`‘ NINTENDO * SEGA * Sony * 380 ° ARCADES * CODES * STRATEGIES | - May 1996 1 Vol. Vie Issue 5 * #37 i ZWE $3.95 Canada $4.95 UK £2.50 May 1996 0" "74470 82824" 2 e's the stylishly slim star of the galaxy’s most radical video game hit and he's coming to home video! Now, the hippest hero ever to slip into a cyber-powered super- suit is about to romp onto the small screen in Four exciting new tapes. Each videocassette Features two outrageous animated adventures. So worm your way into your Favorite store and collect the entire groundbreaking, dirt-cheap, ray-gun-blazin new series. Suggested Retail Price or less! e de f? 26 fJ መሥ ፎ- oie DOWNLOAD YOUR — FREE VR SOCCER ‘96 DEMO NOW! You've seen the screen shots. You've read the reviews. Now | experience the | VR Sports differ- 3 ence yourself. Virtual FieldVision™ Get a FREE interactive ?llows you to play in real-time from any camera pers- demo of VR Soccer nettive, including first person. for the PC by visiting our web site at http://www.vrsports.com or purchase a copy of the VR Soccer '96 PC CD-ROM interactive preview at a partici- pating retailer near you. The preview even includes a $5.00 rebate on the purchase of the full game. VR Soccer '96™. Now this is a game you can get into. Available on PlayStation" and PC! Coming soon on Sega Saturn"! “BLOCKINGONE, | - - i THE DIFFERENCE IS REAL? KIDS TO ADULTS መመ «— For more VR Soccer Tips and free demo, visit our web site at http:llwww.vrsports.com. "playstation . . |[ሙ”-ሓጣ Look for other VR Sports titles like VR Golf '96, Pool, Baseball, and more. 8:6 ws] .72 E 22100 11. Gremlin © 1996 Gremlin Interactive, Ltd. All rights reserved. VR Sports and VR Soccer '96 are trademarks of Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. Interplay is the sole publisher and distributor. Licensed from and developed by Gremlin Interactive, Ltd. PlayStation™ and the PlayStation logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Sega and Sega Saturn are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved Last year Saturn gamers were amazed by Panzer ‘Dragoon’s beautiful 3D graphics. and hard-core shooting action, but nothing could have ever - prepared them for Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei. 40 ACME 25 - ! This month GI takes a look at the games. at the Orlando America Coin-Operated Machines Expo. ሠ ! Plsysinnmyn | Top Gun: Fire at Will!, Creature Shock Special Edition, Roman ; 20 Super! NES ^ 26 Sahm Ken Griffey Jr's Baku Baku, Worms, Winning Run NBA Action, NightWarriors, | ps : lt js : : |! 24 PlaySiation m +" 5 Toshinden Remix, | = Final Fantasy VII, NBA Live መ CP. Mead Post: ‘96, Arcade's Greatest Hits, 48 Jis, 54 F1 World Championship, Turok Dinosaur “un Virtual Soccer ‘96, PO’ed, . Hunter E. 3D J Tetris P Steel Harbinger, NBA Shoot . Dut, Jumping Flash 2, ፲ 34 Jama "ase Arena Shredfest oe Braindead 13 Super NES ~x g e 3 | $ Lobo : ኤ ET EPART M ENT 5 4 Latter frem the Editor Huh? a 6 Dear Game Informer 49 GI readers from across the globe interact with Game Informer. -o 7 Envelepe Art : 58 You can't win if you don't enter GI's monthly Tips from our readers and the amous envelope art contest. — Game Genie/ Game Shark Swap Sho 14 GiNews 63 The End of Atari, New ክር Controller for PlayStation, Prima brings out Breath of Fire 2: The Strategy Guide, and tons-o-fun with Name That Game, Trivia, Comics, Game Informer Magazine በ59 1057-6392) 5 ጽሆሮዥ at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications, West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. For subscriptions only (612) 946-8105, Second-class Diggs paid at Hopkins, MN and additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine, aman West | pt om n Prairie, MN 55544 3728 Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year postage. Entire contents copyright 1996. Game Informer Magazine, All rights reserved, ; reproduction in whole or in T miau ጠሬ is prohibited Game Infor _ of FUNCO, Inc. " - Products named in these pages are Nese names, 0 : T their respective companies. By ANDREW MCNAMARA - May Issue 1996 Volume VI ¢ Number 5 * Issue #87 Richard A. Cihak Publisher Andrew McNamara Editor Paul Anderson Senior Associate Editor David “Vinny” Vinyon gr une Slag in World Series Baseball, the PS-X has the only football game worth playing in NFL Game HUH? — ቹ' you think it's weird that Sega Sports hasn't had a bigger "M into the s sports arena? Just last year, Sega Sports was breathing down the neck of EA and no ( they're getting killed by Sony. While the Sega Saturn does have the best baseball ; Associate Editors contibng witee Day, and the only hockey game that's somewhat entertaining in NHL Face Off (until NHL Bou. 4 Powerplay comes out from Virgin, that is!) Of course, everybody and their dog has a soccer, Graphic Design Timothy ሐ. L4 rie 50 who really cares? In this issue we have a couple of previews and reviews 0 upcoming ፲ Production Director : Graphic Design basketball games, and it looks as though Sony may have the edge again with NBA Sho t Jason G. Shawl E e ን Out. It’s an excellent multi-player game. Graphic Design | M — Ryan MacDonald On another note, I’m excited to hear that Capcom is going to release Breath of Fire 3 (and West Coast Correspondent T ; à : Sarah Anderson Marvel Super Heroes) on the Saturn and PlayStation later this year. How sweet is that? Finally a good RPG to tide us over until Final Fantasy VII comes out here late next year. Terrie Maley Circulation / Marketing Manager On another weird and unusual note, has anybody played Command & Conquer from (612) 946-7274 Advertising Sales Westwood studios? It's a sweet PC strategy gamet that will be coming out on the Saturn later Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 Fa wa 946-8159 this year, unfortunately the game works best with a mouse so Sega had better get working. Sega did say = 7 have a mouse out by uU d ps these yar but they weren’t quite certain. os Sureau West Coast Advertising S. 11531 197th Southeas! - Snohomish, WA 982 (360) 668-7978 Fax: (360) 668-9350 - Manufactured and printed መ Also, here's a little trick for you arcade dwellers. To play as human Smoke on Ultimate MK3 in the United States of America Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is pub- lished monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, ie trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications, 10120 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 (612) 946-8155. Second-class postage paid at ins, MN, and additional mailing offices. Anyway, I’m just making noise so l'Il let you get down to the business. Make sure you ጻ ርከ k out. the story on the ACME that features pictures of Virtua Fighter 3 and War Gods. t first capse Smoke at the Pa select screen. E, s hold away (depending on ime Informer Magazine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden. Prairie, MN 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders müst The Editor welcomes company product borat video games. Such materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Informer Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, Editorial phone and FAX numbers are noted above. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned or acknowledged. Entire contents copyright 1996. Game Informer. Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in The Game Ji The Raging part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. 7 " : , " es ሦ Products named in these pages are trade names, or : ci eu E Player E s Hombre S. M. Gamer E trademarks, of their respective companies. Pipes er d Mom A “The E3 Show ; "| wanted to Lo "Despite all TT. d "As | am no | አ 40720 West Th Street | is right around : አ... gnoe "— my rage, im z ኤክ wm ከ: 1 አህ, ] à the corner and Y (since yau still just a rat in sored ( have 13 N E demanded it) to tel everyone that 3 cage. | feel as though | have two reviews in this issue!!!) | cannot. | PUBLISHER LABOR Er even though it's in the worst Unbelievable Jolly Machine finall i | i i The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or iloni ka So DU album xe from the 55 accomplished so much, yet, | still consider myself a silent partner. typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an convention town that ever existe: ሀ ; juu + dl ነ i advertisement. The publisher's liability for other errors or j d its now out (in limited feel like something Is missing. With Ergo, | have decided to take on a omissions in connection with an advertisement is limited to (L.A.), | am always stoked to see ies) around Minnes ane the demise of the 16's, andthe rise . handle that expresses my desire to | the latest and the greatest in video 1 of the ominous 32's | feel that! too ዐዕ where the law cannot in order to ! republication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the, refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. the surrounding states. It’s called : T : | games. Nintendo's display should Flap Jack, and if youre interested must advance my prowess. Being bring justice to innocent gamers , but now | think ^ everywhere. Ever since Paul got | INDEMNIFICATION cn be a madhouse and they always in getting a copy you can | send IK: digno! of fie face x have some ets ir your name, addre d martiec and dropped ont the face o " ae u the earth, | feel that many people def nd and መፅ the publisher against any and all | sleeves. || be on the rampage i : Sle 5 be o e pag to Unbelievable Jolly lachine are going through their lives without cause havoc and uncover 61250 to 3010 Hennepin Ave. S, # . à defender and champion. | will do new sports games. I'll also i Reiner around with the c catch him playing the late ፳፻ games. Until next month, 5ጐ AGES 13408 ግ ^ (10.1 AO U COO UNE VaL HIS Seg SAUN $ go s store occasionally to shop for some- new games and every fher is a game for _ called Virtual Hamster I as - bout it, but nobody has never heard of it. I was wondering if you could tell if such a game exists op if it is a joke? Snoop - AOL. COM 1 qs hard to believe, but jusi I have some questions about the Jaguar. 1. Could you name Some companies that are making games for the Jaguar? 2. Are the new Jaguar games good? | 3. Have the sales of the Jaguar system been good this year? 4. Is the Atari Corporation closing down? 5. Will Bug! come out for the daguar? Jose Monzon Brooklyn, NY . "Everyone thinks I'm a new syst 866906 a ‘cool name), not “Sega $8". Lastly, in your last. two issues | you have had only one © pare concerning Sega fan, but! E just like quality, ፻ ? and Sega so far 8 | has the best” | without a snazzy title, for over | three years. Here, cheok out this photo of Ryan from 1994 ue babes of STR! | they should have at least told the public in the beginning. I will stay loyal to Nintendo ONLY because what I have seen of the Nintendo 64 is incredible. Second of all, the name Ultra 64 is MUCH better than the new name Nintendo 64! Nintendo must be obsessed with having “Nintendo” on everything they make. Their last two systems had Nintendo in their names, so Nintendo should try something new like Sega who named their | everybody | of the ‘games andi ^'^ release was going to take forever "the Nintendo 64 is a hod stupid name. Unfortunately, I that Nintendo will change their minds about this one! Anyway, the Saturn isn’t just called the Saturn, it’s called the SHGA Saturn. Just ask General Motors! 1 you 6, in almost all ‘the Others I’ve looked at too. It seems that is usually raving about the PlayStation and saying | 80-80 things about the Saturn. I think the PS-X is okay, but the Saturn (from what I have seen) has much better software (although MKZ and Doom were excellent for the PS-X). Most . ከጨ. 1 games pale i ኢት am happy to see that someone finally agrees with me. Everyone thinks Im a Sega fan, but I just like quality, and Sega so far has the best (although the Nintendo 64 looks like a system tọ reckoned with). James Barta Dundee, MI All we are saying..is give the Saturn a chance! You know you Saturn guys spend an awful lot of time defending your system Game Informer » May ‘96 don’t think there’s much chance | as a period woren s many to ensure that oduced to meet the each market, we sonsider our plan of a . worldwide release. we could best meet in Japan this past November. We -.polled our licensees both before | ‘and after the show in their sales | expeotation for the system. After the show, with these same | time to make enough sys licensees having seen m “ገሽ ect the the N64 in action, SH ii will Projected first year advanced software I received your e-mail : : | Nintendo 64 (N64). I ee than the PlayStation understand your disappointm ated first year in the end.” in hearing that the release of t | far system in North America has be Blah!... ted: Envelope Art | Game Informer Envelope Art | E v Wt መ] . you need to do is draw, 1ባ.ቼ% h eo west 75” ኔሩ. | ሃሂ » PUT /=፤ READ \__ scratch, spit or carve the best darn |] JU MM ፓሪ ሚከ ፲ E Jew TNFORMERY| art you can think of and | a ፡ $H 5 ጀ ፡ ኢ Aa — / uA. Shannon Henry* Collingdale, PA Chris Sims* Milwaukee, WI *Play Secret of Mana or bust!" *Keep reading Game Informer or this could happen to you!" Pie, MN ኔ $ 5 3 3 Hen Pro: “The Fo's : d oos: | eros E^ at night Shalako Cumberbatcche Brooklyn, NY — 1 1 ECT we! are big and *MK in the membrane...MK in the brain!" ፳፡ A ፻ I. AV Ma C To A bright. US : "n : ፻ : MT | * Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! » E S 1 a : ው 4"w Deep in the Grabowska» " o) : : a EWN ; 2 heart of Chicago, IL | = ቺኮ L na E 4 ብም MT Ue’ = A Tohshiden!" “Now that’s 'ቺ ጻ agg "m T what you call ‘Big Hair." ES Um NAY; Withers: Game Informer Translation: Armored Unit Route Choice, Evolving Bragons, Hidden Goddies, Lock and Load P Tt In Your Saddle Ability, Adjustable Instrument Level, Memory Save 5 5 (Plus 1 Lang ] past since the huge beasts terrorized the human @ population, and your farming tribe has even tamed some of the beasts of old and put them to work. These beasts of burden are Rnown as Khourieats and without them your tribe would surely perish. They are as beloved and cherished as horses once were in our society. The past is not as easily forgotten to the elders as it is to you. They still live in fear of the genetically altered beasts of old, and for this reason the ancient laws still remain. Any Khourieat who shines with the blue-white light in its throat is to be killed - no exceptions. Whether it was the foolishness or wisdom of youth is inconsequential - you have broken the code and Rept a mutant Khourieat alive. It was not the beauty of the light that caused you to disobey, but the sight of his budding wings and the dream of soaring through the clouds. Secretly keeping him out of the other villagers’ sight, you and the beast exercise every day until you decide he is big enough and strong enough to attempt the improbable. Knowing nothing of the physics of flight, you take him to a high plateau and drive him faster and faster until you feel he can take no more. Just as you are about to pull bach on the reigns to slow him down, his feet leave the ground and you are airborne. intro Level and End Boss) Now for Seg, : atum ite is simple in your village. The time has long Armored Mounted Unit Two Two Oh no!!! The village is in ruins! Herts: Shall we attack this big fellow... e. )jgp-— ARs 6228pts. eOr save him. à ብ a ድተ . for another daq ኻም ¥ nies coca 46fipts, Just like Indiana : Jones | ማክ Saiders of the Lost p^. | መ | Game Informer May '96 If lod are any si ip hey Pirales on this flying It is a feeling you have never felt before - no one ዌ ሃ Surely be dead Soon. in the village has for that matter. As you turn the beast to circle the village and show them your newfound ability, you are blinded by a bright light. It seems that the war between the Imperials and the Mecchanics has claimed another hapless victim in the form of your entire village; your friends and relatives are now dead. Suddenly the Khourieat stops and looks at the giant airship which bombed your village. The light in his throat begins to pulsate and glow. Just when it seems the heat will melt your skin, giant beams of energy slither through the sky towards the ship. Although they fall short of their massive target, you realize that you are not only sitting on your ticket to ride, but a weapon of vengeance as well. You rush down to the village with sorrow and anger in your heart, and this is where your adventure begins. | Under the bridge and | Me the canyon, to Looks like danger under the canopy. . እው. more laser bolts lus lake the funk out of this lower of power. “Hey, that’s the % ን that: was chewing onthe village. . Route 2 * i ou into a dark ; 14636rts , M with x Watch out "wo N enemies below! in the a Facil doors Hn | ብይኑ) 5 50x2 T Oh no!!! It's a giant bird-like | eh possil Game Informer ለቁ 96 i i 9 he s iar ómitous ዋፍ. shape athe ^ ii m ame Panzer Dragoon was the Saturn game | that made many heads turn, and it only makes sense | | that Sega would release a sequel to this hit title. Its | | stunning graphics, pulsing sound, and super lock-on | | laser left us longing for more. Will Panzer Dragoon 2 | | Zwei open our eyes wider than before? Let's break it | | down and find out. | | Many aspects remain from the first version of this | game. Gameplay, for example, is almost identical. You | | ride on the bach of a dragon and you've got two types | | of attach. A single fire pulse laser that shoots when you | | push the button is your less effective attach. The one | | that really knocks their socks off is the “Iock-and-load” | bolt laser. By holding down the fire button, your aiming cursor will change from white to orange. Any | enemy which passes under your cursor will then be | Iocked-on. Release the button and searing energy | | slams directly into the enemy. The number of enemies | you can lock onto at one time varies depending on the | power of your dragon. | | — Another feature still here from the first game is the | ability to turn in your saddle. While your dragon will | | for the most part be moving forward or hovering, your ፪፻ | view of the action is not limited to the straight ahead. | The trigger buttons allow you to shift the view ninety | degrees in any direction. This means that you will have | | to keep an eye on your “dradar” (thats dragon radar | for the laymen) and defend yourself from all sides. There are many new aspects to the game as well. | The most noticeable is the Berserker button. Using the | guided laser attack will build up a gauge displayed | above your life bar. When you press the Berserker || button, your dragon will spew out lasers which loch on Bü automatically for as long as the Berserker bar lasts. You | | will also be invulnerable while in Berserker mode. | | The options menu allows you to toggle your | | instrument style between off, normal, and full. In full 8 | instrument mode, you'll get a warning indicator on [' | your “dradar” and you'll also be shown the point value | of every enemy you strike down. Normal mode | will give you a standard “dradar” and a life gauge, and | no instruments just puts you against the world in a | | big mystery. | Another new feature is that you can choose the | | route that you will take. Now don't get excited, it's not | as though you've got complete freedom of movement | | and every game will be a new adventure, but there | | is variation thrown into some of the levels (called | l ‘Episodes’ in the game). On three of the levels in the | game, you'll get to decide where you want to go. Some | | | of the routes are trickier than others, but you'll be | | rewarded for taking the harder path. Specifically, there | are two different routes on level 2, two different routes on level 3, and level 4 has a whopping three routes. | There are two other features worth noting that are so special they deserve their own sections. —————————————— ———— ፍስ ate TO SHON RESIS . It’s Snoówving111111] Change One of these features is the fact that you will be riding different dragons in different parts of the game. These dragons have different maneuverability, different shots, and most importantly, different guided laser weapons. At the end of each level you will be given a score for Clear, Route, and Technical. Clear points are awarded for (what else) clearing an adequate number of enemies. Route points are awarded for taking the harder routes. We're not exactly sure what you can do to get more Technical points, but some of us in the office get more than other people. If you get enough points when you complete the level your dragon will go through a metamorphosis and grow into a stronger, faster, more powerful dragon. We have seen a total of seven different dragons, but there may be as many as ten available for play, or even more. The original dragon from first Panzer Dragoon is even available (if you're good enough, that is). ር ፌሬ “And when Pandora opened | the box, all of the evil spirits were released to do their | will upon the world. When she was finally able to close | | the box, all that remained inside was Hope.” Does this | | mean that hope is trapped in a box somewhere and we | all have to live without it, or does it mean that all we | have left is hope, and so we will be saved? As ambiguous | | as the ending of this little fable is, it doesn't affect the fact | | that there is a wonderful little box hidden in Panzer | | Dragoon 2 Zwei that you should not hesitate to open. It | has been renamed "Pandras Box” in the game, but it still | holds a lot of goodies. Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei Reeps permanent track of | | your players data. Things like best clear percentages, | number of plays, and number of completions are all | stored in memory. When you reach certain milestones ፻፲ | (50 plays seems to be one of them) Pandras Box will ፪፪ | release a bunch of goodies. Here you will be able to | | alter many things. You can choose which dragon you | | want to ride, how difficult the game will be, what level 8 | you will start on, how much life you will have, and a few | | other features. You can adjust the type of shot you will | | fire, either normal, 3-way, 5-way, homing, or Graviton ቾ | (which is a big purple devastating shot). The laser shot | | has quite a few options as well. FULLAUTO will release | | the laser bolt as soon as you get loch on. Heavy will give | | you a massively damaging attack. BCG mode gives you | | nine cursors with which to sight the enemy, and BCTRL | | automatically locks on to anything you can see. (Note: | the names of these modes MAY change before the final | | production.) You can also set different Berserker Modes. Zero Space is also added. Dy going to this level, you | | tabe on a series of targets in various waves and are | | timed on how fast you knock them down. | | Unfortunately, if you do break one of the records you | | don't get to put your name in, and it doesn't even save | | your time. Oh well, it's a nice diversion. | That's not all that's in Pandra' box, either. The more | | you play, the more will be available to you. Beating the | | came without continuing might open more options, | | maybe 500 plays brings up something good. You'll never | know until you try. —————— M————A No one escapes the After turning rolling on, double tap to barrel roll. BCG sights. ern May ጋር In Conclusion Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei is looking to be a powerful title. Despite the incredibly lame first level (where you don't need to fire a single shot to pass it without damage), and the fact that they once again called the final boss an entire "Episode", the rest of this game is visual joy. If your giant lizards been dying for some action, it's finally time to hop bach in the saddle and head for the skies with Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei, available now for your Sega Saturn. adest: MNA. Y i Concept: 8.8 amazing shooting games ever. The graphics are phenomenal and the 9.25 sounatrack just thumps. The game- play has somewhat evolved with 9.5 the addition of routes and the transforming Khourieat, but it's still 8 basically the same premise — blast everything to kingdom come and back and then do it again until you beat it. Luckily, Sega added a Pandra's (?) box to allow you to customize the gameplay after you master the standard game. Unfortunately, the game is still rather short, but is still perhaps the defining shooter of the ninties." Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: OVERALL: Game Informer. May ^o "Sega has done it again! Panzer| | Dragoon 2 Zwei is one of the most | Reimer, Tue Racing Gamer 8.75 Fantastic fantasy and intense " gameplay await all who take on the 9.5 Zwei challenge. The so called "one way” shooter barrier was almost bro- 9 ken here, and total freedom within Panzers 3D polygon 8.5 environment was nearly achieved. Graphically, Zwei soars above the 8 original's offering with realistic animation, highly detailed texture maps, and multiple level routes. This is a great game, but | scored it down a little because | don't see this title having much of a replay value. Beat it once, and it's going to collect dust. In the end, this is one journey that shouldn't be missed." Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: 8.75 3 E ቁ 31A THE Bottom LINE Paut, THe Pro PLAYER 9.75 “fany bozo says the Saturn has lim- “~~ ited 3D capabilities, you can shove 9.5 this game in their face. The look is nothing short of spectacular. The 9 saddle-rotation is smoother and ! like the fact that the view tracks 8.75 on big enemies. Even though navigation is still on a basic path, 9 the increased movement creates a bigger world and made it feel more like a simulator. The hidden goodies Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: make Zwei a worthy addition to the library. It should not be missed." Atari Dead??? Atari Corporation’s demise has been generating reports throughout the industry for a number of months. Atari’s recent merger with a disk drive manufacturer, numerous lay-offs of staff members, poor sales of Atari Jaguar systems, and the continual press reports of their business woes have dug Atari a deep grave indeed. Yet, Atari still has a number of software titles in the pipeline that are reportedly still going to be released. Attack of the Mutant Penguins and Fight for Life are through development and said to be in production. Atari also has a 4800 square foot exhibit space reserved at the Electronic Entertainment Expo. 4 The introduction of the Sony PlayStation and Sega "Saturn has virtually halted sales of the Jaguar, and it’s easy to say that no new development of Jaguar software is in the works and that manufacturing of Jaguar units has long been halted. The Jaguar is said to have an installed base of less than 200,000 units. But the Atari brand name still has a devout following and we could see more from Atari in the form of PC software and possibly hardware. Reports of Atari's death may be greatly exaggerated, but the Jaguar is as good as buried. New Nintendo 64 Game Announced Nintendo announced the addition of Ocean of America to its list of Nintendo 64 (N64) “Dream Team" of developers. Ocean will develop an exclusive title based on the upcoming Paramount Pictures release Mission: Impossible starring 9 nt Evil-PS-X | fly-boy Tom Cruise. x LX ] The Mission: Impossible game concept sounds like it will be similar to a James Bond game played in a first or third-person perspective. A release date is yet to be determined. Where the Heck is That Earth Shaman?? Prima Publishing is here to help RPG players with their book Breath of Fire Il: Authorized Game Secrets by Ray Greer. As you may know, Capcom's Breath of Fire Il is an intricate and difficult RPG that has a number of difficult puzzles, hidden features, and multiple endings. This comprehensive book breaks down all of the action and offers everything from the basics of fighting to the location of all the valuable shaman. It also features some smooth weapon, spell, and character appendices. Breath of Fire Il: Authorized Game Secrets is available now with a cover price of $14.95. A worthy companion to a very entertaining game. @ Part of a G.l. Joe Bas © Futuristic Toaster ®© Barbie's Hovercraft © ChewToy Strategy Guide Book End ) ion Thermo-nuclear Device Game Informer is looking for your Top Ten | favorite games. Please send your Top Tens to: Game Informer Magazine Attn: Top Ten 10120 West 76th Street 1 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Everyone that enters every month will be entered in a drawing to win a GI Secret Access [ T-Shirt! So get writing! p 3 Prima has also released books on EWJ 2 and Gex. Game Informer 5 May ‘96 GTE The 1996 Electronic Entertainment Expo Later this month, the video game industry will converge in Los Angeles for the 2nd annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). Undoubtedly the biggest industry event of the year, the E3 i isa Showcase for many of the products that players will see throughout the next year. — ELECTRONIC ARTS DISNEY INTERACTIVE PANASONIC ! biggest attraction at E3 will be the U. S. debut.of the Nintendo 64. Hopefully Nintendo will have plenty of N64 games to play and. they won't give us a story about chip shortages. Nhat secret weapons do they have to uncover? Hootie playing at their party? Who cares? Is Saturn Sonic anywhere amongst all of these arcade translations? The Saturn Internet unit will be introduced. Electronic Arts : Give me Madden or give me death! (NHL wouldn't hurt either.) Game Informer 9» May '96 à dag E TRA NCE Microsoft So what ever happened to BOB? Panasonic They’ve got control of 3D0’s M2, so things should be happening here. Capcom Street Fighter what? Mega Man who? A home version of Marvel Super Heroes should be there somewhere. Acclaim Usually the loudest booth around. They always like to be right by the door and blast the same music all day long! OHM Np It's Zoop 2! Williams /GT Interactive A new Doom for the PlayStation! Have you seen Kerrie Hoskins? Hy Here's a floor plan of abotit 1/3 of the total show space. The South Exhibit Hall at the Los Angeles Convention 67 i$ where most of the action is. Konami What happened to NFL Full Contact and what are their plans for M2? Interplay VR Sports should be their big push. They also have space in another exhibit hall. Other notables: Bandai will display their new Pippin Bling computer. Namco will introduce Tekken 2 and other arcade translations. Mattel Media shows off the fully rendered Barbie Fighting Game. LucasArts may have som info on new Star Wars stuff. ; | Publisher: A.M. Works * Cover Price: $2.95 * Available: Now This issue is filled with romance, ll comedy and unemployed Greek gods. A.M. Works brings Athena to the newsstand every other month in a black ant white Japanese anime style 32-page comic book. Issue #4 is a good jump point for new readers to get hooked since the first three issue story arc has ended and started anew in this issue. Basically, A.M. Works is trying to break genres and tie in manga styled art work into the modern day comic mainstream. » Publisher: Harris Comics * Cover Price: $2.95 * Available: Now Harris Comics and creator Ethan Van Sciver has made a & point in issue one of Cyber Frog that this title is made to offend, humiliate, and throw all social and comic groups into the "loser" spotlight. This issue rips on newly born hard-core groupi es, Spider-Man, and it also lifts comic book violence to a new height. The art is fairly good, and the story (while offensive at times) is amusing. Take a whirl with the new amphibian in town, and maybe, just maybe, you'll learn a little | about yourself. seams, holes, a g * Publisher: Amalgam Comics * Cover Price: $1.95 * Available: Now The joint marriage of the DC fag and Marvel universe is something į that comic followers has been craving since the dawning of the | two companies. Unfortunately, this marriage is full of nd dangling mysteries. It would appear from the current stories that the companies | met over a 1-976- next day. This is DATE line and decided to wed the some of the worst material that we've seen come out of DC and Marvel. For instance, Batman and Wolverine collide to create the creature of the night, Dark Claw. These | characters have nothing in common besides being scary. Take a second and combine two characters of | your own and see what you get. We combined Spider-Man and Batman to create Spider-Bat, and Superman and The Hulk to create The Super | Greenman. Avoid this universe at all costs and hopefully it will end, or get better. Look Into the Shadows Beginning this month a simultaneous release of Steve Perry's novel Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire and a six part Dark Horse Comics mini-series kick off the anticipation for the Lucas Arts Entertainment Nintendo 64 game. The comic series tells the lost tale of how Darth Vader and Xizor wooed the attention of the Emperor. This series also shows off a completely different side of Luke Skywalker. The novel and the game take place between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. If you were confused as to what happened in between then you won't have to worry much longer. All our questions will be answered. Marvel Comics Creates Evil Comic - Last month Capcom Entertainment and Marvel Comics released a limited edition Resident Evil comic. This comic was released as a promotional contest for the game, but hopefully from all the press and the intense story line conceived by Chris Kramer, the comic will launch into a monthly running series. Mystaria vs. Mystara As a follow-up to last month's GI News article featuring the legal dispute over the Sega Saturn game Mystaria: Realms of Lore, we thought we'd tell you about the other party in the fray. Capcom Coin-Op and TSR, Inc. have created an arcade game entitled Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara scheduled to hit arcades soon. It is still unknown who has won in this dispute over one letter, but try not to confuse the Saturn game with the arcade machine. Konami Licenses M2 Technology Konami is the first company to license Masushita's 64-bit M2 technology for use in arcade machine hardware and software. The M2 Technology was developed | by the 3DO Company and acquired by Matsushita last winter. (See Game Informer Vol. | VI, Issue 1) Konami hopes to be the first company to commercially produce 64-bit machines for the arcade. It hopes to release its first product by the end of this year. | Game Informer a May ‘96 Game Informer’s Site 0' The Month Smithsonian institution = | Disposable Assassin Not So Disposable What started as one man’s dream to create the ultimate comic book for himself has turned into “Ss a media circus of video games, color second P NM printings, and a big time movie deal. Creator, writer Cy gan and artist Rob Schrab stated, “Wow! It’s pretty ው ; amazing how quickly things are going! We Ma started this company in ‘93, and the first issue | (a | of Scud premiered on Feb, 28 1994. We're two 4 1 | years young and it’s been an amazing two years of ደ , unreal growth!" | | The latest news is that Cinergi Pictures and : two of Oliver Stone’s production teams, Illusion | — ..... and Ixtlan, will create and release a Scud: The Disposable ~& Dustin's Saturn Page: Assassin theater bound movie. Whether it's going to be ACTI UTE | http://osf .gmu.edu/~rcushman/ live or animated is still unknown. Currently Alan ^ ጋ ገ ል | ush | McElroy, who has adapted the Spawn comics for a feature film, has signed on to write the screenplay. Sega is still trying for the rights ¥ to the Scud video game and has wowed sm- Schrab with animated demos. Keep your ፡ | eyes peeled for copies of the Scud I — in We color reprints and the newly spawned à; "IN mini-series La Cosa Nostroid, which pson home video g | features Scud’ s cybergangster friends. / ፳፻ n ® What was the first game to feature What Do Riverdale and Sonic Have in Common? “sifted holographié Mj" Archie Comics has stuck by their friendly comic book formula for more years than we can count. Over fifteen titles have spun off from the city known as Riverdale and the characters found within. The title Archie will reach the 500 issue mark within the next three years and Betty and Veronica met the 100 marker last month. Archie Comics also delivers Sega's mascot Sonic the Hedgehog on a monthly basis with insightful humor filled stories involving big blue and his bushy tailed friends. e What are the only three video games in the Smithsonian Institute? name did Coleco give to its nsive computer peripheral for the Colecovision? © What was the first game to feature female players in a baseball game? (Answers on the bottom of page 19) ES w ከ... cal ae Mi Recall the games of yesterday with our monthly glance into the infancy of gamedom. To be sure, we won't list the obvious classics like the Super Mario series, Contra, or Zelda. We are delving deep into the void of obscure, yet entertaining games of the past. See how many of these gems you can remember. Allen Ludden E UN Bomberman 2 - SNES Military Madness — Turbografx NHL Hockey - Genesis Tempest 2000 — Jaguar Galaga - NES Aliens Vs. Predator - Jaguar Kid Icarus - NES Metal Warriors - SNES John Madden Football ‘92 Shadowrun - SNES > Genesis Super Tennis - SNES Game Informer 2 May ‘96 DATA FLOW. . DE Williams Entertainment, Inc., formerly Tradewest, recently acquired console and arcade developer Time- Warner Interactive, formerly Tengen and Atari Games. Time-Warner is best known for their former arcade and console hit Primal Rage, but has a long list of games that have formerly graced home machines and arcades under the Tengen and Atari Games labels. Williams Entertainment and its parent company, gaming giant WMS Industries, now have control of a vast list of gaming titles that is too lengthy to mention. Williams formally announced that Return Fire for PlayStation as the first title to be published by the newly merged companies. | Detroit Red Wing star Sergei Federov put Sony's NHL Face Off through its paces at a event during the NHL All Star weekend in Boston. Being more adept to the real game, Sergei needed a few pointers to get started at the game that features him on the cover. In | the end, Sergei beat Sony Interactive's president Kelly Flock in a close battle. Sergei, of course, played as his favorite team. Sega announced that its trusty mascot Sonic will make it to the Saturn this winter. Sega representatives are fairly tight-lipped about giving any details of the new Sonic game, but they did say that the development of the game is not being done by Sega's traditional Sonic Team and that the game is not Sonic Fighter. The Saturn version will be displayed in some form at this month's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles. Sega's Sonic Team, the creator and developer of almost all of the existing Sonic games, is working on Saturn action game called Nights. Game Informer was shown some spectacular gameplay footage recently and we have to say it puts a game like Bug! and Jumping Flash to shame. Nights mixes elements of action/ | platform and flying as the player maneuvers the | character through a very dreamy world. Nights will also be on due at the E3 this s more Rally, and Virtua Fighter series will not let: development teams at Sega use the title. So when Sega came to name one o ew arcade and Saturn titles, they had to ick the “I” onto Virtual-On. |f it ain't it ain't Virtua. Bostonian Peter Stephenson has used numerous | hours of his free time to write, direct, produce, and edit a new public cable-access series entitled X-TV. With help from hosts Rob Lavender and James Wu, X-TV features a variety of subjects including | comic books, music, computer animation, and | the newest in video games. In a world of the trashy and uninteresting cable-access shows, Stephenson's X-TV has a very professional look and interesting content, (if you're into vids and such.) Stephenson and crew have already produced around 15 episodes that have begun to air in the greater Boston area. In addition, X-TV is scheduled to appear in Hartford, CT, Tampa, FL, Phoenix, AZ, and now be more playable against masters | Manhattan, NY. Contact your local cable operator or he country. 