Adventure across multip ick and forth bei other world on your qu SQUARE ENIX. as you like, and customize t's content. Dragon Quest VI features a unique assortment ol interesting classes to choose from, including, Gadabout, Monster Master and Gladiator. RECRUIT MONSTERS TO JOIN YOUR HEROES IN BATILE! In Dragon Quest VI, monsters aren't just your enemies anymore. Former foes like Slime, Slime Knight and even Hackasaurus in your party and fight enemies at your here NINTEND RET S © 2010,2011 ARMOR PROJECTIBIRD STUDI/ARTEPIAZZA/SQUARE ENIX. AII Rights Reserved Nintendo DS s a trademark of Nintendo. © 2010 Nintendo, ANDY McNAMARA nonam ead my coum or comentan this eter at gamettormer атта or тию e Anc his yor marks Game former 20th anni versary and oven though | was hero, con't remember what month specially t al started. Our frst issue was simply labeled “Fall 1991. We had a sow start back thon, going from quer "ety to bi-monihiy issues batoro making the big Jump to monty, but as we grew we know one Thing was certain: We would do what is expected of al modia ошо and give oul annud awards. For tho 11 years that followed we det just that. We picked the best, put nem in an order, and pro claimed ono gama greater than the ther. Tho process, wie important, has always me. in 2009, | couldn't picking ono game as better han the other. On a. cold vinter day we decided to pick the 50 best games ol the year and organizo them by dato rato than argue over ranking placement Our inspiration for tho change came fam music ings publications, as el lists often org causo, iko games, thay foature a wide varioty of disparate gerras, Is hat jazz record realy worse "han that melal one? It al realy depends on your point ol view, and you hate one yo over another you wl never try agree, This is why ove the Top 50. It manages what I want o, which is calebrato the yaar and help gamers find golden gems that moy may һауе missed, We didn't havo to waste tme arbitrary tanking games that cller completely dieron exper ences. Its Just 50 kk butt games. Over the ast couple of years we added back the classic gerro and console awards, which handios "ho part of tha award season decision-making | per- sonaty hate to make, but love to argue over. After all, arguing about which gama is botter with your rends, your magazine, and even your enarnies is атаву what makes these ists fn. Whio we could agroo on that, wo dmosi never “agree cn which games make the cut for tho Top. 0, or for that matter, which game should win our Game ofthe Yoar award, Personal, this yoar was tough. I coud easily фе GOTY lo God of War M, Red Read Redemption, or Mass Etlect 2 and fect great, in tact, codd give i to al roo and fool even betler, but that doesn't follow the spit ol awards organizing our pop ature into neat stacks of good, y, be Enjoy the Тор 50, the awards, and an issue some ofthe amazing games we wil be packed wih arguing about in next year's Top 56 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has changed In the 200 years Ses the Oblivion gates. The dragons ha etuméd to Tamriel, and you mist take өп a Brand new adventure g the dragónborn in the next RPG from. Bethesda Softworks, g by Matt Miller E Guardian's Fum 10 Coi Our picks for games of 201 as to say about his foray into gaming, tradition, after al by Andrew Reiner contents 3 games index een, QOL Milk? See how the nutrients in lowfat milk help Apolo refuel after a race at Upon browsing "30 Char Decade,” | ily found m in lark contrast 1o your hanged after reading the faco to he reasoning m harc pressed lo win your opinion on even з. That evolution of my own opinion has left o wilh one inevitable and undeniablo conclu sion: Your odi ч a superi allen species who ar Iman bought alterin inco I statistically probabo that my own opinions would so closely mirror those of jour editors. | also realize the fully of formu ing this ea sinc d your responso o t mal, my views partairing Lo my realization wil change, Keep up the good work Game Informer You have elloctvely persuaded (or солода) rm into being alle long subscriber, Matthew Coal Township, PA Iwas very im by the cover art for tho December issue, and even more so wher saw tho completo panorama on pages 46 an 47. I would be very interested n purchasing: rgo postor version. ls oro any way his w bo poss Nathan Lehman. Via email Contact Us Due to overwhelming Interest from our readers, we will indeed be selling 12 x 48 Inch prints of issue 212% full cover Image. Detalls on how to order your print will soon be available at As for Matthew's humorous theory: Don't worry, we're totally not a superior allen species. We repeat: We are not a superior allen species. I've been receiving GI or quite a while now, and ге thing has bugged me the ime. in the Feedback section of the magazine, the subject iscussod by slallrs and readers aro al ro two issues ago, For example, when | received the December 2010 issue (with the top 30 char actors on the ron) the Feedback section w things discussed in Octobe BioShock nfrt is ıs issue was November's Resistance yis his Parker Sams Via emall Because of the time it takes to print and ship the magazine to our readers, we usu- ally end up finishing our current issue. around the time the previous month's Issue starts showing up in mailboxes, which means few people have had a chance to even read it, much less write us venom- spewing hate mall over its contents. If the delay still bothers you, just do what we do. and pretend that you're so cool you're living in the future, ке пей wart lo do hae top Typically you have to ~ walt, how are you read- Ing this? The picture of Ben below should answer your question. ings. Wan you ae This relationship thing ls ‘easier than we thought... Worst News Tip Of The Month: dort iow what SS arching F ү ‘Out of all the characters that readers felt For the most part. | enjoy the Ist articles that you меге snubbed by our list, Sam Fisher was guys write. usual fnd them fun and hought- the most cited. But you shouldn't confuse provoking. However, as read throug great gameplay with a great character. The Gay (IAM) ‘nice about the “30 Characters Who Dofned Fisher's personality has been far too н A Decada." I gol so upset thal almost fel oll inconsistent over the years, Starting off "Vak Suck the crapper. Н ‘you guys leave Sam asa loyal government man, Sam Fisher. uo (yorka Konba) of this Ist Ho's one ol the great cha- has been re-Imagined as a rogue agent, а actors who have made the sles gerre what floppy-haired hobo, and a Jack Bauer-ike . yae Mon itis today, not to mention racking up. Ike, а brute. A character who goes through that bafon dollars in salos over six tiles onmuple many reboots In such a short time Just isn't = Сіли аот Bois you gue gee Sorter ОЯ Wing the mark. rió Collie из, Omaha, МЕ (Left This sy we tako Ben алына (Right) One PR's un Casto and Square En УР T dina Phan atoy a roma vin Ben feedback 7 222222 fiat beweg ag be een. Lonas Tvatptue manso w —— eft] Tis monn me sta Was held captive by GANS Uungus and Blake "e Nighy = check oul e viden ol he shenanigans at (inset) Jet Coik rey enjoyed the GWAR conost tr tat night (Right) Meagan took tine ut fom Der bp to Japan to pose with Square Visual Works Takeshi Nozue (e Cystal Dinamic Kazuki "uror, and Kat Stewart os Man Hands Tam very excited for Tho Last Guardian and Toad your prove as soon as | received your. ‘magazine. Bul was surprisod and offended by some of the comments Tear loo made when They mentioned that they changed the protago- istis gender because a gifs hands would 100 small and weak, and her skirt wouid gel in The way when she was cimbing. Fest of al, are females only ever alowed to wear skirts? What is this, the 180087 On top of that, the idea of her hands being too weak to hold onto Tico s Just wacky. ішуі this a fantasy game? | don't ‘expect a young gi to throw kegs over her head or wrestle wid eigators, but | dort expect that rom a young boy, ether. 1 ils play Guardian, but I question the ates othe game designers, There are ols of interesting and dynamic stories to be toid wilh male and temale protagonists. Did Princess Zeca let a kr qi hor way? Were Samus’ hands too weak lo Had up а gun? Men and women and even animals сап do anything in video games. Limiting your imagination imis your realty. ast Catherine Via email {Lot me got this straight: Team Joo has no prob- lem designing a giant cal/bid hybrid creature, but a pants-wesring female protagonist with largo hands and a strong grip is too far-fetched? Brian Howe Via internet Team Ico might be taking a decidedly tradi- tional stance In designing Из lead character, but if recent games like Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, and the upcoming Tomb. Raider reboot are anything to go by, the Industry is favoring strong, independent female characters over helpless prin- cesses and glorified sex objects more than Char How come they don't make more games with rudit? Шке in the Sims games, they aro almost "hero but hon thoy blur it oul. mean sor uy you want to make more money all tho game көөр f n there. really want To see more amos with naked діс. Sam Fetherston Via Email Yep, the future is looking bright for female characters indeed. Game Date Disconnect му йт and have been going out lor a while now, and wo ara bom gamers, Wo have Ийе game dales where we visit each others houses and play together. A problem has arisen through these gaming gel-logeihers. Гат an. aid RPG fan, who sho is strictly interested in shooters. We had a vicious debate over Final Fantasy tho olhor day; sho insists avery game is "ho samo and the graphics just got fencer with Bach reoaso. | attempted to explain to hor tho impact it has had an the gene, lo which sho. replied that al RPGs aro the same, Then I moved orto the fact that the games feature vary diler- ent plots, mechanics, and worlds, Danial was hor response, Got any advice on what a predomi- rently RPG player such as түзді can say lo the shoolor purist sho lov Madeleine Stephens Via Email An important part of any relationship is respecting your partner's right to disagree. with your opinion - that goes for gaming couples, too. Instead of spending time arguing your case for RPGs, pick a game you can both enjoy. Maybe try a shooter! RPG hybrid like Mass Effect or Fallout 3. If that doesn't solve your relationship prob- lem, write to Ann Landers. In issue 212 wo asked readers to pick thelr ‘own favorite characters from the past decade. Hore are some of the less popular ‘but well-argued responses we received. My favorite video game character rom the past decade is Ratchet тот the Ratchet & Clari seres. ve devoted many hours to these games: ‘over the years due to their compdling stories and inmersive gameplay. Ratchet i such a unique charactor and makes you wonder: Why екі Insomniac make him a 3-1/2 foot lal cat with big cars? His оло, fuzzy appearance is in such stark ‘oniast with his personaly; he's cocky, has an attitude, and isn't атак! to blow apart anyone or anything that gets in his way. Even more unfor ооо is his metamorphosis into a loyal, com- passionate hero in Ratchet & Clank Philip ніне My favorite character from the last decada is one that not many wil suggest: Godot from Phoenix Wright: Tisis and Till, Despite the fact that he was on your Best Vilain 2007 list, he always struck me as a tragic figuro occupying the gray area of morally He played а role sina to The Boss in the Metal Gear Sok franchise: the mentor whose Кісі nuanced the hero, but who tumed into a trage vilain, Не final contron- "ation with Phoenix helped transform Wright into the confident veteran found in Apolo Justice. ‘The phenomenal character design, theme song, and writing helped establish a character who | Wi not soon forget Robert H. My ркк в CJ from GTA; San Andreas. Though the game showcased many stereotypes, think that CJ's actions paved the way or a complex ‘character Ike Niko Beli. Faced with Ihe cha lenge of trying to avoid a gang o, CJ went through great lengths to leave his past behind, опу to sea how his previous actions continued 10 causo stross and grie for him and his tamy, ‘Constant dealings with rial gangs, crooked опоо, and family members mado CJ a cu ‘lor gangster than Tommy Vercetti, ала a moro haunted vigtante than Nko Бейс. Terry Marshal da 2 NOTABLES кзн тәне өте intervene alle ditas тиюне to cadem. Strikes word d varrat таш whoshadd care. ede bee oar afterwards epe mickey p 50 games 2010 inan: tre big tt: e derng altre ot gam Widening A look at racial diversity in video games ting raci Williams, a + ner nce, Part ol hat tuth is strained when al Yun, nothing à Morgan Gr ıl 2K Marin. Gr өсі o el a uri james ike Me sill much work to bo done to and backgrounds lo hite and Asian dı ut a situation that coulc ful content, so hoi ısibility and slopers about ra Soldier 2052236 / 220900 Paragon Жу. e ” re is nc 0 ted hist du mitri hool f of minority population m behind the s noted that of the Experience — Heath 554 Renegade connect 11 "If Master Chief took off his helmet for the first time and was a Chinese American, would the world turn away from Halo, leaving nothing but empty servers and the sound of lonely wart- hog's engine idling? I doubt it.” n development direc tor, 2K gan Gray 12 ‘One path towards getting moro racial diversity in cur video game characters Б on the ground oor with the developers Ihamsalvos. Similar to the question of whethor some games can be тос overyono is white comes the problem ol whether a predominately write game studio сау creato stories of йотоп! backgrounds Without verging into the dangerous territory of stereotyping, Gray doosrrt elevo this Б an insurmountable problem. "If we lock out lo the broad entertainment world wo can have hun reds of examples of people creating characters very much dilarent than themselves. In tact, the abit to croato a broad range ol charactors is something al talented creators do ай the une be it creating a character of його race, or gender, or social staturo, etc. Тһе issue ol whether or not the characters created in this way 'end up being a stereotype or caricature is сеу related to tho creator's skil level cr len Hring a diverse group of developer! has its benefits, Jason Dela Rocca, former wee rector of tho International Game Developers Association (GDA) and senior con- әйелі at industry group Perimeter Partners, ‘says that homogeneity ol your tal can load 1o асуда of similar games being mado, "Tho. stereotypical teenage boys who grow up playing Halo and Call of Duty that then gel a job inthe and thon try and make tho naxt Halo апа Gal of Duty. How do you insert something so n thera?” Intis experienco, Dalla Rocca өй sees a lack о! dversty in studios, but the developers wo лако to beloved that an Individual sd was the golden kay into tho industry, "From a desig ars perspective, | want a focused, inteligent, and hardcoro garner,” says David Robinson, producer on Namco Bandai Aro Samurai "They couk have purple stripes for al | care, ust please don't suck. Be hard working and have a great atitude, because the job S tough enough ready A meritocralic environment is the oai situa- thon for any workplace, but as is often the caso, finding hat talent in the frst place may require help. Morgen Gray belives people interested in becoming game developers often simply don't know how. “Companies are looking for talent. | think when it comes to getting diversity = and lets lace it, racial dvorsily Б less of ап suo than gender diversity in this industry ~ People know about the opportunitie most par, ask anyone under the age of 26 how 10 get in the game Industry and most respon- donis wil say ‘I don't know. ALO end ofthe day, hiring practicas and the work developers aro doing lo versity video. дате characters wil be wasted t gamers aret Interested. Thero is no definitv answer on this Point, bul t's kay that ай anyone wants isa ‘great experience, period, Although вото thirk that games have lo sti to what they do best = Teave tho social studies lo parents and publi broadcasting,” says Robinson - others think that video games, Iko oer mente can't һар but access. "Games are artistic expression” believes Gordon Bellamy, chairman ol the GDA, “Somo of itis supar fun, some of il Б serious. As leaders in entertrement, | think we're also leaders in ou- ture. Thores certainly a responsiblity that game developers share, They are helping shape our culture. Ifs not pure folly, tis ап, his is how people are learning about a lol of topics.. and. they are super tun. Sean Ramiagsingh, producer ol EA Sports NHL series, thinks hat rogarcss ol publisher or even public trepidation, we want to see more racial diversity in video games and the topic ol race handiod ойюсімдіу through our unique medium, i up lo developers, Al he end ofthe day consumers want a great experience, and he baleves that this is something character With diferent backgrounds can bring. "I think its on the developers," he says. "f developers Teel that thay want to have racial diversity in ther games, and thay can provide a compel- ing experience around that and tell comping stories based on those characters they vo ore- tod, no matter what race they ee, that's what consumers want. No one solution to bring more racial diversity to video game characters makes songo for every game, Character aroalers are a great option, Dut even they ort without thor problems. Vito тоу alow a cosmotic expression ol raco, a personis background = and how raca inl ences that - cari be told by textures ane. I "ho industry ruy going о olor ооп! experi- ences to players, developers must take chances and be create and sc enough to стай a gamo hat has а story and characters that can Conter understanding of diferent races, gondors, sexual orientations, regions, eic to al players, по matter who they are. This needs to bo dono. ina way that Б as truo to the роор It is rep- resenting as ls simply a great game that Б so good people cart ignora 1. Gamers and sdos numbers wil ultimately Judge whatever ideas developers put forth, but Trst publishers havo о green tight projects Dela Rooca balevos that he riskier the gam, ће harder time it might have getting made in the. frst laco, 1 can oniy speculate, but a lot ot cor- porate decisions aro made based on historical sales data. I vo got this greal idea Гог Cows n ‘Space, and then they look al the data and say, ‘Jeez, there's no other Cows in Space games. There's no history, there's по competition, there's no past examples, toros just no data to ap. роп us giving you $20 milen to make your crazy Cows in Space idea. Апа so the same sort al apples to the diversity question. Its very much a chicken апа egg problem. The path towards a moro diverse industry is not dear, but it wo do not make an attempt, weit get Ino samo game experiences over and over эдап and not even understand what we're mis ing. Video games thrivo оп now doas, and this is exactly whats at steko, rk ifs groat that ог industry finds ways to celebrate diversity, the same way wo continue lo celebrato new ideas; Bellamy says. “Because that's what propels (gaming forward. Therein lies some ol the power ol diversity. Is ably - just as it does in al areas ol aturo — to bring in now kdeas, but so oom- bine riluences. I's Ike Dead Rising 2 - the joy of ‘combination is what its al about Making Memories We asked developers there were any moments in their past that first made them aware ot characters race in video games. Gordon Bellamy (60 charmar) Back Gulê [Super Street Fighter: The New Challengers gave you the option to play Gule wih an Acar ‘American skin ed] Black Gulle was the most incredible rl, and here's why. There was Balrog, bu Black Gulle = n a game that weal loved realy spoke to racially, eth y we can all be Gulle. There's a sonic boc Inal of us twas really empowering in having at dice. David Robinson (producer, Ato Samurai) ‘Growing up black inthe 70-805, there wasn'ta. lot trat the meca gave us (minors) someting be proud or to feel asf we belonged and were loved in this society. But seeing Magnum PI's best fiend, a black helicopter plot changed my e completely stil remember the day my e Siva told me en he playground in 6th grade фал this con show where there wasa Баск guy who was a helicopter plot Back then meting that had to be possible That spring board of You can do that со got me into calege and Might school. My [сори as speak to you The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly N TH/ \ T SPIN (RIGHT) w berg per se g Uncharted mo the fans! choice ігі obli tor him from the gam offe (ABOVE). ON the board peripheral deer (000 units sald the peripheral. You know things publisher Activision takes dov Ой the project n no migo or de bad when Robo көрпесі. eon ann зо the ugina (LEFT) Spke Tv Awards did а good job sh the Mass (ABOVE) Knoct comes out of ho ¿alo fing, wit Merosolt reporting the peripheral sod 2. n world init Merosolt appears well оп ts way toward its goal ol soling Ivo milion Kinect peripherals unti some- epring Epic Mickey's Warren Spector defends the game's poor camera and tries to insulate the title from gamers: expectations o make things rector stepped Gus долай yy Ws take a Journey with i : any into its highly anticipated next game by Matt Miller N resi end ol lest yours E, [LN seinen, Вота smal gathering ol pur lm no doveiopmont team L X Souci voumey, to ust "and exciting new project trom no minds hat brought us Row and Power llenas, o tearm hunkered down and wert back lo work, and tores boen Ие Word onthe project since. So what have oy been up 107 Sina ЕЗ wo havo been working hard to ке oul ne nr levels а o experienco,” load сезуне Nick Car ts us. Mu later ports Of he дата riroduco errorments and ric Bons Pal аю span fen! tom tno бовоп ovals wo Пао reveled us lar. Wero xcd about he scopo and breadth o e arcas yo travel trough nom Jamey casts players m iho role cl a haunt- ing hama furo thal wander a vast land of anes and sand, A distant mountain sways Docks m the distance, and strange runs and balls dot Io wor. "To ward is pd In sar, bul he open desert is опу one stop in no whole journey." creatie director Jenova (Chen says: “Thao are various terrain (pos and erwrorments in дате. However, Jory Enot an open werk game whore you can walk towards any drecen rc И mare la path where you же heading fo ап end port, where тетолтапв. "Jamey в somelting of а departure fr that qarmecompary, тюм] away fom abstract droctons spparen har rior gamos n for ol a mero cohesive narativ. Powers пала the ia very loose but he heme a very ong between each level Chen explains ts ough 10 cal Ноне a tory because К o abstract Thats why we tirk a poem в o moro proper desorption Joumeys narrative deren Б ги, andthe character sme Ike a human Thercoro, the garme progression can Бе cons cred as n story aparato Tho words vast sense of sca commun feelings ol iscation and loneliness Wo wanted to evoke а sense o "ma in compari- no ihe rest of ho word around you, ae wol as sense of awe, п acia o the dass Concept ol a hero's journey Chen says The isis hat youro not one on this tok. As you move trou this strange and mysteri us landscape, youll occasional encounter other payer who s do wandering rough o desert. We hope he characters smal ness wil rng players together and nep f interesting rations bowen hem as foy make thor way trough the word ot Jaume s lend ал! Malt Navn “The grand scale of tho envrormarts в something we wanted to те o place emphasis on this don, and hap communicate I 1o the кеге, “A IO o mystery әй surrounds Joey, but Iro content wil hat. Tris qame wl bo beat understood wih a controler п your hands meoompanys provous ors eve mo ourney vl bo one of tha hama downloadable gamos to watch n 2011. The дато b lar larger kn scopo than tho developer's ота les, and o ging niegan ol a second, una player lasciato, "1 realy epe that we can continuo tours ur ayers wit what wo have n tro lor om. Enen says. No matr how t ums ош, Im bening Joumoy Wi succeed tl god al tho y ast. This month | played the early levels of a great new PSN and XBLA tile, Swarm plays Iko 2 Strange crossbreod between Plain, World of Goo, and Lemmings. Players control а teerting lite horde of alien swarmings. Tho Шо crea- tures and thelr mother” crash onto a hostle alien planet, and the gathered herd must move ‘across the plane! to grow and evolve, The hook lies in the capability lo contre your entro swarm al once - Ino swarmings shuflo about together, but each individual scrambles about indo pendently, Absurd levels ol danger await Ihe тт, assuring that many of your group won't тако the passago, Ae long as ono survives, you can keap going. Controls aro simplo, wilh оге button hudding your swarm together nto а ight ball and another spreading them apart "noy can scramble wildy atop each other in a cheerleacler-siyle pyramid to reach high places ог pul together to gather energy for a short burst of speed. Lots of ccc, design, and even the cocasional massive boss creature add up into a unique game l'm excited to play more of when it releases. “The sequel lo 20005 originat Section 8 wouldn't have registered on my radar 1 Ven! for the number of ways that developer TimoG: is aiming to improve the experience. Section 3: Prejudice lcstures a ful five-hour campaign 22-player огйго multiplayer, and four-player (0-09 all wrapped into a [rst person scHfi pack- age. Throw in a $15 price tag, and you've got my attention. Prejudico has some сосі in-game trc to boast. The Ballefiekt-ike multiplayer matches осир players with powerful mechanized combat sus that enable everything from supor-speod sprint capably to pt packs. Customizable load- wuts lot players shape the siyle of character they want to play, and dynamic combat moments Introduce random objectives during the тізді ‘of a big match, ke protecting a VIP for big point bonuses, Conquest modo plays for control of tor тоу, while Swar mode plays silty lo Gears ‘of War's Horde; four players group together to hold off incroasinoly dangerous attack waves. Im not sure i Prejudice has the chops lo compete With the big boys, but ihe lower price tag and extensiva gameplay options have mo excited. Prejudice Б slated to release in the frst part ol this year An IGF awarc-nominatod indie gamo by ‘Brightside Games ts making ils way fo Xbox Live Arcade thanks to a publishing ded with List, Zelt* presents severa ists on tho horizontal Shooter gerre. The coolest ofthese actions is а me travel mechanic that lets players complete short bursts of acon while cooperating with thoir ‘own ship from several seconds eartier. The game features six unique game modes, including a basic Arcade playthrough, a Score Attack modo, and Survival. Weapon upgrades beef up your ships attack capabilities, which comes in handy when taking on the eight boss fights. | love tha fluorescent presentation af ships and weapon обосіз, and tho time travel elements realy chal- lenged me to approach levels in a new way. Zelt ‘should be cut on Xbox Live Arcade by the time you read this. Ф connect 15 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Gami the person Informer scours the аде over Xbox Live or PlayStation Net leaderboards in s: arch of the best of the best to uncover hind the handle and learn his or her strategies. If you get a pesky jork, please don't delete it. You could be our next featured gamer. a Hometown Houston, Texas Favorite Map Siena favorite Persona "The Thief Accomplishments AS ol press limo, Jossa is number опа on the di imo кіз leaderboard оп Playstation 3, Hots in second place lor lima. 