March 1995 Vol. V Issue 3 “#23

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Cover Story: NBA Jam

Tournament Edition This March heats up as NBA Jam Tournament Edition hits the streets for Super NES and Genesis

". 44 Insider News from the

Winter Consumer Electronics Show GI goes behind the scenes and gives you the inside scoop on the WCES


& Previews .

Genesis Desert Demolition, Beyond Oasis, X-Men 2, NHL All-Star Hockey ‘95, Coach K College Basketball

International Superstar Soccer, Pac-In-Time

Val d'Isere

far At а Glance Checkered Flag, Club Drive, Zool 11, Power Drive Rally


Demolition Man, Return Fire

2DO At a Glance Off-World Interceptor, Shockwave: Operation Jumpgate, Rebel Assault, Novastorm

Sega CD Soulstar, Popful Mail

Sega CD At a Glance

Crime Patrol, B.C. Racers, Links, Prime

Dear Game Informer Play To Perfection:

: A Game Monger's Strategy Guide 5 Letter from the Editor In-Depth Maps and Tricks

Arcade Brigade for Alien Vs. Predator

Sega Presents Virtua Fighter 2 55 Secret Access 42 What's Hot! Tips From Our Readers Nintendo Sues Samsung, 60 Tech Talk Primal Rage Hits 8+ Formats, Info on the Ultra 64 and NeoeGeo CD

and Info on MK III : 62 Game Genie/Swap Shop Includes Exclusive Codes From Galoob

Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. Second-class postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year additional postage.

Entire contents copyright 1994. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc.

Game Informer ú March ‘95 Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies.

March Issue 1995 Volume V, Number 3 Issue #23 Richard A. Cihak Publisher

Andrew McNamara Editor

~ Paul Anderson |... Senior Associate Editor

x Ross VanDerSchaegen David "Vinny" Vinyon

Andy Reiner Associate Editors

Paul Anderson _ Rick Petzoldt _ . Andy McNamara _ Ross УапрегЅсһаедеп |... Video Game Consultan Thomas Blustin Art Director Graphic Design

Timothy J. Laurie Production Director Graphic Design

West Coast Correspondent _

Tony Sureau & Associates _

Pro named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies. Ç For a subscription inquiries please write to our Customer 10120 West 76th Street Eden Priaire, MN 55344

with an advertisement is limited to republication of the advertisement _ in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid forthe ad- _ vertisement. _ E INDEMNIFICATION | The advertiser and/or Advertising Agency agrees to defend and indemnify the publisher against any and all liability, loss, or expense arising from claims of libel, unfair competition, unfair trade practices, infringement of trademarks, copyrights, trade names, patents, or proprietary rights or | violation of rights of privacy, resulting from the publication of the

Dear Nintendo This letter is for the Insiders at Nintendo of America in regards to their

advertisement in the November ‘94 .

issue of Game Informer comparing DKC to the 32X, 3DO, and Jaguar. Very clever. | knew top-level programming was your forte’, but now game warfare propaganda? Even though ! agree with most of what your article/advertisement has to say about gameplay, Donkey Kong Country, if available оп 300 (for example), would still have the playability of the SNES, plus the graphics would look closer to the “awesome” original graphic models than the 'fuzzier' 16-bit version released. Don’t get me wrong, DKC is the next level, and kudos to you for Introducing Advanced Computer Modeling (ACM) to home video games. For the future, stick to your strengths and give us more ‘ACM’ games, but please leave the hardware reviews to the unbiased professionals at 'Game Informer". е Slightly Irritated Game Retaller/Enthuslast

Wayne, NJ

Thank you for your insightful observa- tion of Мтепао 5 advertising campaign, but I’m sure you know as well as most іп the industry that "Play it Loud!" has started a change in Nintendo's image that has moved them closer to the adult market. While it may be slightly offensive to people in the industry (and Sega fans) that Nintendo would sink so low as to ríp on its competition, | don't think anything we say will change their minds. But hey! We can write as many nasty letters as we want!

More 3DO

I've been reading your mag for quite |

some time now, and | just want to say that you guys rule! The improvements in the mag over the last year are vi Impressive. Going monthly is defin I wanted to see happen (it's about time!!!) The reason why I’m writing to you is there Is one thing that | would like to see more than ever. | want more coverage on the 3DO. I saw the review on Road Rash in the December issue definitely a game to get for those that ра? ), but that was К. One page из). January Issue was а little better. It had a couple secret codes, which 18 cool, but I’m sure you could do a little bit more. Let's see some 3DO in your At a Glance segment, and some more previews as to what's coming out. Kee, us Informed. That's why they call it Game Іпїогтег!!!11! Grant Kausel

Brooklyn Center, MN

Sorry Grant for not keeping you as tuned in to the world of 3DO as we should have. But, as always in the video game industry, we have an excuse. We felt that the 3DO was pretty lame there for a while, but things have changed and we would have to agree with you now. The 3DO is really taking gaming seriously and their games are showing it. This issue marks the first of many issues with improved coverage of the 3DO, Jaguar, and 32X, including more reviews, previews, and each system's very own At a Glance. How long will it last? That will depend on how many good games we get for each system, but we don't think that will be a problem.

The Final Wordi

I have been reading your magazine for two, going on three years now, and I think every part of it Is perfect except Dear GI. Every month more than half section seems to be dedicated to people arguing about which system

-leaves the others in the dust. This

question doesn't have an answer. The graphics, sound, and processing power ofa system only show the lofa system. It is what the programmers do with what they have that shows how gooda system or successful a company is. Look how far Nintendo has come from Super Mario World to Donkey Kong Country, from Gradius Ill to Super Н-Туре. These advances were not made because they made the system better, but because the programmers became more experienced with their material. It’s not the clay that makes the sculpture, it's the artist. Sega has added two peri, Is to the Genesis. Good. Now their “artists” (programmers) have new and improved "clay" to work with. If they back it up with good games, then they would truly have a pe that beats the pants off Super NES.

Also, Benson Sanford Is going a bit to extremes, but he's right. People don't play 8-bit games for nostalgia; It has its classics. Moving on to high-end systems, Jaguar has some great hardware, but until Allen Vs. Predator it didn't have the software to back It up. 3DO has great specs and sweet games, but it's so cool and advanced that only people with more money than sense can afford it. The cost plummet since its release proves this. Ultra 64 promises

kick-butt hardware, lots of licenses for

games, and an affordable price, but will

it follow through? As it is, video gaming

systems are running neck-in-neck.

nless Ultra 64 lives up to the hype, and only time will tell, no system is superior toanother. Everybody needs to chill out, because they're fighting a battle that

can't be won. Curtis Hurt Duncanville, Texas

Curtis, you are the man. We would have to agree with you 100% on this one. There isn'ta better or worse system out there. You just gotta play what you want to play. So, Game Informer will no longer continue our longwinded and unanswerable dispute on System prowess.

P.S. Sorry you think Dear GI stinks, we'll try to do a better job in the future.

Quick Advice When the Sega Saturn comes out are

they going to still make games for the Genesis? ИЛИ you be able to play the Sega Saturn games on the 32X? Which one would you get... the 32X or

Lucas Knox Kasson, MN


the Saturn?

Hey, don't worry the Genesis is a long way away from becoming obsolete. Sega will continue to support the Genesis well into '97. However, one day in the future an upgrade willbecome necessary if you wish to stay on the leading edge of video gamedom. Purchasing a 32X will not enable you to play Saturn games at a future date. The 32X is an upgrade available for your Genesis, which will allow you to play 32-bit games without investing in a high cost system. But if you have the means, | highly advise skipping the whole 32X thing and waiting for the next wave of machines coming from Sega, Sony, and Nintendo.

| have some questions about Nintendo’s two new systems coming out, the Ultra 64 and VR32 or Virtual Boy


рак чији оис in the future. When I first heard that Ultra 64 played Cruisin’ USA and Killer Instinct, | wanted to get it. | thought the walt until September of '95 would be worth the system. However, lately | have been ап of a portable 32-bit machine which (supposedly) has virtual reality. In two separate Issues of Game Informer (Dec ‘94 and Jan ‘95) you sald that the VB would have virtual reality, but 1 still have trouble believing it. Їп your Jan ‘95 issue in the Tech Talk section, you had an article that the J would be coming out with the first virtual reallty (VR) mask by next Christmas. In the article on the right, however, it said Virtual Boy had virtual


So will the Virtual Boy have VR and most Importantly, which system should | buy? Tell me which you feel 18 better

and which you think will do better.

Please don't say | should decide myself

and both systems are equal. | need an opinion.

Greg Himmelbrand

Bayside, NY

VR or not VR, that has always been the question. It's a ponderous question that is extremely difficult for us to answer, not just because we have only seen the Virtual Boy (nobody s seen the Jag unit), but because it all depends upon your definition of virtual reality. A single helmet, no matter what, can not really be considered virtual reality. It's a good start but in по way is it near true virtual reality. The Virtual Boy, which we have seen, is not what we would call virtual reality. However, the Virtual Boy is kinda cool. We got a chance to play it at this year's WCES and it was fun. Basically what the Virtual Boy is about is a technology based on a Light Emitting Diode that, through the use of mirrors, fools your mind into a very realistic 3D environ- ment. It ny be all in red images, but it is definitely 3D.

So if you're looking for a new experience, other than virtual reality, the Virtual Boy could very well be your answer. But more than likely that should be a purchase you make after the Ultra 64 (unless you've got the cash for both), because, over the years, the premiere (and Don Nintendo titles will show up on the

tra 64.

A Word On 32X and

Video Games!

First off, I'd like to say that | love your magazine. The Secret Access section is a real help with some of

Game Informer п March'95

those tough games. Speaking of which, can you put an APB on Cosmic Carnage for the 32X? I'm having a hell of a time trying to beat it!

Now to get down to business. | have two questions and a viewpoint.

^ I recently received а 32X as a Holiday gift. | enjoy it very much but I do need some answers. When l looked at the box, there was a sticker on the outside that sald “Compatible with all Genesis systems except CDX." Why is this? i shouldn't the 32X work with the CDX

2) As I found out after reading the instructions, hooking up the 32X to the old model of the Genesis is not as easy as hooking It up to a new one. You can't use the old RF switch and you have to put this cartridge Into the expansion slot. Why do you have to do all of that Just to hook it up?

And now on to ту viewpoint. It seems to me that the cost of gaming ів continually rising. | used to be a avid computer gamer until | found that trying to keep up in that scene costs big bucks. It seemed that as soon as | would buy something new to upgrade my computer, some company would come out with some chip or something that would be “bigger, better, and faster”. | о going Into the cartridge-based video game world would lessen the financial load. Well, it did at first but now | see the video game world doing the same thing that the computer world is doing. | can tell you right now that selling a game for $75 and up Is a total rip-off.

Matthew Thompson Warren, NJ

Well, the 32X is quite an x-perience. First off, the reason the box says the 32X isn't compatible with the CDX is because the FCC wouldn't allow them to put a expansion unit on a hand-held unit. However, it does work. Sega just can't endorse it. Concerning the Genesis 1/32X combination, this is a serious mess. If you have a Genesis! and you do your gaming through the RF box, rather than the video cables, you've got to find a Genesis2 RF switch (which, of course, are always in stock?l).

Now to the viewpoint, we would have to say that you're right and you re wrong. We would have to agree that cartridges and CD's are getting fairly outrageous, but I think you have to take a serious look at how much more production goes into creating a game now, compared to the classic NES. The games are just bigger. Much of the next wave of computer units

Letter From the Editor By ANDREW Mo М АМАН А

Electronic Evolution

couple of months ago, Game Informer traveled to the far off

land known as WCES. This place, found somewhere in the

hills of Nevada, was once an exciting place to go and discover the amazing future of video gaming. Unfortunately, this year was the most boring CES I've ever been to in my life. _

It was a catastrophe. Completely unbelievable. Every company that was there basically said the same thing, “we'll have more to show at ЕЗ”. I, of course, wasn't going to let that stop me from seeing the future of electronic gaming.

Inthe last couple of months we have searched high and low to find some of the most exciting video games in the world, and the only place we could find it at this moment was Japan. So last month, we started "Only In Japan", which featured the up and coming PlayStation and the Sega Saturn systems and their games. Although these systems are only in Japan at the moment, it is a great place to get a glimpse of our future and set the table for things to come.

What's to come? Well, the world of video games is going to go into an

amazing spin that will shoot us farther into pop culture than we have ever _

been. The first step in this evolution will be the introduction of the PlayStation, Saturn, and Ultra 64 this fall. They'll be expensive compared to today’s standards, but their prices will come down after the 16-bit takes a nice little dip in price. As the 16-bit prices fall, gamers will enjoy some of the best 16-bit gaming ever, and also see some of the best pricing on the greatest video game equipment since the NES. So everyone will be

playing in the 16-bit market, but a wave of momentous proportions will |

be growing and gaining speed as the 16-bit enjoys its greatest market penetration. The name of this wave: 64-bit. The Sony PlayStation, with Sony’s unique distribution and knack for mass marketing, will bring in older players who have never played video games or gamers who have migrated to the computer scene. Ultra 64 will create games through their

exclusive deals with Williams and SGI to bring Nintendo games back to | the forefront of video game consoles. Sega, of course, will use their

widespread attack methodology and brand name recognition to bring gamers with any need to their knees with Sega’s massive array of hardware and software.

So why talk about these games now when they're still seven months away? Well they're in our office now, and the level of gaming is unmatched. Gamers all across America will be amazed by the graphics, sound, and advanced gameplay that will keep gamers like you and me sleepless and hopeless as we set out to conquer any game we can get our hands on. 1 can't wait. I love electronic evolution. m

after all these years.”

and Secret of Evermore [ог SNES.”

“March Madness is upon us, and once again we have been buried in a sea of basketball carts. NBA Jam TE is pretty exciting, but go with Coach K if you're a college fan. Otherwise, I've been up to no good, playing lots of gigs with the band and working on new songs. Of course, we just got back from Vegas, where for the first time in years | lost some big cash, but Paul more than made up for it by finally breaking even

“March is here and with it comes ‘March Madness’. What that means is that | will be spending most of my spare time in front of the TV watching college hoops and possibly earning some extra cash, if you know what | mean. This issue’s most sizzling games are as follows: Return Fire for 300, Beyond Oasis for Genesis,


“The winter CES confirmed my suspicion that the 16-bit era is ending fast. There just weren't many innovative 16-bit games to be seen. We at GI will give you all the updates so when the time comes you can make an informed decision on what to buy. In the meantime you can look forward to Beyond Oasis, Secret of Evermore, and StarFox 2.


The release dates listed in these pages are those currently available at the time the Game Informer goes into production and are subject to change.

Subscription Notice Want to stay on top on what's new in the video game world? Keep the Game Informer coming to your home. Subscribe now for only $9.98 for five trial issues or $19.98 and receive twelve action-packed issues; one every month. Save $27.42 off

and software are unbelievable. They're just huge. Don't worry Matthew, computers kind of surpassed video games for a while, but we're on the way back. Just you wait, there are going to be some games that will blow you away this year.

First off, this issue went down to the wire because of the multitudes of info

GI reviewers rate games the cover price. lalod at tha WEES. A bi in six categories: Look for the subscription card in this TH s oos D t ilie us > ш Concept m Playability Audiophile, an official sponsor of Game issue and sign up today! production who put up with n m Graphics m Entertainment Informer Magazine, makes its Multi-Media On-Line Mailbox: changes and really put in some long m Sound m Overall Rating Speaker Systems available to the gaming | . h thi Now for th ; . Game Informer is now on-line! If you ours on tnis опе. Now Tor the games. We use a scale from 1 to 10 public. The 10A satellite speaker system / | Virtua Fighter 2 i bet at th (amplifier included), adds a whole new want to drop us a line please E-Mail us at иа HIG em qoe поа е 16 = д sinc : = ла a dimension to your interactive games. For more the following address for each service: Ned ie dj d ay on bee = Excellent = Wea information on Audiophile’s Satellite speakers | characters? Gotta find ‘em! Other than 8 = Very Good 3 = Yawner and sub-woofers please write to: David Hersk; : that, take a gander at my scores to see 7- Good 2 = Avoid Audiophile; 7416 Washington Avenue; Eden America On-Line: Gmelnfrmer my picks. As always, if you think my 6 = Fair 1 = Terminal Prairie, MN 55344 Dealer Inquiries welcome! CompuServe: 74431,1611 review sucks, let me know.”

