March 1996 Vol. VI s Issue 3 * #35 3.95 Canada $4.95 UK £2.50 March 1996 03 0 74470 82824 2 S i ition, check out our WebSite address at httpJ/ For game hints call 1-900-933-SONY(7669), The charge is $0.95 per ee Callers under PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are dwr of Sony Computer Entertainment ine. Twisted Metal is a tredemar of Sony Interactive Entertainment inc. $1995 Sony Intense AC the age of 18 must get parental permission to call. Touch-tone phone is required. Available 24 hours a daw? days a week. U.S. only. Sony is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation, Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of The Interactive Digital Software Association.Call 1-800-771-3772 for Information on Game Ratings. 5 K * Sota OMM $ The real carnage is just E about Crushers and Power MM Pukes. And of course it to start. Because Primal Rage for II" Sony still has all the killer Z © dl combos, flesh-ripping PlayStation is hotter, faster and WF more brutal animations and WI full-Bn ugly fatalities. than anything you've seen. But what puts this Rage over the top is all the Just like the original, you'llbe new stuff we put in. Bigger graphics, faster lunching on fresh dino-meat with reactions and smoother stop-motion animations. all the lords of New Urth... Chaos, ^ ln fact, new Primal Rage for PlayStation has so Blizzard and Diablo, just to "n much raw 32-bit power, so much screen- name a few. You've got the C burning speed and so many blood-soaked, usual full plate of special moves | me warner | meat-munching kills, there's only one N | E TM like Farts of Fury, Cranium thing missing: Mercy. Cw for PlayStation ©1995 Atari Games Corporation. Primal Rage™ is licensed to Time Warner Interactive. The PlayStation logo and PlayStation are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. PlayStation E ae X-P erts 22 Syndicate Wars, Mpo for Speed “Battle Arena Toshinden 2, VR Golf ‘96, Bottom of the 9th, Namco Classics Vol. One, VR Soccer ‘96, rod torm, Guardian Heroes, Iron Angel, Snowjob Game Boy... . Tetris Blast Fox iria nt Die ; lard Trilogy, Shell Shock, VR Baseball 36, gui Carpi Arcade Classics rai Shodown III, Zombie Raid, 6 ate MK3, Killer Instinct 2 YA Art WA it win if you don't ente GIs monthly 14 envelope art contest. | Raging Art Contest. 89 Back Issues Williams announ ics, and Complete your collection of G tons-o-fun with, N Infarmer d issues. and GI's Top Ten. Tips from our readers. Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is published monthly ata subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issues for $9.98 by Sunris West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55244. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. Second-class postage paid at Hopkins SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine, 10120 WA Za 5 MN must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include dd a Reel ostage. Entire contents copyright 1996. Game Informer Magazi of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade names, or tradema É al het respective companies. arch Issue 1996 Volume VI * Number 3 > Issue #3 Richard A. Cihak Publisher Andrew McNamara Editor Paul Anderson Senior Associate Editor David “Vinny” Vinyon Andrew “Drew” Reiner Associate Editors Rick Petzoldt Contributing Writer , Thomas Blustin Art Director Graphie Timothy J. L Jason G. Shawley Production Assistant Graphic Design Ryan MacDonald West Coast Correspondent Terrie Maley Circulation / Marketing Manager (612) 946-7274 Advertising Sales _ Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 (61) 946-8159 Fax (6 12) 946- 815 West Coas 11531 1 Southe: Snohomish, WA 982% (360) 668-7978 .— Fax: (360) 668-935 Manufactured and printed in the United States of America Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is. fished monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications, 10120 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 55. Second-class postage paid at ns, MN, and additional mailing offices. RIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address chan Informer Magazine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Airie, MN 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders mu: prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/ ditional postage. : * The Editor welcomes company product informatio, b all video games. Such materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Informer Me ses 10120 W. 76th Street, returned or pt o Entire contents copyright 1996. Game: ope Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies. For subscription inquiries please write to our Customer Service Department: 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Attn: Customer Service PUBLISHER LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is limited to republication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. E The advertiser and/or Advertising Agency agrees to defer and o the publisher a ainst any and all of libel, unfair , OF proprietary reporters go free so that they can cause as much trouble é The Pro Player "My thumbs are finally recovering from continuous heats of head-to- head Ridge Racer Revolution. I'm | 1 also excited to see a final version | of The Need for Speed for PS-X. It really kinda’ sucked on the 3DO, | but it is really shaping up nicely for “the Sony machine. Any game that | offers good competition is the one for me right now. Descent, Doom, and RRR are great gam but they are even bette played head-to-head. It's E fun to give Reiner t | bomb surprise.” Game. Hombre’ “First off, | was surprised that | "liked Street Fighter Alpha as much as | did (since I’ve played the other Street Fighters for over a billion hours), but | guess old habits die hard. In other news, | recently went to Soul Asylum and man-o-m E the Brigade in the months ahead as they conquer upco | Reiner | The Raging Gamer “Andy had to be the one to spill the beans (see page 6). Let me tell you, I've tried and tried to keep this alternate identity thing a secret and | succeeded on my own. It appears that Andy thoug this news was way too big to on his brain alone ; ) up some great icles. By | “Pm having a hard time around here waiting for some great 32-bit RPG's to make their way to the U.S. Then, | crashed my omputer doing a Windows '95 install. | maintain faith that | will resolve these problems by next issue and | will be Spey playing | really Game Informer MEL m io T. E 036780 | a E a 3150900 o l i a mm 153kmh ae ~ R H dia ain i ip" 3 m E e. World Pudet a RS Sega CURED O NHL o Pociey 2 Es ERTS) UU) A CAR) mee ae (VISITOR So) aero E "i | O Neg (NOME aa ua. Slam ‘N Jam ‘96 Worldwide Soccer™ Pebble Beach® Golf Links Quarterback Attack ‘96™ by Crystal Dynamics by Sega Sports by Sega Sports by Digital Pictures a aaa d , LI LN 4 — "T. Bd FA ; Center Ring Boxing NFL Quarterback Club ‘96 NBA Jam TE™ Daytona USA" by JVC by Acclaim by Acclaim by Sega Sports US SL 2S/min (recorded/ive) T www. | | WWW, You know, Mike, its funny that you | | they aren't, and so there are no new should bring this up, because Heine games for the Sega CD for us to cover. sits at his desk all day and sings Green | | If you don't like it, buy back issues. Jelly songs. Over and over, chorus There is no way, other then codes, were after chorus, the boy just doesn't keep | | going to cover a bunch of old games in quiet. That's why | think p , a new magazine just to keep Sega be surprised to yy CD owners happy. Sorry! hear that Reiner is vm | 一 é | just got the January i issue of Gl mn nd well... you did mention Zero ^k w Ke nij Way |: Wes in | e on the Cover, but “Just can afford it is to sell my Super NES and Game Boy. Last time | tried selling something my Mom threatened to break my SNES. Is it really worth doing this? Green Jelly. Run away from Green | Jelly boy s its no Tekken, | call an "eyegas es are beautiful, sucks (Criticom), but ct combination of bot de. Not only does e “Eyegasms” when en | watch it as well. | its “Eyegasm” factor a y to disagree with your review, but | have to defend such Timothy Condenzio Long Island, NY Yeah, | really want an Ultra 64 too, but | don't know if it is worth it if youre going to bring down the wrath of Mom. Our best advice to you is to go at this in classic video game style. The end boss (your Mom) is busy crushing Super NESs in her floating castle in th sky, while the youn I-Need-An-Ultra. climbs IK that leads to her lair. Outside the castle, Prince I-Need-an-Ultra, finds a rock, a sling, and a flower. He takes the items and heads into the dreaded castle. Inside, the Prince encounters this lunch-makin', laundry-cleanin' Mom and must decide what to do. | think the odds are against you, Prince I-Need-An-Ultra, but | bet if you give her the flower and beg a lot she just might let you sell your SNES and Game Boy (but | don't know if Id hold my breath). Divide giv play it, but Grid Mortis Houston, TX First off, Grid, | wanted to let you know that your letters have become one of the highpoints around the office, so please don't stop writing. Second, the cover copy says just another PlayStation Fighter to make you want to see what's up with Zero Divide...not 人 am to condemn it. | was sad to hear tha | no longer be featured in your magazine. In the August '95 issue, you stated, “No way, no how, those 16-bit beauties have plenty of life left in them," when a reader confronted you concerning the longevity of 16-bit hardware. However, in an article in the February issue you say that Gl will no longer feature Sega CD in any part of the magazine. | am severely disappointed because | just received : 18 new Sega CD games and E Ariel, (s iin renewed my subscription. Several Carnage. | think Maximum Carnage Of my friends and | will no longer is way better, but you also said that subscribe if this Sega CD treng . Maximum Carnage features the continues. Change — or else! inspiring talent of the legendary Frank Holthouse rockers Green Jelly. Maybe Reiner knows this, but just so the rest of you guys know, Green Jelly sucks!!!! Pe They are friggin’ jerks with no damn talent. Maybe you guys should listen to their theme song: Green Jelly sucks. Green Jelly sucks!!!! Mike Vittorio ale Heights, IL We agree with you X that Zero y Divide is a very good fighter, but thats where we draw the line. Think about it, if you give everything a 9 then that rating has no meaning. And like you say, it isn't Tekken. Tekken's a 9, VF2 is a 9, and Zero Divide is 8.25. Sorry you don't agree with us, but hey, who said you had to. Thanks for the letter and we'll keep the "Eyegasm" factor in mind next time we review a game. " " - a “In the At A Glance section of the Des Plaines, IL In case you didn't read the rest of that answer, the final portion said that we would continue covering them as long as the companies continued to make new games for 16-bit based systems. Unfortunately Game Informer 月 March ‘96 he October 1995 issue you ran a code (1, 4, 1, 5, 5, 5, 8, 5, 7, 8, 2, 3, 6, 2, 5, 1) for a Versus Mode for Mega Man VII, however, it did not work. It gave me all the weapons, but it didn’t enable the versus mode, and | was really hoping to kick some serious butt with it! What gives? David Hanna Glendale Heights, IL our nd H buttons E on both controllers Blas you press the Start button [mud to enter the password. Sorry! | disagree with the rati ve Primal Rage on the SNES. The graphics h cleaner and the gameplay is liked the version better. That's not to say that the SNES doesn't: usually have better fighting or that Primal Rage is better on Genesis. Get it? Got it? Good! AN In your January ‘96 issue’s “GI News” section you reported about how Sony’s ads contain codes and hints. You stated that you hadn't quite figured out the Twisted Metal ad, so lm writing to tell you what HEALTH < PYRAMID meant. It's trying to say that there's a pyramid shaped skylight on the “Rooftop Combat” level that contains a health station. However, this is something | found out about on my own and Pm sure most players will find out about it anyway because with all the missile Game Informer 3 March ‘96 „nuts, but | don't sports games, but |. | like launchers and flying bullets, it's not long before that fragile skylight is blown away, revealing a health station in the ballroom of the building. Also, besides the print ads with the “tricky to spot” messages Sony's TV commercials have codes and hints hidden in them too. You'll need a four-head VCR with frame-by-frame capability or otherwise you can try your luck with the pause button on a less equipped VCR. With advertisements this fun, who needs video games? Just kidding. Julio E. Garay Bronx, NY Hey, thanks for the gamer public service announcement, but don't you ever.and | mean ever..say that commercials are more fun than video games. | almost lost my lunch when | read that! A In your January issue, your “Letter From the Editor’ said that all 16-bit systems were dying. Well kiss my 16-bit _butt, ‘cause | don't believe it a single bit!! ow | represent a lot of people who systems and | bet my “Street probably my Se Genesis and every- thing about it. And two more things — Game Informer rules and | liked Reiner's hair bette was blue. He looked like a co Sub-Zero. .. dead was because few manufacturers ar making new games. And yes, we wo agree with you that as long as the system is fun to play it is still alive! So alive in fact that 16-bit hardware sales this last Holiday season were fantastic (even greater than hey own a 16-bit | 32-bit hardware sales). But once again, since no one is making new software for 16-bit systems (other than Nintendo, Sega, Acclaim, and EA) the hardware will soon become obsolete. All the other companies can make more money creating games for the 32-bit and 64-bit platforms — the levy's gotta break! Luckily Josh, there are always exceptions to the rule. Hopefully, you'll continue to enjoy your 16-bit games, but the rest of us, who are spoiled by the wonderment of high-tech gadgets, will revel in the new 32-bit technology. Oh yeah, about Reiner, he's a mutant offspring of Sub-Zero's Ninja Clan. He was found as a young child with the mark of “Ninja-Boy” tattooed across his head. Changing from toddler to Kung-Fu master in just a matter of two years, Ninja Boy has grown at an alarming rate. However, this is just a warning: | wouldn't bring up how you don't like his new hair color. He's very sensitive his hair for a “Kung-Fu master! | know that someday Sega, but for now l've got to finish school. So | was wondering if Sega or any other company will accept character designs from anyone other than pros? Heidi Hillenbrand _ Somewhere in the ol’ USA Z4 Well of course they do. M7 Just because Sega will take | your ideas, however, it doesn't mean they'll use them — or ; even read them. “your January issue...said that all 16-bit systems were dying. Well kiss my 16-bit butt... " J don games), so the only wa to get your ideas to the is to do the same. youd have. game ideas or designs to: ica Consumer Service Of The Kung-Fu Pai Z Shoreline Drive, Suite 200 RESIDENT EVIL It's Slaughter Time ! you pray that the zombies lurking a mere five feet from you won't hear your faint breath or detect your scent. As you anxiously await the riddance of this nuisance your mind begins to spin in wonder. How did you get yourself into this? Curses! Was the house the only option we had? Everything has gone wrong. The zombies in the room have picked up on your scent. In a frantic attempt to escape you trip on a loose bed sheet and plummet to the floor. You struggle to your knees and notice a glimmer from beneath the bed. Like a running back going for the end zone, you make a valiant dive under the bed. Your effort was tremendous, and you think you've made it, but it appears you've underestimated the speed of these creatures. The bald zombie appears to have grown quite fond of your leg. You feel a few teeth shatter within its mouth as they dig deep into your Achilles tendon. There's no time to scream, the only option left is to expend your last burst of energy against the leech on your leg. Tumbling onto your back you manage to give the zombie a swift upward kick to the neck. You're free, and then you finally see it. It's a note with something attached to it. It reads: H unched between an old raggedy bookcase and a dusty twin bed Jill, You put your hand around the cold metal object, and instantly know what it Hape you ve haring ce much yan oc | is. Within seconds you pull the Beretta from your holster and load it with the E fs a pd as ammo Chris has left you. “It's pay back time!”, you scream. Your military training pays off as you roll to a safe firing distance and pop off two Your Dear shots, dead-center, hitting both zombies between the eyes. Friend You scamper to your feet, and realize that one of the ghouls ne isn't quite dead. With a scream of anger you smash your finely polished combat boot through the zombie's skull and turn its head into a stain on the carpet. It's over. Now you only have sixty rooms left to search. (Maybe Dead by Now? Waa (an Game Informer a March ‘96 m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure F inally breaking from the Street Fighter m Special Features: Level Maps, Tricky Puzzles, Helpful Items monotony, Capcom is releasing its Including: Keys, Books, Herbs, and Antidotes, Multiple Weapons