ite nearly

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it’s a bonu

ur already magazin

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acclaimed engaging unique exclusive


Prepare to be Engaged!



ч The 14th Annual = WEBBY es AWARDS

ANDY McNAMARA EDITORUN-CHEF andy@gameinformercom ead my column or

comment on this letter at gameitormercon/nag or он @GL Ande

3D Glasses Go Out of Focus in the Home

ames Cameron's Avatar, lve t or hate t, is Ne

years to come. ls impact is greater than | ‘expected, as now every technology manufacturer under the sun is doing anything and everything it сап to bring 3D from the big screen to your hing room.

"Tho consumer electronics industry wants you to buy a 30 television, йу glasses and al. Nintendo wants you to сапу 2Din your pocket, and game developers want to create tho software hit hat redefines video games ike Avatar did for the movie theater. | thnk the road is much longer, and | dare 10 say it may even be impossible as the technology ‘stands today | concede that in time, D entertain- ment could be a standard part of our Ives, But as long as that technology requires special glasses ог other peripherals, k wil have a hard time fnding mass appeal

My reasons aro simple. The frst is cost lm the fret person in ine to buy new gadgets, monitors, and televisions, but a large number of Americans have recently upgraded to an expensive HDTV. Now 3D manufactures expect them to pony up another $1,500 for a 3D ТУ S500 for a 3D-ready Bluray player, and $80 a pop for four pairs of 3D ‘lasses? Thats a hefty investment that many fami- fes may not be wiling or able to make amidst a recession, especialy given the lack of software that takes advantage of the technology

I'l also add that no software wil ever be so great that I wil want to wear glasses on top of my vison corective gasses. The industry can state over and over how they made it possible for 3D lasses to ft over the frames of he world's near- and far- Sighted, but that doesnt change the fact that ts uncomfortable over long periods of time, A two and.a-haf hour тома is опе thing: marathon ses- Sions that reach into the 10 pus hous of playing a game make this solution unacceptable (Virtual Boy anyone. Unless health care companies around the word are going to start paying for prescription 30 glasses, I know myself and many other vision- imposed people wi not exchange headaches and double gases for the sake of "Wow, look at that thing pop out of the screen moments

Fray there is the hurdle of converence. While playing a ЗО game, your phone rings, and you pick itup and the screen is a bury mess because, oh yeah, [have these stupid lasses on my head. Or perhaps it something ав simple as any screen in the room that isn't 3D warping and distorting at the ‘expense of another. often play games and watch sports on another monitor at the same tmo, so mut- asking, the skil that defines today’s mecia hungry. ‘consumer, becomes encumbered

There is a lot at stake with 3D. Companies ке ‘Sony stand to make money of software and hard ware. Whe fel he ЗО glasses experience wil define short experiences in the movie theater for the foreseeable future, ts outlook at home for gamers is beak unti someone pushes the technology of ту head and into an experience that anyone inthe Wing room can enjoy free of nuisance.

Enjoy the issue.


Infamous 2

sive first look at Sucker nch's upcoming

sandbox epic

by Joe Juba


6 Feedback 1 5

12 Connect


The Great Debate

Gaming's Strangest Glitches by Ben Reeves

games index





коттен эм ea so Pa, жоюн

экеа boq are

gan Heats arm by Seep




Sar re: The Foca ete t "oda

соларне 2010.


4 contents








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(RES. D RadioShack.

his month in Feedback readers show their devotion to gaming, gripe about Farmville, rip on Activision, and we look at whether the AO rating is holding the industry back.

reemp 1 know its a tad early, but Г like to nominate Grayson Hunt as a candidate for your "Top 10. Dorks of 2010" year-end ist. His face should ‘easly put him in the top eight, and when you throw in the golden cow-skul crotch-doorknaby, he rates top three at least. f Wolverine and Jet Brody mated, we would have Grayson Hunt. ‘Thomas Fischer Jr. via email

I typicaly do not play frst person shooters, but after reading your article on Bulletstorm, all | can say is “АН can't wait!" Excelent job going through the inner workings of a sure-fro classic (fe years from now, maybe). Buletstorm blew ту mind, and | just keep re-reading the article because it seems so rad. If опу didn't have to wait unti 2011 for this бат game! Nate Nease Las Vegas, NV.

Okay, so Grayson Hunt looks like he jumped straight out the box art for an early Super Nintendo game. However, the protagonist's ‘90s-cool flair contributes to the overall gonzo vibe of Bulletstorm; the gameplay is about ridiculous combos and blockbuster action, not a profound narrative. In that con- text, Grayson Hunt fits right in. After all, you can't pull off the “believable and relatable hero" schtick when you're getting points for electro-whipping dudes in the crotch.

Question of the Month

Who would win in a fight and why: Samus or Master Chief (without all the kissing and стар)? Contact Us ketea в feedback









Many comic fans wrote

us to correct a couple of errors in our feature оп ‘Marvel vs. Capcom 3. So, їп an attempt to regain some of our shamefully forfeited nerd credibiity. we apologize for calling Deadpool a mutant, and {or referring to Captain America as a founding member of the Avengers.

Short Answers to Questions

* Who has the highest Gamerscore at GI?


= Where was

GI Droid last seen? Classified

+ Which Gi staffer

wants to go one-on-one.

with me and get owned? Dan

* Wal they make

BipShock 3? (BipShock?)

8 feedback

lore Than Matu

The AO rating is basicaly a death sentence in

"he industry. The fact that most places won't

el AO games means that they are being

unfair restricted, leading to them being edited

and watered down. Games aren't just for kids

anymore, people! There is a whole generation

of grown-up gamers now, and we can handle

эп атау of mature themes and stations. I can

guarantee that a game with an AO rating wouid

have a real audience. | want to see this happen,

and I'm posite I'm not the only опе. Are there

any big developers out there with the guts to

face the controversy and make a game tke this? Jess Wasson

via email

You seem to be under the impression that developers’ artistic ambitions are being sti fled as they are forced to pander to a philis- tine audience, and the reality doesn't match up to that perception. The ESRB's AO label has only been applied to games featuring extreme sadistic violence or graphic depic- tions of sex. An M rating still allows devel- pers to incorporate sophisticated elements that accommodate an entire spectrum of storytelling possibilities. Furthermore, most. "mature themes and situations" can be. conveyed under the M rating without fear of censorship; ask any gamer if they feel like Heavy Rain or BioShock were artisti- cally hampered by being “limited” to an М. Mature gaming doesn't need to be defined by excess adults-only material - unless. you're specifically advocating games with pervasive, sexually explicit content...in which case, gross.

Do It Yourself

Why do more developers not put in a map edit ing tool? Halois Forge tool is where I spend most ‘of my ime on Halo, playing awesome racing maps and infection variants. Far Cry 25 map. ‘builder is the only reason | stil own the дате, and most of LitleBigPlanet's content is bulding your own levels and downloading others’, and it is very wel received. Map bulking tools hugely ‘extend the repay value and it doesn't seem Ike it would be too hard to put in, so why don't more developers do it?

Hank Morrison. Chattanooga, TN.

A Community Responds

Last month, we printed a letter from Collin McFerrin, a reader asking if he was the only gamer who cared about the future of the industry. Unsurprisingly, many of you had an answer to this question. These are just a few of the responses, ranging from outraged to welcoming.

You're right. Creation tools are a lot of fun

said than done, though; des only need to give players all of the pieces to make content, they also need to make ‘sure that the interface is intuitive and easy- to-use. Check out page 39 to see our top 10 console games that do user-created, content right.

Colin, whether it be your area or your attitude, you haven't ray met this gaming community. ‘The enthusiasm and dedication of its fans has kept the business alive and constantly grow- ing since the arcade days. These gamers myself included are infatuated wilh gaming. Is not just you. There are milions of gamers oul there, and alow me to welcome you as you take your frst steps out of your isolation апа into our large community.

Giovanni Calderon.

Bridgeport, CT

"n response to Colin McFerrin, m absolutely эле that there are many people who love games just as much, or even more so than you do, I myself love video games, but we ай have our ways of showing it |, too, subscribo o magazines and watch online videos. More importantly | buy games with my hard-earned ‘money. | may not defend big game publishers or ty to make gamers out of my non-garring friends, but that doesn't mean | don't care ‘about the future of the industry. In fact, ove it and look forward to t.

Sonya Chambers

via email

Bah, this Kd is an idiot, Does Colin honestly think that people don't care about the future ©! gaming? “I subscribe to gaming maga- zines." Yes, but do you actually read them? Then you wouid see tons of people are just as into gaming = if not more - than you are. Maggie Kaminski Evanston, Ilinois

(Lett) Ubisoft's Amy Sle and Shaun White Skateboard ing creative director Nick Harper cozy up to the Prince

in the Ө lobby (Right) Mier and Ben hang wth Kane & Lynch 2 mulitaer director Kim Krogh and Sandbox Sat Rob Fischer, who has been hiting he moustache wax п атах way (Inset) Meagan mats down with Dest tos Chad Conceimo


“Multiplayer map available for XbOK 360 àrid PlayStation system. 2 2^ - “While supplies last. NS Pick up Beta code at time of pre-order. Pick ШОШО of purchase. о 2010 Uson Enertainment Al Rights Reserved. Tom Can Ghost Res con Fir Soi le Soker con во, Uou com, and urbia xo are trademarks bot Entertainment n S and Jes Money boe Xbox 360, Yoox LE and пе ‘Sy canto Entertanment america ne © 2X9 y опире A rs seed amet arse Тайата o Came ne) = "Power to the Players" is a registered trademark of Ebo Inc. » UBISOFT

Don't Worry One company has me scored crapless about the future of the gaming industry: Activision. Every to thing they do just seems more evi than the last. Sure this is hyperbole, but after hear ing about the termination of the heads of Infity Ward and seeing dozens of Something Hero games, It just feels ike the company is bleeding the industry ду. Evan Painter Savannah, GA

Activision is a popular target for ire these days, for all the reasons Evan cited and ‘more. Before you get too scared, however, remember this: Times change. Five years ‘ago, people were saying the same things about Electronic Arts. Long before that, Atari was the name to beat in home video ‘games. The company leading the market today won't hold that position forever...and you can take comfort in that the next time a Something Hero gets you down.

Brave New World | was rather disturbed by the comments made by Jessie Schell in the interview “Contemplating the Gamepocalypse.” His view ога future in which an individual's every activ ity is monitored and awarded bonus points is Orwellian. However, Orwell and Huxley's writings were warnings, not goals. Maybe Mr, Schell should get off his computer for a while and “integrate” with people the old-fashioned жау. In any event, I can guarantee | won't be enriching him further by buying and reading his trash or buying his games. Јен Howell Pelham, NH

The idea of your every action being moni tored and quantified with points may be unsettling, but you don’t need to shoot the messenger. In the interview, Schell theo- rized that current trends are going in this direction, but he wasn't discussing it as an ideal to be attained. The phrase "game- pocalypse" hardly conjures up positive. images; its important to see the distinction

ad Dens atone 94%

enti накида turbed by the popularity of non li ппуШе as well, but

Mowe ot тта ең e going to keep doing ош reportingontheissues that between recognizing the potential for an snes boa ге shaping the face of gaming по matterhhow much they боз Orwellian future and actively working to Sete maa 18% Per поша scu bring itto pass.

mT otym attat up tapnete: 8%


(Lett) Sucker Puncs Matt Longest far le and Cris Zimmerman (second trom

"ht smile with Ben and Joe as infamous 2 game decor Nate Fox tres to eat Dans head (Right) If you wear 30 asses in ea ife, wich is ready in 3D, do you see in 4D??? Oriy Meagan and Pay- chul Moore know the answer


dam at you on mek ol and

WINNER) 1 Jungwook Sang 50000575 01 tends 1o b А carr attachment 2 Charles Atkins The reason they lock о teri Б because hey just caught a maak. хо lock ig him, but w нө

glimpse of OKs post-16-bit at Varo at

ander pop cut ing seahorses

CORRECTIONS: Ines 206, we mentioned that Cryptic had le a dera 2 in actualy CSO Med tha trademark We apologie

(Left) G's Dan Руа shows of one of his 1.000 c

feedback 11


WLM ie,


ard to imagine Bungie's future

ihts to publsh and di

ylûwide. Harold Ryan, p Bungie, said that the deal has been in for nne month

heir global atform experience, and marketing

жаг that Activision sup- ng our fans the be le gaming experiences Bungie hasn't announced йв next pro the studio is trying to Halo by creating а compelling un IP that Bungie envisions wil host mu

time the studio is creating a multi-platform. bush M

Bungie E

former creative leaders. Although Bu munity director Bran Jarrard reg

Teams With FT Activision Halo creators sign a 10-year

contract.for new property

by Matthew Kato сете itself up to work on

las an work on another franchise, It remains to

ms that the

е them every

Unlikely Allies?

There are plenty

a cat, and this recent partnership between

ctivision and Bungie isn't the

first time


unlikely partners

ave teamed up

sometime ing bet


14 connect

The Future of Halo

Microsoft owns the Halo series and created the 343 Industries label

to handie al things Halo, but Bungie is stil working on Halo: Reach

for release this fall, and is promising to take care of the game after its launch, “We definitely have a plan in place to have a portion of our

team that wil stil be focused on supporting Reach and our community and keeping the Xbox Live experience going," sald Bungie community director Brian Jarrard. “Eventually there wil e some discussions about what the end of that period looks like and when and how does that all ft together, but that's not something that we're prepared to talk about yet."

Blizzard & Activision Diablo, StarCraft, and World ot Warcraft de

ws that for а track record?) Blizzard has been bought by a variety of larger companies through the years, and latest partners Activision have wisely left Bizzare alone to make

& Midway nabbed the publish

залай Conc and Unreal Tour

jon, Unreal Anthology) - were put out rent under

0, and Kingdom Hearts fans are Pium

Bungie's Next Game The developer hasn't announced what I is ситету working оп, but whatever is, Bungie is already making progress. "ts ‘Something that Jason Jones, the co-founder of Bungie - who the same guy who came up with Marathon, Myth, and the fret Halo - ts something that he's been working on behind the scenes for a number of years now since 2007,” explained design drector Joseph Staten. “Alter ODST, me and some of the other core creatives on that team spent some tme working with Jason. Ive actually been fulime on this project since the end of ODST. This absolutely has gotten some focus from me over tho fast year or so"

Bungie has had plenty on its piate with the Halo franchise, and this has come at the expense of expanding into new proper tes. We Клон the company has had one such project which was not an FPS in the hopper for many years. This concept could be the genesis for he studo's new project. The studio cur rently has jb [sings that would indicate I's making an action RPG; Bungle is looking for writers to craft a universe featuring a "branching or noninear narative experience,” as wel as а "player investment designer to “give players long-term goals to invest them in the опа and ther character

Bioware & Electronic Arts

Although EA bought BioWare Pan demic in 2007, the reltonshp is seemingly more of a partnership, le ing Mass Effect developer ВОЈА with a fair amount of reedom. T more as paid oft. Thie is a marked change trom the days when EA would

g rights for three new Une

ny Unreal Crampio (along

Midway before the

Bethesda & 14 Software Doom's id Software was a ong

Acton, but п 2008, John Сат

shocked the industry by алло

for Rage with Activision riva E)

owever, Ве

rights transferred to the Eder Serolis publisher





power to the players



May contain content p inappropriate for chidren, \ iit wwesrb rg for n А = trademark

rating information.


-Insomniac Goes j Multiplatform

/ New Franchise Coming Courtesy of EA Partners by Matthew Kato


nsomniac Games - creators of stalwart Sony franchises such as Resistance and Ratchet & Clank - has signed a deal ^ with EA Partners for an as-yet-unannounced game for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, + Insomniac says it is launching a new uni- verse with this series, and it'llibe the first time that developer has gone muli platfórm* inits 16-year existence.

Game inter talked to insomniac’ Ted Price, the company's founder and CEO, who ‘couldn't divulge a lot about the forthcoming tile; but said the time was right to branch out to other systems. “Wel, we've been talk- continue: to bes ing about multi-platform for a while. We have taken a very measured approach to everything. We до, and мерге at the point in our lifecycle.

227 games ‚ъз a company where we can expand to the. Xbox 360," Taking to Price, he was careful ig to stress how early in the process the project with ‘Sony. was, and he was reticent to characterize the nascent game. Insomniac currently operates Sony А GR, „Уо шов ene rar rieh wi hendte this new game) and one in North Carolina

* We've heard that there ara currently three

the intellectual: games being made at the moment between oon

Wek ‘Although the deal is for only one game, EA

property Hghts patres gena manager баа Davari"

Says thatthe relationship between t and ; Insomnia isn't entirely ephemeral. f you look y Дө, Ratchetand everyting that Insomniac has ever donor 2 / they are creating new universes and new нал. Resistance. споса. The deals scope ha we are taking about today в this frst game, This isn't about contracts; this is about relationships. We try and eam the business every time we work win a partner, and we're confident when Insomniac: divers he high-quality content that wo know they wil create in this universe, wil be ther patre" The developers Known for creating Rs own technology, and despte Shi согу partnership, Price says that any tech comes up with wil ot be Shaved with ater EA studios.

. But, as I said, the rélation-

1 ship remains 7 great.”

Med Price, founder & CEO,

< y insomniac Games.


Insomniac has along and storied history with Sony, ut the developer is not a wholly ‘ned subsidiy of the console maker. Regardless of what transpires between Insomilac and EAP Price says thatthe devel-

+ oper's relationship with Sony will continue. "We

Wi continue td making games with Sony. Sony does own the тувса property gts foc Ratchet and Resistance. ВИ, аз! said, the relationship remains great” Price 1014 us that even though Sony owns the Ratchet and Resistance franchises, Insoninac would con- inue to make les for hem, and tat he didnt ‘expect hem to be handed of to а diferent studio because of this пен EAP dea

Ina statement regarding the agreement, Sony vas just as optimist for te future between tad insomniac. "Sony Computer Entertainment and Insomniac Games wil continue to buid upon a strong, success! Gear partnership that has led to more than 35 millon games sold and enjoyed by fans around the word. We look forward to unveling nsomniac s next PS3 exclusive properties in ine near future

“his isa heady time for EA Partners Electronic As third- Party publishing and dit burion wing. Fresh of the heels of is deal

with Respawn Entertainment (see last issue, раде 33, it is now spearheading Insomniac Games move to.multiplatform. One thing is ‘emphatically consistent between Insomniac and Respawn's language pertaining to these deals with EA Partners (and even Bungie's recent deal with Activision), the developers. retain the rights to its intellectual properties Keeping this level of control allows these stu- dios to not only make more money off of the games and other media the franchise gener- ates, but lets them shape the brand in the way that they and not larger partners such as ‘Sony or Microsoft = envision. It's the kind of freedom that successful studios lke Insomniac have earned, and which seems like a win-win for everyone, particularly gamers. If theres a loser in this whole equation, it's perhaps that the days of rigid cónsole-exclusiverelation- ships are a thing of the past.


Jurassic Park Comes


Telitale Delivers Season of Episodic Games

am & Max developers Telltale games have struck ‘an agreement with NBC Universal for a full season of downloadable episodic games based

on the Jurassic Park т, The first installment of this

‘multi-platform endeavor is expected later this year.

Telltale has already sold three milion episodes based on classic adventure series like Sam & Max, and hopes to continue its success with Jurassic Park. "We are all huge fans of the Jurassic Park franchise,” says Dan Connors, CEO of Telltale Games. "For. Jurassic Park, we wil leverage Tellale's expertise in Storytelling and game design to deliver on the ten- sion and drama of the series creating the ultimate cinematic adventure."

IFlI be interesting to see what tone and genre Telltale uses for these Jurassic Park games, given its more whimsical, adventure-oriented past Ма properties ke Tales of Monkey Island.

‘tale tas. злому mas- red episodic ‘dovnload ‘gaming wit ‘oe ech as pem

connect 17

Elevate your comfort level.

Pirates of the Caribbéan Hits the High Seas

Action/RPG Charts Own Course



= 2 Д Shiolirocon


How does such ап anomaly exist in this harsh environ- ment? We asked ClapTrap's creator, Lorin Wood, about the character's origin and his role in the wasteland.

ClapTrap is based on a sketch of yours. Have you had this character in your head for a while, or was he a spur of the moment creation?

Wel, I had to М a personal need to draw the ‘most generc robot | could think of, As was working on Borderlands, Brian Martel recalled the sketch (t was posted as a gag in an assign- ‘ment for a completely diferent project) and had те drag it back to the surface. The design drec- tion the game was taking, we agreed he'd make. a nice addition to the game, for both technical and artistic reasons,

What was the inspiration for this character?

Wel, there are several obvious sources that | drew from - everything from R2-D2 to WALL-E. He's utimately an homage to these characters with our own spin

Was ClapTrap created as a counter to ‘the gloomy post-apocalyptic setting? He was. The tone of the game is pretty bleak when you get past the eye-candy. The main characters, not to mention the bandits and al the other creatures that populate the word, аге not necessary prone to cuddig. | think we pretty much пайва the aggressive nature we were pursuing: this environment is hostie. Okay. Tow how do we balance this equation? Humor is always the best way to deflate an uncomfort- able situation. Сарттар was created as a form. Cf tension reef and as a result took on many ol the humarizing characteristics that the other characters were lacking. intentionally. In a way ha became the voice of reason for the player (which explains why your frst reaction is to try and shoot him).

How did ClapTrap evolve from sketch to in-game model? Were there any signifi- cant tweaks?

Incidentally there were very few changes made to the character design. There were more addi- tions than anything else.

The sketch was resurrected, and from there | went trough a process of ideation with Bran ‘where | played around with various forms of locomotion, facial зі, some minor propor- fonal alterations, and appendages, but in the ‘end we retuned to the original sketch and pro- Portions. The elements that he's composed of are very non-threatening proportional

We needed specific elements that would convey a great deal of personality within a limited bracket of geometry Is а good exercise that helps hone your design sls I sketched out ‘some more refined designs before taking that то Brent Holon, the modeler, Brent suggested some supericial deals which frmly solifed Сартр into this word, Het very capable at his job, and his contributions brought some much needed realty that | didn't consider

!kept the design asy simple for both aes- thetic and modeling purposes, but a 2D drawing doesn't always transito Into three dimensions in any way thats satistactory. More detail wil heip sel dimensionality when it moves in space. It was necessary to make him more belevable.

Did you ever toy around with the idea of a robot voice? Or did you always see him having a goofy, human-like tone? There were some initial conversations about the oce (and sounds in general Part of me vaguely ‘envisioned him with a limited vocabulary and lots ‘of techno-grunts, but when David took the rens he went off in a complete diferent direction than I would have imagined. їп my mind's eye | saw a muse of sorts, more akin to WALL-E with a few off-color imericks tossed in there. | think David saw that too as he forcibly shoved me out ‘ofthe recording room and slammed the door with maniacal laughter.

Does David speak in his normal voice апу more? Or has he transformed into ClapTrap?

Ho does walk around the office dancing Ike артар trying to get his groove оп... actualy pretty sad,

Did you apply an effect to his voice? Nope. That's al David Eddings [Gearbox vice president of business development and licens- ing]. It realy is dificultto keep a straight face when you're around him,

Yes. His voice was altered considerably Is dificult to even recognize it as his. David is basi- cally gone. His performance is the only way to identity him.

ClapTrap is obviously popular with Borderlands fans. Will we ever learn of his origin story? Why do all claptraps. have the same voice and attitude? Аһ, good question. Wel, on that subject Im a man of few words.

Throughout Borderlands’ DLC, we see ‘several variations of ClapTrap, many in ‘outfits. In the original Borderlands con- tent, you stuck with color swaps. Was this something that came up after the initial release?

No, that was all premeditated. The environ- ment and theme of the individual DLCs dic- tated the color schemes of the ClapTraps. We were accustomed to the standard yellow hero Сартгар, we figured why Ит ourselves with that? Let's have some fun with him. The only thing that needed to be consistent was the post eflect and texture work. We established that design language on the original game, so if we. could get away with something, t had to adhere to those rues,

Any chance we'll see other robots like ClapTrap in future Borderlands itera-

connect 21

LittleBigPlanet (Р53

LittleBig deep toolset gives armchair devel oun mico game they can бан cst art the mage dom to create their own level: stumes, and prog ‘editor, compose a unique objet vhile remaining simple enough for non: dicil score, and programa у А al of fe game's одеса to use. With over two million user-created levels available and meactos, hen ure inii them vith fend via Wi nities of any ModNation Racers WWE Smackdown Halo 3 (Xbox 360) PS3) vs. Raw 2010 (PS3, While Halo 3's Forge editor.

