NINTENDO April 1996 | Vol. VI * Issue 4 + #36 $3.95 Canada $4.95 UK £2.50 a | : MR” 275) aà ae eel April 1996 | | 0""7?4470"82824""2 KIDS TO ADULTS Mario's back in his biggest adventure yet. Four years in the birthing, and now this bambino comes kicking and screaming into the world of Morphmation graphics. A Nintendo brainchild that allows the characters and back- grounds to ripple, rubberize and react Like nothing you've ever seen C'cept maybe that nasty gelatin salad your mom puts out for company). But there's more than eye-popping Egg fights, screaming babies, Do not adjust your vicious attacks—it's Like television. These graphics visuals’ to drool over. There's over day care from hell. are supposed to be wavy. 60 Levels packed with all-new surprises. Huge expanding bosses. s And Yoshi — a cold-blooded. baby sitter who spits fire and launches ZA à This little sucker doesn't Kicking, shrieking, eggs out Å his butt. He even just scroll Left to right. crying, tantrums...and 3 He goes all over the place that's just the guys who morphs / into a helicopter... Cand we don't mean Number Two). bought new systems. try that with your average Lizard. And if that doesn't pacify you, there are over 130 different types of enemies. sor, So, you may wanna put on a fresh diaper. = SUPER NINTENDO A sharp eye and a quick trigger finger will be needed to survive these race courses. Race at breakneck speed and fight back with a powerful array of weapons including guided missiles and a firewall to barbeque any enemies on your tail. A radar system helps you swerve away from sneaky land mines and incoming missiles closing in fast. Destroy enough cars, and you'll race in the psychotic bonus track, a humongous kill-fest that rewards you for how vicious you are. L INDUSTRIES, INC. IM & © 1995 Funcom Productions A/S. All Rights Reserved. (01995 JVC Musical Industries, Inc. Sega and Sega Saturn are a trademarks of SEGA : —s ENTERPRISES LTD. The PlayStation logo is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. PlayStation ' Pocahontas Spat Goes To Hollywood, Tokyo Highway Battle, _ Bottom of the Ninth, Arc the Lad, NBA Shoot Out, Beyond the t Need for pem guide too — it just might help. 1 Reader's Survey You've got gripes and you ve gat praises, and now you've chance to voice them. Mohawk aad Headphone Teck, | Pong ir Dragoon 2 Zwei Skeleton Warriors P FA DEPARTMENTS Game Informer Magazine ) i monthly at West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. Pr subscriptions only (612) 946-8105. Secon: and additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine, 10120 West 76th Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year a _ Entire contents copyright 1996. Game Informer Magazine. All righ reserved; 'aduction in V mission is prohibited. Game Informer _ of FUNCO, Inc. e : p. : _ Products named in these pages are trade names, 0 r respective companies. April Issue 1996 Volume VI * Number 4 * Issue # Richard A. Cihak Publisher Andrew McNamara Editor Paul Anderson Senior Associate Editor David “Vinny” Vinyon Andrew “Drew” Reiner Associate Editors Rick Petzoldt Contributing Writer Thomas Blustin Art Director Graphic Design Timothy J. L Production Di Graphic Jason G. Shawley Production Assistant Graphic Design Ryan MacDonald West Coast Correspondent : Terrie Maley Circulation / Marketing Manager - (612) 946-7274 Advertising Sales Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 (612) 946-8159 Fax vd) ud 8155 (360) 668-7978... Fax: (360) 668-9350 Manufactured and printed in the pied States of America MN 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders m be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/ additional postage. The Editor welcomes company product informati video games. Such materials should be addressed t Editor, Game Informer Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 85344, Editorial phone and FAX numbers | are noted above. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned or acknowledged, Entire contents copyright 1996. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of theit respective companies. For subscription inquiries please write to our Customer Service Department: 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Attn: Customer Service PUBLISHER LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an É advertisement. The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is limited to republication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue nd of any monies paid for the advertisement. ims of libel, unfair gement of trade- . OF proprietary the PS-X that sounds awesome ho made Destruction Derby a The Pro. Player “A Subject that is a constant point E of ridicule and creates endless jokes in the office is my P3 activities on the Internet. Some take pride in calling me “Net boy’ and “web freak” almost daily. | may be a | little consumed at times, but | think the | Internet is a wealth of hard-core | gaming info. They can make fun all they "want. Anyway, without much hoopla or fanfare, Game Informer launched our | own WWW page a few months back and Em proud of the effort that many on the staff have put forward. It perfect, but like the magazine always evolving. You may even fit E that isn't in the magazine. Take IB page 19 for our site address. | L Hombre’ . “Finally, an issue with lots, of RPGs! | think its great that S y is bringing out Arc the Lad and Beyond here in the States; theyre pretty cool and any time a big company like Sony backs RPG players, the better chance we have of getting more. Plus, what do you think about Square Soft doing games for Sony? | when bet Nintendo had a heart The Raging Gamer "This blurb was particularly hard to write due to the enormous cucumber up my nose, but | managed to pull through with insight and wit. Recently, l'ue been trying to dig an underground tunnel to Japan. so that | could get all the | RPG's first. Unfortunate fo w resistance from NASA "With Rick on hiatus, | am finally able to crawl out of my “ghost writer’ shell and reveal myself to the readers, | do actually write for this magazine, though my opinions were judged too “controversial” _ by the stifling powers that be. Hence, | . my reviews are never seen, yet | have | managed to sneak in a LOT of subliminal gestions into the Game Informer Ew 4 The bitch is on Playstation... -and she doesn't fel like WW WELCOME TO THE NURSERY. WASTE THE BROOD! am TUE BIO-HERPONS DIVISION HAS ORDERS TO ELIMINATE... YOU! INFESTATION CALLS FOR DOG ALIEN EXTERMINATION! All the gut-churning 3-0 action of the complete Alien Trilogy in one black-death, white-Hnuchle nightmare. 360° OF XENOMORPH HELL. YOU'RE SURROUNDED! - RATING PENDING " Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, ™ & © 1979, 1986, 1992, 1996 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. "PlayStation" and HOD Eo PlayS tation the " 4-" logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. Acclaim is a division and registered trademark TM Of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. © 1996. All rights reserved, Alain’ entertainment inc “ Why do the Japanese game players get more RPG titles?” o I have. been a subscriber o your magazine since $ an ask why most RPGs do : out over. here in the St the Wo ta of us seeing tr over here? | — because when I see su good games I would li to buy them. Is t any chance at all we publishers of Bahamut and Secret of Mana 8, doesn't look promising. It's unfortunate that there are not more RPGs that make it over here from Japan, but many publishers . believe that it is too costly to . manufacture and distribute £ames in the US, especially cartridges. In addition, it takes a lot of work to translate the dame from Japanese to English; however, things are changing with CD-ROM games. Sony and Working Designs have already announced RPGs for the PlayStation and Saturn. (They are featured in this issue.) Square's American branch is also | I have a questi Kombat 3” that I think you've asked yet. I was recently at an arcade where I saw a technician working on the MK3 machine and he was going through the menu boards on the game. While he was doing this I saw a. screen that said - — ““Johnny Cage Transf- oPrmation" and “Watch-d gs”. It What’s up? Nice mag, you've got on's eyes. Are they lenses or are the just | : ecial effects from | lenses how or where would I be able to get some? How much would they run for? Pve already looked at “every Vision Center in our county and still haven't found anything like them. Can you. “Dan Kando Game Informer 5 April’ 9 able to get eyes like of the box it shows a mysterio character named Dragon looks like Law. I’ve tried to him for months - I even beat it with every character, every sub. , Scratch, spit or carve the best darn e art you can think of and send it - Please include your name, phone. Houston, TX “I can never remember what game Im in sol wrote it on my chest.” Game informer boss, and Heih way I can pi so, how? A any codes © Alpha? Theres | question mark in i it randomly sho M.Bison. Good eyes, kiddo! Don’t get too excited though, that picture of Dragon really isn’t a hidden character in the game. We believe that this is a very early game shot, and the Dragon name comes à — from Law being so “We just don’t much like Bruce MM Gl) VA iria RT) other than we e character you are complete ould keep your S peeled for is meatheads! Long Change St.Paul, MN “Is that a nt flower in your hand or are 4 you just happy | to see me.” Aryako Thaoe St Paul, MN “Fox just hired Guy and Haggar from Final Fight to star in a new show called The New Adventures of Starsky & Hutch Guy.” BER NADO west 769. Edan Poirie MM 55544 ES One E BY. Ayobami Oluokun + XN | Greenbrit, Md ras D USES CAP A A ^I wonder where the T rest of that sword is?" It All Began With a Mushroom nce upon a time in a fairly large kingdom, a stout man with an enormous gut laid parallel to the floor as he worked on fixing Princess Toadstool's leaky faucet. This is the plumber known as Mario, and not until the day he held his mighty mushroom over his head and said, “By the power of Yoshi's Island, | have the power!”, did he have any super hero abilities. While he sweated and worked, the Princess lay outside basking in the sun and tending to her garden. In what seemed like a nano-second, the Princess magically disappeared. The only thing Mario heard was a faint cry for help from the Princess’s tender lips. As history has shown again and again, this is the work of Bowser. In a heroic voice Mario shouted out across the kingdom, “There’s no time to fix pipes when there’s a helpless maiden in distress!” Through the years Nintendo has shown us that they really don’t need much more of a plot than this to make a great game. This new tale starts out just like the story above, and for the first time the plot takes a massive twist into a new realm. Believe it or not, Bowser actually joins forces with Mario and his caravan of heroes! There’s a new bad boy in town who poses an even greater threat to the kingdom than Bowser and v i ; " his minions combined. His identity is shrouded in —— mPressive magic skills. shadows and myth, and with Square Soft aboard on the B c Cas creative staff, it's guaranteed that you won't find out who he is until the end of the game. You are here. Battles, and Hysterical Mario Humor - m Created by: Square Soft for Nintendo m Available: May for Super Nintendo : This little speck is actually a deadly warrior. This attractive “S” sign is actually a save machine. These | are located throughout the land, and are very essential in your quest. Anny, THE m "gn 87% took the elements of an action game and mixed them with an RPG. L Graphically, the rendered characters 85 are quite nice to look at and the 3D environment looks fantastic. | 8 especially like the play control because you need to use the double Entertainment: 8.25 attack to win, and it make: a amazing game that is ente play and a joy to watch; however, its no | Final Fantasy 3, butitis definitely e next step in the evolution of the RPG.” ‘inally, after all these years someone | Go back to the toxin engulfed pipe you came from, weed-man. Gotta get a Yoshi. REINER, THE Raging GAMER “Square Soft had a lot to do with the design of this product and it shows 8.5 With easy to follow window commands and a story line with an intractable 9 hook. There's definitely a | action/platform basis here. Instead of Playability: 9.25 taking down your foes in the - traditional ‘plumber stomp on head Entertainment: 8.5 technique’, the game switches to a ‘tactical plumber uses strategy to stomp on head format. Super Mario RPG features high-brow humor at its best, an immensely long story, and adorable foes that are too cute to let live." > THE Bottom LINE Paut, THE Pro PLAYER 9.5 One minute you're running an ing, the next you're picking a spell. It @ should draw in a whole of gamers that have never Nintendo's games, Mario RPG is Entertainment: 8.5 very user js Yet i hu This Plumber has a Magic Finger uper Mario RPG falls right into place with all of the other great SNES RPGs. Yes, the fact that it's Mario and not a sword wielding freak may send some bad vibes down your spine, but don't worry. With powerhouses like Nintendo and Square Soft who could probably make a Sesame Street RPG a best seller, you can rest assured that this title will give any other RPG a run for its money. This game definitely doesn't have a so called “Mario look”. You usually only see him from the side or front, but in Super Mario RPG Mario exists in a 3D three-quarter view. Having this view allows you to see everything in the given diorama, and it also gives it dimension so you can see what to jump on, what's hidden and who's where. Most of the game is played in this view. It’s used in exploring, talking, walking and almost everything else. A few stages in the game like the waterfall and the mine cart ride use a scaled away view and rotating Mode 7 effects. When it comes down to technique and easy to access windows Super Mario RPG strays away from a traditional format and gives us something unique. Everything you. need can be done in just a few button presses. The battle sequences give the best example of this. Each character is equipped with a ring command that is identical to the four buttons on the face of your SNES controller. If you X want to call upon Magic hit the Y ic ~ N you want to use an Item hi i button. And if you want t p I A. Retreats and d accessed throug button. It's th VALENTINA: OR SHUDDAP! £5 Lay off man! Just lay off! GHANCELLOW: Spores alivelir You're telling us that Dowser has As the cloud grinned, Mario wept. Bowser ain’t nothing, King! lll take him! Hh ESk dian. You're right, he doesn't look like a frog at all! Hmmm? This is just like riding the 3 Er € Miu | Sometimes a screen like this will bucking bull at Crosby's É d. Red EN E= appear asking if you would like to Bullorama. Control is the key. —— oe. Rua o. gamble and try to double your M gj experience or gold. Find the Yoshi egg and it will be so. Hooded Sorcerers... 2899890 Land on the tracks! Land on the tracks! SH oo å is a form m borrowing briefiu. custom, patented, ane Gh Only. se NG UC AMAT Wow, you have the collectible Geno doll with custom, patented Shooting ?22?: Have you guessed the I'ma visitor from above, and this We have one of the seven stars. Rejoice! per. Mario shows that he should have gotten Harrison Ford's part in the Fugitive. | Light... too... bright. Can't... see! Star Shot! he fights themselves are fairly entertaining due to the cute animation and expressions from your characters. There is a lot of strategy involved. Since you only fight with three characters, you must figure out who's going to attack and who's going to heal your party. Outside of the battle scenes, you're in almost total command of who and what you want to fight. In a lot of RPGs you'll get attacked out of nowhere while roaming the coutryside. In this game, all the enemies are always on screen and you can either dodge or jump over them if you feel that a fight is not in your somete: though, enemies are determined to attack and are almost impossible to evade. E di Donkey Kong, is that really you? 7 ie cmn Once. again Mario shows that he should have gotten Harrison Ford’s part in Indiana Jones. time - and Sicile de maipe timed button hits are required, | if you can pull this off, your character will effectively double | the attack damage. The same type of thing is used with. spells, except that the game will tell you what to do. 4 N é Flame spells might require you to tap the button Y ' ^ repeatedly, whereas a poison gas cloud needs you 4 "n to spin the control pad. This little feature makes the / M combat scenes much more involved and engrossing. Super Mario RPG offers everything a standard RPG can produce with a little action/platform mayhem as well. There’s mystery, suspense, and above all a long adventure to look forward to playing. Talk to the village folk, investigate locations on your map, and make sure to cure your party from any ailments. | À i Duh, I don't see anything...boss? Look! It's the old 8-bit Mario. Geno ust like Disney's movie Toy Story, Geno is a living toy! Or is he? He claims that he took up the guise of a toy so he wouldn't be recognized, and that he's actually one of the many star people. His mission is simple, find all seven pieces of the star and reconstruct the star path leading home. Geno likes to throw and shoot things. His powers are very deadly when a double attack is landed. Magically, Geno is fairly gifted. He has a brigade of nasty laser blasts and flare attacks. Maybe he really is from the stars? - onhane and d found. l y the fly eaters. Mallow loves to summon the power of the skies. Lightning and Star attacks are his best magical assaults. Combat wise, he's pretty weak. Sometimes he'll give a good clobber, but more times than not he misses by a long shot. “Ago chunk of. the way through the game, you'll encounter a tobele: swamp designed like a music scale. On one end of the swamp there is a struggling composer who can’t seem to find the formula for his new composition. . Outside of thi area there is a ae who dreams of. i order: So La Mi Re Do Re Do Re. The salei is tegit like Mur After you play this melody, the old man will give you a . wonderful surprise. It's well worth the trouble to complete this puzzle. .