most innovative title to date. There has Which Can Be Reloaded With Ammo Clips, Vile Creatures Which never been a game like Resident Evil on the Can Be Killed in a Multitude of Ways, and a Whole Lotta Suspense PlayStation. While it is similar to and obviously u Created by: Capcom ; S E m Available: March for Sony PlayStation tae evils Uae Bigs dlc etna En Resident Evil ups the ante with gorgeous texture-mapping, fast play, and stunning graphics. In the game, you play the role of either Chris or Jill, who are two members of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team - a specially trained group of commandos who investigate whatever the government orders them to. On this mission, you are looking for the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team who disappeared not long ago. After being attacked on the ground, you seek shelter in a huge mansion. Suddenly, you find yourself alone and scared. It is up to you to solve the mystery of the strange happenings in the house find as many of your teammates as po "ie TR get your sorry butts out vd Eu E E Gat "pla 4 1 "Wa ^f Fic A WA 1 ^ OF it à | “Editor's Note: The version we evaluated was only 90% complete. Although Game Informer does not anticipate major changes, we make this statement in fairness,to Capcom and to our readers. - "Although Resident Evil can be A “This has to be the freakiest game 3 “This is a very intense and challenging bnr nag an somewhat frustrating at times, this vana as ever made. Resident Evil takes all barbad 3 game. The graphics vo sound-fx . .5 game still rocks. The graphics are : 75 the elements found in the Alone in : 75 create a gruesome and frightening apn a done extremely well with exceptionally — sibs the Dark series and mixes it with a gings ad experience. | think it's great that the Sound: 8.75 smooth animation. In fact, the only Sound: 9.25 gory horror flick. In my opinion this is Sound: 9.5 two heroes have different storylines. thing that | could dock Resident Evil the most innovative game to hit any It's like two games in one. The only Playability: 8.5 for is its sporadic action (but the puz- Playability: 9.5 of the 32-bit console machines. The Playability: 9 real problem | found was the limited zles more than make up for this game does suffer from the Scooby- save feature. | usually like to save Entertainment: 9 game's lack of pure action). More Entertainment: 9.25 Doo effect which if you don't know Entertainment: 9.75 often and its a real annoyance save spots would have been nice, is; being able to see what to move when you have to repeat a half-hour OVERALL: but the game's horrific storyline will OVERALL: because the item is so much less OVERALL: process. Other than that small gripe keep you playing. Fans of Alone in detailed than the backgrounds. This I thoroughly enjoy Resident Evil. It is H: the Dark will see similarities, but E 5 is fine though, because the scare bd 5 an outrageous and entertaining otherwise this game definitely stands a factor makes up for this ten fold. | m quest that will bring nightmares to out of crowd with its gruesome literally jumped out of my seat when the squeamish.” graphics and addictive gameplay.” any new demon attacked. It's Game Informer a March'96 fii pud Pav d a all, E E bove all else, Resident Evil is an adventure game. It is shown in the third-person and the angle that you view the action from depends on where you are standing. Sometimes you may be viewing your character from above, other times you'll see him/her from the side, and still other situations might have you looking up at him or her. Although the puzzles will take the majority of your time, a fair amount of this game consists of blowing up walking corpses with weapons ranging from a pistol to a flame-thrower. Holding down the trigger button will put you in an aiming stance where you'll have to line up with your target as best you can. Be sure not to waste too much ammo, because while zombies are a dime a dozen, bullets are few and far between. We don't recommend hunting down the living dead with your knife. When you're not dealing with zombies, dogs, giant spiders, or snakes, you'll need to search for items that will help you solve puzzles in the game. Most of these puzzles come down to using the appropriate inventory item with objects in the game. You can only carry six or eight items at a time (depending on which character your choose), and that includes weapons, extra ammo, and keys. There are storage lockers located in various places to open up space in your inventory. ings over and over again - all the while saving as P. ~ s P Pa T À most important part of Resident ant to play this game is the mood that is established. The sound effects and the graphics have a way utting you on edge. Hearing the moans of a zombie and knowing that you’ve only got four bullets to deal with it puts an odd sinking feeling in your stomach that few games can deliver. Fear is also lurking around every corner in the house. When you are slowly walking down the hall, making sure that you don’t go too fast and run into anything nasty, a window will suddenly shatter behind you and you'll jump so high you'll wish your game room had vaulted ceilings. Warning: It is recommended that you don’t play this game alone. This is a challenging game, both mentally and physically. It is not for the faint of heart or those who cringe at the sight of blood. If you pass this test, prepare yourself to enter a haunted world of demons, treachery, and death. Prepare to open the door to the residence of evil. Game Informer s March ‘96 tas MA 2 un v zi É N ja Age: 25 Age: 23 E Blood Type: O Blood Type: B € Height: 181 cm. Height: 166 cm. Weight: 80.4 kg. Weight: 50.4 kg. Jill, the other playable character, may not be the strongest character in the game, but she is the most elusive. Jill can fit through narrow passages where Chris cannot. She can also pick quite a few locks, whieh helps immensely. Her inventory consists of eight slots whereas Chris has six, and she has easier access the more V powerful weapons. as | Chris is one of the two playable | characters in Resident Evil. He's quite a bit stronger than Jill, and ZE) can take a few extra zombie 4| bites before dying. He can only |, | carry six items at once (which is i^, | 1 kind of a bummer). When ` | choosing Chris as your character, = | you'll have to deal with most of the problems by yourself, and ^ “H there's no back-up waiting in — . > | the next room. The only help he recieves is a brief healing from Rebecca. Rebecca will also assist Chris in a L piano lesson. Height: 186 cm. . Weight: 69.3 kg. | This scruffy go getter always seems to be in the right place at the right time when it comes to Jills quest. Barry has all the right moves, and he's a good character to hide behind in battles. Body mass is the perfect shield. )201D02010111€ 1 te. z ——Má ES A ee Age: 38 Blood Type: O Height: 196 cm. Weight: 84.5 kg. This slick Gl Joe wannbe has a very mysterious essence. Is he good or is he evil? We don't know, but you'll be sure to find out at the end of the game. Age: 18 Blood Type: AB Height: 161 cm. Weight: 42.1 kg. Rebecca is the youngest and most fragile character. She doesn't wear the shield of the S.T. A.R.S, but she might as well be in their clan after what happens in the mansion of horror. She doesn't appear in Jill's quest until later on, but she is a main focal point in Chris's. Rebecca is an excellent healer and pianist. Game Informer s March'96 DEATH Is Arr AROUND YOU vil is a word we often relate to death. Things that cause death and things that take pleasure in death are all thought of as evil. In fact, the only kind of killing that isn’t considered evil is killing in self defense (or maybe if they’re zombies). In Resident Evil you must kill or be killed. There are many different ways to die and many different ways to kill, but there is only one way to survive. Here are some accounts of the terror you’ll experience in the hallowed halls of Resident Evil. Puppy Love: he sound of the dog’s growl filled me with memories of my own faithful mutt (his name was Duke), so I entered the next room quickly and without thinking. The adorable Doberman was happily gnawing on something, though I couldn't quite make it out. "Hey pooch!” I called out, but he ignored me and just kept on chewing. As I approached him, he turned his head toward me. The smile melted off my face as I realized that this was not a normal dog. The skin was mostly missing from the left side of his head, and I could see the muscles and tendons contract and relax as he continued to chew the object in his mouth. A rank yellow fluid - thicker than blood and darker than pus - flowed steadily out of his head and was forming a small puddle on the floor. But it wasn't until I saw that object in his mouth that I nearly lost my lunch. Held firmly to the ground by his paws as he tore away pieces of skin was most of a human head, and while the face was almost devoured, I recognized Chris's unmistakable grin. It was at this moment, while I was frozen with revulsion, that the dog decided to leap. With the speed of a striking cobra he jumped from the floor and sank his chops into my neck. As blood spurted directly from my heart into the air, the stench of decay | and kibble accompanied me to the netherworld. ; H " d Jt A zombie BlowOut: | ATA N e lumbered towards me, arms stretched outwards in a Frankenstein impersonation. He made low moans that issued not from his mouth, but from the gaping hole in his neck. He wanted nothing more than to nibble on my flesh, to consume it and hopefully satisfy his unquenchable, morbid hunger. “Not today,” I whispered to no onein . d particular and pulled my shotgun to hip level. I squeezed the trigger and the mM > explosion of gunpowder rocked the otherwise silent house. The effect on . y an the walking corpse was immediate. His left arm appa T instantly and” ”> covered my face with a fine spray of blood. A few drops ende es in mouth and I tasted salty, sour milk and blinked me eyes. a recoiled, but was quickly recovering and resuming his mindle: S another round that opened a hole in his side and painted the ss assault ihi coming. “Let's see you walk away this one,” I scream and unleas he . power of my las ell right into his face. His head i royed ic w and completely it’s as though it existed. A geyser of green fluid Pine from the gap between his shoulders as he stumbles to his knees, and finally to the floor. With a few final spurts, his blood oozes out of his neck and laps up against your boot. You inhale the scent deeply, and realize uneasily that you are beginning to savor the scent of the death. Game Inform a March ‘96 Reptile Welcome Wagon: he snake was huge - over thirty feet with fangs at least a foot and a half long. Yu = launch a grenade that hits him in the neck and explodes, but doesn't seem to do much damage. Suddenly you're not sure if you've got enough ammo. You trigger two more grenades out of the gun, both of which connect. Unfortunately, the snake is still alive and 7 hissing. Quickly losing confidence, you drop the aa now exhausted grenade launcher and reach for your shotgun, and this gives the snake the nanosecond. it needs to strike. Rearing up and striking from the top, the snake brings its jaws down around your shoulder. It’s fangs are so long that they pierce through your body and stick out the other side, but enough of the poison was delivered so that when the snake pulls back, you don’t have enough control over your body to move away. The next strike is delivered carefully. After all, it's easy to hit a motionless target. As you stand in pain and horror, the snake’s mouth covers your head and hi ground and inverts your body. With the help of gravity and a few more sp bites, your body slides down the snake’s throat and into his digestive c where you will be slowly melted into energy over the next few weeks. | $ ame Game Informer a March'96 Nintendo’s Favorite Plumber Celebrates a Birthday It's not often that a video game character's birthday is noted, let alone celebrated, unless you are talking about Nintendo's own Mario. The crazy plumber from Brooklyn recently celebrated his 15th birthday as a video game Mara: i character. More than 120 million Mario games to's Creator Sigery Miyam have sold worldwide, undoubtedly making this .” stout “super-plumber” the most popular of all video game characters. Mario first appeared as Jumpman in Nintendo’s Donkey Kong arcade game in 1981, although he was not officially named Mario until he appeared in the 1982 release of Donkey Kong Jr. Mario has been Nintendo’s official mascot since 1985. Working Designs Announces New Games Saturn owners should get ready for SERE RT i two new Role Playing Games (RPGs) Editor's Top Ten for March thanks to the talent of Working Designs. S- A long time supporter of Sega platforms, ; Working Designs will translate the existing Japanese Saturn titles for the English speaking gaming populace. Shining Wisdom will appear in April or May and will be reminiscent of the Zelda series. It will also feature over 10,000 frames. of rendered animation. The second title, Magic Knight: Ray Earth, is scheduled to be released in late summer. We'll have more on Ray Earth as more information becomes available. If history repeats itself with Working Designs's RPGs, Saturn owners will have two quality titles. Trek fantasies uma AI é New Sports Games From Sony on your hip J Sony Interactive is working on completing their Hang them from your ceiling to create a ie ME sports game line-up for the Sony PlayStation with new : basketball and baseball games to be released in April. Total NBA '96 is developed by Sony Interactive UK and is already available in Europe. It will be revamped for release in North America and renamed NBA Shoot-Out. Sony has been working with Golden State Warrior player Latrell Spreewell on new motion- capture animations exclusive to the North American release. For baseball, Sony will introduce MLB Pennant Race which features a full Major League license with the teams and players. This game will also feature motion-capture animation and multiple gameplay views. Eden Prairie, MN Game Informer 用 March ‘96 The Numbers are In?? Sega & Sony Announce Numbers in 32-bit Battle Sega of America and Sony Computer Entertainment of America recently issued =| statements regarding the sales of the 32-bit Saturn and PlayStation respectively. Both companies claimed that their world-wide installed base exceeded 3 million units through the end of 1995. Sony claims to have the lead in the US 32-bit market with over 800,000 PlayStations sold to Sega Saturn's 400,000 units. Sega claimed to be the 32-bit leader in Japan, however, with more than 2.2 million units sold to Sony's 1.9 million. Rounding out the numbers is the European market where Sony approximated its sales to be 600,000 units. Sega did not announce any sales concerning Europe, but if you add the numbers the Saturn's sales could be approximated to be 400,000 to 600,000 units sold. If you look at the numbers, it appears that the 32-bit war between Sega and Sony is nearly a draw. It may be worthwhile to note that Sega's announcement is dated two days after Sony's. Likewise, both companies did not cite sources for their sales figures. The Disposable Assatein Revisited Rob Schrab, creator of Scud - The Disposable Assassin, was surprised to see the article in Game Informer's January '96 issue that linked his comic book character to Sega of America. It turns out that he has talked with Sega, but he said a secured deal giving Sega the rights to Scud hasn't happened. | Schrab informed us that he had also been talking with Time-Warner and with Shiny Entertainment about the possibilities of making Scud into a video game. The underground following of Scud is strong and growing. Many of the early issues of Scud are sold out and rising in value. Schrab has big plans for his crazy assassin so keep an eye out for new developments with Scud. [ i. G Prolific Publishing has released a companion CD for the award winning 3DO game Return Fire. Maps O’ Death works in conjunction with the original Return Fire game and adds 100 new level maps for this destructive and addictive strategy game. Additionally, Maps ‘O Death creates new challenges by reducing the number of vehicles you can access, and increases the fun by incorporating map themes and new puzzles. Sega Launches New Development Company Sega Enterprises and CSK Corporation established a new software development company that will produce software for PCs, the Internet, and console systems. The new company, Sega Soft, Inc., will consolidate some of Sega of America’s top development teams and form an independent development house. The formation of Sega Soft as an independent company will certainly allow for the company to focus on “non-Sega” platforms and in theory, create the opportunity for Sega to publish for other platforms such as the Ultra 64, 3DO, and PS-X. Of course, if Sega Soft did publish for Sony, Nintendo, or 3DO they would have to first obtain a third party license from these respective companies. That may be easier said than done for Sega Soft. | If you were eer in the live action film, Street Fighter: The Movie (as well you should be), you'll be happy to know that a movie exists which comes much closer to the Street