The second game released under Sony's Pay Create. ‘Share brand, ModNaton

iles LPs siye і creation tote tied kart racing genre. User- drendiness Б again the key, with Maton’ toolset a- losing players to efttessy maie her oum racers. cars, and tac.

TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. (PS2, Xbox, GameCube) ip at an FPS eter on consoles, lors you to lay out ре- rooms na set gid to create unique levels. You can also se custom ighiing, program enemies and set their

tunately here is no easy way 10 share your maps wih other payers


Xbox 360, PS2, Wi The 2010 instalment of he

Jer, not олу aloving you to төше your own wrest, tut эво сай custom fishes choreograph unique entrance animations. and even wie Ш

yox own stories.

Blast Works: Build, Trade, Destroy (Wi)

Вак Works isa dream соте rue for fans of e етв. Те game's edor alows

payers o create their oom ships, enemies, ен

and even custom bulet patterns, Aside trom tei

а hassle ot entering your Fiend Code, ransering

any of he 9.000» user-made fles fom he game's


complet коте

later map

in rea ime.

Skate 3 (PS3, Xbox 360)

The Tony Hawk franchise taid the foundation for

creating your oun custom skate parks, but recently

the Skate series has been doing ай the innovating.

Nt only do Skate 3' tools alow you to efortessy ste your oum custom parks wii the ci

Port Carverton, but the дате rewards you for shar-

ing your creations wih other players and skating

them together.

WarioWare D. (Nintendo DS) One d he most compete systems for creating user made content belongs to Nintendo's handheld. War oltre DX lows paye create every aspect of heir

опу ous you lo move objects in a map and not change the terrain isal

Bungie included a variety of bulding blocs designed to let players create their owm structures. Not only is Forge ‘easy lo use, but t also al- lons players to play together on the map wil they ecit t

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (box 360)

Nuts and Bolts offers a unique approach to user-created content,

by геол) players to male ta own te eic based missions Veh

тенеу challenged but he most entertaining aspect othe

game в creating your own mechanical monstrosity to terrorize the

game's cutesy inab

s, boats, and airplanes to blueprints are also included



leased by

Forza Motorsport 3 (Xbox 360) Юта may not be the frst game to feature а layer-based livery editor, but thanks to the abit c ate and sell custom patchs for in-game credit Уа the auction house, t has become one of the той popular choices for artistic gamers, Росас wenste allows you to browse pictures of over

two milion custom cars created by the game's dedicated community.

As 1 wrote in my last column, my wife and 1 are reluctant to push video

games onto our kids. That's not to say they're not fascinated when they see

me playing something. When we do let my oldest son play games, how-

ever, ir usually on our computer. He has an easier time with

the keyboard/mouse interface than on a gamepad, and there

are also plenty of bite-sized activities for him to explore. The fact that the games are free doesn't hur, either.

Here are a couple of indispensable websites that feature

browser games appropriate for little ones. I'l be back in a OW e I few months with a look at some great places for older kids, so this intentionally skews very young.

SesameStreet.org One ofthe best stes Tve found for younger kids is also perhaps one ofthe most wel known. Sesame Siroets onine presence is a fantas- tic resource for Kids and parents aike, experty merging educational Content with entertainment.

The games on the ste are generaly quite simple, but they re Perfectly appropriate for ther audence. Ono of the games starts with Elmo taking about using the potty From there, players see ап animated sequence with Zoe as she realizes she has to use the bathroom. A voice els the payer to press any key on the keyboard 1o keep the story going. I's barely а game, but it's а great way to get chicken accimated to the idea of pressing buttons on the key- board a concept we adults may take for granted.

Many of the games on the site are accompanied by tips for par- ents that te into the deas that the games are trying to get across After ваті about patterns with Cookie Monster at the checkout ıine, for example, parents are urged о give ther kids some pennies 10 hap pay for lems next tmo iney e at the grocery store.

For parents of young kids, I can't recommend SesameStreet- org

enough. A PlaySale mode lets parents lock thet browser so that chì-

ren can't accidental navigate away from the site, which is alu- ble when you need to step away from the computer. Everything on the site is ree, but parents can register to create customized pages with easy access to favorite games and videos. If your kids are into ‘Sesame Street, they're bound to find a lot of them.


PBSKids og is another ste that households wih Ие ones should

know about. The interface isn't quite as easy for kids to navigate, but the content is rock sold. PES Kids is home to alot of familar taces, such as Citford the Big Red Dog and Curious George, The games

aro simple but interesting, and they do a great job of miroring each Characters visual style.

As with most of these sites, the games are hit or miss though when they hit they're quite good. One o the more interesting ones has players choose who wil receive a gift from Curious George. From there, George draws a picture of a git and players have to deduce what he was trying to scribble, Then they enter an arcade- siye minigame and go to the appropriate store айдо while avoiding. felow shoppers. Kids who are learning ther letters and numbers have plenty of ways to test their sls, to. In a Super Why-themed bingo game, kids cick on юйег as they're called out, revealing hidden pictures.

The best thing that parents can do isto visit the stes ahead of time апа check them out for themseives. As | said, some of the games can bo pretty weak and Ке great to know what stnkers to avoid beforehand. Toy e absolutely not a replacement for storytime, drawing. or other forms о! play, but my wite and | have found these Stes to be a fun supplement to our soris regular actis.

Now, if oniy he'd try to emulate me when | clean up tno yard.. ©

connect 23


Alan Wake

Very rarely does a game leave you longing for answers. Alan Wake is designed to mess with your mind and make you question reality. We talked to Alan Wake writer and longtime Remedy

employee Sam Lake about bringing such an ambitiou

ега was in place for a long time ‘he we worked on lan Wake,

but how that ending woud be tld ‘hited around a few times. The most important thing was to create an emotonaly satisfying and fing ‘Conclusion to the story Something that would stay with you and make you think, while stl giing a feeing Of having succeeded i your goals. This ва psychological thriler, and as such we wanted an ending that would be somewhat subjective and have a dear feel to. m very happy to hear that the ending has sparked great conversation, You wll find ол our interpretation when the sory of Alan Wake continues.

Since Alan Wake is a story about writing, how difficult was it to tel this tale?

Its true that on one levet you can look at the story of fne game as

ıa metaphor of a long and difeut wing project. As a writer, the way that works is very fair to me. Wherever the gong got tough along the way for oe reason or the other, the man character's profession and writing as a theme were the touch Stones we'd return to.

How will the planned DLC fit into Alans story?

1 dent want to spol anything here, but the DLC wi take pace ater he етв of lan Wake. Alan Wake is a story-criven experience, and as Such, э the DLG content wil e iy den, too, We seo те DLC asa speci feature of a TV sertes, moine that buds abridge between опо season and the next © in fis case the frst game and the Potential seque. 1 the gamers ke "Аат Wake and want mere, we have

more planned and woud very much. "a lo do more. The name of ihe frst DLC pack is “The Signal; and в free 1o al hat purchased the game. [Orly пен opes. - Ed]

How big of a challenge was it to telegraph major plot points on the manuscript pages without spoiling the suspense of the ‘actual moment?

Tho exact way to doit took some work 10 frd. The key is never 10 reveal too much of a future situation, just enough to gve a gimpse and o create an expectation, а future олде as it were. That way you ‘dont realy spol anything but опу acid to the suspense and tension.

dence, or was it used as a funda- ‘mental philosophy for the story? Пола the quote quie late n the project. I ft so perfect that knew Wwe just had to use t

How much time went into

"took ак of work, years of work, But we had a son and we knew that this was the area we really wanted to focus on. First to get the engine and the tools done, and then extensive prototyping to find the locks - and most important, the gameplay mechanics and fow - 10 make t fun to pay.

Tho Dark Presence is manifested in tho form of a tornado, How did you decide on the final form?

We wanted tto be a force of nature, ‘something large, something that ‘everyone would recognize and know 1o be power, something scary in that way.

project to life.

Alan Wake has a more sophis- icatod soundtrack than most ‘games. Was each song hand- selected to complement the plot? Very much so. Audio and especialy mus are very power storyteling tools, especialy ín а game е Alan Wake, where the mood and the atmosphere рау a big рал. With a "ight song you can add a lot of depth tothe story

The “Lady of the Light" song was created to move the plot forward. What was И like crafting a song {for use in narrative?

We had already worked with Posts i the Fal guys - the men hing behind Old Gods of Asgard in Alan Wake - when working on Max Payne 2 and the end credit song there, "Late Goodbye.” 1cutined the his- тоу of ОбоА to them, and the story content we wanted to communicate to the players wih the song. They created “The Poet and the Muse” based on that and we went through а couple of rounds of eration to get li the deta right. They are very talented muacans. k was a pleasure working with them, and I'm very happy wth the recut | wouldn't be suprised f there would be тое ОоА songs in the future Alan Wake ‘games, | hear here's already а fan Sto dedicated to the bond.

Alex Casey supposed to be Max Payne?

Now that you mention it, Alan Wake's past success as a writer of hardboled crime fection coud wel be interpreted о тито Remax past success and the games we have worked on, Funny thing, that.

Collecting manuscript pages fit into Alan Wake's world and story, but the coffee thermoses seem. ‘out of place. Can you explain why this collectable was included inthe game?

‘The coffee themoses are a tip of the hal lo Twin Peaks where they drank enes amounts o сое and takad about ia lot. We drink a lot of собве as wel, especialy when we оо ол n the woods at night.

Alan Wake offers difficulty set- tings for normal, hard, and night- mare. la there a reason why easy ‘was not included for casual play- ‘ers more interested in the story than the challenge?

Wren playing the game using the normal Лу setting, the game ‘actualy has ал auto-adstng ot Коду setting, which means that for а casual garmer, he дате в easy. We realy want everyone who's inter ested in the story to be able to pay. ‘the game tough and experience the Story fom the beginning to the опа The game monitors how you эге dong and tweaks the settings lo help you ол f you are having пое,

What remnants from the original- ly proposed open world design Carried over into the linear, story- driven final game?

The game engine supports lage. areas and vetas. Some o те loca- ‘ons in the game are stil quite large, ‘ond the sights are spectacular. ts hard to soy # there would bo ary Vehicle gameplay in the game wih- ‘ut the early sandbox prototypes.

Is there any chance Alan Wake will show up in different media. ‘other than the Bright Рай


We are actively looking into oppor- tunities of doing something Ke that We feel that lan Wake could wel. be transported into other mediums, We have planned Alon Wake fram the beginning as something bigger than jst one gare. Lets see how it goes: Time wil tol. $







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e CB, our naw Raciant д Phang t et al he NPGS pris word ОКАП act on their own > ko ome

don't remember how wa the solution was easy.

d Bethesda Softworks

connect 27



2: Among Thieves

"Leading up to the ЕЗ press conference we had а texture streaming bug in Uncharted 2 that would strike without warring, turning every texture on. screen into a purplish mess. It was one of those insidious kind of bugs that happened rarely enough that it was very dificult to track down, but hap- pened frequently enough that the idea of giving a Ive demo on stage in front of thousands of people had me scared s---less. We did everything we could to fx the bug before the big day, but simply could not guarantee that it had been eliminated. Since the demonstration had to be Ive, we needed some sort of backup plan. While I was playing the game Ive on. stage, we had our producer from Sony playing along back stage keeping perfect pace with my progress. Ifthe bug struck, we were going to switch the screen оп stage to his feed so that the demo could continue without the corrupted textures. Thankful the demo went off without а hitch and we didn't need to pull the trigger on the backup plan."

- Evan Wells, co-president, Naughty Dog Ё

k Onli “tt was a ito frustrating, because in our game your Character can be both а ship and a captain, but there were times when, under great stress, the code woud get confused and it wasn't sure when you were sup- posed to be your ship and when you were supposed 1o be your captain, People would beam out into space thinking that they we te going to their starship and they'd end up as a [ship-szed] person floating around in space. Sometimes the opposite would happen,

tao - they d be a ship and beam down to a space sta tion опу to find that they wore stil a person-szed ship. fying around the station."

Daniel Stahl, producer, Cryptic Studios

"In Dead to Rights: Retribution, ammo is at a premium, and i's not uncommon for Jack to run out. Fortunately, Shadow, Jack's Al dog buddy, can spot when this happens and help out. Unfortunately, early оп he was so eager to help that he would run and fetch Ive grenades and place them obediently at your fest. Another bug often occurred While Jack and Shadow were fighting enemies on a wooden walkway above the streets. During this section, Shadow wouid randomly sink into the walkway in а way that left only his ears and snout visible. As. 'enemies would come after Jack, Shadow would take hem down, pudl- ing them halfway through the walkway, Because of the random sinking and the vicious way he would pul enemies into the walkway surface as. they thrashed about, Shadow resembled a shark = with his ears being



“During MUA 2, we saw all sorts of bugs. though we found visual bugs were often the funniest, Late in the game, we discovered that the Thing's facial structure and voice were getting mapped to other characters during conversations. The most memorable instance of this happening was when Ms. Marvel began chan: neling the Thing, and her brow, nose and mouth stretched out to the shape of the Thing's. Coupled with the Things voice, it made or an unnerving experience!”

= Dan Tanguay, game director, Vicarious Visions

Flowe “А опе poi, the lower that grows atthe end of each level was affected by. the number of petals that you collected during the level. Of course, before the game was balanced, when we were just testing out mechanics, we'd create ‘such large swarms of petals that the fal ower grew to epic proportions, We ‘ended up caling it the Flower Mothership. It looked ike it would inhale the entre valley, and it cracked me up every time.”

-Kellee Santiago, co-founder and president, Thatgamecompany


"Way back in the day when Vicarious Visions was developing the PC game Terminus, we ran into some very strange bugs. In one case, every ime you ted to fre а missile, your spaceship would spontaneously blow ир. We had worked to model the game with incredible accuracy, and we Just coud not figure out why the ships were exploding. It took a long time to igure out the root cause i turned out that ће ameter of the mis- Sle was slightly larger than the weapons bay port it was getting shot out from, so every ime it hit the port, it exploded and took the player's ship with it, Also п Terminus, we had a particular ship that would fy out of the ‘space dock and immediately al the controls would go dead. The joystick wouldn't work, no keyboard input, etc. I tured out that we had mod- ed inetîcient radiation shielding on the ship. So the moment the ship fook ofthe radiation rom the engine's core would kil the plot.”

- David Nathanielsz, executive producer Vicarious Visions

"One of our achievements hinged on the player feeding the Maw every single creature in the game, As we got close to the end of development, it seemed ike we were running into al these cases where we couldn't fd the last creature or two in a level even though we visited al their locations. it soon became apparent that the Yums were disappearing somehow, We were at a loss. Finally, by chance, one of us happened tobe passing by one of the terrtorial Gastros as it defended its zone against a Yum. It grabbed the Yum in ts mouth, shook it vigorous

and tossed itat а mountain, The Yum hi ît and then suddenly went rocketing nto the ai ike a Smash Bros. character, It turned out that f a creature was small enough and got shoved too far into ап indentation in the terrain, ош physics агу helptuly resolved the situation by fring the creature into the air at nearinfnte velocity, | thought id be fine to just tal players to wait a couple days for the Yume to fal back to the ground, but the designers made us fx the bug instead."

Mike Henry, lead programmer, Twisted Pixel Games.

эш gaming pts 0010 регеа

connect 29

30 connect

Hands-on with Scott Pilgrim, plus Shank and Spank! vy mot miner

сой Pigrm may not be a name amar to every gamer out there, but that wîl all change when the cult hit graphic novel series hits the big screen in this summers Scott

Pilgrim vs. the World. To accompany the movie,

Ubisoft has defvered an awesome variation on

the tradtional movie tie-in game, This

‘ld school, plated brawer tels

the story of Scott, Ramona,

and her seven evil exes that

be fought to win her

hand. The game's premiering

оп PlayStation Network, but

же wouldn't be surprised to see

‘some other platform announce:

ments in the coming months.

| got to play a big chunk of the

‘game this month, and was blown

away by the hilarious ап style,

frantic fights, and faithfulness.

to the source material

‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

is a straight up brawler in the classic style, includ:

ing the option to have four players each control

а character in local co-op multiplayer, Scott is

joined by his Sex Bob-omb bandmates Kim

Pino and Stephen Stils, along with his giriond,

‘Amazon.ca Subspace rinja delivery gi Ramona.

Flowers. Ubisoft promises several addtional

4B, оташу decease = Vp бато sine

unlockable characters tobe revealed over the coming тоге.

Our fest ook at he game began wth a level satin Toronto's Leo’ Palace” right, as Scot and his ends aim to take down e band The Clash А Demonhead and deleat vegan powered

озона Todd Ingram, The visuals ro a constant veat, wih овака S _ movements and actons crates Dy memet phenom Paul Robertson, who we pro fed in act month The Double Dragon sive level has named enemies running out lo groet из: ther ie bers

the old arcade tiles, As they fal, coins scatter at ther feet, mirroring some of the defeated enemies in the comic, Money can be gathered and used at shops to purchase food and accessories, as well as to upgrade one of four primary attributes - defense, speed, wilpower, and strength. In addition, defeating enemies rewards a character with XP. Which goes towards level-uns that provide now combat moves, The brawing mechanic is easy to grasp but

Scot Pilgrim va. the Worl

deep in its implementation. There are а bunch о! cleverly designed special moves, many of which appear to be unique to indvidual char- acters. Scott has his trademark uppercut, while Kim has а fantastic repeated вар attack that puts bad guys in ther place. Useable tems are everywhere, from red keg cups to ninja swords, You can even pick up enemies and use them to whack their buddies. The boss battle at the end of the level was everything | hoped it would be, Todd's booming bass is a devastating weapon, but even psychic vegan powers weren't enough to hold us back,

We also got а gimpse of the folowing level when Scott takes on Roxie, Натопа опе evi ex geltend. First in a bouncing tramway railcar and eventually through а mart arts-intused ojo, the gang chases the hal nina towards а final throwdown.

It опу took those two levels to convince me on this one. I'm sold on the concept, and I ove the retro vibe that Ubisoft has brought to the pro- ceedings, from blocky menus to a blaring chip- tune soundtrack. If Scott Pigrim wasn't already оп your radar, you shouid get it on there pronto. Апай you can't wait for the August release of both the game and the movie, get a start by checking out the trade paperbacks of the original Story - you won't be disappointed,


:ompany' more daring ventu

loadable space, Shank is a briliant а

platform tile with highly stytzed ал and anima-

on that looks like something straight out of a т

ng with w

ough guy, br

than wing to get up close to g

played a level nt careening th

a folly fl hacking ith brutal ream

and shooting ай the way as fitered through the game's unique visus ward navigation sequences had n and leaping over flesh-grnd-

ch a nal encounter with a deranged ind his meat hook. Shank controls Ike

and its fast-paced fights n

DeathSpank hi Dus game except a shared h the help of

to do with th 1, has made

publisher. Hothead Games, Monkey Island creator Ron Gil

nds humor with Diab

an action/RPG that b style questing through a sarcastically generic fantasy word. DeathSpank is a hero on a quest rtact known only as. The

rifact according s intro. Through

fetch quests and monster hunts, I spent my frst ame gathering equipment and Despite the amusing presenta- ith a sprawing map

ih mur

and a hgh

tiple equipment body

Кок out of the “justice meter” that fls up to alk burst З and po

customizable charac



The Chronicles of Vladimir Yod



Major League Baseball 2K10

On the eve of Major League Baseball 2K10's release, 2K Sports announced that it would reward $1 million in

cold hard cash to the fi

t player to pitch a perfec

game. While the company didn't announce a winner for

months after MLB 2K10's release, Alabama resident Wade McGilberry pitched a perfect game on the first day

it was out. interview by Andrew Reiner

fave you p м «ies belc

| picked it up at the midnight launch.

Since the millon dotar challenge didn't go ће unt midnight pacifc time, and | ive in the central time zone, I fret decided to go о sleep. Laughs] After that, | jumped into the milion dolar chal- lenge as soon as | got off of work, It took me Эх or seven games to pitch the perfect дате. му wie told me to go for it and not to stop uni Hott

ich a perfect game, or were you thinking, “They weren't going too wel. I was only making it to the fith or sixth inning at best. The last time it just worked out. | was happy it worked out early.

What learn did 3 up using for Ihe chal “There was only one game available to choose from that day. You can only choose from actual games that are played that day. It was the

Braves versus Mets. I chose the Atlanta Braves.

Who did you end up sending to the mound! It was Kenshin Kawakami. [Editors note: At the time of this wring, Kawakami's 2010 win-oss. record is 0-5 with a 5.47 ERA. Hs carcer record is 7-17 with a respectable 4.09 ERA. Long story short, he isn't an ideal perfect game candidate]

i pitches worked? Did you get mostly iriceouls, or did It just work out through sheer luck tha al bas were hit lo you

| only got four or fue strikeouts in the entre дате. It wasn't a lot of strikeouts. My strategy was throwing the bal low in the zone, and work- ing the batters’ hot and cold zones, and working the outside comers. I didn't ty to overpower апу of the pitches ~ you know, blowing it by the bat- ters. My strategy was actualy throwing it weaker, so that they might actualy swing at the pitch, ‘And because | was throwing it out of the zone, that didn't make for good contact. That led to а lot of ground ball outs.

perfec! game was blown at any pont “There were a ton of close cals in the game, It started out with the frst batter | faced. Ho hit it right up the midde and hit my pitcher. Му shortstop barely got to itin ime to throw out the runner. There were some other close cals, Ike in the eighth inning there was a bal hit to the warn ing track that realy gave me a scare.

id 1 the final out jumped up and gave a shout of joy. It was probably a е kow key for most people, but t was pretty high for me. [Laughs]

T thin itb st sinking in. Its just unreal right now.

The frst thing we are going to do is end up. paying ой the mortgage on cur house. And then we were going to start а famiy whenever Оу finances got in order. So now they aro, and мете going to ty.

Are you stil playing the Game? Tm stil playing it. l'm actually playing My Player. ‘mode, and folowing the career of ust one person.

Гуе played several throughout the years. The last опе | played was A-Star Baseball on the Nintendo 64, Prior to that everything else was just completely diferent. This game is so much better than any other baseball game I've played inthe past.

What Kind of gamer are you, per Lately tis just been frs person shooters or puzzie games. | haven't played sports games in а while; Ive just gotten away fom them.

Casual Encounters, or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Easy Mode

Бу Russ Frushtiok Sénior Writer for MTV ‘News and Editor-in-Chief of MTV Muttiplayer

world opened up to me.

It was a world in which I could wade into crowds of a dozen or more enemies and bash them with a hammer without the threat of having to reload a save. It was a world that allowed me to take down Martian military complexes and mining operations in grand, carefully-placed explosions without the thought of getting into cover ever crossing my mind. It was a world in which I felt like a badass. Why would I want to feel like anything else if I'm playing a video game about overthrowing an evil corporation on Mars?

Red Faction started me on the path and, since then, I've played through a handful of games that became markedly more entertaining. оп Easy. | began to wonder where the common ‘thread was between them. It seems that, for a ‘game to become better on Easy, it has to be inherently flawed.

Usually this means the combat is not up to ‘su, or traversing the world is tedious, or the ‘punishment for death is too high. Despite these issues, there are moments of greatness that you want to experience again and again. Bringing down Nazi installations in The Saboteur or ling off insane grappling hook stunts in Just Cause 2 helps us to forget the repetitive missions and half-baked storyine. Once you remove the threat of death, players can better ignore what's not working and jump straight to what does.

1 recently spoke to David Abzug, the project design director on the next Red Faction game. He worked on Red Faction: Виета and admit- ted that the dificult settings were not balanced ‘exactly as he would've wanted. “its something that we are staring to change on our current tile," he explained. "Difficulty is generally one of

‘My name is Russ, and I play games on Easy.

It started out innocently enough. 1 was reviewing Red Faction: Guerrilla and realized that 1 was having much more fun blowing up buildings than dying, So, I asked myself, why not take dying out of the equation or, at the very least, mitigate the chances of dying? And so I restarted my game on the easiest setting. Suddenly, a brand new

the hardest things to balance in a game.” Abzug went on to say that the only people developers have to rely on for testing difficulty are the testes and the team members. But, Since those two groups are going to be way more familiar with the game than someone who оез to the store and buys it, developers have 1o skew the dificulty settings to account for that ‘experience. According to Abzug, difficulty set- tings should be tested thusly:

* Easy ~ Testers should be able to play it blindfolded while standing on their heads апа jogging.

* Normal ~ Testers should be complaining that the game is too easy.

* Hard ~ Testers should stil be complaining thatthe game is too easy.. just less so.

