Blood and Gore Intense Violence

Sexual Themes Strong Language



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Read my column or

comment on this letter at or follow @GI_AndyMc

Walk, Fire, Co-op

efore cooperative games existed, coop- p erative games existed. Who can say when

it all started? The instinct to use teamwork to overcome obstacles is ingrained in the human psyche. Just like early humans cooperated to improve their chances for survival, gamers have huddled together to conquer virtual space.

The moment games pitted us against an artifi- cial nemesis, we made them cooperative even if that wasn't the designers’ intent.

1 remember what 1 did when these immortal words from Zork flickered on my friend's com- puter screen back in 1981:

West of House

You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door. There is a small mailbox here.

After we looked at each other, confused for a moment by this strange and wonderful new type of game (to us, anyway) called a “text adven- ture,” we immediately proceeded to solve puz- zles together. We made maps. We re-enacted critical scenes. We argued over where we were and how we got there. We worked together to make sure we did everything possible to avoid being eaten by a grue.

This simple single-player text game became cooperative from the first line all it took was a fellow adventurer. Such is the tale of gaming's past, present, and future. Games are amazing alone, but even better with a friend and better still when designed with co-op play in mind.

| remember beating Contra with a friend after entering the now-legendary code.

| remember solving puzzles with Reiner in Portal 2, thinking "Oh, he is the dumb one," while he thought the exact same of me.

| remember being the last person alive in Halo Firefight with my friends cheering me to hold on for just one more round.

We all have memories that we cherish from co-op games and of the friends that were along for the ride. | hope our co-op issue helps you relive some good times, or even better, helps you find some new co-op gems to fill the memory banks.

Here's to co-op!


| T А

Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel

Visceral Montreal's co-op shooter adds new characters, a new setting, and perhaps most importantly, a more mature tone to the series. It's a challenging task, but the studio's already on track to bring the series to the level it deserves.

by Jeff Cork


What's Coming in Co-Op Create Your Own Suda 51 Game


J 6 Feedback

Readers get excited about Unreal Engine 4, ask how to properly protest their least-favorite game publish- ers, and resurrect the age- old quest for the universal nude code.

12 Connect

Get a better look at Epic Games’ first Unreal Engine 4 game, the colorful Fortnite; check out a unique new home game console; and read up on the upcoming game-inspired Disney movie, Wreck-It Ralph.

2% 76 Previews

We catch up with the next entry in the StarCraft Il saga, Heart of the Swarm; take a trip to Nintendo Land; and explore the exciting new Tolkien-inspired MOBA, Guardians of Middle-earth.

2 88 Reviews Bethesda coaxes back the few gamers to ever leave Skyrim with new DLC, Dawnguard. The supernatu- ral gameplay elements offer good reason to stay put in the huge fantasy world.

by Matt Miller

100 Game Over We wrap up our extensive look at co-op games by talking to Gauntlet creator Ed Logg about the classic title's development.


4 contents

Gear: Router Rundown

йге you OK?


Interview: Victor Kislyi

games index

Aliens: Colonial Marines. . . ........ 64 Amazing Spider-Man, The. ........ 96 Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel... . . 34 Call of Duty: Black Ops Il.......... 67 ТИЙ з cnr etam imei 76 Dead Island: Riptide. .68 Dead Space 3 i. vos caesos 69 Dishonored .................... 70 Dai c eov ev essct s eeu 96 Endless Space... ose ree 96 Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two . . .69 Fal Ry 9: ord keen 66 A алдраа 86 бате & Мапйо..................

Gears of War: Judgment . Guardians of Middle-earth

К traits 65 НЛ ЛА ГАК ГС, 81 Hell Yeah: Wrath of the

DEN DBE 23 Kingdom Hearts 30: Dream Drop Distance: SSeS 94 КЕШ у. узса жил siete 96 ГОЙ СЕЙ, ТЮ... еее ааа 92 Lego Lords of the Rings........... 68 New Little King's Story ........... 87

New Super Mario Bros. 2. . .

New Super Mario Bros. U .67 Nintendo Гапа.................. 84 Penny Arcade's On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness 3.......... 96 Pocket Planes oer rent er 96 Pro Evolution Soccer 2013......... 87

Project P-100 ... Rainbow 6: Patriots

Rayman [ебеп@й$................ 68 Resident Evil б.................. 67 RESONANCE, E 93 Rome: Total War 2............... 78 Secret World, The ............... 24 Skylanders Giants ............... 69

Skyrim: Dawnguard . Sleeping Dogs . Sound Shapes .

Spelunky . . .

Stat Trek... onere Т ООО. StarCraft Il: Heart of the Swarm. . . . . 80 Theatrhythm Final Fantasy......... 95 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD........ 91

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron... . . 66

Zuma's Revenge ................ 96



los a



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Contact Us

his month in Feedback, readers anticipate the advancements of Unreal

Engine 4, question how pretty a female warrior needs to be, request some timely boycott advice, and seek the holy grail of all gaming perverts: the universal nude code.

Judgment Day | loved Gears of War 3 but | still want more of the series. So when | saw Baird on the cover of the new Game Informer, | jumped with joy. | flipped to it and was amazed at the new campaign and multiplayer. The new characters look and sound awesome, and | cannot wait for the mash-up of Horde mode and Beast mode that is OverRun. Adding different classes is also genius. | will definitely be playing this game nonstop when it comes out.

Vincent Gugliotta

via email

When | first looked at the cover of issue 231 and saw the COG armor, | sighed with disappoint- ment. | couldn't believe they were going to make another Gears of War. However, after reading the article, | find myself excited. | think that Epic is doing exactly what is needed to bring a breath of fresh air to the franchise. l'm definitely going to consider buying Gears of War: Judgment when it comes out. Mike Mallengar Zolfo Springs, FL

While we received a few letters bemoaning Gears of War: Judgment, most readers are excited to see what Epic Games and People Can Fly come up with for the fourth install- ment of the series. Given the innovations Epic has already made in the co-op realm (see our Top 30 Co-op Games feature on page 44), we’re excited too.

To Wait or Not to Wait I've noticed that your magazine is a great way to complain, so here | go. | am very disappointed with game of the year edition games. First, we buy the game for 60 bucks. Then, we pay more money for DLC. Finally, the same game comes out as a game of the year edition for less money with all the DLC and sometimes new stuff too. This is bull. | know it, you know it, and every- body knows it. Now I’m scared of buying a new game because six months later a GOTY version will be released. At least they should give the new content to the people who have the regular editions for free.

Abelardo Garcia

via email

Game of the year editions are a great way for developers and publishers to get more players interested in a title after initial sales have died off. Someone else paying less for a six-month-old game doesn't detract from your experience or enjoyment of the game, so you have no reason to be angry or demand free content. If you feel like the GOTY edition is a better deal, then wait for it to come out. Preferably in silence.

Not a Fan of Indie Games It makes me sick that your rag considers "indie games" like Journey and Fez to be better than games that people actually had to work to make. | know you're a part of the liberal, elitist media that likes whine [sic] and cheese parties and is constantly defending video games as an art medium. Video games are about having fun. Not some fancy pants artistic buttf---athon. Stop being so insecure about yourselves as gamers. It's okay not to be recognized by your elitist peers.

Michael Shulski

via email

Listen up, Mike. You can imply that indie games don't take any effort to make, and that we only pretend to like them because of how insecure we are as gamers.

But don't you dare mock our *whine"

and cheese parties. We spend a lot of time ensuring they have just the right complaining-to-cheese ratio.





Is Pretty Important? As anyone who's played the God of War games can attest, the artists at Sony Santa Monica are some of the best in the industry. It's baffling, then, that they would exclude female charac- ters from God of War: Ascension's multiplayer because they "do not look pretty" in combat equipment, as game director Todd Papy stated in your preview in issue 231. Not only is it dis- appointing for gamers, but it's insulting to the artists. If making them look pretty was a require- ment, of course the studio could pull it off or they could design cool-looking female characters regardless of prettiness. Greek mythology has no shortage of women warriors, and earlier games in the series already had the likes of Athena, Lachesis, Atropos, and Erinys, who were per- fectly at home next to Kratos and the other gods. | suspect Sony is either afraid to alienate their "dudebro" audience or they simply don't have the budget for the additional effort. Either way, the reasoning that they wouldn't “look pretty” is a load of garbage.

Joe Rinaldi

Austin, TX

Sony's explanation for omitting female char- acters from Ascension's multiplayer struck us as dubious as well. Surely we've moved beyond the point where women in video games are merely sexy eye candy, right?

Don't Answer That... Back when Tomb Raider first came out, a lot of people were looking for a nude code to enjoy a more "natural look" for Lara Croft. Nowadays, games like The Witcher have some sex scenes that, while they are pleasant to the eyes, are Still not enough. PC gamers have found a way to give the nude code to these games, but we console owners have no way of doing this. Why not put a section for mature players in your mag that covers how to do the nude code? | know | am not alone in this. If you think it will decrease Game Informer sales, a solution may be to make а mature-only game magazine in which to cover nude codes and even some sex games. If not, could you send me the code?

Javier Morcilio

via email

Your suggestion that we turn Game Informer into a video game pornography magazine is an intriguing one, but we'll keep things the way they are. Since you asked nicely, we'll give you the universal nude code for all games across all con- soles that you're looking for. It's Up, Up, Down, A, B, Triangle, L3, L4, the middle trigger button, 2.


Short Answers

to Readers’ Burning Questions "Recently | traded in Skyrim

and Skyward Sword for Metal Gear Solid Collection HD. Am | on acid?"

It sure sounds like it.

"| am receiving my issues of GI one morith early. Any idea what's going on?"

Let's chalk it up to time travel and call it a day.

“If I sent you a picture of my dog in a bikini can | have a free issue of the first Game Informer magazine?"

Depends on the breed of dog.

Worst News Tip of the Month:

"You should put as the cover of games that came out and how fun is it to play."

Worst Opening Line to a Feedback Letter:

“So, | have a first world problem.

(Left) Gl community blogger Kyle Wadsworth took time out of his busy ЕЗ schedule to catch up with the Game Informer crew. (Right) This month the mastermind behind our weekly online Blog Herding feature, Rich "Saint" Dickinson, stopped by the

Gl office for a visit. Read his work at

continued on page 8

feedback 7

Thanks for the Jason West and Vincent Zampella interview (issue 231). | was confused about what happened between them and Activision, and now I have a better understanding from one point of view, at least. After reading it, I’m going to have a hard time buying a game with. "Activision" written on it. | shouldn't punish other developers and avoid games that might be great, but that's a little too much shady behav- ior to continue supporting the publisher. To be honest, | wasn't planning on buying another Call of Duty anyway (I'm tired of the genre), but now | wish | hadn't bought Modern Warfare 3.

Cory Rogers

via email

This whole dramatic conspiracy with Activision has my head spinning and my eyes leaking some sort of salty discharge. l've been a huge Blizzard fan since the day | was born. But now I'm left feeling betrayed. Should | hate Activision Blizzard for this nonsense they're putting Jason and Vince through, or can | justifiably continue being a fan without appearing like a total jerk who enjoys watching other people get ripped off?

Wyatt Arent

via email

You’re not alone, Wyatt. We’ve heard

from a number of respondents vowing to boycott Activision after reading our West and Zampella interview, which covered their now-settled lawsuit with the publish- ing giant. But don’t feel obliged to forgo Blizzard's offerings. Activision won't see the

е nos 296 vay И connection between you skipping out оп 38 Violence in Video Games 26% | ft eal Enc c npa he d; your favorite games and its handling of the E Unreal Engine 4 Chatter 17% 1 E 5 1 former heads of Infinity Ward.

E Gears of War: Judgment Hype 14% їй Mass Effect З Ending Complaints (Seriously, Just Stop) 14%

Æ Readers Being Babies over Top Ten Video Game Babies 3%

If you could change one business practice in the video game industry, what would it be and why?

Adam got the

thumbs up approval from Final Fantasy XIV producer and director Naoki Yoshida. C Dead Space 3's associate producer John Calhoun and Bryan were more than happy to throw a bag over Ben Reeves' head and torture him. Who wouldn't be?

continued on page 10

8 feedback


FS Paced Thrill Ride That Tis the TAA D

LL d Balchack, MovieWeb, сот з

| ae. estes TH ?



BECOME A CITIZEN? Ж: E- Now to find out! -`


Enter the Game Informer Reader Art Contest. All you need to do is draw, paint, scratch, spit, or carve the best darn art you can think. of and send it to us. Please include your name, phone number, and return address. If you're the monthly winner, we'll feature your work in GI and you'll receive a video game prize from the Game Informer vault. All entries become the property of Game Informer and can't be returned.

1 Alex Oscavich If Calvin was a kid in 2012, he’d be. imagining Hobbes as his Captain Price.

2 Katerina Chantzis Dudley is peeved that hipsters co-opted his ironic facial hair obsession.

3 Jordan Welty Little known Nintendo fact: Link is voiced by that dude from Blur.

4 Darbi Lamb Don't wake this Moogle until Final Fantasy Versus XIII comes out.


feedback continued from page 8

Does Violence Matter?

In issue 231, we asked readers if violent content affects their purchasing decisions. While most gamers are fine with digital bloodshed, many parents shy away from gory games for the sake of their children. Additionally, a few of our readers are just plain creepy. Here are some responses.

| believe violence in a game should be explained and not just randomly included. If the game has a good plot, violence is perfectly okay. However, if there’s no reason for violence, it becomes com- pletely mind numbing. After a while | find myself questioning why | am playing a game that cannot keep me entertained without mutilating an enemy every few seconds.

Forrest A.

As a 37-year-old gamer, my life has been saturated with violence courtesy of mainstream media, so video game violence doesn’t cause me any qualms. However, as a parent with two young kids, it does affect when | get to play those games as in, before or after the kids are in bed.

Frank Loyd

No, it doesn't. Because | am a grown-ass woman who knows the difference between right and wrong, and | was a little-ass child who knew the difference between right and wrong because my parents took the time to teach me.

Leah Young

Violence does affect my decision in buying a video game. If Cooking Mama allowed you to use a spork to scrape out someone's guts and sauté them in mango chutney, | would totally buy it.

Chris Pecora

WINNER this month's

winner will receive a copy of

Game Informer

Render Art Contest 3 Starship Troopers Invasion on 724 1st St. N., E б Blu-ray DVD. 3rd Floor.

Mpls, MN 55401

Corrections: In issue 232' ا0‎ referred to the game's creative name is Ben Wanat. Sorry, Ben!

continued from page 8

(Left) Reiner did his best David Caruso impression when meeting EA's Charlie Sinhaseni and Lauren Scherr during E3. (Right) Ben Hanson and Adam were all smiles when they caught up with StarCraft II lead producer Chris Sigaty.

р Н fer } Е


10 feedback




Blood and Gore ڪڪ‎ === Intense Violence 8 m А тт. Sexual Content e

Strong Language TEI ayStation з $

(i Use of Drugs

SLEEPING DOGS © 2012 Square Enix, Ltd. Al Rights Reserved. SLEEPING DOGS and the SLEEPING DOGS lago are trademarks of Square Enix. Ltd. SQUARE ENIX and the Network lago is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. KINECT, Xbox. Xbox 340, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the

is ouya the next.

disney. shakes up \ with wreck-it ralph

create your own suda 51 game |

top ten loading screens

impulse: two.downloadable games worth watching

massive: unraveling the mystery of the secret world

interview: wargaming, explodes the free-to-play,

sandbox crafting game, Fortnite.

uring a recent game jam, Bulletstorm producer Tanya Jessen used her free time to toy around with the idea of getting people to play coopera- tively using disparate game types. "For example, how do you get one player who is interested in scavenging to interact with a player who is more interested in combat or exploration?" Jessen asks. At the same time, an Epic designer was interested in creating a game type that fea- tures open spaces and crafting, and another pro- grammer wanted to design a hub-based game that works around scripted enemy encounters. After the game jam concluded, these ideas eventually collided to form Fortnite. "We are harkening back to when we were building forts as kids and having fort battles," Jessen says. "Whether you were building it in the woods or in your parents' living room, everything around you was really important to the end goal of making an awesome fort. Fortnite was built on these ideas."

Some of the best ideas in the world are born out of collaboration and experi- mentation. This philosophy led Epic Games to schedule weeklong “game jams” that allow its designers to explore their most creative ideas. Over the years, these experimental sessions resulted in the development of titles like the upcoming iOS dungeon crawler Infinity Blade Dungeons as well as Epic's new


The developer finally delivers details on its PC-exclusive building project

» Release TBA

Like a more dangerous Minecraft, Fortnite puts players into a procedurally generated world where monsters have taken over, society has crumbled, and it's up to players to survive by building forts to hold back the zombie-like hordes that come out at night. Players explore abandoned neighborhoods and scavenge every building for parts that can be used to build an ever-evolving fort.

To streamline the design process, Epic devel- oped a fort-building system that allows players to lay out a 3D blueprint of the structure first. Once players form a general layout for the fort, they can use the tables, signposts, and cardboard boxes they've scavenged as the bricks and mortar.

"Even after you've laid out your foundation, you can go through and edit the whole thing," Jessen says. If you're placing a wall you can add windows and doors, make it a half-height wall, turn it into an arch, build different types of stairs, or create floors that have railings or are half width. "It's pretty much up to your creativity to build out the building and make it look awesome," Jessen says.

connect 13

The Unreal Experience

Fortnite is one of the first projects to show off the power of Epic's new Unreal Engine 4. The new engine gives devel- opers a greater level of freedom as it stream- lines the development process. For an example of how Unreal Engine 4 allows artists to develop environments in greater detail, check out these comparison images.

14 connect

Fortnite's graphics are inspired by old Looney Toons cartoons

Players must think strategically as well as aestheti- cally while building their forts, since Fortnite's ene- mies give them no respite. Creatures called husks are the worker-bee enemies of Fortnite. They are designed to burrow through walls and overwhelm players. A single husk may not be very dangerous, but they rarely travel alone.

Fortunately, every enemy has a weakness, and players can upgrade their forts to take advantage of them. Husks have no problem burrowing through level one wooden walls, but if players upgrade their walls to level two by adding better materials, they'll stop husks in their tracks.

Husks aren't the only foe players contend with, and many of the enemies play well together. While husks overwhelm players with numbers, smashers are brute-force enemies designed to break through walls and allow husks to get inside a player's base and cause havoc. Trolls, on the other hand, are sneaky enemies who can teleport through walls. These ugly guys don't have many hit points, but they sneak through the shadows and can slip through cracks in a fort's defenses to open doors or windows for the husk swarms. Trolls also steal from players, further weakening a fort's defenses.

Epic isn't ready to talk specifics about Fortnite's combat, item crafting, or how the day/night cycle affects enemy behavior. The developer is still experi- menting with how many users they can get into one game world, but Jessen promises that it supports more than two players.

Minecraft proved that open-world crafting games appeal to a large market. Fortnite's sharp visual style and twist on structure building should appeal to fans of this genre, but we're also eager to see if it recaptures the childlike thrill of building forts.


Goin West

The top web portal in China, Tencent, has started investing heavily in Western game developers. What does this signal for the future of gaming?

What is Tencent?

The third-largest web company in the world behind Amazon and Google, Tencent is a holding company that

owns and operates China's biggest In-

ternet service portal. Its most popular product is QQ Instant Messenger, which has more than 700 million users. The company also has made successful forays into social network- ing, search engine technology, and online advertising. Considering that the Internet penetration in China is only at roughly 40 percent of the total population, the company still has a lot of room to grow in its homeland.

What do they have to do

with games?

Tencent owns and operates the QQ games portal, which is the largest online gaming community in China. The company develops and operates shooters, MMOs, strategy games, and casual products predominantly driven by microtransactions.

Why should 1 care?

Tencent has become increasingly involved with Western publishers and developers. Last year, it bought a controlling stake in League of Legends developer Riot Games. Two months ago, it acquired a minority stake in Epic Games, the creators of Gears of War, Infinity Blade, and the Unreal Engine. Tencent also announced

a partnership to bring 2K Sports" NBA 2K series and Activision's Call

of Duty Online to its QQ games portal as free-to-play games.

What does Tencent gain from these deals?

In one word, craftsmanship. Each

of the partnerships Tencent has entered over the past two years are with proven companies and quality products. The Epic Games deal also presumably gives them easy access to technology like the Unreal Engine 4. Analysts like Wedbush Securities point man Michael Pachter believe these deals could be a precursor to Tencent eventually opening up shop in the United States and Europe. If Vivendi decides to sell Activision Blizzard

(as has been rumored), Pacific Crest analyst Evan Wilson believes Tencent is one of the few companies with enough capital and incentive to make the acquisition.

What's in it for game developers? Though several companies have suc- cessfully employed the free-to-play model in the United States, the market is still largely dependent on conven- tional retail or digital sales. By working with Tencent, Western companies gain access to the lucrative Chinese market, which is predominantly based on free-to-play titles. These publish- ers can gain firsthand experience with this surging economic model before making the broad free-to-play push

in the Western market that many companies (including big publishers like EA) believe could be the primary revenue model in the near future. The big checks Tencent is cutting also help close the deals.


012 Disney

by Jim Reilly

Show Me The Games

So far, only one developer has announced a project in development for Ouya. Robotoki, a studio headed by Robert Bowling, is planning a series of exclusive episodic prequel games based on his new zombie franchise, Human Element.

"We're excited about how Ouya will allow us to deliver episodic content for the game in an

The Next Big Thing?

n less than a day, the gaming industry fell

into a craze over a new console that hopes to.

find a space between high-definition console

gaming and the ever-growing mobile market.

On July 10, a California-based start-up

revealed Ouya, an open-source, Android-

based console that promises television-based gaming with a cheap price point of $99. After securing an initial investment from friends and family, the com- pany turned to Kickstarter, a popular crowd funding website, to help get its idea off the ground and into full production. Questions surrounding the Ouya concept's popularity with gamers were answered in the first eight hours, as its $950,000 pledge goal was reached in record time. As of press time, the project has nearly 40,000 backers and has raised over $5 million, the second largest in Kickstarter's history.

With console sales stagnating and talent fleeing the high-end market, Ouya CEO Julie Uhrman recognized an opportunity to bring those estranged designers who left to make mobile and social games back to consoles with an open platform. "There's been a lot of talk about ‘Are consoles dead?’ We don't think they're dead," Uhrman says. “We think it's time to rethink the way we do business. The current pricing is still too high for gamers, and it’s becoming expensive for developers to bring games to the TV.”

With Ouya, the developers set the pricing for their games; the one catch is that every game must have a free portion available, whether through a demo or free-to-play model. The console also supports other Android apps, such as TwitchTV, which comes included. The console comes with a controller that features dual analog sticks, a d-pad, eight buttons, and a touchpad.

The console sports a Nvidia Tegra 3 quad-core processor, the same chip in the new Google Nexus 7 tablet. This chip doesn’t quite match the horsepower of current consoles on the market; developers we spoke with suggest Ouya games will likely have a similar graphical fidelity to that of current iPad titles.

innovative new way, by rapidly prototyping gameplay experiences, features, and mechanics on their Android-based development SDK in a way that would be too costly or risky on more traditional platforms,” Bowling says. “This flexibility and accessibility from a design standpoint, is allowing us to bring experimental gameplay to the living room earlier and easier than we could ever do it before.”

Beyond that, many speculate that since the console runs on Android, we'll likely see existing games, such as Minecraft and Angry Birds, ported over for launch. Still, Ouya has support from a number of other game makers. Brian Fargo, CEO of inXile Entertainment, served as an early adviser for Ouya and says he supports any idea that opens the market up for smaller game companies.

"It is quite clear from their success on Kickstarter that developers and con- sumers want what Ouya is setting out to do,” he says. “A closed system can never ultimately compete with what an open one can do, and no developer wants to be locked out of the TV market."

Fargo says Ouya's success could create a marketplace closer in nature to the iOS platform than the heavily curated console market that currently exists. "This can be both a blessing and a curse, as the number of titles can grow rather exponentially,” he notes. “But again, I'll take an open, crowded system over a closed one. With a well-run store there should be an opportunity to have the good games highlighted so that the wealth can be spread around a bit. A large group of talented developers are clamoring for a chance to make a decent living at something they love."

Thatgamecompany co-founder Jenova Chen (Journey, Flower) and Mojang (Minecraft) have also publicly endorsed Ouya.

Several other developers are taking a wait-and-see approach. Gearbox Software president Randy Pichford says if Ouya succeeds he'd love to develop for the audience. “It would be interesting to see Borderlands on the platform,” he says. "We've done some work with the chipset through a great relationship with Nvidia. | think it could work out well."

Jeremiah Slaczka, CEO and creative director at Scribblenauts developer 5th Cell, says he'd consider supporting Ouya if his studio already had an Android game made, but wouldn't create a game specifically for Ouya until it's proven to be a viable market.

