gameinformer E THIRD (77 n WELCOME TO STEELPORT. A CITY FOR SINNERS AND SAINTS BRINK ` BRINKTHEGAME.COM OWN THE ULTIMATE ITRON | ombo Pack Ap ril 5 fr EROS TON ИТШ ЕТ HELUND CLV WILDE BRGEDORUTNEue MICHAEL SI fi eie ao т tan As JO MIRANDA ies DONALD н" SCAN BALEY JEFFREY SILVER STEVEN USBERER au TEVEN LISBERGER wo AME HADAS ШШШ um BHIN USAN Sim TARDA «ADAM НОВО "т JOSEP KOSINSKI FN BLU-RAY EXPERIENCE | * Digital Copy | ANDY McNAMARA tDTOR CA ndygememformeccon ead ту colum or comment on this trat gamehfrmercomimag or бон GL Anite Attending My Own Funeral » [2] +2 E Ф > = o o SS АА LOK Saints Row: The Third Saints Row 2 embraced zany antics to help the series stand out, and things are getting even crazier in Saints Row: The Third, Volition introduces a massive new city, unified gang threat, and even more insane stunts than ever before. by Dan Ryckert original ог crumple Ike the victim of a a Crushing Prison spel? to play Guitar Hero. by Joe Juba contents 5 games index Ihre EVO 5-46 sprintcom/evo 1H800-SPRINT-1 (1-800:777-4681) This month in Feedback we cannot play, some parents for doing their job. and what games women can and to EA's misguided Dead Space 2 ad campaign, shaping up tot arc lan- Quinn Levandoski Sean Johnson. via email via email Iw x Pkksin your ames ol Ihe year feature, and seemed that Mas 2h as much support as Fed Dead cd, which won the GoTY award. What pushed over Ih ? Paul McNamara Glenside, PA. The QI staff had plenty of love for both Mass Effect 2 and Red Dead Redemption. Ultimately, Mass Effect 2 Is a refinement of the first game, and the second chapter in a still unfinished trilogy. Red Dead's wholly contained story, and deeply arc, as aim. ho "Find and Repl words "Resonan Word 10 exchange а original, s Contact US immersive game world gave Rockstar's epic т PAM ban el, de BR One, lestkOamenfmacom Westem the nod for Game of the Year, and tactical merits of that baader JAPG much higher than a pathetic attempt to again "revolutionize" Ie Ime-worn АТВ system : и won't doso with a melodramatic cal for nation tke во many before me, but have u 15 NOT surprised 8 feedback uheld your ov that do, David Schimptt. via email Thank you so much, David, for skipping the usual fanatical closing rant, and instead attacking our journalistic integrity. That's s0 much classler. Whether you take the direct (albeit misinformed) approach like Sean, or try to butter us up before launching into. veiled insults, you're stil mistaking your personal preference for some kind of incon- trovertible truth. Its not. Its your own opin- lon, and we have our own opinions. We just. also happen to have our own magazine, Short Answers to Readers‘ Burning Questions ‘= өлтү on your Stal ийе, мш! ou be your most anti pated game of 2011 ой ol these pide: Portal 2, Butt, or p Portal 2. s omo pronounced "oye mjia” or “eclo пет "oclo meelo.” "Doa ot you tarea secet deny? It we did, we certainly wouldn't admit itin a magazine. Best Nows Tip Of The Month: “Don't lod your dog asparagus: Complaint Of The Month: This month ree rear lo complain a Dante emo was nol nc e Top 50, wich more tan we үче eed 10 feedback Reaching A Bigger Audience 1 was very excited to see you guys finally broach the subject of race and sexuality in video games [Widening The Scope, issue 214]. Iam an African-American woman and have grown tired of only being able to play most of my games as men or white women. You have no idea how excited I was when T first started Mass Effect and saw that not only could 1 make Commander Shepard a ‘woman, but a black one at that. It angers ше when most African-American characters are stereotyped as gang members or ath- Jetes. I believe that the game industry needs to realize that not everyone who buys their games are white males. Lyjanette Jordan via email 1 wish to congratulate Matthew Kato for his “Widening The Scope" article. I agree that there is a shortage of diversity in games, and when it is done right, it cre ates a unique experience for everyone. and influences our lives tremendously. Many RPGs such as the Final Fantasy series [particularly 6, 7, and 10) do an amazing job of combining different ethnicities to deliver rich stories and characters. MMORPGs allow players to choose from a different mix of characters, and increases interactivity, coopera- tion, and immersion into those worlds by allowing players to create avatars that represent themselves physically and eth- nically. While many of these games have great game mechanics and stories, | think they sell well because they also relate to gamers of many different backgrounds. Chad Collins via email (Left) This ls what happens when the GI ang voton aes ole (Right). Acta, his is wat happens. In Bar's defense, Dan had coming HAEMIMONT kalypsö for Windows Q XBOX Я pe" (Lett Ater winessing the zombie action of Dead ‘sn PR guru Autrey Nani and Deep Ses Sebastian Reichert and Vincent Kum- ar pose wit Jf M în front of some appropriately messy замок (Right) Ben is all sane vith DICES Pack Bach and Eats Pete Nauen. Myou just сан Ballet, yeni be sing, oo 12 Your Customers Hate This | was disappointed withthe “Your Mom Hates This” advertising campaign EA chose for Deac Space 2. | have been tying to make the point to people that video games have realy maturod as a tom of entertainment г the last decade or во. Whereas video games once used lo be brainless entertainment without any real depth, they are now able to spark serious discussion and are capable ot teling string narratives. However, "Your Mom Hales This” is exactly the type ОГ sophomoric rationale tor playing a game that | think the industry as a whole has been trying to move away from. The unfortunate thing is that Ооа Space 2 k a genuinely great game wih an excellent story. Why EA ever lelt that the game's seling point should be something as child as “Your Mom Hates This” is beyond me, but | think the industry as a whole is hurt because ol it. Joel Richard Jefferson Hills, PA We couldn't agree more, Not only did the. advertising campaign have the distinct feel that it was peddling an M-rated game to minors (unless you are an adult who stil lives with your parents), It convinced us that the marketing team responsible for those commercials doesn't have any idea what. makes the series so great. Hint: Its not because the game is “revolting” to mothers. | just read the Editor's Picks in your Top 50 fea- "uro, and | was a И discouraged. | enjoy seeing ‘Other gis such as mysal! getting into the gaming World to кї the myth that video games aro just for guys and that is suck at them. Bul your Iwo lemalo ocilors, Meagan and Arnall, maka very girl gamer lock bad with top picks tke 'Spli/Socond, Меса lor Speed, Dance Central Donkey Kong, and Angry Birds. Come on giis: What aro wo, Ivo yoars cl? | love games Ike God of War, Dragon Ago, and World of Warcral in my frst day of playing Black Ops I went 34 rounds in Zombie mode ай by myst ove gis Who prove lo guys that wo aro just as good at video games as they aro. Putting out toro that же play tho samo games that my eight-year-old look pathetic, Como on. nephew does makes us lados; play somothing Geo, Kathryn, you seem to have conve- niently overlooked the fact that Meagan and Annette also put games like Mass Effect. 2, Dead Rising 2, Red Dead Redemption, ‘and BioShock 2 on their lists. Furthermore, ‘even if they were only Interested in playing ‘Cooking Mama and Kinectimals, do you honestly think they lack the right to play the ‘games they enjoy because they're women? Just Doing Their Job 1 oniy own ono Merated game (which is Just Cause 2) because I am underage and my parents aro are that they could “cout my mind." Along lime ago, | preordered Сай of Duty ‘Black Ops. It was going to be my frst Cal ol Duly game that 1 would own. Eventual, my par- ents looked up videos ol the game on YouTube ага, wol, they were pretty pissed. They said | ‘couldn't purchase the game, but riod to oon- vice тот otherwise. Дав, I alod, ever though ту classmates own this game. | understand that you are not my parents and they aro Just tying lo do what is best for mo, but ofer parents let young kids play this game. What do you tink? Michael Haft San Diego, CA We think you should be grateful that you have responsible and informed parents. Thanks for doing your job, guys. Improvements For Skyrin In issue 214 we asked readers what addi- tions or Improvements readers would like to 200 in the newest Elder Scrolls Installment. While co-op/multiplayer was by and far the | would ike 10 bo able to create my own custom weapons and armor out o toms | fnd through- ад the word, and then Infuse them with magic ‘during the creation process. James Sparks One thing I hope Bethesda puts no Skyrim is ‘cosmetic damage. Afta a long баце, гато soma scars to remember it by. 1 don't want monsters to bo leveled up to the player There shoul bo some places on the ‘map that rat meant fc lower loval players. It ‘cheapens tha gamo ithe monsters/bad guys aro always just as tough as the player Mitchell Shertey | would love to see some effort put into mounts or mounted combat, | would love to "ido a dragon! Dylan Carter. Ploaso lot this Eder Scrolls game havê better animations, The stil, marionette-Ike anima: "lon in previous tiles mado mo lose interest in them. just can't wrap my head around playing as a badass acveniuring chick who looks Ike shots losing a deeply privato бато wih crippling casty-onsot arthritis. Angela Wiliams Таке to soo a random dungeon generator It would be a candle on the icing of a realy big-ass cake. Eric Buck will receive a copy of оп the system of their choosing The greatest WWE Superstars and WWE Legends invite you to determino the greatest WWE Superstars of alltime in over-the-top, in-your-face, pick-up-and-play wrestling action. CORRECTION: Last ss in Gear, we stated atthe Razer Suche’ keyboard keys ae Auction Ik tiny LEDs ln cual ey feedback 13 Is the ESAS criticism of video game studies Inquiries a good practice? by Matthew Kato with Jeff Cork The increased popularity of video games has put the medium in the spotlight, including frequent scrutiny by researchers and various groups trying to understand games and their effect on those who play them and society in general. Studies of all stripes are used to prove or disprove topics such as whether violent video games are harmful to kids, but there have yet to be any clear, answers to these questions because data like surveys and statistics can be inaccurate or disputed. ось, industry trade group the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) sent out a press rlease contain- Ing advance ciim of a study by Dr Douglas Gentle (associato professor ol develop- mental psychology at lowa State University) and ‘others about the подамо elfocts ol pathological Video game usage, aso known as video game ‘adebction. The ESA wamed thal Gentle’ study was "awad" and called into question ho doc- tors motives end past work. White Its the ESAS job to protect video games ard its constituency, what was unusual about tho ESAS pre-emptive attack was that Gens report tel and its con- ‘clusions did nol Seem controversia, Genties study of more than 3,000 schoo chit- don n Singapore over a throe- yar period found that excessive gaming can have а negativo lc оп somo kids, including the exacerbation ol depression, erwety, poor school work, and ‘other issues, Gentle stopped short of announ ing a causa Ink botween this kind of video game addiction and the aforementioned health issues and while some kids ho surveyed never devel ‘oped a video дато action, approximately rine percent of chicken surveyed (who averaged а ganing habit ot 31 hours a week) cou bo аазаћед as pathological gamers. Moreover, wcondtions such as depression and social pho- bias improved as these gamers stopped thor pathological behave. ‘Video gama adición в not a ne rec- grized condition, but Genie used gambling addiction (which is recognized) as а compar son in developing his survoy questions and an. overal ralerenca point because both star cut as entertainment and alor "stimato omollonal responses and dopamine release," according to the study Similar lo gambling, Gente believes the basic cause ol video game addiction is a lack of impuso control in tho Individual Despite Ino seeming clarity of his study's ndings, Gentle does! think the argument about video game addiction в over. "The pur- pose o this ario” states the study, "s not to anser thal debate, bul lo provide now data that may bo ss Gentle's tone is relatively accommodating, why 6 the ESA so vehemently against him? Tho ESA достука to ak lo us for. "his article, and is pre-empive press release. criticizing the study and Gentle timsali provides. Tow answers, In it the ESA says thal patolog- са vido gaming Б nol a modically recognized condition, and the tools the study uses to mea- эге Рамо been orlicizad, However, ho fact that в not medically recognized is precisely Wal prompted the study inthe frst placo, Which required that Gentle and his leagues uso tne methods they think ro bost sulted 10 the task. In fact, the study is openly спбса of itself, pointing out its own limitations and where more research is pd connect 17 “[The ESA] want people to believe that I am 'anti-game!" Idon't understand the general human tendency to prefer extremes to the № ıo commend create, indepen dent, and verifiable resoarch about ‘computer and video games, Richard Taylor, ho ESAS senior Vico prosidont for communications and indus try айак in the press release, “However, his research в just more of ho samo questionable fincings by tho samo author in his campaign against deo games. There simply is по con- elo evidence thal computer and video games causo harm. In fact, а wide body of research has: shown tho mary ways games aro being used to improve our Ives through education, heh, and business applications. Many people believe that games can have a positive invence оп our Ives, but can you s0 аву take the good and ignore the bad? in tho past, tho ESA has pralsod studios that show- games having a posi effect and стизао those Ike Gent's that don't, but an effect is an. боса whether us good or bad. Data and any- sis rom statistics and studios shoud always Бе scrutinized, but whe highighting only that Which is favorable to video games may please the ESAS constituency ~ and even form one ol the cornerstones of the ESAS legal argu- ments against its opponents Its a practica. "hat brings into question the group's legitimacy ‘and obscures the honest scenic study of Hostie Feelings and Depression’) found that volant doo games may "roduco depres: Son and Гоо feelings n players trough mood mangement. Ferguson's study and the ESAS trumpeting «їй в al he same to Gentle, who observes, People tal to recognize hal il games can teach such good things lko skils noeded by surgeons, then they must also be able to teach other things, such as aggression. The learing mechanisms Invlved are the samo." Because ^ this, Gento sides with tho ESA when It says that video games can have a positivo effect Although the group's press release states that he is anthvidoo games, in 2007 ho довео a study showing thal veo games helped Iaparosonpic surgeons with thot slis and thal hey might be used as positivo raining tools. Is Gente an ап! о дате vilain or tho ‘champion of ts betler qualities? Or is he simply acing to the ever-growing conversation about то medium as it endures the scrutiny that inevitably comes with its evolution? The ESAS stonewall defense may be an effective way lo protect the immediato interests of ho industry, but further obscuring ho truth wil only loa! o. more misunderstanding, video games, The ESA took such a salectvo approach in presenting evidence 10 he Supreme Court regarding ils decision on tho Calloria law restricting tha sale сї violent video games lo miners, The ESA cited two Studies by Dr, Ctristoper Ferguson ol Texas ABM, ono of which (The Himan Study: Violent Video Game Exposure Etlects on Aggressive Behavior, truth that is usually somewhere in the middle.” Do you think video game addiction is dit- ferent than sex addiction or other such specifi addictions? Thats in fact what l'm trying to test - is it realy ке other addictions? My curent summary ofthe exist- "ng research is that it looks Ike other addictions in many respects. ‘Should video game addiction be officially medically recognized? Not yet. West need more studies before 'd feel Comfortable taking that stp, Why do you think the ESA was so quiek to dis- unt your study before it was publishe hey re just doing their ob - protecting the interests of the video game companies Dr. Gentile is an associate professor. of developmental psychology at lowa State University with numerous peer- reviewed scientific journal articles mainly covering the effects af video games and ‘media on youth. Do you have any comments about toir criticism ‘of your methodology? Although the ESA claims that this study в flawed he statement provided no credible evidence of significant "laws. Furthermore the article was subjected to peer-review by independent experts in top mecical Journal, experts whose interest is in evaluating the quality of science. People might be interested to no- tice that the main criticism about my previous study 18 with American children (that an online survey was used) was solved inthis study (where children were ‘surveyed in classrooms), and the results were about the same in both studies. This уре of convergence with different methods and different popuations в a hallmark of good science, and when the results are replicated, it starts demonstrating that the effect is robust and balievabie. Do you think that it's more likely that rosearch- ore will find a causal link between video games. bad behavior versus other forms of media? Probably not. Although there are theoretical reasons why video games might have a larger effect than other meda (uch as the interactive nature of them), the research is not demonstrating a larger effect It ‘seems to be about the same size as with traditional media, at least in the media- violence literature. Maybe other etfects wil be diferent. You've written about video games being a positive force as well as pointing out how video james can be harmful. Can you comment on the fact that some want to classify video games as either wholly bad or wholly good? Including te ESA, apparently, who want people to believe that I am "anli-gamel“ I dont understand entertainment software association the general human tendency to prefer extremes to the truth thats usually somewhere in the mide Perhaps its best explained by what my father always Said "There are two types cf people in the world. Those who divide the war into two types of things, and those who don't This tendency is particularly surprising when people fa to recognize that if games can teach such (900d tings Ike skis needed by surgeons, then they must also be able to teach other things, such as ag- gression. The learning mechanisms involved are he ‘same This is why l'm so interested in all the different types of effects games and other media can have My position is and always has been that games are powerful, and that they сап have many effects. Some affects ae beneficial, others can be harmful, The various efect depend upon many different features, роп the amount of time spent with the games, and possibly upon characteristics f the player. By being aware of both the potential benefits and potential problems, families can maximize the benefits while minimizing the harms. HOME IS WHERE THEWARIS Dead Space 2 Dead Space burst onto the scene with a new and terrifying take on the survival horror genre. = r 1 y St 1 x Were you concemed about put- The Marker is at the center of Space 2 continuos this, but the ting players in control of a ch Dead Space's mythology, but the hardest foes aro more resilient acter whose perception of reality role it plays is poorly explained versions of standard enemies. is unreliable? in the game. Was this done to Why not create new foes? Wo tard alot about how we would maintain a sense of mystery? Dead Space 2 has 27 diront hercle the concept of dementia, The story ol he Markor 5 something enemy models that we feo fer a nt the elect would lock Ike, how weldl rose ll of cur extended. lot of variety, as ench of them has the audo twalment woud geen, meda, For example, Ihe novel art amet behavior. Aso, rough and the ayer wodd understand. focuses on the start of Ihe (Хау pege damembennent tha So yes, 1 was something we thought fegen and he discovery ol the а aeg hat players can vae o ot about and în the ond we a kar, Ting to Ind a balance of xe successi other then aiming lor ay happy van how lame ой, keeping he mystery around U The headshot. We've even ad Маћах alv u elo good ond eps (is d naw anal into the mica Fane of the first Dead Space are сти Gin rth felon we expand cur universe, Keep familiar with your scare tactic. the core enemies Ike tho Sa Was it difficult to come up with In the second half of the game, Leaper Lira, Hector and others new ways to make players jump the difficulty level increases 5 important to our fon. in tems of ош of war sonte? significantly. Was the plan to get ^ he now enemies he game has: The Keeping people guessing and selling players comfortable, and then Stat, Crawler, Nes, Oyst, Trpod, Vp sane moment was Ниву tear them apart? Pack, and Риком Tals lot of new something wa spent a Ю of то The ара was, Lot's got ка вс. ^ — Necromorphs, and coupled wilh басан and wating оп. A kot ot mated wih the controls, the upgrade ово returning enemies, you wind the lenson and hoor û he game — process and the coro machen p wth a ton o erent and fun comes ram the sound design, hen realy lost thorn as hoy pen dismemberment opportun the dea of hearing something toward the end. not wong Toast alot Dead Space 2 offers a wider an the dementia moments both The frst Dead Space ramped variety of weapons, but rewards in terms of he auro and ho p up the difficulty by throwing players for focusing on a smaller sertaton around hem. Honor different enemies and swarm Selection of arms. Do you thin icky buses. ‘combinations at the player. Dead this discourages experimentation with all of the weapons? The god wh ho tod and weapons was t prove enough vary at ayers could n a lacio they teal erioyed. Wih ош new game pius la, players can run back Trough ће game and Ir weapons they may have passed up. оп thair frst playthrough. Vio also dudes our respec ото n cas Tali wanted lo experiment wth th rent weapons and see what they All of the clocks in the game are st to 12:0. is this significant to ho story or does tha electricity. keep going out? Yep, ое faros across th Sprawl was the motvaton behind the 12:00 thing. I mean 1 cou make up some wacky reason, but t was the power tale Isaac's death sequences are always entertaining to watch. Were these fun to create? Did you have to dial any of them back because they were too gory? лас unique deaths are aways a lon of fun for the team. fs great t0 hear someone discover ono when. they aro playing the game hero at Work. There are so many ihat по (everyone has seen ham ай атк Tala зо locused on te par Tier pat ol Ihe game. AS ating anything due lo gore, nat A happened & Blob2 + we WIDE GAME > a PJB LA а Wii i NINTENDIDS,. bluetongue ёнығик — Sufy THQ HN Off the Stage 7 | Activision Cancels Guitar Hero Franchise hen Guitar Hero World To Rock Band 2 came out In 2008, it was almost inconceivable that the eral sub-genr rash and urn. At the time, these tiles were su геме ire with new music peripherals and gameplay Less than three years later, the of music games, Sales ted, Viacom So what kiled the golden goose? The Oversaturation of music games, the current economy, and licensing costs all contributed the decline of the genre. According to NPD data, the series sales peaked when Guitar Hero World Tour sold 3.4 millon copies and raked in more than a billion dollars for Activision. Comparatively, industry analysts Cowen and Company estimate that Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock and DJ Hero 2 failed to sell one milion units combined In the US. 010, Despite Guitar Heros fall rom great- Mision recenti anounced пе кне ^ ness Kolik toid СМЕО Inat Aci ват YY.” Gutar нео Du Hero, апа opposed to bringing the series back in the future ав long as [zan bereinented in some изу Given Action up апа down track : . recor wi the tareas al gerre, we Gllresus cing 1e coninueddesinse hops thal the company ase some Inthe muse gene Action of 800 lessons inthe vay nds ts employees working wine muse ranchises valved brands. Otherwise the oc {пад муст lover studios) sapped encore wont be Welcome \ би Нео te planned for гөр ува and re te creation of or / A Bay Ketek N ias strong eno. model for its DLC. Responds To Death of Guitar Hero wish them the best of luck... Its been a wild balle ofthe bands 112005 Harmonix teamed with publisher picked up by Viacom, watched its Rock and Rock Band network manager John RedOctane to create the Guitar Hero Band publisher MTV Games close its Drake released a statement on Guitar franchise. Aer the massive success (doors, and is now back where it started Hero's demise: since 2007, but we respect and appreciate of Guitar Hero Il, Activision purchased independent of any particular publisher. “We were sad to hear yesterday that all of the hard work and innovation of our Despite the history and rivalry between Activision was discontinuing development — peers who have shared the music gaming оп Guitar Hero. Our thoughts are with space with us, and we look forward to those who are losing their jobs, and we rocking in the future” RedOctane and the franchise, but not Harmonix. Since then, the Boston studio the Guitar Hero and Rock Band fran- started its own Rock Band series, was chises, Harmonix community manager power to the players- x ux ) Supercross content до тој ` j XBOX 360 RIE Bad, = / d with a | | the ] sarcastic \ spin Four yers ater the original, The Darkness . fall on Xbox 360 PlayStation 3, and PC. The sıpematura series puts players back in the shoes d newy minted mafa boss Jackie Estacado (once again voiced by Mr Bungie's Mike Patton), with his four-limbed Darkness powers at his control. Original developer Starbreeze Studios in't handing development ditis for The Darkness I. Instead, Canada's: Digital Extremes, which handed the multiplayer component of BioShock 2, gets the honor ments that we aside to remain o target. It's a big on we learne from the PS3. here's no point putting everything you want into a Bethesda and Fallout % New Vegas developer Obsidian announced three mare DLC content packs for the coming months We dot have any specifics regarding бе DLC, but Bethesda says hat ute the frst DLC- Dead Money — these add-ons wil be available simultaneously for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. Bethesda leo recent applied for trademarks for the phrases “Honest Hearts; Lonesome Road" and "Oid Wer Blues ‘Batman: Arkham Сау game бакс Sefton НИ confirmed thatthe game unfortunatly doesnt feature any multiplayer or co-op. "So let me start by saying, once and for all, that Batman: Апат Ciy single-payer оу experience" he told IGAL НИ elaborated that Rocksteady has parta vision for the game, and that it wouldn't be posse to do the game it wams the math later, We эт mutpayer always had the price and con sumer in mind had to sell some thing that people could buy.” - Shuhei Yoshida, Sony senior vice president [ийй "youre looking for Apri Fool's jokes, turn to page 35, because nist not puling ол legs when t says hat his summers Cal of Juarez: The Cartel mines the series’ westem seting with presert-day FB officers п Los Anodes: The oriy possible good news about this game в thatit seemingly must rote а hot tb time machine of product development, on the price of the NGP handheld 24 connect «d dashed tne optimistic (or maybe пае} hopes of gamers by notincluding Dabo И or any her Blizzard tite п ts 2071 fecal guidance The com- pany says t's ering on the side of caution since there are no curent release windows. In other Blizzard news, te company is curent werking on Starcraft l: Heart of the Swarm, but doesnt expect питу at east 2012. Its getting alot worse for THA beor t gets better, apparent though the com- pany ts moving in a new direction wi в upcoming Montreal studio and games Ike Homefront, the restructuring s not without casualties. THO canceled both free-to-play "ies Company o Heroes Online and WWE Smackdown vs Raw Online. ‘Speaking of Home ont, THO is planning future games in the seres, but the ran- ‘chise may move rom current developer Kaos Sucios in New York to the пем crew in Montreal RR eet EBENEN COM . S аа Gaming dovon Gali pora Play а to Mable Work Congress 2011 Barcelona, Span Tre sider phone lentes a d pad, customary PlayStaton face buttons, hwo shoulder butions, Select buttons, as Wel as a тыйу creen and two touch pads tuns on АО Gingerbread (version 2 3) platio, and Sony promisas over vo hours o banery o wo Ping games. Alfa Sony st announced tne NGP han һа as o successor o Ihe PayStaton Portable, the NGP and Xperia Рау lack he gaming ure. оо market rom two deren andes. Nother болсо Му oa wih ha otr and Sony dives cach ктеу suited to ts portiadar uence, eter thats gamers who want a handed ‘ing sohn na approaches the homo console porno or those look а phano capable cf more robust gaming anis racillonaly possible wih past a denen ‘Sony Ericsson cals th Xperia Pay “PlayStation Cord." апа alu there no lia roster ' rst party PlayStation games ¿marcada To unt Cash Xperia Play Specs: ——— расо is reportedly coming pre- чае Похва IBM salon the douce. Mo phano Weg удата. 