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Civil War rages across the six continents on EDN III, how will you respond? Team up with 4-player co-op and battle colossal Akrid, hordes of soldiers, and mechanical Vital Suits. Jump online and battle for territory in 16-player versus modes, and devise new strategies to fight as a squad.

Enormous Bosses e 4-Player Co-op Customizable Arsenal Immersive Environments


Ox BOX 360. LE ии a J 7I3 %


ANDY MCNAMARA EDTOR CHEF andy@gamoinformercom

end ny column or

comment on т lener at gameinformer coma) or flow 09, Andy

In Defense of the Game Manual

bisoft receniiy announced its plans to | | remove manuais rom tho PayStaton 3 and Xbox 360 actions of ts games п a move to до green, Not to sound Ike Andy Rooney or some consumer monster who isn't Earth conscious, but I find ага to believe that game manuals ar ling mother Earth whan thoro aro about a milion other far more grievous offenses taking place each and every Second of every day.

Үт awara of ho phrase that every itl bit count, but їз not ike he industry & ripping through the rain forest to make paper products. Most paper is rated ike crop a replerishabie resource just Ike food. Once the trees are cut Gown, they piant more. ts dently not stp fining and ist checked the word could use mor res, not fewer

"often annoyed at the amets love of mocking paper products Ike our magazine or game manuals while people st at computer Suckng down power on a giant plast produc When Im done wth a magazine I can recycle it. Do you know where your computer goes when you are done win t?

Gamers can instead ind digital versions of ino manual cn the game websites, which m al юх 1ке ho dea of being abie to check a manual in-game II wish, but te total removal of manu: ais doesnt st wel wth me. The manual is an important part ot my game experence, As walk Out of the Store win a now дате, Ip open tne annoying packaging, st down in my car and pul out ihe manua o check t out. I want to se. the art and experience thal new game smel as crack open ha box ke to laugh at crappy back and white manuals and enjoy the wonder ol an outstanding М color masterpiece

Yes, tha “Game Notes” section n the back of manuals is a waste of space, but find tha rest quie usatu. | don't need a manual to el mo Pow to play a game, but many times there are Jos of useful hinis, as wel some of ihe back stor that otentimes doesn't make it into tho ames themselves. Also, usual read manuals When my game isnt оп. After my gama loads Pm busy playing. в when tke a break or ind тузө! stuck tha Itake the manual wih mo to jean more about my game of choice

With moves ko this, tho manuals fure loce t ook bright, bu I1 ways be wing to pay a fow entra doles to get moro fom tne ames that I colet rather han less.

Enjoy the issue.


Gears of War 3

nt has


йеп and the lamt thr o crack the lanet open, but h not yet lost in this con lusion to ti by Matt Miller

games index




his month in Feedback we look at solutions to online multiplayer problems, talk about gaming and social issues, laugh at people who fell for Game Infarcer, and get a little sick of cake.

Contact Us пефеск©әлепоттегсот.

No Lie

The Portal 2 cover was awesome! I'm looking forward to alot of things about the sequel, but theres one thing that Im most excited about: пен jokes. f | hear anyone say "tho cake в aa" ‘one more time, | swear I'm shoving them into the nearest emergency inteligence incinerator.

Yeah, the Portal references have gotten a litle out of hand. Then again, ай of the talk about cake and companion cubes is really a testament to the success and popularity of the original. You don't hear gamers rever- cently spouting inside jokes about games they hate...unless the game itself is the punchline, Try shouting “Superman 64!"

in a room full of gamers - the laughter is deafening.

For the Love of the Game Today | would ike to write to you with a sad. dened heart. have yet to find a gamer that is аз deeply into gaming as |, and that disappoints me. | go beyond being a hardcore gamer by supporting my industry the best way that | сап; subscribe to gaming magazines, always ‘check out videos on the internet, and strive to bring my fiends together to have fun online. | always defend game companies, and support them - and | am not even in the industry! Today 1 write to you, Garne Informer, to ask if anyone ‘out there cares about the future ol gaming as much as | do?

Collin McFerrin

‘Madison, WI

We could say a thing or two here, but we have a feeling that you, the readers, will have a few choice words of your own for Collin. We'll just hold our tongues until next month, when we print your responses.

Pay It Forward n his opinion ресе entled A Changing Баек Matt Betz says or one would be ‘more than waling to shel ол a few dolarsa month or an evolving standalone multiplayer experience." What а great ca about how to Tx gitching in Modem Warfare 2, Berta Tel you what If that happens, мй be more than wiling to give you my gamertag so you can take care ol my bil oo, because Fm not paying a penny lo fx their mistake. magine having to pay a monty fee on each опе ot your favorite games; that wont bo “a few dotars" anymore. We can't let риат think itis okay to contnuaty charge Gamers to have an experence that should be rana out of Ie box, һе of charge. ! her. responsbity to keep a game playable, not ours ‘Giancarlo Scamarone Middleburg, PL

Obviously, we'd prefer to not pay extra money for games we've already bought, but Something needs to change about the cur- rent situation. Bertz wasn't proposing that you pay money for the same content you're jetting now in Modern Warfare 2. An "evolv- ing standalone multiplayer experience” would be more akin to the model used in

MMOs like World of Warcraft. Online shoot- ers could continually add new content like maps, weapons, and objectives - in addition to keeping the glitches under control. This kind of attention to the community requires more staff and development time, which cost money. You can say that it is Activision and Infinity Ward's duty to give these things to you for free, but that's just not going to happen under the current model.

Du you тїз Bt ne ресе on те problems win elie mer sue 204? Go oganeitmer conma ona

Reader Nonsense "A game should never, ever be given a score of 10/10. That means it is perfect, and no game can over be perfect. Giving any game a 10, no matter how good, calis your credibility and integrity into question."

arth Infarceru: | don't understand how someone as arogant a th Clark is being supported in your magazine, aim that his opinion is more important than the games or the people that create them 5 insulting to the gaming comm games is hard work, and the gamers are the fnal opinion in gaming - not some jrk's opinion. If he unis as on on the topics of games, then | wil cancel my subscription to the magazine supporting this stupidity. Its about tho games and wil always be about the games. The shouid get the cred, not some critic оп everything һе sees.


David Owen Via email

lam writing to Infarcer section, which I think is a great idea! However, the idea could only work in tha hands

аө of Glas a whole. After

ame Infarcer, I have reakzed ths sec tion is completely ruined in his hands. Not only is he entirely devoid of any humor or c

also comes across as an arrogant jerk

In order to sel m abolaged older PSSS wi the clock bug that rendered

the early systems useless я for a day back in February


^re in luci

from the tez Answer: False

is pretty sad, considering he really has nothing to be arrogant about. Andrew A. Via email

After the yearly Game Infarcer section runs in the April issue, we prepare ourselves for тап onslaught of letters. Usually, these come from readers who get suckered by one or more of the fake news stories, but this year ме got a little surprise. Game Infarcer's editor-in-chief, Darth Clark, ruffled more. feathers than anything else. In some cases like Andrew's letter), even readers who understood that Game Infarcer is a satirical feature didn't realize that the alleged author of the section was also a parody. Here's

the good news: Darth Clark is pretend, and notan employee at our publication. On the other hand, if you think Game Infarcer is. levoid of any humor or cleverness," you only have us to blame.

2. Remembering PlayStation Ho 3. Mass Effect

ght a

feedback 9

On Your Mind

am т\ш ол 22% игла

(Lett From now

Nar 3 (Center) G4' Ае

Heppe and Adi too hol lor TV but just the rit temperature for GI Spy (Right)

Dan gets what coming to him at

nt That beard wa Dan think he was

10 feedback

Tackling The Issue

It was rafreshing to read The Gender Gap, a wel: writen analysis of the challenges of female rep- resentation in gaming. But as a student curer researching archetypes in video games, Га Ike 1o offer my Not only should we ask for mora female characters, we should demand that future female NPCs not be constrained by Traditional gender roles, Dev ould do a lot for women in gaming with this simple, sale, and cost-effective measure.

Alison Rapp Minneapolis, MN

lama female gamer. | adore wasting my week

кіс away playing Modem Warfare, Halo, Laft а Dead, and The Orange Box. However, I hate females in games! Usual, they are the “strong! female archetype that drives me crazy wäh her "I'm just one of the guys, but better” antics and showing off how tough she is. More often than nat, I won't buy a game with a female lead char- acter. | couldn't care less if the game has gender diversity; as long as its а good game, then Im happy. Gaming can just be entertainment - it ‘doesn't need to tackle social issues. | don't com- рап about lack of gifs in games and | wil never have a reason to!

Crystal Chavez via email

Your insuting article about the gender gapin video games almost made me want to cancel my subscription. Where do you guys get off put- ting that in your magazine? Save it for the New York Post or Time. | thought Iwas reading Game Informer, not the “What's Wrong With America Today" magazine.

James Ivey Bradenton, PL

All media is influenced by the surrounding culture. Sure, you can play video games without giving much thought to their social significance - but that doesn't mean it isn't there. As a video game magazine, we report оп many facets of the gaming industry, and we wouldn't be properly serving our read- ers by ignoring the challenge that social issues (ike the gender gap) pose for game developers. They may not be as entertain- ing as punchy Top 10 lists, but these issues. are a part of today's video game industry. If you want a bland hobby disconnected from ‘controversy, perhaps you should invest in a food-themed coloring book.

No Sims Allowed I just read your article about The Sims’ anni Versary, and | thought of a better tle for it:

10 Years of the Sims and the 9.75 Years No Опе Gave a S---”| mean, Mortal Kombat and Duke Nukem worked too hard to set the bar for these guys to come along and make a video game out of a home economics class. Don't encourage them, Gl

Malcolm M. New York, NY

Games with lots of blood and guns aren't ‘automatically more legitimate than those ‘about buying furniture and going to work. Mortal Kombat and Doom certainly carry more hardcore credibility, but as the best- selling PC series ever, The Sims franchise is ‘a huge milestone in gaming history. If simu- lations aren't your thing, stick to BFGs and fatalities. Just remember that “I don't like this game” and “This game is bad” aren't ‘always interchangeable statements.

offers voice-activated SYNC: you can use your voice to do a an just make calls. After all tions hat

car’ All at a pr

will leave you, well,



Drive one.

ла feedback

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Are sequels stronger than ever?

of Success

ho word “sequel” might bo a dirty word to some, but it also represents a large portion of the good games we play. The current gaming landscape is marked with established properties Ike Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2, BioShock 2, and many more. And "why shouldn't it be? When a publisher or devel ‘oper sees that a series ike Call of Duty: Modern Warfare increases its sales from 14.4 milion units sold worldwide for the frst game to over ‘an estimated 18 milion for the follow-up (so ar, its easy to envision a successful franchise as a goose laying golden eggs. In ight of tho recent Success of so many sequels, it appears we're in the midst of video game heyday. We took a Iook at tho process of crafting a good series and. investigate the overall strength of the model, "We go in with tha mentality of: Everything we buid has the potential to tum into a major. franchise," says Scott Rohde, vice president of Sony's worldwide studios in America. While ‘everyone wants a blockbuster or three, getting therethrough a suc- cession of carefuly crafted games. is not easy. It can be the kind of. chalenge that is almost too big 1o foresee. “The funny thing about the God of War games,” explains God of War Ill rector Sig Asmussen, “is that we push so hard atthe end ofthe game that we aren't plan- Ting very wel for the next game. "Wo don't plan for tho next game unti we're back from our vacation. after we fish the game.” When they do start working on the next instalment, there's a wealth of info from focus groups, fans’ forum posts, internal post-mortems, and other sources, but not always easy to cut through the static. However, both Asmussen and Evan Wels, co-president of Uncharted 2 developer Naughty Dog, beleve that a good расе to start is with what wouldn't, or even couldn't, workin the previous games. Both developers believe in the importance of examining ideas that didn't make it into earier tiles, This isn't because of a lack. ‘of inspiration, however I anything, ts a way to revisit gameplay mechanics and features that

were worthy enough tho frst time around but couldn't be implemented, perhaps due to tech-

nological constraints. Asmussen points to God

^f War I grunts wi randomized animatons

and Alas an example of this, and Wels states

{hat righting wrongs the inherent purpose of

sequels. "Moro so even than охсоот the salos ‘or the critical reception of the frst game, we're

just hoping that we can fnd personal satisfaction in achieving the vision that wo had actualy origi- пау set out to achieve.”

For Wels, working on a sequel isn't justa rotum to the fama, but an exciting process “because tom day one you are realy produc- tie,” he explains. "When you are creating a now IP its a sog through at least tho frst year о! development, and maybe even longer if you are developing a new engine or working with Tow hardware to where the amount of progress you're making every day is realy itie”

Building fom a foundation can be a good approach, but franchises must aways navigate the double-edged sword of attracting new fans without alenang the od ones, Does a tutorial dor the uninitiated get in tho way or veterans? Do franchise overhauls and/or fashy new features pul the rug out tom under long-time fans? As Asmussen deals, there aro no easy decisions. For God ot War I, he feit һе had to тоо Kratos of some of his powers because ha thought that to seis’ debut on PS3 would attract a ot of newcomers. "It Kind of a ciché for the game right now” he acknowledges, tut Wwe definitely recognized that there were going to be a lot of now people

‘On the subject of tutoriais, Wels beleves they're a must fr anyone who plays his games, Simply because he doesn't think that even fans ‘of Uncharted, for example, wil remember al the ‘controis Кот the frst game back in 2007. One feature he dd think was a win-win for everyone, however, was multiplayer

No matter how fnely you hone your crat, he danger of becoming stale is aways present. Some gamers beue that sequels get cozy and don't create enough new momentum for the industry. While now Ps are certainly sexier "han whats ата innovations in gaming can be made by any game at any time, and even new IPs rely on whats come befor, Stil, both Asmussen and Wels know the danger sans of a franchise that has run its course, | think the best gauge,” says Wels, “and ultimately what makes

a diferane between what makes a good game. and a bad game, is the enthusiasm of the team." When a developer is bumed aut on a fran- chise, Asmussen bollevos that the best thing

чо do is give the property to another devel- oper assuming that the studio is right for the job - or put it on the shelf unti the original team is inspired again. Rohde, a man who cer- tainly is familar with the status of Asmussen, Wels, and all of Sony's frst-party develop- ers, keeps a close watch on the situation. He is mindful of the cimate Sony's franchises aro in, the publisher's balance of new IP to sequels, how the audience for a given series may be changing its demographics, and how this might even affect what kind of mechan- ics might be added or which console is most suitable for certain points in the franchise's If, For those serios that Sony has put on the shelf, Rohde is one of the people who ls planning - sometimes as long as three or four years down tho road = for the right time for a. franchise to return.

Even though Asmussen has worked on all the God of War games, he's not oblivious to the danger of the industry becoming too depen- dent on sequels. However, he doesn't think that жете at that critical mass yet, Ho Ekens tho current climate to that of moves in the 70s and "805, citing stil-relevant sequels of the time Ike Tho Empire Strikes Back and Rocky I. "I think we have to be very careful that the industry doesn't become so focused on money that nobody is wiling to take risks anymore, and we're either just doing sequels or games based оп franchises п other mediums. I might sound Ike a hypocrite because | just got done work- ing on my third game in a row, but for me it's a passion, it's more Ike the Star Wars movies or Rocky movies. In my mind, God of War kind of commanded a sequel.”

If ever the state of sequels is dre, Asmussen firmly beieves gamers should not hesitate to take matters into their own hands. In that сазе, he says, "People have to stop buying the ‘sequels. Something needs to happen to get people to stop buying the sequels, because the ‘companies are going to keep offering nothing ‘but sequels.” For now, however, ме seem to be reaping the benefits of gaming franchises constantly perfecting their craft and offering con ‘tently enjoyable experiences.

connect 18

Sequel Movers Movers & соз B

Red Steel 2 (Wil, 2010) 81

Losers Real's rod (mu, 2007 88 лана God à шш. 2008) 81

enana аныз е Герн Tuer PA

007| 88 | 96 The Metacritic scores of many of the series we looked at stayed the same or only strayed by a few points, perhaps point ing to the strength and reliable nature of sequels. However, here's a culled selection of modern video game franchise whose scores stand out.*

Mass Effect (360, 2007) 91 Mass Effect 2 (160, 2010) 96


Excite Truck (Wii, 2 Racing (Wii, 2

o $ 1 и

led Alert 3 [PC 2008) 82 | Command & Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight |PC, 2010) 69

Resident Evil 4 (ip), 2005) 86 Resident Evil 8 (multi 2009) 86 |

Final Fantasy XII (PS7, 2006) 92 Final Fantasy ХШ (P52, 2010) 83 |

Marvel Ultimate Alliance (9, 2006] 83 Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (multi, 2009) 74

“The муна bt re vas a t span es win eet es Nro "oats ges vor шей ni sy

Are Episodic Games the Answer? ‘When we asked Naughty Dog's Evan Wells what he thought might break the current model of sequels, e ol us episode gaming has the potential to do that, but that t would be ifcut Wels thinks that so far nobody has produced competing content with the "current level of idelty” of your average console game ‘at he same rate сап be shed out. In other wor, Its tough to drop episodic coment every month, and then олу have a month to create the next batch. "f someone was abie "o crack that nut tin tha's oe of the only things that would change the way people are ‘experiencing her sequels.”


BioShock (i, 2 BioShock 2 [mul

Fina Fantasy ML

Matters of Context

A new console can be an exciting new opportu- nit for series Ike one. There's no doubt he PS3 provided hype and great-looking graphics for a sequel that was better received than the frst оле. Sm new features (ке Resident EW Scoop) пен developers (BioShock 2 or new mechanics final Fantasy 0 may factor in same sequels scoring lower an her predecessors - even though Ihe games and seres themselves may be oh quality

‘The Scarcity of Wii Sequels A iden sac in the Metacritic sequel data is that Nintendo's Wi - apart rom some frst- ary is бе Super Mario Galaxy or Metroid Prime - dosn't have as many sequal as the her systems. Wile lesser franchises Ike Cooking Mama ог Stan White Snowboarding pad out areas of he console roster, the Wis overall catalog misses out from he stable of consistently strong-scoring tls that sequels provide the ather plas. Given the problems that id parties have had achieving success on the Wi, ts not surprising. Thankful there area few exceptions, such as Boom Box, Red Steel, Resident Evi, and No More Heroes.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Sequels Aren't Better teresinoy, nether Evan Wels (co-founder of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves developer Naughty Dog) nor God f War N rector Stg Asmussen thought hat sequels necesriy do ber than ther predecessors dont think itis agen” said Wels “From the research ve done, on average,

i you look across al games, not just he most sucessful triple-A les, sequels tend to decine

in ale” Asmussen observed a poste mirage йез produced by review sores. A sequel might soore better because its Ike a more refined po uct than he game before it but "the dont aas do beter in terms of ss" Despite Asmussen and Wels insider observations, both God of War and Uncharted 2 shown) have surpassed their prede- сезаз according to Sony's sales numbers



People al over the industry love to blab about stuf nt. Otherwise, how would we know that there are voice actors portraying Ghul in Batman; Arkham Asylum 2? Or how retailer НМУ i isting tho upcoming Bizarre Creations-developed James Bond racer as James Bond: Bloodstone? Tony Hawk even. Ay" ittered that sing game is called Tony Hav ıt nobody paid attention, so it never happened. Right?

the franchise, and gamers i^o loved the si roling XBLAF aro getting moro. Capcom unveiled the sequel at a recent event, and although there aro no deals about when Rearmed 2 is coming oul, at least Nathan "Rad"


npions Online before it, the 360 econ of Star Trek Onin

to the game's executive producer, Craig Zinkevich, Ho ‘ot a technology snag, soit would appear that Microsofts st ‘onine policy has claimed another casually. The good news is that the company fied a trademark for City of Her

Canadian tea partiers just got a new reason to hate taxed. Too Human developer Siicon Knights has been ded a $4 milion grant from the Canadian government to ‘employees and work on a new game. Personally, we'd rather play the balance-the-budigot game that our government recently contacted Microsoft about making.

There's been a staff bloodbath at Sega.

in both the San and London off company says that whi itis not abandoning trac

tional console tes at al, there wil be a new focus оп digital content. In fact, London wil be the HO.

for PC and console tiles, while San Francisco han: дев the digital expansion,

‘An actor pulid a fake gun on a bunch of bar patrons in New Zealand as part of market

Cel C

tal badass who could take out every сор in New Zealand if he wanted, and would never get arrested Ike that fool.


You've already completed Mass Effect 2 at least once maybe you've even finished multiple play-

throughs. Regardless of how many times you've saved the galaxy, what goes on behind the cur- tain of Shepard's final mission is shrouded in mystery. You know it's good to get the loyalty of your crew, but why? What happens if you choose the wrong specialists? Why is Mordin prone to get- ting gunned down, even when loyal? We talked to the team at BioWare to get all of the under-the-hood details on how the game determines who survives and who is sacrificed during the course of the game's climactic suicide mission. Warning: spoilers follow!

Tal Legon oc юше Wo steading he „> Miranda, Jacob, yt hehe ee [eae ee | 7. |

fi Y Y Y w y

opening the |


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connect 19

Elevate your comfort level.



NeW Schick Hydro” Shave Gels prepare

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Classic Becomes FPS, 360

nsole Exclusiv

redra beds wein bein Binion ans alin things у Ike about he od

games, envisioning how the passing of d tht improve an area beloved ares Sodom deity raises tho heat пие fa, Bu ey тот па recoge what 2K Games Ras planed. Te pubic has anounced that is reviving he taras as XCOM- a Net personen Soloed Бу BioShock lead studio 2K Marin. To game does ot fave a release dato yet, Dat wl oniy boon XBox 000 ard PC

"The game puts you in the shoes of an FB agent wno must handle a groning len ae. Eren hough XCOM в fre person ll now that dan mean that has comply lost te rate edge, though 2 Mar aking ЖА a gamer, tons alo Cerne sag, elements wih the personal maropeciiva e an FPS,

ith BioShock 2 the team at 2K Marin proved themseives as masters of frst person, pense soya, аа Gist

Hartmann, president of 2K, "and with XCOM they wil re-imagine and expand the rich lore of this revered franchise. Players wil explore the World of XCOM from an immersive new per: spective and experience firsthand the fear and tension of this gripping narrative ride.”

It's too early to pass judgment on this new XCOM, but the game's new style is certainly an opportunity for 2K Marin to put its own stamp оп the franchise, and perhaps take it in new directions that everyone wil ove.



Splinter Cell: Conviction

Splinter Cell has always been a game of precise calculations and small windows. If Sam

Fisher didn't duck into the shadow:

ves away frc

Montreal's creative director Maxime Beland an

the series’ drama footed as a spring chicken.

After announcing the game you went back to the drawing board and reinvented It. Why did you ultimately decide to change tracks mid-development? How many of those original ideas

де it into the final game? Belana: Our creative teams knew they needed to make an enormous impact with this th nstalment е оле of ово! most important brands. Great games aret made ошку, and (зой supported the creativity ofthe development team by gung the necessary ime to make a great game. Due to this we kept al the great tools we already had, such as an amazing lighting engine and the dynamic environment, then we focused th lay more on the Spir

отоло, suchas

hs ofthe project. Other than that, we pretty much produced and shipped everything tna planned on the mision side. For umber one feature that we were not able to do on tm abit to сату dead bodies. i we wouldve been abe to do t Not that you realy need t the game, but more becaus feature that a lot of fans would ike

Early concept images of Sam showed him with a beard and shaggy hair. Why did you move away from the gruff look? Bend: The change in Sam's lok srmoly fts batter with the new drec: tion of the game, He в not a fugitive anymore, and he is à man on a mission, Sam is not in Third Echelon anymore, he & on his own investiga: tion, and so he chooses to dress m оп adequate manner to alow him. 10 до acrobatic moves, The new

at an exact moment,

ditions, applying an uncalculated urgency to the о-ор game director Patrick Redding an like Sam could suddenly be

ic shift, and also outline how an old ma

Sam now works for himsell Hes tense and mean, and al пе muscles эе tor predation, pining toward hi goal, Sam has always been a dangerous man. But now, he le himself be dangerous

Conviction moves at a much faster pace than most stealth games. Was speed one of your design goals?

Beard: V

ve the fantasy о the

made SC special intesgence п action. SC в not and wil never be а sk based shooter at its core. I and be rewarding for those that

sang afectiva. Meanw realized that gamers enjoy nnovatve ‘gameplay and fast-paced action. (Our атып was to bridge the tact cal elements vath the needed action о that would resonate win ‘Gamers’ expectations. So we dec

10 focus on brand new gameplay coments for Conviction. The Mark and cue is a realy good ек ре ol this phiosophy, being granted a mark and execute, and using i wel wil regure some thinking, ws the execute part wil be driven b proving the sense of being thi nes agent. Additional. the аршу to use Last Known Postion одоно players o stategcaly fark opponents. Tis gameplay encour- ages gamers to learn har surround- ings and uto strategic positioning,

Wie il alowing the freedom to run head frst into batte.

