August 1996 Vol. VII ° Issue/8 * #40 e) 3331 TU salud CL E "T - MA PRILOG First Lysate ME PIY E ula ryt TUTTA $3.95 Canada $4.95 UK £2.50 August 1996 | | lE I | 247018282401 2 0 TUROK UInDBSHUF, [untar Pg. 25 ™ and @ are trademarks of Nint Tetris Attack" Licensed to Nint NOA PLAY PPC Scholarship July 15 — August 4 Storewide Competition: August 5 — August 9 City-Wide Championships: August 10 — August 11 Sign-up in FuncoLand Stores: THE #1 VIDEO GAME MAGAZINE For the nearest FuncoLand location and info., check out: or call ® 1996 FuncoLand - Must be a student age 18 and under. Employees of Funco, Inc., FuncoLand, Game Informer, Game Pro, Sony or suppliers, affiliates and the immediate families of each are not eligible. 61 2-946-8883 See official rules at FuncoLand stores. if you’re not net savvy. relee in a on july 23rd an has the etary on à premiere gam ame Informek takes you to the h : P Entertainment and their upcoming N64 cart. J 20 Gonesis | m | n & 5 U | 99 Nintendo 54 World Series ‘96 pider — p | Mission Impossible 22 Nintendo 54 _ — e | PlayStation Freak Bay, Wayne * 30 W Hockey, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter DlavGiaHar Playstation Time Commando, Bogey Dead B, ` Olympic Summer Games, MB Pennant Race, Destruction Derby © 2, Burning Road, Robotron X, … Crash Bandicoot, AD&D Iron & | : rs of Ravenloft, Jumping Flash 2 Dlympic . Soccer, Disruptor Incredible Hulk, VMX Racing Secret ‘Access Back Issues Tips from our readers and Complete your ci Inform: issues. Game Informer Magazine (SSN 1057-639 is pu li thly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Public West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. [612 7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. For subscriptions only (612) 946-8105. Second-class postag and additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine, 10120 Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year adii Entire contents copyright 1996. Game Informer Magazine. All rights resery jermission is prohibited. Game Info of FUNCO, Inc. j _ Products named in these pages are trade names, t ademarks, of their respective companies. e last m h has been great. Not onlu did we see a lot of excellent titles at the E3 show, but now we,re starting to get them into our offices. And let me tell uou, it's so crucial to play a game for a while. Why? Quite simply, because any game can have a cool intro or a niftu first level, but it takes an amazing game to stand up to the test of extended gameplay. For instance, Crash Bandicoot reallu didn't impress me much at the E3 show. Yeah, the graphics were great, but the levels seemed short and rather boring. Of Course, all that changed when we got a copy of the game in our offices and could finallu get somewhere in the game. It makes that much of a difference. The only problem ig that this little scenario can work the other wau around and I've been burned by it before. (There area couple games that come to mind, but I'll let those games lay im peace.) But let me promise üou that we try our best not to believe the hype that comes along with every game. We strongiy believe that the proof is in the pudding + not în how many ads are put in our book. So | guess the point I'm trying to get at is that anybody can make something look good with glossy covers and computer generated intros. But to tell what a game or a magazine is worth you've got to look at the full spectrum of what they have to offer, whether it be better gameplay or honest reporting. , As the Holiday buying season looms closer and closer just make sure you keep an eye on us, because we'll let you know the whole’story. As a matter of fact, we'll have the inside scoop on the games of the Nintendo 64 next month. Well, it’s time to log Off, but remember to keep reading and keep gaming. Beas Mill ) no one can! Soon all wil! know the futilihy of resistance! ey guys. What's up? l1 wondering if it's true girls go for the cute and mii type games? Games with cute and fluffy animals in them that have no meaning at all. | thi animals? Do you — have a problem with cute and fluffy » animals? Because if you do | know a pei of cute and fluffy animals that will kick your butt in Tekken or any other fighting game you can think of. Besides, did you know Reiners a cute and fluffy animal? He just appears to us in his human form so that we can associate with his video gaming skills, otherwise Reiners true form is that of large, very cuddly, teddy bear (kind of like the one in Akira). heard that a unit called PlayStation 65-bit was coming out. Is this true? 3 John "Sega" Aho Chaska, MN Listen up kiddo, someone is pulling your chain. The way we see it is that you mentioned to a friend that the Nintendo 64 looked oh so cool, and he, being a PlayStation owner, replied with a forceful, “Well Sony has a new machine coming out that is so much better than the ; N64 called the PS-X PlayStation.. 65" You must understand the constant rivalry between unit- biased players, and that some of these players will lie, cover-up, and start unrealistic rumors to stay true to their favorite system. Keep your facts straight and believe the industry and press (well, some ofthe press), not a jealous teen. of the best around. | questions | hope you love your magazine, its love vids, and | have a can answer. 1) How is it that the Sega S powerhouse processors but yet it is being greatly outshined as far as graphics and sound by the _ à 4)While we have software that help development houses do their job (making games). In the PlayStations case, the development kit and system itself were very straight- forward. Sega's, on the other — hand, was not. The Saturn is jumbled with numerous processors that programmers must master to fully exploit the Satums power. Not so much in the sense of how each rocessor works, but how to make the processors work efficiently as w, Sony holds the GI fo its better 3rd party owever, Sega had a wing at the E3 ur heads Net Link and a Sonic à title sh 2) Be honest is the S ng for the dreaded Sega to a very successful m” “chopping block” . j £ cpana, oe not to » ra i 3) You know what, Sega is "eso, eir system go to ` @XCƏIIOIR AMOS on U the dogs. This is how I see it, we all k hat just that there are more A-titles available Sega can make great games, example: ~ onthe PlayStation right now. Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Daytona 7) This is what we call the "big duh” USA, Virtua Cop, and Virtua ad video game industry. Sega and So, Fighter 2. But Sega just "d always working on new machit í doesn't make enough to stay y upgrades, and new technology. Tha on top. l'm disappointed, what about you guys? 4) | hear that one of the reasons that the PlayStation has so many great games is because third party developers find it. easier program on the PlayStation, what is so hard ` programming on the Saturn? 5) What syster do you think is bette ; 6) How do you think the Saturn will do np fall and Sue holiday season? Will GI co a5 more PC games in the 7) Finally, is Sony or Sega working ' Will you poSsibly come out with a PC 2 lii gaming magazine? You've done a great job with E Pison D an di t a “covering the different video game platforms. l'm o much better than any of th what hardware companies do. ew PC section was great! | at of Game Informer, and | Secret Access pages. I've gaming world, and with all ut | just cant keep up. | magazines, but none r dont have enough none), or they just dont give good 4 The Great American Headbanging Vi Vid Wiz ; Barnegat, best arcade division o manufacturer. Aisn, d l pede pari F5 off, in response to your request in your letter in the March issue. | love the “new look" of your magazine; however, | do have a few suggestions which | hope you will consider. Î really like the current reviewers,especially Reiner, but have you ever considered adding reviewers of the opposite sex? Maybe you should. Also, as a way to get fans more involved with the magazine, perhaps some kind of contest could be held in which the winner(s) get the opportunity to be taken on temporarily at Gl as a reviewer or as an assistant in some other position for the magazine. My st suggestion is to list the arting prices of newly sed games (although | their prices are subject to Your Fan, Je: We are happy t to in that Game Info mer has Prepare for takeoff! He’s about to blow! hired two new emp Unfortunately, both of t employees are of. | persuasion. Luckily do so. Bt and Erik hail froi state, 20 fer d fu in touch people who applied for this job were women. We'd also like to Informer experience, but ly we were unable to for your information we do have a copy editor who is female and she always puts in her two cents about good ol' GI whenever possible. : Your contest suggestion sounds interesting. Unfortunately, making somebody work with us is more of a penalty than a prize. but we will give it some thought. Concerning prices... well, you're right, they are subject to change and retailers pretty much charge whatever they can for games (have you evertried to buy a game at an airport?). We hope this response isn't too disappointing to you. We do appreciate the feedback and it's always refreshing to get mail from our women readers. Quite frankly, most of our women friends have no understanding of why we spend so many hours in front of a screen. | Sometimes | its HARD | to choose your fighter! let you know that GI really .. | wanted to find a good female — reviewer to add to the Game GA ME INFORME R 10420 767 $n EDEN PRAIRIE, MN Wanted: Envelope Art Enter the Game Informer Envelope Art Contest: All you need to do is draw, paint, scratch, split or carve the best darn envelope art you can think of and send it to us. Please include your name, phone number, and return address on the back of the envelope. If you're the monthly winner, we'll feature your work in Gl-and you'll receive a video game prize from the Gamer Informer. vault. Reese I bought a game for the Sony PlayStation called | e game is cool... — Bulls fan id I e i going to Dim a ith him in it? I'd really like to know! Mike "Snoopy" Alvarez New Rochelle, NY fix you can either buy his burger or wait until this fall when Acclaim releases Michael Jordans Space Jam. Its Jordan against the Looney Tunes in a wild and wacky basketball farce! Yee-ha! Sorry, but it doesn't look like SIC ORT o d Ever feel like there's a roach on your brain? Jordan will be in another “normal” basketball game fora while! | am the king of sequels. Hear me roar! kaha Bl AAA hA. ada latas, STIFF RAG - "ian These guys look almost as weird as the group that Reiner hangs out with. What's another name for pirate treasure? Why... think it’s booty! < Hop on the back of Ol Ness and she'll Maii dn id take you anywhere you need to go. get to different areas, Solve the box puzzle in the sunken ship “ A and it will rise frow the water. Pow ser smashes onto the platform and sends Mario sliding. Take this boss and shove it... ain't g Workin’ here wo more! You re a Super Star..yeah, that's what you are! Game Informer » August ‘96 Into the's the Penguin by a beal mees i ma Mario gets down and dirty in a pateh of Pansies! Game Informer August '96 k... . "Mario leaves me completely dumb- ei " founded and also excited for what's 9.75 ahead for the N64. It sets the standard for what all 3D action/ 10 platforms should be. The music, TE graphics and immense number of Playability: — 9.79 (ario moves leaves me in total awe i . of the Nintendo and their new Pw © machine's ability, If you dont play Mario 64 don't consider yourself in touch with video games its really hard to describe the enjoyment that this game offers so III let the numbers speak." Graphics: Sound: OVERALL: 10 > ` Is that the Heisman or Chromario? | Concent: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: OVERALL: Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: OVERALL: 9.5 “Of course it's hard to judge a first ` generation product, but this game 9.75 is quite outstanding. Not only are the graphics mind-blowing, the game- 9 play is addictive and entertaining with play control that you've never 9.75 experienced or imagined before. The 9.75 best way to describe it is that you "^ are always on the brink of losing control but can always manage to pull in the reigns. The only drawback | could find in Mario 64 is that the camera views are somewhat cumbersome and tend to detract from the game, but in the end, Mario 64 is pure genius!” 9.75 Yes the gods are crazy, and ” Shigeru Miyamoto is completely 9.75 insane! Super Mario 64 could possibly be the best game I've ever played. 9.25 All the key Mario elements including the soundtrack from the 8 and 16-bit 9.5 titles have been included and 9.5 altered to fit within the new 3D Mario "environment. The entire concept of collecting stars to move on, going back to previous levels in search of hidden secrets, and adding new power-ups to your already plump arsenal is only half the fun. The graphics will blow you away, and the play control and character moves must be seen to be believed! All hail Super Mario 64!” Talk to the Pink Bomb-Omb and he'll give you access to a Mario-Firing Cannon, Cateh the bunny and he'll reward you with a Super Star. inally, after what — seemed like years, Nintendo 64 was released | on July 23rd to the Japanese gaming market. While it’s still two months away from a North American release, Game Informer just couldn't wait to give you the story on Super Mario 64 - the most impressive game available at the Japanese launch of N64. Although this game is entirely in Japanese, it plays just like any Mario game you've played before. But this time in the 2rd dimension. Not just a dimension of sight and sound, but of gameplay as well. Mario 64 takes the gamer to a world were anything and everything is possible through over 25 gorgeous levels. The game starts out with Mario standing in a field in front of Bowser’s majestic Castle (where the whole game takes place). Every room of the castle is another level, and every hallway is a passage to new wonders. Movement through this humongous castle is handled by the Nintendo 64’s analog Joystick (for more info on the N64 check out Game Informer’s January ‘96 issue). A touch in one direction and Mario walks, and a definitive push sends Mario speeding across the sereen. Sound simple? Well it isn’t, and that's just the start of Mario’s moves. He can punch, kick, hang, climb, jump, and fly through Bowser’s castle using a simple combination of buttons. From the calm water levels to the volcanic lava levels, you'll need all the moves Mario’s got to make it through the bowels of Bowser’s castle. Obviously, the purpose of Mario s quest is to rescue the fair Princess Toadstool, but to do so, Mario must collect Super Stars that allow him passage to the different areas of the game and ultimately to the Princess, These Super Stars are hidden throughout the levels and usually have some kind of task that Mario Game Informer : August ‘96 must complete to get these precious items. Sometimes you must race a penguin down a slippery slope or defeat a burly boss, and other times it just comes down to finding the correct path to the Super Star or collecting the eight Red Coins that are hidden on each level. Either way, Mario will need to visit each level numerous times to find the Super Stars that are hidden there. As with any Mario game this game features Switch Boxes that enable corresponding colored boxes throughout the levels. These boxes hold power-ups for our hero and must be found to find all the Super Stars. These powers include: "Chromario", a molten version of Mario that is invincible to enemy attacks; “Molecular Mario” that can pass through some walls and attacks: and “Angel Mario” that can fly up to various areas. Now that you know how Mario works, it’s time for us to tell you how it looks. Every level is made of texture-mapped polygons that envelop the gamer. H blew us away that you could interact with every object in your environment. Have you ever wanted to grab the tail of a giant eel or jump into an active voleano? In Mario 64 it’s all a reality. For example, sharks swimming in the waters, birds singing in the trees, butterflies fluttering in the flowers..everything coming to together to create an incredibly realistic and interactive environment. Now put your tongue back in your mouth and start saving your pennies, because on September 30th the Nintendo 64 and Mario are coming to change everything you thought about gaming (again). But don’t worry, Game Informer won't leave you out in the cold, because next month we'll have an in-depth gaming guide to quench your Mario 64 thirst m LES a w At the top of a pole press up Behind every great hero there's | s "m the tree at the Iways a trusty camera-man. SSSR" ; BO beginning of the Tower îi level and it will fly you 4 straight o the top. Game Informer : August ‘96 May The Winds Be With You E Size: 8 Megabyte (64 Megabit) B Style: 1-Player Flight Simulator ÎN Special Features: Multiple Perspectives, Four Hidden Agendas Eight Playable Characters, Monstrous Worlds, Battery