shields full. Try using the trouble blasting enemies. | Boss: Okay, so this boss п по b | 21 A cy m JP A FOL « + , ` | Po. s : : m s i х E . à ` € A ^ m б Y s i 1 ‹ ° 9 Ci еме апа Ore а 8 аке a E E О de - U c е арап) ES 8 E е E е H U OVE О апе E Duc e large е апа id U Û 0 0 8 еме О e ho C] n с ate а one arfarance oa n = DO ere are ple of powe D Dread ougho eve o do SLIP rs : : n AN This is a three-dimensional level, and you'll first need to take out the bogies swarming your wing men. А cut scene will occur and you'll | - need to take out a missile before it hits the . Star Fox vessel. Now, head back out to deep ‘space and take out missiles two and three. All i u'll be required to tak six of the ш m | ; erea 8 firea bf - Boise Defense Outpost Take out the towers spread all around the central structure. The smaller towers will provide shield power when needed. Use the turbo to move around within the field if you’re having trouble getting around. Once all the towers are down, the force field will be broken, and a massive swarm of enemy fighters will appear. The fly to the edge of the screen technique works great for losing enemy bogies, but if you are still having problems, be sure to summon Rob 64 for crucial power-ups when һе appears. After you take out all of the fighters, concentrate on avoiding the blasts that come from the central structure and carefully go after the ten yellow targets on the reactor tower. Medal: Defeat 150 enemies Area 6B/C - Defense Station First avoid the saucers and take out all the fighters that swarm about. Using the lock-on attack will make this task much easier. Grab all the laser power-ups that you can, and blast anything and everything that moves. The barrel roll technique will help reduce incoming damage when the enemies team up and attack in large forces. Before you know it, you'll be right on top of the halfway marker. From here on out you'll need to be on your toes, avoiding the enemy barges, blasting deadly fighters, and hunting down valuable shield power-ups. If you want to reduce the amount of fire , coming in, concentrate your firepower on the bridge of the barges to take | them down. This is risky, but well worth it. Boss: Funky! This boss is as tricky as it is weird. First, save your bombs, and take out the roving arms with your lasers. Make sure you take out all the incoming missiles or you're meat. Some of the missiles will supply shield power-ups. When he opens up, shoot out the glowing power balls, en after following this Strategy three тев, the core will turn. rec Il wing la; er r blasts to ھا‎ firea TE - Venom Home World ~ Use your bombs or homing shots to take out the annoying ground targets. Always watch your back for enemy fighters and snag all the power-ups that you can. When Falco says he'll take the left, proceed to the right and use the bomb strategy to take out the ground-bas: targets. If you don't have any bombs, use the barrel roll to get through these tricky Sele Stay at the top of the screen to avoid the rising rock storm. | - Boss: Now, enter the temple and blast the running rock man as quickly as pose T take this freak down, first shoot him in the torso, then the arms, the feet, and = Ше һеа the lock-on shot to inflict some major damage on this freak. Secret Temple: This stage comes down to nothing but skill. If you can maneuver th tunnel without taking any damage you should fare well against the monkey head boss. Use t fep E cam in the tunnel and this part should be a piece of cake. NU his andi Then, shoot him in the mouth, and always pull back when he! tries to S After defeating him, he will alter his form, and you'll need to blast him as quickly as pc From here, the game is over, and the ending sequence will begin. If you played the first. Star Fox for the SNES, this boss should be really easy, since he is basically the same. Medal: Defeat 200 enemies. p have vowed to make the combat as least as exciting as Tekken and Tekken 2, if not more so. The fighting controls are similar to Tekken, where a certain button is used to control a specific limb. This is not a fighting game, so you won't be thrown right chance to play the game, talk to the into a fight. In Spawn, you'll actually need to creative team behind it, interview | ES | find your opponents, and since the game is Todd McFarlane, and watch a LO Jf .. three-dimensional (and quest based), you'll complete rough cut of Spawn the a have the option to pick and choose who you movie on Todd's whoppin' big screen fight against. If you are feeling lucky, you can television with automated outdoor sun mn a any fight is tds or il Ue low visors and a kickin’ bass system. It on health, you Can abandon combat and run was an exciting trip to say the least, away. Granted, the angered adversary will and the info he gathered was more | give chase, but you should be able to lose than useful. So now, we proudly ! SPAWN’S CREATOR TODD McFARLANE him or her throughout the vast levels. present the complete story. behind | | | However, some enemies will need to be the future. of Spawn. ONU TEE CYAN. destroyed, since they may hold an item you are looking for, or trigger а door to open. The fighting system is amazingly. complex. Besides having the standard special move attacks, Spawn. can throw the enemy, rip off its limbs, and then use that arm or leg as a weapon. This system could become really complex. Let's say you face the Violator, and before you have the chance to attack, he rips off your upper torso and leaves you with nothing but a head. and arms. You'll then need to launch yourself on, top of his back with an arm leap and rip out the curved horn.on his back. To beat him you'll need to thrash him with the horn and then at the right time, stab it through his head. Of course, this is a pipe dream, but it is possible. If you look at. the» screen shots. scattered around these pages you'll notice that Spawn doesn't have his cape and chains. These essential costume pieces are in the game, but THE YEAR OF HELL ON GARTH їп early March, Sony Interactive Studios America invited Associate Editor Andrew Reiner to be one of the first individuals in the industry to see Spawn: the Eternal. In the time Reiner was there, he had a THE DEVIL. AND HIS GAME While Spawn fans probably still have a bitter taste in their mouth: from the last Spawn offering on the Super Nintendo by Acclaim Entertainment, Sony Interactive Studios America is doing their best to keep this 32-bit product as close to the comic series as possible. This means great things for those who are captivated with the essentials of Spawn and not just the action within the game. Sony basically has complete freedom to pluck out whatever characters and plot twists they want from the comic series for the game. But since the complete comic series moves a tad E. slow, a compromise was reached to : ME MOL pris j : incorporate more action into the game. SEEN ‚ OT since the cape, it Long time comic legend, Allan Moore, : interfered. with. the play view. who has written a few scripts for Spawn WEM MALEBOLGIA | Sony decided to make these pieces into powerup items. The cape will give issues, was called in to create a : Spawn better defensive capabilities, and the chains will lash out and attack. fast-moving and ferocious plot for the game. The final story board he came You'll need to find both of these hidden items within the levels. up with is: Spawn must travel through three timelines and all eight levels As we mentioned before, Spawn will travel to different timelines. The first of Hell to regain his missing soul, which he sold to Malebolgia in exchange you'll encounter is the Medieval era. Through this timeline, Spawn will morph into for one last chance to see his wife Wanda. Fooled by the offer, Spawn the popular Medieval Spawn character and travel through castles and courtyards is now marked as a Servant of Hell, required to do the bidding of his mas- тшт — to claim his prize. The next time jump is to the ter in preparation for Armageddon against Heaven. SAV AGE SP AWN Savage Land. This level features an exclusive Sony has been working on the game for over a year now and has built new Spawn character created by McFarlane the ultimate Hell simulator engine which will surely be able to handle the only for the game. The last era is present day, complexity of the Spawn saga. Set within a third-person perspective, which Р with the Spawn we all know апа love. From is very similar to the look of Tomb Raider, Spawn will have to explore here, you'll need to work your way through the massive levels to try and find either the exit or an artifact he is looking for. d. ; streets and down into the first level of Hell. In these levels, Spawn will also be required to КАМ : 1. | Through all the levels of Hell, you'll play as the locate keys to open locked doors, а as. main Spawn character, and at the end, square throw switches activating timed doors, off against the gruesome Malebolgia. _ or simply work his way through a To stay current and consistent with the tricky labyrinth. Theoretically, you could comic series, Sony has been updating easily throw the label of “adventure several of the characters’ appearances as game” onto this title, but there is also soon as they change in the comic. One another side to the game that makes notable change is obviously Spawn's new it fairly revolutionary. appearance from his last trip to Hell. Sony had Hand-to-hand fighting is a major to alter their original Spawn to include the player in this title. The creative team at massive leg anchor armor, and the extra piece Sony, who. are huge fans of Tekken, of flesh that was ripped from Spawn's face. Game Informer ® June ‘97 One question we asked was, "Will the worms and maggots that Spawn has been sucking energy from be incorporated into the game?" Producer Russell Shanks stated that they are trying to include them as a power-up animation, so that when Spawn secures a new power, the worms will swirl around him and grant him the new power. There are a total of ten villains from the comic series making an. appearance in the game. The big players are Violator, Overtkill, Reedemer, and Angela. At some point, you'll be required to £o a few rounds with each of these deadly villains. Sony has also developed over thirty exclusive characters not featured in the comic book. These characters will act as standard enemies within the levels, and certain ones will even be level end bosses. While it's way too early to give a thorough evaluation of the product, we do think that Spawn has the potential to become one of Sony's biggest titles of the year. A tentative release date has been set for August. Keep your eyes glued to Game Informer in the next couple months for more info and screens on this devil of a game. Game Informer = June ‘97 Shortly after the fun-filled day at Sony in San Diego, Reiner then traveled to Phoenix to visit the creator and madman behind the entire Spawn universe — Todd McFarlane. The day consisted of a brief tour of the comic studio located conveniently above Todd's three car garage, a trip to a burrito shop with Terry Fitzgerald, a casual interview with Todd over his drawing board, and then, a sneak peek screening of Spawn the movie. Lo and behold, Todd has his life cut out for him. After a good night's sleep, Todd can basically roll over and fall directly into his art studio. This room is Spawn's domain, and wherever you look, there is either a Spawn picture or some kind of Spawn toy lying around. The office is fairly large for only two comic titles a month, but he does have some nice decorations like Madonna's first costume from the Truth or Dare tour and the uniform from her role in A League of Their Own. The interview we did was in Todd's office, and while Reiner fired away with his questions, Todd answered them all while doing inks for issue number sixty. Here's what he had to say. "SPAWW HAS THE POTENTIAL TO BECOME ONE OF SONY'S BIGGEST TITLES OF THE YEAR.” Writers: Todd McFarlane (1-8, 12- d ay ee Нап мег (11), Ме Morrison (1618) : Art by: Todd McFarlane (1-15, 21 24), Greg. Capullo (16-20, 26-62), THE INTERVIEW ` hat is it like to see your comic book come a control-the merch eptember 4996-Current) life in the form of a video game, motion picture, y that there is ever going to Writer: Alan McElroy — —— — and cartoon series? : ~ , Art by: Dwayne Turner Issues: 8 and going Written by: Alan Mot Art by: Tony Daniel “Issues: 4 . Spawn: Bible (One Shot, : November 1996) е Spawn/Batman _ (Deluxe One Shot, 1994) Jf you knew this guy Ww Written by: Frank Miller Art by: Todd McFarlane F peat. offender and. the system - Dixon Art бу: Klaus Janson e Spawn: The e (Limited Series, . December 1998 -February 1997) Written by: Mike Grell Art by: Mike Grell and Issues: 3 - | | ing 1 ba kte r lothings We want ar directing. p 5 v — o [think Spawn fits that... With: a Visual of a crayon, and then pull "e Spawn/WildC.A.T.S: Devil Day »», Pocket; | don't want Adolescence i$... that Cyan is coloring in a book, and then later on she | € nce should come A disappears and somebody comes in.and.sees the room is fróm here (pointing toward his» rt). | mean. Рт empty except for a couple of Ue: in the corner as a (Limited Series, January 1996- ~ D thirty-five, and | still think l'm a April 1996) Written by: Alan Moore Art by: Scott Clark Issues: 4 * Medieval Spawn/Witchblade ited Series, May July 1996) Written by: Garth Ennis Art by: Brandon Peterson Issues: 3 : who: movie. The easiest way out is that Spawn keeps thinking it's Chapel, because he’s the leader, and Spawn thinks he's thé guy who pulled the trigger. But as the pieces slowly mold together..he--finds out. that Chapel was just-the-guy who said to pull the trigger. Рт not going to get too hung up on it; we just. have to move on and get а little creative. Reiner: Will. there be more. Spawn comics besides the regular series and The Curse of Spawn? Todd: Yeah, The Curse of Spawn to me is like the vertigo book where it's more of an upgrade that fills you in on other characters in the Spawn universe. We.have such a large audience and people get bored with Spawn, so this is how | turn up the heat with The _ Curse of Spawn. Spawn itself will keep growing as long as people keep reading, and we'll keep adding layers to keep people entertained without losing the edge. Reiner: What kind of creative input did you have on the game? Todt Uh...Terry Fitzgerald is at Sony all the time, so he's our nuts and bolts guy, and he knows games better than | do. My input is, ‘why can't this texture look more like this or - that, or how does Spawn ш get up here, ог ГЫ, doesn't his costume look like this?’ If they. say no, they give me a reason, and | go ' | see why that won't work.’ Sometimes they're thinking А, and I'm thinking B, sure, we can do that.’ and then they go ‘oh... Reiner: Sony created over thirty exclusive characters for the game. Will they ever be in the comic series or toy line? Тода: Yeah, it's a matter of extrapolating the best of all those pieces. So just because something exists, doesn't mean it will fit into the other universe. So, you take the game and look at it and look at the thirty - there eight or four that are cool?” Then maybe take those. and work those into whatever might happen. ^ gm THE ЛОЛЕ First and foremost, we have to. thank _ Chris Kramer over at Sony for asking | Todd to bring down either the movie or - animated series, because of course, Reiner was scared to ask Todd to do anything. The movie is good, but at the moment not great. АП the CG images that are going to be - incorporated into the film are still - • Angela (Limited Series, December 1994-February 1995) Written by: Neil Gaiman Art by: Greg Capullo Issues: 3 • Angela/Glory: Rage Beaunaanb’” missing from the flick, and instead of ^ — ^ Angels (Limited cutting those scenes out, they've Series, 1996) added little flags that appear on the Issues: 1 screen saying, “Violator rips this guy in half,” or "Clown head rolls on the ground.” We don't want to give anything away on this film, but we're sure. Spawn fans. will,. and those who don't know Spawn will. e Violator (Limited Series, May 1994-July 1994) Written by: Alan Moore Artist: Bart Sears (1-2), Greg surely have a great introduction Capullo (3) to-him, with the movie being _ TU З their first hands-on experience. : Plus, for all the Spawn nuts out there, Reiner saw. the * Violator Vs. Badrock м ән н rough cut version that has VIA VV an. extra -hour..of footage that-won' in the film. Lucky dog. (Limited Series, May 1995-August 1995) | Written by: Alan Moore [imag Art by: Brian Denham Issues: 4 e Spawn: Fan Edition (Limited Series Available Only Through Overstreet Fan 1997) Issues: 3 FILM: * Spawn the motion picture (New Line Cinema — August 1997) Directed by: Mark Dippe Actors: Michael Jai White, Martin Sheen, John Leguizamo Rated; PG-13 : e Spawn: The Animated Series (HBO - May 25 1997) Rated: R TOYS: * Spawn (Todd Toys/McFarlane Toys < 1994-Current) Series 1-7 Available Now, Series 8 Available June e Total Chaos (McFarlane Toys 1996-Current) Series 1 Available Now, Series 2 Available September | e Spawn: The Movie (McFarlane Toys) Series 1 Available August • Monsters (McFarlane Toys) Series 1 Available Now e Kiss (McFarlane Toys) Series 1 Available August THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A TWO-GAME GARAGE. Lose the pretenders. Rage Racer" is the king of speed. Nothing captures the realism of street racing like it. Rage Racer is not some retread. It’s brand new from the ground up. But please, don't take our word for it. Take one lap. Then you'll know why Game Fan calls Rage Racer “the greatest racing game on the planet." RAGE RACER" Real. Fast. Quee, tnnt AT'S HOT + TECH TALK * MUTATION NASHUN * COMIC WATCH + TOP TEN * TRIVIA * NAME THAT G AN E tA aF a in QE, vo улт АД TEM June | What’s In Store From Midway ge c D | In the realm of third-party publishing there are few companies