'scoro, has the third best second in altima stun total sooo ol 5,368.8: enough to ГИ the love 50 сар eight timos ovar. Origin of Skills Нез never played Ist Assassris Creed, but ot hooked on AC and Brotherhood, “Brotherhood в just fun and addicti o says. "Besides that, the only multiplayer game 1 Played was Demon's Sous, Time Investment So la, Jesse has invest өй over sx days into Brotheshoods mutplayer mode. Ho says hots beon playing a lew hours every day since Ihe game carne м. The Key To Victory For Wanted [mode] what do Б usualy just use poison "d chargo. That way you ‘can rack up points realy tast. Charge is a skit wher you can chargo doc into the enemy and just Kl him right there, Or you can charge into the parson thats chasing you to stun "hern. Smoke bombs aro tha bast а lower loves, You get smoke bombs. pretty much at level six and they‘ the best thing lo. use. As soon as you drop. опе you can probably stuh oki someone, is connect Defense ТҮТІГІ folowing mo. You can't Just always look toward because thero ато aways people behind you Major Points "Ty to Nido, poison, and locus at the same te. Trai give you big pots around 1000. Автово your target. They're usuly hidden in a сона so you blend n and thats how you gota hidden bors You fave to wat thon seconds forthe ооз and Ihen you poson hem, Life Outside of Assassin’s Creed osos majoring п ‘accountng al the University of Houston, Other Favorite Games Damen Sous, Fantasy ХИ, God of Wa I, Metal Goar Solid 4: Guns ot th Patios What Should Be Improved? esse wants orie lobbies to players най or match os to sat. Oe an tha. hes generaly pleased wth Brotofoodo mátpiay Ф m Guillermo del Toro Dives Into Game Development cclaimed director, producer, screenwriter, novelist, and designer Guillermo del Toro can now add "video game creator" to his already impressive. resume. Del Toro and THQ recently announced a partnership to create the Lovecraftian horror title Insane, an idea he's been kicking around for four years. Ilinois-based Volition will join creative forces with the Pan's Labrynth director for the trilogy, with the first installment dropping in 2013. We spoke with del Toro about his lifelong relationship to video games and his plans for Insane On getting into game development: Ivo boen trying to develop games or tha last four or Ive years, but tho schedule and geographical location were never conducive tt. Гуе been a gamer all my е; Pm 6, Ive been playing video games since they were essentially made %%% Ita тиу strong narrative form. | believe video games aro ging to be the cornerstone of narrativo ho next decade. As a stoylellr Its my cy o get going on learning the language not as a gamer but as я storytelor Telly have to adivit that the Мо and career | dreamt of аз а young fimmaker n Mexico was а very diferent path I'm extremaly happy withthe path I've been taking, I think that game storyteling is Teaching me a lot, and! must say is proving tobe a vey ul experiment, but never planned i On his gaming roots: 1 played everyting rom Galaga, Pac-Man, ho ay stutt ike Asteroid, ovorything that was molar hand. оу coordina поп. What realy captured my imagination as a storyteller were the CD-ROM games ike Bungie's Marathon and Myth, How the way the frm has evolved. On what he's playing now: The one that realy has my attention right now is Red Dead Redemption. | wrote a Western about 13 years ago, ar the movie business al you Poar is nobody wants to зоо a Wester. ouo Io fact Ihat they wore abl to bring a relly hardcore modern sensibly о, but stl eds very classical rooted On choosing THQ: 1 have met everyone in the past. have met Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, but lor this game we wera going to go out in the Ward and talk to dire people, Tho fest stop was THO, | H ofl so fantastcaty wth Danny [Bson, EVP Core ames and Pad емо, decir of icon developmoni; wo were al en the samo pago trom tno moment wa start talking that decided not to soek any fuer T thought, “This it This is where | pitch my tent. On teaming up with Volition: Thoi games aro popular an realy wal constiuctod, and admiro al of that. What was rely pressed win was whore hoy wanted to go. There was a huge eve, croatidy and ambitonin the conversa tion we were having that realy won mo over, On participating in the process: What | want 10 do is gat involved in 1t. | want to got immarsod in it dot want lo bo just casual involved because otherwise | wouldn't be doing it. The time takes and ho effort takes is oriy worth iL Fm faring tho narrativo ала oaring this fom of siorytaling. Thats tho purpose for me. Im not intrested ini ifm not immersed The rient lor ho game is made very dear by ho fact hat wo are по! resting a lew months and sap- ping my name on N. We are taking years Н Danny Bison fas me "We ned you for two weeks now, for treo woeks more in amonih in any es that Danny demands on me, I wil comply 1 wîl do wing, but | dant thin | wil be writing the technica scroenplay because I ve nover witen ls а detent for than screenplay wing, but | wîl be involved in every singe creative decision of this game. By this mean every turn the screenplay takes, every piece of dilogue, every prompl, ren- dering, every decision wi go through me. On the VGA debut: We had not done enough to show gameplay and wo didn't feol we wanted to generato artiicialy a teaser that we would contradict lour months rom now, во we decided upon creating а mood piace, a lease, о show how стору and unsetting I can be, the ype of atmosphere. On the Insane concept: Liked the idea of a game where you start playa in a head space and you end up almost fring уго тоторхо the who qame towards fno опа, where things are revealed lo you. The Ме is Insane fora reason. Let me put t that way. | was vary attracted to tho Kea of insarity in game. That's the origin. We're going о try some new stuf hat has never boan done befor, and we aro trying to give you а vay intense and very narative experience, We дәті want to do survival horror, we want lo do horror that has a scope and а story hat is very strong and within the mis ol what we need. We Want lo keep it as much diven by gameplay as possible. It falls squarely into the HP. Lovecraft horror universo. We aro talking about very nasty Teac things. | want fo make it emotionally very strong, and play with morally dil choices cr the player. What really поро and long for and stive fr n this game to create a mythology that people ae interested in, thal he story of "ho central character is competing On more del Toro games in the future: This not a anco. na fee thing, For me, isis ho beginning al anew path. Beyond па, I's nol that in going to Just dabble in doo games| irk vido games жо going 1 completely ke Over storyteling in our вода and Try elevo, rm lucky and esed enough, and prove есері al is, De evolving wih the far rto trying ol is kind. Video games aro no a ad. They are ask а narative orm and a modum that reach evoláng and recognized as а narative form, so ће answer a тезги) "Oh, yes connect 17 massive The Cataclysm str World of Warcraft can't imagine an expansion design more suited to the casual types who make up of warcraft s audience. Leveling is revamped again, and exploring the old world by qu a fresh character or blazing around on your high-level epic flying mount is amazing. profession available to every character, is an enjoyable treadmill that pays off with bits of vanity rewards like pets, titles, and achievements. Rolling through the new zones from levels 80 to 85 is a delightful roller-coaster ride through both dramatic storylines, like the Earthmother's reclamation of her realm, and tongue-in-cheek pop culture odes to Hogan's Heroes and Indiana Jones. Nota minute of has any challenge to speak of, but Bizzard has опу gotten better at crating a journey that impresses with everything Кот ере lore-criven battles to amusing one-off ‘Nearly every rough spot has been ground away, quest hubs fal into place опе ate another. fight paths connect points of any note whatsoever, and backtracking is kept o a minimum. Above al, the inescapable sense of progress keeps ling you tota, For а good long time, ds- covering whats around the next comer is more than enough. Once you reach the level cap, though, players lend o fali into one or more ofa few categories Frst youve got you layers who hi he cap pat themselves on the back and rol anew character to do it ali over again. These foks are set with Cataclysm. Wih how much refurbished content V ina s now, you could raise at least four char- actes to level 6 without repeating much. Going 601085 wil get old faster since those zones unchanged, but i's tough to ask for much than you got with Catacsm. Another group wants to get In and start pound- ing on the hardest contentin the game, whether for the challenge. sense of accompishment © the draw of shiny purples Indications so far are extremely postive for these players. Dont jet the supe-hardcore guids early conquests faze you. Heroic he mans and rade are as dit- oullandrewerding as any content Blzzard has ver done, with ne exception of super bosses. ке Agalon Many of the mechanics are tesh, learning the fights is а fun challenge, and the game balance (ебі as good as it ever has at the Siart of tier of raiding. Some healers disagree ‘nth m but | love the new interplay between Tanking, crowd contol damage avodance, and y ut how they intended to bring chal- to every role in dungeons, and they ingly, Blizzard finaly got the PvE gear pro- (безіп right as wel. Picking up a set of heroic- ley gear is relatively simple between building Teputation (accomplished in normal and heroic level 85 dungeons), trading in Justice Points (acqured in heroic fve-mans), and the dungeon drops themselves. Moving beyond that into еріс eor requires conquering epic content, as опу a iow dali tickle of Valor Points can be obtained Ma heroic dungeons. The consequence of al this js that you have no reason to grind hercios over and over after you've soundly beaten them, so you can bend your efforts to overcoming greater challenges rather than wallowing in rival content {or so-called welfare epics A third set of players tun to PVP for ther eder game није Unfortunately these folks have gotten the short ега of the stick this time around. The new batleground-esque zone, Tol Barad, is an odd mix of asymmetrical objectives that зеет to heavily favor the defenders. Its obviously supposed то be a more oasual-iendly РУР environment than arenas or battlegrounds, but youl get your teeth kicked п just as badly by a gear differental there as in any other PvP situation. That said f Arena and Battleground balance comes out ahead of the questionable situation that existed during Wrath of the Lich King, PvPers might not be co upset alter ай. 1 don't know yet if Cataclysm is going to be my favorite of the four WoW iterations weve played so far Some things per- sistentiy annoy me, Ike server identities being badly fractured by the dungeon finder. Other frustrations are transient, ike the ‘90d-awfl cutscene bloat in Uldum and buggy quest script- ing in Tulig Highlands. Much of Catacysm's lasting appeal, however, is dependant on Blazers release schedule moving forward. The developers need to avoid the glacial pacing of Wrath of the Lich King's second year, no matter how much | Ike the frst round of content. & connect 19 Hardcores Who are you? I youre not in a top- three guidon your server, youre prob- ably applying to them. For that matter, you've probably already transferred Servers chasing tho most progressod group that wil have you, Crushing every challenge the designers throw at you, по matter the time investment, is your raison d'er. What do you think about DCU? Deep ski toes aro worth exploring, and thorough study shoud yield the ‘ight combinations to handle the most overpowered vilains (or heroes) ol the DO Universe, The queue system locks promising, as it gives you an casy п to the content you need to upgrade your gear and dls at all hours of the ay Is ike WOW dungeon finde, but for everything from co-op instances lo. more traditional dungeons to РУР bat "legrcunds and raids. Tho lack of hard info оп endgame raiding is troubing, On the other hand, Sony Onine has sated that it wants lo ship the game win approximately a 40-hour Ime 10 level cap and fly hal ої the content "tended for endgame characters: Tho biggest cuestion, hough, is whether the underlying tech can hance a ol the Gary physics enabled powers n ot player raids without breaking down. The verdict: Maybe, Tho chances of endgame being as deep as a game ке WOW lock sim, but this might be worth a look as а lighter, less serious alternative. Who Should Care About DC Universe Onlin by Adam Biessener Who are you? You know that half fritid zone that you can only access. by standing on op ofthis one mailbox. in the ight ofthe ful moon and tuming Widdorshns thrice boloro strafing lft and jumping north wie holding your breath? Its only the coolest place in the entro game. I you dict put up the original YouTube video, you sub- вой to Ihe authors stream, No game Words secrets ro salo from you, What do you think about DCU? Some games aro nice enough to give you your frst mount al the early level 0420. DCU has you choose whether 10 navigato the world via fight, aoro- babes, or super-speed at character creation, There are achievements for everything from visiting the Wayne family memorial in Gotham to view ing Metropolis’ skyîne rom Ihe talest skyscrapers in town. Some special secrets are only accessble during boss fighis by poking around every corner of tho abandoned hospital or underground science lab that serves ав your battlefield. The verdict: Yes! II you're a DC Comics fan and an explorer, good luck fighting this compulsion, Evan someone Ike myself, whose MMO tastes tend to run elsewhere and Б only periphoraly aware of ОС loro, сап get lost for hours digging around the word. MMO players are a diverse lot, but it’s not that difficult to sort Questers Who ore you? Your gules ask you where obscuro objectives aro rather thar al tabbing loa ude st. Youve been trough every zone at east опсо «n one or another ol your amyol ats. If heres a deeper secret hinted an various uncorrected bts of are you одета то a WK. What do you think about DCU? 890 story based instances aro just about he best dea ever. Having iconic characters tke Batman, Joker, or Wonder Woman walking you through your questines via voice comunica: dor int far behind. 1 woud be rice if "ho bulk of tho quests had a bit moro. variety fo them; so far in bela you're dither hunting for hard-to-find target or fighting an endless wave of instantly Tespiawning enemies. At least tho bad guys are doing things and engag ing п combat when you're nol there instead ol standing around waiting 10 be ld. The verdict: Probably. Polish is ап issue, bul even a moderate improve: ment over bota wil make this ono. ' Ino better solo, dt Hence, games around. Broacth of content may not bo there cite, with the 40 hour lev- ing curvo, but what does oxist is. entertaining them into several broad categories. You probably already know where you fit along the exploration, social interaction, and challenge axes. Given that, is Sony Online's upcoming DC Universe Online worth your time? Our time with the beta reveals some of the answers. PvPers Who are you? Leveling, calling and dungeors are nothing moro than. means to an end. Usually the other guys end, since you're running the ‘now hybrid build that tho latest patch Биа to obscenity. The only thing you despise more than so-called caroboars ls tho inevitable nerts that slop you from two-shotting anything bul a lank What do you think about DCU? Queues for РУР instances, and mis Sons thal load players thero, ro reat Legends РУР, where you take on the role of icoric heroes and vilains, Б awesome - when youre in the mood lor a fair fight, since your gear and ls aro pre-selected. Being on the wrong sido of this month's balance is going to be rough, though, with so. much of the game's PvE balance butt around incapacitating moves, fom stuns to juggles lo knockdowns and mind control, You're going to have 10 upgrade your connection now, because the action packed combat heavily penalizes any latency whatso- ‘ever, especialy in PvP. Tho verdict: Doubtful. Wrecking newbs is going lo bo awesome wih CU's explosive combat, but Sony Onine has a lot to prove when it ‘comes to balancing gerne mechanics, technology, and РУР progression. & connect 21 Anyone who has dreams of carting Toshiba's new Qosmio mn Х505 around town in a messenger bagis fooling themselves. This fancy piece of hardware may be labeled a laptop, but The X505 isn't the it's clearly intended to push your old desktop to the side and | 64 Hot red оп the ol but set up shop in your gaming den. Fortunately, the X808 has GeForce GTX 460M | more than enough brawn to bully a few desktops around. graphics card and an Intel Core 17 CPU, the Х505 тап both Crysis: Warhead and Call of Duty Black Ops at high settings without any hice It also won't take long for you to hop into the action, Thanks to its second solid-state hard drive, the 05 took less than a minute to boot and a mere eight seconds to come out of sie While the Qosmio primarily for games, 18-inch 1080p display, and HDMI output make ita solid media system as well. Those who like to crank up the tunes ate the built-in Harman Kardon speakers and Dolby Home Theater technology. Considering this is such a massive desktop replacement, we were sur prised the 5095 keyboard feels a little choked, and the keys themselves are so glossy that your fingers always feel ready to slide off. The touchpad also has the occasional spasm, but you'll want a mouse for gaming ses sions anyway. Running at top speed, you can squeeze a Ше less than three hours out of the batteries, so you'll want to keep this behemoth close to an outlet The X505 is a nice piece of hard- wate, but it's mote expensive than some desktops, and not as easy to upgrade, Stil, if you find yourself in need of a hefty portable machine that can handle high-end PC gaming, the Х508 might be right for you $1,999.99 us zug HEN э зәләәң ueg Áq THE X505 AT A GLANCE. à System row 7 Home Premium (АЫ) 1.730 té Core i7 7400M | Graphics МИРА Geforce GTX 460M wih 1568 GDORS 2 608, Баин 00831. 