Fighter storyline, character representation, and overall feel of the game. Renegade Home Video, in cooperation with Capcom and Sony Music Entertainment, has released an English translation of the Japanese Anime based on Street Fighter Il. In addition, they've | redone the soundtrack, adding songs by popular American | groups including Alice in Chains, silverchair, and KMFDM. While the animation isn't the best we've seen, the fast action fighting scenes are done very well and the characters from the video game are represented accurately. Two versions of the movie are available. One is rated PG-13 and the other : is unrated, but sports a "Mature | Audiences Only" warning, probably due to violence, sporadic profanity, and the scene where Chun-Li fights Vega in her underwear. Look for it where you find other Japanese animation titles. Game Informer s March ‘96 e Publisher: Armada for Acclaim Comics e Cover Price: NA * Available: Now Both Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat had their day in the sun in the comic kingdom, and now thanks to Armada and Acclaim Comics, Nintendo’s mad dog fighter — Killer Instinct — will give this new venture a whirl. From what we've seen in the sampler, KI is packed with non-stop action, moves from the game, and an intriguing plot. Look for this exciting title available now at your local comic shop. A EE | Boyer Makes Hi | * Hilly Rose #3 ENECE + Publisher: Astro Comics X * Cover Price: $2.95 * Available: Now The question on all your minds right now is, Hilly who? Yes, this is another underground comic that deserves the mainstream spot light. B.C. Boyer writes, draws, and practically runs the newly born Astro Comics. His stories are filled with insight, humor and great betrayals. Watch this comic hit the price wars BOOM! like Bone did a few years ago. It’s guaranteed! (In a non-egally binding way, of course.) | This March, Manga Entertainment, Inc. is attempting something that has only been | done once in the United States. This month you should look in the theaters for the | release of Ghost in the Shell (GITS). GITS is based on the Japanese comic book by | Masamune Shirow which was also released in the United States by Dark Horse Comics. It takes place in a futuristic Cyber-world where the majority of humans are partially flesh but mostly machine, so expect a lot of high-tech weaponry, massive | explosions, and buxom cyborg chicks decapitating the bad guys. On a deeper side, pay attention to the storyline to learn about a sentient computer program struggling for power, schemes within schemes as two divisions of the government struggle to hide their mistakes, and a cyborg woman who struggles with existentialism and the definition of the soul. Ghost in the Shell was created using about 70% traditional cel animation mixed in with about 3096 computer animation, and the creative talent who worked on it have some impressive resumes in the field of Anime. The director, Mamoru Oshii, was also the director on the phenomenal Patlabor and Patlabor 2. Two of | the producers are the same people who produced the only other Anime to | make a widespread appearance in the theaters, Akira. | While we haven't seen the actual movie, we have | beenable to see a few clips and the _ | animation looks VERY impressive. pm Up to this point, every piece of |» 7 - | Anime we've seen falls short of the y | animation quality of Akira. After | | March, however, Ghost in the Shell | | may set the new standard. TH-Q is hoping to bring GITS to video game consoles in early '97. Game Informer s March ‘96 After suffering for a year or so, Marvel has finally revamped the loyal super-patriots world. Mark Waid returns as the lead writer of Captain America and Ron Garney joins him with awesome penciling. Waid's first story since his return featured the last battle between Cap and (the late) Red Skull. His next tale brings Cap face to face with the US of A. The pe is called "Man Without a Country". This issue brings Cap's life to a climactic crossroads. What will he do? Hint: There's probably a new costume in his near future. Matt Wagner has been working with this title for years now, and what has he accomplished? Nothing but pure brilliance. The nice thing about the Grendel titles is that the stories are always different, no two stories feature the same characters or plot. It'll be hard to topple the mammoth hit Grendel: War Child. However, the new Grendel Tales series is really striving to accomplish this feat. I've got the flu and it won't go away! That's right, this month marks the start of the 12-issue Batman: Contagion storyline. The entire city of Gotham is infected with the bug, and it's up to Batman and his nocturnal friends to find a cure. Be there or be square. Who's the only hero to walk away from a fight with every bone in his body broken? That's right! It's The Savage Dragon! The Dragon is still broken, and it doesn't look like he’s going in for any kind of help. What will happen to our mangled avenger in the double sized 25th issue of The Savage Dragon? Until death do us part, baby! Weapon Zero was one of the best new comics to debut last year and it looks like it's going to stay hot. The mini-series is over and Image is ready to ship a new series on a monthly basis. The new series picks up right where the action left off starting in issue #0. Aliens on the moon and babes being vacuumed into space, what a rush! Peter David is the comic god. Stories don’t get much better than this. Poor old Aquaman is stuck in conflict after conflict. As long as David keeps writing, Aquaman will keep on sweating. If you can find issue #20 before it sells out, buy it and buy it quick! Neil Gaiman has always been the ultimate story teller of twisted tales, and Teknophage may be his most exotic tale yet. A corporate lizard rules all dimensions and all of time with his Wheel of Worlds. He eats the living and gains their power as he digests their souls. The Phage rules all who oppose and all who serve! Sound interesting? Check it out. We've asked for more and more, and Dark Horse has responded with a handful of different mini-series and a few monthly titles as well. All we can ask for now is a monthly Boba Fett title. Imagine that... just hurts thinking about it. Keep your eyes peeled, your fingers crossed, and Dark Horse just might make this dream a reality. Todd's stories took a spill for the worst with a Christmas story and non-related one-shots, but of late he’s on fire with the return of The Curse and the creation of the nasty new villain Cy-Gor. Cy-Gor kill!!! Game Informer 5 March ‘96 “Super Battletank - SNES Alien 3 - Genesis Kap Genesis Walt Mink pnus roleased their first album with Atlantic Records after Columbia Records "signed and unsigned them within a year. This power-trio previously released two albums on the Caroline label. Their . agressive and meaty sound is worth a listen. 2. What Sian released the first version of Tetris for NES? (Hint: It was the only version for NES that Game Informer's Site O The Month post ça rds PO Ansier on the bottom of page 19) EA released this pe Playmates Interactive Entertainment’s Earthworm Jim 2 will be a featured game on the Sega Channel this month. The “World O” Worms” contest will require Sega Channel subscribers to complete the entire EWJ 2 game. The first 201 people to rescue Princess What's Her Name and beat the game will see some of EWJ's secret words. Players will then be required to call in which makes them eligible for the grand prize: An all-expense paid trip for two to London and Amsterdam. While in London, the grand prize winner will also tour the English Wiggly Wiggler's Worm Farm to do as the worms do: eat dirt! flown to Sega HQ for a gamer S dream day Over $100, 000, in agn prizes has yet College basketball heats up this month and | Acclaim Entertainment will be there with | College Slam, a "new" two-on-two basketball | game featuring over 40 popular college | teams. Closely copying Acclaim's successful | NBA Jam games; College Slam will be released on Game Boy, SNES, Game Gear, Genesis, Saturn, and PlayStation this month. It will also feature a slew of hidden players, secret codes, and eight national fraternity teams. We can already | see the rivalries forming in frat houses | across the country. | Sinistar is a true classic, programmed by R.J. Michal, designer of the 3D0! lay-offs, and other business Riss hav led many to believe that Atari is prepared close its doors. Recently, Atari president Williams Entertainment announced that that they would produce a Sony PlayStation game that included six of their arcade classics. The six-in-one CD-ROM will pack a line-up of truly monumental arcade games. The Williams Arcade Classics game will consist of Bubbles, Defender, Stargate (Defender II), Joust, Robotron, and Sinistar. With Namco having already released their own "classics," there seems to be a trend forming with these long-time arcade manufacturers. Namco has already announced future volumes, and Williams should not have any problem finding more classics should they decide to do the same. The Williams Arcade Classics is scheduled to appear on the PlayStation this spring. resignation may iblic perception, b Game Informer 3 March ‘96 Who says you can’t put a game enhancer on a compact disc machine? It was done on the Saturn, and the 3DO unit will soon receive its own Game Guru coming soon. The Game Guru plugs into your 3DO and compresses the memory required for saved games, opening up more RAM to save more games. In addition, it contains 350 preprogrammed codes for more than 30 3DO games. It is unclear as of yet whether the Game Guru will scan for codes or even accept new codes, but we certainly hope so. Inquire about the Game Guru at your local retailer to get your hands on this baby. dl -. 10120 West 76th Street. SK odo MN 55344 If you've played a lot of games on CD-ROM console systems, you may often find yourself running out of storage space to save games. There is a solution, however, in that you can use RAM cartridges to greatly increase what you can store. InterAct Multimedia Products is now offering the Memory Card Plus for use with the Sega Saturn. This card stores an entire megabyte of save game data, which is twice as much memory as Sega's own RAM cartridge. There's nothing like a little healthy competition in the peripheral market, so feel free to bask in the radiant glory of the free market system. Woo-hoo! If you've ever had the opportunity to sit in a fighter plane, helicopter, or X-Wing Fighter, you might have noticed that these vehicles are not controlled with a directional pad; they are all controlled by an analog type joystick. To recreate this | realistic feeling for their flight games Sega is offering the Mission Stick for the | Sega Saturn. This controller offers all of the buttons laid out for one hand (with | variable speed continuous fire available for each individual button), but what gives | this controller its savvy is the analog joystick. | The joystick fits comfortably into the palm of your hand, has a trigger button | on its front and two thumb buttons on the back. There is also a self-centering | throttle control between the thumb buttons. Another interesting | feature is that the stick can be either left of right- | handed (by order of the President) and can be | converted between the two modes in just a few | moments with no special tools. There is also | an extra controller port in the base of the unit | which currently serves no function, but B 4 | might be used in the future for add-ons like a — . - p | weapon control or a second analog joystick. The | | only question that remains is, now that we've got | the Mission Stick, where's X-Wing? Game Informer 3 March ‘96 Preview sis Gene ang S ENDS 32 Megabit tfe T nuca | Fe. :: SGI Rendered Characters, Torture Moves, Auto Save Technology Multi-Character Gameplay Sega ave you ever wondered what your favorite Eternal Champions characters do in their spare time” Some . | people at Sega wondered that too, and decided to explore the adventures of one of the more popular and buxom Eternal Champions characters, Shadow. It turns out that when Shadow is not battling other warriors to save the world from a descent into chaos, she's part of a three person ultra-secret counter-terrorist team known as the X-Perts. In this game, you'll be taking control of the three X-Perts and leading them on a mission to an under-sea weapons facility which has been taken over by terrorists. If you cannot stop them before they detonate a deep-sea thermonuclear device, the world will pay the price. Information about this game is currently quite sparse. We do know, however, that you can control each of the three characters on different levels of the large under-water facility. It looks as if much of the game will be brawling and fighting, though some adventure aspects will be present as you must solve a variety of Primary and Secondary missions. There are also “Torture’ moves which are brutal, fatality-type kills. In addition, the characters you aren't controlling will defend themselves and carry out various tasks. The graphics are impressive for a Genesis cart, as the characters are SGI rendered. Also present are digitized voices to alert you of important events happening off-screen. Finally, they've introduced Auto Save Technology that will automatically save the impact of your actions as you play (we'll let you know more about this when things become clearer). Perhaps the reports of the Genesiss demise were exaggerated. We'll let you how this game rates as soon as we see a reviewable copy. For now, all you can do is stare at the pictures and dream of the game to come. ONLY ON SEGA SATURN Al 0:36"80 T i Beo 3'S50"00 o COURSEREL SRS 4400 7 S acre “ih, 15319 WORLD SERIES VIRTUA VIRTUA SEGA RALLY BASEBALL" FIGHTER" 2 COP" CHAMPIONSHIP" Sega is a registered trademark of SEGA. Sega Saturn, Sega Sports, and all game titles are trademarks of SEGA unless otherwise noted below. The World Series is a trademark owned by Major League Baseball and may not be reproduced without written consent. Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Properties, Inc. MLBPA logo © MLBPA MSA. Officially licensed by the Major League Baseball Players Association, © 1995 SEGA, PQ. Box 8097, Redwood City, CA 94063. All rights reserved. ; VELL R XS | > Return to the Techno-Rage s the sun rises on a new year, so does the anticipation for the seguel to the underground's greatest tournament - Battle Arena Toshinden. Last year, Battle Arena Toshinden (BAT) brought a new experience to fighters with its spectacular graphics and new gameplay options that had never been seen in a fighting game before. Gamers across America ran to get this title for their PlayStation and have waited in earnest for the sequel. Well the time is now, as Toshinden 2 was just released in Japan and is now planned for a May release here in the States by PlayMates. But the real question is, can Takara (the game's designers) recreate the magic that made the original such a hit? E : ; i Obviously, if you've looked at the pictures on this page, this game easily TMOG RM eclipses the original's graphics. Besides the gorgeous new 360 degree backgrounds, Takara added lighting effects that are certain to amaze as well as head-traching to add to the realism. From the shine of the Moon on - Mondos stage to the drop of the giant curtain in Duke's castle, each level will keep your eyes busy with ultra-real environments. The animation, which is once again created using over ninety thousand polygons, is also super smooth with lots of effects on the special attacks. Speaking of special attacks, there are three new additions to the play design of Toshinden 2. Each character now has the ability to pounce on a fallen opponent, choose from four different charging attacks, and also unleash a devastating Overdrive attack that shrinks health meters like a hot knife cuts through soft butter. Of course, all the standard fighting options from the original are also here, including the ingenious side-step dodge and the often useful desperation attacks. Na Chaos does a little home brewi had better watch out, she's the law in these Parts, 4 The two new characters face off B in a battle of wits that I don't think either of them will win. e Kayin goes low or Tracy to Reep her off her feet. Song about it! A fallen angel. Hey, maybe Aerosmith could write a Game Informer « March '96 $ * u^ n order to increase depth of gameplay, Takara has added two new fighters named Chaos and Tracy, as well as the original Toshinden's boss character, Gaia, to the list of playable characters. This brings the total number of playable characters up to 11. However, there are two new boss characters in Battle Arena Toshinden 2. The first is an angel named Uranus, and the second and final boss is a female character called Master. Uranus is a cherub armed with a bow and arrow that can fire numerous bolts of energy. but perhaps her most dangerous attacks come from her huge wings, which she uses for both offense and defense. The final boss, Master, is a magician and swordsman who uses a psionic sword to pummel her opponents. Her relentless attacks and ruthless offensive savvy make her a worthy final foe. Of course, in true Toshinden style, there is a way to access the boss characters hidden somewhere inside the