August | that publish as many solid games as Midway Home › Atari Collection 1 — Super NES | Entertainment. While their specialty is porting arcade hits from September their sister companies Williams/Bally/Midway and Atari e Midway Collection Il — | Games, they also bring out a number of classic collections and PlayStation | PC ports. The last half of 1997 looks to be a busy one for Midway Robotron 64 — N64 as they will release twelve different titles through the remainder of e Maximum Force — PlayStation the year. e MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero — Unfortunately, it seems that Midway is yet another company that PlayStation | has discontinued Saturn development, as MK Trilogy will be their October | last title for the Saturn. Another important fact to note is that e MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero | Quake will feature a two-player split-screen deathmatch mode (as — N64 | will Doom 64 Absolution when it is released in '98). November |^riffraff/vidgame.cgi (Ro Nc qute “Rampage ИРИ | Riffs Classic Games site has great listings | - PlayStati | — PERE EE SES yStation | À , À | : 6 Gan Eraneisco Rush | of ancient and rare video game cartridges, Smithsonian Institution - PlayStation & N64 | aswell as scans of equally ancient д | magazine covers. Put on a wide-collar e Quake – N64 | hirt and cheek it out ° Mace: The Dark Age | чп ам MEE E - PlayStation & N64 | e Gretzky 3D Hockey ‘98 | - PlayStation & N64 1998 | e Doom 64 Absolution — N64 | КЕ RO а T a iila e B.I.O.F.R.E.A.K.S. - N64 & | @ How many Punch Out titles were there PlayStation | for the NES? e Mortal Kombat 4 - N64 & | @ What was the first console game to feature the FX chip? © How many dragons were there in Atari's Adventure and what were their colors? ©) Who is the voice of Sub-Zero in the Mortal Kombat animated series? PlayStation (9 What console did Phantasy Star originally Super Street Fighter II Collection this summer for the PlayStation and debut on? Saturn. This two disc set contains Super Street Fighter Il, Super Street Fighter Il Turbo, and Super Street Fighter Zero Alpha ІІ. (Answers on the bottom of page 31) We've seen both of the Super //'5 here in the states, but until now, Zero Alpha Il existed only as an arcade game in Japan. The differences between Zero Alpha Il and the others are minute, but the game does feature better graphics and a tag team game with two players against one enemy called the Dramatic Mode. Capcom is not yet sure whether this mode will make it into either home version, since it would require the presence of additional RAM (the Saturn RAM Card for example). lame Thai Rome / This Shigeru Miyamoto game for the SNES | never shipped. It was to use the FXZ chip. What game is it? (Answer on the bottom of page 31) Game Informer 5» June ‘97 g" TIME LIMIT х — - 9 ^ 25 ae * NOM E — s = : | a 4 a? AS P 1'25"238 WWelcome to the land of the flat-out uf A # 715 / » | , f а 220931 * fast. Tear up hellacious hills and rocket around hair-pin turns. 13 new Rage Racer cars stick to the tarmac like gum to the bottom of your shoe. 4 new tracks and an 11 circuit challenge will twist, fold, bend and bludgeon your central nervous system. The more rivals you humiliate, : l Et .2810"650 7'22" VET. OTALRECORD 7:28"765 TIME UMU 10" p E the more cash you accumulate. Use it to modify your existing car, or save it to finance a tricker, quicker ride. See the face on the hood of that car? His handsome mug was lacquered on with the Custom Paint & Team Logo Designer. No bolt was left untorqued in an effort to make Rage Racer the most realistic street racing experience. The only question is, how POWERED By А RAGE RACER" fast can you race to the store and buy it? naneco’ PlayStation Mí Real. Fast. CONTENT RATED BY Е 23-1 Rage Race™ & © 1996 Namco Ltd. A Rights Reserved. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Ic. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digtal Software Association, The two greatest fighting Together, at last, ‘til death 11 vicious Fighting Vipers" 11 combatants from Virtua 10 hidden mystery games of all time. do they part. characters. Fighter™ 2. characters. Mi Sega is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark office. Sega Saturn, Virtua Fighter 2, Fighting Vipers, and Fighters MegaMix are trademarks of SEGA. © 1997 Sega, P.O. Box 8097, Redwood City, CA 94063. All rights reserved. $ SEGA SATURN™ —W Жз. Mi Mec id One of the largest collections New and nasty Virtua M ' - йде Choose from 32 rockin' 5 battle Modes, including of fighters ever. Fighter" 3 moves. M x arenas. Team. An unparalleled, world-class festival of fighting. 4AT'3 HOT + TECH TALK +» @ Turok: Dinosaur Hunter - N64 © Mario Kart 64 – N64 Rally Cross — PS-X Wild Arms - PS-X Fighters MEGAMIX - SS Triple Play 98 — PS-X Soul Blade – PS-X Tekken 3 - Arcade FF VII - PS-X © Star Fox 64 – N64 AN @ Tekken 3 - Arcade Dragon Force - SS ©) Tomb Raider - PS-X Need for Speed 2 - PS-X WCW Vs. the World - PS-X Fighter's MEGAMiX - SS Doom 64 - N64 Super Mario 64 - N64 2 Mortal Kombat Trilogy – PS-X @ Turok: Dinosaur Hunter - N64 @ Bust-a-Move (sounds as painful as listening to the song) Q Iron Angel of the Apocalypse: The Return (9 BRAHMA Force: The Assault on Beltlogger 9 © Uncle Henry's Nuclear Waste Dump © Zombies Ate My Neighbors © АААНН! Real Monsters ©Э Super Alfred Chicken © Corpse Killer (A Little Redundant) Ө Golf Magazine Presents 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples © Spanky's Quest 4 | Game Informer is looking for your Тор | Ten favorite games. Please send your | Top Tens to: | Game Informer Magazine | Attn: Top Ten | | 10120 West 76th Street | Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Everyone that enters every month will be | | entered in a drawing to win a GI Secret | Access Thin 50 get Mo MUTATION NAS yA n. ним * COMIC WATCH + TOP TEN * * WHAT'S HOT * TECH TALK * Pictures of Activision's new character-based action game, Apocalypse, are a little scarce, but information on the game is starting to leak out. It seems that the game revolves around a futuristic prison camp that Bruce's character helps you escape from. The reason for the escape is so that you can help him stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse that are coming to destroy the planet. In typical tag-team style, Bruce will help you work your way through the levels, either through tandem- kt “cover me" sequences or Contra-styled all-out fire fights. — TRE PTT To add to the dramatics, | Activision has also worked in | a moving camera so that | gameplay can take place in full 360 degree, overhead, side, and chase views. Look for Apocalypse to come out | on the Sony PlayStation | this October. Resident Evil 2 is obviously one of the most anticipated games of the year, and sadly it has hit another bump in its release schedule. G/ previously announced a six month delay, which moved the release to December. Now the release date has been bumped again, this time to the first quarter of '98. At this point, there are numerous rumors flying around that are incorrect, namely the fabricated March release date, as well as the reports that Capcom is unhappy with the gameplay features. A Capcom representative has stated that the game is delayed once again because the team behind Resident Evil 2 wants this game to be as good as it can possibly be, meaning instead of having an A title on their hands, they want to have a premier AAA title. Thus, the delay is more than likely due to new features being added, a better story, new animations, and so forth. But also, Capcom's U.S. division believes that, even if finished, RE2 will be on hold through the entire holiday season. Resident Evil proved that a March release makes good business sense, and RE2 will most likely prove B ЕЕН IRR CERES ТТ TURA the point once again. eid As for those who still haven't played Resident | Evil, it remains to be seen whether this latest delay will spark a return to production for the original Resident Evil. As for Saturn owners, Capcom is planning to release the original Resident Evil for the Saturn during the third quarter of '97. Capcom is also planning on bringing Resident Evil 2 їо the Saturn, probably а few months after the PlayStation version ships. As reported by Game Informer in March, Crystal Dynamics is bringing Gex 2 to the PlayStation this fall. Although the game | is still far from complete, Game Informer has learned of some | new developments. Gex 2 will be done in a full 3D environment, created entirely | of poygons and texture maps. At this point, much of the game is in parts since there are numerous teams working on different levels, character animations, and music, but next month Game Informer will have the full story on Gex 2. Until then, look at these pics and drool. Game Informer 9» June ‘97 MUTAT N NASHUN * COMIC WATCH + TOP TEN * TRIVIA • NAME THAT GAME! * р EA has announced plans їо publish Reboot. The game, based on the CG animated television series of the same name, has been in development for quite some time. In fact, the title was originally announced around the same time as the ill-fated Shred Fest. As for play-style, Reboot looks to be a 3/4 perspective (over the shoulder) shooter. Look for Reboot to hit the Sony PlayStation later this year. Crash Bandicoot’s Triumphant Return Deep within the bowels of Naughty Dog, a development team of twelve interesting individuals has secretly been working on the PlayStation's gala action/platform sequel - Crash Bandicoot 2/Cortex Strikes Back. Neo Cortex's evil wrath is once again a plague to Crash and his fellow island buddies, and it will be up to you to save the day. Crash 2 is a true sequel in the fact that it hasn't bowed down to become a completely submersive 3D action title. Of course, there will be multiple new game modes and environments, but the quest you'll be on is structured basically the same. Crash is now equipped with new moves including ducking and monkey bar swinging. New items and power-ups will either aid your quest or cause more chaos. For example, the new Nitro Crates are even more deadly than the original (and returning) TNT Crates. Crash Bandicoot 2 is set for a fourth quarter release for the Sony PlayStation. Are You a Cool Boarder Too? Game Informer has uncovered some facts concerning UEP's upcoming sequel, Cool Boarders 2. The game will feature a two- player split-screen mode as well as ten courses that include a half-pipe, free riding, one make jump, vs. battle, and board park. Sony will ship Cool Boarders 2 in November. Namoo Discovers Some Treasures in the Deep This September, Namco is going to publish Black Ops' Treasures of the Deep for the Sony PlayStation. This action- oriented game takes place below the ocean, and players are divers-for -hire, engaged in special missions that range from treasure hunting to underwater repair. Sea creatures have specific alignments, ranging from kind to neutral to threatening. Animals can also become agitated when provoked, and any blood in the water will attract a horde of frenzied sharks. Players must also be careful which creatures they shoot, as endangered species bring heavy fines. Numerous camera angles, different submarines, and robotic devices create a unique style of gameplay. Treasures of the Deep offers 12 levels that range from shallow bays to mysterious trenches that would scare even Jacques Cousteau. Watch for Treasures this September. Data File: b Kemoe;-püblishers of the d'pcoR N64 game Top Gear Rally, currently have an N64 snowboarding game in the works. While the title is still in the extremely early stages, the design document and demo is at Nintendo and awaiting final approval. If all goes well, it should be available sometime in '98. D A few short weeks after the port of the original Command & Conquer for the PlayStation and. Saturn, Westwood has announced that Command & Conquer: Red Alert is already in the works for the PlayStation. C&C is arguably the best real-time strategy game ever, and Red Alert is simply more of the same with new units and defensive structures. Westwood expects C&C: Red Alert “tombe... available for the PlayStation sometime tate. s pst $ Rare is currently working d O anew... game for the Nintendo 64 tentatively called Dream. Rare is best known for developing the groundbreaking Donkey Kong Country titles for the SNES and KI Gold for the N64. While little is known about this new title, it is rumored to be a 3D action/ adventure game along the lines of Mario 64. Look for Dream to be released before the end of the year. % Gametek has announced that they will develop and publish Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! for the N64. The games are expected to retail at under $50 and should be in stores by the 1997 holiday season. % Activision has agreed to publish U.K. based Merit Studios’ PlayStation title Total Drivin’ in North America under the name Grand Tour Racing ‘98. The game boasts over 40 vehicles ranging from sports cars to rally buggies and 36 tracks in locations such as Moscow and Hong Kong. It will also support multi-player racing through a 2 to 4-player split- screen or the Sony Link Cable. The title is not likely to appear in North America until September. ф Telegames will publish six new Atari Jaguar titles. Towers Il, Plight of the Stargazer (an RPG) and Breakout 2000 (arcade redo) are now available for the Jaguar. Four additional titles - Iron Soldier 2 (CD), World Tour Racing (CD), Zero 5 (cart), and Worms (cart) - will be made available in the coming months. The Jaguar roars again? Hardly. Ð Originally, The Tick promised to be one of Fox Interactive’s biggest titles for 1997. Since that time, Fox has announced that The Tick has been taken off of their ‘97 release schedule. Billed as a satire of the entire gaming experience, Tick players would gain “zillions” of points, conduct conversations with icons in the corner of the screen and battle silly bosses, all while deciphering stupid plots. While The Tick is gone, with a slim possibility of a ‘98 release, it looks like Argonaut’s Croc is here to stay (see pg.37). We only have one complaint. Since Argonaut Software is based in Europe, Fox Interactive cannot claim that their latest game is truly “American Maid.” Game Informer & June ‘97 27 HATS ew ше“. HOT *» TECH TA TION NASHUN + COMIC WATCH * Sonic Title This Summer This August, Saturn owners everywhere will get a chance to relive some of the greatest Sonic moments of all-time in Sega’s new title, Sonic Jam. This compilation disc will feature Sonic 1, 2, and 3, and Sonic and Knuckles, all of which debuted on the Genesis. New to the game is a 3D world that you travel around in order to access the various options and games. As for a new and original Sonic game for the Saturn, we're still waiting for the rebirth of Sonic X-Treme which is likely to reappear at this 3 HOT * TECH FALE. +» EA & Nintendo Ink Deal In the April issue of Game Informer, it was reported that Electronic Arts and Nintendo were at odds concerning development for the N64. Citing the high cost of cartridges as well as Nintendo’s outrageous demands for licensing fees, EA made it known that there were no further plans to develop any software for the N64. Unbeknownst to many employees, EA’s Chairman and CEO, Larry Probst, was hammering out a deal with Nintendo. It can be assumed that with the timely threat of a pull-out, Nintendo realized the need for EA, particularly EA Sports. Therefore, it’s assumed that Nintendo cut their licensing fees and offered up a sweetheart deal. Now EA Sports’ plan is full speed ahead for N64 development. Although no titles have been announced, we can expect to see a number of trademark sports titles such as NBA Live and Madden NFL Football released for the N64 » by the summer of 1998. EA $ also stated that a number of entertainment titles are also month's Electronic Entertainment Expo. Come and Join the Joystick Nation Joystick Nation: How Video Games Ate our Quarters, Won Our Hearts, and Rewired our Minds is an interesting and original look at the history of video games. J. C. Herz is an excellent writer. Her sense of humor, her knowledge of video games, and her love for pop culture create a readable and entertaining account of video games from past to present. Starting with Primitive Blips and ending with Sim Society, Joystick Nation merges history, politics, government, turn-of-the-century penny arcades and the junior high into a thoughtful piece on video game history. Here at Gl, we've always felt that, along with movies and books and television, serious attention should also be given to electronic entertainment. Obviously we feel this way, or we wouldn't write a magazine every month. With recent stories in major periodicals such as Business Week, the opening of GameWorks, the amazing response to 32 and 64-bit gaming, and numerous psychological studies on the effects of video games, the tide is starting to turn. Joystick Nation proves to non-believers that video games are a world- wide cultural phenomenon. It also proves that video games totally rule. Published by Little & Brown. 240 pp. Available June 11, 1997. ay www. being evaluated on a game- by-game basis. New Action Star Like the gold beneath Fort Knox, Sony has been keeping its blockbuster title, Blasto, tightly under lock and key. Not until a secret trailer video of the game surfaced in PlayStation Underground Vol. 1 was GI given clearance to begin reporting on this title. Although some claim Blasto is Sony's answer to Mario 64, the games are in fact very different. Blasto's control is 3D isometric, and unlike Mario, Blasto is set within outer space. Also, Blasto is most definitely aimed at a younger audience, those who might feel left out of the PlayStation experience. Two noteworthy facts are that (1) Blasto is the first game being developed in Sony's new studios in Foster City, CA; and (2) it will be compatible with Sony's Dual Analog Joystick. Game Informer June '97 MUTAT GAMEGEARe, . ULand CSA and recharger. AND GAME GEART ag | Jens & CD clear i. eorr" M ea I ¥ system. Helps 6® = co . eliminate debris, Ue a restoring accurate CD data transfer. safety approved. УТЕ | V149FUN Laser V 134 FUN Cleaning kit. For use with SEGA® GEAR® game and Ag | vw cartridges. : ا !