Game Informer ù March'95

Bigger, Badder, and Better Than Ever!

ш Cart Size: 24 Meg m Style: 1 to 4-Player Basketball m Special Features: Secret Characters, Hot Spots, Power-Ups, Juice Mode with Four Intense Speeds, Five Real NBA Players Per Team, a Rookie Team, an All-Star Team, and All 27 NBA Teams m Created by: Iguana Software for Acclaim m Available: February 23rd, 1995 for Super NES and Genesis

Last year gamers across America went crazy over NBA Jam because of its addictive gameplay and hidden codes. Well, now it’s ‘95 and on February 23rd NBA Jam Tournament Edition (TE) will hit the shelves. Just like the arcade, TE offers little improvement in the graphics department, but gameplay and options tweaks abound, including a ton of new codes, play modes, and secret players.

The first change you'll notice is that each team now has three players with new stats including Clutch, Power, Block, Steal, and Passing. But the stat that will have the greatest influence over your game is Injuries. Every time a player is knocked down, his shooting percentage and speed are reduced. During the game you'll be able to exchange injured players for fresh players, but you'll soon find that there is a strategy in which players you use so that your star players are on the floor in key quarters.

Of course, what would NBA Jam be without hidden characters and power-ups? NBA Jam TE offers a ton of hidden characters and power-up codes plus some (Larry Bird) you won't find in the

Trap them in the corner, then smack em. Look what happened.

Sometimes three pointers with the big men are a for sure hit.

Жш, ж. ^ E о SNS р и oS ACCES RE ате Á | | < ` SS ~ Th | К а i V actas —— an ect N unos И ПТ шив m"

= | Cheaters will prosper in this cart.


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„=== EU roe

arcade version. If the standard secret power-ups and characters aren’t enough to convince you to upgrade your Jam, then maybe this will. NBA Jam TE offers a unique option where you can turn on shooting Hot Spots that allow you to score up to seven points from the highlighted portion of the court. Of course, if that’s still not enough Acclaim put in one final option. You can turn on Power-Up Icons that randomly appear on the court and allow you to (3) increase your three-point shot, (D) monster dunk from anywhere on the court, (S) increase your speed, (P) improve your power, (T) super-charge your turbo, (F) instantly go on fire, and (B) bomb everybody else on the court.

NBA Jam Tournament Edition may be a slight let down to some because the game has almost no changes graphically, but for the hard core arcade-style B-Ball player NBA TE gives a whole new meaning to Boom-Shaka-Laka.


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Burning up the court.

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Prayers are easily answer m Е


| Concent з “NBA Jam has improved play control, 5 ‘One year ago NBA Jamrevolutionized || Concent q “One of the hottest games of '94 just ` better power-ups, and cooler play ~ SNES basketball with its outrageous || got better. Or did it? The overall look |

Graphics: g modes. However, | am slightly g play and spectacular dunks. The & Gnanhics 3.25 of the game hasn't really changed

disappointed that the game really | question now is, what have { very much. Sure there are more

ound: 8 wasnt that much different than the 7.5 you done for us lately? The || Sound: 3,75 dunks, larger rosters, and some

original (other than the new codes), Tournement Edition offers two obvi- different options, but the overall play

lity 10 control hasn't changed. Yee-ha. Even so, l still found myself getting pumped-up from playing it. All of the

Although it's closer to the arcade unit _ There are now more players to | than the original NBA Jam, it doesnt E. Entertainment / choose from and make substitutions | offer that much over ће first product. || with, and the voices are also secrets are really what make it fun. OVERALL: If you're a big sports fan and play а || OVERALL: dramatically improved. Is this enough || OVERALL: Any game you can play as the

lot of 4-on-4, then this is a must- 3 to make me go out and buy the | Beastie Boys gets my vote. NBA Jam 3 5 have, but 1 wish this game had | 7 game? No way! This game is not | 9 25 TE is solid, but it might disappoint = more to offer than harder computer ` much better than the original and a = many fans who expect more in a

opponents and more players." . lot of star players have been taken || sequel." out. | think I prefer the original."

.75 so this one's a tough choice. | layability: / ous improvements on the original.



Em и me.

Clearing the lane!

m үрү.”

ALL 27 пва TEARS! <

ee ee ero meee 5

skills in

‘Sharpen your


As you can see the SNES has superior graphics when compared to the Genesis.

; ‘NBA Jam TE in one sentence: It | ş ‘A disturbing trend in the video game

looks the same, plays better, and has |

; a ton of tricks. So if you're looking for’ | Cranhies з comes out, the manufacturers start || another high-speed, high-scoring || working on a sequel. NBA Jam | 75 basketball дате. NBA Јат is | Sound: Tournament Edition gives us more definitely the cream of the.crop. On | players to choose from, but lacks the | bility: 3 the other hand, if you want real || Playability: 7 star power of the original. | didn't find

__ basketball. give NBA Live '95 a whirl.” | : nment: 8.5 B Entertainment version and I dont see any reason | why this game was made."

world is that, as soon as a hit game |

any significant improvements in this | _


Either their sing; ging YMCA or getti а rebound, you make the ks i


the Practice Mode. кез

“As far as overall looks, | think the |

graphics have a much cleaner | ; appearance than its predecessor. | However, the shoe colors are still not | individualized. It's a small thing, but | it makes a multiple-player game а И

another solid NBA Jam game and a ` | true jam-fest, but overall it's not | much of an improvement over the || previous version.”

little annoying. Other than that, tis

It's Sabotage! Kabuki

Acclaim and Iguana team up once again, and as always the sparks are flying. What's inside this cart? Is there something in this game that wasn’t in the arcade? As the consumers, we know how these two companies like to taunt and tease us by throwing unbelievable stuff into a cart. This time they’ve out done themselves. Imagine this, you're at the big game, it’s between the Sonics and the Wolves. However, here’s the catch. The Sonics never make it to the stadium, their plane crashes and they all die. So who will play in their spot? Well, there’s no one else around. So how about we have the band that kicked it all night at the club across the street play in the Sonics place. Let’s get the Beastie Boys!

Roll out the red carpet and kiss their feet, the Beastie Boys are in NBA Jam: Tournament Edition (TE), and you'll have total control of them. That is if you can find them. Sorry, to spoil the | joyous mood of excitement, but just like the first 4 game, the players are hidden behind a secret code. But the Boys aren't alone, Acclaim has announced that there are 38 hidden characters inside TE. Many of these hidden characters are programmers and creators of the series, however 38 is a large number to fill and lots of other hidden characters await. GI managed to find ALL of these secret players, some of which are pictured on the right. For the full sccop on the hidden characters and power-ups for SNES, Genesis and Game Gear, turn to the Secret Access section and get the low-down.

Brutah _

Carlton Rivett

Facime | Turmell

Goskie Weasel

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& ~


Dare Wright

Original Expanded* Wilkins Roster Roster ae Radja 4 New York š . Ewing ¥ te Harper Richmond £ ; Оакјеу Bd a} Mason Webb ow ! Starks ы” m =P Simmons Chic 10, = Рїрреп ^ Am" Longley Mashburn e - Armstrong i Jackson Kukoc Davis Hardaway A, _ Scott Gugliotta Grant сөте Z Sprewell К. 41 Anderson (m Seikaly Џ | Cleveland Price „за Williams (4. Mutombo ар А Daugherty кч, - 4. Abdu-Rauf Am _ У А || Wilkins > x Ellis ^ LA Clippers 3 Bradley Bradley р \ Richardson ) = Weatherspoon Wright de Roberts y n _ Malone ы, Sealy , Delray en Dumars Hill Olajuwon ДА Li pa 2 Mills Curley Thorpe y^ ihn a" зч |, Miller bL. Horry 41 i LA Lakers | | Robinson Person Divac M # Rodman Cummings Peeler ћи Elliott Van Exel Y 3 Drexler Strickland Smith 1 ' Robinson McKie Rice 1 1 Porter Miner 3 \% Malone p Benoit x Blaylock Á w4 Stockton < ; 5 Willis 2 js ја Нотасек K. vii Augmon | ` 1 ! Kemp Gill Laettner ` Payton Rider X Schrempf West Webber Chapman &. Manning # Cheaney Ы Johnson .. Sklles Ми ЛЕ | Мајепе New Jers Á, Miller Davis _ 11723 . Coleman ) “= Smits | TA Į Anderson А i p McKey к Tc Edwards `Y Mi | Charl ilw s arlotte | 8 М waukee 3 Baker : - 3 Mobley LXI © Wu XN D S - Day >= i Г» Robinson 4 , e Ж Johnson SS кл < WM ue Y Murdock L. agi. 4 ї hu ans" a Bogues


* You must defeat all 27 teams to receive the expanded roster.

McDaniel : Montross


Kidd : Dumas

Hardaway Mullin


E . { | Rose


Maxwell Cassell

Owens Reeves

Marshall Rooks

Tisdale Green

Gilliam Dare

Curry Hawkins

Game} Informer a March‘95



a за!


Y _-- ы.


я Created by: 3 и Available: No

a ‘Alright! Finally | get a chance to play аа

that poor little Coyote and get my paws

on that laws-of-physics breaking, ` Scrawny-necked, hyper-speed- | traveling little freak! That's ш! e best | rt oi aracter | a animation and playability follow a close | second, but musically this game needs

part of this game. The c

more cartoon sounds!!! The timer is a


pa addition to this game. It helps to eep the game moving, unlike еа Tweetyorthe latest Bugs

unny game. | will definitely need to A

add this one to my collection."



= ‘Desert Demolition is cute for about · the first ten minutes that you play ; it, but then you realize that you are at

the final stage of the game. This game is way too easy! There is not much more to say about Desert Demolition.

} Beginners or young children might

want to try this one to build up their

2 confidence. For veteran gamers, this

is a one night rental only."

AT THE вееёр! ۵


“The Roadrunner has to be one of my | all-time favorite cartoons and Desert Demolition really does him justice. The animation is excellent. As far as gameplay, DD offers an easy trip as the Roadrunner. All you have to do is run straight to the end.Roadrunner's nemesis offers more gameplay because things are always tough on him. | had some fun with this title, and most of you should too. However, this game is a rental in my book. It only offers a couple days of excitement.”




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How can we possibly make the 64-bit Jaguar more powerful? Attach an Atari , . double-speed CD player. It's a lot like attaching an atom bomb to an F-14. We're talking explosive power that no other CD-ROM combination can match. Just piggyback this 790-megabyte monster onto your Jaguar and watch your TV come

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Lair" is a registered trademark of Bluth Group; ©1994 Character design ©1983 Don Bluth; all audio, visual and concepts - used under exclusive license of Epicenter Interactive Inc. Programming ©1994 ReadySoft Inc. All right reserved. Brett Hull Hockey is a trademark of Accolade, Inc. and is officially licensed by Brett Hull and the National Hockey League Players Association. NHLPA is a trademark of the National Hockey League Players Association and is used under license by Accolade, Inc. Logo and name © 1994 NHLPA. Creature Shock is a trademark of Virgin Enterprises, Ltd. Photos ©1992 NASA/Victoria/Johanna/Photobank 1994. Highlander (91994 Gaumont Television. "Highlander is the protected trademark of Gaumont Television." $149 is Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price for the Jaguar CD Player. Prices may vary.

SP gy Д young prince, wise and able but with a streak

quy doe піл à у doesn | looke


'oesn «100к evil, су | Î of curiosity, frequently leaves his land to

U W. ha |

BU explore the ruins which surround his

kingdom. One day he opens an aging chest to

discover a stunningly crafted piece of jewelry; a

shining Golden Armlet. Slipping it onto his

J 3 Li

forearm, Prince Ali is granted a vision, a vision h ç гпеге to :

which flows from the Armlet. The Golden Armlet

informs Ali that he is the ancient tool of the

benevolent Sorcerer Reharl who could control the

four spirits. The Golden Armlet

was used to battle the chaotic

and destructive Agito, who

had created a Silver Armlet to

wreak havoc upon the world. The

Silver Armlet has been found and

someone is being controlled by its

evil power. With Golden Armlet in

hand (in arm?), Ali sets outto find the

four spirits and stop the ambitions of

the Silver Armlet bearer.

ou cannot e Sorry

= March ‘95



| К, É

As the quest unfolds, you'll find that Ali is a

aC : 16 5 Meg

skilled warrior, able to wield his dagger with 1. Player Ato Aene ud н А. Ty amem Beyond

tee Oo : і 4 Schools of Magic, е Graphics: | g Oasis is the best adventure game

destructive force. He can jump and kick, crouch, Multiple Гусни бабат, Balon Sale wie j и 1 үө played ina jon g while The and spin to keep the baddies off of his back. His Create by J un a away, but once | got into the game | bey i - March 1995 f С : 9 the variety of special moves and `

true power, however, will come from the Golden m Avaliable: Marc or Genesis | attacks left me dumbfounded. This

| Entertainment: 9.25 game has got it all. Although the adventure is a tad short, the journey |

Armlet. As spirits are awakened from the shrines, > THE Bottom LINE

15 definitely exciting and the surprise | x ending will leave you wanting a ` sequel. Now!”

| they will come to Ali’s summons. To summon a

spirit, merely direct the power of the Armlet at the

Ross, THe REBEL Gamer | Concent: g ‘Beyond Oasis is the kind of action/

appropriate item. Dytto, the water spirit, is

| summoned from water, steam, and even small | advento game thal Buk орау | А : у ae Ro "e Nun compares graphically to Secret o drops of moisture. The Fire Spirit Efreet is Graphics Baha and LandStalker, and it plays | | Sountl: 8 like them too. The sound needs to

| akened from flame. Shade, a shadow spirit, will be worked on, especially the water

Playability: 9 fairy, but other than that | can’t find

anything else wrong with it. Wait, |

d í | You must travel to the water shrine “= , Entertainment: 9 take that back. | can think of two key

Finally, Bow will appear from living plants. Each a Cae ae лы : | features that are missing; multi-

"use ume | ей ЫЫ руља и i OVERALL: player control and a better mapping

em x System. If this is the way that Sega is

going with adventure games, then l'm all for it.”

pear from mirrors or other reflective items.


spirit will aid you in a different way, and you will

x | |

have to utilize all their powers in

order to defeat the evil that haunts Рди, Tue Pao PLAYER ,

| the land. | а ‘Firstand foremost, this is a very nice | | 8 rip-off of Zelda Ill, but Beyond Oasis | Ancient and Sega have brought а Graphics: 89.25 [as some unique features that make

it fun to play. | like the various attack

Sound: 8 methods and also the spirit buddies that help you out in a jam. Although

Playability: 8.75 this game doesn't have the playing time of Zelda, it offers a lot of good

Entertainment: 9.5 action that leaves me anxiously | du awaiting a sequel. If you want a good action/adventure, Beyond Oasis will

give you about 20 hours of straight

playing time."

delightful Zelda-like game to the Genesis platform. It will transport you to a different land with minimal talk

and maximum action.