450 comes wif Asphalt conan б, а Bruce Lee, Star Battalion, The Sims 3, Memory card support a Tos Fly downoad tts vil msd. up 03208. be available al launch, and Engadget Memory end ae reports that pora Рау compatbie ver 868 iaceo Sons of mesa God o War, and Cat o Duty. Modem Vier cou bo » Operating system: Pompeo h as wel, As or the games (Gingerbread) pico, wo takod o à Sony Ericsson rep- Tesertallvo who told us that on average. ee games should cost between $4.00 and Spin NT $7.00, with developers dolommiring the ‘Graphs Qualcomm Таа pice. Aken 205 "n tho tuture, the Xperia Plays game Screen: inch, B54 x Пау Wi bo ostered by PSN tiles 480 multtouch LCD (although you have to ro-buy thom oven, "t you already own them for your PS3 original PSone games, and through partnerships with over 20 publishers. ‘The unit supports the Unity Engine, which is curently used by approx ‘mately 35,000 games, and third-party Шов such as FIFA 10, Assassin's Creed, Guitar Hero, and Dead Space should be ported to the phone, ‘Sony Inmpets ts PlayStation Suite and PlayStation Certfication programs as ways to encourage outside dovelopenent, but be inter esting lo soo how mobie dovelopors ads lo Xperia diferent control configuration, Although Wo expect many studios to embrace the more _garting analy controls, wo wonder il somo com paries wil аду роп over games using oriy the device's touchscreen or touch pads. Moreover, ‘Sony is touting thal PSN los wil bo available for the phone, but given that PSN games up to this point have been designed fer the two anslog Sk ‘ofthe DualShock 3, И seems inconceivable thatthe Xperia Play wil make use of the entro PSN catalog asit stands without control alterations. ‘Sony в convinood that releasing both the Xperia Play and the PlayStation NGP is a sound strategy. and itis trying to design both devices to cater 10 cach audenco. Sony hasnt releasod pricing detais, but look for the phone to launch this spring оп the Verizon network. Camera: 5.1 подари, auto focus, LEO as, Video recording & mare 26 connect | | A e -— TOP TEN FIGHTING GAMES WE'D LIKE TO FORGET by Dan Ry can take 20 Ballz 3D. Tm тї эле hs game could scream "1994" any кюз Vi vied. Youve got a "Z replacing an . "ety seasalimuendo, and ап avt atiempt to present 3D graphics ona 16 bl system. Characters vere supposed lo inchada caveman, a farting monkey, and a balerina thal sparked you, but vet ended up ooking Pe an AutoCAD tendering of a Dippin Dols аду explosion. 28 connect lightsabers seems like hard to screw up, but this PSone brawler. in the Star Wars films, is. Way of the Warrior. Js great as Naughy Dog today thy vest на cranking od games of such caer as Uncharted о Jak Сапа. in о company’s carter ins N released this ай Mortal Kombat done fr "e ated 200, Characters ane avi conto d were созу animated, vh much of he being done in root ol à yellow she at develope Jason Rubin's apartment The only way you could have enjoyed Way of he Wan is ya the biggest te Zombie ln in he warid, as "Dei music played throughout the ente game, Warpath: Jurassic Park lone ing games, and veras Park, but sorties pod Hs st don! complement each other: Seong Tx batte a raptor o the ‘death should be amazing, but Warpath does 190. eot hatt makes Primal Rape hok Ike Soul aur you wet lon heath, you could recover ау eating humans that wander across he ben love to watch these fights go dom în real He, but want tobe hall a пре away and utd in an kd ney metal divs sul. The dudes in his game sprint ight towards he РО й dinosaurs Ihe бете ying to troak upa bri akd fom an Я cen Raider named Hoar saber strikes to the skull, you know a. game is going to earn the rage of Star Wars fans. lana Clay Fighter 1993, and his awtu nter hamacas buf chara ROUND I Fighters Uncaged Kinect launched wl a variety of famil rend "s Ike Кота, Kinect Aires, and Kinect Joy ide, han o ich had anything I lr ar Tita fans. Nether did Fighters Uncaged, This ‘abomination red had to e а gy fighter tat made you еы tke aback aly badass, but ended up ih you arg Ske you just waked into a bunch of ср. O'Neal's wandering around Tokyo on De way oa big cant basketball game hi? He stumbles into a ng fu dojo for some reason then falis intoa portal iat sends him any by m Fu. Aal. mae dant want to Torget is game. This ай sounds some now that | irk about 1 laymaton and iio games we hot around "o captate on those ends. It tried hard 1o be irs Ike an vl snowman, an EM impersonator named Bue Suede 00, and аз of ciay wen’ winging many. laughs om ts players. Is umor ne gameplay rat cements s pace on his Esl Вак in 2001, ve handed out a 0.5 score to this өшү Xbox fin I thal i paint a bright nou "dr tha pic for you, Andy tote аброй! how he won a math Ту Healy mashing the controller against his ass (Quote: 1 wish I was joking, ul hc score auk Wats ao, my ass one every game he pays. Mass Effect look him о To be fl, that's how he resto beat 3,000 hou ijt tempi eal ше mak ut as Ie trie Street Fighter: The Movie. чар yox head around Пі one – ts is a crappy based ona crappy more aris based on an awesome iting game. ey made a movi about tis qame, vould eventa um nto on ‘of those Rubus mirrors where you ses ite relctons ol yous. This game extracted he classic ‘gameplay o Steet Fighter and infected a алу died dos of Jean Case Van Damme. Fight Club Five years alter David Finder's Hm came oul Vien Universal got he bh idea tat a popular movie about dudes punching each oer might tne lora god hing game. Thing 5,1 i. Beating stay made unlocked the baking, takes wen dii Fred Durst, and beating the game v ‘rey charac unlocked Abe Linco. decae fits reference to the more, | don't need lo see a forme President geting knocked by Meat Loa Despite al s problems, des iude one of the greatest fares in iden game His - the ability io boat the holy hel out of Jared Loto. SAINTS ROW. rr H IR р — Wintesrborgfor | rating information. 80 PG @ хвохзво IE. уон ьм JJV JJ))V)VVVVVVV KINECT, Kox. Жо € KV nd Varel И а Ме PS Fam ego epe иво PST алап зо We examine and , two of the most ambitious downloadable games of 2011 by Matt Miller hen Scribblenauts developer Sih. Col annone Would bo а sofi shooter, we wore Surprised and excited about Ine Innovative team tacking the gerre. This month, the toam shared a wealth of new datas on Hybrid, which is planned to release оп Xbox Livo Arcado later is ува: Hybrid is satin tho your 2031, some timo atter a massive asteroid decimales most Мо оп Earth. A bacterium carried on tho asteroid infocts hall ol tho surviving population, trans+ ming them into a genetically altered race ilad the Variant. Opposing them are the humans immune to the bacterium, who call Ihemselves the Paladin. These two opposing forces don't exactly gel slong. "Hybrid is a competitivo mutplayor-oriy, third person, cover-based shooter set in a persis- tent online world war divided between the wo factions,” explains creative ictor Jeremiah. d that ts пех game Suche Each battle in tna game is part ol a persistent war that ts constantly being waged. Tho two batting groups ight lo control orto rios and eventual entro counties їп ап efort dominate tho shallorod Earth, Засжка didnt discuss game modes, but ho 3/3 malchos take place оп smail maps and never last longer than 10 minutes. "Te entro game is built to bo laser- focused on allowing tho player to hava a fun, Tast, enjoyable session," басма declare One of the most surprising concepts is how Sth Cal is handing navigation; the team has crafted a medharic they cal combat locused movement. "n real war scenarios, soldiers don't run and gun around cover; thoy stay in cover, only moving out for a better tactica position ке rushing, Je о retreating. We wanted to capture Ihi experi- ence in Hybrid." асока explains. “Players select the cover they want to move to using the L-Sick, press A, and ther character wil automaticaly move to that cover. During movement, players can aim and shoot n a 380 degree motion wh 18 corfidently moving Toward hor destination Toretroat players ust noed to it В and ther hero wil automaticaly retrace ће steps to the previous cover, which can be queued up lo tee limes, Tho system is very М, and players сап change covers mun by selocing а new cover group if they want." The unique approach puts the player focus solely on aiming and fring as they move around the Бада. Characters have access to jump jets that lel them take cover on Ihe wall or even upside down on the osing, so when moving through the environment situational awareness is tantamount. While the gameplay is easy lo pick up, t И has depth, Players can unlock new weapons and abilities as they play. Зайка desorbed some of the ways these urlockables combine Ike adopting an invulnerable meta-shieid and then equipping a combat shotgun, enabling а. wid charge into enemy cover to drop them al и close rango. А “squads on demand" function. lets players сай al Al units to their current cover pori - three diferent unit types each ıa Unique role on the feld, rom stealthy support troops to armored machine gunners, You buid up the ability o summon these helpers with each {enemy ка. Other special ables includ poison- ing enemy units or siphoning health to your side "I works reat combined with Ihe SWARM Rilo, which shoots a huge bal of energy, епо: ing the cover, wound anyone in its radus, and then giving the player the heath back, Saca says, Hybrid sounds ке a refreshing take on a gerre that is more than ready for some new blood. Im hoping to get my hands on the game soon and ‘confirm my suspicions. Between the developer's pedigree and the innovative design ideas at play Hybrid has enormous potential. In 1991 designer Eric Chat introduced games to Qut of This World, а stunning action centur tile hat wowed players with its n атас approach to plating, Twenty years later, Chahi is leading Ino team to crat а gor доо new Ubisoft game called From Dust. it we had to sum up Dust in two words, then the orm “god game wouid be pretty appropri ato, to the extent thatthe player has almost god- Ike alles and has great leeway lo aller the terran,” Chahi says. "But the term ‘god game ‘does no! tel the whole story. From Dust gives players control of a sprit that watches over a tribe of humans as they seek to uncover their forgotten powers and history. Acting as а foaling bal caled “Ihe Breath," play ers manipulate Ihe ervronrment to move the story forward. “fou can pick up matter - water, earth, lava, vegetation - stift t, and drop it Aline fun of the sandbox!” Chahi describes. "As ай onvronments are based on a physics simulation of fis and solid lerrain, you can realy see everything react- ing and adapting to ho players астму You can watch rivers being created and dier them. You can contro volcanoes, create dams, and imigato zones to culivato plants, allin the aim of. helping а бо survive in the face of nature. Time operates difieronty in the game word erosion occurs at an accelerate rale, even as water seems to low normally. Lava turns To hard rock as И Пон into the soa. Trees and ‘ther vegetation grow in a matter ol seconds. \ he player picks up earth and drops па river, the river wil change its course, and a new бег wil bo created by erosion,” Chahi explains. Maybe it wil food a valey containing a vilage, or maybe it wil extinguist a fre. The player wil havo 10 evalualo the траст and repercussions ol his or her own actions, as а domino elect comes into play Along tha way, players can steer the develop- ment of the humans, but they have ile drect control over the tribe's actions. Create a stable zone of terrain, and human culiuro wil begin to Turish by planing crops and buiding statues. As the game continues, the boss encounters aro "ho naturai disasters that threaten to overwham humanity. n response, the tribe can develop special abies that let them hold back the worst ravages ol natur, "Humans in From Dust are capable of altering and controling elements by using a powerful drum-based musio," Chahi says. "Music has an iniricate connection to the game. For example, amare have Ihe power to repa water to protect themselves rom looting or tsunamis, We actu- aly sec humans playing music and the water. ‘drawing back in perect sync with each beat of the drum. Visus, Its captivating” From Dust smarty intorweaves layers of adventure, and puzzle demenis. Nove the ter- тап manipulation concept, and how the game is rooted in the metaphorical presentation of tra and ecological change. “The From Dust world is alive and indepen dent; the landscape is not just a décor, И am. actor, and that changes everything,” Chall me, “The wor sucidoriy acquires Фару isa real climax the tension is papa у can. realy led tho forces of nature at work датог Look for From Dust this summer. з “THE BEST ^ А quick look at some of the games Telltale will deliver in 2011 | yt NEW SHOW | 7 Ei ON TV” ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY he Complete / First Season on / Blu-Ray and DVD. Available At МЕИ And Other Retailers Near You wii q ete, PickUp (@Store PickUp@Store is a new program allowing you to find products online and pick them up at your local GameStop. @ Pick your product @ Pick your store Click your item's "PickUp @ Store" button. Choose a store near you that has the item in stock. Then click Pickup Store.” | | PickUp (Store | 5 PickUp ( store Û © We'll hold your Нет © PickUp your goods Then we'll send you a Ready for PickUp With confirmation email in hand, let your. e-mail with pick up instructions. friendly GameStop associate know you have an item being held for you O SAVETIME - No waiting for shipping. Play your game now. O SAVE MONEY - No shipping or delivery fees. © SAVE GAS - No more driving all over looking for your game. O TRY IT - Less time waiting is more time playing. Truth. ick ilabl Bu HT HE Game power to the players WON'T SHUT UP ABOUT HOW (4 cH JAPANESE DEVELOPMENT SUCKS ec o fa gamein feat gg. VAULT N, RAIDERS ОР EN A UNCHARTED 4 | Will Educate You pco ie ta doming te tam on Final Fantasy XIV во and pointless. Those people are morons. I wo don't decido exactly what it means to bo a gamer, t then how can we feel superior to those who tall to moet. ‘our criteria? Don't worry: have ай of the answers, Il you ко social games, you are not a gamer. Serious E ıl you've over played a single game on Facebook or your. iPhone, don't even talk to me, because you are barely oven a person. Samo thing goes tor o people na oriy Real Name: .. ario. tei Mak a punen d {Withheld To VAR ru het each ere ws Han Protect Dignity) 1 you Ike mainstream serios tke Halo, Assassin's Creod, спе « Pral Fantay, you deri cannot cal yoursel! a games ‚Read my column anine Or Or. | love Red Dead Redemption, just like the milions of ‘allow ELO other people who bought it" Way to be original, shoep. On, and dot гк reaching prestge ме n Cl ol Duty ва fee ticket. H just another way of announcing that you're a. — fake gamer who orty lows Пе crowd Рем gamers dor Ike Һе popular crap everyone dise Accomplishments: Best Class: does. I we did, we would have no way fo showcase our Chocobroisihalongeetstandng (and “1 think my guy was a mage or coming laste, Underground nde PC Mos, Dare спу remaning Fra Paniaoy ab. абе: imports om those ry European counties and poorly Seren те Word having maintained lora RPGS wih archaic mechanic ro mo gourmet anacivo эон у moments: Favorite Feature dere at wo gaming conolssus de upon, By play Honesty, памет even played lor. “Al Pat stul win Doatwing ames по one dlse has over heard ol, we eure Mat our ee ан а prions can never be changed, song victory h any ist ca дат out how lo cal We. поют gaming argument. рее Maybe you have your own definition of what it means lo бе а garner. Thats cute, but which one of us is the editor of ıa massivo video дате publication? You're roo to disagree Wih me, but here's a Ийе secret: That's another sign that you arent a hardcore gamer, Cheers, л dak Darth Car Game Bed The makers d бите елеу dis and Garne YUMM Ж. snacks are at I! an wih et atest ames proa, Game Bel "битие een "he most hardcore gamas need o pe sme Zs fet eng тиди of basting bad uis and tearing Bru axes spaces: says Fon Chin, president of (GameDoot LLG. “Tats Wer he Gane Bal comes in, proving бу hardore sir gamers cave. Seq 5 gana qet panes” Game Bol is a compatto wih plos and sheds, ond is on ava lable as a ful sad soe be. Aur al, ‘games s externe пена med to warty about a bed big enough for v. 3DS Perfect View The 30S є conumas main complaint th 30 озу weld gas % ^ recs ange or rsk mtn cabra. stead of using the lest and pm ab at come package vh he 20S to carae ће пора viewing poston, Му Tet buy be Pte Мен? The medal grade polycarbonate devo» reps the DS at he optimal ang ib fmi pesti any stray movement of your head "ad no I тау not be he mos contable Way to p but at kast you vent be eng ose Vds glasses Unveils New Gun Peripheral Following Activisionis recent cancellation ot tho Guitar Horo franchise, the manufacturer is exploring new ways lo bunde cutting-edge peripherals with their most exciting brands. Te latest endeavor акте to add depth and realism to the hyper-sucoesstu Call of Duty franchise by puting a replica ol authentic US. mien, fulure-lech in the hands of gamers: ‘The Strating Gun peripheral features a unique tigger mocha- пт which alows players to pick olf single targets with a ick ol the thumb, or shred waves of enemies by rapidly moving tho tigor up and down. Players can select between cifior- ent color-coded ammo types by depressing buttons near the gun's bar, such as green gas grenades for beginners, and Orange парат strikes for experts, The Strating Gun is for $129.99, but Activision is ойепго a discount lo anyone Who trades in a used Guitar Hero controler at purchase, no questions asked. Incomprehensible NGP Pricing Aller the recent debt оће next generation portable PlaySiston system, Sony has fal posed back Ino pricing detis on the NGP. Soo # you can figure it out, because we're drawing a blank here. E habil, Features Well model (S299) Seren potabe qon at pons no a ] Wewpaste re tor ininte Wet, 36, amd ‚entire PS3 collec- battery de The Mons coma = т (5499) m nude backwards «Cel phone eton. moge win oiy damned ну Она пе Gang sc 699909 вла auge, dee As Racer” төте re оу ($799) ACME AUTO REPAIR | WHAT WILL YOU DO? + Do what he recommends ($2,000) * Actfike you know something about cars ($2,000) * Try to fix it yourself ($400, +35 Stress) * Ignore the problem (85% breakdown chance) Gets Even More Realistic Pdlyohony Digital and Sony have hoard user complaints regarding unimpressive car damage in Gran Turismo 5, and they're set to address those issues and moro In a new tie update. "Damage is an integral part of racing, and we're taking f to the next level, says studio president Kazunori Yamauchi, Games have featured details Ike tre wear, crumpled hoods, and detached bumpers, bul thay haven't captured the real experi- ence of car ownership. This update gives every player а new garage that just holds two cars = then the fun begins. "Car customization is so realistic that only an actua mechanic could possibly understand what's happening,” says Yamauchi, Gamers who aren't aria with how cars work can stil interact with their vehicles by inspecting the garage floor for mysterious stains and leaks, trying to suss out why the "check engine” light won't stop blinking, and popping the hood to stare mpotenily at hat bewildering mess of an engine. Once ther car stops running or дез т a wreck (ope you bought in-game insurance, players must turn to the people on their ends lit, asking for a virtual ride to Ihe game's mkrotransaction-supportod repair shop. "We're intent on. bringing players the most realistic experience on the market today” Yamauchi insists. "This is what driving is al about. DataFile Microsoft On Kinect: We're So Busted If you're one of the eight milion Kinect owners looking forward to the second wave of releases, Microsoft has some ‘vad news for you: There aremt any. We did't anticipate that people would vant to continue playing Kinect, we never planned any more games” said Microsofts Kudo Tsunoda. “We're mystified by "le device's success, Franky, the whole project was just an elaborate lax dodge.” EA Buckles Under Pressure Reveal ‘game needs a good guy and a ad guy” stance, EA has caved into protests and removed mecromorhs from the Dead y from its “every Space series. NASA scientists threatened to босон the game at launchpad and tho international space station due. toils tightening and мйне ing portrayal of space travel The only scares Isaac needs. lo worry about now running. ош of astronaut ке cream and. jamming up the one working shut loi, Killzone 4 zone 3 supported 30 along with the PlayStation Move, but the fatest entry in the Kore franchise wil incorporate even ‘more gimmicks — a goal previ ously thought impossible. “Tis limo wo just aid, F— R." ro ува a Sony rep. "We use the Rock Band guitar, Tony Hawk board, and uDraw Tabet — саћу anything that oniy six percent of players will even try before immediately returning to the normal controls” feature 37 LittleBigPlanet 3 وا‎ Ealing terrifying heights Fat of heart just hope I can ha al with no fire or anythin: Platform Tor seeing the outstanding community leves in the Platos AT- оћајо, tho studio responsible for adapting fim PayStation 3 original LitleBigPlanel, the sequel gave pla PC | classics Back to he Futuro and Jurassic Park into as а hast ol new creation fools, inducing the abi site | lüthid adventure games, is taking a chance on 1-Player Пу to тако entro games. For LitteBigPtancl 3, Media 1 ar 2-Player another surprising project: Ina classic What's Eating Development Ки Molecule is puling out al the stops. Johnny Depp Movie Gibert Grape Publisher ^ Now features in the creation mode include a ful suit » Publisher _ These episodic quests recreate the touching 1903 Sony Computer development tod, inducing support for Urra Engine Anyone? Please? Golden Globe-nominalod fim, ting the story of WO тшдеп 3 Euphoria, and Havok phys also con a di- deere brothers strugging to Ind hor place n the Fe Ут aray of model tos lor SD characters ала RINT dla carr or on but wan dos lems envronmenis. Drect C++ programming & not orly sup "mother, Tho episodes wil highlight key points n the dean М: ramming y a y hight key 2 eee ee d talo y —— miren Dats ark Tear gato * Dat Clark » Release Hyoucan make it, you can release it Stretched ош over Red Dead Refrigerator Years after his death, bul when he comes back fo Earth, his host accdertaly gets rapped sce an cla Frigidaire! This ara ма wacky css, comi mischief, arc-brained schemes, and al the реке fans loved from the previous entr, Call of Duty: Ancient Warfare Altor the commercial aura of ho futuristic Cal of Duty: ts The Moon, Action is going back in tme — way back. Ancient Werlre is set during prehistory notorious Batte of the Cave Bear, and features anew perks, era-appropriate bone weaponry, and customizable hr siet 38 PARODY Heavy Rain: Before The Fold All of the backstory, none of the Style 1-Player Dinkin’ Around Your House And Stt Publisher Sony Developer Quanti Dream Release Delayed Until Next Month ESRB EIO+ олу Rain was a prey good game, but had a imt Quanto Dream has el ld away rom an of at dressing sl aout lr and sacre: Fa ie pregua. loe Pelo on Ev pat d wale patil You leam eal how En Mars got coo house (poter пе ought) amd mbar of anes ee pelle Bean paying Blis, waking up and down sar, ала answer telemarketing cals, sa wonder Een шегу tet apar Wife sone Jason rd hath d is awesome wi Graco. you enojod ding Grange hice п Heavy Bain rest assumed Pat he Mars а в оион MINO bea qoe. Fans o TES ah cpl rs lo mata. Babes laugh ara o re ret cat walt 10 s0 al happens гох о пова caricias Wal, rap Tor an abad s Dart Clark 9 PlayStation 3 » Concept ‘Tae what made Heavy Rain great, end remove he iiy stut » Graphics Every deta is faithfully rendere, пош seaming rutin tops to tho weave on Ears monogrammed towels и Sound Characters sound vaguely foreign but not in that bad way » Playabily You can press buttons and your guy does things » Entertainment As good as the Sims, without the breaimeck pace or sense of progression » Replay Value So many replays Sonic Reborn Same hedgehog, new edge Style 1-Playe Nothing Br Wera So We y Ti зу — — aie Who бше? ESR M lone