*'^nES ° STRATEGIES ° CLASSICS / UP % 2 82824 L , 2 74470 $3.95 Canada $4.95 UK £2.50 0 January 1997 Vol. VII е Issue 1 * #45 "9 ы Я Evil may rule the galaxy Ы .: . Bul with 001 Е he universe under your thumb... | А + * . terally : 4 9». * е a Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire А . к ° B h е i * The only saga on any screen X * ith the firepower to create Д * full-motion 350-degree freedom, , : . ы . " е battle after battle, : й М CHANGE THE ges Е nc севеп Exclusiv ks of Nintendo of Am 5 Americ: . 4 ces — c» ہے‎ тч = Ww. Зале TANT MED EE | iod | | | 22%. | | Саи med with the | $ dark sid [EP FOLE О o 2 FM ely, you'v а rotating thumb. | f Sega © SEGA and Genesis are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark f i trademark of "қ .. а ж к “ ж qum төй» ү жу - й Now. you can experience true arcade fighting in the comfort of your own home. Virtua Fighter 2 has come to Genesis. Play as any of the eight original Virtua Fighter characters, and be sure to play dirty. Try Sarah's killer Scissor | : Kick. Akira's stunning Palm of Doom. Or Wolf's surprising Tiger Drive. It isn't always pretty. But it's always pretty ugly. ® _ GENESIS. www.sega.com Learn SEGA game secrets from the masters. Call Now. U.S.: 1-900-200-SEGA $.95/min (recorded), $1.50/min (live) Must be 18 or have parental permission, TTD phone required. Sega of America Conoda: 1-900-451-5252 US $1.50/min (recorded/live) 1-900-200-SEGA ж Cover Story: N64 owners sit back and get ready to away! Shadows of the Empire has com treacherous Pung Departments | Play to Perfection: | Tomb Raider e Letter from the Editor In November we got you started and now it’s time FE fs rules the universe. to finish the job. This GI strategy guide will lead you through levels 7 to 15. Dear ame Informer al readers from across the. _ globe interact with Game Informer. | Play to Perfection: Mortal Kombat Trilogy Looking for all the right moves? Well, GI has got them in our Mortal Kombat Trilogy super-list for Nintendo 64 and Sony PlayStation. | Envelope Art You can't win if you don’t ` _enter Gl s monthly envelope агі (m New PlayStation in Japan, sources of PS-X problems, Manga to release new series, апа tons-o-fun with Name That Game!, Trivia, Comics, апа GI's Top Te = > Nintendo 64 3 KI Gold, Eruis n USA, Mario Kart € PlayStation x Final Fantasy VII, Soul Blade, Codename: Tenka, Cool Boarders, NBA: In the Zone 2, FIFA Soccer 97 Saturn | Dragon Force, Virtual On, Daytona CCE well as PC news from th Matrix. i | Arcade Brigade ° | ... Gl test drives San Francisco . Rush from Atari Games... | Secret Access Tips from our readers and the infamous Game Genie/Game Shark | Swap Shop. — 48 PlayStation Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat, Parappa “Пе Rapper, Independence Day: The Game, Virtual ` Pool, Arc the Lad Il, Ten Pin Alley, Robotron X, | шс of ап PI Station & Saturn Motor Sports Hardcore 4x4 onic 3D Blast, Crimewave, Toshinden URA 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 046.8155. For subscriptions, back issues or customer service inquiries (612) 946-7266. Second dass postage SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine, 10120 West mm Я must include $20/year additional postage. Entire contents copyright 1996. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are ‘trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies. www.gameinformer.com > tha if you're a Star Wars fan, you'll think this | | "n is amazing Yes, it may be a little short, 5 дачнай edition movies that begin later this month. At a recent press event, all the. talk amongst the industry's journalists Was about how Shadows of the Empire was such а disappointment. Just about everybody sported a ` frown whenever it was brought up and І found it "rather disturbing. The plain and simple fact is may even be a little easy, but it just s doesn’t matter once you climb into that s тірей and tackle an AT-AT with a tow cable, or go toe-to-toe with Boba Fett and come out on top. Well anyway, just make sure you check out this | game if you own an N64. Hey wait а second...if | you own an N64 you don't really have much choice ` (sorry, but І just couldn't pass it up). Also, make sure you check out Secret Access, it's chock ч! of some m codes this month. ОЛ 22 л ооо о, January Issue 1997 Volume VII « Number 1 * Issue #45 Richard A. Cihak Publisher Andrew McNamara Editor Paul Anderson Senior Associate Editor Andrew Reiner Erik Reppen Jon Storm Associate Editors Thomas Blustin Art Director Graphic Design Timothy J. Laurie Production Director Graphic Design Curtis Fung Production Assistant Graphic Design Ryan MacDonald West Coast Correspondent Sarah Anderson Gia Garbinsky Copy Editors Terrie Maley Circulation / Marketing Manager (612) 946-7274 Advertising Sales Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 (612) 946-8159 Fax (612) 946-8155 Tony Sureau West Coast Advertising Sales 11531 197th Southeast Snohomish, WA 98290 (360) 668-7978 Fax: (360) 668-9350 Manufactured and printed in the United States of America Game Informer" Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, five trial issues for 59,98 by Sunrise Publications’, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155, Periodicals postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to _ Game Informer’ Magazine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year additional postage. The Editor welcomes company product information for all _ Video games. Such materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Informer" Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, ММ 55344. Editorial phone and FAX numbers are noted above. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned or acknowledged. Entire contents copyright 1997. Game Informer" Magazine. л rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without 7 permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade names, or ` trademarks, of their respective companies. For subscription inquiries please write or call: Game Informer Magazine 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (612)946-7266 Attn: Customer Service PUBLISHER LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is limited to republication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. INDEMNIFICATION The advertiser and/or Advertising Agency agrees to defend and indemnify the publisher against any and all liability, loss, or expense arising from claims of libel, unfair competition, unfair trade practices, infringement of trademarks, copyrights, trade names, patents, or proprietary rights or violation of rights of privacy, resulting from the publication of the Advertiser's statement. Audit Bureau of Circulations Member e Informer ú January '97 MATURE Ultimate Mortal Kombat" 3 © 1996 Midway Games Inc. АН rights reserved. Ultimate Mortal Котра!” 352 1995 Midway Games Inc. All rights reserved. Mortal Kombat", MK3, Midway, the 3 Dragon design and all character names are Trademarks of Midway Manufacturing Company. Distributed under license by Midway Home Entertainment Inc. Midway” is a registered Trademark \ of Midway Games, Inc. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the Official Seals are Registered Trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1991 Nintendo of America Inc. MIDWAY NER 474 Licensed by Sega Enterprises, Ltd. for play on the Sega "Genesis" System. Sega and Genesis are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved ESRB GENESIS vould be silly a 64-bit version. As a matter of fact, Metroid 64 is probably in the works right now. (But we'd have to file that one under a video game duh!) Action/ flight sims? If you mean a combination of both it sounds like you'd he talking about Robotech: Crystal Dreams. (See our November issue for Robotech.) If you haven't noticed yet, Pilot Wings 64 is a blast and definitely a worthy buy. Starfox 64 is the only semi-solid info we can give you at this point. The release date is set for a nice ambiguous, "next year." As for your last question, who's Reiner? ponder your question and while t of squishy pulpy gore games out seems to be entirely unique in the bone-cracking category. Until someone else out there decides that they would like the sounds of crunching bones in their new Saturn tournament fighter, we suggest you have your friend twist celery stalks while you play VF2. You could also get a copy of Adam Sandler's, "The Severe Beating of a High School Spanish Teacher”, but those sounds are more along the thumping crunching line as opposed to pure bone breaking. ot of the systems, like the Super Nintendo, there are tons of games out, and some are bad, and some are good. They are made by many different companies. So far N64 only has a few games out and all of them are made by Nintendo. Will there be many games out for the www.gameinformer.com games that boast second-party support (Nintendo and other companies working together) like Shadows of the Empire and Cruis'n USA, their third-party support still remains very sparse. If Nintendo remains true to form they илїї probably | spend most of next year keeping a tight grip on the quality of games produced (thus reducing the quantity) and when they are happy with the number of systems they've sold they'll start letting everyone and their mother put out games for the N64. As to whether Square will be putting out any more games for Nintendo, our guess would be yes. While we imagine there may have been some ego injuries at the executive level, we're sure that Nintendo recognizes how important Square's dominant role in the RPG market has been in Japan and will work hard to get some kind of Square RPG on their system. Short and to the Point Jeff K: Game Gear games don't come our way too oken Jolt and you're one of the first people thats written to us about it in a long time. We did do X- Men: Mojo World as a one-liner in our December issue. Unfortunately, we can't write you guys hack. lt would be cool if we were omnipotent like God or Santa Claus and had time and energy to respond to each one of you on an individual basis, but we're really busy writing a magazine so Dear GI will have to do for now. Milwaukee WI Yowza! This is the month for numbered questions. | а a 1. Hmm... it amazes us that you would give up an N64 just to spite your siblings. You could actually ‘ad the hottest new system out right now without laying down a penny, but yo rather not play it at all than have to share it. Think on this. 2. Your friend calls you a jerk? Maybe you should hang out with your brothers and sisters more often. As far as the PlayStation or N64 debate, you tell us you've been a huge Nintendo fan all your life so an N64 probably makes a fair amount of sense. But then again, games are a bit cheaper on PlayStation and there are a lot more of them. The real question is whether Nintendo will be on top of things by the holidays next year. We think its a pretty sure bet, but for the here and now, we like the PS-X. Keep that in mind before sending us angry letters about December's GI Feature. 3. There is nothing out for N64 we really haven't enjoyed at all. There are reviews of Cruis'n USA and Shadow of the Empire in this very issue and MKT looks great. Turok won't be out until next month, but it looked great at the ECTS. My friend has a Jaguar and it's a 64-bit mac. Does that make it better than PlayStation or Saturn? 4. Last, but not least, if the following had a fight. who would win? a) Sindel vs. Sheeva b) Goro vs. Kintaro c) Sheeva vs. Goro d) Scorpion vs. Reptile e) Sub-Zero vs. Classic Sub-Zero Will "Sega Legend" Josma Uniondale, NY Wow... more... numbered questions. We love. numbered... questions. Continued on page 8 Казу. > йш, ۴ HENARE? gH а en, p KIDS TO ADULTS Ф. шш с — — MID AY Ріауѕгайоп MEER TERTAINM ERT SYSTEM] L 1 e Е N 8 Ë D CONTENT RATED BY ESRB | 1 The only one of those games we know anything about is Street Fighter Alpha 2 for SNES which we covered in December. It's not likely we'll һе seeing many more games for the SNES. Nintendo will be focusing the majority of their efforts on the N64 as SNES game production is nearing its end. We must Say were impressed with your choice of systems though. You ve got a lot of variety for games there. 2. We've been asked this question so many times now. Of course! They're making lots of dough! As long as MK fans continue to krave, Williams will probably continue the supply until either the programmers go insane or they lose money on it. Unfortunately, MK Trilogy will not be coming out for the 16-bit systems. If you didnt notice yet, Ultimate MK3 was released for the 165 with Hain and Noob Saibot as playable characters. 3. Bits do not make the machine. Games do. А machine s power may allow cooler games to be made, but Atari once again fell flat on their faces in this respect. Besides, the Jaguar is really just two 32-bit processors in the same box. When choosing a new system, our best advice is to skip the math and look at the games and the company's history. 4. We're not sure why people keep on asking us questions like this but they're fun to answer, so here goes... a) Sindel would lose because goths never win. b) Kintaro because he knows he's GRRRRrreat! c) They probably wouldn't fight at all. We imagine they would talk about all the neat things you can do with four arms. d) Reptile would win because he's uglier. e)The new Sub-Zero would win because he has less clothing. Everyone who watches Stallone and Schwarzenegger movies knows that the more nekkid you are, the more butt you kick. Ryan Andrade k Í Fall Rivers, MA x М ` i 2-2. à им U : ag انتا‎ All four of these guys in the Phillip Anderson b same room means only one Sant Antonio, TX thing - trouble. It’s me, Mario! — Santelmo Vazquex New Britain, CT Are those electrons or are you just happy to see me? John Marchan Yonkers, NY Here is an exclusive photo of Crash | ыс : : н i š nite and Neo-Cortex relaxing in Hawaii. E Ew. hpa ETT 2227 ' d ; Chad Borgschatz send it to us. Please include your name, | | phone number, and return address on George Hinckle Pine Island, NN he back of the envelope. If youre the | мегу жұ. | Milwaukee, WI Now these guys are - monthly winner, we'll feature your work | i ` | Aghhhhhh..this stylish. Notice the use of in GI and you'll receive a video game guy makes the masks as a fashion . prize from the Game Informer vault. Scariest art we've statement. — ever seen. D KIDS TO ADULTS This official seal is your assurance that this product meets, «пе МІН, quality games and accessories with this seal 10) Ве sure that they are compatible with the SEGA Saturn™ System. , ' Ж Z“ fz, Z %// 77» SEGA AND SEGA SATURN ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESÉ VED. Dragon Force is a trademark of SEGA Enterprises, LTD. 244 Game © “| BN LTD. 1996. English Translation © Working Designs 1996. Schwillg! For B dealer near you, call (916) 243-3417. Call 1-800-771-3772 for Informatio on Game Ratings. | Star Wars hysteria is closing in on an all-time high, and everyone and their brother is releasing some kind of valuable merchandise featuring the Star Wars insignia. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire A m— is the forefather of the recent events at hand. This is the biggest Star Wars launch since the release of Return of the Jedi in theaters. So far, there's been a novel, comic series, toy line, and now, a massive 64-bit console title. Both LucasArts and Nintendo of America did their best to successfully capture the pure essence of this title. Unlike Star Trek, Star Wars cannot market junk to appeal to their fans. Rather, upon the debut of Shadows of the Empire for the Nintendo 64, there dawned a new era of Star Wars gaming. The power of the force has now culminated to a 64-bit sce- nario, where it is extremely strong. Shadows of the Empire was easily опе: www.gameinformer.com the most anticipated video games of 1996, | and lusty so The wn in Shadows takes пава A THE BATTLE OF TEE CENTURY _ Return of the Jedi, and here’s the catch...the novel and comic series only told part of the story. To take in the fuii feei of this iost story, you must first read the novel by Steve Perry, take in the excitement of the six part Dark Horse Comics series, and now, actually be jus won't mind shelling part of the space opera in this high-tech game. It’s an expensive story to follow, that much is known, but any true Star Wars PH try to avoid asteroids while youre busy in the gun tur Game Informer ú January ‘97 7 (Health Az 1 Seeker sun Laser o T қ — S ыа 5.0 е t Laser om [абет x maneuver around. textures, symbols, and even lighting, such as the blue and white warp Shadows of the Empire has a lot to offer to gamers. Whether it's tons of hidden goodies or intense battle scenes, we're sure you'll find Shadows of the Empire to your liking. It's very rare that a Star Wars title is released to a console, and hopefully the success of this one will set another game in motion. While EUM you actually think that you are on a separate world with its own atmosphere. Eye candy ranges from three story bosses to levels with ten-story climbs. The Skyhook itself, if you're flying as fast as you can, will take at least a few minutes to Game Informer ú January ‘97 hug All the graphics Í Ц], Ш ас ano beaut nt mpl ful ones at that. You'll see | | bl | | some classic Star Wars 96 Megabit with Battery Back-Up 1-Player Action/Adventure Four Gameplay Modes, Ten Massive Levels, Jet Pack Flying, Varying Level Objectives, Tons of Camera Angles, Crouching, Jumping, Strafing, Four Difficulty Settings LucasArts Entertainment for Nintendo of America Now for Nintendo 64 THE BoTToM LINE : "George Lucas has to get off his rich бетен 8 геаг and develop some classic Star Graphics: 9.25 Wars characters again. Granted, Steve Perry is a talented writer, but Sound: 9.5 Xizor (the space pimp) and Dash M Rendar (a Luke and Han splice) Playability: 8.75 are the most generic Star Wars Entertainment 8 Characters to date, and they're the Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: main characters! ГИ probably get shot by Greedo for saying this, but its oh so true. Luckily, LucasArts and Nintendo made the game translation entertaining and true to the Star Wars saga. All the level environments, weapons, vehicles, and bosses are extremely cool and well detailed. The game itself plays a lot like Mario 64, in regard to having to find all the hidden points on a level.to-see the real ending, and the control is reminiscent as well. That's 12 ур can ай say without going tangent. Aghhh! It's so cool! ois Fett and 16-88 and..." мс “It’s пісе to have some complete Star Wars freaks in the office as they can always keep on the Shadows story arc. Yet, with all the familiar ar Wars characters from the past, e game has plenty of appeal to ose who don't follow Star Wars as osely as others. The mix of flying, action, and driving is interchanged nicely throughout the game. The on- foot action is by far the most enter- ` taining. It is further enhanced by the Killer environments and enormous Scale of the levels. Plus, the sound- ; one that you actually want to listen to. This game has been worth the wait and it gave me a lot more than | expected” "| watched in spellbound amaze- ment as Reiner played this game for 9.25 two days straight. Then | hopped on and started driving, and it was like 9.5 /d never seen the game before. | was literally IN Star Wars! Though most will agree that some levels Entertainment: 9.25 could be longer, and that it would be nice to have a choice of characters who follow independent plot lines, there's just no doubt that this game | rocks. The graphics are smooth, the analog control even smoother. Cool things like happening upon the Falcon just as it takes off, then seeing it swoop by again in the final battle, just have to be seen to be believed. Buy it” www.gameinformer.com "Play to Perfection: CHALLENGING THE FORCE In Shadows of the Empire you have two objectives - win the game, and like Mario 64, find all of the hidden Challenge Points. The Challenge Points are hidden throughout each level and are... required if you want to view the real ending. If you find enough Challenge Points on a level, you'll be rewarded with extra lives, and if all of them are found by the end of the game, you'll receive a secret code. Finding the points requires extensive searching and great patience. You won't be able to go back to each level to find the ones you are missing; rather, you'll be allow back to the stage over and over again to try and find them in one flawless swoop. The co es w more than likely unlock 50 men, unlimited ammo, invincibility, and the jet pack. Plus, there may be even more Jedi tricks to discover. SHIFTING THE VIEW LucasArts did a remarkable job incorporating a plethora of enjoyable playing views into this action oriented title. Shadows is