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Е | 09.30.2010 Е wo Y


Some Games Should Never Die

за connoisseur of games, one of the

En an t3 Др i Пе el E ELLE ea ara iata Gare iste ng 4 nud а oes j uo Ee A y METEO todays technology so God of War could con- Infinite. Capturing the spirit of The ee Eo 9 aly. een So М E ees e ЕА

amdyGgameifomercom ment of The Sly Collection, which releases. later this year. Same modus operandi = keep the classic gameplay but update the graphics ‘Read my column or ап throw in some new bells and whistles for comment on tis etter at 9009 measure. Kudos to Sony for its historically _gameintormecconvinag or savvy vision of the future. alow 661 AndyMc Wile playing StarCraft 2, the desire to relive the glory days of the orginal hit me Ike a ton of bricks. However, to my disappointment, the ‘game is trapped in old resolutions and even has some minor issues working with modern дау operating systems. Obviously, this isnt the game's fault (and yes, it's “playable”, but its a crime that so many great games are headed ‘down a path of extinction. Iit barely works now, what wil it pay ike in 12 more years when StarCraft 3 comes out? Updating past lores, or in this case releasing a special edition or collection with improvements, not only gives the old guard the ‘opportunity to replay а classic, it gives new gamers a chance to experience some of inter- active entertainments greatest triumphs. Му mind reels with possiblities: Warcraft IIl, Deus Ex, System Shock, Grand Theft Auto lll, Ico, Mortal Kombat, and even the orginal Halo. 1 could go on and on. I want these games to. ое! a loving makeover by their creators and be ‘introduced to the gaming public, These cias- ics and hundreds of others - deserve to live оп forever outside of emulators, dusty old con- ‘oles, and low-resolution 4x3 aspect ratios. It's been done before, and it wll be done адап, but | would love to see these collections. become the standard operating procedure for the hits and cult classics that have defined video gaming for all these years. Cheers,

former on Twitter

latest and greatest, and follow Ogam

nated. With a daring new setting and а fresh cast of characters, BioShock Infinite will change everything you think you know about the franchise.

visit gameinformeccom daily for th

by Joe Juba.

Readers attempt to con vince us that it's okay to cry over announcement trailers,

and that AO titles aren't just for lonely perverts. We shoot down their sad delusions.

18 Connect We provide Gamescom coverage imported straight from Germany, build the ulti- mate game controller, review the PlayStation Move, and much more.

10 Previews Explore the opening sequence of Fallout: Now. Vegas. Go zero gravity in Dead Space 2. Learn about Diablo И new crafting system,

84 Reviews Halo: Reach wows with a massive new campaign and the biggest multiplayer expe- rience yet, NHL 11 skates to Victory, and Майа Il whacks the competition

100 Game Ow Kevin Butler loves bacon, This and more fun facts about Sony's hilarious pitch man and VP of awesome await in this month's Game Over

by Ben Reeves.


$ ER ABLE 02108 au Menlo COM


SEEMS @xeoxseo. "ive EM PIE A

Sos Sevents compan ara is a registered i

his month in

Feedback we discuss the future of 3D televi- sions and motion con- trols, try not to laugh at some hardcore Star Wars nerd logic, give advice to an irritated girl gamer, and reaffirm that there's no crying in video game journalism

Sel [| 65

Question of the Month:

Of the games still to

be released in 2010,

which are you most excited for?

Email your x feedback@gameinformer.com

sponse to

Contact Us



Scott Shiveley Columbus, OH

Congratulations, Scott. We had several nerds take issue with Reiner's question, but your explanation was by far the nerdiest. You may rest well knowing that order has been restored to the galaxy. If we ever mess up a bit of Star Wars trivia in the future, feel free to use your Vulcan nerve pinch on us. P;

“Jango Fett.”

No More Motion Controls Whie reading your articles on E3, I noticed how the biggest news from both Sony and Microsoft involved motion controls. This kinda bums mo. Out, as ko my games as they are now. Im afraid (and lm sure l'm not the only one) that soon the controler-based console wil е out and video games wil be controled sole motion (or a hybrid, Ike Wi/ Move), Brandon Siegel Orlando, Florida

Based on the number of concerned responses we've received regarding motion controls, it's clear that a lot of gamers still prefer playing games the old-fashioned way - and developers know that. While a lot of companies may continue to exert more effort courting casual gamers, it won't be at the expense of the thriving franchises that are bringing in millions of dollars from. hardcore gamers. And who knows? We may enjoy some great gaming experiences, thanks to the new technology.

To 3D or not 3D?

Based on Sony's curent trend toward 3D.

gaming, would it be safe to say that their next.

"Console willbe 100-percent 3D? Would it bo.

ıa wise decision for me to go out and buy а ЗО

television so l'm prepared for the upcoming 3D.

дате invasion? Or is 3D gaming simply а fad? ‘Tony Нина.

Via email

Its stil far too early to tell what role 3D. games wil play in the future of the industry, but we highly doubt Sony would ever risk alienating customers by releasing a 3D-only ‘console. Furthermore, you should never feel. pressured into purchasing something you don't want- not by video game companies, or reviewers for that matter. It's your money; spend it on the products you know you'll enjoy. Like роде!

Modern Woe-fare Ifyou couldnt tel by my name, let me сату: | am a gi, I love video games, and yes, Im actually pretty good at them. One of my favorite games is Cal of Duty: Modem Warfare 2, and | love to play online, What | don't love is taking to ‘other gamers through the microphone. As soon as tho guys figure out l'm a gi stats Insulis, пате caling, and general loud mouthing, and it els worse when I have more kils than anyone inthe game. Obviously video games and gamers have become more mainstream, but how long unti t becomes ok to be a gri gamer? Jessica Lyndhurst, NJ

It doesn't matter which sex you are И you're finishing at the top of the leader- board in MW 2 matches, you're going to be insulted. In that sense the online gaming ‘crowd is surprisingly equal opportunity; regardless of sex, race, or creed, you can always expect to have a boatload of bigotry апа vulgarities hurled at you. Until develop- ers figure out a way to filter out the rifl-raff, ме suggest doing what we do: Play with your friends, and mute everyone else... ‘especially people who bookend their screen. names with a bunch of Xs.

Dry Your Tears A comment in your newest issue caught me Several ой guard. In the Top 10 Embarassing ES moments, the very last hing you Ist, “Grown Men Су for Zelda. realy struck a nerve with me and left me in awe. [wasnt at the show, but also cried when | watched ths for ho frst ime. 1 mean, have you guys never had something that you are that passionate about? Realy? fe Ik you just caled anyone who cres over video ‘games losers, nerds, geeks, dos. ће Ist goes оп Do i need to be slapped because | fesl an {emotional conection to a vdeo game? Do 1? Rick Via email

In a word, Rick, yes. If a player feels а strong emotional connection to the ‘storyline of a game and the ending leaves them teary-eyed, that's great. We've had moments like that. But you're not talking about the culmination of countless hours of ‘gameplay or a deep and engrossing story. You're talking about blubbering over a

%0-second announcement trailer. That's not ‘emotional investment; it's the blind fanati- cism of an undiscerning Twilight fan, and that's pathetic - especially when it's coming from journalists.

It's Still Gross А couple issues back someone questioned why АО games weren't avalable to purchase. Gl sad a sexually expict game would be "gross." | fnd it highly offensive to think that you would take such ıa very immature stance on this. Sex is beautiful ‘and pleasurable and banned from shelves, but Kicking a man into the ar and shot-gunring him inthe testicles is on pre-order | feel you ought to ђе ashamed for taking such a stance. Often men have no abity to have adult relationships with women. If a developer can create a vilain who murders people with a surgical scalpel, | should Бе able to create a tense sexual situation with a beautiful woman (or man), and have it be consid- ered just as "maturo."


Via email

Don't fool yourself. Video games don't receive AO ratings for beautiful and mature depictions of love-making; they receive the. rating when they are treated like pornog- raphy. Video games are at their best when. they use intriguing stories and challenging. gameplay to deliver an experience that is intellectually stimulating and entertaining. Sex-driven titles are something that not only hinder your “ability to have adult rela- ‘tionships with women," but also reinforce the old stigma that gamers are a bunch of asocial and awkward losers. Games

Mass Effect and Heavy Rain can continue to incorporate sexuality into their portrayal о! complex characters, but when it comes to sexual gratification, turn off your system and look elsewhere for a good time.

Are there any good елдо games hat adults would enjoy”


Do you prefer D Pepper or Root Beer

Dr. Popper. Why did you negect o cover

fcr gano ttie here) nte Ei” We are biased against

the things that you love the most.

Reader Gibberish:

ey wats ers opinion on wales?

Hai yak so sup wt sheme 31

(Left) Te guys fom Treyarch and Aetvision (Dan Bunting, David Vonderhaar, John Раб Josh Selinger, and Josh Or) fad to pl some Back Ops

af heir own in an efft to get Dan to stap into a fancy restau- rant (Right) Ben and Dead Space 25 Steve Papoutsis meet up at Gamescom. Ben's best efforts to look tough were thwarted thanks to that purse. hescanying

feedback 13

Time o be a high school student and am

very into gar

nes. In fact, they ridicule me for king them so much, and I'm staring to feel a bit alone out here, I know I'm not the only person who cares about storyines so much, but Id just ike Josh Moncriet Via email

[Onone MIRA sosh, your tenas are ios. Lucky tor

you, in а few years you'll have a bunch more ЕН story-driven games to play, which might still be inappropriate for your age now. We sug- TIL gest using the time until then to find a less dim-witted crowd to hang out with

t Please Them All ding Ted P n issue 208, Е = ind would just like to say that | for or

more previews than reviews, Honesty do

subscribe to Gl to see : games that | most

thanks to yo

keep the Matt в. Pittsburgh, PA

We received quite a few responses to Ted's insistence that we focus more on reviews. Danny Rui than previews, both supporting and argu- V il ing against his stance. Since no one can

seem to agree on the issue, we're just going

to keep doing whatever the hell we want.

‘Thanks for the feedback, guys! 7










| ,

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Enemy of the state

The Supreme Court is hearing a case legislating the sale of video games to minors. Why should you care?

This fall is an important season for the video game industry. Blockbuster titles like Halo: Reach, Call of Duty: Black Ops, and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood will arrive. Sony and Microsoft will introduce new motion-controlled peripherals. But another major event is also on the docket: the industry's day at the biggest court in the land. For the first time, video game legislation restricting the sale of video games to minors is going before the U.S. Supreme Court. The Entertainment Software Association has successfully contested the California law as unconstitutional on first amendment free speech grounds twice already. We've seen these types of laws proposed and defeated for years, so why is this one any different? We went to

both sides of the argument to find the answer.

What's the law say?

“The Сайопта bil demands that violent video games be marked with a two-inch square label on the front of the box. Retailers that sell those games to minors would be lable for up to $1,000 per violation. Take a big game on its release date and a bad sales clerk, and that ‘could add up toa hefty chunk of change.

The law eschews Ihe ESRB rating system, ‘and demands a separate set of descriptors be applied. И describes a violent game as ‘one in which “tha range of options available 10 a player includes kiling, maiming, етет. bering, or sexually assaulting an image of a human being.” The bil also details what it ‘means by each of those words and extends

its description to include characters with "sub-

stantially human characteristics," ‘According to the bil, а game fal under the law fa reasonable person, considering the game as a whole, would fd it appeals to а deviant or morbid interest of minors..tis patently offensive to prevailing standards in the ‘community as to what is suitable for minors.,

‘ot causes the game, as a whole, to lack seri- ous literary, artistic, political, or scientifc value for minors.”

If some red flags are popping up as you read those descriptions, you're not the only one, The ESA has some problems as well.

What's at stake?

Game informer asked ESA spokesman Fich “Taylor about the challenges the bill presents.

10 the gaming dus “Do you want the gov- оттеп even beginning to get into the area. ‘of deciding what can and can't be sold and marketed, ond ultimate, what can and cant be created” Tor asked. "As someone who enjoys video games, do you believe that fom of ‘rete entrtanmant deserves to same con- ‘моли protections aforded to books, fms, and musc, and other forms of popular enter tainment? Why should this incredibly dynamic industry be treated differently?"

To many gamers, he law sounds redundant. After all, the ESRB already labels M-rated eres, and reales regulary enforce them, This

law would compícate the relationship between Publishers, retailers, and gamers, "If you're a retailer, you want to be able to sell the products that come to your store without fear of poten- {ily being on the wrong side of the law.” Taylor Sumises. "The easier course might be to not сапу that game at al. And when retalors make that decision, it means there aro fewer places. to sel that game for those that create them." ‘Connecting the dots gels easy from there on ‘out, Game publishers and developers need o. ‘make money to produce new games and turn аркой. I retailers won't sella game for fear of legal penalties, the ikethood of those games being made decreases.

Moreover, the ESA has concerns about the precedent set by the law, both in terms of future video game legislation, as wel as imitations set оп other forms of media. "rs a law that would treat creative works in a way that's inhospitable 10 the frst amendment,” Taylor continues. “That's а very dangerous place for our country to be considering heading,”

connect 19


The Other Side

But are all those arguments legitimate? The California law isn't concerned with other ‘mediums only video games. And from the perspective of the state, f the readers can't ssuccesstuly enforce their own sales imitations, how wilit ever learn without a penalty? That's the point of view espoused by the office of Calfornia State Senator Leland Yee, the bills original author. We spoke with Yee's chief of staf, Adam Keigwin, for some clarification. "Whats at stake is whether states have the right to pass laws that may restrict what is harmful to kids,” Keigwin says, “In the past, the courts have ruled in favor of protecting chidren оп so many issues. There's certainly a heck of a lot less evidence that pornography has any harm to kids, and yet they have ruled that we сап limit their access to pornography. They vê. ruled time and again that we can fmi children's access to several things: drivers Icenses, firearms, the death penalty, ife without parole sentences in certain cases, tobacco, alcohol.” Citing studies that draw connections between real Ие violence and the playing of violent video ‘games, California hopes the Suprema Court wil lean on the side of child protection.

But why is a law necessary? The ESA claims to have one of the strongest entertainment ratings organizations in any medium, “We

take great pride in the Entertainment Software Ratings Board,” Taylor says. "The Federal Trade ‘Commission looks at movie ratings, music label ing. and video game ratings every two years or so. Consistent, and increasingly so, t says that the ones that are doing the best job in educat: ing and being clear at the real level is the video game industry”

Citing the same organization, Keigwin high- lights some very diferent findings. “At tha time thal they passed this law, a federal trade com- mission study showed that well over half the kids 14-16 years old were able to purchase ultra- Violent video games,” he claims, “That number has improved, and Il give the industry credit for that, Wih that said, its stil nearly 30 percent of young kids that are able to purchase ulra-violent Video games."

Keigwin also isn't satisfied wth the way games are classified in the frst place. The rat ings system itso is flawed. They have an AO rating - they don't use it even though the AO description says hat its for extreme violence. They've never rated а game AO based upon

violence, So why have t? it sends the wrong message to parents who look at an М game and say: ‘Oh, well fit was so bad it would have gotten an AO rating. A parent doesn't know that a game has never been rated AO. Thats the problem. "Mature" is a very ambiguous tem." The ESA takes issue with this ine of reason ing, citing the detaled descriptions that accom: pany each rating, and proposes another solution that avoids treading into legislation. "We think ‘government efforts should be focused on joining vith us to ensure greater understanding and use of our system, because its the parents - not the ‘government, and not the gaming industry - that should make decisions about what games are ‘suitable for their chidren,” Taylor declares.

Unanswered Questions

Regardless of how the Court rules, a plethora of unresolved issues remain cloudy, Specifically, how wil California enforce this new law?

"The law ваї presents many unanswered ‘questions and many dangerous precedents in ts construction,” Taylor tels us. "I think that's the reason that the courts that have looked at it unt now have said with no equivocation that this is an unconstitutional taw. | would say to rect that back to Mr. Yee and those in support of the law, including the governor of Calfomia, who appealed this up to the court”

We took his advice, and Yee's chit of staff offered a simple answer. "If they rule in our favor, the law just gets to go into effect," Keigand says. “I don't see the video game industry strug- ging over this, although you would think they may, because they are fighting this so hard. So you think they must be making alot of money off ot sales to kids”

The seemingly straightforward implementation. of the law is where things get асу Calfomia is fundamental opposed to the ESRB approach, so that system won't be used to determine. "Which games aro deemed violent or not. Instead, each indvidual publsher would need to make those decisions based on the wording of the law and hope that they're not in violation. Would a Trated miitary shooter be considered inap- propriate because it includes depictions of kiling another human? How about the Кто of aliens - are the Covenant sufficiently humanike to be protected under the law? Does killing zom- bies count considering they re already dead? lts tempting to be fippant, but that's exactly the point. These off-hand examples ilustrate the dilemma that would face game makers if the law were upheld

There's also the issue of downloadable gaming. Calforia’s law specifcaly addresses retail releases. However, services Ike Xbox Live alow purchasers to buy M-rated games, leav: ing it up to parents to set parental controls if they want to imit the games their chidren can purchase. ist fair to hold downloadable games. to a diferent standard, when sometimes the ‘games avaiable online are identical to those sold

in stores?

Then there's the potential avalanche of similar laws in other states and the undue stress that ‘would place on game creators, Eleven states formally support Calfornia's case - Connecticut, Florida, Hawaî, Ninos, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia. Ifthe law passes, other similar laws could be passed in those and other states. ‘Would each state have its own definition of game violence? Would each require a diferent

sticker on the box? Would publishers be respon эбе for keeping track of each set of statutes in ‘order to legally sel ther games?

Regardless of tha courts ruling, one overriding question behind the disagreement remains - are

violent video games а negative infuence on chi dren? Сайта has numerous studies they've Submitted that claim they do, and the game industry has evidence to the contrary. “The Violent crime rate among youth has descended almost as fast as our industry has grown,” Taylor says. "Now meda is often greeted skepticaly and hostlely by some, and we're no diferent.”

Make Your Voice Heard

No matter how you feel about the law in ‘question, gamers owe it to themselves to get involved. f he presence of this law before the ‘Suprema Court isn't a wake-up cal, ts hard to row what wil be.

If you're displeased with the way the ESRB rates and retailers sell video games, contact the organizations and let them know how they should improve. Alternately, if you sympathize with the ESA and believe video games deserve 10 be protected speech Ike any other form of art or entertainment, then you may want to look into the video game voters network (vid 'eogameuoters.org)

“There are over 200,000 registered voters who are game enthusiasts, who are keeping track of pokey as it relates to computer and video games,” Taylor says. "I someone comes up with a misguided, unconstitutional, hostie pro- posal, the network contacts them. That speaks louder to а policy maker or a pofician: to hear {rom constituents that say ‘| disagree on your stance on that. If that 200,000 number were to become a milion or more, it would be the kind of number and voice that would make clear to leg- islators at the local, state, and federal level that gamers are engaged. Gamers are paying atten- tion, and they're going to register their satisfac- tion ог cissatistacton at the balot box.”

One milion gamers is about one quarter of the people who read this magazine every month. Its about an eighth of the players who bought the last Сай of Duty game in the frst week of its release, It's less than a tenth of people who currently hold Word of Warcraft ‘accounts. I's not an unattainable number, зо И gamers want to prove they re more than disconnected stereotypes that never come out of their mothers’ basements, then its time to step up and be counted.


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amescom 2010

А weeklong celebration of gaming in Germany

Europe puts on a gaming confe: groundbreaking

of Cologne in western Germany in late August to celebrate their shared pas

се every year that dwarfs

E3 in size and attendanc

е, if not in

news and announcements. Over a quarter million gamers descended upon the city

sion for gaming, dem-

onstrating an enthusiasm that rivals any region in the world. Join us for a tour through Gamescom

2010's highlights.

he halcyon days of E3 never approached Ins scale, as Gamescom is as much of a festival and celebra. tion for the fans as tis an industry event for publishers, their business ‚Partners, and the press. Tho Kölnmesse, an enormous mult-bulding meeting complex that Sprawis across the eastern bank of the Rhine rive, s saturated with milions of dolars worth ої electronics, scantiy clad booth babes, suited businessfok, and swag-toting, wide-eyed ‘gamers. In contrast to ES's 18-and-over admit tance policy, Gamescom alows anyone over 12 into the show - though anyone without a press ог exhibitor badge has to wear a wristband that ‘gates their access to content that Germany's USK ratings board puts into the 16+ or 18+ ‘categories. Much of Gamescoms fan popula- tion falls into the sub-18 age bracket, and their boundless fervor lends the show a particular ‘energy. All of the developers we spoke to about

the issue enthusiastically welcomed the chance To connect with their younger fans, even at the price of having to send ай of their show floor emo material through the notorious strict USK rating process,

While ЕЗ is swallowed whole by the hustle and bustle of downtown Los Angeles even in years when the Lakers aren't fishing out a dramatic МВА Finals against the Celtics, Gamescom seemingly takes over half of Europe. From the customs official in Amsterdam who guessed ош destination as soon as he laid eyes on us to nearly every clerk, waiter, driver, and concierge in Cologne, the бик of the native Europeans we met were at least aware of the show. Cologne itself sported more signage for Gamescom than for its football cub, which was opening its Bundesliga (the top-level German soccer league) schedule. The massive train station that sits in the shadow of the Gothic cathedral in the city's heart was full to bursting with Gamescom

attendees, 15 dozen-plus platforms over crowded for the hours surrounding the shows ‘opening and closing every day.

Outside the Kólnmesse's north entrance, bungee jumping and something called BossaBall - think volleyball played on an enor- ‘mous air mattress - contributed to the carnival atmosphere. Skaters and ВМХ riders drew ‘crowds with aerial antics. Inside the conven- tion center sell, everything from hair salons to reck-cimbing walls entertained attendees whose eardrums needed a break from the ‘overpowering cacophony of the show floor ог whose noses could no longer handle the miasma of a few hundred thousand sweaty bodes packed together. Gamescom 2010 s a neon counterpoint to the outmoded notion that video games are the sole province of pizza- faced basement dwellers,

connect 23

A look at the future

Gamescomis close proximity to the a-important holiday season means that many companies. ‘choose to announce new products at E3 instead, but there was significant news at the show on many fronts nonetheless.

‘Sony used its leadership postion in Europe = the PlayStation 3 is surpassing ог at least оп equal footing with the 360 and Wi there, depending on which sot of numbers you look at- to throw a hell of a press conference. The ‘company announced ambitious plans for ñs Eurape-specifc video streaming service, PlayTV, plus a new movie streaming app called Миы. It gamered awards for Gran Turismo 5, expanded its catalog with Mass Effect 2 coming to PS3, debuted Insomniac's new Ratchet & Clank:

Al 4 One, teased the developer's upcoming Resistance 3, and blew out the Move launch even more with a playable demo of Heroes on. the Move (see page 32 for our reviews of the Мое launch тешр).

‘Anecdotally, the Sony booth always seemed packed (even by Gamescom standards) and the level of fan enthusiasm for the PS3 seemed а step beyond typical Amarican reactions. For Americans used to seeing Sony forced into. damage control ever since Kaz Hals disas- "ous "Five hundred and ninety-nine US. dol lars!" proclamation, the company's confident Gamescom presence could be jarring.

