February 9, 2010

ANDY McNAMARA EDITOR-N. CHEF andyéigameinfonnercom. Read my comment on thi amenbrmer йон GG, Апоумс

Decisions That Matter

here isa lot to love about Mass Effect. 2. I let Reiner's review do most of the talking (see review pg. B0), but I want to throw in my two cents as well,

| remember being ina hot and cramped room = in Amsterdam, of all places - when I frst heard of Mass Effect. It was one of those. head-spinning moments, and | don't mean because | had been out enjoying the city the night before. Moments after BioWare revealed the Mass Effect project, the team stressed that it wasn't just a game it was designed from the ground up as a trilogy. Frankly, | didn't really think much of it at the time, as I hear a lot of PR rhetoric in my ine of work. | had also just come ‘out of a meeting in the room next door where | had been told that Too Human was also a tri- ‘ogy (yeah, right), BioWare's description of ts team dedication to the science fiction story and how decisions in the trlogy would matter didn't fal on deaf ears, | just didn't realize how much impact these design choices would have on the game unti saw the fruits of ther labor come to ie in Mass Effect 2

Ifyou have a previous save of the frst game to import into Mass Effect 2, the imprint of those previous decisions are ай over the sequel. For

» that means the decisions | made in 2007

are affecting the game m playing in 2010. ‘Consider my mind blown.

| don't just want to play Mass Effect 2 multiple times to see how the various decisions affect this game. | want to replay an old game to see how it changes the sequel. Ihave а strange feeling l'm going to want to play а! three games ‘over and over once Mass Effect З comes out a few years from now.

Imagine if you could make decisions in Star Wars that changed The Empire Strikes Back. That's what BioWare has accomplished with Mass Effect 2, and its simply am;

fig ы

H cover story

L.A. Noire

adventure, gett

gameplay and blowing anima


by Matt Helgeson

ime Informer dig


6 Feedback According to our readers, Modern Warfare 2 is too short and Transformers is going to suck. We dis agree in Feedback

12 Connect Our own IGF judge shares. her thoughts on the best of indie gaming

by Meagan VanBurkleo

76 Previews

If the first info on the next Prince of Persia leaves you less than sated, gorge yourself on our ОВА with God of War И director Stig Asmussen

90 Reviews What deserves your hard-earned money: BioShock 2, Mass Effect 2, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, or Final Fantasy ХИ?

ОД 7 memes

100 Game Over


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his month in Feedback, we assuage a Transformers fan's fears, explain why Dead Space 2 hasn't lost its edge, make a joke at 3D Realms' expense, and help a Final Fantasy newcomer figure out

Contact Us feedoockagomeiformercom 6 feedback

Fear Factor ‘Something | read in your Dead Space 2 cover story really bothered me: the fact that the team is bending over to accommodate the crybabies who thought the fist game was too scary. This is a plea from al hardcore Dead Space fans please don't change the scare factor or diffoulty in Dead Space 2! So many games already make players fool powerful and heroic, and the fear ‘and hopelessness in Dead Space were the things that set it apart. As passed each chapter, that’s where I got my sense of accomplishment | dicht need extra ammo or a super weapon - | just wanted to survive, Visceral Games needs to ‘get with the program. Ifl want power, l'Leat a mushroom or enter the Konami Code. Steve H. Chicago, IL

Dead Space 215 still a survival horror game. Necromorphs will creep up behind you, resources will be scarce, and Isaac will still fight for his life. Visceral Games isn’t trans- forming the Dead Space franchise into a mindless power fantasy; the team's concern about the first game being too scary per- tains to the pacing rather than the style of ‘gameplay. By forcing players to constantly monitor health and ammo, the original Dead ‘Space maintained a uniform level of inten- sity. In Dead Space 2, the arc of the action. will be broken up with brief reprieves, but that also means you can expect more inten- sity spikes and scare moments.

The Shortest War (Okay, I'm siting down in front of my TV to play. Modern Warfare 2 for the frst time, Ive got the volume turned up and a ine of energy drinks at my side. Five hours later, see the credits rol. Му jaw dropped, but not because of the epic ending ofthe game - more because of how quickly it came. Even with Spec Ops, I finished the game in no time. As a gamer who enjoys single player campaigns (but not online multiplayer), | don't think a game that only lasts five hours is nearly long enough. | feel scammed, and | don't care how much replay value it has. It seems as though since Call of Duty came out, each ‘game is shorter and shorter just so they could make more money with each release, pumping all of their effort into multiplayer. I wouldn't be surprised if the next Call of Duty didn't have any single-player mode at al.

Joe Kobusinski

Erie, PA

Short games are not necessarily bad. Getting your money's worth out of a game is important, but do you really want to play through some tacked-on levels to squeeze а few more hours out of the experience? ‘The five hours of Modern Warfare 2's solo campaign are packed with non-stop explo- ‘ive thrills - would you rather see those moments spread out and diluted solely for the sake of filing an arbitrary time require- ment? You may be right in your observation. that single-player is an area of diminishing

where to start

focus. However, most of Modern Warlare's fanbase is primarily interested in the multi- player component, and it's difficult to blame Infinity Ward for serving its community. At the same time, the studio may be alienat- ing the gamers who are only interested in fighting solo.


Most Corrected Mistake Several readers were kind enough to point out that our score of 6.5 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Reflex Edition (issue 201) was too low. This was not an error on our part; just because a game is on the Wii doesn’t mean that you need to lower your stan- dards, people. Play a good game on the system instead, like New Super Mario Bros.




@ хвохзво SQUARE ENIX.

I” ж 1

* Dead Space * Mass Effect 2 = Transformers

1 seer to see everyday y come out with new

Most of them su

se ther money

1 Peanut butter ar

2 Meatball hoag 3 Phily cheesesteak айс

5 Nutela and anything

Go Defense For disturbed and offended by your res 1o a letter in issue 201: “Whe can't imagi the kind of gamer for whom t a worthwhile lamai medical professional, and a 7 argue with the supremacy fe popular by the iP 2 The untapped demographic Sony daly, The PSP Go (a) no UMD


nd and (b) for a 16G 2 is comparable to the iB Memory Sti

4 lack of ap

for previcus generation па substantial пите

ars to be a difficut barrier for th rcome, However, the со

and portability work in favor itis

perfect compliment to the almost-but-not-quite

gaming possible on the iPhone.

Michael Hanlon Та Mesa, CA

Maybe we went a little too far when we said the PSP Go was only for people with “a surplus of money and a deficit of common sense." Clearly, the PSP Go is the right product for a certain kind of consumer - just not us. No matter how much storage space the device has, it doesn't fix the PSP. platform's biggest problem: the severe drought of software support. We're not buying a tarted-up, digital-only redesign unless Sony can demonstrate that there will be fun games to play on it.

\\ bi No More




re been a gamer ту but I hav

never gotten into the Final Fantasy series. Lately А < а forog

Tronsformi ime trauels the robot homeworld

though, they have been looking realy х play ‘ones, but now | want to

them a try. Where should | start? | feel ike

1 can't begin with Final Fant

itlooks the best of ай of them so far) рес

won't know what's going on. What should | do? Corey Posnanski via email


Item :

Н+ Е The core games in the Final Fantasy series (the ones that only have roman numerals іп Т their titles) are all standalone adventures.

You can play them in any order, because

they are self-contained stories set in dif-

ferent worlds with different characters. If o you're looking for a good place to jump.

їп, read our review of Final Fantasy ХИ on page 88 and decide И it sounds like a good place to start. If not, brush up on the serie’, damaged video game reputation, and fans of the franchise have been history; we'd recommend starting with Final. Fantasy X on PS2, or if you want to go old School, Final Fantasy Ill (a.k.a. Final Fantasy Vl) on SNES. If you don't like eitherofthose, cid convince us of one important fact: The team maybe the series just isn't for you.



(fj^ 2 Deonta Head: oo bad there's по post-apocalyptic

anther paycheck on X-ray specs Unfortunately for him, Sephiroth wears lead parts 4 Anthony Mesteth: lic e prety tape оп zombie oes, so here's a lun fact about helicopters: Dd you

Fee ta

els s

(Left) Our Super Badass Editon SG Soy oort. oh vatt, sony.. that's Adam. Hes sucha

Were nt tng abo от Cana, were taking about Ben Bruiser” Reeves, who wa

feedback 11

"After dedicating my life to the service of my country, I'd seen The agency | gave myself to tum around and throw me to the dogs. Id lost my daughter I'd shot my best friend. Betrayal made me question everything, 50 started looking for

answers, Now, | will stop at SPothing to learn the truth."




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Star Fox

Last Known Whereabouts Star Fox Command (2008, 05)

The Company Line

Shigeru Miyamoto expressed interest in bringing Fox McCloud back from his өйө of cameo roles in other seras Ike Super Smash Bros. Miyamoto recently told MTV Multiplayer that he hopes future Star Fox games can do right by fans. "We. sil try to make them more fun and hopofuly people wil see the appeal in those games."

Likelihood of Return

Average. Although Miyamoto hasn't closed the door on the franchise, Nintendo has struggled to pair the seris with a studi that could bring suc- ‘cess. 1% gone through a revolving door of devel 'opers, including Rare, Namco, and О-батев. Perhaps Nintendo is waiting for a studio that can demonstrate hey ve got a winning plan for Fox.

Chrono Trigger

Last Known Whereabouts Chrono Cross (1999, PSone)

The Company Line

‘Square Enix wouldn't shed any ight on this

topic, but Square Enix senior vice president Shinji Hashimoto clearly wasn't keen on bringing the franchise back when he said ofthe 2008 re release on the DS: people want a sequel, they should buy тоге!

Likelihood of Return

Not Good. The original development team is scattered, including creator Hironobu Sakaguchi (who is over at Mistwalker). Moreover, the unsat isting sales numbers of Chrono Trigger on the DS don't bode wel for the future,

Twisted Metal Last Known Whereabouts

Twisted Metal: Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition. (2008, PS2)

The Company Line

Scott Rohde, Sony's vice president of product development, wouldn't say anything about Twisted Metal дгөсїу, but he did tell ше: “We're always looking at our classic franchises to see if a reintroduction makes sense. lm sure you'd ike to hear a litle more detal, bul we have to keep a ‘couple of surprises in our back pocket...”

Likelihood of Return

Very Good, Numerous rumors have circulated regarding a Twisted Metal for PS3, and series ‘co-creator David Jaffe fueled the fre with coded messages to this effect with the Head-On: Extra. Twisted Edition in 2008, We expect to hear about anew Twisted Metal at this year's ЕЗ.










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Wi Fit Plus (ij

Wii Sports Resort (Wi) day acide. ols but thes company "he month idm the етее f dd tes Ike New Эре Varo Bros DS (12 and Malo Kartonthe DS (17,

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (260)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (253)

Wi Play мо)

Assassin's Creed Il (360)

Left 4 Dead 2 (350)

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (0S)

‘The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks DS)

New Super Mario Bros. 05)

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (DS)

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Wi)

Madden NFL 10 (360)

Scribblenauts OS) «йінгі surged back into the- їр 20 tr dropping of the charts ва mont w

Mario Kart DS (05) Assassin's Creed И PS3) Madden NFL 10 253) Just Dance (Wi)

Your Local Arcade

Xbox Live brings you the classics

M ауре some of you younger gamers never got to hang out down at the local arcade. Wel don't worry, because all you have to do to experience the cabinets of yesteryear is turn on your Xbox 360, This ‘spring Microsoft wil launch the Game Room virtual space, hich is fled with arcade classics that you can navigate to through your Xbox Live dashboard,

Your Game Room (which is actualy composed of ‘mute rooms) wil debut with 30 titles valable at launch including hits Ike Asteroids Deluxe, Centipede, “Tempest, and more from the Ікев of Atari, Intellivision, and ‘Activision. Microsoft says each of the games has its origi- nal graphics and music, with no alterations to refine them for the console experience Ike we've seen in the past with papular arcade games ike Pac-Man and Tapper, In fact, none of the XBLA arcade tiles you already own wil trans- fer over to the Game Room,

It wouldn't be right hanging out in an arcade without a few fiends, so the Game Room features social aspects a wel. Your avatars wil show up to play the games, but

you won't actually move them around ќе in PSG's Ноте, You can, however, customize your rooms with decora- tions and by rearranging your cabinets. The multiplayer ‘options wil be limited at launch, but players can check out universal leaderboards, compete via local two-player (when applicable), play a cabinet the same time as a fr in Parallel mode, ог take tums in Round Robin mode. Unfortunately, online versus multiplayer won't be avaiable at launch, with Microsoft saying its evaluating that feature for the future

Microsoft and its partners plan to make additional arcade cabinets avallable їп the future; the company says it wants to have 1,000 ties available in the ne three years, shipping at least seven per week. Pla сап try every arcade game for free if friend owns it, 'osoft points 00) to own or 40 points (50e) to play Funny, didn't most of these games actually cost a quar- ter back in the day? » b


(ШЕРТ) The assassins blade never rests, Ubisoft has already announced another all-new Assassin's Creed tile staring АС 18 Ezio Auctore. The new game, which will be ful priced, is scheduled о appear before March. ‘of next year, and wil include a multiplayer component.

Like the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 before й, the Wi now has Net support. Wi ‘owners can access streaming movies from their queue provided they have а Netix account, are connected to the Internet, and send away for a required free disc. Unike the other two. ‘consoles, however, HD content won't be viewable on the Wî, Reggie doesn't

think you need an HD Wi. 4

кае вина ge peipei the To PS meten convoke тан Moe OPERE EE Д Dres o Ga Aner adt TS cor Da ot ве at редат st toad Isl The com poni e Таи oar rci Whee doo ча fo Soy seul bo men ar ne EXE dns нете таи малын тендігі

Ubisoft CEO Wes Guillemot says the company is steering ts ship away from the Wi and concen trating on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, Gullemot called those two consoles the ones that are "expected 10 experience sustained sales growth п games

for gamers in calendar 2010." "Games for gamers"

New year, same delays, Pushed out past March: Lost Planet 2, Super Street Fighter М, Splinter Call Conviction. Bumped past Apri certainly is a phrase we Ubisoft strategy tle R U.S E. (see last issue, page ke to hear coming from 82 for more). Speaking of Ubisoft, 1 Am Alve is , an executive. switching over to the Splinter Cell engine, and wil

now not come out unti Apri 2011 at the өзгені.

SS Goo Ona ad Sa a az’]_—-FHF,:®Ddu_: AAA ANN

‘And The Nominees Are... The IGF received a record-breaking ‘nue of submissions for the com: peto this year, win over 306 games "itg fora place in he top 20.A pot ot 180 judges - including prominent indie. ame fures such s 20 Boy's Ron Camel and ThatGamoCompanj's Kellee ‘Santiago then wed down he con “estants over three months, Here are the omes that made the cut

Seumas McNally Grand Prize

+ Joe Danger Helo Games)

Monaco (Pocketwatch Games)

= Rocketbirds: Revolution! (Ratoop Asia) + Trauma (Krystian Majewski)

= Super Meat Boy! (Team Meat

Excellence In Visual Art + Shank Кеј Entertainment)

+ ойу (D-Pad Studios)

Trauma Krystian Majewski)

= Limbo (aydead)

= Rocketbirds: Revolution! (Ratioop Asa)

Excellence In Design

- Miogakur (Marc Ten Bosch)

+ Star Guard (Sparky)

2 АраавдАовадАДааААААЗААААА! A Reckless Disregard For Gravity (Dejobaan Games]

Monaco [Pocketwatch Games)

+ Cogs (Lazy 8 Studios)

Excellence In Audio + Super Meat Boy (Team Meal

+ Shatter (Sidhe)

= Closure (Closure Team)

= Rocketbirds: Revolution! (Roop Аза) = Trauma (Krystian Majewski)

Technical Excellence

+ Closure (Closure Team) = Limbo (Рау

+ Heroes Ot Newert (S2 Games) + Joe Danger Helo Games) Vessel Strange Loop Games)

ло peers, is judged arate pane! of experts and

nicmested for the challenge the acc of what a game's, and обе the most intriguing experiences to юте cut of the competitor

+ Today Di Daniel Benmerqu =A Slow Year lan одов).

+ Toning (Cactus)

= Closure (Closure Team) -Envr-Bear 2000 (usin Smith

Honoring Indies

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8-bit crime

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Prision, Ave Saint Martin

Trauma Developer: Krystian Majewski Platform: Fash, Web Browser Release: 01 2010 ‘A poin-and-cilvhiden object hor, Trauma tls а story of survival and recovery by a young woman tresh from a car accident that kiled her parents. Much like the process of healing, Trauma unfolds in fts and starts, using a. unique interface of photo stitched together in an unnerving} surreal manner Discovering hidden Polaroids wil trigger memories and teach the player how to move through he environment to interact with ey objects, There is то single path that wil lead you through Trauma, and you wil be constantly leaming new ways to "рау" the game. This can be confusing, but that seems to be the point Trauma ња powerful, shortform game ful of metaphor and meaning, and fully deserving of a few hours of undivided attention.

Joe Danger Developer: Holo Games Platform: TBA Release: Spring 2010

Jo Danger is one ol e rasta уйп tre het produton value ard тау and for ono reason Developer Helo Games vas funded by mpl Ses o left behind studios such as Стати Sumo Kiju, EA, and Carin order saat th rre or more create freedom Aia arcade Stunt racer sura Joe Dangers simple qoa îs to impres fans and break rears Win a massive ba of ticks to draw on, Danger wit bunny hon жене, and ip hs way o te ih ine, chin ete colossal combos along he кау Торе re rewarded based on player pertommance, pushing yout take advantage of eve Soko fe chc, ever second ot aïs and every nirtmentl aid 1o ab hl прај igh score. Joe Danger is shaping ир хобе воду sand above al tun

Monaco Developer: Pocketwatch Games Platform: TBA Release: TBA Monaco s a simple and satstying мше to crime capers and classic French heist movies. Setin a modem Monte Caro, players choose from four dite en thief classes, each with their ovn uique attributes. The Locksmith, for example, can fy through locked doors and open safes in a breeze, while the Hacker сап shut down alarms and security cameras in a snap. Each heist necessitates weighing risks and rewards. Nabbing a key em at each location allons you to progress to later hes but the real challenge is seeing if you сап plage each environment to ts fullest without geting caught. Keep in тїп armed guards, locked doors, and security cameras are ever present to stall your progress. Monaco reaffirms the Holywood basics: know the for. plan, map the patrol routes, mark the security cameras, and, аз aways, have апей strategy ready.

Rocketbirds: Revolution! Developer: atop Asia Platform: Web Browser Release: Available Now оске: Revolution! is a serious game that doesn't take itself too seriously "n the adventure you take contol of FarcBoled Chicken, the “original Cock ot War? who spearheads a rebelion against draconian penguin oppressors, n an attempt to weaken their iron-fisted grip over Аа орос, HardBoled wil nun and gun his way to victory, pausing oniy to solve puzzles and engage in witty banter with his foes, The beautiful 20 environments and the tongue-in-cheek Cutscenes make each scripted respite a treat. HardBailed зст through level ater level, unraveling а quirky mystery and taking on hostie avian enemies wih an arsenal of diferent weapons. Ratloop had а vison - albeit an odd one - and stayed true to itall the way through. Rocketbirds: Revolution! proves that in he world of avian baddies, roosters reign supreme.

Super Meat Во; Developer: Team Meat Platform: ire, Steam, Retail PC/Mac), Undisclosed Console Release: Mid-Late 2010 ‘Super Meat Boy is as bizarre as it sounds. You play as а cube of sentent meat, in kove wth а young lady made of bandages, who is spiited away by an evil “fetusin a jar wearing a tuxedo. Not wiling to rest on intrigue alone, Super Meat Boy is a comprehensive and punishing platformer developed with mas- осів in mind, A simple set of moves (run, leap, and wall jump) are counter- balanced by levels that increase in difficulty at an alarming rate. Spinning saw blades, pts of fre, and pools of dirty syringes all equate to instant death. Each level requires a steady hand and impeccable sense of timing to string together combos, with runs lasting less than 30 seconds ven finally perfected. Over "200 lvl are promised in Пе final version, meaning fans of old school charm (wo сап handle a borderine infuriating chalenge) wil find Super Meat Boy an ‘Entrée worth consuming.

connect 21

Dimensional Dilemma?

The 2010 CES was brought to you by the number 3 and the letter D, but whether consumers are

ready for the leap remains to be seen. by Nick

ol which were dedicat booth feat

the tech: ». But its not just the er ould be if sor xtd ty put in tne time to focus с

Nintendo, which didn't attend


The name of Ubisoft's top assassin means “high fying one or bird of prey” п Arabic, Айаї в also the name of a star inthe constotaton Aqula - даша being another name meaning ваде, Not coincidently, Ezio (fom Assassins Creed I) в the tatan form of a Greek name that aiso means “eagle.” However, the name of ho man reliving the memories of both men from the future is Desmond. His папе Hora means "a man from south Munster.” Maybe he got lost and ended up in the wrong game.


