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AMEINF C Ri | | ® made to a fighting game in recent history. Learn how it

You're about to see one of the most incredible advances TABLE OF CONTENTS was done, who's responsible, and how many souls were sold to ensure gaming perfection. As a catalyst to the creation of the ESRB, and a consistent source of controversy, Mortal Kombat has always been the one to watch join us as we rip this bad boy wide open.


Although it seems like it would be hard to do a spoof on a magazine that's already a joke anyway, we've done it! Flip on over and take a look at what we think is the best Game Infarcer to date.


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net. id 0 ie Л designation oniy, PlayStation” ang the “PS” Fami are. 2085. INFOGRAMES) i peso Ast а Be. S SNR: Б СПИТ IN LAST > CONES TH THE IS iS 1 байл oF (еу ths угат or any porns of tnis program without express permission ofthe copyright balder

т КЫ e EDITOR’S FORUM Don't flip by this month's forum - it's the best we've ever done. Every editor devoted a full week to each of their unique cre- ations, and the results are nothing less than absolutely spectacular. This may change your life, your religion, and the way you look at barnyard animals.

GI SPY The Game Informer paparazzi stalk the video game industry, bringing you candid photos of all the action.

DEAR GI Well, we've finally done it we've pissed off a group of elite special forces comman- dos by ripping on D&D. Therefore, this will be the last issue the current editors will be writing for the magazine. Indeed, by the time you read this, every one of us has probably been killed in our sleep by a silent assassin wearing night-vision gear. Farewell, readers.

NEWS If you've got a hankering for information on the new Tron game, Grand Theft Auto 4, or the title in the works based on The Hobbit, we've got everything you want right here. Add to that some saucy he-said she-said about an upcoming Driver release and you've got yourself one heckuva news section.


PREVIEWS In this month’s previews section, you'll find information on such upcoming blockbuster titles as Tomb Raider: The Next Generation, Stuntman, Icewind Dale Il, Dead to Rights, and Soul Caliber 2. Please read these arti- cles and have yourself a wonderful rest of the day. Thank you.

REVIEWS Always the most controversial section of the magazine, GI's crack (by that we mean they are on crack) review staff digs in for a new round of scores. It's going to be crazy, but please don't punch the magazine we're fragile.

CHARTS What's hot? What's not? What's up? What's down? It's not NASDAQ, it's the Retail Sales Data and the Gl edi- tors' Top 10 Games. QM

PLAY TO PERFECTION You may think you know every- thing there is to know about the GBA port of Super Mario World, but as they Say, you ain't seen noth- in' yet. Every Dragon Coin and every level exit has been meticulously

recorded within the gilded pages of Play To Perfection.

SECRET ACCESS This is the area where you will find codes, codes and more codes. If you have a prob- lem with that you can take it up with Raul Julia. Since he's dead, you're just going to have to take and like it.


There's nothing like sitting back and catch- ing up with an old friend. Of course, you need to know which friend will treat you right. That's where Classic GI comes in! By the way, if you look hard enough, you'll see a Breath of Fire Il strategy guide. Read now, use often.


You say you don't like playing your shiny new Xbox with that horrible controller (or “О! Beefy” as we like to call it)? Well, flip on down to Etc. for a perfect solution to your problem. We also think you need to

read more - especially when it's

stuff we like, so dust off your read- ing glasses and get ready for some text-based fun (books). Chop-chop, kiddies!



GAME PAGE # 18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker . . .79 All-Star Baseball 2003 (GC) .

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Sled Storm 2 .

Smash Court Tennis

Pro Tournament . Smashing Drive Soccer Slam .

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Star Trek: Bridge Commander Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter Star Wars: Racer Revenge State of Emergency . Stuntman .

Summoner 2 .

Super Mario World:

Super Mario Advance 2 . . Superman: The Man of Steel Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis . Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002 . Tomb Raider: The Next Generation

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (GBA) . Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Xbox) . Triple Play 2002 (PS2) .....

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Tropico: Paradise Island

Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions . . .



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APRIL 2002 Volume ХИ Number 4 Issue 108


PUBLISHER Cathy Preston


EDITORS Executive Editor Andrew Reiner Senior Associate Editor Matt Helgeson Associate Editors Kristian Brogger Justin Leeper Matthew Kato Copy Editor Jon Storm Mascot Arthur

PRODUCTION Art Director Thomas Blustin Production Director Curtis Fung Production Assistant Rachel Gilles Contributing Photographer Lynn Glass

ADVERTISING Director of Advertising Rob Borm (612) 486-6155 * Fax (612) 486-6101 email: rob@gameinformer.com 724 North First St., 4th Floor е Minneapolis, MN 55401

CIRCULATION CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT For change of address or subscription inquiry only: (612) 486-6100 Fax (612) 486-6101 or send correspondence to: 724 North First St., 4th Floor е Minneapolis, MN 55401 е Attn: CIS Dept

Circulation Manager Paul Anderson (612) 486-6104


Manufactured and printed in the United States of America The Editor welcomes company product information for all video games, Such materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Informer® Magazine, 724 North First St., 4th Floor, Minneapolis, ММ 55401. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned or acknowledged. Entire contents copyright 2002. Game Informer& Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited Game Informer is a trademark of GameStop, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies. PUBLISHER LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is limited to republication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement.

INDEMNIFICATION The advertiser and/or Advertising Agency agrees to defend and indemnify the publisher against any and all liability, loss, or expense arising from claims of libel, unfair competition, unfair trade practices, infringement of trademarks, copyrights, trade names, patents, or proprietary rights or violation of rights of privacy, resulting from the publication of the Advertiser's statement.


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Who would have thought that, in this day and age of bump- mapping and particle effects, a game like Mortal Kombat would be on the cover of Game Informer

q Magazine? Yes, it certainly has £O been a while since we have seen the world's most controversial fighting game, but we all knew it was going to make a comeback; it was just a matter of when.

Of course, like the movie business that gaming so often emulates, our industry loves to revisit the franchises that left a lasting mark on our video game subconscience. For those of you out there that missed it, Mortal Kombat Il was a video game phenomenon like few the United States has ever seen. In Japan, gamers line up for miles to get their hands on the new Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, but only when Mortal Kombat Il launched here can I think of a

The GI editors escape the Minnesota weather with a weekend in Vegas. 1. Overcome with awe and cutching his 8 x 10 autographed glossy

time when there was so much excitement for a game. Will Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance bring the

same electricity that MKII had when it was unleashed

on the world back in 1994? Most likely not, as fighting

games have unfortunately fallen out of the gaming

mainstream. Would | love it if it did? You bet. American

gamers have really lost touch with the fighting genre.

| don't blame us, though. It's been a long time since

anyone pushed the genre to really do something new

- most games are either a clone or sequel to Street

Fighter or Virtua Fighter. Still, | wouldn't put it

past Ed Boon and his staff in Chicago to have the

ingenuity to send American gamers

into a fighting frenzy again. When

Deadly Alliance hits the streets

this fall, we just may see fighting

rise again to its former glory. Andy McNamara

If Mortal Kombat can’t do it, i egameintormercom

nothing can.

м n k Ба аъ? E ANC

of his idol Wayne Newton, Matt loses control and throws his room key onstage. 2. Too drunk to care, Kristian has a quickie wedding for one more chance at the nickel slots. 3. Justin checks out the action poolside... 4. ...then stuffs his face with three trips through the buffet line. 5. Andy offers a streetwalker his last $5 for her to take him "around the world." 6. Kato and Reiner, having lost everything on one turn of the roulette wheel, work

off their debts as showgirls in the revue.


REINER, THE RAGING GAMER reiner@gameinformer.com

The winds of change have finally swept over the Game Informer office. Just a few weeks ago, | was ushered into a series of meetings by the magazine's governing forces. With rubber gloves firmly in place, the powers that be poked, prodded, and exacted all of the information that they needed from me. My rude gestures, incoherent rambling, and profanity-filled screams should have landed me a pink slip. | was destined to get canned. Seriously, | was already negotiating contracts with several well-known fast food chains. Lo and behold, | didn't get the boot, but was in fact promoted to the hallowed rank of Executive Editor. Say what? Congratulate me if you want, but | really don’t care about what you have to say. The only thing that I'm concerned with at the moment is the power that | have and how | can exploit it. So, if you'll excuse me, | have to fire somebody for giving 110% and excelling in every aspect of the job. Cheers!

MATT, THE ORIGINAL GAMER matt@gameinformer.com

With Reiner joining the ranks of the elite with his fancy new title, I've been tapped to fill the position of Senior Associate Editor. Initially, | was both excited and a bit scared, and wondered if | could handle the pressure. After receiving my generous bonus check, | was escorted into the luxurious, high-security Senior Associate Editor's chamber and sat down for my first day on my new job. It was then that | realized just what Reiner had been doing all these years: NOT A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT. Man, this job is easy! Usually, | roll in around noon, pretend like I'm on some "important" phone calls for a couple of hours, and then go boss around the Associate Editors for awhile. After lunch, | take a quick nap, email some friends, maybe play a game or two if | feel like it, and then punch out and head home. Reiner can be “Executive Editor” forever for all | care; he never knew how good he had it. Life is sweet, my friends. Now, | must be going as | have a massage appointment with my personal trainer. Kato, would you mind brewing me up a nice cup of Earl Grey? Yes, and don't forget the cin- namon stick and a touch of honey. That's a good boy.

KRISTIAN, THE GAME DAWG kristian@gameinformer.com

Well, 1 got a whole lot more response to my blurb last month than | thought 1 would. A mountain of great suggestions came in, ranging from the reemergence of the Dark Lords (don't worry, it'll happen at some point), to the importance of video games in all of our lives, to the Olympics. While these are all significant topics, one stood out above the rest: | have been alerted to a conspiracy in the soft drink industry of epic proportions. On this side you have Dr. Pepper. On the other you have Diet Dr. Pepper. The latter's tagline is "Diet Dr. Pepper tastes more like regular Dr. Pepper". We all know that diet soda is barely palatable on a good day, so does this mean that regular Dr. Pepper is only a pathetic attempt at a substance which could be unbe- lievably awesome, and to cover their tracks Pepsi Co. simply pushed the diet brand to make up for this terrible shortcoming? And you thought tobacco companies were bad! Write to your Congressman, people! We demand the good stuffl

JUSTIN, THE DIGITAL DEVIANT justin@gameinformer.com

As | type this, my knuckles and fingernails are still stained red. My face has a sinister hue, my white GTA 3 shirt is now pink, and even my armpits did not escape the crimson bath. Yes, friends, | saw GWAR last night. Blood Drive 2002 rolled right over Minneapolis and First Avenue, and slaughtered the unwitting inhabitants of this fair city. Once they come to your town, | urge you to donate a few pints of your own. It's for a good cause, after all. The new material from Violence Has Arrived is hard-hitting, as are the swords and clubs used to destroy cultural icons like Mike Tyson and George W. Bush. While I'm оп the subject of violence, some of you have asked to be informed of my wrestling schedule and exploits. l'm thinking of putting a mailing list together. If you're down, email me.

KATO, THE GAME KATANA kato@gameinformer.com

| woke up this morning with the sweet blazing axe riffs of Gitaroo Man still running wild through my head from last night. And as | stared into the mirror and fought to comb down the cowlicks in my hair, | sudden- ly wondered something. Am | more like Gitaroo Man himself, or the inept U-1? I've got the weird side sweeps in my haircut. But do they look like they belong to a total pansy (U-1) or a wild gitaroo-playing rock 'n' roll star like Noel Gallagher? Still, my own skills at slashing out meaty riffs are underdeveloped. Then again, you should see Matt try to play Hendrix it's like he's strangling a duck. I'm no pro skater, but am not nearly as inept as U-1. And what's with that kid's sweating problem? The only gland problem I've got is that I'm only about half a foot short of being 6'2". Maybe someday aliens will hit the Earth and I'll have to take up a Gitaroo and find out once and for all what I'm really made of. All | know is that I've already got the girl, so things aren't half bad.

SMASHING DRIVE™ 8 © 2002 Gaelco S.A. All rights reserved. Licensed to Namco Hometek Inc. ТМ, 00 & the Nintendo GameCube logo are trademarks Of Nintenday МЕШИ кво ahd ihe bon Loss ааз оао or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries and are used under license trom Microsoft. The ratings icon 1s @legistered tademath af the interactive Digiallsoflware Association,




1 On a trip to England showcasing the company's 2002 lineup, Matt Frary of Infogrames and Lynn Daniel of Infogrames UK engage in some hot eyebrow \ licking. It’s the biggest fad to hit Europe since Mad Cow disease and soccer riots! 2 “Yes, Stuntman is totally on schedule! Why do you ask?” Jay Sharples, \ Associate Producer З Long live the D! Jack Black апа | KG of Tenacious D (front) get their egos stroked gen- tly by Linn PR's Pickle King, the soon-to-be Pickle Queen, Rockstar producer Jeronimo Barrera, and pal Rocky. 4 WizardWorks/Infogrames PR manager Judy Corey and Dragon Ball Z producer Michael Cucchiarella buck current GI Spy trends by proving that there is a place for relatively normal human beings in the video game industry. Who knew?

5 Ladi, da di, Scott Gamel, Jason Andersen, Dana Whitney from Electronic Arts like to party. They don’t cause trouble, they don't bother nobody. 6 Tecmo's 2 Tiffany Stratton demonstrates that a marketing соог- anc dinator in the bush is worth two in the hand. 7 Linn

PR impresario Bill Linn: Still figuring out how to walk L like an Egyptian after all these years. 8 Freelance MN journalists Suzanne Ashe, Raymond Padilla, and

Peter Suciu share the love at a recent THQ event. 4

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My name is Master Chief Petty Officer Nathanel Price, United States Navy Seal Team 3. Every time | get an issue, it gets circulated around "the den" until the magazine nearly falls apart. We are all avid gamers and enjoy the reviews written by your crack team of specialists. However, we would like to regis- ter a complaint. In your Etc. sec- tion you called anyone who plays Dungeons and Dragons a loser. Needless to say, the men were more than a little upset and picked the magazine apart at 300 meters with their M4 assault rifles. We enjoy D&D as a pastime because it keeps our creative minds ticking while let- ting us relax a bit. The same goes for video games. So please, in the future, try not to generalize a group of people as losers just because they enjoy something. Remember, lots of people think the same about video games and comics (something you guys upheld in Etc.). Thanks and keep up the good work.

Master Chief Price

US Navy, ST3

First off, we'd like to say that we're honored to know that America’s men and women in uniform are down with Gl. Our little jab at Dungeons & Dragons players touched off a firestorm of contro- versy among our readers. Since the publication of the February edition of Etc., we’ve been inundated with angry letters protesting our labeling of the pencil-and-paper RPG faithful as "losers." Most of these were ignored, folded into paper airplanes, or used as kindling in the flagstone hearth located in the GI offices. However, your intelligent arguments - and the fact that you and your compatriots are capable of killing us all in a matter of minutes gave us cause to address your complaints here in Dear Gl.

So, for all those who were offended by our remarks: IT WAS A JOKE. We think that playing D&D is a fine pastime, and many of the GI staff have rolled the 12-sided die a time or two in their lives. Also, as pasty and out-of-shape professional video game nerds, we're hardly in a position to call anyone a loser. Let's face it: D&D is dorky. Video games are dorky. Obsessing over Star Wars and Lord of the Rings is dorky. We're all dorks here, so let's bury the hatchet and get back to geeking out together. Now, go get Osama and make us proud!

P.S. Please don't kill us ай!!! Reiner wrote that! We begged him not to make fun of D&D, but he wouldn't listen. He's out of control, and must be stopped! Terminate him if you must, but spare the rest of us!!!

Hey, first of all, let me tell you that I really love your magazine. Not only does it keep me updated on the latest games, but | also think that you guys make it really funny. What my letter is really about is my friend [name withheld]. He is racist towards the Japanese because they bombed Pearl Harbor. | keep on trying to tell him that Japan makes a lot of great games like Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid, and if it weren't for the Japanese we wouldn't have these great games, but he just doesn't care. He keeps on insisting that the Japanese are horrible people. What do you guys think | should do?

Kujisaga Yukisaragi

Via email

Your friend sounds like an idiot. Tell him to quit holding grudges about events that took place 40 years before he was born, then go get some new friends. You are right about Japan and games. Many of the greatest game creators are Japanese, and Nintendo single-handedly brought the industry back from the dead in the mid-‘80s. However, every ethnic group whether they make games or not - deserves our respect.

Hey guys, what's up? Your magazine is awesome! Anyway, I've been hearing rumors about Grand Theft Auto Ill being pulled from the shelves in a lot of stores around the US! | haven't heard Rockstar Games announce this, or you guys saying anything about it. So, is this "rumor" true or not?

Matt Finnegan

Via email

Grand Theft Auto Ш has become the breakout hit of the last few months, and has generated an underground buzz that even blockbusters like Final Fantasy X and Metal Gear Solid 2 have failed to match. With this word-of-mouth success comes a lot of spurious rumors about Rockstar's controversial jug- gernaut. Over the last few months, dozens of readers have written in to Dear GI with rumors ranging from an all-out ban on the game, to the ridicu- lous claim that Rockstar has secretly rushed a censored ver- sion of the game out to retail- ers without alerting the press or consumers.

We contacted a representa-

tive of Rockstar Games, who assured us that, to his knowledge, Grand Theft Auto III is readily avail- able at every major video game retailer, including Wal-Mart (a company with a history of pulling con- troversial products). A brief search of retail Internet sites confirmed this claim. Also, he laughed at reports that the game had been cen- sored, stating that the company fully stands behind its product, and cited the prohibitive cost involved in retooling and re-releasing a game that has been on store shelves for several months. In a nutshell: Grand Theft Auto Ш is out there in its original form, ready to be purchased by anyone over the age of 17 who wishes to do so. We have no idea where this hearsay may have started. We like to think of it as the video game version of the urban legends in which rockers like Ozzy Osbourne and Marilyn Manson were said to have engaged in sundry abuses of bodily fluids and small farm ani- mals. But, just as Ozzy never really drank a buck- etful of spit or took a chainsaw to a Doberman, GTA III is alive and well in uncensored form.

Okay GI, you guys are almost my only hope. | love being a gamer, but the problem | have with playing a lot is that there doesn't seem to be much point to it, other than having fun by yourself. I'm all for having fun, but I'd much rather be sharing the wealth with somebody else. A few weeks ago a friend of mine (a former gamer) said he used to write reviews for the games he'd play and post them on some guy's website. Oddly enough, this idea really stuck with me, and since my friend and | are both taking journalism in high school, it seems like the shoe fits pretty well. | know | could do this on a big gaming site like ign.com, but I'd rather get my reviews actually read than be stuck in the big "reader review" junk pile forever. Do you guys know of anywhere | could write reviews on the side for a website, or anywhere else | can post? Any nudges or tips in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Andrew Via hotmail.com

Well, you could always start your own website, and hope that you can attract an audience. Also, there are a number of well- known fan sites that you might be able to approach if you want the opportunity to shine in a more established forum. However, we need to mention that all of our readers have the opportunity to display their knowledge of games and writing abilities right here in the pages of Game Informer. In Classic Gl, we post one reader's submission for the Greatest Game of All

Send your comments to Game Informer. Snail Mail: Game Informer Magazine Attn: Dear Gl 724 North First St., 4th Floor * Minneapolis, MN 55401 Email: deargi@gameinformer.com




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Time every month. Just write a 250- to 350-word essay on why you think your favorite game should be considered the best ever, and email it to greatestgame@gameinformer.com. If that sounds like too much work, but you'd still like to see yourself in the pages of 61, you can send your list of Top Five current or classic games to top- five@gameinformer.com. Remember: Top Five entrants MUST INCLUDE A PICTURE OF THEM- SELVES with their submissions. Pictures can either be a hard copy, which we will scan, or digital attachment sent via email. Readers without access to email can send their Greatest Game of All Time or Reader Top Five to this address:

Game Informer Magazine

724 North First St. 4th Floor Minneapolis, MN 55401

(Please specify which type of entry)

Are there any leading gaming magazines that Game

Informer is directly competing with? My guess would be EGM.


Via aol.com

Although the cutthroat world of video game jour- nalism can be a petty and jealous little cesspool of egos, we here at GI prefer to take the high road. Healthy competition is the core of America's laissez faire economy, and we welcome the hearty challenge that our competitors afford us. However, there IS one magazine that makes our hearts Shrivel to the size of a pea, and turns our blood cold with hatred: Cat Fancy Magazine. Those mincing fops have rubbed their success in our faces from day one, and didn't even stop to acknowledge our presence at last year's Magazine Publishers Expo. Of course, they wouldn't dream of inviting us to their ultra-exclusive Kitty Promenade party at the Four Seasons in New York, which was hosted by none other than Ms. Liza Minelli this year! We were so upset we sat up all night watching Stee! Magnolias and ate a whole carton of cookie-dough ice cream!! Then, when Kato submitted his 10,000-word essay on the his- tory of the Turkish Angora, some minx in the edito- rial department wrote back and said she was using it to line her litter box! Of all the nerve! Watch your back, Cat Fancy, and remember that revenge (like Whiskas) is a dish best served cold.




Alfonso Ernesto Elias Max Payne says there's nothing sexier than the feel of bare skin on leather.

Keith Kimbro Yes, but we don't have, nor never Will own

lan Yost Munch’s Oddysee.

This kid is brilliant! GTT3 could be the best- selling game of all time!

Enter the Game Informer Envelope Art Contest. All you need to do is draw, paint, scratch, spit, or carve the best darn envelope art you can think of and send it to us. Please include your name, phone number, and return address on the back of the envelope. If you're the monthly winner, we'll feature your work in GI and you'll receive a video game prize from the Game Informer vault.

Send to:

Game Informer * Envelope Art Contest

724 North ist St., 4th Floor e Mpls, MN 55401

Jason Rodriguez Jose Colon Great...Link's been taking steroids again. Zoolander І: Street Fighter style.

Yeah, well bust out the mittens, Buttercup. I just signed for 7 with Toronto.

Oh Vince, | did so want to move to Los Angeles.

Your office is а 20,000 seat arena, your salary has a whole lot of zeros, and “Who stole my stapler?” is

"Who's picking up Vince on D?" You wantediredl; you got real. Build an all-NBA team during the draft. Check

your team’s actual NBA playbook, and'call'those plays with real-time coaching. And details? You can count? the players’\cornrows. Have your secretary take à memo this rules.


We teased you with art from an exciting new Tecmo title in last month's GI News, and now we can officially spill the beans. The company is currently working on a PlayStation 2-exclusive Rygar game to be released before the end of the year. These extraordinary shots of a few potential in-game environments speak of the detail and sweep of the third-person action/adventure title.

This new Rygar has not been officially titled and, in fact, may be only inspired by the old NES game - similar to how Capcom borrowed from the Ghosts n' Goblins series for its PS2 title Maximo. Rygar's story is still under wraps, but we do know that his classic shield/spike weapon/grappling hook combo will return, and hopefully his razor disc will also make an appearance. If the early word on Rygar is as good as we're hearing, Tecmo's trek back to the past could be a trip well worth taking.


GameCube owners are already holding their breath for Mario's first appearance on the console, Mario Sunshine. The game is | still far off in the distance, but here are a few more shots of

the hero's water-pack exploits, which include scaling perilous heights in his quest to control the flames of the land. Details? What details? We don't like to complicate the simple, but would rather torture you some more with these tantalizing screens. Actually, б! expects to find out more at ЕЗ, so stay tuned. Until then, learn more news about the squat Italian plumber in the pages of Game Infarcer, page 47.

TRON'S KILLER Ws ` А ^15 | BA Y | VIDEO GAME APP Disney's DVD release of the 20th anniversary edition of the movie Tron has not only rekindled the excitement of old farts like ourselves, but also refueled talk about the film's sequel, tentatively titled Tron 2.0. The DVD's first disc opens up with a movie-style preview for something called Tron Killer App, which is apparently to be released in 2003. Game Informer has learned that this isn't a reference to the proposed second Tron movie, but rather is a teaser for a video game that will be released by Disney Interactive. Killer App is expected for all nextgen systems, including the Xbox and PC. There is even talk that the project includes . plans for online play. Unfortunately, the shots we have here from the DVD teaser don't really give away much; but you can be sure that lightcycles, recognizers, and a return of probably the coolest animation

design we've ever seen will be PA E involved once again. 7 n E


Rockstar is rattling off а few more Grand Theft Auto shots, following GTA Ш'ѕ monster success on the PlayStation 2. Sources have it that the controversial game will spawn an expan- sion title to be called Grand Theft Auto Ш: Miami. \п an annual report, Take- Two (owners of subsidiary Rockstar Games) CEO Kelly Sumner stated that a new СТА Ш title will be out by the end of the year, and insiders firmly place it in Don Johnson's old stomping ground. No further details on Grand Theft Auto ll: Miami have been revealed, but we're sure that fans will take to it like а bat to bone. Game Informer has also been told that work on Grand Theft Auto 4 is now underway, although the company has denied previous rumors that a GameCube version of GTA Ill is in the works. Expect more on both of these hot properties at this year's ЕЗ convention in May. See you in Miami - Gl.


Game Informer's research and devel- opment operatives search the globe, seeking out the untapped licenses that will become tomorrow's killer

games. If you have any great ideas for games of the future, be sure to drop us a line. Maybe we'll use our godlike power over the video game industry to turn you into a millionaire or just steal your idea.


There is a great plague spreading over this land of ours commercials using spokespeople who generate more aggression and hatred than a Jehovah's Witness knocking on your door at 8:00a.m. on a Sunday morning. As a member of the AA community, it'll be your sacred task to hunt down and destroy those who accost our eyes and ears on a daily basis. You are humani- ty's last hope for sanity. Through each level in this expansive first-person shooter, your charac- ter, Doc “The Cuisinart” Stevenson, will be armed with a staggering amount of weaponry. Traversing the different TV studios’ headquar- ters will enable you to mow down many a robot- ic ad executive (real people wouldn't actually subject the public to filth like Jared, the smarmy Subway guy), and with what little ammo you have left, you'll put an end to the Pepsi-girls and Taco-Chihuahuas of this world once and for all. It's a good thing you did they were actually aliens bent on world domination through subtle brainwashing techniques buried in their tele- tripe! Hurry up - we don’t know how much longer we can stand it...


In a future with two corpora- tions vying for supremacy, the competition in this PC/PS-X sequel is deadly. Play missions as part of either Eurocorp or the Church of the New Epoch as you brainwash citizens to your cause with the Persaudetron. The game combines real-time strategy's isometric view and unit manage- ment with the action of a shooter. Rob banks and temples to deplete your foes' coffers and keep your agents equipped.