+ Insane - Testers should consider this a challenge,

As a game reviewer, the variety of difficulty

settings makes the job tricky. What game am 1 reviewing: the one the majority of people wil play, or the опе the majority of people should be playing? Difficulty settings are often ignored in reviews, as i's generally accepted that

“Normal” is the way to go. If1 believe, however,

that there's a better path ‘on an easier setting, isn't it my duty to set players


I did just that in a review of Bayonetta, ‘suggesting that almost ‘everyone should play through the game on Easy their first time through so as to experi- ‘ence the incredible visu- als and not be scared away by the punishing difficulty. One commenter оп the review proclaimed that, because | listed the "Easy Mode" as a good thing, I should not be reviewing games. But how could it be bad if it makes the game finish- able to more than just Devil May Cry addicts? ‘Shouldn't every video game be at least approachable to the once-in- ‘while gamer?

Rockstar Games admitted as much when they included dificulty settings for the first time in one of their open world games. None of the. Grand Theft Auto games allowed players to tweak the difficulty, but Red Dead Redemption ‘offered the option to players looking for less ‘of a challenge. Since they were making a cin- ‘ematic Western, the developers figured there wouid be plenty of people playing the game just to experience the story, and would just as soon. ‘kip out on all those fatal cougar attacks.

Playing on Easy is a shortcut. I's а survival mechanism to make imperfect games tolerable ог for those that prefer their journey less pock- marked with death, It's not for everyone, or for ‘every game, but having that safety net can save you from wasting 60 bucks on a tile that's been balanced for someone who knows every line of. ‘code by heart. And, as an added bonus, it's a great way to boost that achievement score. vers жр opreza on тв рде ав атау aor te эз ит ccr Poe d oe пете gum rs


1t you work in the industry and woul like to share your ‘opinion, contact senior edi- tor Matt Helgeson at matt gameinlormercom

connect 33

Redefining Video Games шы

"Hera CR the co-founder and cre

rently making games. The Shanghai native has won critical acclaim for his offbeat, of те, Chen tells us about his journey into games and hi

nd Flower. }

You grew up in China. What was the video game scene in China like in the '80s and 905?

China's gamers are mainly PC gamers, pri- тагу because computer games are easy to pirate, If Chinese people in the '905 wanted

to play a game at American prices, there was по way they could buy it. The only games they. could afford were pirated games. | remember bringing a whole set of 12 three-inch discs

to copy the early (Літа games. When | was а teenager, my classmates had Sega Saturn ог PlayStation. It was ike a dream when they invited me to their home to play the consoles.

At the time, I couldn't afford a console, во! ‘would go buy these magazines. They had com- plete walkthroughs of these role-playing games. The people that wrote them wrote them in a very creative way. They would write аз if they were experiencing the game in frst person.

I fel ike reading a novel. That's how I knew ient Hil, Resident Evi, and Final Fantasy.

My frst experience was reading these playth- Toughs. The frst console we purchased, which was actually a copycat version of the NES that played NES games, was years later,

Were you interested in computer program- ming as a kid?

[Laughs] This is actualy not true, because

ту dad works in the software industry. So,

at а very young age, he wanted me to study ‘computers. I had fo learn computers against ту wil. He sent me to afterschool classes. | hated it because they forced me to go. italy | didn't want to go, but then - before class ‘would see all the Kids playing games on Apple computers. I got hooked. 1 liked going to ‘lass so I could play games.

‘You went through the USC Interactive Media program. How did that experience shape you as an artist?

IL completely changed my course of ife.

When | graduated from colege | was not sure about where | wanted to go. 1 was dreaming ‘about one day working at Pixar or on visual effects movies. The most important thing the USC program exposed me to was the Game Developers Conference. That is when | saw the Independent Games Festival and ай the finalists in the student showcase.

1 had two big impressions. The frst was, "There are so many people here from all around the world that are working in the video ‘game industry" Whatever taik | attended, | felt Wo the room was filed with enthusiasm and

a lot of love for what they were doing. The ‘second impression was | went to the student ‘showcase. Before I came to the U.S., | heard these legendary stories about John Carmack,


г of That Game Com

Richard Garriott, and Wil Wright - these people who were already great when they were. teenagers. So I assumed that American kids must be geniuses. When | went to the student showcase, | was disappointed because none ‘of the games looked nearly as good as the games | made in college in China, So that buit my confidence, it made me think | at least

had the skis to compete at IGF with other students,

You did the game Cloud as a student proj- ect there. How did that idea come about? Опе day. I was waking from my apartment to School, and | was looking at the clouds in the зу. They were Бегий clouds; never saw clouds ко that in Shanghai because its aways quit polluted and gray. So | wondered 11 Could make а game about clouds. What would that game be?

My frst reaction was some sort of game ike Destroy All Humans, where you have an allen who has the technology to manipulate clouds ‘and cause natural disasters. The idea was pretty conventional, But as we started work- ing, we started thinking about doing something diferent. What it the main characteris not an еп, but just a Ие boy fying in the sky? From that point on, it became much more personal,

| was tying to combine the boy's story with ту own chidhood memories. i had to go to. the hospital a lot and had asthma every year around October because it was so polluted. 1 put my personal experience into the character, ‘and made this game about using the clouds ‘and rain to clean the air and clean the land,

Were you confident in the quality of the game?

Honestly, after working on the game for a year, we didn't know how good it was. We just had to finish it. After we put it onine, G4's Attack

о! the Show featured the дате. That was the ‘magical moment, A lot of people tried to down- load it. Our server crashed about four times. We actually got about a $2,000 fine because Cf the traffic that went over our bandwidth, We ‘moved the game to the school's server. The schools server crashed and the whole schools website was down. Eventually we asked for EAS help and put it on EAS commercial server to accommodate the traffic.

The most important thing about Cloud was not realy how it was made but the reaction

it got, We got many emails from people that were gamers and non-gamers who played the ‘game, We had 50-year-old men and women writing in about how wonderful the game was. ‘One man from Japan said he almost cried because of the game. That is а very strong reinforcement for what we did. We decided

+ темен by Matt Helgeson

y, is one of the most intere

ting artists cur- iginal games like Cloud, Flow,

philosophy of game development.

that we should try fo push to make games ке this in the commercial realm.

1s violence something you avoid as a designer?

irs more that when we made Cloud wo wanted to make something that was the opposite of what was out there. That was the year that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas got many meda attacks - tak of how games made chidren violent and connecting Columbine to video games, At that time, | wanted to change people's impressions. So, violence was some- thing I wanted to avoid intentional. There's no Violence in Cloud,

1s there а message you are trying to convey in your games? Or are you just trying to. convey feelings? Or is it a mixture of both? its mixture of both, In art, people use a specific arrangement of elements to convey a sense ога feeling or a message. A message is more rational. | feel that ат too young to be able to make any judgments about violence or whether environmentalism is good. I'm more interested in communicating a feeing. Of course, tho feel- ing in Cloud is a child looking at the sky and daydreaming about being able to fly. | mixed that with these feelings | had as a kid, hoping. that my disease could be cured and the pollu- tion would go away. Thats diferent than say- ing, "Industralizalion and polution is bad." Of course, a game is very powerful, you can sway people's opinion, but | wasn't trying fo make а game directly about a cause.

For example, a lot of people, when they played ап early version of Flower said, "Oh | get it, the ‘game is about creating electricity because you blow these windmils.” | then realized | didn't want the game to be focused on whether

we should have green energy, intentional ‘changed the design to make it more vague.

Do you play more mainstream, action ‘games in your private life?

Oh yes, my private Ие is ай about violent video games. | Ike fighting games. Ive wasted so ‘many hours on Steet Fighter М. | was a very 900d Counter-Strike player. | play StarCraft. always play competitive That doesn't mean that ihis industry needs more competitive games, Everybody is making good competi- tive games. Most of them aro about compet боп, empowerment, and violence. Its a very small portion of the emotional spectrum. I

you look at books or moves, there are many ‘more genres, and they are based on feelings. Look at romantic comedy movies. There are по romantic games, There are dating simula- "ions but they don't feel romantic. We need

to expand and cover the entire spectrum of emotion. ¢

1990 COMPUTER ED eris ltr cos Chema alo ate! compito Фаз. Tao no got

genû ta gaming

1995 8-BIT KNOCKOFF Chen айз his fat console ‘Chinese kocht he intenda Enserannner

care 2003 STATESIDE Mos graduating college т

China, Chen mes fe puns à caer m ie nal ane: He ж эрин to the радох USC

Interativa Меда Program

eive to ihe Gato

"Mc gamo industry


hen and à student too. produce the game yadin Thr дали is ped to bo û puto ha Independent Gamos Petal


Chen begins hie net, «he ure tle ‘Aes өрреше on ad becomes an. intere saneaton

2005 FLOWING Cren races another tie Tow,


Now graduate fom U ‘and wating for pubs fal Chon aka etra EA sonang бп Spare for D


That Gaino Company Login vot on developing ow fof PSN withonr Chen

2007 INDIE AGAIN Chon eaves EA алат ‘That Game Company o begin ower

2001 FIRST HIT Fw (and fot PSN, 2009 A MASTERPIECE

Flower e сори and төөгө for PSN The game

connect 35

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io has rel

further: high-sj

frames pe

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Overall, the Exilim FH100 js a feature- packed little machine with a great price. If you're looking for something to fit in your pocket that can capture all aspects of your. life, take a look at Casio's latest,

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® уол аат) cock toring ess? Why nd go fx

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canecton to Pe fomafen word is another sep to

агат ол has ino a Кале: playground. Were are ready over 1 000 app or he бесе.

al bul ол те open rurby работ, Checking бе fic on уол foule to work and searing a ado eve broadcast he eating your зеза has never been easet Or mate you just want 1o fal asleep ha Nai move or Pandora rao While tis may

e oe for some, the Dash is а peret accessory

for tech nerds chasing he house of he fre.



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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly NEWS WITH А STIC

per Turbine is turing Lord of the Rings Online into a free-

to-play MMORPG, just Ike the company has already successfully done f ins & Dragons Onine, The beta wil start shorty, and the re-launch is ‘curently paying to play wil get premium content,

(LEFT) Nintendo is looking into the pos- sibility of charging users for the oni Component of s

like the Nintendo DS and Wii Whether this would manifest itself in a monthly fee or

а one-time upfront usage fee if it hap- pens at al. remains to be seen, With Sony and now Nintendo contemplating making players pay for some portion of their online services, a year from now wil there be any

] In what is no longer a trend, but almost a routine, Ubisoft has es See a)

delayed another game. This time i's Ghost Recon: Future Solder. The tile was originally supposed to come out this holiday season, but its now slated for the "March quarter” of 2011, March в a month and not a quar- ter, so we bet dolars to donuts that in its confusion, Ubisoft doesn't put

out Future Soldier unti the summer,

(LEFT) ЕА Onine Pass program is making sports gamers enter in a one-time ifc for each sports game in order to play that tite online. I you buy the game x and the code's already been entered, then you have to pay $10 to get online with that ile. We stand that Electronic Arts thinks used games sales take away from new game sales (ful disclosure: Game Informer is owned by GameStop), but in ‘Sports’ code program victim- izes those kids who ted to save bucks by buying a game used, We how long It takes for other divisions of to adopt this program. nk this is just a problem for EAS sports games, not so fast, Ubisoft considering its own online pass program, and ТНО® UFC Undisputed 2010 also uses one,

А GAMEFLOW Х Full raybook

ince Roger Ebert wrote а post a few weeks ago entitled "Video Games. Can Never ba Art” the game-o- sphere has been abuzz with a broad range of rebuttals, assents, teeth-gnashing, and spleen venting. Ebert spends several thousand words making it very dear that video games aren't worth his. time, Even the developer Ebert name checks in his article (Kelle Santiago from thatgamecom- pany) gets in on the act. The very frst ine of her response proclaims “http://en.wikipedta.org/wik/ Водо ороп. а new watermark in my career as а дате maker - Roger Ebert wrote an article about me."

Now excuse me for asking, Kelle, but you are an accomplished game developer. You are а USC alum. You аге feted by your peers and your. fans. You are coming ой Flower, an impressive release that garnered the attention of the entire industry, You're giving speeches at TED, You're û star, And now you'r teling me that a water- ‘mark in your career is that Roger frigging Ebert deigned to stow down his chariot long enough Хо notice you? And not simply notice, but vigor- ‘ously endeavor to establish that your career, your work, and your passion are essentially beneath his notice.

Iread another thoughtful open letter to Mr. Ebert on a prominent gaming blog that, before getting around to efectively saying, "You зї, are a fim cric, not a game cric, so piss off" ‘spends several paragraphs name-dropping great fimmakers, as #10 say, “See, Ebert? | know fim, so Im worthy of your respect. Take. тө seriously!"

Jesus, Mary, and Miyamoto! How insecure are we as an industry that we rush о seek validation mot from our own peers, not even from creatives In other feds, but from critics in other felds, to tel us what we're doing is worthy of notice Look, | was in high school once. spent the піке four years trying to match up with what | thought other people thought was cool and. worthwhile, And | was miserable because the things | loved were not deemed valuable.

Dungeons and Dragons? Lame!

Video games? Nerdy!

Comic books? Pathetic!

And so I hid my passions. | ted to ft in. 1 played sports and was temible at them. I tried to make friends with a collection of people whose опу interests in the world amounted to Moly Hatchet records and Mariboro Lights. I tried to ‘make myself a par of things | didn't care about and sought the approval of people who looked down on me.

And I was miserable, The sad truth is that

Irrational Thought


To: The Video Game Industry, Journalists, and Fans

subject: Growing a Pair

once a new form of media shoots out of the womb, one of the frst impulses it seeks to fulfil is validation. Like me! Approve of me! Respact me!

Hey, 1 get t. I went to Vassar, | ike a vigorous round of Socratic wankery as much as the next юга arts undergrad, But what | can't stand is the insecurity. Are games art? Wil they become art? What stage of development are we п as an ап form? Are they moro akin to George Moles" А Voyage to the Moon or Weles" Citizen Kane? What methodologies shouid we investigate to make a proper determination between the state ‘of video games, Aristotelian aesthetics, and Robert McKeets defniton of good writing?

Here's my answer in three simple steps:

Remove the beret from the top of your head.

Throw said beret out the window.

Light a fre. Into that fre toss your copy of Aristotle's Poetics.

Crack open a two iter of Mountain Dew. Snap into a Sim Jim. Proceed to Xbox Live and shoot your best friend in the head with an M-16.

You're a gaming geek. Be proud of that, You don't need the "by your leave" of Roger Ebert, your loving parents, or the Library of Congress to validate your passion.

The world s changing. Ive spent some time around Holywood people lately, and I've even thought of trying my hand at screenwriting again, (маз а fim scribe back in, oh, 1871 ого) But many іцо exec types have told me that their ‘dreams to have some big fim director work with me to make a video game.

My response was, "Why on Earth would | want to do that?" The notion is as ridiculous as me caling up an established fim director. and saying, "Hey pal. lve never directed a fim. before, but how about show up on set tomor- Tow and take you to school?” Do you realy want vo egos ike me and some hotshot fim drec- tor butting heads over health station recharge rales or jump heights? Honestly, Г expect that 10 minutes into the frst meeting they'd start lo look ike somebody who realizes they just mis- takeniy got on the wrong - and very lengthy = inter-continental fight.

Consider last ЕЗ, when James Cameron spoke at the Ubisoft event. Now, love James Cameron. Ho's the man along with George Lucas who real created 90 percent of the ‘methodologies for teling nerdy stores in big budget moves. I constantly name check him and reference his workin story meetings at rational. You put him and the Coen brothers in a room, and I'd have trouble deciding which ono. I'd want to make out with frst.

Ви why was he pitching the Avatar game and

mot the guy who actually bui the damn thing? Look, it a BioShock move gets made, Im sure. there might be some people who would be interested in what | have о say about it. But the focus would righty be on the folks who made the frigging move.

Why does the rest of the moda world put the gaming baby in а corner? Because the game industry has an inferiority complex. We. know that the movi, television, book, and even ‘comic guys look at us Ike we're some kind of durior varsity version of themselves, “Hey, video ‘games! Aren't they cute? We shoud make us one of them"

And why do they think of us this way? Because we encourage them to. "The New York Times ran a page 37 story on GDC. Somebody cal my parents!” "Roger Ebert said we're not ал, Get me my smeling salts

Do games owe a debt to popular culture? Absolute, | can say that ат the biggest media. whore who ever walked this green Earth. But ‘popular culture today is gaming culture. The ‘social networks and forms of interaction of the Internet didn't gestate at some university or fim studio. The language of today's youth wasn't created by the Beatles or Pubic Enemy. The ways people connect to each other through. extended networks weren't conceived by soma: ‘genius at General Electric.

No, Al of these things sprang from the nerd- ‘o-scape, They grew up on Usenet and tech blogs. They sprung to Ме alongside headshots ‘and tea-bagging. They evolved naturally through а group of lonely dorks looking for people who shared their nerdy interests.

"We don't owe anything to anybody. The future of entertainment is being envisioned not just by the games industry, but by a confluence of developers and gamers who ve interacted on. BBSes and the Net since our hobby began. And мете just getting started. Wait unti we have had the time to develop that fim and television had. We't ether be ruing the world, or we'l be the Eberts, writing dismissive essays about the newest kind of теда, which of course willbe irelevant and shallow, That is something we must not do, because that kind of thinking is the. first step on the path to irelevance,

But today is not that day. Today в our time to realze the power of the medium we ай love so much.

То paraphrase the eider Lebowski: The revolu- ton is over, Mc Ebert. The nerds won.

We в we pie oed Б pape we CY Fo d Pe эла so rca Ped бите er доно я.



is over,

Mr. Ebert.

The nerds


connect 39


те games ап? This question has been asked hundreds of times, and no one agrees on an answer. Legendary film

critic Roger Ebert recently reignited the debate with a blog post he wrote in response to a speech on the subject.

given at USC by game developer Kellee Santiago. Entitled "Video games can never be art.” the blog post refutes several of Santiago's points while stating his arguments for why games have failed to achieve the status of art.

"The three games she chooses as examples [Flower, Braid, and Waco Resurrection] do not raise my hopes for a video game that will deserve my attention long enough to play it.“ Ebert wrote. "They are, I regret to say, pathetic. I repeat: ‘No one in or ош of the field bas ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great poets, filmmakers, novelists, and poets.

Predictably, the Internet went crazy, with Ebert's post gamering scores of angry responses from gamers. While debate is cer- tainly healthy, the incendiary talk hasn't gotten us any closer to the answers.

Not everyone agrees on the definition of art ~ or even the definition of a game. Still thinking about the ideas behind the games we play and what they mean is important. For this feature, Game Informer chose eight games that we feel represent games as an ап form. Our writers picked these games personally, and their arguments are very personal as well. While we don’t presume to settle a debate about the meaning of art ~ that’s something that's been discussed for centuries we hope to do our part to move the debate forward,

б E E 2 E а

We the “we шш macy. ampli отра come up more Шап Pumita йу body of wor Both o and Shadow ofthe Colossus offer aon aris pointa, МИ] Personaniy Lean m Me ater decd. Who this PlayStation 2 e һа agea a few years at this point, shadow of he oie lanea suck oett dern and come postion that could easly compete with any oor medium that's ready been inducted int Ша arte trld. The forbidden nd that protagonist Wander and bl hone Agro esr аиша ne зеге of wonder end desolation in he player, ling te etc мшу one wey or the oer with loaded ot color in ign sunlight or ütines la th lack and dox sy The obe ar the bus e cete солу bom ouo to earth wit stone зове cur and à pate ges look to the fur While ey are amazing o eat Me most екеу дыы cess oats lp a т: vt hs: Met уши Cases y odes cue е Asc TE E T Mer dedans e OSES Sen leta ү Woman Wander lore, players must диде him t ll 16 coss in, atis essential a den! with ta devi Ar io fin few say Jouexjetenos te tl Га ашап naa outset xd bing fg cov rales 100 tees issn Dat someter ao tb tar to fo ke а poacher wiping out he eof an endi pedes тошу When seven e a col doy ot т you unti you star stabbing hem. Wanders appearance Sim evry la ha dark ciens Dom out f he аакка no his body, Каш venti al f ho ae den, Pt YOU mas сапу ош Wander ultimately seller plan despite Me Seat Eee The lng haw on the al cloeus cares with Ó— tons stein at VCD ls какое qua hoe ar Soe te bien e er таа Beings, and read that you may have unleashed a tema evll on the ak Тыа op a of ec EW КО Есон fal in poo wets TB SAYAN VO!


Pe veces |


XBOX 360 - ec

5 hooting a bad guy gunning for you doesn't present much of a moral quandary. Shouldering the responsibility for "he well-being of a crew of people who trust you implicitly ~ who you consider your friends = is another mate.

Mass Elect 2 puts a personal face on the tragedy of violence by forging a bond between players and thelr party members with solid wnting and presentation, same as any fm or novel. The difference is how it uses its interactivity

a tool to strengthen that bond and elicit a more intense emotional reaction from players. И Mordin dies in the final nfrontation tit due to the inevitability of the narrative, You put him in that grave with your decisions, same as if yov pulled the tigger yoursell

Some players didnt think twice about sending thelr squad to thei demise, and others simply approached t from a game theory perspective and coldly optimized their plans according to а gulde or tral and error to get the ideal result. Plenty of people see a Bosch triptych and dismiss the painter as a pervert without gaining any insight into medieval European Christianity and із impact on the people living under ts auspices, too. That doesn't mean it isn't ar

"he NPCS in Mass fect 2 are collections of pels, code, and audio recordings, just аз Saving Private Ryan is made

шо! and Anna Karenina is born of ink and paper Artists pour themselves into their creations through video

just as in апу other medium. 1 didn't feel anything as T sacrificed some knight to block а chokepoint in Fire Emblem. but agonized over deploying my fiends in the defense of the galaxy as Commander Shepard, Though you

rely have all tne necessary information to make an informed decision, during the course of the game the player ist wrestle with big issus like the moral ambiguity of a calculated genocide against a warlike race and а galactic о between the Quarians and Geth as deep rooted and volatile as the Isreaeli-Palestinian struggle. Given the

sitit of These issues, your decisions could fracture your ралу, compromise your mission and етеп have long-

vts on the galaxy Taking a hardline position doesn't come easy under these circumstances.

т view is what artistic endeavors have been about since the dawn of history. Mass Effect 2 does this by put- Т ins that Very few of us will encounter in real Ме, and uses Из interactive nature to connect audience in a way impossible in any other kind of media. I don't need any other argument to classify games


Teens is sony By her very пише games are governed by le that steer players toward a shaped experience. Dragon's Lair may have allowed arcade- goers inte a paltry amount of їшетасйоп compared to modem games ше ше Sims 3, bit in each example the creators ald down he laws, зо 10 speak Tele releasing their нок тив simple fact invalidates tho argu- ment that games lack autora intent and are петте not art but something е entry Whe games allow more freedom than passive media such as n, game designers take player action into Account Look at Heavy Rain, Tor esam- ple. An carly sequence allows players to tako control of father, Ethan Мав, as e navigates his son Shaun's eariy evening routine. A player might notice kit of responses and their ошрапуп imes - dinner home- then bedtime = апа follow hose s responsibly Others might Shaun and shoot hoops х ооу depend- їп оп how Ше parent player chooses quence inevitably ends wih Shaun and Eman going to

wily from cinem ons in both storytell- ng and content, but those elements are

led ta take

mall. Its crowded, and Ethan s track of his oldest boy.

helps convey.

A t frst, Braid seems familiar The gameplay shares traits with a multitude of other titles: players control a young man who rewinds time, stomps on enemy heads, and gathers collectibles. These activities, cleverly combined, form a remarkable and entertaining puzzle game - but "hat isn't why Braid stands out as a prime example of video game art

"The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel didn't become art by virtue of the paints used in its creation, and Braid should similarly be judged as more than an assembly of it components. The mechanics in Braid are in service to conveying a message - merely the paints used to define the thematic shape of the work. Whenever you rewind time, you're reminded of the main characters desperation to change the past. When you drop the ring, you can't help but wonder about the finger it belongs to. Through ‘gameplay, Braid keeps the weight of love, loss, and regret at the forefront of your mind...even И your overt goal is as simple as unlocking a door.

By slowly unraveling these emotional knots, Braid develops along par- allel paths. Below the surface of the progression from one level to the next, a richly ambiguous narrative gradually comes into view. The promi- ment themes are accentuated by the game's illustration (by artist David Hellman), music, and prose - all held together by the unified vision of developer Jonathan Blow.

