$3.95 Canada $4.95 UK £2.50 July/August 1993 0" "74470"82824""2 So What if Pocky and Rocky is a goofy name for a game, featuring two characters who've never been on TV. The Press Loves It!" "This game is an absolute blast to play! What other great action game can you find where you can block any attack the enemy throws at you!" (Guy) “At last, here's a fast-pace, two-player, arcade-style action/adventure game for the Super NES that hits you “Pocky & Rocky is one of the best carts that I’ve played in a long time." (Dude) hard with a horde of evil beings and with no slowdown in sight. Pocky & Rocky by Natsume packs great blast-em-up action. Super NES Buyer's Guide (March 1993) GamePro Magazine (March 1993) Graphics Sound -Control FunFactor Challenge ОО @ a T ad h Adjustable And So Will You. Pocky and Rocky... Incredible Action for your Super Nintendo. Available Now! Thanks for the great review guys! Hey, we. deserve it! Natsume Game Hint and Tip line: 1-900 820-HINT (4468) .95с Per minute charge. Minors must have parental permission before calling. Must have a touch tone telephone. Natsume Inc. 1243A Howard Ave. Burlingame, CA 94010 NAISUMFE ` Serious Fun" Natsume Inc. 1243A Howard Ave. Burlingame, California 94010 Nintendo and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. Pocky and Rocky is a trademark of Natsume Inc. Natsume is a registered trademark of Natsume Inc. © 1993 Natsume Inc. CO N TE МТ 5 Departments Game Reviewers & Letter from the Editor ............................................................ 2 Dear Game IDONEE... 4 What's Hot! Rumors ARO NEWS si КЛ Л Г К clo taco А 14 Game Genie/Swap Shop Пе ој ас Tips from ОЗ ЖЛ УО енота 42 Fun Club Tip Line Toss DOR our Reali 43 Classics Attic: AI sla 46 Tech Talk: The Latest in Video Game Hardware & Software .. Dinamation, Inc. Bringing the Dinosaurs Back to Life rr 18 Jurassic Park: The Movie and the Game iui ni 21 Summer Sports Feature Section: Introduction aaa 24 Super Baseball 2020 - A Super NES Review................................. es 25 Rock N’ Roll Racing - A Super NES c iaia 26 The Making of Pale SOCCER itm 4 rr o Secrets: Indo SARO iaia Summer CES Update: а 3 What's in Store for ‘94... ........ - | + HC 54 Spotlight: Super Nintendo Yoshi's Cookie, Pocky & Rocky, Super Battletoads in Battlemaniacs, and Tuff E Nuff ........... 6 SNES At A Glance: Alien vs. Predator, Operation Logic Bomb, Super Widget, Clay Fighter, Football Fury, American Gladiators, Carmen Sandiego, Steel Cage Challenge, Goof Troop, Alien III, afd Zombies Ate My NeighDOrS ""——————— 12 Spotlight: Sega Genesis GI Reviews: Jungle Strike EI 34 Genesis At A Glance: Rocket Knight, Shining Force, and Warpspeed cn 36 Spotlight: Hand-Helds Star Trek: The Next Generation: A Game Boy Review, Land of Illusion: A Game Gear Review ....................... esses 48 Hand -Helds At A Glance: Amazing Spiderman 3, Incredible Crash Dummies, WWF: Steel Cage Challenge, Streets of Rage 2, Gordo 106, and LEMMINGS ... ..................... 51 Game Informer = July/August '93 a Letter From The Editor By Elizabeth A. Olson “Times, they are a'changin'..." | guess that should come as no surprise, since the video game industry has long been known for innovation and tech- nological advancement. But in recent weeks and months, the industry has found itself in the headlines and on the front pages of nearly every major newspaper and magazine throughout the country. Hollywood has jumped on the multi-media bandwagon and Sega has issued a voluntary rating system. Not to mention that David Sheff's new book, Game Over, has made it a hot topic for the talk show circuit. Home Entertainment Systems are nolonger being viewed justas toys that passively sit in more than one third of all households in America. Critics of the industry have painted our favorite game systems as villains, quietly sneaking into our living rooms and taking control of our thoughts. Advocates continue to extol the virtues of video games, using catch phrases like ‘Edu-tainment’, ‘Multi-media’ аһа ‘Interactive’. Meet The Reviewers There’s no denying it. Multi-media is becoming a way of life and video games are just one method to inexpensively prepare us for the tech- nological wave of the future. Fiber-op- tic “Super Highways” are no longer years in the making. These and many other methods of delivering games, media or information are on our doorstep. Whether the issue is 3DO, The Sega Channel, or some other innovation, we find ourselves on the forefront of this ever-changing and ex- citing frontier. In the coming months Game Informer will be taking a closer look at such issues as new game plat- forms, rating systems, multi- media and the Sega Channel. But most importantly, we want to hear from you. As the gamer and the consumer, what are your thoughts on these and other issues? We encourage you to write in and sound off, whether you're a fan, a critic, young or old. ANDY, THE GAME HomerÉ - Nicknamed our Game Encyclopedia, Andy ranks NHLPA, Tony Lada and X-Men in his top ten. Now add Flashback, Cybernator, Madden '93and Batman Returns. Lately, he plays Rock N' Roll Racing, Jungle Strike and Final Fight II, and he's anxiously awaiting Konami's Rocket Knight Adventures and Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Ross, THE REBEL GAMER Ross still favors the Genesis, but his top ten are divided between both16-bit Ln That list includes Flashback, NHLPA, Shadow-run. Star Fox, Road Rash Il and SF2. This issue’s favorite cart are: Jungle Strike, Rock N' Roll Racing and Final Fight II. And, since it's Softball season, he tacked on Tony LaRussa and Hardball III. And there's one other big change we've failed to mention. As you page through this issue, you'll see a whole new look for the Game Informer. It is all part of our effort to stay in touch with the industry and to better serve our readers. As always, we're waiting to hear from you! Bol Subscription Notice Want to stay on top on what's new in the video game world? Keep the Game Informer coming to your home. Subscribe now for only $17.88 and receive six action-packed issues; one every other month. That's almost $1.00 off each issue. Look for the subscription card in the issue and sign up today! Corrections In the May/June issue, we listed Andy’s final rating of Tony La Russa as a 6.5. It should have read 8.75. Oops! It's a good thing we didn't become accountants. We failed to credit reader Nathan Hoemke with the Star Fox "Out of this Dimension" tip in the Tip Line. And we'd like to credit the pictures in Return of the Dinosaurs to Dinamation, Inc. Attention! The release dates listed in these pages are those currently available at the time the Game Informer goes into production and are subject to change. Game Informer = July/August '93 – spinning. firing and flying with fluid Xe» Wegwk ' 3-D animation. Over 500 way cool combat cH UU enis locales keeps the fighting fresh. Fm. Tabor Pilot < «Ke: Сва: тен WarpSpeed for the Sega? Genesis? and Super NES" Guaranteed to rearrange your face. To order, visit your favorite video retailer or call 1-800-245-7744. ° " D = Sega and Genesis are trademarks owned by Sega Enterprises, Ltd. Accolade, Inc. is neither affiliated with nora licensee of Sega Enterprises, Ltd or any of its affiliates. Super NES is a ACCOLADE у б trademark of Nintendo of America, Inc. WarpSpeed is a trademark of Accolade, Inc. ©1993 Atcolade, Inc. All rights reserved. ; * % In the March/April issue, on pg.14, you wrote an article entitled The Meaning of L.I.F.E. This featured the LaserActive System by Pioneer. If you know the price ofthe system or any additional information, please write back to me. Your magazine is great. Keep up the great work. Thank you. Vincent Ragosta NorthEast, PA Vincent, We called Pioneer and they told us the LaserActive will be on the market this Fall. They have not set the price yet, and do not plan to until late September. -Ed. In the recent March/April issue you said we could order back issues. Please tell me which issues you have. Jesse Jacobs Arlington, TX Back issues are in short supply, but we have a limited quantity of the Nov/Dec '92 (Chester Cheetah), Jan/Feb '93 (Mega Man IV), and the Mar/April '93 (Bubsy). Please send $3.95 plus 506 postage for each issue requested to: Back Issues, Game Informer Magazine, 10120 West 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. -Ed. | love your magazine. In spite of all the oth- ers, | think Gl is the best. | take advantage of the tips because most of them work, but there is a question | need to ask. I’m wondering if you could review some new sports games coming out. It would make my day. Rui Guilherme New Bedford, MA Rui, You're in luck! It just so happens this issue includes our Summer Sports feature. We'll give you the latest on Super Baseball 2020, WWF Royal Rumble and Rock N' Roll Racing for the SNES. There's also Summer Challenge, Mutant League Football and the story behind the making of Pele's World Cup Soccer for the Genesis. Glad we could make your day. | was reading about Virtua VR and the Activator in March/April's Tech Talk. How much would each item cost? Also, what is the difference between the Sega CD and the Super CD/Duo? Jason Kaczmarczyk Chicopee, MA According to Sega, The Activator should hit shelves this fall for around $70 or $80. Virtua VR, or Sega VR as it is now called, should be out in time for Christmas with a price tag just under $200. To answer your second question, Sega CD has the bene- fit of newer technology. It has 6 meg of RAM, hardware scaling and rotation, and two 16-bit processors that allow for duel processing, which shortens the access time. The Super CD has 4 megs of RAM, butis less expensive and has a much larger library. The Duo is a complete unit, unlike the other two which are peripherals. It will play Turbo's HuCards as well as CDs. -Ed. First off, your magazine is excellent for its size. l'd like to thank you for the great tip section, because you print some codes that the other mags miss or don't print. Second, | have a suggestion that would make your reviews easier to understand. Instead of giving scores for Concept, Graphics, etc. just give an overall rating. Also have all four reviewers do all the games, because sometimes the reviewer | go by doesn't re- view a particular game. Your Classics Attic section is great, and | look forward to more ancient NES games. However, the way you rated Metroid was not very good. To prop- erly rate an old game, you must put your- self back in 1987. Dave Johnston Ogden, Utah Dave, Thanks for your compliments and suggestions. With regard to Classics Attic, We stress that these games were innova- tive in theirtime and important benchmarks of video game history. However, we are speaking to the sophisticated gamer of 1993. To give early graphics a 9 when the reader is accustomed to graphics like those found in carts like Flashback would be mis- leading. si Game Informer = July/August ‘93 Mario and Yoshi are filling in at the Cookie Factory, and the snacks are piling high! As fresh baked cookies roll out of the ovens, it’s ир to Mario to sort and stack ’em before they pile too high! Line up a row of the same kind of cookies either vertically or horizontally, and they vanish. Clear the screen to move on to a new level of munchie-madness! Yoshi appears from time to time to stir things up. Play for high score or go head-to-head against a friend or the computer. The mouth-watering madness doesn't let up! In the tradition of Tetris" and fig = Dr Mario", Yoshi's Cookie is a | heaping helping of lip-smacking, It's a heapin' 3 snack-stacking cookie chaos! helpin’ of cookie PIII. crunchin' fun! | ИЛ Challenge a friend or the computer for more munchie-madness! Q 100 stages, plus bonus rounds. e 1 or 2 players, or play against the computer. $3 Choose to be Mario, Yoshi, the Princess or Bowser. e» Extra puzzle game from the creator of Tetris. ft sy Bre” Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. 