5 find u, more about | email Stephenson at Dearxtv@aol. com for more info on | where you can find X-TV. Genesis, has expanded . their service to iie. multi- -player game gs for the Game Informer « May '96 | Game In f ormer's i Address Book 4 Em | To reach Dear Gl or the Editors of" Gl send correspondence to: በር That's Not a Mouse, Or Is t? - menorca Sometimes it seems there just isn't any room | for innovation. For instance, who could take the ' 10120 Nasty) Stet x Prae, MN 55944 computer mouse any further? A company called Spectrum might have an answer for that in their new product, the RingMouse. This mouse doesn’t scurry around your desk, it rests on your finger. Three ultrasonic sensors that attach to | your monitor allow the computer to sense exactly where the RingMouse is located, in three dimensions. WWW Hope Page ; The technology itself seems to be borrowed from such console game products as the Power Glove and http://www.winternet. cony-gionline the U-Force. Will the RingMouse replace the current mouse design? Who knows, but you can get your hands on the complete package for an MSRP of $99.00. To contact Secret Access or | Mem Access & Allies please send ". Omnipresent 30 Hardware or Just Another Chip? Without getting into the nitty gritty technical aspects, we'd like to tell you about a new 3D processor which has been developed by NEC Electronics and VideoLogic. The processor is based on PowerVR architecture, and it will be | useable across various platforms, finally drawing together consoles, arcades, and PCs. The beauty of this processor is that they are not affected by the memory bandwidth bottleneck that limits the | performance of other 3D controllers. In addition, it is relatively cheap and so can be utilized cost-effectively by arcades, consoles, and PCs. Is this the video game unification unit we've been praying for? Only time will tell... boca inquiries M ase ser ibe (በጨ to: (Two Saturns + Two Televisions) x Link Cable = Fun Fun Fun One very important feature that the PlayStation had and the Sega Saturn lacked was the ability to ነ Attn: Customer Service link up two systems and play games head-to-head against a friend or rival. Sega of Japan recently 49129 West 76th Street announced that a link cable would soon be released on the long and skinny island country, and that means its only a matter of time before we see it here in the land of excess and indulgence. The first game to be compatible with the Sega link cable in the U.S. will be Virtual On (see page 52). With separate screens to play on, this should make a nearly perfect home translation. We can’t wait for the cable to come out over here. To Subscribe "- send a chec r $19.98 to: Remote Control PlayStation If you think about racing games, it's a lot like racing a remote control car. So why not use a Remote Control Car style of controller, you might ask? The people at Joy Tech asked themselves this very question and decided to produce the RacCon. Compatible with | ን | ne all games that work with the NegCon Controller, ! 2 Sega's Time Tad y Fidi er this strange looking device sports a semi-auto 3. Pac-Man, Dragon Ll amo - - = transmission mode and true analog control. If 4. Adam | \ you're more comfortable with RC Car controls than | ~ BOIS steering wheels, this device makes an affordable | ፡ alternate control for racing games. 5 Baseball Star fort theNES | ont rae Game Informer 5» May ‘96 0716 Baseball??? >- ry #ቹ # ST ii tu LE i "Pa By using the trigger buttons. You can check ፡ irst pitch is sent scorching away. s a a a first pitch the runners on With a mighty crack, the aseball players may be the hardest working professional athletes in America. Almost every day between April and October, there are baseball games being played all over the country. The season lasts for a grueling 162 game stint (almost twice as many games as any other sport). This is followed by a best of five and a best of seven playoff series leading to the ultimate competition - the World Series. The team that triumphs is showered with kudos and respect by their home town. The real beauty of baseball is that any team can go all the way, not just the team that gets paid the most money. Loading up your bench with high money players never hurts, but it's not unheard of for a group of guys with a lot of spunk and high hopes to go from worst in the league to champions of the world. Baseball might be considered the last professional sport with integrity. This being the case, Super Nintendo owners should rejoice when they hear that Nintendo is releasing Ken Griffey Jr's Winning Run for their 16-bit system. e People who remember the first Ken Griffey Jr. game will recall a cartoon-like baseball game with an K arcade feel and very little genuine baseball action. They might even assume that the sequel is just an improved version of this style of game, but they'd be wrong. Winning Run has been revamped and souped | up into a genuine baseball simulator. Extensive motion capture techniques were used on the near-immortal , Ken Griffey Jr. in order to give all of the player animations a realistic baseball look. Pitching control is done the old fashioned way - in two dimensions. You'll have a choice of five different pitches to throw. Standard, fastball, curve, and change-up are all in your repertoire. In addition, each pitcher has a ‘specialty pitch’ which can also be thrown. This may be a super fastball, a super curve ball, slider, or even a screwball. Additionally, you'll be able to pick your spot on the mound and control the pitch a little in the air. The standard pitch can be moved the most in the air, while you can affect the other pitches only minimally. You can adjust your batters position in the batters box to the side only. Since there are only two-dimensions of pitching, you'll only have to worry about the left-to-right strike zone. By pulling back on the controller you can try and dig under the ball for long, high hits, or you can push up to keep the ball close to the ground. You can also aim left or right at [ከፀ moment of impact. With all of this, it would seem that hitting would be a breeze, right? Wrong - this a challenging game for the batter, and it will take some skill before you can knock them over the fence. Continued on Page 23 Game Informer 5 May'96 e ntes E d esti EE E ANAA Mod ^ አባ) 8 ue MN d nghi Ai aes eI ENA Aged A m m Size: 32 Megabit m Style: 1 or 2-Player Baseball He makes a beautiful snag at the foul line. A genuine golden glover. The pitcher snags it in the air, therefore the batter is OUT! p : m Special Features: Ken Griffey Jr., en al Maes Full ፡ a ፈጻ Season, Short Season, and World Series Play, Controlle . ti guo. il ` . Trades, Real MLB Stadiums and Team Names, Auto-Fielding, - Fielding Assistance ` m Created by: Rareware for Nintendo m Available: May for Super Nintendo Anny, THe Game HOMBRE : "In this wild zany world we live in asina dus Ken Griffey Baseball is perhaps the Graphics: 8.75 best baseball Super Nintendo has to offer. Yeah, the play control is only Sound: 8.5 alright...and yeah, it doesn't have the player's license, but it's got great Playability: 8 graphics, smooth animation, and the game is fairly difficult to beat. Plus, | Entertainment: — 8 really like the addition of the ‘super i throw’ and ‘super pitches’. Simply OVERALL: ‘put; you're not going to find anything better than this if you want to play 8 25 baseball on your SNES. Enough " said." Reimer, THe Racine GAMER 3 “First off, I'd just like to say for the ends record that Ken Griffey Jr. was not Graphics: 9.25 harmed in any way during the making of this game. Unfortunately, Sound: 8.5 my review may hurt his and Nintendo's feelings a tad. This game Playability: 6.75 is mediocre at best, and the interface and foundation that runs Entertainment: — 7 this baby is fairly generic. Not having the MLBPA gives this game OVERALL: an unrealistic feel, and the game play delivers more of a arcade feel 7 75 instead of the simulation feel that 1 |. a think Nintendo was striving for. KGB is fun for awhile, and the season mode may burn interest into some gamers minds, but in the long run | see this title ending up as nothing but a popular rental." If the pitcher had thrown the ball instead of running አአ down that guy might not have stolen third, Paut, THE Pro PLAYER Watch out for Cory Howard’s Super Curve. It’s a killer! 85 The look of this game has "" drastically improved from the 9.5 previous installment. The players' animation are excellent and rival scenes found in some 32-bit - baseball games. The fielding is very intuitive which makes it fun to come up with the diving catch or big play. am disappointed the name change option is omitted, but this version is far more of a simulation than the arcade style of the first Griffey game. The computer is a worthy opponent and competing will take a lot of practice. Griffey is a good baseball package and it's very easy to say that its the best the SNES oo መሠ.ቃ ተ has to offer. (Boy, did | go out on a i limb there.)" What a slugger!!! ma ww The solo homer allows him to take the ያ) Scoot McKraken has extra incentive knowing that his brother Phil is watching from the stands. NON » hs me Don't give the base runners too much slack, or you're sure to be robbed. Not only did he get beaned, but he was called for ቅ። - if the ump calls it a strike it's a strike. a strike because he started his swing. RIP OFF!!! '“ It's no use arguing Game Informer And he’s safe!!!! | | Will it be a strike or a ball - as a hitter you've only got a moment to decide. Yep. That's the short stop all right. . Whether this value ranking chan last year's statistics is undete team up with superstars is going | A long Pop-up into left-center is easily caught by the fielder It rolls foul. n the field, you can turn on auto-fielding so the computer will take care | of all defensive play. If this is a bit too much computer interference, you can play with fielder assistance. When you turn this on your outfielders will run towards any balls hit towards them, even if you can't see them on screen. This adds a bit of realism in that easy pop-ups will always be caught. If you're a hard-core control freak, you can turn all of this off and leave everything up to yourself. After stopping the ball, you've got two ways to get the ball back to the infield. A standard throw will move at regular speed and almost always hit its mark. If you need a little more, you can choose a “power” throw. This ball will smoke towards its target, but isn't always that accurate. Your baseman may have to run over to the base after catching it, or perhaps run over to the dugout where the ball landed. The "power" throw should be used with discretion. It is possible to play a full 162 game season, a half season, or a short 26 game season. More than one team can be human controlled, so you can bring your roommate, sibling, or spouse along for the ride. Want to make the playoffs? You can do it if you try. Since Nintendo. secured the MLB license, you can play with your favorite teams in their home stadiums. Unfortunately, the only player with a real . name is Ken Griffey Jr. While the other players may be on the right teams in spirit and skill, they'll have names like Big Magoo instead of Frank Thomas. You won't be able to change their names like you could in the old Ken Griffey game either. Trades are allowed, but regulated. First of all, Ken Griffey Jr. is not tradable. Other than that, each player is given a value ranking. Only players within five points of each other's value rankings may be traded. 3፡ s depending on your skill or is set using ed. It is clear, however, that to load your o take some serious jockeying around. Is baseball your bag? Are you looking for a new Super NES game? Are you tired of waiting for new 16-bit product? If you answered yes to one or more of the previous questions then . you surely want to check out Ken Griffey Jr's Winning Run, coming to your SNES soon. view reaking away from exclusive development for Nintendo platforms, Square Company will release their first 32-bit game in the form of Final Fantasy VII (FF VII) on the Sony PlayStation. This whopping 2 CD-ROM role-playing game is scheduled to appear in Japan in December. The PlayStation is sure to have a successful holiday in Japan as gamers flock to pick up this game. It's been over 10 years since Square bronghi t s. Fantasy to the 8-bit NES. d ፤ It introduced gamers to an | intriguing story and a | compelling adventure that ME secured Square’s place | in the hearts of role- | players everywhere. Square | continued its tradition of | quality by offering five more installments on Nintendo platform: | in Japan. Although U.S. Nintendo players have only seen three of the six epic Final Fantasy adventures, it can be argued that America only got the cream of the crop. , Square's Final Fantasy VII boasts 1499/1900 270210 ወመ | m | some interesting features that are sure 2590/3540 000/000 ዘመወ m : : to dazzle role playing fans worldwide. é The entire world in FF VII is being የው Dn M | created using computer rendered artwork to offer players unprecedented visuals. In addition, the battle scenes "n. will be polygon-based to offer multiple A wide variety of views of the conflicts. A player will be ማዕ i : £ battle views will be able to view the battle from a number of Pee tx 5ር፡. e | FUE ም መ avy Sposa traditional views such as 3/4 perspective Sob0eb2 CROM EMTS. | ቪኪ. 8 ‹ዐ‹፡፪ sesnaneo concen ጦመ | 4 and overhead. Viewing the battle from the eyes of one of your party members m Size: 2 CD-ROMs or seeing your character attack from the m Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game (RPG) cy Nn E ርነር5 of aH Rey ue ee of the new m Special Features: Multiple Battle Views Including Enemy Cam, | Ray ? | battle views that FF VII will include. Polygon Based Characters, Mini Adventure Sub-Plots, | ON ar 5 It is still too early to comment on b copied Worlds, Traditional Final Fantasy Battles : 4 the control interface that this game "2. ced. wikis AE. will have, but Square will probably m Created by: Square Company Ltd. E e : m Aigle: December in peu o ema i have something new and exciting in Early '97 U.S. Release for Sony PlayStation ve ee ee ሙላድ ecuring the next installment of one — —1 Pri Vo of the best selling series of games L a i in Japan is a major victory for Sony. Like MK 3, Final Fantasy is a game that will sell systems. With | Square’s reputation for making | some of the best RPG's on the E planet, PlayStation owners are | definitely in for a treat. lay Station Pre The world of Fina ^ Fantasy awaits? Game Informer he NBA Live series from EA Sports has reigned supreme on the 16-bit machines for a number of years and is now set to rock the rim on the Sony PlayStation. NBA Live ‘96 brings all the teams, players (most of them), and courts of the NBA into your living room. The most notable change in NBA Live ‘96 as it evolves from 16-bit to 32-bit is, of course, the graphics. Continuing EA’s Virtual Stadium feature which was introduced in FIFA Soccer ‘96, EA Sports recreated all 29 of the NBA teams’ courts in all their glory. To view the fast-paced action, 15 different camera views are provided to offer the best possible perspective of all the jumpers, slams, and behind the back passes. In the 32-bit world of polygons and texture maps, EA Sports sticks with a more “traditional” look by using SGl-rendered animation. Although the players look somewhat smaller basketball games for PlayStation, the gameplay speed is a great deal faster. The players are created to resemble their real-life counterparts so you'll see different player heights, hair colors, and other physical features. Dennis Rodman's hair even changes color depending on his mood. The PlayStation version of NBA Live '96 includes most of the features that are included on the PC and 16-bit version. Season play, which tracks and compiles than in other PLAYER ng ee ` individual player, user, and league statistics OF THE GAME Ponts throughout the course of play, is saved fe REBOUNDS ; through a memory card. Rules settings will BLOCKS allow for competitions ranging from 32 SHAQUILLE ASSISTS | : whistle-happy refs calling nearly every ርብ O'NEAL STEALS infraction to an NBA Jam-style shove fest’. On the fly play calling will allow for the offensive scoring punch or the big defensive stop. One game feature is noticeably + ነ -— À 229 missing from this version — the Player 1 CD-ROM 1 to 8-Player Basketball Season Play with Running Statistics, Player Trades, Adjustable Rules Settings, 15 Camera Views, Game Strategy & Play Calling Options, Dolby Surround Sound, All the NBA Courts, Memory Card Save EA Sports Now for Sony PlayStation FLAGRANT FOUL “Graphically, | think that EA could have been more creative by making the characters look different from the 16- bit versions, and | think that once a pack forms on the court that all the players become one big clump of pixels, but hey, it's (one game a year) EA. The play control is smooth and true to the game and statisticians will rejoice with tons of different statistical categories to view and track for an § “Although this game sticks true to NBA Live form with lots of options and fast-paced action, this game just isn't as good as it could have | : been. The graphics and animation | are especially disappointing. Players | get lost in the pack when you play in the multi-player mode, and the defi- nition and depth of the players is rather poor. This is a fun, 5-on-5, hack-fest that is easy to get into; | ; however, | don't feel that this game |. entire season. Basically, its the same has really progressed into the 32-bit game that you fell in love with on your realm of basketball.” 