(Answer on page 33)



GameCube's The Hobbit is Universal Interactive's newest addition (through Sierra) to a lineup of titles that already includes The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Releasing in 2003, the game is being developed by Inevitable Entertainment, an Austin, Texas-based outfit that is also work- ing on Tribes 2 for the PlayStation 2. The Hobbit is a third-person action/adventure title that tells of Bilbo Baggins' battle with Smaug and the finding of the ring, thus setting the stage for the events of the trilogy.

Universal Interactive's unique deal with Tolkien Enterprises covers the writer's books; unlike EA, which only has the rights to the properties con- tained in New Line Cinema's series of LotR films. Thus, Universal is able to exclusively bring you the events in The Hobbit until a movie of Bilbo's adventures is made.

4 j


Sony of Japan recently fleshed out its online plans for the PlayStation 2 in that country - including names of some first and third-party online titles. One of the more interesting names in the list is a Resident Evil Online game from Capcom. Of course, the publisher has previously signed with Nintendo to bring the survival horror franchise exclusively to the GameCube. G/'s been told this will remain so, and that ап RE online game would be outside of that agreement.

Also making news is Sony signing of Japan's four major Internet service providers to cover over 70% of all broadband users in the country. Sony of America has yet to detail its online plans.

Some of the titles in the abridged list below may not appear in America, while others are merely tentatively-titled commitments from companies to Sony.

е Resident Evil Online - Capcom * Hot Shots Golf Others Sony е Armored Core Sigma - From Software е Final Fantasy XI Square е Tokyo Highway Battle Online - Genki * Untitled Atlus massively-multiplayer

* Bomberman Online Hudson online role-playing game

* Clockwork Online Namco * Untitled Konami sports and music titles е Project Venus (working title) - Namco * Untitled Namco shooter and sports title е Hundred Swords - Sega * Untitled Sega racing title

е Arc the Lad - Sony * Untitled Sega simulation title

* Gran Turismo Online Sony * Untitled Tecmo action/adventure title


IME шит f

& fs Чак. 4 5 Mifferent drivers, each with а unique big rig and a nasty attitude

Rough "n rambling Arcade ‘Mode and tons of twisted trucker mini-games



SEGA and 18 Wheeler: 5 [ TIT седан ee : Д 18. Wheeler" created and ed trademarks of SI | т 4i pis OM in ANE LIO. SEGA CORPORATIO А am * МЗ м пла ба si 2-player, split-screen “Versus Mode,” featuring 4 different raceways



ETT e І l'ElBH5E5-5EPaiBhk FPDITI iAP ai BELIA: PLA eres |

Playstation. PlayStation.





There's no better way to play with fire than with PlayStation 2's Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly. Coming out in the fourth quarter of 2002, this new action/platformer from Universal Interactive takes place directly after the Year of the Dragon festival, and is the first from the franchise for the console. Spyro and Sparx must recover all of the Dragonflies that have disappeared from the realm.

While Enter the Dragonfly will contain many features that fans have come to love, Spyro does posses new abilities, such as being able to shoot other ele- mental attacks out of his snout besides fire. Larger worlds and new characters and vehicles will also vie for your gaming attention. Remember kids: Don't play with matches; do play with Spyro.


And the hits just keep on coming...Microsoft has announced its newest first- party title for the Xbox. Whacked! is an 8-player free-for-all with over 40 weapons and power-ups; more than a dozen levels; and game modes includ- ing King of the Hill, Grab n' Run, and Fragfest. Also, Whacked! features "bizarre, yet appealing characters." Want an example? Penguins. Of course, we can't remember the last smash-hit title with a penguin as a main charac- ter, but we're not ones to stand in the way of innova- tion.

Whacked! is being developed by Presto Studios,

the people behind - Myst III: Exile, and should be out this fall.




UGLY - The video game industry's lawyer fees are enough to feed a third-world country. Nike is suing Sega over a TV commercial, who in turn is suing Kmart for not paying for shipments of Dreameasts. EA and Activision might soon do the same. Finally, Immersion is suing both Sony and Microsoft for using vibration technology in its games and controllers. Rest assured, the waving of briefcases will continue.

GOOD - Nintendo's StarFox Adventures and Eternal Darkness GameCube titles have been delayed until June 10 and June 24, respectively. The only speck of good news in there is that GC's Wave Bird remote con- troller also comes out on June 24. Maybe next month there'll be more....umm...good news from the company.

BAD - A bill called the Violent Video Game Protection Act has been submitted in the Georgia legislature that would make criminals out of anyone selling a game rated violent by the ESRB rating system to a minor. Currently, retailers enforce the ratings voluntarily. Remember: It's not the games, or even the players; it's the controllers that shoot make-believe video game people.

BAD - The Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA) estimates that the U.S. video game industry lost about $1.9 billion last year due to software piracy. Yeah, pirating games is a problem. After all, PS2's Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat stinks.

GOOD - PlayStation 2's got more hits than Sadahara Oh, and now they're cheap- er, too. Sony has announced the console's first four "Greatest Hits" releases priced at around $25: Twisted Metal: Black, Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec, Dark Cloud, and ATV Offroad Fury. Games that have been out for nine months and sold more than 400,000 are elgible for the discount program.

Whenever there's a juicy rumor in the industry, Game Informer experts are on it like a fly on stink. If loose lips are spraying hot gossip, we're sucking up the secret sali- va and drooling it all over this section. These leads may turn out to be 100% untrue, but then again, they could also be dead honest, and you've just learned about them months before anyone else! In the industry and need to get back at the boss who fired you by spilling some secrets? Email us at loosetalk@gameinformer.com and we'll be your shoulder to cry on.

Reflections is working on Driver 3, and has been since before the PlayStation 2 came out! All this time is paying off handsomely, as the third game featuring Tanner is said to be ready to blow Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto III out of the water.

Bandai has no intention of letting up on the Gundam goodies. The company has a slate of PS2 titles based on the anime series stretching well into next year. The strategy/sim title Giren's Ambition has just been added to the docket, but before May we're going to be treated to a port of the Japanese arcade cabinet Federation vs. Zeon DX (released in Japan by Capcom). And this, folks, is just the tip of the iceberg.

In a recent interview with Japan's Famitsu, Nintendo's Director of Global Planning Satoru Iwata hinted at what Shigeru Miyamoto may have brewing. "He's also work- ing on 4-5 other titles [apart from Mario Sunshine}, some of which are sequels, others will offer completely new gameplay experiences." Could this mean F-Zero for GameCube? How about Pikmin 2? Or, maybe Miyamoto is taking back the reins of Donkey Kong from Rare?

Square has named its Chrono Cross and SaGa Frontier 2 follow-ups Chrono Break and Unlimited SaGa, respectively. The company is now concentrating on the Final Fantasy series and Kingdom Hearts, so these two PlayStation 2 titles won't be completed for a while.

The latest from the mind of Peter Molyneux is a game codenamed "Dimitri." All the Black & White mastermind says on the subject is that this title won't be a god game. Is he talking about the upcoming Project Ego or BC? Not likely, as they've already been officially named, therefore there would be no need for Mr. Molyneux to speak in tongues.

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Hi, everybody! We all have our favorite character on The Simpsons, much like we all have our favorite games. We also like to chastise those who aren't in the know on either subject. How you score on this month's trivia will determine which Simpsons character you admire the most, so get

to it, fishbulb.

Question 1: In the Sega CD adventure game Willy Beamish, what was the name of Willy's trouble-making pet frog?

A. Bugs

B. Dennis Hopper

C. Horny

D. Bud

Question 2: Which of the following was not a place to find a GWAR tick- et piece in Beavis and Butthead on Sega Genesis?

A. The back pocket of Todd's jeans

B. In a Burger World patron's vomit pile C. Under the Army recruiter's confidential documents

D. Off a fallen fat lady at the mall

Question 3: Austin, Texas-based Retro Studios is currently working on Metroid Prime for Nintendo's GameCube. What game did the developer release before this?

A. Grudge Warriors

B. Milo's Astro Lanes

C. Barbie Pet Rescue

D. It hasn't released a game yet

Question 4: What was the first one-on- one fighting game?

A. Capcom's Fighting Street

В. Cinematronics' Warrior

C. Data East's Karate Champ

D. Activision's Boxing

Question 5: Which of the following char- acters was never on the cover of Game Informer?

A. Resident Evil's Barry

B. Editor-In-Chief Andy McNamara

C. Felix The Cat

D. Princess Zelda

Question 6: The trackball was a creative control device from the golden days of

video games, but what was the first arcade game to use this invention?

A. Football

B. Centipede

C. Bowling Alley © D. Crystal Castles

Question 7: Don Bluth, the man behind the cartoon-quality Dragon's Lair laser disc arcade game, worked on many major motion picture animated releases. Which of these did he not have a part in?

A. The Secret of NIHM

B. An American Tail

C. The Aristocats

D. Pete's Dragon

Question 8: Who were the heroes in Konami's legendary NES game, Contra?

A. Ace and Gary from Blue Oyster

B. Lance and Bill from Red Falcon

C. Snake and Eagle from Bloody Wolf

D. Blade and Striker from Odyssey Future

Question 9: In Yu Suzuki's action/RPG epic, Shenmue for the Dreamcast, hero Ryo Hazuki confronts Mad Angels' boss, Terry, in a dramatic turn in the game. The scumbag has taken the beautiful Nozomi hostage and will only let her go on the condition that you cripple which charac- ter?

A. Gui Zhang

B. Master Chen

C. Mark

D. Lan Di

Question 10: As catchy as the name Crash Bandicoot is, the orange marsupial began with a different name. What was it?

A. Red Herring

B. Beuford The Bandicoot

C. Dodo The Dingo

D. Willie The Wombat

Score & Rank



0-1 Ned Flanders

2-3 Poochie Video Game Trivia Answers:




46 Prof. Frink




7-9 Nelson Muntz - 10 Comic Book Guy

а отувевочувазвта ту ZO T


Catching shoppers' eyes is a marketing science in itself espe- cially when you're contending with a sea of PC titles. Companies such as Electronic Arts and Eidos, however, are spearheading a new trend towards DVD-sized boxes that is mak- ing both publishers and retailers quite happy.

These new mini-boxes are the result of a recommendation made in July 2000 by an organization that represents many game retailers, the Interactive Entertainment Merchants Association (IEMA). Based on these recommendations, the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA) suggested this new format to the video game industry after "a great deal of discussion and after receiving and considering comments on a draft standard from a wide array of both IDSA members and non-member publishers," said Carolyn Rauch, the IDSA's Senior Vice President. The IDSA expects this strictly voluntary standard to be adopted by the industry by April of this year including many older titles.

While this format means a better visual presentation for pub- lishers' titles (allowing you to see the whole cover and not just the spine), and therefore more dollars for retailers, what does this mean for us? Virgin Interactive's PR manager Damien Sarrazin says we're already seeing the benefits. "If we didn't change the boxes, our games would probably be available for $30 to $40 [instead of $20]." This is because a company like Virgin doesn't have to spend excess money on printing costs and cardboard inserts. Instead, Virgin has put its instruction manuals on the discs in PDF form (consumers will still be able to send away for a printed version). Sarrazin also tells us the new format is better for the environment because there's less paper to be recycled. Less waste, more space, and cheaper games - everybody wins.


33% of this month's Game Infarcer is unused Loose Talk material

23% of GI editors are moonlighting as mimes on the mean streets of Minneapolis

52% of Matt's soul has turned to the Dark Side. He's becoming a goth

.067% of resumes sent to Gl list experience in making adult films

4% of readers say that the Sly Stallone video game Driven is the reason they bought a next-gen console

DATA FILE | CONTEST | > Now there's a brighter screen COME JOI N for your dark adventures!

Konami of Japan’s new Game

Boy Advance title, Castlevania: TH E J ET SET White Night Concerto, promises

a brighter screen, along with


more vampire hunting. similar to Tokyo in 2024 is filled with mean ба un 1 в 3m j s the first GBA Castlevania. MSS ri EA Bae ee T

Копат! оѓ Атепса Наз уес го streets choked with gangs, dirty Visit the web site dedicated to giving you ВИИИ cops, and sweet grindable rails that E i XR. х Concerto nisal OTTER Deoa Ren act the last word оп how to survive the greatest

NE CUCU takes to hang with the GGs in Sega's НО ЕСН Jet Set Radio Future for Xbox? Earn

I Player challenge in the history of RPG's! Triforce arcade board, which is с / 7 DESEE UNE the right to wear these limited edi-

SS ПВ mates for а tion Jet Set Radio Future buttons # |

easier transition between arcade iei

and home console-based titles. and patches by practicing your 1275 er | 0 Peace lines up and down the sN 1 1 Y i | | |

a Super Smash Bros. Melee- game's vast streets.

Е АЕНА К Send in an entry and c e < * "Www.KINGSFIELD.Agetec.com

characters because of this board. maybe you can

> Sega has announced Shining ЖЕН

Soul for the Game Boy Advance. join the Jet Set. The latest in the Shining series, Soul will feature four-player play and character designs Grand Prize (5)

from Shining Forces' Yoshitaka ' i Tamaki. However, Sega's GBA * Sega's Jet Set Radio Future Xbox game

publisher in America, THQ, says * A set of five limited edition JSRF that it has no plans to bring it pins featuring Beat, Gum, DJ К, over here just yet. Gouji, and Soul

> Nintendo of Japan's Pres- * A limited edition JSRF patch

ident, Hiroshi Yamauchi, has announced his retirement in June. This comes on the heels of Minoru Arakawa, Yamauchi's stepson, leaving his post as head of NOA. It remains to be seen, however, if Yamauchi will actually retire, as he's announced it before.

> Konami has announced a new PlayStation kalorie-buster, Dance Dance Revolution Konamix for April 23. Konamix is a true sequel to the original, and features 50 new songs and three exclusive play modes including а workout mode. Pads of steel!

> Acclaim is continuing its ties with Sega by bringing out Dreamcast titles Ecco the DURUM There Are Two Ways To Enter:

and Headhunter (a Europe-only puto Uo EET (1) Send a POSTCARD with your NAME bined the two, with Headhunter's ADDRESS & TELEPHONE NUMBER t Jack Wade working for a tuna outfit. Okay, maybe not 61$ JSRF ее 724 М. FIRST ST. 4TH FLOOR

ristian is already locked anı loaded to take on what's being MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401

touted as the Counter-Strike ; ad killer. Microprose repeating a (2) Send an EMAIL with your NAME, ADDRESS & Explore more then 40 levels of a

ПОШЕЛ ЛЕК ИЛИИ TELEPHONE NUMBER to: y : subterranean realm lost in time.

LOT ae OUI JSRF@gameinformer.com 7 spring. Be a terrorist or an anti- Arm yourself with magic items capable of

СОЕ ТО ЕЕН Your name will be placed in a pool of valid unleashing massive spells. ШЕ ЕШ entrants for а random drawing to be conducted E

Е ЕЗЕТ on May, 6 2002.

the final boss with no fuss. САМЕ INFORMER'S JSRF OFFICIAL RULES AngelGamer.com has started В т a offering an online rental program B я оди, ее Duplicated entries wil be вади similar to netflix.com's that lets you keep the game till you finish it with no late fees. AngelGamer, however, only spe- cializes in GameCube, PS2, and Xbox games.

to barter if you are a bit short on gold.


agetec .



Name That Game Answer: siem әуео!риАс: вы

re Association.


А decade ago, the video game industry was an entirely different beast than it is today. While console gaming seemed to be on the rise, making drastic leaps and innovations with each passing year, these advance- ments paled in comparison to the heightened technologies of the arcade scene. Although impressive, home gaming was confined by the relatively primitive technical capabilities of the system of the day. Developers had to learn how to manipulate the architecture of the console to better suit their needs constantly working around set parameters and limitations. Evolving was a burdensome process. With coin-operated machines, none of the technologies were shared. Developers designed their own circuit boards based on what they needed. Comparatively, arcade games had the luxury of advancing with each new game release; whereas the only way console titles would move forward was through the inventiveness of the development team. The differences between the mediums were as Clear as day and night. The thought that console gaming would eventually overpower the stand-up machines was a far- fetched thought and little more than a passing dream.

In 1992, the arcade movement continued to gain momentum when Midway (also known as Williams) and two of its brightest designers, Ed Boon and John Tobias, ushered in a controversial, yet incredibly inventive fighting game entitled Mortal Kombat. With pockets overflowing with quarters, gamers flocked to arcades in droves, waiting in hour-long lines only to have their character’s head lopped

off by the reigning local champion; who was knowledge- able in the game’s most coveted secrets, and in all likelihood, hadn't lost a match for six hours running. Unlike the fighting games before it, a knockout wouldn't suffice in the world of Mortal Kombat. The allure that kept gamers coming back was the 1 chance to permanently dispose of the opposition ^. with a trademark tactic called a Fatality. Rather М than simply twisting а neck or putting а gun to an opponent’s head, these maneuvers were graphically violent, and consisted of blood- soaked decapitations, combustion, and even tearing an adversary completely in two. In what seemed like an overnight occurrence, Mortal Kombat became the most popular game on the planet, and the most talked about arcade release since Dragon’s Lair. People couldn’t get enough of it. Media outlets began reporting on its unprece- dented level of violence, and much like the hysteria surrounding the

Beatles, it became a part of

American pop culture. Mortal

Kombat was here to stay.


By this time, the technological gap between the arcades and consoles had begun to shrink. Although not a perfect translation of the original arcade game, Midway (working in unison with Acclaim) managed to port Mortal Kombat onto the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Always protective of its large audience of young children, Nintendo forced Midway to remove all of the blood and alter some of the game's most gruesome Fatalities. Sega embarked on a similar quest, but allowed gamers to view the game in its purest form by inputting a code. The san- itized SNES version didn’t go over well with fans. Reports show that the Genesis release sold roughly four times as many as the SNES Mortal Kombat. The popularity of the game eventually caught the eye of US Senator Joseph Lieberman's chief of staff, Bill Andersen. Apparently, Andersen's nine-year-old son wanted to add the game to his collection, and media reports on the MK's troubling content led Andersen to investigate the title. Wary of the excessive violence within the game, Bill brought Mortal Kombat to Lieberman's attention and it quickly became a national concern. Before long, Sega implemented a ratings board of its own, and a Congressional hearing over the Mortal Kombat controversy led to the institution of the ESRB rating system that has become the industry standard today.

In the following year, Midway answered the demand for a sequel, and Tobias and Boon gave gamers everything they could ever want. Mortal Kombat II was bloodier, more diverse, and even а little lighthearted at times allowing gamers to make peace with their opponent through a new finisher called the Friendship (a feature that was added to appease critics of the series). Again, arcade goers went wild for the action at hand. Acclaim quickly fashioned home translations this time without toning down the violence or gore. Even with the hysteria at an all-time high, Tobias and Boon wanted to take their time with the third installment in the series. Although more complex in its composi-

^ / by а

release of didn't go over as two installments;

tion, the 1995 Mortal Kombat 3 well as the previous which was discourag- ing to all involved, especially considering that New Line Cinema had just released a major motion picture based on the series. The hype surrounding this fighting game titan had definitely faded, but the biggest blow to the series came from the rise of new console machines, primarily the Sony PlayStation.

While arcade games still looked slightly better than home games, the differences were not as dis- tinguishable as before. Instead of dropping a coin for a minute of thrills, gamers were becoming more engrossed with productions that offered real sub- stance. Whether it was the invention of dynamic sto- rytelling or the sheer depth of gameplay offered by early Р5Х hits like Tomb Raider, video game fanatics began to abandon the arcades in favor of the home console experience. The Mortal Kombat franchise received another crippling blow when competing developers began to utilize new polygonal graphic techniques. Mortal Kombat's digitized characters were as real as could be, but compared to fully 3D characters, Midway's technology appeared quite dated. Taking pictures of actors in costumes only allowed for a limited degree of character movement. With 3D graphics, the characters could interact seamlessly, move in multiple directions, and perform hundreds of moves. Once revolutionary, the Mortal Kombat formula was now of little value. For the first time, it seemed that the series had run out of steam.

Faced with stiff competition from ascendant fighting franchises like Tekken and Virtua Fighter, Mortal Kombat finally made the transition to the third dimension in 1998. In an attempt to keep the continuity of the series in tact, Tobias and Boon fashioned the gameplay much like its predecessors. This proved to be a costly maneuver. By this point, gamers wanted something different, and even

though it was completely 3D, Mortal Kombat 4 was just another rehash of the original MK formula. Even with a huge fallout of fans, Midway continued to release new Mortal Kombat updates, and even tried to take the series into the action genre with the exe- crable Mortal Kombat Mythologies: SubZero. None of these ventures fared well. Wounded like a warrior within its digital seams, Mortal Kombat retreated, and ultimately faded into obscurity. By this time, rumors began spreading across the industry that Boon and Tobias had disbanded their partnership. No one knows what happened exactly, but the leg- endary team did in fact break apart. Whether it's a coincidence or not, the death of the Mortal Kombat franchise and the demise of arcade gaming seemed to happen at precisely the same time.

The resurgence of arcade gaming will never happen. That aspect of the industry is but a faint glimmer that continues to grow weaker by the day. After taking a much-needed sabbatical from the action, Ed Boon took a good look at the state of fighting games, viewed what he had done in the past, and ultimately saw an opening that he could exploit. The series may have crashed and burned harder than any before it, and gamers reared on Tekken and Soul Calibur might remain skeptical, but Ed Boon is determined to make Mortal Kombat the king of the fighters once again. His newly assembled development team is wiser, much larger in size, and fueled by vengeance. This fall, Mortal Kombat will make its triumphant return, and a bounty has been placed on every other fighter on the market. Boon is keeping this project under tight wraps, but he granted us the world exclusive on its unveiling. Expect to be blown away. Expect to be showered with blood like never before. Expect to have your per- ception of fighting games forever changed. Mortal Kombat is back and looking better than you could ever imagine. Let the Fatalities begin.






7 Visible damage will be shown on the characters. You may bruise a face, cut a lip, or even knock off a piece of clothing | SCORPION JA Ed Boon breaks down The new fighting system allows players to change martial the design of Deadly arts styles on the fly. Pictured here, Jax leads with a Muay Alliance Thai jab and follows up with a Tang Soo Do uppercut “We have a lot more the series was going and how he wanted the game to £ ж © Я experience than we turn out. "We are putting more emphasis on the 4 7 4 ^ did 10 years ago," single player game, console controllers, and the story comments Boon. element. In comparison to the existing series, Deadly "More so than we did Alliance is an altered reality with less emphasis on y with the first Mortal teleporting, projectiles and other magic spells. Kombat. That's one Instead, we are focusing more on punching, kicking, of the reasons why we are so excited about Mortal weapon fighting, and the strategies involved with Kombat: Deadly Alliance. We are taking everything those mechanics." we've learned in making the first four Mortal Kombats One of the most interesting and unique concepts and applying it to this redesigned fighting engine." that has been implemented into this sequel stems from the traditional character moves. If you look at fae У За ==

This is the first game that Boon and his team have developed exclusively for consoles. It's a different Science than arcade gaming. "[Console development] requires a lot of time and effort to learn," comments Boon. "We've always wanted to release the next Mortal Kombat on all the systems and these three consoles are VERY different from each other."

Take into account the fact that the team is essen- tially working on a brand new game, and you can see why Mortal Kombat hasn't resurfaced yet. Even before beginning the initial design, Boon knew where

Mortal Kombat, and every fighting game for that SCORPION

matter, the characters are actually one-dimensional in design. Even if they are trained in several different fighting styles, they usually rely on just one method. The only game to truly embark on diversifying a char- acter's move set is Tekken. If you are familiar with this series, Lei Wulong can switch between a handful of martial arts styles on the fly. However, controlling these transformations proves to be somewhat cum- bersome and limited in scope. Boon obviously liked


the idea and expanded upon it in Deadly Alliance. Right now, all of the combatants come equipped with a wide variety of fighting tactics. Boon added, "At any time during the match, each fighter will be able to switch between three of his own fighting styles, each with its own stance, punches, kicks, counters, and secret moves. Some fighting styles will involve weapons; some are more offensive-oriented, and some more defensive. It’s the combination of these fighting styles that will define the character's abili- ties. This really opens the door to some cool combos. For instance, you can start a combo while in the ‘Tai Chi’ fighting style, change to ‘Tae Kwon Do’ and finish off the combo in that style. We are very excited about this feature and how it will allow players to create their own custom combo strings." Another innovation that seems to have been absent from most current fighting games is the use


of visible character damage. If you walked over and smacked your friend in the face, you’d leave a mark. It seems silly that every fighting game doesn't include this feature. Other than Art of Fighting and a handful of boxing simulations, this graphical nuance has been completely overlooked. In Deadly Alliance, the flurry of attacks you throw at the opposition will be reflected in real-time. If you punch Sonya in the face, there’s a chance that she may bruise up. More interesting yet, there’s a chance that you may knock a piece of a character's costume clean off. By the end of the fight, you may not even be able to recog- nize the combatants.

Picking up where Mortal Kombat 4 left off, weapon warfare will play a large role in the complex- ity of combat. Keeping with the realistic tone, if you jab a sword into someone, it will turn the tides of the battle. As such, the player who receives the blow will


CYRAX yo са ,

The gameplay stresses the need to use different fighting styles to create custom combo strings

When a character is hit by specific moves, they recoil in a number of ways. A quick combo string may

4 make them dizzy and send EON л them staggering haphaz- т ES

ardly in the wrong direc- SS al à "e Е.

tion. An uppercut may ^ send them flailing wildly. In this picture, SubZero connects with a round- А house, spinning Cyrax РЕ through the air *

The entire environment can be navigated freely. Of course, you may not want to get too close to an edge, as you may get knocked into a pool of acid

begin bleeding and his or her energy will slowly drain. If you continue chopping away, you really won't need to perform a Fatality as they'll already be a bloody mess. Some of the weapons are tied with different fighting styles. Other armaments are hung on arena walls. Characters can counter these attacks by knocking the weapon out of your hand, but it won't be nearly as easy as it was in the previous install- ment. Once again, if a weapon is disposed of and it's in the general vicinity, anyone can pick it up. Not one to alienate the fans, the game will still retain several of the qualities of the original. Boldly speaking, Boon comments, "Of course there are some things we wouldn't dare remove from the game, like Scorpion's spear, but some of the old- fashioned moves are simply not useful in this new 3D fighting engine."



Circle the opposition, then change up your fighting stance and move in for the kill



ж curt QUAN CHI


нннеее вва аав



The Mortal Kombat story ас паз become somewhat convoluted over the last few entries into the series. For Deadly Alliance, the story is being scaled back and centers solely on Shang Tsung and Quan Chi’s quest for immortality. Of course, addi- tional side stories are in place for the remainder of the characters some of which will add and intertwine with the tale at hand. Boon and his team are running the gamut with how the plot will be told. You'll see highly-detailed CG movies, real-time sequences, high- resolution screen renders, and other mediums as well. On the right-hand page, you can see two storyboard illustrations one for Quan Chi, and the other for a new character named Drahmin (the Oni-Tormentor).

