$3.95 Canada $4.95 UK £2.50 September/October 1994 09 | | 82824 2 o 74470 September/October 1994 Vol. Ill Issue 5 ТТПЕ ЕЕЕ 1 TO BUST ЕМ AND M nr | : TALK ABOUT MAKING A POINT: SPIN INTO 3-0 ACTION! ATTACK FROM - i s ALL SIDES WITH FULL 360° ROTATION! - NOW THAT'S A WELL-ROUNDED HEADDYI — 12 Fighter’s Frenzy! Mortal Kombat Il, Fatal Fury 2, Fighter's History, Double Dragon V, Ballz, Brutal, Super Street Fighter ll O Fighter Preview Samurai Shodown, C2: Judgement Clay, Justice League, Power Instinct, Shagq-Fu, Rise of the Robots, Way of the Warrior Reviews * 6 Genesis Shining Force ІІ, Sonic & Knuckles Preview 44 SNES Donkey Kong Country Preview, Blackthorne, Superman, Maximum Carnage 52 Game Boy Donkey Kong, Tazmania NBA Action ‘94, AN Mortal Kombat II | ( Departments / NS | 4 Dear Game Informer 55 Secret Access 27 Tips From Our Readers 9 60 Tech Talk 39 Arcade Brigade LSI creates CPU for Sony Bloodstorm Playstation 42 What's Hot! 62 Game Genie/Swap Shop Ninetendo's Ultra 64 Includes Exclusive Codes From Galoob Game Informer = September/October ‘94 Great for team sports games like NBA JAM ! et ready for the hottest games ever. Get the Super Link. The court's ready. The house is thumping. The crowd is wild. The TV cameras are on. | You're in the locker room. And you better not be alone. Because the hottest new ce d Super NES" games explode with the power of multi-player action. And with the ovd e new Super Link", you can put up to five of your best players on the court for the ( P | biggest games, the best shots and most amazing tomahawk turbo jams of your life. —— C The Super Link features an advanced compact design. It's easy to hook up and easy to use. The hottest games are here. Are you ready? Use Super Link with great games Connect up to @/ like these: : 9 Players NBA? JAM" by Acclaim Barkley: Shut Up and Јат!" dy Accolade Slam Masters" by Capcom Firestriker™ by DIMC Bill Walsh College Football", FIFA® International Soccer, NHL® ‘94, Madden NFL® ‘94 by Electronic Arts Lord of the Rings" by Interplay The PeaceKeepers™ by Jaleco Secret of Mana™ 1T ( by Square Soft | Start Jammin' for Only $29.99*. Why pay more for other adapters when Super Link offers the full power of multi-player action for only $29.99*? Pocket the savings and head to : the store for your next game! vat for team А s Like SUPER NINTENDO *Retail prices may vary. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Super NES and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ХВА JAM". The ХВА and NBA team trademarks used herein are used under license from NBA Properties, Inc.to Midway Manufacturing Company. Coin-operated video game software ©1993. Sub-licensed from Midway" Manufacturing Company. All rights reserved. The NBA and NBA team trademarks used herein are the exclusive property of the NBA Properties, Inc. and the respective member teams and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of NBA Properties, Inc. NBA JAM Session is trademarked and owned by NBA Properties, Inc. АШ rights reserved. aaa: Bullet-Proof Software, Inc., 8337 154th Ave. N.E. Redmond, Washington 98052 (206)861-9200 Super Link is a trademark of Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. Original manufacturer Hori Electric Co., LTD. Bullet-Proof Software and BPS are registered trademarks of Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. September/October Issue 1994 Volume Ill, Number 5 Richard A. Cihak Publisher Andrew McNamara Editor Kimberley Thompson-Benike Consultant Ross VanDerSchaegen Editorial Coordinator Paul Anderson Publishing Coordinator Paul Anderson Rick Petzoldt Andy McNamara Ross VanDerSchaegen Video Game Consultants Thomas Blustin Timothy J. Laurie Art Direction Graphic Design Ryan MacDonald West Coast Correspondent Craig Larson Jeremy Halls. Copy Editors Advertising Sales Walter Baumgartner Richard S. Cegielski National Advertising Sales Directors 144 Oak Court Barrington, IL 60010 (708) 381-8770 Bob Rosen Janet Kleinman East Coast Sales Representatives Kalish, Quigley & Rosen, Inc. 850 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10019 (212) 399-9500 Tony Sureau & Associates Northwest Coast Sales Representatives 11531 197th Southeast Snohomish, WA 98290 (206) 668-7978 R.C. Bublitz & Associates Southwest Coast Sales Representatives 22247 Burbank Boulevard Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (818) 992-0366 Manufactured and printed in the United States of America Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is published bi-monthly at a subscription price of $9.88 per year, by Sunrise Publications, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-7250. Second-class postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Game Informer Magazine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728 The Editor welcomes company product information for all video games. Such materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Informer Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Editorial phone and FAX numbers are noted above. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned or acknowledged. Entire contents copyright 1994. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies. For a subscription to Game Informer Magazine, please call our Circulation Department at (612) 946-8883 For subscription inquirires please write to our Customer Service Department: 10120 W. 76th St. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 attn: CUTOMER SERVICE . good work! Confused? 1 just got my new May/June issue and | noticed what Thomas C. Bitsky sald about the Sega CD and І com- ` pletely agree. If Sega won't support Н Sega CD they сап just kiss my I*[dollars] aye because I'll trade it in and wait until 1995 when | can buy Nintendo's Project Reality. . First of all, SNES kicks Genesis’ butt by far. So forget Sega, I’m stickin’ with ` Nintendo ence the little Saturn comes out. P.S. Hey Thomas, thanks for Sega'saddress. I'm writing thema let- ter as well. | | о Веп Вупит Stony Brook, NY Yeah, but now there's 32X! It's awfully cheap, improves your Sega CD, and it's just over the horizon. We know it's confusing, but | guess the best way to look at what's going onis to think about what kind of games you wantto play over the next couple of years. If you look at what Sega's doing with 32X and Saturn, and you think that's what you want to play, then that may be what's for you. If Nintendo’s got what you're looking for, then maybe waiting to see what their system does is the thing for you! But the way it sounds to us is that you are a cutting edge gamer who likes playing the best games right now. If that's true, then 32x's three-year life span may just be right up your alley, be- „cause PS-X, Saturn (if it comes), and Ultra 64 are at least a year off. Tough choices! Good luck, cause we'll get to play both. omues. Dd осол аме ments that һауе been on my mind lately concerning the Sega Super 32x and the Saturn. I saw your fabulous May-June Issue and | read the "What's Hot!” section. | found out that Sega is making a hook-up to the Genesis that offers 32-bit entertain- ment. This, the 32X, has the same kind of chips found in the Saturn. Now here are my questions: Why the heck Is Sega making this hook that costs $150 and doesn’t even enhance any existing software?! It probably has the same kind of entertainment as the Saturn, which costs who knows what. You'll have to buy special games for It which p. costs more than regular carts, Here's what! say: Ithink Sega should have made one or the other, not both. But ат an avid Sega fan and own a Genesis. | am not putting Sega down, though І think they a made а mistake. | have to agree with some of what Thomas C. Bitsky Jr. sald about the Saturn, and 1 am concerned as well. | also want to highly commend Debbie Coates on her letter. You are the best video game magazine | have read, but I you become monthly Instead of bi-monthly. Keep up the _ Steve Eagle Manchester, CT Whoa! Hold on. | think everybody is thinking about the 32X all wrong. Now, we've seen it, and it looks pretty cool, or at least Sega is presenting it to us that way. Now think about this, at the end of last year, when rumor had it Sega was going to make an SVP (Sega Virtual Processor.. you know, the one found in Virtua Racing) peripheral to make purchasing SVP games cheaper... everybody was ecstatic. Now all they've done is up the cost by about 50 bucks and given it a 32-bit RISC CPU's and everybody is in an uproar. | don’t think that's what they had in mind. Yes, it won't improve older software, but it will give you the chance to buy some cutting edge software forthe same price as any other new game. Whether or not these games are cool is undeter- mined. In the upcoming issues we should get a chance to look at it, and we'll give you the low-down. Until then start saving your pennies, because there's a lot going on. Word has it that the Saturn could even be out as soon as next summer, but who knows, it's just a rumor. However, keep in mind that the 32X is not the same software as the Saturn’s CD-ROM, but they could very possibly work on the Saturn's cartridge port Where are the Game Gear Codes? І have two suggestions for Game Informer. First, the Secret Access section. | was trying to find codes for a Game Gear game. І found that you don't have many codes for Game Gear. | think that you should have more Game Gear codes. Second, while I was looking for my Game Gear game | noticed that all of the different systems were mixed to- іп the Secret Access section. | think that you should separate the different systems so anybody look- Ing for a game can find their game easier. Dan Schweihs Northbrook, IL You know, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this one. | would like to clean up Secret Access, like you say, but then one thing comes to mind. We push Secret Access right to the end of each deadline, to make sure you get the best tips available. If we spent more time sorting the codes, or more time thinking about which ones to use, it would make it more difficult to get the hot codes in at the last second. As far as more Game Gear codes are concerned, we don't decide that, you do. If people send us more Game Gear codes, we'll print'em. We want more, but we just need you, the reader, to take your power a little more seriously. Write to Gl, and we'll listen. Send us a good . .) tip and we'll print it. Easy enough. Don’t... Don't Believe the Нуре! | began buying your magazine | 3 issues ago, and | was doubtful at ТИ the outset. But your last Issue | (March/April) really showed me that you guys are legit. Your review of Cybermorph illustrated to me that you rate It... unlike some other mags Iknow of. The game is truly great, and as far as I'm concerned, апу mag that trashed it has absolutely no credibil- Ку. In one review І read the reviewer wasn’t even familiar with the controls of the game. Now unless | find out that you guys dissed Ranger-X In a past Issue, | will definitely continue to buy your magazine. Good Job! Patrick Ketaner Egg Harbor, NJ Thanks Patrick, we're extremely happy with the work ме уе done over the last couple years, as well. Game Informer has gone from a tiny publica- tion to a magazine boasting over. 130,000 subscribers. Considering the small amount of time that we have been around, we feel that we will continue to grow and deliver a first-rate magazine for many years to come. As far as re- views are concerned, everybody here at Game Informer was once an avid con- sumer, just like yourself. We remember reading other game magazines and finding it very hard to swallow that those guys actually played the games they re- viewed. When we write Game Informer, we know what it's like to buy a lame cart that was hyped up to be the next big thing. Nothing could be worse, so we try to give you our honest opinions, but re- member they're our opinions. If you see a game in our pages that looks inter- esting to you, but we dissed it, go rent it. GI, or any other magazine, can't de- cide what you like, but we can give you an educated point of view. The Soap Box І would like to deliver a message to all the cry babies that are yelling about wanting more NES coverage. WAKE UP! it's 1994, get out from un- der your rock and toss your NES out the window. We have 16, 32, and 64 bit systems, CD ROM's and soon Virtual Reality. The future is now and you 8-bit bums are about to become extinct. Ron (K.J.) McRae Keansburg, NJ Harsh words, but I'm afraid it may be true. The end of the 16-bit era is at hand, but | don’t think playing NES or SNES or Genesis or any these really matter as long as you're playing and having fun. The Stinkin’ Codes Don't Work!!! In your July/August "94 Issue, | re- ceived a code for Secret of Mana - SNES (pg. 62), which said "Items are Informer ù September/October '94 free e re”. To my surprise it didn’t work. | did some research on the code, and І found out that the code instead ої СЕБЕ — 5657 it was СЕБЕ - 5767! Also, the code 16DE - A91B (Level up/per enemy) for Secret of Mana didn’t work. My other magazine (to be nameless) had the same code. Neither worked. It might be just my Game Genie, but it does- n't work. Like Nathan McGraw of MN sald, "Check the codes before you write them down." Chris “Тһе RPG wanna-be" Reyes Alhambra, CA Thanks for the Mana code. We couldn't find the original, but we know these codes worked, so whoever sent them in please send us another copy. Sorry it didn't work! Commentary on the Upcoming Rating System You asked for opinions on a stan- dard rating system and I’ve got a few. Frankly, | don’t think a rating system will keep under-aged kids from buying games. | rent movies all the time, mostly “R” rated ones. The movie places aren’t supposed to be renting them to me at only 15, but they do. So, I figure vendors will still sell them regardless of ratings. If they do work, though, it's a great Idea. That way parents can base their decisions on their kid's per- sonality. My mom would buy me MKII with blood, 'cause she knows I'm not gonna think I’m Sub-Zero and go pull someone's spine out. That way the kids who get bad things and ideas from games won't play them and the ones who realize It’s Just a game can. Lastly, Give it Up! Nintendo made a decision about Mortal Kombat and seems to be proud of it, so leave them alone. The game came out a year ago! | like the blood, though and If a rating system Is what It takes to get It, then so be it. Josh Barnett Glen Rose, TX It sounds like you got a good grip on what's going on out there. We tend to agree that a lot of retailers and renters won't care what the rating on the pack- age is, but with time I’m sure the rules will become more stringent. As far as the Nintendo MK thing, | agree Gl and every other magazine whined about the MK thing for too long. But look...it changed didn't it!? ш Concept a Playability ш Graphics m Entertainment m Sound ш Overall Rating Мә use a scale from 1 to 10. 