October 1996

Vol. VI Issue 10 * #42

AOL@keyword: NOA




Introducing Super Mario" 64. A total revolution in more ways than one.





Kirby Siper Star Genesis

NHL Hockey ‘97, Sonic Blast 3D 44

Final Fantasy VII, Carnage Heart,

Breath of Fire III, Final Doom, Wipeout XL, Andretti Racing, Project Overkill, Samurai Shodown III, King of Fighters ‘95, Street Fighter Alpha 2,

Motor Toon Grand Prix, Contra:

Legacy of War

D 4



8 Cover Story: Таһа! Ма Just six months ago the world was shocked to hear that Square's first game for the PlayStation was going to be a fighting game, but it is now a reality. Tobal No.1, the first fight- ing game to feature a quest mode, is coming this November to your PlayStation and Game Informer has got the goods.

Special Preview of Final Fantasy УП

GI takes a special look at the next installment of ! Square's epic Final Fantasy series. While no official release date has been set for the

states, the game is definitely coming and

it's going to change everything you

ever thought about RPGs.


40 PlayStation 2. Saturn Soviet Strike, SESCH ai Madden NFL ‘97 AT A GLANCE

56 PlayStation PGA Tour ‘97, Mega Man 8, Rattlesnake Red, Spot Goes To Hollywood, Bushido Blade, Final Fantasy Tactics, Saga Frontier


Three Dirty Dwarves, World Series Baseball II, Virtua Fighter Kids, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Crimewave, Tomb Raider, Tetris Plus,


Alien Tril с 1 E M Major Damage, Pandemonium, Super Bomberman Game Boy Ҹ | Battlezone/Super Breakout, ty Tetris Attack


г 1 53 Gaming Like We've Never Gamed Before.

Game Informer РС GI reviews Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares and Robert E. Lee: Civil War General

Deir оде Еш as well as PC news from the Matrix.

GI readers from across the globe interact

with Game Informer. 54 Envelope Art New pictures and info on Virtua Fighter 3. You Can't Win If You Don't Enter 615 50

Monthly Envelope Art Contest.


Tips frorn our readers and the infamous Game Genie/Game Shark Swap Shop.

Updates on the Nintendo 64, Sega delays 64 Classic БІ Sonic Extreme, Spacetec announces БІ is visted by ghosts and codes of New SpaceOrb 3D controller for arcades past.

PlayStation, and tons-o-fun with Name That Game!, Trivia, Comics, and GI's Top Ten.

але Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-5392) s published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issus for 6998 by Званый Publications, 10120 West ТВ See en Prairie MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155, For subscriptions only (612) 945-8105. Second dass postage paid a! Hopkins, MN, and additonal maling ofices. SUBSCRIBERS /POSTMASTER: Send address Game rer Magazine, 10120 Wes 766 Sree, Bien Pane MN 5534-5728 Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and mus postage.

Sate contents copyright 1906 Game отта Magan A ls eere төгіс in wine or ta part иаа permission is probit Бата reris a Кайдай,

Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies,

Game Informer = October ‘96

^ ENERO Time


the highe tandarüis»o! SEGA.




SATURN ARE TRADEMARKS ӨЕ SEGA ENTERPRI ). ALL RIG GA 'GA Enterprises, LTD. 1996. English Translation © Working Designs 1896. Schwing! Fora deal


Gaming Like We've ПЕТЕР Gamed Before

irst off, I'd like to thank Paul and the irest of the iton-based Versiai ізӯа „fantastic game; staff for finishing up the last issue without а bil Of however, it will onl jard-core gaming geeks complaint. 1, as you heard, had to run off to Jal (myself included)--Two years ago, we would have never

to check out the latest software coming from the land of seen this game On our shores, and that is awesome. the rising sun. 27 Not only does а game like Carnage Heart open up The trip, sponsored by Sony, had us running aro! the console market to gamers who would have thought it Tokyo checking out the latest in PlayStation softw: ;childish and:silly before, but it makes it possible for from Sony to Square to Namco. The highlight of the trip, gamers ta grow with their system. Yeah, little Johnny of course, was Final Fantasy VII which could quite’ may likey MK3 as a\teenager, but when little Johnny. possibly be the greatest game I’ve ever seen. The becomes Jahn he wants to put a little more thought into graphics are amazing and the spell, animations Gaming. Has Sony. found the secret that will take st impossil le gaming to the next level, or are they just the first that's b lize the power of their machine and use it fing in new markets? Who knows... either way, it's

or Gaming and gamers everywhere.

Uess that's about all.I have to say for now; but check out the preview of Carnage Heart in to remind everybody to keep. in

are they woi Г are also bringin “big sellers,” but example, Carnage.

Wait you Бе my aiios e my alien? Wit j 1 think Nel | Wilh the

“I've been overwhelm isin ara al

these great looking p that's one of the. best looking RPGs (FFVII), racers XL), fighters (Star Gladiator and Tobal) I've ever seen. | hate to pick a Side but it looks like the PlayStation is going to win the holiday season if Nintendo and Sega don't start cranking ош some killer titles fast. Carnage Heart and Master of Orion II have made this a great month for brain Sas well. Remember, geeks are cool. That article in last month's issue proves it"

through with Sonic X-treme. | was so looking forw.

three-way mascot battle this fall (Mario cud kick EE s the other-two are just. animals). My Continuing quest for baseball games is almost over just as the season begins to close. I'm going to have to declare Triple Play the winner poty о, as Шарап! лай has ee materialize. Some

games on their way to ‘some Star Wars action next month" ы A

“Undoubtedly, I'm a little bummed that Sega didn't come

Erik, The PC Jedi

- ЕСТІ Ge) The Game Professor lowdown on from Japan ang v

i es E

games wil play CSN games. ps ШП with the "| kick butt! At the Sega Gamers Day |

Shark, and the US Satums with member, Japanese ed to beat t Bowl

techni 15. PlayStatio with the Satu managed to beat everyone at Bowling, ие. Don't be атай} of. Dies on use the dr. Game Q-Zar, and my table even solved the murder ^ a гоо Grand Prix, To oba) panes les and Bt mystery. Now I've got a Saturn and all | do

d lomberman," * Bushido Blade, Final Fantasy is ers pnd Virtua Cop. Also, if you E get a chance, make sure you go out and

X play. Ce? new. shooter Gunblade. It's The Great, TOR, awesome!”

te Greedy Gamer E The Arcade Alchemist

4 г Game Informer

October Issue 1996 ‘Volume Vi: Number 10 * Issue #42

Richard A. Cihak Publisher ‘Andrew McNamara Editor

Paul Anderson. Senior Associate Editor Anden “Drew” Reiner Erik Reppen Jon Storm ‘Associate Editors Thomas Blustin Art Director Graphic Design Timothy J. Laurie Production Director Graphic Design Curtis Fung Production Assistant

Graphic Design Ryan MacDonald West Coast Corespondent:

Sarah Anderson Gia Garbinsky Copy Editors

Terrie Maley Circulation / Marketing (612) 946-7274

Advertising Sales Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director 10120 W. 7éth Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 (612) 946-8159 Fax (612) 946-8155

Tony Sureau West Coast Advertsing Sales 11531 197th Southeast Snohomish, WA 98290 (560) 668-7978 7 Fax (360) 668-9350 / Manufactured and printed Яя the United States of America сай бта Magazine (554 167442 6. blond meni aa обес рот price o! $12.8 ри уе. e vit omes Kt $9.98 by Sunrise Publeations, 10120 West төй Sreet, Eden rae MN S8344 (12 $46 7206 or FAX (B12) ESSE. sek postage pad at Papi, MN, rd orl ing fies. SUBSCHIBERSPOSTMASTER: Sen к cans lo nome Magazine, 10120 Wes 76 Se, Een Par, MN S504 3728 Frog о Canin der met te pays o US dt and mat поме Sor

10120 West 76h Stet Eden Paro, MN 55344

Tüpubscalon ol he adortsement п any subsequent sue


Audit Bureau of Circulation Membership Applied For 12/95


1 el г). res ®) Wisden vill E


‘or the last five years have owned а Seg: Genesis. І enjoy some spi and racing games, but wl

difficult to find because it the only game with Sprint

Show on Dirt.” With all th media coverage, I'm sure they would be behind a video game programmer 100%! For the sake of Sprint Car fans everywhere, let these programmers hear your voice. We T want a video game. If it were along the lines of Nascar on PC then it would certainly у" n sell, especially if it were on the Sega Saturn or »

upgradeable CPU's and RAM? I know

Sony PlayStation. If | were a programmer, I would be rich. that if it was as good as the other units, | would

Lester Meissner һауе a tendency to také a closer look at the "AWorld of Outlaws Fan" upgradeable one as opposed to the others. Columbia Heights, ММ | Question #2 - How did Game Informer come about? How did it start? How would someone like myself.

get started in creating my own magazine? I'm sixteen years old and I have access to the web, as well as PC resources at home and at school. ` ^ Steve "The Great American Headbanging Vid Wiz" Sposato Barnegat, NJ Question #1 - Steve, the idea of upgradeable console machines has been running around the minds of video game companies since the days of Intellivision and Coleco. Both these companies actually created computer upgrades for their console machines, but they both failed miserably. The first problem withthe theory is that, like поте > computers, you run | problem -of compatibility. There's nothing worst than buying a new game that doesn't work because this driver or | that monitor isn't compatible with your software. Secondly, consumers get confused because this Intellivision game will work оп, eir machine while this one will not. Finally, when an upgrade is added to a unit, outside of its original design, the

Sorry Lester, but you're going to be disappointed once again. The new Andretti Racing for PlayStation has arrived and there are no sprint cars. at all! We found ourselves asking the same question. Perhaps Sprint Cars are not as popular as you would think, or maybe they are too limited since they race strictly on ovals. In any event, they would have been a nice touch. Here's an idea - make Sprint Cars a hidden bonus game!!! We took these questions to EA, and they informed us that the reason there are no Sprint Cars in Andretti, Racing is because their project is ambitious enough for now. In the interest of time, they couldn't include Sprint Cars, but they are considering them for next year.

Indeed, racing is the fastest growing sport in America, and Andretti racing is an awesome game. With this loyal following, there must be a considerable market for a Sprint Car game.

í magazine that will bring

truth, justice, and codes to |

video gamers across the

i there folks! Its me again, Steve оо тш ries

Sposato, “The Great American Headbanging Vid Wi

iz." Question #1 - Why aren't video game _ Informer was made. Since then, we have been ` consoles as upgradeable as computers? Wouldn't ` faithfully following the enlightened path to bette! it be more convenient if a company like Sega, gaming. So watch the skies and someday that

Sony ra Nintendo made their units with | ^ 4

mighty being may come de

magazine too.

Fs of all, | just want to say your magazine rules!!! | was reading Video Game Trivia for August ‘96, and on question #2 you

б asked, “What is the name friend?” Your answer was “Tails name is Miles. Tails is his. Ten peaking Sonic, what is it with games and nosepicking these days? I'm talking about the nosepicking Sonic does in Sonic 3 while he’s standing around. And in NBA Live it looks like there's. ag E on the bench picking his nose. Thei nosepicking ending to Street Fighter ІІ. In ending of Flashback, the main character ni picks his nose, but picks all of his friends’ ni too. The nosepicking scenes in today’s gai really disgust me. Jacob "Your Biggest Fan" Patterson

If Reiner would stop picking his nose all day, maybe he'd know the real name of Sonic's sidekick. And you're right, we have always expressed disdain for “lowbrow” humor (unless

avis and Butthead are behind it!).

у Rut hard to imagine that you

Д е nose pickings without

by Interplay. That game's

is lowbrow as it gets! Look at it this way, king to flatulence or butt


ч. Т the best ever

ШЫ» mighty being м

from the heavens and give you a |


iends who have many different consoles and each of them believes theirs is


made. | mean, how arrogant can these people get? One of them has a Saturn and he is always saying that the PlayStation is going down and all its games will be ported to the Saturn. My other friend who owns a PlayStation is always talking about how the Saturn has lame graphics. Personally, | see no difference between the two. My final complaint is that I have a friend who claims the Sega CD is better than both. Oh yeah, he also runs around ina lion skin and does cave paintings. E

Corey Martin Boonville, IN This sounds like the. old commercial, "Saturn..No, PS-X...Saturn...No, PS-X." Quite frankly, we're also tired of the old in your face, “my console rocks” competitions, As far as

Wanted: Envelope Art

Enter the Game Informer Envelope Art Contest. All you need to do is draw, paint, scratch, spit or carve the best darn envelope art you can think of and send it to us. Please include your name, phone number, and return address on the back of the envelope. If you're the monthly winner, we'll feature your work in Gl and you'll receive a video game prize from the Game Informer vault.

Jim's а rootin’, tootin’, rocket scootin’, gun

shootin’ worm.

I think she means business.

Look at me; I'm made out of metal and | have this cool

Game Informer - О


we're concerned, both systems have their. E With so many games coming out for both. 15, its impossible to say which port is better. Maybe we'll more after this holiday season. As for

who wears lion skins, he probably finds.

your. himself hunting prehistoric Jaguars all day.


you know where І сап get опе?

or a long time | have wanted to buy an Atari

Alec Phoenix, AZ

Yes...dress in а lion skin; take a class in cave

Painting, and talk to Tim (our production director).

He'll sell ya‘ his! .

Whether it's Nintendo, Sega, or Sony, Game Informer Magazine is no phony.

3D0, Arcade, even PC,

GI's got everything for you and те. | From Mario to =, Rayman to Crash, GI's got the late: reviews ina flash.

So if other magazines are leaving you flat, Game Informer Magazine's where it's at!

Chris "Da Brain" Hodges Metropolitan School of Fine Arts Chicago, IL


Don't let a Black Cat

cross your path.




Ж өті ЕДЫ



This is the time in Mortal Kombat when we dance.


x Eden Prarie, MN

a 55344

She takes our Breath of Fire 2 away.

2 Ea, Who says the arts are dead? Its always a Pleasure to discover a talented troubadour amidst the droves of slack driven slang speakers. But beware, Chris, the path of the arts is always precarious, You'll find yourself starving in a small | apartment, wearing all black clothing, and worshipping а rose. But the great part is that girls _ love poets! HAD go Chris.

Jaguar, but now I can't find it in the stores. Do

october WINNER! Carlton Selby, New York

Sakura's a lot like Cyndi Lauper she just wants to


I don't know what he's shooting at, but think it's dead.


A hs ll €» Ch

090460 CHUJI

1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter (1-Player Quest Mode) Fe Motion Capture Animation, 1-Player Quest Mode,

640.x 480 Hi-Resolution Graphics, 60 Frames Per Second (FPS) Animation, Practice Mode, Survival Mode, Character Designs By Akira Toriyama, Three Difficulty Levels

fed by: Dream Factory for Square Soft/Sony Computer Entertainment

le: November for Sony PlayStation

The announcement last year that Square's first game for the PlayStation was going to be a fighting game rocked the video game world. And if you're going to do а fighting game you £ might as well do it right. In Square's usual fashion, they came back with the best. Square created the company Dream Factory. This band of fighting junkies is headed by Seiichi Ishii, who has had a hand in creating such games as Virtua Fighter, Virtua Racing (Arcade), Tekken, and Tekken 2. While this may read like a who's who of fighting games, this is Ishii-san’s first game for Square and he had to do it right.

And we think you'll agree with us when we say that this game is truly revolutionary. It is the world's first fighting game to incorporate a 3D Quest mode, and if that's not enough, it's also the first console game to maneuver (not roll) in 3D space. So in actuality, this game is like two games in one the standard fighting game, and the quest mode.

Й x 480, while pumping out polys at 60 frames per second. This creates ultra smooth (

ў well аз а huge cash prize). Like any fighting game, you must work your way Ў through each of the fighters (and your double) before you can face Тоба! three boss ER characters: Mufu, Nork the Mysterious, and Emperor Udan.

Í lots of tricky moves. Tobal utilizes a special grappling system that allows you to | push your opponent around while setting them up for different throws. You can grab

Dream Fact = was able to mau е these tw өзі game modes by creating the entire game in polygons. While there are a couple of textures on some of the characters and backgrounds, most of the graphics are displayed with standard gouraud-shaded polygons lots of them). While the graphics may look somewhat plain to the unskilled eye, they are quite the opposite. Tobal utilizes the PlayStation’s hi-res mode to display the game іп 640

animation that must be seen to be believed.

di amm A



ұлан The Tournament Mode pits eight of the greatest fighters in the galaxy in a | 00:28

showdown for both pride and greed. The king of Tobal holds this tournament every [iti year and gives the winner the honor of being the strongest fighter in the galaxy (as


Each of the characters in Tobal No. 1 can do a number of combos, juggles, holds, reversals and throws. While there are no magical attacks like fireballs, there are


your opponent by the body, arm or head. Once they're in your grasp you can do а number of different throws and attacks, but there's a catch; any of the throws or holds can be reversed. While a reversal is difficult to do, it does make for some interesting fighting and some excellent animation. Characters slide out of holds, reverse grabs, and basically grapple to gain position. And you can throw a reversal оп a reversal. The game's producer, Darren Yager, stated that the office record at Sony is eight reversals in a row. So, as you can probably guess by now, grappling adds a whole new dimension to the fighting.

The combos and special attacks in Tobal No. 1 are a mix of Virtua Fighter and Tekken in that button sequences and certain combinations of buttons and the d-pad create each attack. Since the d-pad is primarily used to move your characters around in 3D space, block and jump have been moved to the top right and left button, respectively. Punches and kicks are translated through a three button system of a low, medium, and upper attack; however, since Tobal is 3D you can attack your opponent from any direction.

To move in 3D space you simply push the control pad in the direction you wish the character to go. Tap the d-pad twice and the characters will hop in that direction; hold it and the character will run. This is especially useful when it comes to avoiding a ring cut, % and surprisingly, it doesn’t interrupt controller motions for special attacks (since the d-pad is secondary to the execution of moves). Tobal also offers a couple of different play options in Tournament Mode, including a Survival mode (where you only get one life bar per continue), and a practice mode (for practicing, obviously).


Ua жї CHUJ


HIGH V саре | АТТАСК а (НА)


*all moves assume player's facing right

PlayStation Review |

Tobal's Quest Mode is truly unique. You can play this mode as any | 7 D character, and you can use any of their moves from the Tournament a? <

Mode. То make the Quest Made into an adventure, the Dream Factory | .` had to figure out how to combine all the classic elements of an | ` adventure game with a fighter. To do this, they give your character the ability to pick-up, drop, and throw items that you find throughout the levels. There are crystals (money), potions, food, 1-ups and power-ups placed throughout the game. You can eat the food, throw poison at the enemies, and even buy and sell items.

You move around in dungeons just as you would in the tournament mode, except this time from a view just behind the character, As you explore each level you'll come across enemies that you must fight. At this point, the game slides back into a classic fighter allowing you to use all your moves and combos, P:

Inside Tobal's four dungeons you'll encounter all kinds of new nasties. There are moles, mad rats and ghouls that you must defeat. Of course, a quest game is worthless unless you have a goal, but Tobal's got that covered too. Your prize for solving each dungeon's maze is a bonus character that you сап use in both the Quest and Tournament Modes. The first three dungeons

enable you to play as the boss characters, and the fourth enables...well, if we

een % 7 told you we'd have to КШ you. Actually, that's not true. At the time we went to E 4 741 press, we were unable to defeat the final dungeon. It’s tough. It features over thirty levels of random (yes, we said random) mazes that you must battle your

2) Way through. We know for a fact that it enables another character; however, a | we are uncertain of his identity. Presumably, you get to take control of 4 | Toriyama Robo, a character from Dragon Ball 2, 7



fanatics. While it does suffer from a rather short list of playable characters, it more than makes 1 ] up for it with a Quest that not only entertains, but rewards. Watch for Tabal No.1 this November | from two great companies that taste great together, Square and Sony.