game. Plus, somewhere in the game there are two more hidden characters named Sho and Verm. Hmmmm...] wonder what the secret is to access them? Unfortunately, there are a couple of problems with this version of the game. First of all, every characters ending is exactly the same. That's OK, but tcp LA A, CRIT K Chaos would take a baton in the gút overa ; Rich in the groin any day! hopefully the American release will feature unique endings so that beating the game with different characters is a little bit more exciting. Also, getting up is perhaps the slowest thing that happens in the entire game, including load times. Luckily, there : are a couple of cool things too. This game features lots of hidden special moves that are rather hard to master but fun to discover as Whaaaaaa! rises Anny, The Game HomBRÉ g Like the original, this game is very nice to look at with amazing lighting Graphics: 9.5 effects and fluid polygon animation. However, the gameplay of Sound: 9 Toshinden has always left me Concent: somewhat empty. | play the game for | : Playability: 9 two or three days then | find | just can't take it anymore - there's just Entertainment: 8.75 not much to master. | like the large variety of moves and characters, but OVERALL: precise controlled combat is still unattainable in this game. Very a cool, but the excitement doesn't last long." you become more familiar with the game. Another bonus to this game is the multiple play modes that you can choose from, including vs. computer where you can practice against the problem characters that usually give you trouble in the Tournament. In the end, Toshinden 2 will certainly please fans of the original. The gameplay is basically the same, the graphics are even better, and there are three new characters to master. Look for Battle Arena Toshinden 2 from PlayMates coming to your PlayStation this May. | MASTER a w E ir The timer in the corner keeps | track of your overall game time. | * m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-to-Head Tournament Fighting m Special Features: 4 Camera Views, Wacky FMV Intro, 8 Difficulty Levels, New Moves, Improved Graphics, and Music by Bang Heads Inc. m Created by: Tamsoft Corporation for Takara and PlayMates m Available: Now in Japan, May for Sony PlayStation N Reimer, THE Racine Gamer oncept: 8.5 1f you thought the first Tohshinden $ Concept: g ‘There is no doubt that BAT2 has j " was impressive looking, wait until yo : very impressive graphics and that 8.75 See part two! For the most part the | | graphics: g the second installment tops the first Graphics: ) sue " games dynamics are the same. The in this department. However, the | Sound: 7.5 changes occured in the detail of the LA Sound: 8 moves aren't all that cool. There's no: real sense of a combo system and it À Playability: 8 effects. A handful of new characters | | Playability: 8 comes down to _ shooting have been added, and let me tell you projectiles over and over. All of the new | Entertainment: 7.5 theyre pretty wacky. | can easily say || Entertainment: 8.78 characters and hidden characters | that | might play this game for awhile, L ~ Should keep you playin’. This is a a OVERALL: whereas with the first one, | couldnt | OVERALL: great sequel if you enjoyed the first 9 Wait to put it down. I'm still disappointed | 9 i installment, but | don't think much E character graphics and a with the combo system, even though | was done to the overall play to it is better than the first.” warrant a higher score.” ere is one way to play as the Boss characters Uranus and Master in the Japanese version of Toshinden 2. To access them, simply beat the game on the default difficulty in the 1-Player Mode. To choose them press and hold select on the random character icon. For the additional hidden characters, Sho and Verm, simply defeat the game again with one of the new boss characters and the difficulty set on level 5. However, there is no way to save your game in BAT2 so you'll have to do this every time you want to play with these characters (or at | feast until a different code .| comes out). JD = Down F = Forward ~~» |B = Back U = Up te | DF = Down/Forward | DB = Down/Back Half Circle Forward = Half Circle Back * = Move can also be done in the air. Overdrive Attacks — Can only be done when Overdrive Meter is flashing. Desperation Attacks — Can only be done when Health Meter is flashing. Pounce — B + X can only be used while opponent is down Stomp — 6€ + A can only be used while opponent is down £ O U3 | IW 7 LOSES Fireball Low Spear Stab QCF + Mor A (In Mid-Air) QCB + Mora Diagonal Spear Stab B, D, DB + Mor A Desperation Attack g Spear Stab QCF + W or A Super Fireball QCF, QCF, B + A ij A Windmill HCF + Mor A Z Rising Uppercut F, D, DF + W or A T Run Go Iron pc “= 2 | a K. Ballerina Spin Super Batter-Up Batter-Up Feet for Your Face F, D, DF + Mor A %+@+H+A HCB + B DDBB+Xo O , Desperation Attack Qc HIR. t wm Fire Club Rising Shoulder m Bam-Bam HCF, HCB + A QCF + Mor À F, D, DF + % or © T | Game Informer. s March ‘96 V , UU HU wt GCF + Mor A (In Mid-Air) Game Informer «© March ‘96 Ho A QCB + M or A Eiraha QCB + + Ho A d YA ollidin 5 ore B, F + 全 "ri line Adi :*ore CF + or À DB, D, DF, SEU PRE vora ST x yr E B+ A Rising Bicycle Attack Fireball Hurricane Uppercut DF+ A LEX ES EY QCF + Mor A F, D, DF + Mor A Rainbow Splits Kick Kayin Assault Super Flip D, DB,B+Xor@ HCB, HCF + 全 (In Air) D, DB, B + % or O ve Attack 3 Es | 3 Diving Corkscrew Downchuck Fireworks Gangrene HCF «X or e QCF + W or A (In Mid-Air) DF, D, B + A(Close) LER ES EFN Chaos Torpedo fa HCF, HCB + A Vomit Comet QCF + BB or Scamper F, D, DF + % or © Overdrive Attack GAIR " Ball of Confusion Charging Impaler Deadly Hack QCB + X% ore F, D, DF + Mor A B,F,+ A Flaming Sword Swipe Power Thrust Spitfire QCB «Mor À HCB, HCF + A (Close) HCF + W or A Game Informer s March ‘96 wiry. | Il Fireball X:0:8«A E rric it Eiji Assault FD,DF«A — ED,DF«NorA HCB, HCB « A i ail ut it n Co QCB + © E mina FIG perc F, D, DF + Mor A T2] ARA \ ot X:0.N«A N | QCB + @ or X (In Mid-Air) HCF a Ec nn X 72 QCB +E or Game informer s Narch:9aG 4 rj ts a beautiful sunny afternoon on the links. You can smell the fresh cut grass mingling with the scent of the ocean breeze. A few gnats buzz mindlessly around your head, but you pay them no mind. They call this a game - but when the difference between finishing even and one under is $60,000, it's hard no to be playful. There is a strong taste À "e , of confidence in your nervousness, pr however, because you've spent many hours practicing, you've selected your clubs carefully, and you've picked out just the right color sweater. After stepping into the tee box, you choose the camera angle from which you'd like to set up your shot, cause a huge targeting arc to show the path of your ball, adjust the fade for a little right to left action, and swing through the ball with perfect execution. As your ball bounces into the middle of the fairway, you hear the crowd's exuberant yet stifled applause (it is golf after all) and hear the cocky, English-accented announcer finally say something positive. Golf has always been an easy-paced, entertaining sports game that up to four people can play comfortably with only one controller. They also make a nice addition to a library because even people with little video game experience can pick them up and enjoy them, at the same time as expert gamers are mastering all the nuances from draw and fade shots to ball placement for each individual hole. VR Golf represents VR Sports’ first venture into the golf , ; Heb tees gaming market, and they seem to have created a winner. First of 4 PA. T arboretum. : all, you can save your golfer’s name, club selection, and even the color of his attire. The game will also track all the stats for your player, even going so far as fo give your player a handicap. This handicap can be used in the amateur tournament to give you a fighting chance, but when you move up to the pro four, no handicaps are allowed and everybody starts out even. Up to six players can be stored (but you'll need a memory card, of course). As for play mechanics, they have allowed you to use d floating camera. This means that you can line up and view your shot from any angle on the hole. If you want to look at the green and adjust your targeting arc so that it points right into the hole, go ahead. Other than that, you should be familiar with the three push swing, with one push of the button to start your back swing, another to set the power, and the final push to determine how accurately you'll strike the ball. You can also adjust draw and fade if you're feeling like a pro. Overall, VR Golf looks like a fine game of its kind. It also includes a real time announcer with an English accent who will praise you when you have made a nice shot and relentlessly insult you when you mess up. Fans of golf games should keep their eyes peeled for this one. m ize: 1 CD-ROM 1 S 1 WA Golf m: Fi :: Stroke Play, Match Play, Foursome, Pawa, Amateur and Pro Tournament Modes, Save Up to 6 Custom Players, Targeting Arc, Draw and Fade, Grid Modes, Fly-By Hole Advice, 2 Courses, Smart-Alec Commentator m /: Gremlin Interactive for VR Sports/Interplay e: April for PlayStation (and Saturn) Let’s see some pepper out there now!!! mp where you fielding, | He buries it deep into the right field corner. Id UONEISAEId “The tiny outfielder makes | . agreat lunging grab. Perfect your bunts and - swings in batting practice. He struts home on a home run. He connects and sends the ball streaking to the outfield. Training Camp offers a variety of skill sharpeners. 7 ids OS S No matter how high you hold your | / “On fouls and « rows the | glove, the runner will still be safe. | view will rotate as you chase the ball. I | | LI > f ! ] | 1/4 iat C= a PlayStation CS ay = Sea * TIME ~ You're out of time and out : of luc | think you're dead. i 23 Like a vegetarian 4 Run! Run! RUN! Pac-Man only eats selective blue ghosts. A M ; o. T S E l Take out the highly | armed space station and Span’: gs pi you'll be rewarded with an intense explosion. BANG!!! e Informer | March ‘96 Thi Four missiles at twelve o'clock. Take evasive action. Game Informer ù March ‘96 Also in the works is a unique first-person s atia view; however interplay and à Gremlin had only been able to get this feature to work on the PC version at the time | we went to press, so they aren't positive if it will make it to the console versions of | ont that covered too. From t pla “effects in VR Soccer boom from your television det like $ 3 | E REDEN f C T 97:32:95. ||. Game Informer “ March '96 RETURN The Perfect Mix of Class be identical to its 3DC of vehicles. The attac terrain. It doesn’t the elc c utili; flag to your base you'll be sand aina with the V an entertaining home video game, slic the 2-player mode - When you get to the advanced level: youll ce some ficult terrain. assical music and you ‘ve got the unmistakable, unforgettable Return Fire, only now it’s available for your PlayStation. Aside from the fact that you can zoom | in on the action manua Looks like the | located the e even allows for some Rie heavily-atmored capture the flag action. T That is one well pro. or 2-Player Armored Combat Simulator R pecial Features: Classical Music Soundtrack by. Angel/EMI Classics, Four Different Vehicles, Password . Save, Split Screen Simultaneous ae Action, Manual Zoom m Created by: Prolific for Time Warr m Available: March 26th for PlayStation > THE Bottom LINE 8. 25 g Basically this a “souped-up” port from the 3DO. If you played through in some graphic effects ne. If a fantastic action/ strat- s what you crave than this is ticket for the PS-X. Intense | ng with that classical makes for a fantastic . | still find the two-player game more enjoyable than the | one-player, but ifs a good game Jess." Concept: | Graphics: You can re-arm your fuel and ammo at various depots. “If | remember correctly Return Fire originally debuted on the 3DO last year, and from what | cal , hasn't changed too dra new views have bee thats about it I'm gt sound negative, but | do think that more could have been added, The problem with Return Fire fun game to play - ONCE. T+ always appear in the same : and frankly it doesn't have much else to it besides the capture the flag idea. The best thing about this tile is the soundtrack and 8.25 7.75 couldn't pla ay is game £ dont think fd pla it at al g For strategi ts, it doesn tge better than Return Fire. 7 has lots of action, and lois of le eis Uf you've already p yed this g 9.5 on the 3DO, this version doesn’ have much ne 9 havent playe g definitely one Pay: By far, one of. games available c Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: “Card Save... R Created by: Artdink for Maxis m Available: Now for Sony PlayStation "Man, that's one big simulator you. | | got there! So big in fact, that this ; game lakes tons of time and patience to get into it. | like the 3D “7 ride mode (where you can see your . actual town), but | can't say too Playabltty: 7 much besides that. | like sims and | E like trains, but this game is just.a ‘Eee iment 8 little too much for me to consider it | entertaining. Sim fans may rejoice DEA as they see that A-Trains coming 4» emp around the bend, but I'll be looking 6.75 for my gaming. thrills elsewhere." Ahhh. it’s a booming preset scenarios. ‘Basically Sim City dealt with the E overall progress of a city and A-Train g deals with the Who does the work and how the work is done aspects of the city’. 7.75 Its almost impossible to explain every | litte niche and notch in A- Train; hona Play ability: 8.25 I can tell you that everything you want in a simulator is here. Maxis even included 8 a 3D mode tha lov you b ew jour) tan progress through the windows of your É trains. and. buses; and a risky. stock market to gamble with. This is a nicely ato jike building the ultimate Lonel set on my TV. | found that A-Train had the same addictive qualities that sucked me into Sim City 2K. : 65 However, | found that it's not as easy to get going and the manual is 75 essential. Plus, the saving takes the whole memory card! The interface is 8.5 easy and even easier with the mouse. Anyone Who enjoys simulations will probably enjoy many hours with A-Train. But don't constructed simulator that shouldnt be B = forget your memory card" missed by fans of this genre.” Maxis has a long list of simulation games that they have published for a number of gaming platforms. A-Train is a simulation that has parallels to Maxis's popular Sim City series in that you build and control what you hope will be a booming ' metropolis. As the name suggests, however, A-Train is primarily concerned with the development of a profitable public transportation system of busses and trains. A-Train is not limited to just building tracks and roads; in order to successfully progress in the game you must make the almighty dollar. A player makes money by not only getting fare paying passengers but by buying and developing land, buildings and stocks. First and foremost, a real tycoon will build up freight train lines and factories. The freight trains move construction materials Game Informer » March'96 from factories to areas where you desire development to take place. Once you have adequate construction materials you'll be able to buy and build anything from houses to an airport. Through a menu option and the realistic graphics you'll be able to monitor the profitability of these operations and sell them if they are losing money. Likewise, an assortment of stocks are available to purchase for added income. Once your cities increase in population, you can add more passenger lines to make even more cash. A-Train has a total of 37 different play scenarios that require a great deal of skill and creativity to develop and maintain. Maxis has a great history of making intricate addicting simulation games. A-Train is one of their best. m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player 3D Action/Adventure a Special Features: Multiple Types of Bullets, ~ Jumping and Running, Tricks and Puzzles, -$ Continuation of the ‘Flashback’ Storyline ated by: Delphine Software for Electronic Arts. ble: March for Sony PlayStation i The Continuing Adventures of Conrad n a nearby planet in the not so distant future, a man awoke without a single memory in his head. His only possession was a small holocube telling him that his name was Conrad and he was on a mission of drastic importance. It was eventually determined that a race of aliens known as the Morphs were infiltrating the human race in hopes of conquering the planet. In the end, Conrad was able to destroy a major weapon of the Morphs, and he escaped by putting himself in suspended animation and launching into space, hoping that he would eventually be found. A few years later in real time and 50 years later in game time, Conrad's adventures are about to continue. Currently available for the PC, and coming soon for the PlayStation, is Delphine Software's sequel to Flashback known as Fade to Black. Since you know who you are, this is no longer a quest for identity, but a quest to save the world, While Conrad was sawing logs in the cryogenics chamber, the Morphs have convinced the world’s government to surrender. He finds this out after he is captured and awakened by the Morphs and put in the New Alcatraz prison on the