Microsoft showed bits af new content for Fable Пала Halo: Reach, but the company's Clear priority was Kinect (soa page 64 for an extensive hands-on report on the device). Клос! Gamescom showing was head and shoulders above its uneven ES presence, and the fans seemed to be into it we saw a large crowd gathered around alive Dance Central demo in the middle of Cologne's shopping ds trict. Similarly to Sony, though, it was strange то see Microsoft in such a different role than it swaggering ЕЗ demeanor,

Nintendo won awards for Kirby's Epic Yarn апа plenty more praise for new Epic Mickey content shown at its booth, but that was the extent of the company's impact on Gamescom. ‘The highly anticipated DS wasn't playable on. the show floor, oniy in private meeting rooms. The Wi and DS are both hugely successful in Europe, just as they aro in the U.S, and Japan, but Nintendo didn't come out swinging with any- thing terrbly now and exciting in Cologne, BioShock Infnite's coming-out party (seo this ‘months cover story on page 48 for much, much. more) cored everyone lucky enough to see i but beyond that there wasn't much in terms. ‘of announcements. Third-party publishers and developers more than made up for the lack of new product in the form of meaty updates to previously shown tiles, though, Buletslorm, Ciiizaton V, Dead Space 2, Sire Fighter X Tekken, Dragon Age 2, Guild Wars 2, Crysis 2, Knight's Contract, and much more al debuted significant new chunks of content to the delght (of the European attendees.

Cultural differences power innovation

Seeing what companies focus on а! Gamescom, and how the fans react to various tiles, is a fas- ‘cating commentary on the differences between European and American interests. EA capping its press conference with an in-depth look at FIFA 11 or Konami focusing on its Pro Evolution ‘Soccer franchise в hardy unexpected. Likewise, the prevalence of PC gaming - an entire exhibit hal was dedicated to MMOs, and broadcast

TV airs advertisements for free-to-play onine games - is no surprise. A bizarre tractor simula- tion commanding as much floor space as Super ‘Scrbblenauts, on the other hand, is baffing to US, sensbiities.

The European gaming community's love of PC games and strategy tiles is well-documented, but seeing it in action drives the point home. The Witcher 2 was received well enough by critics ЕЗ, but the Gamescom response was at the level we Americans reserve for a Resistance or a Dragon Age. байа Wars 2 may not have eclipsed ‘Star Wars: The Old Republi, but it was a ot Closer than you would've thought. The Blizzard. ‘booth was jammed with muti-hour wait times {rom the doors opening on day one tothe secu: rity guards shoving everyone out at tho very end ‘of the show. Ovilzation V may as well have been God of War judging by the fan response.

"The dilrences between European and. American tastes aren't as drastic (and occa ‘Sonaly hilarious) as the gui between us and the Japanese, but the divergence is no less important, Tho fact that Europeans go nuts for a werd PC-only Russian-developed King's Bounty remake means that we got King’s Bounty Armored Princess, one of Game Informer top. 50 games of 2008. ArenaNet has a hugely long leash and massive budget for making Guld Wars 2 the best ММО they can because of the frst game's strong European support - Guid Wars sold roughly as much in Europe as in the U.S, Gamers around the world benefit hom a breadth of interest that allows a wide variety of games.

10 be proftable, and the cultural differences. between the L.S., Europe, and Japan are a huge part of that.

The story of Gamescom 2010 from an American perspective is one of cultural dif ferences and surprising priorities as much as a blast of gaming news. If there's one thing 10 bo learned from spending a week sur- rounded by developers, publishers, and fans. in Cologne, it's that gaming is developing into a universal language that binds people around the globe around a shared passion, And that's a beautiful thing. 6

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly N

Fable I might have some new # above), but its also losing the

‘game's online auction пох

created weapons won't be

final product, ike in the fully this is the only feature in being yanked, otherwise things

‘Stan Lee is one of the ‘most influential geeks of our time. As the father of

Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four the

Incredible Hulk, and numer-

aus others, Lee's work

has helped shape popular culture as we know it today. As the hardest working 87-year-old in the enter- tainment industry, he's not done shaping pop culture yet Lee has his hands in comic books, television, and movie production, plus he often aids the develop- ‘ment of Marvel Comics" video games, Activision. recently tapped Lee for Marvel Ultimate Aliance and Spider-Man: Shattered,

Dimensions (see our review

‘on page 87). What does. Stan Lee think of how

his characters have been portrayed п games? Does. he ever play them? We sat down with Lee to find out.


When someone starts making a game based on one of your Marvel propertie how involved do you usually get?

I try to get involved in some way. | either narrata it or do voiceovers somewhere in the дате, or | ust talk to the developers about the characters and give them story sug- gestions when they're just getting started. I'm a real busybody.| like to poke my nose into everything; they can't get rid of me, Obviously, I'm here for Activision because they have this great new game with four Spider-Mans, and I'd forgotten I'd even. done it, but they told me that | narrated the game. [Laughs]

You created a lot of these characters nearly 50 years ago, and now they are featured in movies, TV shows, and video games. How does it feel watch- Ing your characters explode across popular culture?

Ili show you why I'm a lousy interviewee;

I'll answer that question. | feel great. [Stops and waits for next question] Actually, it's amazing. Years ago we never would have thought that some day I'd be interviewed. by journalists because | was involved in. Spider-Man, because in the early days it was ‘embarrassing to even tell people you wrote ‘comics: They were considered the bottom Tung of the literary world. Now everything has changed. Now | walk into a room and. ‘somebody sees me and they say, “excuse те President Obama, | think | have to talk to Stan Lee.” | think the movies and the video {games have helped so much in making these characters world famous. So every- body does the work and | take the credit.

Your likeness has been put into comics, films, and now video games. How did you like being put into а game?

You know, | was just annoyed that | didn't have the starring role. But honestly it was. great. | guess l'm a ham. | love being in the games, I love doing my cameos in the movies and television. | guess I'm a frustrated ham. Although these days I'm not so frustrated, because I'm getting the. cameos. [Laughs.]

Do you ever play any of the games fea- turing your characters?

You know something? | was hoping you wouldn't ask that. | have to tell you, | have never played a video game. Although actu- ally, years ago when they made the Hulk video game, | went to visit the studio, and

1 was sitting with the guy who made the Hulk game, and he said, "Come on, Stan, III show you how to play.” And | thought, "Well there's no way | can't do better than this kid." So | said, "fine," and he took the con- trol, and suddenly Hulk was on the screen. fighting people, and the developer was moving his arms around making the Hulk run up buildings and doing all these crazy things, but when | tried it the Hulk just sort of stumbled around and swatted at a few people. It was embarrassing. I've never had the time for games. | wish | could, because | enjoy looking at them, and I marvel at

the fact that the characters look as if they copied them right from the movies. They look as expensive as а movie, but the guys that do video games are geniuses, because they've got different things happening all at ‘once and it seems far more complex than. putting together айт. | don't know how. they дой

A lot has changed since you created these characters. Now it feels like there are a dozen different versions of Spider- ‘Man. What do you think of the fact that your Spider-Man is sharing the spotlight with characters like Spider-Man Noir and 20997

J think they re all good. The great thing ‘about these four characters (from Spider Man: Shattered Dimensions] is that they give the players a chance to have variety. I've seen the game in action and it looks

like a lot of fun. All four Spider-Men are different in their own way, but they re all great. just wish I'd thought of them all, But you know | haven't the time to read comic books anymore. | had to ask someone ‘about the Ultimate books, because | don't know what's going on in them. | usually look through them, but | don't have time to read them. But | stil write the Spider-Man news- paper strip. I've been doing that for about 30 years, | guess. | think everybody forgot about it, so they let me keep doing it.

Out of all the characters you created, Чо you think any of them would be par- ticularly well suited for video games?

1 can't wait to see Doctor Strange or tho. Black Panther in a game or film. Oh, they re ай good. | love them all. I'm prejudiced.

| think they'll all be games eventually. Anything that becomes a successful movie will eventually be a video game. That seems. хо be how the industry works. | think any of Marvel's characters would be good. | was

even talking to the director who's in line to do the Ant-Man movie, Edgar Wright [Scott Pilgrim vs. The Werld and Shaun of The Dead]. Who ever would have thought Ant- Man would be a movie? But it could be a good movie. Of course, you'd have to have the wonderful Wasp in the movie. It really depends how it's written. The funny thing is, you can take a character that people thir

is a weak character and you can write them well and everyone will say, “Man, that's

cool.” give you an example: Iron Man,

Iron Man was never one of our more popular characters, He was never one of our best- selling comics. He did well, but it wasn't ‘Spider-Man or X-Men well, Then they did the movie, and they wrote it well, and it was well directed, and they got Downey in it - sud- denly it's one of Marvel's best properties. Everything depends on how you do it. You ‘can make almost anything successful as long as you do it right

What do you think of Marvel's recent deal with Disney?

Oh, great! Everything Disney does | love. In fact, I'd always felt that Marvel should like Disney. Unfortunately, when was work- ing for Marvel, the people who owned the ‘company weren't interested in branching out Into movies or anything, which was always frustrating to me. However, now that Disney bought Marvel, just you wait, you ain't seen nothing yet.

What's your favorite character that you actually didn’t help create?

You won't believe this, but DC had a charac- ter named Lobo. | liked him because he was so different. But otherwise Î don't really have. favorite characters, Even of my own - love them all,

It seems like the line between comics and video games is blending as comics до digital. What do you think of the digi- tal comic book trend?

1 think they're great, and think they'll get more and more popular. You're going to find ‘comics wherever you look, You're going to. see them on your phone, you're going to. see them on your TV, you're going to see them on your computer. Maybe someday. they'll even have them so you can just see. them floating in the ай, | don't know. It just shows how Wonderful a medium comics are. What better way of telling a story can there Бе than with words and pictures? Steven, Spielberg once said to me - I'm one of the world's biggest name droppers - he said to. me, "You know Stan, you and | do essen- tially the same thing, except my pictures move." But when you think about it, a movie ога comic book, ога video game, they're words and they're pictures, and there is something special about telling a story on wo fronts, Ina by Bon Roos

Coming to PSS

d for January

key features of Mass Elect 2 was а rans mmander Shepard save fle е. BioWare and, 1 3 in January th the quest (ill happen to their Mass Effect Arts bought the company T 2 saves. It seems foolsh that в multiplatform. Bio a TT he ih ther by the frst game as an Xbox 360 n afler 1 released that o e hasn ext tile for the PS3. This also November and a PC port appeared in 2008. The console exclusivity held bring nether or not the original Mass Efec d for PC and t inthe spring out 1 with Mass Ef of Mass Effe x whether th ch as the va Bungie and P sums Stolen Memor and the up n. and properties Ike Too ху T Soni, 6 unkno

Move Vs. Kinect Vs. Ши

Peripherals usually only capt are surveys predicting that both Mov spondents, ho

motion peripherals, with both А hitting over 25 percent, (Other numbers appear to further demonstrate excitement for these new gamir «periences. Over 30 percent of thos intend to buy either M Kinect say they plan to get the other product. Perhaps this points to the legacy of the Wi and the motion-based phenomenon that it started, In fact, almost 30 per- cent of Wi say they also plan to get a Move, Kinect, or both. If there is an example of brand loyalty, however, it's that almost double the amount of PS3-only owners intend on getting Move (21 percent) versus the Xbox ers planning on picking up Kinect (12.9 percent)

ey The Online Experience The Console

Those who took the survey show a high onine aptitude.

Orly 13 percent aren't anine at al, and 85 percent say Wars Are Quer

they play ori ether “a lo or “occasionally.” Even 44 One thing was certainly clear in our results:

percent of those who only own a Wi play online occa Many gamers don't own just one system.

sonal, This presence is felt in Ih fact that a very high For instance, people who only own some

percentage of people buy games on XBLA or purchase form of Xbox 360 console (whether its an

DLG for ther tles (83 and 84 percent respectively}. Over | Ele, Arcade, or Sim) accounted for just

ha of our respondents play some kind of onine по 0 186 gamers and the number was even

Play game. less for the РЗ and Wi. In total, multi- Despite this love of the onine experience, almost 80 console users accounted for over 85 per-

percent of those surveyed said they prefer owning а cent of respondents

racional, rota copy of a game versus having а digital Xbox 360 has a narrow lead over the other

download. Does this represent past habits or an actual home consoles, with 36.6 percent of those

resistance to the supposed future of coud computing? ‘surveyed playing on some form of Жок. PSS

and PS3 Sim owners accounted for 30 per.

———— ent, with tha Wi at 33 percent. Al of these.

тенни икн аша homo systems are within the margin of eror, cease bu pig oe pope wel other statstcaly the same amount of ownership of the three platforms

High Profile нии nne The Wish List You can make genoralzatons about those. === The number one thing gamers who tock our survey, just Ike there are а of all stripes (almost 40 per- stereotypical profes for gamers at large: ee + сет) are planning to buy s the For example, over 80 percent of respon- p Nintendo 3DS, Various othe dents were male, Xbox 360 owners are products, like Kinect, Move, Sight more ikl to say toy play onine а ——— M art phone, and an HDTV, iot The majority of those who опу play a are under 18. Г ЕР ere Band 3 guitars

SAE TE ee DAR GUN аА Ж О ee ی‎ smarking alone ant gong to convince опу 103 people saying they gamers tobe the kinds of consumers they | rante to buy опе. aro not. The таюу of those surveyed "The horserace between don't think it's important at all to be the нао the Xbox frst to get a new system, for example, and ИНИНИ оноо money s always a variable when it comes to geting new technology. 3D gaming? MS Fee Fock Band Guitar There doesn't seem to be а huge demand PS3 Sim as opposed to the. forit just yet if you go by the number of С 360 design at the time of the people who want to buy a 3D TV. The fact li though overal 360 5 that most gamers own more than one 8 ‘sales have been very good), but System in and of itself largely invalidates the HERE Non: 0 the Above 27 percent of respondents plan {stereotypes and ways of thinking about to get a 360 S versus 19 percent what each consoles audenca а 1 Alot the Above fora PS3 Sim.

connect 29

analog ытын

Triggers Би toby en buttons amplif, ros ito ampli allow E E cold

te hell Holler vp to ~ °C, allowing them +o pro. macros or st conten Lotion do turbo. And since the controller wil Know which game is being Played, out


we shouldn't Have +o worry al Реде I hing the,

switchi igh dozens off presets is не "Dag den every Fime we turn on our system, trigger PI a do.


ducing DT

Tensile pice windows, a MS

е E с Мере [pod eals ke a есе bel

ac its grelos Sticks over

С both worlds, but what sets this controller spart is thet + +o choose the layout.

layer? ge

REE Pis omits modular delign,

реда cll pe ole Fe erede, 7 E el

e Placement of the controller's cal У бетта] bie деду Lar wi phd and analog sticks, creating Mode: cete We mite J+ has po 8

personalized ergonomic design = ere dem Ж tok = b. MT De

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+op-down view 4


Over the past few months d out Pl

we've tri

Move, playing through limited demos of the

hardware's launch titles

hese opportunities gave

s а good idea of what to

expect from Sony's new

motion controller, but they weren't comparable to а real-world test. This month

' received our own Move

hardware. along with copies

xal retail

of sev

ve titles,

As we spent countless hou

tailing а:

rooms, the strengths and

weaknesses of Sony's new

motion controller became


The Verdict On


Reviews For PlayStation Move Hardware

and Five Launch Titles вуљем

The Hardware:

The Move motion controler is а etrange-looking periph- era. Even in an era of gaming inundated with plastic musical instruments and exercise accessories, Moves. slowing sphere wil probably make you feel ike an idiot when you frs start playing with it. Luckly t also happens tobe a responsive and accurate motion controler.

The contralers internal sensors are as powerful as a Wi remote with Wi MotionPlus, while the mold is more ‘comfortable in your hand. The face buttons are smal, but raised enough that we never missed them while playing. Players who are accustomed to the DualShock may find Moves button placement confusing at frst, but t cit take us long to accimate to the new orientation.

The battery Ме for tho motion controler is on par with the DualShock, and withstood а ful day of gaming before low battery warrings began popping up. Syncing and recharging the controllers via USB is as simple as ‘expected, but the PlayStation Sim presents a bit of a problem. The redesigned console only has two USB ports, so f you have two motion controlers and a navi gation controller, you're already out of slots. You can't recharge controllers while the PS3 is off, and if you want to play Move tiles while charging your other controlers keep in mind that the PlayStation Eye needs a USB port as wel.

The other half of Move is the PlayStation Eye, which s sight less impressive. Its reat that Sony was able to utilize an existing peripheral (especially if you've already bought the underused camera), but that also means you're purchasing older hardware. The PlayStation Eye is ‘almost three years old, and it shows. The 640x480 reso- lution looks especialy grainy on HDTVs, This realy only affects games that feature augmented realty though, and luckily the camera's motion-tracking сараев are top notch = under the right conditions.

While setting up the PlayStation Eye, we realized how much the environment can affact Move's performance, Puting the camera on top of our television gave us fewer recognition problems than our ial placement underneath the television at about knee level. Although the PlayStation Eye can automaticaly adjust ts expo- зле setting and assign a color to your controler that contrasts with the Eghting of your room, the camera is чїй айу sensitive. Our overhead lights were too bright

for PlayStation Eyes Iking, and opening the binds behind our television created minor problems as well. Once we struck the right balance, we didn't have any further problems,

The last ресе of Mave is the navigation controler, but how it performs is stil up in the ar. None of the launch tiles we played utiized it, making it impossible to say how it wil hold up during extended gamoplay sessions. The controlers analog stick and trigger feel fne, but the two face buttons and d-pad = which are all placed under the analog stick = feel sightly awkward. The navigation| controler is only $20, but there's no reason for gamers to Pick one up unti we seo what kind of support it gets,

Despite these minor problems, tho more we played with Move the more it impressed us. The PlayStation Eye and motion controler are a kller combination for accurate and highly responsive motion-based gameplay and we applaud Sony for getting the hardware right the frst time. The quality wil cost you, however: The Move bundle plus an extra motion controler you want an extra controle) ма cost you $150.

Playing with the peripheral over a range of titles revealed that the effectiveness of Move's capabilities depends considerably on the software utilizing it. While we have hope for

Move's future, the titles we've played so far have been а mixed bag. Here's what to expect

from five of Move's launch titles,

1:2 Players Score

Tti i a PSN tile based on the simple concept

of buling towers out o гету shaped Бос, However the games aby to accurately trnsate Your movement into 30 sace males О ‘engaging. and the sheer variety of levels and ul

ing challenges kept us entertained ong ater other Move auch ties grew cia. Local multiplayer is well implemented, along you to work cooperatively with afrien to buld the highest tower, or attempt to screw them over weth a teteng mess

Sports Champions isone of the best examples ot what Pay Staton Move an do. The tabs tennis, disc golf, ала bocon ball events oter ar unprecedented level о accuracy in motion: ase gameplay, and feel a5 rata sra counterparts. The archery and ¿aitor events are entertaining as wel, especialy ‘when using two controllers. Oniy volleybal fed to hit the mark feng more Ike а gesture based gimmick thana game. Sports Champions features ено.

head рау tourmarnerts. and chalenge modes as well эз unlockable characters, outs and equipment It might not be the kiler app Sony в hoping for, but its entertaining nevertheless.

Start The Party

1-4 Players


The navy of augmented realty makes Start The Paty an entertaining b slow experience. Wile te онну cartoon presentation and obnoxious announcer wil make you want o gouge you eyes and ears out, the controis are impressively accurate, and some ot "he minigames are intutve and enoyabe. Пе game is aimed squarely at hen and (patient parents. ore dacering gamers haud ook elsewhere.

Racquet Sports 1-4 Players

Score: 55

Racquet Sports в а port of a Wi e and shows. The game's graphs received a consideratie boost

in the алабот to the PS3, but he gameplay til plagued by questionable detection апа slow response times Unik Sports Champions, Racquet Spots reles n gestures and tenng to translate your movement

nto gameplay. Wite badminton and beach emis controled reasonably wal, ens, ping-pong. эла Squash only managed to serve up frustration. Racquet Spots has plenty of tournaments to participate in and ‘extras to unlock, but with such questionable gameplay. you probably wont сае.

High Velocity Bowling 1-4 Payers


Hon Velocity Bowing was a PS tile from 2007 tat received generaly postive reviews. K's пон being update vith Move cortos, wich manage to make 1t worse ал betore. Wh he basie swing mechanics aro abore board, the curve mechanic (wich was (ty handed by pressing buttons) is excusa itty; you curve the bal with a gesture more akin to rocking a door than turning your hand over, and wen we played the curve was fen nexpicaiy ap- pied inthe wrong direction. igh Масу Bowing has репу ol tems, characters, and toral changes 1o unlock, but you want to actualy enjoy the game, Its best o sick with your Scan controler.

onnect 33

Elevate your comfort level.

Portal 2

Release Date Announced

New Voice Actor Revealed



sp skin for and take с

xal 2 was our E3 game of the P он. but Valves trump was alanced out by the deapponing news hat ts release was delayed to an гласовна daten 2011. Trank, же wont have to wat that long. The developer recently announced tat Portal 2 в coming out on February 9 Inner Ропа 2 neis Bri come- dan actor unter and Picky Gervais. Buy Stephen Merchant (Extras) Voices Wheat, one ofthe personal- Ay cores in the game who serves as a companion to protagonist Chel at vari- Gus ponts. Merchants naturai comedic За shoud be a good f for a game iready moved win a great sense of humor and well-crafted dialogue.

= E Я зеље сол.

Extreme hydration.


36 connect

The Madden community is always a vocal one -

and it should be when you с

consider that millions of

people buy the game annually. This year is no differe as developer EA Tiburon gave fans both positive and negative things to talk about. We posed some of the buming questions about the game to creative director Jan Cummings, who ran us through ionale behind


on making for Mi

How come when I'm playing

game and earn a win against the ‘computer?

Resourcing feedback over the years has been that people dicn' rely ‘ey playing agan the computer In an onine game, so that's why the option was removed.

The first patch for the game. gives fans the choice whether ‘oF not to use the strategy pad. Does that mean we'll see both. kinds of pre-play options for the next Madden? In the future is ‘there any danger of the strategy pad going away like the QB Vision Cone? We al e beleve thatthe Strategy Pad a mere ereamined way to солто the audibles, eo hat wll ety continue to bo the deat version uoles tne telemetry data we cot lect proves us otherwise), I his has proven anything though ts that by ong а nce Созо relationship wah ommunt through channels ke e, Facebook, and forums, we able to he feedback basicaly rmedotely and react in a quick and mba manner, which honestly wasn't the case at al just wo years ago.

The NCAA football game has gotten a lot better the last few years, Are there any features You'd like to use in Madden? The NCAA Footbal team has pro- ved great features ths year th

len NF


ше set

Dynasty Mode and Оте Dynasty Моде. We always want to make эле we have a heathy competion ies the development cf each re dso dental саст 1o provide fans tuy unique footbal

experiences, We says fd the best ars when we are able to combine resources to buid coe technologies together and then create ways within the data set animation, uning, ete) lo

Why is the default game speed "slow" in offline games and "nor- mal" in online games? We wanted the defaut pc par рау expenence to be more access iow game speed helps

Опе, on the other hand, is natural a more hardcore. audience, and we got enough pres

ye fon tha communty that he "roma speed won out

New features like GamoFlow are ‘cool, but some of us just want to see old problems fixed first. Would you guys ever put out a ‘game whose focus is just clean- ing up legacy issues?

