FIFA Soccer, Silpheed, January/February 1994 | x | Soldiers of Fortune N m Lawnmower Man

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7 NBA Jam: A SNES Review

The arcade game of the year makes its way Home.

Take a Moment with the Turtles A Feature Section

TMNT: Tournament Fighters An 8-Bit NES Review TMNT: Tournament Fighters - A SNES Review

TMNT: Tournament Fighters A Sega Genesis Review


10 SNES Aladdin, Skyblazer, Super Putty, Lawnmower Man and Secret of Mana

24 Genesis Eternal Champions, EA Sports FIFA International Soccer, Skyblazer and Sonic Spinball

38 CD’s

Sonic CD A Sega CD Review * Silpheed A Sega CD Review Crash ‘n Burn - A 3DO Review

41 Genesis At A Glance Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, Fun ‘n Games, Winter Olympics, Blades of Vengeance and Prize Fighter

42 NEW! Dual Review

Game Informer's one-on-one system match-up. Soldiers of Fortune SNES vs. Genesis

54 Hand-Helds

Batman: the Animated Series - A Game Boy Review

44 Classics Attic: Tecmo’s Ninja Gaiden

46 Tech Telk: The Latest in Hardware & Software

48 Game Genie/Swap Shop Includes Exclusive Codes From Galoob

ss Hot! 50 Secret Access Rumors & News | Tips From Our Readers a

Game Informer = January/February '94

Letter From The Editors

By Elizabeth A. Olson & Andrew McNamara

Welcome to 1994 and the first Letter From the Editors. Editors, you ask? That’s right, the writer and the gamer have joined forces to bring you the best mag possible. The other good news is that Game Informer recently hit the newsstand, so if you miss an issue you may find it at a store near you. If not, request it! Now, on to the business at hand...

With the New Year upon us, we say good-bye to another year of controversy and success within the video game industry. And we say hello to the many new-comers in an industry that’s still the on the rise and shows no sign of stopping.

Since the inception of video games in the 70's, there have never been as many video game systems or titles available as today. And, of course, the market for video games has changed a great deal over the years. While the faithful majority are still found to be younger males and females, thousands of adults out there are playing. Among this “older” audience is the first generation of parents who grew up during the original video game craze, making them consumers for themselves as well as for their children. But what will these game players be buying in 1994? Children, and even most adults, can’t afford all the new high-tech wonder machines hitting the market this year.

Meet The Reviewers


Somehow or another, the industry players gave birth to three different mediums for interactive games, each complete with its own price range and market share. There are video game consoles, like Super Nintendo or Sega’s Genesis; multi-media units, like Atari’s Jaguar, Philip’s CD-I or Panasonic’s REAL FZ-1; and the highest end of the spectrum, Personal Computers or PCs.

Hollywood and big corporate hitters are betting big bucks that multi-media is the next step that gamers and the American public are craving. Capable of holding large amounts of data via compact disk, multi-media hopes to become the centerpiece of your home entertain- ment system. They paint pictures of your TV, VCR and cable box, all surrounding their multi-media system. But will annoying access times and mediocre games keep people from making this CD-ROM upgrade?

And what about 32-bit or 64-bit cartridge- based systems? Sega has spoken of their 32-bit Saturn System, Nintendo claims to be making their “Project Reality” a reality for 1995, and Atari has already jumped into the fray with their Jaguar unit coming in at a mere $249. Can a cartridge-based system perform as well as those flashy CDs? And is the appetite for high-end

Though busy with his band and a trip home to see the ‘rents for the holidays, Andy hopes you got all the games you wanted. His personal favs from this issue are FIFA Soccer, Tournament Fighters: SNES, Batman, Super SF2, Mortal Kombat Il, and Soldiers of Fortune...“Tough game".

PAUL, THE PRO PLAYER For Paul, FIFA Soccer is a must-play as prep for the ‘94 World Cup. Of course, with the cold weather, NHL Hockey ‘94 is still kick-butt, and throw in Madden '94-SG for the upcoming Super Bowl. He didn't list any favorites from this issue, besides FIFA, but Mortal Kombat Il is his top pick for the arcades.


With winter upon us, hockey has again graced Ross's life. When not on the ice, he’s diligently working on his comic book with his partner in crime. His favorite games this issue include: Skyblazer, Silpheed , FIFA International Soccer for Genesis, and Aladdin for the SNES.

RICK, THE VIDEO RANGER Rick says his new Sega CD is a blast; stressing that anything a cart can do, a CD can do better. His current fav CD is Lethal Enforcers, while he anxiously awaits Mortal Kombat-CD. Rick’s favorite cart is still Sega’s Aladdin (until the CD comes out). This issue, he enjoyed Silpheed and the Sonic games.


We use a scale from 1 to 10.

GI reviewers rate games 1=Terminal 6 = Fair in six categories: 2 = Avoid 7 = Good m Concept m Playability 3 = Yawner 8 - Very Good m Graphics/Animation Entertainment Value 4 - Weak 9 - Excellent m Sound m Overall Rating 5=Average 10 =A Classic!

gaming big enough to justify and support the costly research and development reguired for this move?

Finally, there's the PC contenders to consider. With an increasing amount of cross-over, both in the realm of software manufacturers and their audience, the industry is a-buzz with rumors of long-time computer companies switching their focus to capture a fair share of the growing market.

How will all these new systems do? How will consumers react to all these choices? Perhaps a better guestions is, will they react? Nobody really knows for certain, but the ensuing battle should be fun to watch. With all the money dumped into these new systems, there's going to be serious competition for our game playing dollars. The proof will be in the pudding, shall we say. In other words, their success hinges on whether or not each system can get the software support they need, something that the SNES and Genesis already have. Game Informer will keep a watchful eye on all the action and fill you in on the details.’s to a very busy and unusual year.

Subscription Notice

Want to stay on top on what's new in the video game world? Keep the Game Informer coming to your home. Subscribe now for only $9.88 and receive six action-packed issues; one every other month. Save $13.80 off the cover price.

Look for the subscription card in the issue and sign up today!

The release dates listed in these pages are those currently available at the time the Game Informer goes into production and are subject to change.

udiophile, an official sponsor of Game Informer Magazine, makes it’s Multi-Media Speaker Systems available to the gaming public. The Reference 10A satellite speaker system (amplifier included), adds a whole new dimension to your interactive games. For more information on Audiophile’s Satellite speakers and sub-woofers please write to: David Hersk; Audiophile; 7416 Washington Avenue; Eden Prairie, MN 55344, Dealer inquiries welcome!

Game Informer = January/February ‘94

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of America Inc. 390 Holbrook Drive Wheeling, IL 60090

January/February Issue 1994

Volume Ill, Number 1

Richard A. Cihak Publisher

Elizabeth A. Olson Editor

Andrew McNamara Editor

Kimberley Thompson-Benike Editorial Consultant

Paul Anderson Rick Petzoldt Andy McNamara Ross Van Der Schaegen Video Game Consultants

Thomas Blustin Art Direction Graphic Design

Timothy J. Laurie Art Direction Graphic Design

Advertising Sales Walter Baumgartner Richard S. Cegielski National Advertising Sales Directors 144 Oak Court Barrington, IL 60010 (708) 381-8770

Bob Rosen Janet Kleinman East Coast Sales Representatives Kalish, Quigley & Rosen, Inc. 850 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10019 (212) 399-9500

Tony Sureau & Associates Northwest Coast Sales Representatives 11531 197th Southeast Snohomish, WA 98290 (206) 668-7978

R.C. Bublitz & Associates Southwest Coast Sales Representatives 22247 Burbank Boulevard Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (818) 992-0366

Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is published bi-monthly at a subscription price of $9.88 per year, by Sunrise Publications, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-7250. Second-class postage paid at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3728.

The Editor welcomes company product information for all video games. Such materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Informer Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Editorial phone and FAX numbers are noted above. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned or acknowledged.

Entire contents copyright 1994. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohib- ited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc.

Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies.

For a subscription to Game Informer Magazine, please call our Circulation Department at (612) 946-7245.

Hey, | got an idea... I'm 13 years old and in the seventh grade. I don't like to read but, when I get your magazine, I read it over and over. I love the tips and hints, plus the way you review and rate games. It's great. Just an idea, but could you write more moves in reviews, or have more tips and hints? Jason Medwin Plano, TX

Jason, it's good to know people are reading the magazine but don't forget, there's a lot of good books out there too. Start with one about video games or your favorite movie. Hey, you might find you like to read. As for more tips, moves and bet! We're doing everything possible to keep you informed and on top. We have more tips than anybody else, and our tip section will continue to grow.


I'll take ya’ on. 8 | read in your September/October '93 issue that “El Grande Hombré” (Andy) claims people are scared to play him in SF2 Turbo, and probably Mortal Kombat too. He needs someone to play, and | need someone to play against me. l figure thatl could play against him: five games of Mortal Kombat; his choice of champion against my “Ice Man”, Sub-Zero. Oh, please don't tell me the Hombré is chicken. bear no malice towards him, it's just that | need a challenge. I’m serious about this. Also, congrats on your second anniversary; may you have many more!

Albert Marshall

Oxford, MD

Thanks for the challenge, but there's. lot of miles between Minnesota and Maryland. If, by chance, you do get to Minnesota, Andy said he will take you on and “smoke ya”. However, we bet if you head down to yourlocal arcade, you might find some experienced opposition. If you still can't find a challenge, you might get a chance to take on “the Hombré". If you're lucky enough to be in Minnesota, you'll find him hiding out at his favorite arcade. j -Eds.

Where is that Green Guy? Is it possible to be Reptile on the SNES Mortal Kombatand, if so, how? Secondly, is there a blood code onthe SNES game or using the Game Genie? Adam Davis Worthington, OH

No, unfortunately, but you can get to Reptile on both the SNES and Genesis. All you have to do is get a Double Flawless and Fatality with any character on the Pit Stage. You just can’t block. As far as blood is concerned, there isn't a code for the SNES version.

The Swap Shop does have a Game Genie Blood code hot off the wire, so turn to page 48 quickly. -Eds.

Mortal Feedback! I like your magazine a lot, but in your Sept./Oct. issue, some of the reviewers acted childish and immature. In their reviews of the SNES version of Mortal Kombat, Andy, Rick and Paul were whining about the absence of fatalities. While the fatalities added to the spirit of the original game, | feel the reviewers spent too much time complaining about this one minor difference when they should have spent more time talking

about the actual game. Marc Aune White Bear Lake, MN

I'd really like it if, in your next issue, you could show some codes for Mortal Kombat on the Genesis. I don't like what they did to Mortal Kombat on the Super NES. Why did they replace some of the finishing moves? The Genesis version is way cooler.

Javier Ortega Los Angeles, CA

lagree with Andy, Rick and Paul. Nintendo should lighten up on the censorship. | can’t stand the game without blood. It’s hard for me to believe that, after a foot goes through someone, there is no blood! Also, the Pit isn’t as cool without the spikes going through the bodies. | deeply prefer the Genesis version because of the blood mode. Ethen Knoop

Coverdale, CA

Well Marc, we ran all the MK versions through the paces and felt the SNES version missed the whole idea of the game, blood and gore. Besides, the Sega version has all the cool codes. If you want to talk about being childish, give the big “N” a call. They're the morons that kept the blood off the SNES, not us. Why'd they do it? Maybe to protect us from ourselves, but we believe that people should be able to choose their own paths; both parents and children. If you give people the information, we as individuals can make our own choices. Instead of rating systems, why not a gore rating or adult content rating? Different people have different opinions and tolerance levels. Thanks for the letters. We love to hear your views on games and issues that pertain to the industry. We still believe the Sega version is better than the SNES version but, if you think otherwise, write and let us know. We love to argue about games. E -Eds.

Statement of Ownership

Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685). 1A. Title of Publication: Game Informer magazine; 1B. Publication No.: 10576392; 2. Date of Filing: October 1, 1993; 3. Frequency of Issue: Bi-Monthly; 3A. Number of Issues Printed Annually: 6: 3B. Annual Subscription Price: $9.88; 4. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin reuny Complete Mailing Address of the Headquarters of General Business Offices of the Publisher: 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; 6. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor(s) and Managing Editor: Publisher: Richard A, Cihak, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; Editor: Elizabeth A. Olson, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344- 3728, Hennepin County; Co-Editor: Andrew C. McNamara, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; Managing Editor: None; 7. Owner: Funco, Inc.; 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; Names and Addresses of Stockholders Owning or Holding 1% or More of Total Amount of Stock: David

R. Pomije, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; Stanley A Bodine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; Michael B. Hinnenkamp, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, 55344-3728, Hennepin County; 8. Known Bondholders, Mortgages, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1% or More of Total Amount of Bonds, s. or Other Securities: None; 9. Does Not Apply; 10. Extent and Nature of Circulation: Average number of copies each issue HE 12 months: A. Total No. of Copies (Net Press Run): 206,000; B. Paid and/or Reguested Circulation: (1) Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales: 22,000; (2) Mail Subscription (Paid and/or reguested): 181,600; C. Total Paid and/or Reguested Circulation: 203,600; D. Free Distribution by Mail, Carrier or Other Means- samples, complimentary, and otherfree copies: 400; Total Distribution: 204,000; Copies Not Distributed: (1) Office use, left over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: 2,000; (2) Return from News Agents: 0; G. Total: 206,000. | certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete.

Richard A. Cihak, Publisher.

Game Informer = January/February '94




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The numbers were in, and it was clear; the Amusement Machine Association of America had * named Midway’s NBA JAM the Most- Played Arcade ` Machine of 1993. Of course, that comes as no surprise to the thousands of us who have lined up at our local arcades for a chance to sink a few quarters for a few baskets. But what is it about this game that keeps us coming back for more? For starters, NBA JAM is the creation of Williams/Bally/Midway, the same . company that brought us such stellar stand-ups as Defender, T2, Narc, Total Carnage, Super High Impact and last year's Mortal Kombat. It's this proven track record that's kept them at the top of the coin-op industry for more than sixty years.