The annoying stuffed puppet from FFVII is a reference to. ап ancient fairy creature found in Scottish mythology. A Cat Sith is said to resemble a large black cat with a white spot on its breast. Legend tels us that this specter is a disguised witch, and rumors hold that it stil haunts the Scottish Highlands today. If that creature had been in Final Fantasy МИ, we might have actually used it


Christopher isa late Greek пате meaning “t The name was used by early Christians as a metaphor expressing how they carried Christ in their hearts. Redfield, оп the other hand, is a bit redundant. It derives from two words, the Olde English ryd meaning "a cleared area suit able for agriculture,” and бей, another old word meaning “area cleared for agriculture." Chris Rodî ‘could be literally taken to mean to сапу fields - symbolic perhaps for all the backtracking he did in the early entries of the Resident Evi series,

QHUN-LI In Mandarin, the name of Capcom's leggy femme fatale is ЗЕН. Chun meaning “Spring”, and f (meaning "beau. ful” In other words, Chan is a young gf fled with һе beauty of sping, Maybe Capcom shoud have considered a diferent name, Ike Dà-Kuà (A B) meanin

saring Christ.”


Most of the cast from Valve's co-op shooter have names appropriate for a zombie apoca- lypse survivor. Bil, for example, comes from the Germanic name Wilahelm, which was composed of wil, meaning "wil or desire, and heim, meaning “helmet or protection." Louis derives from the Germanic name Ludwig, which means “famous warrior." Zoey derives ftom an old Greek word meaning "ifo." Francis, it seems, is the black o. Francis ls the English form of the Late Latin. name Franciscus, which literally means “Frenchman.” Frenchmen? Proof that Francis was the weakest link.


The popular story is that Mario was named after Nintendo's U.S. landlord during the early “80s. However, the name Mario is actually the talian form of the name. Marius, which means “child of Mars," Mars, of course, is the ancient Roman god of war, Mario's brother Luigi is no slouch either, Like Louis from Left 4 Dead,

his name is the Italian version of the German name Ludwig, which means “famous warrior.” Maybe һе жаз switched at birth.


The name Zelda (alternately Selda or Segula) might not be used much any more, but this old Yiddish name means “blessed, happy, or lucky.” Considering how often this chick gets Kid. napped, maybe i's time she changed her пате, May we suggest Terah? it means "easily fooled" and "old goat."

connect 25

think up a title that did more to ‘explain what the game was about in an easier fashion and change it

to that. But everyone involved on

staff and in the company became

hooked on the sound of Bayonetta, and we decided to go ahead with

the tite.

It seems impossible to buy every- thing in the store after just one playthrough. Why did you make of the accessories and items ere tient limited to just the acoes- ısories, | feel that along with the accessories, the idea of юму developing a playor character's abiites as you proceed through the game also has an element of tuto- па to it. Obviously, slowly adding new actions is fun in and of itself, however, ultimately Bayonetta's abiities are kind of ike an F1 car - high end and refined, 1 should take players some time to come to grips With them. Accessories are kind of. the same way. If you were to пу them ail in one go round, you wouid cast them off before you ever camo. to truly understand their individual abiities. Tat is why we tuned the {game so that you won't acquire "hem ail in one playthrough - to give the player timo to try them out thor- oughly and learn the accessories.

Bayonetta is unapologetically girly, Were you worried about {uring men off with the feminin- ity of all the butterflies, fow- ers, and lollipops? Conversely Were you worried about turning women off with Bayonetta's overt sexuality?

Bayonetta the character was designed by a female designer.

Tris is pat of a longer discussion. To pul it simply, what we created was bom of advocating a design hat don't pander to tno desires of теп, but instead was both hgh- Class and fashionable. Bayonetta may be sexy, but she is absolutely

not vulgar, and we stressed mak- ing her beautiful above ай else in the design. think that is evident in what we created, do you not? “There shouldn't be anyone, male or female, that dislikes Бөәші things.

character would be female, we thought of some way we could effectively use her hair. You know, аз they say in Japan (and maybe the world over “hair is a woman's Mo." At the very least, I thought that ме would use her hair as a prop to display the dynamic nature of her action in the same way Dante's coat or Joe's scarf operates. However it ‘backfired, as implementing a long- haired character model in tha game ‘ended up obscuring the entirety of her body, and created a problem in that it was harder to see the action taking place. We ended up returning to the first concept design that Mari Shimazaki created for Bayonetta.

їп that design, hor hair camo down ‘over her arms, draping ќе it was a fringe. I realized that this visual expression was interesting, and came up with a new idea. İ said, "What if we didn't just stop at the ате, but draped her entire body in her hair? Witches should be able to о that.” By doing that, her hair was ‘able to flow off of her arms, and

ме were able to obtain the flowing locks we wore looking for without ‘obscuring her body. Once that was in place, | realized that if she was using her hair to summon these ‘demon attacks then her hair had to disappear off her body when she did this. Then what would happen!? Needless to say, the guys on the team were incredibly happy with the ideas

Bayonotta's character design

is fairly long and spindly, which

is unusual for a female in video ‘games. What wore the reasons. behind making her look this way? То create the action we wanted, Bayonetta needed to swing and project her limbs out with incred- ible vigor. Bayonetta has the

best proportions to ilustrate this dynamic action. We also didn't want to appeal overtly to ideas of. base sexuality, but instead aimed to show Bayonetta off as stylish, Ike а fashion model.

We liked the game's Space Harrier sequence, but that shoot-

Platinum Game's newest release may stand next to Devil May Cry and God of War, but the 's unique flair left us with a few questions. Where did Bayonetta’s character design come from? ‘she covered in hair? And why does the Space Harrier sequence seem to go on forever? Using апа reader-generated questions, we grill Platinum Games’ director [Hideki Kamiya,

ing seemed to go on for a really long time. Why is this? Hey, I don't think it is too long. (Laughs) | think that gamers of ту era excelled at the ability to approach games in the vein of find the fun in what I've been. given," and not "You guys need to give me what | want.” Maybe | expressed my feelings of nostalgia for that ега а bit too strongly. But va tha ој оде севу crasies that make up Bayonetta. ‘and | would be really pleased if you enjoyed itas such.

1 don't think that а game should be held captive to just one thing, but should have lots of diferent types ‘of play I think f you take а look at Devil May Gry, Viewtiful Joe, etc. you wil understand my belief in this, I don't think of these things as individual parts. think of the whole picture and how itll flows together as one.

The guys at Platinum seem to jump around from series to Series, does that mean you'll be. doing something new next, or will ме see a Bayonetta 27

Wel, we obviously have love forthe work we have created, so | don't see anything wrong wih Bayonet 2. Personal, ГА Ме to approach the world of Bayonetta fom a dfer- ent алде, in the fom ofa spi. However right now we're having fun dreaming up wid ideas; and haven't made any decisions at al. ®



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Not sune where to find thse ures? Follow these steps.

to find the parental controla

‘om each ofthe three consoles.

It’s Under Control

Family controls give parents tools to keep inappropriate games out of kids’ hands. But are they easy to find and set up for non-gamer parents? by Jeff Cork

he other day | asked my wile to imagine F I T rus ranen ten rio ate tunnel and we were suddenly the parents

two young teen boys, She дат! run scream- ing out of the house, which was my initial fear. | hen toid her that we were concerned about our hypothetically aged kids being exposed to those darn M-rated games, and it was up to her to ‘access and adjust the parental controls on our PlayStation 3, Wi, апа Xbox 360 so tat such ‘content would be blocked. Fortunately, she's nothing И not patient, Sometimes.

She'd heard few vague things about famiy settings on the consoles, but there hadn't been any real reason for her to mess around wath them, The last time she'd even spent time with а game was with Alas on the Xbox, so ird been a while, I figured she was as good a test subject as any for my litte plan. Could some ‘one withthe interest, but not necessari the know-how, easly figure out how to access а set appropriate content limits for their children? Tre answer, as ГО find cut, was a resounding "fend off

Nintendo Wit ‘She started out with the Wi, since she

thought it would be the easiest nut to crack. | didn't let her look anything up online, because. that would have been too easy. The Iricklest part for her was finding where the settings were ‘grouped, From there, (t was a pretty simple

Tide (asi turns out, this was a pretty common theme. See the sidebar for the locations of each

‘console’ family settings), Al three consoles alow parents to restrict games by content, It в user tries to access such restricted cont they'll have to enter a passcode (set up by the parent) to proceed. The Wi has a Web browser, ‘and parents can also choose to limit access to the Internet as well as the consoles news chan- по. Parents can also choose to limit the use

of Wi points, to prevent kids (or spouses} from. downloading content and spending money in the process,

Overall grade - B.

Xbox 360 Microsofts Xbox 360 interface was rede- signed to make the system more accessible tonan-gamers. Judging кот how quickly my Wife found the famiy settings, Г say they suc- ‘ceeded. In addtion to game content, parent сап adjust the settings for TV shows, videos, and movies. Parents can also block Xbox Live ог some ofthe system's cormmurications funo- tionality, Perhaps the sickest feature is its ary timer, which lets parents dole out minutes of playtime for each account holder. Once the timer is out, no more games. ЁЗ a simple and effective Way of limiting gaming time that sti gives kids some measure of conto.

Overalt grade - B+

3 The PlayStation 35 controls were probably the аске for my wife to handle, They weren't easy

for her to find, and Sony's way of handing restric- tions is a ite strange. Rather than have parents choose appropriate ratings for ther kids, Sony has parents select from a siding scale of 1-11, With one having the tightest controls. There's no easy way to understand what these numbers correlate o, and even Sony's Web ste өтт that helpful (wo cheated afterward). Expect ait trial and error. The PlayStation 35 online access can be fnessed a bit with third-party Мелпа software {avaiable for less tran $25), which gives more похву than the Wi's simple on/off solution. The PS3 also lets parents set spending limits for Kids on the PlayStation Network.

Overall grade - C

Uttsrately my wile did a great joo. She was abie to tweak three consoles in less th

hour, and our make-believe teen sons. better for her having done so. Sony's sicing scale was a source of frustration, but she pow- ered through it After spending time with the parental controls, I'd Ike to see more fexibity overall. Having restrictions based on ratings is a good start, but parents should be able to make exceptions on a game-by-game basis. Halo 3 might be perfectly acceptable for a Kd who's not quite ready for a Grand Theft Auto.

Аз gamers grow up and have families oftheir ‘wn, | expect more parents wil take advantage of these kinds of оці settings. They're easy to access, even for parents who don't play games, and they're a good safeguard for when kids aro playing unsupervised. ©

‘Ty зашти Lo]

Xbox Live Arcade gets three

new exclusives, апа М н едЕ comes to ШЕ .,

his years 2010 Consumer Electronics Show brought us lots ‘of news about 3D tech and tablets, but Microsoft also snuck a couple very cool new downloadable games into the mix. The fests Toy Soldiers, an action strategy hybrid developed by Signal Studios. that Microsoft considers one of the big releases headed to Live Arcade this year. Players join one of two miniature toy armies on either side of a World War I model diorama as they fght across the wooden and plastic landscape. Players can control the 50 different units in the game from a strategic command perspective, or commander a unit on the fed and join the fight for some third-person action, That includes the squads of antique toy solers, but also more destruc ме units Ike zeppeins, planes, and tanks. Go head-to-head with a frend п fve different maps using spit-screen and Xbox Live, or sharpen your sks in the tower defense style single-player campaign. My eariy gimpse at the game has me pretty stoked. Microsofts other big Live Arcade announce ment also defies easy genre classification. Created by N+ developer Sick Entertainment

Serap Meta pate uc

Scrap Metal is a top-down racing game in the style of R.C. Pro-Am with serious action game overtones. Custom rides are a big focus for the game, which includes 60 single-player racing missions. There are

muscle cars, bulldoz

өз, arboats, and

monster trucks hidden

amid the 20 unique

vehicle options. The

vehicles are strapped

with absurd weaponry

ke famethrowers,

chainsaws, and rocket

launchers. Multiplayer

modes include King of the Hil and Demolition Derby plus a GTA-styled Survivor mode where Players must try to complete laps under the. duress of an increasingly intense police chase. featuring cop cars, choppers, and even tanks. Туе yet to get my hands on the game, but Im already marking it as one to watch as we near ts spring release,

Risk: Factions should draw in strategy. gamers who don't mind a Ие kooky humor thrown into the mix. The classic board game

Rage ofthe Gladiator

has been reinvented for XBLA, combining familiar dice-roling word domination with new

animations for the fve outlandish factions. The family-friendly tle adds new components to the standard rules, but stil serves as a cool way for parents to introduce the game to thor kids. Rage of the Gladiator is an intriguing new WiiWare tite - tho frst l'm aware of that uti- izes Wi MotionPlus. Така Punch-Out, blend in weapons and a fantasy arena, and you have a good understanding of the game. Swinging ther Swords and defending with shields, players take оп 10 boss fights in sequence, each requiring its own timing and battle strategy. You can gain access to over a dozen crazy finishing moves, from creating pilars ol fre that engulf your foe to causing a solar өсірсе. А lot of atton- ton has been paid to naling the animations во that monsters respond to your dis- tinct swings - a fea ture thats especialy cool when utiizing MotionPlus. If you're stil n the dark ages of the original controler, worry not; tho game works without MotionPlus as well

For ational coverage of доите and independent gares

n a our preview o Mega Man 1.00 71 алй tal on the grand prie nominas Lor hs jars pan dent Games Festal on p 20. tat does HY your quta chach nat gamentomercom/ra to ват иі dicito gamas aro теши ever week

Xbox 360

| connect 29

Dust - Counter-Strike

Arguably the most played multiplayer map of all time, Dust is the face of Counter-Strike. From its place in competi- tive gaming to the countless hours spent at home playing against the "1337" of the world, this simple-to-understand yet impossible-to-master map is filled with natural choke points and will go down in history as one of the corner- stones of multiplayer development

Blood Gulch Halo Та map from the original Halo was so popular that Bungie remade it for Halo 2 and Hala Wars. The giant open battetieid with two small bases at ether end gies ambitious players ал awesome enemy’ mentalty when they грант, while snipers have pe the edge of he mountainside that encompasses the map.

Facility - GoldenEye 007 Lets be honest here, you bought an NG for Goid: ye Rare made console multiplayer a realy way before Halo had a spark of Ife. Whether you pay slappers oniy or cal he “No Oddo de, Facility is he ultimate map to rip your buddies to shreds.

Strike at Karkand Battlefield 2 Loading up a 64 ра match for the frst ime on ‘Ske at Кала made gamers drool al over ег Keyboards. Roling an МТАТ tarik down he steet taking fiag after fag or bum rusting the points on the Outskirts of toar never gets oks. The sheer scale of the map whic contains a srl ciy, vilage outpost, and large bridge crossing - stl imprese to ts dey.

Crash Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

With a downed helicopter in the middle to fight over, Cash presents a hectc wan battleground at delwers a chaotic Black Hawk Down feeling every ште. Whether you find yourself spawning in the tree: story bung or at the shop down the street, nity Ward's standout man keeps the frantic action front and center.


Calypso Casino Rainbow Six Vegas Gen he large amount of breach points on his safe when they're quarn vr ts ne attacking team Tepeling trough e skylight, taking tn ts, or тел using the elevator shafts, this map ges һе

ims paranoia and a sens that the bullets cou start log from anywhere.

watching an epic war fim. One team starts on the edge ot a е. On the other side are the enemy team and the conquest objectives. The олу solution is to кад up the Blackhawks with troops and go in guns алп. Trauma Studios, he makers of the popular mod, went on to

form Kaos Studios and release Frontlines: Fuel of War.

Wake Island Battlefield 1942 Tre island map to rule them all ts famous horseshoe shape creates

teeter-toter tect for gameplay flow that makes it a chalenge fr ‘ne team to maintain control of he flags, even И fey control he tanks and planes. This роруа map hasn't ost any glamour since IS original release п Ваеһе 2, and serving as һе creative impetus for Battefei 1943,

2Fort Team Fortress

One of the most beloved maps in PC gaming, 2Frt delivers the

ultimate base vs, base gameplay While both teams’ complses have tiple entrances and es, the real batte always ends up on the

bridge between the two, Teamwork is the ony foolproof strategy.


фсе, Tokay's Tower - Quake I

Tre utinate map for arco Qe fans. ust el rocket нети an its on. okay Tos pal de fied win xong missles and сау day run acts уйш arta To your des hen Jol тозу ly ул d by "ese cage oa quok rng Ке

connect 31

There is no such thing as safe

nmm destruct while. vin is tracted

This s bong tm gu to make a sandwich

Элде win tank controis





Escape on helicopter

бе nature ot man

Cap | exchanged my ammo for an irk rion


| = et то


>| Sequel


Paty, asymmetrical mondes боле)

Y >|




Find a heart shaped key

Peada dary


What is tha, some dnd ot tuner?

What is this, some Vnd ol ladder?

койо hand roy? No you serious?


TW накер AND mars A ZOMBIE!



= po pee

connect 33


While Vote Waiting For.. DIABLO

Blizzard's long-awaited jequel to one of the best-

ling games of all time H still a ways off. Numb the pain of pining for Diablo Ш with these, some of the better games inspired by the franchise

Torchlight (PC) was builtin a single year by a small team, yet it capably recaptures the kill-loot-level magic in its single randomly gener- ated dungeon

Sacred П (360, PC) supplements 1 1 its huge open world with the most uninten- tionally hilarious in-game music video in the nis- Û É tory of gaming

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (PC) is still the

Xing. No, really. The new patch

to keep this rock- ing a decade later


Is Duke Really Dead?

egal expert sees a silver lining in

3D Realms’ studio closure by

a decade жет w ith the most delay history. Last year, һо the franch black eye

19 DNF by the 20 mion back plus

publisher Take-Two Int ۷ ond ЗО Realms laying off ts en nent staff appeared to be the death Y Duke Nukem Forever, these factor

id be just what's п the game to


payment for all of the lost profits

have made through the release of DNF. H

much would that be? Take-Two did't specify

in its flings, “That is realy a сеу area,” say:

Merchant & Gould intelectual property

ney Eric Chad. "I don't particularly think that's

something they'd be Ikely to get, because ars that what the prof

finally see release. ake-Two Interactive and ЗО Realms’

publishing a is nearly a de

Due to ЗО Realms’ aul from Duk

Nukem ЗО and other projects, the company

to transfer $2.5 milion from Take-Two to 3D. Realms. This money is due back on October 22, 2012. So why are lawsuits fying around now? Negotiations for further funding broke xillast year. Оп May

by laying off nearly the е pment staff working on Duke Nuk

k later, Така

down in lat Realms surpri

version of cased at retail. Furthermore, ЗО Realm ы о of canceling a gam against 3D Realm. declined to comment on this st

Take-Two had cont Searbox. The tt

was supposedly due for release in mid-2010. ЗО Realms claims that Take-Two is purposely

cannot earn any royalties, and therefore may ‘eventually have to sel ой the Duke Nukem f for cheap to settle the debt.

Al of the arguments in this case are hinged on the elusive 2007 contract. "Some of the mystery surrounding the whole [issue] is that the contract hasn't b pubic." Chad says. "I don't know what the reason is, but

it not online or on fle with any of the courts publicly, so it's hard to say what exactly the contract says.”

Possible Outcomes Chad speculates that f everything goes Take оз way, would get the $2.5 mion, the ource code, and the уор and pubish at last one Duke Nukem console game. “The oniy way realy that Take-Two could get the IP would be if ЗО Reams sold t to. them, and there's nothing at law that says ЗО Realms has to do that,” Chad says. "Although, \ ВО Realms needs] to Не for bankruptoy, ће court may force them to sel their assets е the IP on the Duke Nukem franchise and then

Take-Two would be probably one of two other pubishe 3 afford those rights, with sion. An extra wrench is

thrown in there as wel - по matter who buys the rights, Take-Two has the right to publsh the next game. So they might be the only ones interested in buying the rights.”

ЗО Realms claims that even though its internal development studio has closed do work on DNF continues, This seems to point to a contracted third-party developer who would push to finish off the game by the con tractual deadline. “I think that is actualy in my mind what would probably be the most palat-

ble solution for ай the parties,” Chad says.

lot of these sorts of contracts wil have а Clause ike 30 Realms can't icense away or assign their rights to dev s Take- Two approves.’ Although, at this point, | don't know why Take-Tw because what Duke Nukem | would gue lot more than $2.5 milion.

"There are a few dockets in federal c the red rocket dockats that get cases done very quickly. The southern district of New York is not one of those,” Chad con: tinues. “I would guess that if the parties aren't able to reach a peaceful resolution it could easily be 2012 or even 2013 before we have any idea what the court is going to do ifthe

опа to trial. is clearly at a disadvantage

sit stands to bea


ise ends up 3D Realm:



the Incredible НА. fon fi

when it comes to awaiting trial. "30 Realms they don't have a lot of assets. It sound Ike they're at least immediately ‘able to pay that 2.5 milion back to Take-Tw Chad says, “Im guessing that litigating this case to the end with a big company ке Take Two would cost at least that $2.5 milon. 1% definitely in ther interest to settle the case and reach a resolution, And civî lawsuits almost ‘always do settle in one form or another, Rarely do they go to trial Setting w y lead to loads of money for both Take-Two and 3D Realms, and it would finally grant gamers! wishes worldwide ly agreed upon release date, At times, however, another factor becomes more important than any pile of cash. “Sometimes

1 you find a bog n MAG, ts man-hours of qualita testing.

is hate each

interest to selle the case and figure out some non-court remedy. They want to win rat compromise," Chad says, "Maybe that would keep them from compromising, but I think that inthis case a compromise would be tha best thing. 3D Realms would keep their IP, but Take Two wou bish a game.

connect 35

Online has a lot of smart ideas, and the best of them is providing varied gameplay to its

Trek for Trek Fans

Star Trek Online nails the fiction, and к

түріс Studios has journeyed into the

tumuftuous universe of licensed MMOs

before, but Star Trek Online is 15 most ambitious outing, Star Trek has 40 years of history behind it and a dedicated fanbase that practically defined the concept of a cul fol lowing. The challenge of establishing an MMO

under this intense scrutiny

is apparent, but Cryptic has embraced the inherent oppor- tunity as wel. After dedicating dozens of hours to space. exploration in the nearly com plete beta, I have no doubt the developers have brought а deep and abiding love for the Star Trek fiction, char acters, ships, and universe to the table, They've also created an original gameplay experience quite apart from other MMOs on the market Whether the game is ready for prime time - wel, that's a ct ferent story. Star Trek Onine has a lot of smart ideas, and the best of them is providing varied gameplay to its players, The дате has multiple strata. On the. largest scale, players warp across the galaxy

“Star Trek


in the map-tke sector space. Players can set а course to move across light years of space

in just a few minutes, during which they can improve skils from a menu, sell inventory tems, and apply new equipment to ther ships and crews. Reach your destination and you'l enter system space, where the meat of gameplay resides. Players can explore asteroid belts, blow ир Klingon battle cruisers, and scan anomalous energy readings on the planet surface, When the scans come up inconclusive, then you'll beam down with an away team to engage in ground exploration and combat. Between these Constantly shifting gameplay models, players are rarely caught in a rut of having done the same things for hours on end.