"| think Ouya is a lot more pipe dream than game changer," Slaczka says. "Even if they manage to nail down their manufacturing, hardware shipping, digital distribution portal, and business models they are still, at best, offering a niche product which will likely launch with ported software from tablets while competing with existing and future consoles."

Don't Believe The Hype?

The early groundswell of support hasn't turned every developer into an Ouya supporter. Twisted Pixel lead designer Dan Teasdale doesn't believe the hype, saying Ouya brings nothing new to the table. "All | see is someone putting an underpowered mobile board in a box and calling it a console," he says. "It's boring and has no unique hook."

Teasdale suggests that even with the millions of dollars Ouya received from Kickstarter, it will be tough for the company to cover the costs of build- ing, shipping, and ultimately launching the hardware, in addition to covering extra development expenses. It may also prove difficult for developers to generate a profit.

"If I wanted to actually make money off a game, the tiny install base com- bined with what will be a stupid crazy piracy rate on a fully rootable Android console shoots that idea in the head,” he says. "I'd rather target Steam Greenlight or Xbox Live Indie Games, both even with their faults far healthier platforms for developers to get their start and make money off their games than Ouya."

Measuring Impact

Even if Ouya is a home run with developers and consumers, it won't necessarily turn the indus- try on its head. Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter believes it has no chance of sup- planting the traditional game consoles from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo.

"| don't think it hits the industry much, if at all," Pachter says. "This is a supplement to new consoles, or a cheaper alternative for people who can't afford new consoles. It could lead to a broadening of the market, serving as 'training wheels' for some people who aren't sure if they want to buy a next-generation console."

Slaczka agrees, adding that several alternatives already exist for independent developers to release profitable games. "This isn't a console that is going to sell millions, and indies already

have PC and other digital platforms to get their work out,” he says. “However, | still think it's a very noble effort, and I’m excited that the company is setting such lofty goals.”

Ouya is currently scheduled to ship in early March, with backers of the Kickstarter getting priority. Additional launch details have not been announced.

Breaking Down the Ouya Console

* Quad-core Tegra 3 proc



* 8GB on-board flash

* HDMI connection to the TV at 1080p HD

* 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi

* Bluetooth LE 4.0

* Enclosure opens with standard screws

* Ethernet port


* Wireless controller with ?.4Ghz ВЕ

* Standard game controls (two analog sticks, d-pad, eight action buttons, à system button)

* Touchpad

* 2x AA batteries

* Enclosure opens with

standard screws

OS and software

* Android 4.0

* Custom TV UI

* Integrated custom game store

* SDK for game development

* Ability to root device without voiding warranty

connect 17

What a Wreck

interview by Ben Reeves

| Disney Shakes Up Video Game Films B with Wreck-It Ralph

uring the early ‘90s, Rich Moore helped shape prime-time television with his Work on some iconic episodes of The Simpsons including “Treehouse of Horror" and "Flaming Moe's." Moore later went on to work on shows like Futurama, The Critic, and Drawn Together. All the while, the

director has retained his love for video games. During the production of his upcoming Disney film, Wreck-It

Ralph, Moore blew off steam with games like Skyrim and Saints Row: The Third.

Moore's love of games shines through the film's early trailers; Wreck-It Ralph already looks like one of the best video game-related films ever made. Set in a world where arcade characters come to ife, Wreck-It Ralph tells the story of the villain from the fictional arcade classic Fix-It Felix Jr. After spending 30 years terrorizing his virtual word, Ralph grows tired of being the bad guy, and sets out to explore

the fellow game worlds in his arcade and find a greater purpose.

Moore's new animated film displays a reverence and respect for the medium that most feature length films (even those with game licenses) often lack. We sat down with Moore to talk about the original concept for the movie, how he worked to get characters like Bowser and Pac-Man into the film, and how Disney hopes to wreck video gaming's terrible movie legacy when the film releases this November.


Did you grow up playing a lot of games?

| grew up during that generation when video games first hit the scene. When Pong came around, | can remember playing that. Space Wars was a big one in my town, and Asteroids right after that. | was always at the arcade with my friends. | would hang out and spend a lot of money at a place called Golf ‘n’ Stuff in Venture, California. Looking back, you never think, “Wow, I'm going to be nostalgic for Golf ‘n’ Stuff." But really, those were great, formative years. It was around the time when Star Wars came out. So for a young person in the late ‘70s, there was

a lot of fuel for the fire. | feel like those hours of playing Crazy Climber, Dig Dug, and Pac-Man are finally paying off.

When you started working on Wreck-It Ralph, you weren't even sure you'd do classic games. What was your original pitch for the movie?

The thought was: no one has ever done a feature-length movie set in games besides Tron; that's its own kind of genre. It seemed like the life of video game characters is interesting. It's a really rich world. Visually, it would be stunning. But at first, | didn't think it would work, because video game characters they have no choice; there's no free will. They're programmed to do one thing and that's it. That's not compelling. From there, the next step was, "Well, maybe that's the conflict in the story." Maybe there is a character who wants more out of life than what he's got, what he's programmed for. And that little spark was the human aspect of it. That's the deep internal core ofthe story.

How much did that initial concept evolve as you went?

At one point, the movie was going to be about the Felix character the good guy character, and we thought [it wasn't] very interesting. It would be

more interesting to watch a story about Donkey Kong than Mario, because Мапо% just good. Where's the conflict in that? Where's the interest in that? But once we got that nailed down, [it took] a good nine months to a year to decide, "Okay, this should be a movie that everyone can relate to. Not just gamers." We said, "Let's just track the human story of this thing." Once we got that nailed down, then we could play around.

How were you able to get actual video game characters in the film? Companies like Nintendo are notorious for not working well with others.

We took the creative road. We didn't send law- yers to say, "What's it gonna take to get these characters?" We said, "Which characters do we like? Which characters are appropriate for these scenes?” Then, we built relationships with those companies. At ЕЗ 2011, we met with people from Namco. It was surreal to be at E3 in a temporary office, where you can hear the din of the conven- tion going on around you, meeting with Kudo- san from Namco, and pitching the movie to him. He actually laughed when we told him what we wanted Pac-Man to do. Then the lawyers met and they went through the back and forth. But it began with personally meeting and saying, “This is what we'd like to do. We would love to have Pac-Man and Dig Dug in the movie. These are seminal characters. The movie would not be as good without them.”

Did some companies place restrictions on how you could use their characters?

Like you said, Nintendo is stringent. They're strict with how their characters are presented. We have this scene with Bowser, and they wanted to see things and have the authority to say, “Okay, we like it.” So we would send things back and forth. There was a point where Capcom and Nintendo were kind of bickering back and forth

through us. Nintendo would say, "Bowser's bigger than that. He's taller." So we said, "We'll make him bigger." Then the guys at Capcom would

see him and say, "M. Bison is much, much bigger than that. He's at least as big as Bowser." So we made M. Bison bigger, and then the people at Sega would say, "Robotnik is much taller. He looks very small compared to Bowser and M. Bison." | was like, "Guys, if we keep making these characters any bigger, it's going to be three titans sitting in a room of all these midgets.

There was some back-and-forth like that. But honestly, it made the scene better. These com- panies know their characters. They want to make Sure they're represented right. If Nintendo says, "Bowser wouldn't make that shape with his mouth when he drinks coffee," at least they're letting us have him drink coffee and do a spit take. That's what | would always tell the crew. We've still got Bowser in the scene. We're having him drink coffee and spitting it out. How he spits itis not a big deal.

Video game movies have a poor track record of quality. What's different about

this movie and your approach to the

video game medium?

Those movies, like Tomb Raider and the Resident Evil movies. ..| don't think that those are about video games. | think that those are about stories from a video game. | never felt like those were about real people. | never thought, "Oh, I'm watching the character in a video game.” Our film is about characters that come from video games. The way that Toy Story was about toys in a room that all live together and they know that they're toys. We're doing that with games. | think it's different in that respect. It's owning up to the fact that these are video game characters. Those

other video game movies always seemed so Serious to me, and | think there's a lot of humor in video game culture. | think they always miss the comedy. To me, the way Pac-Man dies is funny. There are elements in games that I think are comedic.

It seems like you guys started with the Story, as opposed to starting with a license. Right. Like, how do we make Lara Croft?

First you get Angelina Jolie. Then, you put her in shorts. | think Wreck-it Ralph has a good heart to it.

I played the Wreck-It Ralph game that's on the film’s website, and it was fun. How did that come about and who developed it?

We have a game [division]. Disney's so big. Anything that you can think of in entertainment there is an arm for it. It's a gigantic entity. It's great, and also kind of scary. We decided at one point that it would be great to come up with an old 8-bit version of this game. We wanted to

do cabinets that we can actually build, and we wanted it to feel exactly like it came from 1982. We wanted it to reek of that kind of authenticity. | told the guys that “It has to feel exactly like an 8-bit game.”

There was a point where they said, “We're going to go to a programmer who still uses 8-bit boards to program games. Let's see what he does." Now we have a bunch of cabinets that we're touring around. I'm really proud of them - as proud as | am of the movie. One night, | was play- ing until midnight at the studio. It got its hooks

in me; | felt like | was at Golf ‘n’ Stuff again. ^

John C. Reilly and

Three Questions With

Wreck-It Ralph Star John C. Reilly

Did you play games when you were a kid?

When I was a kid, yeah. My parents would never go for spending the big money on the good games. I played a lot of games in arcade. I re- member when Space Invaders first came out it was like, this radical thing. After a childhood of pinball, suddenly there was this crazy game called Space Invaders. My parents finally after I begged them to get me a home console - they got me this thing called Odyssey. It had a keyboard and some of the games on it were okay, but I was like, "Mom, I didn’t say Odyssey - I said Atari!"

What drew you to this role?

The story itself is more the guy's journey as a character, which is more about my own life. I'm in my late 40s and that's the classic time for a mid-life crisis or a reevaluation about what life's all about. You've accomplished certain things with work and your life, and then you can start to see the other end of the lifespan, and you start thinking, "Is this all there is?" That's what my character goes through. He realizes, "Wait a minute. I've been smashing buildings for 30 years and everyone hates me. Is that really all I'm ever going to do?" So he decides to leave the game, go out down the power cord into some other games.

Video game movies generally have a reputation for not being very good. Is there something you feel that this movie has that those other ones have lacked?

Most have [tried] to take an existing video game and turn it into a com- pelling story - which is difficult because video games themselves are not linear. What makes this movie cool is that it's what you've always won- dered when you play a video game. What's it like for that character? If that character had an off-screen life, what would it be like? It's kind of a fun version of the universe of video games where the video game char- acters know about each other, and they meet in the surge protector that's the kind of central station. So my character is aware of Q*bert and Frogger and Zangief, and these other characters from other games. It's a fun way to go about it.


Rich Moore (right) with Wreck-It Ralph stars


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rasshopper Manufacture СЕО Goichi Suda (a.k.a. Suda 51) has a reputation for making some of the industry's most stylish


Create Your Own Suy da 51 Game

8 games. Killer 7, No More Heroes, and 5 Lollipop Chainsaw each have cult fol- lowings and demonstrate the studio's Bi unique approach to development. But 9 why should Suda 51 be the only one creating this breed of bizarre interactive entertainment? By filling 10 in the blanks using the designated : word banks, you can design your own Suda-like game and become an auteur developer yourself! 1 12 The main character isa —— ——— SS whose life is turned upside-down thanks to a chance | meeting after а === oe Upon encountering a SS ee who eventually becomes the protagonist's ________________ -players are mysteriously transported into a E plagued by perpetual —-___ must —— e—Àà but that is harder than it sounds. The quest involves (9) lots of a _, culminating na —_____________ ending that makes (11) (12) ТЕ sense. Of course, little of the exposition is delivered conventionally, instead relying on to convey the main plot points. The game is called "S Unfortunately, the publisher doesn't throw much marketing support behind the project. Upon release, sales are "S 16 though it eventually earns a cult following. Gamers praise it for its SS but are almost unanimously disappointed by . Better luck next time! M (18) 18

20 connect

Psychotic Clockwork Remorseless By-the-book Drug-addicted

Lead singer Assassin Cheerleader Detective Al Construct

Punk rock concert Surreal philosophical journey Football game

Battle with hundreds of guys Prison sentence

Deformed Magical Shrieking Quivering Wise

Skull Succubus Luchadore mask Television


Love interest Alternate identity Ultimate weapon Spiritual guide Face

Haunted hotel Parallel dimension Video game Deserted school Demon's stomach

Dinnertime Darkness Acid rain Zombie attacks Annoying noises

Rescue a family member Kill everything

Avenge a lost love

Find enlightenme Prevent doomsday

Swearing Cleavage Wang jokes Gore Wrestling

Motorcycles Backtracking Shallow combat Grinding Upgrades

Bombastic Philosophical Perplexing Twist Depressing

A little. No

Music videos Fortune cookies

Slightly above average Okay


Below expectations Poor

Visual style Soundtrack Outlandish premise Clever writing Quirky characters

The gameplay

The Good

The Bad

ANOTH ER another delay. Studio oy co-founder Randy GEARBO Pitchford recently ann- ounced that Brothers

GAME in Arms: Furious 4 is

9 indefinitely delayed,

citing an evolution to the development team's approach. Maybe Gearbox is delaying the game in

hopes that everyone will forget about Inglourious Basterds before the game comes out.




“We won't

make the title featuring the all-star voice acting of Nolan North. E The game comes out sometime next year, but Activision same mistake has not revealed which consoles it will ultimately : appear on. The initial trailer for the game didn't show that we did any gameplay, but it did attempt to capture the humor with the 3DS, and brutality of the character. Y У which was considered relatively high by


ACTIVISIO halted game development at internal studio Radical Entertainment, creators of the Prototype franchise. The series hasn't lived up to sales expectations, so Activision laid off the majority of the staff and is considering selling the developer. The

remaining staff is serving in a support role for other Activision titles. In the past two years, Activision has closed Bizarre Creations, 7 Studios, Luxoflux, RedOctane, Budcat Creations, and Underground Development.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata assures

e Р > BV. { the public the Wii U price © A; ex d 4 ч - won't be excessive

connect 21

by Jeff Marchiafava



Loading screens are often annoying roadblocks that delay players from getting into the action. We were thrilled when the PSX version of Ridge Racer gave us a game to play while the game we were waiting to play loaded. Completing the quick round of Galaxian would even unlock new cars. Why haven't more companies done this? Probably because Namco patented loading screen minigames. Way to ruin the fun, Namco.

Platinum Games’ sexy witch simulator puts its load-

ing times to good use by allowing players to practice Bayonetta's combos. The loading area doesn't have enemies to practice the moves on, but for a game with such an entertaining move set, we're happy to spend the occasional minute kicking nonexistent butt.

Rockstar's hard-boiled detective is one of the unluckiest characters in all of gaming, so we can understand if you forget what calamity he's suffering through in between sessions of Max Payne 3. Thankfully, the comic book- esque loading screens present the player with a helpful recap of the events leading

up to where you left off in a style that nicely complements the slick presentation.

22 connect

How do you keep Elder Scrolls fans enter- tained during load times? Apparently, you just throw the model for an in-game object on screen and give players the ability to twirl it around and zoom in. It sounds trivial, but that hasn't stopped us from rotating that dragon about a million times.

Who could forget Capcom's noble attempt to dull the pain of Resident Evil's constant loading with its interstitial cutscenes? Whether

we were slowly opening creaky doors, walking down flights of stairs, or climbing ladders one rung at a time, Resident Evil's brief cutscenes height- ened our fear of what was up ahead at least the first dozen times.

lineup for your next race.

The stark white loading screens of Okami may seem like standard fare, until players start making paw prints with the press of a button, revealing two minigame variations that grant the player Demon Fangs if completed successfully. If only the muddy prints your puppy leaves on the couch were that helpful.

Perhaps the best loading screens are the ones you don't even notice. The Modern Warfare series seamlessly presents players with their next mission briefing during load times, distract-

ing them with enough holographic globes and electronic layover images to give Jerry Bruckheimer feelings of inadequacy.

EA's NBA Live series

has a rocky history,

but the 06 installment introduced a feature that gamers unanimously embraced. The ever- present practice gym lets players shoot hoops to their heart's content while loading match-ups. The shots you make don't count toward anything, but it beats staring at art of sweaty NBA players.


Another example of a little control going a

long way, Dirt 2 allows you to pan and zoom MGS 4's lengthy install is the perfect time the camera in on a variety of stats while your for a smoke break if you're Solid Snake, at next event loads, including mission progres- least. For eight minutes, players watch the sion, unearned achievements, and the driver grizzled operative suck down a cigarette in

real time, as a smattering of tips appear on screen, including a health warning for the dangers of smoking.




Two Hot Downloadable Games On the Horizon

ell Yeah: Wrath of the Dead Rabbit H isn't just weird; it's bonkers. That's

exactly the intent. Developer Arkedo embraces its over-the-top concept and wraps it around the tried and true "Metroidvania" gameplay. Players slip into the skin of Ash, the devil rabbit prince of hell who has to correct an image problem. Pictures are surreptitiously making the rounds among the hellspawn of the prince in a compromising situation with a rubber duckie. The prince believes he deserves more respect, so he jumps into his giant circular-saw- blade vehicle and sets out to beat, grind, and shoot some sense into his subjects.

The juvenile and silly art style captures a weird cartoon vibe that sits somewhere between Ren & Stimpy and Ubisoft's Rayman Origins. Smooth, colorful animation highlights grotesque and absurd situations, from grisly body parts flying everywhere to trampolines made from fleshy butts positioned strategically through the world.

Hell Yeah's ridiculous premise and art are the window dressing on a bracing action/explora- tion game. Maintaining the tenets of the genre, you'll pass several inaccessible locations until you unlock a new ability and backtrack to the mysterious gate. The strange saw-blade vehicle you inhabit is a handy tool for exploration, allowing Ash to stick to walls and reach seem- ingly inaccessible areas. Beyond its obvious melee potential, the prince's strange chariot can also fire missiles and other projectiles at enemies. During some enemy kills you can trig- ger execution animations with special button- mash moments that result in an array of Strange

and quirky deaths. After you finish them off, the. unfortunate demons leave some money that players can use to upgrade Ash's arsenal or alter the way he looks.

Hell Yeah is deranged, but its colorful visu- als and taut action prove to me that it's more sophisticated than its sophomoric sense of

humor would have us believe. We'll see if this prince of hell has what it takes to impress audi- ences when the game releases later this year.

Part musical experiment, and part platforming action game, Sound Shapes is the new project from Jonathan Mak, who gained notoriety on the indie scene with Everyday Shooter. Along with indie electronic musician Shaw-Han Liem, the duo crafted the fundamentals for the game before inviting other developers and artists like. deadmaus, PixelJam, Сару, and Jim Guthrie to contribute to the sound and visual design.

On the surface, Sound Shapes is a challenging platforming game in the vein of Super Meat Boy filled with dozens of small, discrete stages. The levels split out into albums, each of which shares а common musical and visual thread. Players navigate a little blob character through increas- ingly challenging sequences. The levels 1 played in early builds offer plenty of challenging jumps and carefully timed dashes between safe locations.

Sound Shapes distinguishes itself through the way music works its way into gameplay.

\ -—

Hell Yeah: РІ ation

of the Dead Rabbit

As you collect the musical notes strewn around a level, they layer into the music you're hearing as you play, as if the screen in front of you is a single loop of a musical track. Your movements and actions in the game world also layer in additional sounds, helping enmesh you in the musical soundscape that you are, in part, helping to create.

This creative experience extends beyond the platforming levels into the level crafting. An easy-to-use sound editor lets you place shapes onto the screen and slowly piece together your own song. Conceivably, some gamers could have a great time just experimenting with the editor. Your songs/levels can then be shared with others.

Queasy Games has been developing Sound Shapes for a long time, but the game should be out within days of this magazine's release for both Vita and PS3. Buy it on one, and you get both versions. If you save your levels on the cloud, you can even flip back and forth without a delay between different platforms. ^

For more on the downloadable and independent game scene,

check out daily updates at For more їп this issue, read our review of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD on p. 91, and our scores for Dyad, Penny Arcade: On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness 3, Pocket Planes, Endless Space, Spelunky, and Zuma's Revenge on p. 96.

Sound Shapes PlayStation 3 + PlayStation

connect 23

by Matt Miller

Group combat encourages players to exploit special impaired states that can be placed on an enemy, like “hindered” or “penetrated”

omewhere between the inexplicable S horror of H.P. Lovecraft, the secret con-

spiracies of The X-Files, and the slick action of The Matrix lies The Secret World. Funcom accentuates this unusual MMO's unique premise with a number of features that make the project feel distinct from its competi- tion. While not every element of the game holds up to extended scrutiny, my experience during the first few weeks of The Secret World revealed а deep game system that rewards thoughtful play and exploration over cookie-cutter missions and grinding.

Your journey into The Secret World begins when a modern-day, run-of-the-mill human character discovers a sudden supernatural capability. Within days, he comes to the atten- tion of one of three secret organizations the Templars, Illuminati, and the Dragon - each of which is trying to cement a clandestine hold over the world by harnessing supernatural powers. You're drawn into the fold and tasked with furthering your faction's interests in the world. Though each organization has its own starting area and NPC characters, | didn't find that my choice of faction had a profound effect on the game going forward.

The creators behind The Secret World should be proud of their game world. Whether you're exploring a shattered Maine township overrun by undead or investigating ancient Egyptian tombs, the game zones are grounded in reality and filled with detail. Strongly acted, fully voiced charac- ters appear in frequent cutscenes to introduce quests. The witty, self-aware writing may try too hard to be clever at times, but at least it's not boring. These mission briefings paint a potent picture of the horror and danger inherent to this fiction, but it feels weird that your character remains silent in the exchanges.

While some of the missions fall into the familiar “kill five zombies" or “take this object from point A to point B," a majority of quests break that trend and demand more thought. One memo- rable mission early in the game sent me in pur- Suit of a flock of black ravens as they led me to an incomplete occult ritual. Examining the notes of a nearby dead researcher, | learned that | needed to lay raven feathers around a circular pool to summon a demonic creature and defeat it. Special investigation missions take things a step further, demanding critical thinking and even research outside of the game to find solu- tions; an in-game web browser is included so

as not to break immersion. For one early puzzle, | had to look up the works of a Danish painter, use the hands of a clock to track down a bible verse, and translate a Latin phrase to obtain an email password. | love the way these quests drew me into the conspiracies of modern-day myth. My only complaint about the mission structure is it severely limits how many mis- sions one can tackle at a time. The goal here is undoubtedly to keep players focused on a few tasks at a time, but this results in more back- tracking through areas than | would have liked.

Your character progresses as you complete the varied missions, but not through traditional leveling. Instead, experience points in The Secret World contribute to a pool of ability and skill points that you can apply any way you desire. Want a blade-wielding swordsman who dabbles in blood magic? How about a shotgun-toting thug who pulls out a giant hammer in close quar- ters? You have the flexibility to craft the character you want, and the game encourages you to experi- ment with various ability combinations; at any time you can field seven active abilities and seven passives that accentuate those actions. | love the variety of characters that emerge, but it's also easy to make bad decisions, and the lack of a clearly designated level number makes it tricky to figure out where you're at in relation to other players.

However you distribute ability points, you use those attacks to confront all the horrors that modern mythology can throw at you. Combat in The Secret World puts a high priority on posi- tioning and movement, and battles feel dynamic and more engaging than many hot-buttoned MMOs. Players are rewarded for careful obser- vation of enemies and exploiting status effects applied by different abilities. Unfortunately, char- асїег movement often feels floaty, and neither spells nor weapons feel like they connect with your enemies despite a wide variety of interest- ing animations for each action. Many battles Stretch on several seconds longer than they should as well. I'd prefer battles to feel tense and dangerous over long and repetitive.

Much of The Secret World is solo friendly, but instanced dungeons and player vs. player bat- tles offer reasons to hook up with fellow players. The couple cooperative instances | encountered in the first 40 hours of play were entertaining romps through a string of imposing bosses.

It's standard MMO fare, but even at low levels you run into epic monster fights. PvP offers three distinct conflicts at launch. Stonehenge

The different locales each evoke familiar themes of modern day horror and mythology

is a straightforward fight to hold the center and eliminate enemy soldiers. El Dorado is a fun team skirmish

to control a set of relics scattered around ancient ruins. My favorite is the Fusang Projects. Players drop into this sprawling, persistent battleground with dozens of other players at one time. The competing factions each try to capture objectives around the level, all the while killing each other in the streets. | love the emergent dynam- ics that result; a team of five players might think they're rolling deep as they round a corner only to come face to face with a gathering of 30 enemies and flee in terror.

Despite some broken quests and other technical hiccups in the first few days after release, The Secret World managed a relatively smooth launch. More importantly, I'm ready to throw more of my time at the game, which is perhaps the best recommendation a game reviewer can offer after crunch- ing through a time-intensive game. | have doubts about Funcom's decision to charge both a subscription fee and use an in-game real-money store for character ele- ments like new outfits, but it doesn't harm the gameplay so we'll see what the player base has to say about it.