moon. Fortunately for both Conrad and the storyline, he is contacted by a resistance group who offers to help him escape. From there, he finds himself aiding their cause on a variety of missions which take place on Venus, Pluto, and aboard the enemy vessels. You might think that the sequel to Flashback could be nothing but an action/platform game, but you’d be wrong. Just as computers and gaming systems have gotten more powerful, so has Conrad as he jumps into the third dimension. This time you'll be looking at the action from behind our hero, and when you go into a gun-aiming stance, you'll be glancing right out over his shoulder, This will allow you to draw a bead on the bad guys as you fill them up with regular, exploding, heat- seeking, armor-piercing, plasma, advanced- plasma, or electro-magnetic bullets. (Talk about your armories!) There are also a — of , shields and scanners you'll need to find on your adventures. Most of all, though, you'll be exploring your environment in a “what's going to kill me next” Flashbackesque style that made the first game so challenging and fun. Keep your eyes on Game Informer for more info on this ' amazing sequel, m "Remember where this transporter ' Meuse =P “5 iS, it could come in handy later! a The look commands allow you fo sneak a peek around the corner. “o m gu e ro March * A Full-Motion Video Adventure m Size: 3 CD-ROMs m Style: 1-Player Full-Motion Video Interactive Adventure m Special Features: Shot on 16mm Film, Simultaneous Release $ of Soundtrack Featuring the Violent Femmes, Faith No More, Poster Children, and the Sugarhill Gang, Loaded with Stars Like Rob Lowe and One Term James Bonder George Lazenby w Created by: 3Vision/Evolutionary Publishing for Capcom m Available: Now for Sega Saturn and PlayStation They said the nurses ut un tough, but come on: FLUX -O- METER "m I couldn't hear you, I bou vue jammed i vd 013653 013343 Infra-red vision. M useful. Game mrormer » March ‘96 seam to had in my ear! Ea | | With the advent of CD-ROM technology, the full- | motion video (FMV) game became possible. While there is no trick to putting a bunch of video onto a CD-ROM, making it entertaining and fun requires extreme deftness and skill. To the present day, nobody has produced a FMV game that measures up in playability to even a sub-standard platformer. However, many people do enjoy this style of game, and perhaps a game will come along that will break the boredom barrier in playability. Capcom’s going to give it a try with their upcoming release of Fox Hunt for both the Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation. In this game, you'll have a lot more control over your character than yum ‘ve had i in | = up Your dukes, you patsy! This is is dodi a iu. Is it Cuban? 7 —— HN MCCLANE IS RENDERED AND READY TO PI DIE HAR TRILOGY fter taking a few years to let the hysteria on the Die Hard © films ripen, Fox Interactive has finally done the unbelievable. L . Alnstead of releasing one game at a time, they announced . Haro 3 Sho ton one Of the many at they would pack the entire trilogy onto one disc for various | first-person perspective sole machines. Die Hard Trilogy features 3 completely shooting stages. different games in 36 mind blowing levels. A unique thing about this game not only has to do with the fact that it's 3 games in 1, but also the different styles of gameplay. ometimes you ‘Il be on running on foot in a 3rd persor perspective view, sometimes you'll be flying across an ic lake on a snowmobile, and more times than not yo doing something completel erent than what you doing before. Die Hard Trilogy is the perfect example of ho! V. | have evolved through the years. Practically every ing you want in a game is here, and if you’re a Die Hard fan: you'll definitely want to keep your eyes peeled for I sure to check out the video version of Die Hard: Wi | _ for a sneak peak of this hot title. J]; Driving, Flying, and a 3rd ements, True-to-Life 3D Destroy the dne before it takes off! 1 CD- ROM - ~ : 1-Player Tank 0 han 2 Game Informer s March S i nterplay’s VR Sports line is making its move in the 32-bit | sports field. VR Baseball ‘96 appears to be the flagship of their new line. This game will sport the complete Major League Baseball licenses, meaning all the teams, players, and even the stadiums from the Major Leagues. ‘Interplay is shooting for the utmost realism in VR Baseball. It will feature polygon-based characters that are created using Interplay's proprietary motion-capture techniques. It will also include players' faces texture-mapped onto the their heads. Also adding to the realism will be the new Virtual FieldVision. | , This will allow the player to see the action from virtually any perspective, including the first-person. Just imagine playing the outfield from the eyes of Kirby Puckett. Interplay is having a bit of a problem a incorporating this first-person view into Qo their soccer title, but hopefully that fate won't befall this game. Capping off the road to realism is the recreation of all of the Major League ballparks. From Camden Yards in Baltimore to "Sell-Out" park in San Francisco, you'll be able to play in all of your favorite stadiums. Interplay has set high standards for their VR Sports line, and hopefully you'll see the results when VR Baseball '96 hits the streets next month. eIsSfeld/uines 2 ol du Play the game from the eyes of a : second baseman. aana |. pes — ur —À Players: abilities ar e ranke six different VS kena S “A view from the cheap seats, desen, ee etos ons soa Play in all the X ACT | Major League C'mon meat, | - throw me the | “+ high heater. be = "^ ai" f tf | //; Person 360" Magic Carpet Simulator 5:2 pells to Collec and Master, rent Enemy characters, Tricks eing Eye, and Interactive Environ i p pd for Electronic A I For The y: Bullfrog hen the Old Gods created the worlds, they used a mysterious force known as Mana to bind all living things. As time went on, mankind learned that they could separate the mysterious Mana from the land and use its power for sorcery. | The age of Magic was upon the Earth, but soon the land was | barren from man’s insatiable greed for the wondrous Mana. As competition became rivalry between powerful wizards, they summoned fierce creatures to do their bidding as the battle for | control of the Mana escalated. Soon these creatures turned on their | masters and all the worlds of the universe were struggling to survive. | Then the impossible happened. A great wizard, learned in the © ways of the black arts, called upon a powerful spell. Hoping this spell ' would scatter his adversaries into oblivion, it turned out to be more za powerful than he thought, and shattered what was left of the universe. It Ml took his life, and with it, all hope for humanity. | As his apprentice, you must now set the worlds back to equilibrium by Ç | | collecting the Mana lost on each world. However, this will not be an easy Z q AAA task. Each world is filled with horrible creatures and evil wizards that you 5 m must destroy to get to the precious Mana. In this first-person perspective shooter you ride on the back of a highly maneuverable Magic Carpet through an immense 3D environment. | | E i On each level you have basically two goals: collect enough Mana to setthe VS = a a YA I don't think lhis wizard Wants ES to be your friend! Hey, nice castle. world straight, and find new spells to help you on your quest. As you iu. CaN, collect more and more Mana you will need a place to keep this | A | precious energy, so you must build a castle. It is a simple spell, but once it’s cast, the castle will send out a balloon to collect your Mana. As your character collects more and more Mana he can make his | castle bigger and bigger so that it expands and sends out more balloons. While this may sound a little easy, this is where things start to get tricky. pu As You progress through the levels, enemy wizards, townspeople, and Wasting’ away again in various baddies will try to destroy your castle and your balloons, so you | mucho. Pana 206) MUST protect them as well as fulfill the goals for each level. And if that's | >< mn, not enough to make your head spin, about halfway through the game many ee : of the realms are guarded by Mana Vampires who can not only steal your Mana but take your spells away as well. Sound difficult? Well, that’s because this game has | plenty to keep you busy. From the stunning lightning attacks N im of the Kraken to the annoying sting of a swarm of bees, | BM Magic Carpet will demand a lot out of your flying skills. | Coming this Spring for PlayStation and Saturn this game | stayed true to its PC counterpart with addictive gameplay and | long involved levels. | At the end o Will rate you Praet level the game t overall performance, ame Informer » March “96 2 Your choice of 24 different spells. wore SAeld/usnzes d | trs a Ming game without SERES SAVE fiin] Z ? 9 = Cast the castle spell to build Your home base. L at j Mm C M 2d ed Mana and can grow N Use the all-seeing eye in the P o PE tle The pain in the butt corner to find Mana, Spells, | o HA Y uL and enemy locations. | 7 ww Get as many Balloons in the | air as You can lo scour the landscape for iana, Sem eae ana ad sf dry | ~ castles in his spare lime. | me Informer » Mach ‘96 Bottle rocket en the objects in TM m knight am dickory d Hickory dickory e blocks. climbed up 5 : CN | Your faithful steed hasa detachable, shooting head. Things get crazy and wild with an octopus in the tub!!! ANDY, THE Game HOMBRE 75 Hey check it out! It's the last half of «I " the first Clockwork Knight. This 8.75 mystical adventure is a solid video game, but does have some good 8 and bad points. The good points |; are that the graphics are really 7.75 spectacular with amazing 3D effects and cool sound effects. The 7 bad part is that the game gets a lit- lle repetitive. This is definitely à ‘must-have’ for any hard-core action/ platform fan, but it may be a little too much for the casual platform player." Concept: Graphics: | Sound: Playability; Entertainment: OVERALL: 1.19 OVERALL: emies can affect the backfield. After bravely riding a large gear, poor Pepperouchau must fight a guy with a shield. No fair! Hien P E obstruct your path. » REINER, THE Racine GAMER little angst towards Sega since CK 2 6.5 not only features the new levels, but m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Action/Platform m Special Features: Bosses Galore Mode, Three Difficulty Settings, Fully Rendered Cut-Scenes, Hidden Mini Games, Entire First Game Hidden Inside m Created by: Sega m Available: Now for Sega Saturn ho's got a key in his back, metal limbs, and stands only two inches tall? The answer is obvious to anyone who owns a Sega Saturn. Its Pepperouchau, of course, the wind-up knight who saved the day in the first Clockwork Knight. Just about saved the day, that is, because if you remember correctly the beautiful Chelsea wouldn't wake up, and remained sleeping like an artificial Snow White who just snarfed dawn a poison apple. This game is almost the same concept as the last one (it is a sequel, after all) and would have been included on the first disc if they had finished it in time. They did, however, manage to fit the entire first game onto this disc, athough a special code is required to access it. In addition, theyve allowed you to change the controller. configuration around so that you don't need to double tap the directional pad in order to run. Unfortunately, you still can't use the trigger button for this feature which would certainly have been the most convenient setup. They have added a little more ta the depth of the playfield, transforming it from eye candy to the point where it actually affects gameplay. For instance, some scenes will have Pepperouchau riding on his faithful donkey Baro-Baro and the tracks will zoom him in and out of the background, depending on which way you choose to go. In another scene, our hero jumps into a cannon that blasts him into the background. The bosses are still big, bad, and ugly. There is even a “Bosses Galore’ mode where you can — fight each boss (from both games) É sequentially and be given a rating of ©” your performance. This mode also allows you to choose whether you'd like to control Pepperouchau or his friend Ginger. (Could it be that Ginger can be played throughout the whole game with a special code? Hmmmm???) Other than that, this should be a familiar game. If you loved the first one, you won't be disappointed in the sequel. eee xm nd PauL, THe Pro PLAYER > THE Bo "s "CK 2 is a bit more appetizing than 4 The play is nice and fast, and the Concept: graphics are incredible, but | can't S the first version because of better 5 be excited about saving à wind-up | | Graphics: g options and control settings. The princess with nothing but a key. graphics are also very polished, and 7 Owners of the original might have a | | Sound: 8.5 the levels where you move from foreground to background are very Playability: 8 cool indeed: however, | found that the control is very touchy. It took Entertainment: — 9 me a while to get accustomed to how far Pepper would jump. | am somewhat annoyed that Sega hid the entire first game in part two. Way to rush the first one and stick it to. someone who already bought CK I. If you haven't played the first, then this is a two-in-one pack.” it also has the ENTIRE first game ld hidden inside. | wouldn't call this a sequel, but more of an additional level-up disc that wasn't ready for the launch of CK 1 so they waited to release it later as a sequel. Cheap | marketing ploy, Sega." OVERALL: eee. The Clash of - | Blade on Bone m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Action/Platform m Special Features: Stunningly Realistic Graphics, 3 Difficulty Settings, Magic. Attacks, Reforming Zombies, Music by Tommy Tallarico m Created by: Neversoft Entertainment for PlayMates Interactive ——. m Available: Spring 1996 for Sega Saturn in the distant planet of Luminare, a struggle 7 rages between the forces of Good and Evil, Light and Dark. The greedy Baron Dark has attempted to steal the Lightstar Crystal. In the ensuing struggle, Prince Justin tries to tabe bach the crystal, but it shatters. This monumental act of magic transforms Baron Dark into a living skeleton, who can corrupt others into evil warriors to serve his purpose. Prince Justin changes into Prince Lightstar, defender of all that is right. He is equipped with a magic slinging sword which he must use to hack his way through the Baron’s defenses, destroy the ZA Skeleton Legion and rejoin the Lightstar Crystal to restore peace to the land. Skeleton Warriors is a hack ‘em up action/ , platformer for the Sega Saturn. The graphics are } quite stunning, and all of the characters get the jump Wen n skeleton! on this big du as cv * Hanging from the ledge can be an effective strategy. n tundra a creature of such ortions. From the froze comes the zoo??? fearsome prop EN ya Wit F x A, Dins Slay the enemy and they'll die in a flash of doom!!! Who let this guy out of ar L A and enemies have great depth, smoothness of Ml motion, and a realistic look that you rarely see in video games. The backgrounds are also good looking if you have time to notice them, that is. As far as gameplay, you can basically hack with your sword or use it to shoot magic projectiles. You'll need to collect power-up items, as different attacks will cost different amounts of energy. Fortunately, most of the enemies contain either magic or life power-ups that »,. appear when you kill them. If you dont grab the icon, | however, the enemy skeleton will reform and attack you again. ; = Have you been looking for a slice ‘em À and dice ‘em action/platform game for your See Saturn? Keep your eyes on Game Informer for Pa. the numbers on Skeleton Warriors. Somewhere in this of swor ds and ma ancient world gic, they manage d ederbike level, à Watch your head, rince Lightstar!!! Theyre Back!!! ne game that sticks out above all others in addictive qualities is Capcom's Street Fighter Il. Numerous versions of this title were released with very little variance between them. You / ¿ ) would think that once you had the first one, that you wouldn't even dream of buying the others, right? Wrong. Once you're hooked you might as well kiss your freetime good bye. Capcom is the undisputed champion of marketing the same game over and over, and we were the relentless victims that took up their offer. Finally, after playing the same game year in and year out, the consumers and Capcom both said, “Enough is enough." Hence, later this | month Capcom will release a new take on the SF E series entitled Street Fighter Alpha. Alpha is, in fact, a prequel to SFII. Some of the fighters featured in part two are back joined by a bundle of new faces as well. The nice thing about Alpha is the look that it radiates. Like DarkStalkers, E the animation is smoother and EN more cartoonish. Capcom has also included new NN super moves, combos, a $ AN cheese indicator, a random select, and BF Wm > \ all sorts of other hidden goodies. N NEZ The one thing that gamers b Cu uf want in a sequel (or a prequel) is new playable fighters. Adding © y y». | a | Don't use a taunt at the k p 7 wrong time, like Nash here. >The Borrom Le H He's gonna be hurtin’! ANDY, THE Game Homere REINER, THE Racine GAMER 75 "If you like SF youre going to love “this game. The animation is 8.5 smoother than ever before, the moves are better than ever, and the 8.75 (somewhat) new characters are cool to play with from the comfort of your 9 own couch. The numerous endings and difficulty settings will keep Entertainment: — 9 fighting fans glued to the TV for weeks; however, the real question comes down to how bad you want to play another Street eù If you do, this is the game for you. You won't regret it!” Concept: with FA port.” Guy gets me Adone puttocks. 