Variety also arrives Ма Оурісі specialty - customization. From crating an original galactic race to altering the shape and color of your ship, the game offers myriad ways to shape the aesthetics of in-game avatars. More sub- stantaly, your choice of skils, equipment, crew assignments, and ship classes create increas ingly diverse and specialized player characters. Cryptic has also spit up the styles of play between the two major game factions. interested in PVE story missions, cooperative feet battles, and exploring the galaxy? The Federation is for you. Care to specialize in РУР, counting up kils,

on the existing fanbas

and expanding territory? The unlockable Kingon Empire is right up your aley.

Of the diferent gameplay modes, the ship combat provides the most engaging exper: ‘ence, no matter your faction, Delberate, naval уе battles demand careful asset management of rechargeable abiities and an attention to ship. facing, speed, and power levels. This is how. Star Trek ship battles should be handled, and it only gets more fun as increasingly complex ships come under your command.

‘The вате can't be said for the ground game, (On-foot battles aro usually a matter of running through corridors, pausing to tap your weapon. fie button unti the enemies fall down, and then moving on. Missions feel too similar to each ‘other, and the objectives are often unclear or ‘unmarked. | ike the feel of constant phaser fre and charging enemies, but the battles are rote when enemies all act the same way, Deeper more complex quests, an increased focus on. strategy and cover, and more abilties for your main character would all go a long way to improving these sections.

My other concern comes with a major caveat As of this writing, the fnal game hasn't gone Ive, ‘and won't for another week. So when | say that there are a lot of technical problems plaguing ‘StarTrek Online, my words have to be tempered

by the knowledge that at least some of them wil be resolved in the coming days. But al of them? Not even ‘Scotty has that engineering know-how. As it is, early play- ers should resolve themseives to some persistent bugs, bal- ance issues, and unpashed Content in the early weeks.

Despite the problems, їт cautiously optimistic about Star Trek Online.

Its a game that knows its audience and embraces it whole-heartedly. Non-Star Trek fans wal scratch their heads and wonder why ther buddies are so excited about choosing starship nacelles - they won't even know what nacelles are, But for those who do, this game is a treasure trove, propel ling the story of one of the longest running and beloved franchises in sci-fi history into a naw generation, ©

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Sony's Head of Worldwide Studios Touts A Creative Approach To Game Development

Sony Computer Entertainment's senior vice president of product development (ЕВВИВИНВНИИЈ oversees the com:

pany's internal development studios.

the new

You have a couple of games coming this year, Heavy Rain and the Last Guardian, ‘that are very innovative but also commer- cially risky. Much of the industry is turning away from more unique projects like this. Why are you willing to take the risk?

‘The culture we developed under SCE аррос. ated and supported talent who had a vison, Ike Kazunori [Yamauchi ог David Cage, or, Alex [Evans] and the people at Media Molecule. Ме get genuine pleasure from supporting these people, Wo want people that make games to Бе wel respected and wel known. Our origin was a joint venture between Sony and Sony Music, so a lot of the thinking came from how the music industry worked with the musicians and talent, That kind of culture has been shared among all our territories and studos, As games. become a bigger investment, one faluro can. Cost a company tens of milions of dollars, so its rue that t's becoming a more institutional effort. But stil, at the core. there is a natural understanding and appreciation that very tal- ented human beings create these games. You've made a push to create new internal IPs for this generation, but is there any thought to bringing back some established brands, like Twisted Metal and Syphon Filter, on the PS3?

Асай, this morning | was stening to your podcast and I smiled when someone men- tioned in the predictions segment that Sony should bring back Twisted Metal and Syphon Fiter. Ко an honor to hear those sorts of requests. We always tak about these things ‘amongst the management group at Worldwide Studios. We believe that when we launch a new platform that its an excelent opportunity to launch a new IP. Because ifs at the beginning of the platform, the number of games is итиед and consumers wil be more wiling to try new IPs, However, we have existing IPs we'd Ike to evolve as long as they are based on new ideas from the studios and requests from the con- sumers. After many years in the industry, we are lucky to have more IPs to work on than we have resources,

You recently released the God of War Collection for Р53. In retrospect, do you wish you had held God of War ll back to release itat the launch of PlayStation 3? [Laughs] Wel, who we were developing God of War I, I was the head ofthe US. studo group. We had a lot of debates about t, actu- aly. | always frmly stood by keeping it on PS. Many people, including marketing, suggested that maybe it should be moved to PS3, What

1 befeved was that God of War Ii would be the bost-soling and best game of the year. We had aways soon that, at the launch of a platfom, the developer has to spend a lot af time becom-

motion controller, and its 3D gam

шу spoke to Yoshida about Son

ing initiatives

ing familar with the platform and software tools. Technical issues take up а lot of the develop- ment, perhaps leaving less time for really polish- ing the game. Towards the end of a platform is when you see really great games, after develop- ers really begin to understand the hardware.

In the God of War franchise, | saw an oppor: tunity for the Santa Monica team to complete. their vision for the second game on a platform. they totally understood. That was my argument and the company and team supported it, l'm very happy with the result, So to your question, | have never regretted the fact that we released God of War Il on PS2.

‘You are very supportive of Polyphony Digital and have given them what seems like almost unlimited time to make Gran ‘Turismo 5. Obviously, they want to make the best game they can, but from a man- agement perspective does it reach the. point where you say enough is enough? [Laughs] Wel, with developers tke Yamauchi- san, it may look from tho outside that thoy don't care if they spend as much time as they want, but they really do work hard to get the ‘game done. They wish that they could release these games mote frequently. But because of the pressure they put on themselves, they have ‘been doing the best that they can.

"ts true that its been five years since the last true game - Gran Turismo 4 - was released; "when you lock at it ike that tho team seems

to be taking forever. But Gran Turismo is one

‘of the faces of the PlayStation brand, so they. ‘always get requests from the platform side to make technical demonstrations, Kazunori would remind you that, from Polyphony’ standpoint, they have released something almost every year, lico Gran Turismo HD, the one-track demo or Gran Turismo Proto or the PSP Gran Turismo. о, yes, they aren't ike other developers that ‘can release games year after year, but they are also in the situation that they have additional responsbities to the platform. So I'm half- agreeing with your statement, but also trying to ‘explain the situation around Gran Turismo.

ModNation Racers is another racing prod- uct you have coming out, which is the latest in your Play, Create, Share initiative that began with LittleBigPlanet. Do you have more products planned that fall under that banner?

LittleBigPlanet was the best-seling game of that year for us; | think it's past three milion units sold. We are very excited about the creation and sharing side of LittleBigPlanet. Clear we ‘want to continue to tackle this area of games in many diffrent ways. ModNation Racers came about because the developer, United Front

“етно by Mati Helgeson

y's game development philosophy,

Games, was at Game Developer's Conference when we demonstrated LitleBigPtanet. They were impressed by the presentation and wanted to do something е that, Ther background and expertise was in the racing gerve, so the idea came about to adapt Play, Create, Share to the racing genre. To me, that was the ideal way of a project happening, instead of us corporate guys saying, "This is what you have to do. Put the Play, Create, Share aspect in your game.” Those kinds of things are happening with games that wo haven't announced yet, but you wil see in the near future.

‘The push towards 3D television was huge at the recent Consumer Electronics Show. How much are you working on 3D gaming? Yes, we are a very big part of Sony's 3D strategy. The 30 TV idea has been around for decades and sometimes i's been joked about, but we befeve iti real this Што. A lot of things are aligned now. One thing is the effort being made in Hollywood movies. They have made lots of progress in R&D to use stereoscopic technology in a natural and unobtrusive way, After about fve minutes you forget you are watching а movie in 3D, you are just more immersed. Thats the best Way to use 3D. Stereoscopic 3D is nothing new; it's how we watch the world. Its easy to make something jump out of the screen at you. That's not the direction the [game] industry is going. If we do our job right, we can make games even. more immersive.

1 know you can't speak in too much detail, but what kind of games we can expect

for the Sony motion controller? A lot of hardcore gamers feel that the Wii has been too bogged down with gimmicky party games. Are you going to have motion-con- trol games for hardcore gamers?

The answer is yes. The motion controller ~ the hardware itself - has been a colaboration between the hardware group, the Worldwide Studios teams and [EyeToy creator] Richard Marks’ U.S. R&D group. We were looking at the Wi and how it changed the games and indus: пу We are aware that we do certain things well апа don't do certain things well. | don't want to talk about other companies’ technology, but | firmly beleve this is the beginning of something much, much bigger. A lot of game ideas that were not possible with existing technology can now be done. So we are developing games

for existing, core audience genres and also. some new, more casual things. This controler is precise; it has the response time of the Dual Shock. That was always our goal. We have. achieved that, We are able to make games that эге easy to get into for casual gamers but also have the depth that core gamers enjoy.

1986 COMPANY MAN Alet graduating fam Kyoto Univerzity with an economics ogee, Yoshida takes an entry-level jo at Sony Carp. агаа exocut

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1993 NEW ERA

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connect 41

by Andrew Reiner executive editor,

Game Informer

work in the industry

and would like to share your ‘pinion, contact senior edi-


Helgeson at matt gameinformercom

Can't recall a game release date? Don’t blame

your memory, blame ad campaigns

hy is it that can tell you off the top of my head when коп Man 2 or Clash оГ the Titans are hitting movie the- aters, yet | have to search a website or visit a game store to find a video game release date? The answer is simple: Most game publishers аге not doing enough to market new releases.

Hollywood studios bang movie release dates into our minds with a hammer made of feath- его. When I turn on my TV, | see a trailer with a release date. When | surf the web, | see advertising for the same movie (again with a release date). When | cross a street, | see that movie advertised and its release date plastered оп billboards, buses, and walls. Long story shor, it would be nearly impossible for me to live my Не without seeing an advertisement for said fim. Even if | don't have interest in it, | know what it is, | know when it's coming, and. even weeks after the fim hits theaters, | am reminded of why | should see it through "сті. ics agree" or “this summer's number one fim" Postrelease TV spots.

Motion picture advertising has even infiltrated the game space. | see movie ads more often оп Xbox Live than | see game advertisements. This isn't a conspiracy. Hollywood studios aggressively market their product. Video game ‘companies do пој

"When | see video game advertisements on. television, roughly half of them follow the path of beer companies, with joke-filed spots. Others show CGI clips that are nowhere to be

found in the game. Only a few each year show actual in-game gameplay along with a release date. But these ads are usually one-otfs, How. many movie trailers do you usually see for any given fim? How many TV spots?

All of this boils down to how much a publish- er is wiling to spend on marketing. The imme- diate thought, for me anyway, was that movie ‘companies spend more on their blockbusters than game companies do. Not true. After talk- ing with several game manufacturers, | found game marketing budgets can be just as large ав movies. The divide comes with where these dollars are spent.

Bethesda Softworks’ vice president of PR and marketing, Pete Hines, sums it up best. “While you'll see bigger game campaigns use things associated with movie marketing, ike lots of TV or outdoor, you have to remember that pretty much anyone can see a movie, whereas not everyone can play a 360 or PS3 game (f they don't own the console.” he said. "So movie marketing can afford to be more mass, while game marketing needs to make sure it is reaching people who can actually buy and play the game."

Basically, a good portion of budgets is spent in game stores, game websites, magazines, and on television shows with large gamer demographics. With Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 pulling in over a bilion dollars and Assassin's Creed Il topping eight milion units sold, it's hard to say that video game marketi

3s falling. Apparently, mar- keting to mostly the core User is enough to reach desired sales goals.

‘But even these targeted ‘marketing campaigns often {ail to deliver the key message of a game's release date, Write this off as a rant from a. ‘gamer if you must, but | stranaly feel game companies need to do а better job of promot- ing upcoming releases. The answer isn't as simple as putting God of War И release date оп billboards spread across every major U.S. highway. That's lke playing an RPG and spend- ing ай of your experience points on “luck.”

‘What is the answer? Finding a system that pounds game releases into people's heads.

1 have no interest in seeing fims like Julie 4. Julia, but | saw plenty of advertisements for it within my dally entertainment. As | mentioned earlier, Holywood has a strong presence on game consoles and in gamer culture, while games haven't infitrated the movie space in the same way. Only a select few DVDs feature game trailers in the previews section, and in-theater video game advertising often plays at the same tie as the car commercials and local ads before the lights dim and the fim. previews start,

The success of the video game industry can- not be denied. Something is being done right. At the same time, the fact that release dates have to be written on to the back of your hand shows that something is definitely wrong.

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connect 43

Platform PlayStation 3 + ок 360 » зуе

1-Pisyer Action

э Publishor

Rockstar Games

» Developer

Team Bondi

Release September


A Dark Mystery in the Lost City of Los Angeles

No word better describes Rockstar Games. In the nine years

since the release of its open-world crime epic Grand Theft

‘Auto HI, which stands among the most influential and suc-

ames ever released, the company has used its GTA war chest in pursuit of games that few other companies in the industry would even attempt. From the brutal, violent stealth of the controversial Manhunt to the charming comie mischief of Bully, Rockstar continually digs deep into the history of pop culture and film for inspirations beyond the usual fantasy; military and sci-fi clichés that fuel much of the industry's output.

Despite courting controversy both outside the industry and within, irs hard ro argue with the results. The compa пуз games have exhibited enormous scope and unparalleled production values, When Rockstar offers you a chance to get a behind-the-seenes look into what they call their most ambitious title ко date, you say yes

Though L.A. Noires existence has been known fo several years, facts about this title have been as hard to find as clues to the seedy murders that LA. Noire protagonist, Cole Phelps, unravels throughout the course of the game, After seeing the game and the development process in ac- tion, its clear why the publisher has been so secretive, Team Bondi, the studio behind L.A. Noire, has se the bar almost

bly high wich this game. ИЗ nor only creating the largest, most derailed open-world game to date, its at tempting to resurrect the long-lost Los Angeles of the 19405 while adding an engaging new adventure-style investigation system to the familiar drive-and-shoot gameplay model Oh, and along the way the company is pioneering some groundbreaking new technology that it hopes will forever

change the way video games are made.

by Matt Helgeson

cover story 45

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“Ies like a time machine? says LA. Noire production designer Sinon Wood. “That was my mantra”

As the man tasked with recreating a massive swatch of 1947 Los Angeles, Wood Das taken оп this job with а пеле дзеі commitment to derail. By Rockstars estimation, LA. Noire will feature a game world that’ bigger and more detailed

‘than any ifs created so и, and will be a near one-to-one recreation of the city at the time. Thars not to mention the over 140 interiors (many of which are multi room structures) and the mind-boggling number of fully rendered objects that Cole Phelps can examine in his investigations,

"To pull this off Wood and his team conducted massive amounts of research, utilizing resources often reserved for history graduate students, From the UCLA and USC archives the team secured over 180,000 photographs fom period news- papers Ше the Lor Angeles Times, The Herald Examiner, and The Daily New. Placing these pictures side by side, they were able to get a view into a forgotten world. This exhaustive photographic data provided insight into everything from ong tora-down LA. landmarks to everyday details like how people dressed and how much food cost at local diners, For items they coulda track down, they consulted famous Hollywood prop and wardrobe houses Ше Western Costume to secure authentic period clothing (some of the clothes i the game were used in lens like Saving Private Ryan and King Kong) and set pieces.

In crafting ће games massive in-game map, which spans fom the old downtown ош to Hollywood, Wood realized the team would be recreating something almost unimaginable to current residents of the city: Los Angeles without freeways.

“г never dawned on me that LA. didnt have freeways,” Wood comments. “Ies like Sydney has an opera house and a bridge, LA. has freeways. Some [landmarks] were sill sanding, but with the LA. building boom, they level things quick Nothing stands for long. [In the game] you cn drive down streets that dont өкін anymore”

To LAS Huntingon Library the team pored over massive, hand-drawn maps created in the 0s by President Franklin Roosevelt's Works Progress Administration. as well as early aerial photography of the area. While not will- ing to say tatis 100 percent accurate, Wood feels that the stets of LA. Noire are as close as humanly possible to the actual LA. of the time, right down to the storefront windows, which re modeled in 3D with accurate period product.

Help in modeling the numerous vintage vehicles in the game came from a slighty less academic source: late night comedian Jay Leno. “We photographed Jay Leno’ private car collection," remembers Wood, "You can drive around in Jay ‘Leno privare fre truck! He's got a garage like in Iron Man or Wayne manor. He was there, and when he opened it up, the boys were gobsmacked. Its endless.”

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‘Though told dough the lens of a crime drama, LA. Noire is Team Bond's game director Brendan McNamara’ attempt to explora city and a time period that has long fascinated him, As with The Getaway the sense of place is key to t

“For me, when you write something theres always some reason.” MeNamara says. “The Getaway for me was because ГА lived!

‘was in a sense what London meant to people, whether you were Australian, or Jamaican, or British. With this, I grew up in that post Vietnam mindset of what “Americ is about, You see all the old movies and think that America had this amazing moral authority post-World War IL 1% been a constant slide since then and T wondered where that started, [In the 405) there was this veneer of what America was, and then there was this undercurrent of what was really happening. Hollywood was marketing this model of the world to everyone = the California dicam, We bought into that even in Australia.”

“McNamara uncovers the dark side of the Golden State in that game's criminal cases, which occupy much of your time in the game, To make sure thar LA. Noire feels as real as possible, he conducted countless hours of research, reading crime reports from local newspapers: Over 90 percent of the game's cases are based on

London for some years. К

meal incidents, with some alterations to make sure the action is engrossing and to ensure that participants in the events or their living relatives are not brought to light. In conducting research, the team quickly learned that che 1947 LA. was far from the sunny, pastoral city portrayed ín many ls.

“Early on, when I met Brendan and he was showing me the research stuff, the crime books fom the time were unbelievable” says Rockstar producer Jeronimo Barrera. "We have this perception that the late ‘40s were idyllic, bur i was brutal. The amount of things that we wont touch on in the game, like child abuse,


‘Some of them were too wild to use adds McNamara, "One was about a preacher walking down Boadway with a bullwhip, whipping non-believers. [Laughs] We thought thar was a great story but we didit know how to wor it in. There was a guy in Santa Monica who was driving a four-engine plane down the streer at midnight. He had an accident because he didn't have lights on the plane if you came up with that at a design meeting, people would throw

“Ге ШЖ Z 7 р н ды om

Se Lh of a 22 бе

LA. Noire draws on reams of real-life history but the saga of one man, Cole Phelps, holds it together While Rockstar didnt reveal е games огу in much

ес, its clear Php ратова history hides some secrets,

‘Aron Staron, who plays Phelps in the game, sees Phelps as a Ване, but ulti- тшу good, man.

"lesa man with strong convictions and ambitions” Staton commenta. “Hek certainly conflicted and harbors some dark regrets and guilt about some of his ations in he past, in World War I. There have been promotions and accom- modations that = ro most people = would seem Ше а positive thing, Bu when yout rewarded for someting questionable, I thinke you carry a shame about it. a all of these missions, het trying to prove to the people around him and ro himself that hes wor I chink e climb the ranks quickly because he's inteligent and capable, bur that doube leads him to making mistakes as well”

“Throughout the game, Phelps will progress through the ranks of the LAPD through what Team Bondi calls the "desk system.” As in a real police foree, here ame diferent departments (desks) har deal with specific types of crime. A ist,

Phelps will be а simple beat cop, skulking though LA. alleys for evidence on simple crimes. As he solves more cases, hel be promoted to different desks like чай, vice, burglary; and arson. Ultimately, hell make homicide detective, the most prestigious job in the department. Аг each desk, hel be teamed with a new partner some of whom are more useful (and trustworthy) than others. Along the жау hell learn фас the police themselves are not saines Team Bond game director Brendan McNamara points out that the real-life corruption that scandal- ized ће force in the late "40s wil definitely impact Phelps during the game.