| Face It : nce again the Princess has been kidnapped and it’s up to Mario to save the day. Your search for the Princess will take you to an unknown castle. This is a very . difficult stage in the game, because there always seems to be an abundance of enemies on each screen. One wall in this stage is very interesting. This wall features paintings from generati ion after generation of the previous owners of this castle. Each picture | has a meaning in tr is stage. A few levels up and a couple doors over is where this comes into play. You will be poised with the question of flipping the paintings “over from the oldest to the newest. Since the names of the characters on the paintings are fairly hard to match up with each character we gave a description instead. Here it is: Red Beret, Yellow Cap, Eye Patch, Mr. T, Red Fez, Bonko. Once these are flipped in this order the locked door to the left will open. HERE'S A 3D MODEL OF THE WORLD THAT AWAITS YOU. TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT IT BECAUSE I’M REALLY HUNGRY AND THAT CASTLE LOOKS LIKE A YUMMY ICE CREAM) CONE. CHOMP! | Game Informer © Af The Mystaria Saga Have you been having trouble finding the Sega Saturn game Mystaria: Realms of Lore? Sega of America apparently got themselves into a legal squabble over the title. It seems some unnamed company or person had a product of the same or similar name. Sega had to quickly halt distribution of this strategy/ RPG. Although numerous copies à of the game have reached q the shelves, Sega will not distribute any more copies until the legal matters have been settled. Who knows? Mystaria owners could have a collector’s item in their hands. Rayman Preview Disc If you are the type of player who likes to try before they buy, Ubi Soft is offering Saturn and PlayStation owners a chance to test drive Ubi's action/platform game Rayman. The game preview disc offers the first of six worlds Rayman encounters in during the course of a game. The Rayman demo has a $5.95 price tag and is available at Electronics Boutique, Software Etc., and Babbage’s, or by calling 1.800.UBISOFT. It also includes a $5 rebate if you want to buy the complete game. arcade pick-up lin . Place a mannequin at | the day off Wait until he has a late-night rehearsal Ultimate MK3 Coming to Saturn! and come in four hours late Williams Entertainment announced that their hit arcade game Ultimate Mortal | r D ha! Kombat 3 will be released on the Sega Saturn sometime in April. According to a | EU Foro | Williams representative, Ultimate MK3 will not be coming out on PlayStation, but “another version” of the game will appear this fall for the Sony system. Sony already had a major victory by securing the exclusive rights to MK3 for the 32-bit systems from September until this month. Arguably, Sony's exclusive deal with Williams was a major factor in the success of the PlayStation in the US last winter. Sega seems to have countered by bringing at least some bragging rights to Saturn owners with Ultimate MK3. The spring and summer are fairly slow retail months, which could mean that Ultimate MK3 may not have the sales impact for Sega that MK3 has had for Sony. ; ‘glue his mouse to the pad . Replace his X-Com disk with the Pope _ does CD-ROM | . Sell his Incredible Hulk 181 and buy him 00 new issues of Glory ! Praise his drumming skills Two words; Computer Virus Attn: Top Ten 101. We Eden Prairie, MN 55344 c ne that enters every month will be: entered i ina ng o win a GI Secret lad T-Shirt! | So get writing! Game Informer ù April ‘96 Game Informer as April ‘96 Uliva 64 Delayed and Renamed Nintendo of America announced a further delay in the North American release of their new 64-bit console machine until September 30. Formerly tagged as the Ultra 64 for American release, Nintendo also announced it would adopt a single name for the system: Nintendo 64 (N64). The Japanese release of the N64, which was set for April 21, may be pushed back to the summer. The delay, which is a sure blow to loyal Nintendo fans, was attributed to Nintendo's belief that they could not fully support the demand for a worldwide launch. Nintendo expects Japanese sales of the N64 to reach nearly 3 million units in the first 12 months of its release. If demand for the system is that high in Japan, Nintendo wants to make sure it has enough units and games available for sale. A 3-4 month gap between the Japanese and North American launches should give Nintendo enough time to manufacture the units needed to meet the demands of consumers in both markets. Software is also a key issue in the delay. Many industry observers believe that the N64 games are nowhere close to being completed. The postponement of the N64 will obviously give developers the time they need to complete their games. The suggested retail price of the N64 is still set to come in under $250. Nintendo plans to introduce 8 to 12 titles for the system this year. NINTENDO?” The Nintendo64 | | Writable Disk || Drive Unit Further information was released by Nintendo on the N64 disk drive unit that will be an add-on for the N64 system. The writable disk drive unit will attach to the bottom of the N64 system. Magnetic disks that measure 3 3/4” will hold 64 MB of information and load into the front of the unit. Its performance concerning data transfer and data seek time is said to be comparable to existing 6X CD-ROM drives. And it will do something a CD-ROM drive will not; it will write and save data. Additionally, the unit will be bundled with a 1 or 2 MB expansion RAM pack. This expansion RAM will fit into a slot on the top of the of the N64 unit. The N64 disk drive unit is scheduled to debut this fall in Japan. Nintendo has already announced that the first game to utilize the N64 disk drive unit will be Zelda 64. It is still unclear what percentage of games Nintendo will release on the disk drive as opposed to the cartridge format. The price of the N64 disk drive has yet to be determined, but Nintendo officials announced that it will be “significantly less expensive” than the N64 system. Game Informer speculates it will be under $150. Sony Games Come to the Sega Satum UK software developer Psygnosis officially announced that it will be developing its top selling Sony PlayStation games for the Sega Saturn. Four titles are already in the works for release by this summer. The titles announced are: Disc World, 3D Lemmings, Destruction Derby, and Wipeout. The multi-platform strategy of releasing games is being adopted by most top third- party developers, but Psygnosis is a wholly- owned subsidiary of Sony of America. So in actuality, Sega has granted a third-party license to Sony. We may see Sega Soft become a third-party developer for Sony PlayStation very soon. as " & QAM & * Publisher: Vertigo/DC * Cover Price: $2.95 * Available: April Death may not be the best thing | book begs to differ. There could be nothing better than the return of this comic. As you know, Death is the Sandman’s little sister and she has a nasty knack of making people die for her | love. Maybe you'll be next. On February 1, 1996 Electronic Arts announced that an agreement with WildStorm Productions was reached for use of the “hot” and “steamy” comic series Gen13. Electronic Arts will be developing a series of 2-D and 3-D action/adventure games for the PlayStation, Saturn | and other advanced entertainment platforms. Look for more news on this hot deal in future issues. e Publisher: Top Cow/Ballistic Studios for Image * Cover Price: N/A * Available: May Ohhh. Did someone say Medieval Spawn mini-series? Finally, after two [iam years since the creation, Medieval | Spawn will be in his own spotlight. Unfortunately, he's not alone. Marc Silvestri’s Witchblade (who we don't really like) crowds this comic to its fullest capacity. This tale is written by Brandon Peterson and drawn by Garth Ennis. Hopefully, this Spawn split will be better than the WildC.A.T.S. and Badrock team-ups. Armada Comics is releasing the premiere issue of Baywatch:Photo Series in May. Compiled using | video captures of old episodes, the issue is a pile of grainy and over , enlarged picts. You'd be better off 4 just taping the TV show on your VCR and using the pause button. * Publisher: DC Comics * Cover Price: N/A * Available: May ‘96 Alex Ross, who is a phenomenal painter, amazed all comic readers with his origin tale of the Marvel | Universe, Marvels. A year and a half later, Ross is ready to release his take on the origin of the DC Universe entitled Kingdom Come. Expect to see the same style of art, storytelling, and of course the same cover price. (Cha-Ching!) PED, This semi-comic is definitely not <7 j for kids, and definitely not for sale. y. D This limited freebie can only be | E found at certain comic and video game shops. Whether a series is in the works is still unknown. 10 it in the world; however, the title of this | dm Marvel Chickens Out? It looks as though the people over at Marvel Comics are pulling a “Marvelcution” on themselves. Nothing good can come from the recent deal of Image Comics renting out four of Marvel's longest running series. The series have been on a slide in readership and sales, but it's like sellin£ your daughter or son to your biggest enemy. Here's the deal: Captain America and The Avengers will be handled by Rob Liefeld (Youngblood), and Iron Man and the Fantastic Four will be done by Jim Lee (WildC.A.T.S). All of the series mentioned will start over at issue one and feature a new look. Image has agreed to not destroy the heroes or turn them. into dancing ballerinas. This was a very bad, bad move. Say good bye to Marvel, and say hello to Image! No More Mrs. Nice Hilly ¢ Hilly Rose #6 ¢ Publisher: Astro Comics * Cover Price: $2.95 * Available: Late April This series keeps getting hotter and hotter! Issue £6 continues to build upon the current story line of a possible. scandal involving Hilly's dad. Not daddy!? This issue also features exploding women, janitorial alien dogs, oh so friendly robots, and another glance at Hilly's origin. B.C. Boyer's Hilly Rose is one of the most original comics to come out in quite some time. Hopefully, this underground comic will send some waves through the dying comic mainstream. Keep your eyes peeled for more exclusive info on Hilly Rose. Recall the games of yesterday with our monthly glance into the infancy of gamedom. To be sure, we won't list the obvious classics like the Super Mario series, Contra, or Zelda. We are delving deep into the void of obscure, yet entertaining games of the past. See how many of these gems you can remember. CLASSICS HaLL OF FAME Blades of Steel - NES Dune: Battle For Arakis - Genesis Vanguard - Atari 2600 Super Action Baseball - Coleco Actraiser - SNES Y's Book | & Il - Turbografx CD Kickle Cubicle - NES Gunsmoke - NES Zen Intergalactic Ninja - NES Strider - Genesis & NES Thunder Force 3 - Genesis Mickey Mania - Genesis Game Informer a April ‘96 interview With 1 an's Creator ote Nheeler Gl: How do you see yourself and Too Much Coffee Man fitting into the comic kingdom? Shannon: Well, there's always that one guy living outside the kingdom walls all deformed and dirty. TMCM is easy to sell to people because it has a quick hook and punch line that lures you into it. There's a lot of layers here, and a lot of work went into it. | put tons of personal feelings in it, and word of mouth really launched it. Gl: What are your thoughts on the so called “main- stream" of comics? Shannon: Hmmm. It's fractured, there was a real mainstream when Marvel and DC put out a fair share, but it seems to have collapsed. Most of it doesn't interest me. There's a lot of interesting stuff here, it's kind of like picking the corn out of poop. You just have to look for the 10% of the good kernels through all the stink. Gl: What is your favorite comic, (other than yours, of course)? Shannon: Let me think... | guess Cowboy Wally by Kyle Baker. It's funny as hell, it's hard to believe that a comic is published this well. | | | Gl: You're obviously very talented and people dig your stuff. So the next question is fairly obvious. What inspired you to take up comics? Shannon: I was doing a strip for a few newspapers and the people | was meeting were involved in comics, and they said I should start doing comics. | always wanted to do comics, and I used to collect them when | was young. So I figured why not? There's a lot of freedom in doing 32 pages instead of a few panels. * Too Much Coffee Man # 5 * Publisher: Adhesive Comics * Cover Price: $2.50 * Available: Now The title of this comic couldn't have been said any better. Like caffeine, the tales told within are very addictive. Too Much Coffee Man faces the biggest challenge of his life in issue #5. On every odd numbered page TMCM dies, and on every even numbered page he is resurrected. When asked why this is, Shannon Wheeler (artist, writer) replied, "Heroes die all the time. It helps sales. Then they're brought back to life. This also helps sales." TMCM has the kick you need to keep you going all day, and an addictive quality which will keep you running back for more! —— Game Informer n April '96 1. What game was the sequel to Gradius? 2. True or False: Did JVC finish the Star Wars Trilogy on the 8-bit Nintendo? 3. What was the only video game console that you could buy expansion units for that would allow you to play their com- petitor's games? 4. What was the first game to feature a rock'n'roll band? 5. In the original Street Fighter what color was Ryu's hair? (Answers on Page 19) | | i | | | | | : 2 waa Is Dio! "ny Dic AP Co, ço mA D ree Tongan pres Du sored ean e sum et emm ideo Game Pros i DigiPen: This game was originally created for the PC by the legendary Bit-Map Brothers and then ported over to the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo in 1992. What game is it? (Answer on the bottom of page 19) Ken Griffey Jr. Seattle Mariners slugger Ken Griffey Jr. visited Angel Studios to work on his upcoming Nintendo baseball games UFO Defense for the Sony PlayStation is Ken Griffey Jr. Winning Run. “Junior” donned a wet suit-like a complicated game even if you have read outfit equipped with computer sensors to motion-capture his he manual. Luckily, Prima P: has swing and running style. | Nintendo and Angel are developing versions for both the SNES and Nintendo64. The SNES version is near completion and will be released in the near future. this book if you want play." UFO Defense; The Officia Troubles Plague MAVROM Technologies MAVROM Technologies announced the delay of their 128-bit Iron Maiden VR (IM VR) virtual reality home gaming system until April 1997. The IM VR system, which first debuted in Game Informer's April '95 issue, is a totally immersive game system that allows players to climb into the unit for a full sensory experience. Originally scheduled for an April '96 release, the CD-based system has been plagued with delays. Most recently, a faulty latch system locked an unfortunate game tester in the unit overnight. Obviously, MAVROM does not want to release a system that may harm its users. On the brighter side, MAVROM announced the completion of their neural interface adaptor and virtual pillow accessory. It is rumored that a ultra-violet light bulb peripheral is in the works. This will allow for the IM VR to be converted into a tanning bed. Square To Develop for Sony PlayStation Square Company Ltd. recently announced a third party agreement to publish games for the Sony PlayStation. Final Fantasy VII will be their first release. It will be a monster RPG on 2 CD-ROMs and it is scheduled for release in Japan sometime in December. To any fan of RPGs for Nintendo systems, the name Square is synonymous for quality. Over the last few years Square has pumped out top-notch RPG’s such as the Final Fantasy series, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, and most recently a collaboration with Nintendo, Super Mario RPG. Square has had a long and exclusive relationship publishing games for Nintendo that dates back to the 8-bit NES. The Sony/Square deal is a surprise to many who thought Square would continue its loyal relationship with Nintendo by developing for the Nintendo64 exclusively. Square will continue to develop an exclusive title for Nintendo’s upcoming N64 disk drive unit, but will currently focus its development efforts on the PlayStation until Nintendo finalizes their disk drive. will most likely be the premier games mát ega will be introducing at the E3 show. is set. on an icy moon of uturistic poo eraft to Game Informer ù April: ‘96 Fifteen POLL + d lericall To reach Dear Gl ot the Editors of" re V T" . Gl send rres ondence to: Small, Don't ; _ It wasn't enough that Sony didn't put any save RAM into their Game Informer Magazine system, but to charge $25 for a RAM cartridge with only 15 Attn: Dear GI blocks of game storage space? That might be considered an ) underhanded way of adding “hidden costs” to a console game unit. Fortunately, we live in a country where there's no such | thing as an unregulated monopoly (at least that's the idea). gionline @winternet. com Because of this fact, InterAct Multimedia Products was WWW Home Page - free to release the Memory Card Plus for the PlayStation. http://www This puppy holds a whopping 120 blocks of save memory. i : i When you consider that games like A-Train take 15 blocks To contact Secret Access or — of storage space and most games hog up between one and Access & Allies please send four blocks, 120 blocks of storage is going to take you a correspondence to: lot farther. “Snail Mail DS! Game Informer Magazine Attn; Secret Access Eden Prairie, MN 55344 | D | rayi on | | . 