@ xB0x360. PRE

ANDY McNAMARA EDTOR-N CHEF andy@gameinfonmercom

Lace Lah сортта ganeintamerconimag or кон GL And

\/ideo Gaming Is On The Move

Hike to think that im right ай he time, but 1 remember the times | was wrong a lot more, 1 could bore you with my poor predictions ‘over the years, but you have better things to do with your time (Ке read about all the great games in this issue). do want to mention, however, the name that is most commonly associated with my mistakes - Nintendo.

Vitra laughed out loud at the Wi when | fest heard what Nintendo had planned for its next console, The name, the design, the lack of HO - everything about the idea screamed that Nintendo had lost ts marbles. | couldn't have been more wrong. The Nintendo Wi ended up. changing video games forever, and, to some degree, dominating the market this genera- tion. Its made such an impact that Sony and Microsoft are releasing their own answers to the motion contro-based innovator this year, almost four years after Ihe Wi's release,

I've played many games on the Wi, and while it does a fantastic job of making games more immersive through movement, | don't believe its the future. Wi MotionPlus or not, the cur- rent technology faiis to deliver the precision I'm looking for in my games. | can interact quickly by pointing or using other gestures, but the motion controller stil lacks intuitiveness when navigating 3D game space. You move Ike а Frankenstein monster, not Ihe master ninja gamers want to become,

‘This is why it feels to me more Ike a stopgap ‘between the traditional analog controler and the controler of tomorrow. К makes me wonder "why Microsoft and Sony are focusing со much ‘energy trying to capture Ihe magic and market that Nintendo is already dominating.

in fact, would wager that Nintendo's next interface wil be less M. les in design. | don't believe a wand and nunchuk are our future, nor

is the controller less Natal platform Microsof is developing. I have a sneaking suspicion that Nintendo doesn't believe that ether, and is working on a new controler innovation for its next system. (This is when you need to refer back to the opening paragraphs about ho wrong about Nintendo.. a lot.)

‘One thing is certain: the industry is convinced the connection between the gamer and the game is paramount, and wil travel down any road to push games to the next level of interac- tion. I believe we are in the learning phases of bridging this gap in a more sophisticated way, and wil look back on touchscreen interfaces, 30) ‘lasses, and Wi remotes in the future and laugh at how sily we were. Unti then, I'l take a goad standard issue controler any day of the week

Enjoy the issue. Cheers.

Bulletstorm К

u can ime

ss th

Gears of Wars creators at Epic so much that they buy your compa ny outright, you're о the right track. Se awesome oft ration between

by Bryan Vore

12 regulars

6 Feedback

12 Connect

by Andrew Reiner

100 Game Over

j^ Gear pc

4 contents


games index

20001 Gane ue

nnd Сон Tarn it


Fst Nem ps

yj an orn gio.

Meet hort.



rane lft.





Contact Us

дателот: 6 feedback

FMV is a Four-Letter Word

| was reading your article about LA, Noire when | realized something disturbing: Team Bond's

facial capture tech is just ike ful moton vide (ЕМА. Instead of artists painstakingly Characters, you just have actors in pre

mined places - Ike you're watching a video. FMV was the big thing in games in the 905 unti it was dona to death, and then look n

«бодап by gamers. Although LA. М locks powerful, | can see the same thing hap- pening that happened with FMV: you'l ha of quickly produced and gimmicky tite, Mike Lelinski Milwaukee, WI

Both techniques help translate a real per- son's movements into a game, but that's where the similarities end. The concept

and intent behind the techniques used in LA. Noire are completely different from

the maligned FMV games of the ‘90s. In

the case of FMV, games were contorted around the technology, existing for no other reason than to show off grainy video. With LA. Noire, you'll still be playing a real game, complete with 3D models and interactivo. environments - the only difference is that the process of creating and animating the characters has been streamlined, produc- ing realistic performance in less time. technology isn't the reason for LA. Noire's

existence; itis just one of many tools Team Bondi is using in the development process. Its also incredibly expensive, so don't ‘expect a rush of copycats.

Superfan {havo о зау issue 203 probably th best опо you ave made so artt rtl ought you were Song to s review 12bu теп BAMI Fal Fantasy Xl, BioShock 2, Bate: Bad

Company 2, Heavy Rain, and No More Heroes 2! Props on the amazing med юе Doctor Who and Boneshaker) plus the cover сп LA. Моге. Issues ike this help mo through the summer video game drought to come, so. thanks!

Alex Centeno Chicago, IL

Last year, when publishers announced that many holiday 2009 titles were getting pushed into early 2010, we were a little disappointed. Now, we couldn't be hap- pier; this year's onslaught of awesome games has kept us glued to our controllers, week after week. As you mentioned, things always slow down a bitin the summer, but that's a small price to pay ifit means that Publishers aren't just cramming all of their best games into a tiny three-month window.

! his month in

casm that went

plain about Big Daddies,


we prep for the summer gaming

undetected, com-

, and cringe

at old FMV games

* LA. Nore ing In Act | ur Favorite Franchise

one отап? |

* Zombie Flow Chart

* Alterwords: Bayonetta

vith. Imagine you'r

Still Getting Th You mentioned how the Clash of the Titans is now hat to remake, but not de

our ignoranca regarding Clash ofthe Titansin Cash of the Titans movie, I had to: assumption that you don't check your facts. = Game Informer’ | have a the Timeline section of issue 203 is downright ing: Yes, the new movie is a remake, but ts Bryan DeJaynes very juicy bit of nerd rale sopa Your job is to be nerds, and with that Predecessor came Pekin, IL mal for you. But what is the comes the oblgafion of actualy researching Kratos ever ripped the | ‘cause of my ate youask? mam lan on puting into your magazine, Would think God of War fans wouk Never has a single blurb about a movie simple: {you had done your research (wich you obvi- he Тала, both then asanodto caused such an outpouring of com- 5 dd nol you would have found Kratos beginnings -and not a blatant rp-o. ments. We received hundreds of emails

Christina Stitt from readers informing us - with varying Wilmington, DE degrees of tact - that Clash of the Titans.

predates God of War. The saddest part of

advice: If you use sarcasm, make the whole situation? A staggering number

Ins is actualy а remake of the c move, not a God of War rip-off, Itt Байес me that you can hold your write

a low standard of journalistic responsibilty, and

in the magiznges

hear that TOOL is making ther latest album,

Alte fe

im super stoked. Һоме the audacity to print a blatant le. The faet Se it isn't your Tmeine section, el the responses thought that we actually that you can alow this is ~ as you so elegant tioned that Clash of the Titans move ` believed a video game from 2005 invented phrased it~ shameless, Just shameless. Sarp-offol God of War Now as we all know, the ancient city of Athens. Seriously? God

Dan Mitchell Cash of the Titans sa remake of the 1981 fm of War was a great game and everything, Via email ofthe same name. Iknow this, and you know but even we know there are limits to what

this, but not everyone wil get the joke. Someone Kratos can accomplish,


(Right) Dan, Adar look dose h

8 feedback


Hunt onl

ipto 4 players p и ys fierce battles underwater or on land. where hunter and monster interactions are


M ° Wii с.с сизе me: A nev wey neon on wi CAPCOM

zombie apocalyp

Kids Today Ima player of al curent systems, but have endured ай hat has taken for them to get them where they are staring with the

чап. My daughter, оп the other hand, i starting the Wi. We recently bought Barbie as the Island Princess, and | just want to know how Activision can make such a disaster and sel it pecting Kids. | know the leadership of the company understands completely that the

in the gaming industry; once the crappy game is bought, their money is in the bank. The next time my daughter wants to buy a game with her. painfuly eamed tooth fairy money, | am going to encourage her to reconsider. | am going to be her voice и Ihe gaming community and | ho other parents folow sut; 't stupid, and companies ike Activision should stop treating them Ike idiots.

Michael and Emilee Масреек:

‘Auburn, ME

We com- pletely agree, Michael. Years ago, parents. would just. blindly buy

hat does

whatever games their kids begged

ember that

of his hot


‘event We in for some уре ene (Center) ron Man


Making Copies think that Game informer has gone a bit too far vith how you compare games о others. as a good game wih an orignal story, Sure, t was not without faws, but forthe most part, this was а good game. hated how Reiner and Joe just labeled t a God of War/Zekla el you look at any game nowadays they aro al Copyeats somewhere down the ine. куен. Geneva, ОН

You're correct to point out that most of the titles we're enjoying today are built on the

the е flos

innovations of their forebears, We admit that there's nothing is wrong with drawing inspiration from the greats; Darksiders does an excellent job synthesizing familiar ele- ments into an entertaining adventure. On the other hand, it's also fair to draw atten- tion to those similarities, especially when the parallels are as pervasive as they are in Darksiders. A good game can stand on tho. shoulders of the ones that came before, but a great game should contribute something new and move forward.

for. Now, as ‘more gamers are becoming parents them- selves, titles geared toward | children are ‘coming under more scrutiny by adults who are able to di tinguish a good one from a bad one. Though kids may not always be the most reliable judges of quality themselves, they don't deserve to play terrible games any more than seasoned gamers do. It isn't impossi- ble for a studio to make a legitimately good game for a younger audience, but the pro- ‘cess needs to involve more than exploiting

а popular franchise for a blatant cash-grab. You can see how one developer, Avalanche Software, hopes to address this problem by reading our Toy Story 3 feature on page 52.

AWINNER 1 Melissa

after yet another long-winded Snake monologue


feedback 11

sony showcases The PlayStation

з Game Develope motion controller а п

ference, niliar territory, filli

ing famil

in the living room. Thou, ames on dis Wii gam:

more traditional game

connect 13


'ove's fall launch won't be ‘short on games, with Sony Claiming that 20 launch window tities are in develop- ment by SCE Worldwide. Studios alone. In an effort to distance its game library from the shovelware- plagued Wii lineup, Sony told бате Informer that creating a standard of quality for the piat- form is of the utmost Importance. "We're going to have some quality control. We don't want а bunch of older games ported at launch," assured Scott Rohde, vice president of Sony Worldwide Studios. "But we don't worry about it because there's been so much great engage- ment from the third parties when We bring this technology to them." ‘Sony proudly touted the support af over 30 companies including Activision, Capcom,

Many other games are presumably in development, but as of press time tha.

only games third-party publishers have ‘announced with Move support are EA Sports’ Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11, Warner Bros. Interactive's Lord of the Rings; Aragorn's Quest, and Disney's Toy Story 3.

‘Sony has yet to announce the exact pricing or launch date for the Move, but it did confirm. that three diferent packages will be available for consumers: a standalone motion control- ler; a package deal that includes the Move, PlayStation Eye, and a game for under $100; and a full bundle that includes a PlayStation Nove, PlayStation Eye, and a PlayStation 3,

Staying under the three-digit mark is an aggressive move by Sony, but the dollars will add up when larger familles want to purchase multiple controllers, games, and accesso- ries, With the Wil strong grip on the family market, it will Бе interesting to see if people Will jump ship for the promise of НО gaming ‘or just stick with Nintendo.

“think that Move is what Wil HD should have been,” said Wedbush Morgan analyst. Michael Pachter. "Nintendo can either respond with Wii HD, or watch Sony capture share when people upgrade to PS3 plus Move, | think that they should take this more seriously than they appear to be taking i.”

Whether or not Nintendo will respond with ап upgrade of its own remains to be seen, but one thing Is for sure - Sony appears to be in the motion control arms race forthe long haul

Tracking Light Tre lowing bub on the top of the conta je tho key dferntalor between the Wi remote and the Move. It racks players postion and regters depth, teling the Console whether th controler s moving closer further away from ino camera. Tris alows games о account tor forward movements like stabbing a sword or . ing backward. Tho RGB LED that glows inside he Dub эво assures ne controler works whether you're па Му or th black room. Developers can turn the bub any coor hey weh 10 accommodate ther gameplay For instance, lo ue players

a sus cue to thor heath status while playing а game, tha bulb coud move om res to yelow to ed as ther Һ points are араа Fantasy games coud tum the bulb bive for casting ico spes and red for Casing не spats,

Action Button

This al-purpose button serves as the pri- mary input for many games. From menu сопбтпабопв to puling off special moves in-game, expect to push it a lot


Unike the Wis nunchuk, the Move ‘and the sub-controter connect wirelessly to the PlayStation 3 via Bluetooth, just Ike the Sixaxis and DualShock controles.

Move Controller

The Technology Behind Move

зок nice, but how does it work? In our hands-on time motion controll шау build quality. The Move weighs slightly Wi , but it's still

1 to feel great in your s do

lightweight Ü

nce behind Sony's new technol

Analog Stick Triggers

The Move's pressure-sensitive trigger is ideal for shooters, as it can diferentiate between short-controled bursts and full automatic fire based on how hard you press it

PlayStation Button

D-pad Sensors Both the Move andthe High Quality

ssub-controller use acceler. : and

terestrial magnetic sensors.

What does that mean in

Like other Sony electronics, ће Move and sub-controler are buit with solid plastic and have a good weight while

plain English? These devices in hand.

accurately measure the

Speed of your movements

and the ange at which you're Rechargeable Battery

holding the controller. Both controllers feature rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Third-party com. panies will surely be in a frenzy to offer а charging solution for a ful set of four Moves and four sub-controlers,


Like ће DualShock, "+++ the Move and sub:

controler feature force feedback vibration,

Sub-Controller WU. AM

connect 15

PlayStation Move: The Games

fter the GDC onferenc y gave th е: С to several ove game demos. Мо feature play, but the varie me light on the different opers to pursue. Th titles with a LittleB

SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs

Zipper Interactiv sunning shooter seres is taking Ihe helm re title announced for the Move. Much Ike a Wii players use the Move ler to aim and fre, handing ovement, cover, and ymmands with the sub. le. While the build show al the event was more of а tech did get a feel for ho hooters feel differently i games. The aiming felt ‘smoother than expected, and

confirmed that the motion sensi tivity wil be adjustable in the final ‘game. The most interesting infor- mation to coma out of the den

confirmation that players using the Move can jump into online mult

head-to-head matches.

Sports Champions can't tak about Spor

Champions without mentioning Wi Sports Resor

‘als aren't the ony thi “borrowing”:

пон; minigames p

the Move in a unique way, but as Wi Sports, none ofthe modes appear to offer much depth. The standout

mode in the ©

e-on-one melee fighter that turns your controle yd and ча. t won't bo surprising if Sony offers this as a pack-n or possibly а cheap download for consumers who Purchase Move.

Motion Fighter

This gritty brawler uses two Move con- rollers, one in each hand, to simulate fist fighting: By holding your hands up. tive stance.

Motioning your body back and forth with your hands in this position, your character wil bob and weave to dodge ‘Once you spot an opening, you

сап go in for the kill with jabs, hooks, uppercuts, and even a few dirty moves like head butts and headlocks. Though the Move controllers handled basic. ing with no problem, it had a hard time keeping up when we strung together combos. Future fighters can

look forward to a career mode, s

screen bouts, and online head to head,

Move Party


can expecta lot of sh, tanti,

waggle action, there are a few ө gems, in this mix. к

m fling out of a tree by using a small fan to 1 back into nests. on that cals: mind, Move Party looks appealing solut

amor, and players dge incoming attacks b






| news | he dramatic fring of president Jason West and CEO Vince Zampeta кот Сай of Duty:

Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward happened fast, but trouble had been brew-

ing between tho studio and parent company

Action for some time. Stil, on March 1

from when САТУ frst reported that a "bunch. Hof bouncer types” showed up from Activision Qe етос at he infty Ward fees to when

West and Zarnpela's Facebook and Linkedin

profles were updated to state that thoy were

Activision & Infinity Se eee

against Activision, and the document paints a picture of an uneasy aliance between the two

Ward In Legal Battle

Will the firings of the president and CEO of Infinity Acts of Insubordination? Nest and Zampela's lawsuit seeks over $36 mi Ward by Activision spell irrevocable doom for the hn I eek es. dene ы idem š бабу dismissed, and charges that Activision infamous Call of Duty and Modern Warfare developer? breached te "mpled covenant of good faith 7 and tar dealing." The lawsuit aleges that the pair How did it all go so wrong? by 1 was unfairly painted as insubordinate employees 5o hat Activision coud lawluly fre tnem before a royalty payment was due on March 31, Part of this setup was a six-hour Kalkaesque interview. ing of West and Zarnpeta over the President's Day weekend in a windowless conference тоот, Activision officials wouldnt tel West and Zampela what speci acts they were шу of instead they were told they “already have a clear Understanding of what they have or have not done.” Despite this vague threat, thay were told that anything less than ful cooperation would be an act at insubordination, which in and of sat

Ап Infinity Ward/Activision Timeline


"s int Van wer 22 сре dep ү Sin ште Dien et (er 2015 Бедик: At Fi Wo nat on nd са Tre yen erat кёл Аан apart ио ret Ira Der 2008


iso for termination хе actualy fred, West and. Zampela say it was for ich were not in the legal fing) that were already proved or weren't decussed in the February investigation interviews. Furthermore, they repre sented a double standard against conduct that had exhibited in the past punishment, Also, despite Activison's soncem for their actions, at the time they occurred - during the development of

Modem Warfare 2 - there was no investigation ос dscipine Activision was quick to respond to the lawsuit

with a statement, While caling the claims "meri less," sad, ".. Activision agitmately expected them to honor their obligations to Activision, j Ike any other executives who hold positons of "rust in the company" According to a тето obtained by САТУ from a source at Activision am) is curently compling document pcoming legal fight, including “docu ments regarding West and Zampella's comm nications with Activsion’s competitors, inducing but not limited to Electronic Arts.” The company is also gathering documents regarding al of infty Ward's projects and the possibilty of the duo forming a new studio, If Activision thought West and Zampela were going to spit нот infty Ward before their contracts were up in 2011, perhaps the company was trying to beat them io the punch and catch them in the act.

“Complete Control Over the Infinity Ward Studio”

We don't know what exactly happened, and Activision hasn't fuly told ts side of the story. at this imo, However, roading юаней, A

appears that one central point of contention is Infinity Ward's desire to move away from the Call о! Duty/Modern Warfare universes and create a brand-new game. According to the lawsuit and attached court documents, on March 31, 2008 Activision and West/Zampela renewed ther contract and drew up a new Memorandum of Understanding (VOU) which tasked them wi completing Modern Warfare 2 by November 15, 2009 in exchange for

ване authority over the Modern Warfare brand or "any Call of Duty game set in the post-Vietnam era, the near future, or the distant future."

+ "Complete control over the Infinity Ward studio” and the right to operate it independently

* The chance to develop a new intelectual property (P) after MW 2

* Royalties and other compensation to West Zampella, and W employees

The lawsuit alleges that Action fred West. and Zampella to regain control of the developer despite tha promises of creative control and independence agreed to in the MOU. Before the release of Modem Warfare 2 and the signing ‘of the MOU in 2008, Activision was pressur ing Infinity Ward to keep creating Сай of Duty instead of starting work on their new IP. Despite. being "not eager" to jump into Modern Warfare 2, West and Zampela signed the MOU and iowever, tha developers don't of the bargain.

release of MW 2, Activision continued to

want Infinity Ward to ms ог Modem Warfare ев instead of a new franchise. in this case, ils not hard to ques Activision's motivations for fring West and ampela. In doing О, the company can keep the successu brands roling by eliminating the two men to whom it gave final authority over those brands, and thus who could throw potential roadblocks.

Call of Duty in Danger? Activision stil owns infrity Ward d departure of he studio heads. a says that ıt intends to continue making Cal of Duty es regardless of the power these мо important fures may hold. Action says а пен Treyarch developed Cal of Очу game due this fal, and Sledgehammer Games - Ihe пен studio h ad Space ceator What's Next For Glen Schofeld в handing another CoO le n West and Zampella? 2011. However, given that the lawsuit assets r

that "the defendant ctvsion] may not com: merca release another Modem Warfare game (or Ca of Duty game cet in the post Vietnam а, near future, or distant future) wihout the Утеп consent of West and Zampala. it wil be tereti 10 so it Activision's pans are hated Unt тайыз are resolved. WI Activision's tiles take place in Vietnam or caer ав rumored, and аР therefore not fal under West andZampelas cient jursdction? Or wil Actvison present documents m that show that the pair was out of ine? The frst incu shots have been fred 1

8 2

and the pair has just on with Holi

re that happens. CAA i

2001 2008 November 10, 2009 February 2010 g dl wie О March 1, 2010 чиш An

connect 19

Male Hero (rabie 1)

He may not have had many lines, but North produced the grunts and growls for your farting, peasant-kiling, finge-lipping hero in Fable I

Jason Fleming (shadow Complex) You might remember Shadow Complex as the. game starring that guy who looks and sounds.

like a poor man's Nathan Drake, but Chair Entertainment's Metroid-inspired 20 platformer was so entertaining we didn't care what he sound- ед like. North could act like a despondent 6-year- old for all we care, we Just want a sequel

War Machine (Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 & Marvel Super Hero Squad)

North voiced Ghost Rider and Hawkeye in the fist Marvel Ultimate Aliance, but he. must have done a better job with War Machine in MUA 2, because THO had North voice Rhodey again in last year's Marvel Super Hero Squad.

The many faces of Nolan North

Will Grey рак void) North assumed the role of yet another everyman in Airtight Games’ airbome shooter. Video | game casting directors must have a cheat sheet that reads, “if your hero has a square jaw and acts a bike Han Solo, Nolan North is your man."

Sergeant John Forge (ao Wars) No stranger to the Haloverse, North recorded sev- eral Ines of dialogue for miscellaneous marines in Halo 3, and then voiced the sniper Romeo in last year's Halo 3: ODST. However, North's biggest Halo role came in Halo Wars, where he sucker punched а Covenant Elite as Sergeant John Forge.

Nathan Drake (uncharted: Drake's Fortune & Uncharted 2: Among Thieves] This is easily North's most recognizable role. North might get alot of crap for playing the same role over and over again, but he's part of the reason the ladies have a crush on Nathan Drake,

/ Elliot Salem (amy of two: Te 40th Day) / Earlier this year North lent his voice to EA to take over the role of the short knucklehead with a stupid mask. Or was he the tall knuck- lehead with a stupid mask? We can't even tell those two idiots арап.

Raphael mum North has also done a fair share of voice work for animation, He's played both Cyclops and Deadpool in Marvel's animated videos, but in 2007 North stared as the angry turtle in the TMNT feature fim and its associated video game. Few video game voice actors are as prolific as Nolan North. Over the course of the last decade, North has voiced protein-fueled war grunts, ancient Greek gods, and clean-cut every- man heroes alike. It’s getting to the point that you could almost play Seven Degrees of Nolan North (if you were familiar with any other video game actor, that is). Chances are that you don’t even realize how pervasive Mr. North has become. ‘Take a moment to look at the many faces of Nolan North. n Reev

The Prince (Prince ot Persia) Having voiced minor characters оп Final Fantasy ХІ and God of War, North was already familiar with fantasy settings, but in 2008 Ubisoft upgraded him to royalty when North became the Prince of Impossible Parkour

Мами а en pti нај and Terrible Fashion.

Altair and Ezio steal much of the spotlight, but present-day Desmond ties the series together We expect the North-voiced Desmond to have ап even bigger role in the trlogy’s closing arc

We're Not Done

Think youve heard

Nolan Nort si vocals in another game? Thats probably tre, since the actor performs in more than a dozen games a year He's ‘ot aways the main hero, howeiet Sometimes hes

just a shopkeeper or a ran- (dom solder Here's a select ist ot other games in which North has appeared.

50 Cent: Bulletproof

Ape Escape 3


‘Armored Cove 4 Banp-Tooke

Call of Duty 2

Call of Duy. World at War Cars

The Cat in the Hat

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Destroy Al Humans! Big ity Unleashed Destroy Al Humans! Patho the ug Dragon де: Origins Endwar


Final Fantasy XI. Goars of War 2

God of War



Lost Odyssey

Lost Planet: Extreme. Condition


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns ofthe Patriots

Prototype Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time

Red Faction Guerra Saints Row

The Saboteur

Spec Ops: The Une. ‘Spongebob’ Alanis Squarepants,

SpongeBob SquarePants: Lights, Camera, Pants! Supreme Commander 2 Watchmen: The End в Nigh White Knight Chronicles X-Men Origins: Wolverine

connect 21

that’s the great thing about voiceover, I get to play hundreds of


22 connect

‘This Conne

How did you get into this business in the first placo?

Acting in general was Kind of a process of om ration. [ve done so many things, and | realy found my passion in acting. Ive done televi

sion and so mary other things, but I've aways messed around with voices and impersonations of celebrities. I've always had an ear for diferent olects and languages, and some of my fends were Ike, “Hey, you should do voiceover” One ofthe frst games | did through my agency was Maximo vs. The Army of Zin. | remember going in there and having a bel

Were you trying to pursue a different career before voice acting?

No, acting is acting to me. I was in New York doing theater and stand-up comedy, beleve it or nat, and I decided to come out to Сайотіа, My fist job was in the soap opera Port Charles, which was a spin-off of Genera! Hospital, It was опе of those things, you know, you're painting houses during the day and bartending at night, and "bang," | got lucky ear

How many video games do you think. you've been in so far?

