NINTENDO ° SEGA ° ATARI ° 300 · Sony: SNK - ARCADES PlayStation $ Extrávagara i $3.95 Canada $4.95 UK £2.50 September 1995 0°" 74470" 8282477 2 mY (ocation shifted info, | | “© Man SJÓN 4 third Man SJÓN 4 $004 Men SJÓN. Was this their intention? 10 crash mY djmen5ión? I StaPPed into The invention and heard а voice Say, Turn iT On virfua( Bou _ f 7D дама fót á Bp world. Nintendo Virtual Bois a portable 32-bit 3-D game system, feat digital stereo sound, Two high-resolution visua immerse you in ће game. Coming scon-stereo headphones a cable for head-to-head action. Turn if on and experience the difference a dimension can make. Comes With More Rude Smells Than The ОР Pull My Finger Joke. You've never Guide loaded with info about where seen or smelled a the best grub is, who to hang with, and what you Role-Playing Game like this! • Shortly after need to avoid. Keep it the government tries to cover up a sudden nearby though, because outbreak of criminal the lowdown on all those heinous monsters will behavior all over the come in quite handy. If they get too close, open a world, a ‘horrific meteor window fast, because some of 'em are more than shower" and hordes Of The moretet arent ве aij aneswhe ripe. * But the adventure can reek. Maybe one of your friends reeking, belching mon- Байда cane bad aie doesn't start until you do. sters turn up. * You'll travel to different towns, — "€ | Grab some air freshener across new worlds, and through time to face and start sniffing around for Sell out your allowance for a burger or slice of pepperoni pizza when Glygas, the evil, time-traveling alien who is to an EarthBound Game Pak. you need a boost of energy. It's the first Role-Playing Game that stinks. blame for all the mess. Each EarthBound Game Pak comes with a free 128-page Player's 6 Cover Story: Killer Instinct Nintendo: s newest fight af GI's guides | gruesome fighter. - Bug!, Astal, Black Fire, 50 Genesis i | Prime Time NFL Footb Garfield, The Ooze | yp | n" yl | = Wire ead, The Adventures (* __ pn NA Imperative Á ee | of Batman & Rabin Ed Toshinden £ -/ 200 _ | Strahl Raiden Project, ESPN Extreme Games DEPARTMENTS ame Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 Publications, 10120 West 76th Street, Bc p, MN 55344. (612) 946: : September Issue 1995 Volume V * Number 9 * Issue #29 Richard A. Cihak Publisher Andrew McNamara Editor Paul Anderson Senior Associate Editor David “Vinny” Vinyon Andrew "Drew" Reiner Associate Editors Rick Petzoldt Contributing Writer Thomas Blustin Art Director Graphic Design Timothy J. Laurie Production Director Graphic Design Jason G. Shawley Production Assistant Graphic Design Ryan MacDonald West Coast Correspondent Craig Larson Jeremy Halls Copy Editors Advertising Sales Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Advertising Sales Director 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 (612) 946-8159 Fax (612) 946-8155 Terrie Maley Publishing/Advertising Assistant (612) 946-7274 Tony Sureau West Coast Advertising Sales 11531 197th Southeast Snohomish, WA 98290 (360) 668-7978 Fax: (360) 668-9350 Manufactured and printed in the United States of America Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is pu monthly al a subscription price of $19.98 per year, Í for $9.98 by Sunrise Publ 012 Prairie, MN (612) 94 20 | id FAX numbers are noted ш Unsolicited cannot be returned or acknowledged. ts copyright 1995. Game Informer о are trade names, or | Attn: Cus lomer Service. PUBLISHER LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be е with an advertisementis limited to ea | the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for ће | advertisement. INDEMNIFICATION | ПА and; or Advertisi 0 og we to st violation of fight Adve: Member 4 ВРА By ANDREW MCNAMARA q thirst. Time passed, and humans soon invented something piece of соп that would change the ay we lived quick ters and video | | tor SUD on your boxers bec ugk these new systems will blow your underpants into next week. So the moral of the story is simple: although you may not .. appreciate the fact that your Sega Genesis that cost you $200 back _ .. when you bought it in 1989 is all of the sudden second rate, it had | | то Бе. Technology will always move faster than your pocket book or your imagination can fathom. So do not look at this new technology as just another chance for video game retailers to take your money. Think of it as the next gaming frontier, and you can be one of ша first pioneers to explere this prave new world. hasing me down, sol | | have to go into hiding for a while. Vil know when Reiner comes looking for me cause his head dark. l'm pretty for the release of the PS- X.ljustcan'tget enough Air Combat. For gamers in general, it's a good time of the year because we'll start to see ton of new games onthe shelves in preparation for the holiday season. 16-bit or 32-bit? That is the question. Gotta go, there's a blue-haired freak lookin' for trouble. Later." Furthermore, this abuse sensitivity. You bi | v ews á Ratings Games are rated in six categories and on a scale from 1 to 10 • Concept | * Graphics «Sound | + Playability 10 = А Classic! 5 = Average 9 = Excellent 4 = Weak 8 Very Good 3 -Yawner “Entertainment 7*Good 2=Avoid — „OverallRating — 8-Far 1+ Terminal | Review sidebars are color coded: E Sega Genesis - Sega 32X | Super NES Д Game Boy Sega CD „Atar Jaguar Game Gear The release dates liste ) currently available at the time 1 goes into production and are su Game Informer s September ‘95 | version Genesis version 0 Finally, I read in a m (not GI, unfortunately!) that ga VR was going to be released. That was over a year ago! What happened?!? It wasn’t in a rumor section either. Why would Sega VR system? It ” Chris Hodges Chicago, IL £o our guess woui be that there won't ever be another Lock-On game, but that’ n strictly a you know that development of the VR system for the Sega Genes Game Informer п < definite time- ШШ frame hasn't been worked out, Sega hopes to make true VR a reality some- time in the near future. JUDG. Г DAY?! I have some questions ab what’s going to happen this on what has been dubbed “Judgment Dey. " T ve been reading је, how e any 64 games? BP onfused" Butcher . Baltimore, MD As yol read this issue _ Judgment Day is pretty much here, except for the fact that _ Sega released the Saturn early and Nintendo pushed back the release of the Ultra 64. So all that ¦ Maiden Virtual Reality system that you talked about in the April issue’s What’s Hot! going to cost? You can pick up & Special Edition po y back to early June and this | sically shot the whole Bernal | put this baby to rest ` because on page 57 we have all the final pieces to our EC Sega CD puzzle. And as a special bonus, Sega is giving us even more exclusive codes next month. So hopefully we can make up for some of the trouble we, and Sega, fram кыз Т о | Game aT is now _ | on-line. If you want to | drop us a line please | E-Mail us at the following — | address for each service: America On-Line: Gmelnfrmer CompuServe: | 74351168 = World Wide Web: . шр :/ | :/www.bitstream. net/voxday | Biers Hi, In Me Is The Killer In You HISTOR Tata tg JAGO [X 000500 ARG P» Ultra Combos are what Killer Instinct is all с about. Beware of Orchid! 9 X Wer Instinct was, and still may be, the first title you'll see on the > | Qo | upcoming Ultra 64. However, it makes its first home appearance on the Super NES and fans of the arcade version will not be disappointed. Killer Instinct packs nearly all the moves and secrets that were incorporated into the first arcade version. Since previewing а very early version of Klin last month’s Game Informer, the development team at Rare has added quite a bit. The voice that calls out when you land combos really gives it the arcade feel. In addition, all the level deaths on the rooftops, | although not as spectacular as the arcade, are included. So much has been added to Killer Instinct in the last month that it's hard to believe that another gaming magazine actually reviewed a version that was so incomplete. : The eye-popping characters, which are created thanks to Advahced Computer Modeling and some powerful Silicon Graphics computers, are incredibly smooth and crisp. A total of 10 fighters can be controlled, each with approximately 9 special moves a that they can execute. What КІ is really known for is the massive hit combos that will -—-———-— — ш devastate you or your opponent’s health bar. Through a sequence of button keystrokes the player can send his character into a fury of punches and kicks. Each character has a certain move that you can use easily to land smaller "Triple" or "Super" combos. By using each.character's Linker move уби! бе абје to string combos together and devastate opponents with up to 40-hit unblockable.barrages. Each Character has a Combo Breaker as well. This move is a necessity for stopping the unblockable storm of combos. If combos are not your forte, the options screen will allow you to disable combos that are more than 5 hits (which was a controller trick on the arcade version). ae gu __- отоо and Orchid are favorite characters of the GI staff. % > ш September ‘95 s Many of the arcade secrets have also been incorporated into this version. The {5 оешу p.h two-player level select, turbo mode, and the previously mentioned level deaths are all here. Not to mention the No Mercy and Humiliation death moves which follow. the ‚ arcade keystrokes almost to a "T." Killer Instinct arcade fans will have no problem using their arcade skills on the home version, and if you need any help we've included the moves and many of the secrets we've discovered. There may also be a secret code to play as the boss Eyedol. We've yet to discover that and any other Kl surprises. Fans of fighting games should have a busy fall with the number of quality fighting sames that are appearing on the SNES. However, Killer Instinct may be the cream of the crop. will display skulls under his power bar. His Flaming Skull moves will now work. A nice picture for you after you've humiliated your opponent. Glacius can use the Puddle Punch to | start a furious combo. Eyedol is a two-headed freak that packs a 99-hit combo. — Soe leah GOTI ZZ A AA — ane y peus ©, SP o vers his face to block Riptor's fire. У сан АШ ш Size: 32 Megabit m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-to-Head Tournament Fighting , @ Special Features: 10 Fighters Created Using Nintendo's Advanced Computer Modeling (ACM), No Mercy's and . Humiliations, Arcade Tricks, and Truly Massive Combos у Ww А № Created by: Rare, Ltd. for, Nintendo í Á № Available: Now for Super NES $ E Awoy, THE GAME HOMBRÉ REINER, THE RAGING GAMER Paut, THE Pro PLAYER t Concept ‘OK, so it's not.3D fighting. ©К, concept: " never thought I'd see Nintendo Gencept: "Killer Instinct has-been.nicel "Ww , so it's not as nice aða E | be succumb to the power of blood VA Y x recreated on the SNES. I really Graphics: 8.25 Version. OK, so the No Mercies < Graphics: а andgore. But I guess it's ће 905 graphics: 9.25 like the announcer yelling out the are kind of corny. But who.cares? and anything and everything can combos after you've devastated Sound: 9.25 This game is fun; Kl is easily one. Sound: 875 happenePersonally, | think KI Sound: -your opponent with-one:»The of the best ‘flat’ fighters around. has a lot more to it than MK or control is.ultra smootheand Playability: 9.25 The combos аге fun to learn апа Playability: 9.25 SF// does. The combo system Playability: 38.25 almost identical to the moves in the graphics are pretty stinkin’ that originally drew loyal fans to the arcade version. | Hh t 9 nice,.even though they are a Entertainment: 8.5.this treasure 15 stillintact-in.its Entertainment: — 9 fan of the combo system at first, little rough around the edges. | | entirety. Of course due to-the ™ but the SNES version allowed | OVERALL: guess my advise to you is that if OVERALL: SNES’ capabilities, the characters OVERALL: me to experiment a lot-without | you have a Super NES and you are a little smaller and some of dropping quarters, and-soon 1 ' E 25 are looking for a gona fighter, this 8 75 the death seguences have been | was hooked. The designers-at one is easy to learn but difficult - reduced or changed. Other than Hare Ep packed theaction into | to master. Excellent дате, but these minor technicalities it's the this cart „Killer Instinct should be when you.get good it becomes a arcade game on your SNES.” experienced by any fighting fan, wait-for-the-other-guy-to-move- | it's am excellent translation." first fest." Game Informer в September ‘95 UE Legend: Level Deaths Quick Punch = QP On the Air Box and Rooftops stages, characters can be, Medium Punch = MP c knocked off the sides and fall to their graves. a merce Punch ЗЕРИ -. Quick Kick = ОК — Medium Kick = MK - Fierce Kick = FK Any Punch = Р — Any Kick = K ~ Charge = hold direction for > 2 seconds | Note: All moves are listed for Al à d | TURBO MODE In the two-player mode, after you've picked your characters, . both players hold the directional to the right and press and hold all the punch buttons. M. + Í b Combo Breakers — Each character has a move that you can use to = your opponent’s fury. Ultimate and Ultra Death Moves These moves can only be executed in the middle of a a combo and when your opponent's energy bar is red. Linker The Linker is a move that is used tostring combos together. Many of the Linkers can be used to Start combos as well. | STAGE SELECT - (Two-Player Mode) | Move to the character of your choice and use the following | moves and hold them until match begins. 1) Ice Temple - Up + QP 2) Infinite Caves - Up + MP 3) Ice Sculpture - Up + FP _„ 4) Castle Rooftop - Up + ОК & 5) City Rooftop - Up + MK 6) Desert Rooftop - Up + FK 7) Wooden Bridge - Down + QP 8) Blood Bath - Down + MP + 9) Lava Bridge - Down + FP. 10) City Street - Down + ОК 11) Castle - Down + MK ` 12) Factory = Down + FK _ 13) Air Box - Down + MK (ON ы CONTROLLERS) Death Move Distance When you have pummeled your opponent the screen will turn red and this isthe'opportunity to use the Death Moves. It is important to note the ‘distance you need to be from your opponent to execute a particular ' death. These distances are noted in parenthesis after each death move. 1 - (close) - right nel оселі (1/3 Screen) - thé space between, you and your opponent is 1/3 of the screen (Full Screen) - you can’t move ^ any farther away №. ў Gane КО лы н сенн APT ف‎ ^" 5 _ 5 а аащетемнег a September ‘95 "е Character. Color Choose your character’s color by moving the directional pad up.or down before you select a fighter. 1) Dragon Breath - мук + FP 2) Flaming Venom - 4 « e+ P 3) Tailflip - у фи + K 4) Riptor Rage - Charge e + +P 5) Jump Rake - Charge e + + К Death Moves 6) Acid Spit - + e + MK 7) Tail Stab - + + e + FK (1/3 Screen) 8) Eaten Alive - e x + м + + MP (1/3 Screen) 9) Humiliation - + + + + FP. Ultimate - e < + м ¬ + ОР Ultra - e э + ОК Combo Breaker - є + + К (during opponent's combo) Linker - Jump Rake with QK | 7-HIT - Charge e + + MP, GP, Charge «e + + FK 12-HIT = Charge – = + MP, QP, e + + ОК, мук + СР - 1) Lasa-Ken - Y v + + Р 2) Spinning Sword - v + и + FP . 3) Ichi (Ni-San) = v 4 к + QP 4) Нге Cat - Charge e + +P 5) Helicopter Kick - Charge = + К Death Moves 6) Peek-a-Boo - e + э + QP (1/3 Screen) 7) Frog Stomp - + + е + OK (close), FK to Stomp 8) Humiliation - w + « + FP. Ultimate - + У 4e е + MK Ultra - e 2 + MP Combo Breaker - € + + К (during opponent's combo) Linker - Helicopter Kick with MK 9-HIT - Charge e = + FK, e + FK, + + MK 13-HIT - Charge e + + MP, ОК, + ++ MK, GP, v + к +FP Game Informer u September '95 1) Епдокикећ- Vu + + № 2) Wind Kick - » фи + К 3) Laser Blade - мук + FP 4) Tiger Fury - + + + P Death Moves 5) Impale - e + + + GP (close) 6) Car Drop - e + + + + MP (full screen) 7) Humiliation - + м+м + + MK Ultimate -ex + у + FP Ultra - w 4 « + ОК Combo Breaker - + $ м + P (during opponent's combo) Linker - Laser Blade 8-НІТ - Jump in + РР, МК, +++ Р — _ 9-НТ - v» 4 e + FK, MK vt + FP, tu + QP, 1) Sammamish- ut < > +P 2) Phoenix - + м + + K (up or down to control flight) 3) Tomahawk - + м + к « + FP (in air) 4) Triplax - Charge e 4 + Р Death Moves 5) Super Chop - 4 + + FK (close) 6) Rain Dance - 4 м + + FP (1/3 Screen) 7) Humiliation; + + + + ОК Ultimate - уз v + МР Ultra - e + + ОР > Combo Breaker - + v + к + +P (during opponent's combo) Linker - Triplax with MP 7-HIT - Jump in + FP, MK, e + +ЕК 11-HIT - Jump in + FP, MK, 6 4 + MP, ОК, 4 м + + FK 1) Laser Bolt- 4 м 2 +P X9 - « ¢ dıı э + ОР X3 - зе езы- + ОР 2) Plasma - Port - e + x + Р (front), K (back) 3) Plasma - Slice + + 4 wt Р 4) Eye Laser - u + x + FK. 5) Cyberdash - Charge esh K 6) Reflect - 4 ¢ E P Death Moves | Ж 7) Head Cannon - 4 v + + FK (1/3 Screen) 8)Eyelaser-2 x 4 x e + FP (1/3 Screen) 9) Humiliation Жем ұу + MK Ultimate - з 4 к + МР. Ultra - + у + + + ОР Combo Breaker - + + м + P (during opponent’s combo) | Linker - Eye Laser 7-HIT - Jump in + MK, FP, + Фу + FP. 11-HIT - Charge e + + ЕК, MK, ue + ЕК, MK, е + v + ОР e Informer” September '95 von cpm pe 1) Shockwave - + м + +P 9) Ice Blade - м + «+ P, (each punch has different effect) _ 3) Puddle Punch - фу + + MK or FK 4) Puddle Port - $ + + QK 75) Cold Shoulder - Charge e.» + Р Death Moves ` 6) Ice Puddle - e e ¢ TK (13 Screen) 7) Ice Pick - e 4 м + + MP (1/3 Screen) 8) Death Bubble - + їх « + MK (this may or may not be in production version) 9) Humiliation - + + е + ОК Ultimate - + « + + ОР Ultra - e э + FP Combo Breaker - e + + P (during opponent's combo) Linker - Cold Shoulder with MP 8-HIT- Jump in + FK, MP, мк + ОР 19-HIT - 4 v + MK, FK, + e + MP, MP, + v + + FK 1) Punching Bag - Tap ОР 2) Dash Fist - Charge e = 4 FP 3) Roller Punch - Charge « + + MP 4) Backhand - Charge e = + QP 5) Wind Up - Charge FP, release to Wind Up, FP to Hit 6) Knee К.