Enemies are very chatty in Conviction. Why is the Al con- tantly hurling insults at you? ‘Boland: Part of that decision was о give players In teeing that they have too much information about doing rather t


і compromise the mission.

that was bringing enemy chatter into the narrative. Usually, that sort ої dalogue в very generic. You

transplant tha “Arr ve beer о ines that bad guys give olf Trom one game to another, and in a lt of cases t would be hard to tal no diference, Hore, we were чуг to make those re

' what was going on

enemies react in very derent ways. Some of ats the insults you're

taking about. Some of that temor And some o i is a determina- ton to measure themselves against ths tempo, ionic Бае of Sam Fisher by taking him down

The last fight is more of an. interactive cutscene. How do you respond to players who say that the ending was a missed gameplay opportunity? and: Огду. the plan was for Tom Reed о suddenly mutate into а 401001 tal tentacle beast with machine guns in his eyes, but that turned out to be a bad match for our core gameplay. More seriously "dard boss fight cdt mesh wel with ай of the rules ol gameplay that had been estabished a the game, and realy across the iran- che. A drawn-out, extended ght win a singe enemy in a game tat about sudden, successiu attacks and quick crops of enemies so fignis адагы everything the player had done up lo stead, i seemed more a "boss sequence, something that iod gameplay and narrative о cre something that matched the rest ne game whie providing a sat fyra resoluton to all aspects.

Why did you decide not to include tho beloved Spies vs. Mercenaries multiplayer in Conviction?

Redding: From the begenieg we


stealth formula. Ubisoft

eed light on as light

decided to make the best co-op erence posstie for Convetion. The gameplay developed in single- таратар ыны С because it lets мо players work together to dominate the enemy and ranforce hat feng of being preda- tony: Som в the panther, Archer and Kestrel ae Ike two wolves п. working together to take

аео adversarial mode caled "Face ОТ consisting of spy versus spy, with hostile Al thrown into the тїк that Өз perecty withthe concept ot two rival agents.

Splinter Cell is known for having ridged trial and error gameplay, but Conviction isn't like that at

I. Did you try to make the game ‘more forgiving?

What means to be a has changed over time, tr Cal tse. We used to ave things tke three alarms and the mission wouid be fad, the ight and noise meter, and detaled radars and maps. We locked at al ot hese elements and what they brought to the game, and worked lo execute se concepts in a new, faster, mere action-onented expenence, For example, we've always had a concept of Last Known Poston, ıa means of paying cat-and-mouse vb the enemies: however was ‘concept to play with

since there was alt of guesswork involved. Now we expose it 10 you, ard it becomes a realy power toot that you can explo. In al, | think we've managed to create the samo. сое Spinter Cel experience, but faster, clearer, more personal and with the option to pay ether in a. зооту or more dynamic way. $


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him isn't e'll drain your heal

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connect 23

Since the early days of Richard Barriott's Origin Systems and Warren Spector' lon Storm studio, the city of Austin, TX has became ‘one of the most vibrant video game development scenes in the country. With a legendary local music scene, great local culture and weather, Austin is an attractive location for aspiring game designers.

E wu



A steady stream of young tal- ent from the University of Texas, which boasts world-class com- puter science and game devel- ‘opment programs, fuels Austin developers. Currently, the Austin chapter of the Independent Game Developers Association boasts 83 member companies that employ 3.047 employees

any in 2001 for $40 milion

7 Junction Point

Апен company formed by brothers Kavin and Charles Normann, who produced big les at Electronic Ans including many products in the Sims series




10 Retro Sls

“This wel known Austin developer IS wor renowned forti work on Nintendo's Metroid Prime series and Is currently working on an untitled Project for me Wi

11 Red Piy Sto fed Si has era on utes















CAN You?


31 game winner makes good, and another

classic franchise returns

to American fim noir and even the stark and haunting nature of nightmares, There's itl in the way of plot beyond a vague tagline about a boy, Uncertain of his sisters future, who is fung into imbo. Im fascinated by everything I've seen of Limbo so far - avant-garde gamers woud be wise to watch for its summer release on XBLA Several months ago | got to sco Puzzle Quest 2in action; this month | was afforded nded hands-on period with tha highly ted game. | poured dozens of hours into Change of the Warlords, so my enthusiasm true sequal should come as Fite surprise. If you are Ike me, rest easy; Puzzle Quest 2 changes a lot of Ihe surrounding window dressing, but the core combat/pu s rock solid, The new isometric viewing angle and westemized art style brings to their hero and his joume resembles a singe, massive dungeon craw, rather than a workd-spanning joumey across has bites beyond jumping and the map. Encounters against uniquely power ipdating onscreen objects. His lack of super- monsters remain the most common challenge. powers leads to some grisly deaths that seem at In these battles, weapons join Ihe magic spells odds with the lattormer roots. Не! of the previous game, expanding tha number decapitated, and his head wal ol gently down a of ways you can take down an enemy, The hil. Or a looming creature wil stab sspearike four classes (assassin, barbarian, sorcerer, and. leg into his body, impaling the suddenly Imp templar) each have interesting powers and are form. PlayDead has claimed inspirations forthe balanced for particular play styles. Beyond the ame in everything кот German expressionism battles, players wäl face a host of challenges and

Emme. Yen: Cells DN


ts always nice when a small team's cre- atve vision gets enough attention th its given a shot at the spotight. Thats exactly What seems to be happening with Limbo, a stunning new project from а Danish development house called PlayDaad, Having won awards in Visual Arts and Excellence at this year's Independent Games Festival, Limbo is now headed for a console release on Xbox Live Arcade. The minimalist sye of this platforming action/adventure is the frst thing that catches the eye - everything is rendered in a soft, sightly bluny black and white. In action, the games audio в equaly devoid of music, ће audio exper is nonetheless central to the foreboding atmosphere. Creaking trees and softly whisting wind accompany the lonely journey trough the game's danger fraught forests. The gameplay thal ensues in this dsconcering envionment is puzzie-heawy - the shadowy boy with shining


mr Thee

puzzle are usually а variation ‘color matching mechanic, with goals ike knocking down a door or extinguishing a burn ing house. What remains to be seen is how the tie wîl play out iraty- if the latter game leveling and exploration process is as fun as the early introductory levels are, Puzzle Quest 2 wil key gamer another 40 hours of my i Amid the food of recent remake news, | was excited to hear that Konami is prepping a ne take on the classic Rush'N Attack. Like the ‘original 1985 arcade game, Rush'N Attack: Ex-Patriot is an acton/platform tie with roots in the conficts of the Cold War. In the game's fiction, Sergeant Sid Morrow is an operative sent into the former Soviet Union to heip deal with an escalating clandestine confict between the US. and Russia. Hs mission: to recover an MA solder and grab some Russian nuclear secret along the way. Todo so, the game takes on a number of features of modern stealth games. leave Sid with Ие more than Along 20 he back.

most situations his knife to take down enemy sold levels with ЗО features (ike doors in ground in which Sid can hide) players navigate through three sprawing facitis. Players have а choice between straightforward;

care, planned takedowns, The gam

a marked visual simi

Complex = unsurprising,

the Unreal 3 engine n

Ex-Patriot wil release this tal, аг

the visual action and exploration of S plex with a tense stealth vibe al ts own,


was browsing around the Inde Games section on Xbox Live the other day, and one of the games stood out from the rest, The art was a photo of a emiing baby, which is Something you don't usually see on ‘game consoles. In the accompanying text, the creator says he wanted to make a game that his eght-month-old son could рау, too. Its а cute idea, but the more | thought, about the more it creeped me out.

Why are we gamers so pushy about our hobby?

Vist any online gaming community and you're bound to find posts about the best games. to get a controler into a reluctant spouse's hands, Obviously, everyone is a gamer - they just haven't played the right one yet. Another common thread is one where people post about how they plan to introduce their children = real or hypothetical ~ to the joys of video games.

| talked to Bethesda Softworks executive producer Todd Howard to see what his opinions were on the subject of kids starting out with gaming. He's the father of two boys, ages three and seven, and he seems to be taking the same ‘approach that my wife and I have been. "let him бой at his own pace,” he says. "I didn't really force t ke Ike video games, you should look at hs, because | felt that it would come." Howard says that his oldest son didt have any interest in games unti he was about fve.

My older son, who just turned three, doesn't have much interest in games, ether. We're fne with watching him play with trucks and stomp around with his toy dinosaurs. He has his whole Ме ahead of him, and it doesn't make much. sense to plop him down in front of a TV when. he's so happy being an active ite boy.

"We certainly don't have a corner on the market when it comes to projecting our own interests on other people - just look at hardcore sports fans. But | think there's something particularly needy ‘and pathetic about the obsession that gamers have about converting the non-believers. l'm all about sharing my enthusiasm with other people, but think I'm pretty good about setting bound: aris. | know my wife isn't going to get excited ‘about games the same way | do, | could frustrate both of us by trying to force the issue, but ve learned not to bother. She certainly doesn't ty to ‘get me to watch reruns of The Gilmore Gir, Would ike to someday st down with my sons and play co-op with my kids? Absolutely. Am | going to be disappointed if they'd rather play hockey or read or collect stamps? Probably ot. Am | going to prod them into playing in the meantime? Absolutely not. 'm happy to play t ‘coal "t just knew that it would come, and once it сате he'd be ged to them," Howard says.

Unti then, Ive got a ple of single-player games to keep me busy. ©

connect 27


The (Pixel) Art of Scott

Paul Robertson Jumps From YouTube Sensation To Game Art Director

Оп March 25, nerds lit up the Internet watching and posting about the debut trailer for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Based on a series of comics from. Bryan Lee O'Malley, the movie (hitting theaters August 13) is chock-full of indie rock humor, over-the-top kung fu battles, and rampant video game references, It's only fitting that a film so steeped in gaming culture have а legit video game itself,

Enter Ubisoft, which is produc- ing a 2D sidescrolling brawler for downloadable platforms based on Scott Pilgrim in the vein of classics like River City Ransom and Double Dragon. The smartest move the pub- lisher made, however, was hiring Paul Robertson to head up all of the pixel art and animation. Robertson's Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 is a short black and white film made to look like the ultimate brawler. With amazing animation, outrageous enemies, and inside nerd jokes, the short took off, garnering over a million views across various outlets.

Ifyou read through user com- ments on the video, one mes- sage keeps appearing again and again, "Why can't this be a real game!” Hopefully through the Scott Pilgrim game, fans of Pirate Baby can finally get their wish. We caught up with Robertson in Australia to get the scoop on projects past and present.

How did you first get into pixel art and animation?

I always коа drawing as a Kid, and when I was about 12 my fiend gave me an animation pro- gram for our 386 [computer] and | went from. ther. | id a meda arts course al university, but | probably learned more theory than any practical kl there, so | would say Im mostly sel taught 1 don't know any programming, though.

Pirate Baby debuted at the 2006 Next. Wave Festival and was sponsored by a grant from the city of Melbourne. How did that come together?

A fend | met at university organized it for me. She was working for a festival committee, orga- nizing screenings and exhibits, and | was already making Pate Baby so sho asked if I was work- ing on anything and if | wanted to apply for a young fimmakers grant that was on offer. So she organized al the paper work for me and set up. an exhibition for it with a few other artist

What was it like showing it for the first timo?

It was exciting. Hearing the crowd's reac- tion to the more violent or crazy scenes was pretty funny.

Did you ever expect the enormous online reaction that Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 received?

1 never realy thought about it. Iwas ust making it to entertain myself, so it was pretty cool that alot ol oer people liked it too.

Were you ever tempted into turning Pirate Baby into a playable game? 1 never wanted it to be a game; i's a parody of a game. [Its about] huge crazy bosses, endless fodder enemies, get to the top of the building and save the kidnapped gi plotline, arena bat tles.. everything that's ina good game.

What was the first commercial game you were paid to work on?

It was cleaning up ЗО rendered sprites on a Game Boy Advance backyard football game. It was the best fun ever.

You've worked on games with Scribblenauts developer Sth Cell. What was that like?

Sth Call aways has nice clean sprites in their ‘games, which are fun to animate. | enjoyed working on the Drawn to Life games the most.

| got to work on an animated into for the latest ‘one, which was realy fun, Plus, they are all around nice guys to work for.

How did Ubisoft approach you to work оп the Scott Pilgrim game?

They emailed me and said they were making a ‘Scott Pigrim game, and asked if Г ike to be art {rector on it and handie the style and animation on the game, | thought it sounded Ike a cool project and was just frishing up a job when. they made the offer, so it was convenient for me.

How do your responsibilities with this вате compare to past projects?

1 designed the sprites and the general look of the ‘game and am animating the playable characters, bosses, effects, and other miscetaneous St. We have an awesome background guy and two ‘other animators also working on it. directed "hem and worked with programmers drectly and set a certain art style for the game, so that was,

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Stepping Into Final Fantasy XIV’s Magical World

Can Square Enix finally craft a more approachable modern MMO?

Before | get into details about Final Fantasy | should bo clar оп my Square Enix MMO history: Though I'm a 168000 fan of the classic RPG franchise, | couldn't force myself to play Final Fantasy XI for longer than a week. | can understand the appeal of EverQuest with a Final Fantasy skin, but | had already played EverQuest FF XI was 100 slow, too awkward to control, and 100 unrefined. By the time it was out, I was ready for Word of Warcraft to coma along and set a new precedent for less intimidating MMOs.

‘Square Enix has been upfront about ts inten- tion to folow in Blzzard' footsteps and make Final Fantasy XV more accessible, With tho ‘game stil planned for a 2010 release and an alpha version now running, we were finally able

to check out FF XIV this

‘month, but the changes. weren't aways as obvious as had expected,

1 watched the tuto- rial segment for та. Lominsa, one of three possible locations to begin your journey. Choose this local, and you ind your self aboard an instanced ship headed to this port city. After you learn some. basic controls, the ship hits stormy weather and, ina beaut, cinematic cutscene, is invaded by a small amy of squid. ko sea monsters. After watching a few powerful

characters do some sy ich hacking and slashing, you regain control of your Character for the combat porton of the tutorial

Needless to say, the actual in-game combat is less exciting than the cutscenes, though it aiso recalls other Final Fantasy games better than XI а. Once you enter combat, he action gauge begins fling up (miar to the ATE gauge that sclo FF fans are used to). After three to four seconds, you're alowed to select an attack. Your avalable actions depend on your class, which (an be changed on the fy simply by switch- ing weapons, For example, if you have an axe equipped, youl become a Marauder and unlock the “Hack” ability, which does a singe strke

You need to wait another few seconds for your action gauge to refil between every attack, which makes the combat in FF XV sluggish even bby MMO standards. Other strategic elements, such as the effect gauge, which controis attack Strength, and the TP meter, which builds and allows for stronger abiltes throughout the course of combat, add layers of complexity. However, they may not be enough to engage players in an ‘otherwise very slow-paced combat system.

Thankful, virtually everything else about Final Fantasy XIV seems much easier to jump into. Each aoa contains numerous crystals, all of which restore HP and MP. Guideves grant you Quick quests, and you can even adjust the df- боду to make missions easy enough for solo Play or hard enough to require a party. The only

“Square Enix has been incredibly upfront about its intention to follow in Blizzard’s footsteps and make Final Fantasy XIV more accessible.

major issue | found with the questing structure is thal most NPC dialogue appears in the regular chat box, a problem FF XI had as well I hope itis changed before launch.

Though I saw the PC version of Final Fantasy ХМ - there wîl not be a beta for PS3 it was demoed quite comfortably with a controler. The Combat’ simplicity talors it to а console aud ence that may not be familar with the complexity of most button filed MMOs, but Im stil skeptical whether the game can keep mo interested at is current speed. Anything in this early alpha ver- sion is subject to change, though, sol have to wait t out before | can pass serious judgment, &

Game Regulation Across the Pacific

Australia and the R18+ Rating

by Chris Stead 1 cannot walk down to my local game shop and buy Left 4 E tidad editor-in-chief, Dead 2 in its original form. I can't buy Risen, Grand Theft Auto simply alow users to be Game Informer Australia accurately informed of the

IV, Fallout 3, Mark Ecko's Getting Up, and many more. 1 am not allowed to do this because in my country, Australia, our highest classification level for games is capped at MAIS+- If the content is considered by our classification board to be suitable only for gamers aged 18 and above, it's not allowed in the country. Full stop!

That's the law. Yet somehow, I have still managed to play all these games.

‘Australia's draconian classification system is опу inficted upon games. | can buy equally ‘confronting material, such as the fim The Exorcist, the novel The Catcher in the Rye, ‘and Snoop Dogg's latest jngle about capping “bitches” while on "the best wood" unhindered. However, | cannot use drugs to heal my injured adventurer in Fallout 3 because its interactive nature is, according to Austrafa's curent clas- эбсайоп guidelines, more Ikely to turn chidren into drug addicts than seeing Snoop blow ganja ings over a sea of heaving breasts from tho. bonnet of his Hummer, The hypocrisy makes you want to scream, Edward Munch style, but its merely a testament to the oldest of human idiosyncrasies: the generation gap. According to the yearly studies of the Interactive Entertainment Group of Australia, 96 percent of Australians would Ike to see an R18+ rating for gaming. But that has not been ‘enough. There are a four percent who don't, and some of them have positions of power ‘Australas, in truth, no different fom the USA. We, Ike you, have conservative older citizens who, in their generational naivety, strongly ‘oppose the entertainment video gaming offers. They are simply unable to consume the media in context and understand thatthe generations. below them grew up alongside gaming, and that ~ at the risk of generalizing - we are well aware of the ine between it and realty. Unfortunately for Australan gamers, one ‘such individual, Michael Atkinson, became the Attorney-General of South Australia п 2002, sight at the beginning of the maturation of our industry. Due to а loophole in a customs law that dates back to the federation of the country.

in 1900, ha Ike the Attieys-Genorl of he ‘ther Australan States - has veo power over Any changes made to the cssfcalon system.

He was so personally convinced that gaming is- a tenorist holding Australas youth hostage that he pushed said veto button as soon as any tak tan adut ciessfcaton for games arose dung his eight-year tenure, which ended on March 22 this year.

Imagine f such a person rose to srifcant power n USA and violent vdeo games were banned. Don't laugh - look at prohbon or the crusade against rock rol in the 605 Ita terrtory as спісалі as the States took a right Wing tance on video gaming, wouid cripple the gaming industry beyond repair, not to men- tion have economic repercussons across the rest of society and - dare | say it - the globe. And t в a real threat; there is genuine fear out {here about what the interactivity of gaming vio- lence в dong o our minds. And in fear people shoot fret and ask questions aor.

The video game naysayers are not without {or points. There should be studies into the effects of violent and addicting games on human ‘psychology and whether tne meracivîy matters. We should arm ourselves with that nlomation, because as individuals we're not al equaly equipped to dea wilh having our emotions pushed to the Im, regardess of the sims

Trying to ban or restrict media while we await such knowledge is not the answer If history has taught us nothing lo, tis that there Б no controling change. Video gaming is here, and itis hare to stay urge my own goverment a5 it enters this new post Atkinson era o be more welcoming of the verse content gaming

‘content before is con- sumed. The new Attomey- General has certainly shown. a wilingness to educate himself on video gaming —a positive change, For the governments of the greater ‘werd I would warn about the dangers of trying to Impose harsh controling measures as seen in Austraa. Ultimately, in the ‘geographically boundary fee existence in which the human hive exists, the content willbe con- ‘sumed regardless and you will have only missed ‘out on an opportunity to inform your citizens оп what to expect in advance.

‘That's what has happened in Oz; the lack of ап adut rating has merely seen the majority of ‘content being sent through classification under false pretenses and ulimatel released with а MA15+ classification. So instead of being safely marked as R18+, games Ike GTA and God of War are shoehorned into а lower rating, thereby ‘subjecting chidren as young as 15 to games. they were never intended to experience. Not опу is it morally reprehensible on the part of the government, but t must horrify the creators, 100. A small percentage of games are sprung and asked to make nips and tucks (ke turning ‘ff blood splatter in GTA М so that they can argue ther way into a lower rating. This Sm- ly inspires many gamers to ether send their ‘money overseas with imports or, worse, head. to their nearest torrent, In truth, the prohibition of video games has merely acted to increase its presence in the wrong hands,

Cultural evolution is not a by-product of chance. Humanity has deliberately gone where по one has gone before, wiling to give curiosity the lead and fo pass on what we have leamed to the rest of the hive. Video gaming is forging fearlessly ahead on this frontier: Now what have we earned?

"Тш va open oped on та paye эт е Pera те, эла ar reca Pen d бите me Mana

P 1t you work in the industry and wouid е 1o tare your opinion: conta senor eor Matt Helgezon at ma umeintomer cont

connect 31

32 connect

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 |

Game Informer scours the leaderboards in search of the best of the best

to uncover the person behind the handle and learn his or her s


If you get a pesky message from GamelnformerMag over Xbox Live or

PlayStation Network, you could be our next featured gamer. by Matt Bertz

Accomplishment Luke many shooters, Bate: Bad Company 2% leaderboards are corrupted by boosters - players who get together to creat the eal Scenarios for cheating her way up the rar ings. But amd the sea of disingenuous ranking junkies, a few egitmate performers sland out RI Evans is Ihe frst rue player lo reach the rank of 60 on Xbox 360, the crowning achieve- ment in Bad Company 2. Along the way he amassed neat 7 millon points, 31,000 ks, and 700 dog tags:

Origin of Skills: Evans is no stranger to frst-person shooters, having cut his teeth on Cal of Duty, Modem Warfare 2, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Rainbow Six Vegas, Gears of War, and the Halo seres. But Baltifeld Bad Company 2 is the frst game in which he's taken his online reputation seriously. “Bad Company 2 is better than all other games put together

There's just so much stuf you c and | love how the game plays you never know what can happen.” Evans now spits his time between playing Xbox Live matches with his fiends and competing with the Sons of ‘Anarchy, the top-rated Bad Company 2 clan on

Battling the Boosters:

Evans is the true top-rated player in Bad Company 2, but you check the leaderboards, he’ isted beneath a tew other players whose ‘extremely low Kl counts and BHL cam name. ‘topping tip the hands as boosters. Evans knows frethand how Базу these cheaters

plague the Bad Company 2 leaderboards ‘and admits he doesn't understand the alure. “There's no fun in it,” he says. "It bugs me a lot, ‘but | know I'm the legt number one so Its al


Battlefield Tips:

When it comes to offering advice to aspiring Bad Company 2 competitors, Evans recom- monde playing as a team, communicating before you act, and coordinating your move: ment, "Never play with randoms, only people you know." he says. "I you work as а team you wil start to get a lol better. Make sure you look ай around before moving anywhere, never run. of from your squad, and spot every enemy so, in case they KA you, your team knows where 1O lock for them. Also, make sure your squad has а mix of diferent classes in case you need one of their main specializations."

Improving Bad Company 2: Evans beleves the game i fantastic as в, but if he could change a few rings he'd he to вв DICE include more weapons Ike the ACR and АСАТ, tim down the damage on the ‘overpowered M60, and add a few new game nodes, “ust want it to be more chaotic. Being able to hit people wih the stock of your qun wouid be awesome.”

Life Outside of Bad Company 2: Evans recently graduated fom school, and is taking tme о enoy himself before Jumping into the woridorce. When has not racking up the kils in Bad Company 2, һе kes to mess around ‘wth his mates and dink the occasional pint

Rikki Evans

Handle SS RikkiSniper




Bridgend, South Wales Favorite Map

Arica Harbor

Favorite Kit

AN-94, MISII, 4x rifle scope, ‘magnum ammo, and warheads

Ea West 8. Zampella Start Respawn Entertainment

The past, however, is still unsettled :

I's been а

and the studio's two former heads, Jason mpella, the ne

come: w studio for W

an for Infinity Ward.

A New Start for West & Zampella It didn't take long for West and Zampela to land on their feet. The pair have inked a deal with EA Partners (Electronic Arts! premier publshing/ds tribution arm for third partes) to start Respawn Entertainment. though nobody is talking about the deal’ details, EA Partners has given the new company start-up money to get the bal roling оп an undsclosed project.

We talked to West and Zampeta, who told us that although they fielded a variety of offer, in the end it was EA Partners who won because of its promise to let the pair Көөр their independence. “It allowed us to form an independent studio, seed capital, and a publishing deal, so we're Respawn Entertainment," said Jason West. "We're totally independent, own the IP, and we con- trol our own destiny, and then EA has the exclusive on publishing our premier game, but we feel ike we're Respawn Entertainment.”

West's use of the singular "game" would point toa short-ived partnership between the two, but when pressed, he wouldn't get into any species of the contract. As for the game ise, anything's Possible including a tite that's not an FPS. *i won't speak for EA" Zampolia said, “but on our side, the sky's the mit, which is a good place to be where

eventful past few months for Activi

Vest and

Vine Zampela and Jason West have the independence жеў caved at Respawn

ind Vince Zampell x

round in their

we're pretty much open to exploring new ideas." Before this new project can get off the ground, however, Respawn has to hire staff apart rom West and Zampela, The company has already been hiing many former comrades who have jumped ship at Int Ward.

No matter what the future wil hold for tho pair, the past is not totaly behind them just yet. Respawn's choice of EA Partners would seem to lend credence to Activison's countersut charges that the duo conspired with EA to leave Activision while stil at infinity Ward, but to Jason West, is a prety cut-and-dred situation. "Wo. were on a contract, and if they [Activision] didnt fre us then there would be no Respawn.”

The Infinity Ward Body Count Asil ihe sudo losing its two generals in Jason West and Vince Zampela wasn't bad enough, {hares now a column of employees marching юл ofthe тоду Ward buiding.. As of he ime of this wrting, almost 20 people have eft the developer and we're nol taking about зоте intems, Going down

{he fet of he departed the word "ead" comes up often in thelr job Мес. Adóng insulto injury, over hall of hem have joined West and Zarmpela at her new sudo.

As for the rest ol the Infnity Ward crew, they wil continue making

sion, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 devel But a new day is dawning, and with it lawsuit with 2

Infinity Ward,

ctivision, and big change

games. Modern Warfare 3 he tile that West and Zampella didn't want to make - wil ikely be the studo's next project. Treyach is handing anew Cal of Duty game, while Activision's Sledgehammer Games is working on a CoD tile slated for 2011, Activision has also created a whole Call of Duty division dedicated solely to the franchise and its spin-offs.