30088 7 2pm end 6158 SSD 1 174x154 18 ches 184 inches ht 104 pounds 1| Nikon D7000 The Non D7000 а rat option іш entusiast W To row io. Tis rado тен SLA fetes Тун fast ох fames posed contre oi, a hi resohton tos e LCD гапы, ad 20 pot autofocus system eps yo Tat ap, Пе 16:2 mel shots produce wd detis even în ou Hg codi. A lul ‘complet sce modes ges pont and cc Fans options for any shoot scenario, and seriaus VVV $ave settings. The 07000 ls gives Yol yl Shoot 24 Hamas posecond1080p HD io on e IY n bod o a ron сапсохба, $1,499 (with lens bundle) alen cem 2| Sony PS3 Bluetooth Headset Tis how a Baal headset sould work Te ‘ewes version of Sony's set тілейді sms Jo your PS3 upon plug in 8 Пие enough lo pave your cas тат fce ай ours of ise, and dues Ile ono co Те microphone тау e foo song stc cares a sa aroun of ати hock пози, but al kast you dont have to scream so you teammates can he yo. Ya can espec about зз hors of tak lime, and he ий doubles as a PC microphone wee changin, We ist wish the er Пор ба! feel so cheap, and at people woul top using these и The grocery ste ches. To bad Sry cant fi man rat wo Sonysyie com 3| Silent Hill Statues ‘ven your books it sale Кот the las of Konami sod url sores. These rims Japan statues may be unala, but hey ok Ike he al deal to us, and theyre Fay geting pared to the US is run Bot the Рап Head and Vl ‘statues ше made om ig quay res. mae at 1/6 scale, and weigh und 11 pound, so бейте ab amo sas as a deman han. 557956 (Pyramid Head), $539.99 (Valtiel) 4| Rock Band Ottomans Does your aptent look IK It gol Nt by atorado cl toc Maite 15 Ene lo get organized. Levet Ups Rock Bad brand oltomans provid plenty of room ok ап nt ing Gem canoot, Mean 33588 ids, sso omstuch wood fame comes ve ooo guitar hops, ed dum, sd ops, side acces pockets. ume/contlle "rays and а nicho pocket $199.99 MEDIA SHELF ARCHER Created by a five-year-old and залу. еше orginal un i collected in MACHETE 1 connect 23 24 connect Epic Mickey What aspect of Epic Mickey turned out just the way you had hoped or better than you hoped? Are there elements of the game you wish you could have made more changes to? Wol, ary the music med out better than | imagined 1 woul. Tm realy happy about that, Tho story has the nd of emotional resonance always hoped t would, and the game realy doesnt fed lo ne, at least We ary other game. ts tone d pacing and ts le it Пиз other ‘games. Thats one of Ino reasons the drect compar'sons wih Maro. Gal aro во hard for mo fo ear. We weren tying to mako a Маго game, а Zelda game, or a Deus Ex we were trying to make a game that borrowed some elements ot all al them to achieve someting new and | ink we dd that. Ar there сі тегін wish we cou have worked оп more? Sure Tve never worked оп а gamo | was compleloy salefed wih and hope I never do. I guess, top ofthe Ist wodd be ол use of the paint and thinner mechanic We d some interesting stut wäh but Т was the frst me we, or anyone, had ever triad anything tke that and Know we can do moro in iho fur, What prompted the decision to not include spoken voice for most of the characters in the game? [thought t would be best to borrow an approach Walt used n tho вай ей Mckay cartoons where he ба use actua words, bul communica mostly by making noises, also had tn my head hat Oswald, asa sert cartoon character, couch taik and as ruer of Wasteland laid down the law "1 canî speak, no one wi Then there were some localzaton and dsk spaco ates. Put ‘om ^l together and sticking with the Disney's Epic Mickey released on November 25 to mixed reviews. Some critics Japanese RPG and conscio standard ûf "bark pls tet ks mad Tho camera system became problem for some players. Are there changes that could have been made to make the camera more cooperative? Tsupposo o, bul o bo hanes thee was oriy one thing we might heve "done that we didi and ooking back OR. wah we had done. There were Stustions п De game wire we look сопа ol то camera, which vas mecessory but we decided no to lat Players олт our decision In aber Words, thee are tres when the ual camera controls simply dont work. Now, nk Tat may not have been our best decision. ВИ oiha than that, people have to understand Ihat al the games we're being cam pared to — and ts pretty amazing Company _ aro pure,” siglo locus ‘games, with Mario being the primo, sample. The act 3s, a рие piatom ‘game has very leten tequremants: than an actervadveriuee game, and we wate tying to meno demente ol bol. That meant cur camera Пай to be the best blend we cou соте up wih d placer and ace adentro camera techriques Ist thnk ую did gen De cha lenge wo faced n combining these two genres nto оле game and ven Tal we threw Ihe Пу o erase als and Пос and сойгоз and parts of ham. mean, we realy did ако а very hard problem and make I much, much harder. Ch and ono ore ing = weve been knocked by Some fols or not nduding a ocean ‘camera mode, wich would have de comal casi, Those els aro fight wich s why we dd кке a locion camera mode. Try yous ht ike 1 fot ‘The paint and thinner mechanic seems like it must have mado. level design pretty challenging, since you can't ever count on player having all the parts of the evel visible or accessible. Was the paint and thinner concept more trouble than it was worth, or did it pay off in the end? Td never say t was moro позе Than t was worth - no TI go lo ту grave beleving you have o Шу something you ve never done, Same- thing по one's ever done, in evry пато you work on. Even în Is fest келеп you can see ho potental of 1. Theres something году speca, ‘magical even, about being able to move and restore things n a game word. You never got anything cacty ht Ihe frst ime, and as сай car Tox tharos по quoston wo can mako bettor us of ths doa. | bsc love е paint and thinner mechanic Epic Mickey includes moro. choice-driven gameplay than ‘most character-driven action’ Platformers. Why? Teer realy have a good answer for thal ber then thal have ne fio riores n working on any game "hat doesn't ofr players choices with consequences. Ї 1 ever con To pass that cant make games ke ben по one wit fund them, players vole vin Ihr dolars and fal mo hey don't want games the That, whatever И stop making games End ol story Games can do озу two things that can think of that no other тейит can do; one ss oer real timo, dynamic puzzles and the other Is ofer players the opportunity to tal ther own story or at least tela story in colaberalon. with others. re ts rios not fo take advantage ofthe ings your тейит does that others cat do. Bul, al Ihe end df the day ts just a personal thing - a personal сопс ben no moro no ess. Еріс Mickey returns players to the same locations several times for diferent missions. la there more backtracking than. there should have been, or aro. these familiar locations а part of how you wanted the game to be experienced? T woud say heres more back Tracking than there shouid hauc been, bul thse are а couple ol things Г do diferent had to do over again. Fret, Га oller mero variety the 2D sections th we dd. I ihought 40h 20 maps would be enough, bul Ike mare. Second, l'a have made the hubs persistent - V toy preserved tho state you left them n, 1 Dink retum ing to ham, bong atle lo make df leront choices abat how lo interact wih the hubs cach mo, might havo mado lor a richor esporence The game includes the return of ‘several Disney characters that эге virtually unknown to many in the modem gaming audience. Which characters were you most excited to reintroduce? Which опе of these revived characters штей out the bost? ‘aout queston v we got отто Lucky Rabbi. And Ihe Grem these are seme terre caracters T'dlove to seo Disney до back lo tho storyboards wo saw ho Archivos ad actualy make the movie Walt Disney and Roald Dahi never got to make- how cod wouk Ina be? Heck, Ive aways wanted о produce атой - maybe Disney wl me make Given the new motion control devices from Microsoft and Sony, is there any chance well see Epic Mickoy on any other platforms? Man, get asked this alot and I aways have o gue the same. answer. There's no reason why we. couldnt put Disney Epic Mickey on Other platforms, However, were not working on tal this timo. Would Junction Point like to do тоге with classic Disney charac- tore? What new ideas might you be interested in exploring in a second Epic Mickey game? actualy always ervsionod ‚Junction Pont — wel, once we кате a part ol Disney ~ as tho stud that draws nspraton fom the Archives Ive been prety up. "ront about my love of the Ducks. Td love to do à Duck Ties game, and a Gremis game woud be amazing. Oswald woud make a great leading nan. ar. rabbi, As lar as a second Epic Mickey game goes, tvs no e of interesting chalenge To tack have some ideas about тозе gameplay thal coud be lun and there's a warid of stuft we can do with paint and thinner that we couldn! even havo thought of Ihe Test ime around, Or we coud do seme чий completely fern and тог do any of ihe st Ivo men Toned here. Who knows? There's no shortage ol de! — CONCERT) & DANCE AAA et NE BIG — №100 pare 100 eure" > AB 4 ra pd ae E : А A * = PETER A WHERE YOU DISCOVER, OWN € KNOW MORE ABOUT THE MUSIC ET AN ALBUM ON US AT EMUSIC.COM/GAMESHOW Bayonetta т After an explosive opening sequence that tears Shepard and his team apart, the second installment of BioWare's еріс space trilogy doesn’t take its hand off the hyperdrive. With the shady Illusive Man behind the scenes, Shepard traverses the far reaches of the galaxy to recruit an elite team for a suicide mission. Using the choices you made in the first game, BioWare fulfills is promise of creating a consistent and immersive 1 : universe. With its re-engineered { di. Exc combat, the action in Mass Effect (M = en 2 feels just'us polished as the brilliant visuals and conversa- tion system. Given the more BioShock 2 responsive controls, don’t think ч Vo imposing BioShock characters who causae us to cower h twice about putting your allies” 1 q a ES een ELO lives on the line by jumping through the Omega 4 relay. It's worth the risk. Darksiders Darkside pu h well enough o with complex dungoon desi from a Portale gun, and this is an nor shoud lake a, dual wid to lake cut hor objective. Bad Compi MLB 10: The Show Mon pecple soo MLB 10: T allen remark that it looks just ike player st à io, his in-game с Final Fantasy XIII i Say what you ий грод ho noneena story, Fn Fantasy X à da anda tar Тобе силой send i — Gs ln oro timo to SP Pd ol H God of War Ill Cave Story The dovlopers bai ics ko Mel ar it Some y reli "m ro presentation, clever w zntortairing boss battles remind many Jamba n the frst place Just Cause 2 2 hen walar-cocier discussions about your gama star with “S 1 Bed a tark to my airplane and surfed it into a nudear base ing something right. Fow have completed any ol us docicalod. J between arc Splinter Cell: Conviction Е ıl cover system and туй med Fisher back ntc Picross 3D Е roe er lee rn d de bes рий итерш H і у асо games. Wih Peross ЗО, HAL brings tho ri base ic. crewing system ino ап acciona challenging nen an S o a clt rid to fom s эор xnpiele the se Nintendo oll TOP 10 HEROES 1 JOHN MARSTON - RED DEAD RED Marston's list of past transgressions is as long as any Rockstar protagonists, but once he was responsible for a wife and hid, this reformed outlaw did his best to become an honesti farmer Ultimately his past caught up with him, but even in the face of overwhelming odds, Marston defends his family with ‘unwavering resolve. 2 EZIO AUDITORE - SSSI BROMERKOOD tx assassin was rooted in а thirst for revenge, but after unraveling the mysteries behind his personal los, he devoted his life to the greater good. Granted his method fr fighting evi usually involves jabbing a metal blade into people's faces, but if you want to make an omelet 3 ETHAN MARS - HAM RAN How far would you go to save someone you love? It's not an easy ‘question to answer, but when Heavy Rain’ nefarious mastermind puts Ethan Mars through а seres of diabolical tests to save his соп, this ordinary father displays uncommon determination 4 COMMANDER SHEPARD - WAS EFFECT 2 Most heroes would be content with sacrificing their ives to save the galaxy, but in Mass Effect 2, Shepard comes back to eto save ita second time. Wile the squabbling with each other over power and position, Shepard masses a ragtag crew of suicidal ales to save 5 JASON HUDSON -CAL OF DUT: BLACK OPS Hudson is more than just Alex Mason's hander; he's the guy that wil do anything to keep the United States safe from the Soviet threat. Tasked with the kind of difficult decisions thet would make Jack Bauer lose sleep at night, Hudson's unflappable demeanor earned him the nickname "Ice Cube." 6 NOBLE SIX - HALO: EACH Gamers knew from the begining of Halo: Reach that the Spartans of Noble Team would nat meet a happy ending. When itcomes time for someone to stay behind and protect the ship carrying Master Chie, Noble Si doesn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for the mission, paving the way for all of Master Chiefs future adventures, 7 MICHAEL JORDAN Forget the eternal struggle between good versus evil. This year players stepped into the sneakers of a real hero — the greatest basketball player of all time. In an era where most of the curent. NBA greats are self-absorbed shonboats, playing through Jordan's lustrous career reminds us why everyone in he‘ 806 and ‘90s wanted to be like Mike. в LIGHTNING - FINA FANTASY Amongst Final Fantasy Жс cast of lackluster protagonists, Lightning is the only character who seems capable of taking ‘on the corupt government of Cocoon, Lightning's no-nonsense approach to her mission makes her the game's standout hero. 9 WAR DABS Most people wouldn't consider one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse to be a hero, but ultimately good and evi аге two sides of the same coin. Bound by his code of honor, War battles. against both Heaven and Hel to restore order to the universe; 10 SUPER MEAT BOY - SUPR T BOY ver Joumey to save his gilfriend, Super Meat Boy wil e literally thousands of times: As he trudges on toward his goal, not even Hell, the end of the world, or a fecal doppelganger can stand in his way. i. . I Red Dead Redemption |, = Tasked with bringing the last living members of his former gang to justice, John Marston's mission is larger than the expansive world Rockstar hos n created, Six-shooter in hand, Marston sets oul to explore Rockstar” beautifully realized version of the Wild West. With a world inhabited by some of the most memorable characters and dangerous animals we've seen N this console generation, fine-tuned gameplay mechanics borrowed from the ll blockbuster Grand Theft Auto series, scores of Oblivion-like side quests, ) \ ме and a satisfying multiplayer experience, Rockstar succeeds in keeping s wrangled in from begimning to end and earns our Game of the Year award. Alan Wake Many know it as “the Hg, but the gimmick of igh yeatest weapon lakes а backseat to the mystery ur ving protagonist Alan Well desceri into тласка, s her a dark presence chasing Alen, or ist ust a construct ol a instable mind? Many who play through it have thelr cn nations as lo what possibly happened. Super Mario Galaxy 2 Juno b sos Cer bash aka lo pan a pic n Mather you're hopping across the sky as Cloud Mario or stearroling остаз аз Rock Mario, Galaxy 2 never fals to deliver trump cards. Blur's hyper Joe Danger н v famo by won a:e- lop boten Wih am ir coments rom Excitebike and Tits НО, pls a dash ol ровду plalormig,paeming deat боуп os as navor boon mer ng, Jos Dangars ak cons, well o rae Transformers: War For Cybertron nse unti t table movie tie-in Ды mpany rd tho ros o nebenan eam a day ovs man oppor arity . хс, but developer Raven delers а gripping Amon num RO: OTHER N This is why Metroid games are usually about exploration instead lings this iconic bounty hunter to rock bottom, painting Samus as a petulant brat instead of an awesome warrior, The hamıfisted delivery of her lame backstory doesn't help matters. Thumbs down! 2 MICHAEL THORNTON ALPHA PROTOCOL Alpha Protocol was supposed to be an espionage RPG, but thanks to Michael Thorton, itis more of a d-bag simulator. Whether he's ‘striking out in romantic dialogue or getting knifed by addicts, Thorton als to fulfil the spy fantasy. Ifyou dream of being a loser though, he's your man, 3 HOPE FNAL FANTASY XI A boomerang?! Of al the cool weapons in Final Fantasy XII - guns, swords, gunswords — why does Hope choose a boomerang? Because he's an idiot, that's why. You can't expect much more from a twerp whose only forms of self-expression, are whining and n 4 SALEM & RIOS - AY OF TWO: THE AOTH DAY How to be [ke Salem and Rios: Bang your head fépealediy against any hard surface. When you regain consciousness, your pre-ingiictic grunts will sound just like the "anter" between. these meatheads, Congratulations, Army of Two fans: You're the lowest common denominator 5 SUBJECT DELTA - 809002 Big Daddies are awesome, right? Not if you're Subject Delta. Instead of effortlessly slaughtering hordes of splicers (ike every other Big Daddy in Rapture), Delta is easily overcome by the most half-hearted assaults for most of the game. No wonder the Big Sisters want to Kil him; Delta's a disgrace to the family. 6 STARKILLER — FORCE UNLEASHED Тһе words "Jedi" and "dork" rarely go together, but Starkiller is the Chosen One to unite them. Is һе a done? Starkiler isn't smart 'encughto figure that out for himself, so he spends all of his time chasing after a woman he may have never met. Sneaking up on strangers is guaranteed romance! 7 JOE PESCI IMPERSONATORS - AAN WAKE, BAYO The obnoxious oudmouth routine works for Joe Pesci for one reason: He's Joe Pesci. Coming from anyone else, that came bumbling sidekick schtick is a catastrophic failure = but that didn't stop Bary and Enzo from crapping all over their scenes in Alan Wake and Bayonetta, B SHEEP MAN - MEGAMAN 10 Okay, Capcom is officially not even trying. Sheep Man takes the prize for being the worst robot master ever (sorry, Clown Man), He obviously locks ridiculous, and his attacks involve turning into ‘outs of wool and firing static electricity. Also, his weakness is a baseball. Seriously. 9 REBECCA - ASSASINS CRIED: BROTHERHOOD Yeah, we get it - Rebecca's totally L337 because she's a hacker ‘or something. I only she'd keep her mind on her work instead of aggravating everyone with her insipid emails, mindless mratle, апа phony personality. It joining the Templar order means no more Rebecca, then sign us up. 10 AGENT YORK -DEADLY PROTON Unlike the other entries on this list, Agent York the endearing typeof dork. Не talks to an imaginary friend, reminisces about old movies, and sees the future in his coffee. York i simultaneously odd and charming, ike that friend you're happy to have but embarrassed to introduce to anyone. £ iq Y %4 4 м feature 31 TOP Limbo VILLAINS баз уо anonton, but Pe Ger опит роле этне dds e MAN ss? Sharing sound atacis ce о show As Pe ung Tough he's меу one of Spar уйир ges a Bo ang сор would trust the llusive Man. This puppet mast ok after humanity's interests, but his devious methods and xenophobic agenda make him a dangerous man to be around - ven if he says he's on your side. Combined with hard-to-spot booby traps, trying creature nd shocking death animations, Limbo channels the macabro Y 2 EDGAR ROSS =D DEAD EDEN Folks are constantly manipulating, betraying, and shooting John. Marston, but no one does him wrong quite ike Edgar Ross, Callaucly using Marston's family as leverage to further his own ambitions, Ross is a more devious man than the outlaws he StarCraft I forces Marston to hunt. Wings of Liberty этне опон xuen run E Те Origami Kiler's motivation, methods, and ¡entity are best R A kept under wraps, since revealing them prematurely would mission, gorgeous outsoor ved multiplayer, and a Si рой this groundbreaking game, Even without knowing the revised that makes friends and refining your Best Strategy Mͥt!! OA CC 4 SARAH KERRIGAN - SRC The memory óf a non-infested Kerrigan haunts Jim Raynor as he laments his failure to protect her, but she isn't just a psychological threat. The Queen of Blades herself commands the relentless forces of the Zerg, and entre am feet when she steps onto the battlefield. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 5 ZEUS - GOD 0 WR Inde comic icon Scott grim had a big 2010 harks to a Zeus may be the King of the gods, be he's not a benevolent n staring Moh nd Tuer Fm high atop Olympus, he bates Kratos and the Tano loadable game. This relro-siyed four-play as the world ia frown into chaos around him, Zeus’ power akt lans of the series wih loads of video qam in oniy exceeded by his hubris, which makes it even sweeter E тырп Constant levokups and shopping "when he final gets his comeuppance. халопа seven evi exes form an Kcal and lure, and Paul Robertson's inspired 20 аг nra] This oversized arachnid doesn't have complex motives or a nefarious endgame — t's just hungry. The lumbering predator is terror incamate; with ts lghtring-quick attacks and a fondness for impaling, the mere sound of the spider creeping up behind you is enough into inspire panic. 7 NIKITA DRAGOVICH - (ALL OF du BLACK OPS Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light He's gota Russian accent and he hangs out with Fidel Castro, AAN AN AAN there's no way Dragovich isn't evil to һе core. As if more m proof were necessary, Dragovich is responsible for Alex ror To Mason's captivity in a Russian gulag. He also has an unhealthy БЕ interest in American politics. harter ei xo scenes, and an аксе upgrade sy Ort ORE . lr sro ЛО blends the r and you have ib Raider game that stands taler than some recent 8 JEANNE BIO аш ‘Asan Umbra Witch, Jeanne is capable of the same outandich ШЫ feats as Bayonetta, but without al of the emotional baggage. Wile Bayonetta tries to unravel her own past, Jean which makes their [> 9 DEATHWING - WORD Ы Azeroth as you knew itis gone. Foods, earthquake Mafia It lava have changed the face of the land. AI of the chaos and Some pe destruction is the work of Deathwing a once-noble black ad dragon who soars through the world and periodically sho to obliterate seasoned veterans and noobs alike. "= El perc MAFIA | xing a tight called gengster talo that recals lasse fims Iko Goods and the meaningless sidequests in favor la! transports players to post Word Wa I хдт Visited by video games. The relationship ita and Joo Barbaro drives а mary fam as, but by e codd se ТО GIDEON GRAVES -SCOTT PLN THE WORD Gideon Graves is everything the final boss of a brawler should be Не has unfair advantages in the form of weapons, cheap attacks; and tree forms hat pay homage to classic games. Even if you aren't a Scot Pilgrim fan, youl hate Gideon for all the right reasons. Valkyria Chronicles II Н i % Halo: Reach Reach may bo a prequel, but it ties up the Halo series like a neat bow, This disc is engorged with content: a smartly crafted campaign boasting impressive Al and strong pacing, a multiplayer mode that will keep players engaged for years, an iriproved, lor wos Firefight mode, and a host of other extras like the Forge level editor. Bungie didnt ust dose the book on its legendary run with the series; it went out with a bang. YORK «7160 o 2 A Teatre 33 TOP MOMENTS 1 DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING - CASTLE LOROS O SHADOW ne key component of the Castlevania formula is missing throughout much of Lords of Shadow, but it eventually ‘appears with a bang. This double whammy wallops players with an exciting character twist for Belmont and follows up with the earth-shattering revelation of the rumored sequel' setting. 2 RED DEAD DENOUEMENT ub DEAD REDEMPTION Аз he heads home after doing the Bureau's bidding, John Marston feels like his life is finally back on track. But as he тесоппесі with his loved ones and retakes the reins of his ranch, a sense of doom hovers over the catharsis. The events that subsequently unfold create one of the most memorable les in gaming history. з FIGHTING CRONOS - 600 0 WII бой of War I is anon-stop assault of jaw-dropping moments, but Kratos" battle against Cronos rises above. Traversing the titan gargantuan body and carving him into pieces is simultaneas disturbing and thriling. He may be one more ‘corpse to Kratos, but wel remember Cronos for ages. 4 THETRIALS -HEY RAN When Ethan Mars is forced to go through several rials devised by a psychopath to retrieve his lost child, you know he isn't going to walk away without some kind of disfigurement ling through hopeless splicers as the frst Big Daddy eventually leads to an experiance unice anything ‘we've ever seen in the BioShock universe. This sting of events provides a fresh look at the beloved weed of Rapture through a familar set of eyes. 6 THROUGH THE OMEGA RELAY -ISSLIELTZ You've gathered your crew. Your ship is armed to the teeth. Now its time to pass through the relay and face the Collectors on their turf The ensuing mission demands sacrifice and keen leadership, and its likely that everyone isn't coming home. Maybe not even Shepard 7 THE LAST STAND Н: REACH We find out why Hal: Reach opens with a broken Spartan beet when the game concludes and the Covenant overruns the planet. With no backup, limited supplies, and a neve ending stream of enemies, Noble Six does the only thing a ‘Spartan can do: hold the line as long as possible. 8 DONNING THE RAINCOAT - DEADLY PEMONTIO The Raincoat Kiler в a local legend in Greenvale; an axe- ing maniac who rampaged through the town in the This legend becomes a realty during an amazing 9 THE PERFECT KILL - ASSASINS CREED: BROTHERHOOD Whether youre watching your undering assassins strike from the shadows or playing mind games with your ‘opponents in multiplayer, the satisfaction of a well-executed Kill never diminishes. Requiescat in pace. То MINECRAFT MADNESS - HIT Its not even a finished game yet, but one-man indie project Матаса tapped into а deep creative undercurrent in our collective subconscious It early alpha build sold over half a lin copies this year on word of mouth alone. The planned 2011 release в going to wreck us fit adds actual gameplay and goals. xu can imag astounding action tile, Using Belmont handy dern e eroe 10 escena mock е ind de homolhs is a blast, bul pales i j NBA 2K11 Concepts always delivers a solid hardcourt experience "ut with he help of Michael Jordan ho game soars lo new 10, To Jordan Challenge, which recreates th arcer-deliring moments in MJ's career with historical rosters jerseys, and commentary, is the most ambitious and mp sive new sports mode of ho year. Combine I with the alway impressive Associaton franchise mode and several 1 necessary improvements lo the gameplay, and о best basketball game of this console generation Kirby's Epic Yarn a Eph don't ns Wat stay introduces new and nto 10 Heraly x ring qiio as ойл. DJ Hero 2 Front Games puts own pn те boy ento nati vay bras ipea Pe a fak ia op we danco ave 1o OU n Во am iow ro tons, oca e ard aid n iyapa wars Fallout: New Vegas ыы Sie X wih the lengthy happy foh tipo play Super Meat Boy s, buttery c D 4 more Fallout lo som ghs, anda ста th laking. ols, and copious replayabilty. Also, Is hard scing his gend ododd гов А UE H H H H Dane be dere Fable Ш parent th yet hunk al God of War: Ghost of Sparta While God of War Ill concludes Kratos’ story, Ghost of Sparta fills in the gaps between the first and second games in the series. Developer Ready at Dawn once again showcases its mastery of the PSP hardware, pushing the system to the limit. Whether Kratos is tromping through Atlantis or tying up loose familial ends, Ghost of Sparta consistently delivers outstanding combat ‘and epic moments that stand side-by- side with the series’ console itera "oleam the reel Ihi the keyboard peripheral Pinball FX 2 on, Through an алау of xmpeling agar ling a rior Dance Central with Dane a Call of Duty: Black Ops Despite angor over tho ҮЧҮ Ward 5 Creed: Brotherhood э М $ envisions usn s 77 THON the messy divorce with the lead talent at Infinity Ward and CEO Bobby Kotick's орап remarks painted Activision as an industry bully, the company's 2010 was succes nonetheless. The giant publisher wooed Halo developer Bungie, xed its financial muscle with Call of Duty: Black = Ops, and made grat licensed game wth Transformers: War for Cybertron. Add the ‘stelar work Blizzard did on World of Warcraft: Catam and StarCraft I, and its hard to deny Activision's publishing power. = NINTENDO = UST TUR 6 While the DS didn't get as many memorable titles as we've seen in previous years, Nintendo gave Wi enthusiast plenty of reasons to celebrate. With near perfect titles ‘uc as Super Mario Galaxy 2, Kirby's Epic Yam, and Donkey Kong Country Retums, tis isthe most time we ve spent with the Wi since the console fist released, A ТАКЕ TWO- US YU 3 Téke-Teo' martra ie quality over quantity ‘The company delivered another acclaimed pen wat te with Rockstar’ Red Dead Î Redemption, released its most success >) sports ently yet with NBA 2K11, dropped highly | rated sequels for Mafia and BioShock and gave ino owe radialen 5 SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAIN- MENT - UST YER T 2 = I's safe to say the PlayStation 3 has hits side. Sony delivered a varied and impressive ‘of stellar exclusives like God of War T Heavy Rain, MLB 10: The Show, and a few memorable PSN ties Ike Hello Games’ Joe Danger The company also introduced its answer o mation controls wth Move, and Gran Turismo 5 finally hit retail. PUBLISHERS 1 ELECTRONIC ARTS - LAST YEAR: 2 Mass Effect 2% unforgettable sci-fi storytelling and tightened gameplay is at the head of the pack for EA, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Call of Duty got some | stift competition this year with Battlefield: $ Bad Company 2's entertaining multiplayer, Guitar Hero was left in the dust by Rock Band 3, and racing got a much needed £ boost with Need for Speed Hot Pursuit. The company also had several solid sports titles, the Sims 3 console adaptation, and downloadable hit DeathSpank. 