complete with first-person, third, long third, and an adjustable toggle for distance behind the character in the stages where Dash is on foot. The Snow Speeder has several views which are basically the same, but when using the tow rope the view will switch to a roving cam that follows you from a distance angle when spinning around the AT-AT. The Swoop and Outrider stages are complete with a first and third-person view. We recommend the first-person view for the Swoop and first Outrider level. The second Outrider level allows you to actually break free from the moving track and fly, the third-person view on this stage will allow you to see more of your surroundings. (1) BATTLE OF HOTH (3 Challenge Points) This is the warmer stage for what lies ahead. The Rebellion is under attack by an Imperial Armada. Your mission is to draw | gh time to allow your friends | to escape safely. Accomplishing this task requires prec now Speeder control and accurate targeting. Don’t let the AT-ST’s or the AT-AT’s find target lock on you. Stay behind them at all costs, and drop the AT-ST’s with shots to the head. For the AT-AT’s you can either go through the slow process of shooting them, or use your tow rope (Down and Lower 5 мале Р the tow шай on all three AT-AT's will give you the Challenge Points you desire. x _ | x (а (2) ESCAPE FROM ЕСНО BASE ao Challenge КЕ This is the first level that requires Dash to use his feet to save the galaxy. Most ої the Challenge Points are located in either a corner of a room or in the generators (you'll know them when you see them). The hardest point is hidden in a locker located in the command booth on this level. The command booth is highlighted with reds and yellows You’ Il know when you find this area once you get inside. A quick tip. against the snow beasts is to let them battle it out before you step in. If you fire first, they'll both come after you. Let one of them kill the other, then hit the one remaining with seekers (lasers do not work). Finally, against the boss (an AT-ST), try and stay behind it as much as possible, or climb the breakable boxes and shod a ud head (more damage comes from attacking we area). (3) THE ASTEROID FIELD (6 Challenge Points) All right, you're back in a ship, but it's not your trusty Snow peter This time уой тап the helm of Dash's ship – the Outrider. The first-person view works best on this stage, and don't be afraid to unload those missiles, because once they're depleted, the in-ship computer will replenish the supply a few moments after the last missile was fired. If you're looking for Challenge Points, shoot all the red asteroids that head your way. There are six of them, and if you shoot quick enough, you probably won't take on too much damage from the Empire. (4) ORD MANTELL JUNKYARD (12 Challenge Points) Dash is in over his head, and before this stage is complete he'll have to take down the vicious rogue bounty hunter - 16-88. This is the first level that will really challenge you with some tricky jumps. Don't jump from train to train when on a curve or you'll fall into the drink. The first set of Challenge Points can be acquired by simply timing jumps at the beginning. Most of the other points are hidden in the trains www.gameinformer.com Game Informer с January ‘97 or on top of them. Finally, use your seekers against IG-88 and grab the gold and silver challenge points. The gold one is located on top of a junk pile to the left, and the silver one is hidden inside the furthest bin to the right. Also, inside this cage is partial invincibility, which will allow you to get right in this robotic buffoon's face. This is the stage that all Star Wars fanatics have dreamed of. It's Boba Fett's hideaway, complete with an appearance and battle against Slave 1. This is actually a vast desert stage that challenges the trained eye and jumping skills. At the beginning of the stage, be sure to check every corner to find the Challenge Points. This level is full of hidden power-ups and well tucked Challenge Points. On this stage, you'll finally find the jet pack. When you pick up the pack and are about to make your first flight, look into the open sky up to the right. You should see a flickering Challenge Point. The hardest Points to obtain are hidden within the first fan drop (where you fall through the fans), and on the second skiff ride (time your jump carefully and don't use the jet pack). Once you successfully maneuver through this level, you will be greeted by Boba himself. Don't let him get too close to you; try to keep him at bay and hit him with seekers (there are tons hidden at the top of this battle arena). After you defeat him, he'll jump into Slave 1. Use the same strategy you used against the AT-ST to conquer this menace. This level is really easy if you give up the racing and go for the kills. Slam all of your opponents into the walls and search the port freely without any hassle. Most of the challenge points on this level are hidden between cracks (especially the tall triangular buildings). The trickiest points to find are the ones located near the jumps. At the second jump, angle off to the right and land on the rock pile. Up on this ledge you'll find the points you so desperately seek. Plus, once you find the desert straight- away, keep your nose up while flying over the pits, and explore all the tops of the canopies. кутт Once again, you'll need to search the level thoroug dall the Challenge Points. One Point you might overlook is located in a locker in the liv quarters on this level (you'll see beds, if you're skeptical as to what room it is). Most of the Points are located within the gears and gadgets of this freighter (you'll know the section). Plus, this level has the easiest boss to drop. All you have to do is stay away from it. Run to the left, zig to the right, and repeat. Kind of sounds like a work-out video. - and you'll see the key. Through this tunnel, if you stay down, you'll fi hallenge Point. The second objective is to find the force field deactivator. This tool is easy to find; be sure to look at the ceilings on this level for secret openings. You'll find the shield deactivator through the Second brown metal door. It's not really hidden, but it can be overlooked. Grab it and head for the last part of this massive stage. With the boss, dodge the tentacle attacks as much as possible and concentrate all fire-power on the arm with the eye. As far as Challeng points go, search thoroughly underwater, and you'll find your rewards. u — Неа It feels good to Бе blue, but don't let this harmless haze blur your vision because there are some extremely tough enemies on this level. The Challenge Points are all over the place on this level, and the two you might have trouble with are actually easy to find. When you come to the first multi-tiered room, go to the second level and to the left. You'll see a door switch on a pillar. This switch will open the door, but it will also open a hidden room behind you for a few seconds. Hit the switch, back up, and BOOM!, you got it. The second Point, which accounts for several others, is hidden below the room (not hallway) full of moving gears. At the bottom of this room you'll also find some health bonuses. As for the boss, stay away from his laser beam, stay behind him, and nail him with every Disruptor you have once he separates a second time. This stage simulates the perfect Star Wars space opera. It will not disappoint. There are no Challenge Points hidden here, and your mission is an oh so familiar one — destroy the reactor. Don't bother with the Star Destroyer docked on the station; instead, worry about the turrets on the arms of Xizor's station. You'll need to take out all four turrets before you can uncover this mega hunk-a-metal's innards. Take these out and go . for the glory. You'll need to fly slowly through the tunnel, and launch as many missiles as you can before . leaving out of an opposite tunnel. Do this four times and be ready to see the grand finale. Game Informer January ‘97 www.gameinformer.com ' j | | | | EM | 4 | Ы | | | | | | è ! і ы E | s | 1 A ] : | | | | | | ; | | | | | | | | | ‘ | | Š | | | | | | | | | | i | %2 4 | | ў 1 г ј | d r 4 | | | : | | і | E | 5 | | | | | : | | | | = °| | | 4 | à Res | $ à i . 1 | | ] J ad | | | sl x | j 4 | | | | x | қ | | | | | b I - } і | : 4 | ] p | : | | | | | ] | | | | | ] | . | Е ; | | | | | [a a | 4 | E ( ] . | | : š і | | , | | | | / = gs | Bn | 3 А | | | | 1 | ; | x » А | | | шыш | | | | | | | | | | | | ! | | | | | 1 | ° | | | | 1 | | \ | ° | | ] | “631935 519045 YNOM ШОЦРІ2055ү BJEMYOS (ибид әлцәрләи| әш Jo УІРШӘРР. бај e sı uoo! обицеј ay) "оц шашитџајиј 1ә}пйшог) Áuog jo sxreuiepe әле 50бој „„иопејскејд ацј pue „,иодејоќејд "2 (гэмашу) rureuoy 9661 © P2۸18821 S1461 IIV "ру “09 !ueuoy jo шешаред 81815169: e 51 !шриоу ‘оц (еоџәшу) iueuoy jo УІРШӘЕД e SI 41531839 SIH0dS IWVNOX pansasas siuDu (іу "зи! 'seniedo)d YEN 9661 Ф `3ul ‘sa’ id VGN 10 1098000 иәдим 1010 аці зпоцим "ued U! Jo ejou ui 'pesn aq jou Aew pue SUUB8] зәдшәш a^naedsa) ay} pue эщ 'seniedoJg vg 10 Auedojd үепдэәјһәци jo swo} Јашо pue ѕибіѕәр рајцбикдоо 'sxreurepe.) әле jonpoid SIY} u! JO uo pesn suoneonnuapi шта] vg Іепріліри! pue YEN эц] iuonejsÁeld 53; WOIIWUBUOY MMM < 19naoud à чыс 3 А8 0З1УН 1N31N03 uonejsÁAe|d 6431508 NVNW-ZI 1101 SLIWIT SNIGWHL ON наліла NMO H00A 31389 61004 5311 dWfld SNOILNLILSANS SHIAWId WEN BYE 40121 VNIWVIS . $100 110AV1d (GNU NOSWIS 1101 . S10HS MNAC 1N3933310 81 52144489 | Н011П1051Ч ЯЗНЗІН . ШШШ ЕД -2—Ouzoua Оцц-о-а- = SAW1d 1504 | SNOII9U1H 100490 INILININI 511 ЧЕН 62 TIV | ә і ` Я | Editor's Top Ten Console Games for January u @ NHL 97 - PS-X, SS 9 Crash Bandicoot - PS-X Ө Tekken 2 - PS-X @ WipeOut XL - PS-X ` @ Wave Race 64 - N64 © GameDay 97 - Р5-Х @ Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire - - N64 Ө Twisted Metal 2 - PS- a Ө Tomb Raider - Ф Super Mario 64 - N64. Reader’s Top Ten for January 2 | (9 Super Mario RPG - SNES ©) NIGHTS- 55 (8) Tekken 2-P9X . q Virtua Fighter 2 - SS [6] Ultimate Mortal Kombat - SNES, SG, 55 @ Mortal Kombat Trilogy ` PS-X, N64 @ Tomb Raider - PS-X @ Super Mario 64 - N64 | Top Ten Names Refused | for Earthworm Jim (Ф The Long and Slimy Road ©) The Trojan Worm е Diggin' a New Hole @ Chaka Kahn @ Slinky and the Wild Pussy Cat Gang © Spanky the Wonder Worm © Meat €) Hangin'Tough Ө The Wind and the Willies @ One Eyed Jack Game Informer is looking for your Top Ten favorite games. Please send your Top Tens to: Game Informer Magazine ° Attn: Top Ten 10120 West 76th Street * Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Everyone that enters every month will be entered.in a drawing to win a GI Secret Access T-Shirt! So get writingl. . www.gameinformer.com Square Diversifies PS-X Products Square has long had a reputation for developing the best role playing games on the planet. After developing their first fighting game, Tobal No. 1, the reputable Japanese developer and publisher will introduce sports titles as well. Square’s Advanced Quality Entertainment Sports (AQUES) label has scheduled Super Live Stadium Baseball and Grand Champion’s Rally as their first Japanese releases. No announcement or publisher has been reported for a US release. Here Comes Toshinden 3 With a sizzling sports lineup, it’s now hip to be Square. 134kn /h There is an unwritten rule for fighting games that requires even the lamest of games to release a sequel. Although Toshinden is really not considered lame, its developer, Takara, was very quick to get out a second version of Toshinden last year. Now Takara is coming back with a third version of its hit fighting game for the PlayStation. The game is scheduled to hit Japan by the time you read this and will give fighters what they'd expect from a sequel. New moves, enhanced graphics and three new playable characters (David, Monky, and Iwashiro) are just some of the things to expect in Toshinden 3. Also new will be enclosed fighting arenas that will allow some combatants to jump off walls and launch into attack maneuvers. Toshinden 3 will feature all the things that gamers love... ...beefed up graphics, additional characters, and new techniques. Game Informer a January ‘97 Nintendo has added Titus and TH*Q to the N64 team. TH*Q is working on the development and publishing of World Championship Wrestling (WCW) Stars, and Titus plans on releasing a 64-bit sequel to their 16-bit game, which is aptly titled Lamborghini 64. No release date has been confirmed on either of these titles. HALL OF FAME Recall the games of yesterday with our glance into the infancy of gamedom. To be sure, we won't list the obvious classics like the Super Mario series, Contra, or Zelda. We are delving deep into the void of obscure, yet entertain- ing games of the past. See how many of these gems | | NINI you can remember. і n % ii ШІ n i Smithsonian Institution BattleTech - Genesis Bump 'n' Jump - NES Shining Force - Genesis Snake's Revenge - NES Donkey Kong Jr. - Sky Kid - NES | Colecovision Looping — Colecovision | | Warlords - Atari 2600 Crystal Mines - Atari Lynx | Masquerade - Apple Il Dusty Diamonds - NES Bart's Nightmare - SNES Archon - Commodore 64 | Deja Vu - NES 1 han/ This Norwegian with an attitude puts out a pretty sweet site. He covers the Japanese, European, and American markets with a style and truthfulness that has to be admired in this day of web glitz and flash. For months, rumors have been circulating throughout the industry concerning а $50 price | @ Who created Sonic? reduction for the Sony PlayStation. Although the price drop turned out to be nothing more than | rumor, a recent announcement from Sony Computer Entertainment shed light on possible origins of the rumor. Sony officials disclosed that they would be manufacturing a redesigned ® What company had a TV advertisement that featured a dead squirrel? PlayStation for Japanese release. | Ө Whois the creator of the Sony PlayStation? The new PlayStation model (SCH-5500) was released in Japan on Nov. 15 at a price of 19,800 jn yen (=$199). The new PlayStation's external looks have not changed, but the internal design has i дае a been revamped to streamline production. The video outputs that were previously separate j S-Video, RCA, and RGB connections have been incorporated into a single AV multi-out terminal. Э What is the best selling video game system Sony reports the new hardware configuration will increase PS-X manufacturing productivity | in the world? by 30%, allowing them to supply the increasing | (Answers on the bottom of page 19) demand for the unit. The new manufacturing should also considerably reduce Sony's production costs. All this will position Й them for greater profits іп the short run and possibly a chance to go through with the rumored price drop in the сэ long run. " There has been no announcement as to when € = ^ the new PlayStation model " will appear in North America, but keep your eyes peeled. Allen Ludden _ | Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. (SCEI) announced that shipments of the PlayStation have reached 9 million units worldwide. Obviously, with a 12 month jump on the rest of the world, shipments of the Japanese PlayStation currently lead the way with 4 million units sent to the marketplace. North America and Europe have received 2.8 | This Electronic Arts game debuted in 1992. It’s million and 2.2 million PlayStations respectively. name is similar to that of a character from the television show Sanford and Son. What game is it? (Answer on the bottom of page 19) " Game Informer ú January '97 www.&gameinformer.conm | GI Plays Host to Patrick Wilson Patrick Wilson, Weezer drummer and longtime friend of Jon Storm, spent two days at Game Informer headquarters. Pat dedicated heavy play-time to EA's NHL Hockey '97, Sony's Cool Boarders, and Nintendo's Wave Race 64. He also ate lunch. Weezer was in town for their gig at First Ave. in downtown Minneapolis. Game Informer provided the band with a complimentary PlayStation unit and a bundle of games courtesy of Sony Computer Entertainment and > EA Sports. In turn, Weezer provided us with free passes ЖҰР to their госКіп” show. Next month, Game Informer will feature an interview with Patrick about video games from past to present. Patrick will also offer insight into his tour with Weezer, as well as any solo projects he has in the works. Most people react this way after finally meeting the famous Reiner. Manga Seeks ЗЕП Justice On February 25, Manga Entertainment will supply all Street Fighter junkies with just what they need to get a full SF fix. The release of Street Fighter ЇЇ: The TV Series is a surprise to all of us. We're not sure how many volumes Manga plans to release, but each tape will feature three episodes with a combined time of seventy minutes. The suggested retail price is $19.95 for the dubbed versions and $24.95 for the subtitled. Keep your eyes peeled for this extraordinary series straight from the home of SF - Japan. ` A Saturn Fighter І. of Colossal Proportions ! Sega of Japan has released a new | fighter for the Saturn that combines characters from two of its hottest fighting games. The AM2 project, Fighter's MEGAMIX will be a Saturn exclusive (not DNE. . available in arcades) that includes characters oo j^ f: from both Virtua Fighter and Fighting : Lars p Vipers. Characters from Sonic Fighters and VF Kids should also make an appearance. As mentioned, the title has already hit Japan and, although not officially announced, should arrive in the US this spring. If there's one thing Sega can do like no other, it is to design extraordinary fighters. Fighter's МЕСАМІХ should be colossal. p 18 www.gameinformer.corm Game Informer з January ‘97 Namco has announced it will release its arcade translation Soul Edge for Sony PlayStation in late February (see page 30). However, due to copyright problems, Namco will be forced to change the name in North America to Soul Blade. Namco would not elaborate on the legal matter, but did say that the copyright problems did not stem from another game. In other Namco news, the company will release Air Combat 2, Time Crisis, and Rage Racer for the PS-X this fall. All of these games have been, or are soon to be, released in Japan. Time Crisis will also introduce a new light gun peripheral that will accompany this arcade translation's release. | PlayStation | A letter from Victor Kendera printed in the July ‘96 issue of Game Informer concerned the “overheating” of his PlayStation. Kendera wrote that he called Sony's help line and that they told him to turn the system totally upside down. when playing a game. He claimed that this method “works like a charm," but we, at the time, were a little baffled as to what he was doing or what the real technical problem was concerning his PlayStation. After some problems of our own and a call from Sony's customer Kendera's letter, we were persuaded to do a little investigation on possible problems with the Sony PlayStation. A couple of things surfaced as very common problems associated with the use or misuse of the PS-X. ventilation. The main CPU of the unit generates a great deal of heat (like any computer) when it's operating. With no internal cooling fan (like most computers) it is important not to block the vents on the bottom of the | unit. The PS-X manual cites that a user should "not block the air vents or wrap up the unit since heat may build up internally." A common scenario where overheating often occurs is when users place the unit on carpet or another soft surface so that the unit does not get proper ventilation. In addition, leaving the unit on for extended periods of time can be detrimental and cause overheating. Symptoms of a PlayStation | overheating often involve the machine freezing during gameplay or completely shutting down. Overheating can cause permanent damage to the PS-X. The second, more controversial issue has caused confusion, consternation, and tremendous debate concerning Sony and its popular machine. The problem that arises for some, including a couple of us at the Game Informer offices, is when you get "choppy" graphics and/or audio that is commonly involved with full | motion video (FMV) within a game. Some attribute the problem to the game, others return their PlayStations, while others use Mr. Kendera's upsidedown technique (which has become the "fix" of choice for Game Informer | and many software developers alike, but is strongly discouraged by Sony). We discovered that the cause of this | problem stems from a small variation in the speed that the PS-X's motor spins the CD-ROM. Constant use and various jarring and bumping of the PS-X cause minute changes in the speed of the motor. A small adjustment | screw inside the PS-X can be fine-tuned to rectify the problem. We wouldn't advise anyone to open their PS-X and try to fiddle around with the internal workings, so you should consult an authorized Sony Service Center | for more information on PS-X repair. Like any game machine, the proper use and care of your PlayStation is necessary for long term enjoyment. Sony has entered the analog fray with the introduction of: | this new control pad. As you will notice, Sony's analog pad | has not one, but two analog inputs. The pad has already | been released in Japan and the US release is yet to be | determined. We'll keep you posted on the North American | availability and a list of analog compatible games. | Game Informer a January ‘97 service department that basically accused us of making up the story of | First, the PS-X IS very susceptible to overheating due to leaving the system | on for long periods of time or by not allowing the machine to get proper www.gameinformer.com | To reach Dear Gl or the Editors of. — Gl se correspondence to: ! Snail Mail | a Game Informer ле Attn: Dear GI . 