In total, Deadly Alliance will boast roughly 20 to 24 playable characters half of which should be entirely new to the series. Along with completely redesigned models of Sonya, Cyrax, Rayden, Kitana, Reptile, Jax, and Scorpion, the team has gone out of its way to create some of the coolest new characters we've seen in quite some time. Blind Kenshi is by far our favorite, and his back-story puts him over even more. It turns

out that The Kenshi was pursuing lost ancestral е knowledge within a labyrinth of catacombs. He soon discovers the forbidden well of souls. In peering into its depths he sees a horde of super-



| Jm

natural spirits flowing into the Outworld. Unable to cope with the vision, his mortal form is forever blinded and his spiritual self is stripped of its innocence. Lost and alone, The Kenshi wanders the depths of the for- bidden place.

On another interesting note, SubZero will be repre- sented in two different ways. Along with the form we know and love, Boon filled us in on an interesting addition to the Lin Kuei roster. "Since the first Mortal Kombat, we've always talked about introducing a female SubZero character and now we actually did. Although, we haven't determined if she is going to be good or evil."

Boon went on to say, "Some of the characters didn't make it in. This is always due to the fact that we don’t have unlimited time to work on the game.

A perfect world would let us put every character

we think of in the game, but then we probably

would never finish the game.” Right now, the

list of characters looks fantastic, but since the gameplay has changed so drastically, picking a fighter you've used a million times in the past should be a completely different experience. Boon told us that projectiles and magic don't play as large of a role in this game. SubZero was the living essence of magic. It'll be interesting to see how they transform his fighting style. The same goes for Rayden. Can he still project lightning, and fly through the air like Superman?

As you've probably noticed by now, Liu Kang has not been mentioned through the entire article. In a surprising turn of events, Liu Kang dies at the begin- ning of the game. Will he rise again? Will his soul live on in another host? You'll have to wait and see!

If you look closely at the in-game screenshots on the previous and later pages, you can see incredible detail has been applied to the character models each consisting of over 6,000 polygons. All of their garments and hair flow with movement and sway in the wind. The lighting for each arena is also displayed on the models realistically. The shadows move across

the floor, and light reflects off of metal objects. When you see the game in action, it will leave you breathless and craving more.



гориво ипи не MuRpEROUS Me X MY T eee Эли OE RUN LO, THAT HE САМ




At this early stage in development, all three versions of the game are identical, and Boon predicts that there will be few differences, other than some subtle graphical alterations. The team has studied each system’s controller closely, and has designed a formula that works well for all three. Boon broke it down for us: "The control scheme is more flexible and elabo- rate. Players will control both 2D and 3D walking with either the directional pad or the analog stick. Attacks will be peformed with the traditional right face buttons. The shoulder buttons will be used for another special attack, blocking, and changing your fighting styles."

Instead of offering a button sequence that initiates throws and counters, the different fighting styles for the characters determines how they fight. "Grappling and

countering is one of the areas where the different fighting

styles will really play a big role," Boon said. "Some fighting styles will be more defensive and will emphasize counters while others will be more offensive and focus

more on aggressive moves. The good players will be able

to use all of a player's fighting styles in combination to take full advantage of a character's abilities. The key will

be to learn which fighting styles are most effective in the

various situations you will find yourself in during the game."



As for the overall design of the game, it will in fact be quite different and fashioned more like Soul Caliber. Boon explains, "Now that we are designing this game for the console systems, we are going to greatly expand on the single player experi- ence. Not only will we have the normal ‘move up the ladder then fight the boss' mode, but also a mission

| Col ie umet" و‎

Scorpion's fighting styles rely heavily on weapons

mode, Test Your Might (from the first Mortal Kombat), Test Your Sight, and a variety of other minigames." For the purist out there, a few of the original MK team had a hand in creating this offering. Dan Forden will once again record an original soundtrack for the

game. Also, word has it that a popular band is record-

ing an original song for Deadly Alliance.

Early sketch work of Goro's Palace


Always one to toy with your emotions, we've saved the best for last. As has been the case for every Mortal Kombat game, the Fatalities will be the moves that everyone is gunning to perform. Rather than regur- gitating tactics that characters have leveled opponents with in the past, all of the Fatalities in Deadly Alliance are completely original. Boon filled us in on one of the gory deaths. "| don't really want to give away any surprises, but | suppose | can tell you that Scorpion's Fatality involves his spear and his opponent’s head. Without spelling out everything for you, let's just say that Scorpion does a good job of pulling off more than just this move." Boon also felt that the variety between the finishing moves had to be scaled back. "People got such a kick out of Mortal Kombat 2’s Friendships and Babalities that we went overboard on Mortal Kombat 3 with more of them and added Anamalities. Mortal Kombat 4 got back to being more serious and dropped the comedic “alities’. In Deadly Alliance the only -ащу" we are planning on keeping are Fatalities. While people have always loved doing Fatalities, | believe the focus on this game will be the com- pletely new play mechanic, new charac- ters and backgrounds, and even the deeper storylines." None of the Fatalities are ready to be shown at this time, but should be up and running by this summer at which time we'll have exclu- sive coverage showing the gore in full effect. Stay tuned!

uma VAT TM тов as sco е Pee ren

By performing specific moves, players will be able to disarm the opposition

In addition to the normal attire, most of the combatants can also wear alternate costumes. Cyrax looks familiar now, but his secondary Bear gives him a dif- ferent appearance altogether

significantly through

> SubZero has aged J * the years


_ и

series. Square’s devotion to innovation can not be questioned. With each passing Final Fantasy title, Square continually raises the bar, setting such a high standard that no developer would dare to compete. While the Final Fantasy series is still considered to be this company’s bread and butter, a new project has emerged and is receiving the lion’s share of Square’s attention

more than any other project in

company history. This imaginative | new game is Kingdom Hearts, а

joint venture between Square Soft and Disney.

Just a few years ago, Capcom and SNK formed an alliance for a handful of arcade fighting games. The Kingdom Hearts amalgamation goes far beyond anything we’ve seen before. Not only will each world be seamlessly united; four never-before-seen Disney charac- ters will make their debut. This is of special interest because these

not only the behind the

he's also the Directot of

Kingdom Hearts


Tetsuya Nomura is creative genius

character designs, £ /

` Square. The plot NES around the tale of

Sora, a 14-year-old boy whose life is changed forever when a storm slams into his island home and he is separated from his two best friends Riku, 14, and the lovely Kairi, 15. After the storm scatters these lifelong com- panions to places unknown, Sora picks himself up and begins the quest to find his friends in a new and mysterious land. Before too long, Sora links up with Court Wizard Donald and Captain Goofy, protectors of the Disney Castle, and learns that these characters are on a mission to find King Mickey. As their journey unfolds, the group dis- Covers the existence of a terrible evil creatures known as the Heartless. Devoid of feeling and hailing from an unknown dimen-

P" | your friends. Of course, you'll have ple:

‘of help.

Over 100 Disney characters will make cameo appearances in Kingdom Hearts, many of which will run at your side. At the same time, however, a slew of Square Soft charac- ters will grace the screen as well. The world itself spans across the entire Disney universe and players will find themselves exploring familiar landscapes from Disney’s finest animated feature films.

Breaking from the turn-based Final Fantasy gameplay model, Kingdom Hearts will feature a real-time engine that allows players to freely navigate their surroundings and engage in intense battles. As a Square property, Kingdom Hearts will undoubtedly exhibit eye- popping graphical displays that not only apply to the detailing in the characters and levels, but also in the story presentation. Set to release in the fall, this title is already shaping up to be one of the most exciting




s ] А г г = г тт у" > Je уу и 5пеу Unaracrers WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE | The star power in Kingdom Hearts far exceeds anything you’ve seen in a game thus far. ә ә The characters you'll be spending the most time with are actually new creations that Clas 5 ве г) g 5 ney

Ill become a part of the ever-expanding Disney universe. As the quest unfolds, over 100 of

Disney's most recognizable characters will cross your path. Among the more notable friends and foes you'll encounter during your time in-game are Winnie the Pooh, Jafar and Genie from Aladdin, Clayton from Tarzan, Hades from Hercules, The Queen of Hearts and the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, and Pluto. Two of heard. Lately, he's Е 5 begun to question the Pier ще h closed world in which endary faces, S е Donald and Goofy, will run

The shape-shifting adver- , saries and evil that have The main character at Sora’s side recently infested the land. ' and link between the through a Much like the Tin Man in | two worlds. Riku is good

The Wizard of Oz, these his lifelong friend, but а characters seek one thing: | when Kairi came into j majority of

a heart. 3 their lives, conflict She moved to Sora the game as

arose between the and Riku's island a М y | two. It would appear | > MUS few years ago and has secondary that they both have > a strong and unyield- E strong feelings for d N - ing will. As much as 2

чения the boys like having

= gi her around, she may ШЙ tear them apart. |

Á А t г" і 7 г 21 Р 4 "1 а #: 1 He's always had а 7 Sooty One Of. Ў y я temper bot all of his Mickey's guardians and As it stands now, the only Square Soft characters tantrums pale їп compar- is the Captain of the Disney army. His new

in the game originate from the Final Fantas; ison to the explosive г ga Е М rage he unleashes when wardrobe is an ornate,

series. Wakka (FF X), Tidus (FF X), Selphie (FF 1 he finds out Mickey has new-age ensemble. Unlike Donald, he

VIII), Squall (from FF VIII, but known as med Mies М actually remembers to E. Leon in this game), Yuffie (FF VII), and Sena Coho wear pants.

of course Cid (FF VII), accompanied sworn protectors of = Disney Castle and his by the oh-so-cute Moogle, will all flashy new attire reflects have screen time in Kingdom this.


This is definitely Squall, but he goes by Leon in the game

So young, and proud | of his flipflops and fanny pack.


1990, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, SQUARE CO., LTD. А Р Developed by SQUARESOFT


kbuster Disney motion | t instances, a film isi

on, you'll quickly

that these lands; е the original story.

periencing key evi

_ the Queen. Within The Little Mermaid, Donald will transform into

an octopus, Goofy will take. shape as a turtle, and Sora’s physique | А9 ithe ee ا‎ i

will change to that of a merman (complete with fins and gills). | сы АШ 4 Ў Е + \ 4

These character alterations are hysterical, especially since the | is confirmed yet, but word ВТ) r M ATES key facial traits and ie y are still represented. Of course, елы о мычыды "S os | A d <9 mG ! most of your time under the sea is spent swimming, but you'll also | the Си from the fims to | #0 = OE ox A 55 Ne

be helping Ariel and her companions Sebastian and Flounder | combat Ursula and her forces. Additionally, you'll trek through

worlds based on The

Lion King, Hercules, Aladdin, Tarzan, and

even The Nightmare

Before Christmas.


When in the jungle world, you can add Tarzan to your roster of supporting characters

EOS TUUS ONERE? Specific scenes and locations from the films are recre-

ated within Kingdom Hearts. “How ever will we pass through this door?"

The production quality at Square Soft is second to none, and all the stops are being pulled out for the animation in Kingdom Hearts. Lip-synched facial move- ments will accompany the spoken dialogue. The characters will also show a variety of facial expressions depending on the situation at hand. Since the game uses a real-time engine, one that can best be described as a conglomeration of the recent Mario and Zelda games, a wide variety of movements had to be created for Sora. As you can see, he can climb on objects such as poles, ladders, and trees; swing on vines; hang off of ledges; swim; walk; run; and also pick up environment objects.

Tarzan!" Owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. and Used by Permission. GAME INFORMER © Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. and Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Developed by SQUARESOFT


ара 8 Sora y In addition to the abundance of exploration, combat will rear

remain locked to the enemy b Y its head at any given point during gameplay. Usually, you'll

for a counterattack \ enter battle against the Heartless - whose appearance changes drastically with each world you enter. More often than not, they attack in groups, clouding the screen with their black hides. Thankfully, you're equipped with the tools needed to take them down. With his magical key at his side, Sora can string together incredible combo sequences, and can call upon magic if he chooses to. All of the combat is presented in real- time, and is tailored similarly to the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. In such, players can lock-on to enemies, perform evasive maneuvers, and counter almost everything that is thrown Sora's way. For boss battles, you'll usually be required to target specific hit zones. Sora's key can be upgraded throughout the course of the adventure, and different spells can also be obtained.

А: А; The boss battles аге both breathtaking

3 A ue s d chail Ў ting charac- Typical Square - a ton of minigames are included in Kingdom Hearts. In this Sometimes the enemies within the given worlds will attack, ere wn E ro up 5

sequence, Tidus challenges Sora to an old-fashioned duel rather than the Heartless you to slay the beast

Magic has always played a role in most of Square Soft's premiere franchises. It won't be as significant in Kingdom Hearts as it is in Final Fantasy, but it will allow players to propel elemental blasts as well as summon creatures onto the battlefield. Instead of res- urrecting Ifrit, the summon creatures are taken straight from the Disney universe. They may seem a little too cute to level the playing field, but you'd be surprised what these characters are capable of. Sora jumps onto the back of Dumbo, who then becomes controllable, and douses the opposition with a trunk

Тне ВЕНУ oka Мизни 15 tul of water. Of equal interest, you'll also have the

just one of many summon creatures luxury of calling upon Simba, Mushu, Bambi, and a | sepe iier

host of additional characters. elemental-based magic attacks

i Е „90 Mars

Much like Final Fantasy, players can summon a number of characters to aid in battle SSS ae хане




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...Just how amazingly

AWESOME this issue of

Game Infarcer is. |

mean, this has been the

most awesome start to

7 what is going to be the ~ most supremely

awesome year ever!! In my third year as Editor-in-Chief of Gl, I’m finally starting to get some respect around the industry as the super-cool stud bait editor of the whole video game business. Like, check this out: The other day | was at a Sintendo press conference, and who do you think 1 talked to? Huh? Who? None other than the best game developer ever, Shiatsu Mimisoda! Who's that, you ask? Well, DOY! He's only the most excellent creator of the Legacy of Zero and Retardio series!! Anyway, after the Q&A session (that stands for “Question and Answer" for you dopes that don't work for magazines), | walked right up to him and had him autograph my special platinum cartridge edition of

QuasarFerret 48 and said, “Hey man, we should totally hang out sometime!” And do you know what he said? Do you? Well, my loser non-game journalist friends, he was totally into the idea and exclaimed, “Yeah, sure. Whatever.” ARE YOU GETTING THIS? Let me repeat: YEAH, SURE. WHATEVER!!! I’m so down with Mimisoda, and all you guys, and my stupid little sister are going to be sooo jealous when we're hangin’ together at next year's E4. Maybe he'll even make Sintendo make me a character in the next Perfect Dork game. Then, ГИ be even cooler than | already am. Sure, like that's possible. Smell ya later, weiners. Oh yeah, check out our new crew of editors. What a bunch of geeks.

[ord Gare dos

Lord Garnadan Editor Liege-Lord of Garnadinia


Shee-oot! | don't know why these dang Yankee crackers hired me to work on they damn fancy-pants maggie-zeen any damn way! Hell, | ain't got all that book-learnin’ and ritin’ Stuff, but | can skin a possum faster'n you can say grits n’ biscuits! Dang viddya games is fer fairies, if'n ya ask me! Makes me hotter'n a two-dollar pistol when my boy's always turning on his Atari when I'm tryin’ to watch Springer on telly-vision. Only game we used to play back when | wuz a young'un was "Creep upon a Sheep"! Now that there's some real fun, | tell ya boy! Fast lil" critters, them sheep. Now, stop pesterin' me, and GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN fer | point my twelve-gauge at yer tight п’ curlies!


The goddess spake wisdom from the cup of eternity, as rain tears collect upon my bosom. Pain hushed limpid languid dew- drops reaped from leopard print curtains. Nevermore to feel, mine eyes reflect the dawning of the night. Absinthe anodyne to those lost ravens - no celestial lawnmower to seal your fate! No more shall we part, looking upon such beautiful crea- tures of scorn. We seek the candy of destiny, fun size prefer- ably. Sad solace, beat thy wings upon the posterior of the moon. In your fleeting gaze, a coven of sorrow. These fragile fields bear no fruit, only blind catacombs envelop my shroud. Anon, bittersweet faeries, your hula hoop ritual of the salted snacks is unending.


1 The United States’ new weapon in the war on terrorism. Beware the killer gophers!!! 2 Myra Lynn, newly engaged to GI's Rudy Lee, poses sweetly for the Game Infarcer camera. 3 Gary Coleman and David Hasslehoff stop by the Game Infarcer offices to promote their new PlainStation 2 game, The Adventures of Stud n’ Spud.


Hey dudez yr mag rocks! you

» guys totally kick ass over

е8 wussy mags like Sintendo Explosion an Hints n' Secrets yo i wanna no Can i com wrok with u dudez i totally luv games and stuff so i wanna get paid to sit arownd and play game all day lik you my mom says i shud go to Skool, but vids are my thing

and i wanna get paid lots of money to play games all day at Gl. : ) anyway lemme no cuz im 15 an im sick skool my teachers ar sucky and the kidz at mi skool r dorks who don't like vids plus i need lots of mony to by more cloths an stuff an skool is for dorks. AssHeadAnnililaterLimpBizkit420 buttface69@hotmail.com

As it happens, we here at Game Infarcer are looking for a new editor, and are pleased that a man of your high intellect is interested in pursu- ing an occupational opportunity with

our humble magazine. Your eloquently worded letter caught the attention of people in high places at our parent company, and they have given us the go-ahead to make you an offer that we hope you will find quite attractive. Sitting around and playing games all day is not something that everyone is capable of doing, but we feel that your obvious skills and qualifications put you at the top of our list of candi- dates. As such, we are authorized to offer you a salary of $500,000 a year, with full benefits, 401(k), profit sharing, and a company car. As we

are sure you probably have many other lucrative propositions on the table, please let us know if this level of compensation will be sufficient, as we will likely be able to make a counter-offer in the instance that a bidding war erupts. Please respond at your earliest possible convenience.

You suck! Jim Walters, Nantucket KY

Nuh-uh! You suck!


As part of America's war on terrorism, Senator Jim Sleezerman (D- CO) and Representative Wright Winge (R-NE) recently introduced the Fictional Safety Initiative Act of 2002 to both houses of Congress. The bill seeks to impose harsh restriction on individuals and organizations that commit or aid terrorism targeted against fic- tional characters.

"The senseless slaughter of America's fictional peo- ple must be put to a stop," commented Sleezerman at a recent press conference. "How many more giant tur- tles and cybernetic alien robots must die before this country wakes up? Although some might have you believe that, because these characters don't actually exist, they don't count. Representative Winge and | believe that all Americans, real or not, have the right to feel safe. In fact, just today | talked with a family of Boopas from Providence, Rhode Island, who just found out that their father was brutally stomped to death by an Italian terrorist. | feel their pain, and | promise them that this will never happen again.”

The bill would invoke stiff prison sentences on those who kill fic- tional characters, with minimum terms starting at 10 years in a fed- eral prison facility. The measure looks like a sure bet to pass Congress, and President Shrub has vowed to sign the bill if it reaches his desk. Later on that day, Sleezerman and Winge voted for an amendment that would ease restrictions on the carrying of concealed handguns, a move Winge termed as “another giant step towards making America a safer place to live.”


Acme Software has just unveiled plans for Super Epic Adventure 2: Infinite Eternity, the sequel to last year’s smash hit Super Epic Adventure. SEA 2 will pick up where its pre- decessor left off, and promises to be longer, have more stuff, look cooler, sound better, and have a host of new minigames. Also planned are a new plot, a few new characters, and cutscenes. “Super Epic Adventure was amazing,” said Acme Head of Marketing Doug Dolarsyn. “And Super Epic Adventure 2 promises to be even more amazinger. Our hope is that consumers will purchase it with money, allowing us to buy more office furniture.”

100% of Game Infarcer editors laughed at what Rudy Lee said at lunch the other day! Hee hee hee! What a cut-up! Oh, wait, you don't work at Gl, do you? Guess you had to be there.





If you Can't hang with the big dogs, go sit on the por because if you're not the lead dog, the view never changes. Also, if you can't pee on a fire hydrant, you better go poop at the Post Office. Think you're a bootylicious dogsled champ? Well, you ain't a frozen huskie turd compared to Doug Swingley, the fourtime Iditerod champ who has teamed with Smacktivision and Neverhard to bring the action/sports genre to the next level. You think pulling а 900° Christ Air is a chore? Well, try getting a team of malamutes to pull a Backside Reverse Indy Crotch Sniffer! Yeah!






NONE OF Y'ALL SUCKAS SHALL PASS Str8 from da slumz of middie earth, it's that crazy

crunk magic man Street Mage. When he's not cappin' on fools, pullin’ out his magic missiles on suckas, and marinatin’ in the Shizzy (that's the Shire, for all y'all haters). Street Mage breaks down the 411 on the story behind the king skinny pimp of the wizard bidness, elevatin’ your mind with the saga of how our boy lost that bling bling ring, then got it back from them Hobbit shorties with the quickness, and then had that damn thing melted down and turned into a nice set of platinum teeth. Now that's ill, almost as ill as the way Street Mage's turn-based battle system takes it to the house with ill combos that let you merge dope ass magic missile attacks with straight up AKs and Tech 9s. Yo the streetz is watching, and so far our mans on the down low at D&D-O-Double-G dropped some jewels about the game's plot, which takes Mage-Hova from BX all the way to New Jersey where he has to bust down some bootlegaz that's been running underground craps games with loaded 12-sided die







s the most knowledgeable A gamer on this pathetic Muggle

planet, I've been following the Poopimon series since 1982, when y Sintendo released a series of Purse Critter (the original Japanese name for Poopîmon, you heathen!) LCD watch games that were only available in the jungles of Papua New Guinea and 1 certain cities in Uzbekistan. Anyway, I'm | sure you trend-hoppers only just heard about these games when they got all commercialized, so | won't attempt to frazzle your feeble minds with the complex hierarchy of the Poopimon universe any further. Besides, I'm saving it for my Cultural Studies Master's thesis, which | hope to complete after nearly 10 years of painstaking research. Suffice it to say that Poopimon Plaid, while containing the exact same levels, gameplay, character, and battle system as every other Poopimon title, manages to totally reinvent the series by giving our hero, Sooty, a new plaid baseball cap! Genius! Of course, the plaid hat is all part of Poopimon's Byzantine semiotic system, which embraces elements of Shinto, Buddhism, and Star Trek, but | won't go into that, since you could never understand anyway. How | pity you. - JOSHUA




here to tell you that Rapid Return is the bestest game ever, even better than that funny

feeling | get when | climb the rope in gym class! Omigod-god-GOD! Mega's new Stick Shading technology makes this game look so cool, like a flipbook come to life! It's so cool that | totally can’t stop playing it. | love video games and this is the best опе ever!! | hope | never stop playing cool games like this. My Mom says I'm getting to “that age" where l'm going to stop loving games so much and start liking gross girls, but that will never happen to Garnadan. Just because | have new hairs in some places doesn't mean that I'm going to be all gross and kissing girls and stuff. No way! | never worry about that, even though 1 did have a weird dream last week about this yucky girl Cindy in my homeroom and Mom was mad because she had to do an extra load of laundry, but that doesn’t mean | don't still love games, because | do. Really. Goony the Gopher is the best, way cooler than that dork Cindy. - LORD GARNADAN

| "m sure you all know how super cool Mega's Goony the Gopher games are, but | am




# Concept: The exact same game as Poopimon Brown, Poopimon Green, Poopimon Orange, Poopimon Fuchsia, and Poopimon Burnt Umber, with new hats!

m Graphics: Features all new hat renders!

m Sound: New digitized voices provide commentary on the hats!

m Playability: The old levels and battle moves are even more fun with hats!

m Entertainment: Better than Cats! Or the Cat in the Hat! Or the 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins!

п Replay Value: Moderately Medium


What in the Sam Hill is a Poopimon? Looks like a goktum

Concept: Wow, it's cool!

m Graphics: Whoa!

W Sound: Omigod!

а Playability: Super amazing!

п Entertainment: Golly gee willikers!

п Replay Value: Higher Than High!

| unspeakable terror. Centuries | pass as | flail aimlessly on the | rock of my own despair. Naked | [end alone; пу sel wand. | | through a deserted Applebee's, | | with по buffalo wings to feed | 1 |

Manufacturer: All The Angels In Heaven

Website: www.geocities.com/garnadanand- cindysittinginatreek-I-s-s-I-n-g.html

List Price: Priceless

Hey GI readers, this is your favorite superstar video game editor Lord Garnadan, and I'm writing this because | have this friend who likes this girl whose name is Cindy. Anyway, my friend really likes Cindy a lot but he’s kind of scared to talk to her even though he has a really cool job and is probably like the best video game player ever and even works for a magazine and makes lots of money and is friends with Shiatsu Mimisoda and stuff. Of course, my friend didn’t want me to use his name, because he’s so shy. Anyway, sometimes my friend fanta- sizes about him and Cindy living together in Hawaii and having a bunch of cats that could run around the beach and he would even let Cindy touch his Star Wars figures collection (which is, like, probably the best in the world, except for George Lucas’) and even | his rare white Ewok baby | stuffed animal. Sigh. Cindy's eyes are like little | diamonds.


ша у.

Manufacturer: Interstate 72

Website: What the hell’re you talkin’ about, boy?

List Price: Free

Now, you high falutin’ Yankees might be used to eatin’ all them gor-may foods like Hamburger Helper and Chef Boyardee raviolis, but folks down in my neck o' the woods got ourselves a hot little dish we like to call roadkill. If you ain't never ate a three-day old raccoon that's been fermentin' fer three days on a lonely stretch a' asphalt, well then you ain't never ate, boy. Hell, my momma used to make the best dang Squirrel stew in all of Eugene Parish! Now, if you might be so kind as to GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN before I pull out ol' trusty and blow you a new cakehole, you dang sissy!!!

MEGA CONTROL Manufacturer: Mad Dogz

Website: www.maddogzgottaeat.com

List Price: $1999.99

Everyone and their kitty cat are going to be jones’n for the MegaUltraHand, Mad Dogz latest and great- est controller sensation. Weighing in at 74 Ibs. and compatible with the Sintendo GameSphere, Phony PlainStation 2, and Macrohard XXXbox, this puppy features four analog sticks (plus one stick button), four d-pads, 16 face buttons, a two by three-inch = ч

full color LCD screen and four lights that serve absolutely no purpose at all. Also, a port in the back can be used to play Lame Boy Advance cartridges or to store matchbooks and spare change. Oops! We almost forgot about the Swiss Army knife on the side, complete with fish scaler and toothpick. Awesome!!