Y ое ЛЕ




“At first glance the graphics in this game .5 (оок somewhat unexciting (due fo the lack of texture maps), but once you start playing you realize how fast and smooth D the graphics really are. Next thing you fron уш Ram how, 1o cont һе characters (which is somewhere раг Sieg Tekken and VF) in 20 space Entertainment: 8.75 and then, before you know it, youre 4 hooked and playing for hours on end. And thats only the half of i, because you OVERALL: stil have to master the quest mode (whe suprising ingenious). Overaly this game does suffer from a shortage of characters and weak endings, but it does have the most innovative play control Ive seen in a long time and а quest mode you can't find anywhere else. Check it out!”

= ER


дё 9.25 ‘Tobal №1 is a perfect blend of Virtua ү

ЖУ; Fighter and Tekken. It is in fact the first [e 8.75 true 3D PlayStation fighter, where you | have complete freedom to roam all about 8.5 the arena. Personally, | thought the. graphics could have been better, but ther 9.25 again, | agree with Square 5045 move to в make the game faster by dropping out most of the texture maps. It's fast bab; The animation is the best I've seen i OVERALL: алу fighter (Tekken beware), and the control... oh the controll Man, games 9 don't get much more exciting than this. You have a complete fighter with an. adventure game on the side! What else do you май?" ч ГЛ


“Leave it up to Square to come through Concent: 85 vif an юл fighting title right out 5 of the chute, This game is definitely not Cores 8 much to look al, but it offers fast Sound: gameplay and a killer soundtrack. The moves are very intuitive and the grab Playability: 8 counter moves are very original indeed. As for the Quest Mode, | think it's a Entertainment: 8 great way to allow access to hidden characters. Again, its not that appealing OVERALL: Visually, but the challenge oft wil make * you lay for a long time. Although

not have the flash of Tekken 2, its a.

solid and entertaining game."

Game Informer's


Editor's Top Ten Console Games for October

© Tetris Attack - SNES

©) Die Hard Trilogy - PSX,

E. Ridge Racer Revolution - PS-X Ө Triple Play ‘97 - PSX

O Tekken 2 - Р5-Х

© Crash Bandicoot - PS-X

@ Andretti Racing - PS-X

Ө. Tobal No. 1 - PS-X

© Madden NFL ‘97 - PS-X, SS © Super Mario 64 - №4

© Final Fantasy Ill - SNES

© Ken Griffey’s Winning Run =SNES Marvel Super Heroes - Arcade

@ Tekken 2-Р5-Х

(9) Resident Evil - Р5-Х

© Breath of Fire 2 - SNES

Ө Virtua Fighter 2- SS

© Super Mario 64 - №4

Ө Chrono Trigger SES

© Super Mario RPG - SNES

Top Ten Cross-overs You'll Never See

©) Virtua Cop and Lemmings - It'd be fun to shoot those little buggers. ч

O Tempest and Doom Analog controller

© required.

` © Beavis and Butthead and Final Fantasy - Hult

huh uh-huh. You said Esper, " #

@ NHL Hockey and Starfox - MegaMan Soccer watch out!

@ Tekken and Black Bass - Fight for a while, then wet a line. Competitive yet relaxing.

Ө Ballz and PGA Tour - Which ball is mine?

ER Super Punch-Out and Metroid - Bald Bull Vs. Mother Brain?

© Ridge Racer and Tetris - It's hard to keep your eyes on the road While playing a good game of Tetris.

© Mortal Kombat and Pilotwings = The Gyrocopter Fatality is awesome!

КФ. Resident Eviland Kirby Super Star - Must... ill... Kirby!!!

‘Game Informer is looking for Your Top Ten favorite games. Please send your Top Tens (0: "Game Informer Magazine. Attn: Top Ten 10120 West 76th Street + Eden Prairie, ММ 55344 Everyone that enters every month will be enterédhin а drawing. to win а бі Secret Access T-Shirt! So get writingl.


Nintendo 64 Launches at 199

Nintendo of America announced that the price of the Nintendo 64 will now be $199, a price drop of $50 from the originally announced $249.

Industry rumors had been circulating concerning the N64's pricing since both Sony and Sega announced their $199 price tag at May's Electronic Entertainment Expo. In what can almost be considered a last minute change, Nintendo informed retailers of the new pricing in the beginning of August. Nintendo, always one to keep secrets, did not officially announce the price drop to the public, but succumbed to the pressure as news of the pricing changes began to filter through the press.

The $199 N64 will definitely not be packaged with a game, but with N64 games priced around $60 to $70, we may see a N64 unit and game package introduced by some retailers for around $250. Nintendo. denied that this would be the case.


Saturn Sonic Gets The Extreme Delay

The feisty blue mascot of Sega was scheduled to spin into the 32-bit world next month in Sonic X-Treme. However, Sega of America announced that the Saturn Sonic title will not show up until late next year.

Apparently, the game was receiving a last minute overhaul when Sega announced the delay. “From the reaction we received at Gamer's Day, we decided to move the title back,” stated Sega spokesperson Terry Tang. Ironically, the 3D worlds of Sonic X-Treme were barely present at the recent Sega event as it had only two semi-playable levels to "react" to.

To pacify those Saturn owners who need their Sonic fix is a game that wasn't even shown at Sega's press junket. Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn) is a translation of the new 16-bit Sonic title. It will appear on November 21 and offer enchanced graphics, better sound and a couple new zones.

October ‘96

N64’s Game Line-Up Gets Jumbled

There have been some happenings in the Nintendo 64 | game line-up since we reported it to you last month. It now looks like only two games, PilotWings 64 and Super Mario 64, may make it to the store on September 30th as CruisN’ USA has been pushed back to mid-November. Turok: Dinosaur Hunter looks as though it won't be made available until the middle of October. However, rumors have been circulating concerning WaveRace 64, which was originally announced for November release. This title has already been released in Japan and may make an early appearance for the N64, but our sources say the release will be November 4.

In other N64 gaming news, Nintendo announced that Killer Instinct 64 will now be called Killer Instinct Gold. The Gold game will feature all the characters from both КІ and КІ 2 and will hit the stores on November 25. Interplay confirmed that it will be developing ClayFighter 3 and Ultra Descent for release on the N64 next year. Kemco is publishing a racing game, developed by Boss Studios, entitled Top Gear Rally, and Vic Tokai will develop an exclusive fighting game called Dark Rift. The folks at GTE will release a crazy action/driving title called Ultra Combat. Finally, Philips Media has secured publishing rights to GameTek's Robotech: Crystal Dreams which will come to the N64 next year.

Studios’ Top Gear Rally. 4

Kemco 8 Boss

Resident Evil Goes Platinum

Capcom has deemed Resident Evil the “killer app" for the Sony PlayStation. In other words, Capcom says that Resident Evil is the application or software that is driving the public to buy the Р5-Х.

Capcom announced that it has now shipped more than a million units of the game worldwide and they hope to continue its sales dominance with a new marketing campaign for Resident Evil this fall. The hype surrounding Resident Evil will probably continue as information concerning its sequel has begun to leak from Japan.

The sequel to Resident Evil was introduced at the recent Tokyo Toy Show and sent the game to new extremes. More weapons, more enemies, and more of the gruesome carnage will once again have gamers on the edge of their seats. The game will replace Chris and Jill with two new members of the STARRS team and will be set in the familiar Raccoon City.

Resident Evil 2 (tentative title) is scheduled to appear in March of ‘97. Welcome back to the world of survival horror.

Is Saturn Linked to the Net? C sd

At Sega's recent "Gamer's Day" held in Redwood City, CA, it was announced that the Sega Saturn NetLink was about to go into production, but further investigation by Game Informer revealed that the NetLink has been delayed indefinitely.

The NetLink modem peripheral (See GI News, July '96) for the Saturn was scheduled to be released before the end of the year for $199. It was to be packaged with a CD-ROM that would

supposedly in the works as well.

However, it was announced that Sega held a developers’ conference for third parties interested in developing for the NetLink. At May's Electronic Entertainment Expo, Sega announced a number of games including Baku Baku, Virtual On, and Virgin's Command & Conquer as NetLink games. However, there was no mention of them at the recent visit to Sega.

It looks as if Sega doesn't want another 32X on their hands, so it is probably a smart decision to delay the release of the NetLink until a healthy supply of games can be made available.

) E é Bie Inforiiter = October ‘96

have included software allowing access to the World Wide Web. A disk drive and keyboard attachment are

The question that lingered at the “Gamer's Day" was the availability of games that are compatible with the NetLink. There was not a single game spoken of or announced at the “Gamer's Day" event.

Psygnosis Signs оп the Dotted Line Psygnosis has signed a one year extension to their current development contract with Sony Computer Entertainment America. Psygnosis is Europe's, leading developer of

"PlayStation titles. Looking to leverage

their position, іп the US. market, Psygnosis will. keep bringing оп the hits. Riding high on the success ОҒ Destruction Derby, and Wipeout, titles under development, include the sequels - Wipeout XL and Destruction Derby 2, as well as Formula, 1, Thunder Truck Rally, Adidas Power Soccer, Codename Tenka, Discworld. 2, The City of Lost Children and the Island of Dr. Moreau.

Willlams Introducing Hangtime Update Williams will be introducing а new version of their МВА Hangtime-arcade machine in the form of Maximum Hangtime. This game. will feature, an expanded roster that'includes-numerous. rookies and will also introduce.trades to the game. The gameplay willbe tweaked | to offer new dunks and moves. If you" can't get enough of that. two-on-two action, look for this game coming to arcades soon. KR

Namen Museum Grows In Volumes Namco Hometek has announced some. of, the, games that will comprise the future. of the Namco Museum compila- tion CD's for the Sony PlayStation. Look for classic arcade ports such as Galaxian, Ms. Pac-man, Dig Dug, Pole Position Il, Pac-Land, Assault, and more (yet to бе determined) arcade relics to

j grace volumes 2-5.

Is Satum Doomed? The long wait is over for Sega Saturn owners as GT Interactive will be releasing id Software's Doom this month. It promises to include all the original Doom levels that have made this an instant classic. GTI will 2150 ре bringing id's Hexen: Beyond Heretic to the Saturn. This game should hit in early October.

MechWarrior 2 for Saturn

Activision released some preliminary beta footage of an upcoming Saturn game MechWarrior 2. The game development is still very early, but the game promises to come with many of the features that made the - PC version popular. It may even have NetLink capabilities for multi-player network play. Look for this game coming in the spring.

ge ——



Recall the games of yesterday with our monthly glance into the infancy of gamedom. To be sure, we won't list the obvious classics like the Super Mario series, Contra, or Zelda. We are delving deep into the void of obscure, yet entertaining games of the past. See how many of

these gems you can remember.

Electronic Quarterback - Coleco Handheld

Miner 2049er - Game Boy

Ristar - Game Gear

Top Gear - SNES

Ignition Factor - SNES

Zombies Ate My Neighbors -


Castlevania - NES. Goal - NES

Ultima: Exodus - NES Tutenkham - Arcade Bonk -TG-16

‘Sword of Vermillion - SG Revenge of Shinobi - SG Kaboom! - Atari 2600 Electro Cop - Atari Lynx

Flux Those Muscles

Here's yet another title that is trying to capitalize on the fame of Resident Evil. MTV's Aeon Flux, whom you've probably seen on Liquid Television or in her own half hour show,

has entered the 3D video game world with guns ablazin’! Viacom is nearing completion on this title. All we can comment on, other than its cool looks, is that it has the appearance of a Resident Evil clone. Take a look at this new shot; make your own judgments, and be here for more info in the following months.

Scud Inertia

Sega Soft debuted Scud: The Disposable Assassin at the recent Sega “Gamer's Day” with a hearty thanks going out to the Game Informer staff for our role in making it happen.

Last January, Game Informer first reported on the possibilities of Fire Man Press’ comic book character making its way to video games. The article apparently got the attention of Scud's creator Rob Schrab and set the gaming wheels in motion. "It would be nice if we could work with other game magazines in the same way,” stated one Sega Soft official.

Scud: The Disposable Assassin is currently being developed for the Sega Saturn and PC. According to a press release, it is also making its way to the Sony PlayStation. Sega Soft played down the PS-X


version, but it sounds like Scud will be Sega Soft's first venture on the PlayStation.

Scud will be filled with tons of gaming options. Two game modes - side scrolling action and first person shooter - bring Rob Schrab's comic creation to life. Both modes support simultaneous two- player action, where player one commands Scud and player two controls Dry Wall (that zipper guy).

The shooter mode will allow the player to utilize a friend's help, or go “John Woo style” by packin" ASSIN two pistols simultaneously. Whether а gun is being made specifically for this title is unconfirmed. Rest assured, there will be plenty of gun play.

To show their great appreciation for Game Informer's role in making the game happen, Sega Soft has said that we will be included in the game. You'll be able to see the Game Informer office of the future and possibly a few cameos from the staff. Game Informer editor Andy McNamara is also working with his band, Unbelievable Jolly Machine, on a song for the game's soundtrack. Look for Scud by the end of the year from Sega Soft.

October ‘96

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Gamer Crowned National Champion

Minneapolis, MN - Michael Tang, 14, of San Jose, CA was crowned national champion at FuncoLand's National Video Game Championships at the Mall of America. Tang took home a $25,000 scholarship by beating out twelve other regional representatives playing Sony Computer Entertainment's title Crash Bandicoot.

The thirteen competitors drew their spots in four championship flights and were given ten minutes to play Crash Bandicoot while accumulating mangos (Lpt.), lives (100 pts.), and gems (400 pts.). The point leaders in each of the flights then advanced to the semi-finals. Tang, Winer Raymond of Boston, MA, Jimmy Nguyen of Houston, TX and Tom Strickland of East Lansing, МІ came out of the first round with victories. Strickland led first round scores with 2751 points. The semifinals featured head to head match-ups of Nguyen vs. Raymond and Tang vs. Strickland. The first semi round was very tight with Nguyen scoring 1739 points to Raymond's 1438. The second semi was а points fest that saw Tang cruising to a score of 2920 while Strickland struggled a little and

came in with a score of 2015. The final pairing fea- celebrates after winning turing Tang and Nguyen proved to be an Michael me, ideo Game chapionshiPS: exciting match-up. Both of the two finalists played FuncoLand’s National the first level flawlessly and collected the first gem at virtually the same time with the slight advantage going to Nguyen. As the clock ticked and the next two levels unfolded, Tang's machine-like skills started to show. He blew through levels two and three as Nguyen ran into some snags. Tang then proceeded to motor his way through the fourth level, collecting his second gem. Tang earned the scholarship and a guest review in Game Informer magazine by scoring a tournament high 2924 points with Nguyen scoring 2299 points.

Even though there would ultimately be only one winner in FuncoLand's National Video Game Championship, none of the

competitors left empty handed. Besides each

competitor winning their respective city championships

and earning a free trip to the Mall of America, all

- competitors won PlayStations, games, and a variety of

5 (ten EST other goodies courtesy of FuncoLand, Sony Computer

E Tee OR Entertainment America, Game Informer, and GamePro. - pz A mini Ridge Racer tournament was

also held with William Billich of Chicago,

championship review in an upcoming issue of

Game Informer a October ‘96

Game Genie Code Creator's Club

If you're looking for wore codes for the _ Game Genie, this is the place to go.

= = санта

What was the very first game that starred а marsupial? -

@ Tue ог False? Final Fantasy Ill is actually Final Fantasy V in Japan?

© Who was the first third-party developer to. produce software for the Atari 2600?

(After being rejected by Sega, what three titles did Electronic Arts develop without a license for the Sega Genesis?

Ө Who starred іп the first Saturday morning ‘cartoon based оп a video game?

(Answers on the bottom of page 19)

Е 9 IL taking home every PlayStation game | IW т = release for the next six months. | Г Я -— Look for Tang's national 3 Kos * *

This Electronic Arts/Psyqnosis action/ platform. title appeared on store shelves in 1992 with the slogan Real Knightmare.” What game is it?

(Answer on the bottom of page 19)

‘Smithsonian ішікі

Yet Another Mortal Kombat Explosion!!!

Williams Entertainment has Deen working hard to make Mortal Kombat Trilogy the biggest and. best MK title to date. This highly’ anticipated title, which co-creator John Tobias calls, “the best-MK ever," will land on the Nintendo64, Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn very soon. In the August issue, we gave you a sneak peek at MKT, but a recent visit to. Williams HQ showed us (at, we didn't have the Whole stoty.

Williams went back and-made some dramatic changes to MKT.

First of all, there's anew ‘ality in the game's huge! Everyone put your hands. together for the BRUTALITY! The Gl representative who visited Williams was the only reporter to’ sneak behind closed doors and see a. Brutality in action. The response = awesome! It appears that during the "Finish Him/Her" screen the Victorious character inputs

а very large key command to make their character (in this case Sektor) do a massive combo. (fifty hits?). Тһе last hit makes the opposition explode! Once all

the limbs-and racks of ribs have landed, gigantic metallic letters fall upon the screen exposing the word “Brutality.”

In the characters themselves, there have been some massive changes. as well. There is no longer a Sub-Zero and Classic-Sub- Zero. Williams combined all the moves of both characters into the Classic Sub-Zero body. Popsickle boy just became more powerful! Plus, we all knew that MKT wouldn't be complete without the addition of Johnny Cage. He's. back, and he’s oh so cool. He fits right into the MK3 formula with combos, new 'alities, and new moves. Other revamped characters аге Rayden and Baraka, who each have-new

e cial bat Kodes апа $ре‹ total

rs will unlock à

pu. with Kom! Kombatants.

secrets, play®! of 32 playable

combos and one new move.

Now the moment of truth - the hidden alphabetical order they are: Goro, Human Smoke, Kintaro, Motaro and Shao Khan. Whether these boss characters will have 'alities or not is still up in the air, but it is the first MK game where Goro and Kintaro are playable. For those of you with a SNES and SG, you. too will experience some more MK action With Release Dates:

Ultimate Mortal Kombat . Mortal Kombat Trilogy 1 3. Unfortunately, по 16-bit ^^ (Nintendo 64) - October 11th i ef

release plans for MKT have. Mortal Kombat Trilogy à (Sony PlayStation) - October 11th

* Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Sega Saturn) - December 5th

* Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Super Nintendo) October

* Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Sega Genesis) - October

Game Informer

October ‘96

ind Konami has released the first screens of their upcoming basketball sequel aptly entitled NBA In The Zone 2. The Sony PlayStation game will appear in stores in a couple of months and will include many of the key features missing from the first installment. A full season mode, 12-man teams with substitutions and trades will all be available.

Konami is saying this will be the best looking and playing basketball simulation on the Р5-Х.