Secondly, NBA JAM is the first arcade game to. be officially sanctioned by the National Basketball Association. Instead of playing against

-descript com i garme features all


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oe oe s Saulting Weird Slam. Make thi

«ets in a row and your player will "Heat Up" s them to sink one from virtualli

pum An

9 nerone mmn PLU i


Tn sonny

wi men a ryg

Choose your favorite team.

x Game Informer » January/February 4 | D i >

arcade basketb

furiously being

Iguana Software,

developer of choice, to converti for home use. Maintaining the three-button control e

basic moves Tike the Ed D Shoot once), b dy t

Game Informer = January/Febru:

March release of ailable for Super While the Cang

The Sega w version ) features more - voice samples than the SNES.

got another winner on theii four-player, with voice co




Informer a January/February '94 @ 1993 NBA Properties, Inc.


Dee Robert י > אוש‎ Detlef

Brown J Parish TOME i 2 Schrempf Hornacek

Hte" ! 5 Ht:7'O” iN : Hteo Nm 3:63" Q Ht:6'7” Wt:161 |] wt235 7 4 : : wt214 “Q : T Wt:240

Guard , D Center | א‎ à | . "> Forward Forward

Larry Ë g " Ë x % = | Charles y: >< Kevin } Johnson ‘$ . ing ae aa X il . | Barkley ES. Johnson :3 Ht:6'7” l || HE6IO' | e s ; : id Ht:6'6” E Hr p Wt:250 6 == Wt24 , 1 : - : - B. Wt:263 " | Wigo |


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Harper S. r Jackson ES. Edwards “i Lohaus ae ^ i W^ Ellis

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Laphonso \ מש‎ ^e Chuck | | Shawn Ellis : qued 4 * Person Kemp Hteg W | Ht : - 611" E Ht6'8" = Ht:6'10” Wt240 - Vt: E Wt235 "Wl 2, wt. “W I Wt:230

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Center [A Guard NI Forward A. T x x \ Forward

Tim â Chris T Patrick "me. John yj Tom שק‎ X Hardaway P . Mullin + Ewing LEE 3. Starks m ' | Gugliotta & | Grant

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Guard )\ Forward / Center f/ Quard 4 4 Forward g x Forward

2 L NBA Jam @ 1993. Midway is a trademark of Midway Manufacturing Company. The NBA Team trademarks used Game Informer = January/February '94 herein are used under license from NBA Properties, Inc. All rights reserved. NBA JAM SESSION is trademarked - and owned by NBA Properties, Inc.

Canton’ has thrown in tons

-ups and items to collect, u reasure-filled jars to a u fly "g pet. Players will find a

password feature following each level,

as well as bonus games and unlimited continues. The difficulty is moderate,

reguiring a reasonable amount of dexterity, so

it's full of rich colors, minute able playability. Staying true



Aladdin finds the lamp!


Inside Mor Side the Cave of Wonders!

' E ilc ^R

E ne ^ i

it aims for the experienced or patient players.

8 “Its hard not to compare the SNES and Sega versions, as both have outstanding qualities. While the SNES gas and animation are extremely good, they play secondfiddle 4 e large, vd imated characters of the Sega. Aladdin plays like a "Prince of Persia Meets Mario", which | first thought was lame but, further into P" arme, | started to really enjoy

is game is very good, but will s overshadowed by the fancy graphics of the Sega.

7 "Scheherazade's Arabian Nights Story translates well into video 7.5 game format. Capcom's SNES version is good but, after playing the Genesis game, this one does- n't have the same magic. Aladdin plays like a tougher version of Mickey s Magical Quest, but the graphics aren't as clean or im- pressive. | like the way the game closely follows the movie's plot. Overall it's a good license, but it failed to produce anything innov- ative in gameplay. 1



Flip attack

Tur Reset Gamer

“While Disney movies have been made into video games before, g Aladdin falls in a class by itself. With the Super NES color qualities and 7 high p te processors, this cart looks fantastic. The music may not 8 be from the original movie sound- track, but this cart sounds great. 9 While the film may have been more of a kid's movie, the gameplay is way beyond the grasp of youngsters. it provides a real challenge to the ex- perienced gamers, but is nearly im- possible for the beginner.”



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A Quest for Ac ction

& Adve 'nture Fans

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h, weary one. Banished from your

home, you have Iraversed many miles and fought many a valiant light. But that you could

undo the events of that fateful afternoon, whe you unwittingly unearthed that rusty bins from its resting place in the river, unleashing the powers of evil. With the protection of the Mana sword removed, the balance of power has been tipped, and the people of Potos blame uH Fate has selected you to right this wrong and banish the evil that now threatens your e You must find and seal the eight Seeds of Mana before it is too late.

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you progress. There is a hoard of weapons to

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you in your fight. m There is no rest for the weary, my friend.

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Time is running out. 4

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The Lawnmower Man: Step into The Virtual Reality of Hollywood

any of us see the emerging @@hnology kndwn'as anual

| -” NES Reviews

experience. Its creators are quick tb list the seemj E positive applications, s predi ne e aga of is contralg The

mpany Sales” jr dveral oth ela XT ame is based6n the movie and i Palen l E For those acing, a eels courg

STO. Madin : } has brought t the film t6 the SNES and \ The


ex| jerimenting in Virtual Reality for Mene aet: Indfistries, S| j Fight it out in the Father "uu וא או‎ pyhunter-style driving ang! the simple-minded maintenance man named Jobe who”, mau Men scene | | portion ofthe game

came his human guinea pig. Pa when heburstsinto | = RA. HERS a e = The game opens after Jobe has entered Virtual Reality and = | | hreatens to escape via the world’s Computer and phone tworks to gain ultimate control. The early Stages take | 1 | use, as well as eries of Virtual World po levels pick up where the first movie leaves off, | g the man known as the Doomplayer who holds J ve. |

Like the film, th« n and out of Reality and VR worlds. The gamep rates a variety of styles, ranging from side-scrollin r, to overhead car chases, to 3-D first-person flight and at simulation, We're happy Welšámo Ë he the developers have su nique cart of virtual realit a very intriguing idea.

i le: 1 or 2-Player Simultaneous Action/Shooter | pedem

cial Features: 5 styles of gameplay a


Created by: Sales Curve/distributed by THO EN E 4 Now y soon Os PC, Game Boy and Genesi

Anny, THE Game Homeri Zi Tur Vipero RANGER

Concept: 7 Lawnmower Man is good license gs What a great combination of SCI-FI : “The movie reminded me of Disney s

Ñ that appeals to vid-heads, as we Virtual Reality and action! l film, Tron. And the game is much like

Graphics: 7.5 Make up the majority of people who g.5 Lawnmower Man starts with some : g the old arcade game, in that it has

saw the flick. The game hops be- well-animated but middle-of-the- ff multiple game styles mixed into the

Sound: 8.5 tween Virtual worlds and reality. In 9.5 road, side-scrolling action. Make it Vi 7 package. Initially, the graphics aren't

Reality, the basic side-scrolling ac- through and enter computer portals B that great, but once you advance lev-

Playability: 7.5 tion sequences are decent, but noth- M : 8.5 ihatleadto numerous VR worlds. The : 7 elsandtheaction gets pumpin’, there

ing to write home about; average first-person perspective as you navi- are some great sights and sounds. |

Entertainment: 8.75 graphics and characters that should ג‎ 8.5 gate these worlds is the best I’ve : § really like the first-person scrolling

be a lot larger. When you enter the | 4 seen on a cartridge. The player(s) levels. The difficulty is there so you

OVERALL: Virtual Reality part, the game really ty : has a variety of play styles to master : can't whip through it. And with sev-

shines. Smooth animation and touch- | ranging from action to shooter, to rac- eral styles of play, 2-player simulta-

8 sensitive control makes it a blast to |* ing and IO tests. | recommend it to neous and tons of power-ups, the play.” - just about everybody.” game is very entertaining.

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“News ry Rumors Ë rom 5 Video Game Industry

Money!, Money!, Money...

Ocean of America has announced The Great Dino Egg Hunt, a nation-wide contest running in conjunction with the release of their new Super Nintendo title, Jurassic Park. A $5,000 cash prize will be awarded to the first contestant who correctly locates eight “clues” (not to be confused with “eggs” or power-ups) hidden throughout the interior and exterior of the park and unscramble the message they reveal. Contestants must find all eight clues, list the exact location of each clue, and correctly solve the message. The contest runs from the game’s release until February of 1994. To enter, type or print your solution on an 8.5"x 11” piece of paper and mail it to: The Great Dino Egg Hunt, PO. Box 459, Redwood City, California 94064-0459. All entries must be postmarked on or before February 28, 1994.

From Across the Pond

Code Masters, the UK brains behind the Game Genie, have announced they will begin distributing their game titles in the United States. Several 8-Bit Nintendo Code Masters games, such as Micro Machines and Fantastic Dizzy, were previously distributed through Camerica, a Canadian company. Code Masters has begun creating these games and others for the Sega Genesis and Game Gear systems and will be opening a US office early to 1994to handle

distribution. In addition to games, Code Masters and _ Galoob Toys will begin production and distribution on the next generation of the Game Genie peripheral,

the Game Genie 2. To kick off their entry into the US, Code Masters invited the editors of several industry publications such as Game Players, Video Games, Electronic Gaming Monthly, TWICE, The Toy Book and yours truly, to a round-table discus- sion comparing the US and UK markets.

. Call 1-800-255-3700.

Absolute Expands

Absolute Entertainment, the New Jersey-based software publisher behind such titles as Super Battletank and Star Trek, has announces plans to acquire Extreme Entertainment (formerly Bignet). In addition, they plan on strengthening their product

Both locations were selected for their proxi wealth of talent and industry resources.

“Everything You ee Wanted to Know...” |

Nintendo of America has an publication of a free brochure: “E Always To Know About Video Games...E Afraid To Ask Your Kids”, iis in order to help parents learn more about their kid's video games. The pamphlet includes an out- line of Nintendo's content guidelines and sugges- tions for healthy game play habits, such as setting aside time to

play games with your kids or limiting the amount of time spent playing

the brochure, write Nintendo America Inc., PO. Box 957, Redmond, Washington 98052, or

Sega of America has estab- lished their own videogame guidance program for consumers,

centered around the Videogame Rating

Council (VRC). VRC is an independent

committee comprised of child experts responsible for

Sega's software rating program. In addition, the program includes a toll-free information hotline for

parents (1- -800-379- -KIDS) and guidance brochure entitled "Everybody. yi A WE To Parents About Videogames”.

Did Not!, Did Too!

It's a case of imitation not being the highest form of compliment. Merely the latest in the long line of video game litigation, Capcom has filed suit against Data East for creating a stand-up arcade game (Fighters History) they feel too closely resembles Street Fighter ll. Data East refutes the allegations.

Similarly, Ascii Corporation has filed suit against certain unspecified STD Entertainment products, claiming patent infringement on their hands-free aut- ofire mechanism. According to Todd Hayes, President and Chief Operating Officer of STD, their products use a more-simplified, one-step sliding switch rather than the two-step master function switch

utilized i in Ascii S products. development capabilities by opening two new video

game software design facilities: one in Redmond, Washington and the other in Baltimore, Maryland. *

x Midway Makes a -Clean Sweep! | =

Williams/Bally/Midway, the leader in stand- -up arcade machines, captured the “Grand Slam” of coin-ops at a recent trade show. The annual AMOA Show (Amusement Machines Association of America), held in Anaheim, California, is the country's largest trade show for the arcade industry. This year, Midway was the big winner when it came time to hand out this

= year's awards. NBA Jam claimed the title for Most

Played Game of the Year; Mortal "m )lked away with Most o Kit of the Year; The * Addams Familytookthe title of Most Played Pinball Game of the Year for the second year running; and the show winner for Best New Product was Mortal Kombat 2. Congratulations and keep ‘em coming!

Speaking of MK2...

While we had the folks at Williams/Bally/Midway on the phone, they let us in on some of the features that make their Mortal Kombat 250 hot. First, they've added an expansion board to double the image mem- ory of the first MK. That means there are twelve char- acters players can select as opposed to the riginal seven, plus three hidden x “characters throughout the game, i fori a grand total of eight new characters. They've also eh five times the | secret moves. Each char-

_ acterin MK2 has four to six X Secret moves, compared to MK's ‘two or three, and at least two fatalities. Finally, M he first video game to ^t ntage ofthe new 5 (Digital Compression System) soundboard, the same one found in Williams' Indiana Jones and Star Trek pinball games. The result is a sound quality far superior to the original MK or any other video game. But software pirates beware, they've also installed a new custom chip to prevent illegal software copying. Mortal Kombat 2 will soon be ngng an arcade near

ypu. Check it out! —Ç

Game morne m January/February '94

TA e

levers on both sides f,‏ ץק get to the bottom Emeralds d‏

Your arch enemy pr. Robotnik. | .