| و‎ a onis ON E Voi £ INS ewer V 137 FUN Cleaning kit for use with SEGA® GENESIS®. Cleans game unit and cartridges. Other Recoton game care, maintenance and replacement products that meet or exceed original specifications and UL / CSA safety approvals. V135 FUN Cleaning kit for use with NINTENDO® system and cartridge. V136 FUN Cleaning system for use with GAME BOY® & cartridges. V139 FUN Game cleaner for use SUPER NINTENDO® V350 Game switch for use wuth NINTENDO® V354 AC Power adapter replacement for use with SEGA@GENESIS® | e V477 AC Power adapter replacement for use with GAME BOY® V479 AC Power adapter replacement for use with NINTENDO ® V483 AC Power adapter replacement for use with SUPER NINTENDO 2950 Lake Emma Road, Lake Mary,FL 32746 © Copyright 1996.Recoton Corp.,New York, NY 10022. All rights reserved. All specifications subject to change without notice. H ATS HOT * TECH TALK «+ MUTATION NASHUN * COMIC WATCH + TOP TE Sony’s 1997 Lineup If you thought titles like GameDay, Face Off, Cool Boarders and Crash Bandicoot made 1996 a year to remember, just take a look at this lineup. All the following games should be released by Sony prior to Christmas. * Sports • MLB ‘98 - August Even though Sony lost the Pennant Race from this year's title, MLB '98 looks to be a strong contender. All new polygon " graphics, signature player moves and stances, stats tracking in 50 categories, and faster menus and gameplay make MLB ‘98 one to watch. e NFL GameDay ‘98 - September The best football game of '97, the new GameDay should see better sales with its polygon graphics and September release. Sony is really gearing up for a head-to-head battle with EA's Madden. • NHL Face Off ‘98 — October Last year, Sony’s icon passing was truly a revolution. What can they add this year? We'd like to see a lower scoring hockey game with better animation. • CART Indy Car World Series - November Sony went after the CART (Championship Auto Racing Teams) license for it's new polygon racer. Look for real Indy tracks and drivers in this, the first true racing sim from Sony. • NCAA GameBreaker ‘98 — November Not much is known on this title, but it may incorporate elements of GameDay ‘97’s Total Control Passing. One thing we'd like to see improved is the unbalanced dominance of the special GameBreaker players. Nobody’s that good. e NBA Shoot Out ‘98 — December A timely release should help out sales of this title. The only complaint we have is the unrealistic stats. In last year's game, fouls were a non-factor and scores reached as high as 200. It's time Sony went for the sim on this one. Working Designs SPAZes Working Designs announced the launch of "SPAZ," an affiliate label that will publish arcade shooters for the Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn. focusing on "twitch" games, Working Designs/SPAZ's first title will be a U.S. trans- lation of Taito's RayStorm for both the PlayStation and Saturn. “Our goal is to rebuild the respect and sales of the shooting genre,” states Working Designs. "We've long been fans of the shooting genre [and] we decided it was about time that shooters regained the respect they once had in the days of the Genesis and SNES." Spaz's RayStorm translation is likely to appear by the end of this year. Р д] р. C NS wi | m N + TRIVIA »* NAME THAT GAME! + fet mmm p p е - Entertalnment • Steel Reign - August This hard-core tank action/combat game features great control and heartstopping action. The "missile cam" that allows for the steering of projectiles is one of many standout features. ¢ Bushido Blade — August The uncertainty of a U.S. release has ended. Honorable fighting, his- toric weapons and one-hit deaths characterize this most Japanese of fighters. Steel Reign...more power to • Intelligent Cube — August the PlayStation. A 3D puzzle that will be brought over from Japan. Can it beat Bust-a-Move 2? e Armored Core - October Billed as a Mechwarrior meets Twisted Metal 2, armored combat suits allow players to run, slide and fly as well as (of course) kill. • Parappa the Rappa – October Described by Reiner as "W-w-w-weird," Parappa's a hip hop hero with a rappin’ attitude. This musical puzzle game is short but may find a following amongst “party-gamers.” • Jet Moto 2 - November The first game was hard. Will the next Jet Moto offer a similar challenge? You can bet your bike on it. • Legion - November Fans of the shooter genre take note: Legion looks to give Contra, Reloaded and maybe even Blasto some serious competition. • Tobal 2 - November We never did defeat Tobal's Quest mode, but with dual analog support and a better Quest mode, Tobal 2 will definitely continue the free-roaming 3D fighting revolution. * See pp. 27-28 for information on Blasto, Cool Boarders 2 and Crash Bandicoot 2. Primarily {УЛ 3 MOK to Share the PIE MDK for the PlayStation is moving along nicely. David Perry of Shiny Entertainment is of course developing MDK, but here’s a little tidbit we bet you didn’t know. Interplay now owns Shiny Entertainment, but Playmates has exclusive rights to any MDK sequel. Also, Playmates will only be distributing the game in North America, while Interplay will handle Japan and Europe. GI also learned that Playmates is planning a big project for next March. Soldier of Fortune, Inc. is a TV show that will debut this fall (kind of like a non-cheesy A-Team ). Playmates is currently developing a game that will use the Soldier of Fortune, Inc. license. The license will most likely include a line of action figures as well. Not many people know that in addition to games, Playmates handles all the Star Trek and Turtles action figures, as well as a horde of other popular toys. i Game Informer s June ‘97 >». TECH TALK • MUTA A v P WHAT'S HOT * ON NASHUN + COMIC WATCH * TOP TEN «+ TRIVIA + NAME THAT GAME! + TECH TALK * MUTATI - А NE 2 x Te x gr х “ is To reach Dear Gl or the Editors of GI send correspondence to: Snail Mail ju Game Informer Magazine, à Attn: Dear Gl 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E-Mail WWW Home Page | http: WWW ameinfo A new version of the Planet Web Net | Link browser software will be available | this month. Many of the new features | To contact Secret Access or Access & Allies please send Sega Unve Sega of America announced that it has finalized plans to release a variety of games for the Sega Saturn Net Link beginning this month. Originally debuted at last year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), the Sega Saturn Net Link was promoted to be Sega's "Internet solution" by offering Saturn owners an affordable way to surf the expanses of the World Wide Web, as well as providing multi-player gaming experiences. So far, the Net Link has delivered with its Planet Web browser software; however, the gaming side of the Net Link has only come to fruition now, eight months after the Net Link's launch. This month Sega plans on releasing two "Net Link Editions" of the previously available Sega Rally Championship and Virtual On. These games will not be sold at retail outlets. Instead, the two initial Net Link games will only be available directly from Sega. Another "Net Link Edition" game, Daytona USA CCE, will also only be available direct from Sega in October. Two additional retail games, Duke Nukem 3D (August) and Saturn Bomberman (October), will release later this summer as regular games with the new “Net Link-enabled” features. Enabling the Net Link to play these games will be a familiar experience to some gamers as it utilizes Catapult’s X-Band technology that was first introduced to the 16-bit consoles a few years ago. Familiar X-Band logos and menus will greet Net Link players who seek to play on-line competitors. The Net Link will only support “point-to-point” gaming which requires one Net Link gamer to call anoth- er Net Link gamer to activate the chosen game. Gamers will be assisted in finding gaming competitors by the Net Link Zone, a database of Net Link gamers that can be searched by various topics including favorite games and, most importantly, location. The “point-to- | point” Net Link system requires one of the two Net Link players to call the other, so calling a gamer in another city will require a long distance phone call along with the accompanying toll charges. As of April, the Net Link has seen a fairly limited install base with only 15,000 units sold. Connecting with another Net Link gamer may become quite a hindrance to those users who live in an isolated area or | want to play a game with someone thousands of miles away. However, with the announced games on the way, Sega hopes that more users will take the plunge with the Net Link, expanding the unit's appeal to the gaming community. Game Informer & June ‘97 Traditional V Quia pink Noti, 20 ""NetLink їша „7, маше of Sender: ress of S MT EAR H meneame Сап) (ДОО ШЕЕ C. www.gameinformer.cornn will be cosmetic changes that streamline correspondence to: downloading and make surfing easier from a | : user's standpoint. Also included in the new software | pad i Макино gen, will be Frame support and Internet Relay Chat (IRC) | Atin: odis. hr. capabilities for real-time chat. 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E-Mail To contact Swap Shop or A. please send JI to: Snail Mail Game Informer Magazine Attn: Swap Shop 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E-Mail To contact Game Informer Customer Service with Change of Address, New Subscriptions or inquiries please send азы ess to: А Snail Mail Game Informer Magazine з) Attn: Customer Service 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Or Call Customer service hours: M Monday through Friday, 9:00 am — 4:00 pm (Central Time). (612) 946-7266 Outside Minnesota make sure to dial area code (this is a toll call). To Subscribe please send a check or money order for $19.98 to: Game Informer Magazine Attn: Circulation Dept. 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 1. Two. Mike Tyson's name was dropped from the game after he was thrown in jail. 2. Star Fox 3. Three: Red, Green and Yellow 4. 90210's Luke Perry 5. The Sega Master System Star Fox 2. It was like we had the world in our hands, only to have it ripped away. CONTENT RATED BY ESRB. A lot of people have a problem with the violence in video games. We, for example, feel it hasn't been realistic enough. JE An evil corporation is threatening to ЮП off humankind, and it's up to you as Tenka, a war-hardened resistance fighter, ~ , to stop them from putting man at the top of the extinction list. This is the real deal. This-is-the-baddest-most-realistic-kill-or-be-killed-switching- to-fully-automatic-how d-you-like-a-nuclear-rocket-up-your-butt-?-did-]-just- feel-someone’s-brain-splatter-on-my-face-?-corridor-shooting game ever built. _ 3 CODENAME: TENKA gives you features you just can't get in Dark Forces™ vn and Final роот”: а Fully 3D playfield and enemies іп a smooth non-pixellating environment. 4 Freedom of movement to look up & down, jump and crouch while moving. 4 laser sighting on your gun to target more effectively. With terrific light sourcing, fluid controls, non-stop action and superb graphic quality, Tenka will blow you away. ion ` — Next Generation + "This one kicks butt!" — GamePro d p zug > ay | WWW.pSsy£g NOSIS СОТ = VIEW TOTAL Tur 8'52"894 LAP Тиз 852*594 An №64 Racing Revolution 64 Megabit 1 or 2-Player Racing cial Features: Nine Cars and Four Tracks (With Several More Hidden), Real-Time Physics and Weather Conditions, Paint Shop Mode, Four Camera Views, Drifting, Car Upgrades, Controller Pak and Rumble Pak Compatible, 2-Player Split-Screen | y: Boss Studios for Kemco ‚ Mid to Late August for Nintendo 64 Nintendo 64 Pre Top Gear Rally by Boss Studios promises to be the first true racing simulation for the Nintendo 64. Both Super Mario Kart 64 and Cruis'n USA are modeled to be arcade racers with very little user interference before racing; whereas Top Gear Rally relies on the user to build and customize their own car before hitting the streets. With real-time car and weather physics, the adjustable settings feature becomes a necessity for those trying to grab the gold in the Championship Mode. Top Gear Rally is packed with several other game modes where players can give their customized vehicles a test run. In the Practice Mode, you'll have the chance to rent new upgrades for your car without having to win a race in order to purchase them. The Time Attack Mode will allow you to race against your previous races, courtesy of the ghost car, and the always exciting Versus Mode is used for two-player duels. Boss Studios and Kemco stated that Rally will feature nine cars and four tracks with several more hidden within. Racing will require players to drift through turns, use the rear-view mirror for blocking, and adjust their cars' physics to the current weather conditions. Top Gear Rally is due in August, saving will require the Controller Pak, and for the true experience, the Rumble Pak is also a necessity. LAP 1/3 Game Informer ü June ‘97 Jae d m Size: 64 Megabil m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-to-Head Tournament Fighter m Special Features: 8 Characters (At Least One Hidden Character), Practice Mode, Combos, Special Attack Button, Throw Button, Block Button m Created by: Kronos for Vic Tokai LTD ш Available: Now for Nintendo 64 > THe Воттом Line 8.9 Dark Rift’s plot is a cross between a really bad late night science fiction movie and the old He-Man cartoons. At the dawn of the universe’s Demon creation, three keys were made for the light, core, and dark dimensions. The holders of these keys can cross between dimensions and the one Spawn who holds all three will gain ultimate power. Currently, the key to the core dimension is up for grabs through a tournament held by the core’s despotic ruler, Sonork, who hopes to lure the owners of the other keys to and his realm. Dark Rift is probably the most amalgamated fighting game we've seen. It features the teleport moves and block button of Mortal Kombat, a number of moves straight out of Street Fighter, the hyperactive combo 0 | : attacks of Killer Instinct, the foreground/background evades of 0 fliers Toshinden, and the running slide moves and pounces from Tekken. : Dark Rift's most unusual feature is its special move button. Somehow Take il 0 it would make more sense to call it the Street Fighter button because this is where almost all of the fireballs, rapid kicks, and other SF-style moves the Man are initiated. Ў Cyber The regular attacks are relegated to three of the c-buttons. The four c-button is for blocking. Two buttons are for horizontal and vertical kicks. Combos rarely exceed more than eight hits but are highly in their speed and ferocity. j Dark Rift is, without a doubt, one of the top three fighting games on the N64. Oh... wait a | mation than that, you better have a look at the ly game that tries very hard to have a little bit minute. Well, if you want more usefu reviews. At the very least, Dark Rift i of everything. ME KE ыы Fee raat nes О. j i і Ta Game Informer Vy Че: OT у cks and a third is for iniscent of Killer Instinct 7 ‘Considering the girth of Nintendo's — game library, the addition of Dark Graphics: 7.75 Rift does help the N64's almost anorexic product line, but | would Sound: 7 have to r то ed is more like i junk food than a balanced meal. The Playahility: characters are interesting, and the Entertainment: 6.5 9/aPhics are pretty good, but the fighting is only mediocre. | would have to admit that if you buy OVERALL: this game you probably won't be disappointed; however, Dark Rift 7 does lack the personality and balance of a top-notch fighter.” "A projectile attack, a throw, and a ак : few combos. That's my basic Graphics: 7 description of this very atypical fighter. Many of the human fighters Sound: 7 look really cool, bul the "alien" à creatures are fairly rough and have Playability: 8 too much of the polygon look for Entertainment: 4.5 Y laste. The animation is prelty solid. However, when it's mixed with the control it comes off clunky and the side-step and the throws are poorly incorporated. The one thing I find that may be noteworthy is that the game is pretty challenging, but this hardly makes up for the other problems | have mentioned. " OVERALL: 6.29 oncept: "For a fighting game, this title is н = definitely a loser. The gameplay Graphics: 85 mechanics are simplistic and very limited, the options available are Sound: — nly a Practice and Tournament Playability: ; the moves and ste par are vague and 19s unimaginative. The only redeeming Entertainment: 426 or found in this title is the dynamic graphic display, and while this is an impressive sight, it still doesn't help the combat since the animation is fairly choppy. | had high hopes for Dark Rift. Unfortunately, it turned out weak. " OVERALL: m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Action/Combat m Special Features: 10 to 15 Playable Vehicles, Top-Down Radar, Adjustable Weapon Packages, 5 Combat Areas With Multiple Sub-Missions m Created by: Electronic Arts m Available: September for Sony PlayStation EA's Strike Saga Continues he development team behind Electronic Arts' Soviet Strike had the daunting task of reinventing the classic 16-bit Strike series for the discerning 32- bit gaming world. The new Strike gaming curve was set with last year's release of Soviet Strike and will continue into battle with the next installment - Nuclear Strike. Set to hit the Sony PlayStation in September (October for PC), Nuclear Strike's development team will continue on the gaming curve by offering a host of new features