ҮЗ aways a balance. Though it sounds ike it coud be feasible, our ane Would not be sateed we

bug want to make sure we continue to innovate, wie cl work. Ing on key fundamental gameplay {es and тече as anderes by

ол huge focus on laceration and run Boekng with Madden NFL 11

What do you think ofthe idea of EA selling a full-fledged Madden ‘game every other year, and in the oft years selling a roster update plus for less money? This way {he development team would get more timo to really fix and evolve the franchise. Our entre team в made up of pas Sonate footbal fans, and we appre- the chalenge of providing an Private and fun NFL expenence: each and every year. My pb as a ‘designer to focus on that goal and eave the business decisions to the expers n that space,

This year's Madden favors offens- es because defenses seem to have a hard time keeping up with and tackling ball carriers. The default difficulty level is also eas- ier than previous Maddens. Was there a conscious choice to make the game more high scoring? Yes, that was the hope for tha default skal level, bul we don't want good defenses to be neflecive on ALPro or higher. This is something well continue to monitor ма tele ey and feedback Кот the com. munity. We don't want to make any rash decisions. f heres data tat suggests thee san sue, we can ray

chat ‘The Wii Madden games don't seem to be hugely successful on а console targeted at a casual audience, so why did you feel Tike the 360 and PS3 versions of Madden needed to go after that audience with GameFlow, et. i those consoles are considered more hardcore?

Though а very hardcore Madden fan may fink that we're catering ony to the casual Madden audence wih

а feature ike Сатебон, that try the caso, Every feature we buld we want to be most universal accepted. We know that not every ‘one wi туй, but cur data is si tat ‘er BO percent of every где pay caled e a батеон selected pay This proved our theory trat there aro a bt of Madden and NFL fans out there that ost aren't that into русай ing. Wo aro sul focused on deiering

an accurate NFL simulation, espe ‘aly to the hardcore Madden NFL fan. In Madden NFL 11 we spenta in of ime on many things that the racore fans rave ten сотта for ke a naw convmentator erred run blocking А, dema catches, and our new locomatin syster.

Why were thoro no changes чо Franchise mode, Online Franchise, or Superstar mode? ‘Can we expect that to happen in. Madden 122 Te tough decision to not make any war upgrades ta those modes was. тазе ater looking at te data, In tna case of Orina Franchise, we saw that very few people were playing the оде, end due to the cost of adding fat we had to re-evaluate ur tire on (which ls why we decided to go ahead and make the rather large investment in the Onine Team Play inrastucture). As to ofie Franchise and Superstar modes, there is very teling telemetiy саз n bata

ne afecascn or mute years What this tels us with al tree i these modes honesty в that we weren't proving comping enough features to keep cur fane engaged fcr long stretches o ime. So as we planned out our feature set or Madden NFL 11, we had to Choose one of two paths: A) Put in а few smal features 10 demonstrate that we were sl working on, or E Aggressnely plan for the future and stat mapping ourselves out a. mmuti-year pian to revamping these eer modes. We went wth option В- not only because we feels fight forthe long term growth of he franchise, but ite what Weve heard ay hey want as wel, Though many may be upset this year, we. hope that over tme they wil reize thatthe vestmenn a long-term strategy is the ight one. As to what жа be п Madden NFL 12, rely cant promise anything other han our Comment to deneng a kkas NFL'emuaten. ©

a attractions! Play favorites like Fish Bowl Bou . the fun never Carnival.

ince and Games!

‘The summer of 2004 was the best ‘of my ife. I was preparing to attend colege in the fal, so | didn't have or need a job, and | moved in with a gitfienc who loved cooking and didn't mind that | spent al of my free time playing video games. A ‘couple months earler in ће year, NCSoft released City of Heroes,

a superhero MMO that ended up ‘consuming vitual every waking hour of the next fve months of

ту йе. had an endless supply

of tacos in the real world thanks, Asta) and an endless supply of Vilains to take down in the vita World af Paragon Ciy.

After playing so intensely юг months, | burnt out quickly and ended my subscription by the time the City of Vilains expansion pack was released in 2005, Now its sx years later, and Сон is finaly get

Several years after his 1795 second expanson, Gong

nt the last week

Rogue, | sp

last mission, a superhero diving into both the new expansion

returns to Paragon City


and the classic game to see how the MMO | remember so fondly has changed, Since its release, City of Heroes has | an mpressive 18 content updates (caled issues), addng new power sets, zones, and story ares, as wel as some major game features. The biggest addition was the “Mission Architect feature, which Cryptic introduced in 2000 to alow users to write and design ther own mis- Sons and story ares. This has created a food of user generated content for the game, ensuring an endless stream of new missions even while players are awaiting the next content update. Though many ofthe Architect missions that | red aren't up to par with the level design and storyaling of developer-created arcs, | was surprised at how enjoyable and varied they we At the tine of this writing, there are over 50,000 Architect missions to choose tom, including guest arcs created by PVP writer/artist Scott Kurtz, the Red vs. Blue masterminds at Rooster


by Phil Kollar

. Revisiting City of Heroes

Teeth, and comic writer Bil Wingham. Its more than enough content to keep even tho most active superheroes busy.

Then there's Going Rogue, the frs reta ‘expansion for City of Heroes in five years. | went into the beta with itle info, knowing only that t adds an alterate universe called Praelora and the abit to switch between hero and vilain.

The additions of Going Rogue are actually much more substantial

Rather than just being able to change from. hero to vilain and back again at wil, Going Rogue features а fuly-formed тогайу system. Depending on choices you make during mis- Sons, you' move along a scale of good and ей, marking yourself as hero, vilain, rogue, or \iglante. Your morality rating affects what zones. and story arcs are open to you at any one time. It

оде me a ot of the decision-making BioWare

is bringing into the MMO genre with Star Wars: The Оа Нарцыс, and i's already done very well in Going Rogue. f Cryptic upped the produc tion value, particularly n the voice acting, the storyines and choices you're making could realy come alie.

Amongst the additions and tweaks, though, the core gameplay of City of Heroes remains the same. Ive always thought of it as а beat-em-up MMORPG: you clear out caves and warehouses МА of nameless enemies, take on a boss at the end, and evel up to gain new powers to take out more enemies. The game stil moves at a mea: sured pace, and the regen powerset scraper that made at launch i stil basicaly unstoppable

At this point, City of Heroes has become the gaming equivalent of comfort food for me, а reminder of that awesome, worry-free summer. It may not be the best MMO out there, but it a fun experience | can always return to, and NCSoft has continued to improve it over the years. 6

Geometry Wars (Project Gotham Racing 2) 44

a winy loser into а one-man So beloved that it got its own standalone release, wechig сен hat al the ladies vant Add п the daw

Geometry Wars reminded us why we dropped all those kien quarters into Robotron in years gone by. Its pounding players in he techno soundtrack and screaming neon visuals have the subtlety of a cinderblock to the face, but the gameplay's pitch-perfect intensity needs no help.

the best xd for your

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connect 39

Tim Schafer and ¥ Double Fine go downloadable

he studo that brought us Psychonauts and Brital Legend is setting ts sights on a differ. ent stage. Double Fine head Tim. Schafer recently revealed his ‚dopment house is creating four downloadable games, the frat of which is a charming RPG caled Costume Quest

| talked to project lead Tasha Harts, whe explained the inspiration for the дате: "Costume (Quest is influenced by a lot of the diferent

games loved growing up - the Zeld Dragon Quest, Earthbound. | wanted to capture what was fun about those games and put them together into something that fesis classic and updated at the same ime.” To nal that aesthetic Double Fine combines classic RPG leveling and um based battles with early adventure game mechanics Ike hidden items and charac

block pe

Ys who

hing except the candy, which is an es part of any RPG."

The game tels the story of a young brother and sister who are out for one of the most important nights of the year: Haloween, “First the player has to decide whether to play as the boy or git twin,” Haris explained. ‘Whichever character you don't pick ends up geting ка: rapped by monsters who mistake their candy costume for an actual gant piece of candy." Schafer added: "Thats the educational porton ofthe дате. Its a lesson for kids: Don't dress up Ike something monsters Ike to eat.”

From there, you're ой tick-or-treating. Some houses hold well-meaning grown-ups who shell ut the sweets, Others contain the sugar-hunting monsters that are menacing the neighborhood, When you maet them, your costume imagina: tively morphs you into a gant version of yourself to do battle, The examples we saw included a towering anime robot, а knight in shining armor, and a patriotic Statue of Liberty with torching capabities. When you're not in combat, you can explore th various locales, сотре missions for neighbors, and be entertained by

лађу witten dialogue that spouts from the nales around toa After qizzin the Double Fine folks, thay let me run around the салоу-Ше town. The battle system is а blast, and the bombastic attack moves provided by the diferent costumes had те chucking, Timing: based button presses

colorful pe

occur on both offensive and defens ‘encouraging constant involvement. The adven. ture game moments between battles take more patience, since a big part of the game is uit around пет collecton. However, Ihe charming and simplistic concept holds up throughout the ‘game. Costume Quest is an ideal famiy tite, as the funny situations and young characters should keep kids entranced, while parents appreciate the witty conversations for w Double Fine has always been kn (On that note, | asked Double Fine how Costume Quest fts into the collection of gam the company has produced so far, "I don't think i's too different from Double Fine's previous games, humor-wise," Нате told me. “The only thing that's really changing is that people сап expect to play something from us more often, Schafer concluded. Costume Quest should release on Xbox Live and PlaySte before Halloween. Costume Quest wasn't the only new tle that this month. Im fascinated by an ydy game that's far more ‘suais might let on. Retro

ve tums,

tious than йв 8-bi City Rampage is both a send-up of the open world cime made popular ind Theft Auto, and a nostalga-ladon. trip nto the tropes of '80s game culture. You play an amoral protagonist who runs down pedestrians takes on the cops in wid shootouts, At ts retro top-down action tite, but the humor and throwback so narios make the game worth a look ог anyone with fond memories of the 8-bit glory days.

In my frst crime-spree fled hour, | stole cars for a super-criminal, got chased by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, hacked Bil 8 Ted's phon ‘booth to travel through time, met Doc Brown and his DeLorean, and took a stealth mission for Solid Snake, Of course, none ofthese person- ages were so named, but the resemblances are spot-on, As the game progresses, even more

eto Cty Rampage + Xbox Live Arcade, Ware

dever nods show up, from Bionic Commando's ‘grappling arm to Contra's spread gun. Retro Cy Rampage wil release on XBLA and WiWare before the end of the year,

1 also saw an intriguing upcoming down: loadable project кот Atlus this month. Rock о! Ages locks Ike a Katamari Damacy tle, ‘except everything your boulder colides into gets smashed to bits instead of getting picked up. Ав you той your boulder down narrow strips of land, you have to destroy your enemy's fortresses ‘and troops, or alternately defend your kin fom boulder destruction by setting defenses with 30 unique units. The game includes online

is whore players must defend

ther own terrain from the opposing player's devastating rock. However, the coolest feature of the game is its approach to level design - each stage is modeled after а period in art history, from romanticism and renaissance to rococo expects the game to appear A, and PC sometime next spring. ааа space as an avenue о hype i projects, even I not every ver:

larger ro

ture pans out. Ive got high hopes for Red Faction Battlegrounds, the newly announced SN and XBLA tite that tes into the upcoming Red Faction Armageddon retail release. Batlegrounds ва vehicular combat game at ts core, aturing four player local and onine mut player support for several competitive modes and coop erative play. In keeping with the futuristic Mars setting, players can hop into tanks, mechs, and car-ike rovers to blast each other to bits. As has become the accepted approach with these sorts of projects, playing Battlegrounds wil unlock exclusive content п Armageddon. Both games are out салу next year, with Battlegrounds Ik hitting earler to buid the buzz


connect 41

Genius Through Collaboration

Ж Naughty Dog со-р

consistently successful studios. What's the key to running a successful. major studio these days?

Cristophe Balestra: Make sure you stay true to yours, and you don't change foo much by growing. For us, thats key. Jason Rubin and Andy Gavin Бий something great, and we didnt want to lose that. We didn't want to lose that dynamic. You have to grow, but gradual

Evan Wels: Yeah, | think what Christophe is describing is trying to maintain that culture that {got you to where you are, Even though the technology moves very quickly, and the require- ments of game development change on a yearly basis, И you've got a culture that has been Successful, do everything you can to maintain it ‘even while you're adapting to the new demands (ofthe industry. We realy just want to empower ‘everybody on the team to bring ther passion, enthusiasm, talent, and creati into the game,

15 there a balance to be found between the long, grueling work hours and the produc- tion of quality games? Does one necessi- tate the other?

EW: Triple-A games require a lot of work. They are hugely complex, and the more time you put into them, the better they're going to be. So. it comes down to how much you're wiling to invest of your time to make it better. Something that we have at Naughty Dog is a bunch of people who are extraordinarly passionate, and they want their work to shine. They gauge ‘themseives by how much time they want to put into the game, We don't ever demand overtime ог weekend work, but people do it of their own ‘accord because they are that enthusiastic. They want to leave their mark on the industry. We have to start coming up with ways to Imi the number of hours they put in instead of asking them to put more in. You get into the biggest problem of burnout and frustration with the team members if they are just constant in that mode of pushing and crunching, But we have that cycle. When a game is done, we all take a lot of ime off. Several weeks, or even a ‘couple months. No work whatsoever. And when we come back, we just encourage people to ‘explore and work creatively without the pressure ога deadino. That period can last six months or more.

What do you look for in a new team mem- ber for the studio?

CB: We need people to be very proactive and responsible. Nobody has a job tite of producer here. Everybody is sort of ther own producer, and manages their own time, If a programmer needs something hom an animator, he's going to tak to that animator drecily. No one is going to do that for him,

EW: Communication is important. Colaboraton is important, We're looking for programmers who have really creative and desgn-orented

minds, We're locking for designers who are very technical. People realy have to have a diverse set of skils, in addition to being extremely tal- ented in ther specialy.

What's been the learning curve on program- ming for the PS3?

CB: Its been a long process. I's not the РЗ itself, ts going from a single-core to a multi-core, That changes everything. I's а diferent mindset that you have to get used to. I's happening, and al the next hardwares are going to be Ike this, | think, for me, that was the biggest transition. Besides that, | love the PS3, When | see the things we're able to do with Ike in Uncharted 2, definitely means its a great machine.

‘Are there special challenges or advantages. to being owned by Sony?

EW: One big advantage is that we can realy focus on one piece of hardware and get the most out of it. Another big advantage is that Sony has an incredible team of developers working exclusively for them that we can share ideas with and techniques and production phi- losophies, There's alot of real openness and Collaboration between studios that has helped us al. The one big challenge is how to get our games experienced by as many fans as pos- Sible. Our audience is Imited by making our games for one platform. Fortunately the Sony fans are extraordinarily enthusiastic and support us realy wel

You've had a couple of popular characters that have moved on to other developers. Is it hard to lose control of a property like that?

EW: Иза double-edged sword. We ike to continue to reinvent ourselves, and we Ike to explore new territory. With each generation of hardware we've developed a new franchise.

its a shiny now toy, and we get excited to play in that new universe. We just don't have the resources to go back and support al the other franchises thal we've worked on. So far, it just hasn't been in the cards. Our development resources are limited. s not something I'd ге ош. Maybe one day we'l grow the team, and someting tke that would be posse. But for the time being, we're just going to have to make one game at a time. Ав far as seeing other people work on the franchises, yeah, tts ‘great. I's fun to so ther take on 1. 15 some times hard to let до, and you think, gosh, | may have done that a ft diferentiy, But we don't get too hung up on it.

What's your take on Sony Move? Is that technology you are interested in exploring in your games?

CB: Maybe in the future. Right now, its kind of dficult because we're so focused on the next thing, И would be too lat for us to start think- ing about that. Move certainly has potential,

teer the ship for one of the industry

EW: 1 was probably the biggest naysayer when 1 heard about the Wî, thinking, this is just going to be a fash in the pan. What is Nintendo, thinking? But I've eaten my hat. And | think that there's some really great and exciting new experiences that you can create, So, | definitely think the Move has a lot of potential. But | think if we were going to tackle a дате that sup- ported Move, we would want to do it from the ground up. We're too far into what we're work- ing on next to really do it justice.

The first two Uncharted games were highly cinematic - a goal you had early on with those projects. Are there goals like that you'd like to hit in the coming years with Naughty Dog's upcoming games?

EW: Along those Ines, we want to continuo.

to push the cinematic nature of games. We're trying to elevate games to a point where you aren't taking about tem the same way that you used to tal about them. You're not doing interviews where you're saying: How many new vehicles do you have in this? What are the new weapons? I's the experience we're interested in. What are the emotions you're trying to con- vey? Who ara the characters you're tying to. Introduce? In addition, we'd Ike to continue to ‘expand our exploration of the oníne space.

CB: 1 think the online experience for console ‘layers going to change, We're going to be doing more refning of the game after we ship

il, in order to make ita better experience and to acid new things toi. That's what we had in mind for Uncharted 2. | think it was a ite surprising for ‘people, the fact that we were doing this, because- T think that not a lot of people do that - but its going to become more and more common.

You've done а lot of action and platforming ‘games. Are there other genres you'd like to ‘explore, or are you staying in that place? EW: I think we'll probably stay in that sort of place,

CB: Its hard to say. When you look back when we were working on Jak 3, did we know what Uncharted would be? We had no idea. Its a good thing that we don't know what we're going to do next.

EW think everybody here is excited about technology and storyteling. There are so many different things that you can do with those things, no matter what kind of game you're making. Tying to fure out new ways to get an ‘emotion out of a player, to push the tech and the PSG further than is been pushed, the artists getting to create new worlds ай those things аге opportunities to try new things and keep the enthusiasm going regardless of what direction we go. ©

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connect 43

Many notebook manufacturers have tried to match the sexy factor Apple brings to its proprietary computer line, Performance improvements.

but few have succeeded, The HP Envy 14 is the rare gem in the boring world of portable computing that proves the exception. The Envy line of laptops

breaks away from the pack with clean lines, modern styling, and performance external speakers only sound to back it up.

The Envy 14 boasts a clean metallic body in a uniform shape. Considering the powerful specs, the body is surpris- ingly thin, measuring at just over an inch. Weighing just under 5.5 lbs, it's not the lightest thin notebook, but isn't heavy enough to warrant complaint either. The Envy 14 isn’t lacking in features, with a slot-loading, dual-layer DVD-RW drive, front speakers, plus HDMI and a mini DisplayPort for use with an external monitor or HDTV.

The Envy 14'5 vibrant 1600 x 900 widescreen display is perfect for watching HD films, playing games, and more. Even the webcam operates in HD. Under the hood, НР employs the latest trick in mobile computing, switchable graphics. When in normal mode, the Envy 14 runs off of an integrated Intel GMA HD graphics chip, but users have the option to kick it up a few notches by switching over to the ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 video card. This drains your battery quicker, but allows for graphics-intensive gaming,

suərqy xoi Aq

smoother HD video, and overall

‘The Envy's audio also makes a big splash thanks to Dr. Dre's Beats Audio technology. The

slightly better than average, but

when you plug in headphones the Envy 14’s sound quality skyrockets. Users can even tune their headphone settings independently thanks to the use- ful Beats Audio software,

Other notable specs include an 15 processor, around 4.5 hours of battery life (using integrated graphics), 4GB of RAM expandable to 8), and a great island-style backlit keyboard. The touchpad is much improved over previous HP notebooks, allowing for multi-touch gestures and easy disabling when typing or using an external mouse.

‘The Envy 14 is the best all-around laptop we've tested in years. It's the perfect solution for someone looking for a fashionable mobile PC that admirably handles daily tasks, multimedia, and the occasional gaming session without requiring a forklift to transport $999.99 www.hp.com

1 | Logitech 6700 Mouse Much Be Is predecesrs, the 6700 dees айу па found п опе moe Considering how ch Те ara? person ss compute These y. а goa mouse 8 ойка and gaming s were is beast realy snes Win 13 macros, gamer рой and a quy lase, ne 6700 ensures ven the most hardcore pers wi be eased The onmi mese hugs e hard wel, ard Log зоро back the Georg scrol wed, which us or orar areal ing sol ren pen free spin at get as падало long web roges The tune эво пс te necessa components dar he mouse 1o be wires or wre, ть e reed i choose, Пе oiy compar we ves йе (Gau ido bon layout, which rakes navigating dowd and back Hte gh to rec.



2| Logitech 6510 Keyboard Logitech ing а пен garing keyboard along wih the 6700 mouse. The G510 5 а dignity тей dorm version of e papular G15. While A boasts he ате basic fete sel. some sube diens noe a mon iat oton, Пе

logcal spot. Logtech fe the amount of macro ‘compatti “G” keys dong the et and sde to 18 with tee modes each, resuting а 54 possible macro setings er game. Те GamePanei LCD also returns, which con беру character stats or auction bid updates in games а Worta of гаа. The S10 аво has bul USB auto, sone hey becomes an easy access lg and ploy ороп

фо sound and voice with ln mule lor sach:

Te og row keys have а nice ft 1em, and aro ack wth RGB ight for any color scheme а person сода want. Орто 615 owners probly Wert naa o upgrade to ne 6510, but newcomers shoud take a ook



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Меле been ста o Nos cones the fist but he Wand» is a great ent o the Wi ect race Although по essen! to most tes Mons is tring to appear in games more frequent Uang ко rope Ful Moton Technolgy tne Wand provides the same 1:1

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connect 45

if you workin

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opinion, contact senior


Can a Video Game Over-deliver?

Developers, beware “The Second Refrigerator’

by: Scott Jones co-host of Reviews on the Run and Editor-in-Chief of Reviewsontherun.com

Ihave a confession to make - I have not finished Red Dead Redemption. I know, I know. Hey, it's at the top of my to-finish pile. Every night I come home from ‘work and look at the sight of John Marston on the box menacing me with the twin barrels of his shotgun. And every night, without fail, 1 re-shelve

Red Dead Redemption and wind up playing something else. Blame it on the The Second Refrigerators.

Red Dead Redemption is great. It's big. It's bold. It's beautiful. It deserves most = if per- haps not quite all of the holy-crap caliber praise it’s gotten from consumers and critics. Yet, if a game could ever be found guilty of being too big for its own good, it’s Red Dead. ‘Think about it: All those long, endless vistas stretching in the distance. All those trite trips into town. All those virtual people forever trying to have virtual conversations with you. All those nights spent fast-sleeping in your little shed. All the pesky critters that need shooting.

And Mexico. Man, don't even get me started on Mexico.

The mere thought of going back to this richly imagined, living, breathing, virtual rendition

of the Old West for some inexplicable reason makes me crave a black cup of coffee followed by a handful of those pills that truckers keep. in their glove compartments. On paper, Red Dead is what I've always wanted. I's what I'd dreamed about since | read Ray Bradbury's "The Veldt.” I've fantasized about having а room in my house = and no, not one of those. cheese ball amBX “immersion” rooms that

are always demoed at trade shows - that can transport me to a boundless really.

Red Dead features many exciting moments. (at least from what I've seen of Red Dead so. far); moments that made my knuckles go white; landmark moments that wil probably never. forget. Yet for each one of those knock-you-on: your-chaps missions, there seem to be at least а half-dozen tepid, pointless, nap-inducing mis- sions that need to be endured.