10 = A Classic! 5 = Average 9 = Excellent 4 = Weak 8 = Very Good 3 = Yawner 7 = Good 2 = Avoid 6 = Fair 1 = Terminal Letter From the By ANDREW Attention! The release dates listed in these pages are those currently available at the time the Game Informer goes into production and are subject to change. Game Informer > September/October ‘94 Editor McNAMARA Subscription Notice Want to stay on top on what's new in the video game world? Keep the Game Informer coming to your home. Subscribe now for only $9.88 and receive six action- packed issues; one every other month. Save $13.80 off the cover price. Look for the subscription card in the | issue and sign up today! On-Line Mailbox: Game Informer is now on-line! If you want to drop us a line please E-Mail us at the following address for each service: American On-Line: Gmelnfrmer CompuServe: 74431,1611 "Summer's over and it's time once again in video gamedom for all the hits to capture your Holiday dollars. All the new titles keep me way too busy, but | also get to play a lot of awe- some vids. MKII, Blackthorne, and SSFII are some of the best this issue has to offer, but don’t worry there are still some killer titles coming this fall. Other than vids, I’ve hit a lot of good shows this summer, including Tool, Infectous Grooves, Soundgarden, Beastie Boys (at Lala), and Plummerscrack.” “Well summer comes to an end and | definitely didn’t get to see as much sun as | wanted to. But seriously folks, the CES came and went without me. | don’t know if | missed the hustle and bustle of the actual show, but | do know that it wasn’t what it used to be. The best games this issue are Maximum Carnage, Superman (Nice job Reiner), МКІІ, Donkey Kong Country, and Blackthorne.” “The Summer CES was fun, but | sure missed Sega not being there. Donkey Kong Country was simply unbelievable! The next best game was Mortal 2 for both SNES and Genesis. 3DO has some great new games. Road Rash, Samurai Shodown and FIFA Soccer are all killer!" "Time flies when you're playin' vids. | know SCES was a long time ago, but there were some great games and a few new companies that are promising good things for us players. Wait ‘til you SNES owners see Donkey Kong Country! Best at the show, by far. Check my scores to find my favs in this issue. I'm off to relish the last few warm days left. Catch ya’ in November!” — Anor, Tut Game Homené m Cart Size: 16 Meg With Battery Back-Up m Style: 1-Player, RPG/Strategy ш Special Features: Strategy-Style Battles and Unique Animated Battle Scenes m Created by: Sega m Available: Now Sega's second installment of their highly- acclaimed Shining Force series puts you into a world of mystery and adventure as you search for the stolen jewels of both Light and Dark. When the jewels were taken, the evil demon Zeon was released апд total darkness now threatens your entire world. Like the first adventure of the Shining Force, this game allows you to адд many characters to your party апд offers a choice of which: characters you wish to have with you on your. * adventures. Also, like the first Shining Force, you will be able to change (Promote) the characters in the party when they reach certain levels ор experience in order to give them more strength. . Your adventures throughout the world ‘will lead you into many battles and put your: group on some dangerous missions. The battlés¢ are, for the most part, strategic maneuvers; and placements of your characters. As you move! and place them, you will be required to battle your [oes in а dramatically-animated sequence” using your character’s weapons on magic %; JOE DER the enemy. Game Informer a September/October “94 4 9pike McFang is the man! T nnl Players Magazine, June 1994 ы Editor's Choice Md Gold!” Electronic Gaming Monthly, Wer qne game 5 а" А S sing Ca ame Pro Maga- ant a cellular vane b. | | м ж a ) ШІ . t hi zine, April 16 | | KW o this "his t5 моей video 8 е апу һего уо пао Ромег, June 1994 “uu | >xcel- lent зо mû awesome graphics!” Electronic Gaming Monthly, June 1994 a „Spike McFang ДЕ Іле Бате you want to play. z Video Games Magazine, March 1994 EPI ^ Use Spike's lightning hat and spinning cape Protect your friends along the way Snapping Piranhas have razor- sharp teeth and to destroy his enemies. —you'll need them later! their lunch menu says "vampire sandwich". We couldn't have said it better ourselves! Searching for a new action adventure game? Well, look no further. Introducing The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang, the game the critics fell for head-over-cape. Talking rocks, fire-breathing zombies, killer garlic and a hip vampire with a deadly hat and cape. Don't miss this classic battery-backed adventure in the tradition of Zelda®. Visit your local retailer, or call 24 bours:1-800-695-GAME (USA and Canada). DOs Bullet-Proof Software 8337 154th Ave. N.E., Redmond, Washington 98052 (206)861-9200 The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang is a trademark of Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. ©1994 Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. Original game ©1993 Маха! Co., Ltd. ©1990, 1993 RED. All rights reserved. Bullet-Proof Software and BPS are registered trademarks of Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1991 Nintendo of America Inc. TTA 22 > ony Sonic can use the powers that you receive from the bubbles Attack of the Hedgehog and the Echidna! ? M reve Besides all the сейіс Wa Sonic/Knuckles has traps hidden on the levels. SCORE 120200 | ТІМЕ % RINGS Look out below! Eek! a Ghost! The Death Egg. Hunt for the Chaos Emerald on all new Chaos Bonus levels. Dow special мас сап опіу Cool 3-D ettdets are scattered ^ be broken by Knuckles. throughout the entire cart. m Cart Size: 16-Meg ш Style: 1-Player Action/Platform m Special Features: Backwards Compatible with у. + 83, New Playable Character Knuckles, and Fastest Sonic Yet m Levels: Nine 2-Act Levels, 7 for Sonic and 2 Mysterious Levels Available Only When Playing as Knuckles А m Created by: Sega of America бөліскен features 3 new onus Stages ш Available: October 18th, 1994 and the Gumball machine from Sonic 3. 8 Game Informer и Septembeér/October ‘94. SCORE SW TIME 1:38 RINGS 2 There are transporters to move travels through the acts. Pubs 24 | SCORE 358800 1 5 TIME 1:36 RINGS men you meet Knuckles he's still under the берсе of Dr. Robotnic, until Dr. Robotnic tries to steal the Chaos emerald from Knuckles homeland. can play as his new friend Knuckles the Echidna. What's an enchidna? Well, it's an Australian nocturnal anteater. While the real echidna may not be able to fly, our Sonic from level to level as he Qu Nw o m ~ чана x i ud Te as sonic, and you'll - encounter Knuckles halfway through the adventure. 2 әлді siIsouey Using Knuckles makes things a lot easier, especially in those tricky spots. . hat's right, Sonic’s back, and this time you burrower with heavy claws that is commonly known as an new friend Knuckles can, and he can also attack while flying, which almost puts him one up on the big hedgehog himself. Knuckles isn't the only big news though. Sega took out all the stops on this one and got really tricky. Sonic Knuckles is not only a stand alone game, it is also backwards compatible with Sonic 2 and Sonic 3. This means that when you bought your Sonic 9 and 3, there were already parts build into the game that only Knuckles could get to. So now you can replay those games, as Knuckles, and discover new and undiscovered territory. There's more info on this top secret cart, but Sega's still got the cap on it and according to an inside source at Sega, it's one of the best things to come to video games in quite a while. For now, feast your eyes on these pics and drool, because Sonic’s back with classic Sonic style with faster speeds, meaner enemies, and, of course, the echidna! Check the next issue of GI for the missing pieces to the puzzle and full review of this hot new Sonic cart. ё n Rappelling - . Mushroom Rubber Roller ~ Lever Band Elevator LA ТЕР d | jim i s | | 6; » M M | mu | “Conveyor | 180 Swining Turnpike SEN, one e zm i Кы - T ТЕЗКЗЕЗ ТВ 925443) Tank y 24 things to do with your | quarters after you've Jr. got our games: Hidden Bosses 1n Fighter’s History! : To find them, call the Data Hast Tipline! 1-900-45 | For hints &e tips on all Data East games: : 95 first minute/.75 each additional minute. DATA EAST USA, INC. 1850 LITTLE ORCHARD ST., SAN JOSE : FIGHTER'S HISTORY TM & © 1994 DATA EAST USA, INC. OUTRUNNER: 1994 SEGA ENTERPRISES LTD. SEGA AND GENESIS ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES LTD. NINTENDO, SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. KONPARE THE KOWBATANTS: A SUPER WES AND GENESIS REVIEW 500 Years ago, Shang Tsung was banished to the earth realm. With the aid of Goro he was «ent to unbalance the furies | and doom the planet to a chaotic existe By seizing control of the Shaolin tournament he tried to tip the scales of order towards chaos. Only seven warriora survived the battles and Shang Tsung scheme would come to a violent end at t hands of Lui Kang. Facing execution for his failure and the д apparent death of Goro, Tsung convinces Shao Kahn to grant him a second chan Shang Tsung's new plan ts to lure bi. enemies to complete in the outworld where they will meet certain death by Shao Kahn himself. ~~ SNES ш Cart Size: 24 Meg ш Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Fighting / m Special Features: All the Secret Kharacters, Friendships, Babalities, and Fatalities From the Arcade; 5 Kredits ш Created by: Sculptured Software for Acclaim m Available: September 9th, 1994 03 WINS GENESIS m Cart Size: 24 Meg m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Fighting ш Special Features: All the Secret Kharacters, Friendships, Babalities, and Fatalities From the Arcade; Activator and Six-Button Compatible; 15-30 Kredits ш Created by: Probe Limited for Acclaim m Available: September 9th, 1994 MORTAL КОМВАТ 2119 1994 licensed from Midway? Manufacturing Company. All rights reserved. Ав you ean see the SNES version has superior colors and artwork. PRESS START RINTARO f з 00 WINS RITANA GAME INFORMER ‘ON *SUSTEIR MATCHUP- *dü-H3J18U -3156s- чэшнчозиг эне s the hidden Fatality on the id Pool, press and hold down. ІР and LK, then move close to your onent and press Down and then HP. ame for every character. For some own on the control pad right as the г, and he'll give а gurgling “ohhhh”. C)... ago the video game world went into an uproar at the release of Mortal Kombat. Іс caused the undeniable coming of a rating system, and set unprecedented «sales records for a multi-platform game. ow we enter the realm of Mortal Kombat js quite possibly the best arcade game of 1994. However this time, both versions feature all the violence, all the time. No codes, no sweat - just Mortal Kombat II. Luckily, both versions are almost perfect translations. All the Fatalities, Friendships, and Babalities are identical to its arcade counterpart, so there's no confusion between the moves. The only differences found were in the Genesis version. The Sega missed most of the sounds and had slight variations on how to get to the secret characters. Overall, Mortal Kombat II for Super NES and Genesis is the closest any 16-bit game has come to its arcade counterpart. So if your looking for Kombat, Acclaim has got your game. Game Informer и September/October ‘94 Anny, THe Game HOMBRE ` At the pet pe fare the SG SNES i g 1 To hehe Smoke press Down and Start at the Portal Level when Dan Forden о. you must win 50 latches (25 Genesis). 8 7 5 8 7 7 3? WINS сатра 8 8.25 didn't | Jally "ine ed 1 e. The SN y be Shang Tsung, { match fatali ub-Zero's Fre » YOU сап ties using ехе. 'ersion has effects from The Super NES ost all the sound alm the arcade version. The Mortal Tomb: Here's an interesting trick, right after you do your pit move and send you opponent upward, press Down on both controllers to have your opponent slide off the spikes after he gets impaled. Gnarly! *“Incinerate U, U, HP |, BD, U, U, HP (Half- "nili (Anywhere) Game Informer a September/October ‘94 13 Hold LP--(B, then release B+BL+LP+LK Genesis: B + LK + HK U, U, HP *Bahality - | D, D, U, HK Venom Spit Force Ball FF, HP, B, B, HP+LP i Friendship B, B, D, HK Game Informer а September/October ‘94 14 MORTAL КОМВАТ21/9 1994 licensed from Midway? Manufacturing Company. All rights reserved. АС povera ТТ Teleport Kick ЕР LK 211 High Dragon Fire DUDULK ру U, LK Game Informer в September/sOctober “94 1 5 Pit: D, D, D, HK БаһаШу і i Decay Triple Decapitate B; B, B, HK i F F, LP D+LK+BL+LP (Close) | | (Must Do Decap First) X .Back Е .......Forward УЭ eho. DOWN P borea HP :.....High Punch LP. ss ss Law Punch HB......High Kick LK ...5..Low.Kick BL. os « ass Block P cae d T Yu | Babalities and Friendships сап Three Flaming uli Fa КА? y 2 only be done if you win the : ; y^ | match without using the Punch buttons. Moves marked with an "*" are easier to do if you hold Block, but it is optional. Moves in parenthesis are done while ger | | the previous button is being held. Moves without a distance I | іп parenthesis сап be done | anywhere. > THE BOTTOM LINE SG SNES MORTAL KOMBAT®@II© 1994 licensed from Midway? ў с Game Informer a September/October “94 Manufacturing Company. All rights reserved. Solmdtracifvvallable % 3 on Uno Mundo Record, | “seal to bé sure that "s afe compatible ne. M GENESIS™ SEGA CD™ SYSTE “Aventura Horida-39180. SEGA Me el БАЙТАЕВ OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. ALL I ШЕЮ TRE Дум COUNCIL, ITS RATING SYSTEM, ‘SYMBOLS AND INDIC 1 OF SEGA OF AMERICA, INC. ©1999 SEGA'RINTENDOFSUPER NUfTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM ND THE OF SARE REGISTERED ) ЕМО QF ДИЕНІСА INC. ШЕШЕ Ji | Concept: 9 4 can't blame Fighter's History for | - being an SF II rip-off. Every fighting | Graphics: 8 game does it. However, Ї can say 3 that FH is fairly one-dimensional EE | Sound: 7 and lacks flair. | like the Achilles | | w. Heel thing, but come on... it gets old. Playability: 65 This