T don't even know. I know that on IMDB. com some of them are missing. Honestly, I can't

even estimate. Probably over a hundred games. But thats the great thing about voiceover, |

get to play hundreds of characters. Hundreds! Sometimes its zombies, sometimes i's mon sters, sometimes its ал animal, and sometimes its the good guy. Im the kind of quy who doesn't want to play the same character my whole Career. | don't think any actor would realy Ike to. I'm basicaly a professional schizophrenic

What has been your favorite role? | would have to say Nathan Drake, because it's so involved. l'm in produc-

tion with Naughty Dog for

more than a year. Most of

the time you go in and record

something for fve or six ses-

sions, but that's just in the studio

doing voice, Uncharted is a

whole performance capture, We

become Ike a famiy, and Drake

is the most me of any charac-

ter Ive played. They told me,

“You're not playing Nathan Drake. You're playing Nolan, in his person- айу, as though his name were Nathan Drake.” Its the closest thing to me. He even walks and runs Ike me,

North Star:

An Interview with Nolan North

s a strange world we live in when a steamy soap star goes on to become one of the popular video game it native did voice work for games as obscure a

ingers: Super Legends before becoming Uncharted's Nathan Drake. N minutes out of hi h

ction heroe

busy recording s

Do you ever play the gamos you're in? 1 have, but not because Tm int. Uncharted is litle tough for me, because Nathan Drake ‘doesn't always make it through to the end, and it а tle disconcerting to throw yourself off

а сїй. Also I'm usualy looking at the scenery, When we record we're working off a script and ina mo-cap studo, so when | play the game Im locking to see how they put it all together, | do play games though. I wasn't п Modern Warfare, but | loved that game. Iam a fan of gaming, but with two young kids and a career | don't get to play as much.

you ever fear that the industry might. get Nolan North burnout?

You know 45 interesting, because before Uncharted 2 came out, no one noticed tat | was already doing dozens of games, but then they were Ike, "Nolan North is everywhere. I've heard some people say, "here's going to be a backlash, because he keeps doing the same thing” But | can't help how I'm directed. There have been a few roles where | talked fo them and have said, "his realy shouldn't sound tke this, Can we do something a tl diferent? Give him an accent or something?" But they sald, “No, don't worry about the voice" I'm not going to le to you, it concerned me for a whe, but those things were all recorded before Uncharted 2 came out and became such a huge hit. It was just a timing thing, because Uncharted 2, ‘Assassin's Creed 1, Dark Void, and Shadow. ‘Complex а! came out relatively around the same time, 1 dont think that wil happen again.

of all time, but such is the story of Nolan North.

The Cat and the Hi

le to talk with us about his ri

In the past, a lot of actors used fake names while recording video game dialogue. Was video game voice acting ever seen as inferior to other types of voice acting, cartoon or commerci

for example?

Wel honesty | don't think anyone ever used a pseudonym because video game acting wasnt соо, Video game acting was always non-union. andi an actor who was part of SAG or AFTRA, d a non-union job they could get fined or Kicked ол of the union, I never worked under the non-union stuff, s0 | don't realy know that word, but for the longest time developers didn't want to pay all the fees associated with union workers. But, you know, I worked on soap operas, and a lot of people feel that there Б a sigma associ- ated with those, and I always thought that was йу, because i you are working in this industry then God bless you, because it can be hard. I don’ think there is а stigma with video game acting, especialy now, because there are more big name people doing this than ever before. Some of them aren't even getting that big of a salary; they re just doing it because its а cool thing to do,

What is the weirdest thing you've been asked to do or say while recording? The frst time I was asked to sound Ike I was drowning | thought I'd ge a litle method with It, and | got some water and tied to gurgle, but Ii the gag reflex and almost threw up in the booth, It doesn't realy get too weird, but weird is relative. I might get asked to "make a sound Ike an undead zombie who's been chain-sawed from the top of his neck diagonally down to his hip.” Okay? Thats a Ite more information than 1 need, but ГЇ work with A. | can't repeat some ofthe ines | said n Saints Row, because It was some of the ев! stuf Рио ever read.”

What is the one role you'd like to do, but haven't? I'm always just looking for a compeling charac- ter, can’t realy think of any one thing | haven't done. Га ike to do some more cartoony stuf, In Ratchet and Clank, got to do Sigmund the itle robot, and he's a great character and | got 1o do a fun voice. A lot of my stuff, for whatever reason, has been the hero everyman who's in. trouble and going to work his way through it, but bes айе confused, People don't know that 1 Фо really cartoony things. Ive made the majority of ту money just doing my ‘wn voice, but ѓа Tke то do more of that Mel Blanc kind of outrageous cartoony work,


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The DS Does

New handheld to be unveiled at E3

‘fore the DSI XL even had a chance to make It out the door, Nintendo announced a new ЗО Nintendo DS hand: held that doesn't need glasses - the 3DS. The company says that the system (along with more details) wil be presented at ЕЗ this June, and

the handheld is scheduled to come out sometime before March 31, 2011

"We wanted to give the gaming industry а heads up about what to expect from Nintendo at 3," said Nintendo of Japan chief spokesperson Ken Toyoda. “We'll invite people to play with the new device then.” Despite the company's slow unveiling, one detail that has been confirmed is that the ЗО handheld is compatible with older DS and DSi games.

"With HD in many households, console manufacturers tke Nintendo and Sony - as wel as TV makers have made ЗО the centerpiece for showcasing cutting edge technology Eater this year at CES, Sony had 3D demos for PSS tiles ке MLB 10: ‘The Show and Gran Turismo 5, and the company says that wil have a 3D-ready Blu-ray player (with frmware updates for existing players) ready this summer. Microsoft is waiting to see how the publi takes to bringing 3D into their homes before it moves on any 3D plans.

Rumors of a new DS handheld have bean running around for а while, but none ofthe speculation indicated ЗО functionality. Previous как centered on the system geting an accelerometer and two larger screens placed very close together so they ‘could function as a single screen. No word has surfaced as to whether these features could also be incorporated into the Nintendo 3DS. Other rumored features for the device include rumble capabilities and a singe analog stick. » b Matar Kato

How Will It Handle 3D?

Nintendo hasn't explained how ts I. “think barrier is realy simple, but пем handheld wi produce 3D without it does have its downsides when it ‘lasses, but some companies have comes to Image reproduction he said.

already found ways to do this. Talking “Nintendo is al about putting out realy to Tom Zerega, co-founder and CEO of high quality products, so I'd expect to

Magnetic 3D, a 3D display company, see them kok at lenses” he outined мо of the main ways com- Hidden Picture, a DSi puzzle game panies can produce glasses-reeSD out curently in Japan, already uses a {known as auto-stereoscopic) effects: ЗО effect and touch screen interaction fers and lenses. in ts puzzles. The е uses the DS's А barrier fiter is Же putting а screen cameras to orient its images with the door in front of a display? Zerega. player, but unlike fiters or lenses, it

explained. It blocks certain pixels fom опу produces 30 via depth, not pro the player, which creates the Busion of jection. Earlier this year, Satoru Iwata 3D when used in conjunction with the. ^ mentioned to Japanese newspaper

‘software, Lenses which Magnetic Asahi Shimbun that the next DS would 3D uses - curve the ight to your let тедий a sensor to read player move- ‘and right eyes to produce the effect. ments. At the time, маја claimed he Both methods could be seamlessly was misinterpreted, but the newspa- integrated into the SDS screen аз a thin ber stood by its quote. I what маја fim behind a protective screen. This said was true, perhaps this is an indi

‘would produce а 3D ilusion that smu- cation that the 3DS will use cameras

lates both depth and projection out of similar to how Hidden Picture uses the Ths is an example of how Hidden Picture for the DSI uses 30 to

the screen. DS's cameras to track movernent and зом puzzle. You can't find the etr A unless you пише the Zerega is partial to lenses because acht the onscreen picture to give the 0510 the side to connect he ltr diferent lds of depth.

he believes thay have a better viewing Rasen of 3D.

zone, brightness, and image qual-

A DS For Nintendo DS Nintendo DS Lite Nintendo DSI Nintendo DSI XL Nintendo 305. Nox 21, 2004) ше 11,2006). prit, 2009) (March 28,2010) ШТ] Every ‘Although the DSi loses GBA Nintendo's latest ‘backwards compat it gains handheld features а

two cameras, more RAM. and ger soreens and оле features a larger fus

DS poing forward

r default sye for the

(RIGHT) Konamis music games haven't fared as wel as the competition,

but that may changed with Def Jam Rapstar. The game - which features 40 hip hop songs from Dr. Dre to Kanye West, accurata voice recognition technology, freestyle rap- Ping, onine battles, video ‘Uploads, and across: the-boaed microphone compatiblity - comes this fl

‘mastermind Tomonobu Itagaki has surfaced

is new developm me Studios. No word on what the

50-person team is working on, but Падан says he doesn't want it to bo a Боли

already considers Dead or Aive best fighting game in the world" Hopetuly he thinks the samo about DOA: Xtreme Ве Volleyball, because we don't know if we can take another bini simulator.

In other tagaki news, he and Тесто reached an undisclosed out-of-court settle- ment regarding a lawsuit agai fled over unpaid bonuses.

(BELOW) The cuts continue at EA. The publisher has announced that it cancelled опе of the two games in development with The Darkness creators Starbreeze Studios. The Swedish developer was working on Project RedLime, which

name for a remake of a classic EA IP, and a Jason Bourne tile. It sounds Ike th latter game got the axe, as EA has said that although the company is stil committed to the Bourne franchise it picked up last year, no projects related to it are currently in the works, The other game, which EA and Starbreeze say thay are curently focused оп, has long been rumored to be Syndicate,


(ABOVE) Red Dead Redemption can't seem to got out оГ Dodge, The game was originally supposed to hit store shelves on Apri 27, but has now been delayed until May 18. Not a significant delay, but we're getting mighty anxious to ри our spurs into this one, Another open world title taking its ime is Mafia И. The crime title set in the "505 has been moved to August 24.

the | (RIGHT) The doomsday scenario By. for naysayers of Ubisofts new PC

| Dam which requires an on (RIGHT) An internal clock error bricked every pre- cdfinecton tothe company’s Sim PlayStation 3 system for а few days shortly зачот even if you're not playing. ater the release of Heavy Rain. quliplaye) came true where.” == It was so bad that Sony s authentication server d had о tel everyone shed. Wit was down, 4 nol to play their People count play ther copies f.

3. А least | Assassini Greed ИБесвиќо they they had some \Coulan tiogin to thelr oceounts, Kevin Buller com Looks Ike Ubisoft antis mercials to keep them happy in the meantime

& Magic Clash of Heroes change

longtime franchise formula with a unique tactical ригле mechanic. Players create a network of defensive and offensive units under a variation of the famáar match-three model, A vibrant cast of arime-stye charactors underpins the experience with a ight RPG framework, a detailed story, and plenty of artifacts, spels, and leveling, The НО port to console has the game looking sharp and appealing. If you haven't yet had a chance to check out the original portable version, this is опе titie that should defintely be on your radar. Bit.Trip Runner is the fourth instalment of the excelent franchise that's been raling out on WaWare over tho last many months. Runner is a ‘marginally less abstract concept than ts earfer brethren, as it plays out in a familar sie scroling Platform style. Our hero, CommanderVideo, is опа mission and though we don't know what itis, he can't stop running to get there, With ‘the main character in constant motion, players are tasked with precise button presses to vault ick, side, and otherwise progress through a patterned sequence of obstacles. Like previous ames in the seres, the action is keyed to audio ‘cues in the music, making it easy to drop into a rhythmic trance as the challenge escalates, And. boy, does escalate, A single mistaken jump wil send the Commander reeling back to the begin- ring ofthe stage; perfect timing and ightring fast reflexes are the key to success, Its a simple but brilant tte game with a strangely mesmer izing visual style that makes it hard to look away. ‘Alter the success of the frst instalment, it was a no-brainer that we'd be seeing Monkey

Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge. For pirates new to the humorous world of Monkey Island, Guybrush Threepwood is an unikely hero embroled in a zany adventure through prato-plagued seas and unusual hidden treasures. Like its predecessor, Monkey Island 2 has dramatically reinvented visuals that can ba hot swapped with the orginal PC version for a nostalgic comparison. New to this second entry is the optional abit to control Guybrush directly, rather than a purely point-and-click айан, Given the standout qualty of the orginal game, and the stelar job LucasArts did on the fst tiles remake, ме no reason to befeve this wil be any- thing but an excelent addition to any adventure gamers catalog,

1 know l'm not the only one who was a big fan of last year’s ‘Splosion Man. you're with me in. that sentiment, you'l be excited to hear about Comic Jumper, the next tile from develop ment house Twisted Pixel. The game stars Captain Smiley, а muscle-bound do-gooder bashing and shooting his way through a side scroling beat "ет up. Or at least that’s what Ive seen so far. Though Smiey begins the game in familar superhero environs, the game takes its name from the idea that its hero wil jump to new comic book styles as the game progresses. Twisted Pixel recently revealed ts second area - а comic word in the style of Frank Frazettas iconic Conan paintings, staring а hero named Nanos, No matter the comic backdrop, Twisted Pixels trademark humor appears to bein place. Look no futher than the taking, Айу animated

star on the Captain's chest for evidence. I can't wait to check out more ofthe game.

Konami is revving an old and nearly forgotten character from ther stable of retired mascots; Rocket Knight is coming to PSN and XBLA, Anybody remember На quy? If you don't you're in good company. Sparkster hasn't appeared in a starring role in about 15 years,

1 had some severe doubts about the viability

of the ite opossum's retum, but a couple hours with the new tile silenced my doubts. Gorgeous, cartoon-stye visuals highlight the return of Rocket Knight, who is once again

to be found in a straightforward side-scroling Platform adventure - a relative rarity these days. The adventures of Sparkster might feel lackluster were it not for his titular gimmick.

The ability to rocket across screen in sudden bursts of speed adds a frantic nature to the action. The hight vertical platforming stages give way to open Gradus-style shooting levels for a rice change of pace. Multiple difficulties, challenging collectibles, and strong level design help the game shake ci initial impressions of а "kids only tite, and emerge as a distraction that might be worth a look

abie games следи

y ноу pus tts in atn, pu. anten our teca Wate талабо ow patre

re Soy on page 91.

ло Heavy Rain Ps3)


[3 We

BioShock 2 (360)

New Super Mario Bros. Wil wi

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (60)

Just Dance ( Wil Sports Resort (Wi)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (55)

Mass Effect 2 (360)

p Ке ee

Dante's Inferno (250)

(uae Dream's arb od

Chat poston may ue a better pete "fer ts адка as spread "ond e arcae gamer and no 1e messmaret

Aliens vs. Predator (360)

BioShock 2 (53)

New Super Mario Bros. (05)

Mario Kart ѓи

MAG PS3) Fit Plus (Wî)

Mario and Sonic At the Olympic Winter Games (i)

God of War Collection (5) Mario Kart DS 09 МВА 2K10 (360)

Devil May Cry’s New Developer

Ninja Theory's New Project The PlayStation 3 exclusive Heave

Nina Theory по the spotight. Unt ty never matched the спіса! prae, a making Enslaved for Namco Bandai (sce ss

catapulted ае

the games pa

studo moved on to Y #198, радо

that the Cambridge, England

or the next Devi May Cry. Thats ight.

геме been more than happy with the direction th

has been going in, new development b an intrest such a storied franchise. Its по! totaly unex-

r; Capcom has said that although itis shying velopers for new IP, мома continue

to йге them for known franchises, which DMC certainly is.

Barlog’s New Project Means End of Mad Max?

alog took a brief, hem of that successful fran- ce 2008 he's been working

Miler on a game based

Its game director Cory

it glorious, tum att chise before moving on. with Mad Max director George М оп Australia's premier near-future, gang iden dystopia, Loose Talk is hearing, however, that development on the project has stopped, and that Balog has moved on to new pursuits, That's only the half of it. We've also heard that Bariog is currently working on a new Tomb Raider game. We don't have а! the detais at the moment, but we assume that means the fulsfedged (е. not ft and the б,

Soo page 26 for more on that) Tomb

tile that developer Crystal Dynamics

next outing.

Gears of War 3

шато about a pos

release date for the t ment of Epic's ойу s Yor is that the word vil f hear about the game in Aprì, and that ts expected to come out the folowing April in 2011. Mark Rein, Epic vice president, replied, "You re kidding, right when asked about th However, from what we're hearing, this timeline of Gears 3 events isn't far-fetched

A Conversation With the Prince

Game Informer talks with star

Jake Hollywood for his roles in Donnie Darko, and Zodiac. This М Sands of Time

he star producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Mike Newell's would- be blockbuster based on the legendary video game

Gyllenhaal is considered one of the most talented young actors in acclaimed films

Brokeback Mountain, in The Prince of Persia: The

series, We rec

mily had a

chance to speak with Gyllenhaal about working with Prinoe of Persia creator

Jordan Me an

the correct way to adapt vide

Were you familiar with the Prince of Persia games before you signed on to do the film?

actually played the original Jordan Mechner game when | was a kid. After that, I took а long hiatus from the game - | think the game took a long hiatus, too. When | read the script, 1 knew the original game, but | had not played its current incarnation. So | picked it up and started playing it.

I think the thing that separates this move from. the video game and other video game adapta tions is that in the video game, although the Prince does realy extraordinary feats of defying ‘gravity that seem almost inhuman, the basis with Which he does them is comparable to parkour. We based everything in realty. When he does "he moves in the fim, everything has a reason in the story. Some of the video game adaptations that have previously been done are just carbon. copies or taking an idea and doing the cool thing thats already been done in the game. With this ‘one, because we all love fimmaking and we wanted to take it о another level, we said, out ‘of respect to the video game, "How do we do what he does in tho game but give it a basis in the character?”

Series creator Jordan Mechner worked on the movie's script. Did you meet him? Ys, definitely. Jordan came to the set a few times, and we spent time together. He drew. те over and over again. [Laughs] ме since ‘seen him many times. I's great, because Гуе played real people who exit in reality and characters that have been created in books, and you have to respect the existing source material. At the came time, you have to interpret it yourself. With this, it was fun, because | don't think that this type of source material - games had ever been translated. Correct into movies. With Jordan keeping an eye on it and us elaborating on the idea that he began, it was a great collaboration. It was cool because the best day was when Jordan came оп set and said, "This is awesome.” Everytime he would see stuf, he'd say “This is my cream." The irony of Prince of Persa is

ochner, the physical challenge games to the big

of big-budget ac

ion filmmaking, on.

that, for Jordan, it was based on movies he'd seen. Now, the moves inspired a video game that has now inspired a movie. It has a circular effect - much Ike the Sands of Time. Laughs)

It sounds like you grew up with ga then grew out of the hobby. Has thi inspired you to get back into gaming? Definitely; Paying the Sands of Time was a part cof my work. fm sure you understand that um the job you do. I got really into it - too into it actualy. They would сай me to set and ГА say, "Just give me one second, | need to fish this” I dont want to get too sucked into l. because who knows what wil happen. But, yeah, Im definitely into it.

This is the first time you've worked on a high budget, special effects-intensive action film. How was that experience for you?

It was so much fun. I really enjoy the challenge, because I knew people would be critical of whoever was going to play a part that was dear to tho fans of the game. | was up for the chal lenge. | had to getin shape physicaly and learn al these diferent skils. | had to leam parkour. It was overwhelmingly amazing о ba in something So big. It was great tun, man. Its an honor

What kind of physical regimen do you go through to get in shape for a movie like this?

They just put us in a machine and we come out all chiseled up. [Laughs] For me it was all about functional finess со | could be prepared ike an. athlete, You don't do a movie Ike this, in my ‘pinion, unless you are going to try your hand at those stunts, Even if you don't pull thom off and the stunt man makes you look bad, at least you tried. trained to do the stunts, along with the normal things Ike cardio to get your heart and lungs in shape. | was studying parkour

and learning from acrobats, In the gym, we'd Ве running on padded walls and jumping on things. Most of the things we do in this movie were done without wires. We wanted to add a Certain realty to й. | think the sense of suspense is suspended when you know people aro on

wires, when you know they are safe, Alot of he times, even. though [the stunt coordinators} are very professional and we were generaly safe, we were Pushing the edge... Mostly, ljust dd alot of sword fighting and, over time,

you chip away at Al ofa sudden, you're in shape,

When you were plan- ning the stunts, did you take cues from the video games for certain moves?

Yes, all over the place. Even on set, I would have tin ту tar. saw a move

| ked inthe game, | would bring the stunt guys in and вау. "Guys, we have to try this ui So we did things Ike that at along the process.

There's a fne Ine because there's wall running, massive ‘sword fohts, and battles very much ike the game. Its very faithful to Sands of Time. But in terms of how it looks and how i's done, its very diferent. For exam- ре. in ono scene my character is running over these short pars and there are horses attached to them. Unless you knew the game, | don't know if you would know that that's some- thing the Prince can do. But it looks e ‘something that would natural be done in the situation he is in. Then, al of a sudden, he does this big back fip over a running horse.

remember Jerry Bruckheimer saying, "Stop. I want to know why he just did that Баск fip. Why did he need to do that?" | was Ike, "Because it loks cool" Laughs] But Jerry sad, "No. I want to know why. It needs to have а reason in this movie and in this storying, | don't want to make а movie where we are just copying a video game. want to make a great story" So, ach one of the moves that is inherent to the Prince is connected to the story and has a reason. We spent a realy long time doing that, Finally, we devised a way that the only way for him to get out of hat situation in а certain period of ime was to fip. Originally, there wasn't а horse there, со we added that and all the reactions to what | да. ќе that kind of thing that makes this movie зо good. | think the gamers wil see it and say, “Those are the moves the Prince does,” and people that haven't played the game wil say, "Man, thats so. cool.” and won't even realize that its something the Prince does in the game. tm у Ma Has


Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Selling over 2.3 million copies in two weeks, DICE's Bad Company 2 was an instant success. But

even with a public multiplaye about perceiver

imbalances and requesting

beta to smooth out tl

questions posed by the Battlefield community

1 soo a player “skill ranking in the leaderboards, but have no. idea what that means. Could you ‘explain the formula you use to ‘come up with that number? Player Ska isa relative skil level calculated depending on how well you perform on the batik, The usque thing about it compared to the regular rank is that the Player Skil can drop ë you start to perform рообу for a while. The Player Skil Wil ано increase more if you shoot and ка payers with a high Player Skil, and less il you run around ‘pwning newbs. Players familiar with {the Бо rating system wil find a ot

of тое,

Every weapon or vehicle in the game seems to have a natural Counter and requires some. human skili to use - except the ‘mortar strikes. Why did you give the recon class such an unbal- anced and overpowering weap- ‘on? Teams with a lot of snipers just spam the M-Com crat

‘The drawback to he mortar strke ie a reload time, and to some extent the ime between when its 'riggered and its impact on target

1 hero aro many snipers in tho area thal create a constant barrage cf mortar strikes, | suggest you head there and get yours some кле rewards. That being sad, of course, ме constantly watch the game for exploits ос overpowered weapons, and a certain tem proves to be 100 powerful we wil address it. We went jump to conclusions, though: its important thal we see how the ‘gameplay evoves as people discov. © new laclics and are geting more familar wilh the tools at hand.

Why did you create such a small amount of unlocks, gadgets, and ‘specializations? | already maxed out the vehicle and medic class- ез in less than 10 hours. Are you ‘going to introduce new rankings and unlocks in the future?

Get back to me when you're at max. level and got at awards... Seriously though, we woul е to be able to buid everything for future DLO, but wl focus on the areas where our payers fnd t most necessary. On

the content side, night now it locks ike players want more levels rather than more weapons, Haad over our forums and lt us know what you thin

Why can't you go prone in the game? Is there a game design reason why you don't let players drop on their bellies?

Yes. At paying around with it we al reaized that prone dt add anything to the Bad Company 2 gameplay I slowed down the рас то and made counter-angeng even harder, We don't see a reason to keep game features out of legacy; же want everthing in the game to make for a better gaming exper ence for everyone on the Batis

It seems to take several RPGS to take out a tank, but only опе C4 or UAV guided missile. What is the reasoning behind that balancing?

Using Са puts you in a lot of risk since you, n most cases, need to Be very cose to the vehicle you're attacking, In Ihe UAVS case ts indeed possible to one-shot tanks if you get a clear hit where the armor is weakest, the balancing factor there isthe reload ime. The difer ent vehicles actualy have derent armor depending on алде.

