November 1994 Vol. Ill Issue 6 1 RPG? ne FOR e The uae pal t Be Pri ONG! $3.95 Canada $4.95 UK £2.50 November 1994 | | 74470 82824 2 Contra: Hard Corps, Zero Tolerance, and NHL 95 22MNC-OMECIN(OMIXX D-00YOUOREA-D...TULLY!...MIS THAT YOUX?.))))DO YOU R.EAD-ME...TU-LLY?... I'M(IWIINGONNA ))))FRY. YOUR AS*SML..))) THIS IZ X. ROCKET.))))SCI-ENCE...GAME.1...LOAD-STAR.IWI IH DO) READ. ) E. Ad THIS I() ROCK LOADSTAR THE LEGEND OF TULLY BODINE™ CALL: 1-800-98-ROCKET ext 45 on GO ONLINE = TO ORDER YOUR GAME OR DEMO VIDEO THIS IS ROCKET SCIENCE - GAMES AVAILABLE ON SEGA-CD AND PC CD-ROM MAKE-CONTACT - GAME 1.MMII LOAD/STARNIIIK. << THE. LE-GEND. * Of- TULLY( i ! BODINE H. ANC* INST. .ANTMIDCULT. . CLASSSICMII STARRI MIANG NED BEATTY) )WRITTEX XBY- -RON COBB.))) THES.E MURCCCNOT —. MOVI!ES))).. MI THESEC — 71 BREAKK. /THRU. IN**VIDEOG.AMESS WMI. .MOVIE-LIKE — XXPERI- ENCES IMMIIWITHMORE( REALIZM,MORE EFX,MORE Bll. THRILLS GAME 22» CADI. LLACSKKAND + DINOSAURS". YOU RE MILAD TH. COMIC BOOK MINOW. ) )U, CAN(GET) )INSIDE<< COMIC. . . BOOKREA-LITY. BASEDD ON WIITHA GRA/PHIC. .NOVELZMIIOF(((MARK SCHULTZ) )) HOLLY .WO-O>MIll MEETZ<>>TORS F. AH SOME: OF II TH. PEOP-PLE INBEE-HIN.IWD ACI ENS, ))-)THE ABYSS... A-ND >>TER WII I AT. NATOR- 1T LO Genesis Sonic & Knuckles, Dynamite Headdy, Taz in Escape From Mars, Zero Tolerance, Mickey Mania, Contra: Hard Corps, NHL '95, Lethal Enforcers Il 38 SNES & SG Dual Reviews 2 42 SNES Donkey Kong Country, Vortex, Final Fantasy III, NBA Live '95, Stunt Race FX Dynamite Headdy, Shining Force ll 58 Game Poy Blues Brothers, Mega Man V Departments ED | mL e y 6 Dear Game Informer 62 Secret Access ~ $y GA, Tips From Our Readers ons ITEM! 7 دس لت‎ A 68 Tech Talk ? mi 54 Arcade Brigade Check out the Specs on Dark Stalkers: Sega's New 32X The Night Breed 70 Game Genie/Swap Shop 60 What's Hot! Includes Exclusive Codes Mortal Komics and From Galoob Digital Pictures Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications, 10120 West. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. Second-class postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year additional postage. Entire contents copyright 1994. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies. Game Informer s November 4 F ITS JUST A VIDEO CAME, | RE YOU SO OUT OF BRE : 1 1 H 1 : T‏ ۷۳ که کا !وو Race against time in Climb to the top of the Extreme Face the ultimate challenge— Leap ceiling-high in ELASTIC SPORTS. ACTION SPORTS. Arena in BASIC TRAINING. the awesome AGGRO CRAG. Tighten your helmet. Because realistic animation, based Nickelodeon GUTS- on actual rotoscoped competitors, lets you feel every DO YOU HAVE IT?" twist, splash and tumble of Nickelodeon's ultimate sports show. With seven extreme events, Nickelodeon GUTS will leave you breathless. LICENSED BY ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM © 1994 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon and its logos, titles, and related characters are trademarks of Nickelodeon, a programming service 42 of Viacom International Inc. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the Official Seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. O 1991 Nintendo of America Inc. n e للا‎ 11 e DI n : T : > e 3 ㆍ e e ㆍ It's the moment you've been. training for. As a cadet of Starfleet Academy" your next move is crucial to the safety of your crew, not to mention your reputatjon at the academy. So prepare to beam aboard the bridge of a Federation" battle cruiser or one of four. - other vessels including the Romulan Bird-of- Prey", or the Klingon” battle.cruiser, and take command. : : VVith over 4 9 intense missions to test your skills at Starfleet Academy, you 'l find out just how ` bxciting a... * simulator can be. Isn't ㆍ) ͤ it timeto ° ep ovg enroll? LICENSED BY 2 [Nintendo Software ©1994 Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. & & ©1994 Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved. STAR TREK is a Registered Trademark of Paramount Pictures. Interplay Productions Authorized User. Starfleet Academy is a trademark of interplay Productions. THIS OFFICIAL SEAL IS YOUR ASSURANCE THAT NINTENDO HAS APPROVED THE QUALITY OF THIS PRODUCT. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THIS SEAL WHEN BUYING GAMES AND ACCESSORIES 0 ENSURE COMPLETE COMPATIBILITY WITH YOUR SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM. NINTENDO AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL ARE TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO OF AMERICA. jae uc Or don't play at all." REE B ERE ندال دو دو دا ھا — ——— TART STARFLEET ACADC Starship B ridge Simulator" lem - game pirating or as it is seldomly called "game back-up". Game pirating can be done with a number of grey market “game back-up" units. Of course, game pi- rating is highly illegal, and | would not want to be the guy that Sega or Nintendo found with their game. They don't have a lot of sympathy for people who copy their games. 4" Don't Go Back to Happyville! I have a Super NES and have just re- cently purchased a Real 300. bought it because | was so disappointed with Super NES's games! 1 thought the Marlo’s were great games, but come on! I'm tired of being a plumber stomping on mushrooms In happyville!! | love blood and guts, especially in games like Doom. Are there any games coming out (for any system) where you are the bad guy trying to create evil rather than stopping It? If one comes out, you can be sure I'll buy it. So review it! P.S. Should have more 3D0 reviews. Joe Gelet Boca Raton, FL But the key word is thought! Games that are based in Happyville are actually a lot of fun. They are especially fun if you don't like ultra-violent games like a large num- ber of people. | would like to remind you of one rule of thumb. Just because games have blood in them doesn’t necessarily make them good. Remember Time Killers! Doom is good, not particularly because of the blood and violence, but because the gameplay is excellent. Oh yeah... get to be the bad guy. That sounds like a sweet game. Frustrated! | would like your opinions on some- thing. What is the hardest fighting game for the Genesis or Super Nintendo? ! need a tough game, because | beat MK |, ina half-hour (on the "Very Hard" set- ting), the first day | got It. | have already beat Super Street Fighter 2 on the hard- est level and Streets of Rage 3 on the 2nd hardest level. I'm not bragging, just frustrated. Please help me. Jeff Lowich Bridgewater, NJ Well, almost every game has got some quirk you can exploit or code you can use, so unless you're a playing a human oppo- nent, a player of your caliber may not get much competition. We can say that Eternal Champions is tough, and that’s not on your list of accomplishments. Vidiots of the World Unite and Take Over! I'm 23 years old and I'm nuts about video games. | love your magazine. The hints, tips, and overall game rating is simply top of the line. | own a Nintendo and Sega Genesis, | don’t really play Nintendo that much anymore, but Sega keeps me on my toes with new games and excellent graphics. I look forward to future G.I. Issues and all the gaming knowledge one per- son can withstand. Raymond Foster University Park, IL Game Informer : November 4 and leave poor Atari in the dust. So when will the carts come? | know this is going to sound bad, but | don't think even Atari knows. Atari has come to a serious cross- roads in their business. Companies are in- terested in carrying and supporting the Jaguar. They think it has an excellent price point and a lot fans, but one thing that re- tailers and gamers demand, is games. Of course, you can't get games until you get units out there so it's kind of a catch-22. | don't know, but! hope they make it. It would a shame for games like Iron Soldier, Battlezone 2000, and Blue Lightning to never make it to the market because Atari can't get their act together. What's Up with Sonic? In your July/August 1994 issue it says that there is a code for Sonic 3 to access a level select (Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up). I’ve tried it a thou- sand times and it doesn't work. I would like to know what's wrong. Mike Vittorio Glendale Heights, IL | wish.I could tell you it was wrong, but it's not. We received a number of calls and letters concerning the difficulty of this code so here's a couple of possible solutions. Sometimes it's because your controller is worn out and you can’t get a true Up or Down input. Other times, it's because you just didn't do it right (I know, unbelievable), or you just didn’t do it fast enough. Try it again, faster, and it just may work. / Think This Cart is Broken? First of all, let me say that your mag- azine is the best of Its kind that I've ever read. | used to get Nintendo Power, but yours kills it! | got my first copy at a lo- cal store and | can't wait for my first is- sue via my new subscription to your magazine. | do have a couple of quick questions though. 1.) | noticed the other day that my older SNES cartridges have different case designs than my newer ones, par- ticularly in the center towards the bot- tom. Why is this? 2.)While browsing through the in- struction manual of my new game Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball, | saw a warning about making illegal back-up copies of the cartridges. How is that possible? ` Larry Benson Holbrook, NY Originally when they made the SNES unit it was designed to lock-in your car- tridges. At a later date, Nintendo decided to remove this feature, so they redesigned the cartridge casing to correct the problem. However, this change didn't fix one prob- Gi Monthly! Your July/August 1994 issue has got to be your best issue yet. | am very pleased with the layout, design, and I must say your reviews are the best any- where. You've got more tips and codes than anybody else. Your magazine has really come a long way since my first issue (Nov/Dec '92). All this leads to one question. When are you going to increase the size of your mag and be- come a monthly publication? Just imagine the possibilities. More tips, codes, reviews, editorials, and you could even start to have strategy guides for the hottest games (Mega Man, Super Metroid, etc.). 1 love those games and when 1 get stuck, | really need help. Why don't you have RPG, Sports, and Fighting game sections? Or have a combo guide for MK Il and Super SF II? Just think about it. You re- ally have the potential to be a top con- tender. Keep up the good work, and who knows? Just take advantage of your power. P.S. Your reviews are the best be- cause you don't kiss up when a game stinks. Joe Carlin The possibilities, eh! All right then, we'll do it. We shall take over the world! Ha! Ha! Ha! Second Thoughts? I'd like to ask a few questions that we Jaguar owners are all wondering about. First, Atari claims to have over 35 li- censees for the Jaguar. For months I've read about these games that Atari has, and the ones their 3rd parties are working on. The Jaguar has been out for quite some time now, and there has- n't been a single new game since Tempest 2000. Alien Vs. Predator, Redline Racer, and Wolfenstein should have been out a long, long, long time ago. What's the deal, where are the *#$! games!? When will anything new be available!? Second, Is Atari having some kind of financial troubles? There are only 3 stores | know of that carry the Jaguar. Do you have any pics, of new games that are planned for Jaguar? What about Mortal Kombat II? is Williams Entertainment bringing this fighter to the 64-bit console? Will the Jaguar suffer the same fate as the Turbo- grafx-16? P.S. | should have learned my lesson after my disappointment with the Lynx. Chris (Arcade-A-Hollc) Sims Milwaukee, WI Okay, by now Wolfenstein and Brutal Sports Football are out (oh yea!), and the others should be on their way. 1 would have to agree though. They told us that all these games would be here and they're not. It's pretty disappointing, because we believe the Jaguar can do well. It definitely has its niche in the video game industry, but if their performance continues to be less than satisfactory , owners like you and me will quickly run to another system November Issue 1994 Volume Ill, Number 6 Richard A. Cihak Publisher Andrew McNamara | Editor _ Ross VanDerSchaegen Editorial Coordinator . Paul Anderson Publishing Coordinator Paul Anderson Rick Petzoldt Andy McNamara Ross VanDerSchaegen Video Game Consultants _ Thomas Blustin Timothy J. Laurie Art Direction Graphic Design Ryan MacDonald West Coast Consultant Craig Larson Jeremy Halls Copy Editors Advertising Sales Kimberley Thompson-Benike National Ad Sales Director Snohomish, WA 98290 (206) 668-7978 adi Manufactured and printed in the United States of America ! Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is published monthly at a subscription price of $19.98 per year, or five trial issues for $9.98 by Sunrise Publications, 10120 West. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-8155. Second-class postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address - changes to Game Informer Magazine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728. Foreign : or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars | and must include $20/year additional postage. Entire contents copyright 1994. Game Informer ‘Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in woe or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informeris a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade: names or. trademarks, of their respective companies. a The Editor welcomes company product i informa- be | tion for all video games. Such materials 5 addressed to: Editor, Game Informer Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Editorial phone and FAX numbers are note | Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned or ad- knowledged. For a subscription to Game Informer Magazine, please call our Circulation Department at (612) 946. 8883. For subscription inquiries 1 write to our Customer Service Department: 10120 W. 76th St. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 attn: CUSTOMER SERVICE ON BPA 5 “The snow is back and | can finally start snow boarding again with Tim. Unfortunately, that's aboutthe only goodthing | can say about win- ter. Of course, there are a number of cool games to play. Donkey Kong and Sonic & Knuckles have also eaten up a good bit of my time, but nothing can compare to Earthworm Jim in the action/platform category. FF 3, MKII, and Road Rash (yes, a good game for 300) are the only other games I've played that | truly enjoy and go back to again and again. Also, | just went to the AMOA to play Ultra 64. Ahhh, this is the Wer" "Well, the Snow v has fallen again and we all know what that means, hockey season is here! Although the winters here come fast, what with us so close to the "Great White North" and all, the fresh white blanket is wel- comed by me. Looking back, my favorite games will have to be Earthworm Jim, Donkey Kong Country, NHL '95, NBA Live '95 (what can | say? I'm a sports nut) Return of the Jedi, and Road Rash." “Well it's Winter once again so | will be stay- ing inside with my favorite vids. These include Final Fantasy 3 and Road Rash 3DO. The 32X is coming very soon. Here's hoping the system delivers the goods and there will be lots of great games ready for it's release. | am totally psyched up for being a monthly publi- cation. So until December adios." ‘The 애사 10 rdle the interactive ae has, again, slipped through my fingers. Now l'Il have to practice over the cold months to rehone my gaming prowess. Enough about 016 and my delusions of virtual superiority. Games are about to flood your world, and | hope you're ready for the onslaught. This is- sue is packed with some of the best games of this year. So check out my scores. If you agree or disagree with my review, let me know why by mail or e-mail. You'll read plenty from me, let's see what you think." Letter From E y A N DREW the Editor Mc NAMARA Drum Roll Please! or once this letter should be fairly easy to write, because the subject is something I have been wanting to write about for quite some time. Game Informer Magazine, as some of you might have already figured out, is now a monthly publication. And no, we won't be changing our name to Game Informer Monthly or anything silly like that. However, what we will do is keep bringing you our honest opin- ion on video games and the electronic games industry, only twice as often. Now, why make such an obvious statement? Doesn't every magazine do that? It's an easy question with a not so easy answer. Our work just doubled, and the easy way is to do it would be to work just like every other magazine; read the press release, play the first level, and then “blow the doors off” some game we never played. Now, be- lieve it or not, this thought actually crossed my mind and the mind of my bosses. Luckily, we all came to our senses and realized that gameplay and dedication make GI different...and better. I know you probably didn’t know this, but one of the unique things we do here at GI is play every game that we preview or review in the maga- zine, Any game that we run in this mag we have either seen and played extensively at a CES, or actually have on the premises. Now, why does that make us unusual? Well, we don't or won't always have the "first pics" of the hot new game, but you can rest assured, when we run the game we'll have the real story (not some fable that some editor dreamed up). Nothing will ever get a cover or page from us just because we have the pictures and we think we can write some information on it that will be somewhat close to the real thing when it comes out. Not from us, because we are the real thing. And now, thanks to you, we're monthly. The best part is that during the next year, GI is going to kick some serious butt in the video game biz, and man-oh-man is it going to be fun! m Note from the Publisher: Dear Subscribers, Now that Game Informer Magazine is monthly, your current subscription of six-issues will be fulfilled with the upcoming monthly issues, To see which issue you are currently holding, check the issue number on the mailing label. To guarantee that you won't miss an issue, please fill in the enclosed subscription | card right away, or call (612) 946-8883. For any questions concerning your subscription please call customer service at (612) 946-7854. Thanks and sorry for any inconvenience, Subscription Notice Want to stay on top on what's new in the video game world? Keep the Game Informer coming to your home. Subscribe now for only $9.98 for five trial issues or $19.98 and receive twelve action-packed issues; one every month. Save $27.42 off the cover price. Look for the subscription card in the issue and sign up today! On-Line Mailbox: Game Informer is now on-line! If you want to drop us a line please E-Mail us at the following address for each service: American On-Line: Gmelnfrmer CompuServe: 74431,1611 Attention? The release dates listed in these pages are those currently available at the time the Game Informer goes into production and are subject to change. MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER COMPONENTS, Audiophile, an official sponsor of Game Informer Magazine, makes its Multi-Media Speaker Systems available to the gaming public. The 10A satellite speaker system (amplifier included), adds a whole new dimension to your interactive games. For more information on Audiophile's Satellite speakers and sub-woofers please write to: David Hersk; Audiophile; 7416 Washington Avenue; Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Dealer Inquiries welcome! . AIH I RIERA HU Thanks, but let's hope nobody's brain explodes! Nice Shot! What a great job you guys are do- ing. Nintendo Power is not up to date on the newest games and codes. Plus, it advertises the terrible Nintendo games as great ones! As for Game Pro, if I wanted a pile of ads, I'd keep all the coupon booklets! getin my trash mail! Your mag is smokin’! You get the tips and codes before anyone. Your mag sure has improved since when 7 started subscribing. Just one ques- tion. How do you get such perfect screen shots for your reviews? The whole screen shows and It Is a perfect square! How? Do you have an expert photographer? Evan Bailyn Oceanside, N.Y. Thanks Evan, your letter is quite hu- morous! “Your mag is smokin” has been the saying around here lately. As far as the screen shots are concerned, we don't use a photographer. We take those screen shots with a computer. We play all our games on our computer monitors through video cards, so when we see something that we want to put in the book, we just press a button and it's done. The tricky part is getting through the game! Super Bomb Launcher? | have a question about Sega of America and Nintendo of America. They're mostly made in Japan, maybe some in America, but stil! the system is put out by companies in Japan. Not only that, but they try to be so decelv- ing. Like when Nintendo calls the Super Scope 6 a scope? It looks more like a bomb launcher. Why not call It one? It could be the Super Bomb Launcher. That's what it's used for, or a gun. Bret Klapper Accolades Recently my friend showed me a copy of Game informer mag. | was amazed as | read through it! The pictures in your mag are the best I’ve seen yet. In all your 65 pages (I only noticed a couple of ads) you had tons of reviews and five full pages of codes and tips. l also read a letter by Andrew McNamara, and every word of that was true. Other mags rate games high because they get paid, but not GI. You're #1. Zac Jenks ——————————————————— — GI reviewers rate games in six categories: m Concept m Playability m Graphics m Entertainment m Sound m Overall Rating We use a scale from 1 to 10. 10 =A Classic! 5 = Average 9 - Excellent 4 = Weak 8 = Very Good 3 = Yawner 7 = Good 2 - Avoid 6 - Fair 1 - Terminal | Game Informer 9» November ‘94 채비 . Donk * ©) 1994 Nintendo. Game by Rare, Jurassic Park ۱١ & © 1992 Universal City Studio, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc fully rendered. Meaning, it Looks really cool. Heck, it even sounds 3-D! But the best part is you get all this on a Super NES. And you don't have to go out and blow your wad on some extra piece of hardware to get it — unlike some other systems we know. (Hint: rhymes with "Schmega". ) So grab a vine and start yelling 00۱ 00۱۱ The beast is back. And he's second banana to no one. G For J "Hold on to your banana. It's Donkey Kong Country: WHEN MONKEYS SWIM... totally realistic * This is gonna put hair on your chest...and maybe even your back. he first home video game «entirely created on the Í supercomputers of SGI (the same ones used for that Jurassic ParK flick.) This 52 MEG monster is gonna have you scratching q 4 a 때 yourself all over. A juiced-up jungle packed with over 100 chest-pounding Levels. A 16-BIT GAME THAT LOOKS LIKE 32-2177 SURE, Blinding snowstorms, exploding barrels, crazy monkeys riding on the backs of fish wes Tt's all here in Nintendo's biggest game ever. And with ACM* technology, SEPARATED AT BIRTH? 4 5 5 : the action is DONKEY KONG AND HIS NEW SIDEKICK, GI Finds Knuckles In The First Backward Compatible Cart. m Cart Size: 16-Meg m Style: 1 or 2-Player Competitive Action/Platform m Special Features: “HYPER” Characters, "Lock-On" Technology Allowing Certain Cartridges To Attach, collect all the Chaos sa il Dr. . Robotnik. Sonic & Knuckles is an excellent game cart in its own right, but Sega's new "Lock-On" technology is what really makes S&K truly innovative. The "Lock-On" technology allows you to attach other Sonic games to the S&K cartridge, much like a video game enhancer, and create new adventures on your older carts. Of course, in the Sonic & Knuckles adventure you may play as the lovable Sonic or Knuckles, the echidna. Until you "Lock-On" Sonic 2 or 3, you won't be able to see what the Sonic & Knuckles cartridge can accomplish. Knuckles, along with Sonic and "Tails", will be playable when you “Lock-On” Sonic 2. And when Sonic 3 is clamped on, the Sonic and Knuckles cartridge really shows what the backward compatibility can accomplish. Connecting Sonic 3 to Sonic and Knuckles combines the levels of the two games into a 14 level “mega” game. It " 25 i : not only brings the Sonic and Knuckles levels a save fea- Sonic and Dr. Robotnik in ture, the union of these two cartridges offer some other the classic battle. >... “never seen before” Sonic tricks. SCORE -- 16000: "HME-6:30-] RINGS 3 F "OOOOOOW!" Ross, Tur REBEL GAMER ٢ * "The Sonic & Knuckles cart is a great : "Sonic & Knuckles takes video game- : "Sega is making another Sonic pp Concent: M game in and of itself. It has more of Conn: 2 dom in a totally new direction - back- Cet: 1 game, and / for one would have never Graphics: 8.5 aplot than the other three combined. | | Graphics: 8.25 Wards compatibility. It adds a whole E 8 guessed that there would be another D The new toys and cool 3D effects new twist to some of your older one (Sarcasm folks). | do have to say Sound: 7 make it the best looking Sonic yet. 를 Sound: : 7 that the graphics on the first two j Plus, what this can do for the other games were greatly improved when Playability: 8.5 Sonic games makes S&K tower over 7 used with the new cart. | also like that the previous versions. It doesn't : . you can play as Knuckles on the Entertainment: 9.5 seem to doa whole lot for Sonic 2 be- B other carts too. Unless you're totally 1 i | . hs 5 | hed for another Sonic, | would | si duce. ic 3 fun to play aga _ What a great way to dust off those ies a 60 n Game Informer a November ‘94 9 878500 له E Charge up in a ball to escape" . mn Weser repeatedly to Spit the traps. „„ Sonic up to the next tier. SAi9IAOS Knuckles looks a bit cold p s With Sonic 3 attached you in the water. siy can play Tails in S&K. -300 el the barrier in Sonic 37 It's no problem for Knuckles. By collecting all 12 Chaos Emeralds you'll make the characters "HYPER". ; 1 50 youl. never know what bonus EX you 1 see next. "Finally. by collecting all the Chaos Emeralds (a total of 12) you can - become "HYPER". This is similar to the "SUPER" Sonic found in Sonic 2 or 3 by collecting all 6 Chaos Emeralds. The "HYPER" mode will allow the characters to be invincible and access hidden levels within the game. Confused? Well, it is confusing because the Sonic & Knuckles cartridge can do so many great things for Sonic 2 and 3. Plus, with S&K you can access secrets in Sonic 1 and Sonic Spinball via hidden button combinations that will be released soon. Only you may unearth the complexities of the Sonic & Knuckles mystery. Stay informed and look to Gl for further info. Knuckles is not as strong as You won't see Knuckles like Sonic, but he can still kick butt. this, without Sonic 2. Game Informer a November 47 11 You think you want to be King? Get real. You're starting life as Simba, the cub. To survive and grow into a powerful adult lion, you must perfect your savage pounce, reckless roar and master fighting with all four paws. If you survive the challenge, you'll grow into a strong, ferocious adult lion. So prepare to scrap with hyenas. Blast through an elephant graveyard. Battle an in-your-face stampede of trampling wilde- beests. And you'd better quit hanging with slackers like Timon and Pumbaa, unless you want to be scarfing bugs the rest of your life! Are you sure you want to be King? Then it's time to cut loose in the deadliest one-on-one brawl ever. Defeat your evil Uncle Scar. Recapture the Pridelands. And reclaim your rightful place in the Circle of Life. . A radical variety of gameplay that follows the adventures of the hit movie The Lion King through 10 levels of action, puzzles and combat. fast, super smooth, movie-like animation, hand-drawn by top Disney animators and packed with the latest Digicel '" technology in a 24-meg cartridge. - All 9 music selections from the movie, includ- ing "The Circle of Life, “Just Cant Wait to Be King" and “Can You Feel the Love Tonight? composed by Elton John and Tim Rice, i Ahle to control four characters: d young Simba, adult Simba, Timon and Pumbaa. © The Walt Disney Company. © 1994 Virgin Interacti¥ ligament, Inc. The Lion King is a Disney Software / Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc. co-production. Virgin is a registered trademark of Virgin Enterprises, Ltd. Sega™ and Genesis "iii B Wau nterprises, Ltd. Super NES is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America, Inc. All rights reserved. Informer a November ‘$ رټ 878500 لډ 0 $ : 0 st thought that Dynamite Headdy would be a walk in the park. The first g intros and practice levels fool you. This is a very original action platform 8 that shows some cool levels. The tower stage has been done before, 9 but the boss stage after that is really amazing. If you're tired of picking up 9 coins orrings, like most games of this style, Dynamite Headdy is sure relief from the same ol’ platform." “When I first saw this game, | didn't | 8.75 graphically sound and tough enough | : 내 think much of it. Now that | can see Graphics: 8.5 past the cover, | think a lot about it. This game fits into the same category 8 as Decap Attack, only the levels and heads are much better. It's Playability: to make you utterly frustrated. The Entertainment: 9 bosses are really difficult until you figure out where to hit ‘em and the patterns that they use. In closing, ! would like to remind gamers | everywhere that you can't judge a book by its cover." r D. E دنل "Dynamite Headdy is an action/ platform game that you can tell | g somebody spent a lot of time on. | Everything is perfectly placed, and 6.5 from level to level the action gets better and better. You can really see 9 the detail in the 3-D graphics and the | h amazing animation. Although it isn't 8 anything new in the category, it does | doit very well, and that makes it worth its weight. | will warn you though, it's more difficult than any Sonic, so you | better have some patience.” | Entertainment: Valles uie we Iur arbook Staff Fung 1 Knocked out in First Round. 