6 MICROSOFT GAME STUDIOS ЖЕ Though the relationship between Microsoft and Bungie has come to an end, their final collaboration, Halo: Reach, delivered on every. fron So did Microsoft's gamble on controler free gaming, Kinect, and a first-party lineup that included Fable ll and Alan Wake. Though Xbox Live experienced a price hike, the arcade space was busting with impressive exclusives including Limbo, lomilo, and Super Meat Boy, 7 UBISOFT US YEAR 9 Ubisoft's diverse portfolio was hit or miss, ‘this year, with a тік of mediocre titles and stunning successes. Alongside lackluster tiles such as Just Dance 2 and Shaun White Skateboarding, there ae hits ike Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, and Splinter Cell: Conviction. 8 CAPCOM - UST YAR 10 The only real low point for Capcom this year was the departure of Keij Inafune. The Japanese publisher released а steam of solid sequels with Dead Rising 2, Lost Planet 2, Mega Man 10, and Super Street Fighter I The company also produced excellent DLC in the form of Dead Rising: Case Zero and Case West. 9 SEGA - UST TUR МА This year marke the retum of good Sonic games with Sonic 4: Episode 1 and Sonic Colors (DS). PSP owners had a reason to retum to their handhelds with Valkyria Chronicles Il. Plus, with the help of Platinum Games, Sega introduced some impressive new IPs like Bayonetta. 10 SQUARE ENIX TTR WA Every year Square Enix releases a new numbered Final Fantasy tilê, ( undeniably а good year. Final Fantasy XII went ‘multiplatform, Lara Croft returned in Guardian of Light, and open world tle Just Cause 2 showcased the growing potential of the publisher's acquistion of Eidos. j series chowsno signs of slowing down. DEVELOPERS 1 BLIZZARD - UST YEAR: 4 Blizzard's mantra is “when its done? This philosophy means gamers have to wait years, sometimes decades between ‘sequels, but it pays off in a level of quality that few can match. StarCraft И Would put Blizzard on ‘this list by itself, but the studio also released World ot Warcraft: Cataclysm and an ambitious revamp of its service. 2 ROCKSTAR SAN DIEGO- LAST YU МА Rockstar San Diego's Red Dead Redemption ave gamers something we'd wanted for a long time — an open-work Westem epic The game i built on the Grand Theft Auto template, but Rockstar used it to create an experience unlike any other. Filed with fascinating characters, {grand vistas, and engaging action, it was the Year's breakout hit, 4 "We ings haven't been reator Hilo onthe business side (owner Viacom is looking trunlced the stude) its work this year couldn't have been beter I released Rock Band 3, ts most comprehensive and deep music tie to date and gave us Dance Central, an addictive tance pare at vast bet Kiet it Cte. ашка лге з SONY SANTA MONICA -USTTEAR-A/A— Retro left tie fami ‘confines of the Every God of War game raises the bar in teme of spectacle and brutal, fnely tuned gameplay “Sony Santa Monica delivered the în the saga this year, and it mana math but exceed our expecta ‘of graphical firepower coupled wi gameplay made God der best gaming experiences: amazing ofthe year's а bioWaRE-USTüR WA. | BioWare took its considerable RPG chops to the next level with Mass Effect 2, which provided ‘the year's most engrossing saga Never before have we felt so connected to a game, as һе decisions you make as Commander Shepard ‘change the fate of the universe. The interactive. dialogue aysten isthe genre's most important gameplay innovation this generation, and this- { 5 QUANTIC DREAM - UST YEAR N/A Many games made an impact on us this year, but none was more affecting than Quantic Dream's emotional thriler Heavy Rain. Smart. gripping, and often sad, the game made us fed a real emotional connection to protagonist Ethan Mars, something few games have ever accomplished tû his degree. k 6 BUNGIE -LAST YEAR WA 1 Now developing a new franchise for Activision, Bungie is leaving Halo behind. However, Halo: / Reach was a fitting end to the saga it began on the original Xbox Full of emotion and nearly perfect in design, Reach restored Halo to its positon atop the shooter gee, Wherever pida = Donkey Kong Country franchise. Wile he u, re appearance of OKC vas surprising enough, ti . Was even more surprising that Reto rea Some that was even better than ts d cheat predecessors, | " o mojan Screen,, URMA yy : Markus Persson, beter eln by his web / handle "Notch," couldn't have known what he was unleashing on the word when he put out the allia version of Minecraft this year. An open-ended, construction- theme sandbox ie, Minecraft took the Intemet y storm, as Players used the game's creation tools to make — -- aninsane variety of constructs. \ 10 FRICHONAL GAMES- LISTAR VE Тв mal dependent developer from — Sweden (he second on this list!) created one- ofthe year's truly unique experiences, be groundbreaking survival horror tie Amnesia The Dark Descent Wile i's not as polished as semebig budget games, Amnesia в perhaps the most ch ешт s the series goes from here, it won't be the. = — ‘same without the talents of one of he most consistant and talented studios in all of gaming. Need For Speed Hot Pursuit e-knucido comp is on Burnout Paradise's ipdtos, ensuring you awa 3 you need to best Pac-Man Championship Edition DX Man games "ng colect-a-hons or 'nkerec wilh Pac-Manis outstanding arcade qam: Ж and forth betwoer games. Back in 200; nd '80- to prod thal had Pac-Man bour pe maze. With Pac-Man Champerstip Eciton DX Nam = on he magie The addon of seeping ghosts ft 3 Pac-Man and te y o prog Pat Man werd siate push DX acon to a kartic level Fo things Donkey Kong Country Returns Dockay Kong County nen ts head with for ground and background play, now enemies. co-op, and е л, DKG Returns doesn't snp on icy: your at out wesen as changing рап sections Koop you at tho edge ol your seat Trom start to finish. Donkey Kong) Gran Turismo 5 ing so long for Gran Turismo 5 that It me out, Thank, our sharing cars and courses guarantees wel b ne behind the wheal for th llomilo adorable indi puzzler f тәгі s by manipulating a be fed world wil break пого ways than you can im Y hats win ih a uniu репосі amount of complexity, and an excellence in design on par with Valve's Porta, this sth la game ths year, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm How doas Bizz Kop tions a perg ese: es in sea © cos ала а юп of conan ortho raid lvl сар, Sear mp dosed be оа. chende e — he Ч i E 5 — TOP 10 DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT 1 BORDERLANDS: THE SECRET ARMORY. OF GENERAL KNOXX With regular releases of high quality DLC, Gearbox knows how. to take care of its fan base, Both of the team's DLC releases this year made the list, but with General Клохх DLC being its largest offering, it takes the top slot. An increased level cap new weapons, and a confrontation with the most powerful creature n Pandora proves there thankfully ain't no rest for the wicked. 2 RED DEAD REDEMPTION: UNDEAD NIGHTMARE With Undead Nightmare, Rockstar expands on our 2010 game of the year with hours of additional gameplay. This DLC shows that bears aren't the most terrifying creatures in the Old West as you complete a wealth of new missions and subquects while fending ой hordes of zombies. 3 BATTLEFIELD: BAD COMPANY 2 — VIETNAM: Ittook way too long for DICE to deliver пен maps for, Bad Company 2, but v to the rice paddies and dense junges of Vietnam is a blast, and the introduction of menacing new weapons like the fame thrower helps differentiate the action from the original game, This is one draft we don't recommend dodging: 4 BORDERLANDS: CLAPTRAP'S NEW ROBOT REVOLUTION Inthe fourth DLC pack released by the talented folks at Gearbox, the beloved, chatty Gaptrap finally gets some ime in the spotlight. This pack offers up plenty of loot for the taking and a load of cute, but deadly Claptaps to take down. 5 BIOSHOCK 2: MINERVA'S DEN в Subject Sigma, play era word of hurt to Slicers with improved gunplay as you unravel a gripping tale surrounding The Thinker that dishes out а shocking conclus 6 LEFT 4 DEAD 2: THE SACRIFICE The Sacrifice gives fans of the Left 4 Dead franchise a chance to Play as the original group of survivors in a new campaign that gets your heart pumping and ultimately delivers an emotional farewell to a member of the crew. 7 ALAN WAKE: THE WRITER Alan Wake leaves a number of unanswered questions to the mysteries that unfold during the overall experience. Thankful, The Writer helps clear up some of the fog. This additional content takes а few steps into surrealism and offers some gameplay twiste to help put some of Alan Маке в plot pieces together. 8 MEGA MAN 10: BASS MODE AND SPECIAL STAGES Mega Man 9 offered DLC in the form of a playable Proto Man, but Mega Man 10 already comes with the Blue Bombers bro, 50 Capcom ups the ante by offering the oft forgotten Bass as a ‘downloadable character. The brooding robot can shoot bursts of rapid plasma fre diagonally and dash, making Mega Man look more like a chump. Even better, three DLC stages bring back the deadly Mega Man Killers from the Game Boy ttes. 9 HALO: REACH: NOBLE MAP PACK You can never have too many Halo multiplayer maps, so Bungie's addition of brand new gorgeous locations (Anchor 9, Tempest, and Breakpoint) is entirely welcome. 10 DRAGON AGE: ORIGIN: DARKSPAWN CHRONICLES BioWare's additional combat focused content for Dragon. Age: Origins finally gives players the chance to control the Darkspawn. There is no shortage of entertainment when playing the bad guy role as you hack, slash, and ultimately terrorize the city of Denerim. E. rJ TOP 10 DISAPPOINTMENTS 1 STUDIO CLOSURES, Deadly Premonition nents derded juidatod me LAYOFFS, RESTRUCTURINGS This year; the games industry felt the effects of the economic downturn in a big way. Only a few years ago, analysts and publishers laughed off the global financial crisis, declaring that video games were somehow recession proof. But studio bloodletting began in 2008, and continued at a furious pace in 2010 with a depressing number of studios suffering layoffs closings, and publisher- ‘mandated restructurings. Victims included Red Octane, Krome Studios, Visual Concepts, Neversoft, Raven Software, Realtime Worlds, Budcat, Luxofux, Radical Entertainment, and Propaganda Games. 2.IHE INFINITY WARD DEBACLE After the record-breaking success of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, everything looked rosy for Activision and developer Infinity Ward. ‚But behind the scenes the relationship between the two parties was eroding, eventually devolving into a public spat. Former IW studio heads Vince Zampella and Jason West were fired, and the pair subsequent sued Activision for withholding milions of dollars in unpaid royalties, Activision countered by saying that the two broke ther contract by talking with rival publishers and plotting against Activision. West and Zampella formed Respawn Entertainment, and over 30 IW employees jumped ship to join the пен company. 3 METROID: OTHER M Team Ninja's take on the Metroid formula promised an incredible mix of the exploration the series is known for and brutal, Ninja Gaiden-style combat. Instead, we got a badly paced, poorly written, story-heary game that tumed Samus into an unlikable child. For ‘ining the reputation of a beloved and iconic character, we give Metroid: Other M a heartfelt thumbs down. 4 THE PATCH CRUTCH Like it or not, the words “ап update is available for this game" have become an integral part of the console gaming experience, Sometimes these patches come after a game's release, adding features such as online co-op. Other times, as in the case with Fallout: New Vegas, they address a variety of game-cripling bugs. It's grent that developers can address problems after launch, but the frst few weeks of а game's release are starting to feel more and more like a beta for which you have paid full price, 5 MEDAL OF HONOR TALIBAN FIASCO EA's Medal of Honor took a lot of heat for the questionable decision to allow players to play as the Taliban in multiplayer. At frst, the ‘company defended their right as artists to create edgy content, before quickly reversing course and renaming the Taliban as the "opposing force" when faced with a ban of the game in stores Fön military bases. Embarrassing and gutless, this was one ofthe year's worst moments. ê FLOUNDERING JAPANESE GAME DEVELOPMENT In September, Capcom's head of R&D and global production Keiji Inafune told the New York Times that Japanese game development was at least ive years behind the West, A month later, he left the company after a 23-year carer. Japan, once known for its bestn-dass game development, as lagged in recent years. ‘Square Enix president Yoichi Wada cites Japan's closed society ‘and reluctance to adapt to changing tastes as reasons behind its decine. Regardless of the whys, it's clear that developers need to step up their game. зв 7 NPD AND THE ABSENCE OF REAL.SALES DATA The gaming industry loves to invite comparisons between tal and Hollywood, but it falls short in one major way: transparency You can go online and with a few clicks of your mouse read how much money a particular movie has grassed m 24 hours. With game hardware and software, that simply isnt possible. The NPD Group has compiled fragments of that data for years now, leasing small portions of information in monthly bursts. In October, the organization said it would no longer be releasing hardware sales figures and that its top 10 releases would no longer have accompanying sales numbers. In an industry filed with speculation and blind guesswork, not having access to information doesn't help anyone. 8 THE REALTIME CRACK UF Crackdown was a surprise hit for developer Realtime Worlds — perhaps too surprising. By the time Microsoft decidedit wanted a sequel to he sandbox game, the Scoland-based sfüdio had already committed to development on its MMO shooter APB. The ‘sequel was handed to new developer Ruffian Games; made up of many exe Realtime World's Crackdown team members. Long story short, Crackdown 2 was a disappointing reread and APB lopped, effectively putting Realtime Worlds out of business 9 THE CURIOUS CASE OF LUCASARTS. LucasArts has two fim franchises just screaming tobe blen gaming blockbusters in Star Wars and Indiana Jones, but the Force. is no longer strong with this publisher The studio suffered layoffs in September and the departure of veteran project lead Haden Blackman. Later, it handed over Star Wars: The Old Republic to EA. Where's our Star Wars: Battlefront update? Why hasn't LucasArts delivered the Indiana Jones game we deserve? Most importantly, whats going ол over at LucasArts? 10 THE UBISOFT MONTREAL TALENT EXODUS, First Clint Hocking an instrumental Splinter Cell and Far Cry 2 designer, left the studio. Then news broke that Assassin's Creed creative director Patrice Desilets left Ubisoft Montreal as well and “large group ofthe senior designers working on the blockbuster franchise also followed sult. Ubisoft Montreal has always had a (deep roster of talent from which to pull, but with more and more studios opening up in Montreal the competition for top talent is fierce, and we can't help but feel wary about Desilets' iion for Assassin's Creed being lost in the shuffle. TOP 50 BREAKDOWN Unrated Action Actio/RPG. Adventure, Compiltio Fighti MMO Platforming Racing Role-Playing Rhythm Shooter Simulation Strategy PlayStation 3 wi Nintendo DS PSP READER & STAFF PICKS We made our picks for the best games of the year, so now it’s time to seo what the readers think. Users on voted for the best games in a variety of categories. Some of the winners line up neatly with ours, but a few dark horses won the readers’ acclaim. See how your favorites stack up with these complete results. LOADABLE READER READER PICK OF THE SEE STAFF PICK ON PAGE 30 READER BEST SHOOTER READER BEST RHYTHM/MUSIC READER MIB 10; THE SHOV BEST RPG STAFF BEST Wii EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE E BEST PC EXCLUSIVE BEST HANDHELD EXCLUSIVE E x y [ READER EDITOR PICKS х № 4 Е McNamara ж | > pes of War I m 4 2 Mass Effect 2 3 Red Dead Redemption 4 Assassin's Creed: y Brotherhood 5 Dörksiders = 6 Holo: Reach 7 Heavy Rain 8 World of Warcraft Cochem х 9 Singularity 10 Picross 3D Р Bryan Моге i Mass во? 2 Red Dead Redemption 3 Heavy Rain A/God of War I 5 Scot Pilgrim vé" the World 6 Bayonetta 7 Fable li 8 Alon Woke 9 Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep 10 Professor Layton and 1e- 220 Unwound fuse Andrew Reiner 1 Red Dead Redemption 2 God of War Il 3 Moss Effect 2 4 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Б Castlevania: E Lords of Shadow А 9 Super Майс Galaxy 2 10 MIB 10: The: Show. Jeff Cork 1 Red Dead Redemplión 2 2 Dead Rising 2 3 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood 4 Castlevani Lords of Shadow 5 Deadly Premonition 6 Moss Effect 2 7 Heavy Rain 8 God of Wer ll 9 Рес? 10 Fable Matt Helgeson 1 Red Dead Redemption 2 DJ Hero 2 3 Heavy Rain 4 ¡Super Mario Galaxy 2 5 llonilo. s Picross 30 7% 7 Pinball FX 2 8 Dorksiders 9 UnleBigPloner PSP Meagan Marie AH 2 Y Mass Effect 2 2 Split/Second. з Dead Rising 2 4 Lora Croft and the Guardian of Light 5 Alan Woke 6 Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 7 Cove Story 8 Donce Central 9 Heavy Rain 10 limbo > ) Matthew Kato 1 Heavy Rain = |> 2 Red Dead Redemption s Sende 5 4 Moss Effect 2 5 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood — Jeff Marchiafava 1 Red Dead Redemption 2 Mass Effect 2 | 3 Battlefield: Bod | / Company 2 4 Pinball FX 2 5 Super Meat Boy 6 ModNalion Racers » 7 Just Coyse 2 8 Heavy Rain 9 Dorksiders 10 Halo: Reach Adam Biessener 1 StarCraft Wings of liberty 2 Word of Warcraft — Cataclysm — 4 Amnesb: The Dark Descent 5 Mass Effect 2 6 The Settlers 7: > Paths lo a Kingdom TX 7 Picross 3D 8 Warhammer 40,000: Down of Wor II - Chaos io Mere Rising 259 MIB 10: The Show 10 Rock Band 3° Tim Turi 1 Mass Effect 2 2 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 1 3 Red Dead Redemption 4 Super Meat Boy 5 Dead Rising 2 6 Super Mario Galaxy 2 7-77 Heavy Rain |: seriamos АБ” лей “т. LE 9 Donkey Kong: + Country Returns — Bioshock 2 1 Red Dead Redemption 1 Heavy Rain © 2 Moss Effect 2 2 Mass Effect 2 (С 3-Baillefield: Bad | + 3 God of Wor tt J S 4 Boyonetto 4 Несуу Rain 5 Final Fontasy ХІІ 5 Азып Creed: = ni 2 o Assassin's Cie Wfollerhood — Brotherhood — 7 bene 7 Limbo, 8 Valkyria Chronicles Il BNA 2611 | e “Y То Deadly Premoniñion 9 Red Dead Redemption | Matt Miller 1 Heavy Rain 2 Mass Effed 2 3 Rock Band 3 4 Red Dead Redemption y . Assassin's Creed: Brotherhogd | o Transformers T. Mr for Cyber A “ | * " ч n ( Annette Gonzalez__Dan Ryckert. Phil Kollar 1 Masstffect2 : — 1 bed Dead Redemption | =I Mass Effect 2 2 des Oed Redemption. 2 Donkey Heng gp 2 StarCref — 3 Db Hera 2 4 Cory Returns 7 Wings of liberty 4 Donkey Kong 1 3.3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 3 Red Dead Redemption Cagllevania: Lad of Shadow Country Returns 75 Super Mario Galaxy 2 6 Dance Central g ® God of Wer 7 BioShock 2 6 Mass Effect 2 8 Rock Bond 3 7 Pinball FX 2 8 Battlefield: Bod «9 limbo 2 10 Angry Birds pe ¡Wings of liberty 10 Heavy Rain 4 Amnesia: The Dark Descent ‚ug, 5 Deadly Premonition 6 Beat Hazard 7 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood 8 Ward of Warcraft: „ Cotaciysm 17.9 Super Mario Galaxy 2 10 Casilevania Lords of Shadow „= 7 Splinter Cell Conviction Libert | 8 Super Mario Galaxy 2 Joe Danger i of War I (1o Holo: Reach Ben Reeves J 1 StarCraft ll: | Wings of libeny қ 2 Mass Effect 2 3 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood) 74 limbo |5 Civilizafon V 6 Red Dead Redemption T 2 des Deos Redemption 3 StorCraftll 4 VV" 5 Super Meat Boy 6 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 7 Donkey Kong Country Returns 8 Perfect Dark XBLA 9 Costume Quest ^to Infinity Blade \ r | N “ The Big Tent: The Changing Culture Of Gaming For much of the 30-odd years that they've been a hobby, video games have served as a way of connecting people, a secret handshake among those that often didn't quite fit in with the crowd. Now, lm not so sure. A 2008 Pew Research study found that 97 percent of children play video games. Last yeer, NPD Group found that 63 percent of all Americans had played a game in the last six months. In contrast, only 53 percent had been to а movie in the same time period. As the industry likes to trumpet, games have become a mainstream entertainment, per haps even the dominant form of entertainment, In many ways, this is great news, but it makes me question the idea that a monolithic ‘gamer culture" stil exists. As in every form of media today, the audience is increasingly frag- mented. Does the person who plays Persona 3 have anything in common withthe guys who frag on Modern Warfare 2 every night? Does the Civilization aficionado have a bond with someone who's hard at work on his Madden franchise? Probably no more than the person who want to see Transformers II does with the person who loves Frost/Nixon. Do you ever тегі someone and say, "Hey, you watch mov- by Matt Helgeson senior editor, Game Informer ies? Соо, so do I! We have so much in common! These divisions always exist ed to some extant, whether it мав action games vs. RPGs or ‘console players vs. PC play- «г, but there was more of a common cultura shared by gamers. For one, there were fewer outlets for games, As a Kid, remember sitting around with friends and playing RBI Baseball followed by the origi- nal Metal Gear It wouldn't bo. uncommon to sas someone play Contra then pop in Oragon Warrior. Even today, much of What passes for video game ап, culture, and music is rooted in the pixelated graphics and primitive electronic tones of the 8- and 16-bit eras. Icons lke Pac-Man, Mario, and Link stil resonate strongly with gamers, ‘even ones that were too young. to have enjoyed them the frst time around. Part of ther enduring appeal is nostalgia - and the fact that, in the cases of Mario and Zelda, the series have contin- ued to spawn excellant sequels throughout the years. But | can't help but wonder if part of this phenomenon is a yearning for the days when video games were stil something our par- ents didn't understand, when wo ай stil had the samo defini- tion of what games were and hat they represented. You see the same thing in music. While rock, hip-hop, and dance have ross-pollinated into a mil- lion subgorres, icons like the Beatles, Michael Jackson, and Led Zeppelin retain thor power partially