While Braid is largely the work of one man, no single explanation encompasses the experience. Like countless great works, Braid is open to interpretation. I it about a boy rescuing a princess? Escaping the demons of the past? The atomic bomb? Braid provides the gamer with multiple lenses through which to view the events, but you don't need to choose Just one - works of art can hold a different meaning for each person who experiences them,


ing within video games that qualify аз art on their own. However, their synthesis creates a unique exemplified in an early classic like Super Mario Bros. ugh childlike in presentation, Super Mario Bros. has an elegance and depth to its gameplay

challenges human perceptions and senses, The music and visuals act in concert to support that. шер!

xperience that is something ne

The game uses its first lev

to establish a vocabulary with the player a first step into a wider understanding. Certain sounds equate with good or bad events, Run right, but don't run left. Jump up into blocks to break them. Jump down onto enemies to defeat them. With this vocabulary estab-

ned, the game moves forward into ever more complicated combinations of these events. Tension and danger are vicariously experienc s dwindle and the threat of a Game Over screen

becomes imminent. Power-ups scattered throughout the levels communicate a sense of mastery and

xcitement to the user. Fantastic level design means that carefully placed platforms become better

understood with each playthrough how and where to land after a jump, how fast one can move bstacle, or hidden pass

in places the gamer didn't previously exp

1. Increased

ime Jame increases understanding of its intricacies, very like spending time contemplat- ne painting or a complex musical composition, Jlimately, Super Mario Bros. is an artistic experience because, like all good art, it affects ће one

ally and empirically. That experience varies from person to person, but there

jught stimulated and understanding expanded. Even in its simple presentation, the

eds in drawing in the user and engaging them on multiple levels. Super Mario Bros I

ted by countless designe


ic experience an experience that




i ve


ike the first movies, LittleBigPlanet entrances players with the spectacle of seeing the familiar in a new light. Rather than trying to recreate our world with photorealistic graphics, the game employs bright, warm visuals that place an emphasis on texture mot nomally seen in digital mediums. Each object in the game is comprised of a basic material applied in creative ways: Grass is made from lush green felt, while clouds are fluffy white cotton. This simplistic representation of everyday objects feels new and familiar atthe same time,

‘The game's main character, Sackboy, is equally fundamental Similar to the actors of silent film, Sackboy is the embodiment ot performance art, using exaggerated body language and facial gestures to convey basic emotions. Like Buster Keaton or Charlie Chaplin, Sackboy uses slapstick humor to drive the story's message of the importance of companionship. Without speaking a word, Sackboy has become one of the most unique and endearing char- acters of recent years.

LittleBigPlanet’s symbolic representation of Ме and world is not simply an aesthetic choice, but a function of the game's core prin- ciple. LittleBigPlanet presents the player with a fantasy world born {rom imagination. This is not hyperbole, ог the opening line of a | fairy tale; the lands you explore are sculpted from primitive objects

by their creators, The world's inhabitants are pleced together and || падей like marionette puppets; and the music lighting, and color jomized to coincide with the ambiance of the level.

" rue of all video games the levels in LittleBigPlanet PAN! are not created by programmers pu rather айтеп, artista, and

X most importantly. you

т 100 An ofthe levels in LBP.Càn be recreate with an easy-to-use

4) ig toosetinduded in ше game, When first played Ie game, it took

У) 7| me an hour огцуо Before realized this = I knew LBP let you create ont, but I didn’t think levels made by players would

just as intricate, profes- me is more than a

‘understood that this

is ап. Most pl ill only ever use ming levels just like most Hollywood ntic comedies or action movies. But

their inventions. Combining ring, the artistic craftsman-

xchange of U ап, is beyond.

i a ne line of thinking of why 2 games cannot be art theorizes that interactivity inhibits the artist's 3 ability to convey an emotional mes-

sage. In essence, the artist's vision is lost if the audience has control over the experience. But the emotional punch, of BioShock’s story would wilt 1f play- ers did not drive the action. Two-thirds of the way through the game players are treated toa story twist that forces them to pause and reflect on everything that had led up to that point. Good art does that: It knocks us off our heels, and makes us look at some part of the world from a different angle,

On the surface BioShock tells a story about а failed utopian society, but it is about зо much more. Its narrative eram- ines the weight of choice, the importance. of free will the exploitation of power, and the comuptibilty of government - a hefty chunk of philosophy for any medium to chew on. BioShock tackles ай these themes with masterful skill. The game's two iconic characters = the Big Daddies and Lite Sisters = are tragic figures, and. the game manages to make us care about them.

Then again, maybe what's most impressive about BioShock is how it tells is story Video game characters have а disability in that they cannot deliver

essions or gestures with Tevel of detail as a live actor. characters faced the addi- lenge of having to emote while ed at a thumbnall-sized h te being crippled in this ing of BioShock’s char- pathos that chies : s about the story it ion, form, and


Directing Scott Pilgrim

Edgar Wright talks Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and gaming influences

How's the movie coming along? Its good. We're getting close to the fishing touches, We've got another мо months to go зо theres stil a lot of work being done. There's alot of tinkering. Its easly the most detaled and ambitious thing ме ever done. Its Ike a huge Coloring book and, by the time it actualy comes. out in theaters, is going to be pretty much a year since we frished fiming, | think when you ee the fim you'll see а К of blood, sweat, and Tears on the screen.

What got you interested in making a Scott Pilgrim movie?

It was frst given to me pretty much as soon as the frst volume was published back in 2004,

| was doing press for Shaun of the Dead and these two producers were already locking ito. the rights for the frst book and pressed it into my hands and said, "You need to read this, This is perfect for you." When 1 did read it [after the tour] Iwas Ike, "Oh yeah, I totaly get it”

Did you work closely with creator Bryan Lee O'Malley?

Yeah, he's been an amazing resource for us. To be honest, i this were a project where | had no contact with him for whatever reason | prob-

ably wouldn't have done it at al, We refed on

him a lot, especialy in production, because а

lot of the locations in the fim are based on real Places п Toronto which Bryan took pictures of as reterence - some of them famous but some of them just a partioular house in the suburbs. We tracked down the exact houses to shoot in, so,

in the fim, Stil house is exact the one thats in the books and Wallace's apartment is exactly the door thats in the books.

When we д the frst draft of the scrpt, me and Michael Bacal, tha frst thing we dd was 90 to Canada and pick Bryan's brains about what he had in mind for the rest of the series. So by "hat ime there was volume опе and volume two was writen and being finished, Then he had notes for volume three, four, fve, and six In зоте cases, he had to sit down and think about the notes because we were asking.

Director Edgar Wright rose to international acclaim with gore/action/com- edy hits Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz alongside longtime collaborator ‘Simon Pegg. Between these two projects he scored the film rights to Bryan Lee O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim, an indie comic book series chock full of video game and rock culture. Releasing August 13, Michael Cera heads a large cast of established stars and up-and-coming young actors. We caught up ‘with Wright in Toronto to get a taste of what's to come in both the movie

апа Ubisoft's tie-in game (which you can read about in this month's

Impulse section on page 28) i

Obviously, the books are Ike canon as soon as they're published, but what's interesting is there аге some elements in the fim which refer to old ideas or just kind of ike doodes and sketches. There were some points in the fim where I said, “That was your idea orginally, Bryan." He goes, "Oh yeah, I guess it was. It seems so long ago." Its quite nice in that senso that the fim ав an ‘adaptation is sometimes incredibly close to the books and sometimes it verges wily, but is always in the same spirit

Scott Pilgrim is full of video game refer- fences. Were you pretty familiar with a lot of those elements going in or did you have to brush up a little? 1 ао try and keep up, but what was kind of good with this is a lot of the references aro actualy very retro. There aren't realy a lot of game references in Scott Pilgrim that are that recent. You know, ‘older Maro, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Street Fighter, Tekken. And whats interesting is because those classic designs have never gone away it doesn't ‘even necessary fec retro - especialy tho way Nintendo particularly is so great at keeping the older games alive.

had to maybe brush up on some of my Nintendo stuff because I'm from the U.K. and ту frst computer was the 281 [released as the 151000 in the US. - Ec]. When I was growing up the ZXB1 and the ZX Spectrum - that was ту adolescence basicaly, games lke Knight Lore if anybody knows that. | was in colege when the Sega Mega Drive hit and Sonic was huge for me. | have a complicated relationship with games because its almost ike I'm a recov- ering addict. In the TV series we did, Spaced, there were а lt of PlayStation references. Me and Simon Pegg made it in the heyday of Tomb Raider and Resident Evil and 1 lost whole months to those games. So people Ike Bryan who are really committed gamers, I don't know how they do it and get work done. It's Ike having heroin in the house,

Have you tried out any recent zombie or horror games?

Zombie games are probably the last thing Want to play. People always say, "Have you played Left 4 Dead or Dead Rising?” The thing is, I love zombie fims and stuf, but after making Shaun of he Dead it was Ike being a fan of. "chocolate cake, then making a big chocolate саке, and then never wanting to have chocolate ‘again. Probably some non-zombie games would be cool = even though Iam aware there are ‘Shaun of the Dead references in Left 4 Dead 2.

Ubisoft's working on a Scott Pilgrim. game to go along with the movie. What Чо you think of what you've seen of it so far?

[think its perfect. Its such a tip to soo t because basicaly they started working on the game as we were shooting the бт, Its essen- Кају based on the books, but also cur story- boards since we did't have anything to give "hem when they were doing the artwork. | mean, its great. We're even trying to figure out a way to put some of the graphics in the fim. | want to havea Ийе sort of te back to the game,

The art is spot on. Bryan said Paul Robertson doing the game is Ike Nigel Godrich doing the music for the fim [the producer is scoring the movie and has secured tracks from Beck, Metric, and Broken Social Scene - Ed | You couldn't have a better person "doing the work. Bryan was over the moon to be doing stuff with Paul. He even did a Ийе pixel rector, а Ийе pixel me, which lm very flattered aout. It was nice because | think for people who question the very Ive action nature of the fim which | hope they won't when they seo it because | think еу see how true we've been to the artwork but ts nice that the game is there as well because the game is kind of ike watching an animated version of the books.

Check ut gamentrmerconiag for e at ven wth agar йуп, including casting, creating a fale tar ar олло and mere

Sc Cop and Spec Eats You

Cars?nosS iamen nD лл, o сое

PlayStation 3

» style Payer Action » Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment » Developer. Sucker Punch Productions



n an industry dominated by long-running series, gamers know what to expect from sequels. For years, most developers approached follow-ups with a predictable philosophy: Take the original framework and throw in more weapons and bigger levels. While this tactic gives fans more of what they love, leaves little room for each entry to establish its own identity. Perhaps that's why some studios are rethinking the traditional 4 approach to sequels. Last year, Uncharted 2 and Assassin's Creed П о weren't just bigger and better versions of their predecessors

they leveraged superior technology and cinematic flair to immerse gamers, achieving even greater acclaim than the originals. This level of refinement is the goal for the team at Sucker Punch Productions as it crafts the successor to its 2009 hit Infamous. As an open-world superhero sandbox, Infamous 2 is certainly bigger and better...but Sucker Punch isn't stopping there. This sequel isn’t just about amping up the powers and the stakes for hero Cole MacGrath; it's about y transforming a great superhero experience into a mind-blowing one.

[14 ni

^. MES S. «Ё, Te pre Y "T Da Making Lightning Strike Twice

by Joe Juba

produce a infamous,

and balance these ore of what

g on what that Vith Infamous’

Фо, and infamous 2 brings you

his god tke a very sold

ser, "Infamous] out the rok

Nato Fox. "But one thing that the park is have

physical, more visceral, Just more immediate

1o you as you're playing. we just want to yank

the mick Enhance

sn and into the world, on

ing superhe sly quanta

ign inter: id emphasis on charac

retains most of the loper Naught

лай (and fami transformed a good third-per Year material.

of Infrmous 2, you can trace the cascading improveme

staring point

an overwhelming new adversary.

being in Empire Cty, That changes v ih mmense power “Al the end of the fr a json ofthe Beast this Armageddon:style end: fter you; says ете going to, of course, deliver that. frst game's antagonist, Kessler, traveled back in time to prepare for his inevitable batt major Ve quarantine of rated to ast would bring. It wasn't enough. ight in Етра Kess contend with such a foe; Kessler had counted on Cole han “Kessler cid a pretty shoddy job, | gues prepare Cole, and he pulled out ali the stop

s a plan to ensure that his his the city and look for w s already a superhero бопа city a similar to New lion called the Fist Sons

ing bts of hi ху along the way. Putting together the рео about the Fest Sons is important, but Cole won't ignore what brought him to first pe Beast is coming,” Reming says. "Thats the heart beat of the game: his tr ‘on his way south, and you preparin aro and why you're there.”

SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY rovides а оо niyo mmn 0 ром an o more entertaining superhero sandbox, Irt just about New Marais is practical а character el and dark aleys that you

by New Orleans (and other cities in that region Maras is a richer backdrop for Coles exploits

or ata во youl need


filed with man-eating гаків, plantations, above-ground cemeter ture. This is exactly the kinx Now Marais is the kind of c

tipped gro ce the events of tho frst game, strange things h and mo m to be developing рон ias not ап isolated occurrence; th ati Bertrand, is determined t y real or тарі Unsur е well to an out-o-towner who can sh During the in on a Mi raly, but bayou creatures crashes the party, too. The streets panicked citans, and fe through the mayhem in an attempt and, running already in progress. "The city is very alive,” Fox says. "One of the things from the frst game is that is very interesting getting attacked by the Mia, freaks ‘Coming upon existing battles makes tho pl Increasing the ambient action is another way that Infamo In our nthe street at once iore chances to affect the word

an. "Adding хе activity n the сбу,

ars, more people їшї feels m у nerde guys o E ‘and it makes the game more fun because ies of bad guys at you and it makes you feel more her пе i that gamers can expect to interact with a brant е iroets or grinding the p

Continued on page 56

Continued from page 54


The city s just one half of infamous 2's open-world superhero equation; the second half is

‘making you feel ike Cole's extraordinary аго right at your fingertips, Unike the org

nal, this entry begins with Colo ав a certified superhero, so you won't be forced to gradualy tiro famiar abite

from that vantage point.” Cole "ies from the last game in thei form, but the goal is to: Te they've moved backwards. For instar З you need to leam

уте certainly mo ring of the k

Unbelievably powerful, which means obtaining new abilties that complement the ones he already has. Опе of the highlights of Infamous was cruising around at high spe silted mobilly is sgrifcantiy expanded in Infamous 2 п action, both related in concept to the frst game's induction grind. Us

jet to the rooftops. Ifyou

the face

ke fun, but you can't v heavy frepower wîl be useful creates an dlectifed tomado that йе ruins п ts wake.

Another way the team is expanding Coles arsenal is by making h jing by tying it to his powers. "We had melee [n Infamous], but we didn't have it, "It didn't feel ike you were realy just cold-cocking people into next tion to the problem is surprisingly simple: Give Cole a huge metal pipe. Because Cole is onstantly flowing with yim Ву carrying around something Ike an oversized tuning fork, у charged weapon handy о dole out some punishment. During the Mill rally in New Marais, лт atleast a dozen enemies with this weapon, and each combo strike poem mera effect to sel the impact. earn inar 's may be Ighlring-based, but he also has a unique set of natu: climber, having gaged in urban exploration as a with his superpowers, this degree of mobilty and destruction is s Infamous its identity - an identity that jets stronger in Infamar tuations where it feels ike Cole is jumping un. thesi зат to the top using a variety of objects

New Marais в Ше with destructible jets Ша cas and tantes - jus wating to be blasted apa

jungle gym of mobi К his landscape of opportunities when you can 2p up a building, the i across empty space. You're making it up as you that alow you to dominate the space.

ahero's powers and aren't defined by ter abies; there defined b

Joraity is a significant aspect of hero myths whether heroes choose

the greater good or personal gain 5

Ау or ts guardian angel, but many of thes white scenarios. Don't expect infamous 2 to lay out your path

"There are bigger conseque ot realy obvious what's

good and bad" Fox says. This shift in the approach to decision-making sn intended they don't want it just introduces some nuances to

ey, p diemmas in namo rather than just bin g to good or evi. nipped when it tainly a big part of mitted to making it impactful and meaningful, ar

just experienced a dif ether ог not your karma or decisions carry over rom the uncertain, though Fox tels из: something that w don't ignore Beyond that, al of the specifics of karma - powers associated od and bac how the city dyn ‘and how the story branci des for the

knockout punen. бега а бое swath in seconds

cover stony 57.

Mita, they ma

the team has dug into the PS feral complaint rooted in th ‘example, instead of tall the story, Infamous 2 he characters’ per

stil a par of the game, but they wil be used for larger sections of expostion rather than detaiing спіса! mter-

'e empathetic narative this timo,” Zimmerman says, "The characters are much ебе, т xecause the somebody 1 game, needed to keep the camera away for technical reason

Ves cinematic camera angles, more destructible objects, and swarms of characters on- өп are just a handful of ways the team is leveraging ip with Sony to tap into the power hardware and deler a superhero experience that aims ts. Hitting the right beats in terms fusing and gameplay doesn't just make this sequel better - establishes the strength of the Infamous name. After all the infamous 2 project in what лу cornerstone franchises. "Wee trying

to buid the IP” F

refined, higher qualty, because the property

genre ‘observes. “You k Sin's Creed, t and you have to be: On the axes of character and story and tuf re much belt si can take a big, ing atit” ‘Sucker Punch is proud of its work on the original Infamous, but there is aways room for improvement. With intar s ing an opportunity to show gamers w "Infarmous] functioned w perhero game that

Call of Duty: Black Ops

The darker side of the Cold War

ts not ike the Cold War had a light side, but | Ferren s basna mene Calo аут

the most secret parts of an already under-the- table confict. At least one of the roles players take on in Call of Duty: Black Ops is that ot an elite Special Operations Group soldier in Southeast Asia in the '60s. No mission is too tough, no tactic is forbidden, and no equip- ment requisitions are denied for these badass commandos. You've experienced some of the biggest armed clashes in the history of mankind through the Сай of Duty lens. This time, the bat- ties are more intimate - but no less explosive.

‘Activision hasn't revealed а ton of information оп Black Ops yet, but it isnt а total mystery any- more. We know that vehicles play а larger role in gameplay than in past CoD titles. Treyarch has shown off sequences that include the expected turret fring aboard moving vehicles, plus moments that allow players to drive the helicop- ters themselves. Expecting a full-on Operation Flashpoint-style open battlefield is probably foolish, but you will definitely be in the driver's seat for part of Black Ops. The developer has also shown players performing a series of timed inputs to take off in a SR-71 spy plane. Let's hope that Treyarch hasn't fallen back in юмо with the lame quick-time events that plagued Call of Duy3.

One-off set pieces, such as swimming through arriver and silently taking guards out with your

combat knife, аге the highlights of what Treyarch has revealed so far. After taking off in the SR-71, players must use their aerial vantage point to direct friendly squads through enemy infested hot zones. Used well, these breaks from tho. usual rur-and-un are great pacing mechanics. "hat keep the game from feeling stale. Treyarch seems to have the right idea, as one such sequence has players ripping an enemy force to shreds with the full force of an attack chopper's miniguns and rockets (while also piloting the helicopter) after struggling against them in an intense ground battle. Vengeance like that is as good as it gets.

You won't find any more elite squads in the Cold War than the SOG units such as the one the player spends time with. As such, you'll have access to mitary hardware we don't com- monly associate with the military era. Treyarch has enthusiastically shown off the crossbow to everyone within viewing distance, not that we. сап blame the developers. Not only is it a silent weapon for stealthy takedowns, but skewer- ing an enemy with an explosive quarrel and watching them stagger toward ther friends and explode in a massive fireball is awesome. Firing specialized incendiary Dragon's Breath ammo from a shotgun is а good way to immolate any- thing nearby. Treyarch has десіпе to pull back the curtain on other unusual toys that may make appearances in Black Ops, but insists that it has

more surprises in store.

Multiplayer is of course the question on every- ‘one's minds, but Treyarch is letting very ite info out about online play. In what has become ап expected and annoying tactic on Activision's рап, itis refusing to do anything but tease vague details about Black Ops’ multiplayer modes unti the first batch of single-player info has. thoroughly percolated through the gaming com- munity. On the plus side, we know that co-op is extensively supported, with a four player online mode (playable split-screen with two) separate from the single-player campaign. Competitive multi will almost certainly have a pre-release beta based on Treyarch's comments, which could help Black Ops avoid the host of gitches and bugs that have infuriated Modern Warfare 2 play- өз since its launch.

‘The Black Ops trailer is full of Call of Duty's signature scripted dramatic moments, кот kick- ing in a window while swinging from a fast rope оп a crashing helicopter to diving off of a frigid clit. Treyarch stepped up its Сай of Duty game With its last effort in the franchise, World at War. It has a chance to take the next step with Black Ops, which would be an uncontested victory for gamers. » Adam Biessener Tose бе newest Cal af Dy Back Ops ar head on over o nneitrmercon

» Platform

Xbox 360 «PC.

» зук

1- ауе Action

Muluplayor TRAY

э Publisher


» Developer


э Release

November 9

previews 61

Killzone 3

Guerrilla Games wants you to destroy Helghan all over again

ast year, gamers became very familiar

with the hostile environments and inhabit-

ants of Helghan. Massive shootouts mixed with destructible environments created fantas- tic set piece moments and memorable battles in Guerilla Games’ second Killzone entry. While it was a solid FPS that served as visual evidence of the PS3's impressive hardware, the studio wants to push it to its absolute. limits with Killzone 3.

"The average footprint of a Killzone 3 level is about 10 times the size of your typical Killzone 2 level,” says Hermen Hulst, managing director at Guerrila Games. "We have more destructibility in the first three minutes than we had in an entire level of Killzone 2"

Аз can be expected, gamers wil be given a. new arsenal to ampli the destruction. The frst publicly shown level features two new massive weapons, both stolen from the Helghast, One is ıa gigantic minigun on a gyromount that rips apart enemies and environments with ease, The other is the WASP rocket launcher, which comes with two distinct fring modes. Primary fire launches.

a spread of rockets, while the secondary feature acis as an artillery strike. Hulst describes the latter as "more of a portable weapon of mass destruction than anything else."

Many stages in the last game featured tying

machines shutting your squad about, This time around, you'l be able to fire upon enemies while soaring through the sky. Airborne combat won't be constrained to the transport sections, as cer- tain sections wil feature you piloting the jetpack from PSP spinot Kilzone: Liberation.

This third entry promises bigger scale, more ‘onscreen enemies, more destructible environ- ments, more vehicles, and more weapons, but these types of updates are typical of FPS sequels. Guerrila hopes to make more than just incremental updates, with one example being the omission of loading screens. Hulst says "itera everything is streamed now," making the game more seamless.

Previous entries in the series have spotighted Sony's hardware, and Kilzone 3 should be no different The original title was the first high- profile online FPS for the PS2, and its sequel drew plenty of attention thanks to the notorious ЕЗ 2005 trailer. This pre-rendered look at Kilzone 2 was criticized by many who said the PS3 ‘wouldn't be able to handle such detailed visuals. Now that hey ve proven those critics wrong, Guerrila is treading into new visual territory thanks to Killzone 3's ЗО capability

The obvious advantages of 3D are that you are. able to read the environments а lot better and have a real increased sense of immersion,” says

Hurst. He says that the basic player experience is 100 percent the same, but with 3D technot- ‘ogy bringing you closer to the action than seen before. Whether 3D will be a crucial new element ‘of gaming or just a novelty has been a source of. much discussion within the industry, and Kilzone 3 wil offer an early demonstration of what the technology can до.

Presenting the planet of Helghan in 3D is a confirmed feature of the game, but Guerrilla has yet to confirm whether it will be compat- ible with Move. If it does feature Move as a Control option, it should be a great test of whether motion controls can click with FPS gamers on an HD system.

Despite receiving almost universally positive. reviews, Guerilla admits that Kilzone 2's story left gamers wanting a bit more. "At the end of. Kilzone 2 you kind of got what you came for, and аз the emperor Visari lies dead at your feat, it doesn't feel ike а true victory” says Hulst, "Now. thatthe emperor is gone...you'l feel like a small pawn in an epic war hat is about to kick off" If Guerila can craft a story that matches the inten- sity and impact of the seres! best battle scenes, "is new Kilzone could stand up against the ‘most elite FPS competition. » Dan Ryckert.

э Platform PlayStation 3 Payer Shooter Muliplayer TBA} э Publisher Sony Comput Entertainment

previews 63

» Platform Xbox 360° PC

» Style.