уло ser across ha nire Sr blood sep neee dee ut s green eye sti ho e spark О rte Vo non tace ol Sorte Wo Hedgehog. ТН gy Feb vi nave you sica yin you Tug ouk aout Gen For aba Wa n Mpeg cur percn et 1o word population, T ine поп tea he tng, end eon en ал opten эпо psychologie taninos Weis Sonico комой mind Fa горивом a trokar engagement}, your опу weapons Tres Peor го most mat Soie dal, Пош ng Amy hos diit Ds has oo. Darth Clark 10 PlayStation 3 + Xbox 360 » Concept Follow in the rebooted footsteps of Tomb Raider and Devil May у э Graphies Ев got lots of blood, so you vow its sophisticated Also, "he бш physics are impressive » Sound Nolan North vices every character » Playabiity Sonic's blazing speed ш ‘now a plodding limp, andit feels peret » Entertainment Тиш в Sonic as you've never seen han —stamingin a good game э Replay Value. Sie, knock yourself out | Racing Game Flowchart Т а feature 39 in an ised ir tally focu dependent dev Japanese RPGs, With a rabid fanbase and sensible business, t Atlus VP of sal recent changes in its focus. industry. We recently spoke wit! me of tl In this industry, which is dominated by a few mega-publishers, what are the challenges. of being a small, independent company? Wol, in Terms ol acquiing product, you're going up against companies that are bigger, more international, and have moro money and feet on the ground looking foc things. Over tho last lew years, we've stepped up our efforts to be. more visble in the marketplace. We are taking to more companies about products: In terms. ‘of gating retá presence for our games, again, there aro days ho big guns out there that ‘can alfod high priced in-store marketing and things Ike that, That makes it more date get visbilly n a store. However, the one great asso! за! a company йе us has Б having dedicalod fans and some recognizable fran- ¡his that the fans love, Those retailers that ‘can hande, in our case, Japanoso RPGs, know "hat lhe pre-order business wil be there. They know that tho fans wal bo there cn launch week and harcaltr. There's а history of our games becoming scarce - not always, bul often, Wo. "ry o balance those things, We can't throw dl the money at tho marketing and we're gener ly nol going To have tho big censes that cul across every demographic, so we пу to stay within ourselves. You mentioned the fact that your titles often become scarce, What is your formula for deciding how many copies of a game to ‘manufacture? For tho most part, wo work very closely with our ‘sales reps and accounts in advance to gauge the Interest. We don't try to oversel cur games ‘or hype them too much. The most important ‘customers thal we have can help sel our prod ucts, they get a good leel for what the game сап do. So, we round up al these numbers and тако thal and add n what we'r doing in extra ‘marketing ce what wo fed about the d of the дате. Can have more legs than Ino ур са дато? Then, wo decido what tho launch quantity shoud be, Pro-orders are very, very important, We can lock at that history to help. ‘gauge the interest, What's a successful title for Atlus In terms of sales? That really йе a lot based on the licensing а, and also the platform and ratai price. И you evor look al NPD industry stats, you can. Tel how elect games sall, but for us, some games vn do 30-35,000, others wil do wo, eo, or four times that, Sometimes, when at th planets по up, мо have a relly big g Ike Domanis Sous, dustry that's increasingly divided between mega-publishers lopers, Atlus continues to thrive publish s and market Were you taken by surprise at the success of Demon's Souls? Well taken by surprise means that nobody Prodctod 10 bo ths big, wo were taken by pte But wo als fl, going into t, that it had a high probably of bong our best lo ovar, It was do a risky Шо trom a Mancia Point of view, and tho тек ol doing something aalen trom what Atus normally doos. It was айо scary. II was cur frst PS3 gamo. But as we dug in and began to understand what we had, we were бегу fueled by tho fans that woro playing the Asian version and taking about how great it was in the forums, Final, when we announced it, they al rose up and supported it ard got everybody jazzed, We made the right ‘decision and dug 10 do as good a joo таг keting аз we could, Was that one of the most expensive game: you launched In the U.S.? Its definitely up there. It wasn't apparent how big it could be right away, because we didn't ‘buld 200,000 or 300,000. We had significant less than that, But, ight away, every day wo dered more. Sony was doing a very good job al building and delivering - измећу quicker than wo thought ho lead timo was. Except forthe frst week, where everybody ran out of stock, we were in stock all of the lime as orders camo. in with a lew excpllons. Over tho subsequent months, we realy maximized the salos and sat- is every customer that wanted il. It was realy lun, and wo want to do that again. Namco Bandai is publishing Dark Souls, tho successor to Demon's Souls, in America. Did the fact that you had so much success with Demon's Souls drive up the price for tho sequel? Wel, | don't know for sure, but anybody with a ard Hf mind woud think that. Is that frustrating, as you took all the risk ‘and helped establish the series? Well, that goes back fo one of Ino questions you asked cae about what are the challenges when you're one of the small guys. But, yeah, that’s frustrating, ‘You specialize in bringing over games from Japan. What's the process for deciding Which titles can be successful in America? Fist of al, we're not just looking in Japan any more. We're looking everywhere on Earth, and i "hero ae other planets that have developers, wo want to talk with ет as well. Wo are stretching ‘ul. We're 450 looking at gerros that wouldn't Бе considered a typical Atlus genre. But, in terms of what wo look for, I's pretty simple. I's what most companies look for: the compel те environment, зо dovelopar's rack record, ‘what ho cost is, tho platform; al those rdalod subjects. Wo don't go too fr into a conversa- physical The Last of the Independents ictivision and EA and small, digi- 1 copies of largely traditional 1e company has carved out a unique niche in the ut th company's and "n Ро gamo doesn't sound о Jun or tho playable int lun. Using Demons Sous as the ‘extreme example, i you have a game that peo- ple love; it means its going fo sel moro because word of mouth means alot. You also doing more non-Japanese stuff ‘aimed at core gamers like Cursed Crusade ‘and Divinity Il, which are European. 1s that a response to the fact that the last few years have been pretty hard on the. Japanese gaming industry? Generally, yes. I wish wo coud make tons and tons of money on handheld games, but thats аде tougher here in North America. Малу of the hits in Japan are handheld, The margins апа price ponts are ower Do you see moro Western-developed games in Atlus's future? Wo wil maximize what we can get from Japan, ‘but wo wil look dscwharo. Wo tako a hard ook at any game developed anywhere in H How closely do you work with Japan in terms of the games you bring over here? Wel, its on а couple ol diferent leves, One. ls, wo can soo into the futuro and sce ideas. ard projects that are in ho works. Bul, it realy urls for us as they get coser to releasing the дате in Japan. That's when they've gotten ‘everyting done that they want to do to launch the game over there, and are in a postion to bogin to һар us. The timing generally works ‘kay, because we have to go through the local ization of it. Thats not done overnight It сап tako many months, depending on the game. Thats when things start for us, The timeline is when they get ready to launch, that's when we star geting heavy тома in h. ls Catherine coming to the U.S. How do you spol that? [Laughs] We are plan- ring on bringing Catherine out in the US, in ‚Summer ot this year for PS3 and Xbox 360. How do you feel about digital distribution. ‘outlets like Xbox Live, PSN, and Steam? Part ofthe process we're going through in investigating products is digital downloads across at platforms, Do you have ambitions to grow the com- pany significantly or are you content with the niche that you have In the industry? Vial, number ono, we want to bo proflablo. So, interms of growing, yos, there's an interest in dong that. Our appetite was certainly whettod bby Demon's Sous. So, while wo spend a vary Qood amount of our time looking at small, riche games - and we'll always love that business — wo also carve out some time o lock at some bigger possibilities. Our eyes aro big and thoy же wido opon. $ 1982 THE BEGINNING иду wes as an tan Buyer de ne stad chain lern Ward 1955 THE NEW ERA Sen [оше ie Герай: Bayer йы wenn 2 бе Елее Sytem In Janis of 1987, Бе пке "wi Ninetto By Ap Hits begins alin the NES Date, Беголи th даагы то oe the meli pinesti game or) indy in Time and Drop 1999 PIONEERING THE CLOUD VV»; ip Steam Mec sity ats at earns. ever tanta bi ga and digtal Че Many ei the éehrelogas ave today n Tire re ait Sr werê bang done by Steam ‘Theory a he tine 2002 DEVELOPING Now Sammy dio Loader, Бере ibe Am 2007 BACK ONLINE Piquer doce hat aut at bg fi 2007 BACK TO PUBLISHING тода bain he oversee sales sna "racket fo he company ‘connect 41 Fender Squier ve" Stratocaster Guitar == Rock Band 3's pre- and Controller = == == but like a true rock star it makes an impressive entrance. For most users, the chief reason to buy the guitar is for its excellent game functionality. Superb detection on the fret board shows you which note you're holding down onscreen the instant you depress it, and the guitar detects which fret you're pressing even with a relatively light touch, which is crucial for beginners. Finger picking works well, but we recommend using a pick for the best detection. The guitar works great in concert with Rock Band 3's excellent tutorials and growing library of Pro Guitar-enabled tracks. Don't expect this to give you a shortcut to becoming a guitar virtuoso; you still need to invest enormous amounts of time to learn the gut- tar. That said, the peripheral and the software com- bine to great effect, making the slow process much more fun than learning from a book or video. On top of its Rock Band 3 functionality, the Squier doubles as a real electric guitar. It's essentially an entry-level option, but a decent one for the price. It has one knob for volume control, and only one pick- up. The custom polymer fretboard will feel strange to experienced guitarists, and the unit we tested had some consistent buzzing on certain frets. Even so, the quitar played and sounded good when we plugged. it into an amp, and the solid Fender construction is light years beyond any existing quitar game control ler. The Squier can also function as a MIDI controller if you have the necessary setup. $279.99 (requires Mad Catz MIDI PRO-Adapter, $39.99) lenden com 3 E 8 = С) E Š я ES [5 Shooter The teams behind Kone and SOCOM. pc оаа hs arab Movo compte рецк, wich llas а mora aumen shoot р e qun teatres а sry ramo у а asta stock kg an wel paco putos Sach s not as precise ав lg the nalen you lap and using fine wist motos To aim. Pus, det overlook De downside ol am Тағ att you hold а pie gun alt lr asi hour marathon session. 1 PlayStation Move Sharp ET us playstation com/peS/accessories Mad Catz Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Tournament Edition FightStick Mad Cat iso ma he uk ya hod ty t ou i tave e caso an оса ра Au company төз sod ng ual prot n he ast few years s re Fr ee Eton FONS vas one ol he best on the markat and Mad Ca has done it again fr Capcom's not big fing te. Bh "he Play Salon 3 and у 260 s eate arcade quy components sourced tom est Japanese тааси Sarwa Dd dal мо. Functional o say cion bution, and a retract alie 13 fo cabe ЕЕ Store Razer Onza Tournament Edition Xbox 360 Controller y new cols о зой and fam tig tat you land actly mels io 1. Атей al al gamers, he Orea moet ian T iiia tros ‘ance an most 300 contar, and he hyper responsiveness 5 а boon vhen you as to rekad Ud or up oso Tho ot ol he conto Wr feros don far as vel. Wi novit харро Ora es yan fo your Жык with a “oo braided cable, те d pd ‘s cor and e No temigpatl sh allons are pac o dose othe LB and FB tons hal oue bound пт the wrong coe when be acto gets ere Papes asl crafted he perfect cott, but T you looking for precision analog contro the Dead Space Plasma Cutters Epic Weapons has designed ho Пе models а! Dead Spuos's plasma ойы one wer. Son foreach өшү in me ers. Made mesi at iva), hese бей} sE weapons come with her um display case and hae boih wrta and hr elo ing posts Tay ony fre gentle beams d Ih but ihat sta be enough lo keep Те ne moris from coming out am undar your bo. 200 THE WALKING DEAD: SEASON ONE 949.59 THE WISE MAN'S FEAR (KINGKILLER CHRONICLES, DAY 2) BY PATRICK ROTHFUSS $28.95 us WRATH ОР ASHARDALON: A DED BOARDGAME 364.99 wizards. com/dnd ZITA THE SPACEGIRL BY BEN HATKE $10.99 connect 43 n you workin the The Fine Print End User License Agreements: Can't Read Them, Can't Game Without Them Tm sick of end user license agreements. A few weeks back, I excitedly popped DC Universe Online into my PS3, looking forward to diving into some superhero craziness with a few of my buddies here at GI. What's the first thing that greets me? A legal contract that would put my house mortgage to shame. What are these things, anyway? Terms of ser- vice contracts area legal agreement between you and the company that makes or вође the дате ог product you're using, You see tom. most commonly vith games that have an online ‘component. They tend to sat up a lopsided structura that favors the companys rights over yours and helps assure that you wil not use the Software in a way they don't want you to 1 get t. Companies need to protect ther inte- lectual property, But is this really the way to do 30? In a recent poll on gameinformercom, we asked our readers whether they ever actually ig in to read those lengthy missives penned by lawyers for some distant game company. The answer? 67 percent said they never give them a second glance, Less than 2 percent of respon- dents said they actualy read them completely Despite any misgivings, we scro to the bottom, tap the " Accept" box, and head on in to cur beloved game. So it's cur fault we didn't read КЛ ‘Well, the matter is at least up for debate, Last year, an intriguing case went before tho courts. In Vernor v. Autodesk, а man bought a few cop: ies of an AutoCAD imaging program at a garage sale, and then tried to resell that software on the Internet. Autodesk threatened to sue him, claim- ing that not only did he not have the right to sel the product, but neither did the original owner. Why? Because the end user license agreement опу licensed the software to the buyer, Nether ‘buyer ever actually owned it ‘What? He bought it, right? How can ће not ‘own it? The district court seemed to agree that something was fishy, and it ruled in Vernor's favor. Sadiy, an appeals court reversed the deci- sion, and ruled for Autodesk Even ignoring the issue of the license versus. ‘ownership debate, this seems a ftl ridiculous. The "buyer" had no reasonable way to undar- stand that he didn't actually own the product in question. End user agreements are couched in so much logalesa than even а trained attorney would have trouble parsing what they have to say, That's the problem. Even if we did want to read and comprehend these agreements, most of us can't without an advanced legal degree. Nonetheless, we're held legally accountable to is contents. By hiding behind obscure and incomprehensible language, software develop- ers and publishers create a nearly impenetrable barrier between themselves and the gamers, that enjoy their titles. Even f | did read the 30 paragraph agreement you made me sign, | wouldn't know i | was breaching the agreement IF wanted to. For some people, l'm sure this couldn't be lass of a problem. Agree to the nonsense state- ment, and move en What's tho big dea? I just bugs me, When | agree to something with ту namo attached to it, | кө to know what its say- ing. or at least have an expert | trust give mo tho. go ahead. End user license agreements in their current form arent tho answer to IP security for a fow reasons. First, there are little to no protections for consumers. In a world where people increas- ingly purchase games, music, moves, and other entertainment digitally. there should be by Matt Miller senior associate editor, Game Informer increased rights for the consum- ers of those products, not less Would you put up with a brick. and mortar store that made you sign а 10-page legal document before picking up a new sweater? Second, these agreements are fundamentally incomprehensible to the average human being. How con | be held accountable to а document | can't understand? For now, the courts seem to think can. So long as that's the case, no one should expect that Software companies are going to change their approach. In 2009, Congress passed the Credit Cardholders’ Bil of Rights While few would claim this bil was perfect, did put into place ‘some basic protections for credi card use, including disallowing СС companies from changing а user agreement without advance notice. Sadly, similar protections. до not exist for sofware users. Software agreements change all the time, but in many cases after the first few weeks of owning the product, you can't return it if you decide to decine a new agreement. That's presuming you could even understand what has changed. There's also the way these agreements back gamers into a corner regarding the functional пу and lifespan of the game. Most agreements don't guarantee service, and absolve game makers of delay or failure of servers. When you accept the EULA, you agree that the publisher can turn off йв servers at any time without notice. Just once, l'd like to turn on a new game and read a user license | could understand. Maybe five or six rules - things Ike: Don't steal our game. Don't use Ihe game to make real world money. Don't harass other players, The sort of thing | could read in a few minutes, and agree to with my eyes open, But I think the agreements are so long and perplexing exactly so that we can't do that Make something convoluted enough, and no опе will take the time to figure t out. Like the recent financial instruments that caused the mortgage meltdown here in the United States, its easy to overlook something that's too com- plicated to comprehend. Admittedly мете not talking about the fate of the free market here, We're just playing some video games. But a Title transparency and simplicity couldnt hut, whethor you're talking about the contract for a house or the abilty to enjoy your favorite MMO. Tre vns arden pressen poze е sty hose of ho ater and nat roca treo! are armor r st ha - T HOW DO YOU MA AGAINST THE BEST PLAYERS IN THE WORLD? COMPETE WITH 25 OF THE BEST PROS AND LEGENDS IN ONE OF THE MOST AUTHENTIC TENNIS SIMS EVER MADE A NOW MEET YOUR MATCH AT FACEBOOK.COM/TOPSPIN4 01.2 Super Heroes Living In Fear 05 New Releases "77 SDEDITION cover story 49 so ha 3rd sven Saints used to bo just another group of thugs with Glocks and thy trigger finger, blast- ing their way through tho ety of Stiwators count- less gang wara. Fast forward a low years, and the boys in purple have buried their rivals and even. formed a marketing partnership with the gigantic Utor Corporation. Atar ridding tna ов of numerous gangs, the Saints are heroes ofthese once-reachercus neighborhoods: They pose for pictures with kids, sol t-shirts and bobblahoade, and even have an acter embedded in thor ranks so һө can prepare for his rlein a movie about the gang's exploits. Like former gangsters Snoop Dogg and Ice-T, the Saints became а ‘manstream presence. While the public ses them as guardian angels who only want to keep the sreeta safe, the group can't qute shake their roots as thieves, dealers, pimps, and solders These instincts inadvertently take them cut of Slater and into new territory. "With no compettion ft in Sülwater the Saintg run wild ke keds n a candy store, Robbing banks Е a common act for the group, ond hat's where you kick off Saints Row: The Third. In typically bold fashion, your crew attempts to score soma quick cash by айй a bank vaut out of he ceiling via heicopte. Things go awry and the Saints end up in ine samme, surprising many considering ће cops axe nermally bribed о avid publ buste While incarcerated. you learn that an international crime ring known as the Syndicate owns tho bank in ques- tion, and they're none too pleased with the Saints! act ot aggression. After slipping the cops substan- till more cash than your crew could pony up, the Syndicate holds you and partners in crime Johnny Gat and Shaundi hostage on their private jet. The tives of you awaken to the sight of acigrete- smoking Belgian named Philipe Loren, flanked by his femme fatale assassins Viola and Kiki: An offer is presented - tho Sant wil be allowed to Ive in exchange for 66 percent of their monthly profits Unsurprisingly, your character retorts by saying, "Go make yourself a f-ing waffe” and а gunfight breaks out onboard the астей. this pont you take control of your characte, securing human shields and blasting your way towards the cargo bay at the rear of the plane After dropping several of your captors, the cargo doors open and dozens of the gang's cars (and bodies) begin to fy ол into the fight sky You grab a parachute and struggle to hang onto solid ground, but an SUV tumbles past and sends you and Shaundi hurting toward the ground. Gang warfare didt properly prepare your character fr his particular station, but his instincte tell him 10 act quickly and secure a weapon. Coiling your character as he plummets trough the sky you steer him toward an airborne Syndicate member Upon reaching him, you pummel him in mid- air with blows to the head and steal his double Uzis. You're not the очу foo ај with survival instincts in high gear, however, as Syndicate members aro ing at you from every angie. Vini avoiding dabris and faling cars, you kil your enemies and manage to catch up to Shaundi. You deploy your parachute. and ino gil seems appropriately impressed with this act of extreme bravery This mission's already featured more action than any previous Saints game, so wo expect tha protagonist and Shaun to float {othe ground followed by a nice end-miesion reward. However, Volition prefers to layar crazy on op ol crazy, so tho plano begins a slow 180-dogree turn in an effort to ram ће two of you during уол descent. Abandoning ho role ol gentleman. your character tosses Shaundi toward tho ground and attempts to break through the window of the oncoming plane. You manage to shoot your way ino the cabin, but aren't able to gain solid footing long enough to go afiar Philipa. Instead, you fy out the back of the aircraft and attempt to save Shaundi once again. She understandably borates You fo throwing her to a certain death, but you land safely and the mission ends. A City In Turmoil Alter touching gound in a new cy and assessing the stua- tion your character realizes he cat return to мег with the powerful Syndicate controling the banks and poes force. É He instead als up some key Sants, prompting a mass migra- tion to this new town of Stesipor I's probably for the best. эв virtually al of Ser was covered n sewage, seen fre, Ax blown up n Sants Row 2, end па entre population is el Técdered te ihariks to ccuntess blows to the goin For years prior to the Saints aval саро suffered from ‘constant economie decine. Founded by blue соіа factory workers, elements Ike proper zoning were a foreign concept. during the city's conception Cty planners buit skyscrapers ~ cjacent to warehouses and ignored the benefis of mass van- St end iha city orscualy decayed over me. Stilwater featured suburban areas wth white picket tences and freshly mowed dene but the closest comparison n Steelpr в а section of densely packed, rundown one-story houses. The Saints arent the oniy organization wth ts eye on Steepar the Smdieate sels an opportunity end begin taking over the weakened слу. They renovate sums wih gaudy casinos and brothels but ä ince Yau wont find gitz and glamour in these areas, hey А na * prey on a beat-down populaceis weaknesses and addictions. їп ап environment such as this the city's worst comes nto ful focus. I Stwater had a serious gang problem, Steelport has a full-blown epidemic. With new territory comes new threats, and the Syndicates extensive Influence permeates every corner of Steeiport. In addition to his roie in the Syndicate leadership, Philipe: Loren recruits hundreds of psychopaths to three different gangs in the area, Morning Star personally led by Philipe) ae Sut-wearing, chain-smoking European baddies straight out of a Bond fim. They peddle weapons and prostitutes, and prefer sniper les and SVGs when deadly force is required: If Morning Star ate the brains of the Steelport gang scena, the Luchadores are the muscle. Patroling the southwest area of the city in their SUVs, these masked wrestlers deal drugs and run gambling rings. f you get on their bad side, they're prone to heavy weapons and close quarters combat. Finally, the Deckers are the computer nerds of the bunch, dealing with security and money laundering. As the gang wars intensif, another faction wil arise – the STAG (Special Tactical Anti Gang) unit: This government- sanctioned force is tasked with ridding the streets of any gang they encounter regardless of whether they re Syndicate or Saint. If the missions we've seen are any indication, Saints Row. The Third is even more chaotic than previous installments. (Gamage can be a great thing, but not iit comes atthe ‘expense of playability. Voition has specifically designed the ‘oy to include numerous landmarks that clue you in on your location without the need to constantly stare at the minis map, Casinos and SUVs driven by wrestlers indicate the geographi cal location in a more interesting manner than some color оп a map screen, Volition specifically designed Steelport's 'kyino so it can be seen from almost any area of the city, so you always know which direction is downtown, Great fictional locales ike Gotham Gity and Metropolis become just as impor tant characters as any super-vilain, and Voltion wants to make hid. pom | can't dé core story 51 The Saints Go Marching In Previous Saints Row tes featured similar wies. gang structures, but each organization had distinct story rcs that rarely intersected In an effort to create a more cohesive narrative. characters rom ‘each gang in Steelpor interact with each other and are featured F ‘ther gangs' stories throughout the game. The manner in which you interact with these gangs and make decisions during missions wil impact your experience in significant ways: At one point in the story, the Saints como йо possession of a gigantic bomb. The Syndicate ‘uns a towering skyscraper, and blowing it up would ват you a ton of respect [o