Save M Created By: /: Paradigm for Nintendo B Available: Now in Japan, Sept. 30th for Nintendo 64 super killer 9 || remains true to its original form of being a fast loading, cartridge p. eye action, stomach wrenching, trip through the stratosphere. — The premise of PilotWings is flight simulation with a twist. Choose from three initial aero-vehicles and eight humanoid characters. Four separate worlds must be conquered with each vehicle. Although “conquering” a world means placing as a bronze, silver, or gold medalist with each vehicle, only successive golds will allow entrance into certain bonus stages! Within the bonus stages you access the Birdman, Canne Skydiver or Jumblehopper scenarios. The first Island is Holiday Island, a relatively simple world laden — rises. As opposed to later islands, Holiday Island consists of maneuvering a vehicle through numerous floating rings. After clearing the rings, return to the landing pad for a score. Scores are based on speed, ring accuracy and landing prowess. For a cool surprise, go to ` the northwest corner of the island, fly under the rock arch and find the star. This will tura you into Birdman! Press A to flap your wings, and since you re on no mission feel free to fly around for hours. Rumor has it that even if you fly continuously out into the ocean there's a few Surprises in store. Try landing on the decks of ships to see what you find. The second island is Everfrost Island and this is where the game gets good. Each stage demands more objectives of each vehicle. On this island ` you'll have to qualify in two challenges, on the third island three, the ` fourth island four. While the jet pack and Gyro initially demand the same loop-flying objectives, with the hanglider you'll have to fly towards an object and take a specific picture. Your job will be to photograph © the smokestack. Sound easy? Yeah right... It's gotta be the right shot. coupled with a credible landing or it's try again. After you take the right shot youll have to tackle a second objective. Run your hanglider off the edge of a cliff and follow just above the raging mountain river while flying through multiple rings. When you've mastered this, hop on the Gyrocopter where you'll be armed with missles, and shooting down targets. After the first recket-pack challenge youll have to touch on certain targets in consecutive order. — The third and fourth islands are Holiday qnd Little States respectively. Missions change, though the Songs remain the same. Fly by the White House, cruise by whales, land în Hollywood Along with Mario, what's impressive about this game is the computer logic. Worlds are vast, secret stuff is everywhere. Check things out, do what you want and land anywhere, except of course the swamps of Florida! Good luck young PilotWing. May the winds be with you. - HOOTER Game Informer : August ‘96 112». 4X. eta SPEED with un n vis Stay on target....Stay on target. 313 n "En LEVEL PHOTO nuc OA OE 33 3 That's a nice landing for à guy | CN Collect the star on the first with such a huge melon. | stage to fly as the bird man. v “PAUL, THE GAME PROFESSOR 0 51"21 Concept: g “At first glance | didn't think this looked all that impressive. The Graphics: 9 characters are fairly generic and : they look like a bunch of triangles. — ae As | began to get into the game the Playability: 9.75 visuals amazed me and remnants of the 16-bit game emerged. The variety of missions along with the increasing challenge will keep me playing for a good long time. D «€ | Exploring each stage is almost as Im. wa fun as receiving the gold wings. Shift views quickly to zero your WW ae — Obviously, anyone who has a craft into position. "^ hankerin' for some flyin' should go y". for the wings. A worthy game to buy with the system." REINER, THE RAGING GAMER š “Absolutely stinking brilliant! That's Concept: 3.29 what PilotWings 64 is! Nintendo really Graphics: 95 outdid themselves with this one. Personally | thought the 16-bit version Sound: 9.25 was great, but this one just sings; Playability: — 9.75 play me! Technically, the polygons and the massive environments Entertainment: 9.5 are the most impressive spectacles in PilotWings 64. Play control is easy to pick up on, and the multiple views à | makes accomplishing objectives so M =| much easier. PilotWings 64 really shows off what the N64 can do — Entertainment: 9.75 THE GAME HOMBRE Concept: 9.75 “Pilotwings has always had a M certain appeal that just can't be à ai 9.25 denied. It's just so incredibly fun to | Sound: 8.5 play You can try to compete in events MS or you can cruise the skies, it just | à Wem UN pe -@, Playability: 9 doesn’t matter. While this game may ` effects, effects, effects! — i 3 " t i Entertainment: 8.5 ^oi be for everybody, it certainly is ! 400 meters straight down to get = a nice breath of fresh air.” ie D THE BOTTOM LINE ES Descent Coming for N64? Interplay Productions announced that it has been granted a license to publish games for the Nintendo 64. Although Interplay did not name any titles that it would develop for the N64, many have speculated that the first title may be either a new version of the successful Descent series or possibly an expanded version of their upcoming Star Trek: Star Fleet Academy. However, Game Informer's editor and resident psychic Andy McNamara believes that the first N64 title we'll see from Interplay is Clayfighter 3 sometime in '97. Sony's Baseball Hits Delay Sony Computer Entertainment's sports development division, Sony Interactive Sports, has been experiencing some delays in the completion of their baseball game MLB Pennant Race. It was originally scheduled to be released at the end of May and at the time Game Informer went to press Pennant Race's programmers and designers were working feverishly to complete the game for an end of June release. As they did with their NFL GameDay title, Sony invited members of the gaming press to critique the progress of Pennant Race at the Sony Interactive Sports studios in San Diego, California. The event also coincided with a visit from members of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team who were also there to give some insight. By having the input of Major League Baseball players and members of the gaming press, Pennant Race's executive producer John Smedley and lead programmer Scott Murray were able to pick the brains of gaming "experts" as well as the baseball experts in hopes of fine # tuning MLB Pennant Race. A number of interesting comments were made concerning subjects from how much a curveball breaks, available batting options, and the inclusion of Easter eggs. Pennant Race's design team was very receptive to everyone's ideas and thoughts which MAY have contributed to some of the delays in Pennant Race's production schedule. azine Attn: Top Ten r n Prairie, MN 55. THIS NOTE is Lp: BAL i AN DEBTS, PUBLIC A ie NINTENDO 6 Was TNE 9 . a Money..It's What They Got! Hold onto your chair rails folks, Nintendo of America is launching the biggest media blitz in video game history. Aside from development and licensing costs, Nintendo will spend nearly $54 million on the launch campaign for the upcoming Nintendo 64 system. Of that amount, $20 million will be spent on media alone! Nintendo has partnered with such power players as Nickelodeon, Kellogg USA, and Blockbuster Video. By this Christmas we'll all be eating and breathing Nintendo 64. On the other hand, we may have a healthy helping of PlayStation on our brains as Sony plans to spend around $50 million on marketing in the next six months. Game Informer ú August '96 Rayman li Coming from Ubi Soft x After Ubi Soft leveraged their market position with the release of the 1995 hit Rayman, they're back at it | again with this sequel to America's favorite fun game. While Game Informer liked the first Rayman, other publications were more adamant in their praise of the | game that's considered fun for all ages. Rayman l retains all the kooky action, but adds | spanking-new graphics, six new worlds, and seventy wacky levels. Help Rayman free his old friends from Mr. Dark's Zoo, and then seek out Mr. Dark himself | for the ultimate showdown. Be sure to use all the new power-ups including a scuba suit, the tunneling | tool, and of course the always popular white-gloved, disembodied fist. For nonviolent, madcap entertainment, Rayman is hard to beat. Even the Best Knight Needs a Squire Maybe you had a problem with the Copper Knight. Perhaps you want to know how to get past the Kraken. There's also a slim chance that you haven't figured out how to beat the slimes. If you're feeling small and insignificant (or even ignorant) in the massive environment of Ascii Entertainment's King's Field, then you probably need the help of Prima Publishing's King's Field Unauthorized Game Secrets. This gem of a book LÀ | was written by Kip Ward and Michael van Mantgem and — 5x | provides you with the location of and information about ! every item, strategies for magic use, how to beat bosses, and (most importantly) complete maps of every level. At $14.99, this complete walkthrough should save you some time and relieve plenty of your gaming frustrations. et | Awesome First Look | at Sega’s Fighting Vipers Sega is proud to bring you its explosive Fighting | Vipers. No longer an arcade exclusive, Fighting | Vipers will be available for Saturn this holiday | season. With features like triple angle replay, the Nutcrack tournament, and incredible background | depth, Vipers will be a top contender in the fighting | game battles this Christmas. In case you | can't wait, here’s a first look at e l Saturn shots of this brawler. i Game Informer 9» August ‘96 „RATA FLOW. LOW. . DATA FL OW. sN 4 eus + | enl " .- | Wi (S V^ t ES SPAWN BIBLE #1 * Publisher: Image Comics * Cover Price: $1.95 * Available: Early August If you've just jumped on the | , Spawn band wagon (or are just a fanatic like Reiner), then the Spawn Bible is just what you need to find the who's who and what's | what concerning Spawn. A com- plete synopsis of characters and story development consumes this wo m 32 page book. The Spawn Bible covers al the plot development from issue 1 to 52. You no longer need to bring out the back issues for a quick reference. SHATTERED IMAGE HI * Publisher: Wildstorm/Image * Cover Price: $2.50 * Available: August 7th This is in fact the very first W all-out Image universe crossover, and lo and behold a freak | phenomenon has threatened the very existence of Earth! Whenever this happens in a comic series, | it means heroes uniting. All the ` characters (or all the ones with hot 7 selling titles) combine to stop this ™ ' unexplainable threat. This four issue mini-series is ship- | ping bi-weekly beginning on August 7th. After this the | Image universe will never be the same! Oh my! CHRONOWAP # | * Publisher: Dark Horse Comics * Cover Price: $2.95 * Available: August 21st This nine-part black and white | mini-series by Kazumasa Takayama can not be missed by anime fans. | Pure chaos, a decaying satellite, and cyborg hench-women are only | half of the problem that modern day Tokyo is faced with. If you want action, suspense, and a great mystery story, then look no further | than Chronowar! NIGHTWING #1 * Publisher: DC Comics * Cover Price: $1.95 * Available: August 7th Most of us remember Dick | | Grayson as the “holy strawberries | Batman, we've been jammed” | sidekick to the mantel of the bat. Now, thanks to reader support and | Chris O'Donnell, Dick “Nightwing” | Grayson is back on a monthly basis in his first ongoing series. => ` . | Nightwing is yet another DC Comics paiman spin- “of | story that fans will have to buy in order to get the whole | bat story. Save those pennies! Marvel 2099 Exploited! Come this December, PlayStation and Windows ‘95 users have the chance to interact with the entire Marvel 2099 universe courtesy of Mindscape. This action based game features eight major characters, varying level designs, and appearances by just about every Marvel 2099 character. Play as the Punisher, Thing, Ghost Rider, December (X-Men), Spider-Man, Daredevil, Mr. „ Fantastic, and the Hulk. Rumors stated that certain characters would be needed to conquer certain tasks. _ Thus, Mr. Fantastic may be needed to create a bridge over a moat, or the tracking skills of Daredevil may come in handy when hunting a sinister villain. This fully rendered action title explores the often forgotten delights of Marvel 2099. 64 BIT-SPEAK You can walk the walk, but can you talk the talk? | In June of '95, Game Informer was the first publication to bring you the technology-talk in the form of a glossary (boy are those other guys slow!). Then in January '96, Game | Informer previewed the Nintendo 64. Of course, the lucky Japanese already have the System, while we in the States have to wait (sigh) until September. But believe me, the wait will be well worth it. So in order to prepare you for the future of video games, here's | | some terms to use when discussing the Nintendo 64. Remember, those who don't talk the 64 bit-talk won't understand what you're saying, but it serves them right for reading that other schlock! x 64DD - This is the N64 disk drive accessory. Unlike a CD-ROM, it can write as well as read game data, storing up to 64 megabits of info. Polygon - A 2D object from which 3D | uude ar sometimes rectangles. : nstructed. Usually triangles, though | Gouraud Shading — Also called *smboth hais ” Imagine a 3D polygon with, oh, say | eight or ten sides, actually “faces”...instead of each face having a distinct color, the | colors blend across the face as the perspective changes. With the player controlling the "perspective, the effect is an enhanced realism that puts the player “inside the game.” . MIP Mapping - From the Latin meaning "many parts." Used on the polygons discussed | above, MIP Mapping improves the appearance of each polygonal face. The effect is | | accomplished by computing the picture's appearance based on the viewer's distance | from the object. It prevents noise or banding patterns that can develop at certain . distances. Also, when viewing up close, MIP eliminate _ picture breakdown into pixels, maintaining i à O | ge and smoother game play. \ le dot on the screen. xel within a texture map. ping — Essential in creating 3D pictures. e pes Dp a CH image (texture) distance from ife viewer is Z, this | It determines which objects are | h a wide range of player motions, | amount of acide, leaving Game Informer a August ‘96 Acclaim Picks Up Studio 300 Titles Studio 3DO, looking to advance their poor foothold in the area of software production, has teamed up with Acclaim Entertainment to cross-license three of the 3DO's more popular titles. Next month, 3DO in conjunction with Acclaim will offer Star Fighter, Killing Time and BattleSport as titles for PlayStation and Saturn. In addition, BattleSport will also be available for PC CD-ROM. "i Smithsonian Institution Video Game Yellowpages i Panasonic Axes Ultimate MK3 For 300 3DO owners who have waited for the chance to play Mortal Kombat on their system will probably have to wait indefinitely. Panasonic has canceled the 3DO version of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 which was scheduled to be released before the holidays. An Ultimate MK3 demo was playable at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, but it was clear that a lot of work was needed as the animation and play control were still sub-par. Because of this fact, Panasonic had to push back the release date and it was unlikely that it would have made it to the shelves before the end of December. Panasonic basically felt that they had missed their window of opportunity with the 3DO version because of all of the other MK games that are slated to be released in the next three months. Ultimate MK3, in our opinion, was the bright spot in the lackluster line-up of the four 3DO titles that Panasonic showed for the waning system. Olympic Summer Games, Obelisk, and another are still scheduled for release on the 3DO this year. s the name of Sonic's foxy friend? © What was the name of the Sega Genesis peripheral that translated body movement into play control? © How was color implemented in the arcade classic Star Castle? 