1-Player (Multiplayer TBD) э Publisher

2K Games

» Developer

2K Marin


BioShock 2 developer looks to reinvigorate the classic PC franchise

aik to any X-COM fan and they'll probably tall you that the franchise should have ‘ended in 1997. Afer a trilogy of stelar

turn-based strategy games, the only two fo low-ups to the series were an underwhelming space combat sim and a mindless first-person shooter. Now after nearly a decade-long itus, а new XCOM is under development, 'unhyphenated and re-imagined by the talented developers at 2K Marin. And although tho. newly announced tile is returning to the FPS formula, the team looks to bring back some of the game's strategic elements while capital izing on their abilty to create a rich ambiance апа suspenseful narrative.

The new ХСОМ trades the futuristic setting of the franchise for the idc America of the 19505. A retro art style and sightly exaggerated Characters are reminiscent of 2K Marin's recent adventure in Rapture, albeit with a less дооту tone. Instead, the game juxtaposes a Leave t To Beaver atmosphere vith the поті nature of human-devouting amorphous blobs and ultra destructive death rays.

You play the role of Wiliam Carter, an agent working in the FBI'S XCOM unit, located in a

secret bunker beneath an undisclosed U.S, Air Force base. Like the original тоду, XCOM mission в to ident and defend the planet from alen threats. But don't expect to be facing any Sectoids or Floaters; the developers have stated they're ditching the franchise's established species in order to surprise players with new creations, Two enemy types have been revealed: ıa tarike blob creature that latches onto and engulfs its Victims, and a levitating rng structure. capable of raining down widespread destruction. from above, So far it seems 2K Marin has made the right cal. The novelty of encountering and investigating new, trying He forms fr out- weighs the nostalgia of rehashing old ideas. ‘While most games forget what the in FBI

stands for, investigation is your primary task in XCOM. Reports of strange phenomena from. across the country are funneled into your base, ‘and its up to you to decide which case to ‘embark on. These events can happen simultane- ‘ously, so while you're tracking down a lead in Kansas, an important piece of evidence in Maine may disappear

The missions themselves are equally open: ended. Upon entering one of the large maps, you and two agents wil comb the area for clues that are relevant to your investigation. XCOM ‘employs a photo mechanic simiar to BioShock’, and every picture you snap of a menacing alien ог disintegrating co-worker edges you towards a solution for dealing with your alen invaders.

alvable aen ee

re also пре for the taking find them. But limited г and cy of the

val You'1 han init around and s

can find, orit tme to fee

to your base with

hopetuly your fel

= a - - = ay

4 iw А 7 & 2 N P od ^o = a 7 NX

and provide valuable information on те up against, its also vital for y п team to create alen-base

ing property. By trapping a smal

the blobs in ajar and

tronic compass, ће device Having:

on appeal, and given the

the game's sce vy behind Bio

depth, and 2K Marin has expressed an interest in making th

ondary characters matter. Whether that means you'll be managing their resources and actions

ait to find out, but во K also vil feature

w humans to fend off an alen ng possibilty i mechanics, the 19505 w cast of a

time fans of the ser

the markings of a te

rame, » Jett Marchiafava


ИР: бт ЦТ

previews со

» Platform PlayStation’

Xbox 360+ PC

» Style

1-Player Shoster/RPG Publish

Square Enix



Eidos Montreal

» Release



‘Deus Ex:

uman Revolutio

he Deus Ex franchise isn't one to be used lighty. It comes with the kind of baggage that accompanies any game that has received critical acclaim without the recognition that comes with c leases, I's been 10 years since the orginal Deus Ex ате on PC and redefined the first-person shooter for

It's been seven years since the less-beloved sequel, Deus Ex: Invisible War. Eidos Montreal, the brand new team behind Deus Ex: Human Revolution, has a tough job ‘ahead of them if they hope to Ive up to this legacy, and they know tt.

"Wo started out scared,” admits creativo direc- tor Jean-Francois Dugas. "Then we got to work. Work, in this case, began three years ago by bringing together a group of industry veterans albeit veterans who were not involved in ether of the previous Deus Ex games - to carefully pick арап the frst wo releases and try to pinpoint what made them so beloved. "And then,” Dugas says, "we had to figure out how to bring those elements into a modem game.”

As Eidos Montreal sees it, the key to the Deus Ex series is options. Every level in the.

‘game has multiple solutions for completion, all

of which can be broken down into four basic choices: combat, hacking, social, and stealth,

Need to break into a heavily guarded ware- house? You could sneak in through some ventilation shafts, snap a security guard's neck, and steal the key card. Or, if you'd prefer, you could blast your way through an ату of goons,

Its unclear how you can talk your way out

of certain stuations, but Dugas promises

that itis possible. He demonstrates the game's dialogue system by showing a confrontation. between protagorist Adam Jensen and a gruti ‘bartender. Options for dialogue are presented as ‘emotions or moods rather than а ful senter For example, Jensen could ty to be persuasive ос friendy, or he could match the bartenders Surly attitude with an aggressive response.

Choose what you say wisely, and you can proceed without violence. Mess up, and youl ‘lose off the social option and be forced to find another way to fish your mission. If you're ‘especialy clever with how you mix social, hack ing, and stealth abies, it should even be pos- эйе to fnish the game without kiling anyone eave, perhaps, for some boss encounter)

Another important part of Deus Ex's legacy is the way it mixed RPG elements with the frst-person shooter structure. Dugas says the primary RPG mechanics in Human Revolution соте in the form of weapon customization and ‘cybernetic augmentations. You can purchase new augmentations throughout the game, but you can also gather XP and spend it upgrading the augmentations you've aready bought

When | suggest that the RPG elements might bea bit downplayed from the previous games, Dugas is quick to step in with an don’t think зо He explains that the team started out with а Skil system very reminiscent of the frst Deus Ex, ‘but as the game's plot became more focused оп augmentations, they decided it made more ‘sense to place al the power within them, They didn't remove any sks from the game entirely they just Бей them to augmentations.

Aug powered abies include smart vision to

see through walls, an aiming stabilizer to lessen ‘gun recol, an Icarus system that alows you to jump to or fal from great heights, and even a ‘laymore-stye explosion that you can create with your hands, Each level-up provides new abis related to the augmentation. “Strength level one might give more inventory space," Dugas says. "Then Strength level two may alow you to punch ‘through wale.”

(One aspect that may leave fans sightly disap- pointed is tho plot. The team specifically chose 10 do a prequel - set 20 to 25 years before the original game so that they could approach. it Ike a new IP, You wil not need any know edge of the previous games to enjoy Human Revolution,” Dugas promises, a strategy neces- sary to pul in new gamers but with potential to. alienate fans. Then again, he also notes that the writer of the frst two games is working as a con- sultant for the team to ensure that the story fts within the Deus Ex universe.

if there's one thing | can safely say about Deus Ex: Human Revolution already, it's that the team clearly has ambition on a scale that ‘matches the previous Deus Ex games. With it not due unti sometime next year, i'i be a while before we know whether that vision pays off in another revolutionary effort from the ground-breaking franchise or a fzzled-out wannabe of a revival. » Phil

ist wn gamevarmer coming


Platform PlayStation 3

er Action

» Publisher Activision

Developer. United Front Games

* Release Tul

88 previews

True Crime

ion has shown begin na

mission to track down and beat up a lowly drug dealer named Ming in a crowded market. О ot him, Ming takes off and it becomes

an on-foot chase. Shen vaults over fences and t, and suddenly

These chumps are no m he breaks a guy's arm, th

into an industrial fan. ro much easier io

Tro rimo wil inetd a ful complement tad acme wih сару

э Ф,

рий ой thanks to the ау to grab a foe and run him over to a temp Же a sparking circuit board or af infested dumpster After handing Ming, Shen is in the open word, jou know пе ble. He pick л а meddlesome motor- takes the steering w ide. He f the bikers han straight up ki tt re offcaly fishing the mission, S

up a random task

ол of the car an os. The crotch rocket has a lot of zip ich some massive air after ramping off the had his fil of ank in mid-air to bo w of parked cars just for fun. Next о дап and jump К him right int ‘Shen the trunk of a nearby car

nce and mayhem certainly look fun, but they're q to help

pul off fancy fighting moves, year cool clothes, drive sweet cars, and rise in

опу опе ending to the to be as good or bad as ime, but ft seems ike fol way tore rating youll unlock new ‘missions and moves, and be able to date class: ier laces (hi rival gang membe = range from kara ving street races

onal Hong

ing combat and tight gunplay, and United Front may have hat it takes to tur around the seres! shad reputation. » Bryan Vore

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Taking IO's new multiplayer modes for a spin

nine deathmatch games are a dime а dozen, so it's always refreshing to see developers пу something new with mul-

tiplayor. Those who played the original Kano &

Lynch online didn't just shoot at other players;

thay played mind games with a group of flow

thieves. in the series’ Fragile Aliance modo,

Players teamed up to pul off a heist, and then

either worked as a unit to shoot through an

amy of cops or backstabbed one another in

a greedy play for extra cash. Of course, f your

partners tumed on you in the process, you got

to hunt down your former alios as а cop. The original Fragile Aliance was our favorite рап of the frst Kane & Lynch, so we were eager to get

ош hands on version 2.0 in Kane & Lynch 2:

Dog Days, but there is more than one way to

play Fragie Aliance this time around. Below we.

break down all ofthe divergent modes.

Fragile Alliance The basics for Fragile Aliance in Dog Days haven't changed much. The whole toam stil shares ts profs, but a rator keeps everything for himselt. This means turning traitor can oam you extra cash, but It also means youll be run Ting lone wolf, making it harder to get out lvo, Anyone who betrays the group wil have to be саћу, since thoy' be marked with a traitor icon эз soon as they tum on a colleague. However, traitors who make it to the extraction point before

anyone else can ofer to spit their cash with the driver and make an eariy exit.

If you accidentally graze a friend during а shootout, but didn't mean to turn traitor, ће game's Yalow Card system comes into play. Anyone who accidental shoots a falow thief (meaning you shoot at another player but don't Ка them) wil receive a Yalow Card. This status only lasts for а few seconds, but during this time other players can seek revenge on you without penalty. However, f another player continues to shoot at you after your Yellow Card expires, that Player wil got marked as a rator. This should heip keep tho aliance between players as tenu- ous as a wet paper towel.

Undercover Cop Undercover Сор might be our favorite variation on the Fragile Aliance concept. The mode starts lie a normal FA match, but with one exception. At the beginning of each match, the computer secretly chooses one player to be the under- ‘cover cop. is this players job to make sure that the thieves don't make it to their extraction point. Unik Fragle Aliance, the undercover cop won't get marked as a traitor for kiling other thieves, s0 a wise cop wil wait unt the oot has been col lected, and then take out stragglers while no one is looking, Undercover Cop looks ке it wal foster a tense Donnie Brasco-ike sense of paranoia.

Cops and Robbers Cops and Robbers bumps the player mit up to 12, diving everyone into two teams: cops and robbers, Unike Fragile Anco, robbers respawn on the same team when they e kiled. Similar to Single-fag СТЕ games, the robbers try to take their money to the extraction point within a time limit; if they do this, they win. Al the cops have to do is prevent the thieves from reaching their vans in time.

Arcade Моде 10 fet that Радіо Aliance was generaly wol received, but many players missed out on the. experience because they weren't connected

to the internet. Arcade modo isthe answer to this problem. The premise of this mode is the same as tis onine: grab four milion dotars and ‘escape in four minutes. However, now every- опе ese on your team is an Al bot. Each round gets а litle harder, and the goal is to see how long you can last with а limited number of Ives. The computer even stats to tum on you fit doesn't think you are puling your weight, While this mode was designed for offine play, those who are connected to the Internet мӣ be able to access online leaderboards and chalenge friends to beat ther score.» Ben Reeves

For mor seen and ostais o our tne wt cade Mato (tak af gamontmercontnay

» Platform PlayStation 3 Хак 360

» Style.

1-Player Action (06-Player Online) э Publisher Eidos Interactive т Developer

10 Interactive

» Release

August 24

previews 69

э Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360.

» зуе

100 4-Player Sports

70 previews

(байле TEA} » Publisher EA Sports

» Developer EA buon

? Release August 10

Madden NFL 11

Simpler and smarter

({ | twas the lukewarm reception of the cen- tury,” recalls Madden creative director lan Cummings when one of the developers on his team came to him with an idea to radical ‘change the way gamers have been caling plays for decades. “laughed him out of my offic. “That's just stupid.” Despite this rocky start, the team at EA Tiburon didn't abandon what tumed into one of this year's most important new fea- tures. Madden's new GameFlow playcaling is designed to make you а better football player.

їп September of last year, Cummings and the team had already created prototypes tying to improve the way that players interface withthe game. Gameplanring - setting aside specific Plays for situational down and distance was up and running, but the pre-snap HUD was as unwieldy as ever, Thats when technical artist and designer, John Taylor, buit a playcaling prototype to show Cummings how effective а new method of playcaling could be, This early version of GameFlow chose an old Ask Madden play for you without any prompting or button pressing and early playtesters - many hardcore Madden fans - found this new method of play сайга so seamless that they didn't even realize that they weren't сай the plays themselves, Tris gave Cummings and Taylor the resolve to move forward,

New features were layered in as GarneFlow started to take shape, Ike gameplanring, auto- matically showing the play art on the feld, and udo chatte from coordinators, GamoFlow isn't just for Madden newbies who want the CPU to ick plays for them; its a tool to give you more. time to play the actual game. Besides, imagine if you never got another delay of game penalty or had enough time to actualy dive into Madden's extensive pre-snap strategy options to become ап audible master Ike Peyton Manning.

‘GameFlow is useless if the CPU picks a bad play for you (ike we've all seen in Superstar mode), so EA Tiburon is relying on team ten- dency info from NFL head coaches and its access to a comprehensive footage of every play Tun by every NFL team - the same system the teams themselves use to get things right. EA Tiburon is serious enough about its playbooks that tts even dipped into the mysterious bla

‘market where old NFL playbooks are sod. GameFlow also lets you set up unique game- plans for your team, so you're only fed the plays you ike to use, These gameplans can also be ‘moved over to the aforementioned Superstar mode, so you don’t have to put up with that ‘mode's tradtionaly bad playcaling.

After choosing to use GameFlow (you can. also call a різу the old fashioned way), а coor- dinator will explain the play before you snap the ball. Cummings estimates that their writers ‘came up with 300 to 400 lines for offensive о and 400 ines for defense. These aren't just generic pep talks. For one GameFlow play, the offensive coordinator reminded us to give ‘one particular wide receiver enough time for his deep route to develop. Following his advice

easly added 10-plus yards to the reception, Some of the coordinator audio is specific to what's already happened in the дате, adding ‘some useful context

Honestly, t would be a miracle й GameFiow aways gave you the perfect play (and if that happens, computers are about to take over the ‘world, but our tme with it let us easly imagine using it on basic stuations such as frst and len ‘or short yardage scenarios, Gameplanring or the ой manual playcaling might be required for ricky thic-ancHongs or when we want to throw the other team off balance. The fact that we're already thinking of изе strategies shows how Gameflow isnt just about simplfyng the game, butt shoud be a change that downright improves the experience for everyone, » Matthew Kato

Coordination Between plays, youl ge a prompt asking you И you

using GameFlow oth ful playbook (which also

your gameplan

plays} 1f you pick Gam (PU wil

your play and youl hear

coordinator ad


pre-snap. Madden NFL 11

io dive inte

NHL celebrates its 20th anniversary with a huge innovation

Wt a new face-o system, winning possession м no Jonger about prey predicting Ше рик бор

пс одда the analog stk based ЕЯ fs bosses fem a iugo arcas io th moat реале prom the EA Sports slate over Te ator ors sas hve Элдей nator 120 paca For НГ 1, developer EA Cani ope o push er Элп лге with an ety now hys egre оду sa Volent spon Ше wil bore rating hs srg e Cos and илсе ring рота chase Dore e pas rure Же chcang n NH has become o pod aie Wh V row rs me mysce enore Fewer ve hiv кок ала eden онака nai wh tne heip or е it Notam, the rei елле gts allo phe Срат то кд, facis ала yon beng те game coser ta wrar we se evey Ron mo ca Li Мама Motoris tumore пр, Ft рова or generales arra on he geting reol a repetie carved arate plua о many sports games. Wwe yore on epen о org е Boris агу cobs ru Hut

Trading Places

BEA Sports

2K Sports


сап catch the buckles along the benches, get ther skates tied up, or even keep their balance ifthe checker only gets a small ресе of him. Players rebound viciously from the glass after geting checked into the boards, and it you hit your victim hard enough he may drop his stick or suffer a gruesome injury.

The now deke system serves as the equalizer to the new checking system. In NHL 11, puck handlers have more inventive ways of beating defenders than ever before. The right analog sick is packed with new moves ike tho toe Kick Pavel Bure made famous, bouncing the puck off your skate, and the Pavel Datsyuk technique cof keeping square to the goal during a deke to preserve а shooting angle. If a defenders sid- ing on tha ice in font of you, simply lit the puck over his outstretched body and jump over him. in tandem. The new physics system also allows puck handlers to get off last minute shots in the midst of being checked, and superstars ike Alexander Ovechkin can even shoot or pass while Wing on the ce,

NHL 10 was frequently criticized for its lack

‘of goal scor-

ing - even realite sieves tke Vesa Toskala played Ike Vezina trophy Winners. To loosen up the netting and make goals more varied and real- istic, EA Canada. has tweaked the ‘goalie angles, This makes it more evident where you

franchises hi me Informer re

СЕГЕ ‘aes engine gres every hice diferent шот

should be shooting; keeping your eyes on the {goalie and picking the right spots increases your. chances of putting the puck in the net.

То help the CPU keep up with ай the blazing dekes, brutal checks, and the loosened goalten- ding, EA Canada has reworked the Al to boost its kl set. Players have more awareness to avoid vicious checks, and employ dekes more frequently to keep your defender off balance. Both the goalie and offside defenders do a better job of patrolling the crease and stopping those improbable cross-ice passes that gamers ‘over relled upon to score back door goals the past few years.

Other on-ice improvements include user- controlled celebrations, broken sticks, and а brand new face-off system that lets you shoot from the circle, kick the puck back to defense: men after tying up your opponent's stick, and fip your bottom hand to improve your chances of Winning a face-off to your backhand side. With real puck physics п place, winning the face-off is по longer about jamming the analog stick before the opposing center - your stick must come in. contact with the bouncing puck to gain posses: sion. Swing too early and you could whiff on the puck. The various tactics at play gives each drop. ^f the puck a paper, rock, scissors feel, breathing new ife into а formed stale system most players mastered long ago.

With the NHL 2K franchise on hiatus, EAS NHL series has no more on-ice competition. But f the new physics engine and the complementary. game tweaks are successful the ambitious development team wil ikely keep its place at the vanguard of sports gaming, » Matt Bertz

НН Mat gamete cong

Skating Onto The Wii

» Platform PlayStation 3

Xbox 360,

» Style

1 to 6-Player Sports (P53) 1 to 4-Player (Xbox 360) (12-Player Online]

э Publisher

EA Sports

» Developer

EA Canada September 7

previews 71

» Platform Wit

» Style

1-Player Platform э Publisher Hudson Soft

» Developer Hudson Sot

э Release


Lost in $ Shadow

A platformer that wants to change how you look at the genre

frst glance, Hudson's Lost in Shadow resembles ico if you took ай the char- acters, turned them into shadows, and mado it a 2D platformer. Despite the aesthetic Similarities, you'l immediately notice gameplay. mechanics you've never seen. Lost In Shadow ‘challenges platforming veterans by forcing them to focus on the shadows behind objects rather than the ЗО models themselves. The result is a novel tile that challenges your sense of percep- tion ina way never before seen in the gene, When | frst picked up the controle, it became

apparent that I'd have to totally change the way | looked at the game. Anyone that grew up during ihe B- or 16-D era is used to a staigntonvard approach to platforming, with clearly defined platforms and objectives, Lost п Shadow instead requires you to shit your gaze to the back- ground, as your character exists only іп shad- оне. Мапу n the shade changes the properties of many objects you see in tha foreground, That unassuming fence you see in its physical form is a deadly series of spikes when its shadow is Projected a certain way.

‘Objects in the real add can be interacted with y fipping shadow switches, but те majorly of this interaction will be through the fairy-Ike. “spangle” creature. When you point the Wi remote at the screen, this flying figure acts as Your cursor It can rotate bridges, fip switches, апа even shi he locaton of fat sources in an effort to move the shadows behind them. you ‘see a shadow platform that's well out of your jumping range, t may be a step away after sid- ing afighbub across ha screen

it rot just you and the shadows, though. Early inthe game, youll come across а sword that can be used о dispatch the rad-oyed creatures that aiso inhabit the weed. King them releases red and purple obs that increase your shadows “eight” (essential your heath meter) and pro- мае you with experience points. Other enemies have blue eyes and can't be defeated with your weapon. Instead, you have to fnd ways to navi- {gate around them or ute the environment in an fort to do away with them.

Another enemy brings with him an ential new level typa, While most of Lost in Shadows’ 50 stages let you работ and defeat monsters at your leisure, опе stage in particular | saw - featur- ing a отуло mutt-imbed beast - had a more frenzied pace. Wihout any dscemibie face, his ‘mass of ibs lumber toward your character Unt you manipulate the environment to sow him down, There's no resting once һе shows up, олу a sprint for survival across gaps and around

death deaing josaws and other hazards Outside ofthese tense areas of the gama, the resto ho standard stages follow the same for- mui: colect rco “key tems” (rotating red icons that resemble an eye) to release the shadow bar- rior at the end of the level. Youll continue folow- ing ths patter as you ascend the many ors of the tower, with bonus stages known as “shadow corridors” interspersed throughout. These areas cal on you to rotate your perspective with the pad when you approach special landmarks that resemble a double hel. Producer Shinichi Kasahara demonstrated this concopt with a structure made of Lego blocks, When held in оса direction, the shadow it cast on the wall resembled a jump that woud bo impossible to make. Ho then rotated it 90 degrees to reveal What appeared to be а staircase that could bo easly cimbed.

if the game consisted of oniy the shadow word would be aft standard aflar, However, tho interactions with the real word and change of perspective create a competing now dynamic. Wih this intriguing gameplay mechanic and an art styl that makes fantastic uso of the ‘Wil ited hardware, Lost in Shadow could end up boing a great sleeper hit for the system when it releases this fal. » Dan Ryckert

f um

N б & Ls Aww

Tron: Evolution

Not an adaptation of, but a companion piece to, the film

y bridging the gap between 1982's Tron

and the upcoming Tron Legacy, Disney-

‘owned Propaganda Games is making a different kind of licensed tie-in to a big-budget ‘movie release. Tron: Evolution forsakes the human stories of the digital world's program- mers and their families for an adventure starring the programs themselves and their struggle against a rampaging virus called Abraxas,

Disney is holding back much of the game's

story, but the basic premise is out there. Tron: Evolution takes place in 1989 - coincidentally the same year that Jeff Bridges’ character, pro- ‘grammer Kevin Flynn, goes missing in the fiction leading up to Tron Legacy’s millennial setting. Actress Ома Wide is lending her full likeness to the game in her role as helpful program Quora,

implying that the character plays as pivotal a role аз any human in the ongoing story. The mysteri- ous Abraxas virus is slowly corrupting the entire digital realm, and the player is pulled into this war of extinction, The protagonist's identity is not known, but given the bare handful of humans "hat make their way into the programs’ reality, we wouldn't be surprised to learn that players take оп the role of an artificial construct themselves. Gameplay is designed as a blend of free run- ning and melee and mid-range combat using the сопіс disc against corrupted, malicious programs. Several games have attempted to. fuse these disparate elements into a cohesive whole with varying degrees of success, so itl be interesting to see how this one approaches the problem. Propaganda promises lighteycle

arenas as well, which also form the basis of the online multiplayer (though the developer is stay- ing otherwise silent on online play). How much freedom players wil have to explore the setting, and whether there is any degree of choice in how they combat the Abraxas threat, is unknown.

If nothing else, Tron: Evolution пай the uni- verse's unique aesthetic perfectly. Questions remain about Propaganda’s ability to deliver solid gameplay to back it up, but there's time yet before its November release to get things Tight. In any case, Disney's wilingness to use a licensed game to enhance and explore the Tron fiction rather than retell the films’ stores is a great sign for the future of fim tie-ins.