322 پا TOR‏ Introducing. the Suver Punch-Out . Graduating Class of 94 Now get in lots of fights after school without getting suspended. It's Super Punch-Out.^ The biggest Punch-Out ever, featuring some of the biggest Lowlifes ever. They may Look dumb. But these guys are big and in-your- face (no sissy side-view perspectives.) Even worse, they've each got LOW BLOWS, i THE AD ARE cme t he1 r own di rty sty L e you I ve NOW LET'S HAVE A GOOD CLEAN FIGHT. gotta figure out before you can KOS ات ٢ه وره‎ But before you even step in the ring, you gotta have a Super NES. And then it's DING! DING! — 16 bouts of smacks, hits, jabs and of course, lots of 아도 دت‎ below the belt. Sound like fun? You bet you r La st f ew rema i ni ng JUST 4 B IUE MEANDER ALT TOT TL YOU'LL AND THEY JUST CALLED YOU A LITTLE teeth. Cuz you know, there's nothing ] Like beating the ffl out of a big ol' ugly guy. Although a knee to the groin is pretty cool too. only Fory, SUPER NINTENDO ©1994 Nintendo of America Inc. Super Punch-Out is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. THE Bottom LINE HECK OUT THE: 3-0 RENDERED | BUILDING. 4 The Walt Disn&y Company. 9 SISƏJUƏ Beware of the stairs, | they're loaded with that. ita trick. / Watch out f they're dan they're له - SMIIAD | To make it to the stairs you must suig fronp , P yen lazer and takes it a pe ni new level. 7 "This game is fantastic! This is the 8.75 first Mickey cart that has kept me glued to the screen throughout the | 8 entire adventure since Castle of Illusion. While its no Sonic, it does Playahility: 9 ae all the right ingredients for : a great Action/Platform game Entertainment: 8.5 Animation, excellent play control, and a good difficulty level (for a Disney game). If you like Mickey don' miss this cart." Concept: "The idea of taking old Mickey Mouse movies and making each one into its own mini video game sounded good 8 Graphics: 9 80000: 8 10 me. There is a growing feeling o 7 5 accomplishment as you defeat the - Playability: easy early levels and take on the 1 more challenging ones. | wish the Entertainment: 7.5 game had a way of tying all the parts together atthe end, butitdoesn't. The graphics are great but the play is 1 pretty ordinary. Mickey Mania is a ki good game but not a classic." A N THE STEAMBOAT WILLY ~~ PORTION OF THE GAME, 16 Meg Concept: 7 ‘I'm no Mickey Maniac, but | did THE GRAPHICS ARE ۵ 1-Player Action Platform pA ber e لو‎ MIX BETWEEN BLACK & Mickey Mouse Adventures Graphics: سل‎ un a 3 525 el is me WHITE, 3-0 OBJECTS, AND From Over the Last 60 Years, 3-D Rendered Sound: g the wa y it ties in the different COLOR! THE FINAL OUT- Objects, and Interactive Backgrounds cartoons starring Mickey. The black PUT IS AMAZING! Travellers Tales for Sony Imagesoft Playability: 8.5 and white portion of the game is ingenious. The sound is also Entertainment: 9 memorable and hilarious. Second, Mickey Mania has enough challenge ' and variation in play to keep me | interested. Not just jump, jump, jump,......Get the picture? This is more challenging than Castle & | World of Illusion, but not impossible like Fantasia." November ‘94 P ad Game Informer € Vovember ‘94 NOT EVERYONE WINS. THE MAYAN ADVENTURE Panic is a human reaction. It's natural to panic when you're swinging from a vine above a crocodile pit. Explove haunted : Crocodiles feed on Mayan vuns. panic. They can smell it. So you tell yourself not to panic. But it's too late. By then it's over. e Pitfall is the vine- swinging adventure that pits you against the evil of the Mayan jungle. Jaguars. Snakes. Rats. Hawks. سه‎ aD Quicksand. Evil Mayan 2000 frames of spirits. What's your „„ arsenal? A slingshot. A boomerang. Exploding stones. And, the head on your shoulders. e It's the legendary Pitfall, back with eye-popping graphics and a pulse- pounding, jungle sound- Take avideonan track. Run, swing, skate abandoned mine cow. and bungee through incredible, nerve-wracking worlds in the jungle adventure that started it all. Pitfall: The : Mayan Adventure. No, winning isn't everything. But losing bites! marks of Activision, Inc. Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure is a trademark of Ac Inc. Nin! lo, Supe Ent nment Syst and the offi gistered trac Inc. Sega, Sega CD and Genesis are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. All righ ACTIVISION. Come In With Your Guns-a-Blazin’ ..Europa-1, the Planet Defense Orbital Space Station has been overcome by hostile alien lifeforces. The entire crew is now dead, and during the assault some small arms fire has caused the reactor core to overheat. Your five man assault team must infiltrate the space station and stop the reactor core from breaching... Proceed with extreme caution. Alien forces are still on-board and should be treated with Zero Tolerance. Take no hostages... views — — Zero Tolerance is the first Genesis cart to feature a 360° first-person perspective view similar to the PC hits Wolfenstein 3-D and Doom. Stare down the barrel of up to eight different weapons as you blast your way, m Cart Size: 16 Meg m Style: 1-Player Action Fighting m Special Features: 1st-Person Perspective, Five Characters, 2-Player with Packed-In Link To * : commando style, through 3 worlds with enesis Re Connect 2 Segas, 13 Weapons & Items, 5 Unique Characters, ang Hidden Rooms 7 15 intense levels in each. Lose your m Levels: 3 Worlds with 15 Levels Each : p> b. Weapon and take on the alien m Created by: Technopop for Accolade 1 forces in hand to hand combat, or m Available: Now for Genesis 1 use any of the 6 different items you can find to help you on your quest. 『 THE BOTTOM LINE 8 No time to lose. Grab your EQUIPMENT weapons and keep an easy trigger gn E هو‎ FET TTT ET DLE] ET د‎ finger, but have zero tolerance for the m | 7 | 5 | alien horde. | شش RANGIN)‏ دنس | Name: ÛJ : d. rent " "This is a great effort to duplicate the LIN 2 iL Graphics: g feeling of Doom. The scrolling and CADET : ,.B.BROWN. resolution of the graphics top those 5 Sound: 7 of Wolfenstein 3D for SNES. ) can't believe they fit so many levels onto Playability: 9 this cart. And with the two-player Entertainment- 9 whole other game. The weapons and items are cool and the play puts " link capabilities, Zero Tolerance is a X OVERALL: you on the edge of your seat. You * don't get much complexity in level 4 8 structure, but Zero Tolerance has a addictive play style." If you look closely after you Concept: 8 = f. - HERE ; "This is the best Accolade game yet! nm سک‎ ER E waste one of the alien horde , graphics: 7.75 | Never would have thought that any Check out the Planet in the back- hes 11 ۸ remainsrunning Beware of snipers on other 16-bit machine would be able to ground. Awesome. own Me Wan, buildings when you're on the Sound: 6 do a good 1st-person game, but 1 Technopop proved me wrong. The roof of Me iui Playability: 9 best partis that you get the cable with the game so you can play 2-player on Entertainment: 9 different Segas. Very Cool! Ifyou own a Sega and want to go front line and OVERALL: blast some alien hosers, then Zero Tolerance is your game. | got into it. 8.25 | think you will, too." g Ever since | played the PC game, Doom, | have been waiting for the fame: } vw’ | DELAFORCE & ig Hank : t 1 SERGEANT Save your Shotgun ammo for 1 x large group attacks, and use 1 Coming up on a “T” in the road, your pistol for one-on-one When coming around corners, caoat be careful! encounters. hold the A button to move side- : ways. Graphics: 7.5 game that would come close to it for the home systems. The wait is over! Sound: g Zero Tolerance puts together the action, adventure, and shooter game Playability: 7 in one cart, and does it well. Superb Dlerance can manipulate umber of on-screen ene 85, and believe POWER. JUSTICE. DARKNESS. LIGH | IMPERIAL ENTERTAINMENT SCANBOX present a SHAH prooucrion "DOUBLE DRAGON" ROBERT PATRICK MARK DACASCOS SCOTT WOLF JULIA NICKSON ann ALYSSA MILANO surctisor JELLY BEAN BENITEZ "st JAY FERGUSON peovucce TOM KARNOWSKI PMpesteuet MAYNE BERKE evoroceamny GARY B, KIBBE ae SUNDIP R, SHAH AND ANDERS P JENSEN MICHAEL DAVIS & PETER GOULD AND exco ETS) MARK BRAZILL "25 SUNIL R. SHAH, ASH R. SHAH & ALAN SCHECHTER ann JANE HAMSHER s DON MURPHY e نف‎ -و — PACIFIC DATA IMAGES, INC. ano ILLUSION ARTS — “SP2QUMIMERSAL OTY A GRAMERCY‏ تت UR JAMES YUKICH‏ | اس سا له Coming Soon to a Theatre Deor You SEGA Game Gear” Extras. . v SG ers. Same e? 1 & 4. A 7. ay, ive gears have passed since the Alien Wars. and the world is only just beginning to recover. With the fall of civilization came an increase in crime and genetic engineering was used to create the most fearsome crooks this planet has ever seen. To counteract this threat to society, the government set up a team of elite troops known it was only the beginning of what would be the war of wars against 3 crime syndicate more powerful than anyone could have imagined. In Contra: Hard Corps you and a friend can play as any one of the four different “Hard Corps" soldiers, each with their own powers and skills. Contra Hard Corps will also give you different options as the drama unfolds. so you can as the “Hard Corps” to protect and defend the planet from all hostile forces. But nothing create your own story and endings by the choices you make. prepared them for the horror that has gripped the city. Someone has infiltrated the city’s Honami pulled out all the stops for this first installment of Contra for the Sega Genesis. «emm COMPUT defense system and unleashed its unmanned defense forces on the free creating a Contra game that rivals all the power and gameplay of its predecessors. That is. if mie population. The “Hard Corps” troops headed out to stop the devastation, but little did they know you think you can be a part of the "Ward Corps. . Mi Fang takes to the air as he tries to get to the reserve 3 = These three guys mix and match together to create three building that is under attach. g = & > 2 different bosses. i These guys are seriously hard core. They duke it out while they soar across the countryside atop armed missiles. Now here's a direction you haven't played Contra. * Contra: HC uses cgo! 3-0 effects : p : T Chechthis out. The mad Doctor puts | * | The boss at the end of stage 3 turns into various P5 ani En the gene blender and voila! : | | | constellations and then into a tank and a helicopter : Tough! 26 . j Game Informer a November ‘94 9 87850 له SMIIAID ۰ 16,Meg «Multiple Routes, 8 " 1 or 2-Player Action/Shooter 4 New Characfers, Multiple Weapons, Konami B and Five Continues Now for Genesis > THE BOTTOM LINE 8.25 d dee ĩͤ سه‎ Rapid Fire m foit Fite mm Each character has the abil- ity to use Super Grenades to clear the screen of enemies. This boss i5 cool. AS you fight him, he grabs the bridge and you get to go for a ride. Ap, THE Game Homert Rick, THE VIDEO RANGER PAUL, THE Pro PLAYER —— ‘Finally, Contra has come p SG. Graphics: g For all out 2-player action/shooter itdoesn'tgetany betterthan the Hard Sound: 8 Corps. Ton-o-weapons is a Contra trademark and this game has it. | Playability: 9 enjoyed the variety of levels. Some of them are new and some are à Entertainment: 9 derivative of the SNES version. Knowing Konami, there will probably be some good life-up codes and such. The long wait is over and y all should check this one out." OVERALL: 8.9 “Contra: Hard corps is the first Genesis game to carry this famous 5 name and deservedly so. Contra has always been known for nonstop Sound: 8 action and great bosses and Hard Corps delivers. The bosses are Playability: 7 gigantic enough to rival the ones in Shinobi 3. The challenge is intense Entertainment: 8.5 enough to make veterans of the Alien Wars tremble. Maybe we can come up with a code fo help you out, otherwise good luck. The graphics , are mind-blowing as explosions a te screen." Concept: men, Dut a xo Dcus p mean, — 1 "Genesis has neededa Conia game ㆍ Graphics: 8.25 for quite some time now, and Hard Corps does not disappoint. The Sound: 8 graphics, though they break up at times, are spectacular. | really dig the Playability: — 8.5 fact that you can choose your route and the action is very intense. The Entertainment: 8 only problem (if you consider this a problem) | could find with this game OVERALL: is that there aren't that many hench- b: | Game Informer a November ‘94 SCORE 1000 Ihe ony game too big to fit in a کد‎ Single cartridge tackle Robotnik and let loose on Robotnik and Metal Sonic with bare-fisted with amazing new powers! attacks and high-speed glides! SCORE 1800 TIME 4:35 RINGS” 7 Choose to play own signature moves-in their biggest confrontation ever! AND HERE’S MORE BREAKTHROUGH NEWS! x With revolutionary new Lock-On’ technology, Sonic & Knuckles is the first video game in history that ' Hit the mark interacts with your other Sonic games! And it's only on Will Sonic be forced and watch this edgy Echidna Sega Genesis”! So plug in, and get ready to break out! to Knuckle under? stir up some real trouble! SCORE 7 TIME 94 RINGS 18 © Transform Floating Island into a huge 3h meg Sonic-epic, complete with new characters and multiple surprise endings! hen keep it all active with Game Save! SCORE 18300'^ — TIME 3:28 Now you can play as Knuckles, and take 1 advantage of all his sneaky signature moves! ( like " never before! Collect 10 wrappers of participating LifeSavers Company products and get a $10 mail-in rebate on purchase of participating Sonic games with official = TM i i | V rebate form, Sonic receipt and Sonic proof of purchase. ) | - 0 E. JA co ۷ " See LifeSavers displays at participating stores for details. All rebates must be received by JANUARY 31, 1995. Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 game cartridges each sold separately. Sega, Genesis, Lock-On, Sonic The Hedgehog and Knuckles are trademarks of SEGA. ©1994 Nabisco Foods. The Videogame Rating Council, its Rating System, symbols and indicia are trademarks of Sega of America, Inc. ©1994 SEGA. All rights reserved. Lace Up Your Skates and Get Ready to Play With the Big Eye of the — views Re Lester B. Pearson 2 Jennings Award (NHLPA Most TT Trophy (Goalie with Valuable Player) lI Fewest Goals Against) Presidents Trophy (Team With Best IW Regular Season ¥ Record) n Most Valuable Player) Hart Memorial 2 sis Cross Checking gets you two minutes in the Penalty Box. Conn Smythe — Award (Most Valuable‏ تت Player In Playoffs)‏ 3 Art Ross Trophy Most Points) With the multi game injuries, you can put a player out of the | Frank Selke Award | entire playoffs and give your- BEA ZE (Best Defensive Vezina Trophy self a definite edge. Sa ل‎ Forward) (Best Goalkeeper) 16 Meg With Battery Backup | E. 1 to 4-Player Sports Action i i Full 84 Game Season, While making player trades, 1 the GM takes all things into ac- Fake Slap Shots, Create and Trade Players, count and can either approve and New Leaderboard Categories or reject a trade proposition. High Score Productions for EA Sports Now for Genesis In the Season Mode, you can see who plays on any given day. ۸000۷, THE GAME HoMBRÉ- : "Don't let my scores fool you, 1 love ue : this game. | would hate to think about Graphics: Now that's what | call a cele- bration after a goal. Its down to two teams, which RALL: of 01 one will it be? : پا‎ if you're a big fan, NHL 95 will not disappoint. If you aren't, then maybe you should try u EA's new I. Lo pam Canco Hockey, Hockey, Hockey, "Hockey New character animations Graphics: 9.5 ljustcan'tgetenough of it The NHL's allow the defense men to hit E p „ o " E 2 1 80 Shot ound: $ is ga the e and block shot. taken all the S of the first few Playability: 10 and redid the 1 better than its predecessors. | Entertainment: 9.5 don’t think that any hockey fan, fair-weather or not, will want to miss this one. Nuff said." ust about the time the NHL sea- of your favorite players play! for son is about to start, EA Sports 에 제 이 : one team. releases their newest edition of All new character actions : iI x. and animations such as fake features which brine j th game || M. : shots, checking, and goalie closer to the real thing n € porum W Bu me play and PAUL, THE Pro PLAYER fore. The most noti 2 : ㅣ ; * nthough the game has been : ü igh Mod altered som , k 6 hits the streets. The new look and otch. The 8 season, trades and player generator re 1 ; p juri | : are also just what this game needed the new NHL includes a ful game season with During the seas: play t the player Injurles even Playability: 9 to take " next step. 4 17 7 strat a playoffs for the y Cup at the end. include multi-game injuries. egy option, like FIFA, should be Therefore you can choose your favorite one of 50 as the days grow colder, and the nights Entertainment: 9 added however. When it comes to the 26 teams and play every game on their grow longer, and you can't find enough people epe regiis any better 72 5 schedule and, if you're good enough, go allthe to get a pick-up game started at your local rinks, yp pen jio Rel and 2 way to the Cup. Another key feature is the op- grab your controller and play hockey the pro- looking to pick up a hockey cart, you tion to create players, trade players, or sign free fessional way. There's only one way you can do might be better off picking up a agents to any team in the league and make all it, and that’s with NHL ‘95 from EA Sports. discounted '94 version." Game Informer 6 November 4 Sͤnarter than — the average bear. Hey BooBoo™ don't settle for me bogus Yogi!" . Help America's worite cartoon bear save er OO0O0000 poran STADT views sis Re Gene à holster sunno 001 venture upon a small town. Thing here are no people, not even a he nind begins to wonder on fried Dear e of broken wood HN , EN umo you mee nd seems to have come from the town he bank. Howeve jou come within one hundred paces of the D open fire on you and helter, you hide behind an emp HE DALLE ١ another modern shoo d west. The game fe ome ha ng levels ranging naway wagons. Hidden within the stage ome dropped by deceased enemies are different weape s 2: Runaway Wagon, runaway Wagon! Anoy, Tue GAME 6 - RICK, Tug VIDEO RANGER : Pro PLAYER i is 70000 Aura and Interactor are logos and trademarks of Aura Systems, Inc. 8 Taz Tornadoes His Wig Into a Sequel For the Genesis 8 Meg 1 , | 1-Player Action/Adventure > e : om) رد‎ Parallax Scrolling, : 8 7 LE Pr r) I I ١ | ] 2131 Bigger Levels, and More Items : 1 Headgames, Inc. for Sega — , à; * Now for Genesis inn Ta: Pin g ida s Taz celebrates his fortieth birthday, 7 releases the mugh requested . sequel Escape From Mars: Starring Taz Many of Taz's longtime cartoon friends join Taz as he attempts his escape from Marvin the Martian and many other enemies. You will see cameo appearances from Yosemite Sam, Speedy ۱ Gonzalez, Witch Hazel, (everybody's favorite) Wile E. Coyote, and many more. Six levels of action await Taz as he attempts his escape from Mars. The ^ first level is, of course, Marvin the Martian's Mars Zoo. Next, Tazs | à adventure takes him to the unknown world of the Mole People for 0 : a battle with the little inhabitants. Then it's on to Planet X, the |. water planet, and we all know “Taz hate bath!”. Making it back to Earth, «© ٢ Taz ends up in Mexico to fight it out with the ever popular no-gooder Yosemite | Sam. Then it's off to à Haunted Castle that's scary enough to frighten even Bugs himself. Lastly, Taz finds himself mysteriously transported into Marvin the Martian's a trash compactor for a final battle and escape front Mars! ۰ o Taz's infamous temper grows worse as he spins, gobbles, and battles his way out of the grasp of that pesky Marvin the Martian in Sega's new Taz cart. Genesis Re ITEMS Use Taz's spin attack 7 destroy your enemies. e Instant Martians are every- L where, and they take two hits to destroy. don’t attack until you d the whites of his eyes. When Taz gets mad he sees ‘red’! ‘Taz Sugar. Yeah eer huge!! Marvin is up to his old tricks again. Taz can spin his way into | the soil and dig his way to | some needed power ups or | passageways. Concept: ] 2 j ji 0000 1 "This is a very ordihary action plat- 0000 . j 0 Granhics: 7.5 form game tham sure will appeal B Graphics: g edition looks almost identical but * j | Í T to many of Taz's legion of fans. | don't 0 the control js much tighter. Taz is Sound: ; Sound: 7 find much to like or dislike about $ Sound: 7 much easier to control when he is in j Escape From Mars. Everything the air/Someone in development Playability: 8 boards are huge and the cameo ap- 를 Playability: 7 looked like the new Toons stuff you 를 Playability: 8 10010165 after the first one was pearances of all of Warner Brothers’ see on TV. The spin attacks are released. | think that most people Entertainment: other characters are pretty cool. All, Entertainment: 71-0000 but this game lacks much Entertainment: / uno played the other SG version will of you cartoon freaks are going to variety. If you're a Taz fan give this » enjoy this edition. | especially like love this one, and the not-so-cartoon OVERALL: one a try. If you're not, there is no OVERALL; the addition of more Warner Bros. freaks will probably Jove it too.” reason to add Escape From Mars to 7 cartoon guys and the increased use your collection." , of the Taz Spin." ^ 34 Game Informer a November ‘94 Your favorite TV show comes to life with awesome curtoon-quality graphics and music. The Skull Master and his army of henchmen deliver plenty of action for any Mighty Max fan. Split-screen gaming lets you and a buddy play together—as a team or against each other. Mighty Max © 1993 Bluebird (UK), Film Roman, Inc., Canada + D.A. Under license from Bluebird (UK). All righis reserved. Ocean Sofware is an authorized user, Ocean is o registered trademark of Ocean Software Lid. Super Nintendo and the Official Seal are registered trademarks . of America Sega and Genesis are irademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ud, All rights reserved. Hook Up With Your Favorite Cartoon Hero on a Wild Ride Through Time! Some kids just hang out after school. Others play sports. But the really cool ones travel through time... Are you one of these few chosen ones? With Felix, Bea, Virgil and Norman at your side, take off on a radical scavenger hunt through 50 cities in far-away lands. But this is no tourist trip. You need fo track down the missing pieces of a weapon that could destroy the time-portal system forever. And if you hurry, you just might make it home in time for dinner. Check out Mighty Max today for your Super NES or Sega Genesis—and find out what can happen when you fake adventure gaming to the Max! ® OCENI GENESIS SUPER NINTENDO Ocean of America, Inc. 1870 Little Orchard Street San Jose, CA 95125 Brought to you by the insidens at Nintendo of America. [때 Ll 0001 The next level of video games is here ut it's not what you might think Advertisement Advertisement try—like Didd the game T « SMA that 3DO and Jaguar represent the next level any more than the slow- selling Sega CD. As for Sega’s 32X adapt- er, how many games do you suppose will be made for a tacked- on system with a life- expectancy of maybe a year? It’s simple. The Super NES still has the best games in the world and it won't bank- rupt you. Sometimes the grass (not to men- tion your wallet) is greener where you're at right now. Both 3DO and Atari aspired to create the ultimate high- end video game system. Not only did each of the two new systems promise an evolutionary step up to the next level of gaming, the hardware featured some big numbers. Both systems claimed fast processing and enhanced graphics. But raw pro- cessing power doesn't make a great game. In fact, the most impressive numbers are the high end retail price tags of the systems—$250 for the Jag and a whopping $400 for the 3DO. So far there haven't been many games released for these new systems because the platforms haven't sold well. It seems that game players aren't convinced Advertisement VISITOR, THE Psv-Cnow. LISTENING IN WITH HIS HEIGHTENED WORM HEARING, E DISCOVERS THAT Psv-CROW WAS SENT TO GET BACK THE SUPER-SUIT FOR THE EVIL QUEEN PULSATING, BLOATED, FESTERING, SWEATY PUs-FILLED, MAL-FORMED, SLUG FOR A BUTT. SHE WANTS THE SUIT ESTINAL DISGUST. BECAUSE SHE THINKS IT WILL MAKE HER MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN - FA RATHER COOL LEVEL, 15 COMPLETELY MISSING HER TWIN SISTER, PRINCESS WHAT'S HER-NAME.” EARTHWORM E FROM THE SNES. JIM DECIDES HE WILL GO MEET THIS PRINCESS BEFORE Psy-CROW p CAN FIND HIM AND THE SUIT. 25 EARTHWORM JIM RED EFI NES THE ACTION/PLATFORM CATEGORY WITH EACH AND EVERY LEVEL. YOU MUST 9 가 MASTER EVERY MOVE, FIND EVERY HIDDEN PASSAGE, eget c AED ot poy aad AND HOPEFULLY, GET LUCKY EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE PLAIN AND SIMPLE, THAT $THE- ONLY WAY TO MAKE), RETE "EAR GERM JIM WILL DEFINITELY. PUT YOU TO THE TASK. 3 Tut SNES HAS SUPERIOR BACKGROUNDS AND BRIGHTER COLORS. E m Cart Size: 24 Meg. m Style: 1-Player Action/Platform m Special Features: 3 Skill Levels, Bonus Levels, Interactive Backgreunds, and Cow Launching m Levels: 10 Genesis 9 SNES m Created by: Shiny Entertainment for Playmates w Available: Now for Genesis and Super Nintendo "o WHOA! WATCH OUT, THESE GUYS WILL CUT YOU RIGHT IN HALF! 1 ae oy Jim's Moves SUPER WEAPON. . SWING HELI HEAD Burr-PutL a,‏ وغ ae it : ㆍ Game Informer a November 4 글 je dl d On Lever 2 U'L HAVE TO ON LEVEL 3 THERE ARE THREE DIFFERENT SUB EXCURSIONS TO TEST YOUR NAVIGATION SKILLS. ١ “Whoa Nellie, Earthworm Jim rocks!! | This game brilliantly incorporates an enourmous amount of ingenuity and creativity into a platform game. Shiny seems to have more experience | developing on the Genesis. The "Down the Tubes" levels is a good comparison between the two versions. Granted, the | SNES version has superior graphics but it's missing a level. The SNES's control is lacking the tightness of the Genesis. Overall, both versions are excellent and even though there are differences, Earthworm Jim is a game that will keep you playing for a long time.” "Some of the people around here think that this is quite possibly the best game of 1994, and as much as | hate to do this I may end up having to agree with them. | do seem to like the Genesis version better than the SNES. (Shut up Andy!) This game is like no other game in its class. It's better. The graphics soar above most that | have ever seen, and the gameplay is unrivaled. To wrap up the way | feel about this game, 1 like it better than most l've seen this year despite the weird scores!” THE GOLDFISH 1961 YOU, BEWARE OF THE BUSINESS MAN. ONE MEAN... HE'S A DANGEROUS MAN WITH A BRIEFCASE, X919: Concept: Graphics: 068 2 Sound: THIS LEVEL I$ NOT ONLY HIDDEN, Playability: YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE IT! T Entertainment: tee. 4060 $e. qu ٢. i ——. ^ * — 8 2 WH000000A! NELLIE. "e 5 "This game is unbelievable. Earthworm Jim is the most innovative action/ | platform game I've ever played. The | | Concept: levels are long, the gameplay is| | r involved, the artwork is awesome, and | Graphics: the music is kick-butt. Every level must : be mastered, and every nook and, 5 e mist e Ln 2 : simple, this is the game of the year! . you have to choose, the Sega version s oyy better than SNES, with an extra level, Entertainment: better explosions, and more intense E gameplay. Play EJW, or die!" — FO 00 ) BUNGIE AGAINST | oy : MAJOR MUCUS. | Concept: Graphics: Sound: 20 د‎ Playability: THE Borrom LINE *» Entertainment: SG D SNES | ae 4 ۴ 20000 = November '94 - ierri ꝛᷓꝛ:ns wet ۸ ju VISUAL CONCEPTS en Sta, „ un TERPRISES | TD. FOR GENESIS 21311 E — Jed. ^ dd ~ 00 Size: 32 Meg Style: 1 마스 -Player Alternating Competitive or Jahon Action/Platform 5 F : Computer Generated 3-D Graphics 4 Side- kicks, Multiple Bonus Levels, Hidden Levels, and 3 Save Slots | Levels : 33 Levels, 67 Bonus Levels & 7 Bosses by: Rare for Nintendo e: Noanoa 21st, 1994 CHECK OUT TH ESE 1 대 RS LXX Game Informer a November 4 Ik is... . reated using the latest in QW. 3-Dimensional hardware and "y software, Donkey Kong Country, Nintendo's latest creation, comes screaming to your Super NES with over 32 Megs of video game power. This high-pro- file Super NES title features the unlikely heroes Donkey Kong (DK) and his monkey pal, Diddy. On Donkey Kong Island nobody had a bigger banana stockpile than Donkey Kong. He keeps a constant guard on his stockpile, until one evening when he asks Diddy to keep the night watch. That night, the Kremlings, a reptilian race led by Kommander K, Rool, raid Donkey Kong's banana horde leaving nothing behind h a trail of Bananas. Immediately ۷ Kong and Diddy head out to recover s banana supply. Along the way, Donkey Kong and Diddy’ sf | will get some help from their animaß friends on the island, including Cranky Kong (the original Donkey Kong who is now im retirement on Donkey Kong Island), Engarde, Rambi, Expresso, Winky, Funky Kong, and Cám ir own 제 skills and abili- tain tricky” areas of the game. No matter which character you choose, you're going to need a quick finger and a sharp brain to make it, because Donke Kong Country features a ton of hidden rooms and bonus games. So don't be a big ape, get Donkey Kong Country and see what all the ties that will make it possible to pass ceh really about! m | | 1 oS Lo aiv add 4 ET — 9 darin: y dolre aniialo b Game Informer a November '94 You are Kyle Blackthorne, mercenary and long lost Prince of the war-torn planet Tuul and one mean machine. Mysteriously you are summoned back from Earth to liberate your people from | Sarlac and his foul forces of evil. ! Armed with brute strength, animal cunning and a lead-spewing ! shotgun you'll face lethal Rock Beasts, perilous Eekers and other monstrosities. All blasting at you in full-motion cinematic animation THIS OFFICIAL SEAL IS YOUR ASSURANCE THAT NINTENDO HAS APPROVED THE QUALITY OF : initi : "| thi ‘va lived 1 THIS PRODUCT. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THIS SEAL WHEN BUYING GAMES AND ACCESSORIES TO LICENSED BY and digitized sound - so real that you Il think you ve lived it. ENSURE COMPLETE COMPATIBILITY WITH YOUR SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM. NINTENDO, SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM AND THE OFFICIAL SEALS ARE REGIS- Nintendo) TERED TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. © 1991 NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. ee سی Or don't play at all. — ' Blackthorne Art Work — signed by Jim Lee the artist BM ENTERTAINMENT | Interplay Productions, Inc. ©1994 interplay Productions, Inc : and Blizzard Eniertainment 17922 Fitch Avenue Blackthorne is ٥ trademark of Interplay Productions, Inc Irvine, CA 997] 4 All rights reserved views : | MINNESOTA =, TIMBERWOLVES m Cart Size: 12 Meg Bo m Style: 1 to 5-Player Basketball Simulation ~ WR si m Special Features: Individual User Statistics, : | MAVERICKS 3 Skill Levels, Season With Running Statistics, All New Perceptive & Animations m Created by: EA Sports m Available: Now for Super Nintendo NES Re 8 1 REUNION ARENA It's a battle for the basement! if oops fans are in for a treat with Play on the legendary an entirely new basketball cart by EA parquet floor of the Sports. NBA ‘95 gives you a whole new Boston Garden. look with a reangled perspective and spectacular character animations. Behind-the-back passes, 2-player alley-oops, tip-in slams, shoves and | 1 5 TE TIZ Ho incredible slams are just some of what : : T. HARI E Na you'll find in NBA ‘95. p The control configurations have remained about the same with a pass, shoot and block button, but a turbo button has also been added to give you that burst of speed on the fast breaks or when driving to the hole. Over 4,500 Topps Skills Ratings are used to give all the NBA players realistic skills and rankings from the ‘93-’94 season. An array of options and rules can be adjusted to give you a true simulation or all out NBA hack fest. Either way, just grab the rock and drive the lane like you were -—— Edward Bernard with 7 y EA Sports’ NBA ‘95. ۹ E The player of the game is selected after every contest. Awoy, THE GAME 56 nge | game has nost "oig that 1 have ever wanted in a basketball game. The trading of players and the | custom teams are some of the best aspects of this entire game. | mean, | who wouldn't like to play as their favorite team with all of their favorite | players? The signature dunks and real life stats also help make this the | best true-to-life basketball game | | ever. | Dy. Unbelievable alin. and | | fast action. If you want high-paced, | stat-filled basketball, then NBA Live | is for you. If all you want to do is dunk, | then stick with Jam, but | gotta be- lieve you want a little bit more out of | a basketball game.’ b-ball games because it plays so much faster. | like the diagonal } screens, passing on the run and turbo features that make fast breaks explode across the court. The defense can step into passing lanes ! so be careful where you pass the ball. | The animations on dunks have to be seen to be believed." ‘paniasad 99404 [IV ۷٥35 5661 © 'V93S 10 990008 ale |3۸27 IX9N IUL OL ILOJIM PUL ‘XZE sissueg "٤٥٥008 65 And you won t believe what 11 does to your Sega Genesis. ay — ci‏ هان T‏ before your friends do! 1-800-32X-SEGA. scoop by making, one free phone call! Call tod Ra T l سم عمج نه چم‎ = 5 کک کا س س ws‏ 2 س ت ت ت ت ت — — Rock Field | | مرم می‎ 가 ^i Blue Lake Up ‘N Down À Battle Trax Port Arena m Cart Size: 8 Meg m Style: 1 or 2-Player Racing m Special Features: Nintendo FX Chip Technology. Multiple Views. Five Different Vehicles i 4 : m Levels: 20+ Courses 7 r er last year's release of the first FX chip game, m Created by: Nintendo — — EV StarFox, Nintendo has been hard at work developing ee don or 으으 their newest game, Stunt Race FX. This game is the brainchild of the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of the Mario and Zelda series. What Miyamoto and Nintendo did is create a whimsical yet intense racing cart that appeals to a wide variety of racing fans. Racers can choose from an assortment of trax and cars that all have distinct looks and require different controller techniques. For example, the 4WD-truck has heavy suspension and chassis that will absorb all the tough terrain on the Stunt Trax. Or the F-Type car is built for destroying the opposition in the Speed Trax, not to mention leaving your friend in the dust on the head-to-head Battle Trax. i‏ " راه Sky Ramp Any way you set it up, Stunt Race FX gives you so‏ = many options and choices that it’s sure to get you leaning into the banked turns or screaming as your car plummets into the sea. The speed and realism of the next generation of FX chip games will leave you wanting more. Game Informer s November 4 pl WER Sega, Game Gear, Triple Trouble, Sonic The Hedgehog, Knuckles, Dr. Robotnik, Nack The Weasel and all other related characters and indicia are trademarks of SEGA. The Videogame Rating Council, its Rating System, symbols and indicia are trademarks of Sega of America, Inc. ©1994 SEGA. All rights reserved. Sometimes during the adventure you split into 3 or 3 groups to allack approach At other limes, your party gets separated and you must find the othes, or go it a " x m Cart Size: 24 Meg | m Style: 1-Player Role-Playing Game | "m Special Features: 14 Different Characters, Mode-7 Graphics, 256 Colors, 80+ Hours of Gameplay, Battery Back-up for up to 3 Games m Created by: SquareSoft, Inc. m Available: Now for Super Nintendo n a land before time, the world was ruled by beings of pure magic who kept the world under their command with magic power. Unfortunately, this method of control became their undoing in the grealest war in history, The War of Magi. The battlefields were filled with beasts of doom, known as Espers, who were created and unleashed by their masters to do their bidding. The war brought the world to its knees. When the smoke cleared, the Espers, as well as most of the world's citizens, Were gone. Time passed, and the War of the Magi and the Espers are known only in legend. Civilization has been rebuilt with iron, machines, and technology. The world is in order, until a single Esper is found in the city of Narshe. The adventure begins. Final Fantasy III is a complex adven- ture that revolves around the lives of over | 14 different adventurers, each with their own story. Like Final Fantasy II, FF 1 unravels like a soap opera onthe screen, with characters coming and going throughout the entire adventure. At times, Your party gets split up and you must complete their mini-adventure | before You can rejoin the 8» main party. TI Overall, the game is improved greatly over ils predecessor, with s , i mind-blowing graphics 1 i LPS , “by b ds of the With, but s. ER more intricate gameplay. GI < : ١ me owerful magic user in the party. spent a good chunk of L n time on this one, and we think vou will too. Let's put it this way, we did two pages on this game and just as easily could NS have done ten and still not given this game the attention it deserves. Gad cial Power Rage Gau, the “Dog Boy”, is on and when he's on the 3eldt he can run with Your attackers and I Special Power: Da This Moogle can dance his opponents into the ground. Locke Special Power: Steal p the Thief’s Glove into Capture. i1. lavember ‘94 >` Awoy, THE Game 57 ‘This is the best RPG ever made. It has got an epic plot with awesome 9.25 graphics and a totally great storyline. Characters come and 00 throughout 9 the entire game, which manages to | keep you from getting bored. Then, Playability: 9.5 every time you think you're getting | close to the end, you discover there's Entertainment: — 8 a whole new adventure. SquareSoft is the king of the RPG. Whether you like RPG's or not, don't miss FF Ill.” Special Powe This swordsm Rick, THE ۷۱۸۴06 7 10 [inal Fantasy 3 can be described in - : : a a word ... HUGE! The story has x lS 3 y. 10 surprises everywhere and the ^ characters change constantly. There 8.5 are loads of items to use and more skills to master than any RPG | have 9.5 played. Besides the m storyline 10 51 : : and playability, Final Fantasy 3 has y 0.5 the most incredible buildings and oS نت‎ ٢٢ backgrounds 1 have seen. In what : has been a great year for SNES role plays, Final Fantasy 3 simply blows them all away!" ‘characters. His attacks are en-‏ و tered through control fighting game, so he adds an‏ Wy نه‎ 5 | Ro esting and new id, ailegory. 10 ‘Final Fantasy Ill is what RPG ing is د دت دنا‎ ١ —— r ci ٢ ; all about. The complex storyline with 9.5 all its twists and uma e anks you into the game. The Street 8 Fighteresque spell moves and the method of learning the Spells are - 9.5 absolutely brilliant. The graphics are " } Y 4 equally impressive with the Mode 7 " څ‎ ur i Entertainment: 10 airship and 256 colors on screen. "X — T € : This is the most challenging and exciting RPG I've touched, and I'm gu 1 finally ripped it out of Andy's and to play it." Edgar ower: Tools King of Figaro Castle, uses technology to attack his enemies. = [ "Special Edgar, 1 . ‘Travel by air, sea and land. THE BOTTOM LINE SHBIN 2069. CELES 1873 < EDGAR 1972 = SETZER 1992 < STRAGO 2900 | EDGAR 3635 | RELM 3221 € | Bi Relm à Celes Special Power: Skelch y Setzer Special Power: Rune With the Sketch attack, Relm draws a picture, Special Power: Slot | Celes uses her Rune power to funnel all magic of her foe and then attacks the enemy with ^. This gamblin' man can gel the Coin Toss Relic 1 allacks to het and revive her hil points. ils mirror image. lo change his special power. s T TIN SETZER RELM 2617 |: CYAN 2005 شه‎ # Sketch CELES Magic RELM S221 4 Item Game Informer « November 74 " ki-Do forces have «entered » our system through the interdimen- ۳٢ sional Vortex and seized 70 control of the capitol citu, يپ‎ ge at Size: 4 Meg m Style: 1-PlayeffAction/Shooter/Allventure m Special Featllres: Utilizes Latest Version of Super FX Chip: 4 Battle Modes, Password. Feature, Tantor. Although this-is only th Weir col guest 7 71 ه9 ل1 USING ana TNE key to open the lock in order to |. access the under- ground passaqes. isto 1 EU ه٤‎ four dota banks and hide 2s Unnrtx I pieces on their heay ily defended wastelands. Your job is to travel to the p e bond b 1 Pins laf Moke o run unc ES ground | in the fi st through the Vor tex Aki-Do wastelands and tind the missing pieces of ; سو‎ ee eee „ 222 A 5 22 4 * Em n 1 pu M xn x hak: — 22 "EN NE „ V ir | rohir Battie وه قا‎ 22 2 u. iorpning Baile System , وک‎ ma „„ 3 M * CO- 1 U U 1. 3 CrvstTtan or MBS. The MB: : pable of transforming into 4 different forms: Numerous times yo have to jump a larg canyon and clear th moving rails. burner, 01 ٤8 ع‎ tt 111 n m e rm O | T—— 1896 Citic functi HA — À ل‎ Eun cmm -———31 에 Du must find and place the energy آ‎ balls at the top ot f اس چو سل‎ fulness Th! the game. Pre Get ready for the essential i ch form be- ich + be- pile race o your Me on VAM. هد‎ fore u head out to de- : J ! سا level 3. " f y the Aki-Do. « There are tht P 439 €€ Training Sce r narios and six missions you, it’s falling apart which you will have under de complete in order to re: store the Al Core. There will be enemy resistance at almost €very corner 7 Jod use the MBS j | Game Informer a November 4 | F. i 1 " 0 7 Tue GAME 7 Jj Con cept: “These game got a solid 8 for a couple 5 0 of reasons. One, it's really hard. So if Graphics: 25 youre not a serious trooper you're x m going to get frustrated and end up g hating it. But if you're looking for a challenge, Vortex is going to leave Playability: 7 youscratching at the screen for more. The graphics are very crisp, and the Entertainment: 7 soundtrack came right out of the Star Wars movie. Unfortunately, Vortex is no StarFox. It beats StarFox in many areas, but as far as a game | would want to play over and over, Vortex falls just a little short of that elusive 9." Ho final show TY yxp n at Tantor Rick, THE VIDEO 717 will bring together. | Concept: 6 "Vortex is designed by the same an the skills you've people who brought us the ground- E echoed th h- — graphics: 7 breaking StarFox e Vortex ٢ Earne De c offers a strong challenge to better out Sound: 7 players, with more button combina- A tions and skills to master than any Playability: Entertainment: SONIC JET p عم بب‎ | . f WALKER Game Informer a ie ‘94 Y A 1 Look Whe Comes Out When The World Warriors Go To Bed he fighting game gurus at Capcom have delivered yet another arcade masterpiece to their ever-expanding list of hard-hitting fighting games with their latest creation, Dark Stalkers. Based on classic monster movies, Dark Stalkers relies on ten infamous monster characters, like Demitri the | vampire and Jon Talbain the werewolf. to bring the eerie afterlife " Y into your control. However. Dark Stalkers is not only full of mystical characters and magic. it also has solid playability, anima- fon. and cool SFI! like moves and combos. 1 Dark Stalkers primarily uses the standard 다! charges and motions. P In each match you will be able to choose between 3 speeds [lie 1 1 Turbo], and during gameplay you will have the familiar Power Meter to pull e P Off bigger and more powerful versions of your attacks. Each character and M , their special attacks are spectacularly animated against a backdrop of d d amazing artwork. The graphics and sound are top-notch, but the real j strengths of the game are the smooth control and well-balanced characters. However, you haven't seen anything until you've seen this game's two most fascinating “stalkers” - the end bosses. Huitzil, a robotic statue, was built long ago to defend against intruders, and when you finally reach this first boss he awakes in a terribly foul mood. Huilzil is a very difficult opponent. He has the ability to speed up as the match wears on and can dramatically counter any of his opponents moves. Pyron, the final big baddie, is an alien who has come to lay down the law. Of course, our world’s monsters can't have Pyron move in on their territory, so the monsters of our World must all band together to stop this evil alien [I'll let you find out on your own about this guy). Overall, Dark Stalkers is the next big thing to hit the arcades. No detail was overlooked when Capcom designed this clever and innovative game. Its definitely one to look for in the arcades this fall. ٧ Check out Game Informer s Training (ard #6 for all Dark Stalker's moves! Pyron a Huitzil Game Informer a November ‘94 bof Panic? Rated by V.R.C. Mature Audiences This official seal is your assurance that this product meets the highest quality standards of SEGA™ Data East product information and support is available 24 hours per day on the CompuServe Buy games and accessories Information Service in the VIDEO GAME PUBLISHERS FORUM (type GO DATA-EAST) with this seal to be sure that ates Data East USA. Inc. 1850 Little Orchard Street, San Jose, CA 95125 they are compatible with the NT DUALITY Sega and Sega CD are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. SEGA CD™ SYSTEM Panic! 