6 What was the first arcade game to "feature music? (Answers on the bottom of page 19) Insomniac's Disruptor Does the M2 Shuffle Universal Interactive's in-house development company Insomniac Games was originally planning to release their upcoming Sony PlayStation title Disruptor for the 3DO M2. The word is that Insomniac was trying to confirm a solid release date of the M2 with Panasonic and had trouble doing so. Instead of continually waiting for firm confirmation of the status of the M2, Insomniac and Universal Interactive decided that the best move would be to head for PSX development. this action oe mali also c: a wild and | wacky opossum. What game is it? (Answer on the bottom of page 19, Game Informer ú August ‘96 Mindscape Launches New Sports Authority Lineup Mindscape's new line of Sports Authority products, currently set for release this holiday season, puts some new twists into the classic sports game genre. Combining the latest in 3D immersion, motion capture, and 32-bit technology, Mindscape Sports Authority (MSA) puts you right into the action. NCAA Basketball: Final Four ‘97 (Windows 95 & PlayStation) contains the standard features found in many games, except that players can now edit playbooks, customize rules, and format calls. These features carry over into their football title, NCAA Football: Saturday Showdown (for Windows 95). As for baseball, MSA offers Aaron vs. Ruth, a baseball simulation that values game play over stats. Play the old time heroes against today's superstars. As support for the new baseball title, MSA will offer the new Total Baseball On-line, where a total baseball fan can access baseball history, statistics, lineups and classic footage. The last game in MSA's new lineup is the most original: Mindscape Golf (for Windows 95 and PlayStation). Tired of CRT Oak Hill and Augusta National? Then MSA invites you to tee off from their company yacht or play a hole at Stonehenge. Each golfer, from the uppity English Gentleman to the aspiring fashion model, has different skill levels. MSA has put a lot of humor into this golf title without sacrificing game play. Look for more on Mindscape's Sports Authority in upcoming issues. Electronics Conservancy’s VIDEOTOPIA Tours the US The latest addition to the touring museum craze is The Electronics Conservancy’s Videotopia, a hands-on look into the ongoing history of video games. The three areas of educational exhibits include: (1) Dreams and Designs - An in-depth look at the creative process behind game design. Of special interest to the aspiring student, this area will be rife with information, suggestions, and advice for the future designer. Want to be involved in the video game industry? Talk to these guys. (2) The Game Factory - Watch as micro- processors, transistors, monitors and trakballs combine themselves to create a game. Sort of like a course in "small engine repair." (3) Videotopia — They really dusted off the cobwebs for this one! Alongside the latest in same technology will be those classic games we all know and love. Stroll down memory lane and witness the games of yesteryear. All refurbished and ready to play, the classics include Discs of the latest in gaming hardware. for more info. Tron, Asteroids and Computer Space. Both arcade and home system classics will be featured alongside The national tour has already kicked off at the Carnegie Center in Pittsburgh, PA, so for a unique and exciting look into the legends, lore and mysteries of video games check out Videotopia, coming soon to a city near you. E-Mail the Electronics Conservancy at Game Informer August '96 d b. idi Eidos Interactive is bringing the 1996 Olympic Dream Team to the Saturn and PlayStation. Dream Team Basketball will be released very soon featuring 31 international teams, multiple camera angles, and TV-style commentary. ‘ It’s already pretty clear the Dream Team will take home the gold. Eidos is giving you the chance to take home a medal as well. | InterAct Accessories and Datel Company | are releasing a product that no one could have | predicted. It is a 3.5" disk drive unit that plugs | into the memory card slot on the Sony | PlayStation. This device will allow you to save | games to disks as opposed to memory cards. | The disks themselves can hold up to 15 game | saves, and they should be quite a bit cheaper than buying memory cards. The drive itself will | cost $99.95 and will come packaged with a few | blank disks. Currently, it is only available through | the World Wide Web on the InterAct home page, although it's also being offered to members of InterAct's Dangerous Waters club. If you need to store tons of saved games, this may be the unit for you. One has to wonder, however, why they can't take advantage of the 1.44 megabytes of storage available on each of these disks instead of limiting you to 32 kilobytes of space. After all, what does an external 3.5" drive cost for the PC these days? es a eG E ADE E j Remember that old annoying “flicker” every time you ran a display through the TV? Or the droves of students crowding around the classroom terminal? Well, now there's a happy medium. The Maxmedia TV/Pro II, developed by UMAX (Fremont, CA) takes the headaches out of computer/TV link-ups. The TV/Pro II works as a scanner, projecting on-screen images into television format for presentations or VCR capturing. With this unit, one of the first to couple the technology with a remote control, the user can zoom 10X, position the horizontal and vertical, adjust brightness, all that good stuff. The TV Pro H is both Mac and PC friendly. While the designers talk of great strides fé = - in education, business presentations, training and A 2 -= — entertainment, one must remember there's no substitute for good old fashioned public speaking. So whether you'll be a world leader or just a middle-management pawn, check out this new technology and really wow the crowd. ps Game Informer s August ‘96 m Size: 24 Megabit m Style: 1 or 2-Player Baseball m Special Features: Real Players, Teams, and Stadiums, Season Play, Legends Teams, Draft Mode, Stats Tracking, Home Run Derby, 3 Difficulty Levels m Levels: 162 Games + Playoffs m Created by: Sega Sports "K. d for Sega Genesis VIEW „team struggle through the season aia finish 44 games out of first place? No. - Fortunately, you can take control of your players and ste lead them to the pennant and maybe even win the ` World Series. How can somethi g so grand be © available to any schmoe who owns a Sega Genesis? . The answer is simple - World Series Baseball'96 from f | Sega Sports. x Like last year's version, this game carries both the . MLB and MLBPA license so you'll be playing with the real pla er on the real teams in the real stadiums. Of stats and rosters have been updated to Genesis Re line-ups. In addition to the normal teams, there are MLB Star teams and Legends teams which feature the “| really can't see any difference in this game over '95 other than the g updated rosters. The pitching quirks that worked on the computer last 8 year are still present. The graphics and play control are still the same 7 and 96 still is a great two-player game. Unless you really enjoyed the : 6.79 ‘95 installment and NEED the new rosters, stick with the older version. This is a good game, but a poor sequel." i "World Series '95 impressed the peu p snot out of bs as be T ed . games go, but aside from the VE J updated stats | see almost no 8 improvement in this version. The slow fastball or slow change-up at Playability: 8.5 the top of the zone still gets the computer almost every time. The I B Entertainment: 7 only change | see is the elimination | . B diving attempt to snag the foul À} of the home run celebrations (thank | earns him a face full of grass. OVERALL: you). If you already own WSB ‘95, — — — you already own this game. If you 7 Í dont have baseball from the Genesis yet, this game may bel]. worth your time, but | wish Sega 8.75 World Series Baseball 96 (WSB96) would have put SOME effort into is the ultimate statisticians dream. this update." 5 Team drafting, trades, and complex : statistic groups make this, WSB96, 7.25 ihe true baseball simulation for the Sega Genesis. The gameplay is : . 8.25 once again tight and true. The only : difference between the '95 and '96 Entertainment: — 8 version is updated rosters, thus mak- ing WSB96 nothing but an update. A great game for those who want a second run at this seamless base- | 9.25 ball title” >THE Borrom LINE 7,5 > Informer ú August ‘96 , Features Include Raised 8-Way Directional Thumb Pad for Better Directional Control m Ain | Slow, Select & Start Buttons SONY is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation. Playstation” is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment. You're Freakin' Me Out, Man! m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure m Special Features: 3D Worlds and Characters, Created Using 3D SGI Workstations, Intense 3D Action, 3D Morphing Hero, Artifact Collecting Which Gives You Better Weapons (in 3D) m Created by: Burst/Virgin m Available: Early 1997 for Nintendo 64 : y You're sitting on your -4 home planet of Hedron, > trying to shake off your ^ , headache and counting how many resolutions you've already broken. All "1 à œ sudden, out of nowhere, a bunch of aliens from a . parallel dimension who call themselves the ZoS decide to stomp into your world, extinguish the sun and transport all of your fellow Hedronites off to their dimension for who knows what purpose. As you are the only Hedron citizen to escape capture it is cear that you must become a hero for your people. You are an adventurer, you are a | Savior, you are FREAK BOY - the first title from Virgin to appear on the Ultra 64. Though the title may remind you of a younger brother or possibly your boss, FREAK BOY is actually an h action/adventure game which takes place on over 25 == distinct worlds. You'll be in | control of the hero who needs to € fight and destroy over SO enemies that threaten your peaceful existence. 3 FREAK BOY's body is divided into three parts - “2, the head, chest, and feet. As you progress through the game, you'll be able to pick up alien artifacts . which you can assimilate into your body. Different combinations of artifacts give you different weapons. With the number of artifacts included in this game, | weapons variation is huge. Additionally, FREAK BOY's P body morphs and changes as new artifacts are acquired and old ones are discarded. As is the case with so many N64 games, information about FREAK BOY is scattered —.. and sparse, but we'll be sure to keep you up pc, to date and informed about the game with x | such a unique title. | hmm Hey, your nose is bleeding. m | Size: 64 Megabit Wi Style: 1 to 4-Player Sports Game IB Special Features: Analog Controller Option, NHL License, Computer Enhanced Puck, 3 on 3 or 5 on 5 Game Mode Options | M Created by: Atari Games Corp. for Williams Entertainment M Available: Nov. 15th for Nintendo 64 oe be Quebec, vestige of French- Canada, left hockeyless. The WHA turned NHL franchise played to a packed house 40 plus games a season, and at the pinnacle of power building the god-like Nordiques, Sakic and all, fly south to the American Rockies. But it’s a good time to be in Colorado. A successful baseball franchise, a US Open championship (compliments of native son Steve Jones), and of course the coveted Stanley Cup! Canada has lost the Nordiques and the Jets, and with the Oilers threatening to move, is losing the pride and power of the nation. Despite, Canada’s woes they can still lay claim to producing the greatest players - even the greatest of them all...Wayne Gretzky! Williams announces the anticipated release of their all new Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey for the Nintendo 64. Along with the release comes further “Americanization” of the traditional Canadian bloodsport. Enter high scoring, rip-roaring, comet trail action. From the hockey novitiate to the old game skeptic, Gretzky Hockey offers a choice to appease each extreme of the hockey spectrum. Williams has worked hard in creating a spanking new hockey environment. Along with the classic overhead view will come an anticipated 10 different “change on the fly” perspectives. A full NHL license, stats tracking, and team editing retain the classic league play functions. Of course, you'll also have the choice of digital thumbpad or analog joystick. In a break from the traditional game, Gretzky will offer a three-on-three game where the competitor must choose one player to control throughout. The skating is smooth and the polygon graphics offer great hockey realism. Although the game is still highly developmental, owners of the N64 will no doubt make Gretzky Hockey one of their initial sports purchases. d P9 OPUSJUIN MƏH TRAP ON YOUR BARAKA ` BOXER SHORTS AND PREPARE TO ENTER THE ULTIMATE MORTAL KOMBAT GAMING EXPERIENCE. MR CREATORS JOHN TOBIAS AND ED BOON HAVE COMBINED TRE THREE MORTAL KOMBAT DNA STRANDS INTO ONE LIVING ENTITY ENTITLED MORTAL ROMBAT TRILOGY, ALL THE CHARACTERS WHO'VE THROWN A PUNCH IN AN MK TITLE ARE FEATURED AND PLAYABLE WITH ALL THE GORE FILLED ‘ALNES ON TRE SIDE. THIS IS THE MK TM NEW FEATURES MOTARO, SMAO KHAN, AND GORO MAY BE HIDDEN AS SECRET PLAYABLE CHARACTERS. WHOR MAMA! PLAY MORES RANGE FROM AX EIGHT PLAYER. TOURNAMENT, 2-ON- 2, 3-ON-3, AND G-ON-6. THE ONE PLAYER MODS FEATURES FOUR INTENSE DIFFICULTY LADDERS, WHICH SHOULD BE A GREAT CHALLENGE FOR EVEN THE MOST TALENTEN MK PLAYERS. INCLUDE AN WINCH AGGRESSION METER FAYORS AND ASSISTS THE PLAYER WARRIORS ON THE RUN WHO ACTIVATES IT. THIS ALSO INCREASES TRE | CHARACTER'S i Sive tore ber Heads T SPEED ANN ADDS X DYNAMIC yle: 1 or 2-Player Head-to-Head Tournament Fighting E Special Features: All MK Characters From MK1, 2 and 3 are SHADOW TO TRE CHARACTER AS Playable, Hidden Characters, New Kombat Codes, New Aggression WELL. 1F YOU THOUGHT TRE GAME Meter, Tournament Mode, New Moves and Fatalities WAS TOUGH TO. BEGIN WITH, LUST WI Created by: Midway for Williams M Available: October for Nintendo 64 (September for Sony PlayStation) ` W. Sees an S Pognon | ) MOTHERLOXAD. MK FANATICS AND FIGHTING GAME ENTRUSIASTS SHOULD BE HAPPY TO HEAR THAT TWENTY-SIX PLUS CHARACTERS ARE PLAYABLE WITH THER OWN SPECIAL MOVES AND TECHNIQUES. SPECIAL HIDDEN M Size: 64 Megabit CHARACTERS LIKE NOOR SAIBOT AND RAIN ARE NOW PART OF THE ORIGINAL CAST, AND SINCE MORTAL e cr MAD DOG. MORTAL KOMBAT TRILOGY IS BY KOMBAT TRILOGY (MKT) IS X Off FAR THE MOST DYNAMIC LOOKING CONSOLE EXCLUSIVE, GAMERS with MR TITLE TO DATE. COME WON'T BE ABLE TO GET A LUMP ON hie NOVEMBER (SEPTEMBER FOR FINDING TRE NEW SPECIAL MOYES head. 2 AYSTATION) NINTENDO 64 AND FATALITIES IN TRE ARCADES PLAYERS WILL BE ABLE BEFORE IT HITS TO UNLOCK TRE ROME. RUMORS SECRETS OF MORTAL HAVE SPREAD THAT KOMBAT TRILOGY. SOUNNY CAGE, The god of thunder ie now the god of Here's an “exclusive” shot of one of Noob'e fatalities. make its way into MKT. Baraka'e lost move may just l hate it Win it Raine. Remember this background? Thy flesh consumed. nt — Game Informer a August '96 W Size: 8 Megabytes (64 Megabits) W Style: 1-Player First-Person Action W Special Features: Motion-Capture Animation, Large Levels, Intricate _ Detail, 13 Weapons, Large Enemies, Based on the Valiant Comic W Levels: 9 W Created by: Iguana for Acclaim W Available: September 30, 1996 for Nintendo 64 Artwork O Acclaim Comics os WAG August ‘96 Game Informer SA the” title: i iblatantly states, ` ürək is a dinosaur. | Ex hunter, and the jungles. Sof the Lost Land are full ` of. them. | „From : vicious Syaptors: “to mounted. Striceratops and pter odactyls eld With "heavy artillery, "Hirokc will have his hands full. : "AP that's not. „enough, there's". SS: -foot:: soldiers, . hunters; , PA and'various other meanies : do: defeat. Then when. you're done di ing with; thein you'll have to face ce the: boss- characters `thàt protect the Wet var ious, pieces of the C hronosceptor. The: d ` details are sómewhat sketchy.ón exactly when you'll face these monstrosities,’ but there's no doubt you’ come face to face. One boss is known “te be Turok’s long-time adversary, he is Long ` Hunter “a man who has more than à bone to pick ` with Turok. The one question that we had to ask Waada: was whether-or not there would be a gigantic T ¿Dinosaur boss that would scare the pants off of us. SE David’: s reply was simple, "Yeah: I-don't think you're CON p repared. for what we have in store,” ` And he may be right. Tur dk is still under construction so "it's, hard:to say just yet; but from the looks of things to AS ` sinu; Turok is coming together quite nicely. The characters Meu are: large; the weapons are fierce, arid the: graphics are truly in amazing. The only riddle that Iguana and Acclaim still have to ` ance is-the gameplay, which may have stumped Acclaim in the s ` past; however, it looks like this time, they may be coming in just a À E bit wiser. Mp 9 Game Informer a August’ 96 ve view š š Š Game Informer a August '96 m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Air Combat Simulator (2-Player w/Link) m Special Features: Three Levels of Difficulty, Training, Mission, and Link Vs. Mode, Four Types of Missiles, Custom Armament Configuration, Six Planes to Choose From N Levels: 12 Missions m Created by: Asmik for Sony m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation "Seclusion from the world is the only way to play a combat sim, so find à copy of Bogey: Dead 6 and an abandoned hideaway to play it in. The realism in this title is amazing, my heart actually races when | partake in the deadly dog fights. In graphics and gameplay, this title cannot be topped; no other PS-X combat sim features . fake-offs, landings, or 2-player link Vile) AM, al AT ran e BAB RAS "Gun, because Boge superior. Not only are the graphics and sound te r, but the gamepla ic. Al “Equip your fighter with air-to-ground missiles for assaülis on. “The air simulation/combat genre is becoming very crowded on the PS-X and this game clutters the field. It is more of à flight simulator than many others out there, and that may cause a lot of action seekers to turn away, The normal controls are extremely touchy when using the standard pad. l also didn't like the fact that you can't really shoot down enemies from anywhere except from behind. The graphics, including the cockpit, are adequate, but nothing spectacular. | did -off and landing sequences election of planes. | would ‘ing advantage of a joystick to e full enjoyment out of this game. A game, but tough to get into initially" Game Informer x» Augu: : "From the start the graphics in this Conconi Dm game are fairly standard, but what | Graphics: 7.5 puts this game way above the Olympic competition is its addictive ` - Sound: 75 ro e are tons of mut ue : and they're all fairly realistic. Most of | Playability: 8.5 the require that you go off . ` : on all the buttons, but some events, ` U e 2 like fencing, require a little more ! finesse. In the end, | would definitely | OVERALL: recommend this game to any fan of ; 8 Track and Field. If nothing else, at ' PlayStation Review least rent it” : Concept: 75 “This type of game has been around ` ` — since the early days of the Apple J. — - _ Graphics: 7.25 However, Eidos really did a good job ` of incorporating a wide variety of ` | Sound: 7.5 events into this game. Weight Mg | : and fencing are the favorites of ` Playability: — 8.75 mine, is graphes dont have the | ! : flash of Track and Field, but the play ` mas ha mechanics more than make up for ` that fact. It is a good workout for both : OVERALL: button speed and reaction time. *- Even though it would have been | nice to see events like diving, gym- nastics, or hurdles, | found this game to be quite entertaining." 