* Adam Biessener

» Platform PlayStation 3 bax 360+ PC

э Style 1-Player Action Maltplayer TBA)

э Publisher Disney Interactive

The Lord of the

amer Bros. has been struggling to figure. ‘out ways to extend the value of its custodianship of its Lord of the Rings license since the fim trilogy wrapped up back in 2003. Since then, EA's Battle for Middle-earth games and Turbine's The Lord of tho Rings. Online both did respectably wel, but didn't live up to the success of the blockbuster fims. Last year's The Lord of the Rings: Conquest (also from EA) continued the downward trend for. LOTP-icensed products, disappointing critically апа financially. With the video game license now solely resting with Warner and the buic-up to The Hobbits release in full swing, the company is taking this

Rings: War in the North

The quest for greater gear than Gandalf

пен adaptation in a hopefully more interest- ing direction. The secret weapon for making War in the North great? Developer Snowblind Studios, the team behind such addictive PS2-era. actior- RPGs as Baldur's Gale: Dark Aliance and Champions of Norrath.

Like those classics, War in the North wil focus heavily on the cycle of kiling monsters, collect- ing piles of loot and upgrading your gear. Up to three players wil be able to team up in their insa- tiable quest for better equipment, with Al bots taking over for any open spots on the team.

As the title implies, War in the North wil move away from the Fellowship-focused story of the Lord of the Rings books and fims, allowing

Warner to flesh out other corners of Tolkien's rich universe. The overall art style of the game is inspired by the fims, but Snowblind founder Ryan Geithman notes that the team “had a litle move freedom to create something new" in areas that haven't been featured on screen before.

Tm not yet convinced that the straight-faced fantasy of the Lord of the Rings lends itself to the over-the-top variety of loot lust games. that Snowblind is known for, but it's a unique. change of pace for the franchise hat should draw some interest. Wel be seeing more of War in the North at E3, so look for more information then, » Phil Kollar

» Platform E Xbox 360° PC

» style 1103-Playor Action/RPG э Publisher

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

previews 73

» Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360

» Style 1-Player Action/ “Adventure

» Publisher Konami

» Developer MercurySteam/Kojma Productions

» Release

Winter 2010

However, your quest won't always be а simple point Ato point B айа. This franchise has always placed an em- phasis on replayaiity, and Lords of Shadow boasts tone ot hidden items and secret ——— "s 50 stages. Even better

any level in the game can be revisited with no backtrack- ing required.

74 previews

Is this the ЗО Castlevania you've always wanted?

Үз по secret that Castlevania reputation rests on the popularity of its 2D incarnations, эз the series has stumbled when taking tho. step into the third dimension. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow producer David Cox wants to ‘change this perception of the seres by reboot- ing Castlevania in 3D and reminding gamers ‘why it's such a legendary name in the industry.

"Tho first plan was actualy to remake the original NES game,” Cox reveals. The team at MercurySteam decided against that approach when they realized Super Castlevania IV tried that back on the SNES. Instead of taking а ‘similar roule, the team set its sights on putting together an all-new quest harkoning back to the feel of the 8- and 16-bit classics. "We want to go ‘back to that feeling of being a one warrior facing ‘off against tons of supernatural enemies with nothing but your whip,” Cox remarks. "This is an action game through and through.”

The gameplay fips back and forth between the three pilars of the action/adventure genre. I want the gamer to have five minutes of combat, followed by five minutes of puzzle-solving, foi- owed by five minutes of platforming,” Cox ‘explains, Some areas lean more heavily in one particular direction, ike the Clock Tower (a homage to the recurring area in previous entries). In this lengthy platforming stage, Belmont peril- ‘ously hops from spinning gear to spinning gear, avoiding electrified hazards in a sequence that requires a precise touch.

As is the standard with modem 3D action- adventure games, players collect experience orbs as they defeat enemies with their whip and sec- ‘ondary weapons. The orbs can then be spent on. ‘specific upgrades, resulting in a leveling system lio those seen in God of War and Devil May Cry. The new magic system, based on ight and shadow, is one way you can invest your accrued. ‘experience. When enemies are kiled, they drop ‘neutral orbs that can be sucked into either your. Light or Shadow pool, then distributed toward the powers you desire. Your Light and Shadow orbs aren't based on any moral decisions, so you can pick and choose what ability you want to work

toward every time you collect orbs.

When it comes to storytling, Lords of. ‘Shadow diverts from the Castlevania formula in а major way. Early in the game, Gabriel learns that a shady group of three men known as the Lords of Shadow are behind his wife's murder. These three each сату a piece of the God Mask, which supposedly holds the power to bring the dead to йе. As you can expect, Gabriel wil face ОК against al three in boss battles to obtain the mask and revive his lost love, Previous Castlevania plots boiled down to "Hey, let's go. Kill this Dracula dude." With a more in-depth ‘tory this time around, the series is geting the Hollywood voice-over treatment, Robert Carly voices your vampire-hunting protagonist, Patrick Stewart plays the swordsman Zobek, and Calfornication's Natasha McElhone provides the voice for Gabriel's wife, Marie.

1 may borrow elements from series ike God ‘of War and Zelda, but the look and atmosphere of Lords of Shadow make it stand out from the pack. The human characters are made in the Castlevania mold, but the enemies look more vicious and aggressive than we've ever seen them. Ghouls are no longer shutfing whip fodder = theyre quick and pose a real threat to the player. One especially disturbing foe is the Evil Butcher a lumbering, deformed beast with slabs ‘of meat hanging off hooks on his belt and a men-

Lords of Shadow

acing cleaver. "We wanted to get away from the art style of the originals and make it a bit darker,” Cox says, “The old games had this boyish depic- tion of vampires and monsters, and we wanted them to have a darker edge this time around." Time will tel if Lords of Shadow’s gameplay separates itself sufficiently from the rest of the 30 action pack, but the aesthetic is distinctly Castlevania. The music, character designs, and beautiful environments are looking fantastic. It doesn't hurt that Hideo Kojima is on board аз a producer. We may finally get to see а 3D. Castlevania game that does the series jus- tice. » Dan Ryckert


Zodemasters crafts to Black

st successor

a high impa

hot or aerates a wall, it always leaves а mark on the world. In too many video

‘games, .50 cal machine guns fee! ike BB guns, rounds ricochet off glass, апа bullet holes magically disappear, Bodycount is the gritty FPS aiming to put the power back in firepower,

‘Codemasters is working hard to creato the ulimate shooter, one which delvers a typhoon of gunfire and devastation. “We don't do vehicles, massive terrains, jet packs, waking on wals, or controling time,” says creative director Stuart Black, who also helped develop 20065 Black for Criterion Games and EA. “We do you, with a gun, on the ground, kicking ass."

Ass kicking receives variety by the diferent ways each weapon ravages the environ. ment. If that hulking enemy wielding an ant-armor machine gun is blocking your e»it, you сап unload tho cip of an SMG into а fimsy interior wal to create your escape, Manage to ext the dereict concrete building and you can punch through the dense exterior structure with your high powered sniper rile, taking out huge chunks from both the wall and the ogres health, Every weapon in Bodycount has its own personaly, and Black thinks of them each as much as a character as the leading man.

Speaking of, the lead protagonist of Bodycount is Jackson Delgado, а young every тап who has been coerced into kiling for tho enigmatic Network. Referred to as a John Doe, Delgado must hunt down specific marks belonging to a variety of factions. Citing espionage inspiration from Mission Impossible and Alas, Black cals Bodycount "a glossy, techno thriler for the 21st century”

‘One mechanic of the дате that is decidedly 21st century s the cover system. Bodycount eschews the tired "whack-a-mole" cover system in favor of a deeper mechanic. Bocycount utiîzes both analog sticks when in cover; one handles aiming while the other айон for precise movement behind your improvised sanctuary | hope the cover system uses Bodycount rich destruction by allowing players to shove gun barrels through perforated barriers and fre from safety.

Ай these rich advancements in the FPS genre are only the tip of the iceberg. Co-op. ‘action, intense nine deathmatches, upgradable скі, and a vast атау of enemy types are al in the works, If you miss the days when guns took center stage in FPS games, Бе sure to keep a bead on Bodycount » Tim Turi

E very bullet has a consequence. Whether a projectile inficts а glorious head.

» Platform PlayStation 3

Xbox 360

» Style

1-Player Shooter [2-Player Co-Op Online, Multiplayer TBA)

» Publisher Codemasters Developer Codemasters

» Release


Master's Master's Entertainment Bus Creative Waiting Game Design Education Media

Design Technology

вени Entertainment Business

Computer Animation Entertainment Business

Digital Arts & Design ‘wth a Sports Management

Entertainment Business бесе

Fim Internet Marketing

Game Art Media Design

Gamo Development pep ER Computer Animation

Recording Ans pi

Entertainment Business Show Production

Wob Design & Development

sign Associate's Graphic Design Graphic Design Internet Marketing Recording Engineering Music Business

Music Production Web Design & Development

Winter Park, FL


» Style

Massively Multiplayer. Online Action

э Publisher Electronic Arts Realtime Worlds

© Developer Realtime Worlds

» Release

July 29


Hands-on time with action-or

Sit GTA Online? ls it World of Crimecratt? ‘Scottish developer Realtime Worlds has kept ‘many of the details regarding APB's structure ‘and gameplay under wraps since revealing its ‘existence years ago. А recent hands-on session with the closed beta contains solid answers

at last, which is a good thing ~ APE's much: delayed July 29 launch is nearly upon us.

АРВ makes no bones about being an action game. Outside of its much taked-about unrivaled ‘cosmetic customization, уо! fnd more RPG. ‘mechanics in Call of Duty than in this MMO. Tre,

IMO reveals

you unlock new weapons and equipment as you {gain reputation with various contacts and groups, but your functional options are ited to your choice of primary and secondary frearm, grenade type, and a few general equipment sits that offer abies tke ammo replenishment. There are по RPG -ke rols going on under the hood; you have no ski rating that modifies the amount of damage you do or your accuracy with a weapon. АРВ basic gameplay oop is simple. You spend most of your ime in an instance of a large district of the city of San Pero, each of which ‘supports 100 active players at а time. You can see other players going about their business, and ina ful instance there is a lot of explosive action ‘constantly happening all over the map. Tho catch is that you can't hurt other players unless you're opposing them in a mission. However, joining missions is the simplest, most intuitive match- ‘making mechanic I've seen to date. Dispatches, bounties, cals for backup, and mission requests from NPCs continually scroll across the top of your screen, and а single Keypress puts you into one, Markers on your HUD pointing to your objectives pop up, your alles’ and enemies: names change color so they can be easy distin- ‘gushed fom uninvolved players, and of you go. Most of the missions | saw are variations on айога! competitive shooter gametypes. Territory assault and defense, attackers trying to interact with a sequence of environmental objects, and good old-fashioned doallvnalchos aro al present, The best mission | joined, how- ‘ever, was much more creative. A group of crimi- nais in a vehicle were trying to escape from point ‘Ato point B, while the enforcer crew I joined up with tied to arrest (or, more likely, KI them. To make things fair on the enforcers, the criminals аге penakzed every time they colide with any- thing at all on San Pero's crowded streets. This ‘creates fantastic pressure on the criminals to drive as cleanly ав possible while shooting back at the enforcers, and gives the enforcers a fight ing chance to drop them before they reach ther destination = it takes a lot of bullets to blow up a са, and its nearly impossible to К а driver with


Online Advantages

The heavily instanced nature ol AP vod

fant solely a negative fords has the ability to nate lescts for dierent “chaos” rules E! players of the oppose faction are fair game a the time, with more lo fellow. Unlike WoWs. PVE/PVE serv APB allows players 1o choose the ruleset they prefer at апу tim

imply by switching instances. The developer сап even add things like a pro ruleset with headshots (tho base game has no location- based damage) later on.

‘out taking out his ride.

Mechanical, the action works quite well, Large player health pools can be frustrating to chew through, especialy with weak starter weapons, but the straightforward third-person shooting is tight and responsive. The bult-in voice chat works well and makes coordinating with team- mates simple. Blasting away at fools while hang- ing out the window of a moving car is a pure Юу, particularty п gametypes Бий around 1.

When the mission ends, you get cash and reputation rewards - signifcantty more for the winning team, though the losers get a non-trivial amount as wel. Each а path to advancing your colections of cosmetic additions as wel ав weapons, equipment, and cars, Higher-tier weapons are noticeably more powerful than the Stuff you start with, which can lead to some frus tration. Realime Worlds expects ito be a minor. issue, though, for two reasons, For one, the matchmaking system is quite happy to sel up. asymmetrical matches Ike three newbies against ‘one advanced player, which can be a surprisingly ‘even bout. Also, with a mora diverse playerbaso. inthe ive game, the developers expect the instances to naturally sra as hardcore types. gravitate toward the instances where the compe- "ion в fercest.

I APB can offer a suficienty diverse set of missions and a reason for players to invest themselves in the game at launch, its got a shot at being something special. I'm not completely sold on it just yet, аз the action can get repeti- tive at times and there is no real endgame or PVE content, but Г тп intrigued enough to keep. tabs on it through the summer. Its flexible, lower price point (50 hours and unlimited free access. to the social side of the game out of the box, then approximately $10/month or $7/20 hours of action gameplay) doesn't hurt, either.

Adam Biessener

ош may have thought that your time with

the God of War series concluded after

reducing the world to chaos in the third installment, Fans will be happy to know that although Kratos’ vengeance is complete, his story is far from over. Ready at Dawn Studios, the developer behind Chains of Olympus, is taking up the blades again and bringing Kratos back to the PSP in an adventure set between God of War 1 and 2, We caught up with Ready at Dawn co-founder and creative director Ru \Weerasuriya to chat about the studio's vision for God of War: Ghost of Sparta and how the tile will contribute to the mythology of the franchise asa whole. » Joe Juba

Recently, Ready at Dawn has seemed eager to move away from PSP development to creato home console titles. What drew you back? Our mentality has always been to make great games regardless of the platform we are working оп. When we shifted our focus, it was to famil- iarize ourselves with the diferent hardware out there so that we could gain some knowledge and maybe develop for them. When Ghost of Sparta, was discussed, И wasn't so much the hardware that drew us back but the IP. We knew the world, we knew the character, and we knew we could improve on what we had already built. In all hon- езу, if we didn't think we could do a better job опа second title, we wouldn't have taken it on.

The beginning of God of War II seems to imply that litle time passes between the first two games. How do you view that span...did years pass? Days? Decades?

It's hard to pinpoint an amount of time, but its definitely more than days. At the end of GOW

1, we leave Kratos on the throne as the now God of War. By the time GoW 2 comes out, Kratos has angered the Gods, adorned his god armor, and is ready to lead the Spartan army

to war. Let's just say that events have taken. place to enrage him to the point of taking on the Olympians, events that you'll be able to see and play in Ghost of Sparta

Where do you see the greatest opportunities for Ghost of Sparta to expand on Kratos as a character?

Thats just it. Ghost of Sparta is all about Kratos’ character. Although the other games touch on that very subject, both Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta center around the man behind the god. There is a lot more to Kratos’ past than we have seen thus far. The person he becomes by the end of GoW 3 is a culmination of the things he has endured throughout his Ife, and the different aspects that define him. We saw. опе important side of itin tho frst PSP game. The player wil discover a lot more in the second.

What aspects of Chains of Olympus stand ой as the areas you'd most like to improve in. Ghost of Sparta?

‘There are so many things we wanted to improve оп. From the graphics, to the depth of combat, to the navigation, we had our pick when it came to choosing the areas to modify. Fortunately, we've been able to somewhat rework every aspect ofthe game, sometimes by doing things же didn't have time to do in the first game and also by adding new things never seen before n. ihe franchise.

God of War 3 made somo modifications to.

the series’ formula, lie separating items from

magic and changing the presentation on the context-sensitive events. Are you considering implementing any of those changes in Ghost of Sparta?

We didn't decide to follow any particular path when it came to Ghost of Sparta. It was more important that the way items and magic were handled worked well with the story. That said, there are definitely cool things that GoW 3 did with [context-sensiive] events, and it inspired us to explore ways to improve on the traditional GoW gameplay.

Chains of Olympus’ scene with Kratos and Calliope in the Elysium Fields is a standout for

the entire series. How do you approach includ-

God of War: Ghost of Sparta

Kratos and Ready at Dawn return to PSP

ing more emotional scenes in а game gener- э» Platform ally about killing monsters, and can we expect PSP ‘more moments lke that in Ghost of Sparta? » style

We see both games we've done here at RAD as I-Player Action more personal takes on Kratos’ tormented ie. pubiisher

‘Adding that moment with Caliope was always Suny Computer something that was going о stir debate, with Entertainment

зоте people being affected by it and others Developer

not caring one bit. But that was the challenge Ready At Bawn Studios of uying to make people play their emotions AD

rather than just see events being played in front?

of them. That's the same approach we took with Ghost of Sparta. The game harkens to the same goal о! instiling emotion by gameplay. Wel just have to wait and see if those moments work.

For more nf on Gost of Sparta rad те ful review at guneetrmerco mag

previews 77

» Platform PlayStation 3

Xbox 360 PC

» Style

1-Player Action/ RPG (Multiplayer TBA)

» Publisher TopWare Interactive » Developer Reality Pump

» Release September 14

Two Wor

Already bett:


enormous open fantasy world and impres-

sive customization. It lost as many if not more potential players with a brutally rough interface, questionable presentation, and seri- ‘ous bug and performance issues. TopWare recently showed off the Xbox 360 version of the Sequel, and we came away impressed with ts ‘noticeably higher production values and intrigu- ing designs.

Two Words II is in many ways an upgraded version of the original. The fiction has pro- gressed, but most ofits game systems are identical in concept. Is stil a third-person ‘open world fantasy RPG, but the word в a much more interesting and engrossing place to ‘explore, Casting spells is bound to a similarly ‘open-ended, customizable framework, but there aro more interesting effects to experiment with Its releasing on multiple platforms again, but the ‘console versions are being done in-house and ма be more than bug-iddied afterthoughts this tine,

‘You've heard all of this before, though. You've explored fantastic worlds, committed orc geno-

T he original Two Worlds won fans with its

r than the original

‘ide, and saved the realms from certain doom. more times than you can count. The difference. here Б in scale. With the exception of The Elder Scrols, nobody has attempted to deliver this kind of RPG sandbox. The comparison to Bethosdats beloved franchise is obvious, but the two series have very diferent focuses. The Elder Scrols has traditionally gone for a deep dive on a ‘Single area and fled it with unmatched detail and history and has never troubled itself much about balancing its progression systems or shaking up. its combat paradigm. Realty Pump is spend- ing its time honing and expanding its character development and combat systems, and delver- ing varied experiences via unique settings rang ing from lush jungles to underground caves. Its а diferent vibe that appeals to a diferent gaming mindset, and this sequel looks Ike it should avoid the mountain of technical issues and lack ‘of polis that plagued the original

Progressing in Two Worlds 1 takes place along a few paralel paths, You've got your tra- dional points to assign to skiis and attributes. Upgrading equipment is a game unto tse, and enough effort can make any given йет епа.

Building Your Village

Online is a hig part of Two Worlds I. Duels and and you can expect those. Additionally, the

is a separate co-op campaign that takes place in discrete dungeon levels that rango from two to approximately six-player affairs, and tells a.

prequel story to the ‘ee the final on vilage moc

ach pla

has his or her o ing fr when t "nodo session. Hen

ng their problems and geting them access to better matenals For in- ance, doing quests and spending resources lo їй out your blacksmith results in him offering

better Weapons for sal. Some events take you ‘ut ofthe village into the surrounding ares, [3 ing bandit raid that

disastrous consequences if heroic types lik yourself don't lad tho counterata

тешек cing to need hel то accomplish much of anything in village a single player isn't going to bo ab to complete the mission ‘awn town prosperous. There is то visit others and help them ош, though, ав coach town specializes in spec might have the b has spent srmorsmith. Don’ ying Alan

"hat you're

л potions for sale, wi У his tine ake, though. You can op ıo public, and the backend. ng system wall ind players of ap Nel and interest to assist yo.


game-capable, Magic is tied to collecting cards and amulets, and the flexible system allows you o combine effects to the point of absurdity. A ‘simple spall might summon an undead warrior o guard you or ће a bot of ce at an enemy. Mixing the two lets you launch that ioe bolt and ‘Spawn a skeleton at its impact point. t goes much futher: we saw an incantation that fred sk ricocheting projecties that each exploded for area damage and animated a minion when. they reached an enemy. Archery can be similarly customized, with arrows that stun their targets or spit into multiple projecties.

Squeamish gamers need not waste their time оп Two Worlds I, as the fiction is dark even for a European-developed fantasy world. The world has been suffering under the boot of a brutal dictator for years, and Realty Pump is puling no. punches in depicting his atrocities. We saw one ‘catacomb ke area under a busting metropoli, except that instead of mere dead bodies in the wals, these natural caverns have chunks of. ‘mulated corpses being сат'о along by a rush- ing river that in happier times supplied tho city with fresh water. The developers are making no pretense that this is going to get anything less than a Mature rating from tho ESRB.

The oniy thing holding Tivo Words II back is оки ingering doubt about its technical compe- tence, which was a huge issue with the original. ‘Sti, what we've seen so far has done everything in its power to dispel those fears. Ifthe ambitious. muitipiayer modes (sea sidebar) come together, Realty Pump could make a real name for itself on this one. » Adam Biessener

lock tc at gareitamercom fy палан pesos л Heure

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part |

Upcoming action title

n J.K. Rowing's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the matured wizard must find and destroy magical Horcruxes that He-Who- Must-Not-Be-Named hides fragments of his Soul in to preserve his immortal. The seventh and final book of the serias tels the tale of Harry's most dangerous adventure yet, as he leaves the comfort of Hogwarts for the long- awaited confrontation with Lord Voldemort. Gamers wal soon get a chance to experience part of this tiling finale when EA brings out its interactive take on the story.

"n EAS previous Нату Potter tiles, players ‘spent time in Hogwarts creating potions, paying Quidditch, and engaging in wizard duels. In Нату Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part | (he game ма be broken up into two parts to coincide with

The Sims 3


This 3d befor

number of reasons, but EA's wiingness

to bring each entry to every imaginable platform ranks high on the fst, After a year of letting РС and Mac users have The Sms 3 to themselves, EA has decided t's time for console owners to join the party.

Like previous console iterations in the seres, The Sims 3 в not a direct port of its PC counter- part. Instead, it wil give players more objective- oriented gameplay whi allowing them to see

Т he Sims is a successful franchise fora

tests wizardry and survi

and it will ү


Warner Bros, Pictures! two-part fim adaptation), Players wil experience an explosive single-player action tle that wil ultimately test your survival and wizardry sl.

Players wil bate across a mixture of familar ‘open word and Enear environments inhabited by Snatchers trying to eam bounty for Hanys capture, Dementors released from Azkaban prison, and dark magic-singing Death Eaters. Whio the last two Harry Potter games had a total of six Death Eaters to defeat, Part | wil have hun- dreds. Mystical creatures such as dragons and. дап spiders wil also pose а threat, with more enemy types to be revealed closer to launch. In order to take down these terrifying foes, you be ‘equipped with more spels than you can shake awandat.

pen again

most of the key innovations from the original Creating characters, то thei wishes, and guiding them through a wide-open neighbor- hood are stil key components of the experience, Оп top of the familar features, new karma. powers will add another way for you to run or enhance your sims Ие. These activated abilties add buffs (ке instant beauty) and debuts (ке epic failure) to infuence your interactions with your virtual surroundings. Apparent you won't be able to use these powers without risk; EA

Deathly Hallows Part wil emphasize the use of magic with spells fans wil recognize. Confundo has the abilly to tum foes against each other, while Prologo is a protective spel Жа! casts a shield over the player during intense skirmishes. As far as the abity to use special items such as tho famous убу соак, EA telis us we'l have to wait and soe.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part | aims to be a much darker, action centric experi- fence than any other game inthe franchise. Potter fans wil get a chance to experience Part lof the epic conclusion for themselves when it releases this fal. » Annette Gonzalez

Foran tr th Jonathan ney VP эл} head fro Hn at EA Bh Lit coc out утаре: олут)

claims they may have unexpected results, and Катта has a way of coming back to you.

Changes to the structure may be necessary to accommodate console gamers, but this iteration of The Sims 3 stil has the potential to translate the core elements of what makes The Sms so. much fun, It may not delver the exact same content as the original, but ifs as close as you're going to get without a PC. » Joe Juba

» Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 - PC Wit Nintendo DS

» Style.

1-Player Action

э Publisher Electronic Ars

» Developer.