О. - Charge e ++ К Death Moves 7) Screen Slam - + м + + FK (close) 8) Neck Breaker - e + + + MP (close) 9) Humiliation - 4 4 4 + QP Ultimate - + v e + MK. Ultra - + e + FP Combo Breaker - + + + К (during opponent's ms Linker - Backhand 7-HIT - Charge + + + MP, FK, + + + FK 19-HIT - Jump in. FP, MK, э e + QP, MP, e > FK Ft. 1)ShieldDevour-e + QÊ | " р | M Ls 9) Flaming Skull - + ~ + + P (must have skulls on meter) |: gd ae HR | 3) Super Skull - чм у + + P (must have skulls on meter)” 4) Boneshaker - + + +P 5) Soul Sword - Charge € ++ МР 6) roo + 4 +K (behind) sv +P (front) (air) Hold GP ог ОК + (in air) Death Moves 7) 6 Feet Under - + + e + MK (1/3 Screen) 8) Shield Stab - « + + + ОК (close) 9) Humiliation - e v4 w = + FK Ultimate - у + « + QP Ultra - + ~ + + FP . Combo Breaker - + + + P (during opponent's combo) > Linker- Soul Sword 8-HIT - > 2 ФОР, + + FP, e + МР, FP 14-HIT - Charge e + + MP, + + FP, + + MP, FP, + FFP, + + + FP (must have skull meter) Game Informer в September ‘95 1) Inferno - + + +K 2) Human Fireball - + + +P 3) Heat Fist - e + + ОР 4) Fire Flip - э 1v +K 5)Heatsink - + we e + FP. 6) Mirage - + ut v e + MP __ 7) Flame Dash - Charge + = + Р Death Moves | 8) Lava Pool - e e e + MP (1/3 Screen) 9) Flame Scorch - e « 4 x + + ОК (1/3 Screen) 10) Humiliation - + e + FK Ultimate - 4 v + + MK Ultra - e + + FP Combo Breaker - + + м + К (during opponents combo) Linker - Heat Fist 8-HIT - ә э + MP (repeatedly) 9-НІТ - Jump in + MK, FP + +, e + QP, ++ w + MK "in, In the arcade there is a code tò play as. тыз We're we ка sure if it's included in this version but who knows. Try the code for the arcade 2.0 version printed in this month's Secret Access. It just might work! 1) Flaming Bat - 4 v e + P 2) Energy Howl- у + ¢ + FK 3) Sabre Pounce - Charge e + + FK 4) Sabre Cut - Charge e + + МК 5) Sabre Roll - Charge e = + ОК ! 6) Sabre Spin - Charge e + + P ` Death Moves 7) Claw Stab - e + + MK (close). 8) Wulf Pounce - є €» + MP (1/3 Screen) 9) Humiliation - + + + 4 QP - Ultimate - + » + + РР | Ultra - + е. 1. Combo Breaker - + + + к (during opponent's | combo) Linker - Sabre Spin with MP ~ 7-НЇТ - Charge є + + FK, MP, + + MK" 19-HIT - Charge є + + FP, (hold)e, FK, ко FK, 6+ MP, 4 e e + MK * rer a September ‘95 ps | Cil RIT TET HNT LLBITE. | шы tnm m | ILI Al PI í ie der rgin terpri trademark of me Warner Logo hlander 1994 NHLPA. Creature (levision. "Highlander is the p © 1994 Atari Games Corporation. i ved. MYST Software © 1993 Cyan, Inc. and Sun Cyan, Inc. All Rights reserved. Atari Jaguar Reserved. , NERF, MAX FORCE, NERF TC . Demo ition Man í Hishiander | 1 Baldies d - Varuna's Forces. Soul Star — Magic Carpet "i GAME INFORMER 3USTEITIIRTCH-UP NN HOEULULUST SAS HAR AU ашиз- y SNES S6 .... Concept: 9 8 | : . Graphics: 9 9 = Sound: 9.25 9.25 a ‚ Playability: 9 9 .. Entertainment 9 9 „Overall: 9 9 SNES S6 : Concent: 85 85 ~ Graphics: 85 8 ~~ Sound: ) j hf 5 Playability: 15 8 Entertainment: 8 8 24 Overall: 7.75 7.75 : SNES 56 © Concent: 9.25 9 graphics: 85 85 Sound 8.5 8.25 Playability: 8 8 у Ў Entertainment: 8.5 8.5 - Overall 85 85 Story, Arcade, and > Blocks, Special Moves, ‚ Extensive Story assword Saves”. á ince the dawn of time, mankind has battled. In ancient times, the "Wow, this game has got to the be the Demonlord Zarak reigns supreme. A prophecy dictates that a fighter И m ee ten ia æð will defeat him - a fighter born under a Warrior's Moon. Six warriors game was maybe a little too much for < have risen above the ranks and now battle for the chance to defeat Zarak. With mighty weapons and a fierce spirit, one hopes fo reign victorious and түш to enr yrs playing it · or a couple of hours | became more | and more addicted. | really like the“; (Ke the throne of the Меаропіога! finishing moves and the animation is | Namco's latest and last 16-bit fighter features the most advanced weapon excellent, but the best thing about {о weapon combat system ever developed. The complexity of gameplay rises this game is the awesome sound m : ; ‘ ч effects. Klang! Klung! Plus, the | far above any other fighting cartridge in existence. In addition, the солы is a а ере One + | stunning graphics, ominous soundtrack, and resounding clangs of sword against word of warning though, it's one ` й ; ; ; in thi ЖАШАР of those games where you need to sword add to the feeling and intensity. The easiest way to explain this game is p B practice and experiment with it over 3 to take each feature one by one. in and over, so it may be too much for j A ERE the average gamer to grasp. Overall, this is the ultimate fighting freak's ; fighting game." GENESIS Exe scr "WeaponLord would be just another SF2/Mortal wannabe if it weren't for the dazzling array of weapon attacks. This feature sets it apart from the. pack and makes WeaponLord a good game in it's own right. | love doing overhead slices and uppercuts. There is a great deal of skill involved in mastering this game because each move your opponent makes can be |“ taken advantage of with the right © counter. The differences between the | two versions are barely noticeable. = The SNES has richer, more textured graphics while the Genesis ћаз | smoother control. For either system | WeaponLord is a good addition and ^. just about a must for fighting fans." Zorn hurls № »Jen-Tai into "Look out Mortal Kombat, here comes `` a fighter with some teeth! Namco : uses the always cool idea of medieval · massacre and incorporates it into +: a stimulating fighting package. ==: WeaponLord takes fighting games to a whole new level with strategic > blocking and combat based on“: fencing techniques. | really like the = idea of not being able to kill the opposition without pulling off some serious moves and tactics before- hand. If you're worried about which version is a better buy. don't worry, both versions are almost identical." Hammer Blast Hold (F2 or F3), +, e, + № Curse Slam Fang Gutter Hold (B2 or B3), +, 7,1,4 е, <, +, yv, э, (F2 or F3) tips: Iron Fist €, м, +, э, (B2 or B3) ~ Berserker у Hold (F2 or F3), є, +, ^ Skull Crusher Cursed Kick Hold (B2 or ВЗ), +, к, л Hold (F2 or F3), м, к, + The Mutilator +, +, (B2 or B3) D Head Rocker +, +, э, (B2 or B3) Power Hammer e, к, +, (F2 ОГ F3) чүт DEATH MOVES | Try all except Pulp from standing ЕЗ. * Decap Degut Exploding Head Use Cursed Kick Use Fang Gutter Use Berserker Pulp Frenzy Death Brain Use Cursed Slam Use Berserker Use Skull Crusher L ~ DEATH COMBO я Back Slash Fl Fore Slash B2 = Back Thrust F2 = Fore Thrust B3 = Back Strike F3 = Fore Strike All moves are listed for character facing right. ' : Thrust Blocking In addition to ordinary blocking, each character has five different thrust blocks which will knock aside an attacker’s weapon and possibly open them up for a combo. Weapon ord is the first fighting game to incorporate offensive blocking, and it is a technique that must бе | learned to master this cartridge. Weapon on Weapon Contact When opponents attack each other, there is a chance that their weapons will crack against each other with a resounding clang. Some attacks will make your opponents 5 weapon recoil and you can move in | ‚| fora counterattack and/or combo. This means you can use certain attacks for both offense and defense. at Moves for Divada, Talazia, and Zorn | will be featured in next month's issue. ‘Game Informer September 95 Г 9 У SUNS/sisouo SMOIAÐ 7 6 _ Weapon Breaks Every character has а 2-in-1 move that will first catch your opponent’s weapon and then break it. This is a high level technique that takes timing and skill, but can be used to give yourself an advantage over your opponent. о Counters — Г The development team at | сы. a dab м ^ ‚ Namco has taken great efforts to DEATH MOVES „= NO a токе зше every move you . Try alll but Ground Decap and Pulp from a Standing F3. perform can be countered by your á opponent. This means that there ‘° Decop Brain Frenzy Death hould be no “cheese” moves, $ Use Back Blade Smash Use Backhand Blast Use Death Blade or which there is no defense. a PUP against falling head Degut | ; F Goodbye cheap tactics, hello | 2-in-1 to Leg Breaker Exploding Head Use Shield Spike л ~ struggle of skill vs. skill. Ground Decap Use Backhand Blast | = —. | | Use Down Strike on against standing opponent knocked down opponent Death Blade Leg Breaker Shield Smash Back Blade Strike Shield Spike Hold (F2 or F3), 5, +, + +, v, 3, (F2 or F3) Hold (B2 or ВЗ), +, ~, > ноја (F2 ОГ ЕЗ), +, +, v, + e, + (F2 or F3) & Reverse Kick Aura Strike Backhand Blast Down Strike Ram Toss +, э + (B2 or B3) e, +, e + (82 or B3) Hold (B2 or ВЗ), є, к, + Hold (B2 or B3), *, t, + Hold (F2 ог ЕЗ), +, л, т, + SUN Death Combos ~ı The game goes much deeper As opposed to the traditional enter a control , than what we have been able to combination and watch the death sequence, each : explain here. Given the space, character’s death moves are simply some of their telling you about this game special moves which kill your opponent when :. completely would cover pages executed at the end of the match. By stringing moves and pages and pages. If you together in a combo, you can rip out your opponent's love fighting games, and enjoy entrails, chop off their head, bounce their head, delving into a complex fighting smash the brain out of their skull, and then turn the rest system, take on the challenge of of their body into pulp. It is the Barbarian Way. . the WeaponLord. This game will И EX | * . also be featured on the Catapult DEATH COMBO || | XBand Games Network, so you = * can challenge fighters all over the country. ш SANS /sisouey M smeng DEATH MOVES Try all from standing B3 except Pulp. Degut Use the Double Over Decap Use Tarok Strike Brain Use Tarok Strike on falling head Pulp 2-in-1 into Elbow Smash, then use Heart Strike on downed enemy Exploding Head Use 360 Flame Strike Frenzy Death Use Firestorm Elbow Smash Double Over 360° Flame Strike Heart Strike э, э, (F2 or F3) –, и, 4, У, э, ЁЗ Hold (B2 ог B3), >, t, ^ Hold (B2 or B3), т, т, + | Power Push ۰ Power Kick Firestorm Power Deflect Tarok Strike | 5, v, + v, (B2 or B3) є, э, (B2 or B3) Hold (F2 or ЕЗ), t, a, + Hold (F2 ог ЕЗ), >, ~ +,“ Hold (F2 or F3), v, +, У, + Septembe "98. - a Size: 16 Megabit with battery back-up 1 Style; 1 to 4-Player Hockey и Special views sis he Tie KLL Comes Lady Sg Gene Features: New Sound Effects and Music. Every NHL Team. Every NHLPA Player w/Current Stats, Three Difficulty Levels, Advanced Computer Intelligence, Custom Players. New Moves Including One-Time Passing and Spin-O-Rama, Fighting Sreated by: High Score Productions for EA Sports September 22nd for Sega Genesis 2ND PERI! - An Unassisted goal in the second period has the Penguins dancing. МА ШШ very year you can depend on two things - the government will demand that your taxes be filed and EA Sports will release another installment of the best video hockey series ever developed. What started in 1991 with a fantastic sports game has progressed, year after year, into a finely tuned masterpiece of sports challenge. The year is now 1996, and sadly enough this may be the last installment of NHL hockey we'll ever see on the Sega Genesis. Fortunately, EA has put enough into this game so that if it is the last 16-bit NHL, it will be the best NHL. Everything that was present from the previous installments is present in NHL “96. That means you'll be able to create custom players, make trades, play full season, go through the playoffs in one or seven game mode, and do everything else you could do before. With this knowledge, the only thing you need to know about this game are the new features. First of all, EA has pumped up the speed with faster gameplay. In addition, they have added more animations for more realistic action. Your players have been given more moves and more ways to score. While you used to be able to execute the One-Timer shot, you can now fake out your opponents with the One-Timer pass and the Give-and-Go where you pass to a player and he touches the puck for a quick pass back. Also, when you are skating towards the goal on a fast breakaway you can hit the Start button to execute a Spin-O- Rama т an effort to fake out the goalie. Even with these new moves, you won't be racking up the score because the computer controlled defense is tight and the computer controlled goalie is like a brick wall, only allowing the perfectly executed shots to fly by him into the net. The last major addition to NHL ‘96 is the resurrection of fighting. With fighting mode active, your more aggressive players may go past the breaking point and square off against a competing player. At this point you can choose to throw down your gloves and start swinging, or count to four and let the ref throw you into the box with a two minute roughing call (rather than the five minute fighting call). Sixteen-bit Hockey fans rejoice - EA has not forgotten you this year. NHL will be hitting the shelves right around opening day of hockey season, so sharpen up those blades, tape up that stick, and get ready to hit the ice in 1996. Anny, THE Game НОМВВЕ 75 | cant believe they made this game ~ 50 stinkin’ hard - it's great! Not only 8 does this update make all your old tricks a lot harder to pull off, its got a 8 fonofnew moves to master. Perhaps the best part, however, is the three 9 difficulty levels. Once you've mastered the Intermediate level, the Entertainment: 9.5 Expert level will make it a whole new game. Although this update may not OVERALL: be for everybody, it's the first NHL 8.9 20 Concept: Concept: Graphics: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: Sound: Playability: OVERALL: Hockey with fighting in years! There is much rejoicing!” Rick, THE VIDEO RANGER g „Another year, another NHL Hockey. So ifthe current year is 1995 we must 8.5 be examining NHL ‘96. OK, I'm done ripping the sequelization. The game 9 is once again better than ever before. The play is smoother AND faster. 9 Turn up the volume on this one because the sound ís very 8 impressive. This is a very good game but | would be just about as happy with any of the versions that have come out previously.” Defenders can lay down on the ice to block wp but they don't always де in front of the puck. Кы * и’ 3 Flaring tempers and flying fists take both fighters out of the game for five minutes. Knocking an opponent out of the game will earn you two minutes in the box. A hard check into the glass gives the spectators a scare. d left defender ikate; it 7 Mp the ice ang Stuffs the ome for guts and glory. "Every year it happens, and every year l'm just as excited and happy for the next NHL to be released. Again, EA Sports sets the standard for all other hockey games. т glad to see a difficulty setting finally included which makes the computer far harder to beat. The addition of the spin move and the give-and-go just add to the challenge and realism, not to mention the fighting. | can't say enough about this game. Over the years we've seen many changes in this game and it still ranks as one of my all-time favorites." Concept: 8.75 Graphics: 9 Sound: 8 Playability: 9.25 Entertainment: 9.5 eptember ‘95 u're look ecause / you'll looking f, football title, his may be th i ke Statistics rcd as well as a . Believe the very irst football an observant referee everything, including asking and holdi 9. In the best 16-bit Th ‘em like f calls em dered re The ren f LJ не sees ‘ет | \ / ve 92 BUT WHY WAIT... GETYOUR SPECIAL 32X VIRTUA FIGHTER: TRAINING PACK RIGHT NOW! GAME CARTRIDGE NOT INCLUDED. Virtua Fighter is coming to Genesis 32X this Fall, but you can start your training today! Get the limited edition Special 32X Virtua Fighter Training Pack and you get all this: 1 A coupon good for a $20 rebate on a Virtua Fighter 32X game cartridge or a $40 rebate on any 32X hardware system. 2 An exclusive Virtua Fighter video with key game tips and upcoming highlights. 