We don't know what the mood and morale of infinity Ward is at this point, but perhaps it received a boost thanks to a bonus payout. О! course, West and Zampela's lawsuit against Activision seeks over $36 milion in unpaid royalties, including a recent bonus thatthe two believe the publisher fred them o avoid paying. Nevertheless, the company is distributing а bonus back to the remaining ‘employees of infinity Ward. The publisher's ‘community supervisor, Dan Amrich, revealed: "Vince and Jason had very large bonuses; those bonuses are being redistributed to ‘everybody else, to the people who did not allegedly attempt to steal company secrets Activision is not pocketing that bonus money; t's til going to the people who work at IW. But you have to work at IW to get iL"

Its too early to determine how Infinity Ward ог Activision wil fare without the services of West and Zampella, but so far the franchise is sillin the business of printing money. Modern Warfare 2's Stimulus Package DLC sold 2.5 milion downloads in its frst week at $15 а рор, raking in over $37 milion.

ion. CEO Bobby Koni has been undor fo cns ning oh ‘Suton bet the company sock ‘ice has gne up ioe the "pan of Vie and Zapata Activision Strikes Back West and Zampelas eit against Action деней chargé that the pubis reneged on a promis to let the pair work ova new P айе Modern Wate 2, wine royalties and hat thy wore fred unawfuly. Ads counter, oreet cesis the paras әзе Schermers” who were trying o steal the wholy owned studo. cams thatthe) went "on: a secret tip by priate eio Noter Casi arranged by ther Hood адот, to meet wih te most senior executes of Acts’ ве com- tor Te contest doesn't пате Becton Arts, but gen that West and Zampela's new Веза Entertainment utt жуей wi EA Parnes its mot hard eye the dea hat ‘he wheels had been тозо

Furthermore, Activison's counters says hat West and Zapala sought о prove e bisher trom paying ny Ward employees bonus money; peca tal they dd his "to make these employees ser to poach wen West and ampatia eu tok pans: to leve the company and set up hel їп company.”

Ina statement: he wos attorney, Robert Schwert responded by saying charges їп Actin’ солы were as and outrageous, Schwartz sas hat West and Заправні of Creatine sts Agency lor ius really announced) and conversations wth irt Ward employees and “others” we designed to estate whether ‘Activison's dea of spinning off iy We weren't ^п dsfespect of their blgators to Action

connect 33

Defending the Industry

Ms pr

piracy, and put с

the annual ЕЗ co

The ESA is very active in challenging laws. that seek to restrict the sale of games in the court system. Right now, there's a very Important case regarding games that could be heard by the Supreme Court.

You are mentioning the Schwarzenegger appeal. That case is actualy pending before the Supreme Cour right now. They have yet

to decide to grant “cert” or nat. Its not been decided whether they wil hear the appeal ог not. [Shorty after our interview, the news broke that the Supreme Court had granted cer and wil hear the case - Ed]

So a lower court overturned the law, which would criminalize the sale of some games in California, and the state is appealing the. decision.

In 2005, the State of Сайотіа passed the Yeo bil named after Leland Yee. The ESA was very clear with the legislature that that bil was] unconstitutional. it was passed and signed by ‘Governor Schwarzenegger. We got an injunc- tion against the law going into effect. Twice, the ‘State of Calforia has appealed the injunction, ‘and in both circumstances they've lost in very ‘lear opinions that point to the ESA stance that video games are, in fact, speech and an artistic form of expression. The final 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision is what Schwarzenegger appealed to Ihe Supreme Court

If the Supreme Court upholds the lower court's decision, would that establish a precedent for the entire nation?

Ifthe Supreme Court takes cert and hears the case, at that point the State of Calomia and the ESA provide brefs and oral arguments before the Supreme Court on whatever the issues are that they grant сөп on. They get to defne the questions that they want answered. Then they ‘would hear the case. Somewhere in he fal, they wouid issue a written decision. That would be the law of the land relative to how these kinds of Statutes can be formulated, passed, and impie- mented. Its very, very important for the whole industry. There is lot at stake. Its the freedom to create, to market, and to grow as an industry thats at stake before tho Supremo Court.

‘The ESA also runs the Video Game Voter м How successful has that been in 19 gamers politically?

has been immensely successful Its

of leadership and advocacy that With 200,000 members,

effectue tool. Last year it was

number of cases. What it

‘working on right now? ‘ony ligation we are involved in is the ‘Court case and another case against тапай Authority, which has to ав opposed to retail sales.

ident of the Entertainment Softwar

BERNER сад оп» to bart

hip, de

ntion. We spoke with him about some of the issues facing video games.

Legislation is introduced around the country at the whim of any state legislator. We have seen a decine in the volume of that type of legislative ‘activity for a few reasons. One, there's a grow- ing realization amongst legislators that everyone is a gamer Sixty-four percent of Americans. play video games. As those numbers grow, the wilingness of legislators to attack that ype of entertainment is waning. The second is that ‘we've done an excelent job working with legis- {ators to help feature the ESRB. The third point is that the word has gotten around: ESA is 10 ‘and O when it comes to Itigating restraints on. ‘the sale of our products. Not only wil you lose, you wil end up paying for the ESAS attorney's fees as wel. We ve colected over two milion dollars in айотеу fees to date.

Has the Obama administration been friend- ly to the video game industry?

They've been very open-minded to our argu- menis on protecting intelectual property. They've istened to us very careful when it comes to trade and open market access. In November, we participated as one of four key groups with President Obama focused on fing our countrys issues relative to science, technology, engineer- ing, and math education. We are sponsoring two compettions where video games wil be designed to help motivate students in STEM ‘education. The President has acknowledged that Video games have a significant contribution to make to help us close our education gap in sci- ‘ence and math. Smmiary the First Lady sent out alter to the Game Developers Conference to game creators asking them to help her with her “Let's Move" campaign to end childhood obesity. ‘Again, the video game industry is seen as a ‘solution, not as the problem.

‘Are you making an effort to begin ESRB rat- ings for mobile, iPhone, and social games? Pat Vance and her team at the ESRB aro doing а great job of staying connected with parents, staying relevant, and being a useful tol for parents. Wherever people go, the thing that they want to do on any device is різу games. That's ‚a mache opportuni tor our inciting каво. ‘one where we need to demonstrate responsibil- iy. We've been focused on doing that and that we have the right approach. Its а very dynamic ‘sector and its stil very much in formation. its a moving target, [but] | would say, "Stay tuned."

You also coordinate anti-piracy efforts for the industry, How serious is that problem today?

Pracy is thet, and piracy is a scourge on our industry. The good news for the industry is that the Vice President, in December, convened

a discussion that included the Secretary of Congress, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the head of Customs, and a variety of leaders. We were invited and had a very open and frank discussion. The Vice President has said that dita piracy is theft and needs to be stopped. However, we're being very smart about how we approach it. We're putting every business model

+ teve y Matt Helgason

in front of the consumer. Some models in place aro totaly ad-based, so there is no pracy, Other ‘models are based around microtransactions, ka Ратуе, Others are subscription based, Obviously, tho leader there is World of Warcraft. We're trying to frd the answers, By the same token, we are clear: if you steal cur companies’ products and put them on the Internet, we wil find you and seek the ful force and weight of the government to put that to an end,

What is your stance on net neutrality? Wa havea very enghtonad stance that we fled wi the FOC six months ago, We think it very important for a principal matter that broadband is ubiquitous and high qualty, especialy when you look at latency issues, We recognize that that fakes investment, and we want that investment 10 fow fee, The second par is that f thre i Tegal actvty happening on the interet - wheth- өг thats fraud, chid pomography, or stealing - the ISP should be empowered to take necessary Actions to cub that actviy.

The ESA runs the ES conference. Is been through a lot of changes over the past few years. How healthy is ЕЗ right now?

1 came aboard one month belore the Santa Morica show, the frst smal show. For al of the thinking that went on prior to my arrival, don't know. What | can tel you is that last year every- оге in the industry agreed that we nailed it. The how last year was met with universal praise, and was viewed as a high value and high quaity experience for everyone. That was echoed by the industry, analysts, and the meda.

Do you feel like you finally have the right formula?

Yes, the formula is ight on, We took a show from 4,000 people 10 41,000 people at a time when other shows were shrinking 20 and 30 per- сөп. With that in mind, we have an eye towards improvement and keeping the show relevant, We survey our key attendees to make sure that we ate delivering the experience that makes them want to come back. This year, | think you wil see an uptick in attendance, doser to 45,000.

Activision dropped out of the ESA in 2008. Is that a concern?

We continue to have good relations with al Video game companies, members and non- members. Our membership, which now stands at 31 members, is at an all-time high. We added 10 members over the last 12 months, The door is open. I believe that this industry s the most powerful when we stand together. Certainly, it would be a postive for the industry to have their presence here, Simiariy, [Activision] would be much more aware of the trends and policies "hat impact them, So there's clearly а benefit for both of us. My view is that will happen in time. But, in the meantime, we have a mission here at ESA and we are focused on that.

1895 CAPITOL HILL Gallagher heads to Washington as а chiet ot statt lor Representative Rick Wana, his formar boss at the prestigious

lim Pati С


ong йот communication business at Touch


ит mergos withthe ‘UK Vodafone Group Later that yoat, Vodafone Аит morges wath Bell Alan

a ат Verizon Wire Gallagher h

s coordinate

2001 BACK IN D.C.

Back in Washington Gallagher works as

and the ориу por

Information Adrminiztuation Jor the Bush administration


Galagher becomes deputy Chia of Sa & counselor Jor Policy to Secretary ot Cornet Donald Evan

Cars Gutier КУТАР Аний or

lendeztip in go

Yî. Gallagher under Doug Lowenstein as the president ofthe Entertainment Software Association

connect 35

Apple ¡Pad

Apple sets a high bar in the latest gadget trend


he release of the iPad has once again reinforced

the fact that Apple is good at making sexy, desirable products. Quite accurately dubbed "a giant iPhone"

by some, the iPad is a sleek and intuitive personal media device equally suited to checking email at home and serving as a video player on the go.

The iPad's star feature is its huge 1024 x 768 LED-backlit display. High resolu- tion content like photos and videos shine thanks to Apple cramming 132 pixels per inch into the impressive screen. While the screen is supposedly treated to prevent fin- gerprints, expect to wipe them off frequent- ly with a glass-friendly cleaning cloth,

We found that the iPad apps in the | App Store take advantage of the unit's

increased real estate in a great way. Unfortunately, a lot of these apps ate overpriced, and the App Store doesn't have a return policy (unlike the Android Marketplace]. Also, just as with the iPhone, the small pool of great products ate overshadowed by a sea of cheaply produced knockoffs,

Apple's proprietary new microchip, the 1GHz A4, powers the iPad and delivers smooth video playback, fast scrolling, and great overall performance. The multitask- ing update coming next fall should benefit from the custom chip as well.

Like a more visually advanced Kindle, the iPad is also ideal for reading. With a new reader-friendly version of Safari and the new iBooks app, Apple claims the iPad is the best mobile reading solution avail- able, and we half agree. The iBooks ser- vice offers a great selection and the color screen makes the iPad a decent eReader. Add a fantastic battery life that lasts over 10 hours during use and days in standby mode and you're set. However, the iPad does not have the array of options that come standard with most eReaders, like note-taking. It does have a simple book- marking feature, though.

‘The retooled Safari offers good web surf- ing, but navigating can be a problem. The thin, alumi- mum-backed iPad sits great in your lap for reading, but you'll need to get accustomed to holding it with one hand in order to free up a finger for interfacing. You'll also occasionally run across sites that don't look like. they're supposed to.

Problems browsing tie in with the iPad's Achilles heel; the lack of Flash support. Apple has no plans

to support Flash, and while the company continues

its catfight with Adobe, consumers are caught in the

middle. Some major sites have adopted HTMLS in a

play to support video playback on the iPad, but most

still do not - something potential owners need to keep in mind.

by Nick Ahrens

$499 - $849

Per = TweetDeck Free Hundreds of One of the best ways to thousands of experience Twitter, and apps work on i's totally free, the iPad, but which ones are the best? Here's Flight Control HD a quick guide ое 2099 ف‎ i in upgraded version of á == ГА TR the ¡Phone classic. This: = app is proof that you clutter and not - don't have to spend $12 break the bank to buy a game that deliv- ‘Adobe Ideas ers hours of fun. Froe

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1| Spawn Labs HD-720

На you eier alen a ami io and spent ewe бте deta atout a game just ting in your Жок 360 back hone? Spawn Labs fes your pain. Much Ike th Singox does lr TV eo, 10.720 connects

to your Xx 360 or Pan 3 and alons you to

By can games on a PC just about apart ане connection. We testad he Н-720 m Texas ih the consoles stationed in Мгтезда and as one wouid imagine, distanc ard trey рау а big acr i he user райе Games wih cta rl ve components, бе rong an

таап gerres io RPGs and turn-based say раје Spawn Labs ава offers col communi fea- fus, Ike he steaming gameplay to users and support- in remote cop meant fr a ge screen. may ot be

upto par tor hardcore shooter ten, i you're djing to pay your hove conce on te qo, És worth a look

БЕ ‘

2| Optima GT-720 Projector

When we heard about projectors for games, had te. sare agree we al ave en samen ю панава for "garmer" Pardes of s ended audenca, e Сота GT-720 s a great HO projector The unt suports ey mar viden conection, outputs images at 10800 ein, and even supports 3D garing wien солей toa PC ою y Teras Instruments DLP technology, be 61-720 der an presse 120-nch Image at ASt

‘This is the best-looking comic book service on the planet. The vivid colors pop off the display, making this a priority for avid readers.

become an interesting competition between the networks. This app fea- tures full-length episodes of popular shows and other perks.

Set fom a wall or sereen, Wk (anes оп the unit эл! enjoyed the xpath ie mage and mpresswesherness Lie most not ай standalone oc, bighiness can be an issue, and playing in he ‘k i a neceasty Wah an attache $799 price ag any (gamer ong cr te biggest picture aesti линол зелу ре bank should consider the 67-720.


aad over to gu ach o (aud orat амр an ks bon sra uch

into à customizable eReader.


The biggest move o all ‘ume now comes to yout лп room via Blu-ray. Ail it may not be the D version, at least you on sil help fl James merona pockets wth mato money

Evd corporation Roxon has

s“ quired the blueprints for

Acitmantium super solders, nd Wolverine must Kek ‚me ass to stop them.

$19.99 ‘

ıı plaster ono of these,

пиу complex pieces of art

11 your wall with this giant 83331 Inch postar


connect 37

Sprint ;

Tre No Nerwen June

New Releases

"Ags Pro PIAP nd ve Mater O9

Bas Pro Se That GEM Me enn t

(up Pong ERa engin Кое My Fist Опака O9 Tue Alpha Prato

eters feng 09. Puerto Р 38)

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Ses ais PS The Sie Antros FO

[Sr Even Super Heroes Need Diplomas

Bk in te Фу! үш ea tit is re cul ot ise о cdd тае ane Men, aber as an eng or

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Жа жне Gears О! War Collectod Апа Bound ne Beach Paty yesos Whos Ge lr ci n. ®" эе Sow туе абай ara кепи an Dota Зд ced 1 apo туен New Releases 100 Case ks 2) An] a Mete Sy Сайып $49)

Legend thay OS Tay Suy 3 £5 380 PPO

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Ea d aan Gero Ths se ses МЭ dita d ls алев tn

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Transformers; War tor Feber Wert etn PS a m

New Releases « eC et et PSP) Contat Wings Пе бза Eas нүп (WD Demi 80, Fst sor bo 53.350, PO)

Ninety-Nine Nights 2

The Lac bender үй, 09) LEGO Hay Poter Var 1-4 PS, 300. WAL aru

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‘Soe srt Si Somn [y улту PS 380. PO)

38 connect

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Eighteen months have passed since the sinking of Jacinto. The last bastion of humanity tumbled into the sea, and the few survivors have been scattered across a dying world. The government has disbanded, the military has fallen to pieces, and a new threat is rising up that will literally tear the planet apart. Hope is hard to find, especially after years of war, loss, and heartbreak. As Marcus Fenix and his companions face extinction, they must deal with a harsh reality. They're all stranded now; fighting back isn’t a job anymore -

it’s the only choice they have.

vilage on an old айсгай carrier" executive pro- ducer Rod Fergusson explains. “They're eking ош an existence there; and that's where you start the game - you wake up on this vilage they've created " Whether you play the game alone or work together in the new fourplayer cooperative

mode, the first moments of the third installment find Marcus Fenix alone in a room, shaking out ofa sleep ful of disturbing nightmares and into a waking Ме of equal horror! He's deep in the. bowels ofthe Sovereign, a Raven's Nest-class. aircraft carrier cobbled together with various ‘other boats? floating tree along the oceans of ‘Sera. The Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG) fell apart months ago. Marcus and a ragtag group of surviving Gear soldiers have since taken over the Raven's Nest as their home. “They've gone from being a squad to being more ‘of a family unit,” Fergusson says. "They rely on. ‘each other. I's based alot more on trust now than some military organization.”

Аз player one navigates Marcus out of his bering, evidence of the sorry state of affairs “surrounds him. The creaking ship appears worn down and heavily beaten. Fellow occupants. aren't technically soldiers anymore = dressed down and exhausted, they re as distressed. as the ship in which they dell In those early ‘minutes, Marcus walks alone; in co-op, the second, third, and fourth players гой into the Story naturally within minutes. "We now have four player co-op built around unique characters,

not clones," says Fergusson. "These are not nameless guns walking around in a pack. We've always been about a character-driven story, and пон we're about four players being а part of that character-iven story" It comes as ite surprise which squad member shows up first; Marcus. finds Dom alone in another cubby of the ship, tending to the one job as important as protecting the ship = growing food. Dom looks harried and older - a ragged beard hangs from his face, and a haunted expression darkens his eyes? “We've seen everything that Dom has gone through,” design director Cif Bieszink says. "How he's just despondent and distracted. He'd rather deal with these plants that he can control than even shave his own face." As the story begins, the two old friends have been summoned to the upper decks for an unknown reason,

"Two brand new teammates join up as the friends ascend through the ship. They're the first пен playable campaign characters that have ‘appeared in the seres. Jace Stratton is a young man who wil be familar to those who have read the Gears of War comics, and a welcome sign that Gears of War 3 wil integrate elements of that expanded universe. “He's our sensitive

one,” Fergusson telis us. “He's a young soldier {hat cares more about the people than the war. ‘And he's been taken under the wing of these hard- ‘ened soldiers. At the same time, he's not some ‘green, naive, Carmine-lke character"

‘The bigger surprise comes a few minutes. later, as player four drops into the role of Anya ‘Stroud = the same woman who has been guid- ing Delta from base since the first game. Every ‘able-bodied man and woman now needs to suit up to stand against the profound threats facing humanity, and Anya is the fist of multiple play- абе female soldiers. “Anya has gone from being а desk jockey communications dispatcher o, ‘someone who is very much capable of handing herself." Bleszinsk assures us. “Capable of using. the lancer, cutting enemies in half, and getting her hands dirty." Fergusson adds: "Everytime we go Фо a convention, its always surprising how many female fans we have for this hardcore, M-rated ‘game. And we found that when they play online, a lot of people represent themselves in their charac- ters. We realized we really weren't reaching out to. that female audience, allowing them to see a itle (of themselves in their character"

I most of the locust were drowned in the

coding almost two years ago, how have things. become so desperate for humanity? As these four make their way through the Raven's Nest car- Tie, the threat facing these heroes is soon clear. ошту, crab-Ike creatures come skittering. towards the team as an attack rocks the Raven's Nest. The lambent are a more potent and danger- ‘us threat than the humans and locust ever real- ized, Introduced in the second game, the lambent “surge to prominence in the final installment as the third army in the mix =a parasitic organic root structure that is slowly devouring the planet "Its ultimately the imulsion that is having an adverse. ейесї, turing locust into these incredibly hos- tl, feral, Impulse-driven creatures that have the abilty to mutate dynamically right in front of the character” Bleszinski says, The lambent's most primitive forms are these polyps that assault the team, which explode as they swarm across the ship corridors.

Elsewhere on the decks, the situation is even, ‘worse, as lambent stalks erupt all around the ship These plante tentacles are the infec- tion washing over Sera, and from them come the teeming hordes of lambent attackers. As the four-person squad fans out across the battlefield, we see the first inkings of their interconnected ‘and familal relance on each other. Players can. пон trade weapons and ammo during battle, or take weapons from any other soldier in the area. Beyond delivering a broader arsenal, this simple mechanic also boosts the sense of interdepen- dence and cooperation atthe core of Gears

of War 3.

cover story 43

Facing the team across the ship's deck is the infantry ofthe lambent army. Drudges inhabit the dead bodies of locust drones, More complex. than the early lambent creatures encountered

in the last game, lambent drudges are horribly ‘mutated freaks that take a tremendous pound- ing to bring down." They initially appear in a familar bipedal form that belies ther true nature. After taking a few hits, theyll rapidly mutato, ‘expanding out with a towering neck, two writh- ing arms, and a trunk- ike body that spews more. polyps, “They're a necessary mutation for us in terms of gameplay," Fergusson declares. "By mutating the legs they re able to invalidate ‘cover by getting above you. By mutating their arms they re able to invalidate you jumping on them as a group, because they can attack three People at а time. We're using them to help deal with four-player co-op, and also to mix it up

and force you out of cover and out of your safe zone.” Even kiling the body won't finish the job. ‘Once the torso bursts into bloody pieces, he. tentacle neck comes crawing across the ground. 1o finish the job Ike a twisting snake. In fact,

any lambent sensing its own imminent death мії make a suicide charge in an explosive final ‘gambit, “They're filed with very hot, volatile, boling, yellow goo. One could imagine that t's ‘nota pleasant thing to be running around with, that inside of you,” Bleszinski suggests.

‘To compete against such potent enemies, Delta squad has a few new tricks and toys Up its sleeves. The middle range, all-around weapon of choice remains the lancer, with its trademark chainsaw. А naw variation called the Pendulum-era lancer is missing the chainsaw, but has a primitive bayonet and shoots out incredibly powerful rounds at close range Meanwhile, long-range lovers wil enjoy the redesigned hammerburst; ts aim mode imme- diately drops into a deep zoom to пай distant headshots. These three weapons comprise your basic arsenal, and are available throughout most of the campaign.

Beyond these standard weapons, you'll ауе some less common (but no less exciting) ‘options. A double-barreled, sawed-off shotgun joins the armory, featuring a devastating single


178 эшш

оювечапде shot that сап take out multiple ene- тез at once, and has a crosshair that fils hal ‘ofthe screen Players looking for something more exotic wil enjoy the digger launcher; his ‘range weapon fres explosive piranha crea- tures that dig through the ground at high speed before rising up to immolate enemy forces! Anew one-shot, recoiless rite is a joy for he big jobs їз a heavy-class destroyer hat сап take down nearly any enemy in the game with a single tigger pull! Grenades ae also improved; smoke, ink, ала frag grenades are Joined by the new incendiary option 3

No matter the weapon, players wil have access to a host of new execution moves. Nearly every weapon in the game has a brutal пен finishing move to eliminate injured oppo- ‘ents, and every one of tnem wil work in both single- and multilayer, The flamethrower can be thrust nto an enemys torso, causing lames to ignite form within and shoot out fom ts mouth and eyes. The shotgun can unhinge, wrap around an enemy's neck, and snap it The Pendulum-era lancer can slash open a

‘stumbling foe in one devastating swing. With these maneuvers, the team at Epic is striving to maintain the over-the-top finishers that were first established by the curb stomp four years ‘ago. "Executions are not an automatic given,” Fergusson cautions. “Just because you have the weapon doesn't mean you can do the exe- cution. Executions are things you eam." Using а given execution wil show off to your friends "hat you've completed the associated task and, ‘earned the right to your gory kill. ‘Back on deck, Marcus and friends waste itle time in putting their significant arma- ‘ments through their paces as the polyps and drudges push the attack. Battle is as frantic ‘and fast-paced as the previous entries. Marcus

TDacie-tuns between cover as projectiles tear арап the surrounding stonework. Characters ‘constantly shout back and forth in frenzied and tenia calls for help. The top deck of. ‘Sovereign devolves into a storm of gunfire апа explosions.

When a break finaly comes, a Raven helicop- ter sets down on the aircraft carrier. Onboard. sa figure that the friends had thought they d left behind months ago, Chairman Prescott, the former head of the COG government, steps out. "The leader had abandoned the Jacinto survi- vors only weeks after йв destruction. He bears. news for the Raven's Nest commander, and Tushes away to meet him, but not before press- ing a data disc into Marcus’ hand.


On the disc arê the true seeds of the Gears 3 adventure, and the beginnings of an answer for gamers who listened closely at the end of the. second game. The disc contains a message from Adam Fenix, Marcus’ father? Ho claim that there is a way to save the planet, but he need Marcus! help. It appears that Marcus wil have one last chance to save his father, and in зо doing, potentially save the world of Sera.

“We want to answer the question of Adam. Fenix.” states Bleszinksi, "What was that recording all about at the end of Gears 2? What is going on with Marcus’ father, who was pre- sumed dead? Is he being held against his wil? ‘And how can we find him, and then leverage his ideas to пиу this effect and save the planet?"