10120 West 76th Street | . Eden Prairie, MN 55344 . E-Mail. . gionline @ winternet.com x WWW Home Page Snail Ma Attn: Secret Access 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 ` E-Mail | ionli 1 % То contact ‘Swap ‘Shop or AP , please send d uds d to: -. Snail Mail - x .. Game Informer Magazine €. >) < Attn: Swap Shop 10120 West 76th Street | Eden Prairie, MN wer Beg E-Mail giontinedinfemot cata. к “То contact Game Informer Cust Service with Change of Address, .. New Subscriptions or inquiries please send сотен еке, to Snail Mail Game Informer Magazine Attn: Customer Service . 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Customer service hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (Central Time). (612) 946-7266 Я Outside Minnesota make sure to dial | , area code (this is a toll call). ^ Eden Prt, °. MN 55944 _ 1. Yuji Мака | | 3. Кеп Kutaragi 4. Dream Factory | 5. Nintendo's Game Boy. -Rolo to the Rescue. Though the game wasn't set in a Ja thats C a d | where it belongs. Your Instincts Will Serve You Best u Size: 96 Megabit и Style: 1 or 2-Player Head: To-Head Tournament Fighter ш Special Features: Combo Strings, Team Elimination, Diverse and Useful Options, Interactive Foregrounds, Training Contest, Analog Compatible. x A L Ë : m Created by: Rare for Nintendo —— M RI - m Available: Now for Nintendo 64 = reet The : - view f you listen to your instincts, they'll tell you ‚опе thing - theres gonna be a slew of fighting games for the N64. Listen to them a little more, and they'll tell you that these games are gonna dust their 32-bit brothers. With no load time for backgrounds, killer graphics, and the choice of analog control, there's no doubt the N64 will produce a wealth of intense fighters. КІ has all these plus awesome combos, breakers finishing moves, and that's just the beginning. KI Gold is nothing new in terms of concept. Its a tournament fighter just as it's always been, but new this year is the training mode. In order to get the gold characters, youll have to pass the training mode with а commendable grade. Its not easy, you usually have to nail the combo on the first try to get an A. Although there's nothing new in terms of characters, KI Gold has added a tournament mode. Select the characters for your team. As each dies, he or she will be replaced with the next in line. In addition, advanced menu options can be accessed by successful campaigns. Beating the game on each of its difficulty levels will unlock more and more of these options, including Invisibility, Power-up Finishers, and Random Afters. Of course Gargos is the final boss, and іп usual fashion, he will be available for play (look for codes in upcoming issues) The amount of moves and combos, coupled with the incredible background displays and numerous modes, make KI Gold the most original fighter available for the N64. Nintendo 64 Re "Playing КІ Gold is nothing short of| | concent: "Dont be confused by the Gold : "KI Gold is an impressive lookin nt 4 pure p (with a few bruises " n thing, this puc Ís bud hs p / p | u o І L think that’ aphics: thrown in for good measure). As a : Some special sauce on the side. The |^ ics: out all this game has going for it. аб 5% member of the Society for the T— 1 graphics, and all the пеи || — ' The addition of the training mode is Sound: 8.5 Fighting Game Impaired, KI Gold is| | Sound: 9 backgrounds really blew me away. | | Seund: 5 а nice touch, but every fighting right up my alley. Not to say the Look at the SNES version, then game does that. The N64 controller Playability: 9.25 game isn't incredibly deep and |Playability: 9.25 check out the N64 sequel. Wow! The | | Playability: 7 doesnt seem ѓо lend itself to this detailed in its moves and combo : characters are huge, and the sound | game because the C buttons are so Entertainment: 9 design, because believe me, it is.| | Entertainment: 9 is pumpin’ like по ones||Entertainment: 7 small and the analog stick is so (The Triples, Supers, Hypers and business! This arcade translation touchy. | also noticed that the Juggles are awesome.) Rather, it's VEI was flawlessly executed, and as ! МЕВА announcer is noticeably absent from the options and the challenge of the mentioned before, the new back- this game. No more AWESOME training mode that appeals to fight U grounds and abundant options, combo! Lame. | was a pretty big fan fans at any level. Plus, | despise load make it even more entertaining. l'm of KI for the SNES, but І can’t help time and this game has none a KI fan, and ПІ gladly spend the but be disappointed by the N64 of it.” cash to master the hundreds of game. There not a whole lot other moves and combos in KI Gold. It than graphics that separates may be 2D, but it definitely is a work the two. If you haven't already of art in every aspect.” picked up a fighter for N64, go with the Kombat.” Game Informer Jan 20 www.gameinformer.com Une LIRE Аа a 15% ig ey Қала Waco ee netur Woody and Buzz are hungry for more adventure. Only this time, the action's on your computer. Pit your wits against Scud, the toy- eating pit bull. Escape the clutches of the evil Claw and psycho Sids mutant toy creations. With 17 different levels. of gameplay, it's easy to show your teeth. Just dont bite off more ш ou сап chew. m Size: 64 Megabit with Battery Ж Back-Up ELAPSED m Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing m Special Features: 5 Difficulty Settings, Adjustable Controller Settings, 2-Player Split-Screen, Vehicle Upgrades m Created by: Midway/Williams Home Entertainment for Nintendo m Available: Now for Nintendo 64 > THE Borrom Lue J 75 view BUS, WE'RE GOIN’ RACIN' EURO SNNT ; д ELAPSED U | PAUL, THE GAME PROFESSOR a ق ت‎ m Au | Nintendo ва Re OVERALL: OVERALL: 7 25 and the split- Е human орропепі a game constructed for eve even the untrained.” | B ANDY, THE Game HOMBRE Playability: Entertainment: R — l OVERALL: racer, Cruis’n alternative.” й your javor io vild to Washington, D DC. Cruis'n 77 www.gameinformer.com | m Size: 96 Megabit m Style: 1 to 4-Player Racing i 4 m Special Features: Eight Playable С Characters, Power- Ups and Weapons, Four Circuit Cups, Four-Player | Split Screen x m Created by: Nintendo of Japan m Avallable: First Quarter '97 for Nintendo 64 uper Mario Kart was deemed one of the best racing carts of all time for the uper Nintendo, and this highly nticipated sequel will probably be ranked at the top of | as well. Mario Kart 64 has been in the works for quite 50 has finally allowed us to take а sneak peek at th ways, this evolution from 16-bit to 64-bit Ís 0 0 improvements, and tiny additions here ап between the two comes in multi-player gaming. only two players to compete, whereas Mario Ka go head-to-head throughout all four circuits i For one player games the 16-bit version always had the screen ЕЛІ) іп two, to either show the map, or rear view. Well, Nintendo threw that concept out the door, and for the first time in Mario Kart, the game is complete with a full view. Graphically, Nintendo did not cheese-out. Each and every environment is packed with exciting spills and thrills. On one level, you constantly have іо avoid a train and cross over the track multiple times without getting rammed. Another track is on a freeway complete with buses and cars. The power-up attacks are mostly the same, but you can now lay down multiples of each via five bananas, three shells, and even a double spinning shell shield. All the characters have returned, except the Koopa Troopa. He has been replaced by Mario's nemesis, Wario. This is an enormous game composed of four circuits, multiple.game modes, and tons of tracks. Mario Kart 64 will not disappoint. | KONAN. . FIREPOWER ` BUTTON ` MOOTH TRIGGER ACTION | FIRM ERGONOMIC GRIP _ ) TRI iLOGYw & © 1996 Twentieth Century Fox Film piedi All rights presen еа All Pie reserved. тшт. ү Mesa ш. Inc. layStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony паб опат! of America, Inc. All rights reserved. | WWW.KONAMI.COM PlayStation TO ADULTS CONTENT RATED BY ESRB For game hints call 1-900-933-SONY(7669). The charge is $0.95 per minute. Callers under the age of 18 must get parental permission to call. Touch-tone phone is required. Available 24 hours a day/7 days a week. U.S. only. The Sony Computer Entertainment logo is a trademark of Sony Corporation. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. U R NOT E is atrademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. NFL and GameDay ІІБ IOn PlayStatic qe nune nr Thisisn’ta game, it’s a war. So be prepared for battle. Now, enough military analogies, let's talk football. This is NFL GameDay 97. It’s better than any footb 1e ever created. The artificial intelligence in this game is KSC AR TER’ PlayStation тм are registered trademarks of the National Football League. Officially licensed product of the NFL Players and NFL Properties. NFL team names, logos, helmet designs and uniform designs are registered trademarks of the team indicated. @/TM 1996 NFLP. The Players Inc logo is an official trademark of the NFL Players. 1996 Players Inc. Developed by Sony Interactive Studios America. @ 1996 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. www.sony.com PANCAKE sm tha FYFE жел USUS й. РУТА Ы 9991/9999 987: mE mE AUT Ib ТАГА T4974 наме Lim TIME Pb aperit "бз; 673 120: (тесе massa грод 845 9999/9999 939: па пе әзән |272, || 849. 649 118; mmm паник LIPY TIME _ 673 120: ыса |8999 999: ги — -649 122. Game Informer = January Ө m Size: 3 CD-ROMs m Style: 1-Player Role-Playing биге Р ш Special Features: Computer Generated Backgrounds, Polygon Characters, Plot Twists, Theatrical Camera Angles, Music by Nobuo Uematsu m Created by: Square Soft | ^ m Available: January in Japan, 1 181 Quarter: 97 for Sony PlayStation n the October issue of Game Informer we gave" qu'a glimpse of this awesome RPG game, and since the game is almost ready to be released in Japan we wanted to give you | л update. Since our first report, 3 more characters have been added to the Final Fantasy VII line-up. Vincent, Cait Sith, and Yuffie to be exact. All three of these characters will be playable, which brings the total number of playable characters to nine. Ona final note, wthere have been numerous rumors that this game may be delayed. I at press time the game was still plannet for a” March release. Let's all keep our fingersstrossed. For now, we'll let the pictures do the talking. How did we come up with the exciting new features found in Destruction Derby 2? By accident. 01:00:1b:21 Destruction Derby!" 2 is the perfect combo of balls-to-the-wall racing and 3D wreckage. Seven new tracks are longer, wider, faster, plus four destruction bowls. Cars roll, cars flip, cars fly off the track. There's more deadly debris to deal with - tires, doors, hoods get jettisoned and serve as incoming missiles. There's all new fire, new explosions, and improved suspensions for more PSYGNOSIS realistic handling. Destruction Derby 2. Designed exclusively for the true connoisseur of crash. wwwu«psygnosis.com 102: 00:22:03 mark of the Int ital Software Association. f3 The Game Formally Known az Soul Едде 1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter Team Battle Mode, Survival Mode, Practice Mode, Training Mode, Play Version 1 or Version 2, 10 Selectable Characters, Night and Day Battles, Real Time Shadows Namco Ие: Now in Japan, End of February for U.S. Sony PlayStation own weapons that vary from knives, to swords, to battle axes. Like Samurai Shodown, the weapons „ can lock up during battle. When this happens the Ё screen explodes with lighting effects, which is one i of this game's greatest graphical attributes. All amco is one of the video game giants, and when they say they're coming out with an arcade conversion, people across the globe shake with 7m Жы anticipation. Historically, Namco has always gone the extra mile and made the home versions of their games, in many ways, better than the the characters have shadows that are done in arcade machines that spawned them. Soul 6 y real time, so all the lighting effects from the Blade is no different. o A 2 , Like Теккеп 2, Soul Blade will N^ A incorporate Team Battle, Survival, i Practice, and Training Modes. But У; that's not the end of it. Soul Blade “и, will also allow you to choose Й which of the two arcade 4 versions you wish to play. weapons have an immediate effect upon what you see on screen. Plus, some of the levels feature time changes during battle ЧА د‎ (i.e. day turning to night). b Tekken 2 fans should watch for NE. 6 "www Soul Blade to hit the streets À sometime in late February. Until then you can get more “ы Soul Blade from GI next month, when we review There are ten different characters to choose from, this monster fighter. each with their www. gamely Srmer.com Game Informer a January ‘97 m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player First-Person | Shooter «гая Special Features: Devastating Weapon Attachments, Extreme Lighting Effects, Moveme Includes: Running, Strafíng, „Jumping, and Crawling, Intelligent Computer | Opponents, Laser Sightinga, m Created by: Psygnosis ! m Available: March 97 for Sony PlayStation nlock the beast and thou shall scream for bloody mercy. When it comes to PlayStation software support, no third-party developer has come through more often than Psygnosis. This beast of a company has devoured our minds through some of the most intense software development to date, and things are only getting better. Timely sequel releases and innovative titles launched Psygnosis through the 1996 PS-X software battle, and placed them at the top of the list for future project anticipation. Luckily, we won't have to wait long before we see their next project, because this March Psygnosis will be releasing their inaugural first-person shooter title for the Sony PlayStation. The game is entitled Codename: Tenka and what you are about to see, could very well become Situation - not good. 772 - your next video game reality. Imagine walking into the flashiest disco-rama with a deadly weapon as your date. This is the experience that radiates from Tenka. The lighting effects act as a show-and-tell exhibit for all other third-party developers. For the most part, the game is shrouded in darkness and the lighting comes from your weapon and enemy attacks. Like the aurora borealis, multiple colors flash in and out illuminating shadowed caverns; and as an aftertaste, a lens B 7^ us flare effect swarms in your direction and blinds you. Ñ 57 д А To this extent Tenka brings about а realistic tone, and arouses the question, "That was Ў Prepare to be vaporized! Й only a laser shot, what kind of display will | unleash when І fire my cannon?" Graphically, - Tenka shines brightly, and the music апа sound effects add yet another dimension - fear. Due to the depressing darkness and the eerie thumping music, you can't help but be scared when entering a new room in Tenka. The environments are all constructed out of rusted metal hallways and canopies, and the enemies, while polygonal, are cleverly detailed beasts . with a superb computer Al balance. Don't think you can sit in a doorway and pound on an enemy (as in Doom). The demons within have several of the same moves that you do, including strafing. They'll evade your attack and strike back with the fury of death. The control in this game is fairly easy to understand. The left shoulder buttons act as your look up and down toggles, the top right shift opens the weapons menu, and the bottom button activates the left and right strafe. The primary buttons (on the controller face) act as firing, jumping and ducking. On several levels, you'll need to shoot out a vent cover, then duck down and crawl though it. Your mission objective is generic, but always a challenge - find the four level keys and locate the exit. Tenka offers several new traits to the first-person genre, and it will more than likely deliver excitement to the majority of PS-X gamers. Keep your eyes peeled and stay alert, because the beast is on its way. This March, prepare to be blown away by Codename: Tenka. zu There is only one weapon in Tenka, but with attachments, it can be transformed to produce Into the darkness he crawls. eight different projectile attacks. "i www.£garneimintormer.corn s Не spent years Scrapping, clawing and grinding fw the right (т play in the NHL? A tym did was buy Jur way UA. Don t think he wont be looking for you along the boards. KIDS TO ADULTS [STATS] SPORTS YKAM ANALYSIS A TRACKING YS UIS CONTENT RATED BY ESRB For game hints call 1-900-933-SONY(7669). The charge is $0.95 per minute. Callers under the age of 18 must get parental permission to call. Touch-tone phone is required. Available 24 hours a day/7 days a week. U.S. only. The Sony Computer Entertainment logo is a trademark of Sony Corporation. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. U R NOT E is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. NHL is a registered trademark and Face Off is a trademark of the National Hockey League. All NHL logos and marks Youre a marked man. But try not to let that intimidate you. Because you have all the teams with all the starting lineups. You have advanced gameplay and artificial intelligence, with players cycling and executing powerplays just like they do in the pros. You can create your own strategy for breakouts, forechecking and offensive and defensive attacks. You'll be able to swarm the net or focus your offense around your right winger, left winger or center. You've got Icon Passing; which lets you execute give- and-goes as well as any assist leader. Of course, when you go skate to skate with the likes of Jagr, Lemieux, Hatcher, Coffey and Brodeur, theres one thing you haven't got. A prayer. PlayStation and NHL Team logos and marks depicted herein are the property of the NHL and the respective teams and may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of NHL Enterprises, L.P. @ 1996 NHL. Officially licensed product of the National Hockey League. Officially licensed product of the National Hockey League Players Association. © 1996 NHLPA. TM and ( designate trademarks of licensor and are used under license. Designed and developed by Killer Game. ® Registered trademark of BAUER Inc. © 1996 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. www.sony.com ick and tired of lift lines, skiers, and high U priced lift tickets? Well, get ready to leave PAUL, THE GAME PROFESSOR that annoying ski area behind because it's Cancut: 9 "This is the first snow boarding time to get radical on the Sony PlayStation with 3 d duo cede Meo ; бла: a wide variety of tricks. Initially, thi Cool Boarders from UEP and Sony. Finally...a Graphics: 8.75 is one of those games that doesn't game where snow boarders can get maximum Sound: 8.25 seem that impressive, but once you air without even leaving their living rooms. E : S der pore e ; | | Playability: The game layout is rather simple. There are — down. The graphics are very smooth three tracks that you must master in order to | Entertainment: 9 and the advanced tracks are hella- open up the fourth and fifth tracks. On each e 2 pud оов track the goal is to make it down the hill as jumps and maybe а half-pipe. All in ge quickly as possible while pulling off the biggest, all, Cool Boarders should not be _ gnarliest tricks at each of the appointed missed by any board-rat. Its fast, : ; challenging, and loaded with aerials | _ jump zones on the course. Your score is i determined by how many tricks you pull off, = u | how fast you make it down, and how many тт "ur 2n r uum times you fall down. : REINER, THE RAGING GAMER that will blow your gourd.” Different combinations of buttons make the boarder do different tricks. For instance, to ollie simply press the jump button. To do a flip or spin from an ollie or cliff you must press and hold the jump button and press and hold the direction you wish to spin. Once this is done the boarder is set and can’t change course. The longer you hold the direction and jump button the higher and faster you will spin or flip. Now this is where it gets tricky. As you release the jump button the boarder launches into the air and begins doing a | %” spin, flip, or combination of both. In air Ра you can add speed to your spin by pressing the carve button or add one of | five different grabs with various button commands. Of course, the faster you spin or the crazier the grab the harder it is to land the trick, but the rewards of a massive trick are well worth it. From a misty 1960? to an 1800? spin with tail grab, you can pull some amazing tricks. While the tricks may not be too realistic, the gameplay physics are right on. The player can carve, do 180° to fakie, and even slide sideways (if that's the way you like to ride). So if you're looking for a snow boarding game this winter, make sure you give Cool Boarders a look. Cool Boarders' radical racing will have you pulling tweaks and carves even when the ski resorts are closed. "Now here's a half-a-loaf of boarding! ` In many ways I’m impressed with И Graphics: 7.75 Cool Boarders, but then, at times, | й can't stand it. The player animation, | ` Sound: 8 boarding physics, and game structure could have been done a | Playability: 7.5 million times better. Га like to see | | some real racing, not just you, the E Entertainment: 7.25 slopes, and a handful of tricks. It feels like half of the game is missing and I'm stuck in the Stunt or Practice | Mode. Its a good game to mess around with and compete against | your radical bud's scores, but | think some more development on this title is needed to impress the trained eye of a devoted gamer.” Concent: i "When І first started playing this Concept: 8 game І was PO'ed that it didn’t give O аа you any points for doing tricks in the | Graphics: 8 јак, апа the wo are ga caly | à limited to spins, flips, and grabs. Sound: 8.25 However, the more and more | ^ ‘lity: played this game, the more | ayasa: 52 addicted І became. First ой, the $ Entertainment: 9 control of the boarder is awesome and very realistic. About the only thing | would change about this game is the tricks. While theyre cool now, it could have been done so much better. Well ПІ quit my griping, because this is an awesome game. l just want a better variation of tricks and maybe a half-pipe (anyone a Skate or Die 2 fan?)” KIDS TO ADULTS. NA a CICER" Rotting Pirates, Duck Zombies and Amazon Warriors. In 23 stages of non- Stop action, secret rooms, bonus levels, nd bone-chilling danger; | Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow. зе PC game that starts where your karate lessons left off. For more informatigh, call 1-800-900-9234. Konami's 32-Bit Fast Break For the second year running, Konami has entered into the Sony PlayStation basketball tournament. The opposing teams, namely EA, have equipped their rosters with the best 32- bit technology available, hoping to grab the ultimate trophy — the gaming audience. Konami, who's still considered by some as а newborn in console sports, doesn't appear to be worried since they think they have the winning formula. NBA In the Zone 2 uses the same engine as its predecessor; meaning, pure arcade NBA realism. Once again, Konami has the edge over the competition with the fastest and most realistic floor action around, but will this fast break be enough to topple the stat heavy NBA simulators? Well, let's find out. If you want fast "its in the game” NBA action, then youre reading the right article, because this is THE fastest NBA title for the PlayStation. The original In the Zone defined the look, and now with the sequel, this engine has been overhauled and features faster game- play, offensive and defensive plays, player screens, double teams, and improved special drive moves. Plus, for the 1-player audience, you can now play a complete NBA season with playoffs. The key improvement over the original has been fixed, and yes, you can now substitute players off of the bench. The entire NBAPA license is incorporated into this title, and players are free to be traded to other teams, taken out of the starting line-up, and substituted freely during gameplay. You can also create your own jumpers through the player creator. The big drawback of this game is the lack of stats. This missing feature places this title into the arcade category instead of falling into the NBA simulator group with all of the other titles. NBA In the Zone 2 flies high above the other offerings in gameplay and graphic appeal. It has the realism to captivate by appearance, but the lack of options may turn some heads away. Take a look at what our reviewers have to say about NBA In the Zone 2. www.gameintormer. com 1 CD-ROM ш Style: 1 or 2-Player Basketball (Up to 8-Player Via Sony Multi-Tap) B Speci al Features: Four Camera Views, Full Season Play, Home Court Advantage Toggle, Three Difficulty Levels, Complete NBA Teams and Rosters, Special Drive Moves w Created by: Konami | m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation 4 ЮІ5-:2 mre РОЗЕ ф 7 Once again, the se AN Concept: of this graphically appea Graphics: is plagued with technicalities an P A blessed with in game Aii: Sound: 8 Theres no doubt abou Zone 2 is the fastest, smoothe: Playability: 9 and most realistic b-ball title t : the PS-X. It's packed Entertainment: 8 thing from calling picks, deke moves; however, | out the big bonus for 1-player games - seasonal stat tracking. ⁄/ МР the release of NBA In the Zone | =“ 2, Konami has just Supported theory that history will repeat i For the second time, KQ b-ball title is a great multi-p title, but not too entertaining player audience” ` Concept: Graphics: Sound: ` 7 doesn't + | tracking or arcade-styled actio) Playability: 8.5 Live has to offer, the game-play is: much more refined and unique. The Entertainment: — 8 computer players actually have a. brain. They make runs .fors the basket, they block out players, and they'll even set a pick for you; however, there is a price, The. computer, once again, seems to gi really lucky and the options and | stats are rather limited. While this | may not be answer to your basketball prayers, it does seem to be the best option this year” s “Its nice to see that Konami Codi "3 revamped this game and added Graphics: 9.25 many of the roster features that are | missing from the first game. You still Sound: 8.5 dont get a few of the big name guys, but the no name roster Playability: 8.75 replacements sure do look familiar. The set plays and better Al are a lot Entertainment: 8.25 more interesting than the non- existent defense in the old game. The new additions are great, but Konami still left out the season statistics. It seems that all the space that is wasted with the National Anthem could have been used for something that added to the game. In the Zone 2 is a heck of a lot better than its predecessor, but still lacks some of the things that would put it over the top.” Game Informer = January 197 out і is th 01 just asa soccer; they. нікель they love it, Waals Ла the. professional leagues, the European Championship the World Cup itself, soccer matches are surrounded by a sense of awe ane and ee religious fanaticism. Since o ime sut k жч | EA has taken: their classic, FIFA en: габоі" а “ан of SES ics, supplied a few spoons of internat onal leagues and. teams, ed it v ith a whole new “game within a game.” New to FIFA ) is зараз Established years СА the continent eit ; allt hóckey-etyled, a er up the 54 5% ty le аса ‘and: either (wa or Ах ) lay control. Three modes: arca | A strong paye can the box wein a 15 “FIFA Soccer i is, and always will be, one of the greatest soccer games 8.75 ever; however, things aren't as good as they once were. Sure, the graphics | 8 and 115 аге still ша bt the play control is slightly different. Playability: 8.5 The ШИ dynamics are better Н now, because they require strategic a 85 passing to move the ball up field. Unfortunately, every pass requires | the exact amount of power or the ball is left in the middle of the field. And this happens a lot, especially when you are trying to steal the ball. | While FIFA 97 is not bad, it could | have had more refined control. Overall, this is still a solid soccer game, but 1 would definitely advise that you rent it before you buy it." Тһе game is won and ` . lost at midfield. This looks MS a chance. ү 8.75 10 clear up any possible misunder- " standing, НЕА 97 is not an arcade- 8.5 styled game, and l prefer simulation- | FIFA 97 incorporates some fantastic style games. The emphasis here is Sound: 8 polygon graphics and realistic Sound: 8.25 i EM ipid E animation. Additionally the indoor + | and a patient build. Just like in rea. | Playability: 7.75 game is something раў апа adds | Playability: 8.5 soccer, о goals аге few апа far | А «9 uite a bit to the game's enjoyment. | " i between. There are no outrageous m типі ніш йыш, І think that this sii га узна Це moves, no soccer impossibilities. took a step backwards in the + People will find faults with the playability department. | know that JVERALL: difficult passing and shooting, but EA was striving for realism in hey, once again it's like real soccer. play, but passing, shooting, and the ~ The addition of the indoor mode like are more frustrating than fun. lts % gives gamers a lot of bang for their definitely a step down from last... buck. Far better than Power Soccer." years version. For soccer purists, | %. FIFA 97 may be your ticket, but I think | will stick with 96." L “FIFA has, fora long time, ruled the і pitch апа has been the soccer title ` Graphics: 9.5 that every developer is gunning for. `- ...Oh!!! A brilliant save же . ** by the keeper! т Ф [4 Ф Ф Ë g = e < < [9] ш Ф o Ф ° o в o Ф Ф 5 ° = 5 E Ф о g 2 s 2 = 2 z v с S Ë 2 9 Ф s o o Ф © 9 o E 5 E 5 о Б Ë еб Е ° з а Ф = ° £ Е т ° g Ф o ° 2 E o Ф Ф 27” ONLY ON S СИ Еко SEGA SATURN oly NrGHTS Is HERE NEVER, EVER, EVER, HAVE YOU BEEN ABLE TO FLY, FLUID AND FREE, Мот UNTIL NIGHTS.™ THE FIRST TRUE SHOWCASE OF SEGA SATURN'S STUNNING CAPABILITIES. IN REAL-TIME 3D. THE TECHNOLOGICAL TOUR DE FORCE THAT HAS EVERYONE IN THE GAMING WORLD ABSOLUTELY SPUN. THE STORY ONE OF THE MOST IMMERSIVE, MYSTICAL GAMING EXPERIENCES EVER, E NIGHTS ESTABLISHES AN ENTIRELY NEW GAMEPLAY PARADIGM. AS PSYCHODRAMA, ("340 10m" St THINK OF IT AN EXPRESS ESCALATOR INTO THE SCHIZOPHRENIC, MIND-BENDING VIRTUAL WORLD OF YOUR DREAMS. CREATED BY THE RENOWNED SONIC TEAM, A WORLD WITH LUSH DREAMSCAPE REALITIES, NATURAL ORDER. IMAGINE. NIGHTS IS A FULL-ON 3D MASTERPIECE. ITS OWN MICRO-CLIMATES, EVEN SMOKE, FOG, CLOUDS, RAIN, LEVELS OF TRANSPARENCY. ITS OWN AND WATER THAT APPEAR IN MULTIPLE WATERFALLS, CURRENTS, WIND, AND, YES, A TORNADO THAT ALL FOLLOW THE LAWS OF FLUID PHYSICS. opp NIGHTS SCREAMS ALONG AT BANSHEE SPEED. WITNESS ITS ABILITY TO OF FLIGHT. REPLICATE THE TRUE SENSATIONS ITS LIGHTNING MULTIPLE MORPH SEQUENCES. TWENTY TRACKING CAMERA ANGLES ITS OVER THAT SCROLL-SHIFT IN REAL TIME. AND ITS OMNIPRESENT SYMPHONY OF 3D POSITIONAL SOUND. THE NEW 3D CONTROL PAD ENGINEERED SPECIFICALLY TO INTENSIFY THE NIGHTS EXPERIENCE, SEGA SATURN'S 5D CoNTROL PAD ESTABLISHES A NEW BENCHMARK IN SMOOTH AND DYNAMIC OPERATION. Je Benediction Shae 5 nore, 2 COUISE. But the FOSC US Upp lO (Ott. x of your walking 5/00. SY you prayers: - tid fly. : 10 OU, YOU M sleep: Bul you И have wicked good dreams: TEAN 5 WWW.SEGA.COM the š "It never fails that Working Designs ка: 8.75 will translate a solid title for US Graphics: 9 consumption. First and foremost, the battle scenes аге а visual Sound: 8 wonder. Watching hundreds of Playability: 875 combatants being mowed down with the force of your magic is fun in itself. The strategic basis of the MMC Nn game is not loo difficult to master, but does involve enough thought to... keep you interested, Dragon Force does offer a choice of eight roles to play, but | don’t think that there is much difference between playing one over the other. | don't think that ` 1 am interested enough in playing through all of them. Dragon Force is an entertaining strategy/RPG and should not be missed by any fan." ANDY, THE GAME HOMBRE 8. "Wow! The battle scenes in this Concept: "t ате are awesome! It's so glorious Graphics: 9 to see 200 and 2 sprites going at it all at the same time. And that's just Sound: 8.28 the beginning. The strategy portion | of this дате will eat your hours Playahility: 9 еу е are so many generals to eep track of and battles going on mur ¢ everywhere, that your head starts to spin. The story line is excellent, with lots of subplots. Plus, there's a lot of play time here, especially if youre willing to play through the game with the eight different characters. This game is a definite must for strategy nuts. Easily the best game from Working Designs this year!" REINER, THE RAGING GAMER Fe "This is easily one of the most — addicting Saturn titles around, Graphics: 85 simply because it throws one heck of a show, and it's well rounded in Sound: 8.75 every category The combat, и Е looking simplistic, is actually where Playability: 9 most of the excitement is. You never Ententainment: 9.25 know what is going to happen, or who or what will attack your territor у next. For a game that is supposedly designed to be slow and relaxing, Dragon Force (DF) really puts the heat on your wits and reflexes. DF is a well executed title in every category" Surrender now, or be шш trampled to death! This duel could go either way. www.gameinformer.com PAUL, THE GAME PROFESSOR tn Q Deep within the bowels of the US gaming industry lies a secret society of starving deprived mutants. This union of the unknown has waged war on the mainstream of gaming, screaming for their just cause to rectify the gaming industry into a market that appeals universally. They call themselves RPGers - the underbelly of video games. Their battle cry is grand indeed and worth hearing out. They want RPG's, and of late, nothing has come their way for the console machines. In Japan, RPG's are in the limelight. In fact, RPG's consume the majority of the market, but the only ports that hit the US shores are either action or fighting games. Luckily, someone has heard their cry from the beginning, and they are doing their best to quench the thirst of this cult. This lone wolf is none other than Working Designs -the King of Saturn RPG's. Working Designs, while small in comparison to other development houses, has done their part in this "battle. They've already released two powerful titles for the Sega Saturn, and now, their biggest title is on the market. The game is entitled Dragon Force, a strategic RPG that goes far beyond any 32-bit offering to date. This hot title places you smack dab in the middle of a world gone mad. Your mission is to either harness peace, or cause chaos. Working Designs has worked in eight playable characters with different scenarios and stories for each. Of course, the scheme of things is along му lines of ie and evil, but the content inside will let you decide along the way. Starting off is extremely difficult, you not only have К o supervise an entire army, but you also hive to do the house cleaning at all the castles entrusted to your power. These duties range from awarding soldiers for heroic attempts in battle, to fortifying castles, to searching the surrounding areas for reinforcements and hidden artifacts. While dealing with all of this, you also have to try and take over the world, and release it from evil. To do this successfully, you will have to launch attacks on the seven regions шч you. Once again, you may not have to attack all of them if someone is on your side. Attacking is where the fun is in this game, and it also can be a downer if you are attacked by someone when you're not prepared. The battles are structured a lot like those found in Ogre Battle or any of the Romance games. The armies can consist of up to one hundred sprites apiece (soldiers, MS archers, cavalry, екс.). Every army is accompanied by a general, whoisthebigcheeeon „ the screen. Generals are sometimes equipped with magic. They can also power-up 25; levels to obtain more magic power, hit points, and if the king (you) is happy with ANN their work, more troops as well. Starting the battle and ending the battle works out Wiis AN all the same. You'll be required to tell the squadron what to do (advance, disperse, | М \ melee, retreat). Throughout the battle, you will constantly have to keep an eye on the competition and try to stifle their attack with your ` own counter, Dragon Force is a game that demands great >. gaming skills and quick judgments. If you're an underground gamer, and we know you аге, you | won't be disappointed with this masterpiece from Working Designs. ' 2 (І E ІШ Í Же — SQ 1 me: and Items, Castle anagement, Up to 202 Character Sprites On Screen At Оке Pi М а The blue team bas a great IN illusionist on their 81 mformer г January ‘9 Пе VIS уби ^ il f 1 ІТ | a: yi ev iv Va ar Y ШШ ОВИ (ЦЕ }) Sego trademarks of е 3D Blost оп Sonic 3 emak Office. Sego Satum and ЌЕ рок Мом, Jump ЈЕ m Size: 1 CD-ROM ш Style: 1 or 2-Player Неаа-То-Не 3D Mech Tournament Fighter m Special Features: 8 ‘Bots to Choose , le Effects, Melee Attacks, Left and Right Hand Weape “Virtual On is, by far, one of Sega's жа: best arcade conversions. All the Graphics: g game is intact and there are even a few extra goodies, but 1 don't think it Sound: 8.5 is Ро е take this game E Зай extra step. The one-player game fea- Playability: 7 tures unlimited continues and can Entertainment 5 be beaten in a matter of hours, and 47 GEN | the two-player game is good, but б, grows old rather quickly. If youre а d~ : Virtual On freak, you'll definitely 7 : Я м enjoy this conversion, but otherwise ind em there are better games on the Saturn." When Virtual On first premiered in the arcades it was a sight to behold. Battling cyberdroids leapt and bound through hostile fire while attempting concent: 55 Мө, es arcade рай я Its D : 4 : EN : ad the game stank to begin with. to draw a bead on their opponents in true anime mech fighting fashion. Bex та oe here Unfortunately, Virtual On falls just a bit short of its arcade precursor on are the nice polygon graphics and effects. We found the action to be a bit choppy at times, and when you're Sound: 7.25 gn des APUD (beautiful running and jetting all over the place while explosions and projectiles fill the Playability: 55 Aus. EE | Nl vor Suum space around you, skipped frames can add a lot to the confusion of battle. раце: 2 owners. The effects within this three The graphics and effects are still a feat for the Saturn though, and Virtual rn dee тр йрн M On is one of those games that is as entertaining to watch as it is to play. wait... There really E Shoot One of the most important things that needs be said (lovingly) for this run, hide, shoot! Yea ha! | think | game is its most excellent use of rocket boosters when jumping. There is m м Pell uar logos, than something very fulfilling about blasting into the air and raining death upon sitting and playing Virtual On. Lastly your opponents from above. Also very cool is the use of melee attacks. if ers like aM ралы да а i, . . . walt ш you See the enaing! Ine only It's great when your opponent is causing you no end of frustration and you people І can see getting into this іне manage to get in his face and give him several up-close-and-personal are the Battletech geeks, and anime whacks to the head to remind the Al who's boss. ШТ а й a like those! Virtual On's intense action and excellent effects make it a very unique рр game that is almost as entertaining to watch as an old episode of Robotech. The closest comparison that comes to mind is Cyber-Sled, a land-bound tank game whose action almost seems archaic in comparison. concept: 7 ^ basic enhancement of games If you enjoyed Cyber-sled : like Battle Zone, CyberSled, or the ill e Graphics: 8.75 classic Combat, Virtual-On is not you will no doubt appreciate exactly a new concept. The game Virtual On even more. Sound: 8 pan “y quickly and the E о. eects auring weapon impact are Playability: 8.5 quite impressive. The overall Entertainment: 6 Challenge, since there are unlimited www.gameinformer.com continues, and entertainment is lacking quite a bit. GunGriffon comes to mind as a more entertaining one-player mech-style game. This does have the split-screen, but that is not too exciting after playing for a few hours. Although V-On has great looking graphics and quick play, it really lacks the diversity that will keep you playing for a long time." N Game Informer » January ‘97 Phoenix Ж ІШІ Magic Шу Levels, Lap Toggle, Time Trial, Arcade and Two-Player Battle Modes, Multiple Views, Car age, Analog Compalible 1 ing Sega 3D Control Pad) у: Sega Sports Now for Sega Saturn he Satum has