Sega Genesis Reviews

at nefarious Doctor Robotnik is icks again. This time he’s ) in his Volcanic Veg- ess, a hide-out that s as the lava-based en- ource for his Veg-O- | erter. Sonic must brave \ igh-temperature waves % put a stop to Robotnik's evil eme before he can use this ew contraption on bonic and his furry , friends of the forest. But first he'll have to get past the Doc's elaborate Pinball Defense System. Based on the popular Casino Zone in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic Spinball gives the world's favorite hedgehog a style of gameplay, and a new lease on life. He'll keep you bouncing and ricocheting through numerous fast-paced levels as you face all- new Robotnik allies and collect the Power Emeralds necessary to advance. Making its debut on Sonic Mania Day (November 23rd), Sonic Spinball will appeal to Sonic and pinball fans, alike.


m Style: One-player pinball-style play

m Levels: Number of levels unknown

Created by: Sega

m Available: Sonic Mania Day - November 23

"Sonic Spinball is cool. but yet it _* Sonic Spinball, not unlike = "Sonic stars in his own pinball kinda stinks. Pinball on video sys- U Dragon s Fury, gives you pinball -o game, but it's like no other pinball tems have never really been my with levels. The graphics are top- | game you've ever seen. The great cup of tea. The first one | ever Sound: 3 notch and the levels are unbe- o thing aboutitis that you're notonly played was so cool, but from there lievably large, but you expect that playing pinball to score points, but on out...boredom. Sonic Spinball Playability: from a game starring Sega s little you have to beat Robotnik all over has great graphics and, of course, y buddy. I don’t know about you, but again. With your basic Sonic Spin

Playability: Playability:

i . Sonic has some new wacky ani- . I can only take so much video pin- . and standing positions, Sonic is mation. Butthe game is neither in- ball. Sonic Spinball is not an easy - easily incorporated into this style ventive or much of breakthrough; Ñ pinball game, which might be / of game. He looks great and so ו‎ just your basic pinball game with OVERALL: REAL tough for some. | have to OVERALL: do the backgrounds. Plus, the 7 Sonic thrown in to add a little ex- admit that this is a very original de- game is simple to play.” citement. This one will only appeal 5 sign, and many who dig the blue to true pinball fans.”

fur-ball will be impressed.”




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/ Ji / uo TC T | [ei | | 7 [ | Qr j ) TY i / í ry 1 š AU ç ; : i e Ju, / audite 24 ama Infor: oS * [f] "Ul Hi li "y rj "

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Graphics: Sound:






nga cipit



1 I

9 "When | first heard about Eternal

Champions, I thought Sega was crazy

g to go up against SF2 and Mortal

Kombat, but this game has what it

g takes. It's got moves, weapons,

combos and action galore. Hey! with

8.5 24 megs, you'd better believe this

game looks great and the animation

8.5 isquick. The play falls somewhere be-

tween MK and SF2. Each character has so many moves, both those listed in the instructions and those that are not, so it's hard to tell if it equals or even tops Capcom's giant. This game is by far better than SF2 Special for Genesis, and is close to SF2 Turbo for SNES.”

1 fg

ee ihnen? S t Bann | Bracket


RE u g “Eternal Champions has it all: Tournament, Training and Battle 9.95 /'s all here and its all killer. The characters are big against cool g.5 backgrounds. My only complaint with the graphics is the lack of definition of

Concept: Graphics: Sound:


megs should have been spent on the

Entertainment: 9.25 effects which need help. The control

is sweet. While | don't really like the

OVERALL: Sega 6-Button for fighting games, it

works. The special moves are sweet

9 25 and the standard attacks are mint.

m Eternal Champs is king on the

Genesis. While itdoesn't take out SF2

Turbo, it puts a strong hold on second

place and is a must-have for any fighter fan.”

9.5 the faces. The tunes are cool, but the

o BUADE | LJETTA C9 os. א‎ |





“I like that Eternal Champions has a very different appearance than SF2 or Mortal Kombat. The characters are "killer" in more ways than one. | enjoy 7.5 themallbut especially Larcen, whose trench coat is way-cool. Playability is 7 the most critical factor in fighting games. Eternal Champions has more 8 special moves than any other fighting game I'm aware of. The game play is fast and furious, but | think it's controlled too much by the special moves; I'd like to see more straight- up fighting. Eternal Champions has enough different aspects to make it a great addition to your game library, yet | still recommend SF2 Turbo and Mortal Kombat .”

Concent: Graphics: Sound: Playability:



The Battle Room Practice your skills and technique in the Battle Room, where you fight with a twist. Here your | opponents are not your only worry, as this room is | loaded with trouble. While not all the options listed below are available at once, you can choose up to five: Scatter Grenade Damage: 5% Magnetic Mine Damage: 0% Spiked Ball Damage: 396 Stun Bolt Damage: 0% Slow Motion Bolt Damage: 0% Flying Bladesaw Damage: 5% Damage Drain Bolt Damage: O96 Seismic Charqe Domoqe: 0% Intelligent Mine Domoqe: 4% | Floor Fire Mine Damage: 5% | Floor Buzz Damage: 6% | Electrical Bolt Damage: F% Transporter Bolt Damage: 0% | Inner Strength Drain Bolt Damage: S0%*| Flatline Bolt Damage: 100%*| | Life Drain Bolt Damage: 10% | Control Bolt Damage: 0% Lite Extender Damage: 0%

(*drains Inner Strength]

If this were a perfect

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That way youd have more

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you should either buy one

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Sega 6-Button Controllers,

The Next Best Thing To Genetic Mutation.

6-Button controllers

ov start handling large

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best. Personally, wed go

for the controllers. Theyre

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and a heck of a lot easier

to come by than a chunk

of plutonium.

SEGA, Genesis, Sega CD, 6-Button Arcade Pad, 6-Button Arcade Stick and Welcome to the Next Level are trademarks of SEGA. ©1993 SEGA. All rights reserved.

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Now you can enjoy ABC's Monday Night Football any night of the week. Our hard-hitting graphics and play- by-play sound bring every grunt and groan of the game to life. You get all 28 teams and a massive pro- designed playbook. Plus, with our incredible "Power Play" feature, you can zoom in tight on the action and review it all on instant replay. Frank Gifford calls every down, so catch all the bone-crushing action on

ABC's Monday Night Football anytime.




- Full Nome: ae. ; Jetta Maxx

P^ ~ Occupation: Circus Acrobat 4& Time Period: 1899 A.D.

» = Fighting Style He Savate & Pencak Silat

M ea wy

Jetta Maxx, a Russian native, performed ina famous international circus. While on the Eastern leg of their tour, China was torn apart by the Boxer

Rebellion, an attempt by Chinese rebels

to rid their homeland of foreigners. The rebellion resulted in o war between China and it’s adversaries. Soon, it would bring Russia into the

fray. Attempting to stop the carnage and save . herhomeland, Jetta tried to infiltrate eS —^— the rebels camp and convince to

^ them bring a peaceful end to the

fighting. Before she could change history, her safety net and tension wire were cut..hurling her into oblivion.


1) Flying Choke Hold: Charge Back, Forward + Z

2) Phase: X*Y*Z

3) Resonate: A + C while Phased

4) Ricochet: Charge Down, Up + A (Left) or C (Right)

5) Blad€rong: Charge Back, Forward + X (1 hit) or Y (2 hits} 6) Ceiling Grab: Charge Down, Up + Y

7) Death Dive: C while on ceiling

8) Moving Corkscrew: A + B (spin left) or B + C [spin right) B 9) Insult: X+Z 10) Throw: Towards + Y or Z

Full Name: Jonathan Blade Bounty Hunter Time Period 2030 AD,

Fighting Style: Kenpo

Jonathan Blade, on ex-otficer turned Bounty Hunter, was hired by the Syrian government to stop a roque scientist who had stolen a vial containing o virus capable of destroying 95 % of the Earth's population. Blode's only condition was that the government stay out

of the entire affair. As the scientist was about to hand over the vial, laser blasts screamed across the room. The last thing Blade saw were shards of broken glass.

SPECIAL. MOVES 1) Stun Beam. Charge Back, Forward +Z 2) Personal Shield: X*Y*Z 3) Tracking Blade: | Charge Back, Forward +X+Y 4) Straight Blade: Charge Back, Forward *Y +2 5) Projectile

Containment Field: A+B

6) Wild Fury Attack A+B+C

7) Backtire: A+C 8) Power Drain: Charge Bock, Forward +C 9) Insult: X+Z

10) Throw: Towards + Y or Z



Full Name:

Larcen Tyler

Occupation: Ex-Cat Burglar Time Period:

A 1920 A.D.

Fighting Style:

Praying Mantis

Y SISauc


Born in the time of crime bosses and SPECIAL, MOVES

street lords, Larcen idolized these @ 1) Ceiling Crawl: Charge Down, Up + C powerful men. Under Mr. Toglalini, 2) Ceiling Drop: Down + Y + Z while on ceiling underworld lord, Larcen quickly 3) Air Sweep: A +C developed into one of the world's 4) Long Distance Sweep: Charge Back, Forward + Z greatest cat burglars. Often hired to plant 5) Sai Throw: Charge Back, Forward + Y evidence against rival bosses, Lorcen used 6) Swinging Hammer Fist: X + Y + Z Martial Arts to stop his opponents, yet he 7) Insult: x +Z refused to kill. However, one night while 8) Power Swing: AtBtC

delivering a “package”, Larcen discovered his A 9) Throw: Towards + Y or Z target was the ailing Chief of Police. Realizing too & late he'd been set up, the package exploded, killing

himself, the Chief and several people in the hospital.


RAX (Robotic Artificial Xoskeleton) is a cuborq, but he was once one of the best human kick-boxers in the world. The popularity of the sport dwindled due to the new sport, “Cyborg Kick- boxing.” Never attaining the Grand Champion title drove Coswellto undergo the painful surgery to become a cyborg. After his trans- ... formation, he rose to (Pe. the top and finally had V ` his chance at the title. The moment before the fatal blow to his opponent, RAX's vital systems shut down... his pro- moter had traded RAX's life for a bet.

SPECIAL MOVES Full Name: 1) Lock and Load: A+B RAX Coswell 2) Air Jets: Charge Down, Up +B | Occupation: 3] Cyber Punch: X+Y+Z Cyber-Fighter 4) Cyber Kick: A*B*C Time Period: 5) Jet Knee Smash: Charge Back, Forward + C £2015 AD. 6) Overload: A +C U Fighting Style: 7) Turbine: Charge Back, Forward+A Muay Thai Kick-boxing 3) Insult: X + Z 9] Throw: Towards + Y or Z

Game Informer - January/February '94

Streak across the stars for an all-new hip-hop-'til-U-drop adventure on the | וי‎ far-flung planet of Funkotron! Toejam & Earl are caught in a manic panic

when a flock of Earthling tourists hitch a ride on their Rapmaster Rocket. Now it’s your turn to help the dynamic duo round ’em up with their

FunkScan and send this pesky posse packing through 17 levels of funkified fungi jumping, bubble bouncing and rhythm rapping fun!

SPLASH DOWN! Dive for presents in underwater caverns and sneak a smooch from a friendly blowfish!



Jar the touristy twits - and those pesky poodles too, while you're at it!



a, paie CHDETJOLDBLP BUBBLE UP! Bubble-bounce your way to the Funktivate Spots and help restore the fabric of the Funk Dimension!

THE ACTION HEATS UP! Hottoot through

the fires of the E, ` e underground caverns! â Fu E Ree scared

DO 0 + 4 + %

BUST A MOVE! DIiop-lob à jar on shin-kicking Earthlings! Everyone on the bus..pronto!


Toejam & Ear! take off on 0 Funktastic @ ` New Voyage! ?s

Sega. Genesis, Panic on Funkotron and Yo! Sega Jams! are trademarks of SEGA. Toejam and Earl are trademarks of JVP. ©1993 SEGA. All rights reserved.

hell Midleton Knight tion:

= Bio-Chemist Time Period: 1967 A.D. Fighting Style: Jeet Kune Do

Bio. One of the best Bio-chemists in Intelligence, Mitchell was developing a virus that weakens it’s victims to the point death. It would be introduced into the Vietnamese water supply, thus ending the war. Once completed, his conscience caught up with him. He stole the formula and virus, but fell into a chemical vat during his escape. The mixture of virus and chemical turned him into a vampire-like creature. He used his new-found powers to escape and eluded his pursuers for over 133 years as he searched for a cure. Moments before he solved the last problem, an Intelligence agent thrust o magnesium stake through his heart.


1) Lite Drain: F'orword + X + V + Z

2) Ceiling Rom: Down, Up + C [Close]

3) Bedazzle: X+V +Z

4) Dispel: A + B+ C

5) Mist Attack: A +C

6) Flying Wall Smash: Charge Back, Toward + Z 7) Overhead Stomach Punch: Forward + A + B + C (Close) 8) Insult: X+Z

9) Throw: Towards + Y or Z


Full Name: Trident Occupation: Gladiator Time Period: 110 BC Fighting Style: Capoeria

Bio: When the people of Atlantis inhabited the Earth’s surface, they battled the Romans to see who would rule the land and who would be plunged into the depths of the sea. Atlantis wanted peace; the Romans refused. A single battle would decide their tates. The Atlantians created Trident, named tor the trident which replaced the hand he lost ina shark battle, to be their savior. Genetically engineered to be a gladiator, Trident would surely win. The Romans rigged the fight and o pillar crushed Trident in the heat of bottle. Atlantis was forever imprisoned beneath

the sea.

SPECIAL MOVES 1) Depth Charge Field: X*Y 2) Bio-Drain Field: Y +Z

A +B B +C

3) Bio-Stun Field: 4) Repluser Field.

5) Spinning Trident: X + V +Z x | 6) Sliding Spinning Trident: Charge Bock, Forward * Y ` 7) Plasma Bolt: Charge Back, Forward *Z ` 8) Liquid Mode: A +B +C |, 9[ Insult: XIZ x

10] Throw: Towards*YorZ

Game Informer - January/F


pP, Full Nome: Xavier Pendragon



Time Period:

1692 A.D.

Fighting Stule: ES

Hapkido Cane Fighting

Bio: Xavier's only interest was Science. After failing at blacksmithing, he de- cided to try his luck at Alchemy. As his ` E*/ powers of Alchemy improved and grew | "+ strong, he decided to crack the formula for 7 turning lead into gold. Instead of reaching this goal, he created a clean burning source of €ne€rgy..€t€rnal power. While all based on real science, the townspeople believed Xavier’s powers stemmed from witchcraft. Before he could document his findings, the people of Salem burned him at the stake for being a Warlock.