Hardcore mode is a great con-

Have you considered creating a custom game mode where play- ers could turn off the recon class 30 not everyone hides in the hills, or employ a kit limit for cer- tain game types like Rush mode? I realy don't see a kit imt being

the solution here. Battiafeld players

rough efinements. DICE producer Kristoffer Bergqvist discusses the

iges, the community is always chirping

should be allowed to pay the game guess we did't see a lot of 10-12

ıer way = t's stil a sandbcx after player groups wanting to fil one al and not be ined by some eam you're fewer Г suggest abstract rule set. We are, however, bonn as squads, f you're more aware ofthe problem with snipers use the Private Match system and

being overrepresented in Hardcore get an entre server of your own). mode, and are current looking ето rerent colons: 1 miss maps like EI Alamein that let you have epic tank battles. Did you guys change the tro- ‘Any plans to add one of these quency of the ticket bleed in the with DLC? Conquest mode? Maybe it's just iove to sse some more maps me, but it seems а lot slower where our tanks wi come to use, Yes, its ower and the outcome of but t's all up to the communty and the game is more dependent on kils ‘gat nthe coming compared tothe previous Battlefield "ies. We are looking al the teleme. try пот the Conquest matches right Your game is super realistic with ‘pow, and tnis is something that may а! the vehicles, weapons, and.

be addressed in a near future. but it kils the real- ‘am shooting a guy

Why won't the game lot mo. ‘and then | soo three other dudes ‘switch teams after a match? рор up on him and start shoot- Sometimes I got stuck onthe ing me. Have you ever looked ‘opposite team as my fiend: at squad respawn alternatives. and it's a hassle to back out, that put the new guys near their accept a new join game request, squadmate in a safe place away and cross my fingers to seeif! from the line of sight but not. ‘get onto their side. tly on them?

Checking for a coordinate on the My friends and | typically roll level that is currently out of sight for

deep (10-12 players) every night 21 22 players, pus m cose vty when playing Modern Warfare 2 to the nene acting spawn and ВРВС 2. In Modern Warfare ^ pori, isa technica! троска

2 its easy, just form a pro- From a game design perspective ‘game party and we're set. With 1% always mportent to spawn Battlefield we struggle all night то сог as ciose to the squad то end up on the same team, as posse, in case someone is Why did you decide against ready watching or engaging that creating а lobby where a larger ^ squsc and don't want any surprise

group of friends could split into ^ cremes emerging rom the ss, ‘smaller squads and join match-

ев together? Could you please Тһе spotting mechanic doesn't

‘add this in the future? seem to work sometimes even Ill теде these two questions into though my crosshairs are right one, honestly maybe notentrey on an enemy or vehicle, What's satisfactory, answer We have сеп е deal?

that ther are a few odd occasons That's not the expected behavior of wwhereourffendjon systems fal to wen feature. ие something dal be meet the players demands and vil addressed m an upcoming patch. look into fing these. Once again Sory about the inconvenience. Ф

its а question about priorities nthe post-launch plan. Team switching is already on the wanted-st, but |

God of War III

Every game in the God of War series has set the new high bar for stylish action. In each entry, Kratos must live up to his own epic legacy, and he has succeeded once again in God of War Ш. We talked about the game's technical challenges, sources of inspiration, and design philosophy with

game director

Several elements of previous. games (ike Pandora's Box and the Blade of Olympus) play Important roles in God of War ll How much of their significance to the third game was known when. ‘they were originally created? None. The story for the third game went through two different direc- tors and several major changes were made. I wanted to make sure that we created a story that tied everything together, so we looked for ways to incorporate those elements,

The game breaks new ground in its cinematic presentation. How did the team arrive at the decision to make this a priority versus major overhauls to the combat system, for instance? Because we knew this is some- thing that we could do without rip- Ping the gameplay apart. We knew it would make the overall presen- tation better without disrupting the ‘experiance. When you are working ‘onthe final chapter of а trilogy it is not а good idea to overhaul the player mechanics, People were expecting the game to feel a cer- tain way and remain familar.

What was the most difficult sequence in the game to. execute, either from a design or technical standpoint?

Without a doubt, the Titans. The ‘opening sequence was just a bear. We had to worry about selling this massive war on top of a Titan who is climbing a mountain fighting against gods during a boss battle. ‘Wow, what a mouthful Al this needed to happen within framerate ‘and memory and most importantly it needed to be fun. Cronos was

а major task as well. Since the sequence was slightly more free form, we had a harder time nailing down the design. And in general, working on tho scale of those two scenes was simply ridiculous.

Did you have any reservations. about bringing Athena back after her death in the second game? Kiling а god doesn't have much impact if they just come back to Ме immediately.

1 soo your point, but we had no. reservations, She was just foo important to telling the story the Tight way. She is a guide of sorts and | thought it would be cool to surround her with this mysterious sense of resurrection. Why did she come back? Who brought her back?

Kratos and Pandora aren't together very long, but some key story moments hinge on a bond. between the two characters. Why didn't they have more time together to form a more beliov- able connection?

Simply put, wo ran out of time. We had several more chambers in the Labyrinth and a couple of extra key scenes with her that we had 1o remove to fit everything else in. These wore not easy decisions, but these things happen. 1 think "considering how much we packed into the game we did a pretty good job,

During the course of the game, Kratos takes down all the major players, but not the entire pan- hon. Were there any gods that you wanted to include but didn't ‘make the cut for the final game? No. This is the cast that | wanted to soo. We needed time to build up a small amount of backstory between Kratos and the gods he would eventually take out, and these were the ones that made the most sense. These are also the guys that we saw at the end of God of War

An ancient musical mechanism. ‘emblazoned with the icons of the PlayStation controler seems out of place in Kratos’ world.

Was this ever brought up as a ‘concern during development of that puzzle?

Absolutely. People complained ‘about ай of the time. We tied ‘ther symbols and they were too hard to read, We tried removing the symbols all together and using ‘the buttons on the edges of the screen but it didn't work with the pacing of the challenge; you need 10 seo what button is coming next. At the end of the day we ended up using Greek symbols that ‘matched the triangle, X, etc. and ‘colored them ike they were on

the controler. This was the way it was designed and the way it was ‘meant to be played. If people think ‘hat it ruined the immersive nature ‘of the game, | wil take responsibil- йу for that, but in general, | am very proud of how we integrated ‘our puzzles into the game in a very natural way.

Weapons that aren't the chain. blades traditionally haven't been as useful, but God of War II changes that (particularly with the Costus). What was the team's philosophy when designing Kratos’ additional weapons?

‘The philosophy was very plain and simple: We wanted people

o use them, Wo achieved this by making them easy to get to on the controller, and giving them. unique personalities that were integrated into the gameplay.

Each weapon speaks differently to the enemies and environment. that you come across.

Kratos still has the Golden but reflecting projectiles

central to the combat this

time. Why did you choose to de-

‘emphasize that mechanic?

‘There are a couple of reasons.

why, but I wouldn't use the word

“de-emphasize.” The main one

is because we have alot of new

‘mechanics, and we wanted them

to take center stage. Also, the fleece is generally more of a hardcore mechanic, and we took strides to make the game more approachable for a wider range of players. However, it is still there эла itis stil very useful,

‘The final punch against Zeus. was awesome. What was your approach to creating and por- traying the fatal blow?

We had several discussions about howto make this final sequence work. I really wanted to do some- thing that had the impact of the Poseidon kil We had several dil- ferent ideas centered around the screen covering with blood, We. really wanted to sell the sense that Kratos is blinded by his rage. Our lead combat designer, Adam Puhl, came up withthe idea of having the sequence continue until you stopped pressing circle. | loved this because it realy helped sell the moment hat Kratos needed. to get out his anger before laying down his weapons. You have fo. choose to stop. It was brillant

1s the “another Skywalker" ‘moment near tho end tied to the story of Kratos lost brother from. the original God of War's special features?

Beyond what we show there were plans of an extra two minutes of footage. These did not include the lost brother. 1 only know where. that two minutes would take us, but not where the story would go after that,

God of War presents a satisty- ing conclusion to the story of Kratos. H tho serios were to con- tinue, do you think it could do so without Kratos at tho center? Tam not sure of where the series could or wil go, but 1 would have to imagine that Kratos would be зоте part of it. He is just too strong of a character. &

connect 33



The Farm

A hardcore gamer's look at Farmville

ton Fame on play ќе game every day

Getting Started

importantly, FarmVile is free. It doesn't cost anything to create your cartoon farmer avatar and get your hands dirty, Many Internet games are free, but not эй of them can leverage the advantages of Facebook; the gama is accessible 1o ай ofthe networking site's users, which gives ita potential audience of over 400 milion. These two factors combine to form a ridiculously low barrier to entry - probably the most important factor in Farmiviles success. Milons ot people сап get in the door with no investment (apart from a few minutes every day or two), and can continue playing indefinitely without sheling out any real cash,

If you use F

book, you're familiar with FarmVille. Even if you don't s feed has probably kept y friends’ inane in-game accomplishments. B and ugly ducklings, | blocked all FarmVille tent on my Facebook page shortly alter the game's

While avoiding FarmVille on Facebook is as easy a feed, the application is difficult to ignore force within the gaming industry. With more than 82 million users,

y it yourself, your ти

1 updated on your


all of the mystery

ost cows related con-

е last summer.

king the hide a

button from your nev

FarmVille is the un: That kind

of succe

tand what so many people found appealing about a simple Flash-based farm simulation, so I starte ing it for my

you may be to suck you in, attract your friends, and accept your money


urs, you return to your

а | (20 | ЕП

UY, | BUY 7

E | [@


Фо 22 Фе


Hey loe! These crovs are destroying Jeff's crops! Please get rid of them!




You are now Level 4!

You or new known а

Tent, Brown Chicken, Black Chicken, Golden Chicken,

Now you con gift "Chicken"

Coins Versus Cash

Despite the rural country backdrop, the whole farming concept is just cosmetic. Its a skin stretched over апте economy, which is where the game starts getting insidous. Youll colect two separate kinds of currency, coins and farm cash, Coins aro plentiful, and you get them for practically every task you com- plete. Harvest crops, you get coins, Help a fiend, you get coins. Eam a ribbon Carles achievement equivalent) you get coins. After a few days of play-

ing, your coffers are overflowing with cons. Farm cash, on the other hand, is a much rarer commodity; you get only one dolar per level you gain.

The two lends of money aren't interchangeable - something that costs farm cash may not be avaiable for purchase with coins, no matter how many you have. If you don't have enough cash forthe things you want (which is H. table), you're forced to consider how much Ратуе means lo you. ls it worth paying for? FarmVile accepts credit cards, and is more than happy to trade you virtual money for real money. Some of the ways the game tries to get you to pay up aro exceptionally devious; you can use coins to buy a tractor, but purchas- ing fud for the tractor costs farm cash. Since 25 farm cash only costs $5, itsa. Small step to go from playing fam is to paying for it.

Friends and Family

Like a chain latter or pyramid scheme, Famivil hopes you wil convert the people you know into felow customers. The game give you a variety of incen- thes to rope your other Facebook frends into playing, and some of armies finer points depend on having plenty of neighbors to rey on. Adding your fiends as neighbors unlocks upgrades for purchase in the store, butt also opens

Up new avenues to mik your buddies for experiance and fee stuff. The more neighbors you have, the more people can send you hems (which they can gift for fee, but would otherwise cost you money in the store)

You can also visit their farms while they're away to frie ar crops and feed thelr chickens. This im atte you get experience fand Ind fuel or your stupid tractor) or these chores, so Ѓ just as much about helping yourself as helping them. Everybody wins, including Fame, since # gets more users to vw ads and potentialy spend real money for vrtual money. This is al part of some evî scheme on Zyngals part; as a player, you get some payo in the way that you are interacting with your actual fiends instead of random ntemot creeps. Thats precisely the appeal, and атто isn't above exploiting R.

Making Progress Lie a successful MMO, Fam knows how to dangle rewards in font of you to keep you swinging fom one caroton-a-sck to the next. Using a палам of psychological tricks, Ihe game becomes surprisingly addictive. Frst of al, you team experence and дал levels; anyone who has played а role-playing game understands the inherent temptation there. Once you cross a certain threshold, you not oniy level up your character, but ао individual crops. Tho more straw: boris you plant, Бо batter your strawberries become. Completing various tacks, Ike adopting armas, planting trees, and helping rends, nets ou rb: bons that ach come with an experience and monetary bonus

f you choose to pubksh these accomplishments on your Facebook page, your rends can also get in-game bonuses in celebration of your deeds. Apart from al that, there's the appeal of accumudating imaginary wealth which you can spend on new buicings and decorations ~ most of which do nothing and can't bo interacted with in any way, Want to sit at that picnic table you bought? Тоо bad - its only there fr fec. In short, FarmVile borrows soma of the most activ elements of rational video games, without any of the associated depth or complexi. Itt ko a cardboard prop game - easy to enjoy and under stand on a superficial level, but utimateiy lacking substance.

The Future of Gaming?

The more | played FarmVile, the more it scared me. The game itself isn't frightening, but as a hardcore gamer, l'm uncomfortable with the position of prominence it curently holds. Publishers and developers are already tipping over themselves to attract the attention of he casual audience, and with such a massive user base, | imagine everyone is looking at FarmVile to see what Its doing right and how to copy ts formula. The problem - and the key difer- ence between femme and more sophisticated games - is that it isn't focused оп delivering any kind of experiance. Fam ie s just a tool, a framework that keeps you coming back for as ong as possible, because the longer you play tha more revenue you help the game generate. in retum, you get a quaint tlle cartoon farm that stands as a monument to the time you've spent playing,

As a gaming experience, your farm pales before the excitement of titles Ike Mass Effect 2 or God of War I. On that basis, it may be tempting for the hardcore crowd to dismiss Ғата, but with ts astounding success (ала proftabiy) you can bet tat major game publishers are already implementing similar strategies to chase the social gaming market. $

Without any promotion, Fane garnered 18.000 users on its fist day


fue weeks

as designed and developed nist

connect 35

Contemplating the Gamepocalypse

hh founder ana с

hnology Center. He's also one

vention, "De

Talk about your book, The Art of Game Design.

The book grew out of a course | used to teach at schoo. aways been interested in puting some kind of book together, and publshers had approached mo about t. So | decided tory to сой some of my thinking. The whole idea is hat good game design comes кот looking at your game fom many perspectives. Is more about he questions you should ask yoursl ts subiti в “A Book of Lenses” because I tied to Separate out al of these perspectives as а alen өп lens. A sample lens might be the lens of the toy. Does my game have oy ko properties? Do people seo it and immediately want o touch it and py wit t, even without knowing what the game goal is? There are about 100 of those, and we mado a deck of cars that goes wih t. This book has been popular И won the 2008 Fortine Award from Game Developer magazine fr book © he year ts been adopted in a number of co leges as a principle game design textbook.

ds video game design just a part of game design as a whole?

Its certainly not separato кот game design as a whole. The fancst video game in the word has a set of rules and challenges. The good video games are good in the same way that ood board games are good. Any dstncton

® an artical ono. I take that further by saying that the prncpls of good design go outside of just games. [ust got out of a lecture about level design. Everybody wants to know the nity ойу Ома about good lev design. | tld them, “Don't waste your time with deals about where's the best piace to put an item drop. Look at what architects have learned over the last 5.000 years. They are the ones that understand about the human relationship to space. N you flow those principles, you make excelent levels.

Your speech at DICE was very well. received. You've obviously been very struck by the power of Facebook and social ‘games like FarmVille. What lessons can the industry learn from those games?

us something Ivo had to lock at a lot. A lot of People thought that Facebook games were. оого to be a sil novelty. | go to Facebook to meet up with other people. Why on Earth would | want to game to distract me when т here for ап obvious purpose? But thats not how it works. | think tho real power of the games on Facebook is that the is the frst time that the casual game player sees a game thats al about ther real "rends - the fiends that you have already estab- shed as a part ot your social network.

These games are intersecting with our real lives and real people that we know. That's almost the antithesis of what games have traditionally been - a way to shed your real identity and escape into a fantasy world.

‘There's a weird paradox that everyone is going to have to face up to is this colision between

fantasy and reality In a lot of ways, the idea of the single-player video game is а weird anomaly.

ign Outside the Box." turned he

I you look at the history of games going back thousands of years, those games are multiplayer. '99 percent of the time. You might have solar, but most of the time games are about connect- ing with other people. Computer technology of 20 or 30 years ago didn't realy permit that, so there was no choice but to have single-player games. | think the single-player thing is a bit of аыр on the history of games. Moving forward, most games inthe future are going to have a connected, muliplayer component to them.

You talked about a future where there are CPUs in everything we use and Ме becomes.

a huge macro video game. For example, people getting "experience points" for walk- ing or buying certain products.

‘Anything we can measure that people want to Influence the behavior of, people are going to try to work into a game. Games are meaningful and powerful I sounds weird, but if we can track you while you are reading a book, watching television, what you are eating, and when you. are waking, why won't people try to try to lum it into a game? That might sound sily, Би look at the idea of imagery and logos. There was a time when the whole word wasn't covered in logos. But, as print media made it possible, people realized, "Oh look at al the places we can put logos to infuence you. Anywhere you can put ап ad, why wouldn't you? So anywhere you сап ри a game, why wouldnt you? Its going to infuenco behaviors.

| have а name for this, for the бте when game Playing infitrates every second of you e. I calli the "Gamepocalypse.” After my talk, people started emaiing me, saying, “This is already happening! Do you know about this; до you know about that?" They sent me all these things, so I started a blog pig / Ge- ocalypsenow - Ed] about

al these things that fake us closer to the Gamepocalypse. A recent one I just put up was called uBoost, which is a system for teachers. Do you want to give out bonus points to your students for good grades or behavior? They сал use the points to decorate ther avatar or feed ther virtual pets. They can trade them in for Tunes git cards. There are so many things ko that, во itb nice to have this collection at the blog, These things are infiltrating everywhere.

When everything you do is tracked and implemented into this macro game struc- ture, what prevents it all from turning into an Orwellian nightmare?

Fight. Everyone says, "God, t just Ike George Orwel,” Wel, it's kind of ike George Orwel, but Its realy more tke Aldous Huxley and Brave New Word. Orwell thought a cruel govem- ment would enslave its populace. But this

isn't about the government. Husle's premise was that we'd be enslaved by entertainment Entertainment would be so interesting and so competing that we wouldn't think about any- thing important, and й would be corporations taking advantage of us. That's the more real

* try Matt ſeben

of Schell Games, is a game design professor at Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment f gaming's most inspiring thinkers. His recent sp is with a vision of the future where everything is a game.

h at the annual DICE con:

danger. spoke about example Ike "Buy 20. cartons of Camels and unlock the Bentley in Grand Theft Auto" or "Sen up for the US. Атту Reserves and we'l give you a battle fortress in ‘World of WarCraft.” People are going to start to realize the power of these things to influence us. You see it now. People are figuring out better ‘and better game structures to manipulate us,

‘Some people have told me, “People won't stand for that; they rebel." But if you look at the examples, in 1950, 13 percent of televi- sion was commercials. Now, its 36 percent. Its gradual risen, and did anyone rebel? Did anyone do anything? Think about Google and Стан My god - a corporation is going to scan. ‘every email you send and form a picture of your buying patterns. But we think that's okay.

You almost see game designers as being оп the front lines for the battle over the way we going to live.

Yes. If you're a game designer, you've got to Pick what side you're on. | carve it up into four ferent areas, There are the persuaders, who ае in it to just make money. We've always seen those folks in the game industry. There's a group | cal the кине; this is most ofthe ‘game industry. These are people that are realy into fing peoples wishes, fulfling people's dreams and fantasies. Then there are the artists, who want to make things that are are beautiful ‘and revolutionary. They don't really care how many units it sels, And, finaly, there are the humanitarians. Their goal is to use the incrd- ible power that games have to make us better people - improve our minds; improve our bod- les; improve our sous. You might think you're оп one side, but someone еко is going to be trying to manipulate you. | put out a cal to ‘game designers] to say, "You better pick what side you're on, because if you don't, someone «ee is going to pick for you.”

That's a bit scary.

We are batting for everyone's attention. But where an individual devotes their attention determines ther character. What you give your attention to determines who you are; it determines who we are as humanity. its a very ‘meaningful question. I may tum out that its a nightmare and there's no winning this war. The ‘government might come up with games to get you to go outside, and stop smoking, and be ‘smarter; but who can win against Coca-Cola and Philp Moris? But the fip side of that is that, when everything is measured ай the time, people become more self-conscious, People become more aware, Maybe that wil change people. Maybe they wil say, “This isn't how | Want fo be remembered.” Because it wil be remembered - for 1,000 years or as long as your descendents choose to keep your data. ање. It wil be а permanent record of eveything you've done. Maybe that wil cause people to Бе better people and that willbe the balancing force, But itis hard to say.


Schal begins programming hi own gamez on a home computer


bend ol job high soo!

A college Ho ovonwualiy juggles in Proiholor’s Mine Cicus and "bo Juggler Gulla

1989 HIGHER ED Schal bocomos а student ‘at созад

Instit, an engnceting school in oy, НҮ


As pat ot a progam through his new employer,

Bell Cop. Schell attend: апага

1995 IMAGINEERING Schell moves to Самота o taka a Job at Damay

Imagineering, where he works оп such propos a interactive theme park res and tho ztil-actv chid MMO ontan Onine


Ater the launch of ‘Toontown Online. Scholl moves to Pitebungh to tech a cass at C

Mallon at he behest f his mentor, tha late Randy Pausch (who became famous for his speech and book The Last [ваше 2002 A NEW VENTURE In addition to his teaching, Schell fon Schel! Ga

а consulting company. The conpany'a projects include the Disney Рајко MMO and the Sum ol AN Tudo at peo Contor


Schots presentation at the annual DICE convontion becomes an Intenet КТ

connect 37


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by Scott Jones co-host of Reviews on the Run and Editor-in-Chief of

Get Off My Lawn (But Read My Game Reviews)

When it comes to game writing, respect your elders

Five years ago, there were two things you'd never see at E3: a line for the ladies room, and anyone with gray hair.

But the video game realm is changing. Women, thank- fully, have infiltrated our male-dominated ranks. And the ЕЗ convention floor? It’s now dotted with more than a few salt and pepper coiffures,

receding hairlines, and at least one bona fide toupee.

In a perfect world, all game writers would enjoy long, satisfying, Roger Ebert-like careers. We'd clunk from booth to booth at E3 with our walkers and refer to our medications as our “power ups." Microsoft would have a special jazzy entrance at its press conference.

Problem is, many of us likely won't make it that far. The video game industry has turned into a kind of Survivor island for writers and reviewers. The economy stinks, Magazines and newspapers are suffering. Many websites don't рау a living wage. When it comes to cutbacks, the game reviewer at any publication is always the first person to be shown the door.

Үт 41. I've had a lot of good years in this business, and | hope to have a few more before I'm through. As a general rule, I never discuss my age at industry events. | feel compelled to hide it. The lame running joke among the gam- ing press is that we're al 29 until further notice.

T should be proud of my age. I'm not. My age makes me feel something verging on shame.

I don't want to be known as "that old guy" or “Grandpa Gamer" at ЕЗ. | don't want o be a punchline at press events. I know of one indus- try veteran who refuses to give his age altogeth- ес. On the rare occasion when | do encounter a fellow older writer, the two of us usually enjoy a private "You too?" moment, as И we've discov- ered that we are both lactose intolerant or enjoy Ме jazz.

So what aro we older writers afraid of?

TI tell you a story. | worked as а senior writer at a website called Crispy Gamer in New York City for the past two years. The site was. designed as a gathering place for older, mature gamers. Gamers are growing older. Games are maturing as a medium. The site strived to reflect those more sophisticated tastes,

‘The idea wasn't original. I's been attempted before. See: Incite, See also: PC Accelerator Those publications failed, but the gaming land- scape is always changing and evolving. Maybe this time, we told ourselves, the gaming world would be ready for this.

Ме put together a roster of some of the best writers in the industry. A few weeks

after we launched, an editor at a compet- ing website wrote to me privately and said, "Congratulations. You hired my dream team." Those writers, to put it gently, were not young. They'd spent years in tho business learning their craft. They knew what they were doing, ‘and their work reflected that. In the two-year lifespan of tho site, we had plenty of highs and lows, but overall, | think we published some of. the most sophisticated writing the industry has

And suddenly, it was over. The staff, most of whom were freelancers, were tod that there was по more work for them. A few days ater the ite died, the full timers gathered in New York to- тоот its demise with large amounts of gin.

Then, a week later, something strange hap- pened. New stories began appearing on the Site. Like a zombie without its head, the sile was somehow, some way stil ање. The byline оп the new stories belonged to one of the office interns. This glasses-wearing student from NYU "whose most remarkable feature was a perpetual need for a haircut, a kid who was as green as ‘can be, had been hired to replace us. All of us.

1 was beside myself with rage. Here was this website where а lot of talented, hard-working people had spent two years busting their asses trying to create something with meaning and ‘gravity, and it was now being steered by some- ‘one who wasn't even shaving regularly. | said to a colleague, "I's as И we buit this big, beautiful ‘opera house, and now [Name withheld] gets to ‘get up on stage with his comb and a piece of мах paper”

"What happened at Crispy Gamer, I realize now, в why I'm reluctant to talk about my age in mixed company, This is why we are ай “29 unti further notice." This is why my colleague refuses to divulge his age. We are afraid of being mar- inalized. We are afraid, now more than ever,

that the industry we have loved for so many years will one day forsake us. Ме are afraid that twill boot us out of the mov- ing car, thon peel away.