To anyone who works with com- puter graphics be they advertisers, Hollywood directors, or video game producers, the name Alias | Wavefront is synonymous with state of the art, computer based animation. From recent box office hits such as Twister and Independence Day, to Pepsi commercials, to the new Crash Bandicoot game from Naughty Dog and Sony, Alias | Wavefront has played an integral part in their effects and animation. Naughty Dog credits Alias | Wavefront with the impending success of their new Sony mascot - Crash Bandicoot. To achieve а pre-rendered sprite look, Naughty Dog used a software package entitled PowerAnimator. The reason companies prefer this software is that, by nature of its design, it is “open” to improvements and input by individual users. For example, the company worked hand in hand with Naughty Dog, tailoring the software to fit specific needs. In fact, many of the new polygon tools within PowerAnimator were the result of direct feedback from the Naughty Dog studios.

Another reason behind PowerAnimator's success is that Alias | Wavefront is a subsidiary of Silicon Graphics. Silicon Graphics produces the SGI workstations used in the video game industry. These workstations hold the power to create and manipulate up to a million polygons at a given moment. Thus, PowerAnimator is designed to work in conjunction with Silicon Graphics workstations. The question, of course, is when are these powerful tools going to be applied to a virtual reality setting rather than a pseudo-3D action/platform????

Forget about analog directionals. Throw away everything you know about Trackballs. Don't even consider a digital D-Pad. Well, all this. may be a little extreme, but gamers everywhere will want to keep

an eye on Spacetec's new SpaceOrb 3D controller. Spacetec has joined forces with ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. in

producing a brand new, state of the art 3D controller for the Sony PlayStation.

Using their patented Spaceball PowerSensor and Eclipse - 1 ASIC technologies, Spacetec's SpaceOrb is the first fully rotatable, multi-directional 3D 32-bit controller. The benefits of the SpaceOrb are boundless. Along with simulta-

neous six axis, 360° movement, the SpaceOrb offers incredi- ble variations in speed of movement. Players can push, pull,

twist or spin the orb in order to move at 1024 different speeds! With the SpaceOrb, moves can be combined into killer combo actions such as encirclement strafing and indefensible death blossoms. With access to over 1000 levels of speed, players can inch down corridors or run at a full out sprint. From fight games to flight sims to 3D action/platforms, the SpaceOrb just might change everything we've believed about controllers so far. The SpaceOrb is available now for Sony PlayStation at an MSRP of $79.00.

Game Informer » October ‘96

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1. Kangaroo (Arcade)

2. False, Its Final Fantasy VI

3. Activision

4. Budokan, Populous, Zany Golf. 5, Pac-Man

Its Galahad, and believe usrits'a real nightmare!

Kirby joins the Nintendo ranks as a console gaming mascot along with such recognizable faces as Mario and Donkey Kong. While Mario and Donkey Kong have chosen a path geared more towards the experienced gaming market, Kirby

picks up the slack for those who are

still learning how to play. So far, Kirby's been a hit on both the E ¥ Nintendo and the Game Boy, but he still hasn't had his big break on the SNES. His only achievements on this machine have been in the form of Kirby’s Avalanche (Tetris like), and Kirby's Dream Course (miniature golf), nothing that will put him on the map = until now.

Kirby Super Star is a massive 22-wegabit title split into eight separate games, While most of them are identical in gameplay and appearance, a few veer off into a weird mini- game dimension. Megaton Punch, Samurai Kirby, and Gourmet Race are all unique in themselves. Megaton Punch features three rounds of rock smashing, Samurai Kirby's gameplay consists of one button press, and


32 Megabit 1 or 2-Player Action/Platform Battery Back-Up, Nine Different Games. (One Hidden), Multiple Power-Ups, CPU or 2-Player Help, and Bonus Worlds Hal Laboratory/Halken for Nintendo Now for Super Nintendo


Gourmet Race is a grand prix against King Dedede. The main games - Spring Breeze, Dyna Blade, and the Great Cave Offensive are all action/platform based. All the action from the N NES and Game Boy carts are incorporated into

these games. Kirby still uses the 7 vacuum suck as his main offensive weapon. Kirby can also assimilate

enemy abilities, and through the magic of

a second controller, a friend can hop in and control a cloned enemy (or if you don't have any friends, the CPU will join in).

Beating Dyna Blade and Gourmet Race

will open up access to Revenge of the

Meta Knight and Milky Way Wishes. If you are fortunate enough to beat all the games, the Arena (the hidden game) will be opened. Kirby Super Star’s difficulty is geared towards kids. The overall game structure and appearance way vot attract the experienced game clan, but kids will surely jump at the Kirby challenge. Once again Nintendo has created a game that will shine on as а classic.

Sound: Playability: Entertainment:

“Talk about a let-down. Kirby Super Star is one of the most disappointing 7 games l've seen this year. Not only is it too easy, but the eight games 7 п one is more like one game broken into eight pieces. Kirby SS 75 does offer some fun and exciting things to do, but they grow old quickly and some of the games take only a number of minutes to complete. Not a great game, but a pretty good rental.”

“So far there's been Kirby golf and a

ap Yeah, some of the games іп Concept: ~ Kirby could be considered to be puzzle title, but nothing in the form 7.25 pre-school level, but the total ^ Graphics: 7 of a SNES blockbuster for package wound up to be very this Nintendo mascot. | always 7 entertaining. | enjoyed Kirby's exploits Sound: 7 expected to see a Kirby action title _ on Game Boy and this continues с on the SNES, but | didn't think Playability: his reign as one of Nintendo's top Playability: 7.78 jt would come this late in the

blobs. The variety of game and easy Entertainment: 85 p јоу instructions make this a great game for everyone. A good one for those who always complain that video games are too hard. Yet, there are plenty of secrets and challenges to keep the avid gamer busy for at least a couple days.”

Entertainment: 6.75 SNES’ life. Kirby Super Star (KSS)

presents itself as an entertaining eight games in one jamboree for kids. Take the difficulty of Mario and slice it in half. KSS is an easy walk-thru for seasoned players, but is a difficult quest for the gaming youth and beginners."

Game Informer в October ‘96

The undisputed champion of 16-bit hockey, EA Sports, is back with the latest version of their award-winning NHL series. NHL ‘97 marks the sixth installment of what some call the “finest sports simulation available.”

NHL ‘97 is based on the same game engine that was used in the ‘96 installment and adds a host of new features including updated team logos and player attributes. The new feature in play control this year is the use of All-Star signature moves. These new dekes and various maneuvers are given to marquee NHL players like Gretzky, Roenick, and Modano. There are a total of 13 signature moves that can be performed by 41 of the NHL's top players. The moves range from Sakic’s wrong-footed wrist shot to Neely's quick stop. Also included in ‘97 is a replica of the All-Star Skills Challenge where a player can compete in four events: puck handling relay, fastest shot, target shooting, and goalie rapid save. Just when you thought EA couldn’t pack any other new features into the game, they also pack in more memory to save up to four seasons, new animations, and National teams.

As with most of EA Sports’ games, the only real test of the game and the gamer is to perfect the nuances of the play control. Mastering the one-timer is one thing, but the true champion shines with effortless give-and-go passes and relentless forechecks. The hockey season is now, and that only means one thing, more video hockey perfection from EA Sports.



Graphics: Sound: 6 Playahility: 65 Entertainment: 9.5


$^ a. o Whet's NEN With You?

= | all

A o




"NHL Hockey will go down in the

`" record books as the greatest 16-bit

hockey of all time. Hence, another year brings us yet another update of this gaming masterpiece. As always, there are new options, animations, and gameplay tweaks to make this game a must have for any 16-bit J hockey fanatic. But my advice would be to skip it and invest the cash into a 32-bit machine and get with the nineties.”


Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: 8.5

875 8


The defense got caught too deep and it’s an easy 2-оп-0.

Make a player and put him into the line-up.

m Size: 16 Megabit with 32K Battery Back-Up

m Style: 1 to 4-Player Hockey

m Special Features: New Signature Moves, All-Star Skills Competition, Player Create and Trade, Save Up To 4 Seasons, American, Canadian, & European All-Star Teams, Practice Mode, 3 Skill Levels

п Created by: High Score & Mark Lesser for EA Sports

т Available: Now for Sega Genesis

> THE Borrom Line 8,

85 85 Playability: 825 Entertainment: 9.25


—— ae

When the boys go toe-to-toe, it’s just like old-time hockey.


"No one can come close to дейме ing this level of hockey on 16-bi and who else would be dumb enough to try? Again with the other EA 16-bit titles, this is last years game with updated teams and stats, |” isn't it? | think that this game got the | Special treatment and has many things that make it far better than last year. The new memory features and all-star moves are a great addition. Yeah, it looks and plays about the same as it ever did, but it | is still the most enjoyable hockey game оп any platform. Hard-core fans should give it a look.”

“Electronic Arts is definitely on a role with 16-bit hockey. One after another they keep getting bigger and better; sadly, NHL ‘97 (the best offering yet) may very well be the last before a 32-bit move is initiated. What makes this version so special, you ask? A number of things...the addition of four skill challenge events, signature moves, and improved computer Al make this the trend setter for not only 16-bit hockey, but all console machines. This is a great way of say- ing good-bye to the 16-bit sports market. Bravo EA!”





9 E 9 6

онан S€ga's Last 16-Bit Hurrah?

1-Player 3D Action 22 Levels, Tails and Knuckles Hidden Bonus Levels, Bird Collecting, and Several New Sonic Moves Travellers Tales for Sega November 9th for Sega Genesis

next generation of Sonic gaming. Sonic 3D Blast is

the first true Sonic sequel to stray away from the side scrolling action/plattorm genre and enter the popular isometric 3D world: Will this be the last hurrah for Genesis-owners? It's more than likely. Sega plans to release the same game оп the Saturn later this year with more features and better graphics, postponing Sonic X-treme until next year. This platform jump (if successful) will probably turn the Genesis Sonic titles into nothing but distant memories .

Sonic 3D Blast is one of the most dynamic Genesis titles to date, simply because it delivers a different Sonic taste to gamers. For the first time Sonic and his surroundings are rendered in 3D with animation that will surely impress all who observe. While the concept and plot have stayed almost identical to its original foundation, the gameplay has been altered dramatically.

Gamers will now have to learn how to control Sonic in multiple dimensions (a la the future). Sonic is still loaded with all the greatest moves. Jump for the highest platform on a level; run through the loop-de-loop, or charge your spin to destroy the robotic demon’s grip on a helpless forest critter. While these moves are familiar to the gamer, they'll have to learn to use them in a different environment.

Travellers. Tales and Sega both did a great job developing Sonic 3D Blast. The game features twenty-two

levels, tons of hidden zones, 5% power-ups, and all the action a /^ à Sonic fan can handle. If this. is uw the last Sonic Genesis title, then

be sure not to miss it; or if you plan

on getting Sonic 3D Blast or Sonic X-treme

for Saturn, then this is a great way to get a 4 jump on mastering this new:Sonic era. »

| Game Informer u October ‘96

T his could very well be a look at the future of the

Back to the basics.

ze: 1 CD-ROM . 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighting.

Е 9 Truly unique Characters, Quick and Simple Moves, Combo Counter Training Mode, Character Alternates (color change), Block Button, Two Hidden Characters

Capcom Noyember for Sony, фе H

Mixing the Old With the New in Star Gladiator

ith the development combos and 3Q environments,

fighters have gone through a lot of changes in the last

three years. Most fighting fanatics have embraced these new ideas with zeal, but some of us miss the old style in which the mark of a true warrior was the ability to fake people out and learn the methods to counter the opponent’s stratagems instead of learning every character's eighty-hit combo.

„Star Gladiator mixes a combo system and a 3D environment with an atmosphere that is very much like an old-school fighter. Each character has an impressive array of dynamic moves and special attacks which are the foundation for stomping opponents. The combos can come in handy but are usually five moves or less and aren’t really hard to block or break. This will prevent Star Gladiator from being championed by data entry warriors whose only skill in a fighting game is tapping out a ridiculously long series of buttons and watching as their character takes over and beats the ‘snot out of their opponent for d good minute or so.

Fighting against the CPU is not much of a challenge for seasoned fighters but is a great way for people who are new to the genre to learn how to employ moves correctly. All characters have a dodge/sidestep maneuver which is very fast and is a great way to catch an opponent off guard (if followed up by a quick

attack). There is also a block button for when you just can't get out of the way. The three attack buttons are for vertical weapon attacks, horizontal attacks, and kicking (sometimes punching).

What really makes Star Gladiator shine are its characters. That there are only nine total to start with (not includigg two hidden characters, one of which is the boss), is not а disappointment when you realize how much fun they are to play. Each character is unique in.the way it fights and moves. For instance, Vector the robot stomps around and coldly blasts its way to victory the way a machine ought to - not like a human dressed up in a robot suit. Now compare this to a plasma sword wielding human who fights like a fencer, or a bird-like alien who flies up into the air and then streaks towards its opponents like an arrow, and you start to see that the authors of this game didn't pick any favorites. Star Gladiator is reminiscent of Samurai Shodown in that it doesn't featflre one or two characters that people will want to play mde than the others.

Star Gladiator is a very impressive and innovative gamg. This is a refreshing change from the people at Capcom who have been living off of sequels for a ridiculously long time now. We hope they have more new goodies planned for us down the road.

Game Informer ` October '96

d 1013235 ЛЕ



or years, RPGers have been the most deprived gamers across America. While they are a loyal crew, American

video game companies have always considered them

to be too small and fickle to market to. We've all heard

the excuse before, “There’s just no money in it.” Of course the complete opposite is true in Japan. RPG companies make millions of dollars on what many would consider the most popular genre in Japan. But this is all about to change as Square Soft, the greatest RPG company of all-time, is preparing Final Fantasy VII (FF7) for a release in Japan this December and the U.S. in the 1st quarter of 1997. Of course, at the center of the whole creation process for Final Fantasy VII is the unit it will be played on, the Sony PlayStation. Last year, in a radical move, Square left its long-time exclusive relationship with Nintendo and hopped aboard the PlayStation bandwagon. When we asked Square Soft why they made the move, their answer was one simple word - “space” - because

Music by Nobuo Uematsu m Created by: Square Soft

U.S. Sony PlayStation



Це =:


m Size: 2 CD-ROMs (Possibly 3)

m Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game

m Special Features: Computer Generated Backgrounds, Polygon Characters, Plot Twists, Theatrical Camera Angles,

m Available: December in Japan, 1st Quarter 97 for

EA Final Fantasy VII is a meg-muncher. For instance, the 15 minute demo that is currently available in Japan eats up over 40 megs of disk space. - Unless the game was going to be twenty minutes long, they needed to move to a medium that offered them enough space to create a 40 plus hour, twisting and turning, Final Fantasy quest. The PlayStation, of course, was their platform of choice.

To create the ultimate Final Fantasy quest in under a year, Square Soft had to put some serious man and computer power on the job. A team of over 100 people, armed with Silicon Graphics (561) computers, are currently working on the FF7 project, and it Shows (as you can probably tell from these pictures). The entire game is set in an SGI generated 3D world that features moving background sprites (to add to the realism) and polygon- based characters. The melee rounds are also done in polygon environments, but with amazing lighting effects and a roaming camera that follows all the action.

October ‘96

PlayStation Preview

Б а M ШЕ

Like previous Final Fantasies, FF7 features a story that unfolds like a daytime soap. The main character, Cloud, and his comrades are out to stop the evil Shin-Ra Electric Power Company that is terrorizing the world in its search for ultimate power. The quest to stop the Shin-Ra will take

| Cloud on the ride of his life. In typical Final Fantasy fashion (besides stopping the onslaught of evil minions that he will encounter during his quest), Cloud will come across different miniquests and minigames (such as racing) that he will have to master.

To help combat the evil hordes, Square has incorporated a number of new options into the gameplay. For instance, as the player battles his way through the mass of enemies, his/her “limit” meter grows with each battle (kind of like a rage gauge), and when the meter is filled the player gets

lan adrenaline surge that enables him/her to do super attacks or powerful spells. Square also

hinted that there will more intricacies added to the gameplay later, but they didn’t want to tip their hand to the competition just yet.

As with any RPG, this game features magic spells and elemental summonses, but with graphics and animation like you've never seen before. The Japanese demo features a number of spells that you can use (that are pretty awesome), but it all pales in comparison to the demo's only summon spell. Aerith, the magic user, calls a ball of ice that grows into a huge (and 1 mean huge) dragon. The dragon then shrieks and calls upon a giant tidal wave, that, in cinematic-style, crashes onto your enemies. Simply amazing!

Final Fantasy VII is shaping up to be a monumental game. It has all the ingredients needed to not only change the face of RPGs forever, but to also

bring in players who have never played RPGs before. It's quick paced

(via a run button); it has very realistic graphics (thanks to SGI), and

amazing gameplay (thanks to Square). If you’ve never played an RPG before,

this is the game to watch, and if you're a hard-core RPGer, you probably can't V stop twitching. Either way, Final Fantasy VII is CEF coming, and you'd better put on your

seatbelt because this one is going

to blow you away. ш

m Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1 or 2-Player Programmable Mech Strategy

ш Special Features: 12 Mechs (Flyers, Two-Leggeds, Spiders, and Tanks), Icon Programming System, Great Action, Testing Ground for New Designs, | Lots о’ Doohickeys, Military Strategy |


Fire Forvard

m Created by: Artdink for Sony Computer Entertainment America m Avallable: 4th Quarter 96 -

Early 97 for Sony PlayStation

Your first serious upgrade will be | [КЩ the Kouger's double laser cannon. SÄI

Cost qn Total DN

re you ready for some more laser blasting, missile A mech melee shredding action!?!?!? Then get ready to program!!! What?? Program? Carnage Heart has a deceptive name and a deceptive look. Action gamers who judge their games by the pictures on the back of the box or who don't read their October issue of Game Informer may be very upset when they realize that what they've ended up with is not the | pulse-pounding arena battle game they were looking forward to. 8 But wait!!! It's still cool! Carnage Heart (should've been Carnage Brain) has great appeal for strategy gamers, programmers, and pen and paper war gamers alike. For those of you who have experienced the frustration of realtime strategy games in which your units can't seem to do anything right unless | you are paying constant attention to them (and you secretly „м. y wished you could reprogram the silly things yourself), then Gier Artdink has a game you should check out. Carnage Heart uses an icon based programming system in which you put chips into a blank circuit board. | A board upgrade allows you more spaces for chips. At first you won't be able to imagine actually running out E 04 space on the board, but after a few hours | (professional programmer), days (amateur programmer), weeks (never programmed but willing to learn), or frustrating months of | 1 agony (someone who shouldn't have bought this game), the Program your mechs to possible levels of complexity sink in and you'll want to be upgrading К avoid bad situations, from the old 468-SX chip (chuckle) as soon as possible. à It's a real rush the first time you start to realize that your mechs are actually doing the things you want them to do. The intensity of the graphics environment makes the experience even more exciting when your mechs jump to avoid hostile fire and then land and launch a full rack of missiles at their opponents. MEME Pro: i Watching opponents disappear within a series of bubbling MEME a team is 0! explosions and then step out a mere shade of their former selves ы important tasks to master to be picked off by your more conventional weapons (and all В because of your program), is for us geeks probably the equivalent

of a jock “winning the pennant.” А ны шь finds 18 The strategy part of the game exists for one purpose: to get SES cooler stuff. There are three two-legged mechs, three flyers, three ma ti | | Fl spider mechs, and three tank mechs. There are also a huge $ fhe m ІЗ | TERI number of weapon upgrades and special doohickeys that, along Unit List ‘The tools of battle. with the programming feature, amount to enormous replay value. Base List E However, one final warning must be repeated. If you don't like math, if you think it's possible that a hill could have a 90 degree Ж slope, or you just don't want to think all that hard while gaming, e = then avoid Carnage Heart. For the blessed few who could really get LES NI MN NL NL into this game, though, you may never want to sell your PlayStation The strategy part of the game is well

just so you can play Carnage Heart. Geek gamers rage! worth trekking through in order to get dough for new stuff.

but believe us, programming is not an easy task.