and improvements while still retaining many aspects that made the original one of Game Informer's favorites. Nuclear Strike continues the covert military and intelligence operations of the Global STRIKE Team. General Earle, Andrea Grey, and the rest of the STRIKE Team move on to mountains, jungles, and cities within the Asian theater for five new campaigns. As the point-man and pilot for the STRIKE Force, the player will again conduct a long series of difficult missions where strategy and a quick trigger finger go hand-in-hand. However, unlike Soviet Strike, the player will not be confined to jockeying an Apache attack helicopter. As a feature that originated in the 16-bit Jungle Strike, players can climb aboard a Harrier jet, Abrams tank, or a host of other air and ground-based vehicles. Nuclear Strike's missions will require specific vehicles to complete various objectives. While the final number of playable attack vehicles hasn't been set, ten to fifteen are being considered for inclusion. Along with the variation of vehicles will come a wide variety of weapons and “piloting strategies.” New to Nuclear Strike will be a modified weapon aiming system that will assist in target acquisition. Newly added top-down radar and compass indicators will further assist navigation and should eliminate the needless switching between the map and playing screen. The changes will most likely not stop there since the development, team has at least four more months to | Size: 1 CD-ROM | Style: 1- CMM 3D Action/Platform | Special Features: Stunning Polygon Graphics, Full Roving 3D Environment, Classic Cartoon Sound Effects, Multiple Jumping Styles, Player Controlled Croc Cam, Ice and Wind Effects, Compatible With BEE A Analog Joystick, 50 Levels ı Created by: Argonaut Software for Fox Interactive : \vailable: Early 4th Quarter for Sony PlayStation, | "Bal Version to Follow | OR MONTHS, RUMORS OF ARGONAUT'S : ! ANSWER TO МАКО 64 HAVE BEEN RUMBLING - | THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE GAMING INDUSTRY. AFTER THE GAMES UNVEILING AT THE Tokvo Tov SHOW, A FEW SHOTS THE FIRST MAGAZINE TO ACTUALLY PLAY THE TITLE THAT FOX INTERACTIVE HAS TENTATIVELY CALLED CROC. THE GAMEPLAY IS A CREATIVE MIX BETWEEN GEX, CRASH, ое АМР MARIO 64: GEX BECAUSE OF CHARACTER DESIGN de CROCS Совво ISLAND FRIENDS. YS WILL NOT BE “CROC CAM.” BY STARTED TO POP UP AROUND THE STATES. GAME INFORMER WAS - AOI UO E3 SAEI dd CROC TO PEER OVER LEDGES OR SPOT HIDDEN CAVES AND PLATFORMS. GAMEPLAY TAKES PLACE IN ONE OF THREE OVER- THE-SHOULDER PERSPECTIVES. DEATH COMES IN ONE OF TWO WAYS. AS IN ANY ACTION/PLATFORM GAME, FALLING OFF OF A CLIFF MEANS INSTANT DEATH; BUT LAVA, ICE WATER, AND ENEMIES WILL NOT KILL CROC IF HE HAS AT LEAST ONE CRYSTAL. WE DON'T KNOW II 100 CRYSTALS GRANTS A FREE LIFE, BUT WE DO KNOW THAT ONI HIT CAN ROB CROC OF ALL HIS CRYSTALS. CROCS ATTACKS INCLUDE A SPINNING TAIL ATTACK AND A 180° EVADE MANEUVER. IN ADDITION, THE GRAPHICS PUSH THI PLAYSTATION TO ITS LIMITS. EVEN WHILE USING THE CROC CAM, THERE IS LITTLE TO NO POLYGON TEARING OR DROPOUT, AND THE INCREDIBLE DEPTH OF COLORS LEND A CARTOON FEEL TO THE GAME. KEEP YOUR EYES ON THIS ONE. Өх ол B7 : MORTAL KOMBAT A^AAY THOLOGIES u Size: 1 CD-ROM _ m Style: 1-Player Action/Platform : ш Special Features: Thirty Enemies, Eight Worlds, Detailed Cinematic Sequences, Typical Mortal Kombat Controls and Special Moves, Three-Dimensional . Environments, Dangerous Level Traps, Blood w Created by: Midway Home Entertainment v. m Available: September for Sony PlayStation (October for Nintendo 64) The Next Chapter Mortal Kombat 4 is the bookend to the right, and Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero is the bookend to the left. If you play 4, MK4, you'll want to play MK Mythologies for answers to the questions in MK4, and vice versa. With the arrival of this title, the whole Mortal questions in MK history including how Rayden obtained his powers, why Scorpion hates Sub-Zero, and who is pulling Shao Kahn's chains. The entire quest in this, the first Mortal Kombat action/platform title, closely follows the trials and tribulations of Sub-Zero. TI game, and e your skills obtained fro 3 ] backdrops are dark but remely beau ant Outworld locations and Scenes consume t c, and at the end of each and every level you'll need to defeat a massive Mortal Temple Guardian to proceed to the next world. We believe that Sub-Zero’s ultimate goal is to obtain the Lost Amulet from the new Mortal Kombat bad-boy, Shinok, who is also the last boss in MK4. The new moves acquired for action/platform play | are very similar to those in Flashback, and even Mario ` 64. For the first time, you'll now see Sub-Zero grab onto dge and pull himself up, slide down a rope, and twirl gust of wind. Granted, you will not be able to move ee-dimensional space since you are tethered to a rack, but the game does make some 5D movement into the fore and backgrounds. Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero is a fresh new action/platform game that will appeal to fans of this genre, and more importantly to the legions of MK followers. Look for this title on the PlayStation this September, with the N64 version following in October. Game Informer = June ‘97 d www. BT Oe RE REN riginally developed in Japan by Media Vision, Wild Arms is a role-player's dream come true. It may not have the beauty and graphic quality found in Final Fantasy VII, but it is one of the most complex RPGs to surface on any high-end console. Using traditional miniature mangaesque character designs, colorful backdrops, and an enchanting medieval score, Wild Arms has the visual appearance of any classic 16-bit RPG. The 32-bit PlayStation power is used for texture detail, clarity of sprites, polygon battle sequences, and most importantly the length of the quest. All the town and dungeon exploring is brought to life through an action/adventure theme. There is no enemy interference in these zones, and the actions you'll be | required to perform are structured around solving puzzles, running past traps, and opening sealed rooms. Wild Arms features three playable characters which can be toggled through depending on which character you'll need to use for a certain feat. Rudy is equipped with bombs and an item sensor, Jack is loaded with a helpful shrew and grappling hook, and Cecilia uses \ : ‘ Ta 4 Jhird Voices*. ү. гү am the wind Guardian. Fengalon- A REINER, THE RAGING GAMER ANDY, "Wild Arms doesn' present the leap in visual appearance from 16 to 32-bit like Final Fantasy VII, but really, it doesn't matter that this title doesn't have the best graphics around. The main reason we play RPGs is for a dynamic story, a long quest, and great combat. Thankfully, Wild Arms has all - of this and much тоге. The gameplay i Concept: 8 | Graphics: 8.75 Sound: 8.5 Playahility: 9 Entertainment: 9.25 Lar com j PRE Di d jh (Game Informer. Junes SM * / t ind j ORA | Wi THE GAME HOMBRE “With the imminent release of FF VII this fall, gamers everywhere are tingling with RPG anticipation. Luckily, Sony is giving us all a great game to hone our RPG skills before FF VII's release. Not only does this game look good, it plays great as well. The story is entertaining, though it is a tad po nd the battle interface is a magical tear drop and time-shifting pocket watch to overcome obstacles. You'll need to shuffle through these characters on the fly to successfully spelunk a deadly cave, infiltrate a castle, or open a locked tomb. All of these characters are also equipped with a run and throw button. The turn-based combat in Wild Arms is very similar to Final.Fantasy and characters will have to equip runes to unlock certain powerful attacks and magical assaults. The diorama and characters within combat are all polygonal, and well animated to say the least. As in the walking scenes, all of the charact own abilities in combat as well. Rudy uses the Arm cannon to blo competition, Cecilia summons magic power from her sorcerer's bo hacks and slices with majestic sword attacks. Of course all the classic RPG elements of buying new weapons, gear, and items for the party are included in the quest. And as you slowly but surely explore most of the land, you will be granted robotic roving golems that help you maneuver past blocked areas and new zones. Wild Arms is an enormous RPG with a revolutionary game style that should attract gamers В from far and abroad = = to challenge the we forces of evil, save the day, and solve the riddles of this puzzling | quest. oe ETE [tic sd iir enact ш Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game re m Special Features: Three Playable К Characters, Alternating Missions and 6 Storyline, Huge Transport Golems, Tricky P Puzzles, Run and Throw Button, Magical Attacks, Force Meter Attacks, and Rendered Turn-Based Combat m Created by: Media Vision for Sony Computer Entertainment America m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation PAUL, THE GAME PROFESSO e time ! Concept: games like Zelda, Shining Force, and doesn't appear too original on the polygonal battles and interesting arcade-like mini-quests make it meaty on the inside. соо де зае www.gameinte UOI383 S Ad "Wild Arms has a considerable amount | of classic RPG elements. From menus | to magic, | found it very similar to | Chrono Trigger. Although the game | outside, the combination of nice : m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Gun Game m Special Features: Packed With Namco Guncon, 3 Levels From The Arcade (Plus 1 New Hidden Level), Bosses, Story and Time Attack Mode, Interactive Backgrounds m Created by: Namco | m Available: September for Sony PlayStation eR іо dodge enemy attacks. Û А he evil Sherudo Garo has kidnapped Rachel, the daughter of the President of Sercia, and is holding her hostage in his Е castle. He is demanding military secrets in exchange for her life. As the hero, Richard Miller, you have until sundown to stop this madman. The fate of the world depends on how fast and how accurately you can take down Sherudo and his legions. Welcorne to the world of Time Crisis. Based on the popular arcade game of the same name, Namco plans to bring Time Crisis to the PlayStation this September. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the arcade version, it features an innovative pedal that brings the action to life. When you release the pedal, the player takes cover behind various objects on-screen, either around a corner or behind a car. Then, when you press down on the pedal the player springs from behind the cover and the blasting begins. The home version works in the same way, but will be packed with Namcos new light gun, the Guncon. It features two buttons on either side that are used instead of the pedal to control the on-screen action. The Guncon is also the most accurate light qun ever created for home use. By tapping into the video signal from the PlayStation, the Guncon matches the video signal with what it sees on-screen to give the player dead-eye accuracy. The game features three levels of intense gun action that can be played in either Story or Time Attack Mode. As with any Namco arcade translation, this game also features a hidden bonus. If you can defeat the standard three levels, a new level will open for the player to defeat. Until this game is available in September we suggest that you practice up in the arcades, because you'll need an eagle eye and a twitchy trigger finger to meet the challenges of Time Crisis. Here is a glimpse of the new] hidden level. | Game Informer © June ‘97 Pipo tries to protect you from harm and pays the ultimate price. | don't know Pipo. What are those suits for? РА А > / JON, THE GREEDY GAMER o ‘Overblood definitely. s a rare | me. — 7 “n a number of ways this game o5 Dark 0 t drive He ve а а 1 like Resident Eu where the similari- esident | Evil, there No tu si. КИНЕ Bese F soma € omm m ar former ` june 42 www. gameinfón n m Size: 1 CD-ROM (With Additional Music CD) m Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure m Special Features: Special Character Move Power-Ups, Multiple Weapon and Armor Upgrades, Magic Spells, Morphing Abilities, Special Combat Side-Kicks, Level Map, Item and Weapon Shop, Beautiful Sprite Graphics, Memory Card Save m Created by: Konami m Available: Now in Japan, August for U.S. Sony PlayStation MISSIN due to a two year hiatus, Konami's instantly popular action title, Castlevania, has risen from its grave to re-introduce the fascinating tale of the Belmont family and their struggle against Dracula to a new generation of gamers. This high- end offering soars above and beyond anything that has ever been Шеп] in a Castlevania game, and for the first time, the quest will not unravel through an action/platform scenario. Instead, in Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight, you'll be required to explore the entire world of Castlevania room by room. There is not a level end at which to take a breather, and any gratification you acquire will be the result of your use of wit and skill. If you are good enough, you will unlock the secrets of Castlevania, but if you are not, you will be banished for eternity to the confines of the grotesque and the ghastly. Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight is to say the least, the largest Castlevania ever. Even though the graphics have stayed true to their sprite-based ancestors, the game has been seasoned with 32-bit effects and sound. Every once and awhile you'll be greeted by a polygon object or background, but for the most part, you'll be conducting your exploration through painted backdrops, sprite rooms and platforms. Predominantly, the sound is eerie and entrancing, although a Kenny G-like sax does ring through at times. Since this game has a story, you'll encounter and interact with other major characters. The interaction is done beautifully with voice-overs, caption boxes, and on-screen movements. Castlevania has always been known for its vigorous gameplay and unique whip attacks and moves. For the first fifteen minutes of gameplay these values hold true, and the player takes on the role of vampire hunter John Morris, returning to action from the last adventure, Castlevania: Dracula X for the SNES. Shortly after this brief teaser, you'll lose control of John and his articulated whip (which is very similar to the one in Castlevania IV), as he transforms into your mortal enemy. You now control the deadly vampire Alucard. This undead warrior is the most deadly Castlevania character ever, and as you advance through the game you'll find items that will enable him to morph into different forms, cast spells, and summon different creatures to aid in your cause. The structure of this title is all out of whack for true Castlevania gamers, mainly because it’s no longer level to level. Instead of saving enough life and power-ups for one end-level boss, you'll now need to ee | carefully manage your inventory throughout the entire game. All the у ES 7| | health power-ups are limited and certain items can only be used once. Players will have to use these items sparingly, even if it means dying on a powerful boss to figure out his or her pattern. Now that Konami has changed Castlevania's style into an enormous adventure, the basics of action/platform games cannot be used. Instead, Konami has incorporated RPG elements, like experience and level gaining, to enable the player to take on the more deadly enemies that await them further in the castle. Konami has even added weapons and armor with different abilities and characteristics. m Throughout gameplay you'll run into rooms that are locked, hallways : that are magically sealed, and jumps you cannot make. If you are successful in thoroughly searching each room, you'll locate certain items that will grant you access to these areas. For example, beating the griffon boss will give the player ghost wings that enable you to double jump and reach higher platforms that were previously unreachable. These key character enhancements are located all over, but they won't get you through everything. There are also items hidden within the castle that will allow the character to morph into a bat (for long distance flying), a wolf (for running faster), or a mist form (allowing Alucard to seep through metal bars). Other items will give the player the ability to cast deadly spells and summon creatures to your aid. If you need health, call upon the health fairy; if you need more fire power call upon the floating sword. Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight is not only unique to itself, but to the PlayStation as well. With all the games going to a 3D adventure formula, Dracula X brings the classics of the 16-bits to a larger and much more beautiful world. Fans of Castlevania, Tomb Raider, and Metroid will surely find this title one of the most entertaining quests of the year. а: ъа ^ RU (^* 43 244 uone} d 1 <А, Last year, Triple Play 97 was the best baseball game available for the Sony PlayStation. Can EA Sports repeat as champions? They've got a good start, and this 98 version of Triple Play sports a brand new look. The graphics are pure polygon with tremendous variety in player animations. Fielders take two or three steps to slow down, they can climb the walls to snag home runs, and they can even throw from their knees after a dive. With the new graphics, TP 98 plays noticeably smoother with visible bat contact, quicker reac- tion time in the field, and signature stances and swings for the big name : major leaguers. : "n Another big difference is this year's pitching. Pitchers now can only throw the pitches they would in real life. Starters can usually throw curves and sinkers, but the relievers usually just chuck the heat. Each pitch effects fatigue, and a careful eye must be kept on the pitching rotation, especially during the season. As for the interface, players first select the pitch to throw, then press one of two buttons to throw a strike or ball. Then the d-pad can be used to alter the ball path in flight. In Arcade mode, pitchers can move left or right on the rubber, and the 3D mound gives odd bounces to balls that come its way. Bunting is a big part of this year's game, as are double plays and the hit and run. Unfortunately, base running is still a little difficult, particularly in the heat of battle. But the commentary is entertaining, especially with the new two-man booth. In the end, Triple Play 98 offers more improvements and features than we can hope to list a" in one article. It’s a massive and comprehensive baseball offering that will be appreciated by those who truly love the game. layStation Review PAUL, THE GAME PROFESSOR ncept: 8.75 ple Play has been a video game У ` mainstay for a number of years. aphics: 9.25 This version is clearly the best yet. The polygon players look 9 awesome and the animation is T s equally impressive. Play control Playability: 3 hasn't changed a whole lot from last Entertainment: g 72/5 game and base running is still a little cumbersome. Another small point that bothers me is the lack of the infield fly rule. That aside, the best part of Triple Play is creating a players and tracking their stats over the season. It's a solid baseball package complete with loads of strategy. stats, and even next year's expansion teams." Bound: JON, THE GREEDY GAMER REINER, THE RAGING GAMER : "Triple Play 98 (TP 98) is the best : “Electronic Arts must be a part of — e baseball game I've ever played. I've к =e the Miracle Network or Santa Graphics: 9.25 been playing for weeks and new Graphics: 9 Anonymous, because my dream of animations, new situations continue a flawless baseball simulation has Sound: 9.25 D ш те For example, des Sound: 9 just become a reality. Triple Play ‘98 Sn should have been a routine double in is the most solid baseball simulator | He br Baseball Playability: 8.75 pos instead found m о Playability: — 9.28 since Earl Weaver Baseball Il on the id 7 ertainment: colliding with my second baseman. А : PC. Everything a fantasy league Spet : New Arcade Mode, Create, v ve Both players fell to the ground as Entertainment, a gamer would "an in d tede Trade and Draft Players. '98 Expansion Teams, the runner waltzed by. Things like game has been implemented, Climb Wall to Pilfer Homers, Realistic Pitcher climbing the wall or throwing from JE including scouting reports, player Fatigue and Rotation, Pitcher Covers First and the knees prove the gameplay is hot zones, a create player feature, Third Base, Practice in Cactus or Grapefruit ; ius ed perge the ae bes most apa COUNT eue | controlled hitting and bunting is of stats around. The gameplay is йыш is sieh iut die те а superb, and you can really work loaded with easy controls and tons оро OF aci oeason, New ouper FTO the bases to chip out a lead. of menu commands which will allow Difficulty Level The pitching is equally impressive you to better your game and pull off y: EA Sports and the stats rule. TP 98 offers some tricky plays. This could very a; Now for Sony PlayStation everything a baseball fan could well be a lethal disease to avid dream of, and ГЇ be playing all baseball fanatics, because once THE Bottom LINE summer long.” you start a season, there's no way you'll put it down. I'm hooked!” 44 Game Informer = June ‘97 pos m € - 4 | In order to a Last year, EA Sports unleashed its L EN use the compu first 32-bit racer. Andretti Racing Ssist in car tuning, players can Was a big hit, but ven EA Sports' record of always obtaining a computer generates an optimum path diagram. Race a few laps, professional license for each game, it was only à matter of time then compare your route to the computer's in order to determine fore EA Sports and NASCAR teamed up. how to tune your car, NASCAR 98's game engine is very similar to Andretti’s, except There's no doubt that Andretti R Sports has eliminated many of the gray l by the pictures, the cars are brilliantly detailed with up-to-date Even with all NASCAR colors. The Kellogg Car, the Tide Car, t 1 8 could potentially be the best racing f turns, forcing you to take simulation of all time. chances in order to pass. But remember that drivers race for a ze: 1 CD-ROM certain team, so you will have some help out there, Teammates yle: 1 or 2. Player Racing Game ы competi ® Af, and by working together "ч тш 2/77 Ful NASCAR License (Tracks and Drivers) As for the tracks, there are seventeen in ^ Wedge), Fog, Hace up to 300 Laps, Brea eight different oyal : ; ‘ , tracks. But to mix it up a little, EA Ports is including nine roaq 20 Laps, Compatible With Sony's Dual Analog Joystick Stormfront Studios for High Score and 0 four lanes wide, emphasis is Electronic Arts Each and every track has its own style (and Sat P ag for Sony Play, len and personality, and there will also be the traditional NASCAR Ча el “short tracks." In Andretti, ca race with | almost any Configuration. Not so with | NASCAR 98. Each track has Specific features that demand different , tire pressures, Game Informer = June ‘97 m Size: ! CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player R ш Special Feature. view me w _ If you're looking for a driving game that plays like a | racing game, a racing game that feels like a driving game, then you want speed..the Need For Speed 2 | from Electronic Arts. With a selection of exotic cars p. from around the world, and tracks set in countries from Vancouver to Greece, Need for Speed 2 delivers as promised. For the second year їп a row, EA is using the Le Mans model for its premier entertainment racer. In order to compete in the Le Mans, cars must be actual production models on sale to consumers. Granted, specific models may demand up to $900,000 apiece, but throughout the world there are.a handful of people who will pay these prices. Production models that appear in Need for Speed 2 range from the infamous McLaren F1 (the fastest and most expensive production car in the world) to the Ferrari F50 (a 60 valve, V-12). Much has been improved this year. Most noticeably, in this second edition, cars no longer become tangled in the grass. Although there is the danger of spinning out, it looks as if EA took the advice of its customers, and a brush with the grass no longer means a 100 mph drop in speed. Also new, the Arcade mode provides players with steering assist, and cars will be returned to the center of the track after a crash (saving precious seconds of lost time). Perhaps most important, they have added the powerslide to your driving arsenal, making turns even more challenging and entertaining. There isa [B bonus track and car that are unlocked | by beating the game, and there is even a code to drive as any of the twenty-five different 3D objects that appear throughout the game for play. Fans of the old Need for Speed should rest assured that the look and feel of the first game: the car histories, slide shows, spec books and videos all remain, just bigger and better than ever. The tracks are longer, the visuals more stunning, and the car physics much improved. So if you long to get behind the wheel of these incredible machines, then that means you want speed. And if it's speed you want, it's speed you got. Pos 8/6 46 www. famem former. com О! complai % E plained about Graphics: 8.75 Speed an^ bye 9. While this ign’ greatest racer of ТИ IS Isn't the IS a lot of fi at lime, jt Certain) lke it aig” May A Concept: 9.25 j Graphics: 9.25 м ? teat. Bigger tracks. bone $ rs, and а lot more ap Delle ound: 8.75 Thee things you can ex /, Playability: adds a w. die Arcade m ame. CISION. fo Entertainment: 85 Searing cof ldo ard counter etter. Dropping ry hor been done ja e ae /PIPressive are the Gades 2 traffic. ЕА en there pedestrian oddities with "e few graphical owe RI Some of th | view. К ж boca DO easy to overlook ther Pi FS2 IS SO entertain; ү ,,UIEÉS а load of hides Racing fans lake note of Concept: В - 8.75 ‘The Le Mans Graphics: moti M racer, and Im onei "i i 7 Sound: Sequel | 7А heir promise of 7.79 listened , °, aDpreciaf, & ed to thej e how EA Playahility: 775 grass and е ans and made the fustratin, 9/5 Not nearly ag E . Th Yas. ntertainment: 8 а the Aat mode j 500г, м 0 6 have Sight. One propin а VERALL: ave А that the т { ‚ ала i be especially frustrating Debe the Coolest I've <. 55 are some of f Ve Sea, physics are top non D and the car Game Informer © June (97 m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Real-Time Strategy m Special Features: Land and Naval Units, Buildings Allow New Units and Upgrades, Cool Fantasy Theme Supported by FMV and Voiceovers, Wide Variety of Terrain, 52 Maps From Original Warcraft Il and Portal of Darkness, 90 Customizable Maps m Created by: Blizzard for Electronic Arts m Available: June for Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn It Was an Axe Age, A Sword Age.... ; entered the world of PC gaming ushering in a new era of real-time strategy. One was the mùch pes Command & Conquer, set in a world of modern and futuristic warfare. The other, Warcraf "Was set in the realm of fantasy. The adversaries were orcs and humans instead of terrorists and allies. s. While W rcraft wasn't necessarily huge, its sequel was gigantic, spawning numerous t of clones like War Winds. Now Warcraft П is hot on the heels of Command & Moon er Once —— a PlayStation and Saturn release. The formula for these games was originally concocted in Dune Il by Westwood, the people responsible for Command & Conquer. At the beginning of a scenario players start off with a small handful of units. The player must allocate these units and their resources to build up a | greater means of production in order to construct an army of epic proportions to smite i their enemies: Jy | In Warcraft II the builders. pl your fortresses are peons and peasants (depending on whether you're orc or human). These little guys must be well defended from enemy attacks so that they can cut wood, mine gold, and use these resources to construct a wide variety of buildings. Farms improve your food supply, allowing you to have a greater population. of soldiers and workers. Barracks allow the construct ion of soldiers. Lumber mills increase production, Aid so on. In some cases having a combination of buildings will allow certain special units to be constructed. Other buildings allow you to upgradé units by improving. their weapons or armor. — ; \ Once you've built decent’ ‘production | ; - facilities and amassed a large stockpile of A f resources, its time to put together a large army and Pend Agen fo ge the enemys base or use them to i382 S Кес] Ап огс destroyer begins its long jo into the. require. send units to rescue potential most cases though, th mission ends with the | complete eds The humans begin building a base. "mer June ‘97 Sega's World Series Baseball (WSB) titles are all unquestionably awesome. On the Saturn, Sega has traditionally gone after the "arcade" style of play, meaning overhead views, no batting cursor, and a quick and easy interface. On the Genesis, however, WSB tended towards the simulation side of the spectrum, using batting cursors and pitch placement to create a realistic baseball feel. World Series Baseball ‘98, the third WSB available for the Saturn, appears to be a mix of these two styles. In what seems to be the industry standard, Sega's newest baseball offering is polygon based. While this should make the gameplay smooth and fast, WSB "98 will incorporate more aspects of a simulation. There will now be a batting and pitching cursor. Although some of us here at GI have mixed feelings about this style of interface (especially in two-player mode), one of its advantages is the ability to hit into different situations. It's a lot easier to pop a sac fly or lay a safe grounder with the batting cursor. It's also easier to paint the corners while pitching. Furthermore, Sega promises new and smoother "off-the-bat" ball tracking. This is a great aspect in any baseball game as there's nothing more frustrating than to suffer through dead time m Style: 1 or 2-Player Baseball курда, the Pd hare pir а саи опы In fact, the crack of the bat and m Special Features: Polygon Graphics, New Batting and Pitching e instantaneous flight of the ball is one of the most important aspects in any Cursors, Full MLB and MLBPA License, 1997 Rosters, 1996 baseball experience. Stats, Play Full 162 Game Season, Stats Tracking in Season, Of course WSB ‘98 features the full MLB and MLBPA licenses, meaning all All 30 Major League Parks, Five Perspectives, Home Run UN the t stadiums and players. Stats are 5 induded from the 1996 season, but m Created by: Sega md RAN: 2, j^ n Saturn (and Seg: use m Size: 1 CD-ROM EN I mon buddy. Get the lead out. MS NA He tries to pick - m off at first. u | This will not result He : in a base hit, : *« м ( We're wondering if WSB ‘98 EE | includes the infield fly rule? jee 2 Note the new batting and pitching grids. This is the end result of poor base running. The Japanese strike zone is much smaller thanthe — American. ' New York 5 first- baseman also had a contract offer from the Knicks. www.gameinformer. com The Isle of Man is located off the northwest coast of England. Each year, the island plays host to the famous Manx Tourist Trophy run. The Manx race draws legendary racers from across the world to compete in this dangerous and deadly sport. Manx TT, from Sega, is a replication of this famous race. Manx TT in the arcades is instantly recognizable, as it features pu mee the large plastic bike thot : «| players use to control the game. The plastic bike has a great touch, and now Manx TT for the Saturn also features superior control. The 3D analog controller from Sega is a perfect complement to Manx TT's smooth racing, and is great for tilting the bike, arcing long turns and battling the opposition. Manx TT features two tracks that feed in and out of one another. Each of these tracks is reversible. Arcade, | Saturn and Time Trial modes — — — are available for play, and the only way to unlock the Super Bikes is to place in the top 3 in continuous races. In addition, two players can compete at once via the split-screen. There are eight bikes available for play, and for those who covet the Time Trial, players can compete in successive races x against a “ghost rider" of . their best race. Get ready ! for this powerful arcade racer to hit the shelves in July. ; 1 CD-ROM yle: 1 or 2-Player Motorcycle Racing 8 Cycles (3 Are Super Bikes), Ghost Feature, Arcade, Saturn and Time Trial Modes, 2 Courses (Each Reversible), Automatic or Manual Transmission Ву: Sega July for Sega Saturn Game Informer = June ‘97 Duke Nukem 3D is one of the best Doom-style shooters to ever hit the PC. While Duke Nukem’s graphics are not as impressive as Quake's, it is generally considered the better game because of its crazy weapons, obnoxiously macho voice-overs, and intense multi-player appeal. Now Duke is on his way to the Sega Saturn and he's looking pretty good. All the weapons and levels are in decent shape and are suprisingly close to the PC's graphic detail. Of course, Sega is trying to keep as much of the racy humor in the game as possible, but you never know how much will remain intact until the game is finished. The game will also feature a special Saturn-only level. We can't stress enough how cool Duke's weapons are. He has access to pipe bombs that can be laid down and detonated from afar, laser trip mines, a freeze ray that lets you immobilize and shatter your opponents, and a shrinking ray that allows you to squash your opponents like small ants. The most exciting thing about Duke Nukem 3D for the Saturn is that it will be NetLink compatible, allowing Saturn owners all over the world to blow each other into oblivion via the Internet. Size: 1 CD-ROM 2: 1-Player First-Person Action/Shooter special Features: 9 Different Enemies, 28 Levels, 10 Crazy Weapons, Jumping, Ducking, Flying, Toilet Humor, NetLink Compatible, Special Saturn-Only Level : Lobotomy for Sega July 1997 for Sega Saturn www. gamein m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: for 2-Player Sed diit m Special Features: Т yabl Jason Atlanta). № Mult Varying Level Obje сім Throw Button, and Cam m Created by: LucasAl rts m Available: June 1997 f n eos By Zeus and Hera D Jo ON, Tie GREEDY- GAMER _ Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: -~ OVERALL: 7.29 Oasis into a Saturday morning g cartoon, minus the cereal ads. | could have done with a little less 7.5 cuteness, but then again Herc will appeal to younger gamers who 7.75 enjoy action along with “madcap” comedy. The levels are well thought 6 out, and there are plenty of items is balanced equally between is that enemies repeat too often, especially the skeletons and giants. Light-hearted gamers will find a lot to like in Herc's: it's long enough to please almost anyone and the two- player mode is a lot of fun.” www е and fs a npo. vements,. es and Mission hcm remel nts, a Run and REINER, THE Racine GAMER ith titles like The Dig, Afterlife, Ball Blazer Champions, and now Herc’s Adventures, LucasArts’ reputation of being a ‘Star Wars only’ developer has slowly but ‘surely vanished (just like both of the Death Stars). Of course, _we’d love to see Boba Fett disintegrate Zeus, or watch Chewbacca lodge a massive furball down Hercules’ throat. Obviously this will never happen, even though it would be ` extremely entertaining. Herc’s Adventures is not even related to the “Action Pack" television series staring Kevin Sorbo, or the new animated film by Disney. But rather, LucasArts has adapt- ed this legendary myth with their own sarcasm and humor. Similar to Legend of Oasis, Herc’s Adventures is an isometric action/adventure title where the entire land is open for exploration. At times, your path will be blocked, so you'll need to obtain a certain item or power-up that will remove whatever is blocking your path. When starting out, you'll have the chance to choose from three different characters: Hercules, Jason, and Atlanta. All of these strange cartoon-like heroes have different weapons, abilities, and characteristics that will either aid you in your quest or cause disastrous problems. Hercules is obviously the strongest of the three, Jason's abilities are average, and Atlanta is weak _ (but she does have the only long range attack). All the characters can run, pick-up and throw items. | The basics of gameplay are interesting and some- | what complex. From the starting block, you'll be thrown FM into a massive world without any guidance or direction. You'll need to explore the land, kill off enemy hordes, buy useful items, and talk to village folk. Your main goal is to destroy Hera. If you reach certain zones in the world or defeat one of Hera's demons, Zeus will come down and give you a helpful hint, item, or will send you on a dangerous mission. As you proceed further in the game, you'll obviously need to become stronger since the enemies will become much deadlier. If you explore each dungeon, area and corner carefully you'll find | health bar boosters that permanently add more energy to your health bar; weapon power-ups that allow you to take off more damage from enemies; and godly power-ups that allow you to destroy certain obstacles in your path. If you are thorough enough in your exploration, you'll obviously have no problem destroying Hera in the final showdown. Herc's Adventures is animated extremely well, it features a great soundtrack, and the animated cut-scenes are as funny as they are bizarre. Saturn owners who love RPGs and action/adventures will not want to miss this mythic quest featuring no wookies ا‎ oever PAUL, Tue GANE PROFESSOR "Herc's Adventures turns Legend of B and weapons to find. The emphasis B exploring and fighting. One problem | THE Bottom LINE 7.75 ‘First and foremost, | don't think this "tifle deserves to be shot and put out 7.25 Of its misery, and I certainly wouldn't throw it in the toilet. But, І do believe Sound: 7.5 and know that the gameplay could ; have been incorporated much Playability: 8 better. Herc's Adventures has a great game design, and the er 7.78 animation of all the characters and enemies is top notch, but the action 75 Concept: Graphics: and overall exploration techniques are a lad unexciting and more cumbersome than user-friendly. Granted, the plot and events that occur are designed to be a parody towards Hercules and the whole mythic universe, but in this case, they are funny, but more or less take some of the much needed action out of the game." Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: | Entertainment: OVERALL: 8.5 “Not to be confused with the television series, Here's Adventures 8.75 is а comical and embellished look at Greek Mythos. From Zeus to 8.75 Poseidon, the game's characters and enemies are wonderfully 8 animated and full of personality. Much like Legend of Oasis, the 9 overhead graphics are somewhat confusing when navigating, but a little practice will have you cruising throughout the world. Since there are three characters to choose from and you don't really die, Herc's lea offers nearly unlimited playtime in one sitting. It may seem like a game for younger or inexperienced players, but there is plenty of chal- lenge and entertainment found with- in Herc's. It's worth a serious look." te % m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player RPG m Special Pastures! Three-Dimensional Turn-Based Combat, Advanced Automap Feature, Massive Level Designs, Plot Twists Based on Character Interaction, Hundreds of Deadly Enemies, Booby Traps m Created by: Sega m Available: June for Sega Saturn empire out of three complicated role-playing games — Sword of Vermilion, Phantasy Star 2, and Shining in the Darkness. These games were so complicated and difficult that even the most experienced role-playing fanatic would eventually break down and give up the current quest. Out of the three, only Phantasy Star survived to see a sequel on the Genesis while the other two mysteriously vanished. After the demise of the Genesis, the rise of the Sega Saturn took place, and some familiar Genesis titles surfaced on this 32-bit frontier. Obviously, a system needs a good share of RPGs to corner the market, and really, Sega didn't have anything to offer in this genre until now. No, it's not a Phantasy Star sequel but it's just as good. The Shining series has returned with the sequel, Shining the Holy Ark. All the gameplay mechanics and features that made the original 16-bit version so popular are back and better than ever. The quest is once again enormous with awesome turn- based battles and tricky dungeon exploration. The graphics are much improved in every part of the game, and intricate detail has been given to all the spells and attacks. The game is once again structured to move slowly, which gives the players plenty of time to think through their next strategy and equip their party to their liking. The big change in the game is based off character interaction. When talking to village folk or pub regulars you'll have to be careful of what you say, because you could alter your course of gameplay if you say something Wrong. Shining the Holy Ark is due out this June for the Sega Saturn, and we're predicting that because it's been over five years since the last offering, present day gamers may not get into this game as much as they used to. D» the early days of the Genesis, Sega managed to build an HP 29 HP „га m 5/20: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Action/Platform m Special Features: Five Different Playable Characters, Twenty Levels, Three- Dimensional Tethered Gameplay, and Huge Modeled Dinosaur Enemies m Created by: Dreamworks Interactive for Sega m Avallable: July for Sega Saturn On Memorial Day, 1997, Steven Spielberg will release The Lost World: Jurassic Park to theaters everywhere. With a $250 million promotional, merchandising and advertising budget, it will be impossible not to know about this sequel. Following the success of the first Jurassic Park, The Lost World will more than likely be the biggest film of the summer, and with Sega's plans, it could very well be one of the best selling games as well. Sega has three different Lost World titles coming out in July: one each for the Genesis (see page 58), Game Gear, and Saturn. All of the modeling, level designs, and gameplay techniques are first being done by Spielberg's Dreamworks Interactive video game company for their PlayStation game, then passed to Sega to implement on the Saturn. Throughout the twenty levels of prehistoric mayhem in The Lost World, you'll have the chance to control five different playable characters (a Compy, Raptor, Human Hunter, T-Rex, and Sarah Harding) as you try to avoid twenty different dinosaur species and biological perils. The gameplay within these levels is similar to Crystal Dynamics’ Pandemonium title where the player is tethered to a track that makes three-dimensional movements based on camera view $295 Unfortunately, the game has no 360? movement. The game should follow the movie pretty closely, with FMV dlips from the film presenting key plot twists. As in the movie, the dinosaur animation and the B realism that their movements К deliver bring this game to life. < Sega hopes to have this title out in early July, which should be a week or two after the PlayStation release. | recent releases by Erik, the PC Jedi | Turn-Based is Still Cool...Darn it! | have some concerns about the fate of turn-based strategy. Everyone seems to have jumped on the real-time bandwagon after the immense success of the C&C and Warcraft series. Throw in the increased popularity of on-line gaming, and turn-based strategy could eventually become a thing of the past. It's true that real-time is a joyous amalgam of strategy and action, but there is something to be said for the carefully planned out step-by-step process of bringing your opponents to their knees in a good turn-based strategy game. Outlaws – LucasArts 7.75 | О = is an interesting game. It takes the Dark Forces engine апа places the player in a spaghetti western setting. The combat is very different from any other first-person shooter game in that being outnumbered by a host of Outlaws is actually a very dangerous situation. If you whip around a corner and miss your enemy with your first two shots you're probably going to die. Health is scant and enemies unforgiving. LucasArts did a good job of setting the mood with music, animated cut scenes, and voice-overs from the enemies. The weapons consist of classic rifles, pistols, and an old-fashioned gatlin’ gun that forces the player to stand in place while firing. Unfortunately the action was a little flustered by Windows '95 and frames had a tendency to skip, making close-quarters action a lot harder than it should have been. The levels were also lacking in the detail that made Dark Forces such a fascinating game. The stationary horses and cows that just kind of sit there as you and the outlaws duck behind them in order to avoid clouds of bullets get kind of silly after a while. It's not great, but it's a hell of a lot better than Westworld. Introducing: WWW.HEAT.NET, the Latest On-line Gaming Network & egaSoft, the company behind Obsidian (which | was forced to admit was cool despite its similarity to Myst) has decided to go for the on-line gaming trophy with an impressive venture on their parts called Heat. This latest on-line phenomenon is set to debut this summer. Heat makes use of an open system ПРХ that is currently fully compatible with over 500 games, including all of the big ones like Quake, Duke, Warcraft Il, C&C, and Doom. When Heat debuts this summer, it will feature four exclusive titles. Scud is an overhead shooter that allows people to play against each other as teams, one-on-one, or in a gigantic free-for-all. Alien Race is a game where three teams of ten compete against each other in an effort to destroy the other races’ reactor cores. Heat Warz is an unusual realtime strategy game. Net Fighters is the first netcapable tournament fighter. Some of these titles look pretty decent but the best is yet to come with games like 10%, a game where teams of players work together to keep bases up and operational in a virtual world; or Skies, a game developed by Paradigm (Pilot Wings 64) in which thousands of players can choose and optimize mystical beasts and then fly around in a fantastic mythical world. Heat is working on minimizing subscriber costs by making money through a number of sources like advertising and direct sales of games. Heat will be fully open to the public this summer. The waiting list is currently — Didn't we see the birdman іп over 30,000. Pilot Wings? Bases continue to exist even after players log off. Disturbances in the Force | discovered something interesting while talking to LucasArts Fallout by Interplay has lost its GURPS license. GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System) is one of the most popular roleplaying Systems in the pen & paper gaming world, known for its amazing about Rebellion the other day. When you ask a PR person how they intend to make a two-dimensional mouse interface work with a three- dimensional realtime engine, they let you speak with one of the developers of the game right away. So here's the scoop. Rebellion isn't like 3D Command & Conquer. It puts more emphasis on fleet control than the movement of individual units. This means you'll be doing things like telling squadron A to intercept enemy B in the delta pattern attack formation and so on. While not in battle, players will also have the opportunity to devise their own special attack patterns and add them to the list of standard ones already available. Rebellion will also feature 55 characters from the Star Wars movies, Dark Horse graphic novels, and Timothy Zahn novels. While it may be out by the time you're reading this, LucasArts also told us the one thing we really wanted to know about Dark Forces: Jedi Knight. Yes, you will be able to do the lightsaber blaster deflection trick, and the stronger you are with the force, the better it works. ia www. ability to work well within any kind of genre. Interplay found that they had trouble implementing the GURPS rules system into Fallout and also had some differences of opinion with Steve Jackson (GURPS’ creator) concerning the game’s development. Interplay promises that the game is still in development and that they plan to make it one of the premiere RPGs on the PC. GameTek has joined forces with SSI to publish their real-time strategy game Dark Colony which should ship some time in September. Dark Colony takes place on Mars in the year 2172. Mars has become habitable and is in the process of being colonized by humans. Unfortunately Mars is already secretly inhabited by a race known as the Grays, who do not take kindly to their world being reaped for profit. The Grays reveal themselves and the hostilities begin. GameTek also has plans to do a Robotech game for the PC in 1998. While this game is still on the planning table, the press release we received suggested that it may be a real-time strategy game as well. That...would be cool. Game Informer а June ‘97 і ] | || | 1 || | | | | | | | Super Nintendo Availability: Common Replay Value: Medium Similar Games: Virtual Bart, Krusty's Fun House Created by: Acclaim Access Tip: Shoot your bubblegum at the Blue Z's, not the Red ones. Overall: Throughout the course of console gaming, there hasn't been a game that is even remotely as humorous as Acclaim Entertainment's Springfield simulator series. Both games present the same side-splitting wackiness and oddball cult hero characters found in the television show. The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare showcases mind blowing action through eight levels including such memorable moments as Bartzilla and his opponents Marge Momthra and Homer Kong, the Temple of Maggie Mayhem, and a visit to Bart’s Bloodstream with a guest appearance by Joe Fission. This was a grand game indeed, as challenging as it was funny. The multiple level designs and different objectives place this title toward the top of the charts for instant SNES classics Game Informer s June ‘97 =) Similar батез: Bar Puigntmare, | Krüsty's Fun House (= Created by: Acclaim Access Tip: Grab as many popsicles | as you can. | Overall: In. 1994, two years, after the release of Bart's Nightmare, . Acclaim, Entertainment | debuted the sequel — Virtual Bart. While this | game lacked the tight user-friendly control of the-first'game, it managed to be just as << funny and entertaining. The problem with this title was*that some of the minigames within were not up to The Simpsons раге" 89 standards, For instance, Dino Bart andr: Doomsday ` Bart Were extremely hard. The Mode 7 effects ifi Doomsday Bart only made З the game more confusing, and Dino Bart had way too much going on at once to really allow - the player to-be amused by the humorous situations within. On the other hand, the Baby Bart, Mount Splashmore, and Virtual Class Picture levels were perfect for a Simpsons game. It’s a good cart, and a true classic to say the least, but for this last installment.onttieé SNES We would have liked to see-more action along the same-lines as the/first- dame where you’ would: have to battle and search for any level. NES 88it \, Availability: Moderately Rare _ : ‘Replay Value: Medium Created by; Capcom Overall: x |‏ اس years of gaming on Similar Games: Mega Man Series, Strider: " Access Tip: Certain enemies in overhead } Stages will award you with.continue- icons {Eagle Symbols) upon their demise. ^d mearis of T ting from Pen to. platform was not‘only a very new and exciting Way tô. "fiové-dround, but also allowed for a whole new challenge in level design. Players would . often be forced to execute a series of swings” and catches that would have given Spider , Man a heart attack. The game also.sported-7 numerous special weapons and items that, | “ofice won from enemies, could be used § ^on-any level the player desired. Bionic Commando also featured two differenttypes $ . of gameplay. While traveling between: the. ‘normal levels on the overhead map,.