Red Dead Redemption is stuffed with moments of banality. This may sound like heresy, but i's true. One spoiler ree example: Early in the game Marston pulls nightwatchman duty on the MacFarlane Ranch. He trails behing an old, fat dog - quite possibly the slowest- moving canine to ever quality for watchdog duty. Man and dog make the rounds in tho. dark. Crickets chirp. Skunks scamper in the distance, Seconds tum into minutes. Minutes turn into, well, more minutes. Then there's a brief skirmish = you fire your shotgun into the sky to scare off some thieves or varmints and mission complete.

You could argue that ater my watchdog- following excursion, | now had a clearer understanding of the geographical layout of the MacFarlane ranch ог that I'd earned Bonnie MacFarlane's trust by casing her property at night. Yet, mostly what | learned from this mis- sion is that the developers have no quandaries whatsoever when it comes to wasting my time with busywork.

1 spoke with a fellow reviewer who thoroughly enjoyed Red Dead about this particular mis- sion. He agreed that it was not the game's best mission. | posited that Red Dead, overall, would bea far stronger, more consistent experience if опу Rockstar had been wiling to edit out about a third of the game's more prosaic missions. He didn't disagree with me on this point.

Tve failed to finish San Andreas, GTA IV, and now Red Dead Redemption, as well as other ‘open-world games like Red Faction: Guemila, Mercenaries 2, The Saboteur, and Assassins Creed И ай arguably terrific experiences. | fought my way to the endings of Infamous and Prototype, both of which had awful third acts and were beyond tedious in their final hours All of which is to say that l'm staring to think ! no longer want, or need, a Veldt-ike room in my home.

Back in 1999, Shenmue proved that just because you possess the CPU power to articu- late every drawer in a house - open, close; ‘open, close - does not mean you should in Grand Theft Auto IV, just because you can drive Roman to a pub and play a half-baked darts minigame and then drive him home again does

not mean that you should. These are extraneous details, digres- sions that fail to enrich the overall experience in any substantial way. ‘The Russian writer Anton Chekhov defined talent as “the ability to select Ihe important moments rom the trivial ones." Adhering

o Chekhov's definition, games should be a series of selected, considered moments, Yet lately, like sows in slop, games revel in the trivial and the unimportant. That's a problem.

1 recently had lunch with a devel- oper friend of mine during which we discussed this trend towards superfluous digressions in games. “imagine that you buy a house,” ће said, “and the house you buy for some reason has two refrigera- tors int It might seem strange. to you at frst, having these two refrigerators. But would you throw ол one ofthe refrigerators?”

I told him that | would probably not throw out опе of the refrigerators. Having two refrigera- tors sounds great. I could put salami in one and beer in the other.

“Of course you'd keep both refrigerators. Who wouldn't? That's exactly what happens in game development all the time,” he said, “We build something, and then because it's already buit, and because money was spent building it, and because time was spent building й, the "second refrigerator, without thought, automati- cally goes into the final product."

| wonder sometimes why game development studios don't have dedicated editors. Books, magazines, TV, and fims all benefit from having editors. f you've ever delved into the "out takes" or "edited scenes” section of Blu-rays or DVDs, you can easily see why these scenes didn't make the final cut, Usually they stink, are far too trivial, or aren't essential to furthering the overall experience of the movie. In other words, they were second refrigerators.

Developers: From this moment forward please make an effort to discern between the essential and the non-essential, the important and the trivial, when building your wonderful games - particulary in the sandbox/open-world genre where second refrigerators abound,

If you do find yourself with two refrigerators, send the second fridge over to my place. PIL have the salami and the beer standing by.

The ws al pion og п ip y es e Mies ee! Gaerne Hag a

то ш Vanquish

October e

01 Facebook: The Movie 08 More Zelda For Your Shrine.

15 Retired and Extremely 22 Why Do We Keep Going To Dumb These Movi 2

connect 47

young girl named Elizabeth was ‘whisked away to a faraway city and locked up in a tower. Confined to a x single room, a hulking beast guarded her for 15 years until a brave man came to her rescue.

This premise sounds like a fairy tale populated by idyllic characters and unambiguous intentions, serves as the narrative, next BioShock and

Rapture’s drew Ryan's

twisted , and the Big Daddies’ 7 4 d ! fatherly instincts wouldn't be content to tell a simple fairy tale, With. BioShock Infinite, Irrational Games returns to the series it created, leaving the ocean behind and turning its gaze toward the sky. К

Elizabeth isn’t a typical damsel distress; she has latent, dangerous special abilities that are slowly ‘awakening. The faraway city where she is kept is called Columbia, a world-famous floating metropolis and one-time testament to America's power and industry. While the hulking beast is Elizabeth's jailor, it is also the only friend she has known during her long years of captivity. And the brave man who saves her that’s where you come in.


Starting Over

The city of Rapture defined the identity of the BioShock seres when Irrational Games released the original ten 2007. The ruined under: water utopia was more than just a collection of tunnels and rooms for layers to shoot splcers it became another character in the story ‘with 15 own dark Secrets. Given the popularity of the setting, gamers weren't surprised to learn that the sequel (developed by 2K Ман) returned to Rapture. The art deco paradise and its iconic denizens Big Daddes and Lite Sisters - seemed to be inextricable aspects of the BioShock brand,

You won't se any of them in BioShock Infnte,

"When we started working on this game, we decided that though ts a BioShock game, there are no sacred cows,” says Iraional president and creative director Ken Levine. In other words, everything gamers associate with BioShock was up for assess This process b y after the frst game in а comprehensive look at Its strengths and we

re nat the most crlical person of your own stuf, you can't progress as а game developer” Levine says. “For us, we have this ‘game that gets great reviews, and this great Metacritic average. But,

its not about continuing whal we did. Its about saying, Where a the opportunities?”

For rational Games, finding opportunities ел" simply about adding а few new weapons and characters. Three years af inception, the Boston-based studo has a brand n visually stunning setting, a multfaceted story, and deeper gameplay all while retaining the core ofthe BioShock experienc "Рог us, BioShock has never been about a city” Le been about an idea. Its about going to а place that's mysterious and strange and learning about that place and the powers you can use. It ‘about how you interact with that how you interact with those cha


see thematic

splay connections to the previous two this is stil

Би any lingering homesickness you may have for Andrew fal away the second you lay eyes

уал faled experiment w on Columba.

City In The Clouds

In the year 1912, the floating city of Columbia has disappeared from. il view. A collection of islands held aloft in the air, the city is a te nological marvel. Buldings bob on clouds, bridges and freight ines connect suspended landmasses, and the sky stretches off in ай direc- tions as far as the eye can see, Columbia is a seemingly impossible feat constructed as a monument to the United States! grow riori. "Imagine an Apolo project, but in 1900," Levine expl ‘demonstration of the glory ал

Prior to its disappearance, everyone knew about Colum Rapture, it isn't one man's work hidden at the bottom the ocean; the ‘borne city was conceived and built by the US, government to be paraded around the world as а shining beacon of prosperity. lt moved around, almost Ike а mobile Worlds Fair, from country to country; Traveling to ports around the world, Columbia was a symbol of peace and diplomacy, However, the слуз existence also imped a Subtle, sinister threat, Imagine Рига overseas and watching an ente ‘American metropolis float overhead in the салу 1900s - an era where rado, automobiles, and airplanes are in their infancy. Imagine the shock when you compare the vastness of the United States tech- nological prowess to the other nations of tha word. Even when dis- patched in the name of strengthening international relations, Columbia sent a car unmistakable message on behalf of America: We are beyond you.

‘Columbia's population believed in the message ther city conveyed, ‘embodying the same ideals they preached, Revering the founding fathers as gods, valuing devotion to religion, and fearing anyone who. ват fin, the слуз leadership instiled а sense of extreme American nationalism among the citizens - in some cases, to a fault. “ln the ‘same way that Andrew Ryan represented a certain spirit in America, Columbia represents a certain эре in America - good and Бад; Levine says.

continued on page 52 E]

Building On AAA BioShock te does not share any art ‘assets or code wih BioShock 1 or 2. rational Games has developed a new олде and new technology n order to ‘create the ly of Columbia, and even bete t doesn't геу on sua trickery. The ins that are bobbing n tho distance ва ships о! а dock? They are ating in realtime, and can sway, move, rotate, or ‘ume at ary moment. cou not do any os stutt ~ this ‘ating cy in the sky tne Kind of scale in tre orginal engine” says creative direc- torKen Levine. "BioShock 1 was atthe ‘bottom ot the ocean, but of course, изв realy not. twas art, primary that made ou feel trat. The entre ciy everything In їн game is actualy Mating. venting Tus Kind of technology st or sow it has gameplay applications, too.

also opens the door for cool setpiece moments; during our demo, we witnessed a bell tower it and collapse, with the bell breaking otf and sliding to a stop right at

‘Two facons are ging for control in the aig ey, and ai of ez ar ater the woman named Blase

continued from page 50

‘That was the state of Columbia pror to the begi

to say that Columbia was hiding more secrets than

and it was armed. Heavily armed.”

The event in question created a schism between the leadership of

‘Columba and the United States, and Columbia disappeared into the

tivity and location during. lont approaches a man

clouds Despite rampant speculation, is a the last several years are unknown - unti а named Booker DewWitt with а proposition.

The Go-To Buy

The prot

voices over the rado, In BioShock Inf

his own dialogue and backstory, as w tough situations.

“Booker i] known as a man who gets things done," Levine says. “If you need something accom plished, maybe legal, maybe not:soJegal, Booker DeWitt is the guy people turn to.” A capable, expe- rienced protagonist also allows rational to throw оц one ofthe conventions it reled on in the past: radio conversations

x of taking orders from an unseen айу, erns his own goals, which ho makes apparent to the player through Galogue. "He's a этап guy” Levine explains. "Нез been in scrapes before. Ho can figure what he needs to do to advance ће objectives.

With a reputation buit through his work as a Pinkerton agent and sirkebreaker, Booker is approached by а mysterious man with an unusual mission. He tells Booker a tale about a woman named Elizabeth, kidnapped and held hostage for 15 years. The man wants Efzabeth freed and brought back to him. Booker assumes that ће job willbe a basic rescue and escape mission unti the man tels him where Elizabeth's prison is located: Columbia. Even more intriguing, the man knows the location of the lost cy

‘Once Booker arrives, players notice that al is not wel in Columbia. Ex d gunfre can be heard in the distance, propaganda posters taking extreme nationaistic postions адот the walls, and some buildings are dropping out of the sky. The city in the clouds s being tom apart by маг the violent international incident from years ago caused a splintering among Columbia's population. Two fac

Columbia's rung party and an underground resistance group caledi the Vox Popul are wing for control ofthe слу

Ther ants to maintain the status quo —a fervent devotion to God and country. The Vox Populi want to wipe out the nationalism and. xenophobia that permeate the city, and they wil go зо far as to blow Columbia out of Ihe sky to do so,

At one point during our demo, we saw a member of the ruing party named Saltonstal hold ing court in a gazebo to a crowd of empty chairs, denouncing the ideals of the Vox Popul: "The needs of our great city of Columbia must come. before the desires of any foreigner, whether they be enemy or friend. For have looked into the future, and one path is fled with amity and gold and the other is fraught with the pers of a hostie ‘and alen word"


ng of

BioShock Infinite. As the game opens, the city has been lost or |

years, vanishing after а violent and high-profie International inci |

dent. rational isn't revealing the exact nature of the event, except | ‘anyone had

suspected. “This Apolo project became a Death Star” Levine says.

“it tums out Columbia wasn't just a Worlds Fair, It was a battleship,

nists in the frst two BioShock titles can hardy be called characters. Jack and Subject Deta served mainly as sient sets of ‘eyes through which players could experience the action, They had Ite initiative of ther own, instead receiving their objectives from players do not controla blank slate who does what he is told. Booker DeWitt а man with

1 as a history of geting out of

en ne aan a INT PIE

end by many residen о! Cumbia 4 SSS


Le СС “y 2 бете horiee

The original BioShock became closely associated with the art deco style of ts “setting. Similar, BioShock Infinite has a signature style running through most ots locations It the first game's visual tone could be summarized as "New.

Years Eve, 1959, Inte is best described as “Fourth of July, 19127 The

design features bright colors, the summer sun beating down, and images ot

classic Americana.

“tt created this chain of inspiration," says art director Nate Wells. "As soon as you lock into something пке that, you're Ike, ON, we need fling mapie seeds! Жете going to need hydrangea bushes! And we should have hummingbirds

‘inking trom flowers!" any other shooter developer were to hear that..."

“There are certain people who have this vision of America that almost never existed” ads creative rector Kon Levine. "The Music Man, Meet Me in St-

“Louis, and Hell Do This perfect tun-of-he-century America where every- body got along and everybody had their doors unlocked and drank lemonade On their tront porch. We really want to have a vision of that as the ideal of what this ly was”

“When you're trying to build a city in th sky, you need to have some ground ing elements to it to make it eel realistic," lead artist Shawn Robertson ads.

“eet ike puling rom real history = but no sticking to it gives you another ‘grounding point”

Shouting fom gazebos isn't what leads to Columbias sre. Armed confict between the rung party and Vox Populi broke out, and the battles between the two factions are tearing the слу apart. Asif rescuing Elizabeth in the midst of a revolution in untriendy ter filory weren't dangerous enough, Booker soon lears that she is at the canter of a

Rescue Mission

Running contrary tothe not the ultimate goal in Bi

Ekcabeth near Ihe beginning ofthe lumbia is the tricky part. "The pring

5 er and Elzabeth aro united so eariy is that ther oping bond pia in the action, from a gameplay ріпа one-room 't know anything

Fhe Tres а Bind Ten Bebe асова TE сили ase ee a nam рле en еар rational has thought deeply about the. problem, and come ‘up with an approach it believes will work. ogame pers on o ys

ana nme? a at а meee we ener ary eset) ms nt y met rt au ato rh s ca ur hoor Cie, е кыр ри cnt A плава

EU emit Mon erste

trying to save you."

Habel earning to coal er powers so they stat relatively weak. "d amp up sa he sry progresses

‘continued from page 53

have the upper had, ЫЙ Bizabeth is the wid card; Levine explains" She could а com-

alanced and fun to play. If just kil al of 100 weak,

ompanion char ther games, but th Elzabeth won't be plagued by t fe wanted her to impact your gameplay, but је your gameplay” yant you protecting her, ing her rom dying, because we don't think thats interesting. We don't want her driving tho. ‘action where she kits a bunch of enemies, She Just sets up opportunities for you to do super- awesome cool s" In cur demo, gun-toting supporters of Columbia's ruing party are swarming Booker. He fres a few electo-bolis from one hand while ‘shooting his rife with the other (yes, dual wield- ing powers and weapons is confirmed), but the horde of enemies is too large to hold of. Just when it seems hopeless, Elzabeth unleashes her powers. The sky darkens, thunder cracks, the winds pick up, and rain starts o fall on tho. ‘advancing pack of goons. She shouts: "Hit понг and Booker fres a bolt of lighting into the crowd of soaking wet enemies, electrocuting the entire group. Elzabeth asks for a moment to rest. Using her powers takes a physical toll on her, depending ‘onthe level of exert

triumph of ther teamwork. hod after the electric storm, they encounter ıa hulking robotic humanoid on a metal bridge, Our frst thoughts that this is BioShock Infnites sewer to the Big Daddy, but we're wrong. rational is curently caling these enemies they can buff and resurrect lesser units, rikes, making them challenging (and high-value) targets in any ‘encounter. Booker uses telekinesis to grab a ‘mortar shell and throw it at the creature, but 10 го aval. Elzabeth uses her power to weaken the structural support on top of the bridge = an ‘example of rational setting up an opportunity players can choose to exploit or Ignora. Booker uses his telekinesis again, th time throwing a mortar shel at the support, which comes crash ing down on the Alpha and destroys the bridge ina cacophony of explosions and fling metal. With the threat dispatched, t seems Ike the two partners have а chance to catch their breath. “That was the one who was chasing you, right?" Booker asks: Elzabeth responds quiety ‘and grimly: “No, That wasn't Him. That wasn't Hin." A thundering crash echoes fom atop à buiding behind them: That's Hm!“

cover story 55

The God of the Sky

ruing party and the Vox Populi want саен in ther ha

a kind of growing up story y from him... He hel- bent art and getting h

оила he tp as ar t in башна

How (гаре relationship with Him affect the n

опу are the radal те limiting your selection of gun you get away. separates Elzabeth, etcetera,” explains Lev and they aren't fueled b resource. Instead, each

per pick-up th stil be a resouro nd fring.

ham MSc OLA EI,

eng cha having his ped by it but t

рн А фара сад Even with new into about the story and gameplay of BioShock Infinite, fans уе тепан y ‘ofthe Bioshock series are undoubtedly wondering how this tte fts in with

and, yu love and her те franchise, аз wel as how It addresses the complaints gamers had about

father any easy answers when. previous entries. We talked with rational president and creative director Ken

faced w reconciing the [ а Levine and asked four of the burning questions that are Key to pop up in the

bond between Him and Elzabeth with the cost." Just B minds of BioShock fans.

bond between Elizabeth and Booker forms the ein many games, limitec-uso vi

'emalional core of BioShock Infnite. much stronger than the normal tier, and al

EEE os. : i а EE i Е rder of C Our approach hasn't changed. Every game we cid rer to BioShock had a War in Columbia „Әттен poner bed Murer of Co een Indiscriminate assault may not be an option target from a distance. In cur demo, Booker the request ota marketing department. when you're staring Him down, but Booker obtained the abi If you look at multiplayer, either you are going to do something that's Tas versait wen cares tang on Pe, Pill шы y males i DM er corse four Wom сотр! Seton ov aaa o wat ar people going to do? Youre going o have а couple thousand people More options forcustomizaton and combat Те рдд dronpec Diay it tor a tew койа ten ye going to back e great mute Wal a more valet in ho anda ol eh : Е ¡Games Cal ot uty, Gears of War, На, Left 4 Dead. оту heer ee аар е EN отет LN Robe edet це а ‘ence, but some people felt t wasn't the ght- dy to 2 ıa dimension to the product that is not just god for the product but stands on 1 or most diverse combat experince in tonal pow Н » Ts own as a game, then you вой. you don't have that, you dont do Tt- hb dette Lm en

In BioShock, vta-chambers essentially made death inconsequential is that mechanic changing in BioShock Infinite? My feeling about the vita-chambers was this: think they set a certain tono ‘or the game in terms of how it lt and the progression. twas not a game about dying and restarting. R was a game about experiencing the feeling of being in Rapture. Certainiy, there are arguments to be made about whether беге was enough disincentive to get le.

think that's a reasonably legitimate concern I woud say that its unlikely we'l have the exact same approach we use in BioShock 1 as it shipped = Without any option to turnit otf or any penalty. think there is probably some wisdom in the criticism of that, but ме havent made any final determina- tions, з definitely something we think a o about and examine.


Why is the game called BioShock Infinite? Is not BioShock because it's not a direct follow-up to BioShock 1 or 2. In terms of what the tie means, thats something that wil become clear over time. Butit means something.

Does BioShock Infinite take place in the same timeline as BioShock 1 and 2? "Wero leaving It up to people for now to draw their own conclusions on ths.

Another major addition to the combat is a part of Columbia's

navigation as you

a of th s and dyna says. In the demo, afler Saltonstall bodyguard, an grabs onto a sine and zips away. The skyline moves «by quick - think моћи, As Booker pursues y 'ooning t

him in the opposite direction with a weapon raised, preparing

a mid-air joust. Booker sends him fing lime me

attack, Буа effect that sels t

many oft areas and “i's kind of Ike a designers в lead designer Bil Gardner,

ooting enemies intage point on the battle, the s is encounters can char

the player, not frustrate them person platforming. 1

о make it clear: this is not a game Where you stumble off a led ih" Levine assures уз and the promis mbat is looking b

xal, you may ws

win a fight

New Choices

The theme of choice was pner the or BoSho fh rat Во Daddy! Woud Wi st one ofie man iara hocks п BioShock A. B Docs were optin bos dg them, Dut every sce ni TL Wh henares stack. For expe, we ван Booker Startle rto rv evadir motor re fo Salta Ale patrone tuned hie ction, эла ors оба = Тюп someone med out a soln à pee dol ther d пераја rg Lad 5. "That's a dynamic you don't really see explored, and w | tod. ма thee yar, ul we ба want 10 epore resting roar

ions, relying less on audio recordings picked up. The situation айй has tens

ut taking contro away from the player. Allemal kick down the door with guns алп; the choice

s why [o ake your gun away een. We dc do that. In some ways, those ta on that's completely organic for narrative. ‘on how Bookars abi led with the with many of

loadout. ia ‘ones al a gene bank. Thats. по longer the case with Infinite, соте from the audience ink there was a sense that BioShock ‘System Shock 2, and part of the reason for that i


"eines ва only good for roig obje ш can grab enemy weapons from a distanc Jesse im in mid-air and put te

as so maleable.”

Ier vigors and pas

sve abiities ( lementing а. System where y

progression. For example, you may come acr

you pick ир, ус ble abites the 'atabilly is there

A your the de

it forced the player to rsonal gain against committing a reprehensible Adam at the cost of а Ио, “That exact concept


3; Levine that wa

19 Gils in Infinite doesn't m



nio longer. "ts sot in a context of nteresteg

xk Infnite

high altitude and t

is appropriate

Scratch and b the fans

rate st a familar

hed and the main k Infrite stil has репу. га, For instance, during

val objects sh light The shimmer

identity and mba, We th BioShock infinite the orginal Bi


" У. ost gp go


feature 63


controller А

Will Microsoft's motion-sensing gamble pay off?


Nintendo took a chance by offering motion controls to the mainstream, giving people who might otherwise be intimidated by loads of buttons an intuitive alternative. Instead of fumbling with a controller, gamers could play tennis by swinging the remote ог гой their ball down the alley by making the motion with the controller

Nintendo's gamble paid off in a big way, and it was only a matter of time before rivals Sony and Microsoft made their play at the same newly invigorated market. Sony took a fairly tradi- tional strategy with Move (see page 32 for a full review), marrying motion controls with an LED that gives the system a better sense of positional space. Microsoft's Kinect went in the opposite direction, boiling Nintendo's philosophy down to its essence: Why use a controller at all? Why not just use your body to play games?

That approach invited plenty of skepticism, Would it work as promised? How accurate could it really be? Would the games be any good? We've spent a considerable amount of time with the Kinect hardware and a wide array of launch titles, and we can say that while it's far from per- fect, Microsoft's device opens up some interesting opportunities.

Getting Kinected

think four mon is underseling it a bit,” says. Kudo Tsunoda, smiling sightly, He's taking about an analyst's recent proclamation that Microsoft's Kinect wil sel four millon unis over the fourth quarter of 2010 alone, As general manager of Microsoft Game Studios, Tsunoda defintely

has a dog in that fight. Taunoda has also taken on the role of Kinects public ambassador showing it ofl at ES debut back when it was caled Project Natal, and popping up on Jimmy Fallon show to play Kinect Adventures with Miranda Cosgrove.

So yeah, Tsunoda is а litle hyped on Kinect, "its not only the first batch that’s going to sel,” he continues. "As more and more people get t, it kind of has an avalanche effect. | think

Tour milion is a nice number to put out there, but I realy believe we're going to be able to do a lot more than that.”