‘These icons may not look like much, 4

Game Informer » October ‘96

1 CD-ROM 1-Player Role Playing Game Roving Isometric View, Change View Button, Multiple Playable Characters, Massive 3D Level Designs


/: Capcom Second Half of 97 for Sony PlayStation

reath of Fire was one of the few SNES RPG titles to actually crawl out from beneath the (pus Soft web and receive praise from the

f difficult to compete in, simply because Square Soft owned the share of gamers in the RPG field. But Capcom knew they had a winner when the sequel Breath of Fire 2 had such a great response: Square Soft's iron curtain was bending and the upcoming invasion may have broken it, but unfortunately, the next attack wasn’t in time. The 32-bit market the world by storm, and those who tried valiantly to make a name for

= ive to break ground on this new frontier to do so again. eld has been created, and the key players havesstayed the uaře Soft’ and Capcom for the Sony PlayStation. Square, who could ingwith their hefty name, has the upper hand. They've announced a es to be released in the next year or so. Capcom's Breath of Fire 3; Nuff said. While this title won't be out until late ‘97, Capcom: sib ave the ammunition they need. The market has shifted to an older

nd Breath of Fire has alwaysbeen known for ifs difficulty factor. ire 3 has come Wi xd to Ше with a new look, a new attitude, and the A first glánce shows that this game is anew form. You'll have to racks, and on top of things. combined, i ional anime’ graphics with al backgrounds to prese: ic new look, proving ing has to be polygon bi ы y 5 "Thea аке very similar to the pi versions, except more Now that's what I EN Aoffensiverand, defensive options have been added Using individual call a dragon. AC players to cobquer certain puzzlesis once again a jor factor in BOE3. > s is biggest and St. i

1 must find an inn to ч heal my wounds.

From the crystal! comes life.”

Sophisticated 3D level designs consume Breath of Fire 3, SA E = Easy to use commands make |” battles quick and hassle free!

“This level doesn’t appear to be done yet. Let's go back to the castle."


entertainment, Doom is huge. All

first-person action titles go through the Doom comparison and its name is as а Size: 1 CD-ROM commonly known as Mortal Kombat. Doom has я Style: 1-Player (2-Player With Link) Action/Shooter set the standard for 3D gaming, and it will ye o sper г always be known for this, but will it be able Interise Lighting Effects to survive the competition? Will Doom become i Created by: id Software for Williams Entertainment the next sequekhappy gaming title, or will = Available: Now for Sony PlayStation.

| nthe world of home video game

PlayStation Re

No one draws until

"| this can hits the floor.

be known as the grandpappy of the first- person revolution? Williams Entertainment thinks it's a forever title, and they're ready to show the world how it's done with their next installment - Final Doom.

19 Software's monster hit Doom is once again promenading proudly on the Sony

PlayStation in the form of Final Doom. This

version will more or less keep gamers hyped about the Doom hysteria until Williams drops their first 64-bit offering onto the marketplace. Final Doom features the same exciting gameplay and

graphics that made the original so popular; the only major changes have occurred in level design. Thirty

| massive new levels have been added. These are the k

toughest levels ever and only the most experienced `| players will make it out alive.

Another subtle addition to the PS-X first-person

hysteria is the ever-so-popular mouse control, so PC Players who complained about not being able

Williams even added new mutilated humans to the Final Doom experience.

to play Doom with a mouse no longer need to whine.

It's the same thing that you've on and it very well may be your Se ? to play it on the Dfora two-player Deatl

Get back in the cereal? bowl, crunch berry!

7 ıo PlayStation Doom-addicts every-

8 where. Final Doom has all new

levels (well, new-to the PlayStation

8 anyway) and ihe UA sacle

Doom gameplay that made it such a

Шемен 0 Other han that. Fere just nol

Entertainment: much to say It this title except

s that Williams, once again, did not

include a memory card feature. Now,

I don't know who at Williams thinks.

writing down codes is cool, but |

want fo let them know that the rest of the world thinks it sucks.”




“I was skeptical that | wouldn't enj к 8 m ofthe game odie: Se Graphics: 9 a few minutes of playing, | was

into Doom. The soundtrack and

Sound: 8.5 sound effects are А eerie

3 and completely set the mood for car-

Playability: 875 nage. m: overall took % is

basically the same as the first

installment; Wu did notice a little slow-down in the game pl

OVERALL: in a few spots. Doom is always

«ире and while Final Doom

9 wont give you much more other

than new levels, itis an already clas-

sic engine that is worth some time.

That is, only if you ve beaten the first

game. pu disappointed to hear ге only thirty levels in

fe WAD fies Tom the EC, but tead, Williams did their own dy Work.

OVERALL: © es you'll notice are new tex-

7 75 Эш и а“гедезютей ж ‘Shotgun, andan increase in л This game i5 das rt ni д,

Ile ho aii Door fanatics forone last jothing м ~ Game Informer October ‘96;

m Size: 1 CD-ROM т Style: 1-Player Cyber-Racing (2 -Player via Sony Link) m Special Features: 8 All New Tracks, Raging Techno Soundtrack, Superior Ship Control, New Weapon Upgrades, Arcade Challenge Mode Psygnosis


What would happen if DJs from the London Underground got together with the producers of Bladerunner and made a video game? You'd probably expect something along the lines of Psygnosis’ Wipeout + the much anticipated sequel to the cult-classic Wipeout. Anti-gravity cyber ship racing just may be the wave of the future, and Wipeout XL is yet another example of video games predicting the future of


Concept: 8 The basics of Wipeout XL haven't the human experience. 2 changed from the first version. In the ever growing crowd of [C 85 E racing simulations: Wipeout XL is a

challenging ` courses while

ў true standout. Superior control, Sound: 9.5 Unleashing acquired power-ups. 3 1 The control is far more refined and astounding graphics: and a host of Playability: 9 the sense of aiig coupled with weapons all add to Wipeout XL's appeal. flying is a good mix. The new graph- i ЗЫ ti d Entertainment: 9.25 іс effects that include some excel- ка таз ШЫСЫ И up lent new weapons are truly spec- е ship contpol- pu uy OVERALL: tacular. If you remotely enjoyed the but once you get the hang of it. the first game or enjoy air brakes will be sliding you around 9 Ue MMM turns in no time at all. You'll also looks and gameplay.

pick up on how to control the m trajectory of the craft in order to

banks descend, and increase jumping i distance. ` “if this is just a glimpse of what T д А

c Det 85 psyanosis has in store for their With a link option, players can Graphics: 9.25 Second generation software, then compete against each other as well as pe opal ia be own әнеу Ns thirteen computer opponents. In Arcade

Sound: 9.25 such ап improvement over the д S original in every category. The modes you'll have to place first on all Playability: 8 action is much faster and smoother, six tracks in order to qualify for the

and the addition of the extreme Entertainment: 9 power slide delivers perfect hover

craft control. Plus, you never know 1

Arcade Challenge. Here: you'll have а total of three continues to vin the game. Place fourth or lower and you'll lose a continue. In terms of ships there are four classes ranging from beginner to pumping and your reftexes expert. Each ship can be upgraded by toned. A must һауе! 2 А = че collecting weapons during races. These = - 3 А 3 weapons include mines, turbo thrusts. missiles: thunder bombs and quake Í ОТОР | disrupters. As if this weren't enough: t 825 d Concent me so much more. Alincugh hers @ Psygnosis has invited the hottest

: tracks are not that difficult, the М Graphics: 85 Rapier Class tracks had me playing mixers of the London Underground to

Sound: 85 all day for a medal. The graphics are В participate in the soundtrack. The

the fastest and smoothest I've seen. Chemical Brothers: Fluke: Prodigy and ШЕТКЕ ЕЕ Future create a distinct, tribal/

games, Wipeout XL is a must have. d : Д

5 Епемаіптеп: 8.25 Ао, і јиѕ! mt паме (һе Ьез! = industrial experience. To see the

soundtrack I've ever heard. The real score: check out the reviews. OVERALL: techno/industrial music sends

shivers down my spine. Play it at м 9 .25 your next rave party.”

OVERALL: how the race is going to end even if you race it perfectly. To put it

9 bluntly, the competition is trigger happy. XL keeps your adrenaline







-— 1777”




PlayStation. Sony's long-awaited entry

into the platform game arena. You've never experi-

enced anything quite аз sensational as this fully (2 d

animated cartoon world а coming to life. It's floode ғ

with obstacles, enormous levels, unbeliev- able graphics, detailed real-time lighting, amazing music and sound effects. Packed full of solid gameplay, hidden bonus

levels, secret pathways and fiendish traps, this is the “must-have” game of the year. Travel in real time across 3D worlds in over 30 levels of intriguing gameplay with thou- sands of frames of animation! Interact with hilarious, fully rendered 3D cartoon-animat-


PlayStation Re

That mi 3 EM eet him a few seconds. 1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Racing Game (4-Player With Link) 16 Realistic Tracks, Career Mode, Indy or Stock Car Circuit, Dratting, Pit Stops. Numerous Cars and Teams, Vehicle Damage High Score/Stormrofft for EA Sports e: Now for Sony PlayStation

"Color me impressed; this game is

CE fantastic. While it doesn't give me an сәйке в al-cut-supersintense feeling like т Ridge Racer, it does offer some Sound: 8 pretty gut-wrenching speeds for a ‘racing simulator’ Plus, with 16

Playability: | 8 tracks and two diferent circuits to

compete in, Andretti Racing offers Entertainment: 8.5 hours of driving entertainment. And if you want to talk about realism, the announcers and commentators in this game are just as annoying as the guys who do it on TV. Hey wait, they are the guys who do it on TV

“What's great about Andretti Racing

8.75 the realism. | fel ike I'm driving a


Graphics: terms of pitting, drafting and car Sound: 8.5 configuration. Plus, the amount of tracks just blow me away. Instead of 9.25 skidding around turns, you have to begin braking, then accelerate Entertainment: 9.25 through the turn. In the street circuit, I like to pit early, while in Formula 1, a late pit with a correctly configured car is essential to success. Watch out for car damage, it makes a huge difference. This is a great game, a definite purchase.


4 like having the choice of two

сасон: 5 diferent race circuits. Тһе Stock : Cars are a good warm-up for the Graphics: 875 CU "ning Indy races. The games Sound: 8.75 graphics are well done and even the split-screen mode is a winner

Playability: 9.25 visually The commentary and FMV is OK, but the TV presentation is

Entertainment: 9 rather boring after seeing it once.

The racing school with the Andretti trio is equally as dull. Andretti is a fantastic package for race fans looking for some variety. It has great control that challenges your reflexes as well as tenderizes your thumbs.”

8.5 car. There so much strategy in |

Motor Sport

қ Come of Age Te

The result of worn tires.

I t's the fastest growing sport in America. That's right - motor sports have taken the inside track and accelerated out of the turn past such competitors as hockey, soccer and jai-alai. What is the attraction that these droves of people feel toward what some would call a pseudo-spart? Unmistakably, it’s the tremendous noise, the life and death thrills, the strategy, suspense. and skill of a contest that pits man vs. machine. All this excitement has been brought home to the Sony PlayStation in the form of Andretti Racing.

A common complaint concerning racing games has always been track selection; however, Andretti Racing offers 16 challenging and creative courses. There are two ovals [one banked), while. the street circuit will direct players through hairpins, straightaways, chicanes and 90° turns. Obviously, this game is not just about putting the pedal to the floor. Cars can be tailored to specific tracks. Before each race, fine tune the transmission while adjusting air dams. spoilers and tires. Modifications will also affect pit strategies, an element that must be mastered in order to win.

Andretti Racing's claim to fame has always been racing realism, and there's plenty of it here. Optional car damage settings will prevent unmitigated passing within the pack. Another key to victory is drafting. In order to save fuel or increase acceleration, hover just behind a front runner, and at the opportune moment slip through his air packet for an inside track.

With a career mode players can compete within a seasonal circuit, battling it out for top sponsors. Link play offers four players the chance to compete against each other as well as a full pack of racers. So whether you choose Stock or Formula 1. Andretti Racing will offer an unparalleled look into the exciting and dangerous world of motor sports.

А slow pit results in sixth place-

The banked oval emphasizes strategy.

Game informer» October Se Ж


á This fellow is not 5 comforting а friend.

This room used to be kind of neat to look at. All those computers and monitors with thei flashing lights. Oh well. 3 d 1 3

an NE Energy blasters are best for slimes.


ч Breaking things is fun but the game = doesn't give you a score for that.


Sigh... а mere 73 frags before =

kicking the bucket.


So { pU roject Overkill is entirely about breaking things and killing people with the emphasis on the latter.

The typical mission starts off with a bunch of people with guns nearby who you are supposed to extinguish. During the process of offing these people you often break things by accident or on purpose. Now you go to the next room and repeat the process over again. This happens a few times until something approaching a vague resemblance of a puzzle comes. along and you pause for a few moments to consider it. Suddenly a squad of aliens/robots appear and you exterminate them, breaking more things in the process. A few seconds later the puzzle is solved and you get into that room where the thing that you need to get is so that you can go to the next level. There are, of course, more people in that room that you are expected to dissociate from our mundane realm. At this point you have to escape to the red teleport pad, usually guarded by more things to eradicate. If you send everybody on the level to the crossroads of eternity you are awarded with extra health.

All of this is done in a very attractive graphic environment. Enemies die a wide variety of deaths. A few examples are heads exploding, entry and exit wounds, people getting hit in the eye and falling over, and good old-fashioned explosions (for robots, and occasionally people getting hit by explosives). The tools of your mercenary trade include an assault rifle (which is very efficient and gets used most of the ime), a laser type weapon (good for monsters and

ome kinds of robots), and two special weapons that are different for each of the four characters. These can be anything from mines and homing missiles to a cute little robot crab that walks up to your enemies and explodes. Each character also has access to a melee attack which you can use to dispatch foes silently.

For the most part, the gameplay of Project Overkill is much less about strategy and more about reflex action. Rarely does the player stop moving from the time between a mission’s beginning and its end. While shuffling off mortal coils is the extent of most missions, there are a few where a little more thought is required. There is one mission, for instance, where you need to escort a smuggler to an escape pad. There

J are others where players need to think more

'conomically about their health and ammunition and actually not kill everything. Most missions have at least

datachip; poison the water supply; steal the plans to.

£4 the Empire's secret battle sta... never mind. If this is

z ıı The janitors at this place are going to have a bad day.

enough justification for you, then go ahead and take a look at Project Overkill. It is, after all, a very visually attractive game with a nice engine.



1 CD-ROM : 1-Player Isometric ~ Action Game

Remarkably Detailed Gore and Destruction Graphics, Four Mercenaries With Different Special Weapons, Memory Card Save, Gameplay Which Makes One Question the Moral Precepts of Modern Society


ailable: Now for


M порезе



The stealth mode power-up allows you to take people out at your leisure.

С concent: 9.25



"Listen all ya'll, it's a sabotage! From | the creators of Contra comes

next step in action gaming - Project Overkill. Konami put a lot of work into this title and it really shows with massive level designs, awesome blood effects, and Smash TV-like I controls. The ISO-metric transparent view and the beautifully rendered |

characters are the first things that will |


at first (since it's so uncommon), but is easily handled through time. Project Overkill really shines in the plot and gameplay categories. You never know what your mission will be - infiltration, E espionage, escort. You name it and

‘Carnage, carnage, carnage! Go from room to room and blast the enemies to another dimension is all this game is about. If this sounds like your cup of tea then you'll like this game, but I found that | got bored with this premise rather quickly because you have to search every corner in every room if you want to find enough health and ammo to make it through the game. Nice graphics and long levels. make this game a gore lover's dream, but I could live without it.”


“Project Overkill is hands down a hard, hard game. The firing could have been done a little better, but it adds to Project Overkill's frustrating challenge. Kill, kill-that's what it's all about. But along with killing there are a lot of creative missions through difficult worlds. Project Ovekill is kind of like Smash TV in terms of directional firing, except with very limited ammo, so you can't just blast through everything. Even the most experienced gamers will find a solid challenge here."

The · SNK Classic!

Neo-Geo and arcade fanatics have been playing Samurai Shodown for years. While there have been numerous home versions of the original Samurai, the second and third parts of the series have never made it past the Neo-Geo. Until now, that is. This fall Sony Computer Entertainment with the help of SNK will be releasing Samurai Shodown Ill: Blades of Blood to PlayStation gamers everywhere.

Featuring five new characters and the return of seven of the most fearsome warriors from Samurai ! and Il, Blades of Blood promises to bring all the action of the arcade alive on the PlayStation. The biggest difference between this and the two previous versions of Samurai is that now you must choose if your character will be a fighter for Chivalry or Treachery. Besides the different outfits that represent each style of fighting, this also determines what moves your character will be able to perform in combat.

Samurai Shodown Ill also features three difficulty levels that actually change the style of play. In the beginner mode, the autoblock is engaged, and in the advanced mode you get a full Rage Gauge that enables even more moves that will allow you to pound your opponents. Of course, the difficulty also increases to challenge even | the most seasoned fighters.

While many say that Samurai Shodown III is the least entertaining of SH the series, it still offers a lot of solid gameplay techniques and lots of sword play. Either way, it’s coming to your PlayStation and we're sure that the fans of Blades of Blood who couldn't afford a Neo-Geo are anxiously awaiting its arrival. m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter m Special Features: 12 Characters To Choose From (5 New and 7 From Previous Shodowns), 4 Color Combinations for Each Character, Rage Meter, Three Difficulty Levels m Created by: SNK for Sony Computer Entertainment m Available: Late October for Sony PlayStation

PlayStation Preview

i Е =~ 2 Any fan of SNK's Neo-Geo knows the name King of Fighters. Not only Ze does it instill fear into the hearts and minds of fighting fans everywhere, but it is also one of the biggest fight-fests ever. King of Fighters ‘95 features players from both the Fatal Fury series and the Art of Fighting series that can be mixed and matched to create the ultimate fighting team. Each team consists of three players that you can choose at your own discretion. Every player gets one life bar, so in theory, you can defeat all three of your opponent's players using only one of your fighters (proving, of course, that you are the King of Fighters). This style of fighting is not only unique to the fighting genre, but it also makes for some very | interesting battles. reversals, and combos to master, but that's not what makes King of Fighters ‘95 stand out in the crowd. It's the fun of creating a team and battling it out until the bitter end. At this point, King of Fighters ‘95 looks like it will be true to its arcade of Fighters must load character and п Size: 1 CDROM background information before each sic. 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head and every battle. And to put it lightly, Tournament Fighter N these load times aren't exactly short. m Special Features: Eight Teams м Sony will do everything in their power ` (Playable With a Hidden Code), to fix this problem in the final product, Desperation Moves, Large we wanted to let you know that it ів Characters, Japanese Animation, a serious problem in this game right е" Team Edit Mode, Lots of

As with any fighter, this game features numerous moves, throws, | counterpart in every respect except one - load time. It seems that King | Although Game Informer is sure that of Three Fighters and Two Bosses ` f

г Load Time now. Next Oh we'll have the full = Created by: SNK for Sony report. Fight on! Computer Entertainment Available: Now for Sony PlayStation

Game Informer ` October ‘96

cj] UO



E ee lament Fighter ‘think r l'm ever going to get ial F (Not Including Hidden), ly | ( nds,


he latest installment of Street Fighter, the game that made tournament fighting into its own industry, is here for the Sony PlayStation. Street Fighter Alpha 2 stays true to the SF tradition by adding more toys to play with while retaining the same „— classic gameplay. SF Alpha One, while losing'a lot of the old characters, kept all // of the classic action, added better graphics, and implemented a new super / "x combo feature. Alpha 2 has done all these things and more. m $, i The new gameplay addition to SF Alpha Two is the custom combo which Kg қ allows the player a certain amount of time (based on their power bar) to go into shadow mode and let loose with a rapid series of attacks. The custom combo is basically а license to go berserk on your opponent when you're feeling frustrated and need to even the odds a little. There are a total of eight new characters available for play in Alpha 2. Three of them are brand new to the game: Gen (from SF1 but totally revamped), the wise master who switches between two fighting styles, Sakura, the school girl with tweaked Ryu moves, and Rolento (from Final Fight), the paramilitary guy | who fights with grenades and a stick. Three of the hidden characters from Alpha One and two characters from Street Fighter Two (Dhalsim and Zangief) are also available. Street Fighter Alpha Two is guaranteed to please fans who have been happy with the way Street Fighter has progressed up to this point. It maintains all the classic action that’s made it a hit. Custom combos, while fun, do not drastically alter gameplay and the addition of new and old characters will be appeasing to those who thought SF Alpha One didn't have enough characters. If you're looking for | another Street Fighter, give Alpha Two a whirl.