-small “trucks would rove between the areas as Well. If a player failed to avoid these they would be... forced to defeat the enemy in the overhead style of the original Commando. Last but.notleast, you get to blow up Hitler. After "next generation" systems, Bionic Commando is still a blast. : i TARGET EARTH Genesis Availability: Rare Replay Value: Medium Similar Games: Metal Warriors, Cybernator, Battletech Created by: DreamWorks Access Tip: Destroy boss at the end of first level without killing any other enemies to get all weapons and power-ups. Overall: Target Earth is your basic side-scrolling shooter with some really neat perks. The levels are mission-oriented and you are never allowed to forget that you are within a war of epic proportions. While protecting bases and running escort duty, allies fight alongside you, firing occasional shots that will actually destroy enemies. Each level gives you the opportunity to gain bonus points which will award you bonus weapons, a jetpack, and protective gear. At the end of one level, for instance, you must help evacuate a base by protecting allies as they jump into an escape ship. You can jump into the ship and escape whenever you want, but the more allies that get in, the better your bonus score. If you wait too long, the ship will take off without you. Target Earth is a killer game that is as challenging as it is entertaining. A Classic Battle To аи. Vanquish Evil | Р A 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter " 10 Playable Fighters, 5 Hidden Fighters, 3DfX's FEEDING Voodoo Graphics Technology, Multi-Level Fighting Environments, Fatalities | Check out Gls Training Atari Games Card #34 for Mace Moves Now at Arcades (November for N64) _ he world of arcade fighters is definitely a crowded one, and Mace: The Dark Age by Atari Games stands out with its impressive looking graphics and beautifully designed characters. Built on hardware designed by parent company Midway and utilizing 3DfX’s Voodoo Graphics chipset, Atari Games unleashes a fully 3D game with ten medieval fighters wielding a variety of devastating weapons. The premise and storyline of Mace are spun in classic fashion and revolve around power and corruption. Set in 14th Century Europe, Asmodeus, an evil practitioner of sorcery and keeper of the Mace of Tanis, is quickly overtaking smaller ‘kingdoms throughout the world. His corrupt power does not go unchecked as a number of kingdoms prepare for Asmodeus’ onslaught by assembling their best warriors and sending them to dispel Asmodeus and capture the ever-powerful Mace. Mace’s control configuration is set up with two weapon attack buttons (Quick and Strong), а Kick», Еа button, and an Evade button to navigate in the 3D environments. Each of the fighting "arenas" is filled with multiple levels including various slopes, ledges, steps, and deadly boundaries such. as lava, spikes, or quicksand. Within these arenas, the positioning of your fighter becomes very important as various fighting tactics Will: become useless as your opponent . moves to higher ground. Ultimately;-any fighting dame comes down to technique and execution and Mace does not fail in these two areas. Fighters can unleash furious blood-spáttering (blood.can be;disabled).combos and special moves. In true-fighting fashion, Mace also includes at.least. one :fatality per fighter. With-a host of largé’ slicing and.dicing weapons, you can almost imagine the outcome of executing a deadly finishing maneuver. Atari Games hasn't unloaded a notable fighting game since their popular Primal Rage, butMace's unbelievable look and solid play control are definitely turning a few heads in'the arcádes. Be sure to Save-a few quarters for this game and save a few more dol- lars. for the winter-releas Of Mace: The Dark Age on the Nintendo 64. Game Informer n June ‘97 WIN Now everyone who plays wins a free six t magazine et o e. subscription!! "s a You can't lose! 5 AT X. < e Е : * C amma 0 [| The Ultimate ove 520.0000 w pazes E Gaming Rig!) zzz amd zs S You have the POWER. In this contest you don't rely on the luck-of-the draw. You determine if you win or not. You win by outscoring others in a game of skill. Can you solve the puzzle below? Then you have what it takes. It looks simple, but it's only the start. Each of five more puzzles get a little harder. But this time it's all up to you. Stay in to the end with the highest score and the gear is yours. With whatever options you want. Do you have what it takes? Then play to win! Computer Contest. Win a blazing fast computer with 200 Mhz MMX Pentium, 24 meg. RAM, 4 Gig. HD, 8X CD-ROM, Windows 95, modem and more! Video Game Contest. ды) on the hi-tech cutting edge with this line-up: Sony Playstation w/ ASCII control pads; Sega Saturn; Game Boy Pocket; and Nintendo 64! Get all four or trade the ones you don't want for CASH! Bonus options include: 33 inch monitor, $1,000 in games, cash, accessories and more! Yes: =! Howe — ——— €T WORD LIST and LETTER CODE chart PINCH A WRECK Media Rig Contest. The Ultimate Gaming Environment, 60 inch monitor, 130 watt receiver w/ Dolby Digital Surround Sound, and all components shown. Win DSS Satellite Receiver as a BONUS OPTION! This rig will blow you away!! We're talkin’ GAMING HEAVEN! Directions. Fill in the Mystery Word Grid with р ү, across that spell out the Mystery Word down the side. Hint: use the Mystery Word Clue. In the future. There will be four more puzzles at $2.00 each and one tie- breaker at $1.00 which will be sent to you by mail. You will have 3 weeks to solve each puzzle. We don't know how many will play but typically 55% will have the a score possible score to Phase І, 43% to Phase Il, 36% to Phase IIl, and 32% to Phase IV. The tie-breaker determines the winner. If players are still tied they will split the value of the grand prize they are playing for. ENTER ME TODAY, HERE’S MY ENTRY FEE: |_| ($3.00) Video Game Contest [C ($3.00) Media Rig Contest L ($3.00) Computer Contest [C ($5.00) SPECIAL! Enter them all (SAVE $4.00) ПУМ ОМУ di TO Address City | State Zip o PANDEMONIUM, Р.О. BOX 26247 RS SEND CASH, M.0., OR CHECK TO: BREAK STOMP CRUSH WORLD RULERS HAVE IT AND IN THIS CONTEST YOU HAVE IT 5 SPRAY... С ТОКО... У «R PRESS Е DREAM..,..O MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55426-0247 VOID WHERE PROHIBITED * ENTRY DEADLINE: POSTMARKED BY AUG. 23RD, 1997 • ENTRY FEE MUST BE INCLUDED Only one entry per person. You must be under 30 years old to win. Employees of Pandemonium, Inc. and its suppliers are ineligible. Judges decisions are final. If judges are in error the sponsor's liability is limited to entry fees paid. Not responsible Tor lost or delayed mail. Open to residents of the U.S. and Canada. You can request Winners List and Official Rules by writing Pandemonium, Inc. 7204 Washington Ave. $., Eden Prairie, MN 55344, Merchandise names and models are trademarks of their | fespective companies who, along with this magazine, have no affiliation with this contest. © 1996 Pandemonium, Inc. 1 CD-ROM 1-Player Cave Person Simulation Gigantic World, Tons of Cool Landmarks, Cultural Level Progression, Find Interesting Creatures and Make a Meal Out of Them, Tribe's Size Increases Over Time Artdink for Sony Computer Entertainment Now for Sony PlayStation 64 Megabit 1-Player First-Person Shooter New Laser Weapon, New Double Chainsaw, New Look For Characters and Weapons, Password and Controller Pak Compatible, 4 Difficulty Levels id and Midway Home Entertainment Now for Nintendo 64 It ҮТ, It was hard not to give this game a great score, because there will be some people who will love it. Unfortunately, while the world is huge, and the antics of your Neanderthal are hilarious, there really isn't a major goal to the game. The only way you truly beat Tail of the Sun is by building a tower of mammoth tusks so that you can reach the sun. This is accomplished by going up North, killing mammoths, returning home, and repeating the process. What really makes the game a blast is just roaming all over the expansive world, finding new landmarks, and killing critters for food. It sounds silly, but it's a refreshing change from games that push you along to an ultimate goal that you may or may not care about. Rent this game and check it out. s cool. A or Doom is a game that has been played and defeated in many different forms (and formats) over the four years of its existence. While this game is the grandfather of all first-person shooters, it hasn't evolved much over time. Doom on the N64 certainly has better graphics than any previous Doom, but the gameplay is still the same. Actually, the levels are a little short by Doom standards, and a number of the animations have even been redone (Midway completely ruined the shotgun animation). But as Doom fanatics can attest, any Doom game is a good Doom game. If you love blasting imps, this game will entertain, but there is nothing revolutionary about Doom 64. o www.gameinformer.conm Futuristic Racer Over 22 Characters With Signature Racing Styles and Weapons, Distinct Interactions, 6 Racing Environments, 16 Weapons, Two-Player N-Space for GT Interactive Sony PlayStation In what looks to be a cross between Panzer Dragoon and Wipeout, Bug Riders takes place on the planet Entymion. Your quest is to win the annual race, as the champion shall inherit the throne. On Entymion, instead of horse racing, competitors ride atop a number of saddled bugs. Since the game is in 3D, the giant bugs will be able to pass other giant bugs to the left and right as well as above and below. Two players can compete via the split-screen, and characters will have access to 16 weapons and a number of defensive shields and maneuvers. From the pictures, it looks like the environments Will be very creative. Players will be rock- eting through cliffs, waterfalls and densely wooded forests. Look for it this October. Game Informer а June ‘97 1 CD-ROM 1-Player Mega Man (At this point it defines its own genre.) Multiple Weapons, Play as Mega Man or Zero, Dashing Ability, Metroid Wall Jumps Capcom Now for Sega Saturn (and Sony PlayStation) 1 CD-ROM 1-Player Action/Adventure Over 20 Levels, Multiple Weapons, Action Oriented Engine, "Save the Lost Civilization" Plot, Enemies That Sound Like They've Come Straight Out of a Bad "Hercules" Episode Activision Fourth Quarter for Sony PlayStation There really isn't all that much we can say about a new Mega Man game. It’s pretty much the same deal as all the others. Fight your way through challenging levels, battle the boss at the end, get its weapon, and repeat the process. It's been fun for a lot of people for a very long time. The cool thing about Mega Man X4 is that you can now play as either Mega Man or Zero. Zero's primary weapon is a deadly energy blade that does a triple slash combo. Otherwise, Mega Man X4 has the exact same game- play as all the other Mega Men. If this has started to bore you, then you should probably skip this title. If not, go crazy! Pitfall Harry is back and flexing his new polygons in preparation for the ultimate quest. This time around he has to save an ancient civilization, secure the fate of the free world, and rescue a beautiful woman. Relying on his trusty rock pick and amazing athletic abilities, Harry enters the fray. Fortunately for him, there will be additional weapons to be found in the 20 plus levels. From what little we've seen of this game, it appears the designers opted to go for more of a user-friendly 3D action engine like Crash Bandicoots instead of the Tomb Raider engine where realism is the focus. Game Informer a June ‘97 Action/Puzzle/Platform Three Vikings with New Powers, Two New Animal Characters, Special Item Pickups, Classic Lost Blizzard for Sierra Very few games are currently being released for the SNES, and Sierra looked to capitalize on this drought by picking up Lost Vikings 2. Although many will be happy with any new game release for the SNES, there’s not much to shout about with Lost Vikings 2. Gl reviewed the 32-bit version recently, and for the lack of anything new to say, we'll remind readers of our previous statement: "The graphics could have easily been done on the 16-bit." In fact, the only difference we could find with the SNES version was the lack of comedic voice- overs. Switching characters, exchanging items and solving puzzles makes for some classic gaming fun, but overall Vikings 2 comes up short in long-term entertainment. "d PlayStation Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-to-Head Fighter Special Features: Link and Juggle Rengi Combos, Arena Combat With Wall Counter Moves, Thirty-Two Playable Characters, Practice Mode, Special 60 Frames Per Second Mode Created by: Takara for PlayMates Available: Now for Sony PlayStation Battle Arena Toshinden 3 In the March ‘97 issue of Gl, we gave the Japanese version of this game a 6.75. Most reviewers pointed to the routine and somewhat boring play mechanics. Although this U.S. version is almost identical, there are two new features worth noting. The first is a brand new Practice mode where the player can work on combo strings and breakers. The other new addition is the “60 frames per second mode” (as opposed to the default 30). Of course, Toshinden's strength is graphics, and the new “60 fps mode” really cleans up the polygons. It’s smooth and beautiful, but still not entertaining. PlayStation Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1-Player First-Person Shooter Special Features: Multiple Weapons, Strategic Mission Objectives, Variable Gravity Effects, Over 25 Levels Created by: Fenris Wolf/Climax U.K. for GT Interactive Available: Summer for Sony PlayStation Originally developed across the Mississippi River from the Game Informer offices by Fenris Wolf, Rebel Moon was one of the first games developed for Intel's MMX chip for the PC. In what will be the first MMX to console port, Climax U.K. is definitely being challenged to incorporate the rich and stunning visuals of the MMX version within the more limited PS-X architecture. Set on a futuristic lunar outpost, Rebel Moon's 25+ levels will incorporate a number of offensive and defensive objectives as you battle for independence from Earth’s bureaucratic grip. Look for Rebel Moon to arrive on the PS-X sometime this summer. Genesis ИШТЕП The Lost World: Size: 16 Megabit Style: 1-Player Action Special Features: Isometric Gameplay View, Multiple Mission Objectives, Several Powerful Weapons and Vehicles Including a Bronco and Hover Craft Created by: Sega Available: July for Sega Genesis Jurassic Park Sega is bringing the enormously popular prehistoric mayhem of Jurassic Park back to the Genesis in the form of the motion picture sequel The Lost World. This is the third Jurassic Park title to land on the Genesis, and surprisingly, it features a new gameplay structure. This time, it has the look and feel of the first SNES Jurassic Park title, which features an isometric camera view and multiple mission objectives. You'll even have the chance to escape a T-Rex's ferocious appetite by jumping into a 4x4 Bronco and heading to the nearest safe house. The game will follow the structure of the movie fairly close, but of course, more freedom is granted so that the player can kill more dinosaurs. Game Informer 5 June ‘97 1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Futuristic Sports Game 8 Different Power-Ups, Practice, Tournament, and Freeplay Modes, 8 Vehicles (Possibly One Hidden), Upgrades for Vehicles LucasArts Now for Sony PlayStation our ^ INFIEID FLY RULE! B вь [yor sst. | CLE а 1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Basketball (Up to 10- Player With Multi-Taps) All the NBA Players and Teams, Create and Trade Players, Defensive and Offensive Play Calling, Arcade, Simulation and Custom Modes, Stats Tracking in Full Season EA Sports Now for Sega Saturn Game Informer This is probably one of the most disappointing LucasArts games we've seen in a long time. The graphics, power- ups, and upgrades are all really impressive features in the game. Unfortunately, the gameplay really hurts Ball Blazer's score. Keeping track of the ball while trying to master the awkward controls is frustrating to say the least. Yes, there are a variety of vehicles, crazy arenas, and power-ups, but what it really boils down to is the fact that one-on-one soccer isn’t a very exciting game to play. If you've enjoyed futuristic sports games before, you should definitely take a look at Ball Blazer. It's interesting, but we don't exactly love it. Yar 15Ү nr s L {32 o Although this Saturn version can't touch the PlayStation in terms of graphics and menu speed, Saturn owners should still be happy with this solid basketball sim. NBA Live 97 has tremendous depth in terms of play calling, player-to-player match-ups, and offensive and defensive sets. Unfortunately, gameplay is pretty slow and chunky. It feels like you're skating instead of running, and the “mess beneath the net" is frustrating. Also, player response to the buttons and d-pad seems to have a slight delay. On the upside, the create player and full season offer a lot of entertainment. Live 97 is the only basketball game to consider buying for the Saturn. June '97 a r AAR E 1 CD-ROM ъа m n а ПН ч М It's almost unfair to compare this дате to the new Triple Play or even VR Baseball, since it plays more like an old 16-bit game. Only one view makes 1 or2-Player Baseball pitching boring since all pitches look Unique Pitching Meter, MLBPA License, Hauntingly Familiar Stadiums, Full Season With Stats, "Tater" Derby, Difficulty Adjust, Batting Cursor Burst for Virgin Now for Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn relatively the same. The pitching meter adds a little variety, but using it pitch after pitch is terribly repetitive. About the only thing Grand Slam has going for it is the batting cursor, which makes it easy to push or pull the ball, as well as pop up for the sac fly. Burst also did a nice job with the stadiums, working around the legalities of no MLB license. But with all the competition this year, Grand Slam Baseball can't even be considered average. =“ n doug west $ small Forward ron hæper 9 shooting querd 16 points rebounds blocks assists steals Mega | Man Here are some general tip that. should help you conquer Dr. "d S evil machines. renade Man - To defeat this bomber use Clow Man's Thunder Claw. i Frost тап - To defeat this frozen wonder use <; | Grenade Man's Flash Bomb. wd Tengu Man - To defeat. this Man's Ice Wave. | f. use Tengu Man's Tornado Hold. Aqua Man - ~ і То defeat this aquatic wonder ^ "à. use Astro Man's Astro Crush. . E Sword Man - То. defeat this $ chauvinist use Aqua Man's Water Balloon. _ wilderness hero use Sword Man's Flame Sword. : "Astro Man - To-defeat this space goof use Search Man's Homing Sniper. . > Dr. Wily - attachment, Stand directly in front of him and dodge his flame ‘wheel and laser attacks. Never i. let go of the fire button... Dr. Wily 2 — Make sure you still -have your Rush Heal and Rush beat him, the P Buster with the . auto attachment is the best bet. pattern. After E aang ed he's cake. - Yellow, AZ . рапа = -DNC Greg Mode - GRG А коп Моде - ll | bo me com : Clown Man - To defeat this freak Î Search Мап - To defeat this | Use the P Buster with the auto ` Surprise in your inventory. To : It'll take awhile to figure out his : ~ Kevin : Webville, COM Time Trial Screen-and set up the game as 4-Player and 1 lap. „Enter the -drivers names: FIDDLE, WITH, VEHICLE, MEKANIXS. Now, while. in the game press the Left Button and Z to activate. АП Class Types — First, enter the airborne adversary