The Secret World isn't perfect, but for MMO players ready for a break from the medieval fantasy and level grinding of most games on the market, it's a refreshing change from the norm. Ф

connect 25

26 Explodes the Free-to-Play Market

Anyone who saw the company's huge display at this year's E3 knows that is not the niche publisher of military strategy games it used to be. With over 30 million reg- istered users of its free-to-play World of Tanks MMO, CEO Victor Kislyi has his sights set on

big things.

You made retail PC releases for a long time. Now, you've moved to a free-to-play model. Why did you become frustrated with the retail system?

It is really painful, especially when you are a small independent developer. This publisher, the contract, the milestones, the payments, the royalties, the distribution, and the deadlines... and piracy. We realized whenever you release a retail product it is going to get pirated within, at that time, maybe a week. Now it is literally 24 hours.

Do you think that the current retail system is going to become a thing of the past? Absolutely. | think that historically, philosophi- cally, and from a civilizational standpoint this is very illogical that a product that is essentially digital is still being sold like a basket of grain in Bethlehem or Babylon 5,000 years ago.

How did you come up with the idea for a free-to-play massively multiplayer online tank game?

The good news for us was that free-to-play madness started in Asia and [made] its way westward through Russia. Ugly-looking browser games with stupid turn-based or real- time mechanics, but they were free-to-play. But when you learned the revenue numbers maybe one or two or three million a month you would say, "Wow." After we decided to not make any more boxed games, we started to make an MMO. The first concept was fantasy, because 98 percent of all MMOs at that time were fantasy. Then [someone] said, “Are you sure you want to make another fantasy game? Why don't we make an MMO about something which we really know well?” That was tanks. We had already made 10 games featuring tanks sci-fi tanks, World War Il tanks. We looked at this and said, "Let's take a risk." So we stopped producing fantasy creatures and we turned 180 degrees and started to make the first MMO about tanks.

It is a risk that has paid off incredibly. What kind of numbers do you have right now for the people playing World of Tanks at any given time?

Right now World of Tanks is launched in the following territories: Russia, Europe, North America, and China. In China you have to go through a partner. We have more than 30

million registrations so far. In free-to-play, one registration does not equal a World of WarCraft registration because in World of WarCraft you have to pay $15. They have this kind of free- to-play approach, but in general one World of WarCraft registration is generating more money than a free-to-play registration. On the other hand, when you have 30 million players or more that is also a sweet, sweet number.

Do you find that your revenue is gener- ated by most of the players buying a small number of things or a few select players that buy a high volume of items? Seventy-five percent of people will never buy anything. Little boys or teenagers they play for free. You have to provide them with the same kind of software quality and service as the paying users. You have to cater to those 75-percent of non-paying users anyway, and we are catering to them. Those people who pay spend on average around the price of two movie tickets. That is the golden rule of free- to-play; you don't try to squeeze more than two movie tickets [out of a player]. In America, that would about $25 per paying user, approxi- mately. In China that's of course less, [because] movies are cheaper in China.

World of Warplanes was shown at E3. Are you confident that you guys can handle aerial combat?

1 don't perceive World of Warplanes as a copycat of World of Tanks. In the first place, it is being made by another team in Ukraine. We are aware of the fact that this is a 3D dogfight- ing game that requires more of a 3D spatial kind of orientation. [Making a] game is simple: it's experimenting. Make the first prototype and show it to people. We have millions of World of Tanks players, so we can from time to time [ask them] to test internal versions of World of Warplanes. Then you do closed beta. We are now in closed beta, and you attract thousands of people and you see how they play, how they react.

You have also mentioned World of Battleships in recent interviews. Is the end goal having a huge free-to-play online world where some people are playing in planes, some people in tanks, and others in battleships?

First of all, we have to make World of

Tanks, World of Warplanes, and World of Battleships enjoyable games on their own. Virtual pilots would kill us if we sacrificed dogfighting excitement for the sake of also

driving in a tank. Trust me, making even

one game with a single kind of weapon is

а big endeavor.... But at this year's ЕЗ we announced as a service. You [know] another big company that has this uni- fied .net kind of service where you log in and you have access to all those fantastic games. You know what | am talking about. This is not rocket science. It is easy, you just have to have a nice login, a nice website where you can get all of your statistics and have access to all the wonderful games you have. You can compare your statistics with your friends, you can participate in tournaments and ladders, clan wars, get special discounts all of your Social gaming life happens under one login. We'll also allow and this is unique you to transfer, for example, the experience points you earned in World of Tanks into World of Warplanes and immediately unlock a top-

tier Messerschmitt 109 BF. We ran this idea through our forums and people are ecstatic about this.

Would you pursue the console market

if the next generation of consoles were more open to the free-to-play model?

1 would be moderately optimistic on that. We are not experienced in console games as a company. Right now you can read a lot of ana- lysts and [everything] is up in the air. Nobody knows what will happen whether consoles will die off, or if Sony and Microsoft will have to change significantly to suit this digital universe we live in. What 1 can be really sure about is mobile. Mobile is going to conquer the world, and 1 am talking to you using my iPhone, like everyone else. So mobile will be there.

As long as you have a screen and the Internet, | think we as a company will survive. The input device or the size of the screen does not mat- ter. A well-designed free-to-play game suc- ceeds on the gameplay and the experience. So, let's say that PC dies three years from now and everyone has a tablet and it can be con- nected to a TV. | think we as a company will survive. We'll change World of Tanks in a way that it is playable on a tablet with touchscreen or a joystick you can attach. It is all about experience. We know that this whole PC domi- nance of PC free-to-play will not be forever. It is going to be mobile and then probably some smart console concept that we cannot even imagine now. You have to keep looking at those new concepts and adapt your gameplay to that new platform. ^


Caen Г

EARLY 19905

BEHIND THE CURTAIN Kislyi attends the state university in Belarus, majoring in physics. There, he and other computer enthusiasts play games like Doom and Command & Conquer



Kislyi travels to the U.S. as ап exchange student. He falls in love with the American Dream and

also discovers that the tabletop game he and his colleagues had designed in Belarus bore a strong resemblance to the iconic Risk, which they'd never seen before


BEGINNINGS is formed by a core group of colleagues, including Kislyi's brother.

In 2000, it releases its first game, DBA Online


MASSIVE SUCCESS The company releases the turn-based strategy game Massive Assault, which was adapted from their Risk-like tabletop game prototype



Frustrated by the retail game business, Wargaming releases Massive Assault Network, an online, downloadable strategy title


FOLLOWING ORDERS Wargaming adds another new franchise to its stable: the real-time strategy title Order of War



World of Tanks releases in Russia, and quickly becomes a phenomenon. The game collects more than 30 million registered players


TAKE TO THE SKIES announces that World of Warplanes will be released in 2012. World of Battleships is also in development

connect 27

by Ben Reeves and Matt Bertz


ت اا = а‏


A stable network connection can make the difference between landing that critical shot on an enemy arm- ing an M-Com station in Battlefield 3 or giving up the frontline. In our never-ending search for network stabil- ity, we took two high-end routers for a spin that boast priority streaming technology that manages traffic flow to make sure your gaming session continues unin-

Belkin Advance N900

Though its vertical standing design may be impractical for cer- tain people, if you can look past its awkward exterior the N900

is a capable media streaming router. Unlike the D-Link router, the N900 delivered great speeds throughout the loftspace on both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequen- cies. Thanks to its Intellistream technology, the router capably handled Battlefield 3 multiplayer sessions, Netflix video streams, and Spotify music streams with- out sacrificing in-game network performance. Like the D-Link, console owners need an adapter to enjoy the increased/stabilized wireless speeds afforded by the 5GHz 802.11n frequency, but newer devices like the iPad 2 can take advantage of the new speeds out of the box. The only area the N900 needs improve- ment is with the setup. Modern routers shouldn't have to install uncessesary software on your desktop, and you need to restart the router every time you make a settings change.

$199 |

Console owners need an adapter to enjoy the

increased/stabilized wireless speeds


terrupted even if another family member is stream- ing video or downloading music. Which router rules the roost? See below.

D-Link DIR-857 HD Media Router 3000

The DIR-857's boxy design won't win any style awards, but it's inconspicuous enough to slide onto your desk without calling attention to itself. Straightforward setup makes it a breeze to get up and running, and the web-based interface offers several customiz- able options for advanced users. The router pushes two 450Mbps data streams, one at the over- crowded 2.4GHz frequency

and another on the 5GHz band. During our tests we experienced no hiccups streaming an HD Netflix video on the 5GHz fre- quency, engaging in a multiplayer match via the Gigabit Ethernet connection, and downloading files on the 2.4GHz band. The only major knocks we have against this high-powered router is the weaker wireless signal range. For the price, we expected a more stable performance at any corner of the loftspace for such a simple task.

GE навини

$189 |



"тие moan


So many people are jumping into the tablet

market these days that it's hard to keep track, but when Google gets behind a system, you have to take notice. Developed in conjunction with Asus, the Nexus 7 features a 1280x800 IPS touchscreen, an eight-hour battery, and a textured, non-slip grip. This seven-inch tablet may be small, but with an Nvidia 1.2GHz Tegra 3 quad-core processor, it's also power- ful. Furthermore, it's the first tablet to make use of the new Android 4.1 Jelly Bean operating system. The Nexus 7 cruises through most modern apps and games, and is an enticing way to consume your favorite books, magazines, and movies. Its price also makes it a hard bargain to resist.

$199.99 (8GB), $249.99 (16GB) |

Portal 2 Turret

Gaming Head's 16-inch replica of Portal 2’s

deadly turrets features a motion sensor that activates the red lights when something passes in front of it. But be warned, Portal 2 replica turrets will not protect your children or pets from home invaders. They will not prevent your merchandise from theft. They will Not love you. However, they will provide you with hours of statuesque posing on the mantle of your choice.

$299.99 |

= E 9 S © =


Batman may be insane, but

our society has an obsession with him. Langley a professor of psychology at Henderson University puts Batman on his Couch and dives under the mask, examining the Dark Knight's psyche and what makes him such an interesting figure.



Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow author J. T. Petty tells a well- paced horror-western about a young man hired to burn down a ghost town only to discover that many of the town's inhabitants died from a mysterious plague.



It's hard to stop watching HBO's stylish prohibition-era series.

In season two, nearly every character leads a double life. How will Atlantic City treasurer Nucky Thompson maintain order after some of his closest allies commit insurrection?



One of the advantages the

Scott Pilgrim movie had over the comics was color. No longer! This remastered 6 x 9-inch hardcover recounts the Challenges of Canadian slacker Scott Pilgrim and showcases his battle with Ramona’s first evil ex in a rainbow of color.


connect 29


, Dead or Alive 5 Î

Ow ГЫТ Г ЕГ ш Ас б دات‎ АА

01.1 PAX Prime Continues Downtown Seattleites, do not be alarmed if you stand behind a space marine in a Starbucks line or bump into a human dressed up as a Transformer as you cross Pike Street. Penny Arcade Expo is in full swing, and cos- players are in full force. This is a great show for new game announcements, developer panels, and people watching. The show ends on Sunday.

01.2 Meta in Minneapolis

If they're not eating a Waluigi sandwich at 708 Deli, Minneapolis gamers should be attending Meta Con, a three-day show held at Bloomington's Double Tree. The annual costume contest is the highlight, but you can also get your game on in tournaments held all weekend long. Who knows, you may even see Reiner teasing cosplayers.

04 New Releases Harley Pasternak's Hollywood Trainer (360) » Ratchet & Clank Collection (PS3) » The Sims 3: Supernatural (PC)

30 connect

п?! The Testament of Sherlock Holmes

18.1 e

Borderlands 2

Ju اټ‎

05.1 DC Comics Turns Zero... Again

All of DC Comics’ New 52 books for the month are numbered issue 0. The purpose of this numerical retreat is to flesh out origin stories and provide more history for the char- acters and their universe. This event marks the debut of a new Batman series called Talon, starring Calvin Rose, a former Court

of Owls assassin.

05.2 Cowboys

Versus Giants

If your first thought is “а sequel to Cowboys Versus Aliens?" pat yourself on the back; you're an amazing nerd. September 5 doesn't mark the release of a new film,

but rather the kick off of a new NFL season, starting with a showdown between the Cowboys and Giants.

07 Finally Something

to Do in Madison

Madison can be boring if you aren't into cheese curds or college football. Geekkon, a three-day event for gamers and anime

held at the Madison Marriott West.

ities include LAN gaming for StarCraft and Team Fortress, plus plenty of tabletop gaming opportunities.

11 New Releases

» NBA Baller Beats (360)

» NHL 13 (PS3, 360)

» Ragnarok Odyssey (Vita)

» Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (PS3, 360)

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes (PS3, 360)

14 World War Umbrella You may not like the Resident Evil movies, but they make a lot of money. Today marks the theatrical release of the series" fifth entry, Resident Evil: Retribution. In this installment, Umbrella is doing bad things, and heroes want to stop them. But in a surprising twist. . just kidding! There's no surprising twist, just a bunch of standard action movie clichés filmed in 3D. Duck! An axe is flying at your head!

16 New Releases » Kirby's 20th Anniversary (Wii)

18 New Releases

» Borderlands 2 (PS3, 360, PC)

Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure (Wii, 3DS)

» End of Nations: Collector's Edition (PC)

» Mugen Souls (PS3)

» NCIS (3DS)

» Street Fighter: 25th Anniversary Collection (PS3, 360)

» Thundercats (DS)

21 RoboDredd

Fans of the comic book series pretend that the 1995 Judge Dredd film starring Sly Stallone didn't happen. With today's release of Dredd, they may finally get what they want. It features a futuristic law enforce- ment officer, cool helmets, and a new illegal drug taking over the streets. Wait... Is this a Judge Dredd reboot or a remake of RoboCop 2?

18.2 Street Fighter: 25th Anniversary Collection

25 New Releases » Dead or Alive 5 (PS3, 360) » Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse (PS3, 360) > FIFA 13 (PS3, 360, Wii, PC, 3DS, PSP, Vita)

29 Game Chasing

in Portland

Portland Retro Gaming Expo kicks off today at Oregon Convention Center. Classic video game systems are set up across the venue and are free to play. Activities include tourna- ments, shopping, and a panel by Internet sensations The Game Chasers. The show ends on Sunday.

JOIN the

ADOLESCENTS Mild Language Violence

Grossierete de langage Violence ESRB CONTENT RATING CLASSIFIE PAR L'ESRB.

©2012 Mad Catz Interactive, Inc. Mad Catz Interactive, Damage Inc., Pacific Squadron WWII, Pacific AV8R, FlightStick, the Mad Catz Interactive logo and the Damage Inc., Pacific Squadron WWII logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Mad Catz Interactive, Inc., its subsidiary and/or affiliated companies. Allright

dress of Mad Catz appea

ed, Published by Mad Catz. Developed by Trickstar. Manufactured in USA. The shape and design of this product are a trade ctive. All other product names and images are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners, Product features, nce and specifications may be subject to change without notice.



LE ———————————————— —Ü

hile the thrill of competition drives the ma-

jority of today's multiplayer experiences,

countless gamers favor playing with their friends instead of against them. Their preference hasn't gone unnoticed by developers. After weighing the shift- ing landscape of the video game industry, we decided to take a closer look at co-op gaming in all its glory.

This month's cover story provides an in-depth look

at a game being built from the ground up for co-op, but we're not stopping there. We're delivering an issue packed with features that celebrate the art of playing

games with your friends. After checking out the world exclusive reveal of Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel, continue on to our list of the Top 30 Co-op Games of All Time. The ranking provides you and your bud- dies with plenty of amazing games to play together, while our Co-op's Guilty Pleasures list highlights a few not-so-amazing games that can still be a blast with the right crowd. Finally, we break down all of the upcoming games featuring online and split-screen co- op options in our eight-page feature What's Coming In Co-op.

Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel 44 The Top 30 Co-Op Games of All Time 47 Guilty Pleasures 53 Top Five Ways to Grief Your Co-Op Partners 59 The Split-Screen Conundrum 62 What's Coming in Co-op


НН Local co-op

B Online co-op

iS Local + online co-op

а LAN/System link



covêf story 33


Can a major Mult in lone help the Aruny of Tuo series shed tls dudebro Agra, antl live up le tts potential as a destination co-op рате? She early sighs are good.


he Army of Two series is well known, though The first game's macho posturing of performing high for less-than-enviable reasons. “I felt like the fives and silly moves in the midst of killing people was first two Army games were good games, but a distraction from the game's main draw - a focus on

they weren't great games," says Visceral Montreal co-op multiplayer. The sequel, Army of Two: The 40th producer Zach Mumbach, in what could be consid- Day, shifted toward a slightly serious tone, though ered a massive understatement. it was hurt by a meandering story and inconsistent The previous installments received Metacritic scores action. The most polarizing aspect of the series, how- that hovered in the low to mid 70s, but even those ever, was tough to ignore: the playable heroes Elliot

C-grade ratings mask a serious amount of notoriety. Salem and Tyson Rios.

cover story 35

ic gallows humor, another

f them as knuckleheads оп а _



"The Army franchise has been successful for

us,” says EA executive producer Jeff Gamon. d "There's an established fanbase, and there's a -

reason for that. | think we believe the 200 is that there's gold atthe core of this concept."

ANEW TONE 3 When! EA wanted a third entry in thes

they were fun to play, but they weren't on that - level where you're going to tell all your friends, ‘Man, you have to play this game.’ | think that Visceral being involved, especially on Frostbite 2, is just a huge opportunity,” Mumback says. Most notably, Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel takes a more serious approach than past installments, which would have pi and Rios in an awkward posit n. It would be strange 'or the characters to tak )

|... Gordova's _ to provide s

_ Sure that we're respectful," says producer Scott апа reputati

‘Speirs. “It's also a great opportunity to shift the ing in secrecy, о tone a bit and take the situation seriously. The special forces, knov Ё character: going to take it seriously, and Spiral out of control, but Visceral says its strong we hope the player will as well. We'renotset- ^ story will keep things together regardles:

ting this up as a game that's going to solve the - low chaotic the action gets. ? problem. [Alpha and Bravo] аге not going to fix ^ "You play some games and it's like all the everything for Mexico. It’s in the background exposition is cut out, and you’re just getting and we're caught up in it, but it's a more per- the big moments," Speirs says. "We want to sonal story to them and using the backdrop as make sure that you're getting context for those the situation." d big moments why you're doing it and why

"You're not going to be high-fiving in the it's happening. You want to see what happens middle of gunfire or anything like that," next. That's building strong characters. That's Mumbach says. “I’m not going to knock those having a plot that the player understands games, but it's just not where we're going with where they were, where they're going, and why this one.” they're doing it."

The story begins with T.W.O. taking on a Alpha and Bravo aren't just mindless drones, relatively straightforward mission: protect either. Specifics are scarce at this point, but Juan Angelo Cordova, the mayor of La Puerta. Visceral says they face difficult choices that pit He's only been in office a short while, but he's following orders against their moral instincts. made his share of enemies by taking on the. Though they team up with GAFE, fellow T.W.O. La Guadafia cartel. This fictional organiza- operatives, and even Salem and Rios during tion, also known as the Scythe, has already: the story, the protagonists are largely without murdered Cordova's family in retaliation for his reliable backup. La Guadafia outnumbers anti-cartel stance. Alpha and Bravo (and T.W.O.) in nearly every

Cordova has good reason to fear for his area money, personnel, and weapons.

Alpha and Bravo packed their blades for Y this trip; melee kills are quick and brutal


ou won't learn Alpha and Bravo's real names during The

Devil's Cartel, and Visceral has a reason for this relative anonymity. “Sticking with a codename, it lets the players inject themselves into the character a bit more, so they can take on the persona of Alpha or Bravo and make it their own," says producer Scott Speirs. That doesn't mean that the characters are complete ciphers. Visceral’s bios of the two characters should give you a sense of these guys.

Alpha is a veteran of multiple armed conflicts with the U.S. military and special forces. He never thought about becoming a mercenary until Rios offered him the opportunity to use his tactical Skills “for good,” as it were. He still sees himself as more of a soldier or operative than a mercenary. He's a born leader and thinks of T.W.O. as a chance to bring military precision and ruthless efficiency to. a paramilitary environment.

Bravo served one tour with the U.S. Army and decided that military

life wasn’t for him even though he had a talent for the work. When

he got back to the U.S., he took odd jobs here and there, working freelance with various private military companies around the world. T.W.0. headhunted Bravo after a high-profile urban rescue operation in the Balkans, and he jumped at the chance to work with Elliot Salem. Compared to Alpha's military precision, Bravo relies on quick reactions, instincts, and raw talent to keep him alive in battle.

rmy of Two: The 40th Day featured three endings, which

leads to an obvious question: Which one is canon in The Devil's Cartel? Visceral is being coy at the moment, but we'll exam- ine three possibilities. Note: This includes spoilers about the end of The 40th Day, so proceed with caution.

Jonah Wade is a former high-ranking military man and head of the terrorist organization The 40th Day. The group attacks Shanghai to prove that people are nothing without a government to lead them, and Wade escalates the situation at the game's ending. He holds a dead-man's switch connected to a nuclear weapon, which, if deto- nated, could kill up to seven million civilians. In a lecture to Salem and Rios, Wade offers a way out in classic Double Dragon fashion: If one of the pair kills his partner, the bomb will be disarmed.

Salem and Rios haven't fought this hard to turn against one another. No deal. The duo fire at Wade, who drops the trigger. Fortunately for all involved, it's a dud. The ending is fairly ambiguous, with Salem and Rios leaving Shanghai and a comic-book sequence that shows a bloodied Wade apparently on the street. Did he manage to escape? Unless he suddenly became embroiled in cartel politics, it's doubtful that Wade will play a role in The Devil's Cartel.

It's a tough decision, but millions of lives are at stake. Rios shoots Salem, Wade disarms the bomb, and Rios shows his appreciation by executing the 40th Day's leader. It appears that Salem was shot in the arm, but the ending cinematic has Rios looking back at the situ- ation with deep regret. We know both men are in The Devil's Cartel, and they're working together at T.W.O. Friendship apparently runs deep, if this is seen as the true ending.

In a climax similar to ending two (only reversed), Salem weighs his options and opts to kill his partner. Wade still dies, and Salem is clearly shaken by his decision. We heard Rios giving Alpha and Bravo mission briefings over their headsets, which can only mean one thing if this is the canonical end: Salem needs to learn how to check a pulse.


We launch into the demo as Rios explains the situation to Alpha and Bravo on their headsets. Rios is in a chopper near a La Guadafía strong- hold, and the new characters need to get to the rooftop after clearing out the area and making it safe for evacuation. The raid is part of a joint operation between T.W.O. and the GAFE, and Visceral says it takes place about halfway through the game.

The base is in a hangar-like structure that's clearly past its prime. The walls are covered with peeling paint and fresh gang graffiti. It’s still an important place for the cartel, and its armed patrols aren't likely to leave without a fight.

Alpha and Bravo start quietly working thei way up the structure to a spot that provides critical access to the extraction zone. The pair climbs up using the familiar step-up maneuver, providing access to an elevated area that rings an open space below. A few gangsters patrol ‘the ground level. Unlike the private military

contractors and soldiers that Salem and Rios

previously battled, these cartel mer bers don't follow any particular dress code. Some wear

find cover. They immediately start attacking

my position, which doesn’t seem as great аз! initially thought. I fire blindly with my weapon as the wooden planks that serve as cover get eaten away by gunfire, thanks to the Frostbite 2 engine’s powerful destruction capabilities.

Cover is a big part of the game, in both how it's destroyed and how it's implemented. “In Devil's Cartel, our main focus is that cover is not just a little side feature on top of the regular gameplay," says engineer Sandy Thompson. “We really wanted it to feel like an extension of the regular locomotion of the player.”

Unlike The 40th Day, where players walked up to objects and characters automatically entered into cover animations, The Devil's Cartel requires players to take an active role by pressing a button to duck into or behind safety. I wasn't sold on the idea at first, but once I became accustomed to it, | felt more її Once in cover, | could scan nearby areas for

loves me to the new area, ducking or sliding automatically

to avoid exposure. If a оге! last destroys

If you're not satisfied with your default loadout, you can enhance your weapons


ne of the hallmarks of Army of Two is the onscreen indicator

that shows the amount of enemy attention you've accumulated at any given point. This “Aggrometer” was a handy tool for managing tactics on the fly. When your partner had aggro, enemies would focus on them, giving you a better chance to infiltrate their defenses or flank them.

Visceral is leaning toward a new HUD direction in The Devil's Cartel, which means the flashy Aggrometer is a likely casualty of war. The new Overkill meter takes its spot on the HUD, but just because it's not displayed with the same visual flair doesn't mean that the concept of aggro is any less important to the revised Army of Two experience.

"What we want to do in this one is make it obvious if you have the aggression of your foes,” says executive producer Julian Beak. “If they’re shooting at your cover and it’s breaking into pieces and the audio experience is almost deafening and they're yelling, you'll feel the aggro that’s our hope. You won't be in a situation where you need a HUD element to tell you whether you're in danger and you have their attention.”