725 Street Fighter Alpha (SFA) is a ” great game to say the least. The ani- 8.5 mation, gameplay and sound have been drastically improved over the 8 last Street Fighter offering. I'm really surprised how much the Saturn ver- 9 sion plays like the arcade. ! guess I'm not used to the 32-bit Capcom 8 fighters yet It's a whole new ballpark systems, and Street Fighter fans shouldn't miss this arcade quality : 1 CD-ROM 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighting | Special | Air Blocking, Alpha Counters, Super Moves, Master Combos, New Faces and New Places, and a Training Mode ( Capcom Now for Sega Saturn E le additional moves to the existing cast may be fine for awhile, but new faces and exotic fighting styles bring the biggest smile. Capcom did just this and added seven entirely new fighters to the fray. = A few of these new fighters This is q beautifully have been seen before in estrated fighting scene. previous Capcom titles. The ruthless martial arts expert, Guy, first made his appearance in the classic Final Fight series; Adon and Birdie first made their appearance as two of the original bad boys from Street Fighter 1; and Rose appears to be a 1 character that was never used in DarkStalkers 2. Now that you have this brief summary of what to expect, explore your thoughts for awhile and you may ask yourself, “do | really need this game, or do | just want it really, really bad?" If you're still confused, we'll give you a hint. Go forth loyal SFII fans, and indulge | in the next chapter of Capcom's epic SF fantasy extravaganza! dievat on fi fi orch KABOOM! PRESS Ñ Nash doesn't know it now, but after this game he'll officially be dead. Paut, THE Pro PLAYER 5 | hate to use this silly cliché but | need another Street Fighter like | 7.75 need a hole in the head. Fighting games have evolved greatly and Sound: 8.5 although SFA introduces new combos and techniques, the game Playability: — 9.25 is still about kickin’ butt with Ken or hyu. Yee haw. The entire game is Entertainment: — 2 nicely translated from the arcade with superb animation, control, and sound. Street Fighter proved itself a flop after Capcom was stuck with a warehouse full of Super Street Fighters. Leave this game alone and stick with Virtua Fighter 2." Concept: Graphics: these new Game Informer a March ‘96 picture making. Jurassic Park was the first of such titles which showed that computers could create realism out of a make believe world and manipulate the human eye into believing what they see is really there. Last year Universal Pictures did just this. Instead of using 30 ton mega-lizards, Universal took the friendly ghost out of The Harvey Entertainment Company, and they produced a high quality live action motion picture out of the cartoon and comic book, Casper. The special effects found in this hit film are truly outstanding and downright spooky. In order to capture this feeling for the video game release, Interplay did what Hollywood does so well - manipulate the hardware available to its fullest to create the best effects possible. Did they succeed? Of course they did, and with honors no less. The ghost-like effects used to capture the essence of Casper couldn't have been done better. Casper not only harbors the classic see-through slimy appearance, but he's rendered in 3D as well. Fortunately, almost all the graphics presented in Casper are dynamic in appearance and impressive to say the least. E Hollywood has taken advantage of the computer side of motion Casper features an pum baa of ay that has been D Whoa, there was a ghost in that treasure woe “One of T morphs turns him into bouncing ball. Wheee! Up and down, up and down. | m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Strategy Adventure before, but seems to have been lost through the years. The only notable comparison would be the old NES title Maniac Mansion. Casper plays a lot like this game in regards to the puzzles that must be toppled, and the setting of the game taking place in nothing less than a billion dollar mansion. The plot is almost identical to the movie. Casper wants to make friends with the two new human hosts who've moved into the I vacant manor. The only way he can think to make this possible is to find presents for them and hope they won't be scared of him. This is your objective for Act 1. Once this isa B success, Casper wants to become human, and luckily, his daddy was a great inventor who created a ghost to human transformer E machine called the Lazarus. Act 2 consists of Casper finding the parts to this machine. And you can imagine what follows - the conflict. Casper's three grumpy uncles are not fond of the fleshy type, so it's up to you and your mystical powers to eliminate this family threat. Casper has a handful of attacks, items and morphs at his command and yours as well. If you loved the movie or are just fond of the outer limits of video games, : Casper is the title that fills these needs. Remember though, it's scary! m Special Features: Casper Morphs, Challenging Puzzles, a Push and Pull Feature, a —. Bountiful Inventory of Items, Tons of Secrets, and Spooky End Bosses ` m Created by: Amblin Entertainment/Fun Com for Interplay N aic Now for "e Ud 7 | was surprised that the graphics in this game were as good as they are. Casper and all his cohorts look great and the levels look just like However, the sound effects aren't e Playability: 7 thatcool and the game is somewhat E trying. At first | was gung-ho to work ks E Entertainment: 6.5 my way through this game, but soon I found that | could care less what happens to Casper and 1 just gave up. It's OK, but you might want to try «t first to see if you like it." “Its about time that someone released a title like this again. | was a big fan of § & Maniac Mansion and now fm an B even bigger fan of Casper. | haven't $ 9 seen a really good 3DO title since $ Gex, but | think Casper will fill this gap 最 8 nicely The graphics are fantastic and $ the music is magnificent. lts too bad RR | Entertainment: 8.26 for 3DO that this game is coming out on the Saturn and PlayStation too. $ This could have been the tite that E made people really look at the 3DO à again. Casper in nothing short of a B haunting good time!" E > THE Boron Line 7.75 ene DE ve | 7 PAUL, "Tak Pro ig 3 7 Although this game was a little late in coming out of production, it has | g potential to appeal to a wide variety of age groups. It has a simple 8 interface and easy controls, yet the puzzles and immense playfield offer 8.5 plenty of challenge. Initially | thought it was somewhat childish, but for Entertainment 8.5 some reason | kept playing. The : graphics and sound effects are nice- OVERALL: ly done, and the characters look especially good. If you have any interest in Casper you should give this a look.” Iron Storm Size: | CD-ROM Style: !-Player WW II Strategy Special Features: 3D Battle Scenes, Command the Armies of Japan, U.S.A, or Germany, Two Gameplay Modes, 1004 Hours of Playtime Created by: System Soft for Working Designs Available: March for Sega Saturn Tetris Blast Game Boy , Review | Size: 2 Megabit Style: !-Player Puzzle (2-Player Via Link) Special Features: KA Rating, Three Different Play Modes, New Block Shapes, and Password Save Created by: Bullet Proof Software for Nintendo Available: Now for Game Boy Overall: 8.75 Preview E 1 iiti) Sega Saturn owners craving a World War Il strategy game should be on the look out for Iron Storm from Working Designs. Prior to its release in Japan, Iron Storm pre-sold a whopping 250,000 copies. It will mix a traditional 2D, hexagon pieced playfield with 3D polygon battles. The game can be played in two modes. The Scenario Mode will let players choose from 54 different battles, and the Campaign Mode lets the player fight out the war in the role of the Japanese, American, or German army. Working Designs will donate 50 cents of every copy sold to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Look for this game coming to a store near you Take Tetris, add a pinch of Kirby's Avalanche and a teaspoon of Bomberman and you've got Nintendo's newest puzzler - Tetris Blast. In Contest Mode you must align blocks containing explosives to clear out all the rows on the screen. In Fight Mode, you must take on 8 different blasters, using explosive blocks to blow them into next week. Build a Super Bomb by placing four Mini-Bombs together, then watch the fireworks fly. Easily, one of the more entertaining Game Boy puzzle games to come down the pipeline in a while. The Need for Speed. PlayStation Preview iy Although this game shares a title with the stie! 3DO version, the PS-X game offers many more options and tracks. Probably the biggest addition to the game is the two-player split-screen and Sony Link options. The “alpha” version that we got a chance to test also does the 3DO one better by increasing the gameplay speed. Not only do you get an increased sense of the car’s acceleration, EA added numerous areas where your car can catch some serious air. If you like the idea of racing the countryside in the hottest sports cars on the planet, Need for Speed is new and improved for the PS-X. ! or 2-Player Driving (Sony Link Compatible) Special Features: Choose from 8 Authentic Cars, Cars’ Performance Based on Road & Track’s Testing, FMV Car Intros, Multiple Views, 2-Player Split Screen, Memory Card Save Created by: Electronic Arts Available: April for Sony PlayStation P 3.2» 35 wo p. i rt FE m ie MN Score | Stave k March” Game Informer NFL Quarterback Club ‘96 Review Size: The very first NFL football game has finally | CD-ROM , hit the Sega Saturn, only a few months after Preview Style: 8 y 1-12 Player Football the Super Bowl. Unfortunately, it’s not as Special Features: good as you'd like it to be. The massive | |! — | CD-ROM She walked into the office wearing a red Regular and Simulation sound effects consist of what sounds like Style: |-Player dress that was so tight you could see this Play Mode, 3 Difficulty two grunts. The running game seems Beane wama dame was trouble. Still, some crack dealer Levels, Multiple Camera almost non-existent. While there are | Special Features: was trying to bump her off and I’ve had a Views, Memory Save numerous views available, only one is i Multiple Endings, soft spot in my heart for brunettes ever Created by: — coherent enough to be used. The classic QB MA-17 Rating, since the Waltons, so | decided to help her le for aoea Club simulations are there, but what Full Motion Video out. Welcome to the FMV world of Jock s i happened to making a custom quarterback? , Created by: Lamont, Pl. Snow Job is another video Waco Wasn't that the real draw in the 16-bit QB Perte adventure game where you'll have to solve Clubs? If you're desperate for football, this ariana puzzles to be rewarded with clips of live | : March for 3DO : : : is your only Saturn option, but you may “actors on video. With a MA-17 rating and wonder if you've been hit in the head with loads of action, drama, adventure, violence, a club. À quarterback club, that is. drugs, and sex, this game may cause quite a stir among 3DO owners. You need my help. Just Esten to the facts. um You take up the role as world renowned -一 E | CD-ROM astro hero Derek Freeman. As Derek the T = Style: |-Player b d Earth | ial. A i l Action/Platform rave, your uty to Earth is essential. 1 Space Shooter blood-thirsty alien army has waged war | L Special Features: against you and the entire planet. Your T za Intense Graphics, battle is never ending, as you try to put an : ua Multiple Game Modes, end to the invasion and the enslavement of H E Different Weapons an your peaceful planet. Phoenix 3 is a 3DO I d Pick-Up, and Rendered Full-Motion Video Clips Created by: exclusive title done by none other than Studio 3DO. Three different game modes — Studio 3DO shooting, flight and scrolling action — are i TE i ; Available: randomly placed through 10 star systems. ENS q H: d Bi, iL) | a April for 3DO Razor sharp flight operations and fast and a di furious side-scrolling action highlight the “a M a + gameplay. Phoenix 3 is almost here, and you TY T sm | LÀ can be sure to see future coverage of this BI a —— e . title in upcoming issues. r ç ro March Se Mortal Kombat 2 Review Arcade Classics | Size: | 1 CD-ROM Almost a year later and MK2 still lives on. m Style: | or 2-Player Featuring all the things that made you buy si Jumping on the bandwagon with the rest of | E CNN E it the first time, MK2 is now out on the 4 Megabits Tournament Fighter Sega Saturn. Unfortunately, it really isn't that impressive on the Saturn. Sure the the video game world, Sega has decided to release some portable arcade classics for Style: | or 2-Player Special Features: Arcade Classics Shang Tsung Morph Limiter, Special Features: the Game Gear. Packed into this cartridge | TE eo rS graphics and Sounds are better, but the Pong, Missile Command, are versions of Centipede, Missile | Babalities, Fatalities, and gameplay is still the same as your SNES or and Centipede Games, Command, and Pong (Trackball and paddles SU r T Genesis version that's buried somewhere in 2 Versions of Pong, not included). The best game on this cart is | and 5 Difficulty Settings the closest, except the SNES version isn’t Adjustable Difficulty Levels Created by: Amoeba Group/Al Baker Pong, which features a variety of options Created by: | riddled with long load times for morphs including Hockey Mode and different player Poe for Acclaim and fatalities. Overall, MK2 for Saturn is & Associates for Sega configurations. The Mile Semmand s | get Saturn E c bg wee oe a Available: much like the old Atari 2600 version, as you [| IOS: Rome with. 32-bit graphics. MK2 fans Now for: Gama GA fire from only one missile base. However, | ; will dance in the streets, but we'll stick MC only lets you have three explosions on meg with MK3. the screen at once - big trouble if you miss o uso — SU 3 eudsranri on high levels. Check these games out if you EEO Taree EM pine for the days of old, otherwise give i them a pass. DI GNE o o ——————————X i SOPRAN ART ASE Preview ne " Guardian Heroes mixes elements of action, Style: fighting, and a hint of role playing into one | to 6-Player Action game. You take on the role of one of six Special Features: unique characters to battle it out through 3 Fighting Planes, five treacherous levels. Each character has Oo Mu melee his/her own special moves, weapons and Multiple Storylines and Endings, Compatible with 6 Player Adaptor Created by: Sega Available: March for Sega Saturn magical abilities that increase as you progress in the game. The Sega 6-Player Adaptor allows for intense multi-player action. The route you take with a particular fighter determines the outcome and activates different storylines. This fighting/ action game with Anime style artwork is coming soon to the Sega Saturn. Game Informer » March ‘96 Size: | CD-ROM Style: |-Player First Person Perspective Adventure Special Features Rendered Intro Scenes, New Flying Segments, Multiple Weapons and a Decent Storyline Created by: Synergy Interactive Available: Now for 3DO Size: 2 CD-ROMS Style: |-Player Created by: Available: Size: | CD-ROM Style: |-Player World Domination Simulator Special Features 360° Rotation View, Zoom Options, Massive Number of Weapons Created by: Bullfrog Productions for Electronic Arts Available: n An, FMV Strategy/Mystery Special Features Great Looking Rendered Graphics, Two Discs Packed UR RO eR great movie or book, but not a game. Some Impressive Rendered Effects On the Graphics Warp for Acclaim Now for Sega Saturn PlayStation Preview Realistic Light Sourcing, Early 1996 for PlayStation Review Iron Angel of the Apocalypse: The Return marks a theory that hasn't really been explored in video games. Basically, gaming evolution is always on the up and up, and Iron Angel's second attempt "The Return" takes a huge step back in evolution. It's hard to believe, but this game is even worse than the original. Adding full motion flying bits not only makes the game more annoying, but a lot more tiresome as well. The only enjoyment found in this game comes from the rendered intro and movie clips. This game could have been done much better. Review | a This is the type of game that should instantly be made for the VCR. The point is, there isn’t much action here! The highlights found in D are based solely off of the magnificent looking rendered graphics and that’s about it. The story would make a — ————À lets Ear | people may argue that D is in fact a great strategy game, but if you have any shred of decency, you should easily be able to pin-point the flaws. The graphics couldn't be much better, but the gameplay is rather tedious. A few years ago, a game called Syndicate came out for the PC. It was such a success that it was soon ported over to the console machines. Now, the sequel is being q mea iT released for a console