For McNamara, the real challenge was to create a character that will go through teal changes over the course of the adventure, something games have struggled todo,

“Who he is ar the beginning is completely diferent from who he is at the end” McNamara says. "Theresa journey Їп most games = even my old games = who someone is at the beginning is who they are at the end. You dont get thar in movies or literature = people change. We want you to go on a journey with him. Nite uying to pull that off”


Continued from page 50

Its clear he overplayed his hand. Although she aiti for the evening - she claims she clams up, teling us if we f he LAPD can expect a ce Phelps has по actual cues to flute testimony, this part of tho case is shut down. Savanaugh's Bar ges Phelps a new location 1o investigate, hopefully to locate the supposedly Ју Arthur Hogan. After warping to the location screen the game gives you this option that е of driving), we start exploring the k cive bar. In the back room is Arthur Hogan, wel on his way to drunk, Hogan's clearly ага case, айу spitting back, "Who wants to know?" when we ask his rame. We ask if he knew gene White was missing, to which he offers a vous, completely unbelievable дегісі Something smels fshy here. Phelps chooses to accuse, taking an aggressive approach. When Hogan denies being on the scene, Pheips reaches in his pocket and shows him the receipt for the pig found by the абал. doned car. Hogan corfesses that he and White had staged а fake murder, splashing pigs blood on the cene (көөр in mind this is before the days of CS! and DNA testing) so White coud be free to on his ists in Seattle, двете Ike this "murder Бока. murder at al After Phelps threatens to take hi into the alley ‘and knock some sense ito him, Hogan reluctantly gives uo White, Не hiding ou in Hogan's apart- nent on the corner of Temple and Figueroa, apart ment two, fter Phelps knocks on the door, White ‘pens the door bref and quicky зате it in our lace. Phelps Kicks the door down and gives chase ‘over the rooftops. Pursuing White down a ladder and onto a patch of grass, we're relieved to soe that our partner Bekowsky has flanked around back and pulled our car around. He stops White at gunpoint.

White confesses that he st away from his wile, stamme would be easier

Нора she was weith Из notes Pheips wryly before applying the cuffs

1 thought it

A New Formula

myriad са the game, but it днев a great look nto how L A. Nore hopes to bridge the gap between adventure, action, anc

project wil open up a new paradigm for the gerre. The frst time we got into the game | got the same sensation | got the frst time | saw The Th Guest fa adventure game - Ed], bu that was very simplistic,” he says, "This Б tne next evolution, When we Were showing people the actors in the game, we actually had to put In the camera rotating them t show that it was a game and not ideo." With its smoky jazz score, period vibe, and a core ocus on storyleling and investigation, LA. Nore is certanly a otferent Kind of cpen- werd Though passionate about the direction he McNamara raizes that the game needs to pro- vide fans of Rockstars сї enough triis: advice fromh lar fo pr With The Getaway, the storytelîng and char ters wera great, but it was McNernara comments “Rocks! a k down to what kn lay we want to gat nto. That comes across in what you've se We have the investigative stu t resting, bu we also have the st

going to appeal to people who ке shooto action. They have an incredible attention to detail ‘That's been great for us, because w teem and we're tying to do а groundbreaking game. We're trying to do something that no onets ever done before. Their help is important Barrera feels they've hit on a formula that can bath innovate and sais more casual fans, "t's about opening Е up for a lot of people arid ghi cof playing it a lot of diferent The big challenge is that ‘count game. You're not ruming aring big shootouts in the middle of But we had to make things fun for people л of stuff. Or people that ike to try had

Y chase, а shoot (working on behalf of

game combines the wide-open f with the fn опа and player choice us RPG genre - all in a setting and loc far fresher and engrossing than the usual urban

А. Noire already cant game. On the one ing the technology of дате develop: їп ехото ways. On the other, КЪ using that nology to crea is, in mary уз, more human nx persera than anything. lockstar has released so ar. By tapping into a fas inating era in American history; bringing 10 йе а Los Angeles iras been lost lo time, end c

a game that

maton cut ces, sometimes a

‘ating characters with real emotional resonance, LA. Noire could wall ba the most epic tile yet fom a cor pany that's spent the last d remaking the garing land

ls it arekî Team Bondi seem confident t Nore wil please бс estab fans while at the вате tine | worry about t constant:

Barrera reveal cold

be said about any of cur games. paling? | love games and ing that comes out отете working оп our cames you дека itle bit tired of what youve been working on, The whole

timê I've been wring on this, t's

been realy comoeling to play this Xd watch the performances and

unravel the mysteries. Then you as

have the action there. For me, КЗ а

complete package." ©

God of War


On the horse monster in the

On the size and reality of the titans

On the importance of puzzle elements in boss fights

On the evolution of God of War

On why the team isn't talking about the story


» Platform PlayStation 3 "Xbox 360

1-Player Role-Playing » Publisher

Square Enix

» Developer


> Release



Square Enix introduces a darker RPG

dT m EE iD С ТА mort ei VIII SAM

аз you pursue your daughter's cure. Payers can also leam plenty of magic spells, acquire new Physical attacks, and upgrade weapons.

Your main ally is Grimoire Weiss, a taking magic book that endows you with dark magic abilities and offers snarky commentary through- ол your joumey. We didn't see enough of the game to tell whether his antics wil get old or not, but he provides some of your most powerful attacks, so we're not complaining. These attacks include the urimaginatively named Dark Hand Power giant fist that comes out of the book and punches multiple enemies), Dark Execution. (ал area attack that causes spears to shoot out of the ground), and Dark Blast (glowing orbs that blast enemies}. Al of the action takes place in real time, requiring players to time their attacks and dodge their enemies just ike in any third- Person action game.

Сама is throwing even more genres into the mix: The Dark Blast move introduces some light shooting elements, and in certain battles the camera switches to a top-down perspective, evoking the spirit of old school shoot-em-ups. Additionally, indoor areas switch to а pseudo-20 side perspective and incorporate platforming, Whether these gameplay elements wil feel Ike balanced, worthwhile additions or tacked-on distractions remains to be seen, but so far Nor. appears to have both depth and variety to spare.

In addition to magic attacks, Grimoire also provides the game's upgrade system, which

revolves around learning words from a fictional language. Over 100 words can be collected during the game, each capable of boosting vari- ‘us stats. These words can be applied to each. О! your weapons, martial ats skils, and magic abilities. They can also be combined and reas- signed at any given time as you experiment.

with your approach to diferent (and sometimes gigantic) enemies,

One such enemy came at the end of the demo, when Мег faced a monster only slightly smaller than the town it was attacking. The pulsating ‘creature streamed projectile attacks that required artful dodging (made easier by Мег double jump. ability), and was only taken down by unleashing special attacks activated by damaging certain target areas in rapid succession. The action was manic, but even more appealing was the amount ' strategy required to toppie the beast, both in your tactics on the battiefieid and the manage- ment of your weapons and upgrades.

The only unpleasantness we've seen from Nier has been in the quality of the visuals, but given the early state of the preview build, there's по cause for concern yet, With enough polish, Мег could be а solid option for RPG fans seeking an M-rated adventure.» Jeff Marchiafava far тие xeon and ves те game m con che af gamentaercon/nag

» Platform

PlayStation 3

bor 360+ PC


1-Player Action

(06-Player Online)

» Publisher

Bethesda Softworks

» Developer ‘Splash Dat

» Release

Splash Damage aims for a new er


па genre dominated by team deathmatch and conquest modes, taking a different approach to online multiplayer is always a risky proposi- tion. Splash Damage is a developer built on Creating its own brand of multiplayer warfare and Brink is no exception. Like the company's Enemy Territory franchise, Brink breaks down FPS action into a series of objective-based ‘competitive maps, Splash Damage's previous offerings were merely multiplayer components for existing games like Quake and Wolfenstein. Brink is the company's first standalone game, which means not only is it in charge of the gameplay mechanics (which include extensive customization options and a dynamic objectives system), but also crafting an original and mean- ingful story to compliment the online action. We talked with the project's creative director, Richard Ham, to get more details on the most interesting aspects of Brink.

The Story Brink's story centers on The Ark, a utopian city and the last safe haven for survivors of an oth- описе flooded Earth, Players take up arms as either the Resistance (refugees trying to gain ‘access to the city) or the Security (guards trying to keep anyone else from entering the already packed metropolis). Both sides tell a different Story, which unfolds as players tackle various areas of The Ark that act like standard maps. These maps tell an overarching story, but can also be played separately or out of order. "It's been a tricky feat of writing, but basically, each mission in Brink is completely standalone if that's how you want to experience it," Ham says. “You сал jump around from mission to mission in any order you want, and always have a clear under- standing about what's going on and what you need to accomplish.”

Character Customization Players choose from three different body types. (heavy, normal, and light), which affects a variety о! gameplay mechanics. These include standard things lita HP and movement speed, but also how high you can climb and what kind of weap- ‘ons you equip. Your character's ook is completely ‘customizable as well. New clothes and hairstyles wil be unlocked as the player levels up, and the deep variety allows for some unique styles. These changes are purely aesthetic, however. "We decided early on that we wanted players to make decisions about ther appearance based on what they feel looks cool, instead of what they feel they need to wear to be competitive...your look i all about just that: your look," says Ham.

А Class Of Its Own Brink treats the idea of character class differently than most shooters, The game stil has stan-

dard categories (solder, medic, operative, and engineer), but because weapons are limited by body type alone, any class can сату any weapon (there are 24 different guns to unlock, plus a vari- ‘ty of attachments). Each class has a variety of abilities to unlock, but you can change your class at any time on the battlefield via command posts. "[Changing classes on the fy creates a lot of really rich and dynamic situations where you can. radically change the course of a mission, and the type of gameplay you're involved in, by changing your class and focusing on an entirely different set of objectives,” Ham tells us. "And because you change, your teammates and the enemy wil ‘change as well to adapt.”

Dumbing Down or Playing SMART? Splash Damage made waves when it announced Brink features a SMART (Smooth Movement ‘Across Random Terrain) button to help automat- ically perform the game's parkour-like manipula- tion of the environment. Some gamers worried it маз an attempt to simplify gameplay for broader appeal, but you can perform ай of the moves manually as well, Ham thinks it may even give you the upper hand: "The player who does ай his own jumping and ducking and climbing and ‘sliding will actualy have a slight advantage over the player who uses the SMART button for all

ЕЭШІГІ body уре, not por Syros tayo tg

those actions. .he can make his climbs a bit faster, his slides a bit more smooth.”

Silent Communication. As anyone who has played an online shooter can. tell you, coordinating with a group of random. Players on your team can be a difficult ~ not to mention unpleasant - task. Luckily, the develop- ‘ers have an answer. "We don't feature players giving orders to each other, because we find that in real online games, players don't tend to listen to each other” Ham remarks. "However, players general wil isten to а central voice of authority if that voice comes from the game. So everyone ‘on the team - you and your squad mates, human. players and Al-controled characters alike - ай take orders from the central Al Commande.”

At any point during a match, players can pull up their Objective Wheel, which is populated with tasks from the Al Commander. Each objec- tive offers the player a certain amount of bonus XP, depending on the dificulty/necessity of the ‘action being performed. This way even the most selfish jerk is inclined to help out the team. Once ‘an objective is selected, the game automatically ‘alerts the rest of the team of your intentions, so ‘even those who prefer to play without a micro- phone and their teammates muted wil stil know what's going on.

с“ а


Blurring The Line Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Brink

is the hybridization of single-player and mul- tiplayer. Whether youre playing alone offine, ‘cooperatively with a group of buddies, or in a {ull 16-player online match, the game's structure remains the same. Al teammates fil in for any non-human players, while the Al Commander. ‘dynamically creates objectives based on the state of battle. in essence, the game doesn't ‘care who's real and who's not.

“if you're playing online, the storyline is identical Ito the solo campaign], but the enemies are con- trolled by real players," Ham said. "Those human players who are your enemies in a mission? They're actually playing through their own sepa- rate storyline, and to them, you're the enemy they have to defeat to complete their campaign.”

How meaningful Brink's storyline remains unknown for now, but for FPS fans, the idea of playing an entire campaign with and against ‘other human beings is an exciting proposition.

ı Jeff Marchiafava эе“уууу 2 Toreador tl tervew wi Richard am, check out ww p

» Plationn PSP

Style 1-Payor Action PG Multiplayer TBA)

» Publisher. ‘square Enix.

» Developer Square Enix.

» Release




Those who've played Square Enix recent PSP title Dissidia: Final Fantasy will be familiar ‘with this option. In order to reduce load times, players ‘can install the game to thei memory sticks. Install sizes range from 200MB to 600MB, and the more you install the faster the loads. We went with the largest option, which took just over five minutes to finish. Kingdom Hearts fans should either clear some space on their. memory stick or think about upgrading to a larger size.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

An extensive import hands-on reveals the future of the franchise

he latest chapter of he Kingdom Hearts ЕЗІНІН

fuent Japanese x have wo apti coworkers vh а, however youre out of uiu sometime inis элттег Sare Ei tide that ne Norin Arercan leo c Bin by Sep ма sema been June and Alt To hop win th wa, ve ve prepared a compensi bred o hoa rew баш. e yas Vor

Players can choose to begin with Terra, Ventus, or Aqua. Each character's ‘campaign is said to last over 10 hours, and ай offer a different perspective. ‘on the main story. For example, when Ventus visits Cinderella's world, he. helps her mouse friend to complete a dress for the upcoming Бай. Terra steps in when the Falry Godmother hooks up Cindy with the carriage and fancy getup. Aqua finishes off the plot thread when frumpy Cindy tries on the glass slipper. Bach character experiences the beginning, middle, or end ‘ofa world’s story, so you'll have to play all three to get the big picture, So, far we haven't seen any repeats of old worlds like Agrabah that had previ ‘ously been recycled to death in the Kingdom Hearts series.


As followers of the game may already know, Birth by Sleep takes place roughly a decade before the original Kingdom Hearts and stars new characters Terra, Ventus, and Aqua. Now that we've played the first several hours, we have a better understanding of the narrative direction. These three serve as apprentices under keyblade masters Eraqus and Xehanort, ‘The story begins with Terra and Aqua undergoing the final test to become masters [Ventus is 100 young). During the exam, Master Xehanort sneakily coerces some dark tendencies from тета, Due to this, Tera is denied master status, while Aqua passes. Resentment ensues.

"To help Terra deal with his demons, Master Eraqus sends him on a mission to stop a new threat called the Unversed (a likely precursor to the Heartless) and track down Master Xehanort, who recently disappeared. Ventus follows him without permission at the urging of Master Xehanort's agent Vanitas. Once Master Eraqus realizes this, he dispatches Aqua to

keep an eye on Terra's dark side and retrieve Ventus.


Don't worry, Birth by Sleep does not have a card battle system similar to Chain of Memories despite the word feck” being in the combat system name. Players easily igger basic attack combos by mashing the circle button without spending any kind of resources, The deck in question concerns a short list of magic, special attacks, а can scroll through with the d-pad and ‘with the triangle button. Instead of spending a card or using magic points, all of these actions recharge over time. Though you'll start with only three slots, pand throughout the course ofthe game, All of these moves level up with use, so it's in your best inter- much as possible.


Birth By Sleep seems to be heavily influenced by a certain space odyssey. Here's a handy chart to help clarity.


Keyblade wielders Jedi/Sith

COMMAND GRUGE As you string together standard attacks and deck

‘commands, this gauge quickly fills up. you fl the gauge using standard attacks, a strong one-time DT

finisher will be available for use. If you use magic ‘Short for Dimension Link, this replaces the traditional summoning ‘or special moves from the deck instead, you'll be system. When the blue gauge Ш up you can link to a teammate temporarily powered up. Aqua gains Magic Wish, or certain Disney characters you've met along the way. Instead of

for example, which allows her to hover and blast the character appearing in the world, however, you'll gain a custom energy from her keyblad deck of powerful magic and specials. After enough combat in D-Link mode, another gauge fils up, allowing you to execute an extravagant

you have a matter of seconds to paint as many enemy targets as pos-

Maux омок юы d sible until the so-called Shoot Lock maxes out or an enemy disrupts you. Early Shoot Locks include Terr's flurry of melee attacks, Ventus“ : spread of fireballs, and Aqua's barrage of bubbles. MULTIPLAYER ол Ре Players can travel to a place called Mirage Arena for multiplayer just like any of the

worlds. Here you can select a username and a color for your armored character using three sliders. Three players can t to take on waves of enemies in Arena Mode or fight each other in the six-player competitive arena. The Board game is also availabe to play against real people, as is the six-player Rumble Racing mode. By completing these games, some of which include a single-player component, you'll receive medals to spend on rare equipment, I's unclear at this COMMAND BOARD point if the US, will feature local, online, or both multiplayer options, This Mario Party-esque board game is accessible at any time through the pause menu.

Ventus uh, Ahsokah Tano? Competing against two Al oppo- layers roll the dice to move around the board and buy " spaces kind of like Monopoly. THE SUITS Once opponents land on one of

your spots, they have to pay you їп Board Points, the board game's currency. The first to earn a pre~ determined amount of BP wins.

Kingdom Hearts fans may be wondering why the main characters are no longer wear- ing the bunny knight sults from the secret movie at the end of Kingdom Hearts II They ЭШ do, just not ай the time. Terra, Ventus, and Aqua don these suits to travel between ‘worlds in outer space. Their keyblades also transform into sweet vehicles to get them around as an alternative to gummi ships. The suits also come into play in multiplayer.

previews 61

» Platform РС

» Stylo MMO Action

» Release 2010

шо а analyst with a fe

lude that building a ing massively multiplayer experience is hard, Backed by the creative ideas of its rat eran in NetDevî (Jump brand ¢ да

others he


icing to

‘lor and size combina: With the help of the biggest LEGO in the word, d i has engineered a remarkable set of buiding tools thal gives players the беху to hast thro ations with the tap of ab

(ike in the Traveler's Tales games) or get deeply

LEGO Universe

rafting. With a

iors to ther objects. For instance, players can rig a booby trap to trigger an axe fling on a per- onis head after they walk through an о

experience, Ап

has emerged from the negati 1d an

the force dis


s space st quickly assemble an and travel to the planets of the Universe to squelch the evil force, rebuild

and order, allows play

journey solo or join а group of fiends to take on


Forging Its Own Path

strom Blizzard’ лепей tile. Rath than saddle player inalterable characte dass

play ра wearing and w

or abi

you're wielding 0 esch eling and progression inf and LE hich to build. This Г h greater ibîity for casual us ава!

rested in a li progression path.

based off ts man, the Traveller th the abiit to smash objects t LEGO bricks, The on platforming than the prev and player ther ir ‘meter to quickly assem is ate the words. 'NetDevi plans to launch a spring beta f LEGO Universe, which has a tentative 2



y toy

ес! focu hep

» Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 + PC

» style

1 to 4-Player Action

(4-Player Online)

» Publisher

Capcom Release May 18

pushed then strategi

5 à recent demo during


mplex en rout of data p nts if a play the tegory С the love chid of a gigan а dragon, appears ator ing and char

nearby solder moves

which spider and ng build.

The VS lona weakness: скара

weak spot, go back to

at directi causing the

па shoots a hu jf the three

massive beast to collapse,

is far fom over. Tha monster soon

the batte

тула the battlefield by huring tr û fre, and Jong Ие to no d. a mad dash f even out the fight. As I step into on

rooting electricity. W

erful mechs, | nal tues attached

formidable bulet-spewi lamage points highlighted in ne t Lost Planet, taking down this та mes an exercise in concentrating

Note the heavy but-amor

wipe finally где Акі X J loot containers ier the battlefield. Collecting this loot plays into the new си

ther characters tent abies л has been tight-lipped about the multi nd the four player co-op, but coment as we move further

Я level up and unlock new

previews 63

Command & Conquer 4:

Tiberian Twilight

Going resource-free moves C&C in a different direction

imagine Command & Conquer from the

ground up. | enjoyed СӘС З and Red Alert З аз much as the next gamer, but the nuts and bolts of gameplay hadn't changed in a decade, CEC 4 incorporates elements from Massive's ‘sadly underappreciated Ground Control series, Rel's unusual Dawn of War Il, and the team's ‘own original concepts. The result is a fast- расед, teamwork-oriented struggle for control. of strategic points. My time with the beta has been a fascinating process of discovery as | explore the now face of C&C.

Everything flows from your Crawler. An all- in-one base and unit factory, this bad boy can Unpack to start pumping out units (until you. hit the relatively low population cap), or uproot itself to get to a more tactically

K Ludos to EA for having the stones to re-

Always On

ups between Battlefield victory point scoring, Unreal's vehicle-based capture-the-fag, and a whole host of Dawn of War's innovations. Destroying an opponents Crawler doesn't guar- antee victory just а few seconds of free reign While he waits for another one to deploy кот orbit and start rebulding his army. More impor tantis control of strategic points on the map. Some of these generate victory points, others spawn crystals that can be brought back to your deployment zone to unlock upgrades, and others are just realy big guns. Each helps you win in its own way.

am most impressed by how this structure eliminates several frustrations I've had with mul- 1різуес RTS since its inception. Coming back

from a losing poston

îs far easier есе you're not being out resourced by definition, and lame rush tactics.

‘advantageous postion. | Command & Ашау structures ke | always be connecte turets and bunkers this has some mir must be deployed near | integrity of online an unpacked Crawler,

and any units nearby will automaticaly repair As the source of al this plus any reinforcements land heavy weaponry ital, for some fac: tions), the Crawler is a fantastic tool for controling an area, Since much of C&C 45 ‘gameplay is based on map control, managing your Crawler is central to any strategy.