because they came from a time when we all agreed on things, When we're ай gamers, being а gamer doesn't really mean anything. Мого not a tribo; мето a huge market of milions of people fram every race, creed, color, religion, and socio- economic group of which you could think. Increasingly, Ihe games we play are as diverse and diferent as we are. Smaller groups will always band together based on mutual inter- ests, but in many ways we're long past the time when you can assume much about some- оле because they play games. Perhaps that's progress, but part of mo can't help but feel a litio sad about it Tho aan! pne envase he page ге sy secl mk cesary so me тт rst Test Drive Unlimited 2 15 Conduit 2 23 Year of the Cosmic Motorcycle! Theater 27 Celebrating the. Batman Game Bost Made 13 Get Your Plastic Worgent 04 OF the Deep End connect 45 % PROUDLY DEFENDED THE EMPEROR ARE ALL BUT WIPED OUT. INTHE E FAR NORTH, THE NORDS HAVE TURNED AGAINST ONE ANOTHER, AND CIVIL WAR SEEMS IMMINENT. THE WORLD EATER, THE GREAT DRAGON a ALDUIN, IS COMING TO FULFILL HIS PROPHECY JUST AS THE ELDER E А" SCROLLS PREDICTED HE WOULD. TAMRIEL MAY NOT REALIZE IT YET, f BUT THESE ARE THE BIRTH PANGS OF А NEW ERA. TO FEND OFF THE — DRAGON AND RESTORE oun TAMRIEL NEEDS THE DRAGONBORN, SK EMERGING FROM LEGEND 1-Player Action/Rele-Paying Bethesda Soter ише Sudos November 11 ales a ^ EW ге, + ei YOU MOVE QUT INTO THECRISP MORNING AIR, AND LOOK OUT ACROSS © тнв WINDSWEPT MOUNTAINSIDE SCATTERED COPSES OF PINE DOT THE SLOPE, THE FOLIAGE RUSTLES SOFTLY JN THE DRISK BREEZE, DISTANT PEAKS Í GLMMER AMID THECLOUDS INTHE ЖОС л, SPREAD OUTINFRONTOF YOU.IT'S BEEN A LONG TREK ACROSS THE RANGE, BUT NOW YOU NEAR YOUR DESTINATION. A LONE VILLAGE HIDDEN AMONGTHE MOUNTAINS WILL OFFER, REST, STRIDING DOWN THE CURVING PATH, YOU PAUSE BY AN ICY COLD RIVER WHERE IT RUSHES THROUGH THE GORGE TO WATCH FISH LEAP AMONG THEROCKS WHILE HEADING UPSTREAM. A SHADOW FALLS ON THE PATH NEARBY, AND YOUR HAND MOVES TO YOUR BLADE. THE SLOVENLY, CHARGING. FIGURE DOESN'T SEEM AS INTERESTED IN ^ magic to stand cut as something Ja, Is a bil moro brutal, Its tho orina hame of men in Tall. You sce th И seem Ike t a thousand Fare. tm al breath away. Whether youire looking at the world rom the, too frst-person view person porspac detaled. The new rendering paralelo ty for an ор -playing game The homeland of humanity. nation with many aval to explore. "fis ind of ribe for us, especialy ‘coring ой of Fallout, К eu, wilh vist object n ihe ксі formed shadow, Tess move ependenty, and w currents, imparting а sense and Ife to he world even when m an area called the Pe rem a tuna, his bi ped midde w falls пайт ice open area in the ‚here you see the mour far cage. Within this one place, there's maybe, ix or saven really dfloront environment looks: toothed ay mam: Inder rely through the aleyílo the highest des = is traversal tones and branc prosa texture, but fing exactas t woud Sand ome wideress xi by towering gian j fost and trying snae t long Ihe frigid a mais за! oro Oblivion. x kc syvan glas and peril hersh landscape. Even underground arcas tundras, and crumbling tins, "fs à rely rugged envronment, game d i realy gc Todd Howard do,” Howard t There's a uniqueness ran x ihe Kind of games NAMES TO REMEMBER Alduin Also called the World Eater, this ‘massive dragon's return was foretold by the prophetic Elder Scrolls. His triumph wil mean Tamriel's destruction. Dragonborn Caled“ dorabkin" in the language ot dragons thes rare nal are tue dragon hunters As the game begins, уш hero may be the last one left. Esbern One of ho few surviving Blades, Esbern ва sort of mentor to the game's hero. He's been following the Greybeards “These mysterious ld men Ive atopa ‚high retreat called High Hrothgar, at he top of a mountain called the Throat of the World. They are highly versed inthe power ol the dragons, andthe trogonbom hero wll need io an the 7,000 steps takes to reach them and be trained. Skyrim A rugged northern nation in the larger continent ot Tarn The king recenti died, setting off a potential civil war between those who weh o secede dom the Empire, and hose who vant loreman. cover story 49 WEAPONS OF (CHOICE ‘THE BANDITS CLOSE IN FROM MULTIPLE DIR CTIONS, AND YOU DROP INTO A COMBAT STANCE. YOU DRAW A LONG STEEL BLADE INTO YOUR RIGHT HAND, AND PULL THE WELL-WORN SHIELD FROM YOUR BACK ONLY MOMENTS BEFORE THE HIGHWAYMANS HATCHET GLANCES OFF TTS SURFACE INSTEAD OF YOUR ARM. YOU MANAGE A DEFT SWING THAT FFF COMPANION IS ALMOST UPON YOU, ABANDONING YOUR SHIELD, YOU ‘TURN TOWARDS THE NEW OPPONENT AS A WHIRLING CURRENT OF ICE IGNITES WITHIN YOUR PALM YOU FLING THE SPELL INTO YOURFOE'S PATH. sc is well aware that players are ready forsome- past that роті, those an that affect ing. а thing alls corbat systen Th log inthe fst hour, whats zone recalbrated approach to fighting romare portant on a game ol his scak te dont hink stroami pon and abii y given si y A tho ways that opponents can alle ıl level growth. The higher the skil, the mar F mbat. E im vibra роп ar THE FEEL OF COMBAT “Al the stuff we're doing, we want the game to feel more believable, not just on the screen, but in your hands," Howard ‘ays, Combat in Skyrim is stil based on the familiar variations of melee throwdowns, careful ranged assaults, and a huge variety ol spells, but much of the moment-to-moment action feels more involving and brutal. Melee is built strongly around a give and take ol ofense and tense, whore staggering the enemy and watching in openings is key to victory. "We wanted the pace of melee combat to be dit- been, Howard says. “There has to be an energy anda joy to it. And wete аво interested in how the weapons feel in your hand" ing a salisiyng ани tothe end ola har. Tanged combat s ne again dominated by the bow and атон general bows ake longer lo бан back bran before, but "ny reich more pow, log stay players o ale down targets wih one t rom a great distance. "Tho nage sto has deze d paa іш per who Il variation oh combat ocur, “Thero are fve Schools of magic” Howard says. “Thara were sin Oblivion Wo Gol i of mysticism, and moved some ol trat stut around. The magical schoot ot mysticism. Ir that redundant?" No mater your style of com bates fet mure mobilo, but vith lewer cheap trios to heat he system. For stan, p. ki backpedaling approach just won't at “We ve realy slowed down hou ast you move backwards? Howard says. “Soa шу whois charging you, you can't just back up from hen. n bi, You ran backward rh samme sped you ran forwards. The bp Dest reason we chan ee Just looked йош. . bee onen ao оошу customisable 22 cover story 51 NN ‘RELATES WELL ` D COMES INTO VIEW. LONG JOURNEY, LOO! BE DECEIVING. AS NES x YOU MAKE YOUR WAY ALO] w VILLAGE'S 523 + © © CENTRAL AVENUE, THE TOWNSPEOPLE ARES — ABUZZ WITH THE WORSTSORTORNEWS. 5 A DRAGON HAS PASSED THIS WAY ONLY, RECENTLY. YOUR HOPES FOR SOME RELAXATION $ as importa jou overhear ао provide Info without 4 ч vê nooding à engago h dialogue. T the way tat uua ion, and those dal INTOWN AND HAPPEN UPON THE SHOPKEEPER ence nal Ий automaticaly WILL HAVETO WAIT: REALIZINGYOUD BETTER — a ae) os STOCK UP, YOU HEAD INTO THE BIGGEST STORE AND HIS SISTERIN ABITTER ARGUMENT. IT SEEMS e x wane ge п . 0 hips to word fe “7 THE SHOP HAS BEEN ROBBED OF A MYSTERIOUS = rgo and carve > 427; x | ARTIFACT. THE INDIVIDUAL WHO MANAGES TO 1 BRING IT BACK MIGHT FIND ANY NUMBER OF Е pilon wl p 1 ^ DISCOUNTS HÉADED/THEIR WAY. rch oka isa "Er oy Io conus a ack e THE RADIANT STORY The Elder Scrolls V has a remarkable new approach to білуі ing ina role-playing game, In Oblivion, Behesci's Radiant Al technology empowered NPCs to enact their own daly schedules and needs. Radiant story applies the same principle tothe much wider experience ol moment-to-moment character interactions withthe world. Put simply, the Radiant story system is about reacting to player actions in everything from he tiniest detal to the broad- ^st lot point. “We're stil telling very specific storylines in our тап quest and our factions, and all that su is done by hand," Howard reaffirms, “But Radiant story allows us to have quests that are flavored dynamically for who you are and where you aro The game tell watches everything you do. What skills have you improved? What places have you visited? Who have you kiled? What weapons do you own? Which figures in the мон are your friends, and who are your enemies? a quest, his sister will automaticaly inherit the hop, and might even ofer you the same quest. However, knowing hat you killed her brother, she might do so only in anger and nitration, Out on the street, your magically empowered hero may be approached by another manic user vho wishes to doe. үші had опу improved your weapon ski, hat character might never appear. Wandering through town, you could enter your inventory and ‘decide to drop a heavy two-handed weapon rather than sell itat a nearby shop. In some instances, he weapon might lie “forgotten in the mud At another time, young boy might grab itup and rush alter you, asking if you had dropped it and might Tice it back. In а hind instance, two burly men might reach the ...4% سا "е vr ме thee ayan spent Dinge at топа a the vera plan, “Theyr teng" ЕЗ CX weapon at the same time; and begin to fight over who wil take ithome. The game eventual logs a huge storehouse of knowledge эол how you've played, and subsequently tailors content to your capabilities and experiences, Entering а city, a young woman might approach you and beg you to save her daughter dram kidnappers. The game will look at the nearby dungeons you've explored, automatically set the mission in а place you've ever visited, and designate opponents that are appropriately ‘matched lo your strengths and weaknesses. “To the players, theyll get a quest that we feel is appropriate {or whe беу are and what they're doing at the time,” Howard Says. In essence, your version of Skyrim wil be buit to your specific playing style. For more exhaustive details оп Radiant story and ай the technical features ol Skyrim, visit gameinformerconvyrim. e з=‏ ي ^s SIGNS OF WARNETH AND LIFEFADE SHE DISTANCE AS YOU ШКЕ AND AWAY FROM. aon IN PÜRSUIT OF THE MISSING = YOU PAUSE OUTSIDE OF TOWN TO. REARRANGE YOUR EQUIPMENT, YOU TAKE TO TIME CHECK YOUR MAP, AND CONSIDER THE QUICKEST ROUTE UP THE MOUNTAIN. SATISFIED WITH YOUR PREPARATIONS, YOU HEAD INTO THE WILDERNESS. AS THE PATH WINDS INTO THE MOUNTAINS, HEAVY FOOTSTEPS ECHO OFF THE ROCKS, AND YOU STARE UP IN ALARM AT THE UMBERING MASS OF FLESH AS IT APPROACHES A MOUNTAIN GANT STANDS TALE AND TANKY, TOWERING ABOVE YOU AS IT MAKES ITS WAY FORWARD. PREFERRING DISCRETION OVER VALOR, YOUSTEP INTO THE SHADOW OF A NEARBY BOULDER AND WAIT FOR THE HULK TO PASS. YOU BREATHE А SIGH OF RELIEF AS THE FOOTSTEPS. FADE, UNFORTUNATELY, THE FROST TROLL, THAT WAS DOGGING THE GIANT'S TRAIL ISNT SO WILLING TO OVERLOOK YOUR PRESENCE, AND YOU'RE SUDDENLY IN A FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE. sa Жет с> ж” DEN CLAW OBELDRITCH = they don't need lobe. cumbersome Ike they Wero п Омот, To answer ho need for improvement, he foam went back tothe dra cto ста a user interface governed „sabiy, and integration nto the Hein rey co el Тар RN ensuing be ey o navigate while offering plenty. 10 explore for those Who wish fo deepen ther understanding ol he wo, "Youknow in Tunes, when you look at al your musc? You fip through i. and soo dl the covers and "formation becomes tangible, even though its this tua thing, Tats what Же ас Howard explains, ¿Ona of our 3 Apple made à fantasy game lock? Its very good at geting through lots of tà quic, which is aways a struggle wi ou siut Tap the enu button, anda four pont зе overlay wil appear before your “The heave Ike." Howard says "lt bacomes an entertaining Joking al your sks” Each const Js ona of those sklis, divided between areas of the sky hatropresent melee combat, nag capables, Each pork you sect ielaten, Push right from the compass menu, and ich your inventory. Weapons and armor nized, and any one ol them can to showing you vihat youre des wi unmet mp ho stark — bo tagged as a favorite Тог quick selacton. Books appear as Inroe-dimensional objects thal you open to read. Other еһе, from fow- ог and herbs lo magical eles, each appear in thelr own designated spáce, Every item in your has а detalach zoomata, rotating o exarrine, which pops up as soon a Jtem, giving a tacto culty tothe from the main menu cals up Your selection of magic ерсіз 85 п al, f уойте а deckcaled colector, many offering ‘ations on а theme. Within your fro spel Tor stance, you might have a bursting (сіз, а Матейко spray, or a During rune that activates when a creatur crosses its threshold. Like wih weapons, any spel can be equipped To ether hand or set to your favorites for easy In-game access. Finaly, press down on the men your character ooking down to Ihe ground. As he looks earthnva ho first-person view begins to pan far back. Skin's map appears ава huge opographicl керів viewed trom an probable height. You can explore the map at your leisure, passing the towering mountain роз, forests, cilios come lo expect, youc viously visto iraya button. The visual effet of the now menu system is ‘subie but importent. The cid menu paradigm pulled you entrely out o the game word in lection of tables, text, and tedium. Tho Interface keeps players grounded n their oca- Tonin the world wie stil diving tast and detailed information. уйгу travel lo pre- with the tap ofthe fast — — Je 2 * chen cavers Ihe harnessing of elemental energies. Т "Wen you evel up you ғ JE stelle rel, Si and оо ol. - re gt — Ee SER au йома шу > = ‘Me actly em а HAN 240/240 «p smua 100/100 ¡== happen ata a cover story 55 THE DRAGON ROARS, AND DIVES INTO ATTACK. FLAME POURS, 1 N FROM ITS GAPING MAW. IT CRIES OUT A WORD OF POWER IN}; DRACONIC, STRENGTHENING IT FOR THE BATTLE TO COME. IN YOUR SEARCH FOR THE MISSING GOLDEN CLAW, YOU VE ASCENDED TO A TUMBLING RUIN OF NORD BUILDINGS:EOR А. аш — — TIME, THE SCALED MYTHICAL BEAST SEEMED TO BLEND; STATUE- LIKE, INTO THE STONE, BEFORE SPREADING ITS WINGS AND CALLING OUT ITS ANGER, NOW, YOURE CORNERED AGAINST THE | WALL WITH THE DRAGON READY TO DIVE BOMB. YOU SCRAMBLE ) -2 ge BACK DEEPER INTO THE RUINS, AND BEYOND A FALLEN PILLAR / YOU SPY YOUR BEST HOPE FOR ESCAPE. A TINY PASSAGE OPENS M Ly INTO THE HILLSIDE, DESCENDING INTO THE DUNGEON BELOW. » ғ EVEN AS THE DRAGON LANDS AND REARS BACK TO STRIKE, YOU! DIVE FOR THE OPENING AND HURRY INTO THE DARKNESS BELOW. E. ж- OUTSIDE, THE WYRM BELLOWS IN FURY AS ITS PREY SLIPS AWAY. кле ee ONS | " PERHAPS YOU WOULD a BETTER ОРЕ FACING THE DRAGON. DEEP ur BENEATH THE NORD RUINS, YOU'VE FOUND CATACOMBS THAT STRETCH ES INTO THE FRIGID DARKNESS, FILLED WITH UNSPEAKABLE DANGERS. IN ONERÓOM COATED IN WEBBING, A BOULDER-SIZED SPIDER LOWERS ITSELF INTO THE CHAMBER, CHITTERING AND CLACKINGITS MANDIBLES ELSEWHERE! ANARMY OF DRAUGR UNDEAD, FALLEN NORD WARRIORS | OFA FORGOTTEN TIME, CHOKE THE CORRIDORS AHEAD. THE DARK ны THAT STOLE THE GOLDEN CLAW ARTIFACT FLEES INTO THE DEPTHS, si CHASE THAT RESULTS IN HIS DEATH. NOW YOURE FACED WITH ACHÓICE, RUN E: 3 | WAITING FOR YOU BACK IN RIVERNOOD:; BUFTHEDARK ELFSPOKE OF A 7^ + — 1. © SECRET BURIED. DEEPER irm TAE DUNGEON, A MYSTERY TIED TO THE | STOLEN CLAW. THE LUREIS IRRESISTIBLE YOU PUSH AHEAD. г sa — А DEEP BELOW, THE MYSTERY REVEALS ITSELF. A FORGOTTEN HALL ОР STORIES LEFT BEHIND BY THE ANCIENT NORDS SERVES AS A MAUSOLEUM FOR THEIR HONORED DEAD. THE GOLDEN CLAW UNLOCKS THE INNER= — SANCTUM. WITHIN, A SHIMMERING RUNIC WALL SITS, UNTOUCHED FOR CENTURIES, THE HIEROGLYPHS SEEM FAMILIAR, A WORD LEAPS O. FROM THE DRACONIC TEXT. YOU ARE DRAGONBORN. YOU WERE BORN ТО. UNDERSTAND THESE RUNES. THE WORD SINKS INTO.YOUR MEMORY, А5 ттт IT HAD ALWAYS BEEN THERE, LOUDIX;'RO," YOUR VOICE BUILDS IN INTENSITY. span! THE UNDEAD \ y MAR тшт COPS HURTTINGBACKWARD,ASA WALL OF SURGING FORCE “ WASHES OVER IT, AND THE VAULT ECHOES WITH YOUR SHOUT. ES — — - , DRAGON LANGUAGE Bethesda created a ful draconic language far use in Skyrim: Complete with a 30 character written alphabet, a ful gram- 3 ‘mar and syntax guide, and an extensive vocabulary of words, the dracone language and its words ol power serves as. > the backbone to the dragon shout system. To lear details about Bethesda's fascinating endeavor to tackle this project and to translate the draconic text on the back of his magazine, visit gameinformercon/skyin, oU S тшн Jh DIM PASSAGE TOWARD THE GLIMMER OF LIGHT 5 ee -— E END AND EMERGE INTO THE COOL SUNLIGHT NEAR THE MOUNTAIN'S Р N Z GIVEN UP. THE DRAGON HAS BEEN CIRCLING, AND NOW HE RENEWS HIS Ж С Ж жоі hi 27 — 3 AND STAB YOUR BLADE UP INTO THE CREATURES NECK. IT FLALLS WILDLY, / 47‏ ج = № t WS AND BALL COAPSE INSTANTLY, ITS ODYANS TOCOMBUSTS 7 BURNING ITSELF OUT FROM THE INSIDE. YOUR BLOOD QUICKENS, AND A ^ GLOW OF POWER SUFFUSES YOU. ANOTHER SOUL BRINGS YOU ONE STEP е CLOSER TO ALDUIN. Aner FEY a Uncharted e Thieves torave reviews and over 3.8 milion units sold worldwide; the Naughty Dog much-needed extended Vaca! When they retuned they/soughtia new technical challenge that would, test them as much as the snow Uncharted 2 and the jungle in the frst game, if not more. The multitude ûf properties present in desert jE 9, displacement yand ing backtlrog for chasing historical mysteries This time around, Nathan Drake returns to his primary obsession; Unraveling the enigma of sup- posed ancestor Sir F According to the events Of tê isk game, this 16th сеп у privaten apparently died on an island'in the Pacific Ocean protecting the cursed statue of El Dorado, but it urs aie that this was only one of his many Somehow Nate discal ies to a last reas ua hoard while folowing the trail айо century explorer ТЕ. Lawrence, known as Lawrence of Arabia Before the British Army officer the Arab Revolt during Word War |, Lawrence was an archaeclogist who ventured througholit Europe death in a motoreyele.crash ае) would love to mount an expedi find what he called he Atlantis ofthe, Sands, a legendary lost city of untold wealth that God Wiped out because: of its people's Wicked ways. Known by many names обоо history = Ubat, Wabar, Iram обе Pillars - this place is said to Be bU in the Rub al-khali desert in the Arabian Peninsula, Also gélledthe Empty Quarter, this 250,000 Square mile Wasteland is оде of the [ast unekpigreci pl. exactly Where Nathaf Drake makes al doogedierash їрїп and pretty much the dosest thing to a father figu to bo seen, but we'd be very surprised if they ich ny Hennig. “And we show up in some respe solutely a fan favorito and p ‘Okay, wo gotta Ind а way out of hero. Draka says about thor backstory and thor s amd thugs stream into the dilapidated ieau inthe forests of Frane “its a ші cdo,” responds Маху sident xû how his team plans to top the Беек т Jot tho reception that Un oliitdy a big surprise for us, and r '60 foo архоһу big amount ol pressure external, bu ely duo came together 1 danit Ihr yet excoods Ino pressure we put on hor relationship is one of Ihe main баа In win Suly, insi bond " TE. Lawrence, o so th partner ihen they m. cole, à ом up to make things ТОЧЬ Tho. Drake and longtime pal or "Sly" Sulvan há xed and ak been in this business for some timo na but pi That doesn't have only soon thor most recent advent ı1 ba ono big bo "Dog promises lo uy explore the natur of th panded cast of now and returning characters la rap hou cont cca, Drake's ol into n the debut rater Even though he 1 and parine sand in action new elemental effect was fe, 3ub. Naughty Dog prem a piano ar bolow thot current xut the only jo pen up a s. He jumpson. pan lo hold his eight even when ìt Watch yoursall Sul X iL" Drake теріс епу, the structure jerks downward a lew foot ea merc patrol a ‘on the guy and: iets eg oe ame e n Feiner White No the the multiplayer des кезү ТА ripe E rolls. We wa ea people talk about when Жез talk abs plas Ұлтқа BIS.” 4 based on what the game. Its stil relati match and drops t жу springs to Ме п across dd beam looks хе positioned ari Ihe two is Drake up lo asted with a backdralt in the ір ere me эр with something that's Ja interpretados, creative - BEHIND THE SUBTITLE Иле we ee up vil subtitle for a garê we е Н а ageing # have multiple layers o meaning, something that's pen WIL A Aou Am Pei tng. “E gps break dom. ll he perdi T eodd mean (ші of BW.” says Uncharted 3 Mi. L nl) be eier Drake- end? be king deceived, Di cado be being deceitful: ced FFC the meaning ever inside cs sly, whic ir why we lke the abstractions of the nde, And Г think ence people ge 1 5 V ањ As far. as the g to the oe ona bar h А FV charted э: World f Deceit) um x to by жайдан for a prefe Hennig зе» pe’ really talende, hd i's fatally А coincidence- 2 эр, MOVE, AND BSP2 V Ae pasti 2D. Tha jd receive? carly raa bg pelea ЗО ТИ t tinker ares VV adus D Shit Ben Wal өзі . Ha ra at o жаа la hey e eee бел Tg à edere olg sein теле A fn n Song мекені ag ges, бен nd (Же that we'll see it in ұлкен nom We reci ‘Mave pre «4 very early. We spent Hine P Lal clio with T" d Di quis бйнм Bal D kc what we e fe oclo that edd bea y жылд, Een Hah the Жек pieces of fe P E теит online, WELCOMING OTHER STUDIOS Once Naughty Duy decide anca desert theme and Mi me pre [уе hte kam cae op sth thn the Sing fl, talgarecimpany, alid it gen, desert game, Josey, Ve tal an forth ge Hage endo E і RVC ыыы Jast to talk e cach other,” sas Naughty Duy geen, Balestra. A] was bike, La Lew are you Jung this awesome und?" ay gore Diete ufin Rihard, Theyre Uk, Ware pondo Fire of the te АД om i We're (Же, Well, ЊАР nat an Bat that's nat He only de hasse Hey e em here with other їйїн. We пов opens ben he plurals t ih the landing, trapping him in pla, A m stuck, Нар me out," Draka ne piê Up his dd mend. ent to recover anet "тт ЛҮҮ" ҮҮ Г HIR HIT емі mmm ЕСІ Fighting (Online TBA Warner Bros. Tmtoractive beben Sucios An MORTAL KOMBAT Fans of the Mortal Kombat series are a bloodthirsty crowd. After playing through the notorious series’ first Seven entries, gamers were trained to expect nothing but the most grisly, creative, and oftentimes hilarious deaths you could imagine. That's why so many questions wont through our minds as 5000 as the first teaser image (07 Mortal Kombat vs. DG Universe appeared online in 2008. We looked at Sub-Zero and Batman facing off, and first imagined how insane it would be to see the Lin Kuel ninja rip the Caped Crusader's head off. But waite: there's no way DC would allow that, right? Our concerns about a T-rated Mortal Kombat game were realized in the presentation of its trademark fatalities. Most were tame, while others panned awey before the final blow was delivered. As we were shaking ош heads at these castrated finishers, series co-creator Ed Boon already had a plan in mind to bring the series back to its roots in a IS way. Even during the production of MK vs, DC, Boon and his team new their next step. "While WE were making it we knew we were gonna 59 back to an M-rated game. We were gonna go back to the 2p fighting plane and revisit the older story. That whole plan was already in place.” Directly after the series’ largest departure and tamest entry comes what will undoubtedly be the most violent in its long history: cover story 67 4 $ аа йоду, this new game tels an Vnd деа about to be murdered by Shao Kahn. he ane ‘mental message back to an car follows this enlightened Raiden th Morial Kombat games, How this alters the ants yet to be seen, but expect to see events ne оок far super given the huge technology 198 al tournament ladder in whch you cimb th take down a sub-boss and а boss, for your selected character The other features ыу, but tests your skil set and know Mortal Kombat has always been Known mores than ts intricate combos, Кау беп a primary strategy. Sub-Zero divas aede goto сеге рогол/візе sequence, and Kitana di many терегі with er fan ici fan throw core ола Kombat 9, the series wentin a different деседі wi ade combos that required intenso monere Boon wit tore tnat tis method made things dict re attacker control of ther character ard madii crops re apio etm and País back O е Tre nete foi ne fret two games. “Vou mang You ou Combos e art programing them in e meh: Ben Qo boe al during а match graduali Me up a spec теді been be ed in several was. Defensive minded pelis сап that can on cf the metar to perlon a breaker move nl ry Mort Kombat: Deception. impatient attackers meter on super powered T Y you're patient enough to let your i the most devas- tie meter fil up, понем "an X-Ray move. Displayed prominent {he camera inside your oppone ‘vertebrae shattering, and bones. "moments are shocking