It's easy to get excited about Kinect when you're on its payroll, but what about the rest of us?

Kinect's technology an

usiness plans invite

a healthy dose of skepticism. Fest up, there's the ресе, If you want to get into Kinect gaming, you have one of two options. The device and a pack in game, Kinect Adventures, retails for $149, The console bunde selis for $209, which includes. Kinect, Kinect Adventures, and an Xbox 360S wäh AGB of storage space. Tsunoda is quick to defend the cost, saying that after players spring for that inital price, they're done. Unike other vices, such as Move or the Wi, players don't have to pay for additional controllers if they want to play multiplayer games with their fiends,

rice is also connected to the next major Kinect question: Are the games any good? Specifically, are the games good enough to war- rant that $150 investment? Before we get too far, lets step back and got a rehesher course on Kinect.

Kinect combines a variety of separate technol одез into a single package. The device balhes. the immediate area in invisible онаа М, which в then detected by a special camera. That camera works in conjunction with its partner

essentially a webcam - to diferentiate а person from the background. Several microphones are housed in Kinect as wel, enabling it to detect s already possible to play games that use cameras on the three major consoles; that's nothing special The real innovation comes in the software, Players can register themselves with the system through a quick succession of scans, after which the system wil always recognize them. That opens up a range of possiblities, including the abiity to log on a user on sight, p their avatar when thay join in а game, and mor “The microphones are arranged in such a way that they can detect a user's position in a room. They aiso do a terio job of ignoring background noises. I've been able to flawlessly direct a ‘movie to stop, pause, and fast forward by using ту regular speaking voice - without any kind ' previous calibration - on an extremely busy show foor.

Two Kinds Of Motion

Kinect's launch tes fal into two main camps. їп one, games faithfuly represent player actions from Kinect. Your Shape Fitness! yoga class is an excellent example ofthis style of gaming, "in yoga, t makes total sense because you're doing the exact yoga motions and you want those poses to be correc,” says Tsunoda. “A big pa

of that experience is actualy training to leam how to do yoga properly, so you want an exact matching 110 1. But something in Adventures, where you're jumping over stuff, do you realy want ito where ts only how high you can jump? That really тив the fun experience

сап have with the game.

Thats probably the source of some of the. criticisms that Kinect games feel odd ог fca Unike traditional games, where you press a button and things happen instantaneous, Kinect is interpreting your actions visualy and

1 them into а game. As of now lag is inherent to that action, but much of that delay is probably your own body's faut. Many of us are accustomed to pressing buttons, because We do Eso 0ле comes tme to umo, though, we're not always во Son.

Jumping is a common interaction among the games in Kinects launch Ineup, and ‘couldn't help but notice that they ай share a


»»»your shape

»kinect joyride

common setup: before players have to jump, there's some kind of colored ine, shaded zone, or other simiar detal before the required leap. to get players ready. After fling а few times in Kinect Adventures, | got ће timing down. That translated immediate umps in Sonic Free Riders and the leaping sections in Kinectimak obstacle courses, where dd much better. “People don't realy know how high they jump,” says Tsunoda. I jump in the ай, is it four inches? Ist 16? What people know is when they take ой and when they land. Its realy important to fel in control of the character. they break it 100 much, then it starts feeling disjointed from. hat they re doing Some early reports said Kinect would опу work f players stood up. Thats simply not true, Tsunoda says, He ctes Kinectimals which lets players teach their adopted cubs to play by laying on the ground, “Whether whether ИЗ sting, whether its laying down, whether its jumping, i's all things Kinect can do, and then it's just allowing developers to do hat makes the most sense,” Tsunoda says. “Obviously, you're not going to be doing some- Дуга Ike Kinect Sports, where you're pla Ê is ot going to be doing i sting on the sola Hader make much sense. But

@ us un »»»yoostar2

Certainty you don't want to be playing mot and have to stand up to fast forward." Tsunoda works at one of the most connected companies on the planet, so you probably won't mistake him for a Jude. Stil as | get ready to leave, he says that a lol of technology has been bothering him recently, “i's somewhat disappointing to me to see al of the technologi ions that have been made recent, meda or тобе stuf. So йоду now is about dividing people up rather than bringing them together. You go to a party and everybody is standing around tapping at ther phones. Or with social теда, instead of ust sharing ex had with you, I post them up to the where and you download them from there and then put your experiences up. One of the rea sons i's caled Kinect is that we're realy focused оп developing genuine human to human interac: jons and being able to bring people together for shared memories and shared experiences. Its clear Tsunoda's ambitions extend far beyond mer units. While v Ultimately par possibiities, Ф

Soling four, six, ог ten milion 1 have to wait and see how it ол, Kinect is full of wonderful

This guy certainly locks is he ust

Wald out of he Alm Wanger

Fallout: New Vegas

Heading off the beaten path

he camera drifts through а dilapidated VIP lounge as "Blue Moon” leaks through the speakers. Tables are unoccupied, covered in-sheets of dust and a scattering of faded plas- tic chips. Puling back, we're on the main foor ofa casino, and it, oo, has suffered from what appears to be decades of neglect. Blowing through the doors, we see that we were in the Lucky 38 casino, home of the reclusive Mr. House, de facto ruler of the New Vegas strip. ‚Our tour continues, and we see the flames surrounding the Gomorrah sign, as wel as the Tops and Vault 21 casinos. The inhabitants of the Strip mil around, robot and human айке, asa sniper perched on the iconic "Welcome to New Vegas” sign picks off an intruder unfor- tunate enough to be on the wrong side of the barbed-wire blockade.

The camera puls us farther from New Vegas and into its arid surroundings. Some mobsters frish digging a grave in the desert as a familar voice intones a statement equally familar to

survivors of the apocalypse: "War, War never changes"

After watching the opening sequence for Falout: Now Vegas, | was ready to dig into the game. After blowing through the intro, where

my hero was rescued from a desert grave and nursed back to health by the kindly Doc Michel, hit the Mojave Wasteland, My newly minted gunsinger, Hank, was pretty strong, smart, and Charismatic. He wasn’t best in class at anything in particular, but | designed him to be handy enough for a demo.

In addition to his regular stats, 1 added a pair ‘of optional traits. Kamikaze gave me more action points at the expense of damage mitigation, and 1 couldn't resist the allure of the Wid Wasteland {rat The description says it unleashes the most bizarre and sily elements from the wastelands, adang that it wasn't meant for serious types. Радо known for those elements (whales in the desert, anyone”), во | was all about opening up the possbily of seeing more. With that al sorted ол, Lhit the door.

hung around the town of Good Springs long enough to know that wanted to leave, After helping Sunny Smiles with her gecko problem,

I set of for new adventures. | found what | was locking for in the nearby town af Primm. | recog- rized the roler coaster ftom previous demos, but didn't have the frepower to snipe anyone rom ‘above, As I made my way through the town's fence, a helpful New Calforria Republic solder.

asked what | was up to, When | sald was going to Primm, he warned me that t was off más. | бап beet up my guns sials for nothing, so | ds- regarded his advice and moved ahead.

The town was dead, and I soon learned why. Primm’ deputy had been kidnapped, and a roving gang of former convicts now ruled in his absence. That wouldn't do. I headed over to the Bison Steve Hotel to investigate.

The guy manning the ront desk was more interested in ventilating my skull than offering hospitality, so | shot his head clean of, New Vegas’ ron-sight aiming made combat a cinch, and ater a few encounters | almost forgot that VATS existed. Once Г mopped up a few more ex-cons and looted ther remains, | repaired my mm pistol and tle to near-original condition.

I was worried for a while there, since batting geckos on the way to Primm had taken its toll on Thy weapons.

Eventually, | ended up in a ballroom dodging blasts of fre. Just for old times’ sake | entered VATS and queued up four headshots with my. newly acquired magnum handgun. It didnt take four shots,

After rescuing the deputy, learned that he didn't want the job anymore. | suppose being kidnapped by an incinerator equipped maniac would do that to а person. He offered a couple of suggestions, though, including a former she or the NCR itself. Both sounded Ike decent options, so | headed toward the newly added Waypoints on my compass.

Hanks time in the wasteland ended before he was able to patch up Primm convict problem, but I suspect hell be back in October. That's when | plan on resuming his adventures inthe Mojave Wastelands, War hasn't changed, and neither has my enthusiasm for New Vegas.

Jeff Cork

» Platform PlayStation 3

Xbox 360+ PC

» siyle

1-Player Role-Playing » Publisher.

Bethesda Softworks

» Developer

Obsdian Entertainment э Release

October 19

» Platform PlayStation 3 box 360

» Style 1-Player Acton. (Online TBA)

» Publisher Electron Ars » Developer. Viscera Games э Release. January 25

Dead Space 2

Screaming in a vacuum

lion scenes in fims and video games Amer 'ear-hatering explosions in order to main-

tain intensity. Dead Space 2 demonstrates that a less aggressive approach to sound design сап be just as effective in establishing a riveting atmosphere. EA's survival horror sequel uses a muffled, ambient soundtrack for ай the action "hat takes place inside а vacuum, ratcheting up the intensity without an orchestra pit. EA showed us the newest build of the game at Gamescom 2010, and we walked away from the demo trembling.

‘Dead Space 2 continues the adventures of Isaac Clarke as he hunts for the truth behind а mysterious marker at the root of a plague of alien necromorphs. This joumey has led him to the Sprawl, a giant space station orbiting Saturn thal faces a new necromorph outbreak. To signal {or help against this new flood of foes in the Gamescom demo, Isaac has stepped into the Cold of space to align a solar атау. This puzzle. takes place in zero gravity, so we were able to soe Isaac's new suit thrusters, which allowed him o maneuver freely in space as he used teleki- nesis to align a few solar arrays. We also got to witness Isaac's new dodge mechanic in action; using a couple of focused thrusters, Isaac can пон quickly dodge incoming ranged attacks.

Аз soon as al the solar arrays ar aligned, the action kicks ino overdrive with one of Vscerals big action moments - sequences intended to

release some of the tension associated with the horror experience. Isaac must reunite with the rest of his team, who are unfortunately on the other side of the Sprawl. Isaac's solution is to hook himself into some kind of ejector seat, effectively turing him into a human rocket. Once launched, this rocket seat shoots out into space just as the world behind Isaac implodes (for rea- Sons that aren't totally clean)

Traveling through open space at hundreds of miles per hour, Isaac sees a minefield of floating debris between him and the Sprawl. He dodges all of the oncoming detritus, but at the last ‘second, a chunk of metal the size of a city block floats across his path and he is forced to thread his body through a small opening in the center. Isaac immediately spins around and ignites his suits thrusters as he crashes through the top of ıa nearby building before making a safe - albeit heavy = landing. Adrenaline fueling him, Isaac. is now ready to face the peris hiding in the vent shafts and floorboards of the Sprawl,

We've seen how Dead Space 2 captures! error and gruesome deaths o its predecessor,

and we've seen how well it juxtaposes horror with big action moments. Now we just want

Чо see how the series handles the multiplayer mode EA has been teasing since the game was ‘announced. Regardless of how the online action tums out, we ve already seen enough of the game to pray that it wil land safely on its January 25 release date. » Ben Roovos

Hard to Stomach: me pe

» Platform PlayStation 3

"Xbox 360

» Style

1 to -Player вушу Music (7-Player Online) » Publisher

MTV Games їйесшоше Ars

» Developer Harmonix

» Release

October 26

Rock Band

An overwhelming breadth of

esse that his garme entre hucrede of летова hands-on tino wih armors it Creaton to бе i severe new eres el Frat he basos eck and s compatta win ai ова expense ruse porras you Bready hve ling rond eos and your acto may. The smal ONEN io menu abo rake a hug ler ое pales especa n party sings Dum рай meno navigator canbe setos Раев Canon and бор ng songs ed change icy mimus. Bard SCS ad тваі Senet поп pe of mise you vant o opos in You alos song kst end you cana ange Up in random ett Taken ops аа Ipomea hop payee Core gane Tremor entia chrom mac n e carer pressen. Everything you e carrer contin your pg ла Tatler he mode, Ov 800 gods vat you can

shoot for them purposeful by looking at as ос you can wait fr them to trigger automaticaly



when you complete them in a song. The game stil has a stone folowing your band during

ils rise to stardom, but that piot is now modular ‘and occurs after certain criteria are met. For instance, crating and naming your band triggers a cutscene about the band getting together and agonizing over its name.

The more involved (and expensive) new propostion delvers the most dramatic changes to gameplay. The Pro Mode requires one of the new instruments - ће drum cymbal expansion, the new keyboard peripheral, or one of the two pro guitars. You need to shell out some extra ‘money, but the rewards are substantial. Rock Band features an incredibly advanced instru- ment tutorial system for every pro instrument that teaches you the basics of play in ways that transfer to the actual instrument. In other words, you could eam how to play the guitar, drums, and keyboard by completing the training s tons. Al of ihe songs in Rock Band 3, and many Cf the downloadable tracks moving forward, will include pro instrument charts, which represent a new challenge for music дате aficionados.

We've had over five years to perfect our Guitar Hero and Rock Band skis, and after several hours with the game, we can attest to the higher diffculty the pro instruments present. The pro guitar and bass parts, in particula, are chal- lenging even on the lower diffculty settings. For many players, moving up to Expert could involve months of practice and improvement

Rock Band З aims to answer fans’ call for innovation in the increasingly reiterative cycle ‘of music products. What remains o be seen is whether gamers are wiling to shell out the cash require to take that next step. » Matt Miller


The Latest Songs


= HIM, "Kiling Loneliness”

* На Maria, “Oh My God” Juanes, "Mo Enamora”

Mana, “Oye Me Amor

Metric, "Combat Baby”

Phoenix, "Lasso"

Poni Hoax. "Antibodies"

Rilo Kiley, "Portions for Foros"

Slipknot, “Before 1 Forget”

Them Crooked Vultures, "Dead End


+ The Vines, "Get Pree"

+ Tho White Stripes, “The Hardest Button to Buton”

Tokio Hotel, "Humanoid"

19905 + Piter, "Hoy Man, Nio Shot Jane's Addiction, "Been Caught Stealing” Marilyn Manson, The Beautiful People” Smash Mouth, Walkin’ on the Sun“ Spacehog, "n the Meantime” + Stone Temple Plots, Plus” Rammstein, "Du Hast” (in Gorman) 19808 + Tho Оше, “ust Like Heaven” + Def Leppard, Тоша“ + Dio, “Rainbow in the Dark“ + Huey Lewis and the News, The Power of Love" + INXS, "Need You Tonight" + Joan Jet "Love Rock and Roll” + Might Ranger, “Sister Christian” + Ошу Osbourne, “Crazy Train"

Roxette, The Look” Tears For Fear, Rule The Word”

+ Whitesnake, “Here 1 Go Again"


= Tho B-82s, "Rock Lobster

+ Bob Marley and the Wailers; “Get Up, Stand Up“

Foreigner, "Cod As co"

Queen, "Bohemian Rhapsody”

War, “low Rider


+ Jimi Hendrix, "Crosstown Tale”

+ "The Doors, “Break On Through”

worybody Wants To

Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One

Insomniac brings four-player arcade-style co-op to the Ratchet universe

are forming an unholy aliance for the ben- eft of PlayStation fans everywhere, Plot

details are scarce as to why these guys would

team up, but the latest entry in the Ratchet

8. Clank franchise is tuming in a very difer-

ent direction. Up to four players can join up

throughout the entre game, Players can drop

in and out at any time, and any combination of

online and offine players can team up.

‘Al 4 Ono plays tke a hybrid of Gauntlet, LEGO Star Wars, and, of course, Ratchet & Clank, Unike past Ratchet games, all ће characters have the same basic skil sets. Each has a grap- ping hook, standard blaster, and a brand new weapon sure to be а hit with fans.

Ratchet is known for its amazing arsenals, and the frst new weapon on display at ће game's debut is a souped up vacuum that can suck up. objects and shoot them off in an arc. You can. launch objects Ike explosive mines at enemies with the vacuum, or suck up a foe and launch him back at one of his fiends. You can also use this on your so-called friends to launch them off

R atchet, Clank, Qwark, and Dr. Nefarious

the edge of the nearest if. you feel ke work- ing together, you can also shoot fiends up to normaly inaccessible high ledges,

Insomniac encourages this mix of working, together and stabbing each other in he back. Players wil have to fight for rare items, but also work together to get past certain enemies and obstacles, As long as at least one character is. alive, everyone can be resurrected. Otherwise, it back to the checkpoint, so take it easy on the team kils.

"n an early demo, we saw all four characters in action, After shooting a few enemies, they all attach ther весибед grappling Ines to a tying robot and form a long four-man string. Everyone ‘swings back and forth to create enough momen: tum to detach and jump to the next ledge. When they get to a locked door, one player shoots a creature called а Votergest into a sot on the wall and another player electrifes a switch panel Before long, the door creaks wide open.

Up ahead, several sentry turrets scan the area with blue lights and а force field protects them. from frontal shots. The only solution is to launch

а tiend behind the turret to shoot at ts weak эро. Next, a large robot commander sends thom into a massive incinerator. They al must balance on a moving platform or they alto a flaming death. After hopping to safely, they take аде on a mild-mannered elevator that suddenly breaks apart and sends the team plummeting down the haft. Several fans power on intermit- tently, and the team must work together to follow where the wind blows or everyone dies.

The fnal section of the demo puts the team against a large robotic minboss. He sweeps a red laser across the area, forcing everyone to hop overt Ike a jump rope. Ratchet vacuums Clank and shoots him up to a switch. With the correct timing, Clank dams down on the switch and dsables the boss's shield, The team destroys him with a wave of blaster fre and explosive mines, and a huge payload of bots shoots out to al the players, What things you ‘can buy with this currency is et a mystery, but we can't wait to find out more over Ihe next year.

Bryan Vore

» Platform PlayStation 3

» Style

1 to 4-Player Action (Player Online)

э Publisher

Sony Computer Entertainment

» Developer Insomniac Games

» Release Pall 2011

Platform PlayStation 3

Nox 360+ PC

» Style

1-Playor Action Multiplayer TBA)

» Publisher


» Developer.

Relic Entertainment » Release


Warhammer 40, 000: Space Marine

lalk a kilometer in this power:

is Dig а deal here as itis in Europe, but elo Entertainment has bui a sold U.S. following with its excelent real-time strategy offerings in the Dawn of War seres, Now, the Vancouver-based stuc is taking the IP in a more violent and hands-on direction with this third-person shooter. The buld Relic recently demoed for us looked promising, but t's not ‘lear yet just how Space Marine is going to get past ts horificaly generic name and carve і own riche in a densely packed genre.

‘Space Marines in Warhammer 40,000 are the perfect expression of mankind's warlko ways. Melding generations of genetic modification and. eugenics with influences from the greatest war- rior traditions in human history, Space Marines aro huking juggernauts who gladly charge into 1,000:1 odds with rightful expectations of ‘emerging victorious. Relic wants this game to capture that sense of power and violence in a мау that tabletop miniatures or real-time strat- еду never could

‘We watched the as-yet-unnamed protagonist

T he Warhammer universe has never been

Mosi poopie dont know that Space ‘Mara were ono TR. Tole

Where Did the RPG Go?

When it veas fet shown in. valor form at ЕЗ in 2008, ‘Space Marine had a greater Tocus on Diablos loot acquisition and character progression. Ovor tho next уем ol development. Нес experimontod with many

front prototypes and came fo tho conclusion that а straight action game fit The team's vision for Spa

Marine better The RPG just put another layer o

abstraction between play ‘ors and the core fantasy stopping into a Spaco Mannes armor andy ertum. The las vestige ог sign is the

los upgrading of w as you use them, b a miner di

more of a nod to Space Marine's origins than a

bon to the gana

aal races in Middle-earth

lead his squad of lue-armored Utramarines in battle on a besieged Forge Word. In this case, "ead meant "blow up everything in his path,

and occasionally watch a buddy chainsword

an Ой in half” Space Marine ien't about taking ‘cover and devising a brillant tactical approach to an impossible situation. Its about the ground shaking beneath your armored boots as you crash through a crumbing, once-ornate pilar, I's about tuming enemies into fountains of blood as your Бойе shreds the chunks of concrete they te hiding behind, tears through ther pitiful armor, and qus the tender flesh beneath. Its about ‘evaporating a squad of Orks with a plasma. ‘grenade before pulping ther leader with a crush ing blow from your thunder hammer. If nothing else, the sice of gameplay we saw imparted the unstoppable badassery of the Utramarines.

Нес intends the seamless transtton between ranged and melee combat to be Space Marine's hallmark, A single face button strikes out with your melee weapon. Simple contextual combos and frishing moves drive the presentation. Similarly streamined, one-button ting based

'evasions and counterattacks add depth to close- quarters engagements, Your inital chainsword is. а mighty implement of futuristic destruction, and never having to expicily switch to the weapon means it's as simple as pressing a singe button to decapiate an Ork who gets too close,

“The single-player campaign is your typical sc adventure. Boss fights, pensive atmospheric sequences, and as much variety as Relc can соте up with in general encounters comprise the incar path players take to their ultimate des- tation, The studio estimates players wil take ‘ight to twelve hours to complete the campaign, and promises to supplement that with significant ‘cooperative and multiplayer offerings - which it decined to comment on just yet

With Relics pedigree, Space Marine should be nothing less than competent and fun, Whether it has the chops to break out of being just another cif action shooter and become something speciali another question entirely. However, Нес has done enough in the last decade (Homeworld, Dawn of War, Company of Heroes) to ват а Ийе leeway. » Adam Biessener

Online suits this shooter well

ve always thought that a bunch of dudes run- ning around beating each other up with nano- suit-augmented powers could be awesome Who didn't? | don't саге that it took Crytek buying up the remains of a defunct studio (Free Radical, now Crytek UK) to do it. 'm ecstatic that Crysis 2 multiplayer is shaping up to be what always wanted.

Crysis 2% approach to using the nanosuit in competitive play is briliant. Much of the suits power ies in mobility. Super speed, soaring Jumps, and acrobatic takeout slides are just a few of the ways that Crysis 2's combatants set themselves apart. This was just as ruo in the original Crysis, but you had to press a button to pull up the power menu, select a power, then leave the menu and do whatever it was you were trying to do while a bunch of dudes used you for. target practice. Now, ай of those moves are con- "rolled within the context of movement set

On an Xbox 360 controller, tapping the A button does a regular jump, while holding it for a few seconds charges up a superleap. Holding A аз you come up to а ledge activates а brief burst Of super-strength to t your body up onto the platform above. The bumpers activate what used to be suit modes, with LB making you briety slower and more resistant to damage, and RB Cloaking you for a few seconds and allowing for Stealthy one-hit melee kils.

It plays as intuitively as it sounds. Within a few deaths of picking up the controller, | was finging myself рей-тей across NYC's ruined landscape in search of a better tactical position. Crytek UK has crafted tight, intimate leves that take full advantage of the nanosul's mobility. Both maps available at Gamescom - one an odd juxtaposi- tion of a modern office building crashed into a decrepit apartment tenement, the other an inter ‘connected set of rooftop gardens аге vertically diverse. Its hard to get a great read on them {rom a bare few rounds of play, but new strate- дез were springing to mind in just 10 minutes of hectic action.