16-bit with a better look and new views.” Creator option is not included like it was in the 16-bit and PC versions. EA Sports has a fine tradition of sports games that are filled with numerous hidden EE players and other goodies. While we are still Be Macie BALL uncertain as to who or what is hidden in this f version, we can only hope for players like Larry Bird and Dr. J to show their faces. መ NBA Live ‘96 is a statistician's dream that offers much of what you'd expect from a | - basketball simulator. ጣ “This is THE b-ball game for the 16-bit machines, but | cant help but be disappointed with the PS-X version. The player animation and look of the game, other than the courts, are almost the same as the 16-bit. Plus, what happened to the player creator? The music tracks crank some good hip-hop, but the sound effects are still the same old stuff. This game excels in the stats and has loads of adjustable options. The other two PS-X games don’t even come close in that dept. Don't expect to be blown away" 1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Classic Arcade Games 6 Memorable Arcade Games on One Disc, Historical Background on Each Game, Video Clip Interviews with Games’ Designers Digital Eclipse for Williams Entertainment Now for Sony PlayStation and Coming Soon for Genesis and Super NES ometimes you can find them in hotel rec rooms, other times they'll be stuffed in the back of a bowling alley. They are often covered with cigarette burns and if all of the buttons work you can consider yourself lucky. If you do happen to find one, however, you are in for a treat. For these are the machines that brought the medium of electronic gaming to the forefront of American culture. They had an addictive quality and presented such an unconquerable challenge that they sucked the quarters out of millions of pockets. These are the games that raised us, taught us, and satisfied us; now six of them are available for the PlayStation in the form of Arcade's Greatest Hits from Williams Entertainment. Six old favorites are packed onto one CT. In chronological order, they hit you in the face like a deadly one-two combo. The classic Defender tops the list, making its arcade debut in 1980. This side-scrolling shooter revolutionized video games by incorporating the feature of (what else) side-scrolling. Saving a population of 10 people from wave after wave of relentless alien abductors required lighting fast reflexes and the ability to keep track of what seemed like a million buttons. The controls are simplified with the directional pad, but the challenge still remains. Along comes 1981, and next in line is the less popular but more challenging Defender II (more commonly remembered as Stargate). This game stuck to the same concept of high speed mayhem, but added a few features. Inviso power added another weapon to your arsenal (and another button to think about). The Stargate would transport you to where you were needed most. Finally, if you carried enough humans into the Stargate, you could warp immediately to higher and more difficult levels. The year 1982 brought a power trio of vids from Williams. Joust replaced the fire buttons with the unheard of "flap" button. This game put us on bird-back, side by side with a pal and introduced us to 2- player cooperative play. (Can you beat the “unbeatable” pterodactyl?) Sinistar taught us the meaning of fear with actual voice synthesis telling us to “run, run, run" because “I live!!!” For the coup de gras of 1982, we were given the 2-jaystick control of Hobotron. Walking in one direction and firing in the other was a welcome and "LOST TO THIS LITTLE MACHINE? | LEARN A BIT ABOUT THE GAMES PEOPLE PLAY... - HOW MANY QUARTERS WERE — mi ፡ ik ፣ ሻሽ. k di n family from levels of psychotic robots, lumbering hulks, evil brains, and large red tank-like fellows. In 1983, Williams released Bubbles. While Bubbles may not have Y the recognizable names of the previously mentioned titles, it was an arcade hit nonetheless. You are a bubhle who must clean up sink scum and small insects while avoiding brushes, razor blades, and large ants. All of these games run on a Motorola 6809 emulator and include all of the nuances and bugs of the original machines. You'll also have a chance to study the history behind all of these greatest hits, and view video clip interviews with the game’s original designers. Are your fingers itching for same fast paced action? Would you like six arcade machines in your home? Are these games a lot harder than you remember, or are you just not the game master you thought you were? Answer these questions and more when you play Arcade’s Greatest hits on your Sony PlayStation. E | SCRUBBING BUBBLES — TO THE RESCUE!!! 313333311 OICE SYNTHESIS ADDS [ዐ ፡ THE EXCITEMENT OF SINISTAR! ፪፳ UO» tN LL LILT” BE? a 3 bod * B dueHIMS jl * ROBOTRON COULD BE ONE OF ነ THE MOST INTENSE GAMES OF ALL TIME. lib STARGATE FEATURES A WARP - SIMPLY CARRY ENOUGH MEN INTO THE TRANSPORTER. TEANS 'a3wgw C a" ot TEE! d P Su +; E Anny, Tue Game HOMBRE THe Pro PLAYER : "Alright...way cool twitch games Loses ዘ from the eighties! Now these are the 7 games | played when | was just IE Graphics: a wee youngster. Unfortunately, 11. Sound: 7 seem to remember them as being a ሂ' Sound: lot easier than this, but who cares? ! Playability: 7.5 This is easily the best classics እ! Playability: collection you can buy. Sinistar is ፻ Entertainment: 7.75 just plain hard-core, Robotron is a ፪፻ Entertainment: frenzied free for all, and Joust is a ፻፪ OVERALL: classic two-player masterpiece. | Check this game out if think you're | good enough to take on these M classic titles.” Y Concept: Graphics: OVERALL: 7.76 g or if youre a new face in the gaming 6.25 a fact or two about the forefathers of ኔ 7 out of their time, and you really can't 4 "Here's a chance to get your hands on your favorite childhood classics, |, | Graphics: | Concept: world, then here's a chance to learn í Sound: today's shooters and action games. 7.75 It's hard to review this six pack, simply because these games are Entertainment: compare them to today's standards. à Basically, they've all remained the ፳፪ ; OVERALL: same. There isn't a souped up 3D mode or new levels; it's the same | 7 5 thing you played when you were a ቹ smaller version of yourself. A good buy for classic gamers.” g “f you were born after 1980 these games might not be very exciting. If 5 youre into nostalgia, these are worthy of a look. | found the history 9 text and accompanying video clips to be very interesting. The 8 reproduction of the games is outstanding. From the voices in 7 Sinistar to the sound of knights being created in Joust, this game is truly a blast from the past. It is also a nice tribute to the games’ creators. It was fun to relive some of my teenage arcade escapades, but after a few plays it was time to put the game down. It's nice to visit the past, but not to live there." ormula racing has always had a spot on video game " consoles. Notable games like Super Monaco GP, Formula One, and F1: Beyond the Limit brought the excitement, speed and glamour of the Formula One world to 16-bit. Thanks to the efforts of Bizarre Creations and Sony Interactive, PlayStation owners will now have a racing game in which they can take part in Formula 1 ፦ " cll LA | | : racing, aptly named Formula One | ne —— M n^ : World Championship. : | Sony has secured the 1996 Formula One WO R L D a MIN license which means that the player will race against authentic drivers like Nigel CHAMPIONSHIP x "^ : E Mansell, Damon Hill, and the controversial Ar "T PlayStation Preview Michael Schumacher. Along with the ፳ Sony’s Looking for Realism even 88:88 drivers, all of the cars’ constructors such as é Racing Realism racing sponsors’ logos e Benetton, Williams, and Ferrari are used to 3 | ፣ recreate 26 authentic cars. All 17 circuit courses are modeled after official surveyor’s statistics and è ilic Tracks, Real Drivers video footage to recreate the entire look of the raceways. e Replay, Two Racing Aen F1 will feature two game modes: Arcade and Grand Hy yoni ves ae Prix. Arcade will be a “low” simulation mode that will T concentrate more on a Ridge Racer style of gameplay. p Grand Prix mode will be an “all-out” simulation featuring car settings, pit stops, and strategy. Either mode will allow EE for options such as practicing, weather conditions, and car if damage toggles. A Sony Link option will allow for two- T player races and will also include a "TV Coverage Mode." ih This mode is a one-player game that displays multiple es cout mana cu camera views and commentary for the race on the second yj 42744 0.372 NR | TV or monitor. . ፪፻ UR i R Offcial Timing Bizarre and Sony have set out to create the most realistic TN ! chicane through to l and comprehensive racing simulation ever to hit a console. a edP Icane at 100 Mph, Will F1 live up to the hype and make good on its goals? bud ane Things are shaping up nicely so far. You'll have to be PR PER the final judge when F1 hits the shelves this summer. 32 | 7$ SORUNANEA Prem M 4 42.711 34.4 t 4 TN. Real Formula One out = ኤ drivers including the nasty : 57.8 k ! sap — A Michael Schumacher. i zd d vs wes aes Nuus Racing? No, it's | | d S. à " Formula One from seid iO ed : E À HAKKINEN 15.9 17 authentic circuits make you believe that you're actually there. COULTHARD 42.711 umber of SCHUMACHER HAKKINEN NE. ; a dri ng x i A t cam iving views includi 37.867 E > pd እከ Kd « | E a M SN a d E occer has never gained notoriety here in the States the way it has A9H uOHne1SAUId ^]. 6 — "d et throughout the rest of the world. Perhaps we can't get used to a game whose outcome is often decided by the single goal scored in ninety minutes of play (since our attention span rarely stretches more than a few minutes). It is important to note that there is a big difference between watching and playing, and the widespread popularity of soccer among primary and secondary schools can attest for this. One could also draw this conclusion from the number of video soccer games available in the United States. The most recent example of this is Interplay's VR Soccer '96 for the PlayStation. The rendered players move with great fluidity due to the extensive motion-capture that was used in the game's development. In addition, these beautiful graphics can be viewed from many camera angles, including a rotating camera which constantly circles the action. In the replay mode, you'll have even more camera options as you can watch goals and penalties from the “referee cam.” And to sink yourself right into the action, replays can be viewed from a first-person perspective through any player on the field. Over forty teams are available to use in season, friendly, or cup mode, and the announcer knows the names of every single player in the game. When he's not making fun of how badly you play the game, he'll tell you who's passing to who. Are you a soccer nut? Can't get enough of the game? Then Interplay's VR Soccer '96 is right up your alley. - Charging in from the corners can be an effective way to score. m 4 ": SN w. Anoy, THE Game HOMBRE I Concept: Graphics: 8 Man-o-man they should have called this game VR crap, because that's 5 about the best way to describe it. The play control is absolutely E. 3 horrible. You can barely shoot, the 8 passing is horrific, and announcer 88 2 says the same stupid things over E. and over. Luckily, there are tons of 2 Soccer games out for the PS-X and Saturn that are a lot better than this one, so please - | beg you — buy one PE of the others!" | ጥ%! d E P Ets On à free kick some of s your players have the privilege of farming human wall. Ouch! CUL. d ሯ OVERALL: 36/64 76 9.9 REINER, THE RAGING GAMER "It seems that soccer games can be really freakin’ good or unbelievably 8.25 horrid. VR Soccer is one of the few titles that falls right in the middle into © 7 the mediocre category. The animation and polygon graphics are beautiful, 3 and 42 international teams is a pretty nice number, but the game play stinks 4 like an old man’s smelly sheets. Passing doesn't have to be an option MI in this game. Dribble old spotty up the 8 field and score! Take ten players off ፪ each team and this could be the first NBA Jam soccer title! | like soccer © games that are done right, but this fim one doesn't cut the grade. It's okay, bu nothing compared to EAS, FIFA series.” The overhead view is actually an emulator of ‘Pele’ for the Atari 2600. * Ucraina ን C fo so SS Playability: a Entertainment: OVERALL: 9.9 uf The old penalty shoot-out - a Soccer staple. Finally you can see what the referee ; sees through the magic of "ref-cam!" " . ፡ í m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player Soccer m Special Features: 42 International Teams, Real Time Commentary w/Player Names and Snide Remarks, World Cup Play, Season Mode, Memory Card Save, Multiple Camera Views m Created by: Gremlin Interactive for Interplay Paut, THE Pro PLAYER g ‘This game has all the bells and whistles. Tons of views, excellent g sound, and a killer replay mode are all found in VR Soccer. On the other 8.75 hand, the play control really stinks. I'd hit the pass button and just try to guess where the ball was going. Is it going to fly all the way up field? Or is is it going to be a slow dribbler to no one? Shooting is equally as bad. The ball physics also seem very wacky and the goalie always dives at simple saves. Do yourself a favor and stick with the other soccer games available." Arany wins! Germany wins!!! Let's trample somebody! ኾ , | - ; >THE Borrom ሀድ 4,79 . m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation / ኣ ol TP in, 2 ^ o y 8 ወ. 7 i .. ጭ ብሓ ወ s i 29 ቼ 4 ; Preview DEATH HAS A NEW NAME / ne being stands above all D. ioo ind aire re ot he wicked a rage of hate - her name is Steel Harbinger. Before the killer within took control of " emotions, she lived a normal fleshy human life style. Nothing in the world can save her- until her need to be savior is fulfilled. Her mission is to rescue the innocent from the evil hand of power that currently rules the Earth. Not until this force is dissolved will ው ቬ NN To toe the comfort of love and freedom. Mindscape delivers this tale with high intensity in their new third-person action/adventure title - - Steel Harbinger. Graphically, this title is fairly impressive to look at. All the characters are extremely - detailed, and the 3D terrain is abundant with realism and quality. We're not sure how many levels are packed into this disc, but we are sure that each and every one is going to be enormous and extremely difficult. The gameplay is comparable to an outdoor Loaded with a pinch of Shadowrun, and play ranges from bloody temper tantrums to hunting for a needle in a haystack. Steel Harbinger has the diversity that will draw gamers in to take a good long look. This day won't arrive until late summer for the majority of the gaming populous, but don't fear, the loyal GI staff will keep this title under close observation, and fill you in on the latest. If it sucks, we'll tell you "It sucks!” m m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure m Special Features: Camera Zooms, Multiple Weapons on Pick-Up, Three Vehicles. Enormous Levels and Missions, Flying Body Parts and Machine Gun Totin' Dogs m Created by: Mindscape m Available: Summer for Sony PlayStation m Size: 1 CD-ROM w Style: 1-Player First-Person Action Adventure m Special Features: 25 Levels, 3D Map Moae, 10 Crazy Weapons, Surround Sound with Doppler Effect, Memory & Password Save, & — New Training Game | m Created by: Any Channel for Accolade m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation d Exit z Any Channel the creators of PO'ed, aed this game primarily in the dining room of ub the one of the designers. It was published by Any Channel for the 3DO and released a few months | ago. Accolade was quick to snatch up the right to publish PO'ed for the PlayStation. This | game is basically a port of the 3D0 version with added speed and better sound effects. The plot of PO'ed is not unlike the film Under Siege in that you are a cook who must take on foes who have invaded your space ship. Armed, initially, with just a frying pan you must navigate the ship to destroy the aliens, acquire new weapons, and get out alive. PO'ed includes 25 levels of mayhem that can be played on one of three difficulty settings. The first two levels are fairly basic, but it becomes much more interesting and dynamic once the jet pack is acquired in the third. The jet pack is essential to navigating the huge, multi-story levels of PO'ed. PO'ed is an entertaining and humorous twist on the basic first-person games available. It will offer numerous hours of challenge and fun. Reimer, Tae Racing GAMER ገ finally got my hands on the PS-X E version of PO'ed and noticed that it was actually (surprise! surprise!) a 3DO game in disguise. The game speed is às slow as can be, and the texture maps are not up to Playstation standards." Awoy, Tut Game HOMBRE Paut, THe Pro PLAYER Vinny, Tug Vineo VIGILANTE "For a Doom rip-off PO'ed is not bad. though | wish the graphics were a little better and the gameplay slightly more refined. Not bad, but not great! "PO'ed starts off very slow. Once youre past the third level it becomes much more entertaining. It's no Doom. but better than many games of this Kind." "If you've played Doom, this game just won't compare. If you havent played Doom, why don't you?" THE HEAD-BUTT | KiNG eres TO HAVE ony is a fresh face in the sports market, but so far ^ CLEAN RECORD, HE'LL BE BACK they've passed the test with flying colors. NFL ee DTE Game Day and NHL Face Off both hit best selling u nd their newest, and first basketball — > THE Borrom LINE 1 xd Out ule more than likely fall m nu 8.0 : 6890861006. ም ብ Paut, THe Pro PLAYER never happen, since | Station exclusives, but gh interest to convince ame players to side basketbal, ike g up p ~ a: BE Piayabatty: 8.5 multi-player pos o Motion capture techni ues were used to épuMPED-UP' DEE BROWN - control of one player. Ye 1 p " THE “PUMPED livin’ large movements of the SOARS OVER THE DEFENSE AND 8 game to be very entertaining, NBA. In order to make sure the movements saa especialy again ap were the best they could be Sony hired their ' EI v ies pepe oy. very realistic and going for steals uinea pig from the Golden State and blocks on defense is challenging. [. Sprewell was filmed Although this game doesnt have makes up for it in looks and iste c result? Superb interesting play control. Shoot Out is at the top of the heap.” shampoo companies, but most of the Mars | are here for you to control. The hase | ndi NBA Shoot Outi is that THIS VIEW SHOWS OFF THE ENTIRE COURT. NiFTY! features the real.'96 schedule and | team players, but it doesn't follow E | LU ዌብ L. season stats. Ua different 25 leplay category. The action | - — k 518218 ù animations for dunks seems | E , “ endless, and the player attributes n fast paced B 0 M plays. More Ae are right up to par. Mostly | see this © dunks than you can shake a stick at are S title as a good party game, there included and each and every one is : 7 aren't that many options for replayed in slow motion(though this ና IE M to get into, n b option can be disabled). Up to eight < EE 265 ace fr hur! jamming ea, players can compete in this glorious |. 