That's already hap- pened to far too many ol my peers. A former colleague is now logging hours as a fact-checker ata women's fashion magazine, tying to figure out a way to get баск into the business, Another colleague is siting alone, drinking ( can't decipher his late- nicht texts), collecting unemployment checks, ‘and wondering what his fate will be. Others have taken shoot-me-now jobs in public rela- tions and marketing departments. Our ranks are thinning. Many of the people best equipped to write about this medium - people who can remember a time when playing а game cost 25 ‘cents, people who have been crafting sentenc- ез for decades - can no longer find work doing what they do best. The industry is a lessor Place without them.

What kiled Incite, PC Accelerator, and Crispy Gamer wasn't 20-year-old interns. Gamers are always talking about how dissatisfied they are with the lack of maturity in video game journal- ism. Yet, it seems that whenever a publication. or website comes along that purports to offer ‘something more erudite and sophisticated, ‘something more substantial than racy screen- shots of the Dead Or Alive giris, that publication fies around like a duck with a broken wing for a few painful months before finally dying.

"What realy killed these publications is that we. threw a party that gamers promised to show up to, and they didn't. Which leaves me to wonder this: Do gamers truly want more sophisticated content? Or в it simply something that they ке to think they want?

The good news is this: Sooner or later, some- ‘one will inevitably try the whole "jaded gamer" ‘experiment again. It might be in a few months; it might be in a few years. But someone wil ry again. Someone - besides the fine publication you are holding in your hands - wil hire the fin- est, most talented, and ~ ahem - most mature writers the industry has to offer

"When they do, you people had better be there. next time. With balls on.

pe эло жй алза rd бате rer ger it

Michael Myers Slays Theatergoers Again

URC Unt 2010 е ane

connect 41


ts not often thata rst ume developer working with a small publisher releases a great game. This is eg ae ге in the technically and visuall lemaiiding N

first-person деп! developer P at in 2004 міт demon-slayi y "ging itat 8.5 and awarded it PC game of the month. Plenty anid the game “developed a deserved cult following. Sin ban Fly has work

оп an expansion and a few ports, but the team ollowed up with a new original property. unti now.

Epic Games, the mega developer responsible for the popular Gets of War ШЁ ,, franchises, was blown away when it received а brief démo а few years back from People

Can Fly ‘utilizing the Unreal Engine. It wasn't long before Epi Bought a | in) Д the developer and opened the door for the team to craft a Brand new franchi MEE People Cán Fly fused its wild and imaginative design wit Epic's veteran experience and

high standard of polish to craft Bulletstorm. This pulpy seit fret person shooter offers never-before-seen ways for players to brutalize enemies with point-earning < Coinbinations Ay and creative new weapons. How confident is People Can Fly in its new w destructive

, symphony? The ambitious creators promised to eclipse the jaw-dropping set piece а ‘foment rem Uncharted POEs ie 3 —22—


cover story 43


DA а li

ward the ману

cover story 45


down on the planet Stygia, the story has been ent mean you're st M minutes right E maybe wi 5 n search of ange at

оопа on with this plac handiness, Gray s trust issues and bald

woman 10

s through yant bust

t? Head out t ter But

Can Пу and Epic Games are pleading the AR on competitivo multiplayer But they are fat out shoot- ing down co-op, which seemed lea given sace им сг he mystery woman is always at you ie Yos already know we aro going to ase an online component he gamo, wii hii going e ick asm, but were jast oot ready to reveal Dal yet says Adan Оша, creativo Шаек со tounde ot People Can у and lend designer of belt tin singleplayer you dont want anybody stealing your sil shots and geting in the way. Also, |

when be re game. In a word whera very ay anything, its ri werd fr the frst two min get new and fresh,” Chm ч a for a moment thought


what Gray ime to tn s

go and do this b if this were a co-op game, then you'd Бо sitting in the stomach of a monster for half an hour. Taster,

faster, please! Ihave to pre

not to be digested!

rificing some of the story elements. For example, |

all the time in order

Bulletstorm's combat system relies on three key elements: the leash, kick and slide.

cover stoy 47



The veni yank t down

sh that was tracking e Can F}

nergy whip ment combat on th

accomplish the more chale a Siero just the Е pth skil p bu receive to spend

upgrades. Th


People Can Fly, Ері

The People Can Fly guys actu- ally were using our engine, and within a month they had a really cool gameplay demo, They sent it to us and Mark (Rein, VP of Epic] was liko, "Mike, you gotta seo this!" He pounds on the wall. Bam, bam, bami Гт liko, "What is it, Mark?" Ho's liko, "You gotta soe this demo. Is incredible

We decided io Boons teal or our mew project, and the guys at Epic said, “Finally, youve mot going withthe Pinkiler engine That was a good choice." Wo aid a itte NE demo and sentito Epic and asked thom

"hat do you think? We want to this around to publishers” They and we got a response Ше, "Hey, hold

on with that publisher thing. Lots start

talking. P L p Wo fus talked to them about do- ig sons add-on цеди fr Gets Ө Wat The throe Jil wet го

gorgeous that they became some of tho best-looking levels in Gears

and EA reminisce on how it all came together

apon tke thi si the fai, K

yeapons wil be in the and many” Chr Kup and, but there wil be ha you have ne uding the

of War, Atter they did that work, Marks liko, "Wo should buy them. How much could they cost? They're in Poland." Well it turns out a Jot, but we were really impressed with their work, So thats when we talked about doing a Gears of War PC port.

с We were ecstatic [about porting Gears of War] because we now companies that would pay to do this job. So half a year later we had proven ourselves to Epic that our coding team is great. Our artists are great. Our designers are pretty OK [laughs]. And then they said, "Look, you're a great team and you've done Painkiller, so what do you want to do next”

pps: When Adrian came up with Bulletstorm ho kept saying "It's Шке a blood symphony, f---ing blood everywhere!" And we're like, So Vlad the Impaler wants to make a video game. Cool!“ We basi- cally sot them free.

They just gave us the freedom to propose what we really wanted to do, so we proposed Bulletstorm and the rest is history. Epic said "We want you to be part of the family. What do you think?” And wo said F., yeah!" In two months we had а demo ready and went to the Leipzig games convention to show this to the publishers, That's how we got the EA contract.

ig during the ga We're obviously big fans of what Epic has been doing and huge fans of the People Can Fiy guys ~ they've boen on our radar for a while now. So when we saw that they were working together we were obviously intrigued. Thon wo saw the demo and that really got us excited, We signed them up and have been very pleased with the results.

Chmielarz: Irs unbelievable that you have this amaz- ing developer with so many awards and great fran- 8 chises that is just helping you make а better game. дпа T can tell you honestly - this can be frustrating. You

think you've got something really amazing, and then you get а list of changes that says, "ЕВ. that was boring. This is crap." And then you bang your head against the wall. After five minutes when you cool down you realize, "Yeah, that makes sense.” in the end, we're going to have a better gamo.

рег Having a Polish studio that’s like a crazy oompa jazz hand doing whatever think is "f-ing cool" is great. I's good for us. We need that injection at Epic because we're a bunch of guys who make games we want to make, but also we're a business. They're mostly just a bunch of guys making cool games they want to make, That's healthy for us.

During the development of Painkiller, People. Can Fly decided to craft a difficulty mode that almost anyone could beat. Little did they know what kind of reaction it would gamer "It was really shocking to mo the amount of thankful ‘emails that we got from people saying, This is ‘the first first-person shooter that I can really play," recalls People Can Fly's Adrian Chmielarz. "It you play Bad Company 2, when you choose ‘easy, they cal it ‘content tourist’ mode, and this is exactly the kind of thing that we want to have in Bulletstorm."


How did you first get inv һ Bulletstorm? 1was contacted by Epic this time last year. They had a sc-fi shoot ‘em ‘up in need of a writer. There were some Fear Agent fans on the team зо they came to me. Their mistake. They flew me out to Warsaw for

a week, and we all locked down the story together as you would in any writers’ room. We tore it up, everyone had great ideas, by the end ‘we'd written our dream sci-fi movie, it fust so happens that i's also a ‘groundbreaking video game.

How is writing Bulletstorm different than when you were a writer on Dead Space?

Оп Dead Space I came in after Warren Ellis and the EA team had the. building blocks in place. I fleshed it out, wrote out scenes that were bullet pointed, added new scenes, and did a good few rewrites before it went to Antony Johnston. It was a collaborative effort with other writers passing a thing down a lin like a baton. Bulletstorm is just

‘the game team and me. They had the basic pitch, a great staring point with some terrific ideas, and 1 took it and smashed it, reworked the focus and setup, did character.

Anyone who's read writer Rick Remender's comic series Fear Agent knows that he's the ‘perfect fit for Bulletstorm. We caught up with him during a brief break from current projects

Grayson is a soldier, a motherf-—-er of doom. His life is turned upside

down as well, but in a very different way. Gray is also a hardened

killer when ital goes sideways on him, so his reaction to the turn of events is very different. Where аз Heath is a bleeding wound drinking away the pain, Gray becomes a calloused hard-as-nalls space pirate who sinks deep in to debauchery and acts of revenge. There's not a reflective side to Gray as much as with Heath. He's a tough son of a Ditch who gets tougher, and then we get to soe the consequences of. such a mind set. The consequences of his downward spiral, that's the meat of the gamo, that's where things tum for the crazy and we go on an unexpected rido.

What can you tel us about Graysons cyborg sidekick 1 Samurai Spock is the joke we've been throwing around. His arc has a lot of meat on the bone story wise. I don't want to give it away, but we lean into some very interesting ideas about the unnatural duality in shi’ character, and even let them drive the story in a very unexpected way. me ‘goal isto ensure the player never knows where things are going, nover knows what to

bios, created the universe stage, and wrote a re- story that we all spent weeks expect. Ichi and his arc exemplify that strategy.

‘working on to fine tune. Ive had a tremendous amount of input, which helps me stay

Just how evil is General Sarrano?

excited and keep mentally invested in the story moro than if 1 was just hired to add on the "mustache-twitling-evil” scale, he's a solid 9.5. He's a classic psychopath, win-

chatter or write a few cinematics.

Grayson Hunt sooms to have over Heath Huston. What traits do you think they sharo and how do thoy differ?

Heath is a bleeding wound, once а normal family man thrown face first into chaos.

ning is the goal, highly intelligent, mercenary, manipulative and always, somehow, in control of everything. You really want - nay need - to see this guy die, as he piles his

malicious acts on top of each other like a well-crafted Machiavellian layer cake. I's a

Jot of fun to make players hate someone this much.

«com PAGE 48


his leash signal, the bbe nece Ike a blend of red animal

"What exactly is that Developers Confer

uns пра dee itis, we don't have to fh ithe funn trat? ant and sag him ith hi M dda ccr that sil leave aready s--- him ip са they spent time ۴6 ед it for fifteen: 0, 9 andit

ick repels the attack. The ground n далу love After seeing Bul pur

Je Can Ру scaling л handy as you quickly gide past and can't май to sce mor ^ s nents, But leashin


u actually p you see t

this but This particular m

bt er

and smashing it o s playing a gar turret operator and pas n ] ust kiled the en to reach ar "

ight to the m. amage than shooting alone.


At Pixar, Toy Story is serious business. ıs kind of the foundation upon which this studio has been built," says Pixar director Lee Unkrich, who's been at the company singe 1994. When it came time to begin

work on the inevitable game based on Тоу

Story 3, the company showed a rare inter-

est in we project. With so many things that

con = and often do go wrong in the world of licensed games, this is the story of one that might very well succeed in enter- ining kids and parents alike.

In August 2007, Pixar invited a diverse group of potential merchandisers to 15 Emeryville, California offices to learn more ‘about Toy Story 9. Unkrich took the stage ‘and reintroduced the audience to Buzz, Woody, and the rest of the gang over the

course of half an hour. As paintings and storyboards from the then work in progress flashed behind him, Unkrich told the story of a boy growing up and outgrowing child- hood toys. After that initial pitch, game developer John Blackburn had two things

‘on hig mind: How his team could wrangle

away into making a game based on the

movie and, more pressing, how best to wipe his eyes without anyone noticing:

feature 53

fo ight Mar sion

including Chicken licensed дат!

rr Mr terrm

оос оо

ої Disney, it seemed logical that Pixar and Sey wansiates well to the gaming space, ‘The:

Disney Tleractive would jump at the idea of roadblock that ‘developers often crash into at ing in the context of the fim.

an internally produced game. As it tums out, full speed. The. ‘problem doesn't just lay with team didn't think that playing аз a mopey the story was a bit more complicated. developers, however. ‘Movie studios often тоот ома have been nearly as interesa A few years earlier, the board at Disney approach game adaptations with the MT Ying on the role of a time- traveling. high- eee, me E pU ME C re ош e end CI e O ee Gel ан eee Ma ee bay one ts ra pep iM cr и күсе н су M Meer Turm ee о Mr ur rere адел оса N тона пи ои reson a ernst En ee л tee E IM eer ee cH eee, eee

q Ne ee и ne Vel

2 instead chosen to spend its efforts on, ng famiy-approprate entertainment, Hennen s subtle, but important to the eem. ‘Some of the touchstones Some ag Tales LEGO games and the Guitar Mero series. Both include co-op elements, Which is a strength for Avalanche.

E Seats have chidren of the own, Dar ing cooperatively is а great way

Santing a challenge to older ones.

efte io think at hardcore gamers аге gone,

TB cup Toy Story ai they're not emet franchise, but Av

тонот the won tos

mowing tina a Ba pan ol Wo aurre aiino bala or

Deadines are а realty in the world of game development Fortunately tor the team work fig on Toy Story 3, Avalanche Res developed a couple ol tools To һар speed the process.

Meridian ts a ive-authoring tol Trot allows artists and other raneoder to instantly place Ad manipulate objects in e ame's word. For a platformer, at kind of lity allows ars to test out concepts to sb ben they play and make tweaks Wien necessary. Before, the System would need to be reset Sher every change to the game, dl process that takes а few, тез. “з ony ree minutes, ез so diferent rom instan- Tanenus; Blackbur says-

prrs is short for Playing formation Testing System, and allows the team to monitor ids playtesting and mine those

ons for usable data. Player movement can be charted onto Swans of the level, giving Avalanche a bird's eye view, ner interactions within the (wort. By observing patterns in We colored ant trails, the design Team can spot places where layer stand immobile for long Pods ot ime, possibly alerting Thom to puzzle roadblocks, or heres troubleshoot levels Sa help-icon placement

Bor made.

been hat Seinfeld where they pitch the ТУ Seen bout nothing?” jokes art director Jet Bunker. "It went over about

Tr Toy Story 3 Ме as wel. Fortunately te (oi ant itself to a game а Ийе easier men печено featuring a chicken's fragile emo- tional stato.

аш the release of Toy Story 3, меме ONY stan the toys as the world sees them. They Senn around when nobody is watching, and

“you've seen that Seinfeld where they, pitch the TV show about nothing? It went over about

ateate 80

Rs a laser, and he actualy fies. When Wa ame out of the pitch, t definitely stuck in Saneas. There's ре story we can tel, Di Quies this whole other thing les go int child's imagination.”

"This concept played а key role in adventures rom the toys’ perspective Te tay sequences saw characters слави Tony trains, rescuing orphans, and taking

onthe vile ого in his home base, QI within a traditional level based struct more rooted in reality,

interacts in a human- oed ward with an emphasis on cooperation $ problem solving. Players might have 10 ays pulka figure out how to work together to open a : ог or reach objects on high shelves no Sean feat when your avatar is only eight inches tall.

Oa ther retur visit to Pixar's offices in October Blackburn pitched both ideas, зау о Octo upto Parto choose, Pixar cist thata n oficer John Lasseter was intrigued PY

“Back in the day there was kind o û chum and burn mentality for licensed.

| but that's not where we came ith the thought process on this; Blackburn says-

Sat he saw, asking И there was any reason - Е Wi Avalanche couldn't do bath. Black " together. The дем! isin the deal х апе tat it was a budgetary issue more From the beginning, Avalanches status 4 of cases: than anythi briet discussion, 7 nto afelow Disney ‘company opened doors for imately, Avalanche sees its adapta- ‘hem at Pixar. The team was able to use tion of Toy Story З аз а stepping stone ar sand other assets fom the ton ad batter-quai family games overall s open en Ere jon

Но hope is that зотеда Gat look back at family games the way that he does with watchi

‘on this. A lot of video games are oftentimes not

hewing: ‘sense with Avalanche’

ixar worked with decent solu-

Toy Story 3:

The Video Game Сатай! j zou Сее ТЕ ET.

он know the story behind Toy Story 35 Woody's trusty und bul there's a significant chunk Ced Bullseye is rarin' to go: Players can ‘Rising the game any good? Is one thing cose от Buzz, Woody or Jessie as they hen, to try something | and quito another ‘ver obstacles and race to catch up to a To ner results that are worth playing Afer train Once aboard, the action piles on

LI ‘on to something. uns but they can be based by tossing orb “те meat of he game is in the Toy Box mode. 3 E үз changed a bit trom the initia ich, в area see the dynamic ditficulty 1 pet com ото eat on Oe e cars irs ео С. Dray a toy ecosystem, but its а навот ‘pass combines rickety I hot coals. sandbox the way that Kids play. The narrow boards аге! to walk across, and "ter running rough a couple of quic Tes easy to lose footing and fall a player ‘are free цо whatever they ech fas that part, he game makes a ‘ike in the Western Town hub. алде to the width oto panks Its a nice Athe world, for who: stil be learning giving | "a chance to talk to Slinky, Stinky aming skits, and it does take angina ove дие ала other familiar faces. n опе moment yot from ‘ho might breeze past the Section. 2 Tai ina yoursel rounding up stray catte an "m тегів, experience te “itte V ne. 2 Tuin) tem back into ther реп. Nest you man big word" gameplay In se reas рајот у fw townspeople and chuck em loge between the three playable characters, bershops | haircuts. From there, Anon has special sis. For example, Buzz сап Жз! уоп want to wander бонове, to reach higher eves 1 Around, еко and collect the tems nd esie s able to nimbly leap across M tho word, out of Andy s rom. ӯ айы last playlest we had a nine-year-old oot had to finda way ran еле ито ried Ns frst mission an out a reach telephone. ей , а half into the gamer recalls. "He rated Treaty scouted out be area Piaf | have to ‘the | a nine and a hall, We asked what he navigate their way through -ike envi- / а, and he said he wanted to destroy event to meet up wit each sor and thor, in the town. He was i around, scoping out facito беп down to ho phone on s pec top tre word and knew where he was at, and After through the levels, is obvious | every cactus. destroyed every why e tos at Pixar kept mentioning hat 4 ine apes beloro hewes ike day WT t ow ts time to do what the game says. We. the property, Everything rm the musie но asked it he enjoyed that, and question never animation to the characters tett right, эшит into his mid. He was Ме Yeah, ts wnat ich is critical with such a beloved ‚Most wanted to do!” importantly, the controls were: non players start, tel town si гра. ely tuned Jumping in a 3D рајот eon оке missions are complete and players av. та тез sa teeth on edo, but my deaths were бале enough 990, they can vA Toy Barn \almost always ‚Story mode also offers nd oy new playsets, Adding SI ‘erating that should gt Toy Story fans House host to he wo or seers pnd on he Buzz Lightyear video game

bes ras go hat shrinks or expands abe 2 беп caracter, or wands that et players SU UP RO > ‘hosts and fre them back out ` N

\ feature 57

PlayStation 3+ Xbox 360 Я (Per Ono]

? Capcom.

вме Caso Games

August 31

s any big winner at a state fair midway will tell you, walking through a crowd

while carrying an enormous stuffed bear isn't easy. It's even tougher when the teeming mass craves the taste of human flesh over corn dogs: in tn first Dead Rising, players had to dodge, weave, and juke their way through the undead horde, keeping their eyes peeled for the right opening and taking adv the slightest oppor- tunity. That kind of strategy and quick thinking still pays off in Dead Rising 2, though players have one huge advantage over its predecessor: co-op. Some things are just better with friends, like seesaws, slumber parties, and zombie slaying.

E -

: s.s © = тъ Ф


ч" 59

Looking back on Dead Rising, i's surprising to realize just how alone Frank West was оп his mission, particularly since so much of the experience centered on his interactions with others. Fellow survivors were vulner- able outside the safety of the maintenance тоот, and dragging them along any farther than necessary was a fool's errand. The more. resourceful individuals at the Wilamette Mall жеге often volatile psychopaths. Even Otis, Frank's constant companion, only accom- panied him through a walkie-talkie. For the. majority of his 72 hours at the mall, Frank had to go it alone - alone with 53,594 of his clos- 'est undead pals.

‘Adding co-op to the game expands the sandbox concept in ludicrous ways. Developer Blue Castle Games decided against creating special team-based weapons and attacks in favor of staying true to the single-player дате. Fortunately, the sequel adds new features and massages some older ‘concepts in ways that lend themselves espe- cially well to co-op. Zombies aren't exactly the smartest creatures around, and new hero. Chuck can take advantage of their cogni- tive impairment through lures. Zombies are attracted to things like meat and loud noises,

and players can use items to force zombies to cluster together. When activated, a toy helicopter will hover in place while attract-

ing the attention of any undead within range. Once they're grouped, Chuck can either take. advantage of his distracted foes for an easy kill or side past them unnoticed.

That's what we did withthe big stuffed bear when got some hands-on time with Dead Rising 2. | stuck close to my partner - playing as another Chuck - as he herded the swarm. of zombies, tossing out chunks of meat to lure them into clusters and then scorching them with an improvised flamethrower. After a

few tense moments, we made it to the utility Н room, where the real fun started. Dead Rising A 2 expands on the frst game's “everything is a weapon” concept by letting players combine objects to make superweapons, Chuck isn't ‘exactly a mechanical whiz, but he's handy with duct tape. As art director Dave Taylor is fond of saying, you wouldn't want this guy to fix your car. You might want him on your side during a zombie invasion, however

A simple teddy bear, when combined with an automatic weapon, becomes Freedom. Bear, complete with Rambo-style headband. After admiring our handiwork, ме hopped back into the Royal Flush Plaza mall and dropped our new pal next to a coffee shop. Freedom Bear then sprung to Ме, panning left and right with his weapon and shredding any zombies unfortunate enough to enter his sights. Hopping onto the counter, we helped ‘our fuzzy friend mop up by tossing sticks of dynamite at the stragglers.

Chuck can get inspiration for his creations. in a variety of ways. He can poach ideas from action-movie posters by examining them, or he can collect cards during story ‘mode that provide required components for new items. Even И you haven't collected the appropriate card or gawked at the right poster, you're free to combine items if you. have the parts. Players will probably find some on their own, such as the baseball bat spiked with nails. Others, such as the electric. rake - a deadly combination of a rake and а car battery - are probably а bit trickier to discover unaided. It does pay to find combi- nations legitimately, though, because players who do collect the cards can build stronger versions of those creations (see the sidebar fora look at more than 20 combo weapons оп page 62).

Unlike Frank, Chuck's not much of ashut- һер before checking that one out; t's difficult terbug. Fortunately. he's able to earn Prestige to gamble without a buddy watching your back.

Points in ways that don't involve snapping and fending off advancing zombies. pictures. Combo weapons help him score When the game was first revealed, the demo PPs, which are used to level up. Interactive ended with thousands of zombies simultane- ‘elements are also scattered throughout the ously on-screen, Compared with the 800 or ‘game's world, giving players a chance to gain ^ so that the first game could handle, it was an ‘experience while riding a mechanical bull, impressive show of Blue Castle's technical playing on a virtual golf course, or getting prowess, The team is quick to point out, how- ‘a fortune told, among other ways. We even еме that those kinds of numbers don't neces- ‘saw an oversized, fully playable video poker залу make for a great

machine. Solo players might want to enlist "It was even a ile БА surreal for me when

feature 61

st put itin says James Hal, the game's technical director. "I had this wide open street level, and | just kept dropping in more and more and more and more, and basically it was just this sea of them. But you could run through this sea. It took along time to get there, but it reached a point where it was very clear that it was no longer the technical bottle- neck for the game. It actually made it so clear ‘eying to run through it that if we actualy put

it into the game Ike this, А would be the most annoying and aggravating game in the word." Senior producer Jason Leigh says that ono of the team’s mandates is that players have to bo within 10 steps of something interactive. Wih that in mind, balancing the crowds in the indoor environments is a ticky endeavor. They can't bo so sparse that Chuck isnt ever in jeopardy of being grabbed or attacked, but if they're too consistently thick, then it becomes annoying to navigate, as Hall pointed out. The ew areas | checked out in Dead Rising 2 seam to have struck that balance nicely. И you see something interesting - and you wil t's pos- sible to get to hat em or weapon, clear out the crowd, and put your plan into action.

Chuck's adventures take place п Fortune City, a fictional casino town in Nevada. Players who were worried that this setting isn't as ripe asa mal for an improvised weapon extrava- ganza can calm down. The Royal Flush Plaza area is а mall in йе, with loads of stores including Spin Toddlers and In the Closet. Chuck is as much a fashion piate as Frank, wearing increasingly ridiculous outfits that he scavenges along the way, If you're worried that having two of he same characters in the world wil be boring, don't worry; when one of you is dressed ike Elvis and the other in a too-smal Superhero costume, t's clear that there's room for personal taste.