As the puck moves across the screen,

Oranges are high in vitamin C, and have been shown to reduce the risk of some forms of cancer

) First, a guy made Puck, then a guy made Dot-

Man and a lot of people liked it and there was even a song about it. Then video games start- ed to suck and no one bought them and all the companies went out of business. So, then Sintendo made the SES system and Super

Retardio Bros. was cool and everyone thought video games were cool again. Then Mega made the Revelation and that was awesome and everyone played hockey. But then, Sintendo made the Super Sintendo and Donkey Dong Country was rad and everyone bought that. After that, the Phony PlainStation came out and it was even

better than any system before and it was really popular with people. Then the PlainStation 2 came out which was better, so no one bought the Mega Dreamblast and Mega lost money. Finally, the Macrohard released the XXXbox and Sintendo came out with the GameSphere and everyone lived happily ever after.

The End.

Blind people did not buy the Super Sintendo in record numbers

estimate its trajec- tory. Then, turn the paddle left or right to move your cursor to a position where it will intersect with the puck's trajectory. Upon making contact with the puck, the puck will change direction, moving towards your opponent. NOTE: Be aware! If your opponent makes contact with the puck, it will be deflected back in your direction. Now, repeat this process until you win.






Asa Бате that is starting to create some sizable anticipation ripples in the gaming community, Stuntman is gaining momentum by the week. Authored by the same team who brought us Driver and Driver 2, Reflections Interactive is now looking to inject gamers into the persona of a rookie stuntman trying to break into the bigtime. The game will open with your charac- ter taking on increasingly difficult (and lucrative) driving assignments in various films. You'll need to pay your dues in a couple of low-budget indie flicks before moving onto the greener pastures of the major studios, though.

The career of this particular stuntman will take place in five different locales London, Switzerland, Monaco, Louisiana, and Bangkok. Each of these areas will be bursting with features, so don't think that you're going to be slamming through all of them in one day. To suc- cessfully finish a movie to the director's liking takes a lot of skill and a little bit of luck. The films themselves will be clever distortions of actual releases. Toothless in Wapping, a comedy set in London, takes cues from Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. An action release dubbed A Whoopin' and a Hollerin', set in Louisiana, has definite Smokey and the Bandits themes woven into it; while Blood Oath, another action film, set in Bankok, is obviously inspired by various John Woo creations. Crossing genre lines, you'll be asked to drive in political thrillers such as Conspiracy, set in the Swiss Alps; and The Scarab of Lost Souls, an Indiana Jones piece which takes place in Cairo. As the piece de resistance, a 007-inspired secret agent film, Live Twice for Tomorrow, will call on every wit of

driving ability you've been able to garner throughout the £ame so far. Each of the aforementioned movies will require you to complete a number of different takes within a certain time limit. If you're successful, you'll be given access to a preview trailer which incorporates parts of your best driving run into the footage.

Aside from the career mode, there will be plenty of extras to keep you busy. Filmography, basically a way to replay levels you've conquered, will allow you to improve your score on courses that may have gotten the better of you. Your score is calculated at the end of each scene you drive, and is a combination of your daily pay, how accurate your run was, and how much time you have left on the clock when your run is over. Good scores will unlock a number of goodies within the stunt arena level of the game. In the stunt arena you'll be able to work on your skills in front of a crowd, and even set up your own track of death-defying tricks and features with a stunt construction mode. There is also the obligatory training mode, which will help you hone your skills for the demanding driving sessions you'll be faced with later in the game.

From the look of these shots, Stuntman will be visually astounding as well. Featuring dynamic lighting effects and an engine that will suck every last bit of processing power out of Sony's latest console, this is not a game that will lack visual flare. Steel will be crunched, glass will be shattered, and a whole lot of particle animations are on the way as well. We're as excited as you to get our hands on this one. Hopefully, we'll have it in-hand before too long and as usual, you'll be the first to hear about it.



à This little vehicle may be slow, but it’s maneuverable!

This man is staring danger right in the grill "Die. evil tires!"

The arena will house some incredible stunt opportunities

Expansive environments are around ever corner



On February 19, vivendi universal and Bits Studios finally pulled away the curtain on the top secret Die Hard project they've kept under wraps for the last few years. Of much interest, Die Hard: Vendetta is not a video game remake of the established motion-picture trilogy. The story is a straight-up sequel that takes place just a few years after Die Hard: Vengeance. As history has shown, John McClane is a magnet for trouble. He should probably retire and move on to more luxurious things like daily golf outings and Monday night poker, but he insists on making the world a better place. However, he may rethink his future after this tale comes to a close. Hitting a little too close to home, John’s daughter Lucy has just graduated from the police academy and is on her way to following in her father's footsteps in more ways than one, actually. The son of Hans Gruber, John's European adversary from the first film, has his eye on Lucy, and revenge is his intention. So, for the fourth time running, John is thrust into a do or die conflict.

The development of Die Hard: Vendetta has been underway for quite some time, and Bits Studios is doing everything in its power to make the game just as explosive as the films. Rather than follow Fox Interactive's lead of making the game a medley of different genres, Vendetta is a straight-up first-person shooter. Through 12 massive missions, the focus of gameplay constantly changes and emphasizes such tactics as stealth, sabotage, and full-on shootouts. Much like the recently released James Bond title, Agent Under Fire, each level will

2 Health | Armour Ñ 028 | 000

ing out of the rear, man! Out of the rear of all places! Help me out. dude! Just kill me! Please! Oh Lord it hurts!!!"

unfold through a number of objectives, parameters and bonus assignments. Bits Studios boasts that Vendetta will feature state-of-the-art artificial intelligence for its enemies and slow-motion, Matrixstyle effects, much like Max Payne. With a wide variety of weapons, players can target specific enemy limbs, use explosives to clear out rooms, and crush adversaries using objects within the environment. The John Woo aspect of wielding two weapons at once is also part of the picture.

Along with timely in-game cinematics, the plot will be expressed through CG movies and mission updates. McClane's good friend, Chief Al Powell, will be on hand to lend assistance when needed. Even better yet, the story focuses heavily on Lucy. When John is tied up, players will take over as her persona.

Of course, what would a next-generation shooter be without multiplayer? Bits Studios is cranking away on a bevy of modes and exclusive multiplayer maps for two to four-player skirmishes. Right now, GameCube's future looks extremely promising. From Metroid to Zelda, Mario to Die Hard, big-name franchises are being thrown around left and right. A solid release date has not been set, but the game will make its formal debut at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo and should be on retail shelves before the end of the year.

Health | Armour } 100 000

081 081

When trekking through New York's subways, night-vision is a must





ame. If you're spotted, it's lights out

“This looks like a nice place...to blow ир!!!"


With limb-specific hit zones in place, enemy soldiers will react differently, depending on where they are shot




© [x P

7 ` Health


“This bum has a big-screen TV, a nice sofa, and a case of beer. | wanna be homeless, too!”

Don't hide in the shadows for too long. Some of the = аге accompanied by guard dogs who will sniff you out




The year 2002 vii prove to be exciting for many steadfast Tomb Raider fans. Eidos knows that you can't go for more than a few months at a time without another fix of your favorite jiggly, gun-toting sanctuary striker, so it's put Core to the task, and we'll hopefully see the fruits of their labors sooner rather than later. Until that fateful day arrives, bask in the glory of these brand- spanking new screenshots. From what we've seen of Lara's nextgen offering, the design team will be staying very close to the tried and true gameplay formula that made this series such an enormous success in the first place. It seems as though many of the characters and environments will have that familiar Tomb Raider look to them, but taken to the next level with the power of this generation's consoles. Through the years, Tomb Raider has accomplished what many of its followers have attempted time and time again: the definition of a genre. With its innovative controls and a charismatic heroine, the titles bearing the Raider moniker have etched out a slice of the action/adventure market all their own. As a frequently referenced play-style (i.e. "this game has a Tomb Raider-esque concept"), Lara and company have a lot to live up to. Will this next addition to the steadily growing library of releases be able to satiate the desires of a markedly more particular and critical audience without alienating its core gamer base? We have a feeling it will exceed everyone's expectations, and bring even more into the Eidos fold. In another impressive move for the Lara-based dynasty, the sequel to the first motion picture is in production. Unprecedented perhaps, but not all that surprising considering the success of the first effort. We were worried about this follow-up for а number of reasons: First, how would this affect the games? Would the game- bound Croft-meister be contorted to look more like Angelina Jolie? Would the games be more focused around the plot of the movies than an original story? Thankfully we can breath a sigh of relief neither of these possibilities will come to fruition. In fact, the development team has spent a good deal of time making Lara Croft look more like the art we've all seen, rather than a bunch of polygons thrown together with guns and boobs. If this is any indicator of how much more visually impressive TNG will be than its predecessors, Lara's model alone will have a 1000% increase in polygon count up to roughly 3,500. If one character has been brought up to that level, we can only imagine what environments and enemies we haven't seen yet look like. Pretty friggin’ awesome, we'd be willing to wager. Although there's no definite time on when we'll see this game on shelves, Christmas might be a good target to shoot for if you're in a gambling state of mind.



На \ АЛ Ж ка

Puzzle-solving elements will be back with a vengeance

d ec


Look at all of the polygons. people!

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ights reserved. MIDWAY and the Midwayllogos are tradem; jway Games West Inc. Used by permission. Distributed und

trademarks of Nintendo. "PlayStation'


часу © 1998 - 2000 Midway Games West Inc. All.ri

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Violence A

—, PlayStation.2


The big boys square off

* га = - Astaroth looks in control, but he's leaving a very

vulnerable spot open right now




What can We say about this series that hasn't already been said? Probably nothing, but we can certainly echo past sentiments. The first console game in the franchise, Soul Blade on PSX, was easy to dismiss as Tekken with weapons at first glance. Once you played it, though, the intricacies in the gameplay quickly became apparent. The replay-filled Edge Master mode sent you on a mission-based quest to find new weapons and secret characters. We can't forget the CG intro, which was the best of its time.

The sequel, Soul Calibur, was a launch title for Sega's Dreamcast, and still stands as one of the console's true killer apps. Its graphics reigned as king of the fighting game hill for an unprecedented length of time, the motion-captured demonstrations were unbelievably realistic, and the addition of parries really broadened defensive capabilities.

Soul Calibur 2 has been a long time coming, and we couldn't be more excited. With promises of versions on all three of the next-gen platforms, everyone will be able to get in on Namco's melee action. Details are at a minimum, but we couldn't resist showing these incredible new screens. You can be sure to see an updated roster, new story (who will wield the Soul Edge this time?), and plenty more particle-filled eye candy. We're not even sure on the release date yet, but know this: when Soul Calibur 2 comes out, you're gonna want it.

د We hope Sophitia's new 'do happened from a sword‏ strike, and not on purpose‏

SSS Oh, Eve. So hot. Want to touch the heinie. Aroo!

Hwang is at a definite reach disadvantage here


p dg ви? WHISKY




It’s been while since we visited with the man they similar to Time Crisis and Extermination, and seems to be

call Jack Slade, and his gun-toting exploits. When games far behind Metal Gear Solid 2; but this game's graphics

stay undercover this long, we begin to worry for their future, weren't what initially impressed us anyway. Being the multi-

but Namco has just been working meticulously (i.e. slowly) to faceted individuals we are, it was the action-packed blend of

make this extant game the best it can be. As proof, we've gunplay and martial arts that tickled our fancy. At last year's

been granted a few more snapshots of Slade in action, as ЕЗ, it appeared to have much in common with Max Payne

he busts caps and kicks craps. containing John Woo diving, Matrixstyle bullettime

Amazingly, the artistic style of Dead to Rights seems sequences but with a little more hand-to-hand than

entirely reworked. Jack is now more properly dressed for the Rockstar's successful title.

job, and even the interface has changed. Different doesn't These new screens take place in two very different stages. я

necessarily mean better, ti as DTR's look is very The first is a construction yard, which acts as a tutorial. Yes, ` it gets you acquainted with aiding your enemies їп weigl loss by removing large masses of flesh with your ammunition. But it also teaches DTR’s intricacies like disarming, lock-picking, and taking captives to be your human shield. The targeting is a dream, but we prefer point- blank headshots over pistols from 30 paces.

The other level a nightclub stage shows that, even unarmed, Slade ain't goin' out like that. With thugs all around him, Slade sends them screaming home to mommy with lethal kicks, punches, and a few throws. We're hoping for an appropriate techno beat to accompany this environment.

Dead to Rights is still a ways away from release on PS2 and Xbox. By that time, you'll have hopefully mastered Metal Gear and drained Max Payne, and be salivating for the next big thing in action/adventure. Here it is, big shooter.

Y e


my fashionable eyes!"


= ma Witness the power of Das Boot






The nineties were not kind to ос man of Steel, who watched his popularity wither in the face of a new, darker breed of comic book heroes like Spawn and Preacher. The Superman franchise reached its nadir in 1992, when DC, frantic to revive interest in the sagging property, took the desperate measure of actually killing off the erstwhile Clark Kent. Of course, this “death” only lasted for about a year, but it was clear that most comic fans had lost interest in the character's wholesome heroics. Then, in 1998, the ultimate Kryptonite kick to Superman's crotch was delivered in the form of an absolutely horrible Titus-published Superman game for the Nintendo 64.

Following the tragic events of September 11th, Americans seem to have redeveloped a taste for old-fashioned apple-pie values, and patriotic heroes like Superman and Captain America are once again in the limelight. All this bodes well for Infogrames, the new caretaker of the Man of Steel's video game heritage. We might be a little apprehensive at seeing the classic American hero in the hands of yet another Freni company, but hey, they did give us the Statue of Liberty. In partnership with upstart developer Circus Freak, Infogrames

seeks to restore the luster of the franchise with two totally original Superman titles Superman: The Man of Steel for the Xbox and Superman: The Shadow of Apokolips for the PlayStation 2. While information on the PS2 title is scarce, we were able to secure these impressive screenshots and some key gameplay and storyline details for the Xbox title.

Superman: The Man of Steel's plot traces the return of Braniac 13, who has come back to reclaim his futuristic technology from Lex Luthor, who has had free run of Metropolis’ criminal underworld in his absence. This clash of supervillains has put life in Superman's hometown at a standstill, and now the Last Son of Krypton is the only one that can put things right.

In terms of gameplay, the Xbox Superman is an action game through-and-though, and features an intuitive combat system that incorporates everything from punches and kicks to a host of superpower attacks. Most of the game takes place high above the city, so flying skills will also be key as you battle hoards of Brainiac's robotic minions. In addition to Brainiac 43 and Luthor, other familiar baddies from the Superman universe, like Mongul, Metallo, and the Cyborg, will also be on hand to cause our hero a planet- sized headache.

As you can observe from these screens, the developers are using the power of the Xbox to create a striking visual package, and have constructed a fully- modeled cityscape that is as detailed as any we have seen so far. The characters are equally as intricate, and have been created in the spirit of the comic series’ signature visual style. Even better, Infogrames has promised us that this game contains absolutely no “flying through rings” sequences. Rejoice!


Superman doesn't like it when you shoot lasers at buildings. Somebody's going to get a spanking!

The Metropolis skyline is as detailed as can be, and looks absolutely gorgeous on the Xbox




Few could argue na Interplay currently has a stranglehold over the PC role-playing market. That's what happens when you produce epic title after epic title for a number of consecutive years. We admit it we're hopelessly addicted to the brilliant gameplay formulas developed for

both the Icewind Dale adventures and

the Baldur's Gate series. We thought

we had seen the absolute pinnacle

of what the Infinity Engine could

muster with the release of

the Throne of Bhaal

expansion, but we were

wrong. Not only will Icewind

Dale II incorporate numerous

winning gameplay elements from

its cousins, but it will usher in the use

of D&D Third Edition rules for the first

time in a game of this magnitude. Not a bad

way to build a sequel, is it?

We know the question burning in all of your minds: Will you be able to import your character from the first Icewind? The answer, unfortunately, is no. Now that you've picked up the magazine after throwing it across the room, and taken a time-out after hearing that disappointing news, let us explain why. This Icewind incarnation will take place one generation later than the events of its progenitor. Thus, both newbies and veteran players like us can jump right in and feel like they are a part of the story. There will be a flock of references to prior events, locations, and people, but for the most part it's going to be brand spanking new except for the characters who make cameo appearances, of course.

As mentioned earlier, the Third Edition rules are coming home to roost with this release. That means we're going to have to bid a fond farewell to THACØ and negative AC. True, these elements were confusing to some and baffling to many, but those who understood them, loved them. Will the Third Edition detract from the overall experience of the game? We thoroughly doubt it. In fact, you might not even


notice it, what with the introduction of new character kits like the Mercenary, Dreadmaster of Bane, and Votary. Not only are the kits expanded, but you'll now be able to choose between a number of subraces such as Drow or Tieflings. On top of this, over 50 new spells are being added, bringing the grand total to well over 300. Oh, and did we mention new ninth-evel spells? Impressive, indeed. Black Isle is also promising a heaping helping of gameplay hours. Many people were disappointed with Heart of Winter's skimpy play- length (which is why Trials of the Luremaster was released), but that is a mistake Icewind Dale II will not make. Also increased is the number of onscreen enemies, and how difficult it will be to eliminate them. Heart of Fury mode is back for those who are gluttons for punishment, but some incredible weapons of never-before-seen power will be in store for those who can survive. This all sounds incredible, but we're sure it'll play even better. Game Informer will bring you more updates as we get th: but until then, mark May 28 down as the day you'll lose control of your free time.

“Like a bridge over troubled water, | will beat you down.”

This is Mage Cou

These giants won't fall easily





If there's one thing wong with the world, it's the fact that there aren't enough games featuring transformable robots that have to save the planet. Luckily, Majesco has noted this gaping hole in the fabric of humanity, and decided to fill it the best way it knows how. Enter: Gun Metal. Being touted early as a game that will put real-life explosions to shame, this is a title that puts you in control of a ten-meter- tall mecha, which houses the capability to transform into a fighter jet on command.

You see, YOU are your army's last hope. As you run, jetpack, or fly over a vast array of environments; you'll need to call on every last round in your extensive arsenal to vanquish your foes. Each level you enter will be fully interactive, allowing you to crunch rocks, knock down trees, rip chunks of twisted metal and concrete out of buildings, and burn entire areas to the ground. Twenty-five different missions await your discovery, each filled with enemy units ranging from tiny foot soldiers to enormous citadels. The intelligence your unit is fed during the heat of battle will be essential to the survival of your forces as they make one last stand for freedom. There's even a minigame where you get to kill deer as you enter a forest level. Okay, we made that up, but we know Ted would love it if there was.

“Гуе got good tone... Firing!!"






From Software's tireless devotion to the Armored Core series is second to none. With two PlayStation 2 sequels already in the bag, From has taken a step back and redesigned a good portion of the game. Along with a host of innovations, this installment is the first with four-player support complete with two-on-two team battles and free-for-alls. For those of you who thrive off i-Link play, four PS2s can be connected, and get this: a fifth link and monitor can be installed for spectators who want to watch the action unfold. This will also be the first Armored Core with Dolby Surround Pro Logic Il support. 4 ] ta Agetec is quite pleased with the progress the game is making and hopes to have it on FT retail shelves this summer.


If the funds are available, you can employ AC units as backup...



..and give them orders mid-mission

Гу AAS | v^ NS ER

Exceed Orbit is a new unit function that allows players ng parts that free up AC weight

ADDITIONAL FEATURES Rather than just adding new parts to the mix, From Software has essentially started from scratch. All the customizable equipment is being redesigned or changed, a completely new unit function (Exceed Orbit) is in place, and a never- before-seen part is implemented as well. When your weapons run out of ammo, you'll now be able to drop them on the battlefield and pick up a different firearm. The most exciting addition to this installment is the option of employing ACs or MTs as backup, or for lack of better terminology, wingmen who will fight at your side.


When a weapon runs out of ammo, you can

drop it, and pick up other firearms to equip пом


All the parts have been completely redesigned or changed




The original Summoner was a tale of depth, drama and surprises. The combat system was both engaging and formidable. It also contained vast landscapes that were not only large in scope, but also provided hours upon hours of sidequests. Oh yeah, Summoner was a PlayStation 2 launch title. That it managed to stand tall above the rest wasn't just due to the inferior competition, but was also an indication of how much developer Volition had already mastered the platform.

Now Volition is returning with its work cut out for it, especially considering the RPG competition. The sequel’s story is just as engaging and deep as the first, only this time a new summoner has been found. Unlike Joseph from the original, the Queen of Halassar has been aware of her powers from the beginning they are why her people revere her as a goddess. She is not without her enemies, however. Urath forces are amassing at your borders and other, far-more sinister forces are at work behind the scenes. Similar to the first installment, you'll find yourself drawn into a detailed world where the plot moves to-and- fro with ease, revealing numerous sidequests along the way. In fact, an appearance by Joseph himself hasn't been ruled out.

The real-time party system returns and brings all of its combos and customizable skills back to the forefront. This time around, however, your party has expanded to include a maximum of eight characters, and allows you to control as many as three of them at a time. But perhaps the best thing of all is that Volition now has the ability to squeeze even more out of the console. If there was a problem with the first Summoner, it was that graphics had to sometimes be sacrificed for the good of the story's size. This is no more. Draw distance has been greatly improved, and calling оп your spells and summons, such as the Blood Juggernaut, is impressive. The RPG field on the PlayStation 2 has received a vast int quality since the release of the first of this series, but we think that it will once again stand above the masses.

- " и "

ded to include eight, although the real-time сатаве continues

Заа Parties have been с autiful eyes and swords that go on for miles"

Summoner 2 boasts 30-some |; d а story that just won't quit Battle sounds have been madi






Somebody should hand silicon knights an award for redefining video game development. If our assessments are correct, Eternal Darkness could quite possibly have the longest development cycle in the history of gaming. How long has Silicon Knights been laboring away at this title? It seems like a decade, and if Nintendo continues to delay it, this could actually be the case. As it stands now, Nintendo has Eternal Darkness billed as a June 24 release - the same day as the wireless Wave Bird controller.

At last year’s E3, Eternal Darkness looked as though it could run on a Nintendo 64 (without the Expansion Рак). Recently, however, the game has finally begun to take shape, and actually looks quite nice. The perception across the industry is that the gameplay will be similar to Konami's Silent Hill. This really isn’t true, however. Yes, there are a number of door and key puzzles, but the combat is more along the lines of an action/RPG, and get this, you'll actually be able to lock-on and dismember specific enemy limbs. Nintendo boasts that the quest will offer over 60 hours of gameplay, not including alternate paths. All the more intriguing, the story spans across 20 centuries, and instead of warping to different eras, players will assume control of 13 playable characters.

Eternal Darkness sounds like one heck of a game, but the question remains: Will we actually have the chance to play it?

Eternal Darkness offers a unique targeting system that enables the dismembering of specific body parts




soku®, the Defender

Power Power: Raise your anger 2 levels at the end of any




Kids these days know all about wheeling and

dealing with decks of cards and it ain't because of any crusty Kenny Rogers song or their moms’ Richard Simmons diet plan. Phenomenons like Dragon Ball 7 offer card-based battle games as another outlet not only for their fandom, but also their strategic minds. Based off of other popular card games like Magic: The Gathering, this DBZ card game is a perfect fit for a generation of tykes addicted to fighting Cell on the small screen and now the even smaller screen of their Game Boy Advance.

DBZ: Collectible Card Game is patterned after the actual card sets of the same name, and replicates the look and rules perfectly. It encompasses the Saiyan, Frieza, Trunks and Android sagas of the show, and contains over 300 cards - including ones that are not found anywhere else. Throw in a special collectible card for the real game and the ability to link up and play or trade with your friends, and you've got gold.

There are three ways to win, but it's not nearly as easy as that. You must outlast your opponent by draining his/her Life Deck (Survival Victory), collect all seven Earth or Namek Dragon Ball cards, or build up your Main Personality card to the highest level. Mastering the Tokui-Waza combat styles, defending successfully, using allies, and managing your anger level in order to achieve higher, stronger levels are just as

important as in the card game itself. Players will battle it out, unlocking new characters along the way, until you earn the

right to face off against

Cell. Have no idea what's &oing on? You'd better get cracking with the card game before some nine-year-old kid throws your Red

; Implosion Lunge back in your face and laughs.



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The world's been screaming for a nextgen Dragon Ball Z game, and it's here sort of. The Game Boy Advance isn't everyone's first choice for the video game return of the series, but it's what's up first. Still, developer Webfoot has worked closely with Toei Animation in Japan to make sure that it fits this console's bill. Legacy of Goku draws from the Saiyan, Namek, and Frieza Sagas, and starts out as Goku's half-brother, Raditz, steals little Gohan. From here you'll roughly follow the TV series" storyline, as you travel to Namek in search of the Dragon Balls and encounter more than 75 characters including a confrontation with Frieza. Sidequests will be littered throughout the game's large maps. In fact, your first of such missions finding Master Roshi's collection of girlie mags - is a good indication of how closely the game echoes the show's strange sense of humor. Plus, the game had to go through such a rigorous approval process, even the hand animation for Goku's Ki Blasts had to pass muster. Legacy's combat is in real-time, lending the title an action feel that offsets its RPG aspects. The combat can be frustrating at times, but it demands you level-up constantly and keep an eye on your inventory of herbs and Senzu Beans. However, it won't be long before you learn to assault bosses with the Solar Flare and Kamehameha. Goku also has limited flying abilities, and can heal himself between battles. Legacy of Goku attempts to meld these two gaming styles into a combo that will appeal to both fans of the series, as well as the average gamer. This GBA Dragon Ball Z game steps away from being a fighting game like the DBZ vids before it, and in doing so, might have enough depth to tide starved fans over until the end of the year when Infogrames starts hitting the big consoles.


Goku's combat is real-time, Legend of Zelda style Goku hates his twice-daily eye drop medication


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Ps a 4 FROM THE CREATORS dF оооу ROAR‘ 1, 2 AND 3—


\ Ё IBJECOXOJDY ROAR Battle it out as 16 unique fighters— Fight to the finish in 2-Player head-to-head

h with an alternate Hyper-beast n T ip пп WA | di the gauntlet through узан ad Pieri ach ecd Їр R || M А IL ЈЕ (0) RW Шш Te Single-Player modes.



Blood Suggestive Themes

Violence HUDSON



© 2002 Hudson Soft / © Eighting 2002 АЦ rights reserved. Published and distributed by Activision, inc. and its affiliates under license. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc. and its activision.com affiliates, Licensed by Nintendo. Nintendo, Nintendo Game Cube and the Official Seal are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2001 Nintendo. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners,




Rebellion, the developer who brought us the PC hit Aliens Vs. Predator, are now reanimating the most vindictive, brutal, and feared British anti-hero to ever grace the comic book scene. The law will be upheld in two completely different games. The PC version will be a traditional first-person shooter, while third-person Max Payne-styled gameplay is planned for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox incarnations. Development is still early, yet Rebellion was nice enough to give us a sneak peek. All three versions should be available in early 2003. An interesting side note: Shoreline Entertainment is currently shooting two new Judge Dredd movies back-to-back.