Game Infórmer `Waarch ‘95, j 17

he entire population of Earth is being threatened 1 alien clan called the Phalanx. TheSe aliens have bility to instantly enslave and clone zarthling. Earth's only hope is the . Due to their mutant genes, the . thought they couldn't be cloned as - as a mere Earthling, so Professor X, the Cerebro, sent the X-Men to

n, the Phalanx learn that the be assimilated if they


cond inst greatest herc Much like the a straight forw Я action. game that. .can be played with | ; neously.The me is to aliens on

| El B | š! Cyclops

ç aF

t r f # certs ми. th Pe. = ~ bi. Кр

"i ize: 16 Meg 1 or 2-Player Action | cial Features: Your Choice of 7 X-Men

racters and Two-Player Simultaneous

them clone І be able to ips, Gambit, Wolverine to

few levels, N | list of playable characters. One featu that X-Men video game fans will enjoy that unlike the first one, X-Men 2 giv you unlimited super powers that you с; use at any time.

The Phalanx is threatening the e Earth, and there is only one force t powerful enough to stop them ~ X-Men. Can you control the X- mutant powers and destroy Phalanx? No one knows, but you


try and you must succeed! bo



sed USES =


if Чир) = i 3

; “X-Men 2 succeeds where so А “The fact that Sega is makin ° “It seems as though Sega

ж ie many X-Men games have failed. jj Concent | 5 another X-Men for the ка к listened to the gripes about the

Graphics: 75 This version handles like а | Graphics: g Genesis is not to a surprising Graphics: 9 ЈЕ used game ang gi

' E eel мыт О шет HA Ве - Sound: 7 challenging as you work your | Sound: 5 play is. ke Sound: О, A- é

| way through he maze Tike : that you can play this game with А oe and wil 8 луш jus

- Playability: 9 levels. There is lots of creativity а Playability: 8 two-players cher and Playability: 8.75 | ЕН es " dido Mas POMA 15

displayed in this game and | was | that you can choose а different | elia ig te eic DDR Df Ine

Entertainment: 8 surprised more often than | would ` Entertainment: 7.5 character for each level. The Entertainment: 9 ç pari the charada: are Well

like to admit. The characters are difficulty level in this game is _ animated and respond ме о the

OVERALL: all well drawn and animated. OVERALL: frustrating and will cause many | OVERALL: control. The X-Men are all over

X-Men 2 a quite great but it . gamers some trouble." the place these days, and one

8 Is very good. ` 7.5 x 8.5 place you should check them out

is on your Genesis."


vie ws

enesis Re



VA yet r ТЕ

< En |

%-P layoff Berths

A Mate ҮЛҮ Үт ҮЗ Ekart Euit

Coaching Conditioning Sawa Skating amm Passing Www Shooting i Under Pressure Mamm

À ¥-Ratings Start-Exit Жыз a Bn en

Awoy, THe Game HoMBRÉ

Í poorly executed. The mation, and overall look

р оп every shot. The ойу decent in addition to

-he NHL decided to play a у ioa game . season this year. So to keep hockey fans 1 rom going nuts, Sega Sports releases : their first hockey game for the Genesis: NHL W All-Star Hockey ‘95.

This game gives you all 26 teams with the entire roster of players (and no, they won't ruin the season by asking for more money) in the NHL and an entire 84 game season leading into the Stanley $ Cup playoffs. Or, if you don't want to try the whole 2 season, play an exhibition game or skip right to the playoffs. Whichever you choose, be sure to check out your favorite player's or team's stats to see how ` well they are doing in between periods or at the

| final buzzer. If you don’t know which player or team =. is your favorite, use the Team Cards option to find

: f the features found in the leading hockey ` | games, like NHL ‘95 from EA, can be found in this | - cart. Pome of the more important ones are the | x S, crushing checks, line editing, and $ э most exciting feature : is the fighting. Many hockey fans have missed the ` * fighting in hockey since the leaders of the NHL : | decidedto make it taboo, therefore outlawing itfrom video games sanctioned by the k NHL. This isn't the case Bi anymore thanks to Sega Sports.

и Cart Size: 16 Meg

m Style: 1 or 2-Player Нос

и Special Features: Cards, A Full 84 бат Best of Seven Stanley С

ш Available: Now for Gen

Ross, Tur REBEL Gamer

start off by saying that 1 am

animation is horrible and to see that someone is?

that's the only reason you

(which has been absent mes). Sega Sports is up

rd hind NHL 95(EA) and

to play this game. Go rent and it out if you like

Steel, otherwise | can't || јапу good things about ||

KM ORE it and when ` b.

ing against the computer it t about anything it shoots. season, real players, and ; are cool, but it's too bad

| | " | | | | ; | | | | | a С“ тшшш




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Thi Trav

Sign a liability send a stam

Vith the last name Krzyzewski (Sha-Shef-Ski), | there's no doubt why EA condensed the title to just ||| = Cart Size: 16 Мед | oe Coach K. Mike has some serious coaching abilities, '/ // ! to 4-Player Basketball Simulation

; ; EOS, | : Battery Backup, Complete Season and he is deserving ofa game of this caliber. Coach | D NCAR Tournament, рЫ tee

Genesis Reviews

K has taken his team, the Duke Blue Devils, to the || *reated by: EA Sports NCAA semifinals seven out of nine times. Now 7 | Now for Sega Genesis


it's up to you. Can you be as effective as Coach || |

K, or are you just a bench warmer? / Have you ever dreamed of having

the perfect basketball simulation at | your disposal? Well, the EA Sports team

l “VIRGINIA CAVALIERS": 2 released a nearly flawless NBA cart last 5 М aay tinh ТЕШЕР S

ү hel your

| year with NBA Live ‘95. Sure it's a great дате, 3? Havaweaé ШАО ЕНУ 3 ||| but what about the fans of college basketball? Will PURUS | team through _ | EA do us some justice? Here it is; the closest thing to | e op os

college basketball since NCAA Basketball for the SNES. All the

right ingredients are added to spice up the b-ball fever in you.

Play strict defense in a 3-2 Zone, or stick to the competition in 5 Check out the P” | man-to-man. Most of the classic defenses are incorporated here. However, ЁЁ offensive and | don't stick to one sole defense, because the offense has the ability to break == defensive | у, ° - | Zones and go in for the easy score. Besides zone breakers, the offensive stances. i tata - | nt | arsenal ranges from run-and-guns to last minute prayers. Even with some 0 У У | new additions like the behind view free-throws and ап array of new dunks, INSIDE а à у: 8 | the game still plays almost identical to the NBA Live series. | |

Pick from 32 top college teams ог до for the classic game and pick from ر‎ ** 8all-time championship teams. Statisticians will be overwhelmed with the = A in iH THE s indi: statistical ability this game possesses. Hook up with your college pals and ===

2 sing along with your school’s chant. Remember, the next game you play == Concept: 8 ке NBA Live 95, Coach K is a 1 qi == could be against Coach K. “= Graphics: 8.5 magnificently produced basketball ||| nT POE E T ATAT UE SEE тїз s cart. Although it isn't a huge leap vius . me ira Sound: 8 forward from NBA Live ‘95, the play J / mechanics have been improved and | | | р тану 9 the graphics are just a little bit

I crisper. If you're looking for a good _ | || Entertainment: 9 college hoops дате to get you 8 / through March Madness, then this. has gotto be the one. Easily the best. 5-on-5 basketball cart available."

7 ‘Sony Dickie V, but Coach K baster Nq

g ballis the best thing to happen іо кг

college b-ball оп the Genesis. | ike ess

7.5 how you can call your plays on the „еш

go. Fast breaks and up- tempo =

Е 7.5 games really work here. The season =

= records and Тор 25 poll are kept. SE

5 Entertainment: 8 Defensive minded players will S

be a little disappointed because Ss

offensive basketball is favored | Š

here. If you Te a fan of college hoops = this is the game for you.”

PREJ y TUM Sea to j N | il TAL) | Paut, THE Pro PLAYER

/ e “I found the Coach К here very | VE ае / i} Graphics: 9 amusing because Duke is a team | t| = MO M or acce И р 4 love to hate. Basically, this game is ||||

| Ti TR HoH MIS С. nae ЛИ ү! | Sound: 7.75 for the serious college b-ball fan. It jp ° " LL 41. | | HS "7 really isn't much different than NBA iff š VIRGINIA ШЕ пш | Si sr 7 ARS NS. i Playability: 8.5 Live, but it's cool to have the huge || = ` : | LOOK ат то: | playbook that NBA Live didn't have. || = = = i jj, Entertainment: 8.5 / think it's an excellent hoops | A = = = li game, but might not be worth the = —s ' RALL: money if you already picked up the = = шщ 7 | NBA version.’

== e Ic on

= g E ——

: as: РЕ oS ase T SS

The real Marvel" comic characters swing into action to stop an evil DNA disaster. But the Cloning Factory is no match for Cyclops’ awesome optical powers- especially when he gives ‘em the eye!

Only SEGA" lets you live the adventure with the highest number of playable characters ever-including Magneto! Has this villain finally turned hero:


Play as Wolverine-or any of seven different X-Men? and watch your mutant

powers come alive! The only thing sharper than your

adamantium claws is your pure animal instinct!

M he smell of fresh cut grass fills

the air. The roar of a fully packed

7 stadium drowns out the doubts

you have about today's game. You run out onto the field with the rest of your team, proudly wearing your colors. The coin is flipped and the first game of the International Cup Tournament is thrown into motion. Can you win the cup in /nternational Superstar Soccer

| from Konami?

This soccer simulation features a choice of five different games that you

| can play. They аге an Open Game, an . International Cup Tournament, a multi-

season World Series, a Training session, a first-person perspective Penalty Kick Game and nine different Scenarios for you to solve. In most of these modes,

| weather conditions (like snow, rain, and fair weather) can affect the way the game

is played. In fact, with the Open Game mode you can select one of the three conditions in which to play. Other features that you can find in this game

| will add to the way it plays and feels. In

fact there are adjustable half lengths, three difficulty settings, Automatic and Manual control goalies and adjustable uniform colors.

Now that you know all of your “options”, you can sit down and challenge a friend to a game, or pick one of the 26 International teams and play through the International Cup tournament. International Superstar Soccer, could be Konami's best sports game since Blades of Steel, and its all yours.

w Check out the exciting animations wb * 4 the players do when they score. m

AA ^ а


: "With the soccer craze in '94 this one

жын s seon a ia me for the American

ics: market. Plus, this game is going T s against the king, FIFA by EA. Well,

Sound: 9 /'ve got to admit Konami did an

outstanding job. The characters аге ©

Playability: 8.25 well animated and the play control | en n у ила is solid. pec | ne all of the

| ntertalnmern additional options that this has

The ball could become | i over FIFA. The scenario option and

slippery for the goalies in EE sasi IVERALL: shoot-outs are excellent. If you're

ge» а huge soccer fan this may be

your game."

Rick, THE Vinco RANGER

Concept: 7 "Konami brings . an exciting new

soccer game that challenges for Graphics: 8.5 the cup. This game features excellent graphics and animation plus chal- Sound: 8 lenging gameplay.Defensive purists

will love this one as it is almost

Му ore those guys holding {тра ее = ү

Ne cs Counte Playability: 7.8 impossible to score. The computer | their hands down there? All pi овор ПЕТТЕ: А opponent is tough оп normal and a LAU de Entertainment: 7.5 nightmare on hard. The field seems to

grence _

; play just a little bit short which creates for more scoring chances but the goalies are unbelievable. A tough game that will challenge the best players."

7 5 Ross, Tue Reset Gamer

Concept: g Konami's new soccer game, Intl. { m г is comparable to

ics: as far as entertainment and = playability go, but sound and graphics Sound: 7.5 pale in comparison. | really like the shoot-out if the game ends with a

Playability: 8 tie. The larger players look cool and З the animations are cool as well, but Entertainment: 7.75 scoring against the computer is way hard unless you're on easy. Other things that stand out in my mind are the tactics, which allow you to see how you should play the game. To sum up, FIFA is still on top, but Intl. Superstar Soccer is holding a strong second.”

pui starters e" Wak.

The snow is flying on the Germans” home field, making play tough for your players.

16 Meg 1 or 2-Player Soccer [| Realistic Playing Conditions, Scenarios, A Penalty Kick Game, and An Extensive Training Mode Konami Now for Super NES

THE Bottom LINE i

um shook a diving header over : the goalie and into the asd nel _

Game Informer = March ‘©

p Qi 4

If this bridge broke,

I would probably || die.

У SAN лоапо

| ` ШО d A P BB TRAE “an-TUME 16 A STRAIGHT | m јин = оро SEQUEL TO PAC- ' п = a |

Ahh, nothing like a nice shower in the morning.

„НОМЕ! | That ghost ж ШК looks just ЦА

likea blueberry pie, ahhh.


' ` The club Anny, Tu Game HOMBRE won't do 42 much ent: | against the wt 85 Tis game was a serious surprise. At ghosts Try Graphics: 7 first | though, ‘oh, great another pid. е finding а Pac-Man game yee-ha!" But after b p llet Sound: 7.25 playing this game for a while my | и mind had gone 180°. This game IS Playability: 8 inventive, with fun play mechanics _

Ñx that makes it addictive and entertain- Entertainment: 8.5 jng. /f you're looking for a fun little ; game, Pac-In-Time is one that just

OVERALL: may surprise you.”


Swimmin' like а | real fish.

- ‘Namco did something that | didn't cera nm expect by making a third Pac-Man Graphics: 8.25 game, and none of them are similar. Pac-In-Time has some great new 8 character animations for the ball with a mouth, and it has incredibly large 9 levels so that Pac can use those five weapons of his continually. Although Entertainment: 8.5 the sound features some music and sound effects from its predecessor, | OVERALL: liked it! | truly believe that Sonic and g 5 Mario have some new competition,


namely Pac-Man, but EWJ and Kong are still safe for now.”

` Paut, THE Pro PLAYER

corer 18 Де this вие | call a sequel to Graphics: 7.75 Pac-Man. Pac-Man 2 wasn't all that great, but this is more what I'm Sound: 7 looking for. A fairly basic concept, but | with the weapons/ tools and excellent t Cart Size: 8 Meg = Playability: 8.5 play control this game is killer. And Style: 1 or 2-Player Action/Strategy you even getto eat power-pellets and Special Features: 3 Continues,

Entertainment: 8.75 n ghosts. bn needed Password Feature | more than just shootin’ a sling shot. Levels: 50 OVERALL: This game is worth a look.” Created by: Namco | Available: Now for Super NES THE BOTTOM LINE




ey, its Tommy Moe Skiing for the Jag. A skiing game? Sure, there'snot many skiing carts available, би сап tor a hard left turn. f other games that should ` Dig in the edges appear before this one. You've gotta _ de Ski bum ut this game. 16 Meg | even if you are, there arent pu ugh tricks and jumps to satisfy 1 or 2-Player Ski Racing —— player. We have come a long Training, Competing, and from Slalom, but as far as the ` Free Ride Mode; Automatic Save; Slalom, Giant Slalom, and Downhill Style Racing Virtual Studio for Atari Now for Jaguar


ame is all about speed! rance: land of love, fine wine, and the world famous Val d'Isére Ski Resort. п tskirace butlcan'timagine thak Miles of powder and the challenging back bowls make this-one of the е real thing moves any faster or favorite st the shina t S f ihe 1 Ki the circuit es any quicker reflexes than, | avorite stops on the skiing tour. Some of the top skiers on the circui gam lam very impressed with | (including Oliver, Vincent, and Philippe) will be competing for top prizes in the Wlessly the Jaguar creates: Slalom, Giant Slalom, and Downhill races. Make the cut and you'll win a cup; ski

iU bee he apis too slow and you'll get nothing but a face full of tree. Tired of competing? Take ad-

à and detailed. | would like vantage of the location and dodge ski schools, sno-cats, and poorly groomed trails > - as you take a free ride down the mountainside. : ty. The snowboarding ing are virtually identical. + owcase game for the " bilities.