р is still an integral part

of the Army of

‘wo br:

E б Cover story. 39

ooperative gameplay runs thick in Army of Two's blood, whether

players are teaming up with buddies online or on the couch, or running through the campaign solo with an Al buddy. In the past, those solo players managed their partner through a series of commands mapped to the d-pad. They included orders to advance, follow, or hold position, while adding aggressive and defensive pos- turing to each command. In Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel, Visceral is taking a more streamlined approach.

“We didn't want the player to micromanage the Al,” says lead designer Julien Lamoureaux. “We really tried to streamline the orders that you can give to the partner Al, but we want the orders to make sense within the game.” That philosophy translates to simpler controls, matched with a smarter partner.

The interface is still being hashed out, but at this stage in develop- ment there are two main orders follow and advance. The Al is now more aware of how combat is unfolding, and it’s designed to act appropriately. If you're pinned down and enemies are focusing on you, for instance, your partner recognizes it as a great opportunity to flank and catch the bad guys unaware.

Visceral is balancing partner Al so it’s tactically useful while not completely taking over. After all, players want to feel like heroes, not the submissive actor in an escort mission. When the characters split up, such as the helicopter sequence we saw in our hands-on demo, players are free to choose which part they want to play. The Al is a capable partner, whether it’s providing cover from above or clearing out cartel members on the ground.

Bravo sees that I’ he takes as a slows down, the aud the screen takes ona we’re in Double Overkill. Our « shots literally blast cartel membe Errant shots obliterate our surrol

e _ exposing pillars’ rebar skeletons and

simple objective of “Kill.” He's Е with a bullet hose of a weapon, эрг; ying streams of lead that destroy cover in p: inducing sec- onds. To make things even more interesting, a few regular goons join the fun. | chuck а couple of my remaining grenades in his direction, run to the relative safety of cover, and hope for the best. Success! The cartel members are wiped out, and the heavy is taken to his knees. Му.

Rios hops into the fray in The Devil's Cartel, though he's taking on a supporting ole instead of being a playable character

Eventually, we head up to the rooftop. Th cartel members have figured out the

_ tion plan by now, and they're making one.

push to stop us. More enemies are around than before, which makes Rios and his chop- per a welcome sight. My partner and I'reach the airborne vehicle, and | boost him into it. He takes off, and | head up a spiral staircase. This section is an absolute blast from both perspec- tives. In my first time through the demo, | battle cartel members while my partner provides air support from the helicopter. I’d routinely think

I had the drop on the bad guys until they were shredded into chunks before my eyes from the chopper's mounted chaingun. It didn't feel as though | was being upstaged, either. Instead, |

Even non-essential environmental pieces, this sign, are affected by gunfire and exp!

n taking over the Army of Two franchise, Visceral Montreal has

a great opportunity (and challenge). The series had established a variety of gameplay gimmicks, both successful and not, and the studio picked the elements it considered to be highlights and left the other parts behind. Here’s a quick look at how some of those smaller elements are changing in The Devil’s Cartel. Bear in mind that these

are subject to change before the game’s release.

Salem and Rios used GPS devices on the field to navigate

their surroundings and tag enemies. It functioned similarly to Isaac Clarke's objective markers in the Dead Space series. The Devil's Car- tel brings that feature back, but it's not exactly the same as before. "We want to take that one further, but further doesn't always mean more HUD, and it doesn't always mean that it's the previous feature with more bells and whistles on top," says executive producer Julian Beak. "We're taking it in a new direction that we feel is going to tie

into tactical co-op really well."

Weapon customization is a hallmark of the

Army of Two games, giving Salem and Rios the ability to add attach- ments such as new scopes and larger magazines to their weapons, and to dress them up with flashy elements like gold-plated finishes. Visceral isn't going into great detail at this point, but weapon customization is coming back in The Devil's Cartel. The studio also dropped a hint that character customization could extend beyond

adding designs to Alpha and Bravo's masks.

High-fiving and head-butting your

partner carried deeper implications than merely adding machismo to the battlefield. Those maneuvers also gave players who may not have been wearing headsets a visual way to provide feedback with their partners. After all, what better way to say "You suck, dude," than a nice punch to the jaw? These are being scrapped in the latest entry. "We didn't put a priority on communication in the game poten- tially replacing communication over the headset or communication on the couch," Beak says. "We don't want the controller to become

the medium in which the players interact with each other."

Salem and Rios shared a lot during their

adventures, including mobile cover. When one player acquired a shield, the other could latch on behind him in a snaking maneuver. It provided cover for both characters, with the shield carrier controlling navigation and the other player providing backup. That mechanic

is back, though it's been refined. Now the shield bearer acts like a mobile cover point, allowing the second player to enter and exit the safe zone as though it were any other cover object. It feels much more natural than its overly loose predecessor, and it's easy to snap in and out of the position when it's no longer advantageous to be

latching on to your buddy.

coverstory 41

итог circulated that the next installment in the Army of Two

series would be a four-player co-op game called Army of Four. EA didn't help matters when it registered a number of web domains that seemed to confirm that speculation. It looks like that maneuvering was a classic case of misdirection.

"It's more of a date than a party," jokes EA executive producer Jeff Gamon, dismissing any notions of four-player co-op. Producer Zach Mumbach agrees, saying that having four characters waters down tactics as teams rush toward their next objectives.

"That boy band experience is difficult to do," adds executive pro- ducer Julian Beak. "How do you focus on four characters and make them all heroes at that moment?" Beak says that other games have successfully taken that approach, but that Visceral recognized that Army of Two's strengths lay in the two-player co-op experience.

In a similar decision to its California-based counterpart Dead Space 3, Visceral has abandoned competitive multiplayer for The Devil's Cartel. Rather than dilute resources with other modes, the team ruled in favor of funneling development energy into the cam- paign. Beak says the campaign features an element of competition, but it manifests itself as a battle for bragging rights. You still want to work together, but if you're more effective in battle, it'll give you something to hold over your buddy.

* В H H Н H

felt like part of an insanely powerful team as | wiped Bravo's leftovers off the rooftop.

The destruction is made possible thanks to the Frostbite 2 engine. If you’ve played Battlefield 3, you have a good idea of what you can expect. The level of destruction ranges from small elements, such as cover being blown into bits, all the way up to cinematic showstopper moments. During another demo, we watched in awe as a chopper hugged a cliffside road and attacked an armed convoy. Watching cars and guardrails explode and

‘splinter was impressive, but | wasn't expecting

to see an entire side of the cliff smash apart, destroying everything in its path. Visceral says these showcase | moments are big part of the

Although The Devi jl sticks to Mexico, Visceral Montreal plans to offer plenty of environmental variety

indiscriminate hail (it's a good thing there's no friendly fire in Devil's Cartel). Although | was beyond powerful in the chopper, | wasn’t invin- cible. As the vehicle swooped from position to position, I’d occasionally get stuck with а less- than-optimal line of sight. In those sections, it was crucial for my partner to cover my eliminating RPG positions and anythinc else that might take me out. m

The demo section ends with the pl

his chaingun. The other player wal just in time to see his friend sho! sky by a cartel helicopter pilo! woozily whirls around in oi

and xplodes. The player.

pinned down by the wrecka:

Overkill mode is an effective way to clear | rooms when Alpha and Bravo are outnumbered

erupting into a ball of flames and debris. Whatever happens next, | know one thing for _ sure: This battle is far from over. "If you have a big story moment, | doi а cutscene; that's cool,” Mumbach say: + would be really easy to make that Maie, _ explosion moment a ci

The demo didn't contain much overall con- text, so it’s hard to say whether Visceral will make good on its promise to deliver a more mature experience. However, Alpha and Bravo seem more professional than their predeces- sors, with most of their dialogue focusing on.

situation at hand instead of, say, talking

le that's ¿ propriate f for uy aga lani i

to watch an action blockbust that you're going to see."

or third game they make litt mps, but | that with this third game we're going t making a great leap," Mumbach a

Р СС t

rom classic arcade machines to the online

playing fields of modern consoles, coopera-

tive gaming has always been a hit with play- ers. Co-op games allow us to share some of gaming's best experiences with our friends, and the added chal-

lenge of combining and coordinating our efforts has made teaming up more rewarding than going solo.

This month we turn the spirit of cooperation into a competition, ranking the top 30 cooperative games of all time. We weigh each candidate on its historical im- pact, originality, and above all, fun factor. These titles have defined gaming with friends over the decades. The fact that they're still fun today is a testament to their quality.




af 27 Xbox 360, PC 244/52. Valve/Electronic Arts Develoze?, Valve/Turtle Rock Studios Jelenie 2008

game embraces the cooperative experience more gracefully than Left 4 Dead. For most titles, co-op is usually a tacked-on campaign enhancement or

trivial add-on. In Left 4 Dead, working together is a requirement. Surviving the zombie outbreak is no solo endeavor. If you wander off ahead of your group, you will die. If you hog all the resources and leave your comrades to fend for themselves, you will die. The

only proven way to successfully reach the next safe house is to protect your fragile alliance of strangers by sharing first aid Kits when someone needs medical attention more than you, t С

ing to rescue trapped teammates, and staying in constant col nication about where the threats are coming from. Becaut masterful implementation, Left 4 Dead is our favorite

game of all time. : ;





220 Arcade, NES Publisher Konami Developer Konami 42/2242 1987

7` onsidered by many to be one of history's most difficult games, Contra is too grueling to tackle on your own. Having two machine guns to throw bullets at the alien hordes helps tremendously. Working together by coordinating power-ups is required to make it all the way to the end, an achievement shared by only a select few without using the famous Konami code.




г. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 /édia/ic». MTV Games/Electronic Arts De 22, Harmonix 12 2007 armonix laid the groundwork for the music game craze four players to each take on a different part in a four-piece band and with Guitar Hero, but it wasn’t until Rock Band that the smartly rewards teamwork by letting players save each other when me ^ developer hit its full stride. Whether your whole family is things get hairy or boosting points through the coordinated implementa- gathered around the TV with plastic instruments in hand or you're at a tion of overdrive. In Rock Band, everyone receives applause together, or riotous party with friends butchering the greatest rock music in history, gets booed off the stage together.

Rock Band lets us all summon our inner Mick Jagger. The game allows

Guilty Pleasures

Putting together our Top 30 list brought back memories of a lot of great games, but it also reminded us of some entertaining co-op experiences that aren't the best gaming has to offer

50 Cent

This THQ title centers on rapper 50 Cent as he leads his G-Unit soldiers on a quest to the Middle East to recover his diamond-encrusted human skull. A ludicrous story like this de

st to be experienced with a friend by your side, as it features plenty of one-liners and situations tha п too stupid to be real

1 Beast

Turning from man into more-muscular man into much-more-muscular man into an animal was a sweet concept in 1988, and Altered Beast featured full cooperative support. Play ing as two werewolves with a friend

ч a lot of fun, even if the gameplay MB АТ little more than mashing the attack button deem yox ЗЕ > This LucasArts title neatly compiles many ^ complaints about Kinect, including spotty T | motion detection, a linear campaign, and a ; tacked-on dancing minigame. It may have a ho-hum campaign, but it serves up some laughs when a partner gets off the couch for some cooperative flailing action.

ооо ооооое ооо о ооо оововововововевооооооооааона T eun.

iin Xbox 2

fak Microsoft Game Studios Gamers (and Simpsons fans) have fond 222» Bungie 4 4

2 2001 = _ memories of this arcade title, but its recent

XBLA port quickly reminded us of how pVÓÓ€—————] б $ simplistic it is. While its gameplay didn't hold

= alo: Combat Evolved established once and : up against the test of time, there's still some for all that shooters could be fun and suc- Saco d Hrs ane roe cessful on consoles, and heralded the arrival of Microsoft as a world power in video games. Key to the | dah. game's success is its option to throw down against the clever t ABOX 36 Covenant and ravenous Flood aliens with a buddy sitting by In many ways, EDF 2017 is an awful game. Its A f n repetitive objectives, assortment of glitches, your side on the couch. Each player relies on his or her partner and cheesy voice acting have all the makings to stay in the fight; when one player dies, the other is wise to [ES of a disaster, but they wind up creating an find a speedy exit from combat to trigger a partner respawn. à entertaining experience on the same level as Even after an initial playthrough, Halo's Legendary difficulty Es a great B-movie. offers a new trial for seasoned gamers, and a second player helps make the challenge surmountable. Entertaining, acces- sible, and rewarding, the modern co-op shooter phenomenon started with Halo.


PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC Valve/Electronic Arts 2011 о M EE ————.—.——Є—Є—

become even more important, and Valve adds a few new tricks to your puzzle-solving vocabulary that aren't even possible alone. Por-

campaign throws an extra set of portals into the tal 2 gets right to the core of cooperative gaming's appeal; it makes. - equation. With the added complexity, you and your partner need to ^ you coordinate your efforts for mutual gain while providing a unique approach situations differently. Experimentation and communication experience that you can’t get playing solo.

tapping your head around space-bending puzzles is tricky enough in single-player, but Portal 2’s co-op


Эйр PC РИВАЛ, Blizzard Entertainment Developer Blizzard North 2/2242 2000

he original Diablo debuted Blizzard's service,

which allows gamers to easily talk to other players and

find online multiplayer games, but the sequel pushed the genre to new heights. Diablo II featured five character classes, three unique skill trees, and an ocean of ever-improving weapons and armor. The only thing more enjoyable than grind- ing through Diablo II’s shape-shifting dungeons is taking down Diablo and his demonic brothers with a few friends. /


ce ES aliai!

udi Arcade Publisher Midway. Daelopor Midway eles 1993

f you walked into an arcade in the early ‘90s, you could have

a blast catching fire and performing tomahawk dunks by

yourself in NBA Jam. Unfortunately, that also meant you had to put up with an Al as your teammate in this two-on-two hoops classic. If you grabbed a friend and a handful of quarters, the game experience was enhanced with team tactics like perfectly timed

alley-oops. Just make sure that you know when to hog the ball, E because it's always beneficial to keep it in the hands of a player who is heating up.




n the early ‘90s, Konami capitalized on the popularity of The Simpsons, X-Men, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoons all designed as brawlers. The : rtles: Turtles in Time, a


Anjo PC Publisher Blizzard Entertainment Deve/oze> Blizzard Entertainment 72/2242 2004

y the time Blizzard released its blockbuster massively and accessible leveling. Over time, Blizzard has introduced increased

multiplayer game, games like Ultima Online and Everquest incentives for guilds to work together and prosper, tools to help groups

had already introduced players to the fun of grouping up to and raids find each other, and regularly released new instanced dun- confront dungeons, raids, and other fantasy quests. World of Warcraft geons and raid areas to keep players coming back and communicating refinéd the formula and made the experience more appealing to a wider ^ with their friends. Azeroth is a thrilling world to explore made twice as gaming audience through smart quest design, detailed world building, enjoyable with friends at your side.



Plalferin PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC. 44/2/12). 2K Games Develoze> Gearbox Software /?2/2042 2009

Бох “role-playing shooter" bore little resemblance to the content to chew through, and the character classes and skill trees are unbridled monster it would evolve into. After a lengthy diverse enough to make each member of your team a vital asset. Four delay to accommodate an 11th-hour art style change, Borderlands hefty DLC expansions have kept us playing Borderlands into 2012; the _ $ reemerged with a soul. Its unique new look complemented the game's only game that has a chance of making из stop is its upcoming sequel. а psychotic sense of humor and surreal, unending arsenal. The lengthy p

UW = we debuted Borderlands in September 2007, Gear- campaign and four-player co-op gives shooter fans dozens of hours of


Xbox 360 Microsoft Game Studios Epic Games 2008 кшш шшш ш —————є{[

he first Gears of War touted an incredible co-op cam- on this list over its predecessor is Horde mode, which allows four paign, whether playing online or split-screen. The sequel players to team up and tear apart waves of Locust. Horde also expands on what made the original title great with a sparked a new trend for co-op; these days it's hard to find a new longer campaign and frantic set piece moments like a battle inside shooter that doesn't offer a similar mode. a gigantic worm. The biggest reason Gears of War 2 earns a spot

coverstory 51


eesessossssoscoseseseosssesossocecosccccccscceoooo ‚+++,

Plafon PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PC Publisher LucasArts Developer Traveller's Tales 2/2242 2011

raveller’s Tales has mastered the art of delivering games that both kids and adults can enjoy.

The studio has subtly tweaked its formula over the years, and this entry offers the best co-op

experience so far. Features like dynamic split-screen and drop-in gameplay make it a perfect choice for families even those who don't give a rip about Clone Wars-era Star Wars. If you're left wanting more once the credits roll, check out the Lego games based on Harry Potter and Batman. They may not be as refined or expansive as the Clone Wars, but they offer much of the same brick- E smashing fun.


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Plalforin PC Publisher Electronic Arts Developer DICE plenae 2005

hough predecessors like Team Fortress introduced squad- revive fallen soldiers, the support class can replenish ammunition, and

based tactics to competitive shooters, Battlefield 2 popular- engineers can repair damaged vehicles. Each team also has a com-

ized the approach. It was also the first shooter that made team mander who can orchestrate the 64-player battle by issuing orders, chat seem necessary. DICE encouraged teamwork by allowing teams and squad leaders can request artillery fire from the commander. This

‘to divide into squads who could then respawn on one another. Working cooperative template has served Battlefield well; the franchise has ether i is imperative to gaining an upper hand in firefights; medics can soared in popularity.


Фото PC Piitlinver Team Fortress Software Developer Team Fortress Software Pe/2ase. 1996

riginally a mod for Quake created by Robin Walker, John

Cook, and lan Caughley, Team Fortress wasn’t commercially

released until it moved to a different game engine in Valve’s port Team Fortress Classic. This innovative shooter brought a more complex team dynamic to competitive multiplayer, with players choos- ing from a variety of specialized classes and taking sides on either red or blue teams. More than any other game, it pointed the way toward the highly successful co-op team play of franchises like Battlefield.


Брут Xbox 360, PC 224/52, Mojang Developer Mojang 202042. 2009

inecraft doesn’t have defined goals, so the co-op experience

takes on a different form than most games. If feels more like

sitting down with friends and playing with Legos, with an emphasis on shared creation and exploration. Other players on your map can carve out their own mines and build elaborate bases, or you



Your health is almost full, but your buddies are running low. The decent thing would be to let one of them grab that succulent piece of meat, right? Probably, but you're closer to it, and those two slivers of health won't restore themselves. Just grab it!

Vehicles can only be controlled by one player at a time, which leads to co-op comedy gold. Wait until your partner is about to get in, then floor it. Apologize profusely, waiting for your ally to get close again. Then floor it again, repeating as often as desired.

The ability to pick up or smack other players inevitably leads to countless deaths related to bottomless pits, lava pools, and acid vats. If you don't think that sounds hilarious, you are letting yourself be tossed too often. Time to return the favor.


All of that planning for a big MMO boss fight gets pretty boring, but you can speed the process along by barreling forward and pulling the mon- sters toward your group. Don’t worry unless they want their work to go to waste, your friends will heal you.


You can make even the simplest jumps a chore for your friends if you simply refuse to move, preventing the screen from scrolling. As an added bonus, this trick can also delay the group’s progress until your arbitrary demands are met.

can work as a team to gather resources and create communal struc- tures, Even if you're doing your own thing, it is fun to be in the pres- ence of other players to see what their imaginations have dreamed ир. They can also help you get your life back together after the inevitable Creeper attack. Ў

Cover story 53

Xbox 360 /4 Microsoft Game Studios Realtime Worlds 2008


uddy cop movies are staples of the film industry for a reason: Crazy police work is

more fun as a duo. Powering up your agent to godlike levels is rewarding, but the

true potential of Crackdown’s formula is only realized with a co-op partner. What was a straightforward, brute-force assault in solo mode becomes a tactical strike with two players as you split the enemy’s attention, flank them, and move in for the big kill. Crack- down doesn’t have subtlety, but when you have two sets of grenades, rockets, and machine guns firing, taking down those gang kingpins is all that matters.

Эль Arcade Publisher Taito Developer Technos Japan {22/2012 1987

hen a gang kidnaps their (?!) girlfriend Marian, twins Billy L^ Jimmy Lee pummel their way from left to right to save

her. Two players can simultaneously take on the Black Warriors gang, kneeing their faces to a pulp and using weapons like whips and barrels to reduce the bad guys into flashing sprites. The co- op formula turns on its head at the end, when the brothers (and players) have to battle each other to see who gets the girl. She must have a spectacular personality if she can split up the Abobo-battling duo.



Plalform PlayStation 3 Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment Developer Media Molecule Release 2008

ittleBigPlanet's charming look and innovative design helped re-

vitalize the side-scrolling platformer, so much so that one of its

main features, co-op gameplay, was emulated by the genre's godfather, Mario, in New Super Mario Bros. Wii. The game puts a spin оп со-ор, called “coopetition,” that allows players to aid each other to

reach new areas of the game and progress while competing for points. _

LittleBigPlanet's groundbreaking level creation tools also introduced а new type of cooperative play in games: the joy of making something new with a friend.


Ао PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC /224/4/2^. Ubisoft Develoger Ubisoft

ne false move by any soldier can lead to civilian executions or an entire Rainbow Six team being wiped out. Rainbow Six: Vegas turns teamwork into a necessity. Coor- dinating tactics to breach rooms and silently dispatch guards requires a high level of commu- nication between all four players, and some risky moves, such as inverted rappeling. All of Vegas’ campaign missions support co- op, and Terrorist Hunt mode offers unlimited depth for the coopera- tive experience.


Plaiform Arcade Publisher Atari Developer Atari Release 1985

auntlet wasn’t the first co-op game, but.Elvis wasn't the first

rock n' roll singer, either. Despite some precursors (most

notably Dandy Dungeons, which Ed Logg credits with inspiring

auntlet, see our interview on page 100), this four-player arcade unit

became one of the most popular mid-‘80s games. Logg helped create the template for co-op games like Diablo with top-down dungeons, an emphasis on collecting loot, and four character types with different attacks and play styles. All these years later, the Wizard still needs food, badly.


ХО 2100. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 24/2/22, The Behemoth Developer The Behemoth //2/2242 2008

on't let the evil wizards, damsels in distress, and { valiant knights fool you Castle Crashers is a far cry

from the standard fantasy brawler. Filled with gonzo


action and The Behemoth's signature sense of humor, Castle m. i INSERT COI _ Crashers is ideal for a group of friends. By allocating skill At s _ points, your characters can specialize in different disciplines, "taking down bosses with a mixture of melee, magic, and archery Party balance isn't the major draw, though; the fun: of

is absurd enemies, hilarious moments, and: E of your Tied has to kiss the final ге:




Plaiferia PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC bir2 THQ Developer Volition l224 2012

olition introduced co-op to Saints Row 2, but playing with a friend in Saints Row: The Third reigns as the best

experience in the series. Whether you're tack- ling core campaign missions or laying waste to Steelport in Tank Mayhem, this game keeps you laughing with no shortage of over-the-top action. Taking down populated enemy strongholds is fun when you're playing solo, but coordinating insane assaults with a friend makes the chaos more en- joyable. Plus, it's always good to have a Sublime sing-a-long buddy.



Роот Wii Publisher Nintendo Developer Nintendo /P^/2242 2008 5 gU ay : veryone is familiar with the “each player takes a turn” Mario B ALI UN © and Luigi faux co-op of the original Super Mario Bros., but it wasn't until 2009 that Nintendo let us play together as a team. в Playing with up to three additional players opens up opportunities to save and be saved from death and jump off each others’ shoulders to reach higher platforms. It also opened up a dark side of Mario we never knew existed, where you could pick up players and throw them over the edge, or intentionally bounce against them to send them to

their death while navigating over a precarious pit. Now that the evil traitorous Mario door is open, it won't close, and we wouldn't have it

Роот PlayStation 2, Xbox [ОЛ Interplay any other way. Developer Black Isle Studios 2/2242 2004

ast in the Gauntlet mode of co-op dungeon crawl- Z ers, Dark Alliance and'its sequel (featured here оп

the strength of superior character progression and gameplay) lays a thin Dungeons & Dragons veneer over the familiar hacking and slashing. Dark Alliance Il's three characters each offer a unique, amazingly powerful, and fully customizable skill set, which make thrashing the hordes of evila cathartic release. Sure, tore 's the: occasional cheap



рй PlayStation 3 Putliser Sony Computer Entertainment Develope) Thatgamecompany Pelewse 2012

hatgamecompany’s critically acclaimed downloadable

title matches you with a random online player when you

start the game, so much of your co-op experience comes down to the luck of the draw. While some players end up exploring Journey’s striking vistas alone, those paired with a worthy partner praise the game for instantly creating a bond with their fellow

traveler, despite the inability to communicate with each other be- yond simple chirps. Several gameplay mechanics encourage pairs to stay in close proximity, but for most players, having someone to share Journey's stunning voyage with makes the game's allegory all the more impactful.