875 Olympic Summer Games (OSG) ` "^ may not have the graphic appeal to ` Graphics: 7.75 hook gamers from a distance, but it | is the best 32-bit summer games ` Sound: 7 title to date. There's u a a —< a.. in events which range from the 400 : Playability: — 8.75 Me to the Rapid Fire Pistol. ` | ; : lympic Summer Games is yet | pce 1p another controller destroyer title. ^! This ` OVERALL: is how Konamis International Track : & Field should have been designed, | ` 8 with qualifying, final rounds, and * tons of events. OSG is a well made title in every aspect." ia Quer Prayer 1.Wnoblauch, C. .333 2.Salmon, T. |.330 3.Bonilla, B. .329 4.Boggs,W. .324 5.Murray, E. |.323 6.Anderson, G. .321| HONE RUNS. 7.Lockhart, K. 321] FE! 8.Surhoff, B. .320 A aM AY 5174] d a In Veteran or All-Star Mode you ll have 1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Baseball ^s: Player Creator, MLB. & MLBPA Licenses, Beniaka of All Major League. Stadiums, Season Stats Tracking, Home Run Doy and Playoffs ': Sony Computer Entertainment î : Now for Sony PlayStation corner, A upgust' 96 VIEW D-ROM layer Sma ion Pre what's new? First of all, the tracks have been made longer and more intense with the addition of hills and banked turns - which probably means you'll be catching some air off the steep inclines. They've even added banked sections to the Bowl arena. Also, new graphics will include cars that flip, roll, and cartwheel before they involuntarily “withdraw from the race.” Impacts with other cars will also bring the satisfying sight of flame jets, sparks, and vehicle parts which fly off to who knows where. A pit area will be available where you can repair your car, and a new Stunt Mode will allow you to set up a stunt show and drive as dangerously as Evil Kenevil, Lance SA or Bo Duke. While we only have the screenshots and not the actual game, there's onl so much we can tell you right now. All you can do is look at the screenshots and contemplate the link mode features which include Tag Racing, Duel, and Team Pair Mode. Ooooh... m ave you ever been cut off b some schmuc who likes to drive forty- Á five in the left lane? Your first instinct may be to slam your foot down on your accelerator and see if you can push your front bumper all the wa through his dashboard. Or perhaps you'd rather swipe the back end of his automobile so that you send his Suzuki Samurai into a 360" spin which eventually causes him to flip over the embankment and cart- wheel three times into a burning mass of steel. Unfortunately, law and respect for innocent bystanders' lives stop you from expressing these urges on the highway, but that doesn't mean you can't vent some frustration on your Sony PlayStation in the form of Destruction Derby 2. The sequel to last year's smash hit has supposedly been repainted and rebuilt to crumple all competition in this year's circuit. So POINTED... „AHEAD! ^q Game Informer N '96 i Burm A aa Adventures ig Drămamine m Size: 1 CDROM m Style: 1 0k,Ə#Player Racing Game (4-Player for PC) m Special Features: Multiple Camera Angles, Link Moaa, ConvinciligiMotion Simulation, Variety of Car Selection m Created by; Toka and Funsoit for Playmats Interactive Entertainment m Available: December Brd for gll Station, Spring ‘97 far PC T his game is enough to make you sick...literally. After playing this game for twenty minutes, dont be surprised if you have to go outside for a breath of fresh air. The first-person perspective in this one is possibly the best we've seen (discounting the rapid polygon popping). The course is laden with numerous jumps and drop-offs that combine with high speed play to really twist your stomach. Three different tracks and a wide selection of cars add to the variety of game play. The fact that you can inflict damage upon your opponents (and they unto you) helps make Burning Road a game in the true racing tradition. Damage will affect handling, speed, and appearance. Your vehicle selection will also determine attributes. For a real challenge choose the manual transmission, but keep an eye on the speedometer because it's easy to overgear. Another nice feature is the replay option; after finishing each race choose to view the race again from a helicopter angle to see where you went wrong. With the link mode 2 players can compete simultaneously (4 players on a PC). Burning Road appears to be near the front of the pack in this holiday's race gare competition. Oh the weather outside is frightful. gs = SELECT YOUR DAR MAS SREE Ds : ROAD HEBÜTNS- © Choose your ride. Wipe out! Game Wif@ermer August ‘96: dPLE BRAIN PEOPLE... hate THESE BUYS. 1 CD-ROM le: 1-Player Classic Arcade Update j Changing Camera Views, Techno Soundtrack, a Wide Variety of Opponents, 2-Player Competitive or Cooperative Via Link Cable J by: Player 1 for Williams Entertainment October for Sony PlayStation ften when a classic game like Robotron is taken and converted to a contemporary format it loses that old-school arcade feel. Original Robotron fans need not worry, because “X” keeps you on the edge of your seat and looking for a way out of the mayhem (which, of course, you never find) just as much as the original. The version we have to work with here at GI is only 25% done, but it's fun to play and could easily be put out on the market as it is right. now. New possibilities include power-ups (which your enemies can pick up as well), varying backgrounds, and a cooperative multi-player mode. For those who want a feel of what it; was like to be a gamer in the ‘BOs without losing the bells and whistles they've been accustomed to, or veterans of the original who want more without losing any of the original style of the game, Robotron X is definitely worth keeping an WELCOME TU ROBO HAVE A NICE D A ECT a vau START Gu pA. DEAL AS THE GLD Wed ThE MƏNƏ LUOI283 S AC d ast month, Game Informer gave you a wants to control your game so it will have more sneak peak at the first sixteen levels visual and gaming punch. However, make no of Sony's upcoming release Crash mistakes about it, Crash Bandicoot is very | Bandicoot. p it T | | T A W 1 3D. "i the levels of every was only a preview, about 14 Le 4 Aa world and every charac- the only thing you could get 0068 LIKE 4 — mM ASCOT ter in Crash is meds of 3D out of it was that the 7 : T polygons, but because graphics were excep- you are limited by tional and it will be your environment the a classic platformer. gameplay is more But there's more along the "classic" to Crash than style of platformer. meets the eye. The basics of the This crazy marsupial, game are simple: Crash with the help of must make his way to Naughty Dog, Universal the last island by passing Interactive Studios, each stage until he defeats and Sony Computer the end boss (and you get Entertainment, is getting an ending). The gameplay ready to do the do to your aspects of Crash, however, Sony PlayStation. To find out are much more than they what this little guy was appear. Every level has really up to, we decided various crates that you can to go straight to the dog's destroy, and if you find them mouth...a Naughty Dog to all, you will get a crystal. Find be exact. all 26 crystals and when you defeat As GI ventured into the land of the game you get to see a second the Naughty Dog, the first thing we ending. Some crystals you find will saw from the crew was that they be colored, and these colored crystals _ were extremely serious (well, most of the time) are the key to enabling larger crystals on about Crash. While Naughty Dog may be best various levels. Find these larger crystals and known for Way of the Warrior on the 3DO, it's — they'll take you to another area of that stage that easy to tell this group has come a long way since will let you get more crates so you can complete the early days when they developed their games — all the levels. Sound like it's getting bigger? Well, in an apartment. its not done yet. Crash also has 6 bosses that you Basically, what Naughty dog set out to do — must defeat and 3 different was create the world's first full 3D game, but bonus stages. as they looked more and more into the gameplay aspects they found that they liked limiting this 3D world to a tunnel effect so they could control what you see and do. Like a movie director controls the angle of the scene to make the .scene more powerful, Naughty Dog ~~ juramenti Vo e: Inside the various levels the player will face m Size: 1 CD-ROM X. numerous hardships. The first test will be to 3% 1-Player Action Platform m Special Features: Memory or Password Save, master the camera angles that you will have fo ¿iden Bonus Rooms, Hidden Diamonds, control Crash from, whether it be from the side, Alternating Level Designs the back, or the front. This means that you must n Levels: 26 Stages, 6 Bosses, and 3 Bonus Levels test your "classic" jumping and dodging skills, but m Created by: Naughty Dog/Universal Interactive this time in different 3D environments. And since Studios for Sony Computer Entertainment — — 4 Naughty Dog didn't have to worry about creating m Available: September 9, 1996 for Sony PlayStation | a large environment for you to get lost in, they x |" o could concentrate on making the gameplay world as cartoon-like as possible. For instance, the artists at Naughty Dog made a serious effort to make sure that the lighting and the color pallet would control where your eyes looked on the screen. For example, if Crash or any other character walks under a tree they are immediately immersed into a shadow, giving the game an environment that looks 3D and interacts with its surroundings accordingly. _ While P GI jury is still out on how the | 7 product wi eventually pan out, its path is clear; | sp Crash Bandicoot is destined for stardom on the ij ame e polii ein PlayStation. Sony and Universal will make sure of ; thot, simply because even qt an early stage, this game stands out in a crowd. The real question will be if it stands out in a crowd of Marios and Sonics, and we guess you'll have to wait Hg next month to find that out! = | - 2e1S/eEId4 Lt ud uo oo ee endl c s ` _ i» b Crash has a severe migraine from dealing with loo many bosses! Alright smart guy, let's —— see you make the jump! — Crash likes fo stand really close to the TV. v CN Game Informer August '96 | | À m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-to-Head Tournament Fighter m Special Features: 16 Warriors, 18 Arenas, Campaign Mode, Artifacts, Magic and Arcane Usage, Non-Linear "Smart-Cam", -Modify Character Attributes ... NM Created by: Take 2 Interactive Software „Tor Acclaim Entertainment Available: September for Sony PlayStation (and Sega Saturn) here's no falling out of the ring. You're trapped in a gigantic bubble. Th € € Who will win? Che sword or the crazy i — n With the non-linear “smart cam” installed, the iem throughout the match will constantly change. Your final goat in the verses mode is to take out the Lord of Chaos. tgo the o e armed dwarf takes a vicious swing at the effin Princess. ranslating the elements and ideals found within a pen difficult task indeed. Fortunately, Take 2 Interactive Software is knee deep in devotion to the tremendous cause of making their first PlayStation title — Advanced Dungeons \ Dragons Iron & Blood — a cutting edge premier fighter that goes far beyond t the modern day fighting game standard While the gameplay i is similar to every other fighter dub to the fact that it’s always a one-on-one battle with falls based ` on the depletion of a health meter, the surrounding x fundamentals and certain gameplay tactics have never before been seen in a fighter. Incorporating magic and artifact enhancements into the game's roots enables players to use or perform additional moves an ics that were not available at the beginning of play. In order x to unlock these secrets the player will either have to fi a hidden artifact án Pe background and perform. and capture ! computer obj ct e me br their nm 1 ns TOR to TUN AE or the elfin and paper RPG to a polygon based fighting game format is a ` Ravenloft based characters to choose from ranging from a sword ` wielding warrior to an elfin shaman. A team consists of 2-to-6 ` combatants (this number can be configured to your liking), and perfect balance is the key to victory. Hence, having a warrior and a wizard presents a nice unity, and strategy against the opposition. At this point, right before the match, the computer will generate a background and an objective, Thé background will affect the way certain warriors fight, and the objective is what the battle is all about. In play, both polygon génerated characters have access to roam freely within the 3-dimensional ring. The character moves appear to be conceived of a Tekken/Toshinden origin, only with mighty . weapons and spells. As far as fatalities go, all we | can say is, “We don't know." However, if you're lucky enough to achieve a consecutive victory count of five or greater, your character will gloat and brag about how mighty they are This is just one of the *hidden Easter eggs" to be found in Take 2's unique fighter. Iron & Blood is also the first 3rd party fighting x game to tread upon the highly anticipated M2. While release date on the M2 rs VM 38 72,104 QNV dñ SIHL QVO? „VĂLXI, SAVS N33825 31111 3H1 QNV 3340 SI 2NIQN3 | 58W08 | e a s BÆ re | | 3HL LI 3AI9 OL AVUE 3HL OL 340W L 301 2 ms ^ rere P "cr |. OSW aus 3M 3AM9NĂ4S3Q FHL TV. ‘(SLOXXY NIL M04 9NILNDH NOK QVH 1VNIDIXO n | r | . ` ML) 1: SNNW NNW 40 LNNOWY NIVLX39 V QNI3 — NOISSIW 3H1 ‘HOV2 39VLS $508 ) QNV 523431 OML OLNI NMOQ N3JON8 33V SV3HV XIS 'NIVOV 32NO `N0I19V NOLVIOWIS 1J88VN 340W 3AV22 OHM SNV3 3HL LIVMV SNOdV3M QNV 'S3IW3N3 S1343 MIN 'W3ăQ $2HVNV4 WODQ V 3AN 108 'IWIILNIQI IXY AV1d3WVO QNV Ă3AIĂQ FHL T1VNI9IN0 3H1 4340 AMVNOLLD10A3 XO MIN ONIHLANY 23410 LNS200 Z HSV14 ONIGWAP Lăvd LSOW 3H1 AOS TANZNS NIVLdV2 301237102 LINVId PAILINALSIA 3HL NO 33VL OL 130035 21d3 SIHL NI 532304 3NIBWO2 ATONITIIMNN VH01V QNV 1/8803 ATIV S.AVQOL SI NIVT1IA SAVQN31$34 Z H$V14 ONIAWAL NI 'QIY1d NO SLOG VX10d NVHL 2SUOM HSV12 A3HL ANY 23H13901 OML 3H1 LNd ‘(SVE SAVMIV 408) 1031N02 212V1V2 3131dW02 304 SIAILLS OHM NIVTUA UZISINIS 3HL — VHOTV NOXV8 (SLOXAVI QNV) 32V3d V35 OHM Ligave 21,0803 V—LI880 — vjo/e|d AUOS 104 MON :ojqejieAV NI Auos :Aq palea9 m SJƏA87 J/&3-88JU | XIS pue ‘ÉUIQUII) Jeppe] ‘uodeam MSN euo 'spunos snuog ‘SUOISSIN owe ayeiedes OML ‘APO YORNY eui '(syoojg £-1) ees owes :seinjeay eads a Joenus Buidunp/uonoy uosiag-js1 18/814-1 :e|A]9 WI Wou-d5 1:ezis m 38 cial Features: 3 Modes of Gameplay, Plethora o S, Pre-Set or Random Play Conditions, Polygon Created by: US Gold Sports/Eidos Available: Now for nd Saturn, PC Ch Hi playing of soccer upon ut it), the sport otherwise NDA its participants into a battle NI The ay thing in life that's free. c honor, and religious sacrifice. aay sae oe Msc hapless Colombian defender shot W ser H — is hometown. His crime - losing to the icken Argentine who leapt from his ten € - his television had blown a tube y Final. Northern Ireland battles Britain. = rol of Europe. And now, Eidos vs. ectronic supremacy. ° block at Eidos (already developing he PlayStation's hottest titles) have decided to sports game frontier. Olympic Soccer, available S-X, Saturn, and PC is a solid achievement for these stars of video simulation. Olympic Soccer, though king a FIFA license, does a great job of capturing the | essence of the game of soccer...finesse! Three modes of gameplay (Exhibition, Olympic Tournament 1 and Arcade), coupled with changing weather conditions, polygon graphics, and 4-player capability combine to make < Olympic Soccer a worthy contender. True to soccer standard the key to the game is passing, and lots of it! Use the multipi options, the give-and-go, and the "one touch pass offensive triangles. Whereas Electronic Arts’s FIFA “Shee programming of attack strategies (e.g. long ba Olympic Soccer forces players to make the the field. A wide selection of camera views ar the strategist to deploy his team. Realistic s pass, the bicycle kick and diving hea good variety of game play. In closing, fo limited button pushing, Olympic friendly, smooth-playing, and sports collection. In the futt Æ sports platform. / As s for E ANDY, THE GAME HOMBRE That 1 “Soccer games are a dime-a-dozen, g First off, the graphics on this game and its aM to finally see one tha 5 The soccer games for the PS-X are kind of suck, but the gameplay is g offers something a little different with à Í sure piling up. This game doesn't 8 fairly any The control is an olympic challenge. Olympic | i . 