Drawing on the success of the PC version, Eidos has decided to spread the love to the console troopers as well. Slated for a spring release on both systems, Commandos attempts to inject gamers into historically accurate battle situations which took place in World War Il. Team-based combat (similar to that evidenced in the Fallout series), mixed with high suspense and intense action, is part of what has made Commandos 2 one of the most successful titles of this genre. Twelve missions taking place over 10 environments; including Paris, Saxony, the South China Sea, and the Solomon Islands; will be sure to dazzle even the most jaded war-gamers.



The creative masterminds at Cunning Developments have studied the light-gun market, and concluded that most of the games within this genre are way too short, falling under the traditional arcade formula. Endgame is compatible with almost every light-gun peripheral on the market, and is actually quite lengthy in size. Along with 20 different locations, players can also compete in a 10-mission "game within a game" training mode, where the main character, Jade, perfects her skills in her favorite coin-op, Mighty Joe Jupiter. For those of you who enjoy John Woo films, you can wield dual pistols and completely obliterate the destructible environments. Published by Empire Interactive, Endgame should be available sometime this spring.


In this, Ubi Soft's first venture into the topsy-turvy world of GameCube role-playing games, Evolution Worlds will feature turn-based combat as it follows the grand adventure of heroes Mag and Linear. Hailing from the first two Evolution titles which were so popular on the Dreamcast, these unlikely protagonists are out to stop the evil warriors of the Eighth Empire from gaining the last magical piece of Evolutia - a substance which could change the course of history. Along with their friends Chain Gun, Pepper Spray, and their butler Gre Nade; Mag and Linear must race against time to save civiliazation! Get ready to fire this one up on your GameCube sometime this fall.




L 8 T

Activision handled the publishing for the first Nightmare Creatures release, then Konami bravely stepped forward to ensure gamers could get their fix with a sequel. This time around, Ubi Soft is handling this Kalisto Entertainment production where players assume the identity of a young 19th-century lass who "accidentally" stumbles upon a world of trouble in Prague. Neither Ubi Soft nor Kalisto would comment on which platforms the title is being developed for, but our moles within the industry believe it will grace the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and PC in the second quarter of 2003. It's a ways off yet, but should be well worth the wait.



If you are not a fan of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, you might as well paint a big “L” on your forehead because you're a loser. Without a doubt, The Fellowship of the Ring was the best film of 2001; perhaps the best film in recent memory. Electronic Arts' video game translation of the movie is beginning to take shape, and if this Cave Troll image. is any indication of the detail that will accompany the journey, look out! It's going to be huge! Stylized as an action/adventure title with a complex tactical combat system, the game centers on the exploits о Gimli, Aragorn, and Legolas. The remainder of the Fellowship, while not playable, will have an active role in this quest as well.


This May, Titus is out to show us that the “F” in F1 can stand for “Fun!". As an arcade racer with high-speed straightaways and hairpin turns, Downforce will showcase some of the most spectacular crashes you've seen this side of a driver's ed program in rural Mississippi. With 14 playable vehicles (four unlockable), 21 different routes through eight locations (Las Vegas and Hong Kong to name a couple), seven game modes, three difficulty modes, and a TV-style replay for all of those great smashes, there's no wonder why this game will include a crash helmet in the box. Okay, it won't - but it should.



Don't you wish you could carry your PlayStation 2 around with you so you could play Spy Hunter whenever you wanted? Well, your wish is Midway's command, and on June 3, your favorite game featuring a really crazy boat-car will be hitting the shelves. Here's an idea: you could play this game while in a moving vehicle, thereby doubling the feeling of whizzing down roads and assorted waterways. Just don't do that while you're driving - that's what picking your nose is for.

( XBOX ) —- те

As Chase Coronado, a skilled and cunning stunt driver, you must maneuver а number of different vehicles to achieve various mission-based objectives through five movie sets and one training mission. As you might expect from the game's title; play will revolve around your character chasing after certain things, and being pursued by others. Does that sound crazy enough for you, your Majesties? Being developed by a South African based team dubbed Hmagine, Chase will likely arrive on US shelves this fall.



Our crack (ог crackhead, we can never decide which) review team rates games їп а number of categories to help you sort out the great from the stuff you hate. Each game is reviewed by at least two staff members, and you will find both their opinions on each review. To make things a little easier we have put together some definitions of what the numbers mean, what the reviewers are like (so you can find the reviewer most like yourself), what we look for in a game, and also a cheat sheet so the newbies can understand our advanced video game jargon. Read on and soon you will

be talking FPS and FMV with the best of them.


Game Informer's rating system ranges from O to 10, and is simi- lar to school grading. 7 is aver- age, 9 and above is exemplary work, 5 and below is a failure. Aside from concept, entertain- ment, graphics, playability, sound, and replay value (all explained to the right), other factors that influ- ence a game's final score are how much game you get for your money and how all the game's elements come together.

ТО - Perfection. One of the best games of all time, if not THE best game of all time. This game has no flaws, and thus this rating is rarely given out.



9 Worth owning. Fans of the genre should definitely enjoy this game, but even those who don't normally like this type of game may find themselves getting hooked.

8 - Worth playing. Still a great game, but arguably so. It may not be the best ever, but there’s enough to keep your fingers wrapped around the controller for some time.

7 - Worth renting. Unless you're a fledgling gamer, you've probably seen everything this game has to

Е f


What new ideas the game brings to the table and how well old ideas are presented.

GRAPHICS How good a game looks, taking into account any flaws such as bad colli- sion or pop-up.


Does the game's music and sound effects get you involved or do they make you resolve to always play with the volume down?


Basically, the controller to human interface. The less you think about the hunk of plastic in your hands, the better the playability.


Flat out, just how fun the game is to play. The most important factor in rating a game.


The longevity of the title.

* High You'll still be popping this game in five years from now.

* Moderately High Good for a long while, but the thrills won't last forever.

е Moderate Good for a few months. |


When Andy's not yelling at a game for “rippin’

Handle: The Game Hombre Expertise: RPGs, Action/Platform, Driving, First-Person Shooters Interests: The Newcastle England Bar Scene, Nyquil, Indie Rock, Night Train Dislikes: Budget Cuts, Inexcusably Crappy | Star Wars Games, The Lack Of Bookcases Around The Office Current Favorite Games: Advance Wars, Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2, EverQuest: Shadows of

him off," he plays drums in Minneapolis indie rock band, Unbelievable Jolly Machine. A longtime fan of Metroid, Andy has been reviewing video games professionally since the days of the 8-bit NES. While a big sports fan in real life, Andy isn't the first to line up for sports titles, but is always willing to put in the extra hours to play a good RPG or strategy game.

Luclin, Stuntman


Handle: The Raging Gamer Expertise: RPGs, Fighting, Action/Platform, Sports Interests: Comic Books, DVD Movies, Wu- Tang's Clever "Tie Your Shoes" Song, The Power To Destroy Someone's Life Dislikes: Ben Affleck Being Cast As Daredevil, Mint Skittles, Nintendo's Endless Game Delays Current Favorite Games: All-Star Baseball 2003, Kingdom Hearts, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

Reiner considers himself the biggest Star Wars fan in the world. Along with his impressive collection of Star Wars action figures, he has seen the trilogy 553 times. A fan of all game types, role- playing games are his strong suit. In his six years as a professional gamer, Reiner has achieved the impossible. Penetrating the pixel boundary, he not only plays games, he's in one, and can be shot daily in the epic N64 release, Perfect Dark.

While record collecting, watching reality

Handle: The Original Gamer Expertise:

Racing, Puzzle, Action/Adventure Interests: Philip Pullmans’ His Dark Materials Novels, The Bernie Mac Show, Krautrock, Investing,

Being Disappointed By Highly-Touted Xbox Games, Not Having A New Gl Editor, My Girlfriend's Cat Current Favorite Games: Maximo, Knockout Kings 2002, State Of

Wu-Tang's Inspiring Return To Form Dislikes:

television, and playing video games might. sound like a state of retarded adolescence, Matt manages to scrap together an almost meaningful existence out of these activities. His encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture is either amazing or annoying, depending on how close your desk is to his. Less esoteric than his colleagues, Matt prefers traditional action and platform games.



Handle: The Game Dawg Expertise: RPGs, Strategy, Sports Interests: The 20th Anniversary Edition Tron DVD, IPOs, Bob Costas, The US Curling Team Dislikes: McLeod USA, Papa John's Pizza, Yellow Cars, Cell Phones Ringing In Movie Theaters Current Favorite Games: Baldur's Gate: Throne Of Bhaal, Madden NFL 2002 (Xbox),

Kristian enjoys opening a can of whoop-ass on his buddies at the ping pong table, then running off to the driving range for a lesson in humility and anger management. The original text-driven Zork started Kristian on the gaming road; Ultima 6, NES Baseball, and Zelda made sure he stayed. Still an avid RPG fan, he can always find time to pound out a good sports game.

Hot Shots Golf 3


Handle: The Digital Deviant Expertise: Action/Platform, Fighting, RPGs Interests: Second-Rope Uber Drivers, Cardio, Boxing

With The Taijiri Kick, Gym Patrons Who Lift

Editors, GWAR Blood Dislikes: Stiffing People

Unlike most gaming jabronis, Justin knows there's life outside video vegetation. He moonlights as wrestler Justin Lee in the Minnesota independent scene, where he violently bonds with other sweaty males a

offer before. Still, just checking it or a few times through. x т practice that just gets blank stares when E ou p ied [4 « Moderately Low After finishing it Wrong, Waiters Who Take Forever To Bring The attempted on other 6! reviewers. Though г your weekend. ща | Е! , Check, PostGWAR Mess Current Favorite the youngest on staff, Justin's tastes are | 6 Limited appeal. There are there's not much reason to give it a Games: Super Mario World: Super Mario highly old-school, and he plays 16-bit always a f le that will fall Second go. Advance 2, Max Payne (Xbox), Final Fantasy Х, classics as often as he plugs into the Ё ys a few people that will fal es А Tactics Ogre: Knight Of Lodis latest titles. Î in love with a game of this caliber, ° Low You'll quit playing before you А but for the most part, those play- complete the game.

ing it will be yearning for some- thing more.

5 & BELOW - Garbage. From

this point down, it's just a matter

of how much of a failure the game is. The lower the score, the more

you're hating life for playing it.



Content suitable for persons ages З and older.

Content suitable for persons ages 6 and older.

Content suitable for persons ages 13 and older.

Content suitable МА for persons ages 17 and older.

Content suitable. опу for adults.

Product is. [ae] seve

Handle: The Game Katana Expertise: Sports, Action/Adventure, Action/Platform Interests: Anoraks, Oracleofbacon.org, Eating The Best Pizza In The World While In England (Up The Street From The Finsbury Park Tube Stop) Dislikes: Drew Carey, Not Hating The Strokes, The Word Extreme (And The Band) Current Favorite Games: RalliSport Challenge, Hot Shots Golf 3, Gitaroo Man, Star Wars: Rogue Leader, World Tour Soccer 2002

When not buying copious amounts of records, Kato can be found exercising good taste, feeding the goats, and trying in vain to update his wardrobe into the 21st century. Like other young men of his generation, he quickly found out that the one true real world application of good grades was the free arcade tokens that were given out at as reward. With allegiance to none, he takes on every game with an equal eye.


For our newer readers, here is a glossary of

terms and acronyms that commonly appear in

the magazine. Video game veterans should

move along (these aren't the droids you are

looking for).

action A term we use for games like Zone of the Enders and Gauntlet

adventure A term we use for games like Myst and Escape From Monkey Island

Al Artificial Intelligence. Usually used to. refer to how well the computer reacts to a human opponent

board А term we use for games like Jeopardy! and Mario Party

CG Computer-Generated graphics

DC Sega Dreamcast

ЕЗ - Electronic Entertainment Expo. The world's largest convention for video games

fighting A term we use for games like Street Fighter and Dead or Alive

FMV - Full Motion Video. Usually refers to an animated CG cutscene

foxy bird A good looking woman

FPS Frames Per Second, How many. animation frames happen in one second. Also used to denote FirstPerson Shooters like Doom, GoldenEye, & Unreal Tournament

framerate The frames of animation used to create the illusion of movement

frontend - A game's menus and options

GB - Game Boy

GBA - Game Boy Advance

GBC - Game Boy Color

GC - GameCube

isometric Threequarters top down view, like StarCraft or Red Alert 2

ISP = Internet Service Provider. The company that provides you with access to the Internet.

Jaggies - Graphical lines that are jagged when they should be straight

LAN Local Area Network. Connecting computers or consoles together within a small space to allow communication between them. Provides fast, simultaneous. gameplay

minigame - А small, simple game within a larger one

motion-capture Using human models and infrared cameras to record movement for game animation. Also mocap

N64 - Nintendo 64

NES - Nintendo Entertainment System

platform A term we use for games like Super Mario and Crash Bandicoot

pop-up - When onscreen objects, usually distant, suddenly appear

PS2 - Sony PlayStation 2

PS-X - Sony PlayStation

puzzle A term we use for games like Tetris апа Chu Chu Rocket

racing A term we use for games like Gran ‘Turismo and Mario Kart

RPG Role-Playing Game. A game that involves character improvement through collecting and spending points. A term we use for games like Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior

56 - Sega Genesis

shooter A term we use for games like Mars Matrix and Gradius

‘SNES - Super Nintendo Entertainment System

sports A term we use for games like Madden NFL

55 - Sega Saturn

strategy - A term we use for games like Command & Conquer and Fallout Tactics.

‘third-party Something made for a console by a company other than the console manufacturer


Nintendo may be going back to the Mario Bros. archives with its new Game Boy Advance blockbuster, but a decade later, the plumber is still smelling like a rose. Super Mario World's origi- nal incarnation represented the best of SNES, and platforming as a whole. Its non-linear layout is legendary, its gameplay vari- ety is mind-blowing, and who doesn't love Yoshi? Now, on GBA, it's even better. Believe that, and read all about it. Page 86



“If you're of age and look- ing to let off a little stress with a good old-fashioned imaginary killing spree,

I say go for it.”

This doesn’t look promising

“See! They shoot better when you hold ‘em sideways.”

Make fun of his pants at your own risk





months, or have no interest in video games at all,

you've probably caught wind of some of the contro- versy surrounding this game. Upon the announcement of State of Emergency last year, the mainstream press decried the game's level of violence, and pointed out that its themes of urban unrest bore an uncomfortable resemblance to the Seattle WTO riots of 1999. After spending a good deal of time with SOE, we can safely say that these charges are totally false. The plot, in which you and the other members of the political resistance group, Freedom, riot against an oppressive corporation that has taken control of society, is essentially just a silly little collection of B-movie clichés. It's good fun, but it's no more edgy or political than any early- "805 sci-fi slasher you might see on late-night cable. If anything, it feels like a tacked-on afterthought, albeit a light- hearted and sometimes-amusing afterthought.

Strip away all the hype, and State of Emergency reveals itself to be more of a throwback to classic arcade shoot-em- ups like Berserk and Smash TV, than a cinematic epic like Grand Theft Auto Ill. It's all about running and gunning, and SOE ratchets up the pace of the gameplay to frantic levels that its predecessors could have only imagined. With the number of onscreen characters approaching 250 at certain times, you'll be amazed at how alive this game feels. It's quite a technical achievement, and VIS should be com-

U nless you've been living under a rock for the past few

mended for pulling it off with a minimum of visual glitches.

While | was taken with SOE's Zen-like simplicity and devotion to sheer action above all else, | also feel that this game isn't quite the masterpiece it could have been. A better targeting system would have been a welcome addition, and having to constantly manually adjust the camera can become bothersome at times. Also, | think a two-player cooperative mode would have gone a long way toward adding some depth to a game that can sometimes feel a bit repetitive. The single-player Revolution mode has a ton of missions to complete, but most of them are of the simple "escort" or "demolition" variety. | preferred the Last Clone Standing mode, which dispenses with any semblance of purpose or plot and lets you concentrate on creating havoc with a plethora of armaments. Despite these reserva- tions, | must recommend that you give State of Emergency a chance. In my mind, it's the perfect “break” game, for when you just want to run amok in a digital environment for an hour or so before going back to playing something more involved. It's also perfectly suited for passing around during all-night dorm parties, and | expect that it will find a large college audience. As a note to parents, | must stress that this an extremely violent game, and most definitely not for young children. However, if you're of age and looking to let off a little stress with a good old-fashioned imaginary killing spree, | say go for it. - MATT


SUV owners fight for their right to pollute the planet with huge, ugly gas guzzlers

Running from the fashion ро!


m Concept: An update of classic arcade hits like Smash TV, with Rockstar attitude and a violent mean streak

Graphics: | didn't think the PS2 could handle this many characters onscreen at once

# Sound: Humorous voice-overs help, but the soundtrack is strangely generic by Rockstar standards

m Playability: Runnin’ and gunnin’ ain’t too difficult, but a targeting system would have been nice

п Entertainment: Sneak a case of beer into your dorm room, throw on some tunes, and you'll be in meathead heaven

п Replay Value: Moderately High


Without question, State of

| Emergency is the most highly | anticipated game of the spring, and one of the most controver- sial releases to ever grace the | video game scene. Does it live. | up to the lofty expectations? In | terms of nonstop violence and | shocking content, it certainly does. Bodies burn, blood flies, and hundreds of hapless

| citizens run for their lives. It's | gory. It’s glorious. The visuals | will amaze you, yet | have a

| feeling that the graphical showcase Is the only aspect you'll truly enjoy. The combat. system is very generic and too

| ately entertaining, but it’s far

| from inventive and doesn’t really have much depth. When you

| truly break it down, State of | Emergency із just another street brawler that can best be | | described as a 3D Final Fight or | urban Dynasty Warriors. | Amusing, yes. Revolutionary, no. | | REINER -8 E а n




looked fantas- tic, but Jedi Starfighter outperforms it

with ease.”

Two players can team up cooperatively, or battle it out against one another in a number of Versus modes

EJ n

"| am Count Dooku...The most horribly named Star Wars character since Jar Jar.


White playing as Adi Gallia, players сап propel a number of Force-based attacks



felt a great disturbance in the Force...As though millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced, | fear something terrible has happened." This timeless quote spoke volumes in the film, but also lends itself nicely as a tagline to the assortment of Episode | games. With Racer being the lone exception as a praiseworthy release, most gamers feel that the gaggle of Episode | software should be tossed into a trash compactor. With the arrival of Episode Il, LucasArts has a chance to redeem itself, but if Jedi Starfighter is any indication, | fear the same mistakes are already in motion.

Flaunting the Episode Il property is one thing, but sacrificing the integrity of a respected series is another beast altogether. Granted, the original Starfighter was founded on the Episode | license, but if you truly break apart the composition of this product, it really has nothing to do with the film in any shape or form. None of the characters within the game were represented on the big screen, yet for some reason, they came across as the heroes who saved the day. What about the gungans, Obi-Wan, and Padme? Call me a stickler if you want, but | firmly believe in continuity, not milking the cow for all it's worth. With the sequel, Jedi Starfighter, LucasArts has fastened itself tightly to Episode II and has once again based the story around the events that unfold within the motion picture. As | tried to digest the confusing plot, | rolled my eyes whenever Jango Fett would

make a cameo. I'm shocked that LucasArts didn't attach a streamer that said "Come see Attack of the Clones on

May 16!" to the back of Slave |. The Episode Il stuff doesn't really have a place in this game, but to its benefit, it doesn’t dominate the entire story (it's primarily on the side).

As far as the visual presentation is concerned, LucasArts uses the same bag of tricks as before. Other than a few effects, this is an exact graphical replica of the first title. After seeing the visual splendor within Rogue Leader, traversing back to an archaic engine that isn't nearly as luxurious or finely polished is a difficult thing. Jedi Starfighter doesn't look bad, per se, but it's definitely a generation behind.

Without question, the development team really outdid itself with the gameplay package. The variety between missions, overall difficulty curve, and control schematic are all right where you'd want them to be. Rogue Leader looked fantastic, but Jedi Starfighter outperforms it with ease. Along with the ability to propel Force attacks at enemies, and slow down the game with heightened Jedi reflexes, more emphasis has been put onto the zoom-sniping and wingmen commands. You can also play the game cooperatively through two-player split-screen if you desire.

Jedi Starfighter excels in a number of ways, but is in dire need of a graphical facelift. Still, Star Wars fans should be quite pleased with how this one turned out. - REINER


T of craft, including a TIE Fighter, Episode II's Slave I!

Within one of the missions, you'll need to escort an army of clone troopers to safety

m Concept: A straight-up sequel with a handful of Episode II tie-ins

m Graphics: Rogue Leader raised the bar, but LucasArts didn't answer the call. Decent, but severely dated by comparison

Sound: Vast amounts of spoken dialogue with several of Johnny Williams' greatest hits on the side

в Playability: Excellent. The Force powers are seamlessly combined with the existing formula, and the missions are just as diverse as before

п Entertainment: The cooperative play, head- to-head modes, and multitude of secrets should keep Star Wars fans thoroughly engrossed

п Replay Value: Moderate


Since I haven't read all the plot ‘spoilers for Episode Il, my | perspective while playing this title was less caught up in the hype of | ‘Star Wars, and more focused оп | the gaming itself. Jedi Starfighter | j mantes great controls with frantic | corbat ike you'd expect | but I was a little disappointed in | the new Force Powers for Adi. Sure, lightning is cool, but 1 wish ‘that using them had demanded a ‘experience

| |

| d i

the system's life, І expect more. | | I'm a huge Star Wars fan, but this | | game only stands on Its own two | feet - and that's ай. | | KATO - 8



“Suffice it to say that Clap Hanz has turned this franchise around іп a spectacular

п manner.

Unlockable wallpapers, like this one, ble for purchase

give you а

Sony's website м password to input here







here are few things in life that give me as much joy as T a well hit drive when I’m out on the course.

Unfortunately for me, that's a feeling that comes around twice, maybe three times a year if I'm lucky. After being escorted off of four different courses for wrapping my clubs around assorted shrubbery, I've decided to invest all of my time into the pursuit of digital precision, instead of the manual, outdoorsy kind. Luckily for me, and that oak tree on the ninth hole of the Hiawatha public course, Hot Shots Golf 3 has arrived.

It wouldn't be doing this game justice to compare it to its most recent predecessor we might as well be comparing the Who with and without Keith Moon - they're just too different. Suffice it to say that Clap Hanz has turned this franchise around in a spectacular manner. The second edition to the Hot Shots dynasty was a bit of a disappointment, and it looks like the Clap-sters have taken what works from the first one, dumped what didn’t from the second, then added a whole lot of sweet, sweet gameplay to the third.

The play mechanics are basically the same as you remember them - the three-click swing is still in place, but assorted distance meters have been added around the display, which make shot estimation much easier than before. Additionally, there are now more ways to judge the length of your hits. For example, if you've laid up close to the hole, you're able to change the maximum strength of your

next stroke to 15 yards, thereby ensuring you won't get crazy and boom the ball a mile over the flag. It's play improvements like this that make HSG3 such a great sequel.

Of course, that's not the only thing that'll put rows in your corn. The sheer amount of unlockable goodies to explore and uncover is enough to give you a not-so-resh feeling just thinking about it. | won't get into all the details when it comes to what exactly is in there you don't want me to ruin it for you, do you? | will tell you this: Hot Shots Golf 3 has one of the best ideas I've ever seen implemented to increase replayability. Sony has set up a website, www.hotshotsgolf3.scea.com, where players will be able to register their scores for participation in Internet tournaments. How sweet is that? Now we'll all see if our bark is as good as our bite.

The only qualm | have with the game is the sometimes inconsistent camera work when it comes to seeing your ball through different obstacles. A transparency feature would have done away with that little problem, but now I'm just being picky. This is a fantastic game get off your can and 50 get it before that fat guy across the street beats you to the store. KRISTIAN




Listing Total tane | Съм? ond aon 4 Gon Б jen M Lifetime Overall Performance.

96 by Score -B(e4 Кет» о 30:10 В Abatross ° 192 О Е 0 ooy Е Birdie 15410x C

29455 В Раг 17 47.2х D

FanmyHt 92.8% Booey 3| взх MERHHEEHESE Par pace | 03.8% баю 1 2.7 х НИИ

vere 12 + о ох ния

Goodinpact 35.8% B Overall AlostTherel С

D-nad to с ynlanatian All your stats are closely tracked

тє % 36 Grah

ox мании: ox шишиши 4

No. of Rounds 2 Best Score Highest Points Longest Putt

$1Chip:In Best Drive


m Concept: Put your golfing skills to the test while trying to unlock a ton of characters, courses, items and difficulty levels

W Graphics: The gorgeous courses are just the beginning of a long list of things that impressed me in this catagory

п Sound: Interesting for a little while, but ultimately expendable

п Playability: If you can master the three- click swing, you're on the way to golfing nirvana

п Entertainment: | defy you to play this game for less than an hour per sitting

W Replay Value: High


As that old NFL Films voice | says: "The autumn wind is like | a pirate..." You may cringe asl | compare golf to football, but | you've never been on the Bagpipe Classic while a stiff 6 m.p.h. wind laughs in your face. | As | pull back my upgraded club, | nail the three-button | meter in all the right places and | think I've just landed my ball | between a trio of bunkers. Then, | watch as the wind takes | my shot and buries it in the sand like a cat turd. As John Daly would say, “I need a | drink.” Such is the frustration, and the incredible fun of Hot | Shots Golf 3. It gives you just | about everything you could | think of to aid your judgement. | How your ball lays on the grass | is just as important as putting the right shape on it. The | greatest thing about the title is | the real-time particle grid on the green that shows you its | contours. Throw in all the unlockable goodies, and this Hot Shots goes some way to шне cor of te |

KATO - 8.5

maybe put your hand in some bowls of spaghetti masquerading as brains or something, but it’s definitely somewhat of a passive experience on your part. All you have to do is walk. While | wouldn't go so far as to say that Fatal Frame is just a big

W еуе all been to that county fair/high school haunted house. You walk through,

show that doesn’t require much from you, | think you know where I'm going with this review.

The game's problem isn't that you're a girl walking around a haunted mansion with a camera. No, Fatal Frame does manage to overcome this clichéd Story by simply making you proceed through the title on one big wave of fear. This is done through pacing, and by using different noise filters to produce a Silent Hillesque shroud around things at certain key points. Other tricks such as using black and white graphics, and a story touching on Shinto sacrifice and dead children also help. The sound, however, is probably the game's biggest asset. This includes everything from the weight of a shifting door to cacophonies of ghastly voices.