Ројт Arcade Publisher Wiliams Developer Willams 7/2212 1993

he popularity of the dual-stick-shooter genre has faded over

the past year or so, but there’s a reason we saw its resur-

gence in the first place: Twin-stick shooters are one of the purest tests of twitch reflexes out there. Designer Eugene Jarvis took the basic structure from his earlier arcade hit Robotron: 2084, tossed in references to The Running Man and RoboCop, and let two players compete in a futuristic game show side by side. While players teamed up to fight robotic drones and various mutants, they also competed to snatch the most cash and prizes from the chaotic playfield to claim - AN bragging rights between levels. Big money, indeed.


Эу Genesis Publikor Konami Developer Treasure 2/2242 1994

intendo fans could always turn to Contra for punishing,

arcade-style shooter chaos, but for a while the Genesis

lacked similar games. Konami released Treasure’s col- orful Gunstar Heroes to sate Sega fans’ thirst. The game features two- Player co-op, tons of weapon pick-ups, and myriad boss battles. The way weapon pick-ups can be mixed and matched to create unique firearms, such as a homing laser beam, preserves Gunstar Heroes as a viable co-op option today.

ing, which puts developers in a tough position. Why spend the

resources on creating split-screen multiplayer if you aren't sure that anyone's going to play it? Split-screen co-op may not be as prevalent as it used to be before the days of Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, but that doesn't mean it's gone. The studios behind the Borderlands and Army

pP layers are increasingly using online connections for co-op gam-

of Two franchises, among others, still think couch co-op is relevant.

“105 true that multiplayer is constantly growing, but | think that there's still plenty of room for good split-screen games out there," says Julian Beak, executive producer of Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel. "Obviously when you're talking about adversarial games [online] multiplayer is the way to go, but sometimes your friends don't have the same game, console, or gaming schedule...Talking, yelling, and screaming makes everything more fun. Split-screen makes this easy and together with co-op you get something really memorabl

Beak says his team needs to make graphical concessions to accom- modate two independent viewpoints, but that they work hard to ensure those changes aren't jarring. Gameplay is ultimately identical.

"There are some things scaled down, simplified or drawn differently, but we spend lots of time developing ways to make these differences al- most impossible to notice," he says. "We also keep a very similar aspect ratio in split-screen to the one we have for our single-player so that the player cameras and HUD elements look good in both modes."

In some ways, Beak says split-screen actually holds advantages over online co-op. "Split-screen provides a few surprising advantages over full screen for destruction, particularly in scenarios when one player is throwing a grenade or helping his co-op buddy by raining down bullets from a chopper. They can see the destruction from two perspectives, which is very satisfying."



Plalformm Arcade Publisher Sega Developer Wow Entertainment elese 1998

n-rails light-gun shooters have always been a staple of the

arcade. Teaming up with a partner in The House of the Dead 2

was like going to the firing range, except without the need to wear those gigantic noise-dampening earmuffs. Even with our Mortal



Plain Arcade Palatio Sega Developer Sega fele 1992

3 _ fj fter Double Dragon popularized the genre, the market was | flooded with side-scrolling beat “ет ups. The Streets of

' Rage series floated to the top as one of the generational

Kombat childhoods, The House of the Dead 2 still delivered a startlingly violent cooperative tour through a monster-ravaged Venice. One gun simply wasn’t enough.

Players punch gangbangers in the jaw as they march from left to right across a riotous New York, cracking open boxes to reveal health- replenishing fruit. Streets of Rage 2 didn’t need originality, because its flash and style set it apart.


PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 Capcom Capcom 2009 puV————————HÉ

esident Evil 4 proved the series could thrive as an action- coordinated teamwork and plenty of back-against-the-wall mo-

packed shooter, and Resident Evil 5 established that ments that wouldn't be as rewarding alone. Mix in weapon/item

shooting mutant freaks is even more fun with a friend. The sharing and split-screen or online co-op and you have one of the lengthy campaign is filled with huge boss fights requiring best Resident Evils ever.

coverstory 61

ا ——

hanks to the success of recent franchises like

Left 4 Dead and Borderlands, the industry is

undergoing a co-op renaissance, with more games than ever allowing you to team up with your buddies. The next eight pages are your guide to the upcoming games featuring co-op, detailing when

they’re coming out and what makes each title special. Like on our Top 30 list, the co-op symbols tell you which games have confirmed online, split-screen, LAN, and split-screen plus online support. You'd better start recruiting friends now.


Tuo hours with Gearbor's refined

Slo hours with Genboxs refined рой

Родът PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC Publisher 2K Games Developer Gearbox Software Release September 18.

earbox struck gold with its first-person shooter/role-playing During the demo, | took control of Axton, a commando who

hybrid Borderlands. Nearly six million players have scav- escapes Jack’s clutches early in the game and teams up with some

enged Pandora’s countryside for its nearly limitless cache of the original vault hunters to stop the dreaded villain. During one Of unique weapons. But even three years after its release, we still mission, | run into Roland from the original Borderlands, who tells hunger for more creative weapons of destruction. We took several us that Handsome Jack is trying to track down a second vault that of the guns from Borderlands 2 to the firing range and are happy contains an ancient creature of immense power. If Jack gets his to report that this sequel is bigger, better, and more explosive. hands on the creature, he'll be able to turn it to his will and nothing. Here are some of the reasons you shouldn't miss Borderlands 2's will stand in his way. Someone has to get to the vault before Jack release on September 18. » does, and Roland thinks we're right for the job.

The rest of my time is spent running jobs for a new CA bekor (ond very purty) narrative named Tiny Tina, a disturbed 13-year-old

Nearly five years after the first game, a man named Handsome Jack

aims to reshape Pandora in his image. Handsome Jack illegally acquired the wealth locked in the vault from the first Borderlands and has used this fortune to underhandedly take over the Hyperion corporation and enforce his personal law across Pandora.

42220, livelier cities Sanctuary is Borderland 2’s largest municipal hub. The city buzzes with more activity than any environment in the original Borderlands. As I wander its streets, | talk to citizens who ramble on about various happenings and provide me with an endless stream of side quests. Borderlands 2 features almost seven times more dialogue than the original game, and players receive the majority of quests from active NPCs rather than a static menu. Gearbox says the game also has more side quests; gamers hoping to check every one off their to-do list will clock in over 50 hours of playtime.

Many enemies level up as you fight them. I saw one insect-like enemy, called the Varkid, evolve right in front of my eyes. Varkids attack in packs, so while you're handling one group, a single Varkid might cocoon itself in one corner of the environment and transform into a more evolved form. You can easily squash these enemies while they're cocooned, but її you don't act fast, they emerge as an evolved form that is harder to take down.

Other enemies alter their at- tack patterns in different ways. The brutish Goliath's head is encased in a metal box. If you shoot at his head and break



Эйр. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC ا‎ Sega Developer Gearbox Software Release February 12

his first-person shooter from Gearbox has seen more than its share of delays, but we're still pumped to take on the iconic xenomorphs in Colonial Marines' four-player co-op mode. Colonial Marines' leveling system allows players to upgrade their weapons and abilities over multiple game modes, but even if things go wrong, at least you can whine, "Game over, man!" to all your friends. E

open the box, the Goliath becomes enraged and charges at you. This strategy isn't always bad, since an enraged Goliath sometimes attacks other enemies as well. But after a Goliath kills another foe, it levels up and becomes tougher. Advanced Goliaths also deliver more experience when they finally hit the ground.

More ways lo blow things up

As Axton levels up, | start exploring his three diverse skill trees.

Every Borderlands 2 character has his or her own skill tree. Each tree contains a few special skills that Gearbox calls Game Changers. These unique talents dramatically alter a class skill. For example, Axton’s class skill allows him to deploy an automatic turret that fights by his side for a limited time. This turret gradually evolves as he unlocks more Game Changer abilities.

One upgrade gives Axton's turret a shield that boosts its defense. Other upgrades allow Axton to deploy two turrets at once or throw his turret across a battlefield to more strategic locations. One upgrade turns the turret into a nuke. After deployment, a large mushroom cloud vaporizes any foes in the surrounding area. Once the smoke clears, Axton’s turret spins to life, ready to take care of any remaining enemies. All of these Game Changers can be stacked, so you can create a nuke turret that you throw across the battlefield or deploy two turrets with bubble shields.



от PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, РС. Publisher, Namco Bandai/Paramount Digital

Developer Digital Extremes Release 2013

ased in J.J. Abrams’ 2009 reboot of the Star Trek universe, Digital

Extremes’ third-person action game pits two-player teams against

the mighty Gorn. You and a friend control Captain Kirk and Spock, and each character’s personality matches their play style. We're guessing that means Spock does all the strategizing, while Kirk hits on alien babes.


Poyon PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC Publisher Ubisoft Developer Ubisoft Montreal Release 2013

bisoft has been tight-lipped about Rainbow 6: Patriots since our cover reveal last

year, so we still don’t know anything beyond the publisher's promise for a "huge variety of new innovative co-op and multiplayer experiences.” Given the integral role co-op has played in the series in the past, _ we're keeping Patriots on our radar.



Родот Xbox 360 Publisher Microsoft Studios Developer 343 Industries 272 November 6

alo 4 is the first installment of

the series from 343 Industries,

and the developer has already announced its ambitious new Spartan Ops co-op mode. Spartan Ops provides gamers with a brand new co-op mission every week, telling an episodic story that augments the Single-player campaign. The weekly missions can be played with up to four players.


Ро ут Xbox 360 Publisher Microsoft Studios Develgze> Epic Games / People Can Fly Fpelense. March 19

pic's ultraviolent Gears of War series has provided gamers with a variety of co-op is innovations in the past, and the newly announced prequel is no exception. In addition to its four-player co-op campaign, Judgment's new class-based OverRun mode allows two five-player teams to face off as COGs and Locust, blending cooperative and 'compétitive play into a whole new beast.


Platform 3DS Publisher Nintendo Develazer Nintendo Release August 19

he sequel to Nintendo’s handheld hit has a new focus

on coin collecting, but the bigger scoop is that the 3DS

installment features a simultaneous two-player mode. Co-op is restricted to local play only, but driving to your friend’s

house should be worth it to have Mario and Luigi working side- - = тиши = we we wr Be ee ee -


ојрат PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC Publisher Ubisoft Dexelozer Ubisoft Montreal / Massive /Pe/enae September 4

ar Cry 3's mind-bending single-player campaign stole the spotlight at

ЕЗ, but its multiplayer options should keep co-op fans happy come

September. Far Cry 3's domination mode introduces a Team Support point system that rewards players exclusively for working together, and the four- player co-op campaign features a completely different story than single-player.


Playon PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC Publisher Activision Develgzer High Moon Studios

» гале August 21

igh Moon is axing War for Cybertron’s co-op campaign, but the popular Horde-like Escalation mode is ` making a major comeback. Whereas the team- based competitive multiplayer allows players to create their own Transformers, Escalation mode hands over control of iconic characters such as atron ane Starscream, each of whom has



Platform Wii U Publiaher Nintendo Developer Nintendo 2/2242 Holiday

intendo is taking the addict- ive four-player co-op mode of New Super Mario Bros.

Wii and adding a new wrinkle for the

Wii U sequel. A fifth player can use the console’s GamePad to assist players by laying down extra platforms or turning them into coin blocks. The new HD graph- ics make this the most visually impressive El Mario game yet.


Plalform PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC. Publisher Capcom Develozer Capcom Release October 2

he newest installment of the

iconic survival horror series

takes Resident Evil 5's co-op to the next level with three separate two- player campaigns. Each storyline lets duos take on Resident Evil 6’s undead adversaries together, occasionally team- ing up with other random online pairs for new four-player segments.




Platform PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC. Publisher Activision Developer Treyarch Release November 13

reyarch is keeping most of its multiplayer plans under wraps, Magazine UK that by but the studio has confirmed the return of its popular Zom- transitioning Zombies Е bies mode, featuring bigger maps and new gameplay modes. mode into their multiplayer engine, they can now suppol Treyarch Studio head Mark Lamia recently told Official PlayStation number of zombies and co-op players as Blac


Ројт PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, 305, DS, Vita, РС Publisher Warner Bros. Interactive Develaze> Traveller's Tales Release Fall 4


raveller's Tales is bringing its time-tested gameplay formula including all nine members of the fellowship. RPG elements augment

to J.R.R. Tolkien's iconic fantasy world, and Lego fans should the typical block-busting gameplay, and if it’s anything like Traveller's

know exactly what to expect. The game covers the events of Tales' previous games, Lego The Lord of the Rings should be more fun EJ all The Lord of the Rings movies and boasts 80 playable characters, with a friend.


aD seein

Plaifiorm PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC Publisher Deep Silver Developer Techland fpelease TBA

о far Deep Silver has only released a teaser logo

for the sequel to its open-world action/RPG. If the

excellent four-player co-op of the original Dead Island is anything to go by, Riptide should contain plenty of zombie-slaying excitement for you and your friends.


Wii U Publisher Ubisoft Developer Ubisoft Montpellier 22/2242 TBA

e're still not sure if Rayman Origins was easier TT . harder playing with three friends, but Ubisoft

Montpellier's colorful sequel promises to deliver the same frantic, slapstick action. Similar to New Super Mario Bros. U, Rayman Legends allows one player to use the GamePad to aid the on-screen characters, this time by opening new paths and tapping out platforms dur-

В ing impromptu music/rhythm sequences.



Plaiforin PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 Publiser Electronic Arts Developer Visceral Games felense February

his year’s E3 introduced players to Dead

Space 3’s new co-op mode, which allows

a second player to help out Isaac Clarke as EarthGov Sergeant John Carver. The pair can work through the necromorph-filled campaign together for a more action-oriented experience, while solo play provides the same survival horror gameplay Dead Space fans know and fear.



Papa PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii Publiaher Disney Interactive Studios

Developer Junction Point Studios 2/2042 November 18

ickey Mouse is gearing up for another paint-spewing

adventure, and this time the long-forgotten Oswald is

coming along for the ride. The co-op mode is split- screen only, and requires the rodents to use their separate abilities to solve Power of Two's myriad environmental puzzles. That's why it's called Power of Two, after all.



Раил. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, 305 Publisher Activision Developer Toys for Bob felense Fall

arents better start preparing for a new round of figurine hunting, as the sequel

to Toys for Bob's runaway hit offers players dozens of new and Series Two _

figures to collect. Luckily, Skylanders Giants also increases the level cap for all characters to 15, giving families plenty of opportunities to improve their old and new characters alike. Ф 7 "

t „Gover story 69


» Platform » Style PlayStation 3 1-Player Action Xbox 360 + PC

» Publisher Bethesda Softworks

» Developer Arkane Studios

» Release October 9

ishonored is a tale steeped in revenge. After Empress Jessamine Kaldwin is murdered, Corvo Atana -the man entrusted with keeping her safe is framed for the crime. Béyond those broad strokes, the details behind the game's shadowy conspiracy have remained hidden. Instead, Dishonored's highly variable combat has drawn much of the atten- tion and rightfully so. But you can't pursue vengeance without first being wronged. | "Not'surprisingly, Corvo has his reasons. Empress Kaldwin was killed in front of his eyes Aqu after he returned from an important і ion. The city of Dunwall is overwhelmed with a plague, and she sent Corvo out to seek assistance from its neighbors. The first few assassins; who appear in the palace's gazebo in a slick phasing/teleporting effect, are easy enough to take out with a sword and pistol. Eventually, one of the masked attackers finds an opening and strikes her down. The assas- sins blink away from the scene, kidnapping the empress' daughter Emily for good measure,

and Corvo is caught with blood on his hands.

Corvo's set to be beheaded for his supposed { $ treason, but first he gets a visit from the wicked t БЕКЕ high commander, Thaddeus Campbell, and spymaster Hiram Burrows. As Corvo sits n helplessly in the jail cell, the commander explains the situation in true bad-guy fashion.

Empress Kaldwin was assassinated because

she was weak, the commander says, and

Corvo's mission to the nearby provinces was

possibly the last straw. Fortunately for the

people behind the setup, one of the biggest

loose ends is about to be snipped. "No one

Will ever know the truth," he taunts. If it's 5 апу consolation, he adds, Corvo's sacrifice Т was ultimately for a good cause. “Тһе country needs strong leadership in its time of trouble," the commander says, and that's where he and his conspirators come in. "It was nothing personal," the commander assures Corvo before slamming the bars shut.

feature 71





layers don’t have to worry about seeing that sentence through to the end. A jailer brings Corvo what should be his last meal, which

contains a surprise. Someone call- ing himself or herself a friend has left a note and, even better, a key to the cell. | make my escape, winding through (and under) Cold- ridge Prison. The place is filled with guards, obviously, and | make a point to stay in the shadows whenever possible.

When | do accidentally blow it, an onscreen indicator gives me a heads up on a patrol’s alert status. It has three levels, roughly translating to “Hey, what's that?" to a full-on “I know you're here and | am going to murder you big time.” To stay hidden,

1 make liberal use of distractions such as throwing empty bottles and covering my tracks by moving unconscious or dead guards out of sight. Without special powers or any of Corvo's gadgets, this section plays like your typical stealth game. Combat opens up sig- nificantly after Corvo makes his way out of the prison and meets up with a group of loyalists.

We've seen Corvo make deadly use of su- pernatural abilities such as slowing time and summoning swarms of deadly rats, but we hadn't yet seen exactly how Corvo acquires those powers. As | learned in my hands-on session, it all starts with a fateful encounter with the Outsider.

The Outsider is an important figure in Dishon- ored's world. This supernatural being straddles the line between man and deity, and he's a part of everyday life. | spot graffiti near the Hound Pits pub, the loyalists’ base of operations, which says the Outsider “walks among us."

After meeting with representatives from the resistance, including noble proxy Lord Pendle- ton and military leader Admiral Havelock, | take a long-deserved rest. Jailbreak takes a lot out of you, after all. In my dream, I’m approached by the Outsider, who grants me the blink ability.


He also etches his mark on my hand.

Mobility is a big part of Dishonored, and blink is.a critical component. This power enables Corvo to travel short distances in an instant, escaping danger or closing the gap between enemies. It's also a handy way to get around levels. After selecting the blink power from the wheel interface, | activate it by pulling a trigger. Before | release it, | move а cursor to where | want to go. It’s not limited to the plane Corvo's on, and ! use it to pop through open windows and safely zip to the ground in what would otherwise be fatal falls.

Now that I’ve acquired the first of what will be many powers, it's time to dole out justice in earnest, assassination by assassination. Empress Kaldwin will be avenged.


A few lone rats patrol the tunnels leading out of Coldridge. They're easy to one-shot, and | almost feel guilty for doing so. That feeling evaporates when | see what swarms of the little buggers could do together. | walk over a grate early on and spy a pair of guards talking. In a flash, they are covered in dozens of rats, killing both men in a flash. If that wasn’t bad enough, | watch as the vermin gnaw the corpses until they are little more than bloody puddles soaking into the cobble- stone. Their insatiable appetite for human flesh is bad enough, but don't forget that little matter of the plague. Bodies of plague victims line the streets, and | encounter a few living infected, known as weepers. The zombie-like enemies don't have any superhuman abilities, but their lurching movements and running sores make it clear that you don't want to hang out with these guys any longer than necessary.


Even when my best attempts at stealth failed and.

I had to engage enemies head on, | never felt like | was flailing around to delay an inevitable game over screen. Corvo's skills with a blade extend beyond stabbing necks from behind; | parried incoming attacks and took advantage of stumbling foes with ease. Wiping out enemies who wisely choose to hang back is simi- larly possible (and enjoyable) thanks to a nice array of ranged weapons, including a pistol and crossbow.

t this point in the demo, | jump

ahead to approximately the mid-

point of the story. In the E3 demo,

players kidnapped an imperial sci-

entist named Anton Sokolov. Now that he’s in custody at the Hound Pits, | have to extract information about the plot from him. He's reluctant to reveal the identity of one Lady Boyle until | give him a bottle of his favorite booze (I could have tortured him with rats, in- stead). He did, indeed, paint her portrait, but it was under unusual circumstances - he painted her from the back. Without a clear sense of her identity, | head to the Boyle estate. As luck (or fate) would have it, there's a masquerade ball tonight just waiting to be crashed.

Dishonored has impressed me with the num- ber of tricks Corvo has in combat (including avoiding it altogether), but 1 wasn't sure if that flexibility expanded further. If this assassination mission is any indicator, we're in good hands.

| start out at the docks near the estate. It’s night, and tallboy sentries patrol the streets on their mechanized stilts. | know they're not to be underestimated, so | cautiously lurk around them, paying close attention to their routes. | blink across the street and find a tunnel entry near the locked gate. It leads to the grounds outside trhe party. | don’t have an invitation, but one of the guests inadvertently lends a hand; she drops hers, and it blows into the nearby sewer. Her companion chides her not to follow it, but | don’t have a similar sense of pride. Once | flash it to a guard, I’m in.

This target provides an interesting challenge. As it turns out, there are three Boyle sisters. Keeping with the masquerade ball theme, each of them is wearing a costume. They’re identi- cal, save for the fact that one is red, another is white, and the final one is black. | don’t know anything about my target beyond that even her first name. It's time to investigate.

1 chat with the other guests for a while,

eventually learning that more clues may be h idden in their bedrooms upstairs. The stairwell is blocked off with an electric field and a few surly guards. It’s a perfect time for my pos- session ability. | control a nearby rat (house- keeping should be ashamed), and scurry up. a ventilation shaft. Once | make my way to a bedroom, | transform back into my human form. | grab a few clues, including notes that provide her name, the color of her costume, and a mention of her interest in music. Armed with that information, | hop over a nearby bal- cony and make my way to the music room. As interesting as this scenario is, it's made even better after learning that the sisters’ names, costume colors, and interests are randomized for each playthrough. If you get

(continued on page 75)

Corvo is full of surprises and powers. Bethesda gave us official descrip- tions for three of his supernatural abilities.

UD SEL ee Eu


PO A neue dde

4 M M у \ Ау m INVE


Reveals the outline of living beings through solid walls. In addition to displaying an enemy's field-of-view, Dark Vision also provides a visual representation of sound, making it especially useful for stealth. Level two highlights security systems and valuable objects.


Physically merge with any creature's body for a limited time, allowing you to hide or pass through small spaces undetected. Level two allows for the possession of humans.


Dramatically slows the world around you for a limited time, allowing you to fight or sneak more effectively. At level two, time is completely stopped, during which enemies and security systems will be unaware of you.

In addition to the active powers that Corvo can purchase (and upgrade), he can track down special bone charms scattered throughout levels. These charms provide passive abilities, and players can activate up to three at

a time. Some of the effects include charms that reduce rat aggression, increase the rate of mana regeneration, and provide more of a health boost from food. Lead designer Harvey Smith’s personal favorite is Shadow Kill, which reduces victims to piles of ash. Perfect if you don’t want to strain your back hauling corpses around.


(continued from page 73)

stumped and think you can just look it up online, think again.

| find my target, Lydia, in her black dress, and approach. Earlier, | was approached by a desper- ate partygoer who said he knew my intentions and pleaded for me to be merciful. Instead of killing his love, he begged me to take her to the cellar alive and let him take her away forever.

I'm a softie, so | decide to take a nonlethal ap- proach. | lure her to a quiet spot and then choke: her out. After slinging her over my shoulder, 1 head to the cellar. As promised, the masked man is waiting for us. Before he leaves, | learn that this relationship may not have been as mutual as | thought. "Someday, she'll learn to appreci- ate me," he says mournfully, adding that she'll... have her whole life reach that conclusion.

A few kitchen workers saw me carrying the unconsciousihost around the place, so the guards are on high alert. | know when I’m not wanted, and | bolt from the place, cutting a few down with razor traps and slowing time to evade their shots. | dive into a canal just as a gate slams the exit shut. | hop onto a nearby boat, and I'm out of there.

Now | get a chance to see another way of approaching the scenario,

Instead of going into the party through the tunnel and getting an invite, Corvo sneaks їп from above. He explores a large residential section that | completely bypassed, blinking his way into an interior. Weepers have infested the place, but they're no match for a few clock- work grenades. The Boyle estate is certainly an upgrade from these dingy apartments, but fortunately they're right next to one another.

A few more blinks, and Corvo's in one of the sisters' bedrooms.

Corvo is more brazen in this playthrough, hopping over the balcony and then immediately engaging the guards. Guests scream as the masked stranger tosses grenades with aban- don and blasts his way through the guards. The sisters are nowhere to be found, and Corvo heads back upstairs. There, he finds them huddled together in a corner. One by one, he assassinates them all.