sidebar]. "Your choice wil affect both the skyline of the city and рам people in the city react to you. People are gonna. talk about fhis giant Ing building just blew up,” says designer ‘Scott Philips you'd rather preserve the Stasiport sino, you can lad ап assault оп the tower from the inside and take it over for yourself. Wh this tower under Saints jurisdiction, t gives you ‘access to more Weapons and cash, and becomes your new База ©! operations. ‘Smaller decisions algo play a role, such as a mission where the Saints raid а Morning Star boat filed with prostitutes. After capturing it you can either sal thor boat back to them for ona lump sum, or oop it for yourself and pimp the giris cut for tho Saints. The instant ¡cash va long-term investment concept is similar to the options. lottery winners receive, and can reward patience if you're wiling to tum down the large initial payout. Bringing down Morning Ste the Luchadores, and the Deckers requires more than accepting a bunch of story missions. Various flashpointe scattered throughout the city feature the Syndicate ‘gangs partaking in their favorie ilegal activities. One involves а group of over 20 Luchadores guarding a shipment of drugs, and it ‘appears entirely out of the context of any mission or activity, By call- ingin an air strike, it's possible to send their flaming bodies scatter- ing in every direction. Aggressive actions such as these eam you respect, but they're also a crucial element to taking over the city. You can take several different approaches to overtaking an area, and there's no one right way Destroying flachpoints helps the Saints move into new turf, but purchasing shops, completing activities, and taking over strongholds also gets you closer to dominating Steelport. LET'S PRETEND. Even though Volition has taken several steps towards a more cohesive story, it stil profes for players to creato thet own character rather than provide опе with a predetermined look and background, Your character is the same protagonist from the first two games, but youre feo to change his or her entro appearance at any temo thanks tothe Imago As Designed plastic sur- gery locations. Customization options are even mere robust than in previous installments, so you can easly cause havoc as yousef, a celebrity, a fictional character, or а superhero, Triangle sliders streamline tha process, and new skin color options ensure we'll зве a few Incredible Hulks running around Steslport. YouTube videos showcase fans in Saints Row 2 causing trouble ав. rappers and tho team of Wil Smith and Martin Lawrence from Bad Boys. and Voltion has hinted at an online community system that allows players to share their creation. Every gang needs some signature rides, and you can tweak the cosmat- jes and performance of your automobile of choice. Instead of being limited to nitrous cr kneecappers, players can upgrade bumpers for added durability or рош some cash into torque to help outrun the cops. you really want your car To stand out, add gigantic spoilers or a customizable underglow Don't worry about losing your investment if you wind up careening into ће ocean, as your rides can always bo retrieved and repaired at you crib. Saints Row 2 allowed you to customize your entire gang if you were tired of the thug He aesthetic. You could class things up a bt by having your crew wear sus, or make a ridiculous game even more surreal by having hundreds of ninjas drinking 40s and patrling around town. Rather than sticking with one uniform, look, in Sainte Row: The Third players con mix and match four different cutis for your Saints, With these new options to diversify, you can turn the streets of Sies gen into а parade of furries, pirates, S&M спре, and the mascot for the Saints Flow energy drink You may find dozens of these customized gang members on the street, but опе character stands out in the crowd, At over sight feet tall, Oleg Kiloris a towering beast who can toss cars Ike they re made of styrofoam. He'll even- tually be an asset to the Sants, but the Syndicate captures him in an effort to create a clone army. Oleg is hight inteligent, but the Syndicates cloning process proves imperfect and his copies come out dumb as bricks. Despite ther lack of brains, they re stil shipped cut as cheap muscle to the gangs cf Steelport After getting used to taking down waves of standard-sized, gun- wielding baddies, you have о shift your strategy when one of these cloned brutes charges you with plegtivers оп his mind. Unloading shells into him will Weaken his defenses, but you have to complete a quick time event to delver the final bows. If your Cleg is in the seme room, a battle of the titans playa out like а Hulk vs. Abomination duel Your version of Oleg is the chess-playing original (Known as "Patient Zerc) so you have bath brains end brawn on your side, EH cove story 53 Shoot To Thrill Oleg won! always bo around, во youl need an arsenal ot weap- ons The typical essent of pistole, SMG ries, and granados . ton ав also at your disposa, One melee weapon ~ a giant bat shaped ha a certain sax toy lans far towards ho novel and af the эрес. This Toppy rubber weapon 6 ful animated and endowed and add an unmistakable degree o rig to an VVV frowned upon bit you're realy puting ha Ines of decency when you're pummaing her wh ppl ralla. V good when faced wit an angry mob of Moming Star Whan over- homed players can callin an airstrike by painting fe target area wi a leser The ensuing explosion us any flash with a lege "odis into ashes f your enemies are camped under an awning, cr other cover уой can opt fora Predator rone. ie he coni ne level Gl of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, is changes your perspective to a top-down view. You can pepper areas wih Standard bombs or release a smart bomb nat an ba preces оопробоа wi the analog sticks. ‘tacking from the air ie great for keeping your Character out of harm's way, but theres another way to mountar attack Without ever stepping into an enemy's crosshair The RO gun shoots cut an electronic bug that slows you to contol vehicles Tt starte with the ability to control cars, but you can eventually upgrade it to take over tanks and ir vehicles Once the bug is attached, you assume {ul солго of he vehicle ust as you ou you were ndo. Went to deliver an explosive package to a gang? Attach satchel charges. тоа station wagon, take it over with he RO gun. and dive ito enemy terio The detonation wil take out a good chunk cf your risas wel asthe urfotungte driver) without puting yours in danger И you rather get a gang into trouble than murder a large quantity of them. simply take over опе of their cars mnd ram t nto a police vehicle. It may not make much of a dent in their control of the ciny, but watching he confused driver get chased by tha cops is good for a laugh. Phillipe Loren Tis elegant and poised Belgian is the leader ol Morning Sa the ies ot бена reo gangs. He specalzes n eratond ams del, and was responsio fr reiting members ot he Luchadores and the Dockers. Hot ot happy about he Sant tempi to steal fom hs ark ad he do anything nhe power to koop theni trom taking over Steeiport p Viola and Kiki DeWynter for graduating rom business schoo at Ц Harvard, these femme fatales joined Pipe, and begin managing he Smdicale's finances. These sisters are exert assassins and operate asthe right hand of he organization: Their сз demeanor, business savvy and deadly aim suo that theyre he hores apparents to the Syndicate — — N or business meeting his violent nature can Killbane Вале to Marco atter kiling a man inside ‘the ring, his luchador returned o America i an effort to reclaim his ost fame. Obsessed with his legacy, this temperamental giant rules ovt. the southwest's Luchador gang. While he can tur onthe carm during a media interview manifest itself at a moment's notice. „| AA Maximizing Destruction dens o te series, but Saints Row ın and youve got you — partner: They moved up to Stelport and temporal tan the Luchadors together, but Kilbane's jealous nature resulted in ‘out Ale he was publicly demasked by his ormer rend, Angel пей the city and went into. ing. Losing your mask as a luchador is see. asa serious mark of shame, and this former ‘star becomes afraid to go out in public. With a ‘common enemy in Kilbane, Angel eventually becomes an asset to tho Saints. Matt The leader ol he Decker, Miler is treated ike а god on the Interet, Like a message board "roll he's fou, confident, and obnoxius. This hacker may tak a big game online, but йоге inexperience and social awkwardness become apparent when the guns are drawn and hes forced to deal with reality. КА, ДЕ hi smooth talking, chain-smoking charmer. isthe oldest pimp in tocar, After a trace dam ато was fitted with а voce box that omits every word he says n T-Pin-quali autotun, His sick ways led to a friendship with the cy DeWtef sisters but hey eventually had a falling out. The Syndicate responded by locking him in the basement o one ol their human trafficking operations, prompting tho Sains to come to his rescue. After a daring escape involving a gimp suit and a rickshaw, ZEmos befriends your crew and provides infor- mation regarding tha city. | 1 F stoy 55 Saints Row The Third features a wide arsenal ‘of weapons, but thoy а! have ono featura in соттол = a specific animation for nut shots. Hold a pistolas you melee a bum and your char- ‘acter wil drop to one kno and throw stiff jab at hiserotch, i you're wielding a bazooka, you'll perform a gol swing that connects squarely tothe family jewels Vo Vo never soon a game treat testicular torture so lovingly; t's nice lo seê Voltion appealing to the 12 year-old in ай of us. ‘One tedious aspect of open-world erime games is waiting for the repetitive carjacking animation to complete, The last thing you want to do when you're on the run from the cops is walt for the door to open, the driver to be pulled out, and your ‘character to get ready to drive, In Saints Row: The Third, the LB button acts as a sprint button эв wall as а modifi, Volition refers to as the awesome button" because it amplifies almost апу action you de. Inthe ease of carjacking, this shortens the process down to a missile drop- kick into tha rivers seat, Sprint at the car from the sido and you braak through ho window, sanding tho driver flying cut the opposito door Good Dumb Fun Approach from the front and youl leap over tho hood, giving the driver a face ful of boot, If you'd rather stick with traditional means, the camera zooms in on your victim as you shoot them in the face point-blank ог repeatedly slam the door on thei head, Like many тоет games, Saints Row: The Third gives grenades ther own dodicated button rather than lumping them in with the rest of the weapon selection wheel. Pressing the right bumper tosses a grenade (or other selected explosive) in the direction you're facing, regard: less your current primary weapon. This func tionality takes the place of food on the radial ‘selection wheal, во you won't be scarfing down burgers or malt liquor during gang wars any- ‘more. Since this was the go-to method for heath recovery in previous games, Voltion is softening the Blow by decreasing the time it takes for your health recharge. We I miss the visual of our character snacking on chicken nuggets vil sur- rounded by explosions and gunfire, but it's a fair rada f it means we can toss а grenade whenever wo want et, Ina time where the “games as art” debate is more prominent than ever, many Journalist rely on ‘comparisons to film, We may hope for our industry Citizen Kane, but the movie industry has still found time to give us stupid fun ike Dumb and Dumber or Tommy Boy amidst its Oscar contenders. Striving for high artis a noble effort, but there will always be a spot for crass humor and comic violence, Saints Row does a splendid job filing that role. t was at its best in Saints Row 2, with the ludicrous Insurance Fraud, FUZZ, Septic Avenger, and Trail Blazing activities. Whether you were spraying poop on an elderly ‘couple in the park, chainsawing a man in half for littering, or driving a flaming АТУ through a college campus, these wacky moments were impossible to play without a grin on your face. Here are some of "he new activites you can look forward to in Saints Row: The Third Professor Genkis Super Ethical Reality Climax ped activity mixes elements: pe capone (usual with л, but most attempts tured into F V you youre рај Ав opposed to the random nature of these activities in previous games, these hijinks are ted to the ‘Syndicate war in Saints Rove The Third. "We want this cohesive experience where players walk away going 1 can't believe Pm seeing this. I can't believe I'm f-ing doing this,” says senior producer Greg Donovan. Mayhem missions reward you for taking out Syndicate property, and the goofier ones like Insurance Fraud and Guardian Angel are Бе as training exercises to strengthen your character o he ‘can face the enemy without feat. e e The fest two Saints Row games crammed mere activities por square foot than any other open-world game, and the thied entry is no diferent. Driving just few blocks gives you plenty of opportunities to start a story mission, customize your character, engage a flashpoint, turf en top of а car. or throw yoursel into traffic for some good old-fashioned insur- ‘ance fraud Interactive darts and Bowing minigames aren't nearly out-there enough for this series. The calling cards cf this franchise are cartoonish action, a wicked sense of humor and gratuitous violence, "One of my favorite things | heard from a Saints Row 2 player was was driving down the street with knee-cappors оп my pickup truck, running over old grannies while my co-op partner скубе naked out of а plane and landed in the back of my pickup truck We want that err o happen al "he time in Saints Row: The Third," Donovan says. With era: ог weapons, moro colorful gangs, and а new playground to contain all the game hardly has a shortage of mayhem. Because of the serios! outsized antics; many crics fil Gunplay feels great, vehicles are maneuverable and fun, diversions are sprinkled across virtually every block, combat encourages creativity, avery mission objectiva feels esh, ‘and the action is relentless. One mission in Saints Row: The Third features an aerial battle that places you behind thé controls of а faling tank, batting ether airborne tanks you both plummet toward the ground. Greg Donovan puts it best when ho describes the Saints Row design mantra — Embrace the crazy. Fun trumps al. Кет эл eye cn amenos coman roug ry тое ‘Sons eI Te сттер cove story 57 KINGDOMS OE AMALUR: . y TOS A FANTAS Е DREAM TEAM CRI THE NEXT GREAT (CONTENDER y hen 1 fret heard the stoy WE D Anal та о botes. From the legenda talent ved t the way things have serendipitously fallen into place for a once-humble realtime strategy game developer, this tale perfectly fits the structure of an epic fantasy game in the same style as Reckoning. The story is real, though, and with belß kom Furt заћи по: 38) Studios aná pulling v Huge Games could be Hs dest wort ate hte м by Phil Kollar د E "ig Huge Gamer cent rector Май eon jokes Ва Песках — dos tan any RPG 10 como bela REBIRTH Wh е milions of il competing for the time strate оне nning to perience working funding. This, in turn, led to THQ purchasing оре, but alter tw work 19 оп а пе faster. More im exper id the amateur RPG. king in th INTRODUCING KEN ROLSTON oming Amalur h Its possible that you've never heard ol him before, but it you love the Elder Scrolls в first created in the Age ‘series or RPGs in general, Ken Rolston is a namo you should know. Reckoning creative director Mark Nelson describes Rolston as “the father of open-werld RPG Gaming," and he's got the history to back Hup. to benefit f Rolston's game design career started in the 803, Working at the time as an English he Well of Souls gi remise ‘teacher, he decided to take a chance and send some Dungeons & Dragons manu tall in scripts in to publisher TSR. He quickly discovered that he “could not get anything nal mystery " Fileton points out. rejected” and went on to work fr various pen-and-paper projects, including Warhammer and Paranoia Rolston shifted into the word ol video games in the 90s, but did nt find immed ato success, Hi first five projects were canceled, including an adventure game about dolphins in space tiled Blue Star. “The publisher) wanted а Star Tok thing where here's no conflict," Rolston explains. "It had mot occured to them that i they didn't have confit, they were not going to be doing what computer games do particulari wel main attraction of A grab the at After a layott due to yet another cancellation, Rolston joined Bethesda, Unsurpris- ingly, his prowess with pon-and: paper RPGs impressed the company, particularly his work in the Runeduest setting. “The lead designer at Bethesda loved RuneQuest, Rolston reminisces, "t essentially uses the Elder Scrolls system, You advance your character by using your skills." Rolston finally found his footing at Bethesda and became the lead designe for Morrowind and Oblivion, Following Ормо я completion, Rolston retired, only o be pulled into working lor Big Huge Games four months ater, Though he's not yet sure what the future holds, Reckoning coud һе Rolston's final game, which is one of the reasons that he doesn't think he screw it up, "1 want something that's new and worth having, Rolston says. "I wasn’t going to come back and do another role-playing game unless it was better than anything Вад done before. I's too much trouble, too many years out of my lite, too many opportunities to fail o want to do that eginning Нес ton when he was p istory antasy writer Я А. Salvatore, best known in quest, есил va eat пори; ў КУ vwacter is ordered by a gnome to grab d from a nearby ta, lds in th can equip up with each assigned to a f controller and a trigger den acter's shield, That leaves a limit REINVENTION of buttons to press, so combs is much more about timing and memorizing lo For example, if yo them, beginning with its visuals. "We didn't want to be afraid of your character will launch the targeted р y into the air. Move out of a block with hammer, and your chara putting dista With an e that's me than Elder Scrolls, Не Do t monsters normally e means that th lost, though. says that Diabio-style loot collection is a attacks that players For example, the larg similarly te assures us. “its got al = ratt lore. got all hat backbor that RPG fans THE AMALUR DREAM TEAM While Elder Scrolls veteran Ken Rolston and his team at Big Huge Games are hard at work on Reckoning, the greater lore and look ol he Amalur franchise в being shaped by a talented trio at 38 Studios. Here ae he big names behind the ore- ation ot this new fantasy universe Curt Schilling - Former Major League Baseball pitcher Curt Schiling may not ‘sirike you as the most obvious choice {or а game develope, but he's an avid ММО player and has been since the days ol EverQuest, I's undear how А ‘much Schiling i directly involved in the development process, but he founded за Studios. Todd MoFariane - McFarlane is a vision- ary artist best known for founding Image Comics, creating Spawn, and starting his own high-end toy line. His visual style ` is inlorming the world of Reckoning. Bio Huge Games concept artist Sean Murray says that McFarlane is constantly pushing the art team to try new and in- ~ ative things within the fantasy setting. de R.A. Salvatore - Salvatore has been writing hit fantasy and sci-fi novels ince Ihe 60s with enough success that 1 he's had a whopping 22 books on the New York Times best-sellers ls As he. creator ol tan favorite Forgotten Realms хо Drizzt Do'Urden, you can expect -> "im to bring a terry edge and depth to Reckoning's colorful fantasy. of eggs that hatch s These minions caus great effec Another one of Salvat From gorgeous mead y all of the: the game prom уте ай more ingeons. Ther est involved, Big Huge Games al 120 dun are just ап п chimes п. "With sica Hara. 9 is just пове У with big name: Farlane and ВА. a giant, open-worid ime making more mer. Reckoning aud looks stylist sfying, I cant help but thinking юн real-time combat works in ot Big Hi the Fables, feel a pang of di 7 Г АМ RPG WITHOUT CLASS Like he Elder Serolis series that it has dra so much talent rom, Reckoning does not use а strict dass-based system to lock players nto a certain play se from the beginning. Instead players can assign multiple abiity points per level to one of three primary trees: might, sorcery, and finesse. As they progres in each tee players un- lock destinies - essentially case titles that conter bonuses fr sticking to a certain path ог mixing and matching in interesting ways. In addition to mixing up he progression path, Big Huge challenges itselt to make the mage and rogue classes as fun lo take into battle as warriors For magic users, his means introducing a brand new weapon type called chakram, circular blades that are probably best known for their use on Xena: Warrior Princes. Reckoning's version of chakram allow for some awe-inspiring combos, including moves that shove enemies away and send the mage fying back, creating distance that allows them to sling spells, Got far enough away rom enemies, and you can unleash a room-dearing spell ike meteor, И you preter to stay close, you can ag enemies with mark o flame, a damago-over timo fre spell that can be detonated, exploding multiple baddies at a time of your choosing. The rogue character saw looked more Ike a ninja than a traditional fantasy rogue. Creative director Mark Nelson said his goal with the class was to make daggers - a normally wimpy weapon type - more fun than they've been in any previous RPG. I you time dagger combos perfec te weapon wil glow, allowing for a guaranteed айкан. Rogues also have access to some powerful abilities, such as smoke bomb, wich stuns enemies and puts you into stealth. Once in stall mode, you сап sneak up on unsuspecting enemies and launch into instant attacks. The key to Reckoning destiny system is Keeping it flexible for players of ll types. "Wo want the game to respond to how youre playing instead of forcing you to make а choice? Nelson says. ho dark March 2 mentally a bil more ах got my f Rockstar ran red prota попом pb at (anda small samping с LA, Noire gavo the world its frst lock into world ol LA. Моге with our 010 cove ted the vell out this intriguing Mo. Roconl portunity to play LA, Noto по through a ble Intro that gonist Colo Phelps ang at the doloctivo desk ol ho LAPD d^ ху. Rockstar hat Red Lipstick Kier’), Phelps is ИО as the (oho seems to bo те detective ing! unde Floyd Rose shady dram: stances), and placed with Rose's cid райт, Rusty Galoway Тиц dear that Gal wi this ref thant Atto this introduction bogan a new caso, "Th ls ted tol ghoul cur session, ls pleased to bo pared tock the and A Hispanic woman has baen found doad near cl hal, The М.О. appears lo bo ha ol tha Black Dahl kiler - or а copycal роп. “Another tramp, another message says ono, "1s tho Werewal back in business? The Werewolf” is another period nickname for d) y asking tom f hoy have a The crime scene is gruesome: Tho woman is ‘naked and mutato. inspecting her body, | seo that a ring has been removed from her nges, Kiss the id onher to | begin investigating Ine crime scene, which inc ol ho game's main play mechanics, sonara and cryptic messages - "B.D." anc Blood = have beer proceed just as you woud in roal down and pick it up. You can rotate ters in your hand with the Ihumbstick, searching or a не — something catches your eye, sweet spot" that wil initiate ramble and reveal a further due în the item. For example, you might Pickup an envelope and read the address on il then open it up and check Ine contents inside. I works wel, andit you is thoro to spot things you miss. Us important ра the local range im ol blood stains ard, a rng, and path takes us toa re we Inaly dis ol the victim: Ms Se beg ied onal d objects Ike ахау other personal elects. Th nearby buiding wh an Ihe identity and абс Antonia Madona 1-Player Shooter (Online TRA) Rage Variety is the spice of life in id's potent wasteland raleased Doom 3, the industry has had no lage of gerre- redefining fret person shooters, Fallout 3 delivered ona of ho deepest role playing experiences players Borderlands feat co-op gameplay. What can Rage offer players who are already veterans of these post-apoca Iyplic wastelands? Alter getting some hands cn tie with Ino game tho answer became dear: a Ише bit of everything. We've broken down five diferent arcas that separate Rage from the rest ol the shooters. | n tno six and а hal yours since кі Software avo soon уо, in count numbering it 4 Dead revolutionized ‘Open and Closed 1d describes Rage as a open word FPS, but go's ward is defined as much by whats miss m it as what's nduded. Tho d sopor Б taking a decidedly incar approach to creating an open авар id game ihe been copied and paste landscape. Instead, ож ros unique goomotry and textures. The y wasteland connect That may sound ко а ng contradicion, but youlkaly won't altho developer is cutting out: You won't find huge barren expanses that oriy vo of scalp, and you won't read through st а! me cookie outtor buildings that have а dozen tine senes a purpose gaming hubs, but p "hoy oro liy packed together so you wont spand a lol o imo Iravaing botwoon асі set pieces. The arcas inhabited further broken down into the Kind of smartly designed oval lor which id is known, During our demo, we explored a cy built of a dispidatod subway station, blew up an ‘enemy factions explosives caches in tha bowels: 4 а dam faciity, and gimpsed Ihe mutant infested streets of Dead City. Athough the arcas wo saw shared а simlar color palette (don't expect a lol of bright primary colors il you survive the apocalypse), id succeeds in making each locaton foo dst harks in part to unique NPCs and a healthy variety in enemy types. Each character we talked fo in town had a unique name and character moda, simia to Fallout. 