C&C 4 matches are chaotic mash

insists that layer To EA's servers. While х payouts in terms of tt aats, the obvious ге for it (whether EA wants to say so or not) to prevent piracy. Fair enough; EA has every reason to try to get people to pay for its gam As implemented in the beta, however, a hiccup anywhere in the network can torpedo an entire ‘gameplay session. Поя entire scenarios worth ‘of progress because I briefly ost connection to the servers, Not only do you lose any XP.

ла stats accumulated during a multiplayer or аата match, you also have to restart and replay any in-progress campaign missions. ry motto get too upset when publishers inconve піепо me with anti-piracy measures, but if loft unchanged, this is a straight-up middle finger to paying gamers. I hate to say it, but we all know the pirates are going to crack it inside a month anyway. They won't lose any progress when their router takes a dump, but T wil.

are all but impossible дмеп the victory point system and respawn: ing Crawlers. Each match is a tense, exci ing half-hour that ends with a bunch of experi ence and achieve- ments being added to your persistent робе to unlock new units and upgrades.

The Attack, Defense, and Support roles for both GDI and Nod are. nicely differentiated. Each has йв specially, and seems viable for ‘one-on-one combat.

Working together in е ОССЕ

hands of competent players, however, із where they shine. СЕС 4 strongly encourages team- ‘work with how wel the units and abies of tho. various factions play off of each other, offering tons of opportunities to come up with innovative tactics with your comrades in arms, Launching

а suicidal bitz with strong Attacker tanks might ‘well be worth it fit covers your Defensive buddy setting up a forward position that denies oppo- nents a critical point or route. Thats just the ір of the iceberg; with dozens of units and upgrades, the possibities are endless.

There aro a few things that | hope get changed between now and release, ike the. stupidly low amount of upgrades available to low-level players, stil-problematic unit Al and pathing, and consumer-unfriendly anti-piracy measures (see sidebar). m unable to speak to the quality of the campaign, as | didn't have access to it, Stil, l'm much more interested in Command & Conquer 4 atter seeing Its unusual design firsthand. » Adam Biessener

{io зо ın еспелі ho

When you have het counter-unit selected

» Platform РС

» Style

1-Player Strategy (00-Player Online) э Publisher iectronic Ate

» Developer ЕМА

э Release March 16

68 previews

» Platform wi

» Style ayer Action

» Publisher. звон

» Developer Ubisoft Paris » Release March 23

Red Steel 2

good kind ff the potential

and satisfying as it gots: You are a badass with a sword and a gun, and you fight

a bunch of bad guys in a bizarre Old- West meets-Japan setting using said weapons. I've had the chance to play it in shor blasts over the. past few months, but it wasn't unti now that I've been able to sit down and enjoy itin one big, uninterrupted chunk

The game starts off with your character known only as the Swordsman - waking up in the desert with his hands ted together, To make matters worse, the other end of the tether is fastened to a motorcycle being driven by a com- plete lunatic. During this first-person cutscene, the Swordsman is bounced and dragged through a canal and into a tunnel before he puls out a pistol and blasts the bke into smither

Running into some of his ad friends, players then learn that the enigmatic Swordsman is the last of the Kusagari clan, which has been slaugh- tered by a gang caled the Jackals. Vowing revenge, he must track down those responsible and deliver justice. The comic-book-esque story is perfectly complemented by the cel-shaded visuals. To say that it's one of the best-looking games on the Wi is an understatement

After spending several hours with a preview build, Im happy to say that it plays almost эв well as it looks, too. The gameplay is far deeper than simply waving your Wi MotionPlus-

R еа Steel 2's premise is about as simple

of lone gunman shows for Wii MotionPlus

enhanced controler around and hoping for the best, That kind of frenzied flailing might work against the frst few chumps, but untl you take the ште to learn the combat system in depth

ît wîl inevta s depends on paying attention to your opponents stance and weaponry, and knowing when best to stay on defense before launching an atta heavier enemy might charge in close, necessitat ing a quick directional block folowed by a series of armor-crunching swipes. Once he's softened ир, its easy to dash toward him and seamlessly. stab his now-vulnerable middle. The swordplay feels a touch laggy at times, but it never caused me to miss a combo or interfered with gameplay

One of my favorite parts of the game is how various moves blend together. As the Swordsman trains, players get access to а variety of specialized techniques. They include an аг launcher and something along the Ines of a Force push. When an opponent is knocked ‘Skyward, time temporarily slows down, providing а ripe opportunity to switch to the pistol and take ап easy headshot.

Red Stee! 2 is the latest example of why Ubisoft is one of the best Ws developers around, Even with a few annoyances ike a frustrat- ing safe-cracking minigame and some long pauses between areas, its stacking up to be a showcase game that takes another step toward reaching the Wi's potential » Jett Cork

‘he etn ot mca opus azo >) зации



Dragon Age:

Origins Aw

amount of content already avalab


the saga of the th the aftermath of the

chóem: at. The story p


k ing golem,

darkspawn general who leads t

ve archdemon's army. Additional I help you take dow

and a ruth remnant

panded ter (mported from the core g

by selecting Aw ск

upin try of

place after the

akening. Unfortunately,

n the two games isn't

нала... 5

wl ae in tho rogton of Апаа

aren't directly

expansion, 1 need to own ^ Origins in order to pla Fans wi the game they

А the cost, T gamers upset, releasing o hol t de, there's no debating that 3 а detaled an ling Dragon A can't wait to jump back into .

hs after the original hit

Joe Juba

x 360* PC

1-Player Ro

» Publisher Electronic Arts

» Developer BioWare

> Rolease March 16

previews 67

plit Second


navigating the comers, and banging bumpers with all comers, but using power plays at the Fight time is also important. The game throws

up color-coded icons teling you when you can unleash hell on your opponents; hitting the right timing to deploy a power play corroctly can make al the diference. A poorly timed power play can cause you to miss an opponent (or not blow

up as many as you otherwise could have) and ‘even lead to your own car getting caught up in. the сатаде.

‘Saving up smaller power plays in order to tg ger lovel-changing events is one strategy, but sometimes you get so mired in the midde of the pack that triggering a crane to sweep a giant ‘construction buldozer across the racetrack to

oct your foes is what needs to be done for more immediate rel, Thanktully the game's Al is

enough that each lap and race wil call for different approaches. Moreover, the Al can trig- ger some of the big race-changing moments (ike а derailed train crashing from the highway above) by itself. Don't worry, however, as the Al actions are not scripted,

Later levels of Spit Second feature tracks from earier in the game, but by then you'll have

bigger and badder power plays at your finger tips, so you can morph the level in increasingly Unexpected ways. As you progress through the game's career mode, you'll also participate in new modes. I got my hands on Nemesis made,

re you try and pass as many tankers before uns out, The trick is that these tankers бра! numerous smoking, explosive kegs across tho. track. You're trying fo cruise past these trucks as fast as you can while окту plowing into volumi nous smoke clouds and hoping that there isn't a big crash waiting for you on the other side. Ко an addictive mode that simultaneously cals for bold moves, caution, the айу to predict the future, and alittle bit of luck.

Black Rock has additional modes that wil punctuate the career mode, but its keeping those (and multilayer detais) under wraps for now. | guess its ftting that this game sti Ра rprises in store, » Matthew Kato

ar tons tota cons and a1 oer

э Platform PlayStation 3“ box 360. » style

1 or 2-Player Racing (8-Player Online)

» Publisher

Disney Interactive Studios э Developer Black Rock Studios

» Release


previews 69

The шск ot a HUD means timing tha usage ol your gas mask youre



дай work

STALKER. (another post-apocalyptic FPS) at dd, the team is finding ts inspi pular Rus b

Every train station спо as ts own көсеу complete a set by the nove

» Platform wan dieing styles of government

Xbox 360 + PC

» Style | 1-Player Shooter

орат are HUD ih and the ning, while many » Publisher ‘gameplay elements that are usualy taken THO ‘granted теси

» Developer acht nec

AA Games ойс button presses, and your map ? Release e sand March 16

sneaking up in the shado Another interesting addition is your gas mask ‘which is essential to surviving in the p

ment of the temp breath

shoot at your enemies burst of machine gun fire is reatening to your future as the m ster you're failing to hit. Ammo as makes a lot more sense from a story stand point than thing like bc ог other generic forms of currency; this st piqued. I known f

super Street Fighter IV

The modern hit gets a classic treatment

» Platform PlayStation 3“ Xbox 360. » Style

1 or 2-Payer Fighting (Online TBA)

э Publisher


» Developer Capcom/Dimps

» Release

Api 27

70 previews

арсот knows how to please its rabid fan base, When it announced ‘Super Street Fighter IV, aficionados did a collective fist pump of excitement. Just Ike Super Street Fighter И, SSF IV ups the ante

in ust about every department, from new characters to new Ultras. To.

get the lowdown on just some of the new things to expect, we asked

Capcom's special advisor on Super Street Fighter IV, Seth Kikan, to run.

down the latest info on the updates, « Nick Ahrens

Guy “Guy is our favorite ninja, known from the Final Fight series. Guy is very quick with a huge variety of special moves bath on the air and ground, including throws, sides, and overheads, His core offense is buit around the Bushin Fip technique, which acts Ike a jump, but can be canceled ether into a grab or a fying elbow that drops straight down. He's also got a run technique, which gets him instantly in your face, and can go straight into a side or overhead fying kick."


"Cody is another retumee from Final Fight. His backstory involves some ја! time, so he gets down and dirty and is ling to fight with dirt, rocks, pipes, wrenches, or even a knife, He's а great fighter from middle-to-ciose ranges, апа has perhaps more ways to get around frebals tan any character in SF histor lf you're up against a ю of Kens, Ryus, and Sagats, give Cody a try" Adon

“Adon was actually in the original Street Fighter, but most players know

him from his SF Alpha appearances. SSF IV Adon has ай of the moves you remember and love, as well as a couple of brutal Ultra combos and the ost dangerous overhead attack in the game. He's ful of high-fhing action, with a wide range of kicks that take him off the walls and into the air. Very. high-energy guy compared to his felow muay thal practioner, Sagat."

New Stages "The new stages are a sky-high Metro Cy construction site, an Afican ‘savannah during an eclipse, a Korean street market, and Indian str scene, and of course Seth's S.N. lab in ruins the whole thing is about to blow"

Bonus Stages AI of our levels ae interactive in that the background elements react to the fights. People cheer and dodge, glass shatters, meerkats taunt you, and hippos topple. Beyond that, we've got the barrel and car crushing bonus stages, They're some rice retro fan-service where you compete against the clock to destroy everything.”


"The new ultras are different for every character, but they're designed to. оме you a real choice in the way you want to play. Do you want something that helps extend a combo or a special throw? Do you want something that gives you better defense or something you can use creatively an offense? You can choose a new one each game to see what best suts your personal playing style.

Mega Man 10

сот continues Mega's retro

Mi еда Man 9 fans rejoice! Capcom has announced а sequel to the Blue. Bornber's 2008 8-01 downloadable outing. This old school follow-up includes al the trimmings you'd expect from a new Mega Man game straight from the NES era. Brand new playable characters are on their way, along with ап easy mode for all the crybabies who thought Mega Man 9 was too tough.

Justin case you give a damn about Mega Manis motivations for blastn’ bots, the sequel ‘comes with a story. In the year 20XX, robots across the world come down with an iness known as Roboenza, Corrupted by the disease, these robots malfunction so badly that they go maverick and try to take over the world. With Mega Man's sis, Rol, being one of the victims of the catastrophe, ho battle gots personal, This time around, both Mega Man and brother-bot Proto Man take up arms against the pandemic.

There's no confirmation that Or. Wiy is behind ihe Мап 10's levels look е,

outbreak, but we're wing to bet hes to blame,


NITRO MAN ordinaire ability to m into a motorcyde and bum rubber all over the ‘opposition.


ош for his Chil Spike attack.

ıel rampage

Those familar with Mega Man 95 Proto Man DLC already know what to expect from one

of this sequels playable characters, Proto has some nity abilities that his bro doesn't, packing a Charge shot, side move, and projectle-defiecting shield, These talents come with drawbacks, The scarf-wearing enigma takes more damage and. сап only fre two plasma shots at once. There

is also another character who has yet to be announced. Could it be a returring character Such as Bass or a brand new buddy enlisted to help conquer wiy?

Kind-hearted kiling machines are worthless. without enemy-filed levels to decimate, Mega Man 10 comes with the requisite eight new Robot Masters (see sidebar) each sporting а unique new stage. Battle basebal-tossing bad- dies in a stadium themed level, weather tumultu. ous sandstorms in a desert stage, and dodge dangerous cutlery in Blade Man's castle. Меда

гу bit as harrowing as the patience-testing previous game. Its not rec-

SOLAR MAN Be careful

i st a prob-

energy for his own at

hat attack you

ommended for the weak of heart. Those interested in a Mega Man experience that's less bésteringly ficut are in luck, as Mega Man 10 marks the retur of easy mode. ‘Activating this mode smoothes over a good chunk of the rough challenge, hopeful allowing more players to witness the end credits. Рів. deadly поја-Ка spikes are miraculously covered with platforms, enemy numbers are whittled down into more manageable forces, and incom- ing projecties and the bad guys shooting them are dramatically slowed. Die-hard Mega Man fans thrive on the seres! famous and итеп! ing difficulty, but easy mode may be the training wheels that biaster-shy gamers need. Capcom's unmistakable ров and maticu- lous attention to every retro detail already has Mega Man 10 looking better than tho previous entry. We can't wait o take on the challenge, Save up your swear/ar money now, because you're going to need it come March. » Tim Turi


Custodian о an old castle, this jlding robot dashes

icles around


» Platform PlayStation 3

Xbox 360 Wi

» Style

1-Player Action

» Publisher. Capcom

э» Developer

іші Creates/Capcom.

э Release

STRIKE MAN Originally built as a batting practice robot, this Robot

an fastball and a high vertical that will ме you benched in no time,


A shepherding robot

the power ol electricity.

Man can transtorm into clouds

of wool and cast down deadly bolts of static electricity.

PUMP MAN ster treatment robot can son the pow enshroud him in

COMMANDO MAN Bull to deton Commando Man n

some pests to bi

» Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 Wii + PC » Style

1 or 2-Player Sports (2-Player Online)

» Publisher

2K Spons

» Developer Visual Concepts

» Release

March 2

72 previews

Major League Baseball 2K10

With 2K10, Vi

‘rlar o Miton Bradley's sint wth he Chicago ibs last season's ОЧЕ oe посна оа а ааа rur а Sper rey core i o t Go тену арийне dope, Vau Сетек, scared Me roses ano on Fa roo ur cv tma p aba бинарни oe ег atone о е oode ard id Po ro inane spy taf

iting rc iln абай, Even vi aK development ока Veu Gerent аз етедо а tb acai анна comi T avem пак чо etai wou tbo at wood ate NEG oem Yo, tula рии atl eft nos ona Po Bal те жет ту wor oio п пу m е арале о,

Td achte pu ув оџата По ac gu ae

Seo racine, bet ug dg шатыр siet атаа Чаш Coon ойи ating kr oy cra mo ен adm o ama dcl Payer илет ао ronan i Sery она a он medo aa 2 арс Ку bro Gracin edu e EA o plar ror eue бузы нон ue еда cro FU.

Ch Fatt е Sew Му Pay bt descibed as a Бара APG Tiers eeu code а егет! denm sate Neuere Ferber ылы лае воа ар Port айтар, жт уо ond ae wi pst cn Bees оа tss Separate ра ан onde ou or b

isual Concepts finally recognizes the show

ting and pitching, meaning a pitcher won't have to waste valuable points (on his drag bunting skil yes, that's а slam on Sony's mode). In addition. to games (which zoom directly to your pla

also eam points through a variety of dil

While | didn't get to spend much time with My Player it has a ton of potential. Games load quick, the skil system covers every base, and | love how the minor league presentation is scaled back - you don't get the three man booth, fashy replays, or presentation that you do in the MLB games,

їп game, | can vouch that the pitcher and batter battle is on the right track. The pitching mechanic offers an improved interface that makes the series signature gesture-based system easter to use, The addition of defensive swings brings a higher level of realm to two strike counts, On top of this, a new pitch tell system tips off quality hitters of the location and speed of an incoming pitch, Although | hit several homers during one game, both sides of this duel feel great at this point in development.

While the hitting and pitching have improved, fielding remains a question mark. I threw out a runner at frst from right feld, and many balls hit to the wall went for singles. The inabity to change your target on a pre-loaded throw means that a single button press can tum the tide of a game. These issues need to be addressed for 2K to play in tho big leagues. Visual Concepts said felding is being worked on extensively. but we won't be able to see how far this aspect of the game has come unti we review it next month, » Andrew Reiner


"ol Cat fous. HELP MENE

MLB 10: The Show

A new perspective for video games' top baseball sim

merican League MVP and proud grower of baseball's finest side- burns, Joe Mauer, is this year's cover boy for MLB 10: The Show. He ‘certainly earned the honors. Last season he won his third American League batting crown, belted 28 homers, and ended the year with а tow- ering 444 on base percentage. As impressive as Mauer's numbers are, it ‘may not have been his bat that landed him the cover. The decision may have been based on the position he plays.

For the first time, players will have the chance to strap on the pads and call a game from the catchers perspective in this series! long-running Road to the Show mode. As you would expect, this role asks that players сай the game for the pitcher. You'l give a sequence of signs and select the pitch placement. You'll even have the ability to postion yourself to cover balls thrown in the ди. How fast will you react to a wild pitch?

haven't had a chance to see this new position in action yet, but it ‘sounds lie it could be just as rewarding of a position to play as pitcher has been in previous Road to the Show modes. If you don't get into the role-playing aspects of this mode, the catcher will play a more vital role in ‘exhibition, season, and franchise modes as well. They'll walk your pitcher through a series of signs based on hitter statistics and tendencies, and do ‘everything in their power to keep botched pitches in front of them.

If you get into the role-playing aspect, but have no interest in squat- ting behind home plate for an entire game, Road to the Show mode has received a shot of an unidentifiable substance to make it beefir than ever. Rather than having your created player start his career with MLB-level “Spring training games, your first game is now played in АА. You must eam

the right to be invited to spring training, which will be a much trickier task. Anew mistake tracking system penalizes your player when he throws to the wrong base, botches a catch, ог forgets to cover a base. Your base running aptitude is also scrutinized with the new Green Light running system. If you attempt to steal a base when the green light is off, your play- ing time could be affected, and you'l have to eam the respect of the coach. again to get another green light.

‘Al of the on-field action is framed through dynamic new camerawork, but none of the core gameplay mechanics have changed since last year (or the previous year for that matter). Other additions are minor, but should lead to a more complete experience. Home run derby returns with the inclusion of some of baseball's all-time greats, like Babe Ruth and the real single season home run leader, Roger Maris. Sony is also adding а slew of new and historic stadiums (including five minor league-only parks), and players. сап now access Movie Maker from the in-game pause screen.

The Show was the only logical choice for baseball fans last season. Visual Concepts is trying to make the competition interesting again this year, but t's going to take a hell of an effort to rock the solid foundation Sony has built on the PlayStation 3, » Andrew Reiner To ee vides of Te Sow actin and to read an intr wit cover att Joe Mauer vist paneer co imag

э Platform PlayStation 3

» style

1 or 2-Player Sports (@-Player Online)

э Publisher

Sony Computer Enertainment

» Developer

Sony Computer Entertainment San Diego

э Release March


Platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360

» вую 1-Player лак! ‘Adventure

» Publisher Ubisoft

э Developer. Ubisoft Montreal Release


Prince of Persia:

Ubisoft returns to an established hero

па surprise shift in gears for the franchise,

Ubisoft recently announced that the next

Prince of Persia game returns players to the universe of The Sands of Time, the trilogy о! games that ran from 2003 through 2005. While this new game is not tied to the upcom- ing movie, it does conveniently release in Мау, around the same time as the upcoming. Bruckheimer-produced fim. Luckily for gamers, it doesn't appear that The Forgotten Sands wil bear the fate of so many games released beside fims of the same name. Ubisoft Montreal has been working on this new installment since. January 2008, even before the recent reboot of the game series released. We talked with level design director Michael Mcintyre and producer Graeme Jennings to get the scoop on this star- ting new direction for the series.

The Forgotten Sands is set in the months after the frst Sands of Time game, somewhere in the seven-year gap between that game and its sequel, Warrior Within. The Prince transformed into a more brooding character between those. installments, and this new game wil tell us why. After his ordeal with the Vizier, the Prince travels, tothe nearby kingdom ruled by his older broth Майк. He finds the city under siege and his brother ready to unleash a supernatural army to defeat his foes. Pointing out the eerie parallels between Malis decision and the Prince's earlier mistake with the Sands of Time isn't enough to stop the disaster. The army is released, control is lost, and the Prince is left to save the day as a titanic sand storm sweeps through the city, slowly engulfing everything. “The look of the game is the realism of Assassin's Creed but with the look and style of Sands of Time,” Jennings. explains. "We have a gritty, grainy historical quality, with realistic architecture,” Mcintyre interects. "But we also have the Arabian Nights Influence, where this is not purely historical = there is magic in this world. There's a bit of a fairy tale vibe to t.”

‘The Forgotten Sands aims to emulate the fun, pacing, and gameplay structure of the original ‘Sands of Time дате - just ratcheted up for a new generation. Players platfom across a dan- gerous world of traps and passages filed with climbing puzzles. The combat is once again focused on large groups of enemies, and the Prince must use his agility and powers to outwit апд defeat them. However, this time the Prince. may face up to 50 enemies attacking at once.