suffered in its Arcade you're tired of hearing about all the great yyStation...Just sit right down and we'll tell e of a fateful trip. It started in an old arcade and saturn chip. This all culminated іп an advanced f last year's Daytona USA. x es, Daytona CCE is finally here, and fear not loyal rnists, you're in for some great arcade action. Each car is : dynamical different in its sliding and acceleration physics. The battle for first place won't be easy, but when you beat the game in Normal you'll get to drive the revamped Daytona Car. Use this саг to beat the game оп hard and you'll get to race as a horse. Both methods of transportation will then be available for 2-Player Battle Mode. i The tracks each differ in number of laps, distance, an Your job in this race will be to locate a stranded Lone isis зб GREER Hornet | This track is Е full of chicanes and hairpins. options menu, and longer races will require pitting to г damage and worn tires. Sega's added a nice touch in placing objects next ti track. Whack an object and it'll be on the road the nex around. In order to experience the delicate touch of D. CCE, we heartily recommend plugging in Seg: Controller (originally designed for NiGHTS). With t! courses, cars and options, Daytona CC premier racer for the Sega Saturn REINER, THE RAGING GAMER "Now here's a depressing sight, another Concept: 7 Daytona game hat offers nothing bes whatsoever. The first one was remote Graphics: 725 a and CCE is exactly the Sound: same. When | see a game like this І ў 125 toii d the VERG 5. li , unexplainable, not a clone of something [n ы that barely impressed the first time around. ` | Entertainment: 5 Plus, those of you who are actually going to want to play this game are the ones who 4. played the original. Thus, уои аге going to =RALL: be paying big bucks for something that igen wants to be a sequel, but really is nothing but an update. CCE is nothing fabulous, nothing new, and not worth my attention. The only way | could recommend this game is if you haven't played the original. Then, maybe, you'll use it to play, instead ы а аша ір des This is the special Anti- Gravity racing mode. "Daytona is the best racer for the Concept: 8.5 Saturn, period. h reminds ДЫ а m of x idge Racer for the PS-X. Sliding Graphics: 9.25 around а turn, just barely staying off Sound: 8.5 the wall, fish-tailing 'til your tires catch, : | eh nn for ц gold, this game 1 ability: icks a lot of butt. There could have p" = been more tracks, but the ability to Entertainment: 9 alter the amount of laps really helps out. If you want this game, and you і, 77) / f Ñ : des 1. want to experience it to the fullest, go m a, My ! ERALL: out and buy yourself the 3D Analog : v Controller (not the Steering Wheel mind you!). It makes broad turns incredibly smooth and powerslides a heck of a lot cooler." Я This time around, Sega included the 2-Player split screen. Phosnix Üriois мав! Wët Watch your speed at the wl TXAM ТНЕ САМЕ НОМВВЕ base of this hill. 8 “Although over half of this game has already been done, the extra two Graphics: g courses and the two-player mode ^ make this game a must for any On the oval, you'll be treated | Sound: g Saturn racing fan. | especially like the two-player mode. You can waste Playability: 8.5 hours upon hours racing your friends. It does suffer from a fair amount of Entertainment: 8.25 pop-up, but once the racing gets » THE Воттом LINE 8 a D. x | Та s D | going уои hardly even notice. Check to a rolling start. D Phoenix | Оноо ман x мон ' Balance пауопа та m Е CX Wu Bu абы To | 5 Game Informer = J x ae : this game out, it's still the best racer on the Saturn." MAKE HASTE. Blue is back, BLUE IS BACK. SONIC’S NEW WORLD IS IN 3D. " WHICH MEANS THE LITTLE BLUE GUY HAS A LOT MORE TERRITORY TO COVER THIS TIME. SO PUT ІТ IN GEAR. THERE ARE FLICKIES TO RESCUE. | (а с > POWER-UPS TO GRAB. AND MOVES LIKE THE BLAST ATTACK THAT MAKE THIS SONIC THE FASTEST AND WILDEST YOU'VE EVER SEEN. New SONIC GAMES NOW AVAILABLE ON GENESIS, GAME GEAR AND PC. SEGA and Genesis are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Game Gear, Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Blast, and VectorMan 2 are trademarks of Sega. ©1996 SEGA, P.O.Box 8097, Redwood City, CA 94063. All rights reserved. Made in the USA. Printed in Japan. OR MAKE WASTE. WITH A LOAD OF NEW MORPHS AND THE MOTHERLODE OF NEW WEAPONS, VECTORMAN NOW HAS EVEN MORE WAYS TO TURN HIS MUTANT INSECT ENEMIES INTO LANDFILL. РО BATTLE AS A SCORPION, A GIANT TICK, OR A RHINO BEETLE. OR JUST DO А TON OF DAMAGE WITH THE FIREBALL, THE Воот BLAST, ОВ ж THE OvERKILL. SPARE NOTHING. SHOOT EVERYTHING. SISANAD SEGA 1-900-200-5568 m SEGA game secrets 1 < ters. low. ј EJ нн лында W W w.sega.com н) Ше be 1E or hove жөні perma TID phone пазі Soge of ace oda: 100-451-5251 155. ва (киімім) For more info, visit Sega's web site at http://www.sega.com or on Compuserve at GO SEGA. recent releases) A Few Tips On Judging a PC Game By Its Cover Did your parents tell you not to judge a book by its cover? It’s a good rule that extends metaphorically into most realms of human existence. Computer game boxes, however, never lie. So here are my rules for determining a game's quality strictly from a box. Number one, if the box is not a box, but some kind of bizarre, twisted work of modern art, you should probably dismiss it immediately. If there are no screen shots on the back of the box, or the box is entirely black with only a logo (this has actually been done), the game is probably really bad. If the box has three or more quotes from suspiciously obscure publications like Sven's Gaming Monthly, leave the store immediately and take deep зеце: Finally, if the game's раў sports WORPS (Women Of Fitou Proportions) that ! Game Guru - Studio 3DO - | 8.25 This program lets you | W hack all your favorite games. It MJ has a large library of quick patches for recent hits and also allows people to improvise their own cheats. Pretty cool.’ CENE TITHE MM LAE И Deathdrome — Viacom 7 Топ cycle-battle meets Doom in a so-so action game. If you gotta see it, wait until it hits the bargain bin. Steel Panthers ІІ — SSI 9 | уе heard bad things about SP 1, but this one's chock full of units and has an enormous ` m number of campaigns ranging — "n Korea to the Gulf War. It also has а. scenario editor that needs to be seen to ` be believed. : to the game, leave it alone. Eradicator — Accolade hile this Doom clone won't blow you away like Duke 3D or Quake, it's definitely worth a look. The graphics are just a tad better than Doom 2 and the game has a lot of unique features you won't find in any other game. Players have a choice between three characters who each have their own weapon and vary in speed, armor, and weapon damage. A new feature in this game is the ability to switch to third-person view. This can be useful when navigating narrow walkways or getting on the edge of a platform to make a tricky jump. Another feature І really enjoyed was the use of roving camera drones. Hack into the computer and use one of the drones to spy on areas you haven't encountered yet. It's a great tool in preparing for the oppo- sition. к. Surface Tension - Gametek for Philips 7 Gametek had a lot of good | ideas for Surface Tension. Unfortunately, the action is Web weak. Still... | kind of liked it. Nemesis: Rama Il - Si а 3 - Sierra The Wizardry Adventure 8 This game's okay. However, | — Sirtech found it somewhat lacking in the plot department. There are оп“ let the point-and- C D fool you. It's really & a pretty decent RPG. The characters could use work but the exploration part of the game is an enthralling mix of Myst, the old Wizardry games, and Sierra's early War Wind “quest” games. W ar Wind is a Warcraft clone with very cool effects and a lot of atmosphere. Players have a choice game, but all they really do is point things ош to you as you go along. U between four alien races battling it out on an alien world. An empire has recently collapsed and the slaves, warriors, former rulers, and a race of tribal mystics are all prepared to battle it out over their own agendas. Each race is well detailed with their own fighting goals, specialized units, and excellent sound effects. The big problem І had with this game was the lack of variety in the units. Each гасе has its own style of warriors, scouts, magicians, and laborers who can be upgraded to a higher class through training. Laborers become engineers, mages become archmages and so on. Beyond this, there are three war vehicles, and one unique special unit for each race. Warcraft fans who hunger for more or just something that's a little different will enjoy this game, although it's doubtful anyone will say that War Wind is the better game. all these characters in the ` Fox Interactive will be releasing a PC version of their ID4 game of $169. This is the kind of dohickey that brings us one step closer with the gangly title Independence Day: The Game. While games a la movies are generally really bad, Fox did a great job on their console-based Die Hard Trilogy. GI editor Jon Storm took a crack at IDA at the ECTS show and said it was looking good. The release date is posted for early '97. the Heinlen fans in anticipation of the ‘97 release of Starship AIT | ГА Troopers on the big screen can now also anticipate а follow- fhf A up game being released by Microprose. Doing a game with a ' movie license is а very unusual move for Microprose. We hope it's “quality.” NewCom's Amazing Modem Okay, so it's not really amazing, but it is pretty cool for gamers. NewCom's Digital Simultaneous Voice/Data (DVSD) modem, dubbed Newtalk, will allow people to converse and exchange data at the same time. In gamer's terms, that means every frustrated scream of your opponent can be heard as you frag them into oblivion while playing over the net. The modem also sports fax capability and can basically turn your computer into a speaker phone. Newtalk carries an MSRP ПЛ www.gameinformer.com to combining phones, computers, and televisions into one entity. id Cashes In Jay Wilbur has recently departed the confines of id, the tiny company gone big with its hits Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. His departure followed Jon Romero's, another big guy at id J headquarters. Maybe now that Quake is done, the id guys are ready to retire. Acclaim and Spectrum Holobyte Duke it Out Over Magic We were wondering what happened to that game. Microprose (through Spectrum Holobyte) was producing a PC version of the Magic: the Gathering card game but got into a bit of a legal hassle with Acclaim over their game Magic: the Gathering — Battlemage, a real-time strategy game (think Warcraft clone) based on the fantasy characters pictured on the cards. The lawsuit has been settled with Acclaim's game set for release January 10 or sooner, and Microprose's game no earlier than February 1. We can't help but wonder if the case wasn't settled by a game of Magic between each company's top lawyers. Game Informer & January ‘97 V 485 AC power adapter for SEGAe — - GAMEGEAR@, and recharger. UL and CSA safety approved. V 134 FUN Cleaning kit. For use with SEGA® GEAR® game and cartridges. ш =: NOLOOSM. C ADAPTER FOR SECA GENESIS AND GAME GEAR”/ ; GAMEGEAR REGHARGER 68 ® EATUR S "ON DIS зі мок INSTRUCTIES V 137 FUN Cleaning kit for use with SEGA® GENESIS. Cleans game unit and cartridges. Other Recoton game care, maintenance and replacement products that meet or exceed original specifications and UL / CSA safety approvals. V135 FUN Cleaning kit for use with NINTENDO® system and cartridge. V136 FUN Cleaning system for use with GAME BOY@ & cartridges. V139 FUN Game cleaner for use SUPER NINTENDO& V350 Game switch for use wuth NINTENDO® №354 AC Power adapter replacement for use with БЕСАФСЕМЕ5156 V477 AC Power adapter replacement for use with GAME BOY® V479 AC Power adapter replacement for use with NINTENDO ® V483 AC Power adapter replacement for use with SUPER NINTENDO LASERTENS -CLEANER ` V149 FUN Lase lens & CD cleaning system. Helps eliminate debris, | restoring accurate CD data transfer. ECOTON 2950 Lake Emma Road, Lake Mary,FL 32746 @ Copyright 1996.Recoton Corp.,New York, NY 10022. All rights reserved. All specifications subject to change without notice. 1 CD-ROM 1-Player Realtime Strategy Fantasy Setting, 25 Playable Units, Choose From Over 40 Missions, Each Battle Relevant to the Plot, Cool FMV, Spells and Magic ltems for Hero Units, Memory Card Save Games Workshop/SSI for Mindscape Now for Sony PlayStation 1 CD-ROM 1-Player Off-Road Racing Six Tracks, Six Vehicles, Variable Weather, Three Play Modes, Independent Suspension, Commentary by Gary Lee Gremlin Interactive for ASC Games Now for Sony PlayStation (and Sega Saturn) 0 Warhammer for PlayStation takes the pen and paper turn-based game and attempts to bring it to realtime. With hits like Dune Il, Command and Conquer, and the Warcraft series ruling the realtime strategy world on the PC, we felt that this game was a little outmoded in terms of its interface with the units. Keeping track of what goes on in a battle is really hard and the Al of the units was frustrating. The big pluses were the spells and magic items for use with your heroes, and the sounds and visuals during the battle scenes. It's a shame the consoles can’t start cranking out some better strategy games. There are few things more fun than mud slingin bumper rammin', off-road action, and Harcore 4X4 is definitely a fun game. Fans of mud hole racing will find a good friend in 4X4, but die-hard racing enthusiasts might want to steer clear. The control is simple and straightforward, with adjustable steering and variable car damage; however, once the tracks are memorized, it shouldn't take more than a weekend to get through the game. Although the graphics are nice, and the weather effects challenging, there's just not enough play value to warrant a purchase. с www.gameinformer.com Шығ ата Urges ruler Gres rales! {ШШ em afl! By Urgat's өле they oll 1 CD-ROM 1-Player Isometric Action Weather Effects, Analog Compatible, Appearances By Knuckles and Tails, 3D Bonus Worlds (Similar to Sonic 2) Traveller's Tales for Sega Now for Sega Saturn ees f ІНЕ 1/3 КЕ With the delay of Sonic Extreme, Sega opted for Sonic 3D Blast, a graphically enhanced version of the 16-bit cart by the same name. While it does feature 3D bonus levels, similar to the ones found in Sonic 2, it is still basically the same game (except on a $200 machine). The overall feel of Sonic 3D Blast is that of a 3D game with 2D tricks and playstyle. There's no moving camera and no scaling. Plus, the gameplay is fairly uninspired with a rather annoying plot that involves finding little bird-like creatures called Flickies. Sonic fans may be happy with this 16-bit upgrade, but most should rent this game first. as 1 LAF 1/3 сЁ Game Informer с January ‘97 1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Combat Simulator Ten Playable Jet Fighters, Two-Player Head-To-Head Dog Fighting, Various Mission Objectives, Air and Ground Targets Fox Interactive Early '97 for Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn 1 CD-ROM 1-Player Rapping Trainer Groovin' Tunes, Stutter Vocals, Pop Culture FMV Animation Clips Sony Computer Entertainment Now in Japan for Sony PlayStation (U.S. Release is Unknown) Game Informer ID4 was the big screen smash of '96, grossing over 300 million in the States alone. Well, now is that time when someone makes a game based off the movie, and to our surprise, it's not done by Acclaim. Fox is keeping this title in-house and they have a masterpiece of a game planned. Like the movie, the game will have no ground combat whatsoever; instead, the action will all be done through jet fighter combat. ID4 features ten jet fighters including a Mig 31 Foxhound and an A-10 Thunderbolt. This war of the world will take place in London, Tokyo, Las Vegas, and New York complete with a spinning saucer overhead. Keep your eyes peeled for this invasion soon. 1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Head-To- Head Tournament Fighter Four New Characters (Two Are Bosses), New Backgrounds, CG Movie Sequences, New Outfits and Player Animations Takara for Sega Now for Sega Saturn You gotta believe! You are PaRappa, the most jivin’ collie in the city who has a snout for lovin’ and rappin’. Your mission is to rap your way to the heart of your beloved flower woman - Daisy. The entire game is done through rapping. Each stage is constructed of a lead rapper and yourself. You must follow the lead rapper's rhythm as closely as you can by pressing the correct button sequence in rhythm. Score a Good or Cool rapping score, and you'll advance to the next be-bop challenge. Plus, to really score the high points, you can stutter the vocals (like a real rapper) and impress all who observe. W-w-w-w-eird!!! January '97 ep i EE HH EE IEEE This second installment for the Sega Saturn is a great improvement over Remix, but once again it's a mere reflection of both PS-X offerings. New features range from flashy backgrounds to four new characters (two of which are bosses), and an Overdrive Meter for specials. Otherwise, this Saturn exclusive still features choppy gameplay, fuzzy polygons, and not much excitement. To us, the ОНА stands for Un-Realistic Animation, and Unfinished Regurgitate Again. The Saturn really needs a new blockbuster fighter, and while URA had all the right elements for a great game, the gameplay drove us into using this title as a coaster. We'll wait for Virtua Fighter 3. _ fighting game. _ Actually, go away . Lemmings, we don't Game Boy Overall: 8 This title ranks up there with World Heroes Jet for the best Game Boy SNES Overall: 8.75 We did the SF dance one last time on the SNES, Xx: and once again we were thoroughly рари with both the graphics and gameplay. PlayStation Overall: 7.5 Who would have thought that Acclaim would try and cash in on another NBA Jam? It's the same game with a polygon facelift and tons of loading time. Although, despite its slowness, it still manages to be a great game. PlayStation Overall: 7 Go Lemmings, go! want you in an action/platform game! Nonetheless, this is one of the few decent PS-X action titles with amazing sprite graphics. Super Nintendo Overall: 7.25 We played this game years ago. It was T UM called... what was it € called... could it be... MICKEY MOUSE! We can't believe Disney sucked the same milk from all the SNES Mickey titles to make this game. Oh well, it's a bummer, but it's still kind of fun. PlayStation Overall: 5.25 This supposed fighting game lacks all the basic video game fundamentals of kung fu. So basically, it's really bad. Saturn Overall: 2.75 Ha ha! Let the score speak. Saturn Overall: 3.25 This could be the worst fighter ever created, but luckily, Kasumi Ninja for the Atari Jaguar already : Swooped ир that award. Anyone else want to try for this trophy? Bring it on! www.gameinformer.com | Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1-Player Third-Person Car Combat Special Features: Wide Variety of Special Weapons, Beautifully Detailed Levels, Limited Time to Destroy Enemies, Memory Save, Zoom In/Out, Tons of Little Cars to Shoot at Created by: Eidos Available: Now for Sega Saturn Crimewave Crimewave is a cross between a land- bound Soviet Strike and an Isometric Twisted Metal. The graphics are exceptionally crisp and Eidos paid a lot of attention to detail. You can push the little soccer ball around in the soccer field and seeing a new car is always fun. Unfortunately, the gameplay becomes very repetitive. Crimewave is cool - like playing with Reiner's Micromachines. It's neat for a while but eventually you just gotta put 'em back on the shelf and move on. It feels bad to give an average score to such a well crafted game, but Crimewave felt like it could have been a lot more. A two-player mode or a choice of cars would have been nice. PlayStation x Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1 or 2-Player Pool Game Special Features: Actual Sight Line Aiming, Masse Shots, Custom Views, Choice of 9 Computer Opponents, Touch Pool Physics, Jukebox Created by: Celeris for Interplay Available: Now for Sony PlayStation Virtual Pool Virtual Pool is what pool is all about...physics. Pool games in the past have always had a problem with lining up the shot. This time, Celeris and Interplay have tuned the digital control with a feather touch. The key to making shots is to change the perspective in order to line it up. Caroms and rail play are true to life, and it's easy to play touch pool around a cluster. The computer is more than challenging, especially playing a game of straight. The graphics are decent, but it's the physics of the table that make this title shine. E www.gameinformer.corn PlayStation Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1-Player RPG