use Frost. i Time Trial Screen and set the game up as 1-Player with 3 laps. Now, enter the top name as NOVICE(Space)(Space). Messy Driving em go into the Enter the following codes while the : | : GameDay ‘97 Codes — Enter the game is paused. ` Fixed Camera View - Right, A, Left, Left, Y, Down; "Up, Left, Left. : More Turbos — C, Right, A, Z, Y, C, A, Right Tank Cars (Desert Level) - A, B, Right, A, C, A, Down, A, B, Right, A Any Lap is Last Lap - Left, Left, Left, A, A, A, Left, Left, Left, A, A, A "Mother Truck — B, Left, A, C, C, A, Right New Commentary – Down, A, Z, C, Right, A, Z, Y, Down, A, Z Physics Cheat - C, A, Right, ` Video FMV 2 – Highlight the list of. : Down, Up, Left, Left, Down, Up, : Left, Left, Down, Up, Left, Left -Hadden McFly. : Yellow Stone, NY 3 l | Î Bucket o’ Fights — To fight every 5 Enter these “у at the Password | : i Screen to jump to any level. Kyle Preston H jump | Urban Shield - 1018 Black Out - 1006 ice Storm - 1213 . Desert Fury - 0203 7 Tiger Trap - 0917 | f Crack Down - 0354 ` Menu hold down Select and R2 : + Two-Player Mode - At the Main = on both controllers to unlock this. : | уег mode. - awesome tw Ghandi : Knocksville, TN. : q The Git of Fizear $ Disc 1. Credits FMV – At the Main Menu : screen press Ш, A, @, Ж. Twisted Metal 2 Codes – At the Main Menu press 6, A, E. Blasto Preview - Enter the Download Station room, open the two options, and hold L1 + : . i Fantasy L2 + R1 + R2, then press Ш. Cool Boarders Codes - At the Tech Q & Aroom press Ш, а A, ©. Jet Moto Secret – Enter the Code Book n room and : press A, A, A. Behind the Scenes room and . hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2. Disc 2 Video FMV - At the Main Menu press 6, A, E, ©, A. released games, hold + L2 + R1 + R2, then press A. ! Resident Evil 2 Preview – i Highlight the list of Coming Soon : games and press A, A, A. Mysterious Hadden | Foster City, CA to 20 seconds go to the Options Screen and while holding the L : Button press Right C Button, Left C Button, Left C Button, Right C Button, Down C : Button, Up C Button, Up C : Button, Down C Button,LeftC : . Button, Right C Button, Right = C Button, Left C Button, Right C Button, Left C Button. Note: This must. be entered in all Check any oppo "g player. Matt Duane : . Middletown, NJ. : : Jungle Transylvania Level 2 - STRT Level 3 - ST3W Level 4 - K3YS Level 5 - TRSH Level 6 - SW1M Level 7 - TWO! Level 8 - T1M3 Level 1 – KARN ~ Level 2 - BOMB Level 3 - WZRD Level 4 - BLKS - Level 5 - ТЕРТ Level 6 - m А Pirate . Level 1 - B3SV - Level 2 ~ R3TO Level 3 - DRNK Level 4 - YOVR Level 5 - OV4L Level 6 - TINS Level 1 – DARK Level 2 - HARD Level 3 - HRDR Level 4 - LOST Level 5 - OBOY Level 6 - HOM3 Future Level 1 - SHCK Level 2 - TNNL Level 3 - H3LL Level 4 - 4RGH Level 5 – B4DD Level 6 - D4DY Brendan Manston Harlem, NY Field of Corn - To oy in the € | “Field of Corm simply enter the : : Options menu from any location, : then highlight Credits and press Ш, three periods. To-start a fight : @, Wi, Ө, A. Doing this correctly | activate the code... Gretchen Walker = Memphis, TN Game Informer = Nintendo 64 : Enter all.of these codes at the : гаа — 4 ; : Spotlight - At the Title Screen : hold L1. R1. Doing this will. : make a spotlight appear. Use B : | Password Screen. Level 2 - _ CB92 NBPL SYL? JO27 Level 3 – BXLG 4GSH 46YJ L2?0 : Level 4 - i UXBP-CG5P 1G5G НОП. i Level5- : X BX8L 5BBNL WI D5 WS3KR Level 8 - CX3F CG3P НОЕ HHSW Level 9 - * РЕМХ MGPH ZVNX WDJC Level 10 - P DVY8 YGDR PBYF 10JC Level 11 - NKHB FLML VS63 0КОВ Level 12 - __ M18C 2L5Z YS74 CGQB = Level 13 - 4JDN RGGN-G8VN T7LB Level 14 - „ 3ZH? KB5X SH2P WMVB : Level 16- Level 17 - TDXH KBNJ 5Q6F W2JC Level 18 - : JY1D CQ53 ZNW? 0XZC : Level 19 - SD8G TBXR 30CZ ?X5C Level 20 - L5ZH 4HYQ 6VGW KZKF Level 21 - CCOM TQ9F D7S9 R28L Level 22 - : GVM7 WVQ7 MBSS M/QC. : Level23- i. GGRS P307 Q0C6 89B : Level 24 - : УЛ VBGY CLIT FWBB -i Level 28 - WOAR 6HRZ P9R9 ZSLB Crazy Crow Webville, COM TXLT 6605 9PR7 68JL i 300 que d Enter your name in the sixth slot as "Vllooma" to. · -enter a 300 tie bowl-off in- Tournament. mode. 7 Game Informer sJune.'97 QU ee V „р Jan Ste ‘ion 1-4 Doug Hadden | Indianapolis, IN. = to make the light larger, and # to make it smaller. Does this serve, : another purpose, or is it just ; another worthless code? а : Zoom - While playing, change your Level 6 - BYS9 SBG? 78TS N2KL : : Level7 - BCYJ HG1B 7BFZ ?SKL : view so that it is the first-person external cam. Now; pause the : game and hold A, and use L1 : or R1 to.zoom in and out. Larry Holmes Houston, TX < Enter these Password Screen. 4 Attempts - SADISSA 7 Attempts - NOSFERATU Double Damage - DRBENWAY : Infinite Ammo - STRANGELUV + Infinite Fuel - Leid 1E aC) квне втзе vg | finite Attempts - ELVISLIVES EARTHFIRST Invincibility - /AMWOMAN Double Fuel Mileage - VULTURE Infinite Ammo, Fuel, Attempts = FUGAZI Infinite Ammo, Fuel, Attempts, : Double Damage - THEBIGBOYS -: Infinite Ammo, Fuel, Invincibility - MIDNIGHOIL Worship the Chopper - GHANDI Lynch the Chopper – ANGRYLOCAL Peaceful World - QUAKER The Human Torch New York, NY ` Z while selecting any track. Play as Super Car ~ At the Main : Menu hold the Right Button + ;- X + Y + Z then press C to select : a game mode. ; Playas Horse - At the Main Menu : . hold the Left Button + X + Z and : a press select а game mode. - Play as Horse 2 — At the Main : i Menu hold the Left Button + the : Right Button + Y + Z and press = |... Charleston Village, AZ 5! м | he ae wae codes at the : d à _ locate Ramdozer. Mirror Mode – Hold down X + Y +. C to select a game mode. · Paul Phoenix : Aa HELP? OF COURSE I'L HREP. FINALLY, Shuto WAKING A STANI ІА p Here's how to locate all those : pesky scientists: Argent Towers (Scientist 1) – Drive Backlash all the way to the right and locate the moveable block, Walk down the ramp as + the little human guy and use the Ramdozer to push the TNT . into the door on the wall to the : right. Walk through the door, jump on the train. and bring it to : the next zone to the north. From here grab Ballista and bring it- : back to where you first found the : train. Enter the tunnel as the human and walk north. While. : walking constantly press to the left. You will find a hidden outlet which will bring you to the Police Car and a maze. Maneuver - through and you'll find the scientist. ' Tempest City (Scientist 2) - ^ | Drive your Ballista all the way to the right and locate the three missile power-up boxes. Use these to shoot at the building next to you. It will take a lot of: shots, but eventually a ramp will. appear leading to a satellite disc : and the second scientist. = Ironstone Mine (Scientist 3) - ` Grab the train near the end of this level, and drive it in reverse ‘till you can no longer do so. bridge as the human until you Drive this vehicle onto the Crane platform and lower it down onto the : other side of the tracks. Use ."Ramdozer to push TNT into the * large building where you lastleft : the train. Doing this successfully .. : Will open up a tunnel filled with je © RDUS and the hiding spot ofthe: third scientist. ; ; Ebony Coast (Scientist 4) - At the beginning of the stage € use Ramdozer to blow up the wall directly behind the train. by P ٠ pushing a TNT crate into the = blockade. Now, place E usi : [ Glory Crossing (Scientist 5) = - direction that the semi- -truck iS : gh the maze successfully ` : pointing. Use Backlash to clear : i" the white blocks were and to : Now, cross. the pedestrian " Blow Stuff Up Cheat — . | on the train and proceed to the i = train station. Have Ramdozer + destroy the station, but be : careful‘ not to use the TNT crate i — located nearby. Now load the : TNT crate onto the train’s i flatbed. Back the train. through E the door you blew away and = -right in front of the Easter Island : statue. It will take awhile for the : TNT crate to explode; but once it : _ does, you will have access to J- = „Bomb. Take this mech and fy o. : the right of the tunnel that the : Missile Truck drove through. = _ You'll find the fourth scientist : here. Drive all the way to the end of : the level and drive in the : Hi s away the secret ramp and drive: down and rescue the fifth = scientist. et | Oyster Harbor come 6) - locate the barges and n d TNT crate onto the first barge. © Use the TNT to destroy the white: ~ blocks that will block the third : - barge. Now, get back in the : barge and back it up past where the last scientist bunker. If you are having trouble blowing ` up certain things on tricky levels, 1 here's an easy way. Simply | -press your vehicle against what- „< ever it is you are trying to blow - up and press the Z Button. LE on _ Make sure that your human i^ - character does not jump out, : but he must be screaming. After: screaming for a few seconds, : ~ the object you are trying to blow. : up wil „magically explode. > . d ode Laune i 7 онаа ы снае авва c Seas: === ` j Laser Never Overheats— —— infinite Hom g Sniper: - 801 biece 2800. 801biebc ‘0001 | Infinite Ice Wave — 801b1ebe 2800 Start With Water palloon - - | 801b1ec4 0001 . | Infinite Water о - 801b1ec! 0001 Infinite Bright Lu res - 180040278 0000 8004d27a 0000 80044264 0000 — _ 86 0000 / ii Doom- “Saturn р = Master Code (Must Be Entered) - | 6000914 C305 = | | b6002800 0000 | Red Key – 1608937 a0001.— | Yellow Key — .16089380:0001 Chain Gun — 160893b6 0001 b Infinite Funds GDI – Hd Infinite Funds NOD - - 8011c04c fff Team Scores 0 – . 801ee9dc 0000 peo a PlayStation 8011b964 ffff 3 i Master Code (Must B Be Entered) – . 16000914 c305 . b6002800 000 } Start With Flame Sword – 160361fc 0100 - „Infinite Flame Sword — 160361fe 2800 : Start With Ice Wave — 16026110 0100 | -o 1 Ifrite Ice Wave — Infinite Natural tūres- . : 16026112 2800 i Start With Thunder Claw - — | 160361ec 0100. d Infinite Thunder Claw – i Start With Tornado Hold - 16036114 0100" * Infinite Tornado Hold - Infinite Bullets — 160893ca 03e7 _ E ` ^] Infinite-Shotgun Shells – _ | -—160893ce 03e7 | infinite Bombs P1- эзе тетет жав кеже 800fc17a 0009 : Infinite Bombs P2 — 800fc1d6 0009 : Infinite Health P1 — | Infinite Heal | 800bff3a 07d0 Infinite. ECM-9000' s- 800bft50 0013 _ | Infinite EMP Torped | e MK-90's —8( | Infinite SM-19's – 800bff48 SM | 8001174 0005 -800fcid0 0005 £ ter (Must Be Entered) - 16000914 c305 66002800 0000 Away Team Scores 0 — 1609d176 0000 : Home Team Scores 0 – анда 0000 16000914 c305 . 66002800 0000 . : «inis Money GDI - 1608beta fff : Infinite Money »- 1608be1c fff E LAP 171 1.44 – PlayStation. All thesi codes should be entered in the "Edit Names" section of the new game. Hidden Truck - MAINLINE - Raining Frogs ~ RAINFROG ` Roids - DUTCHMAN (After entering this, go back to i `. the Title Screen, enter the : Options and select Credits to +: play this wacky asteroids variant.) i à Dale Ellis. : й Hudoton, MA : ite. 1 NOD Password sera n. Need For Speed 2 — . PlayStation > More Camera Angles = As soon as you select race at the Start : Screen hold down these buttons. : L1,L2, R1, R2, X, A, IL and © : until the race starts. This will let 5 you choose from ten camera į. angles instead of four A : pushing to select them. . -Bonus Car - Enter the password: LILZIP Bonus Track - i. Enter the password: SHOTME . E <. Mark Allen hi Webville, COM i Powersiave — . Saturn Death Tank Mini-Game — Go into : the Options and choose Remap : _ Controls and Switch the setting ` to the following. Switch A with : Ê С, switch X with Z, and switch £ ; TL with TR. Now, exit this menu, : and on the Title Screen Death : Tank waiting. du (АИ Ammo and Full Life — Enter | this code at the Overworld Map : Screen. Press Down, Right, Left, Up, Down, Right, Left, i “Up, Down, Right, Left, Down, Up, Left. After entered, you will. + i Enter : Password Screen. - Time Trial Mode. After inputting a $ code, go back to the setup screen : „after the 4x4 logo: den start а: these codes - at -Unlock Super Car 2 - beef Unlock Super Car 3 – lov Unlock Secret Track ~ f Unlock Secret Track 2 - Level 2 — C99FAXKWB - Level 3 - RZNLQZ3NL i^. Level 4 - Wi954XWLF Level 5- Mice Level 6 - 8PHIMR53W _ Level 7 - GTJKWOJDK . Level 8 - YKK424K3D - Level 9 - 874LCPUT4 Level 10 - ABSHPAHXW _ Level 11 - OX3UKOP94 . Level 12 - QGDUMSK2J - Level 13 ~ SERQQNDSB 3 -Uncle Padre е Lincoln Jackson : Tribble, КҮ a WWE In Your House — ri ., PlayStation . | : Super Pin. - inning am : opponent press : ~ Down, Down, Down, Down, L1 Ao perform : a Super Pin, Frozen Computer - At any time : during the ш press Start : be able to fill up on ammo and : T life by going to the sub- -screen and pressing X. — : Skip Level Code - eer this e . onthe Overworld Map Screen. Vac, LEAD. ahed iv. М E and Invincibility. ~ League Challenge io access i Strange Messages - these characters. They will į appear at the bottom-of the + Character Select Screen. : : "The Rhino” “Toledo, ОН : : " messages will appear. enter them in this order: 3, 1, 2, The Cro yw: - City ot Angel [6 — yStation _ the game. g ^ Pla £ Enter these codes at the : Password Screen. Level 4- | A, 0, A, €, A, A. € X, : LVS 7 ILL : Level 6 - 3 | : P 4 Levei m MEN ; АРА Soccer 64 — Nintendo 64. : — $1. ЖАА, m, & e. А m, © = Taunt- While іп a game press апу : : Level 8- direction on the control pad to : 1 А, 9, A, 0, 0, A. X, su» : make the crowd go insane. This : į Level9- : works especially well after а: : **0*HEH*ASO goal, and using the C buttons : : Level 11 – : Will also produce other : : ж» 908NÀ»x X A, | FIFAsounds. : i Debug- At the Main Menu high- i | ro Ji rg ron and: i Nintendo 64 highlight ‘the Continue Option. | Enter and enter this code: a A, х, : Cheat Menu. : — Fancy Colors - | x "LLTHCLRSFTHRNB : ти the Continue Coen i Quack Mode – CLLTHTNMTN id enter this code: х, e, A, + Show All Enemies - өшншлөхө : ~ NSTHMNDNT -~ Harold Camovinsky 3 | й pale MI JVVB. Now, start a game, : Pause, and enter the Features : Menu. In this menu you will be : toggle Level Select, All : - After you die, don't press апу: buttons and several strange : | i Access to Level 29 – To warp to : Omega Outpost from Level 3 : follow these simple instructions. : oward the end of the level you'll : be required to throw four : switches to open the exit. If you : 4, a Secret teleporter will open. : This alternate exit is located in : the room to the right of the Hell : nights. Run across a series of : columns and you'll skip most of : Dillton, MA : : Turok: Dinosaur Hunter — + Enter these codes at the Enter : Ига Commisky : Chicago, IL : : | get your parents permission. Pantheon Saga — PlayStatia : Enter , 1 Password Screen. Sega Game Play Assistance : и. 900-200-7342 (SEGA) : de OPERATION: CODE HUNT J Hey GI Bec how would you like to become our ally? Send in your ..: codes for the games listed below and : help out a fellow reader in a scrape, or . : if you're stuck on a game, send usa : letter requesting codes and we will — help you access the secrets right here Secret Access. The Incredible Hulk: The these codes at the Level 2 - 603EE0C530 Level 3 – BO8E0F0802 Level 4 – 000026B698 Level 5 - 40074DFF12 d Kelly Laurie Ellsworth, WI : Nintendo 64........ Doom64 i = FIFA64 i Star Fox 64 PlayStation ...BRAHMA Force Descent Maximum Dynasty Warriors Powerslave Triple Play 98 WCW Vs. the World Xevious 3D/G Thunder Truck Rally $.85 per minute for automated assistance and $1.05 per minute for live help. Canada 900-451-5252 Hu 2 = minute automated „i Sega Saturn........ Scorcher i Die Hard Arcade: ~ Fighters MEGAMIX |: Powerslave : Soviet Strike : А Scud: The Disposable Assassin i coa ceng i Arcade . . „Масе: The Dark Age = 900-288-0707 3 : $.95 per minute Rampage World Tour P Canada 900-451-4400 | $1.25 per minute E Nintendo's : Send Secret Access Requests To: : Automated Power Line! Access & Allies i e Game Informer Magazine i Si 10120 W. 76th Street 900.93» SONY(7669) Eden Prairie, MN 55344 $.95 per minute Е :| CU rer bein Boc X E-Mail: end in your codes and passwords every issue, and if we print them you'll be entered in the Game Informer /ASCIIWARE Secret Access Contest. The Grand Prize is an ASCIIWARE controller of your choice. PlayStation: Super NES: Genesis: 1 ASCIIPad, ASCII Pad SN, ASCII Specialized Pad, 4 Specialized ASCIIPad, Super Advantage, Fighter Stick SG-6, : Specialized ASCIIStick Fighter Stick SN, Rhino Pad SG Fighter Pad SN, Saturn: Rhino Pad SN ASCII Saturn Stick, All runners-up will receive a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to complement their wardrobe. Send To: Secret Access Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E-Mail: SUBJECT JOLTED BY SUBJECT ATTACKED BY SUBJECT DEPLANES FOR RUMBLE PAK™ FELLOW SQUADRON PILOTS LAND BATTLE IMPACT CONTROL SENSOR IN 4-PLAYER MODE STARFOX^ 64 INCLUDES THE КОЗ 0 ADULTS RUMBLE PAK IMPACT CONTROL SENSOR fes má ONLY FOR THE NINTENDO 64 SYSTEM ATTACH IT TO YOUR CONTROLLER FEEL THE WHOLE PICTURE CONTENT RATED BY ESRB 1997 Nintendo of America Inc.™, - and T the "N" logo are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. National Archives Still Picture Branch. SUBJECT ENTERS HYPER-REALITY SUBJECT INTERACTS IN REAL SUBJECT PERSPECTIVE CHANGES OF THIRD DIMENSION TIME WITH FELLOW PILOTS FROM VICTOR TO VICTIM QUEST А DUM р Keay? р B . | s * ® s * AS j ‘ ) : M " , | . 7 b á а = : by. Xd А ы $РАСЕ.НА$ ALWAYS HAD THREE DIMENSIONS OT ig: | S0.UHY HAVE SHOOTER GAMES ONLY GIVEN YOU TUO? | | t | Ds i | a | ^ AT 6, Introducing а new dimension in shooters - Xevious 3D/G * A spectacular 3D . * LI ы * shoot-fest, where it's you and all your new, improved interstellar weaponry * * against an entire galaxy of tough, nasty aliens. You get Xevious 3D/G, plus y * К B three other classic Xevious games POWERED By ‘ * * ® (Little alien caskets sold separately.) * Е | PlayStation E Cp * * XEVIOUS ™ 3D/G* © 1997 Namco Ltd. All rights reserved. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment. The'ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Assciation fr и i : : * $ t? 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