Game Informer October ‘96

the US, it utilized a PlayStation effect known

thus far has been one of the few games to use this feature. So when will American gamers get to see this classic Japanese racing game? Unfortunately, we never will! (Unless you have it imported and have a Japanese PlayStation to play it ои). But luckily for us, SCEA is bringing the sequel, Motor Toon Grand Prix 7, to the states under the title Motor Toon Grand Prix (U.S).

For those of you who were lucky enough to see the original Japanese Motor Toon, you won't believe what

Racing for Perfection

1 CD-ROM 1-Player Racing (2-Player With Sony Link) Ten Tracks, Eight Vehicles, Mime Animation, Power-Ups, Four Hidden Games Including Combat Tank, Submarine-X, and

Motor Toon В. ^ " Роуз for Son they've done to the sequel. Like the и АӨИ original, МТ#7 (or MTC? U.S) offers November for Sony PlayStation some of the best cartoon-styled graphics you'll ever see on the PlayStation, but that’s THE BOTTOM LINE where the similarities end. МТС (US) has two

more tracks, a two-player link mode, extra cars, She's a hog rider! and now you have the ability (a la Super = 2 Mario Kart) to use power-ups that you can purchase by collecting coins during, the race. You can buy missiles, oil slicks, turbos, jumps, and even bombs. 7 As any good game should, MT¢P (US) features numerous secrets. Win a season in Normal Mode and you'll receive the hidden cars and tracks. Take the gold in Hard and you'll gain access to the hidden minigame, Combat Tank. Do it in Professional Mode and get an updated 97 version of Battleship called Submarine-X. Defeat the МТ? in Expert Mode and you'll get the final hidden minigame called Motor Toon K. This is a test game that was created by the game’s designer to test the PlayStations ability to run [at 60 frames per second] in 640x480 resolution. Was it successful? You tell us! Motor Toon Grandprix (US) easily takes the cake as one of the best, if not the best 32-bit console racer to date. While the gameplay is oh so close to Ridge Racer, and the concept of power-ups obviously originated from Super Mario Kart fame, Motor Toon Grand Prix (US) shines as a dynamic racing title

The little engine that could.

Kazunori Yamauchi's ground breaking creation - Motor Toon Grand Prix - was one of the first games released for the Japanese PlayStation. A clever blend of whimsical graphies and realistic

racing fueled the fire and ignited the path into a new frontier of 32-bit console racing. Although the original Motor Toon Grand Prix was never released in

“mime” (the stretching and twisting of polygons) and

Playability: Entertainment:


“The original Motor Toon was an amazing game, and MTGP (US) 8 certainly doesn't disappoint. There are more tracks, more vehicles, and

8.25 the addition of weapons and link-

play. Unfortunately, they removed 8 the interactive environment sound effects and the turbo mode where the vehicle turned into the driver and ran down the course; it sucks, but TII live, because al the additional courses and options make this

game a great racer. Not as good as Ridge Racer Revolution, but close.”


“ts a shame that the original Motor Toon never made it to the

8.75 states, but a few months from

8.5 some toon action with MTGP

now PS-X gamers will finally get dy

MTGP's (US) cartoon-like animation 9 and graphics may not attract the attention of the hard-core racers, but the options and hidden goodies should turn some heads. Ten tracks, three hidden games, and solid gameplay make MTGP (US) a definite competitor for the premier racer on the PS-X. It gets my vote.”


Concept: Graphics: Sound:

g ‘Talk about a driving game, wow! MTGP (US) has all the features that 8 make for a great racing game (including the power slide) with

8.25 backgrounds and courses that will

your socks off. The difference

An Playability: 875 in the vehicles is outstanding. Entertainment: 9.25 YOu can be anything from a train

to a motorcycle. The first-person perspective is first-class. | can't really say enough about the graphics in this game, especially the. later courses. The bonus games add а nice touch, but overall its the true racing feel coupled with inventive courses and vehicles that make this game a winner."

Game Informer п October ‘96

: 1 CD-ROM

1 or 2-Player Action/Shooter `

4 Characters (Cosmetic Se 5

Stereo View for 3D Glasses, Challenging Difficulty, Memory Card Save Appaloosa for Konami lovember for Sony PlayStation (Possibly Later for Sega Saturn)

As the latest addition to the Contra series, Legacy of War is everything a sequel should be. It takes the intense difficulty and the regular weapons that have been the trademark of all Contras and mixes them in with an all new 32-bit environment that is sure to impress and amaze. The view

isometric perspective. Camera angles shift slightly depending on where the character is moving and what the situation is. Throw on a pair of 3D glasses for the stereo vision view and it's all over. You won't eat or sleep for days. The graphics are great, and Konami promises they are still being tweaked and improved upon. For instance, when a big turret is destroyed, the blast sends it flying into the air, firing shots all over the board.

All the old weapons are available, but many have been altered. The

spread gun is not as

powerful as it used to be, but the laser now homes in on anything that can

be hurt or broken (a great way to find secret places). Also available is the bomb, which is the only weapon in the game limited by ammunition constraints.

The thing that is most true to Contra form is the difficulty. This game is hard. Most similar games that are out nowadays are just enough of a challenge to be interesting. Plowing through the cannon fodder and then killing the nasty boss at the end of the level is the usual way that shooters run. Contra is something more along the lines of walking into blinding mayhem with projectiles coming from different directions. Bosses are at the beginning, middle, and end of most levels. Mechanical devices like turrets, robots, and strange aliens are all over the place. The enemies are in infinite supply and if an effort isn't made to keep them down in numbers, they can easily overwhelm your position while you attempt to take out tougher targets.

Fortunately, your character can duck, jump, and has two modes of fire. One is the typical shoot in the direction that you move, the other is a strafing mode where the gun, when firing, is always aimed in one direction regardless of where you move.

While Konami isn't known for punching out super blockbusters, Contra has always been a er, and this latest 32-bit installment to the series is no different. Start saving those pennies. November will be around the corner before you know it.

Game Informer » October '96


the Old Weapons,

сі От}



т Saturn Dual Prev.



= Created by; m Available:

ы he Cold War has left

its legacy of danger

and intrigue. Gangs

x гип rampant through the

former Soviet Bloc

nations peddling weapons

faster than lip gloss at an eighth-grade dance. The Baltic Fleet,

pride of the Soviet Empire, lies idle at the shores of the Baltic

sea. Already, warring factions are struggling for control of the

nuclear fleet; and you, as an agent of the STRIKE organization,

must stop this war before it can begin. Saddle up STRIKE pilot,

and lock into Soviet Strike the first 32-bit Strike title from Electronic Arts.

Since day one, EA has been treating this game with kid

gloves. No rush, no shortcuts, no compromises, this is what

the original Strike developers demanded. What they have come

1 up with is a game that relies on strategy as much as combat

and flight skills. In order to fully appreciate the depth of programming and intelligence involved in the development of Soviet; Strike, one must first understand the "War Room" at Electronic Arts. Before one bit of programming had started,

li giant maps, full relief terrain grids, random movement and

strategy simulation were all drawn and played out in the old Dungeons & Dragons style. After the game had been


Battle at th the Bal


played through on paper and maps, the programming began. Fully rendered, textured terrain, life-like buildings, oceans, mountains and video clips were shot on scene throughout Europe and Asia. Impressive looking copters, tanks, subs and ground vehicles complement the incredible detail given to Soviet Strike.

Many of the old Strike game elements were kept, specifically the ability to blow up just about everything, the necessity to manage resources, and the emphasis on specific leaders as targets. Certain renegade factions may temporarily help you on your quest, but move them too close to another army and the two will only fight each other. A special agent in the guise of a reporter will even creatively cover up your mishaps, explaining away the destruction of a hospital or small village. This all takes place upon what EA calls a “living battlefield.” Armies, targets and humans will continue to move regardless of their proximity to the player's Screen. Interactive music will even heat up as the battle increases.

We have seen many games that have been this long in the making. Often, these games promise much and deliver little. Soviet Strike immediately captures the eye as a game that successfully melds together action, strategy, graphics and (for once) important FMV sequences. Look for Soviet Strike to launch its attack this November. EA is hoping for a victory before the holiday season.

Game Informer

October 96.

irgin Interactive is incorporat- ing a couple of traditional playground games into a ‘futuristic action video game. Grid Runner, developed by Radical Entertainment, is а mix of a rousing game of tag and capture the flag that will be appearing soon on both the Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation. The basics of the one-player game are to locate and possess an allotted number of flags placed within an

meter that is displayed on the side of the screen that can be replenished by picking up colorful magic orbs.

Each of the areas consists of three stages against a respective opponent. Some opponents are fast; some pack a lot of firepower, and others are just plain stupid. You must beat all three stages to advance to a bonus round where you'll be able to collect orbs that will increase your character's magic, agility and speed.


enormous grid of obstacles, conveyors, and other pitfalls before your opponent e s

does the same. The game of tag is incorporated when the first flag is captured by one player and the other becomes "it." The player who is “it” (denoted by a red “Х”) cannot capture any flags until the opponent is tagged "it." Aiding you in the tough task of keeping your opponent off your back while capturing the allotted number of flags, аге a number of special powers. Your character has access to a speed spell, warp spell, a blaster weapon, a slow opponent spell, and a block builder. Some of these are limited in use through a magic

1 CD-ROM THE BOTTOM LINE 1 or 2-Player Action (4-Player Via Sony Link) PLAYSTATION

2-Player Split-Screen or Link Mode, Password or Memory Card

Save, Bonus Levels, Increasing Player PS-X SS

“In concept, this is a great game.

The two-player game is the same in many ways: but init you'll go head-to- head in a split screen mode (the PlayStation version also features a Link Mode where up to four players can compete using two PS-Xs. and a Sony Link). You'll also be able to select what world you want to compete in. A handicapping setting will make it possible for the novices to beat the masters.

Grid Runner's simple and fast paced play coupled with some strategic elements offers players a non-stop action thriller that really shines in the head-to-head game.

1 CD-ROM. 1 or 2-Player Action 2-Player Split-Screen, Password or Memory Save, Bonus Levels, Increasing Player Attributes, Control Configuration, Player Handicap (2-Player)


Attributes, Control Configuration, Player However, when it comes to execution Radical Entertainment Handicap (2-Player) в 8 this game falls a little short. Ideally, this for Virgin Radical Entertainment game should be a lot Ike Bomberman; Now for Sega Saturn cm 8 8.25 а frantic and fun battle to complete “for Virgin 4 ^^^ some simple tasks. Instead the game is Now for Sony PlayStation 7 7 loaded down with lots of graphics that

make the gameplay and speed suffer

55 55 accordingly Also, there aren't any р ~ power-ups to collect during the levels 55 55 (other than little balls that increase your > “speed and weapon strength) that could


7 have given the game a little more

depth. | guess this game's not bad if you plan on playing a lot of two- player, but otherwise you'll get bored rather quickly.”

"Mixing the concepts of some old play-

ground games is a fairly unique idea,

Concept: Graphics: Sound:

75 8.25

but I don't know if it really came through

in the one-player game. It's the same

8.5 thing over and over and the only real ~ differences | can find in the stages are 8 8.25 the level designs and an enemy that is

a little faster. It is almost identical on

Playability: Entertainment: 5

8.5 8,5 Doth systems in terms of play, but the E ~ edge goes to the Saturn in terms of graphics. The multi-player game is the

most enjoyable as the one-player game


7.25 7.25 iS just too short. Grid Runner looks and

plays well, but | found it to lack a wide

variety of power-ups and weapons.”


"Plain and simple; | didn't like this

game. Yes, the concept is new and

6.75 6.75 exciting, but the game is repetitive and e "` boring. Run around, grab the flags, and 7 7.25 Move onto the next opponent. That's all you do! The graphics are above aver-

8.5 85 age and the sound is superb,

but the

gameplay is really limited. Virgin has

7 7 Opened the doors to something great with the tag concept, but they have to

explore this:new realm more thorough-

6.25 6.25 ly before they can impress me.

7 7.25 However,

if you are going to

buy this game, check out the Saturn version. It blows the PS-X offering out of the water.”

Game Informer s October “96

Game Informer п October ‘96


EA Sports proves once again that they

_ ава video game sports machine. To date,

5 John Madden 97 is easily the best football

available (GameDay ‘97 is still nowhere to

be seen). | am really impressed by the

graphics and animation of this game. The

5 players seem to pop right out of the TV.

Overall, | would have to say | like the play

5 | control of GameDay, but the graphics and

sheer number of teams and plays on

‘Madden make it tough to beat on either system."

"Madden is football action at its best. The more 1 play the season mode, the more the greatness of the game reveals itself. The Al is super intelligent. | ‘do have a few gripes, one being the limit of three audibles, With such a wealth of buttons, why not have 6 or 7 choices for audibles? This would improve the two minute drill and also allow for a no huddle offense throughout an entire game. Running seems a litle easier on the Saturn, but the PlayStation is easier for passing (the tiny XYZ buttons can be cumbersome). Any fan of football should buy Madden '97^

M /епа umnges/uomnes Aeg


"The long wait for the 32-bit Madden finally over and I'm glad to report that I'm very pleased with the results. The classic | Madden feel is still present, but І would have liked to see a few more moves a la GameDay, When you put the two games against each other they are virtually identical, but graphically, the edge has to до to the PS-X. | also found that the play ‘Control was a bit tighter on the Sony as. Well. Although this game reaches its peak played against а friend, I'm glad to see that EA bumped up the difficulty so you ` cant trounce the computer with any team.

One major gripe (have is with the running game. It just doesn't seem to work for anyone, even the computer. However, who the heck really used the running plays in the old games?”


Game Informer а October ge

Daam erem

| m Style: 1 to 3-Player Action m Special Features: Three

Personal => Difficulty Levels, Obscure Level

ето 30: à асаа SS = R i IIe Sg Lon Continues m Levels: 15 > m Created by: /

Interactive for SegaSoft к» ` ш Available: Now for Sega Saturn w ws

T > THE Borrou Line 178: . our children combined Einstein's ivity, controlling an individualsdwart - Corthag, Taconi and Greg. Tite superstring theory, ап! Am si 5-оҒ dwarves all have uniqderaits-and methods of att. k. Grend г. s the ultimate role-playing game. oal is to-open the doorway great American pastime to new heights with a Mera

FI ) toa parallel world and escape the military imprisonment they've lived fighting. His special moves ие! quadruple home run HAN AT | _ with their entire lives. The tools they use on the other side are the the nasty bat to the head; Тасоп} із the kingpin of the group and will Three Dirty Dwarves (TDD), a gang of ruthless, Stinky, foul mouthed bowl over the competition whenever he can, and Corthag takes LA's 00015 who will do anything to save the children. The children need the pastime of shotgun mayhem to the streets. Individually...they're а dwatves' help, and the dwarves need your help in the fight for the menace. Together...they mutilate the masses. freedom of children everywhere. a Gameplay consists of constant action. Staying alive is í easy if you æ This is, in fact, the very first game to be published by SegaSoft. If can just keep your dwarves on feet. If one goes down, whack ine this is just a glimpse into the future of what SegaSoft is capable of, on the head to stand him upri gain. Fifteen leve ls, Ê then get excited. This somewhat obscure action title has beautifül which are bosses, consumed he three Is а Ge ‘animation and great gameplay; above all, it's a constant laugh-a- introduce a new aspect of ij. Some level designs actually | thon. The Three Dirty Dwarves utilize all the necessary ingredients of change depending on the difficulty selection. Y | comedy to their fullest. Whether it's a censored streaker, a chicken- SegaSoft has doné a knockout job with Three Dirty Dwarves The ling voodoo god, or the crazy dwarves themselves, you'll e e get humor cannot be topped; and the need to see the end cartoon will keep a laugh out of what TDD has to offer. ТТТ: you playing. Keep your eyes peeled for the dwarf пва! м 13 to three human opponents can play simultaneously, each Sams (n

"T rere å Ahh! Deformed fetus! W ®

Use the fire hydrant REINER, THE RAGING GAMER, to extinguish this УА Фу ` “Now these are my kind of guys demon's hell fire. И л À dumb killers: SegaSoft weed р,

ns ` га? I same KM rare

p^ v "Than E yourself entertain: s А instead of the да!

is in its own league witht screen action and special jalore. Thereisn’t much of a е since the game is short,

“Lam impressed that SegaSoft tried to do something new with these wild and crazy guys; however, the game becomes really repetitive and is way too easy. | did find this game to be hilariously funny and the multi-player mode is a definite party hit. Unfortunately, as а 1-player game it strikes out, even with all its great animation and gameplay intricacies (which is the main reason it scored 50 well). Rent it and check it out because this game is fun to play; it Just grows old quickly.”

А ==

We must kill the pulang with feet.

is game is filled with hilarious cartoon cut-scenes that are almost more = enjoyable than the game. Itis nice that there are a variety of games included, but it all ends too quickly. Sure, there are the three difficulty levels, - but that adds very little to the replay of the game. The three-player game is also fairly fun, but this game has nothing over Guardian Heroes in that department. It is а humorous romp throu; unch, of goofy levels, butit Jesn'toffer much to the знн, mom Hn. action genrgsother than a little Game Informer » October ‘96 Сота

It’s one of our oldest, dearest traditions, a sport where the stadium hurls one into the arena of rivalry, patience, splendor and spectacle. Long periods of stasis suddenly explode into a triple play...the ninth inning rally snaps a seven game losing streak..the Cubs win the pennant (it could happen). Enter World Series Baseball II, Sega's latest update to their smash hit of last fall.

As an update of last year's version, WSB II has made some noticeable improvements. After the complaints of many fans, Sega has introduced an all new player create mode. Entire teams can be created. However, existing franchises are immune to trades and player creation. There are two provided that can be edited (they're the ‘98 expansion teams). Another important addition is the availability

rookies are just waiting for a chance.