6 1994 Sega Enterprises. Ltd m Cart Size: 4 Meg m Style: 1-Player Action/Platform m Special Features: 5 Different Heads, Huge Bosses, and Complex Gameplay m Created by: Treasure for Sega m Available: Now for Game Gear ynamite Headdy, Seqa’s newest All-Star, must head out to stop the dastardly Dark Demon who is verti rule the world. Dark Demon Luckily, Dynamite knows h ho usé his head. Litera Dy omite Headdy has the ability to use his head to climb, swing, and skillfully attack his F 16005 ata Haddy switch-box, which include yocuury Head, E. Head, “Dynamite Headdy looks و‎ on the Gear, and has a pretty soli oundtyack. It’s a lot slower 215 the Genesis version, . the SG Version j i it feel with slight changes in structure. It's a great game for the PNE pat it's not my pick for a GG title.” “The character just doesn't appeal 1o me. Mu my head around and not much else is not my idea of an exciting game." Ross, The Rebel Gamer "Dynamite Headdy is a decent game Tor the hand helds, : i but it may be a little too easy for an advanced gamer. The r y litle headbanger still plays better than any other hand, oe CY bra bra EY ni ; THe BOTTOM LINE held game in its class.” . The Kingdoms of Gardiana and Cypress Join Op For 56 "Game Gear has needed a good RPG for foe some time. It may not be a Phantasy Star, but it's still pret Against King lom in ue d y pretty "I'm not a fan of RPG's on hand helds, but this one wasn't too bad. | can actually distinguish the characters on screen. Good game, but be sure to buy plenty-o-batteries. " : 4 Meg With Battery Back-Up à : e ‘This is the best hand held RPG haue played so far. 1. Player Role Playing he magical Sword of Hajya has been | like the way the game moves along at a fast pace and Speci tures: 18 Unique Characters. stolen. All evidence points to evil King the playability is great.” Loads e and Weapons lom as being 1116 mastermind behind its X Nomi Game Gear disappearance. Now the warriors of the light “As far as the Game Gear is concerned, Shining Force must reunite and stop the sword from being has got to be the best RPG ever. | like the new concept | ile : ee اوس‎ of going right from battle to battle without having to walk used for vile purposes. Adven urc awails in around from ci iy. searching It doesnt get much the newest game in the Shining Force series better than this. from Sega. | Eighteen characters make up the party of : the Cypress warriors, including such races as Birdmen, Centaurs, Warriors and Wizards. Along the journey to recapture the sword, you will be able to camp and save at many different times as well as purchase weapons and items from the shopkeepers, raise levels, and even promote your characters fo 4 higher classes. 2 پک ل‎ Convince new warriors to join the battle. ty! 1 gum travel far and explore everywhere, and be^: ; da x sure you retrieve the Sword oi 11 Fair thee well noble warriors. [cane] aru ds AR Game Informer a November ‘94 Evil shines darkest before the dawn. i‏ مس مس سا EMI‏ eee Mi د‎ Enough talking! Hand over that jeu } in return, PH $| spare Sir Astral! : : “AN INCREDIBLE NEW STORYLINE. Ae | co PROC EN HUGE NEW BOSS CREATURES MEANS YOU'LL HAVE TO STAY ON ㅣ hs x | en D LIKE KRAKEN HEAD MAKE YOUR YOUR GUARD AT ALL TIMES! Y : ji 4 4 LIFE A LIVING NIGHTMARE. CHOOSE FROM —- 20 DIFFERENT | i pe OG Gena FULLY-ANIMATED CINEMATIC Sul di Sword of Hajya is available onl : ; CHARACTERS. BUILD YOUR ARMY'S E p word of Renee Ie Qni ibane ker BATTLE SEQUENCES KEEP STRENGTH AS YOU GROW AND CHANGE. تبيه‎ Lon c ووو‎ e THE ADRENALINE PUMPING. ols ane iid are Modem: £ ets r :‏ و یا په مج i‏ پا وغو لی به DIC‏ 1 — (ym mom F S laine, cias tima dan deat) 14 | PASSWORD Game Informer s November ‘94 How exactly the Blues rothers got a game I'm not exactly wouldcallaverage. Absolutely, Concept: Graphics: . Sound: ` Playability: 5 Entertainment: 4 54 The lores is uni l to to what you wil find in ~) 에 가 s: 8 enne 8 Bosses ed by: Capcom as : Super Game Boy vallable: Now for Compatible and Password Continues Game il Andy, The Game Hombre — "We've all played enough Mega Man to make us puke. Im ted of ; the Same oſd same old. It's a good game, but not really that different LU MC ML SULLA from the good one before it." "Mega Man, what? If you've played tough all the other four versions, then you'll have to try this.” . mom DP 7 AS ND 스레 بډ‎ EE د‎ واو وس‎ ay ed ES is, Mars, Pluto, and Ju nkind. Mega Man is Earth's | | nd their lairs in time? them to Dr. Light, a nutty professé. to have him equip you with them. If those powers aren't enough, Rush will jump in on command and unleash one of his powers to aid you. Good luck. * views Game Boy Re SUPER NINTENDO GENESIS GAME EAR Hey Beavis. Anybody who plays Heh-heh. Hn... yeh..uh.. Shut up, nimrod. this video game gets to act as stupid as you do. ® Introducing the game that actually lets you control the destinies of America's leading morons. t Rated hy V.R.C n 4 1 LICENSED BY 7 1 kic 16 .. This official seal is your assurance that this product meets the highest quality standards 4 " 1 [ Nintendo) © T V of Sega". Buy games and accessories with this seal to be sure that they are compatible Parental Discretlon ma mn n VIEN 1 ۳٢ Advised. new ١ 16010 with the Sega'^ Genesis" and Seqa™ Game Gear'" system بر‎ 5 = y Mature Audiences 1 i [년 1994 VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. “MTV: MUSIC TELEVISION" "BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD" AND ALL RELATED CHARACTERS ARE TRADEMARK F VIACOM INTERMATIONAL INC. NINTENDO, SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM AND THE T OFFI STERED TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC 1994 NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. SEGA, GENESIS AND GAME GEAR ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES. LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THE VIDEOGAME RATING COUNCIL. ITS RATING SYSTEM, SYMBOLS AND INDICIA ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA OF AMERICA, IN 194 SEGA à 3 Listen All Y'all It's a Sabotage! After the release of their recent album, Ill Communication on the Capitol/Grand Royale label, the Beastie Boys follow itup with the Beastie Boys screensaver. Screensaver? Bands usually release videos after the album, don't they? Well in a move of marketing genius by some folks at Capitol Records ۸ and Doug Textor Productions, The Beastie Boys Screen Saver went on the Information Super-Highway this past July. The new computer screen saver is available free to subscribers of on-line services and the Internet. News & Rumors F rom the The Boys screensaver was created for users of America 7 On-line, CompuServe and Internet, who will be able Video Game Industry download 30 Beastie Boys animations; free of charge, onto their "a or Quoc all 5 FZ-1 REAL 3DO Slashes | d i Price....Again! AT&T Drops o Out Matsushita Consumer Electronics Company announced that the Panasonic FZ-1 REAL 3DO is now reduced in price by $100. Now the 300 has a manufacturer's suggested retail price of $399.95. : That makes a total of $400 in price reduc- h Ems 7 tions since the 300 was introduced about a ig - year ago. Maybe next year it will be i — پک‎ ers and peripherals. r FREE!? Then again..... æ 8 Ev, Manager, Michael Jacobs. Street Fighter II: The Movie ㆍ Mega Man: The Animated Series f That's right, the undisputed king of the video game sequel, Mega Man, h will star in his very own animated series debuting on a channel near i you. This will be Capcom's (Mega Man's creators) first venture in the world of animation. Capcom has recruited Ruby Spears, one of the country's foremost producers of animation for children's television, who is working very closely with Capcom to create the series. Like the game, the TV series will feature most of Mega Man's friends and enemies. Dr. Wiley will be sure to give Mega Man the same troubles encountered in the video game series. This TV series is i syndicated so it might not be in all areas. Check your local listings for Mega Man TV. i rem Game Informer a November ‘94 S ITEM! cronm's I" E COLLE FIRST -— pnis . AT CS : = 1 Ñ Mortal Kombat: Blood & Thunder by Malibu Comics Acclaim and Malibu Comics Entertainment re- cently brought the popular game Mortal Kombat into the comic era by releasing | a six issue mini-series "Blood and Thunder" which recaptures the events that à took place in the tournament. Also, a three issue Goro: Prince of Pain mini-series brings you up close and - m aracter and game recognition that is created by putting video games into e and pictures. Conversely, game publishers create video games from jnizable and popular comic books. For us gamers, video game comic ks are a chance to get more of a games personality and story, which ids cannot always give us. Plus those comic books may give us insight on haracters or story plots that may be in upcoming video game dle a look at just a few of the comics we have in our collection Vids & Comics Many of today's serious gamers not only have a passion for vids, but they also | have a craze for comic books. Game publishers recognize the potential for local comic shop for a multitude of video game comics. esoft and Malibu Comics Entertainment recently signed J to create games for the Sega CD using characters. The first two personal with the four armed wonder. A culmination of both issues in the Mortal Kombat Annual will bring the series to a finale. The comics feature some new characters never before seen on the vid screen. Are these characters from the upcoming Mortal Kombat 3? -named. first comics, should be , Mortal Kombat Il by Midway j xN Hot off the tracks of their first comic series, Acclaim and Midway bring a one shot lead into the Mortal Kombat 2 tournament. This limited edition comic book gives you a slight glance at what happened after the first tournament and a first look at some of the new fighters and their thoughts which lead into the tournament. The Tick by New England Comics Press Originally in black and white, The Tick started as an underground comic. Now Tick has been colorized and is now a Saturday morning cartoon and a soon-to-be released video game. Fox Television and Fox Interactive bring the “nigh-invulnerable” super-hero to life. ^ Digital Pictures, the makers of Prize Fiol 1 release Slam City with Scottie Pippen for the Sega C Like other DP titles, Slam City will incorporate extensive full-motion video footage of some serious on-the-court basketball action with the All-Star himself, Scottie Pippen. hM Unlike other powerhouse basketball licenses, namely Air Jordan, Sir Charles and the Shaq, this NBA Jam meets Hollywood production will put Scottie Pippen’s "interactive acting" to the test. Directed by Rob Stein, who directed DP's Prize Fighter, Slam City is no artist cell animation. Rather, it's pure live slammin’ action with Ottie. With over two hours of fast street hoops action, Slam City may b make Pippen the "first" basketball star of the interactive silver screen. ight Trap, will 6 an Oon Give Scottie th i he'll go si, bl e ball, or the bench, = Are = cho yeu gonna’ take the rge agains; Scottie? gre ice girl like you, Wonen ike this? Game Informer a November ‘94 2 | doin' in a game The Horde — 0 To watch all the video footage in this cool 3DO game press and hold Up, A, B, and press Pause anytime during gameplay. When the game is paused press Right, A, Left, Left, A, Up, and B. After this code is entered, unpause the game and watch. "The Video Vigilante" FOREST CLOVE Spike McFang — SNES To control your companion Rudy with the second controller enter this code at the title screen: Down, B, Left, B, Up, Y, Right, and Y. You should hear a small sound if you did it correctly. If you are starting from the beginning you will have to play until you rescue Rudy. "The VidMan" AeroFighters — SNES To Access two new characters, press and hold the R Button at the “Character Select” screen, then press Left, Down, Right, X, Y, A, B, Left, Down, Right, Down, X, Y, A, and B To fight only the Bosses in a timed game, press and hold the R Button at the "Character Select" screen, then press A, Left, Y, Right, X, Down, B, and Up. "The Egghead" State of Confusion, U.S.A. Raiden — Jaguar To get unlimited lives enter this code at the end of the first level when you reach the boss: Hold down buttons 1, 4, 7, 3, 6,9 and then Option. If you did it correctly you should hear a slight noise. "The VidMan" Game Informer a November 4 "HELPFUL HINTS. PASSWORDS : CODES Ecco the Dolphin — Game Gear Medusa Bay .......... QMBRB Under Caves.......... WRRKC Ridge Water .......... SRRGD Open Ocean .......... CKRKE Cold Waller OONYF Open Ocean .......... GCJAG Deep Water YAHWV The City of Forever ....CWVEI Origin Beach . . . . . . . . . . IOJKJ Dark Water ........... KOFQK Dark Water ........... KWFAL The City of Forever. IMO The Tube... ..... QKOOO The Machine .......... YAPOW The Vortex ........... SSKOQ Video Game Rebel Shaun O'Dell DeSoto, TX Mortal Kombat / SNES To get a whole bunch of cool stuff, enter the following codes (quickly) on the joypad at the Character Select Screen. 15 seconds to do a Fatality: U, U, L, U, D, then Select 4x your normal strength: D,U,R,U,L, then Select 30 Continues: L,U,R,D,L, then Select Start at Kintaro: U,D,D,R,R, then Select Start at Shao Khan: R,U,U,R,L, then Select Start at Smoke: U,L,U,U,R, then Select Start at Jade: U,D,D,L,R then Select Start at Noob Saibot: L,U,D,D,R, then Select "Warlord" Art of Fighting — SNES Toseethe ending ofthis SNES fighter begin the game in the Story Mode and quickly enter this code after you have paused the game: Up, X, Left, Y, Down, B, Right, A, L Button, and Y. Then unpause and enjoy! "Virtua Gap Boy" BattleTech — Genesis Here are all the level codes for this in- tense action game, plus an unlimited weapons and invincibility code that worked on the pre-production version (hope it still works)! Desert Planet: ........ WLFCLN Ice Planet. GHSTBR Jungle Planet: ........ SMKJGR Swamp Planet: ....... JDFLCN Invincible: ........... VVLCNJ "The VidMan" DEBUG MENU VER, 001-04 STAGE Lod HATS TIME LIFE N MAL UNDEAD Inspector Gadget — SNES To access a hidden debug menu enter this code at the title screen while holding the B, L, and R Buttons: Down, Down, Up, Left, Right, Down, Right, and Left. If you entered it correctly the screen should change colors. “Virtua Gap Boy” * dd n Aladdin - SNES To access a stage select for this Disney adventure, enter this code on controller two while on the options screen: L Button, R Button, Start, Select, X, Y, A, and B. If you entered it correctly you should hear a short tone. Hold the L and R Buttons and press Up and Down to change areas, and Left and Right to change the level. “Egghead” Streets of Rage 3 — Genesis To access more players for this Sega beat’em up go to the options screen and press and hold these buttons on controller two after you highlight the players menu: Up, A, B, and C. Then use Controller one to choose your number of players. “The Game Professor" FIFA International Soccer — Sega CD To play with a bunch of power-ups, go to the option screen and enter these button combinations. You will only need to enter them one time when you turn on the Sega CD. Super Offense: A, A, A, A, A, B, C Super Defense: B, B, B, B, B, C, B Invisible Walls: C, C, C, B, A, A, A, B Super Goalie: A, A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, B Curve Ball: B, A, C, B, C, Crazy Ball: C, A, B, C, C, B, A, C Dream Team: A, A, B, B, C, C, A, A Super Power: C, A, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B Chad Womak Mesquite, TX Outrunners — Genesis To access a Formula car enter this code at the Title screen: Left, Right, Left, Right, B, C, and A. If it worked you will hear a chime. Next, press Start and then choose the arcade mode with the C Button. Choose the Formula Car just to the left of the first car. “The VidMan” ٨ 3 Y Noe £1] ۹ MCN Ko SHATTER CYBER'S" CRYSTAL DRAGON! UNSTOPPABLE WOLVERINE'S" ADAMANTIUM™ CLAWS! RAGE! SUPER NINTENDO ^ GENESIS ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM BLOODSCREAM' AWAITS! !? MARVEL CO EL SOFTWARE™, WOLVERINE® and the distinctive likeness thereof TM & © 1994 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Nintendo, d Nintendo En Sega Enter Mortal Kombat / Genesis/SNES REPTILE Venom Spit: ........... F, E«HP Energy Orb: ....... B, B, HP + LP Invisibility: ....BL + (U, U, D), HP 810617 A . . B+BL+LP+LK Genesis: B + LK + HK BER oed BD FF BL Babality:.......... D, D, B, B, LK Friendship: .......... B, B, D, LK Yummy: . B, B, D, LP (Half-screen) Unseen Death: .F, F, D, HK (Close) (Must be Invisible!!) SCORPION Harpoon Throw: ........ B,B, LP Teleport Punch: ...... D to B, HP Leg Takedown: . F to Dto B, LK Air TROW: ee se BL in air PI... DF, F, BL Babality:............ D, B, B, HK Friendship: ......... B, B, D, HK *Incinerate: .U, ,لا‎ HP (Half-screen) *Toasty Incinerate: .D, D, U, U, HP (Anywhere) Double Cut: ...HP + (F, D, F, F, F) (Close) SUB-ZERO Deep Freeze: ......... Dio E, LP Ground Freeze: ....... D to B, LK Slide: B+BL+LP+LK Genesis: B + LK + HK „M, gas Pr, F, Bl; Babality: . . . . . . . . . . . . D, B, B, HK Friendship: ......... B, B, D, HK Freeze Uppercut: F, F, D, HK (Sweep) When Frozen F, D, F, F, HP (Close) Ice Grenade: Hold LP + (B, B, D, F) Then Release LP (Far) SHANG TSUNG 1 Flaming Skull: . . . . . . . . B, B, HP 2 Flaming Skulls: B. BF, HP 3 Flaming Skulls: . B, B, F, F, HP Liu Kang Morph: . BE; ٣ BE Kung Lao Morph: ....B, D, B, HK Johnny Cage Morph: . .B, B, D, LP Reptile Morph: . .BL + (U, D), HP Sub-Zero Morph: 9 F, HP Kitana Morph: ........ BL, BL, BL Jax Morph D, F, B. HK Mileena Morph: .Charge HP 2 Sec. Baraka Morph: ......... D, D, LK Scorpion Morph: .Hold BL + (U, U) Then Release Raiden Morph: ....... D'B, F, LK uu c MM BL + (D, D, U, D Babel!!! B, F, D, HK Friendship . . . . . . . B, B, D, F, HK *Soul Stealer: .U, D, U, LK (Close) Death from Within: ...Charge HK 3 sec. (Sweep) Kintaro Morph: Charge LP 25 sec. (Sweep) Game Informer a November '94 JAX Overhead Hammer: ...... F+HP Gotcha Grab: . F, F, LP, rapid LP Multiple Throw: . .F + LP, rapid HP Energy Bolt. F to D to B, HK Ground Pound: .Charge LK 3 sec. Backbreaker: .......... BL in air sd d o MP U, U, D, LK *Babality: )) D, U, D, U, LK *Friendship: . . . . . . . D, D, UH, LK Head Crush: . . .Hold LP + (F, F, F) then Release (Sweep) Armless: ...... BL, BL, BL, ات‎ LP (Sweep) KITANA Fan Lift], B. B, B, HP Fan Throw: ........ F, F, HP « LP Fan Slice; ..... die valk « B+HP Zip Punch: ....... F to D to B, HP „ R NS FD, FHK *Babality: ........... D, D, D, LK *Friendship: . . . . . . . D, D, D, U, LK Decapitate: BL, BL, BL, HK (Close) Kiss of Death:Hold LK +(F, F, D, F) then Release (Close) KUNG LAO Hat Throw: 1.02... os B,F,LP (U or D to Guide Hat) Whirlwind Spin Hold BL + (U, U), rapid LK Teleport iss D, U Hammer Kick: ...... D + HK in air „„ EF, Fake Babality: ,, . . . . . B; B, F, F, HK Friendship: ....... B, B, B, D, HK *Hat Split: ....F, F, F, LK (Sweep) Decapitate: ..... Hold LP + (B, F) then release (Far) (then aim the hat at their neck!) LIU KANG High Dragon Fire F, F. HB Low Dragon Fire: ....... RF EP Bicycle Kick: Charge LK 4 seconds Flying RICK: : F, F, HK %% oe Bi PF, LK Babality:.......... D, D, F, B, LK Friendship: ........ F, B, B, B, LK *Cartwheel: Spin Away from Enemy (Anywhere) Dragon Munch: ....D, F, B, B, HK (Close) RAIDEN Shocking Grasp: Charge HP 3 sec. ۱0۱06001 2002... 2. 0 B, B, F Lightning Bolt:........ D to F, LP TOPO... i ene D,U cada NE EOM U, U, U, HP *Babality:........... D, D, U, HK Friendship: .......... D, B, F, HK Electrocution: ....... Charge LK, Then Rapid LK & BL (Close) Super Uppercut: ..... Charge HP 7 Seconds (Close) HIDDEN CHARACTERS: Smoke: Press Down and Start at the Portal Level when Dan Forden says “Toasty”. Jade: At the Level before “?” use only low-kick, nothing else and win a round. Noob Saibot: SNES: Win 50 Matches Genesis: Win 25 Matches LEVEL TRICKS: The Mortal Tomb: Right after you do your pit move and send your opponent upward, press down on both controllers to have your opponent slide off the spikes after he gets impaled. The Dead Pool: To access Fatality on the Dead Pool, press and hold down LP, LK, then move close to your opponent and press Down and then HP. For some added fun (SNES), press down on the control pad right as the skeleton emerges from the water, and he'll give a gurgling “ohhh”. Here are the moves for this fighter, but remember to check the legend on page 66 to be sure how it works. Hint: Distances such as "Sweep" are in parentheses. BARAKA Spark Toss: ......... D to B, HP Blade ce: B + HP Shredder: ........... 8,8, B LP Pit ĩ FF, D, HK Babality: .. oss. E, F, HM Friendship: ......... U.F.F,HK Impale: ..... B, F, D, F, LP(Close) *Decapitate: . . .B,B,B,B,HP(Close) JOHNNY CAGE Low Green Bolt: .. B to D to F, LP High Green Bolt: ..F to D to B, HP Shadow Uppercut: ...B, D, B, HP Shadow Kick: .......... BF, LK Nutcracker: ............ LP + BL Gym Rigg F + LK Pit:: D, D, D, HK Baballl ... uid. T B, B, B, HK Friendship: ......... D, D, D, HK Rip in Half: . D, D, F, F, LP(Close) Decapitate ...... F, F, D, U(Close) Triple Decapitate:D + LK + BL «LP (Close)(Must Do Decap First) MILEENA Sai Throw: .Charge HP 2 Seconds Teleport Kick: .......... F, 내 NR للا‎ B, B, D, HK MGE 000. F, D, F, LK Babality: ..... am... D, D, D, HK *Friendship: ...... D, D, D, U, HK Sai Perforate: . F, B, F, LP (Close) Man-eater: Charge HK 3 Seconds (Close) Super Street Fighter Il — SNES To be able to choose the same char- acters in Group Battle mode just press the L and R Buttons repeatedly until you hear Vega's scream. "Egghead" Super Street Fighter il: Turbo — Arcade To play as the elusive master of the martial arts, Akuma, you must follow this complex entry, but your reward will be to fight with the brother of Ken and Ryu’s sensei. 1.) Make sure the machine is on the Free-Select Speed Setting. 2.) Choose your Speed 3.) Highlight Ryu and count to five 4.) Move to T. Hawk and count to five 5.) Move to Guile and count to five 6.) Move to Cammy and count to five 7.) Move back to Ryu, count to ten, then press all three Punch Buttons and Start at the same time. Ifthe code worked correctly Akuma’s face should replace Ryu’s on the charac- ter select screen. "The VidMan” Star Trek: The Next Generation — SNES To access a level select wait for the Star Trek Logo to appear then enter this code: Y, Y, X, X, A, A, B, and B. When the game begins, press the Start button to pause the game, then press the Y Button to access the level select. "116 7 Mortal Kombat Ii - SNES To access a crazy Shao Khan intro, press and hold the Left and Right but- tons as soon as you turn the machine on. If it worked, Shao Khan and Kintaro should come out and make a mess of the Acclaim logo. “The VidMan" How your Mom can save $190 on a game that costs 885. Forget it. Renewal batteries are totally different. They're alkalines, so you get more power - more play time - from each charge. And the Renewal Power Station" makes charging hassle-free. With the money Mom saves on batteries; maybe she'll spring for a new cartridge or two. SMART Move You may not realize it, but you probably spend more on batteries than you spent on your video game. So it pays to switch to Rayovac Renewal - the only alkaline batteries created to be reusable, 25 times or more. Sound like yesterday's rechargeables? RAYOW, RENEWAL. REUSABLE ALKALINE.. » POWER STATION. Call 1800-237-7000 for more information. *Savings depend on your device and how you use it. Frequent charging maximizes savings. ت ت 2 سم‎ nn مه ت ت ت‎ —ů 2 2 4⸗««G: 4 ee. 01994 Rayovac Corporation ARNA MAIL IN REBATE | EXPIRES JAN 31, 1995 RAYOVAC Save S5 to start [ENEWAL Get $5 back by mail on your purchase of any Renewal Power Station. To receive your rebate, enclose dated cash register receipt with purchase price circled, and proof of purchase (UPC symbol and numbers). Mail to: Name Renewal Rebate Offer Dept. GI-01 Address P.O. Box 7237 Osseo, MN 55569-7237 City State Zip Only this official form and original UPC and original cash register receipt accepted, no facsimiles. Offer good only in U.S.A., void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law. Mail-in offer only, not for store redemption. Offer is limited to one response per family, group, organization or mailing address. P.O. boxes without street addresses will not qualify as mailing addresses. Multiple submissions will not be acknowledged. Request must be postmarked by Jan 31, 1995. Limit: 1 rebate per mailing address. Mortal Kombat || - Game Boy Mortal Kombat I| Game Gear LIU KANG JAX LIU KANG JAX High Fireball: ........ E FER. 00618: 이이 이 F,F,P High Fireball FFP ˙· oos F.F;P Low Fireball: ........ D, F. Energy Wave:........ F, D, K | Low Fireball: ........ 0,۳,۳ “Energy 2 9, B, K Flying Kick: ......... F,F,K Ground Smash:Hold P For3Sec. | Flying Kick: ......... F, F, K Overhead Smash: ..... „F, K Bicycle Kick: Hold K For 3 Sec. Back breaker: ...... BL in Air | Bicycle Kick: Hold K For 3 Sec. Ground Smash:Hold K For 3 Sec. Finising Move: . . . D, F, B, B, K Finising Move: Hold K+F,F,F | Finising Move: . . . D, F, B, B, K Back breaker: ...... BL in Air Babality: ....... D, DF BPK then Release K | Spikes F,B,F,P Finising Move:F, F, P Until Explode Spikes: ð7iyʃ? B, F, F, K 88081017 uu... D, U, D, U, K Spikes: MEE EB FP Spikes: ..... BL +U, U, D,K | KITANA KITANA Fan Toss: . . . . . . . . F,F,P+K SUB-ZERO Fan Toss: . . . . . . & F,F,P+K SUB-ZERO Fan Swipe: . . . . . . . . . . . B+P DeepFreeze: ........ D,F,P Fan Sees B+P DeepFreeze: ........ لا‎ E PR. Lowen LIW.. aoa. B,B,B,P GroundFreeze: ...... D, B, K n B, B, B, P Ground Freeze: ...... D, B, K Squarewa ven F, B, P Power Slide:....... B+P+K Squarewave: ........ D, B, P Power Slide B+P+K | Finising Move: ..... Hold BL + Finising Move: ..... F, EAD, K Finising Move: . BL, BL, BL, K Finising Move: F, F, D, K then EER K then F, D, F, P Babality: ......... D,D,D,K ED F, FAR es;; PRFP SpiKó8 ............ F B, FB Spikes: . . . . . . . . . . . F, D, E 0008111: c 5. 55 D BB, K Spikes D, F, F, BL | REPTILE SHANG TSUNG REPTILE Acid Spit ځا نو‎ E, FF 1۴۱۲608 MONT B. BB Acid gt:: F,F,P SHANG TSUNG Force Ball: ....... B,B,P«K 2Fireballs:........ BB PP Force Ball: ....... B, B K cbDElFeballt *.... uc B, B, P | Power Slide:....... B+P+K 3Fireballs:...... BB ۴ ۴ ٣ Power Slide: . . . . . . . B+P+K 2۴۲۵8187 B, B, F, PT Invisibility: ....... U, U, D, Liu Kang Morph: ... Hold K For Invisibility: .. . BL U, U, D, P 3 Fireballs:...... B, B, F, F, P Finising Move: ..... B, B, DP 2 Sec., B Finising Move: ..... B,B,D,P Liu Kang Morph: . . . B, F, F, BL | Spikes: ........... F,B,F,P Sub-Zero Morph... Hold K For Babality: ......... D, B, B, K Sub-Zero Morph: .. F, D, F, K 2 Sec., F Spikes: . . . . . . . . . . D, F, F, BL Kitana Morph: ..... BL, BL, BL SCORPION Kitana Morph: ..... Hold K For Reptile Morph: ...BL + U, D, | Spear: ............. B, B, P 2 Sec., D SCORPION Mileena Morph: Hold P For 2 Sec. | Scissor Takedown: ...D, B, K Reptile Morph: ....Hold K For Ä eee qt B, B, P Scorpion Morph: ...BL+U,U | Decoy Punch. D,B,P 2 Sec., U+B Decoy Punch:........ BoB; P = Jax Morph: |. ae. D, F, 1٣۳00 !نس‎ BL In Air Mileena Morph: ....Hold K For Air Throw: :... BL In Air Finising Move: ...BL+U,D,P | Finising Move: ...8 + U, U, P 2 Secs, U Finising Move: ...BL U, U, P Babality: ......... BE DK | Spikes: ....... 5 F, B, F, P Scorpion Morph: ... Hold K For Baballly: ........, D,B,B,K Spikes: ...... BL+D,D,U,P 2 Sec.,D +B Spikes: . . . % DoF g.. MILEENA Jax Morph: ....... Hold K For MKI Legend for all systems Teleport Kick: . . . . . . . . EET 2 Sec., D + F MILEENA B: Back Roll Attack: B, B, O, K Finising Move: . . Hold BL + U, Teleport Kick: . . . . . . . . f, F. K F: Forward Sai Throw: . Hold P For 2 Sec. D, U, P Roll Attack B, B, D, K 0 "ah Finising Move: ..... f. B. F, K Spikes. . F, BEEP Sai Throw: . .Hold P For 2 Sec. P: - Res... F,B,F;P | Finising Move: Hold P For3Sec. «. Kick Babality: ......... D. DDK : Hi . Spikes Eno E Secret Access Notice: HK: High Kick Send Game Informer Your Passwords and Codes and Win! LK: Low Kick BL: Block Send in your codes and passwords every issue, and if we print them Moves marked with an““ are easier you'll be entered in Game Informer/ASCIIWARE Secret Access Contest. The Grand to do if you hold down block, but it is optional. Moves in parenthesis are done while the previous button is Game Informer a November ‘94 Prize is any pair of ASCII- WARE controllers you choose, and all Runner’s Up will receive a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to show-off to your friends. Send To: Secret Access Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 You can't win if you don't enter! being held. Mortal Kombat ll — Genesis To access the Test mode, enter the “Options” and go down to "Done". With the arrow pointing at "Done", press L, D, L, R, D, R, L, L, R, and R. If done correctly, you will get a "Test Mode” option. Go into here and you can make either player invincible, kill with one hit, and a bunch of other cool stuff. “Warlord” Mortal Kombat / SNES To play MK Il in a 2-player tournament mode, press and hold the Left and Right buttons before you press the Start Button. Next, choose four fighters and prepare for battle. "The VidMan" Whether you're driving solo or going head-to-head, this game has the action, speed and intensity to take you all the way to victory lane. It's white knuckle driving all the way.