0 teks us t e story Б зттйађу concise сап travel lo any area in tho wa you want, you aro never without a doar objective pointing you to your next location. Lock and Load No frst person shooter is complete without a satisiying arsenal, and as the creators of the FPS gerre, he developers al id know what hoy ro doing. Instead of giving players milicos ol guns to sit through ko Borderands, id is handeralting each weapon to be indspensble to gameplay The weapons we tied out are standard f for a shooter - а pistol, shotgun, assault rile, оо. = but ferent ammo types and a clever two-wheel quick select mechanic for chang ing loadouls drastically opened up the gr, Alter a lew minutes of action, wo wore easly switching up our gun and ammo selection on an ee by enemy basis. ‘While each gun packed а saising punch, пое піке by Rages Quick items, А any time, players can equip a Quick Use tam to the lot shoulder button. Some of these items aro trate offerings, ike grenades ос health packs, but others inject variety rto торо, We tect out several deadly contrap. tions, including wingstick boomerangs that sico the bys ofl of your loss betore retuning an autonomous spider tur! that socks out and engages enemies (allowing you plenty ot Ranking opportunities}, and RC cars strapped with C4. Incorporating these deadly gadgets into the gun- play was тогі DIY tems A of ho Quick Use toms can bo built by Ih player using Рад nechanic. As you make your way to wasteland, youll find blueprints lor new ems that you can arat at any ime. Lead designer Matt Hooper tells us there aro al least а daze blueprints for players to ind, but, ko your arsend, ld wants to mako sure nona of tho Quick Uso tems feel superfuous. Alte Inding a blueprint, players can buid Ihe new toy out ol components thoy gather by looting bodies and other objects found within the envronment. This provides ac each arca. I parts, Rage aiso features а ful Паб economy, owing you o buy pre-bult ems from mer chants. Certain Quick Use tems and weapon сап lso be upgraded, For example, Ihe wing- sd attacking power can be improved, allow Ing it to decapilate more than one enemy in а singe tro Road Rage Perhaps Ihe biggest departure rom ks stan- dard gameplay forma is the incorporation of vehicles. Plenty of shooters offer isolated ing, segments in ther campaigns, bul more otn {han not they ed Ike haf baked attempts lo change up gameplay. Id has made it a priori to gel Fiageis vehkdes right, end both the AT and dune buggy fel responsive thanks o a tration racing control scheme (dem expect to steer via a refide ке Halo), Rage sports three que dasses ol vehicles, each of which offers ‘multiple upgrades to make them faster, stronger, and безо. Alter getting a led for a soupedup dune buggy, wa tried our hand at a few races опа desert canyon track, The combat race was by fr our favorite event, even though it ае alec a stark break from Ihe games tone; turbo boosts, force shields, and power-ups mado race lel mere Ike Mario Kart than an id game unti we reduced our rival into a flaring ple of isted sto Diversity Is King I there's one thing we learned from our hands оп demo, its that id is wing to add anything о Варе formula if it makes the game more Tun, Athough Rage's story may be tear, tained. Alter tying out а few races юг П of delormed monsters in Rages Mutant Bash TV really show, then picked up some extra cash by completing а dynamic secondary mis sion hal had us running enemy dune buggies of ol the wastelands dusty roads. Players can also partake in a varioly of minigames w iho human с Id assures us hat none of these divers Interfere with Ihe bread-and-bulter gunpla ol only was the actin satistyngly visceral locked in at a Muid 60 ram convinced us that he famed developer is more "han capablo of competing with modem shoot- as. Tho fna ol the demo cuninated in. a fight against a God of War sized boss mutant, who ripped churks of concrete ой of buiding and hurled Inem at tho p ronticaly shot rockets back at the mons face, The fight fel ай he more epic thanks the fact thal it dc have to rely on quick ime events lo sel the action. Rageis mutlplayor Б sl a mystery, although kd cofounder and technical rector John Carmack told us that development has taken roughly увале longer than they expected, n рап duo o. ‘extra time spent making the огйге component more fun. We have to wait а bil longer to seo. what multiplayer ertas, but i idis pedigree Б anything о go by, playing wilh rends should Ibo t least as entertaining as heading nto tno wasteland by yoursoll » Jeff Marchlafava previews 67 вв PlayStation 3 Xbox 360° PO » але 1-Player Shooter Publis 2K Games » Developer Gearbex/Tipiych Games/3D Realms Mays Duke Nukem Forever Duke te A Hor 14 yoars of development purgatory а presumed death, and his subsequent resurrection thanks fo Gearbox Software's Randy Pitchford, Duko Nukem В ready o rolum to the spotlight. To see how the action hero has changed sinc his last ass kicking escapade, wo blasted our way through the frst 90 minutos ol ho game. Duke Nukem Forever begins witha tar ‘scenario thal transports mo rmmadiatdy back lo 1096 — the action hero parked in ront of a urinal uricashing his protornatura stream. Duke апа а group of EDF solders aro gathered ina забит locker room with the commander in front of à dy araso board explaining tho clics for Operation . Block, ho lan or preventing tho alins "rom taking our fades, When you have Duke оп your side, Ihe oniy plan you need is ammo. Moving trough the stadium tunnels and onto Ino ойо, I come face to faco witha giant Cyclo атой А classic Duke Nukem boss Бао ensues, and ac taking down the massive alen, Duke kicks ls cyclops eye through the uprights in ошай of his victory. Al hal Ino king, baby. The camera pans out from ће football feld, Through a lat-scrcon television, and nto a lua ома penthouse apartment on top of tho Lady Kler casino in Las Vegas. Duke's holding a дато сопїсйег while being pleasured by tho Holsom Kids, two Lola looking pop stars whose parents obviously taucht tham tho alu of shar Го. Opulence: Duke has it, Tho young lados ask Duke Iho thinks tho video gama is any good, lo which ha curly replies, "Yeah, but atter 12 Ing yeas, I should be. Dropping Io дате controlor and grabbing the ramoto, Duke lips through channels and stum bles upon a commercial lor the Damn, I's Late Show. Tonight guest? The ono and only Duke Nukem, Batore heading down to tho studio on a lower level o ho casino, | paruso Duke's impres- sive digs. With marble pilars, a wading род, and vaulted col perfect candidato lor MTV Cribs. Waking nto tha lavish bathroom, I stare nto the miror and press "ho acy button, "You want to touch it, don't you; Duka ogomariacaly grows. Тозо classic Duke moments aren't just thero for laughs; tho fest timo you perform одо boosting actions tke admiring his physique n Ihe miror or ng an absurd amount о weights, Duko's maximum одо ar, which acts as а health meter, naroasos. 1 mako my way through Duke's одеа halls and down to the television stude, stopping in "he green room justin fme to catch a break: ing news repart. Tho aliens havo rotumod 10 Earth, but the President is curently campaign ing for peaceful talks aimed at strengthening тюз. As I mako my way backstage, a young tan approaches Duka asking for an autograph, 1 taka the copy of Why I'm So Great - Duke n His Words and a pen = i's up to me to hail he lads cars. Rathor han ty to master tho clunky eich A Sketch stylo controls well enough fo write something legible, | draw a crude hand with an extended middle finger and give Тю book back орек. Unfortunately, the show won't go on. When t walk onto the отлу set, tho host explains the Duke chat has been canceled so the network ‘can focus on covering Ihe latest alien outbreak. Ока поа to the Duke Cavo to assess tho silu- ation. During a video conforenco, the president and an army general both urge Duke lo avoid гоша, Tho president wants to gvo peace а ‘chance, and has a meeting scheduled with the Жеп high leader "When Duke leaves his war room, he knows its already too lato for diplomacy Alans have invaded his casino, drunk his beer, and ki rapped the hot chicks. During tho folowing sequences | restore power to the casino, mount эп oversized пите! to take down an ailen moth- ship whio fending off incoming starcratt, and light up any invader who foolishly gots in my way as | move through the casino hails. Al the зиме, Duko sings his signature ono noes with the bravado of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruco Wiis, and Bruce Campbell combined With no ‘cover mechanics, ied Al, and random enemy spawns, tho соғ aro classic Duke Микат, but Gearbox balances these dated encounters И orironmenta puzzles and a sequence that Inds a shrunken Duke racing through the casino in an RO car, "Tho fights get out of hand, Duke has a lew at his disposal to tum the tables. When Duko pops steroid pls, ho trades отте in Tavor ol his god en guns, dropping enemies With ono punch. 1 you're fooling overwhelmed by gunfire and taking too much demago, Рико can channel his inner Frank the Terk by cracking open a beer to give himsel increased damage resistance to damage, The bolstered defense comes at а cost; apparently Duke's lightweight, and pounding lust one cold опе gives him beer Goggles. The blurred vision makes it tough o ine Up shots ‘Once he's usted the aliens from his casino, Duko urs into ho general and some EDF forces on the Vegas stip. Ihe general breaks down the situation ~ the aliens have commandoered the Hoover Dam and harnessed its generators to create a wormhole. Destroying the wormhole is obviously a primary objective, but Duke has ‘thor priorities, cquipping, “Screw the dam, where ing our chicks?” The demo concludes with Duke fighting through the Vegas streets unt he encounters a towering Вайс. This boss ballo plays ол simitarly to the frst one, with Duke straling around oncoming missies wite returning fro and collecting moro ammo. When he finaly gel the best of the beast, Duke humiliates it by using its family jewels as a spoodbag. Asa fon who grew up with the series, play ing Duke Nukem Forever feels ike stepping. into a fimo travel machine and returing lo an. era where Beavis & Butthead was the most popular show in school and Tupac dominated The radio waves. Shooters have progressed a long ways in 14 years, but Duke Nukem Forever stubbornly cings to aged design tenets for better and for worse, Though some may find the sophomoric humor, arena style boss Баев. random enemy spawning, and environmental Puzzles frustratingly dated, Jumping back into Duke's oversized boots feels ike uncovering a lost game in an archaeological dig. Its a missing ресе al video gaming history that's been the Dutt of so many jokes and the focus of so much speculation thal many may check the game ол due to morbidi carlos. Gearbox can sharpen up the noticeably dated graphics, cure the occasional hitching, and aller the pace with mon: shooting sequences that keep the action from becoming monotonous, I сома tum out better han anyone expected given the mara. thon development cycle that spanned maple ‘console generations. » Matt B Platform PlayStation 3 ane 1-Player Action а Poblisher. Sony Computer Entertainment Suter Punch Productions p p Get Out of the Way! Players who suck to the qood side of the specu in. ‘heft Infamous undo, ly tools hit to ther spot reputations by accidental moking a pedestri mes hey d just wande into the йау. That shouldn't be a problem with Infamous the center of combat you дил accidentaly hat people,” says producer Brian Fleming, "But you can o hate m the game bat, and people wil в the wa) Infamous 2 What goes around come: B lasting thugs with lightning bolts was a major aspect of the origina infamous, but underneath all of he electrical mayhem was the story of Cole MacGrath and how he chose to uso his extraorcinary powers. Players determined how Cole allected Empire City and its inhabitants, and the concept of karma 'sroluring lor infamous 2 with some notable improvements. When video games implement moral choices, your actions aro typically dassled as good а ой. Developer Sucker Punch Productions is hoping to veer away from that tradition in. Inlamaus 2. 1 don't want to pass too much Judgment on players," says producer Brian Fleming. "thin ot it more as chaos and ordo. A moro surgical and a moro chaotic approach Father than good and ovi. Representing the extremes on the karma scale aro мо super powered alies Colo encounters n tho now city of Now Marais. On tho orderly sido is a woman named Kuo who controls ico, around While Nocis Ihe chaotic one who manipulates fre, ‘These two laches suggest Шегеги approaches To various situations, and is up lo Cole to C жо moro carof and precise, while Nix empha- sizes death and destruction. Noc and Kuo arent just voices Cole hears over the radio; they pitch ther doas to you in person, When you choose one, the other knows her plan gol rejected, m that way, your choices aro fld to building rdaticashps wiih the two companions. "Alot of tha karma decisions aro relly mado when you're choosing between people and approaches rather than mechanical things ike ‘Should | do A or B?" Reming says. "Its more. ong the Ines ol two people withthe own approach to a problem. ‘Once you side with Nix or Kuo, thoy won't Just sit back and watch you do all of tho work. In many cases, they wil accompany you on the mission, using heir own super powers to hop. ‘execute thoi plan, During these sequences, Colo and nis aly can combine cortan powers to wear down tno opposition. Рог instanco, Kuo can create а fog of suspended co partidos around а group of milia, and when Cae charges the coud with a ighining bat all ofthe solders Inside aro frazen sol. 1 you find yoursall coveting the оо. and по. based powers of your companions, youl be happy to learn that one of the major катт choices youl mako n Intamous 2 involves: obtaining a new зш of йоз for Colo. Ho's 518 ап dloctrty-basod hero, but ater гөшү. Ing a pieco of experimental tec nology called "ho transfer device, Colo can absorb a portion of Nix or Kuo's power, adding a handful of new land upgradeable) abies о your arsenal, This ‘explains the mysterious lo tolaod tease al the end ofthe bete shown at last years ES, ‘One conspicuous outstanding question about катпа в whether infamous 2 incorporates any decisions players made in the frst game. Sony and Sucker Punch are revealing how (or 1) {hats going to happen, but even ИИ does, мете excited to hear what other surprises Ihe game has n store, “The whole phiosophy lor the дете is to always bo making everything bette, Fleming says. "Karma в a big part of the game, во thats an arca where - even И we ed what it was - wo always have to be looking for ways lo make better." » Joe Juba J ha pedigree of heavy hitters Ike Ico and Shadow ol tho Colossus, ex tions don! ки than those lor The nthe latest art house adven This month, I saw tho fr Jon demoed by legendary designer Fumito Ueda. While | can't speak lo the overall ‘experience ol the дато, | can already see clo thal should please fans of Team eos PS2-era releases Outside of some visual sitio, the big troad thal The Last Guardian shares withthe previous games is the theme ol partnership. Ueda explains hal he becomes attached o А characters and wants to continue exploring ways of interacting with hom in his games The Last Guardian offers surprising methods ol working together with Tico, the gant cat bir hybrid thal serves as the protagonists part Unike Ico's Yorda or Agro, the hors Shadow ofthe Co is the merrber of the duo with power. The unnamed main charac Ter rales on the creature constantly, whether lo. seek protection from heady armored enar stalking the desolate ruins, or as a makeshilt (акт to reach higher levels of ho өг, Last trom Team The Last Guardian Ueda says he wants tho player's relationship WI To 10 ecl Ike ho bond you wouid form wilha pot. in other words, Tico doesn't always follow your orders, Often the boy needs to hunt down vasos ful of a mysterious iu that Trico adores, In one early arca, ha boy losses a vase onto at pulls itself up Буй the tem. at which p опу he needs to access, Tico front paws to investigate int ho boy can сить up its leathers in a manner thal looks vary similar 10 how Wander scaled giants in Shadow of the Colossus At another point later in the demo, the boy oeds Tico to join him on а smal ledge. Ho ‘over ard over again, but Ike a haughty fone the creature simply ignores him. seems Ike hos ina bad mood today,” Ueda jokes, After a Tow moro shouts, th aly leaps up and perches next lo the boy on the ledge The occasion lack of cooperation is inter ional, and tho бат wants Tico to fel Iko a rel Ting creature wilh a wil of its own rather than the traditional вена sidekick” that mindessly lows orders, Unda acknowledges thal they need to walk а fine ne by making the creature own whims without stat daa flow 15 E ing tha player. As the game progresses, Leda lation ays the bond between Trico and the boy grows PlayStation 3 паћгаћу, and this wîl be reflected in how wel de. » в yeaturo folows orders 1-Player Action! in another portion о Adventure the demo, the boy sepa rates from Trico o explore a passageway 00 іту „ Publisher for lur to squeeze through. On the other Зону Computer Sido, ha discovers a guard, revealing another key derent of The Last Guardian: The main charac ter has no moans ol fighting. The boy attempts to sneak past потро guard, а shadowy creature reminiscent of the adversaries in co. Tho one advantage tha boy hasis адну: since Ihe guard s decked а bulky amar, Ihe boy отита him, саті a wal and ол of the bad guy's reach. The may discover a weapon later n ho game, but fo the beginning, at least, he must rely on stealth ага his feathery fend to do tho fight. Aller witnessing Ihe fest 15 minutes of The arde, | sil have plenty of burning questions. Team ons games are known for her sparse stories, bul Ueda and company st haven't revealed even t Last suchas who the boy Б and how he met Trico, Anunidentle narrator providos volcoovor in Team оо rational made-up language Throughout the course of the it Ueda says this wil bo used moro for guiding player rather han daher Whatever the origins of this surprising duo, The Last Guardian is shaping up fo bo an тшше tale of endship, Team ico has mixed tha piat- forming and environmental Hude scing o ko with the majasic oroaturo-cimbing of Shadow ol the Colossus while adding in some now mochan ies to һар set the formada apart Al thats llis 10 play he gamo for ourselves,» Phil Kola Anarchy Relgns rs into the online c „ть -\ ода and Platnum Games signed a PlayStation 3 {our game deal in 2008 that resullod in wer 360 ( Манок, inte Space, Bayonetta, and * Style Vanquish. Things wont so wel tho companies 1-Player keen аю tearing up once again for new properly (ширум ТВА) Anarchy Reigns. Not everything about ihe game is brand naw, howevor, Jack, the protagonist Icom Machworid, rotuns with his trademark Gator Tooth double chainsaw lo hack challeng ors lobis. This imo, lin ul color So why not cal this Macworld 27 "There aro characters hat appeared in Macar who wil reappear in Anarchy Roig,” says producor Atsushi Inaba. "However, ha story is not con lad to Macworld." Inaba also says be gameplay is vary irent, “Macworld was a single playa, thic person action game, whereas Anarchy Reigns is mote of an onine focused multiplayer brawler” ho caros Early trailers show named characters bash- Ing the hel out of each other on city streets. Outskle of Jack, Platinum has revoaled a techno rinja called Zero (hink Raiden кот Motel Goar Ба 4), a blonde women in a skintight nanosuit „ Developer Platinum Games moro popular characters, Bayonetta. WII sho oriino multiplayer shooter, Inaba won't give us an named Sasha, and a huge “cytrid"robolic bul тап with the brain of a 31-year-old calod Big Bul. This colorful cast of characters seems ike the perfect place to rentroduco ono of Platinum's mako а surprise appearance? “Unfortunately, | cannot answer that at this point, Sorry" Inaba apclogzes. So you're sayng theres a chancal These characters duke i out with each other in \whal is doscribec as the brawor equivalent of an ‘exact number of players ог mtiplayor matches, ‘but he promises mera than four at огоо. Ou ol standard dosthrmalches, confirmed modes include tag team and Бао royal. ‘Anarchy Reigns is Platinum Gam оппо multiplayer їй, but teni ‘on the competitive side. “We wi definitely be including a story based campaign modo," Inaba confirms: "Uriko tho online battles, it wil be Something moro serious ог players to enjoy Platinum аа reveal whether you can lacio tho campaign with every character, or it oriy a low have stores, Detals ro vague al this point, bul we're ‘excited to Ind out more on Anarchy Reigns. Meet the Contestants A Stay uned for mora updates over Ihe coming ды months.» Bryan Vore ato To Zoro, Big Balt 72 previews — еее аса e Y Ie worth. a О Тука гаг атоо gack Ime onike gie o esee onrar ans but hara езй a smal section ol ће game and see how I'S no qualms about string me п the mide of my hes been (ehem) plying har rade nı coming along. Frantic dodge хте tme, The demo ends with an oblivious ter taking а request rom the local townslok Making my way to the crypt, fm ambushed by — Dandelon lying in her bed as Geralt makes his to look into а sting of disappearances, I get a lp wraiths с окуса an ld on the wats. On my way thr the darkness. These way back lo town lo continue ho search, Xashatwakboyond intaligont ih the countryside, a ss dacined to stop in the magical Tho sco fing them ito, so tio | played roughly an hour long, s dazzing and comprises one hall of one side que group of soldiers waylays ma. Win a minimum swordplay caried mo trough the battles, c fase town Nt takes placo in and around won't fuss, ight one on fre with a magical sign inar suo arose during the exchanges with the appear nal playthrough of he дато; tha doc incapacitate the group with an alchemical fash- wraiths, though: controling Сосај momentum sions you meke ееп may not lead you there. bomb, and disombowol опо of hem wilh a gory ding muli largo encounters can bo try Tho scalo ot non nearly hat this suggests is à Thishing move өйө hes teeing rom the bi оп a keyboard. Every ima you want to change Будаг craw than Ino combat rework, the pretty Wih soveral foes sil standing, though, things direction say, to switch targets lo an enemy graphics, or anything ese. » Adam Biessene до! dir winding up a big attack on yous lark - Geralt You can block, dogo, and sting together realsticaly plants his lool and pauses balore ж and heavy attacks in The Witcher 2, but turning, This caused a far amount of cursing, as t по Kratos. The combat cals for a moro lim used 10 heroes in everything from Devî МА ic approach. Every action has а non e Cry to World of Warcral turning on a dme and Di, ndudng being hit. 15 easy lo qet во the instant thoy interrupted уг 10 ling spals or grenades n tho Tho Witcher 25 combat is more deliberato, and miedo of a meloa. By the same token, Keeping the momentum issue В one mere reason o hr аворо wo a 4 and act according П does co tt kod to improviso on ho i at loast my texperionced Ingers My investigations eventually lead me to the condusion that а Succubus is involved. Alter enlisting the roluctant Dandelion the b head to le ол. Taking contro of Dandelion as ho strums a iuto and rec demonic beaut poem declaring his devotion o m faced with à choice wher теру creature appears alert Geral, who в waiting ол ої sight lor a chance К Playstanen 3 ок 360 1-Payer Acton denden Enteramment [ition Enteramment тш 74 previews El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron onents, divine cc | ve been fascinated by the quie, tongue- In-chock st ol В Shadda: Ascension of | the Metatron ever since йв colorful debut at ЕЗ 2010. This month had my fest chance то play the game, Alter working through four chapters ofthe Biblica action game, cn confirm that his cuin he making s wor your attention. After a brief cutscene introducing heaverty scribe Enoch and his quest que, he angel Luci, | took control of Enoch and began. learning the basics of combat on "the Hand ol Michad, a gant stone palm with seven fingers extending trom it. Those diis wil serve (ons lor seven angels that his God. Enoch годи Though soma ol ts developers worked on the Dod May Cry games, combat in El Shad has a unique foo. Rather han focusing on the order that you sting togother button presses, Enodis moves depend on timing, Repeatedly tap tne attack bution and he performs a seres of q Sashes with his dela weapon, the arch, а curved blade used Ike a traditional sword. Pausa for a beat between attacks and fick the ana sek up, and Enoch launches enaries ino tho ги. I takes getting used to, but when found tho ‘combat low, И almost felt musical, Adding in à Guitar Hero style note scratch when you blow a. combo моша fed out ot place, as pris горевод against and Luce must hunt down the хр one by one к їе bit of platform In adam to he arch, Enoch gains access to a projectio cáled the galo and heavy gauntots known as tho vol. Enoch can only сапу ono apon at а tme went fo swich you have lo sted a now ono trom your opponent. This adds a layer of rock-paper- scissors strategy. For example, ho lumbering power of the vol ‘quickly takes out weaker opponents, but tying Байдос are less of a nuisance И you're using the gale, You can survive with any weapon, but додага which is the best fer each situation wil distinguish the best players. Sieding weapons aiso becomes an important way ol cleansing your armament ol choice. The moro hal bound opponents you take cut, the more corrupted your weapon becomes, making it weaker against futuro baddes. In order 10 power up, you пева to danse l. which normally requires standing st and leaving yoursell open 10 attack, However, you disarm an opponent mid bat, tho weapon you stoa is automatically doansed, providing a quick way to strengthen, your atlacks during long combat sequences. In between combat, Enoch navigates color. ^d levels, each of which is based on the ideal World ol ho len angel inhabiting it. Tho ght 30 platforming breaks up tho combat but isnt Ikely to bo а HMH ug However, the qually of зой уо the briet 20 sidescroling interludes may surprise somo gamers In these cartoonish, kaleidoscopic segments; Enoch tackles dangerous platceming challenges Your equipped weapon also has some elloct hero. For example, Enoch moves slower while weaning the vel, which can make longer jumps moro ica Tho arch allows Enoch 10 modiy his jump with a floating al, sity extending his km length. Tho 2D aroas aro populated! wi tho bizarraly adorable nephlim, the warped oflsprng ol humans and angels. These charming, осо creatures serve as both alios and obstacles or Enoch, loating by in balloons, pushing beach bal, and occasional ing lo devour th haavoniy adventure Al ol these detal don't even get into tho element hat turned me onto B пада! tho fest place: tho half-sorious, el tongue in chook wiling. Even in tha lew brief cutscenes | walched, the tone fools unique. Its not as serious as most Western action games, butts also not as off-the-wall as Bayonetta or Devi May Cay not yet, at least. Werl find out И the game's senso of humor and gameplay hold up. lor the entra journey when Н Shaddai газе later this yea,» Phi LESS VIRTUAL, MORE REALITY, NINTENDO DS. TAKE А LOOK INSIDE р Transformers: UF PEN Dark of the Moon A Transformers game for every type of far Dead Island N early four years ago, developer Techland announced that was working on a 2ombie-Ihemed game named Dead ar лу fter, the game went dark. | checked in aly over ho years and. gota few emais ol the "We're stil working on i, that's al we can say” variety, but cyrically dying. | should have known better, considering the subject matter Lots bo blunt: Zombies aren't exactly as fresh a gameplay concept now