Enjoy each and every Major League stadium, beautifully rendered with all the odd corners and

game can be played, and this year the player's uniforms are noticeably true 1 to their home colors. Also, when you play a full 162-game season, the mid-season all-star game is based on statistics (very cool) The voice-overs have been expanded, and snide comments always seem to surface during key points in the game.

Baseball, of course, is a game that is based upon averages. In order to see how these averages work out, choose to play the full 162-game season. When is it time to put in the southpaw? Where should you bat your contact hitters? If you have the patience, test out these questions on Sega’s new World Series Baseball II. Maybe you, too, can win the pennant.

teams |

| green monsters intact. An all-star |

4n D Des, 000, % hd Weg { | g 2 levis, |! X

m Created by: Sega Sports v m Available: Now for Sega Saturn ж

m Size: 1 CD-ROM т Style: 1 or 2-Player Baseball m Special Features: Player Editor for The Upcoming

1998 MLB Expansion Teams, Full Season Mode, Home Run Derby, Farm Prospects, Speedy Menu Access, Multiple Views


Concept: "Other than the stadiums and the ||

= Ges, ans this boe is Graphics: asically the same as the one Р before. The field still seems too ‘Sound: 9 small in that a hit to the wall is too St just a enol, The look of ihe Playability: 8 players and their animation also appears to be identical to the first

Entertainment: 8.76 game. The fielding and pitching| |

control, although traditional, is very tight, making it easy to perform |7 spectacular catches. | think a trading option is necessary, but the | custom team in the season mode is | enjoyable. A good game, but | still | want more.” E


в Once again, World Series Baseball

2 is another great title from the ES в minds at Sega. Although this game | isn’t that much different than the | 8.5 original, it does offer a couple of new | options including all the stadiums |; 8 and a brand new team edit mode.

good In the end, World Series Baseball II is a lot like the original. It's fun to play |” and easy to get into."

The batting window is quite large.

А conference at the mound is always a good time to steal first.


‘I've always been a huge baseball

fan, and when a game like World

Series Baseball 2 (the second |.»

chance г at E SC

Sound: 8 around, | can't help but be a little | ,

wary. Yes, Sega has added all the |”

Playability: 8 stadiums and updated the rosters,

but what else makes this installment

Entertainment: 8.5 seque! worthy? Nothing. It doesn't

need any more. Once again, Sega

OVERALL: preserved the pure essence of WSB

- fast flow and above all, pure

realism. It's undoubtedly the best

arcade baseball simulator to date.

However, it still needs more stats and a trade player option."

Concept: 8 Graphics:


Thousands of evil orcs city—make sure H Choose a dwarf (Gre T * and one of their trusty, weapons { bat, bowling pin or shotgun). Blast, bludgeon or seven-ten spl villians in the Bronx, then rescue four genius

kids taken by a sinister general.

Alternate between the dwarves on the

fly to unleash special moves or combine

them for fast attacks in "brawl mode" or “morph dwarf." dubi dbi t Three Dirty Dwarves delivers non-stop head _ smashing action with a high-energy sound: track and a look all its own! а

Thrée Dirty Dwarves’ for Sega Saturn™ and Windows? 95


“Loads of character, interesting enemies and a completely distinctive graphic style.” NEXT GENERATION ONLINE В

t AGES 13+

"Looks gorgeous and plays extremely well... even the loading screen is cool." | | GAME FAN

“Entirely worthwhile, challenging and constantly entertaining.” GAME INFORMER

1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 to 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighting m Special Features: Multiple Skill Levels, Programmable Combos, Instant Replay for Big-Hit Combos, Ranking Modes m Created by: AM2 for Sega Now in Japan, November for US Saturn

Virtually the Same

E m "ter your initials young Warrior,

he scene is the Akihabara area of Tokyo, August, final battle with Dural (fought under water). After this 1996. Twenty Virtua Fighter 2 machines stand 4 battle, win or lose, the player is treated to an side by side. Out of the crowd cries the voice of x d | y ЕМУ clip of their character. This film is saved into

a gamer daring to be different, “Tekken 2 Rules!!!” The young man is promptly escorted out of the arcade and admitted to the nearest mental institution. Sounds absurd, you say? Well perhaps, but Virtua Fighter 2 is the hottest game in Japan right now. It's по? uncommon to see twenty machines lined up side by side. So why do the Japanese frown on Tekken 2 \ head Dural, the most mysterious element of the game. while embracing VF2? In terms of programming moves, the Combo Maker feature One major and important difference ie, of course, wz JF allows you to create and save up to 10 files of moves for each defense. The martial arts are centered upon defense, character. Each combo can have up to 20 different steps. thus any true fighting game must embrace this In addition, there is an option that limits the amount of “gentleman's” ideology. In VF2, blocking coupled with a times a combo. move can be used in a match (1 to 5 or perfectly timed counter attack is the only way to infinite). succeed. VF2 also offers astounding graphics and smooth play, with killer (but not ridiculous) combos. aw By now you'll have noticed that we've been 7 1 talking about VF2, when we should be talking about Virtua Fighter Kids. The reason the two can be used interchangeably is that they're "virtually" the same game. The charactere have changed into short midgets but still possess all the same moves and combos. So what's different about VF2 Kids? Well, not much. For one thing, endings and options for endings have changed. Fight through each character until the

the “movie house” and can be accessed anytime. Perhaps the most important additions are the

programming modes. In conjunction with the player's handbook, moves сап saved into a string, making for some helatious combos. Players can even access or play against the feared aquarium-

In closing, there are two reasons the game is

called Virtua Fighter Kids. The first ie that the

Ў charactere are supposed to appear ae kids, and as Ў you can see by the shots there is quite a bit of difference

from the original. The second reason is that players can choose Kids mode where combos are automatic. A few quick hits of the punch button unleashes a storm of combo fury. So if you already have УЕ and you're looking for a new fighting game, be wary of purchasing VF Kids. As you can tell by now, Virtua Fighter 2 and Virtua Fighter Kide are just too darn close for comfort.

Е ee сап play as Silver Dural or ав Capo

Game Informer в October ‘96


f Unfortunetely, he has an iron jaw (and a rocket launcher).

Welcorne to

1 CD-ROM Camera View, 3D Environments, 1 or 2-Player Action/Adventure Human and Wolf Morphing Capcom Seven Characters, SGI Rendered First Quarter ‘97 for Sega Graphics, Free Floating Isometric Saturn (and Sony PlayStation)

rewolf stories have been a big part of pop culture г quite some time now, but not once (except Teenwolf), has one ested that the wolves might

actually be the good gu s creation We The Apocalypse, the Garou (werewolves of legend the protectors of all creation. An evil force known a у has attacked Gaia (the Spirit of the Earth) like a cancer and has begun to pollute her land and corrupt her people. A pack of d seven Garou have been appointed Gaia's protectors and have risen to destroy the Wyrm once and for all. Capcom has brought White Wolf's creation to life. The Apocalypse is a vast game with non-stop action 1 through the streets of New York, the hills of

of a burden for your little self, you can alw

help through the magic of 2-player simultaneous gameplay. As the player, or players, pr through the game, they'll build up a fair supply of Rage Points (allowing play

three different forms) and Gnosis Points (enabling special mag- ical attacks through use of player items).

Werewolf: The Apocalypse features SGI rendered displayed through an isometric view. Gamers haven't had a chance to experience true werewolf action yet, excluding the NES title Werewolf and the Genesis collection of Shadow of the Beast, and surely you'll all agree it's time.

Hundreds of deadly weapon combi 1

Over 100 robotic killers to challenge you!

Intense split-screen mode for 2-Player head-to-head battle!

Visit your local retailer ог call

FOR ORDERS ONLY For game tips on our products, call В years of age or have parental permission. Touch-tone phone required.

Game Informer u October ‘96

Ever since the first Indiana Jones movie, the gaming public has longed for an adventure game that emphasized exploration and action without the Standard track of action/platform or the fighting sequences of RPG's. Tomb Raider just might fit that niche. With stunning 3D terrain, players can explore

THE FUTURE IS NO catacombs, pyramids, dungeons and jungles.

At first glance Crime Wave appears Tomb Raider is one of the most anticipated games of to be very unique in its style and PLACE FOR A BICYCLE the fall. Rather than feature yet another male hero, the

attention to detail in terms of buildings and other cars, but as soon as the | bold and beautiful Lara Croft will explore the mystical ruins action starts you realize that it's a shoot-em-up with some handy features. 219 terrain of the Tomb Raider world. What could be bet- 8 ter than running through ancient catacombs, bat-

It appears to have borrowed its concept from both Car Wars and Mad Max. tling menacing bears, and shooting wolves? And Ж r^

You are a self-employed cop who has taken it upon himselftoblastthe ај this on your quest to find the legendary bejeezus out of criminal car warriors who seem to enjoy wandering about “Scion” gem. town blowing up innocent drivers. The mayor of this not-so-peaceful town Lara will have a few weapons at her disposal has made police business into a private business whe mpeting including dynamite, two fast loading pistols, a 4 “cops” have no qualms about eliminating you in less than s lle ways. shotgun, and a magnum. What sets Tomb Raid When an enemy car is. yed, players are rewarded wi Wer-ups apart from the First-Person Shooter genre is tl

rendered graphics and the immensity of igi 4 i " worlds. Leap into water and swim through tylfilels;

hd ni 3 from tall heights and dive roll as you поб û

mping Hidden stuff is everywhere and often Lara quick getaway or a сот of stone, throw switches, or blast areas нШ 9

From what we've seen the wait appe: be well worth it. The concept of Tomb Raider stands out, rowd. It's one of the most original titles on the 32-bit 5 ет». If you're still peeved about not getting Resident Evil on the Saturn, then relax and, dream about Tomb Raider Gaping к to the Saturn this eer"

: 1 CD-ROM 1-Player 3D Action/Adventure es: Fully Rendered 360° Terrain, Catacombs, Water Scenes, Multiple Enemies, Stunning

m Style: [hird-Person Shooter m Special Featur Multiple Cars,

able “November for Sega Saturn (and Sony PlayStation)

Game Informer » October ‘96

р video game and puzzle are е same sentence, the name Tetris

ж” m Size: 1 CD-ROM

m Style: 1 or 2-Player Puzzle

ш Special Features: Classic Mode, Head-to-Head Puzzle Mode, Create Your Own Puzzles

п Created by: Original Design by Alexey Pajitnov for Jaleco

m Available: Now for Sega Saturn

(and Sony PlayStation) Se THE Borrom Line 7,25 ; n to the Mi ү me ` ы NN puzzle stages, where you can design | Tetris has already proven

video game world, it

ie ot head-to-head, but jay at the same time:

Design and save your own puzzles.

Puzzle Mode is ? two players can P

"I've always enjoyed the Tetris family of games, but Tetris Plus doesn't show me anything all that new. The puzzle levels are entertaining, at times frustrating, but overall they lack ingenuity and play value. Most of the basic Tetris elements are there, but there must be ways to add new excitement to the game such as designing your own pieces, more creative puzzles, larger game board, etc. A good game, but nothing to get excited about.”

zi axaaa)

LE‏ = چ against an opponent in Vs. Mode‏ °


“You can't really go wrong with a good З “Overall, Tetris Plus is a pretty good Cons Un E uL C ЬЕ game for any Tetris fan. While | was Graphics: 88 game included is equally enjoyable, Graphics: в alittle disappointed with the classic and creating your own levels is a good B Tetris mode (I think I'd rather play the Sound: 7 option. However, | think they missed Sound: 8 Game Boy version), | thoroughly the boat on some of the two-player 5 enjoyed the Puzzle Mode. | guess if Бе 3 games There really is no two-player Err ШЕТІ IT Entertainment: 7.75 Puzzle Mode or Classic Mode, Entertainment: 8 on anew game, there is a lot of stuff

although you can play at the same time.

1 would pick up before this game. Yeah, OVERALL: Playing the original game is OK, but OVERALL: е PUR 2608 050

e Erem thi 32-bit version of Tetris,

ВИ Paz od y/ 5 not having the ability to compete in 7 tutit Se offer that Du Sg от

Classic Мо Е | Eu E tol aati! over the previous 8-bit and 16-bit


Game Informer ` October ‘96

m Size: 1 CD-ROM

ш Style: 1-Player First-Person Shooter

m Special Features: Numerous Weapons, 3 Separate Scenarios (Just Like the Movies), Hidden Areas, Mission Ratings, Super Power-Up Items


They're ni

yellow blips pulse closer and closer. You're low on ammunition but you've got your pulse tifle. Fire short bursts only! Watch the ceiling! There’s one on your back! You run through an air duct and emerge within the Queen's nest. There she is - a monstrous alien attached to her egg sack. The extermination of the entire hive

lies in your hands.

In case you haven't seen any of ће Alien movies, here's the plan: after battling the colony and defeating the

over Me Mant

ТЕР; 160%

ү ou're Ripley...a bead of sweat runs down your cheek; your T-shirt’s torn and frayed. On ће radar little

m Crested y: Probe for Acclaim Entertainment Now for Sega Saturn

>The Borrom ш 9.79

queen, airdrop into the prison; then return to space and battle more aliens on the spaceship. All the elements that made the Alien trilogy а box office smash are included in the game. Players walk around while being attacked from all sides by hostile xenomorphs and infected humanoids. As in any first-person shooter, ammo is limited. Good strategies include shooting barrels of gasoline to destroy numerous enemies, strafing around corners and long distance targeting with the pulse rifle. Floating camera

ios nili

angles allow players to look up and down while inspecting с

ducts and walkways.

level objectives change within each sub-level. Sometimes you'll have to collect ID Tags while destroying specimens. Other times you'll have to enable all the lifts. Some levels demand that you deactivate all the steam pipes, allowing Hudson, Vasquez and company further.



access into the colony. There are even several 60 second power-up levels.

Hidden areas are a huge part of the game and are accessed with grenades and seismic charges. They can be seen after obtaining the auto-mapper. Many of these areas must be accessed in order to clear the level. You'll also be graded on mission objectives and aliens killed.

This Saturn version is nearly identical to the PlayStation version, with only subtle differences in lighting and graphics. So to all those Saturn owners out there: stay sharp; shoot quick and work fast. If you don't, it'll be “Game Over Мап!” м

9s, air


Concept: Graphics:

g ‘Compared to the PlayStation version, | would have to say that 8.75 this version is inferior. While the ameplay is just as good, the Sound: 9 її ды and anmain on the PlayStation are much better. еа However, it realy doesnt make that much of a difference because the semet: game is still he same. This is a great Doom-clone for any fan of the movies who can overlook the one-dimensional level design and enjoy this game for what it blast those pesky Aliens."




“Alien Trilogy is the only ‘epic’ first- person title to reach the shores of 8 the Saturn. While this version lacks some of the fantastic lighting and 8.75 general effects of the PS-X, it still turned out to be a great game, 8.25 proving that the Saturn can easily handle a title of this caliber. All three Alien movies have turned into instant classics, and this game fits right into the same category. The frightening essence of the movies has been captured beautifully by Acclaim Entertainment. If you want a first-person title that constantly pounds excitement, then you've found your chest burstin' answer іп Alien Trilogy.”

Б The first time you play this game

~ fe just like watching the movies. 8.5 You skulk around waiting to be pounced on from all sides. Its a

8 great game with a lot of levels and

tons of power-ups and ammo. It's 8.25 especially hard to find all the hidden

D Entertainment: 8.25 47645. Making that decision to part ^. With a precious seismic charge, only

to have it do absolutely nothing can

OVERALL: be very frustrating. But then again, there's nothing like getting rated

100% in the secrets category. A

good game with above average

8.20 play-value.”

ЕЕ а

а. ? by Erik, $, the PC Jedi D

* Shadoan - Virtual Image Productions. Cool story and simple interface make this a good family game.

* Astrorock - Atlantean

It's fun like Asteroids but | would be pretty angry if | shelled out more than five bucks for a game that plays like a shareware intro. Wait. for this one to hit the bargain bin if you're interested.

* Z - Bitmap Brothers Command and Conquer

When Two Gaming Worlds Collide | had recently visited Gen Con in Milwaukee (a roleplaying game convention hosted by TSR) and was very impressed with some of the pen and paper RPG to PC conversions that were being displayed. Most RPG to PC translations are fun, but often lose much of the flavor of the worlds they represent. The commitment | saw at Gen Con to putting out true-to-form RPG PC games could throw a whole new light on this small but solid area of

the PC gaming industry.

Master of Orion ІІ: Battle at Antares - Microprose aster of Orion Il is everything MOO fans have been asking for. It is similar to Master of

Magic in the way colonies are managed (food is now an issue) and its use of heroes (for with a wacky sense of humor. flying ships and managing colonies). Star systems can have more than one planet. Ships = d Fun game. can no longer be stacked and are limited by the number of star bases you have. Combat has * The Art of Fly Fishing become more complex with much larger playing fields and the addition of factors like sectored Gametek e shielding, ship orientation, and boarding of disabled ships. There are three new races: the Elerian We had Jon (our resident

telepathic warrior women, those lucky financial experts, the Gnolams, e ee SE and the aquatic space-bending Trilarians. Races can also be custom made | use of actual competition (similar to the custom wizard feature of MOM), but your score at the end um streams, selection of flies, will suffer for this (especially if you insist on making your people too nasty). Ш and casting. Not a great feat Orion itself is pretty much the same deal, but now players must contend of ШЫН Concepts but with the Antarans, a sociopathic, other-dimensional race bent on the Se nemen might get destruction of all alien life forms. Finding a permanent solution to the Total Control ordi а Antaran problem is crucial once their attacks become more frequent. Philips

MOO II will no doubt be well received by fans of the original. However, The GM and Simulation people should be warned of the complexity factor, as it takes quite

were what made the grade for a while to learn how to kick butt in this game. this game. Actual gameplay

doesn't even come close to football on the platforms. though.

* Return Fire - Williams /GT. Interactive. Classical music, fast

Robert E. Lee: Civil War General Sierra

ar gamers and civil war enthusiasts will dig this game. If you're 2 both of these, stop reading this article and buy this game right ye ја аю асое Ze away. Combat takes into account a wide variety of statistics, units, capture-the-flag title a and combat factors applicable to the Civil War Era. Units consist of infantry, real blast. cavalry, artillery and specialists (sharpshooters and scouts). The combat ability of a unit is a function of morale, supplies, firepower, experience and the unit's leader. Civil War General also takes terrain into consideration with regard to movement, cover, height and visibility. Players who want to play the Union can do so, but the entire campaign can only be fought as the South. The game is done beautifully, featuring work by historical artist Mort Künstler and movie shorts featuring live re-enactments of the war. The classic battle hymns that play throughout the game also add to the feel of the times. Civil War General is a good, solid war game with extensive long-term play value. Even “Yanks” will have no problem taking on the role of “Johnny Reb."