The problem is that when Fatal Frame goes back to reality (i.e. said clichéd story), it can't keep you on that knife-edge of expectation because of the gameplay. Although you can upgrade your camera, enemy battles merely consist of snapping pictures of ghosts. Add to this the fact that your interaction with environments is minimal, and this valuable aspect of any video game becomes mundane in comparison with some of the thrills you've experienced. - KATO

t one of the graphical tricks up Fatal Frame's sleeve

Surprises lurk around every corner and down every hallway


The Paparazzi catch Christina Ricci first thing in the morning

tures the world-renowned Stigmata Singers. Good seats still available



Concept: Go for the scare, but will you stay for the gameplay?

Graphics: The use of noise filters, black and white, and other effects produces a tense atmosphere at all the right times

# Sound: Half of the scariness, as well as coolness of the game, is due to its awesome sound

и Playability: The simple controls betray the lack of thrilling gameplay

W Entertainment: Fatal Frame delivers the Spooks, but leaves out the rest

п Replay Value: Moderately Low


1 won't even pretend to understand Fatal Frame's bizarre plot, which weaves a macabre tale of obscure

Japanese novelists, otherworldly |

| specters, and ritualistic torture. However, even as I scratched my head over the obtuse storyline, and yawned at the strangely repetitive combat

| system, 1 had to admit that

| Fatal Frame does have its own

| odd charm. The developers.

| made great use of ambient

| sounds, and the numerous

| cutscenes utilize the grainy,

washed-out look of High-8

handheld camera stock, much

| like the long-forgotten PS-X point-and-clicker Juggernaut.

| Yet, there was definitely

| something missing from Fatal

| Frame. In the end, all the scary

| atmosphere їп the world can’t

| distract you from the fact that

| It's just another Easter egg

| hunt, which offers little more to do than scrounge around in the dark for the key or clue you need to open the next in an

| endless series of locked doors.

| MATT - 7 |






hat may seem like a brilliant idea in the design process

doesn’t always transition seamlessly into the structure of a game. If you were to break down every little aspect of Herdy Gerdy, you'd walk away with the impression that this was a genre-defining game,

and one of the most inventive development ventures in recent memory. However, when you actually play it, you'll see that it tries to be defiant and innovative, yet is actually little more than a sub-par action game that can be confusing and overly frustrating.

With an inconsistent framerate, a difficult camera system, and asinine gameplay Strategies, you can clearly see where Herdy Gerdy has its shortcomings. Some of the puzzles are interesting, but the bulk of play centers around leading creatures into traps. Rather than having complete control of the action, you must rely on the animal Al as well. Of course, they never go where you want them to.

Herdy Gerdy is similar in composition to Lemmings and the Oddworld titles, but lacks the gameplay fundamentals: that made those games so compelling. In the end, the watercolor texturing is the only portion of this release that is redeemable. Unfortunately, you can’t hang a game on the wall to admire. Gorgeous, yet incredibly light on gameplay. ~ REINER



Concept: Herd wild creatures to safety through Lemmings-esque puzzles

m Graphics: Unlike most cel-shaded games, this one has a distinct cartoon feel that doesn't look superimposed

I Sound: The soundtrack is decent. but the voiceovers are painful and longwinded

и Playability: The entire gameplay design is very unique, but also poorly executed. The controls are too loose and the puzzles are obnoxious

п Entertainment: True to life, herding doesn't prove to be the most. exciting of affairs

Replay Value: Moderately Low


This is one of those games that

Т hate giving a bad score. The developers obviously put a lot

of time and effort into creating | Herdy Gerdy's unique concept and pretty, watercolor visuals. Unfortunately, this came at the expense of perfecting more crucial facets of the engine like | the camera system and framerate. As it stands, it's an

| action/platformer without

much action or platforming, and | the herding elements aren't

deep enough to be compelling

in their own right.

MAIT - 6.






} i) x9 Ё " e 10




he major problem with THE BOTTOM LINE reaHife boxing is thatit reen

seldom lives up tothe | P hype. The highest-touted Y fights end up lasting a few 5 scant minutes, champions

are afraid to take on real competition, and controversy

and sour grapes abound. | и Concept: feel the same way about Keep your gloves up and Knockout Kings. It's not bad, come out fighting but is this really supposed {O0 gg Graphics: be the best boxing in video Detailed models and arenas, games? but shoddy collision

| expected realistic и Sound: fisticuffs with some great Trademark EA hip-hop and features, including an in- good play-by-play, depth career mode. What | considering the speed of the got was a decent punching bouts game, but little else. The m Playability: boxer creator was paltry at Punching is brilliant.

Defense isn't

best, and training was

nonexistent. Once the в Entertainment:

fighters squared off, punches Knockout Kings has some were exchanged in satisfying good moves, but only holds

the title due to a lack of

fashion. The variety of jabs, competition

hooks, and special shots are solid, but | think the defense ж Replay Value: is lacking. As nice as the Ne visuals are, collision problems prevent you from feeling the pain. This is evident when watching

knockdown replays where the SECOND OPINION

knocker barely touches the Knockout Kings 2002's knockee. | revamped fighting engine Matt's continued elation ae oer Cu ee na over this series makes me Eus ыгы Sel inda think he's been hit in the | few campy fantasy fighters adds head a few times too many some entertainment value to the

(thanks, Steve Kent). | realize Ж However, I was you сап only do so much with disappointed that the indepth two guys in oversized gloves, ane ое аы but I think there should be | the console champ.

more replay and immersion Ae than this. - JUSTIN МАП ез





BOE: BETTER OFF EXTINCT SECOND OPINION A determined man fights for oly both sides of the spectrum, Batman. | went from | | the love of a knifetime

disliking the lack of depth in EOE, to enjoying all the | Чыл has sue kor L] брок же j, but doesn’ . lot much to look at, an

extras, to getting fed up with the control flaws; all in | Combos and Legacy Drives | bad cerra ta see it with

the span of one sitting! А : | sound good on paper, but are 4

EOE's story is a weird one. It starts with a big | rendered joyless due to EOE's | 8 Sona: А ái h bioengineering corporation whose secret goal is global | horrible camera. | guess this Relatively interesting techno

ducc Er À # makes reading the instruction vibe, and moderately cool

domination big deal, right? Well, the oddity stems from | i са я voice-overs their secret weapon, which actually contains the soul ofa | (io gara ad a ара id омуна human girl more specifically the main character's girlfriend. | ) KATO - 6 etel deeper the So, in essence, your hero's got the hots for his light saber. = further you progress, but the

This game offers many weapons to play with, and a few cool combos. There is targeting, platform-style jumping stinks but it's inefficient; still, it's nowhere near as bad as the camera. | struggled to see myself ш Entertainment: onscreen, much less enemies. This also led to mad death from all the jumping required. Too many problems EOE's taken this long to come out with this many faults? For shame! overwhelm what little there

1 did get into the hidden items, bonus modes and button-pushing cutscenes, but EOE's is to like about EOE gameplay and overall look were just too clunky and unpolished for me to recommend it as Replay Value:

more than a renti JUSTIN Moderate




Bring together the best

A NICE VOLLEY players in tennis in one

ing that $ Б Court is is the best tennis gam Fame men Es Anna aying that Smash Court Tennis is the best tennis е Kournikova for “other” $ on the PS2 right now is a bit of a lukewarm SECOND OPINION reasons endorsement, given that Sega's brilliant Virtua Tennis | Since Super Smash Court | ш Graphics: has yet to see a post-Dreamcast resurrection. With the real | Tennis le the only option on | Every aspect уз the deal currently missing in action, Namco decided to bringa | ee d ао. | Е т new version of its long-running Smash Court series to Sony's | Lots of multiplayer and single. | ^ DlainJane courts and commercial powerhouse. And, as a no-frills tennis game, it | player options will keep you | arenas, pales in comparison does a decent job of providing you with your grass court | playing for а while, but the to Virtua Tennis 2K2 kicks. On the plus side, Smash Court's roster of players is | action isn't as fierce as Virtua п Sound: studded with stars, including Andre Agassi, Martina Hingis, | Tennis 2K2. | The voice-over talent has the Pete Sampras, Monica Seles, and that notalent trollop Anna | ANDY - 7.5 | SN шт Kournikova for you hairy-palmed types. " п Playability: p Sadly, the aforementioned stars look a little chunky, due to the odd character models, and Not bad, but a little rough move like they've hit the Wimbledon locker-room buffet one too many times, giving the game around the edges a much slower feel than Virtua Tennis. Also, the career mode is not dazzling, with ho-hum п Entertainment: prize points (which allow you to unlock pictures of Yevgeny Kafelnikov Yay!) taking the place Until Sega unleashes VT on

of Virtua Tennis’ wacky minigames. - MATT the PS2, this isn’t a bad bet for racketheads

S S ES АЦЕ o. c сны н нс НЕЫнннны чалынын, STYLE | OR 4-PLAYER SPORTS I PUBLISHER NAMCO Ш DEVELOPER NAMCO п Replay Valu RELEASE MARCH 27 Moderately Не!


4/3 ИМЕ: 1:15.78 LEAD:- 0:11.88




p^ adored the first entry in the Racer series, and | nearly passed out with joviality

when | heard that LucasArts was creating a sequel and that the development was being

spearheaded by Rainbow Studios. The prospects were grand indeed. The kings of physics would take on the most physics-based fantasy concept in recent memory. I truly believed that this would be one of the most enjoyable racing games around, and this feeling remained even after | started playing the game. The incomprehensible speed was greater than | imagined and the physics of the pod and engines felt all too real. Before long, however, a dizzy spell of nausea passed over me. The pods didn't resemble the film counterparts, but rather giant eggs with insane decals and a little creature strapped atop. | also noticed that the environment textures and colors were a tad funky almost as though they were thrown into a washing machine with a pastel pallet.

One thing was certain, though. The gameplay was right on the money and was in fact designed much better than the original release. A steady framerate brought about unprecedented control, applying a turbo boost required just one button press rather than three, and realism reared its head in the damage system. If a pod explodes, it’s out for the race, so constant engine repair is a must. You could also use this as an advantage and knock opponents out for the count. Unfortunately, the game relied on this aspect way too much. If | wasn't bumping and grinding with Sebulba, then | was probably in first place. Speeding ahead of the pack is much too easy, and once you're there, losing is next to impossible.

| completed the game three times and managed to place in first on every single track. Racer tested your skills and reflexes, Racer Revenge your endurance and patience. If Rainbow would have made it competitive, | would have loved it, but without challenge, there really is no reason to continue playing. I've noticed that kids jump for joy whenever the pod race scene appears in the movie. I'm not a betting man, but | have a hunch that this is the audience LucasArts was aiming to appease with this release. Simply said, if you're still in grade school, it doesn't get much better than this. If you're any older or can hold your own in most games, | have a feeling that Racer Revenge will be of little interest to you. Bummer. REINER

Advanced controls allow players to accurately pilot a pod, where each analog stick controls the movement of an engine

The races are hectic early on, but after applying a few boosts, you'll find yourself well in front of the pack



m Concept: Developed by the kings of physics, Rainbow Studios, this sequel is just as fast and furious as the original N64 hit

Graphics: The pods look a little large and the environment. texturing is a tad off. Nice particle effects, though

W Sound: John Williams is God

W Playability: The design of the game insists that players smash and bash with the opposition, yet this aspect isn't mandatory. You can also zoom ahead and finish in first.

п Entertainment: The overall difficulty is lacking and is targeted toward Anakin-aged kids

W Replay Value: Moderate



As a fan of the first Star Wars Racer, | had high hopes for this follow-up that had found its way Into the hands of Rainbow Studios - a developer | have grown to respect over the last few years. Sadly, much like Episode І, this follow-up has been dumbed-down and transformed into a kiddie game. From the simplified controls to the pathetic challenge, everything is sub-standard. I'm not sure if Rainbow Studios just didn't care about this game since the company was being purchased by THQ, or if LucasArts actually gave them a target market of six- to nine- year-olds. Either way, Racer Revenge is a poor addition to

| the Star Wars universe and

should only be played by the most die-hard of Star

Wars fans. ANDY - 6

| |






hen compared to the original Sled Storm for

PlayStation, there is little doubt that this new incarnation is bigger, faster, and more outrageous. However, there is something oddly missing, and it’s not hard to pin down after a few minutes with the game. Sled Storm for PlayStation 2 has forsaken its snowmobile roots, and become a sled version of SSX.

This similarity is not necessarily a bad thing, as there are seven gigantic tracks to race with a plethora of hidden shortcuts and lots of tricks, but other than a couple of areas in each track, you don't feel like you are racing in snow. Plus, the challenge in the game has been reduced since you can catch up at pretty much anytime, so the only key to winning is not to screw up on the last lap. Overall the production value on this game is solid, but since the gameplay is neither groundbreaking nor terribly engaging the game just falls right into the middle of the pack. Not a bad rental, but not the sequel | had hoped it would be. - ANDY



W Concept: Take what worked in SSX, throw it at every sport in this case snowmobiling and see what sticks

m Graphics: Some nice particle work, but overall the game's graphics are just mediocre

ш Sound: Proves that licensing music and hiring WWF announcer Mean Gene and Scream's Matthew Lillard for voice- overs doesn't always work

m Playability: Solid controls with plenty of tricks to bust out

и Entertainment; Easily the best snowmobiling option out there, but it's just SSX with treads - so it's not as good as it could be

W Replay Value: Moderate.

| SECOND OPINION | | 1 have some very mixed feelings. | about Sled Storm. On the one.

| hand, it's а nicelooking racer

| that delivers pummeling,

| finish. On the other, | have а problem with the way that EA

| Big seems to have stripped the Sled Storm franchise of the

| unique personality it once had. SS is just SSX with sleds, and I already own Tricky.

MAIT - 7.5







or the second season running, Triple Play is the SECOND OPINION Me ыы graphical slugger that simply crushes everything else Unfortunately, the only thing

on the market. If you look closely at the stadiums, you | this game does well is make и Graphics:

^X Edi 1 Е ет can see that no detail was spared. You really couldn't ask е stars Кок жч Ee SUR в and PLAYSTATION 2 for much more from the visuals. With the gameplay, фе ne pris authentic batting stances Pandemic tried to fix the problems, but didn't mend where Triple Play ako a се mi Sound: гн " " und: ALL-STAR everything - primarily the unmanageable fielding mechanics. | to the groin. The fielding is Did Bob Costas read from a When the ball is hit, you have but a brief second to react. pathetically bad, and the Al Is baseball encyclopedia? Tons B ASE B ALL 200 3 Pandemic’s solution was to add a quick flash replay that suspect on a number of levels. of voiced stats. Very cool shows where the ball is heading before you assume control KRISTIAN - 5 | u playability: of the fielder, but it doesn't really make a difference. The The pitching and batting KING OF THE DIGITAL DIAMOND batting and pitching are decent, but the fielding is atrocious. mechanics work well, but Triple Play also strikes out in the game mode department. You can play through an entire the fielding is still difficult to 5 developers season, draft a team, create-a-player, and compete in the Home Run Derby, but that's about manipulate continually try to outdo THE BOTTOM LINE the gist of it. No flash, no pop, just a straight-up baseball game that looks great and plays ш Entertainment: one another, the EVERYONE. okay, - REINER Decent, but lacking in

landscape of video game fantasy options

sports is rapidly changing. EA Sports is leading the way in Esas football. Sega has basketball locked up. And Acclaim is doing ш Concept:

W Replay Value:



MIN 03 DET HOY A3rd о-о O OUT

its part to become the leader An answer to the nextgen - zi

in baseball. plea for a great baseball title " NPIYCHERIS From а first glance, Al-Star m Graphics: I,

Baseball 2003 may not seem Taken alone, the graphics “eros

like too much of a revelation. won't dazzle you, but the

The gameplay engine is ver Mayer used B play eng y Something to admire

similar to last year's release. However, if you're an W Sound: enthusiast of the sport, you'll You may want to turn down notice that Acclaim has finally the volume jn favor af your own tunes, but don't - the incorporated all of the rules commentary is great. 55 ee



into the game. Passed balls.

пера Mee erratic ' The fielding can be a tad hrows, and broken bats are al awkward at times, but there

included. The TV-style can be no comparison to

presentation has also been this game’s speed and

overhauled to show bullpen depth hoe шш

activity, fan support, and Entertainment: T MAJOR

exciting replays. The entire What else is there to say НІ IGH HEA

gameplay package is actually other than “Awesome”?


А! could still use some refining. High m Concept:

Outside of the action, A NON-THINKING MAN'S BASEBALL Baseball for those who hate

Acclaim has implemented to wait everything you could ever want T his is about as close as you're going to get to a purely SE сомо OPINION ШЕ

п Playability:


from a sports game. | SECOND OPINION | arcade-style baseball title. The gameplay is lightning Most of the player models Continuing seasons, a deep | Yes, Yes, YES. This is how yu | quick, and with the absence of an aiming icon during From the realistic player Al, look the same, and the expansion mode with an make a baseball game. The both batting and pitching, things just go that much faster. | accurate statistical tracking, | stadiums look terrible С CIE cardbuying system is awesome, There's a little bit of control given when you pitch and where bs pesas E | mSound:

Cooperstown legends, and the game mechanics are you swing the bat, but when it comes to taking cuts, pressing | playing baseball game of the | МС commentary; average collectible Donruss baseball very well done. The only beef I a button at the right time is all you have to do to make contact. | season. But for those of you who | batting and fielding effects

сагі, а EET CMM. have with the PS2 version Is the name it. Everything is here. 1 у Oh, P.S. The commentary is Like | said, the fielding is 1 freaking phenomenal. pes love the only aspect that could still baseball, you must play ASB

There are the obligatory gameplay glitches, like fielders seek fantasy options or visual | ш Playability: standing under a fly ball only to have it drop a foot to the dynamics, this release comes up| ^ As easy to slip into as silk side of them, just to remind you that you're playing a 3DO | Short on both accounts, Jammies game. However, | must admit that in terms of baseball REINER - 8 | m Entertainment:

obnoxiously long loading times.

use some work. Otherwise, 2003. games, 3DO made EA look like a bunch of monkeys this RV TEES This is a fun game, but it's this is as good as digital KRISTIAN - 8.75 | year. High Heat has a number of different modes to mess around with, and for the most part та ue to enenge te wey

baseball gets, REINER the gameplay is solid. If the graphics had been up to par, we might be looking at one of the baseball

best MLB games to come out this year, but above-average ain't half bad. KRISTIAN







W RELEASE DECEMBER 28 Vets of a game as accomplished as SSX will scoff at Jonny Moseley. But | challenge them to not have a good time with this title. It's high-flying fun with a Tai Pan tweak. This is mostly due to its tricks, which are

comfortably assigned to your controller Although the number of them available to you is large, the collision isn't the greatest. Also, the environments are huge, but they don't totally make up for Jonny's lack of multiplayer. Still, it's a good start and a direction | encourage 3DO to explore with more time and money. - KATO



Going from Hot Shots Golf 3 to this game in the space of a couple days called for a pretty drastic changing of my gaming gears. This year's Tiger features a contact

system that forces players to ull one of the analog sticks : towards them for the back-

Swing, then pitch it forward for the follow through. Any deviation from a perfectly vertical line, and your ball will slice or hook accordingly. | have a feeling golf enthusiasts will love the amount of detail EA has sunk into this game, but for the average gamer, this one is bound to go straight into the long stuff. KRISTIAN el 7. „75



Holy cow, someone listened! Konami fixed most every beef | expressed with the original PS2 NBA 2Night. It's even gotten up to speed with Franchise mode, and player stats and attributes. Its look and play (rim physics, shots in paint, etc.) are still lacking some smoothness and the audio's pretty sad (lame music and play-by-play), but ESPN NBA 2Night definitely receives the Most Improved Series award. There's good offense/defense balance, rebounding, blocking, and nice extras like dives and the endgame а 7. 5 е

Double Clutch recap. - JUSTIN



While not as quirky as Gitaroo Man or Parappa, there is a lot to like in this release. Using the Dual | Shock 2's pressure sensitive buttons is à ingenious, and Maestro has a good deal of extras. The songs while not rocking material per se are all classics (Wagner, Brahms, Mozart, etc.), and blend well with the gameplay. The main problem | see is that Maestro could go over a lot of gamers’ heads. | say get Gitaroo Man hands down, but check this out too for some worthwhile USTIN

musical sophisticatio:




The one good thing about the Blitz franchise is its Я dedication to post-play roughhousing. Even Madden has abandoned this long- lost art. Other than that, | personally don't find much in this series. Sure, I'll TT spend a quarter or two on it at the arcade, but $50? C'mon... There are some additions, but | still can't stand the passing system, and I'm certainly not going to fork over the cash just for better looking players. The fact that NFL Fever's models are as unrealistic as these should make Fever's fans shudder. However, Fever believers can fall back on the comforting fact that they've at least got newer rosters. Blitz still lists Drew Bledsoe as the Patriot's quarterback. - KATO а 5





King's Field has always been the slowest moving RPG on the market, and this nextgeneration sequel falls right in line. The only difference between this title and the 32-bit quests is that it is now displayed in high-resolution. Back in the day, | thoroughly enjoyed text-based adventures, and amazingly, this isn't too much of a departure. The storytelling is very methodical, and the customizable options are in line with the most complex of PC RPG's. Even with these intriguing traits in place, King's Field: The Ancient City will bore approximately 99.996 of the gamers outthere. Primarily because the gameplay is so incredibly slow and burdensome. | could probably pop a bag of popcorn in the time it takes to actually swing a sword. | kid you not. King's Field is essentially a first-person shooter that plays like a point-and-click adventure. You truly must be a hardcore role-playing fanatic to get into this series. Buyers beware. - REINER 6.5



There's gold in them there hills, so dive in! Japanophiles will undoubtedly love this game, but the rest will need а little more convincing before buying Mr. Mosquito. Í The gameplay of being a mosquito doesn't surprise or challenge (although there are plenty of bonus items to fly around and find), but there is something to be said for this title due to its pure outrageousness. After all, even a mosquito bite sticks around for a while, and | think you'll want to satiate your itchy curiosity. However, as the game says: Get your fill, but don't get too bloated. а 7 -KATO





from the start: I'm probably

being harder on Monsters, Inc. than | should be. Sure, it's a pretty lackluster platformer, but it's hardly worth getting my panties in a bunch over, right? Wrong. If this had been the first, or even the third, so-so action game based on a big Disney property I'd reviewed since | started working here, | wouldn't care in the least. However, I'm starting to feel like a college professor who has watched his Tau Kappa Epsilon students in his class hand in different variations of the same old biology paper for 10 years. After awhile, you get fed up with the lack of creativity and effort, and start. failing people on principle.

As games go, Monsters, Inc. works reasonably well, and re- creates many of your favorite locations and characters from the film. However, it's tough to be impressed by a game based on a Pixar movie, when it's a given Pixar's CG is 2,000 times better than anything a current game system could offer. The one thing | did enjoy was DVD-style extras on the. disc, including concept art, making-of shorts, and scenes from the movie. This game might be a nice purchase for PS2-owning parents who want a non-threatening game for their kids to enjoy, but those of us who have left our elementary school days behind us should take a pass on Monsters, Inc. - MATT

| might as well admit this


# Concept: A PS2 game based on this hit Disney film was as inevitable as death and taxes, and is about as much fun

W Graphics: Pales in comparison to what you saw in the movie

в Sound: Nice voice-overs feature some excellent John Goodman and Billy Crystal impersonators

m Playability: Solid camera systems are important, people

п Entertainment: me-di-o-cre (mE-dE-'O-k&r) adj. Moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary. See synonyms at average

и Replay Value: Moderately Low


| would have to agree with Matt | that most of the Disney action/platformers are less than spectacular, but as a

whole they do hit the mark as ‘good family fun. Personally, 1 wouldn't play this game, but 1 would send it to a nephew or | niece who was just starting up | in gaming. I'll give it a six, but if you are six you would think it was an elght.

ANDY - 6



ЗА р




eing that Soccer Slam B is about as explosive

as the game of soccer has ever gotten, you'd think that its realistic foundation would be a contradiction. | disagree. The game’s adherence to some of the basics of soccer is almost as


и Concept: Spice up the sport AND put out something that'll appeal



Concept: A drastically overhauled version of Bloody Roar 3 with new characters, arenas, modes, and improved graphics

W Graphics: At long last, the character models now embody the essence of realism. However,

the stages are still barren, and

to the system's target the animations are a tad quirky

advantageous as Maradona’s WT

Hand of God.

Soccer Slam has two types of slow-mo power kicks. It's got team-specific special forms that you can earn through racking up combo

acclaimed has garnered fan praise and a cultlike following. I've always admired

what Hudson Soft has done with the series, but if | had to make a choice as to what fighting game | would purchase next, | would always choose a Tekken, Virtua Fighter, or Dead or Alive over Bloody Roar. The gameplay is thoroughly captivating, yet it lacks the depth of the aforementioned titles. Bloody Roar has always been, and probably always will be, a button masher for the masses. The way the fighting mechanics are structured allows everyone to jump in and find instant success. | usually frown on people who flail on the buttons, yet it

A: anomaly within the fighting game genre, the Bloody Roar series while not critically

п Sound: Synthesized Japanese rock

m Playabili Button mashing devastates CPU opponents, yet strategy does play a role in heated

m Graphics: The power-up states for the teams are pretty cool, and they don't slow down the fast play one bit

i з W Sound: Shots and steal points. It's got Unfortunately, this is one seems to fit the Bloody Roar bill. If you take the time to study the gameplay and apply twoplayer matches violence. It's ready to rumble. page from Midway's book yourself to learning the special moves and combo strings, there's actually quite a bit of п Entertainment:

strategy involved, although it's not a necessity. кш о ев for

For Primal Fury, Hudson Soft finally decided to optimize the game to hang with the current rookies crop of fighters. Along with a handful of flashy effects, like heat trails and dynamic lighting, the character models now feature intricate details, smoother movements, and improved collision fields for articles of clothing and interaction with other characters.

As for substance, Primal Fury introduces two new characters and a handful of sorely needed gameplay modes. The roster has always had a nice balance to it, but it nev really had a bruiser a Zangief, if you will. This void has finally been filled. Ganesha is the heavyweight I've been waiting for. His movements are slow yet powerful, and his elephant transformation is testament to this. The other recruit, Cronos, adds something different to the table as well. Rather than morphing into just one animal, which happens to be a cute little penguin, he can tap into a second metamorphosis a fire-breathing phoenix.