Environments seem to Бо just as diverse, ‘drawing inspiration from the tackes hat Sin Сау has to овес One casino, the Yucatan, features моде with stone facades, thi torches, and piped-in jungle musi. Tucked away in the corner, however, is a Bavarian bratwurst restaurant, complete with upbeat polka tunes. Here, we tackled one of the game's story mis- sions. We were told to make our way to the casino's nightclub, the Shoal, where some kind of deal was going down. Once there, we were. ambushed by а pair of twins, who we recog- nized as the eye candy кот the Dead ising 2's mutiplayer reality show, Teror в Realty. After making the mistake of explaining that they were going to blame Chuck for a recent outbreak, the pair attacked us with massive swords. My partner and | split up and each




took оп one of the girls. As the battle wore оп, the dance floor was marred with streaked Pools of blood and crimson footprints. | died at one point, but my partner was able to revive. me by handing over a recovery йет. Before. too long, we won out and were rewarded with a dramatic cutscene. Well it might have been more dramatic had Chuck not been wearing a tube top.

Capcom's decision to have a Western com- рагу take on development may have been puzzling at first, but i's a strategy that appears to have paid off. From our time with the game, Dead Rising 2 looks, plays, and feels like the sequel fans had been hoping for. “That's the best compliment for us, and a few people have said it now,” says Blue Castle's president, Rob Barrett. The combo weapon system is a logi- cal extension of what the first game offered, and co-op is the icing on the cake. We haven't spent a lot of time with Chuck, but he's cer- tainly shaping up to be a worthy successor to Frank. About the only big question stil remain- ing is what compelled Blue Castle to combine a stuffed bear with a firearm in the fist place. We may never know. © echo раат caressing teri ne roe Ќе ur Daad isn 2 ттеп ип ton excuse иго эла бе intest Dove ng ттт.








imeem + SHOTCUN «воолувтск




IN! тка twin co-hostesses tor tne game show, Thay provide nice eye candy as weli as somt,

taunting for the contestants-

overtaken Fortune Ciy to compete in the realty show \ Fortune pane ps to goo vse and ен P remains of his family in the process.

= 4 3 , STACEY CCC quality), Stacey is vehement To Terror is Reality and what it stands ос ап slaughter the ent oper etrammor е ig, 20 vero ‘Stacey imagines a world where I makes Zombrex affordable and readily available. aa en aggressie atv at boen wenn е айе to hose who woud exploit zombies:

ail things considered. Gms aatan er mater d, te mid a Fin he loves cen rn er sais. e eq eo t tate day ack an ees vant to bea burden o бш. `

feature 63

Fratricide. Patricide. Inbreeding. Not exactly core family values. But if Alma and Paxton Fettel have their way, none of these trans- gressions will prevent the Wade family from reuniting just in time to watch the

birth of a new family member, Will the

Point Man assume his destined role along-

side his mother and brother, or forsake his family bonds and prevent Alma from giving

birth to a new form of terror?

A nuclear famil

Don't expect to receive Christmas cards from the Wade household his dysfunctional bunch. puts the “nuclear” in the term nuclear family,

It started with cold-hearted scientist Harlan Wade, who locked up his psychical gifted. daughter Alma at a research faciity to experi- ment on her in the name of a U.S. Department ‘of Defense contract for creating an army of

ES P. powered super solders. While under lock and key, the research team impregnated Alma twice with wretched hybrid semen that even. included some of her father’s DNA. When her psychic outbursts started getting out of hand, they sealed the vault as a precaution,

Like Alma, her children didn't have normal Lpbringings. The youngest offspring, Paxton Fette formed a psychic bond with his imprisoned mother while being trained at the Armacham facies to telepathically control solders. The eider sibing, known only as Point Man, eventual worked his way into First Encounter Assault Recon, a top-secret ‘Special Forces team trained in dealing with paranormal threats.

The bond with Alma convinced Tel he should employ his mind-controled infantry to jailbreak his mother in the frst FEAR. game, Point Man's unit was sent in stop him. When the brothers inevitably confronted each other, Point Man won the argument by lodging a. buletin өне skul. After Harlan Wade heard of Armacham's plans to destroy al the evidence. of the project, including the facilty, ho went to the vault with hopes of saving his daughter It Was too late to різу the good daddy card, Now ‘a demorically twisted woman fueled by psychic ‘energy and hate, Alma took out her frustrations by immediately kiling her father, who offered

y reunion vy Matt

Bertz = .

по resistance. In a recorded video message, Wade seemed resigned to his fate, saying, "Itis the way of men to make monsters, and it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers." With Alma free, Point Manis only course of action was to detonate the facäty reactor. The blast decimated the entire city and most of his FEAR. unit, but Ата paranormal power proved strong enough to survive the explosion. Down a father and son, in the sequel Alma set ол to rebuld her bloodline, targeting an unsus- pocting Delta Force operative named Michael Becket as the perfect sperm donor. The protag- onist of FEAR. 2, Becket was deemed Almas ideal candidate due to his psychic абат, which he obtained by unwillingly going through а psychic procedure while knocked uncon- scious. During Beckett attempts to trap Alma, she turned the tables and sexually assaulted him in the game's climax. What Alma wants, Alma gets. FEAR. 3 picks up roughly nine months later, With Alma closing in оп her due date, shell до anything to bring her demon seed into tho world. It she succeeds, it wil have horrible ‘consequences on the world as we know it. Beckat's whereabouts are unknown, return- ing Point Man to the role of protagonist After тесеМїпд a distress signal from a former squad member, ho journeys back into the. to investigate. He's not alone moving frantically to erase link the disaster to the company, Е are stil hunting Alma in hopes off to this before it gets even futher out and Point Man has an unwelcome passenger ‘along for he ride that he can't shake due to the, strength of their psychic Ink.

» эуе 1 ar 2-Playor Shooter Multiplayer TBA) Publisher

Warner Bros. Interactive


downstairs in the

dark with Hannibal


Warner Bros. director of design Frank Rooke

Blood brothers

Point Man's discomfort with his new compan- don в on display front and center as Warner Bros. boots up a demo of FEAR. 3. We join Атав last living offspring as he travels in an escape pod somewhere above the outer blast zone of the leveled city. The cramped quarters ‘ofthe vehicle are made all the more uncom- fortable by his dead brothers apparition hover- ing above him in the cockpit.

"Just ке old times, brother” Paxton fee ‘murmurs in а haunting, sightly mocking voice. “Crammed together with no privacy, wanting top each others head of, Rats па cage."

The pod is speeding over а large body of water toward a ruined double-deck bridge that looks more ike an urban graveyard than ‘a main thoroughfare. Smoldering cars litter whats left of the bridge, and broken seg- ‘ments of pavement hang precariously over the sea below.

"Mothers called us to her side to witness the moment, to share in the power, ала you want to stop her?!" Fetal yells "We have to think about things as a famiy.”

An unidentified voice comes in over the ‘comm system to break up the brotherly quar- rel, informing Point Man that energy pulses are ‘messing with the navigation systems and his best bet is to crash down on the bridge.

"This is our moment, brother" Fettel contin- ues. "This is where we must stand together. If you stand against me, мей. s ugly business Kiling a sibling, but you know all about that, don't you? Can you do it again?"

After the pod crashes on the lower level of the bridge, the fundamental gameplay shift in FEAR. 3 becomes clear One player in ‘our demo takes control of Point Man on one ‘screen, and the other assumes the role of Еее. REAR. 3's co-op is a famiy affair.

То көөр the signature persistent tension апа oppressive atmosphere of the franchise, Warner Bros, realized that creating a co-op campaign wouldn't be as simple as stitching in another FEAR. operative. The first ques- tion the developers had to ask themselves. was whether co-op would get in tha way of the horror theme, Smarty made horror fims- and single-player games deliberately funnel "he participants into carefully constructed situations to bui tension for ling рауоне. Co-op changes everything: You're never guar- antesd tho players aro looking in the same direction а tha same time, and weaving па story that can withstand the action narrative between the players as they communicate and work together to fend off waves of enemies is а daunting challenge.

Warner Bros. didn't have a lot of success stories to turn to for inspiration. The most prominent contemporary co-op title with a horror focus, Left 4 Dead, didn't even bother trying to solve this problem, instead giving the players control of vaguely defined characters "with only one motivation - survive another day in the face of an ever-growing sea of. zombies. Resident Evi 5 implemented co-op alongside its story, but one of the core criti- ‘isms from fans was that in doing so it lost the oppressive tension of ts single-player predecessors, Unwiling to sacrifice ЕА. narrative inthe name of co-op, Warner Bros. stumbled upon an unconventional solution What if n brought back deceased brother Paxton Fette in apparition form?

“He's not to be trusted,” says Dan Hay, Senior producer at Day 1 Studios. "There's this ‘uneasy alliance between the brothers as they. work their way through the campaign, and you're in this situation where your cooperative player may not have the same goals that you have and may not be giving you all the infor- ‘mation that you need."

"Its ike being downstairs in the dark with Hannibal Lecter.” says Warner Bros, director of design Frank Rooke. "He's not a friend.”

Dubbed “diverging co-op” by the dev team, this asymmetrical construct forces the player in control of Point Man to make tough deci- sions about where his loyalty belongs. Will you accept your fate as a member of this tragic and wicked family by aiding Fette and Alma in birthing her evi offspring, or should you remain faithful to your squad members by sabotaging, the process before it's too late? The morally correct choice seems evident, but the players in control of Point Man and Fette could end 'up ina power struggle against one another throughout the entire game if you choose to deny your place in the family tree. Day 1 Studios didn't go into details about how this "dynamic plays out, but the developer consid- ers ita core рап of FEAR. 3.

"One of the things we really fel strengthens the experience is your actual actions, reinforc- ing that during gameplay,” says lead systems. designer Parker Hamilton. "You have to be ‘concerned about the other person because you are tied together, you are moving through the story together. You really have to be con- ‘cerned about what's happening to the other person. Theresa sort of empathy that gets developed in this sort of a circumstance, and we think its a strong asset."

"he differences between Point Man and гене! go beyond motivation as well Point Man ‘operates as he always has - an adept special- forces soldier with the ability to slow down time during freights to gain the upper hand. Аза psychically powered ghost, Fettels para- normal traits give him a much different sil et. His primary attack is a ranged stun blast, and he can see and access areas that Point Man ‘cannot. These shrouded locations may contain ‘new weapons, sensitive information, or even alternate routes through the level. I's up to the person playing Fettel to share this information or keep it to him or herself.

above hints that A.R. are exchanging pleas

he crack of ошти Armacham and

antes on the top level of the bridge, while alow, guttural growl and desperate pleas of. tortured men emanate from unit comers of the

decaying subway wreck in front of the duo on the lower level. They're not alone.

Bicodstains streak the subway car wal, dead bodes are everywhere, and darkness eng.

rerything outside ti sounds of sudden movement, creak

dimly it corridor. Th T and howing wind futher lend an ar of op Son to the environment. It feels Ike something is watching, but ts hard to tel rom where Point Man and Fettel move careful through he cramped wreckage, and suddenly gimpse a wolf-ike creature whisk a haf cen corpse

the darkness. А few cars up, а feral be with eyes aglow in demonic rage pounces on the dub. Point Man concentrates his fre on the Fette throws stun blasts Tha frst of many threas is vanquished. A lhe dug approaches a squad of armed Armaham enemies on cleanup deta, Point [Man and Fettelspit un to attack from two i Рог Man opens fre to draw tne so ers’ attention, wich sneak up unsuspecting Soldi and show off one of


"By possessing enemies he tak ables,” Hay says. "His ab ‘expand out and grow. ttl is а ite bit more vulnerabie than Point Man, a ite m art director Heinz

os realy start lo

Schuler adds. “The payoff is when he pos- he becomes more berserker-ike and his Но до way, way up - even much more than Point Man. So he can run into the middle of

Itand take i amounts of damage while Point Man is working the periphery of the fight "ts that swing b forth that I think is соо. Fetel isn't the only one with new ticks up. his sleeves. Ate e, Pont Man finds safely with the ne created by Day fere very excited abe a relatively new thing in Rooke says. "Thats offered u

tudos. 4t this because it's

an opportunity

to defne what frst-pers perhaps even introduce things that other games have not done before.

The system appears to be very flexible. While in cover, Point Man can negotiate the gun muzzle around the edge of the object


hind him, he can


aut over the cover

and take position on the other side with the


Feltel opens fre on the enemies from behine and thay immediately recognize the develop-

ment of а new threat, acî accordingly. Looks Ike the impressive en Al that the FEAR. games are kno survived th

prove to be in ers make quick work of the eiminated, Fette

the ground,

The ато enemy depends on the

ss the body of the е empty corpse slumps to

Ther bes

ficient, however, as the broth-

th the threat

о! time Fette can possess an viduals strength of

mind. Weaker enemies Ike standard infantry

rrage for long, but ita prolonged pos:

is bags the question: can

nthe game?

"We have a possession solution for every

character that you come across in the те not going into detail about Rooke says with a reassuring деа


indicates he

wait to share more

Breaking down the modes

Though amer Bros has

game aso gives players

ty to pay бе сат inge рајег moe

ws te same arate

pls erections b the cutscenes He & present їп te naan sense, but wil mo drecty ct те action. FEAR Sao features a ‘copatibve mulier ma wich Warmer Bros plens t Teva ata laler dato.

A horrorific


Rather ton have its team ol internal writers bende

the st duties, Ware is, hired 30 Days of Night er Steve Nes to pen the FEAR 3 story about As. ерау he reum of Pad ete, andthe morat lem ac Pont Man, ‘This decision came wth ed benefs A good fiend af do Carpenter Nles con vinced horror fm pioneer "o conso he project "Не realy heed us visus how horror can come trough

шу storytaling rough cutscenes" Frank Rooke, rector of design telas

The rest ofthe story is under wraps: When asked if hing players conto over Point ans fate in FEAR 3 would include multiple endings, the development eam refused ‘ove aay ary ciues. In fact don't expect to find out wat in of endings he eam has store unti you ay the game yourself. The way we're handing the erd is something hats realy зака tat wil reat he franchise ina ood way”

feature 67

your progress

Keeping score

bridge, nt rumbling sounc

a harbinger anormal forces into the

ау subway d the duo. To cut down

ariy mmo Man app ars fling the c

d by

il inte

a by vy ers health statu To amp up the te

ond playthrough player runs thr The architect



ıı Left 4 Dead. Ins points for enemies and a соп тез for p dof,

хостат orchestrates ‘the feque


Ail level, and supply sion, the Director al o catch thor suspense for the next enc The hope is that this ut in a high replay f run through th e the breadth

sort of m

scripted jump out-of the cor

As you playthrough it,

‘As Point Man and Рене! move toward the ‘center of the bridge, they come across an. Armacham encampment housing one of the ‘more troublesome new enemies ~ the phase castet These commanders summon multiple ‘enemies to their cause by projecting a psychic. light beam that eventually splinters, sending shards of light into random corners of the. battlefield where enemies then spawn.

While Point Man sets off to hunt down these new threats, Рене turns his attention to a sniper stationed in a nearby tower. Just as the last grunts are eliminated, the phase caster is beginning another summon, Before he has a chance to unleash his new army, Fettel suspends him and Point Man opens fire with his assault rifle, With the caster out of the мау, Point Man turns his attention to a nearby mech. Moving into the massive machine, his arsenal increases tenfold,

Day 1 Studios is no stranger to mechanized ‘combat. Before the team ported the original FEAR ttl to consoles, the devs cut their teeth crafting the critically acclaimed titles MechAssault and MechAssauit 2: Lone Wolf. To take advantage of their skills, Warner Bros. plans to expand the bombastic mech-based combat much further than they did in FE AR. 2 Some criticized these battle-heavy sections аз dampeners on the supernatural tension for which the series is known. You don't exactly fear much when you're a lumbering down the street in steel armor eviscerating enemies with missiles, so why bring them back?

"We actually feel like they complement each other," Rooke says. "It really defines what that Core FEAR. experience has been in the past - its those creepy, horrific, intimate experiences that suddenly open out into a larger, more epic type of combat situation."

An enemy emboldened

"FEAR. has always done well with the horror aspects and those high intensity combat aspects, and | think the common ele- ment in both of those is adrenaline,” Hamilton. ‘adds, "They have a nice progression from one. to the other. As youre building up into the higher adrenaline of combat you have the sort. of tight spaces and uncertainty of these hor- rible things coming out and grabbing you. And after you have this cathartic combat experi lence you drop back down, but you don't drop all the way back down because you go into these scary moments. That basically keeps your adrenaline going up and down like a roll- 'ercoaster ride.”

‘Moving through the maze of smoldering cars ‘and buses, Point Man makes quick work of the remaining enemies. He leaves one alive, however, for Fette. Taking possession of the weak-minded grunt, Fettel makes a mad dash for a second mech just up the road.

"Co-op is a very big part of this game, апа it just wouldn't be right if both players couldn't get into a dual mechanized situa- tion,” Hay says.

The wave of destruction that follows is much ‘more explosive than any of the battles in previ- ous FEAR. games. While the duo unleashes a barrage of missiles and gunfire against a legion. of smaller enemy mechs, an attack chopper ‘suddenly emerges overhead. Point Man and Fette must carefully coordinate their attack plans, keeping an eye on both the sky and the battlefield in front of them.

‘The skirmish ends with an explosion that ‘sends Point Man plunging into the sea below, the ghostly apparition of his brother following closely behind.

‘One of the major pitfalls of horror in film, novels, and video games is the specter of.

tenn Tha x cea do won and yea rss aor пен ya dr ti уйг tare y go ha way of recur Ta teme Ver Sie ra ша Day Sure sem Dusan and show no trepidation in taking q С А


the saymmaal coop gelen, e тешне ort ий

help or hinder the fright 3 tae Ga domin T er's fearless approach *

Ко ang ти кав

полен eS | а necessity if they want. ‘leon grs ne sod or sas ©



» Style Lorz-Piyer latlormung

» Publisher Nintendo Nintendo

» Release

May 23

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Miyamoto gives us

A esed metra sone aie amade siap, mas recla таро а Gf at made fem decide to um rio au еа ен

C uo unusual tor usto make two diari gas in esame sares onone pit- fom Marmota we we wat nt ard, becas ere ware So mary os we were rot aie to de nie ni чыте no augt we shoud re a sua oh? our mes cart hands on ih Super Mato a 2. Wei ee res tose new ceas een

the scoop on his sequel’s

The Drill Power-Up Though its been shown previously, we were finally able to see Mario's new cell power in action. This powerful abllty allows Mario to dril straight through planets. Sometimes he'll pop out on the other side of the world, while other times he'll discover a hidden area in the hol lowed-out core of a planet. Strategic cling wil also alow you to damage enemies and bosses. In one intense boss battle that we witnessed, Mario в constrained to a very small planet that tums his movement to 2D while a giant robot attempts to track him down. By carefuly timing use of the dril, Mario can burrow through the planet and hit the boss's weak spot on his ‘pally, an area otherwise protected by his legs Though itl eise has been shown in the way of power-ups, Miyamoto promises more sur

biggest new features

prises in the full game, saying, "Wo obviou have more abiities that Mario different sults.”

зу il have with his

Yoshi ‘The most anticipated change to Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the addition of Yoshi, Fan serice though it may be, the inclusion of the lov- able green dinosaur also heralds some major gameplay changes. Yoshi's ability о float trough the air for an extended period of time has alowed Nintendo to create even сеа апа more precarious platforming. Yoshi also gets his own specific power-ups in the form of food. Spicy foods, for example, make him run

ly fast for a short period of time. Another special fruit makes Yoshi assy, essentially tur- ing him into a balloon floating upward unti he runs out of gas or can eat another ul

enemy p mers and

segments ere а free-floating Mario could grab onto.

objects in space by pointing at them with the Wi

remote, Expect to be pointing while platforming a

lot more often in the s

at specific enemies makes Yoshi sv

enemy” Mi

quel. “Aiming the poi

allow that certain through a tualy identity that Yoshi can grab with his tongue and then grab that point in order to reach additional points Sometimes the result is as simple as puling и couldn't normal

athletic tongue tos levels. The ану to quickly point at and g word while riding Yoshi adds an 5 tight gameplay. We hrique being used with

то cheng many stances o

"[Buper Mario Galan ‘designed so that those who have conquered the prequel...can feel as if ts a continuation from the fending of that frst game. the beginner, and especialy п beginner who has never played the frst game."

yamoto is quick to point out that Nintendo

f effort into making sure the

those pi Маго Galan Galaxy 2. As in the со бо able to see the credi

players iy enough

unlock super-hard "Ihe numerous extra chal id,

hoping to see everything has to offer, » Phil Kollar

uper Mario Galaxy 2

30 Vs and mon, st дап

feed Yh te rig id he be aie


» Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 “РС

» Style.

1-Player Action/RPG

э Publisher

Bethesda Softworks


» Developer.

? Release тш

Fallout: New Vegas

Leaving the irradiated lands for the City of Sin

. ини виа поарно fe alate in ng yy Yous ond ada way suain i a wo arco Yu welocemynpa poe a Pe inact точ оо Vis Pase Lr Tho aon out New Vegas begs. Ater being dug out Га shat lon gave by або, you valen the house ota eh бос named чот уол oo шие cls ap prana on yau: our anciano rto wa euge hears ou ae sayng molar lo gres Puran dies andcommaing Be So rib eee олан ea bared Пат, andi n aces The cicero cu ada peer ran tnd одат, Ала yes, you can row ater your aga oec al ar Те cies —— coe ara: are teme vi wich you bag negare, On your way Ott th doon Micha do es yo a Vu olt Ai те you aro asked you outta to рау hw ge on Hardcore mode rine to wat китеу fw, adore ode tan clay lent оба ro your dcl alc che -meening yu Cou pay game on V Easy Hardcore or e Had Haro The in t tere Fai moder so nie pac io еа and an ca yon mier The oft ted от paka ara Radar ga. Tas org hasa Fuge lect QD how corii paye out The eat cerei o e Pp oy 10 о: Yasin have 1o Vait a оо сатуа decre bg то теа ten vanis Tu dn tke eon water r eat ре бо бл your ques уол chance RA become dran Mech lio Faia 35 fada peison”, 1e ateei о белуп ae an sen av ge You surer Eren tre slapping fot outside o the gem tra ou arg at Ney eg Vira mai dert gare Dante price Soc One fook at P wot ote а cree Pouse strengthens in ou. New Vegos not aaron ров-аросамис нови, Tha word Suter mor Fn rion. Te соо paeta

is warmer, Most of the scenic views offer an inviting golden glow. i's almost peaceful. Almost.

Admire a sunset for 100 long, and you't end up in the gut of a man-sized gecko. Should you choose 10 fight back, you can now put style into your Ка. thanks to the addition of frearm modification. You can add scopes, ater the сїр sizes, and apply effects Ike bonus imb damage to any gun. Al alterations are represented cosmetically

Melee weapons, Ке the 9 kon, are now incorporated into VATS. Whether you choose to bludgeon a foe over the head or snipe them from far away, ай weapons have special attacks in VA TS, The 9 rons is caled "Fore! ~a des of shot that could potentially knock your opponent down И landed.

Like all Fallout games, player choice is factored into every aspect of the. game. However, this me around, murderous rampages and good deeds are judged more closely In addition to your overall karma, you' now develop. a reputation with factions in New Vegas. If you have a negative reputation with a faction, they may not give you a quest. Conversely, f you've gained а groups favor, hey may be more incined to give you additional quests

Опе such faction is the super mutants. On the outskirts of Blac Mountain, | stumbled upon a cross-dressing super mutant named Tabitha, who commands a loyal legion and enjoys the company of a ghoul slave named Raul. Tabitha even employs the services of Марка, а diferent breed of super mutant with cloaking capabities. | ended up going to war with Tabitha and his army while passing through the area, but who knows what would have happened i | gave in to his demands.

Our attack freed Raul from captivity. Being the cingy уре, Raul asked it he could join us on our adventure, The decison falls squarely on player choice. | decided to keep Raul around, mostly because I ked the cut of his jb (think КИ fom Futurama). Companions Ike Raul play a more vital role than they did in Fallout 3. A now companion wheel interface alows you to give them weapons and items, or ell them to be aggressive or passive in combat situations.

Bethesda Softworks, the team behind Fallout 3, isnt handing the development of New Vegas. While this deserves a moment of pause for some, i never passed my mind during the demo, The new developer, Obsidian Entertainment, is using the same tech, and would appear to have а stranglehold on . From my bre glance, New Vegas looks Ike Fallout 3 with considerable refinement, Whether the writing is as clever remains to be seen, but having Chris Ачеволе (of Planescape: Torment Fame) as а senior designer on the project is а good sign. Tabitha did give me a laugh, and I love the plot's direction of tracking down the assailant who shot you. » Andrew Reiner

Te view the teas tral and read эп теге with Cosa Entertainment head io

Introducing the nade Machine Gun


» Style 1 to 3-Player Action (-Player Online) » Publisher Activision

» Developer.