10120 West 76th Street i | It's a well known fact that most video game systems come with only one controller. Since two player games are often twice the fun, it is almost essential to purchase another. Fortunately, there are many options available. If o ia E É you happen to own a PlayStation, InterAct i | Tocontact Swap Shop or A.PB. Multimedia Products has released the PS "uo ^ QE P | ple "a Pes ba & Arcade. |t features independent auto-fire A | control, four speeds of auto-fire, 3 speeds of slow motion, and some shiny LED indicators. Look for it at a retailer near you. ha, fime to ( While V dicloss controllers are. nothing nugas the WJ2000 from Vivitar | is taking this technology one step beyond. Using microcontrollers instead of contact points and moving parts, the WJ2000 never needs recalibration or pou recentering, and isn't susceptible to ordinary wear and tear. It can also switch Snail Mail Z< between analog and digital mode to give you whatever kind of control you desire. pede | und ies Powered by three AAA batteries, it has automatic power management and 1 0120 vie. aie “sleep” mode which will shut it down to save batteries after five minutes of Eden Prairie MN 55344. inactivity. While this phaser-like joystick is currently only available for the PC and has a price of $129, it's , d Call | a still nice to look at. PF our uu na) AM e |. 9:00 am - 4:00 p To Subscribe please ond a a check or money order for $19.98 to: Subscription i inquiries please send correspondence to: — C — Last month we told you that the Game Shark was available for the Saturn, and this month we're letting you know you can get it for your PlayStation. It plugs into the | parallel I/O port on the back of the unit and will enhance | gameplay with builtin and programmable codes. It stores Eden Prairie, MN 55344 | up to 9999 codes, and unlike the Game Genie you only Fry. EP La | Video Game Trivia Answer | , EB ij. q 1 " Ile Force | have to enter them once. You can call a BE | 2. False, they did not | 1900-772-SHARK to receive the latest "4. B 3 Colecovision ! codes, or look in the Secret Access Pardo, "n | 4, Journey Escape (Starring the lone section of our magazine where we'll print USE y | supergroup ad ‘em if we got ‘em. 5 d Name That Game DA | ` é | “lts GODS, an addictive action/puz ler Lee E nd...) was published by Mindscape, Game informer n April ‘96 Gamer BILLIONS OF PRAYERS FOR PEACE. MILLIONS OF MEN AT WAR. - ONE LUNAIIC STOKING THE FIRE. ga ies and accessories with al to be sure that they ALI LATILU ST Game Over Man! Use the forklift to get to the second level. Who let this Dog Alien out without a leash? — 194 tiam The Aliens on the ceiling dont DU, | T P pex n glass and attack that often, but they sure : T XN a it Shatter do scare the spit out of you. h "d A3 OW : t close OF i | , he eggs before you ge Fê 4 ) 1 4 à an | ad you'll have hundreds of $ z : l ohare d. | Imperial troops have | Looks like it's Alien oulash ers running aroun + ee Impe p ; en g ~ ~ — | entered the base! again tonight! ge [M 4 i9 0 , m" d ame Informer » April g M, Mes d à a P m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player First-Person Action/Shooter m Special Features: 3 Difficulty Levels, Password and Memory Card Save, 5 Weapons To Collect, Multiple Items To Find, Ten Different Kinds of Enemies, Mission Objectives, Exclusive Motion Capture Technology, Computer Generated Cut-Scenes, Over 30 Levels Of Play m Created by: Probe and Fox Entertainment for Acclaim Entertainment w Available: Now for Sony PlayStation & Sega Saturn T- sweat builds on your brow as a new tick shows up on the motion tracker. Its incessant hum is like a nail driving deeper and deeper into your skull, but yet you heed its call. Something is approaching fast from the left. Like a bullet from a gun the Alien Warrior pounces on you from thin air Claws scraping...teeth tearing...your heart beats so fast you're almost certain it will fail. Your instincts take over. In an instant, your shotgun fills the room with the scent of gunpowder and death. This time you got lucky. This is the world of Alien Trilogy. Loosely based on the three movies, Alien Trilogy puts you in the shoes of the hero, Ripley, as you take on the evil infestation in three different environments: the colony, the prison, and the Alien craft. You'll start the game off in the colony where you must work your way through its levels to reach the Alien Queen. On each level you must complete a specific goal. Sometimes it's as basic as exterminating all the Aliens in the area, and other times you must collect ID Badges or destroy crates and barricades. Each episode of the Trilogy is basically the same, except the graphics and difficulty increase from level to level. Along the way there'll be plenty to keep you busy. As with most Doom-style games, there are numerous health items to collect as well as weapons and utility items to find. The most important item you'll want to find on each level is the Auto Mapper. This device will show hidden areas as well the location of switches - which will come in handy when you are running low on ammo. As you move throughout the levels, Ripley is able to look up and down with a special look button to search each area thoroughly She can also run, strafe, and fire two weapons simultaneously. From gorgeous graphics to a pulsating soundtrack Alien Trilogy has everything a gamer could expect. The action is fast with plenty of gore and lots of Aliens. So watch for Alien Trilogy coming to the PlayStation and Saturn this month. M UonNeIs tela mena Weapons & Ordinance ia Do you think you have what it takes to stop the Alien horde? It'll takes guts, nerves of steel, and, as we always say, lots of hitech weaponry. You start the game off with just a 9mm pistol, but dont worry, there's plenty of weaponry on the way. You can use these to destroy mass quantities of Aliens, but it's best to save them for weakened walls and barricades. switch, run out holding the Rifle. Flame Thrower The shotgun is the second best all- purpose weapon in the game (and will be your primary weapon for most of the first episode). Use it to blow Face Huggers away in one shot! Easily the best weapon in the game. The Pulse Rifle is effective and has a built-in Pulse Grenade launcher for the really nasty Aliens. To get the Pulse Hifle on Level 7 youll need to go the room with the three eggs and a switch. Flip the and to the left to find a lowered lift The Flamethrower is an excellent weapon, but the ammo is limited. Works best against numerous weak Aliens. This hi-powered rifle can cut through an Alien in one second flat and then slice a tomato the next (sorry Ginsu!). It takes a while to find this harbinger of death, but once you do youll find it irreplaceable against Queen Aliens. Throughout the levels you'll need to find numerous items, but nothing you find will be as necessary as these. The Auto Mapper keeps tabs on your location and reveals hidden areas. Battery Packs are needed to operate switches as well as power the Shoulder Lamp and Night Vision Goggles that you'll need to navigate 4 3 the Alien hive. Concept: “As far as aesthetics are concerned j this game is pretty much set — the Graphics: 9.25 Aliens look cool and the soundtrack is great. Plus, this game is scary. Sound: 9 Something will freak you out about § every ten minutes. The problem with a Playability: 8.75 Alien Trilogy is that the best level in the whole game is Level 7. While the Entertainment: 8.75 other levels are cool to look at and fun to go through, the level design is so poor that the game becomes $ very linear. Walk here. Do that switch. Kill that Alien. In the end E though, it's the Aliens that make you like this game, and they're what will keep you coming back. If you liked the movies, you will like this game." .— REINER, THE Racine Gamer " AdY UONEISAEId Concept: "What a fantastic horror trip! Just ; j DLE - M k dir odes the One . .5 heck out of me. Alien Trilogy puts g w dem s P you in the shoes of Ripley and face- v E Sound: 8.75 to-face with her worst nightmare — ka Lo mm the acid spewing Aliens. The entire MAE Playability; — 8.25 game is shrouded in a dark and ES x haunting atmosphere just like in the NN Entertainment: — 9 movies. Structure wise, this game doesn't follow its movie foundation ER too well, since Aliens is the first Il mission and Alien is the last. Really Me though, who cares? Graphically, this $ is the best looking first-person perspective title for the PlayStation, and the control is smooth and easy to understand. Definitely check this title out. It makes Doom look like it's still in diapers.” - Q7 y — Paur, THE Pro PLAYER “This is supposed to be a trilogy based on the films, but | found the Í Graphics: g sequence of events and the story ZA to be pretty lame. The graphic ZEE | Sound: 9.25 environments and the sound a produce an intense experience. MEDIEN ar i. a V. " Í Playability: 8.75 But those aspects aside, the E, 7 -P enl "revolutionary" enemies’ graphics § A Entertainment: 8.75 / was expecting did not appear. The E enemy animations are pretty stiff. AT offers cool weapons and challenging levels, but it has nothing over Doom. | thinks it's an enjoyable game, but | would have liked a more involved story and maybe a link mode.” a ines EL eran areca i >THE Borrom Lwe 9 uma t / Dow e Game Informer » April ‘96 « [i Me «c uf > ms ^ Aluminum Can on the Brink of Stardom S. d TY : M iN / «1 V. Nd y " E e /l /N A f " - d bre mr Po — y GOES TO HOLLYW QOD a Im Seal bouncing is s much more fun th . a COW tipping, ; Pi Game Informer » April ‘96 id e Ls Ed n a w y» OMM Game imrorm JA procedure u Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Isometric Action/Platform m Special Features: Supports Both Memory Card and Password Save, Multiple Movie Scenarios, Secret 10076 FMV Making of the Game Ending, Traditional Style Animation, a Run Button, Special Hidden Rooms and Power-Ups m Levels: 23 (200 Bonus Rooms) m Created by: Virgin Interactive m Available: September for Sony PlayStation riginally 7-Up set their marketing around having a beautiful dear drink that had a refreshin taste like no other soft drin (except Sprite). As always, times change and the white bubbly changed faces to support the highly aggressive world of the 90's. The first appearance of this change occurred in a commercial where the little red dot stuffed behind the logo on the can magically jumped into the ^. air and turned into an animated cartoon | character named Spot. Spot doesn't have ~~~ any catchy lines since he speaks in an unknown soft drink language, and he really isn’t that charming. The world fell in love with this dot partly because he’s a mischief maker but mostly he’s a cartoon with an attitude. Besides being red and naked, Spot features sporty pair of high top sneakers and cool shades. is stunning look launched Spot to more commercials video game deals as well. Spot's video game “occurred on the 8-bit Nintendo with the pot, and was followed by a popular action platform title for the 16-bit systems. With ne technology and a whole new outloo make games, Virgin Interactive wil a layStation in his third title, 5 Hollywood. o . The name says it all - Spot does go His entry into stardom doesn’t follow the s e of filming the movie then showing it in the theaters. Accidentally, Spot somehow manages to get tangled up in a projector at his favorite theater. Once this happens, he is shot into the screen and placed in various Hollywood sets. His adventure takes him into many different worlds including prehistoric, science fiction, and horror. Mark Kelly, a producer at Virgin Interactive whose past credits include working with David Perry on Aladdin and Cool Spot, noted that Spot would not only go from movie set to movie set, but game to game as well. Spot will make an appearance in a Pac-Manesque level and one that resembles Frogger as well. He also stated that since the loading time on the PlayStation is fairly long, they decided to make all 23 levels extremely long so that the gamers wouldn’t be held up waiting for more levels to load. Virgin also included a “save at anytime” feature for memory card owners, so that gamers don’t get too frustrated with this isometric (third person perspective) action/platform game. Of course, you could write down the password every time, but what fun is a note pad full of numbers and letters? Spot Goes to Hollywood plays a lot like Nintendo’s Donkey Kong Country where there's tons of hidden rooms, items and secrets everywhere. ® mer ig es || : S^ Y LES Wd Ve Ce Che Mert wt ld mo ad * LS. D ake to the streets of Tokyo in Jaleco's upcoming racing game, Tokyo Highway Battle. This upcoming Sony PlayStation title lets the player race in a choice of three cars that closely resemble some real-life cars. Tokyo Highway Battle will include a couple features that make it unlike other run of the mill racing titles. A full array of car modification can be made such as engines, intakes, tires, and transmissions. A total of ten different modifications categories are included and, depending on how you perform in the races, can be changed by purchasing better equipment. Another interesting control feature is the one-button drift maneuver. On the tight turns this control will kick the car's back end out and require the driver to counter-steer. There's a fine line between using this move correctly and sending your vehicle into a E agende Lu Sow ME À i0. " Although the game is still in its early stages, Tokyo fy The drift PP quum r - Highway Battle already has superb looking vehicles and | ina Vicious in your car excellent car physics. Look for more in upcoming issues. Zi . em , "ra de ea a bute un — P ' i tE I Weave through the slower highway traffic. m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Racing m Special Features: Car Upgrades in 10 Different Categories, 3 Vehicles, 3 Game Modes, . . f-Button Counter-Steer, Multiple Views, Memory Card Save ha. m Created by: BPS for Jaleco | m Available: March for Sony PlayStation MAJOR LEAGUE For. every sport there are thousands of couch joek play the ame better than the professionals and run the ; people, there is video baseball, where anyone with ya )me skill can he baseball void on the PlayStation, Konami is releasing another z's bat aving stance. i'll be — in imaginary for Top Players Konami peido o batter moves a target ng from eresting baseball titles to come down the pi e great American ao or ordinary schmoes | 8 “Undoubtedly, this game has got the * ng interface of any game... fpa skill and practice to. pitch. ana” tunately, the. 275 wish that Konami wot the extra mile and i MLB license so that | didn't have fo play ball at Titan field against the — St. Louis Arches, but | guess one license is better than none. Good | game but it could have been better” : ae, ‘BOTN’ best features are the play | — na controls when pitching or hitting. - Graphics: 8.75 The hitting cursor is very original and requires a good amount of Sound: 8.5 ande un. Per is equally challenging and perfecting Playability: — 8.5 the pitch placement is what its all Entertainment: about. The polygon graphics are ge very nice and the signature stances really add to the realism. BOTN — does have a few quirks when Mic | manual fielding which can become frustrating. It's