is à good fighting game, but Entertainment: 6.5 ats it, good. Nothing more. If you | want another fighting game to work on your technique, then go for it. There are, of course, better fighters to practice with." к fighting and character асв еасі charac Pp Y has his or her own marquee moves, strengths | and weaknesses. They also have at least | one piece of equipment that can be knocked loose exposing an "Achilles | Heel" for one hard blow to end the match. ‘Fighting games have been hitting | You can choose one of three different Graphics: Ue ШЙ battles, including a computer battle (Hey that rhymes). For instance, | Их a а ш ) | Sound: aang comedies, where you battle all nine characters atotalrip off of SFIl. Infact, the moves Playability: 5 are simple because of the time spent whi le шо сотриїег controls you 4 аиса enemy, а Versus. mode where Entertainment: 4 /can'tsee myself drooling over them. | | ; ^c | also think that the game is not much | two playe rs | can d M ke it out for ТЫНАН bragging rights, and a Survival mode should just rent this one." where you choose five characters and the computer chooses five characters. Then, you battle it out until one player loses all of his or her characters. = 9 4 don't know what CAPCOM was Great wealth | апа | : worried about. Sure Fighter's History EBENEN шш : Graphics: ШРИ ЕЕЕ ШО) fame await the victor А SF Il, but the play and control : - Sound: 6 come nowhere close. Granted the | of one of the great- | Playability: g Characters and backgrounds look ВС t tournament | great, but the fighting technique is battles оп earth. | Entertainment: 6 70f up fo par. It's not too difficult one a player, and versus it isn't very Can you capture competitive. Fighter's History just the title? Or will follows in footsteps and sinks into the | : | you fall to an huge abyss of fighter titles." ' 5 = i 0: untimely demise UU p oe | JEAN and walk NI Gymnast Е M France 2 | PLAYER Sliding Kick Throw у + AK э (іп close) MK or BK a Avallable: No Bad Rose Мое Shower = (charge) P or BP continously then ә + АР » THE Bottom LINE Game Informer и September/October ‘94 Private Eye EX USA Big Tornado Dynamite Tackle Wheel Kick Throw 4 ا‎ + +АР э э +АР Je +АК ¬+ (in close) * MP or BP lj All Moves With ler Facing Right Punk Rock Hoodlum Spinning Wave Lord Hurricane Overhead Kick Throw unch = BP = (charge) then + (charge) then € (charge) then = (in close) ichs э +АР T - AK ¬+ + AK + MP or BP MIZOGUCHI Back Street Brawler Japan _ Continous Aerial Kick Tiger Bazooka Koryusai Throw 4 ıı + +АК + мә +AP 4 ıı + +AP э (in close) * MP or BP ў 1 ) _ Kung Fu Master aie Throw э (in close) [ RYOKO а + MP or BP RE ; қ ; Judo Wrestler Forward Pneumonic One-Arm Back Throw Throw б Бе Defensive Fall 3 wi v є (in + «v c (ata ~ (in close) = (charge) then + +A P close) + BP distance) + BP * MP or BP Т j^ teme a Zessboho Senkyudtai + зэ +АР + ıı + +АК ` FEI-LIN Chinese Opera Star | = China Aerial Toro-Zdn Hakkoku-Seh Ken + v € (while + (charge) then э (in close) jumping) + AP 1 +АР + MP or BP Touchou-Zan 4 мә +АР > SAMCHAY Pro Kick Boxer Вар Sew Cau Throw MP + MK or - (іп close)+ BP + BK MP or BP or MK or BK MARSTORIOUS s Pro Wrestler Ti Kau Koon Matron Dusalop p eae. hea V wo +AK + мә +АР Kneel Kick Dash Lariat Tiger Flip Double German Throw Pan + (charge) then = (charge) then + (charge) then эз v € «BP ¬+ (in close) ¬+ + AK э + AP T «AP * MP or BP Game Informer и September/October '94 m Cart Size: 24 Meg т Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-to-Head Fighting ша Special Features: 3 Play Modes including ж Created by: Leland Interactive Media for Tradewest, Inc. m Available: Now for SNES & Genesis Tournament, Vs. Battle, and Quest; 12 Battlegrounds; and 10 Useable Warriors and 2 Bosses. and This Fall on Jaguar > THE Bottom LINE 5.7 0 The Dragon Master will advise about each Бан! An unusual feature of this game is the ability to give your character different strengths and weaknesses. Тн: DRAGON CLAN TAKES to tue STREETS! he roots of the Dragon brothers go way back in Nintendo history, with a series of hit games that are based on side-scrolling, street-fighting action. Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls breaks away from the standard, taking the Dragon brothers, Jimmy том In the Quest Mode you must stop the Shadow Plague from destroying the world. and Billy Lee, to the crowded grounds of Head- to-Head Tournament Fighting. The Shadow Falls features Tournament, Quest, and Battle Modes that will let you test your fighting skills against 12 different opponents. Tournament and Battle Mode are fairly standard issue, but the Quest mode lets you fight the characters in a specific order until you get to the final showdown with the Shadow Master. Play as Billy or Jimmy Lee and your job is to stop the diabolical Shadow Master and his henchmen from releasing the dangerous Shadow Plague on the city. Choose a Shadow Warrior and fight your fellow members for the right to be the Shadow Master’s right-hand man. From video game to cartoon, then back to video game, the Double Dragons have kept their cool. Although this game is definitely skewed towards fans of the cartoon, if you just can’t get enough of fighting games, Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls is right up your alley. т JAWBREAKER TRIGGER Happy Each character has at least four special Double Dragon V has 12 different backgrounds. Jimmy-Lee-Ken! Ross, Tur REBEL Gamer Anoy, Tur Game HOMBRE Rick, THe VIDEO RANGER : "It's nice to see that Tradewest chose ; "Double Dragon is as good a title as : “Oh, yea! Another Double Dragon Concent to take the Dragons in a new direc- oa f any to make a SF 2 style game. How Concent: б game emerges. | think that the whole Graphics: 7 tion. However, this a fairly un-ad- Graphics: 7 well did they do with this one? The Graphics: 4.5 Billy and Jimmy Lee thing is getting vanced fighting game that leads you characters and stages all look prett y out of hand. This game is nothing | Sound: 6 fo believe they never should have Sound: 6.5 good. They are similar to the TMN Sound: 5 like the Double Dragons that we all à | changed the golden scenario. Nice Tournament Fighters but not quite as know and love. The side-scrolling Playability: 6 backgrounds and a mediocre sound- Playability: 6.5 good. | found the voices to sound a Playability: 6 action game is far better. The graphic track don't help things much, but then little bit muffled. Also, the control and content here consists of two 2-D Entertainment: 3 /hrowinlame moves, control, and an- Entertainment: 7 special moves are less responsive Entertainment: 9 characters with minimal frames- imations and there's just not much to get excited about. If you love the car- OVERALL: toon and just have to have it, go for 67! 78 it. But if you can avoid it, do!" than the competition. If you're a Double Dragon fan I'm sure you will enjoy part five, but there are better choices already available." per-second animation. To sumthings =“ up, old Double Dragon good, new Double Dragon bad." 5.25 Game Informer п September/October ‘94 i d OVERALL: 9.9 ШІ popular d trash talk Where you ананы t. The only thing = tal mockery Ballz mixes the ever of bathroom humor an fighting action. unimportan ourse, making a fo world h classic street mixed wit are and what you're doing are that is important is winning. Of c of your opponent isn't bad either. The Arena is controlled by the Sultan of Insultin’... The Jester. Your quest is to defeat the seven other regular characters, four bosses, your mirror match, and then the head honcho himself, The Jester. Along the way, you'll be awarded with belts of honor that will give you 9 uick color change and a cool animation " ETT 4 9 Watch that Ostrich. If he sticks sequence. But the real roots of the game are based in its use of the 3-D environment E т nne ground he and the out-of-the-ordinary characters. "RON MEA АГ Each of the crazy characters has quite an arsenal of moves. There are 15 different з еу special moves and throws, morphs fo turn any character into another character, taunts to increase attack power, begging for mercy (which allows you to regain energy), ап finishing moves O humiliate your opponent when he’s fatigued. Maneuvering your character in this 3-D arena is also quite a n fighting fans. Since you can walk in any direction, п order to block you must push the opposite direction from where your opponent is facing. Аза result | Boomer taunts the kangaroo, but you will have 19 gradually change your defensive position as YOU walk ground your opponent. The special moves work on this same premise. | don’t think it will do any good Away, away, really means just that. It gets tricky. So do you have the...(uh-hum) what it takes...to destroy the Jester? Or are you just some sap who'd rather sit on the couch playing 2-D fighting games. Hey, get some Ballz! eoo o pa гі ew experience for A | s you advance, you change д. Op aa) ors to coincide with your level Anoy, TH , THE Game HoMBRÉ RÉ Ы RICK, THE VIDEO RANGER PAUL, TH , THE PRO PLAYER ‘Ballz is pretty bizarr е. All the char- ; piel slapped together, do the ae x is very cool. hemusicand 122 | аге filled with crazy sam- ре of some strange soundin e gs. The array of moves dnd rohs make it a fun game to play Concept: “Thi : в Is gam tuna mations Gt dapes bik ete : 5 tends А еге 85 / enjoy B | O аит 8 ing unique to ofer The 360° отеп 8 game. Tham е Sa m the 8.5 baled! he and rotation is ы сме. forming ; » DUI per- са! Ore ahh rounds are insulting ә BACK: insulting and hilari The actual fighting chines ae Playability: | 7.75 : ‚76 get a little tedious s Pla | | 2 ometimes. This bility: | efinitely cracks me up, апа it's e t ot up to the standards set i set in other : 7 larious s coreboard messa 2 е ое bs is Cla je hee ighters, and it's worth either. This is one of the better ing ga | | Pp ganes ale and es eme тта Wega ferent" . Something dif- v hy d ax Than s | rude and crude and doi teenage males. Ballz ed E 22 Choose from Eight characters with Ballz. . 9 Tsunami Kronk Yoko Turbo Boomer Kronk Profile After Shatter Stomp 24... A, A, A, А (when opponent is shattered) . Grovel.......... mo 2.2... 2... Dn, Dn, Dn, Dn (when fatigued) 2... enD + A + В Club Uppercut Ор, Up Duck, Dive, & Roll . ..Twd, Twd, Twd Fencing Lunge Twd, Twd, A Finishing Move (The Primal Stake) Up, Up (when opponent is fatigued) Flying Down Эрес v oe C, Dwn, Dwn Flying Phlegm 00.2... a Aw, Twd, A Lobber Loogie........... oo p 2. а. - mut v Overhead Club .............. . Up, A Kranium Krunch Jump on top of opponent DAE De ET x ® Roll, roll, roll. Overhead Club Up, A Flying Phle Aw, Twd, y Left, Left, A + C = Kronk Right, Right, A+ C = Turbo Down, Left, A + C = Bruiser Right, Left, A + C = Boomer Left, Right, A + C = Tsunami Down, Right, A + C = Crusher Down, Up, A + C = Divine m Сап 5іге: 16 Meg w Style: 1 or.2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighting m Special Features: Compatible with the AT&T EDGE-16, Upgradable with EdgeCards ($15 Retail) m Created by: PF.Magic for Accolade Available: Now for Genesis Wind Up Club. THE BOTTOM LINE Twd, Aw, A % IT’S SHOCKIN 8 w LICENSED ру enue, Suite D-102 2... San Jose, CA95131. .— 408 954-0201 . es. The ADDAMS FAMILY is a Registered Trademark of Paramount Pictures. Ocean of America is an authorized user. Nintendo, Super Nintendo ial Seal are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. 01991 Nintendo of America. amily Values" video game, UPC Code, vídeo game purchase receipt and "Addams Family Values" videocassette rental receipt required. cost or $2.50, whichever is less. Complete rules can be inside video game package. Super Nintendo Entertainment System ver- rsion due late summer, 1994. ' “7 e i ШТ da. Void where prohibited, taxed ог réstricted. Only valid rebate request postmarkéd from 7/1/94 through 12/31/94 will be accepted. Valid te and video game receipts with any date up to 12/31/94 will be accepted. Offer expires December 31, 1994. All requests must be received ived after this date will not be honored. Offer not good with any other Ocean of America offer. Offer limited to one per family. Requests will not be honored, acknowledged or returned and the rightis,reserved to confirm identity. Allow 4-6 weeks for receipt of your rebate in r late or misdirected. mail. Duplicate or invalid requests will bé rejécted and will not be returned. Not sponsored by Paramount Pictures or Nintendo of America. ND IT’S А SCORCHING DEAL. ORE SHOCKING FAMILY VALUES AND UP TO $2.50 BACK! Now and through the end of the year, when you purchase Ocean's “Addams Family Values" video game, AND rent Paramount Home Video's *Addams Family Values" videocassette from your local video retailer, you can receive up to $2.50 cash back. See inside video game package for details ABE 3O LEON Learn your special moves from the Dali-Llama. pc om "n ۳ н? 1 т m Cart Size: CD-ROM m Style: 1 or 2-Player, Head-to-Head Tournament Fighting m Special Features: Passwords Compatible With SNES & SG, AT&T Edge 16 Compatible, Special Moves Acquired Throughout Gameplay, 3 Playing Speeds, Instant Replay m Created by: GameTek, Inc. | _- m Available: Now the classic Bruce Lee film. Enter the kaon. Fighters Kate i ' à called to a remote. yet peaceful island by the Dali Палта: On this island the Dali Llama holds а competition to determine wh ultimate warrior is. Only the greatest warrior wil be wor wear the belt of heaven. ; Ten characters comprise the дате. Eight characters can be controlled from the start. and two characters, Бай Llama and Karate Croc, that can be accessed after beating the кап "Tow zw AF T Lu ша quib game or by secret passwords. Each of the eight = participating characters have different personality profiles that аге «made to represent one of the eight | paths of wisdom. To put it another way. this game has very strong. elements of the martial arts’ philoso- phies. Word Kas: it that a member of the design team is either a black belt or a person who watched too much Kung Fu on T.V. (0 SAARAARAAL " — мач BH All characters are equipped with three punches and kicks: light. В medium. and hard. There are special moves you must learn from - m" the Dali Llama as you Withynatches and сарп х Абакан 4 p belts. The belts start at white and progrese 25 =т=: ташкил И : E to different degrees of black belt. None of the 27: special moves can be used unless жаны, the Dali Llama has taught them J 4 M to uou. The password feature ў let& you store your сһагастег | moves and also keeps track of 3 Moa. PLA wins ама losses? The swords store your nane and will also Ж be compatible-with the SNES and the Genesis versions. Brutal joins the growing num- ber of head-to-head fighters for 2 all sustems, but Brutal CD is 3€ one that may tower ower ў n other Sega CD titles in m : this genre. It can be a N - pleasant relief from a the typical blood. gore. and guts z present in g A nany p’ | i : games. Brutal's Backgrounds have animated elements and also include foreground art for added depth. 