EA Bright Light

» Release


» Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360+ DS » Style

1-Player Simulation (Multiplayer TBA) Publisher Eloctronic Ars

» Developer

те Sims Studio Pall

Exclusive to... While each version i called ıe dierent

advantage Th will allow in-game shanng and downloading of custom, content. On Wi players can aploroa beach town and

о in head-to-head mul- ayer challenges, Finally "o DS wel ot you uso your stylus lo ld ла даре your sm

previews 79

» Platform PlayStation 3

вох 360


1 to 4-Player Sports (I0-Payer Online) э Publisher

A Sports

» Developer

TA Canada

» Release October

80 previews

NBA Elite 11

Another year, another direction for EA's forlorn hoops franchise

y taking a new approach to the basket

‘each year and stumbling into the lane

‘each time, NBA Live is dangerously close o fouling out as a franchise, Whether it was producing reažstic sweat on player models, ће Made Fresh Daly player tendencies that were supposed to make superstars act Ike their real- Ме counterparts, or the largely useless NBA Academy, the core gameplay has always taken а back seat to an easly marketable second- ary feature. Basketball fans could see through the advertising smoke, and walked away from "ho franchise in droves hungry for a better hoops game. Determined to (yet again) give its МВА game a fresh perspective, EA Sports has rebranded the game Elte and turned tho reigns ‘over to David Littman, the man responsible for tuming the NHL franchise into a category lead-

ing innovator. Littman, a former professional goaltender with no basketball background, admits his knowledge Cf the sport в only cursory. But as his success. with NHL proves, he knows gameplay. When he started examining past iterations, he concluded ‘that basketball gameplay has been stuck in a rut for decades. Too often player control is sacriiced {or the sake of a pretty lay-up animation or a dice той that determines whether a shot hits nothing but nat or careens off the rim. His solution? Dich the dedication to authentic television broadcast, return to a north-south camera perspective, and rebuild the game controls around the analog stick scheme that revitalized the NHL franchise. Littman hopes tho new contro scheme increases NBA Ей accossbilly міне at the same time offering the depth hardcore fans

demand from sports games. Like NHL, the left stick controls your player movement, and tho right stick controls your hands. When the ball is in your possession, ficking the right stick left or right results in а crossover, rong the stick from left to right drbbles the bal behind your back, ‘and pushing the stick foward hoists the ball Toward the hoop.

Gone are the days where а behind-the-scenes ‘math equation determines whether your shot finds the netting - player skil now determines whether or not your shot clangs off the iron or lights up the scoreboard, Depending on the timing of your release and how straight you push "he right stick forward, your shot can miss tothe right, left, short, or long. Release tho shot a ite lato and you can even manually bank the ball ОЙ the backboard. When in the pant, pressing the analog stick up triggers a dunk, wie roling the stick upwards о the left or right activates а lay-up in the direction you press. The left tigger is used for jump stops and euro steps. To tum. your back to the net for a post-up, simply tap the A button. The new animation system also lets you break out of your shot at any time to manu: айу adjust your shot by changing hands during. lay-ups,

Defense is also radically changed by tha new controis. Like NHL, the sprint button is gone, so. you no longer need to time your bursts with that ©! the player you're guarding to keep him from ving the lane. Staying in ront of your defender is much easier with the north-south perspective, andit also enables you to better spot oppor- une times to strip the bal. Pressing the right analog stick down activates а steal, and pross- ing up sends your player in the air for a block or rebound. To keep your hands in passing lanes, you can rol the stick юй and right.

To complement the new controls and camera. perspective, NBA Eite в taking a few more pages from the NHL playbook by integrating the Ве A Pro mode and the EASBA, a fve-versus- five onine league.

Adopting another drastically diferent approach 1o ts basketball franchise may seem ike a bad move given NBA Live's slow but steady increase in qually, but in ight of the series abysmal sales EA has Ие to lose. If Litman and the develop- ment team can give the on-court action the листу ofits NHL counterpart, however, i could breathe new He into a sports genre desperate for gameplay innovation.» Matt Bertz

Drifting 3 inches from the wall time and time again isn't your average type of skill. Chris Forsberg, 2009 Formula Drift champ, isn't your average type of driver. He drinks NOS, which isn't your average

type of energy drink. Formulated with a high performance formula of caffeine, taurine, and B-vitamins, NOS fuels true champions.


» Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360

Publisher LucasArts

» Developer LucasArts

» Release October 26

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed ||

The apprentice strikes back

Force Unleashed wouldn't have a happy ending. Starkiler (also known as the secret

apprentice) never had a chance at ling Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. Even though he didn't save the galaxy, Starkiler id manage to start the Rebeion before geting а fatal dose of Force hing. Sacrficng himself or the good о! ihe Aliance, he ded п the Emperor's cham- ber on the frst Death Star

You may think that Stark's demise woud make it бой! for him to play а signifcant role in The Force Unleashed Il. “That left us with kind ofa big challenge,” admits executive producer Haden Blackman, "We explored a lat of pos эбе Grectons, but ultimately felt realy strongly about bringing back Starkller as a character” The team's solution to resurrecting a dead character is revealed in tha opening moments

0 n some level, we all knew that the original

ofthe sequel

After the signature text стамі, Darth Vader's TIE fighter descends on the planet Kamino, where the clones for the imperial атту are manufac- tured. Approximately six months have passed since the events of the frst game, and Vader has a new pet project in the works in a secret cal of the cloning facity: another Starker, According to Vader, the Jedi just a clone of the original, but the story casts doubt on that assertion early оп, After turning on Vader and breaking out of the faciity, Starler attempts to figure out who. ha is while tracking down Juno Eclipse and run- ring from the Empires agents

Whether Starkiler в а clone or not, his abies certainly aren't the samo as tho last ime around, in addition to dual welding Ightsabers, he has access to an improved array of Force powers, ‘This means youl see new powers, ke Mind.

“Tick - an abilty that tums enemies against each other and may even trigger suicidal tendencies, However, you' also see improvements to classic abis, with a greater focus on diferentiaing the effects each time you invest in a new ter of the power. "What you buy matters," says project lead Julo Tores, "It significantly matters."

Youll have plenty of opportunities to put Staridlers new powers to the test as you hunt. for Juno in a variety of new environments. From derelict vessels to the Las Vegas. ike trappings ©! planet Cato Nemoidia, you' see even more cf the Star Wars universe, but the changes in ‘scenery won't fundamentaly change the way you play The Force Unleashed I, е stil all about wrecking everything with the Force, and that's fun no matter what galaxy you're in. » Joe Juba

ight and dark ıs impo

cies take em down

previews 83

Tetsuya Nomura has his hands in almost every big project at Square Enix, including the mysterious Final Fantasy Versus XIII, but the Kingdom Hearts series will always be his baby. We spoke with Nomura to get the run down on Birth by Sleep and try to figure out what he's bringing to E3 in June.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

» Platform PSP

» Style 1-Player Action /RPG 16-Player Local КЕЕ Square Enix

» Developer ‘Square Enix

» Release September 7

The North American versions of Kingdom Hearts games have tradition- ally included several extras. What kind of bonuses can we expect?

There are a variety of new elements, including Critical mode, which takes the dficuly level beyond Proud mode; keyblades, abilties, mini- game maps, and songs. We're also unleashing ıa mystery enemy for North American fans, so hopofuly everyone wil enjoy the chalenge.

How did you decide which Disney worlds would be in Birth by Sleep?

The process of choosing worlds has been the same with every entry. First, we select the worlds that are essential based on the scenario; in this tiles case, the three princess’ worlds. Then, to. ‘add some varity to the locations we decided to include Deep Space (Lio & Stitch) and Neverland (Peter Pan), Since Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep takes place before the rest of the games

in the series, we decided to include Olympus Coliseum (Hercules) to show the contrast between past and present. We were able to incorporate more locations because of the hard ware capacity, and also because this tite car fies the same weight as а numbered Kingdom Hearts tite.

How did you decide to set Birth by Sleep before all of the other Kingdom Hearts games?

We set it before the other games to resolve the mysteries that have been scattered thus fr, and to clarify what mysteries fe ahead in the series. | hope everyone gets to see the secret ending!

What can you tell us about the new enemy, the Unversed?

Heartless are гвайгабопв of darkness in the heart, while Unversed are an existence bome

ої negative emotion. They ro similar in essence, but more information on their true identity wil be revealed in due time by a certain indica

How did you decide on featuring three playable heroes in Birth by Sleep with different quests rather than a single protagonist like Sora or Roxas? Everything is part of one big story, and there is опу one final destination. Fans of the serios who. already know what happens beyond Birth by Sleep may be able to predict where the three are headed. | thought that by separating the story into three perspectives, and having the player ‘choose the order of progression would deepen the mystery, making the joumey ай the more. interesting. Even If you completa one character's story, you'll become even more curious as to what happens to the other two, and eager to see how everything comes to a close for the thre.

Can you explain some of the new combat elements? The main concept for this battle system was to incorporate speed and tension in combat, There are three new systems that comprise the core of the game's battle system, and the Command Deck is defritely a key component. Each com- mand has a level assigned to it, and there are several ways to develop them, There is aiso a Charge time for each command, and timing is a crucial factor to using them successtuly. You сап freely adust the command column, creating a setup that relects your personal strategy and battle stye.

The Shollock command is an evolution of the target lock-on, which was one of the few con-

stants throughout the series. You can use it to wipe out multiple enemies at once, or as a spe- Gal one-shot attack against powerful enemies.

Dimension Link (D-Link) was a concept we took from the scenario and buit into the system. Its an extension of the summoning system, and авом you to access other characters! deck ‘commands and special attacks by connecting with ther.

What was the inspiration behind the new. Command Board?

1 personaly love board games, and this was

а concept | had been working on for years ав something | wanted to construct as a system опе day. Its not a concept I thought of just for this game, but think we were able to ink it very wel with the curent command leveling system. Its not just a minigame, but an alternate game ‘whose results affect the main game as wel,

What did you want to accomplish with ‘the multiplayer gameplay in Birth by ‘Sleep compared to 358/2 Days?

In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, you could ven- ture to different words to accomplish missions, but this time around players can gather in a ‘world called the Mirage Arena to defeat target ‘enemies. Up to three players can play co-op

or against each other three-on-thee, There

aro also minigame battles that are new tothe series: Command Board and Rumble Racing. We utiized the hardware's wireless capabiltes and capacity to the fullest to offer minigames that people can jump right in and out of. This Way, players can enjoy the variety of battles and ‘worlds that the game has to offer.

‘Translations of your interview in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Ultimania seem to confirm that Kingdom Hearts Ш is coming along with two other games.

Kingdom Hearts Il is not a confrmed tte, 1actu- ally phrased my answer for the Utimania “two les other than IF to avoid speculation that we were working on Kingdom Hearts I

‘Are there any hints you can provide about these now games?

Hints would give away too much, and for. Kingdom Hearts we're contractualy obigaled to keep any information that has not been offcialy released under wraps. However, | can say one of the two projects mentioned above came into existence because we wanted to do some-

thing for the North American fans, so we'll be announcing it at E3.

Апу chance these new games will spread to consoles that Kingdom Hearts hasn't been on yet like Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, or iPhone?

We have no plans at the moment, but have been discussing opportunites with various partos,

зо once we've completed the two new projects жел begin thinking about the next steps.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII is your cur- rent primary project. How is it coming along?

Development is progressing smoothly, but staring with ЕЗ and through winter, there are a number of tiles | am involved in that wil be announced, And of course, the company as a whole has many upcoming projects, so we'l lake it one step at а time. We do have plans to official showcase the tile at a certain point.

“Starting with


are a number

involved in

that will be


Tetsuya Nomura

previews 85


usanding A tray oito tte tnat i near perfect every

Meo 94 Joe Danger

е в а grizzled stuntman who is readi/¥@ go out with а

bang; and not a whimper. He's got nothing to ose in his race back to the top, and his ridiculous bike fips and tricks are the proof, Mix races, obstacle courses, platforming. and score ‘combos in one tightly wound package, and you'll know what to ‘expect out of this arcadoy new downloadable titie from Hello

‘Flawed t may bo cous atte gamo has iots of

Games. Turn to page 94 to check out our full review.

rewarding gamo experience.

PE entices cera s | Ramen cere ee tte mo [ern saved et roped vote erste тозын o Ree |g со emma tome ерки нинен БЫ Гео Scadente a олет. [ote [rrr ‘ey et nt teta у у нке Pats төн а nin taeda na gn t 8 manema na ennan | Qj | micao asaros penn assay pare id CETTE BE coo | 3 отне pum Анак. Tenet tote rey v aa T Rouen asaya. Ts game muon ets een HRS Û 2 ۹ eee | ars ply er EEE pM = Б pem inte Аа Aio ee ray be tars t ges m— е 6 |же» | 4 e Ел) каш, ШТУ к vov EX



-— OPS





power to the players’

+360 Here's a riddle. What do you call the guy who graduated last in is class at spy school? Michael Thorton!

» Graphics When ай of the textures are present on the characters and terrain, the game looks decent, ‘This doesn't happen often Some decent voice acting. but the worst performance s the most important, since its your ‘main character

» Piayabūity

‘Technical issues abound, which ‘often makes the controls fol ‘tilled and awkward

Cool weapon customization leveling, and sal selection ‘moan that youl have most of your fun in the menus

» Replay Value

Moderately Low

Second Opinion 6.5 1 James Bond or the tery ght in an ext

csr the cou sta singe mse, | |) eee Taren scorers coun пу famed by па supero, ала о ої

‘rom nis support s pia moment n ne Sry ser where tings 90 wong for he Superspy heo Бы elt wre as easy 0 tin erai where Aipha Protocol ee fart asa gaming experience, The espionage ютей iy of hr person acon and RG ibang a bling costal ot outdated des ard cehncal probans їп oniy a andi c brah ров атган how god ne game со have been

“Tre best spy stories have magnet, сарае protagonists you Iove to cheer r= ja coal ferr onse Janes Don and Jason Boue. Riches Thorn аттоо ty cos маеке e fact та pis personaly a colec- Ton oot secret agent ics or Pe way еге ийле oto eecion ron bye Sut resgraon Whatever he reason, [rever Sarmad охолоп or at he was со, Ergot nove attra vetting is a

than Idd his succes Super spes shouid inspire

Alpha Protocol

Style 1-Player Shooter/RPG Publisher Sega Developer Obsidian Entertainment Release June 1 ESRA M

excitement in an audience, not schadenfreude.

You could argue that Thorton’ lack of cha: risma was partly my faut, since Alpha Protocols dialogue system lets you steer conversations. based on how you view te character. However, I refuse to accept any blame for his wooden per- formance. You aren't gen neatly enough oppor- tunities to interact in a non-combat situation, and when you are, your replies are usualy simply labeled "suave; "aggressive," and “professional” о you never encounter responses that tempt you to deviate from a certain atttude, The con \ersations may seem similar to Mass Effects on frst glance, but where that ile keeps players ‘engaged with constant choices, Alpha Protocol doesn't put the system (and, by association, the characters) at the forefront

The wedge between the player and the events makes it impossible to care about the generic “shady defense contractor out for profe" plot and the gameplay does nothing to salvage your interest. Whether you choose fo be a stealthy эру or a guns-blazing solder, the mechanics are archaic and гета You can't vaut

‘over cover, you cant block melee strikes (oad guys can, though, and the enemy Al makes the ‘dumbest James Bond minions look tke rocket сіе. The bosses, onthe other hand, are on the opposite end of the chump spectrum. Don't misunderstand me they aren't smart. They're ‘aggravating and poorly designed. One left me ‘speechless, since | couldn't think of profanity foul enough to express my frustration. Throw in alot of loading (sometimes mic-frefght pervasive exture popping, and a preponderance of dumb. ‘minigames, and you have a lack of polish that puts a nearly impenetrable wall up in front of your enjoyment.

Alpha Protocols jumbled mess of mechanics is tragic, because some aspects are genuinely wel done. Thorton’ progression is handed ‘excellently, allowing plenty о! fexbilty to talor is skils to your style. The abilities you unlock as you level Ike invisibiity and auto-largetng - are ‘satisfying rewards for your investment, | was also immensely impressed by how the narrative natu rally conforms around your choices. Events flow seamlessly regardless of when you complete а mission, your chosen alles, and who Ives and des. Characters often reference your previous actions and allegiances, which is pretty remark- able considering ай of the factors on the table This adaptability would add to the replay value ifthe other facets of the experience were good ‘enough to warrant completing the game once.

With a history including games Ike Knights of the Old Republic Il and Neverwinter Nights 2, the team at Obsidian Entertainment knows role-playing. Alpha Protocol isn't necessarily a ‘counterpoint to that expertise; the RPG systems ‘under the hood are solid ust wish that | could ‘experience them in the context of a competing espionage adventure not a las-gen third person shooter. «Joe Juba


he Forgotten Sands is not a movie game, butt does come out right before a movie from the same property, stars a variation ofthe вате character, and shares a number of visual traits. So if walks Ike a duck and talks ke a duck.... No matter how you bil it, his will be the game to represent the franchise to a wealth of fans that wil be encountering the character or the frst time in video games after they see the big Hollywood treatment, So how ‘does it hold up?

The Forgotten Sands does a fantastic job of emulating the formula frst estabished in the original Sands of Time. Set in the months ater the Prince frat encounters with Farah, the Vizier, and the Dagger of Time, the Prince finds himself leaping and fighting his way through a new sand-based disaster in his brother Malak’s Kingdom. From Spinning blade traps о running along walls, all tho familar elements aro in place that established the franchise as the last console generation's king ^f platforming. The tril of naling а complex path is stil there, dimin- ished only marginaly by the passage of time.

‘Several new features join the experience to mixed results, The new powers are a blast, adding layers to the gameplay by allowing

"ен руки innovate onthe lamar waver mechanics


nce of Persia:

The Forgotten Sands

‘Style 1-Player Action Publisher Ubisoft Developer Ubisoft Montreal Release May 18 ESRB Т

the Prince to solidity water, dash into enemies from afar, and recall ruined structures to their former glory. Together, these mechanics add depth that keeps the older design concept eckng fresh. Combining powers in a single platforming challenge is great fun. My favorite ‘moment in the game had me jumping through a waterfall only to turn around and use that same waterfall as a sold wal to cimb. The Prince's path is near almost without exception, but that path is so entertaining that | didn't mind the lack ol freedom,

The same can't be said for the combat system, which has several cool ideas that never coalesce into something as chalenging or dangerous as it could be. There are dozens of enemies

onscreen, but they all are helplessly slow autom- оп with no inteligence. The Prince has an. impressive suite of moves, but all of his motions soem too slow for such an agie character. The results a combat system that feels plodding at its worst, and visually exiting but simplistic at ts best. Ал enjoyable progression system, including зоте fun elemental powers, goes a long way

o enrich the combat; seeing the fruits of your XP collection pay otf in a powerful sword swing ога surging blast of ice is thing. W's stil not enough to keep the combat fresh throughout the lengthy story.

The storing, faing as it does in the middie of an established trlogy's plot, feels ike exactly what itis: a retrofit to a previously tight narative.

The story is also a ttle too similar to the one told in the original Sands of Time. That за, the tale of corruption and the dangers of seeking power works just fne to move along the gameplay I Мааке. kingdom looks and fools an. awful lot Ike settings from previous games in the fran- chise, 'm wiling to overlook "he fact to enjoy some of the great exploration that made me tal in love with the seres years ago.

The Forgotten Sands is a conceptual step back for the franchise, but for ‘once that's not a terible thing. The Sands of Time trlogy was hugely entertaining, and this return to that formula puts а great face on the franchise to new series converts while pleasing Оа fans with a retum to form. Like the exciting finale sequence that ends the game, i's clear thatthe Prince formula stil has some surprises in store, Now ll that remains to bo seen is what direction Ubisoft wil take the franchise from here (on out « Matt Miler

PS3 * 360 э Concept

Guide the Prince through penous traps, daring jumps, эла dozens of enemies to Save his brothers kingdom » Graphics.

Manages to match tho art жуйе of the original Sands of Tie trilogy while updating itto a new generation.

of hardware

» Sound

The expected mix of Middle Easlerm-lavored music.

is good without being a standout element

» Playabiity

A steady challenge curve antrodoces more dif ‘combat and platforming overtime

Repeats а strong land old) design formula. but adds flavor with new powers

э Replay Value Moderately Law

Second Opinion 1.8 The Forgotten Sands is a adventure. I's not a mesmenzing as the Princ igagemonts ath the sam m pillar iar, Ubisoft throws the urveball in the fora of water-based platforming mt that warp the mi hallenge al the

how and make the Prince's imping over a fire hydrant. the Princesa sloppy com

batant The massive batt

ing than the last qame

defeated” And thal his game daly designed Andrew Reiner

reviews 89


PS3 « 380 « PC

Concept Many of this years changes ‘seem to be designed around sowing down some of he ıultra-powertul golfers players have created in the past

» Sound

les kind of cool that уот get real-time updates to what. other gollers are doing on. "he course during a tourney. ‘complete with text and audio callouts

» Playabllity

The new True-Aim view ‘makes the game harder

by giving you lewer ков

Entertainment Арап trom 24-player online matches, there aren't a lot of

"iocus N

90 reviews

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11

Tiger's small changes can


nake a big difference

Stylo 110 4-Player Sports (24-Player Online] Publishor EA Sports De:

opor EA Tiburon Release June 8 ESRB E

‘ome gamers have gotten so used to tho. way that the Tiger Woods franchise plays thal they've been gaming the system

and taking advantage of exploits. This year

developer EA Tiburon is trying to address some

Cf hat - which doesn't sound Ike an exciting

focus for the new title, but the beauty of the

‘changes taking place is that they benefit players

of all stripes.

Ive always been a tan of Tigers old singe- player career progression: Completing chal lenges, cits, and tournays gave you stat boosts in specific areas depending оп how well you d. | ked it because it felt Ike there was a lot of ‘content, and I knew where to go 1 needed to

a dies shots

get more distance on my tee shots, for instance. Now, the handcuffs are of. Everything you doin Tiger 11 gives you XP paints that you can spend however you want including on the normal selection of stat-boosting clothes. Using this ‘open-ended points system, you could conce- ably concentrate every XP point you have and channel into your Power attribute right away. and you wouldn't have to grind to quite the same ‘degree as before to doit. Although last years dlls are gone, with the inclusion of the Ryder Cup and the retum of the standard pro-based. Skil challenges, its not Ike there isnt enough to Фо. if anything, you can get on to playing PGA ‘events a itle sooner, which is nice.

The game also intro- duces some sight unpredctably in your. shots Va real-time wind that can rise up or die during your shot, and more variance regarding where your bal lands and how you come out ol the rough. | know no golfer ог gamer ikes to hear about unprodict- ability, but if you knew of а way to get your bal lo land in the exact same place every time which is what some Tiger experts have been able to doin the past - it wouldn't be gol.

certainly don't put тузө! in the expert category, but dn notice a huge drop-off in my game ‘rom last year, so I'm not complaining about the пен changes. Н anything, its another element "hat makes the game sightly more realistic while stil beng fun

Similarly, the True-Aim camera system - which опу lets you see what your goller would see (е. по circles showing you where the ball may land, ес) - makes things more dificult, but | didn't got into i that much simply because unike the version (see cur review on page 95) where the ‘camera actualy tracks your head looking down at tho ball before you hit it, Tue-Aim isn't that fun Хо look at. | was also wishy-washy on the Focus. тей. It gives you a pool of points to spend on ‘spinning your bal, accuracy and power boost, and Putt Previews. You recharge your meter ав you play, so you won't run out of it unless you тау on it all the time, but as а concept it seems alit strange. | can understand how it makes you pick and choose when to use t, but asa. golfer, aren't | aways trying to focus and hit the bal perfectly?

| think a ot of players won't notice too many of this year's more subtle new additions, but wil instead help themselves to the 24. player online (here you can construct your own Ryder Cup- Ike competitions), GamerNet challenges, oníno. toumaments, and fve now courses. That's fne, but the smaller improvements made to this year's ‘game ofer players more freedom and customiz- billy, Hopefuly theyll stick around and be a part of the franchises future.» Matthew Kato

-Player Action/RPG Publisher Square Enix Develop.

х Cavia Release April 27 ESRB М

he primary rl in action/APGs is gaining enough power to do things you couldn't бо before. Whether you're accruing tems that open up sealed locations or gaining new combat abilties, you should feel progressively more awesome the more time you spend play- ing. This is where Мег stumbles the most; it ‘conveys no sense of growth. You hit the same buttons at both the beginning and end of the game, and magic attacks become more useless. with each iteration. Technically, numbers on a menu screen prove that your stats are increas- ing, and that one weapon is better than another, but | couldn't feel any differonce. ‘Nes combat mechanics may be dry, but they эй function within the game's Eited ambi- tions. Attacking, dodging projecties, and spell casting are easy to accomplish, enabling you to mindessly mow through most encounters. ‘Given the ow level of challenge, its surprising

that you eventually gain two party members to assist you in combat, Dont worry about them stealing your kils, though; they're idiots, oniy able to folow three basic commands buried in the menu system.