9 8




SPECIAL MOVES 1) Dragon Trap: Charge Back, Forward + Z 2) Snap Back: Charge Back, Forward + X

3) Identity Change: X* Y*Z 4) Midas Touch: Charge Back, Forward + Y 5) Attract & Smack: A +B + C

6) Swap Spell: X t Y 7) Confusion Spel: A + C 8) Insult: X +Z 9] Throw: Towords + Y or Z

Full Name:


Occupation: Prehistoric Hunter Time Period: 50,000 B.C. Fighting Style: Pain

Bio: Though the greatest hunter and fighter of his clan, Slash’s most valuable asset was his early intelli- gence. But the clan resented that intelligence. He approached the elders with several plans, including one for agriculture, that would save his clan from the drudgery of the eternal hunt; the elders refused all his ideas. One day Slash spoke out against his elders. They proclaimed him evil and the clan stoned him to death.


SPECIAL MOVES >) 1) Massive Club Swing: X +V +Z 2) Double-F'ooted

Swinq Kick: A +C 3) De-Claw: Charge Back, Forward + Z 4) Power Thud Club Swing: Y + Z 5) Spinal Crush: Forward + Y 6) Running Head Butt: Charge Back, Forward + C 7) Bat Back Projectile: צ+א‎ 8) Insult: X+Z 9) Throw: Towards + Y or Z

Game Informer = January/February '94

1) Diving Header 2)Bicycle Kick = 3) Sliding Tackle = 4) Throw in

- Check your shots : | and saves. u might not be aware that Soccer

ç ranks as the world's favorite sport. @ And this Spring the World Cup w be held in the U.S. for the first tl Sports lends us a hand by he Di our Soccer skills before}

This cart has all th basic rules of soccer, including yellow and : red cards. But you'll have to do your own homework on the game rules, as we just have . enough room to features. First,


» “Soccer is no newcomer to video | " games, but waiting for EA Sports to | 9 make one was well worth it. The play- | ers’ animation is phenomenal and | 10 the scaling on the shots couldn't be better, though I'd like to see more | 9 detailed players. The roaring of the | crowds blew me out of my chair!! 10 With a style similar in all EA Sports | games, the player control is simple | to pick up. | thought FIFA was going | to be like other soccer games I've ` played...| was wrong again. | was | almost immediately addicted to it

| Concept: Graphics: strategy and formation. MEE Using these controls, you fig can create a | team thate



The essence ofthis new -

edition to the EA pons line-up is the anima-

a . | Ñ and couldn't stop playing.”

headers, slide tackles and they can also shove

g Forthe last few months, we've been bombarded with soccer games and

g they've all basically stunk. Out of the blue, FIFA Soccer shows up on our

9 doorstep. It's awesome; a perfect mix. The players look cool and are

9.8 perfectly animated in classic EA style. With moves that are actually

9 easy to control, this game is nothing



Sound: 1 %ץ"ץ31.][1*‎ EEE EET)




i i PE nearer eet

Set the number of players in each line.

E Hpi t

—— = efit

= x


a d


* De


Choose fom iik plans of attack.

This FO the area

Change x With stats of the field each player in 13 different categories.

vitu will cover.


| Concept:




but fun. Passing could be a little tighter, otherwise this game plays great. Plus, it's got the best crowd I’ve heard on any cart; chanting,'s killer. If you're a EA Sports fan, even if you don't like soccer, you have to play FIFA International Soccer.”

“Soccer doesn't have the wide- spread popularity in the U.S.

g compared to its fanatic following in

Europe and South America. And the

9.25 carts that are around are mediocre, at best. But this will please soccer

10 fans and sports freaks alike. FIFA combines the guickness of NHLPA

Entertainment: 9 with the strategies of Madden. When


they say, “It's in the game”, it truly is. The animation, sound and play are fantastic. FIFA requires precise control and quick reflexes, which I love in a sports cart. With 4-way playability and remarkable realism, this is a definite must-have for any sports fan. Unbelievable!”

0 y |


$a E blue " f

e Sonic can blink an eye d ps Sally. Sonic is in for a than he mand or. Now he must collect the Seven Time Stones or Robotnik will succeed in al- “tering time וז‎ "d de א‎ Sonic CD takes you through. seven )nes, comprised-of t ee stages each. ^ Each stage is full of time warps through the Past, Present and Future, and , Bonus Round (provided you collec! *50 xo) ). The tangar Sonic moves

best additions åre the game save and the cool Time Attack mode that at the clock or beat a friend

gine Informer = Jan ar /February '$4

found his trhe love.

ea ae CN

Q uu


Competitive "Time Attack" mode

m Levels: 60+ le m Created by: Sega oj Am

Trouble in parag

& QSound?

m Available: Now fôr Sega CD |



"Sonic is back with a vengeance. It's a great idea to give him more human

g qualities, such as having a girlfriend N

and caring about the planet. | vci 8 enjoy the way games translate to CD,

and Sonic is no exception. With their 8 up-graded graphics and sound


Rick, THe VinE0 RANGER

8.5 8.5 8

Playability: 8

quality, CDs will soon overshadow

8 the originals, in my opinion. The over- all gameplay is similar to the original, but the boards are much larger with even more interesting items. The Robotnik stages are easier than in the original, which bites. Regardless, Sonic is a welcome addition to any interactive CD collection, and a real treat for Sega CD players.”

fame Informer January/February '9V

Entertainment: 9


9 (n S LZ \ à m Style: Oñe-player adventure e save feature


Tithe Reyirli



Now that’s fast!

TN ^l Hey Took, it'sa i washer.

vels of time travel; bonus levels j

TPR ב‎


In the Waoky Workbench Zon


pin Dash: Stand still. en Up + any button to charge


Super Peel.Out; Stand still;then Up + any button to charge


Pau, Tur Pro PLAYER Concent: Graphics:

“High-end evolution gives Sonic the power to time travel, do Mario Kart- style bonus levels, and speak in a

| human voice. He does all this and |

y This is one I've eagerly awaited, since | had so much fun with Sonic g 2. The bonus stages are reall cool and go beyond those on Sonic 8.75 2, but the overall look is not much different. Yeah, Sonic is a little 8 bigger and he has some CD pizzazz, but | expected more. The control is 8 great, and the Past, Present, Future warps are awesome. The sound is, of course, great quality but kinda’ hokey. It's a bit on the easy side and the save feature makes it even easier. Sonic has some new, cool levels and cinematic clips that should impress most players, but l'm still a bit disappointed.”

more to CD quality music; against backdrops that can only be found on disc. Sonic handles smoothly with a couple of annoying exceptions. In the cartridges, Sonic is always spinning when airborne. In the CD, you ma bounce off a spring and not be able to spin until you landed, which some- times leads to an untimely demise. This game is a bit too easy, with Ë enemies too few and far between, but it's definitely a worthy effort from Sega."

Playability: Entertainment:


AcNew, Polŷson Frontier | por the^Séga €D | 6 ;

m Cart Size;

Style; !-PJayer Space shoes à

m Specia|.Features:Polyg6n gfaphics and depth control

m Levels:.2 difficulty levels & Seontinues . % 4 r: I .

m Created by:;Sega | T m MES i ) x= y:78eg A 2 / < 4 < “<

Sega CD Reviews

Kilim a:x

mA y ad Now


n solam. dte force fleet began) attac i g the, colony planets./ The ak nid computer | netwo ii based ‘onthe mother Waun je are two levels of planet ar h, Has heen hijacked difffenitt] dHti'e Mi b erre ist known onhy” as ntinues. = - Zakarte. WIDE ae d as-Sega's Silpheed, % ד הניב‎ answeñ t o the popular Fleet begins ששו‎ ₪4 Millis Qi Silpheed offers year journey) 'ugward the huge polygon | asolar system) 1a: the graphics and smooth

“Mother planet, sian animation inthis | and ‘to their Ek pal intense spe ‘ah E. N confrontation with shooter. א‎ 1 gat arte: Bogeys are twelN[2 ' dre a approaching fast-paced)

from Rude. stages Ong last} feck | leading up | | S s : x and ווה‎ s! ees הר‎ Ñ to the final 1 | 94. U wo

T year 3076; an“unknown! ' nviten bombs, Electro-magnetic

nse, Photon torpedoes and Anti-matter weaponelf the >o Fig jon gets too heated;


ag n. HG ee battle with Zakarte, egct 5 á Tes cauti --- THES X 5 bracketed with amazipgcinema- M | 7 | in ; an impress tae an graphic scenes and actual | ,

sl boter for the. ega t voice-overs. N rgument here, 2 ON Su” adii. Your spacecraft is m... Silpheed is aui look at an , a with a selectio f devastati ng; listen tn. Lar it megdsure up t e v weapons. The mai ars d iJ j Starknx* Wet let uqu be tha, AS y includes AU Wide, / judge. ye \\ JA Ë” Phalanx or, Auto-aiming eur - Y YU

These are supplementg with = THE BOTTOM LINE 8.5 | e / :\ 7 Concept: “Silpheed is an incredible . ame, yetit seems to lack those i Graphics: .. finishing touches. The back- Ns. x a ~ grounds are awesome, with \ “Silpheed's concept isn't new, but | | Concept: ‘/firstheardabout Silpheeda year | | Sound: uge, highly-detailed space- j the graphics make up for any lack : ago and, after finally seeing it, all Playability: 8.5 craft. But when you die, the - of originality. Sega CD's sound | Graphics: I can say is, Wow! Silpheed uses yamuy, "5 screen just turns red... that’s it! % quality improves with each new PES the Sega CD capabilities as they | Entertainment: g And there's the sound: huge game and, with playability not far oun. were meant to be used. The Í explosions, spectacular voices behind SNES games produced Playability: graphics include massive polygon and intense music. Then you with the SFX chip, Silpheed plays ; "= figures like star ships that look like die with an explosion out of Atari great. Silpheed breaks the mold | | Entertainment: they're from Star Wars; with scal- 8 5 2600's Combat. What gives? of monotonous shooters, with its j ing and rotating characters at This is a great game, but why fantastic cinemas screens. Even y dizzying speeds. The sound not put in the extra time and ifyournota shooter fan, you'lllove would score a ten, except for the effort. If Sega wanted to make an impact, drop the Silpheed." lame “Game Over’ voice. As for perspective so players experience the action. game play, it's simple but very || = Silpheed is good, but it's no StarFox. Sad shai is, it i binas Libel could have buried Starfox.”

Game | pomi nd 7


Prize Fighter

Sega of America SegaCD Available: Now 1 Player Interactive Video Boxing

A Digital Pictures production, Prize Fighter blends the sports action of boxing with the drama of Hollywood. This first-person, black and white interactive film was directed by Ron Stein, the man behind the fight scenes in Raging Bull and Rocky Ill, and features boxing legend Jean LaBelle. Jump into

Variety is the spice of life, and that’s certainly what's

instore for Genesis owners. Here s justa few of the the ring with four live-actor champion fighters and go for the title. titles headed your way...


Winter Olympic Games US Gold Available: Now 1 to 4-Player Sports

From the makers of Olympic Gold: Barcelona 1992 comes an officially licensed version of the 1994 Winter Olympics. Compete in ten Olympic events including Downhill Skiing, Ski Jumping, Giant Slalom, Slalom, Moguls/Freestyle, Biathlon, Bob sleigh, Luge, Speed Skating and Super G. All events are designed from the actual Olympic venues at Lillehammer, home of the ‘94 Winter Olympics.


Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy Code Masters

Available: Now 1-Player Strategy/Adventure

Code Masters is back, this time bringing Dizzy to the Genesis on their own. The Evil Wizard, Zaks has cast a spell that’s turned all the creature in Dizzy's homeland into fiends. And, he's taken Dizzy’s girlfriend, Daisy. Look’s like Dizzy ‘s up the creek. (Also available on Game Gear).

Available: Now 1-Player Family Entertainment

The kingdom has been conquered by Mannax, the Dark Lady. You Looking for a break from everyday video games? Fun N' Games must stop her at all costs. Choose between three powerful charac- from Tradewest offers four-games-in-one, featuring Magic Picture ters to take on your quest to save the kingdom. Travel alone or with Machine, Mini Games, Stylin' Stuff and Mix 'N' Match. Paint, play, a friend through eight levels of fantasy and danger. Can you save or design; it's all family fun and it even carries the Good the kingdom? Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

Game Informer = January/February '94 x | p

Health: Low

Speed: High

Wisdom: High

Weapon: Flame Pistol

Ammunition; Flame bursts (shots - pass through monsters)

Weapon Damage: Low

md Y Gh Restore the Past istrac , Repel Monster, | a P oo dE | fo Save the Future in

Health: Average | | ] SS Speed: Average :

Wisdom: Average Weapon: Rifle Ammunition: Single Bullets * Weapon Damage: Average - Max. Weapon Power: Quadruple Special Abilities: (3) Shot Burst, Molotov, Distract Monster

unexplainab out Great Britai

Unknown life-forn O a. a Meet š

—Ñ— Wisdom: LOW. p Weapon: Shotgun ^ —. would involve x Ammunition: Multiple small shells _ forests an int Weapon Damage: High O Max. Weapon Power: Wide Scatter Special Abilities: (2) Molotov, A Burst


Pick the key on the left for prizes and food; pick the one on the right tor some angry

Concent: Graphics: Sound: Playability:


good, 3 evel.


“This game is a mix of Heavy Barrel and Ikari Warriors; an idea that's been done before, but not for a long time. The graphics include.excellent backgrounds and decent animation, but it's kinda stupid that the enemies have better

p animations than the players. Playing

this game is very difficult, mainly because you can’t walk and shoot a the same time and the movement is ` slightly chunky. While it lacks some ` play control, it provides a frustrating challenge; make one false move and it's certain disaster. Soldiers of Fortune is a good game, very similar to GODS.”

and c

weh thog ren mes


Pick your

your i 2

on m Complet



"Soldiers of Fortune is similar to Mercs -

| or Contra 3. I like the ability to move all

over the screen and the 2-player option. This game looks easy at first, but the

| action progresses rapidly and just _ staying alive is a challenge. The hired | guns of this game are well-detailed and ` the scenery looks good. The respon- | siveness of the player and weapon `

control is the best part of both versions. Technically, Soldiers of Fortune is a ` very good game. | just didn't find it much ` fun to play. I would recommend it for | Action/Shoot'em-up fans.”