unit with a PC Ea”: , é x version to follow. The sequel will play much IE. Decus NT like the original, but some new features will make it more playable and action packed. In E Ac WE E this version, you'll be able to rotate the view to any angle, which should correct the frustration of maneuvering behind buildings. In addition, realistic light sourcing techniques will allow for the use of spotlights, thermal target detection, and radiation bleeding camouflage suits. By RYAN MacDonald & JOHN FABIAN Blades of Blood AN fa La sO = r ; EM Ns J AU vre LASS an E D DL Ae PB OM: u Size: 1 Cabinet m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter m Special Features: Chivalry or Treachery Character Moves, Rage Gauge, 3 Skill Levels, 12 Characters Including Five New Characters m Created by: SNK m Available: Now at an Arcade Near You n the beginning it was a noble battle between brave warriors, but now anything goes. Blades of Blood marks the third installment in the Samurai Shodown saga. Once again we are rejoined by Haohmaru, Galford and the other Samurai warriors in addition to five new characters and a mess of new moves. The biggest difference between this Samurai Shodown and the previous two is that now you must make two choices after the character selection screen. First, you must decide whether you will be a fighter of Chivalry or Treachery. This is basically a choice between being a Good Guy or a Bad Guy, with each type of character having a different color of clothing and a different set of moves. Next, you will have to make a choice between three classes — Beginner, Middle, and Upper. These (as you can probably imagine) are difficulty settings. In Beginner Mode you will have an auto-blocking feature, so if you block the first strike but don't see the next one coming, you will still keep your guard up. Middle Class is straight-forward Samurai Shodown — no advantages or disadvantages. The Upper Class will give you a full Rage Gauge, but be prepared for the com- R fio LE E puter to hack you to shreds. — TIQUE On a final note, SNK has changed its button configuration. The D button is now the only kick button, with A, B, and C being different strengths of slash. Don’t skip the introduction scene and all will become clear. m Ryan, THE ARCADE ALCHEMIST. Concept: 8 "Whatever magic the first two Samurai Shodowns j possessed has been screened out with complicated Graphics: g moves and.utton configurations. The graphics Sound: ih as the original. Maybe Im ry time | would swing the computer Playability: umspehind me and stick me in the ; pecial moves are really cool Entertainment: — 5 /ooking with their big fiery explosions, but if both characters do these at the same time, get ready OVERALL: of a massive screen of fire and confusion and wave good-bye to most of your energy bar. SS3 is 7 simply not the classic the first one was.” Game Informer a March ‘96 | E Samurai Shodown Moves List FRGM = Full Rage Gauge Move | (continued from Training Card #22) Chivalry Moves: * Cyclone Slash - D, DF, F + Slash * «Crescent Moon Slash - F, DB, D, DF + Slash * Earthquake Slice - B, D, DB + Slash * Flying Cyclone Slash (In Air) - D, DF, F + Slash * FRGM - F, B, DB, D, DF, F4 (C « D) Treachery Moves: - * Cyclone Homicide Slash - D, DF, F + Slash * Crescent Moon Slash - F, DB, D, DF + Slash * Typhoon Wave D, DF, F + Kick * Serene Slice - D, DB, B, F Slash * FRGM - B, D, DB, B, D, DB + Slash HANZO Chivalry Moves: * Ninja Exploding Dragon Blast - D, DB, B + Slash e Ninja Buddha Reverse Blow (When Hit) - A + C Buttons * Ninja Devil. Reverse Blow (When Hit) - B + D Buttons “e Ninja Strike Dash - F, D, DF + (C + D) * FRGM - F, DF, D, DB, B, F + (C + D) Treachery Moves: je Ninja Earth Opener - B, DB, D, DF, F + (B+ C + D) © Ninja Exploding Dragon Blast - D, DB, B + Slash * Ninja Monkey Dance - B,D, DB + Any Button * Ninja Exploding Atom Flash - F, D, DF + (C or D) e FRGM - D, D, D + (A + D) UKYO TACHIBANA Chivalry Moves: * Snow Fall Flash - D, DB, B + Slash * Swallow Swipe - (In air) DB, D, DF, F + Slash * Haze Hack - D, DF, F + Slash e Heavens, Gales - F, DF, D, DB, B + C, A * FRGM: F, B, F+ (C + D) Treachery Moves: e Skylark Swipe - B, F + A * Swallow Swipe - (In air) DB, D, DEP + Slash * Dream Mist - DF, D, DB, B, F + Slash * Heat Flash - F, D, DF + Slash * FRGM - B, DB, D, DF, E B + (C + D) GENJURO Chivalry Moves: e Triple Death Hack - D E F. Slash Three Times * Cherry Blossom Attack - D, DB, B + Slash * Death Drops - B, D, DB + C * Scarlet Slash - F, DF, D Slash K FRGM -F B, DB, D, DF, F + (C + D) Treachery Moves: * Lightning Wings - F, D, DF + Slash * Death of 100 Demons - F, B, F + Slash * Three Heavens Death - D, DF, F + Slash Three Times * Purple Sunset - F, DF, D + Slash | *FRGM - B, F, DF, D, DB, B + (A + B) BASARA Chivalry Moves: * Stabbing Fist - (In air) Down + Kick e Friendly Rip - B, DB, D, DF, F + A * Shadow Stitcher - F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash | *Soul of Beast - B, DF, D, DB + C * FRGM - B, DB, D, DF F, B+(C+D) | Treachery Moves: | * Friendly Rip - D, DB, D, DF, F + A * Shadow Exit - F DB, D, DF + Slash e Shadow Sucker - D, DB, B + Kick e Shadow Feint - F, B, F + Any Button * FRGM - B, DB, D, DF, F, B + (A + D) RIMNERAL Chivalry Moves: * Kumui Shtokke - D, DB, B, F + C * Konril Myu - B, DB, D +A e Lupu Quall - D, DF, F + Slash e Konrui Nonril - F, DF, F + Slash * FRGM - F, DF, D, DB, B + (C + D) Twice Treachery Moves: * Lupu Thomumu - F or DF + (A + B) e Konril Shlayu - (In air) F, DF, D + A * Lupu De Mu - F, DF, D, DB, B + Kick * Lupun Oh - Tap Slash Repeatedly * FRGM - B, DB, D, DF, F (Twice) + (C +D Game Informer «= March '96 Ultimate MKS: Secret Characters Revealed! All three secret characters have been found: Mileena, Ermac, and MK2 Sub-Zero. Mileena: || 2,2, 2, 6,4, 2,2, 2, 64 Ermac: l, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4 A, 3, 2, | MK2 Sub-Zero: 8,1,8,3,5,8,1,8,3,5 ra m Pa . a case, but you neuen expected to be hunting óown werewolves and other - supernatural creatures! Sounds pretty cool, huh? The sound is good and spooky, and the graphics ane all night, but there's nothing really O spectacular except when things get splattered - it looks really cool. A fy cade gun game, except this one tgun that makes it hella fun to. yn E] Style: 1.0r 2-Player Zombie Shooter m Special Features: Pump-Action Shotgun, 25" Monitor 7 Created by: American Sammy New Ghost Moves give characters a second wind. Interactive backgrounds unleash CE t as lar events. The hack- grounds are higger and better. The game that everyone has been waiting for on the Ultra 64 is on test in the Windy City. Killer Instinct 2 should be at your local arcade now. Game Informer takes a sneak peek at Nintendo's powerhouse fighter. Killer Instinct 2 is back where part one left off, and boy did Rare do a great job on this one! Everything from the graphics and moves to the music has been redone. Killer Instinct 2 has ten playable characters, including three new fighters. From the original KI, Jago, Glacius (who returns with some monstrous hands), Orchid (looking better than before with her new longer hair), Sabre Wulf, Spinal, and T.J. Combo return. Unfortunately Riptor, Cinder, and Chief Thunder did not make the cut this time, and were replaced by three new characters: Tusk, who makes Conan the Barbarian look timid; Maya the jungle woman, who has two vicious blades; and Kim-Wu, who sports a set of nunchucks. Besides new characters, KI2 has new graphics as well. The stage backgrounds are some of the best we've ever seen, especially Spinal's stage where you fight on an old Viking ship and in the background, all of Spinal's minions are rowing the boat. It will take even the most serious KI fans a while to figure out the new moves because many of the old charge moves are now more complex moves, using the joystick. Plus, Nintendo and Williams added a couple of new dimensions including a Power-Up bar to give more aggressive players an E! MIDWAY ......... Replacing Eyedol is this ferocious gargoyle named Gargus offensive edge; you can also throw during combos. If that wasn't enough, there are more stage fatalities than ever before. So far we've seen three: anything from knocking fighters a off bridges, rooftops, through walls, and down ANN a well However most of the stage fatalities were incomplete, including some missing player fatalities and humiliations. Last, but not least, it looks as if we might have a new boss!! Gargus, a huge gargoyle, replaces j Eyedol He has the ability to fly and breathe fireballs, "X. making him a very formidable opponent. (Gargus was a playable character by putting in a cade while choosing Tusk) The test machine that we played was a very early version and is bound to change by the release af the final, but keep an eye out in your local arcades for this killer new fighter from Nintendo. — John We would like to thank Diversions Arcade of Chicago for letting us. use their facilities to test this great game. 1 Cabinet 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighter Interactive Backgrounds, Improved Sound System, Three New Characters, Power-Up Bar For Special Moves, ComboThrows RARE, Nintendo, and Midway Now at an Arcade Near You Enter the Game Informer Envelope Art Contest. All you need to do is draw, paint, scratch, spit or carve the best darn envelope art you can think of and send it to us. Please include your name, phone number and return address on the back of the envelope. If you’re the monthly winner, we’ll feature your work in GI : and you'll receive a video game prize AP mm from the Game Informer vault. / Afi Javier Martinez Dallas, TX “Tasty!” David Rivera: Bronx VE i K rig 3 DSS Pose ge "They're sign! We ' : ; 0 E green must join . Ate j À and i yz they're Shaolin brothers " 7 ” | DON. s (; DD cal RE rare Pronit, M au 552424 HEY, You Eur puo, $ug-zt&'s Or Wag? Y PO, I po, ANDEM Nor Gonna rå YH UNLESS Vor, & CHANCE Toma RAGING ART [= GONTEST Josh 1 E Zm, Tug viro dure Bogdanor: N 2 Vo, M io y» Clarksville, go m 4 | Hong Le: Silver Spring, MD | UN ^ MD se ; “This guy must know us or winner:: “This art f TR- B something. It's true we're “brings NAM t ve all idiots. Great job!!!” |, Andy's - S l s É ^ ape-like ; character- tics to Kelly Woodward: Piano, TX "If you were to look Paul directly in the face, this is - probably : what he ; Would look Ñ i. Pe rac Es: " hen Paiste hihi 5saud PE. like. Ohh, so *Mood hair in its n ” o | yu form. Game Informer | March ‘96 Sometimes you los them - and other times people take them from you — but whatever you do, don't go through life without a complete collection. Order now before these priceless issues become obsolete! Plays thio ; SportaBorotadular By bal December 95 e Cover: Toy Story e Secret Access contains: Secret Codes for MK 3 (SNES, Genesis, & PS-X), Moves Guide for Namco's Tekken (PS:X) (Part 1) e Tip Card 19: WWE WrestleMania September 95 É o Cover: Killer Instinct (SNES) e Strategy Guide for Killer Instinct e Strategy Guide for WeaponLord (SNES & Genesis) (Part 1): Complete moves, death moves, and a death combo for Bane, Jen-Tai, and Korr |3 s Secret Access contains a complete list of Vendettas, Hidden Characters, Overkills, and Sudden Deaths for Eternal. Champions CD. e Tip Card 16: Street Fighter: The Movie June 95 e Cover: Daytona USA (Sega Saturn) e Next Generation System Wars: Stories and Specs for the new systems (Sega Saturn, PlayStation, 3D0 M2, Jaguar-CD) e Strategy Guide for MK3 Arcade Version 1.0 e Game Informer's High Tech Glossary e Tip Card 13: Nightwarriors: DarkStalkers Revenge Other Issues Available: March 95 e Cover: NBA Jam TE (SNES & Genesis) e Secret Access contains: Earthworm Jim (SNES), Shadowrun (Genesis), Madden. '95 (Genesis) e Tip Card 10; Virtua Fighter 2 Sept/Oct 94 e Cover: Mortal Kombat 2 (SNES & Genesis) e Secret Acc Genesis), Super Metroid (SNES), MK 2 (SNES. & Genesis) e Tip Card 5: Bloodstorm February 95 e Cover: Killer Instinct (Arcade) — Five Pages of tips and tactics. e Game Informer's 1994 Video Game Awards » Strategy Guide for Ristar on the Sega Genesis e Tip Card 4; NBA Jam TE SF2 Turbo Game Informer s March '96 January 95 e Cover: Ristar (Genesis) e Secret Access contains: Shining Force 2 (Genesis), J. Madden (3DO), Earthworm Jim (SNES-& Genesis) e Tip Card 8; Samurai Hheffext Sten In The on DI Driving Games * Tip Card 9: Killer Shodown 2 Instinct -Arcade July/Aug 94 May/June 94 e Cover: BattleTech e Cover: MLBPA (Genesis) Baseball (SNES) e Secret Access contains: * Secret Access contains: Sonic 3 (Genesis), NBA Jam Secret Jurassic Park (SNES), Characters & Codes Super Metroid Strategy (SNES & Genesis), Guide (SNES) Jurassic Park (Genesis) e Tip Card 3: Super November 95 February 96 | e Cover: Descent - e Special Features: Descent Play Guide, Ultra 64 Game Update, GI 1995 Awards, and Part 2 of DKC: Diddy's Kong Quest Strategy Guide e Secret Access: NFL Game Day — loss (PS-X), Twisted Metal (PS-X), VectorMan (Genesis), Separation Anxiety (SNES & SG), Madden '96 (Genesis) e Tip Card 21: Ultimate MK3 e Strategy Guide for DKC2: “Most of the secret levels | and DK Coins É ° News about the Amusement and Music Operator's ` « Association è Tip Card 18: Tekken 2 January 96 * Cover: Ultra 64 e Special Feature: Ultra 64 including first pics of Mario 64, Starfox 64, Zelda, Pilotwings 64, and Mario Kart 64.:Plus, technical specs and the Ultra's controller e Secret Access: Moves For Tekken Boss Characters (PS-X), WarHawk Passcodes (PS-X), Syndicate (3DO), and Earthworm Jim Special Edition (Sega CD) e Tip Card 20: King of Fighters '95 the RD TESI Ansther Pravblétiga j r i October 95 x “e Cover: Donkey Kong Country e Cover: Mortal Kombat 3 (home 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES) versions) ; e Strategy Guide for MK3 — all standard mo » iti 17 Pages of Munisi Moves | L L ut ata Genesis, Am uide for WeaponLord (SNES & Genesis) (Part 2); Complete moves, Death . moves, and a death combo 4 for Talazia, Divada, and Zorn “e Tip Card 17: Street Destruction Derby, LSPA Light craters, IX i Eog Fighter Alpha August 95 July 95 e Cover: Lunar: Eternal Blue SA e Cover: Adventures of Batman (Sega CD) and Robin (Genesis) e Strategy Guide for e Strategy Guide for Adventures Judge Dredd of Batman and Robin: May 95 e Cover: GEX (3DO) e Strategy Guide for GEX: Location of bonus worlds e Feature: First Look at Japanese Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation e Strategy Guide for Eternal Champions Sega CD (Part 2): Moves for 2 hidden characters, some vendettas e Tip Card 12: Tekken December 94 * Cover: Doom (32X) * Secret Access contains: Mickey Mania (SNES & Genesis), Jungle Book (SNES & Genesis), Wolfenstein 3D (Jaguar), Aladdin (Genesis) e Tip Card 7:Primal Rage March/April 94 e Cover: NBA Jam SNES & Genesis) e Secret Access contains: Actraiser 2 (SNES), Sonic (Sega CD), Secret of Mana (SNES), Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES) e Tip Card 2: MK 2 e Secret Access contains compete list of moves, skill moves, and power. combos for all characters in Eternal Champions Sega CD. ¢ Tip Card 15: Tekken (Part 2) Basic Strategies for all four levels (Genesis) | e Feature: Electronic Entertainment Expo 95 e Tip Card 14: Tekken (Part 1) April 95 e Cover: Eternal Champions (Sega CD) e Strategy Guide for Eternal Champions Sega CD::Moves, overkills, and sudden deaths for all characters, some ”. vendettas, one cinekill. e Strategy Guide for X-MEN. 2: One-level map, basic strategy for all levels (Genesis) e Secret Access contains ~ Eyedol Code for-Killer Instinct Arcade e Tip Card 11: X-Men: Children of the Atom November 94 e Cover: Sonic & Knuckles (Genesis) e Secret Access contains: Donkey Kong Country Bonus Worlds (SNES), Order Now (612)946-8105 、 (GB, SNES, SG, & GG) Each back issue costs $5.95 (which includes shipping e Tip Card 6: DarkStalkers and handling). You can order them by phone with a credit card at (612)946-8105 or you can send a check or Jan/Feb 94 money-order* to: e Cover: NBA Jam (SNES, [i A RS Game Informer.Magazine Secret Access contains: Attn: Back Issues Eternal Champion M OR NEUR AT be 10120 West 76th Street (Genesis); TMNT Tournament Fighters (SNES & Genesis) e Tip Card 1: Super SF2 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 *Make checks payable to Game Informer Magazine Vectorman — Genesis Sega, who usually has some of the weirdest codes, actually used an old code that we all know well. It first existed as the blood code in Mortal Kombat and now it's present in Vectorman as a sparkling star code. All you have to do is pause the game and hit A, B, A, C, A, B, B. Unpause and enjoy the twinkle that only Vectorman can produce. Is there more to this code than meets the eye? Enter it and you'll find out. Ethan Matteo Ridley Park, PA Vectorman — Genesis More codes for the V-Man. Once again Sega has hidden their codes with secret words. These codes should make beating the game a breeze. Extra Lives - (BALL) B, A, Left, Left then use X and Y to add and subtract Vectorman's lives Slow Down - (DRACULA) Down, Right, A, C, Up, Left, and A. enter this code again to turn off. Turn Into a Cursor - (CALLACAB) C, A, Left, Left, A, C, A, B Boschman Jordan Grapevine, TX Center Ring Boxing — Saturn So you've been wondering how to unlock all the hidden characters in this game. Well, all we can tell you is that it's going to be a real pain to complete this