The usurpers certainly showed Corvo no mercy, and it's up to players if they'll respond in kind. @

Arkane Studios is putting a premium on gameplay flexibility, and wants to make sure that players have a chance to try new ways of approach-

ing missions. Dishonored doesn't have a new game plus feature, but you can revisit missions once you've completed them. You raise different amounts of chaos depending on how you play through scenarios, and are rated on your perfor- mance when they conclude. Chaos is more than an arbitrary meter, too, Bethesda says. Depending on your play style, the plague and rat infestations could grow or shrink, and even the game's end- ing can change. | didn't see this in action, but it's certainly an interesting approach.

connect 75

Ņ rophet's life would make for one hell of / an I Survived episode. A first responder on the scene of an alien invasion, the

Delta Force squad leader helped repel the initial Ceph attack on an island off the coast of Korea, survived the nuclear strike meant to wipe it out, went rogue when he found out his squad were test subjects against the aliens, and eventually committed suicide. End of story? Not quite. His spirit lived on in the circuitry of the nanosuit, and he eventually overtook the new suit wearer, Alcatraz, after he saved Manhattan from the alien threat.

After serving 20 years in prison for stealing a nanosuit, Prophet starts Crysis 3 seeing visions of the end of the world at the hands of a Ceph battle force. Rather than waiting around to die а second time, he journeys into the heart of the Liberty Dome covering New York City to look for answers. Along the way he runs into an old friend in Psycho, the protagonist from the Crysis Warhead expansion.

"Between Crysis 1 and 2 there really weren't deep meaningful interactions between the characters, so we really want to focus on that between the core group of characters we have like Prophet, Psycho, and the few others that we'll be revealing in detail as time moves on," says producer Mike Read. "You're going to see a lot of push and pull between the two of these guys as the story progresses."

Though the nanosuit isn't undergoing any drastic revisions outside of decoupling the sprint energy from the nanosuit energy, that doesn't mean Prophet won't have new tricks up his sleeve when confronting enemy threats. Crysis 3 boasts a new nanosuit upgrade system that gives players the flexibility to create three unique loadouts to confront different sce- narios they may encounter.

"Basically, you could create a close combat kind of loadout where maybe you can punch a little bit harder, a more long-range loadout, or maybe something that's more apt to stealth," Read says. "It adds a ton of more options as opposed to the fixed methods that you had in Crysis 2 where you picked up nano catalysts." d ame

Crytek isn't shar- The nanosui ing how players ering receive these suit upgrades yet, but Read says it will be a simplified process with a wealth of dif- ferent options. Don't expect to unlock everything on one playthrough; you will players i have to make tough long as it has a challer decisions on which From our side we've done a few of the upgrade the player under a little more pressure in those encounters." tracts you want to For mple, if the AI sus; you are hiding in a corner, pursue. latt Bertz it can throw an EMP to flush you out. The sandbox environ:

ments also contain t ips, mines, and tu

king de os in mode enemies like the


з дате

ability to toy v

Crysis 2 for allowing players to use this power too liberally, c р у

essentially running through levels with little to no confron

Crytek are of this

» and has plans to address

itely read that feedback as well and I think it's

уа producer Mike Read. "I'm perfectly happy for

they want to loak and skip encount

ide to it

е and a risk vs. rev

changes aimed at putting

rds Ji

that put more pressui armed combat.

e on players who prefer to avoid

‘The more open spaces of Crysis 3 allow players to take many paths to their destination

Platform PlayStation 3

1-Player Shooter (Multiplayer TBA)

Publisher Electronic Arts

Developer Crytek

Release February 3

For Crysis 3, Crytek has reworked the NPC navigation 50 the enemies know where they can and cannot move

Get Smart

previews 77


1-Player Strategy (Multiplayer TBA)

Creative Assembly

Total War: Rome Il

^ Conquer I) roud and gleaming under the North African sun, the Roman legions are nonetheless dwarfed by the high walls before them. Behind that daunting obstacle, streets and alleys crisscrossing the hill leading up to the Carthaginian city center portend a grueling march to victory. The vanguard screams the legion's war cry as the siege towers brave the trebuchet-flung rocks and arrows. Defenders mass along the walls and in market squares behind them, ready to throw themselves into any breaches. Numerous though they may be, the Romans would be doomed if it weren't for the massive navy in the harbor, pounding the walls with bow-mounted catapults and disem- barking reinforcements onto the beach.

Naval warfare has never played a holistic role in Total War, instead being segregated in both the strategic and tactical layers into troop-ferrying and trade route protection duties. That changed for the better in 2011's Total War: Shogun 2 and its expansion Fall of the Samurai, with ships delivering off-map artillery support during land battles and bombarding structures on the stra- tegic map. Rome Il takes a much larger step, allowing armies and navies to fight side by side. Not only does this allow for much bigger battles, as full stacks of land and naval units can enter the battlefield on each side, but it opens doors to new ways of approaching tactical combat and military composition.

Total War's appeal has two major facets.

The example above, as shown by Creative Assembly in a recent visit to the Game Informer offices, is an illustration of the first: the best-in- class rendering of dramatic clashes between thousand-plus strong armies. Creative Assembly is stepping up its game yet again for Rome II,

4 anc or па ana more

with much more detail on unit faces and custom animations and behaviors by culture. Where every spear levy in Shogun 2 looked and behaved the same, now barbarian hordes flow around disciplined Roman formations, and cap- tains shout contextual orders and encourage- ments to their men. A wedge of mounted shock troops crashing into a line of infantry looks better than ever thanks to the work being done on depicting weight and momentum in battles.

The bloody impact of a cavalry charge may generate the most headlines, but the series’ true depth has always been its continent-spanning grand campaigns. The scenario showcased above is the result of a long chain of events building the army and navy, developing the infra- structure needed to recruit and sustain them, managing diplomacy well enough to free up your forces for large-scale conquest, and much more. Rome Il expands and improves on every one of these strategic aspects.

The map is much bigger than the original Rome: Total War, though Creative Assembly won't divulge its exact boundaries. Every culture in that vast area has its own goals, fighting style, and of course territory. Provinces are laid out differently than in previous Total War games. Resource-producing sections of territory can be captured on their own, without laying siege to the fortress protecting the province's capital. The dev team hopes that pushing more battles out into the open field injects more variety, as grand campaigns typically center on sieges since holing up in a castle is so much easier and has relatively few downsides. The team doesn't want manag- ing your domains to be any more granular than in the past, though, so Rome II streamlines the process by abstracting governing decisions to

the province level.

Micro-managing a large-scale empire is tough on players’ attention spans, so with Rome II the developer hopes to streamline governance. Without going into details, Creative Assembly says the new system encourages players to worry about larger matters like whether the Eighth Legion needs to help the Fourth pacify the unruly Gauls rather than manually moving indi- vidual units of pikemen around western Italy. This sounds great in theory, but strategy developers have often struggled to implement these kinds of systems well. Given Creative Assembly's impres- sive track record, though, we doubt the team will {ай on the level of Master of Orion 3.

Rome Il also introduces an enhanced dilemma system, which puts players on the spot by forc- ing them to choose a response to a randomly generated event. Shogun 2 features one-off events like foreign traders or missionaries coming ashore, but they are mostly standalone hap- penstances without huge consequences. Rome Il bunches them together into branching story- lines that play out across large sections of your campaign. Instead of a simple choice between a military or civil research bonus, the dev team wants players to get the sense of navigating the swirling, treacherous politics of backstabbing Roman noble families. Also to that end, Creative Assembly says it is giving characters in the world more personality than they've had in the past.

Rome: Total War is still dearly beloved to this day. With Creative Assembly coming off the success of its most polished, well-crafted title to date in Shogun 2, the sky is the limit for how far Total War: Rome II can push strategy gaming when it comes out in the second half of 2013. » Adam В:

Shogun 2's "realm divide" mechanic, which pits players against the rest of Japan once their clan reaches a certain level of power, is a wonderful solution to the traditional strategy game problem of making the endgame interesting. Creative Assembly hasn't entirely fleshed out Rome II's endgame mechanic, but it definitely follows in Shogun 2's footsteps. At the core of the endgame lies the player's choice of whether to save the Republic or declare himself Emperor. How this plays out is unknown, but the team wants the final act of a grand campaign to follow a more cin- ematic pace. Expect the finale of Rome II to build to a frenzied climax as social, military, and political forces try to grind Rome to dust under the wheels of history. The potential is clear when you think about the chain dilemma system, increased personality and memory for individual leaders within and without Rome, and the vast asymmetry between Roman factions and other cultures.

With Rome II, Creative As- sembly is putting a lot of effort into emphasizing "the human face of Total War." Rome II lets players pull

the camera all the way in

to a single unit's viewpoint, which is a great way to admire the animation of

the detailed unit models. It

is also an effective way to get a bunch of your troops killed while their general is admiring how pretty his men are instead of commanding the battle. The studio wants players to use this camera. though, so it's adding an un- announced “gameplay incen- tive” to lure in players. Th team is being coy about it, but we hope that it’s some- thing more impactful (though ideally as equally hilarious} as the first-person Gatling gun and cannon views in the Shogun 2 expansion

previews 79


1-Player Strategy (8-Player Online)

Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard Entertainment

80 previews


he first expansion to StarCraft Il brings

a changed multiplayer landscape. The

handful of new units and abilities on each side may not look like much to an outsider, but this is a game where even moderately skilled players plan their build orders out to the second each facility begins construction. A change as trivial as reducing the armor on a single unit has broad consequences, so Heart of the Swarm's additions are more impactful than they appear at first glance. Each unit fills a gap in current strategies by posing problems to opponents who rely too much on certain builds. This serves Blizzard’s goal of promoting diversity in unit mixes, overall strategies, and build orders. The company had not announced a release date as of press time, but public comments from the developers calling the game "99 percent done" and my own hands- on experience with both single- and multiplayer strongly suggest that it won't be long now. Here's a rundown of the new units:

Widow mines, a non-tech lab factory unit, are incredibly powerful suicide units that punish opponents with an area-effect explosion a few seconds after they attach to a unit from a burrowed hiding spot. Deploying mines is

a fantastic way to break up a big mass of units, which Blizzard is explicitly trying to do with this expansion. The terrans' quick recon vehicle, the hellion, can now be upgraded with a mech-like transformation that trades speed for dramatically increased armor and a powerful anti-biological cone-area attack that demolishes otherwise problematic swarms

of zerglings and zealots. Warhounds, a new mechanical unit, autocast anti-vehicle smart

missiles that shred foes from stalkers to siege tanks. They should break up the monotony of terran-vs-terran matches, which strongly favor mechanical strategies currently.


Breaking heavily fortified enemy lines is con- sidered one of the biggest problems facing zerg players. Blizzard's proposed solution

in Heart of the Swarm is the introduction of two new units: the swarm host and the viper. Swarm hosts continuously spawn free locust units while remaining burrowed, granting attri- tion-absorbing shock troops in larger battles or committing stealthy long-range assaults on their own. Vipers are flying casters that can yank an enemy ground unit from extreme ranges to their position, neutral- izing emplaced siege tanks

and imperiling expensive units like archons

and the

mighty thor. Ultralisks can now "burrow charge" after an upgrade, which is effectively a short-range teleport that alleviates

the positioning issues the behemoths currently suffer from. Where the terran faction gets a few new units focused on countering

specific unit mixes or strategies, zerg players have more general-purpose tools on the way.

The mothership core fundamentally alters the underlying fabric of the protoss game plan which might forestall the revolts sure to come if Blizzard cuts the iconic carrier as it is consid- ering doing. This unique unit (like the regular mothership, you can only have one) comes out very early and provides three indispensable powers from its roost atop a friendly nexus, each at the cost of energy. Protoss players should think about it like a zerg thinks about her queen. Its short-term turret ability has straight- forward applications when your base is under attack. Mass recall, a much-beloved power from the original StarCraft's arbiter, lets you teleport an entire army back to the mothership core. This allows you to raid with impu- nity or demolish an unguarded enemy expansion when he thinks you're elsewhere. The mothership соге also recharges friendly buildings (we require more chrono boost!) or units (more psionic storms is always the correct answer). Upgrading the core brings the terrifying mothership itself online. Other new units include the extreme-range tempest aircraft and the speedy airborne oracle, which is a harasser's dream with its ability to shield mineral fields from being harvested. » Adam Biessener


Mech combat for a modern gamer

ing a level of polish and quality that rivals

retail releases. At first glance, you wouldn't be blamed for assuming that Hawken would appear on a shelf with a $60 price tag on it. We haven't been afforded much playtime yet, but from a strictly graphical standpoint, this free-to- play game looks amazing.

Hawken puts players inside highly mobile mechs in an over-industrialized world where skir- mishes are constantly breaking out in the dishev- eled cities as humans fight for scarce resources. The mechs move around the environments with an impressive grace. They have the weight you would expect of a mechanized suit, but they can also dash around the environment at high

F ree-to-play games are quickly approach-


speeds. "Our goal was to create a modern-feel- ing mech game that balanced the faster pace of some past mech titles with the more simulation type experience that others offered," says Jason Hughes, technical director for Hawken and co- founder of Adhesive Games.

Outside of the surprisingly fast-paced action, two of Hawken's most enticing qualities are the sound and visual designs. Mechs groan and creak as they move, and bullets clang against metal with satisfying pops. Creative director Khang Le describes the post apocalyptic visual style with a term used by model makers kit- bashing which means using every piece of material available to you, even if it's not for the originally intended purpose. "I want it to

Games is using animated films like

Ghost in the Shell and TekKon Kinkreet as а point of reference for its dilapidated future cities б, М

look as if our mechs were built in World War 1, Frankensteined together, on the verge of break- ing apart," Le says.

In lieu of limited ammunition, weapons over- heat and become temporarily unusable. A fuel meter dictates how often you can use moves like quick dashing or making speedy 180-degree turns. Three classes of mechs are available: heavy, medium, and light. As in any good mech game, you can customize each of them to fit your play style. Along with switching out guns and items, a skill tree is available for players to level their mechs to their specific play-styles. Along with firing on enemies with your mech's guns, your team can also activate stationary tur- rets in the environment and take advantage of deployable turrets.

Hawken currently has three game modes: deathmatch, team deathmatch, and Siege mode. In Siege mode, play- ers fight to collect energy to power a giant flying ship. If your team powers up the ship, it starts raining down fire on its path toward the enemy base. Once it reaches the base, it sets up shop so your team can run in and take over. Players also fight for control == of an anti-aircraft weapon that can counter the airship. Adhesive plans to have a fourth, unannounced mode ready in time for the release later this year as well.

Adhesive Games is cur- rently accepting applications to take part in the beta at Once the game is available, all you have to do is download it to start playing. » Kyle Hilliard

» Platform


» Style

1-Player Shooter (12-Player Online)

» Publisher

Meteor Entertainment

» Developer

Adhesive Games

» Release

December 12

Monetizing Hawken Adhesive Games hasn't revealed how it plans to monetize Hawken. Technical director Jason Hughes says the primary focus will be on mech customization. Without going into too much detail, Hughes says there is a point system in place that allows players to acquire additional materials through game progression. The goal for Hawken is to avoid an unbal- anced “pay to win" system “We don’t think it will really do Hawken players much good in our eyes, and hurts us as a result,” Hughes says.

previews 81

» Platform

Wii U

» Style

1 to 4-Player Action

» Publisher Nintendo

» Developer Platinum Games

» Release Holiday

82 previews


il am

Project P-1 00

Turning average Joes into the planet's last hope

tric action titles, from the ultraviolent

MadWorld to the flashy quirks of Bayonetta. Project P-100, its first Wii U offer- ing, is a more family-friendly affair than its previous work. It puts players in control of superheroes with names like Bonzai Man, Vending Machine Man, and Toilet Bowl Man to protect the planet against an alien invasion.

Project P-100 makes frequent use of the Wii U GamePad. Drawing circles around groups of citizens alerts them that it's time to transform into superheroes and join your team. Once your roving band of heroes is big enough, you can perform touchscreen inputs to assemble them into various forms. A circular motion causes them to turn into a giant fist, an upward swipe turns them into a sword, and a sideways “L” shape turns them into a living pistol.

Your touch commands aren't solely of the offensive variety. The debut trailer showcases the heroes forming into a gelatinous green blob that protects against enemy attacks. Ladders

p latinum Games has a history of eccen-

4 Î This sword attack becomes more

and planes can also be formed, allowing for new ways to explore the world. The fist form can pull boxes around, which should come in handy when the gameplay shifts to puzzle-focused areas.

From the early looks at the game, it appears to share elements with Pikmin. Your citizens- turned-heroes are scattered and stunned when attacked by enemies, and you perform revives by walking over them. Keeping large numbers of them alive is in your best interest, as your attacks pack more of a punch if they're backed by plenty of recruits. At least one huge boss fight is included, as the demo concluded with a shot of dozens of heroes standing on

powerful as more heroes are assembled.

Based on our early look at the game, we expect boss battles

the arm of a towering robot. Considering how tiny your heroes appear onscreen, we wouldn't be surprised to see plenty of large-scale

boss battles.

Nintendo showcased Project P-100 as a single-player game, and its official website lists the player count at one. Despite this, the debut trailer clearly showcases four groups of heroes with “1P, 2P, ЗР, 4P" icons above their heads. We expect to see confirmation of multiplayer shortly, as it's a no-brainer for this type of game. While fans of this style of gameplay may have their eyes set on Pikmin 3 during the Wii U launch window, it might also be worth paying attention to Platinum's newest IP. » Dan Ryckert

y utside of Awesomenauts, the Multiplayer | Online Battle Arena titles (MOBA) genre

defense and offense are in play as you upgrade both your defending towers and offensive

\ is largely untapped on consoles. When Warner Bros. Interactive started looking to capitalize on The Lord of the Rings franchise in a unique way, it enlisted internal studio Monolith (Gotham City Impostors, F.E.A.R., and Condemned) for the job. The team wanted to build a downloadable MOBA that would be fun and functional on a controller. Thus, Guardians of Middle-earth was born.

Guardians features traditional МОВА maps with a mirrored three-lane structure, which allows for plenty of strategy and tactics. Two teams of five face off against each other, with squads of Al “creeps” at the side of their con- trollable hero units. The goal is to wipe out the other side’s towers and as many rival players

creeps. The onscreen mini-map displays the full playing field, showing allies and enemies, stand- ing and taken towers, and the status of shrines. Either team can seize these shrines, which pro- vide stronger team buffs as you control more.

Each player controls a hero unit, known as Guardians. The game ships with 20 guard- ians ranging from heavy hitters like Gandalf, Galadriel, and Sauron to obscure characters like hobbit Hildifons Took, who “went on a journey outside the Shire and never returned.” Each character has a suite of four unique spe- cials like a stun-escaping dash, an arrow shot that slows down enemies, and powerhouse moves with long cooldown timers that do mas- sive damage.


as you can along the way. Elements of tower

As a longtime League of Legends and Dota player, Guardians impressed during my hands-on time. Almost everything I love about the genre is there: juking, maintaining or closing range, exploiting lane matchups, ganking, counter-ganking, and more and it plays great on a gamepad. 1 don't mind the de-emphasis on jungling and the tiny distance between lanes, since it pushes ganking and team fights even harder. The increased focus on sustainability is fine by me, as it makes my preferred support heroes even more important. The one big exception is the money game. There is no last-hitting or income at all; instead, you progress down

a pre-configured set of stat increases as you level up. You have a lot of freedom to define how your power grows as you level, but it's all done outside the match. I like the fact that removing the whole system of item builds gets rid of the genre's worst newbie trap, but it takes away a signifi- cant vector for in-match strategy. The overall experience was comparable to a mid-level League of Legends game in а good way. » Adam Biessener

My hands-on time with the game proved

that the controller is an effec- tive replacement for a mouse and keyboard. Classic analog- based movement and aiming

is augmented by an informative blue circle surrounding your character that displays both the

range of your potential attack and the width of the attack cone. A concise radial menu makes assigning skill points easy, which is important since you start from level one at the beginning of each match and climb a flexible upgrade path during the heat of battle.

Guardians also features a single-lane map that encourages face-to-face fighting. With only one front to worry about, players con- stantly clash, racking up more kills and waiting through more respawns. While you're waiting to be resurrected, you can browse through a Clear list of all the actions that just contributed to your death. This should help players fell less ripped-off, as deaths that seem controversial are explained and may provide attack strate- gies that they can steal and use against others in the future.

Monolith wouldn't speak to the possibility of adding downloadable characters once the game is released, but they seem open to the idea if there's a demand. Based on what we've played so far, that seems likely. » B

Watch our video of an entire single-lane match at

PlayStation 8 Xbox 360

1-Player Action (10-Player Online) » P

Warner Bros. Interactive

» Der

Monolith Productions

» Platform

Wii U

» Style

1 to 5-Player Party » Publisher Nintendo

» Developer Nintendo/ Intelligent Systems » Release


» Platform

Wii U

» Style

1 to 5-Player Action (Online TBA)

» Publisher Nintendo

» Developer Nintendo

» Release Holiday

84 previews


Pepper [d

miu n. ond



Game & Wario [working title]

Warioware's microgames graduate to minigames

ference, the company neglected to announce a new Wii U game in the vein of the absurd Warioware games called Game & Wario (working title). The title uses the Wii U's tech in the strangest ways. Thought it sounds odd, using the Wii U controller to fire a nasal bow and arrow is a lot of fun. Longer than Warioware's microgames, these are full-fledged minigames. The first game | played involves olfactory archery. A bow shaped like Wario's jagged mustache is dis- played on the GamePad screen, complete with an arrow sporting a nose-shaped head on it. The goal is to ward off waves of marching toy Warios. You do so by pulling back the arrow, aiming the GamePad at the incoming enemies,

Nintendo Land

р uring Nintendo's ЕЗ 2012 press con-

and letting it rip. Aiming for landmines or rub- bing a little pepper over the nose-arrow to create an extra powerful sneeze-powered pro- jectile helps clear out more enemies at once. If the mechanical foes overwhelm you, they leap from the TV screen to the touchscreen display on your GamePad, forcing you to tap the little buggers as they attempt to destroy potted plants. The minigame concludes with a battle against a gigantic Wario robot with weak spots that must be systematically targeted and destroyed. Though it's simple, this odd archery game is one of the better experiences I’ve had with the Wii U.

Another game features Warioware's disco- loving, afro-touting Jimmy and downhill skiing. Players control the slalom speedrun

Taking the lines (and possibly the fun) out of theme parks

f you've been paying attention to Nintendo's Wii U strategy, you know that the pub-

lisher is going all-in on Nintendo Land. The company is fond of launching new hardware alongside games that are specifically tailored to showcase its abilities (Wii with Wii Sports, MotionPlus with Wii Sports Resort), and this amusement park-themed title is custom-made to show off what the Wii U's GamePad can do. It features a dozen attractions based on the publisher's back catalog, and | recently played three of them.

Based on the Japanese-only NES title Nazo no Murasame-jó, Takamaru's Ninja Castle tasks you with flinging shurikens at paper ninjas. This is accomplished by turning the GamePad side- ways, pointing it at the enemy, and swiping your finger forward across the screen. Your toss is determined by the speed of the swipe and the way the GamePad is tilted. As the levels pro- gressed, | encountered enemies that threw their own shurikens and bombs my way. | shot these down in mid-air, sometimes doing damage to nearby enemies if | hit a bomb early enough.

The Zelda-themed Battle Quest allows for up to four players, with one player holding the GamePad and the rest using Wii remotes. Miis dressed as Link progress down a linear pathway, with the remote users swiping swords and the GamePad player shooting arrows. Moving the GamePad around changes your perspective, and the right analog stick is used to fire your

bow. The combat isn't exactly rocket science, and the same can be said about the minigame's light puzzle elements. When the Miis arrived at a blocked path, the foot soldiers had to swipe at two spheres while the archer shot an arrow at an elevated sphere. This opened the gate, allow- ing the team to continue on the pre-determined path. Moving the GamePad to spot enemies was a nice novelty at first, but the bare-bones gameplay left me hoping for more.

My last demo was Donkey Kong's Crash Course, which tasks players with guiding а cart through a massive obsta- cle course. The entire course is visible via the TV's zoomed- out view, but the GamePad's closer view makes the obsta- cles easier to navigate. Your cart features two wheels with your Mii's image suspended above it, and you lose a life if it crashes or flips. Tilting the GamePad causes the cart to roll back and forth, while L,

R, and the right analog stick activate various ramps and mechanical elements of the course. Checkpoints help to lessen the blow of deaths, but the massive course should still be a challenge to complete.

by tilting the Wii U controller left and right. The gameplay unfolds on the Wii U controller, while spectators can watch more cinematic angles of Jimmy launching off jumps and per- forming stylish tricks on the TV. This ski game doesn't feel more remarkable than any tilt- enabled iPhone game, but I like that onlook- ers can watch the TV rather than peek over your shoulder.