Spiders abound in Fortesque Mansion.

k up the Party Power icon to giv yers super speed and power for five seconds.


Prizes, Prizes, Prizes!

Tut Pro PLAYER =

“Don't confuse this game with Universal Soldier, because it's far better. It reminds me of Heavy Barrel in the arcade, with that top view and vertical/horizontal scrolling | enjoy in this style of game. The SNES game is more colorful and sounds a bit better, but both versions

| are almost identical. The game is huge

and challenging, so it's not one to breeze through in an hour. And, since you're a mercenary in this one, you've

got to collect the cash to get cool

power-ups and other extras. It's nothing new but, considering the long levels, its

| almost an epic.”

first to employ he use of cinemagraphic scenes between levels. This story- telling feature unravels the plot as players progress through the game, giving the characters a new-found depth.

In addition to the cinema scenes, Ninja etin motion on that fateful daycare Gaiden is rich with challenging levels, tough bosses, cool maneuvers alee a surprises se in wait. The time of the (like the wall-spring climbing jump), tons of hidden items and power-ups, and a surprise ending that makes defeating the game all worthwhile. If you haven't experienced this legendary game for yourself, it might be time to dust off your 8-bit Nintendo and give it a whirl. And may the spirit of the Dragon be with you!

ntermissions. Unlimited continues evels: fs acts; a stages

Ninja’s and Army men, how in can you get!


NE $ 9 2 4 +5 kee A PER y. QE Os us yw + SEES Ge Ge E estyn S AIR OP

529 SZ NOSON Dy un Ea. at these guys and you'll ges H them before they get you.

7 One of the first tricks you must learn is the wall climb. Simply jump out, then back to the wall

Level fii is ; easy, but don' t let that fool you. This game gete hard.

Game Wonant. x NN - on Rese. Gamen = c PAUL, THE PRO PLAYER

o . “It's been a long time since I played E ; “When Ninja Gaiden hit the y - : "When this game first came out | - 3 this game. Tho second | started - , it was ve * TE | ea oe g eet ì assumed it a the EPS mw, ics: laying I remembered everything; all ES : games for the and still is. Wit : tion...wrong. Since then, I’ve felt the o- W. e the litte tricks needed to ish ded p y great graphics throughout, it was Bl - Í 8-bit version was lame. The arcade - Sound: 7 level and how to do ‘em. That's the 9 Sound: 6 destined to be one of the greats upon SS Sound: 6 version was awesome, and this isn’t mark of a good game, when you can | which everyone else tried to | even close. For what it was, and is, Playability: 9 pickitupfouryearslaterandstillblow | Playability: 7 improve. The cinemas between | Playability: 7 Ninja Gaiden is a non-stop hack- through it. Not because it's easy, but | levels have yet to be topped by any ` and-jump game. There are items EE Entertainment: 8 because you spent so much time | Entertainment: 7 NES game since. The one problem || Entertainment: 4 galore, and cool bosses. And the | figuring the curse'ed thing out. The ` this game has is in its playability. The overall look and animation were OVERALL: animation sequences are cool and OVERALL: main character is a ninja, trained in OVERALL: good for their time. | guess I'm still the graphics measure up to any 8-bit © both martial arts and assassination, bitter, so I'll leave this version in the 7 75 game today. While different from the (= 7 25 who should be virtually unstoppable. 5 attic...and play the real arcade arcade version, it's still quite a B Unfortunately, that invincible quality version on the Lynx." NES game." D. just doesn't come through."

* & Y x : Ww om, od com ŵ "d he NN N 4 א‎ a pa, RE m MM w u s - s s> i k Ed X sa —” E LIN Phy. š א‎ EUR 4 anm = ^



You have the POWER. In this contest you don't rely on the luck-of-the draw. You determine if you win or not. You win by outscoring others in a game of skill. Can you solve the puzzle below? Then you have what it takes. It looks simple, but its only the start. Each of five more puzzles gets a little harder. But this time it's all up to you. Stay in to the end with the highest score and the gear is yours. With whatever options you want. Do you have what it takes? Then play to win!

Video Game Contest. Play any 16-bit game you want with this line-up: Neo Geo Gold, Super NES with Super Scope, Sega Genesis with CD-ROM and Menacer and Panasonic 3D0 (not shown). Get all four or trade the ones you don't want for CASH! Bonus options include: Sega Virtual Reality Helmet, 33” monitor, $1,000 in games, cash, accessories and more!

Media Rig Contest. The Ultimate Gaming Environment, 40 inch monitor,





|] The Ultimate cay E Gaming Rig! os $18,000

desse eb 006 81040 166552 ai

Wes C וו‎


| eny



NN th | אמוי‎ |



Ü] Wy prizes

130 watt receiver w/ Dolby Pro Logic Surround Sound, Infinity speakers, subwoofer,

CD player, q (literally!)!! You'll not only see but feel it too!

We're talkin’ GAMING HEAVEN!

aphic EQ, dual cassette and laser disc. This rig will blow you away

Directions. Fill in the Mystery Word Grid with words wrn "apas that spell

out the Mystery Word down the side. Hint: use the Mystery Word Clue.

In the future. There will be four more puzzles at $2.00 each and one tie- breaker at $1.00 which will be sent to you by mail. You will have 3 weeks to solve

each puzzle. We dont know how many will piy score possible score to Phase I, 43% to P to

but typically 61% will have the ase ll, 36% to Phase Ill, and 32%

hase IV. The tie-breaker determines the winner. If players are still tied they will

each receive the grand prize they are playing for.


(:($3.00) Video Game Contest C ($3.00) Media Rig Contest L] ($5.00) SPECIAL! Enter Both (SAVE $1.00)

City State Zip

UD SEND CASH, M.O., OR CHECK TO: PANDEMONIUM, P.0. BOX 26247 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55426-0247 VOID WHERE PROHIBITED * ENTRY DEADLINE: POSTMARKED BY FEBRUARY 5, 1994 * ENTRY FEE MUST BE INCLUDED Only one entry per person. Employees of Pandemonium, Inc. and its suppliers are ineligible. Judges decisions are final.

Where judges are in error the sponsor's liability is limited to the amount of entry fees paid. Not responsible for lost, delayed or stolen mail. You can request Winners List and Official Rules by writing Pandemonium, Inc. 7202 Washington Ave. $., Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Merchandise names and models are trademarks of their respective companies who have no affiliation with this contest. 1993 Pandemonium, Inc.

WW ONY dro

The Latest in Video Game Hardware & Software

It's the Next-Best Thing to Being There

Fans of video golf games now have areason to celebrate. Sports Sciences Inc. has recently introduced a golf | club controller, Tee ge V Golf™, designed to bring more real- ism to your favorite games. Using LED technology, rows

of sensors read

a light source

within the club

to measure the speed and direction of your swing. Originally designed for use with computer golf games, the company has created a version for the Sega Genesis system. The controller consists of a short 26” club, a base unitand one adapter module for EA Sports' PGA Tour I & ll. Tee V Golf™ is powered by two AA batteries and retails for around $149.99. An additional module forAccolade's Nicklaus Power Golf is available for $19.99, with other modules planned for the near future.

players Kaiser Electro-Optics Inc., Silicon Graphics Inc., Gemini Technology Corporation and Sense8 Corporation to develop the most realistic “video games” the industry has ever seen.

technology of leaders in the field of virtual reality to create a line of games for location-based entertainment centers. Visions of Reality, Inc. is the brain-child of Dan K. Rice, who developed the concept and pulled together industry

Using Kaiser Electro-Optics proprietary vision immersion technology (VIM) and their VIM Personal Viewer™ headgear, the VOR products use Silicon Graphics hardware to integrate the software with the VIM headgear. Currently, Gemini Technology Corp. is

Power Up Your Favorite Controllers

Tyco Industries, a name long associated with toys, moves into the realm of video games with their new Power Plug™. This little gem turns your favorite Super NES or Genesis controllers in to supercharged gaming weapons. The Power Plug connects easily into either controller port. Then, simply plug your controller into the Power Plug. Now you can attribute a variety of features to the buttons of your standard controller. This peripheral lets you turn any button into a Turbo or Auto-Fire move. The Power Steering smoothes out the rough spots, or use Slow Motion to moderate the action. One of the coolest features is the Thrash Button, which lets you assign a host of pre-programmed moves to a single button, or use the Pro Thrash to record your own combinations. Tyco's Power Plug is available for both SNES and the Genesis for around $30 40.


Visions of Reality Becomes a Reality \ ma of Reality has pulled together the talents and

developing applications software for the first VOR game and Sense8's WorldToolKit will enable developers to more easily build real-time virtual reality applications and graphics simulations for future software.

In addition to the lightweight headgear, VOR has

1993, and will install it in amusement centers in early 1994. In addition, the company is building a VOR Entertainment Center that will house 30 pods, networked into five groups of six, allowing players to compete against one another. The first VOR Entertainment Center will be located in Orange County, California.

Keeps Those Discs Clean!

Naki Industries, the company behind the popular Eliminator cleaning systems for a variety of game systems, has recently introduced a new version for the CD ROM platform. The new Eliminator CD-ROM Kit™ includes a special CD used to clean the game system’s lens, and a hand-held, mechanically operated wet cleaning unit for the discs themselves. The Eliminator is designed to work on the Duo System, the Sega CD, Philips CD-I and any computer CD-ROM-type media, as wellas on audio CDs. It retails for around $14.95.

developedapod thatwill house a Silicon Graphics computer running a 3-D, interactive game. The first, yet unnamed game will be a space travel/adventure game. Visions of Reality plans to introduce their product late in

Game Informer = January/February '94

Price: $249.95 Pack- In: Cybermorph, One controller

Atari Stalks the Top Slot With Their 64-bit Jaguar System

By Andrew McNamara

Jaguar. This system emerges with an impressive list of Instructions Per Second) and 8K of internal SRAM for CD quality sound

N fter all the hoopla, Atari finally unveils the long-awaited is a 32-bit DSP (Digital Signal Processor) that boasts 27 MIPs (Millions of

credentials, yet it's facing a lot of speculation. The Atari Corporation capable of human voice. The final processor, an MC68000 (of Genesis fame), was once a giant in this industry, but their inability to support the Lynx has left is used for secondary functions such as joystick commands.


a sour taste in consumers’ mouths. The Jaguar unit itself certainly has the power to rise to the top, but to become a viable player in today’s market, Atari will need strong third party support.

The hardware is impressive. In an attempt to leapfrog the competition, it utilizes 64-bit technology. The 64-bit bus (basically the highway on which all informa-


These processors add up to a machine possessing on-board light source shading, morphing, texture mapping, transparency, and warping. These effects can create some pretty impressive games, but that's in the hands of the programmers. Hopefully, with dedication and hard work, they'll be able to break new ground and position the Jaguar as the super system it is. But there's

tion is transported) can move over 100 megabytes of information per second, another obstacle that needs to be addressed first.

compared to the two megabytes of information per second capabilities ofa The 17-Button controller (three action, two select 8 a 12-Button 16-bit machine. This significantly increases the speed and execution of the keypad) is better than we suspected, but is still behind the times. It takes at graphics and animation. least six action buttons to please today's gamer, so a controller should be the At the heart of the Jaguar are five processors; three for first thing on their list of peripherals; it’s not. Instead, Atari has a Double-speed graphics, one for sound, and one for secondary functions. CD-ROM (est. $200), modems, VR devices, and video compression carts in The graphics set consists of a 64-bit RISC-based GPU the works. (Graphics Processing Unit), a Blitter/ Shader, and an Hopefully, with all these exciting add-ons available, Atari will Object Processor. The GPU is responsible for finally get back into the pack (and maybe revive the complex 3D imaging and other high-speed incredible Lynx). The deciding factor is whether the Jaguar animation. The Blitter/Shader works in can attract third-party developers. Atari claims to have

tandem with the GPU and Object processor to render and move on-screen objects. and, as the name implies, the Object Processor moves individual sprites on the screen like the characters or objects you interact with. The sound chip

Game Informer . January/February '94


signed twenty, but that remains to be seen. If you're willing to take a chance, the Jaguar

might be the one to make. The hardware willimpress you and the price point is about right. The decision is yours.

your choice!

elcome to the Swap Shop, the newest and hottest part of Secret Access. Now you can send and receive new and undiscovered | Game Genie codes. When you need a code, send ina request and we'll put out an All Points Bulletin for an answer. Or, if you have Game Genie codes (and we know you do), send 'em in. If we print your code, you'll win a Game Genie of your choice. So everybody...let's get crackin'..on some new codes.

DDF1-7D60 Some special moves can be done in the air

D071-E460 No charging

Arcana - SNES

1D69-AFDO + 3C69-AF00 needed for Start with special moves 60,000 Gold DD18-570D First hit wins B387-DFF2 Level increases Bryan Moore after every attack New Boston, MI round for your entire group 828B-AF2E Magic Points don't decrease ו ו תו תת א תיה . א ה ה א ה ה‎ Chad Bory Battletoads - Game Boy ` Kirby's Dreamland - Game Decatur, AL / Boy x BAE-ADD Makes enemies 3 Mortal Kombat - SNES super tough FA6-DBB-4C1 Infinite Lives 6D67-3FOD Fight Reptile on BAE-OFF Makes you FA4-63B-4C1 Infinite Vitality Any Stage with.a Super tough Bars (except * Double Flawless Cunor Mari ב‎ 1 ; during end Fatality Victory Super Mario Kart - 5 253-27D jane da bosses) DDBE-C1C4F Fast Code 7 MERDA 021-C0F-F72 Start with oni Kong Jr. into a David Richardson wo D, 0OBE-C1C4 Slow Code red Yoshi Hadley, PA Jana Bryan Moore Shawn Guy CD65-CD6F Mode 7 disabled Cincinnati, QH New Boston, MI

Sammuel Ellen

DDB4-DD07 + DDB4-DFA7 Turns sweat droplets red

15CC-176F Invisible Fighters

CB6A-44AF + D16A-47DF Always fight in the bottom of the Pit. (Turn effects off if you are

F32C-4944 | Cage's High

Kirby's Adventure - NES

i Punch does ל‎ a more damage AOVXIYGA Start with 1 7 lives is over.) DDBC-370F First hit wins YKNZZNYXe= Start with more D861-14DD StartatShang | CBBA-394F + D5BA-391F Energy Shung Always fight Goro SZEPSVSE Infinite Energy

DC61-14DD Start at Goro "The VidMan & Warlord" |

——————————— M—

James Bibik

Game Informer = January/February 4

En All Points Bulletin ..