Val d'lsére gives you the option of controlling a skier OR a snowboarder, both of which travel with roughly the same speed and maneuverability. The snowboarder, however, looks a bit more hip in his shorts. When jumping, your player will perform a trick (the snowboarder will grab his board and the skier will do a small spread eagle), and if you jump off of a large lip you'll launch into a flip or a twist with a rousing yell of “Yeah!” Not all the slopes on the free. ride are immediately accessible, and you'll have to beat the clock (without missing checkpoints) if you're going to open up all your skiing options.

Overall, Val D'lsére has smooth flowing graphics and addicting gameplay. One has to wonder why they didn't include a split-screen racing option, so you could compete directly against a friend. Also absent is the halfpipe where boarders can strut their stuff and rack up on the hot dogging.

Skiers and boarders unite, you've got a common cause in Val d'Isére, so hit those slopes and GO GO GO!!!


up with no tricks?! You де ái no halfpipe. Yee-ha!*

is nothing but a driving kier а boarder sprite.

Game Informer п March ‘95

| Available:


Cart Size: 16 Meg Style: 1 or 2-Player Action/Platform Created by: Gremlin Graphics for Atari Available: Now

Cart Size: 16 Meg Style: 1-Player Driving Created by: Atari

Available: Now

Cart Size:

16 Meg Style:

1 or 2-Player Driving


Cart Size: 16 Meg Style: 1-Player Driving Created by: Time-Warner Interactive

Available: Мау ‘95

Informer u March ‘95

Zool Gremlin Graphics

The Jaguar is one of the few systems that isn’t overwhelmed by mediocre action/platform games, which is quite refreshing to see. With all the new licensees producing carts however, we're sure to see plenty of this overused and only mildly interesting style of game all over the Jag. Zool Il is one of the first, and it is difficult and graphically impressive, but otherwise unworthy of notice.

10 =A Classic! 5 = Average 9 = Excellent 4 = Weak 8 = Very Good 3 = Yawner 7 = Good 2 = Avoid 6 = Fair 1 = Terminal


Checkered Flag Atari

Racing games can be the most spectacular and interesting games available for а system. Accurate play control can put you right into the driver's seat and make you feel like you're on the track. Unfortunately,

Checkered Flag has some of the worst driving control ever put into a game cart. The tracks are uninteresting, and successful cornering requires the г player to ignore all natural laws of physics. Stick with Mario Kart.


Club Drive Atari

In this driving game, you'll be driving a smaller car than you're probably used to. In fact, you car is about half the size of an ordinary house cat. This game offers four different areas to drive in, where you can either race (against the clock or a human opponent), try to collect powerballs, or play

a fast paced driving version of tag against your friend. Don’t expect realistic driving from this cart, it is more like driving a remote control car, and the different camera angles reinforce this feeling. This game will provide entertainment, particularly in the two-player split-screen mode.


і `

Power Drive Rally Time- Warner Interactive

This overhead view style racing game from Time Warner was one of the your vehicle and climb to the top of the international ratings. Fortunately, most noticeable games displayed for the Jag at the Winter CES. Over during the race your co-pilot will tell you to “Turn right!” or take a “Hard 50 tracks and variable terrain will force you to be wise as you upgrade left!" Go baby go, and don't stop until you're past the checkered flag.





24 Concept:

Send A Maniac To Catch A Maniac



МАМ, i=

"IL -

* ај




w Cart Size: CD-ROM

m Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure

ш Special Features: Gun and Mouse Compatible, Four Modes of Play, Password Feature

ш Created by: Virgin Interactive

m Available: Now for 300


“Neat idea! Take a movie and make you the main character. Of course, 8.5 some control over this character that is tight and consistent would have 8.5 Deen nice. The gun levels are cool,


4 extremely mediocre. | kinda like this game and found it somewhat

3 entertaining, but overall | found it less than exciting and absolutely lame if you don't have the light gun.”




x * HUN 2 уа’ feel now punk? | i А !

A little more to the left.

| Sound: but driving and fighting levels are


I feel like a mouse in a lab experiment.


€——— Jes hes

Pretty good balance Spartan.

fos iii y: Must...s pr

2s Ross, Tue REBEL Gamer

9 “Stalone and Snipes, who could ask for anything more? Demo Man has

9.25 some great 3D graphics and FMV of these two superstars. | like the way

9.25 Virgin put in 4 modes of gameplay, So if you are a wiz at fighting games,




modes. Thatalone is enough to make Entertainment: 9.5 for some serious replay value. Another key aspect to this game was

OVERALL: the spectacular soundtrack and FX

9.29 :

who has ever liked Sly, you have gotta check this game out."

samples. They're incredible. Anyone |

In the year 1996, crime and violence lurk around every corner. The LAPD's authority over the city has spun out of control, and à well known yellow haired freak, named Simon Phoenix, has arisen to take the underground by storm. However, Phoenix's plans have been plagued by Sergeant John Spartan. Spartan is a do or die kind of cop, and he has been assigned to take Phoenix down once and for all.

The game is split into four different modes of play, and will be randomly slotted throughout the game. The first style you'll encounter is a standard gun game. One of the unique features is that once you've killed an enemy they stay down and won't appear again and again. After &oing through a few shooting stages, Spartan will come face to face with Phoenix himself. Fighting this madman will be one of the toughest segments of the game. Keep your &uard up and go for the kill. When you use your blocks and Phoenix hits you, the computer will automatically retaliate and do some serious damage to your foe. Once you've defeated Phoenix you've completed your objective. However, your personal feud with Phoenix resulted in 30 innocent bystanders dying in an unexpected explosion. You're &oing to jail Spartan.

Both men have been sentenced to 56 years in the Cryo-Penitentary. Nevertheless, Phoenix has gotten loose and is raising havoc in this peaceful future. The SAPD is not trained to take down killers, and their only hope is to release you from cryo-stasis. Once again it's Spartan vs. Phoenix. In the future you'l encounter two more modes of play. One is à tunnel run which looks a lot like Doom. The last mode is a car chase in which you ride on top of your car in hopes of catching up to Phoenix's speeding


Stop Phoenix before he releases more prisoners from the cryo-stasis and turns this peaceful community of San Angeles into a world of hatred and destruction. So what are you waiting for, give Phoenix a run for his money!


Concent: Graphics:

9 you will get challenged in the other K] Playability:




g Demo Man does a great job of

incorporating plot and actual footage of the film. Although this game includes a variety of gameplay styles, it is a gun game first and foremost. You'll definitely need a gun to get anywhere on the “normal” or “hard” modes. |, personally, can only take so much trigger pulling and the other gameplay doesn't really add to the excitement. Demolition Man has a great concept but it shorts itself in many departments."

Game Informer a March’95


iioii S

sedips xi eee : i tum Miete avito de TRS ннн н јава art Size: CD-ROM bo tyle: 1 or 2-Player Armored Combat Simulator "—

i Special Features: Classical Music Soundtrack by Апде/ЕМІ ‘Classics, Four Different Vehicles, Password and, BAM Save, Split Screen Simultaneous 2-Player Action * d | ysPrdlific/Silent Software l је: Now tor 3DO í : AR

imíCregteo У \vailak

“Although this game is similar to | :

879 the old 2600 gamme Combat, ithas | MCI

: 8.5 much improved graphics and | Graphics: four vehicles rather than just a ||

Sound: 9 tank. | absolutely like the | | Sound: two-player mode better than the | Playability: 9 one-player. It makes winning that ` Playability:

much better when you can rub it

makes this game even better, || because it adds so much to the | intensity of the game.”

7.5 ‘Return Fire is an excellent war strategy sim that is the equivalent | 7.5 of playing capture the flag with | tanks and jeeps. | like the |

8 challenge aspect of this game in || head-to-head combat. As a

7 one-player game, it's not bad but

: it's mostly a practice mode for the ` Entertainment: 9 jp a те. The background music | Entertainment: 8 two-player game. Return Fire has some great sound effects an some humorous video footage. | || recommend this one to any 3DO | player who likes two-player | competitive games.”

concept: g ‘Return Fire is a fantastic `

| Graphics: 8.75 the screen scales and rotates

| Playability:

our mission is to sneak into enemy

territory, grab the flag, and cruise on

back to base before you are captured. Sounds like a simple, friendly, camp inspired game of capture the flag, right? Think again, chump. In Return Fire you'll be sneaking into enemy territory in an attack helicopter. Once you've located the flag, you'll have to clear a path with your tank or armored support vehicle. Finally, you must take your lightly armored (but fast moving) jeep to snag the flag and race it back to your underground bunker.

Along the way, you'll encounter resistance in the form of gun towers and enemy helicopters. Playing against a human opponent, you'll have to deal with whichever vehicle he is controlling. Also, watch out for mines that the computer has placed, or mines that your opponent's armored support vehicle has cleverly situated around his flag tower.

The classical music adds an amazing feel to this game, playing on your emotions in the true spirit of Verdi, Wagner, and Handel. Imagine flying your helicopter to the digitally recorded "Ride of the Valkyries", or hot footing the flag back to base while the "William Tell Overture" drives you faster and faster. Capture the flag and your home city will throw you the biggest ticker tape parade you've ever seen.

Return Fire oozes production quality. It is a strong, mix of good graphics and great sound, with enough gunpowder and death to earn it the endorser: n) оће United States Army.

action/war/simulator. The way `

during play is phenomenal. Plus, 9.5 the details, like the army men

running scared, add to the

8 realism of the play. | found that

the one-player mode wasn't ntertainment: 8.5 nearly as fun as competing against a friend. With numerous playfields, endless у and || fantastic sound, Return Fire has || ов опе of the top five titles for

Overall: 6

Cart Size: Novastorm Psygnosis CD-ROM Style: "t 1-Player Shooter | RATING SCALE: Levels: 18

There's full-motion video everywhere! Before the game, in between scenes and during the game. Yipee! People who adore video footage have been waiting for a game like Novastorm. You pilot a test ur 5 T fighter, the Scavenger 4. Your mission is to destroy the computer e Ç o : _ кы, p Created by: network, Data Grid, which has opened war with the Federation. Fly 8 = Very Good 3 = Yawner | Psygnosis over a computer created full-motion terrain. Swerve left, right, and 2.God 2 = Avo Available: _ launch a greasy laser at the infamous enemy. You can pick up 6 = Fair 1 - Terminal " Now different weapons on your path through 18 levels. Hey, do you think дини? m there's full-motion video at the end?

| Overall: 6.75

. Cart Size: CD-ROM Style: 1 or 2-Player F. Competitive | 7 ay ue | Racing Off World Interceptor Crystal Dynamics Levels: 6 Take a ride on the wild side with Crystal Dynamics’ newest racing _ Created by: installment for the 300. You're a ruthless bounty hunter who has gone , Crystal Dynamics over the edge. An ambition to kill will take you to six different alien | Available: planets. Steer your steed through the rugged terrain and annihilate Now any alien in your path. What could be better than chasing aliens? How

about the option to upgrade your vehicle to become a monster on the terrain? Or maybe the chance to buy a new 4x4? Pick wisely there's Six to choose from, and all have unique special abilities. In between levels, check out some serious full-motion video skits and laugh until you're purple in the face. Sound fun?

Overall: 7

Cart Size: CD-ROM e i. PUN » LPlyerShooter = ل‎ x Levels: 5 Shockwave: Operation Jumpgate Electronic Arts Created by: Before you think of buying this addition to Shockwave, you'd _ the difficulty level picks up at the same pace as the last level on Electronic Arts better own the first installment of the game or be planning їо buy ` Shockwave. For fans who have beat the original, this is a great Available: it. In order to play Jumpgate you must have at least one level game. New enemies and cinemas will bring back some fond Now from the first game beat and saved on your ROM. This addition memories of the days of living in the cockpit. Chase the aliens is, in a way, а sequel. However, it does only have five levels and їо their home world, and try to bring the invasion to an end.

Overall: 6

Cart Size: P CD-ROM . | Style: |

1-Player Star Wars: Rebel Assault Lucas Arts Created by:

Lucas Aris Have you ever dreamed of flying an X-Wing through an asteroid fighter pilot. Hard-core Star Wars fans should enjoy the adjacent Available: field? For 300 owners, this is as close as you will get. Lucas Arts storyline to the movies, as well as the clever use of interaction | created this game а few years back, and they've finally made it between characters. The game plays identical to the Sega CD

for the 3DO format. Play as a rookie fighter for the rebel alliance, version, andthe graphics haven't been improved that much. If you've go through training, and then finally make your way up to an elite already owned this game before, it's not worth a second effort.

э т. | PILOTS ш



What's the result when Game Boy? and Game Boy. Instant color conversion! Super NES® have a head-on collision? And it’s not just for new Game Boy Super Game Воу“. This high-impact games. ANY Game Boy game can unit transforms your favorite portable take advantage of Super Game Boy’s

games into full-screen, multi-colored powers of color transformation.

masterpieces! Super Game Boy packs That's a lot of games, too-well over

a lot of technology into a tiny Pak, but 350 titles! And once you’re all set up,

you don’t have to be a brain surgeon you'll play your Game Boy games

to figure out how to use it. It’s a using Super NES controllers.

simple piggy-back job. Just You'll hear the stereo Game slide the Super Game Boy Boy music through TV

into your Super NES, as or stereo speakers.

you would any other You’ll play it in

Super NES living color on

game, then pop any | your TV screen.

Game Boy game into the Super Get the big picture?


о `

“take it with you,” but Super Game Boy lets you

With Game Boy, you have the ability to

show off your favorite Game Boy games in an all-new way. Your Game Boy games will look better, play easier and take on a whole new level of graphic detail.. In this case, bigger is definitely better. Instantly mutate Metroids to 10 times their original size! If a picture is worth a thousand words, the “before and after” shots

here are saying a lot of good things about Super Game Boy!


р If you have а Super NES but not a Game Boy, you can access a whole new world of games once you have a Super Game Boy. Exclusive Game Boy titles like Donkey Kong Land, Metroid 11: Return of Samus and the entire Super Mario Land series can now be played on your Super NES! Paks like the Legend of Zelda®: Link’s Awakening™ and the Final Fantasy Legend™ series take on a whole new level

of excitement with Super Game Boy.

When you plug a game into Super Game Boy—POW-— instant color. Some color

combinations look better than others,

and some might be fitting for one

game but not another. It all depends on what looks good to you. If the

default color palette isn’t to your As you Can see, liking, that’s not a problem. Super games like Link’s Game Boy has lots of palettes Awakening look to choose from, 32, great in almost any

to be exact. color palette. When

2 % customizing the game you’re playing, you'll find that contrasting colors

often work best.

There is a secret about the border. IF you pause your game and let it set long enough, the border image changes and/or sets itself in motion. It’s like a Super NES screen saver.

Try it!


a | š

fe B A Lb

IF you really want to go crazy with your borders, we suggest hooking up the Super NES

Mouse to port || on your Super NES.

It will work kind of like Mario Paint?

Just select a color From the

О color palette, click and hold the buttons, and paint away!

Another custom

feature that will help you create stand-out screens is Super Game Boy’s border option. It has nine pre- programmed borders, but your choices are almost endless because you can also design your own borders. Be creative. Select the Custom Border Icon and paint

your own masterpiece.

Using a border that complements

your game screen can certainly

Super enhance your gaming

| Game Boy also experience. For example,

allows you to edit the set the scene for

various colors of any given Link’s Awakening by

palette by increasing or decreasing painting a border that

the brightness of each color. If you features Koholint

come up with an unbeatable combination and Egg Mountain,

of colors, write down the password that or build an arena

you’re given, and then enter it any around your

time you want to use that palette again. NBA Jam™ court.

It’s versatile. It’s comprehensive. It’s cool.

Programmers can now pre-assign colors to provide optimal

contrast, vibrancy and detail with Super Game Boy Enhanced Mode.