8337 154th Ave. NE Redmond, Washington 98052 Yoshi's Cookie is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1992, 1993 Nintendo of America Inc. ©1993 Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. Original design by Home Data Corp. Puzzles by Alexey Pajitnov and BPS. Dr. Mario, Nintendo, Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. Tetris™ & ©1987 Elorg. Bullet-Proof Software and BPS are registered trademarks of Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Zi, Rash and Pimple . Strut Their Stuff Super NES Reviews Mutant Ninja Turtle with a sense of humor? Those action-hungry amphibians named for skin afflictions, better known as the Battletoads. Toad lovers, rejoice! These very hip ‘toads have made their way to the Super Nintendo system for another pig-pounding adventure. This time we find our gregarious green guys high in the Tibetan mountains where the Psicone Corporation is testing its latest invention, the Total Reality Integrated Player System. It's sort of a virtual reality that allows a person to enter the Gamescape through а computer- generated portal. But, thanks to the 'toads nemesis, Silas Volkmire and the Dark Queen, | the test becomes a matter of life and death © ШЕ: do you get when you cross a Teenage mi Levels: Six’ when the Pigs of the Apocalypse jump through © the portal and kidnap Zitz and the daughter of ш беле. E Psicone’s President, Michiko Tashoku. Will ш Difficulty: Hard | Volkmire and the Dark Queen succeed in their plan to transform the world into their own Pimple & Rash are ready to rock n’ roll. private Gamescape Kingdom? It will take all the strength and courage Rash and Pimple can muster, plus a few new moves, to rescue Michiko and their trio toad, Zitz. There are plenty of weapons to help the ‘toadsome twosome out, but their best bets are the Smash Hit attacks. These range from the Big Boot Block to the Full Metal Earmuffs and the Anvil Swipe. There are fourteen hilariously harmful hits in all, each devastating enough to knock the Stuffing out of the Psyko Pigs and other pests they'll encounter on their way to the Dark Tower. |. ANDY, THE GAME HOMBRE „= еъ 2t Ш Special features: 3 continues & Created by: Tradewest E Available: Now for Super Nintendo Rick, THE ViDEO RANGER Ross, THE REBEL GAMER “The ‘toads are big and bad, with lots of “The animation is sensational. The bosses “Although Battletoads got their start cool attack sequences and great enemies. are big and very well detailed. My favorite on the regular NES, the SNES version Overall They could use some voice-overs. Give Overall move is the ram's horn smash hit. People Overall added a whole new angle to the Rating: me something more than Bang and Pow. Rating: [ooking for 6 button combination game Rating: game by exploiting the graphic There's plenty of levels with different stuff, play will be disappointed; I’m not. The con- capabilities of the SNES. | am happy 7 8 79 but on the fighting levels | don’t feel like | © trol is superb. Not to put down more com- 8 15 to say the SNES version is a step or have complete control. This is a challeng- plicated play format, but it’s a game. two above the original. If | were to ing and fun game to play. It has loads of It’s supposed to be fun, not work. recommend one new title to pick up good action and bright graphics. If you love Outstanding! The action graphics are the for the next month or so, it would be kick/punch carts, you'll need the 'toads." best in the biz, and hilarious to boot.” Battlemaniacs.” Game Informer = July/August 93 سے Interplay Productions 17922 Fitch Avenue ит зз втв ПИАТ ЕАР СЕ) Official THIS OFFICIAL SEAL IS YOUR ASSURANCE THAT NINTENDO (Nintendo) €1993 Interplay Productions and Silicon & Synapse. All rights Pie HAS APPROVED THE QUALITY OF THIS PRODUCT. ALWAYS LICENSED py reserved. The Lost Vikings is a trademark of Interplay Productions, Inc. LOOK FOR THIS SEAL WHEN BUYING GAMES AND Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Super NES and the ACCESSORIES TO ENSURE COMPLETE COMPATIBILITY WITH official seal are trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. Silicon & Squapee, Ine. MADEIN JAPAN YOUR SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM. To order The Lost Vikings, call 1-800-969-4263, or see your local retailer. ©1989 Nintendo of America, Inc. SHI DOME A Feast for Your Puzzle-Solving Appetite Ш Cart Size: 4 Мед Ш Available: Now for Super NES E Style: 1 or 2-player lll Special Features: puzzle/strategy Password, level-select and ш Difficulty: Adjustable unlimited continues № Created by: Bullet-Proof | 5 сае № THE BOTTOM LINE Я. 7 ix the habit-forming game play of Tetris with Nintendo’s world-famous cast of charac- ters and what have you got? The result is Yoshi’s Cookie. Oh, it may not be the first puzzle game to feature our favorite plumber and his dinosaur companion; Dr. Mario and Yoshi both tried this combination long before now. The first is that this cart isn’t from Nintendo, but from third-party licensee Bullet-Proof. And, we think the spaghetti-slurping pipe-meister | would be proud. Bx Yoshi's Cookie uses the simple concept of matching like-shaped cookies in vertical and horizontal rows to clear the screen before they fill up the play field. What makes this cart great is the variety game styles it offers. Choose between the One- Player Action game, the Versus mode which pits you against the computer or a friend in a race against time, or the brain-teasing Puzzle game. , There are a host of options, such as round-select or speed adjustment. The 2-player game even includes a handicap feature. Nintendo has » released this title for 8-bit and the Game Boy, but no matter what the format, this cart is addictive. № PAUL, THE PRO PLAYER Rick, THE Мрео RANGER Амру, THE GAME HOMBRE “Yet another puzzle game along the “Ever wished that you could rearrange ‘It's a puzzle game, so there isn’t any lines of Tetris, incorporating elements the shapes in your stack while playing need for flashy polygon graphics or NN ROUNDS | Overall оғ Yoshi, Dr. Mario, and Puzznic. It's Overall Tetris? Like Tetris, Yoshi's Cookie Overall Mode 7. Yoshi's Cookie turns out a Rating: ке two games in one, with three types Rating: js an exercise in visualization, with Rating: ^ good game with decent challenge and of play. | admit | was apprehensive as better options. The adjustable speed some good mind-stumpers. If puzzle 8 Гат not a big fan of Yoshi, but | was 7 75 and level-select allow you to 7 5 games are your thing, make sure you surprised at how | got glued to the customize to your ability. Yoshi's don't miss this one." screen. BulletProof has a game that Cookie is a great game, whether on blows the other two away." SNES, NES or Game Boy." Game Informer а July/August '93 Ш Cart Size: 8 Meg style: Action shooter els: Four n stages 1 0г2- HF © eware of wolves hiding in Sheep's clothing. No, there is no livestock in Pocky & Rocky, unless you count a raccoon, snake, lion and other nefarious nasties as live- stock. What we mean to say is that this game is not what it appears to be on the surface. Both the very Japanese- style storyline and cute animation may lead you to believe that this is just an- other side-scrolling action game for the younger set. Lest you be lead astray, masquerading behind the Ninja Goblin-tamer and his Raccoon sidekick is a seri- ously challenging game. It seems the once-peaceful Nopino goblins, which range in appearance from skele- tons to little roly-poly guys, have been spell-bound by PAUL, THE PRO PLAYER “Pocky & Rocky is smooth! It plays like a shooter, with a little adventure tossed in. The controls are basic and can be customized, but it’s not a simple game even set on easy. Pocky & Rocky is a refreshing game. I'm kinda' sick ofthe basic space-shooter. And, with the 2-player capabilities, it's a lot of fun." Game Informer = July/August;'99- i Unlimited ВИНО : Natsume the evil Black Mantle. Pocky and Rocky will have to shoot their way through four lengthy levels to put an end to his mischief. Each character has two normal attacks, plus bombs and a special defensive attack. There is also a continuous attack button and plenty of power-ups. But, make no mis- take, this is by no means an easy game. You'll face several sub-bosses that will wear you down before you can reach each level boss, and continuing will start you back at the begin- ning of that stage. Pocky & Rocky is near impossible as a one- player, and is at its best as a two-player. The smooth animation and unexpected challenge make it a ‘sleeper’ worth looking into. № Ross, THE REBEL GAMER "| figured this was another young player game. Boy, was | wrong! When I saw the quality of the animation, my whole outlook of the game changed. This is some of the cleanest charac- ter animation on the market. When you buy this game, withhold earl judgments. Otherwise, like me, you'll be eating your words. It's full of frus- trating, enjoyable action. Fire Tail Rick, THE VIDEO RANGER Overall Rating: Stick "This game uses all the colors the SNES has to offer. Wonderful detail is evident everywhere. | loved the back- ground music; soft and pretty, but never harsh or annoying. Players have full use of the entire screen and can even back-track. The game play is simple; just hold down the fire but- ton and dodge enemies." ` | government Defend against K's'electric field. The mysterious warrior Jade, "The Fighting King". Use the instant replay to taunt уо! "16 Meg WNumber of Play у: Јаіесо Fighting 1 or 2-player Now on SNES ls: 10/Stages pecial.Featufes: „ | Шу: Variable _ Unlimited continues Fighting Games Your Forté? -Jaleco Wants to Know if You'te.:: he. great war of 2151 toppled the legal and institu- — tions. It reduced#land- ,Scape.io rubble and worse, it crushed the people’s spirit. Only the..strongest fighters " survived and from their midst arose a mighty “Fighting King” known as Jade who seized control-of the people: The tower in which he dwelt was called the Great Tower or Death Tower, as по“ & challenger ever came а ike out alive. Four fighting E soldiers»decided to accept Jade's S tournament challenge and try to return the land.to peace, but they would have to face many opponents along the way. Sho was raised as a'traditionalist.of de^ Шаошуці іп Ы С" 6, а 5 * й, + ü- ц: Li a n HI. x У 5 [ ~ x in street pa m may look funny but is: highly trained Keep Sirou at bay with the powerful Blue аз a ner Chisou Haouryu traditionalist; hails from Texas. Both have mastered forms of Yamite,-an ancient dark side military art consisting of ever-changing mystical attacks like the. Blue Thunder Punch.and the Dragon Blade. Kotono о 3 LIU de Thunder Punch. "er a Bet gen morem lh Erro TP ee bis noche ap rie e oa Expelled from wrestling Gajet uses his oit lawed ы techniques to:crush you. excels in kenjutsu, „the, art of swordsmanship, _ and has come to avenge hér.father who fell at the hands of the Fighting King. The fourth cham- pion is Vortz, nicknamed -— 2x3 Ж, Beasts', who has trav- eled from Holland: Не enlisted his own style'of.- combat wrestling in his search. for an unnamed. individual. Each fighter has twenty-one moves all theirown. Work your way through your fellow soldiers and the six [Rita p. Tower Keepers to reach... Jade i in 1 the Story mode or fight against the computer or another player in ће | °° Versus Computer or: Versus 2-Player modes. Either way, it will take all your’ strength and agility.to defeat Jade in. Bs arcade-style fighting game. а Game Informer Jilly August 93 Shishio ог ‘King of the =" THROWING TECHNIQUE DEADLY TECHNIQUE DEADLY TECHNIQUE ый SvyoH's Moves THROWING TECHNIQUE DEADLY TECHNIQUE бы AR To | E. js Zazi s MOVES 1 js trained in the dangerous Kokkenpo style of fighting. DEADLY TECHNIQUE Котомо’$ MOVES Anoy, THe Game HOMBRE PAUL, THE PRO PLAYER | Concept: 6 Playability: 8 Graphics/Animation: 8.5 Entertainment Value: 7.5 Sound: т Overall Rating: 7.5 *Tuff E Nuff has solid graphics, through and through, with original backgrounds and unusual character animation. There aren't as many moves or buttons as in SF2, but there's a good variety. This game focuses on the kicking and punching instead of unbelievable super-moves, and that's what makes it fun; just beat the tar out of the other guy. It's worth checking out if you're tired of SF2 or thought it was too complicated." Game Informer « July/August '93 Concept: 6 Playability: 8 Graphics/Animation: 8.5 Entertainment Value: 8 Sound: 4 Overall Rating: 7 “The slow-motion replay shows you the outstanding animation. There are insane looking opponents and the backgrounds are equally impressive. Tuff E Nuff is like SF2, but different. If you're a fan of the head-to-head action, you shouldn't be disappointed. And, hopefully, there will be codes that allow you to play more than four characters." | Concept: Ross, THE REBEL GAMER 6 Playability: 8 Graphics/Animation: 8 Entertainment Value: 8 бош 5 Overall Rating: 7 "Tuff E Nuff fits right along side SF2, Final Fight, Rival Turf, etc. The challenge couldn't be better, but the auto- matic Instant Replay is frustrating and slows down the game. The controls are simple multi-button moves, which is a nice touch. For all of you SF2 fanatics, Tuff E Nuff is a blessing in disguise." diators hy Gametek Available: Now 1 or 2-player Arena Sports We know you never get enough info on new games Have you ever watched this program and said, “Hey! | can do that. ; E Get me on the show." Well, here's your chance. Gametek has inthe works. There seems to be an on-siaughtof new brought this futuristic sport to your SNES. Compete in 6 events SNES titles on the way, and here are just a few. and the final Eliminator round, just to see who's tougher. Goof Troop hy Capcom Available: July 1 or 2-player Adventure Capcom's newest Disney title features that lovable dog...uhh...per- son...uhh...well, we don't know either, but he's back. He and some friends are off to do some fishing when two of his pals are kidnapped by pirates. Determined to rescue their friends, Goofy and Max set ou to explore and find the pirates’ stronghold. Aliens vs. Predator by Activision Available: August 1-player Action On the colony world of Vega 4, Aliens have begun to exterminate the pop- ulation. Unprepared, the humans stood little chance of survival; until a Predator in search of challenging sport comes to Vega 4 for human prey. This hunter becomes the Human savior as the Predator selects the Aliens as his target. Aliens vs. Predator is a one-player, kick- punch action game worth checking out. Football Fury by American Sammy Street Challenge hy IREM Available: Now 1 or 2-player Street Fighter Available: August 1 or 2-player Arcade Pigskin Action Yes, believe it or not, it's another game in the fighter vein. IREM Another NeoGeo title that has made it to the SNES. Football Fury brings Ranma 1/2 to America but with a complete graphics over- is a arcade-style sports game; lots of action and button pushing, but haul. There are eight characters to choose from. It provides de- not much strategy. It's perfect for the occasional player or cent action, but not the most complicated moves in the world. non-sports fan. Game Informer = July/August '93 Carmen Sandiego Clay Fighter from Hi-Tech from Interplay Expressions Available: November Available: July 1-player 1 or 2-player Fighter RPG/Logic/ Edutainment Clay Fighterwas easily one of the best games at the Summer CES. It integrates all the power of the 7 | toughest fighters with comical claymation Oates Them mixture makes for a fun game to play and a delight to watch. Definitely one for the collection. By now, just about everybody has heard of Carmen and the * Acme Detective Agency. All the SNES fans that have been wait- ing for this title will have their chance. Both Where in the World...? and Where in Time...? are coming from Hi-Tech. ‚ Zombie's Ate My Neighbors trom Konami | Available: August | 1 or 2-player simultaneous Action/Shooter We first showed this when it was LucasFilm’s Monsters and ooking for a home. Take every “B” horror movie, mix them all up and you have the premise. Weird, mutant creatures, blobs, werewolves, and any other kind of monster you can imagine, are out to capture your neighbors. Your job: save all your neighbors before they meet an untimely demise. Sounds simple, right? Wrong! Operation Logic Bomb from Jaleco Available: Now 1-рІауег Action/Shooter Mankind is hard at work trying to create a sub-space transporter. But some- thing goes wrong. Somehow they've bent the Time-Space continuum. The lab becomes a battleground. Agent Logan (that’s you) must infiltrate the lab, neutralize the intruders and rescue the scientists. It's a good one- player, action-adventure in the same vein as Alien Syndrome. Alien Ill from Acclaim Available: Now 1-player Action/Shooter This cart follows the movie storyline. If you haven't followed the Alien trilogy, go out and rent the movies 'cuz there isn't enough space to explain the whole story here. Ripley has crash-landed on the prison planet, Fury 161. Only she's not alone and her fellow passenger isn't friendly. The Aliens kidnap the population and the queen begins producing offspring. Ripley must stop the Alien horde if there is any hope of survival. Game Informer = July/August '93 Super Widget by Atlus Available: August 1-р/ауег Action/Adventure Widget jumps from Saturday morning cartoons straight to your SNES. He’s a Apprentice World Watcher with hopes of one day making First Class. To do this, he must complete six missions that take him to the far reaches of the galaxy. Don’t worry, ‘cuz he has a few tricks up his sleeve. Widget can transform into eight differ- ent characters and has the help of Mega-Brain. EA Sports Drafts the Shaq Electronic Arts has made a name for itself by de- veloping realistic sports titles around well-known sports figures. It seems only natural they would sign the popular NBA rookie, Shaquille O'Neal, to co- design a new line of basketball games. The games will feature O’Neal’s digitized image incorporated into realistic game play based on his real-life style. The first games will be for the Sega Genesis and Super NES platforms, and should be available in time for the new basketball season. Sega Lends a Helping Hand On April 24, Sega of America and 102.7 KIIS-FM sponsored the “KIIS and Unite II” charity concert and auction to benefit the Pediatric AIDS Foundation. Some of the acts performing included Jon Secada, Patty Smyth and Joey Lawrence. Several other celebrities were on hand to lend their time and talent, including KIIS-FM's DJ Rick Dees; Sega's CEO, Tom Kalinske, “Thirtysomething’s” Melanie Mayron, “Jurassic Park” stars Jeff Goldblum and Samuel Jackson; Armin Shimerman, Quark on “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”; L.A. Raiders’ Nolan Harrison, Bruce Wilkerson and Steve Wright; and many more. Mortal Kombat: Hot Off the Presses “Mortal Monday”, September 13, is just around the corner; the day when Acclaim launches a world-wide simultaneous release of Mortal Kombat for the Super NES, Genesis, Game Boy and Game Gear systems. But that day may not come quickly enough for some fans of this incredibly successful arcade title. To meet that need Acclaim is offering The Pit, the Mortal Kombat underground newsletter, free to fans around the world. To receive your free issue of The Pit, send your name address, age and which system you own to: The Pit, P.O. Box 9005, Oyster Bay, NY, 11771. Nintendo Gets a Face Lift One out of every three homes in the U.S. already have one, but if you don’t already own an 8-bit Nintendo system, you'll now be able to pick one up for less. The NES now features a new, high tech look and a price tag for under $50. For $49.95, gamers can pick up a NES, one controller and an RF switch. The Challenge Set, which includes two controllers and Super Mario 3, will still be available for $89.95. Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog got into the giving spirit when he recently joined Ronald McDonald at a Ronald McDonald House to deliver one ofthe 157 Sega Genesis systems and software libraries that will be installed in all of the Ronald McDonald Houses worldwide. The Ronald McDonald House is a non-profit organization that provides a “home away from home" for families of children who are facing long-term hospitalization. There were two very long lines in Sega's booth at the recent Summer CES show. Nothey weren't for Jurassic Park, or even Sega VR. Consumers were just dying to get their shot at the "Eight-Man" Virtua Racing machine (see May/June Gl) and the new AS-1. Gamers can actually climb aboard the AS-1 to experience a virtual reality adventure, complete with all the bumps. Sega of America has just unveiled a new look for their Genesis and Sega CD units. Both have been redesigned with sleek outer casings that connect for a clean, side-by-side look. This compact design fits into any standard rack home entertainment system, and the top load- ing feature improves access to the Sega CD. While the look is improved, both systems maintain the same features as the origi- nals. Sega's packaging is also changing to meet the needs of the 90's gamer. Boxes will now be con- veniently color coded, based on format com- patibility. Genesis products will feature a red banner, while Зеда CD products will be distinguished by a blue banner, Game Gear products will display a purple banner. But looks aren't the only improvement. The Sega CD will now be available at a suggested retail of $229.99. In addition, the Genesis and Game Gear systems will now include a pack-in of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Game Informer « July/August '93 Holling Thunder < for the Sega Genesis smokes. We won't waste your time with words, check out the screen shots and you'll know. Grab it while you can. e MO» hard-core levels! e < nasty new weapons! e Entense hidden areas! e Password support! Rolling Thunder 3 is a trademark of Namco Ltd., © 1993 Namco Ltd., All Rights Reserved. Licensed by Sega Enterprises Ltd. for play on the SEGA™ GENESIS™ SYSTEM. SEGA and GENESIS are trademarks of Sega Enterprises Ltd. The Game Creator" • “2 action packed megs! ЕБ last your way ‚| through legions | of terrorists! Take a ride on the wild side! ROUND RE reak out the heavy weapons! ROUND 6 i unt down terrorists in exotic locations! IVA eet weird green guys and shoot them! A nnihilate robot watch IE xplore vast underground bases! NAMCO HOMETEK, INC. 150 Charcot Ave., Suite A San Jose, CA 95131-1102 Tel: (408) 922-0712 *Mario Andretti hen Nigel Mansell entered the world of Indy car racing, he knew his biggest competition would be Mario (the driver, not the plumber). In his debut Indy car race in Australia, Mansell stunned the racing world by upsetting Andretti, and capturing the checkered flag. Now you can relive Mansell’s march to the Formula One crown with Gametek’s NIGEL MANSELL’S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP RACING. Every other racing game for the Super Nintendo is left eating dust. No other racing game puts you in the driver’s seat like Nigel. Featuring a first-person hands on perspec- tive, 16-International Formula One race tracks, totally customizable Formula One cars, randomized weather conditions and even audible hints from the man himself, Nigel Mansell. So, see for yourself why reviewers are calling Nigel Mansell the best racing game ever avail- able for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. GAMETEK Drive it Home. Game Hint and Tip Line: 1-900-903-GAME (4263) • 80€ per minute charge * Touch tone phone required * Minors must have parental permission before calling * Available 24 hours Licensed by FOCA to Fuji Television. Source codes ©1993 Gremlin Graphics Software ltd. Packaging ©1993 Gametek, Inc. Gametek is a registered trademark of UE, Inc. 2999 NE 19151 Street, Suite 500, North Miami Beach, Florida 33180. All rights reserved. SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. (01991 NINTENDO OF AMERICA - Deinonychus; photo by Stephen DeTuerk € Dimetrodon, photo by Stephen DeTuerk All imagery ©1993 Dinamation International Corp. = Stegosaurus, photo by Stephen DeTuerk Game Informer = July/August '93 WHAT'S THE WORLD COMING TO WHEN IT’S EASIER TO GET A DEGREE IN BRAIN SURGERY THAN A SEGA’ SEAL OF QUALITY" ON А VIDEO GAME? IN THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO IN RECOGNITION OF THE SATISFACTORY FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIRED COURSE OF STUDIES OF THE College ог Brain Surgery There are 4,000 brain surgeons just in the A scant 200 Sega Seals were awarded last year United States alone. in the whole wide world. The Sega Seal of Quality. With it, youre assured a game has passed the most rigorous battery of quality control and playability tests ever devised, and that it pushes the limits on the fun meter. What's more, the Seal guarantees the game, when used properly and not as a door stop, will not damage a Sega Genesis; Sega CD” or color portable Game Gear" Without the Seal? Well, about is that you could be setting yourself the only thing we can guarantee up for a big, big headache. If that happens, don’t come crying to us. Heck, call a brain surgeon. Sega, Genesis, Game Gear, Sega CD, Welcome to the Next Level and Sega Seal of Quality are trademarks of SEGA. © 1993 SEGA. All rights reserved. ШШ о Бет > € T d — MEL ome ~ ТА „Ж „ We y же - g % c и » Жэ м. К | ы i tis, ж ^x № > You have the POWER. In this contest you don't rely on the luck-of- the draw. You determine if you win or not. You win by outscoring others in a game of skill. Can you solve the puzzle below? Then you have what it takes. It looks simple, but it's only the start. Each of five more puzzles gets a little harder. But this time it's all up to you. Stay in to the end with the highest score and the gear is yours. With whatever options you want. Do you have what it takes? Then play to win! Video Gaming Rig Contest. Win the ultimate home theatre/video game rig. You'll win all the audio/video components shown plus the Sega Genesis, Gaming Gear (w/TV tuner), Power Clutches, Intruder and Joystick. Bonus Options include: CD-ROM drive, VCR, $1,000.00 in games, cash, accessories and more! Computer Gaming Contest. Win a 50 Mhz 486 with 17" SVGA monitor, 8 meg RAM, 340 meg hard drive monster machine (upgrade to "586 or WORD LIST QUEST ANT INVADER TOWER RANGE ASK MUTANTS CHASE PET ARC MAJOR INDIANA EAT MICRO SET MYSTERY WORD CLUE: One who practices the ancient Japanese martial art of assassination and terrorism. APE WINGS RUNNING SIT DREAM TURBO ACE CRAWLER FLINT FIT I The Ultimate PANDEMONIUM) E Gaming Rig! 1800000 н rus ннн С "mmm 66 Mhz at your option) . Bonus options include: CD-ROM, Thrustmaster joystick and weapons controller, Sound Blaster Pro, modem, cash, games and more! We're talkin’ GAMING HEAVEN! Directions. Fill inthe Mystery Word Grid with words going across that spell out the Mystery Word down the middle. Hint: use the Mystery Word Clue. In the future. There will be four more puzzles at $2.00 each and one tie- breaker at $1.50 for each prize package which will be sent to you by mail. You will have 3 weeks to solve each puzzle. We don't know how many will play but typically 47% will have the highest score possible score to Phase I, 30% to Phase Il, 25% to Phase III, and 20% to Phase IV. The tie-breaker determines the winner. If players are still tied they will split the value of the prizes. Yes! ENTER ME TODAY, HERE'S MY ENTREE FEE: = [1 ($3.00) Video Gaming Rig Contest [0 ($3.00) Computer Gaming Contest [0 ($5.00) SPECIAL! Enter Both (SAVE $1.00) TVA ONY dilo Address City State Zip CASH, M.0., OR CHECK TO: D SEND PANDEMONIUM, P.0. BOX 26247 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55426-0247 VOID WHERE PROHIBITED • ENTRY DEADLINE: POSTMARKED BY AUGUST 7, 1993 • ENTRY FEE MUST BE INCLUDED Only one entry per person. Employees of Pandemonium, Inc. and its suppliers are ineligible. Judges decisions are final. Where judges are in error the sponsor's liability is limited to the amount of entry fees paid. Not responsible for lost, delayed or stolen mail. Merchandise names and models are trademarks of their respective companies who have no affiliation with this contest. © 1992 Pandemonium, Inc. By Elizabeth A. Olson On June 11, dinosaurs were brought back to life, thanks to Steven Spielberg’s multi-million dollar film, Jurassic Park. His estimated $65 million extravaganza, based on a novel by Michael Crichton, wowed audiences with its replication of the world’s most intrigu- ing creatures. The film, which stars Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum, tells the story of an eccentric billionaire who feeds his interest in paleontology by funding DNA cloning experiments. The result is a full-scale Jurassic zoo/amusement park, complete with living dinosaurs and tram rides. But no one has taken into account how much we don’t know about these creatures, and the thrill turns to terror. Spielberg spared no expense when it came to the re-creation of the dinosaurs. He enlisted the help of teams of computer and mechanical animators, pup- peteers and model-makers. Industrial Light & Magic created models such as the forty foot Tyrannosaurus rex, by creating a mechanical skeleton and adding a skin-like covering. New information about dinosaurs has surfaced in recent years that dispels much of what we once believed about these mysterious animals, such as the myth that they were slow or unintelligent. To insure authenticity, Spielberg consulted Jack Horner, curator of paleontology at Montana State University’s Museum of the Rockies. Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment and MCA/Universal kept a tight lid on the production unit and the movie's release, eeking out a peek here and there. This smart market- ing may prove to pay off in the coming months. So far, licensing agreements have been signed with companies such as Kenner, Sega and Dakin. More than 1,000 Jurassic Park products are slated to hit store shelves in the coming months. Dr. Grant comes face to face with a T-Rex. The exciting news for video game enthusiasts are the several Jurassic Park games that are already in progress or near completion. Designers at Sega of America are busy programming Jurassic Park for the Sega Genesis, Sega CD and the Game Gear platforms. Ocean of America is doing the same for the NES, SNES and Game Boy units. The Genesis game will be released Genesis casts you as Dr. Grant or a vicious Raptor. mid-summer to coincide with da _. Dr. Grant is caught by a Raptor on the rampage. & the movie’s release. It’s more like two games in one. Players can choose to play either as a raptor or as the paleontologist, Dr. Grant. Multimedia Studios have recreated dinosaurs straight from the film. This 16-meg cart also includes Artificial Dinosaur Intelligence (ADI), which adapts the dinosaur's traits to a player's ability. The Game Gear version will also hit store shelves mid-summer. Players will explore the Stuck between a Triceratops and a hard space. amusement park island in an electrical storm- induced black-out. The object is to overcome hordes of dinosaurs, ranging from Triceratops to T.Rex, with tranquilizer gun sharp-shooting. The Sega CD version is slated for release this Fall and, from what we've seen, it's worth the wait. This one-player game picks up where the movie leaves off. Following the destruction, players must collect dinosaur eggs and subdue an onslaught of gigantic creatures. Dr. Robert Bakker, world-famous paleontolo- gist, oversaw the design of this game and he makes an appearance as a field guide. The CD features realistic live motion video and 3-D audio effects created by Dynamic QSound. Ocean of America is bringing the movie to the three Nintendo formats. Players take on the role of Dr. Grant. When sabotage knocks out the computer that controls the dinosaur pens, players search the island to rescue two kids, repair the computer and escape the island. Grant will use bombs, passcards and a gun to work through six levels and escape to safety. The 8-bit Nintendo and Game Boy cartridges are due out mid-summer and the Super Nintendo version is expected in September. T-Rex is just looking for a little bite to eat. Ocean is develeoping NES, Game Boy & SNES versions. Dinosaur imagery €1993 Dinamation International Corp. ч E Г | sgae Informer = vuly/ ugust ‘93 я D à Its Not Whether You Win or Lose... Game informer = July/August '93 + не б таб ч d Mee d" ^ Ман "ы „А ug ПТ ГОТ "© fs Sa eun Y A у » B. а ti 1 NE — s №: ос т... ^ Batter -Up! SIE GE | JO È 1 (3 a | — a Computer controlled fielding creates a high- speed arcade feel. On close plays, animated sequences bring - you right up to the action. single player: ag With high salaries, declining attendance and free agent struc- ture, what could the future hold for the world of sports? According to TradeWest, that future could include specially designed cyborgs and super humans battling it out on our ball fields. Super Baseball 2020 gives us a glimpse of this scenario in this NeoeGeo transfer. 2020 has two modes of play; a One-player League that pits a five teams in a fifteen game season, and a Versus mode where two players battle itout for the title. Win the season and you'll 3 There are two leagues, the Fighting League and the Exciting League. Those names give insight into the type of game play to expect. 2020 simplifies the game of baseball and throws in the action of armored power-ups, metal balls, custom foul zones, and unique: moves. If you enjoy America's favorite pastime but don't want to get bogged down in all the ‘complicated stats, this futuristic look at the sport may just be the ticket. LN 1 or2-player yborg baseball popular NeoGeo crossover _ 5 2 leagues and 12 teams Tradewest July on Super Nintendo | stthe remaining а вате against h Veteran team. : > THe Воттом Line 8 № In the hight i Dum of Superbäzeball, almost the entire field-is fair game. She can throw one mean fast ball!! Overall Rating: 9.29 Rick, THE VIDEO RANGER Ross, THE REBEL GAMER ANDY, THE GAME HOMBRE + “This glimpse into the future of base- ball is pretty awesome. | didn’t think the SNES capabilities could do this game any justice...! was wrong. This game blows away Base Wars. It’s a hard-hitting, two-player sports cart and a must for people who like sports but just want to have fun. However, | wouldn't advise it as a one-player." “The move to SNES left nothing out graphically, which is impressive considering that the NeoeGeo is а 24-bit machine. 2020 simplified the game so a toddler could play it. Let's face it, a lot of baseball games out there are too complicated for the rookie gamer. If you're tired of all the video baseball overkill, 2020 may be the one to put you back on the mound.” The game play incorporates ideas from Base Wars and Baseball Simulator 1000. | like the idea of this game, but the game play is mediocre and uninspired. The game is pretty easy, so beginners might enjoy it but advanced players may ion more challenge." We've said it be- fore. There's nothing better than cranking out your favorite bass-pump- ing rock n' roll tunes as you're cruising over the speed limit. Interplay was listening and they've put to- gether a new racing, cart that made us stop and take notice. Rock N' Roll Racing combines its fantastic graphics, interplanetary race tracks, some truly mean machines, nasty weapons and power upgrades, and Larry Huffman (best known for monster truck rallies), with a handful of classic rock tunes. The result is an impressive and challenging cart with a Y soundtrack you'll actually want to listen to. Choose between six alien drivers, each with special talents. Fach planet consists of a series of races where you must place to earn the points necessary to advance, and money to upgrade your vehicle. Planet Luna, your first stop, is a cakewalk, but each planet gets progressively more difficult. There are five vehicles to pick from and a host of engine, tire, 7 suspension and armor upgrades. This game is a blast, whether you're tapping your footto ^ the Peter Gunn theme, sailing off the track to a fiery demise, - or taking out your competition with a rogue missile. As much as we enjoyed this cart, we didn't give it a final score because - we only saw an unfinished version of the game. They are hard at work adding in a bit more Larry (don't worry, there’s an option fo = shut him up) and tightening up the handling. This is one cart worth | waiting for. Playability: Entertainment Value: Concept: Graphics/Animation: Sound: “Rock № Roll Racing has it all. It's like racing R.C. cars, but with lots of weapons. This game has unbelievable graphics and awesome voice-overs. Add to that some great rock п’ roll. This is one of the best soundtracks I've heard on the SNES. This game has very little | competition in its class. Only Mario Kart comes close. If you have ever been into remote control cars or just love racing carts, make sure you don't miss this one. It's a keeper!” PauL, THE PRO PLAYER Playability: Entertainment Value: Concept: Graphics/Animation: Sound: “The whole package, from the set-up menu to the ani- mation of the cars catchin’ air, is excellent. However, | would have enjoyed more spectacular crashes and twisted frames. You better believe this cart has good tunes, but the excellent soundtrack repeats itself fairly quickly. Tire screeches, collisions, and the excellent an- nouncer are part of a cool sound effects package. It is fairly easy on the first level, but once you start adding ex- tras to your machine, it gets hectic. This cart is a blast.” Ш: я Si сти 2 era ta Ross, THE REBEL GAMER Playability: Entertainment Value: Concept: Graphics/Animation: Sound: “This is the result of R.C. Pro-Am and Super Off-Road mixing DNA. If | could say anything negative about the graphics | would, but | can't. Imagine the greatest car songs available and pick out four or so of the best; you'll find them in this cart! | felt the computer was a little too easy to beat but this is, without a doubt, the best racing game to come out for a long time. This quickly became one of my favorite games for the SNES. It made me step back and reevaluate the entire system.” > ыкы 160 DCECRTES DREKONES 118 DEGREES THE IOCOL TEE VERY FOND -.. FOR TIKKER. BOGME poema ¥ SE RULER CHEM UT аз QUECREETS HER PFÜJCUEL i15 Юре PRISON PLOHET бс. Li NOT COME ЕБУ KEC га PELON CERS NEED : YO E (o yn атлау SIN ЧӘйП$ SM © reserved. All other distinctive cha gos used herein are trademarks of 0 mme PA rer centage Use the illegal choke-hold in a No- Action flows outside the ring. Holds Barred match-up. ttention, wrestling fans! Acclaim gives you ahother chance to get into the ring With the stars of the World Wrestling Federation. But before you А good tactic is to stay in t corner and let the other contestan eliminate themselves, climb over the ropes, there are a few decisions you'll have to, make. First, select the one or two-player mode. Choose whether each match is tour- ” чете иша Bollar Eroan nament play, an.anything-goes brawl, or one fall to the finish. Set the difficulty and pick your wrestler from a dozen of the best and the brightest, or let the computer do it for you. Finally, decide if you want to play one-on- one, a two or three-man tag team, or the twelve-man bat- tle for the championship; the Royal Rumble. b Once you've gotten the hang of the basic punch, | | Ross, THE REBEL GAMER __ Concept: 7 Playability: 8 Graphics/Animation: 9 Entertainment Value: © Sound: т Overall Rating: 8 dig TT Ee UN aw A "Royal Rumble ranks with the top of my favorite SNES 2 — graphics. They also made the wrestlers look and move like their real-life counterparts. The grunts and groans fit the action exceptionally well, but the music should have been straight from the WWF. For instance, when a wrestler comes into the ring, their theme song should have accompanied them. Even if your not a big fan of the . 2 WWF, you will enjoy playing Royal Rumble. It's a great And the winner is...... way of taking out a little frustration." drop and kick maneuvers, try the more complicated grap- ples and aerial moves. If sportsmanship isn't your ulti- mate goal, the referee-less brawls allow all the illegal moves, including (ће eye gouge and choke-holds. As your,opponent starty tostire, try each wrestler's ‘signa- ture’ move. They re all here, from The Undertaker’s Tombstone Piledrivér,tó Mr. Perfect Perfect-Plex and p Crush; s Cranium Crungh. Royal, Rumblefis perfect fall pling fans, and those'seeking PAUL, THE PRO PLAYER head-t6-head bat- Concept: 7 Playability: 7 tle will appreciate Graphics/Animation: 9 Entertainment Value: 5 Sound: в Overall Rating: 7.75 its finger-pump- = p р "It looks, at first, like it's identical to the previous version. But once | played it, | could see excellent animation and plenty of new wrestlers. The play is an awesome im- provement. All the buttons on the controller are used, so it takes good timing to pummel your opponent. However, | dislike the amount of button tapping required to execute moves, and turbo controls make it too easy. If you're a true ‘rasling fan, or just like a good head-to head brawl, this cart will not disappoint.” ing moves »Qne ‘word gf warnifig to;gamersseeking Rick, THE VIDEO RANGER better in the ‘one Concept: 7 Playability: 6.5 player mode. Graphics/Animation: 7 Entertainment Value: 6.5 Sound: в Overall Rating: 7.25 “All the characters are recognizable, but a bit fuzzy. The animation of your moves is very smooth. The voices (or grunts) and cheering crowds are great. I'm not a guy who likes to hit the buttons a hundred times a minute, but in this game it's helpful. | used a turbo, but then beat the ac ale, on | к п ga pape On de plus "né there are lots of cool moves. Royal Rumble has all the or Royal Rumble iiid elements WWF fans are looking for. But for those look- Ш Created by: Acclaim к ‚ ing for an action-fighting game, there are a number of Ш Available: Now on Super Nintendo better choices.” Game informer n duly, Accolade has been busy to insure that you won snow games cartridge of 1992, Winter Challenge, they" Vi quel of sorts. But Summer Challenge is so much топе field events. Itincludes eight Olympic events that requ as well as strength and speed. Competitors will find a real variety of ey Archery, Equestrian Riding, Kayaking, the 40 tons on e controller. Compete against computer Op Either way, you ‘Il enjoy the cri r 2-player sports competition : 8 Summer Olympics events _, Accolade - on Sega Genesis Game Informer = July/August '93 um Height mm HICH JUMP о dues Ioyrnement Record: ed ДОРА fournwm.entRCOrd: 104 height ES POLE PAULA Icurnemunt Record Нет *pezg ЕАО Rick, THE VIDEO RANGER Concept: Playability: Graphics/Animation: 6 Entertainment Value: Sound: 8.5 | “Summer Challenge gives you smooth animation їп all eight sports. The character size is also good, though the screens are a bit fuzzy. It has excellent background music and voices. Track & Field came out over ten years ago. With Summer Challenge, the lack of challenge keeps it from be- ing anything new.” Game Informer = July/August '93 Heignt Speed "T CYCLING СЕВА) dug АНА ОВА «cord Iourboement Reitora EQ UE Binh TIournemunt сога RS OS Time Speed Cures n Missed KAYAK mM Ит иге speed sE ESTANS i ANGI | KR JAVELIN FIoorpemuwnt Record PAUL, THE PRO PLAYER Concept: Graphics/Animation: Soun Play Entertainment Value: “Summer Challenge gives you the same type of action as the slightly under-rated Winter Challenge, except that you don't have to shiver while you play. This is definitely one of it's strong points. The point of view and clarity are excellent. The animation can be a bit choppy. Like Track & Field for the NES and the arcades, this cart requires quick button-tapping and timing. | like some events, such as the equestrian and kayaking. Other events , like cy- cling, are completely dull." Playability: Entertainment Value: || Р Concept: Graphics/Animation: Sound: “Most of the events are choppy, which makes it hard to judge distances. But | must compliment Accolade for making one of the highest challenge sports games avail- able. However, it's so difficult that it's nearly impossible to do well without a turbo controller. Even though Summer Challenge is not the best game to come to the Genesis, it's enjoyable to play against a second player.” 