Special Features: Political Atrocities, Secret Police, Intrigue, Funky Looking Airships, Great Music Score, Unique Combat System, Main Character That Looks Like a Cross Between a Gypsy and a Hobo, Memory Card Save Created by: Sony Computer Entertainment Available: Now in Japan (In USA?) Arc the Lad П The first Arc the Lad didn’t make it to the States because apparently Americans don't dig RPGs. We know this is false due to the immense amount of correspon- dence we receive from hard-core RPG fans. Hopefully the upcoming release (and no doubt immense success) of Final Fantasy VII will do much to change the minds of software companies. Arc the Lad II is a fine looking RPG with a more com- prehensive plot than its precursor. We know this only because there's a lot more talking between fights. Until we see more on the possibility of a US release, we'll have to let the pictures tell the story. Your Sioe Ran McCoy ioe Game Informer в January ‘97 1 CD-ROM 1 to 6-Player Bowling (One Controller Alternating) Standard and No Tap Scoring, 3 Different Lanes, 3 Play Modes, 12 Characters, Over 3 Million Calculations for Ball Physics, Lounge or Rock Background Music Adrenaline Entertainment for ASC Games Oil up the lanes, grab your favorite ball, and put on your dancin' shoes because it's time to hit the lanes. Featuring twelve different bowling personalities, anywhere from one to six players can join in on a round of rollin'. Choose your lane, pick your tunes, and get ready for some realistic bowling action. By using over 3 million calculations to recreate ball physics, Ten Pin Alley brings the lanes to life in your living room. While the graphics may be average for a PlayStation title, the overall feel of the game, including the classic fifties look, make this game a riot to play. The bowlers give reactions to both good and bad shots, and you'll find that no two games will be the same. Now for Sony PlayStation 1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Shooter (One Controller Alternating) Bee Bonus Levels, Analog Joystick Compatible, Pumpin’ Techno > Soundtrack, 3 Difficulty Settings, Adjustable Lives (1 to 10), and Memory Card Compatible Player One for Williams Now for Sony PlayStation 5 мак сотаў Through the years, there have been many arcade games that could be considered classics, but Robotron is one that is destined for the Arcade Hall of Fame. Now, Williams Entertainment and Player One have brought back this classic, but this time in 3D. Featuring new crazy characters, weapon upgrades (including 3-way shot, phaser, and mines), and polygon graphics, Robotron X should have more than enough action to keep any shooter fan happy. The game is set up so you can make it as easy or as hard as you'd like, and if you really want to get nostalgic, you can use the dual analog joystick to fully simulate the original arcade feel. Game Informer г January ‘97 1 CD-ROM 1 to 8-Player Futuristic Sports Sim 16 Teams, Player Editor, 8-Player Multitap (Very Cool), Combines Aspects From Multitudes of Popular Sports, Single Game, League, or Tournament Play Psygnosis First Quarter '97 for Sony PlayStation When we see a "Sports Game of the Future" title come into the office we tend to start groaning. The charm of sports games has always been the ability to put together dream teams and pit favorites against each other in a sport that the player is already intimately familiar with. League of Pain was a pleasant surprise. It actually does a very good job of fusing basketball, hockey, and soccer into one. The premise is fairly simple. Team A must get the plasma ball to team B's goal so that they can "charge" it to match the team color. Once this has been accomplished, Team A has to attempt to shoot the ball into the "basket" (looks more like a UFO) in the middle of the court. Basic and fun. We're looking forward to trying the multitap feature. р www.gameinformer.com ў 51 | Ee ^ / From the people that brought you Hard Drivin' comes San Francisco RUSH, a realistic racing game set on the streets of San Francisco. Offering eight different cars with varying degrees of handling and maneuvering .. abilities, San Francisco Rush has something to offer for 77 everyone. From simplified racing to an all-out driving simulation, players can choose the car that best fits their personality. Of course, we think the full-on simulation is the best. Put the pedal down and smoke the tires as you head for the hills. Shoot off the hill like a rocket into space, and your car will tilt and spin as gravity tries its best to keep it down. Slam the brake and send your car careening sideways through the turn. Punch it and your car straightens out, and then out of the corner of your eye you see a hole...a path...a short-cut. Yes, that’s right. San Francisco Rush has short-cuts. And very cool short-cuts at that, including sewers, alleys, broken overpasses, and the rooftops of San Francisco. And all this action is brought to life with colorful 3D graphics that TO SELECT are pumped out by 3Dfx Interactive's VooDoo Graphics пыса Technology. With performance specs exceeding one million triangles per second, you can imagine the kind of speed this game has to offer. By the time you read this, San Francisco RUSH should be where you in quite a while. With pinpoint control and stunning graphics, RUSH will challenge as well as amaze. m Size: 2-Player Sit-Down Deluxe ш Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing (Up to 8 Players Can Be Linked) m Special Features: High-Flying Jumps, Hidden Short-Cuts, 8 Different Cars, 3 Tracks, 6 Song Soundtrack, 3 Views, Force-Feedback Steering Wheel, Automatic or Manual Transmission Including 4 Speed Tranny with Clutch m Created by: Atari Games m Avallable: Now at an Arcade Near You “- seein не | 52 www.gameinformer.com і ; nc “а Game Informer. у М e P uh 7 1 [ qut em À ATOCHOOSE ша ТО рыў. 1 СИ UDE 2. In November, Game Informer was the first to bring you a six-level strategy guide for Tomb Raider. This LEVEL 7 - PALACE MIDAS (GREEK) month, were back with the rest. Of One of the more enjoyable levels, you must first explore the area just west of the pool. This takes you to the temple and a switch. Next, go back to the pool and find your way course, a game as immense as upstairs (north) to the room with towers throughout and a series of gray doors. Each door has a code that corresponds to five switches above. Open each door and complete the Tomb Raider might take forty or appointed tasks. You'll be collecting lead bars. Next, find your way to the garden room. Kill the apes and locate the secret switch hidden among the trees. Then climb to the roof of the fifty pages to outline. Instead, this structure and enter the Palace Midas room. Stand in front of the hand and turn the lead bars to gold. Use them to end the level. guide will direct your overall objectives for each level and outline a few of the cooler secrets. Although many tasks can be completed in any order, we recommend you read each level layout before LEVEL 8 - THE CISTERN (GREEK) Start by entering the main room (you'll know it when you get there) and turning right. you start that level. Much of the Jump and then cliffhang your way around the main room to the first rusty key. Head east out of the main room, raise the water level, and then find the Gold key through the pool in game is spent wandering around main room. Then return to where you raised the water level and fall in, this will lead to the second rusty key. Make sure the water is lowered before entering rusty key room to the left and checking things out. This (this room contains the second silver key). The rusty key room on the right requires the water level to be raised in order to bypass the spikes. The rest of the level is cake. guide is meant to cut down on that frustrating time. Don't be afraid to use your good weapons, you'll probably finish the game with a healthy surplus. Once you finish the game, you can go LEVEL 9 - TOMB OF TIHOCAN (GREEK) As you make your way along, beware of the bounty hunter. Eventually you'll get to a back and play any level with room with writing tablets on the floor. Push the block onto them and visit all the rooms. After you use the keys and save the game, don’t go down the slide. Jump towards the right side of the slope and keep jumping forward along the rocks. You'll come to rest on a platform below, next to a secret room. Line up so your right side is facing the room, then jump right, forward, right, right, back, right to get the goods. When you get to the water, be sure to throw the switch on the cliff, then look for the door underwater below the temple. Be careful of the statues and the bounty hunter as you near the end. unlimited weapons. Good luck Tomb Raiders...May the Scion be with you! огрее Лес LEVEL 1O - CITY OF KHAMOON (EGYPTIAN) When you get to the sphinx, the sapphire key is found in a passage around back of its head. Open the door between the Sphinx's legs. When you enter the main room, drop down and beware of rolling boulders. Run up the hill and look for a dark passage to find a secret. Next, go into the water. Once in the new room, exit quickly and kill the crocodile. Work your way up by moving the blocks into position. The final switch will open a trap door by the cat statue. When you slide into a dark room with panthers, be sure to look in the dark for a hard to find ledge. Once up on the bridge, walk to the middle ledge and a door will open. You're almost to the end. this handstand. Unfortunately, Saturn owners will not be able to execute LEVEL 11 - OBELISK OF KHAMOON (EGYPTIAN) This level is awesome (but confusing). When you go up through the gold trap door, throw a switch and collect the Eye of Horus. After ascending, throw a switch by the main room, then drop through a hole in floor, slide down a long slide, kill the panther and throw a switch in the first alcove. Then climb the stairs halfway and go through the door, jump to a viny ledge and collect the Ankh. Then go back along viny ledge and throw another switch by the large medpack, return to the original set of stairs and climb them to a newly created chamber. This new switch makes steps out of a ramp immediately outside the room, and a door will open leading to a familiar area. Then walk around the pillars, jump to the center structure, then to the gong (secrets 1 and 2). Hop down and run through a door by the viny ledge, work over to the save game beacon and throw the switch in the corridor. Next, return to the ground and kill some mummies. Get the Scarab and the Seal of Anubis then drop into the water. Find your way through (make sure you have full air, there are pick-ups along the way in alcoves) and pretty soon you'll return to the beginning of the City of Khamoon, where you'll use your four objects! LEVEL 12 - SANCTUARY OF THE SCION (EGYPTIAN) You can do this level any number of ways, it's all up to you. There are two places to climb the cliff. One is a set of stone pillars, the other is between the paws of the sphinx. Climb both and obtain your items (watch for flying enemies). When you enter the tall door at ground level, go backwards down the slide and hang at end. After you obtain the other Ankh, return to the top of the sphinx and use your items (both key holes are atop the head). After using both Ankhs, look forward into empty space and you'll see a floating set of Magnum clips and the Uzis. Jump to them in a leap of faith. Then do a running jump to the cliff edge and enter the door into the sphinx. Jump into the water and find a tunnel between the feet of the right statue. Solve the next few riddles and you'll come upon the scarab. Beware as you pick it up, there are enemies about. LEVEL 13 - NATLA MINES (ATLANTEAN) Start by finding the passage behind the waterfall. When you move the block by the tunnel machine, be sure to look above for a hard to see passage. After you collect the three fuses, use them to drop the cabin. Retrieve your pistols from inside. Hop on top of the cabin, jump to the tunnel, and look up for a secret passage. Next, go back to the boats, through the tunnel machine passage, and kill the bounty hunter. You'll see a switch high atop one wall. With full health, do a running jump towards the switch and hold the Action button. You'll fall, but you'll grab onto a ledge below. Halfway through one of the lava rooms, jump to the tunnel and you'll see a block. Push that block before the boulder gets you and collect the goodies. When you kill the skate punk, be sure to look in all the pits, one of them has water instead of fire. Jump in for a secret. When you find the pyramid, climb to the top and jump against the wall. You'll slide to a switch. This unlocks the end of the level. /моҙеҙеАғісі w P LEVEL 14 - ATLANTIS (ATLANTEAN) In the room with six pods, find the stairs to the second level and throw all the switches that will allow you to exit. When you exit that room to a new lava room, be sure to hang off the ledge and drop below for a secret stash. In the next room, jump against the cliff and drop and hang in order to find a switch. Then you'll come to a large room with water. Beware of boulders, and use the flat surface of the incline to make your way across it. There's a secret along the top of the incline against the far wall. After throwing one switch, use the switch underwater to activate the red door (it's timed, so hurry). When you make your way to a brown room with a boulder, move the block towards the boulder, exit via the red corridor, then return and the boulder will be stopped short of a tunnel. When you find your way to the large room with a red and yellow bridge in the middle, the key is to look before you leap. Landing on the yellow will be safe. When you eventually come across a long tunnel with three mummy demons, straight ahead as you enter the room will be a pressure plate that opens a door at the top of the corridor. Blast the mummies and hurry to the timed door. Then open the red door through the next tunnel and look for an opening just above it. Eventually you'll T GN find yourself face to face with an alien who does everything you do. Make her fall into a pit by running the course...simple!!! ye 1 LEVEL 15 - THE GREAT PYRAMID (ATLANTEAN) After a short intro, you'll come face to face with a monster boss. He takes a lot of hits to kill, and the best way to waste him is to keep running circles while pelting him with your Uzis. After you kill him, proceed through the number of block and boulder challenges until you come to a room with brown slanted angles at both ends. Turn right and jump three times across one side only, turn around after the third jump and you'll see a bridge has dropped. Go back and into the secret room, throw the switch twice, leaving it in the up position. Return through the room and continue climbing the pyramid. Most puzzles demand a little study, just take your time and figure them out. After you destroy the Scion, run back out and fall off the bridge to find the hole. At the end of the cliff, fall and execute a back jump. After more boulder puzzles, you'll come to a room with a small pool of water way below. Jump and hang from the collapsing floor then jump into the passage for some booty. To get back, square up to the edge, take a slow step back and dive into the water below. Next you'll battle Jacqueline Natla herself. The end is near, just climb the massive pyramid and slide to safety. Hooray!! Heres the most komplele Mortal Kombat Trilogy guide to date. This baby is full of secret kodes, hidden kombatants, kombat kodes, ‘alities, and moves for all the characters. Don't loose this mag, or your kung fu will be forever weak. KOMBAT KODES Player 1 Quarter Health — 707-000 Player 2 Quarter Health — 000-707 Player 1 Half Health — 033-000 Player 2 Half Health — 000-033 Blocking Disabled — 020-020 Throwing Disabled — 100-100 Dark Fighting — 688-422 Unlimited Run — 466-466 Silent Kombat - 300-300 Quick Uppercut Recovery - 788-322 Throwing Encouraged — 010-010 KOMBAT KODE MESSAGES There is No Knowledge That is Not Power — 123-926 No Fear - 282-282 Hold Flippers During Casino Run - 987-666 Version Check — 999-999 MK Tour Promo - 550-550 Don't Jump at Me - 448-844 Skunk!!! — 122-221 Watcha Gun Do? - 004-400 Rain Can Be Found At the Graveyard — 717-313 | LEGEND High Punch - HP Low Punch - LP High Kick - НК Low Kick - LK Down - D h Up-U Томага - T Away - А Run - Rn Block — Вк Mercy - Use in the third round to do an Animality. Hold Rn, D, D, D; D, Release Rn) FATALITY DISTANCE Close - Your sprite must touch the opponent. Sweep - Your character must be as far away from the opporient as possible, but still must be able to sweep them down. Outside Sweep - Your character must be just outside able to sweep your opponent. | Anywhere — Wherever you please. Halfscreen — From halfway across the screen. Far — Anywhere from halfscreen and fullscreen. Moves Blade Fury - A, A, A + LP Blade Spark - D, A + HP а v E L. 99 PUSH START | WINS: 00 ; ТТС | ГИ ETE PUSH START | WINS: 00 ED | и нај ТТТ г. Animality — Blade Spin - T, D, T + BIk Blade Swipe - A + HP Double Kick — (Close) HK, HK, HK Air Throw - ВІК in air Fatalities Head Swipe — (Close) A, A, A + HP Hack and Chew — (Close) A, T, D, T - LP Stage - T, T, D + HK Babality — T, T, T + HK Friendship - D, T, T + HK Animality — Hold HP, T, A, b. T; Release HP Brutality - HP, HP, HP, LP, LP, Blk, HK, HK, LK, LK, ВК | Combos © Sabotage - нк HK, LK, A + HK Aggressor - HP, HP, A + HP, T + HP Moves Spear - A, A + LP Teleport Uppercut — T, T + LK Slide - A + LP + Blk + LK Air Throw - ВІК in air Invisibility — Hold Blk, U, U + Rn Fatalities Planet Destroyer - (Far) Hold Blk, U, UTD Digestion - (Outside Sweep) Hold Rn + Blk, D, D, T, U Stage - T, T, D + LK Animality (Bull) — (Far) D, T, T + ВК Babality — D, D, A, A HK Friendship — (Far) Rn, Rn, Rn + HK Brutality - LK, LK, HK, Blk, Blk, LP, LP, HP, Bik, ВК Combos Destroyer - HP, HP, LP Out Take — HP, HP, LK, HK, LP Ultimate — Teleport Uppercut, Spear, HP, HP, LK, HK, LP Moves Close Grenade - Hold LK, A, A, HK Far Grenade - Hold LK, T, T + HK Net - A, A + LK Teleport - T, D + Blk Air Throw — (Opponent in air) D, F, Blk, LP Fatalities Helichopper ~ (Anywhere) D, D, U, D + HP Self Destruct - D, D, T, U + Rn Stage - Rn, Blk, Rn Animality (Shark) - (Close) Hold Blk, U, U, D, D, Release Blk Babality - T, T, A+ HP Friendship — Rn, Rn, Rn, U Brutality — HP, HK, HP, HK, HK, HP, “НК, HP HK, LK, LP Combo Telethunder — HP, HP HK, HP HK, B + HK Moves Fireball ~ D, A+ LP Teleport Punch - D, A + LP Telekinetic Slam - A, D, A + HK Fatalities Uppercut — (Close) Rn, Blk, Rn, Rn, HK Telekinetic Beast — (Sweep) 0, U, D, D, D + Blk Stage - Rn, Rn, Rn + LK Friendship — (Far) T, T, T HP (Close) A, A, T, T, LK Babality - D, D, A, A, HP Brutality; HP, HP, LP. Blk, HK, LK, Bik, HP, Трак, А Combos God Slam - HP, HP, D + LP, D +LP Bruiser - HK, HK, LK, B + HK Fury of St. Dumas — HP HP. B + LP. HK, D +LK Massive Destruction — HP, HP, B + LP, I s Т D, T, LP, Slam, HP, HP, Fireball No Peace - LK, LP, Jump Kick, Air Teleport, Slam ,HP, HP, Fireball Moves Fireball - А, A, A + LP Spinning Punch — A, A, T + HK Gotcha —T, Tt HP Taunt — A, A + LK Moves Bladearang Up - A, T + HP Bladearang — A, T LP Bladearang Down - A, T + LK Glow Kick - D, T + LK Projectile Protection — A, T + HK Fatalities Staff Shake - (Close) U, U, D, T + HP Staff Jab — (Close) Rn, Rn, Rn, BIk, Rn Stage - A, T, D + Rn Animality (Cat) — (Sweep) T; D,T, T + LK Friendship — A, D, A, A + B Brutality - HP, LK, HP, LP, HK, HK, LK, Blk, ВІК, HP, HK Combos Shake It - HK, HK, LK, А + HK Destructor - HP, HP, D EP, D + HP... Hack ‘N Slice - HP, HP, D + LP, LK, HK, A + LK, A + HK Moves Missile — A, T + HP | Missiles - T, T, A, A + T ' Gotcha Grab - T, T + LP (Keep tapping LP for more hits) Backbreaker — Вк in air Ground Pound - Hold LK Dashing Punch - T, T, HK Quad Slam - Hold HP When Starting Throw Fatalities T2 Arm Slice — (Close) U, D, T, U + ВК Foot Squash - (Far) Rn, Blk, Rn, Rn + LK Stage - D, T, D + LP Animality (Lion) — Hold LP, T, T, D, T Babality - D, D, D + LK Friendship — LK, RN, RN + LK Brutality - HP, HP, HP, ВІК, LP, HP, HP, HP, Blk, LP, HP Combos Eradication — HK, HK, A + HK Tim Arm Jamboree - HK, HK, D + HP, HP, Blk, LP, A + HP Moves Fireball ~ D, A + HK Ground Pound - Hold LK for 3 sec, Release LK Gotcha Grab - T, T + LP (tap LP repeatedly) Multiple Bodyslam - LP to throw (tap HP repeatedly) Air Fireball - T, D, A + HK in air Back Breaker — Вік in air Fatalities Head Crush - (Close) Hold LP, T, T, Release LP Arm Rip - (Sweep) Blk, Blk, Blk, Blk, LP Stage - D, T, D + LP Babality — D, UP, D, UP LK Friendship — D, D, UP, UP + LK Brutality — HP, HP, BIk, HK, LP, LP, HP, Blk, HK, LK, HK, HP Combos Lion Grapple — HP, HP, HP, LP, A + HP. Destructor — LK, LK, LK, HK, LK, A + HK Moves High Fireball — T, D, A + HP Low Fireball —A, D, T + LP Shadow Kick — A, T + LK PUSH START Shadow Uppercut - A, D, A + HP Red Shadow Kick - A, A, T + HK Fatalities Uppercut — (Close) D, D, T, T, LP Back Breaker — (Close) D, D, T, T, LK Stage - D, A, T, T, Blk Animality — (Sweep) Hold Blk, D, T, T, HK Babality - Т, A, A, HK Friendship — D, D, D, D, HK — Brütality — HP, LK, HK, LP, HP. НК, HK HP, HP UP. HP Combos Flying Kuritso — HP, HP LP DLP Hollywood Roll Out — LK, LK, HK, Е Mega Thunder - Jump HP, HK, LK, y HK, HK, LK Moves Top Spin - A, T + LK Eye Shot — A, A + HP can do in air Ground Saw - А, A, A + Rn Fatalities Head Inflation — (Sweep) D, D, A, T, BIk Soul Scare - (Close) Rn, Blk, Blk, Blk, HK Stage — Blk, Blk, HK Animality (Rhino) — (Close) Hold HP, T, T, D, T, release HP 7. Babality - Rn, Rn, LK - Friendship - (Outside Sweep) Rn, LK, Rn, Rn, U Brutality — HP, Blk, LK, LK, LK, HK, LP, LP. LP, HP. LP Combos ' Masked Fury — LK, LK, HP, HP HK, A НК Hot Zone – LK, LK, HP HP D FEP D+HP The Impaler — LK, LK, HP, HP, D + HP, | тю Kick, Air Fireball Moves me Psycho Cannonball = ТО, T.