То completo the task, Marcus and fiends will confront old enemies along with the lambent threat. Anyone who thought the Locust Horde was truly broken at the end of the last game Clearly wasn't paying attention. Battered and. diminished, the locust and their enigmatic queen remain, though the recent setbacks have caused many of them to revert to even more savage and primal tendencies. Some of the new locust, like the savage grenadier,'5 are barbaric beasts. wielding primitive weapons as they charge into battle. їп other cases, the locust have retumed to pre-industrial heavy weaponry, like their use of the cruel hamessed siege beasts."

"Its a creatur that the locust use as a sort of

‘calapulVtrebuchet," Bleszinski says, “I's being used against its wil, having its logs continually bent back to unload flaming balls of ammo at its enemies." Delta squad wil have to face this enemy and all the rest of the Locust Horde to reach Adam Fenix.

"With the enigmatic disc message in mind, Marcus fights the lambent's renewed assault ‘on the Raven's Nest carrier. Drudges surge onto the ship's deck, smashing the desperately needed gardens and crops that ine the sunlit surface. The enemy numbers and ferocity are ‘overwhelming, and i's clear that some bigger ‘ordinance is needed. Marcus calls for the big- gest new toy in the bunch, and the siverbacks are ited up from the ship's holds.

"The siverback is a very tough exoskeleton/ mech that players are able to acquire at cer- tain points in the game,” explains Bleszinski. "Originally based on a loader structure, t's been outfitted so it can have a modular weapons. system attached to the side = the default is a rocket launcher on one hand and a very high caliber gating gun on the right hand. Basically, its a bucket of fun, Its a walking, talking t= you."

‘These hulking machines carry a single soldier into battle, whose body movements control both ‘mobility and weapons. The siverbacks have two primary forms. The first is as a deadly moving weapons platform, capable of fring on the run.

Like a well-trained Gear solder the siverback ‘can charge across the battlefield at high speed, апай can even curb-stomp a downed enemy. “Thats worth 60 dollars alone,” Bleszinski jokes. ‘The siverback’s second mode adds a strategie layer, stop moving and it can be deployed in ‘stationary mode. Its weapons remain functional, but its armor plating expands outward, creat- ing a wallon either side of the emplaced driver. Alles can then use the siverback for cover, ‘effectively adding to the exoskeleton's deadly firepower from a consolidated position. "With the ramping up of the enemies, we've had to ramp up your solutions,” Fergusson says. With the siverbacks on duty, Marcus and company throw themselves back into a desperate coun- teroffensive о hold the ship.

As the story continues, more surprises are in store. The frst two Gears games included several sections depicting the other two core ‘characters of Delta squad = Cole and Baird Frequently, the adventures of these fan-favortes ‘occurred off-screen. That approach changes this time around, with dedicated levels of the ‘campaign focused on them. "Having you experi- ‘ence a person's journey as that person is more, interesting than to just witness it Fergusson ‘says, "We'd questioned early on if we really wanted to do t or not, and we just thought it was important to give some more depth to these characters.”



As Marcus defends the Raven's Nest and sets ‘ut to find tho whereabouts of his father, Cole and Baird are away on a mission of their own, encountering new playable characters that join the fight out in the ruined wastelands. “The mis- sions start interweaving with each other, and you start hearing Ines that Marcus said on the boat on the comlink as you play Cole and Baird" Bleszinski tells us. “The timelines start overlap- ping Pulp Fiction-style, eventually merging in this ‘great, cool, finale moment. | think its going to turn out to bea really great narrative mechanic.” ‘Amid the talk of new campaign features, Epic. also indicates profound shifts in its approach to the game's structure this time around, The biggest is the inclusion of an arcade mode to accompany the cinematic campaign. Where the Cinematic mode maintains the clean and sparse. presentation that has always made the Gears. universe immersive, the arcade mode goes the ‘opposite direction. It adds extensive scoring and stat-racking features, encouraging a competi- tive and challenging replay of the campaign. Onscreen indicators clearly highlight fellow play- ers with overthe-head carrots to help navigate, ‘Objectives and other highlighted objects are clearly marked at all times, sacrificing the nor- mally lean presentation for quick directions and a Clear sense of purpose.

Mutators also become part of the game in arcade mode, alowing for dramatic and sometimes humorous changes to the core ‘gameplay Mulators are just a way of mixing up the gameplay in arcade mode,” Fergusson ‘says. "One of our big goals is replayabilty of the content. Mixing up the gameplay simply by ‘changing the rules through mutators are a way {odo that, whether you change gravity, the sizes ‘of heads, sound effects, or whatever else you want to change." In the Unreal franchise, muta- tors could end up hurting competitive online play, so in Gears of War 3, mutators remain isolated to campaign play. As you play through ‘arcade mode, pop-ups appear on your screen, showing you accomplishments that your friends have managed and daring you to beat them ~a feature lifted from Epic's Shadow Complex. “The distinction between arcade and cinematic is realy the intention of the player” Fergusson says. “Cinematic mode is really about people who are playing it for the story. Playing in arcade is about how me and my fiends want lo go shoot s— t's not up to us to determine how the player comes at our game; were offering ‘wo perspectives on the same content, and it's up to the players o determine how they want to experience it”


{ The team at Epic continues to address the accessit sae by cluding dficulies for ‘every рау stye. The high diffculty experience A remains largely untouched - enemy forces wil ‘continue to brutally tear you down at every Ў T ‘Siep. But the lowest casual seti is even more simplistic, encouraging players who have no

‘desire for anything more than an interactiva пас Ñ тиме, “We've made casual even more casual

Fergusson says. “I's a borderine tourist modo." ER In this simplest o play modes, character death

is rare, auto-aim snaps right to the enemy

attackers, and the overal threat is almost non- ‘existent, Particularly with the addition of four player co-op, the new casual mode ensures that anyone can jump in with the group, hardcore gamer or not.

Any conversation about the Gears of War tran- chise is incomplete without bringing up the sub- ject ot multiplayer and Ере provided some елу lmpses of what we can expect. While cagey fon the subject of specife modes, I's clear that the team continues to raise Из own bar, "We wil meet or exceed feature party Кот Gears 2, but its sale to say that there may be things that it

makes sense to consolidate in regards to certain features,” Bleszinski hints. To prove the point, Epic showed us some tantalizing glimpses of new maps we'll be playing on launch day. "The decadent and crumbling thrashball arena will surely be a favorite for gamers who've won- dered about the sport that Cole used to play: Along its roughly symmetrical ends, several visual cues (ike a crashed helicopter) help play- 'ers keep track ol their location. The scoreboard ‘over the pitch can be brought down to change the center ofthe battlefield into a sparking metalic mess. The arena layout also doubles аз a fine opportunity to see some of the newest ‘elements of Unreal tech in action; a new global itumination system creates dramatic visual ight ‘and shadow effects along the ground. As a tat- fered flag blows in the breeze, its shadow is per- fectty mirrored upon a moving figure beneath. From within a smoky mass of rock and metal, particles of color and light gimmer. As Marcus runs about the fallen arena, he shatters pieces ‘of cover - some of which are fully destructible, while others fracture without completely faling apart. As a demonstration of nav mesh technol-

‘ogy, Epic triggers a wave of lambent polyps into the space, Utilizing this new technology, the ‘enemies recognize changes to the environment and account for itin their pathfinding. "Now, ‘destructible cover means that if you destroy a ресе of cover, the Al wil walk over it and rec- ‘ognize that їз gone, whereas before it was stil therein their minds, even though it wasn't there in yours,” Fergusson explains.

Departing the thrashball match, we also ‘explore Overpass - а sprawing map set on. Jacinto during its final moments above water? The map perfectly unveils an amazing techno- logical advancement. Riffing off the dynamic map changes seen in Gears 2, the new game includes the option to completely altera map. ‘over the course of a match. In Overpass, the ‘ld highway has multiple changing states that trigger while players аге batting on ts surface. First, the water begins to flood in a river down the concrete. Then the entire map begins to tumble towards a yawning cavern into the underground Hollow. Buildings that were once at street level are suddenly hundreds of feet above as the earth cracks and shifts. Even as

‘absence of the familar miltary frame- ‘work has irevocably altered the tone of ha Gears universe, These charac- ters are now near extinction, and only

turret with four lancers jammed into that have made the franchise so fun, this for- it. Puling the trigger causes all four to scatter mula is poised to provide a stunning completion bullets onto the field below. Even more tantaliz- tothe trilogy. It will be one of the first franchises ing is the fact that these mullturetscanbe to complete a ful series run on the 360. With equipped with virtually any weapon in the game. Еріс Games among the vanguard of top-tier Gears of War walks the fine ine between developers, this flagship project will speak vol- maintaining its franchise identity and simulta- umes about what defines a triple-A title for the. neously launching in starting new directions. remainder of this console generation.

Even from our early glimpse, is clear that the

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As Media Molecule proclaims a platforming gar mes. The пе

that you ys imagined. Want to make а fight holographic material to build your o m ized HUD, complete with health bars. One ated a fly func. lommand & Conquer clone, As cres

director Mark Healey says, “I'm sure someone's

going to end up making a fuly functioning fst

person shooter d ies are end.

less for those that tak learn the ins and o м orginal lanet manipulated the creation tools

alaga or Mario Кап. С

the framew tucked away е

stages feature seq vis but they aren't в easy to Ind Sure go check out the but this an interface that Witin

process can continue for

tl sages, meaning we сом conceivably be treated to entire user-created game wi dozens of st

де button presses

bled a F ad assigned t

simply tether your desired butt

features так overhaul to its level creator,

YouTube sensation. PSN user Upslandra cre feature a similar reed ot ated a fly Tujump-grab райт

creation tools provided in the ing - though Sackboy has ew gadgets up his

‘One ofthese toois is

the grappling hook, which

il feel fair to fans of

this feat Behind the scenes, hun

to their math problems, ps and pul

Rather than take up al that valuable space сепа objects toward him, within tha sta ме has given | butitopensup options for users the options of placing al of these fu mischievous play

o * ying upwards Ле new grappling hook gadget makes Devious players could w snes ple seamen id only be programmed with "uni a co-op partner jumps mands, and mos onet ‘ver the perilous launchpad, the grappling hook template o 10 reel their buddy back EAL anid roms & Up howe ‘ont the pad. N you enjoyed slapping your fiends and dragging them to their doom in the original, is should be right up your alley The mischief doesn't stop there: Мева Molecule promises

ships later th

the contraption you want it to control. With thi new feature, LBP fans are free thing from race cars to

сабу spaceships.

е recognizes th

5 from classic 8- and u fnd plenty of Мав thats looking to build a munity right Mapping inputs Xd to feature tho sign а the tp of

anios of Lit Big ar with th

feature 53

i i 1 i 1

y brilliant game with this. A new genre.”

encativo dinecton Mark Healey

ARA eared EA

a random costume and programmed to

Sackboy wandered

to the stage, he rig

of Sackbot left and.

to much if you don't share t. Lit

ave the opportuni

a cue from social n Wil have their own pr

rorking stes, fie on

previews of their stages. ‘Another navel bit of user-created integra

in front of have to go toa s you can fash the code at to go directly to the

your PS3, you can ta smart phone to sco an.

nine preview of th

on a nonstop loop. When the player-controled

adorable dance party In a demonstration of the new movie-edting options (see sidebar), fted and ights Rashed as the bevy

to igPlanat 2 makes it easier for the player to browse and play диайу content; taking h player oficial LBP me website displaying an activity food as well as

in the form of QR codes. These com- ecognized symbols can be printed on. advertisements and business cards, level when placed tation Eye. You won't even pecial menu screen to do this ny point in tho game

‘quick photo with your

level, and even add it rectly to your queue.

Alot ontrbute to a true evolution of LittleBigPlanet in a way that DLC add-ons could never accomplish. As technical

rector Alex Evans puts t," we did this dip by дїр by drip, you'd only see the drips..yau'd never see the bath.

EsgPlanet 2 wil not only give fans access to over two milion created levels carried over rom the frst gam ао give you the Chance to play countless new experiences in various gentes as the community experiments with the new creation options. “Someone wil create a realy briliant game with this. A new genre,” says Healey. Even if a very smal per ‘centage utiizes ай of these new tools to ^ result in thousands ol great пе, games for PS3 owners to play off of one disc, Not oniy is this far too large for DLC, it almost seems unfair to call а sequel. It a ful-scale evolution in the world of user-created content As Evans puts it, "We never would have dared make this game the frst ime around, This could опу be LitleBigPlanet 27 ©

for more sereens and me game deat ae o0 рәлейәтегсолутәр

ате tob human mag

з stages nthe penod Ion was at ts peak,” according t Here are the themes of the va

Story mode stages: Techno Renaissance touney explains that is would not be like а "8 tary] on the Renaissance,” but rather a whimsical ai On the period. Sackboy wil encoun

Character to gunde him trough racial cultural movement.

Steam 5 Cake The steampunk art style has gained popularity on the Internet over the past few years, but I'S become somewhat predictable. Media Molecule wants o mi up the look a bit by combinin with environments reminiscent ога dass tea-and-cake ралу. Neon Propaganda

Cold War-era propaganda posters ine the halis of this factory environment where Sackboy is tasked with helping its workers escape their oppressive working conditions, Keeping with LBP 2

rative take

hrolgy-based tr on Y

mixture o! themes, the grim nature of this factory is at odds w neon lights and signs

ноту High-Tech

Various high-tech equipment, ike video walls and circuit boards,

are mixed with cute bunnies results in stages that wil he ronments populated wit Designer Organic The world ot eco-architecture is based around a designed, controlled version of nature. It comes together when artists manipulate organic objects into a particular look, often wih an art noveau aesthetic. These areas bring Sackboy closer to nature {han any of the other themes, complete with elaborate designs соттай ot plants

Hand-Made Arcade

With LBP 2's new focus on creating games, its a no-brainer that many of these wi resemble arcade basic. These story mode stages embrace Ihat without abandoning the hand-made art styl the game is known for. Expect to explore aras familar to

е surprised when he pels you're sed to are replaced һу cardboard and wood.

nd sheep. This bizarre aesthetic o you exploring cod futuristic envi viorabe critters and fully clouds.


by Tim Turi



PlayStation 3 + Xbox 360 1 or 2-Player Pighting (Online TBA)



Spring 2011

en years have passed since the warriors of ink and pixel last collided. In the intervening time, Wolverine has sharpened his claws, Ryu has trained end- lessly, and new combatants have invaded the old rivalry between Marvel and Capcom. Now, the two universes reignite a classic conflict too huge to be forgotten, with their loyal allies foaming at the mouths to join in. Spectators at a marvel- ous New York City parade cheer for balloons in the shape of Spider-Man and Viewtiful Joe. On the rooftops above, Wolverine's adamantium clashes with Ryu's iron will in a shower of sparks and energy. The familiar feud is ready to begin again, and this time the battle threatens to consume everyone.

feature 57

Shattering Ten Years Of Peace

The fighting genre spent the last decade оп its deathbed. Leading up to the downfall, 2D fighters in the '905 delved into absurd levels of complexity, while games in the ЗО space struggled to stand, After a ten-year hiatus, Capcom resuscitated fighting games with the classic gameplay and stunning, ink-brushed visuals of Street Fighter IV. New winds are blowing in the sails of the genre, and now is. the perfect time for Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Marvel vs. Capcom 2's core recipe remains

intact for the sequel. First, dump a boatload of awesome characters into a 20 fighter with a deep combat system. Then, sprinkle it with stunning, screen-filing special moves, and serve it to thousands of hungry fans. While the concept and gameplay are famil- iar, Capcom is making refinements to the formula for Marvel vs, Capcom 3. The 2D. ‘character sprites are swapped with heavily shaded 3D models that look ike living comic book characters, Complex controls are streamlined and accessible to avoid allen- ating the casual fans of the genre, yet the

combat retains strategic elements.

Preserving the original Marvel vs. Capcom flavor is important, but the comic publisher has flourished tremendously over the last decade, Marvel now churns out blockbuster movies and pulls in cash hand over fist, а far cry from the bankrupt company of the ‘90s. As Marvel has matured it has become more involved with its licensed products, resulting in greater participation in the game develop- ment process. "Marvel has grown up," says MVC 3 special advisor Seth Kilian, “They're much more hands-on with their properties, which is why they've been so successful over the last few years.

We're definitely bigger now than ever,” says Chris Baker, licensed games manager at Marvel, "Which means it's the perfect time to release the best fighting game featuring our characters that's ever been made.

Being a Capcom game, МУС 3 is an easy sell to fans of the publisher. Enticing Marvel fans into a chaotic and intimidating fighting game is the tough part. Marvel is working closely with Capcom to ensure each char- ‘acters likeness and personality is perfect, Story is also an integral part of the comic book experience, and Marvel is working hard to surpass what previous Marvel vs. Capcom ‘games passed off as a narrative. Each ‚Character will have beginning and ending story bookends, along with in-game events. to keep it fresh in players’ minds. Producer Ryota Nitsuma insists that though this story is better than in other MVC games, it doesn't steal the spotlight from the action.

Assembling The

А huge selling point for Capcom's Versus series is the characters. Marvel vs. Capcom


On the downloadable lease ol Marvel vs. Capcom 2:

On getting Marvel vs. Capcom started:

On Disney's acquisition of Marvet

2 included an unprecedented 56 characters, drawing from 15 years worth of other games’ sprites, The Morrigan you saw in 1994's Darkstalkers was basically what you saw in 2000 МУС 2. Marvel vs. Capcom 3 doesn't have the luxury of a character model backlog, апа starting from scratch means a smaller cast somewhere in the 30s, composed of beautiful new renditions of old favorites like Captain America and Morrigan, along with some new surprises.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 features ЗО charac- ters on a 2D plane, similar to Street Fighter М. Heavy use of shaders unifies the diverse cast under a living comic book aesthetic. Bold shading is a natural ft for superheroes popping off comic pages, but it works well with Capcom (characters, too. Chris Redfield and Dante look right at home with dramatic dark shadows stretching across their bodies. Lighting effects. highlight shiny characters with stunning results Reflections bounce across Iron Man's metal-

lic suit as he unleashes his giant laser cannon special, and Captain America's shield gints as he cartwheels around. Furthering the comic book vibe, vibrant slashes punctuate every move, and certain attacks cause a dramatic Page-tearing efect.

Not only do the characters look great, but they also have mannerisms and moves that show off their personalities. Deadpool stands as testament to Capcom and Marvel's com- bined efforts to make the cast pop out of the comics and into the game. Taunting, moon- walking, dancing, and breaking the fourth wall are ай front and center for the dual-wielding, ‘smart-mouthed mutant. The "Merc with a Mouth" fits the Marvel vs. Capcom universe like a glove.

While Deadpool will get Marvel read- ers excited, Capcom has plenty ofits own characters slated to make an appearance. Ex-STARS. member Chris Redfield passes up his former partner Jill Valentine's МУС 2 technique of summoning t-virus monsters, instead relying on his beefy artillery from Resident Evil 5. Chris is no superhero, and when jumping, he айз through the air as if he's grasping for a cliff ledge in RE 5, show- casing Capcom's attention to detail.

Dante from Devil May Cry is also a natural fit for the Versus series. The powerful son of the demon Sparda stands toe to toe with many of the superheroes in terms of ability. He makes. use of his aerial combat skills from Devil May Gry, launching foes into the air and slashing away with his gigantic sword. His cockiness апа bravado shines through in every action, doing the white-haired badass justice.

If you were disappointed that you didn't see certain no-brainer Capcom characters in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom for the Wii, don't give up hope. Nitsuma confirmed that big charac- ters like Dante were saved from Tatsunoko for Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Even with the small cast thats been confirmed thus far, МУС 3 is shap- ing up to make up for quantity with quality


Tho Game Informer offic is filled with diehard Capcom and Marvel fans alike. Ws banged our heads орон ome up with our биат east Tor NC.

capcom + Albert Wesker (Resident kl) + Amaterasu (Okami)

+ Arthur (Ghosts n Goblins)

+ Barry Burton (Resident Evi) + Dinosaur (Dino Crisis)

+ Dr. Wily (Mega Man)

+ Haggar (Final Fight)

+ Mega Man X (Mega Man ) | SÍ) Plon Poente no

Ace Attorney) 7 Proto Man (Mega Man gf # Verl (Devil May Gry 3)

+ Sentry

+ Spider Woman Tor

+ Ultimate Spider Man

A Fight For Control When the game frst released, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 cabinets easily drew in crowds at the arcade. Glitzy graphics and iconic characters were impossible to resist, епіс: ing gamers and comic fans to take a crack Despite its tantalizing appearance, the com- piexities of the combat system immediately slammed a learning barrier down for the uninitiated, Not anymore. Marvel vs. Capcom 3 aims to knockdown the wall of complicated control and open up the field of strategie fighting to all comers.

Capcom's mission statement for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is to maximize depth while minimizing complexity. This means tusing ths accessible controls о! Tatsunoko vs. Capcom with tried-and-true МУС 2 gameplay

The flow of combat is just as intense and hectic as МУС 2, and all the hardcore ele- ments remain intact. Three-on-three tag-team combat returns, complete with the assists and team building structure of the previous title. Veterans can look forward to alpha, beta, and gamma assist types, snapbacks, and hyper move cancels, Even if you don't know what

a snapback is, you're stil going to be able to pull off show-stopping aerial raves, since the team at Capcom is streamlining the process. for executing advanced maneuvers.

One area receiving some special tweaks is launchers, In Marvel vs. Capcom 2, how each fighter launched opponents into the air varied by character. Tatsunoko simplified this by making the air launch move universal among all characters, resulting in less time spent memorizing button inputs and more time


Capcom is using their signa- ture MT Framework engine

to bulld the game, which

the backbone of Lost Planet 2 and Resident Evil 5. It allows far even crazier stages that fall more in line with Marve! and Capcom lore rather t generic fantasy realms. In the New York Ску stage a Daily Bugle news helicopter Пе above à parade as an rra JL Jonah Jameson shouts and points atthe superher batting on a construction

їп. Another leve set in the word of Mega Man Legend spin-off character ron Bonn complete with dozens of ador able Servbotsscutin

me action

spent hammering on your foe in the clouds. Marvel vs. Capcom 3 takes it a step further by mapping ihe aerial launch to a single button, currently referred to as the exchange button. With the simple tap of the button, you can launch Ryu skywards and send Wolverine after him with a traditional combo of claw swipes.

But that's not all the exchange button can до; by pressing it along with certain direc- tions, players can slam opponents into the ‘ground, leaving them susceptible to combo continuation. Another input launches the battered enemy further into the air for a high- flying combo that can span three vertical tiers. Players can also hit the exchange button in midair to tag in other characters on the fly, making safe swaps easier than ever.

Further deepening the strategic element of the exchange button, fighters on the receiving end of an exchange-fueled barrage have ап opportunity to counter. Perceptive pugiists ‘can predict which exchange move their assail- ant is about to unleash, attempt to mirror the input, and hopefully break free of the onslaught. This also opens a brief window to ‘counter into a retributive combo. This exciting rock-paper-scissors element complements. the simplification of launching foes into the ай, integrating a new fold of strategy for hardcore МУС fans to chew on,

Though some gameplay elements have been simplified to open the doors for new ‘challengers, Capcom is being careful not to alienate the hardcore fans who demanded the. sequel, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is a culmination ‘of the work Capcom has done in the fighting genre for almost two decades. They are craft- ing the arcade fighter that fans will adore and newcomers will get hooked on. Marvel vs. Capcom 3's artistic in-game flair and promis- ing cast of beloved characters wil get the blood pumping for any Capcom or Marvel fan with a pulse. If Street Fighter IV was the defi brilator that brought the fighting genre back from the brink of death, Marvel vs, Capcom 3 has the potential to be its Ме support long into the future, 6

оме ол gaentormercomimag fo NC san tier ard our best guesses at the mysterious saves of una


The BSAA agent brings over every weapon he can any from fest Evi 5 ito Marvel vs

3 Chris deyastalas opponents with his pisto! Shotgun, submachine oun, magnum, satelite ase,

And grenade jeher (complete with fire, ice, and estic OTE Нё lso has a side attack uniz- Ing hs electric baton.


This founding member ol the Avengers returns Wilh his Indestructible shield о deliver combat nts o Justice Me рге чес most of his handy {ove set, complete Wt dead shield-a-rang fosses and evasiva cartwheel maneuvers.”


Darkstalkers иий succubus continues the Pate wa al har fair otherworldly moves. E catapuls oppontnts skyward with a gigantic pear summoned fom tne ground and delivers fying rovers piledrivers


Bruce Barner rots in his pissed-o form, and Somohow ha's evermore monstrous than before A is sti sluggish, but his mminse power andirt»-qvaking special make ima good bruiser for your team makeup


Deans catal los with her claws out delve quick and пты combos to anyone tracted by hate physics for to long She is flo able to summons heipu! ttie catgiri partner to double her threat”


Mavis mutant mercenary joins the Marvel vs Capcom east а) tne swords, guns, and (ise cracking You want. Deadpool has the DIN o por а то the вагцойою, but do шоо many times and his device wil баските to Hilarious results EV breaking the fourth wall, Deadpool special nist of beating down op- ponents with his own ife bor.

Ho may be based onthe young Devil May Cry 3 protagonist but this Dante comes equipped with best moves rom he entire series. He can [llo val fighters wh is dua! pistols, close. dstonces by sing on his knees while playing evan his Оа weapon), and even activate his {ead Dev ager mode to increase his speed and power."