Sure, t's more of the standard online shoot- ing that tho industry has been iterating on since

Quake rather than some crazy departure from multiplayer norms Ike Resistance 2 or MAG. This type of gameplay is the well-loved baseline for a reason, though, and the nanosul powers and verticality of the levels set Crysis 2 far enough apart to offer players new experiences. within that framework.

Persistent online character progression is а genre standard now, and Crysis 2 doesn't disappoint there ether. Crytek UK freely admits that its system is mechanically similar to its competition's. The devs feel that the difference. comes in how the perks tle back into the nano- suit and the game's sci-fi setting. More than 20

suit upgrades, with three levels apiece, form the backbone of the progression. The experience you accumulate during play is broken down into subcategories lke stealth and explosives, which they hope will channel players into the types of upgrades that enhance the play styles they enjoy most.

‘Solid guns-and-grenades core gameplay and. a progression system that looks as deep as any Сай of Duty form a great spine for Crytek UK to build on, and so far the former Free Radicals ‘seem to be taking full advantage of that. Crysis 2 was the best multiplayer shooter at Gamescom, without question.» Adam Biossener

previews 77

Xbox 360 yer Action

Namco Bandai » Developer Game Republic

‘The third time's the charm

The Majin you se ìn t acters first design. P Daisuke Uehiyam

frst attempt aly, cover team took the d

78 previews


n and the Forsaken Kingdom

e darknassttogsth

Majin from ts castle prison,

uis disappoint

Instead, itis

and шт апу

ith a m

kan Kingdom may disappointment, producer

з melee attacks do tle damage letting Tupou finish

gerin team attacks,

youto drect the

mes both simullan opponents wit

wth my e that Uc о his goal of layers care about, | couldn't х companion against

ча ста s appearing in GT

» Platform PlayStation 3 х Style as wel a * 1-Player Racing Keeping these s (G-player Online) manac mands to the» Publisher driver teling him or her Sony Computer Entertainment

33, Polyphony Digital ran Turismo А-Эр Ку sold mions

» Developer

ven years later, and responds Polyphony Digital

nds dif a

November 2

зу familar Polyphony planned to save go-karts

uying new cars and turing old ft may ha ones unti their s, but Polyphony fina dealership. In AR to go-karts, 5 3 % company ral tweaks te а e wil be interesting to: systems tod lts taken unti Gran Tur theteamto __ еті tract think some of the s vision for this unique racing mode. In racing game. » Ben Reeves ес, players sil buy and tweak cars, but Al driven them. у e al the racing. The manager

Unnatural selection in GT's course maker iyphony calis Из course creation (eatur jam a course maker and not a course editor for а ries the compe E announced at this ear a reason: it dosn't function like а normal y arse editor Play Gamescom icking a home 2010 Subaru Impreza Toscana in th WRX STI ding scales alk = rameter a 2009 Pagani Zonda R day, number of race sections, sharp- ЕВА Concept

1967 Ferrari 330 P4

Ts tho gam erem 1967 Ford Mark IV iU be interesting to seo if playon atch onto this kind af map making ше е Nd mare hands-on coume editor wher 1967 Lamborghini on lay the tracks youre. Miura P400 Bertone Prototype

1967 Jaguar ХЗ

» Platform PC

» Style

1-Player Acton/RG

» Release TBA

80 previews

fing at Games in Germany, Ву offload wers, the ar

create pc

them hang around in to

aher you co certain quests within the greater st

only by th

asic vendor functionality

3 sel tems at your camp rather ond that, thei

armor, swords, ax found with him. He cana equipment and add socket you to place an addtional tat-bo an existing tem.

The jeweller focus

repair damaged to ten

bine loı

an tem (preserving

the proc

“The myste can identify tems th v replace Deckard Cain in our hearts, add a

y affix to an already magical Лет (al ло у, critical ht chance if thats x thing), and craft magical totems Ike wand

oth the.

pes wil кө

artisans, gan

notes that "every artisan do something for every

ring casters can

on ther chestpiece, even Һе black

fing doesn't do much for them,

ze along vario

ng factor is the Xu spend on an artisan nt to max out a charac- special you can - it you grind long enough. Recipes are obtained as crafters level, but they can also and chests in the recipes best equipment set if not me is smart about t, rar part of the Di

to colect material tems. The goo

Tho new abi to det user ot into eating serit ап tha tod wl reduce tps 1 tou.

portals to the safety design and bad gameplay. therm as buffers: Baht fect safety, The ing to miss the оте (which work simiary to thos be much frequent in an attempt to alleviate that hat, but it won't be the same. if Ii miss that od town portal "b ong" I've heard thousands of times, Im on board the Diablo Il train, Judging by the ch murmurs, and рај European c

d stil wor commit to shipping it any hen t's dane,” but p indications have put itin fecal year 2011 through March 2012), and n tracts that, And по, there's no ne Adam Blessener

sooner than ^

Ace Combat Assault Horizon

Namco Bandai touts Asse

took to the skies on portable platforms, Namco Bandai recently announced Ace

‘Combat's return to consoles. Ace Combat

‘Assault Horizon is in development for both

the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, returning to

‘Sony's console after the 360-exclusive Fires

of Liberation,

Project Aces is being intentional tight-ipped about Assault Horizon, but the frst ofl trailer clued us in on a new direction for the franchise. The footage indicates that the ile is a complete reboot for the series, refering to it as a "game changer and “rebirth.”

We'd bo hard pressed to disagree, even with the meager gimpse of the game that is current

N dept raión i een

The Sims Medieval

EA goes

In a medial song, your ade

тшп, imon psit

ult Horizon аз a “rebirth” for

medieval on the Sims

avaliable. The traer most notably highighted an evolution of combat from something calculated ‘and mechanical to a decidedly more organic and personal approach, Dogfights unfold in the midst of urban areas, with plots narrowly avoid ing skyscrapers as bulets spray the lof struc- tures. Маг is tho battleground in this particular талог meaning we'l be seeing more real-world locations. PSP's Joint Assault broke the series tradition of fictional settings, and Assault Horizon locks to follow sut, Signs als indicate that the Player wil take to tho skies as a member of tho United States Ar Force.

The dogfight draws to an end in an explosion. of fuel and debris, momentary lighting the sky on fre as tends of ol spider through tho air,

get sent to the stocks for a face ful of tomatoes, or be escorted to the "Pit of Judgement” for execution. To avoid a painful ending imperative for each sm o complete his ог her ind vidual quests. The дате coffers options for tacking each one.

In one quest during а hands-off demo, the king became П after being poisoned in a sword fight. The phy choose to ether end his Ме or rescue him. Having taken the virtuous route, the physician heads over tothe palace, checks the king's condition, and returns to her cinic to research a cure, She discovers a serum called Angel Balm is needed to cure poison. Once she collects all the necessary items from her healing

garden, she retums to her cini to mash the ingredients together at her crafting table. The mecical practitioner also has the option to cali on the kingdom's merchant for heaing items, or summon the town priest to bless the king back to health for additional aid. She heads over to hor mes- senger post (equivalent

the series

This brief exchange highlights the moro intimate rection Project Aces is taking the series, with ‘combat so close that fuel rains down on your айтай upon impact. After several more бегу takedowns, our plot's luck runs out and we aro jaringly ejected from the cockpit. A safe landing ‘appears o be too much to ask for, as an enemy ‘raft approaches from the periphery.

(Other scenarios highighted include aito ground combat from a helicopter, and а plot taking on а feat of ships out at sea.

Perhaps intimate action and а return to reaity is exactly what Assault Horizon needs to reinvigorate the Ace Combat franchise,

Meagan VanBurkleo

to the phone system in modern-day Sim Ме {and cals upon the priest via carrier pigeon. With all tasks in place, its tme to cure the king

Once quests are successtuly completed, the sm gains experience and the player ears king: Фот points to unlock more Sims from a wide range of professions that will open up even more quest opportunites, Play as a knight, monarch, Scribe, priest, aristocrat, physician, and more with each role affecting quest types. Whi the physician spends her time healing, the priest provides sermons at his church and with more experience wil reach the ulate goal of increas- ing the church's popularity. The opportunities are endless,

For an early buid, The Sims Medieval looks impressive, Bulking terors and exteriors ай have a unique, handcrafted feel, and the fnely detalled character models sport the requisite cid schoo! garb. We look forward to getting more ев as The Sims Medieval moves further along in development. » Annette Gonzalez

onto о helicopters or tbe time

» Platform PlayStation 3 Kar 360,

» Style 1-Player Action \мшйрауег TBA} » Publisher Namco Bandai

» De Project Aces » Release 2011

» Platform PC-Mac

» Style.

1-Player Simulation » Publisher. Electronic Arts

» Developer.

The Sims Studio



» Platform "Wa

» Style

1-Player Role-Playing Game

» Publisher Nintendo

» Developer Mistvalier

» Release


The Last Story

The RPG master reunites т

with the name Final Fantasy, but they may not know the man who started the phenom-

enon. Hironobu Sakaguchi created the ату series, and was involved in every entry through Final Fantasy IX. After leaving Square Enix, ‘Sakaguchi founded a new development studo called Mistwalker, which designed the excel lent 360 RPGs Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, When Sakaguchi is involved in a new project, Gamers should pay attention.

The latest tile ftom Sakaguchi and Mistwalkor isa Wi exclusive entitled The Last Story. The дате marks the frst time Sakaguchi’ crecting (аз opposed to producing) a game since Final

F ans of tho role-playing genre aro familar

with Nintendo

Fantasy V. Set in a traditional fantasy word the plot of The Last Story follows two main heroes ing on Ви! Island. One is а mercenary named Elza, and he eventualy meets an aristocratic woman named Kanan, along with a crew of additional party members. Ther journey explores themes ranging from роса! upheaval to human emotion, but Mistwalker and Nintendo are keep- ing the specifics of the adventure under wraps for the moment.

‘On the combat front, The Last Story is differ ent fom the гадопа turn-based structure that made Sakaguchi’ early les successtu. The battle system is real-time, but appears to pause 10 accommodate target selection for spas

апа abilities. In the game's traller, the fights run smoothly as multiple enemies circle the heroes, and cool effects and environmental destruction ‘are abundant, A cover system allows players to hide from enemies пті баі, waiting forthe right opportunity to jump out and catch the foe Nintendo plans to have The Last Story hit before the end of the year in Japan, but the ¡game hasn't been confirmed for a North American release yet. However, with a renowned developer ike Sakaguchi at the helm, its а safe bet that The Last Story wil hit our shores some: tie in 2011. » Joe Juba

82 previews

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light

Square Enix goes back to tr

inal Fantasy tes gat more complex wih F Sch ow hair vif at so

Tines and involved mechanics. Most fans of te franchise prefer is kind of evolution, but Some yearn for he days when things were sm Pier. Wih Tro 4 Heroes of Light, Fral Fantasy oos back to ts roots wih an adventure Inspired by the seres! саћу entries,

Developed by Mati Software (пе same studio who made те DS remakes of FF and M, The 4 Heroes of Light is a new RPG with an old-school vbe. The tale begins Ike many her; a boy wakes up on his 141m binday

> good old d

ys and must visit his king in order to be considered ап adult. The premise sounds cichéd, but the дате isn't as naralio- ven as other entries. | Played the fist few hours, and the story serves mainly as an excuse to send players into various towns, caves, and castles. The entertainment isn't delivered through cutscenes; instead, the йв come пот exploring, king monsters, and leveling up.

The story isn't the only simplification - the ‘combat system is also straightforward. Instead of having to manage magic points, al of your sks and spells draw from a single reservoir of action

мета m ДАН | “7

Def Jam Rapstar

Think you can flow with the finest?

Jam Rapstar lets hip-hop up-and-comers.

put ther rhyme skis to the test. You can тар along to the game's 45 Icensed tracks from the ikes of LI Wayne, Kanye West, Nas, A Tribe Called Quest, LL Cool J, and more, or freestyle ‘over beats from producers such as Dania or Niti Beats.

Def Jam Rapstar offers three ways to play Party mode lets you battle with frends or col laborate in a duetin racks such as Kanye Wests “Goldigges” where one player folows Kanye's flow whie the other assumes the role of Jaime Foxx and sings along to the chorus. In Career mode you can perform Icensed tracks to work your way toward superstardom. Top perfor-

K onami's upcoming rap karaoke title Dof


mances wil ват microphones, in-game currency that unlocks new tracks, backgrounds, and effects that can be used in the rest of the game. To eam maximum mics and street cred, Def Jam Rapstar judges your performance based on ics, timing, and pitch. The game determines Points by sylabie and vocal nuances, making auto tune an even bigger pain than it already is. After spending some time with the game, I found itis almost essential to have at least some fami arity with the song chosen, otherwise you might trip over a few pcs, Nothing a few run-throughs vih a given track can't fx. This game was designed for fans of hip-hop, so anyone with an interest in the genre and a love for rhythm games can take a few fubs and pick up the rest of the

своју алое vadis neds Motos" Poppa" and ‘Sop Dogg "Gin and Je” wath De game gets cone ola


points. You can buid up a reserve for future turns by boosting, and other events in battle can cause you to randomly regenerate AP as well The system requires players to be conscious of the fow of battle, selecting the best moments to buld power to launch a full-on assault

What you can do with the action points you accrue each round depends on the crowns your characters are wearing, The equivalent of a job system, diferent crowns bestow bonuses, penalties, and spacial abilities. For instance, the classic black mage is one of the early options, but other options, Ike merchant and dancer, ‘open up as the game progresses. | counted space for 28 total crowns (each with several upgrades), so you have plenty of different classes with which to experiment and form your ideal party.

If you get ted of ginding through the classes воо, you can team up with up to three other рау- ers in local co-op. The additional players won't be able to make any story progress in this mode, but you al earn points for rewards that салу over ike Powerful weapons and helpful tems,

With an accessible structure and a simple story, The 4 Heroes of Light is built to simultane ously evoke nostalgia and entice newcomers. Well have a ful review next month, so stay tuned to sce i this ho right handheld Final Fantasy for you. » Joe Juba

track no problem. The show must go on, right?

Freestyle mode introduces the game's onina. Community component, where players with proper lyrical savvy can record thor perfor. frances using a system-speciic camera. Videos ‘can then be edited with visual effects, color palettes, and fiters. Once you're done crafting Your video, upload it to Def Jam's community Ste for review by your falow peers. With Def Jam's involvement, who knows, maybe you'l get covered.

You won't have to wait long before picking up the mic, as Def Jam Rapstar hits retail in early October.» Annette Gonzalez

э Platform Nintendo DS

» Style

1-Player Role-Playing -Player Local)

» Publisher

Square nix

» Developer

Square Eni

Matrix Software.

» Release


э Platform PlayStation 3

Xbax 360

» Style

1 or 2-Player Rhythm Music

» Publisher


» Developer

Amm Games

» Release



GAMEREMONTH * " Halo: Reach

Bungie's last hurrah with hiso goes out with а ‘bang, taking us back to the start athe story and introducing а new team of heroes who find themselves in the midst of

) a hopeless contict. Upping Ie ante with massive ground

after thal. The име puipiayer Js ‚ау bombastic. Bungie. hat beginning the fight StarCraft u СРУ келед. > A SCORING Ра | сылы == Рој t€ EE tomna a ra opt e eine. BRUM | Bese o arenema n osana оза We юле ige wo as les rly ol Be MNAE | = mem Jue Goo rosae ag not ap chier Pare nog ETT Ses 8 eene mie scort nane we mary ooo | 3 | me ed Ba anz data gen = Eu EE meum The ava tbe 6 BBERNERMONTH | завио

PS3 360

» Concept Integrate а real-time physics ‘engine into MHL time- tested gameplay

» Graphies

The increased variety

fol animations for

nice collisions а welcome change

» Sound

Bil Clement and Gary Thome aro stil great announcers, ut the dialogue is starting to show its age, and EA needs to integrate more ‘contextual commentary

» Playability

‘The checking options and quick dekes add mare tools To an already versatile ‘control scheme Entertainment

‘Tne nico action is stil solid, but Bo A GM mode sulers вот poor CPU logic and Be A Pro mode doesnt ойе much in the way of innovation

» Replay Value


Second Opinion 8.75 HHL різ brains vers

Brawn. and га bra wins: Ви fs not just about

ting cross-checked ın the face = the game's physica iy offers hits of allsize

whether you're lerecheckung Jogging tho neutral zone, ог playing defense. The new physics engine also allow Ihe puck to move more

y when nat on player "ics, However, the game ‘ould bo smarter. Al player don't play with enough personality, they got stuck ın routines, and there are

‘enough garbage goals. Be А { mode should give you GM tasks that are tailored for

your аш,

элей rom Al GMs that maka senso

of the good players sit in tee agency. Some of the problems last year how Be A Promod he same game in and game out) but at least can happily pend Ume in the addicti imate Team mode. NHL 1 fun from one end of the io to he other, but with more work it could be the complet package. » Matthew Kato

80 reviews

NHL 11

A star player starts to show some flaws

Style 1 to 6-Player Sports [953] 1 10 4-Player (Xbox 380) (12-Player Online) Publisher EA Sports

Developer EA Canada Release September 7 ESRB EIO+

nithe NHL's current salary cap era, bulding a Cup contender requires more diigence than simply poaching big-ticket free agents in the offseason and drafting a blue chip blue iner. Money is tight, so savy general managers must make shrewd draft day selections, toy with restricted free agency, buy out overpaid players on the tail end of their careers, and know the right time to call up a young prospect. Past NHL games only captured the basics of the team building, but with the addition of the CHL icense and a new free agency system that accounts for Unrestricted and restricted players, NHL 11's Be A GM mode comes closer to mimicking the real league than ever before,

With most of the amateur league players now in the game, Be A GM gives you control over the lale of al the prospects in your farm system. Though the game lacks NCAA and KHL play ers, most every other prospect is right where hes supposed to be. NHL teams draft players at a young age, so only the top draft picks land (on NHL rosters out of he gate. But through ‘several years of simming seasons I saw both frst round picks and late round gems blossom into pro skaters,

‘Managing the farm system makes for a fun. ‘offseason, but your peers could use some ‘advice, Though the GMs don't swap star play- fers wih abandon anymore, they sometimes let highly touted frst rounders Ike Alexander Burmistrov escape into free agency, bury vets ke Orvis Drury in the minors, and send mixed Signals during trades. One team proposed a trade but then rejected it when | agreed to the terms. Another rejected a fair trade for the obtuse reason of having an “athletic surplus.” The new. 10-player swaps further demonstrate the broken trade logic guiding CPU GMs; one team asked for both of my NHL goalies for a trio of fouth-ine

calibar defenders and a throwaway pick. Sure buddy where do | sign?

Мо sports game has innovated! more on the gameplay front this generation than NHL, and this steady progress continues with the new physics- based animation system. Checks now look diferent depending on whether your defender is in postion for a crushing hit or only able to chip a puck carteras he skates by. The introduction of broken sticks and a new face-off system also helps NHL 11 improve its game, and EA Canada. has tweaked the AI to cutoff the back door ‘goal exploit and vary the angles goalies take, ‘Scoring is loosened a bit, particularly inthe sot, but most games аге stil ow scoring affairs on higher difficulties.

"e game is aso starting to show signs of aging. As withthe past few NHL games, its easy Хо dictate the pace of the game, keep contro ofthe puck, and límit the number of scoring ‘chances for your Al opponent, That said, the games aro stil ght because opponents shoot ап uncharacteristicaly high percentage. Your ‘Al-contoled teammates don't demonstrate the ‘same nose for Ihe net curing odd man rushes, as "hey frequently stop driving to the net. The goalies don't track the puck wel once its been deflected, ether swinging wildly to knock the puck away or. ‘not noticing that is siting ight on ther shoulder. In some circumstances the ine change fune tion stl als, leaving fve ted players on the ke, ‘The most notable criticism is the lack of player personality on the ice. Notorious hitters Ike Cal Clutterbuck rarely finish their checks, and star players Ike Alexander Ovechkin dont play mark еу ferent from any other forward. Outside of a short stint on a CHL team during the Memorial Cup at the beginning of your career, there isn't much new to the Be A Pro mode ether.

ifyou'e an БАН! player, the biggest

improvement over past years is the option to practico with your club. Rather than risk your эро! in the standings to try out a new player

or implement a new strategy, you can now do.

it within the safety of your own rink. EA also ‘leaned up the interface to make it easier to inter- act with your club and fnd games.

In what's quickly become а rite of passage for EA Sports games, NHL 11 includes the Utimate Team carc-based game mode made popular by Madden and FIFA. Rather than simply recycle the idea, e NHL devs are bulding another compet tive level onto the game withthe Ultimate Hockey League. Wii it stil uses the familar card pack system that alows you to purchase new player cards by playing with your team or paying for them, EA Canada has created a monthly league ‘governed by a salary cap to keep big spenders from nining the league balance. As you play games and ват pucks (he game's currency) you. сап purchase new packs to find new players for your roster, train your top prospects, or extend he contracts of your nucleus. Though its techn cally possible to compete in the UHL without ‘spending money, puting your team on sold foot

wil be dificult, as the cheaper packs rarely award you with any sold NHL player or training (Cards, and contract cards don't come frequently enough to help you keep your best players on Жеке.

Like a star player at the apex of his career,

NHL 11 sti shines on the ice. New innova: tions Ike the real-time physics engine and UHL show EA Canada sill has some room to grow, but as age creeps up on the stalwart franchise and ts prior innovations feel commonplace, ‘some of ts weaknesses are starting to appear more evident, » Matt Bertz

‘dan extended vw ol AHL 11 at gamete comma)

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Beenox hel

argument for some of Spidey's time-cisplaced Be En en аА омоти со ооо, nn en nt, en EEE

Jer-Man crawl back

to the top

Style 1-Player Acton Publisher Activision Dev

book vistas, and ts web-based combat felt dif ferent than any of the other words. Гао loved 20995 neon-tipped environments and free-faling ‘combat, which had me slamming super vilains into any object that got in the way of gravity.

The Ultimate universe puts Spidey in the black suit and gives him a rage meter, which makes the action against hordes of smaller minions all the more fierce. But may have had the most

fun in the Noir universe, where ts stealh-base levels alowed me to sneak through cracks in the shadows and while away the enemy numbers wilh a series of punishing takedowns. The variety in this game extends to the unique boss battles which usualy involve using the environment to. creatively take down your opponent instead of just chipping away at a largo heath bar.

Опе of my favorite aspects of the game is the Web of Destiny challenge. A cross between tra- ditional orb collection and achievement rewards, the Web of Destiny alows you to level up each version of Spider Man with new moves, abil- ties, and costumes. | constantly found myself ding into the menu to see what kind of meta challenges | had left to complete, These various ‘activites include collecting hidden icons, com- plating time challenges, and defeating enemies in special ways. Many of them can be completed during the game's natural progression, but only the dedicated wil completo әй 180 tasks.