+ LK Knife Throw — D, A + HP Knife Uppercut ~ D, T + HP Cannon Ball — Hold LK for 3 seconds, release Diagonal Cannonball - T, D, T + HK Grab and Shake - D, T + LP Throw - BIk in air Fatalities Skeleton Pull — (Close) Hold LP, T, D, UT Eye Beam - (Sweep) LP, Blk, Blk, HK Stage - U, U, A, LK Animality (Spider) — ВІК, Blk, Blk Babality — T, T, D, D, LK Friendship — LK, Rn, Rn, HK Brutality — HP, LP, Blk, HP, Blk, HK, LK, Blk, HK, LK (Close) Hold HP, Combos Senile Red Combo - HP, HP, HK, LK, A+ HK Moves Cannonball — Rotate Directional Pad Clockwise Knife Throw — Hold Blk, A, T Knife Flail — A, T + HP (Keep tapping HP to go longer) Fatalities Heart Rip - (Close) Half Circle Toward, LP Combo The Shredder — HP, HP, HP, HP. Moves j Gotcha — T, T + HP Stomp - D, U Taunt - D, D + LK Fireball — A, A, T + HP pnas dhd niu бамі Moves Fan Throw - T, T, HP + LP Fan Wave - A, A, A + HP Flying Punch - T, D, A + HP Fatalities Kiss of Death — (Close) Rn, Rn, Blk, Blk, LK Decapitation — (Close) A, D, T, T, HK Stage - T, D, D, LK Animality (Rabbit) — (Close) D, D, D, Rn Friendship (Bubbles) - D, А, T, T, LP Babality — T, T, D, T, HK Brutality — HP, HP, Blk, HK, Blk, LK, Blk, LP, Blk, HP, Вік Combo Sai Blaster — HP, HP, A + LP, T + HP Moves Double Teleport — D, D, U then Hold or Tap U on the Control Pad A, T «LP Teleport - D, Flying Kick - ү D + HK in air Spin Shield - T, D, T + Rn and keep tapping Rn Fatalities Spin of Death — (гун) Rn, Blk, Rn, Blk, D Hat Boomerang — (Sweep) Т.Т, A, D, HP Stage - D, D, T, T, LK Animality (Cheetah) - Rn, Rn, Blk Babality — D, T, T, HP | Friendship — (Outside Sweep) Rn, LP. Rn, LK Brutality - HP, LP, LK, HK, Blk, HP, LP, LK, HK, Blk, LP (Close) Rn, Rn, Combo The Assault — Teleport Punch, HP, ір HP, LP, LK, LK, A + HK . Moves Hat Throw - A, T + LP -Dive Kick — D + HK in air . "Superman - А, A + T Spin Shield — T, D, T + RN keep tap- ping RUN to hold spin Teleport — D, U Һ wt Reled i LP Stage - T, T, T, HP Babality - T, T, A, A; HK Friendship (Rabbit in Hat) — D, HK Brutality — HP, LP, HK, HK, LP, LP, LP, LK, LK, BIk, HP А, A, A, Combos Knuckle Blast — HP, LP, LP, D + LP Compact Death — LK, LK, HK, HK, A + НК Moves | High Fireball — T, T + HP can be done in air Low Fireball — T, T + LP Flying Kick — T, T + HK Bicycle Kick — Hold LK 3 seconds, Release LK Fatalities Flame Engulf — (Anywhere) T, T, D, D, LK MK1 Drop - (Anywhere) U, D, U, U, Blk + Rn Stage - Rn, Blk, Blk, LK Animality (Dragon) — (Sweep) D, D, U Babality — D, D, T, D, HK Friendship — Rn, Rn, Rn, D + Rn Brutality — HP, LP, HP, Blk, LK, HK, LK, HK, LK, HK, LP, LP, HP Combos Wrap Around Combo - HP, HP A + LP, Jump Kick, Air Fireball, Flying Kick PUSH START Лр WINS: 00 RAVEN Dragon Fist — HP, HP, Blk, LK, LK, HK, LK MILEENA Moves Sai Throw — Hold HP for 3 seconds then release can be done in air Teleport Kick — T, T + LK Roll - А, А, D + HK Fatalities Man-Eater — (Close) D, T, D, T, LP Nail em! — (Far) A, A, T, A, LK Stage - D, D, D, LP Animality (Skunk) - T, D, D, T, HP Babality — D, D, T, T, HP Friendship — D, D, A, T, HK Brutality — HP, LP, LP, HP, Blk, HK, P 3 LK, HK, Blk, HP, D + LP Combos Dimensional Rip — HP HP U +LP. D + НР Blaster Combo — HP, HP, РИК НК, U + LK, U + HK MOTORO Moves Teleport - D, UR . Fireball - T, DA + HP Gotcha - T, T + HP Throw - T «ІР NIGHTWOLF Moves ` Arrow - р, A+LP Hatchet Uppercut — D, T + HP Shoulder Charge - T, T + LK Projectile Reflect — A, A, A + HK Fatalities Moon Beam - (Close) U, U, A, T, ВК Lightning Hatchet — (Far) A, A, D, HP Stage - Rn, Rn, Blk Animality (Wolf) — (Close) T, T, D, D Babality - T, A, T, A, LP Friendship (MK2 Drop) - D (Outside Sweep) Brutality — HP, HP, HK, LK, LK, Blk, Blk, LP, LP, HP, HK Rn, Rn, Rn, Combos Moon Assault- HK, HK, A + HK Breaker Combo - LK, HP, HP, LP, . Hatchet, Hatchet, Arrow NOOB SAIBOT Moves Ghost Fireball — D, T + ІР ў Teleport Slam — D, U. Body Double - T, TS HP Fatalities Bouncing Death ~ (Close) D, D, UP, Rn Cloud of Death — (Sweep) A, A, T, T, HK Stage - T, D, T, Blk Babality — D, T, T, T, LP Friendship - T, T, A, HP Animality — A, T, A, T, HK Brutality — HP, LK, LP, Blk, LK, HK, HP, LP, Blk, LK, HK Combos Shadow Kick = НК, LK, LK, LK Hidden Movement Combo - HP, HP, LP, HK CLASSIC SUB-ZERO Moves Freeze — D, T + LP Ground Freeze - D, A LK Slide — A + LP + BLK + LK Fatalities Head Rip - (Close) D, D, D, T, HP Ice Spike — (Close) D, T, T, T, HP Stage - T, D, T, T, HP Brutality — HP, LP, HP, Blk, LK, LK, HK, HK, LP, HP, LP Combos Frozen Heat — HP, HP, LP, D + HP Ice Chopper — HP, HP. LK, A + HK, T + LK v Е s PUSH START WINS: 00 ачама те кек a b Game Informer й January PUSH START ВЛЕЕНА) Нурег Attack — Jump Kick, Ground Freeze, HP, HP, LP, D + HP Fast Fury — HP, HP, D + LP, D + HP, Jump Kick, Slide RAIN Moves Lighting Bolt — A, A + HP Blue Orb - D, T + HP Fatalities Upside-down Uppercut = (Close) T, T, T; D; HP Lightning - (S Sweep) D D, A, T, HK Babality=T, A, A, HP Friendship — D, T, T, T, LP Animality — (Close) Blk, Blk, Rn, Rn, Blk Brutality — HP, HP, Blk, LK, ВІК, LK, HK, Blk, LP Combos Lighting Combo - HP, HP, LP, HP Storm Front – Lightning, Blue Orb, A + HK, D HP Concussion Attack — HK, HK, LK, HK, A+ HK RAYDEN Moves Lightning Blast — D, T + LP Reverse Lightning Blast — D, A LP Superman - A, A, T can be done in air Electric Grab Hold HP for 3 seconds, Release Teleport — D, U Fatalities ' Exploding Uppercut (Close) Hold HP for 5 seconds; Release HP Electrocution Explosion — (Close) Hold LK for 5 seconds, Release LK, tap Blk + LK repeatedly Stage - D, D, D, HP Babality — D, D, U, HK -Friendship - D, A, T, HK Animality = D, T, D, HK Brutality — HP, HP, LK, LK, LK, HK, LP, LP, LP, Blk, Blk Combos Electro Shock - HP, HP, LP, T + HP г Quick Annihilate - HK, HK, LK, A + HK Superman Combo - HP, HP, LP, LP, Jump Kick, Superman Shocker — Reverse Lightning, HP, HP, LP, LP, Jump Kick, Superman CLASSIC RAYDEN Moves Lightning Blast — D, T + LP Superman - A, A, T Teleport — D, U Fatalities Electrocution — (Close) T, A, A, A + HP Brutality — HP, HP, HP, HP. Blk, НК, HK, LP. HP, HP. HP Combos History Lesson — HK, HK, A + HK The Pounder - HP D + LP D LP. D - LP REPTILE Moves Acid Spit - T, T + HP Fast Forceball — T, T, HP + LP Slow Forceball — A, A, HP + LP Elbow Dash - A, T + LK Slide - A+ LP, A + LK + LK Invisibility — UP, UP, D + HK Fatalities Body Snack - (Sweep) A, A, D, Вк Acid Meltdown — (Sweep) T, T, U, U, HK Stage - Rn, Blk, Rn, Blk, Вік Animality (Chimpanzee) — D, D, D, U, HK Babality — T, T, A, D, LK Friendship - D, T, T, A, HK Brutality — HP, BIk, HK, HK, Blk, HP, LP, LK, LK, Blk, HP ! s т PUSH START ит: 00. SCORPIO Ситна т 97 m Combos Mega Lizard Lash — HP, HP, HK, A + HK Reptilian Massacre — HP, HP, D + LP, Fast Forceball, HP, HP, Elbow Dash, Uppercut SCORPION Moves Spear — A, A+ LP... Teleport Punch - D, A + НР 8 Forward Teleport Punch - D, T + HP Air Throw - Blk in air Fatalities Hand From Hell Fatal — (Sweep) T, T, T, T, A, LP Toasty - (Sweep) D, D, D, UP, HK Stage - T, T, UP, UP, LP Animality (Penguin) — (Close) T, UP, K Babality — D, A, A, T, HP Friendship — A, T, T, A, LK Brutality — HP, HP, ВК, HK, HK, LK, HK, НР:НР LP, HP Combos The Abuser — HP, HP, HK, A + HK The Human Harpoon - Deep Jump Kick, Teleport Punch, Reverse Teleport Punch, Spear, HK, HK, LK, LK SEKTOR Moves Missile — T, T + LP Two Missiles — A, A, T + LP Heat-Seeker Missile= T, D, A + HP Teleport Uppercut — T, T + LK (can be done in air) « Fatalities Compactor — (Sweep) LP, Rn, Rn, Blk Flame Thrower - (Far) T, T, Toward to Away, Blk Stage - Rn, Rn, Rn, D Animality (Bat) — (Close) T, T, D, U Babality — A, D, D, D, HK Friendship — (Outside Sweep) Rn, Rn, Rn, D Brutality — HP, HP, Blk, Blk, HK, HK, LK, LK, LP, LP, LP, HP, Blk Combos Cyber Attack — Jump Kick, Air Teleport, Walk in HP, Missile Bombs Away - HP, HP, D + LP, Walk in HP, Missile Master Blaster - HP, HP, HK, HK, A + HK SHANG TSUNG Moves Flaming Skull — А, A + HP 2 Flaming Skulls — A, A, T + HP 3 Flaming Skulls — A, A, T, T + HP Eruption — T, A, A + LK Morphs Shao Kahn - D, A, T HK Goro - A, A, A + LK Kintaro — Hold LP for 3-5 seconds, Release LP Classic Kano- Rotate controller pad counter clockwise Rayden - A, A, T + LK Baraka - D, D + LK Johnny Cage - A, A, D + LP Rain — Rn, Blk + LK Human Smoke - D, D, T, T LP MK? Jax - D, T, A + HK MK1 Rayden - A, A, T + Rn Noob Saibot - T, T, D, A + HK MK2 Kung Lao - A, D, A HK Motaro - T, D, A + HP Cyborg Smoke - T, T + LP Classic Sub-Zero — Blk, Blk, Rn, Rn Cyrax — Blk, Blk, ВІК Ermac - D, D, U Jade - T, T, D, D + Blk Jax - T, T, D + LP Kabal = EP, Blk,.HK Kano - A, T + Blk Kitana — T, D, T + Rn Kung Lao - Rn, Rn, Blk, Rn Liu Kang - T, D, A, U, T PUSH START. WINS: 00 ч кеме” (% 777771 Mileena - Rn, Blk, НК Nightwolf — U, U, U Reptile — Rn, Blk, Blk, HK Sektor — D, T, A+ Rn Scorpion - D, D, T + LP Sheeva - T, D, T, LK, LK Sindel — A, D, A + LK Sonya - D+ Rn + LP. + Blk Stryker — T, T, T + HK Sub-Zero - T, D, T + HP Fatalities Bed O' Nails — (Close) Hold LP, D, T, T, D, Release LP Soul Stealer — (Close) Hold ІР. Rin; Blk, Rn, Blk, Release LP Stage -U, U, А, LP . Animality (Cobra) — (Sweep) Hold HP, Rn, Rn, Rn, release HP Babality — Rn, Rn, Rn, LK Friendship — LK, Rn, Rn, D Brutality — HP, Blk, Blk, Blk, LK, HP, LP, LP, Blk, Blk, ВІК Combos Soul Master — HK, HK, A + HK Flying Cobra - LK, HP, HP, LP, A + HK SHAO KAHN Moves Grab & Punch - T, T + HP Hammer - A, T + HP Fireball - A, A, T + LP Shadow Charge - D, T + LP Shadow Knee - D, T + HP Laugh - D, D + HK Taunt - D, D + LK SHEEVA Moves Fireball — D, T, HP Teleport Stomp - D, U Ground Stomp - A, D, A, HK Fatalities Ground Pound - (Close) T, Skinner — (Close) Hold HK, release HK Stage - D, T, D, T, LP Animality (Scorpion) — (Close) RN, BLK, BLK, BLK, BLK Babality — D, D, D, A, HK Friendship - T, T, D, T, HP Brutality — HP, LP, Blk, LK, HK, Blk, HK, LK, Blk, LP, HP iw) DT; EP «T, > Combos Four Arm Assault — HP, HP, LP, T + HP, Walk in HP, HP, Fireball Beastly Combo - HP, HP, LP, HK, HK, LK, A + HK SINDEL Moves Fireball — T, T + LP Two Fireballs — A, A, T LP Air Fireball — D, T + LK in air Shriek Wave - T, T, T HP. ; Levitate - A, A, T+ HK press Blk ` to land Fatalities Death Shriek — Rn, Blk Hair Spin - (Sweep) Rn, Rn, Blk, Rn, ВК Stage - D, D, D, LP Animality — T, T, U, HP Babality (Wasp) — Rn, Rn, Rn, U Friendship — Rn, Rn, Rn, Rn, Rn, U Brutality — HP, Blk, LK, BIk, LK, HK, Blk, HK, LK, Blk, HK, LK, Blk, LP (Sweep) Rn, Blk, Blk, Combos Hair Buster — HK, HK, A + HK Swarm Attack - HK, HP. HP, LP, HK Necro Dance = HK, HP, HP, D + HP, Jump Kick, Air Fireball HUMAN SMOKE Moves Teleport — D, A + HP Spear - A, A + LP Air Throw – ВІК in air I N T POSH START WINS: 00 АХ раве. m Mou WINS: oo KORE, СЕК aw Fatalities Inside to Out — (Outside Sweep) T, T, A, Rn Uppercut Decapitation — Blk, Rn, Rn, HK Stage - T, U, U, LP Babality — D, A, A, T, HP Animality — (Half Screen) T, T, T, A, HK Friendship - D, Т, T, T, Rn Brutality — HP, LK, LK, HK, Blk, Blk, LP, LP, HP, HP, BIk (Close) Rn, Combos Chest Pump — HP, HP, U + LP Smoking Death - HP, HP, HK, A + HK Destructor — HK, HK, LK, A + HK Smog Assault — LK, LP, Jump Kick, Air Teleport, Spear Total Destruction — LK, D + LP, D + HP, Jump Kick, Teleport, Spear SONYA Moves Ring Toss - D, T + LP Leg Grab - D + LP + Вік Square Wave Punch - T, A + HP Upward Bicycle Kick — A, A, D + HK Fatalities Kiss of Death — (Anywhere) A, T, D, D, Rn Purple Bubble — (Full Screen) Hold Rn * BIK U, U, A, D Stage - T, T, D, HP Animality (Hawk) — (Close) Hold LP, A, T, D, T, release LP Babality — D, D, T, LK Friendship — A, T, A, D, Rn Brutality — HP, LK, Blk, HP, LK, Blk, НР LP, ВІК, HK, LK Combos Heel Buster — HK, HK, A + HK Blonde Fury — HP, HP, U + LP, Jump Kick, Leg Grab STRYKER Moves High Grenade - D, A + HP Two High Grenades - T, D, A + HP Low Grenade - D, A + LP. High Low Grenade - T, D, A LP. Nightstick Toss — T, T + HK Nightstick Trip — T, A+ LP Gun - A, T + HP Fatalities Bomb Strap = (Close) D, T, D, T, Blk Taser Gun = (Far) T, T, T, LK Stage - T, U, U, HK Animality (T-Rex) - Rn, Blk Babality — Rn, Rn, LK Friendship — LP, Rn, Rn, LP Brutality — HP, LP, HK, LK, HP, LP, LK, HK, HP, LK, LK (Sweep) Rn, Rn, Combo Nuclear Assault. LK, HP, LP, Gun Run in HP, НР, Nightstick Toss SUB-ZERO Moves Freeze - D, T, LP Ice Shower - D, T, HP. Ice Clone — D, A, LP can be done in air Slide — A + LP + Blk + LK Fatalities: Body. Breaker - (Close) Blk, Blk, Rn, Bik, Rn Ice Breath — (Sweep) A, A, D, A, Rn Stage - A, D, T, T, HK Animality (Polar Bear) — (Close) T, U, U Babality — D, B, A, HK Friendship - LK, RN, RN, U Brutality — HP, LK, HK, LP, HP, HK, HK, HK, HP, LP, HP Combo Winter Wonder Attack — HP, HP, LP, LK, HK, A HK тер тег. сот TR Л Sues | Cool Menu - At the file screen : press A, Up, Right, Down, Left, A, Left, Down, Right, Up, | the Level Select. : See All FMV - At the Level Select "Screen (through the Cool Menu) +. hold down ІШ and press Start to : see all the zany Spot flicks. activated. While in game, pause your chances to fifty. the Customize Player Menu. Í player i in your space. . i Move Cup Position — During the г “дате, go to Options and high- light the Function icon. Select : -i Time and change the clock to ~ i 35:14:38 and press А + Ф: ^. ji Мом move the cup. to where ^w. ` you desire. ` i Move the Ball - During the. game, —Ç | _ go to the Options and highlight : i {һе Function icon. Select Time : t. and change the clock to : 06:19:56 and press А + X. : Now move the ball to where i umi. you desire. | Change Wind Direction — „бш i the game, go to the Options : and highlight the Function icon elect Time and change th and A. Entering this will unlock p 50 Lives - This code only works i i. and hit the Ш button to raise į - "Virtua Gap Boy 97” : Minneapolis, ММ: - Choose Bob Taylor as your. : golfer and start a game. At the : "Now Loading' screen press : i Left, Up, Right, Down, R1. The : . game will start with a metallic > i Grobda | x x : : Stage Select - To access a чай : : select, go to the Grobda Title : ... Screen and press and hold L1, ` L2, Ri, and R2. Now, press : : Start. If entered correctly, a secret. : ..$creen will appear revealing a í clock to 12: 34: 56 and press À +: | .gameintormer.com Descent — Р = Funky Colors = During gameplay, : : don't pause and press this combo: : B, A, O, B, E, A, ©, ©, А, ; M, x, A, *, BM, A. Кор: + entering this code to observe a true. : : showing of brilliant Crayola color : : amusement. “The Star Wars Disco Guy" Fargo, ND anon f i New Camera Angles — Go to the Homerun Derby and after the i ball is smacked though the air, press the Right Button to : change the view on the fly. Not : too exciting, but it does add : some action to baseball that : | i doesn’t involve а feathered T ` mascot. : т; chier - Enter В. Masel at : ` Here's an ү Poor thot of you : i who purchased Rise 2 - hidden : characters! Enter all three of these : -i_at the Character Select screen. i Assault - Right, Up, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Up ; Mayhem - Left, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Down : Vitriol — Left, Left, Left, Up, Up, | . Down, Left, Left, Down, Down... Matt Modine | Chicago, IL : ii: аа Select. David Duncan | Denver, СО : “Ме Ç“ Fm : і Final “Room “Code - At ‘the гау Í : Access Chameleon - Choose any : : male ninja and hold down these : : buttons until the match Starts: Left, What to do in the Final Room = : | Password Screen enter in this code to go to the final room: AAAABLFJSIMON. Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, Up, Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Right, Down, Fire, Right, Up, Down, Fire, Down, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire : Alternate Ending іп the Final Room- "m. Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Right, Down, Fire, Right, Up, Down, Fire, Down, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire Jimmy "The Goober’ Garrity Lanham, MD : . j Stage Select - Highlight Sonya ; One Million Dollar Code - Enter either a new or saved game and : highlight the City Info icon. Enter this menu and access the : Budget icon. Once the Budget menu appears press and hold : R1. Now, while holding R1, press Ж, Ф, A, Ill, and release R1. Now, press and hold L1. While holding L1, press 3€, Ф, A, Ш, and release L1. Now, press and hold R2, and hit 3€, ©, A, E, release R2. Finally, 2 press and hold L2, and hit Ж, Ф, A, E, release L2. Once entered, the town will scream for joy over : your accomplishment. : Slot Machine - First; enter a new game and build a marina next to your basin of water. Now, go toi the Budget icon and turn on the Legalize Gambling option under the City Ordinance Menu. Finally, : leave the menu and return to the : meat of the game and locate the : sail boat. Place your cursor on : the tiny boat and press the Left : Button. Doing this will bring up a : slot machine on your screen. worth the effort. Use the C Button to stop each i column. The winnings. are wel i T he VidMan” i | Uptown, MAIS R1, R2, A, Ш. : Open the ? - Enter the Options | : menu and hold Up, R1, R2, L1, L2 : until the screen shakes. Inside are : one hit Fatalities (buttons. listed : : below). E i One Hit Fatality Legend = Fatality 1 — HK Fatality 2 — LK Animality – R2 orL2 ` Babality — LP | Friendship — R1 or L1 Brutality — HP ~ and press Up and Start. : Random Select - At the Character · Select screen press Up and Start. : Play As Classic Characters - : Highlight any character from : МК? and hit select. : "The GI Staff” : Eden Prairie, MN : Enter these codes at the tile 7 : screen. Space FMV - SPACEAAA Egypt FMV - EGYPTAAA Military FMV - ARMYAAAA Secret FMV - MAZEAAAA “Johnny Totin' Red Shoe” : Houston, TX : Hidden 274 — At the Game : Select Menu press L1 or R1 оп : any or all of the games featured. : If you enter the designated code: for the game while still on the : game's icon you'll be warped tọ : either a special sneak peek : movie or codes for the game. : The secret previews even : include a special clip of ID4 for : the PS- X. шы cool _ i John Hanold = pnan Woods, IL i Game Into m January Өг ; PC Stuff - i QuickBrake- — . с To stop immediately Dress the Li i. and R Buttons simultaneously. | "à —. Timothy Zahn ! Jerrid, NH : ‘King of Fighters `85 — { PlayStation : Unlock the Secret Characters - At the Character Select Screen : : in Team Battle Mode press and : hold Start. Then, while still i holding Start press Up and Ф, ° . Right and MI, Left and ж, and ; Down and А to unlock these : deadly fighters. | Todo Mortelli азевазейвве Bronx, NY x Tomb Raider — PlayStation Kelly Laurie i Weapon Cheat - Enter the : «Р Inventory Screen and hit: L1, А, : i R2, L2, L2, R2, @, L1 to bring up : i all the weapons and infinite ammo. 299950 € hopenaseene * Ellsworth, WI : i Mortal Kombat Trilogy- N64. : ; The "Mor Kombat Kode” — At the Titlé Screen press C : button-up arrow, C button- | right arrow, С button-down ; arrow, ient Button, Left Button. Brian Hawley i Kenosha, WI 1 Madden NFL "97 — Saturn i Secret Teams - Go to the Team i Selection prompt and hold Z and : i press X to select a random team: : i Do this over and over again, and : i some hidden teams will appear. : i “The Rhino” : Toledo, ОН : NIGHTS — Saturn game and simultaneously press the L Button, the R Button and Y. Interestingly enough, there are several pictures packed into this game that can be used on the PC. Pop the NiGHTS disc into your CD-ROM and bring up the NiGHTS of gameplay and still.. | `. game Informer a January ‘97 i Mess With the Sound - Pause the : sere i. “EXTRA” directory. Inside this | i | there are two other files, “16M” : i | and “256”. Open these and ! i | check out the NiGHTS pictures : і i Mission Complete – i i Select, L2, Select, R2, А, A, ! SECRETS MILLER CODES ; Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 — | ~ Genesis i Cheats, Secrets, and Killer Codes – : Go to the Main Menu and press : A, C, Up, B, Up, B, A, Down. : These