also a shame tha there are no team logos and | only a handful of stadiums. This is. a solid baseball game, but a few. é nly noying in Bottom of pitching and batting — interface is the best I've ever seen in any B-Ball title | explored more thoroughly in future titles. Not a bad take for Konami Sports first whirl at baseball. G T a look" | A Magical Adventure rc the Lad, the second of two recently announced RPGs from Sony Computer Entertainment, was first released in the apanese market late last year. Expected to hit American shores this fall, Arc the Lad is the tale of a young boy named Arc who must embark on an adventure to save the world. As the adventure unfolds Arc will meet many different people as well as add six new unique characters to his party. Arc uses an airship to travel between six different lands where he can choose from numerous areas to explore. Some areas will only offer another piece to the storyline, while others will bring Arc into the battlescape. Like a game of chess, Arc the Lad uses a strategic round-based battle interface to bring the action to life. Each character in the party can move a certain number of spaces per round and then either execute an attack, use magic, or use an item. As Arc and his companions continue on their quest they will gain à more experience and gradually increase in strength and learn new spells. In the end, Arc the Lad is a graphically impressive adventure. Every character -- good or bad - is gorgeously “animated with impressive spells and wicked attacks. Although the story is ewhat linear, the strategic ents of Arc will make it a nice tion to the PlayStation this Fall. Arc calls on the power of the ancients to zap this zombie into next week. or events are accompanied by computer generated cut-scenes. Pai As you travel from land to land you'll get new characters to help you on your quest LL LES {O E ë eerie cens your attacks. Use the cursor to aim fe ni ge m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Strategic Role-Playing Game (RPG) m Special Features: Computer Generated Cut-Scenes, Easy-To- Use Dial Interface, Memory Card Save With 3 Save Slots, Two Tracks By The London Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, 63 Items to Collect and Use, Over 50 Spells To Master, 6 Controllable Companions m Created by: GeCraft For Sony Computer Entertainment m Available: Now in Japan, Fall U.S. Release for Sony PlayStation 4 “Ladies and gentlemen....the Fores Fairy! That court d pinenoinendl I think me dc put two cons on. been released in Europe by Sony Computer Entertainment The Slo-Mo gion will give a idis 1 after each dunk. g for the one from the charity stripe. " the NBA finals with a teams and also trade players. Seven dif perspectives will give you the perfect view of th the spectacular player animation. NBA features set plays that are controlled with th The preview copy we received still has some bugs to work out, but there are already some cool play elements that are worth noting. Fouls with continuations add to the NBA realism and give a chance for the three-point play. Many times when you go for a dunk the opponent will foul you before you're in the act of shooting. Players will continue moving to the basket in an at a | This pos offers a view of the entire court. the hole or you'll get called for the foul. Sony is continuing its quest to fill the PlayStation with quality sports titles. NBA Shoot Out is shaping up to be g fantastic addition to the library. Look for this gaffe to hit tite Shoot out — eariy every streets this month and check for the bottom line W&next Game Informer » April m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 to 8-Player Basketball (Sony Multitap) m Special Features: NBA Teams and Players, 3 Difficulty Settings, 7 Playing Perspectives, Player Trades, Instant Replay, Real-Time Announcer, Season & Playoff Modes m Created by: Sony ComputenEntertainment America/Europe Wwvailable: April for Sony PlayStation : ^w Talk about an Sine view! ony is continuing their powerful sports line-up with a new NBA basketball game for the PlayStation. NBA 4 Europe. For the North American release, Sony Computer Entertainment America is making some modifications in an attempt to increase the speed and control of the gameplay. They are also adding a number of motion-capture routines featuring Golden State Warrior Latrell Sprewell. ^ Shoot Out includes” í many of the features that you've c ect from a basketball simulation, You” able to play in exhibition, seagons"playefts, playing court and oot Out also and R buttons. mpt to score. Offe ouls jte ————— si msi high noon. E 1 i — 4 “a Don't ask. We don't oom - x gain i z what it is either. ae Vogt p do | get out of ul 1 | i 1 | ! E i | IFO-FETA €59b43bdk APIDUCH opo | | 1 1 1 i Run for your life! The darkness is upon us. ig sr i wb "cta aps Your power ís weak, youn Skywalker. - ; 32 Game Informer » April ‘9G The PlayStatíon's First Traditional RPG? ater this year Sony Interactive will release a no the Beyond. This title falls directly into traditional RPG formula which consists of tactical IFES ALIA WIR a lands. In Japan, the RPG market is plentiful with both good and bad titles. Usually (since this market in the States isn't as big) only the premiere titles make the transition from Japan to the US and Beyond the Beyond is no exception. Although we are unable to translate the Japanese text, we are very impressed by this game's interfaces ano battle sequences. The tactical combat scenes in Beyond the Beyond are truly incredible and unlike anything we've ever seen. Combat consists of a view from behind your characters looking into a surrealistic 3D diorama composed of different textures and the creatures found within. Once combat has begun the view constantly changes angles and perspectives to give each and every hit a little bí€ more visual power. Up to five characters can join your unbelievably jolly little party, and ít seems that some characters may not be as permanent as others. Like the Final Fantasy series, characters are always joining ano quitting and going their own way. Look for more information on Beyond the D in upcoming issues ano a release view Re One has cra wo is closing the gap. m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player Driving (Sony Link Compatible) | m Special Features: 8 Authentic High Performance Vehicles, E - Car Showcase Videos, Multiple Racing Views, 2-Player Split {5 Screen, Memory Card Save, Hidden Track, Hidden Car m Created by: Pioneer Productions for Electronic Arts m Available: April for Sony PlayStation ls wor, Tue Game HOMBRÉ 75 Realism is what this game is all " about. Unfortunately, its not quite g perfect. There are problems with braking and accelerating in turns. The 8 programmers should have made the cars a little more forgiving in the turns. 7.75 My other complaint is that you can't drive on the grass or even the edge of | Entertainment: 7.75 the shoulder. | need as much room as | can get to maneuver around the OVERALL: other cars. | do like the numerous Concept: Graphics: Sound: | Playability: tracks and the game is definitely fun, but | just wish the playability was as good as the graphics.” ios false move and you're into. the side barrier. So that's what the a ZR-I looks like. RrwER, The Racine GAMER “Well, this version is definitely better Lind i than the 3DO offering, but | still can't Graphics: g listen to people say that this is the closest feeling you can get to real Sound: 7 driving. | beg to differ. The graphics are great and the options are Playability: — 6.75 bountiful, but | don't think this car drives any better than those in Pole | Entertainment: 7.5 Position or Rad Racer. In The Need For Speed (TNFS) the only OVERALL: resistance on these turns is a little pull | to the wall and some burnt rubber. 7 5 TNFS is still a great game despite the " little flaws in the vehicle mechanics." This Ain't Mom's Station Wagon! ou've got the keys to a dream machine. You drop into the deep bucket seat of this $250,000 Italian masterpiece and turn the ignition. The engine roars fiercely as you push the accelerator to the floor. Slamming the stick into first gear causes your body to sink deeper into the seat as the car rockets forward. As you scream down the highway and weave through the slower traffic, you ponder the stupidity of your recklessness. Yet, you have this craving that wants to push this machine to its limits. Electronic Arts is giving PlayStation owners a chance to live out their driving fantasies with their racing game, Road & Track Presents: The Need For Speed. Eight of the finest high performance automobiles are at the driver's disposal. From the Mazda RX-7 to the Lamborghini Diablo VT, each car is recreated to simulate the real-life performance of the vehicle. A driver can compete in a choice of four different race modes on 6 different courses. There is also an option for two-player split screen races and Sony Link race. | To successfully master Need For Speed, a driver will have to learn all of | the courses along with the varying performance capabilities of each of the eight cars. Navigating the numerous jumps and blind turns of the Alpine Circuit or nailing the apex in the simple turns of the Rusty Springs track is not an easy task. Initially, the car may spend much of the time crashing into barriers and rolling over into the ditch. Although each car has a choice of automatic or manual transmission, the latter should be the choice to make the car truly perform. EA's The Need For Speed is a beautiful and challenging 0 COUR is nota “Rolling a $200,00 d Rolling a $ it's no problem good move, but in this game. simulation that will please anyone with the craving to scream through traffic, evade the law, crash expensive sports cars, and put the pedal to the metal. Look at the lovely waterfall. > THe Borrom Lwe 8.25 PauL, THe Pro PLAYER a “ really didn't care for the SDO er es version of this game, but the PS-X Graphics: 9.25 version is killer! It has some of the most spectacular crashes I’ve seen Sound: 8.5 in a racing game. There's nothing like flipping a Porsche end over end Playability: 9 or catching air in the Ferrari. The great graphics along with the Entertainment: 9.5 challenging and realistic driving control will keep me coming back to OVERALL: this game. It's not a game that you can blow through. | don't think it rivals Ridge Racer, but Need For Speed is a must buy for any racing fan.” Game Informer a April'96 THE CLASSIC 2-HANDED BENIND THE . BACK ALLEY-DOP SIAN! ALL "enm THE JAM IS BACK TO TAKE UP THE SLACK, JACK Size: 1 CD-ROM Style: 1 to 4-Player Basketball uonelsheld/uanjes Special Features: In-Your-Face Action w/Huge Players, D Full Season Stats, Call Plays, Set Picks, Play as Legendary tel Hoopsters Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, M Live Action Commentary by VanEarl Wright v Created by: Crystal Dynamics ~, Available: May for Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation D AST YEAR'S SURPRISE SPORTS HIT CAME IN THE FORM [6 OF SLAM ‘N JAM FOR THE 3DO. IN THE SPIRIT OF ALL SPORTS TITLES, CRYSTAL DYNAMICS IS RELEASING AN UPDATED VERSION KNOWN AS SLAM ‘N JAM ‘96. THIS TIME IT SEEMS THAT THIS TITLE WON'T BE GRACING THE 3D0, BUT THE SEGA SATURN AND SONY PLAYSTATION INSTEAD. ONCE AGAIN, SLAM 'N JAM ‘96 FEATURES FULL COURT S-ON-S | ACTION AND THE LIVE VOICE COMMENTARY OF VAN EARL WRIGHT, AND JOINING THE PLAYERS ON THE COURT ARE THE LEGENDARY FIGURES OF EARVIN "MAGIC" JOHNSON AND KAREEM ABDUL-JABBAR. IN THIS GAME, YOU'LL BE ABLE TO TAKE YOUR FAVORITE TEAM ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE SEASON, PLAYOFFS, AND INTO THE BIG CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES. ALONG THE WAY, THE GAME WILL TRACK PLAYER, TEAM, GAME, AND SEASON STATS. UNFORTUNATELY, THE ONLY REAL BASKETBALL PLAYERS FEATURED IN THE GAME ARE THE TWO SUPERSTARS MENTIONED ABOVE. EVEN SO, YOU'LL “ist BE ABLE TO MAKE A PLAYER INTO YOUR OWN ums SUPERSTAR IF YOU PLAY IN FRANCHISE-PLAYER | MODE. HERE, YOU'LL BE ABLE TO CONTROL THE SAME | q; PLAYER THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE GAME (OR SEASON) AND TURN HIM INTO THE GO-TO-GUY, THE MONEY-MAN, MR. JOHNNY-ON-THE-SPOT. ALSO NEW THIS YEAR WILL BE THE ABILITY TO CALL PLAYS, SET PICKS, AND ISOLATE PLAYERS. THIS WILL - ALLOW YOU TO CONTROL THE GAME AND LET YOU PLAY BASKETBALL YOUR WAY. ONCE YOU DO GET YOUR MAN TO SCORE, YOU'LL BE ABLE TO SEE THE GAME HIGHLIGHTS FROM MULTIPLE ANGLES, ALLOWING YOU THE TRASH | TALKING OPPORTUNITIES OF A LIFETIME. SLAM ‘N JAM ‘96 IS DUE OUT IN MAY, AND WATCH FOR , MORE INFO ON THIS MEGA-BASKETBALL MONSTER IN THE UPCOMING PAGES OF GAME INFORMER MAGAZINE. E HANGING FROM THE RIM MAY EARN — YOU A T IN THE NBA, BUT IT'S ENCOURAGED IN SLAM ‘N JAM!!! JUST LIKE MAGIC, HE JAMS PAST THE DEFENSE AND LAYS IT IN. 35 : me Informer » April ‘96 ag - (um Agi dup. Broten 1 CD-ROM 1 to 6-Player Hockey (1 to 4-Player PS-X) : All NHL Teams and Players, 16 International Teams, Adjustable Offensive and Defensive Strategies, Custom Controller Settings Using 7 Buttons, 360° Replay, 2 Different Shots Radical Entertainment for Virgin Interactive May for Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation irgin Interactive has never really been known as a sporis game publisher, but they are hoping that NHL Powerplay '96 will put them on the map. This hockey simulation is the first we've seen with polygon based characters. Using motion-capture techniques, players spin _ through the air and crash to the ice with an incredible number of realistic animations. The centers even draw the puck between their legs at the face-off. Besides the outstanding look, this game features a wide array of interesting and original options. FoR Wann: HANC RACK PRO: time "E TO deve op COM: ALLOWS pes setup $ DEFENSE To Game Informer » April ‘96 “NHL Powerplay bu a full NHL icense and will jude all of the NHL players and teams. It will also o have 16 international teams that include many of their rer pedive NHL Ston Russia’ s team features the pow settings have |. games, but NHL. Powerplay also Includes iwo separate shot buttons, three checking buttons, and a skate be ckward rol. It also has drop pastes and | 96 is stil fairly A but is |. already. far superio “fo the other Saturn hockey 7 game and it will give the other PS-X hockey a run for its money. E * * | | : à i Ea cero ET . Game Informer » April 96 — acing on the road seems to be an antiquated notion. These days, people are taking the battle above the street - a few feet above the street, that is. Bullfrog's most recent Psx/Saturi E. addition to the libraries of the PlayStation and Sega Saturn puts Concept: O you in the driver seat of a hovercar and loads you up with heavy Graphics: 8075775 weaponry. Hi-Octane delivers the experience of high speed and Sound: intense racing combat that will keep you on the edge of your : chair. Playahility: Six cars are available and each has a unique balance of Entertainment: handling, speed, armor, and firepower, You Overall: can play in Death Match, where you'll have a | ; certain number of lives to destroy the | 01/8 za | Rener, The Racine GAMER competition, 2-Player Split-Screen Mode, | Single Race, Hot Seat Mode, in which up to | eight players can race hy handing off the | controller, and finally the Championship Mode | which will put you on a racing circuit through all nine tracks. During the race you'll be able to blast your enemies with your mini-gun or missile launcher. You will run out of ammo, but there is an ammo recharging sight, fueling station, and shield repair area on each track. Unfortunately, you'll lose valuable racing time when you need to stop at these. Warm up your anti-grav engine and get ready for morphing terrain, long jumps, and tight competition. It's all about high speed, high intensity, and Hi-Octane. “Holy cow, this game really blows! Hi-Octane has tons of exciting features which are backed up by horrible looking polygons and extremely choppy game play. Both versions stink.” sat. e ae Anoy, Tue Game Homere “Hi-Octane is mediocrity at its finest! Definitely rent this game before you buy, and you may even want to think twice about renting it.” Paut, THE Pro PLAYER "| was expecting a little better. This is a fairly enjoyable game, but the graphics are not too exciting. Rent this baby.” <= i | i a i E — m | 1 n urnn.Tn.urAn | ge 50 HEAD-TO-HEAD Wi bees di LÀ " VERNECT N ere! oe MEANES| MON ia Cie li THE EVIL ROBOT DUDE! I far © fi Snn É Ol OUITy 1 ! * Game Informer April'96. aa z 2: 1 CD-ROM e: 1 or 2-Player Head-to-Head Tournament Fighting i Jal Features: Four New Playable Characters, Group Battle and Survival Mode, Faster Turbo Play, New Endings for Each Character Which Can Be Saved Onto a Saturn RAM Cart, Improved Moves and Combos for Every Character by: Capcom 3: Now for Sega Saturn The Undead Live Again! abn 1994 Capcom released an arcade game that went beyond the boundaries of the living and into the realm of the undead. This title was justly named DarkStalkers. Due to popular demand for the sequel, Night Warriors: DarkStalkers’ Revenge, Capcom