To combat such overwhelming odds, the Prince must rely on magic, much of which is provided through а beautiful new female char- acter - a spirit named Razia. With her help, the Prince gains access to a dramatically expanded arsenal of powers. "The one thing from a gameplay perspective that is new is that he doesn't ust have time powers," Mcintyre telis us. "He has the rewind, but he also has all these new powers that are focused on the elements of nature, He has earth, fre, air, and water. The Prince starts off with a water-related абу. It allows him to freeze water in time for а brief moment. He can make ай water solid, зо he can interact with i.” Mastering each ela-

The Forgotten Sands

ment gives the Prince a static environmental Power that aids in mobility, as well as a combat ‘application that can be upgraded over time. ! For instance, the Prince can now air dash to

reach distant platforms. However, іп combat his control of the аг lets him sweep his enemies up into a swirling tornado. A fire ару gives the Prince the power to light a tral of fame as he passes, encircling his foes ina wall of deadly heat. One of the earth abilities allows our hero to glimpse rock and earth as 1 once existed, and then interact with it; fallen pilar can become a clmbable structure for a few seconds.

The team at Ubisoft Montreal was tight-lipped on whether we'll ever see ıa retum to the most recent Prince of Persia universe - many questions remain unanswered about Ahriman and Elia. Even so, t's hard not to be excited about the prospect of another adventure in the shoes Cf an old hero coming from the same studio that delivered the fantastic seres in the frst place. » Matt Mile

The best...? Aha... Thank you, Maria

Clash of the Titans

A big Holywood movie is coming up with sw

and monsters, and you k

v what that means.

That's right! Movie ten game! The video game

treatment for C Game Republ

as the team behind the action

with the

need с

before release,

from Game Repubtc in the final weeks bet

release; the game his s debut in late Ma

Trauma Team

мос ута appears in this game. No bug

around the human body with a diferent name, ehe Daisuke Kanada. This is great news for fans of All Trauma.

s around the time of

things running "Trauma Team

Tha ЫРШ)

x top of its

DS game. In Japan, Nintendo tle may h

photophile 77

If you think BioWare pulled out ай the stops for the

it until you play the sequel. Mass Effect 2 delivers on t ise: continue the epic sci-fi trilogy based on ай the decisions you made in the first game. Even И you don't have a Mass Effect 1 save, this ВРО-Ме

wrapped around a sold third-person shooter framework probably has. (пе of the most polished narratives you'll experience all year. If you don't already own the game, turn to page 80 to find out why you should.

Е SCORING SYST 5 лион A эчу өлөн at ra pect vy Pus yb dia tl gare es Saal 40 | ay Mesure ia von ot тину andinacatesagame” | 5 | St petri ut na most engaging etre сома be аст ‘arte to gues rn tnd oct пи Te ir. PLATINUM seems ИТ malti oso nat age Prin | vanme | fakaro asana а аст Е Painful, И tharo is anything that's redeeming in а game of 9.996 | з eee j | КООШО [occum == | ien Banteay марс танмен келен | | УЕР ep | 2. | палата amy valve woud be dered осиу Ec | | Tro svete эо No mater now muen comparsas wan you tocar, к سد‎ | ї Еш | Bi CAVE момтн | тонош


R y" 25 Мм

PRE-ORDER EXCLUSIVE” u, Three unique Multiplayer skins. _ Only available at.



& Games for Windows -'У= ж ХВОХ360. URE = a3 ым Ш SES Еа =

/ 9.15

360 ° PC

» Concept "Break down the walls holding storytelling in chock by allowing players to continue the personal tale they created in the fst game

» Graphics

Even more cinematic than the frst. During story moments, characters interact with their environments, the camera frames each shot benter, and facial expressions show a wider range of emotion

э Sound

‘The voice acting is excellent {although Fm pretty sure

Seth Green thought ho was recording an episode of Fonily Guy for one line). The score also flows beautifully

in both the story and action sequences

э Playability

The gunplay is now as polished as the other components, allowing players то combo firearms and bios and turn to their teammates to get them out ol a bind

зо Entertainment

Isa sequel ofa new order, and one o gaming's most ‘engaging stories

» Replay Value


Cinematic Flair BioWare's groundbreaking ‘conversation system has received two significant addi- tions. The first is the ability to interfere with a co by applying renegade or paragor point in conversa players have th ange thet by physically interfering. This nal role in

actions. At scripted

ping your character, your team, and tho narrative. The

plays just as le in the sony ou have no direct control over it. The cinematic quality has been heightened to the point that the ра



30 reviews

Mass Effect

The my

he second chapter in the Mass Effect tri оду is more of an enigma than the frst, reaving enough moral ambiguity, ghost ike images, and misleading plot twists to тако the writers of the TV show Lost take note, Who are the Collectors? What interest does the mysterious llusive Man have in Commander Shepard? Where are the Reapers? Why has Cerberus come out of the shadows? Why is mankind the only species in the universe being hunted?

Lost has teased ts viewership for years with myslfing answers that lead to even more questions, but in Mass Effect 2, the scribes at BioWare slowly pull the curtain away to reveal the answers you seek, By the time the credits той, most questions are addressed, Commander Shepard's role inthe universe is cemented, and the last image that appears on screen makes the wait for Mass Effect З seem unfair,

Ifyou import your save fie from the frst game, the connection you have with this adventure is heightened to the point that you're doing yourself, a disservice if you create a new character. The save transfer retains your character likeness, remembers all o the decisions you made, and ultimately delivers the sensation that you are sculpting the story and are not a passenger on a prescrpted ride. The state of the universe is мегу much how you left it, and the decisions you make moving forward will carry over into Mass Effect 3. 1 characters died in the frst game, they


ry с 3 in BioV

ad = Munt

Style I-Playor Action/RPG Publisher Electronic Arts Developer BioWare Release January 26 ESRE M.

won't return in this sequel ‘Mistakes you made in the past could come back to haunt you. You'l see the aftermath to decisions you thought right at the time, And don't be surprised if you stop dead in your to get a better look at familar faces on treets. These characters may be an old acquaintance, and if you tak to them, the соп versation wil play out fie a chance reunion, With this kind of depth, Mass Efect 2 revels in. its relationships. The bond created between Commander Shepard and

Bloc is multi-faceted game. Below в а listing of

teammates s anally poste

time could backfre, or lead to а teammate shut- ting down emotionally.

The narrative bounces between engaging mys- teries and moments that attack your conscience, all while puling you deeper into а game universe than you've ever been. BioWare's scribes have по! опу created one of video games’ greatest stories with Mass Effect 2, they have redefined how stores are told in this medium.

‘As familar as this universo wil feel for fans of the original game, the majority of te gameplay wil feel alien, Most of the role-playing elements have been removed outright. Weapon

his or her crew is much | Sames sharing amiats | af player customization - wo con stronger his tme around. | Components fone ofthese | BG menu-driven distractions fom Wih the personales | componens Mons fess | fhe frst game have been stripped

sewn tightly into the pio. As they come to know Shepard, their tormented histories, relationships with loved ones, and à ghosts from ther pasts | f Republic are dissected. The castis | Myst keable, and their stories tug at Shepard's soul п myriad ways. Thestuaionsyouare | powers asked to dictate are not as black and white as the first game. Doing what you think is right at the

the game listed.

jou may want to check cut

Star Wars: Knights of the.

Assassin's Creed

to the bones. Most of the role-playing Content is replaced with modern day shooter conventions, such as regen: erating health and imited ammo.

їп my solder class playthrough, I oniy discovered 14 different frearms. None of the weapons aro technically better than the other - they just offer different functionalty You cannot apply indvidual upgrades to the fre- arms е you coud in the frst game, ‘either, Al upgrades (of which there are few) are automatically applied Хо every weapon in the same cass. Likewise, the inventory system has

have to deal with making su ted with t The shit tion may sc form

re also rel ving players to a wn meters mid-battie

You can snipe from ri mbos, and even gun-stye assaults. All of these ‘great, and are balanc

hacking, ons are as mind.

iy they ө would ha

game. Although unwanted, the minigames The only sculpted game that stands ‘errors the last boss’ design - X-Men more than it does Mass ‘of RP d eyes, but none of ОК) Mass Effect 2 back from bein imbiion, and one of gaming:

Second Opinion 9.75 BioWare doesn't fix problem Te gos rid of them. Thought

of ablative plated armor. Didn't like the Mako handing in the first game hat little roc ha "he scrap heap the features BioWare un- remoniously removed ноп the franchise. Everything that’s important about Mas тес has been impro The combat mon polished sh tech p and the

Панне stuck watching an bi hear a hapless Turian pis to pick up a Quarian at a spaceport bar, or you are exploring the contin a derelict beached starship, the worlds in Mase Effect ae filled with a million lt untold tal and of Ma fect made it hard uel but th fect 2 mak Ben Reeves

reviews 81


PS3 « 360

» Concept

"This sequel doesn't realize із potential uni the final log of ‘the quest. Up unti this point. ifs fun, but largely the same game as tho original

» Graphics

The feeling that you're not in Kansas anymore never hits you. The architecture holds the same qualities, and the underwater sequences don't last long enough to affect the experience

‘One ofthe best soundtracks Tve heard in awhile. The voios acting is also top notch » playability

Plays exactly like the first game (which is grat), but doesn't reveal the Big Daddy's true combat abilities ший the final acts

» Entertainment ‘The final three hours are outstanding. Getting to that рош isn't a bad way to waste ıa weekend, either

» Replay Value Moderately High

BioShock 2

In the return trip, Rapture loses some luster

52 1-Playor Action (10-Player Online) Publisher 2K Games

Developer 2K Marin/2K Australia/2X Shanghat/Digital Extremes/Arkane Studios Rates February 9 ESR М

по longer fee like а tourist in Rapture. Once wondrous and foreboding, this underwater. ‘society now has the familiarity of a local shop- ping тай. Audio recordings of Andrew Ryan detail the need for rational selfishness in а con- trolled world, Big Daddies moan dejectedly in every corridor, and the biggest decision we are faced with is to save or harvest a Little Sister. For roughly 10 hours, BioShock 2 follows directly in its forefather's footsteps, too fearful to inject anything new into this twisted world. “Тһе developer's stubbornness to not veer ой of the beaten path clashes with the game's

premise. In this installment, players assume the role of the first Big Daddy. Had the game not made this abundantly clear within the introduc- tory cutscene, I wouid have thought I was play- ingas a character similar to the original game's protagonist. Because the Big Daddy's suit appears to be made of cotton, splicers pose just as great of a threat to your Big Daddy as they did to BioShock’s human lead, Shouldn't be just as big of a threat as the other Big Daddies in the world? Apparently not.

This inconsistency in BioShocks lore stretches. into the realm of the absurd when your Big

‘Daddy's dril is in play. Yes, this violent device turns spicers into satisfying smears, but it өшпес gas faster than a Hummer. After just a few uses, it runs out of fuel. When this happens, its role is demoted to that of a whacking tool... ike a wrench.

With writer/director Ken Levine and his team at irrational Games not returning for this sequel, 2K Marin (and four additional development teams) took on the task of continuing tho BioShock fran- chise. For the majority of this experience, these developers seem to be spinning their creative wheels, and the tiny bits of new content feel tacked on. The Big Sister is the most noticeable mistake. Early in the adventure, her role seems to be similar to Resident Evils Nemesis - dropping їп unannounced to wreak havoc. Her combat. prowess dwarfs yours to a degree that you immediately think, "РИ never be able to take her down." As imposing as she is initially, you епа мр defeating her within the first hour of play. As the game progresses, her class type becomes a reoccurring boss (usually confronting you at the end of each level. Given the potential she exhibits in the first hour of the game, I'l never understand why 2K Marin opted to change her. from a unique antagonist (the original plan and reason why the game was delayed) to a faceless enemy type.

Another odd addition is the hack tool. Remember how tricky it could be to navigate rooms with cameras and turrets? With the hack tool, which fires just Ike a gun, you can take control of stationary targets from a safe distance. Why even have them in the game if you are going o demote their role to being mild nuisances?

Would a Big Daddy really use the stealthy approach? When I played as the Big Daddy in the first BioShock, | thought it was an underde- veloped section of the game, | get the same feel- ing from BioShock 2,

Eventually this disappointing adventure does urn a corner. It takes 10 hours to get there, but the final two acts (lasting approximately three hours) are brillant. One plot twist in particular ‘shows you а side of this world that you never. thought you'd see. Don't worry it isn't a spin ‘on "would you kindly.” It comes out of nowhere and helps this game find unique footing. The twist gives reason to plow through the rest of the game, and rewards players witha fantas- tic conclusion.

This crucial turning point also brings on new ‘gameplay dynamics, When your plasmids are leveled to the max, when the final weapon is ‘obtained, and when your Big Daddy finally

realizes he can run fast, the Adam hits he fan. You become a cold-blooded murderer capable of ‘owning multiple spices, Big Daddies, and Big ‘Sisters in one fight. The pacing gets a welcome ‘shot of urgency, and you finally ое „неа Big Daddy.

When this game recognizes its true potential, it shines. Ire just a shame that it wanders mis- Quidedy for so long, The frst 10 hours are not bad or forgettable, they just don't branch out from the safe confines of th first BioShock. The controls are just as tight as they are in the frst game, and the explosive plasmid play once. again makes brutality against splicer nation an undeniable blast.

Unfortunately, ihe same cannot be said of this game's multiplayer component, | love that ithas a deep leveling and reward system, but the weapon functionally doesn't feel right, and limiting plasmids to just two per сесі mits

the strategies you can concoct on the fly. Using Little Sisters, who are kicking and screaming the entire time, as alternatives to flags is an inge- nious move, but outside of this laugh, most of ту time with multiplayer was spent complaining about the gunplay and map designs. If you can lve with these faults (which | could never do), reaching the level 40 cap wil take a significant amount of time.

If your interest lies solely with the single-player experience - and let's be frank, this is why ме counted down the days until BioShock 2's release - | walked away from it pleased, but also unfuffiled. BioShock 2 eventually becomes the ‘sequel | hoped for, but spends too much time. ‘getting there. » Andrew Reine [E

reviews 83

% ГАО 9 5 СЕА .

PS3 360

» Concept Challenge Infinity Ward. forthe crown of best military shooter

» Graphics

‘The heavy use of particle

elit in the desert

sandstorms and mountain

реак blizzards adds a wild

card element to обоз

» Sound

From head-ratting explosions

to the datter of bullet casings

hitting the ground this is

the best sound design in the

genre. rs so detailed you can

"hear the footsteps of soldiers

approaching from behind

» Playability

Smoother aiming and

tightened vehicle controls

improve the moment-to-

moment experience, and the new health regenerati

system greatly aids tho pacing

"ofthe single-player campaign


A vastly improved singlo-

player campaign complements

‘some of the best tactical

multiplayer action on

"he planet

э Replay Value


Second Opinion 9.5 Wow. what a fn rid. Batlehekd Bad Company 2 brings the boys from Bravo Company back and sets them оп another crazy adventure they didn't ask for. Delivering

summer blockbuster movie, the single-player campaign тоок me on an adventu through South А

spanned sn

erica that covered

mountains and rainy, dense jungles, Explosive st pieces mysterious weapons, and wisecracking squad members kept me hooked through to the end = but the real star nazing multiplayer. DICE has brought the magic ‘of Battlefield 2 to the living balanced and addictive

ideas and improvements from the previous Ше, Bad Company 2 become a

Juggernaut in the multiplayer pace.» Nick Ahrens

84 reviews

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

DICE declares war on Infinity We

Style I-Player Acton (24-Player Online} Publisher Electronic Ars De


oper DICE Release March 2 ESRB М

rivalry. After years as the kingpin of military multiplayer, Battlefield creator DICE found its title in jeopardy as FPS gamers. abandoned PCs in favor of consoles and Call of Duty became the gold standard. At the core of Infinity Ward's world-beating shooter was the Batllofed blueprint. The studio borrowed the persistent rankings and unlockable weapons. concepts from Battlefield 2, refined them to unprecedented levels, and matched its robust online offering with an expertly crafted single- player campaign featuring thriling scripted sequences that put action ficks to shame. Not content to settle for second place, DICE throws down the gauntlet with Bad Company 2, delivering its best multiplayer package since Battlefield 2 and a remarkably improved single-

N thing improves competition Ike a great

player campaign that openly mocks its rival while cribbing from them at tha same time.

As with all Battlefield titles, a phenomenal multiplayer mode serves as the heart of Bad Company 2. The game successfully blends many innovations from the series’ past with impressive new features to create a robust experience that righttuly challenges Modern Warfare for tho mul- tiplayer crown. All the Battiefekd staples return player progression, rankings, squad grouping: Unlockable weapons, and huge maps that alow players to attack via land, a, and sea. The deep progression system constantly dangles the carrot of achievement in front of you, offering a wealth of unlockable weapons, gadgets, and special izations with nearly every round. An impressive атау of pins and insignia document your battle field prowess, and the dog tags retur as boast-

Worthy incentives to knife unsuspecting enemies.

Conquest and Rush stil serve as the mut player pilars, but Bad Company 2 also intro- duces two new change-of-pace modes. Squad Rush places a four player team in the role of attackers who must best the four defenders by destroying two crates. Squad Deathmatch, on the other hand, pits four teams of four against each other in a battle for КИ counts and brag: ging rights. Both modes feature more intimate maps and take much less time to complete than the standard Rush made. Teamwork and coor- dination are stressed to new degrees as мей, Keeping close proximity to your squad is essen- tial for reviving fallen teammates, which can spell the difference between successfuly defending а crate and losing it while ha your squad waits 1o respawn.

The multiplayer modes are complemented by a fantastic атау of maps. Many pay homage to great maps from Batlefeld's past, and the diversity in locale and terrain assures every Бае plays out differently Some concentrate оп vehicular combat, where controling the air with choppers or mounting an assault with tanks are the keys to winning the war, whe others stress infantry tactics in tighter urban locales, These expertly crafted environments area far су кот their cramped and капіс counterparts in Modern Warfare 2, giving players room to orchestrate coordinated assaults,

A pair of useful new tools bolster the team tactics. The spotting mechanic helps improve ‘communication by allowing players to mark enemy positions as they identify movement on. the battlefield. In addition, the overpowered arti- lery Кот Bad Company has been removed in

favor of a player-guided UAV that allows you to track and mark enemy movements from above between missle barrages.

DICE made many logistical changes to the multilayer experience, but failed to address some other minor hindrances. You can finaly kick unwanted players from your squad to make тоот for a buddy, but large groups wil gripe when their party gets spit by the sometimes. unaccommodating matchmaking system. The sketchy statistics updater til takes амо to post the results from your most recent match (a legacy problem that's plagued Battlefield for years), and the annoying Ка cam is sure to anger players using the recon class because it gves away sniping positions. Snipers also won't be pleased that DICE once again does alow players to go prone. Thankully, you can dich the kil cam in the new Hardcore mode, which also tums off many HUD elements and increases the damage to delver a more realistic war experience.

As great as the multiplayer is, DICE takes its biggest strides forward with the drastically improved solo campaign. The follow-up to the Swedish studios frst attempt at a crating a meaningful single-player experience finds suc- ‘cess in mimicking some of the best games to date - keen gamers will notice borrowed

істегі from Са! of Duty and Uncharted 2 sprinkled throughout the campaign. The most. drastic improvement comes with its renewed sense of pacing. By ditching large open-worid environments in favor of a more incar path,

DICE is better able to craft memorable scripted sequences that the frst game sorely lacked, Amazingly, DICE puls this off without sacrifcing the player's sense of freedom - the levels are stil big enough to offer several tactical options for players to explore.

The jokers from B Company resume their role as the loveable heroes, but DICE trades in the humorous Three Kings storyline ofthe frst game in favor of a more somber mission, When tho. US. leams the Russians are after a secret WMD the Japanese developed during WWI, a routine mission turns into а globetrotting escapade that takes B Company from the jungles of South. ‘America to the peak of the Andes mountains, Though the stakes are higher, that doesn't stop Sarge, Sweetwater, Haggard, and Marlowe from cracking jokes at each other's expense, The comedic dialogue shines throughout the game; these eccentric solders have more рег зопайу than ай ha protagonists from Call of Duty, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, and Medal of Honor combined.