3 An entry form into the VF32X Sweepstakes, where you can win a Virtua Fighter arcade unit. 4. A one-of-a-kind Virtua Fighter T-shirt. Your choice. You can wait until Virtua Fighter for 32X is out in the stores like the rest of your friends, or you can get the Special 32X Virtua Fighter Training Pack, get a leg up on the competition and get the game for less! After that, it's every fighter for him or herself! GENESIS 32X SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? *No Purchase Necessary: To enter, see Virtua Fighter Special Training Pack (SKU #84704) or hand print your name, complete address, birth date and telephone number on a 3 x 5 card and mail to: Virtua Fighter Promotion, P.O. Box 4714 Hayward, CA 94540-4714 by Dec. 1, 1995. To receive official rules, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Virtua Fighter, c/o Little & King Co. Inc., 140 Broadway, Amityville, NY 11701, by Nov. 15, 1995. Void where prohibited. Estimated retail value of prize structure $12,000. Sweepstakes ends 12/1/95. SEGA, GENESIS 32X AND VIRTUA FIGHTER ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA. © 1995 SEGA. P.O. BOX 8097, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED his is the new Urth ruled by beasts and cold blooded 1 > hl am 2. , carnivores. Humans revere and worship these creatures and | r | | would even sacrifice their lives for their masters. Seven prehistoric fighters have come to: prominence on the new Eg Urth and do battle to conquer the land and achieve world domination. Time Warner Interactive has worked hard in an attempt to bring as much of the original arcade version to the Super NES as possible. That means you get identical moves and finishing moves such as Armadon's Iron Maiden, Diablo's Hot Foot and Chaos' famous Number-One Finishing Move. Like the arcade, Primal Rage SNES allows the squeamish to turn off the gore so there is no blood, eating people, or finishing moves. Like most, you won't mess with deni that setting and just RAGE. m Size: 24 Megabit Of the moves included in Primal Rage, all are faithful to the arcade so masters = Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-to-Head of the quarter muncher will be right at home. The combo system with hits and 102727200000 Fighting q uncher will be right at home. The combo system wi T u Special Features: 7 Prehistoric Fighters, percentage damage will be displayed on the sides. It also grants the player Gore Disable, Training Mode, 2 Finishing Moves per Character, and Combo ога Meter. special treats if truly devastating combos are pulled off. If you’re the one being devastated you can always pick up the closest human for a small snack and a health bonus. Primal Rage is here for the SNES; look for it soon on the 3DO and Atari Jaguar. ш Anoy, THE GAME НОМВВЕ Concent: 8 Graphics: 7 "| wish | had better things to say about thís version, but Í expected alot more than Í got. The graphics, which are inferior to the on version, are extremely у control is solid, but Mena e action gets hot the game seems to bog down. Its a decent game if you re a Rage fan, but I don't think this translation will impress anybody else.” ` Vertigo seems FEE ш a ____ j like he's abit | 7 D > МИ Рлиг, THe Pro PLAYER / angry dnd |- us Каја 31 | goes rabid. алой the keystrokes from the arcade and kept most of the game ntact. The jungle sounds and изїс are very arcade-like as E 1 did find that the control is ` touchy at times, especially when doing finishing moves. It is very hard to push multiple buttons simultaneously without striking. _ However, this may be more of a | а problem ha x НТВ ixed by using а joysti oun У p | | | Primal Rage to be а solid fighter P 9 _ but Í don't know if it can conquer gnrer. s Killer Instinct or MK3." serious range. Chaos is an REINER, THE Racine GAMER 8.75 "Wow, this is something | didn't _ expect! This version of Primal age looks great and all, but the game play just isn't there. Í t know what could have iabl т ——_ Ja i a* ti |: "me . oO rong! The animation and Diablo | Мы. gy s MT. e NE 4 do NS à { T =— graphics are top notch, and the conquers ; Du ; game mechanics are flawless. Talon s. зз ў (а Ба i] : However, when you put all this with the | ue Tir 2 | —— together, it seems to get really Incinerator | | | A. slow and choppy. Don't get me wrong, this is still a great game and all, but Í think the Genesis version is quite a bit better." Finishing Move. Game Informer rl BF - Fun 9000 “ ШЫ дат mM | If you keep the Lost Souls at a Loads of power-ups and a distance they’re easy to destroy. hoot. beautiful view to " 32 Megabit ; 1-Player First-Person Perspective Shooter "т 4 5 Difficulty Settings, Super FX2 Chip, № — : Multiple Weapons, Fire-Belching Imps —< т | 22 san id Software/ Sculptured Software for Williams Entertainment September 9th for Super Nintendo 12:1 A dont look at this bU er d | Раш, THE Pro PLAYER ^ "Doom has really made the rounds ; кө У on the console systems. | am really Graphics: 8.75 impressed to see that the SNES version does the game justice. It | | 1 | UM p | Sound: = 8.75 does suffer from clarity and shading .— lone sold е mpts to discover "" Ғ = ы problems that can put a strain on the Î he mus! ous inter-dimensional | > Playability; 7,5 eyeballs, but it is a blast to play. The r BE DEA pus ioo o ou NB levels that were included are nicely D Entertainment: 8.5 translated. It does have a few control quirks, but overall the play ү ; 2d Е | OVERALL: mechanics are nice. | didn't like, | Better get another pem | however, that when you died you in the chamber befor! 8. 25 kept your weapons. That's giving us # ; м и | s come along. too much of an advatage. Doom is more Тар best on the PC or Jag, but if all you have is a SNES, pop it in and blast." В “а? > REINER, THE RAGING Gamer . “First off, | have to clear something 8 Concent: up for all à. gamers bel ари ics: really dont have a clue (you know ur 15 who you are M.G.E.)! This is not: Sound: 7.5 Doom 3, it's just Doom! It plays exactly like the PC version, with the | Playability: 8 same levels and enemies. In a quick a flash this game is pretty cool. There | Entertainment: 8.25 are a few bugs in the play control, but it's really nothing to fidget about. The only problem | & encountered was that it's really hard to go around corners and to turn around. You always get caught on | walls and other obstacles. Other than | that, itsa very impressive SNES сап. MI Inever would have thought the SNES E „had the power to pull this off!" * Амру, THe Game НОМВВЕ “ would have to agree with everyone and say that this is an impressive 8.5 showing by the SNES (with the help of the FX2 chip). The graphics and : 8 sound are definitely topnotch, but | AO | just don't know what to think. Гуе [а i | Playability: 7 played Doom on just about every | platform, and | would have to say this Entertainment: — 7 one is the least impressive as far as play control is concerned. It just OVERALL: seems sluggish. | guess if you | 7 5 haven't played Doom yet this is an m yberdemon deserves Pur mu Siu This hoofed eis rocket you into next week. excellent opportunity, but if you have | | „other means | advise you take them." LN анар он RB NES њи 2: ign Fold ` Fold KILLER INSTINCT DELI YOU GET IN THE ARCADE NES. A STATE-OF- BUTCHER SHOP, SERVED GOO & UNCENSORED MAY BYPASS THE QUARTER ls | бо lie | old ЕЕ Ош?) © 1994, 1995 Nintendo/Rare. Killer Instinct is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. ACM technology is what makes the fighters look so life-like... ar Tj) fro Plenty of killer moves in every box of K.I. Losers need not apply. ALL the bodily fluids More killer combos AOL @keyword: NOA are clean up than you can shake after yourself will ya? a stump at. + Fold _ Fold ERS ALL THE EXCE ON YOUR OWN SUPE THE-ART 16-BIT WITH ALI 1 D- E O Pl For Hidden Game Tip, | Fold So “X” Meets "Y" ...uh we mean unlife-Like... er...reptile-like. QM) moe OD. OO окей RIPTOR 000000 + What else can we say ‘cept it's all on 16-bit so bag the new system, bud. бы | ~ | ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM | For a limited ~ time you get а С of the game music c —free cuts to go with © your cheap shots. a ait For one or two players. So find a friend and proceed to humiliate. views The man who always matches his helmet with his briefs is back! Capcom's original unsung hero, Mega Man, is once again beckoned to the 16-bit universe of the Super Nintendo. No Star Wars flick would be cöfhplete without the Force, and no Mega Man adventure ís complete without the bothersome antics of Dr. Wily. Once again, the twisted schemes of Dr. Wily pose a sérious threat to our esteemed hero and all of humanity. — In this adventure Mega Man receives a helping hand from some of his old companions: Rush, Protoman, Auto, Flip-top and his sister Roll. This may seem like quite the line-up, however, when compared to Wily; s minions, it fails miserably. Dr. Wily has really gone out of his gourd this time! His mechanical brigade is larger and more powerful than its ever been, due solely to two mysterious assassins known as Treble and Bass. As always, Mega Man starts the game equipped with his trusty M. Buster blaster. As he progresses through the game he will pick up upgrades and different attachments for his armor. In some cases, you'll need to use these upgrades and attachments to access hidden rooms and passages which hold valuable equipment and information. At anytime in the game, you can call upon your lifelong friend, Rush, to help you reach unreachable places and hidden items. Mega Man VII plays a lot like the other Mega Man games before it. The character designs and graphics resemble those found on the NES series, and the game play is a lot like Mega Man X for the SNES. The one thing that sets this title apart from the others is the "shop" feature. In Mega Man VII, you will pick up cash on each of the twelve levels. This cash can be spent at the Utility Shop to purchase items you will need for your journey. Other than this, if _ you're familiar with this style of game, you'll _know what to expect. It’s the same old crazy Mega Man! NES Re s М BO. Meet the Mega Man family. Oh my gosh! Are you all right? |. The newest addition to the Mega Man series is a roving Utility Shop. Anny, THe Game НОМВВЕ REINER, THE RAGING Gamer Раш, THE Pro PLAYER “While | still am a huge Mega Man . “Boy, do | feel worthless! Capcom : “Mega Man what? Ifa game has been r fan, | think this is getting a little oat "n really puts the Reiner name to shame a 1 beaten to death this ís it. Not to say Graphics: 8 ridiculous. This game has basically № Graphics: 7.25 with their speed and quality of № Graphics: 7.25 that sequels are bad, but Mega Man progressed little by little from release production. They can whip out up to hasn't evolved into anything it wasn't Sound: 8 to release. While the improvements № Sound: 7 fourMega Man titles inaboutthe same № Sound: 5.75 five years ago. Battle this guy and really help to evolve the game, if they time | can pick my nose! Once again that guy. Oh boy. | know there are 8 ever want Mega Man to truly excite № Playability: 7.5 the newest addition to the Mega Man № Playability: 9 plenty of Mega Man fans out there gamers again Capcom has got to do | family is the best. The game play and : who are going to enjoy this game : 8 acomplete overhaul all at once. Give № Entertainment: 8 control is very similar to all the li Entertainment: 6 but / could probably play the original him tons of weapons, vehicles, and others, with a few revisions and on the NES and get the same power-ups. Not four or five, I'm talkin’ OVERALL: updates. If you liked the others, I'm OVERALL: enjoyment. Mega Man will always be ten or twelve of each so we can 7 sure you'll dig this one too. Right now, a Classic video game character but 20 б really tear it up. Instead, it's just I'm on my way over to Capcom to see another biscuit to appease fans of ifl can score some of the super potion Mega Man. This game could have they're giving their employees. | hear been a lot better!" it makes hair grow out of your eyes!" he needs some rest. Try the Mega Man X's before this one." It jobs like its fi | Fs H this skull to Finn e for | A classic translation of the PC Engine game m Size: 16 Megabit m Style: 1-Player Action/ Platform m Special Features: Translation of PC Engine Game, Password Save, Multiple Weapons, and Evil Dracula Boss m Created by: Konami m Available: Now on Super Nintendo > THE BOTTOM LINE 7. 75 Look out! Th ‚ INESE bats wi drop Monkeys on hag " Rick, THE ipeo RANGER ia fans . 8 «Castlevania rd Concept: wait for four long b Graphics: _ ae oe a? 8.5 Я venia games have alway w been known for ee ped 4 ter pc р S2 eve goings ао днп e » aphics à 0 d Е ~ re reall kick AE И OVERALL: bosses are hug Wow 5 Castlevania voter e Намет p | it quirky 8. Pewcome will find it a bl a | Stay perched on а rock У You'll put this wizard aa у ылы | us 4 Sx i ге е АШ T d UEM LAYER An ominous an Раш, ТНЕ Pro P threatening pat-boss. action is always ction fans should definitely ‘remember 1 ic act ; 5 “Abit of classic tstanding | 5 Concent: god „Dracula X been 0 Castlevania IV for the SNES and the other graphics: { h year back. Unfortunate Castlevania games on the 8-bit NES. Castlevania cout 8.5 this is iof т Eu By Anyone junkies get ready for another of the metal whipped itity: 8 р aed Castlevania Á wonder's adventures on the Super NES. No, it's not playability’ will be somewhat Бр game. Castlevania V, it’s Castlevania: Dracula X. Officials at Entertainment: 6 ‚о graphics, SOU ^ : Konami, the creator of the game, made it very clear to us OVERALL: fr . butitisa Tee blow that this is not the fifth part. In fact, it is a direct translation this game to Te. ond.” of the successful PC Engine game that was only released 7 through it in à we | pi in Japan. · Now that's а sword! Because this is a translation of a somewhat classic title, : | the play mechanics are more along the lines of the 8-bit NER, THE! 7) series versions. Equipped with the traditional whip, your hero 15 ‘When the Castle on the 16-bit snaps his way through 8 levels of monster bashin'. Slash ept | leased. : : T 8 EM ame totally E. open the candles to discover goodies such as heartammo Graphics: the face a ae тел їоп 0 and various weapons that are effective when the whip is sound: 1? adder liable whip Owl not. If you've ever seen any of the Castlevania games before, there's probably no need to explain about the play control any further. If you haven't played them maybe you need a refresher course. Castlevania: Dracula X is an offering of nostalgia from the folks at Konami. It has elements reminiscent of the 8-bit, as well as the graphics and sound you've come to expect | owe playability: 879 characte Konami has gone entertainment: 8 pack to th OVERALL: e characters 4^7 ; 176 7 5 Me play control 15 fairly basic: : 3 han | у S | alot more varia started and on the 16-bit. In addition, get ready for Castlevania — The | its the way it should be. Bloodletting coming to the 32-bit world т ‘96. m Game Informer = September ‘95 n various places across the country, competitors gather to ~... Ral ly race the Rally Circuit - an off-road race for 4-Wheel Drive vehicles. The courses are not simple paths of pavement, but ~ ~. | twisting stretches of random landscape defined only by sets of 3 n cones and the natural curves of the countryside. The people who choose to compete in these races may easily be classified as insane, but the action and intensity of Rally racing gives a driver an experience like no other. Now, you can experience the w, world of Rally racing on your Atari Jaguar with Time Warner's Power Drive Rally. = This game goes back to the classic racing game style with an overhead view. Because of the power of the Jaguar, Time Warner was able to include some lovely graphics in addition to smooth play control. The game will take you to eight different locations around the world, and some of these have more agreeable weather than others. You'll find a lot of snow in Finland, where as Arizona will be mostly hot and dry. Each location has a series of different kinds of races where you'll be racing along or against another car, but you'll always need to beat the clock. Some of the countries have a Skill Test track where you'll need " to perform standard driving tactics like the quick stop, reverse ¥ driving, and the wicked spiral of cones. Sometimes you'll find yourself racing at night, and you'll need to turn on your headlights. Be careful, because if you crash too much your headlights will flicker on and off and you may find yourself driving in the dark. After every race you can spend some of your money to repair the car. The more you stay on the track, the less damage you'll do to your car, and the more money you get to keep in your pocket. Periodically you'll be able to upgrade to a better car - as long as you've got enough cash. P i К You need to win enough money to E Throughout the race your co-pilot will tell you what is coming X NC You'd be able to drive a lot faster if you kept your wheels out of the snow! repair your car and pay the next up on the track by calling out things like "Hair-pin Left," or day's racing fee. "Square Right." You had best heed his warnings or you might find the front end of you car in a snow bank. Lastly, you can enter initials for up to eight people who can race the tracks and “; compete for the best time. | #4 * К у TEN ; 3 This sport is dangerous for everyone - especially if you're standing next to the race course You need to demonstrate your ability to drive backwards to pass this leg of the Skills Test! Headlights make all the difference when you're driving at night. Try and pass him by cutting short on this next turn! NT. REINER THE RAGING GAMER 5 Hey, finally a halfway decent Jag № concent: 75 In some ways Power Drive Rally 7 Asyouallknow, the Atari Jaguar Maud game! Its been a long time (PDR) reminds me of the good $ - is a machine with a very, VERY 75 coming but l'm glad it's here (m : g old days of video games when 7.25 Small library, and the amount of ш Jag was collecting a lot of dust). | $ Atari racing games ruled the | those 82 that are good is MEE 8 Power Drive Rally is not only | | 8 roost. The brillance of PDR is in 8.25. even less. Power Drive