will release it exclusviely on the Sega Saturn. Night Warriors is not a souped up version of the first, this. is a “true” Capcom sequel. Four new fighters have been added to the fray. A fierce Dark Hunter with a reputation as cold as a frozen heart is Donovan Blane. Mr. Blane is an efficient fighting machine who utilizes the Homing Sword for his deadly attacks. Hsien-Ko, the Chinese Ghost, is on a mission to save her mother's soul through the use of the Guillotine Swing. Chop suey! Plus, the two boss characters from the original are now playable. Huitzil, the Mayan Android, who's lubed up and ready to drive the competition to the ground, and Pyron, the Galactic Despot, is here to light your fire. Besides having more characters, Night Warriors also features a bag full of new game modes, moves, and graphic improvements. The Saturn version features two new modes that weren't present 3. in the arcades, inluding a Survival Mode. This mode allows the player to take on as many pm characters as they can before their life D bar is depleted. Plus, a Group Battle Mode has been added to give a group of gamers a true DarkStalkers tournament. When looking at the game screen, you'll notice that the Special Meter bar has been moved from the bottom of the screen to a tight spot right below the life bar, and it no longer utilizes the growing | health bar effect. Now it tallies how many É special moves and hits have been landed in a simplistic numeric system of 1 to 5. Another addition to Night Warriors is the fantastic new endings for each character. They're longer and graphically superior to the arcade. Also, so that you don't have to beat the game over and over to impress your friends, you can save the ending and load it up at anytime. | Night Warriors looks great, and is definitely a step in the right direction for next generation Capcom titles. Keep your eyes... peeled for more undead coverage in the next issue of Game Informer. Game Informer xs April '96 That Crazy Worm v Goes To Saturn m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Action/Platform m Special Features: Snott Parachute and Snott Swing, New Guns, Digital Soundtrack by Tommy Tallarico, Exclusive New Highly-Rendered Backgrounds, Madcap Fun and Mayhem m Levels: 10 m Created by: Shiny Entertainment & Screaming Pink for Playmates m Available: April 1st for Sega Saturn x472 I knew all this fame was getting to Jim's head but this is ridiculous. Ahhhhhh... rendered loading screens. Lo How many pigs does it : i. |] SER take to get to the center PU * B RE Sl of a Tootsie-Pop? Alright Jim, put the Hamster in the machine and...jog! Y x472 who will win the fight of the centur *C PAUL, "m Pro PLA YER "There's. a lot to be said about Concent a “Youre | t going to get that much in action/platform . games. Basically, a a this game over the 16-bit version. j le : Graphics: — 9.25 blockbuster title like EWJ2 will graphics: 9.5 There are some nice graphical ^ ea ides, this game has absolutely mr eventually make its way onto every improvements in the backgrounds — : g nothing - but rendered Sound: 8.75 platform system and by the time it Sound: g and such. Plus there are some great backgrounds (neat!) and new music reaches its destination, its old new sound samples that make Jim Playability: 7 by Tommy Tallarico. Whoopee! There Playability: 9 news. This genre can easily be Playability: 9.5 even wackier. Other than being 4 are better games you can play on compared to a pair of pants. At first slightly more challenging than the p= =™ Entertainment: — 8 your Saturn." 9 theyre great, theyre new, and the Entertainment: 8 Genesis version, that's all you get. It... competition of stiff cloth on the legs is a great Saturn game, but don't etw is very challenging to break in. expect to find a whole bunch of new f Eventually, they become dull, stuff. If you played it already, leave P r2 boring, out of fashion and out of this version alone." date. By the time theyre broken in and comfy, you trade them in for the s hot new fashion — parachute pants, "m bell bottoms, or in the video world — ‘ DKC2 and Vectorman." E UMS qiix aptat pl i "Game Informer April '96 ageres P C Ne ET d il m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Strategy/Warfare : m Special Features: Standard and Campaign Mod Play as Japan, Germany, or United States, Many Types of Units to Command, Rendered Combat Animations, Multiple S. meh. SystemSoft for Working Def Seit , he period of time between 1939 and 1945 was probably one of the darkest in recent history. Millions of people died, historic buildings were bombed to the ground, and America's isolationism allowed one of the most evil men in history to almost take over the world. Fortunately, the good guys finally won and world order was restored (sort of). Maybe you didn't like the result, or perhaps you think you could have won the war more efficiently. If you consider yourself a strategist and tactician, then you'll be excited about Working Designs latest Japanese translation, Iron Storm. In this game you'll be able to take command of either the German, Japanese, or American forces in a full-length recreation of the war. You can also jump in and play a single battle if you don't feel up to a six year struggle. Each army has different strengths and weaknesses, and the troops you can recruit vary depending on who you are. The playing field is laid out with hexagons representing each area of land. You will be able to PEN ame Informer s. April ‘9G move each of your pieces once per turn, and then it’s the other side’s chance to move. It is not uncommon to have three or four different armies fighting in the same battle. Sometimes you will have allies, other times it’s you against the world. You will start with a certain number of troops, and you can build more infantry, tanks, or planes as you see fit. Of course, resources are limited so choose wisely. Should you decide to have one of your troops attack the enemy, you will be treated to a rendered animation of the melee. You will also be given a breakdown of the various strength of both sides. When one side has a rating of 80 and the other has no suitable weapon to return fire, you know it’s going to be a slaughter. As lovely as the animations are, disabling them is as easy as pushing a button. This is fortunate because they tend to get a bit repetitive as the game goes on. Do you have hundreds of hours to spare? If so, you might want to check out Iron Storm from Working Designs. Guaranteed to last a long, long time. d uses MƏNA, fishin 4 “ | | | | | | | | | With the orb of fin a deadly flame it 1i t has never been easy to live in the shadow of greatness, and that is especially true for our young hero. His father, Sir Jiles, saved the world from an evil dragon a few years before he was born, and he's had to live up to | that legacy every day of his life. He has finally come of age and it is time for him to join the royal guard. Will he live up to the family name? Will he | earn the honor and respect of all the people of his land? Will he fall asleep ^ on the job and allow evil to run rampant? The outcome of this adventure is entirely up to you. Shining Wisdom represents the first action/RPG available for the Sega Saturn. It has all of the classic elements of a game of its kind. You are a young inexperienced adventurer who has a big name to live up to. After winning a few early struggles and rescuing the fair princess, the fate of the world is turned over to you and your fighting prowess. You begin the game with an ordinary sword. While you do not gain experience, finding certain items will increase your character's powers and give him access | to new areas. For instance, once you have acquired the Magic Hands (a long range boxing glove) you will be able to flip switches which are otherwise inaccessible. The heavy boots will allow you to kick down weakened walls and loors. lie is fogged in sleep. i the castle is 099" nos. a mysterious figure approas e you can unleash Serpent. Game Informer » April ‘9G f, The spider IS dangerous but east he S not Poisonous | Size: 1 CD-ROM | Style: 1-Player Action/RPG | Specie : Multiple Weapons and Items to Acquire, Magic, Accelerate Attacks, Attainable Skills dl by: Sonic! Software Planning for Working Designs le: May for Sega Saturn S p A i * y a ka E UFE QT eye ci 13 CM. a = UE Eu tet” JO T e» Cro Says Es E. E e > à . climb vines, DR DU zx Ek The monkey suit leis ue ~~ uq WM É ally COO! Pea tam =] plus you look ré í Be. Use the boxi xin E monst 9 gloves on this rock er z and he’s toast in no time Magic is used a little differently than in other action/RPGs g you might have seen. You gain magic powers by finding the sacred orbs. When you have an orb equipped, it will do nothing on its own; however, it will work in conjunction with items that you equip. The freeze orb and the slip boots will give — 2 you a great sliding attack. Use the spark orb with those boots | and you can slip through certain cracks in the wall with a mighty lightning slide. One innovation this game possesses is the acceleration | attack. There is a gauge underneath your life bar. As you | rapidly tap the ‘B’ button, the value on that gauge will increase. The higher the value on the gauge, the faster your character will run. Navigating the environment becomes much less of a chore at high speeds, and this speed can be combined with various weapons for charge attacks. When you ** have magic equipped, the gauge indicates the power of the | "| magic you are going to use. 1 The Sega Genesis was sorely lacking in games like Shining " Wisdom. Hopefully, the release of this title means better things are in store for the Sega Saturn. & Worms. Spice. Is there a connection? Game Informer » April ‘96 EJ put 1 CD- -ROM Œ Style: 1 or 2-Player Side Scrolling Fighter Æ Special Features: Five Characters to Choose From, Magic, Special Attacks, Gain Levels and Skill, Multiple Paths to Choose, Up to 6-Player Head-to- Poad Mode m Created by: Treasure for Sega m Available: Now for Sega Saturn D, is Fighters Have the World - in. J Ty nimation is so popular cx J ! Lin Japan its almost qu ^ | hard to believe. People Aí Ma F of al ages watch | television and flock to the movie theaters to | experience a surrealistic adventure that can only be | delivered through the medium of Anime; therefore, | it is not surprising that many video games are produced in the style of Japanese animation. The most recent of these games to show its face in the | United States is Guardian Heroes by Sega. | Guardian Heroes is basically a one or two-player side scrolling fighter with three planes of action. You | can choose from five players in story mode and duke it out through a whole bunch of levels. Each | character has a different balance of fighting skill | and magic attacks. You'll have two different attack | "buttons (strong and weak strike) which can be used with the directional pad to do different special attacks. Each character has their own set of. special attacks and you'll need to learn who can do what if you want to make it very far. - É In addition to strike attacks, each chance c can é select from their repertoire of magic attacks. Ice | storms, fireballs, and energy beams are just a few | of the spells from which you can choose. Characters who are strong in magic will have many | | more tricks up their sleeves. Your characters will gain experience as they hack and slash their way through enemies. After each É level you'll have a chance to spend that experience " to increase one or more of your six attributes. If you increase mental power, you may gain access to more spells. Strength will pack a bit more power - behind your punch. Agility will give you speed and ine mysterious luck will have unknown effects o Use those jump jets fo ive |. [4 and death " : $ * x i | | Sometimes you m hows to enemy at n en portrayed the tank of the future | biped armored walker. Whether this style of armored assault. vehicle is practica feasible, remains. a my can let your imagination wi things exist can make a heck o is he case in Ns upcomin ) ‘eal ioter oO ' wift, and it 1 ov're really good). | Drawing a bead on the. different ways. Yo | face him NACS. Le APONS T UHP y 8 DAMAGE eyer GREEN TIME LIMITS 04189 low you to boost yer rain death down on weapons. lts a e and protect it a you'll have to rely cer bullets, a large few guided missiles, ich lays down a ba age thing in its path. uld be a powerful Saturn r more info and the final scores in en of Game Informer. Game Informer s April 96 Prepare to die, carpet boy! ithin one leather-bound volume and written with the ink of squid on sheets of dried papyrus, the great historian Molenubar the Chronicler wrote many fragments on the myth and legend that surround the J history of the Wizard War. Molenubar worked year in and À year out to complete this monumental task, but before he § could finish the Old Gods, who were jealous of the immortality Molenubar would receive once the book was | finished, kidnapped him before his work was completed. The remaining 5,000 years of the Wizard War has remained a mystery, but this is what is known: The clan of the Old Gods created the world a invested all living things with the mystic force - mana. Throughout the years man lea how to harness the mana's potential and use it to make themselves powerful sorcerers. These Everything appears to be fine here time, finding mana turned into a Mer ally ia : the most dedicated sorcerers learned bla magic o topple their most bothersome adversaries. One magician gained too much power for his own good, and with the slip of a misguided hand the world was shattered. The apprentice of the wizard was charged with the task of restoring the world to what it once — i was. This apprentice is you and the mission and your flying limo await. Bullfrog Interactive's Magic Carpet touk the PC kingdom by storm last year and it appears that this nearly flawless translation is going to do the same thing for the 32-bit consoles. Magic Carpet utilizes fast a moving polygons and intense strategic interfaces. This = title is highlighted with beautiful graphics and flawless control. When playing the game the object is greed. Collect as much mana as you can. Once enough is gathered and your castle is built (through the use of a decns magic), world order will be restored. n Action/Strategy Without Magic, mana can not be acquired and beasts y E s From p Carpet uj Sorcerers, cannot be destroyed. Magic can also help you gain allies, | destroy terrain, and cast devilish spells against other carpet riders. The port of Magic Carpet on the Sega Saturn couldn't have come at a better time. Gamers who strive for something different won't have to wait much longer. Your balloon is under attack! Protect it at al] costs. “All of these people worship me and only me. a Created b m Available: fi a » NU ti rele [ ane oi Drago of the great installment. “and Load Firing, Choo Your Path, Air and Ground Combat = Created by: Sega. m" Available: dd for o um 1.CD-ROM 1-Player Action/Platform 3 Difficulty Settings, Magic Attacks, Reforming Enemies, Shooter Stages, Music by Tommy Tallarico Studios Neversoft Entertainment for Playmates Interactive Now for Sega Saturn “For a game that has such good — sound and graphics the gameplay is Graphics: g painfully archaic. Press the attack button and the valiant Prince Sound: 8 Lightstar will do the same slash over and over. Wow! (Can you sense the Playability: 2 sarcasm?) This game is nothing more than a hyped-up platformer Entertainment: — 1 that more or less ends up being a button-pressing-athon. Plus, the OVERALL: speeder bike level totally sucks. Buy Gex for your Saturn and leave Skeleton Warriors in someone else's closet” 4.29 “This game really has a great look to Concent: it. Excellent and deep backgrounds Graphics: 8.25 abound in Skeleton Warriors. That's about where it ends for the Sound: 8.25 positives. It is a very uninspired hack and slash | concept. Whats Playability: 45 with the Skybike levels? They're completely lame and serve no Entertainment: 2 purpose in the game. Nice try at variety. Skeleton Warriors is a OVERALL: classic example of toys and cartoons trying to cash in on vid n 5 players. Skip it.” a >THE Borrom LE |) Awoy, THE Game HoMBRÉ here is already a Skeleton Warriors cartoon series and a toy line, so a video game is the next logical step in the evolution. | This action/platformer is the joint effort of Playmates Interactive | and the newly formed Neversoft Entertainment. In a classic "2 F e f A 47, ^ 2 M" Mi " » 4 Res we. Not oe Pact am > = - ei - - i $e 2 The downward sword attack is very effective. Paut, THE Pro PLAYER REINER, THE Raging GAMER e | oP Concept: Graphics: g Skeleton Warriors may look exciting from the pictures, but believe me Sound: 8 when | say, this action/platformer is as generic as they come. In fact it's Playability: 4.5 so bland that it deserves to be Entertainment: 2.75 on it except black text. This is a me crystal. The Prince is the only warrior brave enough to WD; attempt to dethrone the evil Baron Dark and his B Skeleton Legion. Prince Lightstar is armed with a magical sword. The sword can be used as a standard weapon to | hack and slash foes or it can unleash magical ; projectiles that are accumulated throughout the # © game. The magical power of Lightstars sword is limited so you must mix in standard attacks to have any success. If the action is too much for Lightstar, you can block attacks with the defend button. A good strategy is | to use a jumping sword attach on enemies and attach * them from above. Skeleton Warriors includes more than 90 stages f that are divided into four worlds. The beautifully A created character animation and backgrounds are presented primarily in standard side-scrolling action. There are also third-person Skybike | levels where you control the prince in some | shooting action to collect more magic reserves for the next battle. Sega Saturn owners craving a battle of blade against bone will find a action-packed adventure in Playmate's SReleton Warriors. E: * * EY G 3 Oct - P » If you don't rab the ene grab the blue icon Pa my will reform, <_<" e — É hb. a Jump on the Skybike e À and blast away. | V j Km [a >: Rs | 1 h "My testosterone level is moderate and my. eyelids are very sleepy. shipped in a white box with nothing depressing day the rendered graphics look great, and the soundtrack sounds like something from Conan, but the game consists of nothing but walking (or running if you please) and slashing giant skeletons and bugs. Skeleton Warriors doesn't do it for me." Skeleton Warriors has some very impressive visuals. ha d = 1996 GAME INFORMER EADE SURVEY 1). 