А number of subtle improvements keep the campaign moving along with the cip of a Holywood blockbuster. DICE ditched the health

inge from the frst game in favor of a regen

erative health system, the forgiving checkpoint system doesn't punish players, and you never have to babysit your more-than-capablo squad during the intense frefights. The only thing the ‘campaign lacks is co-op; since four heroes are already fighting side-by-side throughout the game, this was a missed opportunity for DICE to ‘one-up the competition

Though the campaign doesn't top the briliant set pieces found in Modem Warfare, the drastic improvements bring it near the level of Infinity Ward's juggernaut. Placed in tandem with the ‘exceptional multiplayer, Bad Company 2 is a memorable shooter that should be a favored destination on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network for much of 2010, » Matt Bortz

reviews 85

Dante's Inferno

PS3 « 360 » Concept

Tap a classic poem for the story and a standout series for the gameplay

» Graphics

‘The character models are rough, but some circles of hell ook impressive

The orchestral soundtrack serves the story well

» Playabüity

The combat is God of War from beginning to end, which ft a bad thing

» Entertainment

Beneath the repetition and ‘unoriginal gameplay, there's a solid title

» Replay Value Moderate

Second Opinion 6.15 Style 1-Payer Action Publier Electronic Arts Developer Visceral Games Release February 9 ESRB М

Dante's Inferno is a dif gameplay, Visceral Ga {ripping off the gameplay of another tite was gameplay, Infemo's creativity may pleasantly again and again in later circles, requiring ille in Аа a solid job cresting some | a sin, there'd be a circle in hel reserved exclu- surprise you. the way of fresh tactics to beat.

jeil-worn but enjoyab vely for Dante's Inferno. Its combat, magic The classic work serves as more than a start- This problem ironically culminates in the circle button mashing. Despit system, finishing moves, and various other ing paint for the game. Your abilly to judge of Fraud, which is composed of 10 different being a mostly entertain gameplay mechanics unapologetically аре God characters that Dante meets in the original cal arenas. Each challenge.

ing experienc for height Of War to the pont where Kratos ans wil foel роет (which are used to independent level | intoducesadiferent element, Би most can

hours ita, several circles ight at home in Lucifers den. өто mimics up your Нау and Until powers), and Vigis | Бе beat wih ether your heavy attack or po

of Hell ~ Greed in partiou- even the most mundane and inexplicable tasks, monologues add some authenticity in ight of the jectie combos. Despite the plethora of moves

Jar~ demonstrate terrib Тие requiring the player to mash th sweeping story changes. The poem also inspires lo unlock, these two techniques wil get you

platiorming and lackluster button to open doors, cementing this the game's vision of hel, and fortunately the through the vast majority of the battles you'l

level design. However, status as a bonafide God of War copycat. developers pulled no punches in bringing ther face, making the game feel ike more of a grind

problems wit be феру “The ragut of is talon however stat by interpretation to H. Although the evel of delal than i has tobe.

dom oome close o A ang largo tho gama is lun lo play; he combat or the charactor models обоите under. Dantes ното features some interesting

оир ol the NYT а and sasing, and he ising moves иті, Me еу епікетегіз еі, aspecte fka ts combat, buf eeri novation

not aan adaping ds ye А graphic. Despte beng a postin the ised and memorabie. The game lacie the loes out to repetition. The games biggest

ине source materai, Dante i transiornedintoa brillant level design ofthe God of W strength - Масе recreation of hal wanes

mist be handled wna badass war almost апо that of is Greek there are Imes when Dantes emo daring the second пай. Some entertaining

a Vitas counterpart. Minor addons 0 the formula, such- recreates descnplons fom t ricckab content adds to tne repay к ма as branching el tees for leaming new moves, in sorme remarkable sgh but for most gamers, nemo doesn have сіна are inter- hidden relics that can be equipped to boost vari S utimate snis thet the qame cant enough new ideas to warant a retum tip

preted in visualy imeresting ousstatsandiheabiylocondemabsoe sustain KS eariy pace. Of tenine crs ol ha, tough hel.» Jeff Marchiafava

Sys Du souls дно Dantes emosomeindWcuay ihe frst treo LIDO,

hin even ts never Му role Lust, and Guttony - con

k Wie the gameplay в largely unoriginal. тап ine game's best ideas

ne vi а emos story в unique to зау һе least Tapping and most impressie cre-

past inthe Crusades. Ashe a арсопілу poem as inspratonforahack alve veion, Later cle

works through each cick and slash action tte is enough to тај offer memorable sights as

Hel, Danie reves йінде а most og gamer crgo, but Месни wel, but for every vero

Dmae suppos 0 mae, Games uses inferno's premise to bling blood or ride on the

repleri {The game's scandalous and over the top, but ^ backofPhlegyas there a исап рин ГА тару аз Controversial as the topless lust demons and а dozen drawn-out battles on the source material fand Мт jes might be, they are also against groups of recycled iin author. Dante's infer entertaining and more or less ustiied - this is enemies. After the variety holds а brie, but mostly supposed to be hel, aher all. Literature buts wil introduced in the beginning, fun, hellish journey. Ti кеу be offended by the many fbertes taken was disappointing (and English major couldn't with the source material, but if you can get over nonsensical) to see the

mach it» Phil Kollar the story compromises made forthe sake of ате enemies popping up

86 reviews

ght theii

Aliens vs. Predator

Style 1-Player Action (18-Player Online) Publisher Бода Developer Rebellion

en came 979 and almost single-handedly defined sci-fi horror. Predator released in 1987

and re-envisioned monster movies, cre- ating a new terror for twelve-year-olds to absess over. This year Rebellion releases ns vs. Predator for home consoles, and Ike an antithesis to Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, it proves that two great fla vors don't always taste great together

Set after the events of Айел» 3, a group ol scientists on planet BG-386 begins breeding Xenomorphs for war. А war party of Predators learns about these ‘experiments and decides the best thing

hay can do for the universe is to travel to BG-386 and put a stop to this bad idea by wiping out the colony. Players playthrough three diferent campaigns, each one teling a different side of the


э campaign contains it own special set of problems. The human marine sec- tion is set up ike a survival horror FPS. There are a few good scares within these corridors, but after getting locked inside a room and having to fight off a horde of Xeromorphs for the 100th time, the rep- tition drowns the experience. It doesn't help that your flashlight is as useful at lighting up dark comers as a laser pointer would be for reading a newspaper in the dark

The Predator sequences put you behind the heat-viioned stare of a young hunter trying to prove himself to his clan. had fun using the Predators iconic

Release February 16 ESRE M

‘arsenal, but the heavy focus on stealth, levited melee combat, and near level design made me want to hang up ту hunter's dreads,

The Alien campaign plays ќе a combi nation of the other two, Like the Predator campaign. it has a stealth focus, and Ike the marine campaign, it sucks. Asan alien bred for war, you fight your way out of captivity, eviscerating marines trained to ignore strange sounds and forg about missing alies. Xenomorphs are supposed to be the deadiest creature in the universe, but considering how many times you have to slash at these wimpy scientists before they fall over, you'd think you were ticking your enemies to death. Worst of all, the Xenomorph’s abi ity to walk on wals makes navigating the word a disorenting affir; your biggest battle in this campaign wil be fighting off motion sickn

Some gamers might appreciate how all three races can go head-to-head in online ‘deathmatch, but nothing else about mult player fees fresh, and many of the single player problems such as the frustrating alien controls - carry over.

‘Curiously, Rebelion’s 1999 PC release, lens vs, Predator, was wel received, but this update captures none of that game's ‘unique spark. Instead we have a tile trying to Ive off the fumes of two dormant franchises. » Ben Reeves


PS3 « 360

» Concept Turco diferent campaigns and several full-featured multiplayer modes provide plenty of content for those ‘who can put up with the rest ofthe game

э Graphics

Ithe lighting was better and "he environment а tle more detailed, AvP's atmosphere ‘ould have been moody. As it stands, is just plain

» Sound Listening to the aliens crawl through vents and jump out at you would be scary it your motion sensor wasn't ‘constantly bleating in your fear tho whole time

» Playability Poor melee combat results in a few frustrating encounters, but the game's poor Al keeps things relatively easy. Good thing these marines never figured out how to look up. Entertainment

‘The orginal lens movies changed film forever, but this game is more derivative than

за Replay Value. low

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» Concept уоп need me to explain the ‘concept о Final Fantasy ХШ,

this game ist lor you

» Graphics

Easily stands among

"he best-looking games ever made

» Sound

The soundtrack ist as memorable as previous games ‘inthe series, but the voice асо are very good

» playability

те intuitive controls prove "hat executing complex

is does! need 1o be complicated Entertainment

Award dialogue and character interactions puta

damper on the fun, but other

ofthe game pick up the slack


mezher Pespecive Jy be ай excellent RPG. "but Pina Fantasy Xi hn to bear the Final Fantasy ‘ame could be called into ‘question. Many of he secs ‘conventions ae ether highly modified ог imply thrown ош the window, there are то sîdéquêsts 10 undertake шШ about 30 hours ino

the adventure, no towns to explore (alc your shopping is done from save pont) amd no revising old ar

Ма airship. 8 gi

your party le out [regardless ot how much health your other allies h and the summons" ability turn into drivable race and motorcycles is biza None ol those things are necessarily bad, bat they ан

Fantasy е

88 reviews

Final Fantasy XIII

Square Enix delivers a great game, not a savior


Style 1-Piayer Role-Playing Publisher Square Enix Developer Square Enix Release March 9 ESRB T

inal Fantasy Xll has ascend religious significance in the ey gamers. A ресе of heavy а

constant console war, it was intially cited by many as the game to single-handedly |

the announcement was considered

the biggest coup of the show, erally bring- ing some ardent fans to tears, With al of the emotions an. tations it сате before it

was even a playable game, Final became more than just the next entry in this storied franchise. It became а symbol - а prom. ise for the future of gaming,

Once you begin playing, the fog of mythology surrounding the tite quicky its, and you res ize that Firal Fantasy ХІ s just a role-playing game, it doesn't have any mystical powers ог ‘curative properties, it has systems, jus ike any. mortal RPG - batte systems, leveling systers, and upgrade systems are all here, and they

re exceptional, FF XII is not tho Game W Coming Was Faretod, but every aspect of tne. gameplay в precssion-tuned to ceiver the most Techricaly pressive ttle in Ага Fantasy history

Since this series has long relied on a series of simple commands - Же attack, magic, and

item my encounters, | am sur- prised to report that combat i the greate Lmph of FF XII. Square Enix has overhauled the. concept of battia, focusing more оп guiding the tactical fow of tne fight rather than each charac- cic actions on a turn-by-turn basis. The result is a kinetic, fast-paced system trat stands ол as my favorite in the seres he mechanic revolves around the concept of radigms, which are arrangements of charac rs with specific jobs and abies. You wil only have drect control over the party leader, while the other two members behave according to ther assigned roles. A character in the sentinel где wil soak up damage and attract enemy attention, allowing the other two to perform. les Ike debuting or casing offensive spells. However, tne tides turn often, and youll need to. witch your paradigms mic-batt to adapt. may have to bombard a wel-arimored robotic Juggernaut with electrical spets urti ts defenses ‘down, and then quickly swap to а paradigm focused on physical attacks to do some real image. After you get burned by the same robot's super-attack, you may want to spend a few seconds in an al-mecic paradigm fo recover your HP before going back on the ofensive.

idea seems simple at frst, but the game dually buid the complexity unti you feel ike a strategic powerhouse, creating and exploiting ses by switching your paracigms every iconds. Its fun, easy to use, and a relresh- parture from the RPG norm, Afer just a ре hours, | abandoned my stubborn ten- dency to manualy enter commands for my De leader; К slows down the frenetic расе, and the ‘patie command is more than adequat tion to marvel at the ла visual effects.


The Баев aren't the play FF XII The process of levekng up your

What about 360? Due to tine-roltod factors, Square Eri Gould not provide an Xbox 360 verston ot Pinal Pita ЭШ for review in this ise, When we obtain и copy, we will evaluate и separately and report on any substantial differences between the two versions. Uni hat time, remember that tis tains exclusively to the PlayStation 3 iteration of the game

EONS 5% 3 ы



» Concept Save the princess in a straightforward role-playing fantasy, and throw in a wealth of MMO-style quests to play with friends

» Graphics

Attractive cutscenes and a few impressive environments, but "he overall visual presentation feels generic

» Sound

While the extensive voice work is well implemented "he music is too ordinary lo be interesting

э Playability The complex skil and combat system is troubling to navigate, and the sensation ‘doesn't improve over time

за Entertainment

Highly customizable and arg in scope, but lacking imagination and exciting gameplay

» Replay Value

Moderately Low

90 reviews

White Knight Chronicles

MMO gameplay meets single-player styling to middling success

‘style 1-Playor Role-Playing (4-Player Online] Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment America Developer Lovel-8 Release February 2 ESRB T

has more flexbity than any JRPG | can think of, and it's easy to get excited about the potential of taking your new creation on the upcoming adventure, Don't be fooled, This guy or gal you've just created is about to embark as the biggest tagalong in the history of RPGs. The avatar is present during story events, and tan gently a member of the party, but his or her опу purpose is to serve as your multiplayer face if you choose to hook up with fiends.

‘The actual main character is a boy named Leonard, You кат early on that he's got a spe- cial ариу to bond with and transform into a huk- ing white knight with a giant sword, Wrecking baddies as an armored titan makes for the most enthraling moments in the game. Unfortunately, this mechanic also shatters any sense of good balance that the game might have had. Normal fights are too easy thanks to the presence of the White Knight, and boss fights are nearly impossible without him or one of his equally huge bude

The game plays out across enormous play fields with numerous branching paths. Missions often involve a lot of backtracking and long peri ods of wandering, slowing the pace of the story. The third-person combat tres to look and fee! alot ike an MMO, with ts hotbar of skils and recharging attacks, but it makes for a cluttered HUD, While you only control one character at a time, felow party members can be tasked with basic tactical commands.

The upgrade and skil syster is deserving of praise, if oniy because it offers a high degree of Customization to every character in the party.

You choose who wil ba your mage, your spear- man, or your swordswoman, and then build their abilities accordingly. Sadly, implementing and. setting these abies is a pain - every то you add a new skil or combo, you must reshuffle your hotbar selections.

As a lone player, you'll take these highly c tomized heroes through an achingly generic storyine peppered with some nice cinematics and a few very cool environments, such as the giant volcanic caldera that contains a city on. the back of а huking monster. These moments of originality are at odds with the shallow inter: personal interactions and one-dimensional plot reveals that characterize the ret of the game,

The standout feature for White Knight

layer component, At any Point in the game, you can take a break from the princess-saving adventure to tackle a few quid side missions with up to tree friends. Finally bringing your avatar to the fore, you'll move through the same locales as the single-player game, but with special tasks and monsters to fight along the way. There's а ton of these missions to explore, adding many hours to an. already lengthy game.

While Knight Chronicles was a disappoint ment for me, especialy coming from a qualty developer ке Level. Some of the studio's trademark customization heips to give the game some legs, as does its hefty multplayer com- ponent. However, for interesting combat, deep Characters, and an engaging fantasy, I'd look. elsewhere. » Matt Miller

Heavy Rain

Quantic Dream raises the bar for video game storytelling

уі» 1-Player Adventure/Simulation Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment Developer Quantic Dream Лоева February 23 ESTA M.

video game can encompass a multitude of

experiences, transforming gamers into tho.

heroes of intergalactic wars or the saviors of underwater civilizations. While the settings and scenarios may be different, most tiles use similar gameplay vocabularies to immerse and entertain us. Concepts like shooting the bad ‘guys, leveling up your character, and acquir- ing new items are so pervasive that they have been inextricably woven into most players" definition of what it means to be a video game. Heavy Rain forces you to reconsider that defini- tion. It is barely a game in the popular sense of the word, but Quantic Dream's masterpiece makes groundbreaking strides in storytelling and character development, demonstrating that interactive entertainment stil has a deep well of untapped potential.

Heavy Rain is a game about choice - but not the kind of black-and-white moral decisions upon which games typically rely. t's about choices that send ripples through the entire experience, changing what you see and coloring your perception of the characters. On a basic level, you watch the mystery of the Origami Kiler unfold. Beyond that, how the plot and characters develop is up to you. Fight or flee? Surrender or sutter? Kill or be kiled? Your decisions aren't just brief forks in the road before the paths re- converge. Two players could follow unique ares through the story, see different characters ive and die, and come away with an entirely different idea of what happened and why.

Playing out like the chapters of a book, your contro alternates between four protagonists, each gathering clues and driven by their own.

agenda. The order you play he characters and the direction of their stories vary depending on how you interact with the world during freeform exploration and context-sensitive button presses and motions, which comprise the entirety of what Heavy Rain offers in terms of traditional gameplay. Simply pressing а button may not sound compelling at first, but when your char- acters finger in on the trigger, or when а child's Ме rests in your hands, that single motion is just as intense as any boss fight. When you can read the confict and pain right on the characters’ expressions (thanks to the game's amazing facial models), the choices are even more power-

ful, During one particularly rough sequence, I was literally cringing as | pressed down, forced to decide between two equally reprehen-

sible options.

While these harrowing decisions give the story its edge, the quiet and subtle moments are just as integral to shaping your vision of the charac- ters. Alowing the dad to lose a toy sword fight with his son, deciding what the insomniac jour- naist does at two in the morning, or making the gruff private investigator close his desk drawer Without taking a swig of whiskey - these are the. incidental events that slowly uncover complex emotions ike trust, griet, and love. The charac- ters are defined through these casual choices, building a foundation to work from when you're faced with dictating their actions in the high- stakes scenarios.

Your tle choices and big ones fuse in a singe, seamless narrative. No matter how you perform during the timed button presses, the story goes оп, and the chapters Вон from one to the other

зо brillanty that you' have trouble imagining how tings could have happened any other way. 1 strongly recommend you avoid the temptation to repay chapters if things don't go as you hope: there is no success or failure, and by relying unti you “win,” all youll end up with is a more disjointed view ofthe events.

Not all of the stumbling blocks in Heavy Rain's story spring from replaying chapters. While the plot is remarkably cohesive given the game's ambitions, cracks appear in a few areas, One seemingly major thread is unceremoniously dropped about halfway through, and several of the side characters feel more like stock arche- types than belevable people, The voice acting ‘can be tough to bear at times, too - especialy when по one can consistently pronounce "ori gami” But for every instance where the game's composition falters, there are dozens where it racelulygides on uninterrupted.

Taking the right lessons away from its previ- ооз tite, Indigo Prophecy, developer Quantic Dream has shorn away most traditional video game trappings from Heavy Rain, What remains. isan innovative journey through an engross- ing and welepaced mystery. You're given just enough gameplay to forge a connection to the word and its characters, but not so much that it interferes with tne game's cinematic sensibiities. Heavy Rain is a truly pioneering tile, and hope- full the vanguard for a new genre of interactive narratives. » Joa Juba A To soo what er G stis have у бой Heavy Ran ‘heck ой те etr бөрі paneinlomerconinag

9.5 777


» Concept An interactive drama where ‘your choices shape tho plot and characters

э Graphics

“These are the best-looking video game characters to date, with astounding detail and facial animations

э Sound

‘The moody musical score ‘works well, and some of the "olco actors are exceptional, ‘thers are far less impressive » Playability

Directing the action is

made simple through dear ‘on-screen prompts

» Entertainment

Watching the mystery and ‘characters blossom because of our choices is more engaging. ‘han you would think

» Replay

Moderately High

Second Opinion 8.5 While Heavy Rain succeeds

in giving players more

‘control over ће narrative, the results of this experimental ‘game are mixed. The game's ‘choose-your-own-adventure approach sometimes results in ‘questionable plot devices and redundant story threads that make it feel more like a pulpy dime novel than a serious ac- ‘on thriller. Characters often ма unnaturally, and the voice

able writing. But ire not the ‘story that makes Heavy Rain ıa worthwhile experience: it's how that story is told. 1 walked away with a strong nse of ownership over the plot and certain sequences - Such as escaping from a burn- Ing bllding - had me on the ‘edge of my seat. Heavy Rain ‘won't be for everyone: the шеке action sequences aro great but that limited gameplay is tal one-dimen- sional. Those who put up with Heavy Rain's slow pacing, "however, wil find that it ia one of the most uniquo and compelling experiences interactivo entertainment has tw oer.» Bon Hooves

reviews 91

78. 15 Tropico 3


Build a functioning economy. оп a mid-20th century Caribbean island while keping the respect of your pooplo and decent

relations with both the US,

and USSR.

т Graphics

Tho cluttered И isn't ideal and some of the fancier fullscreen effects from the PC version are missing

‘The radio broadcasts are over and informative the st

The next several

hundred, not so much


Is gamepad control as precise or responsive as a mouse and ‘keyboard? Of course not. rs


playable, though

зо Entertainment

The solid gameplay, variety of scripted scenarios, and su ‘dappled charm of Торісо% jungle islands combine for a

solid experience » Replay Value.


Г 7 1.15

э Concept

Cyanide Studio transports Games Workshop's original ‘game to the 360, adding ‘online play and additional and optional rules in Bitz

mode » Graphics

Blood Bowl is not a feast for the eyes (i does have orcs, after all, but being able to zoom in and out of the action

at any point is

is handy

The whimsical announcers

perfec fit or the

game's tone, which mixes bloody conquest and sports

» Playabity

though the HUD provides. plenty of important inf, some. ‘of the game's more subtle


could have been

conveyed onscreen instead of leaving you in the dark

Entortainment ‘This isn't Mutant League Footbal: this is a hardcore. strategy game. Think and act

92 reviews

accordingly » Replay Value


port p brillianc


ET z^

affection for Tropico 3's favor of campy economic simulation в по secret; the PC version has held me entranced for months (read my review online or in issue 199) I'm happy to report that the delayed Xbox 360. portis nearly as good, and gives console play ers a chance to dg into a genre that tracitionaly hasn't had much of a presence beyond the PC universe.

As El Presidenta of a small country in the Caribbean, players have to juggle several factors as they try to develop their impoverished island into a viable econ оту through commissioning buildings, setting tax rates, issuing edicts, and the Ike. The several factions of your people (capitals, religious folk, nationalsts, etc.) ‘must be molifed lest they vote against you or even rebel. The US. and USSR, are all too interested in poking ther super- Powered noses into your business, so you have to take ther wants into account. Of course, the national treasury is an ever-present concer as well. Keeping all

Blood Bowl

A hail ike!