Games to Look Out For: There were a lot of nice looking games at Gen Con. Westwood was proudly displaying Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Microprose has teamed up with FASA (an RPG company) to create a great looking strategy version of their Battletech game. A very detailed PC version of GURPS (Generic Universal Roleplaying System) was being demonstrated by Interplay. SSI has a huge line-up of products slated for the near future, but the most attractive looking game at the con was War Wind, a Warcraft-style game played on an alien world. Sierra is hard at work on Birthright for PC, a game in which players assume the roles of great movers and shakers of nations in a fantasy world rife with war and intrigue. Converts to PC seem to have become something of a trend lately. Sega will be releasing a number of original games and converts from the arcade and its systems for PC. Among the more impressive titles available will be Virtua Fighter (no special graphics cards needed), Manx TT Super Bike, Sega Rally Championship, Daytona USA, and Virtua City P.D. (Virtua Cop). Squaresoft will be releasing Final Fantasies V and VI (VI was Ш in the States) for PC and Electronic Arts will be releasing a PC version of Road Rash.

Road Rash for PC isn't all EA has been up to. EA conglomerates are gearing up to get some big-name sequels out this fall. Bullfrog will be releasing a number of games including Gene Wars and Syndicate Wars that should be available now. Jane's Combat Simulations will continue to publish through EA. Their fall lineup includes NATO Fighters, U.S. Navy Flghters '97, and The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes. |n addition, Origin will be releasing Crusader: Мо Regret and Privateer: The Darkening, also due out in this fall.


Game Informer п October ‘96

АЖ” 2 e ` By Ryan MacDonald ene" бе aaa Т m ania

bi Umenokoji Aoi

Lion Rafale

Responding to gamers everywhere, Sega has finally released Virtua Fighter 3 into the Japanese market. While the U.S. version of the game won't make its debut until the AMOA this fall, GI wanted to make sure you are still up to date on all the current VF3 info. Besides breathtaking new graphics (sup- plied by Sega's new Model 3 board), МЕЗ features two new characters and an additional button to con-

trol 3D movement. The button is labeled "E", which GI is guessing stands for evade. This

button, which is placed to the far right of the straight four-button configuration, allows you to move

the player laterally in VF3's 3D environments.

That's all the information we have for now, but we'll keep you updated as soon as we hear anything new. Until then you'll just have to look at the pictures and dream of the Virtua Fighter experience that is yet to come.

п Size: Arcade

m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter

m Special Features: New E Button For 3D Movement, First Arcade Machine to Use Sega's Model 3 Board, Two New Characters

m Created by: AM2 for Sega

m Available: 4th Quarter 96 in an Arcade Near You

Game Informer = October ‘96



d шр


Game Informer п October ‘96

PlayStation Preview

EN fs ER » Fighting games in Japan are growing by leaps Size: and bounds. No longer confined to a stage 1 CD-ROM style arena, competitors now roam through Style: | or 2-Player castles and courtyards in search of their

3D Head-To-Head Fighter

foe. Bushido Blade from Square Soft pits Special Features:

No Time Limit or Life Meter, fighters against one another in various Vast Fighting Arenas, arenas throughout an enormous castle IIT complex. As well as being able to choose a

d á Within Those Arenas specific character, players can now choose d қ Created by: their weapon as well. Both simple and Tetris Attack Square Soft complex moves can trigger combinations, Available: 4th Quarter and with the absence of a health and time Game Boy | Review | | К UMA meter, players are able to fully enjoy the (U.S. Release Date Unknown) ХЕ A size: Te ARS 2.7 00:14 intense and competitive experience of free nds E The general word in the office on th range, 3D arena combat.

Ride original Tetris Attack for SNES is one of Special Features:

Variety of Роу Modes, profound approval, and Tetris Attack for А АИ Game Boy was liked almost as much. The Present, Two-Player only thing different on Game Boy, other Aggressive Game than the color, is a smaller play field. Setting . Created Бу: Nintendo up combos becomes a lot harder and И) Available: riskier when there is less space for your Now for Game Boy blocks to fall; however, the game is still fun and has a lot to offer. There are multiple АБГ. modes of play including а puzzle mode where you are given a series of blocks that

you must remove in a certain number of | TH moves. Tetris Attack is а worthy sequel to Overall; 8.5 the original Tetris. It’s fun and easy to learn,

but hard to master.






Super Bomberma


$ Size: 1 CD-ROM Bomberman is huge in Japan! There are %- Style: | or 2-Player Action controllers that look like the bomberman, Ё Puzzle Game T-shirts, all the goodies that any consumer Le (10 Рауег Ут Митар) would long for. The game itself is fast paced P Special Features: and action packed. Work your way through

Мата кше ак Мы a series of mazes, blasting through obstacles

Power-Ups, Multiple and and blowing up enemies. Be careful though; Unpredictable Enemies, blow away the wrong barrels and you'll Bosses unleash a horde of enemies. Up to ten Created by: Hudson Soft players can compete on one screen using Available: the Multi-Tap, or two players can play the Now for Sega Saturn Normal and Master games. The bosses offer А А more than a challenge. Try the game once and you'll find yourself coming back again

and again.

Game Informer



to your d "M |] es |





Slicing Combo: (A) X 4

Shiden: D, DF, F + (В), (A)

Overhead Sword: F, DF, D, DB, В+ (А)

Byakkohuu: F, В + (K)

Jumping Swipe: (К) + (G), (A) or (В)

Asyura: D, D, D


Kick Fury: (K) X4

Elbow Smash: D, DF, F + (A), (A)

Ring Spin: D, DF, F + (B)

Somersault Kick: D, U + (К)

Side Cartwheel: D, DB, (B) + (G)

Double Comet Kick: D, DB, B + (к). (K)

For Twelve $га d ТІ! канд زا‎ Game Inform r! d

өкі i j


1! Off the Newsstand m TIU 's a lot оғаш fers!)

Ie til



Take this card with you to your local arcade апа show'em who knows all the moves!

Spin Slash: В, Р + (В), (К) Comet Clutch: F, B + (К) Back handspring: (К) + (б)


Axe Slash: (B) X 4

Gamma Tornado: В, F + (B) repeatedly

Gamma Homerun:

D, DF, F+ (9), (8)

Gamma Screw: F, DF, D, DB,B+K

Forward Flip: (K) + (G)

Roll: D, DB, B + (K) + (G)

SATURN: Yo-Yo Combo: (B) X 4 Firecracker: B, F + (K)

Topspin: D, DF, F + (B)

Acrobat Combo: D, DB, B + (B), (8), (8)

Trapeze Combo: D, DF, F + (A), (A)

Sidedash Slash: B, F + (B)

Hidden Yo-Yo: F + (K), (A)

Sidestep: D, DB, В + (G)

(A) = Vertical Slash



GERELT: Lightning Scarlet: (A) X 4 Lightning Kick: (K) X 4 Southern Arrow:

D, DF, F + (A), (K) A. Storm: F, DF, D, DB, B

+ (A), tap (A) Sweep: DF + (K) Spanish Dance:

В+ (A), (A), (B) Handstand Thrust B, F + (K) + (A)

Shoulder Roll:

B, F + (K) + (G)

GORE: Perfect Recipe: (B) X 4 Composite Conversion:

D, DF, F + (B) Green Bubble: D, DF, F+ (A) Complete Rest: D+ (Ку+ (б)

Grab Spin: (А) + (B) close Lie Down: D, D Increase Volume: D. D.D Lower Flame: D, DF, F + (К) (while down)


Torso spin: (B) X 4 ZELKIN:

Laser: D, DF, F + (K) Kick Fury: (K) X 4

Upper Bazooka Dashing Slash Kick Shot: F + (A) OF + (А), (К)

Low Beam Thunder Rim

Bazooka: DF + (А) | Combo Faceplantto Spin-Kick: ВРК DU + (K), (K) Back Roller Dash: DB + (К) + (G)

RIMGAL: Tail Combo: (К) X4 Flame: D, DF, F + (K)

Sidestep Kick: B, F + (К) Gel dm

Mule Kick: D, DB, B+ (К), (K)

_ | Sy,

#29 |

Air Javelin: D + (A)

Super Jump: D, UX2

Sky Destruction: D + (K) (while super jump)



ыы жа ша жы mm ми ==

t | “Subscribe to

i ews, Secrets and ategies on The ИТТІ (UN a Ouer 95

P Pandemonium Imagine being transported to a wacky “ч

cartoon dimension in which your sole PlayStation Preview ж

purpose is to run around and do damage


Size: 1 CD-ROM

Style: |-Ployer Action/Platform

kg eet while Pulp Fiction style surfer music plays in Br Prepare for Pandemonium. Stil riding high MEME Dean the background, Sound like a good idea? It sine off their success with Gex, Crystal Animation, Power-ups, and may prove to be so if Capcom does a 3D ActionlPlatform Dynamics is once again infusing humor and Cartoonish Mayhem credible job on the final version of this | 2 етектен comedic blurbs into an action/platform | Created by: Capcom game. What we've seen so far is сег Моро thriller, Pandemonium features 3D

Available: Ist Quarter 97 limited, but it looks like the key to this } Side-Splitting One Liners, backgrounds; however, the characters È far Seg Soi game's success lies in how far the creators | ЛА ДЙ remain affixed to a track. Merely pressing (and уа are willing to play up the humor factor. ` pus e right оп the directional pad will typically |

The characters are all goofy and things S advance the character along the level, into 3 Created by: blow up a lot. The shooting in the game

Crystal Dynamics the background, or towards the viewer. Тһе is combined with an action/platform $ graphics truly show off the power of the

Available: December environment to create a kind of Contra © for Sony PlayStation PS-X, and Pandemonium appears to be the satire that is both playable and fun. H PlayStation’s answer to NiGHTS. Choose bbi- y x Р your character; listen to the madcap ` voiceovers from famous comedians, and Wt.

check out the zany graphics.

PlayStation Preview

Size: Those wacky Spots from the commercial 1 CD-ROM i i

Set world are back in their first game for the | Player Third-Person 32-bit systems. Spot Goes to Hollywood is ActionlPlatform an action/platformer with a cutesy sense of

Special Features: humor. Most of the levels are based on Variety of Gameplay, movie cliches and spoofs on classic games. ТА ИЙ There is one bonus level, for instance, and Classic Games, where Spot flies his green bottle with wings АШКЫ through a very Zaxxon-type environment.

АЛАШ There are also obvious movie references

Avaliable BE like Spot riding in a mine car or escaping a for Sony PlayStation tyranosaurus on his Big Wheel. Some of the.

humor is a tad on the corny side, but not quite to the point of insulting one’s intelligence. Overall the game looks like a # good time, but we won't know for sure

d until they cut the final version.

per Breakout / Battlezone Game Boy Review

Size: 4 Megabit Taters and beans! Take on the role of a E: Style: |-Player rough and tough miner out west. The Classic Arcade Action

version we have of the game is not even " Special Features: Near Perfect Translation

Abhh...Memories of days gone by when vids didn’t require fatalities and heaps о” mayhem to be cool. СІ is always excited J | about an arcade to platform translation and

Size: 1 CD-ROM

Style: (Haer Action/Platform

Special Features:

Roughneck Character WEB сшщ b. ut HEEN this game fits the bill perfectly. It's hard to Really Funky Music, Potential. The music was great and the COMER СД imagine younger players not enjoying a | | Impressive 3D Engine, graphics were pretty smooth. Check out Times, Super Game Boy game of Battlezone. Besides being one of TIMER ЕЛАН the close-up we have of the miner's face Compatible he fi f isa di Weapons taken during gameplay. You can actually see Created by: Ble tise енеш sa ict : E " and exciting game to play; however, veteran Created stubble. The movement is impressive as Atari for THQ e ra

gamers who miss this classic wont be disappointed because the general concensus here is that it’s exactly as it was in the arcade, Super Breakout, one step ahead of

Acclaim Entertainment

Available: Fourth Quarter for Sony PlayStation

well. The one boss enemy we came across Available:

was a massive and very lifelike bear that Now for Game hon

Red is supposed to beat up with a shovel.

The game's characters seem to be a mix of.

polygons and something else. We look | Overall: 8.25 forward to seeing a reviewable version of |. Rattlesnake Red. :

exact translation and the kind of good time m-— СТ? | that could bridge any generation ғар.


Final Fantasy Tactics ы а A кі


With the upcoming release of Final Fantasy

Size: УІІ, Square Soft will also be delivering a 1 CD-ROM sibling, or as they like to call it, “the other Style: FF”. Their big selling point is that FF Tactics I-Player Strategy RPG is a strategy game for people who find Special Features: strategy games too complicated. The game Multitude of Character uses an advanced combat system based on Case anid Abies the RPG party concept in which a group of

Continuous Shifting Views of the Battlefield, Simplified characters work together as a team to 4 Strategic Elements, overcome their opponents and obstacles. g= | 1

Familiar Characters The difference between this game and Created by: Squaresoft regular RPGs is that it focuses purely on LELE CHIL ДЕДЕ opponents. FF Tactics includes over 20 Japanese Sony PlayStation different types of character classes and

АА Ы over 400 different skills and attributes.

From what we've seen of the demo, FF Tactics has very impressive graphics and

amazing special effects. Game Informer = October ‘96

Mega Man 8


SRM For ten years now Mega Man has made an

impact on gaming, and it's only common

Style: T Player Action/Platform sense that there would be a new version Special Features for the 32-bit consoles. So here it is Mega Customizable Powers, Man 8, a redesigned action/platform title The Return of Rush, that will knock your socks off. The graphics

AS have actually changed (for once), and ond 5 several forgotten characters return, such as тазару Rush the wonder dog! The biggest change ‘apcom ч р М in this title, besides the graphics, is the Available: First Quarter ‘97 ize Mi Man's abiliti fer Sony PlayStation option to customize Mega Man's abilities. (and Sega Saturn) Make his shots more powerful, faster, balance his energy distribution you name

it! The Rock is back in gaming!


Square Soft will be releasing yet another

installment of the Saga series (known as the

Size: Romancing Saga in Japan) and it looks 1 CD-ROM amazing. The game is being engineered to Style: I-Player RPG be very dynamic, with player characters Special Features: who all have their own goals and agendas. Nonlinear Plot Lines, The plot line will twist and turn and allow CALLS che player numerous choices over their

Blend of Medieval and

Futuristic Technology own destiny, creating a story and adventure

(speculation) that is unrestrained by the game's design Created by: and will, in theory, make for countless

Square Soft possibilities. We can't tell you much more Available: Spring of '97 until we have a demo; until then, look at the

for Sony PlayStation pretty pictures and try not to drool.

(U.S. Release Date Unknown)

PGA Tour ‘97

Size: 1 CD-ROM What has been one of the most popular Style: golf titles to date has just gotten better. 1 to 4-Player Golf Game When playing as a professional in any of the Special Features competition modes, the shot strength New Risk Meter, Wide estimator will no longer appear. Instead, a Selection of HON risk meter will help you figure out the math Amateur Golfers, Choice of T S IG ECH in order to combine strength, club and ріп Spanish Bay, Eight Camera distance. With the absence of this helpful HEEN tool, chipping and putting is much more Power Estimator for Pros difficult. Play the Classic TPC at Sawgrass or, Created by: EA Sports for a Scottish experience, choose The Links Available: = at Spanish Bay. Select from 14 pros or 8 ойе Se amateurs. Be sure to bring along your caddie for tips, suggestions, and to hold the pin while putting.

en ; “м DA


+ i 5 к 7 Game Informer | October ‘96 ap EH

Beyond the Beyond PlayStation The Golden Orb Trick - The gods gave you these Orbs, and so far they appear to do nothing. If you happen to be in the enclosed valley and are heading in the direction of the cave, then the Orbs will be to your benefit. Using this item will teleport you to the location of your missing character. You won't have to go through the tiresome process of cave exploration in the enclosed valley anymore. A great trick once mastered! Secret Chests - You've probably stumbled upon several chests that won't open without a certain key. Well, here's where to find it. It's in the cave of the Sleeping Dragon, and you'll probably have to play through most of the game (at least to the enclosed valley) before access to it becomes available. Location of Chests Sleeping Dragon Cave (1 Chest) - Go to the house in the cave of the Sleeping Dragon to find the chest holding the ultimate sword. Bandooru (2 Chests) - One is in the inn and the other is located in the dungeon of the castle. Shimon (1 Chest) It is hidden at the south end of the second floor of the Sacred Tree. “The Rhino” Toledo, OH

Adidas Power Soccer


Woman Announcer - In Arcade Mode go to the Commentator option and press @ and to hear a new announcer.

Dream Team Go to the Options Screen and press L2 , R2 , №, and X to access the ultimate Soccer team.

Moves ( for Arcade Mode )

Back Drop - 6 + А

Heel Kick + 3€

Super Shot - A + ж

On the Run - + ©

Pull - A + @ (defense)

Big Kick + % (defense) Ultimate Push А + Ж (defense) “The Human Torch” New York, NY



Spawn SNES Level passwords for Spawn. Level Energy Password 2 9999 D9963DID 3 9759 092B382F 5 9891 894G498G 6 9767 891B591G if 9287 01865160 8 7127 8G859GDF 9 5743 8991CB5G 10 6003 DF618G6H Tyrone Fuller

Minneapolis, MN

The Need for Speed - Saturn Hidden Car and Track - Go to the Tournament Mode and enter TSYBNS. Exit the Tournament Mode and you'll have access to the Warrior car and the Lost Vegas track. Rally Mode - Hold down the L and R Buttons while selecting a race. lf done correctly the track will transform into dirt. “Virtua Gap Boy 96" Minneapolis, MN

Battle Arena Toshinden Remix Saturn Camera Trick Begin any match and pause the game. Go into the Options, hold down the L Button and highlight Exit. While still holding L press the R Button. This should access the free camera movement. Use the L and R Buttons to spin the angle, use Y and Z to zoom in and out, and use ihe directional pad to pan Left, Right, Up, and Down. This is a welcome addition to any fighter. Matt Anger Muskego, WI

Pocahontas Game Boy Enter all these nature filled codes at the password screen and sing a song. A beautiful song. Level 2 - KPGXH4T8 Level 3 - CMQZB6R1 Level 4 - JWDLF7K7 Level 5 - TGNDX3V9 Level 6 - HFSBD2M6 Level 7 - QZJRL1W4 Level 8 - BPXCV7Z3 Level 8.1 - SDLFT8G2 Level 9 - RWHJX9Z5 Level 10 - MVNGB4C6 Level 11 - KCQTD3W1 Level 12 - TBPRGSH8 Level 13 - QFCMX2B9 Level 14 - VDHKS6L7 Level 15 BNJHZ1R9 Jean Grey Toballas, NH

Jurassic Park 2 SNES

Level Select - On the Mission Select screen press (Buttons) L, L,

„L, R;R, R, L, L, R, R, L, R, L, L, R,

R, L, L, L, R, R, and В. If entered correctly you'll be able to start any mission with unlimited continues. Note - Weird things happen when this code is entered. Deja vu man,

deja vu. “Amy, The Giggling Gamer” Indianapolis, IN

The Pagemaster Game Boy Негев a request from Access & Allies. It's not the complete password list but it will get you past the trouble of Adventure World. Adventure World - LCJRYCRL Fantasy World JFPLRFXP

“The Game Guy"

St. Paul, MN

PO'ed PlayStation Weapons Galore Need all the weapons? Enter the Map mode, press Left until the arrow points at you. Press start to return to regular view and, while the camera is turning, press L1 + B + 3€ + Фа! the same time. Now press select to. get out, and then A to check out all of your stuff. Ammo Galore - For complete ammo, do a back flip R2) and press Right, Ж, and Ө, all at the same time. Invincibility To gain invulnerabil- ity, you must have the drill. Find a safe place and access the weapons menu. Select the frying pan and leave the menu. Now до Баск to the menu and hold © and Ri down until you see а 999 flashing on the screen. You are now invulnerable. To cancel invulnerability repeat the code. No Collision PO'ed has a zero collision mode. Bring up the weapon select screen and press and hold Down/Right and then L1. You will need your jet pack to keep you up in the world. The Ending - To access the endgame without actually playing the game, go to the menu and select Load Game. Now. press Right and then © while holding Right. Press Ж to cancel and then press Left and Ш. Press A again and enjoy the show.