01( ) Oto 1 year 04( ) 02 ( )1t02 years 05( )4t 03( )2103 years 06 (..) ) Sega Saturn ) podise 64 ) Virtual Bo Y3D0M2 ' ) Nintendo (8-bit) ) Super Nintendo ) Genesis ) Sega CD ) Neo Geo CD 11( ) Neo Geo sm 2 01( ) Sega sam a ) Neo C Geo 02 ( ) Nintendo 64 ) 32X 03( ) Sony's PlayStation L ) Jaguar 04 ( ) Virtual Boy ( )3DO 05( )3DO M2 ( ) Jag 06 ( ) Nintendo (8-bit) 17( ) Game Boy ( )Jag CD | 18( ) Game Gear 6 years or more 20 ( ) Other (Please ^ o Go Beyond the Beyond " with the Game Informer Readers Survey and PlayStation" Giveaway! Prepare to jump into the 32-bit world of RPGs, underwater exploration, and high altitude flight combat. All you have to do to win a PlayStation game console and three hot titles (including the brand new RPG Beyond the Beyond™) is fill out the questionnaire below, put it in an envelope, and mail it back to us. You can even photocopy the pages if you don't want to mutilate this highly collectible issue of Gl. One lucky winner will receive a PlayStation game console, Beyond the Beyond, Bogey: Dead 6™ (a yet to be released flight combat game), and the ultra-new Aquanaut's Holiday™ (a deep sea exploration adventure). Everyone who enters has an equal chance of winning, so get your entry in by June 30th and you too could be playing in style!!! 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Which reviewer do you listen te most: these pages and mail them in. ) ) ) ) ) ) 01( ) Fighting Games ` 02( ) Role-Playing Games 03 ( ) Sports Games 01 ( ) Andy, The Game Homi Please send all entries to: 04 ( ) Educational Games 02 ( ) Paul, The Pro 05 ( ) Puzzle Games 03 ( ) Reiner, The Attn: 1996 Reader’s Survey 06 ( ) Simulation Games Rick, The Video Ranger 10120 West 76th Street 07 (. ) War Games ae ies Eden Prairie, MN 55344 08 ( ) Adventure Games All entries must be post-marked before June 30th, 09( ) Platform Games (other than video games) in GI News. 1996 to qualify. The winners will be chosen in a 10( ) Racing Games (1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest) random drawing of all completed surveys. SCEA and 04 ( ) Music Game Informer are not responsible for illegible or 05 ( ) Anime mutilated entries. Sony Computer Entertainment logo is a trademark of Sony Corporation. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Bogey: Dead 6 is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment. ©1996 ASMIK Corporation. Aquanaut's Holiday is a trademark of Artdink. ©1996 Artdink. Beyond the Beyond is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. ©1996 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. under license from CAMELOT. ) Shooter Games ) BoardGames ) Other (Please Specify 01 (_ ) Internet ..) Comics ) Movies 1. There is no purchase necessary to win. Only one entry per person. Winner does not need to age, how many hours a week — — 32.) Do you buy comics? E i s B bi in. ies th i ill be voided. G: Info Fi , Inc. you play video games? 01( )Yes be pose v «e. MM Se eh ae ie contest each contestant agrees to abide by the rules and regulations printed on this page and S than 1 hour 05 ( ) 7 to 10 hours 02 ( ) No : applicable to the state in which they win. 3. Offer is void where prohibited by law and subject to : " " i ali federal, state, and local laws. Taxes on prizes are the responsibility of the prize winners. No ) 1 to 2 hours 06 ( ) 11 to 15 hours 03 ( ) Sometimes substitutions. No cash alternative. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute price of equal or i greater value if price is unavailable. The prize selection decision of the judges is final. 4. All entries must be postmarked no later than June 30, 1996. Winners will be determined in a random drawing by July 1, 1996. 5. Grand Prize (1 prize with a retail value of $400): a PlayStation game console, three (3) compatible software tiles, a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt, and 8 one-year subscription to Game Informer Magazine. Second Prize (5 prizes with a retail value of $100.00 each): a PlayStation software title, a PlayStation T-Shirt, a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt, and a one-year subscription to Game Informer. 6. Game Informer and Funco, Inc. reserve the right to substitute prize of equal or greater value if prize is unavailable. 7. Odds of winning are based on the number of entries received. Winners will be notified by phone and/or mail. The grand prize winner's name and photo may appear in a future issue of Game Informer magazine. Winner's entry and acceptance of prize constitutes permission to use their names, photographs, and likeness for purposes of advertising and promotion on behalf of Sony Computer Entertainment America, Game Informer, and/or Funco, Inc. without further compensation. 8. This promotion is operated by Game Informer and Funco, Inc., which are solely responsible for its conduct, completion and awarding of prizes. All decisions of Game Informer, and Funco, Inc. on all matters relating to this promotion are final. Game Informer and Funco, Inc., and participating sponsors assume no liabilities resulting from the use of this prize. 9. Employees of Sony Computer Entertainment America, Game Informer and Funco, Inc., and all participating vendors, their subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising agencies, and their immediate families are not eligible. 0: ) 2 to 4 hours 07( ) 15 hours or 404( )4 : " 01 ( )1105 5 26.) On average, how offen do you pick 02( ) 610 10 04 ( ) 16 or more - Informer Magazina? ; 34.) Do you buy mU 01( )1t03 times 01( )Yes 02( )4t 03( )8 05 ( ) 15 times or more Game Informer April '96 In the dark, unskilled and misled is no way to play video games... Get Informed! Subscribe now and receive the best reviews, secrets and strategies on the hottest video games. : zine aming maga want the ponen to your door? delivered ri 8 2 iscovens the fidi e Isle Treasures of Croc ZEánthw "He's Back Di . Bi p issues * ; 12 smokin | = is all it takes for E Magazine. of Game Inform er price! 27.42) ( That's $ other St n ger? ius e ace Olt, UOTE. rally, and NB Coda | Look for the Subscription Card Inside this Issue!! or For Faster Service with Credit Card Call (612) 946-8105 um Don't get stuck with another lame game. Subscribe to Game Informer Magazine TODAY 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM CST Mon. - Fri. and receive 12 information- Please allow 8-10 weeks for 1st mailed issue. Send foreign and Canadian packed issues. orders prepaid, in U.S. funds, with $20/year additional postage. HE FIGHTS YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE - THE INCREDIBLE HULK VS, JUGGERNAUT, SPIDERMAN VS. CAPTAIN AMERICA, WOLVERINE VS. ANYONE - HAVE LEAPT OFF THE COMIC BOOK PAGE AND INTO THE ARCADES WITH THIS NEW FIGHTING GAME FROM CAPCOM. MARVEL SUPER HEROES HAS THE SAME GRAPHICS AND GAMEPLAY STYLE AS X-MEN: CHILDREN OF THE ATOM, IT EVEN HAS SOME OF THE SAME CHARACTERS: WOLVERINE, PSYLOCKE, AND THE NOW PLAYABLE MAGNETO AND JUGGERNAUT, OTHER CLASSIC MARVEL CHARACTERS INCLUDED IN THIS GAME ARE | CAPTAIN AMERICA, HULK (HULK WILL SMASH), IRON MAN, AND SPIDER-MAN, THEN THERE ARE TWO NOT-QUITE-SO- FAMOUS CHARACTERS (ite Be NAMED BLACKHEART AND a — SHUMA-GORRATH. Ma LUCKILY, THERE ARE TWO VERY COOL AND DIFFI- CULT BOSSES AT THE END OF THIS GAME, THE FIRST END BOSS YOU WILL FACE IS THE MIGHTY DR, DOOM, AND IF YOU GET PAST HIM, THANOS INDICATE WHICH POWER YOUVE WILL SURELY KEEP WEE caesar "M A WA e RECEIVED. WHEN THE METER IS YOU OCCUPIED, = | | A LAO EMPTY, THE SPECIAL ABILITY OF THE yle: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter j s: Infinity Moves, Q-Sound, Tech Hits, Six Power Gems, Normal Or Turbo Speed Settings, Double Screen Jumps Capcom : Now at an Arcade Near You THE KEY NEW FEA- GEM WEARS OFF. THERE ARE SEVERAL TURES FOR MARVEL WAYS TO ATTAIN GEMS DURING GAME- SUPER HEROES ARE |. PLAY, ONE WAY IS TO GET THE FIRST THE INFINITY MOVES .. ATTACK ON YOUR OPPONENT AT THE . AND POWER GEMS, THE “BEGINNING OF THE ROUND. ANOTHER INFINITY MOVES ARE JUST LIKE THE ALPHA MOVES FROM. STREET FIGHTER ALPHA, EXCEPT THAT WHEN YOUR OPPONENT'S LIFE BAR IS ALMOST DIMINISHED AND YOU FINISH HIM OFF WITH YOUR PS & INFINITY MOVE, THE SCREEN FLASHES ie Te THE NAME IN HUGE LETTERS AS à YOUR OPPONENT SLOWLY PERISHES, THE POWER GEMS, ON THE OTHER HAND, ARE SOMETHING TOTALLY NEW, E THERE ARE SIX DIFFERENT GEMS TO COLLECT: TIME, POWER, SOUL, REALITY, MIND, AND SPACE, EACH — ex GEM HAS ITS OWN SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES THAT CAN IMPROVE YOUR CHARACTERS POWERS, AFTER YOU ACTIVATE A GEM, A LITTLE POWER METER APPEARS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN TO - OPTIONIS IF YOUR OPPONENT HAS A GEM. THAT YOU WANT, YOU CAN BEAT IT OUT OF HIM AND HELL DROP IT. TO SELECT y THE DIFFERENT GEMS IN YOUR INVENTORY, “A SIMPLY PUSH THE START BUTTON, AND IF YOU ARE REALLY GOOD YOU CAN EVEN SHOW OFF A LITTLE BY PUSHING DOWN, DOWN, AND THEN THE START BUTTON SO YOUR FIGHTER WILL TAUNT HIS OPPONENT, TAUNT, BUT BE CAREFUL, BECAUSE IN THIS FAST- MOVING GAME AN INSTANT WITH YOUR GUARD DOWN COULD BE THE DIFFER- ENCE BETWEEN VICTORY AND DEATH, SO PREPARE YOURSELF MARVEL FANS, THE GREATEST BATTLE IN COMIC HISTORY IS ABOUT TO UNFOLD RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES. EN MU j P E M - ADT : " Sa |! WOLVERINE HAS T A SECOND INFINITY MOVE ought it was just like X- h dit | really got . t ^At first glance "But as | playe CALLED WEAPON X THAT IS $ ; . bad (that concept ® hirer alized this game Was he (m PREFORMED BY F, D, DF, F UE e j have graphics: 9 meane, a : rade moves a vou uper + ALL THREE PUNCHES, : poi icked m from Sound: some 22 erect mix of the best ie e eT ines prova: 10 oct Fighter Alpha and fast paced action O EN sament: 9:75 Atom. It has the combo moves of d GAME INFORMER S ger pha, arat his is the first om style (ie CHE MINING CARD #2 gs! class roduced UOP en, and Ata) deserves cor MARVEL SUPER HERO MOV of is own.” Arwork © Marvel Comics In. Game Informer » April ‘96 im Size: 1 or 2-Player Punch & Kick Adventure m Special Features: New RAX Audio Technology, Digitized Graphics m Created by: Iguana Entertainment for Acclaim m Available: Now at an Arcade Near You It's official! Acclaim has now entered rcade market with their first title, Batman ver. Created using the latest in digitized , Batman Forever lets two players play as the dynamic - By take on some of Gotham City's most evil villains P T % er i i ng Two-Face and The Riddler. To add to the feel of [D X 8 Ww ¢ i wler, Acclaim has added their newest au, ology called RAX. This new audio compre: — technique lets the programmers translate ex j audio materials into digital sound with | loss in reproduction. It is also capable o 12 random audio tracks at once. Look f one at an arcade near yov. : You've played Virtua Racing, Daytona U.S.A. and Sega Rally, but you probably haven't played Indy 500, Sega's newest high-speed arcade racer. Officially licensed by the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Indy 500 has three vicious — ^ tracks to master. From the — 4 classic race on the Oval Circuit to the | winding turns of the Bay Side Street | Course, Indy 500 will stretch your æ driving skills to the edge and back. These sticky Formula One cars can burn through the courses at blazing speeds, but will turn on you in an instant if you underestimate their power. Intense high-speed gameplay and gorgeous graphics are just some of the high points of this amazing racer from the arcade geniuses at Sega. Watch for this one! m Style: 1-Player Driving m Special Features: Up to 8 Machines Can Be Linked Together For Multi-Player Action, 4 Perspectives, 3 Courses, Indy 500 License, Two Versions Currently Available: Standard With 36 Inch Wide Projector in With Two 26 Inch Monitors reated by: Sega ailable: Now at an Arcade Near You > THE Borrom LINE 9.25 | Game Informer 9» April 96 _ Size: | CD-ROM Style: |-Player First Person Action Special Features: Different Guns, The Ability to Shoot Dead Animals, Diamonds, and Fantastic FMV Clips Created by: Jumpin’ Jack Entertainment For Sega Available: May for Sega Saturn Preview To our advantage we were able to get our hands on an 80% beta of Congo. Congo utilizes the same engine that was used in Ghen War. In fact one might think that this is Ghen War since it’s so similar in appearance. The only difference is the setting of a jungle instead of a mining planet. This title is mostly action orientated, and little strategy is involved. Angry gorillas and killer iguanas block the road to victory with their evil vengeance. Is something controlling them or making them mad? Will this title be better than the movie? It's hard to say, but we hope so. Ko Megami Tensei - Devil Summoner atur Preview Size: | CD-ROM Style: |-Player RPG Special Features: Monster Interaction, Monster Combining, 80 Different Weapons, 28 Guns, Magic Created by: Atlus Available: June for Saturn Already a hit in Japan, Megami Tensei is slated for an American release in the middle of this year. In this RPG, you will find yourself adventuring in modern day Tokyo. However, your mind has been transported into the body of a Devil Summoner. Your quest is to overcome supernatural forces and return to yourself. In addition to the realistic graphics, this game features loads of weapons to use, and you can also interact with monsters. Monsters will join you, give you money, or attack you depending on what you say to them. You can also combine monsters in your party to create new, unique monster allies. Look for more info as it becomes available. UFO Defens PlayStation Review Size: | CD-ROM Style: |-Player Strategy Special Features: 8 Bases To Build and Maintain, Numerous Items to Research and Collect, Memory Card Back-Up (5 Blocks), and Mouse Compatible Created by: Mythos for Microprose Available: April for Sony PlayStation Overall: 8.5 Originally released on the PC in ‘94, X-COM is a complex game of strategy and resource management. Aliens are mysteriously appearing all around the globe and it is your job, as a member of Extraterrestrial Combat (X-COM), to do everything you can to stop them. Build bases, outfit your men, manufacture an air force, and research alien technologies and you just may have a chance. X-COM is a difficult game that takes patience to master, but the fruits of your work are plentiful. Unfortunately, this game is best when played with the PlayStation mouse, so make sure you have one or are ready to make the investment! Game Informer » April Darius Gaiden rantic Flea Size: | CD-ROM Style: ! or 2-Player Shooter The shooter-style game has seen much evolution over the history of gaming. Space Invaders spawned Galaxian, Galaga, and : j Size: j i ; Special Features: Xevious. Space War was upgraded to 16 Megabit Flea circus owners and people with the itch 4 Difficulty Settings, Asteroids, Time Pilot, and so on. Finally, the Style: listen up! Gametek has just released a game poa Nain AR ultimate shooter took the world by storm | — I-Player Action/Platform that fits into your line of work and social Missile, Laser, and Shield - R-Type. Unfortunately, no one has been Special Features: behavior. The game is Frantic Flea and the RAR RIAA able to take the next step and evolve the "1. Fleas, Mean Aliens Trying goal is to save your little buddy fleas from Created by: 2D shooter beyond this point. Darius f f to Take the Fleas, the grasp of the evil space aliens. Sure bh for Ace Gaiden for the Sega Saturn is a new sequel ME and Flea Traps youre wondering, what makes the flea pe E to a line of shooters that has been around Created by: you're controlling so much better than the j for a few years. It features some nice Hae Ternirra for Gametek a danger? Well, the flea you control is graphics and the standard missile, laser, and peers. Nintend brave, heroic, and four times as big as your shield power-ups. You can also choose ow for super ium little siblings. This flea can spin, run, and which path you want to take, which gives jump! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this game is PLAVEBI OO181000/ ae this game 26 different levels. É fairly lame. There isn’t much here, except Elali” eA) Overall: 5.75 flea collecting. Like we said, if you fit the , description above, you're the only one who'll get anything out of this game. DI GVFP1: 0028276 CREDITS EDNGPERSRESUSTUIS ONES Soe Some — (m PlayStation Review | | CD-ROM Style: | or 2-Player Like the popular board game Axis & Allies, World War II Simulator Panzer General incorporates all the action Special Features: from WWII into a strategic simulator. Two Campaign Mode and a options of play are available in the format of Scenario Mode Which : : : Contains 38 Different a Campaign Mode and a massive Scenario Levels, Over 350 Unit Types, Mode which allows the user to command Optional In-the-Trenches the Allies or the Axis throughout 38 War Animations scenarios. Over 350 unit types ranging from Created by: Tiger tanks to B-17 Flying Fortresses are Strategic Simulations, Inc. available for your assault on the enemy.The Aa graphics are not too impressive and the Available: loading times are fairly long. Fortunately, you have the ability to cut this time in half by turning off the immensely lame war Overall: 7 animations. This is a pretty good PC port, IR » but like any other game, much can be [ES ee improved upon. a Now for Sony PlayStation er April ‘96 m PlayStation Preview | CD-ROM PO'ed, which originally appeared on the ; mem | Style: |-Player First-Person 3DO, e now coming to the Sony Creature Shock features two completely P É Action/Adventure PlayStation from the folks at Accolade. The different game modes which will put you in [RAS TTE TT premise is simple, your ship has been awe. The first, which resembles the likes of [ERES SE OD (crea overrun by aliens and its your job to knock Size: 2 CD-ROMS Style: !-Player Point and Click Adventure ; Star Fox, puts you in the hull of a flying | TE these alien freaks back where they came pere banana. This game mode is highlighted with [EE MA from and get your butt back home. During 2 Discs of FMV Video Clips, : 8 gg | Button, Gruesome Weapons, Point and Click Action, great 3D effects and destructive power-ups. ae ae MAM If this isn’t enough, then hold on! There's a Shrunken Down Video Full 6 Degrees of Movement iiis quest you'll find many interesting FO] created by: items to use such a a butcher knife and a Screen Showing die Sae also a FMV point and click shooter mode. | Any Channel for Accolade drill. Whether you re drilling a hole through Thing Only With Green This mode is featured in a first-person | Available: an attacking alien or using your jet pack to Shading perspective and is extremely exciting. First, [SORA ELS find hidden levels, you're PO'ed and it's Created by: Argonaut you'll pick which direction you want to go, [E gonna be a blood bath. RRM az then when an enemy appears, your walking Studios for Data East cursor turns into a gun sight. This is when it Available: gets hairy! Certain enemies can only be Now for Sony PlayStation taken down by hitting them in a certain spot. Whew, what action! Playstation Preview Size: | CD-ROM Presented in the three-quarters perspective, Style: Project Overkill is all about blood, violence, | or 2-Player Action action, and mayhem. You and a friend can Special Features: choose from one of four characters. Each 4 Main Characters one has access to a mess of different w/Multiple Weapons and weapons and can even perform hand-to- Hand-to-Hand Combat, hand combat. You'll stomp through over 50 Rendered Graphics, mission scenarios that involve action and just a touch of strategy. If bullets and blood are your cup of tea, be sure to keep an eye out for Project Overkill. In the meantime, check out these wicked screenshots. Gruesome Death Scenarios, Secret Levels and Areas Levels: Over 50 Created by: Konami Available: June for Sony PlayStation Game Informer a April ‘96 dud " ul ^ Size: | CD-ROM Style: | or 2-Player Baseball Special Features MLBPA License, Al Michael’s Commentary, 10 Skill Levels, Legends League Created by: Accolade Available: Now for Sony PlayStation Size: 16 Megabit Style: | or 2-Player Special Features Special Power-Up Weapons, Wackiness, Mode 7 and Scaling Effects and Huge Bosses Levels: | 6 Created by: T*HQ Available: June for Super Nintendo PlayStation Review | Size: | CD-ROM Style: |-Player Puzzle Special Features Based on the #! PC Hit, Point and Click Interface, Computer Generated Scenes, Mouse Compatible, Adjustable Gameplay Speed Created by: Rand & Robyn Miller/Visual Sciences for Sony Interactive Available: April for Sony PlayStation Overall: 4 Hardball 5 PlayStation Preview Alternating Action/Platform The contracts are signed, the players are playing, a brand new console awaits an assault of new baseball games. Hardball, Accolade's popular selling PC baseball series, is attempting to make an impact in the PlayStation market. The game features an MLBPA license, but lacks an MLB license so you won't have the genuine team names and ballparks. Player's stats will be tracked and during the season they will go on hot and cold streaks. Does Hardball have what it takes to cross-over from the PC market into the demanding world of the PlayStation gamer? This question and many more will be answered in future issues of Gl. k and Headphone Super NES Preview Come June T*HQ is prepared to release Mohawk and Headphone Jack (MHJ) for the Super Nintendo. Basically, this game lives off Mode 7 effects and scaling. It has an appearance of a mix between Uniracers and Sonic the Hedgehog. This means fast and crazy action! MH] looks to be a prominent title and from the list of features it looks to be a “good” title also. On his mission o Mohawk will find CDs hidden within a level. ERR tease A Once the level is beat, you can use the CDs far a 23930. 0 AME and pick what music you would like to listen to for the next level. Also, a map has been included to view the level you are in. Using this in an action/platform game can only mean one thing — huge levels. e^ m RR O 0 Sce e Sg lf * Myst grabbed PC owners with its simple interface and intriguing puzzles. Logically, game publishers have jumped at the chance to bring this top selling computer game to the console systems including the Sony PlayStation. Unfortunately, the game that taught PC owners the joys of clicking a mouse is rather slow and extremely boring. It can be addictive if you've never played a video game before, but a challenge of dexterity it is not. Point, click, point, click. Get the picture? | Sega Rally - Saturn. Go, go power racers! All right Sega Rally fans, here’s a set of unbelievable codes for this spectacular racer. There isn't a hidden horse code, which is kind of a bummer, but a hidden track and „a hidden car make up for the lack of horsepower. Enjoy, racer guys! Hidden Car - To access the Lancia Stratos go to the main menu screen (arcade, time attack) and press X, Y, Z, Y, then X. Once this is entered, choose the style of game you want, then at the car selection screen move your cursor all the way to the left for the Stratos automatic and move all the way to the right for the . Stratos manual. Manual Replays - After the race has ended and you have the option to watch the Replay, do so, then after the Replay starts hold Down + Z and use the L and R buttons to change the camera zoom. Hidden Track — To access the Lakeside Track without placing in first on Championship mode, simply hold X + Y then enter either Time Attack or Practice Mode. Emperor Cybersurfer Webville, COM Clockwork Knight 2 — Saturn Work it like clockwork boys and girls. With the codes below you will | be the ultimate wind-up knight! Level Select — At the title screen press Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Down, Up, Left, Up, Left, Up View Ending — At the title screen press Right, Up, Left, Up, Down, Up, Right, Left, Up, Right, Left, | Down . | Extra Lives — At the title screen press Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down „Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down “Leonard Nimoy’ Indianapolis, IN "HELPFUL HINTS. PASSWORDS - CODES Virtua Cop - Saturn To activate a weapons select simply lose a game and when the Sega logo appears hold C, and tap Up, Down, Left, Right. Then, when the AM2 logo appears hold C and enter Down, Up, Right, Left, Up, Up, Left, Right before the logo disappears. A noise will confirm if these codes worked. Now, go into the options and three arrows should be next to the Exit Icon. Scroll past Exit and over to these and hit C to confirm. When in the game, Pause the game and hit the Reload button to change guns. This code also activates a Ranking and Mirror Mode. Emperor Cybersurfer Webville, COM Wrestlemania - PlayStation In the February issue we challenged the readers to a game of “find out what this stinkin' code does”. Luckily, you responded through what seemed like endless piles of mail. Some were right and more times than not they were wrong. The first person to figure out this code was Clinton “Suplex” Oshodi. He stated that when pausing the game and hitting XHOAX of HOAX i increases your attack damage by twice as much. And you know he’s right,.and he wins a free one year | subscription to Game Informer. The losers receive nothing but a ribbon of shame. Wear it for ever and ever. Clinton Oshodi &, Chicago, IL q PlayStation disc are some very special secrets. Last month we printed the god codes, and this month we're printing the hidden levels. Here they are, and be careful. They're very dangerous. Note: The hidden levels are not available on some versions. Level 56 - LWHYHPCZZZ Level 57 — PFX7ZN3222 Level 58 - WLHYHCPQQQ Level 59 - PF7XZ3N111 Phillip Warning Oak Lawn, IL Last Gladiators: Digital Pinball - Saturn Shoot that metallic ball right into that ogre's mouth. Then, bounce old silver off your paddle for awhile and go for the catacombs. You've reached six billion points, and have been announced as the new video pinball world champion! Wouldn't this be nice? With the codes below you can fulfill this fantasy and become the king of old silver. All codes are to be entered at the "Press Start Button" screen. Hidden Victors Table — X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, C, B, A, Up, Up, and Start Credits — C, B, A, A, B, C, Y, Z, X, Down, Down, and Start Debug Mode - Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, B, Z, R Button, and Start Emperor Cybersurfer Webville, COM Hidden within the confines of your Street Fighter Alpha — Saturn The battle of the century is about to | begin. Its Ryu vs. Ken. Once | brothers under the same master, now two power hungry killers. Both | fighters seem prepared, and | unaware of who their opponent | really is. The flag has been dropped and...What’s this! Why, | its Lieutenant Dan! Wow, ladies and gentlemen this is totally unexpected! Its Lieutenant Dan, and he's beating the pulp out of fighters! There's no one left standing except Dan the man! Dan! Dan! Dan! Yes boys and girls with | the help from the codes below you | too can access Dan. Dan - 1) At the character select screen press and hold the L and R buttons ' 2) While still holding move to the ‘2’ box O 3) Press Y, X, A, B, Y or Y, B, A, X, Y for alternate costume Akuma - 1) Atthe character select screen | press and hold the L and R | buttons 2) While still holding move to the ‘2’ box -. 9) Tap Left on the control pad three times 4) Tap Down on the control pad three times 5) Press A + B, - m va together M. Bison - 1) At the character select screen | press and hold the L and R buttons 2) While still holding move to the "?' box 3) Tap Left on the, E pad |. two times 4) Tap Down on the control pad two times 5) Tap Left on the control pad once 6) Tap Down o on the control pad | two times D 7) Press A + B, or X + Y together D Emperor Cybersurfer Webville, COM . Game Informer © April 96 |. | Spawn: | am the cosmic living | dead being known as Spawn. | rule | and get you a nice ice cream cone. | | Spawn: Golly gee. You sure are a | the slum world, and wreak havoc | upon the living impaired. Give me a | chance and I'll be your best buddy. | | don't have any friends! They say | | | look like | was run over by a 10 ton | | truck, | just want one friend to play | | jacks and trade baseball cards | with! Waaaa! ESR SE DSL TE EET essere ———————— | love the smell of napalm in the morning! Everybody load their guns and get outside for a real game of Doom Troopers! Shoot whatever | moves! Take out your neighbors and their pesky little cat. Say "hi" to the mailman and then drop him! Hide in the trees and take out the walking canes of the elderly! What | fun! Oh yeah... Only Nerf guns are GI Lackey: Whoa, hold on big ugly | | Trust us. guy. It's okay! l'Il be your friend! Spawn: Really? | Last Level - GI Lackey: Sure, lets wipe off | | those slimy green tears and go out | nice man. Here are some codes for my "great" SNES game. Stage 3 - 4H253DGF Stage 4 - 4CC138CF Stage 5 — 0C4F458H Stage 6 - D31551FG Stage 7 - 09BF596F Stage 8 - DB8D9B4H Brad Downey | Palatine, Bi CAC Game Informer April ‘96 ——— i f thie Music Test: Start a new game, and at the Player Select screen highlight the Two Player Contest. Hit down 5 times . MUSIC TEST will pop up. 50 Lives: Hit down 5 times when the MUSIC ` TEST is highlighted. CHEAT MODE pops up. Then hit Y, A, Select, A, Down, Left, A, Down. (YA SAD LAD) Monkeys will make noise. You will have 50 lives. No DK barrels: At the CHEAT MODE, hit B, A, Right, Right, A, Left, A, X. There will be no DK barrels in any levels. TOUGH! allowed for this kind of behavior. Cybertox Hidden Pluto Code — Doom Lord Anthony Harlan Taylor Cleveland Heights, OH It's not just a storm, its a Nova Storm! if you want a level select for this lame FMV shooter, then listen up! First, you must play though a game well enough to make any grade on the high score board. Enter the name "Twirly". Now, when you check your options you will see a gold icon that will lead | you to the Nova level select. Cool! Code Master Nahant, MA nm Ht Get both monkeys: Enter both codes at the CHEAT MODE Screen, and any time that you lose a monkey in a level, you will get 'em back at the map screen. Happy B.O.B. | available in SMW2:YI. Here's Matt’s theory: | think | can safely | we were annoyed by the fact that | Mario's lives could never raise to 100. We found that out because we used the tricks in the Mario games | that would quickly get Mario maxed out at 99 lives. Yoshi's Island possesses one of the same tricks. If you can get to World Four then you can do this trick. On level 4-1 — Go, Go Mario — carry Mario to the first monster generating pipe (a pipe that keeps producing monsters until Yoshi has six eggs, referred to as a M.G.P). First, annihilate the two man-eating flowers growing out of the two tubes located to the right and kill the red turtle that is roaming between one of the pipes that a —A————————————— | | | | l. Level 2 - EXE A E Level 3 - ANHOO A Level 4 - ABAA@A Level 5-WAAAXA Level 6 - AWO OXE Level 7 - XENHO A Level 8 - ANXHA A Level 9 - ABXA*X Level 10 - AA@M XH Level 11- AAXAOM Level 12- COHAAAO | Level 13 - AN@X AM Level 14 - AA MIMS Level 15- 6X AAA A Level 16 - emeoeom —————————————— ra Level 17 - AAAOGAB | Level 18 - HORXHA Level 19 - X xl AO Level 20 - XEXA AI Level 21 - AHAHA A Level 22 - HEAGOHA Level 23 - 0€: tA Level 24 - AHHA AA Level 25 - AGA AOH Level 26 - 80 0*t 0* Level 27 - XONA AH ———" Ó———— € The very first Super Mario Brothers | game was almost impossible to | beat without the 99 lives trick. Now - | thanks to Matt, this trick is also | | say that in the past Mario games. flower was growing on and the M.G.P. Second, fill up your egg supply at the monster generating pipe so that the monsters stop popping out of it. Next, slurp up a green shelled turtle and hold it in your mouth (there is one flying around to the right of the two pipes that the deadly flowers were growing out of). After this is completed, go and stand on the pipe closest to the monster generating pipe (the one that one of the flowers were growing on), making sure that the M.G.P is in sight, Then, spit out the green turtle shell so that it is bouncing back and forth between the pipe you are standing on and the M.G.P. Last, shoot an egg or two into the air so the monsters start popping out again. The ricocheting shell will begin to kill the monsters and after seven monsters have been killed the next monsters killed will each give you a 1-Up (At first you might have problems because the green shell might "pop" when it hits the first monster but keep on trying) This method will give you an extra life every 3 