Different levels of a game

Wild Snake,™ | С £ Bonk's Revenge," 2 Mega Man V, Donkey Kong

Land and more! Keep an eye out for the happy face icon on the box. It lets you know that the Super Game

Boy Enhanced Mode is

can access different color palettes, as well. And customized borders that surround the playfield can be built-in to create an exciting frame that complements the game. Check out games like Donkey Kong, Space Invaders," | Mighty Morphin £

r" | Power Rangers,"

Select any : Power Ranger and the

Enhanced Mode outfits them in the right color.

® 15 а registered trademark of Nintendo. TM & © for games and characters are owned by the companies who market or license those products. ma m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m mH M M M M HM M M M NM M^ EM EM» EM m Úm Ú ON = E ON ON M m W ON m m M M = MOM m om mm


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RETAILER: Nintendo of America Inc. will reimburse the face value of this coupon plus eight (8) cents handling, provided it was accepted from your customer and its face value amount was deducted from the retail selling price at the time of purchase of the designated product. Limit one coupon per qualifying item purchased. Other applications may constitute fraud. Void if copied or altered and where prohibited, licensed or regulated. Coupons submitted become property of Nintendo. Reimbursement will be made only to authorized Nintendo retailer who redeemed coupon. Good only in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Send properly redeemed coupons with return address within thirty (30) days of printed expiration date to: NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC., P.O. Box 880481, El Paso, TX 88588-0481


| >)“ 0 = 23 0 » ` < ш sim O . Ü {| > | ^ pu Cart Size ер. ROM D ight < ма Style: 1 or2-Pl. ayéfGooperative e and : \°- Combat day become m Special Features: 3 Vehicles to Navigate,

one universal darkness. Fear is what your Real Time Scipiling, werg d ПИ е!)

: : | Difficulty Paths life has become. The Myrkoids, a group of | m Levels: 6 Warlds » si


(MN aliens olderthan the stars themselves, have m Created by: Core De i y devoured your home solar system and left п Available: Now for Sega CD, \ V ita lifeless commodity. Revenge is all that К ‘goes through your тіпа. You've lost не everything, including respect for life itself. Li Oh yes, you will get some sweet revenge Ex

with your trusty steed, the Aggressor, a very lethal vehicle with the abilities to morph from a Sub-light Strike Craft into a Turbo Copter and a Combat Walker. Sure the Myrkoids have billions of troops, but they can't stop a crazed lunatic like yourself. Ha! Ha! Ha!

The M though it is only a vehicle

x | joy - the Combat Walker. This biped је ability to hover and has enough heavy armor to make this vehicle the best in ground-based 360° environments.

Like most space shooters, Soulstar does have the basic gun powerups and different levels of difficulty. er, some of the levels have tota environments, and t levels switches fro shooter to more sophisticated simulated combat. Sure, if you took a quick glance at this game you would probably say Soulstar looks a lot like StarFox or Total Eclipse. A closer look would prove Soulstarhas a more versatile role than that, and it can easily hold its own.



Game Informer a March ‘95

е: CD-ROM e: 1-Player Action/Adventure : 98; Three Unique Characters, 20- Plus Minutes of Animated Cinemas, Three Save Slots | n" <a Ё by: Falcom/Working Designs ы > | / ` 4. | Um mA Now for Sega CD

beautiful dawn slowly looms towards a sheltered spot on the meadow, which you call your humble home. Not long У “after dawn's first gleam, a speck of light maneuvers its .. way through a full grown oak tree and begins to gnaw at your - slumbersome eyelids. Retaliating you turn and shelter yourself from the persistent light beam. You have won for now, but one of the great things about nature is that it never quits and never will. Soon, a circle of light consumes your abode. Your struggle ui _with the sun is over. There is nothing left to do but awake and | Тай explores the па | | make your presence known.

terrain. ` tenants | You аге Mail, Popful Mail, an enthusiastic young female who | | el was raised an arrogant tomboy-elf. Mail chose to become a bounty hunter. Is she good? Can she pull her weight? No but the arrogant side of her, as well as the addiction to money, has pulled Mail forward and kept her on her feet. Mail’s hunt for an easy bounty is never ending, until today, when she feasted her eyes on a wanted poster with a bounty of 500,000 Gold on it! How hard uld it be to catch Nuts ~

‘Miss this jump and you'll be in a world of hurt.

troublesome adventure awaits. The opening cinema is of Mail ам it out with Mr. Nuts and his gang. This cartoon will lead you

join your group, and who can be 7N complete control. One of which is үз a mystical

Belleve | itor not |. I'm walking on air!

x useless prisoner; now your fiery little dragon riend. Popful Mail is an action/RPG game, just like the Wanderer’ 5 : From Y's series. Fans of Nintendo's Zelda and Metroid series will E ' > | easily adapt to the fast paced action and upgradable weapons and wait | EM anditems. Popful Mail requires quick reactions and a fast sword. for your mee ~... ~ | "E What до ya say, are you ready to go bounty hunting? m moment to 4 | ФА ч Ñx т attack.

One of the many weapon shops.


ККС) хт s T

Y do eses


"воће x you again.


10 =A Classic! 9 = Excellent

5 = Average 4 = Weak

8 = Very Good 3 = Yawner 7 = Good

2 = Avoid

Cart Size: CD-ROM Style: 1-Player Full Motion Video Shooter Created by: American Laser Games


Pee eee

Crime Patrol American Laser Games

American Laser Games’ newest shoot-'em-up begins as a young police officer embarks on his new career. Fresh out of the academy, you grab your controller, Gamegun, Menacer, or Mouse and become that rookie in training. There are four levels that you must conquer as you move up the ranks; Rookie, Undercover Detective, S.W.A.T. Team, and Delta Force. In each mission you will be subjected to an entourage of gun happy villains where the only rule is kill or be killed. You know who the enemies are, so go out and get 'em copper and don't

6 - Fair

Cart Size: CD-ROM Style: 1 or 2-Player | Racing Created by: Core Design

Available: Now

1 to 6-Player Golf

Created by:

1 = Terminal

B.C. Racers Core Design

Back in the days of Fred and Barney, everyone went to the race track to watch the B.C. Racers cruise around the tracks with their nitro-powered boulderdash motorbikes. Thanks to Core Design, that history can be relived in B.C. Racers. Take control of one of the six prehistoric speed freaks and race around the eight tracks of this

"Та Рио ма b EF Tir ово

Links Virgin

Now be shootin’ at any innocents, or you'll lose that shiny new badge.

ancient circuit. There are no rules in this time period that prohibit players from smashing into the other racers or punching them off their bikes. Therefore, use these two tactics to help avoid losing. The other members of the circuit are waiting for you, so get ready to burn some rubber! Ooops, | mean granite.

TI ATO [7 Drop. Б Chip | Lie РД Putt [Grid

78 yD Club 0191 PLAYER 1 Hits 2

Access Software

Available: Now

The setting at the Torrey Pines Golf Course in San Diego is a warm and sunny one as the golfers head out to the front nine. Join them as they begin their round in Links from Virgin. This game features all of the options found in most video golf games along with a few unique ones, such as the normal or reverse instant replay. Links gives the player the look and feel of real

golf. In fact, if you are fortunate enough to own the patented Tee-Vee Golf Club you can use it and really feel like you're golfing. Play a practice round, work on your swing, or grab five friends and start a tournament for real bragging rights. Then, once you've mastered Torrey Pines, get a new course and load it up for some new excitement.

Cart Size: CD-ROM Style: 1-Player Action/Platform Created by: ` Sony Imagesoft

| Available: Now

While still a teenager, Kevin Green was a product of a successful genetic experiment. As a result, he can now become “PRIME” a powerful super-hero. You play the part of Kevin as he begins the search for his girlfriend. Apparently, she disappeared from a recent trip to the mall. The search will take place throughout several levels, and you will be forced to fight against some of his mortal enemies, one of which is

his very own brother; Organizm 8. This action/platform guarantees PRIME comic book fans all the excitement that they can handle. Also, if you're not a PRIME comic book fan you can become one by entering the Read Comics mode where you can read most of the comics with PRIME in them. Can you believe it? Comic books built right into the game!

known as ‘Praying Mantis’, a fluid and poetic fighting style that is as deadly as it is deceiving. His low center of gravity allows for quick attacks that pound at his

opponents, leaving masters

of the original weeping at Lion's feet. With these two new warriors present in the game, the only thing left to fix were the backgrounds (which were noticeably absent in the original game). To remedy this problem, VF2 takes the once boring mat and brings it up to date with expansive, beautifully designed backgrounds that put the original's dull sky to shame.

Sega not only started the trend in 3D fighting games, but they now have upped the competition. At the WCES, no less than four look-alike/play-alike games were present, but none matched the power of VF2. Overall, the sound, graphics, and gameplay of Virtua Fighter 2 are far superior to that of its predecessor. So do yourself a favor and go straight to the arcades and play Virtua Fighter 2. m

ll he 3D warriors that revolutionized fighting А. games a year ago have returned, and this ` time they intend on doing it again. In

Virtua Fighter 2, the once roughly presented polygon fighters have been remodeled to look, move, and control more lifelike than ever. The animation frames have been upped to 60 frames-per-second to allow for truly seamless animation that complement the unique fighting styles of each character. Of course, they couldn’t just leave the gameplay alone. The famed AM2 squad added a whole slew of new moves and sound effects to make sure Virtua Fighter 2 is the premiere polygon fighter on the market today.

The basic gameplay and style of the original Virtua Fighter are still here, but now the movements are more fluid and the gameplay is even faster. Perhaps the biggest improvement to Virtua Fighter 2 is the addition of two new players. The first new combatant is Shun Di, an old man in years, but wise in the ways of combat. He is a master of the lost mar- tial art known as ‘Drunken Monkey’. This cumbersome style gives Shun Di an almost stone drunk appearance that lures the opponent into a false sense of security, thus giving Shun Di his ultimate weapon, surprise. Last but not least is Lion Raphale, master of the martial art

Check out Game Informer's Training Card #10 for all Virtua Fighter 2's moves!

Game Informer u March ‘95 By R y AN MA cDo NALD | 41

News & Rumors From the Video Game Industry

Mortal Kombat III to Hit the Streets In April

On March 23rd in Reno, Nevada, Mortal Kombat III will make its world debut to the attendants of the American Coin Machine Exposition. Although still shrouded in mystery, the brains behind Mortal Kombat, Ed Boon and John Tobias, have been leaking various tid-bits of information to spark anticipation for what could be the biggest arcade game of 1995.

То make Mortal Kombat Пап arcade-buster sequel to its predecessors, Williams is pulling out all the stops. The storyline still isn’t final, but the basic plot is that Shao Khan won the tournament from MKII. In his moment of triumph, he opens the portal back to Earth, and slowly starts turning our world into the outworld, sucking the souls from the entire population in the process. Leaving behind the Kombatants for MKIII.

The list of returning characters isn’t long but Williams assured us that there would be at least 14 playable characters with at least two fatalities, friendships, and, possibly, the much-rumored Animalities. There are seven returning characters from previous Mk’s including the likes of Sonya, Jax, Kano, Kung Lao, Lui Kang, Shang Tsung, Shao Khan, and a Goro/Kintaro-like character. The new characters are still an ancient Chinese secret, but one character was” referred to by Ed and John as Cyber-Ninja-Man, a high-tech Ninja with cybernetic tenacles that he can use to throw and strangle his opponents.

No other information is available at this time, but the game is almost finished and will begin testing in the Chicago area around the middle of February. So to give you an idea of what we can look forward to in MKIII we'll close with a quick quote from the John Tobias after we asked him if he was getting bored making MK s. “We were playing MKIII... and it was so exciting. There is so much new stuff in it that it's far from over...and | played the hell out of the last two.”

" [nc.

American Laser Hopes to Tap Into the Undiscovered Market

Everyone knows that boys play more video games than girls, and everyone knows that video games make a massive amount of money. It stands to reason that if a company could make video games that appeal to girls, they could bring in a pretty good haul. American Laser Games has decided to. ` venture into this undiscovered country by ` launching a new game development division called Games For Her. ` x _ The first two titles will released CD-ROM and available for 3DO, PC, M.

a summer 1995 release, titles available in 1996. Marketing Director for G “We have an exciting li interactive adventures unique appeal to girls ag only hope they succeed in gender exclusive busir |

Nintendo Cra r @n Ceunterfei Pirates

On January 18, 1995, Nintendo of America

ЈА) filed suit in Seattle alleging that Korea-based Samsung Electronics is Я responsible for the counterfeit be production of thousands ој | copies of Donkey Kong Country and other copy- righted Nintendo video games. The startling part of this story is that Samsung is one of the major producers of integrated

circuits for Nintendo, and the two have maintained a business relationship for quite some time.

Nintendo spoke with Samsung on

| numerous occasions, but the counterfeiting

didn't stop. When Samsung decided to allow

' pirating of DKC, Nintendo's most recent and

precious "baby", they apparently went too far over the line. NOA hopes this lawsuit will result in the termination of illegal production, the seizure of all inventories, full information on the network and extent of illegal distribution, monitoring of future production, monetary damages, and other relief.

We can only hope that this lawsuit will put a dent in pirate and counterfeit distribution of video games, as the existence of these products only serves to drive up the price of

. legitimate products for the honest purchaser

of video games. In other words, in the end the big victims are people like you and me.

Game Informer «© March ‘95

With comic sales dropping, Valiant Comics needed a savior to salvage their universe. Acclaim is probably


ay M x š = È / ide z И - D ~ E À | x 8 T к 4 у ۵ ДР N У w j Á L. , 5 Ji š i \ в pee? = 2 NC f H ^ X Ц А ^ WW ` 2 : , : г z e J У Д

Acclaim’s big debut in comics is sure to turn some heads in ‘95. The legendary Bart Sears will be doing the artwork for X-O Manowar, Dan (Superman) Jurgens will take the helm for Solar: Man of the

Atom. There will also be a comic made after D the hot card game Magic: The Gathering. gr. . . Acclaim looks like it could be a serious | competitor in '95.


kr7) N buyers will receive a coupon to order either a

Jj i jp Wolfenstein 3D or Tempest 2000 cartridge and an

x < extra controller at no extra cost. This offer will be

available for a short time, so if you were thinking

of buying a Jaguar, this might be a good time to exercise that option.

Sony Digs Deep Into Hell and Grabs Spawn

be developed for ten home Sony Imagesoft recently announced that they will be eractive. The firstreleaseis releasing video game and computer software titles based on Todd 5 on the SNES, Genesis, McFarlane’s popular comic book, Spawn. Todd originally started Spawn as one of the founding comics for the Image universe. Total ‘Sales are reported to be in the $25 million range. Spawn also . has a toy line under the label of Todd Toys. The Spawn video "дате is slated to be on the SNES, Genesis,

PlayStation, Mac CD-ROM and other upcoming

irdware systems. The titles are

heduled to be shipping ;

sometime this fall. Todd's name has been every-

i x - U ње" where lately. Maybe һе! . A TAM "T Books written about video games don't таке _ run for president next? we 4 `4. y! »

right? Wrong. David Sheff, the author of VIDEO

GAMES A Guide for Savvy Parents, had beaten

the likes of Zelda, Metroid, and the Mario games

before he even thought about writing a book. Consequently, the book has an insight into what's right and what's wrong with video games that is based on fact rather than far-fetched speculation.

; Sheff does a good job of representing both sides of the video game issue. talking about the value of video games, their alleged harms on society. and some of the myths surrounding America’s new favorite pastime. The back of the book is a reasonably up-to-date rating list of tons of games, including play value, content, and appropriate age level. While this list is not meant to replace the accurate and research intensive rating system of Game Informer, it might be helpful to parents. Video Games is published by Random House and has a list price of $10.

system, but th ey wi A as if late this year, the world is going to : rage. Primal Rage. that is.