Got a fantastic Game Genie code? Send it in! Game pla

x elping fellow gam "players; oM the general ni

The game

Bart vs. the Space Mutants Genes

Ex-Mutants = SiS. Tony La Russa Gen

Shinobi Ill - Genesis —— Sonic in .- Super Thunder Blade Genesi Super Mario Land 2 - Game Aladdin - | "יו‎

“Ranger X- Genesis.

11 Points Bulletin...A11 Points Bulletin.

Nigel Mansell Racing - SNES

E481-3467 Only one lap required on all

tracks Start in Australia

Start on extra course (stats are for S. Africa, but the course is different)

DE62-0953 FD62-0953

Humans - Game Boy

06D-609-D5A Start with six Humans

FA3-E9F-4C1 Infinite Humans, except when restarting a level

FA9-B7C-4C1 Infinite Timer

Prince of Persia - Game Gear

004-03B0-19E Infinite time 0A2-08F 19A 10-minute game

001-E9E-3BE Don't lose health units when you drop off some ledges. You lose additional units, but don’t go below three

mer = January/February '84

we need c


Batman: Revenge of the Joker - Genesis

AAET-AAEY Infinite Lives

AM1A-AA8N Infinite life increments

AX2A-AA3J Capsules not lost when invincibility is used

Mortal Kombat - SNES

062A-3114 | Scorpion's 8 Sub-Zero's Knees do more damage

Sonya Blade's Knee does more damage

Johnny Cage's low kick does more damage

062E- C54F


Mortal Kombat - Genesis

A82T-B67C + A6JT-DA4E + RG2T-A6ZA Alwaysfight Goro

A6LT-DYV8 Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick does more damage

Liu Kang's Special Flying Kick does more damage


Solar Striker - Game Boy 00C-D6F-3BE Infinite Lives

006-45E-C41 No loss of Power- Up when you die

035-0AF-E6E Start on Stage 3

ll Points Bulletin...All Points

Best of the Best Championship Karate - NES

SXVSAZVG Infinite Time (Round never ends)

PAOSUZIA Each match is one Round


All physical types are 50 (Caution: causes graphic errors near the top of the screen)

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

- Game Gear

009 -04F-3BE Infinite Lives

3A7-E4C-2A2 Don't lose rings when hit

086-5ED-E6E Each ring worth 8 points

Robin Hood - NES

VAXEOLSA Infinite Hit Points for Robin in main combat

Infinite Hit Points for Robin in dueling combat

Infinite Arrows



B.0.B. SNES To start with maximum shots for each weapon, just enter all 9's as your code. It will announce your password as invalid, but it won't matter. Just start the game as usual.

Will Oliver East Peoria, IL



Captain Planet & the Planeteers NES Here are all the codes for each stage :

World 1: Inside 763754 World 2: Outside 955783 Inside 637511 World 3: Outside - 148574 Inside 786565 World 4: Outside 920272 Inside 799274 World 5: Outside 344551 Inside 829443 Leo Carbajal Chicago, IL


Shinobi Ill Genesis To increase your items and gain a free man on the first level, simply jump up at the end of each rope that you cross. You should find a passage leading upward where you will find two item boxes. Jordan Sinuear Plano, TX

A f

Street Fighter ll: Turbo SNES

Having a little trouble using Balrog (probably the weakest of the World Warriors)? Here's an easier way to use his Turn Punch. Simply turn off two of the punch buttons by placing asterisks by them on the Option screen. Viola! One-button Turn Punch.

Teresa Vanmeter White Hall, IL

Star Trek: The Next

Generation NES

Rank Code

Ensign: LORE

Lieutenant: SELA

Lt. Commander: SAREK Commander: SOONG Captain: VASH

Franklin Daniel

Flowermound, TX

Aladdin Genesis To skip levels or go straight to the end, simply pause the game and enter this code: A, B, B, A, A, B, B and A. Repeat this process for each level.

“The VidMan”



Tuff E Nuff SNES

To access the bosses in this cool fighting game just go to the Scenario-select screen and press Left 3 times, Right 3 times, and Left 7 times. The “vs. CPU” option should be highlighted. Press Start to play.

If you wish to compete in the two- player mode as the bosses you must complete the code described above, then Reset your SNES. After you reset, return to the Scenario select screen and press Right 3 times, Left 3 times, and Right 7 times. If you did it correctly “1P vs. 2P” should be highlighted. Press start to play. Here are all the moves for the new characters


Bazooka Shot: Down-Away C (Charge) 1 second, Toward + Punch


Blue Flame: Down, Down-Toward, Toward + X


Crescent Rainbow: Down-Away C1, Toward + X

Plasma Fists: Down, Down-Away, Away + X


Back Suplex: Away, Down-Away, Down, Down-Toward, Toward X Climax Uppercut: Down, Down- Toward, Toward + X


Electromagnetic Storm: Down-away C1, Down, Down-Toward, Toward + X Thrust Claw Dive: Away C1, Down-Away, Down, Down-Toward, Toward + X


Rotorfist: Away C1, Toward + X

Knee Attack: Down, Down-away, away + X


Mystic Orb: Down, Down-Toward, Toward + X Flame: Down, Toward + Y Dragon Assault: Down-Toward C2, Toward + X

Snake Lightning Fist: Down-Toward, Away+X


“The VidMan”

To find out who programmed this

Sega cart, just enter “FREIHEIT” as

your password and get all the info. “The VidMan”

Shining Force Genesis This trick will let you name the char- acters you will encounter during your quest. Simply begin a new game and enter your name. Move the cursor to the End, and press and hold Buttons A, B and C on Controller Two. Now press Buttons A and C on Controller One. You should move on to the next character. Repeat the process to move from character to character. Philip Krynicki Bahama, NC

Pocky & Rocky SNES

| found something on this cart that you might not know. Directly after you beat the first Boss, he will drop his basket. If you drop a bomb, the basket will explode and a cat will appear. This cat will leave you a handy 1-Up. Lee Elrod Desoto, TX

Game Informer = January/February '94

Jurassic Park Genesis

Here are the passwords for all |

| 4 stages: | Stage One:

Bananas/Red Diamond/ Cherries/Bananas/Cherries

Stage Two:

Cherries/Red Diamond/Clear Diamond/Cherries/Bananas

| Stage Three:

Red Diamond/Cherries/Clear Diamond/Clear Diamond/ Red Diamond

Stage Four: Bananas/Cherries/Clear Diamond/Red Diamond/ Bananas

Rich G. Gibson | | Bensalem, PA |

| This code will enable you to refill one - | shield unit every time you push theA | + th Button on Controller 2: Press Right, | B HOI vs. UD |

| Left, A, Right, Up, C, B, Down, Left, |

| B, A, Up and Start during the Demo | screen on Controller One.

To increase your Continues by ten,

enter this code on Controller One |

| during the Demo screen (this only | works when you have only one

| Continue remaining): Right, Up, A, B, |

| To enter the Tank Game, just hold | | down on the controller and all three | | buttons atthe Match-up screen. If you | survive for 60 seconds, your team will |

be awarded with power-ups. | | x “The VidMan" |

C, Left, Left, Down, C, A and Start

“The VidMan” |

Game Informer - January/February '4

| To disable allthe normal moves ona |

| you should hear Zangief's war cry.

| NSRSCL: Luke in the Hoth Cave | WLJWDN: Han in Rebel Base

א ERU pilos‏ א + שש

1-Player game, enter this code on | Controller One when you see the Capcom logo: Down, Z, Up, X, A, Y, | B and C. If you enter it correctly, you | should hear Chun Li's laugh. |

Here are passwords for the first | three worlds.

World 1: Level 4 171058 Level 7 950745 Level 10 472149 Level 13 672451 Level 1 - 8 Level 4 652074 Level 7 265648 Level 10 462893

| Use this password to get to | Cloudworld 8:

World 2:

To increase the speed by five stars, |

| just enter this code on Controller One | =

Level 13 583172 Level 1 743690 Level 4 103928 Level 7 144895

Level 10 775092 |

. Level 13 - 481376 |

Jason Guynes |

Plano, TX |

as the buildings begin to fade during | the introduction: Down, Z, UP, X, A, | Y, B and C. | f you enter it correctly. |

World 3:

Mary Lou Clark Woodhaven, MI |

Character in the Battle mode, enter | this code on Controller Two at the | | Match or Elimination Mode Selection | screen: Down, Z, Up, X, A, Y, B | k and C. |

To enable a level select for | rounds 11 through 99, and choose | unigue cookies, enter in this code. | Set the Round Select to 10, the Speed to High, and the music off. | NowPress L, R, Select and Start | simultaneously.

“The VidMan" |

“The VidMan”

In case you didn't know there are | | eighteen hidden characters in NBA | | Jam. Some are programmers of the | | game and other players from around | | the Chicago area. Toaccess them just | enter their names and birthdates at | | the User Records screen. |

Here are all the passwords to this awesome SNES game.

WBWHRW: Han Rebel Base Boss

HMGPWJ: Like in Snowspeeder 0 . | ; i | Name Initials Birthdate | wy + ` | Mark Turmell MJT March22 Sw i | Shawn Liptak SL June24 NGMSJB: Hanin Carbon Chamber | Tony G s TWG | Dec. 7 RLMSWJ: Escape from Cloud City John im lig îe 5 MBRCGB: X-Wing Fighter Saa a a SWPMSS: First Fight Darth Vader | . Russell Wallenberg | 0n Hey JWH _ Sept 20 Lemont I |. Jamie Rivett RR dan 177 | ש‎ B ' | John Newcomer JRN June18 | To get the ultimate power-up, press | George Petro GNP 8 the block or steal button 7 times | Willie Norris Jr. WIL Jan. 1 | then press down on the joystick and | Sheridan Oursler SNO Jan.3 | all three buttons. You should have | Stephen Howard HOW July15 | both the offensive and defensive Tony Scott TON July3 |. power-ups. | “The VidMan” | “The VidMan”


Mortal Mi Genesis KANO

Roll Spin: 360° Toward foe, starting Down. Hold Start to hover.

Knife: Hold Start, Away and Toward. Fatality: Hold A, Toward, Toward and Block.


Green Flame: Away, Toward and the A Button.

Shadow Kick: Away, Toward and the B Button.

Split Punch: Down + the C Button. Fatality: Toward, Toward, Toward and the A Button.


Fireball: Toward, Toward and the A Button.

Flying Kick: Toward, Toward and the B Button.

Fatality: 360° Rotation.


Lightning Throw: Down, Toward and the A Button.

Teleport: Down, Down and Up. Superman: Away, Away and Toward. Fatality: Toward, Away, Away, Away and the A Button.


Freeze: Down, Toward and the A Button.

Slide: Away + B + the C Button. Fatality: Toward, Down, Toward and the A Button.


Van Dam Spear: Away, Away and the A Button.

Teleport: Down, Away and the A Button.

Fatality: Block, Up and Up.

SONYA Ring Toss: A, Away and the A Button. Square Wave Flight: Toward, Away and the A Button. Scissor Grab: Down + A--the B Button. Fatality: Hold Block, Away, Away and the A Button.

“The VidMan”

Mortal Kombat? Game Gear


Green Flame: Away, Toward and Button 1.

Shadow Kick: Away, Toward and Button 2.

Split Punch: Button 1 + Start. Finishing Move: Towards, Towards, Toward and Button 1.


Fireball: Toward, Toward and Button 1.

Flying Kick: Toward, Toward and Button 2.

Finishing Move: 360° rotation starting Toward your opponent.


Lightning Throw: Down, Toward and Button 1.

Teleport: Down and Up.

Superman: Away, Away and Toward. Finishing Move: Toward, Away, Away, Away and Button 1.

SuB-ZERO Freeze: Down, Toward and Button 1. Slide: Away, Away and Buttons

Hot Mortal Kombat" Tips!

Mortal Kombat? SNES Enough with the calls about MK moves already! Here are all the special moves for the SNES Mortal Kombat:


Roll Spin: A 360° rotation starting Toward your opponent. Press the R Button to hover.

Knife: Hold the R Button, Away and Toward.

Finishing Move: Away, Down and Toward in one fluid motion, then press the B Button.


Green Flame: Away, Toward and the B Button.

Shadow Kick: Away, Toward and the A Button.

Split Punch: The B Button + the R Button.

Finishing Move: Ioward, Toward, Toward and the Y Button.

Lui KANG Fireball: Toward, Toward and the Y Button.

142. Finishing Move: Toward, Down, Toward and Button 1.

SCORPION Harpoon: Away, Away and Button 1. Teleport: Down, Away and Button 1.

Finishing Move: Start, Up and Up.


Ring Toss: Away and Button 1. Square Wave Flight: Toward, Away and Button 1.

Scissor Grab: Down + Buttons 1 and 2.

Finishing Move: Toward, Toward, Away, Away and Start.

"The VidMan"

Flying Kick: Toward, Toward and the X Button. Finishing Move: 360^ starting Down and going Away from your opponent.


Lighting Throw: Down, Toward and the B Button.

Teleport: Down, then Up.

Superman: Away, Away and Toward.

Finishing Move: Toward, Away, Away, Away and the Y Button in close.