31 159195 2829 SISAL, Ч СТЕЛЕ Sega Genesis Reviews FOOTBALL == Pi Sick, Twisted and a Whole Lot of Fu -player gruesome gridiron action word feature, practice, ffs or single game Electronic Arts DUE July on Sega Genesis } PauL, THE PRO PLAYER "There's nothing really new as far as play mechanics, but the mutants and violence are purely original. Mind- numbing animation and crystal clear graphics make this game pop off the Screen. If you want to play some whacked-out football with an interest- ing twist, it's a great break from Madden." “This is one of the wackiest football. games I've ever played. Bone-shat- tering tackles, blood-spraying hits, and all kinds of obstacles for тоге destruction. 1 revel in the fact that EA came up with new robotic or monster football. With action this fast and furious, you simply can't go wrong with Mutant League." Overall Rating: "EA is really getting good at animating nuances such as the QB's tail wagging when he (or it) takes the snap from center. The music is generic EA Sports, but the sound effects are ex- cellent. If you've played the Maddens, you'll see the similarities. This EA farce is great. Is it football or isn't it? Maybe not, but it's a fun one to play." Game Informer = July/August '93 "POGO-ROO" POGO STICK TYCO "WILD THIN & BANDIT" RACE SET THE BASEBALL = т AQUARIUM + INTEX Sell 18 Items Sell 13 Items "FASHION" INFLATABLE BOAT "COOL SCHOOL’ BACKPACK bon D s - inm, э —Ü "aiii ca A и 7 ых Л 3 EM күч i й xa Sell 9 Items SUPER NINTENDO CONTROL DECK Sell 50 Items NINTENDO/SEGA GAME CARTRIDGES Sell from 30 Items each ce == B sony » AM/FM i PRESSMAN “CALIFORNIA WALKMAN DREAMS” GAME а це ||] C/ | | y: | edd Sell 12 Items | MAGNUM MOUNTAIN E / IN-LINE LAZER ROLLERS Sell 49 Items Sell 26 Items NICKELODEON MOON SHOES Sell 18 Items "SAVED BY THE BELL’ GAME Sell 9 Items KODAK TELE-SHOT CAMERA OUTFIT TEXSPORT TWO-PERSON DOME TENT Sel 15 Items а Sell 16 Б Items LLYWOOD HAIR BARBIE Sell 8 Items CABOODLES : TAR RANT E FOR BARBIE Hey-it's for real! Just join the OLYMPIA Sell 8 Items DAZZLER" JEWEL MACHINE с SALES CLUB and find out for yourself! рабат OBRA оит Sell 10 Items oye Here's the deal: you sell Olympia Sell 20 Items - greeting cards, stationery, gift gi and more; ү earn outrageous р or big bucks... $2.00 for every item sold! It's easy - just call 4 1 -8 a = | FREE / E DEBES Ad We'll send you a FREE Sales kit includ WILSON TENNIS SET CASSETTE PLAYER ing an awesome prize c sod Supel Sell 13 Items Sell 12 Items TRACEY AND sales catalog of Olympia's "top quality" è ee TRAVIS TROLL SET and "low cost" items; and a bunch of Sell 8 Items "hot sales tips." Show the sales catalog “EXTREME” { 1 1 SPORT BAG to your family, friends and neighbors iai alta and watch ipd sales max eH HSONIAN SCIENCE SET Зы < You pay nothin: noth Sell 12 Heme es ісе | even the call is FRE | So ds ihe НОЛЕ CNBA BASEBALL CARD COLLECTING KIT FIND Call FR Sell 10 Метс „#5 ) Рта 4 @ 0 am! : [ EE... any day, any time oy | W BACKBOARD Sell 14 Items | -OU [i | | JAMMER “ART WORX” ART CENTER Sell 9 Items 915 Moody Road CT 06083-1800 - “STREAM MACHINE” WATER GUN TORY | i Enfield, С 33-180! THE MONEY FACTO \ THUNDERTUBE E TS . Sell 10 Items Sell 10 Items s. D" SNO/SURF em TUBE Sell 7 Items © 1993 Olympia Sales Club, Inc. — 5? "RICHARD PETTY” PHONE Sell 14 Items = = EMERSON 13" ie pipe d POLYGRAM SPALDING “SHAQ г = | (uu Sell 85 Items TapES/CD’S/VIDEOS ATTAQ" BASKETBALL MRS. GROSSMANS A — Sell 11 Items Sell 10 Items, 7 | d RCA PORTABLE STICKER SET pm b > 74 CD PLAYER Sell 11 Items | eee › | ‘oll БИШИ 7 “GIZMO” WATCH AEN “9 j \ | Ia BP “GUNSLINGERI Sine aaa i № — Sell 50 Items л. i ay R/C TRUCK | Sell e ۵ | : ; У. =) Sell 13 aii | 8 Items Items E ке e INN "PRO CIRCUIT” к... үе E : y+ Items | SKATEBOARD a Ў c. чы. Sell 15 Items TIMEX STOPWATCH LORD t Yi О азе а their power wi h a nuclear strike against the U. aqui dimension to the gà There are six separat E made up of several missi ese range from prote ing the President to hunting out enemy. subs, recover- ing plutonium and captured scientists, destroying the enemy's nuclear facility, and much more. Desert Strike was justa training ground for all the action packed into this 16 megs. The ~ er e and та your triumphant return io io Washington, All’ s well that ends well.. ог | HELLEF HY БРЕ => GUMS MONUMENTS i Fe Б Fe i SCORE 34 - (si. а i | ke H4 Linhta А « СИИ f ПЕ! ated by: Electronic Arts ivallable; August on Sega Genesis «Level 2: SUB ATTACK Vea || Акру, THE Game HOMBRE PauL, THE PRO PLAYER | Rick, THE VIDEO RANGER | Concept: 8 Playability: 9 | Concept 8.5 Playability: 95 [| Concept: 8.5 Playability: 8.5 Graphics/Animation: 9 Entertainment Value: 9 — | Graphics/Animation: 9 Entertainment Value: 10 . Graphics/Animation: 9 Entertainment Value: 8.5 Sound: 8 Overall Rating: 8.5 ^ Sound: 75 Overall Rating: 9 Sound: 7.5 Overall Rating: 8.5 "The secret to a good sequel is keeping the original idea Jungle Strike, like many of EA's sequels, is a continua- ЕА came up with enhanced graphics, a ‘player friendly’ and adding a new dimension. Jungle Strike doesn't stop tion of a terrific format. Everything is a bit more defined menu, more missions, more equipment, and more megs. there; try twice the memory and the addition of animated and crisp. The music between levels is good and the ad- There's a lot to learn, but once you've mastered flying, sequences. Electronic Arts put a lot of time into this title dition of a few sound effects, like the winch, give driving, the use of your weapons, using your computer because the animation is so smooth. From the 'copterto . it realism. It has an almost identical menu and map as resources, and remembering all the objectives of your the hover craft, this cart is a piece of work. It features the original. But, with the ability to pilot different machines, ^^ missions, there isn't much to it. Whew! At 16-meg, Jungle control that's tight from beginning to end, with better ^ Jungle Strike towers over its predecessor. You still have Strike is a technological masterpiece. This game is missions and fighting. Jungle Strike is a great game with to exhibit some real stamina when manuvering your һиде; fun to play, easy to start, but takes time to master. solid challenge. A must for Desert Strike fans." vehicle. This is great combat action; completely Video commandos, 1 suggest saving up for awesome. | have to thank EA for another winning cart. this one. m ROCKET KNIGHT | v. = E da © A e = © 55 > < Неге аге a few о the exciting new carts on their way for the Sega Genesis. And be sure to check out the Summer CES Update for a more extensive listing. | WARPSPEED Rocket Knight Adventure by Konami Available: October 1-player Action/Adventure - Watch out! It looks like Konami's got another hit on their hands. Rocket Knight Adventures is coming and, from what we've seen, it will blow you away. It's only 40 percent done, but we couldn't miss the chance to show you this one. Warpspeed hy Accolade Available: Now 1-player Action/ Space Shooter For thousands of years Earth has lived in peace, quietly exploring the galaxy. That was until black holes were discovered to be portals to other quadrants of the galaxy. These portals were being used by evil Alien beings known only as "The Horde." Earth was unprepared and had to struggle to quickly build a defense against this evil force. The result was a single Star Fighter with enough firepower to stop them. All they need now is a pilot. Are you brave enough to fly it? | SHINING FORCE _ Shining Force hy Sega of America Available: July 1-player Adventure/ Role-Play Every Sega RPG fan has been waiting for this cart. Well, it’s finally on its way and we're talking big improvements. This looks like it could be the RPG to beat this year, but we hope it faces some great competition. Here's a closer look at some of this cart's killer graphics. Game Informer = July/August '93 | I car Lagens] Pali Lends His Expertise To Accolade By Elizabeth A. Olson ith the World Cup being held in the United States next Summer, America is renewing it's interest in the game of soccer. Accolade couldn't be more timely with their introduction of a new line of Soccer simulation games.You can’t think of soccer without one name coming to mind; Pelé, the international soccer star famous for his phenome- nal career. In his years playing for Brazil, and later for the New York Cosmos, he played on three World Cup teams and claimed the title of all-time leading goals scored. This year will be a busy one for Pelé. Not only is he a delegate for the FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association), but he is the exclusive spokesman for Mastercard in their sponsorship of the World Cup. He has also signed on to co-design and endorse Accolade’s Pelé Soccer cartridges for the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo systems. Pelé has been working side-by- side with Radical Entertainment of Canada, the design- ers of the game, | and Robert Daly, Accolade's Project в Manager. Radical has incorporated many of Pelé's play- ing strategies into the PME LEFT 45 FIORI HALF- MIN Game Informer = July/August '93 Left to Right: Robert Daly, Nicole Nolan, Jack Rebbetoy, Pelé, Rory Ames, Charlotte Taylor Skeel, Allen Price and Linda Blanchard. logic ofthe play. Through his work with soccer's rules organization, Pelé has be- come an advocate of clean, tactical soccer and it shows through in the cart's artificial intelli- gence. In addition, Pelé takes on the role of coach in the game, so he will appear throughout the | cart to offer advice. | Soccer fans can look forward to the games realistic appearance, which is shown from down on the field. The perspective is tilted 35 degrees, similar to а TV cam- era angle, to highlight the flight of the ball. Though the game is still in the development stages, Daly described a few of the game's features. Players can play in either a one or two-player mode and will be able to select from approximately twenty actual teams from around the world. It will include season or 'Super League' play, Round-Robin tournaments and a Championship game. Accolade hopes to simultane- ously release the Genesis and SNES versions late this Fall. In addition to Pelé, Radical is busy at work on Accolade’s Brett Hull Hockey and several other cartridges Pelé goes over notes with Accolade’s Linda Blanchard. for Genesis, SNES, Nintendo, Game Boy and the IBM PC. № Scenes from a preliminary version of the game. ai № [же WAY OF THE NINJA ~ a | Ё Iga Province que ord Nobunaga has destroyed your people in his ruthless conquest of Japan. You, a young Iga Ninja, escape to a secret village where you № begin training in hopes of one day defeating the man that has cursed your life. To complete your training you must complete eight dungeons. At each, you learn new skills to prepare you for battles that lay ahead. Once your training is finished, you must head out to find work. If you gain the trust of a Diamyo, you can incite him to war, or even spy and damage other Diamyos. Your ul- timate goal is to defeat Nobunaga’s forces and gain access to Azuchi Castle. There you will face a final confrontation with Nobunaga, himself. Here is a guide to help you through a few of the difficult training dungeons. There are a few simple keys to success. First, make sure you go to Kai and buy the Firestaff. Even though no one can equip it, you can use it through the Item command. Next, always have a variety of people in your party; one healer and one warrior. It's also a good idea to save the game before you enter any dungeon. Not all the training levels have bosses, but many do, and you don't want to lose all you have accomplished. Game Informer = July/August '93 Mt. Ontake ntake dungeon is just East of Mino Castle and West of Kai Castle. This dungeon tries to confuse you by duplicating the levels. Level One and Two are almost identical. The spiral room, Level Three, is a mix of transport pads that take you back and forth between two identical rooms. To get to the stairs, you must transport over to the _ second room. Use any transport pad except the. last one, because it takes you back to the Original spot. Things should be easy sailing until you reach the spirit of Oda. He's a tough fight, but if you stand your ground and use heal | spells, you will eventually wear him down. = Treasure Chest Transport Pads Up/Down Stairs Health (now) ‘e epiritual form. — е ا‎ the Shinobi Key. Battle with O Defeat him a Max Health ENERGY ICONS Game Informer = July/August '93 t. Ochi is West of Echizan Castle Here you must ascend high into the. N sky to find the Cloud Stone. The most | А: difficult part of this dungeon is that both the ascending and descending staircases look: e. ! same. Pay close attention to the map and you'll. be sure to finish. wi Giant Rat Giant Centipede Giant Serpent Blue Flame Fire Rat Fire Croc Toxic Worm Venorama Game Informer = July/August '93 Mt. Hiei é ust West of Yamashiro Castle lies Mt. Hiei, the toughest of these three dungeons. Because of its powerful opponents and a good labyrinth, having a high experience level helps. Mt. Hiei consists of eight levels, but to get your goal you must go all the way down, then back up a different route. It’s quite a journey. Luckily, there is a recovery point at Level Seven, which