Game Informer March ‘95

ie qii

1995 International Winter Consumer Electronics Show * Las Vegas, Nevada (Or, We'll Have A Lot More To Show You In May at ЕЗ...) :

| he ever-changing world of interactive entertainment began with a wave of hype and hoopla at the 1995 Winter ‘Consumer Electronics Show (WCES) in Las Vegas, Nevada. The WCES is not only | -a chance for video game companies to show W off their new product, it al manufacturers of TVs, VCRs, cellular phones, compute: а _ thumpenest car stereos Basically, the WCES is setu your favorite electronics sto


= f you're like many people, you have uncertainties about where the 16-bit market is headed or you are not sure what the next big home gaming system is going to be. The WCES was sure to make you just a

future of video games and maybe even the WCES itself. After visiting many of the companies that produce and manufacture video games, one thing was for sure. A lot of

next big system as we all are. We heard the following phrase many times throughout the four days of the convention and it sums up the lackluster WCES of 1995. “We'll have much more to show you at the E3 show in May,” chimed many public relations personnel from various companies. The GI Staff got the feel-

but, in fact, the E3 warm-up show. Well, let's not focus on the E3 right now. Let's get straight to what was and wasn't there. The

following pages will highlight some of the hot companies, games, and news that Gl uncovered at the 1995 Winter Consumer Electronics Show.

| duo beat out ne likes of Game se St rs, Video Games: and sen

ат ARING D © | ? 2 2onald. © «275 j T Р "mam C Game Pro. "No one could touch my slider," stated MacDonak 2 ^ к. x

wee-bit confused and uncertain about the |

these companies are as uncertain about the `

a ing that this show was not the WCES anymore _


Virtual Boy

he video games area was again dominated by Nintendo’s massive display area, 49,500 square feet to be exact. Heck, to our best estimates carpet for that space alone cost Nintendo $130,000. Not to mention the lights, sound system, TV displays, signs, and conference rooms that.

" ПИР i ws У F^ Wwe] made up the Nintendo area. We're mrw _ |“. 3 Qu 2 d = talking big $$$$.

p d , I r R о ku S B Within this floor space were a number of Nintendo's third-party licensees such as Capcom, Dream one | | ки! к Жы 4 SquareSoft, and Playmates all

селе! by: Nintendo ` le: Now, B eem. 4 dM 4 аф displaying their wares. Probably s Created by: Namco most of the attention in the Available: May 1995 Nintendo area was on the Virtual

. | . Boy system which was demoing | by invitation only. The GI staff did ` have the chance to give the ` VBoy a try and had mixed feelings about the performance. Generally, | we all thought the Reflection Technology used in the VB's display is excellent. However, the pinball and boxing games that we | played weren't all that spectacular. © | More software is needed before · we can give you the true low-down | on the Virtual Boy and its world- wide release this summer.

And what about the Ultra 64? | We were assured by some high | | ranking officials at Nintendo and Silicon Graphics, Inc. that the 064 is on schedule to make its- release this fall. The production of , chips is already underway so we should see a prototype system in the next couple of months. In addition, a few companies have also announced some titles to appear when the Ultra 64 | launches, namely Top Gun ! by Spectrum-Holobyte, Turok: _ Dinosaur Hunter by Acclaim, and | Doom: Ultra 64 by Williams.

Created by: GTE Interactive Available: May 1995

by: Konami ree, "ши O : April 1995 Er. x... T ===

У Game informer = March ‘95

<D ega's area was dwarfed

by Nintendo’s adjacent booth. A total of 12,600 square feet was gobbled up by Sega, most of which was devoted to meeting rooms and an appointment-only section where the main draws were Virtua Fighter 2 and Daytona arcade machines; and low and behold one single Sega Saturn import machine playing Virtua Fighter. It would have been nice to see ап. additional controller on that unit.

Games didn't seem to be the © | emphasis at Sega. Hardware was | 1 4 the talk. Of course, the 32X 15 becoming the focus at Sega. The Sega Genesis 32X will house both the Genesis and the 32X in one » convenient box апа will hit the f ' streets this summer for below ^ b ı $200. The Sega Saturn is still on schedule to appear in the US this fall, but word is that Sega's engineers are working furiously to make this machine, unlike the Japanese version, compatible £4 with 32X titles. The only thing | that would hold Sega back from completing this task is cost. They will only complete this project if it does not significantly increase the price tag ofthe Saturn. In other words, if Sega can keep the cost of 32X compatibility for the Saturn low, you'll get to play 32X on the Saturn. x

Sega was one of the many companies promising a whole f bunch of surprises at the ЕЗ ^ | show in May. Some of these surprises may involve Sega Sports' new spokesman, "Neon" Deion Sanders. | Expect a sort of “NFL | | Jam" style game bearing Sanders' name at the end of this | year. Other surprises may be a 16-bit hand-held system that is | rumored to be in the works.

Created by: Working Designs Available: Winter 1995 for Sega ср


y а 95 for 32X

Created by: Sega Available: Now for 32X

vd 9t



Created by: Sega Sports | Available: March 1995 | - ~

Game Informer "

REPLAY iyi E d

acked by some new cash (thanks to Sega), Atari was in full swing with their sharp-looking red and black display. Although the Atari area didn't have the bells and whistles (or size) of Nintendo or Sega, it did have a Je load of demo stations packed with У a variety of games. ; The Jaguar CD hardware is completed, but there were no games near completion so the CD player is on hold until games are available to go with it. The Jag Link should be hitting the streets soon, if not already, for $29.95. The Jag Link will connect two Jaguar units together to allow you to play games like Doom head-to-head.

Things may be looking up for

Atari as they may have scored а ` huge license with Electronic Arts, which will finally get Atari away from Accolade Sports. Atari also claims to be “close” to a possible agreement with Acclaim fora 4 Jaguar version of MKII (which is still under Acclaim’s control), but who knows how close “close” | really is? The other big news from EXER are ү Atari was the price reduction for 7 the Jag (What's Hot! Pg. 43). It will T come in the form of a mail-in offer

LET. Created by: Atari ^ Available: April 1995

Blue Lightning

i Battlemorph


Created by: Atari

A33 where you can get a bonus В Q wj p" Available: With launch of | PT controller and a game. Jaguar CD = Yes, things are looking good

| for Atari, but they still have that golden touch that enables them to create pure garbage. Some of the titles that were on the show floor weren’t even worthy of the orginal 2600. Check out Sensible | Soccer. It's so bad, it's hilarious! Luckily the show went well for Atari, they managed to get Jags on the shelves of over a _@ thousand Wal-Mart stores and | they wowed showgoers and the press with some impressive titles.

Ñ Ny mer a March ‘95


М Quarantine |

= Lu 2

he 3DO Company again chose to separate themselves from the rest of the video game companies by locating their exhibit on the opposite side of the Las Vegas Convention Center. Amongst the computers and strange sounding MIDI - keyboards, 3DO conducted their business and displayed such things as the MPEG adapter, the sleek FZ-10, and brand new 3DO accessories. Of course, there were a bunch of games to demo at the 3DO area.

The GoldStar GPA511M 3DO MPEG module will play movies, music videos and other video CD's. If you want to get a

; hold of this module it should be in stores now for a MSRP of ' $199.99 and comes bundled with one of Arnold's best, Total Recall. Additionally on the hardware side, Panasonic has given the ЗОО console a new look. The Panasonic FZ-10 REAL 3DO has atop opening design and a built-in Memory Management | system that makes saving games easier. The new FZ-10 also has redesigned control pads so that | you don't have to loosen the back |

Created by: Gametek Available; Now



| L

screw to get diagonal response. Created by: Stu o3 D o As far as games go, 3DO was Available: April 1995 h

| holding off many of their titles until the E3 Show. The area | had a few games such as Wing | Commander 3, Myst and 11th ' Hour. However, the big news Sum was the games that were to

come. 3DO will soon have the mega-hits Doom and Doom 11: Hell on Earth in their library of software. In addition, Time-Warner Interactive

Е ||


will release Primal Rage for the j + 10088, oe 3DO this fall. (See What's Hot ted by: Crystal Рупа! page 43). Available: May 1995

at or 2. a Cooperative Space Simulator :: 360° Environments, Morphing Abilities Choice of Characters and Vehicles Nintendo x ^: August 1995 |

>. er

* ox McCloud is back and this time he's backed by the powe Nintendo's new and improved FX? chip. What's an EX? chip? Well, J it’s a more powerful version of the previous FX chip (the one uses for the original StarFox and Stunt Race FX) that packs more horsepower tc make StarFox 2 fly like never before. This new EX technology offers

variety of improvements including better texture mapping, smoother | animation, and increased on-screen polygons (which keeps things nice and clean when blasting enemies in the 2-player split-screen mode).

StarFox 2 is а straightforward sequel to the original. However, it utilizes a different play mechanics engine that allows for 360? play. The basic story is that the evil Andross is back, but this time he doesn't attack one planet at a time, he bombards every planet in the system at once. Your goal is to remove the enemy forces from the infested planets in the system, intercept galactic missiles and enemy squadrons, and (most importantly) protect Corneria. Based just outside of the Corneria's atmosphere, Fox and his friends will be able to choose which emergency to deal with, instead of following a predetermined path.

One of the biggest surprises in StarFox 2 is the ability to pick different characters and ships for this mission. You can be Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, Slippy Toad, and either of the two new cast, _ к Cornerto is : members, Fay and Miyu. But perhaps the best feature of StarFox 2 is that `w | É | each character has their own unique ship with different attributes. Of course every ship has the newest StarFox addition, the ability to transform into a

Morph into a walker to attack ground targets.

"Епа out your objective before you start the mission.

n 4 23

You better Or this planet ania go |

. oM . protect Corneria. two-legged walker for better ground assaults (which comes in very handy). = | ' StarFox was a groudbreaking game that took the gaming world by storm, | e & and from what we've seen of StarFox 2. it’s going to do it again. Almost | 5 À every small complaint from StarFox has been confronted and |

overcome by Nintendo to make sure that when StarFox 2 comes lo us this August, everyone will want to hop in the pilot's seat and save the galaxy yet another timc.

, Choose your destination from this | intergalactic map.


· 360° combat!

Согветта i$ now under attack by

= -— P | Andress’: "s s forces? [esee i š £ 7 Whoa, that things huge! Hey, the target’s the other way! аќ A^ ge. T d Fa W. a i: F d E E ү, ^ m

and runs down the glass as if it were a tear crying for relief. The bat knows that it usually doesn’t snow in Gotham during the Spring, and he also Knows that ће game 5 afoot.

u my award-winning

rem the Gûven! skies, a snowflake graciously takes “Take Up the Mantle of the B

hold of the night air and The Adventures of

makes its way towards Wayne Manor. This structure has held many secrets, mostly those ` ayne. Bruce’s life is | with memories. of his . Send your mind back to your youth. Recall all the fond memories of your loving parents. Now, imagine the ` thought of your parents being slain right in front of you. What would that do to a child’s soul? Perhaps send them over the edge, or split their personality in two? Bruce sees life through two sets of eyes, those of an adult, and those of a bat. Luckily the bat is up tonigh апа il! waits u its prey. His eyes are fo ( City. Something is not fig ht,

` created the TV series. The is set to take another step

Wayne's bedroom window. Th : flake quickly melts x

16 Meg pu 1 or 2-Player Cooperative Action Players option. Play as s either.

3D Scaling Sprites, Robin in your attempts to try and si

Weapon Upgrades Freeze and his gang of goor Sega of America _ Mad Hatter, Two-Face, and Sc.

spring for Genda from turning Gotham City її wonderland.







„ваше atann

fter years of failed experiments, Dr. Sidney У || 3

_ Ruffleburg has finally succeeded in creating a world of his own named Evermore. Evermore is the ultimate utopia, a place where people can ex- ist in the peace of their own dreams. The only way into Evermore is through a dimensional catapult, and once you enter this land there is no way to return. The catapult still sits in the Doctor's lab waiting for its next guest. You are the next victim. Something has gone wrong. The once dreamed of utopia is no longer there. All that remains is a hostile environment т full of beasts waiting to make you their next meal. Squaresoft is hard at work on their newest Action/RPG title, Secret of Evermore. And no, this IS NOT a sequel to the Secret of Mana. However, Secret of Evermore is based on the same engine that made Mana such a hit. One unique thing about this game is that

( What Was May Never Be Again!



и Cart Size: 24 Мед

m Style: 1-Player Action/RP

= Special Раида Characters, Ring Comman

m Created by: Squaresoft

ш Available: Summer, 1995

" 2 ^ e

this is the first title created by Squaresoft of America. The team

at Squaresoft has been hard at work making sure that Secret of Evermore lives up to its name.

Originally scheduled to be a 12 Meg game,

Squaresoft soon discovered that with the

addition of | SGI-rendered

characters and backgrounds their 12

Meg dreams quickly changed faces and

became a 24 Meg monster. As always,

Squaresoft has filled Secret of Evermore with great music, sound effects, and a complex storyline. Your

journey through Evermore won't be easy, but never fear, Р you'll travel the lands with your faithful and ferocious companion, a dog. The dog (which we don’t know the name of) will help you out in combat and other parts of the game. Right now the game is scheduled to be a 1-player game. However the cart is only about 25% done and is more than likely to change.

d Р Д у X ү ; \ + "ur но o gu vit a j P. X" a4 g + i > ü 1 C A bx di, Р * dii Ë a

id £ ) - oon

ja to Perfection: y


If you're getting stuck in this immensely huge game, you're not alone. Finding all those cards can be tricky, and all those airducts can get really confusing. We at Game Informer have decided to save you some graph paper by providing complete maps, along with the location of security cards and weapons. With this “handbook” you should be able to complete your goals, whether you play as the Marine, Predator, or the very challenging Alien. @


Map Explanation

On the maps, we've indicated which airduct entrance is which with a lower case letter (usually X, Ч, пг z]. So when you enter CARGO BAY an airduct marked 4Bx, look at airduct map 4B, and you should be at the point marked 4x.


ШШ Airlock Door ^ Airduct Door > ``

+ Computer Terminal y

Elevator Door Security Door Jammed Door x CARGO BAY Security Card Pulse Rifle

Flame Thrower

* Одо - su m j =

Motion Tracker ш Š (8 |

Smart Gun $ \ С ||

Marine Starting Point In |

i У , a i Éi + ^ Game Informer u March'95s À se => : n 2

y £ ME Vo


p £ = ~ + къз Q = 4 PEIUS io ` E s ÓN.

; * + a Р # <> £- > : ја of TA К | Я Ў N < ' 2 А, А + ATI SUBLEVEL A, E, Ў Oe У s у 9; др ФР 7 £f слева тн о ` V йч. ..- ^ { Marine Hints: =

С ME { Ag 5 The first thing you need is a pulse

. rifle. The best way to get one is ' to grab security card #1 off of the j у body which is lying near the |:

entrance to the brig. Then go to the canteen, and back into the kitchen. There is an airduct in the side room. It has only two entrances. Follow it from the kitchen to the other duct, and you'll find the pulse rifle on a body in a nearby room.

The next thing you need is the motion tracker. Take the East elevator down to level 5. Take the passage to the right, then turn left and enter the first room on the right. “Run, but you can’t hide.” The motion tracker can also be used as a compass, with the arrow indicating which way is North. This will help you use the maps we've provided. li


Youll generally want to pick up the security cards in order, and read all the computer terminal logs if you want to hear the story develop.

The West elevator will not travel between levels 3 and 4. If you want to get to the west side of level 5, you'll have to go around the outside of the training maze on 4 = E BIN “Z level 4 to get from elevator to 4 = CANTEEN QE] oO š i elevator. BA

When you restore a game, you'll Start with all the weapons, ammo, ; and security cards you’ve lt." BRIFING ] | TN collected. However, all Aliens and | ROOM ‚з Predators will come back to life. Save in the elevator with a full load of ammo or you may find yourself in quite a pickle.