4 ES gs m i five-on-five arcade simulator. i ፡ i Awoy, THE በ ዘ፡ HOMBRE |J WHAT A DUNK! really like ouple m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: | to 8-Player Basketball vids heed ae oo peo fus m Special Features: Slow Motion Replays of | Entertainment: 8.5 2 hy can't you JAB 888988 and up All Dunks, All the NBA Teams and Player at the same time? That just drives Names (Except Jordan, Shaq, and Barkley), . me bonkos! Luckily, there is a lot to . . Three Difficulty Modes, Player Trades, Game like about this game. The multi-play- c Stats, Different Defensive and Offensive er mode is great (though being able © Plays, and Texture-Mapped Player Faces and to change players would have been 88 Jerseys nice), the control is precise, and the For THREE! m Created by: Sony Interactive Sports — — game is as entertaining as it 6 m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation — difficult. A very good game that is en better multi-player! view tion Pre deae n "m M i m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player First-Person Action/Jumping Simulator m Special Features: Save Game Option (1-3 Blocks), Six Worlds With Three Stages Each, Mega Jumps, Bonus Stages, and Dynamic New FMV Segments m Created by: Exact/MuuMuu for Sony Computer Entertainment m Available: Now in Japan for Sony PlayStation ony's exclusive towering rabbit of death — Robbit — is making his whereabouts known again with a sequel to last year's first rabbit simulator Jumping Flash. This time Robbit won't have to worry about ስ o knocking heads with the planet : : ነ stealing Baron Aloha. In fact, with . ም œ y HS E: the arrival and threat of the new Dude! There's a piece of glass stuck to your noggin. creature on the block, Captain Suzuki, Robbit will have to rescue Aloha from the danger. This rabbit may not be too happy with this new ally, but he'll I ! k need his help if he wants to save the ኣ NI c galaxy — again. y uf Jumping Flash 2 is guaranteed to i deliver the same heart stopping action | as the first. From what we've seen This world of darkness is wonderful! there isn't that much of a difference between the two. The differences you'll notice are minute and in the form of new levels, collecting MuuMuus instead of carrots (how will he get his fix?), and new enemies. The new levels take Robbit from Hawaii to Japan, and even to thrilling outer space. From one rabbit simulator to the next, not much could really be expected, and Sony has already acknowledged this. Right now Sony of America doesn't know if this title will make it to the States due to lack of demand. Basically, if you want to play a fully translated rabbit simulator again you'll either have to relive the enjoyment of the first, or get on the horn and let Sony know how you feel about rabbits and carrots coming to the US. It would be great if this title came over, and this movement does get the Gl approval, but the true judgment lies in the hands of Sony. Ugh! The sun is burning my neck! Must move the umbrella! Don't fear Robbit is here. — Call hih pathetic if you'd like, but Robbit would rather go around this bouncing blue ball field. Game Informer «© May'96 32 1 CD-ROM 1-Player Snowboarding Simulator Extensive Motion Capturi and Design Consulting by Professional Snowboarders, Tricks, Snow Bunnies, Multiple Modes Including Half Pipe, Jumps, Ollies When snow starts to cover the mountainous areas of the world, there are some (slightly insane) members of the population that | start to get the itch. It's not an itch to do anything illegal or even socially unacceptable, but an itch to risk their lives for entertainment purposes. The only thing that can possibly scratch this itch is to strap a piece of wood to their feet and go really fast down the side of a mountain. It’s dangerous, it's bizarre, and it's a heck of a lot of fun. The sport is called snowboarding, and it's soning to the 32-bit consoles next “year in the form of Shredfest from Electronic Arts. There have been snowboarding games before, but for the most . part they've pretty much sucked. The problem was that they just didn't focus on tricks, which is the true joy of snowboarding. To solve this problem, EA went straight to the top. They gathered together some of the crazy people that choose to make this sport their profession (we met one, and trust us, he's bonkos). Not only did they incorporate their form into the game with motion capture techniques, they used their opinions to help make this a more accurate snowboarding experience and a more ~- entertaining game to play. 1 Jm lets you save While in the very preliminary stages, this 1; ^ the current game: game seems to have an emphasis on tricks. E 3 : These tricks will be performed with different | controller inputs (sort of like special moves ina ^ —— — | 3 à nib fighting game). Jumps and speed will also havea | — na e strong influence in Shredfest. It is also reportedly full of little things like the ability to land on someone's picnic table and interfere with their lunch. Of course, a half pipe will be available for the serious | hot-doggers. a That’s about all we know for now. We will definitely be giving you updates on this highly anticipated game from EA as it becomes Until then, try to enjoy the summer. Electronic Arts September for Sony PlayStation (Sega Saturn) came Mode player Mode tit Game Informer a May ‘96 ፳ Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player First-Person Action/Strategy m Special Features: 70 Levels, 24 Different Spells, Customizable Control Settings, Memory Save, Plenty O' Mana m Created by: Krisalis/Bullfrog Productions for Electronic Arts m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn “The PC Hit C “Refer to the map scroll to Wey the land. ullfrog Production’s Magic Carpet entered the PC market with a fury in 1994. Globalizing on the genre of first-person perspective games, Magic Carpet offered a new twist to numerous Doom “rip-offs” by incorporating elements of flight simulators and role-playing games. Now, PlayStation and Saturn owners get the chance The Volcano Spell is to experience the mystical quest of wizards, carpets MEUM ALruu m and mana. This version of Magic Carpet actually ሽር መመ includes the orginal PC levels and an additional 20 | levels from Magic Carpet: The Hidden Worlds. In the game you take the role of a wizard’s young apprentice who has acquired the difficult task of restoring equilibrium to the world. Wizards have long known the art of extracting mana from the creatures of nature, and this is your primary task. Cruising on a swift rug you must destroy dark " beasts such as the mana-ealing crab, sea-going This level requires 4 ቼቼ Kraken, and the deadly fire-breathing Wyvern to a You escape a unleash their mana. Mana is the root of success in uge maze before You'build 2 castle, Battle other Wizards for the precious mana. fortress, cast spells, and eventually restore the world’s equilibrium. A Wpical level of Magic Carpet involves first securing enough mana to construct a castle. From there, snag more mana to fortify this structure while | defending it from creatures and other wizards. Also, scour the landscape for spells and other goodies. Throughout the game’s 70 levels you'll be able to acquire some devastating and useful spells. A Wyvern is e dreaded total of 24 mana-spells can be collected. ንክ : ou should not anne t pieds Magic Carpet is an enjoyable and vivid magic | carpel simulator that will offer many hours of excitement. Anyone who enjoys first-person style shooter should give it a look. 34 i o Game Informer = May ‘96 Magic Carpet. With it you'll be able to build a ga | Lo 4/ዐሃ, THE Game HOMBRE Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: 7 Overall: Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: Overall: Concent: Graphics: Sound: - Playability: Entertainment: Reimer, THe Racine I do believe tranquillity has "| really think Magic Carpet is a good game, but | just can’t get over the fact that | just get bored playing it. Yeah, it's got lots of levels. Yeah, there are tons of spells to collect. But then | think about how the terrain never looks any different, or that you don't really do anything different other than killing harder enemies. Yes, | will admit that the first time | played this game | was really impressed, but as | worked my way through the levels | got less and less enchanted. If you want this game and have to choose between systems | would definitely go with the Saturn version, otherwise, ld just go with something else." "With a ton of levels, Magic Carpet will offer a massive amount of playing time. | like the mix of levels that take from 15 minutes to well over an hour. Control is extremely solid in both versions and they look almost identical. The Saturn has a slight edge in the graphics department. The sound is O.K., but the music soundtrack is limited. It also would have been nice to see a 2- player link game. | found it somewhat redundant at times because you just hang out over your castle and take out everything that comes near. Still, it requires a good amount of strategy and luck to progress. If you enjoy games like ERE Doom and Descent, give this a try" — m GAMER “Magic carpets, sorcerers and Djinnis oh my! Finally, my wait to play this game is over. | denied the PC version and decided to sulk in Magic Carpet denial until | could play it on a next generation console machine. Bullfrog and EA delivered above and beyond what | expected. The graphics and control are supreme for both systems, but the PlayStation version topples the Saturn offering with enhanced backgrounds and smoother play. Nothing can compare to the concept of gameplay featured here. Both versions are brilliant pieces of work that | feature over 70 levels of intense first- person magic." returned to the land. ; Game Informer May '96 N Where’d that ROCK come from? SATURN: se PLAYSTATION: እበ is quiet over your castle for the moment. 2219 Ae[d/uanzes YY ወያ MIINAIA Where there ts 19e wizards are stire b ‘GAME INFORMER. ON S¥YSTEMMATCH=-UP dü-H218uJuJI315^às *H3uJluO JUI :3 (ሀሀ 8 2) - n will tether themselves ake E Don't take ‘em on n youve got the Lightning Spell. * view Saturn Pre F3 4á | Bil. Polk) BITS ጋድር. you can count, or if this sentence takes you more than one minute to read, then Baku Baku isn’t the game for you. This game delivers its impact from high speed non-stop game play. Your hand-eye coordination and reflexes have to be tightly honed if you plan on making a decent attempt at conquering this title. This is the first Sega made puzzle game for the Sega Saturn, and don't fret, it's not Columns 3D. Like the Super Nintendo title Kirby's Avalanche or the Genesis title Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, Baku Baku always places you one-on-one with either a computer or human opponent. The object is to drown your opponent with as many animal tokens as possible. These tokens are used for both defensive and offensive attacks. The tokens are split into four different animals and what they eat — the monkey eats the bananas, the dog gnaws on the bone, the panda devours bamboo, and the rabbit nibbles carrots. If you're confused as to what they eat, don't worry, because the tokens are also color coded. Offensively, you have numerous methods to take down the opposition. First, you can play it in the safest manner and have the animals eat the first available food tokens. This strategy works well on the beginner levels simply because the computer doesn't drop many tokens on your side, but it won't work in the later, more difficult levels. The second strategy is to save up as much food for one animal that you can. (Remember the strands of food don't have to be in straight lines, they can go any which way just as long as they are touching.) This strategy enables you to create huge food chains. Then, when you place the correct animal on the chain, it will pile numerous tokens onto your opponents side, which will make the opposition's playing field very hard to work with. Lastly, which is the most efficient attack, is what we like to call the “Animal Avalanche.” What you have to do is create several chains of food for different animals that are so well placed that once the top one goes, the rest will activate as well, sending over twenty tokens to the competitions side. Baku Baku is a well made game with great 3D animal munching effects. Puzzle freaks that own a Saturn won't have to wait much longer for the addicting puzzle mania to hit their console. Baku Baku is on its way to the Saturn this summer! T f you've been in more car accidents than m Size:1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player Puzzle m Special Features: Three Skill Levels, Speed Settings, Introductory and Ending Full Motion Video Clips, and Baku Baku Animal Power-Up Munchers m Created by: Sega m Available: June for Sega Saturn jp line L Bo ; ; mag Pa $o 85 ዌጆሮቹ#/ WABI tL. cH ከመር ር E32 bito GRE), Game Informer ü May'96 cena http://www. laymatestoys.co 4 . ገሸ " m HEEL i i uU “ዳብ This oficial se is your ere e Ente : - 1 assurance that this product 8 የየ ይሮ Lite mer Sai NS RN ' meets Uie highest qually 16200 Trojar Way | Af sendas of SEGA ts à ዘ 4 Buy games and accesori A ሂ//ል26 ነ with this seal to be sure ` 1743 that they are compatib 3 i with your SEGA System, Lu Mirada, Trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ltd. All Rights [ Eállibrm Jim2 '1996 Shiny Entertainment, Inc," d i intendo of America Inc. Reserved. Nintendo and St : fid cience class, and heaven but you've never seen enc 5 ‘like these. They come in they're armed to the teeth with Uzis, ing missiles, and sheep bombs. Co ae ው መር oe ne to four-player strategy game for your Sega | Saturn. In this game ከር Team 17 and Ocean, you -« control a squad of four worms against one to three other human or computer controlled worm teams. You'll alternate _ turns, and on each turn your worm will have sixty seconds to move and execute an attack. You'll have access to all S of e ipons including bazookas, cluster bombs, dynamite, and other tools of destruction. For most of the Weapons you'll have to aim with a cursor and set the power of the shot. Remember to accommodate for the wind. am ons are abundant in this game. You can name your team and all of its members, and you can set whether it will be human controlled or controlled by the computer at one of three different skill levels. In addition, you can... A ssetihow many rounds of each type of weapon everyone gets, or turn them off or get unlimited rounds. You'll also | ፡ኒ ኒ be able:to turn on Banzai Mode where all of the explosions are twice as destructive. | ^While the graphics may not look incredi ibly impressive, Worms has a quality of cuteness and humor that makes his game intriguing. Looking for something original? Perhaps ys ics check out Worms. : Anoy, THe Game HOMBRE Pavi, Tae Pro PLAYER (806890 5 8 8 825. "Although Worms is a witty strategy “Worms is an addicting and hilarious hace game, | found myself quite bored. | game that takes plenty of luck. Graphics: 5 56.09 8 i just couldn't get into the action!" it's at its best playing with a group Sound: 4 8 75 8 |. i CD-ROM of people.” ME a to 4- NN Worm Strategy j rx THE s a e GAMER ; Playahility: 5 8.5 6.5 8.5 as ሪ ;:: Name Your Worms, "Unfortunately there are not enough Winny, THe Vingo VIGILANTE i j Multi k Wean ons, Fully Adjustable Options, options and there is limited gameplay “Worms is an entertaining, violent ገ a o ያ. cd ER Cut- ፈያ በኛ which makes this game single minded Lemmings በዐ off. Fun for a while Overall: 425 8 65 8 i Team 17 for Ocean and nothing more than a weekend (especially multi-player) but quickly extravaganza. Good, but not great" — loses its charm.” ble: Now fo Sega Saturn ‘outcome of the finals in th NBA Action title. NBA Action is a small pac age that is ready to explode onto you TV set with a multitude of options and The move from 164 32-bit machine Iae : 1 CD-ROM 1 to 10-Player Basketball | es: Ball Cam and Player View, "Extensive Offensive and Defensive Play Calling, ‘ie Player Creator, Tracks Season Stats, Signature - Moves for የማ Mite Game Ro Roster | | PO; + HoT * no e ave no | Vk jams, and touch passes. m AN ROM Ss ED | id Sega is sure to pick . Malone E) é : ts along Pe rae 466 g ball absence slack! AeMaghhuen DAL go 24.0 ‹'አ፡81ከ9. | "8. ፪[(ከክ5ከ4- Xi HAME A R. Horper $. Pippen D. Rodman te ኢዚ. 10 i ው ኣ፦ ውጮ o o» Game Informer ። May ‘96 ast month, Game Informer gave you a quick look at Night Warriors and what Capcom had planned to do with this infamous arcade fighter. Unfortunately, we were slightly misinformed about what Night Warriors had — to offer, so we're now going to go through the ins and outs to see exactly what this game is all about. First and foremost, this game is exclusive to Sega every move. Fans of the series will ar that there are eight character colors well as new character art added to d by a new animation character can 1 lie my መብ not stir T'was a rock-n-roll creation! Bishamon mourns her p does not feel regret! m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament | m Special Features: 14 Warriors, 4 Turbo Speeds, Levels, Short Cut Player Select Screen Option, More Save, Arcade and Vs Mode, Foui Anpy, THe Game HOMBRE 7 “Although this game doesn't require _. the greatest precision to become a 9.5 tue master, it does offer some truly spectacular animation. The more 8 “This game isn't nearly as good as SF Alpha (which can’t get much - 8.5 better) but it is another excellent title brought forth by Capcom. Night played this game, the more impressed... 8 Warriors features some of the most | became. | like the different unique special moves I've ever sei characters, and the attacks just seem Playability: — 8.25 in a fighter and the animation - 7 launched to unleash effects Yet ike most Capcom fighters, | 8 found myself quicky bored. The to explode from the screen. In the end ‘Disney’ quality in the video g characters look great but have no 8 though, its a hard sell with UMK3 and Entertainment: 7.78 world. The only problem | 2 appeal to me. There's plenty of control SF Alpha out on the streets. If youre a once you learn a sp techniques to leam, but ld rather spend ing freak you won't want to combo that works really we : time with other fighters. With Apha and miss ከ፳ entertaining game, but if seems to work on everybody X-Men here, there just isnt enough youre dealing with a shallow wallet Nonetheless, there are hard room for another game of the same you may want to look farther down difficulty settings which make. : basic feel. Rent this and stick _ the road.” it a tad bit harder, but with the others.” this game for those Wi in 2-player versus bou Game Informer ፡ May'96 Felicia Rolling Hi-Attack - D, DB, B + P or SUP Rolling Low Attack - D, DT, T + P or SUP Throwing Sparks - D, DT, T + K or SUK Triangle Kick - B, D, DB + K or SUK Special 1 - T, D, DT + P3 Special 2 - B, DB, D, DT, T + K3 = Fierce Punch Short Kick - Forward Kick v | | Lord Raptor «m Air Dash - T, T or B, B (In Mid-Air) Air Sting - D + K (In Mid-Air) Flip Smash - T, DT, D, DB + P or SUP (Close) : E o^ Death | - D, DB,B +K SUP - era Up Punch: This indicates that this pe cra cane DB UT n or! Sy [move can be Ce up with Al/ Thre ee Punch A] Teleport - B, DB, D, DT + K Special 1 - T, DT, D, DB + K3 Special 2 - Special 3 Screw Kick - D + K (In Mid-/ Short Dash - Hold 4 then T, T Flip Smash - T, DT, D, DB + P or SUP Projectile Bat - D, DT, T + P or SUP Air Projectile Bat - U, UT, T + P or SUP (li Shadow Blade - T, D, DT + P or. Special 1 - T, DT, D, DB + | | Special2-1, 1, 1, 2,3. Special 3 - 1, 1, T, 4, 3 Flaming Donut LDDT«P]| | Yi rey Call Fire God - T, D, DT + P. or SUP T M - h k B, D, DB + . Swirling Fire - D, DB, B + K ge LE AN ት d 3 (In Mid-Air) I1 P7 B | |1- DB, D, DT, T+ K3 | Special 1 - B, DB, D, Br + 2] $2, 1, B, 4,5 4 Ice E aor D, D +P or SUP. Ice Hurricane - D, DB, B + K or SUK ! Ice Fist - D, DT, T + P or SUP Transport Drill - D, DB, B + Foot Spin - T, D, DT + K or SUK SUK Special 1 - B, DB, D, DT + P3 Special 1 - D, T, DT + P3 (Close Special 2 - B, DB, D, DT + K3 to Mid-Range) Special 2 - D, T, DT + K3 Game Informer 5 May'96 Hsien-Ko Air-Walk - T, T or B, B (In Mi -Air) The Juicer - T, DT, D, DB + P or SUP Projectile Attack - ሀ, DT, T +P or SUP Guillotine Swing - T, D, DT + P or SUP (Can be Done in Mid-Air) Gong Reflect - D, DB, B + P or SUP Special 1 - B, DB, D, DT, T + K3 . Special 2 - 4, 6, U, 2, 2 M uanzes MOoIAO Rikuo Shell Rush - T, T +3 Rising Kick - B, B+ Kor SUK ~ Lashing - T, DT, D, DB + P or SUP (CI Body Slam - T, DT, D, DB + K or SUK Sonic Wave - D DT, T + P or SUP. . Poison Breath - D, DT | Snip Strike - B, T + P or SU Anakaris Mummified - D, DT, T + Por SUP | Transport - B, B (At the Edge of the Screen) | Shrinker- D, DT, T + P (In Mid-Air Coffin Drop - eres ng P +t animation starts press D, cs igs D, DT Jy Sliding € Snack” a B, Sliding Trip - Charge Back Jon Talbain Flying Roll Slam - T, DT, D, DB + K Fireball Rush - D, DT, T + Por S P Diagonal Rush - T, D DT - Po Air Rush - UT, T, DT + P or SUP (In Mid Claw Assault - B, D, DB + P or SU : Flaming Kick - D, U + K or SU Special 1 - B, DB, D, DT, T«K3. =< pe al 2- T, DT, Air Dash - T, T, or B, B (In Mid-Air) Magnetic Slam - T, DT, D, DB + P or SUP (Close) . Laser Claw - B, D, DB + P or SUP Ice Beam - D, DT, T + P or SUP Missile Attack - D, DT, T + K or SUK Reflect Wall - T, D, DT + P (Can only be used as a Guard Reversal) Special 1 - T, D, DT + K3 Special 2 - T, DT, D, DB + K3 Bishamon Sword Throw - B, DB, D, DT, TP or SUP Second Wind - D, DT, T +f Come To Me -B + P (Aft Rising Sword Slash - T, D (Close) or SUP Samurai Flamestun - U, TU, Ta Quick Slash - T - PorK ~ Special 1 - T, DT, D, DB + P3 Special 2 - B, DB, D, DT + K3 DB, B, UB + P Game Informer ® May'96 m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-to-Head Tournament Fighting m Special Features: Seven New Playable Characters ~ Three of Which Are Hidden, New Kombat Kodes, Four Difficulty Settings, 2 New Game Modes ~ Four Player Two-On-Two Kombat and Eight Player Tournament Kombat, ~ New Backgrounds, and New Moves and Fatalities for Every Character m Created by: Evrocom Entertainment for Williams Entertainment m Available: June for Sega Saturn tly turned into fondue. Tsung is instan Call your friends oy, a real hey of Ver and compete in T: Sega/Sony 32-bit battle is on, d one of the most crucíal weapons at the moment is an “exclusive” title that won't be released on the — competitor's machine. Sony found first blood in a triumphant rolf over Sega by subduing Mortal Kombat 3 to a lengthy contract that wouldn't allow Sega or any other 39-bit console machine access to it until April of '96. At about the same time that MK3 was released on the PlayStation, Williams dropped Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 into the arcade scene. Sony's contract didn't say anything about an "Ultimate" exclusive and Sega jumped on this. Sega Saturn owners will be happy to | | hear that Sega has snagged the Ultimate MK3 d © “exclusive” contract. PlayStation owners will have to | ' wait 3 to 6 months for their version, or they could [ -always jump onto the ring of Saturn and play it now. Ere ca « . Williams Entertainment was able to swing by the GI shoot that thing. office and show off an Alpha version of this Sega exclusive. The first thing that Williams noted was that ..Shang Tsung's morphs would have no load time ..