After playing Game & Wario, | have no idea why Nintendo didn't draw more attention to it during E3. The goofy characters, random scenarios, and charmingly stupid presentation earned plenty of chuckles. While | only saw two of the minigames, Nintendo says many more are included in the Wii U launch title, including a fruit-thieving multiplayer game. » Tim Turi

From what I've seen, | can't imagine Nintendo Land having the same widespread impact that Wii Sports did. 1 only had a chance to play three of the twelve attractions, but they all seemed extremely basic and lacked the entertainment value of the Wii's pack-in title. I'm intrigued by the capabilities of the Wii U GamePad, but Nintendo Land didn't exactly blow me away through my first experience with the controller. » Dan Ryckert



50mm custom drivers with angled acoustic baffle for best sound projection. Studio tuned acoustics for peak audio performance.

Selectable profiles for custom audio experience.


» Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 PC

» Style

1 to 4-Player Sports (22-Player Online) » Publisher

EA Sports

» Developer

EA Canada

» Release

Sept. 25

Honing Your Skills

86 previews

HFA 13

Putting the weight of the world on your shoulders

attention was focused squarely on the

Euro 2012 tournament in Poland and Ukraine. Whether it was the impressive pro- duction of Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo, Germany's embarrassing exit, or Spain's dominance, there was always something to talk about. This is what happens when you put some of the best players on the planet on the same stage. FIFA 13 finally embraces the pride and excitement of international club action with a full schedule of friendlies, qualifiers, and tournaments integrated directly into the normal player and manager careers.

After you sign up as a manager for a club

E arlier this summer, the soccer world's

To teach newcomers the finer points of skills like free kicks, dribbling, and lob passes,

FIFA 13 features a new collection of drill-based minigames. They also serve as fun and in- formative exercises for vets. Divided into eight different groupings, each minigame grouping | has a bronze, silver, gold, and "skill challenge" level. The successive tiers are not only harder | than the previous one, but also slightly different. These minigames are available while you're waiting for a match to load. Successfully completing them lets you accrue achievements/tro- phies, posts your score to online leaderboards, and earns XP for your EA Sports Football Club.

team, you get offers from national teams interested in you depending on your current performance and the prestige of your club

and league. Each national team has different, realistic objectives for you to complete in your yearly contract, such as qualifying for the world tournament or making it to the semifinals of the big regional tourney. As manager, you control both the national side and your club team at the same time. When an international match comes Up, you pick your squad from a deep roster of eligible players.

In the player career, the experience is different.

You start with lower attribute ratings and will likely be loaned out to other clubs before earn- ing playing time with your home club. You also have to work your way up the national team ladder by improving your attributes and playing well in national team friendlies and other non-critical games on the calendar.

The Al making this kind of dis- tinction is an important feature of FIFA 13 that filters down to the rest of the game. Players know to


ask for more money during the second transfer window if they're having a great year, Al clubs show better logic of who to sell and when, and players are smarter about their requests for play- ing time (as surfaced via the game's newspaper headlines). A reserve player won't pout about not seeing the field regularly when your team's already packed with superstars, but he will lobby you for a substitution role or for a look in a non- critical match. Unfortunately, this kind of player interaction is absent from your national squad.

The concept of player roles extends to pitch- ing players during the transfer periods. You can make promises of playing time to prospective players looking to sign with your club, and their expectations are based on their skill. FIFA 13 further augments its signing system with the ability to make counteroffers and propose cash-plus-player transactions.

Last year the FIFA series continued building its career structure after FIFA 11 tore the guts out of the mode. Now it is moving forward in dramatic fashion with the long-desired inte- gration of national teams into the mix, which should take the world's game to a new level of power and glory. » Matthew Kato




Pro Evolu

Pro Evo kee

“TT he Pro Evolution series is known for its breadth of control options. The latest edition further empow- ers your fingertips and puts the world at your feet.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 both refines its control set and bolsters its Al to make every touch of the ball an opportunity to do great things. This starts with a good first touch. Instead of first receiving the ball by trapping it, players can immediately transition into flicks, feints, and other moves as soon as the ball touches their feet (assuming they have the skill). You can also showcase your moves with smaller deft dribbling touches that expand upon the already useful slow dribble mechanic.

Developer PES Productions is further fine-tuning by improving manual passes, give-and-gos, and introducing Full Manual Shooting. It's unclear how this latter feature expands on the traditional nine-direction shooting system, as the studio says it involves the standard combination of direction and shooting power. This isn't new, but hope- fully the results are.

Defenses keep up with this influx of offensive skill via improved goalkeepers (including different playing styles), good back line defensive shape, and the ability to quickly initiate the counterattack off of a successful tackle. If all this sounds like a lot to absorb, don’t worry. New Performance Training drills help you with the controls and different on-the-field situations. You can also improve your players’ skills in the career-based Football Life mode by buying equipment items like a recovery trainer, cycling machine, physiotherapist, and more.

The Pro Evolution online mode has lagged behind the FIFA series, so for PES 2013 PES Productions hopes to improve through an online structure where you play against friends in a region-based community as well as against other communities. The more wins you tally, the higher you climb up the Rival Rankings board, and all your stats are collected in a MyPES account that you can broadcast via Facebook.

Sometimes more can be too much, but when you're trying to replicate extraordinary feats of footballing skill as well as match a strong rival in FIFA you need to touch all areas of your game to bring out your best. » Matthew Kato

» Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 PC

1 to 7-Player Sports (PS3) 1 to 4-Player (360) (8-Player Online (PS3) 4-Player Online (360))


» Deve! PES Productions » Release


New Little King’s Story

Your reign continues on Vita

“TT he original Little King's Story is a hidden gem in | the Wii catalog, though fans all but gave up hope Vita

| | for a sequel when developer Cing closed its doors. » style | Thankfully, things aren't as bleak for young king Corobo, 1-Ріауег Action/ | Since Konami is resurrecting this charming kingdom- Adventure

| builder and bringing it to the Vita. | New Little King’s Story takes place after the first game. King Corobo is a bit older, but the protagonist aging a

| » Developer | few years isn't the only visual change. In the transition AQ Interactive | toanew developer, the entire art style has shifted. The X Rilke

| visuals now have a more anime-inspired vibe, but the Sur ied

colors remain vibrant and the environments still have a Storybook quality. Much of the cast is composed of fresh | faces, but Corobo isn't the only returning character | favorites like Howser are still around to help guide your | realm to prosperity. | Despite the artistic change, the gameplay should be familiar to fans. The action revolves around rebuilding a destroyed kingdom, assigning tasks to your loyal sub- jects, and fighting the monsters occupying your turf. The formula incorporates elements from Nintendo's Animal Crossing and Pikmin franchises, but has enough charm of its own to prevent it from feeling derivative. New addi- tions for the sequel include touchscreen controls (of Course) and the ability to download additional costumes and abilities post-launch. Я

The previous entry received plenty of critical acclaim, but didn't generate impressive sales. That may be why Konami is taking a less risky approach with the sequel; New Little King's Story is a download-only title from the PlayStation Store. It may not be the royal treatment fans know King Corobo deserves, but it's better to sit on a smaller throne than to lose it entirely. » Joe Juba

They Grow Up So Fast The new visual style is one of the major changes in store | for New Little King's Story. To illustrate the shift, compare these images of young Corobo from the previous game | (left) and his new incarnation (right). |

à tad

previews 87

р gameinformer



94 Kingdom Hearts 3B! Dream Drop Distance

Tetsuya Nomura and company deliver another winner in the decade-old Kingdóm Hearts franchise. New flowmotion attacks expand the combat system organicafly and dream eaters bring a fresh approach to both enemies and collectible Hs. Not to mention that this is the final pitstop before the long-awaited Кіпа lom Hearts III.


| 10 | way. This score is given out rarely and indicates a game | that cannot be missed.

Superb. Just shy of gaming nirvana, this score is a high ©) | recommendation because the game reviewed is head-

Flawed. It may be obvious that the game has lots of | potential, but its most engaging features could be undeniably flawed or not integrated into the experi


Bad. While some things work as planned, the majority of this title either malfunctions or it is so dull that the game

| falls short as a whole. | нысы шы EEE Mi КЫНЫ: АН 2

В | everyone. This score indicates that there are many good | things to be had, but arguably зо.


Painful. If there is anything that's redeeming in a game of | this caliber, it's buried beneath agonizing gameplay and uneven execution in its features or theme.

| Average. The game's features may work, but are nothing | that even casual players haven't seen before. A decent


Broken. Basically unplayable. This game is so insufficient | in execution that any value would be derived in extremely small quantities, if at all.

game from beginning to end.

Limited Appeal. Although there may be fans of games | receiving this score, many will be left yearning for a more rewarding game experience.




em ee Awarded to games 9.

that score between 75 and 10


Awarded to games that score between 9and 9.5


| | | | | |

Awarded to games that score between 8.5 and 8.75

The award for the most outstanding

| | game in the issue



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Сопсерї Take players on a crime- filled tour of Hong Kong

» Graphics

Decent visuals

during gameplay, but cutscenes display stiff facial animations

» Sound

А fantastic and fitting soundtrack accompanies your drives around the city Playability

Hand-to-hand combat feels good, but gunplay leaves something to be desired

» Entertainment

Fans of open-world

games should find enough to like about Wei's undercover assignment

» Replay Value


90 reviews

eeping Dogs

A solid yet unremarkable criminal adventure

Square Enix, the former True Crime: Hong

Kong has been reborn and repackaged as Sleeping Dogs. Putting players in the shoes of undercover cop Wei Shen, the game tasks players with infiltrating Hong Kong's expansive Triad criminal organization. The experience is worth playing, but the buggy gameplay makes former publisher Activision's lack of faith in the title understandable.

Sleeping Dogs is organized in a manner similar to Grand Theft Auto's tried-and-tested formula. Wei is free to explore the city at his leisure, per- forming side quests or story missions whenever he chooses. While the story itself doesn't offer much in the way of creative mission objectives,

S aved from the brink of cancellation by

_ Sleeping Dogs’ story is typical gangster fare.

a healthy assortment of distractions are avail- able. Wei can arrange drug busts via security cameras, participate in fight clubs and street races, find hidden statues that unlock new melee moves at the dojo, and pray at shrines to increase his maximum health.

Most activities take you down a unique pro- gression ladder. Performing police-oriented duties like drug busts unlocks new gunplay abilities. Staying undercover and performing tasks for the gang levels up your Triad ladder, which grants you new melee skills. Helping the citizens of Hong Kong raises your Face level, which allows you to purchase fancier cars and clothing. Fans of ОТА hidden packages can keep an eye out for dozens of hidden lock boxes throughout the city. They reward you with tons of cash, but there isn't much to spend it on outside of cars, clothes, and food that grants temporary stat boosts.

Fans of Rocksteady’s Batman games should enjoy Sleeping Dogs’ fighting system, as it features Wei countering and attacking like he’s the Caped Crusader. Sleeping Dogs features satisfying (albeit familiar) encounters, and you learn several painful-looking moves through- out the game. You can also pull off brutal environmental attacks. My personal favorite is body-slamming an enemy into a wooden pallet of swordfish heads, impaling him on their sharp noses.

Taking on Hong Kong's underworld with your fists and feet is great, but the gunplay is cookie-cutter by comparison. Shootouts only become frequent later in the game, and their generic nature made me want to charge out from behind cover and deliver a few jump kicks

Style 1-Player Action Publisher Square Enix Developer United Front Games Rel

ase August 14 ESRB М

instead of shooting bullets.

Unfortunately, | encountered several bugs and other issues. During a mission that featured me being driven around, a vehicle blocked the road and | couldn't proceed. While learning a new melee move at the dojo, the game forced me to quit the mission because it didn’t recognize that | was performing it correctly. | had to restart one mission multiple times because the non-player character | was supposed to follow wouldn't spawn (although 1 could hear his voice). On top of bugs like these that forced checkpoint restarts, | also experienced minor annoyances like a lack of transitional animations during combat and lines of dialogue that abruptly cut off.

When everything works correctly, Sleeping Dogs is fun. Combat is rewarding, the leveling system stands out from the open-world pack, and driving feels natural (not to mention fun, considering the ram ability that every car pos- sesses). Even if the game was bug-free, the ho-hum mission structure and unexciting gun- play are still causes for concern.

Sleeping Dogs has enough entertainment value to justify Square Enix's decision to save it from cancellation, but it also displays a lack of polish that makes its troubled development evi- dent. For fans of open-world games, it comes at a good time. Gamers who purchased Saints Row: The Third most likely finished it months ago, and we still don't have a confirmed release window for Grand Theft Auto V. If you're looking to explore the criminal underbelly of a city and get in some trouble, you could do worse than Sleeping Dogs while you wait for Rockstar's top dog. » Dan Ryckert

The Elder Scrolls V: okyrim Dawnguard

Skyrim diverts into the macabre

Style 1-Player Action/Role-Playing Publisher Bethesda Softworks Developer Bethesda Game Studios Release June 26 E.

in Dawnguard have probably already devoted a

big chunk of time to Bethesda's open-world mas- terpiece. Though the vampire plotline is a tonal step removed, players should have no illusions; Dawnguard is squarely targeted to folks who have exhausted the base game's substantial storylines and still hunger for more.

Like the civil war plot thread of Skyrim, Dawnguard's Story brings you into one of two opposing sides of a conflict. The Dawnguard is a legendary organization of vampire hunters who must prevent a looming undead apocalypse. You gain access to the new crossbow weapons, summon armored trolls into combat, and even develop new abilities as a werewolf, if that's your thing. If you choose the other side, you become a fledgling vam- pire lord and potentially attempt to bring unending night down upon the world as you drain your enemies' blood. Bethesda has done an admirable job in both plotlines of offering meaningful choices at several junctures, let- ting you guide how things turn out. Distinct characters and missions are available in both story paths, but don't expect entirely different experiences; most locations and goals echo each other.

Whether delving into the life of a vampire lord or explor- ing the new werewolf perk tree, | wasn't totally sold on the experience. Your actions in these alternate forms help to improve your monstrous abilities, from turning into mist as a vampire to increased healing from your feedings as a werewolf. The problem is the mechanics themselves; in the heat of battle, transforming takes precious seconds, and you're then forced to play in third-person as you wreak havoc not Skyrim's strong suit. Moreover, the increased size of your monstrous form doesn’t fit through the tight spaces of many corridors, so you have to change back before proceeding. Frankly, | was happy to stick with my powered-up weapons and magic skills when things got really challenging.

| appreciate that no matter your choices, Dawnguard doesn’t cling too tightly to its gothic vampire milieu. The Elder Scrolls universe is vast and interconnected, so seeing the tale veer into other planes, long-lost elven races, and forgotten hidden vales is thrilling. New dun- geons and outdoor areas provide the sense of discovery and wonder at the heart of the Elder Scrolls experience, and new monsters help the combat feel fresh.

Dawnguard is limited in scope, and its 10-plus hours of playtime is significant, but.only a drop in the bucket when compared to its base game's hundreds of hours of quests. | had a blast returning to Skyrim after a few months away. Even so, Bethesda did such a fine job of entertaining me the first time out that Dawnguard feels more like an added bonus than an essential ingredient of the whole. » Matt Miller

Y ou don't dabble in Skyrim. Most gamers interested


Concept Return to Skyrim to confront or join a new vampire threat

» Graphics Nothing substantial has changed from the lush and imaginative visual style of the base game

» Sound

Several new characters

are well-voiced, and the Skyrim soundtrack continues to amaze


Vampire and werewolf forms are a focus of this expansion, but exploration and certain attacks (not to mention

the forced third-person perspective) are problematic when you're transformed

» Entertainment

With meaningful story

events and some great new environments, you have good reason to return to last year's role-playing juggernaut

» Replay Value Moderately High

| | | | | | | | |

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD

Tony creates a new kind of stalefish

Style 1-Player Action/Sports (4-Player Online) Publisher Activision Developer Robomodo Release July 18 ESRB T

vividly remember how the demo for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater on PlayStation sucked me in. With the pass- ing of time and the fall of the franchise, that nostalgic moment has passed and is not fully recaptured in this downloadable title encompassing parts of the first two Tony Hawk games. | wouldn't want it to be exactly the same, but Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD adds some

of its own problems and preserves a few from the original games.

Pulling off insane trick combos and traversing the expansive and varied environments is still surprisingly easy. It may feel like your hands are manipulating the controller like you're doing a Rubik's Cube speed run, but the gameplay is solid enough that your hands can keep up with your mind. Tricks can also be executed with the 3605 left analog stick, which I liked except for tricks where you must tap twice in the same direction. The d-pad, meanwhile, is up to the task, albeit a little stiff.

Robomodo has culled a good selection of levels from the first two games. I particularly like the mall, warehouse, Venice Beach, and the downhill jam from the first game. The level design goes hand-in-hand with the trick system, allowing you to put together all unique runs no matter how many times you play the levels. The injection of manuals and switch stance also creates possibilities.

As strong as the garneplay is, a few hitches take it down a peg. Half-pipes runs are hampered by the fact that your skater tends to drift away from the lip of the pipe while in mid-air. This means that you sometimes land in the middle of the transition and fail landings you would have made in the original games. Moreover, the lack of transition animations robs the skating of fluidity and sometimes makes skaters jarringly jump to new railings. The physics and collision systems also sometimes propel you spectacularly into the air.

Adding to these technical problems, one aspect of the original titles that hasn’t aged well is the objectives. Kudos to developer Robomodo for adding new objec- tives to the levels in the spirit of the original games, but most of these are fetch quests. While | don't love the crazy objectives in the later Tony Hawk games, having to collect X amount of objects in a level wears thin. Moreover, the menu has a map of all the collectibles in the level including the secret tape and hidden areas. This undercuts the fun of exploring the levels.

A handful of multiplayer games Trick Attack, Graffiti, and my favorite, Big Head Elimination mode are slightly more successful. In Big Head mode you must constantly pull off tricks so your head doesn't swell up and explode before your opponent's.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD recreates the gameplay that made the franchise famous, but to mixed results. It lands the trick, but doesn't do it cleanly. » Matthew Kato


» Concept

An uneven translation that proves that the original titles were not saints either

» Graphics

The game looks better than the first two, but it still suffers from stilted animations every now and again

» Sound

Includes only one song from the first Tony Hawk game, followed by six from THPS 2 and seven new tunes


Ramp runs are a little harder because your character lands tricks farther down the transition than the original, which causes some biffs

» Entertainment

This is fun (and not just for the blast of nostalgia), but its limitations are exposed

» Replay Value


The XBLA Summer of Arcade Exception Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD is one of Xbox 360's Summer of Arcade titles, but it will also come out on PSN later in the summer. We'll evaluate that version at a later date and publish a separate review if it warrants one. If not, consider this the definitive review.

reviews 91

» Concept A Wii-exclusive RPG from the creator of Final Fantasy

» Graphics Character models look great, but the environments are ugly and muddy

in comparison

» Sound

Nobuo Uematsu holds up his end of the bargain with a memorable soundtrack, and the voice actors do the

best they can with the dialogue they're given

» Playability Camera problems and sluggish response make some battles frustrating. Irecommend using

the classic controller instead of the remote/ nunchuk combo

» Entertainment

The potential for fun is here, but sloppy execution and a predictable story hold things back

» Replay Value Moderate

Multiplayer In An RPG?

In a rare move for a tradi- tional role-playing game, The Last Story has both cooperative and competi- tive multiplayer options. The co-op mode pits players against super bosses, and requires teamwork and coordination. The competi- tive mode involves standard deathmatch and team deathmatch. Both modes set

character levels equal, so you don't need to finish the game

before participating. í had fun with these matches and enjoyed seeing the The Last Story's mechanics applied in à different context, but the addition of multiplayer isn't enough to make the game worth buying.

92 reviews

n my years of enjoying role-playing games, I've saved multiple princesses-in-disguise, toppled countless evil empires, and learned the value of teamwork and friendship several times over. After playing The Last Story, | can add another mark under each of those col- umns, along with several other well-worn RPG conventions. The Last Story makes no attempt to evade or disguise these genre clichés, rely- ing instead on its action-heavy combat to fill the entertainment gap. If the battle system was

executed well, that strategy might have worked.

The Last Story's problems encroach from mul- tiple fronts, but the first one players encounter is the narrative. A mercenary named Zael is the main character. His village was burned down when he was young, and now he dreams of becoming a knight. Zael and his ragtag band of swords-for-hire get wrapped up in a war between two nations but Zael alone can bring about peace and save the planet. Does that sound familiar? Yes, it does.

Because the predictable tale holds virtually no surprises or fresh angles, | couldn't get invested in the boilerplate world or plot. Zael lacks strong convictions and falls flat as a hero, while each of his companions are defined by a single personality hook (e.g. the ladies' man, the drunkard, etc.). Actually, let me take that

back; one character has two personality hooks.

The villains are equally shallow evil suitor, evil count, evil king resulting in a general lack

of drama throughout the 20-hour adventure. For instance, the final stretch throws a twist at players that the game treats like a big reveal, despite the fact that it is telegraphed hours

in advance.

A familiar story isn't necessarily a kiss of death, assuming that a game can innovate in other areas. The Last Story tries to pull this off, and | give it due credit for attempting to jettison

The Last Story

When good ideas go wrong

the conventions of RPG combat. Zael and his friends fight in fast-paced battles with plenty of strategic potential, but with no cumbersome menus or interface to slow down the action. Players only control one character (usually Zael), leaving the rest to Al. Pressing the analog stick toward opponents initiates an attack automatically, so button mashing isn't neces- sary. Magic consists of laying enchanted circles down on the ground, which have various effects on those standing inside them, and dif- ferent effects when diffused. All of these ideas sound great in practice, but something went wrong during the transition from conception

to implementation.

Combat wasn't adequately play-tested for fun or functionality. It's enjoyable for the first few hours, but gets dull quickly since your characters develop so few abilities. | used the same handful of skills and strategies for the whole second half of the game, which kills any sense of progression or growing power. Zael can eventually issue com- mands to party mem- bers, but you don't have enough control over their positions to execute a strategic coup. Plus, you can only issue com- mands when a meter is full, making it hard to count on in a pinch. Not that | was in a pinch often; most battles are extremely easy, so delv- ing into tactics seems pointless since victory

Style 1-Player Role-Playing (6-Player Online) Publisher Xseed Games Developer Mistwalker Release August 14 ESRB T

is assured regardless. That goes out the window late in the game, where a few boss fights are made difficult by the sloppy, imprecise controls.

The lack of polish throughout the experience makes The Last Story hard to appreciate, even when other things are going well. Slowdown and a choppy framerate plague the battle system, and are most prevalent when they are most inconvenient. Taking cover against a wall or behind a pillar sud- denly inexplicably makes enemies lose track of Zael, even if they are only feet away and looking right at him. Heaven help you if you want to do a side quest, because you won't find any in-game guidance. You talk to random townspeople, hope one of them gives you a quest, and then keep track of where they are and what they want manually. Even the epi- logue chapters are buried under obscure con- ditions, meaning that some players may think they've beaten the game before the credits roll and the new game plus option opens up.

The Last Story is the latest project from Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, and industry luminary Nobuo Uematsu composed the soundtrack. Previous collaborations involv- ing these two legends have resulted in titles like Final Fantasy IV, Chrono Trigger, and Blue Dragon. | had high hopes for this Wii-exclusive RPG. Given its pedigree, | never imagined that it would fail to meet the low bar set by dozens of middling entries in the genre. » Joe Juba


Гу oint-and-click adventures aren't the industry's blockbusters, and

they don't establish developers as major players. If a team is creating an adventure game in this day and age, you know that a desire for wealth and fame isn't the driving force; it's passion. That love for the genre shows through in Resonance. Its excellent writing and believable characters follow in the foot- steps of the adventure game greats, while twists on the familiar formula keep the surprises coming.

As a narrative-driven experience, Resonance's best moments come from its cast. The story follows four characters who meet in the wake of a mysterious explosion, then work together to find out the cause and prevent further incidents. Saying more than that would reveal too much, and unraveling the plot is part of the fun. The four main characters are variations on standard archetypes (nerdy scientist, gruff cop, etc.), but they are well-written and don't always act as you expect, resulting in some cool and memo- rable developments.

If you've played any of the ‘90s adven- ture games from LucasArts or Sierra, the basic controls are easy to grasp. You click on things, and characters grab them, talk to them, or say something about them. Where Resonance sets itself apart from its predecessors is the implementation of the memory system, which essentially gives players a mental inventory in addition to

1-Player Adventure Publisher

Wadjet Eye Games RE N/A

е June 19 Е

standard physical objects. The concept works great; your memory allows you to talk to characters about events or objects instead of just showing them things you're carrying. Since any object in the world can be dragged to memory, this adds a new degree of freedom and invites a dif- ferent kind of experimentation than the usual "use this item on this item" crutch.

For all its innovation, Resonance falls into some old traps. It generally avoids item-combination puzzles, but that makes them more unexpected and aggravating when they do happen especially since your required compo- nents could be split among multiple characters' inventories. Resonance is also short, clocking in around seven hours for me. That isn't a problem from a value perspective (it costs $10), but it limits how much the characters can use their unique skills. The four leads still have opportunities to shine, but more time in the spotlight would have made even more compelling heroes.