Make sure you've cleared a path to the escape pod before you set the self destruct sequence, because even with good “driving” skills,


n И E \ бы n. you'll only have about 5-10 seconds | : y у а л ~ CN to spare. : SUBLEVEL 3 ; P i s ~ =“ - - / i 5 j | ) AM Z Ё ; E I | и: A ! И ч ү Gams Informer " March'ag. A. a7. С. š P é a e 234 ` > с ae у i ' Ж. с N = B ashaku: 3 E ` А ^ i T D i ` Ра жы $]

E ee ^ ES a " ы м” E = =. , " " d 1 " R

= [ | = е = T = = [] MEM K ` [ | =! . E

5 5


9 7


ha c

L! y % ` 4 4 ¥ i " ү ` _| k = | <

a а-и ии;

Sector Time 21:12:53 5562330 USCH Sensors detect the destruction of Training Base Bologotha. Ho

escape pads were launched.

And he was never heart

: у from again...” - ^ " ; 5 | -— ^ v ^ iS ` 3 -— Li « z | ` N x 5 š - Ett z ^ š , „Б п 279 a s \ k. | = A 2 i а í | 5 ~ | > jm d . ^. : ` .,0 - P: \ EE. N ` ry À ae = x ^ ` | k hi à > % i3 a z * ` : ; ; E Me + ESCAPE Pop (0g el? a N ` | у W à X à в Ñ у ; | Game Informer w "March 9% pt. + : ~ 1 S si k ы , j 3 Ç # X à . X Я Wo ۴ " f уе» : + Џ NN. | š \ „== Ç (S у " 3 d ` E F Ri % <




ташыр... о =: Š —— ڪڪ‎ REIN: | мше D Ta е T | mu | p | "uu |

| | о x | _ _ | | _ || | | | | | | BJ | | | | al А ia EH E g 8 | TES и ш | | p | | EM | [ | | pH || \ | um | ui m” | | = | | | У | | | [ | | || | | | | | || |

a |


Now how did a Predator get in the airducts?

Alien Hints:

: < : The Alien is the most difficult LN

* character to win with since it т. » has no distance weapons and (

; cannot replenish health. You £ will have to cocoon enemies | ~

with а claw-tail-claw combo in order to survive. Remember, cocoons take a while to gestate, so let that first one grow to full size before you enter the fray.


You can’t use elevators as an Alien, so using airduct maps

L (Durs, or your own if you're e коа really into cartography) is | essential. А

~ 4 ' |

ra T

| ње d x ç ү

P 3 " 4 I é 1 „ıı , Alien Ship. i Y: id P. TEN ES d LIUM A \

> Ew ` á

i j

Р og ; Р Ness

t 5. 4 1 ii» Re

meo oco AS е \ ms E X MAP E 3 | 8 ie а;

Make sure you’ve got at least one free cocoon slot before ^ ч you go on to another level. | Otherwise, you'll go through [.

t у Ç. л e. { D О, © t ae " EM M. ки Peni = у bt. X | ETE т ~ killing things, but when you

AT Y, Predator ship eventually die (you always 4 ps as © | i 1 | do) ции” start way back on

the level below.

If you come back to a restored game and die, your next co- е j | coon may end ир ina big room е x Great Hall © | ful of enemies. Ве = i ۰ cautious where You cocoon N and when you save.

There are no marines to co-

"| coon оп the Predator ship, so i 7 NM ud sU TQ L. - MA you'll have to leave a stock- > £ —>SUBLEËVEL 1 a < % ‚| pile outside. Good luck rescu- roe С» bh, ` а «1| ing that Queen, you're going a | ' | to need it. B K Predator Hints: Av | E

When you want to save, make sure you do it in the elevators.

Still Stuck?

Build up points by killing marines with honor (uncloaked) until you get some distance weapons. Then you'll be better equipped to kill the Aliens.

If you're still having trouble beating the game, check out the cheat codes in Secret Access. It may not be ћопог- able, but you'll be able to reach the end of the game with much less difficulty.

The Aliens can see you even when you’re cloaked, so there's no point walking around invisible when you’re finally aboard their ship.

Use your stored health wisely (i.e. don’t keep holding down 5 after you're fully charged). Otherwise, be honorable and kill, kill, kill. B

Special thanks to Atari and James Purple Hampton. E

T SEN - ۴ `

i E > VR Game informer ms Магсп'95, us < : =>

ы —> = < mE s

FIFA Soccer 300

Have you ever dreamed of playing soccer with a beach ball, or watching robots take over the game? Well, save your dreams for something more exotic. Here they are the answers you've been looking for. Soccer will never be the same. Pause the game at any time and enter the codes below (no directional use is needed). Cyborg Players B, A, R, C, L, B, A, B, B, A. Invisible Walls Surround Field A, B, B, A, C, A, B, A, B, B, A. Hot Potato Mode C, R, A, B, B, R, L, A, B, A, B, B, R. Beefcake Mode R, A, L, B, A, С, L, A, B, A. Big Ball Mode B, C, B, A, L, L, A, B, A, L, L. Giant Player Mode B, A, B, A, R, B, A, B, B, A, R. Laser Ball L A, C, R, BALL “Virtua Gap Boy Minneapolis, MN

Batman: Return of the Joker Genesis

Robin: “Batman. Hey Bruce, wake up!” Batman: “Ohh, Timit’s you. The Joker (pant) must have used a sleeping (ugh) potion on me...”

Robin: “Batmaaan! Quick, take this super bat-antidote!”

Batman: “(Gulp) Uhh... wow! This stuff really works! | feel like a new man! | feel like | could take on the entire world!”

Robin: “Great scott! Batman’s back and ће needs your help in taking down the sinister Joker. Battle your way through seven levels of intense bat-action. I'd help Batman but | have a curfew, sorry.”

Level 1-2: 7820

Level 2-1: 8766

Level 2-2: 8756

Level 3-1: 6061

Level 3-2: 1047

Level 4-1: 1880

Level 4-2: 5278

Level 5-1: 1168

Level 5-2: 7608

Level 6-1: 0021

Level 6-2: 7511

Level 7-1: 1004

“The Rhino” Toledo, OH

Game Informer @ March ‘95


1 pP di:

= |


Man wasn't meant to fly, and maybe that applies to you too. This is a difficult game to manuever through. Do you feel frustrated, like the world is against you? If so, take these codes and show the world who you really are. Enter the code for the destination first. Then, enter LQG-77K. Use this tactic on every code.

Arizona - 5KK

Texas - MS7

Gulf of Mexico - 1AD

Colorado - 150

Nevada - 5U1

Tennessee - 100

Arkansas - CCT

Virginia - CC7

Indiana - EW3

California - ESO

Pacific Ocean - EAT

Washington DC - SAH

Florida Keys - CUD

“Kid Yahtzee” San Antonio, TX

Sonic & Knuckles Genesis

Plug in the Sonic 1 cartridge and hit all three buttons. When the bonus screen comes up hit down. Enter 5092-6073-6399. Doing this will send Sonic and Knuckles up to level 1000. How many levels are there? Eric Chermack St. Louis Park, MN

j= 7 an


Uniracers SNES Racing a uni with no driver is one of the most difficult things in the world. So here’s a way to get some quick points on the stunt tracks. To do the Head Bounce, just press jump, then while your uni is in the air press and hold the X-button. It’s best to do the trick when you're not moving. So quickly pull off three at the beginning of the stunt track and you'll receive 56 points.

“Virtua Gap Boy” Minneapolis, MN

Final Fight SNES On the title screen press and hold the Left and Right Buttons, then press Start. The screen should turn to a haze of blue. Now, you will be able to pick how many lives you want. This code also will give you a sound test and a difficulty setting to mess with. “Sir Timothy" Ellsworth, WI

Таг-Мапіа SNES

Taz has been around for quite some time and his bones are getting a little old. Maybe to old to go through level after level of chasing and catching his dinner. Give Taz a hand and send him ahead a few levels. At the options screen enter the codes below. 10 continues B, A, Y, A, X, A 20 Continues Y, X, B, X, A, X, L, R, B, A, Y, A, X, A Stage Select A, Y, A, Y, X, Y, B, A, R, L

Corey Patterson

St. Ansgar, IA

Earthworm Jim SNES

Man, another set of codes for EWJ! This game is a hacker's best friend. Pause the game and enter in Y, A, B, B, A, Y, A, B, B, A. Doing this should bring up a group photo of the guys at Shiny. They will tell you this is a bogus code. Another code will automatically send you to the next level once it's entered. Pause the game and enter A, B, X, A, A+X, B+X, B+X, X+A. If this is done right you'll find yourself on the next level. "The VidMan" Uptown, MN

Alien Vs. Predator Jaguar

Don't spend all of your time seaching for gun powerups and security cards. Start the game with everything you need. That makes sense, doesn't it? Why would you travel into Alien infested grounds with only one gun? First, hold Pause and Option then press the 1, and 3 keys simultaneously. Now, hold 2, 5, 7, and 9 together. A Predator will laugh at youifthisis done correctly. To raise the security level, press Option and 6, to lower it press Option 9. Press Option 8 to toggle the moton tracker on and off. Option 1-4 will display dif- ferent guns. To recharge weapons hold Option, 1,2,3, and 4.To access a super cheat mode, Press Pause, press Option, press 6, press 1 + 3. Then, enter the following sequence: B, A, 9, A, 9, A, *, Option, 6, 2, *, *, Option, 2, Option. The Predator will laugh. Option 5 turns on the cheat mode, which will replentish ammo automatically, and you won't die when your health bar is gone. Option + A raises you up a level, and Option + B lowers you a level. Supercharge!!! "The VidMan" Uptown, MN

stil MU

| Е Secret Characters for SNES and Genesis

Enter these codes where you put in your initials. Highlight the letter and enter it with the button combination listed. To get Chow-Chow, for exam- ple, move the cursor over the ‘A’ and hit any button. Then move it over the ‘M’, and hit A and Start at the same time. Finally, move it over the 'X' and hit Y and start at the same time for Genesis). If entered correctly, the screen will say “Secret Player’ where the records are normally displayed.


Enter A, press any button Enter M, press A and Start Enter X, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)


Enter R, press B and Start Enter A, press A and Start Enter Y, press any button


Enter L, press A and Start Enter G, press B and Start Enter N, press any button


Enter D, press any button

Enter A, press B and Start Enter N, press A and Start


Enter X, press B and Start Enter Y, press B and Start Enter Z, press A and Start

Ait Dog

Enter A, press Y and Start `.

(C for Genesis) Enter |, press any button Enter R, press B and Start

Kid Silk

Enter K, press any button Enter S, press B and Start Enter K, press Y and start (C for Genesis)

Scooter Pie

Enter H, press A and Start Enter T, press any button Enter P, press Y and Start


Enter M, press B and Start Enter P, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Enter F, press any button


Enter J, press any button Enter A, press A and Start Enter Y, press B and Start


Enter C, press B and start Enter K, press any button Enter Space, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)


Enter G, press A and Start Enter O, press Y and Start (C for Genesis) |

Enter F, press B and Start

Falcus Enter J, press A and Start Enter F, press any button

. Enter Space, press Y and

Start (C for Genesis)


Enter M, press B and Start Enter C, press B and Start Enter M, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

John Madden '95 Genesis Make the NFL roster a little bigger and


Enter N, press A and Start Enter D, press B and Start Enter H, press A and Start


Enter M, press A and Start Enter J, press any button Enter T, press A and Start


Enter R, press any button Enter J, press A and Start Enter R, Press Y and Start (C for Genesis)


Enter S, press A and Start Enter A, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Enter L, press any button

Liptak Enter S, press any button Enter L, press B and Start



Enter T, press B and Start Enter W, press any button Enter G, press A and Start


Enter J, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Enter M, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Enter C, press B and Start


Enter B, Pres A and Start Enter R, Press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Enter D, press A and Start


Enter B, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Enter L, press any button Enter Z, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Benny Enter B, press B and Start Enter N, press any button

Enter Y, press Y and Start

(C for Genesis)


Enter Space, press B and

Sun's Gorilla |

Enter О, press any button Enter O, press B and Start Enter А, press В and Start

Bill Clinton

Enter C, Press A and Start Enter |, press any button Enter C, press B and Start

Hilary Clinton

Enter H, press any button Enter C, press B and Start Enter Space, press any button

Prince Charles

Enter R, press B and Start Enter O, press A and Start Enter Y, press any button

Heavy D

Enter H, press A and Start Enter V, press any button Enter Y, press B and Start

DJ Jazzy Jeff

Enter J, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Enter A, press A and Start

Enter Z, press A and Start

Fresh Prince

Enter W, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Enter |, press B and Start Enter L, press any button

Frank Thomas

Enter S, press B and Start Enter O, press any button Enter X, press A and Start

Randall Cunningham Enter P, press any button Enter H, press A and Start Enter |, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Mike D.

Enter M, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Enter K, press any button Enter D, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)


Enter A, press nay button Enter D, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Enter R, press B and Start

add the two new expansion teams, _ the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Carolina Panthers. At the Game Setup screen hit A, C, A, C, B, A, C, A, C. If you do this correctly the music should stop, and the teams

Enter H, press any button Enter G, press Y and Start (C for Genesis)

Enter O, press A and Start


Enter M, press B and Start Enter C, press B and Start Enter A, press any button |


should be added to the list. Enter C, press A and Start Anthony Bouwie Enter R, press B and Start Philadelphia, Pa | *

Enter N, press any button

Game Informer « March ‘95

МВА Јат Cheat Modes

(Enter During “Tonight's Match Up", more than one code can be entered for each character)

Shot Percentage Display SNES & Genesis - U, U, D, D, B GG - ULU, D, D 2

Quick Hands SNES & Genesis - L, L, L, L, A, R GG -L, L L L 1, R

Max Power SNES & Genesis - R, R, L, R, B, B R GG - R, R, L, R, 2,2, R

Powerup Goal Tending SNES & Genesis - R, U, D, R, D, U GG - R, U, D, R, D, U

Powerup Fire SNES & Genesis - D, R, R, B, A, L GG- D, R, R, Z LL

Powerup Turbo SNES & Genesis - B GG.- 2, 2, 2, 1, D, D,

B, B, A, D, D, U, L Wik Powerup Offense

SNES & Genesis - A, B, U, A, B, U, D GG- 12, U, 1,2, U, D

Powerup 3-Pointers SNES & Genesis - U, D, L, R, L, D, U QQ 'U D, L R, LD, U

Powerup Dunks SNES & Genesis - L, R, A, B, B, A GG - ЦА, 1, 2,2,1

Power Block SNES & Genesis - D, R, A, B, A, R, D QG - D, В, 1,2, 1, R, D

Block 1 Opponent and Both Fall SNES & Genesis - U, U, U, U, L, L, L, L, A, A QQ UUU Û КИ 11

Block 1 Opponent and Only 1 Falls SNES & Genesis - U, U, U, U, L, L, L, L, A, B 6 - ا‎ U U UUL, L, 1,2

Teleport Pass SNES & Genesis - U, R, R, L, A, D, L, L, R, B GG - U, R, R, L, 1, D, L, L, R, 2

High Shots SNES & Genesis - U, D, U, D, R, U, A, A, A, A, D GG - U, D, U, D R, U, 1, 1, 1, 1,D

Speed Up SNES & Genesis - U, U, U, U, L, L, L, L, B, A QQ - U, U, U, U, LL, L, L, 2, 1

Slippery Court (Affects all players)

SNES & Genesis - A, A, A, A, A, R, R, R, R, R GG: TA 1, VR, R, R Bj R

Game Informer » March '95

Secret Characters

For Game Gear

Bill Clinton

Enter C, press button 2 Enter |, press button 1 Enter C, press button 1

Hilary Clinton

Enter H, press button 1

Enter C, press button 1

Enter Space, press Start Button

Heavy D

Enter H, press Start Button Enter V, press button 2 Enter Y, press button 2

DJ Jazzy Jeff

Enter J, press button 1 Enter A, press Start Button Enter Z, press Start Button

Fresh Prince

Enter W, press Start Button Enter |, press button 1 Enter L, press button 2

Frank Thomas

Enter S, press button 1 Enter O, press Start Button Enter X, press Start Button

Randall Cunningham Enter P, press button 2 Enter H, press Start Button Enter |, press button 1


Enter B, press Start Button Enter R, press Start Button Enter D, press button 1

Mike D.