Besides the unique zoanthropic morphing, this release won't do much for hardcore fighting fanatics, but as I've said before, it's a great release for newcomers to the ring. As it stands now, this is the only traditional fighting game for the GameCube, and will remain so until the

That stuff's sexy and all, but that shouldn’t have been

the game succeeds because it taken

mixes this glitz with reaHife m Playability:

Soccer fundamentals. Passing. A nice blend of real soccer

is paramount. You can't leave moves and extras that

attackers unmarked in the demands some skillful

box. You have to utilize Amine

dribbling skills, give-and-gos, в Entertainment:

and one-shots. Soccer Slam is a good time Unfortunately, the title for what it's got, but it will

doesn’t always execute well. уш ог

Because the shoot button is п Replay Value:

always shared with the hit Moderate

command, these two actions

can be performed at the wrong

п Replay Value: Moderately High


| The name Primal Fury says it all.

| Bloody Roar, despite its animal

| magnetism, is a rather primitive | fighting game. As a human, you've only got a punch and kick button to work with. This

| doesn't leave much room for depth. There's little in the way

| of grappling, and you end up

| facing the wrong way too often.

time. Also, detection issues occur Sometimes when the ball's in space. Such things aren't major detractions, but they should be ironed out next time. I'd also like to see the give-and-go be more responsive, and it would be awesome if the crowd could factor into things.

Soccer Slam is a solid game with some career bonuses to make it attractive, despite its gameplay hiccups. This makes it an arcade sports title that's. worthy of the upper terraces. - КАТО


| In terms of fast-paced soccer

titles, this one is the cream of {һе crop. There's a lot of fun to be had here И you can get used to the controls, and the

| multiplayer aspect is a must if you're looking for something you can scream about with

| your buddies. Even those who

| aren't Mia Hamm stalkers can get behind Soccer Slam.




distant releases of Soul Calibur 2 and Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. REINER


Two never-before-seen characters are included in this GameCube exclusive sequel



= i Along with improved character details, every combatant can perform a handful of new moves

When beasted up, things get a | tad more interesting, and the | transformation button is used | for attacks, too. On the positive | | tip, breakthrough environments | | are always fun, and | sidestepping is well done. | Modes are light, without a world | tour or tag battle. | also have | Issues with the fighter | | balancing. Some of the beast | | forms wowed me, especially | | with the impressive visuals | (despite an uninteresting | camera); however, many of the | human characters are just plain | lame. I'm a fighting game fan, but 1 grew bored with Bloody Roar pretty quick. Even the anime was shoddy. Wait for Soul | | Calibur 2.

JUSTIN - 6.75



hy a taxi? Smashing Drive isn't about picking people up for “crazy money,” and М "5 definitely not about a cab driver who gets a mohawk, blows people's hands

off, and rescues an underage strumpet named Iris. Maybe Namco didn’t have enough money to get Robert DeNiro on the cover? Beats me. | do know, however, that anyone thinking the taxi on the cover means that this game comes close to competing with the likes of a Crazy Taxi is mistaken.

Oh, I get it! The taxi is a video game symbol that stands for madcap, high-flying racing adventures. Now there is something that Smashing Drive can lay claim to. Its sensation of speed is good, and the ambient life comprised of traffic and peds never slows the title down. Your job is to race through the streets of New York chasing a CPU competitor. The only way to beat it (and get time extensions) is to hit the ramps and shortcuts hidden throughout the levels. This is almost the only way to collect power-ups such as Turbo, Repair, and Sonic (which enables you to destroy impeding cars with your horn). Shortcuts are a lot of fun as you barrel through the halls of office buildings, and even race vertically up their sides.

Being an arcade game, however, fun isn't the problem with Smashing Drive it's the lack of replay. It won't take you too long to get through the main portion, and multiplayer and Survival modes aren't anything outstanding. There are some bonus levels that can be hard to earn, but | feel Namco could have put a little bit more horsepower in this conversion. Okay, | get it, driving a taxi is wacky now what?! KATO.

Dennis Rodman arrives at the game in style - we mp serm.

King Kong running scared up the Empire State Building

4x4 on the floor. Power-up tires and horns are ways to scatter the traffic

е: Anytime you can get air, do it. 90% of the game's power-ups are captured this way



# Concept: You aren't gonna get crazier than Crazy Taxi by emulating San Francisco Rush New York

Graphics: Apart from its speed and ambient life, this game rides the Dreamcast/N64 vibe

п Sound: Change the Saturday- morning cartoon-esque original song. Please

и Playability: This will be no problem to play for the younger audience who will be drawn to it

п Entertainment: Finding all the shortcuts and earning the bonus levels will suck you in, but what you see is what you get

ш Replay Value: Moderate


| Smashing Drive, to me, can be

| summed up as San Francisco Rush with more power-ups. Maybe it’s more like a faster,

| not-sotinear 18 Wheeler. Either

| way, it's very obviously an

| arcade racer. You want to find

| altemate routes which string

| together with turbo boosts and

| carexploding sonic horns. The

| abundance of traffic is neat, but it's more of an annoyance than a thrill. | almost have to tell

| myself to marvel at it, rather

| than just enjoy it naturally. Like


inducing music this side of an | evening with Jewel. The amount | of driving here is more than a | lot of quartermunchers, but it | still pales in comparison to what | gamers expect on a console. Smashing Drive wasn’t worth a | single dollar out of my wallet in | the arcade, and its definitely | not getting my 50 bucks on GameCube. Arcade fiends may | | want to check it out, though.

| JUSTIN - в



Since Namco obviously didn't. put any effort into fixing Pac- ES Man World 2 when bringing it over to GameCube, I've decided to do a quick "port" of my review of the PS2 version from last month: "It's hard to pinpoint just where this game went wrong, but | think it has something to do with the decision to move away from the essentially side- scrolling nature of the first Pac-Man World. Of course, this is much more difficult to accomplish, and the developers failed to develop a camera system capable of dealing with the 3D

action. Don't call it a comeback, because = it's not." Yep, it still sucks. - MATT Е

TIME МЕ / има ©




A trucker's life isn't a pretty one: There's beef jerky indigestion, having to shower at gas stations, and watching after your mischievous pet orangutan. In the same respect, this is quite the ugly game. There's more pop-up than a toaster, and the music is unappealing to anyone without a straw hat. The gameplay is somewhat engaging, though, as you travel the countryside with your freight. Amazingly, your semi can cover the continental US in about

10 minutes. Still, I'd rather just get out and zx

walk. ~ JUSTIN Е


STYLE | OR 2-PLAYER SPORTS В PUBLISHER ACCLAIM RELEASE FEBRUARY 26 Acclaim dropped the ball with = the GameCube version of All- "БА Star Baseball 2002, but m; fortunately, the same cannot be said about this year's в update. The only aspect that = _ is still suspect is the fielding. VE been: adi EX The rest of the game has been reworked and tweaked, with extensive additions. New to the game are an Expansion mode, farm team management, collectible trading cards, broken bats, enhanced rules, a trivia minigame, Hall of Fame inductions, bean ball reactions, a real-time ticker, and advanced GM trade logic. It looks a heck of a lot nicer,

plays better, and offers more than you uum could ever imagine. - REINER Е


playing Wreckless i

much like

watching a



Along with a tank, players can unlock a monster truck

мат Пад


The explosions are accompanied by heat trails, particle effects, and blinding balls of fire

ра =

The realtime car damage shows just how talented a driver you are




n my pursuit for gaming knowledge, | frequently visit

| video game retailers to listen to what the consumers ave to say. What are their favorite games? Which

system do they prefer? More intriguing yet, which upcoming titles are they looking forward to playing? | was quite taken aback when almost everyone | chatted with said they couldn't wait to play Wreckless. Certainly, it's a beautiful- looking title, and one of the more diverse Xbox releases as of late; yet | remained completely dumfounded by these statements. My reason? Well, for curiosity, | probed deeper and asked these giddy individuals if they have ever played Felony 11-79 or Super Runabout. Nobody, not a single soul, had a clue, not even a faint memory of the games | mentioned. For all intents and purposes, | wouldn't be too far off of the mark if | said Wreckless is the sequel to Super Runabout, which in turn is a spin-off of Felony 11-79.

The overall game design is one and the same, and a good majority of the development team migrated from Climax Entertainment creator of Felony 14-79 and Super Runabout. Nobody played either of these games. If they did, the disturbing revelation is that they don't remember which never bodes well for a pseudo sequel. People are excited about this release because of its visual flair. That's it. In all fairness, | continually found myself staring in awe at the highly detailed cities, massive amounts of destruction, and superb lighting. Finely animated pedestrians jump out of the way of your car, fences crumble into thousands of pieces, blinding reflections

ricochet off metal surfaces, and neon signs explode, showering particle effects onto the streets. Wreckless truly is a visual feast for the eyes, but it seems that the developers were too caught up in how the game looks and didn't spend enough time creating a solid gameplay package.

At times, Wreckless’ design does prove to be intense and inventive; but as a whole, the missions are mostly tedious. For instance, in one stage it’s your duty to combat a dump truck carrying barrels of TNT. To destroy this slow-moving menace, you'll need to launch off of inclines and crash into the barrels within its bed. On another stage, you'll find yourself cruising down a runway, trying to launch onto an airplane that was about to take off. | enjoyed these missions, but I'm afraid that these were the rare exceptions. The remainder of the assignments usually consist of ramming into cars until they explode, or grabbing a certain number of items on a stage. Equally as distressing, most of these tasks can be completed within a matter of minutes, and you won't have the luxury of exploring the city, as you're constantly racing against a clock.

To be dead honest, playing Wreckless is much like watching a fireworks show. | sat in wonderment and let out an "ooh" and an “ahh,” but quickly grew disenchanted. Fireworks only light up the sky for a few minutes, and the same can be said about Wreckless. The visuals are worth seeing, and the massive amounts of carnage are mind- blowing, but the play is far from enticing. REINER



vi Lo чо. Y

By the time a mission comes to a close, a good portion of the city will be demolished

B Save your best runs and replay them for friends

f А


А mission-based driving game in the same vein as Felony 11- 79 and Super Runabout

п Gra Я

The high levels of destruction are captured with the utmost realism. The lighting and abundance of particle effects are equally as impressive

# Sound: Grinding steel, whiny characters, and rewing engines

W Playability: Step on the gas and ram into things before time expires

п Entertainment: A sensory overload that quickly mutates into a pounding migraine

п Replay Value: Moderate


| Looking at these screenshots,

| it's going to be hard for me to

| convince you that Wreckless isn’t everything it's cracked up |

| to be. I'll admit it this is

| probably one of the most

| amazing-looking console games Гуе ever seen. Bunkasha's

| intricately modeled Hong Kong cityscapes are quite simply a

| work of art. Unfortunately, you can't play a work of art, and

| that's why Wreckless falls from elite status into the ranks of the

| average. It's just not that fun. It’s surprising that, for all the

| advanced thought that went into

| the visual side of the game, the

| developers couldn't. find

| anything more interesting for

| you to do than crash into things, |

| which seems to constitute the

| bulk of the gameplay. Also, |

| despite what your speedometer |

| reads, you never really get а |

| Sense of speed playing

| Wreckless, something | feel is |

| absolutely necessary in making

ja great racing game. My advice

| Is: Borrow Wreckless , invite

| your friends over and impress ‘them for a half an hour, then

| retum it and go back to beating

| Halo for the millionth time.

Po 44 4


“RalliSport is a well-balanced racer that throttles on

the fun.”

“I think I see Julie Andrews singing. Gun it!"




hy do you mock me, Michelin Man, with your Wee thumbs up and constant smile? As | was

making the rounds of RalliSports' courses, my concentration would be periodically broken by the rotund tire mascot. His signs surrounded the tracks, warning me that going straight wasn't an option. Unfortunately, my attention would be thrown off by his strange smile, and I'd soon find my car with a cracked windshield, floundering on two wheels. Ah, but it was all good.

I'm curious why Microsoft chose a niche racing genre like rally racing instead of something more popular and Gran Turismo Sike, but overall I'm not complaining. Similar to Project Gotham Racing, tracks are often mere snippets of larger courses some of which don't even contain cars to race against. Interestingly, however, this is true to rally rules where you often race against time rather than physical opponents. Still, you can compete against a field of three other cars at all times in the Single Race mode that features the same tracks. Between the Rally, Ice Racing, Hill Climb, and Rallycross events, there is plenty of terrain to cover. Sim fans will miss being able to tweak their cars with customizable parts, but RalliSport does a good job of having the cars properly tuned to increase your learning curve as you progress. For example, you can drive some newly


unlocked car that has a ton of horsepower, but can you handle and harness its torque through the turns?

This is where RalliSport hooked me. Some of the tracks may have been short, but | looked forward to squeezing every tenth of a second out of their corners and perfecting the movements of my car. | guess the bite-sized chunks that the game comes in seemed like stages to be conquered every step of the way, and not just a collection of tracks and cars. Similar to GT 3, | felt compelled to perfect my times on the smaller groupings of jaunts in preparation for the larger cups, which were comprised of the tracks | just finished.

There is room for improvement for RalliSport. With the Xbox as its system, | ask questions like “Why not a larger field of cars?” and “How come the weather and time of day isn't truly variable?” Opponents’ Al could be improved also, as it sometimes causes the cars to take some strange routes especially as they crash into each other at the start of races. Regardless, RalliSport is visually impressive, and is a well-balanced racer that throttles on the fun. Oh yeah, one more thing. I'm miffed that for all his invaluable insight, my trusty, astute co-driver didn’t point out that Michelin Man in the twists of the Vista Peak Summit's track that was waiting to throw me off the course. Once again, | guess | was just too sucked in to notice. - KATO



Herbie the Love Bug gets excited


KES > Ice courses have some great textures, and not-so-great traction

Concept: Microsoft's second racer is almost as specialized as the first, but solid nonetheless

# Graphics: Wonderful textures, of course, and car damage is a nice touch

m Sound: Who needs XM when you've got wind shear, stressed engines, and the Earth under your "tyres"

W Playability: Managing your slides is still key, but | used the brakes a little less than normal

п Entertainment: Neither sim-heavy nor arcade- stupefied, the game's a pick- up-and-play title that will still demand your skill and respect

# Replay Value: Moderate


How's this for a gamer's ACT | question: American football is | to rugby as NASCAR Thunder | 2002 is to what? А) A Bob | Dylan concert B) A handful of | Pop Secret Ultra Butter | popcorn C) RalliSport Challenge | D) A mustache E) All of the | above. The correct answer (as. | it usually is) is choice “С”. 1 { could have really gotten into | this game if | knew a lot about | the subject in general; but. | gameplay wise, | was happy | playing it for a solid hour, then

awesome, but just being able | to unlock cars and tracks didn't | quite hook me. | wanted tobe | able to play around with my | ride's technical specs, ог even | my crew. Instead | was left with | a terrific looking game that | would probably rent on a

Tuesday night. It would

behoove you to do likewise.



| | | | |

“this is a rookie with solid


Live from the stylish Canseco Fieldhouse

A downed Malone applauds the whistle

Sam Cassell is definitely one ugly dude




know my scoring for basketball games is really cluttered | around the 8 range, but much like both conferences this year, it really is a tight race. NBA Inside Drive does well

as a newcomer. It’s got the goods to compete with Live 2002, but plays totally different.

Inside Drive is a lot like an enthusiastic NBA rookie. It has a very quick pace, and fast breaks are the order of the day. It's also a streaky shooter. It seems | was either whupping up on the computer with a big run or it was schooling me, with very little middle ground. This will have you talking mad smack to the Al, but also cursing the cheap tactics it uses to gain the advantage, which are most obvious when it comes to notching steals. This only serves to make the suspect passing more aggravating, as there are far too many lazy lobs to the paint. Most other gameplay functions work well, and | still think the Xbox controller is tailor-made for hoops. Threes are tough to make, but leaners, fade-aways, and other shots were realistic. | like the moves big men do in the post, though they're not the most accurate out there. You'll also be able to play some good defense, but it won't come easy. Isn't that what makes it fun, though?

High Voltage went out of its way to accentuate both the deking and the arenas, neither of which ended up impressing

me much. At first, | thought the ballhandling would rival NBA Street because of all the fancy moves cited in the manual, but they didn't live up to their billing. As for the courts, who cares? It's what happens on the court that matters, not being able to see deep into the confines of Gund Arena.

Inside Drive's graphics are a mixed bag. It does have some of the best looking uniforms, complete with mesh holes and wrinkles. The player models themselves, though, just look kind of awkward. | was more impressed with the audio, which features Sir Mix-A-Lot dropping rhymes in the theme song. The commentary is choppy at times, but Marques Johnson kicks some keister on color; including a very well- placed reference to the cult classic flick, The Warriors.

Franchise mode and many other options (create-a-player, street ball, etc.) are absent, and Season mode has problems; most specifically with trading (по two-for-one trades, and many teams just won't deal). If these things had been in place, | might be heralding this game as among the best. Still, this is a rookie with solid fundamentals. | give an emphatic nod to the veteran NBA 2K2 on Xbox - or any system - but Inside Drive is definitely a player I'll keep my eye on. - JUSTIN



Blocking a last hot

[S x

Jordan picks Reggie's pocket

# Concept: A first-party b-ball franchise оп Xbox is born

m Graphics: The stadiums and impressive jersey wrinkling were great, but something isn't right about the player faces

W Sound: Entertaining commentary, especially with Marques Johnson on color, but it's a little choppy

m Playability: Admirable control here, save for some sub-par passing

W Entertainment: Inside Drive is a decent basketball title. Unfortunately, the best hoops around (NBA 2K2) is also on Xbox

п Replay Value: Moderately High

SECOND OPINION sports market has escalated | into a full-on battle. Defying the | ‘odds of success, Microsoft | decided to enter the fray as ап | expansion team. Usually it | takes years to establish a 1 franchise, but forthe second | time running, Microsoft has achieved this nearly impossible | goal on the first іту. NFL Fever | was rock solid, and NBA Inside | | Drive is on par with a lot of | basketball tities. It may not | have a Franchise mode, create- aplayer, or a bevy of options to | tinker with, yet the gameplay is | exceptional and towers over |

[ilivo ani coude еюге р, | liked how aggressive the | | computer was. Its teams never | | give up. МВА 2К2 is the best



STYLE 1 OR 2-PLAYER SPORTS PUBLISHER ELECTRONIC ARTS W RELEASE MARCH 19 Well, it was bound to happen at some point EA has finally released a professional sports title that makes cleaning out the inside of a honeywagon sound fun. Not only is this year's Triple Play terrible when it comes to gameplay, but it’s paired Bob Costas (the godfather of baseball commentary) up with some Joker who says “that guy looked like a gazelle!” Do yourself a favor and steer clear of this stinker. KRISTIAN




They say that the early bird gets the worm, but sometimes it's better to ina Wait. To make the five- month-late release of Tony Hawk 3 on Xbox enticing to everyone, even those of ` you who already played the game on the PlayStation 2 and GameCube, Neversoft has included a handful of interesting extras not featured in any other version. By playing Career mode, players can unlock a new level, which is amazing in multiplayer, and one of the most diverse environments in the game; as well as a brand-new character, which | found to be d unneeded. Even better yet are the new link S, allowing four Xboxes to be connected for intense head-to-head action. The gameplay is as silky smooth as ever before which is a feat in itself, considering how clunky the Xbox controller can be, and how obscure the physics were in Tony 2x. If you haven't had the privilege of putting this game through its paces yet, run out and buy it today! - REINER



Yes! Knockout Kings for the Xbox shows a marked improvement over the PlayStation 2 version, with buffed- up character models, faster action, and more responsive analog-stick control. Everything else, from the cool fighter-create functions to the awesome custom tournaments, remains the same. This game flat-out rules, and any fighting fan owes it to himself to step into the ring with Knockout Kings. Sorry PS2 owners, but | have to score this round for Xbox.




* especially those who didn't die a thousand years ago, this is the game you've been waiting for. However, | think fans of traditional vehicular combat games like Twisted Metal and

Road Rash will want to pass on Circus Maximus. Although it looks nice, this game has a number of problems; the fact that chariots are really slow and tip over very easily is the most glaring. It's fun in multiplayer, when you can team up with a buddy, but trying to control both the direction of your chariot and your

gladiator at the same time in single-





All hail the king of baseball games for the 2003 season. This title has anything and everything a fan of this sport could ever wish to see in a video version of their beloved pastime. The hitting has good pace, the graphics are gorgeous, and the fielding is on par. Aside from the well-balanced gameplay, ASB’s most notable improvement is the implementation of a system which allows you to purchase collectable cards with the points you've accrued throughout a game by executing good

plays. Talk about adding to replay





W RELEASE JANUARY 15 This series is still coming along, but | will give kudos to it for presenting quite an impressive career mode. It's got lift passes, video filming, and even tracks you right down to awarding attribute points

after every run. Unfortunately, | take issue with the

gameplay. You have to make sure to input your spins

very early. This means that you can’t make those minor

corrections that can be so crucial to landing tricks. Also,

Similar to SSX, you can't reset yourself once you crouch

to jump you’re locked in. With a frontend this good, all

ESPN needs is a few refinements to

bust this franchise out. KATO


3. те




ot many games feature a feudal Chinese warrior shooting a

cannon at T2era aircraft. However, this is about where the innovation for New Legends stops. It's your run-of- the-mill hack ‘п slasher, but given the fact that most Xbox owners are probably wearing out their Halo discs, it'll most likely be welcomed by many. The main gimmick here is weapons. There are countless melee and ranged weapons which you can mix and match to your specifications. Sport a pair you in the middle of the of claws, or do the blunt/slice carnage


Concept: Feudal Asia and modern technology clash in action/adventure

Graphics: Groovy particle effects and cloudy textures pretty much cance} each other out

ш Sound:

combo of club and sword. Playability: Shotguns can be thrown in for Button mashing with a variety of weapons

that extra oomph, too. Each hand has its own button, and you can mash your way to combos galore. Another button parries to ward off enemy strikes. At times, you'll be brawling amidst a massive war, = Replay Value: or tackling a dozen foes all by Moore your lonesome.

The camera is smooth in open areas, but things get ugly indoors. The left analog controls its direction and height, and the right shoulder button zips it back behind your shoulder. This same paradox occurs with the graphics and story, mixing good and bad points. When | was tuned into New Legends, | enjoyed myself. When | died, though, there wasn’t a fire burning inside me to avenge protagonist Sun Soo's death. | hate to say it, but the dearth of respectable titles on Xbox since the launch means this mediocre title is probably one of your best bets. ~ JUSTIN

W Entertainment; A reasonably good time on the Xbox, New Legends doesn't wow in any way, but stili fires on all cylinders


If worked at a retail store, I'd

walked away with a tear in my eye. Mediocrity at its finest! REINER - 6.5



Good effects and speech keep

“C&C: Renegade

is basically a


FPS experi-


The Obelisk ahead has been disabled, but it

ice to have a tank

and infantry support just in case

The requisite sniper head-shot shot






ou have to admit that this is a great idea for a game. Y Take one of the most popular RTS titles to ever hit

the market, then throw players smack-dab in the middle of the action with a well-done first-person engine. Everyone who has played C&C (or any RTS for that matter) has wanted to lead their troops from the ground, so it would stand to reason that Westwood would appease its audience's wishes as it has a tendency to do.

C&C: Renegade is basically a run-of-the-mill FPS experience that stays amazingly true to its source material. A gargantuan number of units and structures from the RTS series make appearances in Renegade, and you can manipulate most of them in one way or another. Each enemy structure has a central control console that you'll need to destroy to take the building out of use. For example, destroying the console in the Hand of NOD will drastically reduce the number of foot soldiers you'll have to fight. These references, and the ability to commandeer assorted GDI vehicles (the Mammoth Tanks are awesome) really gives you the sense that you're in a C&C war zone.

Graphically, Renegade has a bit of catching up to do when it comes to competing with some of its contemporaries.



True, the environments are enormous, but their size seems to come at the expense of the general quality of your surroundings. Most characters and buildings end up looking rather blocky upon close, or even medium range inspection, and textures inside structures can look thrown-on from time to time. BUT (and this is a big but), as | mentioned before, the levels are gigantic. | was able to run around a level for half an hour, never experiencing any loading, and never seeing the same thing twice. That in itself is quite impressive. Couple that with a solid selection of weapons, and you've got a good game with a great premise.

Unfortunately, as the novelty of the C&C setting begins to dissolve, you're left with a decent FPS that quickly becomes as easy to put down as it was to pick up. The controls and menu systems are nice, but the overall quality of the experience is hampered by the fact that most of what Renegade does has been done better elsewhere. | guess | was hoping for a little bit more from this game, but with all things said and done, the satisfaction of playing a well-built first-person shooter was there when | turned it off. It's worth investing in if you're a C&C freak, but otherwise I'd say there are bigger fish to fry out there. KRISTIAN


m Concept: Get a ground-level take on what it's like to run around one of those chaotic C&C battlefields

m Graphics: Decent graphics accent the absolutely enormous environments.

W Sound: There are some nice ricochet effects and a bunch of voice-overs, but everything seems pretty status-quo in this department

п Playability: Any fan of this genre will be able to skip the tutorial and jump right into the game

Entertainment: Renegade is a good time, but it probably won dominate your life

п Replay Value: High


‘There are a couple of ways you can look at Command & Conquer: Renegade. Standing alone as a first-person shooter, It’s pretty much middle-of-the- road with the nice feature of being able to drive all the various vehicles included in the game. On the other hand, you can look at Renegade as a way | to expand the Command &

| Conquer experience and take out S.A.M. sites or the Hand of NOD up close and personal. If | you are like me, and have played every Command & Conquer release, blasting through Renegade's levels Is a great new way to enjoy the

| franchise. If you are just a first- | person shooter fan, Rengade doesn't live up to the Allied





Paradise Island, because it's basically a clone

of the first Tropico offering. The add-ons are too few to be really interesting, and found they don't really tip the scales one way or the other when it comes to increasing this game's appeal.

Let's put that into perspective a little bit, though. Tropico itself is a killer-app. It has a hilarious premise that has never been done this well before, and graphics that put a lot of big-budget PC titles to shame. Paradise Island does a good job of building on its strenghts there are more structures, more edicts, different ways to control your population, and a much-needed increase in the time it takes for your

A ny yanqui capitalist should feel right at home with



m Concept: More ways to put down your Citizens means more fun!

W Graphics:

The same as before which

is pretty darn good

# Sound: The great music soundtrack has been expanded for this release, giving players over two hours of different tracks

W Playability: This is an expansion that requires the original to play you're not going to play this if you haven't before, and there aren't any surprises

п Entertainment: It's fun, but there hasn't. been much improvement over the original

п Replay Value: Moderate




( РС



E eveloped by the same D company that made the highly popular and incredibly awesome X Wing and TIE Fighter series, Star Trek fans should be foaming at the pants to get their chubby little fingers around this game. There are a ton of intricate options and tactical scenarios, as well as some high-quality cameo appearances by Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner. Couple this with a decent plot, good-looking graphics

and nice eplay, and you're staring straight down the gullet of a Trekker's dream

come true.