even for veterans Tad they're sure to be a popular addition. ‘breaking, These winceinducing ‘of the намое seres, The Devil Is In The Details to ие don't expect friendships or babas o appear үре a Mortal Kombat ttle without Moose trove of hidden goodies. The originat бі ıt with Reptile, a character dto at any pointin new Mortal Kombat pr aas Deadly Aliance did, otitis lisa gigantic күйі environment complete with a пен currency system. feature 69 go vai and memorization required, you often had to o through several fights just to sos y spiky death. Thankful, te Skip straight to the jaw open HIT moment any time you want Wat In TODD at tho now Jax aay is easy toon up de ode ала ratie of tho required input ок Straight to the gore. Though the focus is оп, that's not to say Boon, Won't throw in some Putting fatalities tront and conte Opposed to something whom тано непаз he get К шошо be O р " that people wouid decoro, Returning Veterans e Besides the kratos cameo, every character revealed tius fs ern trom the cast othe frat tree ames. Hero's the et ot ney сапатта konfirme?) career as of tis rng. Playable у Тао ekcapton. Te God of War nac 9 be tha ens unt ts. Тһе eariy games added mor fatality types, Rope San ver ала ке aden MD Jump to 30 introduced dt deaths and weapons, ard ias bene nne Boon says, “was such an vs. DC Universe had Liu Kang and company taking on the ment has ed дойт his special moves and менее: unlikely of opponents. tan 2л environment that has probably our mann Panga entries of mbing up numerous aspects of the legend- Slave ever had in any Mota! Kombat gama, тапа series, Boon is ready to retum toti core elements that ba something special ‘made the franchise а phenomenon, Based on the excitement the rato On What this stage fatality entalis, but it ing to ana ma lor seems trat the o ы mee sons picturing ans ripping котва Im iling to take that step back with him o imb or à Colossus crushing them undor m (ш. feature 71 O Stent Hillis more than a town. it [5 a macabre mirror of one's sell. where hopeful future, head, ike the Ibove the forest zipping by the tendhis of anxiety ensnare his chest ‘of social misfits hurtles towards an ‚unknown fate. His anxiety proves to be justied as the ‚bus careens out of control, сайла off the side of the, "oad and straight into the foreboding woods to look for help, Murphy er canopies and dons un, but Murphy S Pocking the corpse of a dead animal. They take fight as ho passes tham en t toward a breakin the oa padlock — ne eee у tt in outside of his. ME Sent HN Downpour ber "8 uel about он дуду nen, LI going to dig up Murphys past and discover he's the a starting complication y female police office ‚rer gun. The officer, Anne Cunningham, accuses him о! playing a part in the across a narrow ledge or ing to keep the convi enemies kiled to whether Or nel you examined a specific йет. These hade 2, but players also make ing decisions. Choices, wearing, will affect more than e game's conclusion, Vatra says characters wil tunt Murphy diferenty depending on your selections, In Зоте cases characters fates are set, but his actions stil сапу repercussions, Choosing to help Anne, Murphy rushes toward her with his hand outstretched, Soreams as sh Murphy cres to himself as he watches her disap- pear into the fog. At east he tied. Ho have te find help elsewhere. Eventually, Murphy's path leads him to a huge Cable car system that stretches far across ine nearby canyon. A boarded-up souvenir shop Its too late, She ! loses her grip on the sick stone. X= Би games, "Ours rt rat as uno as somo of recent games were ho says, "Wi Shen Hi: Shattered Memories ete was ania m егі sy me the otherworid happened ee er Sent ll made the ha tracking Downes кайтасы, п Sn Dot, thy wil pay ‘he tr standalone ler aran ad cf fama ото Ұр puer ck nthe game, tne word Hera tums on з io, 7 oo > Spontaneous Hydrophobia шарпу finds himsel in. waits at the bottom. Opening it, he finds himself back In the diner, with no signs of re or water, Puzzles have always played a large part in Sent Әй games, and the developers want to play that up. In Silent НИ: Downpour, they wil be offering easy, medium, and hard difficulty leves for he various, ead-scratchers. "They did it in the early Stent Hits as well and | think It kind of got lost along the way." Says Shatsky. “think the fans were very disap potted In that, so we wanted to bring that back: ‘A door In the diner leads to an attached residence. Inside he finds crimson carpet and furnishings matching the segmented rooms from the night- mare world, He comes across another note, which details a reclusive woman who won't leave her bedroom. He adds the scrap to his journal, next io the newspaper clipping. In Silent Hi: Downpour, notes, hints, maps, and other useful information are stored in Murphy's Joumal. "You find things on the map Ike ite old schoo! nota- ons from Murphy as he notices things,” says Gomez. Further along in his quest, M jt din io is battered and looks FE me к ee an, hera ho ames o вау scant vas pais on the алд сас, sening hm dro. "SS ven you know whee you're going s good to E objects he was Vora pen МИРУ Ма his body о dodge the check things back on the map and see what you've ms Bin erty arah ee ey e e mies тк ay . geno hss ойлама || reature nowhere h sigh gramophone. With the black fog "800005 en a ос {опор ото, иода ee Buk Ho grated waa Ue are ls by hugo rusty chama, and we fee ee . points can be hard to dect Sense e ere e He's greeted with a stai Towerthe делу nans, and pher fis related to the sidequest or main story” rams of veyron sty goes rogue and не Ho sprints up the a Mer eld may rate A path. says load designer Marek Berka wil be up to You somata ans tine dimer tear away yng new step. Aer oe long iar but ener ee, eee wowee colin ove into ооп. Swatches ol rust En bt! ned iy wih e ‘Hating, pore, and catwalks доспе? Е А deck oplaca то interior: Massive lan An a desioning, yan hum. aa — d bagos мп, raising te water laval 19 Vn mra realy wades FOU Mu S eng шеп food, searching т tne worse чам. Feina hoan aol om cosas. A rated stay ; bee e ns toward past wals bende no odd anges oan MC Eher piece, ng go from bed to worse at the top of е | P аск fog seeps through tne walls а alice that pursues Murphy - stairs. ıs. Electricity D floating mass of down seemingly races within th yanks down shelves and. low the pursuer, Water foal we beat іка an upside-down river WI pening here? "Thamaticaly, psyche ously waters playing a bid atra wants to break the prediciabl таләп parallel word presented in ‘anything аз on the coing ima is hap- logically, story rao, obvi- part in it,” says Gomez. je mold of the earlier Silent HOMEWARD BOUND The majority of tho demo we wore shown takes place onthe outskirts of Silent Hill but the town is stil the focal point of the game. Vatra gave us а sneak peek at the infamous streets, and is. iteration of the creepy community is large, more detailed, and features more variety than any other, itis во big, in fact, thatthe developers must insert huge markers for themselves so thay don't got lost "vilo making the game. Conversely, players can. ‘gain access to Silent His subway system to mako transportation o the game's plethora of cations easier. With one exception; Маа says there aren't any roused settings from past ‘games (e.g, hospita schoo) you decide to "lont explore ай these locations and other ‘sidequests that Silent Hilt Downpour has lo ‘offer, үзігі be in for an adventure clocking in ‘at over 10 hours “it you Took at tho previous games, we took the southeast comer of the map that was never explored” says producer Devin Shatsky “The lore behind Silent Hil is that it а living, breathing resort town that has a normal, day-o- Фу ile, I's not this town that should have been quarantined by the government 20 years ago, oF Whatever. I's actually a рагайеі-уре universe, so what Murphy is seeing in Silent Hil may not necessarily be the actual town itself” says Gomez, vulnerable. You Eventualy, Murphy discovers the bedroom mentioned М. in the note. Within, he finds a dog lying on a bed п a ester to dalier incapa FFF “Более enemy Va ee SL against the window, and Inger-serawled numbers. Ihe growing blood sper on та, glass. aan and thar on the main floor, Murphy hears the abrasive Lam popping тобот soucis ors lo ai e showcase aton id Ы nn acer rea тонн me savagely beating an Immoble ¿ici body меп sones rts te outs жотал. Жетпей My Puls he сив He fag s o дй out of here. Ho h "acker off the victim, When the raging convict turns lies Playing t game, Jail Break, wee eee, e nons Vu core нет тау Brak in oro o shan r e e e nate Ne o aw ЕТ ДТ and rusos no tne open and silts vs throat with razor-sharp claws. поко у ув a ура of reverse ck ho souvenir shop. арт the cable сас Refit washes over him as the aha ыш тоңу те many basement; бейе Hebun va 1088. The Wel стот roman ec fade to nothing. tigi foe ecu іе тілу err i Me мірге he aner ane so a — set as Murphy descands no ne وا رد چ اا‎ Deed cotos De machine coughs up a ta Sg le ней enough, Darts nt обе tourist atracton. The massive rock Sr nn ey een Мру bass en O amber dusk would be Ma coming more and тото Senn eem son темтр Пол sprint Looking over hs sa тренери t 20те ‘unfortunate glance al the creature's silt mouth але the not tro of the creepers ішгі nis shoulder. undona as he nears e дотно ет Tio me moving vi a райында м — ] ma da i Cah An gr e nir shop and ‘on over to garneiformer com/mag. Inside one, he finds some fresh clothes to hide his prison garb. Outside, something moves in the trees behind the bulldings. Саме and screams rip through the alr Another one ofthe creatures rends his flesh, leaving a pool of blood on the back ot his Vis et ae new shirt. He scrambles fora chair siting outside 2 Te ‘nearby house and smashes it across his foe's асаа face. Legs fy off the furniture In a shower of spin ters, Marry chucks he romains as he aia searches for a new weapon, “The combat in Silent Hil: Downpour looks very similar to the way battles played out inthe clas- sic games. Murphy is no мато and his swings. are inaccurate. Unike previous games, Murphy doesn't have a weapon Inventory. Hel find random objects Ike crowbars, fre extinguishers, ‘and axes in the environment and carry them one at a time. Weapons also have limited бша ity, so don't expect to rely on a rusty pipe from. beginning to end like In previous games. “1% about disempowerment, тв Fight Night Champion Float like Rocky, sting like Ali in the new story mode 12003, ESPN debuted Playmakers a gridiron ‘soap opera about а fictitious professional football team that dealt with many of ho dirty off-ihe-fed issues commonly seen in the world of sports, Critics and viewers alike gravitated to the show, making it the third-most popular program on ESPN. Not everyone was happy With the success. The NFL disliked the show due to ts portrayal of professional players as drug addicts, we beaters, and closeted homo- sexuals, With the renewal of the Sunday Night is empire at the top ot the sport. McQueen has his eyes set on signing Andre, and he doesn't plan on talang no for an Football contract on the horizon, ESPN caved to pressure from the overbearing league and cancelled the show. Sports game developers are all too familiar wah this kind of league pressure. Many leagues review the content that goes into each game, which might Көөр, for example, EA Tiburon from adding random events like substance abuse sus- pensions or off-field controversies to Madden's popular franchise тода, With no league body to appease, the Fight Night development team at EA is free rom these types of shackles and plans to make use of ts liberties in the new Champion mode. As the frst mature-at history Fight Night Champion's story made ‘examines the seedy underbelly cf boxing. To make sure the story meets the team's high stan- dards, EA hired Academy Award winning writer. Wil Rokos (Monsters Bal). Hore ae short bios cf the characters players encounter as the crema пове.» Matt Berte 4 L » Platform - PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 T 1-Player Sports (2-Player Online) Publisher EA Sports » Developer EA Canada » Release laments how promoters March | "Be DL. McQueen have "ransormed the sport - E sms mese die.) eges. most notorious "arounding his cater promete: on the planet "ike his older brother , Megane a Моту bon- [ Andre. Ray males up for zi ‘ng fen who wants to get his acc of buzz wath a anto managing on her boisterous, narcissistic ‘own merits: personality not une ıa diva wido recover the NEL. Second Draft Loos Annoying Stealth — Prototype А | ies Platform | hen wo frst saw Prototype, we were why Holler wants Mercer dead, but the pk =: муз ee dis to throw a tank, E a is remaining tight ippe The deadly nat Haller controls soem E ed өне inz game, but we know 1o have more lolype 2, acting ina way Е А Players retum to an infection ridden New төтігізсет of Venom or Carnage rom Spider rins = anti-hero ofthe frst game, and sels cut to kl him. Its curently unclear exactly gargantuan ral in te. — that were siib ak A Botior Hero For A Botter City — A tha 2012 roc sical stil has piene Le plenty of tme to wo 'oblams we 2 : had with Prototype and win us over wiih the understand me way. sequel. » Phil Kollar Co-op Play? - Yu т ginally planned lor inclusion 80 previews hen Vno McMahon purchased WON Mc nee me torso pred ша wat he oniy frg ho Ino хобат He ree tour et Tween THO s excl ans codd cho WWE les, E ECW attempt soveral years, how ret, Smackdown vs, Raw has been the only game n town (outside of mediocre TNA fils and the supremely clsappoining Lucha Libre game from Kon. Vibe it stil operates under the banner of Vince McMahon's jaggemaut promotion, THO в finaly ing game naw option w a brand the promising WWE AI Stars: If we were to compare WWE games tiles, Smackdown vs. Raw would be NEL and Al Stars woud be NBA Jam. Thats no dent, as Jam (and NFL Bit) velar onboard as executive producer. Ash the hardwood and the gn Dinta is bringing jc bee lop moves, arichadous visual style, and a бітрібекі but rewarding control scheme tothe Squared co. Its not just ne SVR roster wilh new gameplay апа a diferent ook, H the roster features jast as many legendary grap- рев as current superstars. Available WWE stars consist of both legends and members ofthe i« so ar: Andro Ino Giant, Fey Mysterio, Brel Hart, Tiple Н, and the previos announced John Cena and Tho Rock. While the final roster is stil a work in progress, THO is planning on a "cream roster” consising of Superstars from your dhik talent of today = n ood and the top xing some face Мат expect to see ach superstar f into one ol four categori Acrobat, Big Man, Brawler, ог Grappler, Ас san perform high thing springboard attacks and cover most the enire ring with a top rope attack, Even sho lep tumbucido by propeling themselves off o an pponeont. Playing as Roy Mysterio, 1 sprinted up. the body of Andre the Giant, bacidipped onto te tumbuckio, and proceeded to level the big man ih a misslo cropkick. I you tal to acter can chargo up massive strkos that can send your opponent fing. When | played as Ando, | sent Mysterio rocketing ГО the ropes ‘wih a massive punch, Once ho ricocheted of the ropes, landed апо! blow that sent him. cartoonishy ling outside of Brawlers ke Сапа and The Rock ere ecuipped (р With unblockablo charged attacks, and сарров носа Bret Hart can sting numerous grappie move gether into а combo. These tw nol be fying around the ring Ike verna. ing system. That Near fcoluros standard attacks hes, kicks, sweeps}, special atlacks (speer, bicycle kick), and fa Ч Stars foa: Tres standard strikes, extreme уміло attacks, ard finishers. n tandem wäh the heath meter, I Stars realy does resemble а fighting game PlayStation 3 Abox 360* Wi 1-4 Payer Fighting (4-Flayer Online) о sending loes outside of ico the big men, instead of tno sm ko Smackdown vs. Бан Publisher but ther moves are bynomeanssuble.Genals tem the looks oft, WWE Al Stars shoud mo tue Adjustment is just a modified remans do a great job of reaching its demographic puran Carry ike ts on WWE programming I's now a Prolessional wresting fans whole-heartedly THQ San Die apahero-ke leaping sam Ihat causes а shock: embrace c rhe top, urredstc action, and amo delivers itin spades. Ideal the fite Wil oven siio a chord with gamors hat dorit ne Cold Steve Austin rom Duke "fe March 2011 өліп connects, " Whereas tho majority ol wresting games loa hentum system for buiding up finish өз, Al Stars doesnt rely on arisng-and-falng Dumpster” Droese. NBA Jam and NFL Bitz metar, As you perform big attacks, your ee managed to resonate with gamers hat never x wil fise without lear of topping back walched sports, and Dita and THO San Diego down. It your meter is hal ful and you suddenly plan to walk that seme path with Al IInd yourself on ihe ші end of a severe beat, Dan Ryel м! don't have to worry about restarting fm square one Опов you frd yourself wit ishor metor, ate by pressing LB and RB together. In many wresting games, th would be the point where your opponent woud Cowardly run around the ring unti your fisher expired. This won't be a worry wih Al Stars, as ке NBA Janis ^re? It requies your opponent xitont and put out” your fisher state if they hope lo avoid i Putting out a frishor st wilh extreme signature moves. On top of he frisher me ayer also has an energy otor, This fls up as you тїк up your srk moves, and ead peor an айа The Rocks sr accomplsthed Несі segment жоне you streme signature. These trademark Kruste Shuto or jng DDT, are rarely used to frieh an opponent. I you connect with one of the Ж an opponent in a fisher stale, i reverts "hern back to her det Hath meters have rarely been soen in was ng games ever since Додайте tes in the lat 0s, as most modern tiles rely on stamina, bod and other vague indicators, Diva апа "he team at THO San Diogo aro actively going Ter а Поу game feel tor Al Stars, 0 1 back health meters. Smackdown vs ın qo on for extondod poriods ars dioontiatos itself again by ichas that requanty end within Ivo ТШ iul It irt too dissimilar rcm Mortal Kor ati fight Platform Wa » ту» 110 4-Playor Sports Player Online| 82 previews Nintendo. » Developer ‘Square Enix © Release February 7 Mario Sports Mix The Mushroom Kingdom plays host to even more whimsical athletics ‘ack in the lato 1990s, Mario proved nim. ell obe quit the Renaissance man. We already knew he was fond of ture stomp- ing and go karting, but during Ino Nintendo 64 days ha started trying his hand at the sporting World. He tried gell and tennis fest, and then moved onto baseball, Soccer, and baskelball in later years. Not satisfied wiih one sport рег game anymore, the plumber and company Compete in four soparato events in he uncom ing Mario Sports Мк. When an asteroid lands in the Mushroom Kingdom near Peachs caste, Toads assembles 1o ivestigato the crater, Finding crystals hat ‘contain various sports equipment, they decide to hold tournaments involving the kingdoms most recognizable faces. This charactesisticaly ludarous setup is as ood an excuse as any to gol Mario and ends 10 compete in the four sports avaliable - basket- ball dodgeball, voleyoal and hockey. Each of these can be played 2-02 or 8 cn 3, na vari у of courts and environments. Luigis Mansion features ghosts thal can assist you, ihe waves of Koopa Troopa Beach wash lems and cons ‘nto the shoro, and he dusty Western Junction. features a tran that rockets straight down the migo oth playing area. Why the ollzens cof the Mushroom Kingdom bult a baskotba court over a set of activo train tracks is anyone's guess, but | stopped questioning the logic once a bunch of Sty Guys started throwing cons at me from the top of a boxcar, Each of the four sporing events is structured slay lam boxes give you a variety of power Ups that you can attach to your shot by holding the B button. A green shell adis some power to your shots or throws i used ollensivey or you. can uso ther to tip up opponents on dense, Ав you play, a meter fils up that allows you to unleash a rciculous special attack. They're not unblockable, but delenders үйі have to bo on the toes to survive them without ging up апу ponts. Il you're playing baskclbal as Wakil heit sprout four robot arms hat rapidly hur balls at the basket. Daisy can confuse opponents in volleyball by causing a giant fold о lowers to show up on thor side, obscuring the shadow thal indicates where the ball is headed. None of ho sports are partkoularly complex, win охоо or four butions (or a remote shake) handing most of your actions. Baskolballsooms ‘ven simpler than an arcade experience ike NEA Јат, and tho action movos dong at a ower pace. None of these games tako much ‘strategy - most bol down to “block opponents shot, then ty to take your shot,” However, ems and stage-specific events heip keep the action. from becoming too repetitive. "What Mario Sports Mi lacks in gameplay depth, it makes up lor with a healthy serving of trademark elements from the Mario franchise. Instead of a racional puck, you bo siking a ¿gold соп around the firk. If a volleyball shot is Just outside of Yoshils reach, hell stick out his longue to make tho save. The typical Mushroom. Kingdom castis all on hand for Sports Мо, and youll even sce some surprise Square Enix char actors gotin on tho While these жө the most complex sports games, i's reassuring to see them offer more than the minigames that aro so prevalent on the console. With four separate sports and nine support, t definitely ойы garners more mileage than its роо, Рад Ryekert Terme omen pia Eorum ud LEGO Star Wars Ill: The Clone Wars This hunk of bricks has a few tricks up its sleeve thad bon a while since Га last seen LEGO. tar Wars I: The Clone Warsin action, which is why | was surprised that a recent demo ‘of the gamo started with the arena battle of Seonosis, We'd played that part of Episode I before in LucasArts frst LEGO Star Wars game, after al. Why bother revisiting that sequence? Alter watching a LucasArts representatie play through the encounter, its abundantly clear that developer Travelers Teles has learned а lot about making LEGO games over tho усаг = thanks n no small part to its work wäh Ihe Indiana Jones, Batman, and Harry Potter franchises. That experience pays olf in ways that even players who gent into the Clone Wars’ timeline can approciate. Tho Clone Wars! graphical improvements its predecessors sre immediately noticeable. There's far moro action onscreen, and back: ur detal ae rendered wih the attention they deserve. in the fim, the arena battle was onse with астму as Jedi fought hoc fighters, batte drokds, and assorted space monsters, The LEGO Star Wars rden was Sgrificanl toned down, transforming the cha- дік engagement into a tame series of finding ага destroying droids before fighting Jango Fett LEGO Star Wars Il: Тһе Clone Wars version is far more oil to the movi, resulting in a supe- Tio gaming experience, The level starts off with Obi-Wan Kenobi Pacime Arridala, and Anakin Siywaker totherod lo posts, where they're set to be gnawed on by three ferrying creatures, Obi Wan breaks free of his chains and rescues his friends: Wal, at least he removes thor chains, Mero eo a low things in the way of a complete rescue, inducing hun- ‘dreds of асокі and other enemies. And three of the enemies Ihe acklay пе, and rock - are slobbaring beasts ready lor a Jedi entrée: Those three enemies show off Ihe Clone Wars blend of realism and LEGO whimsy. For exam. ple, the spider ke acklay sports one LEGO leg. Il can be broken ой, ging Padme а gapping point she can uso lo cimb atop the beast and kil it. Obi Wan can hop onto the massive horned reek (ting on a block) and use Ihe beast fo kil ihe teine nam. When Jango Felt enters the arena, now post tively brimming with background character ifs a goal time for Obi Wan lo uso a new ight saber throw attack, Similar to how balarangs functioned in LEGO Batman, players paint their targets by pressing and holding a button, ben release ito attack, Jango в eventually beaten, his helmet kicked into the busting stands Ike а soccer ball. Sco this is a LEGO game, humor trumps al else, and young Boba Fett looks quiz cal al ihe empty helmet The sequence is a great representation of how the game в coming along, Visual, ts with fitte details ке КИ Fists swaying lal whips and larger strokes such as the incredible amount of potential characters shown onscreen. The LEGO games have aways been a go-to serios for lamly gaming, and his one seen 10 bo no diront. Having the dd iencly Clone Wars license attached to it makes the game even more