Rally EB pretty Rang it's the best : its simplicity. | enjoy the time : (PDR) is M the game this cat Playability: 7 use of the зћоп-пеја overhead 8 trials and head-to-head racing : 778 needed. If you liked the Micro view I've ever seen. While it's not style. The skill challenges make | Machines type of game, then Entertainment: 7 much more than astraightforward : 7.5 for a nice change of pace. The Entertainment: 8 you'// surely drool over the driving game (there's no counter- spoken instructions and turn amazing effects in PDR. If you steering), 15 30 levels will keep arrows are a big help but | try to own a Jag and you're looking for you playing. " avoid using them as a crutch. a great new title, then РОН ís just PDR will make a great addition to the game, because there really anyone 5 racing collection!” is nothing else to buy!” Game Informer a September 95 APPEARING SOON ON 32X5 EVERYWHERE m Size: 32 Megabit m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighting m Special Features: 5 View Full Match Replay For Entire 30 Second Match, 5 Different View Angles During Gameplay, Ranking Mode, 8-Player Tournament Mode, 8 Color Choices Per Character, Over 700 Moves and Animations m Created by: AM2 & Omega Team for Sega m Available: October 10, 1995 for Sega Genesis 32X irtua Fighter, the godfather of all 3D _ fighting games, was just ’ released on May ll for the Sega Saturn and now, just six months later, Virtua Fighter is coming to the 32X. Of course, just putting out the same old - 'game ujould have been a rip-off, but "беда wasn't about to let that happen. Virtua Fighter 32X (VFX) features a unique 8-Player Tournament, 5 different views, and a full match instant replay. Like all the Virtua Fighter releases, Virtua ighter 32X features over 700 moves with silky smooth animation. But what takes VFX to the next level is the addition of a multitude of options. The Tournament mode enables you and eight of your friends (or you and seven computer-controlled opponents) to go head-to-head to see who's best. Since it is conceivable that all eight players may want to use the same character, 1 | VFX alsa incorporated eight unique color | T fe tat tel {есиктин var rella | combinations for each of the eight fighters. Many people don’t have too many opportunities to have eight-player tournaments so the VS. mode has gota couple of extras as well. After each match you can choose a Full Match Replay that lets you control the camera angle on the fly as you watch the match {also you can rub in what an awesome fighter you are). X The most important thing is that Sega | managed to get all eight fighters (plus one Boss) and all the moves from the arcade inta VFX. So if you have a hankering for Virtua Fighter, the 32X uuill surely amaze you with its seamless gameplay, multiple options, and rock-solid play control. D Game Informer » September '95 A RUSH FELT ВУ A HANDFUL ОЕ WORLD-CI DRIVERS AND THE OCCASIO NAL PARKING VALET. Imagine driving the wrong way in rush hour traffic, before catching enough air to make а seagull blush. Is it the СА. freeways? No, it’s the Sony" PlayStation.“ Introducing Namco’s® Ridge Racer.” Gut-wrenching first-person views, five different courses and 200+ m.p.h. lap speeds. Only the PlayStation provides racing so realistic you'll need to check your shorts for skidmarks. One final plug: Look for Ridge Racer.and 50 other titles including o Mortal Kombat" 3 on the PlayStation before Christmas. PlayStation... To find out more about PlayStation call 1-800-239-SONY (7669) or http: //, Sony is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation. PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Ridge Racer © & " 1993 1994 Namco Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Mortal Kombat" 3 61995 Midway Manufacturing Company. Al rights reserved. Used under license. Mortal Kombat is a trademark of Midway Manufacturing Company. Developed by Williams" Entertainment Inc. Williams is a registered trademark" WMS Games Inc. ©1995 Sony Electronic Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Call 1-800-771-3772 for Information on Game Ratings. To get ahead turn around and go back. || because if too many combatants are lost, the mission is a failure. Once the assault team has been given their orders, the player can 9 ОК, Space Hulk looks really goodand the зоипа 5 really eerie, but this game 8 is definitely not for everyone. The controlis somewhat cumbersome and 7.75 the game is basically frustrating. You'll get everybody in place, go blow up a 7 bunch of aliens, then someone will die and the aliens will breach the 7 perimeter and kill you all. Now that's just a warning about how difficult this game is, not about how good it is, because it IS good. And if you have the time to master this game, you wont be disappointed.” ` Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: OVERALL: 7.79 evil Genestealers and reaching the exit with most of your team intact. То complete the mission, the Terminators must be "It's really hard to explain the overall Concept: | / gaming experience of Space Hulk. Graphics: 7.75 The ideas and game design in this game are really cool and unique. You Sound: 7 can control an entire squadron of Space Marines and have them follow Playability: 5 different orders and commands. However, the game just didn't have Entertainment: 5.29 the 'oomph' to keep me content. The characters move really sluggishly, OVERALL: and there seems to be an overabun- 6.75 little engine that could, but couldn't." little time to think befo e their м enemies just keep coming апа $ splattered with carnage. Doom was never this bloody. Although this game may not have blazing speed, Space Hulk's mix of tactics and action make for formidable dance of aliens on each level. This game сап be easily classified as the | m Size: 1 CD-ROM ш Style: 1-Player First iod Perspective Action per Mission, Multipl e Vis" Objectives; Zooming & Scrolling Map, Danger Around Every Corner m Missions: 4 Training, 6 Space Hulk Originals, 6 Classic, 24 Famous m Created by: Key Games/ Games jos _ for Electronic Arts Pa ilable: vee for 300 ; “At frst l thought this game е stunk It Concept: na moved slow and | would die in a Graphics: g matter of minutes. However, after | got familiar with the command Sound: 9 sequences | started to make progress. Don't think this is a Doom Playability: 7.5 game because there is a lot more involved than just taking out the Entertainment: 7.75 enemy. The elements of strategy and multiple party missions really make OVERALL: Space Hulk unique. Plus, the graphics 8.90 аге excellent." Game Informer « September ‘95 Not T Be Denied! Bug carefully inspects the hairy guy's | teeth and decides he needs braces. Fact: Blue bugs are stronger than green ones. 1 CD-ROM 1-Player 3D Action/Platform р .. Three Dimensional Play in 24 . Buggy Scenes, Fully Rendered Bosses and f Characters, Bug Power-Ups and a Cameo by Sonic Real-Time Associates for Sega Now '95 for Sega Saturn (3 “or Bug does not like this cowboy Bug flashes back to his childhood of ( ^ и bubble baths and big brown sharks. ои REINER, THE RAGING GAMER Paut, THe Pro PLAYER Game Informer « September ‘95 W пап area of space far away from the planet Earth, the goddess Antowas created an И entire planet from a single jewel. She also used a red jewel to create a boy, Astal, and a green _ jewel to create a girl, Leda. Leda had the power to create life, and 4 Astal's job was to defend her. At | one point, he defended her with such zeal that he destroyed some p Ое arare SET of Antowas’ creations, and she - banished him. Now, an evil entity & Size: í CD-ROM has kidnapped Leda and created a human of his own to corrupt the world. Seeing the danger, Astal m Special Features: Scaling Screen, Multiple Attacks, Loyal Bird Ally | broke out of his prison and is on a quest to save his true love and restore peace to the world. | Astal is a direct translation of a game currently available о onthe | Japanese Saturn. The colors are vibrant and the graphics аге smooth. During the gameplay, your perspective will zoom in and out depending on what's happening. This allows you to see clearly | what is going on in close combat, while still letting you see off into | the distance when you need to jump to a far away platform. The lovely skies of home - what a sight! & i E | | BM c ry phics: extremelyfJapape i nd raphi e weird. On ihe see, arð | have Sound: g always liked Japandse atimation and weirdness, so fidf& goes. The Playability: 7.5 artwork of Astal is. ith some > Entertainment: saying. Anybody ит а romantic. bone in his/her body Will like tf story of a journey to: beket * with your one twe | C «s. Into fantasy adven am must- have game.” e e / OF éna [2 Jaw п Created by: Sega m Style: 1 or 2-Player Action/Platform m Available: September for Sega Saturn “Ж ‘animation and sound, this Game is almost worse than Clóckwork. This game is not worth the price tag. Visual ly impressive but Ri de ^ qnom. "wen s PEE. When you play Astal in 2-player "owl | mode, one player will control _ _ Astal and the other will control the bird. Even if you've started in T- -player mode, the second player can jump in at any time. if no input is received from the second controller the game goes back to 1-player mode. As Astal, you can jump, grab | and throw, or jump and smash | _ enemies to kill them. Push up, and - you'll inhale deeply, then push your attack button to let loose a | Га | P AER á ч 2189 REM > THE BOTTOM LINE 7. 75 mighty wind. Certain enemies will power up your bird attack, allowing you to send him out to strike, fly away to find health recharge items, or do a special “Exclamation Point” maneuver which is specific to the situation you are in. Astal is a bright and colorful game, and shows off some of the Sega Saturn's power. The only big complaint i is that in order to run, you must hit ће И control pad twice in the same direction, which is ever so much | clumsier than holding down a run button. Other than that, look for Astal soon on the Sega Saturn. ш | + Say ahead of this n. e ts snarf you creature or he'll. ck Iuuen sna yen gr down. ga at Anime look concen: mind for the Saturn, | was ИИ g and parallax graphics: 8.75 scared that they were going to go too Saturn. The 2 far with the arcadé orientated Sound: 8 games, and forget all about the console based action/platform Playability: * es. genre. | guess | was wrong. Over the last Avo weeks our offices were Entertainment 8 graced, with two beautiful action A mes. One of which was Astal. The eel you get when you play Astal is very similar to the feel of watching Anime films. The animation and sound are breathtaking, and more an likely will leave you gasping for more!" А ООП aside from Game Informer | Septerr 95 ou've been waiting for this day your whole life. You've gone through | extensive training and preparation for this one moment. You know that the odds of survival depend only on how quick your mind and hands will react to the task ahead. You've been picked to man the helm of the government's new secret weapon, the Black Fire Attack Chopper. This chopper is truly state of the artin weapons and stealth. The only thing the enemy will hear coming from your direction will be the sound of your own saliva churning down your throat as you pull the trigger. You know the odds are stacked up against you, and you also know that you have no other option except to follow through with the strict orders. Sega’s newest war sim is entitled Black Fire. This is an appropriate name for this title, since no matter where you are, the action always seems to follow. The chopper, is equipped with a bundle of handy weapons, and if you’ve ever grilled a burger before, you'll know just how to take down the enemy. First you must dodge and deke the enemy and apply the grease. Then, add the flame by locking the enemy in your sights and let ‘em fly. In the aftermath, you should have a well cooked masterpiece grilled on the rocks below. On each mission, you'll first be briefed and then thrust into the action. The on-screen map doesn’t show you where your main targets are located, so memorization from the briefing is the key. This may seem bothersome and annoying, but it’s better than going off nothing at all. Black Fire is a unique title for the Saturn that allows for full 360° simulator action. The Saturn is on the rise, and in order to compete with the competition they're going to need some big titles. Black Fire may be the secret weapon Sega’s been waiting for! | Hmmm. Something's not right. Game Informer » September '95 n 494 until you hit Follow this to 919 until you see the Ninety-nine bottles of 0 wall! Ninety-nine bottles golden arches. - LY! Look at the size of station! | De plane! De plane! | теап, | De heli! De heli! - | think we caught him by surprise - Carl! Go get the noose. SHIN SHINOBI DEN :: «гат m Special Features: Adjustable Difficulty Levels, Special Attacks, Shuriken and Other Power-Ups m Levels: 9 Stages m Created by: Sega of Japan m Available: Now for Sega Saturn, Only in Japan Coming in October to the U.S. from Vic Tokai n to that r beam. Game Informer в September ‘95 ny fan of flight simulators and arcade shooters will be amazed by Namco's Air Combat. It’s a loose translation of their arcade game of the same title. As in their other arcade translations for the PlayStation, Namco added extras to make it unique to the PS-X. The basic one-player game set you off on various missions to destroy targets in the air and on the ground. If a mission is successful the player will be paid a reward which can be used to purchase more planes. A total of 16 jet fighters can be purchased and you can have a total of 8 in your hangar at one time. ПА Each jet is rated on five different categories and it will be up to you to choose what enn SKÝ jet will perform the best for each specific mission. In addition, some missions allow تس‎ Ts BLUE j you to hire a wing man to help cover your butt on the challenging ground missions. FEY The 3D environment created by Air Combat’s superbly texture-mapped polygons L Ng SÁ 2121 АЕ“ or gives you realistic and fast-paced action. You have the choice of a cockpit or chase „ее plane view which can be changed at any time. However, in the cockpit view you'll have the luxury of a 1 CD-ROM Heads-Up Display (HUD) which nicely displays your altitude and airspeed. The controls can be set on a Style: 1 or 2-Player Jet Fighter Simulator а novice mode that gives the game an arcade feel or expert which allows for true flight that may make pecial Fe Three Difficulty Settings, you dizzy at first. In the two-player mode it's a split-screen dogfight. You can choose from any plane Pin, p AE En pil а and be placed in a desert canyon to battle it out head-to-head. It’s a perfect opportunity to practice d by: Namco up on your dog-fighting skills and to learn the capabilities of each plane. You can even handicap the September 9th for PlayStation battles to make it easy for beginners to battle the veterans. : ; Novices and flyers who have already earned their wings will marvel at yet another amazing PlayStation THE Bottom LINE game from Namco. The 17 missions included in Air Combat will take any pilot on the ride of his life. Be sure to check out Air Combat. : nog u мало Anoy, THE Game Homere ——— Concept: TON Graphics: TOD Soun: e option of two views. Plavahility: Planes to choose OF different wingmen this one’s à winner!” ` s docked in the | of its forward an The ship i be car efu PAUL, THE Pro piae, Concent: m Graphics: i i b p. m, — Mr a i | 5 1 Sou У nue Themi | КУ ЮР nd: 8.75 and the enemies LS 2s [| Playability: Өлсө of planes | у 9 feature as шей | Entertainment. 