[bans laws ravand everthing unfortunate ‘hous tostand bee him in briliant swipes of ale His tadema Berserker barrage returns as ball assis move 3: a special, making him a perfect main or your team and also a menacing assist character


looker and е! Inan MC 2's Tony Stack {Histon ol fon Man better reflects his cur- [III coms. Te gold and maroon

Ys ЖШ ser canon stil makes for a Dteatassist ав}! boots make him idea! for aerial maneuvers,


“Not oficial Marvel vs. Capcom 3 images

feature 61

ae The latest installment in the Fallout series takes us pv

oe 360 - PC. »sy back west of the Rockies, but there's more to the 1-Player cion RPG » Publisnes story than a shift in venue. We get our hands on Bethesda Softworks nee Ње game to see how Obsidian Entertainment '

"we, is working to provide an even more f

refined experience, with retooled | сотЬа and a host ae > mak je most cot- ton-mouthed super mutant

a {5 drool. Fire up your Pip-Boy 7

3000, double-check your load- y


p topping off бю mono: тай and onto the stations platform, | can't help but notice

А how nice the Strip

is. s certainly a refreshing change of pace пот Falout 36 red wasteland. In the Fallout universe,

Nevada wasn't hit quite as hard as the D.C. area

‘and other parts ofthe nation. Radiation and soc і colapse destroyed ciizaton as we knew it

‘but buildings were largely ей unharmed = unti

neglect and vandals had thei way: Even though

the New Calforria Republic and Caesars Legion

‘each have ther eye on Ihe walled: in, indepen-

dent enclave, walking through the streets it

‘Seems as though most of the бирэ residents

‘are more outwardly concerned with trying to

(walk straight. War never changes, and nether

does Vegas.

‘Walking down the street, | bump into a bit of cal color. A nearby fountain has attracted some off-duty NOR officers who have decided to lat offa ito steam. The three partially undressed women gyrate suggestive and make teasing ‘comments to passersby, but thet giis-gone-wild. momant is cut short by some mitary police.

geding ther advice to move along, the trò.

sprints off toward the Tops casino, Knowing a

осой party when | ses one, | flow along.

Just before hit the door, I'm interrupted by a man caling himself Ме Holdout. This shady fellow offers to sel me a few concealable weap- ‘ons, should | run into trouble inside: Im not ‘expecting to start anything, but! humor him and browse his selection of razors and brass Клос les before heading through the door.

The laces are long gone at this point so Im ol upset when the doorman wants to talk, As Holdout predicted, l'm asked to hand over my weapons balore | can enter the casino floor. My ‘Characters high sneak ska allows me to keep alt insurance ip my pocket inthe form of a pistol, and the doorman fs none the wiser Like {said don't plan to use t but ia world filed

vith marauding bands of man size anything posse,

Before hit the tables decide to do a itle exploring. doesn't look ike this place is shut ting down anytime soon, so whats the harm? I anter the Aces niahicib, hama lo Ine Rad Pack Revue. The manager (with more than a passing resemblance lo Sammy Davis ur) offers me a 'sdequest that involves rounding up any musi clans | might fnd while exploring the Mojave Wasteland. Sure thing, budd.

Үт feeling pretty lucky even before New Vegas’ producer Jason Bergman tel me that my character has the maximum luck sil of 10, so | decide to get some chips and do a ltte gambling. Istrol over to the cashier's cage and ‘gel some chips. I should have guessed that New Vegas’ economy is а bit more developed than in. the crater formally known as Washington D.C. but Im stil taken aback when tho teler asked me what 'd ike to convert. Come a

"We actualy do have multiple currencies in the game,” says Bergman. you played Fallout 2, the МОН had ther own cunénoy, so we do havê МСА physical dolars. We also have Caesar's Legion money, and Caesars Legion uses coins. ‘So we have caps, money, and coins. There is an ‘actual exchange rate, and depending on who you're doing deals with throughout the word, they'll give you better deals

1 have more caps than anything e Convert them into chips and cal it good. Aer pulling the handle ol a slot machine and hearing the foreign sound ol money dropping down a chute, Bergman reminds me about my maxed- ОЛ luck. The siots are appropriately old-school " poker machi


with people playing, b Га rather keep it between me and the dealer.

Each ofthe casinos in Na has its own house rues, such as the frequency that dealers shuffe tha deck тог whether the dealer draws on 16 or 17, The blackjack tables at Tops support

surrendering, which allows gamblers to bow o wilh һай ther bet once they see what the dealer has. "it totaly gives the word a different favor, says Bergman about these different house ru and | agree with him. would be disappointing 10 see that each casino was merely a re-skinned ‘exterior for the same few games, After a Tew more hands go over to Ihe roulette wh ‘bet 200 chips on black. What do you know win. Who says the house aways wins?

Everyone's having a nice time, but | could have "hecreticaly puled out that concealed gun and started going crazy. "I would not recommend ‘doing that, because the Chairmen - the faction that runs this casino - they're pretty strong,” says Bergman, "The bartender has a riot shotgun. You до not want to mess with them.” Fair enough

| played three games: sts, blackjack, and roulette. However, no good casino keeps your ‘options that imited. "There is something ese that j жете not taking about,” says Bergman. Looking at the casino layout, it doesn't seem Ike there's тоот for more table games. And even ft did have something Ike craps or keno, why would Obsidan be coy about something so munde My bet is that t's something that dovetais into the post-apocalyptic world, Н human cock

‘Aside rom fing your pockets, success on the casino foor can have other positive effects. "As you win, the floor manager wil come up to you and give you drinks and he'll comp you a room * says Bergman, “i's a casino.” | didn't get that. Kind of hgh-roler treatment though, because it was time to move on.


With a Bl help from my friend

for N л make ther mon

a rocket base that 10 gangs and

I'm on the ts

arby The area is vulner- anda pair

snipers use Dinky as a ne

о в interrupted b

s. Ho bute understand why.

ө that it w coneis upset, though h

he hopes to ave

Giff, who runs t. ask about Сана, andit

pretty clear that she and CI didn't g

Apparent into the gi ‘smelled fun

wearing that walks in fr

nse, Айе le, I leam that n

In the ho the floor behind the manage Lo and behold, ts an ayers for seling Carla and har 1 for 1,000 caps. Arm

mako a gre and l'm happy that he decides to tag along. If alout.3's бай:

Prepare to be

just dudes round. This is much more in In

‘The casinos in the Strip are an eclectic bunch, just Ike the actual Las Vegas While there arnt any real-world casinos in the game, the

small bunch | saw each had their owm personals.

Mc House, the mysterious man in contro of the Strip, ‘ns the Lucky 38. The ‘casio can be seen fom ev- 'erywhereinthe game wor, but nobody has been inside the building for as long as anyone can remember That doesn't stop House from keeping track ol everyting through his vast network of helpers and assistants.

M sex and vice are what you're after, be sure to check ‘ut Gomorrah. The game s ой for an M rang, but we'l have to wait to see exactly how far Bethesda is wiling to push things. They dont cal it Sin Oy tor nothing, but you know how goes.

“Alot of [he vu] were socal experiments, and they hada concept behind them," says Jason Bergman, the game's produce "The Vault 21 experiment was thatit was the gambling vovit. A conflicts would be resolved. through gambiing. House decided he wanted to have Vaut 21, so he bet them for it and House always wins

The Utra-Luxe is where folks go to eat, dink, and be merry This louis casino features the bestin ding and an appropriately swanky sting, youre ging to walk away broke, you тау as well do it surrounded by nice things.

The Frank Sinatra tunes blasting outside shouid due you inthis is where you go if you want о experience Rat Pack sve Vegas Is a prety ‘assy joint, and you might

notice a few familar faces it you look hard enough.

feature 65

fect, soldiers!

toward Came y NCR ty overrun b egion, who kiled; burned, and cn jers unfortunate

“Wes When New Vegas ee Е = : Te

Fallout: New Vegas starts players out with a relatively simple taska qure out exactly whe Shot апа left you for dead and элу. AS thdy wekaeinway through the story and explore the word, players wil learn about a greater conflict, and the poles ard factional differences behind the tension. E s s ту bladed

Raiders and gangsters roam the wasteland, but they On our Way to cur destination, w of from a d aren't as organized or dangerous as some of he other groups out in the Mojave, Even in Fallout’ shades-of- gray world, Caesar's Legion is a dificult bunch to relate st carapace and moves ont to. They're a band of highly disciplined slavers who were 1. [m glad deci defeated at Hoover Dam by the New California Republ. I herum out Неза Since that battle, they retreated east, but they re starting тте, ging me the to bleed back into Nevada. That's a terrifying prospect to five gam people who live inthe are, since Caesars Legion kils erence who t can't capture, often by crucifying and displaying \ N ey and c the victims. s aiming: s

"fou start out sort of thinking, ‘Oh, the NCR is oppos- ing Caesars Legion, and Caesars Legion are savers, they absorb tribes they find in the wasteland, tum them into slaves, conquer other groups and crucify other people, and do all this nasty suff Clearly, NOR must be the good guys." says Josh Sawyer, tne game's project lead. "But then you star interacting with NOR and ifs Ike, wel, they're kind of strung realy thi, they kind of abuse their power sometimes, they're realy brutal in dealing with some of the locals. They do contol the water supply kind of una, and they dont allow the power to be distributed outside of the Strip or McCarran airport}. So a lot of itis the practical realities of this very large bureaucratic miltary that's occupied the terri- tony And there are things you leam about Caesar Legion, where Caesar's Legion are brutal and they are nasty and ай that stuf, but they also conquered and civilized all of these tribes that were just sort of kiling each other. So they turned them into a cohesive fighting forc and stopped all of this murdering out in the wastes”

And then there's Mr. House. The elusive character essen- tially runs New Vegas in isolation. "He's very much inspired by Howard Hughes,” says Sawyer. "Howard Hughes has a pretty big history with Las Vegas, so we thought t would be interesting to have this sort of a diferent, laissez faire RE, dictator, where rs ‘Everyone can do whatever they want an't e vnen yoa ciae as long as they follow my rules” Which is in contrast to ‘Woe about er sets, Caesar, which is like, ‘Everyone follow my rules Mr. House has his families, They are tribes that he brought out of the wastes, He's actually a pre-war person who specialized in robotics and research into extending human е. So he was in stasis for several hundred years, and then woke up. He has minions who control the Strip, and they help control what goes on there.”

More interestingy he also had a hand in how things turned out in the Great War. "Mr, House is also the guy who engineered the fact that Vegas was not destroyed,” says Sawyer. "The way he did that comes out through the course ofthe game, but because he is this sort of prodigy, he has a talent with machines and probability he used that to his advantage to extend his own Ме and also to prevent New Vegas during the Great War from being destroyed. So there were hits in the area, but probability dictated that it wasn't cing to get wiped cut He basicaly played the odds just Tight lo make sure that t wouldn't happen. So he's a very interesting figure and very instrumental in New Vegas ise."


| ind an element of a quest that с оп briefings; nr в option. | tumed. ba shortcut

though, you can take you alittle mo

you something, watching his head

ples such as surgical tubing and medical brace ip out. Ba players can simply soon Im sng man.

n of attacking from the де. "Thi is why you should re

think а:

ches Bergman. "I

ars Legion. ay through the camp and... ing for, 'm friendly with the NOR right n to mind when | drop omin

ndin the sal through thea quartermaster, plant them с pocketing. On

whip out the d

Part ot creating a compelling post-apocalyptic word is. populating it with people "nf havo interesting things 10 sy. “Every studo isa "itte it diferent, and the games that we've worked ‘on are diferent from the ones that Bethesda's worked on.” says Obsidian CEO Feargus Иста Obsidan. жаз founded by members of Black isle, the studio behind. the first two Fallout games. “For Bathesda's games, баор is important. For our games їз been vital, We put more energy into it automaticaly, because its ind f the thing that we do, whereas they put more energy into other things.” That philosophy can be seen throughout the game, Inducing slighty оойег dialogue tone hats more in in with wat old-school Fallout players are ac- customer to. alot New Vegas adds something ram Fallout 2, as well special «бодо options for charac- ters with low inteligence. bin decided that instead of having dumb characters speak caveman- ike gibberish, however, hat limit inteligence would monies itself by having characters regularly miss the point of things. "When theresa ine hat shows a bit of higher inteligence, your character just batches it and says something realy ‘dumb and doesn't gett” ‘says project ead Josh Sawyer “That way we can talorita litte more, o нете not simpy rewriting every single ine of dialogue with a dumb version When its called for the player says something extra dumb and the character responds to it Sometimes it affects you negatively, sometimes its funy. Sometimes it actualy thas a positive outcome.”

feature 67


Halo: Reach

Beta introduces new changes to multiplayer formula

е covered a lot of Halo: Reach informa: tion in our February cover story, but one aspect that Bunge remained tightipped

‘about was the competitive multiplayer. We

recently took a trip to Bungie for a multiplayer

bata preview to find out what players can

expect once the official bota begins, twas a

poignant day for Bungie: Not only was it the frst

time the developer was letting non-employees tty out Reach's multiplayer, but it was also the last day Halo 2 would be available for play on

Xbox Live = a reminder of just how popular the

franchise's multplayor is, Неге aro some of tho

new features you'll see in May.

А Now And Improved Engine Bungie has spent a lot of time improving their network code. Besides offering smoother gameplay in largo matches, these upgrades also alow for more control over matchmaking ctra. Players wil have Ihe ability to rank the importance of certain ctr for matchmaking, including chattiness of players (Chaty/Qui), incînaton towards teamwork (Team Player/ Lone Wolf and tono Fowdy/Polte), Similar to Xbox Live's Gamer Zones, you can also specity the level of competition you're looking for. This Should make for an enjoyable experience whether you're looking to win at all costs or just want to have some fun,

‘The voting mechanic has also been altered. Instead of ust giving the option to veto the chosen mode in favor of a random replacement, your lobby wil be given a choice of four diferent modes. The mode that gets the most votes is the one you play.

Не sharing has also been greatly improved: Whereas Halo З alowed players о save up 10

100 pieces of custom content (ncluding screen- shots, videos, and custom game types), Reach wil alow players to save thousands of tems, which can be tagged for easy searching both locally and on Bungie net.

Loadouts And Armor Abilities The biggest chango to Halo's multiplayer is

the implementation of loadouts. Loadouts are chosen each time a player spawns, and affect what weapons and armor ability the player starts with. While weapons can be replaced with others found on the map or dropped fom enemies, your armor абу wil remain the same unti you де. These abiiies range from basic power-ups ko tho abilty to sprint or dodge enemy fro, to more gameplay-changing options ike he invis- шу cloak or jetpack, While the armor abilies aro al соо, certain ablty/gun combinations definitely give you а distinct advantage. Loadouts

аю modo-speciic, meaning tho kilor combina. tion you found in Slayer might not necessari bo. available in Headhunter.

Addictive New Modes Many gamers consider the Halo franchise to be a more racional take on compettivo multiplayer. But one way the series has always exhibited inno- vation isin the variety of modes it offers, as well аз the abil to tweak the game parameters to your ikéng. їп the upcoming multplayer beta, play- ers wil have a variety of new modes to check out.

This is Нао answer to Bad Company's Rush mode, Two teams compete to either attack ог defend three generators paced on the map, The teams switch roles between rounds, and random supply drops at the beginning of each round offer more powerful weapons to the players that get to

them fest. One unique twist to the Rush formula i that the defenders can lock down each genera: tor when standing next to ther, which wil make them temporary invulnerable to attack, There is a ‘ight cooldown time before you can lock a gen: erator down again, so even ifa team is camping ata generator, Ihe attacking team wl stl have

a chance to cause damage. Defensive abilies such as Evade and Armor Lock are particularly useful п Generator Defense,

This mode takes Halo Oddball to a whole new level of insanity, Each tme you Kil an opponent, a flaming skul fes out of ther dead body Waking ‘ver the #ай wil colect it, ut unike in Ода, you can stil use al of your weapons (and armor abies), and you can салу more than one skul at а time. To score points, the player camyng skuls must wak into one of two scoring zones placed randomly on the map, which move as the round progresses. The number of skuls each person is сатупо is displayed over ther head, and is vis- Бе from anywhere on the map - the more skuts you're canyng, the more enticing а target you become. Depending on the map, the Sprint and Jetpack аре are extremely useful, and can be the difference between puling in a major haul and erupting in a fountain of faming skuts.

‘According to Bungie, Stockpile is “CTF on crack” Instead of the traditional two colored fags on

opposite ends of a map, Stockpile features four randomly placed neutral lags and a special col оша zone for each team. The goal sto retrieve the neutral fags and drop them in your zone, Which wil tum them to the color of your team. The twist is that flags are only counted at certain intervals - your team wil have to defend your ‘rea unti the {mer ticks down, otherwise your ‘opponents can come in and steal your stash (or just drop them outside of your zone to stop you from getting points). More than in other modes, teamwork plays an essential role in Stockpile.

Ifyou Ike objective- based multiplayer modes, Invasion в for you. This mode pits Elies against Spartans over the course of three phases of. ‘gameplay. In the map we played, the frst мо Phases involved storming the Spartan’ territory ‘and holding one of mutiple points for a given amount of tme, while the Spartans set up defen- sive positions. The third phase required stealing а dala core and carrying it back to our Covenant ship. The person carrying the data core was unable to use any weapons and moved at а snails pace, requiring babysitting from tho rest of the team. Completing each phase also opens up the new tier of more powerful loadouts and vehicles, resulting in an action-packed clmax at the end of every round,

This Stayer variation of Invasion доев the

unique objectives for straight-up kling, but keeps the unique loadout ters, which are now unlocked by reaching a certain number of points (t can also be time-based). Random control arcas also pop up on the map. Holding one of these areas fora short amount of ime wil inate a supply drop - а few seconds later а vehicle or powerful weapon wil spawn in the vicinity, Of course, theres noth- ing that says the team who initiated the drop has to be the one to pick up the reward.

We found out late in the day that Juggernaut willbe back for the beta, witha few gameplay tweaks. At the beginning of each round,

опе player is randomly transformed into tho Juggernaut, and is endowed with incredible power (n the bata, ак shields and faster running speed). The Juggernaut receives points for kil- ing any of the ather players, who can only score points by kiling the Juggernaut, which in tum makes them the new Juggernaut In the beta, the Juggernauts опу weapon is the gravity hammer, which is ал instant ki for whoever it hits. Another important change is a short period of vncbilty ¿granted to Ihe new Juggernaut, meaning you can по longer sneak in for a cheap КЇ immediately after the tle changes hands.

As unique as these modes are, its impos: ble to overemphasize how much additonal variety Halo: Reach loadouts introduce to the gameplay - not to mention the fundamental dfieroncos in the species. In much the samo. way that ODSTS Firefiht mode reinvigorated the Horde formula with an intricate nue set and power-ups, it seems that ай of Halo: Reach multiplayer modes w benef from this new aspect ofthe gameplay,

Although the beta only consists of a handful of he content that ће main game wil offer, teres more than enough to keep Halo fans busy unti fal, The Halo: Reach multiplayer beta is excl: sively available rough the extras menu in Halo 3: ODST. * Jeff Marchiafava.

For аныз on the maps ced nthe beta, аз el as een

ot and gameplay coge check u

вак 360

(08-Player Oni э Publisher


Microsoft Game Studios

» Developer Bungie

» Release May 3 (Online Beta)

All Specie

s Are Not

Created Equally

the in

of Reach’s multiplayer is

Eines - donot face, he Eit

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эге bigger and thus an easer

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health oth healt

time (Spartans wll have 6

Some armor abiities ar


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с Halo: Reach

previews 69

Platform PlayStation 3

Xbox 360+ PC T

1 or 2-Player Action Sports

(Online TBA)

» Publisher Ubisoft

T Ubisoft Montreal

» Release Holiday


Shaun White Skateboarding

Ubisoft Montreal shapes a new experience

is an idea that some might not under: stand, Most of us know the man as a

snowboarder, but he also made a name as a skateboarder, We also think of his tepidy received snowboarding series and wonder what ha has to bring to the skating sub-genre

But as an actual game, Shaun White Skateboarding presents a clear vision that stands out from the other tiles. "Skateboarders see the

in non-skatoboarders" says

creative director Nick Harper. Using that phi losophy and seeking to "capture the euphoria" of landing tricks, Harper and the team at Ubisoft Montreal have created а tile where your actions as a skater transform the world around you.

Similar to The Saboteur, a level in Shaun White stats out dull and grey. This represents how the game's Ministry organization has tumed the world into a worker hive concerned only wth economic efciency As you pul ой ticks, things start to spring to Ife, and the bigger combos. you do the more you influence the environ ment, Pedestrians and other skaters become animated. Graff and other splashes of color

0 nthe surface, Shaun White Skateboarding

"пиш s an example ol how you can spontaneously croato acer ол ot the опишат en ine

paint the landscape. Music fs your ears. You access new places to skate and even trigger new structures,

‘Aside from this rebirth ofthe environment, various places wil shape the world and your involvement to an even larger degree. Go up to а special color- designated ral and not only can

y rick on t, but you can mold its shape - up, down, left, right = and bend it to your wil with the left stick while you are stil on it. These shape: able objects aren't mitad to rals; you can create ramps out of patches of concrete or even bring them underground if you choose. In the early demo of the game we saw, there were many opportunites to infuence the world with these роса arcas.

А level wil have objectives built around this shaping abiit as well as standard objectives (ke score a certain amount of points with a combo, etc). In the demo | saw, the objective was to creato a shaped ral so your skater could hit mutiple ponts on a previous inaccessible high ledge. Then you had to drop down and trick on a fountain. This triggered a skate shop that popped out of the ground and offered more

skating opportunities. Harper told us of one area where you have to use shaped ras and ramps to make your way up successive tiers of a sky scraper, testing not only your tricking skis but your imagination as well. You'll return to levels at certain points in the game as your shaping abilty increases and new opportunities are available.

‘Shaun White Skateboarding uses a right analog trick system, but its simpler than EAS Skate franchise. To load your trick, you pul the stick in one of eight directions and then fick itin the opposite rection to initiate the trick, You can use a modifier bution to increase the number of Moves at your disposal, Which tick you perform (ike street or vert varieties} changes depending оп where you are, and the game wil feature over 80 in al. There is also a simple face button соп trol scheme, but it only uses the XA button, and its pretty bare bones. Unfortunately, | didn't get my hands on the trick system in the demo, во! don't know how it feels compared to Skate,

Take what you think about Shaun White and throw i out, because his game is ай about creat- ing your own experience. » Matthew Kato

Enslaved: *

Odyssey to the West

toa een

with him, but the apparition vanished as soon as Monkey approached. The moment doesn't make much sense alone, but it teases tha larger narative, which wil tie together Monkeys past and the mysteries of the massive slave ships.

Given Ninja Theory pedigree with Heavenly Sword, we сап ‘expect Enslaveds combat system to be rich with options. Ono. addition to Enstaved's breed of combo. driven. fights is the abilly to use ranged attacks. Monkey will colect both stun and plasma ammo from falen enemies, which he can use against any foo that steps out of rango of his stall. This ranged ammo is limited, however, so mast of the ‚action wil involve stringing together combos at ‘lose range.

The other half of the gameplay involves explo- ration and puzzle soing. Tip wil be at Monkeys side throughout much of ho journey, and sho willbe dependant on Monkey to get past many obstacles, but that doesnt mean she won't also be an asset. Monkey can throw Тр up to

areas he can't reach alone, and Tip wil provide distractions that wil give Monkey time to flank his enemies or hack open doors and other computer equipment Monkey doesn't understand. Tip also comes. equipped with a robotic ‘dragonfly, which she can send on scouting

‘missions, Players who take careful stock of their surroundings might notice shortcuts through arcos or avoid battles altogether by sneaking around enemy encampments, Trip's dragonily wil also be a boon to Monkey during combat, Since many of the enemies are ong- dormant robots created for war, two machines from the same product Ino might have diferent vulnerabî ls. Tips dragonfly wil scan enemies for these abnormalities and transmit their weaknesses to Monkey via his slave collar. For example, some enemies might be vulnerable to ranged attacks, hie others wil take extra damage if they are thrown into another enemy. Another foa has. a self-destruct that Monkey can trigger, effec: tively taking out a larger group of enemies in a single blow.

Ninja Theory has said that Enslaved is already content-complete, and it just puting on the posh before the tes fal launch, If the game comes together Ike we're hoping it wil, Enslaved ‘could be one of the most impressive new fran chises of tho year » Ben Reeves

Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 » туе

Payer Action э Publisher Namco Bandai » Developer Ninja Theory Release тш

Award-winning creative crew

Minja Theory doesn’ just care about making a good game

M hasa tale it w el. and it wants to tell it well. To assist with Ihe narrative, th team has e the

most expe nteruin- the actor who portrayed illum inthe Lord of the

provided both the v motion capture for Ensaved hero, Monkey, Mean Alex Garland (the sont

ler and a tapped to

mer for 28 Days Sunshine аз b help shape Ens

Finally, Nitin Sawhney, one of England's most respected omposers, is working on.

ods score just as һе ni.

did fort

previews 71

» Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 PC

Crysis 2

Crytek aims for the console shooter crown

lectronic Arts and Crytek aren't bashful about setting a high bar for Crysis 2, EA Partners general manager David DeMartini says he believes the game is “the greatest product that is going to come out this year," “That's huge praise from a publishing group that boasts Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Mass Effect 2, and Medal of Honor in its 2010 lineup. То achieve its immodest goal, Crytek is focus- ing on highly interactive destructible environ- ments, enhancing Ihe nanosui functionality, and delivering a more engrossing story. Crytek founder Cevat Yerli admits the story in the

original Crysis was one of the game's weak links, and believes that enlisting acclaimed sci-fi writer Richard Morgan to pen Crysis 2 will bring "he narrative quality on par with the rest of the experience. Morgan, best known for his book Altered Carbon, has won both the Philip K. Dick and Arthor С. Clarke awards. To add intrigue lo the compelling sandbox gameplay, Morgan says he's focusing on the mystery at the heart of the manosuit technology. "I's a very useful, sharp. tool, but it can cut both ways,” he says. "It can do things you don't expect it to." To pull this ой, Morgan is giving the suit its own narrative алс

that players wil have to come to grips with as they play through the game. “The technology

is not what it seems - there's more to it than appears on the surface,” he alludes.