— , whatsoever. The alpha version still had the PlayStation ^" morph problem, but hopefully Williams will hold to their word and fix it. The game looks pretty good, the morph problem. Al the hidden characters and MK gamers v will be glad to hear that ble. 1 {ó word as 8516 whether Rain or Human Smoke en Vel 'sus nikaa, be Williams did assure us rea lot of goodies hidden within. Game Informer s May ‘9G ats : መድ i # The play control is as tight as it can get, and the Fatality times are fairly quick. Some of the original characters have new moves, and yes, Striker finally shoots his gun. Other new features include an eight man tournament which allows up to eight people to compete in a homemade Mortal Kombat tourney, and a four player 2-on-2 mode is also available. If MK3 was too easy, then maybe UMK3 will be more to your liking with its four difficulty settings which include the Super- ` Magnificent Master Mode. Williams was hesitant to say anything about the anonymous Brutalities, but since no one has seen them in the arcades we'll vouch that they are not included and never will 5. be. Rejoice Saturnites, your Ultimate dreams have been answered! Ermac gives Kabal a new challenge. i TOURNGNE NT Game Informer « May ‘96 * uU ` & 1. N "I ምጭ Two Sub Zeio's in on -. “Aghhhi Wouldn’t you like to know how to access this? Ha ha ha! € game! The Second Wave “The New Characters In MK3” disorientate the opposition just long enough to j VN Pin the first strike. She's a deadly warrior who uses her : (n fans to her advantage in the form of a fan lift and the ? projectile fan throw. Her combos are fairly small and ረባ. Classic Sub-Zero Two Sub-Zero's in one game? Yes, it's true Paro a are two Subies in one action packed MK game. Classic Sub- Zero ' plays exactly the same as the MK2 version. All of his moves are the same and his combos are fairly boring. The head rip Fatality is back to bother pa | the world. Classic Sub-Zero can only an Ultimate Kombat Kode is entered. © | cheapest move in the game — the ke MK2, Mileena can teleport off the opponent with an unexpected hard to block and she is definitely r as finishing moves go, Mileena has alities in the game — the permeating eena can only be accessed once an de is entered. teleport: kick. screen and land kick to the face. hard to beat. As one of the best skunk attack. Yes Ultimate Kombat With the ability te 6 ኪህብ | invisible, Reptile 35፡5 356 sin of stealth.: e is. one of the de i acters and is Ic yp d ob^ tons of moves. Reptile has ad a paralyzing force ball. He is £n 9i EH ዉጪ o Ed Tj we Q. > Ww ff ££ M 2 ‘ .. Game Informer « May ‘96 ቼ y a + ዶ 7 5... * LA Ai ae “tt Scorpion Scorpion is probably the most anticipated character to return to the MK craze. He’s back to his old tricks, and doesn't feature any new moves. He has mediocre sized combos, and his Fatalities are fairly boring, but he’s a crowd pleaser and one of the \ most used characters in the game. “Get - over here!” Ermac Tux Ermac is the only completely new playable character [በ ቺ the update. He seems more god-like than any of the SU other characters. Some of his moves are silent killers and A no contact or movement is needed for his Telekinetic d " Slam. Ermac also uses a Teleport Punch and Fireballs to his advantage. Decent sized combos and intense Fatalities lead Ermac to the right hand side of Shao Khan. ` 2^ Ermac can only be accessed once an Ultimate Kombat Kode is entered. Jade , — Whether she is from the outback or not is unknown, but ፓ one thing we do know is that she knows how to handle a boomerang better than anyone else in the Outworld. She utilizes the ability of glow worms and incorporates . a ferocious glow kick into her battle plan. She also has a projectile repellent move and some of the biggest combos in the game. Jade is truly a force to be reckoned with. XX the Saturn is still unknown. band WO character, but like Noob Sai able to fight: him. As for Human Sm the arcade, and if Williams wants to keep t is as possible to the arcade t a ill - activat him. Keep: your. eyes peeled fc he Out or d's:S é ውቅ EN x IX *^ DEN 1 iN and Rain! . . MS os QUU AS SS ድፍ ኣዊ SAA ኩ hos Y. EN $ y EON ENS a 4 PN e 4 4 A à Game Informer s eg ‘96 eR ጨኖ ስና s LL ቅ... X ; ት] EN = Y my EC ge ee z A +) s i E iE 2. 4 A t* > 1a" DN «^ e X e Informer i Ali W GAIN "DREAM TEAM" $T WF FOR af UPCOMING NINTENDO64. THE | "DREAM TEAM"I$ A CORE GROUP OF 2ND-AND 3RD PARTY SOFTWARE 64 BIT CONSOLE, ACCLAIM CHOSE TO ¢ Pr ALIZE ON THEIR EXTENSIVE LINE OF COMIC BOOK RIGHTS AND BRING VA HANT’S TUROK.DINOSAUR HUNTER TO - VIDEO GAME WORL TUROK WILL BE A FIRST «PERSON PER: PE 'TIVE ACTION GAME WHERE THE. PL ILL CONTROL TUROK THROUGH A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT LEVELS. OF COURSE, THERE WILL BE A-NUMBER OF WEAPONS TO USE AND-ACQUIRE SUCH AS TUROK’S TRUSTY KNIFE AND POWERFUL BOW, EXPLOITING THE GRAPHIC CAPABILITIES OF THE NINTENDO64, A WIDE VARIETY OF — COMPUTER RENDERED ENEMIES WILL OBSTRUCT. YOUR PATH. ALIENS, ATTACK ‘ROBOTS, AND A HOST OF DINOSAURS ARE ፥ርል TERED THROUGHOUT THE KRD. a Size: 64 Moses iv | B Style: 1-Player First-Person - Action m Special Features: Computer Rendered Dinosaurs & Backgrounds, Based on the Acclaim/Valiant Comic, . "Multiple Weapons, Secrets, and Power-Ups: m Created by: Acclaim Entertainment < it Avallable: Fall for Nintendo64 THE CAMPAIGNER ATTACK ROBOTS. THIS PRAYING MANTIS I$ DINOSAURS AHEAD. DO THE GUARDIAN OF THE YOUR DUTY A$ THE $ON SACRED CRYSTAL. A VERY | OF STONE. OMINOUS BOSS INDEED! ‘ ACCESSED THROUGH SPECIAL WARP CHAM EVENTS. From March 7th through the 9th the American Coin Machine Exposition or ACME took place in Orlando, Florida. This annual arcade Expo gives all the arcade giants a chance to show their wares to arcade owners and distributors across America (as well as select members of the press). From pinball to whack-a-mole games, the ACME has a lot to offer, but the true star of the show is always the cutting edge technology of the video games (even though Williams had an awesome pinball game called Attack from Mars that you really must check out). This year's crop features a number of notables and underdogs — $0 get ready to indulge yourself on the latest in arcade gaming. 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighting Check the Model 3 Specs on Page 51 Sega Although this game was unavailable for play, they did have a version of it up and running so we could watch. And watch we did, because the game looks absolutely fabulous. The graphics were simply the most amazing we had ever seen in a game. This game runs in 640 x 480 resolution and it really shows. Every character moved with a silky smoothness that has er been seen in a game in the arcades or otherwise. Even the backgrounds were beautiful ith ox d cand lots of moving sprites. Gl will have more information on this game "t ‘August or des and ህ ከፀ are Saturn some time next year. Fi impressions: WOW! 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Hëad-Tournament fighting 3 New Characters; 2 Returning Characters | for SFI 3 Hidden Characters From SFA1 Now Playable Capcom | “Oh no, here it comes gain” another Street Fighter spin-off. This fime it comes in the package of Street ; Fighter Alpha 2. Sporting the same amazing animation that wowed gamers in SF Alpha, SFA 2 brings three new characters into the fold. The first new character is Gen, a fast moving old man who can choose between two different fighting styles — each with a different set of moves. The second is Sakura, a young school girl who finds time to battle in martial arts while still attending classes. Finally there's Rolento, a master with the sticks who can pull off some amazing 14 and 15-hit combos. Also new in SFA2 is the resurgence of Zangief and Dhalsim from SFII as well as the addition of M. Bison, Dan, and Akuma to the playable roster. Otherwise SFA Alpha 2 has everything you would expect, the return of the original characters as well as new backgrounds and new animations. | First Impressions: If you like SFA you'll like SFA2. Need we say more!? Lois Game Informer ፳ May ጋሪ 3 Release List Acclaim e Batman Éofever ° NBA Jam Extreme. Capcom RE -e Street Fighter Alpha 2 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighting Weaponry, Characters can Sidestep; - e D&D; Shadow over Mystara — Character Animation Created Using Motion-Capture, - The Sequel ; E Release on Kad This Fall ' Last year Namco unleashed Tekken on fighting fans everywhere. Its Data East. | 3D graphics and addictive gameplay had quarters flying left and right. «The Avengers In Galactic Siorr This year Namco introduces Soul Edge, a new fighting game that includes many of the features that made Tekken such a hit. Soul * Kiss e :..Edge's amazing graphics are created using the 'Same- PlayStation * Magical Drop il: 5 System 11 arcade board that they used for other Namco games; (ui ICI `- however, that is where the similarities end. Soul Edge's combat is based in weaponry much like Samurai Shodown which is why Konami : the controls are also very similar to Shodown. There are two Te ; slash-buttons, one kick button, and a guard button. Another .. * Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2..." addition to this game is the abilitiy to sidestep to avoid «Run and Gun 2. uo an-opponent's attacks. Like all of Namco's fighters, Soul-Edge also features many combinations, special moves, and hidden characters to discover. NEMO eo E First Impressions: Soul Edge is a pretty cool game, ph ar but the animation and play is not quite up to par with * Dirt Dash Tekken. Close, but not quite. ° Soul Edge — e Time Crisis - e Tokyo Wars - Sega e WoR Fig n «du je 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter ) e Manx TT. . "P epp ፡፡ 10 Warriors to Choose From, Full 20 ur : : Fighting, First Game To Use Midway's Exclusive Digital e Sonic: The Fighter —— ; Skin Technology, Secret Characters, Fatalities, Combinations : * Funky Head Boxers ታጨ Super Major League ut War Gods is perhaps one of the most anticipated arcade fighting games to come Ur out this year. It is also the first arcade game to feature full 3D fighting. tH ecathlete ኞ x 2. Luckily it won't take much to learn how to drive in this new 3D e Gunblade NY on ~ . world because the control configuration is fairly straightforward. iR As a matter of fact, the controls are exactly the. same as MK3 : ial pn; | except that the run button has been.replaced by a large “3D” e Virtua Fighter Kids ፅ button which you use to move-through 3D space. By pressing QUE SI bx this button you enable the joystick to-move the character nio laterally away from the opposition. This can-also be used - Tecmo during a jump to-move your character large distances. e Bran ore As for the story, War Gods is about ten. gods jin p a battle for a precious ore. that has the power Li to turn normal humans into-gods that can Dy, miss p-a travel through time and space to do battle with E, Mens | other gods. Like most fighting games, War N * NBA Hang Time Gods features secret characters, special 2; : moves, combinations, and fatalities. ነ ; P" qs First Impressions: We felt that the v game was OK, but not as cool as it had been touted to be. The characters didn't look that great (though the backgrounds were amazing) and we were all hoping for something a little more revolutionary than à 3D MK rip-off. Game Informer 9» May ‘96 su Check it Out! | Other games worth noting ' TTO 4-Player 2-on-2 Basketball / were. Namco S. Tokyo Ware, « ^ -Voice-Overs by Marv Albert, “which was a blasta-thontank . - Exclusive RAX Audio-Technology, Over 170 Players, - .game, and Konami's Midnight = ገ — Motion Captüre-of Juwar Howard | -Run which had amazingly Sculptured Software for Acclaim ) smooth play control, Watch i these and other games come " NT th ld NBA hell h Say.goot-bye to i e old BA Jam and say hello to the new ia an arcade near you! with NBA Jam Extreme (NJE) from Acclaim. Running on the PlayStation System 11 arcade board NJE has upgraded its original aged look and gone with computer generated — . 5564. S Mops 3 Specs polygon based players. Using this technique enables the programmers to do a lot more animation than they could RE have done with conventional animation; however, the * Milion payne crispness of the images does suffer. The additional memory was then used to include every court in the NBA. The play control in NBA Jam Extreme is set up the same as the original version, except for the addition of the extreme button. This button is just like the turbo button except taken to the extreme. In other words, it is like another level you can Renderer: ? *60 Milion pent take the player to. By using the extreme button you Colors: = can run faster, shoot better, and do even more extrav- —-° 16 Million colored agant dunks. - "texture mapping - First Impressions: Well, this game was still ^» Trilinear Interpolation incomplete when we saw it at the show so it is hard — ።- &Micro-texture — ~ to say how good it will eventually be, but for nowits™ . .: : . definitely too slow. Plus, we're getting so tired of Anti-Aliasing: * Texture and edge two-on-two basketballwe think we might be-ill; D Multlayered Pis Shading: n RE E * High- Spectacular |. Gouraud Shading _ © Fix & flat shading 1 to 8-Player Racing ^ Five Speaker Sound System, Fog: Deluxe and Twin Models, Multiple Perspectives, e Zoning Fog ' Two Courses, Action Motion Slider * 32 Levels p! tanspareny Sega i; Mount your ride and get ready for a seat of your pants, hang-on to Lighting: | your diaper, high-speed Superbike race. Welcome to the world of Manx * Parallel Light T.T. Superbike. This high-speed racer puts you on the back of a * Four Spot. Lights rocket and gives you the controls. There are two models available to * Pinpoint light : play. The twin version has the typical sway control for each bike, but | the deluxe model has what Sega calls Action Motion Slider (AMS). CPU: NC This is a hydraulic input/output device that makes you feel like * Main CPU is a you've just hopped on your very own Honda CBR. And — "PowerPC 603C . if that's not enough, Sega also added five | ኳ Wa. XU Sot Mae speakers to bring the action to.life; s PATERE including one they call a *Dück Speaker" ipis pos 640 x 480 that is inside-the exhaust pipe of the : e With 2 Bülffer and bike. There are two courses to master as well -as--two--play perspectives to help-you-maneuver-through Manx T.T’s non-interlace . twisted’ turns and hair-raising . jumps. Sound T E Manx T.T. Superbike: isalso going to e CPU is 68EC000 | VOR make: an; appearance- on the Sega * Sampling Rate 44.1 es Aes ae Saturn this Fall. ‘e SCSP x2 d. -+ MIDI Interface . 6 Voices, 4 Channels First-Impressions: This game is easily the best cycle game out on the market. It’s intuitive as well as fast...very fast. le: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Action Mech Simulator ^... res: All Cabinets are Deluxe z: and feature two-player head-to-head play, . Eight Virtuaroids To Choose From, i ‘and 3D Computer Generated Graphics _ Sega | Prepare to enter the ring with a 40 ton machine of destruction in Sega’s newest arcade monster, Virtual On. Choose from eight different Virtuaroids (that's right, Sega calls them Virtuaroids - and they burn like the dickens) that were designed by Mr. Hajime Katori — one of the world's top mechanical animation designers. Virtual On is operated by levers that each have two buttons. Each trigger button fires one of your primary or secondary weapons and the top two buttons enable you to turbo burst away from the action. Also, when you pull the two joysticks apart, the Virtuaroids will ignite their jump jets so they can attack from the air. At close range, depending on which mech you are using, the Virtuaroids will engage in hand to hand combat. Ideally you'll play Virtual On. against a friend, but if not, the computer will gladly pit m artificial intelligence against yours. Virtual On will also be making an. appearance on the Sega Saturn this fall and may, be the Se game to use the upcoming link cable. First Impressions: This game is un to Het in the two- prayer mode: There's NT - Virtua On; however, ihe« ) l revolutionary. 1-Player Racing | — Up to Four Units Can Be Linked for Multiplayer Action, Five Different Starting Points, Reactive Steering Wheel, Hidden Short Cuts, Three Vehicles to Choose From Namco Namco's biggest competitor has always been Sega, and vice-versa, soit made __ pened sense for Namco to follow up Sega Rally with Namco's newest racer Dirt Dash. This game will take you from the dark depths of the jungle.to the highest 5 of mountains. There-are three different cars you can.choose — — ጩጨ: ር take on your journey, each one with „a corresponding. 