2 я "m. "- Playability: Entertainment: Concept: Graphics: | Sound: Playability: Entertainment: Concent: Graphics: Sound: Playability: Entertainment: "This game is weird. It looks great, it sounds great, but plays soooo slow. It seems to have the right elements for a fighter, but still misses out on some of the basic play techniques that it needs. Though | would say this is the best fighter on Sega CD, that | really isn't saying much. Luckily, GameTek is very committed to making this a great title, and with time it could be just that. It's just not | there yet." "Brutal is a graphic animated mas- | terpiece that offers some excellent new ideas in fighting games. | like the way you start with no special moves and have to earn them as you go. The game teaches you how to do each move through VCR style on-screen programming. After each fight, the game charts all of your punches and kicks. The oriental theme music and voices are pretty good too. The con- trol could be a little better, but it's not bad. If you don't have to rip your op- ponents head off to have a good time, you will probably like Brutal." "First off, this has to be the best Sega CD fighter l've played. The belts and | the learning of moves as you go are really cool, although many of the | moves take too long to execute. The | opening cinema sequences and overall look of the backgrounds are | very well drawn, with serious depth. | Brutal has some good animations of character moves, but the control is not as precise as | would have liked. І would recommend this to people who are just starting with fighters and have trouble with executing moves, orto those who are squeamish at the sight of blood, like Rick.” REKKA КЕМ ЕС” ; | CHOOSE : Жа) - DRAGON Kick e ROW Í THROW 2 Your COLOR T. Hawk ТНЕ HAWK THUNDERSTRIKE THE STORM HAMMER THROW 1 THROW 2 Front Kick CANNON DRILL THROW 1 vage A Be ` Am Y, THE Game HOMBRE $6 SNES ; diia сг 7% ^ Dee Jav Hyper Fist Max Our _ Оов: DERD кек. Throw 1 SG SNES | pm ر‎ o ааай р. 1 7 | RED FIREBALL = М. Bison Five Psycho Fist Кем FLAMING Draco | SG SNES | 8.75 9.25 sia qr ire: VERUS TN от - Game Informer и Septempe ‚гапа Time Challenge - hough we ` | all sit and s Wait for the orzival of. Street Fighter Шапа moan and groan about the rehash ~ after rehash that Capcom bom-. bards the market with, ирд” Street Fighter Ili п is here. So with a-skeptical eye, we take а close look at the new Super SF Il. , This newest version of SFII has all the fea- tures of the original arcade machine under the Same name, but offers multiple modes of play speeds alone makethis game blow away the ar- cade version, but luckily that's not all. Capcom Game Informer и September October ‘94 BOW... QR cm amm Play Modes Including Group, КОШБАЙ -new characters, the availability o and the much needed, three Turbo speeds. The: : knew that this game would draw scrutiny from: the. press, so they created a graphically and. ж :: SNES: 32 Meg; SG: 40 Meg y: Capcom “pepe T obs -Player Head- To-Head. i Available: Now for Super. NES Toumament Fighting Fan ipi Genesis al : Four Мей. Challengers: New loves: Three TI Speéds; New THE Воттом LINE visually appeal- - ing cart. All new -animations and 4 backgrounds 5% give this cart a life of its own. ^ Each charac- ter, including. ;the-new chak- | Ia E Kade been balanced to give all 16 players... “= an even keel on the battlefield. Play control has ^ - also been improved for pin-point accuracy on - : combo's and attacks. Though there are only four 227%) per character makés for at least some funny ı new uniforms on the classic crew. z Thoughit'sno SFH, SFilgives all the КЕ Ағы, and.action that it has become famous for,- фра - will зи пої disappoint fans of the series. 8 «SL ШШШ Game Informer и Sepbtember/October “94 Sedet ТТА 7 Space Pirates are attacking and it's up to George Jetson to save the day! His Pheumo-Osmatic ` Precipitator (P.0.P. for short), allows him to collect items, fight the bad guys and even climb up walls. . Hang on for futuristic laughs and thrills in the cosmic comic adventure of a lifetime! - o . T *-Nine huge stages of incredible comic action! . 4% Megs of excellent cartoon quality graphics! e Use the P.0.P. to climb up steep walls and across ceilings uw in your search for pirates (and a burger or two!) ‘ * Based on the hit Hanna-Barbera television show! ° ` [PLAYER 8 те SE 31838 STAR 23 procuret ТІНЕ 293 AM “Тһе Jetsons""" and the Jetsons game characters are trademarks of and | copyrighted by Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc. 91994 Hanna-Barbera SERES Productions, Inc. Taito is a registered trademark of Taito Corporation. Nintendo, i Super Nintendo Entertainment System and fhe Official Seal are registered К. E 74 tradémarks of Nintendo of America Inc. 01991 Nintendo of America Inc. AFA and 1779 ay до (Cea CAPERS Syl Ф vlvester is at it again! His favorite meal (Tweety) is so close he can taste it — but there's a slight catch. He has to get past Granny, Spike, Hippety Hopper the Kangaroo and more to get his paws on Tweety. It's amazing what this cat will do for a bite to eat. "Hello Breakfast!" Use helpful Acme items like pogo sticks, binoculars, and superhero suits to avoid trouble. Full animation and cartoon like graphics and voices bring this hysterical "Toon" adventure to life! Б> Multiple levels of difficulty adjust play for all ages and abilities! i» Use Sylvester's patented evasion maneuvers to hide from Tweety's protectors! Grab items found in the background to make difficult, but climbable stacks! Rated by V.R.C. TIME WARNER س‎ m —"BÀ EM. | Appropriate for [INTERACTIVE | = GE NE сш еш LON AV all audiences. c cupo | Т Es _ | General Audiences - с РгодисПоп — ша — J : cc на Time Warner : o - | m c zc te -- С Interactive, Inc. : LOONEY TUNES, CHARACTERS, NAMES AND ALL RELATI ARE TRADEMARKS OF WARNER BROS. © 1994. SEGA AND GENESIS ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, _ 675 Sycamore Drive | UTD, IGHTS RESERVED. THE VI AE В, NGIL. ITS RATING SYSTEM, SYMBOLS AND INDICIA, ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA OF AMERICA, INC. © 1993 SEGA. 2... LANCE INVESTMENTS LTD. ТЕСМАСІК IS А TRA TECMAGIK, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY TO TIME . Milpitas, CA 95035-07 WARNER INTERACTIVE, ING. _ | - c v p t This official seal is your assurance that this product meets the highest quality standards of SEGA'*. Buy games and accessories with this seal to be виго that they are compatible with the SEGA™ GENESIS * SYSTEM. m Cart Size: 24 Meg m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To- Head Tournament Fighting ш Special Features: 7 New Clay Animated Characters, Clayalities m Created by: Interplay Productions, Inc. m Available: November 94 T. اا‎ м“ DESPERO BATMAN ARROW б, PUT TOGETHER A GROUP OF SUPER HEROES INCLUDING THE LIKES OF SUPERMAN, BATMAN, THE FLASH, WONDER WOMAN, GREEN ARROW, AND MORE AND CALLED THEM THE JUSTICE LEAGUE TASK FORCE. THE TEAM'S SOLE PURPOSE WAS TO FIGHT AGAINST ANY AND ALL EVIL. SOON YOU WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE CONTROL OF ANY ONE OF THESE DO-GOODERS AND USE THEIR POWERS TO DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES IN THE UPCOMING CART FROM SUNSOFT, APPROPRIATELY TITLED: LEGENDS OF THE JUSTICE LEAGUE TASK FORCE. THE BATTLES CONSIST OF YOUR CHARACTER BEING ATTACKED BY ONE OF THE OTHER JUSTICE LEAGUERS. IF YOU DEFEAT THE FIRST CHARACTER, YOU WILL THEN SEEK OUT THE OTHER MEMBERS AND EVENTUALLY BATTLE THEM, YOU WILL SOON LEARN THAT THE OTHER MEMBERS ARE ALL | JUST CLONES! IF YOU CAN DEFEAT ALL THE OTHER JUSTICE LEAGUE MEMBERS, YOU WILL THEN FACE DARKSEID FOR THE BATTLE OF A LIFETIME, РАККӨЕІР, ONE OF JUSTICE LEAGUES WORST ENEMIES, HOLDS THE TRUE HEROES CAPTIVE, AND DEFEATING HIM IS THE ONLY WAY TO RESCUE THEM, CAN YOU РО IT? MANY BATTLES AWAIT YOU, INCLUDING MANY Wey LIFE-OR-DEATH BATTLES WITH THE CLONES OF THE шабе. JUSTICE LEAGUE. THE VICTOR IS THE ONE WHO DECIDES THE FATE OF THE ENTIRE CREW. WILL ІТ ВЕ YOU? m GREEN ARROW DARKSEID 34 AQUAMAN BATMAN Justice League™ Art and Characters © DC Comics. he ultimate spoof on every fighting game is back. C2: Judgment Clay will star nine new characters with only Blob and Bad Mr. Frosty returning from the original. C2 is no rehash. It has a whole new engine with twice the animation of the original Clayfighter, and all of C2’s backgrounds are entirely modeled from clay. The whole game has a better clay animation feeling throughout. C2 features over six tournament types and a training mode, along with some nasty Clayalities. Although C2’s soundtrack was not finished at the time we went to print, Interplay assured us that there would be more voice-overs and play-by- play than before. C2 is a lock to make you laugh your butt off. WONDER WOMAN * TASK FORCE LÀ * Ж * * АП of Your Favorite Super Heroes In One Cart! 16 Meg (SNES), 16 Meg (Genesis) style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighting special F s: Nine "Super" Characters, New Technology To Make the Characters Move More Smoothly ; y: Sunsoft December '94 тавь Tn Whirlwind! WONDER WOMAN m Cart Size: 16 Meg ^ m Style: 1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighting -~ 7 ш Special Features: Eight Characters, New Double Jump Tope m Created by: Atlus ``; m Available: October AR Only the Strongest of Warriors Can Sit “Ас the Head of the Gogetsu Clan " "ad The five year wait is now over. and a new leader of the Gogetsu clan must be chosen. In order to choose a new leader, there will be a tournament of eight warriors who possess long bloodlines of Gogetsu. The winner of the tournament takes the seat and along with it the glory and respect of the entire Gogetsu clan. You are one of the eight characters and are about to fight for the right to rule. This tournament-style fighting game features bright and bold new character animations. It has a technique called a double jump that will enable you to increase the speed of attacks, along with a quick dash and retreat for a more up tempo fighting game. This alone will help to better the way this fighting game will play both offensively and defensively. The characters are basically the same as you will find in most fighting games, with the exception of the names and secret moves. Power Instinct will be available ^ late this fall for both the Super NES and the Genesis. н Until then, you'll have to wet your appetites with the arcade version in your local coin-op shop. haq, while touring with his basketball team in Japan, comes across an ancient book on martial arts. As he begins to thumb through the 2 ;, mysterious book he is transported to another He's Only 22 and He Knows Kung-Fu | dimension. Lost to the real world, the Shaq must m Cart Size: 16 Meg (SNES), 24 Meg (Genesis) | battle his way through 11 (7-SNES) unique warriors, Noe ec uU uan e eae Toumament Pghing all with the their own special fighting styles and m Special Features: It's Got Shag, Rotoscoped Animation ; : 3 z ; m Characters: 8 (SNES), 12 (Genesis) magical skills, to escape this alternative universe. As m Created by: Delphine for Electronic Arts you defeat these unusual opponents, you will m Available: November '94 discover that they are servants to a dark overlord in another dimension, who you must fight in his two dif- ferent forms to overcome this strange predicament. Programmed by Delphine Software, creators of Flashback and Out of this World, Shaq-Fu features huge, scrolling multi-screen levels that takes Shaq from a sunken crypt to the peaks of the Andes mountains. All of the characters feature rotoscoped animation using digitized video. Armed with over 7 special attacks, each character has a range of unique moves. Some of the more unusual ones are a voodoo doll attack, some cool transformation attacks and animal side-kick attacks. While this is new ground for the folks at EA, you can't say they don't have any experience at making great vids. Whether or not Shaq-Fu will end up being a true fighter or just another “wanna-be” is still unknown, but from what we could tell about this 6096 complete version, its definitely got potential. ( 169019 /94) { aa 4 ^ е ҮШҮҮ L y r9 m Created by: b m Available: Win TAI: ROLE “Тһе Future of Бубе бис Meets ec E S the Ancient Rituals of Martial Arts Ті M ! 2 T he dum of Super Nintendo games is about иттен | to take a huge technological leap forward. Absolute n 3 Entertainment (US) and Mirage Technologies (Europe) have teamed up for an upcoming game, Rise of the Robots, that features a new type of technology. This new technology is called 3-D Visual Contouring (3DVC). It allows for photo quality im- ages and more fluid animation sequences. Rise of the Robots is a not-so-futuristic fighting game featuring a number of highly advanced | robots as the main characters. It follows the same. basic kick-punch rules as all other fighting games, where the final battle is with the leader of the whole gang. The leader is called. Supervisor, and she has the power to mor into all of the other characters while in | | One other key feal ле artificial intelligence ofthe computer's characters. This basically means that it will learn from its Ше уын and adjust. P fighting to keep it f Rise... ` to be released Beh ie SUR. One hi ts ` DER h es, the way you look сеоце падате датеѕ т М. Seek the Way Noble Challenger; Seek the Way of the Warrior 3DO gets its first fighting game in Way of the Warrior. This is a tournament-style fighting game with all the blood of MK and all the \ moves of SPI. The game is set in a citadel high in the Himalayas among the Калама monks, the keepers of an ancient book of magic and warriors, Once eve ry century they hold the tournament of the three powers: good, evil, and the pain caused by the endless conflict, When the tournament ends, only one challenger can take a place in the book of warriors. Will you find the Way? This game features nine d igitized characters that youcan choose from, each with their own style of fighting and moves. Jt also has multi-layer scrolling and 3-D modeled backgrounds, Some other key features ш Cart Size: CD-ROM ш Style: 1 or 2-Player Tournament-Style Fighting m Special Features: 3-D Rendered Bosses, | Between 60 & 80 Moves Per Character ш Created by: Naughty Dog for Universal interactive Studios m Available: Now for 300 include automatic zoom, pan, and tilt camera angles, not to mention CD quality and digitized sounds. ШІ 36 Game Informer a September/October ‘94 i | | 1 iz: 7 Escape | y e FROM цар * Тһе tornado with teeth returns in a hilariously action- packed j journey from Earth to Mars - and back again! Deploy an arsenal of all-new buzzsaw moves, ricochet jumps and spacey spin-attacks as you whirl through animated, slapstick levels with cameos by Daffy Duck, Road Runner, Wile E. Coyote and the entire Looney Tunes gang! Go Galactic on SEGA’ Genesis ; and Game Gear ! ү Sega Genesis and Game Gear are trademarks of SEGA. LOONEY TUNES. char acter rs, names an all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros.. 21994» The Videogame Rating ting Syste s and indicia are trademarks of Sega of America. Inc. ©1994 SEGA Ay ights reserved ПП ШІ iple ТЕПТІ Ша пе Т [| ME HOMBRE ; Rick, THE M E ame I п Dian PRO PLA “It's a shame that Fatal Fury 2 willbe РАШ FRO “When it comes to fighting games, E | out so late, because this game is an | they don't get much better than | g excellent 7 . 