As Yerli boots up the Crysis 2 demo on Xbox 360, we join the yet-o-be-named protagonist as hes perched high in a bombed-out skyscraper ‘overlooking Wall Street. The ravaged financial district looks like a ghost town, with none of the. busting activity that was commonplace before the city went to hel. Buildings smolder in the distance, and the streets are abandoned save for the squads of Crynet Security guards roaming the streets, A military chopper passes overhead, and the private military contractors stationed on the ground chatter about being on the look out for Prophet, the badass Delta Force squad leader from the fist game who has a knack for surviving impossible scenarios. Are they the bad guys?

"As in reality, it's a litle more complicated than thal,” says Morgan. "You find that there's a lot to the Crynet Security story. Their relationship to you в volatile, but changeable. Certainly at this stage inthe proceedings they are a problem for you you ara between them and something that they want.”

While the grid-lie layout of New York stands in

Start contrast to the open world sandbox jungle environments of the original Crysis, Crytek is using vertcalty and the terraforming nature of. the natural disasters to breathe sandbox sen- sible into the urban jungle. After scanning the area to get a bead on the enemy numbers, Prophet, or whoever it is the player is controling, swan dives 20 stores to get closer to the action. The nanosuit automatically absorbs the impact upon landing.

The player activates the suits cloaking device, creeps up behind an unsuspecting guard, and performs one of the new button-activated stealth kis. These takedown moves are the ideal way o. stay hidden, because unlike when you open fire with a weapon, you don't lose your invisibility

The player moves forward on the plaza and ‘switches off the cloaking device. A soldier is Patroling on the other side of a metal panel. Rather than sneaking behind him for another stealth kil, the player decides to shoot through the cover to take out the unsuspecting victim. Bullets rip through the panel and the enemy's eles corpse hits the pavement. With his posi- tion compromised after fring bullets, the player urns on maximum armor to absorb Ihe oncom- ing gunfire as ho leaps across the gap between two buildings. Upon landing, he uses his vertical advantage to take out a few enemies with a scoped weapon before activating the cloak abilty ‘once again to grab a nearby schmuck and throw him through the window to the street below.

With fire coming in from ай sides, the player looks for an environmental advantage and finds опе in a nearby gun emplacement. The immedi- ate threat is behind him, so he rips the gun from the emplacement with the super strength the nanosuit provides and opens fre on the enemies, who duck for the safety of cover. These Ciynet humps prove no match for the палови enabled super solder,

The second segment of the live demo starts with the player in the custody of Crynet Security, which is loading him onto a chopper for extrac- tion to a nearby detention cente. As the chopper ascends, the ground starts shaking below and

‘suddenly an alien spire bursts through what appears to be the New York Stock Exchange. building and climbs into the air. The chopper is rattled by the blast and crashes near the comers, ‘of Nassau and Broad Streets. The player's nano- ‘suit loses power in the crash, so he's rendered helpless on the ground as an alien dropship fies past launching pods into the streets

Crynet Security takes cover to fight the ‘oncoming threat - armored bipedal enemies much more deadly than the insect-ike variety you fought in Crysis. These hulking creatures look more human, with two arms and two legs, sharing only the mechanical tentacles growing ‘ut the back of their heads with the beasts we've ‘seen before, The grunts prove no match for the alins, who пр through the guards within a matter of seconds. The nanosuit runs a recovery Program and powers back on just as the last Crynet solder bites the dust.

Once on his feet, the player grabs a powerful ‘grenade launcher the last Crynet soldier stand- ing dropped upon his death. He first goes into ‘stealth modo to perform a sneak attack on аҥ

1 ШІ

nearby foe, which the enemy repels easi The player taking cover behind some abandoned axis, starts lobbing grenades at the aliens. These new enemies carefully coordinate their attacks, with one baddie flanking while the player is engaged with a target in front of him. It looks. as ifs going to be tough o stay in one place. when combating the extraterrestrial threat, so using the stealth mode to reposition your attack is crucial. While the player's hands are full deal- ing with the alien attackers, another pod crashes nearby. A much larger, menacing enemy emerges and triggers an EMP blast that once again dis- тщ the вий functional, sending the player helplessly to the concrete.

If these brief encounters are any indication of the rest of the game, Crysis 2 looks to be a kinetic action game that should find a wiling audience in console gamers, Given how good the 360 version looked, we can't wait to see how Crytek pushes the boundaries of the PC. platform. » Matt Bertz


э Platform РС

» ву

1-Playor Strategy (@-Player Online)

э Publisher

Bizara Entertainment

» Developer Blizzard Entertainment

» Release 2010

Balance is Forked m unusual move, Blizzard

forked the unit balan

between singo- an player in mid-April ls nth

multiplayer toam is contin aly tweaking the numbers pursuit of he legendary bal ance StarCraft is known for.

ng and balance d Dei

marios because of online Ма as it

эрес players to notice it all that mu bout a fi rate for the factory

minerals ott of al cost Han ing played both multiplayer and a handful of campaign

ond i Blizzard

74 previews

StarCraft Il: Wings of Libe

Single-player bringing

sive boot of Emperor Mengsk and his fascist Terran Dominion, which is choking the joy of їе out of mankind with equal parts stormtroopers, taxes, and propaganda. Raynor's on the run, associat- ing with criminals, murderers, and madmen in an effort to put enough muscle behind his nascent revolution to make it relevant. That's when the dark templar Zeratul shows up with a waming of a coming apocalypse so dire that the Queen of Blades is convinced that ем she is powerless in the face of it

Taking on the role of Raynor, players spend most of their between-mission time aboard the battlecruiser Hyperion. The ship's four acces sible rooms recall old-school point-and-cic adventure tiles, with rch art selling the setting as a physical space. Each area has a number of objects and people to interact with, many of which serve only to flash out the evolving story. Players interested in the lore should check back through the entire Hyperion bo mission, as new dialogue and background information constantly becomes accessible The original StarCraft didn't tel much of a beyond "holy crap Zerg!” This time, Blizzard is putting signficant resources into blowing out the sequel into a full-on space opera,

Aboard the battlecruiser, you have plenty of options for spending the money earned by com. pleting missions, The bridge offers the chance to

im Raynor's got his hands ful. His people are under the oppre


out a different

set of big guns

acida new missions or replay old ones to pick up missed side objectives or pursue achievements. y functional top-down shooter arcade cabinet awaits in the cantina, as wel as the opportunity to hire mercenary companies. On tho battlefield, these powerful units buid instantly, providing instant defense (or a money dump for Players who buld up large resource stockpik Persistent upgrades are available at the Hyperion armory, and range from bonus hit points for bunkers to allowing Gofaths to ‘Simultaneously engage ground and ar targets. If you're meticulous enough to collect sufficient research points (generally accomplished by ‘completing secondary objectives), you can ‘spend them on awesome abiities in the labo: ratory. You must make a permanent choice between two exclusive powers at each stage of research, but the choices al rule; your barracks сап be upgraded to buld units via orbital drop pods rather than having them walk out the door, but being able to double-buld advanced units just as enticing. These metagame elements are compel- ling on their own, but more than anything alse, StarCraft ives and dies by its gameplay and mission design. The three new missions. recently made avaiable to press а ‘event answer that question qui For example, one tasks you with harvesting a Special gas from nodes that are spread across ho map, Meanwhile, your Protoss foes are

Modis, ke Puebats, have been cut tom multiplayer but are campaign

hammering away at your base, racing to seal the nodes before you can get to them, and. sending hit squads alter your vulnerable SCVs. Scoring a basic victory isn't terribly dificult, but going after the scattered (and well-defended)

research points at the same time or trying for the

hievement of not losing any SCVs adds ‘and challenge. Four dificuly levels, ranging from Casual to Brutal, add replay value as wel. Real-time strategy campaigns succeed ог fal based on three pilars: story, mission design, and a persistent metagame. Blizzard is doing exactly what longtime followers of tho company would expect: mixing up mechanics pioneered by other studios with a few original ideas, making tom workin por with StarCraft I's design, and refining it all to a smooth scence, An afternoon neck oop in the campaign dicit drown те Пей with a greater appreciation for ВЕ design and engineering talents than ever. | had some concerns going in that single-player was going to ba a distant second fiddle to SiarCraft beloved multiplayer, but those are

completely gone now. » Adam Biessener

has enticed gamers by imbuing its tactical

shooter gameplay with futuristic technology bordering on science fiction. As the title sug ‘gests, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier wil be no ‘exception, Not опу wil you have an arsenal of. high-tech weaponry and game-changing tools at your disposal, but numerous additions to the gameplay and a more powerful engine are set to keep the series on the cutting edge. Here's

the intel we've uncovered so

far, courtesy of our rendezvous with the game's creative director, Обмен Dauba.

Fi nearly a decade, Ihe Ghost Recon seri

A New Battlefield While previous instalments of the series usu: ally focus on a single locale, Future Soldier wil plunge players into a global confict (Dauba told us most of the action wil take place in Russia апа Norther Europe), introducing more variety into the types of situations you'l face, While long to mid-range frefights wil stil be the dom- inant method of engagement, urban environ- ‘ments wal feature more interior locations, which provide the opportunity for new close-quarter takedowns as well In these situations, soldiers wil utiize Krav Maga, the brutal self-defense system employed by Israeli Defense Forces. Players wil also have an array of sensors and mines at their disposal, allowing them to cre- atively tackle enemy encounters.

A New Story. We fet a sense of 98а vu when the frst trar for Future Solder revealed Russian ulranationalsts as the target of the Ghosts! attention, Not only

is Russia the main antagonist in recent shooters

Ike Modern Warfare 2 and Bad Company 2, but it mimics the plot of the fret Ghost Recon. Your foe may be famiar, but Ubisoft is taking a new approach to storyteling, This Includes delvering a wider view of the events by introducing seg: ments played from tho perspective of non. tary characters, including the bodyguard of the Russian president and a worker at an oil refinery hitby a terrorist attack. Ghost members wil also have more memorable personalities that beft the Tom Clancy moniker, similar to the authoris 90-10 man, Jack Ryan. Most importantly the мау the plot unfolds wil involve less listening to ‘Gross-Com chatter: "We have rethought the way the story is told within the game,” Dauba said. "You are not told a story, but you get to play it ‘An event happens in the word that wil have ‘consequences somewhere ese; you are there, and you play t. t's usualy hard to understand the chain of events that leads to a major confit So, we aro trying to make it easier by having you thereat every single ste

New Tools. Future Solder features toys so powerful that Master Chief would blush, The biggest addition is the augmented exoskeleton that al solder ‘lasses wil wear. This allows players to move faster on the battled, upping the intensity

‘of the action. There are also plenty of class

speciie skiis. The commando class is equipped With a Predator ike shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, which can auto-lock onto enemies

‘or be manualy controled by the player. The recon class sports optical camouflage, allowing them to blend in seamlessly with their environ- ment provided they're not fring a weapon. The

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

New gameplay promises a bright future for Ghost Recon fans

engineer wil be able to plot the returning aeral— » Platform roids. which now feature offensive capabätes, PlayStation 3 Finaly, the sniper can designate targets from Хк 360+ PC afr, which wil feed information drecty to other » Styl

to 4-Player Shooter j- Player Online)

squad members. Players wil also receive sup- port from an unmanned mobie turet that would

be more at home in a Command & Conquer » Publisher tite than Ghost Recon but Dauba insists al Ubisoft ofthe game's fictional tech is based on real » Developer initiatives being researched by the U.S. mitay. Ubisoft Pans

"You should truly read DARPAS [ihe Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency] cals for рш proposal." he tod us. “They make kon Man look Ikea high school science fair"

New Multiplayer While rivais ke Modem Warfare 2 and Bad Company 2 offer single-player only campaigns, Future Soldier's main story wil feature four player, drop-i/drop-out co-op. Teamwork willbe an integral part of the gameplay with features Ike

he abity for squad members to share their skils hen in close proximity and a unique ink-up System. This alows players to fal into a tight for- maton with the leader controling the movement ofthe entre squad, alowing the others to focus ‘on covering the group. The series’ Persistant Eite Creation system wil etur, and Dauba tels us al unlocks willbe playable elements.

From what we've seen of the game, it looks ке the future of the Ghost Recon series is in good hands. We'll ring you more оп the title as we approach its tentative fall release. » Jett Marchiafava


previews 75

» Platform Pc

» Style

1-Player Role-Playing

76 previews

Publisher Aun

» Developer. CDProjekt RED » Release Spring 2011

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Polish developer to deliver a different kind of RPG

of Riva isn't your average RPG hero.

‘Springing from the works of renowned. Polish fantasy author Andrzej Sapkowski, his Iterary heritage is unike the cookie-cutter, Tolken-derved Western characters frequently appearing in games. He's steile, but doesn't lot that affect his voracious appetite for chasing skirt. He's a mutant, but his monster-hunting skils and supernatural abiltios keep him in demand despite most humans’ ingrained rev sion of non-humans. He'll save the world, but is typically more occupied keeping himself whole and his purse ful. Geralt is the foremost Witcher in the land, and this next chapter in his dark saga holds great promise.

"This sequel unabashedly iterates the adult oriented original. The timing focused combat is gone, replaced by a more standard third-person

system with a focus on customization, Senior producer Tomek Gop tels us, "f you're used To 'hardcoreness that we've provided before, you wil find tons of options in our new combat System. lm taking about things unavailable before, Ike combining diferent sword strikes with magic, or even creating your own combos, We expect analogues to the deep crafting and. Character progression systems to make appear- ances as wel; Gop makes no bones about the

JV sesh atin str en

fact that his team is composed of hardcore gamers who are making the kind of game that They want to play.

The story folows Geralt' pursuit of a myster ‘ous Kingslayer with Wicher-ike powers. Gop assures us that The Witcher 2 doesn't lean as heaviy on the amnesia crutch as its predeces- sor, which is a relief. Boyond that, there aren't апу details on the plot. COProjekt is hanging its hat on the game's storyline, and understandably wants to avoid spoilers at all costs. The original's excelence in this area buys the developer tho. benefit of the doubt.

Games ike Mass Effect 2 have raised tho bar dor RPG presentations, and while The Witcher 2 is moving forward in its own way, Gop asserts that itis a diferent type of game than BioWare's masterpiece. "We are, probably, getting closer to the cinematic experience, but that's not the point for us." he says. "Wo put a lot of effort into he way we introduce characters to the payer, or the way they unveil the new plots." In addition, the developer is using an engine developed in house to support RPG-focused features ike an unlimited number of participants in conversations and action sequences in tho middle of interactive dialogue. The screenshots themselves speak to the quality of the proprietary rendering engine, as wel

What we've seen thus far of The Witcher 2 is more than enough to bring us on board, Tho. originalis а sold RPG that holds up well to

this day, With the same talented studio behind this sequel, tho few wrinkles and oddities that marred the frst tile should be smoothed out Ifthe story and writing can deliver on the same level, this could be ono RPG you won't want to miss. » Adam Biessener

PC-only...for now The first game was always intended for а consola e but COProjekt outsourced the роп t jer developer and killed the project when И "moet its quality standards, Senior producer

Tomek Gop isn closing any doors for a conso version of the sequel: “Different approach and diferent outcome [than the original], 1 should say 1 mean, we're not announcing nor contiming anything at this time, because we need me, But definitely we're thinking about The Witcher 2 on consoles = our engine can support development оп consoles = but tnis is all 1 can say for ne

Platform PlayStation 3 box 360 + Wit

» зук 1 to 4-Player Rhythm/ Music (Payer Online) Publisher МТУ Games) Electronic Arts » Developer Harmonie » Release p

Green Day: Rock Band

Harmonix moves forward with single band formula

ollouing the success of The Beatles: Rock Band, MTV Games is moving forward with a second tile focused on the career of a

single band. With the release of Green Day:

Rock Band looming, we interviewed project

lead Chris Foster to get the scoop on the

new game.

“First and foremost, we are integrating with. the Rock Band platform fli" Foster explains. “i's something that we always like to do when we can. So, in this сазе, al 47 songs can be exported ino your Rock Band music library [ог $101” This is great news for fans who bemoaned the fact that they couldn't play their Beatles racks in Rock Band 2. Also notable is the fact that this inter-game functionality goes both ways. "There are six Green Day songs in the Rock Band library already, and if you have bought them, those will import into the Green Day game. ‘You can play those songs as Green Day, with custom animated performances and visuals."

‘Green Day fans wil note that the full song list printed here draws heavily from three of the band's most well-known albums. All of Dookie and American Idiot will be playable in the new бате, and so wil 21st Century Breakdown, assuming you've bought the six songs from the album currently available, A smattering of hit ‘songs from the band's other albums are also in the title. Unfortunately, tans of the earliest pre- major label Green Day music are out of luck ~ all the game's music comes from Dookie and later releases.

From a gameplay perspective, Green Day Rock Band is taking a sightly different route than. Harmonix’ last single-band game. "We want

to fine tune each of these games to the artist,” Foster says. “In this case, we're showcasing their ive Performances, and that drove us in a different direction, technically. We're doing linear mo-cap for the first time, and capturing a full band performance, which lets us do a lot of things that we couldn't even do in Beatles, in terms of the way the different band members Interact with each other and play around with the stage.” This approach has allowed Harmonix to flesh out the experience of a Green Day concert, from onscreen actions ofthe band members. to fan interaction moments - Ike concertgoers who climb onto stage to leap out and crowd surt. “This is also not the linear path through the band's career that the Beatles did," Foster con- tinues. "Instead we're choosing key albums and key tours from the band, and showcasing each ol those, ts a different structure, but it seems to suit the band really wel.” Three major venues. are represented: the Fox Theater in Oakland, CA. acts as the hometown venue for 27st Century Breakdown, Miton Keynes’ massive concert stage hosts Ihe American Idiot songs plus sev- eral others, and a fictional Warehouse venue houses the early Dookie tracks.

So what sold Harmonix on Green Day? “We really don't think of this project as folowing up. the Beatles,” Foster telis us. “It's almost foolish to think that you can. At the end of the day, t's really the music, It's very squarely in Rock Band's area of expertise. I's really great, high-energy punk and rock music - with harmonies, which is one thing we're bringing over from the Beatles technology.” Along with a huge amount of unlockable archival footage, deep participation from the band, and Harmonix's long-established leadership in the genre, we've got high hopes for Green Day's big upcoming release. » Matt Miller For our tr win пе band members of Green Day stout тен ийтеп the game, make sure ana check оа ganeitmerconinag

Good Riddance (Time of Your Lile" “Hice Guys Finish Last"

From Waring (2000) Minority "Warning

From American dict 12004) “American Idiot”

“she's Rebel"

Jesus of Suburbia”

“Extraordinary Girl"



Boulevard of Broken Dreams"

"Wake Mo Up When September Ends" “Are We the Waiting?


St Jimmy


“Give Me Novacaine"

Played at The Fox Theater, Oakland, CA Prom 21st Century Breakdown (2009) "Song of the Century” Viva La Gloria? [atte Gu 3219 Century Breakdown” “Restless Heart Syndrome" “Botore the Lobotomy” Horseshoes and Handgrenades” “last Night on Earth” ~The Static Age” ‘Peacemaker “American Bulogy” Murder iy" "Seo the Light”

Conduit 2

High Voltage rewires the Wii

he Conduit was not the FPS savior

High Voltage promised Wi owner

Despite tepid critical reception Conduit was impressive on a technical level. "tora Wi game.” This very caveat stokes developer High Voltage's drive to shove an improved sequel in the faces ofits cris.

According to High Voltage, tha basic. framework of the frst Conduit - motion ‘control - is among the Wis best, “While Nintendo may cringe a bt, there's certainly something analogous to hold ing the pointer and fring a weapon,” says Conduit 2 producer Josh Olson.

“It feels good." With that in place, the team is focusing on overhauing almost everything else.

Enemies in The Conduit were dumb, and High Voltage has the fx. Enemies по longer seek shelter behind combus "bl barres and promptly fre upon thee flammable cover. Now the more realistic adversaries id chat or work on comput- ers unt you make your violent entrance. Once engaged, heavily armored enemies with shotguns charge, while КУЛУ pro tected snipers attack from afar. Combine this with ther abit to wield any weapon, and you've got targets at least more dan- gerous than those in Duck Hunt.

Not only are enemies smarter, but they also look better thanks to High Voltages focus on honing Conduit 25 art style. Randomly generated armor ensures that the fools populating your crosshairs never look too similar. Boss enemies Ike

s sci-fi FPS franchise

a raging Leviathan showcase a level of detal unike anything in the frst game, and Sberian robot wolves and 30-foot tal Atants guardans help provide much needed enemy variety.

The Conduit concluded with protago- rist Michael Ford chasing John Adams (the alen controling Ihe U.S., not the president) through a portal. In order to prevent Adams global domination in the sequel, Ford must enfst the help of other alens across the globe. Yep, its stl ridiculous, To do so, ho must venture beyond Washington DC to face the foes of Russa, Atlantis, and beyond.

Where some Wi owners see The Conduit as a generic FPS, Sega and High Voltage see a young franchise with tons of potential. After less than a year, High Voltage is once again promising a Wi FPS that stands toe-to-toe with its beefer con sole brethren. Let's hope they get t right this time, » Tim Turi

‘beyond Washington DG tc ‘expansive outdoor locales

Style 1-Player Shooter |

» Publisher


» Developer

High Voltage Sofware » Release




Holds Games, DVDs, and Blu-ray Disc™

Mounts to virtually any wall surface

Connects together to create patterns


» Platform Playstation 3 Xbox 360

» Publisher EA Sports

» Developer EA Tiburon » Release August 10

Get Your Kicks When conducting focus group testing on Madden NFL 10, опе ol the constant ошоо of frustration for players come from an unexpected plao

the kicking meter. App

some people couldn't

analog ack ll. To help th

‘goals, Tiburon has dropped the night analog-based sys- tem in favor of a three burton

played a spo

tarts tne kicking

Madden NFL 11

EA Sports puts the skill back in skill players

football game that met the expectations

ofits rabid fan base, EA Sports finally got the vaunted Madden franchise back on the fight track last year by adding gang tacking, introducing the oft-requested online franchise mode, and realigning the presentation to bring it more in-synch with television broadcasts. For the encore, developer EA Tiburon isn't just building on the success from last year i's reinventing the most integral part of the gameplay experience,

Unhappy with how players accelerated, changed directions, and carried momentum in past Madden tities, the dev team scrapped ts old locomotion engine in favor of a more respon. sive system. Speed is no longer Ihe most impor tant rating for skil players, The new approach places a much higher emphasis on agility and acceleration as distinguishing factors that separate the stud backs ike the Vikings’ Adrian Peterson from mediocre skil positon players, Ike. the Bears’ Adrian Peterson,

Armed with a revamped right analog stick juke System that takes advantage of the new technol- оду players now have an entre assortment of moves resting under their thumb, If you wiggle the stick back and forth, the running back wi stutter step. Pressing the controller far to the left ог right prompts the familar juke, but swinging the analog stick around Ike throwing an upper- cut in Fight Night triggers a dangerous spin move in the direction you rotate the stick. Ficking the stick down activates a high step for avoiding diving tacklers, and holding it forward makes the runner assume tho trucking postion, which you can then steer by sightly guiding the right analog stick to the left or right. This is an important

N te pomada jaaa nettan

technique to employ with fumble-prone players, а you can guide the runner strategicaly to keep the hand holding the bal from taking the brunt of the tackle.

Getting used to tho new system takes time, ‘since you must trigger moves much earíer than. you did n last year's game to effectively usa hom. But after a few quarters | was stinging together kiler juke combos that left defenders gasping for air. Tiburon is so confident in how his system improves the running game that t eliminated the sprint button altogether. t sounds Ike a dangerous move that could provoke the anger of hardcore fans, but EA Canada dd the same thing with the NHL series, and it gave the ‘game a more realistic foo

Running the bal isn't the only aspect of the ‘game the new locomation engine improves, Receivers finally try to keep their feet inbounds. when making a catch on the sidelines. Backs and receivers immediately square their shout ders and tum upfield when catching comeback passes or screens, which finaly eiminates hor frustrating tendency to run backwards in past Maddens,

Delenses also benefi from the new locormo- tion system. Comerbacks with amazing clos ing speed can bait quarterbacks into throwing ther way by playing loose coverage, and star defensive inemen with impressive acceleration ratings explode toward the quarterback after Shedding blocks.

After playing a few games of Madden NFL 11 | can't stress how drastically the locomotion system revolulonizes the gameplay enough.

It may lock Ike a subtle change when watch- ing footage of the game, but once you have the controler in your hands and hand the ball

off toa dangerous running back, you realize how empowering tha new system is for sk players H you're one of the disgruntled football fans who has forsaken Madden for its past transgressions, his could be the year to jump. ‘back on the bandwagon if everything comes together. » Matt Вена.