enables you to get back all your hit points. However, you won't recover your magic points, so use them sparingly on the way down. Once (or if) you reach Level Seven, make sure to travel down to Level Eight. Here you will find the Superblade and other items that help in your final ^ | fight with Asura. Matokage Giant Spider Giant Slug Doki Roc “= Recovery Point Kirin Bone - Game Informer = July/August '93 Win a Game Genie of your choice! elcome to the Swap Shop, the newest and hottest part of the Tip Line. Now you can send and receive new and undiscovered Game Genie codes. When you need a code, send in a request and we'll put out an All Points Bulletin for an answer. Or, if you have codes (and we know you do), send 'em in. If we print your code, you'll win a Game Genie of your choice. So everybody...let's get crackin' on some new codes. X-Men — Genesis AKGT-CA9C: Speeds up game play. BKMT-CA68: Cyclops always has mutant powers when standing. BKWT-CA64: Nightcrawler always has mutant powers. BKXT-CA88: Gambit always has mutant powers when standing. CXBA-CA22: Life meter is not affected if you fall. BCHA-CA88: Enemies can't hurt you. PZ1A-DAXO: When Gambit uses his mutant ability, you return to the danger room and advance a level. Chris Sheppard Lebanon, MO Fatal Fury — Genesis C4TA-AAG8 In 1-player mode, you are invincible after first hit. ANGT-BBGC: Throw computer player from anywhere. AECA-AAGA: No time limit. WLGA-AAH4: Computer player can't win a match. Chris Sheppard Lebanon, MO Bart's Nightmare — SNES 89CB-D9B5: Infinite bubbles and seeds. C2BE-60EA: Infinite lives on the Bartman and Icky & Scratchy stages. Semi Radovic Guttenburg, NJ Final Fight — SNES DDCF-A4AC: Special moves don’t take any energy. Jesse Nickell Tacoma, WA Shadow of the Beast — Genesis OABA-FSRW: Invincibility Note: Enter code, turn the Game Genie FX off, Start, turnthe Game Genie FX back on at Title screen. Turn back off when game starts. Kevin Box McKinney, TX All Points Bulletin We have some requests from your fellow readers. See if you can help us out. Strider — Genesis Star Wars - NES Ninja Gaiden – NES Solar Jetman — NES TMNT I, Il, & Ш- NES Bart's Nightmare - SNES Double Dragon IlI- NES Lagoon – SNES Mega Man 5 - NES Streets of Rage 2 - Genesis Toe Jam & Earl- Genesis Send your Game Genie codes and requests to: (Don't forget to list your Game Genie of choice) The Swap Shop Game Informer Magazine 10120 W. 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Game Informer = July/August '93 World of illusion — Genesis Mickey Mouse Level 2: King of Clubs, Queen of Hearts, King of Hearts, King of Diamonds Level 3: King of Hearts, King of Spades, King of Diamonds, Queen of Spades Level 4: Queen of Hearts, King of Diamonds, King of Spades, King of Clubs Level 5: King of Diamonds, King of Clubs, King of Hearts, King of Spades Donald Duck Level 2: King of Spades, King of Diamonds, King of Clubs, Queen of Spades Level 3: King of Clubs, King of Hearts, Queen of Hearts, King of Spades Level 4: Queen of Hearts, King of Diamonds, King of Hearts, King of Spades Level 5: King of Spades, King of Hearts, King of Clubs, King of Diamonds Donald Duck & Mickey Mouse Level 2: King of Spades, King of Hearts, Queen of Spades, King of Clubs Level 3: King of Diamonds, Queen of Spades, King of Hearts, Queen of Hearts Level 4: Queen of Clubs, Queen of Hearts, King of Clubs, King of Spades Level 5 King of Clubs, King of Diamonds, King of Spades, King of Hearts Jon ZiFcik Cicero, IL &ame Informer « July/August '93 This code will grant the ability to refill your life, web shooter and five seconds of invincibility. First, go to the option screen and put Spidey on the Difficulty Level select. On Controller 2, press and hold Start. While still holding Start, press and hold the A, B and C buttons on Controller 1. While holding all the buttons, press Up and to the Right on Controller 1. Now when you press Start you refill your Web-shooter and pause the game. When you push A and B, you refill your life meter. And if you press C, you'll have five seconds of invincibility when you un-pause the game. Craig Jones Toledo, OH Duo's 3 in 1 Pack in — Duo | have found that TurboDuo's 3-in- 1 video game ( with Bonk's Adventure, Bonk's Revenge, and Gate of Thunder) is actually a 4- in-1 video game. To get the fourth game, which is Bomberman, enter this code at the selection screen: Up,Right, Down, Left, Button 2. You should hear a bell if the code was entered correctly. Erik Christensen Granby, CT Chuck Rock — Sega Level 2 - GJFKFN Level 3 - PDPKKN Level 4 - JWNTXF Level 5 - TSFNVP Michael Brown Colorado, CO To get 99 guys on this intense CD shooter, enter in the Stage Select code found in the March/April Gl (at the Title screen: A, B, C, A, B, C, B, C, B and A). Adjust the diffi- culty setting to Easy and enter this code: Right, A, A, Right, A, Right, Right. If you entered it correctly, the difficulty setting should change to "MY99". Now you can start with 99 men on the level of your choice. Joe Hawks Jackson, TN Dragon's Lair – | just finished Dragon's Lair. Below are the four level codes: 1st Level #20 #4C 46A #88 2nd Level НВ #20 ЖА #8C 3rd Level #30 #48 #C #6A 4th Level ПА #38 #50 #60 Hans Nygaard Golden Valley, MN TM Rocketeer — SNES To select any Stage you want enter this code at the Title screen. Press the top Left Button, Right Button, Left Button, Right Button, then Down. Scott Garabedian Warren, MI Buster's Hidden Treasure — Genesis Level 2 ZHBBTXGLLLBBTXDLLDZN Level 3 NRBBTXKDLDBBTXGIDDTN Level 4 HNBBTXZBLDBBTXZKDDDM Level 5-2: DNBBTXBQKLBBTXBQGLJH Level 5-4 GZBBTXBQZDBBTXBWKLMN Level 6: | | JZBBTXBQZKBBTXBQZGTT Emily Schmiat Luebbering MO M1 Abbrams Battle Tank - Genesis To get invincibility, enter in this code during the Demo: B, B, C, B, C, C, B, C, B, Band C. : Isidro MuNoz Huntington Park, CA Sonic Blastman — SNES Ifyou find the difficulty levels Easy, Normal and Hard mere child’s play, I've discovered a level that just might stump you. Hold down the L and R Buttons and press Start after the introduction. You will hear a shrieking sound. Go to the Option screen and notice the difficulty is on Very Hard. This should a offer a real challenge. Michael Larney Newark, NJ John Madden Football '93 - Genesis On the Genesis J. Madden there’s a great way to get a quick step up on your opponents. At the kickoff, repeatedly press the B Button until the the kicker has taken about two steps towards the ball. At this point, press Up and to the Right while pressing the A Button to dive. This will stop the kicker and force an offsides. Presto! You get the ball five yards closer. Tim Wright Richmond, VA This code enables you to have all your Force Powers on any level. While playing the game, press the Start button to bring up your Force Powers. Press and hold Right on the control pad for the duration of the entire code. Now press the Start, Select, A and B Buttons simultaneously. If you do this correctly, your Force Powers will continue to stay on the screen. While still holding Right, quickly press the controller buttons in the following order: B, B, Start, A, B, Start, B, B and Start. The Force Powers will disappear from the screen and the action will resume. Pause and you will see all your Force Powers. If you wish to skip a level, it's almost the same code. Hold Right and press Start, Select, B and A simultaneously. While holding right enter this code: B, B, Start, A, B, Start, B, B and then Select. John Gore Terry, MS Shapeshifter — Duo To see the ending in this epic Duo cart enter in this little trick. Wait till the Title screen.Then press and hold Button 1 and turn the Direction pad in a counter-clock- wise motion until the ending se- quence begins. The Tip Library а Ј Phelios – Genesis If three continues justisn't enough, enter in this code at the Chapter 1 Intro screen to increase your continues to nine:C, A, B, A, C, A, ВА. The Tip Library Es 4 " Q-Bert 8 – 8 To play an extra 20 bonus levels, gotothe Options screen and press B. Y. Y, B, Y, Y and Y. Brandon Rollyson Valdese, NC Road Rash — Genesis Here's a code for Road Rash that Will give you about $8,000,000 dollars. The code is: 53354 00GPI PUK8D 26A0A Joseph Kim Glenview, Il Batman Returns — SNES Getting close, but just not quite beat'n this masterpiece from Konami? Well, this code will give you a couple more lives per continue. Just go to the Option screen and enter in the classic Konami code(Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, and A) on Controller 2. Then on the Options Screen you can choose 3, 5, 7, or 9 extra lives. The Tip Library Wing Commander — l've found a way to skip levels, listen to the sound effects, or become invincible in this awe- some space combat game. At the title screen press B, A, B, Y, B, Y, L, A, R, A and then Start. If you entered it correctly you will be sent straight to the Options screen. Todd Allen West Liberty, KY James Bond Jr. — SNES Here are the passwords for Levels Two through Six: Level 2 - 0007 Level 3 - 3675 Level 4 - 9025 Level 5 - 1813 Level 6 - 3353 John Nguyen West Palm Beach, FL Rad Racer — NES To select your level, after you select your car, tap the B Button and it will add two Bars to your tachometer. Each set increases your starting level by one. Then after you've chosen your level push diagonally Up and to the Right and Start. Now your ready to rock. The Tip Library Sunset Riders — SNES | found a code to get 99 credits on Sunset Riders. Go to the options screen. Set the difficulty to Easy, number of players to Five, and play OE on the sound FX. Select Exitand Startthe game. When you die, you should have 99 continues. If you don't, reset and try again. Stuart Weiss Richboro, P.A. Streets of Rage 2 – Genesis Don't you hate when you don't get to use your favorite character? This code will enable you both to be the same character on a standard game. Atthe title screen, press and hold Right and Button B on Controller 1. On Controller 2, press and hold Left and Button A. Then, while holding all the buttons, press Button C on Controller 2. The Tip Library Game Informer = July/August '93 Y Cybernator — SNES If 3 continues isn’t enough, enter this code during the Demo: Press and hold the Left Button, Right Button and Up on the Control pad. Then press Start, but continue to hold the Button com- bination until the Title screen ap- pears. Press Start, then press it again to begin the game. Release all the buttons and you're off and running. Also, if you want a little extra firepower. Go all the way through the first level without shooting anything but the final boss. (P.S. Remember not to shoot the gun pods.) The Tip Library Super Buster Bros. — SNES Go to the Select Game screen and enter this simple code: L Button, R Button, R Button, L Button, Up, and Down. If done correctly you should see a number appear. To choose a level use the control pad and press Start to begin. Vince Nguyen Kansas City, MO. X-Men — Genesis If you've had a little trouble, here's aStage Selectto help you out. You must have two controllers, but only plug Controller 1 in. Press and hold Down on the control pad, and buttons A and C on Controller 1. Then press Start at the Title screen. Unplug Controller 1 and plug in Controller 2. Press Start. Plug Controller 1 back into the Genesis and press Start. Now go to the access panels just to the right of the character selection. Choose your level, with the far-left being level 1 and the far-right being Magneto's Stage. The Tip Library Game Informer = July/August '93 Valis IV — SNES To get an Easy Option, enter the following code after you highlight Options: Left, Left, Right, Right, B, B, Y and Y. Press Start to enter the Option screen, then select Easy. To change Lena into Yuko, enter this code during when the text ` screen reads, “At the end of the century...”. Press and Hold these buttons in this order, but not simultaneously: Left Button, then the Right Button, Select and then press Start. The Tip Library a a tr Mn I Е Lightning Force — Genesis If you select zero (0) fighters on the Option screen you will receive 99, which is a big help in this radical shooter. Rich Corpuz Flint, MI Metroid — NES To begin your quest as Justin Bailey and have a good supply of weapons enter in this code: JUSTIN BAILEY The Tip Library Wing Commander — SNES If you plug in Controller 2, you can rotate your ship like the computer version by pressing the Left and Right buttons. John Clark Charleston, SC Fatal Fury — Genesis To get unlimited continues enter in this simple code. When the continue screen appears press and hold up on the control pad. Then press A, B, and C simulta- neously. Now every time you press A,B, and C simultaneously you will add 1 to your continues. Don't forget to press Start before your continue time runs out. The Tip Library Shadow Gate — NES | found a tip that gives you ninety torches. Just collect ten torches at the beginning of the game. Light just one and the quantity will change to ninety. Juan Villegas Waterloo, WI Jungle Strike — Genesis Here are some helpful hints for the first three levels. Level 1: If your running a little low on armor, blow up the second gas station down on the left side of the map screen. Level 2: Blow up the Gunboat at the top left of the screen and receive a free life. Level 3: Just over the border, in the left hand corner of the map, you will find the quick winch in a small enemy camp. The Tip Library WURM — NES Here are the passwords for Acts 2 through 5. Act2: 3196 Act3: 3569 Act4: 1719 Act5: 1024 The Tip Library Starfox — SNES For a little added fun at the continue screen you can change the character by pressing the B Button on a Controller 2. Then you can manipulate the image by pressing the buttons on Controller 1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 — Game Gear For a Stage Select press and hold Buttons 1 & 2 and press Down and Right on the Control pad attheTitle screen. Then press Start