7 Neo Geo. This is a better attempt | version. | 'wonthave along | .. "The best thing about the Fatal Fury .— attranslation to 16-bit than previous Spec hics: 8 series is the ability to move to the $ ones, but in my opin Af eyes. The control is complicated and © : there is a good variety of attacks апа | for Genesis." | | issue, but aren't we ready for | | Pw to wait for Samurai Shodown and something new?!” ны | | Mortal Il." Welcome To The Ege Of The... АУЛАНЫ The High Emperor ofthe failing Planet Alliance is killed horribly, but his death was shrouded in mystery. According to ancient law, a new leader must be chosen through the ritual art of head to head combat. Each of the eight provinces will send their powerful leader armed with a Gauntlet of Ascension, a gloved weapon that only those in power may don. The eight warriors will do bat- tle to gain the right to rule the alliance....... The BloodStorm is here! TE LE 65 Ж С К le eee j | Just a mere flesh wound! If you | lose a limb, just keep crankin'. % You may pull off the victory! Gauntlets not only give special powers, they can also be thrown. Plus, you can pick up your opponents gauntlet. Rumor has it h there may even be passwords to pick any gauntlet. Game informer и September/October “94 After defeating a normal or hidden character, you can aquire а special power that you can store using the password system. W dmine & Grenade Missile E.R. Cannon Ice Morph ° As the name suggests, this arcade fighter is not for the squeamish. Created by Strata Group, Inc.(makers of Time Killers), there are actually two versions of the machine that can be found; BloodStorm (plenty-o-blood) or Storm (no blood). The version that you find in your area is all up fo your local arcade operator. There are a number of settings that can adjust the violence level. Blood and guts aside, BloodStorm is a straightforward head-to-head fighter using a five button configuration: a button for each arm and leg with a block button in the center. Each character has an array of moves and unique powers that are at your disposal. The button and joustick combinations used for the moves are similar to many other arcade fighters. What sets BloodStorm apart from most fighters are its passable powers and password features. The passable powers are moves you acquire from defeating another character. For example, you will receive a shoulder mounted cannon by defeating Fallout. The powers you acquire can then be saved using a three to eight move joustick/ button combination. The password will save your character with the new power long as the machine stays out of lightning storms. To be sure, BloodStorm is packed with a bunch of hidden characters, secret passwords, secret messages, por- tals, new gauntlets, and hidden fatalities. Check for it at an arcade near you, and FEEL THE STORM! ЖИ Si. А Tremor EarthQuake .. ShockWave ...... | Boulder ........ | "Oan Avalanche... ... || Charge 4, ShadowPunch ....... Charge e, > Earth Blaster о Charge 2 secs, +з» Bouden........ Charge З secs, ім» FA Geo Sunder ......... Charge e, + ҒА Crag Smasher ....... AfterShock ..........Close, ээ, э + BL | Crag Smasher Geo Sunder mw m 40 You must win, Торе the walls close in. | Fallout E.R. Cannon . Slime Gun ( ( (2x High/Low) (2x Low) А ee (Зх High/High/Low) .. .Charge e, ¬» (4x High/High/Low/Low) Charge +, + BL, 29% Slime From Above . Іп Air +x», BA . Air Slice Charge e, » FA BackFlip Shadow Boot Toxic Quills |. Toxic Sunder Meltdown Charge +, t FA .. Critical Mass (Close with BA) «BA + FA i Game Informer п September7Octeker Эй Key: Back Arm - BA; Front Arm - ҒА; Back Leg - BL; Front Leg - FL; BLK - Block; Flail - Repeatedly Press Button Standing FireBai Sing FireBall а nding Mete Flying Meteor... Freeze Escape ^к жуу е лае E | | | 4:22 S tick | Flamethrower nto foedo. | | ‚| е | | | Scarlet Sunder... FA 7 5 | Boiling Point "coo о BA Ch C зэм FA : B v v ee лэ. (Close with Gauniet 4. T — ‚Фе 2. Flail FL when Down e ; DM 7% | ERE Sang sping Ne cs FA : : ij 5 * i | Миа... ача SUnee c Headwinds ..----^* оз 022” ж 424044 dile Sundar., уә FA + ~~; СЕ Сһагде Ob tita. dern un ә ҒА (Close with BA) we, 4 B . Phagitic Sunder Talon Missiles |. ОО ро Wa d ү сие | Close | Vorpal Disk . -- · ° | Коо Sunder .. 2 BA | Over-Keel 2. БА), +626, ? P^ EE | Meat Grinder. - ~ х The Ventilator - Words ^ ж E ds p 4 r Meat Grinde K Д ^ Serous Sunder i Over-Kee | Game Informer и September/October “94 41 Don't Mess With Sega! Video pirates beware! Sega of America is lookin' for you! Sega won a legal victory that may serve to make video pirates think twice about unauthorized duplication and sales of video games. The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California passed a temporary judgement to stop the op- 4 erator of video bulletin boards for violations of state and 7 federal law. The court found "substantial evidence that : the operators were selling $350 video game copiers that | News 6, Rumors From the made it possible for users to create and play counterfeit 222 versions of Sega games." These game copier users . Vid G І d p were also encouraged to transfer games by comp | ео ате n ustry | modems via the MAPHIA bulletin board. The court cor : cluded that the operation of the bulletin board and f motion of counterfeit gamas. thre More of the PowerFest Whatever Happened to .........? ? 794 Schedule Тһе first track on Frank Black's current CD, Teenager of the Year on Elektra Records, inquires about something that often ponders many of today's video gamers. Whatever Happened to Pongis an account of Frank Black S memo a location near y j of the 22 year old arcade original. Hr ` for ea In the song, Black recalls travelling with his brother toa timate ШЕКЕ local bowling alley. Once there, they would let the Pong le j серве раһ machine eat their quarters and frantically entertain them for Wal-Mart Birmingham, AL hours. Frank then, in an anxious and saddened voice, Wal-Mart Магеһат, МА yells, “PONG!” Sears Oklahoma City, OK Either Frank Black has forgotten | September 9th - 11th that to reach the hidden Pong game Lechmere Saugus, MA in MK II (Arcade), you need 250 wins, Wal-Mart Greeley, CO or, more likely, he is just recalling that KMart Terra Haute, IN Pong gave him a feeling of fun and dtd тара атың excitement from its simplicity of play Nintendo's PowerFest '94 continues to rip across the country looking for the best Nintendo players around. Look for it at Be me andinnovatve design: (2 locations) Well fellow gamers, games like Harvard Sq, NBA Jamand Mortal Kombatgive Co-op. Cambridge, MA us that same mania and entertain- Wal-Mart Marshall, TX ment more than 20 years later. Navy San Diego, CA Even though the play and looks of | September 23rd - 25th | these “new” arcade machines Frank Bla K қ 22 2. i HT have changed, it's nice to know for the lack sear bis & а-ма ulsa, "c qu Wem Masha NH some things just stay the same. ine. September 30th — October 2nd Wal-Mart San Angelos, TX Lechmere Cambridge, MA Good-Bye SCES Wal-Mart Vadnais Heights, MN T October 7th — 9th The 1994 Summer Consumer Electronics Show (SCES), in Wal-Mart Cleveland, TN Chicago, marked the 50th show presented by the Electronic Wal-Mart Jasper, TX Industries Association (EIA). It also marked the last Summer Sears Woodland, TX CES to be held. The EIA announced that it will form a new trade October 14th - 16th EN show called CES Interactive. Circuit City Peoria, IL "We are responding to our members, exhibitors, and attendees Wal-Mart Galveston, TX Wal-Mart Sulphur, LA business interests by creating a new trade show consistent Wal-Mart Jacksonville, FL with their business strategies," said Gary Shapiro, EIA's group October 21st - 23rd J vice president. "At the SCES '94], 68% of our exhibitors are committed to multimedia, electronic gaming, software, and interactive technologies. That's the direction the Summer CES Р.С. Richards Uniondale, NY Circuit City Seattle, WA Wal-Mart Sebastian, FL has been going. The show's timing will meet the buying cycles October 28th - 30th — of retailers planning their Christmas selling season.” Wal-Mart Titusville, FL The EIA is responding directly, it seems, to Sega and meee ا‎ О) others like Electronic Arts, who were clearly absent from this Wal-Mart Merritt Island, FL А i Wal-Mart Cuiperer, VA year's SCES. Attendance was way down and by forming a new November 4th — 6th show, the EIA is directly servicing the ever growing video Wal-Mart Ormond Beach, FL game market. Wal-Mart Panama City Beach, FL Philadelphia, Pennsylvania will hostthe first CES Interactive ‘95, from May 11-13, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. THE FINALS November 18th - 20th Sea World San Diego. CA Game Informer a September/October ‘94 Mail Order Turbo and Duo Games А т Рго) ect Reality : А If you own a Turbo Graphx-16 or other Turbo Technologies, Inc.(TT!) products, your problems of Now It's Ultra 64 ! finding games and peripherals may be over. Turbo Zone Direct (TZD), a new company based in Marina Del Rey, California, is open and ready to provide a direct line on TTI products. E b Bis Donkey M Nm e к. TZD will be offering every ТТІ game and accessory, as well as the new ТТІ Super CD titles planned for their new home system, Ultra 64. It was formerly code this year. “We at TZD know what [the] customer wants, because our staff is made up of former ТТІ game ‘Project Reality.” The Nintendo Ultra 64 is a Counselors.” says TZD co-founder Steve Garwood. ge-based home system that is claimed to be the They obviously know the TT! consumer because TZD offers a phone hotline about Duo gameplay. “true” 64-bit machine, sorry Atari. Itis slated to hit The hotline hours are 8 am to 5 pm PST, Monday through Friday. The hotline number is (310) 574 - shelves in the fall of 1995 and will carry an 3304. You will find TZD in magazine advertisements and direct mailings. Or order direct by dialing rice of $250. 1-800-DUO-THIS. Yeah, DUO THIS and give Duo players some retail locations to buy games. 4 will use a special chip set Let the Films Begin ду зул л With the apparent success (or successful failure) of the Mario Bros. film, prepare for a flood of new movies starring some of your favorite video game characters this winter. STREET FIGHTER Set for a Christmas release, Street Fighter will star karate man Jean Claude Van Damme as Colonel Guile. The story seems to be centered around "Colonel" Guile as the head of the UN Forces determined to stop M. Bison's deadly crew. Raul Julia of The Addams Family will star as Bison. Sounds like an interesting plot, but Ken and Ryu should have beenthe lead characters, and “KERNAL” Guile wears a beret? C'mon! His hair is what makes him cool. Ryan MacDonald, GI's resident Street Fighter master, thinks this was a big mistake. ise te ame DOUBLE DRAGON d [ will to The legendary video game tough guys. the Lee Brothers, battle gangs in futuristic Los Angeles. The boys seek the to runite ille to hit is the two pieces of the legendary Double Dragon medallion "гы before it falls into the hands of the sinister Кода Shuko. Double Dragon is scheduled to hit the streets in early November. The film will hopefully play better than the video game. г Other Film News In what is being called a "first" in the video game industry, Fox Interactive, will release it's first game, The Pagemaster, at the same time as the Twentieth Century Fox film starring box office magnet — Macaulay Culkin. 