Resonance feels like a lost classic from the golden age of adventure gaming. It has some of the same shortcomings, but it also captures the thrill of explo- ration, the satisfaction of figuring out interesting puzzles, and the payoff of a well-told story. These elements dem- onstrate a reverence for the genre that can't be manufactured, and anyone who shares the same passion shouldn't miss Resonance. » Joe Juba

» Concept

А point-and-click adventure incorporating a modern narrative style

» Graphics Looks like an adventure game from the ‘90s. That's supposed to be a compliment

» Sound

Quality voice acting helps make the characters convincing

» Playability

A few puzzles have obtuse solutions, but most situations just require experimentation and conversation

» Entertainment Adventure game fans should enjoy Resonance's combination of storytelling and puzzle solving

» Replay Value


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Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Kingdom Hearts Ill ls Coming: The Game

САМЕ MONTH Style 1-Player Action/Role-Playing Publisher Square Enix Developer Square Enix Release July 31 ESRB Е10+

/ 8.25

» Concept Bring monster collecting and 3D to the Kingdom Hearts franchise

» Graphics

Visuals are crisp, colorful, and creative. The framerate holds steady in all but Very rare cases

» Sound

The excellent voice cast impresses once again (except the atrocious Beat dialogue). The classical music in the Fantasia- inspired level steals

the show

» Playability

Combat works smoothly, but constantly digging through menus gets to be a drag

» Entertainment

This sets the table for Kingdom Hearts III, so jump aboard if you're looking for a quality refresher course

» Replay Value Moderately High

94 reviews

hile some players won't tune into the W Kingdom Hearts series again until the

title includes a “Ill,” others keep up with the new installments no matter what. Dream Drop Distance is one of those titles that reaffirms your faith in Kingdom Hearts (like Birth by Sleep) rather feeling like an obligation (like Re:coded).

The story picks up after Re:coded with Sora and Riku tasked by Yen Sid (the sorcerer from Fantasia) to take the Mark of Mastery exam, become keyblade masters, and grow powerful enough to face the coming of villain Master Xehanort. To pass, they must awaken seven sleeping worlds based on Disney properties, as usual.

Some levels are new to the series, like The Hunchback of Notre Dame, while stages based on Tron: Legacy and Pinocchio feel new since you're dabbling in different areas that weren't in the previous games. The stages are entertaining and introduce creative explora- tion mechanics via "reality shifts," like drawing a line on the touchscreen to zip up to higher platforms, or doing a music minigame to open new areas.

Combat this time around is based entirely around dream eaters. These colorful creatures, based on animals like elephants, cats, and dinosaurs, serve as your primary enemies (nightmares) and allies (spirits). Rather than catching them all like Pokémon, you craft them using recipes. They level up by fighting at your Side or via a variety of minigames. In turn, they each have a custom ability board that serves as Sora and Riku's primary upgrade mechanic. Petting and feeding spirits to get the most out of them is cumbersome, and | felt obligated to constantly check my boards and deal with pesky loading. Some kind of alert that you could put on abilities you're gunning for would have alleviated much of this frustration, since I enjoyed the ability board system overall.

The mix of physical attack specials and magic is effective once you get the right combo. You're always unlocking something new, and | loved experimenting and finding surprisingly powerful abilities. The new flowmo- tion attacks allow you to perform environ- mental specials at almost any time with no cooldown time. These moves are integrated smoothly into the traditional battle system; you'll spring off a wall and drill into an enemy, spin around a pole and smash foes in a wide area, or grab stunned night- mares and toss them across the map.

Since you're playing as both Sora and Riku, Square Enix

decided to have more of a back-and-forth of

control this time rather than entirely separate campaigns like in Birth by Sleep. I'm torn on this new “drop” mechanic that forces you to change characters when a timer runs out. It allows you to keep up with both characters’ stories regularly, and it creates cliffnangers sim- ilar to TV episodes, but switching characters can be disorienting and annoying. The negative side of the drop system is softened by several options to extend your timer, but there are a few gates throughout the game that force you to drop to proceed. | found the standard difficulty mode to be а nice pleasant stroll without the need for too much grinding. This all screeches to a halt at one of the final bosses. Not only is the fight disproportionately hard, it also includes a timed touchscreen minigame that shoots you back to an earlier stage of the fight if you fail. Fans who are tired of Kingdom Hearts side-stories should be glad to know that this is definitely the last game before Kingdom Hearts Ill. I'm not going to tell you why, but the fact is made very clear. If you want to know the setup for the next big entry, you have to play this game to find out what's in store for the con- clusion of the Xehanort arc. You could just watch some cutscenes online, but you'd be cheating yourself out of a lot of fun. » Bryan Vore


» Concept

Тар and flick along to dozens of the best Final Fantasy tunes ever

» Graphics

The cutesy and colorful art style suits all the characters and monsters well

» Sound The greatest tunes the Final Fantasy universe has to offer, which is saying a lot

» Playability

Simplistic to a fault at times, but unlocking the highest difficulty tests your rhythm. and precision

» Entertainment

A great time for any

video game music fan or appreciator of rhythm games

» Replay Value Moderate

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy

Solid rhythm gameplay meet

music just as much as their stellar stories

and RPG gameplay. Just one measure of any Nobuo Uematsu composition is enough to get your nostalgic juices flowing. Theatrhythm allows players to enjoy a pleth- ora of Final Fantasy tunes by tapping along to the rhythm on their 3DS. The basic formula is simple and fun, despite some useless experi- ence based-progression garnish.

All the favorites are here, from the rousing 8-bit battle theme you killed your first goblin to in the original Final Fantasy to the distorted guitars of Final Fantasy XIII. Your job is to tap and flick the stylus to the melody as colorful notes pass by on the screen. The game recog- nizes every move without flaw. You only have your own lack of rhythm to blame if you fail a song, but that shouldn't happen often given that the game is easy to a fault on all but the most challenging difficulty level.

Theatrhythm allows you to customize a battle party of popular characters, including charming cartoony versions of favorites like Cloud and Terra. They don't do much aside from prance across fields and aimlessly hack away at monsters, but they look adorable doing it. Your party acquires experience points

F inal Fantasy games are adored for their

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; a legendary tracklist

and items as you progress, but I didn't notice any significant change to the core gameplay despite my characters leveling up and auto- matically tossing around potions and other items. The hollow progression feels like an excuse to play the iconic victory fanfare at the end of each piece. Despite feeling useless, the superfluous layer of complexity doesn’t detract from the fun.

Players can jump around the series timeline to play a collection of three tracks from a spe- cific game, take on tunes at higher difficulties in challenge mode, or team up with a buddy to tackle random ditties in the chaos shrine. Up to four players can play together locally in Chaos Shrine mode, but sharing the burden of missed notes is more nuisance than fun and can lead to quick game overs.

As a big Final Fantasy fan and enthusiast of video game music in general, | love being able to appreciate these classics in a new way. l'Il always get a chill listening to the intense orchestral version of “One-Winged Angel” or the happy-go-lucky chocobo theme. The tacked-on progression system may be unsatisfying, but it doesn't stop Theatrhythm from being a fun, simple rhythm game with an amazing musical library. » Tim Turi

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LEGO Batman 2: Sims 3: Pets, The 7.5 Deci Ату 3 Mari2 Lord of the Rings: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon 8.25 Dec-11 ОС Super Heroes 8.25 Aug-12 Skulgits 8 Jun-12 ^ Armored Core V 85 May-12 War in the North 55 Dec-11 All Zombies Must Die. 7.5 Mar-12 Lolipop Chainsaw 7.5 Aug-12 Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure 8 Dec-11 Аѕшаѕ Wrath 85 Apr12 Major League Baseball 2K12 6.75 May-12 Amy 3 Mari Lord of the Rings: Sniper Elite V2 825 Jul-12 ^ Awesomenauts 85 Ju-12 Мав Effect 3 10 May-12 Armored Core V 6.5 May-12 War in the North 5.5 Dec-11 ^ Sonic Generations 6.75 Dec-11 Battlefield 3 925 Dec-11 Мах Payne 3 925 Ju-12 Asura's Wrath 85 Aprig Mealor League Baseball 2012 6.75 May-12 Sorcery 675 Ju-12 Binary Domain 7.8 May-12 Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition 8.75 Jul-12 ‘Awesomenauts as дл? MASENOG 10 May-12 Soulcalibur V 85 Mar-12 Blades of Time 4.5 May-12 NASCAR Unleashed 7 Deci Battlefield 3 925 Dec-11 Мах Payne 3 9.25 Ju-12 ^ Spec Ops: The Line 7.75 Aug-12 Darkness Il 7.5 Mar-12 NCAA Football 13 875 Aug-12 Binary Domain 7.5 May-12 MLB 12: The Show 8.75 May-12 Spider-Man: Edge of Time 6.5 Dec-11 Devil Мау Cry HD Collection 8 May-12 Мева for Speed: The Run 7.76 Оес-11 Birds of Steel 7 жы NASCAR Unleashed 7 000-11 беу 7.75 Apri2 Dirt Showdown 75 Ju-i2 ^ NeverDead а Mar-i2 Blades of Time 45 May-i2 МОЛА Football 13 8.75 Aug-12 сатам 7.5 Ju-12 Disney Universe 65 Deci Меш 6 May-12 Crysis 8.25 Dec-11 Need for Speed: The Run 7.75 Dec-11 Street Fighter X Tekken 8.75 May-12 Dragons Dogma 85 Jun-12 NFL Blitz 8 Mar12 Darkness II 7.5 Mario NeverDead 4 Mar-12 Syndicate 8 Apri2 Fable Heroes 4 Ju-i2 Ninja Gaiden 3 6 Мау-12 Devil May Cry HD Collection в Mayig Nexuiz 6 May-12 Tales of Graces f 735 Apri2 Fez 9.25 Jun-12 Prototype 2 85 Jun-12 Dirt Showdown 75 Jui? МШЕ 8 Mar-12 © Test Drive: Ferrari FIFA Street 7.25 May-12 Quantum Conundrum 85 Aug-12 Disney Universe 65 Dec-11 Ninja Gaiden 3 6 May-12 Racing Legends 65 Aug-12 Forza Motorsport 4 925 Deo-11 Quarrel 85 Apri? Dragon's Dogma 85 Jun-12 Okebu 8 Dec-11 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 8 May-12 бате of Thrones 6 Ju-i2 Rayman Origins 85 Оес-11 FIFA Street 7.25 May-ig Payday: The Heist 6.5 Dec-11 Twisted Metal 8.5 Apr-12 Ghost Recon: Future Soldier 7.5 Ju-12 Resident Evil: Operation arie of Tienes 6 du Prototype 2 85 Jun-12 ^ UEFA Euro 2012 675 Jun-2 Gotham City impostors 8 Apr-12 Racoon City 6 May-12 Ghost Recon: Future Soldier 7.5 Jul-12 Quantum Conundrum 8.5 Aug-12 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception 9.5 Оес-11 Grand Slam Tennis 2 8 Apr-12 Ridge Racer Unbounded 675 2012 Gotham City Impostors в Apr-12 Ratchet & Clank: Al 4 One 875 Decii Walking Dead Guardian Heroes 825 Dec-11 Rocksmith 825 Dec-11 ‘Grand Siem Tennis 2 в Apr-12 Payman Origins 8.5 Dec-11 Episode One: A New Day, The 825 Jul-12 ^ Hulk Hogan's Main Event 1 Decii Saints Row: The Third 9 Decii House of the Dead: Resident Evil: Operation. World Gone Sour 6.75 Jun-12 Inversion 6 Aug-12 ‘Shank 2 7 Apr12 Overkill Extended Cut 8 Deo-11 Racoon City 6 May-12 Yakuza: Dead Souls 7.75 May-12 just Dance 3 6 Оес-11 _ Silent Hill HD Collection 8 Apri2 Inversion & Auge; Fidos Racer Unbounded PIS uae Kinect Star Wars 55 Jun-12 Silent Hil: Downpour 7 Apri2 Јак and Daxter Collection 9.25 Mar-12 Pockemith 825 Dec-11 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning 8 Mar-12 Sims 3: Pets, The 75 Dec-11 Journey puppi ЭМНЕН 9 Deci Ace Combat: Assault Horizon 8.25 Dec-11 ^ LEGO Batman 2: DC Sine Mora 8 Jun-12 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning 8 Marig Shank 2 7 Apri2 Alan Wakes ‘Super Heroes 825 Aug-12 Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure 8 Dec-11 Silent Hill HD Collection 8 Apr42 Атейсап Nightmare 7.75 Apr-12 Lollipop Chainsaw 7.5 Aug-12 Sniper Elite V2 825 Јш-12 Silent Hil: Downpour 7 Apri2 All Zombies Must Die 75 Маг12

| Pocket Planes July 4 ESRB T latform 108 July 14 N/A

Though it doesn't have the depth of a full-fledged simulation, the accessible mechanics and tempting rewards make Pocket Planes worth some short-term attention. Joe Juba

| Spelunky

Xbox 360

As exciting as it is to play a platformer with an infinite number of new levels, the novelty comes at a cost. You need ample patience, time, and skill to make it through Spelunky's ever- changing caves. Jeff Marchiafava

| The Amazing Spider-Man

m PS3 360 Release June 26 ESRB T

Not only does Amazing Spider- Man fail to deliver, it may also diminish my enjoyment of this

summer's film. Ben Reeves

| | Endless Space

m PC Releas Rating T

Endless Space is far from a disaster пара its bad AI and unfortunate tedium, with excellent online play making it one of the better multiplayer turn-based strategy games

around. My decade-and-a-half wait for the space empire

savior continues, though. Adam Biessener

Zumas s Revenge Pla m 360 se July 11 E

Ihad a great time with Zuma's Revenge, but can't help but feel a little disappointed that I completed it in one sitting without cursing once. The new formula delivers a more relaxing thrill - which isn't a bad thing as opposed to pushing the players to hone their skills. - Andrew Reiner

8| Pen ny Arcade's On The

Ra ain-Slick Precipice

Of Darkness 3 m 360 PC Releas

What the game lacks in perceptible story, it makes up for with interesting combat, great music, and pure nostalgia. Kyle Hilliard

June 25 ESRB N/A

| Ke ter

та РС Release June 12 ESRB N/A

Krater introduces a three-character party to the classic Diablo formula. Unfortunately, it stumbles in creating the tight tactical moment-to-moment gameplay that both action/RPGs and real-time strategy games need to excel. Adam Biessener

| Dyad

m PS3 Release June 17


Playing for long stretches feels like sensory over-indulgence, which could be good or bad depending on your sensitivity. No matter how busy the onscreen action becomes, Dyad is consistently entertaining and rarely frustrating. Tim Turi

Sonic Generations 6.75 Dec-11 Soulcalibur V 85 Mart2 Spec Ops: The Line 7.75 Aug-12 Spider-Man: Edge of Time 6.5 Dec-11 Splatters, The 8 Ju-12 SSX 7.75 Apr-12 Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor З Aug-12 Street Fighter X Tekken 8.75 May-12 Syndicate 8 Арг-12 Test Drive: Ferrari

Racing Legends 65 Aug-12 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 18 8 May-12 Trials Evolution 9 Jun-12 UEFA Euro 2012 6.75 Jun-12 Walking Dead

Episode One: A New Day, The 8.25 Jul-12 Warp. 6.75 Арг-12

Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition, The 9.5 May-12

World Gone Sour 6.75 Jun-12 Wii

Disney Universe. 6.5 Dec-11 Kirby's Return To Dream Land 8.5 Dec-11 Legend of Zelda:

Skyward Sword, The 10 Dec-11 Mario Party 9 5.75 May-12 Spider-Man: Edge of Time 6.5 Dec-11 Xenoblade Chronicles 9.5 May-12 Battlefield 3 95 Dec-11 Botanicula 825 12 Civilization V: Gods & Kings 8.5 Aug-12 Diablo Il 9 Aug-12 Game of Thrones 6 Ju-12 Game of Thrones: Genesis, A 6.75 Deo-11 Gotham City Impostors 8 Арг-12 King Arthur Il

The Role-Playing Wargame 7 Арг-12 Legend of Grimrock 725 Jun-12 Mess Effect 3 10 May-12




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Might & Magic Heroes VI 825 Dec-11 Nexuiz 6 May-12 Payday: The Heist 8 Decii Postal lll 1 Mar-12 Quantum Conundrum 85 Aug-12 Resident Evil: Operation

Racoon City

6 Risen 2: Dark Waters 6 Ju-12 Saints Row: The Third 9 Decii Shank 2 7 Apri2 Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebelion 8 Aug-12 Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure 8 Оес-11 Sol: Exodus 6 Арг12 Spec Ops: The Line 7.75 Aug-12 Syndicate 8 Apri2

Total War: Shogun 2 =

Fall of the Samurai 9.25 May-12 Tribes: Ascend 85 \ша2 ‘Tropico 4: Modern Times 85 May-12 UEFA Euro 2012 675 Jun-12 Vessel 7.75 May-12

Walking Dead Episode One: A New Day, The 8.25 Jul-12 Warlock: Master of the Arcane 6.5 Jul-12 Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition, The 9.5 May-12


Aliens: Infestation 8.25 Nov-11 Cars 2 7.75 Aug-11 Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 7.5 Oct-11 Kirby Mass Attack 85 Oct-11 Pokémon Conquest 7 Aug-12 Professor Layton and

the Last Specter 85 Deo-11 Solatorobo: Red the Hunter 7.5 Dec-11 Lara Corpse Party 8 Feb-12 Final Fantasy IV:

The Complete Collection 85 May-11

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S a Y , SQUARE IS THE UNDISPUTED KING of 16-bit role-playing games. The legendary Final Fantasy titles, the time-bending adventures

of Chrono Trigger, and the good, clean fun of Super Mario RPG

п have cemented the Japanese company's legacy. Another gem su ng pu S m" often gets overlooked while recounting Square's rich history. The

Secret of Mana is about a boy, a princess, and a sprite on a quest

to restore a magical sword and save the world from certain doom.

Reflecting on The Sec t of Mana While the plot may not be dripping with originality, the 1993

SNES adventure features groundbreaking real-time RPG mechan-

by Tim Turi ics and a sprawling world rivaling the size of Hyrule. Here's why we love The Secret of Mana.


Enthralling Music

How Square packed such a huge, beautiful soundtrack into one 16-bit cartridge is befud- dling. The Secret of Mana blends delicate, haunting melodies, bass-heavy tribal beats, and Celtic-inspired tunes into a diverse collec- tion. The title theme's otherworldly whale bel- lows and soft piano expertly introduces players to the mystical world of Mana. The robust musical variety and sheer wealth of songs places this soundtrack among the best video game scores ever.

Rewarding Combat

By blending The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past's combat with a worthwhile leveling system, The Secret of Mana has a recipe for Success. Players wield swords, spears, and magic spells to combat evil rabbits, bandits, and other bad guys. Gaining experience, grow- ing stronger, and clearing the world of enemies without being teleported to a separate battle Screen was a revelation at the time. The game also incorporates a unique stamina-based combat system and innovative circular com- mand menu for selecting spells, weapons, and items something still seen in games like Mass Effect 3 and Max Payne 3.

Secret Sequel

The Secret of Mana is technically the second game in the series. The franchise is called Seiken Densetsu in Japan, and the first game was released in the West as Final Fantasy Adventure on the Game Boy. The simplistic 1991 title features combat and an overworld reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda on the NES, but with the leveling system that sets the Mana series apart. The Super Famicom sequel, Seiken Densetsu 3, never made it overseas, but a handful of other games in the Mana series have released on handheld Nintendo systems.

Talented Creators

The creative leads for The Secret of Mana are important figures in Square's talented roster. Koichi Ishii, the game's director, worked on each Famicom Final Fantasy title before starting the Mana series. Ishii's current development studio, Grezzo, recently helped develop The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D for the 3DS. Hiromichi Tanaka, producer for The Secret of Mana and other games in the series, also worked on

the Famicom Final Fantasy titles along with Xenogears, Chrono Cross, and several Final Fantasy side projects.


The World

This Square title lacks the zoomed-out over- world map seen in many other RPGs. Instead, it stitch-es together assorted locations to create one huge world that Link would feel at home exploring. The Secret of Mana's world has simi- larities to Chrono Trigger a fusion of medieval and high-tech elements. These contrasting themes provide players with fantastic settings ranging from ancient ruins to a futuristic flying battleship. Plus, you get to travel around the world by being fired out of a cannon and riding an awesome dragon.

Three-Player Co-op

The current console generation ushered in

а co-op renaissance, but long before it The Secret of Mana offered a three-player role- playing experience. After acquiring all three main characters, players can plug in a second controller (and a third with a multi-tap) to blast through the quest together. Square RPGs are time-intensive commitments, but embarking on them with friends makes the hours fly by. The trio of players can develop cooperative tactics using a variety of defensive and offen- sive support spells, deadly elemental magic, and swordplay.

Square Enix is well aware that the RPGs devel- oped back in Square's heyday have a devoted fanbase. In recent years, the company has made The Secret of Mana available on the Virtual Console and iOS devices. We suggest playing the game any way you can, but the Wii provides the best modern experience. Linking up three Wii Classic Controllers and diving into The Secret of Mana's co-op is the way to go. Now cross your fingers that Seiken Densetsu 3 gets a similar treatment. &

connect 99

The Godfather of Speaks! .





hough today. we think of co-op as a primarily online experience, the first game that made

cooperative play a mass-market phenomenon was Atari's Gauntlet. The four-player dungeon

crawler became a permanent fixture at many arcades and helped establishthe formula that still resonates today in games like Diablo Ill. v^

їп keeping with this issue's celek the game's development and lasting impact.

Аме. &

station of co-op, we interviewed Gauntlet designer Ed Logg about

+ What were some of your transporters, thieves, secret had I been a big fan of games We field-tested our games to inspirations for Gauntlet rooms, or enemies that shot like Rip-Off or Warlords, but determine popularity (how especially in making a back. Dandy did not have the also I saw how everyone liked much it earned compared to cooperative multiplayer Dungeon Master which pro- playing Dandy. Growing up: other games) and the game's experience? vided the voice for many [of ‘with board and card games, longevity (how long it continued I always wanted to do a Gauntlet's]; popular phrases... it becomes obvious having to earn). In our case, Gauntlet Dungeons & Dragons game, things like, "The elf has eaten more people is often more fun ‘was tested in a small arcade in partially because my son was all the food lately." than just playing against bots: a shopping center away from into it and he was constantly. “sy. 3 that you cannot taunt or ver- ош normal field test locations. asking me to do a D&D game. + Were there any produc- bally harass. Field-testing locations agree to Tjust could not figure a way to tion problems you encoun- ‘keep the game and earnings make a coin-operated game tered in designing and + Why do you think it was secret. But, when I went out from D&D gameplay. the game? во successful? there after the game had been Was Atari concerned that I think there were many rea- in the location just a few да) + Gauntlet had a less famous the cabinets would be more sons why this game Was so I found David Rosen of Sega co-op predecessor named expensive to produce? successful. Cooperative play there, along with several others; Dandy (later called Dandy The cost of the cabinet was was'certainly the most obvi- taking pictures and notes. I Dungeon). How was Gauntlet never an issue. However, there ous, but Gauntlet solved a very had to pull the game after one different from that game? was a problem with a game important problem we had in. week. I believe that was the {played a game called Dandy Without plexiglass covering the video game industry at only time Atari had ever done that was brought into Atari by the monitor. 1 had decided to the time. The cost to play was that. Also, there was a small Robin Ziegler. Once I played remove the plexiglass to pre- just one quarter and [play- sign over the game limiting the this game 1 knew how to do à vent any glare problems that ers] expected to get 90 to 120 number of plays per person [in D&D game for the coin-operat- would affect some players’ seconds of play. So it was very order] to allow others to play. ed market. There were many view of the screen. [Arcade]. hard to increase [revenue] Thad never seen that before, = differences between Dandy operator were not used to _ ‘without doubling the cost either. So, from all these "hints" E and Gauntlet. The part 1 took this. The most difficult problem ıı whieh would not be popular as well as future field tests, it o from Dandy was the scrolling was not manufacturing but ° with players. We failed many was clear we had a winner. © playfield that was bigger than convincing marketing that I times to get a 50-cent play. S the level and limiting the play- could get strangers to play the Gauntlet allowed the game to + Have you seen any of the m the visible portion, as game together. a earn $1 for the same amount “Wizard Needs Food Badly” Is] well as the monster generators T of time most games earned 25 merchandise people sell on = and the ghosts. Of course, both * Did you have any idea 'cents without affecting the cost the Internet? What's yo: A games had multiple players how powerful the draw of to the players. opinion of that? ЮУГА = (up to five for Dandy and four cooperative multiplayer was No, I have never heard of % for Gauntlet) as well as heath, going to be? + Early on, did you have a this. I guess it is a result of treasure, and enemies to fight. І knew how powerful multi- feeling that Gauntlet was a widely popular game. It is Dandy didn’t have power-ups, player play would be. Not only going to be a phenomenon? very flattering! Ф

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