1 difficulty. At the beginning of each race you can choose to start the race:from five different starting points as you make ur bid to be the Dirt Dash champion. Along the way you'll discover numerous hidden routes as well as obstacles that you must avoid if - you want to make it to the finish ine i in one piece. First Impressions: This game has got more twists and turns than your intestines. Simply put, its wild and wacky driving through some the most amazing graphics you'll ever see. Game Informer > ሌያ 1 to 4-Player 2-on-2 Basketball Special November Upgrade to Keep Player Stats and Players Up-To-Date, Create Player Mode With Upgradable Stats For Good Play, Increased ' Animation, Music By M. Doc, Combination Lock For Secret Codes, Rosters ፡. Over 40% of NBA, and Built-In Trivia Game " Williams — Although:still utilizing the two-on-two full-court concept, NBA Hang Time —takes-NBA-Jam TE to the next level. The game's animation has been -greatly- increased with the addition: of fade-away shots, fade-in shots, Sky-hooks, and ally-oops; Thé number of game options has. also been greatly, increased with: the addition of a combination wheel for secrets (much like MK8) and a Create à player mode. In the create player mode you can choose the way the character looks, his attributes and also his name. This information is then stored in the machine’s memory so you can use your player anytime you play NBA Hang Time. As you play more and more games the computer will award you attribute points to increase your characters abilities. First Impressions: Although this was the best basketball game at the show, it wasn’t that big of an improvement over NBA Jam TE. While it is fun to play, the two-on-two format is just getting a little old. The create player mode is great and easily the best feature of NBA Hang Time. Fre t 1-Player Gun Shooting New Action Pedal, Two Game Modes, Realistic Gun That Kicks Back When Fired, Special Exploding Targets Namco mi has been an innovation in the gun game market and Namco has finally taken the next step with. their newest - shooter, Time Crisis. Through: Use of an innovative new "Action Pedal", Time Crisis is able to take the player deeper into the action. By pressing the pedal the player springs, from behind barrels or over cliffs to -begin the assault on the-enemy forces. By releasing the pedal the player can then duck back ‘behind his cover and reload the weapon. This added aspect „gives the player more control over the outcome of the game by allowing them “to-duck enemy shots rather than standing out in the open like a duck on a pond. Time Crisis also features two game modes. In the Story Mode you take on the role of Richard Miller and you must save the president's daughter from the evil clutches of Sherudo Garo and his henchmen. The Time Trial Mode pits the player against the clock in a race to finish the level. Either way it’s like a toilet: just you against the world and it all rests on how good your aim is. First Impressions: This game is amazing. The action almost makes you sick as you slide back and forth blasting the bad guys into oblivion. | Game Informer May ‘96 MIDWAY 1 Cabinet 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter Interactive Backgrounds, Improved Sound System, Three New Characters, Power-Up Bar For Special Moves, ComboThrows RARE, Nintendo, and Midway Now at an Arcade Near You In the March issue of Gl we gave you an advanced look at =e Rare, Nintendo, and Midway's Killer Instinct 2. Now after Graphics: 10 extensive play let me share my thoughts with you. | admit KI2 has amazing graphics that are even more flashy than Sound: 10 the first. The sound and music are probably the best of any other fighting game to date. The most important aspect Playability: 8 of any game fighting or otherwise is by far the gameplay. | didn't like the gameplay in the first KI, and | don't like the Entertainment: — 5 gameplay in Ki2. Although the producers of KI2 seemed to try to make the game more rewarding for offensive fighters by adding a power-up bar for special moves, it was still too little to change the fact that anyone who waits and blocks, then counters with a devastating combo will always win. The new backgrounds interaction is also weak, in that you barely bump into a wall and it blows up. The new characters are pretty cool, but | hardly think that 3 new characters minus 3 old characters equals a sequel. | guess | just expected more from three of the biggest names in the video game business. Check e rs ONE. Training Card #24 for moves to KI 2. Size: : 44 " 24 Megabit Bring back Lobo!" he screamed as he style: awoke from his nightmare. Fortunately, his I or 2-Player Head-to-Head cries were heard and Ocean of America is Tournament Fighting bringing Lobo to the |6-5ቬ platforms this Special Features: May. Based of the popular DC Comics Six Fighters, More Than 27 series Lobo, this title will smash into your AUT ኢሽ በሽ] home in the form of a tournament fighting Solo, Practice, Versus, and game. Each of the six characters was Tournament Modes H ; created bi clay-modeled and digitized to give them a Ocean በለ. ie look of realism. Take it on one-player, against Available: a friend, or in tournament mode where up AN tO eight players can compete. It's a new game for 16-bit, which is a rarity. Let's hope it’s good. 2 CD-ROMs Your friend and future lover has been Style: marooned near Saturn, and it's up to you I-Player FMV Shooter/Action [R figure out the mystery behind her Special Features: disappearance. This game may look V ከሸረ፡፡ ዜ ጹ|ሽ interesting from the pictures, but it SPM .ጃ። 1 ፪ሽ seriously is not. Monotony runs rampant ን ዳሪ through Creature Shock as you explore Mages identical tunnels, fight enemies that go edd through the same FMV attacks again and Dida Eus again, and move your gun sight onto Available: whatever part of the creatures you can Now for Sony PlayStation shoot. This game will frustrate and bore you at the same time. We would say more, Overall: 4 but it would only be beating a dead horse. IE - IM me ag Alas... Avoid. (Only graphics keep this game [ 7 Ys hovering at a 4) : gos N ; B S ri / | Wis s" KS 4 zT ፖዕ› 4ኬ5-:.- ቁ iue ec Ld es E. A y Sob Ges ‘aay 3 SiR oy ael E E SAI M HE PlayStation Review This is the fourth installment of Romance, and the first to appear on a 32-bit system. This is a complex game of strategy, diplomacy, and city management. These Size: | CD-ROM Style: | to 8-Player War Monger Simulator Special Features: Aan types of games are not for everybody, but Officers, Over 450 Pre- they certainly do have their following. The eMe 32-bit crossover gives this game some more impressive backgrounds, sound effects, and Special Skills, FMV Clips Created Dy: FMV clips. However, it isn’t THAT much of KOEI : ; i an improvement over the SNES version. If Available: ; ; you're a Romance fan and haven't ventured Now for Sony PlayStation f : e into the Wall of Fire, this is your chance. If you're looking for fast action, you'd better look elsewhere. Overall: 6 ue Game Informer May Size: | CD-ROM Style: | Player Race Horse Owner Simulator Special Features: On-Line Advice, Racing, Auctions, Handicapping, Mating, Training, Full Glossary of Horse Racing Terms Created by: KOEI Available: Now for Sega Saturn Review Usually a luxury of the rich and bored, owning competitive race horses is something almost inaccessible to the common man. Inaccessible until now, that is, because KOEI has released Winning Post for the Sega Saturn. In the first horse owning simulator available for any home console gaming unit, you'll start with two young horses. Select a trainer, bet on the races, buy and sell horses, and breed your top studs with your best mares to produce champion offspring. The experience meter means that you'l be given a lot of assistance early in the game, but as you see how things work you'll get to take more control. This game is not for everyone, but Size: 8 Megabit With Battery Back-Up Style: | Player Puzzle Special Features: Regular and Puzzle Mode, 20 Different Blocks, Rotating 3D View, 10 Levels and 3 Difficulty Settings Created by: T & E Soft for Nintendo Available: Now for Virtual Boy ህሆ(ህ31 8 Review is strangely entertaining. Overall: 6 From Russia with love coi Tetris title. Combining the killer Virtual Boy | gaming hardware with the complexity of | | Tetris would usually end up in peer chaos. | But it seems that Nintendo just missed M disaster with their new block game 3D Tetris. This is the first time that Tetris has stepped into another dimension, and it may | scare people. It's the same game that we fell in love with; however, now it features a | | new angle, different blocks, and different | rotations. This game would be great if it IE moved a little faster, and the rotating view - was totally deleted. It’s a good idea, but the - finished product turned out fairly boring. to Saddle 2 a ER = AP mis ugustus Sindbad [ i > ma cog Senco A ጥርሥ ርጋ ር.ኃ ር ኣሪ. ፎ2 cooom-io ይጨ NON 4 PlayStation Preview Size: | CD-ROM Style: |-Player Flight Combat Simulator Special Features: Over 30 Action Packed Dog-Fighting Missions, Direct Port of PC Title, Based On the Hit Movie Which Starred Superhunk Tom Cruise Created by: n Spectrum HoloByte Originally slated for a Nintendo 64 release, Spectrum HoloByte has decided to port this PC title over to a system that exists. That means PlayStation owners will be in for a treat when Top Gun: Fire At Will! is released this June. This game is a flight combat simulator which will put you in the cockpit of the Navy's high tech aerial weaponry. You'll be dog-fighting your way through over 30 levels of bullets, missiles, and serious G-forces. So fire up those : afterburners and await the landing of Top Statin Gun this summer. _ Game Informer © May ‘96 Braindead 13. Size: Size: Bri f back yy D R 4 Megabit In the sparse world of Game Gear 2 CD-ROMs ring yourself Dac be em” ar 6 ማን Thing software, it’s nice to see something new, ruled the arcade with never before seen | | Y*ei ye ጡ ስ ን a Style: |-Player hi d d dine of Ham Shooter/Adventure especially when it’s not half bad. In Arena, FMV Cartoon Adventure dur graphics : a ae i Special Features: you take on the role of a one-man Special Features: p umor ንን» oe ee ae nio MMPs commando unit who must infiltrate the EAE gaming. It's now 1996, and Braindead 13 is 3 Difficulty Levels, enemy base and stop their evil plans. You'll Bum, Bum, Beep Move trying to fill us with the Dragon’s Lair [OST MITT EU begin the game with a machine gun and a ee Over Where action we've Le : are Lance, a fi ከ. by: knife. Along the way you'll be able to pick ሽሽ haunted aste Now it wil take all of your | BED C wel as grenades which Available: skill to escape the castle and stop de ee | Available: Wii take the place a Wear MU d እ. Now for 3D0 B — Nov for Game Gear need to seek out security cards to open Dr. Neurosis. This game is exactly like the arcade Dragon's Lair in control, humor, and fun level. If you liked it, you'll like this. (PS. When you enter a legitimate move, you'll hear a beep - a key feature that is included in this game.) certain doors and flip the right switches in order to solve each level. This is definitely one of the more interesting Game Gear carts to come out in quite a while. | 1ህ 1108. Review 5126: ፡ f 8 Megabit Gotta get a turkey! Virtual Boy owners now Style: | or 2-Player have the option to bowl ten frames of Pin Smashing Simulator America's laziest pastime: bowling! Special Features: Nintendo brings this thrilling sport to life - OREN መ መቼ with intense 3D effects and a solid gaming ደ ንመ በርኀ፡ ሻሪ ብዥ] foundation which includes a draw meter, ei MEME ball sizes, and a power meter. But let's get ap Paving Animations real, folks! Wouldn't you like to play a Created by: Nintendo Available: Now for Virtual Boy football or soccer game instead? Nester's Funky Bowling is a fairly good game for about ten minutes. When you go to an alley, | you usually only play three games and leave from boredom.The same thing goes for this Overall: 6.25 ia Game Informer a May ‘96 ፪ Review Anyone who signed their life away to view the motion picture version of Congo | CD-ROM Style: |-Player First-Person À ActioniShootet probably knew that Sega was going to lose Special Features big when adapting this title to any one of à Weapon Upgrades, the their console machines. Sega made a valiant MAO መ effort to keep the bad game play and lousy Dead Animals, The Fever, graphic demons from haunting this title, but FMV, and Apes in the end the dark side won in a landslide. Congo is one of the worst first-person for Sega action titles to grace the 32-bit machines. Avaliable: On a brighter note, we do believe that this Now for Sega Saturn game is much better than the movie; however, none of us have been able to make it through either one, so it’s hard to calculate it fairly. Created by: Jumpin’ Jack Entertainment Size: | CD-ROM PlayStation Preview NOT ብዜ Style: | or 2-Player Baseball Special Features: The only sport left for Sony Interactive DUPLI MME Sports to conquer is Major League Baseball MLBPA License, All 28 (MLB) and this summer they plan to do just Uae that with their newest title, MLB Pennant Exhibition, Season Play, ; : Rer MEE Race: To make this the best game possible the World Series, Jerry Sony got the MLB and MLB Player's Coleman Commentary, Association license so that this game could CEDE feature all 28 teams, 700 real players, and all MA MEMMIUS 28 Major League ballparks. Played in either Card Compatible, Trade j j O A arcade or simulation mode, Pennant Race Views will offer a full season (including an All-Star Created by: Game and World Series) mode to draw you Sony Interactive Sports into the baseball spirit. Baseball fanatics also Available: will be happy to hear that this game will jpe Or Vero feature complete statistical tracking throughout the entire season as well as color commentary by Jerry Coleman. * Review Size: | CD-ROM Style: pui በ ከማ 6 The ultimate battle is about to begin. It is Tournament Fighter known only as Toshinden, and it is ruled by Special Features the world's underground. Eight champions Story Mode, Bad Accents, from around the world have come to do | or 2-Player Mode, Vs. Computer Mode, Five battle in the tournament for their honor SF oo us ui Difficulties, Four Camera and for their families. When compared to agg o ^ r ኽኻ. oa 1፡2 Wie. ! 1 Me መበደር the original PlayStation version of this game I መመመ ሻም ; | CT) | ፡ Fe e aoe Reams Toshinden Remix doesnt have a lot to IEEE R | Front ot) eee offer. The graphics are less than impressive Created by; and the play control is clumsy at best. Takara for Sega : x Luckily, there are a couple of new additions Available: : : including new artwork and the drama-filled Now for Sega Saturn j story mode; however, neither of these improvements really make this game worth owning on the Saturn. ፡ ዞኮ] ያው : nou What | Tied to do. DEL [END] j————————————— Shining Force 2 ~ Genesis To access the configuration command wait until the "Sega" logo first makes contact with the screen, then hit Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up and B. If this command is done correctly a chime will sound. Now, hold down the "START' button through the opening loading sequences. When the witch appears and asks you to pick a game, pick one while still holding down the “START” button. The witch should give you a list of configuration modes. Another trick can also be done with this code. Once you've completed the transaction above, pick the "complete game" option and reset. Begin a new game, and once you've entered the players name go to the “End” at the far right and hold the “START” button and hit A. Now you'll be able to name all of the characters in the game! Punky Brewster Oakland, CA X-Kaliber: 2097 - SNES To access this Psykosonic level select go to the title screen and press Right, Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Left, Down, Down, and Down. If this code is entered correctly the music will start over. Start a game and pick the level you desire. Jamie “Virtua” Amos Crownsville, MD Cool Spot — Genesis Here's a way to skip levels in this awesome game for the Genesis. At the beginning of a level, pause the game (with the Start Button) and enter this code: A, B, C, B, A, C, A, B, C, B, A, C. If you entered it correctly you'll hear a tone, and it will show you rescuing your Spot buddy. Repeat the process as many times as you want. Get to the higher levels or even see the ending of the game. Cool! "Virtua Gap Boy '96" Minneapolis, MN . AELPFUL HINTS. Adi Earthworm Jim 2 —- SNES/Genesis To access these codes Pause the game at any given time and enter the code you desire. SNES Extra Worms - (Use on Villi People and Inflated Head) A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B 100% Energy - X, Select, X, B, X, Select, X, A Plasma Gun - X, X, X, X, A, A, A, Select Bubble Gun - X, X, X, X ,A, B, A, Select Money Worms Once - A, A, B, A, A, Y, B, Y Peter Puppy's Puppies 2B - Down, Right, A, B, X, Left, Right, A Inflated Head - Up, Down, X, A, B, Y, Left, Right Iso 9000 - A, B, X, Left, Left, Right, Left, Right Genesis 100% Energy - A, B, C, A, B, C, A, A Plasma Gun - C, C, C, C, A, A, A, B Bubble Gun - C,C,C,C,A, 4, B, B Money Worms Once - C, A, C, A, C, A, C, A Peter Puppy's Puppies 2B - Left, Right, B, C, C, Left, Right, A Inflated Head - B, B, C, A, B, C, Left, Right Iso 9000 - A, B, C, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right "The VidMan" New York, NY Get your hidden characters here! M.Bison - 1) Start a game and go to the character selection screen. Move to the “?” box and hold L2. 2) Press Up, Up, Down, Up, Down, Down 3) Press Bl + A or % + @ for the alternate color Akuma - 1) Start a game and go to the character selection screen. Move to the “?” box and hold L2. 2) Press Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down 3) Press ፪፪ + A or % + ቁ for the alternate color Dan - 1) Start a game and go to the character selection screen. Move to the “?” box and hold L2. 2) Press A, B, , @, A or reverse this for the alternate color Ryu & Ken Vs. M. Bison - 1) Beat the game on 6 stars or higher without changing characters. 2) Save it and it will be stored forever. "Phantom Wing" Grosse Pointe Woods, MI Allens 3 - SNES Level 2: QUESTION Level 3: MASTERED Level 4: MOTORWAY Level 5: CABINETS Level 6: SQUIRREL Ending: OVERGAME "Virtua Gap Boy '96" Minneapolis, MN 199” .... = NBA Jam TE — Saturn All codes below must be entered at the “Tonight’s Match-Up Screen”. Power-Up Defense - Right, Up, Down, Right, Down, Up Power-Up Offense - B, Y, Up, B, Y, Up, Down Power-Up 3 Pointers - Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down, Up Power-Up Dunks - Left, Right, C, Y, Y, C Power-Up Fire - Down, Right, Right, Y, A, Left Power-Up Goal Tending - Right, Up, Down, Right, Down, Up Power-Up Push - Down, Down, C, Y, C, Right, Right Power-Up Speed - Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, Left, Left, C, A Shot Percentage Display — Up, Up, Down, Down, A Quick Hands - Left, Left, Left, Left, Y, Right High Shots - Up, Down, Up, Down, Right, Up, Y, Y, Y, Y, Down Maximum Power - Right, Right, Left, Right, C, C, Right Teleport Pass — Up, Right, Right, Left, Y, Down, Left, Left, Y, B Baby Mode - Y, B, Y, B, Y, B Huge Mode — A, C, A, C, A, C, A, C AC, AC,AC Big Head Mode - A,B,C, Y,A, B, O, Y Mammoth Head - Y, C, B, A, Y, C, B, A, Y, C, B, A, Y, C, B, A Walter Braxton and Paul Peterson Rahway, NY Solar Eclipse — Saturn Pause the game and input the mas- ter code (RDDL) Right, Down, Down, Left before entering any of the other codes below. All codes are accessed through the pause screen. Horde Level - (CUD) C, Up, Down Trench Level - (RRDD) Right, Right, Down, Down Fade to Black Level - X, Y, Z, Z, Y Chowder Level - (YDDURC) Y, Down, Down, Up, Right, C Speed Limit Off - (RALLY) Right, A, Left, Left, Y Max Lives - (BUDDY) B, Up, Down, Down, Y "Alfred E. Newman" Honolulu, HI Game Informer » May ‘96 Super Car - Take first place in all of the Grand Prix Races. Then, select the Practice Mode, press Z at the Car Selection Screen and.the F-160 will be replaced with the F-20 Super Car. Reverse Driving - Get the highest point total in all five circuits and then an option will appear in the Custom Game menu to activate the Reverse Mode. Full Game Options - At the Grand Prix initial entry screen enter your name as Y, X, Z. This will enable you to race all ten tracks in Arcade Mode, and it also enable you to turn on 16 drones in Practice Mode. "Virtua Gap Boy" Minneapolis, MN Gargoyles —- Genesis To see a humorous trick pause the game at any time and press A, B, C, A, B, C, A, B, C, A, B, C. Credits are a riot. "The Game Wiz" Webville, COM Game Informer s May ‘96 NHL ሄፀ- To activate four hidden teams simply hold Select while turning on the SNES and while still holding Select press the L and R buttons repetitively. Then, press Start to enter the game. If the code was entered correctly the announcer will have something witty to say to you. "NHL Psycho" XBAND, COM Super Return of the Jedi - Here's a list of all the passwords for this insane Jedi simulator. Jabba's Dance Hall - ZJLMRJ Jabba's Palace - LZLKJF Rancor Pit - VTYMZX Attack on Sail Barge - QZNFPP Inside Sail Barge - VKCDFD Endor Speeder Bikes - ZCTKFC Ewok Village A - QYXYHB Ewok Village B - LFWLTQ Endor - QDQGKH Falcon - CPMRZV Power Generator - COWLTY Inside Death Star - BPFFZQ Tower - RVKFKG Tower Entrance (Vader) - VQXDQJ Emperor's Chamber - HLQMVL Tunnel - VQJGWF Tunnel 2 - ZZSTXZ “The Eradicator” Phoenix, AZ Battle Arena Tohshinden 2 — PlayStation | Play as Uranus and Master- — To activate these two bosses simply wait until the title screen begins to load, then when Discworld — PlayStation Steps to solving Act One: How to find the items for the dragon revealing device: The main item you'll need is the imp. First, go to the stable and remove the corn out of the raggedy old bag. Now go to the toy store (located on the street) and remove the ball of string from the counter. Next go to the produce stand (in the town square) and pick up a tomato. Drop this item and pick up the worm that falls out of it. You can also get the worm by throwing the tomato at the locked up tax collec- tor. Place the worm on the string and head to the alchemist (who is located under the town square). Place the corn in the boiling flask. Once it boils and starts to pop the imp will run outside. Follow him. Now go to the hole (under the drainpipe to the right) and use the wormy string to lure the imp out. Grab