goal. We haven't been able to find the button press command (if there even is one), but we did find out that you can unlock them by beating every single boxer from rank 30 to "The Champ”. In all honesty it's well worth it. Remember the boxing kangaroo in the Bugs Bunny cartoons? He's in here with a cute little pair of red boxing gloves to go along with his cute little nose. "The Game Lord" Chicago, IL "HELPFUL HINTS. He-Man had the power of Gray Skull and She-Ra had the power, only with more curves. But the true question is who has the power now? You do. With the codes below, you can become the ultimate super hero. Take the sheet off your bed and throw it around you neck as your cape. Take your sister's leotards and create your very own super secret costume. With the alternate identity crisis out of the way you can man handle all the bullies at school and save all the meter maids that are in distress. What fun! Invincibility - Go into the Options and place your cursor on Juke Box and hit Start. Once inside go to track 3 and press C, then 12+C,17+C,2+C,2+C, 10+C,2+C,7+C,7+C, 11 + C. After entering the code start a game and enjoy the true feeling of super hero power. Level Skip - Once again go to the Juke Box and hit Start. Go to track 14 and press C, 15 + C, 18+C, 540,134, 1« C, 34 C, 18 + C, 15 + C, 6 + C. Now exit this menu and start the game from whatever level you want. “Douglas Williams Dorchester, MA AME: KEVIN GARNETT | PLAYER: T : 34 Br 2722 I. (RE RIGHT : POWER FORWARD NOT AVAILABLE SET ATTRIBUTES LR SCHRHSE VALUES) RECO SELECT START EXIT Enter in your favorite oldies with the codes below. Genesis users will have to type in the first and last name of the player you want to create, while SNES users only need to type in the last name. Oldies Larry Bird Michael Jordan Charles Barkley Julius Erving Magic Johnson Bill Russell Bill Walton Kevin McHale Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (type K. Abdul-Jabbar on the Genesis) Pete Maravich Wilt Chamberlain Dave Cowens Nate Archibald George Mikan Willis Reed Bob Cousy John Havicek Isiah Thomas Bill Laimbeer Calvin Murphy David Thompson George Gervin Jerry West Oscar Robertson Rick Barry James Worthy Special Thanks to: Jamal Myers and Eddie Osavid and Mega Special Thanks to: "DOS Philadelphia, PA Hollywood Codesill Solar Eclipse — Saturn GI Lackey: Hello gamers! (clap... ...Clap... ...clap) Oh... Thanks for the standing ovation, but | don't think lm the one who deserves it. Put your hands together for Batman Forevers own Adam Vest. (clap... ...clap... ...clap) GI Lackey: Adam | love your stuff, your acting has really improved since you were on that shoddy sit-com series. Adam Vest: Actually, | wasn't in Batman For... GI Lackey: ...Oh man! Listen to this guy! He's not only trying to cover up the identity of Bruce Wayne, but himself as well. You've got to love it! Adam Vest: No seriously, they didn't pick me for the... — GI Lackey: ..Come on Adam, d 0 n 1 you think this charade has gone on long enough? We all know you're Batman. Adam Vest: TM NOT BATMAN! Nor will | ever be again, they say Im too old for the part, they picked some snotty Hollywood stars and gave him my uniform! I'm ruined! Sniff. GI Lackey: Wait a sec. So... .. you're not Batman? Adam Vest: That's correct. GI Lackey: Well then, why are you here? Get out of here! We want a real actor who's not going to whine about losing his career and then write a book about it! Get him out of here, and make sure he never comes back! (Moments pass) GI Lackey: Okay, we're back! And it looks like we don't have that much time left. So here's what you've been waiting for the Programmer Code for Solar Eclipse. Pause the game and press Right, Down, Down, Left, C, Right, A, Z, and Y. Once this is entered you'll be taken to a secret bonus world where you can gain 9 lives and all the weapons. "The Rhino" Game Informer 9» March '96 pagas M ,<3 | Shinobi Legions — Saturn Within the glimmer of a moon beam Story — Genesis To activate a Level Select wait until NBA Live 96 — SNES A couple of months ago we printed a fairly small list of hidden players for NBA Live ‘96. We asked you, the readers, for your help on finding more and you responded with a heap of helpful mail. Thanks to everyone who helped us find these players and we hope you can enjoy them as much as we do. a faint silhouette makes its way | the Title Screen appears then | Rookies Team across the open prairie. lts | quickly press A, B, Right, A, C, A, Smith Golden State destination is unknown, but it | Down, A, B, Right and A. If this is Vaughn Orlando appears. to have an agenda. | done correctly you'll hear a blatant Stackhouse 76ers Moments pass, and the shadow | laugh. Begin the game and when Wallace Washington character has suddenly | you want to skip a level Pause the Meyer Dallas disappeared. My heart races with | game and hit Start and A. Caffey Chicago fear, and | find myself in a | To become invincible simply go into Henderson Atlanta disturbing sweat. Where could it | level two and collect seven stars Marshall Cleveland have gone? Was it a figure of my | then jump into the toy box at the Bennett Phoenix imagination or was it really out | beginning of the level. From this Alexander ^ San Antonio there haunting me? Before | can | point hit and hold down on the | Ratliff Detroit spin and take a good look, the char- | directional pad until the star O'Bannon New Jersey acter appears behind me and gives | health meter starts spinning. From Griffith Milwaukee me a clean decapitation. Luckily, | | this point on you'll be one Allen Minnesota managed to write down the codes | indestructible toy. Best Indiana for this game before my demise. Todd McFarlane McDyess Denver 999 Shurikens - Go into the Translyvania, PA Burrough Boston options and go down to Ostertag Utah the. Shuriken. Now press and Chidress Portland hold L + R. While still holding | Twisted Metal — PlayStation Williams Boston this combo press C, A, B. Here are all the level codes for Lewis Golden State Once this code is entered you | Twisted Metal. To activate them, McDonald Golden State should be equipped with almost | simply input the code you desire at Barry L.A. Clippers infinite Shuriken. the Password Screen. Carr Phoenix 99 Lives - At the Title Screen Level 2 - CAHOO Rusconi Phoenix highlight “Game Start” and press A, Z, B, Y, C, X and Start. “The Eradicator” Phoenix, AZ Level 3 - XEHO A Level 4-43 ABOB . Level 5 - XHAAA Level 6 - HAXOX Adam Przybilla St. Cloud, MN Polygons, polygons, polygons! Sega’s master fighting game debuts in Secret Access with a massive list of codes. We don't care what you do with them. Enjoy their company or just spit on them. Like we said we really don’t care what you do with these. Really. Dural | To access Dural first go to the option screen and push the R Button on controller 1 and select version 2.1. Now start a game and place your cursor on Akira and press Down, Up, Right, Left + A. Gold Dural To play as the Gold Dural, do everything the same except for the code. Replace the existing code with Down, Up, Left, Right + A. Game Informer 95 March ‘96 Virtua Fighter 2 — Saturn Edney Sacramento Banks Miami Boyce Atlanta Brown * Atlanta Martain Atlanta Nickerson Atlanta Zidek | Charlotte Sura Cleveland Reid Detroit Roe Detroit Baily Indiana Fetisov Milwaukee Respert Milwaukee Lenard Milwaukee Zukauskas Milwaukee Esposito Toronto Stoudamire . Toronto King Toronto Parks Dallas Pelle Denver Meek Houston Davis Minnesota Garnett Minnesota Dent Vancouver Moten Vancouver Reeves Vancouver DeClerq Golden State Whitfield Golden State Popa L.A. Clippers Finley Phoenix Trent Portland Williamson Sacramento Ford Seattle Snow Seattle Virtua Gap Boy '96 Minneapolis, MN Slow Motion Replays To activate slow motion on the replays simply hit and hold Down, A, B, and C while the "KO" icon is displayed. , Change Clothes | While picking your character hit Up and A or C. Taunts To selectively taunt the opposition press and hold A, B, or C after you've won a round. "The Game Lord" Chicago, IL Doom — PlayStation For some powerful cheats pause the game and enter the button presses corresponding to the code you desire. invincibility - Down, L2, Bi, R1, Right, L1, Left, O Free Stuff - %, A, L1, Up, Down, Re, Left, Left Level Warp - Right, Left, R2, R1, A,L1, 0, * Transparent Walls - Lt, R2, L2, R1, Right, A, 3€, Right "The Eradicator" Phoenix, AZ WipEout — PlayStation Both of these codes are to be entered at the 1-Player Icon Screen. What you have to do is hold down the button combo then | hit X. There isn't an indicator so you'll have to be dead accurate. Rapier Class Active - Hold L2, R2, Left, Start, Select, then (while still holding this combination) hit X to enter the code. Speedy Firestar Vehicles- — . Hold L1, R1, Right, Start, E, O, then (while still holding this combination) hit X to enter | the code. Street Fighter makes a valiant effort to reclaim the throne as fighting champion. It's up to you to . decide how worthy this competitor _ is, and with the help of the moves below you'll be able to pull off all the wonderful combos and special moves featured in this blockbuster title. Have fun, and fight on! Legend | “The Rhino" | Toledo, OH | T - Toward Alpha Counter - B - Back B, DB, D + any kick U - Up Flip Kick - 8256029920 : D - Down DT + FK NES Start with more Krem Coins DB — Down Back Split Kick — EGEE-A7D7 + 6DAF.12EB « + d ki niin | | DT - Down Toward HCB + any kick | 6D8D-C33E DD Ea ae’ | QCT - Quarter Circle Toward | Lightning Kick - “Master Code (Must Be entered) Ry ha - us QCT - Quarter Circle Back tap any kick C2AT-CESB - | Kona Calne dan't cet used HCT - Half Circle Toward Hadoken - Charge B (2 seconds) INN — coma Ce HCB - Half Circle Back then T + any punch — D465.3D67 DA , FP - Fierce Punch Spin Kick - Charge D (2 seconds) . Start with 3 lives a es uod up MP - Medium Punch then U + any kick DB65-3D67 ee Tio for Diddy JP - Jab Punch Heel Attack - (in air) D + MK Start with 10 li FK - Fierce Kick Super Moves -3D6 Eo ptis MK - Medium Kick Super Cotton Fireball - F665-3D67 j j Start with 25 lives EDO. o y SK - Short Kick ACT, ACT + any punch 7F65-3D67 Diddy jumps higher x Im Millions of Kicks - Charge B 1765-3D67 | Mega jump for Dixie ~ e | | Shadow Kick -= Charge DB — Start with 99 lives E7D7-5AEA R E (2 sec.), DT, DB, U + any kick D4A1-4370 —— | Super jump for Dixie | 100 bananas gives 2 extra lives E5D7-5AEA D9A1-437C Dixie jumps higher 100 bananas gives 5 extra lives EFDD-535A EEC21AID — — Mega jump for Rambi Jr - Always have a monkey on E7DD-535A | DD6C-C7DA | E5DD-535A |... gj Alpha Counter - Pausing then hitting Select exits Rambi jumps higher 7 B, DB, D + any punch any level that is not complete - — Boderrick Bolden BÍ. Extended Punch -T + FP (c | Detroit, MI BÍ. Sliding Kick - Tap B or T + FK pt Ken Alpha Counter - B, DB, D + any punch Hadoken - QCT + any punch | Spin Kick - T + MK - Back Kick - Tap B orT + MK Mega Man X8 — Doom-SNES —— | Sonic Boom - Charge B É C2B9-64F9 BDEA-Bo53 « 62EA-B953 (2 sec.) then tap T + any punch E Start with full life Start with mega health and Flash Kick - Charge D EEB6-7FD4 mega armor 7 | (2 sec.) then tap U + any kick Infinite life E3EABIF = Super Moves Roll - QCB + any punch C2B6-6FF9 | Start with more ammo Sonic Blade — Charge B Hurricane Kick - QCB + any kick Start with everything - E L _ (2 seconds) then tap T, B, Dragon Punch - DDC4-A7A2 - = Start with even more ammo T + any punch D, T, DT + any punch Do special moves without life D7CF-F953 - Somersault Hurricane — Super Moves being maxed , —. . Select the Shores of Hell or Inferno Charge DB (2 Seconds) then Super Dragon Punch 一 | ... "The Epoch” Roderrick Bolden tap DT, DB, U + any kick QCT, QCT + any kick Brighton, MI Detroit, MI $ Mega Blitz - Charge B (2 seconds) | Master Combo - : then tap T, B, T + any kick QCT, QCT + any punch Game Informer » March ‘96 Ryu | Alpha Counter - B, DB, D + any punch Hadoken - QCT + any punch Dragon Punch - 7 T, D, DT + any punch Hurricane Kick — QCB + any kick Overhead Smash - T + MP Spin Kick - T + MK n a game, send us a Guy Birdie iia vnnd A equesting codes and we will - Elbow Crush - Alpha Counter — QCT, QCT + any punch help you access the secrets right here T+ MP B, DB, D + any punch Super Dragon Punch - ret Access. ; | Hurricane Kick - Head Butt Rush - Charge B T, D, DT, T, D, DT + any punch DO |. QCB + any kick (2 seconds), T + any punch e Mien Kirk — : oL a Somersault Elbow Smash - Turn Around Head Butt - e a P i oe QCT + any punch then while Hold any 2 punch or kick ; | | is | | ce in air any punch buttons and release | B — Dash - QCT + any kick Chain Attack - Flip Kick - DT + FK DB, D, DT, T, UT + any punch Super Moves Super Moves Flying Fury - Chain Grab - QCT, QCT + any punch QCT, QCT + any button Master Combo - Mega Burst - Charge B (2 Seconds), ... QCT, QCT + any kick i T, B, T + any punch Sodom Blade Attack - D, T, DT + any punch Tengu Walk - B, DB, D + any kick (From Ground) Power Bomb - eo D, DT, T, UT + any punch Rese Carpet Bomb - Slide Kick — D, DT, T, UT + any kick DT + MK Super Moves Scarf Slash- . Super Blade Attack - QCB + any punch QCT, QCT + any punch Fire Scarf- —— — Power Slap - Alpha Counter- (Starting with B) + any punch E a B, DB, D + any punch | ail: gionline — Rising Uppercut - 0 E d D , T, DT + any punch Super Moves - vache Scarf Spark - Secret Access Notice: us A EL é and aliy punch Send Game Informer Your Passwords and Codes and Win! QCT, QCT + any kick S end in your codes and passwords every issue, and if we print Super Rising Uppercut - . them you'll be entered in the Game Informer /ASCIIWARE Secret Access D, T, DT, D, T, DT + any punch . Contest. The Grand Prize is a ASCIIWARE controller of your choice. PlayStation: Super NES: Genesis: Sagat Aden ASCII Pad PS, Specialized ASCII Pad, / ASCII Specialized Pad, Tiger Crush -DT DT + any kick | Front Kick - ASCII Pad PS Special, ASCII Pad, FIGHTER STICK SG-6 High Tiger Shot - DT + MK ASCII Stick PS, Super Advantage, QCT + any punch Jackal Flip Kick - Fighter Stick SN Low Tiger Shot - QCT + any Kick B, D, DB + any kick Tiger Blow - D, T, DT + any punch Stabbing Jackal Kick — All runners-up will receive a Game Informer B, DB, D + any punch QCB + any kick Secret Access T-Shirt to complement Super Moves Jackal Knee - their wardrobe. Tiger Combo - D, DT, T, UT + any kick D, T, DT, D, T, DT « any kick Super Moves Send To: Secret Access Tiger Cannon - P - : Soa Une NS cal QCT, QCT + any punch | + any punc 7 e Rising Kick quide Jackal Revolver - | mn Made MN 55344 QCB, QCB + any kick D, B, DB, D, B, DB + any kick E-Mail: gionline O Game Informer =» March ‘96 ! 1995 Nintendo of America Inc. rm and 9 are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. Diddy's back and better than ever. Fasten your seat belt. This MSAA coming full throttle. Donkey ain, bloodthirsty pirates, and now your ship is sinking...have a nice day. Torrential r Dixie twirls her ponytail to fly chopper style— talk about a buzz cut! Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest" Sleek, stylish and fully loaded. With AEA 32 meos and so many GREE it even outperforms last year's model. But don't take our > : Ü word for it. Let Diddy take you once around the park — sunken pirate ships, a Fa wA roller coasters, beehives. (Watch the EASIdS AMET IAE bunch of multiple endings. But hey, what do you expect from the ALCARA AI in history. 510m 2'919dT !eviJs Jool Now there are smarter Except another game that leaves everything | .19v9 neds ttute nobbid Kremlings out to slap your " monkey around. Ouch! else far behind. (Ever been behind a 4 monkey? It ann Y pretty. 7 SUPER NINTENDO BILLIONS OF PRAYERS FOR PEACE. MILLIONS OF MEN AT WAR. ONE LUNATIC STOKING THE FIRE. Get ready to trip, and we're talking hard. We’ er putting 500 weapons, troops, artillery at your command. We’re loading you up with the first realtime 3-D rendered visuals of historically accurate battles. We’re handing you the keys to over 50 of the most crucial battles of the biggest war ever fought. We’re even letting you pick the country to play (Germany,-Japan, or America). But, once you’ve picked sides, we’re cutting you loose. History is in your hands. Lives are at stake. Will you champion freedom, or blow it and screw the world up forever? This official seal is your as- kind, surance that this product , meets the highest quality SEGA standards of SEGA.™ Buy = games and accessories with - dl this seal to be sure that they 1:097 SEGA SATURN” SEGA Saturn™ System. ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE RATING BOARD Our games go to 71! e SEGA AND SEGA SATURN ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Iron Storm is a trademark of SEGA Enterprises, LTD, licensed by Working Designs. Original Game O SystemSoft 1988. Reprogrammed Game O SEGA 1995. English Translation O Working Designs 1996. Double Exposure, please! For a dealer near you, call (916) 243-3417. Call 1-800-771-3772 for information on Game Ratings. Made with) love’ by, Our goal is to preservelclassic video game magazines soi that they are not lost/permanently: People interested in helping outiinjany capacity; please visit us at No profitis made) from) these 'scans; nor do we offer anything available fromithe publishers themselves: If: you come across anyone selling releases from this site; please/do not'support them and do letius know: Thank you!