4 The меп live action, part animation that tells of a IE В ah em nervous boy who is trapped in a crazy world of books. He confronts many | characters from some storybook classics in the hope of discovering an exit from his strange surroundings. _ The game fo ws the asic film story, but involves choosing different adventures that creates a € ! t ` Billy & ‚ Jimmy Lee. the live actor, E j r the Power of Seven Fox Interactive has oth of ird You're not lookin Streets of Rage 4. This Music & F/X team, a grou musicians/cyberpunks dedic music and sound effects for P based video games. Power of Sev action game, Cyclones, that Rave iare is developing for Stategic" ins on the Sega-CD featured two INSOC tracks on CD+G. The graphics | Simulations, Inc (SSI). accompanying the music aren't great, but ISOC's self-titled debut album The Power of Seven team con sists >sykosonik bandmates Paul was one of the first commercial CDs to feature incorporated graphics. Sebastian, Daniel Lenz, Theocentric Universe, and Michael Mayhem, Psykosonik was featured in Whats Hot (March/ April '94) for their music Information Society (INSOC) lead singer Kurt Harla nd, and former Paisley that is incorparted into Activision’sstitle, Excalibur 2097 for the SNES. Park producer Michael Koppelman. Between the six members, Power of "People used to ask us if we thought we were selling Seven has had 11 Top Ten pop and dance | out Psykosonik by doing the Activision deal," Says chart hits including Gett Off and — 2, “ Power of Seven president Theo. “Тһе Diamonds and Pearls by Prince, ~~ thing is, we've been playing electronic | What's On Your Mind (Pure Energy) ' games a lot longer than we've been and Walking Away by INSOC, and writing music!" Psykosoniks Welcome To My Mind ™ Given their successes in the and Silicon Jesus. , record industry and enthusiasm Everyone's probably familiar for video gaming, Power of with Prince's songs produced by Seven Music & F/X is on track to Michael Koppelman, but the other produce some awesome video guys you may remember from your game soundtracks. E | = To (Left to right) Kurt, Daniel, Theo, Paul and Michael K. Game Informer и September/October ‘94 біррү KONG Is DONKEY. KONG'S NEW SIDEKICK. THIS STAGE USES SHADING THEY Ub UP IN THE THIS IS ONLY ONE OF 7 PONLDONKERKONG ETS HELP FROM SOME OF IN THE FOREGROUND ТО THE REPORTED NINETY- | ME FRIENDS. GIVE IT A DANK AND "АА SIX LEVELS IN DONKEY | | FOGCY FEELING. ЖА KONG COUNTRY. | ith Sega absent from the SCES (except for a small press room іп the basement), Nintendo had a chance to showcase their products without any comparison to their chief rival. It’s probably good that Sega didn’t show because Nintendo’ s 32 Meg monster-cart, Donkey Kong Country, might have dwarfed Sega’s 32X. The first reaction | after seeing Donkey Kong Country running was to check the E machine to make sure that you’re actually playing a SNES. | Donkey Kong Country is a very simple platform action/ | adventure that has an appeal to every living fan of Mario Вгоѕ., but their are a couple of things that make this a revolutionary 16-bit cartridge. | First, Donkey Kong Country has completely computer- | generated graphics using a never-before-used design technology * called Advanced Computer Modeling(ACM). The ACM- | 1 generated graphics, unlike most games, are completely | 1 animated and designed on computers. The normal process | would һе for artists to draw characters on animation cells and К s | then transfer them to computer. The shading, color, and оуег- 2 udi md | all depth of Donkey Kong Country’s graphics give the whole { | т game an incredible look and personality. Second, this game is | ONSE. | the turning point for home entertainment systems. Donkey DIDDY IS JUST LIKE | Kong Country paves the way for 64-bit technology, and it gives ا ا‎ қа T 1 us a taste of what to expect from Nintendo's Ultra 64 system `. {d due to hit the streets in late “94. As mentioned before, this game | is 32 Meg, which is the largest cart for SNES, along with Super Street Fighter II by Capcom. But what we've heard is that uncompressed Donkey Kong Country is 162 Meg! It's like packing a Neo-Geo cart into your SNES. Take a look of these pictures and watch for some of the $10 million advertising that Nintendo will spend in the coming months. Personally, I think this game will sell itself. = 8B > ENERO CLIMB.INTO THE MOUNTAINS AND EXPE- RIENCE A BLIZZARD. THE MINE CARTW A LITTLE KNOWN FACT: TAKE YOU ON TH APES CAN HOLD THEIR OF YOUR LIFE. _ BREATH. Sega Genesis is a registered trademark of Sega America, Inc. Super Nintendo is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America, Inc. Competition Pro is a registered trademark under license from Coin Controls, Inc. 106 Garlish Drive Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 НАРР CONTROLS inc. 700 503.6 ҒАХ: (708) 593-6137 Рди, THE Pro PLAYER ка: x bs Blackthorne is a bad man! a Graphics: g Of course, there is the obvious | comparison to the game published `. Sounti: 8 by U.S. Gold. Blackthorne is an ^ | . action/adventure that has excellent Playability: 8 animation, awesome enemies, anda sweet character toting a big shotgun. | Entertainment: 8.75 What more do you need? Well, Look for the ; maybe a more involved story would in many of th OVERALL: be an improvement. Other than that, this one. | think the playability is great and is а winner for you Flashback fans.” Ross, THe REBEL GAMER ee MET экер: o “It seems that Out of This World Graphics: 8 started something big and now Interplay has found a way to attain a Sound: 8.5 /evel even higher with Blackthorne. | The character animation and artwork Kyle Playability: 9 from renowned comic book artist Jim let h Lee are extraordinary. 1 don't think onds. Entertainment: 9.5 that the game is the same without the music and believe me, | tried it. This ey OVERALL: is slowly moving up the charts of my ~ 4228 Ne alltime favorite games and continues Ши у our v | йч 9 to climb with every level | complete." i rt ir AME, Sa | li | rovi nd ife Rick, Tue Vipneo RANGER — à "Blackthorne does a good job of | - cet "b borrowing from other successful : sources. The story could have come | l o m Tren. PY fom ona o a number of sci-fi ЗЖееі doors are no match for Sound: 8 movies. Some people might call this . Kyle's arsenal. ; a rip-off. | call it a great idea. We Wo Playability: 8.5 need more sci-fi games like these. | ‚ү | The dark future world of Blackthorne Entertainment: 8 js painted on the screen with a color | palette and sound effects that fit the OVERALL: time. Blackthorne is easier to control ' than Flashback, but it lacks the vari- 8 28 ety of play and the story. Blackthorne ы is a great game that will be enjoyed by most gamers." ' ш Cart Size: 8 Meg u Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure m Special Features: Incredible Frame-by-Frame Animations and Password Continues m Created by: Blizzard Entertainment for Interplay m Available: Now >THE BorromLine 0,8 along the same lines. The battle between existed and will alway only here on earth | must collect the of a once powerful known as the Lifestone and take on the evil Sarlac and his minions. Health Hover Leutator fire Iron Remote Bridge Cet the battle begin....! | Potion Bomb Pad Bomb Іш Bomb Hey This cart features an advanced style of rotoscoping which makes the characters look and move more like real humans. for instance, while doing battle with the evil creatures on Іші. you.will be able to put your back to the wall as you hide ın the shadows and avoid taking bullets. Another example of thisappearsinthefluidmovement of thecharacterswhilerune hing, jumping, and hanging off some deadly cliffs. | As you travel through the four enemy filled terrains of Tuul, you can pick up many items from Sarlac’s dead soldiers and use them to your advantage. In fact. you will need almost every item you can find to solve the many intricate puzzles that lay ahead of you. Goodluck youngBlackthorne, the power of the Lightstone will quide you. ж ES Blackthorne’s tems + 47 ormer m September/October “94 m Cart Size: 16 Meg m Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure i | m Special Features: 5 Characters and Multiple Throws | m Levels: Ten Action-Packed Levels ҮЕ. m Created by: Blizzard for SunSoft _ п Avallable: Now for Super NES | METROPOLIS IS UNDER ATTACK By THE UNDERWORLDERS OF THE CITY. THE PEOPLE OF METROPOLIS CALL UPON THEIR GREATEST HERO, SUPERMAN, TO SAVE THE DAY. AMONSTROUS BATTLE TAKES PLACE BENEATH THE STREETS OF METROPOLIS. IT'S SUPERMAN VERSUS THE ENTIRE UNDERWORLD ARMY. THE BATTLE RAGES ON; TIME SEEMS ENDLESS. BUT WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE, THE KRYPTONIAN WONDER EMERGES WITHOUT EVEN THE SLIGHTEST SCRATCH. HOWEVER, SUPERMAN'S BATTLE IS FAR FROM OVER. WHILE DOING A TV INTERVIEW ON THE CAT GRANT SHOW, SUPERMAN RECEIVES WORD THAT THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA IS IN TROUBLE AND IN NEED OF HELP. MOMENTS AFTER THE ALERT, SUPERMAN ARRIVES AT THE SCENE CONFRONTING CHAOS, DESTRUCTION AND THE MENACING BEAST, DOOMSDAY. DOOMSDAY SEEMS SET TO DEMOLISH THE CITY OF METROPOLIS. SUPERMAN KNOWS THE ONLY WAY TO STOP DOOMSDAY IS TO LAY HIS LIFE ON THE LINE. WITH ONE FINAL BLOW, BOTH SUPERMAN AND DOOMSDAY FALL TO THEIR DEATHS. ON THIS DAY YOU MAY BELIEVE SUPERMAN HAS DIED, BUT THE LEGEND IS FAR FROM OVER. FOUR MEN ARISE FROM THE DEBRIS OF THE BATTLE CLAIMING TO BE SUPERMAN. WHO IS THE REAL SUPERMAN? еа см EE ES а уы зай A ps E ho рог ее an DEN. Е 1 a " á wait | THE GAME SEEMS TO FOLLOW THE comic Б SERIES DONE BY DC COMICS FAIRLY WELL. MM COMIC FANS WILL RECOGNIZE MANY FAMILIAR CHARACTERS SUCH AS LOIS LANE, THE ` CLAWSTER AND MANY FAMILIAR SIGHTS RANGING FROM CADMUS TO COASTAL CITY. . THIS NEW ACTION GAME FROM SUNSOFT CONTAINS TEN LEVELS. IN THE FIRST TWO LEVELS YOU CONTROL SUPERMAN UNTIL HIS DEATH. THEN, YOU CONTROL THE FOUR Î CHARACTERS WHO CLAIM ТО BE SUPERMAN. D ALL THE CHARACTERS HAVE THEIR OWN SPE- - ` CIAL MOVES AND ATTACKS, BUT YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PICK AND CHOOSE THE CHARACTER YOU DESIRE. EACH CHARACTER IS PLACED | WITHIN A LEVEL TO COINCIDE WITH THE STORY. SASICALLY, THE MORE LEVELS YOU CONQUER ` THE MORE SUPER DUDES YOU GET TO CONTROL! Game Informer ж September/October 074 Supernia" Art and Characters @ ОС Cones It's Time for... Cletus Kasady, A.K.A., Carnage; was being held in the maximum security prison calléd Raveneroft. All seemed peaceful until Kasady was removed from his cell in order to correct a blood imbalance which the authorities believed to be the cause of his insanity. However, (һе second. (һе песе entered his bloodstream, the alien symbiote known as Carnage was released from Cletus Kasady's body; With unrelenting rage Carnage frees his soulmate Shriek and escapes the prison to forman allegiance of Spider-Man’s foes, hoping to crush the man in the arachnid tights. As chaos grips the city, Spider-Man discovers that his evil offspring, Carnage, is behind it. In San Francisco, Venom reads аро Сагпавеевсаре and later teams up with Spidey in the battle against/the evil C arnage and his troops. АЁ, Throughout the game, you can іш as either the webbed wonder Spiderman or the yicious vigilante Venommkach armed with an assortment of attacks. Choose wisely, because each decision will determinewhich patli you will take to thé final confrontation with Carnage aiid his stoolics. But that’s not all, it also features 0 па] artwork from the pages of the-hit comic book, . Maximur | Carnage, (0 tantalize your optical nerves. ‘Willthe cow ited едг! spiderman and Venom be enough to stop the slaughter by Carnage, or will the face of the planet T changed forever? Spidey Sense going crazy... must act fast! SERRA Mem A. At XM 1 ООООФО кы 2! poooconon0 x Sometimes is takes more than s The boss in the Fantastic Four's one hero to get the job done. . HQ. is опе bad dude. When Carnage makes an appearance, death is almost immanent. Cloak comes to the rescue. |. MARVEL COMICS MAXIMUM CARNAGE and all character names andJikenesses ТМ & © 1994 Marvel Entertainment Group. Inc. SUPERHERO is a co-owned registered trademark of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved Game Informer и September/October ‘94 A п Created by: Software Creations for Acclaim m Cart Size: 16 Meg ш Style: 1-Player Action/Adventure m Special Features: Моге Тһап Теп of Marvels Greatest Characters, and Music by Recording Artists "Green Jelly" m Levels: 25+ m Available: Now Shriek Iron Fi: Captain America " à Anpy, THe Game HoMBRÉ Paul, Pro PLAYER a side-scrolling | think it's a lot of fun, xcellent animations | he spirit of Spidey | guess | don't have | s about this game, | iliar with Carnage hoved a stack of comic ce. MC did a great job mic book print into idey's and Venom's plional, | especially foes overhead and em into the dudes Special weapon nd please the comic um Carnage is an n game with superb | ation, and by far it | translation for the Ross, THE REBEL GAMER E am СР * Bi 1 S TN game in one night Very limited numbe EM r ny reason will be this game." m Cart Size: 2 Meg m Style: 1-Player Puzzle/Action D m m Special Features: Super Game Boy " ERAN] à Compatible, 100 full color levels, 5 > ® and The Entire Cast From the Original j сете He's Back, He's Mean, and He's A usa Few New Ones m Created by: Nintendo Lot Tougher Than You'll Remember ь Available: Now VIEWS Andy Раш Rick Ross ight the idea for this game was pretty silly, and I really wasn't at interested іп playing it. | was wrong. This game is very captivating, and is a lot bigger challenge that you might think. Good < Game Boy game, Nintendo!” Rick, The Video Ranger "Don'tbuy this game because of the Super бата Boy. Buy it cause i ‘it’s a great game. This is the.original.Donkey Kong and much тоге.“ Ross, The Rebel Gamer “Donkey Kong retüms and | like it a lot. The fact that coleri is available ‚ with the Super Game Boy cart is way cool. Gameplay was good апа e save spots аге ae to keep you coming back for more.” Game Boy He em iene verdue! The sound definitely brings back some memories. Throw together Donkey Kong, DK Jr., a dash of DK 3, a 1 bunch of cool new levels, and there you have it.” | > THE Bottom LINE 8 Featuring 100 levels filled with numerous traps and Ф for you to solve, this c cart can give you à run for your ірге. The levels cûhsigt of many different disappearing items that must бе Watch бе іші cartoons b Ages т 2 Meg 1-Player Action Platform 5 Levels with 4 Sequences Per Level Multiple Sequences Including Driving, and Island Hopping; Selectable Continues and Spins; Password Sunsoft Now for Game Boy барышы ышы . enjoy Tazmank iphícs аге cute and well above averag _ Watch out ! One mistake and your back to Lo M one." Ross, The Rebel Gamer rs. Skilled s like Ahh will.Dree. 10 or too tough for younger GB players. Tazmania | is З... on. your basic action platform game, it expands in different r including first-person driving levels and crazy track-and-field style island hopping levels where you _ must press the button as fast as you can to stay afloat. t break the mold or even bend it, but it does deliver another Warner Зат. coming to life on your favorite view screen. All art O Warner Bros. Game Informer в September/October “94 "Look А Lot Like Lurch"" № e | Ocean of America's sendin i i Lurch” Contest on | а star-studded trip for four : | All you gotta do to enter is make yourself up to look lik Г Air- self. Staple the picture to (5" piece of paper wit E d 1 send it to: | i 3 Ocean of America, Inc. г... À ~- 1.1855 0 'Toole Avenue; Suite D- 102 xa You Could Win ag -San Jose, CA 95131 | MEME This Monster Prize euh Package Worth Over $5,000! гч меч uen give you a hand: Inside every package, * f the Addams Family® Values video game for the 7% т ч 9 Trip for four to Hollywood Super-NES, there's a free “Look A Lot Like Lurch” ` NEN VIP visit to Paramount Studios Monster Makeup Tips.póster PLUS an order form for a : * Ап Addams капут TUN Pack FREE Collegeville/ Imagineéring'y Makeup Kit! қ, ы. : tht. "ГОТ кате © 1994 Ocean of America. Мо purchase necessary. Contest expires June 30, 1995. Entries must be postmarked by June 30, 1995. All entries must include photo graph. Limited one entry per person. Illegible or incomplete entries will be disqualified. Winners will be notified by registered mail. Prizes are not transferable. Grand prize winner must complete travel before December 1996, with Saturday night stay over. Personal expenses, transportation between the winner's home and airport, meals and any taxes and gratuities. if applicable. are the sole responsibility of the winner. Employees of Ocean of America, its suppliers, affiliates and the immediate families of each are not eligible. Judges decisions are final. Contest is open to residents of the US and Canada. Void were prohibited, taxed or restricted by law. Taxes on prizes, if any, are the sole responsibility of the winners. Sponsor not liable for late. lost. postage due or misdirected mail. To request Winners' List, available after August 15, 1995, send а self addressed stamped envelop to: Lurch Winner's List, Ocean of America. Inc.. 1855 O'Toole Avenue, Suite D-102. San Jose, CA 95131. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. Winners' names, likeness and prize information may be used by Ocean of America, Inc. for any advertising or promotional purposes without further compensation. Not sponsored by Nintendo of America. ® and © 1994 Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved. The ADDAMS FAMILY is a Registered Trademark of Paramount Pictures. Ocean of America is an authorized user. € 1994 Collegeville/Imagineering. pm m who needs reality? Yipes! Bart's stuck in a virtual reality machine! Enter the Jurassic era as Dino Bart. Face a post-apocalyptic Springfield as Doomsday Bart. Deploy your diaper-chute as Baby Bart. Hog the spotlight as Pork Factory Pig Bart. Then there's the butt-squeaking thrill-ride down the dangerous Mt. Splashmore and-more! SUPER NES GENESIS В E p E ——— ^ acters TM & © 1994 1 сенен бөниту Fry f Xr ГЕ? ©) 1994 Аи lain Кайа}! ine Abl і rader Rights Reserved. NBA Jam — Game Gear After much confusion, we decided to print the Game Gear codes for NBA Jam. So here they are. We'll use Mark Turmell as the example for how this works. First you enter the initials "M" and “J”, then just highlight the letter * " (which is just below the letter “Т”. Now press and hold Up (which will highlight ^T"), Start and Button 2, then press Button 1. (Hint: Hold all the other buttons and directions before you press Button 1). Initials Highlight Press Sal DiVita: SAL M Left, Button 1 Jamie Rivett: RJR: Y Up, Button 1 Bill Clinton: АВК R- Up, Button 2 and 1 Al Gore: NET М Down, Button 2 and 1 Weasel: am А ДА) Кы MSS. PASSWORDS · CODES Tempest 2000 — Jaguar Atthe Game Select Screen press and hold the #1, #4, and #7 buttons on the keypad before pressing the A Button to access your game. If you did it cor- rectly you should hear "Excellent". Now, every time you press the Option Button you will get a level skip, and the 46 button will enable the Warp. "The VidMan" SAX Y Left, Button 1 Chow Chow: CAR 5 Left, Button 2 and 1 Scruff: ROD K Up, Button 1 Kabuki: UD | Down, Button 1 Air Dog: AIR Y Up, Button 2 and 1 Warren Moon: UW: F Up, Start, Button 1 P-Funk: DIS ВА Right, Button 2 and 1 "Virtua Gap Boy!" FIFA international Soccer You can enter these different modes just by entering these codes at the Game Set-Up/Options Screen. Super Kick: B, A, B (eight times) Jurassic Park — Sega CD Invisible Walls: Y, Y, Y, X, A, X, A, X, A, and B To access the level select in Jurassic Crazy Ball: | ParkCD youmustfirst get at least one X, A, B, Y, X, A, B, Y, B, A, and X egg in the incubator located at Wu's Crazy Curve Ball: Office. After the egg is placed, save B, A, R, B, Y, and L the game and leave the computer Super Goalie: room. Now, press and hold Start on A, A, A, A, A, Y, Y, Y, Y, and Y controller #2 until the “Node Jumper" Dream Team: prompt appears, which will allow you A, A, B, B, Y, Y, X, and X to go to any part of the game. "The VidMan” “Тһе VidMan" Game Informer и September/October '94 өт 60 С О 0 OS SCORE 077230 Wolfenstein 3-D — SNES | Enter any of these codes during gameplay after you hit the Start but- ton to bring up the map display. Then press Start to leave the Map screen to finish each code. Complete Level Map: A, A, Up, and B Refill Ammunition and get Extra Weapons: R, Up, B, and A. Level Skip: Up, B, R, and B "The VidMan” AJGJ Chase Scene LAEA Theives in Agrabah ASNF Cave of Wonders I DMIA Cave of Wonders |! INSI Flight from the Cave NEUA The Sultan’s Palace AALG Magic Carpet Ride BLTO Pursuit of the Royal Deceiver ШАМ Battle with Jafar Kyle McLaughlin Franklin, MI Battletoads Double Dragon - SNES The Mega Warp Zone is found by hitting Up, Down, Down, Up, X, B, Y, А, and then Start on the character select screen. "The Vidman" Virtua Racing — Genesis To race on backwards tracks, when you see the Sega logo press and hold A, B, and Up at the same time (Must have one Controller plugged in). Then at the Title Screen, press Start while still holding the A, B, and Up. Then go to the Mode Select and pick the back- wards "Virtua Racing" logo. "The МіаМап” Rocky Rodent — SNES To get unlimited continues enter this code at the Title Screen: Y, A, Right, A, B, and A. Then go to the Options Screen and change Continues to “?”. "Egghead" Super Metroid — SNES You can refill your life meter at any time by pressing and holding the X button to drop a Super Bomb while also holding the L button, R button and Down. "Egghead" Level 1: STK Level 2: HNM Level 3: KST Level 4: ТВТ Level 5: MYX Level6: KHL Level 7: RTS Level 8: SKB Level 9: HNT Level 10: SRY Level 11: YSK Level 12: RCF Level 13: HSM Level 14: PWW Level 15: MTN Level 16: TKY Chris Crutchfield Flower Mound, Tx os — — c —Í——— 0 À ERES. Snes asec c ENS C S.‏ س Dino Dudes - Jaguar Here are all the level passcodes: Level 1: Round One Level 2: Liberty Island Level 3: Stone Wall Level 4: G Men Level 5: Go West Level 6: Lemon Entry Level 7: Wagon Wheel Level 8: Oil Drum Level 9: Moon Orbit Level 10: Hard Rock Level 11: Trip and Fall Level 12: Alarm Clock Level 13: Big Country Level 14: Hog Tied Level 15: Can Can Level 16: Cute Mouse Level 17: Sparky Plug Level 18: Pony Express Level 19: Padded Cell Level 20: Log Plume Level 21: Canvas Sail Level 22: Golden Era Level 23: Wide Seat Level 24: Bad Karma Level 25: Crush Barrier Level 26: Lime Glass Level 27: Surfs Up Level 28: Penal Colony Level 29: Relief Art Level 30: Tribal Dance Level 31: Soda Fountain Level 32: Parking Place Level 33: Pizza Dude Level 34: Crow Flies Level 35: Tiled Roof Level 36: Slate Missing Level 37: Opening Time Level 38: Inner Peace Level 39: Bad Dog Level 40: Sour Belly ЕР ТАМДЫ о ` King of Dragons – SNES | n i "АНЫ" EOE ш! Әзі ALY ӛзі реб Abo _ С ahd Сөзі Play until you have one continue left. | Atthe continue screen press Start on Controller 42, then Start on Controller #1 before time runs out. After you enter this code you should have 99 continues. "The VidMan" Level 41: Large Mug Level 42: Half A Bet Level 43: Sing Sing Level 44: Brown Cow Level 45: Iron Horse Level 46: White Male Level 47: Box Office Level 48: Corny Fur Level 49: Atom Cat Level 50: Free Wheeling Level 51: Bush Fire Level 52: Car Bra Level 53: Pork Pies Level 54: Stormy Down Level 55: Stage Coach Level 56: Quay Bored Level 57: Splash Down Level 58: Bug Politics Level 59: Shake Spear Level 60: School Zone Level 61: Pink Marble Level 62: Rolling Plains Level 63: Icon Drive Level 64: Carrot Top Level 65: Quill Pen Level 66: Tutti Frutti Level 67: Public Enemy Level 68: Big End Level 69: Tan Parlor Level 70: Never Ready Level 71: Shark Fangs Level 72: Stool Pigeon Level 73: Prom Queen Level 74: Red Letter Level 75: Corn Pone Level 76: Bilge Pump Level 77: Sixty Four Bit Level 78: Half Mast Level 79: Walking Boss Level 80: Space To Let "The Video Vigilante" 22 Lá B | ФОАРООН Do., Ltd. зеет, теза | When you see the word “Capcom”, press Down, R Button, Up, L Button, Y, B, X and A. If done correctly, the screen will turn from red to blue and allow you to play 2-players with the same character. Robert Smith Chicago, IL Mega Turrican — Genesis You can enter these codes anytime during the game if you need a little help. Level Skip: Pause, R, L, D, R, B, and then Unpause Previous Level: R, L, D, R, A, and then Unpause Unlimited Energy: Pause, A, A, A, B, B, B, A, A, A Silly Cheat: Pause, U, О, D, D, L, В, L, R, A, B, Unpause "Egghead" Shadowrun — Genesis At the title screen let the “Press Start" logo flash and then begin to enter this code: A, B, B, A, C, A, and B. Now be- gin the game as usual and then go to the Statistics Subscreen. Now you can move past the Save/Load Game option and go to an invisible option. "Egghead" Test Drive II — SNES Jump Press the A Button on Controller 2 during the race to make your car jump over obstacles and other cars. (Make sure that you have an Automatic Transmission or the engine will blow up.) Psychedelic Glitch At the end of a level, when you see the gas station, hold down the A Button on Controller 2. This will make your car continue to jump and after a short time you will get a psychedelic Screen. Mike Donovan Eden Prairie, MN Wrecking Crew — NES Now here's a Classic code. On Phase Six there is a secret hammer. To ac- cess the hammer you must first blow the bomb on the bottom right hand corner, then the bottom left, and fi- nally the bomb one up on the left side. After you destroy this bomb, there should be a golden hammer that will enable you to destroy objects in less time. David Dean Torrington, CT Equinox — SNES To become invincible and not lose any of your magic, at the Title Screen press these buttons L, L, R, R, L, L, L, R, R, R, L, L, R.R, L, and R. “Egghead” палаці ии $ f PLAYER OUEST SELECT ROUND ROUND 1 X-Kaliber 2097 — SNES If you wish to use a Level Select, press Right, Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Left, Down, Down, and Down. Then press the Y button and go to “New Game" and press Y again to get the Level Select. “Тһе МаМап” То access a Level Select, highlight the Exit icon at the Options screen, then press and hold all three buttons and press Start. This will enable you to go to any of the 24 tracks at any time. "The VidMan" Game Informer a September/October '94 Micro Machines - Genesis Here are some killer codes for this miniature racer. Just pause the game during gameplay and enter any or all of these codes. When you unpause they should be in effect. Turbo Speed: Up, Down, A, B, Left, Right, C Infinite Lives: B, Down, C, Down, Up, Down, Left, Down Improved Handling: A, Up, B, Down, C, Left, Start, Right Improved Crash Power: C, Up, Left, Right, A, B, A, C "The VidMan Super Street Fighter il — SNES & Genesis To access the hidden eighth color se- lection press and hold any button (other than start) for two seconds. “The МаМап” Fighter's History - SNES To access the bosses in this fighter simply enter this code as the Fighter's History Logo comes into focus: Right, Right, Up, Up, L Button, and R Button. Then go to the character selection screen to see if it worked. "The VidMan" Castlevania: Bloodlines — Genesis To access nine more players and the expert difficulty level just follow this somewhat complex code. First, go to the option screen and set the background music to 05 and the Sound Effects to 073. Exit this screen by pressing Start, then when the Title screen with “Press Start Button” appears, press the Start Button. Now at the Title screen with “1P Start’ enter this code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, and A. Go back to the Options screen and choose away. “Тһе VidMan” Rocko's Modern Life — SNES Here are all the level passwords: Easy Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: HARD Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Comics Melba Hippo Blazez O-Town Gripes “Тһе VidMan" Mortal Kombat 11 - SNES & Genesis Random Select: Press Up and Start at the player Select screen. "The VidMan" Throws Disabled: (SNES Only) Press Down and High Punch on both controllers at the Match-up screen. “Тһе VidMan” Game Informer и September/October “94 Double Dragon V:The Shadow Falls — SNES Here are some of the character moves to get you started: Billy Lee Dragon Uppercut F, DF, D +P Lunge Strike F,F+LP Dragon Spin D, DB, B +P Dragon Projectile B,F+P Jimmy Lee Dragon Uppercut F,DF,D+P Lunge Strike Е. FLP Dragon Spin D, DB,B +P Dragon Fire B,F+P Bones Head Throw F,DF,D«K Eye Zap D, DB, B + P Gun Shot F,DF,D«K Vertabrae Strike F, F + MK Arm Hammer F, F + МР Dominique Ponytail Bolt Ғ, DF, F +K Spin Kick D, DB, B + K Stiletto Kick 0 + MK (In Mid-Air) Slide Kick D, D +LK Sickle Air Buzzsaw F,DF,F«K Ground Buzzsaw D, DB, B« P Helicopter Spin B,F,«P Energy Blade D, DF, F +P Icepick Pole Vault D, DB, В+ LK Hammer Head F, F+ МР Ice Dagger О, DF,F+P Iceball B,F +P Hack n’ Slash ІР (Repeatedly) Shadow Master Teleport F, DF, D, DB, B +P, K Rushing Blade B,F+P Ground Fireball B,F«K Shadow Fire D,DF,F«P Trigger Happy Drill Shot D, DB, B +K Cannon Blast B,F+P Explo-Punch D, DB, B + MP Force Field LK (Repeatedly) Rocket Uppercut F, DF, D+P Jawbreaker Yell Projectile D, DB, B + P Biscuit Spit B,F+P Flying Head-Butt F, F, ТІР Ground Fireball F,DF,D«K Bulldog Shake F, F + HK (Close) Chew & Spit Б, F + HP (Close) Blade Spin Kick B,F«K Torpedo В,Е+Р Shish-Kebab LP (Repeatedly) Slide Stab F,F+P Blade Ripper D, DB, B + MP Countdown Flame Thrower D, DB, B + HP Rocket Dive F,F+K Breaker Spin B,F+k Eye Laser B,F+P Missile Shot F,DF,D+K Sekka Claw Roll Attack D,DB,B+P Foot-to-Head Attack Е, F + НК Flying Hand Stab B, F + HK Claw Spin D, DB, B +K Flying Grinder D, D +LK Key: D - Down, F - Forward, B - Back, P - Punch, К - Kick, L - Light, M - Medium, H - Hard, DF - Down Forward, DB - Down Back Secret Access Notice: Send Game Informer Your | ` Passwords and Codes and wini Sena i in your codes and pass- | words every issue, and if we print them you'll be entered / in Game Informer/ASCII- WARE Secret Access Contest. The Grand Prize is any pair of ASCIIWARE controllers you choose, . and all Runner's Up will receive a Game Informer Secret Access T-Shirt to show-off to your Monga, You can't win you dort entor! `T ive-On-Five Action, All 27 МВА EL. with the Full Team Roster of Each Team, Make your чаргыта тот the entire roster. t at up. Choose your | avorite team and shoot for the championship of the NBA in ame on the Game Gear. Ш ш Cart Size: 2 Meg т Style:1 or 2-Player Head-To-Head Tournament Fighting ш Special Features: All the Moves of the Arcade including Babalities and Friendships & Blood, Lots of It m Created by: Probe Ltd. fo. Acclaim ш Available: September 9th, 1994 «4 better than you had hoped. Most of the characters that you loved іп the arcade version of MK Il are here for , what promises to be a true battle of skill and endurance. Unfortunately, Baraka, Kung / | Lao, Johnny Cage, and Raiden didn’t make it into either the Game Gear or бате Boy version. But for the characters that are here, you can use all of your favorite fatalities, moves, and special moves as you shoot for the throne of Shao Kahn, the new ruler of the cantest. The battlejis about to begin and the blood is about to spill as Mortal Kombat Il comes to your hand held. m , MORTAL KOMBAT Ê ıı © 1994 licensed from Midway © Manufacturing Company. All rights reserved. н 1 Wateh out (o? Ceo»pion's harpoon throw. i Andy Paul Rick Ross | Concept: i | Graphics: | Sound: | Playability: Entertainment: > THE Bottom LINE Andy, The Game Hombre "For 5-on-5 basketball action you don't get any better than NBA Action. The graphics i are a little jumpy, but the play is entertaining. Good game." Rick, The Video Ranger “1 think you run into problems when you try to put 5-on-5 basketball on hand held systems. What good does it do to have real NBA players if you can't distinguish one from an- other? The screen flicker was also quite bad. If you have to have hand basketball, NBA Action is as good as most." Ross, The Rebel Gamer "Hey, Sega! I can't believe it, five-on-five basketball for the Game Gear. | like the way this one plays. Sega has unde- niably given us the best sports game for the “4 Gear with this one.