“ Michael Andretti MICHAEL ANDRETTLS pam Ya LT, AI X SAYS YOU HAVE TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE DOING TIME IN THE FAMILY SEDAN? Michael Andretti’s Indy Car Challenge will turn you into hell on wheels, surrounded by a pack of fire-belching, supercharged Indy Car racers. You're right in the thick of things with hot Mode-7 graphics and realistic play control. It’s the most awesome tire-smoking, door-blowing fun this side of slappin’ on a helmet and strappin’ into 2000 pounds of rolling thunder. 16 tracks of hot Indy Car action, featuring actual Indy Car track shapes—high-speed ovals, demanding road courses and challenging street circuits. Pit-to-car contact with world-class driver Michael Andretti’s actual voice. You even get a customizable instant replay so you can relive every bone-blasting thrill and «¢ A cylinder igi E chill. Win the championship ite و ري‎ driving and you get to pit your skill 199 experiences ever! against Andretti himself. r, Sept. 1994 maae Powe Speed down to your local retailer and get Michael Andretti’s Indy Car Challenge. Just remember: the race begins after you get home. Bullet-Proof Software 8337 154th Avenue N.E., Redmond, WA 98052 Hold on for the ride of your life in the one-player mode! Challenge a friend for head-to- head racing in the split-screen two-player mode. ote ay OF © PERVAN.. Viet ٢٢۴٢٣ CAHERA uo eet c net 5 AUTO Custom replay option lets YOU set "٢ the camera angles. ©1994 Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Indy Car™ used under license from IMS Properties, Inc. “Michael Andretti” used under license from Andretti International, Inc. Bullet-Proof Software is a registered trademark of Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1991 Nintendo of America Inc. , ET" d Sega Is Now A Real Team Player he Team Player 2 is Sega's new multi-player adapter. It Ts the only Sega Genesis adapter that is compatible with all multi-player games. Sega has listened to all of you (and members of the press), so now you don't have to shell out the cash for a bunch of 4-player adapters. As a result, there will be no more switching your favorite sports games and then having to switch to the appropriate contro! adapter. The New Team Player 2 is the only adapter compatible with Sega, Electronic Arts and all other multi-player games. It is also the only one that will let you play with 6-button controllers, Mega Mouse and the Activator. The Team Player 2 is also billed as being able to allow 8 people to play simul- taneously. Well, let's get some 8-player games before we get excited about that unimportant feature. The Team Player 2 is available now with a MSRP of $29.95. ۳ Nintendo's Ultra 64 Tries To Set A Speed Record The 64-bit Nintendo Ultra 64, scheduled to hit homes in late ‘95, will incorporate a high-speed memory technology developed by Rambus, Inc. According to a Nintendo news release, "the 500 MHz speed of the Rambus technology is a major leap in performance in contrast to the speeds of 30 MHz to 66 MHz in most current personal computers." 500 MHz? Ultra 64 will run at 500 MHz? Now either Nintendo is holding the best kept secret in the computer industry or there's a little more to this story. Rambus, Inc. has not developed a faster CPU, but it has developed a huge "highway" for information to travel on. The technology Rambus developed utilizes 500 MHz processor - to - memory interface. In other words, they built a 24 lane expressway to handle about ten cars an hour. No, the Ultra 64 will not run at 500 MHz. The memory speed will be at 500 MHz, even though memory speed is commonly measured in nanoseconds. The Rambus technology is, however, a break- through that will allow for lower costs, expandability and optimum performance for the Ultra 64 and other applications. 3DO Will Get 64-bit Punch With PowerPC In '95 The 3DO Company launched plans to release an M2 Accelerator that will be an add-on upgrade for the 3DO Multiplayer. The M2 will attach to the 3DO's expansion port to give gamers true 64-bit power. 3DO will be working with Motorola, IBM and Matsushita Electric to develop a state-of-the-art 64-bit multi-processor that will include a PowerPC microprocessor and, in addition, multiple custom graphics and sound processors. IBM and Motorola will engineer and manufacture the PowerPC microprocessor for the 3DO. The new 3DO 64-bit accelerator will initially be sold as an upgrade for current 3DO owners in late 1995, with the possibility of an entirely new system some time in 1996. former November The Latest in Video Game Har ware 8 The Video Jukebox: MTV in a Box? SG Technologies, Inc. has developed a new peripheral A for the Sega Genesis/CD, Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the Atari Jaguar. No, this new machine does not play your favorite MTV videos, the Video Jukebox (VJ) is a box that allows you to load up to six game cartridges on your favorite video game system. As you can see from this picture of the Genesis/CD unit, the VJ has six cartridge ports and a master cartridge that plugs into the game system. You load up the VJ with carts and select one of the six buttons that coincides with the cartridges. The Genesis/CD unit also has a button that allows you to switch over to the Sega CD, if you have one. Plus, the VJ is network compatible so you can “daisy chain" multiple VJ units together to handle more carts. The VJis handy for those of you who organize cartridges by launching them onto the floor. It would also probably be cool for a local video store to demo games. And hey, it looks cool. The Video Jukebox by ASG is available now for the SNES, Genesis and Jaguar with a MSRP of $49.99. ® n November 11th Sega will unleash their newest peripheral for the Sega Genesis, the ex. This is a 32-bit RISC-based unit that attaches directly to your Sega Genesis, Genesis or CDX via some handy plastic adapters. The 32X, priced at $159.95 (not the $149 that was originally quoted) will upgrade your Genesis with hard- ware scaling and rotation, texture mapping, 32,000 colors, and it even in- corporates a through-port to allow you to play you current library of Sega Genesis titles. Of course, if you've already invested in a Sega CD, that won't go to waste either. The 32X will upgrade the RAM available to the Sega CD, when playing 32X CD games, and will enable the Sega CD to use all the new features offered by the 32x. Unfortunately, the 32x will not come packed with a cart. Instead Sega has opted for the less exciting coupons on six upcoming releases. The coupons will be good for 10 bucks off Virtua Racing Deluxe, Stellar Assault, Metal Head, Star Wars Arcade, Doom, and 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples. While the coupon idea is kinda lame, the six games you get to choose from are pretty cool. Here is a glance at what's on the way, and look to the December issue of Gl to | get your first full reviews. We recently played all the upcoming titles, and they look hot. Most of them were incomplete, but it looks like they definitely are headed in the right direction. li A AMMO | HEALTH Game Informer | Win A Game Genie of Your Choice! ig deep into your Game Genie files and send us your coolest codes, because if we print your code Tetris 2 - NES AAUEUSSO Speed doesn't increase VNUEUSSO Speed increases much faster ZEKESSPPT Max speed is 2 John Fox Romolos, MI Strider - Genesis AK8T-AABR + AKVT-AA94 Infinite energy AJFA-EA26 Infinite lives Nathan Hahn Maplewood, MN Kid Chameleon - Genesis SD9A-BAX0 Every diamond picked up gives you a free life Kris Young Canton, MI Zombies Ate My Nei - SNES FB66-4DD4 Start with 15 lives 736C-4DD4 Start with no special items B66B-4704 Start with no weapons Teresa A. Largent Middletown, VA - SNES NULL. سه‎ a Game Genie will be on its way to you doorstep...well, mailbox. Original ۸۶ codes only. All pre-published codes will not be accepted. N Helpful Codes From Our Readers: EE22-040C Start on level 255 and walk slow Adam Grinte New Hartford, CT Super Mario Kart - NES دي CD6E-CD6F Enemies, weapons, and obstacles are invisible CD6A-CD6F No roads 6F D CD64-CD No map 0286-4F6 Slow opponents J.R. Lillard Lee’s Summit, MO Mega Man X - SNES 23BD-3F07 Start with all weapons and most enemy bosses Moses King Jr. East St. Louis, IL Cool Spot - Game Gear C00-15F-AEE defeated Makes some items includ- ing you invisible Matthew Gates Shreveport, LA Mortal Kombat - SNES 6DB8-3D67 Get two flawless and win the whole game Joseph Nigro 3945-D5BA Milldale, CT Always fight Goro Alexander Ferreira Spring Valley, NY Game Informer ù November ‘94 af, 9DCB-DDDD Psychedelic backgrounds El66-DDDD Eliminates all enemy ships except Darth Vader's in last level Shaun Knee Monroe, MI Alien vs. Predator - Game AED-AED-AED Jump through walls, locked doors, and bricks Steven Williams Reynolds, GA Richard Hanks 1 AWS3T-2A20 Don't lose energy when slimed RFVT-26ZN Infinite lives AL2T-2A6N 0 arches needed to complete a level ABNT-2A7E 0 arches needed to get to bonus round RG3T-2606 Infinite time Mortal Kombat II - SNES C2C4-47AA Infinite continues DF8C-CDDA Start with 0 continues D78C-CDDA Start with 2 continues D58C-CDDA Start with 6 continues DB8C-CDDA Start with 8 continues C2B1-14F7 Player 1 is invincible C2B5-14F7 Player 2 or computer is in- vincible DDB1-1FF7 Player 1 is killed by one hit DDB5-1FF7 Player 2 or computer is killed by one hit 622B-C7AC Disable throws (2-player only) 6DC7-1DAA Infinite time Ross Larson Brooklyn Park, MN 7E1F-1002 Infinite lives 7E1F-4528 Infinite Fuel Ogema, MN Titus The Fox - Game Boy 093-D5A-E66 Start with nine lives FA3-DCA-E6A Start with a 250 point bonus 003-BAF-5D4 Start on level 1, part 2 Chris Bradley Matawah, NJ y 009-4DF-3BE ې‎ 00C-34F- E6E Infinite lives Melvin Brown Somerset, NJ Your fellow gamers are looking for codes for the following games: SNES Actraiser Goof Troop WWF Royal Rumble Spiderman and X-Men Final Fantasy Mystic Ouest Saturday Night Slam Ma (len Griffey Jr. Baseb. Send your Game Genie codes and requests to: (Don't forget to list your Game Genie of choice) The Swap Shop Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Exclusive Codes from Galoob. ۰ reserve points — D9A2-0DFD In scenario 1, Rio de Janeiro starts with $7,193,600,000 09۸2-0۳60 ~ * In scenario 1, Buenos Aires | starts with $6,973,600,000 D9A2-04FD In scenario 2, Tokyo starts with $7,702,880,000 D9A2-07FD In scenario 2, Beijing starts with $7,553,600,000 D9A3-0DFD In scenario 2, Hong Kong starts with $7,853,600,000 D9A3-0FFD In scenario 2, Singapore starts with $7,653,600,000 D9A3-04FD In scenario 2, Sydney starts with $7,713,600,000 D9A3-07FD In scenario 2, Delhi starts with $7,593,600,000 D9AE-0DFD In scenario 2, Tehran starts with $7,153,600,000 D9AE-0FFD In scenario 2, Cairo starts with $7,333,600,000 D9AE-04FD In scenario 2, Nairobi starts with $7,053,600,000 D9AE-07FD In scenario 2, Lagos starts with 57, 149,600,000 D9AD-6DFD In scenario 2, Moscow starts with $7,242,880,000 D9AD-6FFD In scenario 2, London starts with $6,592,160,000 D9AD-64FD In scenario 2, Paris starts with $7,462,880,000 Da “The Egghead" | - Mortal Kombat Il ~ Genesis CVYA-BA7N Timer is 2x as fast LBYA-BA7N Timer is 2x as slow ABVT-BE64 Infinite time RETT-A6Y6 Activate testing mode in options screen | Grant Kausel Brooklyn Park, MN | Castlevania 4 - SNES E689-0FD7 Infinite shots for all weapons ‘The Egghead’ سا‎ D9A6-0DFD In scenario 1, Tokyo starts with $7,202,880,000 D9A6-0FFD In scenario 1, Beijing starts with $7,393,600,000 D9A6-04FD In scenario 1, Hong Kong starts with $7,453,600,000 D9A6-07FD In scenario 1, Singapore starts with $7,353,600,000 D9AB-0DFD In scenario 1, Sydney starts with $7,153,600,000 09۸8-00۴0 In scenario 1, Delhi starts with $7,193,600,000 D9AB-04FD In scenario 1, Tehran starts with $7,033,600,000 D9AB-07FD In scenario 1, Cairo starts with $7,053,600,000 D9AC-0DFD In scenario 1, Nairobi starts with $6,953,600,000 D9AC-0FFD In scenario 1, Lagos starts with $7,013,600,000 D9AC-04FD In scenario 1, Moscow starts with $6,842,880,000 D9AC-07FD In scenario 1, London starts with $7,502,880,000 D9A8-0DFD In scenario 1, Paris starts with $6,842,880,000 D9A8-0FFD In scenario 1, Rome starts with $7,293,600,000 D9A8-04FD In scenario 1, New York starts with $6,742 880,000 D9A8-07FD In scenario 1, Vancouver starts with $7,073,600,000 D9AA-0DFD In scenario 1, Los Angeles starts with $7,202,880,000 D9AA-0FFD In scenario 1, Honolulu starts with $7,093,600,000 D9AA-04FD In scenario 1, Mexico City starts with $7,073,600,000 D9AA-07FD In scenario 1, Lima starts with $6,913,600,000 Aerobiz - SNES Tiny Toon Adventures - NES SZNOUNVK Infinite lives SZ00SVVK Infinite energy after collect- ing one heart YYXIXXLU Slow down timer Foyht Fraise Fort Madison, IA NBA Showdown - SNES C23B-44A8 No personal fouls (both teams) DAE3-14AA + DAB7-37DA + DA3F-140F 12 sec. shot clock when ball is in bounded (1- Player) DAE3-14AA + DAGE-47D8 * DA84-CDDB 12 sec. shot clock when ball is in-bounded (com- puter) C220-4FDF Infinite shot clock (com- puter) C224-4DA4 Infinite time DFED-342C 1-min. quarters D7E1-1D6A 3 time-outs C239-1F6D Infinite time-outs The Vipeman Jericho, NY Sub-Terrania - Genesis AK3B-GAHY Start on level 2 AP3B-GAHY Start on level 3 AV3B-GAHY Start on level 4 AZ3B-GAHY Start on level 5 A33B-GAHY Start on level 6 A73B-GAHY Start on level 7 BB3B-GAHY Start on level 8 BF3B-GAHY Start on level 9 “The Vidman" Game Informer sx November ‘94 د روو دک ح c‏ سن همت co RE‏ تت A Boundless Love Story. An Epic Adventure. An Instant Classic. Only on SEGA-CD™ TM Rated by V.R.C. THIS OFFICIAL SEAL IS YOUR AS- SURANCE THAT THIS PRODUCT , MEETS THE HIGHEST QUALITY STANDARDS OF SEGA ". BUY GAMES AND ACCESSORIES WITH THIS SEALTO BESURE THAT THEY ARE COMPATIBLE WITH THE SEGA CD" SYSTEM. Sea SSS Parental Discretion ۸ Advised. 1 Mature Audiences SEGA AND SEGA CD ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. GAME © 1992 GAME ARTS/Studio Alex. “LUNAR” is a trademark of GAME ARTS/Studio Alex. Licensed from GAME ARTS by WORKING DESIGNS, 18135 Clear Creek Road, Redding, CA 96001. English version (O 1993/94 Working Designs. This game produced in 3B, eh? For a dealer near you, je call (916) 243-3417 ext. 190. THE VIDEOGAME RATING COUNCIL, ITS RATING SYSTEM, SYMBOLS AND INDICIA ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA OFAMERICA, INC. © 1993 SEGA. i THE WORLDS WITH NEWMAN HAAS : IN THE GROOVE ADJUST STAGGER, CAMBER, TWO-PLAYER TOUGHEST TRACKS! PIT CREW! AND STRAIGHTAWAY | WINGS AND MORE! 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