Out of the shotgun, look for your wide receiver on the curl Toute. Don't try to do too much, Just fire а strike and let im make a play. ы

X Audible GI Show Playart 8 15т | ames

Tiburon was wing to share deas pt ун. ram a rramped Super Bow Experience at captures е magnitude ot

«рита biggest event. To showcases Wok Turon н incuing the Sper Bowi aa game option In бе тай menu

Changing The Way You Play Iking with NFL head coaches about Madden, one target of criticism kept coming up in the gr versano realisti playealling system. No coach shows up on Sunday with 300 plays in is an, and after looking at telemetrics EA Tiburon discovered tho average Made ont plays a gam м k to the drawing board and с approach to play

the Al ofen gives advice Gamellow is a groat learning tool for 1l ime it takes to play a g m crippling thelr offensive genius, either. You can full ing plays for partia able to ato each des the Al logic in called - if you sereen on thir am tho ball up the middl of he fold over the full k at any time i an turn Gamerlow olf alto ren customize the gam d team in the game. Toco Tiburon also simplified the system for mak adis adjustments, line shilts, and player m but afte

'ulined right above the sing lef or right, the р using an unfamiliar playbook


Platform PlayStation 3 ‘box 360

» Style

1 or 2-Playor Sports (@-Player Online) » Publisher

EA Spons

э Developer

EA Tiburon

» Release

Jay 13

mE. e ca


me football fans Football franchise to be the rec-h tepchid of Madden. When technology. they may h Моп to differentiate be games, EA often introduces new technical upgrades in Madden, only to pass it down to NCAA Footbal a year later. This year may be the end of the hand-me-down relationship

motion Players move and react.

ling a star player is no longer just about

ing at a player's speed rating; if your corner ly 40 айу,

A وي‎

School Spirit The development team r work fans put in to craft ne impress

Skilled ра, весну analog

been this grating or defenses a fighting chance adopts the Pro Tak

жу and many feel the i spit on demonstration at campuses y Saturday. To ramp up the authenticity, ful ESPN integration into

to bring drama to the visu poled effects made popular b Madden. he major differences betwee he amount of uni

creating chool ine

se it in the game as wel. um of the popular

ive formation, Th

players who rotate in pass сайы for nickel and dime pe masterminds who Ike to m around to fed f

happy to hear that yo 58 to your running back up. ne of scrimmage. This is a major mp or how tho old games handcuffed you.

“These aren't ihe only major alterations to the Sports says the game has several

е. ls this the out of tho NFLs

ints own right? W

ships July 13, » Matt Bortz

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11

iger Woods’ fal from grace has been

a top talking point for tabloids, but EA

Sports is all business when it comes to his video game license. This year's version extra-curricular pursuits in favor of adding the. Ryder Cup, a competition in which America and Europe battle it out for bragging rights each year on the green,

The Ryder Cup appears in the single-player career and as a standalone mode. Acting as the captain, the player must build a team of golf ers from a pool of PGA pros from America or Europe, Matches include different games Ike match play, four bal, and more. The Ryder Cup also features an online mode that pits 12 against 12 nan epic golf match,

EA is also revamping the popular Tiger chal- lenges by crowning daily winners and imple menting leaderboards, For those of you who

Tiger Takes A New Approach To The Green

complained about people working around the

wing degradation to get a perfect hit on the bal, a new system has been put into place that randomizes the speed at which the degrada tion happens, This wil hopefully make it next to impossible for would-be griefers to take advan tage ofthe system опи

While Tiburon is being toht-fpped on many details, the team did share info on the new Focus swing mechanic. Best described as a fatigue meter, Focus wil affect the way you play throughout Ihe course of the round. Previously, players could spam things Ike Power Boost or bal spin and hone every shot beyond the char acteristics of real дой. Now players must spend portions of the Focus meter when using these boosters to make their use more of a tactical decision. This adds a new layer of strategy to the game and asks players to take a stop back and


» Platform PlayStation 3

bon 360* Wi

» Style

1 104-Playor Sports (24-Player Online) » Publisher

EA Spons

э Developer

EA Tiburon

» Release


4, 198 YDS TO PIN.

100% 25105

analyze every shot, much Ike a real golfer, The Focus meter replenishes by playing wel without using the boosters.

‘Other improvements in Tiger 11 include. real-time time of day ightng with drastically improved shadows, Ine elevation grid is on display at al times so you can better plan those long par three putts, and a huge upgrade to the character models themselves, including cloth and hair physics, They even threw in animated skies and clouds for good measure.

‘As expected, EA confirmed that Sony's new motion controler, Move, wil be fuly compat- ible with the PlayStation 3 version of the game. However, when asked about Natal support for the Xbox 360, EA said they aren't curently "n positon” to have supported when the game comes out.» Nick Ahrens

previews 83

gameinformer A GAMEZ MONTH 86 Red Dead Redemption

Rockstar has crafted the best video game Western ever made. Fusing the open word perfection of GTA IV, enchanting explora» lion of Elder Soros IV: Oblivion, and engaging morality system of Fable Il, Rad Dead Redemption hits al the high notes expected Ina triple-A release and more. Save the dusty tral, you've got the ‘entire Wild West to play in. Tum to page 86 to read the review,

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Gustandeg A ay alte te trat is rey portet i every ‘ray. Ts кое ven od ray and nes a gum that camat bo missen

‘Spr Just shy gaming ina, hs scorsa igh

Brand above ts competion

Very боой. mova, but pamaps not the ight соко for "rayons Та sco nl thre are any good ths tobo ad, bt этиу o.

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Red Dead Redemption

Rockstar wra ern of all time

les the best video game we:

/ 9.15

PS3 + 360

э Concept Transpose the Grand Theft ‘Auto gameplay template onto a Wild West setting » Graphics Breathtaking scenery ‘unrivaled horse animations and vasti improved 'ouscenes over GTA! this the best-looking Rockstar game to date From pitch-perfoct gunshots to the daunting rumble of prairie thunderstorms, the remarkable attention to audio ‘detail brings the word to Ше » Playabiity Tho alright aiming and cover System wil be familiar to anyone who's played GTA I, ‘andthe horses control benter than those Tve den in any other game » Entertainment Rockstar ably recreates an expansive send-up to fontior Ме and gives players enough variety to keep cowboys engaged for several fornights » Replay Value High

praetore PUATINUM

recta О

ith high noon duels, lawless frontiers, and gruff leading men, the Westem genre seemingly has al the essential pieces to make a smooth transition into video Games. But as past six-shooters Ike Dead Man's Hand, Cal of Juarez, Gun, and Red Dead Revolver found out, dressing your scruffy hero in а duster and giving him a revolver isn't enough to captivate audiences accustomed to fring rocket-propelled grenades and ight machine guns. For Rockstars frst ful-edged effort in the genre (Ihe company purchased Red Dead Revolver from Capcom), it decided to do what it does best - explore the topic at hand with an immersive open word.

Red Dead Redemption is set during the birth of the 201h century, where the expansion-minded federal government is moving swiftly to domes- "ica the untamed frontier. With raltoads and telegram Ines connecting previously isolated communities, the new cowboys are exploitative businessmen and aggressive legistalors aiming

Style 1-Player Action (6-Playor Online) Publisher Rockstar Games Developer Rockstar San Diogo Release May 18 ESRB М

to expand their power bases. To keep this development moving along unabated, the feds have created the Agency, a new branch of law enforcement determined to rid the outer territories ofthe violent gangs running rampant

‚John Marston used to be one of those outlaws he's got the scars and practiced trigger finger to prove t. But after his gang left him for dead during a robbery gone awry, Marston embraced the quet ife, setting on a ranch, taking a wif, and having his frst child. Like his spiritual pre- decessor, Grand Theft Auto IV protagonist Nko- Вейс, Marston eventually discovers that running {rom his past doesn't mean he can escape it Using evidence of his past transgressions against him, the Agency makes a persuasive propos- tion: Hunt down the last ving members his former gang, or kiss family goodbye. Marston begrudgingy grabs his sacshooter and heads out in search of his long ost brothers in arms.

While Red Dead Redemption setup reads ike а Cint Eastwood script the gameplay construct

is puled straight from Grand Theft Auto. In order to track down and confront his wayward outtaw friends, Marston has to consort with an unsavory cast of snake ol salesmen, drunks, grave rob bers, washed up gunsingors, dissidents, and corupt poticans, Assistance doesn't come easy, as Marston must complete fetch quests and rack up ki counts lo eam their trust before they divulge any useful information. Those who fred of the errand boy mission structure of Grand Theft Auto IV won't fnd any solace in Red Dead - 1o get what he needs, Marston helps peddle cure-all tonics, aids in finding a lost treasure, puts in time herding cattle on the ranch, and rescues Kidnapped ciizens. The game is at ts best when 1 embraces gunpowder-centric missions that ‘only a Western era game can deliver, my favor- ites include assauling a gang stronghold with a posse of regulators, protecting a supply train on horseback, and улпа up a treacherous moun- tainside to locate an enemy camp.

‘Given the imitations of the eras weaponry, Red.

Dead's gunplay is suprisingly exciting. Each. weapon from six-shooters and repeaters to sniper rites and Gating guns has a distinct feel, and the hit detection system couples with Natural Мобоп Euphoria animation technology to creato visceral shootouts. Shotgun blasts blow enemies violently backward, sniper shots to the shoulder spin bandits around, and f you nalla еве enemy in the leg, he foebly crawl toward the nearest cover. When large groups ot bandits descend on your postion, you can ‘activate the slow-motion Dead Eye abilly to paint a large swath of enemies and watch in аме as Marston effortlessly puts them allin an early grave. Less practiced gunsingers can stick with the friendy snap-to auto-aim mechanic borrowed кот GTA М but if you want to up the challenge, I suggest tuming it of

‘The story moves along at a fast cip when you're hot on the heels ot your former gang, but the second section of the game finds Marston deeply involved in the bith stages of the Mexican СМ war. To meet his obligations to the Agency, he must frst get согу with both the. comupt ruler of the border region and the upstart rebel hell-bent on taking power for himselt. This tangential plot drags on far too long without engaging the task at hand, and the game's momentum suffers for t.

But wih such an expansive land to explore, Red Dead Redemption is even more aluring when you're roaming between missions. Given the large territory the game has a more mea: sured pace than GTA, which gives you time to admire the gorgeous vistas on splay al around you. With desolata Mexican dylands, dust swept plains, and the towering northem moun- tain ranges, Rockstar perecty captures the untamed majesty of the North American land- scape. If you get tred of galloping between far- reaching destinations, simply set up camp and use the fast travel feature to get back on task.

“Though the world of Red Dead Redemption is immense, its far from barren, Myriad systems. ‘of engagement breathe He into the word of Red Dead, compensating for the narative М. The Countryside в populated by packs of animals, traveling ctzens, and bandit strongholds. Once you embrace the rural rhythm of the Wid West, the game opens itself up much fke The Elder crol V. Oblivion. While traveling on horseback to a mission, | often found myself cido-tracked in pursuit of the many sub-quests. You can sharpen your survival sis by collecting fora, hunting dangerous animals ike grizzly bears and cougars, scavenging for treasure, or perfect- ing your sharp-shooting skis by targeting the buzzards circing overhead. Each of these tasks has its own progression system, and your fame чэй increase along with your ranks. Colorful strangers also riddle the landscape, and these side missions offer a fresh change of pace from dealing with the miscreants Marston must aid in the narative.

‘The shantytowns and busting ces littering the land offer an equal deep level of engage ment, While in town you can shop for provisions, Watch a hilariously offensive sient fim warning

ol the dangers of women's suffrage, take a night watch shift to protect the sleeping vilage from. burglars, play a game of horseshoes, or head to the saloon to play a game of chance Ike fve finger flet, blackjack, far's dice, or Texas hold 'em. Ту to cheat at poker and you may fnd yourself facing your accuser outside the cantina. Though the saloons have plenty of lades all repute wing for your attention, dont expect any GTA ty sexual congress - John Marston is a faithtuly marred man,

Like Fable, how you conduct yourself affects how townspeople, kamen, and bandits react to you. Help a stranded man retrieve his stolen horse, and your honor wi increase, As your honorable reputation grows, people start to give you the beneft of the doubt and let small acts of disobedience side. Buti you spend your free time robbing banks or kiling innocent pass- ersby, ciizens may start forming posses to hunt you down.

‘Once Marston fishes is tour of duty in Mexico and retums north of the border, he heads to Blackwater, the region's capital ciy, lo work with the Agency directly to find the leader cof his former gang. With cobblestone streets, a cinema, and automobles, evidence of technot озу reach is everywhere, and you get a sense that everything you just experienced in the open plains is about to disappear. Red Dead then culminates with a memorable,

{hat strays from tradtional stoyteling techniques and instead reles on the sense of immersive- ness only a video game can impart.

Red Dead alows you to round up a posse of fiends to roam the game word, which also Serves as the multiplayer lobby. In this free roam mode, your posse can terrorize towns.

Cr try to collect the bounty on another gang of reckless outlaws, At any time, you can jump into competitive multiplayer matches as well “These modes are Westorn-themed versions

of individual and team-based deathmatch and capture the flag modes, plus another mode that tasks you with colecting more gold than your ‘opponents, No matter the format, each match starts with a Mexican standof with the last man standing gaining a head start on the rest of the ‘competion. Dead Eye caries over to mul player, but works in real fme. While this may not be as powerful a tool as it is in single-player, it preserves the gameplay balance and comes in handy when you frd yourself behind a group of enemies. With 50 levels and unlockable char- acter skins, mounts, and tiles te multiplayer is а fly featured complement to Ihe excellent single-player experience,

To succeed where other Western games have faled, Red Dead Redemption deft recreates a sandbox playground of a tumultuous historical period swept away by technological progress. ‘The game perfectly captures the expansive- ness of frontier е and the gritty gunplay of spaghetti westerns, по earring its place alongside the great Western fims and the best Rockstar games. » Matt Bartz

2 8.5

PS3 «360.

» Concept Monsters take center stage in. a rewarding co-op experience э» Graphics

Nothing short of stunning. The monsters pop with Ше, and the visual fet are as frequent as fireworks on the Fourth of July

» Sound

Few things are more terrifying than a 10-story monster roaring rom behind you. The ‘weapon sounds pound with intensity, and the score fits е action at hand

» playability

‘The controls offer gunplay finesso, and the co-op tactics allow players to approach ‘combat situations in a multitude of ways

» Entertainment

A must-play tor fans ol both co-op and versus gaming,

» Replay Value


Second Opinion 8.5 Lost Planet 2 coula bo tho most changed sequel in all ‘of video game history. No characters return, snow only makes а very limited appear-

take any plotline that takes me to outrageously realized locations ik zero-G outer spice bases, underwater caverns Шей with massive sea makes, and speed

ing mechanical sand ships

Dating each other ike high tech pirates. Unfortunately, the clunky maneuvering and grappling controls haven't been Improved, but you's hardly notice as you battle some ofthe most enormous monsters in video games, working with your co-op pals In ways never betore son. A surprising variety o mechs helps even the odds against these beast, and can give yeu hilarious advantage in versus multiplayer. Поте the career upgrades, too. 1 just Wish they didn't rely on. random siot machine sytem "hat chokes out new weapons and ables with charm- Ing, but useless, emotes and name tage» Bryan Vore

ва reviews

A monster of cooperative play


ow this is what a monster hunting game

‘should be lie. Lost Planet 2 hides its

human characters beneath helmets and lumbering armor - never once letting them ‘develop identifiable personalities ~ and lets the monsters take center stage. With the thirst for. human blood driving these foul beasts, they rampage through sun-soaked jungles, engulf mile-long trains in a single bite, and evoke as. much awe as they do terror. They put on a styl- ish, ferociously outlandish spectacle, thrash- ing and gnashing everything in their path as. explosions and visual effects dance chaotically in their wake. While offering a visual feast, the monster menageri's greatest contribution is Creating nerve-shattoring fights for co-op teams. of four players.

Although Lost Planet 2 can be played as a sin- gle-player game (with three unreliable, wandering Al bots standing in for players), most challenges. сай for a high level of coordination between the four teammates. In one such battle, one player is tasked with manning a cannon, the second fetches ammo, the third operates a crane, and the fourth cals out the boss's location while

Stylo 1 or 2-Payer Action (16-Payer Online] Publisher Capcom Developer Capcom Release May 11 ESAS Т

keeping an eye on the vessels coolant systems.

Standard combat calis upon players in dit- ferent ways, such as asking your teammates.

10 provide diversionary tactics so that you can repair your mech (known in-game as a Vital Suit. With player-based strategies tied to almost ‘every combat scenario and gameplay mechanic, Capcom has created a co-op experience with a unique resonance that proves to be as engaging. as Left 4 Dead's survival tactics.

The campaign follows a tight near path, yet Mound myself wanting to replay levels not just to relive an amazing boss battle, but to earn credits that could deposit into а slot machine o unlock new weapons, abilities, emotes, and noms de guerre for my character. On top of this, performing well а level raises your overall rank, a feat periodically rewarded with new armors. 1 found the character customization to be incred- ibly rewarding, almost addictvely so. The hand ‘cannon | unlocked became a point of jealously for my party, and my titie "Undercover Perv" always brought a laugh from new players. With hundreds of items to secure, Lost Planet 2 is а game that | foresee being a part of my daily

gaming rotation for a long time.

The hefty reward system crosses over into the game's competitive component. Player skill levels are gauged nicely through the ranking ‚system, and the variety in maps and modes. keeps this experience fresh. The game's jumbo- ‘ized weapons and mechs dish out highlight eel-worthy kils, and the map designs factor in both weapon types and teammate strategies. ‘The low-gravty map needs to be seen by every multiplayer fanatic ош there.

"With most of Lost Planet 2's weapons being bigger than the characters, the game offers a wallop with its gunplay and stands on its own as a respectable shooter. The gameplay mechanics aro tuned nicely, allowing players to feel comfort able with the game's wide variety of weapons. ‘and vehicles from the moment they are fest intro- ‘duced. The grappling hook makes a return from the first game, and while it is called upon often, itis never used for frustrating do-or-die vertical ‘navigation. When stacked up against the orginal tile, the gameplay is tighter across the board.

While offering more monsters and bigger set ресе moments, Capcom has also addressed the dulness of the human-against-human battles. Some of the frefights remain uninspired shooting ‘galleries, and | would much rather battle a spas- tic monster than a motionless space soldier, but зоте of the human-based battles are among the game's overall best.

With faceless characters, a story that bounces confusingly from blizzards in the tundra to jet Backing in outer space, and an ending that makes no sense whatsoever, the fiction mostly serves as a vehicle to show environment transi tions. Playing Lost Planet 2 for the story is ike going to a movie to watch the credits. If you go into this game, go into it with the intent of joining up with your friends to slay moon-sized monsters, and enjoy one of gaming's top co-op experiences. » Andrew Reiner For vés of Lost Pret 2 in acto go o элетте: conmag

Split Second

Danger lurk:

‘ound every corner

Style 1 or 2-Playor Racing (-Player Online| Publisher Disney Interactive Studios Developer Black Rock Studio Retease May 18 ESRB B.

make you feel ike you can move heaven

and earth to your wil, Sending an ava lanche on top of the pack racing ahead of you ог causing a train on a suspension bridge to derail and crash on the city below are powers ‘worthy of mighty superheroes. The game puts these spectacular moments at your finger- tips, but also produces enough spontaneous ‘moments to blow your hair back and koep you ‘guessing, This is a good thing, because when. you've seen Spit Second's big moments sev- Oral times after revising the same tracks, you need reasons to keep you coming back.

The perfect lap in Spit Second isn't necessar. iy the one thats Ihe fastest, Is Ihe one where you cause а nuclear reactor to explode at just the right time to take out as many competitors as you сап, isthe one where you've dite, jumped, and drafted enough times throughout ‘the lap to constant replenish your Power Play meter so you always have a way to trigger the various explosions and traps on the track to take Од the other racers.

Whether you want to use your meter as soon эв you can or save it for the big moments is up to you, but was usually uneasy with triggering Power Plays and Route Changes in the game, wich was unfortunate. When | spent my power. to drop a bomb on someone from a helicopter ‘overhead, | always wondered if there was a cool Route Change that'd be missing out, because 1 couldn't refil my meter up fast enough. But there were also times when I saved it to no avail ‘because that track's big Route Change had already been triggered. In general, often found

I going out of my way to drift corners to fil

T he fantastic moments in Spit Second

ту power meter simply because | wasn't sure which strategy to employ It might not sound Ike a big deal, but often lost track postion because fit, and thats по! good racing.

There's no right or wrong way to use your power meter, and if you ever get the feeling that you've missed something at a track, don't wory. because you be racing there again soon. Developer Black Rock doles out the thrils Over repeated vists to a handful of locations, While | understand the work that goes into the game's large-scale moments, and the tracks do ffr different experiences as you re-visit them, ‘going back to these same tracks can get old. Repetition also spois some of Spit Second's grand moments

Thankful, the game stil has the capacity to Surprise because of the various regular Power Plays the competition. triggers against you and others. Moreover, the physics in the game produces varied results. When a car ahead of you explodes in a heap. because a truck on the side of the road. was detonated, there's always that moment before you drive through a wal of smoke, debris, and fre where you're never sure whats оп the other side, These Kinds of moments kept те coming back to the

game more than the giant set pieces. | also love the diferent racing modes sprinkled within the game, Ат Survival is tke a boss batte against a missie-shooting helicopter. Survival is an exercise in faith as you try and dodge explo эме kegs spiling of trucks running rampant. 1 ‘even Iked Efmination (where whoever in last place after a certain amount of time is booted), a mode | normally don't Ike in racing games. It forced me to use my Power Plays diferent than in the normal races,

Spit Second achieves a rarity in racing games, because it can make every lap foo ferent. This ¡game has plenty of edge-of your seat racing and {heling moments. Some of the repetition, how- ever, slows it down. » Matthew Kato

8.25 7/7

PS3 + 360

» Concept

"Trigger explosive set pieces to throw fellow racers off course as you gun for the finish lino » Graphics

Tesis very fast, and the color palette and lighting make

the environments stand out Some minor object pop up occurs onscreen, but it doesn't ‘tract from the experience

» Sound

Setting the action to a choreographed orchestral Score ia smart, as it gives

the game more drama than genen rock

» Playability

Twas disappointed a few times with some cars” dit handling, but this wasn't a huge problem

» Entertainment

Split Second в fled with raucous moments. The fact that they're repeated, doesn't destroy the experience

» Replay Value


Air Revenge тешен that you ne ni dog barrages ot mises on. a helicopter, but you hae o шкен.

/ 8.15

PS3 + 360

э Concept Continue building on the core ‘skateboarding concept that reinvigorated the gene

» Graphics

Solid but not jaw dropping. t you've played Skate betore, ‘everything looks familiar

» Sound

One ofthe best licensed soundtracks yo, and the ‘op of an ойе sal gives

те goosebumps

и Playability

‘op notch to say the las, The fantastic skateboarding gameplay once again

shines brightly

» Entertainment

‘wie the career is petty much business as usual, the new park editor adds a fresh ‘ative depth to the mix

» Replay Value


benr to skate is, but which kind? Online or оше? The crew

created a whol

for you to terrorize, but the. bulk of Skate Зв innovations occur in the online space

wing user-created acting challenges ith your teammates opens "up the game to ай sorts of possiblities that you have to explore. Unfortunately, the of fine career modo where you recruit team members and try то push your skate company to the top doesn't erce. I didn't get the sense that | ‘was really building anything When one of your teooouing challenges is to do any three tricks anywhere, you're not shooting very high (and axing ‘tho Tram Filim challer from Skate 2s Proeskat is

and object at challenges are great. Skate 3 ls stil а ‘deep and аит expe fence, but Ше the soarch for any good skate spot, you have to know where to Took.» Matthew Kato

90 reviews

Skate 3

The next best thing to real skateboa


Stylo 1-Playor Action Sports (6-Playor Onlin) Publisher Electronic Arts Developer Black Box Release May 1) ESRB T

have to hand it to EA and developer Black.

Box. They've once again delivered a game

that serves up dish after dish of the thing hat makes a good game so addicting: gameplay. Buking off he momentum of two previous releases, Skate 3 incrementally adds to the for- mula with a now career style, park editor, and a few new ticks for good measure, And while this third entry makes no remarkable changes, соп sistency is a good thing in this case, rewarding (dedicated players of the seri

Instead of folowing the ted idea of being a pro that's buiding up a career and sponsors, players assume the role ofa new skateboard company owner. Not only do you start out by customizing your player, but your company, too. My company, Pants Stealers, eventualy grew to the point where | had sold aver a milion boards

and recnited a few Al teammates. While a lot oft seems Ike just another version of previous

career modes, there are a few breakout features that make Skate 3 stand out - most notably in the onine component. Not only can players join other companies anine, there are ful stats, Player profes, and even job specific roles ike street skater or fimer, You can also earn board royalties if other people download your custom. content ike videos, images, and parks. ‘Speaking of parks, my favorite new feature is "he custom park creator If Port Carvorton, the new fictional setting for Skate 3, isn't enough, you can go into one of the many dedicated skate parks, tear everything down, and start from Scratch. A huge set of tools, extremely deep ‘options, and a large selection of objects mean thal creative users wal undoubtedly come up. with some amazing designs. Of course, these ‘can be shared with the work for download | was impressed with the real-world physics objects Ike ramps and rals that once placed, ‘can ba moved around by other skaters in-game just ike they would in a real city. Because the gameplay in Skate в so sold, this adds a level of replayabity that rivals ‘other content creation-focused games ке LittleBigPlanet. ‘Online also retums wih many of the previous games" features Ike freockate and proposing challenges. But with the addition of teams, online companies can battle it out in modes tke Spot Batte and

Hall of Meat. The number of things to do online is staggering. Almost all of the chalenges from single player are avalable online to be played

in either group co-op or versus, While 1 not structured ike a proper career, players could effectively run through the whole game onine together as a team.