and hold the entire combination until the Stage Select appears. The Tip Library THE BOTTOM LINE Ш Levels: 33 challenging levels W Special Features: Dedicated knob controller, level select through the first 16 levels Ш Created by: Taito Ш System: Nintendo Classics This month Classics Attic digs deep into the past to bring you Arkanoid, a game that be- came a legend both in the arcades and on the NES. This 1987 release was originally pack- aged with a dedicated knob controller to emulate the arcade experience. These days, the game and the controller enjoy brisk popularity in the second-run market and are the mainstay of many a collector's library. Arkanoid: The Arcade Smash Lives On Your NES Their planet destroyed by aliens, our survivors are searching the cosmos for a new home. But the skies are anything but friendly. Their Vaus spaceship Arkanoid is attacked and, in their escape, they are thrust into a deadly labyrinth with enemy forces closing in. Only i; you can break down the walls of their space prison, or face the wrath of the evil Doh. | Taito's arcade title takes Pong-style game play one step further for a high- energy classic. Break through walls by rebounding your energy ball off them. The gold walls are indestructible. Colored walls contain capsulesthataward ' m em ыш” extra points and power-ups such as increased fire power, slower ball move- se pm ment, multi-shot or an escape warp. To make things more interesting, there are planet particles to dodge and destroy. Arkanoid features a level-select , through the first sixteen levels; there are thirty-three challenging levels in all. | e H The NES version is difficult to come ___ ____|___ | Á- by and its knob controller is even more È _ . "^d | scarce. Arkanoid works with the NES controller, although it's tougher to control. If you can't find them through the second-run market, never fear. Taito has just announced a version for the SNES. Arkanoid: Doh It Again is due this Fall and will be compatible with the SNES controller and SNES mouse. Cee T um 50000 oo E RE #0 |, smo cms De mmm йо eee GF ml 0 30000 28 100 oo ; gi n Ф, Ш foh em (m Ld = OOOO qu Li) La s T а pr T i i. | р USE Lg di ј | oo " peso | ШШЕ БШШ f м ку 3 & е urn ЕЕ === == L-I Sme S Li € Bree TI M E i == = Concept: 8 Playability: 9 Graphics/Animation: 8 Entertainment Value: 8 Sound: 6.5 Overall Rating: 8 "Arkanoid's a legend, with a cult-like following of gamers that love this style of game. That demand and the cart's scarce availability make it a collector's item. Arkanoid has above average graphics and arcade-style game play that won't quit, so invest in the optional dial controller and get the full effect." Concept: 7 Playability: 9.5 Graphics/Animation: 7 Entertainment Value: 9.75 Sound: 4 Overall Rating: 7.75 "This is ultimate nostalgia. It's one of only two games, the other being Thunder & Lightening, for Nintendo 8-bit that have the original Pong feel and style. The paddle control makes the play almost identical to the stand-up. Arkanoid is basic conceptually, but it's a blast to move the little Vaus on some seriously challenging levels." Concept: 9.5 Playability: Graphics/Animation: 8 Entertainment Value: 9 Sound: 7.5 Overall Rating: 8.5 "First there was Pong, then Breakout added variation. But it took Arkanoid to perfect the idea. Arkanoid is an un- complicated, yet challenging game that tests your re- flexes and your brains. It serves as a reminder in these days of CD and 32-bit systems that games can still be great with a good idea and the original NES." Game Informer = July/August '93 CABLE HOOK UP COLOR PORTABLE VIDEO GAME SYSTEM caina PORIABLI VIDEO GAMA кули Ш Cart Size: № Style: Ш Number of Players: Ш Created by: ‚ № Available: THE Bottom LINE «АМУ РАК on! We've s all wanted ta hop. | missions, randomly determined by | | aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise your instructor, Captain Jean- Luc | s^ and try our hand at the Picard. | 'ommander's post. After all, both ‘It will be necessary to determine | i nd Picard look great which crew member will best ; in's chair. So, heres A assist you in a given situation, s an elite cadet at . so get to know them . and the areas they operate well. Lt. Commander Data will aid you with the ship's Operations Control, which includes the navi- ou at the helm of your \ nstructor 5 starship. rial, you /А | û gational and infor- A A ab di wm . .* mational functions. i - - Commander LaForge 1 itrol, which oversees the power al- : hoc and Warp are necessary for conveying le and cargo. Lt. оп is in at or danger. Finally, nmander Riker can be y / It's easy, just look for В.В.]. ° газ | 1 ӨЗ. в the only AE _ a | дате in town. | : о T " io ino new | у sic baseball — th the Game e and rosters of me | һатр since 1984 ' а | | | | | 1 p Кас. оета PEINTE = i Keep rosters current a " Create Team ү own trades... bo look in Flor ON Ww we me ot sink летной KIRBY Puckett | e У сепа 0 GENESIS. EEE NONO ee Sega and Genesis are.tradentarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd RBI: TM Afari Games; Licensed ta; Tengen, Inc, ©1993 Tengen, Inc. - p va = 5 5 5 ex E S CS Disney Adventure Sega 14 stages Now on Game Gear 1-player Unimizg P THE BOTTOM LINE continues elp! Mickey Mouse has fallen asleep and into an ominous village that has been over-run by an evil Phantom. Mickey is their only hope to defeat the phantom, restore the magic crystal and return their town to its fairy-tale setting. But it will take all of Mickey’s mousely courage and a little magic to make it through thirteen treacherous stages leading to the Phantom’s castle. The world’s favorite rodent has returned to use many of his moves from Castle of Illusion. Use his jump attack to reach great heights and defeat enemies, or pick up and throw objects. There are springs to jump on, keys to unlock passages and switches that effect your course. Treasure chests full of goodies will increase your power or score and certain magical items can be picked up along the way. These items, such as the magic flute and the shrinking potion, must be located to make it through areas of the game. Plant the magic beans in the right place to reach the Phantom's castle, where you'll really be put to the test. Shrinking Potion Steer Clear of the crab or it’s certain doom! Rope ANDY, THE САМЕ HOMBRE Rick, THE VIDEO RANGER Ross, THE REBEL GAMER “Finally! The sequel to Castle of Illusion. As with all the Mickey carts, the graphics are phenomenal! Walt himself would be impressed with the graphics and animation incorporated “Another Mickey Mouse game in a dangerous, magical land. | think it's time for a new premise. Mickey is well animated. The scenery and bosses are well-defined, but they could have done more with the back- “Mickey Mouse is a great character, but he always does the same thing. Why doesn't he jump into an airplane or take a submarine? The control is exact and responsive, but lacks any Overall Rating: Overall Rating: Overall Rating: variety. This is a must-have Game Gear cart. Not just because it's good, but there aren't enough Game Gear games being made to pass a good one up." grounds. Land of Illusion is an above- average game but, as a big Disney fan, this one lacked the excellence I've come to expect.” into the limited capabilities of the Game Gear. | believe Land of Illusion will be one of the year's best selling Game Gear games.” Game Informer = July/August '93 Summer is the perfect time for portable systems like the Game Boy, Game Gear and Atari's Lynx. If you're into gaming on the go, grab up one of the following carts making their way to your fa- vorite hand-held. Gordo 106 trom Atari ites. ` Available: Now 1-рІауег Action Deep in the cavernous sub-basement of N. Human Inc., trapped - in cage No. 106, a poor and brutally exploited lab monkey named | Gordo lives a life of lonely misery. Until... An experimental nuclear . potion gives Gordo the cunning intellect he needs to free his friends . and escape. Lemmings from Atari corn. | | Available: Now 1-рІауег Ристу. . the Lynx. It's just like every other version, except portable. So, if you haven't had the chance to play this strategy classic yet, make sure you don’t miss it. | noris to accomplish it. Game Informer « July/August '98 mies will do se в for money. hose lovable little creatures аге back, and this time ћеутеоп | Available: Now 1-player Wrestling Action Game Boy - Amazing Spiderman 3 by Acclaim Available: Now 1-player Action _ “Spidey-Sense is going wild. What's going on?!” Little does Spidey know, but an army of steel- i peg spider- i mechanoids are Crash Dummies by Acclaim Available: Now 1-player Action The Crash Dummies, Spin and Slick, want to go on vacation but they just don't have the money. They decide to do а little extra work on the side, but end up doing the jobs no one else will do (like jump- | ing off a burning building or working in bomb кү! These dum- Streets of Rage 2 hy Sega of America Available: Now 1 or 2-player (w/link) Action/Fi ighter | Okay, take your Genesis Streets of Rage 2 and remove some of | the clarity and sound effects. What have your got? Well, believe it or not, you have the Game Gear version, which features all your · favorite moves from the Genesis title. The only person missing iS Max, but Blaze, Axel, and Skate are ready to rescue Adam and ку Мг. Х. Steel Cage Challenge i" Am Stand back and get ready, 'cuz the WWF Superstars are coming to your Game Gear. Need we say more? The Latest in Video Game Hardware & Software Free Victor Maxx Sega doesn't have a lock on virtual reality. Victor Maxx Amusements, a company out of Chicago, will be introducing a virtual reality headgear of their own. Their unit features a 4” flat LCD screen, similar to the one found on the Atari Lynx, and works with the existing games on a given system. One model will adapt to both the Super Nintendo and the Sega Genesis, and another is compatible with personal computers. № Atari Puts Out the Cat It seems like vid mags have been talking about it for ages, but it looks like Atari's 64-Bit Jaguar system is about to become a reality. The Jaguar is based on a 64-bit RISC processor. It features over 16 million colors, 3-D polygon graphics, shading and texture mapping. Its sound capabilities are based on Atari's high-speed Digital Signal Processor, which is dedicated to audio. It can produce CD quality audio while simultaneously processing additional audio data. The Jaguar is being positioned as a multi- media entertainment system. It will include a 32-bit expansion port to allow for future hook-ups to cable and telephone networks. It also features a digital processing port де for connection with modems and digital audio peripherals such as DAT players. Other peripherals in development include a double- speed compact disc add-on that will play standard audio CDs, CD+Gs and Kodak's Photo-CDs. The Jaguar, which comes with one software title and the Power Pad Controller, will be available sometime in 1994 for around $200. № STD Introduces Programmable Controllers If you've found the combination moves to games like Street Fighter II difficult to execute, STD Entertainment has the solution. Their ProgramPad line of controllers feature an LCD screen that displays the action and a memory to record your favorite combinations. The SN Programpad has 29 moves pre-programmed moves for SF2 and Takara's Fatal Fury, plus room for six additional moves. The SG ProgramPad features two top right and left fir- ing buttons and will soon be re-released with pre-programmed moves of its own. Both controllers have rapid autofire and slow notion teatures. A pre-programmed arcade joystick is Virtual Realit Coming For Sega VR will bring the 3-D gaming experience of virtual reality into your home this holiday season. Sega's full- color head-tracking unit is compatible with the Genesis unit and will be compati- ble for the Sega CD. Sega VR features a 360 degree playing field, headphones that provide stereo surround sound, and an intuitive control interface. The Sega VR will be available in December for under $200 and will be packed with Nuclear Rush, a specially designed, ristmas futuristic flight simulator. Three other titles, Iron Hammer, Matrix Runner and Outlaw Racing will also be on store shelves at that time, priced between $60 and $70. № also available, м 300" On Track for Fall anasonic is on schedule to release the first ЗОО hardware, the FZ-1 Real 3DO Interactive = Multiplayer™, by September of this year. This new platform, which combines entertain- ment, education and information, can process more than 50 million pixels per second and display more than 16 million colors. It will also play back full-motion video at twice the speed of existing technology. Two game titles from Crystal Dynamics will be available at the product’s launch, with another four due in time for Christmas. No expected retail price is avail- able at this time. Game Informer = July/August '93 |. By Elizabeth A. Olson hink you've played every game system on the market? There may be one you've overlooked. What if you had a machine that played a wide variety of games, complete with fully-animated sequences? What if that same system could read CD ROM-XA discs, standard five inch audio CDs, CD+Gs and photo CDs? And what if that system could play full-length, full-motion video? Philips Interactive Media of America (PIMA) has such a system; the CD-I. Oh, the Philips CD-I isn't exactly a new system. It was introduced in the US in1991. But Philips has introduced an add-on that may make you look at the CD-I in a whole new way. The Philips CD-I utilizes laser disc technology, displays up to 16 million colors and can process information from a 650 megabyte disc. + 7" | VN v | That amount of space can hold up to 250,000 pages of а _ I. “xxx. | uu СА text, more than 7000 photos or up to 72 minutes of _ _ 1 | | Е full-motion video. The CD-I has been known as a platform for reference software, such as Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia. And for edu-tainment software like Treasures of the Smithsonian. There are more than one hundred CD-l titles currently on the market, many . of which are already successful video game titles. If you like adventure, there's Escape From . CyberCity, Zombie Dinos From the Planet Zeltoid, or Laser Lords. For puzzles, there's Text Tiles, Tetris, Backgammonor Sargon Chess. And for the sports fan they have Video Speedway or ABC Sports Presents: Power Hitter or The Palm Springs Open. These titles incorporate interactive game play with realistic graphics. But this Spring Philips announced their Full-Motion Video extension unit, which opens the door on full-motion interactive entertainment. The Full-Motion Video extension is a cartridge- -like unit that slides into the back of the CD-I player. Developed in conjunction with Laser-Pacific Media Corporation, the FMV cartridge utilizes technology based on the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) standard. That means the FMV displays full-screen video at 30 frames per second, the same as television, with quality as good as VHS. In addition to FMV capabilities, it adds 1.5 MB of memory to the base unit. More activity can take place on the screen because the enhanced memory is thirty percent faster. CD-I games will now be able to utilize high quality, high speed ‘compiled’ sprites with a faster response time. Philips is currently bringing new and exciting games to their improved CD-I. In addition to NFL Football Trivia and LucasFilm's Rebel Assault, two popular Nintendo characters, Link and Zelda,are coming to the CD-I. Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon are both slated for release this Fall. And, lest we forget that the CD-I is more than a game machine, CD-I owners will soon enjoy a host of interactive music video discs and "Voyeur", the CD-l's first interactive film. _ PHILIPS Js of the Rising Sus, 44 Sports Presents: he Palm Springs Open ABC Sports Presents: Power Hitter Zombie Dinos from the Planet 2 Game Informer « July/August '93 И he GI staff has just put another Summer Consumer Electronics Show behind us. It's an eye-opening, feet-exhausting experience that happens twice a year, and is the largest trade show of the consumer electronics industry in the world. Starting in 1992, the show opened its doors to the public, enabling people to get a peek at the new products and technologies in the works. E. A Aladdin he video game branch of the show is always the noisiest, busiest, and unde niably the most fun; especially with Sega and Nintendo battling it out to р Ч see who ends up on top. Our staff compared notes and came up with what we feel were some of the more exciting sights and sounds че hes , addin by Virgin for Sega Genesis at this year's SCES. Available: Oct 193 Our unanimous vote for best of show goes to Aladdin, which is being developed by Virgin for Sega. The 1,500 cells of Disney- drawn animation, Virgin technology and blow-out marketing behind this prod- uct combine to make this a must-see. If the lines outside their booths are a tes- tament, we have to mention Acclaim's Mortal Kombat and Capcom's Street Fighter II: Turbo. Our vote for most original goes to Interplay's Clay Fighters, a colorful spoof of the fighting giants. We were di- vided when it came to Sega CD titles, but will say that Jurassic Park, Silpheed, Rebel Assault and uec. cw O VC's AH-3 Firehawk are all worth a look. Though ce У _ only forty percent . | complete, Nintendo showed their second SFX game, FX Trax. We felt the Big N’s best i effort was Super Mario ioe! All-Stars, which com- Rebel Assaault - by JVC bines 1. 2. and 3 with Sega CD EVA. Available: Winter ‘93 16-bit technology and includes Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels. Other high- lights include Super Empire Strikes Back and Mega Man X. Mega Man X by Capcom SNES Available: Dec ‘93 Super Mario All Stars by Nintendo SNES Available: Fall ‘93 ‘WY hnovative hardware and peripherals were abundant. ЗОО is on every one’s lips / ' and, while the contoured landscapes and real-time graphics аге cool, the ma- Î chine’s engine is not yet finished. The units we saw were running ala Macintosh, therefore at half to one-third actual speed, so we zre withholding any judgments. œ There's а long way to go, but we give the Sega VR credit for being the closest thing to Virtual Reality that we’ve seen to date. Finally, Sega’s arcades Megalo, (a Japanese Sonic rollerball game), and the AS-1 round out the show’s gems, (although we prefer not having to listen to Michael Jackson). The following pages list a few of the SCES’s best and brightest offerings. Stay tuned for more information on these up- coming titles. Silpheed by Sega Jurassic Park by Sega Sega CD Sega CD Available: Nov ‘93 Available: Oct/Nov ‘93 d Street Fighter Il CE Turbo by Capcom for SNES Available: July '93 LIU KAMU DONO и > Mortal Kombat by Acclaim Mortal Kombat by Acclaim ; for SNES for Genesis Clay Fighter by Interplay Available: Sept '93 Available: Sept ‘93 forr SNES Available: Dec ‘93 SCORE: OTIT ГЕККЕ س ر ست | | — Super Empire Strikes Back by AH-3 Firehawk by JVC Lucas Films/JVC for SNES . Sega CD Available: Nov '93 Available: Summer '93 Rocky & Bullwinkle by Absolute Goo by Absolute ble Available: Fall ‘93 Available: Fall ‘93 е Total Б pearl Sorcerer's Kingdom The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy by Ba" call ‘93 | ailable Fa by American Sammy by Code Masters " Available: Fall '93 Available: Sept ‘93 PUUT Itu 2 : ад“ SÊR Haunting Starring Polterguy LEE Electronic A Technoclash 1 Асу ш d Blades of Vengence by Electronic Arts by Electronic Arts Available: June '93 Available: Fall '93 NHLPA '94 by Electronic Arts Available: Dec '93 Socks the Cat Rocks the House by Kaneko Available: Dec ‘93 Fido Dido by Kaneko Available: 1st quarter ‘94 t by Kaneko Available: Dec ‘93 Speed Racer: The Challenge of Racer X by Accolade Available: 1st quarter ‘94 Brett Hull Hockey by Accolade Available: Sept ‘93 Micro Machines by Code Masters Available: Sept ‘93 Mutant League Hockey by Electronic Arts Available: 1st quarter ‘94 tapgieos 12 Time 01:35:10 Nigel Mansell World. — Championship Racing by Gametek Available:Dec398 Zombies ate my Nelghbors: by Konami Available: Aug 93 м TUN Lemmings 2 qe by-Psygnosis b vo ni Available:-Winter ‘93 еп Available: Fall ‘93 Available: Summer ‘93 из ewi SZ Bh | Virtua Racing Jurassic Park World Series Baseball by Sega by Sega by Sega | Available: Dec '93 Available: Aug ‘93 Available: Oct 93 i by Sony Image Soft Toejam & Earl 2 Available; Nov ‘93 ampions by Sega p Available: Dec. '93 ода | Beast Ball Aero the Acrobat by Spectrum Holobyte by Sunsoft ESPN Football : j ; . Р ру Ѕопу Ітадеѕоћ Available: Nov ‘93 Available: Oct ‘93 Available: Dec. ‘93 c « ДР * Davis Cup Tennis Gauntlet 4 Є 2169 _ |3Е by Tengen а Fighter Il by Tengen | ; . Р Oct ‘93 by Tengen Available: Available: Sept ‘93 | Mazin Saga Winter Games by Vie Tokai by U.S. Gold | | Available: Nov '93 Available: Fall ‘93 4 in 1 mapach Vol. 2 | Raging Fighter 5 nterplay y Konami Sune. | Available: 1993 Available: June ‘93 Mortal Kombat тих i Е ру Асс!аїт ОСОБЕНИ Available Sept ‘93 Batman: The Animated Series Me 4 by Konami Link's Awaking Available: Nov/Dec '93 by Nintendo Available: A ug '93 Kirby's Pinball by Nintendo Available: Nov '93 : Ducktales 2 by Capcom Available: Oct ‘93 We're Back by Hi-Tech Available: 1993 To : : Mega Man 4 by Capcom Available:Nov '93 Indiana Jones by Ubi Soft Available: Nov '93 с а < Wario Land by Nintendo Available: Dec ‘93 Available: 1993 Game Informer = July/August ‘93 Brett Hull Hockey by Accolade Available: Sept '93 o. т vw@ù; e. an Jus s И Pena. " ш » anu пев of ne Ring i as p. опа il ; by Electro Brain їр Racin Available: Oct ‘93 Available: Aug 93 by Gametek Available: Sept ‘93 үз by Hi Tech Available: 1993 Super Bomberman Dig & Spike V-Ball By Hudson Soft en lab: by Hudson Soft Beauty and the Beast Inspector Gad, Available: Аид бери Available: Fall 93 by Hudson oft, by Hudson oor | Available: Nov/Dec '93 Available: Nov/Dec ‘93 Claymates | by Interplay by Interplay , aei | Available: 1993 Available: NoviDeo ‘93 pu EY did кш ^ no ana Available: 1st quarter ‘94 Available: 1993 - «Ж by M dé 93 А us Ш Mario & Wario j : Nov Available Available: No 98 Nintendo by Nintendo Available: 1993 Available: Sept 93 Game Informer « July/August '93 Bi I Ll 8 Ld ftn Journey Home Wizard of Oz Out to Lunch а by Renovation by Seta USA Super Battleshi by Mindscape Available: Oct ‘93 Available: 1993 B Mindsca r Available: Fall ‘93 Available: Fall ‘93 Wing Commander: Secert | й m 5 № issi | Star Trek: The Next Generation i „ by Sony Imagesoft | bu mi pm by Spectrum HoloByte Available: Winter ‘93 Available: Nov '93/SG in Dec ‘93 дуа Noy "83 Available: Nov/Dec ‘93 101925 dp d е ; “et REET CET EEN „г. Bugs Bunny: Rabbit Rampage : Daffy Duck: The Marvin ; by Sunsoft Re Final Fantasy Il — Available: Oct/Nov. ‘93 б ene by Square Soft Aero the Acrobat Available: Sept ‘93 Available: Winter ‘93 by Sunsoft | Available: Oct ‘93 Pink Panther me by TecMagik an Lawnmower Man Slyvester & Tweety АИИ Available: 1999 by Storm by TecMagik Available: 1993 ок 1 “> єт Art of Fighting F1 Pole Position by Takara _ by Ubi Soft Available: Nov ‘93 Available: Nov/Dec ‘93 e i Macross 2046 John Madden by T.T.I. by T.T.. Available: Fall ‘93 Available: Fall ‘93 Game Informer = July/August '93 Captain Jean-Luc Picard welcomes you, a top-rated cadet at Starfleet Academy, to the most intense training session you'll ever experience: the Advanced Holodeck Tutorial! The Holodeck's computer simulations put you at the helm of the Galaxy Class Starship Enterprise—all of its power and crew await your orders. You'll embark on a series of missions assigned by your instructor, Captain Picard, but only you can make the life-or-death decisions required of a Starfleet officer! With different missions on the NES™ and Game Boy, the possibilities are as limitless as the universe itself! Designed by Mark Beardsley & Gregory A. Faccone TACTICAL SYSTEMS CONTROL S An intruder has infiltrated A Romulan armada moves in for The U.S.S. Enterprise™ is your starship; contact Chief the kill-aim phasers and fire! under attack! Order Lt. Worf from Captain Jean-Luc O’Brien to beam it off! to raise shields! Picard himself! (com) \ Seal of Quality 7 та — —Á ABSOLUTE. TM, & & © 1993 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Star Trek: The Next Generation is a trademark of Paramount Pictures. Absolute Entertainment Authorized User. Nintendo, Game Boy, Nintendo Entertainment System and the Official Seals are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1993 Nintendo of America Inc. Published by Absolute Entertainment, Inc., 10 Mountainview Road, Suite 300 South, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. Absolute Entertainment is a registered trademark of Absolute Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Game Programs, Advertisement and Absolute Entertainment Logo © 1993 Absolute Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Lethal Enforcers by Konami Available; Fall 1993 Battletech by Extreme Available: Winter '93 Сх вва <> | Dragon's Lair Bram Stoker's Dracula by Readysoft 79000 А By Sony ! | | — Available: Summer ‘93 Available: Fall ‘93 Jame s Pond Il: Codéname тч Robocod by U.S: Gold ip 5С rp ppi: pi ا‎ Available: Fall '93 È e ! канн Sonic Chaos by Sega Available: Nov ‘93 Paperboy 2 by Tengen Available: Summer ‘93 ` Mortal Kombat by Асеі - Available: September Nigel Mansell World Battleship K lonship Pool Star n Championship Racing L4 E 4 Д hi dscape by Absolu А by Gametek vailable: able: 1 03 Available: Fa Available: Sept '93 n TIT чама чин ш VIS Res Indiana Jones саве by Ubi Soft Available: Oct 93 Available: Nov ‘93 Game Informer = July/August '93 i a ALIENS ОМ SNES! Destroy every egg-laying, chest-bursting, acid-spitting xenomorph on the planet with everything you've got... from a plasma rifle to a blow torch... or this nightmare will never end! Г. " о x a | hi Г 24 Md жа ces È и бољи M hie iin m „4 „Ж е... „ы he E T жа = ыы ый к. онај ido ENS d E. n ы» sent . SUPER NINTENDO ALIEN3 TM & © 1993 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1991 Nintendo of America Inc. LJN is a registered trademark of LUN, Ltd. © 1993 LUN, Ltd. All rights reserved. Action! Bedrock™ is cracking up and it’s up to Fred to put it back together! Ride a pterodactyl through blazing skies and cool off in a breath-taking undersea world. Brave prehistoric threats and save Bedrock. Fred uses an ancient map to uncover hidden treasures throughout Bedrock! Travel across seven levels filled with thrilling dangers: snares, traps and more stand between Fred and a mountain of Loot! тм TAITO CORPORATION OF AMERICA 390 Holbrook Drive Wheeling, IL 60090 Stone Age Space Age Adventure! Beautiful Planet 38 is next on Cogswell’s list of acquisitions and it’s up to George Jetson and his family to save it! George uses anti-gravity boots, jet boards and more to stop Cogswell from ruining the world. Monster robots are attacking George’s home town, Orbit City! He gets help from Jane, Judy, Elroy and even Astro in his attempt to stop the invasion and turn the robots into tin cans! TAITO IS A TRADEMARK OF TAITO CORPORATION. THE FLINTSTONES AND THE JETSONS ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF HANNA-BARBERA PRODUCTIONS, INC. ‘01993 TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEMS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SEGA AND GENESIS ARE TRADEMARKS OF SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. NINTENDO, NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM AND GAMEBOY ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO OF AMERICA, INC. ' 1993 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 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