While the gameplay landscape is sparse, Мог. post-apocalyptic world has plenty to ofer. A thousand years after the human population is effectively wiped out, the remaining people are hing a simple medieval existence, with former technological and architectural marvels stand ing as inert and overgrown monuments in the Wild, Developer Cava has wrapped a good story. around this setting, using your main characters. Quest to keep his dsease-sticken daughter alve asa vehicle to delver а few surprising twists that leave you with a sense of the ruined word's bleakness and desolation. While it goes of the rais ite towards the end, the tale is ultimately a. salshing one,

Unfortunately you can't just move through the plot quickly to get to the good stuf, Dozens of Sidequests and upgradeable weapons are your most likely distractions, but they involve lots of backtracking and hours of grinding for rare mate- rials. Even if you skip these diversions, youl stil spend a ridiculous amount of time fighting familar foes, running through the same handful of vast and boring areas, and revisiting dungeons you've already beaten. This level of repetition effectively kis the narative momentum, bringing down the ‘one thing Nier does wel, With so many genuinely good actio/RPGs that aren't riddled wath archaic missions and gameplay, | have trouble recom- mending Ner solely on the basis of a decent fout unevenly executed) story. » Jo

Vet gant cominay oo vio

‘without the gameplay chops to back tup

» Graphics.

Terrible textures, generic enemies, and ugly characters don't leave me with much (ood to say оп this font

п Sound

A surprising high point of the experience. The music

is exceptionally coo, and эм the post-apocalyptic mood well

The lack of quick-swap ипол makes it a chore to Switch weapons and magic. Dat otherwise the controls work as intended

Lots of repetition and a lack ol mission variety put a damper on the storytelling

Moderately Low

"2009 and call it qood. Yuke's character models are sill some of the best, and

"he animation system males each fight look almost like the real thing

Commentators Joe Rogan and. Mike Goldberg have a more varied script this year

A now freeform system will keep you exploring the nuance of each combatants” fighting style for along while; 1s а good thing youl be having fun while you doit

UFC fans will eat this up, but

is an entertaining fighting system enough to win over new followers? Probably not



Undisputed 201

‘0r2-Player Fighting (2-Player Online) Ps Developer Yuke's Re


THQ aso May 25 ESRB T

|_| он does a iter whois on top stay in |] shape when he knows no one can beat.

| him? Without competition, it becomes a ‘mental battle just to stay in fighting form. | feel Ike the UFC Undisputed series must be wres- ting with this mentalty. Sure, EA has its own ММА title coming down the pipe, but it's stil an unknown quantity at this point. In the meantime, ТНО'в fighter remains king of the mixed martial arts jungle, but it feels a bit ike a lazy on,

Like THOS other resting tte, its hard to

know where to start with Undisputed, Thera are so many modes to explore that Undisputed 2010 wil easy keep UFC fans occupied all year. Ultimate Fights mode is probably my favorite, as it lots players reenact famous fights from UFC history, complete with Pay- РегМен interviews and actievement-slyl chal- lenges that wil drive you to. keep playing matches over and over unti you unlock ‘every reward, You can even set up your own cards, so you can finaly fulf those dream match-ups you've

fantasized about for years.

Of course, the career mode is stil here for those who want to mold a fighter from scratch. Starting from the bottom is stil a long, hard grind, and you't have to plow through several ‘dozen fights before your fighter has enough experience to feel Ike he's worth his weight in protein powder. | ike that l'm no longer locked into any particular fighting dscipine and can ‘realy choose moves from multiple schools, but the career story stil isn't very compeling, so you have to love this kind of menu driven stat boosting if you're going to sink your teeth into the career,

Эй, the ining action is what matters the

most, and Undisputed 2010 tightens what was already a solid brawler. The new combo. ‘system - or lack thereof, since there are no pre- determined combo strings - means you have to ‘experiment to frd out what punches and kicks work best together and how far you can push your fighter before he becomes fatigued. This ‘makes the action feel more natural, bringing 'each bout that much closer to the real thing. It probably the closest a game has ever come to ‘making you feel Ike you are actualy practicing а martial art, just without the sweating.

While it тау sound ike Undisputed has a lot going fort this year, none ofthe additions add up to much, This doesn't feel vastly diferent from last year’s model, which is my biggest com- plaint. If you're a UFC fan and you didn't pick up Undisputed 2009, this is defintely a superior product, But f you stil have your copy of ‘09 you probably won't find enough fresh meat on these. bones to satisfy you » Ben Reeves

for тот stes and to cheek out our weg of our time wi carer mods check out areifomecconínag

reviews 91

PS3 « 360 « PC

Ниг takes Mario Karts power

"up template and blows past it "wit ease

m The game runs fast and ‘smooth and the elects that accompany the power-ups Tan dazzle Opponents Shunt blasts make a warning sound before they Tace up your tall pipe

э Playa Togglng through your tree power-up sos and deploying or dropping thom is easy even at fast sponds Even an avowed pacifist would enjoy sending power- "up alter power-up at their ‘opponents

Replay Value Moderately High

92 reviews


Another victory

for devel



loper Bizarre Creations

Style 1 to 4-Мауог Racing (20-Player Online] Pubilshor Activision Develop

lur developer Bizarre Creations has ais B sting cust e racing сос Te

Project Gotham creators made a name fortran wth hat ss Kudos system. Паво payers о к about he race within ino raca cng нуну and on ne edge was just as portant as crossing те nh ie i fret That same spt ound in ur although th ume wining he ta ates by abusing tthe racers at evr turn is synonymous win Сога in iret piace.

Бы be garna Би оп witty Powers aren't spy fans о dtr, oy are tous you ean usin dent wey depending en me state. A Bargo bast © always handy To disrupt any cars in your mediate VON, ба can ао be deployed as a momenta hei емне, most powerups come han

alternate fro option. For instance, your garden- variety Niro boost can alternately be used

to slow you down ~ sell for those realy tight comers.

There aro many ways to play Blur apart fom how you use your power- ups. Earning fans which 7 ‘Show youlevelupand f unlock cars) is easy, and D even when youre not geting them for doing stuff you'd normally do - tke ramming someone with a Nitro boost white you're in mid-air he game gives you plenty of opportunities. There are always mid-race chalenges that gamer fans for doing things tke hiting someone with а Bolt missile while you're ‘riting or passing trough а dozen check. point gates.

Unike Mario Kart, Blur doesn't embrace randomness or engineer worst-to-frst finishes. Powerups are in the same position each lap and эге never randomized, so you can pian ahead ог when you can grab that Shield ог lighting blast. You can also see what everyone's carrying, зо you know when to make your move against a weak opponent or respect their strength. Finaly, Blur lets you manage three power-up siots and rop power-ups at any time. You can stock up fon three speed boosts tor that ong straightaway, for example, or concoct a triple threat that'l earn you lots ol fans when they destroy the feld. The


‘best thing is that the game doesn’t favor one Particular kind of strategy.

Biur features boss battles, and while | ike the idea, I'm tom on the fact that to unlock tem. You have to go through set criteria first. Most о! these you meet simply by doing what you do best, but a few are so specific (ike reverse ‘Shunting five cars), that occasionally I felt Ike 1 жаз having to grind races just to meet one of the ‘goals. The cars you win from the bosses feature mods (which give you in-race bonuses), but I'm surprised these aren't as prevalent as in the mul- tiplayer where you have cars with multiple mod slots and the арту to manage diferent mod loadouts. Blur's online multiplayer feeds your hunger for earning fans and leveling up, and it ‘one of racing's best online multiplayer modes.

Blur is the thinking person's death race - if there is such a thing - where your mind is racing. just as fast as your motor.» Matthew Kato


impressi nimations


tackling г

Style 1 or 2-Playor Sports (2-Player Online Developer Natural Motion Re

ike a rookie struggling to adust to the speed of the pro game, Backbreaker could use a few years on the practice squad before seeing the feld, Though the real-time Physics engine produces varied tacking arima- tions and a fantastic атау of hits, the rest of the gameplay isn't ready for prime time.

The robolic-iooling players move with no sense of agiity, poor camera angles on sweep Plays fal to focus on the defensive pursuit, and blocking breaks down too often at the ine of scrimmage. The result а feast or famine rush. ing attack fttered with an absurd amount of neg ative caries and the occasional breakaway run.

The passing game isn't much better. Backbreaker employs an up-tight camera. perspective to bring you coser to the action, Which makes it tough to scan the fed for open. receivers. With a convoluted progression system, intense pass rushes, and sporadic results. from each pass, its tough to pul off a Peyton Manning impersonation,

You would think the inability to consistently move the ball would make it tough to eke out а

From punk

Style | to 4-Player Rhythm/ Music (4-Player Onlin) Publisher MTV башев/ Electronic Arts Developer Harmonix/Demiurgo Studios Release June B ESRB T

Green Day: Rock Band

win. Thanks to the lackluster opponent Al on very долу куа, the oppo Ste в true My fret team won the championship osplo a 40-percent competion percentage anda 3.4 yards percamy rushing average on the Season, Tho А conroed teams suffered tom

а pally мо yards por салу rushing averages, and completon percentages hoverng around 40 parcet In real йе, hose numbers woudl get ou banned rm professional footbal or a con "act wih the Oakland Raiders (not sure which

is worse)

On the other side of the bal, the focus on tacking and bend ihe back perspective brings Some much needed intensity to the game. Deense avid the camera issues that plague offense wih a handy leh tope клоп hat enters the camera on the ball carier. Hunting down runing backs, roving passing lanes, and dalveing vicous tacks is un, though switching eloncirs is Geofenting and wish the game

armonix's follow-up to The Beatles: Rock Band is another single-band tite, this time featuring the long- running Bay Area pop punks Green Day. The choice makes sense. Green Day has a cross-generational appeal and has ‘maintained a high level of popularity for Going on 20 years now. Is great rom a marketing perspective - a younger skew- ing, yet stil classic-rock friendly band. that has enough wel-known material to fil a disc. Harmonix worked hard to deliver a full Green Day experience - the ‘sheer amount of unlockable video footage, old photos, and Green Day memorablia is amaz- ing; t's a new standard for single-artist music games,

That sad, т not sure m on board. For me, this is the least compelling Rock Band game to date, While I enjoy Green Day, there's a difer- ‘ence between a good song and a good Rock Band song. A great many amazing tunes just aren't that fun to play. Green Day's stock їп trade is power chords, defvered in clipped, repetitive eighth and sixteenth notes. Bile Joe might be а great frontman, but he's no master guitarist. The bass and drum tracks are more interesting than guitar, but playing this many Green Day

‘songs in a row gets boring. To be honest, et some of the same things about The Beatie: Rock Band, but the breadth, depth, and quality ‘ofthe Beatles’ songwriting gave me fascinating musical touches to notice and focus on. Here, the repetiiveness of the material в а slog. This is ‘especialy true of the frst tier of songs, which are Pulled entirely fom the classic Dookie, а fondly remembered but musically one-dimensional ‘album. Youll notice the band members using the same strumming phrasing or rhythmic tricks over ‘and over again or stealing them outright, Ike ‘when “Waning” lits the if from "Picture Book" by the Kinks,

The game hits its peak in the second tier of songs, performed at the Miton Keynes arena,

gave users control over jumping to knock down or intercept passes. Given the poor offensive Al however, the defense easy racks up negative plays, sacks, and interceptions, which robs the ‘experience of ream.

Two of Backbreakers of-feld strengths are ts deep team customization tools and the British ‘soccer inspired Road to Backbreaker mode, which tasks you with working your way up а ‘multi-tiered league. Tho season mode, how- еми, suffers from a lack of trades, ree agency, and contracts

Natural Motions Euphoria technology is a great bulking block for a football game, but Backbreaker suffers from too many rookie mistakes. Only the most hardcore gridiron fans dying for an alternative to the EA Sports offerings should bother bringing this one in for look,» Matt Berts

Here you'l різу some well-chosen tracks off the band’s middle period albums as well as the entirety of the blockbuster American dit. The tunes are more diverse, especialy some of the ‘epic song suites ой of American Idiot Ike “Jesus о! Suburbia,” which is the best song in the game, throwing new parts and melodies at you on a minute-to-minute bass. The final er consists ofthe less satisfying 20t Century Breakdown album, which adds a new layer of pomp and (thankiuly) more complex studio-musican lead playing. As a quick aside, l'm stil boggled by the. decision to include the a capella "Song of the Century” on the trackist - couldn't this spot have gone to a more worthy ful-band song?

I ike me, you've cooled on the music genre n recent months, | don't think Green Day is the band to reignite your love affair with Rock Band. In the future, maybe Harmonix could attempt a single band tite based around а more complex and more fun to play - band їка Muse or Rush. This tite has al the craft that Harmonix usualy puts into its games, | just wish there were more songs | wanted to play more than once. » Matt Helgeson

PS3 « 360

» Concept

Otter a pigskin alternative wi an impressive real-time physics system

» Graphies

Robotic players have no personality, robbing the game Of a sense of drama

э Sound Lie the first next-gen Madden, Backbreaker foolishly excludes broadcast commentary in favor o basic ‘stadium sounds

» Playablilty

Tho running game lacks адшу and the passing game Jacks finesse, but roving on delonso is fun as long as you don't switch players mid-play » Entertainment

“This rookie is very rough around the edges: only football fans desperate for a поп-ЕА Sports ше should spend a шечош daft pick

1.5 WY

PS3 * 360 « Wii

э Concept Give ho Rock Band treatment to the world's most popular Pop punk band

п Graphics.

Is not as striking as he Beatles: Rock Band, but there are some great full- performance animations, heavy pyrotechnics, and cool crowd participation segments э Sound

Tho soundtrack relies too heavily on the three most popular Green Day albums. You can also import six previous Green Day DLC songs into ho game


ts largely by-the-book

rock: Green Day isn't exactly known for their adventurous musicianship. Features the yocal harmony suppor from “The Beatles: Rock Band.

» Entertainment.

While they've had a fine [and surprisingly enduring) carer, Fr not sure Green Day is the right fit for this franchise

» Replay Value


reviews 93

Joe Danger

Mixed genres are greater than the sum of their parts

1 or 2-Payer Patorm/Racing Publisher Hello Games Developer Hello Games Release Juno 8 ESRB E.

ваше ва. ling a game that Entertains ater he fest rae hard » Concept 1 enough, but creating one that is equally L- aco, jump, balance tid. entertairing afer the fest hour, day ond i A andconbo winner Week. по tha shard. Theta at ‘hill stuntman on the ride of fledgling Hello Games did exactly that his ile with PSN downloadable title Joe Danger, ^ Graphics a rollicking good time that never ceases Bright, inviting props and entertain, combining genres and ‘characters look great, But game styles into an addictive synthesis the backgrounds could use ра can appeal to the youngest and variety most casual gamers just as much as the de devoted, hardcore crowd. music is a zany collection ^ joo Danger defies easy classifica- ур быа ton, and a glance at the screenshots a ЫГ Ан опу hape a Tite bt. Ter cota ток f racing т he ven of he csi э Beyabitty Есіс, and obstacle navigation that ately nO сов tno popular Te seres. Wa ченеш mei mue eomplenty tat frst ook couldn't tell you is how the f Шш andas дали йана equal opralon fom he ое теа COMBO tems of Tory Hank, һе speed fueled purchasing power to unlock ale lve una ноаен tang of 20 Sona the eave dive change seem so single at frst To tht and ‘across dozens of courses wi LitleBigPlanet. responsive controls only reveal their magic over таатал уте 0o & a run-down, gizžed turiman, whose firme, and dots bi starts puling of acrobatics Toppy us ой asias have kapt той the icut or years. hat йд be posable. The bk can sch зверну Value When he retums, he needs to realy wow he temomentum in mda and go backwards gh crowd to got back 1o tne tep. To doso yout Bouncing springs send tho suman hurting ravgaetin trough a huge numberof osta. through hear The exaggerate physics are Cle-laden courses, each of which has a number expertly balanced to be amusing but predictable, ‘of goals. Collect all the stars. String a combo- The high level of precision gives players the same though he ental Landon precarious солио тега have over ато seal parm чак аста he couse Bea бе tmo mit, crater ut here there s ho added aby Or, for the big scores, start combining objectives throw in fips, boosts, and wheelies, Almost every into a single run. Every achievement nets you action throws points up on the board. Noah over course is designed to reveal its secret over tho course ‘of multiple playthroughs. Ten hours, was sil leaning the orbit of the cons and tyr to mariae my nat Ate same tane, at any point along the way [noud have apply passed th controler to а оодо confident at the ву vl wodd

draw them in just as they did me. Is everything | would want a game Ika this to offer = fun, scalable challenges that are accessible to all

Players, with nearly infite repayabiity

While Joe Danger delivers an astounding wealth of levels and content for a downloadable game, it tacks on two other big extras for fun. Spit-screen multiplayer has only a few levels, but does offer a great way to introduce friends to the te, The second big addition helps to alevate ‘that dearth of content; players can create and share online single-player and spli-screon levels with fends. The level creator s straightforward and easy to use, and assures all sorts of add tional playtime f you ever manage to squeeze through the extremely challenging levels at the. end of the core game,

Helo Games flagship downloadable game. does suffer from a lack of variety in its environ- ments and audio, and l' love to see more challenges that have the old biker interacting with other riders, But those issues only arise for me because of how long | was drawn into the 'gonre-bending gameplay Its an ambitious and ‘exciting new franchise, but more importantly it shows off a smal developer that deserves some big attention. » Matt Miller

Sin & Punishment: Star Successor

don't know if I've ever played a game where the action is quite as non-stop as Sin & Punishment: Star Successor. From riding a strange dinosaur creature along a dangerous stretch of desert highway to blowing up legions of giant fish and submarines under the sea to ап epic space battle finale, there's barely а moment to catch your breath as you fly from. one absurdy oversized boss battle to the next. ‘Anyone looking for an intense shot of adrenalina on the Wi need look no further.

The core gameplay of Sin & Punishment is ‘similar to ап on-rals shooter, which accounts for оте of the speed - the game keeps moving ‘along even if you're stl gawking at the pretty scenery. A ludicrous story lightly stings together

Style 1 or 2-Player Shooter Publisher Nintendo Developer Treasure Release June 27 ESRB T

tho events, but the plot isn't realy he point During each set pece, youll have to shoot down a bevy of enemies and environmental objects by атп wih te remote or әр the rele around wih he cassc controler analog sticks. ‘You've also got a melo attack hat can be used то devastate any enemy who gels too close oro тоок back projecties toward opponents.

You need to master melee and ranged attacks as wel as swift dodging n order lo stay. эе, Gigantic, пот bosses requre rock ing missies and varying attacks to be taken Gown. In fact, those encounters are tho spots there you're most ial to бе, requiring a Di of tral and enor bore you memorize how to best Some of the more compicaled bosses, uke,

checkpoints are very forgiving, often placing you just a minute or two back in the level,

The easy respawns also add to the game's biggest issue: I's incredibly short. Minus deaths and replaying levels for higher scores/dfcul бев, there's а grand total ol around four to fue. hours of content in Star Successor. Add in a co-op buddy (not shown onscreen but provid: ing double the frepower), and the experience willbe over even faster. Then again, Fm not sure Treasure could have crammed much more insanity into this game without needing to put in a break from the exhilaration that makes it so awesome, Maybe sometimes its better to be left wanting. » Phil Koll

iger Woods PGA Tour 11


Wi » Concept

‘lightning-fast trip through some ofthe most bombastic action the Wi has ever soon э Graphics

"Tons of detail in the environments and enemies, ‘though уо probably

ast through them too fast to notice

» Sound

A tun soundtrack = just don't Jet the English voice acting bring you down

» Playabiity

Easy for anyone to enjoy at lower безе and with а ‘co-op partner

» Entertainment

"What it lacks in length, it more than makes up for in memorable set pieces Replay Value


ger for Wii carries a 8.5 г== IM B cz wi iger developer EA skills challenges versus pros, а » Concept Tiburon thought they PGA tour schedule, and the Ryder amas

fora new advanced swing mechanic that makes things ‘more realistic than last year

э Graphics

Nothing remarkable, but isa golf game, so Tm not sure that

it matters a whole lot With the MotionPlus adds э Sound a new dimension to your Audio comes through the swing that yields better Renee spenar nd resus. ал odd wey. о НОН that it adds the possibilty of youve i tho ball aven moro nconsstency lo » узышу

Playing this game without the "WiMoion Pus peripheral is a "waste ol time

» Entertainment

golf swing down last year with the addition of the Wi MotionPlus peripheral but now they swear they have it dialed in, Sarcasm aside, the franchise's second turn

my swing without ruining the entire experience. The series continues to tinker around the edges, making modest

Cur) has been tweaked, this time with a more measured approach. towards attribute points and ‘modifiers. Cubs - and not shafts

ог clothes are the only tem that Confers stat bonuses, and you are опу alowed to give one of your four. attributes a temporary stat bump. before most challenges or tourney rounds. This approach slows down the stat jacked characters of he. past, but t's also not as fun. ке "he inclusion of the Ryder Cup, but even though the tournoy's format

is largely the same, its a Ийе werd thatthe CPU doesn't abide by

the nationally rules (Americans

‘This years Tiger adds some solid depth to the experience in al areas

э Replay Value

Moderately High

improvements that are mostly welcome. In Tiger 10, the MationPlus peripheral was

mainly concemed with whether your wrists were

twisted or not as you struck the bal. Your wrists

aro stil important, but now the game also reads

your folow-through. It can be a subtle change

that doesn't factor in all your swings, but | ike

it because it further codifes what constitutes

а good method and what that fees Ike. If you

don't want to use the new motion you can. revert to the old one through the game's detailed system of assists and dificully levels that you ‘can mix and match, includng whether you want to use the waggle-stye spin. One | recommend tuming оп is the TrueVew camera, which is а first-person look at the ball as you size it up and watch it (hopeful) sai through the air

‘Once again the career moda (consisting of

үз. Europeans) that make the Cup what itis. ‘The Ryder Cup is also online, as is last years disc gol

Combining the progress made with the WiMation Plus peripheral with an expanded 'onine footprint, fve new courses, four courses ‘of actual min-gof, and more, Tiger 11 is a ful- fledged game with a motion based swing and not ust a sight curiosity. » Matthew Kato

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98 classic

hemembering The VMU

Diehard Dreamcast fans have

a long list of reasons they love Sega's dead console. High on the © Dreamcast list is the Virtual Memory Unit (VMU). This handy little device made every other memory card at the turn of the century look like a chump. More than Shenmue save files were stored in this trinket, though. The VMU contained some great ideas above and beyond storing data. by Tim Turi

Technology Breakdown

Dimensions: Processor: 1.85" x85" x 0.63" Tiny &-bit CPU nicknamed Men "Potato" inside.

46 grams Interface:

Four-way d-pad and buttons.

Video: 1.46" x 1.02" LCD display ^ Release: Audio: September 9, 1999.

Single-channel speaker

Memory Card Plus How many times have you reached for your. cache of PS2 memory cards and struggled to

The VMU's role as a second screen came in handy with some games, and just displayed the logo in others. In Resident Evil 2, 3, and Code Veronica, the zombie slayers' vitality was dis- played on the VMU instead of forcing gamers to interpret imps.

For Your Eyes Only In competitive multiplayer sports titles like. NFL 2k, the VMU kept players honest with

Pugilistic Nomad So you unlocked Iron Man in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 at home on your Dreamcast. Nice. work, With the VMU you could plug into an. arcade cabinet and destroy your rivals with your recently earned fighters, or trade characters by directly linking VMUs.


You can talk the talk. Сап you walk the walk? Here's a chance to prove it. Please geek responsibly.




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1. What is Elec Man’s weakness in th fiat Moga Man?

a. Ice Slasher

b. Fire Storm

с. Magnet Beam

4. Rolling Cuter

2. What doen the electricity shield do for ‘you in Sonic the Hedgehog 3? а. Automatically collects nearby rings $. Immunity to robotic enemies. Grants Sonic super speed 4. Prevents Sonic from drowning

3. Which Metal Gear Solid 2 baddie fired ‘an electric rall gun?

a. Fortune

b. Fatman

с Oiga Gurtukovich

4. Emma Emmerich

4. Which god granted Kratos an electricity- based attack in tho first God of War? b. Hera Poseidon

4. Hades

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a. Raichu

b; Voor

e. Jolteon


с. Teala Col а. Lightning 5;

me b. Syphon Fiter

©. Nightmare Creatures &. Krazy Ivan

9. Which Mortal Kombat charactors fatality involves а stun gun? в. Raiden. \ e: Quan Chi 4. Stryker

э. Baseball bat

b. Guitar.

©. Hane

а. Bow iat i

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eee 207 +a 2010

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