seconds. If you wait long enough you will see that the | lives continue up past 99 to 999! | Now you can go kick Baby | Bowser's diaper. ————————JV—————————— aenea ———— ——— —————— (t Matt Wuensche | Cypress, TX | Level 28 - HORHE Level 29 - AB@X@@ Level 30 - NO9** O9 A. “Level 31- OGN*X AO A Level 32 - ABXONX*X Level 33 - 3€ AXI Level 34 - XONG ON Level 35 - CAXAXA Level 36 - X AA*XXB Level 37 - XAA*XAR Level 38 - HAHAH Level 39 - X AX A Level 40 - @X AOA*X "Virtua Gap Boy 96” | St. Petersburg, FL | Doom - SMS - BDEA-B053 + 62EA-B953 - . Start with mega health ; “and mega armor E3EA-B153 Start with more ammo. CBD3-B17F Heat vision/ color blind mode D7CF-F953 Select "The Shores of Hell” or "Inferno" in any : skill level Civilization — sms BB04-EF74 + BB04-EF54 Start with more money EE04-EF74 + EE04-EF54 Start with a lot more money | Super Mario Worid 2: Yoshi's island — : C2EE-649F Infinite lives | C23F-ADDD Star timer doesn't decrease when hit D9B7-0023 ; Start with 5 lives DCB7-0023 Start with 10 lives FBB7-0023 Start with 25 lives 74B7-0023 Start with 50 lives 17B7-0023 Start with 99 lives D936-010D Continue with 5 lives DC36-010D Continue with 10 lives FB36-010D. Continue with 25 lives 1736-010D — Continue with 99 CB69-006D +3069-00AD ts All levels are completed | with 100% 1D26-AFA1 Power-ups don't get used up 5ESA-AF7IB | Red !'s stay for a long time Master Code - F6000914 C305 B6002800 0000 Infinite Timer — 160E0032 0782 Play Under Water - 160E0038 0010 160E001A 0002 Allow Out of Ring Fighting - 160E0068 004F Infinite Energy Player 1 — 160621B8 00A0 Infinite Time — 160E0032 0782 Low Gravity - 160E007A 0024 Mega Kick — 160E007C 0000 Play Bonus Level 10 - 160E0002 0A0A Sega Rally - Saturn Master Code - F6000914 C305 B6002800 0000 Select Lakeside (Practice) — 16040018 0003 Always in Super Car - 160AA80A 0201 Max Speed 150 MPH - 160B038A 8DBC Unlimited Time — 160B0536 9911 Corpse Killer — Saturn Master Code- . F6000914 C305 | B6002800 0000 Infinite Datura Bullets - 16050D0E © Infinite Plasma Bombs - 80078DDA 0003 Bases Loaded '96: Double Heater — PlayStation The bases are loaded, two men are down, and you're faced with the full count situation. Tension builds through all your muscles and you begin to feel the choke in your throat. You think you're going to throw up, but then you remember that you have a stash of cheat codes in your big chew container which is stuffed in your back pocket. You step out of the batter's box and call time, then stuff a big wad of cheat in your lower gum. Stepping back into the box, you can do nothing but grin, and whack a game winning grand slam. The codes below will allow you to be an instant all-star if entered correctly. Cheat Mode - Begin playing a normal game and press Start to pause the game. Then, on controller 2 press A, E, *, ©, 0, @. If this is done correctly youll hear a lovely piano confirming your code entry. Advance To Any Inning - While in Cheat Mode press 3*. The words “Lets Go Inning’ will appear in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Then, press % for the desired inning. Example: For the third inning press % 3x. Home Run Every Time - While in Cheat Mode press the L1 button. You'll hear the phrase “Home Run”. Press Start to unpause the game and whack a dinger. CPU Rest - While in Cheat Mode press the L2 button. Press Start to unpause and the computer will be playing for your team. “The VidMan” Uptown, MN Wolfenstein 8-D — SNES Heil Secret Access. Follow zie vays - of Secret Access and you vill rule zie world! Anytime during the game bring up the options and put the cursor on the "New Game" icon. Press the C Button to enter the password screen and input the name below for the code you desire. 1000 Bullets - FENLEY Combo Package - GREG All Keys - BURGER All Weapons - KICKBUTT "Virtua Gap Boy '96" Minneapolis, MN Earthworm Jim 2 — SNES/Genesis Yes, Earthworm Jim is as slimy as they come, and he's fairly repulsive. But, man! He’s been in some darn good self-titled games. Once again Shiny has packed this game full of codes. These codes actually came straight from Playmates. Interactive Entertainment. So if they don't work, why don't you give them a friendly ring...Just kidding Shiny happy people! We really do love you. All codes are entered while in play and after pausing the game. Super Nintendo 1-Up - Left, Select, Right, Select, Left, Select, Right, Select Ammo - Select, X, X, X, X, X, X, Select Shot Gun - X, X, X, X, A, A, X, Select Teleport Bomb - X, X, X, X B, B, B, B Extra Continue - A, Select, A, B, X, Y, X, Y Peter Pan - A, B, X, Left, Right, Left, A, B Lorenzen — A, X, Left, Right, X, Left, Right, Left Genesis 1-Up - A, B, C, C, C A, A, B Ammo - C, B, B, A, C, B, A, Shot Gun - C, C, C, C A, A Teleport Bomb - C, A, B, C, A, B, Up, Down Extra Continue - A, A, C, C, B, A, Left, Left, Peter Pan - C, B, C, Left, Right, Left, A, B Lorenzen - A, A, C C B B, A, A "The Vindicator" Orlando, FL Shining Force — Genesis This trick will let you name the char- acters that you encounter during your quest. Simply begin a new game and enter your name. Move the cursor to the End and press and hold Buttons A, B, and C on Controller 2. Now press Buttons A + C on Controller 1. You should move on to the next character. Repeat the process to move from character to character. "Virtua Gap Boy '96" Minneapolis, MN A ,A C Game Informer » April '96 on"corn MEGI HEME HHNH: ru nm ner nimimm CONTINGE nun urn TH nmmn PHIFER Loaded — PlayStation Loaded with ammo and drivin' around. Gonna shoot this goon right into the ground. With these codes you can become the ultimate killing machine. Unlimited health - During the game pause (which brings up the options menu) and hold the L1 and L2 buttons for ten seconds. Then press Right, Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, A, €. A hidden option called ‘Health’ will appear. This icon can be accessed at anytime to restore health. Unlimited ammo - During the game pause (which brings up the options menu) and hold the L1 and L2 buttons for ten seconds. Then press Down, Right, O, Left, Right, O. A hidden option called 'Ammo' will appear. This icon can be accessed at anytime to restore ammo. Max Firepower — During the game pause (which brings up the options menu) and hold the L1 and L2 buttons for ten seconds. Then press Down, Right, Down, Right, A. A hidden option called Power will appear. This icon can be accessed at anytime to max out your firepower. Phillip Warning Oak Lawn, IL Out of this World — SNES Here are the passwords to this Award winning game. Section 1 - LDKD Section 2 - HTDC Section 3 - CLLD Section 4 - LBKJ Section 5 - XDDJ Section 6 - FKLC Section 7 - KRFK Section 8 - KLFB Section 9 - HRTB Section 10 - BRTB Section 11 - TFBB Section 12 - TXHF Section 13 - CKJL Section 14 - LFCK "Virtua Gap Boy '96" Minneapolis, MN Game Informer n April '96 Gex — PlayStation Theoretically, there's no way a Gecko could understand TV or even say catchy phrases from the shows. If it was a bird and the game was named "Polly" then it would make sense. But no! Crystal Dynamics had to pick a lizard, and now the entire reputation of reptiles is ruined. Look what Sega did to the hedgehogs. People think that they're actually blue! This must stop, and anyone who thinks of using illiterate or mute animals in a literate or talking role will have to deal with Game Informer. Anyway, here are some cool Gex codes! Stage Select - While in the level selection dome hold R1 and press Select. Then hit 3€, Bl, 3€, Right, Up, Left, €, @, Down, Down. Access All Levels - Go to any stage and hold R1 and press Select. Then hit O, Start, Right, Up, W, Left, Left, Up, Start Ice Shot - Pause the game and hold R1. Then press @, €, Left, Down, 6, Up, Right Super Jump - Pause the game and hold R1. Then press 3€, @, Up, Up, Down, Right, Right Flame Shot — Pause the game and hold R1. Then press 3€, Up, Right, Up, Right, Right Invincibility - Pause the game and hold R1. Then press 3€, Bil, Down, Down, Up, Down, Right 100 lives — Pause the game and hold R1. Then press Up, 6, A, Down, Right, lil, Down Electric Fire - Pause the game and hold R1. Then press Right, Left, Right, O, A, Right, O, Down, Right "The Eradicator" Phoenix, AZ Wayne's World — Here is a code for my alltime favorite game for the SNES. Wait till Wayne and Garth start singing then press and hold X, L, and R then release. Next press and hold UP, Y and B to activate the Stage Select. "Virtua Gap Boy '96" Minneapolis, MN Ridge Racer Revolution — PlayStation Have you ever dreamed of having a different car for every day of the week? Well, here's your chance! Eight New Cars - Beat the Galaga '88 loading game Rally Car - Beat the Galaga '88 loading game without missing a shot Car #13 - Beat the Novice Regular Time Trial (Backwards Tracks must be available) Kid 413 - Beat the Advanced Backwards Time Trial White Angel - Beat the Expert Backwards Time Trial Operation: Code Hunt Hey Gl readers, how would you like to become our ally? Send in your codes for the games listed below and help out a fellow reader in a scrape, or if you're stuck on a game, send us a letter requesting codes and we will help you access the secrets right here in Secret Access. SNES.. Spawn Super Mario RPG Genesis ..... Lemmings: Tribes Garfield: Caught in the Act PlayStation ...... Alien Trilogy Battle Arena Tohshinden 2 . Lemmings 3D . Namco Classics Resident Evil Street Fighter Alpha X-Com UFO Defense Force Sega Saturn ....... Hi-Octane Earthworm Jim 2 Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei Skeleton Warriors Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 3D0 ss (D Caper : Shockwave 2 Snowjob Arcade ........ Killer Instinct 2 Marvel Super Heroes Send Secret Access Requests To: Access & Allies Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E-Mail: gionline O Secret Access Notice: Send Game Informer Your Passwords and Codes and Win! S end in your codes and passwords every issue, and if we print them you'll be entered in the Game Informer /ASCIIWARE Secret Access Contest. The Grand Prize is a ASCIIWARE controller of your choice. PlayStation: Super NES: Genesis: ASCII Pad PS, Specialized ASCII Pad, | ASCII Specialized Pad, ASCII Pad PS Special, ASCII Pad, FIGHTER STICK SG-6 ASCII Stick PS, Super Advantage, Fighter Stick SN All runners-up will receive a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to complement their wardrobe. Send To: Secret Access Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 E-Mail: gionline Sometimes you lose them — and other times people take them from you — but whatever you do, don't go through life without a complete collection. Order now before these priceless issues become obsolete! January 96 e Cover: Ultra 64 e Special Feature: Ultra 64 including first pics of Mario 64, Starfox 64, Zelda 64, Pilotwings 64, and Mario Kart 64. Plus, technical specs and * the Ultra's controller Bays rd | e Secret Access: Moves For Tekken Boss Characters thes (PS-X), WarHawk Passcodes (PS-X), Syndicate (3DO), and Earthworm Jim Special Edition (Sega CD) e Tip Card 20: King of Fighters '95 de an 4* October 95 e Cover: Mortal Kombat 3 (home versions) e Strategy Guide for MK3 — all standard m gs (SNES & Genesis) (Part 2): Complete moves, Death moves, and a death. combo us for Talazia, Divada, and Zorn e Tip Card 17: Street Fighter Alpha July 95 A e Cover: Adventures of Batman and Robin (Genesis) e Strategy Guide for Adventures of Batman and Robin: Basic Strategies for all four levels (Genesis) e Feature: Electronic Entertainment Expo 95 e Tip Card 14: Tekken (Part 1) Other Issues Available: S o Tip Card 19: Sport poteri i March 96 e Cover: Resident Evil ¢ Special Feature: Special Moves Guide To Toshinden 2, Tales From Resident Evil, and Preview of Killer Instinct. 2 e Secret Access: Moves For Street Fighter Alpha (PS-X & SS), Vectorman (SG), Virtua Fighter 2 (SS), Toy Story (SNES & SG), NBA Live '96 (SG & SNES), Doom (PS-X) * Tip Card 22: Samurai Shodown 3 December 95 e Cover: Toy Story e Secret Access contains: Secret Codes fo, WWF WrestleMania "September 95 e Cover: Killer Instinct (SNES) de Strategy Guide for Killer Instinct e Strategy Guide for WeaponLord (SNES & Genesis) (Part 1): Complete moves, death moves, and a death combo for Bane, Jen-Tai, and Korr e Secret Access contains a complete list of Vendettas, Hidden Characters, Overkills, and Sudden Deaths for Eternal Champions CD. e Tip Card 16: Street Fighter: The Movie June 95 e Cover: Daytona USA (Sega Saturn) e Next Generation System Wars: Stories and Specs for the new systems (Sega Saturn, PlayStation, 3DO M2, Jaguar CD) e Strategy Guide for MK3 Arcade Version 1.0 ¢ Game Informer's High Tech Glossary - e Tip Card 13: Nightwarriors: DarkStalkers Revenge February 96 e Cover: Descent e Special Features: Descent Play Guide, Ultra 64 Game Update, GI 1995 Awards, and Part 2 of DKC: Diddy's Kong Quest Strategy Guide fosso e Secret Access: NFL Game Day Looe (PS-X), Twisted Metal (PS-X), VectorMan (Genesis), Separation Anxiety (SNES & SG), Madden ‘96 (Genesis) e Tip Card 21: Ultimate MK3 November 95 e Cover: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES) e Strategy Guide for DKC2: Most of the secret levels and DK Coins e News about the Amusement and Music Operator's Association e Tip Card 18: Tekken 2 Se Wariisith, carad Vectorman, Win D. A Jitiag Time, ara PM ge Mns, August 95 e Cover: Lunar: Eternal Blue (Sega CD) e Strategy Guide for Judge Dredd e Secret Access contains compete list of moves, skill moves, and power combos for all characters in Eternal Champions Sega CD. e Tip Card 15: Tekken (Part 2) May 95 e Cover: GEX (3DO) ¢ Strategy Guide for GEX: Location of bonus worlds e Feature: First Look at Japanese Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation e Strategy Guide for Eternal Champions Sega CD (Part 2): Moves for 2 hidden characters, some vendettas e Tip Card 12: Tekken April 95 March 95 February 95 January 95 December 94 e Cover: Eternal e Cover: NBA Jam TE * Cover: Killer Instinct e Cover: Ristar (Genesis) e Cover: Doom (32X) Or der Now Champions (Sega CD) (SNES & Genesis) (Arcade) — Five Pages of e Secret Access contains: Secret Access contains: e Secret Access contains: tips and tactics. Earthworm Jim (SNES), * Game Informer's 1994 (Genesis), J. Madden Shadowrun. (Genesis), Video Game Awards (3DO), Earthworm Jim Madden '95 (Genesis) e Strategy Guide for Ristar = (SNES & Genesis) * Tip Card 10: Virtua on the Sega Genesis e Tip Card 8: Samurai e Strategy Guide for Eternal Champions (Sega CD), and X-Men 2 (Genesis) e Tip Card 11: X-Men: Shining Force 2 Mickey Mania (SNES & Genesis), Jungle Book (SNES & Genesis), Wolfenstein 3D (Jaguar), Aladdin (Genesis) (612)946-8105 Each back issue costs $5.95 (which includes shipping Children of the Atom Fighter 2 * Tip Card 9: Killer Shodown 2 ¢ Tip Card 7: Primal Rage and handling) You can order them by phone with a credit Instinct Arcade + card at (612)946-8105 or you can send a check or * tn: November 94 Sept/Oct 94 July/Aug 94 May/June 94 March/April 94 money order* to: * Cover: Sonic & e Cover: Mortal Kombat 2 * Cover: BattleTech * Cover: MLBPA e Cover: NBA Jam n Knuckles (Genesis) (SNES & Genesis) (Genesis) Baseball (SNES) SNES & Genesis) Game Informer Magazine * Secret Access contains: e Secret A e Secret Access contains: ° Secret Access contains: e Secret Access contains: Attn: Back Issues Donkey Kong Country Sonic 3 (Genesis), NBA Jam Secret Actraiser 2 (SNES), Bonus Worlds (SNES), Genesis), Jurassic Park (SNES), ^ ' Characters & Codes Sonic (Sega CD), Secret 10120 West 76th Street MK2 Moves & Codes Super Metroid (SNES), Super Metroid Strategy (SNES & Genesis), of Mana (SNES), Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (GB, SNES, SG, & GG) MK 2:(SNES & Genesis) ^ Guide (SNES) Jurassic Park (Genesis) Zombies Ate My 1 e Tip Card 6: DarkStalkers | Tip Card-5; Bloodstorm °° Tip Card 4: NBA Jam TE Tip Card 3: Super Neighbors (SNES) *Make checks payable to Game Informer Magazine SF2 Turbo e Tip Card 2: MK 2 Game Informer 9 April ‘96 aq [ r m F 2] 7m) Ui. e Spectacular, full-screen 3-D rendered, ray-traced animation. o 2 full CDs crammed with mutant creatures and cyberspace action adventure! e Rocket through the new and unique labyrinth of flying levels! Reach us on the World Wide Web at: or reach us on-line at Compuserve: VID PUB A Forum (GO DATA-EAST). Learn all the latest tricks and hidden moves! Call the Data East tipline at 1-900-454-5435 (.85 min. average) DATA (45 e | EAST ARERNAMT ON SEPTEMBER 30th, DINOSAURS WILL FLY! W " dA dien Because on that day, the home entertainment world starts spinning at 64 bits — faster than any video game system or personal computer ever made. Live your dream: Nintendo 64 and its revolutionary 3-D controller will send you as far into the game as you dare to go. Over the top. Out on the edge. Choose your hero: James Bond, Ken Griffey, Jr., Super Mario. Or even Darth Vader. You'll find them on games exclusive to Nintendo 64. Players will rock. Competitors will weep. Is it worth the wait? Only if you want the best! 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