appealing to fares with younger players = or anyone else who'stocking for a sod co-op session, Мете definitely excited to seo. Wars story, particularly inco i Јен Cork lation, PlayStation 3 OPC „ Pablishor de » Developer Traveller's Tales э павазе February 15 Patios Playstanon 3 зуе 1 to 4-Player Racing the navar boan about tating jn foo busy focusing on ning: Man- mec gotten pray tr on th рза isnt a story based any means, but it does use a thin plot ienear lo provide a tl moro context їс youre doing, Its Just ono of tho new addit lo the game that endeavors to buld upon the Iranchise's potent racing, Players experience the ight moton comi backstories ol reo characters Mash, Tyr and Big Dog - as they progress through the gamo. We've been continuing to look at the relationship between story and game in. the racing gerro ever sinco wo announced tor Storm A explains Malt хила, he The story el facing, andit racer b on yourrevst a tack, ben "tho silences aro clon nd thete are sommo that chango radically lua 48 hours ol our Party al the id^ This Б something we've spent along time making tho right decisions on. The pse ls Моћ Nature's dong king a balance between neten that is lay o 4 skyscraper collapses, and more emergent, physics crven elements such as Ihe unprocictablo Contents spling rom thoso sky- rack changes al around you, must hastiy pick tho most ele голо or your моде, Apocalyps introduces five ne ars, supercars, superb or wih decals and parts; supermini, musclo and choppers. Ра tides more than e and share your аршу and the consequential engine overhoal ing are also tweaked. Driving 100 close to heat sources Ike burning bulldngs adds more heat I hio it cooks down when you soar signs with others. Your Boost your engine rough tho a зато of these allas tothe series blueprint aren't major in and of themseve xocalypse promises lo add important features that wîl challng А ring the renchiso into s not.» Matthew Kato кїї the core ofthe game, than what s minimal asit may so mo new features and excite players molhing its locus. tho game, oriy this tmo thoy re joined by a private miltary company and an opposing faction that have infested the locales where the Festival races lake placo. While racing, youll tace throats such as peopl fring at you. k and oven runaway uel trucks benen the yn tho track Regardess ofthese man mado nuisances, nature is tl the backbone of your racing огоо, end Apocalypse showcases tin tum: for your racing delight. Tho game contains races, with persistent damage rom lap to lap greater hen you're racing against ko Forza Моор 21 can't alford to take your foot off Ihe hailed Need For Speed im, developer Siighly I needs lo Improve on the тойга Studios kno Ite things й want inthe subgerra, Fo ing the hood and making: game's already competent racing engine diver isn't just taking on othe must also batte the rack and the car o. ол on top. The new helmet сат tres to ‘SZ adopt ти Aulo ca уоп ram Med or Spend Hot Pur — — the inlet ofthe cockpit experience by adding movement to ihe normally feed camera per- spective. This subte change gives you the loch ing of speeding along at hundreds ol mies per hour. The divors head jerks forward when you slam on the bresks, bobs backward as you kick. the car into a higher gee, end looks into turns to hap you spot the appropriato Ine. in hatter use of realistic amping the AL In i game, drivers wore sometimes overly ме, as еу wore more concerned with Ih placing. This focused on coming out on. top, and the dev team is gang them more varied 2o carly or lale, thal can be ou need to make a pass НА ӨТІ World Championship license in er back pocket, EA also plans to use the Need For Speed-sponsored racers as boss battles, Though EA dart до into details, the com. pany claims Shift fans can also look forward to a revamped career modo, a deeper car turing system that lets Kind ol performance you want from your and more realistic car damage. М1 Ind oul i change it 2 a place on the ium next spring, » Matt Berta PlayStation 3 Xbox 360+ FC » Ste 1-Player Racing [6-Player Online) » Publisher Electron Ants ннен ішу Mad Studios » Release Spang dom ges you moro conta Binary Domain Humans vs. roves ban var Gray Coen metodo coro T Wadi Sete bot fe ares a an men . TODO VIE os pure day bay widow real lo ач от e cama pars Goum Par oso 5 from the creator of Yakuza Platform PlayStation 3 Жок 360, (Munplayer TBA) Sega » Developer Sega TBA Radiant Historia You can't change the past, unless you can 1 you think the Japanese RPG market is dwindling. you havent been playing your DS enough. Thanks 10 publisher held role-playing fun, and you're about lo gel even more 1-Player Role-Playing when Radiant Historia hits. With а development an » publisher including talent from Persona 3 and Вадаа Stories plus Арз. the Kingdom Hearts composer), RPG fans should have Nuendo Ds ce Alu, you can stil fnd plenty of hand: — » siyle » Developer this one on thelr radar yen The story involves a steampurilantasy world where = the two major countries aro locked in along war whio Release, astrango disoaso & ring poopie то sand, Allora Fury 22 bizare mission, an inteligence agent named Stocke rds dee with access to the White Chronide, which allows Tim to traval trough time ‘Along with his compatriots, Stock visits diferent points In m and space to create alternato futures and ju between parallel Imelnes to save tho world. The choices you maka in each ora wil hava ollocts across the wha mein, and you can go back to previous cholcos to эое how dillrent outcomes lead 10 changes вомхо nume. The plot appears to share some simleriles to the dassic Chrono Tigger, but the batte system has an Lnfamtiar twist, Tho uin based combat takes piaco on a3 grid, and some of your ables move enemies lo ‘larent posts. The main болой to these maneuvers is that your attacks hit al enemies in a squaro, so you can herd them together to ish cut the pain, For айпа damage, рапу members can toam up and combine thei anades in a singo азза. From Radiant Historals development pedigree to its unique mechanics, Atus has а good shot at roping in the hardcore RPG crowd опсо again. Check oul our review In next months issue to see how everything comes Together. » Joe Juba ? Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 + PC » өте 1or2-Bayer Action! RPG (P33, 360), | Payer Actior/RPG (PO Payer Online) » Publisher. Square Bix Obsidian Entertainment Summe es previews Dungeon Siege II ith this hack ds-on tie ol 2011. Dungeon Siege ll is being developed by a diferent studio, marketed by anew publisher, and draw ite Кот the fest "Wo games except lor backstory, Don't lot that though. Our hands - | his might bo the most mistoacing game discourage you in on tme wilh the fest h revealed an асіогуАР Gale: Dark Aliance with a splash of Mass feet Whichever class you choose, you'l meet up with the others in Ihe games frst һе We only had the opportunity to check out ho Guardian dass, embodied by fantasy hero archetype Lucas. Our enemies are rent asunder by giant sweeps of Lucas’ massive two-handed sword or dissected by the focused sink his sword апа board stylo, depending encounter esch setup shines in certain situa- Tons, and switching between the two is a shoul- der button away. Each slash fils our power bar, which can be drained lo eflect radical change on the battlefield via mpressive powers Ike path clearing sword dashes that one-shot most erte end lle enemies. A the while, loot and екрейопов rain down upon us Ike champagne in a playoff dubhouse Fling the power bar (oy rocking face in the normal way) and emptying it фу wrecking hall the bad guys on screen wilh спе attack, and tipping etlortessly between combat styles keeps bae fresh, Any tre thore were bad guys on the screen, | was happy d ruining thei day, Unlocking new powers as you level and ‘equipping ever more power bits ol loot isn't any loss lun hero as it has boon in tho dozens of actiovRPGs youve no doubt played over tho years. Obsidian has a lot ol polish work 10 do and it's not a studio known for smooth, bug. поо games - but this solid hack n slash core is promising, To Obsidian’ credit, Dungeon Siege i's word is id out more tke a quest hub-locused MMO Than a паспе! Ine dungeon crawl. The one Dub had the opportunity to visit had quests or various townsfolk sending me ofl in several drec tons, Each mission w ths," bul thoy worked well as excuses lo poke around Ihe many nooks and crannies ofthe ıo map. There wil be last raved between hubs via a kind of astral causeway, but It vast enabled in the preview build | played. 1t may seem Ike lm skipping tho story, bul you. ‘can f n the blarks of tts fantasy adverturo Mad Lib yoursel, You ve got your evi sorcer ‘esses, corrupt chancellors, wise sages, and ‘conniving mercenaries, Lucas’ chichood homo is shockingly burnt to tho ground in the opon- Ing culscene. The simple towns cry out for ıa savor to deter them from ex that threatens to gl the very ward itself, Obsidian has toid interesting tales in tho past (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Ii Faout: New Vegas), though, and ine Mass Eflectike conversation wheel ‘could enable interesting dialogues. Tho storytl ing | saw during this preview lt ito impression опто, good or bad. No acliorvRPG is complete without co-op, and "ris is where Dungeon Slago Il has a chance 10 shine. Drop-in, dfop-out cooperative play is available from the beginning, oni or ol. The yo piot wi allow whomever tho lad character is, wilh the second player taking ‘on the role ol a generic member of no of the ner classes who just so happens lo have the охас samo dls and equipment as tho story ‘character ol the same class, who replaces the unnamed fn when tho main charactor mets up with thom in the sloryino, Whenever а ‘second player isn't present, the Al takes over for the companion. Unfortunatoly you сөлі! switch bolwocn your protagonist and his or her buddies in singe player Dungeon Siege I has a great underlying design, во a tuturo in which Obsidian gots ils technical ducks in a row and takes the plot Somewhere interesting after Ihe nro is quito possible - nd quito dosirablo for gamers.» Adam Bios: Jurassic Park An unlikely developer steps into the maw of a troubled license to ever walk the planet seems ike the per- fect blueprint for a video game, but since 1993 developers have struggled to capture the magic of Jurassic Park. Though a dozen plus games have carried tho series iconic logo, their uninspired designs fall in Ine with a prehistoric Rambo fantasy more than the source material found in the Jurassic Park novels and films. Dinosaurs aro the attraction, but the heart of Jurassic Park is humankind. Our emotions. and tendencies shape these stories. The best and worst of humankind ao almost always on display, whether that's someone being bravo. enough to put thor Ме on the Ine or ravenous enough to sacrifice others for ther owm personal gan. These stories are buit оп deep character development and the hope that viewers and readers are emotionally invested with the human. p iting players against the deadliest beasts ‘element long before a dinosaur emerges from. the brush. No Jurassic Park video game has explored this element. Perhaps this is why Universal. Pictures, the Jurassic Park license holder, hasn't Unleashed its dinosaurs in the video game space ‘since 2003's Operation Genesis. Enter Toltalo Games, a development studio wih a reputation ol making character driven adventure games. "Universal didn't want another dinosaur shooting ‘game says Joo! Dreskin, Totali director of marketing. "That's something from their side that interested them in Telltale Games as a partner for the property" Teltalo plans to create an experience identi- calin tone to the fims. To do this, the human. element must come through loud and clear. The team has studied the fims and hopes to take peges from the Steven Spielberg playbook for both pacing and presentation, Executive director Kevin Boyle underetands the challenge the team has ahead. "As far as pacing goes, there are some things that are useful from the heritage of Teltale, but creating a new experi- ‘ence that pays ой on both the slower paced ‘character buiding moments and high tension you expect from Jurassic Park is a new drec- tion for Teltale" he admits. "Story and character area really important part of it. You are going to feel dama. You are going to feel tension, You'll feel diferent kinds of emotions. There's humor. Light moments, Downtime to get to ike the characters, Certainly the wonder and awe of the island, and then everything breaks down to those moments of terror’ Teltale it just trying to channel the tue essence of the license; tis also responsible for adding to the lore. This game is designed as a direct sequel to the frst movie, addressing tho. plot ponts that weren't followed through in the first fim and never surfaced again in the sequels. For instance, what ever happened to that Barbasol can filed with embroyos that Dennis Nedry lost in the jungle? ‘Some of the game takes place at the same time as tho film, but Boyle says you'll experiance these moments through the eyes of new charac- ters "Wel see cur characters kind of cobbling together and asking What the hell went down hore?" Boyle says. "We're going to pursue this MacGuffn to a new conclusion. Which begs the question, who are the main characters? You won't get the chance to wear sunglasses at night vith Jeff Goldbum's char- acter De lan Malcolm, or have an unintentionally firtatious conversation between Dr. Alan Grant and Elie Sattler although most of these char- ‘acters are referenced. One character you may recognize is a bit player from the fest fim named Gerry Harding, the chief veterinarian at Jurassic Park You also meet his daughter, as wall as various people interested in that can of dinosaur. embryos. The inhabitants left on Jurassic Park's Isla Nublar wil make themselves known, and ‘odds are some of these people are smugglers ‘and mercenaries ‘Applying the Jurassic Park icense to the storytelling systems Teltale has created in past games makes sense to a degree, but п our ‘conversations with tha team they kept coming back to Quantic Dreams’ Heavy Rain. "While our ‘story в more near then Heavy Ran, actions the player takes are reflected in the way the story is told," Boyle says. "The choices the players make result in changes to the details of tho story Players wil now we are paying attention to the decisions they make." Teitale is also heavily inspired by Heavy Rain's gameplay mechanics. The team is stil figuring ‘out how actions are presented to the player, but Boyle says Teltale is approaching the task wiih “mere focus cn cinematic presentation of your interactions." Expect plenty of investigating and looking around in the slower-paced gameplay sections, but when the tension escalates to life and death scrambling. the gameplay shifts кот selecting destinations to immediate responsa, It wouldn't be Jurassic Park without volocrap- tors, and Teltale says they are huge nuisances, The big bad tyrannosaurus rex is also on tho hunting trail Lead designer Joe Pinney also. teases another foe. "There's a dinosaur beyond the movies –а new threat," he says with a smile. "You'll recognize it from its glowing eyes in the brush. t's anocturmal dinosaur." Like most ol Teltalo' recent games, Jurassic Park is designed as a five-part downloadable ‘series. The team plans to release it on POS, Macs, and consoles. Telltale hopes that the direction it is taking With this beloved license keeps players engaged With the charactors as they aro dangling from the maws of dinosaurs. The fourth Jurassic Park fim has been spinning ts wheels in develop- ‘ment hall and ifthe game hits on ай tho right notes, it could be the continuation fans have been waiting for. » Andrew Reiner THE SC Outstanding A ty өне vta ia na pre every ‘oy Ti ro en an пишу andinos game. їл onno bo miss eee a ete — moy werk Ыл үө nn ‘het even camel pr went amen before A боо | game tror begenin toon тена Арон! Athough here maybe кт of games rewna a scorn. тугу мі bet yes Ку эө W a gameınformer A CAMERMONTA 94 LittleBigPlanet 2 Media Molecuie's ambitious sequel combines fantastic platforming with a virtual toybox that wil keep you playing and creating levels for hours. The expanded toolset gives users even more options when building levels, branching out into entirely new gameplay genres. Whether you want to cat your owm worlds or just enjoy the йв of others! labor, LittleBigPlanet 2 provides a massive amount of quality content that will only grow ав the community adds their contributions Find maybe obvious tut he уте has at of TT eee owed or net regred nto th eee Вга Wide some hg work apor the monty ot эе ute ether mile or a o alate gane Panta ha m anyang ura redeeming agar of (ha eier Kabul beran ngoreng amen and Avan asun e t tro rer Broken Realy npn Th утте ia о cet Farc fot y vote odas ned extreme garimen биш. Viso snare to lot ol tao m BRANO. ШОТ Bes = CAME MONTH — — wer your veat bek, and please dt dink and diva. ©2010 Nasan Neth Americ he. TURBOCHARGED | COMPACT FOOTPRINT | TORQUE VECTORING AWD* The all-new sport cross. Nissan JUKE” Innovation for all. NISSAN AS Dead Space 2 A heart-pounding journey into the mouth of madness mining vessel USG Ishimura, his actions were fueled by hope. His giiiend Nicole was stranded on this ship. He did every- thing in his power to reach her. His search only led to death. The Ishimura was contaminated by a biological threat, Everyone aboard it, includ- ing his love, was lost to the disease. Although Isaac survived, he couldn't outrun the conta- gion, He was infected, In Dead Space 2, Isaac isn't a stalwart hero spitting out one-liners. He's а flawed character. His deteriorating state of mind adds tension W hen Isaac Clark boarded the derelict to an already unnerving atmosphere, He sees. ghosts, and his consciousness periodically shifts from realty to a потуг memory. Not being able to rust a game's protagonist puts the player in а precarious position. I found тузө! second-quessing Isaac's actions, Is he batting the people infected with the virus? ls his mind creating these apparitions? Or, worse yet, is tricking him into harming uninfected people? ‘The race to find a cure becomes Isaac's priority- The feeling of helplessness is established eariy оп, and the sequences that follow are drenched іп suspense and ambiguity. Compared to Isaac's time aboard the Ishimura, Dead Space 2s scares аге bigger, the tension is greater, and the threat created by the virus makes every shot you fre ‘count. This is one of the most emotionally and Physically draining games I've played. ‘Dead Space 2's new setting, the Sprawl, а heavily populated space station built on опе of Saturn's moons, contributes greatly to the heightened unease. The Ishimura housed only its workforce, whereas the Sprawl is а home for families. This means that the infection strikes children and even newborns. Battling a seven- foot beast that vomits acidic bile and tries to impale Isaac with razor-sharp appendages is. ‘one thing, but watching a mother cradle a necro- morph baby wil haunt my nightmares unt die The Sprawf's architecture is quite diferent than. the [chimua's, Violet shopping districts, per- ‘sonalized housing, and a rainbow-filad nursery al provide a false senso сі security and normalcy to scenarios that are anything but. А room. void of danger в often accompanied by a claw. scratching a door, rating footsteps overhead, оғ muffled screams coming from a distant area. The ‘sound design із pitch-perfect, and the accompa- nying score makes the scares seem bigger than they really are. ‘Although Isaac stil uses many of the same оов fom his previous entanglement, the set- ting - and new threats that lurk within i= give Dead Space 2 a decidedly different fool The team at Visceral Games has gone out of. its way to ensure that the player never feels com- fortable during the game. Not only does Isaac hallucinate, but creatures burst through walls when you least expect them to. А no point in this game did | feel that Isaac had the upper hand. Enemies aro not only greater in number this time around, they are ‘Stronger and better protected, De mend spa- cific necromorph types takes an entire сір of. ammo. | often found myself using kinesis to hurl ‘every object in a room at a monster, praying that опе shot impales the boast cr at least knocks t back long enough for me to reload, While | appreciate the challenge the team has created, | have to сай thom out on the design of many of the combat scenarios. As Isaac is engaging a threat directly in front of him, foes will drop from vents behind him. If Isaac had a rearview mirror on his helmet, | wouldn't have а problem with this, but too many of my deaths ‘came from an unregistered foo attacking me ben behind Tack these unfair spawns onto a game that is brutally dificult to begin with, and many of your ‘screams will come not from horror, but frustra- tion, The balance is perfect through the first hal of the game, allowing for fluid progression while stil making you thankful for every ammo сїр an enemy drops. As the plot unravels, the fic increases with each new encounter. Unbeatable foes are thrown into both puzzle and standard combat operations, and elevator rides are packed with necromerphs. I found that the normal difficulty setting felt more Hie hard or ‘expert in similar games. As drained of energy as! was at the end al battle, Dead Space 2 often rewarded my fort with action-packed cinematics. Some of these moments blend seamlessly with unique gameplay sequences, much Ike Uncharted 2 does. | won't spoil anything for you, but wil say that a sequence taking place aboard a train and another involving a needle are frontrunners for. Game Informer's Moments of the Year for 2011 Discrenting zero-gravity sequences (of which there же many), and a handful of clover “how do | open that door?" puzzles are peppered into the ‘ction at just the right timos. The excitement also stretches to Dead Space 2's multiplayer component, where play- «в get the chance to hunt mankind as the neeromorph legion Ina similar vein to Valve's Loft Dead, ай of the matches pit a human team against necromorphs. As tho human team feverishly attempts to com- plata objectives, the nocromorphs аго tasked with slowing their progress, usually by ripping off their heads or chopping of their legs | enjoyed my time playing as both sides. Conteling the macromorphs leads to cringo-werthy highlight Tools, but these murderous til aro matched by the feeling of accomplishment that comes with э wel-oilod human team that coordinates tactics. Tho matches are quickly paced thanks to spawn ponts that alow necromorphs to craw! Out of a vent just feet away from a human oppo- ment, The action is relentless, and post-match Kill counts are usually through the root. Each kill earns you experience points that unlock higher ranks (60 in tota) and new armor as well as Weapon upgrades. In two hours of match time, | reached level four. Another two hours got me to sx It wil take days foreach the cap. Dead Space 2 is a monster of a sequel, оо ing bigger scares and more excitement than | expected. | enjoyed Isaac as a sient protagonist in the original game, and I find I ike him even more now that he's found his voice, Im stil confused by the scientific explanations for tho. contagion and how it is inked to the obalisk-iike Marker, but | ike where Isaac's story is going. The tease for Dead Space 3 has my head spin- ning with questions. » Andrew Reiner reviews Өз 9.5 Рау, qeste, and share all over адап, with emphasis on — Graphics The crafty, do-it-yourself vibe Tookes as fantastic as ever Peppy tunes make great background neice and the эаййоп of voice acting helps the cutscenes Piattorming is Improved, but not perfect. Creation tools aro easy to lear, but ama 1 doubt anyone is cold- пей or jaded enough to llo this adorable ttle E 94 reviews LittleBigPlan can't stop thinking about LittleBigPlanet 2. Even alter putting down tha controler, 1 continue playing withthe creation tools in my head, Everyday objects send me ой into daydreams about new vehicles, and idea for bizarro puzzles spring lo mind in mic conversation. With this sequel, Media Molecule bottomless Toybox, andi can't Temember the last tme a game had such a lentiess grip on my imagination Calling LBP 2 ambitious is an undenstateme Like the original, Iho experience ls spi nto WO parts; playing the story mode, and creating your wn levels, Ths tmo, however, Ihe creation modo towers over the campaign with an атау et 2 є at your f ту 1 to 4-Player Action/Platfonning (-Playor Online) Publisher Sony Computer Entertainme Developer Meda Molecule Release January 18 ESRB E ol options to help make your gaming creams y heard tha you can make mulie gerres now, and that sr just ly promise, | dabbled in 2D shooters, dermolon derbies. and unckassiiabie mayhem. ‘The options can be overwhelming at first, but a hande ofa lew ofthe new tools, things start clicking into place, Youll definitely want to figure cut Ihe Controlinator as soon as possible, since t allows you o control Things remotely, Object mocsfiers are also incredibly useful; some lel you tweak өресін traits (іе antigravity or friction}, while others set contrap- tions rotating or moving without the nead for ‘complicated pulloys and lovers. Even with so much potential in other areas, playing around ave within the game plattoming ramewwork was the most fun for me. loves creating оов of dealt dealing vehicles, twisted puzzles, and leaps of lah. Sackbols NPCS you can program with diferent behaviors} add more depth to Tho levels, Iko when you have 1o rescue ther oc outt them. stes of gameplay is sill lun, but thoy work best whan used 10 augment plating rater than replace il Figuring out how bost o uso these new toys fst quick or оу, bu It pays of big. во, the chasm between basic understand- vency s extrema wide. Despite the in-game instruction wouid ease the leaming arve. Placing а few cameras ist the same эв ding an entre culscene, but Ih tutor als don't help you synthesize the simple pieces into a more complex whole, Гтп sure plenty of Лозе ніку savants vil fal right into step, but il more guidance for he rest of us could resul їп even an even wider pool of awesome commaty-aeated levels By focusing so much on the creation tods, 1 don't mean to sell the story mode short. Nen lures brian designed levels, four payor co and the same senso of stylo hal made the original so charming. The pacing ls beter, wiih more unique segments (ке 2D shooting or top- down racing) breaking up the action. Patterning mechanics have aso been refined since lest "imo, but a continued гейге on physics makos for a han of Soppy segments. Tharkduly, ho Trusting parts aro тесп, and the space between ther Б filed with sights mat aro guar- айоо to inspire you when you ry your hand at making your own levels. The origina ittoBigPlanet was impressive but LitieligPtanet 2 coments Media Molecules position es masters of facitaig user-created ent, By providing an abundance of loots and inspiration, long with he platform to shara your creations, you coud play LileBigPlanet 2 every omething diferant and е Juba day and experience amazing avery timo. Gran Turismo 5 Polyphony realizes its racing dream Style Lor 2-Payer Racing (15-Player Online) — Publichor Sony Computer Enertainment XD Dovslopee Polyphony Digital Relenza November 24 EERE E aivering a great race experience pays ої n Gran Turismo 5. U not the most complete racing game ‘Since П doesn't delver on every front, but when you get "behind the wheel ol GT 5 itis a racing experience Ike no other. А great racing Ше srt just about going last or haung а big sclocion ol cars, and GT 5 succeeds in capturing that alusivo adenine rush. The graphics aro undoubtedy a big actor in tris simply because of hal high leve of detal ага evocation of asm. Racing is al about ing in tho ‘moment, and nothing convoys that more than combining "ho game's great sense of speed with impressio graphics. 