as they wore in 2007 Ву пон, even some of the most die-hard ans ol Ihe undead may Бо suffering tho ої zombie alique. Fortunately for Techland and bisher Deep Stver Interactive, Dead land is doing more than grabbing a dated concept and shoehorming a lew thousand ghouls into it Successid zombie stories are as much about the survivors coping with their now n эз they are about the undead who пари it. Circumstances such as a zombie spo теске people Irom al was of Wo t their dilorences and work together o sur vive-or de d Island lets up fo four players jon up and lest ther ate in a doomed paradiso ой the fictional stand of Banoi, sel near Papua, New Guinea. Each player picks from four playable archetypes = tank, leader, jack of al rades, and assassin = and than the zombie saying st Dead апа merges frs person action with ht RPG elements. Your character wil level up as you gain experience in combat and by haping "low survivors with missions. Players can then ‘choose new abies through he game's skil- tree system, which indudes power-ups Ike the increased Коо of scoring critica hits and more exotic skis such as Payback, which tem- рогайу makos players perlorm moro damaging attacks aller going ГИ themseives. You start out at the Royal Palms Resort Which was a lush paradiso betoro Io mysteri- «us ifestatin Took held, Now that the undead havo takon over, players have to take advantage ol ин environments Tf they want Vo survive While ordinary weapons are scattered ап the word, they ra appropriately scarce instead must scour Ihr surroundings or improvised weapons such as m handles, and paddles, Eachvaresinlemso! PlayStation 3 range, srengih, and durabliy, and ther attack Mor 360+ PC animations are ferent rom one another as well.» Style Tho zombies blocking croatun 1-4 Payer Acton. andits dear Ine topical imate has helped » Pula oss. They e pretty n incentivo to rush the decomposition pro spry. too, which gives player aim meleo attacks toward zombie imbs, Arms and legs сап be broken and disabled, or parts completa sicod of f your Deep silver ard peces can. weapon has a sharp enough blade. In addon. lo regular zombies, which include folks on vaca tion and resort statt, siraighljacketed type irom a nearby hospital, He didnt let his nity lo use his arms get in the way, choosing instead rush toward the player in charge Dad sen is stil a ways rom release, but I impressed with what | saw. The focus on melee combat is an interesting ва, and it lends a sense ol urgency and desperation to each encounter. Zombies have a tendency to swarm and overrun players, so youll have to keep an ‘eye out for ап ext at al tenes. I Techland can balance that festing of terror with game mechon- ics that dort feet cheap, Dead Island could vary much be worth exploring: 4 previews 77 Insomniac hands over the controls and sheds light on a new multiplayer approach pto months have passed since we Taking ат on the nearest Chimeras cooing Switching to our relebla magnum, wo empty al PlayStation fst featured Resistance 3 on our cover, packe we fre and send the beast о ће ground chambers into the beast’ exposed lesh, usher » Style мага ime to chock inwithInsomniac’s na shower ol spares: ing inthe end ol mo Exar and our tmo wih 1-Player Shooter shooter sequel. We finaly got our hands on the Notun rapid whiiwinds I debris olf tho the camp [2-Player Co-op, game to experiance the desperate struggle ol ground do we notice a huge, ominous needle Alter tho demo, Insomniac dio shed some 16-Piayer Online| Joo Сарай and ho olhersurvwors inva brutal stretching ram sky to carm mios away, The fight on Resistance 35 rovamped тиру. Publisher world dominated by Chimera, JJ Sony Computer Wo join Capall as а Chine era are using o plow this newly conquered ме of Resistance 2 in favor ol tight 16 player Entertainment assaults Haven, Oklahoma, ho small town майа, Moro pressing eats ave as a dropshp matches. So lar Insomniac has oniy re Developer Were cur hero's famiy Б scraping oul ee, unadsapackolonglegs-anewlreedof team deathmatch mode, which takes p cani Games tence. Enemy dropships glow with , Crimera designed to leap trough theair and more condensed maps Inspired by the 5 | yellow ight as Hybrids leap to ho ground. rain death from above jich to the Bulsoye — and Bus Yard arenas from ho li wers AS Wo sC apon and fe а tracking tag lo ensure every round fnis orly known multiplayer map as of now Ба Wheel to select the rusty carbine, memoreso! Is way lo our foo's pulid fesh. Upon fring о — blood-soaked prison in the Republic ol Chad, Resistance: Fall of Mans portable armoryrotum. г tag, we notice now spintors info numer: Africa. Insomniac wants balllos to be more per ous shards which stick to nearby enemies, alow хд, and for players to edd tho "ug of war" ol Ing us to easly gun down the rest of the Jumping бато wih every death and kil. поз ant the game to be тозу action ayer progression is key in multilayer, ned explains create director Marcus Smith. Insomniac offers combatants incentivo for st We're going to reward you with the upgrad in the heat of battle, Inducing unlockab instantly wie your in no middle apport and lactic can aid xa can soo Һа ойс change | im aboacon that replenishes ammo, The earth bagins to Hama belare ihe last a bubble shield 10 provide smoking Long Logs corpse hits tho ground. beacon that shows pl ions, Suddenly a gigante never.belore-sen Chimera lies ndude a radar decoy to БОКА dubbed the Brawler bursts through a ple ot а lining shied that zaps nearby foes, and a wrecked cars, inging them about о oy sisvacting doppelgangar. A number ol personat have a chance to react, the wretched, attributes can bo earned as wall, including tho пик lings us across tho atleta Vsuel Health indicator, which makes health bars no sido of a buiding. Decicing not fo appear on players, and Leaper Corpse, which tost our matador sis on the charging enemy, causes deadly critters o spring tam your body imb to the structure's roof and use the upon death eathpacks there. We then use the advanced Qur time with Resistance 3 shows that Chimeran techndogy of tne мей piercing Auger Insomniac is ring hard to reclaim the phenom: w vUnerable pisces of ihe Brawlers armor. — end experience of Resistance: Fal ol Man whl ded three-round burst makes short improving upon the original forma. We couldn't Werk of з defenses, but before we can бойу ро happier with how tho game is progressing, the кй shot Ihe huge beast racks down our and fs bound to gel more interesting аз Capeli vated positon and вто опію the rool. nears Ghimera-inlested New York. » Tim Turi Final Fantasy Versus XIII Ch king in with the other XIII Sum antsy Versus ХИ — For the moment, Final Fantasy Versus XN alongside Роа Fantasy ХИ at E3 2006. — remains a PlayStation 3 exclusive, but rumors joo lat, Vo Nearly меу us XI в stil in point toward tho possiblity of И going тий => development, whl йв counlorpart alroady has a platform. Square Enix has not yet commit 1-Player Action/RPG sequel nearing completion, И may be progress lo a release date, bul key staff members have Fals ing at a dower pace, but based оп the informa. — expressed doubt that Ino game wil hi in 2011 Square Fur lion and tralors Square Enix has released lr Panel this ona In somewhoro on your 2012 Versus X mi anatadiond ciin Drug Ма Xl по lees acing ene саатда," Joe Juba ys nal Fantasy roleasê a Diected by Tatsuya Nomura, ho mind behind tod by Tots the mind behind m "he Kingdom Hearts sedes, Versus XII takes ented! approach to combat, Instead ot just entering commands tke a tum. based RPG, players noad skll and quid reloxos dapt to ho rapkdy changing batted, An. encounter might volvo sending an enemy ling backwards with a fightring attack, then смену itching 10 another character to hil he airborne 100 wilh sword dashes, then switching оа the fisting blow witha ranged shot. Payers have а variety of diferent maneuvers at their disposal, Inducing serios staples Ike magi "rns, and summons. Recent scroens also ds play а command call "EX Arts,” but Square Enik has nol yot revealed how they functio. Stringing attacks together s a key element al the bale system, but the gameplay is m then just mashing buttons. Other factors can infuenca your combat strategy, Ike the day night суде that changes the enemies in the sur anto rounding ervronments, You aso como across unique sequences that oler completely ferent mechanics in ono гай, wo see tho main char i mow down в. Later, Noctis also зе equipped bipedal mech во tne ‘odds of combat gating tale are ow The world of Versus ХИ is considerably more advanced than ho ane in Final Far XII. Noctis Ives n a modern looking Ойу tha resembles Tokyo, but а variety ol futuristic and aspects sl give it а sightly alen feel. For о, oven though Noctis drives around in cars and hangs out in skyscrapers, he во rides aboard airships and fights hiking behemoths in the mide ol tho highway. How exactly these elements weave together is under; Square Enix is guarding plot deals SSX Deadly Descents EA carves untainous ехрепе! We know the game still features racing and trick events, but the Deadly Descent events are new. How do they work? in Deadly Descent the mountain is against you. It's more ike an action game experience. If you look at past SSX games you had huge chasms that you could jump. We wanted to do more things ike that, but ramp up the intensity. SSX 3 kind of had ап avalanche, but we thought we could do that a thousand times better with the new systems, We have an amazing avalanche design. So we'll have more things ike avalanches, гос and {айп stalactites, In Deadly Descent the challenge will be just making it to the bottom alive, The over arching goal of the game is to work your way up from a junior boarder and survive the Nine Deadly Descents, We're thinking of them like they were boss challenge: You guys are branching out and covering more mountain ranges than past titles. How big is this game going to be? We wanted to give people the amount of content that mega hite like Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto deliver. So in the early days we. larted sourcing topography data for the entire planet Earth. Our main menu is a SD model of the planet with 18 different mountain ranges highlighted across the globe - Alaska, Antarctica, Siberia the Calanques mountains, the Andes, the Alps, Kilimanjaro, and Mount Fuji. We're taking you ай over the planet. We're a litle challenged with how can put on the disc, honestly, but we're thinking it will be somewhere in the vicinity ‘of 70 mountains, By comparison, SSX З had one. The hub works kind of Ike Google Earth. You can spin the globe around and pick a mountain range you lie, then zoom in on that and pick a mountain you like from there, Then you get to race down the crazy arcade courses that we've built on top of real life mountains, The trailer showed off equipment like wing suits and pickaxes. Are tools like this part of a larger design system? Wing suits are really cool - it's probably the coolest new mechanic we've put in our game, In the past, players were able to trick out their characters with new gear, but aside from a board that might let you go а е bit faster, most of the gear that you put on your character was strictly aesthetic. We want to really invest in the gear, so you can eam a bunch of. new gear that gives you new mechanics in the game. Ice axes lel you do things Ike a wal vault move in Prince af Persia. Say you jump actoss a 150 foot chasm and you almost make it but you slide off the edge: instead of faling to your doom, you can smash those ice axes into the wal, vault yourself up, and опа. Since 85Х has been away for so long, have you found that you needed to make changes to the trick system? Well first off, we want players to be able to ride any where, at anytime, and vault into the air at ridiculous and heights, and we want players to be able to Пр and spin and roll on any axis to create an infi- nite amount of tricks. Then we layer in all the gra kick fips, and all the other over-the-top tricks that ЭЭХ is famous for. We've looked at games Ike Trials HD, which have a more fluid and natural system. What they did was a kind of two-dimensional phys- ics, so you could fip and twist your bike around at апу range or speed. We're taking that same feelin and bringing it into three dimensions, gameinformer o GICAMER MONTH 84 Bulletstorm People Can Fy combina its sait tendencias vith Ep Games’ prin pon to rng you ... headers mean noting nthe word о! atar .... 11 and rete may. Total War: Shogun 2 Forge what you tow abou coló clar shoves thse a callback Trew, tered fa THE SCORING SYSTE) AWARDS usarán Av an ticas peti neve покои da palea m E achete na tri eden somo Parad nat on ego er ne -— eri res 10 таене ا‎ — [БЕШТ] Ed IT бш Whe omo ige жу olei Ve miri EA] Ese oco A a ee — — 855 m . тоннан Bet twee erede na presi : пи | G то ever ed — Е — — реа Aer Ta gm eos ey wa a a рл oyó woman main | | ОЛ р” инь | 2 odds dated ay — — SER — ыы To merd tor tw эрдем ma Say Wust nea hel? Emo | nee Quinton "Rampage" Jackson Boost Noble Alte seek your unlimited $50 monthly unlimited with the samsung seek' unlimited nationwide talk, text, web, 411, IM 6 email. &® boost ШЕЕ no contracts. nationwide sprint" network. mobile” For every 6 on-time payments Boost wil lower your payment by $5 per month to as low es $35/month. ‘ne veces ar Coronary тын o up tr a plan өл Sage o соте lg or pn dect emried 8 FOTN ar Une uns contre = КЕШЕА re ta чал pen set Б rn sau Un mes loc а pm das йе Da cra ma Re ET .... ac sra en er Dare rta de — hangs oe e ea ... ͤ . . e SE at rr бн Er cron sl уа Sd уш мире es p . 111. ue rae tr eng Ма ума Gom y a ::: ðß ont cnt q n BP би тн ar mary par и 2 8 it acres м men pare eda myc pt ruis n eet laa ae эн eet атта ‘tot ea a emos baa sens t ces epa yy dere sted Ly (Cage ro es rere ten oc change who ri ro eh al cron al ann Fe reri we hen See re Tl a . ————— 777 9.25 360 + PC » Concept Buletstcem delivers a boot- ful of variety and originality to the stagnating PPS genre Graphics Master anımanone, stunning backdrops, and a vibrant color palette assault "he senec Your ears wil be пеней to snappy dialogue, top-notch ‘voiceover, and blood- ‘pumping metal its erg Tho game controls ike a dream, allowing you to easily ‘unleash nightmares upon you foes — Perfect for tans of penis jokes, swearing gore, and tight ‘gameplay Replay Value High 84 reviews Bulletstorm MO explosivo Бате That sharp blast not only heralded gamers! infatuation with roducing. enemies to pulpy pudes, it aiso laid tho foun dation lor interactive environments in shooters: Clover gunmen havo trained ther sights on red barrels and other hazards for decades, leaning "ho language of creativa carnage. Al you know або kiling with sio using your surroundings has been a prelude to the bloody playground. ol Buletstorm. Going into a game called Bullotstorm | expected a papor-tin story as an excuse for nonstop macer Instead, | was greeted with а humorous, potty-mouthed opaning that leshes out the dramatic crash-aneing of cem іме Grayson Hunt. His quest for revenge on compl Militar loader Sarrano is а оооу все romp that doesnt deserve to have йв culscenes skipped. Buetstorm offers a degroo of charactor control ı1 haven't experioncod in an FPS since Mirar Бао. Gray s kick, sido, and cash alow him to D о you remember the first timo you shot an move through and interact wih ho ervrenenent ‘Style 1-Player Shooter d. Fiber Online) Publcibsr Electronic Arts Developer People Can Fly/Epic Games Release February 22 ESR M with Mitty. In other games, I would be unthink abo to pul а foe rom across the тар, strap him. Wih explosives, Kick him back into Nis buck and sido away who detonating tho bloody mess. Amazing moments ко this aro asy to pul ати lesen Tho slow-mo effect appled 10 enemies aller being скос or leashed ollrs the perfect window ol opportunity to boot them Towards cloctic wires or cacti, and the gamo has a prodictivo way of ding the poor soul whore you wish. There were only а few Instances where {accidentally pid somo sad sack with robar instead о! оок them to a carmivorous plant Ober than hat, racking up points with сталью за shots is a rolably cathartic oxporionco. Skllshols are necessary to gain points о. spend on weapon upgrades and ammo, bul Ibero riotous fun in heir own right. Working similarly to trophies and achievements, players earn hundreds of рогів by dispatching loos according to dozens of general and weapon spool creia, For example, tho “French Revolution’ skëshot is pulled all by decapitating mate foes witha chain tal, and Farid is earned by launching а oo into ho ai and impaling him into the ceting with a rotating эрке Turing him into a human fan. The weapons themselves aro some of the most creative and entertaining I've seen outside of an insomniac Tte, including а quadruple-barreled shogun that ‘evaporates enemies io the playground scene from Terminator 2. Combine these weapon chat lenges with the general ти of combat and youll be harc pressed to frd a mundane encounter When youre not mowing through legions ‘of foes, youre dropped ino largorshan o moments, tke one that has Gray feing he. mendous runaway cog on a tram while you blast gas tanks lo knock Ihe wheel off course. In another scenario Gray йу ques а rermote-coniroted Mecha Goa lookalike through a niniatuo йу, blasting арап bulings and enemies. n addition to the single-player campaign, Budotstorm offers Echoos and Anarchy modos Echoes takes sections from single-player maps andets ends compete with each other Lr Ino highest score, Knocking ronds down the ladder is a rico distraction, but опу score fonds wil want to play this alter beating the main game. Anarchy is a cooperativo horde modo in which. our players work together to cam skil points to progress through waves. Playing catch wiih loos using ho lash and teaming up lo kick a jerk rie a gigantic dnos maw Б a good tmo, but the higher level waves aro Impossible without con ‘stant communication, Hocking up lour conscios in a room among good trends Б your best bol but even then the апай of maps start to feet ropolitwo after your tenth tmo attempting to gat past wave 15. Buletsiorm is an exceptional shooter brimming with personality and originality, bul the concept is spread too thin in the later lavets. Now homicida! toys aro constantly introduced in tho frst three- quarters о! he game, which makos the final lew hours a itle tal, Мк in a ho-hum ending and the stallar experience goes out on a bit ot a low note. ‘Smal gripes aside, heres no denying Buletstorm's bliss action. Epic Games/ People Can Ну sacstic opus arrives al limo. When most shooters do file mere than let you blast dudes in the head whie things explode, Butetstorm has those things, bul also lets you ‘Shoot a man inthe testicles and Kok sido his head ofl. Tim Turi Dragon Age | nts, BioWare | he console version of Dragon Age: Origins Чат! have the same magic as ls PC counterpart. The story, characters, and quests were al the same, but the trl of battle was damaged during the transition. Addressing this problem Б the greatest strength of Dragon Age Il: by implementing а combat system talored to console gameplay, BioWare's epic fantasy series takes a new shape, This changed vision for Ihe franchise may disappoint hardcore. fans of the orginal, but the sequel stil delivers though nol in the ways you'd expect BioWare's template story structure voh- ing an nto, four main quest hubs, and a Irae is nowhere to ba found in Dragon Age Il Unfortunately, no compaling story rises to take its place. Framing the story with another char- actors патайоп, Dragon Ago I attempts to toll the tale of Hawkes rise to power in Krkwal. In wagen, this story amounts to ftl more than a bunch of sidoquosts lashed together, Ту aro rarely connected lo а central goal, and since the main plot has по arc, you tit sense of maning tension or rising stakes unli ho cima is upon you. Most о! the missions are short, iand-out alles that involve Iraveing between Кока painful Imited number o locations. While the city is supposedly huge, you only bounce. between about 10 areas and a hand of ‘buildings and caves within them, By the fourth о ith tme | was sent down to Darktown to resolve shady business, Iwas pining lor the vast forests of Райт, Spaaking of Freiden, you can import your save from Origins, but it Just alters some dialogue and a few cameos о don't expect constant rotecences to your previous exploits, Styla 1-Player Action/RPG Publisher Electronic Arte Developer BioWare Release March 8 ESA М Your surroundings get old quickly, but most quests have a clover spark that keeps the entertainment value high. | hunted а serial Kiler, took a jaunt into the Fade, and watched an aly awkwardly blow a date with her ideal man. A few mundano missions fil in the gaps (preparo To Kil alot of slavers, but the inventive scenarios and excellent wring are among the highlights in Dragon Age ll. The tasks you perform for your party members aro particularly сод, aided by the fact that your companions are more interesting Characters than those in Dragon Ago: Отје. The biggest change from the fest game is tho combat. No longer trying to straddle the fence ‘between tactical and acton-fooused systems, Dragon Age l gives йө! over огледу to fast- ‘paced, responsive battles. This drastic departure from the originai formula is bound to upset purists, but it suits the game wal. Throwing down a nonstop barrage of spells and weapon techniques is empowering, and since you arent just issuing commands and waiting lor their exc the action tesis more immediate. Don't expect this sensation right away, though; youl have to play lor several hours before you have enough abiities to keep combat interest- ing. In the early stages, youll bur through your meager sl and then mash the attack button White you wait for hem to recharge. | promise, it gets botter, By tho time you're wiping out your ‘opposition before they even hit your ran Ines, al seems wort ‘Aside rom combat, an array ol smaller tweaks mako this sequel belle suited or consola play than its predecessor. The Mass Etloct-ko con- versation system gives Hawke a vol and kocps "ho dialogue flowing, though IL aiso removes somo of the moral arg. BioWare has tuned "he combat diouty to require minimal micro- management, but this comes atthe expense of "ho pausox-anc play approach (which is techni- Caly stil possil, but totaly useless), Inventory эга equipment are easir to manage, and the new sl trees- white heavy smpified = hop си: ferentiate characters and мө them unique roles in combat. | also encountered some technical issues Ike enemy ph and graphical hiccups, but they rarely hampered my enjoyment. Part of me was cksappointed with Dragon Aga Il. hoped for an improvement on the org па, but it mately fedis Ike а step back, The new battle system is fun, but not nearly as sat- ауга or rewarding as Origins’. Since you don't ‘ever have a main antagonist unti Ihe final hours, ‘he story pales in comparison to the origina IL you put thosa complaints aside and remove Dragon Age ram the impressive shadow of is predecessor, you find an engaging action’ PG experience that stl retains BioWare's raclemark dever dialogue, cool charactors, and tated lore, » Joe Juba PS3 • 360 » Concept Create amore action-packed, accessible Dragon Age Graphics Looks better than aet time, but the environments sall seem bland in spite of anew элиўе Soma Quality voice work and а suitable fantasy soundtrack атышу Responsive controls and a streamlined interface work ‘well on consoles Entertainment The story and battle system ave less satisfying than tho original but they sil provide plenty ottan Replay Value Moderately High What About PC? 00 and PSS er "ut that is not in th entry ose not fos decorar, and combat still ihe competition th time. You can read tbe full 221 PS3 + 360 » Concept A wîteh and an immoral sur "up trouble for demons and Gamers alike Graphics Vivid comic book colors and exotic creature designs blend to reste a sng visual style. The cutscene animations are eles: by comparison Sound Heinrich reminds mo too much ‘of Frankenstein's monate, Whereas the voice actor for Gretchen isa perfect ft. The Soundtrack complements the "mood nicely Playabilty ‘The combat mechanics are ‘ma to fellow games in the gerre, but with an added weight to Нели ades. Magic mixes up the combat chemistry nicely Entertainment Too much babysitting is required, but when you are not fishing Gretchen out of a Java рй, the unique gameplay shines and the story delivers ina big way es reviews Knights Contract ‘ol your typical video game protagonist Ho's old, ari, and scarred tram head: 10-100. Ho walks with a imp, and every word he utters carros the sorrow of а iletime сі depres- sion, Ho's urikatle - intentionally со, perhaps — but the reasoning behind his stato of mind and "ho means to curo t drives his story forward Ногасћ опсо served ав an executioner hat spocalizod in beheading witches. Through Period flashback sequences we soe Heinrich carrying out the orders о Faust, a power-hungry dictator hal bent on purifying the land. One of the witches touched by Ног scythe, named Grotchen, showed no Tear, WIN hor head resting ge on a wooden stump, sho casts a cursa on Haie beloro he can lop off her head. Heinrich became immortal, This may soem Ike a blessing, but when we moet Heinrich ic the frst tmo, he's wen enough. When | stopped into his tattered garb, my frst instinct was to gilt him with the death he sought lowered my guard and le a pack of monsters tear the flesh ой of his hung Катю, They loft nothing but his two legs - cutoff just below the knees. The disturbing spectacio cit last long, however. By jamming on a button I reunited Nosh with bone end brought him back to fighting fom. Death cannot stop him. Hs soythe strikes aro slow end sloppy, ап appropriate ifr his appearance, His foes, which range Кот armoe-dad knights o sky- Scrapor«sizod злаков, could make short work ol him (өрвацозу, but he doesn't fign alone. Gretchen is resurrected, and as fate would have Tt she is forced to work with her kiler. K nights Contract's Henrich is the antithesis A bewitching story hindered by a nagging gameplay ‘Style 1-Player Action Publisher Namco Bandai Developer Game Republic Relonce February 22 ESR M. Tho duo works wal together, cach oftering ‘strengths where the other has weaknossos, Grotchonis a powerld witch who can entangle foes n a magical briar, summon meteor show- аз, and make razor-sharp blades appear ram "no earth. When she's had enough (as dee by a power mater), sho can grow to giants ‘size and arush a foe n her hands er between her thighs. Tho spats sho casts arosalistyng, Violent, and just а air shy from boing as outra- зои as those unleashed in да beloved: ‘wich simulator, Bayonetta. "Tho player corircls only Heinrichs physica movements, ув hanes the attacks for both characters, Hoirichs пес aro mapped on ho face buttons; holding down tho right tigger transtorms tho buttons 10 Gretchen's attacks. Tho battles aro fast paced, and ‘over the smallest ol encounters can bo а heart pounding chalenge, Ноги melee attacks don't ded nearly as much damage as Gretchen's magic, but he has а deep It of combo chains at his disposal very much in ine with other genre heavyweights Ike God of War ari Devi May Cry. Parfoming wel în combat rewards ће duo with valuable experi- огоо ponts that can be used to upgrade al of the spalis Game Republic dd a great job of bal- arûng Ihe upgrade progression, and each опе looks Ike a sknificant boost. No matter how powerful tho duo becomes, Ihe chalenge revolves around keeping Gretchen alvo thanks to her incompetent Al. She stands In re, runs heactong into a boss's grip, and par forms so many й-асМвва actions Im convinced she could never cross а street оп her own. S perishes, ts game over "With her bumbling motions taking contar stage, Io game devalves nto а ten-hour long ‘escort mission, Tho only way to heal hor is for Heinrich to pick her up and weave through hostio forcos ко an NFL running back unti her haath regenerates. Coming lo hor акі isn't so аву, other. When Heinrich falis i Бай, I takes "mo for him to reanimate; Loos wisoly uso this lul to beat the snot out of the most dolensoless Witch 10 ever walk the Earth. Equipment found in "ho word can make her more durable, but noth- ing improves her poor judgment ‘Clashes with demons aiso run the risk of ‘ending abruptly due to archaic design, such as an instant game over t Heirich ks knocked off ol a ledge. This happens ай too often, especially ‘during boss fights. Worse yot, players must dele he final blow to bossos va quick-tmo ‘events, you dort пай al of the sequences cor- тосћу, the boss is rewarded one-third ofits heath back. Once depleted (again), you have to try the seme quick timo sequence over. Heinrich and Gretchen's journey s tresomo, but when the дато works the way it should with Gretchen being lar removed irom harm's way, and Heinrich navigating beer hee aroas = the duo creates a wonderfully chaotic stom on the battlefield that empowers the player wilh the Teding of being unstoppable. Even when tho game seams to bo working against me al every inopportune time, tho drive 10300 the fate of Heinrich and Gretchen made mo push forward. 