Every superhero has his Achiles heel, and this Spider-Man is no diferent. Whie the combat is fast and fun, the auto-targeting occasionally ‘snaps to the wrong place, and the camera can have a mind of its own when you're climbing walls. My biggest disappointment is reserved

‚por Beonox Release September 7 ESRB Т

for tho story. Comics are a strong storyteling medium, but few - if any - comic-based games have done their source material justice. Activision got current Amazing Spider-Man scribe Dan Siott 1o heip with the piot, but ай Sott has done is draft up a bunch of puns so terrible you'l want 10 curse. The story details what happens when а mystical table shatters across several different dimensions, amplifying ће powers of any super. vin who holds Its the kind ol hackneyed plot that was fashionable in the 60s, and | thought the comic world already transcended this kind of soryeling

‘Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions lands just shy of being the tul package, but t delivers a non-stop action ride with something new around every comer. Though its story leaves something to be desired, t's one ofthe best Spider-Man titles in recent memory, f not the best Spider Man tite to date. » Ben Reeves


PS3 360 э Concept

“Take four diferent versions of Spider-Man, set them in four diferent words with four diferent styles of play, and produce one of the best

Spider-Man tities! » Graphics

in years

Fach world has its own

unique lok and s "hey are all great.

yie, and ‘Amazing

sketchy comic vibe is particularly stunning

» Sound

An incredible voice cast featuring actors rom past Spider-Man television shows is backed by a

solid soundtrack ә Playabiity

AU four versions of Spider-

Man have unique.

combos to

explore. i was mice not ust jamming on the same attack

т Entertainment

ton over and over again

Don't worry if you've never heard of Noir or 2009, each

work tes somet of every level

» Replay Value Moderately High

thing to fans

reviews 87


PS3 + 360 + PC » Concept

A compelling. cinematic game about La Cosa Nostra filed with nods to lassie mobster movies

caphics Only the occasional environmental pop-up and. recycled character models take away trom an otherwise admirable recreation of 40s and 505 America

men Fantastic voce work particularly for sidekick Joe Barbaro} complements an amazing soundtrack filed ‘with classic songs from

the period

» Playability

The gunplay and driving control well, but the cover system can give you problems in ight quarters

» Entertainment

A focused, И derivative, mobster tale that should ‘appeal 10 any fan

‘of Goodfellas

» Replay Value Moderately Low

Mafia |

Jump into this thing of ours


merica's fascination withthe Mat song

documented. For decades, fims Ike The

Godfather and television series ie The Sopranos have Базко in the word of he ala organized crime syndicate. Is current and former members tou аз a closed community that operates on trust, respect, and glory. Never mind trat in realty they backstab, double- Cross, and rat each other out at a higher fre- ‘quency than any of tha Явы Housewives reality Shows. No video game franchise adheres more closely to tnis fractured dream of a romanti- Sized criminal subculture than Mafia.

Satin tho 405 and 508, Mafa ls jam packed with familar plot devices pule rom casse ‘movies ike Goocfeles and A Bronx Tale. In the fictional city of Empire Bay tee alan crime familes hold conto over most of ne criminal underground. Wile theod fashioned Dons sick 10 the time-tested rackets of gambing, running numbers, and boosting goods, more апи" ous young upstarts start dabbling in get-rich- Quick schemes involving narcotics. This creates а ton that could break the aliance and pt the famiies against one another This s the back- rop for Vito Scaletas rise trom street hug to wise guy.

ike a made guy dressed to the rines in a alored suit, tedora, and a pair of Stacy Adams, Maña | dresses the part. The new sting. Empire Bay ва stunning recreation of a 405 and ‘50s American metropolis. From the war- "me propaganda posters to the era-specitc automobies and radio tunes, Мапа ransporis You toa time where American pride was at an time high, dames wore called broads, and ‘vert racism ran rampant trough he segregated communities. The impressive attention to detail is most noticeable inthe experty crated buiding interiors, which look ike destructible sets pulled straight out ol Mad Men.

Unike Grand Tet Auto's Liberty City, Empire Bay isn't an open world playground overflow- ing wit side quests and distractions. The word stl teels а lung city, but Майа Iisa much ‘more focused experience. You can buy new

clothes, get your plates changed at the auto shop, and boost cars for cash, but that's about the extent of your interaction with the city. The дате is divided into story chapters, which

allows the developers at 2K Czech to alter the ‘weather, time, and city conditions in service of the missions. While explorative gamers may miss the freewheeling structure of games like GTA апа Red Dead Redemption, those who never finish lengthy games will appreciate Мага Ils direct storyeling.

“The original Mafia stood out for its engaging missions, and the sequel follows suit. You stil drive rough the city for long stretches (ihis time without a clutch or constant harassment from. trafic cops), but once you reach your destination the action unfold in smart scripted missions that feel diferent everytime, These quests fea- ure your standard blend of third-person shoot- ing and driving sequences, with the occasional fistight thrown in for good measure. The controls don't depart drastically from genre conventions, though the finicky cover mechanic gave me ‘roubles in tight quarters.

For Vito to become a made man, he must earn

his stripes selling stolen cigarettes on the streets, robbing jewelry stores, burying dead bodies, and taking on dangerous inflation and assas- ‘ination missions. His best friend Joe is along for the ride most of the time, and ther dialogue ‘serves as а narrative ynchpin. Though Mafia relies heavily on mobster clichés, the ending takes an interesting turn that gives the game its ‘own identity.

you're а veteran of open world games, you ‘should note that Mafia Il is extremely easy on the. ‘normal difficulty Тит it up a notch if you want more challenging gunfights. No matter what dil- "шу you choose, don't expect at lot of interfer- ence from the clueless cops, When you break the law, the men in blue aren't overly concemed with apprehending you - some give lazy chase, but shaking them is as easy as stepping on the gasin a fast car, making a u-turn in a busy inter- ‘section, or stopping unti the cops get out of their cars and then flooring it. They're even more inel fective when the guns come out. “hid” behind а dumpster ога closed-off alley in front of a pile of several dead officers and lost my wanted rating despite several cops patroling the area.

Mafia I suffers from some other minor annoy- ‘ances as well. The game relies heavily on cutscenes, and sometimes doesn't know when to draw the line between interacting with the жопа and triggering a cutscene. I shouldn't take contro of Vito as he wakes up only to jump immediately into another cutscene when | pick up the ringing phone. The NPC inteligence during missions is also troublesome. In one mis- sion I had to tail a car to find out where it was headed, but the driver got into an accident and the mission failed.

in an era when video games are moving away from relying on cinematics for storytelling, Mafia II draws on the rich mobster fim history to weave a gripping drama about family, friendship, loyalty, betrayal, and pragmatism. If you're fond ої quoting Don Corleone and Tony Soprano, don't miss this game, » Matt Bortz

Scott Pilgrim Vs

rn brawler sir


‘ma huge Scott Pigrim fan and brawlers are my absolute favorite classic genre, so Ubisoft had the chance to exponentially disappoint or thrill me. Fortunately, Scott Pigrim vs. the World is everything I would have wanted for a game based on the franchise, and it stands on ts own asa great beat ‘em up.

Up to four players can team up as Scott Pigrim, Stephen Stil Ramona Flowers, or Kim Pine to take on Ramona's seven evil exes and legions of hipsters, ninjas, and Haloween party revelers, Enemy personally is important in this genre, and Pigrimt foss have it in spades, Emo dudes regain health if you let them fx their hair, Todd Ingram abuses his telekinetic vegan Powers to great effect, and loads more excelent



Style 110 4-Player Action Publisher Ubisoft Developer вой Montreal/Übscit Chong Release August 10 (PS3, August 25 (360) ESRB T

moments (hat | wil not spoil here) permeate the entire experience.

Combat is tight and easy to grasp, and useful пен moves unlock as characters gain experi- ence Ike ground attacks and ar recoveries. Ina nod to River Cty Ransom, you gain permanent slat boosts by purchasing things Ike a Clash at Demanhead record ог а burrito at Sneaky Dee's. In fact, gamers wil Ind a treasure trove of classic game references throughout the entire story mode.

Scott Pilgrim also contains loads of Easter eggs and secrets to keep you coming back. Players can unlock playable characters, ind hidden shops, discover secret powerul moves, and more, There are also several secret codes

you can type in at the tite screen to unlock new game modes and fun modifiers Ike chang: ing al of the coins enemies drop into cute forest animals,

While the game is great fun as a single-player experience, truly shines when you team up with fiends. Whether you're working together to figure out a boss pattern or hogging al the Canadian coins, multiplayer is a blast. The only problem? There is absolutely no onine play. How was that feature left out in this day and. age? | would have gladly paid an extra $5 over the $10 asking price for this feature. Picturing my frends ist ful of people playing this awe- зоте game and not being able to team up just hunts.

PS3 + 360

The репе union or fans

of brawiers and the Scot Pugin franchise

» Graphics

Piel ero Paul Robertson has crafted his finest visuals yet » Sound

Tho catchy chiptune soundtrack wil sück in your head just as long as the music from classics Ше Mega Man апа Castlevania

» Playabity Unlockable moves ада more depth о the aditional punch-jump-dash controls A rarely seen licensed game done right

» Replay Value



Р53* 360 » Concept

A gruesome revenge

story told through stylized cartoon action

Stunning ап and animation make this one of the most visually arresting games in recent memory

» Sound

Tull voco acting and a fing score accompany the visuals perfectly

» Playability

Some poorly mapped controls mar the otherwise ‘solid action

» Entertainment Asatefying romp into ‘unadulterated fury

» Replay Value



Style 1 or 2-Payer Action Publisher Electronic Arts Developer Kit Entertainment Release August 24 ESRB M

Bryan Vore

fick, meld it with the best in action car- toons, overlay it with a fast-paced 2D

brawler game mechanic, and you know what to expect out of Shank. With both a single player and multiplayer campaign and plenty. of unlocks, Shank cuts a bloody swath to establish an identity on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network

‘Shank is a wronged man, As the south-of the-border single-player story starts, teres not much else to go on. But wherever that anger ‘comes from, it has him mowing down gang members with chainsaws and using shotguns to make his point, Something awful has happened 10 him and someone he loves, and the word wil рау one way or another

The 2D action heats up from the very begin- ring, with gory battles against a teeming cartel of armed thugs. Combat is fast and fierce, and the amusing variety of devastating attacks and kill animations steal the show. Tight controls and a great combo system hit a bump due to some ‘questionable button mapping, Ike the item pick- up button doubling as the main melee button. There are also a number of frustrating sequences involving poor enemy placement and bosses that take too many of the same patterned attacks to

T ‘ake the bloody action of a Tarantino

friso On the ‘ihe fara the roto gh WEN lor arora cig br DX o ELS аво о play cooperatively їп a tienci Though tray of e environment ar reusea, th enemy enters rione sre ue ове Campa. and the mutila Do proves the поене O ler ango payer odium yeu jast hed

Second Opinion 2.5 Shank is unquestionably a stylish game, but aside from its svi

‘Shank suffers from too much repetition, even for a brawing Гомес but it gets high points for Style and its оу, dark subject matter. This is a дате you can sink your teeth into and bask in its

Wid aggression.» Matt Miller

ingly crisp characters and excessively

‘olont story there's not mach els to i If you liked th frst level, you're sure to love the last one; aside

getting а few superficially different weapons it's the same repetitive grind from beginning to end. ¡ts a drag, because thre’ a lot 1o like in the game. Combat is satisfying and flexible allowing you to do things like tackle а goon. ston his chest and pound his face in for a fw seconds, chuck a grenade

at another guy, and then resume your smaciang, The boss fights rely on some clever gimmicks, though y absorb so much damage - particularly in multiplayer = that they last well past their expiration dato, Overall Shank is a fashy homage о exploitation Феја that woars out its welcome just a bit

reviews 89

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

PS3 360 A direct sequel with improved ‘gunplay but no soul Character and environment details are masked

beneath grainy fiters

and shaky camerawork These effets add to the documentary presentation

A non-stop barrage ol gunfire and expletives

Gunplay is significantly improved but irs used in a formulaic manner that doesn't doit justice

Multiplayer has stronger

Togs, and online co-op

isa nice addition, but it

does nothing to help the lackluster campaign

Moderately High

hen Kane steps into frame for the frst time, he displays the body language ofa sulen, defeated man. His clothes disheveled, he's poorly groomed, and he lost to the world. Lynch, on the other hand, while stil in dre need of a shampooing, is uncharactersticaly calm, almost beaming ith Ме, We're led to believe that he's found bis lot in Ие in Shanghai, the setting for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Day The reunion of these two trigger-happy таласа is sharp of tongue, as expected, yet has a sense of sincerity. Kane and Lynch have changed in their time apart, yet t's clear that пе eris comfortable in ther new skin хе Kane can check in to his hotel, Lynch

Second Opinion 5

Je gravely flawed, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men had soul. Dog Days does no Lobotomiand characters and a throwaway narrative do nothing to bolster medi cre gameplay. Easily one of the most formulaic games Ive ever played. Dog Day repeatedly elegaes you to one oom clearing mission aftr another ~ the only real variable being the state of your character's clothing (or lack thereof). The qunplay has been tightened and cover system reworked (irs now notably less magnetic), but the tweaks can't counteract tho glaring omissions. Interactions ‚ih your partner are curtailed, removing all instances of ammo sharing and «quad commands that enjoyed in th first game. Ais hit or miss and notably more troubled when playing co-op. Multiplayer continues to be а point of in-

"gue, but with other pertectiy tuned onli тайа, hard to justify a purchase for this single redeeming fean schnical improvement cant thing in Dog Day's gameplay or design that

of other shooters to significantly moro success. Dead

teresting ideas in a poorly executed package. Dog Days disregards

any and all brand capital established by t predecessor, and as a result sun

90 reviews

yle 1 or 2-Player Action (12

Player Online) Publisher Square Enix asks it he can run an errand frst, This errand begins with Lynch kicking in a door and ends with the games credits ring. Any notion that the characters have evolved is stripped away ‘once the bullets start fying.

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is a relentless yet faceless shooter, The protagonists’ personal ties - which ware prominently on display in the frst game - are тийбей under the constant rattle ‘of machine guns. The entire game is one long Freight, giving Ite time for the player ог plot to breathe. The interesting personality faws of Kane and Lynch rarely bleed into the action, but

know that in their ime apart, they've both learned how to shoot a gun propery

Most of the frafights are intense tests of st that nicely mix up the weapons and ranges. Your foes, which are either poorly dressed gangsters ос Shanghai police, are inteligent enough to Tank in the larger environments, and recognize the fastest and safest route to cover. However, they have problems reading player movements in cooperative play (ether split-screen or onin} ‘On occasion, when my teammate and | would hift postion, enemies would run into the middle of the fray or would try to position themselves in the same cover locaton as another enemy. Rather than moving to a diferent spot, their body joins with their teammate, creating a gitch-tatic visual. This problem a urs with your team

mate in single-player, Kane and Lynch: Dog Days ears the right to

бе а called a respectable shooter. И doesn't earn

the right to be called a respectable game. The

lack of face time with the characters isn't the only

bewildering omission. None of the levels have a

pulse, Outside of one exciting helicopter based

weloper IO Interactive Release August 17 ESRB М

moment, every fight can be classed as a by the-numbers shootout. The result а game that feels more ike a carnival shooting galery than a rity adventure 1 hate to say it, but the true star of this game the camerawork. Designed to mimic a poorly recorded YouTube video, the camera is inten: tionally imperfect. Shots are framed poorly. o screen ight sources bleach the image qual and artlacting and distortion occur when the camera is jostled. As odd as this is going to ‘sound, the grungy effect is beautfuly realized, If your interest fes outside of single-player or co-op, Dog Days offers a much deeper mult- player experience than the frst game, Fragile ‘Afance, the mode that starts wi working a heist together then possi against each other, is heightened by a better selection of maps, not to mention gunplay that actualy works. А variation on Frage Aliance. called Undercover Cop also delvers a уйго experience, as players know one of their own wil surely tum on them. Enjoyable deathmatching is ‘also offered in the new Cops & Robbers mode, although it doesn't have much in terms of pro gression outside of achievements and trophies. if your preference is single-player or co-op Dog Days’ lack of personality (bath inthe characters and on the Баева) results in ‘one of the blandest shooters out there, Given how Hle the story matters, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck could have been swapped in as the protagonists and | probably wouldn't

have noticed. Comers are even cut on the 'endng, leaving the story wide open with no hint cof resolution.

walking tanks tot

Style 1-Player Shooter [8-Player Online) Publisher Square Enix Developer Double Helix Release September 28 ESRE T

lowing, but has struggled о find mainstream

appeal. Reaching out to a bigger crowd, Front Mission Evolved ditches the previous entres" RTS. style gameplay in favor of third-person action, While a few signature series staples remain, such as a con- voluted poltical storyine and tons of customization options, the fast-paced mech combat makes blowing the crap out of stuff far more accessible and fun,

You take control of a walking tank (or Wanzer) that ‘can be customized to sul your play style based on speed, power, or durabity Part of the fun is tweak ing these machines between missions, ensuring you aren't packing too much heat (overweight machines эге about as good as scrap meta). | preferred strap- Ping on a missle launcher and sniper rite for ranged ‘combat; slamming foes with exploding missles while picking off imbs is effective and satisfying. If you lean more toward melee, you can equip oversized shields and blunt weapons for extra force and defense, handy when having to quickly power through tons of enemies to reach the next checkpoint, | found ranged assaults to be the most effective, but its easy to adjust to other types as needed to survive speci scenarios. If you want to just jump into the action, you can selec fom a number of pre-built machines, but manualy tinkering with the breadth of customization options ensures the highest probably of success,

The mission objectives are standard, but tight con- trols and performance-based diffculty scaling keep things enjoyable, You may need to speed boost across эп entre level to survive a colapsing environment, man missles aboard an aircraft, topple an enormous boss, ог simply blast the hel out of everything in your path. ‘Some scenarios requie you to dich the Wanzer and take out human opponents on foot - missions | could have Ived without, These sections’ slow pacing and combat mechanics aren't as tight as the mech battles. (Once reunited with your Wanzer, however, you'll look forward to transforming your opponents into heaping ples of burning metal

Front Mission Evolved offers four multiplayer. modes that are average at best: deathmatch, team. deathmatch, domination (take control of turrets), and supremacy (claim capture points). Whie chasing and destroying Ive opponents might be fun on launch day, the modes are not compeling enough to compete with other multilayer offerings out there,

Front Mission Evolved isn't for everyone, and fans Of the series may be disappointed by ће devia- tion from tactical gameplay, but the action focused formula works well enough to eam the series some new fans, » Annette Gonzalez

Т he Front Mission franchise has a mite cult fol

cal ай and ems on the

PS3 360 PC

» Concept Tum your mech into the ultimate machine of desto- tion with accessible cus- топугайоп toos to suit your. play style

» Graphics.

Mechs are varied and detailed, but tne envi- ronments cold use the same level of attention. Environmental objects don't feel like the right scale for the machines massive size » Sound

Like something straight out ofa Transformers fik

» Playability

1I you ean play a third-person shooter, you can play this

э Entertainment

Varied mission structures keep the action moving at

а solid pace, at least unti you ditch the mech forthe “root shooting sequences. » Replay Value.

Moderately Low

Let Halo fans finally experience the event that heyve been hearing about

Tora decade

» Grap

(Character modes and weapon ‘elects are signilicantiy improved over Halo 3, and aries feature ludicrous amounts ot onscreen action

» Sound Series composer Marty O'Donnel outdoes himself with опе ol the best gaming ‘scores this generation

As always, controls are

tight as a drum. The new ‘Armor Abilities ae a huge improvement over Halo 3's equipment

» Entertainment

each knocks it ош ofthe Park in vitally every category, with a varied campaign and avast amount ‘of multiplayer options


92 reviews

Halo: Reach



абау through the campaign of Halo: Reach, you are in the sky behind the |. | controls of a Falcon turret as protagonist Noble 6. As the UNSC ship scurries you around the battlefield, you try your hardest to take out the numerous waves of enemies in an attempt to save friendly forces. No matter how fast your thumbs are or how dead-on your aim is, t's impossible to take out the entire invading Covenant, You get frustrated watching felow solders de, despite performing to the best of your gaming abies, This feeling of helle ness is a common occurrence throughout the. tite. Series fans know going in that this game ае a happy ending, and that gloomy sense of inevitabilty sticks with you from begin. ring to end.

Roach doesn't waste any time; the opening cinematic features а Spartan helmet with a bullet hole through its visor resting on the ground of a smoldering, war-tor planet. Once you assume control of Noble 6, you plunge right into the fret days of the planets violent downtal. Along with the other fve members of Noble Team, you discover slain solders on the fields and in the houses of a countryside settlement. It isn't yet apparent that the planet is facing a full-scale invasion, but something is clearly amiss.

Once the action picks up, there's по tuming back. Mission by mission, Reach delivers battles опа scale never before seen in the immensely popular franchise. Smal skirmishes are the ception rather than the rue, as many frefghts feature Banshees and Falcons blasting away at each other in the sky, ground vehicles spray ing plasma and concussve shels all over the place, and hordes of angry Covenant solders. Bungie succeeded in making these invaders scary again, as their numbers are overwhelming and ther native grunts and yels are far more frightening than the comical Engésh they spoke in previous ties.

The Covenant are also smarter than ever Toss. а plasma grenade at an Elte and hell protect

vno + Min

Styte 1 to 4-Playor Shooter (16-Playor Online Puan Microsoft

himself with the same Armor Lock abilty you'd use the roles were reversed. f you go into. Armor Lock to shield yourself against a charging, hammer-wiekîng Brute, he'll be smart enough to ‘back off before the short-range EMP detonates.

These sublle detals aro everywhere if you're locking hard enough, but most of the time your attention is focused on the sheer chaos around you, Previous Halo tiles suffered from repetitive, Similar looking environments, but Reach mixes Up the gameplay better than any of ts predeces- sors. One minute you're sniping enemies under the cover of night, the next you're fying from skyscraper to skyscraper in a Falcon or infitrat- ing a Covenant ship in low-gravity

This refreshing mixture of gameplay is most evident in a mid-game mission called Exodus. You begin in a bright, vid cy that woud be beautiful fit weren't lor al the dead bodies everywhere, Within minutes of exploring, waves о Grunt suicide squads bombard you. If you want to survive the overwhelming odds, you must tiptoe around every comer just in case there's а pack of plasma grenade-wielding foes ‘nthe other side. Once you've dispatched these squads, Noble 6 grabs a jetpack to cruise across

chasms and joins a human team named the Bulfrogs. Then you're on to an all-out war with an angry gang of Brutes, Еайег Halo tes ral missions without significantly mixing up the gameplay, but Reach does it three times within the same level.

The Halo: Reach campaign is the best in the series, but i's sill shy of perfect, Master Chief may bo a gaming icon, but he is an emotionless, almost generic protagonist. Bungie tries to gi the individual Noble Team members personal tes, but t's equally hard to care about them or their fates I's not enough to simply show us some Spartan faces and give them а few Ines they need to be кабе characters which we can dently with, They may have more person айу than the Chief, but they si have a long way to go.

Developer Bungie Re

September 14 ESRB M

Reach also occasionally screws you over with checkpoints. Some are too far between, and others leave you at a major disacvantage depending on the circumstances when you activated them. At one point late in the game, 1 ‘activated a checkpoint with almost no health, по ammo, and missing the Scorpion tank that was crucial to fishing the mission. Situations Ike these aro few and far between, but that doesn't make them any less frustrating.