9.25 ая have b 220 ^ E. 2 | ind et one on (m bees ourself a jet or 8 d. — uh. A total of 16 сап не ja am © J ! | | >" a prief will sometimes The missiog targets. = 5^, со ew our cede 5 A : g This B aus: allow you E view У | Um a a e popping entertainen 1 Graphics: 9.25 stil be th lays tion ma MY opinion out above aj M his night mission The key to t t the skyscrapers. | me The two-player 8° to-head dogfight. September ‘95. ORTAL KOMBAT 3 IS MORE THAN LIKELY THE HOTTEST ARCADE BRAWLER TO DATE. WHENEVER SOMEONE FINDS A NEW TRICK OR MOVE, THE INTERNET IS INSTANTLY FLOODED WITH DOCUMENTS HOLDING THE NEWEST UPDATES AND GOSSIP. MORE OR LESS, THIS GAME HAS TURNED NORMAL HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS INTO MORTAL FREAKS. ENTIRE ALLOWANCES AND HOUSE PAYMENTS HAVE BEEN DEPOSITED INTO THIS MAN- MADE MACHINE. PEOPLE WOULD RATHER DIE THAN LOSE THEIR CHANCE TO PLAY ONE GAME OF MK3. HOWEVER, COME THIS OCTOBER, SOME OF THE LOYAL ARCADE JUNKIES WILL RETIRE FROM THE MACHINE. THEIR WHEREABOUTS WILL BE NO SECRET. THEY’LL BE AT HOME PLAYING MORTAL KOMBAT 3 ON THEIR SONY PLAYSTATION. OCTOBER 1ST IS THE DATE SET FOR THE MADNESS TO BEGIN. IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE AFTER ONLY ABOUT FIVE MONTHS IN THE ARCADES, MORTAL KOMBAT 3 IS ALREADY ON ITS WAY HOME. FROM THE LOOKS OF IT, ALL THE MOVEMENTS AND COMMANDS FOR THE SPECIAL MOVES ARE THE SAME. YOU CAN ENJOY THE LUXURY OF BABALITIES, FRIENDSHIPS, ANIMALITIES AND THE BEAST THAT STARTED IT ALL, FATALITIES RIGHT IN YOUR OWN LIVING ROOM. YES, THIS MAY SOUND LIKE A BEER COMMERCIAL, BUT IT’S TRUE, “IT ` Ketel WINS DOESN’T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS!” THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST LOOKING VERSION OF ANY MK GAME TO GRACE ANY CONSOLE. MK3 IS A PRETTY TECHNICAL GAME IN HOW IT PLAYS, WHICH MEANS ATTACKS AND SPECIAL MOVES MUST BE DONE VERY QUICKLY. THE WAY THE CONTROLLER IS CONFIGURED | SHOULD GIVE YOU NO PROBLEMS IN PERFORMING | THESE FEATS. THE FOUR BUTTONS ON THE FRONT OF THE CONTROLLER ACT AS YOUR PUNCHES AND KICKS. THE SHIFT BUTTONS ON TOP ACT AS BLOCK, AND THE SHIFTS ON THE BOTTOM ACT AS THE RUN. HOWEVER, IF YOU DON'T LIKE HOW IT IS SET UP, YOU CAN ALWAYS CONFIGURE IT TO YOUR LIKING IN THE OPTIONS. IT’S AMAZING THAT ALL FOURTEEN CHARACTERS AND ALL THE ACTION IN MK3 FIT ON ONE DISC. FOR THE MOST PART THE GAME MOVES FAIRLY SMOOTHLY. HOWEVER, DUE TO A COMMON DENOMINATOR KNOWN AS ACCESS TIME, THE GAME WILL HAVE SOME LOAD TIME IN THE FINISHING MOVES AND PRE-GAME PREPARATIONS, FROM WHAT WE’VE SEEN, THIS IS A VERY IMPRESSIVE GAME THAT SHOULD GIVE THE PLAYSTATION A FIERY LAUNCH! KANO WINS LOOD! MORE ye Informer | September | „йш! 1 cD- ROM - - ш Style: 1-Player F Person Perspective Action/Jumping Simulator m Special Features: Huge 100 Ft. Triple Jumps, Computer Generated Video Between Levels, Time Attack Mode, Memory Card Back- "Up. ш Continues, and Polygons, Polygons, Polygons! m Levels: 18 or 6 Worlds, each with 2 Levels and 1 Boss Stage | m Created by: Exact Inc./Ultra Co. Limited for Sony d Entertainment | " шне e for Sony _ г Fans spinning ra will shoot ун Cher at theae rellor-seaetor style oe и the a | | moving walkways. Cool -n ا‎ | orgel all you've ever r haard about bunnies and their habits, two stages you will need to find four carrot * items или | because Jumping Flash is here to stomp out any rumors you Jets. These items, once collected, will activate the Exit Pad so you may have heard. Jumping Flash, a can hop along to the next level. The third level is a Boss stage. Here rabbit-shaped assault vehicle named | you'll need all the bunny skills you can и to defeat the most. Robbit, has the power to jump ~ powerful minions of Baron Aloha. | several stories high and can even triple Ч Of course, the story is not the pri or jump to shoot himself well into the stratosphere. 20008 ӘМ. ground-breaking thing about this game, the He's armed with unlimited lasers and can — graphics are. This game was created with tens of. | collect special weapons that range from a D | thousands of polygons that suffer from absolutely standard Smart Bomb to a dazzling ~ no redraw or slow-down. You are free to go fireworks attack. Plus, due to his leaping a anywhere in this 3D world, and this is where | .. ability, Jumping Flash can land on о . he fun begins. You hop along looking for the — ~ Opponents to crush them into oblivion. So trust us |] | - Jump Jets and figuring out how to get to the _ when we say “this bunny is ready to rumble!” 1| а. various items that, at first, seem impossible b Your task in this unusually weird game „| | | get. Of course, there are numerous ways to reach — — ist stop the evil Baron Aloha who has : | the items you'll need, but soon you ‘Il find that — . Stolen entire cities from six different 4 у с the hunt is quite invigorating, е pecially when _ "worlds. At each world you will р % you find yourself leaping a quarter miis inte the air off ш encounter three stages. On the first L top of a ten mut building. о | the B ш Rings te get extra | ме and items! Robbi will even go underwater to sto m | ; | On tome Т? you'll encounter Doom-like the ovil Baron Aloha. ly robotile bun mazes that hide the precious Jump Jets. robotic bunny. | Game Informer в September ‘95 m Size: 1 CD-ROM m Style: 1-Player Space "ha m Special Features: Password Save, Roll Ability, 5 Different Weapons, Tunnel Combat m Levet: 5 Levels, 4 Missions Eðch m Created by: Crystal Dynamics У и Available: Late September for Sony, PlayStation 4 T5 E} # + d Bes A E. Á X X Game informer a September '95 long time ago, Crystal Dynamics put out a title for the fledgling 3DO system entitled Total Eclipse. Graphically, it was a very impressive game with outstanding texture mapped polygons. However, once you picked up a controller, it just didn't seem that great. Your ship moved too slow, control was sluggish, and the whole game just needed a little bit more kick. With the release of the Sony PlayStation, Crystal Dynamics will soon be releasing a Turbo version of Total Eclipse. This new edition.will feature the same great graphics, but now things seem to move about twice as fast as they used to. The story is also the same; a destructive alien race has developed a weapon that can destroy entire stars (hence the title, Total Eclipse]. You are a lone starfighter pilot who must guide his ship across the surface of planéts in pursuit of the apocalypse weapon. Finally, you will have to fly into the Sun Dagger itself and stop this threat to humanity. In your ship you will have control over your speed with a brake and accelerator button. You can also send your ship into a barrel roll which causes the sceneryto spin around your ship. You can fire continually by holding down the fire button, and you'Ilstart with three “smart bombs” that unleash red wall of total destruction. There are five different kinds of guns, and you can choose which one you like by grabbing the appropriate icons. The weapor . have three different levels of power, which 'ou increase by grabbing the same icon as your current weapon. Total Eclipse Turbo is a fast-paced, no-rest- for-the-player space shooter. The increased speed of this version turns an okay game into a game that is addictive and fun to play. Watch for it coming to the Sony PlayStation sometime this fall. d HONREISAE(d мала views Prepare Yourself for the Ultimate Racing Experience Sitting at the starting gate you rev your engine up to 6500 RPMs and hold it there, waiting for the green lights to flash. Three... two... one... and you're off. The tires squeal slightly as they catch the road and your speedometer climbs faster than in any car you've previously driven. As the first turn approaches, you start thinking about strategy - take the car deep into the curve, crank the wheel hard to the right and tap the brakes, slam back onto the accelerator and turn the wheel back to the left. Do it right and you'll have shaved a few moments off of your lap time. Do it wrong and you'll be finishing in seventh place again. Ridge Racer, from Namco, does a better job of capturing the feel of high performance car racing than any existing driving game. From the scream of your fast revving engine, to the way you can slide around turns, to the way you can squeal your tires into 3rd, 4th, and 5th gear, everything about Ridge Racer radiates speed. The first few times you play this game, you may get frustrated because you're not used to the realistic style of racing. The problem, however, is not that the control is bad, it's just that you have > THe BOTTOM LINE 1 CD-ROM 1-Player Racing Simulator Car Views Namco able: September 9th for Sony PlayStation some skills to learn. Once you've picked up on how to counter steer, every lap becomes a challenge to shave nanoseconds off your previous record. Every turn is a practice in precision, making each lap like executing a surgical procedure. In addition to the four cars you can start with, you can add eight more cars to your arsenal by getting a perfect on the Galaxian game which plays while the game is loading. After you've beaten all the variations of the regular track, you get to go on to the bonus tracks. These tracks are the same as the first ones, but you race them backwards. This makes every turn different, and it's like starting the game over again. Once you've beaten these bonus tracks, you will get to drive Car #13 - a black Lamborghini-looking car that sticks to the road like glue and tops out at speeds well above the other cars. If you're into serious racing, Ridge Racer is the game you want - it will challenge as well as entertain. On a final note, if you get tired of the music, simply pop in your own CD after the game is loaded and it will play YOUR music as you race. ! Graphics: Playability: 9 Hidden Cars, Counter Steering, Automatic or Manual Transmission, PFS Play Your Own Music, Inside or Outside the “There are no racing games that | come close to this on 16-bit. This | game is arguably better than the | arcade. It has excellent control and | each car has a distinct feeling | of performance. Performing а’ Concept: Sound: _ Playability: — 8.25 power-slide is almost an art. Sure if | only has one track, but Í would like to __ Entertainment: 9.5 see someone get through all the _ faces in less than a couple weeks. 9.5 Ridge Racers look, sound, апа. Overall control is hard to beat. | Daytona rules the arcade, but | think | Ridge Racer dominates the home systems. | stand corrected.” Anny, THE Game НОМВВЕ 9.25 715 |S the best arcade racer ever | made and the PlayStation version is | „25 nothing short of spectacular. The | biggest complaint 1 hear about this | 9 game is that it only has one track, but | think that is the most insane thing | 9.5 / ve ever heard. Owning this game ís Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playability: like owning your own track. You can | Entertainment: 9.8 race forwards or backwards, | - advanced or beginner, in any of the | available cars. By far, Ridge Racer is | the best racer available with control that is second to none." 825 REINER, THE RAGING GAMER "Sometimes Í like to pretend I'm the world's greatest racer, and thanks to „25 hidge Racer | dont have to pretend * anymore! | can play it on any PS-X 8.75 console and impress all who watch. The one thing that sticks out about 8 Ridge Racer is how smoothly the game runs. There's no pop ог || Entertainment: 8.75 anything choppy in it. And if you don't like the kickin’ soundtrack that the | ORAL: game comes with, you can pop in 82 25 your own disc and race to that (Rage Sound: is my choice). Stick itin 1st, 2nd, 3rd, then fourth! Hit the corner and power | slide then counter steer for balance. Oh man! This is by far one of the best | racers on the planet. I've become a | racing fool апа | like it!” | reade-Style Air-to-Air ombat ultiple Views, Special Weapon and Photon Torpedoes, Ult ane Comb In the future, the world is under siege by a madman known only as Kreel. He has amassed a great army, and is in possession of some of the most deadly technologies of war ever developed. Everywhere he goes, countries and people have falar beneath his crushing might. If he is allowed to continue his. offensive, soon the whole world willbe swearing allegiance to Kreel - or it will be destroyed. There is one last hope, however. Strikeforce Omicron, a small but elite force of attack vehicles, has been called in to stop this madman in his tracks. Among Omicron's possessions is a secret new attack plane known only by its codename: WarHawk. If there is any hope for the world, it lies with the pilot of this plane - that pilot is YOU! This new arcade-style combat simulator will be coming out on the Sony PlayStation around November. ола иотејбел ја Aiming all those missiles ` watch out! That volcano at the legs of that thing | is still ace! is a good idea. | : | Whoa!!! A lot of missiles are о coming your way! | Attack this huge airship straight-on or dive at it from overhead Plenty of windows in the ы ч | : о _ _ | : . _ T he warHawk had better be cockpit give you а nice ~~. c | еже maneuverab е о | view of your inga _ || navigate this narrow РО“ | 1:1 CD-ROM : 1. -Player First-Person Perspective AclonAdventirs | Memory Card Save Feature After Each Level, „Fully Rendered Cut Scenes and Hidden Weapon Upgrades avels: 13 views Genki for Sony Computer Entertainment of America September 9th for Sony PlayStation Re | емегу corn | ^ placed. well t E Anoy, THE Game НОМВВЕ RE . "Kileak is pretty cool. It has great : E. wt у graphics, solid sound, and good play | ~ Graphics: g control, however, this game moves | ` really slow. Í guess if you just can't * Sound: 7 wait for a better first-person , adventure game (like Alien Trilogy) Playability: 7 Kileak will keep you busy, but : otherwise there are better PS-X . Entertainment: 7 games to play. Of course, if they had | puta run button in this game it would | have been ten-million times better, ! but Í guess they'll have to save that | for Kileak 2. Too bad!" | - REINER, Tue Racine Gamer "Kileak: The DNA Imperative is a a 75 perfect example of a game that has a Graphics: 8.75 uniqueness and greatness of its own. | The story plots you, a lone space Sound: 9 marine. against a mad scientist and . his army of robotic demons. | Playability: 7 Graphically, this game is very “; impressive. Гуе never seen a game Entertainment: 7.25 move so smoothly and = be able t just bought the PS- x and you re | looking for a game that resembles : Doom. this is your only option thus far. It may be worth taking a look at." | 7 Kileak shows only some of the ON power of the PS-X. The enemies all . Graphics: g /ook fantastic. especially the boss К characters іп their rendered glory. Sound: 7.75 However, the level layout is fairly МИНИ generic and it moves fairly siow. It's , Playahility: 9 straight hallways and square rooms * rt : throughout the entire game. It is not Entertainment: — 6 too spectacular after playing games А like Doom or Descent. The play control ís solid and it has plenty of action and puzzles. so it's not boring. ~ | just found that after playing the , a numerous games of this style that * Kileak falls short.” js ње татат заз зз и T к. þ> > THE Воттом LINE | ta Game Informer a September ‘95 E S о Е ЗЕ P$ - А. А SN “When we first received the Japanese version of this game | was g seriously hooked. | thought fighting games could never get any better 8.75 than this, fortunately they do, but not until Tekken. But for now if you ve got 8.75 aPS-X (and you should) this is a must have game if you like fighters. The Entertainment: 8.75 graphics are excellent and the play control is silky smooth. You can tell that this game makes significant games, but it still needs just а little OVERALL: 9 75 leaps into the future of 3D fighting = work." а Size: u Style: од m Special Features: L D Created by: m Available: “Toshinden (BAT) has а lot going for it. This is the first fighter that allows you to g actually pivot around your opponent in a 360° environment. The characters 7.25 are very large and animated nicely. However, the looks are the best part of 8 the game. BAT really doesn't have а solid foundation in play dynamics. Its Hitertainment: 6.75 basically just a roll and hit game. № you're looking for something With combos and solid control, BAT probably isn't it. However, if youre looking for something different than all the others, this is your cup of tea.” ‘In all the great fighters including MK, SFII, and EC Sega CD there was always something missing. The play B was always linear and 2D. Virtua 8 Fightercame along with 3D buttheplay we. was slow. Toshinden comes along and | kicks butt on all of them. This game has it all with 3D graphics in exceptionally beautiful detail. High speed violent fighting action with outstanding control á and awesome weapons. Tohshinden. % is the new Heavyweight Champion of fighters and possibly the best video game in the world." Sega Saturn Games Giveaway Sega recently announced a special giveaway when you purchase a Sega Saturn this month. If you purchase a Sega Saturn with Virtua Fighter in September Sega will give you THREE GAMES FREE. All you have to do is pick up a Saturn at your local retailer and you'll receive Clockwork Knight and * Worldwide Soccer on the spot! FREE. To receive the third game, just register by warranty card, internet, or the 800 ber printed on the package. The team at Sega will then. a Virtua Fighter version 1.5. VF: The Remix i News & Rumors From the Video Game Industry New Crow Film And Video Game As you've probably noticed by now, a huge trend has been evolving from the 1994 hit film The Crow. From the mosh pit of a Nine Inch Nails show, to the haunted night of Halloween, one and all have taken part in the ceremony of becoming the mystical being known as The Crow. Come later this year Acclaim Entertainment will put on the make-up and show their gothic side. Accla Pressman Film Corporation have announced a solid allia : between the two companies for the making of The Crow: City of Angels. Acclaim's end of the deal will involve a interactive game version of The Crow: City of Angels which will be created in conjunction with the film. International film star Vincent Perez will take up the hot role for the second part of this expanding legend. However, if we had it the Gl way, we would nominate Andy McNamara for the lead role. | mean, look at him! He's already got the beak and hair for the part, what else do you need? Well, besides a black belt and a finely toned body that is, neither of which Andy has. Oh well, it was a thought. „Á & Nintendo Re- Signs Ken Griffey-Jr. Ken Griffey fielder for the ncent Perez ás The Crow e heavy- ting center ttle Mariners signed an exclusive agreement with Nintendo. Griffey will act as corporate spokesi nan and game development advisor for Nintendo. He will also star in two new baseball games scheduled for release on the Super NES and the upcoming Ultra 64. The games will