'm glad | did. dint seo the ending coming, and love how the story Condudos. » Andrew Reiner Fight Night Champion A dramatic finish in a fight to the top ‘suspect that although most people don't consider themselves boxing fans, tho sport resonates with us because it's been delivered ‘successfully ма a story — whether that's Rocky, Raging Bull, or even Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! Therefore, tho Fight Night franchise is the perfect placa to do something gamers have Wanted for years - create more drama in sports ‘games. Champion mode's tale of Andre Bishop ‘and the characters that surround him is an excellent blend of gameplay and writing, with ‘each one complementing the other to produce ıa step forward for the genre. You can't win a fight with just one kind of punch, and Champion made throws enough ‘affective combos to bo a formidable fighter. Tho. voice actors convey the story wel, end their characters ae rendered with enough detail and Subtlety to convey emotion and drama For a video game to deliver on all these fonts is a minor miracle by tal, but part of what helps the ‘mode work so wel is that its not just a string of regular matches bookended by cutecenes. EA ‘Canada tweaks gameplay perimeters of certain bouts in Champion mode to mix things up. ‘Sometimes your goal is only to survive for a few rounds, or maybe you have to KO an opponent instead of winning by decision. The reasons behind these staged situations vary, Sometimes it to teach you about the gameplay, but usu- ally t's to serve the arc of the story whose flashbacks, colori characters, and occasional surprises work well because they are handled deftly enough to be believable within the story as well as the gameplay. Fight Night Champion is almost two games in one, because the Champion mode doesn't take away anything from the core Legacy mode from past games. The revamped career modo. features an updated training regime and pre» fight scheduing. Like in tho ring. survival and success в a matter of managing your stamina Cash-goneratng sponsorship events, marketing opportunities for increasing your fightar's popu larly, pre-fight raining, and even injuries must ре managed in the days and weeks leading up to your пом gh, Pack your schedule vith too талу activities, and you might enter your next bout with the tank haf-empl | Ikad the scheduling aspect of Legacy mode, but the training and subsequent XP allocation is contusing Different raining camps around the globe bump up your physical attrbutos in pre- determined vaya, but individual training mirig- ames do not. Wile this meene you dent have to ‘de minigames you dont ike, t also undercuts a reason for having diferent ones n the fst place Similar, you can assign the XP you get through- ол the mode to a range of specific offensive, defensive, and health related Skils (ike a let upper cut to the head), but you cant ie certain damage states (critical tun flash knockdown, etc) until you reach appropriate Skil bresholás Wile aree that you arent going to be flash KO-ing opponents from the start, having to meet these minimum levels means that айу on regular knockouts are hard to come Бу which isn't very realistic. Win such impressive game modes, fs easy to overlook the improvements to the ready great gameplay. EA streamined the controis for punches, dodges, and blocks without compromising the game's overall strategy — which now takes stamina into account better. Although your con- trol inputs аге often fakhtuly replicated onscreen, 1 am surprised how many times weaker miss-hits (where a boxers am wouldn't fully extend) reg- ister as powerful punches capable of knocking. someone oul. I can't figure cut the rhyme or reason behind the flash knockout system either, but the excellent degenerativa defensivo system isa sold improvement Vith online gyms comprised of your friends, smart gameplay changes, and improvements to Legacy mode, Fight Night Champion is more than your usual collection of modest EA Sports improvements. Some areas shine brighter than others, but the developer's inspired Champion mode is the star feature that must be experienced. = Matthew Kato Т PS3 + 360 » Concept Introduce a new story mode as well as improvements in. no controls and other areas Graphics Nuances in the facial animations for the characters in Champion mode bring home the drama Soma "The voice work for Champion mode is well done, and the Announcere do an awesome Job conveying story points, Strategy, and the suspense of the fight Playability ‘The simplified controls are awesome to work with and don't dumb down the game иш Entertainment Fight Night Champion connects weh 1s story mode, even if a few punches miss Replay Value High reviews BT 778 * 380 · Wii Concept De Bob spearheads revolution against an oppresso regine to vestro hameny o the urban paradise Graphics The HD editions ме a visual feast of colors, shapes, and patterns. As expected, the Wi veraon's graphics are less mpressve, but the ап recon lends tel well to the console Sound Wale somewhat limited n cope, the pleasant jazz- inspired tunes swell as you rejuvenate the world, ding auditory feedback to player progression Playabilty Bonus challenges and completion rewards ensure ‘entertainment tor players of i levels, but Бош battles and puzzles rarely test your sidls. Platforming па formidable in later levels and the occasional camera or targeting hiccup is frustrating Entertainment Blue Tongoe's ambitious sequal presents а Paro eee tot all ages, ‘The charming and sometimes Juvenile capers of Bob are contrasted by suprisingly mature conflicts volving religious brainwashing rigged elections unlawful Imprisonment, and martial law Replay Value. Moderate 88 reviews de Blob 2 A super-saturated adventure FCC orraco Black is back, and so is his wicked war on ocior. White wo had a hand ol criques for Blue Tonque's -exclusive release, de Blob was one of the bottoc-rocolvod third-party tiles on the conscio Recognizing the potential lo capture a broader ‘audience, THO is wisely going multiplatform win do Blob 2. Do Blob 2's word в saturated with color and personality. As you bring Prisma City back to Io by ominating enemies, freeing prisoners, solving puzzles, and painting the environment Ina eclorby-numbers manner, propaganda. disappears and trash vanishes. The hustle and busto ol daly o returns, crasing any signs ot а once-monotone existence, De Blob 2 erly uns on an economy of nspration, awarding you ht bulbs thal can bo spent to upgrado your silent = but thoroughly expressive = protagonist Wilh more heath, better detense, and increased paint capacity The action can feel repetitvo at times, but I галау итал. Blue Tongue maticdousiy ral the pacing, introducing now hazards, enemies, and power-ups just as the surprisingly lengthy gamo begins to tooter on monotony. Te woll-designed usor interlace also helps comple- пол track down that last bit of folage that под coloring or ho fat imprisoned citizen that ‘heeds racing, which lots playors avoid wander ing tho busy cityscape aimlessly "e game plays Vrtualy tho sam across al consdles, and doesn't oros gesture controis оп ho primary player despite Wi and Move сотрашину, which | appreciate considering the precision nodded n lator platforming ом. That baing said, the occasional camera issue mars ап otherwise enjoyable experience. The camera aciusts unexpoctody, and one timo re-orontod. де Blob of а dif curing one ofthe tougher platforming segments, Tho frustration is com- pounded by a somewhat рога: checkpoint ‘system, which al times restarted me back n a nearly whitewashed leva, Those hiccups aro the exceptions rather han the rd as ho bulk of de Blob 2's mechanics aro wal developed. Multiplayer challenges and a co-op mode posi- "lon do ВФ 2 as an optimal sharod experiance lor a parent and young child. The Super Mario Galaxy-osque co-op айон tho second player to paint objects and foes as Bobs sidekick РЕКУ, Which пар less-sklled gamers contribute to tha ‘experience in а meaning manner without being overwhelmed by tho dificuty of later levels: Because of Ив lighthearted nature and pro- ‘sentation, de Blob 2 may pass under the radar. ol "coro" gamers, which would bo a cima Worthy ol the INKT Corporation. Fun, innova: tive, and surprisingly deep, do Blob 2 is bright spot in a soa of gray games and tera sequels. » Meagan Marie (E Yoostar 2 Select the shot you'd like to appear in \ fun, cinematic experience undermined by poor nical implementation Style 1 or 2-Player Simulation Рајне Yoostar Entertainment Group Developer Bitz Games Stator Release March 8 ESRB T ostar 2, Iko its PC predecessor, isa uriquo experience designed Tor movie bulls, aspring stars and everyday gamers айо, lis Kinect- ‘enabled console debut usos ho sensor. bar's camera lo placo players in ci scenes to deliver Ines with a karaoke siya interface. Who tho concept ol tum- ing everyday people ino actors makes for an amusing timo, technical issues stand ol making the lato Yoostar a blockbuster РИ Yoostar 2 oltrs single- апа multipla ‘options, bul ho game is most enjoyab ina group sottng, Y challenge mode and perform scenes ko hiting the road to C is Brothers or reporting a pro to Houston as Tom Hanks Ape However, scenes whore tho delaul actor y » oriy has a few Ines bec Tedious. You get сте for patiently ing your turn lo speak, but the sensor sionally picks up sounds aller than oco and docks points Irom your score, hindering your progress ac map lo Halywood. Sound recognition. issues continue when a ne is deere as prompted, but is unrecognized by the game. This becomes less of a problem! the quick play mode, whera you're playing mote for fun and loss or high scores. ck play offers 50 move soene x you o perform alone oc with friends о, ih a wido rango of gone any generation, Sing “in The Ar Tonight ing down ar drums and punch as over, shout "Tis is Sparta" 300, «с “mako him an onlar ho cart reuse in The Godfather, Watching yoursel and а irion in these scenes and delvering lı IS hlaicus, and tho апу lo save tho dips and upload them to ing in Ihe dea Kinect awkwardly positon yourself o ft perfec inthe fim frames, and tho grainy pictura u соймок! porlormances: Despite Is technical imperfections, sti 2 can bo enjoyable "I ол ol your shol and bo a total ham. Bing in some fonds ora ul cast, and youl et some laughs during y acting debul. » Annette Gonzalez With the Kinect sensor, movie butts replace actors in cassie scenes to рено memorable dialogue Graphics. Evon in ideal lighting in suggested frames for scenes makes tor pestionng Entrainment For the optimal experience, Мола 2 is best served wi a group of frends Replay Value Moderate Das TROIS OMES RO SM 779.28 » Concept After delivering broadcast quality visuals last season. Sony puts the authenticity ‘ofthe sport into the player's hands Graphics Realistic enough to fool three Game Informer editors into thinking it was a live. ‘baseball broadcast Sound. The commentary team does а betr job of folowing the action this year, but they терем some of their lines tar "eo oten ne, A whale new ballgame that now utilizes an analog control scheme, The pitching mechanic e hands-down te best yet, Making contact isa bit easy, however Entertainment Not your typical yearly iteration. Sony made changes. "al acess the diamond, and Almost all of them refor he beter Replay Value High MLB 11: The Show The closest you can come to playing the sport without sustaining injury — GOLD ето, Style 1 to 4-Playor Sports 4-Player Online) Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment Developer Sony Computer Entertainment San Diogo Release March 8 ESRB E Sightost error could resit in a ball or worse - а ben hat hangs over tho plato, Tho length of your motions 5 led to your pitcher's delivery tho amount ol tmo alloted ls shorter whan working "rom the stretch, making finesse pitching all that much moro diout. | fl strossod when batters woud get on baso. | even got so out of Sync at "res that | would got called for Бак. This new system not orly ollers great cha Jengo, it accurately simulatos pitch counts I just опе pitch isn't working for you, expect to walk batters and reach deep courts. Most of my ‘starters threw botwoen 80 and 105 pitches Ive to nine rrings ol work. The new batting mechanic requires similarly ‘exact motions, puling the right analog stick back lo plant the foo, then pushing it forward to swing. Unike pitching, however, t's easy lo gasp and master. Even on tho higher at, Settings, dit sirke out very often | icit find the new contact swing modifier изе, as the power swing gave me the samo results or betler. My contact allo was absurdy high, but my hits per rine ranged around a realistic 12 to 15, residing in Ivo to six uns, Those totals wero suat far lower when facing an ace. Fielding uses analog-based controls as wal, but the action isn't that much отоп than last ‘season outside of ho now option to fake throws: and ure players into rundown, Rather, defense is most noticeably improved in the number of ways the fielders react. А бен dilerenco ‘exists between outfielder and infer motions, ard players show a better awareness of their location on the field. They position themseives to play caroms and turf bounces, and wil hit the dirt А hey are in the way of ono of hor teammates! Ihrows across the diamond. Road to Ihe Show remains one of the most ackdcth and salisiing modes in video game sports This year, aider system allows you to bud the frame lor the type ol player you want 10 be. Developing your ballplayor no longer relies on an arbitrary sel ol in-game goals you now eam experience points for every at bat or aller laced. Tho amount ol points you taly ks determined by your porformanco for that stua- Von. If you perform great al game long, you're going to be roling in points, and your player's development takos the appropriato leap forward. Now raining minigames aiso give nice bumps to Sache sklis. tl want moro interaction wilh my manager, not to mention a more comprehensive lock at how Im doing both within the organiza- Von and league-iwido. Acting as а couch manager, simulated Ivo. seasons of Franchise mode, Trade logic is much Smarter this уо, but may bo too persistent In ‘one season, the Braves proposed a trade for my Cubbies stud shortshop Statin Castro. Their frst oler was a playarlcre player deal. | turned 1 down. They camo back two days later with a two-player ded. The day alte that they сате back with a Ihroo-man option. In total, hoy throw together seven diferent packages for Casto. 1 rejected them all. Outside of daaing with buly Al, Franchiso's mullerostor player management is easy fo comprehend, and | love that the game allows you to make dificult (and often question- abl) decisions with алох players The Show won Game Inlcrmer' Sports Gamo ‘of the Year honors last year, and the product ‘Sony put on the fied this season takes a dra matic step forward in many meaning arcas. Even ater 50 10 60 games played, Iwas stil зодго now arimalions on the el, and the commentators were teling ren! stories about my team. Although I wanted more chalenge ‘пот the batting, the now analog pitching core trols should be experienced by every baseball enthusiast. » Anrew Reiner Killzone 3 The strongest entry in the franchise is also the best | esate anaes vio cues Sor aha Te nores tame! о frog Beten pahed ae poca encarta, авур стору, end египта Wido pro Vau reon eha le Ting a барай your ad. Tho ите pone uo rg alor te Indo ol Kino sare by Roo dispo Hamori den fo na he fonte Trin flor oy mena tras, ray dod owe ice deir enn dije wind дао ay qua, nd Pa soo d со Sa any cares or по Damp Mos Se grievant i dev meds Pappan, Boy ar cry bo rac еу пау ere tod Та st al Sandee ho prepay accompanies tis bore bose oe a ng Ouro Suse len aineen ел rds epo todo ата fo curing reason to own Move Survive behind enemy tines from one explosive first- person bartie to tho nest Graphics Moro action unfolds across the screen han any comparable game, and it all looks gorgeous in that "demolished Бу the ravages o war” sort ot way Sound A phenomenal soundtrack. ıs buried beneath overly intrusive sound effects and shouting. Adjust your audio Toveis accordingly Playablity No matter your control scheme. Killzone 3 feels intuitive and respons Entertainment pe the franchise gives the other big shooters an for their money, and adds fantastic moto costo ik эле алија Shots Hay nica Pu Бау Compite Entran TTT Alis brutal even on tho dotar cft, anc wit happily shoo! you to hal for a momentary lapse in positioning. The garne rewards an aggressive approach to Ino Баево; players that can dear the area quickly before Ihe enemy cigs in wil win the day. At the same time, cover is essential as you hurry forward. A balancod garne of offense and delense is a must. The great selection of Weapons is alot of fun, though most players may stick with the excollent ISA assault il for much of the game. My lavorite addition а high power missle launcher with an tomate fre that cals down artery strikes, As you hop пот one battlefield to the next Guerila does a great job of breaking up the action, From mech and other vehicle sections to some ol Ihe best aerial гай shooting sequences Ive ever encountered, the рол short changes help keep things fresh, The Jetpack in рапка makes you feel powerful and danger- ous without unbalancing the combat. One of Ihe. Без parts ol tho game comes hallway in, when a briel stealth sequence is punctuated by Iit ening action moments any time you get spotted. A low more variations in tempo Iko that, and tho broader pacing problem n he storytling woud Бе solved Technically, Кагопе 3 roaches а now bonch- mark for which other games should sive. The graphical fidel is high despite the overload of activity taking place onscreen at any cna time. Its a visual smorgasbord of action and ighis, Wed with oversaturated colors that aro Ikely a response to chens that found the earher games too crab. Slack on al ho independently moving characters and vehicles, a sight to behold, ‘The visual splendor and tight gameplay сату and the game is The Motion Factor. over о an excellent multiplayer component The class and leveing mechanicoescustom Az the tust tue test ot Sene zation options, but the real enjoyment comes Move controler or dedicated gamers, Killzone 3 doesnt above it Playing th with the new perp matura and enjoyable, and at tanos свега an from the cbjectve-based game modes, Which task teams with completing goals across vast battiefieids. The best of these game types indude interstitial cutscenes that move the mission forward, staring the best players rom the group. Players more fama with whiting away spaco marine energy shields wil bo rn Tor a shock at how fast a dud can go down; if your preference is hat momentary thi of tigger inger against trogor frgor, you shoud be pleased. АА the other ingredients are n place lor a blockbuster shooter. The great controis are. responsive and customizable, even with the new Move alternativo (soo sidebar) А bot mode lets players (алтер themselves with multiplayer maps belore going onne. Two-playor local co-op lets you enjoy the campaign with a rend, though t dsappoiningly lacks спале support The game even packs impressive stereoscopic the bes argument ЗО f you happen lo have thenecessarydipiay "ve yet reen for he wai Kilzone 35 shocking and abrupt campaign са сонный ending serves as a suitable wrap to Guerlas extended war-therned оду. Even ЇЇ Б a ‘conclusion of sorts, Kilzone 3 stands on its own, The franchise has always falen just shy of greatness for me. This timo, there's plenty lor any action gamer fo dig his or her teeth into,» Matt Miller of advice: Dert be arid to tionality f reviews 91 Total War: Shogun 2 A focused approach to total warfare is a winner 9.5 ho Creative Assembly has always reachod for » Concept Take the lg antes the stars with Total War, historical strategy eros back pushing Ihe boundaries of Tto its roots with a tight fecus on Sengoi-era Japan Graphics Each season has tn own. particular beate, A solid gaming PC makes a huge ‘difference, though. an improved shadow and what wo thought technically Possiblo to croato ambitious grand strategy les that mix. intemal poliics, diplomacy intrigue, economic dach. ment, and warfare. This arbi tion has offen come al the prion of rough edges, Кот lighting effects tale the wandte to the nex level Unit Al during real-time belle sequences taling to navigate terrain to imperfect balancing and problematic rival tac- tion Al on the tum-based campaign map, Shogun 2 is a repudiation о! this develop- ment philosophy. It brings the The minimalist score diit get tumed otf 10 hours into ‘the game. The опу other time that has happened with me was with Guilzaton IV's Grammy-winning soundtrack Playabiity scale down Гот Empire: Total ie hard to heap oo many War's globe-spanring theaters superlatives onto the (о tree of feudal Japan's campaign interface, I's vastly proved over the proviour games Entertainment 1 didn't expect to be pulled back ito Total War after burning ош on Empire and Napoleon. Shogun 2 made me islands. Instead of dozens of countries and ethnicities brin ing radically diferent troops to the battlefield, ¿Japanese clans fight with minor variations of. ‘sword, bow, and spear. This outs away the пай hat got in the way of exploring Total War's groping strategy. Sipping away the bloat that has crept into «Бану al он aga SUD м ne Total War over the franchise many iterations has Replay Velas alowed Crowe Assembly to exploro ho design ofthe core gameplay Иней. Dominance over Japan requires bulking а strong rfrasttucture, picking your trons and enemies careluly, and Ultimately seizing victory onthe batleeld і. Unike previous Total War tiles, each of these dorments ts oleganty designed as part ol the (greater whde, For example, choosing what type of buildings to buid in each province is a series of decisions that leaves space for developing Strategies (Маке! or archery dojo” Monastery or stables?) without burying the player in trivia "les. Every button you press has an immediato, Techical Difficulties? The Creativ Assembly was rakad over the temer hottest coals thanks to the bugs, instability, and many technical биеше of Empire: Total War. Napoleon ир Qui Ay fiato, cis Was la een A ий cy е baler over val dans ce) inva he А иШ теста masses of crappy un ın fodder and elite oops, and and to fight over and running: recently played a fair amount of Empire and Napol anden difference That sald, several diferent machine the demo to make sure the. too hard. Having he improve 92 reviews Ste 1-Player Srategy (4-Player Online] Publisher Saga Developer The Creative Assembly Release Match 15 ESRB noticeable efect. Upgrading a castle doesnt just айа a percentage moder to un replenishment: it opens up another sot for economic or military. Ibuldngs, adds stronger wal and defensive emplacements, and alows faster тоор raining. Instead of choosing between boring percentio increases here and there, you're unlocking poweri now abiities Ike double-spood samurai training or ring town growth. This streamlining extends to al areas ol the game. Tho agents that do your bidding outsido ihe fiid of batlle have been reworked into rock paper-scissors triangle that has ninjas, monks, and matsıko (socrl police) dancing all over Japan in a shadow war. This simple yet engag- ing mechanic is a massive Improvement over the overly complicated agent designs of Empire, Napoleon, and even Medieval I. Similarly, ci- ferences on the battlefield are between samurai and ashigaru (armed раат, cavalry and inan- "ry, or spear and sword, As much as enjoyed Napoleon's artery duds, battles în Shogun 2 aro moro satisfying because they leave moro. тоот lor tactical creati. Sieges fnaly work properly, as urits do what they re tod and the Al Б an enthusiastic thrc-grader Instead of a brain- damaged poode. The introduction of honor gives diplomacy a пе twist Interacting with major and minor rivals has always been core to Total War, and having 1o consider your daimyo's honor gives everything à new weight. Renege on an allance when a fondy dan is attacked, and you haven't just pissed them olf = your honor takes a hil, which. impacts everything rom futuro diplomatic rola tions to your generais’ loyalty and your pooplos attiudo toward your rue. Conversaly forgoing, mediate advantage in order lo gain respect can pay big dividends down the road. spend a much time mapping networks of allancos and planning my diplomatic moves as | do bulking iirastuctur ce moving armies in Shogun 2 Which I can't say of any other game, “The Creativo Assembly put a huge amount ‘of work info an unusual persistent mutipayor framework, where players can jon