Enter M, press button 1 Enter K, press button 2 Enter D, press Start Button

AD Rock Enter A, press Start Button Enter D, press button 1

| Enter R, press button 2


Enter M, press Start Button Enter C, press button 2 Enter A, press button 1


Enter G, press button 1 Enter O; press Start Button Enter R, press button 1


Enter C, press Start Button Enter R, press Start Button Enter N, press button 2

Shadowrun Genesis

One of the most unique RPG games of all time finally gets some airplay in Secret Access. At the title screen enter A, B, B, A, C, A, B, then start. Start the game and take out your trusty Pocket Secretary. Go down past Save/Load to an invisible option. This option will give you 250,000 Nuyen, 10 Karma, and faster walking speed. Whenever you start a game the code must be entered again. Kyle Nelson Coon Rapids, MN

Sonic Chaos Game Gear

Sonic's been tearing up Secret Access with all the Sonic & Knuckles codes lately, but don't fear Game Gear owners we didn't forget you. Here's a level select code for your Sonic game. At the title screen enter Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Left, Right, Left, and Start.

Zac Stanyek Staten Island, NY


Hardware &2

Formerly Unaffordable Мео•бео

May Make It In Home Market

while back, when the only two names in the home video game business

were Nintendo and Sega, a new challenger attempted to join the fray. SNK

gave us the Neo-Geo, a home arcade unit with massive games that were nearly identical to their arcade counterparts. Unfortunately, games with over 100 meg memory carried an appropriate price tag of $150-$200. Couple this with a system cost of about $700 and уоџ ме got a price way out of reach for your average gamer. This was unfortunate because games like Samurai Shodown, Nam ‘75, and Sengoku had fans of the technology dying to play them at home. It’s now 1995, and the wonders of lasers and inexpensive CD-ROM technology are bringing an answer to our prayers. Neo-Geo CD is available currently in Japan and across Europe and should be released in the US with a souped-up double-speed CD-ROM drive sometime this year. The real bonus is that it will have a system price competitive with the new systems and a game price of $60-$70 a disc. Finally, SNK products have become accessible to the common man (or common woman, of course). Look for hot new titles like Samurai Shodown Il and King of Fighters ‘94, or pick up some old classics you might have missed like Burning Fight, Ninja Combat, or Baseball Stars. While you're waiting for the system to come in, whet your appetite with these specs.

Neo Geo Specs

m Memory/56 M-Bit D-RAM, 512 K-Bit V-RAM, 64 K-Bit S-RAM

E 65,536 CD-ROM Drive

W Dimensions (in millimeters): 285x285x95

Suggested Operating Environment: 0°C - 50°С (32°F+122°F)

m 2 Controllers Included (At last some- body packages the extra controller you always need)

8 The system will also have outputs to RGB, AV, RF, and S-Video Terminals.

"^ WL

Hyper 5-hit, Master 7-hit, ULTRA 64 HIT COMBO!

| he new аде of video gaming is approaching rapidly. We've had | glimpses of the Sega Saturn, the Sony Playstation (Game

set is said to incorporate something called Load Management, which will aid the processor in making objects appear on the screen where and when they are supposed to.

Secondly, have you ever noticed in games like flight simulators how objects in the distance will shimmer, as if alternating between two slightly different images? The shimmer is caused by the results of mathematical computations which produce the small parts of graphical

images. These computations, when producing a distance image, can be varied enough between the pixels to cause irregularities and the shimmering. In a process known as Anti-Aliasing, the computations for every pixel are rounded off in order to make a smooth graphical image appear as you zoom in or get closer to an object.

Informer, Feb. 1995), but haven’t seen much of anything from the

third contender, Nintendo. Many people are curious as to what the

Ultra 64 will offer. You can be sure that it will differ from the other “Super Systems” in a variety of ways. Whether or not these differences will will make it better or worse than the others will become apparent after all the systems hit the market. In the meantime, we'd like to relay to you some of the things Nintendo told us about this enigmatic system when they spoke at the Winter Consumer Electronic Show.

It is commonly known that Nintendo will stick with the cartridge format as opposed to CD-ROM. Some may wonder why. The answer lies in some of the new technology Nintendo plans to use to overwhelm the video game player. The technologies, developed by Silicon Graphics Incorporated (SGI), will transform clearly manufactured environments into

Point sampling breaks down at

something that will fool our senses into believing that what we see is real.

The first development will attempt a to eliminate something called object popping. Sometimes during a game, say when you are flying over an environment, objects suddenly appear in your field of view. This is due to the processor being so overloaded that it just can't handle all the graphics, so some objects get lost. The Ultra 64 chip

close range.

The last technology is something that is at this point completely exclusive to Nintendo, and is in Prepare for lift off reference to how objects on the screen ae the Ultra 64! are created. Most often these days,

objects are drawn with point sampling. This method works well when objects are in the distance, but as you approach an object, the points become huge square dots, making it almost unrecognizable. SGI's answer is (get ready) Tri-Linear MipMap Interpolation (TLMMI). TLMMI uses a series of images of various sizes stored in the unit. It then computes an image which


ormer a Marc

Guns Are Not Toys, But This One Is

ired of moving a cursor around the screen to simulate hard cold steel in your hand? Does clicking a button not give you the same feeling as pulling a trigger and blowing away a video scumbag? American Laser Games may have the answer for you since they introduced the GameGun for both the 300 and PC platforms. This bright orange gun-shaped controller may not have the heft of the real thing, but hold it in your hands and you suddenly feel like a big gun-toting cowboy. The controller works on the same technology as most light guns in the consumer market, but is the first one available for the 300. This gun should greatly increase the playability of games like Mad Dog McCree, Who Shot posly Rock, and even

Demolition Man.

is between the two surrounding sizes based on how large the object is supposed to appear. Possibly a mind-boggling mathematical concept, the result is an object which looks the same regardless of how far away or close it appears on the screen. Nintendo claimed that TLMMI could never be performed from a CD-ROM drive due to the speed of data transfer. When we told this tidbit of information to Sony,

they just laughed. Notice the second level Even so, the name of the building and the

itself makes this technology sound impressive.

Ok, ok, that all sounds great, but what about software? In addition to Killer Instinct and Cruis'n USA (on display at

an arcade near you),

Williams Entertainment

is planning a remake of

x Doom, with new features

and all new levels.

Hard at Work at 561. Spectrum Holobyte will

be putting out Top Gun

(soon available for PC) which appears to be an impressive, if not awesome, arcade type air combat game. Rumor has it the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto is working with Paradigm Simulation on an Ultra 64 version of Pilot Wings II. Coming from the man who created Donkey Kong and Super Mario Brothers, this game has the potential for greatness. Nintendo hasn't given word as to whether or not a pack in will be included, but Sally

water tower in back.

Reavis of Nintendo of America said, "There's always a Mario in the works."

Speaking of works, SGI claims to have over 70 people working exclusively on Nintendo’s Ultra 64 CPU alone, and over 105 people in all working on the project. Nintendo also plans to pump close to $20 million into marketing (that’s right, a 2 followed by two seven zeroes) and hope that the Ultra 64 will bring in at least 13% of their overall sales in 1995.

What does this make the bottom line? Howard Lincoln, CEO of Nintendo of America confirmed that the Ultra 64 unit will hit the market at its target price of around $250. The price of cartridges is as of yet unconfirmed. Nintendo is hoping for prices between $60-$80, though some have heard they may reach as high as $100 a piece. Youch!

There are still many unanswered questions about the Ultra 64. For example, what will the controllers look like? Are we talking eight button, ten button, or even more? Will the cart price scare away Joe Consumer so much that Nintendo loses the video game race for the first time in history? As many people have realized, you can analyze the past, but you CANNOT predict the future. All we can do at this point is dream of the wonders to come...

With TLMMI, you can zoom as close as you want and not get pixelization.

е Informer m March ‘95.

Your fellow gamers are looking for codes for the following games:

SNES Zelda 3 Uniracers Mickey Mania

and your Game Genie code requests to:

All Points Bulletin Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Jammit Genesis AKET-AA4C Infinite pumps 3ALT-AAGN Opponents have $200 AJLA-AAGG Start at 3rd game ANLA-AAGG Start at 4th game ATLA-AAGG Start at 5th game AYLA-AAGG Start at 6th game A2LA-AAGG _ Start at 7th game A6LA-AAGG Start at 8th game BALA-AAGG Start at 9th game HE7A-BAVR Player 1 starts with 8 points "The Eradicator" Phoenix, AZ

Earthworm Jim - SNES 2235-EFAF Infinite ammo A23F-7464 Invincibility A26A-87A7 Infinite lives Gregory Janetka Oakbrooke, IL Lethal Enforcers - SNES 3CB5-140C Invincibility Theron Thompson Ozark, AL

Win A Game Genie of Your Choice! ЮЭ, deep into your Game Genie files and send us your coolest codes,

because if we print your Game Genie codes a Game Genie will be on its way to your doorstep...well, mailbox. Original codes only. All

51 : Bart's Ni ге SNES C2BE-60EA Infinite lives on Itchy & Scratchy and Bartman stages C2C3-6925 + C2C3-61B5 Infinite Z's D46A-D521 Start with 2 bubbles DB6A-D521 Start with 9 bubbles 89CB-D9B5 Infinite bubbles and seeds Kevin Klem Chicago, IL

Breath of Fire SNES EEBF-CFD9

Character starts with 255

max HP EEBF-CF69

Character starts with 255

actual HP EEB4-CFD9

Character starts with

255 fate EEBO-CFD9

Character starts with

255 luck 46B7-CFD9

Start with MystRB 4BB7-CFD9

Start with EarthRB 41B7-CFD9

Start with SageML 44B7-CFD9

Start with GuruCt 11B7-CF69

Start with NiceHt BBB7-CF69

Start with unknown hat

equipped (148 defense)

Scott Fischer Naperville, IL

pre-published codes will not be accepted.

Send your Game Genie codes to:

k. (Don't forget to list your Game Genie of choice)

The Swap Shop Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th St. Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Taz: Escape from Mars Genesis AVLB-RACA

Start with 4 continues AZLB-RACA

Start with 5 continues A7LB-RACA

Start with 7 continues BFLB-RACA

Start with 9 continues AKLB-RA70

Infinite continues A5LB-SJ7C

Start level with rock

power-up AMLB-SJ7C

Start level with flame

power-up AMLB-RA4W

Keep power-ups after

you die A3LB-RABY

Start with 7 lives BBLB-RABY

Start with 9 lives AKLB-RA64 Infinite lives

“The Rhino” Toledo, OH

Final Fantasy 3 - SNES DC9C-E4D8 Max out gold AA93-54D8 Get millions of experience after every battle AAQE-E4D8 Everybody has the Paladin Shield AADC-EF08 Always walk fast, no enemies

Peter Johnson Orland Park, IL

Clay Fighters - SNES

DD4A-8548 + DD9C-E53E Always fight Bad Mr. Frosty after first match

DD4A-8548 + DF9C-E53E Always fight Taffy after first match

DD4A-8548 + D49C-E53E Always fight Tiny after first match

DD4A-8548 + D79C-E53E Always fight The Blob after first match

DD4A-8548 + 009С-Е5ЗЕ Always fight Blue Suede Goo after first match

DD4A-8548 + D99C-E53E Always fight Ickybod Clay after first match

DD4A-8548 + D19C-E53E Always fight Helga after first match

DD4A-8548 + D59C-E53E Always fight Bonker after first match

DD4A-8548 + D69C-E53E Always fight N. Boss after first match

FDF7-E5CE Start with 1/6 health meter


Start with 1/3 health meter


Start with 1/2 health meter ОрЕ7-ЕБСЕ Start with 2/3 health meter 9DF7-E5CE Start with 5/6 health meter 6280-DD6F Enable Blob’s Bomb Carl Koepke Zion, IL

Game Informer = March ‘95

Lord of the Rings -


DBCE-C360 + DBCE-C4A0 Start with 908 HP

BBCE-C360 + BBCE-C4A0 Start with 9908 HP

82A2-CF6D All characters invincible

Prince of Persia -

Maximum Carnage - 62CD-34D0 Genesis Strength increased SNES BK4B-6AFE ‘The Vipeman” 1BB0-6701 Start with 10 lives Jericho, NY Walk through gates GVWV-4AFA 0060-A701 Start on last level : Enemies give 15 potions G3WV-4AFA : FD30-04A5 Start on special stage Start with 15 potions oM gn AN poa E enemies Jackson Heights, NY E7C4-ADAO Have sword on first level 3EBA-A7A0 Become the guard

Kregg B. Kittelson

999-05E-E66 Bellevue, WA Opponents shoot at your hoop 999-08E-E62 Opponents slam dunk on your hoop Brad Tesar ABYA-ATSA Homewood, IL Vitality meter at 10896 АВУА-ВАБА Vitality meter at 117% ABYA-BT5A q a АЈВТ-АА5В Player 2 starts with very Master code (must enter) ан, y vw ABYT-AT4L Player 2 vitality meter u P A БИШЕ AAJT-CAFT at 108% Cannot fall off screen ABYT-BA4L SO пар CARA itali EEE6-0FB4 nfinite vitality stale m Start with 255 hit points ^ BDTT-CAF6 ABYT-BT4L EEEB-0FB4 Start with lightning weapon Player 2 vitality meter Monsters already defeated 691T-AGHW at 125% C22B-0DD7 ا‎ on u 6, “Vi " Always get big gems infinite vitality Vaca bad 44E6-07B4 691T-AGHT Start at level 22 Start on stage 5, BBE6-07B4 infinite vitality Arcana - SNES Start at level 99 Chris Dobson 1D69-AFDO + 3C69-AF00 Darrick Fella Bolingbrook, IL Start with 60,000 Inkster, MI : gold pieces Alien 3 - Genesis C225-0F02 5DXA-D93N Infinite gold for weapons ^ Streets of Rage Jump higher Mario Kart - SNES C22A-0400 Game Gear AACT-CA6J 6D64-CD6F Infinite gold for items 3A9-667-2A2 Frozen clock Weird map С229-640Е Infinite time AJMA-EA7C CDC6-CD6F Infinite gold for rooms 008-DD6-19E Infinite fuel for Stop fast C22F-A7DE Infinite lives іатто CDC1-CD6F Infinite gold for elixir 009-0A6-3B7 Stop on sand 828B-AF2E infinite energy pe eae 6286-4F6D Magic points | 677-CC9-913 . First aid restores Opponents slower don't decrease Start on round 2 health completely Mike Reinke Marty Pitzen Jasvir Dhamrhat "Wack Daddy" Shoreview, MN Boardwalk Ct x New York, NY Katonah, NY -

Game Informer ú March‘ 95 63

5р1 itting опа


2 sa Oe

re golf


Hey Look, 3-р without stupid glasses.

And this time he's here to sepa

cream puffs. а only fory

i 4 - £ А gp ¿i # š ч # 4 ж 4 s F; x ^ »

aneva i


Y | STEALS! 5 tL

AY '95 FEB. 23

entertainment The NBA and individual NBA Team identifications used on or in this product are trademarks, copyrighted designs and other forms of intellectual property of NBA Properties, Inc. and the respective Teams and may not be used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of NBA Properties, Inc. © 1994 NBA Properties, Inc. All rights reserved. Sub-licensed from Midway® Manufacturing Company. All rights reserved. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System

RODUCT à Sega Enterprises, Ltd. Acclaim is a division of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. 9 & © 1994 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.



and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1991 Nintendo of America Inc. Sega, Genesis and Game Gear are trademarks of | ДУ,

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