him! The next practical item you need to find is the dragon's breath. Go to the Patrician’s palace and talk to the guards long enough so that they begin to fight. Slip by the guards and head to the bathroom. Grab the mirror and head back outside to the alley. Walk around here until you find the brick that launches you up into the rooftops. In the distance you should see a tower that looks like Big Ben. Place your cursor on the tower and go there. After you talk to the Grim Reaper, use the mirror on the flag pole. Once this task is done the dragon will fly over and breathe on the mirror. Now you have the | dragon's breath! Once again, you'll need another item. Go back to the rooftops and take the ladder that is lying across the buildings. Go to the psychiatrickerest's. office (in town square). The lady inside will tell you to “Shut Up and Sit Down!’, place your buttocks in the middle chair and grab the net behind you. Once you've finished the conversation, go back to the university and walk down the path. Use the ladder on the open university window. and use the net to catch one of the cook's flying flap jacks. When the cook leaves, go into the kitchen and steal the frying pan. Now you have the metal container! The fourth object you'll need is the Wizard's staff. Go to the dining room in the university and swap your old broom for the staff. Now you have the Wizard's staff! Finally, to get the last item — the metal rod - go to the town square and learn how to pickpocket from the urchin. Head to the barber shop (in the street) and talk to the lady with the roller in her hair. Chat with her until she tells the barber to take it out. Now talk to the barber. He will start to day dream about his love, giving you enough time to snatch the roller from his pocket. Now you have the metal rod (which is actual- ly a roller)! Take all these items to the Head Wizard at the university and be. prepared to start Act Two! Randy Solem Wenonah, NJ the text starts to come from the left press L1, L2, A, R1, R2, W. If the 1P Game icon turns blue then the code worked. Use the random select to find the hidden characters. To slow this menu Ridge Racer Revolution -- PlayStation | To acquire the homing laser in the Galaga ‘88 boot game, hold L1, | A, L2, L1. down hold Select. Play as Sho and Vermilion — After finishing the first code wait until the text begins to scroll again and this time use the 2-Player controller and press ፪፪, R2, R1, "The Rhino" Toledo, OH R1, A, Select, and Down as you power up the machine. Keep holding these buttons to get a | perfect score. It’s an easy way to access the hidden "buggy" mode. "Virtua Gap Boy '96" Minneapolis, MN Foes of All - 800 To activate a cheat mode wait ‘till the fight begins then press the P button to pause. From here (the Pause Menu) hold the L and R Buttons and press C. If this is done correctly a secret cheat menu will appear. | Danny Salzarulo Bethlehem, CT Earthworm Jim 2 — Genesis GBZW-LAFN Start with no ammo GKZW-LAFN Start with 2000 bullets HFZW-LAFN Start with 9000 bullets K7ZW-L8FN Start with mega ammo GBZW-LAH4 E = Start with 1 life and no continues MFZW-LAH4 Start with 50 lives RH2W-J6T8 Infinite lives 971C-LAH6 Start with mega health AB1W-LAET Don't flash at all after getting hit 971W-L8ET B Flash longer after getting hit AXKT-AA8C Infinite rocket-boost RORA-N60Y Weapons don't run out Codes below can only be done on Wicked Level ፪ BLMT-AAF6 Start with 10 health balls RGNA-A61L All health power-ups max out meter AL8A-AA72 Invincibility NRMT-AAFY Start with 99 lives AG9T-EABO Start with 1 life A09T-EABO Start with 5 lives GL9T-EABO Start with 50 lives ABET-EAD2 Infinite lives R5CT-DBXL Almost infinite energy Toy Story - Genesis BJDA-AA7A Infinite lives G2YA-AA7G Invincibility AGBT-AAER + GTDA-AA88 Start with 9 lives AEBT-AAGJ Start on level 2 AJBT-AAGJ Start on level 3 ANBT-AAGJ Start on level 4 ATBT-AAGJ Start on level 5 AYBT-AAGJ Start on level 6 A2BT-AAGJ Start on level 7 A6BT-AAGJ Start on level 8 BABT-AAGJ Start on level 9 BEBT-AAGJ Start on level 10 BJBT-AAGJ Start on level 11 BNBT-AAGJ Start on level 12 BTBT-AAGJ Start on level 13 BYBT-AAGJ Start on level 14 B2BT-AAGJ Start on level 15. B6BT-AAGJ Start on level 16 CABT-AAGJ ? Start on level 17 CEBT-AAGJ Start on level 18 i Loo. 3 pud Road Rash — PlayStation 800DAD40 FFFF Infinite Cash Loaded — PlayStation D002A9A8 000D Master Code (Must Be Entered) 800CACA 4000 Infinite Health Player 1 800CDF42 001E Infinite Lives Player 1 800CDF3E 03E8 Infinite Ammo Player 1 800CDF40 0003 Infinite Smart Bombs Player 1 80107AC4 000F Player 1 Has All the Keys Dark Legion — Saturn F6000914 C305 B6002800 0000 Master Code (Must Be Entered) 1609FE2C 0080 Infinite Energy Player 1 | ABA Jam TE — Saturn F6000914 C305 B6002800 0000 Master Code (Must Be Entered) | 1606C002 0009 Player 1 Always Scores 9 1606C00A 0000 Player 2 Always Scores 0 To access a level warp to levels 5 | and 10, simply follow these | instructions. At the Sega logo, take Vectorman and place him under the logo. Then, shoot it 24 times, and jump up and hit it 12 times. Doing | this will activate the bonus game in | which you must collect 90-110 | Sega letters for a level 5 warp, and 111-120 for a level 10 warp. Dennis Thron Lakeland, MN To activate a hidden menu go into | the options and press A, B, B, A, | Down, A, B, B, A. This new menu | allows you to mess with the | number of lives, amount of health, starting stage, and weapon choice. | "The Eradicator" Phoenix, AZ To access the secret codes listed | below, first you have to enter the | "Special Mode Access" password. Pause the game and use your A, B | and C buttons to enter the code BACCAA. Once the code is entered hit the quit button (square). | Now the following codes can be entered. CAABACA - Super laser ACABAACAAA - Smart bomb (valid only once per mission) CAABA - Fast loading nukes (valid once per mission) ABACAABA - Invincibility (valid once per player) BACACA - Funny message BAB - Funnier message | "The Rhino” | Toledo, OH | Game Informer 9» May “ጋሪ Children of the Atom — PlayStation Legend: iceman F - Foward Ice Beam - QCF + P Bk - Back Ice Avalanche - P + K (AIR) U- Up X Ability Move D - Down Ice Fist - DF - Down Forward DBk - Down Back UF - Up Forward UBk - Up Back QCF - Quarter Circle Forward QCBk - Quarter Circle Back P - Any Punch K - Any Kick ል - Jab Punch B - Strong Punch C - Fierce Punch X - Short Kick Y - Forward Kick Z - Round House Kick All Punches- | Press All Three Punch Buttons All Kicks — Press All Three Kicks (AIR) - Can Be Done In Air X Ability Moves — These moves draw their power from the X Meter and can only be done if enough is stored Hyper X Moves - Can only be used when the Power Meter is full Note: All moves used in auto block mode are limited to the medium version of that move MM ማም Mn ji Omega Red Carbonadium Coil - QCF + P or K (AIR) Flip N Smash (After Coil Attack) - F + P (AIR) Omega Strike - QCF + K Chouhatsu - Y + A, D X + B X Ability Moves Death Factor - Tap P (AIR) Energy Drain - Tap K (AIR) Hyper X Move i Omega Destroyer - QCF + Any Punch Game Informer 5 May ‘96 D, DBk, Bk + All Punches (AIR) X Move Arctic Attack - QCF + All Punches (AIR) storm Typhoon - QCF + P (AIR) Lightning Attack - P + K (AIR) X Ability Moves Flying - QCBk + All Punches (AIR) KazeOKoshi - QCBk + All Kicks (AIR) X Moves Lightning Storm - QCF + All Punches (AIR) Hair Storm - QCF + L + R Buttons Silver Samurai Shuriken - QCF + P (AIR) HyakuRetsuToh — Tap P or F, D, DF +P X Ability Moves Blink - QCF + K (AIR) Tohgi — D, DBk, Bk + P Bushin - D, DBk, Bk + All Kicks Hyper X Moves RaiMeiKen - ርኮ + All Punches Triple Shuriken - D, DBk, Bk + All Punches Cyclops Optic Blast - QCF + P (AIR) Gene Splice - F, D, DF + P Leg Grab - DBk, D, DF + X or Z Hyper X Moves Mega Optic Blast - QCF + All Punches Control Beam - D, DBk, Bk + P (AIR) Spiral Dancing Swords - F, DF, D, DBk, Bk + All Punches (AIR) Sword Toss - QCF + P (AIR) Six-Hand Grapple - D, U + P X Ability Move Sword Explosion - QCF + K (AIR) Switch Blade - QCBk + A (AIR) Teleport Dance - QCBk + B (AIR) Power Dance - QCBk + X (AIR) Speed Dance - QCBk + Y (AIR) Dimensional Dance - QCBk + Z (AIR) Hyper X Move Metamorphosis — QCF + All Punches (AIR) Wolverine Tornado Claw - F, D, DF +P Drill Claw - P + K (AIR) X Ability Moves Beserker Charge - QCBk + All Punches Healing Factor - QCBk + All Kicks Hyper X Move Beserker Barrage - QCF + All Punches Psylocke | Psi Flash - QCF + P (AIR) Psi Blade Spin - QCF + K (AIR) X Ability Move Ninjitsu - QCBk P or K Hyper X Move Psi Thrust - QCF + All Punches (AIR) Gentinel Rocket Punch - QCF + P (AIR) Sentinel Force - ርዮ + K Body Press - D +P X Ability Move Flying - QCBk + All Punches Hyper X Move Plasma Storm - QCB + All Punches T RE EU, | Colossus Giant Swing - QCF + P Power Tackle - QCF + K (X = Across, Y or Z = Diagonal Up) Body Slam - D + P (Can Be Used on Fallen Opponents) X Ability Move Super Armor - D, DBk, Bk + All Punches Hyper X Move Super Dive - QCF + All Punches Activating Akuma To activate this hidden character go to the character select screen and wait two seconds on Spiral then move through Silver Samurai, Psylocke, Colossus, Iceman, Colossus, Cyclops, Wolverine, Omega Red and go to Silver Samurai and wait for two seconds. Now hold Short Kick, Fierce Punch and Round House Kick. Akuma should appear in the character select window. Akuma GouHadouken - QCF + P Shakunetsu GouHadouken - Bk, DBk, D, DF, F +P ZankuuHadouken - QCF + P (AIR) GouShoryuken - F, D, DF + P Tatsumaki ZankuuKyaku - QCBk + K (AIR) Diving Kick - QCF + K (AIR) X Ability Moves Ultimate Throw - QCBk + P | AshuraSenkuu - F, D, DF + All Punches Hyper X Moves GouShinkuuHadouken - QCF, QCF + P GouShoryuReppa - QCF, QCF + P Eight Extra Character Colors — First, finish the game with any character. Then, when you start another game use the Select button to choose your desired color. Eight More Character Colors — Finish the game perfectly on Very Hard, then when you start a new game choose the new colors by pressing Up, Select and any button. CPU Vs. CPU - Hold L1, L2, R1, R2 and Down on controller 1 when entering versus play. Activate Zulu - Finish the game with all eight characters on any difficulty. Activate XTAL - Finish the game on normal or hard difficulty without continuing. Activate Neco - Finish the game with Zulu and XTAL. Play Tiny Phalanx - Hold Start and Select on controller 2 until the Tiny Phalanx title screen appears. Stage Select - This can only be accessed once your total playing time reaches 30 hours or above. Win a round in under 5 seconds and you will be able to select any stage in versus play. Hidden Comics - After beating the game in easy mode without continuing or losing a round, go to the title screen and highlight the option icon. Grab controller 2 and hold L1, L2, R1, R2, Start and Select to view the comic strip featuring Neco. id all af al lof aft Me d t th a tt "PPP — PlayStation Note - Save the game whenever you can. More tricks will appear through the timer release. Plus, if you are about to lose a round, hit Start on the second controller to have a 2-Player battle, then continue with the fray. DIME AIT ||| vi Zulu Rush-PPF+PRF+P Break - F, F, F, P P 2 Hit-K,K High Kick - D + K, K Kindo Kick - DB + K, K Leg Breaker - DF + K, K Rebreaker - F + P Hammer Shot - F, F - P +K Rewind Kick - B + K High Kick - D + K Turn Fake Kick — DB + K Knee Breaker - DF + K Axis Changer - UF + G Chop-F +P Stomach Breaker - F, F, F + P Center Kick -F +K Riding Elbow - F, F + P Ankle Breaker - F, F +K Eguze Breaker - D, F + P One-Hand Throw - G P Brain Buster - B, F, F - G« P Reverse Neck Breaker — G +P (BEHIND) Knuckle Press - D + P Guard Breaker - D, DF +G +P Palm Press - B + G« P Fallen Opponent Attacks Dive (Light) - U +P Dive (Great) - (Hold) U + P Craig Dunston Lake Wales, FL Operation: Code Hunt Hey GI readers, how would you like to become our ally? Send in your codes for the games listed below and help out a fellow reader in a scrape, or if you're stuck on a game, send us a letter requesting codes and we will help you access the secrets right here in Secret Access. Batman Forever — Genesis All Secrets Active - To activate this cheat enter this code at the main menu. Left, Up, Left, Left, A, B. Raymond Cline Webville, COM SNES 4.033. Frantic Flea Cutthroat Island Super Mario RPG © PlayStation ...... Alien Trilogy Bottom of the Ninth Descent Hi Octane Magic Carpet PO'ed Resident Evil X-Com UFO Defense Force Sega Saturn ....... Hi-Octane Earthworm Jim 2 Magic Carpet Mystaria: Realms of Lore Night Warriors Skeleton Warriors Arcade... Killer Instinct 2 Marvel Super Heroes Send Secret Access Requests To: Access & Allies Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E-Mail: gionline @winternet.com secret Access Notice: Send Game Informer Your Passwords and Codes and Win! 6 end in your codes and passwords every issue, and if we print them you'll be entered in the Game Informer /ASCIIWARE Secret Access Contest. The Grand Prize is a ASCIIWARE controller of your choice. PlayStation: Super NES: Genesis: ASCII Pad PS, Specialized ASCII Pad, ፤ ASCII Specialized Pad, ASCII Pad PS Special, ASCII Pad, FIGHTER STICK SG-6 ASCII Stick PS, Super Advantage, Fighter Stick SN All runners-up will receive a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to complement their wardrobe. Send To: Secret Access Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E-Mail: gionline € winternet.com Game Informer 5 May ‘96 E TANK “GAME WITH AN ATTITUDE The pure Lio driving around and owln everything UD insignt" ee cece eecesesGAME PLAYERS Get the ee out the way! "This sucker moves fast" ፍይ ፋናና Seuss ULTIMATE GAMER "One of the more {UN and orig inal^ titles to ship on PSX & Saturn? 9259495595 Ext Su EE : ' "Shellshock will rock. Shellshock an Playstation and the Play SEGA and Sega Sat gi m ss Sometimes you lose them - and other times people take them from you - but whatever you do, don't go through life without a complete collection. Order now before these priceless issues become obsolete! February 96 | © Cover: Descent e Special Features: Descent Play Guide, Ultra 64 Game Update, GI 1995 Awards, and Part 2 of DKC: Diddy's Kong Quest Strategy Guide e Secret Access: NFL Game Day (PS-X), Twisted Metal (PS-X), VectorMan (Genesis), Separation Anxiety (SNES & SG), Madden ‘96 (Genesis) ¢ Tip Card 21: Ultimate MK3 "ከፀ 21 opa aid Vult Ls voro (8110881፻8ሽ November 95 e Cover: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES) e Strategy Guide for DKC2: Most of the secret levels and DK Coins e News about the Amusement and Music Operator’s Association ¢ Tip Card 18: Tekken 2 wie | August 95 * Cover: Lunar: Eternal Blue (Sega CD) e Strategy Guide for Judge Dredd e Secret Access contains compete list of moves, skill moves, and power combos for all characters in Eternal Champions Sega CD. o Tip Card 15: Tekken (Part 2) MAGATINE J s LP N Conn NOS ይ Breda Other Issues Available: May 95 April 95 March 95 February 95 * Cover: GEX (3DO) * Cover: Eternal * Cover: NBA Jam TE e Cover: Killer Instinct * Feature: First Look at Champions (Sega CD) (SNES & Genesis) (Arcade) = Five Pages of Japanese Sega Saturn * Strategy Guide for * Secret Access contains: tips and tactics. and Sony PlayStation Eternal Champions Earthworm Jim (SNES), .. * Game Informer's.1994 * Strategy Guide for GEX: Location of bonus worlds and Eternal Champions (Sega CD), and X-Men 2 (Genesis) * Tip Card 11: X-Men: Shadowrun (Genesis), Madden '95 (Genesis) ¢ Tip Card 10: Virtua Video Game Awards e Strategy Guide for Ristar on the Sega Genesis April 96 9 Cover: Super Mario RPG * e Special Features: Super Mario RPG and Alien Trilogy game overviews e. Secret Access: Cheats for Loaded (PS-X), New Car for Sega Rally (Saturn), Hidden Characters for Street Fighter Alpha (Saturn), Cheats for DKC2 (SNES), Codes for Gex (PS-X) e Tip Card 23: Marvel Super Heroes January 96 e Cover: Ultra 64 e Special Feature: Ultra 64 including first pic. s nical Specs and the Ultra's controller e Secret Access: Moves For Tekken Boss Characters (PS-X), WarHawk Passcodes (PS-X), Syndicate (3DO), and Earthworm Jim Special Edition (Sega CD) e Tip Card 20: King of Fighters '95 October 95 e Cover: Mortal Kombat 3 (home versions) e Strategy Guide for MK3 — all standard moves, fatalities, friendships, babalities, and animalities ! e Strategy Guide-for WeaponLord (SNES & Genesis) (Part 2): Complete moves, Death moves, and a death combo for Talazia, Divada, and Zorn o Tip Card 17: Street Fighter Alpha July 95 e Cover: Adventures of Batman and Robin (Genesis) 9 Strategy Guide for Adventures of Batman and Robin: Basic Strategies for all four levels (Genesis) 9 Feature: Electronic Entertainment Expo 95 e Tip Card 14: Tekken (Part 1) January 95 Donkey Kong Country Bonus Worlds (SNES) Shining Force 2 (Genesis), J. Madden (3D0), Earthworm Jim Sega CD (Part 2): Moves . Children of the Atom Fighter 2 * Tip Card 9; Killer (SNES & Genesis) for 2 hidden characters, Instinct Arcade * Tip Card 8: Samurai some vendettas Shodown 2 * Tip Card 12: Tekken December 94 November 94 Sept/Oct 94 July/Aug 94 May/June 94 * Cover: Doom (32X) e Secret Access contains: e Cover: Mortal Kombat 2 (SNES & Genesis) * Cover: Sonic & Knuckles (Genesis) (Genesis) Mickey Mania (SNES & * Secret Access contains: * Secret Aci e Secret Access contains: * Secret Access contains: Genesis), Jungle Book MK2 Moves & Codes Sonic 3 (Genesis), NBA Jam Secret (SNES & Genesis), (GB, SNES, SG, & GG) Genesis), Jurassic Park (SNES), Characters & Codes Wolfenstein 3D (Jaguar), * Tip Card 6: DarkStalkers Super Metroid (SNES), Super Metroid Strategy (SNES & Genesis), Aladdin (Genesis) MK 2 (SNES & Genesis) Guide (SNES) Jurassic Park (Genesis) * Tip Card 7: Primal Rage e Tip Card 5: Bloodstorm e Cover: BattleTech * Tip Card 4: NBA Jam TE * Cover: MLBPA Baseball (SNES) * Tip Card 3: Super SF2 Turbo e Cover: Ristar (Genesis) e Secret Access contains: March 96 9 Cover: Resident Evil 9 Special Feature: Special Moves Guide To Toshinden 2, Tales From Resident Evil, and Preview of Killer Instinct 2 e Secret Access: Moves For Street Fighter Alpha (PS-X & SS), Vectorman (SG), Virtua Fighter 2 (SS), Toy Story . (SNES & SG), NBA Live '96 (SG & SNES), Doom (PS-X) e Tip Card 22: Samurai Shodown 3 December 95 e Cover: Toy Story e Secret Access contains: Secret Codes ff | e Tip Card 19: WWF WrestleMania September 95 e Cover: Killer Instinct (SNES) 9 Strategy Guide for | Killer Instinct ¢ Strategy Guide for WeaponLord (SNES & Genesis) (Part 1): Complete moves, death moves, and a death combo for Bane, Jen-Tai, and Korr e Secret Access contains a complete list of Vendettas, Hidden Characters, Overkills, and Sudden Deaths for Eternal Champions CD. 9 Tip Card 16: Street Fighter: The Movie June 95 e Cover: Daytona USA (Sega Saturn) e Next Generation System Wars: Stories and Specs for the new systems (Sega Saturn, PlayStation, 3DO M2, Jaguar CD) 9 Strategy Guide for MK3 Arcade Version 1.0 * Game Informer's High 7? Tech Glossary ¢ Tip Card 13: Nightwarriors: DarkStalkers Revenge Order Now (612)946-8105 Each back issue costs $5.95 (which includes shipping and handling). You can order them by phone with a credit card at (612)946-8105 or you can send a check or money order* to: Game Informer Magazine Attn: Back Issues 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 *Make checks payable to Game Informer Magazine Game Informer ï May ‘96 and recharger. UL and CSA safety approved. system. Helps eliminate debris, — restoring accurate CD data transfer. V 134 FUN Cleaning kit. For use with SEGA® GEAR® game and cartridges. V 137 FUN Cleaning kit for use with SEGA® GENESIS®. Cleans game unit and cartridges. Other Recoton game care, maintenance and replacement products that meet or exceed original specifications and UL / CSA safety approvals. V135 FUN Cleaning kit for use with NINTENDO® system and cartridge. V136 FUN Cleaning system for use with GAME BOY® & cartridges. 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