be developed by Rare, Ltd. and will incorporate some of the technology used to make the hit Donkey Kong Country and the newly released Killer Instinct. Griffey will travel to the Rare headquarters after this season to replicate his actual hitting stroke, running stride and throwing motion. Rare will use their own motion-capture technology to bring Griffey to life in the video game world. Look for the first of the Griffey games coming to the Super NES next spring in time for the baseball season. mun m Mortal Kombat - The Live Tour Set to Kick Off Mortal Kombat -The Live ae probably the first | stage show to feature a video game, is set to debut at Radio City Music Hall, New York on September 14-17. “Mortal Kombat – the Live Tour will showcase the best in martial arts and interactive audience participation in a spectacular show — the likes of which have never been staged before,” stated David Fishof president of the tour’s production company. Fishof and his team at David Fishof Presents have recruited martial arts expert Pat Johnson to choreograph and cast the members of the tour. Johnson's credits include Mortal Kombat: The Movie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and The Karate Kid. Already, some of the actors from the actual games have been signed on to recreate their characters live on stage. Mortal Kombat - The Live Tour begins a 200 city tour with ticket prices starting around $10. Look for the tour coming soon to a location near you. | | Game Informer в September ‘95 Sega Developers Stumble Upon New Trick о "~ On arecent visit to the Gloffices, Sega’s "design guru Michael Lathman showed us omething you may be seeing more of on ame Gear. Currently, Lathman and Omega Team are developing VR opers for Sega's hand held. During this ment, a member of the programming bléd upon an effect that made the on-screen sprites : d 's surprise, including ours, even with agters filling the screen the game suffered по a Eureka! This is something that you'll Game Gear titles. Panasonic Follows GoldStar And Drops Price On Its 3D0 Even Lower Matsushita Consumer Electronics Company, manufacturers of the Panasonic FZ-10 REAL 3DO, announced a $100 reduction in the suggested retail price of the machine. This announcement brings the suggested price down to $299.95 and continues the . downward spiral of the 3DO's price tag. That makes a total of $500 in price reductions since Matsushita released their 3DO a little less than two years ago. It's also less than a yaar a since Matsushita announced their 8h FLOW... DATA FLOW. . Þá 1... DATA FLOW. BATA F FLOW... DÁTA FLOW. . Þá ACCLAIM GETS EUROPEAN RIGHTS TO AK3 Acclaim Entertainment received the tights to distribute and publish Williams Entertainment’s Mortal Kombat 3 in ] Europe. The deal includes versions | for Super NES, Genesis, Game Boy, and Game Gear. If you remember, Acclaim had world-wide rights to MK and MK? in which they have reportedly sold a total of 10 million copies. “FIGHT FOR LIFE’, FIGHTS FOR LIFE Praised by Atari officials as “better than Tekken,” Fight for Life was supposed to be the Jaguar’s answer to everyone else’s polygon fighter. Obviously, they finally got to play Tekken and Virtua Fighter and discovered Fight for Life wasn't anything close to those hot titles. Atari will delay the game to work on smoothing the graphics and animation. No word on when it will reappear. MORTAL KOMBAT: THE MOVIES PRODUCERS START CD-ROM DIVISION | Threshold Entertainment, the production company behind the film Mortal Kombat, has announced the launch of a CD-ROM and on-line division. Threshold's first CD-ROM release is scheduled to be The Ultimate Guide to the Universe of Mortal Kombat, - a comprehensive guide to every aspect ої. the MK world including the game, film, _ animation, live tour, and whatever else you ٠ | can think of that's MK related. № release v It will sell for n e will notbe approximately $350. Since th packaged with the unit, it's up sell it with or without a game. Th without the game should come ou price tag. Here's a list of games that shou accompany the North American release of the Sony PlayStation Launch Titles for Sony PlayStation Battle Arena Toshinden - SCEA Discworld — Psygnosis ESPN Extreme - Sony Imagesoft Kileak: The DNA Imperative - SCEA NovaStorm – Psygnosis Ridge Racer - Namco Hometek Raiden Project - SCEA Air Combat - Namco Hometek NBA Jam: TE — Acclaim Parodius — Konami PGA Tour Golf- EA Sports Powerserve 3D Tennis — Ocean Rayman — UBI Soft Total Eclipse : Turbo — Crystal Dynamics WWF Wrestling — Acclaim Street Fighter: The Movie – Acclaim Wing Commander 3 — Electronic Arts Off-World Interceptor — Crystal Dynamics Game Informer ù September ‘O95 | country as both of these companies’ 32-bit “в has been announced. SEGA 24, SONY 20 - Staff members from Sega of America (SOA) defeated a team from Sony . Computer Entertainment of America | (SCEA) 24-20 in slow-pitch softball. The battle on the diamond was the brainchild of SCEA' President, Steve Race. A rematch is in the works, but the real competition - should unfold at retail locations across the stems get their complete launch this taonth, Good luck to both teams. E CHANNEL LAUNCHES EXPRESS GAMES The Sega Channel has introduced a new part of their service called Express Games. The new service allows Sega Channel customers to “rent” new titles at the same time they appear in retail stores. The Express Games service has a suggested retail price $2.95 for a two-day “rental”, during which the player can download the game as many times as they want. No additional hardware is needed for the Express Games Service. Sega e Size: | CD-ROM Style: |-Player Battle Racing - Special Features: _ Special Weapons, Jumps, Treacherous Obstacles, and Deadly Racing Created by: Scavenger Available: pc December for Sega Saturn Review Wake ilie kids and. call de Ee because the Sega CD has yet another wacky addition to its ever-growing library of Full- Motion Video follies. Ned Hubbard, | who's radio controlled implant has given him the codename Wirehead, is being chased by | vicious killers. Your job is to take over Мед 5 | remote control and save him from danger. | During your quest. to save Wirehead you'll encounter zany antics such: as Bubba's Bacon Ride, where Ned rides a saddled pig. Heh-Ha, look that crazy Wirehead go! | Don't be afraid of heights. Scavenger's new creation called Vertigo is a 3D racing game that is a cross between Stun Runner and Daytona. Vertigo takes place in the futuristic underworld of New York where clans of warriors subject themselves to surgical procedures that make them into half machines. The new mechanical body parts bestow the recipient with speed and flexibility unheard of by man. The clans of Vexoids battle through the bowels of the city in a race to the death. The battle of the clans takes the racer through tubes, over jumps, and around numerous obstacles for the chance to claim supreme victory by eliminating opposing clan members. Size: I CD-ROM Style: |-Player Full Motion Video Quest Special Features: — 45 Different Picture Endings, | Four Directional Movements, · An Attack and Power Button and Fully Animated Game Play | Created by: Media Entertainment for Panasonic Available: Now for 3DO The Anime stuff is always cool, but it's better off staying on the video shelves. Strahl is another of many full-motion video based games. There's no real play control, except for the arrows and icons that appear on screen. The second one of these appears, you must hit the direction or button the game asks for. If you do it correctly, you'll go on to the next task. However, if you fail, you have to start the level over. The animation and sound effects in this disc are second to none. Unfortunately, this disc would do much better if it wasn't a game at all. It's fun to watch, but boring to play. Size: 16 Megabit with Battery Backup. | Style: | to 4-Player Football Special Features: Player Creator, Individual Team Play юа. All-Star & Alumni Teams, Trades, and NFLPA License Created by: | Double Diamond | for Sega Sports Available: October for Genesis Now it’s Primetime. No more Joe Montana, it's Deion Sanders’ turn to take the spotlight. Sega Sports’ newest football runs off the same engine as last year but has added more options. Included this year is a player creator and easier roster management features. Each team has individual play books that can be used for any team. So if you like Miami’s attack, you can use their play book with the Vikings. The play-calling interface has been slightly modified which makes searching for plays easier. The version we previewed was only about 80% complete so | 4 there may be more to come. Size: 16 Megabit Style: [ or 2-Player Soccer Special Features: Password Save, 3 Difficulty Levels, Exhibition and Tournament Mode, Instant Replay On Goals and Fouls, and Over 50 International Teams Created by: U.S. Gold Available: October for Super Nintendo y ио ——— ið ў Rus кой SHORT GALM ew wie я d Review Once again the world's favorite sport has come to the Super NES. This time U.S. Gold brings 51 international teams to life with Head-On Soccer. The question you're asking is what makes this cart different, and the best answer is not much. Basically, Head-On Soccer has less options than almost all the available soccer games. Plus, the gameplay is very simplistic. While that's nice for a younger fan looking for a less "complicated" cart, it really limits this game's longevity. By far its best feature is that it automatically changes to the character closest to the ball. But ultimately it comes down to its passing and shooting, which isn't very good. Size: | CD-ROM Style: Гог 2-Player 3D Action/ Shooter Special Features: Texture-Mapped Poly Multiple Weapons, Underwater Missio, Created by: Scavenger Available: — December for Sega Satu Баатара k Scavenger’s design work can be seen on the Genesis games Sub-Terrania and Red Zone. Now the Scavenger team delves into the 32-bit realm with Amok. Amok puts hired mercenary Gert Staun in control of a battle walker called the Slambird. The Slambird comes fully loaded with an assortment of weapons such as missiles, land mines, and other ground weaponry. Your missions are complex assaults on various targets on the planet Amok. Intricate 3D battlefields on land and undersea take you a path of destruction and hopefully to create enough havoc to provoke a profitable war for your employers. Look for this game from Scavenger in time for the holidays. Raiden Project Size: | D-R layStation | Review | or 2-Player Sh Special Featu Side-Scrolling Modes Levels: - 8 Missions þer Game. Created by: ——— for Sony PlayStation Size: | CD-ROM Style: 3D Role Playing Game Special Features Combined Computer Graphics and Real Images, World Create Function, High Score Hall of Fame Created by: Sega of Japan/T&E Soft for ATLUS Available: September Í 5th for Sega Saturn It’s not Raiden, and it's not Raiden ll, it’s both games on one disk! These two neo-classic arcade shooters have been translated to near perfection for the PlayStation. Take on the missions solo, or recruit a friend to fly this suicide mission by your side. Play the traditional top-scrolling version, or go into the options and take advantage of your whole screen by playing in side-scrolling mode. You can adjust the difficulty of the game and give yourself up to nine credits, but the later levels of these games get hectic and it will take some skill to beat them. If you’re looking for versions of these older arcade games for your home, this is the best translation to date. A darkness has fallen over the land of Dream World. The evil Prince Varis is determined to steal the energy of Dream World for his own personal gain. Princess Anne has done everything she can to stop him, but now it is up to you. Virtual Hydlide is a 3D translation of the original Hydlide RPG adventure. In addition to the storyline, gamers will find themselves getting absorbed by the realistic graphics and atmosphere. Futhermore, the creators have included a “World Create” function which allows you to randomize the environment you are playing in, allowing for much greater variation every time you want to play the game again. No Batman game is complete without some kind of martial art combat. It’s sad to say, but this game features nothing of the sort. All the hand-to-hand action is done in the animation clips; all the rest of the game is racing. The Joker, Poison Ivy and The Riddler have set up quite a challenge for our pointy-eared vigilante. They've kidnapped Commissioner Gordon and Robin and are holding them hostage. The only way to save them is to drive through the slime infested streets of Gotham. This title really had a shot at being very cool. However, the lack of gameplay makes it very monotonous. Stick with the Genesis version, it has all the action you'll ever need! Review Size: 16 Megabit Style: I-Player Puzzle Special Features This is a unique puzzle game that has wonderful graphics, sound, and color. The game is basically this: you've got colored spaces and colored tiles, and you need to flip 5 Save Slots, 4 Difficulty Levels, Multiple Varied Playing Fields Created by: the tiles into the air so that the colors match up. You'll have one more tile than you have spaces so you'll always need to have a tile in the air. In addition, aliens will run around the Gorilla Systems Corporation Available: Now for Jaguar playing field holding down tiles and disguising their colors. There are slight variations on the basic game, such as reordering the mixed up heads at Mount Rushmore or matching food with the right customer. The four difficulty levels may give this game some life, but on normal you can cruise your way through it in a few hours. Genesis Review Sire: 8 Megabit Style: I-Player Action Special Features: Two Ooze Attacks, Ooze Absorption Power, m à ут scientist who researched - for the better of mankind, Dr. Caine has been transformed into the courageous yet spineless Ooze. He now must hunt down his enemies and reassemble his DNA in order to turn himself back into human form. The Guided Oozy Pseudo-pods | Levels: 5 Levels, 3 Parts T Created by: Sega of America Available: September for Sega Genesis | enemies of the Ooze vary from small mice to laser shooting robots. You'll be able to spit out little wads of ooze in order to destroy your foes, or you can send out a guided ooze arm which will slap your enemies into oblivion. Your health is regulated by the size of your body, so you can absorb ooze left by your slain enemies to make yourself stronger. The Ooze is definitely a game with unique control and storyline. ar Size: | CD-ROM Style: Гог 2-Player Futuristic Racing Special Features Customized Sled, Booster Turning Jets, Weapons Levels: 10 Tracks Created by: NEXTECH for Sega Available: Late September for Sega Saturn Super NES Review Throughout the years the Super NES NHL Hockey has continually played second fiddle to the Sega Genesis version. That is, until now. The SNES version of NHL '96 offers almost all the same upgrades as the Genesis version (see review on pg. 20), but it has a couple of additional features. There is a Hard Stop move, an extra save slot, and an announcer. While these extras are somewhat superficial, they're still extras, and they'll help to give you the control over the characters that you'll need to pull off all the new moves like the Give-and-Go and One-Timer Pass. Plus, this year the fighting is back so you can once again crack some skulls. In the racing world of the future, wheels are highly obsolete. Cars now race on a cushion of anti-gravity. This makes these cars extremely fast (as they don't have to deal with friction), but also very out of control (as they are not dealing with friction). Your sled is equipped with "turning boosters" which you can fire as you fly into a steep turn to push out the back end of your sled and decrease your turning radius. There are also bullets you can pick up on the track, but it is nearly impossible to hit other cars with your gun. Before each race, you can customize different aspects of your sled to adjust to the terrain on which you will be racing. There are two circuits of five tracks each. Good luck. A i SHIELD a eptember 9. LES ў те => mr. vó" GA I TEAM-UP AS BATMAN OVER 125 AWESOME MOVES, REAL DIGITIZED CHARACTERS OVER 80 UNBELIEVABLE .. AND ROBIN“ GADGETS AND ATTACKS! AND BACKGROUNDS! STAGES! FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE ESRB RATING, OR TO COMMENT ABOUT THE APPROPRIATENESS OF THE RATING, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESRB AT 1-800-771-3772. *BATMAN and all related elements are the property of DC Comics TM & €) 1995. All rights reserved. Acclaim is a division and registered trademark of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. € 1995 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy and the Official Seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. © 1991 Nintendo of America, Inc. Sega, Genesis and Game Gear are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The Adventures of Batman & Robin — Genesis To advance one level whenever you want, pause the game and hit - B, A,D, | _В, A, D, L, U, C. If this is done correctly, the game screen will turn black and warp you to the next level. Good ч Bat freaks! . Virtua Gap