High Moon Studios » Release


Transformers: War for Cybertron

High Moon hopes to turn the tide

‘dicated followers of the Transformers | franchise have reason to be concerned ‘about IP exploitation. While giant robots

and kinetic action should add up to success,

the recent Hollywood adaptations and vanilla video game tributes may not have been what fans were looking for. High Moon Studios"

goal for its pet project is to appeal to various

degrees of Transformers fandom - layering

lore on top of solid and accessible third-person action. It successful at blending fan service with gameplay worth our hard-eamed money, War for Cybertron could be the remedy needed to cure what ails the property.

War for Cybertron unfolds on the Transformers! home world, which has been ravaged by war for milions of years. While the Decepticon faction pursues order at any cost, the Autobots believe in freedom and personal expression. A story of power versus hope,

War for Cybertron allows High Moon Studios

to explore the franchise's history before the

mass exodus to Earth that laid the groundwork

for subsequent Transformers series. Creating пен canon = ке tho first time Bumblebee and

Optimus meet - is an intimidating prospect.

"The story unfolds through two unique cam- paigns, one dedicated to each of the warring factions. The Decepticon tale acts as a prequel to its Autobot counterpart. Both campaigns include three-player drop-idrop-out co-op, With a standard three-character poo! to choose ftom. It you prefer to go stag, the remaining bots

wil accompany you as Al alies. In cur demo the character pool consisted of Optimus (not-yet Prime), Bumblebee, and Ratchet.

Unless a particular Transformer holds the key to your heart, deciding which character to use isn'ta frivolous choice. Each has distinctive abilities - two for their robot mode and another unique to their vehicle form. One of the two robot abilities is consumable, requiring Energon ‘shards looted from fallen enemies to replenish a meter. The other works on a cooldown timer. The vehicle-specifc ability recharges differently for ‘each robot. Using Optimus as an example, his robot form includes an area of effect move called Warcry, which increases offense and defense Capabilities for himself and nearby alles. His cooldown ablity is Dash, a move used primarily {or extra maneuverabiity. Lastly, when in truck form, Optimus can access Ram - а burst of speed that inficts heavy damage on contact with ап enemy. The unique skill sets make (ог diverse play styles when layered on top of familar shooter elements

Our most recent look at War for Cybertron cul- minated in a limited hands-on session in lacon, the home base for the Autobot resistance. The Scenery is an eyeful, as lacon represents the height of Transformers! civilization. The envi- ronment has ultra-modern influences, but also includes a hint of ancient architecture to make ‘the city feel established and time-tested.

The scene unfolds as Optimus learns of Zeta Prime's defeat and makes the executive deci-

sion to take up temporary command. Working ‘our way through the city, we must get defen- sive weaponry back online in order to поја off advancing Decepticon foes. Sipping into the controis is easy - the contextual cover system, ‘weapon swapping, and health regeneration give the action a distinct Gears of War feel.

Easily identifiable thanks to their purple accents, Decepticon troops on the ground and in the air have us dashing and ducking for cover, Dash gives us the speed we need to get out of a tight situation, and Ram does decent damage ‘when in truck mode. A the while, Bumblebee and Ratchet fight alongside, duking it out with foes as we progress through a corridor. When the area is clear, we stop to collect ammo, ‘scavenge weapons, and refil our Energon meter. before pushing forward. Next, we get trapped in а circular arena that houses the Decepticon War Machine. Optimus must stay nimble to avoid a constantly advancing laser beam, targeting weak Points in the machines architecture when given a moment of respite.

The freedom Hasbro gave High Moon with the license has allowed the studio to approach ‘Transformers: War for Cybertron ike a brand new IP. Hopefully this factor changes the tide for the beloved robots in disguise, providing enough creative freedom to reinvigorate an often-abused franchise. » Meagan VanBurkleo

‘Transforming online Multiplayer

Б авон. two special abies based on your class type, and "upgrades,

‘The player has three upgrade ots each of which can house one of six offensire, dotensive, and "genera" ds, Offensive and defensive

speed, witha complementary general upgrade citing down on recall. As players level up "heir robots, а Call of Duty- Mke perk system unlocks upgrades and new abies. High Moon also revealed sev- eral game modes, al of whieh allow ому custom characters, Multiplayer features stan- dard modos such as Team Deathmatch, Deathmatch,

previews 75

‘Ue range un to sen up

» Platform PC

» Stylo

1-Player Strategy Publisher

2K Games

за Developer

76 previews

ow-up, Fira


sequel in fve years.

Though Meiers wiingness.

look at Cvizat

n V hardly painted the picture of

а dumbed-dowm strat

rasticaly different direc sion for Facebook tion V, the frst proper

tinker with the

egy tile, Rather, it simpl-

Rather than segregated camps acros designer John Schafer сап


the Into

из can up дано the game

fes the front end to keep | With so much information

organized. ing users in the

units or new research opportunities so they ca better manage each turn, Wr Firaxis disencumbered the front end, approach to combat by

‘able units. The result is a much more open е where units have more Tanks With combat pulled out of the ipa becomes an integral part of the strategy; terrain Ike mountain passes and river

fensa. The

so adds tactical variety у weak in te-to-tle

action of ranged uni to the battle, Archers are v

to great lengths to make sure the leaders speak caret, ‘een шш experi доо languages

hing the mod community ло, former mo р with a no does jus > in Ov IV. the game

way rom the game and leaving them In der and current Civilization V ead hy not host the community from. hl customization


idea. abis a new stundaloné ling the the wor


wnload, install, and commen fell

‘combat, but they are handy for softening units that are encamped on bonus-granting high your disadvantaged spear men

sd from the game, Firaxis figure how city sieges work.

The solu

rating bas

unitis garrisoned within. To better defend cities,

players can research masonry to buid protec-

tive walls, which also all to

bard outward for counterattacks. The ideal

defense, however, is to keep an army nearby

ilitary, technological, and economi

struggle be ns has always been

the crux of the Civ experience. By introducing

city-states to the mix, Firaxis hopes to thro

a wrench in long-standing strategi

have carted over from one versi

to the next. These new pawn nations do not

‘expand borders or grow into dangerous military

powers, but how you engage them is para

mount to your success. Crushing them could

have unforeseen vould they be

friendly with another civilization, со the better

route may be to engage them diplomatically

to sway them to your

your wing as a prot

may be held responsible for their act

irk another nation.

We haven't even touched on how Frais plans to tweak the culture, technology, or multiplayer in Civization V, but these frst detalls are enough to

game up our Est of most anticipated 10. Matt Bortz pe mamma ovato

weaponry that tuned fighting s

unleashed pt

y arming gamers with a devastating t that al

buildings, send enem

Even afir the explosion you stl art

iion story from de of many s

both the гетапо awards for h от a deere е e To ens abc and shoot

Earthquak aged n metropolis, New York

dior needs to worry about. The NYC

nac ‘could happen at any moment

Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 3

» Style. 1-Player Shoot (Multiplayer TBA) Publisher Electronic Arts » Developer. Cek

» Platon. PlayStation 3

Xbox 260° PC

» Style

1-Player Action

» Publisher Action,

э Developer United Pront Games » Release


7B previews

True Crime

un |}

Teen Topo Modan aces par Unted ra ancho reboot

Ts dea dto has oven Une Front the tid bou te rt vo games Tr а Tue Give as wers ko Grand Tat АО Коп scopi perspeci ng Pa epen von Set punching rot ard drng Brough re The

ined of a acd, cce based ae, Bota ange dig, rapid Бу маму scared. To rne пона you ha shoe она Shon a cop deg uror ete ore Gf Hong Kong red ad gang, Una pa leading characters n a serm We San ma

To get an idea of how We Shr story vil Fom to боле олго i fen taht Chi we os Wo a ma eve id hae Someone һа т, and Won a an dne We Sen undercover ae prof trying eire or E might gain aate fon ot and iva pis of be ето


Activision gives an old franchise new life

Uncle Ро, a high-ranking Tiad offcer that the rest of the crow clearly fears.

‘Aer the cutscene breaks, the crew hops into а decked-out Tiad SUV and we get our frst taste of True Cimet version of Hong Kong. nike the real city, the streets have been wid ened to alow fora better view and more breath- ing room wile driving. United Front is home to many racing developer alumni, including staff from the Need for Speed series, They stress that the driving is more arcadey as opposed to the heavy fed of Grand Theft Auto.

Upon arrival at one of Dog Eye's lairs, the crew charges in to mess the place up, Meanwhile, Shen needs to sip in and get a man named Siu Wah out and unharmed to avoid Uncle Pos wrath. Of cours, there are a few waves of bad guys to mow through, which is a perfect opportunity to demo the combat. Like the driv ing, True Crime's combat is less about being

just plain fun. We Shen i

a master martial artt, and unike American gangs, the Trads favor hand-to-hand and melee weapons over guns. True Crime has a

ful arsenal of firearms, but the real satisfaction comes from delivering siyish round houses, swinging baseball bats, and using the brutal environmental kils, In one instance, we see an unlucky thug get his head smashed ina freezer door more times than he would have ед. Shen can also vault ove


EN _Wei Shen wall have some pretty brutal takedowns

side across just about any object to get where he's going fast

After Shen finds the target and drags him outside, Wah sips through his fingers and takes ой па car. In hot pursuit after stealing a random car, Shen speeds towards Wahl; car, leaps over of, and takes control

This over-the-top mission finale puts United Fronts goals into perspective. True Crime is ап action focused game with a classic Hong Kong cinema story. I's good to see Activision rebooting the series rather than just churn- ing out another clone of the previous games, We're looking forward to seeing more of it in the coming months. » Nick Ahrens

we Кош on melee,

Spider-Man: Shattered D

Activision refills its web fluid and takes another swing

ince 2004's Spider-Man 2, most of Spidey's titles have followed an open мода formula. No longer. Shattered

Dimensions from internal Activision studio. Beenox is a Inear, leve-based action tile that reboots the franchise and shows Spider-Man in a light many gamers haven't seen him in before,

The game opens with Spider-Man tying to retrieve a mysterious, ancient artifact - the Tablet О! Order and Chaos ~ before it fals into the wrong hands, Legends say that whoever claims the tablet wil gain incredible, untold power. Unfortunately, Ihe tablet has been spit and scat tered into multiple altes As happens with al realty displaced ancient tablets, this threatens to tear apart the space-time continuum, so in order to protect al of realty кот collapsing on its, Spider-Man wil need the help of Spider- Men from other dimensions. This may sound ike a storyine dredged from the wacky. anything goes '60s era of comic storyteling, but for this tale Beenox has enlisted the talents of modem. Spider-Man scribe Dan Slott - who is pretty good at spinning this Kind of hackneyed plot into а comedi and entertaining tale.

To date, Activision has only revealed two of the universes Shattered Dimensions explores, Aside {rom the Amazing universe, featuring the Spider- Man everyone already knows and loves, fans сап expect to step into the webs of Spider-Man Noi. Marvel Comics Nor Ine is fairly new, but it re-imagines what Peter Parkers Не would have been tke during the 19305.

As the namo implies, Spider Man Noir is доот. “The Noir universe needed to have а darker and less saturated color palette,” says ‘Shattered Dimensions’ creativo director, Thomas Wison. "We looked at moves ike Sin City and The Spirit and wanted our Noir universe to kok ‘Similar to ther style." The Amazing universe is much more vibrant and ale, drawing from the aesthetic of vintage Amazing Spider-Man comics. of the 19605.

In addon to the refreshed palette, Spidey wil see а few changes of scenery, Instead of swing ing through New York's trashstrewn streets the whole game, as he's done in every Spider-Man, tie since the Atari 2600, Spider-Man gets out ‘of the city every во often, We've already soon ‘Spidey tracking Kraven the Hunter through an

‘Amazonian junge, and Boenox says Spider Man tours other famous locations hes visited in. the comics.

Every universe in ‘Shattered Dimensions ма play different. While the Amazing universe has a more straghtfor- ward action focus, Nor wl reward players for sticking to the shadows and dropping down on wer foes from above.

Since Shattered Dimensions doesn't put Spider Man in an open wed the gana’ eves are ay expansive to the freedom of web singing anywhere.


“Noiris much more realistic compared to the ‘other universes. If you get shot, youl end up. badly wounded,” explains Wilson. “Blending in the dark and sneaking behind your opponents are pretty much your best ways to make sure you fish the level alive.” While wo stil haven't seen the other two universes, Beenox has prom- ised that they wil vary from Amazing and Nor.

‘While the action in Shattered Dimensions focuses on Spider-Man's agity and utizes his- web to pull enemies in or pn them down, опе ‘ofthe most intriguing aspects of the gameplay is the new first-person sequencing. During soripted sequences in boss fights, the action Wil switch to frst-porson, letting Spider Man take down his enemies Little Mac-stye. With mechanics similar to Nintendo's Punch-Out, players must use the analog sticks to dodge and attack. "These characters have so much detail and expression in their models, we wanted to bring the action close to the camera and put the player in Spider-Man's tights for а bref moment,” ‘explains Wison. Not only do these first-person sequences change up the game's pacing, but they could be a rewarding catharsis after along boss encounter

Its easy to forget, but Spider-Man was once the star of some of the best comic-based video games, Batman: Arkham Asylum and infamous. have raised the bar for what players expect in Superhero games, and whie its stil too early to tel f Beenax’s reengineering of the Spider-Man. license is enough to put Spidey back on top, ifs good to see some fresh ideas injected back into the franchise, Ben Reeves

See a 3Dsceeeto fon he pane at ganedforercanira

Back In Black Even some Spider-Man. lans might not be familiar with Marve’ Noir ine that inspired Shattered Dimen- Introduced in 2009, п alternate continuity

Noirs Jine that ro-inagines many of Marvel's popular characters ав though they had existed during the early hall of he 20th century Spider-Ma Noir explores Pear Parkers Ше as а depresson-era kid who gains his вриење powers alter being bitten by а spider found in an ancient spider statue. While he has nany of the same powers ol the mainstream Spider-Man, also cames and it will be interest- ef Activision utes

ing to ‘that particular prop, Fan interested in earning more сап pick up the comic trade

der-Man Noir by David. насо Баровку, and Di Giandomenico.

э Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360

» Style

| Player Action 7 Publisher Activision

Developer Beonax

э Release Pall

previews 79

80 previews

Evidence sugges

» Platform new contender has stepped up in the. wi ongoing search for great third-party

» Style 1 to4-Playor Party Publisher Disney Interactive


» Developer "Wideload Games » Release му

games on the Wi. This time Disney is taking a shot at the popular console's notori ‘ously dificult market with Disney Guilty Party,

а minigame collection that adds in mystery and intrigue. Think Mario Party meets classic board game Guess Who, and you're on the right track

Wise you ling thicugh oi ofthe game's seven main cases in story mode or a Му randomized mystery in party mode, every ‘game of Guilty Party begins the same way A crime has been committed, and you and your felow sieuths from the Dickens Detective Agency must discover the culprit. Each clue gets you closer to an answer, but the evidence must be won though successful minigames, Some use the Wi remote to emulate tools you might expect to find on a crime scene - a flashlight, a magnifying glass, and more but some of the tasks get a bi more interesting.

In one area, you might confront а potential suspect who knows more than she is letting on but needs to be broken before спет эрй her. guis. How do you manage it? А stare down!

In this minigame, the location your Wi remote. is pointed at represents where your eyes аге, As the suspect moves her head back and forth, youll falow her eyes with the Wi remote,



sts that solving crime can be fun

bulding the pressure unti she cracks. Whie t easiest diffculty only involves folowing the sus pects eyes left and right, detective (medium) dt олу forces you to tit Ihe Wi remote to match the angle of her face as wel. In tha highest diffcultyseting, super-sleuth, the suspect occa- sionaly blocks her eyes with her hands. You have to use buttons on the Wi remote to pinch her nose and keep the process moving along. According to Wideload Games vice president Patrick Curry, this 5 the structure for ай of th minigames. On the easiest setting, anyone should be able to hande it, but the hardest adds new gameplay elements that force you to adapt and relearn the minigame. One of the simplest minigames is bribing a witness. At ts core, this minigame consists of taking money from your дег hand and placing tin the witness ‘eagerly open рат. But in йв hardest version, ‘game vilain Mr. Valentine attempts to steal the ‘money from you as you place itin the witness's hand. Winning the minigame requires speed and Ih as you slap away the dastardly crimi- па greedy fingers. Al tld, Guy Party is packed with over 50 minigames, and you won't need to tackle all ct them on your own. At certain рогів, Mr. Valentina unleashes а trap meant to fol your crime solving, prompting a co-op minigame where al the detectives work together to make

it out alve. Curry points to the train mystery as ап example of this. In one of the train cars in this level, Valentine lets loose a basket НА of snakes, (One of the characters can search through lug даде to scare snakes out, Another must block loose snakes with a trash can id. Finaly, a third party member scoops them up with a basket, posing of them. Every one of the main story mode's locations wil have a signature co-op minigame Ike this.

With the variety of minigames and dffcuties, Wideload hopes that Gulty Party wil appeal to every member of the family. The fun extends beyond the story mode as wel, As mentioned, you can go into party mode to have a mystery Created from scratch at any of the story mode's locations; it generates a crime, a new смрт, and new clues for you to track down. Once you complete a minigame in story or party mode, that game ма unlock in the game room, which ‘lows you to practice й as many times as you want or chalenge friends and family to а minig- amo duel

It's easy to be skeptical of third-party Wi games, especialy minigame colections, but \Widoload has a unique spin on the genre that has me excited to start digging into Gui Partys mysteries. » Phil Kollar

You found a photo! Hidden on а high shelf is a photo of Mrs. Dickens. Written on it are the words

“Here's your target - don't let her get

Majin and

the Forsaken Kingdom

An otherworldly take on a classic tale of teamwork

is one such tale, and the charming action idventure tile is bounding to North America.

Main has been imprisoned within a castle fora hundred years whie dark forces engulfed the world around him, He may have remained there even longer if a young thief named Tepeu hadn't come along and removed the huge spike pinning him down. The two team up to escape the castle - which is naturally teeming with malevolent creatures - and recover the bea

lost powers. With the Al-controled Majin on his side, Tepeu has a much better chance against the evi forces that have overtaken the land. Tepeu wields the spike which impaled Main as a weapon. Over 100 long years, the spike absorbed a fraction

lron Man 2

Sega corrects Iron Man's flight plan

| sane vuoi a et brane consc tar fo is eien ee ac ho понизно модалы, The essay jo e perd reco ron te pk De re ra id volu 5 . Tony Зако pena A sem dre Ben Ton tesa holiness Maid inv Herde eei mcg ve been oe br Fw eme ne

of the creature's mythical powers. While he hacking away at enemies with tho improvised armament, Main can use his might to breathe fre and summon devastating electrical storms.

їп one instance we see an outnumbered Tepeu defend against a mob of monsters while Main topples an overhead wal, squashing the bad

guys below. When brute force won't do the trick, tha duo. must use stealth and solve puzzles to progress, Certain situations wil require ether

Main to ward off enemy assaults while the ol solves environmental puzzles. However, Tepeu

terorist organization AIM gets involved, and коп Man has a particularly destructive fight with the Crimson Dynamo,

After only a few minutes with the game, we ‘could tel that a lot of time has been spent ing the faults from Sega's 2008 коп Man tte. The game is stil a third-person shooter with fight elements, but the controls - both on the ground and inthe a feel sturdier. Players now have more ways to upgrade коп Man's tech, and the levels do a better job at pacing the game's action.

must be mindful of how far he strays rom his ally as only Man's magic can restore his health

Main and the Forsaken Kingdom features a beautiful and bizarre art style. The development team (which contains several Team Ico w draws inspiration from Tim Burton's work to create the “magical yet mysterious" air.

While at frst glance it appears to share several ements in common with The Last Guardan, Majn and the Forsaken Kingdom looks Ike it

ve, » Tim Turi

‘could be an engaging adver

However, the game's biggest change is the addition of ron Man's now ally, War Machine, as а playable character. Picking one character over. the other can change how the levels play out. War Machine is tho heavy hitter who's not big on subtlety. He's equipped with more artilery than. an aircraft carrie, and designed for players who just want to point and shoot, ron Man, on the ‘other hand, requies a greater degree of strategy. Designed with a balance between defense and. offense, what коп Man lacks in frepower he makes up for with other special skiis, such as his аву to hack certain enemies and have them. fight on his side,

‘Sega has fiddled with a lot of the tech under Iron Man's hood these last two years, and Shelhead is locking better prepared for battle than last hre At the very least, the game looks Ike it should scratch our itch for mechanized super heroics as we buld to the movies release in the frst week of May. » Ben Reeves

» Platform PlayStation 3 вак 360

» Style. 1 Player Action Namco Bandai » Developer Game Republic

? Release Summer

» Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360

» Style. 1-Player Action » Publisher Soga

» Developer

Soga Studio San


» Release Maya

previews 81

Metroid: Other M


adventure mixes things up k bute to the past

» style | forthe Wi. I was surprised how diferent 1-Player Аалу Other M feels compared to previous Metroid "Adventure games it actually borrows most of its , genetic make-up from the franchise's past. Here's the breakdown of where Other M's = important pieces originate,» Phil Kollar x -

» Developer. Team Ninja Release

June 27

Metroid Fusion:


олно A truly ot бө wa inary prac novo

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The aiming is looser than ‘most shooters, but ance you. adjust the settings, ya be blasting away Ше normal Entertainment

1 you give yourself over

to the world of Metro

2033, chances are you'll enjoy getting sucked in for it entirety

» Replay Value


Second Opinion 8 Itt had to summarize the story In Мато 2029, 1 would te "gant mutated rats post-apocalyptic Moscow. subway ghosts..." followed by a stream of question marks. Thave no dea what hap- pened. but stil enjoyed the adventure. Most of the allure ‘comes from the suttocating stmosphere of despair. Almost every environment made me tense up and grip my control- ler tightly. Most sequences offer at least one towering dear ele moment along with drop-dead gorgeous visuals.

gameplay mechanics operate consistent: headshots and stealth kils de

тернет, and most ot the tights devolve into shooting creatures standing afoot away rom you. Depending on what form of entertain- ment you seek tom your games, Metro 2033 can be Viewed as an atmospheric ‘adventure or a lackluster shooter » Andrew Reiner

Metro 2033

A dreary subway ride well worth taking

aving followed very little pre-release cov-

'erage for Metro 2033, my expectations.

going in were almost wholly based off one piece of info I'd heard about Ukrainian devel- ‘oper Games: The team was formed by devs who had previously worked on S.T ALK ER. Shadow of Chernobyl. Knowing that, steeled. myself for an open-ended shooter full of ambi- tion and technical issues. The ambition is there in spades, but Metro 2033 is an impressively polished and extremely linear experience that ‘makes for an excellent debut.

Меко 2053 takes place in a post-apocalyptic Moscow, but you won't spend too much time on. the city's bombed out, radioactive surface. The Citizens of the fallen city have taken to the aban- doned subway tunnels, and aside кот a few ‘excursions topside, most of your time is spent in these grimy passageways.

If that sounds а bit cramped, the level design matches the premise perfectly. From the second. you start the campaign, you follow a straight ine to the finale with only a handful of opportunities to explore alternate paths or side missions. What а glorious straight ine itis.

In true Half-Life fashion, the linear level design is balanced by incredible set pieces that break 'up the regular pacing. Throughout your journey Чо save your home village of Exhibition, you'll take control of turrets in tense defense scenar- ios, sneak aboard а Communist tram, experience ‘strange hallucinations, and more. In one particu- larly memorable sequence, you must сату alte boy on your shoulders through a section of the tunnel, an act of bravery that causes your move- ment and aiming to be compromised for a brief but enjoyably challenging stretch.

Hal-Lite 2 may be the perfect point of com- parison to Metro 2033, ке Gordon Freeman, mostly silent protagonist Artyom is often joined

by invincible Al partners. And like Valves classic FPS, te gunplay isn't the star so much as the fascinating world built around it. You can look down ironsights ike in а Call of Duty game, but the aim snaps to enemies quickly and most of the battles devolve into taking down enemies as quickly as possible instead of taking strategic Positions. А handful of levels allow for stealth ‘Solutions, bu it's so easy to run and gun through bandits and soldiers that only the most obses- ‘sive Achievement hunters will want to move through without getting caught

The game's eight to ten hours are spotted with stops at some of the communities struggling to Survive underground after a vaguely described nuclear apocalypse. These small vilages may be near extinction, but their few inhabitants are ‘unique and often partake in fascinating dialogue that fleshes out the world. Friendly humans are matched by an impressive array of opponents, both natural remnants of Communists and Nazis ‘warring for territory) and supernatural including the werewoli-esque nosalises and slimy amoo- bas). One of those supernatural forces, the Dark ‘Ones, has threatened your vilage, which forces you to head out and Search for protection.