“ ZI SY Раш, The Pro Player KO LAT. “This probably comes in a close second to NBA Јат. | if you want that 5-on-5 game, you cant go wrong. graphics strain the eyes after a stint, but with all the and nns what else do A want?" ; Liu Kans's Dragon Chomp (СТГ салала р атаах. 46 іпе(и4с4. | d The Pit п Ны, desks: SEA on the Game босау. Game Informer и September/October ‘94 NOT YET RATED NOT RATED THIS OFFICIAL SEAL IS YOUR AS- SURANCE THAT THIS PRODUCT MEETS THE HIGHEST QUALITY STANDARDS OF SEGA'". BUY GAMES AND ACCESSORIES WITH THIS SEAL TO BE SURE THAT THEY ARE COMPATIBLE WITH THE SEGA CD™ SYSTEM: Que Janes Yo @77/ SEGA AND SEGA CD ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES. LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Game (C) 1993 SIMS CO.. LTD. English translation (C ) 1994 Worki VAY" is at f SIMS CO. LTD i Get off r butt алас с all copies of VAY are sold. man! .CA 96001. What are vou doing reading th Licensed from SIMS CO.. LTD by Working Designs. 18135 Clear Creek Road, Кеда For a dealer near vou. call (916) 243-3417 ext. 190 The Latest in Video Game Jaguar Grows some Teeth tari announced that the Atari Jaguar CD-ROM peripheral will Ве available this October at the targeted retail price of | $199.95. This unit will connectto your already existing Jaguar and enable the user to play both CD-ROM and cartridge Jaguar games. The CD-ROM hardware specs are unavailable at this time, but the unit will be able to play both Jaguar CD-ROM games, audio CDs, and CD+Gs. The CD-ROM unit also has a through-port to allow you to play your cartridge games without removing the CD unit, and some applications may even use both the CD-ROM and cartridge input. Current titles in the works for the CD-ROM АШ - include Blue Lighting, Battlemorph, Jack Nicklaus Cyber * Golf, Highlander, Creature Shock, and Demolition Man. Besides games, the CD-ROM will offer you the ability to purchase an MPEG cartridge, at an undetermined price, that will enable you to view VideoCD full-motion movies. Sony Announces New CPU for PlayStation LSI Logic and Sony Computer Entertainment recently unveiled the CPU (central Processing Unit) chip that was exclusively designed for the Sony PlayStation. The PlayStation, a 32-bit CD-ROM system that will be available here sometime in '95, will utilize this high- performance integrated chip that is comprised : of three sub-systems. The CPU is designed as a system-on-a-chip; with a 32-bit MIPS RISC microprocessor, а 3-D geometry engine subsystem (GTE) that delivers 3-D graphics, and a decompression # subsystem (MDEC) for JPEG based full- motion video. Besides this central CPU, the PlayStation also incorporates а 3-D “my graphics engine, called a GPU, that was designed by Sony Computer Entertainment. This chip will be capable of creating life-like 3-D images, powering up 360,000 M, ie per second, and moving up to 4,000 2-D on-screen sprites. LSI Logic and Sony Entertainment feel confident that this configuration for the PlayStation will offer the game-player a \ more realistic video gaming experience. Of course, we won't really know if it's all it’s cracked up to be until it's release (later this year in Japan), f butfrom its performance specs, the p" PlayStation looks as if it could be - the CD-ROM system of the future. Catapult Your SNES and Genesis On-Line Л ave you ever wanted to play Super Nintendo or Genesis games on-line against others friends (or enemies). Luckily, the newly formed company Catapult Entertainment plans to do just that. Catapult Entertainment, backed by Newleaf . Entertainment (а BlockBuster joint venture), and Davis Video Enterprises, plans to establish a video game network service that will enable gamers across the land to access multi-player action through a Catapult-designed modem. . The Catapult modem is planned to retail for about the same | Cost as new cartridge (maybe $69.95), with an ‘additional 5 to 10 < dollar monthly service charge depending on usage. Users will travel through the network via а “handle”. The user can then challenge different players, and send and receive messages from other users when not playing a game. The network also plans to offer competitions and player rankings to keep competitors hungry for more. Catapult plans _ to be test marketed this winter witha national roll-out late іп 95. WE LG ME © Sega, Genesis, Genesis 32X, and Welcome To The Next Level are trademarks of SEGA. © 1994 SEGA. All rights reserved SEGA Time Ware luteractive Brings Dinosaurs to Life With Stop-Motion Time Warner Interactive and Atari Games bring you the newest in video gaming technology with their newest arcade unit, Primal Rage. Created using stop-motion photography, Primal Rage is the first fully stop-motion dinosaur fighting game. It features seven different fantasy creatures who do battle to dominate the new Urth. Utilizing a unique moves sequece, Primal Rage has a lot to offer the head-to-head fighter fan, but Primal. Rage's life-like graphics and animation will really bring people to play. Each character and move in this game were created using a . special techique known as stop-motion photography. Stop-motion filming involves painstakingly small movements of a puppet armature, taking a picture or frame of that pose, and then moving the puppet to its next pose. This creates a living breath- ing creature that has both a 3-D look and feel. While this process is very time-consuming, the final product is unbelievably fluid. Game Informer will have more on Primal Rage in the future, but for now it should be shipping to arcades in early August. So save your quarters and prepare for the Primal Rage. | H | mediis E NEXT Am V EX Win А Game Genie of Your Choice! ig deep into your Game Genie files and send us your coolest codes, because if we print your code a Game Genie will be on its way to you ‚ doorstep...well, mailbox. Original N ‚ codes only. All pre-published codes will not be accepted. A FIFA International Soccer - Genesis Soldiers of Fortune - RZZB - 66XE тг Judgement Day- d SNES Master Code CBC1 - E46F GBVA - DJZY Fester's Quest- NES. Infinite Lives Each Goal worth 2 Gradius IIl- SNES pres Wh 2 (Both ^ Players) : ealth Power-Up GBVA - DNZY ` Gargoyles Quest І- NES costs $1 - NES Each Goal worth 3 BattleToads - _ Castlevania IIl- NES DFF6 - 5Ғ80 evi (Both Players) Genesis Speed Power-Up cost $1 No enemies throughout GBVA - DYZY C3BT - ААЅА Metroid Il- -GB DDF6 - 5DEO Me al game Each Goal worth 5 Infinite Lives | | Skill Power-Up costs $44 Charles Le j ЕГІ dime. DFF6 - 5470 j Different explosion p's Ms m Manchester, CT Wisdom Power-Up noma Each Goal worth 8 costs $1 p- ^ & OPA (Both Players) DFF6 - 5480 Different Music PYNA - DAYJ Sub Terrania - Special Power-Up Derek lee Player 1 starts with Genesis costs $1 Plymouth, ММ — «6 points AK3B - GAHT DFF6 - 5780 “Egghead” ^ Enable Grid Mode Weapon Power-Up A33B - GAHL costs $1 я 4. View end of game “The VidMan" | Тк а Fatal Fury 2 - DVRB - CA46 „т m, Genesis No fuel loss from idling : S83A-AAD2 2BOT - MGLT + BVOT - Sonic Chaos - Game Player 1's health starts [А40 Gear | Б at 132% in 1P and VS Mega-shot recharges ??C - FEE - AEE Тор Gear 2 - SNES games immediately Changes colors (Change op D07 583А-ААЕЈ SF3T - MEYJ the 2 letters or numbers | C267- CDO Player 2’s health starts Infinite Missiles in the first two slots to see ne bo for at 132% in 1P and VS AFRB - CAB2 different colors) games H i iatel Tommy Knox 7430 - 398E SÓ3A-AABL «SB2T-AAGN anor eee odala Long Lake, MN St place gives $50,000 Player 1's health starts at Infinite Lives instead of $10,000 132% in Survival games Louis Hodge ОЕС8 - 495E S83A-AACY + S82T-AAGG Sad Francie CA Ath front armor costs Player 2's health starts at $1,000 instead of 132% in Survival games $20,000 AG3A-AAGA Japheth Worthy Player 1 needs 1 victory Oak Park, М for a win in 1P games Тор Gear 2- SNES ^03AAAGA || um C26A - 4700 Player 1 needs 5 victories AI Infinite lives for a win in 1P games | anonn merican Challenge Noel & Kirk Howard Brian Dahlin - SNES Bayshore, NY Brooklyn Park, MN DD6E-440D + D96E-446D Batman: The Gunstar Heroes - О К БАНЫ Animated Series- SecetofMana- Genesis | ) Game SNES я те MD Shop Free turbos OOC - deii 6EO9 - 8707 Makes most Enemies - Game Informer Magazine | 8881-3407 Jump according to how First enemy killed gives and Screen Cursors _ 10120 W. 76th Street Don't take damage long you hold the A button уои level 53 invisible Eden Prairie, MN 55344 | in races E Zachariah Thoreen Adam Carter George Shirai "The VidMan Orlando, FL Glen Burnie, MD Pearl City, НІ Game Informer г September/October “94 4 Super Street Fighter П - Genesis Y М27Т-АА86 D002-EDD5 MASTER CODE-MUST No charging required for BE ENTERED some special moves DFC3-170F AKKA-CA2L DD47-8DD1 1 ball for a walk Don't take damage except | Some special moves can D4C3-170F from throws or grabs-both be done in the air 2 balls for a walk players 3010-7467 3C10-74A7 CBB3-1D2D RFJT-C60L Don' take damage, Can't walk player 1st normal hit wins except from throws or C2BE-179D RHEA-C6ZN grabs Can' strike out Dizzyness doesn't last DD10-7707 C28A-3FA7 + СВВ0-4797 + CMNT-DTWC 1st normal hit wins C283-34D7 No charging required for 1077-7F61 Computer can't score some special moves Dizzyness doesn' last “Тһе VidMan" AC5A-CAB2 4A9C-7FDF Some special moves can Both players start with be done in the air 1/4 health Dune: Battle FTGA-AAFN 969C-7FDF Me for Both players start with Both players start with (Codes 1 through 8, If you 1/4 health 1/2 health change families you will start | МАСА-ААҒМ 609C-7FDF on level 1) Both players start with Both players start with AKOT-DA2C 1/2 health 3/4 health Start on Scenario 2 TTGA-AAFN CB17-8FAD + 7017-8400й apot-paoc Both players start with Every hit sets opponents Gtart on Scenario 3 | 3/4 health on fire AVOT-DA2C RFHT-C614 + GBHT-DE92 — CB17-8FAD + F617-84DD Start on Scenario 4 Every hit sets opponent Every hit sets opponents | AzoT.DA2C on fire on fire and knocks him Gtart on Scenario 5 Every hit sets opponent оп CB17-8FAD + FC17-84DD Gtart on Scenario 6 fire and knocks him down Every hit zaps the A70T-DA2C RFHT-C614 + DKHT-DE92 opponent and knocks Start on Scenario 7 Every hit zaps opponent him down BBOT-DA2C and knocks him down CB17-8FAD + FA17-84DD Start on Scenario 8 RFHT-C614 +DVHT-DE92 Every hit knocks the BFOT-DA2C Every hit knocks opponent down Staon Scenario 9 opponent down CB17-8FAD + DC17-84DD A5BA-AA6G ВЕНТ-С614 + BKHT-DE92 Every hit is a "hard hit" Construction done faster Every hit is a "hard hit" (Codes 14 & 15 don't and cheaper than normal (Codes 15 & 16 don't - work for the computer ADAA-ACGR work for the computer player) ildinas fi player) CB79-EF61 + D579-EFA1 eene than role Hr HXKT-DAMA + NDKT- Players jump highter ADAA-AAGR ym une wie iB E a Buildings cannot be fixed ENDS HXKT-DAMA + 6DKT- “The Game Professor’ wn ee i ve <= CADC obses a И Players jump slower е x “Тһе VidMan" ICECAP 1 SUND TEST saot Shadowrun - Sonic 2 - Genesis aw Genesis VEJY - 2942 + SBJA - Cepeda Ок VXJA - AA26 HAWJ ^ ң Virtua Racing - Don't have to go to the Only need half the y ad : ты ar Genesis Hotel for Karma number of rings in vus ч pi С5МА - EME Keith Lewis special stage ebug and Level Select Backwards Tracks Code & Brian Kendall Allen M. VanMeter Bob Knowles "The Egghead" Troy, MI White Hall, IL Chelsea, MA Game Informer к September/October “94 63 Seal of Quality 4 е. LICENSED BY WITH 12 MEG OF POWER, 8 FIGHTING STYLES AND OVER 150 INDIVIDUAL А TECHNIQUES, THIS IS THE ULTIMATE FIGHTING. eB GAME AROUND. nd SEPTEMBER 16 SUPER NES^ "GENESIS DR OLD E xi 4 Bo VENOM™ CLEANS UP THE LONG ARMS OF GIVE МЕ LIBERTY OR EAT PUMPKIN, CAPTAIN AMERICA THROWS ^" CARNAGE” RULES??? CENTRAL PARK! THE LAW! GIVE ME CARNAGE! WEBSLINGER! HIS MIGHTY SHIELD! TM & © 1994 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc: All Rights Reserved. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the official seals are registered trademarks of. Nintendo of America, Inc.© 1991 Nintendo of America, Inc. Sega & Genesis are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd: All Rights Reserved. Carnage™ Rules Published: By We Get Sued For Our Music/Ehrysalis Music (ASCAP). Green Jelly appears courtesy of Zoo Entertainment. (Р); 1993, 1994 BMG Klaim Мивіс, AH Rights Reserved. Acclaim is.a division of Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. ® & © 1994 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. АП Rights Reserved, Screen shots f shown are from Super NES*-version. е n SET TH en. ericdinment, imc Made with) love’ by, Our goal is to preserve elassie video game magazines So that they аге not lost/permanently: People Interested in helping ош п any capacity; please visit us at retromags.com: No profitis made from) these scans nor do we offer anything available from the publishers themselves: If: you come across anyone selling releases from this Site please do not support them апа do let Us know: Thank you!