menus contain everything : from hidden characters to а : i i Select, and Start until the title : Screen appears. You'll know this : code worked because the game : } will load twice as long. From this : i point on all of the vehicles should £ i be changed to wacky animals." — : Kelly Laurie : Ellsworth, WI. continue toggle. Brett, The Wicked Gamer i Simpsonville, SC : Killer Instinct Gold — Nintendo 64 : Gold Characters — Here's a little : cheat that Nintendo threw our : way the last time they were in : town. To access the hidden color : (Gold), first set the game to the : (the hardest : now finish all five : techniques in the Training Mode. : with at least B's іп every category. : i. After this is accomplished, enter į i һе Arcade Mode and choose ће : same character you used in the : Training Mode and scroll to the : taining Mode and stro ° | Track Cheat - Hold down Select, L1 and R1 at the Title Screen | : Level 15 - Expert level difficulty), new color (Gold). Madden NFL '97 — SNES EA Team - At the Team Select i Menu, highlight the Carolina : Panthers and hit Left, A, Right, i Infinite Energy - Hold down i Right, Y to access the EA : . Select, L1 and R1 while the: Sports Team. Black Dawn » PlayStation Enter all codes while the game ‘infinite Time — Hold down Select, L1 and R1 while the game is : is paused: 9” : Max Fuel and Armor - Select, L2, : Select, R2, A, A, A, @ : Max Weapons - Select, L2, : Select, R2, L1, L2, R1, R2 Summon Wingman - Select, L2, : Select, R2, Bi, W, E, Ф + Cycle Gun Modes - : Select, L2, Select, R2, Select, : ' PO : Master Code - At the Password : і Screen Shot Mode - Select, L2, | Select, Select ~ Select, R2, Down, R1, R2 ` A, Down, Down, Down : Upgrade Current Weapon - : Select, L2, Select, R2, L1, L1, R1, R1 “The GI Staff” : Eden Prairie, MN: : ; : i Mini Gun - Hold down Select, L1 : ; Level 16 - Topher : Xband Game Network : WipEout XL — PlayStation i Fly as a Creature - To man the : helm of a pig, snail, bee, alien, ora : shark (w/Piranha) enter this code : carefully. When the game is loading : (the two intro PlayStation screens) : : Level4- hold down these buttons: L1, R2, WipEout XL — PlayStation Piranha Ship — Hold down Select, L1 and R1 at the Title Screen : i Level 11 - menu and pes s. x x %, Ө, А Шш Phantom Class - Hold down : Select, L1 and R1 at the Title i : Level 13- ` Screen menu and press А, A, А, ©, 6, Ө menu and press Ш, Ф, A, ©, š and R1 while the game is paused and press Ш, Ф, %, И, ө x. À game is paused and press A, x= e A x. E © game is paused and press %, x m ue о А paused and press A, ІШ, e. *, A, ü Я: { “The Rhino” ` Toledo, OH i WipEout XL — PlayStation Screen enter B, Ф, Ш, A, Ф, A, *, B, X, X, E, ©, A E to on all tracks, and all the hidden tracks. - Kevin Jr. 14 4 AOLville, COM i The Myentures of Lomax — : PlayStation Enter all these codes af the i Password screen. Level 3 - y ШШИШАХШО A A,@,8, A, д 1 ох Level 5 - x ©, x A, X, Bi, ©, * Level 6 - 2 B, *, A, ©, © Ө е, x : Level 7 - x 4.0006 0% Level 8 - A, A, M, 6, Ө ШӨ X : Level9- *xexexxex _ i Level 10 - A, Bi, A, B, X, X, ° * e, m, o, m x, х, e, x Level 12 - ДИН ВАКА | хххиххен i Level 14 - WA 9x АШ @ A B XX, A MX А, A, %, %, %, A, E, x H Level 17 - Ex А АШ АШ x Level 18 - x, x, ©, A, B, A, m, х | : Level 19- Infinite Weapons - Hold down i Select, L1 апа R1 while the : А *, Bi, A, B, Aa = * Level 20 - x e, x, x, А,Ш АШ % : Level 21- EEA CORA EX Level 22 - x xú © O E A Ex -Steven Holtzer McGregor Range, ММ! ; PilotWings 64 - Nintendo 64 : i Mario Face Lift — This may not be | a special code, but it certainly is fun ; : to use. Get to class B with the Gyro : ` i Copter and fly up to Mt. Rushmore. : unlock the Piranha ship, golds : MOWKERSUSAS902205205922599202922239221294229940939929904 900096959996 99 9 BARS AR492OR PROP OAP OA Shoot Mario in the nose or in the : i eyes and he'll magically turn into ! i his evil nemesis - Майо. i Ipswich, MA ` = аа 9 Ç -Aways Have z -. 80111246 0101 Always Have Missiles — ` - 80111246 0202 u i Infinite Cash - 80103884 FF i Level Up - 801149Е0 FFFF — | ; Level Up (Annie) - / Jm To access these codes you'll first have to unlock the Easter Egg menu. To do this, press L1, R1, L2, R2 at the Title Screen. ! Large Players - "Giants" Tiny Players - "Midgets" Large GB Players — "Big GB" Kicks Are Longer - “Big Foot Kicks Are Shorter - "Little Foot" QB Throws Farther - “Big Arm" QB Throws Shorter - "Little Arm" QB Monster Throws - "Cannon" Catch Better — "Hands" Faster Speed Bursts - "Flash" Runners Turn Better - “Jukes” i Infinite Health — 800997B6 0164 . a 22 800997DA 0064 t Infinite Ammo — 800997DC 6464 ` Always Have Mines – : 80114A78 FFFF і. 800997DE 0064 | More Interceptions - “Interceptions” 801112460303 } Level Up (Percy) - ; Green Key - 8005BDAO 0001 More Fumbles - “Fumbles” Always Have Electro Bolt - ; 80114800 FFFF | ; Orange Key – 8005BDAO 0001 Better Tackling — “Tackles” . 80111246 0505 i Level Up (Samson) - i Harder Hits — “Rock Em" Always Have E-Pak - i 80114B88FFFF | 72 Casper — PlayStation Make АІІ Players Healthy - 80111246 0606 i Level Up (Edward) — | i Infinite Health — 8007F01C 0064 "Healthy" Always Have Autopilot — : 80114098 FFFF i — 8007F02C 0064 Better Blocking - "Blocking Up" 80111246 0707 ~ PER ey - 8007EA28 0001 — Worse Blocking — “Blocking Down" в 0909 ^ __ Final Doom = PlayStation £ Iron Key- 8007EA2C 0001 Weaker sv ie. CR Always Have Quake Disruptor- į Full Map - 800AB34C 0001 “Swim Down" =- 80111246 0С0С ; Rapid Fire - 800AB3F8 0001 More Flip Hits — "Circus Flip" Always Have Thunder Bomb- + Shotgun – 800AB388 0001 Very Windy — "Tornado" 80111246 0E0E ~ į Infinite Shotgun Shells - (Wind Option Must Be On) Always Have Gatling Gun - i _800АВЗА8 03E7 - Heavy Rain - “Hurricanes” 80111246 OFOF ; Super Shotgun — 800AB38C 0001 (Rain Option Must Be On) | Always Have Shield - ` } Rocket Launcher — i Heavy Snow - "Blizzard" 80111246 0808 - : 800AB3940001 i (Snow Option Must Be On) Always Have Right Side- Mounted : Infinite Rockets - 800AB3B0 03E7 : і 2,4 Copper Team Color - “Copper” .| Rockets - 80111246 0A0A . : P o» i ка "s › | | Silver Team Color - “Silver” — и“ U + x: : WI | Gold Team Color - “Gold” a e à Platinum Team Color - "Platinum" King of Fighters '95 — hree Dirty Dwarves — | Computer is Slow - "Slow CPU” PlayStation p Saturn Change Team Ranking - "Politics" Infinite Health – 8008B454 00CF Í Master Code (Must Be Entered) | Floating Ball — "Helium j S00BCFAO 00CF Í F6000914 C305 / 11 Tight Coverage - Tight Cover’ x B6002800 0000 Worse Coverage - “Loose Cover ^^ Mien A: Saturn, (ашо. Mapper – 1606CE26 0084 ` i Infinite Shotgun Shells — i 1606CE32 0028 Shotgun — 1605AAFE 003C | Infinite Batteries – 1606CE442 0001 ~ | Infinite Charges - 1606CE40 0002 Acid Vest — 1606CE2A 0064 Pulse Rifle - 1605AB02 0001 _ Pulse Rifle Ammo - - 1606CE34 0040 Infinite Grenades — ` 1606CE38 0005 www.gameinformer.com _ V don More Injuries — "Injuries Up" ; Infinite Skills - 1604B85E 0007 Bigger Ref — “Big Ref — : FC | Tougher Computer - "Angry CPU” | 1 Master Code (Must Ве Entered) - : .. — i U L | “ром Сов 7 „айе To Black- PlayStation“ os prt - Safin ү ` B6002800 0000 : Infinite Health - 801C0330 0700 Strong Оер “Jack T” i ` F6000914 C305 : — B60028000000 — За ч dos ‘World Series Baseball 2 T d IE н P he төзе айел! the Easter 27 Saturn —i 4609D6E8 0090 fare w ti ; Master Code (Must Be Entered) - i Infinite Health Player 2 — Wed уа : F6000914 C305 i" 160A09E4 0090 OSU AII Stars B6002800 0000. i _ 160AA7EA 0090 Mich All Stars i Home Team Wins — ј i Мо Health Player 2 — Neb All Stars. 160Е419А 0032 x j 160А09Е4 0000 EMU All Stars way Team Wins — 160ААТЕА 0000 160F41BA 0032 =. x ` “The Rhino” Í Toledo, OH Game Informer January ry | Cool Stuff and Dirty Tricks - 4. _ Los Angeles: Quake Zone Rumble ` Launch your rockets at the ‘Hollywood sign to make it blow up. Moscow: Suicide Slide | Н 27 Detonating a remote bomb on £ i | one of the ramps will blow up. : i | most of the central structure. į eveal а blue sign with 1 Moto code. dn last | oF “Бе close to the center of the i bowl. This was wrong. You сап: i | De on the edge of the bowl or on. : i. the inside of it, Just make sure. ; . сіу is a great place for dirty : tricks. Stack your car with lots of : ` use ` of there. The next car to ree гор will get hit by the bomb and : he Secondary explosion of the . Eiffel tower going down. i safe vantage point. : Car Tricks: е | i - words but he doesn't have any. i French have built. Launch : i rockets at the Statue of Liberty | : апа watch her torch light up. : Launch a couple more rockets : апа she lets her hair down a + i Ме. More rockets will finish the : i job if you find bikinis on over- į i weight statues distasteful. There + i isa spot that has a level witha : i | ramp leading to a level directly : мій phantom rockets. : above it. Get yourself parked оп : Shadow: | Remember : | the upper level (you should be : —Ç facing. the Statue of Liberty if : : . youre in the right spot) and : : launch ‘ricochet bombs а enemies as they come up the : ramp. Laugh heartily as they : i plummet to their doom. Í i Antarctica: The Drop Zone i Drive through the trench to y? i Spectre: It's easy to forget that | your rocket goes through walls. Use your radar to keep large send up and down ramps from ; can't touch you. the i. on your opponents. ма and aim justa little. left of the : _ pad. Pound enemies with bombs į x until и knocked off o of the i a ? permanently. : says this in the manual, ep in mind that the sh The аре іп the center of the i ricochet bombs, remote bombs, ; and lightning. Teleport up to the : second level, drop a remote : : — bomb and use your afterburners : М - toget across to the ledge. When i enemy cars enter the building, i lightning and ricochet : bombs to do damage from a : i Sweet Tooth: To play as Sweet | Tooth enter Up, ІЛ, A, Right. :. - Wed love to give you his pass- : Axel: Use your. shockwave attack : to blast enemies into the air and i freeze them. Now rush in for the i buildings between you and your į opponents while you pelt them į that : Shadows attack hugs the : ground. It's a great weapon to : places where your enemies i Twister: While Twisters attack is £ . pretty cool when you come : across a packed cluster of i 1 „enemies, she is not immune to > L . collision damage while using it. : i Make sure you use the force : field before you use the tornado : Mr Slam: Its a front end loader i . right? 50 do your job and front і end load! Grab undesirables, : || апа while slamming them : : repeatedly, move to the edge of : “а building or glacier to finish the x + 1 Level 3 - ЖА ӨШШӨ Level4- ХФФАӨ Level 5 - @A%@ E i = Level 6 - X EO A Level 8 - ӨШИӨФӨХА Dark Tooth - X ШШ i Shadow i Level2- AA Level 3 - че АХ Level 4 - X AXBO*X _ Level5-% XO Level 6 - @%@@x@ Level 7-@ AMAR Level 8- е A Ex Dark Tooth- ФА АӨ Г Axel Level2- ФАШ А Level3- ААШӨӨ_ Level4- AIMS | Level 5 - 440 Level 6 - @%@A@@ ` Level 7 - АХӨХХӨ : еме! 8 - ANAB B Dark Tooth- Ш Шлеж i Outlaw 2 Level2- е A Level 3 - AAXOA Level 4 - АШШША _ Level 5- 08444 _ : .. Level 6- X AOXA Level 7 - XN д. Level 8- AXEXx* Dark Tooth - ех A. Roadkill : — Level2- OX ABB evel3-A A Ф evel 4 - XXX А ONA Level 5-0. и : Level 6- жихе Level 7 - . AN Level 8 - ААШАФА awsan sans sene: les do more damage from ; Jet Moto Track - To access the | hidden swamp track (heisted } Straight out of Jet Moto) press : Up, Down, Right, and R1 atthe : level select screen for two- : player challenge mode. (Note: ! Both this code and the code for į playing Sweet Tooth are hidden ! in Moscow and in New York.) pe wai ` Levi4-A хе i ' | Level 5- ААХАХХ 4. ‚ г Level6-AXAOXBM 32 (More TM2 Codes on Page 62.) | Level7- Amuxm_ i Grasshopper : Levl8-GAG0NNHA .J Level2- А%@_ DarkTooth-eee Ax Level 7 - ААХШФА . pan Tooth - A@X AEX Level 4- АШИХШӨ Level 5 - X AXOX Level6-@ ҰЖАЕ(Е = Level 7--%% © .Level8 - дз. Dark Tooth - XN NAOG . : Hammerhead ¦ Level 2-_ ANN : Level 3- ЖАШХА : Mr. siam «Й Level 2 - XXANX- Levei3- X exm p" Level 4- ФАШ NX — Level 5 - AX ORB Ф Level6- А АФАА Level7- е Ф. Іеуеі8-Ш A A - Dark Tooth - 8 ША | Thumper : Level2-@ AX Level 3 - XNNOG0A . Level 4d-AXO B. 3X Level 5- ХХААХА | Level6-AAM — — Level 7 - XAX NA / Level8-A MA ` Dark Tooth - A | müxe | Spectre : Level2- ФАХХА Level 3-_АШӨӨХ Level 4- @X ABA X Level 5- X@xxA ` Level6-% ӨА Level7-A ШШ x Level 8- XAXAON AM : Dark Tooth - «ӨФӨ A Ped : Mr. Grimm i Level2- ддхко Leve|3- ФХАФАХ . Level 4- XA AA | Level5-A exe . Level 6 - ФАХАХ- -Level 7 - ХХА ӨХ Level8- ќелии ү} i Dark Tooth - ACOA i Warthog |. Levl2-A АШ Қ( Level 3- АШШШХИ . Level 4 - ome _ ү, OPERATION: c HUNT А Hey GI readers, how would you like to become our ally? Send in your tation u Plays codes for the games listed below and Invincibility (Die Hard 2) - All you i help out a fellow reader in a scrape, or ave to do is pause the game and : í you're stuck on a game, send us a : S R2, €, Down, Down, m %, | letter requesting codes and we wil Í : Mi lf entered correctly, immortality : help you access the secrets right here Die Hard Trilogy - : Fight Pepsi Mar i do is allow yo | : defeated with a perfect. Pepsi ; will be your reward. u Ё. in Secret Access. i Man wil enter the arena and : PEROLA © Nintendo64 ..... CrnisnUSA : _ "The Rhino" È show you who the boss really is. : NO dax cum Killer Instinct Gold RO sess c а l ; Shadows of the Empire | оп ; Change Honey.to Candy - Hold : Phys | Bind AE * i | down Z while choosing Honey. : | Disru : plor No Armor Honey - Hold down X+ : | Jet Meio i Zwhile choosing Honey. і 1. : : Kings Field 2 | | Boss Code - After beating the : Soviet Strike Conquistador - QHWLUIKD. : Чате go баск to play again апа : |ы; ë; i Tomb Raider ~" шуы — BTVASQIS i. choose 5” game mode. by о ` Cn Ё Twisted He i рге$5їп ; зеде пау” - ZBNUQVAF { n 'As cam Man - First, beat : еда Game Play Assistance |: Sega Saturn .. .Fighting Vipers : : 900-200-7342 (SEGA) TE Mr. Bones the game on Very Hard. Then : : a ; : 5.85 рег minute for automated 4 Powerslave „ Scroll down to the Options and : “ssistance and $1.05 per : press Start. Enter this menu and : minute for live help. Sonic 3D Blast x | -. і you'll be greeted by several new : сапада 900-451-5252 Tomb Raider iia I. t options including pl і: B LL | Project Overkill - PlayStation r Vip іна ДА ` d [ US 25 per minute automated : Genesis Sonic 3D Blast Ent І of th des d : an ап p i NIntendog : Super NES .......... Lufia Il nter all of these codes during ; Secret Boss - Beat the game with : fame E es Donkey Kong Country 3 ( play. Switching to your fist i Pepsi Man to access È 900-288-0707 | won t waste ammo while omeo : — Kumachan. Beat the game with : 5.95 per minute + Game Boy Donkey Kong Land 2 Ж i ‚ Kumachan to access Kumachan i | Canada 900-451-4400 x o I Tomb Raider Health - Hold lll and press @, ж, 2 (a panda with a ball). ' d ^ .25 per minute : C&C: Red Alert ease Ш and hold Ф and : ` -i Nintendo's и X, A. і ^ ce PET : | Automated Power Line! 2: Send Secret Access Requests To: PR ; Kutsimonto, Japan : ` : ; mmo - Hold @ and press 8. : е } 9 ; Access & Allies “Release Ш and hold A and : d Metal 2 — PlayStation : Sor : Game Informer Magazine press Ж. Release А and hold e : Play as Minion - To access this T 900932 SONY(7669) E 10120 W. 76th Street nd press %. Release. @ and : long awaited vehicle press Lî, : | $.95 per minute : Eden Prairie, MN 55344 ‚ Up, Down, Left at the ca m CINCO : ` Select Screen. Í get your parent's permission. E-Mail: gionline @ winternet.com : Twisted Metal Rooftops - At the i; ^ — ха | : 2-Ріауег Track Select press : Down, Left, R1, Down to : i access this amazing level. i . i Twisted Metal Cyburbia = At the : : 2-Рауег ack Select press : end in your codes and passwords every issue, and if we print , Down, Up, L1, А1... ~. | Мет you'll be entered in the Game Informer /ASCIIWARE Secret Access hold % and press Ш. i Contest. The Grand Prize is a ASCIIWARE controller of your choice. . mystery car selection hit R1 at H : G ub "the Ca elect cae | PlayStation: Super NES: enesis: M ASCIIPad, ASCII Pad SN, ASCII Specialized Pad, Specialized ASCIIPad, Super Advantage, Fighter Stick 50-6, Specialized ASCIIStick Fighter Stick SN, Rhino Pad SG R2 : Saturn: Fighter Pad SN, ` Game Menu. Here are a few codes i ^ ASCII Saturn Stick, Rhino Pad SN ll ee d All runners-up will receive a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to complement their wardrobe. Send To: Secret Access Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E-Mail: gionline winternet.com Lb " I * Greener You have the POWER. In this contest you don't rely оп the luck-of-the draw. You determine if you win or not. You win by outscoring others in a game of skill. Can you solve the puzzle below? Then you have what it takes. It looks simple, but its only the start. Each of five more puzzles gets a little harder. But this time it's all up to you. Stay in to the end with the highest score and the gear is yours. With whatever options you want. Do you have what it takes? Then play to win! Computer Contest. Win a blazing fast computer with 200 Mhz Pentium, 16 meg. RAM, 2.3 Gig. HD, 8X CD-ROM, 17” monitor, Windows 95, modem and more! Video Game Contest. Play on the hi-tech cutting edge with this line-up: Sony Playstation; Sega Saturn; Virtual Boy; 3D0; and Nintendo 64! Get all five or trade the ones you don't want for CASH! Bonus options include: 33 inch monitor, $1,000 in games, cash, accessories and more! | | [=] | 9505 «zmJw«z PINCH BREAK Yes! Name Address ity State Zi D SEND CASH, М.0., OR CHECK TO: П The Ultimate ove 520,0002- L Gaming x Rig! IN PRIZES! B oic off Ш anms; c onu io ете”. зайка | Playstar Media Rig Contest. The Ultimate Gaming Environment, 40 inch monitor, 130 watt receiver w/ Dolby Digital Surround Sound, and all components shown. Win DSS Satellite Receiver as a BONUS OPTION! This rig will blow you away!! We're talkin’ GAMING HEAVEN! Directions. Fill in the Mystery Word Grid with words "n, across that spell out the Mystery Word down the side. Hint: use the Mystery Word Clue. In the future. There will be four more puzzles at $2.00 each and one tie- breaker at $1.00 which will be sent to you by mail. You will have 3 weeks to solve each puzzle. We don't know how many wi PA but typically 55% will have the highest score possible score to Phase І, 43% to Phase И, 36% to Phase ІІІ, and 32% to Phase IV. The tie-breaker determines the winner. If players are still tied they will split the value of the grand prize they are playing for. ENTER ME TODAY, HERE'S MY ENTRY FEE: C] ($3.00) Computer Contest Г1 ($3.00) Video Game Contest Г1 ($3.00) Media Rig Contest Г1 ($5.00) SPECIAL! Enter them all (SAVE $4.00) VIN ОМУ апо ў PANDEMONIUM, P.0. BOX 26247 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55426-0247 VOID WHERE PROHIBITED • ENTRY DEADLINE: POSTMARKED BY FEB. 15TH, 1997 “ ENTRY FEE MUST BE INCLUDED Only one entry per person. You must be under 30 years old to win. Employees of Pandemonium, Inc. and its suppliers are ineligible, Judges decisions are final. If judges are in error the sponsor's liability is limited to entry fees paid. Not responsible for lost or delayed mail. Open to residents of the U.S. and Canada. You can request Winners List and Official Rules by writing Pandemonium, Inc. 7204 Washington Ave. S., Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Merchandise names and models are trademarks of their respective companies who, along with this magazine, have no affiliation with this contest. @ 1996 Pandemonium, Inc. STOMP CRUSH SCORE H SLANT. MYSTERY WORD CLUE: WORLD RULERS HAVE IT AND IN THIS CONTEST YOU HAVE IT З VIDEOGAME stereo SUrround sound and built-in SUD woofer sound hyper-amplified wide DLIIL Samsur graphics open) E. electronics boutique and ebx4 funcoland (select locations), f осы moore іпғо dial J 85080 s o s d. m p е KONAMI, E of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. wes “One of the longest, toughest, most violent GameFan 12% Konami of America Inc. Project Overkill is a trademark of Konami Co. Ltd. PlayStation” and the PlayStation™ logos are tradem "Overkill is not only finely tuned and balanced, but a godsend for those fond of 40+ levels of blasting carnage." GameFan “А must for lovers of challenging, violent games." EGM "Hor rendered graphics, crazy transparencies, burnin’ music. Another fine Konami effort." GameFan "Overkill offers hours of blood-drenched fun, and there's plenty of replayability...hundreds of hidden areas." PS Extreme Made with) love’ Бу, Our goal is to preserve elassie video game magazines So that they аге not lost/permanently: People Interested in helping өшігіп any capacity; please visit us at retromags.com: No profitis made from these scans пог do we offer anything available from the publishers themselves: If: you come across anyone selling releases from this Site please do not support them апа do let Us know: Thank you!