If you can survive ай the obstacles and find what you need to save your home, the game delivers a fantastic climax, ting you out

‘of the subways and above the city fora surprising final mission. Very litle incentive is offered to replay the game, but the core ‘experience is awesome


Style 1-Player Shooter Publisher THQ Developer AA Games Ре ода March 16 EST M

enough to warrant checking out. One downside to the game is a much-touted unique feature that isn't fully developed: the abil- ity to use bullets as currency. The weapon selec- tion is a very standard set of pistols, shotguns, assault riles, and sniper rifles. Though you can buy gun upgrades (scopes, silencers, еіс) and items (med packs, body armor) I rarely found myself wiling to spend ammo instead of hanging ‘onto it for later; vendors simply didn't сапу inter- esting enough stuff to make me conflicted. Despite those ritpicks and a couple frustrat- ing late-game sections, Metro 2033's greatest success is the consistency o its pacing. You're constantly encountering new factions, discover ing interesting new locations, or being tasked to do something you haven't dane before. With this stellar frst effort, 4A Games has hand- ily risen above its team's past efforts in terms о approachabilty and fun, И not innovation. Мено 2033 is almost certainly destined to be a cult hit. If you enjoy single-player shooters, you owe it to yourself to get in on the (below) ground floor.» hil Kellar

Super Street Fighter IV

A more than worthy update at a more than reasonable price

01 ‘Style 1 or 2-Playe Fighting (2-Player Online) Publisher Capcom Developer Capcom Release April 27 ESRB T

hen Capcom announced Super Street

Fighter IV, many gamers were instantly

reminded of buying multiple versions of Street Fighter Il back in the алу "908, These fans complained that this new release was only an excuse to “trick” gamers into buying the same game twice. No matter how much skepti cism its release has generated, Super Street Fighter V includes far more content than any previous Street Fighter iteration.

Whereas the SNES updates added only a handful of new characters each time around, SSF М comes out swinging with 10 additions to the orginal SF IV roster. Of the new challengers, riis my personal favorite, She features mul level projecties, a punishing cartwheel kick, a sneaky air combo, and a brutal Ultra Combo, In terms of sheer weirdness, newcomer Hakan is the standout of the bunch. He's a hulking, bright red beast who refers to himself as the “Ol King of Turkey” Almost al of his moves revolve around ой, Inducing one “attack” in which he pours мо bottles of alve ої al over himself Its not just for giggles, however - the ol increases his damage

ing characters trom the oi я мег IV hare been updated with a

e don't replace and devastating attacks you're familiar with = they just add another option that you can choose from the character select screen. These Ultra П moves are! necessarily better inan the originals, but they do feature all ıo the ludicrous spectacle you'd expect, One of ту persona favorites involves Crimson Viper uring her opponents Daming body across the floor and up the wall finishing with a massi electronic uppercut

апа defense, and extends the reach of certain attacks Ike his ой side.

Not al of the extra fighters are brand new several are veterans from Streat Fighter И and the Alpha seres. Fans of Adon, Makoto, and bad wîl feel right at home thanks to how these characters are handled in SSF М, with updated

moves that feel h to ther original incama- tions. Al of the playable characters, new and old, fit perfectly within Capcom's classic fighting universe and are welcome addons to the seres! rebirth.

For all the praise Street Fighter IV received, one universal complaint revolved around how ‘nine play was structured. Modes were scarce, and the ranking system left

much to be desired. A free DLC update didn't do much to remedy the situation, so a total overhaul has been introduced in SSF I Endless Batte is a new mode that alows several gamers to jon a lobby and watch the action, and 1 operates on

a winner stays" system. If youre on a tear, you won't stop playing unti one member of the lobby finally topples you (leaving you to st back and Walch the action unti your turn comes around agair). Team Battle alows you to pit two teams of up to four players against each other, and

you can even set up lopsided 1 vs. 4 bouts i you're feeling particulary cocky, Standard ranked matches are ahvays an option, and an enhanced Replay mode gives you the opportunity to study other world warriors’ tactics. Onine play оп

the whole is far more robust п Super Street Fighter V than it was in the original, and signi cantly increases the repiayabit.

"When it comes down to core gameplay mechanics, there's no denying that Super Street Fighter IV resembles the original in almost every way. However, the numerous new characters and greatly improved oriine options make the game worth a purchase regardless of whether or not you owned М Capcom has said all along that there was simply foo much content hero for. itto be released as DLC, and my time withthe game has convinced me of this. | put nearly 100 hours into М, and I can easly soo myself pump- ing dozens more into this update. If you haven't played IV at al, then $40 is an absolute steal for the ultimate version of the best fghting game in recent memory » Dan Ryckert. nts goto gane

PS3 + 360

» Concept A too-big-for-DLC improvement to an already stellar fighter

э Graphics

New ultra attacks ensure you'll be seeing many flashy. gorgeous finishes

» Sound

Omi SF IV's cheesy-yot- catchy "ndesrocible" theme in favor of more traditional hyperactive tracks

» Playabllty

Precise controls and countless specials keep the action brisk amd exciting

? Entertainment

‘At SAO, this is tho best

value for a fighter you'll soo this generation.

» Replay Value High

Second Opinion 9 games aro rated through careful eration, Super Steet Fighter V continues the com pany's legacy of fine-tuning {heir premier fighting game to pgs nirvana, Each of

10 new characters alters th flow ot fight dramatically, their accepted battle routines Twas so charmed by Jur fashy kicks and Hakan's о antics that my stubborn all qiances to Ше clase fighter ле forgotten. The return ol the car smashing and рат а minigames delivers resting gameplay variety and а jolt of nostalgia ‘hat wil leave you drooling all over your arcade stick land if you don’ hav ‘hose, got one. The oodles of nev content combined with the streamline

experience are enough to sat isty oven the most fanatical fighters «Tim Turi

reviews 87

7 6.15

PS3 5 360 » Concept

Blend a traditional JRPG wih


Woo bullet ballot » Graphies

The Basel tower's unique lookis undercut by boring.


batleheld design » Sound

“These poor voice actors do wer best with the stunningly

strange di


ialogue. The score at times, but

endlessly repeating tracks in

il grate on you э Playability

‘The steep learning curve will Slam many casual players

A push

e Entertainment and pull of being

hooked and frustrated

A Japanese

» Replay Value Moderate

» Concept rine drama that

sloppily combines elements from RPGs, action games. and

'open-world titles » Graphics.

Beautiful cutscenes, but

itches and

generic charactor

‘models are constants


» Sound (се acting works

for cutscenes, Ыл the lack of speech during gameplay is immediately noticeable

up, The dated combat engine

its welcome early

оп, and the RPG elements are

bare-bones Entertainment

A specific crowd will appreciate Yakuza 3's Japan-

cenin sensi

ilies, but those

"who don't fallin that niche

88 reviews

should ignore it

Replay Value Moderate

Resonance Of Fate

An innovative battle system can't make up for other deficiencies

Resonance of Fate's leans more in the action

rection, allowing characters to move freely before fring the guns-only arsenal. Machine guns take off temporary scratch damage, while handguns do permanent direct damage; softening foes up with scratch damage betore dealing direct damage is the only way to suc: ceed. While t's easy to spam more powerful John Woo style "hero actions" on standard enemies, dungeons are ful of powerful foes that require а strategie approach. I played smartly, hero action points wil replenish themselves, but youll run out and face almost certain death if you're too haphazard.

At frst | was confused by the battle system. When | grasped the flow, I felt Ike a badass gun- singer. Then l' hit a nasty new enemy type that made me feel Ike | hadn't learned anything at al. After some trial and error and plenty of grinding, Td figure it out and feel Ike the smartest tactician ање. The latter two steps kept going back and forth again and again.

‘After the thousandth ime you've seen the. Characters twist through the air, it loses all sense

Yakuza 3

| n the spectrum of RPG battle systems,


of excitement. Eventually, battles are either ‘extremely frustrating or so easy that you're just going through the same old motions, You'll fight through a lengthy dungeon with no problems at all only to meet a boss that's twice your level - forcing you to bang your head against the wall or leave to recoup and slog through the boring parts again,

The overworld consists of many fat platforms. scattered up and down a futuristic tower. Every platform's surface is covered in hexagons, and you must place pieces across the land tke Tetris blocks before you can transverse i. Its tempting то blow through many of your hexes on a new area, but keep in mind that youll be stuck grind. ing for these later. W's especialy disheartening when you've been mowing through a critical path dungeon in which the enemies don't drop hexes

Outdated gameplay plagues a Japanese mob story

{i'm to believe Yakuza 3's depiction of Japan,

a visit to the country would consist of being

constantly accosted by punks while walking through markets, being asked out on dates by random beautiful women in burger joints, and performing menial tasks Ike going from shop to shop looking for dog toys. You'd get the occa. sional fash of excitement in the form of shirtless fistights on the rooftops, but these would be few and far between.

For a game rooted so heaviy ina tale of orga- rized crime, Yakuza 3 is fled to the brim with unexciting errands. in those moments where it does shift into al-out action, the gameplay feels incredibly dated, The brawing is distincly last- gen, complete with horrendous colision detec- tion. You unlock some vicious fishing moves and techniques that provide more wiggle room in terms of improvisation, but the combat feels

layer Role-Playing Publisher Soga Developer Tr-Aco Heleaso March 16 ESRB T

at al spent too much time in the late game Gathering pieces to gain access to that next levator or crucial towns,

Beware: this game is extremely wacky, only moving in a more serious direction ater on, The worst offender is homdog team leader Vashyron. Fortunately, if the story’ not your thing, you сап bypass it easly, Resonance of Fate may ‘appeal to the JRPG connoisseur who is look- ing for an interesting and challenging new take оп combat. Others most Ikely willbe thrown off by the sliness, steep learning curva, required grinding, and other pains - especially when there are со many recent wellrounded RPGs Out there.» Bryan Vore

Vist ganestororcorma] fan extended енен of

Style 1-Player Action/RPG Publisher Sega Developer Sega Release March 9 ESRE M

downright mechanical when put up against other action games on the market

Leveing up your abies в a basic ordeal, requiring you to funnel experience into one of four categories. However, these upgrades never Чо much to significantly change the way you ‘approach combat. fs a minimal nod to RPG ‘conventions, but no matter how much you've upgraded, you stil groan every tme some. gangsters want to fight because toy think you. locked at them crooked,

Outside of the repetitive fights, gameplay is ‘mostly confined to walking around and talking to people in an effort to advance the story. When Yakuza 3 comes down to these open-workd ele- ments, 45 trounced by a tile as old as Grand Theft Auto I. Downtown Ryukyu may be heavily populated, but the lack of any real interac- tion makes it fo ike a ghost town. Numerous

‘activites are valable, fom suprisingly complete rec reatons of golf, pool, and darts to afterthoughts Ike the creadt karaoke mirig- ame. Some of these serve as decent distractions when you want to take a break from the main quest, but the sant XP and cash bonuses

you receive from them won't do anything to make the core gameplay moro tolerable.

Yakuza 3 offers an involved, lengthy story for those with the patience to wade through the repetition and annoyances. Fans who have fol lowed Kazuma through the previous instalments should enjoy watching him return to mob ffe to protect his orphanage, Yakuza 3 carves its own identity and characters, making It more than just "Grand Theft Auto in Japan." If you don't feel a strong connection with the story, however, tho. dated gameplay mechanics and lack of posh зар mast ofthe enjoyment you could poten. lily receive. » Dan Ryckert

(S mug




n Splinter Cell: Conviction, Sam Fisher's humanity is demolished, leaving nothing but ап emotionally ай and agitated shell of a man, He lost his daughter. Everyone he trusted betrayed him. He's teetering on the edge of madness, and his thirst for revenge is Ihe only thing driving him.

Conviction оме Sam as he wrenches answers from those who have wronged him. His methods are Бала, offen making Jack Bauer's interrogations look Ike relaxing massages. Heads are smashed through urinals, hands are impaled by knives, and most people who exchange words with Fisher кеу won't tak again

Anfuly constructed flashback sequences bring

is darkest days into ful frame, giving the hunt ahead a twisted sense of justification. The plot races forward with the urgency of a Jason. Bourne fim and skits most of he clichés associ ated with revenge stores. Who Sam ends up hunting is a twist I didn't see coming, This devel opment в an eye-roler, but it gives a concrete

а Го story. The last act, and the means with which Sam handles a high-ranking оса, are worthy of a fst pump.

With the story transitioning seamlessly from a tale of revenge to one of hope, the gameplay also takes on a new identity. Conviction is not a

: Conviction

Style 1-Player Action (2-Player Oni

slow-moving stealth game, nor is it a fast-paced shooter. Ubisoft finds the happy medium. With sold gunplay and intuitive movement at your fingertips, Conviction offers the best of both words. | didn't feel ike | was ralroaded into using one or the other | approached combat the way | wanted to.

The game's sen

‘of urgency spils over into

the stealth mechanics. I rarely found myself st ting in one spot waiting for a guard to tum his back to me. The level designs embrace player choice in how you traverse environments as

well Wals can be ascended with the grace of

lo from Assassin's Creed, and a sprinting side maneuver can quickly lower you from an enemy's Ine of sight should you need to cover a large distance ina оде ffr

Gunplay 5 highlighted by Sam's new "mark and execute” abilty, which uses cinematic ‘low mation to frame the brain-bursting shots. When this move is used, Sam quickly chains together a series of sient headshots. | used this billy relgjousty to make short work of small pockets of enemies, and also to save my ass in shootouts that were heading toward game over screens.

Convictions only glaring oddity is the logic that enemies exhibit. They empty cips and toss gre-

nades with the best

of gaming's foes, yet aro overly vocal in ther pursuit of you. These chatty Cathys yel taunts so fro ‘quently that you're always sure of location. I don't know about you, but ifl spotted one of the worlds great- est kilers | wouldn't antagonize him. They foo! more tke

ine] Publisher Ubisoft Developer Ubisoft Montreal Release Apri 13 ESRB М

Dc Evil henchmen than believable adversaries, | also have mixed feelings on Convictions sty- lisi visuals. love how mission objectives and memory sequences are projected on the game world, but the transitions to black and white effect used to tel the player they are hidden from enemy sight = are jaring. | know Ubisoft intent was to reduce the relance on the HUD, but Га. much rather look at a stealth meter than have the game's gorgeous visuals fade to shades of gray

Conviction's single-player campaign is a fnely crafted їй ride that puts Sam front and center The games second campaign (yes, there are two completely different stories) focuses on two characters named Archer and Kestrel, This co ch опу experience is heavy on action, pump- ing out acrenalne-fled "they're everywhere, man!" sequences almost every step of the way. Coordinating mark and execute maneuvers with a fiend to combat the onslaught is а gaming moment ' cherish forever While ght on nara- tive, this campaign is every Б as good as Sam's. Its my favorite Spinter Се! co-op endeavor yet.

"t may surprise longtime series fans, but Conviction’ multiplayer disappoints outside of the co-op. Ubisoft has included a one-on-one, spy-versus-spy competitive component, but it lacks the far and depth of previous instalments sples-versus-mercenaries mode.

Splinter Cel Conviction isn't the seres! high point, but it does get the franchise back on track. Fans who have been at Sam's side since day one should walk away wih a sense of clo sure and optimism for future instalments. AL the same time, ths is a great jumping-on point for newcomers, The fcton includes all the relevant plot ponts of tho series! past without the Tom Сапсу techno-babble that bogged down previ- ous entries. » Andrew Reiner


» Concept Ап action/stealth hybrid with pitch-perfect pacing and one hell ofa story


The environments are beautifully rendered, and Sam's animations are killer Black and white focis are ‘sed to freely, resulting ina etachmen trom the word Sound

Sam's gravely tones are fueled by emotion, and backed by a surprisingly powerful soore

» Playabiüity never once had to fuss with the controls. The stealth mechanics are easy o embrace, and the gunplay

» Entertainment A satisfying conctsion to Sam. Fisher’ tale coupled with one of gaming's most rewarding co-op experiences

» Replay Value

Moderately High

Second Opinion 9 Right olf the bat, Splinter Cell: Conviction hits a lev

of типше often reserved lor An апей sense of urgency umounds every stealth КИ am Fisher perfortas, and

cach level tests your reaction speed and split-second tact cal skills Figuring out ho

"o best move through th

leves to take

for multiple solutions any problem. Using the ga and ex stem or torturing guards information make you feet dass. I too bad hat willing to broad-

cast its position with a The story particular gn

ing. oon as things finally get interesting, Is over. Co ор does a great job of iterating on the game's sing Working

guards at he breach and clear maneuver might be one ofthe most D Ben Reeves.

reviews 89

Concept Play as a gun/ewordsnger in a world where the wild West meets the far East by way of The Road Warrior

» Graphics The Japanese-inspired areas эге gorgeous, but some of "he other settings are bogged down in a dreary sameness э Sound

Music is catchy and powerful, with the Ennio Morricone. infuenoes you'd expect

to hear

н Playability

“There's a lot ol depth to the swordplay if you're looking or it, and tho game does a queat job of easing players into combat

» Entertainment

‘Anyone who has ever swung an imaginary sword around their living room should give Red Steel 2 a shot

Replay Value

Moderately low

T for teen? Red Stoel 2 doesnt includi ismemberment or blood, but that doesn't mean that ifs not brutal. Some of Hero's finishing attacks downright disturbing. par- ticularly the ones that involve firearms. Grading а Jackal head and blasting it apart

at dose rango is nasty, oven without seeing gray mat splateing out the back end. M that's what you're after, Ubisoft detmitely delivers Parents may want to watch the game in action before malang a decision. however

90 reviews

Red Steel 2


swordplay m

akes it easy to overlook a few dull edges

Steel 2, you fee! unstoppable. Is a huge

dude coming at you with an equally super- sized maul? No problem. Use your Matador abilly and gracefuly sidestep his charge, slash ing his now-vulnerable back to ribbons. What, three ninjas think they can swarm and over- whom you? Using the Cobra, you quickly paint your targets and methodical blast each one apart with your revolver. Even a minigun- wield ing opponent is по match for the mysterious hero, Hero. Channeling the power of the Bear, you slam your fist into the ground and charge at your stunned prey. Red Steel 2's combat is challenging and interesting for those who take the time to leam is nuances. Wagolers need not apply.

When Ubisoft Paris approached a Red Steel sequel, they wisely shifted away from the bland ‘Asian gangland setting in favor of something a bit more fantastical. Red Steel 2 is set in a bizarro Nevada, where the old West has fused with the far East, Hero, the sol remaining member of the Kusagari clan, has returned from exile to fnd his home in ruins, At frst, ha starts his quest for revenge by focusing on the Jackals, a ow-fe band of scavengers, but he soon learns thatthe rival Katakara clan is after him and his legendery sword.

Ultimately, the story is just an excuse to put a ‘gun and a sword - legendary or otherwise - in players’ hands and set them loose. As one of the first games developed exclusively for WiMotion Pus, Red Steel 2 has a heavy load to bear. Does ‘the peripheral Ive up to the hype and dolver 1:1 controls, or at least a close approximation of Sword-swinging action? While I've never handled ап actual blade or fought against а pack of thugs, I've been known to swing a stick or two in

B y he time you reach the end of Red

my day. Even if they re not completely true to Не, Red Steel 25 controls are responsive and deliver a deeply satisfying experience. It cicked for me the frst time | saw a Jackal sicing down at me. instinctively, blocked horizontal and his blade glanced away harmlessly. Pointing my Wi remote. at the screen, | then ventilated him with a few wel placed shots, Some of the more technical maneuvers require button presses and odd com- binations, but the fundamentals of using a sword offensively and defensively are intuitive enough to be picked up by just about anyone.

As Hero advances through the story, he. вате new moves from his mentor, Jan. They include a variety of fishing moves and attacks designed to take enemies by surprise in various situations. If an opponent s armored, you might block his frst few attacks and then counter with а metal-smashing Crush attack. Hero is sur- rounded, a quick use of the Storm wil unleash a cyclone of death. By the end of the game you wil have accrued enough of these versatile attacks to handle just about anything the game сап throw at you. Weapons and armor can also. be leveled up. giving the

word more damage or adding special proper ties to guns such as ricochet shots.

The combat 6 со good that it deserves a better game. Missions are doled out in a boring bulletin board system, and the majority of the sidequests are the same throughout the game. Tearing down wanted posters and hacking into transmission


towers by pressing huge yelow buttons isn't that Interesting the frst time, and 15 decidedly loss so the third ог fourth. Some of he environments are gorgeous, particulary in the begining of Heros ‘quest. As the game drags оп and players start spending more time in featureless caverns and canyons, it gets to be а bit dul. The same goes for the enemies, There just isn't enough variety in their ranks to keep things fresh

Fortunately, the good parts n Red Steel 2 are quie good, The combo system is flexible and Offers room for experimentation. You can take on ıa crowd of ninjas and Jackals and decide pre- cisely how you want о take out each one. Sure, you'l be batting the same types of enemies in a few ugly venues, but the day tat telekineticaly Pushing bad guys into explosive barrels gets ‘lds the day I hang up my hat and sheathe ту sword. » Jeff Cork

et panentomercaniag to read тов about Rad e nod a glia ete game was ocus etd hock i0 sconce



use March 22 ESRB EIO

You can talk the talk. Can you walk the walk? Here's a chance to prove it. Please geek responsibly.


Meagan VanBur


» Concept Male Zelda game for

‘ex Mintendo fans with PSás. » Graphics

A beautifully simple 3D take оп third generation video game sprites

» Sound

Part Zelda, part Final Fantasy. part Mega Man; this soundtrack rocks

» Playability You'll know what to do "ho second you pick up

‘the controller

» Entertainment

Cuckoo noodle soup for the retro gamer’ soul

за Replay Value Moderately High

92 reviews

3D Dot Game Heroes

Atlus brings Zelda * SILVER

but it can also lead to kick-ass rip-offs. 30

Dot Game Heroes is an unapologetic tribute to The Legend of Zelda, tempered with tons of NES-era nostalgia and refreshing, simple presentation. Without the distraction of forced innovation, From Software has success- full refined the classic formula to pure retro ‘gaming bss.

ЗО Dot Game Heroes simultaneously looks ke everything and nothing you've ever soon. ts unique graphical style expands classic 2D sprites into the third dimension. Every singe object in the Kingdom of Dotnia is composed of tiny 3D. ‘cubes. The stunning shading and particle effects make the game resemble the masterworks of a video game-cbsessed LEGO architect brought to He. Motivated adventurers can fex ther own ‘creativity in the accessible hero editor, or choose from dozens of preassembled characters ike а shark, пија. ог funky Santa Claus. Putting the time into making a great-looking hero heightens ownership of ho briliant adventure to come,

Whichever character you choose, 3D Dot Game Heroes plays Ike a version of Zelda that aged as wel as your fond memories of the Series. spare you the details on the story and gameplay, because you've done the dungeon: ‘rawing, puzzle-solvng, boomerang-singing ‘song and dance before. All you need to know is that its stl fun

Where SD Dot Game Heroes departs from.

‘the core Zelda formula is in its challenge. Simply. navigating the overworld from dungeon to dun- оооп can be pericus and confusing, but that d- ойу makes finding your destination that much ‘sweeter. Clearing dungeons requires tremendous concentration and patience, but if you're a true Zelda fen you've been training your whole Ho for this. If you're worried about wracking your mind опа single puzzle for an hour, fret not: They've boen expertly crafted. Boss dificuly, however, is inconsistent. A huge dragon chewed on me for арол an hour, while a towering knight didn't so much as scratch me. Gamers expecting a wistful romp through a bizarro Hyrule aro in for a sur- prising amount of game overs, but each wil only strengthen your resolve,

The game controls similarly to the top-down Zeidas, Staunch traditionalists are free to

| imitation may be the sincerest form of fattery,

COME (m daro

p Wm

ck to its roots

Style 1-Playor Action/Adventure Publisher Alis Developer From Software Release May 11 ESRE EIO+

navigate the felds and dungeons of Dotnia with the d-pad, but 'd recommend the analog stick. Before you recol at my rero garming-blasphermy, you should know that improvements have

been made to the primitive Zelda swordplay Many of the game's numerous weapons alow 360 degrees of attacks, which the analog stick іску supports,

Speaking of swordplay, do you remember how in the early Zelda games your sword shot lasers when you had full health? That mechanic returns here, but some blades near fl the ‘screen, For example, the fuly-upgraded katana lacks width but can cut down baddies от clear across the screen. Combine this with the spin attack and you've got power that makes the master sword look ike a pocket knife. Your weapon's abity at maximum vitality creates an engaging struggle to always remain at ful health. When you're reduced to your regular armament, the game becomes a tough, desperate romp which coaxes from you the dormant Zelda si necessary to survive.