1righly suggest you gat nto a premium car and race rom "ho cockpit vw, Where youl od ho sensation ol avery bump on the siroe and get a better dea ofthe rigors al racing. Addin snow, rain, and right orwrcnment variables, and yaive qot a gamo that visual Ives up to tho hype. ‘One of my continuing css ol ho seras has been "ho cutand-dr, sterio feeling of ts caroor mode. Alhough GT 5 does abandon ts traditionel racing events forma 1 appreciate how relatively easy tis to cam money and. XP lo move up tho ranks. You no longer have to grind the Зит racotrac 1 progress harks 10 айгы Ike tho кап racing and ally special events, The game aso aids its progression with seemingly sparate rewards lo paint chips (which you uso to color your cars, roo cars, photo: travel locations, and more. Even with a relativly generous progression curve, | don’t od working my way up Ih car lade. Having Yo race ail Hinds of vaicles gies me an appreciation of what ciler- ent cars aro good ard bad at, and it hepıs mo as a racer în general In some ways, is is ho hoart and sod сі what Gran Turismo is al about As much as this game nals ls overall vision, ho fran his could stand to stretch its horizons. Gran Turismo 5 ies to do is by adding car damage, bu strangely rocks oriy later n the дате. By the tine Polyphony ıriocked tho foatro, Iwas past worrying about whonit would show up. The onina component, with lis smooth racing exper «ко, standard community features, and pre-race practico ороп Б satistying, but disappointingly lacks overall rank- 15 or leaderboards 1 so thik Polyphony passed up a arger chance to integrato ta or portion back into your тап career. I wish hey d done this with onina instead of the underwhelming B-Spec mode, which has you drect- ing other racecar divers wh they aca for you. Why would you want to surrender Ihe whe to someone else? Gran Tirismo 5 Б worth the wait. Every aspect of the game cit blow mo away, but ho shoor amount ol efort and cralismanship that went into the game is impressive, This is an experience that racing fans shouid noi miss,» Matthew Kato p ‘lyphony Digital singular vision and commitment to » Concept Capture the essence of racing and go beyond Jus collecting cars and tack Graphics Horon objects occasionally pop in, but otherwise the game looks awesome Sound A scant number of rockt onge from the likes of Them rocked Vultures are drowned out by a sea of crappy smooth jazz, Ірай more attention to the cat? varied engine sounds Piayabaiiy For those playing with controller, suggest mapping the gas/brake to the right analog Enertainment GT Bis a finely tuned racing experience with a few ‚лз hat dont spol the overall реше Dead Rising 2: Case West Chuck and Frank deliver a healthy dose of ту» -Player Action (2-Player Online] ‘Publisher Capcom Developer Blue Casto Gamos Talens December 27 ESAE M ‘oad Rising 2: Caso West ріске up seconds atter Dead Rising 2's credits Irish roling. Chuck Greene is about to get his face bitten off when Dead. Fang's Frank West saves the day. The two men havo ther own agendas, but they ain nicely. For Chuck, а nearby Phenotrans facility ойегз an opportunity to clear his namo aller the outbreaks in Las Vogas and Fortune Oty. Exposing the pharmaceutical giant's les would be a huge break for photojournalist Frank, who has an unex- poctody persona stake in the story as well ke Case Zero, he previous standalone download- able adventure, Case West is a cooperativo experience, (Chuck and Frank aro together the whole timo, whether Frenk в controlled by the game's Al or an onin friend. There aro a few notable ferences between how Frank works n the single-player oxperionco versus provous. NPOs. As ho introduction points out, these arent the frst zombies that Frank’ fought stands to reason tat play fers don't have to waste much tme babysitting the charac- ler —he's a sol) fiter, and (more mportanti wor се. Players con hand the character weapons, which he'll use rti they other break or run out of ammo. Case West ronroduces Frerk's camera into the game, which isn't as big a deal as it might sound. While players жо коо to snap pictures of zombies or anything oise that әйкес ther tancy, experience is only earned when shoot- ing photos of designated targets. I's probably asking too much for Bluo Савдо to shoohor a Му realized photo mode into a downloadable sidestory but its current mp mentation s disappointing limited. Players who royal tho sors arsenal of weapons may feel equa let down. Since the storyline takes place n a pharmaceutical company fackiy here just arent as many available weapons, 1 clearly would mako sonso to have ‘.sparting-qoods stare on a factory fior, or example: “Thal said, plenty of bizarre and obscure ems are плавае "o harass Ino undead with, ndudiy chemicals, Segway осой, and boresaws, Also, somo now tems can bo. ‘combined into inventive combo weapons. Phonotrans has ks sharo of secrets, and players uncover ow of hom during the Course ol this brief асмотаға. Хәл soo a tamil face or wo, and get a betler sense ol how Ihe two main games aro connected. If youto grow- Ing woary ol tho serios "tako tho survivors back to tho ава" formula, cheer up. The loks Chuck and Frank meo up with know tho facit wall enough to escape on. "hor онт, опоо they've boon helped out abi Case West is а icky proposition. Where Case Zero was ico appetizer for players who were looking forward to Dead Rising 2, I'd guess hat most of Caso Wests players have played through the sequel by now. I's hard to go. back to a maler venue, even in spile ol tho universo- expanding store, For dicherd fans of ho series, this one's a must-play For everyone elsa, Сава West is fu, but hardy essential. » Jeff Cork fan service » Concept Bring hero Frank West into the world of Dead Rising 2. complete with his camera Graphics. The pharmaceutical factory sorting is a nice change of pace from shopping centers aná casinos Soma ‘Zombies sound as pit as ever, and the new weapons have a rice aud oomph to them Playabiity "The camera functionality dosent add much to the game, but here's sl enough Zombie йола to keep players occupied Bntertainmant Caso Wost does a solid job of ying up the loose ends ot the догу while leaving things Open for the inevitable sequel Replay Value Moderately high reviews 95 Lost In Shadow ‘mined by poor controls Stylo L-Player Acton Publisher Hudson Entertainment Dovelopor Hudson Soft Nale January 4 ES Flo. Я 7.5 wi » Concept Маке a platommer/puzale ‘game in the vem of foo ard Limbo Graphics The visual titere make 1t look beer than most Wi ties, but theyre sometimes overdone Sound Ambient noise and a fw enemy squeaks ме about all youl hear Tho sluggish controla and frustrating combat are the mascots, ther is по shortage ol exc lent platformers on the Wi. With Lost in Shadow, Hudson Entertáinmont aims to delor a more mature adventura to gamers, trading in denke humor lor ап introspective догум and action-hoawy platoming for challenging Puzzles. Lost In Shadow delivers on ho latier, but even with some clever, continually evolving game mechanics, the entertainment is dragged down by painfully urvesponsivo controls. Lic Ino mai protagonist, Lost n Shadows storine doesn't have alot о weight. You play as ho shadow of a boy hat has boen soparated from his body and cast ой ol a giant tower. In order to reurito with your body, you must make ч your way back up the structure one leva al а game's biggest drawback tine, solving puzzles and collecting gems lo Entertainment Unlock each now lor. Tho oriy other story clo- Last In Shadow can be ments ar dlvered in Iho form of signposts that tedious, but those who id contain short musings on your predicament, but wath it will be rewarded bey cert realy go arywhero stead, tho game Веры focuses on your long dimb back lo tho top, Moderately Low Lost In Shadow starts cut slow, and ine lohar- Gic gameplay wil ety soar o many players batoro ho game gots good. Your character con- "rcs simia to the prince from the ld 2D Prince of Persia ils, with a hey delay every tme you chang directions, Jump, or imb ladders. The vombat is moro affected by these poor controis "han the plallorming Б, as you move too slowly 10 efoctivly dodo tho attacks of your enemies. This becomes less of a problem as your health bar Increases (ia reading the alerementioned messages) but oniy inthe senso that йон. you to absorb mere cheap shots: The biggest "sue, помои, s Ihe lack o save points. Dying оп алоо requires you to complot restart i, which can easly negate 15-30 minutes ol gameplay. You can forte а savo by rotuming down a love, but tho amount of backtracking required makes it moro trouble han ts wort. T. harks to Nintendo's stablo of time-tested Lucky, Lost In Shadows pazos largely overcome Ihaso considerable laws. Tho gamo throws a number of mechanics al you, such rotating Viewpoints, as shitting ight sources and moving foroground objects, al of which Transform the shadow landscape you tra- verse. A new mechanic is introduced hallway through tho дато that introduces somo lit bre danach gameplay and creates moro ‘compaling puzzles. As | dosed in on tho final floors ol ho tower, I had a herd time putting down the controler, A lato twist introduces a bit ‘of unnecessary backtracking, and somo floors feel excessively labyrinthine, but neither of those issues drag the overall gameplay too far down. Utinatoly | can’ recommend Lost In Shadow to everyone, The puzzles and combat aro 100 ic or chidren (even on easy mode), and platoming lans wil ba put off by the Lrresponsive controis. Lost In Shadow can't compote with Nintondo's rst party offerings, buti you can accept its laws, the mind- bending puzzles wil keep you entertained to the ord. » Jeff Marchlafaya Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective fter death isn't all it's cr cause they re ight on traditional gameplay, interactive adventure games need compelling stories, characters, and puzzles in order to work. Getting this отта Tight is what made the Ace Айотеу series successi, and geting il wrong is what makes Ghost Trick a fairo, "Considering that Ghost Tick Б the latest project rom Ace Айотеу creator Shu Такиті, "ho game's bizarro premiso shouldn't como ав a surprise. You play as Sissel, a recently deceased Sprit who can manipulate ranimato objects агі travel four minutes into Ino past, Combining these two ablities ows you lo participate n Rube Goldberg-siyie setups where Sissel ips, ‘opens, and rotates various objects in order to save poeple rom ber minent deaths: “The concept is cool, but Iwas disappointed to discover hel Ghost Tick doesri have nearly the зате charm as the Ace Attorney series: Sissel Tals fiat as a hero, the story uses conveniant amosia as а constant auich, and a seres ol predictable twists deflate he overall mystery. In a game that depends on a strong narrativo fo keep players engaged, these shortcomings are dificult to torge. To mako matters worse, Ghost Tick aiso stumbles in its puzzle design. instead of alow- ing fr Ine trial-and-error that leads to "айна" moments of discovery, many situations havo rigid solutions that you must execut with pracisa Kingdom Hearts Re:coded The most skip-worthy entry in the series Style 1-Payor Action/RPG Publishor Square Enix Developer Square Еши a.nd. Release January 11 ESRB EIOH bs » Concept Solve a mystery and save people's ves by possessing ‘fandom suf Graphics. ‘The animation is phenomenal, and the stylized ап its the tone well Sound A low cool background unes, but nothing that held my interest, tiring. I you miss your one chance to possess Plapability aman riding by on a судо, cr hi a tennis bal Crummy checkpoints prematurely you have to g0 back toa check dircouwage you kom point. The checkpoints aren't wel placed, her; experimenting wit expect lo re-walch scenes (hough you can skp Pues Entertainment through dialogue} and repeat actions ust to get another shot at Ihe problem areas Though the game missos somo important marks, Iisa completely lost cause. Tho char- acter animations ae Incredibly fud and impres. 590, and soverd of their conversations aro good for a chuck. Untoriunately, thas scattered bits fo aren't enough to bring Sssels adventure back from Ihe dead, » Joe Juba A tew bright spots шегі enough to make Ghost Tick worthwhile o to meet the oying that you д купит of Kingdom Hearts genres For example, rather then serving вва we [Î gamos hava eased over telat lew bete rena, Olympus Coeur a electing CCC eee ging, Series mastermind Tetsuya Nomra Se Ober variants node a side-scroëng handheld empenence hasnt made il easy to keep track of the events. platformer, a Space Harrier-styie shooter, and a лыш / Rode is tho frst tile to pick up ано tho ond bate command stago where Sora has o A collection өтө and о Kingdom Hearts II and puts you in control boss Al allies around rather than attack himself. low-tesoirion assets fom ^ franchise hero Sora — wel, a digital repica Тһе RPG segment is easty the best, teasing previous gamez of him at least. The game originally released what a less action-focused Kingdom Hearts FFC ‘experience could be. The platformer plays Ike E esame Бшге twoaked and beeted up the ttle for ls е auto-sezollng running games that are all ho. la Dimey songs yet again e release. i rage on smart phones, The only problem is that it m apis | Barcode akos ts custom Ten as Denys fl ne ar moments oe man jon predse platforming — Mickey Donald, and Gooty get sucked into a дате, which is way too ect VV Agrabah and Alice's Wonderland, They originally Though Ro:coded sullers trom heavily recycled Etorkinen! "s rmmoned Data Sora to deal with the bugs in. levels and enemies, at least Square Enix inno- We minan ре hele po sysiem to hep decode amenos тюз. valed onthe character gran. The now on ... got rad көкі алатке tem epleates computo motera Папар to escape. Asda rom ho rehashed — whar players piaco mikrochp o boost sals Replay Valen aros, Sora veros io now areas caled "and uro пон ais. ts a Syster sectors, techno neon codo rooms, to quash bugs plaguing the worlds. These furti dungeons ave essentially the опу new areas in "hà Game, but its not long before layouts repeat ard бесот as stalo as tho rest. “The das bart, spruced up these maps wih neve germaplay modas taken trom other (don't know what somo abies wil do unt you. rock them, bul they al are sel in the ond. I especialy Iked tho “cheat” switches that alow you o оак various elements of tho gama fora Prica. You can trado off your health lor moro loot, or increase enemy strength for more prizes. Its лмо to io things 100 far out ofthe ordinary, ‘but is nice o have tho option I your're shoot ing for something spectic ко mora monay or Taster leveling. Re:coded allows players to revisit previously need words for additional lat quests and more system sectors, but oniy completorists should bother. Near the end of he game you're going to have lo run through all ol these maps again anyway in a lazy move by Square lo pad ол the quest Despite the now gameplay types, Ra:codod's mosty eyed content feels 100 stale to rec ommend to anyone outside of the most ce hard tans, » Bryan Vore reviews 97 коквызз емеш ған мо eee wee Рио Nov age 85 Dei ын налы т eee MEN 1 oan m Qs — PA = — — s Paena Doer — жынжа Tragen SDO раты = pe — A en son ` 9 | Hard Corps: Uprising ants vs 6.5 | Kung-Fu Live 83-260 Rolonse February ESRB T Zombies Platform PS3 Release December 7 ESRB T iling thougi Platform DS Release January 18 С ng players into thi o zip right p wler via PlayStation Eye g. Do not n "here just isn’t that much is a brand-new ren de 80 about requirerner entry in Konami's Contra Zombi rendering and move € main characte 2 отба! anime lool sic, graphics, ап chopsocky, B-movie storyt гапат have ins entertaining, and striking pase hit in the proce game appearan Tun and gun bliss that only Contra Adam Hiassenar panels is doi can delive тесі 2 Platiorm РСЗ Release January 18 ESRB M 6 | Faery: Legends of Platform 360 Release November П ESRB EIO you're looking for a min 5 fass Effect as en simil y wier that drenches the teractive comic book | З a НЫ IC Mas n in blood, Splatterhouse parison to importing i dag king for a. Commander VB ЧЁ айа дате that is fun to play and aside from doesn't stagnate in its combat losing that consistency in the first few minutes universe, Mass Effect 2 is j le au ац Andrew Reiner gameınformer xy Psion sana ojo ion КЕК Volume ХХ © Number 2 Pat epe O TO ane Stinger paco a memory of Poul drm November 16 ESRB E10: arming game. Even during th the planet-hungry giant b uck. 15 just a sham that Infini auntiet's garr Hero Squad: The Infinity Gantt: play doe Te eor srs anre. [inert peine Merci V SSA be Dat = Ж hard not t outh fron to its abundant ht he snarky рор ies, and I didn't п cus multiplayer for a Jack Айа 7.25 | Eche | Манол P53 alonso December 21 ESRB E t by your Move tation of a fla: are the landscape your tiny at must traverse, and getting him to the goal requires contorting матан истакла ска an capable Veit for the ful reviews cs NO Dr АП is Fair in Love and War 1. Aphrodite is the beautiful Greek goddess of love, but what is her fate in the God of War series? „ Kratos runs her through with his Blades before smashing her head арпа a stone pillar several times ъ, Kratos uses her to solve an elaborate environmental puzzle then abandons her before she meets an untimely demise +. Kratos finds Aphrodite in her chamber with her handmaidens and unleashes his inner monster upon her d. In order to protect Eve, the ше: Empress of Rome, Aphrodite helps Xena: Wartor Princess sneak into Olympus 2. Cupld is often portrayed as a baby ‘cherub who looks strikingly similar to н from Nintendo's Kid Icarus series. ‘The original Kid Icarus received a sequel on Game Boy in 1991. What was this tite called? э. Kid Icarus; The Sacred Eggplant b. Kid Icarus: Pis Adventure. ©: Kid Icarus: Ies The Pin 4, Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters 3. Speaking of cherubs, in 2000 Shiny Entertainment released Momiah, а game about a cherub sent to clean up the. Earth by possessing rats, cyborgs and aliens. What was thls cherubs name? ЕЗ b. Gabriel e: Dusty 4. Pery а. The Prince of Persia tiles almost always feature a prince seeking the hand of a princess, but И hasn't alwayz been the same princess... the same ‘Which one of these was not 4 love Interest for one of the prince’s Incamationg? a. Aoma b. Elka e Tamina 4. Farah 5. There fs an urban legend that says it you wish on a green МАМ your true Jove will come to you. Sounds great — maybe you could wish on one of these ‘MAM branded games instead. Which ‘one of these games only delivers empty promises because i's a bogus ile? Love is in the air, and even video game. characters can feel its choking presence. While most people are lucky to meet some- опе at a party or club, video game characters always seem to find love on the battlefield. You might think this means we have nothing to learn from them, but video game romances seem to last longer than any оГ Hollywood's affairs. Add up your score to see which video game coupling you're destined to emulate. мам: Candy Coating b; МЕМ Tho Lost Formulas ©. MEM s. Shall Shocked d. MEM s Beach Party 5. In Gears of War 2, Dom spent a good portion of the game searching for his Wie. What was her name? b. Mania 4. Mis, Dom 7. Nathan Drake and Chloe Frazer heated up PS3s in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Actors Nolan North and. Claudia Black voiced the couple, but ‘that game wasn't the first time those two Rad worked оп the same game. What game haven't these two prolific vocal talents worked on together? a. Pinal Fantasy XIV B. God ot War ©. Mass Elec 2 d. Dragon Age: Origins in tums out that Sonic isa bit of a ladies man. No one can keep thie ‘ded down. Which character has never had a romantic interest in Sonic? Princess Elise b. Princess Sally e. Tale d. Any Rose 9. In Final Fantasy VII things got a e. Zack Highwind Zac Bron 10. What is love? Oh baby. don’t hurt me. Don't hurt A barletield ©. All you need Таа, caro, have an Internet connection ‘your mom Score and Rank 0-1 correct: Otacon and Sniper Wolf Ether youll get in a fight over the check, or Your best tiend в going to kil your lover before hei devoured by wolves. One way or another е а going to end badly 2-3 correct: Meat Boy and Bandage Girl (Noose уш ta were mode for ech lt but youre going to have fo go ough hello You fee ihe the в destiny. but your father might wy to keep you арап, and It wort end Wel unless you start a New Game +. 6-7 correct: Link and Zelda Things wil bo a ite awkward at frst because one of you does know how to tlk to gi and theater docente to be Kissed, but you work Be cog ths could be a relatonship that wihstands the test of tme 3-9 correct: Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher You have your ups and downs — you fight, you lug you bicker But thats what real relation- ships are made ot 10 correct: Mario and Luigi Sometimes tums out hat the one you're supposed to be with she one who's been there al along MORE OPTIONS to experience the world's #1 video game magazine. 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