"The Eradicator"

Phoenix, AZ

Spider-Man: Weh of Fire 32X Hello 32X owners! (creak, creak) Here's a code for one of the best 32X action/platform titles to date. Enjoy the debug! Debug Menu - At the Sega logo (with Spidey standing on it) press. Up, Right, Left, A, 2, Y. Start a game and press the following button for the code you desire. Debug Menu - Press X See Coordinates Press Y Max Out - Press Z Todd Zenouk Orlando, FL

Game Informer в October ‘96

Williams Ағсайе 5 Greatest Hits - PlayStation MK3 Sound - Turn on the PlayStation without a game. Access the CD player and insert the disc. Two tracks containing Mortal Kombat 3 sounds will appear. Arcade Menu - Press and hold L1 +12 + R1 + R2 and Select on the “Start Screen" of the desired game for hidden adjustments (ala free men, difficulty, etc.). "The VidMan" Uptown, MN

The Horde Saturn

Pause the game and enter the. desired code.

Invincibility B, Up, Right, Down,

A, Down, A, Right Max Cash - Left, A, A, B, Left, A,

Right, Down Level Warp - Down, A, Left, Left,

Down, A, A, Right Complete Map -

Left, A, Up, Down, B, A, А,В Watch All FMV Clips

Right, A, Left, Left, A, Up, B Super Speed - В, Right, A, В More Items to Buy - В, Right, A,

Left, Left, Down, Right, A, A, Left Play After Destruction -

A, Down, Down, Right, A, Down

Kerry Strug Atlanta, GA

Earthworm Jim 2 Saturn

Enter all of these codes at the

Password Screen.

Level 2 - gun, energy, blue gun, sandwich, can worms

Level 3 - bubble gun, sandwich, sandwich, bubble gun, energy

Level 4 - triple gun, gun, missile gun, triple gun, blue gun

Level 5 - energy, bubble gun, bullet, can worms, Jim

Level 6 - bullet, sandwich, gun, Jim, gun

Level 7 missile gun, blue gun, bubble gun, bullet, sandwich

Level 8 blue gun, can worms, bullet, missile gun, Jim

Level 9 bullet, gun, missile gun, bullet, Jim

Level 10 - sandwich, gun, Jim, blue gun, blue gun

Level 11 - triple gun, bullet, bubble gun, energy, bubble gun

Level 12 missile gun, energy, bullet, energy, energy

Enter these codes after pausing during gameplay. Homing Missiles Y, A, Up, X, C, Left, Y, Up Nuke ‘em - Y, A, X, Up, Right, Right, Left, Up Machine Gun - A, Up, Down, Right, Right, Left, X, C “The Rhino” Toledo, OH

Donkey Kong Country 2:

Diddy's Kong Quest SNES

75 Kremcoins In Pirate Panic (level 1), go into K. Rool's cabin (don't collect the 1-up balloon) and leave. Jump over the first

two bananas to the right and collect the next bunch on top of the barrels, Now head back

(avoiding the bananas) to the cabin and grab the

Game Informer п October ‘96

1-ир balloon. Repeat the banana process and head back to the cabin. Viola! Entering the cabin will give you 75 whopping Kremcoins! These will allow you to-access the Lost World.

Tommy “Game Master” Keely Webville, COM.

Beyond the Beyond PlayStation part 1

Once again Game Informer has the key to video game immortality. Use this guide wisely and be sure your friends don't get their hands on it, or they'll become a video game clone just like yourself. The following contents are arranged through certain events and titles in the game. You'll know when to use it.

The Village of Ayla

Take the flask that your foster father gives you and bring it to the cave to obtain the Mystic Water. Ayla Cave

At the fork in the path take a left and go to the lava pit (just follow the plot). You'll see a tentacle take Annie. At this point go back to the fork and take the right path. Find the pool and fill the flask with Mystic Water. Take it back to the lava pit and use it on the evil pool to. free Annie. Then use it on Annie to revive her.

The Village of Ayla 2

Annie and her brother will join you. Your mission is to find Samson. He is located in the town of Marion.


Go into the house that Samson came out of. Head down to the basement and flip the switch on the wall. A secret path to the castle will reveal itself.

Walk through the dungeon and meet up with Samson and he will join the party. Travel onward until you reach the cell containing Edward. The key to unlock the door is in the next cell. Once freed, Edward will join you. This event will also make the witch appear. There is no way to counter her spell on Samson.

Onto the Church

The Church is located to the east of Marion. Show the Rosaria item Edward gave you to the priest. He will open an underground path for you. Solve the sliding tile puzzle and enter the Underground. Underground

Annie's brother will leave your party shortly after entering the cave. Two paths of destination await the Tree Puzzle and the Golden Dragon Dwell (there is no way past the dragon).

The Tree Puzzle

Use the acorns to fill in the holes. Accomplish this feat and head to Saragoon.

Saragoon Enter the sewers and find the

secret way into the castle (the guards at the entrance won't let you pass).

The Sewers

(Jump down the wells)

The key to unlock the game is located under the liquor store (via. the sewers), make sure you have it. Take the alternate route to the castle through the sewers. Samson will be tested, but since he is cursed he will fail, and will be accused of being an impostor. Enter the sewers again, and go through the castle entrance. Head to the backyard and grab the Mystic Seed from the Queen.

The Ancient Temple

The Temple is located in the south desert. This is the turning point of the game, so be sure to check everywhere and grab everything. The first item you need is the Moon-Shell (deep within the puzzle rooms). Head to Monmalt after you are clear of the temple. Shimon

Through the cave is the only way to Shimon, so prepare for а trek. Ве sure to get the Green Jewel before you leave the cave, you'll need it to obtain a new character. Talk to the Mystic Tree to find out how to cure Samson. Go to the far west side of the village and you'll find a sorcerer in a house. After this event a yellow sphere will follow you out of the city, Shortly after this, a new character will join your party.


Check out the treasure chests that you couldn't get to before you used the Moon Shell. Once you leave the town, it will turn into daylight again. Go back into the town and look for a man who is sitting down and talking to another villager. He will offer to trade your Moon Shell for an ancient stone piece. Trade it. You'll need the stone for Easto.


Travel through mist valley & the rainbow valley to find Easto. You will need the Magical Urn, which is located in the remote island across from the village of Easto. Find the statue in the eastern part of the village and use the stone piece with the statue. This will make a bridge appear between the village and the island. Once on the island, go to. the temple, solve the puzzle there, and kill the sub-boss. Fire spells are good for this. Now you will

receive the urn.

Battletech Genesis АХТТ-ААТІ.

Infinite lives AMZT-CA4Y

Don't take permanent damage ATGA-CA54

Don'tlose gun from overheating AD3T-AAHW

Start on level 2 AS3T-AAHW

Start on level 3 AM3T-AAHW

Start on level 4 AX3T-AAHW

Start on level 5 693T-TGHG

Max Machine Gun ammo ЭМЗТ-ТАНТ

Max PPC ammo 8ХЗТ-ТСНЈ

Max Auto Cannon ammo

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3 SNES CD68-7D22 160 extra ruler points for age 21 and under CD68-74B2 160 extra ruler points for age 21 and up DD87-EFC4 Costs 0 gold to hire soldiers DD84-EF44 Costs 0 food to hire soldiers

Samurai Shodown SNES 0D94-7401

Start with 1/2 energy 4094-7401

Start with 1/4 energy 4F53-74A4

Start with 33 seconds on timer DFE1-876D

One hit will max out power meter

Ж 7 AGL:


Gunship - PlayStation

Infinite Ammo - 80024298 03е7 800а429а 03e7 800a429c 03e7 800a429e 03е7

Infinite Fuel- 800а42аа 0064

Tokyo Highway Battle PlayStation Infinite Funds - 8006deb cffff

Resitlent Evil PlayStation

Codes for guns and ammo (note -

all guns have infinite ammo).

Acid Rounds - 800C8786 6408

Fire Rounds - 80008786 6409

Colt Python - 800C8786 6405 (or) 6404

Shotgun - 8008786 6403

Beretta - 80008786 6402

Primal Rage Saturn Master Code - 16000914 305 26002800 0000 Infinite Health Player 1 160f9a3a 0000 Infinite Health Player 2 160f9a4c 0000 160f9ace 0000

Top Gun: Fire At Will! PlayStation Infinite Standard Missiles 801сіеса 0064 Infinite AGM Missiles - 801сіесс 0064 Infinite МІНУ Missiles - 801сіес 00064 Infinite Surefires —801с1ебс 0064 Infinite 2385 - 801cfebe 0064

Legend of Oasis Saturn Master Сойе - 16000914 с305 06002800 0000 Infinite Health - 16088da2 ОНО Infinite Magic - 16088da6 Offf

` Start with Bow 16088720 0009

Worms - PlayStation Infinite Health Worm 1 8014a54c 0064 Infinite Health Worm 2 8014a5f8 0064 Infinite Health Worm 3 - 8014a750 0064 Infinite Health Worm 4 8014a6a4 0064

Ghen War Saturn

Master Code - 16060124 c305 26002800 0000

Infinite Lives 16094810 3064

Play as Dural At the character select screen highlight Akira and press Down, Up, Right, Left + A.

Gold Dural - At the character select screen highlight Akira and press Down, Up, Left, Right + A.

Fishy Dural After you enter a Dural code simply press and hold the C button until the match begins. There’s a fish on his head! Ha һа!

View Endings Again and Again - Each character has a rendered FMV ending, and instead of having to beat the game over and over again to view it, Sega has added a feature that allows you to go right to the FMV clips. Beat the game in Arcade Mode and a Mini Movie option will appear in the options. “The Vindicator" Phoenix, AZ


Blimpy Several events feature a blimp floating aimlessly in the background. Player 2 can control the spin of the blimp by simply pressing the D-Pad to the right. Gosh golly, that's fun stuff! Tony Fernandez Fargo, ND

Right before the game, at the sec- ond “Scouting Report" screen, go down to the “Continue” icon and press C and Start. Shortly after (when the screen goes black) immediately enter the code below.

Shot Indicator Hold the L Button until the game begins. Then, press the Start button to pause. Exit this menu and return to the game. Each shot will now be tracked by percentage.

Michael Jackson Denver, CO

Game Informer п October ‘96

Sink or Swim - SNES

Enter all of these at the password screen. Stage 5 - CRUMBS Stage 10 - JUMPED Stage 15 - JIGSAW Stage 20 - WARSAW Stage 25 - BANANA Stage 30 - OYSTER Stage 35 - TENNIS Stage 40 - ISLAND Stage 45 - CRATER Stage 50 - DENNIS Stage 55 - PADDLE Stage 60 FATMAN Stage 65 - SUMMER Stage 70 - CLOUDS Stage 75 - KEBABS Stage 80 - LIZARD Stage 85 - SILVER Stage 90 - BRIDGE Stage 95 - RECORD Tommy "Game Master" Keely Webville, COM

Tek War

Enter all these codes on the key-

pad during gameplay.

Turn Off Police - NOGUARD

Turn ОН All Objects - NOENEMIES

Turn Off Bad Dudes - NOCHASE

Turn Off the Public - NOSTROLL

Display the Intro - BRIEF

Magic Carpet 2

On the keypad press | and then

type WINDY, then hit the Enter key.

You can now use these keys.

Access all Spells - Alt-F1

More Mana - Alt-F2

Destroy All Walls - Alt-F3

Destroy All Castles - Alt-F4

Destroy All Balloons - Alt-F5

Heal - Alt-F6

Kill All Creatures - Alt-F7

More Spell Experience Points - Alt-F8

Free Spell Usage - Alt-F9

Invincibility Alt-F10

Complete Current Mission - Shift-D

Complete Level - Shift-C

Game Informer в October ‘96

Prehistorik Man SNES Stage Skip & Level Select - At the Option menu highlight "Exit", hold down the L Button and press Start to return to the title screen. Now highlight “Game Start", hold down the R Button and press Start. Now with this code in place, press. and hold Select anytime during gameplay to advance a level, or pause and hit Select to bring up. the Level Select menu.

"The Codeman"

Bethlehem, CT

The Flintstones SNES Yabba Dabba Doo Credits - To see the hilarious ending credits simply input HOAGIE TAKES COLD TREES at the password screen. Sit back, watch the credits, and have a Bronto Burger on the GI Staff! Tommy "Game Master" Keely Webville, COM

Rise of the Robots 2 Saturn Hidden Character - At the character select screen press Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Down, Left, Left, Down, Down to access Vitriol. He may actually have more than two moves! Wouldn't that be swell.

“The Dog Boys” Madison, WI

Game Counseling 900-288-0707

By DOS Boy 95 per min SN

Rebel Assault 2 Nintendo's _ | God Mode - While playing press rel oe d | Alt + V. A screen should appear. ПЕТ eta: 15 At this point type LETGO and КТІ! DEN press the Space Bar. If this works 598 per minute ) (+) will increase health and (-) will сире И decrease it. ‘forall ties. куер ын

get your parent's permission.

Andrew Morgan Webville, COM

Initiate Cheat Codes - DIPSTICK No Damage - CHOJIN

Operation: Code Hunt Hey GI readers, how would you like to become our ally? Send in your codes for the games listed below and help out a fellow reader in a scrape, or if you're stuck on a game, send us a letter requesting codes and we will help you access the secrets right here in Secret Access.

Nintendo 64....... MK Trilogy Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey

МЕЗ Ms. Pac-Man Marvel Super Heroes: Gems

PlayStation ....Bogey Dead 6 Die Hard Trilogy

Crash Bandicoot

Final Doom

Jumping Flash 2

Madden NFL ‘97

Mortal Kombat Trilogy

Robo Pit

Wing Commander III

Sega Saturn ... .Dragon Force Bottom of the 9th Madden NFL ‘97 NIGHTS: Into Dreams Spr Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble

Send Secret Access Requests To: Access & Allies Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344

E-Mail: gionline

Send Game Informer Your Passwords and Codes and Win!

Rise of the Triad Secret Access Notice:

Enter all these codes on the

keypad during gameplay.

pas must be the first code 8 end in your codes and passwords every issue, and if we print entered.

them you'll be entered in the Game Informer /ASCIIWARE Secret Access Contest. The Grand Prize is a ASCIIWARE controller of your choice.

Mushroom Mode - BADTRIP

Elastto Mode - BOING

Restart Episode - СООВЕВЅ

Auto Run - SPEED

Rip on Bill Exit to DOS GOGATES

Level Warp - GOARCH

Bulletproof Armor - SHOOTME


Dual Pistols - JOHNWOO


Level Warp - GOTO PlayStation: Super NES: Genesis:

All the Goods - SIXTOYS ASCII Pad PS, Specialized ASCII Pad, | ASCII Specialized Pad, God Mode - TOOSAD ASCII Pad PS Special, ASCII Pad, FIGHTER STICK SG-6 Mercury Mode - FLYBOY ASCII Stick PS, Super Advantage,

Fighter Stick SN

All runners-up will receive a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to complement their wardrobe.

Send To: Secret Access Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344

E-Mail: gionline @

n the. days. of their infancy, one of the things that made video games so attractive was the legend and lore that surrounded them. In every arcade there w was the storyteller, the kid who'd "driven to the mountains in Battlezone,” or "turned his | X-Wing fighter upside down" in Star Wars. This month we're going to explore some of those secrets. However, because their history is an oral tradition, much may һе referenced that can't be wholly remembered. So if you dispute these claims, know of any that we have missed, or can provide answers to our questions, please feel free to write in with your Classic Gl game codes. Here аге a few pieces of Lore from arcades past...

‚Опе of ће first games, that seemed to initiate the search for codes and secrets was Pac-Man. If you remember correctly, the original-game was beat- able by simply repeating , certain patterns. However, these changed at the “key” levels. The fifth key was the first level tobe. scrambled, then the 11th. It wasn't until a young man deciphered the 11th key that Namco was forced to install a universal scrambler...


..There is a way to get unlimited pterodactyls in Joust by resting on the center platform. while the Jast enemy is caught іп the-grasp of.the lava fist. This was an error in programming, ‘as there were three pixel spaces left out of the pterodactyl’s beak...

...On.the 26th level: of Tempest, there are two codes, To access the codes, your. score must end in a certain number, which

сап be achieved by blasting the center.spikes for one point per shot. You must then end your fame with-this as the last two digits of your score. One code allows access to all levels up to #81. The other provides forty free credits. Do you know. the numbers:

| ||

soln the Ziggurat levels of Donkey Kong, edge Mario as close as you can to Kong and jump repeatedly for 100 points a jump...

«ln Xevious, as the salvo begins, immediately Start bombing ‘and move toy the lower right of

the screen. Keep bombing until the designers name appears. Then, there are four locations in which secret 1-Up. [ are randomly placed along-a-horizontal line. Lastly, there are. hidden cities called Sol Citadels at five points in the game, Do you know where these secrets are located? We do...

990,000 points, everything you-shoot will be

„lf you were thé first person to beat Cliffhanger, an old láser disc game, the machine was programmed to give you forty free credits so you. could; whip- through it again...

The game Major Havoc was one of the first to have a space for numerical codes that appeared directly on the level selection screen. Two of the numbers were 23. & 728. Do you know the'others?...

Шїп Konami's Track and Field, during the javelin event, throw atthe maximum angle so that the Javelin dis- appears “off ihe top of the screen. You'll hear а *squawkl" and down will come а comical bird with the javelin through its breast...

ln e classic space thriller Sinistar, there's a bug in the original code that allows а player to gamer up

One must first be killed by Sinistar with only one life left. As the ship is spinning around inside the mouth, it must be hit by a stray bullet from a tank ship. The comput- er will subtract one life for this hit. Seconds later, the, computer will ‘subtract another life for dying inside the Sinistar. The compüter^then reads lives as negative one (a very, Jarge number in programming, Jo. guage) and rewards you: accordingly:

~-Robotron is sl one of the greatest games of all time. А5:500п/а5 the. game begins you can enter three quick-combos to access the programmer's screen; 1.— Move right, fire up and hit player one start. 2.- Move up, fire down andi hit player two start. 3 - Move down, fire ир апа then hold fire up and the screen will appear...

«Who can forget the classic scoring bug in-Defender? When a player reaches

an extra life until the game is flipped at 1,000,000...

Of course there. were.-countless other games ‘with coding glitches;. buried secrets, and cool stratégies, but we've tried. ќо Get some of the more memorable ones. In many instances codes have been forgotten and we've asked for your help. Anyone Who..knows more ‘about this subject is urged to. write in; Who knows, if we get some good stuff maybe we'll start printing Classic Gl Arcade Code of the Month!


Sony Computer Entertainment logo is a trademark of Sony Corporation. PlayStation & PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. URNOTE is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. King of Fighters is a registered trademark of SNK Corporation of America. 91996 SNK Corporation of America, All rights reserved. Licensed by SNK Corporation of America. Samurai Showdown is a registered trademark and Blades of Blood and Real Bout Fatal Ригу are trademarks of SNK Corporation of America. 61996 SNK Corporation of America, All rights reserved. Licensed by SNK Corporation of America,

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