Freeze: Down, Toward and the B Button.

Slide: Away + B + A + the R Button. Finishing Move: Toward, Down, Toward and the Y Button.


Spear: Away, Away and the B Button.

Teleport: Down, Away and the Y Button.

Finishing Move: Hold the R Button and press Up, Up.


Ring Toss: B, Away and the B Button. Square Wave Flight. Toward, Away and the Y Button.

Scissor Grab: Down + B + A + the R Button.

Finishing Move: Toward, Toward, Away, Away and the R Button.

“The VidMan”

Mortal Komba


Spinning Ball: Toward, Down and Away. Knife: Away, Toward and the B Button.

Finishing Move: Down, Toward, Toward and the A Button.

Lui KANG x Fireball: Away, Away and the B Button.

Flying Kick: Toward, Toward, Toward and the B Button. Finishing Move: Toward, Toward, Away and the B Button.


Lightning Throw: Away, Toward and the B Button.

Teleport: Down, Toward and the A Button.

Superman: Away, Away, Away and Toward.

Finishing Move: Away, Toward, Down and the A + B Buttons.


Freeze: Away, Toward and the B Button.

Slide: Toward, Down and the B Button.

Finishing Move: Down, Down, B, Down and Down - the A Button.


Spear: Away, Away and the B Button. Teleport: Toward, Down and the A Button.

Finishing Move: Toward, Toward, Toward and Block.

- Game Boy

SONYA Ring Toss: Away, Away and pe B Button.

Square Wave Flight: Toward, Away, Away and Toward.

Scissor Grab: Down and Block. Finishing Move: Away, Away, Toward and Block.

“The VidMan”

Game Informer = January/February '34

Splatterhouse 3 for the Sega Genesis is the kind of game rating systems were invented for. Check out the screen shots

and see for yourself.

TIME 05:16


So fun yeu could lose your

ead over it!

ME 08:57 > $ oo


Don’t get all choked up!

Chi nhin MEN TIME 00:00 pru אשאמאמשאמאשמשאא‎ T_T FE : 4

Get your kicks!

| 16 megs of * ` gruesome graphics!


Deadly New Weapons! Pou

Wear a mask and a

a S DES, | 6 levels of monster powerful punc "Temm LIES | bashing mayhem!

Pow! Right in : : i Cu Killer special moves!


TIME 02: 20 Bx 02 b5 Non-linear game play! | Multiple endings!

® Password support! m | Walk on the wild side!

Warning: This game contains scenes of graphic violence You've gotta have that may not be suitable for younger players. guts!

Splatterhouse 3 TM & © 1993 Namco Ltd., All Rights Reserved. Sega and Genesis are trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ltd. רו‎ ei rm O

The Dark Knight Moves m Style: One-player comic-book action from TV to LCD חו‎ DEAS m Special Features: 5 levels or “episodes” "m With classic Batman villains EF ^U m Levels: Adjustable difficulty & 3 continues m Created by: Konami

m Available: December '93 on Game Boy


In the F'all of 1992, something hoppened that sent comic-book fans of all ages rushing home to = their television sets or programming s —< / their. VCRs. The Dark Knight had Wr “STS yh a - ' returned in all his original comic-book ` u = solemn-ness. Warner Brothers’ program, Batman: The Animated Series won acclaim from critics and super-hero fans alike, and continues to be one of the highest rated afternoon programs. Now Konami brings this classic-in-the-making to your Game Boy. Can the intricate detail, entrancing action and ominous mystic really be translated onto an itsy-bitsy LCD screen? You betcha! Konami has set up five levels as separate “episodes”, each featuring a different cast of classic Batman villains. As either of the Caped Crusaders, Batman or Robin, match wits with the likes of Mr. Freeze, The Scarecrow, The Riddler, Catwoman, Poison Ivy and The Penquin. Grapple, punch and Batarang your way to victory and the final show-down with every one's favorite cracked Mc EA x comedian, The Joker.

Erm E The fate of Gothem City hangs in the balance. Whether you're a fan of the television series, the super-hero, or just looking for the best in gaming on the go, you gotta’ give this. one a try. TT |

Y eee

Or Batman himself

Anpy, THE Game HoMBRÉ Rick, Tue ;פוש‎ RANGER B PauL, THE Pro PLAYER g |

3 “I'm a huge fan of The Animated . “I'm not a Game Boy fan, but give me ; "When The Animated Series first MEME ? Series; it has to be the best cartoon Bonet / more games like this and I'd E p came to TV, | didn't miss an Graphics: g around. When I found out Konami | | Graphics: 9.5 convert. The game graphics duplicate | | Graphics: g episode. For a change, l'm very

was making it forthe Game Boy, | was the show; I can't imagine them being impressed by a Game Boy cart. It Sound: 9 a little nervous that they couldn't | | Sound: 8 any better. Batman is striking and | | Sound: 8 looks awesome and the animation really capture the flavor of the show nicely detailed, especially the is as cartoon-like as Game Boy can Playability: 8.5 ona Game Boy. Luckily, | was wrong. | | Playability: 8 buildings. Your characters handle | | Playahility: 8 get. Calling each level an episode... This is a great action game for the : responsively; both Batman anq - genius! As for play, the grappling Entertainment: 8.5 Game Boy, with sweet control, sweet | | Entertainment: 8 Robin have unique abilities. The play | | Entertainment: 9 hook gave me some trouble, but / graphics, and awesome music. Each is basic punch-and-jump most of the after a few practice games | got OVERALL: level is a different story, so all the OVERALL time, but the levels seem to last OVERALL: the gist and feel the control is near | infamous Batman foes are here. Buy forever. It's won't make me buy a - perfect. The entire package is one of it if you own a Game Boy." : 7 Game Boy but, if you already have . se the best Game Boy carts ín at least

Wm one, this is a must-have.” hwb? I al? a year.”

Game Informer = January/February '94

e רקה כ כ‎ Ss S שו שי שיר‎ Uy ee cn GR K שק‎ 7 ON eG K Ne Cua wu WEN ee 7 cy ees "Very Good”, Heather Nicole H., Hazard, KY. “Excellent. It is even better than the original. n’t wait for this game.”, David L., East Northport, NY. “It’s COOL!”, Brenda H., Hawthorne, CZ like it a lot. Keep up the good work.", Ric M., Perrysville, OH. “As compared to the origine G2 blew it away! The music is mucho cool. The graphics top-notch and the instruction booklet as well as humorous. Could there be a TOP GEAR 3 in the works?”, Robert Erik M., Mount Vernc at!”, John C., Des Moines, IA. “Very much”, Bruce S., New Oxford, PA. “The best game I have ev yed. From 0 imu givemma 100 Coy S] pri D. game”, Jill I as; OR. “I x Brett J., Pc FAT don't Li hallenge & tl s", Andy P., .", Jaime M./I , IL. “Great!”; / P GEAR (1), 1] t very much", IX e same time. a and concept. off!" Stephane I lau, Quebec, Ca great improv )P GEAR 1 which t” Carol A., Ch like it a lot”, David L., Belding, MI. “Excellent game Ft I wou suggest to a friend to he I1 M., Bronx, NY. "Very Good”, Richard R., Reno, NV. "I Íike the game a lot, it is much better ‘st one.", Jason K., Cranfor lm AR, which was already an exc Chris T., Hobart, IN. "Pretty . "It is great!", Edward M., ights, OH. "Loved it! Too Radi Canada. "Very entertaining ar nging, George G., Summerland Ke e out with a drag racing game 4 Kettering, OH. "Great", Linda blows the first one away and st one is the best game I have f erton, NY. "Awesome", Robin E ville, FL "Very well", William L e of the best racing games I played.", Kevin Y., Boston, MA. , KC, MO. “Excellent!!!”, Nic tan, VA. "It is a great game, pl all games", Scott P., Dunbar, it!", Cassandra D., Wyoming, MI. "Solid driving game - one of the better 16-bit driving games y played", Jeff M., Encino, CA. "Very much", Leslie F., New York, NY. "Excellent - 89+", Jim | ing, VA. "Cool! Excellen yet to flip! Com'on guy in the competition and w M., Toms River, NJ. "Gre |! your planning on a TOP G eat!”, Josh Y., Natchez, | 'llent, better then the fi T.", Joseph N., Henderson, more realistic than TOP GE 1!!! the best driving sim I nproved over original TOP haven't figured out the ref I like that you can spin ou driver's game for accessibil G., Lawrence, KS. "Great fo hoga Falls, OH. "Awesome", ew Castle, PA. "I loved it. r has been made. I'm especi he single player game does not have a split screen view.", Trevor S., Janesville, WI. "It's Gr I., Lexington, OH. "A lot more challenging than the first TOP GEAR.", Cindy J., Poway, CA. "I Marth G., Raymond, Alb i is the best racing yc r Super NES”, Russell TOP GEAR!”, Fred C., n Park, CA. “Awesome, ake another soon!”, A: Fi Sville, KY. “It is total points for the ו‎ me (like yearly points n first one”, Jeff B. rille, KY. "It's very 3).", Jason R., Mont Canada. "It was Exce ! ario, Canada. “It's g. ev., Tuscarawas. “X y fun”, Paul S., Hale Ixcellent!!!”, Meliss CO. “It was great!”, ו‎ okomo, IN. “One of the first challenging racing games.”, Michael S., Humerstown, PA. “Graphics and it's a fun game”, Brooke S., Alpharetta, GA. “Love it”, Matt N., Ludlow, IL. “Very good. ( icture)”, Jeff C., Gibralter, MI. “Fantastic Incredible Make More”, Mark Alan N., Winterhaven, it as good, maybe even better than the first TOP GEAR, I enjoy playing them both.”, Mike R., J: |, MO. "Excellent. (Fun), Andy T., Arcadia, CA. "Great sequel”, Bill H., E. Wareham, MA. “Wow! oemington, IL. "The game is very good”, Debby L., Troy, NY. "I LOVE IT", Ali F., Silver Spring astic, Love it, want more of it!", Eric H., Newport News, VA. "I like it a lot! Awesome graphi


The world's #1 Super NES race game. With more jumps, spins, flips, racetracks, car upgrades, power-ups, and prize money than you can shake a stick shift at. Just ask anyone who's played it. Gear up and go for it!

Nintendo™, Super NES", and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1992 Nintendo of America Inc. © 1993 Kemco America, Inc.

p title says it all. This long-awaited inaugural game for the REAL 3DO system is truly a kamikaze race to the finish line. This space-age combat racing game pits you against five

drives their own arsenal on wheels, and excels in either speed, balance or firepower.

In the Rally Mode, the goal is to make it through all six circuits (a total of thirty races) while you drive as fast as you can, annihilate your opponents and | stay alive. The Tournament Mode places you on the same nasty tracks, as || you work your way from racing rookie to champion of the Deathdrome. As with the Rally Mode, you must be in the top three finishers to advance to the next track or circuit. This mode awards prize money to the top contenders to be spent souping up your vehicles and building up your firepower. The “Kill Toys" Product Catalog reads like a masochist's holiday wish list.

Crash “n Burn features both a three-quarter overhead | view of your car, and the first-person behind-the-wheel perspective necessary in a good racing cart. From this view you can best catch a glimpse of the incredible courses and polygon graphics that shine on this system.

m Style: 1 or 2-Player combat racing m Special Features: 2 modes: Tournament & Rally m Levels: 6 racers, 6 circuits of 5 tracks each

m Created by: Crystal Dynamics

m Available: as system pack-in

Anny, THE Game Homere PauL, THe Pro PLAYER

“The long-awaited arriva : | ‘4 was excited to run the 0 rade x “Crash & Bum im me at REAL ) is here and nU | o through it's paces, but (initially) I the Summer CES but, when

game, Crash ‘n Burn. Oh, e racing geme incorpo- |

weapons and nasty drivers, -

ic ln new yet ite still fun.

| The eee and animation seguences are But didn't

. really Dd n ay. This , Seriously rating, especially

wilha sy stag, spec; as with other systems that didnt gain my enthusiasm for several

months, ! !! sit back and wait

—< ar ripe MO ifs nota.

wasn't sure the debut game should have been a drivin n pie you get going, the 3 <

lly shows some impressive stuff The texture pool ci and slick animation are pretty remarkable. The controls lack the response you need in a driving game, and the action gets old quickly, Bul as the initial game released for the format, it shows hints of better games to come. With the speed

and graphic quality, I can't wait to

try more titles.”

reviewing this game, there's little to base our scores on. To compare this to a SNES or Genesis game wouldn't be fair. - The graphics are sensational. The combination of pol gon graphics, texture mapping,

lation of screens and scaling ol approaching objects demon- strates what this system can do. Unfortunately, as with most new technology, this game is

_ long on grap! ics whi e short

on playability.”

Game Informer - January/February '94

Licensed by Sega Enterprises Limited for play on the Sega Genesis


' << Z wil keep i LE MINIMS even the most

The ultimate

hardcore challenge בד‎ 2 NUECES gamers has arrived / - hooked”

_ VideoGames magazine

“Racing miniature EX.

boats, cars and ry

choppers over Edge of

sand pits, snooker your seat,

tables and 5 =

breakfast mats! blistering

It may sound micro; Car,

weird but it’s action! 11

hellish addictive! Dodge orange juice stains, jump over playing cards into snooker pockets - simply

GamePlayers magazine

« "Probably the most


brilliant" PER CEN 4 ud 3

N-FORCE game l've FN seen on the `

“Arguably | JIGenesis]”

ë: m E gung

race game” fs a ever written” (@ | |

Neil West, 92% Mega magazine


Machines is à registered f not amined with = pos

SEGA-CD owners asked. We listened. Now, it's here...




tad p 4 ו‎ i FA z 195 HH Our games go to fI SEGA AND SEGA CD ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. Game (C) 1992 Game Arts. “LUNAR” is a trademark of GAME ARTS. Licensed from GAME ARTS by WORKING DESIGNS, 18135 Clear Creek Road, Redding, CA 96001. This game produced in 3B, eh? For a dealer near you, call (916) 243-3417 ext.190.