dans and fight one-of battles in a league structure. Franky, multiplayer Тода War battles have never ‘grabbed mo because the control 50 clunky and unresponsive hat managing combat in real time is urboarably nstratng. This continues in Shogun 2. Ike the metagame implementation їп theory, and persistent rewards are aways real, bul tho lackluster coro gameplay keeps me away. | admire how mary legacy issues have been addressed, but some romain, Tactical пам combat is stil so terrible thal I autoresoive every їй һава 5 you can explo (sses parts of Ie interface, Ike not being able o see the wider diplomatic situation when а riva comes to you wih a proposal, consistent тат. I wil never understand why the game doesn't (ову the standard ture based model where units prompt you to give orders before hitting the ‘end lum button = I've wasted dozens of amy, navy, and agent moves by not scouring every ‘comer of my empre. Loss Indy s more when fl comes to Total War. Shogun 2, with a sider scale and tighter realise way that The Creativo Assembly could have mado a better caso to win back fans put ой by Empia (of which | wasn't ono, though! "understand the complaints many Total War fans have of that entry). has mado the game moro approachable to new players without sacncing тю папског sou, » Adam Biessener Magicka ‘Style 1 to 4-layer Acton (-Player Online| Publishes Paradox Interactive Developer Arrowhead Gamos Release January 25 ESRB T he last tme had this much stupid lun. blowing things up in a video game was ago with Рагийег. My timo with Magicka was cut short before I'd had my N fits Лех combat system, though, and not because of any impending deadino, Single- ‘unplayable due to horrid level ai problems player becom The plot doesn't do anything moro than ma a lew Star Wars and 300 jokes cong Ihe way то setting up a few thousand enemies bet you and some kid of existential real to the ld, and the game lacks most common RPG ments. You have no mana ber, ski points, or попів and ır ways to unleash Ihem. Create volatle ng walls, raise volcanic geysers, drop had Ing boulders Irom tho sky = Magicka’s combat 1 puts explosive creativity at your fngertips ards your experments with enthus andre animations of ther deadly effects. ivo playors wil nd discrolo magis гот Haste and Time Warp ostiga win unusual effects, — to Rain and Blizzard. The best tactics tend lo combine spes, magicks, and manual docking You can encase yours n rock while Meteor Shower mmolates everything on screen, conjure blocking boulders around you and cal hiring Irom the sky, and more For the frst hal ofthe adventure, Magic presents a wol-paced, ol Combat situations thal encourage you to explore. de 4 of your wizar stalt. Tho level design inexplicably abandons singe player balance hallway through the game, Urn. ing this easy-broazy, enemy-explocing arcade arme into a coniroler-smashing siog. Power wehe poten through the worst bits is punishing with a few friends to һар you out; only the most masochis tic gamers wil make it through п single playa. The level design stupid can't stop Magickal briliant core gameplay from shining through. At its best, tearing hordes of enemies Imb from limb. wi a bucklyfinging spats beside you fedis Ike playing Double Dragon on a flaring halcoplor ing through a tomado with a plot on his 50th cup of coffee. That doesn't excuse tho bits that x pared to Battletoads’ legendery frustrating hoverbke sequence, but 'm not going to protend tka didnt got my $10 and moro o o he game EA SPORTS" FIFA 11 ON PLAYSTATIONO3 15 Mx eight elements into powerful, explosively hilarious pels that never dimmunate Between лепа and ioe ‘The bright inviting style mite he lighthearted Gameplay well. technical competen enough not to be racing perfect match forthe tongue-in-cheek stor A control scheme tha forces you to manually enter each element ın sequence to achieve the dered oct sounds dum on paper, but sony adds to the engaging caos in prac Y опу single-player were playable past the hallway pomt, this would be one ot the best $10 games ever REPRESENT YOUR COUNTRY AND WIN A TRIP. TO THE FIFA BALLON D'OR x COMPETE AGAINST THE BEST PLAYERS IN THE WORLD REGISTER IN-GAME NOW WWW.FIFA.COM/FIWC Super Street Fighter М 3D Edition 305 » Concept Bring Super Street Fighter IV то Nintendo's new handheld with a few 3D enhancements amd a new accessio contol scheme Graphics Character models ме big and ares and the 3D eflect is ck I’ a shame about those backgrounds, hough Al the tunes rom the console ions are here, and they sound great raren, This is the mos accessible Scot Fighter in decades. The optional Ме contral scheme lets novices perfon e It might be smaller, but as far as gameplay goes, this Pas everything that its big roter have and more Replay Value High ro hard to believe, bul it's boon nearly wo- chemo, and they can choose lo slick with Pro rotaton-based moves Ike Zangio's spinning ple decades sinos a Street Fighter game has controls, The touchscreen isst used, but it driver, Tho positioning of the d-pad makes & easy appeared on a Nintendo system, More "mapped for more mundano lasks such as tree 10 swap between I and the ciclo pad depending stonishingly, Capcom decided о break that button-press combos andi focus attacks. Even on tha cumstances, Фу spol by releasing Super Street Fighter М with tho retativdly Imited number of buttonson fow things were lost in the transition to tho ona portable system. The result is no S, Iho 305, I pulled all moves in pro mode wihout portable space, most disappointingy in tho gimmick, oor. hitch, Thosysloniscrdpadisagodsondlor — games stages. They're ай ther, bul tho charm. Capcom has shown a remarkable amount Ing background activities were scrapped entre ol rota using tho erizos ЗО aos. aaa Tho Kids who usad to camper and doe on StreetP: 1V2 (V3 WAS Lv LV Figure Battles? 94 reviews Dynamic Modo presentation adds visual depth by moving the action doser and positioning the camera behind charactors’ shoulders, but the changes wort mako Blanka's eyes pop out in disbolel, Purists can enter the optlons and shut ol 30 erıiroly - a move that doubles he гойо rato rom 30 lo GO bistoringly tast rames per second. | expect people to use Dynamic moc 1o show oll ho game to their fonds lor tho frst "imo, then lo switch to the traditional ida view. Even уои haven't kept up with Stroot Fighter movesols you can do moro than watch harks lo a now ito" control option. This scheme allows players to tun the touchscreen ino a series of ustomizablo one-button riggers, lating even the greenest hr pul off hadoukans and utra. combos with a single tap. Even f youre not a complete novice, Гв a groat way to learn how to. play unfamiliar characters, you're concemed about people dominating orina with their new- Toun expertise, you can ler out players using о controls through matchmaking. Pros might soll at that kind of control the fightersin the underpass vel ro now rigid 2D lacades, or instance. A tew other minor ‘graphical dotais are missing, too, bul you have 10 squint lo seo them. Rufus baly might not Jage quite as enthusastcaly, but other стар са ourishes, Ika Hakan's ol-so:kod shimmer and Io bande sleeves n Chun Lis allornale astume, are intact. Url tho iPhone version of Strot Fighter IV. which was an admirable ойоп hat ultimately etike a proot of concept, Super Straat Fighter IV 3D Edition is a cormplete game. Super Sirot Fghlar N s ono ofthe best hing games around, and players оно it to themseives to give il a shot.» Jett Cork Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy e 1-Player RPG/Pighting (2-Player Online] © 7 7 or Square Enix Developer Square ENIX 7 prep 4 2 PSP ће original Disc pt an атау of classic Find aa Fantasy characters against each other in ast Peres ЧИЯ paced, haphazard combat. Tha transformation into егетне Вау in Uis ¿lighting game wasn't exacty а natural ft foc an RPG te sequ seres thal has helped defined video game storytdl ing for tho last 20 years, but fans seemed to enjoy the opportunity to baat up tho favorito vilains and heroes, ‘Character models and spell ete loole cosl. but the This sequel continues to serve those fans - and no. action can devolve ite one so, inl noise "The core concept isn't al that mado the transition — from the fest game; ho sloppy controis are back, 100 Basic maneuvers Ike dashing and dodging aro urrolablo almost everyone reprising thanks to a button layout Ihat you can't remap (n a ight- their iconic roles ing gama), and the awful camera Б a mora formato — paratus foo than some opponents. Має Бапов аго ипо во None of the cèira issues that you dort nood to perform Рама but ahandid trom last game were ‘ol boss fights made me absolutly rious by expecting a addressed, so expect leve of precision that the game cannot provide. some fuctation ‘Most ol tho single-player modo ist bad or see Entertainment its just dul. You reposted fight the same opponents, The action is impressive, and and the now overwork map is just more o a delour fare wil love seeing their betweon grid-based levels similar 10 Io last game. Tho favorite characters bate, but "bel of leveling up, learning now abies, and unlock. "he formula деш old даску ing secrets is sil here, but Ihe sutoundhg gameplay is Replay Val moro mechanical than entertaining, The oriy tima | loll Moderately High the adrenalina pumping is when | was fighting a human ‘opponent, which Б easier this mo around since mul player в по longar bc, Despi s айз, tno Frl Fantasy fan in me had some goat limes with Oissicla 012. The new characters are soli additions to tho roster | particularly lee the twists that Yuna and Laguna bring to combat. The new assist system is good, 100, adcing an extra dimension that was missing ho fis time around. | lso can't argue with the amour of content, since the story mode features three campaigns (though one is basically a re-hash of the origina. I you Ikoc Dissidia, you wil Ike Dissida 012, Square Eric minima attempts to address the frst game's issues. won't win any new fans, but the company knows how to pander to an audience. That's one arca where Dissidia 012 в fring on al суја, Joe J An excellent voice cast, with Monster Tale 1-Player Action/Platforming Publichot Majesco Entertainment Developer Dreams Release March 22 ESRB E | | hen a group of devious kids sneak Into the JA) Monster Word and enstave Ив creatures, a young girl named Ello comes to thor rescue With the help of arare monster named Chomp and a powerful bracelet. Monster Tale's cutesy demeanor and chic-ike themes may tum off some at frst glance, but the gerre-bending portable ile offers a surprising ‘amount of depth and gameplay variety. Monster Tao provides tight 20 platforming across vo olor locales, each with ils own theme and enemy pes (hough youl тип into the occasional palette Swap) To accomplish her goals, Ell roles on her legendary bracelet, which doubles as a blaster weapon, Whether Is learring to roll under a row of spikes, or gaining the sbilty 1o perform a rapid-fire blast with а quick button combo, players must master and upgrade all of Bios skils to progress though the levels. Hand-oye coordination and төйөхөз aro put to th test in later boss Баев, which requiro successi execution of al dis acquired ога grating victory Chormpis role in Monster Talo adds а Pokámon-esque monster-raising element that makes excallent use ol ће handhelds дий screens. With a press ofthe X button, Charm rorcats to the “Pel Sanctuary” below to help EN activate puzzle switches, pick up tms thal provide expe гов for long, take down enemies that sneak below, ага activate combat ems Ike catapults and soccer balls 10 knock out enemies above. Being indi ol Стру civiles on Ihe lower screen while gung Elie through combat sequences above makes for un, f occasionally chaotic, gameplay. Chomp can roam along with Ble оп the top screen as wall to lend a hand with monster for experience points. These unlock evolved forms ot the creatur, which are worth experimenting with during Tougher skimishes later in the game. Monster Tale does а great job of leading you to your next objective on the map, but since the lower screen is primary used as the Pot Sanctuary | found myself regu- (епу disrupting gameplay fo check the map in tha meru "o ensure I was taking the most ellent route toward my 0d. As you progress through the world, your next objec- live often requires tedious backtracking across several 'ervronments. Instead ol giving the player new exper ences, youre stuck revising enter areas and fighting familar rrmies several ties over. Alt nns aside, Monster Talo is a polished platforming aventure with ight RPG elements that make it more than jator, usos the aged DS hardware Just another pot simo то alloct fora novel experiance, » Ann. Ds A young gil and her pet monster save enslaved aite ftom a group ot evi children in a game that combines platforming. action/adventure, and light RPG elements Chidhood-thomed environments are color detailed, and wel designed. Each location has its own catchy ше Skill progression moves along а steady curve Abilities are put to the test during chaotic Boss encounters Despite its Kid-friendly appearance. Monster Tale Ое a surprising amount of engaging gameplay Moderately Low reviews 95 9.25 | Varvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds 8.75 | Tales from Space: 8 About a Blob 1 | Dungeons енот PSS ka- February 8 ESRB E Platiorm PC Release February 10 ESRB M Ф x о о Y Ф = 7.25 | Swarm 1.25 | Bionic „ Commando Rearmed 2 у light platforming and nts break 1 Piattorm 33-360 Release February 1 is break up (PS3), February 2 (360) ESRB T 9.25 | Beyond Good & Evil HD B | Yar's Revenge nm een Bus цинк prs The At asa fa oo gameınformer Campus Degrees Online Degrees Master Master's Entertainment Business Creative Writing ) Game Design Education Media — Sr — Design & Technology Entertainment Business ine Now Media Journalism Cinematography ment Business b Developmen Music Production Sports Ma © FULL SAIL UNIVERSITY Winter Park, FL о & Modin Wob Design & Development эв Celebrating an 30th Birthday by Phil Kollar ‘hon Falcom Corporation is hardly one of the most popular or recognizable developers in the Industry, but it has built a reputation for crafting beloved role-playing cult classics. 1 spoke with the company's current president, Toshihiro Kondo, to find out about Falcom's past and future. Falcom was founded in March 1981 and quickly became known as the premiere PC game devel- ‘oper in Japan, working on titles ranging across. ‘multiple genres, such as Galactic Wars and Horror House. In 1984, they released the first game in a series and genre that would help define the company: Dragon Slayer. This top-down action RPG was one of the first games to introduce elements that would become standard in RPGs of the future, such as loot collecting and Puzzle-solving in-between combat. "For everyone who's creating games right now, [the early Dragon Slayer games] are kind of ike a textbook," Kondo says. “Its like the definition of an RPG. Everything that needs to be in а Japanese RPG ls in [Dragon Slayer]. It was carefully created down to the smallest details, like the timing of trea- sure boxes appearing in the game." Though the original Dragon Stayer never made it to the U.S., the 1985 ‘sequel, subtitled Xanadu, received a North American sido story on the NES. Titled Faxanadu and developed by Hudson Soft, this ‘spin-off didn't stick very closely to Dragon ‘Slayer Il, but it stil intro- ‘duced many gamers to Falcom's first hit series ‘oven if they didn't real- zeit at the timo. Later Dragon Stayer titles such as Legacy of the Wizard and Sorcerian made their way to North America In more authentic forms. The Legacy Of Ys Begins In 1987 Falcom croatod а game that quickly became the companys biggest Iranchiso: Ys (pronounced Res) Another top-down game, Ys became ono ol tho best-known action-RPG series in Japan. In North America, Ys was released for tho Soga Master System, but Is unique combat = which roquied protagonist Adol Christi to run headlong info enemies = did not catch on. Tho frst two Ys games told а single story but were separated by a year between изазов, Un 2008, tho second Ys thle was not avalablo in North America except. as part ol tho 1990 complation Ys Books lard, which appeared оп tho relatively unpopular TuboGralx-CO. A third зоо Wanderers rom Үз, followed in 1980, ‘Though Ys W mado ¡lo me US. for the TirboGralx-CD, SNES, and Genesis, t was Ino last Ys tito to reach our. ‘shores unt 20055 Ys М. It had a hard tmo gaining acceptance stateside, but Ihe seres developed а passionate folowing in Japan. In 1989, Falcom started preparing Ihe sch game nho Dragon Sayer seres. Subtllod "The Legend of Heroes,” this gamo eventually spun ofl nto its own long-running franchise таг sll being worked on today. Unit 2004's PSP remake ol Legend ol Heroes IV, tho TurboGralx- 16 version ol Dragon Slayer Vi was the only Legend ol Heroes qame to bo released in North America. Back thon, Falcom was known for having beautiful graphics," Kondo recalls, "but the president thought that since everyone else was becoming better in that department we needed someting else to shine in the game, to ive it ts own identity. We decided to put our energy іо ho story: For a story you just need опе scenario writer, but you. need a lot more people for betler graphics. полая js Falcom i checking out Ye The олтон Trais in the Sky cis om upper ot. То gend ot Marc Mal he sy. Ys Soro Ya LG t Chic and Ye Tho Oath in дыла Though Falcons tes have remain obscure in Nort America — oten atleast Partially due to questionable publishing deal with Xoeed seen a flood of exciting and well-done. alzations, Hare area tan PSP tit Ye Seven cut now. in in Feighana — Ye AI Ovonides 0222 The Legend of Heroes: Branching Out Whio Dragon Stayer and Ys continued wiih now releases, Falcom celebrated thei 10-year anniversary in 1991 by creating a tan-tavorito sido project: о top-down dungoon cramer Brandes Tl was an innovativo game,” Kondo says, “You wero able to play the дате with only а mouse. A mouso was a raro product back then, Tho president of Kool loves this sores, 100. Back in the day, the vice-president of Koai camo up to ho prosidont of Falcom because the president ol Koel was too into the дато and wouldnt got any work dono. ‘So we got complainod about, but then Код. fended up releasing the Super Famicom version ol Brandish." That ‘Super Famicom port also mace is way to ho SNES In North America. As 1994 rolled around, Toshihiro Kondo was working through callo, Studying the Internet. In the midst ol his schoot- work, ho fl inlove win The Legon of Horoos I; Prophecy ofthe Moonight Witch it's ho gamo that made me Interested п Falcom," Kondo remembers. “The game has a huge sco- rario, Usually when the scenario is too big, you don't want to read rough i, but Felco made a story that players wanted to road" Sadly, when Prophecy ofthe Moonlight Wich finaly made its way to North America Ма а. Namco Bandai PSP port in 2006, fans who had eagerly awaited the gama discovered a tarrible transtation that robbed of the power thal drow Kondo to the company. Four years after the Legend of Heroes ls release, in 1998, Kondo had a chance meeting with the founder ol Faicom. He spun this opportunity info a job working as а server technician, "When I frst onec the company, | was working on maintaining the servers, but by my second year with Falcom, Iwas mosty working on development, he recalls. 1 startod managing projects and getting involved in gerne design and maintaining schedules. By the end, | was involved the ‘whole process of development, From there, started managing Ihe whole company. Three years ago, became the president ol the company anew -0329 A Calculated Gamble In 2006, just before Kondo took over as president, Falcom made a sudden and. surprising development shift. Where they had previously creatod games almost exclusively for PC, thoy realized the market was starting to dry up and started looking toward other platforms: Back when | was stil on the develop- ment statt, the founder of Falcom told Vs, ‘Dont think fs going to be Ike this forever, We're not going to be able lo keep releasing our games on PC forever, Kondo explains Despite skeptics from the staf, the presidents warming proved tue. A shrink: ing market for PO les n Japan made i cy dad lor Falcom to brosk ‘even on ts games. Clearly they had lo make а change. Alter analyzing al ofthe systems our- rently on the market, Ihe PSP became the ‘obvious choice. "I might be diferent in the West, but in Japan, handheld games aro becoming а mainstream thing,” Kondo Says. les that hardcore] gamers have sailed into the PSP market, Moro of a ‘general market is playing Wi and DS. Of ‘course, Га ke forthe general market to play cur games too, bul lacknowledga that hardcoro gamers ko cur style of games moro. That's why we ike the PSP market. Cow tom uper Jot Dragon Stayer Dragon Sent sna, ana Dragon шун П. Dragon aye and vl Looking To The Future "Win a sea change in the handhold market on the horizon with the Nintendo DS and Sony МОР, Kondo offered ‘some Ihoughts on where the company is headed in the futur. eal ike the NGP is а very frm innova- Won from the PSP” ho says. "Tho touch panels and the gyroscopic sensors lock very promising. We're planning to release а lot of les on he МӘР | have hopes lor this platform lo se fre to he game market in Japan again. Falcom also has plans o branch out Wo ro already creating tiles on a diferent platform," Kondo hints, ‘but cari! tel you Which one at this pont." Despite being coy, Kondo admits that Falcon interested in working in the downloadable space which is general underserved in the RPG gerre. Kondo ові hat this format сома Ойег new opportunities lo how ts games. aro structured. ‘Our general way of thinking about RPG. games Б that we spend two years creating the game and then release it as a packaged tile; ats the completion of ho game. With NGP and Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network, we've started to think that wo. might bo ablo lo release RPGS а йог ent way." Kondo reveals. "Maybe we could release one chapter at a time as download bie content. Мето considering t heavily right now" $ classic 99 Things You Didn't Know About... After one of the longest development cycles in gaming history, the king is finally set to make his | return to the limelight in Duke Nukem Forever, thanks in large part to Gearbox Software, Leading the cause is Gearbox president Randy Pitchford, who got his start at 3D Realms and says he owes Duke his career. Read on to learn more about one of the industry's biggest innovators, an. 'ex-magician who always has a few tricks up his sleeve. + Early career moves + Bost and worst projects, + Games he thought of fist + Favorite pastimes | Before I decided to change my It fums out my favorite game А fiend of mine and | Video games are my passion. path and become a prefesion- that Tve worked on always designed Grand Theft Auto, my hobby, and шу Mestte “al game maker, I was studying tende tobe one of our curent name and all, m 1990. Our When Гт not ate audio law at UCLA and working as projetain development. ra. ‘version was open world ала. creating games; Yin ually ‘magician to pay my way not announced yetsolcant Sar driven, butinduded a playing theta, (ас have other | through school. | worked at talk about it here, My least ote mechanic that was closer hobbies паши piano, tho Magic Castle in Hollywood. favorite was James Bond 007: to the theme that was about guitar, painting and віце, Entertainments fun. 1 ike Nightfire - not because I didn't delivering the stolen cars to film and television, dining and. entertaining people. ‘enjoy contributing to the James buyers or dismanting them in travel, but 1 tend to prontos | Bond canon, but because the chop shops to sel the untrace- video games above all other | + Bost trick business deal taught me some able components. While 1 was forms ot entertainment. Video, j ove dose-up magic. lke things. We sort of got caught creating games as an amateur games are one of the only | т in a baltand-switch there, atthe time, it was't my sole forms of entertainment that and cards, and ш dang stutt and the game became a work- focus. I wouldn't enter the дя to consume my time that's Impoemble right in trent ber nis effort where Gearbox industry for another several ‘tule amusing me, but also of people's eyes. wan't able to apply its value es and my focus became leave me with а feeling of in the direction of the game as FPS games. accomplishment and gratos + Bringing magie to games creative drivers. Asa conser "ion fo tner Pie given We avery similar cra. We're quence, the best elements ot + Games he chooses to thems mis Bleperty Lib t eating an illusion of some the game are the multplayer forget hy video games are sucha thing that isn't real, whether modos, and the later levels АП games contain lessons, and compelling form center, ife a virtual world er setting ‘were where we were afforded the sum of every experience ment for uch a Large and up a line of logic, and we use the most creative freedom. Tve had gaming contibutes. growing nuriber of people ot ot smoke and mirorsin № was a valuable lesson = don't to my understanding of what games to get you immersed in get involved unless we have works and what doesn’. IT + Motivations Something that doesn't ext. ‘enough creative license lo push must be spectic, back on Ts haven't gud ou yet Being able о get into the mind (о quality, ari 2800 there were piles. 1 do not know why. and Туе of the audience and under- and piles of contemplated їл great deal stand how theyte parsing + Games ho wants to pan contributed t 5 but there is sorting вде whats happening and lending Р same time Ive believed Industry cash in the "809 — те that compels me to need to ‘them to that "аһа mement. ‘that there im opportunity with ме could've dane without entertain people Wren was or that surprise or that chal- а quali heist came. Awhile those games, yolinger, 1 weuld do this mate. lenge that feels granting to haci Вай licensed the fim personally by bang a doin: overcome, a lot ct the same Beat tû te for a video game, VVV thinking and зале siclis apply but other priorities prevented this toward the беииш it tums out us from being able to give it Т семе and able, arit By, the correct attention. 1 wish honing in of ts meines use ‘someone would make a great to judge шуба а an actor heist game someday - maybe. ainer: How my people cant reach and io what eb сар. gratify those pesce th what Трав обете t MORE OPTIONS to experience the world's #1 video game magazine. Digital Delivers Dimension > Explore embedded video and interactive links. » Immediately access up to a year's worth of back issues online. > Key word search any single magazine issue or your personal Game Informer online library. > Choose Digital and get your monthly issue straight to your email inbox. 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