425 have the greatest graphics in the ameplays decent, and 7.25 Soccer is limited in user control, but | ; world, but it is very playable. The „funny M ^" u it has some of the best announcing | . 85 computer is fairly a and I de x you'll ever hear in via! is ualy || — Is get 7] + -unla í T cafinrormer m August ‘96 "d. y The chain gun packs a serious punch. left by your fallen foes. hat you must master to (40: this tr ale pe armed with a pistol, but you'll soon upgrade a throughout each level including | hidden super-powered weapon: Throughout the levels you'll D i sting aspect to isi is that you'll ins run dry you can always turn to your for Disruptor coming to your deco sometime this October (hopefully). But be forewarned; this game i for anyone with D [ This diuble-duivalad weapon can fire ` one barrel at a time or both at once . for a more powerful blast. x j ii dg F m _ (s *" Every level is filled with tons | are : f different text d . Pick up the psychic energy F icis oF lighting efe — p " Watch the screen light up as your Psionics ripple through your enemies. Yov'll encounter many multi- leveled rooms ™ as you explore ; each area. 1 CD-ROM ET. kia First-Perso Duos 9 Miren Game Informer » August '96 Š for Universal Interactive Sony PlayStation Aeld 21/1814 UOHEIS : 1 CD-ROM 1x “Player Action/Platform Special ires: 20 Killer Attack Moves, “Infamous Marvel Super Villains, 14 Missions | by: Eidos i lable: November for Sony PlayStation © Sala and PC) PlayStation Preview a shing boxes, battling robots, and dethroi , this November Eidos will bring you the first 32-bit game feature the Incredible Hulk. This 3D action/platformer promises to include the classic villains of Hulk's Marvel universe. Use over twenty specialty moves and fifty character actions to guide Hulk through 14 immersive missions. EZ y include the head butt, the body bat, the flying kick, the « « will no doubt give th November. In order to a be sure to read Game review. Until then rememh named Bruce Banner, don L- 3 r à m ` * \ m. Ae e = * p Ld : th À Game Informer » August 96 i 7h, i Game Informer « August ‘96 Courses, Stadium Supercross & Enduro Racing, Choices, 3 Racing Views, Showboat Moves, Mudslingin' Mayhem | by: Studio E for Playmates Interactive ^ ' A ible: December for Sony PlayStation í (and Sega Salurn too) Motocross to the Extreme UOI2982 S AP Qg-3a3-—F d š s hy te d - SMSIA91 Jet iE, 4 mmm "M C kia There's only one thing left to do...PUNCH IT!! e shadows ofa jestic- nuclear plant, how majes attempted to offer titles based on motocross +% with fairly limited success. Now Playmates, in $ pm conjunction with Studio E, have introduced a new x racing game for the PlayStation entitled VMX and it may turn the paltry genre of motocross racing on its head. VMX is a mud-slinging, air-catching, and clutch poppin’ racing game that combines old elements of Excitebike and updates it with inventive and beautiful courses. A total of 8 courses will be included in the game. They range from stadium courses complete with giant TV scoreboard to a twisty desert track with expansive canyon jumps. The control of the game is pretty basic in that _ you just point your machine down the course. [B 7322 There are two throttle controls in which one acts as a boost when starting a race, taking a jump, or kicking the back end around on a tight turn. The other is to maintain speed. When hitting jumps or x other obstacles, pressing up or down on the § MM URGE: directional pad will push the front wheel down or up respectively. Although VMĂ is still early, numerous crash animations have already been implemented. A racer will “endo” and flip over the front of the 2 bike or topple to the side as the bike skids into 8 LM a hay bale. A number of showboat maneuvers like | hroughout the years many companies have — ttes i aa ETTI Malte A >| Watch your head! j La z g aiit EN tabletops or nack-nacks will let you pretend you're Jeremy McGrath while launching over jumps. VMX has a promising and first class look that could make it popular with racing fans. The additional time that the developers have until the release of VMX may turn it into a title that can't be missed this fall. x view ă m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Action/Platform m Special Features: Six 3D Environments, 30 Levels, 15 Power-Ups, Continuous Camera Tracking, Motion Capture Video m Created by: Boss Studios for BMG Interactive u Available: March 1997 for PlayStation and Saturn An Eight-Legged Adventure as biotechnology gone too far? If you ask Dr Kelly, thé. leading A researcher in nanotechnology ` applications, he'll tell you: "The research we're doing is very important. But I fear what would happen if my machines fell into the wrong hands." Who or what would be these wrong hands, you ask? Unbeknownst to Dr. Kelly, a powerful high-tech corporation is planning to steal his cybernetic technology. Hired goons bust into his lab and open fire. Wounded, the doctor falls to the floor as surly henchmen steal the technology. What the goons don't know is that Dr. Kelly, while lying on the floor, has accidentally imprinted his consciousness onto the nearest cybernetic organism: a robotic spider. Thus while the evil corporation has Dr. Kelly's body, they don't have his mind! Dr. Kelly, now trapped within the body of the spider, must track down the enemy agents in a desperate attempt to recover his body before it's too late. Using the latest in motion-capture technology, Spider crawls, runs, and leaps through sewer pipes, wells, city streets, factories and labs. Using defenses located in the abdomen, head and legs, Spider launches ice-bombs, flame throwers and homing missiles. In addition to his web, there are fifteen different power-ups that will aid in his battle against Mecha Wasps, Phase Bats, Feral Rodents, Earwigs and Venom Slugs. We're expecting a lot from this qame since it's not due out until March of 1997. The preview films and screen shots look great. One of the highlights is going to be simulated spider crawling action (it looks like the real thing, folks). There'll be a lot of small cracks to slip through, hidden paths, all that good stuff. What's impressive about the game is the use of "continuous camera tracking," the latest in spatial-perspective technology. At this point in the development it's hard to say if the format will break from the standard action/platform and include any adventure aspects. But with 30 levels, the play value should be very high. So if you get “stunq” by any holiday losers this season, hold out for Spider, BMG's most promising new game. Hey baby, come on over to my side of the block. CN A masterpiece of cyber-engineering. Getting tired...must find my body. Gam® Informer August '96 M Size: 1 CD-ROM M Style: 1-Player First-Person Action M Special Features: Special Items Inventory Screen, 8 Different Weapons Including Magic Artifacts, Automapping, Swimming M Created by: Lobotomy Software Inc. for PlayMates Interactive M Available: August 27 for Saturn, Playstation, and PC. owerslave is a Doomish game set in a sort of Egyptian mythos. ‘What we’ve gathered of the plot from the demo is that you are helping a god elude the enemies who are attempting to control it. To do this you need to collect pieces of the god’s dead earthly form before the enemy does. This of course will save the world from unending chaos and destruction etc. etc... Your arsenal consists of a machete, pistol, machine gun, grenades, flame-thrower, and three funky magic items that do really cool things like the cobra wand that shoots a green target-seeking snake at your opponents. The weapons are pretty well done (although my impression so far has been that the pistol is much better than the machine gun), and the artifacts that you collect are cool because they give you powers. One of the ones on the demo is a mask that allows ae to breathe underwater. The enemies are interesting and it appears as if the makers of the game were interested in creating a variety of unusual critters, each with their own style of attack. Our favorites are the tiger-headed women who teleport right in front of you and try to scratch you up. The flame thrower is a good problem solver for this situation. The game is almost done and we like what we've seen of it so far, so keep your eye out for a review on the full version of Powerslave. The flame thrower has short range but it’s even better at stopping enemies in their ! tracks than the gatling from Doom. Game Informer » August’ 96 Yes, that is ] Your mission, should you choose to accept it... include the tokei camel shot. | The machete is a much better j| alternative “| than fists. a grenade. | “Who needs a BFG when you have a magic manacle. T "hisi is the Cobra "Wand. “(t shoots...cobras. 5 that must be stopped. . take the player deep into ini. € very interactive as many a Size: 1 | CD- ROM Ng various objects. Secret w Style: à Es can also be activated by n A&M ing iple enon = x modi Paw, Hammerbox, and a handful of other Avoiding road alf of it fourtee you strive for first. Lucky | can defend edet your. by : Tantalus Entertainm nt for Williams e: : Late P for-S8ga Saturn Imm 5 75 725 85 625 8 x & 85 7 4 7 8 7 6.75 7 7.25 7.25 >THE Borrom Lwe J inr: "— I Win enough races and pu, “ 7 on m mutants have B M aue rough cash à upgraes + taken over the base. | a faster choppe ANDY, THE Game Homere REINER, THE Racine Gamer "Road Rash is still one of the best racing “Road Rash was a dream come true for games available, unfortunately, this is the 3DO players, and it should be the same least impressive version I've played." for the Saturn right? Well, not exactly The graphics dont look as sharp, and the ` Paut, THE GAME PROFESSOR gameplay and other biker sprites are ` “The music soundtrack is the best part of really choppy A bad port to say the least." this game and it still doesn't play during the race. Still a fun game, but a huge Vinny, THE VIDEO VIGILANTE disappointment if you've played the 3DO “This is a good game (although 2 years Version." old) that could have been made so much better if someone had only cared. Alas." Game Informer » August '96 The infrared vision enhances ee a — your ability to | — : " i P : see at night | - —— s e | à; T b s E Special Features: and allows 15 t ge hey w. Multiple Mission you to easily | E — “4 Objectives, Strafing and | spot targets. I. Ü | í sie — W : Flying, Four Powerful Holy cow! It's | qu . ^b m » PT > fm pp . | APC Mech Weapons, right on top | {| ame") s ^ we A | gud U AD MAL AL, à Night Vision, and a of me! My ; i EIE | P +. 9 47” À j Military Training Mode lenses are Z | Mem | | m Created by: Game ART | vise oe n cecus THE FU | PLI muse j Arts for Sega DT MI EM LL A GR UCAS SR pe SOLE CE m Available: Now for ^ usos. Sega Saturn | Protect n the second half of the 21st century disaster struck the human ” ” your base BM race. Shortages in natural resources like food and energy mixed at all costs. with the threat of global warming have driven the world into a chaotic frenzy. Fearing the " possibility of extinction, the people of Earth came together and divided their populous into four regions: the Pan European Union (PEU), the United America Countries (UAC), the Asia Pacific Community (APC), and the Organization of African Unity (OAU). These unions brought hope to the people. But in the year 2074, political rivalries reached a boiling point and wars began to wage across | "The first casualty of these wars was the Earth's |. ese war machines needed more and | — 4 their incessant hunger. With this in | rth esources have reached a critical |.) N E £5 E 12) 150 CERES EA DER ENI 1 ! LÀ ’ 1 ety te have T slim chant € of survival. Being the suave military M x | is coming mech jockey that you are, you've been given a chance to |) x | your way! fight for your life. Your objective: destroy everything | | | 4 that has the tendency to kill. The odds are not in your J favor, but then again this is a video game and anything can happen. Your assault on the opposition won't be easy since you're still employed by the government, but fór the most part you are assigned to search and destroy-styled missions. On rare occasions, you'll get to protect a facility or go on a fox hunt for one individual target. The gameplay dynamics couldn't have been done better in GunGriffon. From a first-person perspective, you have complete freedom to fly, strafe, lock onto enemy targets, and quickly change weapons. Once this is mastered you're ready to begin your victory march. If you still feel uneasy, GunGriffon features a Military Training Mode where you can hone your mech abilities. And don't worry if you screw up, this doesn't go on your permanent record. Out in the field, you can treat your enemies to a dose of your machine gun g, loaded with armor-piercing bullets, or "i you can blow them to kingdom come with the RP scatter barrage; an ATM missile, or the thunderous Cannon Gun. The ammo is limited and the amount you begin with depends on the mission, so use it wisely or you'll find. put how many hits it takes to Wer the chewy inside of a ech. "GunGriffon's hidden goodies are plentiful and range from night vision to refueling bases. If you're a fan of Battletech, MechWarrior, or Patlabor, &/T- 03:0) ] B SES M m | š š š — i \ a ee À irois | să GPiGrifion should be to your Yo Sam, its Phil! You wanna ditch this pe : war and grab a bite at Mickey D's? Game Informer x= August’ 96 THE BOTTOM LINE ü 4 | m Size: 1 CD-ROM Player Car Racing tures. The F, that sets it | îi mber of options ie apart from a lot of other games is | | allotted before any given race. [de pi é (time trial, head to head, single race, and tournament), you can pick different music styles. While on the track there is not a single button on the gamepad that’s been left alone. In addition to driving controls, there are also buttons for choosing different views, toggling the heads up display, and, much fun, a horn. … Additionally, for the true “porii car RUM M The Need For Speed has what could only be described as a database including all kinds*of information about the cars; there's even a video for each car. The driving itself is very real — to a point. The game prides itself on what seems like something of a new trend in the racing game industry, a “physics engine” that really makes you feel like you're on the track. The acceleration is intense and the speed is thrilling, although there are times when the realism seems a little cut short. When yo oing 16% and you hit a railing or bump the back of another car, it would seem appropriate that the car lose complete control or wipe out of pot. Perhaps the playtesters didn’t think this was as much. just slowing down or skidding for about ten feet. The graphi selves are very nice and have a lot of variation, which is something THE BOTTOM LINE « Anoy, THE Game HOMBRE different race locations). There are 8 cars fo ee from, four race V whether you want manual or automatic shifting, and you can even get 75 As I've said in the past, this is a pretty good game. Although it isn't g the most exhilarating driving game I've ever played, it is challenging and |` 8 very realistic. Graphically, this game | ~ looks almost identical to its PS-X Į 7.75 and 3DO counterparts and it even | ` features the same hidden goodies. E Entertainment: 7.75 Unfortunately, every time | play this game l end up having more fun spin- OVERALL: ning out with the parking brake than | I do racing. Racing 8 fanatics should definitely give this one a look, but arcade junkies may want to look elsewhere." Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: THE Racine GAMEI REINER, 7.25 !ve been frustrated with every version of the Need for Speed until 9.25 now - the Saturn version is actually really entertaining. | still have to 7 stand by my morals and say that the control doesn’t handle like it should, 7 but | have to admit that the crashes are a visual delight and something Entertainment: 7.5 to aim for when racing. Who can smash ‘em up the best? The Need : for Speed has always striven to achieve perfection in the racing 7 5 genre, and this version is the closest E VIDEO VIGILANTE Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: it's come to meeting its goal. A great port to say the least!” Vinny, THE g “thought this game was horrible on the 3DO, but the Saturn version g moves a lot faster, making it a degent game. While it may not be as 9 exciting visually as Daytona or Sega Rally, it is challenging and fun to 8.5 play There are a variety of cars and Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: it will take you some time to place Entertainment: 8.5 first on all the tracks. You probably won't be very good the first time you pick this game up, but you get used to the controls. It's not the first racing game | would buy, but its worth checking out." OVERALL: 9.9 Game Informer a August ‘96 : “m going to go out on a limb (not : canoa. | really) and say that IS the best Concept: 1 Graphics: 6.75 puzzle game for the Satin, Sure its — Graphics: | a variation of countless other games 55 Dont let the adorable’ animal ` munching on food ploy fool you into 7.25 finding compassion for this title. Baku Bak@ really isn't anything Sound: _ 7 that have appeared on | epa Sound: 7 special Th& gameplay is generic eat platforms, but it can be played by e and generally slow. Setting up Playability: — 9 anyone and can be quite addictive, Playability: 45 combo pieBes is possible, but " ' The Saturn was in diré need of în malai finding the activator pieces to send it Sar toiag | T a puzzle game and this Is it. Baku Entertainme 7 oa doesn't happen. Its kind Baku has a clean look, a simple of like trying to find a needle in a interface, and cute little critters haystack. Thi§ is the only Saturn that will give those non-players in puzzle title to date, and if you like wm Size: 1 CD-ROM your life a chance to pitk up the this genre afid urgently await a g Style : dor 2- -Player Puzzle controller. Puzzle gamers Should like puzzle title fof your console, then ‘ures: 3D Graphics, Hall of Fame For it too m fu Bau [id some enjoymeht — your Greatest | Baku Baku Achievements, Arcade, VS, and Ranking Mode, Three Difficulty Levels, Five Different Animal Friends Concept: _ 7 Although Baku Baku is a very intefesting puzzle game, it just isn't that fun to Graphics: 75 play. Yes, it is the best puzzle game on the Sega Saturn, bul that's Sound: 7 because its the only puzzle game on tis important to note that M originally played. this game 1 did find it to be pretty entertaining, x Bit after playing Nintendo's Tetris Attack, | just cant let myself endorse x this game. Yeah, the graphics are fine and everything, but | just dont feel like | have control over my destiny, Decent, but anid to write home about x Playability: Entertainment: PO IPS o | n q far off land, from a far out time, a king and | his advisor sat and discussed what to do with the Princess’s pets. If seems she had collected more pets than anybody knew whot to do with. So the king and his advisor came to a conclusion. They will have an international contest Pi to see who is the greatest zookeeper ~~ in the world. | Enter our heroes, Pol and Gon | (Sega's idea of some kind of | sick polygon joke). These two young whipper-snappers are ready to take on the king's challenge and become the Princess's |. | new zookeeper. The challenge is simple: defeat the other + contestants at the king's newest puzzle game, Baku Baku. Baku Baku is a game where you must match the appropriate animal to their favorite food. Different combinations of both animal and food create the tiles that fall from the sky as you mix and match them together. Tiles fall in groups of two and can be spun in any direction to make the appropriate match; however, that is only the beginning. The true challenge of this game is to create a chain reaction that will cause a feeding frenzy that drops a clump of tiles on your opponent (a la Puyo-Puyo, Mean Bean … Machine, or Kirby's Avalanche). To win, you must simply fill your opponent's screen with : tiles, or live long enough so that they do it on their own. (The previous being a better | | strategy than the latter.) | Are you ready to become the world's zookeeper? Well, Sega hopes you are with their | f latest puzzle game for the Sega Saturn, Baku Baku. " À, „July 96 EJ e Cover: Legend of Oasis Special Feature: Special E3 Report and.a Super Mario _ RPG Strategy Guide Secret Access: Descent n i (PS-X), Clockwork Knight 2 p Wa (SS), Indy 500 (Arcade), iE ` | Chrono Trigger (Game Genie), - King's Field (Game Shark) Tip Card 20: Street Fighter Ipha 2 Sometimes you lose them - and other times people take them from you — but whatever you do, don't go ` through life without a complete collection. Order now before these priceless issues become obsolete! . May 96 iU el e Cover: Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei Special Features: Special . Report From America Coin _ Machine Expo including War _ Gods and Virtua Fighter 3, . Night Warriors. moves guide Secret Access: Moves For X-Men (Saturn) and Zero Divide (PS-X), more codes for _Earthworm Jim 2 (SNES/SG), Vectorman (SG), Game Genie codes for Toy Story (SG) * Tip Card 24: Killer Instinct 2 April 96 e Cover: Super Mario RPG 'RPG and Alien Trilogy game overviews Secret Access: Cheats for Loaded (PS-X), New Car for Sega Rally (Saturn), Hidden Characters for Street Fighter Alpha (Saturn), Cheats for DKC2 (SNES), Codes for Gex (PS-X) Tip Card 23: Marvel Super Heroes January 96 e Cover: Ultra 64 + Special Feature: Special 6- page Ultra 64 report including technical specs, pics, and the Ultra's controller Secret Access: Moves For Tekken. Boss Characters (PS-X), WarHawk Passcodes (PS-X), Syndicate (3DO), and Earthworm Jim Special Edition (Sega CD) ° Tip Card 20: King of Fighters '95 „February 96 ' * Cover: Descent Special Features; Descent Play Guide, Ultra 64 Game Update, GI 1995 Awards, and Part 2 of DKC: Diddy's Kong Quest Strategy Guide ' Secret Access: NFL Game Day ` _ (PS-X), Twisted Metal (PS-X), - VectorMan (Genesis), "Separation Anxiety (SNES & SG), Madden ‘96 (Genesis) * Tip Card 21: Ultimate MK3 4 Ë Tne HAE TP s Theft Step in The e WEDER iy NPP] Pa 2yfirtion DI Driving Games Miftna Cop; EA MS Zu October 95 e Cover: Mortal Kombat 3 (home versions) Strategy Guide for MK3 — all standard moves, fatalities, friendships, babalities, and animalities Strategy Guide for WeaponLord (SNES & eripe ad Genesis) (Part 2): Complete Foes Of AU, And tits e i moves, Death moves, and a November 95 Cover: Donkey Kong Country ae 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES). Strategy Guide for DKC2: | "Most of the secret levels and DK Coins ' News about the Amusement and Music Operator's Association ' Tip Card 18: Tekken 2 k, Gi pe f death combo for Talazia, Divada, and Zorn e Tip Card 17: Street Fighter Alpha Other Issues Available: August 95 July 95 June 95 May 95 April 95 e Cover: Lunar: Eternal.. ° Cover: Adven. of Batman ° Cover: Daytona USA * Cover: GEX (3DO) * Cover; Eternal Blue (Sega CD) and Robin (Genesis) (Sega Saturn) e Feature: First Look at Champions (Sega CD) e Feature: Next Generation System Wars: Stories and Specs for the 32-bit systems. | è Game Informer's High Tech Glossary * Strategy Guide for Judge Dredd * Secret Access contains . : “compete list of moves, skill moves, and power combos for all characters * Strategy Guide for Adven. of Batman “and. Robin; Basic Strategies for all four ` levels (Genesis) * Feature: Electronic e Strategy Guide for Eternal Champions (Sega CD), and X-Men 2 (Genesis) e Tip Card 11: X-Men: Children of the Atom Japanese Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation e Strategy Guide for GEX: Location of bonus-worlds and Eternal Champions Sega CD (Part 2): Moves in Eternal Champions Entertainment Expo 95- + Tip Card 13: for 2 hidden characters, “Sega CD. * Tip Card 14: Tekken Nightwarriors some vendettas * Tip Card 15: Tekken (Part 1) i * Tip Card 12: Tekken (Part 2) March 95 February 95 January 95. ` December 94 November 94 e Cover: Sonic & Knuckles (Genesis) e Cover: NBA Jam TE (SNES & Genesis) “e Cover: Killer Instinct ` e Cover: Ristar (Genesis) (Arcade) — Five Pages of + Secret Access contains: * Cover: Doom (32X) * Secret Access contains: e Secret Access contains: ` tips and tactics. Donkey Kong Country. Mickey Mania (SNES & e Secret Access contains: Earthworm Jim (SNES), .. ¢ Game Informer's 1994 Bonus Worlds (SNES) Genesis), Jungle Book MK2 Moves & Codes Shadowrun (Genesis), Video Game Awards Shining Force 2 (SNES & Genesis), (GB, SNES, SG, & GG) Madden ‘95 (Genesis) Strategy Guide for Ristar ` (Genesis), J. Madden Wolfenstein 3D (Jaguar), * Tip Card 6: DarkStalkers * Tip Card 10: Virtua on the Sega Genesis (3D0) Aladdin (Genesis) Fighter 2 * Tip Card 9: Killer ° Tip Card 8: Samurai * Tip Card 7: Primal Rage Instinct Arcade Shodown 2 + Special Features: Super Mario June 96 Cover: lekken2 e Special Features: E3 Sneak Preview, Resident Evil Strategy Guide, The First . Appearance of Classic Gl and GI PC Secret Access; Theme Park (PS-X & SS), Nightwarriors __ (SS), Alien Trilogy (PS-X), _ Jumping Flash (PS-X), College. . Slam (SNES) Tip Card 25: Open Ice The weder Gastar Fighti Game dust Gott March 96 ¢ Cover: Resident Evil Special Feature: Special Moves Guide To Toshinden 2, Tales From Resident Evil, and Preview of Killer Instinct 2 Secret Access: Moves For Street Fighter Alpha (PS-X & SS), Vectorman (SG), Virtua . Fighter 2 (SS), Toy Story (SNES & SG), NBA Live ‘96 (SG & SNES), Doom (PS-X) Tip Card 22: Samurai Shodown 3 December 95 e Cover: Toy Story '* Secret Access contains: Secret Codes for MK 3 (SNES, Genesis, & PS-X), Moves Guide for Namco's . Tekken (PS-X) (Part 1) ° Tip Card 19: "WWF WrestleMania September 95 * Cover: Killer Instinct (SNES) e Strategy Guide for | Killer Instinct ° Strategy Guide for _ WeaponLord (SNES & Genesis) (Part 1): Complete ' moves, death moves, and a death combo ` _ for Bane, Jen-Tai, and Korr + Secret Access contains a | complete list of Hills for Eternal Champions CD. * Tip Card 16: Street Fighter: The Movie Order Now (612)946-8105 Each back issue costs $5.95 (which includes shipping and handling). You can order them by phone with a credit card at (612)946-8105 or you can send a check or | money order* to: Game Informer Magazine Attn: Back Issues 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 *Make checks payable to Game Informer Magazine Game Informer ú August '96 te Fu 1-o0568040 i Za : JA E ENEM HSM 4-1 dd = © ens rcade to home trans- lations have been a * lishers since the days of. Pong. The arcade was (and is) a great way.tó introduce a franchise to the market and its success. would then lead into bigger revenue through i translations to home consoles: ‘Atari did ¿Wonders with its 2600 by porting dozens and dozens of titles from what was then their arcade division. Other arcade manufac- turers followed suit and published hundreds. of games to the 2600 as well as Mattel's Intellivision, Coleco's Colecovision, and others. A little arcade manu- facturer, Nintendo, also joined the fray after selling the home rights of ; . their games Donkey Kong and ; Täter Donkey Kong Jr. to Coleco. ~ It was a doomed effort though, as ,. the market was to bottom out with “the video game crash of 1983. Nintendo continued to produce a solid variety of titles for the. “arcade-in the early to mid 80's Little did anyone know that | : Nintendo had a secret weapon on the horizon: The Nintendo Entertainment. System (NES). By the time of the U.S. début of the NES at the Winter Consumer Electronie Show in 1985, Nintendo already had a number of epo played titles circulating arcades Excitebike TOP-000600 | (M EOHUS 253661) | 030300 _ gx33 ^" By throwing one of E thosé. în with every NES sold, Nintendo created a monster of an arcadé to home translation that was Game Informer « August ‘96 ) mainstay of game pub- OPENED THE DOOR FOR THE NES i | 10YARDFIGHT* NES. But Nintendo «also. had a wide variety” of other arcade titles that would cause gamers to readont the home system. Nintendo’s Vs. Sports franchises were strong arcade games as players could compete head-to-head on a two monitor cabinet setup. Vs. Baseball and Vs. Tennis debuted with the NES release in. October 1985 - minus the Vs. you couldn't play on two monitors. Golf and the cult classic Excitebike were also titles that. were ‘played heavily in the arcades and were launch tiles on the NES. As we mentioned last month's classic, a good platform launch always includes offerings for the sports enthusiasts. Nintendo had 'e A couple of Nintendo's other arcade games also-ushered in the introduction of thé Zapper light gun. Hogan's Alley arid Duck ‘Hunt played to: those Shot. 'em fanatics and also d ve those joypad challenged gamers 8 fran to enjoy the NES. | Nintendo's arcade translations : ushered in the masses for the NES in the mid '80's to early '90's, and Nintendo slowly began to phase out its arcade division. Now it looks as though history may again repeat itself after Nintendo's purchase of RARE and their strategic alliance HB with Wiliams / Midway. Together they-whet the appetites of gamers with Nintendo 64 teasers in the form of Killer Instinct ` and Cruis‘N USA arcade units. Excitebike ENT SS DUNMENT _ Hogan’s Alley - N 10 Yard Fight - IREM/Nintendo* 4 A solid and classic arcade game that lost much of its charm in translation. 1942 - Capcom 8.78 A fantastic shooter game. that is much better than many ` offered today. Baseball - Nintendo* „4.5 Not too spectacular consider- ing the amount of excellent base- ball games available for the NES. . It's still a very playable game. Donkey Kong - Nintendo 1 For arcade purists, this game ` is a little disappointing because of the missing pie factory level. Donkey Kong Jr. - Nintendo 6 Again this lost a little in the translation, but it was a definite pre-cursor to the Diddy Kong character. Donkey Kong Classics - ` Nintendo 8.8 Get the two previous games on one cart. Now that was value! Duck Hunt - Nintendo* B It's hard to rate a game that came with about every system. Fun for the non-gamer. - Excitebike - -Nintendo* _ 8.78 Still really fun to play. Hands down the best dirt bike racer ever created on a home system. Golf - Nintendo* - 6.5 There are better golf games, but it's simple and you get to play as a chubby Mario tendo* - 6,5 Another light gun game that tests your reflexes in a classic cops and robbers scenario. Kung | Fu - IREM/Nintendo* 7,8 Nintendo bought the rightto — „this IREM arcade classic. It was one of the first side-scrolling action punch and kick games. _ Mario Brothers - Nintendo — „1.25 A 2-player turtle stomp'em | and bouncing ! fest. It was actually release in the arcades before - Super Mario and introduced Luigi. „Super Mario Bros. - Nintendo* 10 It spoke for a generation and changed the face of gaming forever. Tennis - Nintendo* _ 7.8 It was pretty spectacular. head-to-head in the arcade. It's very playable, but not the best NES has to offer. + DEN NES Launch Title, Oct. ‘85 Greetings PC fans. We've been doing the PC page for a couple r ^s of months now and since this department is still relatively new 4 (sports, sims, strategy, action, etc...). Strife — Vertigo trife is a Doom 2 engine game that attempts to take on more of a roie-playing element in which you take on the persona of a resistance fighter against the Eeevil overlords. This is done fair- ly well but not weli enough to compensate for the lack of decent action in the game. The weapons aren't a lot of fun and there just isn't enough canon fodder. Part of the joy of Doom was doing the dance of death witn the shot gun on all of the weenie zombie types. Additionaliy, tne graphics, while looking pretty good, suffered from an annoying flicker effect that detracted from the overall gameplay. Despite all this, there are some good things to say about Strife. The combination of medieval and futuristic weaponry was a good concept ana the programmers showed some creativity in the making of some of the enemies. | also liked tne idea of having a home base that you can return to for healing and new missions from your ieader. Unfortunately, you have to compare this game to Dark Forces as their overall concepts are vaguely similar, and DF definitely comes out on top. If you're a die-hard Doomer, try it. You might like it. ‘rT > Rama - Sierra Release Date: Oct. '96 t is two hundred years in the future. A gargantuan cylindrical spaceship arrives in our solar system and a group of astronauts is dispatched to explore the ship which is called RAMA by its discoverers. Almost immediately the team's leader mysteriously dies and you are sent as his replacement. Upon further exploration it is discovered that RAMA is really a diverse, majestic, self-contained world on the inner wall of the cylinder. It is up to you to discover the