The Turtles are Back! Bigger and Badder Than Ever =

Check out the Moves

for Konami's TMNT: Tournament Fighters

All TMNT art © Mirage Studios.

m Special Features Story, Versus, vs. à 7 characters with unique Adjustable difficulty, speed & i

m Created by: Konami

m Available: Now on NES

> you can. choose gn in the city.

ewer Lo 4 can play in a battle eive a challen 1 Lo the finish. from old “Shred-head. :

throw it by pre: Down Towards, Towards, plus


It's a steamy afternoon in the big cityeand the boys are putting i in a few hours of Martial Arte practice before dinner. An explosion on to eee who will put up the best 8 : the river sends our super-heroes racing toward the street, which TMNT: Tournament Fighters pits turtle again ur gainot is littered with hundreds of tiny bite of paper. This prank ie the evil in the traditional fighter style. There are four 2 handiwork of Shredder, and the bite of paper are imprinted with vs. Player, ve. CPU, and a Tournament mode that lets up r players a challenge: compete, two at a time. Yol K : efi he four “| offer you Turtles a challenge. Let us meet in the streets of Turtles, Mirage comic à Manhattan and see which of us ie the most powerful. OF course, you really be Shredder himself. Work th dont stand a chance. Shredder” all of the bonus rounds, or Man, the work of being a teenage terrapin ninja master ie never done, toughest turtle on the block. but how can the boys pass up this challenge without looking yellow? The

= « Down-Away,

: . r B(High) `

Kangaroo Ki

Fire Breath: g Toward + A(I

Down, Down-Towa,

oward + A

Spiral Attack: Toward, Down, Away + B



2 Somerea Heel Drop: Down

Down Up A c

75 ‘Finally! a head-to-head fighting א‎ “Okay, you're not gonna' get the

5 “Tournament Fighters is destined for ;

wwe . greatness. The Turtles show a game for NES. | applaud Konami for speed or numerous special moves Graphics: g different side to 8-bit gamers, anda Graphics: 7.5 taking on this task. The graphics and | 7 of the 16-bit versions, but you take tournament-style fighting game sound are good by NES standards. what you can get. Karate Champ is Sound: 5 for NES is always welcome. The Sound: 7 The characters are large and well- _ Sound: 5 the only NES head-to-head fighter graphics can hold their own with detailed. The animation is okay, a ` | recall (there may be more, but not Playability: B some of the greatest games; even Playability: 8 little choppy, and there's some = Playability: 9 many). Konami still supports the “old the animation of the characters is : screen flicker. The handling is a bit < horse”, which is nice to see, and they Entertainment: 6 great. As far as fighting games go, Entertainment: 6 stiffand/hadtrouble gettingthechar- Entertainment: 8 continually produce some of the

Tournament Fighters is fairly simple acters to do what I wanted. Konami ` best 8-bitcarts. Tournament; OVERALL: to play, which makes it good for less OVERALL: did their best with the limitations, but | OVERALL: : has the speed and graphics of a experienced players.” this game came up alittle short. Ifyou top-rate NES game. but I could do 8 75 Í have $50 to spend on a NES game, ^ 7 without the generic. Inäelivision-ike 7 : Ç : - ond a little. : crowd noises." הכ‎

spend a little more and buy a 16-bit.”


All TMNT art © Mirai

Lean, Mean, eh. Green Fightin' Machines

m Cart Size: 16 Megs, 10 characters & stages m Style: 1 or 2-Player Tournament fighting m Special Features: 8 skill levels,

3 play speeds & limited continues

m Created by: Konami

ghter c competition e sponsored ‘by April's station. etU are eager to strut their stuff and prove their ethe tournament may just have to wait, thanks to a ransom note {rom the aleet in the line of enemies, Karai. Oye against a e populaX,

j si Aska. iaaaon, Chrome Dome and

C unique, 26 for each.

Anoy, m Game Homeré

m Modes: 4 modes: Tournament, vs., Story & Watch

m Available: Now on Super Nintendo

>THE BorromLine 8,5

_ Bien, Tre Viozo RANGER

. we

your old r pal A

April O'Neil hosts the show.

ay N ct from three modes of play; Tournament, Versus and Story, and there's even a special Watch mode that leve you che ck out the competition. In the Lournament mode, players pick any character and go for the best two-out-of-three in a match for the prize money. The Versus mode ie also a two-out-of-three battle, but this one ie for two players. Finally, the Story mode lets you pick turtle champion and go head-to-head against all the ather characters, and even your fellow turtles, in an attempt to rescue April and Splinter from the mysterious Karai. Any play it, Tournament Fighters gives the Turtles a

new look and attitude that cantebe beat.

Can you defeat her?


“I'm notsure the world needs another

“Tournament Fighters is a solid ^ “As amajortan of the Turtles, | looked Concept: Concept: * fighter cart. Though none of the Concept: "9 ln game. si SF2 debes E f head-to-head fighter, but Konami . ics: moves are new, the game itself is ics: be's go, I'm generally impresse couldn't be leftout. And when you got. ox rather inventive. The special meter 0 Konami assembled a nice variety 1 rights to the Turtles, there's a good Sound: 8.5 attack is cool. The only real problem Sound: 8 of fighters with very unique abilities. 9 chance you'll sell some copies. The is the lack of using the last two Graphically, | found innovations in look is impressive; I've never seen Playability: 9 buttons, henceacouple more moves. © Playability: 8 the stages; watch the background 9 the Turtles so big. The voice samples Otherwise, the game is done characters for some humorous are great; they give the boys a 8 moments. The character movement 8 dp edge. The combos are pretty

Entertainment: 8.5 extremely well. The graphics and _ Entertainment: animation are smooth, with colorful ` OVERALL:

backgrounds. | also love that the ` 8.75

basic and it only takes four buttons to execute them, but the play is very competitive. Tournament Fighters is perfect for anyone having troub mastering SF2, or any Turtles fan. should be a winner for Konami.”

is wel-animated. Performing specialty moves is the same old thing; I look forward to a game that adds some- thing here, but Tournament Fighters isn tit. Tournament Fighters isa good SF? clone."


cartoon Turtles are gone and the Eastman & Laird turtles are

back. Konami has made the best run = yet at SF2 Turbo." :



NINTENDO enrEarninmen sw

But be prepared, because Tournament Fighters for Super NES? Sega Genesis and NES* puts a whole new face on fighting games. It's intense, one-on-one fighting that has every savage street hardened |w cest ain. "^ warrior drooling |] 7 ~ with anticipation. One game, three unique - versions! No matter which format you choose, you're in : ~ for a new breed of Turtles fixated on fighting in four different modes. For Super NES fans there's 12 unique mutant +44 maulers, 12 arenas, adjustable fighting speed for fast fighting =| action, and spectacular combo assault techniques plus the dreaded Ultimate Attack Moves. The Sega Genesis version hits you with 11 brutal opponents including evil clones from Dimension X, 11 awesome battle- grounds, adjustable fighting speed and power, instant replay, and amazing arsenals of physical punishment featuring one-of-a-kind Ultra Desperation Attack Moves. And the NES game includes 2-Player and Tournament modes, 7 furious fighters and specialized attack techniques. Hit the streets and pound more than pavement! Roto Cutters, Dynamite Bombers, Chopper Chukers, Vacuum œ Waves, Electric Pile Drivers, you'll feel and inflict them all. If you think you ve already experienced isse real street fighting, wait til Tournament Fighters lets you kick the (CENSORED) out of your enemies. So trash the surfboards, heave the 'za and pick a fight!

registered trademarks and copyright 1 pos LLL. Studios. All related ely licensed y Su urge Licensing, Ine s a registered raderark ol a) Inc. © nca ine A AI nights reserved

Offical Seals are registered

Nintendo E: a. and f America Inc. ue Nintendo of America Inc quies nd Genesis are t EM KS ‘of Sega Enterpris


- z


Burton DULLOR.

(when Ultimate-Attack 2


Funch Button

j = e = z - <

ack Move:


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a Ort

two s


rge Down for

ng thunder: Cha en Up and any Fun B : Char



22 ve pom


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D 2


Konami just look your

It's time for a change of screenery as Konami takes the TV style adventures of The Turtles, the Tiny Toon Adventures characters and Batman: The Animated Series to Game Boy. With no commercials!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III Radical Rescue ` pits the sewer crew against Cyber Shredder, a heinous, hulking cyborg. But first Mike must use a Fortress Map of Shredder's hideout to find the rest of the captured fab four. Luckily, each Turtle has a new special skill for surviving the action. Locate ID cards, keys and power ups in 5 rescue adventures crammed with creeps like Dirtbag, Scratch and Scale Tail.

Batman” The Animated Series is 5 original game QXENAGE MUTANT N/AUA episodes of sizzling crime fighting action, each capturing the T 7] gritty, urban heroics of the hit TV series. Strategically use 7 Batman’ grappling hook and Robins ceiling grip to survive the onslaught and escape certain doom. In episodes like “The Green Menace" and “The Chill of a Lifetime" you'll suffer the sting of Catwoman’ claw, the icy burn of Mr. Freezes frost gun, and 726 Joker S sick sense of humor. Sinister fiends like The Penguin, The Riddler and other Gotham City goons are also out to make this the Dark Knight's darkest day.

Tiny Toon Adventures 2 —Montana's Movie Madness premieres 4 freaky films directed by that Bad Boy of the Box Office, Montana Max. And he's cast Buster Bunny as the villain! Buster must use new attack moves like the Fast Dash and Freeze Kick to defend his character. Buster's screen test includes action packed scenes in a classic western, a samurai saga, a sci-fi thriller, a creature feature and cool subgames. Ultimately, Buster

takes on Max himself and tries to @ drop the curtain on his movie career. Ki ONA M. 7

favorite shows ofi TV.

The “Animated Series


rd‏ בו כב

Hie ies lif me] B-

Konami Game Hint and Tip Line: 1-900-896-HINT (4468). 70¢ per minute charge. Minors must have parental permission before calling. Touch-tone phone required.

TINY TOON ADVENTURES, characters, names and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. © 1993. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES® and the distinctive likeness thereof are registered trademarks and copyright 1993 by Mirage Studios. All related characters and indicia are copyright 1993 Mirage Studios, exclusively licensed by Surge Licensing, Inc. BATMAN and all related elements are the property of DC Comics and © 1993. All Rights Reserved. Konami® is

a registered trademark of Konami Co. Ltd. © 1993 Konami (America) Inc. All rights reserved. NINTENDO, GAME BOY AND THE OFFICIAL SEALS ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. @ 1989 NINTENDO 5 000550 OF AMERICA INC.

6516 owners, theres no need to look at your

SNES owners with envy when it comes to

ing games. Konami hae created a version of TMNT:

ment Fighters to call your own, But its not

transference from one platform to another.

u Contrar’; the plot, the characters, the levels and

the special moves are completely unique to the Genesis cartridge.

-The Genesis version opens with Splinter communing

with nature in Central Fark. Suddenly he's approached

buy four seemingly familiar turtle-like teenagers who turn out to be a sampling of Krang’s cloning ability. The = Ninjiteu master fights well, but io carried off to Dimension X. The action really heats up when Krang

l upto the boys favorite TY program to inform.


MICHAELANGELO 1) Hurricane: Away, Di loward + A(or D 2) Chopper Chun Up-Towards + Alor 2) Flying Tackle: Down Cl, Towards + A(or B)

a k 4) Air Power Drill: De


Evil Clones created by the

Turles arch enemy Kr.





> nia




1) Kebounder: Toward, Down-Toward, Down, Down-Away, Away + A(or B)

2) Stick Lariat: Down, Down-Toward, Toward + A(or B)

2) The Long Bomb: Down + C


1). Ninja Claw: Tap A(or B) repeatedly

2) Ninja Attack: Down C2, Up + A(or B)

3) Back Dive Elbow: Down, Down-Away, Away + A(or E)

Game Informer January/February

Concept: Graphics:



Playability: Entertainment:



> = Playability:

EUER Entertainment: leyphue equeezee the life out of Mike.


; SISYPHUS 1) Beetle Juice: Down, Down- Toward, Toward + A(or B) / 2 = las i Concept: Graphics: Sound: Playahility:



7 The characters look tough, but miss

the color palette and sound of the

8.25 SNES. The voice-overs are alright,

but need some work. The play is very

8 difficult, but is that a good or bad `

thing? If you're going to spend money

7 on a cart, it should at least be hard,

but there s a fine line. If it's too hard,

8 you won't play it. Plus, Sega's got a ` 6-button controller; why aren't we using it? Two attack buttons is pretty stupid. Tournament Fighters is good,

but lacks some of the technique `

available on the SNES version.”

g Kudos to Konami for revamping the Genesis game rather than just 7 porting over the SNES version. Differences include a new choice of 7 characters including Casey Jones ` and April O'Neil. This version even 6 has extra-terrestrial fighting stages occurring on planets outside our 7 Solar System. | found the characters to be well-animated, but the detail is fuzzy. Until they can make the voices better, I'd probably rather not hear them. There are some good techniques, but you could get frozen into one for a couple of seconds. The computer is incredibly difficult and cheats. Final analysis: Stick with SF2 and Mortal Kombat.” 2

“The Turtles again come to the Genesis for your entertainment. In a tournament-style fighter, the Turtles show a different side, and they're as tough as ever. The dramatic improvement of the graphics isa ` pleasant surprise, and the character animation is splendid. There are several tunes from the actual Turtles' show and the voice-overs are great. The playability is this cart's only

downfall. The computer is nearly 7 25 unbeatable, and can perform special a

RAY FILLET 1) Sonic V 2 2) Manta

All TMNT art © Mirage Studios.

moves in situations you would never

be able to do with your character. Say

it aint so, but the computer cheats!”

-Toward, Toward A(or E)




Coming soon to leading video game systems.


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