ıt ned male yoa ут

' fl iner toa young or too dans


‘Tis shrine to Miyamoto doesn't come with ол ts faults. Sometimes the dungeons fed camera perspective obscures а vital path, which сап halt progress for hours, Additionally, your character's colision box doesn't correspond to its onscreen model, which can lead to unintuitive snags on geometry and misucgments regarding whether you're tho right size to squeeze through а narrow passage,

Ultimately ЗО Dot Game Heroes combines ће original Legend of Zelda's word with A Link to the Past-stye gameplay which proves to be an absolute blast, What the game lacks п original- ity it makes up for in nostalgic humor, polished gameplay, and length, clocking in at around 20 hours for non-completionists. No sell-respecting Zelda fan or retro gamer should pass this ‘one up. Tim Turi

For an awesome video ot our custom Link hero adventuring inte Kingdom Doa, denne an n

Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight

Play this with a friend or not at all

ja -Player Strategy (0-Player Online] Publiser Electronic Arts Dovelopor EALA Release March 16 E588 T

‘Twilight alone. Play it online and hope that

you get reasonable teammates. Pay it with ‘buddies and enjoy the intense 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 objective-based matches. Play through the lame story campaign with a friend И you must. Whatever you do, though, don't go it alone. The entire point of this game is to bring cooperative. real-time strategy to the next level. It accom- plishes that goal quite well, but does so at the expense of everything ese,

The rock-paper-scissors unit matchups and ‘combat model wil be instant familiar to anyone with a lick of RTS experience. Rockets blow up aircraft, lasers dominate heavy armor, and ‘gunfire owns infantry. A few special abilities Ike ‘Sprinting infantry and burrowing scorpion tanks сап give proficient micromanagers an edge. The C&C staples fans expect are present, with engineers reanimating avatar and mammoth tank husks and commandos blowing up everything in sight. Here, though, is where the familiar comes toan end.

Масто strategy is completely different. You don't collect resources or build bases; you simply order new units кот your mobile Construction vehicle. Normal play consists of ‘competing with the other team to control point- generating nodes. Like а game of Battlefield, the first team to accumulate a set number of points (which can also be gained by blowing up ene- mies, though node control is the primary means) wins. Losing your MCV isn't the end of the ine, as a limited number of redeploys allows defeated players to get back in the fight.

This unique take on RTS is a blast when you're ina solid match, You're constantly scouting and ‘checking Ihe minimap to stay on top of what

D ‘n't play Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian

your opponents are up to while micromanaging the current battles) as best you can. Juggling unit builds and tech upgrades, coordinating macro strategy with your teammates, and simply watching the gorgeous carnage unfold ай add up. toan intense, fulfling strategy experience.

Teamwork wins more skirmishes than any- thing else. Since each player chooses one of three classes - offense, defense, or support = a combined force is far more than the sum of its parts. Offense provides the beefiest units and ‘unmatched mobility. Defense can set up tur- rets and bunkers, as well as pump out power- ful infantry to take advantage of garison-able structures. Support has a big bag of tricks, from the best air units (which are powerful but cannot capture points of interest to powers ке instant area-effcct repair and scouting bonuses. The briefest consideration of the classes’ diverse abilties conjures a plethora of tactical and strate- ‘gl possibilities, and conceiving them is nearly аз. much fun as executing them with a competent teammate or four.

‘This huge investment in cooperative play is both САС 4's biggest strength and weak- ness. Each player is playing basically a third of а standard RTS faction, though you wouldn't guess it from the large stable of units and powers available to each. Offense is short on air support. Defense lacks strong tanks. Support has a heck of a time alone in any stand-up fight. If your teammates are ne ad idiots ог just bad, the entire game breaks down. ‘Accomplishing anything of note by oneself is a frustrating, Sisyphean labor. No amount of micro skil or clever unit balance will make up for fighting an entrenched defense class with competent repair and scouting assistance from

а support teammate when your айу is off doing ‘somthing useless.

In that same vein, having no teammate is even worse than having a bad player on your squad. cannot stress enough the failure of the story ‘campaign in single-player mode. From batting, objecive-scutting Al on escort missions to boring slogs through weak linear defenders, this scripted garbage goes nowhere. With a co-op ‘buddy, the campaign improves from merely hor- ble to bad. Even the story makes inexcusable missteps, despite my unabashed enjoyment of the live-action camp that the series is known for CEC 4 reaches a leve previously reserved for. Uwe Boll where the quality of everything from writing to set design and acting is so poor that you can't even laugh at it

Some of the reliance on cooperative play could be mitigated by a strong online backend, but Саб 4's в midding at best. There is a friends list and rudimentary matchmaking, but the stat tracking and achievements leave me cold com- pared to better solutions ike Modem Warfare. Forcing players to be online in order to play single player is lame as well.

СВО 4 is not without redeeming qualities, and in the right situation it offers something truly unique to the RTS genre. | have no doubt that there wil be gamers who fall head-over- heels for its tightly engineered co-op design. ‘The binding dependence on teammates can be a pain, though, and legacy issues like bad keyboard shortcuts and unit Al persist. I сап recommend the game, but only to a cer- tain style of gamer and only witha handful of caveats. » Adam Biessener

Don't et the classical RTS combat layer (од you. This Ва visionary redesign of macro strategy like you've

э Graphic The bgt supersaturated ete and dean robo designs make bates a troat to watch The game also ges bonus points for making nts easy to direntat at a glance

э Sound

Audio cies ke “we've lost Point or йе he old were Under tack model to the next level

э Playabiity

Basic control of your army iss cay as can ba, but p Кен modem KIS

э Entertainment

“To design is 100 percent focused around cooperate din Playing with bots or geting an unlucky draw

for teammates online kils "he experience

» Replay Value


reviews 93

The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom

Economic sim incorporates a tasty board game flavor

» Concept Bull an economy that can power your way to victory with any combination of traders, clerics, and soldiers The bright сапоопу art combines with a great use ot дери ot bald alder to make an attractive game

э Sound

‘The limited misc tracks wear thin long before you're finished with ene of ters” hour-plus play sessions

» Playability

‘Giving your people orders works well enough. Finding all the information you need to give effective orders is a ‘ferent mater

» Entertainment Larger empires are unwieldy "and the lack of leedback сап bo frustrating. but this "s an excellent strategy

tile regardless

» Replay Value


ago, tuning a system to create efficent outcomes is its own reward. The Settlers 7 taps into this basic well of entertainment with 15 economy simulation, but that's nothing we haven't seen before. This game goes the extra. mie with an impressive diversity of map types ‘and victory conditions, board game-like compe- tion with other rulers, and multiple vectors for expanding your power and influence.

The simplest production chain sees woodcut ters chopping trees into loge, which are refned into planks at a sawmill and finaly used by con- structors to put up buikings, Dozens of paralel and crss-crossing tracks exist - gold tuns into соп and jewelry, while grain is miled into flour and baked into bread. As you construct each production buing, you have to make several ‘continual decisions, ike where your wood goes

A в SimOiy's success demonstrated years

when you need it for paper, planks, and char

94 reviews

Style 1-Playor Strategy (4-Player Online) Publisher Ubisoft Developer Blue Byte

coal. Optimal efficiency requires tailoring your. building placement to the contours of tne map, ensuring that your blacksmith doesn't have to waste time walking to hell and back to get

iron bars he needs. Managing this simple yet interesting economy is the bulk of the game, as it has to support your overall strategy and survive shifting conditions Ike forests being depleted or mines running d.

Al those materials need to be put to good use in order to secure victory. Conquest (or defense) demands blacksmiths, mints, and wheelwrihts to equip your muten, Clerics can research technology and proselytze neutral sectors into joining your empire, and require beer, books, and Jewelry Traders can open new ol men trade routes that can tum surplus goods into needed Supplies or money, and demand fre jackets and Jewelry to work for you. Planning and executing your grand strategy using some combination of these three elements is great fun, and victory ‘generally goes to the player who best talors his ‘or her plan to the situation. Agity is important as well being able to switch your focus and cover а stone deficit through traders when your neigh bor rudely conquers your quarries, for instance, is key,

Each map has its own favor. One may have dense forest cover, but Hile in the way of mines. Farmable land might be in short supply on another, while fsh and game are plentiful. The lay of the land determines how effective various sec- tors of your economy are likely to be, but quests

Release March 23 ESR


and victory conditions are more explicitly unique 10 each map. Waning is based on victory points rather than wiping out your enemies, These are ‘awarded for excellence in each aspect of the game, where a point belongs to the player with the most money, the most workers, Ihe most solders, etc. Special conditions Ike completing а quest for an NPC or researching a specific expensive technology can grant points as we The frst player to a set limit win, It's а great system that smartly emphasizes the wide spread о! gameplay in Setter 7, and general rewards the most well-rounded player.

Setters’ low problems aro irtating, but hardly deal-reakers. A lack of feedback in the interface makes it hard to manage large, muli province production chains. Ке easy to not notice that there's a problem with your iron smelters unti you suddenly run out of swords and have to frantically search your empire for the broken link Gating that Industry back on track can take a lot of timo, and missing a smal detail can easily derail your entire strategy. Аво, Ihe story in he single-player campaign is execrable, but a healthy skirmish mode and good online support make up for it

Ubisoft has buit in community tools to keep. the game healthy in the long term if enough people get on the Settlers 7 wagon, with a map. editor and seamless опште matchmaking. Im hoping that people get into it, because | plan. оп keeping this one in my regular rotation for some tme. « Adam Biessener

Pokémon HeartGold/Soulsilver

New training methods

15 adc

ame Freak has a large portfolio of Pokémon tiles that have met tremendous Success despite the fact they don't take major leaps in innovation from one entry to the next. If you've played one Pokémon game in the series, you've essentially played them all. Battie across vast expanses of tall grass to beet up your Pokédex. Challenge gym trainers region- wide and pummel their Pokémon to collect Precious badges. In HeartGold and

I Yo! chase in the making!

> gold and silver

э Concopt Is a Pokémon RPG. Do 1 really have о explain?

» Graphics

Johto and character sprites get a tresh paint job modeled ater Diamond, Pearl.

and Platinum

» Sound Youll find yourself humming along to familiar tunes

n Playability

Poköfans and newcomers to "he series can easily jump nigin

» Entertainment

A trip down memory

lane with a few added perks to enhance the training experience

» Replay Value. Moderate

Onca you'va decided, touch a Poké Ball!

Style L-Player Role-Playing (S-player Via Local) Publisher Nintendo

SouSiver, it's no diferent. As remakes of the Game Boy Color's Pokémon Gold and Siver, youll tread the same map. locations and experience the same storyine, However, even though you're replaying games. thal frst debuted nearly 10 years ago, watching a Poké Ball rock back and forth on a possible capture wil stil make you hold your breath unti you hear the satisfying click Nostalgia may not be enough for some players чо give HeartGokd or SouSiver a до, thus the addition of the bundled Pokéwalker s certainly welcome. The Pokéwalker is a fun, hands-on alternative to the in-game Pokémon Day Care that wil allow you to level Pokémon who may not be ready to battle in their current state. Smiar to the Pikachu pedometer that interacted with the бате Boy Color back when Gold and Siver were released, tne Poköwalker alows you to easly transfer collected Pokémon va infrared to and {rom the device. Once a Pokémon is stored, the player can eam Watts based on how many footsteps are taken, which is the currency needed to participate in Pokéwaker minigames that alow you о colec raro tems and capture

Developer Gamo Freak Release March М ESRB E

hard-to-find Pokémon. In general, the Pokéwalker allows for more interaction With the game than the old Pikachu pedometer ever did.

‘Once your stored Pokémon is returned to the game cartridge, a cute arimated story willbe told on the DS screen noting dates and times you went for walks, times you were (де, instances of Pokémon encounters, and battle results.

Did I mention its realy cute? Upon retum, your Pokémon wil earn a level increase as wel. With the abäty to gain new items and Pokémon, and opportunities to level-up your existing Pokémon without the usual grind, the Pokéwalker is а sold addition to any trainers toolset. Ко also a pretty decent pedometer to simply keep track of your. activity levels.


Second Opinion 9 Tho source material for auser and HoanGal is nearly a decade old now, but ‘that onen mean ifs gone stale. Updated visuals and

lite touches Шо Pokémon. who follow your

the world are welcome


tions from the GBA originals. The standard wi-fi connectivity options that Trapping a coveted nen have appeared in some of the more recent creature i tila tril alter all

Pokémon games are avalable to interact with о these years which makes trainers around the world and trade Pokémon гар to boost your collection. The only other notable min ‘addition is the inclusion of Pokéathion games, а seres of single-player minigames that make complete use of the touch screen. Though a minor inclusion, the Pokéathlon is just one more change that separates HearlGold and SoulSiver from their original source material.

Gold and Siver’ timeless gameplay combined

isa nitty device that adds stuffed game. The f it doesnt rate like a box ot

withthe Pokéwaker and extra mrigames makes ПЛК he some low-end the decision to cach temat over agan ano- Pedometer isa pias, 100. brainer Even though the бахас Pokémon о. Metern ng

mula stil works as evidenced by these remakes, it with 1 can't heip but hope for a Pokémon tile that ше breaks some new ground. » Annette Gonzalez

ou fervor, tho that there's а highly polished game amid all he kid- anne hype. » еН Cor

reviews 95


Concept "The classic 2D puzzler

‘gets reimagined in

"reo dimensions

» Graphics

Ys cubes and numbers, but the тепа апа graphics are ‘dean аз can be

» Sound

Soothing in a "lease hold unt ihe next available representative can tako your call kind of way

э Playablity

1 was really impressed by

the polished and problem- fre interface

» Entertainment

Its a great twist on one ofthe "est puzle series ever

» Replay Value


Picross 3D

Adding a new dimension to an old classic


Style 1-Player Puzzle Publisher Nintendo

Developer HAL, Laboratories Release May 3 ESRB E

intendo introduced gamers to the joys of

поподгат ог, as they were more famously

known, "paint by numbers" puzzles in 1995 With Mario's Picross for the original Game Boy (the made-up name being a foreshortening of "picture crossword’), While a few more Picross ties have released in Japan and the U.S. over. the years, nothing of note has changed in the ‘original formula - unti now. Picross 3D, as the tie suggests, brings the traditional gameplay into three dimensions. Now, instead of creating Simple dot matrix art on a 2D grid, you're essen- tially a sculptor, knocking out cubes from a block unti you while it down to а primitive shape of some familar object.

The rues are simple: Rows and columns are marked wih a numeral that describes the number ‘of cubes A contains. These can be displayed оп any of the sides of cube. Sometimes, ifthe number is zero, you can knock out an entire row ог column. Some numbers are circled, which means that the blocks Ested are divided into ‘wo groups, separated by at least one blank cube, Trust me, its much easier to understand in practice. If you're one of the milions that's become addicted to Sudoku puzzles, Picross very much in ine with those puzzles process of

mination strategy.

From a critical standpoint, its tough to evaluate. Picross, as the game has that near-perfect qual ily that makes Sudoku, crossword, and Tetris so. appealing. That said, developer HAL took a risk by bringing tinto ЗО, and that gamble pays off big. Essential its everything | already loved about Picross, but there are more factors to consider. Each move must be looked at from every ange, and as a result i's an even more chalenging task.

‘As might be expected by a Nintendo-pubished tit, the interface and tutorial are excellent You ‘can easi rotate your view using the stylus, wile quickly marking or destroying cubes with d-pad shift keys. You can also use "skcers to cut back. the cube in order to view interior squares, After a few minutes, it wil al feel as easy and intullve as the old, 2D puzzles. | usually have (tle time for tutoriais, but this one is necessary informative, and not tedious or overlong.

Picross 3D also has a puzzle creator, which fea- tures a very nicely designed intertace for teaching me that Im dumb and not very good at designing games, However, the abăty to download new user- and HAL-crealed puzzles gives even longer. legs to a game that wil not leave my DS travel case for the next couple years, » Matt Helgeson

22 8.5

‘Step into the shoes of an elementary game designer

to create your own treed ‘microgames п hallmark ‘WarioWare fashion

» Graphics

On par with previous WarioWare Ше. However, the ‘aesthetics of custom games depends entirely on your own artistic prowess

э Sound

Unique melodies and boats "your own audio talents

эе lacking, beter leave it to "ho maestro

э Playability

The leaning curve can be stoop as you take the role of arist programmer, and sound designer, but you have ай the tools you noed 1 succeed Entertainment

The preloaded microgames are quick and quirky, but the degree to which you enjoy DIY snexticaly tied to your ‘commitment to leam

» Replay Value


96 reviews

WarioWare D.. V.

An education in fun

you're familar with the series’ manic

gameplay sty. Unike previous instalments, however, you won't necessarily be putting down WarioWare D.Y. after a bite-sized ses- sion, Wario's latest venture is an educational tool and platform for delivering user-generated Content as much as a game, so D.LY. is essen- tially as fun as you make it

‘You've got to be wing to put in the time and energy to succeed. Knowing the fundamentals is ust the beginning; the interactive tutorials teach you how to use various art tools, compose music, create mu cel animations, set win conditions, and more. From there you must takê into consideration some of the moro abstract game requirements, such as dificuly balancing and entertainment value, The ultimate goal is to Create a quirky game that’s easly digestible in moments, Not an easy task, trust me.

Thank, the game provides the support you пова. DL. is fled to the brim with helpful tools and educational aids, In addition to the afore- mentioned tutorials, the 90-plus prefabricated games included can be opened in edt mode to dissect how the professionals approached the design. Ifa player в stil strugging, they can

| you've played a WarioWare tte before,

‘Style 1-Playor Action Publisher Nintendo Developer Intelligent Systems.

Release March 28 ESRB E

forfeit various degrees of ownership by using preloaded art and music assets After a few hours of tutorials, | felt comfort- abie enough to embark on my frst game, which organically evolved into а bizarre mess requiring the player to poke cats to make them angry. Эй, | found the process far ue To my surprise, I struggled more with the art creation tools than any other aspect, finding them sightly restrictive and unforgiving of mistakes. Moving forward I became overambitious, and my second. ‘game was a complete failure. It wasn't fun or. ‘even functional. Stil, each attempt augmented my knowledge and comfort level with the increasingly complex Al interactions. WarioWare D.LY. is a commitment, but one that Nintendo made as intuitive and digest ible as possible. Between your own efforts, the official updates, and downloadable user- generated games, you be spending more time with Wario than ever before. D.LY. is an ambitious game, and in the hands of an ‘equally ambitious player, can yield inspir- ing results. » Meagan VanBurkleo

Точно Meagan’ est merge i con, ead ve logameintamercominag

Infinite S



Style 1-Player Rote

nfrite Space is а game about adven- turing through the galaxy, but is best parts have nothing to do with the things you associate with a space opera. The story of a young boy assembling а rag-tag crew to fight evil and uncover ordinary, and the combat what it can to capture jc starship battles. However the game's depth and true spirit li elsewhere,

The heart ol the game is in ship creation and management. To buld a ship you have to buy blueprints, but mbing and matching the modules is what ultimately ves the ship its characteristics and what delivers the fun. Unike many upgrade Systems, its not just a case of buying the best laser turret or shield generator at the shop. Every ship mod you add tak

оп your ship. Moreover, mods


Paying (2-Payer Local) Publisher Sega Developer Nude Maker/

Platinum Games Release March 16 ESR T

соте in different shapes and sizes, which means everything has lo ft n the ship's grid of boxes.

Far from being frustrating, loved the sralenge of arranging mods and the rategy п balancing the tradeoffs among them, | was also impressed withthe sheer amount of mods: mess halls, nav tion bridges, radar rooms, crew cabins, security rooms, and much more can al be added along with your standard comple

up to fve ships at once, you can build a whole feet to your own specifications. Ifthe mods define your ships, your crew optimizes them. There are 33 crew pos: tions, and while you don't have to have someone in every spot, а crew member gives you combat bonuses, and much of the game's story exploration is ted to recruiting new people. Unfortunatly, scouring every tavern in the galaxy for hired hands is рап of what b Infinite Space. On multiple oc

missed the chance to hire а crew m or skipped a plot point because | simply didn't go to а specife tavern enough times, which is frustrating

Despite al the preparations that you put into your fet, the realtime combat is the weak ink because of ће basic rockcpaper-scissors gameplay (lor both ship-to-ship and melee combat) that doesnt hold up through ай the grinding and random encounters. Is not bad, but doesn't deliver tne payof (and ne ther do the isolated multiplayer battles) after tha time you spend on the more exciting ship buiding. | guess its what they say: Its better to create

roy.» Matthew


» Concept Travel the galaxy with a cast of Japanese RPG йй. Customize your ships, bull up your et, and manage your ен along the way

» Graphics

The battle montages ook decent for the DS. A lot ot time is spent with the standard Japanese dialogue using static character ап. There ше a lew video cutscenes as well

A well-done aspect of the ‘game, Combat uses perong Sound effects to punctuate ho action


Even though Infinite Space contains an extensive help menu. yo have to figure Ош some aspects of the gameplay yourself Delivers оп the shipbuilding front, though other aspects ol the game like the combat and story aren't as impressive though they aren't shallow other]

э Replay Valuo Moderately High

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10 | God of War III

Plattorm PS3 Release March 16 ESRB М Issue Apr 10

When I first s' blades back in 2005, I thought I was embarking on a simple quest for vengeance, After leaving a tra

of bodies spanning four games and three systems, that quest has finally reached its end. Not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined such a powerful, cinematic, and breathtaking conclusion to the aga of the Ghost of Sparta

8.5 | FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa

Platiorm PS3 + 360 Release April 27 ESRB E

There's no doubt that World Cup 2010 delivers a great is game fails to give where. Thus, Il tale of the World Cup. The different online options and new penalty taking on't enough to let this title stand on its own two feet. Matthew Kato

performance on the pitch, but ti you the full qualifying experience it doesn't really tell the

system are welcome, but a


MO тов



8.5 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of

War Il Chaos Rising

and enhance th

URL: ener een

6 | Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon

Platform Wii Release March 16 ESRB T

Fragile Dream’s story may have been better suited to a more experimental format, like an

tive novel. Shoehorning the narrative concepts alongside generic combat and aimless wandering just doesn’t work. = Joe Juba

8.25 | Toy Soldiers

Phorm 360 Release March 3 ESRB T By giving control of individual units to the player, Toy Soldiers adds a layer of action to the tried-and-true tower defense formula. The result is a game that is constantly engaging and challenging, whether playing alone or against a frien

- Matt Miller

URL: әлеге сопу

real-time strategy Its more of the same, but ifs the kind of add-on that fans of any title

Platiorm PC Release March П ESRB M Chaos Rising does everything necessary to recreate

excellent small-squad rol


playing/ gameplay of Dawn of War I.

Adam Bies URL: gemein

hope for.

6 | Samurai Shodown Sen €—— ESRB M

le the core combat is a of entertainment, the underwhelming graphics, perplexingly bad story mode, and countless poor design decisions will disappoint even the most nostalgic fans of the series. Jeff Marchiafava "URL: поната

вз Ago Seeed 2 05 мато Beaters Pate * um po расте тля ‘ene Cormano аз ange ЕУ ‘Catt Oy Meson Ws 2-075 das one 95 one Duet 65 Mio Ds Dag ‘agen Аде Ong в Den pen е porc аз моо Face 775 Go [o EI мезо озмыш pss 7 зро leo Age randa Oros 05 брда

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пораи Soes 2: Fan Ange

8.5 | The Misadventures of PB, Winterbottom

Platform 360 Release March 17 ESRB E Issue Apr 10

The Misadventures of PB. Winterbottom impresses with its puzzle design, offbeat humor, and sheer style. Hopefully PB. has more hijinks in his future, because I already miss the ol" buttwit.

pe Nes Suc Malo Got WI 025 дано aree мутон 75 Мей Newer КЕК m 75 од pr

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8.25 | Napoleon: Total War

Platform PC Release Fobruary 23 ESRB Issue Apr 10

Napoleon: Total War may not rewrite history, but its subtle gameplay refinements, tactical variety, and new multiplayer campaign do more than enough to offset the litany of legacy issues hindering this otherwise impressive | strategy game.

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Gamers will get a hefty dose of blood and guts when Bulletstorm releases next year, but it's not the first title to spill gallons of the red stuff. Take our test below to see how much you know about some of the most violent games ever made.

alt. e .

1. Which Mortal Kombat title introduced 5. Which game featured a cameo from Gary “Animalities,” which allowed players to Coleman?

<digombowel thelr opponents ax thelr “power


Mortal Kombat 11 ıe; Medal of Honor: Underground

Mortal Kombat I 4. Soldier of Fortune €. Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance 4. Mortal Kombat: Deceptio 7. What is tho name of the game show in

MadWorld? 2. What prolific Hollywood actor voiced

antagonistic director Lonel Starkweather in Manhunt?

a. Brian Cox

inning Man

$. Which fighting game character was “killed,” then brought back as а zombio in a futuro installment?

a. Liu Kang ina W

4 4 Se, SSS

3. Who doos Kratos kill in God of War u by slamming his head repeatedly in a door?

Por: b. Cronos prod 4 Theseus 9, Which of these was not a weapon in Dead N Rising? 4. Which ofthese was the name of one of the 1 protagonists in the original NARC? ааа eg a. Fist Rockbone ©: Viking helmet ance Uppercut 4. сали e. Din Моби 4. Max Force 10. ТЫШ КШ was canceled on account of

how violent it was, but ts engine lived on. 5. Which developers head appears as an in- through which game? game object in Doom 11?

a. Cardinal 5 а.а Boon

b. John Carmack

John Rom:

4. Gabe Ne

Е 5 8 5 E 5 Е 5 Е 5 ЕЈ

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