Аз good as tis, the campaign isnt w keep gamers glued to their tl the night for the next several years, Halo legacy is buit on multiplayer, and Reach gives gamers more reason to come back than ever before, Whether you're raking in credits en route to that perfect sut blasting through Frefght with three friends, experimenting with the great Armor bites, creating new maps with the infritey improved Forge made, or just playing some ооой old-fashioned Team Stayer, its one of the most robust multiplayer offerings avatable

Muliplayer maps have always been one of Bungie's strongest suits, and Reach features a fantastic colection. А few favorites retum with а пен coat of paint, and the new maps are among the best in the genre. Some are especialy sulted to a particular mode. The new Invasion game plays tke a mix of territories and capture the fag, and it realy shines on the Spire map. As the ‘Spartans, i's your job to storm the Eltes tower, rab Ihe power core, and make a mad dash to the heliport. Modes such as this опе probably won't be played nearly as much as the standard Sayor/Toam Siayer/GTF matches, but they're a

reat change of pace. Any disappointment series fans fet after ODST should be completely washed away thanks to Reach. Make no mistake about it this is the true folow-up to Halo 3. Its also а perfect way for Bungie to part with the series it tumed into a phenomenon. » Dan Ryckert

Comic Jumper: The Adventures of Captain Smiley


he wall

Style 1-Playor Action Publisher Twisted Pixel Developer Twisted Pixel Release October 6 ESRB T

plying Fang basso eod cn stro bona Tu соу exa, oy 1o wash verre cad aaa ugh nd Баара Bene Corr rated Nanc ho бома ar Pe er Age noe Sound солоп, ard teenie, array reso dom Ho sot Bose veas peppered to keep you ony ioes Tre conta oa жае паше алас shots 8 iare bt берип phat тюй wn bad ar ad

timo for respite. Boss battles offer the most varied combat, and much Ike old school shooters you вал by trial and eror, deciphering their patterns before you can reduce their massive health bars 1o zero. Other than a ht to your score land missed monetary bonus potential, the penalty for death is nonexistent Unfortunately, the checkpoints are unrel- able, sometimes restarting you back sig салу further than you would expect.

My favorite aspect of Comic Jumper is that the devs at Twisted Pixel didn't break the fourth wal; they completely decimated it, Captain Smiley converses with real йе Twisted Piel employees.

ame, and you can even call for live-action aids If you want some of the staffer to help you in battle, The studio’ personaly is infused into every aspect of Comic Jumper, and I couldn't help but be endeared to them.

Comic Jumper is one of the most original games of the year, If youre up. for the chalenge and don't mind the shallow combat, its worth the price of admission.» Meagan VanBurkleo


PS3 360

An out-of-work superhero quest stars in other comic Properties for cash

» Graphics

‘The diverse art styles give each level а tresh spin and added incentive о push forward. Captain Smiley's bulbous head makes him

the most unnerving hero

ever, though

» Sound

‘The music is as varied as the ап direction, used both to

Sot the tone and as an outlet for humor

э Playsbilty

Comic Jumper follows in "Splosion Man's footsteps with punishing gameplay, but since "here's no penalty for dying. frustration doesn't dip into deal-breaker territory. A few cheap deaths had me grining my teeth, however

» Entertainment

Sometimes the humor seems forced, but overal Captain Smiley kept mo chuckling. Bonuses for explonng, urchasablo charactor progression. and unlockable Content all provide incentive

э Replay Value Moderate

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Mevold's exploration and upgrades meet Team Ninja's fast-paced action gameplay - ON, and drama

» Graphic Some interesting environment and unique creatures balanced by rough character models and “animation. SUL one ol the best-looking Wi games Classic Metroid sounds and music will bring you much loser to the franchises greatness than the gameplay "can be fun once you're all powered up, but switching to first-person to shoot missiles is always clumsy and annoying » Entertainment Most gamers wil find more enjoyment in mocking the 'overacted, overwnnen cutscenes than playing the game


94 reviews

Metroid: Other M

J hen | saw the debut trailer for Metroid: \/\ Omer M at E3 2009, | had tne sam V. V. reaction as many fans. | was nervous ‘about another big change to the series | love so much, but mixing the exploration and atmo- sphere of Metroid with the tight aerobatic action. ©! Team Ninja's Мија Gaiden series seemed Ik a very possible win - you know the old cliché about two great tastes that go great together. Unfortunately, this combination proves sour.

To begin with, Metroid signature sense of isolation on a harsh, alien planet is largely absent

ө Samus is по longer running solo, Shorty

alter boarding a derelict space station, sho. ‘meets a crew of Galactic Federation soldiers, and ~ surprise! - sho has a secre history with several of them, These new alies coud have presented a forgivable way to mix up the Metroid formula, but they end up having a negative

pact on almost every aspect of the дате. ‘Samus ends up working together with the crew, which makes sense. However, in a totally absurd decision that doesn't work well for her ‘character, she decides to follow the orders of commanding offcer Adam Malkovich, Although you supposedly begin Other M fuly-powered, ‘Samus wil not use her variety of missles, ‘advanced guns, or armor upgrades until

Style 1-Player Action Publis

Malkovich authorizes it. | refuse to believe that a badass bounty hunter would reluse to act vale her armors heat-resistant Vara sul as she ‘marches through the heart of a volcano with her health constantly draining - an actual scenario from the game.

‘Youll run into situations Ike this again and again, where a super missle or grappling hook ‘would allow you to progress, but instead you're given orders to tum around, knowing you't h to backtrack later, Its ke Team Ninja wanted to prove that they could come up with a more con- trived way to lock down your powers than the average Metroid game where you just lose them in the beginning sequence.

(On the other hand, maybe Samus is happy not using her ful range of weaponry, because its ind of a pain to do so. Since control is imited to а single Wi remote, many of the game's encoun: ters bol down to running in a circle, charging up your gun, and shooting over and over unti the enemy dies, praying that the games dodgy auto-targeting works, Aiming at the screen with the Wi remote takes you into first-person view,

uch is the only way you can shoot missies, Unfortunately, ths also takes away your ability to move. If the developer thought that freq. jarring switches to desperate m you get attacked is a fun gameplay mechanic, they were wrong,

The combat isn't the most painful рам of Other M. though; that award goes to the sited d logue in ts many overlong cutscenes. Instead of the subte, elective storyteling of Super Metroid (which Other M folows in the Metroid timeline), you'l get cinematics that look beautiful but often. Tun as long as 15 minutes, ex

ih repetition of obvius plo points and over wrought dialogue as mature and interesting as a teenager's diary.

¡ar Nintendo De

ieloper Team Ninja Hel

August 31 ESRB T

The biggest cupri in the bad storyteing is Samus herset, She has a constant running nar- ration, which makes Ihe whole experience feel

Xd her emotional acting and ham-fsted wing make that impos sible, Even worse, Samus often comes off as an idiot. After one supporting character has clearly established that the space station has been doing biological weapons tests, Samus asks, “Do you think they were doing biological weap- ons tests?" Later, in her intemal monologue, sh again reiterates this confirmed fact we learned, ist 20 minutes ago.

if that's not enough to make her unikabl, her attitude toward Ihe Galactic Federation solders в. When she's not binaly folowing orders for по discernible reason, she becomes а spolod brat. One major flashback revolves around how ‘Samus became known as the soldier who would give thumbs down during mission briefings. Who does that?!

Late in the game, once Samus unlocks all of her ables and begins meeting more familar faces trom the series, | experienced fleeing ‘moments where t ll cicked, and | saw glimpses ‘of how great Other M could have been. But an hour or two of less painful gameplay can't makê up for the bad design choices at this game's core. I especialy can't make up for what Other M has done to Samus as a character. She'l forever be trapped in my mind as a whiny. talkative child who is too wiling to give up hor. freedom and too petulant to be Table. Metroid: Other Mis the most disappointing Nintendo release in quite some time and a blemish that isn't ау to be forgotten on an otherwise superb franchise

| | 85

» Concept Translate the Friday night fanfest into а co-op brawler "ipe with iconic team-ups, taking care to maintain the cheeky humor

‘Te stylized 20 illustrations ook fantastic and perfectly minor the show. That being Said, could do without the occasional 3D landscape

» Sound

Batman: The Brave And The Bold 222.

» Playabity Justice prevails as Batman glides onto the Wii Gameplay is accessible since "hore is tinie penalty for oath. Planty of perks ent for taking your tne to leam the intneaces of combat however {you're мат with the Cartoon Network trary of moves. Light and heavy attacks ae fury of attacks Explosives are also effective, ntertinmont Value series, The Brave and the Bold's comedic augmented with grapples and throws, a variety particulary if you herd groups of enemies into The comedic overtones. overtones wil hit you over the head ike a of aerial moves, special attacks, andthe abi- оле ала before detonating the biast. Most tems diverse episodes, and hammer. This is especially true if your only frame ity to callin support characters for powerlul also have practical applications that can help evolving combat кор The of reference is Paul Dini's grim masterpiece room-clearing combos. Wii motion controls. ‘solve the simple environmental puzzles. Bravo and the Bold engaging Batman: The Animated Series. Both the cartoon are used sparingly, which | appreciate. Heavy ‘Your fighting performance earns you money to until the credits roll and game take а lighthearted approach to crime attacks are initiated by shaking the Wi remote, purchase new abiities and upgrades. You receive» Replay Value fighting more in une with Adam West's Ive- and special attacks with a Wiremote/nunchuck те cash for maintaining hit combos and Moderate action show from the 605. Cheesy one-Iners shake combo. А ground pound attack also uses destroying environmental objects. Conversely, эге thrown as often as punches, but they elicited a quick fick of the controller, but thats No you can also empty your purse by dying repeal- genuine laughs on my end, Listening to Batman incessant ling, edly. The game keeps track of individual scores апа Robin's thinly veiled jabs is a teat, asis The best way to play Brave and the Bold is wth during co-op, but the pot is curiously shared ihe absurd opportunity to see Commissioner а fiend. While single-player offers the same basic at the end of each chapter. Player one gets to Gordon in cat fom. experience, ће support character ist particu- decide here al the joint money is aiocated, Second Opinion 8 The Brave and the Bold breaks down into four larly helpful Expect to do the heavy iting. The which is a strange way to handle the finances. Batman: Brave and The Bold episodes, Every segment starts wilh Batman and Al isn't fantastic outside of combat, ether Atone Making Batman your primary locus for upgrades won appeal to everyone 1 his respective partnerina bind ~a new сһагас- роті Hawkman attempted to folow me through is a smart move since he's involved inevery YOu can't коласа version of ter for each episode - only to escape moments. а treacherous path of platforms above molten mission, but making sure your co-op pal stays жарыча ын before the opening credits rol. Al four episodes lava, only to fal toa fery demise over and over engaged is importan, too. You won't unlock lame jokes, chases ghosts follow an arc of mystery, discovery, confronta- again. sat there and watched until the amuse- Batman's complete library of tools unti the ‘through London sewers, and tion, and ultimately the defeat ol an iconic DO ment wore off. endo the game, encouraging players to return Briey gets turned into a eat villain. Diverse and lengthy, the episodes balance Each character has unique melee attacks, 10 finished chapters and explore previously. Entra cal cast oflesserknown characters with DC's special abilties, and upgradeable tools. This unreachabie areas. en more recognizable faces. For every Calman multifaceted approach allows players to talor Tight controis and cheeky humor make a di {here ia Catwoman, fr every Gentleman Ghost combat to their king. You could focus primariy Brave and the Bold an easy recommenda- wet em a Hawkman. on hand-to-hand combat, or opt to upgrade your tion for bat and brawler ans aike. Accessibio Tune ar Master has The Brave and the Bold is a side-scroling clas- gadgets instead. I often used my tiple Batarang and entertaining I's also a perec ft for en Sic brawler wi tight controls and an expansive push back groups of foes before inating a family play.» Meagan VanBurkleo еч тау not be very challenging. bot never grew tired of he combat, which offers variety ot combos and soper attacks espte the шаре one button, Stck туеп. Hower it wou have been nico it VWaytarwnrd included the option to play with a classic controler. The game's our тргове Шке missions were over in a fash, but te game's len secrets and terest playable characters уне me reason to replay tnis game Via mend.» Ben Reeves


"UNIDA! What is that thing e's поре Looks iman trash can.

reviews 95


» Concept Remake the classic RTS or modern machines - but with immense creativity applied to "s content and connectivity

» Graphics The exaggerated ап style and highly saturated palette Pop even on old machines using low settings. while higher-end PCs enjoy the last ten-years worth of work оп lighting. shadow, and particle eects

» Sound

The extensive voice work throughout tne campaign is ‘excellent, and the in-game audio convoys information as well as you'd hope

» Playability

Small touches like the removal of unit mis within selections, multiple building Select, and excellent idle unit Al and pathfinding give this the best control of any traditional RTS

» Entertainment туу as might, I can't name a single gamer in my lle who ‘wouldnt strongly recommend

‘this to

» Replay Value. High

96 reviews

StarCraft || Wings of Liberty


just finished StarCraft I Wings of Liberty's story campaign, and all want to do is crank up the difficulty and start over right now despite my clock teling me it's 1:00 AM. The Байез are so varied - with new units fitting ‘seamlessly beside retuming favorites and cam. paign-only toys that would break multiplayer balance - allowing for interesting force compo: lions. The objectives are unique, challenging players to move their bases through hostile territory ahead of an advancing wal of fre orto rescue orbital dropping alied units from behind. enemy ines. Al lm interested in ight now is diving right back in. The lure of attacking my problems from diferent directions and padding my Battle.net account with addtional achieve-

ents has me hooked. It doesn't hurt that new dificulty settings change the scripting of mis sions, rather than just throw a few more units at you. The story is more competently executed than brilanlly conceived, but a few amazing, ‘pic moments on top of the continuation of Raynor, Kerrigan, and Zeratul's adventures make it all worthwhie.

it 3:00 AM ала just lost my fith game ina row, and all want to do is hit that Find Match ы one more time. I think ve got my open- ing down - pushing up that frst barracks earfer in my bula order was key - but l'm getting wrecked when | try to transition to a mech-based strategy when hard counters to my infantry start showing up. The classic RTS tension of trying to keep my economy growing, constantly scouting, and managing the battles themseives is perfectly Captured here. The few Ие changes to control Ike multiple buiding selection and united urit selection, are a big difference in making the interface work for you instead of getting in your way Гуе never spent so much time with an RIS without popping а vein in frustration over unit Al or pathinding, but none of those issues have appeared hero at ай, The gameplay is all StarCraft әй the time, but with the benefit of a

Selen lms are no longer a problem

Style 1-Player Strategy (Up to B-player online) Publisher Blizzard Entertainment


decade of iteration to improve t without sac ing the pacing and impeccable balance that ara its sou,

My fingers are twitching on their own and my mind is buzzing with hotkeys, control groups, and ral points as the sun comes up. | have to take а break from this ightring fast competitive environment, but | don't have to leave StarCraft Il to do t. Motivated creators have already used the powerful editing tools to create widly dif ferent experiences within the game, and | can't wait to check them out. | can't seem to tap into this awesome potential, though, because its hidden behind an awl backend that requires o to download а map and publsh it mysel before I can host a match on it. A few other ter: fible decisions about custom game hosting and ‘matchmaking on Blizzard's part have me tearing

per Blizard Entertainment

ја July 27 ESRB T

ту hair out in frustration, ut the incoming inte from my fiend to play co-op distracts me for the moment

My god, theres a whole other set of achieve ments, unlockable portraits, and vanity tems in co-op against the А, plus a wide variety of maps and dificuly settings. Am | ever going to tear myself away from this game? I don't know if ‘even want to.

‘Some games contain a brlance that is dif ficut to capture in words. Braids greatness, for instance, Гез in suggesting emotion to our minds and challenging us to interpret it how we wil. StarCraft lis anything but that sort of enigmatic, subjective experience, This is

a subkmely engineered game with a simple, elegant core design and all of the rough edges ‘ground away. » Adam Biessener

Every single-player min ees Лазина or completing bonus dese. tar lng a contain mmber cl enemier

Kingdom Hearts. Birth by Sleep

Great mechanics де


Style 1-Playor Action/RPG Publisher Square Enix Developer Square Enix Release September 7 ESRB EIO+

et undercut by character and story reboots


» Concept Tel the origins of the Kingdom Hearts word, borrowing from Star Wars

» Graphics

‘The graphical imitations

of other portable Kingdom Hearts titles are пога problem here. Birth by Steep is gorgeous

» Sound

Leonard Nimoy shines as lead vilain ehanort, while Mark Hamili surprises as montor Eraqus

» Playabilty

Quito possibly the series" smoothest and most dynamic ‘combat system yet

» Entertainment

Any story becomes tired when you have to repeat it 5o much

» Replay Value


dragging its feet on a high production value PSS release of Kingdom Hearts 3

Would be insane to pass up Birth by Sleep simply because it's on PSP or that it doesn't place series hero Sora in a lead role. This entry stands alongside Kingdom Hearts I visual with impressively detailed characters, animation, and on-screen effects, Instead of retreading the samo old worlds It brings in brand-new locations ike Snow White's forest and Stitch's ‘spaceship prison ff | never have to run through. Agrabah ever again, It wil bo too soon). And и final explains what the hock is going on in that crazy secret movie with the bunny armor people in a Keyblade graveyard from the end of Kingdom Hearts Il

New characters Тота, Ventus, and Aqua play precursor roles to Riku, Sora, and Кан respec tively, They ай hope to become Keyblade masters and have trained hard for Ihe priviege. You can't help but draw comparisons to Star Wars in Birth

A nyane depressed that Square Enix is

by Stoop, especialy when one of the three must battle against the dark sido, | mean, the dark- ness. Despite the heavy borrowing, replacing. Jedi with keyblade masters and the Force with magic fts wel.

Combat blends melee combos with easily accessible magic and keyblade specials, ко any RPG, your character levels up as you gain more experince, but Birth by Sleep lets you gain experience in each abity. | became addicted to swapping abilities once they maxed out and ‘combining them to make more powerful new ‘ones. When combining abilties, you can also keep any perks tied to a maxed aby Ike fre resistance, bonus health, or longer combos,

This move evolution system doesn't aways tal you what you're going to creato, however, во! wasted a lot of materiais along the way in order to talo my characters how wanted, Scoring a powerful acrobatic move or a rare powerful spell makes it all worth їп the end. Once you know. what you're doing you can get stronger quickly Prayers choose one of {three protagonists at the start and folow each story from one Disney world to the next unti the fnal confontaton. In 1010 12 hous, you've beaten the дате and must start over with the next character You travel to al the same worlds in essential the same order, but усыл explore diferent areas of the map, meet diferent

` characters, and battle different bosses. In CGindereta’s world, for example, Ventus is shrunk down to mouse size to help collect tems for hor. dress, Тота escorts her to the bal, and Aqua makes sure she gets to try on the glass slipper While їз an interesting concept, by the time | got around to playing Aqua on my third playthrough, 1 had already been everywhere twice and had powered up two characters. ts no fun staring over at square one again after you've tasted ul mate power. It doesn't help that Aqua story is the weakest of the three, either. To play the final wrap-up chapter ater all threo careers, you have to collect әй of Xehanorts reports. not you havo to go beck and gab ДИ them and re-beat the game with those specific characters. Its kind of a pain that you can't just go right to the end, but if you've explored along the way yau probably have most of them anyway. Multiplayer is local ad-hoc only, so good luck finding a friend with a PSP and copy of the game. If you do, you can team up or face off па variety of minigames Ike а kart racer, a Moncpoly-esque board game, and several arena matches. | dnt caro for tho frst two options, but t's always enjoyable to be able beat up а. fiend in battle or team up with them to take on waves of enemies. times as much as possibi Overal, I loved the combat, leveling, and you have to install 624 MB of look of Bith by Seep, and 1 applaud the bold “а onto your system. Also

Getting more out of Birth by Sleep JL you're interested in playing Binh by Sleep, you should

ider investing in а hefty ‘memory stick. To reduce load

Sloytlig approach of having toe to Be zu to boost color depth "Hs. m jst ad ноті ако stat up Pt 32-bit and push the, а дате. памет o ee

ever again. » Bryan Vore

as smooth as sik по matter how many effects are fying und on screen.

reviews 97

8.75 | Madden NFL 11

Madden NFL 11 is.a clear step forward for the franchise, but a e addition that

some of its glaring mistakes тета is lik even though the offensive line still needs an upgrade. Matthew Kato

1.15 | RUSE

Platiorm PS3 :360 + PC Release September 7 ESRET

gameplay from being as smooth as га like, and the console versions uffer from constant texture draw-in and object pop-up when you're litting about the map which st of the time. I hope online n audience, though, because it's a unique flavor that is ‘sure to resonate with a fair number of gamers. Adam Biessener

7.5 | HAWX 2

Platform PS3 -360 Release September 7 [x HAWX 2 explores a number of clever variations on the air combat theme, and is better for the effort. It's just not enough to wholly make up for a haphazard xy, sub-par production value, and unsurprising mission structure. Matt Miller

getting a new stud quarterback

мало mo ew


8.75 | Dead Rising Case Zero Paton 360 Release August 31 ESRB M downloadable Dead Rising. је reat introduction to the sequel's new systems while managing to stand on its own. It's relati ‚short, there's enough zombie-slaying action with room for experimentation to multiple playthroughs. that some of that experience over to Dec

6| NHL 2K11

Platform Wi Release August 24 ESRB 10+

There used to be a time when I liked the 2K hockey series over EA franchise, and that was because liked the way the skating felt. It w tight and responsive, even if the games themselves weı like. How I long for thos

playing NHL 2K11.

Bona Bat Coney?

лай) Day e Eoo Dracene o o5 дало.

Nam Ene

7 | Pokémon Range Guardian Signs

Plato DS Release October 4 ESRB RP Guardian Signs simplifies the ional, color-coded Pokemon formula for a game that is enjoyable overall and с all ages. Thoug may be too simple for hardcore monster catchers, this Pokémon lite spinoff makes a great entry title for the ger generation. Annette Gonzalez

7 | NHL Slapshot

Platform Wii Release September 7 ESRB E

Ifyou can precision in the hockey stick peripheral and the shallow nature of the other game modes, the fun Peewee to Pro mode captures the spirit of hockey from the backyard ponds to the packed arenas in a way that should appeal to adults and children alike. Matt Bertz

Visit gameinformercom/mag for the full reviews

8.5 ni

Platform 360 Release August 4 ESRB T Issue Sep “10

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Things You Didn't Know About...

Thanks to Kevin Butler, it's hard not to smile every time one of Sony's commercials comes on the air. Sony's well-dressed vice president of nearly everything knows how to tickle the geeky part of our brains. However, we don't know much about Sony's newest pitchman. It's time that changed.

+ Considering your career Path, you must have gone to ал impressive college: what ‘did you major in? en, you don't dent oy ota double ma School of Hard

+ Surely you've had a long ‘and illustrious career, Where ‘id you work bet

normally like

+ Sony is a proud and pow- erful company. How did you ‘end up working there, and ‘what has that experience

been like?


+ Seems like you wear a lot ot different hats at Sony. How ‘any job titles do you actu- aliy have? How big is your business card?

+ I would seem that a busy guy like yourself would need to start the day outright with а power breakfast, How do.

‘that like? Got any tips for prospective time travelers? rave! upa? Oni

bring tale

+ Do you have any heroes? Who does Kevin Butler admire most?

ly one: Preston Wa "Ашот, For abis reason,

+ When you inevitably got around to writing your auto-

+ Last but not last, what is your favorite sandwich?

Havo you ever had э Vento

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