I think Skate 3's biggest strength is its abilty to diver smooth, fun gameplay that fits Ike а ‘love. New tricks tke the undorfip and darkside throw ina Ийе fa f you're a fan, Skate 3 is a Sure thing; f you're just starting out, its even better New character Coach Frank, played by actor and pro skateboarder Jason Leo, wil wak you through the basic. Black Box has also added in diffculty settings, which helps new players avoid frustration by saving more chal- lenge for veteran boarders. The physics have been tweaked to be even more reati, and better emulate the trials and tribulations of real- жопа skating,

Black Вок has once again sucked me back into the world of kicklips and hip tricks. The Skate seres" focus оп what's important means ‘gamers can pick up a copy with a sense of ‘confidence that they wil get what they pay fr. ‘While this latest ile doesn't take any huge risks, I would argue that’s а good thing, Skate has always been one of those rare games where you (can just aimlessly play with no goals or objec. tives. With the adalion of the park creator, this is oniy increased with the Imiless possbit of player-created content. » Nick Ahrens

aad oganeiormerconmag ora tour of Hicks ata

Iron Man 2

‘Style 1-Playor Action Publisher Sega Developer Sega Studios San Francisco Release May 4 ESRB T

ın the comics, Tony Stark constantly аво expected most players to have PhDs tweaks his ron Man armor, making in engineering given Ihe elaborate menu new and improved suits as his tech- system you have to navigate to upgrade

nology evolves. It's too bad Sega your weapons and armor. | can't even say

can't keep tweaking this game after ls anything exciting about the boss encoun: release, because while the series might ters, as most of them are pretty forge

be headed in the right rection, there table. Marvel fans might get a kick out are stil loose parts under the hood. (ofthe appearance of ron Man's famous The story - a one-shot tale that sees (065, so I guess that's something,

Tony and Rhodey chasing down a Superhero games are supposed to stolen copy of the Jarvis Al -hasa few be power fantasies, So far, the коп Man ‘coal moments, but most of them get games haven't done much to inspire my iuted by low production values and dreams, but at least they're not ving terrible camera work. Likewise, much me nightmares anymore, If Sega keeps Cf the witty dialogue is trampled by tweaking the formula, next time it might bad Robert Downey Jr. and actually convince me that i's fun being

Johansson impersonators. Iron Mon. » Ben Reeves it you look beyond the awkward cinematics, {youl find that the game в actualy play able this time. The meat and potatoes is all about ron Man and War Machine shoot- ing mechs unti they ‘explode, and there isa. tain mindless appeal to that. The fight con- trois have been simp fed, so fying around is fun instead of making you curse the sky every time you Ht oll. Its too bed ‘Sega wasn't able to include co-op, because the game dishes out a breed of mindless action that coud be fun with a fiend.

Unfortunately, things fal арап whenever Ihe mechani ‘cal duo enters an enclosed area, This incarnation of ron Man isn't buit for hand-lo- hand combat, and his limited attack set and frustrating targeting system make t show The developers must һам

6 #

PS3 « 360

» Concept Таке a terriblo superhero tite and make it less terrible, but til not quite good

Dark and a Ме grainy, but the scariest part of the game isthe first time Gwyneth Paltrow digital rendering walks onscreen


А decent metal soundtrack, and Sam Jackson and Don {Cheadle do a good job with their roles. The rest of the сай в voiced by temible Soundalikes

» Playabiity The game controls well tis time, and the mechanics ‘wor, but none of the action is particularly exciting

» Entertainment

Hardcore Iron Man junkies might got a thi from the story, but even theyll have trouble puting up with the bland missions

» Replay Value


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22 8.5

» Concept A dark presence has taken ‘ver the town of Bright

Fals. o has И? Follow

te Alan Wake through an ‘action-packed whirlwind of mystery as he tries to uncover "he uth

» Graphics

A combination of beautiful landscape details and realistic lighting effects make Alan ‘Wake ono of Xbox 3605 “visual darlings

» Sound

High levels of suspense are brought to Ме through the encoptonal sound design. A “dose connection is formed to Alan through his inner- ‘thoughts. The soundtrack also бз pertectly

» Playablllty

Precise controls never

Чон down this fast-paced ‘shooter's intense combat

» Entertainment

‘Tis game is hard to put down once it starts rolling. Once it concluded, 1 wanted to nm out and discuss it

"wit friends

» Replay Value


Alan Wake

Redefining video game storytelling


{1 С\ tephen King once wrote that nightmares exist outside of logic, and there's Ине fun to be had in explanations - they aro

antithetical to the poetry of fear, In a horror

story, the victim keeps asking Why?" but there

‘can be no explanation, and there shouldn't

be one. The unanswered mystery is what

stays with us the longest, and it's what well

remember in the end." These are the frst ines

‘of dialogue spoken in Alan Wake. Through this

message, Remedy reveals its hand of cards to

the player, outining exactly what to expect from this horror experience. an Wake's narrativo в designed ike a dream.

Just when you think you've understood is mes-

заде, it transforme without ciariication, leaving

you, and protagonist Alan Wake, in the dark

Applying logic to the plot points опу creates fur-

ther confusion. This is what makes Alan Wake so


Style 1-Playor Action Publisher Microsoft Game Studios Developer Remedy Release May 18 ESAS 7

frustrating, and yet, at the same time, a work of art. If you can detach yourself from realty and let "his tale pull you into йв dark dreamscape, you'll be treated to а brilliantly penned and disturbingly imaginative journey.

Most of the plot points are intentionally hazy, апа scattered Ike puzzle pieces throughout the game. The way | connected them wil kel differ from the way you would put them together. As fan of the TV show Lost, | like that the story is open to interpretation. Even now, days after ‘completing the gama, find myself deciphering ‘Sequences in different ways. Remedy scribes plant pieces throughout this story that, can pull "he narrative in one direction, should you latch ‘onto one, or in another trajectory entirely if you believe a different one.

1 walked away from Alan Wake dazzled and ‘dazed by the story, but also deserves respect

for being one hell ofa game. Thickly populated woods, dilapidated facto- ries, and vilage folk that could be deemed too creepy or weird for Twin Peaks unite to create the Perfect setting for horror. Alan's flashlight provides the only comfort. I was constantly thinking about what les outside of its beam. Sihouetted trees sway in the wind. Shadows are sometimes теге tricks of the eye, while others are possessed vilag- ers intent on kiling Alan.

‘This is a heart-racer of a game. The visuals and ‘sound unload suspense, and Remedy s design- 'ers waste no timo in ratting the player's heart, Chainsaw-wielding lumberyard workers suddenly ‘burst through doors, Without any notice, а truck ‘could fall rom the sky a foot in front of you. All this adds up to an enjoyably tense adventure. through the word ofthe weird.

‘And weird best describes the game's biggest ‘misstep: forcing you to battle possessed farm ‘equipment, ike an angry combine. Alan Wake offers up powerful combat sequences and remarkably sold controls = not to mention a clev- erty designed targeting reticle that piggybacks off of your flashights beam. The battles against crazed vilagers are fun, but most of the conflicts are telegraphed clearly through the environment. ‘design, removing some of the intended fear. ‘Oddly, Alan Wake is almost too much of a game in the traditional sense, Farm equipment boss fights are neatly divided throughout the quest, and | can't seem to wrap my brain around the reasoning behind this, but one of Alan's side ‘goals is to collect 100 coffee thermoses. These classic gaming staples were jarring enough to pull me out of the fiction in which | was deeply immersed, Thankfully, the game is weighted heavily in the direction of the fiction.

If you don't mind periodically revisit- ing game design from 1999, Alan Wake is ап engaging horror mystery that brings the heart of Stephen King's se of storytell- ing to the interactive medium. Like King's books, you won't find a better topic for water cooler discussions. » Andrew Reiner For Alan Wake Tbs vist ganenfomer солла

ModNation Racers

Sony's new kart racer performs a solid first lap

Style 1 or 2-Payer Racing (12-Player Online) Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment Developer United Front Games/Sony San Diego Studios Release May 25 ESRB E


Ps3 Con тако the kart racing mayhem Ol Mario Kar and add a deep ‘creation system to every facet ofthe game


The zany cartoon style suits the gameplay welt but the framerate drops even when. you're ойле

» Sound

ModNation’s music is upbeat and charming, but it might take you a while to warm to he acing announcers

» Playabiity

The controls feet good. and ‘the menus for the player- creation portions ot the game are easy to navigate.. which is good, because there are a prre

» Entertainment

Racing fools great, the courses are creative, and its fun to unleash a storm of attacks on your opponent; oo bad your Opponents also have access to

‘ose weapons intendo released Super Mario Kart in courses, but there are plenty ofshortcutsto were when they did it to you 20 seconds earlier. » Replay Value 1992. and it sngle-handedy defined what hunt out as you do your laps. It didn't take long Even withthe craziness on the course, the High

we expect from sily weapon-based kart racers. Since then similar games have come and gone; we've seen the genre transition to 3D and jump online, but kart racers have all been drafting behind a series that has barely changed in almost two decades. This is where United Front Games rols onto the track. Like a rookie hotshot, t's fast, fashy, and has an ‘unorthodox styl, We've seen elements of player-created content and oniine community ‘bulking in games before, but not yet in a kart racing game ike this. Finally, i feels Ike the genre is evolving.

"The aspect of this racing game that drew mo. in the most wasn't the racing - it was the cus- Tomization, | got a kick out of turning my racer into a top hat-wearing dinosaur, and then a bubble wrap monster with tuts of grass for hair. Wie my car might have started out looking Ike. а muscle car beauty fresh from the paint shop, It slowly morphed into the most dangerous steam-powered cardboard box ever to finish a race. ModNation's customization tools alow you to control the color and texture of your skin, the style of your karts seats and mirrors, and the stickers covering every inch of your character ‘and car. felt Ike | was only limited by my creativ ду and imagination. If you've ever thought about painting your own vinyl figure, you'l кау spend alot of time tinkering in ModNation's Modcenter

When I frst brought my souped-up shoebox onto the circuit, | was impressed with the orig! nalty United Front Games brought to the racing formula. The pre-made tracks are fun obstacle

before | was power siding around, buiding up. ту boost mete, and ramming opponents off the road. You'll even encounter a bit of a strategy when deciding how to use the weapon pods. I you pick one up, you can use it right away and release a smal ightring attack or EMP burst

that wil screw with the person in front of you, However, if you wait unti you've picked up three weapon pods, you can unleash а more power- ful attack that could disable every racer on the field, or warp you ahead of the pack. Of course,

T you hold on to your weapon for too long you Fk losing it when the racers behind you slap you with theirs.

wil have a bal here. Unfortunately, ModNation stil manages to run over the same pothole that plagues most kart racing ttes. The chaotic nature of the game's weaponized karting con- stanly makes you feel cheated. Even an expe rienced racer might run three perfect laps and then get knocked out of frst place fve seconds from the fish when a rainbow of ightring ds: ables the engines. Your boost meter can be used to project a temporary shield, but a ful meter

wil only give you a few seconds of safety. Since the last hal-aps of the later courses tend to tum into an invasion scene from Mars Attacks with all the cannon fre fying through the ай, it becomes impossible to avoid every attack. Playing against nine opponents doesn't make the races feel any less ruthless, but at least you know that the people in front of you wil be just as upset about the blue fre you shove up ther taipipe as you

pre-made tracks are oniy a taste of what you'll be able to buid yourself with ModNation' track editor. I can't remember how many times | said, * gotta try something Ike that,” ater seeing what the developers had made while racing through the career Unfortunately, you wil have to complete some particulary dficut challenges during Ihe single-player races if you want to Unlock the coolest track parts. If you don't have the patience for that (or don't feel ke getting your hands dirty building the track yourself the ModNation community wil kel start produc.

ing a wealth of original content once it becomes familar with the tools. With this much satslyng ‘content, Maro wil ind some tough competition the next time he hits the track. » Ben Reeves

reviews 93

Super Mario Galaxy 2

The sequel to the groundbreaking platformer delivers clever and extremely challenging platforming

» Graphics As bright and colorful ав “always; this looks good enough to make me wish the Vin could output true HD. A mix of classic Mario music and a variety of other catchy tunes "The platforming is rock solid and Yoshi adds some great new gameplay. However, a couple gimmicky uses of Wi "motion controls (ike ying) “are extremely poor While ita the first Mario to in along time that doesnt break the mold, ya be glad to have more of Galaxy to play

Û franchise. By that | mean that it is, by

Pe тешр

т шли

Moderately High

94 reviews

Style 1 or 2-Player Acton/Plaiorm Publisher Nintendo Develop

You can also uso Yoshi to swing between special flowers in the environ- ment by pointing with the Wi remoto. Both of these abiities aro noteworthy for integrating the Wi remote into the

mix of platlorming in a real, usortiendly way = something that many games have struggled to do. Unfortunately, othe sequences that use Ihe motion controler fight levels that contro with "paper plane” controls and a Super Monkey Bal-stye level that uses. the Wi remote ko a joystick - are imprecise and frustrating. Thankful, the sight “co-op” func айу has been augmented somewhat, as your sent partner can now attack enemies onscreen win a spin move

Mario alo has a variety of suits, including returning forms ike Bee and Boo Mario, as well ав new ones ike Rock Мало and Cloud Mario. Whila its fun to rol over goombas as Rock Mario or make your own platforms as Cloud Маго, to me the meat of tho experience stl fos in the more traditional leves, These require fast and accurate platforming while throwing mind: bending gravity reversals, moving platforms, and even slow-motion sequences at you. For me, the Yoshi abities and suits shine in the boss battles. Though most are based on classic boss batle

templates, each one manages to add at least one unique or compeling new aspect to the mix.

Longtime fans wil aiso cheer the retum of the ciassic-stye level map, which you traverse ina spaceship shaped Ike a giant Mario head, The ship holds a few of s own secrets (strongly suggest using the gambling minigame in the warp pipe located in one of the ship’ “ears” to load up on up. mushrooms) and the map does a better job of lating you know where the stars you ve missed

r Nintendo Release May 23 ESRB

аю located. This is one of the many callouts to Mario's past; Super Mario 64 fans wil also be pleased with one surprise level that | won't spol here.

Miyamoto promised that this game would be more “challenging”, and he wasn't Iing. fs definitly harder than the frst. In tho early stages, this is a plus; Galaxy 2 gots you into serous plat forming much carierin the game. Its rice to feel Tue you aren't waiting fve or six hours to gat to the good stuf, As the game wore on, however,

1 atien felt more frustrated than challenged. 1 frequently hit choke points where | needed one moro star to advance, but the опу avaiable stars were either annoying Prankster Comet challenges or time-consuming hidden stars. If I've completed al the main missions avalablo to me, jus! want to advance. At one point, | iteraly spent four hours of play without collecting one star While | ike a good challenge, this game has alot of amazing content, and | suspect many won't be able to gat through ital.

Even so, whatever frustration fet was worth it Most games today are wiling to hang their hat on а small hand of new gameplay or level-design ideas, Super Мало Galaxy 2 throws something пен at you nearly every single level - and with ‘over 240 stars to collect, that's по smal feat. Its not the total reinvention of the genre we've come to expect from a new Mario tile, but as a plat former fan Гт happy to get more Mario to tide me over, Ths game is a testament to the endur- ing appeal of the genre, as well as Nintendo's ably to creato fresh new gameplay out of a decades-old formula,» Matt Hel

A mechanically

Monster Hunter Tri

awed experience that re

Style 1-PlayerActon/RPG (4-Player Online Publisher Capcom Developer Capcom Release April 20 ESRB Y



ina game thas light on plot and heavy on preparation

» Graphics Environments and human

onster Hunter Tri should be a terrible

game fora variety о! reasons. Most of

your time is spent in awkward combat plagued by spotty colision and no way to lock ‘onto your enemies. Managing your massive inventory of weapons, potions, food, bugs, and ‘more is crucial to success, yet the item man- agement system is cumbersome and poorly explained, Load times abound throughout the confusingly lad-out hunting grounds. Despite al ofthese significant setbacks, Monster Hunter Tri offers numerous moments that lend insight into why its such a sensation overseas.

You won't get very far into Monster Hunter Tri without patience, as the frst several hours are tedious and uneventful. Once your unnamed protagonist learns the ropes of forging weapons апа armor, farming, combining items, and other inventory-centri tasks, its fime to head out to

tha hunting grounds.

Charging into battle with abandon may get you through the early missions, but you hit a brick wal once you encounter Ihe more formidable foes. Repeated failure is almost required for many of these boss-Ike creatures, as learning their movements, attack patterns, and weaknesses is paramount to success. | often spent over 30 minutes attempting to take down a massive creature, only to fall at ts feet for the second, third, or fourth time, Each time you fall it's another chance to more adequately prepare for the battle ahead. t's smart to head back to Ihe drawing board and put away all the items that didn't work, only to grab a handful of new toys that might fare better in taking the beast down.

Being bested by the same monster time and time again can be immensely frustrating,

‘especialy after you've spent the better chunk ot an hour taking him on. However, t's genuinely rewarding when you finally prepare forthe bout perfectly striking down the beast with a deadly ‘combination of tactics, weapons, and gear.

The tril of victory is even sweeter when you share it with fiends. Thanks to the hassle-free orne experience (no Friend Codes), its easy o assemble a team of four players and teach ‘some monsters a lesson. With a new hub city and the same quest structure as the singe player game, this co-op option adds significant replay value. | you can look past the archaic game mechanics and have the patience to trudge through the early missions, Monster Hunter Ti offers a lengthy and rewarding experi- өпсө Ike nothing ese on the Wi.» Dan Ryckert

characters are bland, but the creatures are unique and feature great animations

A variety of beastly squeals and roars lets you know exactly what's coming to

eat you

» Pisyablüty

Combat controls are archaic. You'll бобову want a Classic Controler for this ono Entertainment

immensely stating

at times, but genuinely rewarding aer a particulary ul hunt

» Replay Value


» Concept Lean toward realism and add in more doctor disciplines 10

spice up this surgery sim

» Graphics New motion comics add much ‘more excitement than the static talking heads of old

» Sound

Loads of good voice acting ‘mised with dramatic

‘doctor music

» Playability Surgery controls are just as tight as past Trauma entries and new activities operate inside of the W's imitations

» Entertainment Six careers blend in plenty interesting variety, though pacing gets unexpectedly slow inthe adventire-style diagnostic and forensic modos » Replay Value


Trauma Team

A shot О alienate

y alterr

Style 1 or 2-Playor Action/Adventure Publisher Atlus Developer Atus Release May 18 ESRB T

I'd actually play an onscreen colonoscopy. let alone have fun doing i. But that's

‘one of the many surprisingly enjoyable medi

cal sls you'l experience in Trauma Team.

As anyone who's familar with the series can

attest, this crevice camera work is not par for

the course. The traditional barrage of high

pressure surgeries has been tossed in with

more relaxed options from multiple specialties

this time around,

Instead of taking the role of a lone surgeon, you play as si diferent doctors. Traditionalsts Wil feel right at home with the straight surgery carcer, but found it a йе easy and brief in com- parison to previous Trauma games. However, just when it stated to feel Ike I've been there and done that, the paramedic track kicks in. This doesn't let you dig into patients, but the doctor Diner Dash gameplay that keeps you jumping around among five injured people ups the ten son ina fun and unique way. Orthopedics and ‘endoscopy stay true to the Trauma vibe, yet add ther own twists.

"The final two careers, diagnosis and forensics, aro sure to be the most polarizing elements of

N ever in my gaming career did | ever think


Trauma Team. Anyone who's played Ace Attorney

wl recognize plenty here - analyzing witness and patient statements, surveying a crime. scene, bulking strong evidence, and more. The cases and diagnosis mysteries were intriguing to unravel, but the brisk cip of other modes slows to a craw as you take on these longforn chapters. After l' completed al of the diagnosis, missions and was a ways into forensics, t felt о removed from the rest of tho game that |

had to actively remind myself that | was playing a Trauma Center tite and that surgery would ‘eventual return in the end. Perhaps the better ‘option would have been to imit the adventuring

to one character so that pacing doesn't take as much of a hit. Players can jump around between doctors at any time, so maybe thats the way

to approach it rather than plowing through the ‘careers one at a time ike I did.

Two-player local co-op takes оп many difer- ent forms depending on the career, ranging from simultansous (surgery) to turn-based (опоре: dics) to nonexistent forensics}. If you decide to skip co-op, you're not missing out on anything, but # an amusing diversion if there's another Trauma fan in the house. » Bryan Vore

Second Opinion 7 ‘The bost kind of

апа stale, Aus use

а to the series in the first place. Adding more the now disciplines feel ike half-baked mink

surgery ssl wt more extraneous stuff gets in your way.

gery - predictable and routine ts not tho best kind of video game.

To keep Trauma Trauma Team as an opportunity to inject more variety sibility. That goal succeeds but atthe expense of he challenging gameplay that attracted

types of procedures isn't necessarily bad, bu several af

‚mes rather than complete modes.

и Trauma Team does best, but you doit less than previous installments Joe Juba

straightforward and a lot

reviews 95

9 | Super Street Fighter IV

Platform PS3 « 360 шше May ‘10

ease April 27 ESRB T

[rre as

the numerous new characters and greatly improved online options

make the game worth a purchase | ov К regardless of whether or not you pem fonna owned IV. Capcom has said all along | = ac

that there was simply too muc и Bam пыз content here for it to be released as Brent w Coma DIC, and my time with the game has ==» convinced me of this. I put nearly 100 mu o coer Rovere Te hours into IV, and I can easily see ma: a as aaa = myself pumping dozens more замала ctor CR Bosch?

this update. If you haven't play Sari Cray Wage at all, then $40 is an absolute steal EIL

for the ultimate version of the best sa ag fighting game in recent memory ———

ead to Rights: Retribution Pit 753360 Release April 27 ESRB M The Dead to Rights reboot features tight gunplay and a decent melee system for when you're out of ammo. The real star of the game is Jack's dog, Shadow, w can fetch, distract, and maul with the best of ‘em. Jeff Cork

URL: gamete con mag

8 | Final Fight: Double Impact itor PS3 +360 Release дий M ESRB T What sealed the deal was the e online and local co-op, the complete lack of < censoring, and the multitude of new challenges and achievements. Bryan Vore

URL: paneetomeccon mag

4 | Attack of the Movies 3D

Platform 360 Wii Release May 18 ESRB T lubious benefit of the game's 3D

is offset by its one-dimer

much more tedious, lifeless, or u

than Attack of the Movies 3D. off Cork

URL: qnerormercon/mag.

the score

4 | Dead Or Alive: Paradise

Platform PSP Release March 30 ESRB M

Other than a few minor distractions, there's little else to do other than watch your girl giggle and pose on the beach while you snap photos of her like San Fernando Valle = Dan Ry URL: gone conan

7.25 | Pirates Plundarrr

Plato Wi Release May 25 ESRB E10+ This young-skewing, 4-player co-op, high-seas brawler is the

imitation of The Behemoth’s

Crashers that you're going

to find on the Wii - Bryan Vore

‘ORL: qunertomercn ra

gameinformer Br se | 9 | Splinter Cell: Conviction RS npe enc

Opty Wera Bein 025 Sep 00

LT AR 7599 | Pisttorm 360 Release Apri 13 ESRB M erue May 10 Sur

| Splinter Cell: Conviction isn't the series‘ try Preston cargamento ton

high point, but it does get the franchise p =, me back on track. Fans who have been [ME Gis a Ga an at Sam's side since day one should prend Ld 5 »» | walk away with a sense of closure and апата eens optimism for future installments. At the en arms ss œw | same time, this is a great jumping-on Pre eek | point for newcomers. Matter trente con Gora ноло rore

Matters летие тисе con

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September 4

The 1990s were alive with cultural and political activity. The world briefly put aside its differ- ences and started building an international space station, the average cost of gas in the U.S. hovered around the dollar mark, and England successfully pawned off the Spice Girls on other countries. The world of gaming was no less eventful. Consoles slowly transitioned out of their bulky cartridge-based formats in favor of CDs, Sony entered the industry and quickly became a major player, and the popular first-person shooter genre was born. In a decade already packed with significant developments, few years stand out like 1998. Let's take a look back at the shape of the gaming landscape more than a decade ago.

lovember 20.

reasons to rag bod ee em pom hen te arut

I Ba

classic 99




and receive four exclusive in-game armor suits.


In 2004, Crytek burst onto the gaming scene with Far Cry, a gorgeous first-person shooter that ditched linearity in favor of sandbox gameplay. The studio continued its tralblazing ways with Crysis, which set a new high bar for graphics on PC. With Crysis 2 on the horizon, we spoke with Crytek founder and game director Cevat Yerli to find out more about the man behind the nanosuit

+ Tm Turkish in roots, but I was E born in Germany. ho g cu тр z > т 1 le

sometimes forget to

Wh my + Тһе only game I ever played com- favorite game was Alter Ego. 1 05 pletely free of mind was Civilization.

4+1 created my frst game at 12 years ап men >

a nd Tj. толу Making games costs a lot h 1 Ue ot money and its not something that : raping just comes from a publisher.

+ Work never stops, to be honest.

Tve been resuming n directing Crysis 2 myself because 1 ovo tho Crysis franchise.

Vigilantes and night-crawling mutants are tearing Pacific City apart. It's up to you and your friends to bring justice by any means necessary. Unique multiplayer action leaps to explosive new heights

in Crackdown'2 with support for four- player cooperative campaigns and

up to 16-player competitive action.

For exclusive videos, go to

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