secrets of RAMA and eventually prevent its destruction. RAMA is based on best-selling stories by Arthur C. Clarke and he narrates throughout the game. Sound good? Well, it looks good! From the screen shots and demos we've seen so far, RAMA looks a lot like Myst with its funky machines and puzzles, only RAMA will have numerous life forms, violent and non, to discover as well. If Arthur C. Clarke stands behind the game, then it's probably going to be great. | mean, it's not like he needs the money. . ^ and experimental, there is a lot of room for change. Tell us ; A what you want! More news? Bigger reviews? Do you like it? Í Do you hate it? Send us a letter and we'll see what we can do. Write to our address (pg. 19), Attn: GI PC Response. Feel free to include things like your favorite games, game companies, and what types of games you regularly enjoy ENS M * Duke Nukem 3D Screen Saver- ormgen — d us 4.5 It's a screensaver, and not a very good one at that. 62 This game is behind. x had a negative scoring system. — „Sid's Leaving! That's right, Sid Meier, programmer and game visionary extraordinaire is taking his leave of Microprose along with an impressive entourage (Jeff Briggs and Brian Reynolds) to go and form his own company called Firaxis. The new company will consist of fifteen to twenty people. Expect some mighty fine games from | these people.... ..speaking of Microprose, Master of Orion 2 has been delayed for what must be at least the fifth time, until September. It better be good when it comes out, guys! There is still no release date on X-Com: Apocalypse... ... Scavenger will be releasing a new third-person fantasy adventure called Into the Shadows. The game will feature well-known fantasy player characters: fighters, wizards, elves, etc... The biggest news concerns Ultima Online by Origin (of Electronic Arts). Sometime around the holidays Origin will be releasing software for a network version of Ultima in which hundreds of players will be able interact in a virtual world. The graphics look like Ultima 8, which, while receiving a lot of flack for its awkward gameplay, was without a doubt the most visually attractive of the Ultima games. Ultima Online will offer different types of characters with varying skills, an experience system, and will be fully “chatworthy” (you can talk to fellow players through the use of text)... August '96 Game Informer [] The Vitimat ng Rig!! 1E Gami IPANDEMONIL — — @ over 520,000% IN PRIZES! | — Qm uu E EU GERD GELU GEN EEE] You have the POWER. n this contest you don't rely on the luck-of-the draw. You determine if you win or not. You win by outscoring others in a game of skill. Can you solve the puzzle below? Then you have what it takes. It looks simple, but its only the start. Each of five more puzzles gets a little harder. But this time its all up to you. Stay in to the end with the highest score and the gear is yours. With whatever options you want. Do you have what it takes? Then play to win! uter Contest. Win a blazing fast computer with Pentium 166 Mhz processor, 16 meg. ram, 1.2 Gig. hard drive, CD-ROM, 17" monitor, modem and more! Video Game Contest. Play on the hi-tech cutting edge with this line-up: Sony Playstation; Sega Saturn; Virtual ys 3D0; and Atari ra a, Get all five or trade the ones you dont want for CASH! Bonus options include: 33 inch monitor, $1,000 in games, cash, accessories and more! PINCH BREAK STOMP SCORE ....H SLANT CRUSH MYSTERY WORD CLUE: WORLD RULERS HAVE IT AND IN THIS CONTEST YOU HAVE IT BT Rig Contest. The Ultimate Gaming Environment, 40 inch monitor, 130 watt receiver w/ Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound, and all components shown. Win DSS Satellite Receiver as a BONUS OPTION! This rig will blow you away!! We're talkin’ GAMING HEAVEN! Directions. Fill in the Mystery Word Grid with words ui across that spell out the Mystery Word down the side. Hint: use the Mystery Word Clue. In the future. There will be four more puzzles at $2.00 each and one tie- breaker at $1.00 which will be sent to you by mail. You will have 3 weeks to solve each puzzle. We don't know how many wi play but typically 55% will have the Mes score possible score to Phase |, 43% to Phase Il, 36% to Phase Ill, and 32% to Phase IV. The tie-breaker determines the winner. If players are still tied they will split the value of the grand prize they are playing for. ENTER ME TODAY, HERE'S MY ENTRY FEE: [1 ($3.00) Computer Contest C] ($3.00) Video Game Contest [.] ($3.00) Media Rig Contest [C] ($5.00) SPECIAL! Enter them all (SAVE $4.00) City State Zip [D SEND CASH, M.0., OR CHECK TO: PANDEMONIUM, P.0. BOX 26247 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55426-0247 VOID WHERE PROHIBITED + ENTRY DEADLINE: POSTMARKED BY Aug. 17TH, 1996 + ENTRY FEE MUST BE INCLUDED Only one entry per person. Employees of Pandemonium, Inc, and its suppliers are ineligible. Judges decisions are final. Where judges are in error the sponsor's liability is limited to the amount of entry fees paid. Not responsible for lost, delayed or stolen mail. Open to residents of the U.S. its territories and Canada. You can request Winners List and Official Rules by writing Pandemonium, Inc. 7204 Washington Ave. S., Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Merchandise names and models are trademarks of their respective companies who, along with this magazine have no affiliation with this contest. @ 1995 Pandemonium, Inc. Q E © > z g = 2 r- igo 172 lu a m ^ + LT + ADM Ver à w Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighting .' = w Special Features: 3 New Characters, s 2 Returning Characters from Street Fighter 2, < 3 Hidden Characters From SFA1 Now Playable m Created by: Capcom w Available: Now x (Only ‘Galera is pres new - ‘all the others have been in previous Capcom games. ) With the addition of these characters, the total is now at : 18 fighters. The action in the backgrounds has also nested URI now or racter has his or her own A west and most unique = ~ _featu e new Custom Combo system. ^ > Thisne dds a dimension to Street Fighter A p pe 4 Alene that we have only seen in games like Killer e : g Street Fighter Alpha and that there was hardly anything new, but after Instinct and Mortal Kombat with their ultra and M - 8 playing for a while and seeing the À” ? new endings and how it played 4 super combo systems. Although the custom | * : 8 | must say | was happy with what : 3 o U P I found. Although it is pretty much combo system is similar to these others it is not as 7 the same thing all over again, its dominating of a tool in SFAQ as it is in other games. Street Fighter - you gotta play it” Twisted | Metal 2 PlayStation Preview Size: | CD-ROM Style: | or 2-Player Head-to-Head Car Duel Special Features: People who enjoyed Twisted Metal and have been anxiously awaiting word on a sequel need not clench anymore. TM2 appears to Wacky New Vehicles, have taken everything fun from the last Improved Interface, game and expanded it to new and...bizarre Combo System directions. When we say bizarre we're Created by: referring to the man in his underwear SingleTrak For Sony strapped between two large wheels that Computer Entertain appears to have no means of propulsion. Available: U Other new vehicles include a hearse, a October far Som PT bulldozer, and a drag racer. New features ex: The Revolutie U ; m x include a combo system, weapons like Super |37 Review x ricochet bombs, remote controlled bombs, ' | — napalm bursts, and new environments e oe Until recently, strategy games have had a | aaa; including exotic locations like Antarctica Style: ini really bad history on platforms - and Zanex Ee l and a live volcano. Keep your fingers — Space Fleet Strategy does nothing to improve it. Graphically this | —— ] crossed folks, this one could be a winner. _ Special Features: game could have been done on the original ii Passcode Save, NES. The strategy itself is pretty simple, Options Menu, lacking basic elements of strategic gaming ME PEN like initiative and the option of fighting „| Created by: — defensively or offensively. Still, there is a locis. certain charm to it. Maybe it just rekindles va fond memories of classic strategy games Now for Super NES , : from oh, say... a decade ago? If you're still curious about this one, do yourself a favor and rent it before you buy it. If you want to Overall: 4.25 find a r eal strategy game, check out the GI PC section. Size: ; š ; | CD-ROM Fans of RPG simulations might want to check out Lucienne’s Quest, a graphic adventure full of monsters, magic and Special Features: : : 6 Exciting Companions, mystery. The game does a great job with RO u battle sequences: a minimum of button Separate Town, Field, pushing, a wide selection of attacks and Dungeon and Combat magic. Carried items are easily managed, Ed mut i spells are listed and outlined, making for a user-friendly adventure game. d : Occasionally the dialo t littl Micro Cabin for Panasonic y pe B x deut Available: cumbersome, which can be expected in the Now for 3DO genre. There's a lot of boxes to bust and chests to open, so if youre a fan of the RPG genre, Lucienne's Quest will no doubt present a challenge to even the seasoned pro. Style: /-Player RPG Game Informer August ‘96 Mission Impossible B Preview PlayStation Preview Size: | CD-ROM Are you tired of your Pro Players? Always "s pe For years it has been a favorite tactic of the Bude complaining about money, the showers, the Style: |-Player game industry to produce games behind [5 Special Features: media Then follow me to ever never land: Jn i i _ 110 Division I-A & Í ' 3D Action/Adventure the flashy title of a recent production. For m ET Ie EE 2 place where people play sports "just Special Features: Mission Impossible this may not be the RCN MTL M cause they wanna”. This place is College Smart Opponents, situation. Ocean brags that the game will |) aa Football, and the game is GameBreaker. Oodles O' Gadgets, have a whole slew of advanced features, | Top 100 Players Based on the NFL Gameday engine Espionage and Intrigue including opponents who think and Created by: " ` rearea py: GameBreaker utilizes many of the same (Oh my!) Created by: Ocean of America Available: 4th Quarter for Nintendo 64 respond to all five of their senses. This | Sony Interactive Sports probably means that running into the next | ELLE room won't save you from someone who Fall ‘96 for Sony PlayStation has already seen/heard you. Missions have actual goals beyond killing people and the selection of weaponry and doodads looks promising with devices like a mask-making machine, tracking devices, fountain pen dart guns, and (whee) explosive bubble gum. features but with three times the teams. Now add in the presence of “clutch players.’ A small group of players that have been given “gamebreaker” potential. Use them at just the right time, and you might see a one-handed catch, upending hit, or other “enhanced moves.’ For the serious sports fan, GameBreaker will be the hot new game this fall. PlayStation Preview Size: x | CD-ROM Picture a competition from the show Style: | to 4-Player Double Dare, but instead of pies and ice Eee cream cones, you fight with glowing Special Features: crystals. Get the crystals, struggle through 3 Play-Modes, the puzzle and deposit them in your “goal.” Good 3-D Environment, Sounds easy, right? Well, you'd better be : PAE em #0 pa re = + = Mere CP TP MLP 5 | Chaotic Sound Effects quick, because strapped to your back is Created by: a timed explosive. For every crystal Activision deposited your time goes up. But other Odaber for Sony Plot players can deposit crystals in your goal to (Windows 95 & Saturn make your time go down. The environment Anticipated) is a cube, and stepping on the arrows turns the cube, so that players fall to the ground with a frustrating "uggh!" We only had an early Beta, but Activision promises 25 more chambers, power-ups, and enhanced graphics. Available: Game Informer » August ‘96 fal Kombat Trilog) PlayStation Preview ES Mortal Kombat Trilogy (MKT) is the first Style: | or 2-Player console only MK title, and PlayStation Head-to-Head owners will be the first to harness its Tournament Fighting power. Basically, MKT is a conglomeration Special Features of all the MK titles. All the characters, Twenty-Six Playable backgrounds, moves, and special features Characters From MKI, 2, are included in this gigantic game. ls and 3, Additional Hidden : Chamcters Four Dile twenty-six playable characters plus a few Modes, Eight Player hidden ones enough to satisfy your MK Tournament Mode, craving? Classic characters like Rayden and New Fatalities Baraka are back, and special characters like Created by: Noob, Rain, and Human Smoke are playable Williams Entertainment and packaged with combos, Fatalities, and Available: September for the whole big bang. This is the biggest MK Sany Piaystaton survival kit ever known to man. Once played, you'll never put it down! Here's Adventure x Preview Size: I CD-ROM Style: / or 2-Player Although Kevin Sorbo won't appear in this title, it might still be entertaining. Choose Actonidulventine from three characters of ancient Greek Special Features legends and battle mythical creatures like Gee the Minotaur, the Hydra, and the Cyclops in Atlanta, or Jason, an effort to save Persephone from the Fight Creatures of Myth clutches of the evil Hades. Sound serious? It c ai isn't, because Lucas is looking to make this aod a humorously animated action game with a Created by: : i Droa cartoon-like look and the ability to perform Available: Winter 1996 wrestling moves on your enemies. Will they for PlayStation and succeed? Only time will tell. Sega Saturn PlayStation Preview Size: | CD-ROM Style: | or 2-Player Racing If you enjoyed the bike chases in Return of the Jedi and have since relished the idea of whi in vere MIRARE HoveriJet Bike, Complex Í j Racing Physics Engine, The game features 12 courses in all sorts of 12 Courses, First-Person terrain (swamp, ocean, beach, asphalt, and Chase-Plane Views, mud...) and a unique racing physics engine Li E Two-Prayer which takes into account drag, friction, Created by: momentum, and the terrain you're flying SingleTrak for Sony over. The courses themselves are supposed Computer Entertainment to have no set tracks and players are free to Available: November choose their own path. Jet Moto was for Sony PlayStation brought to us by the same people who did Twisted Metal and Warhawk so they have a decent track record with 3D engines. Racing fans ought to check this one out. gust ‘96 Size: I CD-ROM Style: I-Player Action/Platform Special Features: Multible Game Modes, Motion Capture Skeleton Animation, Fully Rendered Bosses Created by: Sega Available: November for Sega Saturn T I CD-ROM PlayStation Review | Preview For the moment, it's fairly hard to specify what type of game Mr. Bones will be. The demo disc that Sega supplied us with features side-scrolling and overhead Action/Platform, Puzzle, and Music Playing (kind of like the Grateful Dead). All the levels look interesting, and the fully rendered bosses truly shine on the Saturn. As far as gameplay goes, it's too early to tell what Mr.Bones will be up to and what he will be able to do as a playable character, but one thing is for sure, this game is going to be wacky! d Style: /-Player Point-and-Click Mystery After a frustrating few minutes, Silverload opens up into a Wild West Tour de Force. Your job: recover a kidnapped child who's Special Features: Gripping Plot, Bloodcurdling Noises, Vampire Simulations, Challenging Puzzles, Helpful Game Saving being held in the ghost town. But watch out! The natives are werewolves and vampires. As you explore the old town you'll find out about its curse and the strange power it Options Created by: Millennium Interactive for Vic Tokai Available: Now for Sony PlayStation Overall: 8.25 holds over those who enter. For some gory graphics, be sure to visit the slaughter house and butcher up a pig (you'll need the blood to appease the vampires). The graphics rock, but remember the game plays as an adventure, so don't expect to do a lot of shooting and running.Yet for the gamer who enjoys uncovering clues and unraveling mysteries, Silverload is an adventure you wont want to miss. PlayStation Preview Size: I CD-ROM Style: I-Player Off Road Racing Special Features: Race With Monster Trucks or Low Slung Desert Buggies, Accurately Modeled Suspension and Car Body Effects, | 2 Training Modes, Endurance Modes, Stunt and Challenge Modes Created by: Psygnosis Available: September for Sony PlayStation lts power power, power in the Metrodome, dome, dome!!! Only a monster truck game could earn the triple repetition that instills all the excitement of Psygnosiss upcoming release, Thunder Truck Rally. From special effects like dust clouds, blizzards, and lens flares to an artificial intelligence program which calculates force on each of the vehicle's wheels, this game sounds intriguing. Do a baja run across the desert in your low-slung buggy, or see how much damage you can inflict on dead cars in the Stunt Challenge mode - it's up to you!!! Look for scores in an upcoming issue, issue, ISSUE!!! Yeah!!!! Game Informer w August '96 — II ——————— —— IN Johnny Bazooka Saturn/PlayStation/3D0 Saturn Level 2 - WALKER Level 3 - OVERTIME Level 4 - VILLA Level 5 - ENDBOSS Infinite Lives - TAEHC Level Skip - Use the infinite lives code and while in play | Pause and hit X to skip a level. | PlayStation | Level 2- AFLEAPIT Level 3 - TEASPOON Level 4 - SEDATION Level 5 - VERYNICE Invincibility - PILCHARD | Level Select - KRISTIAN | 3DO Level 2 - LOVESHAK Level 3 - STIRITUP Level 4 - LIVEAID Level 5 - PLECTRUM Tom "Codus" Hileman Levittown, PA | HARD PLAYER 2 SOAK TEST... FINISH ! PLAYER Y VERY HERK nn : | Hhiantal Mon Catan | MORII NOII giu | To access a switches menu follow | these simple instructions. At the | | beginning of the story quickly press . | | Down, Up, Left, Left, A, Right, | | Right, B, Y, and C. Oldtown, PA 7 cH sË rae Tele [fe] . DI ] | Play with the special sleds by entering this simple code. 1) At the title screen, enter this code Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, A, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, @. If you succeed you should hear something blow up. 2) Now when selecting your character, hit Left and you'll gain access to the ships whose statistics are really unfair. Frank N Sents Myrh, NH Game Informer 9» August '96 Billie Havaday | To access a marvelous trick in this intense fighter simply hold the Left | and Right Button at the title screen. Now select what mode of play you desire and all the characters will have huge heads. Play to see who has the biggest head! Jason Paul | Baytown, TX | These are the level passwords. Level 3 - GSZWBFPT Level 4 - RRHCZJVM Level 5 - BPYXDLNF Level 6 - LFMGWTKQ Level 7 - PDTBCZNJ Level 8 - DKUWGSQK Level 9 - GKQZBLCT Level 10 - DCMHRPFJ |. Level 11 - WZGNJYZX | Level 12 - JDZFMLFV | Level 13 - SPBCTRRG | Level 14 - SPWVJKDH Level 15 - LPKQBPFZ Level 16 - TDLJGSHX "The VidMan" Uptown, MN arterback Club — B, À, Start, Start, Start, Start All jumps look like the jumps | near the goal line — CA, Start, Start, AB | Crappy Team Mode - Start, A, Down, A, Start, Start Slippery Mode - AAAAAA Acclaim and Iguana Teams - Down, A, Down, A, Down | Night Game - Start, A, Down, Start, A, Down "Mr. Gridiron" Franken, AL Wi SN OILO Level 2 - QUESTION Level 3 - MASTERED Level 4 - MOTORWAY Level 5 - CABINETS Level 6 - SQUIRREL Last Level - OVERGAME "The Human Torch" | New York, NY | | Why anyone would Steve Tyler is beyond us, but if you | | f + want to find | must, here's some tips on how to | | do this and find some of his fellow | band members as well. | Finding band member no. 1: 1) Enter the club and go right. | 2) Check out the caged dancers, | and blast the bathroom sign on the wall. | 3) When you're in the bathroom, unload on all the stalls (well, you know what we mean) and you'll | find your first man. | Finding Steve himself: | > | 1)Go to the area before the | Well, seeing as how most of us | | vidiots aren't very athletic, | guess | it's ok to cheat at football. Here's a | whole list o' stuff you can do from the LEGAL screen. NFC and AFC Teams - ABABAB Fumble Mode - CABCAB | No Fumble Mode - BABABA Play doesn't stop for fallen player - concert stage in the first level, and take out some of your daily | aggression on the fish on the front wall with CDs. 2) Now blast the mirror multiple | times. | 3) You should be taken to a catwalk | that runs over the stage where he is. | Band member in the bush: 1) Go to the Amazon jungle. | 2) Kill the first green blobbie, and | shoot the elevator button | behind it. | 3) Walk in and shoot the third | floor button. | 4) Once you get out, indulge in your missiles in order to break the circular iron bars at the back of the board. | 5) Voila | Band member in the bus stage: | 1) Lob some CDs at the first three | sphinx’s noses until their | mouths open. | | 2) Snag the gold CDs. | | 3) When you're done with the last | sphinx, yet another band | member will appear. 4) You can now die and kill the bus on your next life without | losing wings. | Find Brad! | 1) Travel through all the odd | numbered gates (up to 7) on the | Pacific Rim stage. | | 2) You should see some boxes to | the right. Nail the top one and | then blast the sign behind it. 3) Look! It's Brad. "The Eradicator" Phoenix, AZ Batman Forever — Arcade Experience the thrills and spills Super Roundhouse Combo - from the movie like never before — A, PER P. ROCT K K OCT. with your hands! Below is a P, P, QCT, K, K (Repeat from complete list of special moves and QCT, P) combos for the Dynamic Duo. Vertical Rising Combo - | Legend A, T, K (Repeat) | u T- Toward Horizontal Rising Combo - Spider-Man Vs. the Kingpin | goal Storm — PlayStation A - Away A, T, P (Repeat) - Sega CD To access Konami's patented U - Up Jump Kick Combo - Level 1 - ARBOGAST Easter Island Head Mode wait D - Down J, K, P, P, K, K Level 2 - MECHANIC until “Press Start” appears on the J - Jump Super Jump Kick Combo - Level 3 - REACTOR5 title screen then press Up, Up, QCT - Quarter Circle Toward J, K,T, P. K, K Level 4 - PERMANENT Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, P - Punch Mega Jump Kick Combo - Level 5 - NARCOLEPSY Right, B, e. If you hear the K - Kick JKTATATA Level 6 - PUBLIC 45 crowd roar then the code worked. Repeat - Continually hit the Level 7 - KIDNEY 2 Booga booga! desired move or button Robin Level 8 - PENCIL 6 “The Rhino" | Special Moves “The Rhino” Toledo, OH | Batman Flack Leg Grab - T, T, K Toledo, OH | Special Moves Flash Kick — QCT, K | Hop Kick - T, T, K Reverse Flash - A, T Shining Wisdom — Saturn Batcut - QCT, P Low Sliding Palm Strike - T, T, P More Power! Combine these items Reverse Roundhouse - A, T Flying Kick — J, K and let the fun begin. Lunge Grab - T, T, P Corkscrew Twist Kick - J, D, K Blaze Orb - Can be combined with Slide - QCT, K Block - (Hold) P & K Shining Sword, Pegasus Helm, Block - (Hold) P & K or Magic Hands. Combo Freeze Orb - Combines with Combos Flash Kick Combo - QCT, K, P P, Magic Hands, Slip Shoes, Taser Combo - A, T, K, A, P K, K, P, P, QCT, K (Repeat QCT, K) Shining Sword, or Heavy Shoes. Hop Kick Combo - Vertical Flash Kick Combo - Blast Orb - T, T, K (Repeat) QCT, P (Repeat) Slide Combo - QCT, K (Repeat K) Horizontal Flash Kick Combo - | Ultra Slide Combo - QCT, K, P, P, QCT, K (Repeat) Combines with Magic Hands. The Whereabouts of the Magic Syndicate — 300 Hands - Having trouble finding | At the “Company Name" option QCT, P (Repeat QCT, P) Reverse Flash Kick Combo - A, those Magic Hands? Check out | enter NGOR MAT. Make sure you | Uppercut Combo - L'ÉRPKK the maze in the southeast | leave a space between the R and QCT, P. K, K, P Taser Combo - A, T, K, A, K corner of the Mystic Woods. The | the M otherwise this code will not | Super Uppercut Combo - Palm Strike Combo - hands are northwest of the | work Once this code is entered you QCT, P, QCT, P T, T, P (Repeat) northwest exit. Note - The hands | will have complete freedom to go | Mega Uppercut Combo — Jump Kick Combo - are handy for taking out Gudo's wherever you want with a QCT, P JJ PP K K J, K, T, K, EKAEK Rock Boss. bundle of cash. Roundhouse Combo - "The Rhino" Mike Farfernug *The VidMan" A U P P K K P P.K, K Toledo, OH Springfield, ND Uptown, MN d Galactic Attack — Saturn VIS TURO = | To get four extra credits hold down ma | | C, Left Button, Right Button, and Magic Carpet — PlayStation — Left at the title screen. Finally! For those of you who've run into a Gunter Mitkaase roadblock on level 49, here's your passport - Hackney, RI to level 50 and beyond. Enter the options Screen and hit A, A, ° =m A, B. | shi ; Batman Returns — Sega CD .. | To access a level select in driving | only, go to the options screen and n | change the game mode to driving 1531 | only. Then hold left on the D-pad Mission 4 - ABACBCBCACC “The New York Ripper” and press the B button. On the Mission 5 - BAAABBBCCBB - New York, NY buttons to the right of your screen Mission 6 - ABBABCAABCA x enter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,6, 5, 4, 3, 2 Mission 7 - BAAABBCAAAA 1 and exit the option screen. Once Mission 8 - ABBABCAACAC in the game, pause and hit the C Asteroids - ABCACACBCAC button to send the Batmobile | ahead one level. “The Eradicator” “The VidMan” Phoenix, AZ | Uptown, MN Red Zone — Genesis Mission 2 - ACBBCABBBCA Mission 3 - ACCCBCABBCA Game Informer » August '96 RSR Secret of Evermore — SNES C2A0-CD5A Everyone is invincible including enemies The following codes only work when you start a new game and their effects discontinue after you leave. EEB9-34ED Start with a lot of attack points. EEB5-C75D Start with a lot of defense points EEB7-445F Start with a lot of magic defense points 1764-CFE7 Start with 99 evade % points 176D-3F57 Start with 99 hit % points EE86-CFEB + EEBB-17ED Start with 255 hp EEBF-1FEF Your dog starts with 255 hp VR Troopers — Genesis AAGA-AAA2 Infinite Timer AGKA-AAAJ Opponents start with very little energy AAET-AABG Carry your match timer into the bonus rounds CAGA-AAAR x Timer counts by ten Super Turrican — SNES DCC3-1D05 Start with 10 bombs D3C3-1FA5 Start with 15 lives C2C6-1FD7 . Almost infinite energy C266-44A5 Infinite smart bombs | C2C5-37A7 Almost infinite lives until you fall off the screen D0A7-37D7 Weapon power-ups give you full power D4A0-34A7 ` Start with flame-thrower 82C1-4FAF Infinite energy wheel energy C28C-C400 Infinite time Breath of Fire 2 — SNES FEDA-8FA4 Start with a lot of HP FEDA-84A4 . Start with a lot of AP EEDA-8704 x Mega Strength | EEDA-8764 Mega Stamina EEDA-87A4 Mega Agility EED3-84D4 Mega Wisdom EED3-8404 Mega Luck EED3-87D4 Mega Experience points C9FA-EFA6 Infinite HP in battle scenes Prime Time MFL Football — Genesis ACZT-CAA4 Infinite time outs for visiting team : ACPT-AAA4 Visiting team starts with no T O. | ACPT-AAAW Home team starts with 0 T o. BGPT-AAAW Home team starts with 9 TO 9FWT-AAG8 Start with mega time on the clock AA1T-CAFG Game clock counts faster Here's a list of all the level codes for this intense first-person 3DO shoot- Zeno Divide — Playstation D00CA7D4-2400 Master Code (must be entered) 80110B3C 00D0 Player 1 invulnerable 801118C0 09D0 Player 2 invulnerable 800E8968 0700 Freeze timer at 59 seconds Road Rash — PlayStation 800DAD40 FFFF Infinite cash Rise of the Robots 2 — PlayStation 8007D3C6 0078 Infinite health player 1 8007D462 0000 u No health player 2 800672EC 0D00 Infinite time — Panzer General — PlayStation 800EDB84 07D0 Infinite prestige | oe PlayStation | 801E00320190 ~~ 801E0036 000C Infinite rocket launcher 801E0058 1F40 Infinite energy er. u To access these highly craved codes you'll first have to enter the debug cheat. At the “Player's Name” screen enter in .EVOR- GRAH (make sure you enter the period). If entered correctly you | should hear a soothing harp melody and the name box will be ` blank. Now, enter the code designated to the level you desire. Intro Level — ..W1 Ballroom - ..BL Child's Room - ..LB Circus - ..E1 Cleaning Room - ..U3 Columns - ..E2 Duck Room - ..CY Dark Entry - ..SW Ghost Guests - ..DN Switch Room - ..WW Elevator - ..W4 Gangster Hangout - ..L1 Welcome Home - ..GH Ballroom 2 - ..S3 . Plantroom - ..H1 Kitchen - ..KT Rocky - ..W5 Mummy's Room - ..WC Evil Toons - ..UW Necropolis — ..S2 Secret Path — ..H3 Invitation to Death — ..C1 Meat Locker - ..K2 Hunting Grounds - ..E3 Fire Room - ..W2 Tess's Room - ..U4 Sewers - ..S1 Tess's Lounge - ..LG Tess's Temple — ..EW The Clipper — ..H2 Clocks - ..UH Bonus Room - ..U2 The Attic — ..AT Storeroom - ..A1 Down in the Dumps - ..A2 Darkling Attic — ..A3 Attic Intro Room - ..A4 Bloodclock - ..A5 Death Zone - ..A6 Death Zone 100% Health — .A6XQ To activate extra secrets simply add the extra letter desired to the end of the code. - Invincibility "I", Map Coordinates "Q", 10096 Health "X" — Example: Enter in the Intro Level “.W1” and add invincibility to it before you select it “..W11” “The Human Torch" New York, NY Game Informer ú August ‘96 | Gunners Heaven — Playstation In order to access a cheat mode for this game you need to wait through the entire demo until the Title/'Push Start” screen comes up. Now hold down L1, L2, R1, R2, and press Select. “Push Start” should change to “Secret Code”. Change the left letter of the code with up and down on the pad. The right letter of the code is changed with the A, and 3€ buttons. Stage select codes — MA=2, UT=3, RH=4, MK=5, HT=6 Shrink Character Image - CM Larger Character — QB Smaller Windows - MV (press any button on controller 2 to activate) Start With Nine Bombs - YI . One-Hitters for Axel and Rukha - TY Weapon Power 999 Seconds - SS Debug Mode - Type MA, press Select, change the code to SV and hit Start to enter the debug. Now use controller 2 to access the following functions. Up - Boosts your weapon power to maximum Down - Toggles voice mode Left — Alters gunlock type Right - Skips area (turns off invincibility) A - Toggles invincibility against weapons @ - Increases your bombs W - Switches weapon type % — Increases weapon power-up time in 30 second chunks "The Rhino" Toledo, OH { ACCESS | Rebel Assault 2: The Hidden Empire — PC Enter the level codes below at the password entry screen. Standard Game Informer s August ‘96 Frantic Flea — SNES Last month we taunted all the frustrated flea players with the first half of all the pass codes, now, we tease no more. Here's the complete stinkin’ list! Zone 1-2 — ZMTHT Zone 1-3 - GPPQW Zone 2-1 — DJXCT Zone 2-2 - WLCSN Zone 2-3 - RLHQZ Zone 3-1 - JMGVB Zone 3-2 - NRWPC Zone 3-3 - MDWQL Zone 4-1 - MJDSX Zone 4-2 - HFLNT Zone 4-3 - SPQNG Zone 5-1 - DTNZZ Zone 5-2 - KQRXH Zone 5-3 - JBVMF Zone 6-1 - VSNXD Zone 6-2 - GRXBS Zone 6-3 - WNHJP Tommy "Game Master" Keely Webville, COM Pretty Fighter X — Saturn Here's some tricks to help you fight ugly. Play as the Boss - In one player mode press X, Y, Z and Start at the title screen. Change Character Colors — Hold down the Left or Right Button when selecting your character. Ed M. Burly New Hamburg, FL By DOS Boy Level 2 - BANTHA Level 3 - KATANA Level 4 - DENGAR Level 5 - PELLAEON Level 6 - ITHULL Level 7 - STENNESS Level 8 - MYRKR Level 9 - CHURBA Level 10 - ARTOO Level 11 — SATAL Level 12 - LOBUE Level 13 - DENEBA Level 14 - STURM Level 15 - CRADO Finale - CARRACK Gargoyles — Genesis Pause the game and enter the code you desire. Operation: Code Hunt Level SKIP $ Hey GI readers, how would you lik A, B, Right, A, C, A, Down, A,B, | | a a Right, A to become our ally? Send in your codes for the games listed below and help out a fellow reader in a scrape, or if you're stuck on a game, send us a letter requesting codes and we will help you access the secrets right here in Secret Access. Programmer Message - A, B, Right, C, A, Down, Left Programmer Message 2 - A, B, Right, A, C, Right Energy Refill - A, B, Right, A, C, A, Down, A, B "Steven L Buenning and Son" | : Webville, COM | SNES ........ Breath of Fire 2 Lufia 2 Super Mario RPG .. . Bust A-Move 2 Shell Shock Skeleton Warriors Tokyo Highway Battle Top Gun: Fire at Will! Sega Saturn ........ WipEout Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei Magic Carpet „Iron Storm Guardian Heroes Golden Axe: The Duel . Earthworm Jim 2 Baitle Arena Toshinden Remix Genesis World Series Baseball '97 Arcade . .Street Fighter Alpha 2 PlayStation dl git PC ` `. ._ C Quake „Wing Commander IV Send Secret Access Requests To: „Access & Allies - Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E-Mail: gionline Q Secret Access Notice: Send Game Informer Your Passwords and Codes and Win! S end in your codes and passwords every issue, and if we print them you'll be entered in the Game Informer /ASCIIWARE Secret Access Contest. The Grand Prize is a ASCIIWARE controller of your choice. PlayStation: Super NES: Genesis: ASCII Pad PS, Specialized ASCII Pad, | ASCII Specialized Pad, ASCII Pad PS Special, ASCII Pad, FIGHTER STICK SG-6 ASCII Stick PS Super Advantage, Fighter Stick SN All runners-up will receive a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to complement their wardrobe. Send To: Secret Access Game Informer Magazine j a 10120 W. 76th Street 52 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Am m E-Mail: gionline slides, turf-eatin (without those a trading feature and new 3-D rendered ACM graphics. ALL served up with Ken's AGEE swing (digitized for your protection). It's as close as you can get to T* ps signos x - - witho having to deal Here's your chance to break Real stadiums, real uniforms more than a few records. and the real Ken Griffey Jr. : u (hope that shortstop's wearing W 1 t h T h e M a P 1 n e r M O O S e z the proper protective equipment). So put those other weak baseball games on the permanent disabled List. 'Cause this time, Ken's playing RKEIZEEWWI od = £ O » IT AA LA š * © Nintendo / Rare. Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Baseball AOL @keyword: NOA CES A GS Properties, Inc. © 1996 MLB. TM and ® are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1996 Nintendo of America Inc. 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