Style 1-Playor Simulation Publisher Kalypso Media iloper Haemimont Games Release February 2 ESRE T

‘of these balls in the air lends constant challenge and tension to the gameplay, and effectively has me glued to my sland for hours at a time,

The campaign offers dozens (f not hundreds) ‘of hours of playtime in scripted scenarios tat twist the basic formula in entertaining ways. Опе might give you dozens of unskiled refugee immigrants, while another has you choosing

‘whether to let a superpower buy the rights to. build an army base on your island. Each mission has specific goals, timeframes, and challenges. Developing ways to cope with the frequent our- vebals thrown at you is half the fun,

Sandbox mode in Tropico 3 is less compel ling. Once the money is flowing in from a stable, advanced economy, your problems are simple

to buy your way out of. I's amusing ‘enough to buid а functioning city, but the challenge and rewards just aren't there.

А sold interface makes this Xbox 360 port а reasonable though not deal - way to play Tropico 3. A few uncommon actions, Ќе setting worker wages and hiring foreign specalsts, are ‘noticeably harder on a gamepad. Other than that, theres very Ше between you and the amusement ‘of having your own private banana. republic. » Adam Вісн

Style V or 2-Playor Strategy (2-Player Online) Publisher SouthPeak Interactive Developer Cyanide Studio Release January 26 ESRB T

the myriad rules and tactics in football, 1

сате as a shock that | was a total novice when it came to Blood Bow. It tums out the two sports have almost nothing in common. | will say this, though: If you've ever seen a foot Ба! coach smile on the sidelines after a routine play because everything went exactly the way it was drawn up, then you'll have an appreciation forthe strategic intracacies and moving parts that have to come together to perform basic. ‘moves in Blood Bowl.

The game uses Warhammer-esque fantasy races (each with diferent characteristics) in 11-оп-11 contests where the objective is to score the most touchdowns, The action fea tures ref bribes, tha injury or death of players

F ога guy who has a good understanding of

dice re-ıols, fan interference, mercenaries, and more as regular occurances. This 360 version adds onine play and a new Bitz mode to the classi game that allows you to play in realtime and features equipment upgrades, contracts, training, and other enhancements. These new elements add quite a few cool nuances to the traditional gameplay.

Almost every move you make in the game is determined by dice гово checked against your players attributes and the appropriate modifers, While те is nothing new, Blood Bowl adds а heartbreaking twist: In most cases a failed dice roll means your turn is automaticaly aver. When 1 say "most cases," I'm taking about some fun: damental moves in the game Ike picking up the football or blocking. Consequently, everything

you do in the game requires а high degree of risk assessment, and your шт is always a carefully Constructed sequence of events with Ийе margin for erro. Good players know how to play the ‘odds in their favor, but in the end the game stil ‘comes down to the tubing dice.

If you're already a Blood Bow vet, the Bitz mode makes this version worth your ште. But ‘even though | find satisfaction in puling off even the simplest of the game's maneuvers, setting up all of its dominos is just too exacting for my

Fora Bood wl о

unter ca

Divinity Il: Ego Draconis Lame combat limits the appeal of a beautiful world

‘Style 1-Playot Action/RPG Publisher COV Software Entertainment ‘Developer Larian Studios Release January 5 ESRE М.

hey off cooldown. You'l sp » Concept majority of you Explore а richly detailed fantasy world in your quest to every bass fight сате across required become a dragon and stop an га reloads to pass. One bc жшк » Graphics ki dialogue. The. Environments are fabulous, оп action, on the other hand, als ішік alb des tace ony for each gonder and wonky ообу animations make the people

Youll most еу us two and less of a draw than the setting

The care poured into tho setting is eve five абоз for the entre game.

dert nihe at aswel as he rch, deed | TumngntoadrgonhesDeentted «Sound

fiction. The exten is crammed | ава big seling point, but it results in does i job ре geri ne

АА ot itte touches, пот skeletons jutting о sequences rather tnan 8908150 and mos of the,

ол of ancient cave ns fo bloodstans in monly. Lie

a torre chamber that Поту delal the customizing your oun Batte Tower io PM

order in which ihe devices wer used.” serve asa home baso ends up beng itto Пе cont tl nt bad, b min-dungeonand тото than a convenient colecton of ver. ames

every abandoned Sine inthe wider: ое. Buldg your OW аше

ness has ls own sory Пе дате боена fron the body parts of Halen loess neal, metn |

fantastic job of not hong your hand and моно savage te Te senap ot доо,

ketting you explore оп your own terms, combal form тедосту tagh DIOL werd

Tie sttkes a great balance between vay I isn't without ts charms, but i gran but tho acon s

tho large but fen souless expans weak game design әле the tril of &g- passable at best

Оомопв Ооой and Dragon Age го io the many secrets OFS ИЗИП. » Replay Value

but meticulous areas ing word. » Adam Biessener aate

than hammering on your primary attack

юмо evo


ue ES эки Nome EE



Ж ЖА ш » Concept Beet up ай the cool өші оп No More Heroes an replace the boring junk wi 8-DI homages

» Graphies ‘ull rough, but much more detailed environments and

characters than the first game

» Sound Repeutive enemy screams ‘won't distract from an. incredible, jazzy soundtrack

» Playability

Travis Touchdown has a wider arsenal of moves and swords to help take out а greater variety of enemies

» Entertainment

1t you е goofy anime parodies and buckets of blood in your brawler. prepare to "be amused

Replay Value Moderately Low


No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle



a51 finally s

Grasshopper Manufacture, have aways

struggled to balance high ambitions with accessibilty, Case in point, the original No More Heroes a brawler that parodied anime and video games, but included frustratingly boring. side missions that were required to gain money to unlock progression,

Inintervews about the game, SudaS1 implied that he was reluctant to do a sequel - usually а bad sign - but perhaps forcing his team to focus оп refining a single idea was the best thing that Could have happened, In No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, they have crafted everything fans could want out of a sequel. All the bad stuff from the original is gone or fixed in some мау, and all of the good elements are magnified and improved.

The bland open world is ditched in favor of

S ида51 and his development studio,


allowing players to jump between locations by selecting them on a map. Opening up rank- ing battles he game's main missions - no longer requires cash, so side jobs are now ‘optional since money is only used for purchasing upgrades or new clothing. That said, the side Jobs are worth playing this time around even without the necessity. While you're stil tasked with mundane chores like collecting coconuts, fling in as a cook at a local restaurant, or plumb- ing inthe city's sewers, this manual labor is presented in the form of charming 8-01 vignettes complete with a tiny, pixelated version of pro tagonist Travis Touchdown and NES-style music. that would make Capcom jealous.

Despite the removal of time wasting in the ‘open world, No More Heroes 2 is just as long as ts predecessor if not longer - thanks to the significantly increased size and number of.

Stylo I-Payer Action Publisher Ubisoft Developer Grasshopper Manufacture Release January 26 ESRE M

missions. Instead of working through 10 ranking spots, Travis must now slowly wind his way up a list of 50 assassins to prove that he's the best ler in town. Without giving too much away, there aren't anywhere near 50 boss battles,

but the game stil feels crammed ful of levels and enemies that aro moro detailed and visually interesting than last ime around. As a bonus, two returning characters are also playable for a hand of levels, each bringing unique special abilities to the mix.

Travis also ups the otaku fever dream quotient with a number of new weapons and moves, most impressively a dual-beam katana rick- named "Hose Nasty" Strangely, beyond the. ‘opening cutscene, Travis is treated much less lio a joke in No More Heroes 2. The game is ta parody, and the writing is much funnier and more lucid than the previous game, but the humor gets sidetracked too often by noirish recurring flashback sequences and mono: logues that come dangerously close to taking themselves seriously.

The game never gets foo heavy though: the smple-but-fun beat-em-up combat and ridiculous boss scenarios rise above any minor remaining issues with No More Heroes 2. A few ofthe later boss battles and levels that attempt to mix things up contain some of the frustrations that dragged the frst game down, but for the most part this is yet another third-party МИ exclu- Sive of which Nintendo faithful can be proud, Finally, бидат delvers a game that almost anyone can appreciate. » Phil Kollar

Mot gareitomercan io read ол pet rue Pleni with assgper Manufacture CEO Sut

m that if I ha.

uld've di

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

While the mechani

improve, Ace

Style 1-Playor Adventure Publisher Capcom De

the game forward.

The new logic system finds Edgeworth collect ing clues outside of traditional physical evidence. For example, youl take note of a contradiction such as: “Why isn't there any broken glass on. the ground I this object supposedly crashed through the window?" Once a hand of clues are gathered, you can piece two together at a time, While it adds another perspective to inves-

lions, | found the game's logic а Ие too easy overall, It ends up being more of a process of elimination than true deduction

While mechanics are certainly important, many fans of the series judge an Ace Attorney by its cast and plot. Without spoiing anything, | can say that the sly tone remains intact, and murder mysteries aro just as ridiculous and tough to solve as ever. Myriad cameos and references

Puzzle Chronicles

Puzzle Quest devs unleash another RPG/puzzle hybrid

storytelling loses some punch

рег Capcom Release February 16 ESRB T

рау fanservice in spades, however unikely the setup. The new obligatory teenage git sidekick, Kay Faraday, provides adequate spunkiness and Causes Edgeworth to make his embarrassed face quite often. New rival Sh-Long Lang loves. talking about wolves, hates prosecutors, and cares a itle too much about his faithful team of 99 investigators. That said, | didn't find Lang to Бе as compeling as previous foes Ike Godot or Franziska.

The overall plot didn't pull mo in as much as previous instalments, ether. Nothing is realy at stake for Edgeworth personaly in the final Tun. Usually, there's a snowbaling sensa of urgency to solve the last case, but the end of Investigations just drags on. | enjoyed my time with Edgeworth, but i's the weakest entry in the seres » Bryan Vore


» Concept РШ the camera out

on the traditional Ace. поту formula

» Graphics.

Sprite versions of charactors ook great and add some пісе dimension

» Sound

Now tracks, like Lang's theme, blend well with the classi tunes

» Playabilty

‘Third-Person maneuverability improves crime

scone navigating

» Entertainment

Fans ofthe series wil enjoy "he small evolutions

» Replay Value Moderately Low

э Concept ‘Take а falling gem game, ‘move it оп its side, and have characters battle on à shit barefront

» Graphics Gems are nondescript blobs and the cutscenes feature some of tho worst art in memory recent

or otherwise

» Sound

‘The string sore is appropriate for the battles, though it oops too frequently » Playability

‘The controls are simple and respond well, but the gem dropping feels sluggish

» Entertainment

Setting up combos is rewarding, but the game's single-player mode doesn't offer much longevity

* Replay Value


Style 1-Playor Puzzle (2-Player Online) Publisher Konami Developer Infinite interactive Release February 18 Е5ИВ E10+

addicting gameplay of puzzle games and the character customization from RPGS sounds bizarre on its surface, but it proved to be a surprisingly great match. After the suc- cess of 2007's Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords, everyone was happy to crib from its formula including its own developer, Infinite Interactive. Puzzle Chronicles does the best job so far of

б eating a hybrid from the simple and

combining both gaming genres into a new cre- ation. A lot of head-to-head puzzle games rely

опа mechanic where players deluge their oppo nents’ screen with trash gems in an attempt to ‘overwhelm, Puzzle Chronicles takes a diferent, ‘more interesting take, with battles that have a tug-of-war favor.

Making combos and stringing together clusters of similarly colored gems fil up an attack meter, which pushes a center barrier toward your oppo-

nent. Large blocks unleash items that you colect оп your travels, which offer defensive bonuses ог deadly attacks. Different enemies have unique abilities, such as stealing gems or becoming temporariy invulnerable to attacks,

‘Character progression is interesting at frst, but the game quickly becomes trivially easy. After Sinking points into various talent trees and find- ing decent gear, matches can routinely end after а few seconds. I don't know how many times,

1 patiently set up а ridiculous combo only to be surprised with a victory screen before | could. unleash my ќи fury. The final boss is a pushover ‘even at the highest dificulty setting, Ке fun to feel Ike an unstoppable force, but aside from

а multiplayer mode the game doesn't provide many reasons to continue playing after the crec- its rol.» Jett Cork

Puzzle Chronicles will also be released as |

downloadable game on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade, I the game is sub- stantially diferent on those platforms we wil revisit it in another online review. Otherw accept this as our f

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

Atlus takes the hardcore RPG to a new dimension

8.15 =т=

о we control technology or does it control Strange Journey, that question is more important than you realize. Тһе game has ‘numerous troubling means of highighting the ‘dungeon cal with а unique tension between technology and nature. sf pit The protagonist explores an odd Antarctic » Graphs anomaly known as the Schwarawelt ма the use Beautiful demon designs make af the Demonica, a special miitary-ssued suit up for muddy dungeon visuals that alows him to survive alen atmospheres and » Sound contain and summon demons. Quests are doled The excellent soundtracks ош from a cold, unfeeling computer on board packed in withthe qame your crashed ship whose primary concern is » Playabiity completing the mission no matter the cost. Hardcore tum-based On the other hand, players also have plenty of battles are stil more control, Once you've talked a demon into joining approachable than previous your cause, you have ful reign over its abilties. franchise entries The demon co-op system, which rewards you » Entertainment wih bonus attacks 1o infict even more damage Pinding and fusing new оп enemies, also makes Strange Journey's demons в as addictive 23 brand of hardcore RPG combat significantly hitting the next plot wist more approachable than previous Shin Megami » Replay Valie Тол entries, As ong as you approach the Moderately High battles strategically, youl be able to dispatch enemies faster than they can kil you off and ina much easier way than the nom for this series. Since your primary mission is to explore the Schwarawel waking around and investigating

» Concept Fight and capture demons in an old-school first-person

habadoo. if y | to see Earth agai 300d use of your 0

each environment takes up a lot of time, Lucky, this isnt just a straightforward dungeon crawl. Even at 40 hours in, the game continues intro ducing new concepts with each floor of cach. ‘sector, from booby-trapped tes that make you fall asleep to conveyer belt mazes that briefy take away control over the direction in which you're moving,

Uncovering ай the Schwarzwelt's secrets wil keep you glued to your DS for hours of int RPG action. It wil be worth ай those hours to ‘experience Strange Journey's masterful blend of an intricate, unique storyine with the addictive demon-hunting gameplay for which the Shin Megami Tensei series is known. As for whether

Теве tto you to discover the game's мей. developed insights. Al can say is that If Atlus is in charge of the software, then technology has already won. » Phil Kollar

or not humans control technology ог vice versa,

Lunar: Silver Star Harmony

Anew art style spices up traditional RPG gameplay

96 reviews

ing this time around, and battles feature some flashy effects that keep the action from getting со monotonous.

While it may look pretty on the high-res PSP screen, the game's utra-traditonal JRPG gameplay shows its age. Moving the story along is a strictly near process, requiring you to perform specific (and oftentimes ambigu- ол) objectives in an effort to get the plot roling. Conversely, the game's tactical organization is sii а great platform for a combat system, allow: ing you to issue a customized order to your entire party with the press of a button. Lunar

‘Sy Hyer Role Mayng Poise ED Games Developer Gunglio/ Gamon Хавае ру 29 ESRB Т 8

Legends Arts Gauge system ing your characters access to huge screen-clearing attacks and spells that heal the entre ралу. Like many classic JRPGs, you'll be doing plenty of XP grinding, but the omission of random encounters is a blessing.

While longtime Lunar fans may love the new aesthetic, 65 dated gameplay could tum off fans of more recent RPGs, Siver Star Harmony. follows an old blueprint of the genre, but main- tains a level of charm and humor that sl works 112010.» Dan Ryckert

PSP ? Concept

Give Lunar fans another remake ofthe Sega CD classic ? Graphies

The coru new visual style is the star ofthe remake

» Sound

Yoico actors ham it up,

but the misc stays appropriate throughout

» Piayabitity

И you played a JRPG in te 'ariy-t0-mid 30s, you feel sight at home

э Entertainment

Longtime fans will appreciate tho new удав, but newer fans may be put oll by the dated gameplay

» Replay Value Moderately Low


Volume XX ө Number 3 o issue 203.

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Wet ot et Soe Ore Damon Vat iae sore usn Lang SUNROOM CN заа ма ато ал

1.15 | Matt Hazard Blood Bath and Beyond

Platform PS3 -360 Release January 6 ESRB М

6.5 | Divinity |: Ego Draconis

Platform 260 Release January 5 ESRB M Divinity II's many technical flaws are

Playing solo feels unbalanced,

exacerbated in the transition to the con- lel ati над есері unfair, and downright not sole, Frequent framerate stutters are the pulis fun. Have a buddy suit up as least of the 360 build's problems. Mina een Dexter, however, and you have Divinity II is a noticeably inferior experi- зуллин ано а fine-tuned level of rewarding ence on the Xbox 360.—Adam Biessener алмын чым challenge. Tim Turi orca Lir шілігі илишаны” ‘URL: gameinformer.com/mag. Ves www gameintrmer com prec coe (aera, een етан Е. m = (рки rm а | 8 ОТ 7 | Star Ocean: The Last 5 | Data East Arcade Classics later Wi Release Febnary 9 ESRB T Rus,

Hope International

Platform PS3 Release Fobroary 9 ESRB T

Even PS3 gamers who would be playing it for the first time should be wary about a purchase especially with the release of Final Fantasy XIII nearly upon us.—Joe Juba TRL: gnc

This arcade collection includes 12 Data East titles, and unfortunately only half are mildly entertaining. Unless you're

a hardcore fan of BurgerTime, Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory or Bad Dudes, you're better off saving your quarters. —Annette Gonzalez Гекке

With the revelation of Rockstar's L.A. Noire, now Is the perfect time to cast a light upon an often overlooked and influential film genre that has ~

been skulking in gaming history's shadows: film noir. These films are tra- .— ditionally known for their black and white, heavily shadowed cinematic style with rough private eyes in trench coats solving crimes and seducing femme fatales. Beyond the trappings of these well-worn genre stereo- types, noir as a style is filled with antiheroes, moral grays, and flashback - storytelling couched in somber overtones. L.A. Noire's hard-boiled influ-

ence is obvious, but the genre's gritty themes and archetypes have been

present in the world of gaming for a long time.

HERE'S LOOKING АТ YOU... a Корали of

Film Noir in Gaming’s Past

DEJA VU (tees, ник

ing fom the Aneto попала ск adventure from Mindscape thrusts players into a 1941 Chicago ripped straight from the pages of classic nor novels and fims. When private eye Theodore "cs" Harding wakes up n a bathroom stal with а savage headache and a bad case of amnesia, gamers are tasked wth combing сте. {or cues and collecting anything not na wii the authoris breathe coim Ace's neck for a fame job. Déja Vu spices up the usualy ийа. ‘an envionment descriptions found in many ear adventure games by incorporating the оне ten tone of casi detective sores

SHADOWRUN (1993, snes) Choral fero fom ames, but ew onseiausness to'n a Morgue. Such the plot of Jake Armitage, alee shadowun fer mercenary in tne year 2050 attempt тооду music and dark soot st

(1994, Sega CD) Hideo Kojma's knack for creating cinematic video games is undisputable, but before Metal

ar Sold's theatrical cutscenes, the legend:

or delivered Snatc

е game has a genre mashing premise - imagine Philip Marlowe replacing Harrison Ford's Rick Deckard in Blade Runner and hunting down Terminator-esque androids called Snatchers. As a Junker, protagonist

anis а spacia detective who investigates crime scenes, takes on convoluted с. seduces the lovely ladies of the future, and, of course, suffers from amnesia. Throw in Gilian's trademark brown trench coat and a moody soundtrack and it becomes clear that Snatcher

Tex Murphys t ura game falowe he down o Hs ck, сіп /estigator as he unwittingly gets tangled in a case revolving around а n cult. Set in a mutant-infested, radioactive 2042 New San Francisco, Under a К Moon features multiple fim noir archetypes and a comedic fair


LA. Noire is not Rockstars frst foray into publishing pulp fiction influenced video ‘games. That honor goes to bulet-dodging detective Max Payne. Max has had a hard lot in Не. His family was murdered by junkies, he was framed for murder, and his assassin-turned-love interest died in

утте (depending on what ending you gol. The affects of these grave events are perfectly conveyed by the cold and суса! protagonist's melodramatic internal ‘monologues. Richly ilustrated graphic nov frames deliver the game's dark narrative with ай the trappings of the detective comics the game emulates so well. Part John Woo fim, part Frank Miler's Sin Cty, the Max Payı Series has thus far been fim noiris defining presence in ideo games.

was the stuff of which dreams are made,

GRIM FANDANGO (19, c) Tim Schafer’ боа LucasArts adventu game eschews the colorless grays of nor whie maintaining the genres moral ава Manuel "Manny" Calavera ба тае agent of he Underword tasked wih sling tip packages to the wey deceased i an efor to pay offa debt. Grm Fandango art siye combines the Ar Deco design of the 19308 wilh Mexican holiday Е Da De Los Muertos, resulting in a color moking skeletons wearing fedoras, I ht ıa im classi wih noir tendencies,

ful cast of cha Jarit enough, the homage to

Max Payne series has thus far been film noir's defining presence in video games.”

classic 99

making hi The chains also rant him add


The life of Kratos is filed with tragedy and triumph, and he has the scars and spoils to prove it. As players take control of the Ghost of Sparta in God of War И, they will notice that he bears the marks of his past, including the legendary artifacts and wounds that he has collected along the way.

Ba Sen RR TT Бас CEU ПУТ TN ӨРТ : Әл toned һе gece creas rte tes ср 200 Carre rer Magne М л net

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