Boy" HELPFUL HINTS. . Minneapolis, MN | ' They re ж they: re looney and г they're pretty darn good basketball _ players. While in the game, hit these button combos to access hidden treasures and delights. Oh yeah! Transformations — —— Bugs Bunny- _ Menu, Turbo, Menu, Turbo 69 бану Duck - Right, Right, Down, Menu (50) Elmer Fudd - Right, Right, Up, Up, Turbo (56) Yosemite Sam - Up, Up, Down, Down, Turbo (56) PTa- Left, Left, Left, Right, Turbo (56) Wile E Coyote - Menu, Turbo, Turbo, Menu (5¢) Sylvester - Turbo, Turbo, Turbo, Menu (56) | Marvin- _ Left, Left, Right, Right, Menu (5¢) | “Special Moves FT Extended Play (50c)- | Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Turbo Extended Transformation (50¢)- |. Up, Left, Up, Left, Up, Left, Menu . | Gimme the Ball (10¢)- | Turbo, Pass, Turbo, Menu | Random Bomb Fuse (5¢)- | Down, Down, Up, Menu _ Short Bomb Fuse (5¢)- |. Down „Down, Menu | Super | Boost (356)- _ Turbo, Turbo, Turbo, Pass, Menu ` | Trust Me. (Free) | . Pass, Menu, Pass, Menu, Pass, Menu, Tubo — . | Turn Off Dogball (Free)- Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Turbo e X-Ray Vision (Free)- - | Left Left, Lett: enu B _ | Moonball(Free)- — Ll P Up, Up, Dow Menu | ` "Death/R.l ip - Manassas, VA there. been a pilot who could dragon like this. To get. invincibility enter tnis code at t ie _ | title screen. Star light, star bright, give me all your stinkin’ codes tonight! At the Option screen, enter in the codes below to access the hidden secrets of Ristar. Warning: These codes may make you want to appear on Star Search. Very Hard - SUPER Onchi System Set Up- MAGURO Round Select - ILOVEU Boss Rush - MUSEUM Time Attack Mode - DOFEEL J “The Flea" Wade tg IL Demon's Crest- 8 If you're one of those eut children that re-enacts every scene from The Crow and lives a night life, well then you probably took a liking to this cart. To make your adventure a little | easier, here are two valuable passwords. All Items: PDQM, RRMV, FWGX, DTSG ` | Ultimate Password (4th ine _OFFF, KNRR - DDLR, хато g . Allen (аше - White Hall, IL Bi hack i is one of the most unique games ever made, and if you've played enough of it you know how tough it really is. Well, the light shines „upon you today, friend! Here are all the шс forthe SNES version! L Button, L Button, R Button, R L | Button, Up, Down, Left, Right | Love Теано | о Last Seen Exploring the .. Wilfredo Perez . Brooklyn, NY Look out mutant world, there's trouble in paradise! The X-Men need your help in stopping the evil schemes of the bothersome cloning threat, the Phalanx. At any time during game play, pause the game and hit Down + C, Up, Left, Up, Right, Right, and C. If this is done correctly, a sound will confirm that all is well, and 99 lives will be added to your inventory. Now stop | the Phalanx, and have a massive mutant barbecue in the aftermath! Kevin Beshke Macomb, MI Siam ТЇ Jam '95 — 300 | Here's a few codes that will boggle your mind. Start a new game and | when the Scouting Report screen appears, press Start on the Continue icon. Doing this brings up complete darkness. At this time pick one of the - | codes listed below and enter it. Little Hoopsters- — Press the R Button rapidly | Shot Percentage - E Press and Hold the L Button _ Little Hoopsters With Big Heads - Press the L and R Buttons rapidly “Virtua Gap Boy" Minneapolis, MN Vay – Sega The ultimate RPG command is now available on Vay! To access a code that allows you to save anywhere at anytime (excluding battles), follow these three simple commands. 1) Call up the game menu. 2) Highlight the "Status" icon. 3) Hold Start and Down/Right, then press A. If this is entered correctly the save cheat will be available. Kent "Boy Genius" Wang Galveston, TX | Killer Instinct (Rev 2.0) – To play as the fearsome, gruesome ghoul known as Eyedol. Pick Cinder as your character, and at the Vs. screen hold Right, and hit 1, 4, 3, 5, 2, and 6. This should bring up Eyedol | as your character. Be careful though, | this character change has also been known to change the. player controlling Eyedol into a big blue goat | with red eyes. If you feel this transformation occurring, relax and take three deep breaths and roll your eyes back twice. The symptoms should disappear after this exercise has been executed. "Babe the Blue Goat" New Orleans Cheese Factory Jurassic Park — Genesis. Just in time for the theater bound release of Jurassic Park 2: Dinosaurs Take Manhattan, the Gl staff | managed to dig up some great dino codes. _ Grant Power Station - ZCDJ301 | River - 41FSG011 . Pumping Station - 60RQ001S „Canyon - 8LVVH29N Volcano - AVVV769T . Visitor's Center - CPVVQ89E _ Raptor Power Station -12160016 _ Pumping Station - KZ1G0018 | Canyon-MZ1G001A — Visitor's Center - 021G001A. Note: There is no Jurassic Park 2 flick. This is just a cheap Gl trick to make you think that we are cooler than we really are. Sorry for the. inconvenience. _ | | ... Bill Collier ЕК Grove Village, IL Game Informer в September '95 Fternal Champions CD – Sega CD All right everyone, here's the codes you've called, whined, pleaded and -begged for. Everything you want to know about EC is right here in the pages of Secret Access. Vendettas Larcen - (Close) T, 1,7, D, (Z) button Slash - (Close) D, T, D, T (B) button Xavier - (Close) T, D, B, B, (C) button Jetta - (Anywhere) D, D, T, D (A) button Ramses Ill - (Close) D, D, D, T, (B) button Riptide - (A few steps from enemy) T, D, D, B, (B) button Raven - (A few steps from enemy) B, T, B, T (Y) button MidKnight - (Close) D, T, T, D, (C) button. Blade - (Close) B, D, T, T (X) button Shadow - (Close) D, D, B, D (C) button Вах - (Close) T, B, T, B (A) button Trident - (Close) T, T, D, T (A) button Dawson - (A few steps from enemy) B, D, T, B (Z) button Thantos - (A few steps from enemy) T, T, B, B (X) button Chin Wo - (Anywhere) D, T, B, T (Y) button Senator - (Anywhere) T, B, B, D (Z) button Blast - (Anywhere) B, B, D, T (B) button Hidden characters Chicken - 100 contest wins. Blast - 200 contest wins. - Chin Wo - 300 contest wins. — Thantos - Must Vendetta Xavier in Hard Contest Mode. Monkey - Must do a Sudden Death (monkey killing) against CPU Chin Wo in the 1-Player Duel Mode. Hooter - Must lose first match in Single Double Elimination, then win the rest. Snake - Must win Single Player Domination, 3 of 5 wins, 13 characters each, 11 win domination. Yappy - Mustwin One Expert survivor tourney with at least 2500 points. Senator - Must win Easy contest mode by winning every match by decision. Eternal Champion (EC) - Must win Normal contest mode without losing a round. Dark Eternal Champion (Dark EC)- Must win Hard Contest Mode by doing a kill to every (non- EC) character. Game Informer & September ‘95 тенк ће In order to pull off an Overkill you must meet these requirements: 1) You must be in the last round of battle. 2) Your opponent must be in front of the background "trigger". 3) You must hit your opponent with an attack that does over 5% of damage. _ Shadow - Hit toward the second letter on the sign. Larcen - In front of bricks on outside oftheater door (hittoward the door). _Вах - In front of the statue head in the center. Slash - Knock off the far left. Trident - Have the victim stand in front of either rock (hit towards the center). MidKnight - Victim must be standing in front of the electricity to the right (hit to the right) . Xavier - Victim near stake (hit toward stake). Blade - Victim at either edge of fan (hit toward fan). Jetta - the victim must stand to the far left side of screen (hit into the left corner). Riptide - In front of ship’s mast (in center). | Ramses Ill - The victim must stand „in front of the pillars on either side of the alter (hit away from altar). Chin Wo - Center of archway. Raven - Victim should be between the right side of the mouth and torch (hit towards kettle)... Senator - Knock the victim off the far right side of the screen. Blast - Hit enemy into clearing (center of screen). Dawson - Victim must land on the left edge of the third bed. Raven - sudden Deaths Sudden Deaths can only be activated in the last round when your opponent's health is at 20% or less. The winning character must pull off a movethatdoes 10% damage or more. Shadow - Your opponent must be standing slightly to the left of the far right letter. Make sure that the victim falls to the left. Larcen - The losing character should stand slightly to the right of the theater, then hit the victim towards the doors. | : Rax - Your opponent should be standing under either spotlight near the center, then hit the victim . away from the center. Slash - Have your victim land in the center (left of the volcano). This is accessed by either a hit or throw from the right. Trident - Line your victim up so that they are standing to the right of the small rock on the right hand side of the screen. Do your attack from the left. MidKnight - Your opponent must land to the right of the Danger side onthe right side ofthe screen. This can be accessed from a throw or knockdown from the left. Xavier - Have your opponent stand directly in the middle of the tree, then hit them towards the right. Blade - Line up your opponent so that they land under the second metal band to the left of the fan. Jetta - Line up your opponent so they land in the far left corner from a throw or a hit. Riptide - Have your opponent stand in the far left corner, then hit towards the left. Ramses Ill - Have your opponent standing to the right of the left torch, then hit them towards the left. Dawson - Line up your opponent so that they land on the far right side of the screen. Have your opponent standing in the. center of the left totem pole, then hit them from either side. Chin Wo - The opponent should be standing off to the left or right of the archway. Then hit them towards the center. Senator - Make sure that your opponent lands on the top of the manhole cover. Blast - Your attack must come from the right. Make sure your opponent lands approximately 1/2 screen left of the tower. ALLIES Operation: Code Hunt Hey Gl readers, how would you like to become our ally? Send in your codes for the games listed below and help out a fellow reader in a scrape, or if you're stuck on a game, send us a letter requesting codes and we will help you access the secrets right here in Secret Access. SNES.......... Batman Returns Bio-Metal Chrono Trigger Shadowrun Killer Instinct Genesis............. Flashback Lethal Enforcers II Shadowrun WWF Raw Sega CD ...LUNAR: Eternal Blue Sega Salum .......... Bug! Panzer Dragoon Game Boy ...Donkey Kong Land 3800 . ._.._. Gex Wing Commander III PlayStation ......... Air Combat Tohshinden Game Gear .......... Star Wars The Adventures of Batman & Robin Send Secret Access Requests To: Access & Allies Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Radical Rex — Sega CD / Genesis / SNES Just in time for the release of the Radical Rex animated series, Gl managed to dig up a few codes for this action thriller. These codes allow you to travel to any stage. Enter them at the title screen. Sega CD/Genesis - On Controller 2 hit A, C, Down, Right, Up then B SNES - On Controller 2 hit Right, A, Down, Right, Y then X Note: There is no Radical Rex cartoon. Once again, we've tried to trick you into thinking that we're really cool. Don't worry though, we've all started seeing shrinks and doctors for Our serious problems. Dave Mercado S. Farmingdale, NY Mortal Kombat 3 Version 2.0 - Arcade If you haven't heard of MK3 by now, well you're missing out. Each and every month we've been receiving new tricks and updates for this impressive brawler. Here's a couple of tidbits you should be familiar with before you attempt any of the moves below. In order to get the Animality to work you have to be in the third round and perform a Mercy first. For Babalities and Friendships, you cannot block for the entire match. If you block the moves will not work. Mercy - Hold Run, D, D, D, D, Release Run Ultimate Kombat Kode - Smoke Left Side - HP x1, HK x2, Block x9 Right Side - HP x2, Block x2, LK x2, HK x4, LK x3 MK, Dragon, Skull, Dragon, Yin-Yang, Yin-Yang, Yin-Yang, Yin-Yang, 3, ? HUG of The Kano Skeleton Tear - (Close) Hold LP, F, D, D, F, Release LP Fatality #2 - (Sweep) LP, Bk, Bk, HK Friendship - (Anywhere) LK, LK, Run, Run, HK Animality - Hold HP, Bk, Bk, Bk, Bk, Release HP Babality - F, F, D, D, LK Combos: 4 Hit Combo - HK, HK, LK, (B + HK) 4 Hit Combo - HP, HP, HK, HK 4 Hit Combo - HP, HP, HK, (B HK) 5 Hit Combo - HP, HP, HK, LK, (B + HK) 5 Hit Combo - HP, HP, (D + HK), LK, (B + HK) 6 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LP, HK, LK, (B + HK) 6 Hit Combo - HP, HP, (D + LP), (D + HP), Jump Kick, Air Throw Shang Tsung Bed-of-Nails - (Close) Hold LP, D, F, F, D, Release LP Animality - F, F, F, B, D, Run Babality - (Anywhere) Run, Run, Run, LK Friendship - (Anywhere) LK, LK, Run, Run, D Pit - (Close) F, F, F, HP Combos: 4 Hit Combo - LK, HP, HP, (B + HK) 4 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LK, (B + HK) 4 Hit, 22% - HP, HP, LP, (B + HK) 5 Hit Combo - LK, HP, HP, LP, (B HK) 6 Hit Combo - (F, В, В, LK), НР, НВ, (B, B, F, F) Mortal Kombat 3 Version 2.0 — Arcade Liu Kang Flame Death - (Anywhere) Е, F, В, D, LK Mortal Death - (Sweep) Hold Bk, U, D, U, U, Run + Bk Dragon Animality - (Sweep) Babality - (Anywhere) D, D, D, HK Friendship - Run, Run, Run, D Pit - (Close) Run, Bk, Bk, LK Combos: 4 Hit Combo- HP, LK, LK, HK, LK Hit Combo - HP, LK, LK, HP, LK Hit Combo - HP, HP, LK, LK, HK, (B + HK) 7 Hit, 25% Combo - HP, HP, BL, LK, LK, HK, LK 7 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LK, LK, LK, BL, HK 8 Hit Combo - (Charge LK), HP, HP, BL, LK, LK, HK, LK | mindel Scream Skeleton - (Close) Run, Run, Bk, Bk, Run + Bk Hair Wrap - (Anywhere) Run, Run, Bk, Run, Bk Wasp Animality - F, F, HP Babality - (Far) Run, Run, Run, U Friendship - (Sweep) Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, U Pit - (Close) D, D, D, D, LP Combos: 4 Hit Combo - HP, HP, (D + HP), Jump Kick 4 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LP, (B + HK) 4 Hit Combo - HK, HP, HP, (B + HK) 5 Hit Combo - НК, HP, HP, LP, (B + НК) 5 Hit, 27% Combo - LK, HP, HP, LK, HK 6 Hit Combo - HK, HP, HP, (D + HP), Jump Kick, (HCF, LK) Kung Lao Tornado - (Anywhere) Run + Bk, Run + Bk, D Hat Slice - (Close) F, F, B, D, HP Cheetah Animality - (Close) Run, Run, Run, Bk Babality - (Anywhere) Run, Run, Run, Run, Bk Friendship - Run, LP, Run, LK Combos: 3 Hit Combo - LK, LK, (B + HK) 4 Hit Combo - HP, LP, HP, LP 5 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LP, LK, (B + HK) 5 Hit Combo - HP, LP, HP, LP, (B + HK) 7 Hit, 34% Combo - HP, LP, HP, LP, LK, tk, (B + HK) Sub-Zero Frozen Body Smash - (Close) Bk, Bk, Run, Bk, Run Ice Breather - (Sweep) Е, В, B, D, В, Run > Polar Bear Animality - (Close) Hold Bk, F, F, U, U, Release Bk Babality - (Far) D, B, B, HK Friendship - (Anywhere) LK, LK, Run, Run, U Pit - B, D, F, F, HK Combos: 4 Hit Combo - HP, HK, HK, (B + HK) 4 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LP, (B + HK) 5 Hit Combo - | HP, LP, НК, НК, (В + НК) 6 Hit, 30% Combo - HP, HP, LP, LK, HK, (B + HK) 8 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LP, LK, (B + HK), (B + HK), HP, (D + LP) Sheeva Naked Skeleton - (Close) Hold HK, F, B, F, F, Release HK Submerge - F, D, D, F, LP Scorpion Animality - (Close) Run, Bk, Bk, Bk, Bk Babality - (Anywhere) D, D, D, B, HK Friendship - F, F, D, F, HP Pit - (Close) D, Е, D, F, LP. Combos: 4 Hit Combo - HK, HK, LK, (B + HK) 5 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LP, (F + HP), walk F, (B + HK) 6 Hit Combo - HP, HP, Р, (F + HP), walk F, HP, (QCF, HP) 7 Hit, 42% Combo - HP, HP, LP, HK, HK, LK, (B + HK) Nightwolf Axe - B, B, B, D, HP Fatality #2 - Bk, U, U, B, F, Bk, Bk Wolf Animality - F, F, D, D Friendship - (Anywhere) ~ Run, Run, Run, Р | Pit - (Close) Run, Run, Run, ВК Combos: 4 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LP, (HCF, HP), Jump Kick 5 Hit Combo - НР, HP, (HCF, HP), НЕ, (F F F LK) 5 Hit Combo - LK, HP, HP, LP, (HCF, HP) 6 Hit Combo - HK, HP, HP, LP, (HCE, HP), Jump kick 6 Hit Combo - HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HK 7 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LP, (HCF, HP), (HCF, HP), HP, (HCB, LP) Game Informer 9» September ‘95 Mortal Kombat 3 Version 2.0 — Arcade Cyrax Heli-Death - (Anywhere) Hold Bk, D, D, U, D НР Self-Destruct - (Close) Hold Bk, D, D, F, U Run, Release Bk, Run Shark Animality - (Close) Hold Bk, U, U, D, D Babality - (Anywhere) F, F, B, HP Friendship - (Anywhere) Run, Run, Run, U Pit - Run, Bk, Run Combos: 3 Hit Combo - 3 Hit Combo - 3 Hit Combo - 4 Hit Combo - 4 Hit Combo - 5 Hit Combo - HP, HP, HK, LK, (B + LP) 6 Hit Combo - HP, HP, HK, HP, HK, (B + HK) 7 Hit Combo - HP, HP, HK, HP, HK, HK, (B + HK) 100% Combo - (B, B, LK), (Hold LK, B, B, HK before opponent is caught in net), (D & HP) *repeat * 100% Combo - Electric Net, Bomb (Far), HP, HP, LP, Bomb (Close), Uppercut, Bomb (Close), Uppercut, Bomb (Close), Uppercut HP, HP, LP LK, HK, (B + HK) HK, HK, (B + HK) HP, HP, LK, (B + HK) HP, HP, LK, LP Stryker Bomb - (Close) D, F, D, F, Bk Taser - (Far) F, F, F, LK Dinosaur Animality - (Sweep) Run, Run, Run, Run, Bk Friendship - (Anywhere) LP, Run, Run, LP Pit - F, U, U, HK Combos: 4 Hit Combo - НР, HP, (D + LP), (F, F, HK) 4 Hit Combo - HP, HP, (D + HP), Jump Kick 5 Hit Combo - HK, HK, HP, HP, (B + HK) 5 Hit Combo - HP, HP, (D + HP), Jump Kick, (HCB, LP) 5 Hit, 4296 Combo - LK, НВ, HP, LP, (Е, F, HK) 6 Hit Combo - HK, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP 6 Hit Combo - LK, HP, HP, LP, Jump Kick, (HCB, LP) 6 Hit Combo - HK НР, HP, LP, (F, F. НК), (QCB, HP) Game Informer и September ‘95 Sektor Flaming Wrist - (Far) F, F, F, B, Bk Compactor - (Sweep) LP, Run, Run, Bk Chest Sucker - (Close) Run, Run, LP, HP, LP, HP, Bk Bat Animality - (Close) F, F, D, U Babality - D, D, D, LK Friendship - (Anywhere) Run, Run, Run, Run, D Pit - (Close) Run, Run, Run, D Combos: 3 Hit Combo - HP, HP, (D LP), Jump Kick 4 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LK, LP 4 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LK, (B + HK) 5 Hit Combo -HP, HP, HK, LK, LP 5 Hit Combo - LK, HP, HP, (D + LP), Jump kick, (F, F, LP) 5 Hit Combo - LK, HP, HP, LP, Jump Kick 5 Hit Combo - HP, HP, HK, HK, (B HK) Kabal Balloon Head - (Anywhere) D D B F Bk Unmasking - (Close) Run, Bk, Bk, Bk, HK Rhino Animality - (Close) Hold HP, F, F, D, F, Release HP Babality - (Anywhere) Run, Run, LK Friendship - (Anywhere) Run, LK, Run, Up Pit - (Close) Bk, Bk, Bk, HK Combos: 5 Hit Combo - LK, LK, HP, HP, ID + LP), (D + HP) 6 Hit, 28% Combo - LK, LK, HP, HP, HK, (B + HK) 7 Hit, 45% Combo - LK, LK, HP, HP, (D + HP), Jump Kick, (B, B, HP) 8 Hit Combo - (B, B, Run), LK, LK, HP, HP, (D + HP), Jump Kick, (B, B, HP) Jax megas Giant Jax - (Far) Run, Bk, Run, Run, LK Blades - (Close) Hold Bk, U, U, D, F, U, Release Bk Lion Animality - (Close) Hold HK, F, F, D, D, Release HK Babality - (Anywhere) D, D, D, LK Friendship - (Anywhere) LK, LK, Run, Run, LK Pit - (Close) D, F, D, LP Combos: 2 Hit Combo - HK, HK, (B + HK) 4 Hit Combo - HP, LP, HP, HP 4 Hit Combo - _ HP, HP, Bk, LP, (B + HK) Smoke Teleport - F, F, LK Harpoon - B, B, LP Invisibility - Hold Bk, U, U, Run Finishing Moves: Fatality #1 - (Full screen) Hold Bk, U, U, F, D 5 Hit Combo - Fatality # 2 - (Sweep) HP, HP, Bk, LP, (B + HP) Hold Run + Bk, D, D, F, U, Release 6 Hit Combo - Animality - D, F, F, Bk HK, HK, HP, HP, Bk, LP, (B + HP) | Babality - D, D, B, B, HK 6 Hit Combo - Pit - F, F, D, LK HP, HP, LP, HP, HP, (B + HP) Friendship - Run, Run, Run, HK 7 Hit Combo - Combos: HK, HK, (D + HP), HP, Bk, LP, 5 Hit Combo - (B HP) Jump Kick, (F, F, LK), (B, B, LP), HP, HP, LK, HK, В + LP Sonya Special thanks from the Gl staff to "The Masters" St. Paul, MN Fatality #1 - Run + Bk, U, U, B, F Kiss of Death - (Close) D D D, В, НР Animality - (Close) Hold LP, B, F, D, F, Release Babality - (Far) D, D, D, F, LK Friendship - (Anywhere) F, F, D, LK Pit - (Close) F, F, D, HP Combos: 4 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LP, (B + HP) 4 Hit Combo - HP, HP, LP, (B + HK) 6 Hit Combo - HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, (B HK) 6 Hit Combo - HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, (B + HP) Secret Access Notice: Send Game informer Your Passwords and Codes and Win! Send in your codes and passwords every issue, and if we print them you'll be entered in the Game Informer /ASCIIWARE Secret Access Contest. The Grand Prize is a ASCIIWARE controller of your choice. Super NES: ASCIIPAD, | SUPER ADVANTAGE, Genesis: FIGHTER STICK SN ASCIIPAD SG, SUPER ADVANTAGE 80-6, FIGHTER STICK SN 86-6 All runners-up will receive a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to complement their wardrobe. Send To: Secret Access Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 à eptember represents a milestone in video game history, as this is the month they release the 9 American version of the highly anticipated Sony PlayStation. The system will come with one controller and standard RCA audio/video outputs. After you've invested in a few games, it will soon become apparent that to fully enjoy everything this system has to offer, you're going to need to purchase a few accessories. One of the first things you are going to want to purchase is a memory card. This little device slides into the system right above the controller inputs, so up to two may be accessed by the PlayStation at one time. Having a memory card in place allows you to save your game and/or player stats and records. You will also be able to plug this card into your friend's machine and | restore anything you have saved on the card. One memory card holds 32 Kilobytes of data and has an MSRP of $24.95. Some people are going to have trouble with the RCA plugs, as they will want to plug their system into older TV's which are not equipped with direct audio/video inputs. In order to do this you'll need to purchase an RFU Adapter which converts the RCA signal into the older standard of RF. With the RFU adapter you can plug your | PlayStation into a coaxial plug or simply connect the coaxial cable ends to the antenna inputs on your television. While owners of older televisions will find the output method inconvenient, owners of newer televisions will be pleasantly surprised by the direct S-Video outputs. While the RF converter will cost you $29.95 and carry a signal that is not as clean, a simple S-Video cable is available at any electronics | store and will actually improve the quality of your output. The final accessory available from Sony is . . undoubtedly the most exciting one. Sony offers a eo Link Cable which will allow you to connect two oe PlayStations together. All the networking abilities are already built into the PlayStation, so all that is required for multi-player fun is a simple cable (and access to two televisions and two A wd that retails at $19.95. While it wouldn't make any sense to buy a Link Cable y if you are the only one in your town with a PlayStation, it may ‚ be one of the best investments you can make in gaming if you have the means to use it. Note: the MSRPs are estimates, and the actual prices may vary slightly. app Controls, of Elk Grove Illinois, 15 № introducing some new products for the 3DO | f and Saturn, the second set of which is completely unique and practical. The first set of products is a six-button style controller. The controller features slow-motion and turbo buttons, as well as a small removable joystick that fits into the control pad. There are models available for both the 3DO and for the Sega Saturn. The second set of products is something that should have existed long time ago. Is known as the 3D Zero Super NES Controller Adapter that allows you to use any SNES controller | with your 3DO Player. In addition, they've developed an adapter that lets you use any Genesis | controller with the Sega Saturn. These clever № little devices are perfect for video game enthusiasts who own many systems and have an affinity for a particular type of controller. Now when you buy a new system, you can buy this adapter and you'll already | have some extra controllers laying around the house. he UK-based company, Division Limited, is offering a | | complete, high-performance entertainment system for virtual | reality arcade and location-based (i.e. BattleTech-style) en- | tertainment developers. Their previous product had only been avail- | able to high volume developers, but they have put together a sys- tem which is priced low enough to be available to any small and medium | sized companies who want to work with virtual reality gaming. The system is known as the ProVision Merlin and combines the advanced VPX graphics card and the Merlin, a PC-based chassis designed specifically for entertainment applications. The VPX card is able to deliver some amazing numbers with rendering technology that can deliver 300,000 texture-mapped, z-buffered polygons per second, and boasts a pixel fill rate of over 900 mega-pixels per second. What this system means to gamers is that companies that | couldn't delve into the virtual reality market because of cost | constraints can now start developing virtual reality | games that could end up at an arcade near you. | Everyone who has experienced virtual reality entertainment knows that it is jolly good fun, but | selection and quality of games was at a serious minimum. Thanks to the folks at Division Limited, games like BattleTech could be popping up at numerous locations „across the country and beyond. September 3 J. Wade ٠ водного. * (| Enter the Game Informer f д\ jou need 19 до is draw, aft you arn envelope carve the best d ease include ` \ end її to US. P JR 2 аб Ad and јр address re | phon envelope: if you e are your workin Gl and you’ те fa the Pane In InformerWare =a In Order to Play Good, You’ve Got to Look Good! Sub Total Get Informed... and Look Good Add $3.75 shipping for the first hat, tthes à А plus 50¢ for each additional hat a e Same Time! GRAND TOTAL (U.S. Funds)| | Í Name Phone ( | Mailing Address Í city 2 | Payment: [J Check/MO End. ОМ Disc. ‚ Card #: AmEx | 6. Exp. Date: | Cardholder: (Please Print) ; Signature All prices based on U.S. funds. Please allow 4 — 6 weeks for delivery. Send Check, Money Order or Credit Card Number to: Black w/Purple Bill Black Beige w/Dk Grn Bill ШЇ R.G./G.I. 10096 Cotton 100% Brushed Cotton № 100% Brushed Cotton Р.О. Box 356 #GIHATOO4 #GIHAT005 #GIHAT006 k ll ll NEL Game Informer ' September ‘95 sk Force eball _ AAEA-EAE2 _ АСОТ-АА jene Start with 0 "aeu NPEA-EADY Start with 99 grenades : | AAEA-EAFG | Infinite gr oe AKEA- Start with 3 lives NPEA-EADW Start with 99 lives AASA-EAH6 Infinite lives NPEA-EADT _ Win A.Game Genie „of Your Choice! D.. deep into your Game Genie files and send us your coolest Codes, because if we print your Game Genie codes a Game Genie will be on its way __ to your doorstep...well, mailbox. Original codes on nly. All \ pre published codes will not be s e B Send your Game Genle codes to: у .. (Don't forget to list your Game Genie of choice) The Swap Shop • Game Informer Magazine Start with 99 continues - USER AAST-EAD2 _ | Infinite continues NPEA-EADO Stat with 99 tts alien grenades Infinite alien grenades C27A-CA6W + BT7T- CASE agn Protects ап most enemies _ АА5Т-ЕАСА = Don't lose energy when you fall off screen ACHT-CAHL Protection against floor spikes — AONA-AAHC Pick up five mission ee for each 1 y АСВУ САНЕ Extra life worth nothing ALBT-CAHE Extra life worth 2. ACBT-CAGR Energy icon does nothin JCBT-CGGR Energy icon restores energy to full ADXT-CAGA Machine gun does - notheatup . LDXT-CAGA Machine gun heats . upquicker — .RHXT-C61A | Machine gun ens. ; off instantly | Start with 100 lives Castlevania: Bloodlines - Genesis ` BEGT-AWCW | Start with 4 continues - _ ARFA-BXAR | XGET-BN30 | E with 99 gems | Lee Dickerson - Stillwater, MN The Mutant Virus- Nintendo AEOGTAIA Start with 1 life ZEOGTAIA Start with 3 lives SEOGTAIA Start with 7 lives PEOGTAIE Start with 10 lives VXEITKVE Infinite time AEESZKNY Don't flash after getting hit LVESZKNY Flash 1/2 as long after getting hit SXEKXGVG Invincibility X-Men 2: Clone Wars C3RA-AAEO _ . e0 lives. ... FKRA-AAEO . 40 lives ® ККВА-ААЕО © .. T2lives __ ВЗВА-ААЕО Ken Smith ` НРА Soccer 95 Game Gear _ 00Е-710-19А Infinite timer t E-35D-F7A . Each half lasts 1 minute 00D-39A-19A | Computer can't score 018-EOD-EGA Game only lasts for a half | - Mario Rodriquez Philadelphia, PA Quackshot – Genesis AJCA-AA2L Master code (must be entered) BBJA-AADO Start with maximum power AKJA-AADO Start with less power AKSA-AA24 Infinite power AFJA-AABG Start with 1 life GKJA-AABG . Start with 50 lives NPJA-AABG _ Start with 99 lives AVEA-AA28 Infinite lives AKJT-AA2L Infinite Cet | Adam Murad - a Bold Е. 10120 W. 460) St. e Eden Prairie, MN 55344 DD2C-DDDF- Invisibility | 0026-0009 No power-ups DF2C-0D69 | Power items don' t work | DF2C-6F64 No explosions C221-0F0F Two hits and you die C227-6D64 * Invisible enemies Darrick Fella Inkster, MI y 21C-53E-4C1 Infinite lives 01D-49C-E62 Start with 2 lives 05D-49C-E62 Start with 6 lives 09D-49C-E62 Start with 10 lives 189-B38-4CA Fall very slowly . 00B-83B-E69 „Stay as large Mario , _ 18А-В1Е- 2АА — . Walk уш walls | ^ P s Vidtura" Lefrak, NY | Game informer п September 95 DB61-050D - 9 lives after continue ~ FB61-050D 25 lives after continue M 7461-0500 50 lives after continue EEE C26E-D5A6 ES Codes listed with “File ` A" only work with games * "stored in the A file DEDE. FAAD e Е Start with 2 lives 7FDF-FAAD ye A) Start with 0 lives 17DF-FAAD ae A) Start with 00 lives C2C1-D4AA Infinite lives 6D84-DF03 | Infinite time CT ap Woni nothing 050 FADD (File A) Allows you to select any world CB81-0D02 + E281- 0D62 + 3C81-0DA2 Jump lower CB81-0D02 + EC81- 0062 + 3C81-0DA2 - Super jum , CB81- ро + Е681- — gre + 3C81-0DA2 _ EOM jum D62F-6DA Invincibility does not last long 9D2F-6DAE Invincibility lasts longer *The Lost Levels* DFDF-FEDD (File A) Start game _ With 2 lives DBDF-FEDD _ (File A) Start game with 10 lives TFDF-FEDD (File A) Start game with 50 lives 17DF-FEDD (File A) Start game with 100 lives C2B6-A455 Infinite lives 6D82-0F79 _ Infinite time DADF-F30D + D7DF- F36D | (File А) Allows you to select any world *Super Mario 2* DF61-05D0 1 life after continue Infinite lives DF6B-A9A1 _ Continue with 3 hearts D46B-A9A1 Dnus Mm 4 hearts Never lose hearts D D (File A) Allows you to select any world * го 3* DDAF-A8A3 Fly at any time with Raccoon Að up . EEM-AB Fly as long as you want d _ „with Raccoon power-up 1A3-D60A Start and continue . as Big Mario CB69-AC07 + DF69- . AC67 Change to Big Mario x time you go CBS AGU + D469- AC67 Change to Fire Mario ay time you до | - CBE ace + D769- ` AC67 Change to Raccoon Mario any time you o to the map CB69-AC07 + D069- AC67 Change to Frog Mario ay. time you go сене + D969- Change to Tanooki Mario any time you o to the map CB69-ACO07 + D169- AC67 Change to Sledgehammer Mario any time you go to the map AD3E-6801 Power jump 863E-6801 Super jump 8D3E-6801 Mega jump C63E-6801 Ultra power jump DDA9-A603 Skywalking "Big Daddy J" Overland Park, KS Game Informer п September '95 X-Men 2: Clone Wars Genesis AKRT-AA58 Infinite lives ABRT-AWEE Start with 9 health after first life 6F7B-WADG Wolverine heals himself four times as fast “Big Daddy J” Overland Park, KS DOA9-4F6D Start with 5 lives D1A9-4F6D Start with 7 lives D6A9-4F6D Start with 9 lives DFAD-1F0D Start with 1 strawberry D4AD-1F0D Start with 2 strawberries D7AD-1F0D Start with 3 strawberries 82CF-4D6E Infinite e Don't ever gain strawberries - 82Е2-4рр4 _ Don't lose a life from _ falling out of bounds “The Eradicator” Phoenix, AZ hadnt Cl Clay - For or Blob Only | EEOC-77E9 | Blob spit kills with 2 hits ЕЕОЕ-7479 Buzz saw kills with 2 hits EE09-5789 Rocket Anvil attack kills with 2 hits David Fornalski Houston, TX : Exclusive Coder from Galoob Nintendo. OZSVKKPV + YASVS- GPE Vitality always at max GENTUIZA . Lineis 1000 yards long _ ЋЕ | Line is 153 c PESVXIAA Pull fish in quicker Aero the Acro-Bat 2 _ - SNES DD24-476E _ Infinite shots D7C8-17D3 Stars worth 3 D9C8-17D3 Stars worth 5 D5C8-17D3 Stars worth 7 C287-CFAE _ Almost infinite energy BBC2-C463 Double Drill icon lasts 99 seconds DOC2-CD03 Double Drill icon lets you drill 4 times instead of 2 DBC2-CD03 Double Drill icon lets you drill 9 times instead of 2 _ D936-4DF1 _ Can drill 5 times in the air until you ees up a drill icon | DB36-4DFi —— Can drill 9 times i inthe - air until you pick up a drill icon C26E-4F03 Drill as many times as you want without hitting the ground D468-CDAA + E26A- CDOA Move faster | EA + EAGA- CDOA _ | n fa te FD67-3DD2 - Jump higher | E66E-4F62 + E661- C762 Super jump when standing still BBC3-3D63 — Flying icon worth 99 seconds of flight time D939-14F1 Start each life with uel consumption for flame thrower FD36-44D1 Start with more rifle clips 4D36-44D1 Start with even more ше clips | . .. Start with more grenade clips 4038-4۴01 Start with even more grenade clips D03B-4F01 Start with fewer grenade clips 742А-44А4 . Less ammo in rifle clips CD2A-44A4 _ More ammo in rfe clips D923-3D64 Less ammo in grenade clips _ [023-3064 __ More атто in grenade clips 3C28-44D4 Infinite ammo for pulse rifle 3C22-3D64 Infinite ammoftor | grenade launcher _ _ 3C25-3704 Infinite oil for flame thrower D464-1D60 Take less damage DD6D-1700 Maximum energy from med-kits D76D-1DA0 | Less energy from — med-kits | EE6B-CD00 _ | Longer invulnerability — after being hit | DD64-1D60 . Most attacks do ю _ damage о YOU'VE GOT IT ON YOUR HANDS. YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH OF IT. YOU'VE GOT IT ON YOUR SIDE. YOU'RE PRESSED FOR IT. YOU SPEND IT. YOU WASTE IT. IT'S IN. IT'S OUT. IT'S NOW. IT'S PAST. IT'S RUNNING OUT. IT'S DRAWING NEAR. CHRONO TRIGGER. IT'S ABOUT TIME. TETTE: НЕЕ 9 оз » 7 = að HLE Ф =: +» COA :::0 > 3234 6 Ө es Rome 44 ч a a° 3 © зоа } 1°: е 7 Ч zose @ 3830 e) 3 2:74 0 45:70 ч +E So 3 £ ° | 257 ® 25; 0 @ 255 me zz 70 Q Ө #63 ك‎ 53 4 ws „18 TO 229 a 2550 $56 © 2 323 0 >it Nate zog =æ gmo #9 SJÐV LAOSAAVNOS ла C108 SEM 01 SON | camen EÊ ~ FIRST ON PLAYSTATION. PlayStation PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Mortal Kombat 3 ©1995 Midway Manufacturing Co. All rights reserved. Used under license. Mortal Kombat, The Dragon Logo and MK3 are trademarks of Midway Manufacturing Co. Developed by Williams: Entertainment Inc. Williams is a registered trademark WMS Games Inc. ©1995 Sony Electronic Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Made with love by. 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