However, the average gamer may be unable to overlook some of Bridge Commander's rather glaring problems. The



m Concept: Pretend you're on the bridge of a ship, but really this game is an exercise in micro-management

Graphics: Nice models and environments deliver the desired effect

m Sound: A lot of bigtime voice talent has been shunted into this one

п Playability: Getting the lay of the land will take you a while, but if you're a fan you won't mind

W Entertainment: This game doesn't do a lot to reach out to non-Trekkers,

workers to finish a building unlikely mariage is just the sort first, and in my mind most but for those in the fold,

you've slated for отете ыы ын; to annoying aspect (or lack Bridge Commander will

construction. Certainly, this / j 1 Island's expanded tourist options thereof) is the absence of a delight

is all very nice, but it does ВОС = | Е re give your more to worry about - save-on-demand feature. п Replay Value:

little to make me want to The structure nestled between the two hotels is a marina Instead, the game will only. Moderate

invest a lot of time in this one of the new additions for Paradise Island save between missions, ~ 5 ne

game all over again. forcing you to repeat the | SECOND OPINION |

While | was happy with the updates that were available, | was looking for a little more detail in this version. As it stands, however, Paradise Island delivers what | think it wanted to: a good-looking expansion of a game that had a lot of good instincts to begin with. - KRISTIAN

E =| s The colonial fort is a good way to increase tourist dollars



tight infrastructure of roads la Sim City) for everyone, but it didn't seem to help productivity at all. Still, you wouldn't want to change Tropico's great gameplay too much, because that would surely make a lot of El Presidentés quite mad.

KATO - 8

same busy-work mission crap time after time until you get to the part that's giving you problems. | also got the feeling that my ship was more in control of me than | was of n on Al piloting. That might be fine in docking situations, but it stinks in combat. Trekkies: Buy. The Rest of Us: Look before you leap. - KRISTIAN

ich means | had to rely |

Although shallow in gameplay, | Bridge Commander's | production qualities are commendable and something | that Star Trek fans can really. sink their teeth into. The

voiceovers are excellent and | the order-giving system is easy | to manipulate, but complex



“Super Mario World repre- sented the best of gaming a decade ago, and it has only become better

with age.”

SMO IL каво ll eu. са

оваа TIE

In lieu of tuna, Yoshi eats dolphin

1 m Switch on the fly between Mario and Luigi

Every stage has five Dinosaur Coins. Catch 'ет all


< 000000





T here are few games | like or have played more than

Super Mario World. It's almost an annual occurrence to

go through it on my SNES and beat every level imaginable. Thus, | was extra critical of this handheld port; which makes me even more enamored with how it turned out. Super Mario World represented the best of gaming a decade ago, and it has only become better with age.

This time around, Luigi plays a larger role in things, as he and Mario can be swapped at any time in the overworld. He's got a more fluttery, Mario 2-style jump, and runs slightly slower than his brother. Since his outfit matches Yoshi's green, the dinosaur companion will not immediately swallow non-Koopa enemies; instead, you can spit them out to defeat other foes. Yoshi has a few differences as well, and you'll see non-green species showing up with more frequency than оп the original.

Visually and sonically, | can't fault this version. The graphics, which are extremely bright and colorful, show up surprisingly crisp on the GBA screen. The speech is a nice touch, and most of the music is just as good. | didn't miss the extra buttons of the SNES controller, except for those times when | had to either quickly dismount Yoshi or die. | was still doing swift Koopa-bopping tactics like the good ol’ days. Flying seemed a tad different, but since you have to collect all five of each stage's Dinosaur Coins, you won't be

n TIME] Y: EU J Жез

DSDL Here's the game on Game Boy Advance...


sailing over levels as much anyway. This really extends the gameplay experience, and to a certain extent the difficulty.

If you're unfamiliar with this game, the amount of variety is mind-boggling. Mario has more tricks than ever before (or ever since), and Yoshi adds a whole new gameplay element to the series. The Mario brothers find themselves underwater, in dungeons, floating above endless chasms, and facing more enemies than a plumber's got pliers. The way the levels are laid out gives you plenty of choice in which order to tackle them, rather than platforming days of old when you were forced to hit them in succession.

Record keeping is a clever addition, especially for someone as stat-driven as | am. You can see how long it took to save Peach, and get head-to-head numbers on which character you've beaten the most levels with. You can save at basically any point, and this time it keeps track of your lives and power- up situation. No more loading up a game and being stuck with a mere five lives and small status. The multiplayer is the same from the first Mario Advance, which means you can play against people using either title.

| know that Andy, as well as many of you, are screaming for a new GBA Mario. |, for one, can keep beating all 96 of Mario World's stages till the cows come home, and am perfectly happy waiting. Nintendo has another must-have cart on its hands. - JUSTIN



п Concept: Shrink and shine a SNES legend to portable size

m Graphics:

Amazingly faithful to the original, with great animation, scrolling backgrounds, and vivid colors

m Sound: A tad tinnier than on the console, but with new voices adding to its value

m Playability: Mario World's play is flawless. What little variation there is in this version is easily grasped

п Entertainment: The addition of stats and minor gameplay enhancements makes Super Mario World even better, and a perfect handheld game

и Replay Value: High


1 ат disappointed that Nintendo hasn't brought out a new Mario adventure for the Game Boy Advance, but it is hard to complain when you get great гече!еазез like Super Mario World. ! never would have guessed that | would be able to play a near-perfect version of

| this Super NES classic on a handheld system back when it first saw the light of day in 1991. But improved with better voice-overs and the ability to play as Luigi? Impossible! Luckily for gamers everywhere, It's a reality and well worth a purchase, It's easy to see and play on the Game Boy Advance, and will have you playing and

| replaying for years to come.

ANDY - 9.25

BOY Enhanced Performance on 4 d GAME BOY 4 ADVANCE


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he Breath of Fire series Т has never received the

attention it truly deserves. With Final Fantasy basking in the spotlight year after year, these finely crafted adventures have been thrown aside and labeled as “the next best thing.” If you didn't splurge for these games back in the day, | strongly recommend you invest in the handheld versions.

The first entry in the series is the perfect primer, but quickly shows its shortcomings when stacked up against the follow- up, Breath of Fire Il. Like a fine wine, this superb title withstands the test of time and becomes all the more classic with each year that it ages.

Outside of the incredibly fluid combat animations and inventive battle system, the thing that hooked me the most was the dedication to constantly diversifying the quest. Minigames run rampant throughout every inch of this game, whether it be visiting a circus, or draining your GBA batteries within a fishing hole. Equally as notable, the plot is continually shifting and transforming, which of course creates an exciting and unpredictable story. To modernize the quest, if you will, Capcom added a run feature to the field map, touched up the. facial graphics, and implemented a quick save feature. From the gameplay and balancing, to the visual content and story, you really couldn't ask for much more from a 16- bit RPG. REINER


Concept: A flawless conversion of the 1996 Super Nintendo game with a new dash maneuver, touched-up facial graphics, Link Cable item trading, and а quick save function

ш Graphics: Even by today's standards, the battle animations and character sprites are simply breathtaking

m Sound: The next best thing to Final Fantasy

m Playability: Complex combat techniques, innovative character usage, and a well-balanced difficulty curve

п Entertainment: A lengthy quest with amusing dialogue, shocking story twists, and finely polished gameplay

п Replay Value: Low


So far, Game Boy Advance is kicking the crap out of GameCube and Xbox in terms of role-playing games. | was very into the first Breath of Fire on GBA, and now BoF II

provides even more to be impressed with. The quest is. longer, it looks better, and it's just a damn fine game. If you've already played Golden Sun, make this your next target. Viva traditional RPG!

JUSTIN - 8.5





problems or severe sugar ingestion issues will not like Tactics Ogre. As a strategy/RPG, there's a lot of thought and well, strategy, that goes into each and every battle. Turn-based titles are a difficult thing to get used to if your background is in higher-octane releases. However, for those who can sit and calmly play a game (or read a book not related to school) for more than five minutes without some kind of explosion happening on or off the screen, you may want to pop in TO when you have a few minutes to kill.

The plot itself is rather involved, having to do with a daughter of some Duke who believes that her Uncle is responsible for dear-old dad's untimely death 15 years ago and, to tell you the truth, | couldn't really tell you what else was happening. | skipped through A LOT of text to get to the outfitting and fighting portions of the game. At first the story was interesting, but after one seemingly endless plot exposition, | decided | had heard enough. Less talking, more fighting is a mantra TO could have done well by, but when there is fighting, it's pulled off in near-flawless fashion. Tons of power-ups and special abilities await your discovery, as well as a host of customizable features for each of your characters. This title may become your best friend on a long trip, just don’t go into it expecting to play Ker-Smasho 2003. KRISTIAN

Ы еге'ѕ a perfect example of a niche game. Those of you who have attention-deficit

Stepping on different squares of the map

"Look, | already told you: | have no idea who stole the may reveal a hidden treasure 2 mem

cookies from the cookie ја!

©, resolve. truth sacrifice" affection

Water slows down your movement rate considerably А small character creation phase begins your journey




п Concept: This is turn-based strategy in its purest form

m Graphics: You will definitely get the feeling that you're playing an SNES game when you pop this one in

и Sound: Not bad at all, considering the size of the speaker this game has to work with

и Playability: There is a bit of a learning curve for those who are unfamiliar with this genre

m Entertainment: You'll either love it or leave it

п Replay Value: Low


The Deviant broken record | says: Game Boy Advance has | another shining achievement in | role-playing. This time, it's a strategy/RPG that has set my heart aflame. | admit | haven't |

| played Advance Wars yet (yes, 1 | feel bad about it), but I've

| served time on many role- 1 players throughout gaming 1 history - and Tactics Ogre is | extremely splendiferous. The story is a yawner, and 1 got sick | of even reading the text; but the battles themselves are a thing of beauty. Surpassing the |

| depth of most console | strategy/RPGs (PS-X's Hoshigami comes to mind), Knight of Lodis rewards. battling with useful, spiffy emblems. These pop up for various reasons, and you never | know when one will boost your | character. Hidden treats are 1 also scattered throughout the environments. It was sweet to pit my own allies against each

| other in training sessions,

| especially since they would

| gain experience. Tactics Ogre

| rocks the GBA perry that rockeri

my body.

JUSTIN - 8.75 |


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Flashbacks may be a common occurrence for ЕЁ those who delved into the counter-culture revolution of the late sixties and may early seventies, but | never would have suspected playing a GBA game would bring one on. Dark Arena is almost a carbon copy of Doom the only major differences are the characters, the plot and the weapons. That's not necessarily a bad thing, what was fun then is definitely fun now, but Dark Arena seems to easily fall into the clutches of mediocrity. The multiplayer mode is nice, though. KRISTIAN



ie aoe cy о I'd avoid this game faster АКЕ 2002 E than doing the skeleton nude. The modes are no fun - and neither is the gameplay. No button- mashing is a good thing, but in this case it turns

Ee v

out to be just boring. The isometric view on the downhill and slalom events is a no-no, and all the other events are simply not engaging. Except, of course, the curling segment which still could use some work. And let me say what

we're all really thinking here: Where's the biathlon? 'Nuff said. KATO




M 4,

[| 5

8 Everyone who's been waiting with bated breath for a GBA monster truck game should run out and buy this now. Okay, now that we've got those guys out of the room, let's talk facts about Monster Jam. Sure, it's a relatively decent little game, and its top-down view and power-up system did give me a brief twinge of nostalgia for R/C Pro Am. However, there really isn't enough game here to justify a purchase. - MATT

[| 6



j An amalgamation of

Ц California Games,

¢ Uniracers and Excitebike; | Motocross Maniacs Advance on the GBA is in == a class all its own.

ДИ Instead of using Mode-7, it's a side-scroller. The courses are vast and power-up filled, and doing loops and tricks is very satisfying. Hit the nitro, watch your gas tank, and plow through obstacles. Maniacs will keep you happy and occupied on the go, even if some of the characters

and modes are hokey. - JUSTIN а



пи As expected, this sequel | has been retrofitted with all of the innovations included in the console versions. Along with smoother animations, detailed skater models, and pedestrians roaming the levels, players can now perform the ultimate Revert trick. Once again, however, exploration is overly frustrating. This, of course, stems from the bothersome isometric camera view and larger level sizes. Memorizing the layout of the terrain is the only way to truly succeed. Thankfully, though, the gameplay is thoroughly engaging and reason enough to spend time with this finely polished release. - REINER

Da SONIC W STYLE 1 ТО 4-PLAYER ACTION/PLATFORM PUBLISHER SEGA NW RELEASE FEBRUARY 5 Sega has struggled in bringing its blue icon to the three- dimensional world of the next generation systems; Sonic Advance might be a good argument for the fact that the Sonic franchise belongs in 2D. This all-new GBA adventure is amazingly graphically superior to any of Sonic's Genesis adventures, and adds a ton of replay value with no less than four playable characters (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy) who each have their own unique moves and abilities. To sweeten the pot even further, you can link four GBAs together for multiplayer, and even grow Chaos to import into the GameCube for

use in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. It's too bad the single-

player mode is a bit short, or this would

have been darn near perfect. - MATT а 8 5




Є As far as handheld

baseball games go, this ness В one is probably the best

e I've seen. There are a

^. number of different Pa modes to explore, ENS Б accurate player statistics

and some nice animations. However, when it comes down to actual gameplay, things are a little lacking. Let's put it this way if I'm able to steal second base nine times out of ten, something isn't quite right. If you're after more of a baseball distraction than a baseball simulation, though, this one is right up

your alley. KRISTIAN а 7.25






icarious Visions’ ntanglement with Crash Bandicoot is th

perfect marriage of game and developer. As if the polygonal character models in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 and 3 weren't enough, Vicarious has. once again pushed the GBA hardware to the limit and has completely blown the doors off of what we can expect from this handheld in the future. The technological achievements range from gigantic pre- rendered creatures with silky smooth animation, to incredibly. fluid scrolling backdrops. To top it all off, Crash is a highly detailed polygonal model.

A marvel to the eyes, Vicarious has also done its homework and incorporated all the gameplay intricacies embedded within the 32-bit Crash Bandicoot trilogy. From the general character movement to the collision fields and enemy Al, the play mechanics are essentially perfect. While this title glistens like no other, it would appear that a price had to be paid for Vicarious to push the envelope. The levels, which look fantastic, are incredibly short. I'd even go as far to say that if you blink, you'll miss a third of the game.

Even with this unfortunate drawback, Crash's first handheld exploit is nothing short of a tour de force. It may not be the lengthiest of adventures, but it does prove to be entertaining. - REINER


ш Concept: A flashback to Crash's.

simpler side-scrolling days

Graphic: The pre-rendered charac models look fantastic ant move just as fluidly as the polygonal 32-bit counterparts. The environments are colorful, yet lack animated objects

tinny, but just as fruity as it’s always been

п Entertainment: The levels are incre short, but the cl definitely in plat

W Replay Value: Moderately High


My stars, what have we here? A top-quality action/platform | game for GBA that’s NOT made by Nintendo that's what. While Mario has been busy reliving his SNES glory days as of late, Vicarious Visions proves that the GBA hardware can come close to emulating a 32- bit classic. All in all, it’s pretty damned impressive, and is better than the recent Crash games for PS2.

MATT - 8.5




In association with the NPD TRSTS Video Games Service, Charts presents an in-depth listing of the best- selling software on a month-to-month basis. Are the games you spend your hard-earned dollars on top sellers? Take a look below to find out. We've also compiled a listing of the top-selling Japanese software, and, of course, we included a Top 10 list of the games the GI staff is currently enjoying.



7 1 1 Grand Theft Auto III PS2 9.5 10ct $51

" We knew this game was here to stay and we were right (of course). For the second month running, GTA III is in sole possession of the top spot on the sales charts. There's just no denying that gamers are turning up by the boatload to experience everything this incredible game has to offer. Will it hold on for a third month running? We'll all find out next issue.

2 N/A State of Emergency PS2 8 1-Feb $50 It seems that an intriguing premise can be a huge catalyst to increased sales figures. State Of Emergency may not be the most original game, but we'll be doggoned if it isn’t | a great way to blow off some steam. Coming out of nowhere to show up at the number two spot is an impressive feat but we're not sure if SoE has the staying power to keep = this position. It certainly has the moxie, though. З N/A X Super Mario Advance 2 GBA 9.5 1-Feb $27 É it's nearly impossible to have a Top 5 without having to include the name "Mario" in




POS. L. MO GAME SYSTEM 1 Gran Turismo Concept 2001 Tokyo PS2 2 Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation Vs. Zion PS2 3 N/A Momotarou Dentei X PS2 4 World Soccer Winning Eleven 5 Final Edition PS2 5 Super Smash Bros. DX GC

6 Animal Forest GC

T Dragon Quest IV: Guiding Friends PSX 8 N/A Choro-Q HG2 PS2 9 N/A Pikmin GC



400 1:04:39 а: 5 М/А s à Your favorite blue hedgehog is currently undergoing a resurrection of sorts on many of the world’s GBA screens. He does all of the same crazy platforming you remember from other titles, but now you've got Chao to deal with! They're so cute we just want to poke our- selves in the eye! Plus you've got that whole GBA/GameCube connection to explore...Enjoy!

2 Final Fantasy X PS2 9.75 1-Dec $51

1 N/A Super Mario Advance 2 GBA some way. Gamers have made it abundantly clear that they just can't get enough of this 2 Final Fantasy X PS2 portly plumber and his cohorts. The number three spot is solid, but expect to see this 3 Super Smash Bros. Melee GC one move up as more units hit the shelves. 4 N/A All-Star Baseball 2003 Xbox

4 N/A WWF Raw Xbox 6.5 1-Feb $50 5 Grand Theft Auto III PS2 Finally, all of you wrestling fans have something to cheer about. There has been a bit of a 6 Medal of Honor: Allied Assault PC drought in decent titles for this popular pastime, but that all comes to an end right here. 7 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty PS2 Expect the unexpected with this blockbuster title we were doubtful it would make it up 8 N/A State of Emergency PS2 the list this far, but it turns out we didn’t smell what THQ was cookin’. 9 Maximo: Ghosts to Glory PS2

Sonic Advance GBA 85 1-Feb _ $36 10 N/A Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter PS2

$ PCTOP 10“

7 N/A Sonic Adventure 2 Battle GC 7.5 1-Feb 50 . LMO GAME MONTH PRICE

8 N/A Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions Xbox 7 1-Feb $52 1 МА Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Novot $43

9 12 Max Payne PS2 775 1.Dec 51 2 The Sims: Hot Date Dec-01 $28

10 N/A МВА 2K2 PS2 875 "m $51 3 Serious Sam: Second Encounter Jan02 $17 4 The Sims Feb-02 $42

11 5 Madden NFL 2002 PS2 9.75 1-Aug 48 5 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Маг02 $28

12 8 Halo Xbox 95 1-Моу $50 6 NASCAR Racing 2002 Apr02 $50

13 N/A Maximo: Ghosts to Glory PS2 9 1-Ғер $51 7 Roller Coaster Tycoon Мау02 $19

14 4 Ме Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty PS2 10 №01 _ $50 В опуса 30т02 8926

15 15 Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec 52 9 iJu _ $50 аа Revenge em =

16 N/A Max Payne Xbox 9 1-Dec 51 г Е

17 17 NBA Live 2002 PS2 8.5 1-Nov $50

18 9 James Bond 007 in...Agent Under Fire PS2 925 1-Oct 45

19 N/A NBA Inside Drive 2002 Xbox 8.25 1Jan $50

20 N/A NFL Blitz 2002 PS2 5 Feb-02 51

Source: NPD Interactive Entertainment Service « Kristin Bamett Von Korft (516) 6252481





Blood and Gore



ainment ple, State of En ark of the Interactive Digital 5


"PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are entertainment plc. Rockstar Games and th

ks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. State of Emergency game 2001 до are trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. The ratings icon ts

State of Emergency logo are trad sociation. Copyright 2001. Ай Rights


Disney's Alanis: Outrigger 625 Junot Echelon 9 А01 High Heat Major TALES OF DESTINY 1 "Tho Lost Empire 725 Ай PBATourBowing 2001625 Jw! EmprBaelrDuw В Айй League Basebal 2002 75 песо! Dragon Warrior VII 675 Novo! Ph nine Ver.2 875 №01 Етрие Earth 625 м Идол ui W FORMAT PLAYSTATION Final Fantasy Chronicles 9 мо e 75 ОИ EE 525 May-01 Jurassic Park Ill: Island Attack 3 Nov-01 STYLE | TO 4-PLAYER ROLE-PLAYING GAME Harry Potter and Sega Bass Fishing 85 0001 Fallout Tactics: Jurassic Park IIl: Park Builder 7.25 Oct-01 В PUBLISHER NAMCO Ш REVIEWED SEP-01 The Sorcerer's Stone 55 Jan02 Soldier of Fortune 775 Aug-01 Brotherhood of Steel 875 May-01 Jurassic Park IIi: а Hoshigami: Sonic Adventure 2 75 Аро Fate of the Dragon. 6 Jund The DNA Factor. 275 0001 The realtime combat gave me ina 9 [e Earth 7 d mo Spider-Man 8 Jun-01 Gangsters 2 4 Augot Konoa: Empire Ot Dreams 75 Gast Tmi tadden NFL 2002 5 Sports Jam 775 А01 нае: Blue Shitt 675 Аш! Krazy Racers 7 W mixed feelings. You get caught kat Hofmans Pro BMX 85 Junot Tennis Жо $5 420 Hostie Wales: Anaeus Rising 8 Sol Lay Sia 75 0001 up in fights, but you seem to Mega Man Х6 65 Feb02 World Series Baseball 2K2 7 0901 Independence War? Mario Kart Super Circuit 95 берб! lose sight of your computer Metal Slug X 6 Aug-01 The Edge of Chaos 9 Novo! Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 75 Decot ч your comp MLB 2002 6 МО XBOX Max Payne 95 0901 Mech Platoon 825 л? allies, and strategy is little more Monsters, пс. 5 Men аха Evolution 2 75 Novot Mechcommander2 875 Aug0! Меда Man Battle Network 825 Oct-01 i "m ti] Мооеговв Mania. 5 5801 Airforce Della St 65 001 Мопороу Tycoon 85 Dec Monster Rancher Advance 85 Feb-02 than executing combos. I'm Still Kea Saciut 2002 475 Nov! Amped: Freestyle | Moon Project, The 775 Mayot Monsters, Inc. 5 Feb02 a sprite supporter, so the NFL GameDay 2002 6 Sepot Snowboarding 7 Deco! Mystlll: Exile 75 3001 Моа Kombat Advance. 575 Mar-02 hics did me just fine. One Piece Mansion 775 Oc0! Arctic Thunder 5 001 Myth Ill: The Wolf Age 675 Jan02 Матоо Museum 7 Ащо! вар Ej i Powerpuff Girls: Ашак: Rise of Perathia. 45 Feb02 Орегайоп Flashpoint NFL Bitz 2002 5 Dec-01 Emotion was portrayed through facial expressions, as well as E un {теш is Ке Batman: Vengeance 7 Feb02 Cold War Crisis 95 №01 Pac-Man Collection 8 бой ү iyuki: Journey West Poseidon в бер01 Phalanx 5 Jan02 standard Japanese magna references (ellipses, sweat гор, Saiwater Sportfishing 65 Jan02 bud : eed Pool of Radiance: Pinobee: Wings of Adventure В JuhOt etc.). If you're an RPG aficionado, Tales of Destiny Il is a good Shoop Rader Te 9 dui Dak Summit T: ‘Deco нне 775 Ned Pial: The MayanAdvenue 75 М! å Е simpsons Wrestling, lun FresjeBMX2 9 со! ion ov Planet Monsters 775 Маг02 buy. It's got all the elements you want, and a few clever Spec Ops: Cover Авай 4 0ес01 а erre d x 925 Deco! Serious Sam 85 Jun-01 planet ot he Apes 65 пер additions. It isn't Final Fantasy or Chrono Cross, pene йе SR & Pd ESPN International bo Fel ——— wee Paena Sis p o. Б PO i fer Man 2 Enter: Electro Winter Sports 2002 3 Maro? ojo Jojo A-Go Jan but it's a quest worth undertaking, - JUSTIN Syphon Filler 3 5 Dec0! ESPN NFL PrimeTime 2002 6 Мао? Shattered Galaxy 8 NovO! Prehistorik Man 75 Jan-02 estin ll 775 Sep-01 Бащи 775 Febo2 Sd Meier's Sim бой 925 Ma? атраде Puzzle Attack 5 Маг02 PLAYSTATION 2 MotoGP 2 7 Feb02 Project Titan 7 шй Fuzion Frenzy 6 Оесо! ‘Shogun: hi Ready 2 Rumble 18 Wheeler Motor Mayhem 7 Аш! Small Вам 3 Jan0? Genma Onimusha 85 Mar-02 Total War Warlord Edition 9 Аш! Boxing: Round 2 425 мй ‘American Pro Trucker 725 Dec0i МТУ Music Generator 2 85 Junot Tony Hawk's Pro Skater3 85 0ес01 Gun Valkyrie 525 Майр 975: Hot Date, The 8 9002 Shaun Palmer's Ace Combat 04: Mummy Returns, The 25 Jan02 Тор Shop 75 3001 Halo 95 №01 Sims: House Party, The 75 Mayo Pro Snowboarder 675 Feb-02 Shattered Skies 85 Мое МХ2002 VIP. 1 Jan02 Jet Set Radio Future 7 Margo 98 Trek: Away Team 45 Jun0! Spider-Man: Mysterio's Menace 75 берб! AirBlade 8 Mar-02 Featuring Ricky Carmichael 7 Aug-01 Virtual Kasparov 775 Jan-02 Kabuki Warriors 05 Deco Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles 625 Маг? Arctic Thunder 5 NovOi MXRider 7 DecO! Weakest Link 7 Jano? Mad Dash Racing Jenga Dominion Wars 425 Sep-01 Super Bust-A-Move 675 Feb-02 ‘Armored Core 2: Namco Museum 8 foe Words Scariest Police Chases 675 Ашу01 Madden NFL 2002 95 Nord! Another Age 85 0001 NASCAR Heat 2002 85 i X-Men: Mutant Academy 2 8.25 00:01 Max Р: 9 Feb-02 Ату Men: Air Attack 2 35 шй NASCAR Thunder 2002 85 Deco! ae OPERATION FLASHPOINT: ‘Army Men: Green Rogue 1 Митот NBA2K2 875 Mar? GAMECUBE Featuring Ricky Carmichael 75 Jan-02 Ату Men: Sarge’s Heroes 55 Ји NBA Live 2002 85 0ес01 A-Star Baseball 2002 RT WE iere 825 бей COLD WAR CRISIS Bass Strike 7 Novo) NBA Steet 925 Aug. Ватап: Vengeance 675 Feb02 NASCAR Thunder 2002 9 Оесот FORMAT STYLE CTION Batman: Vengeance 7 Nov0i МСАА Final Four 2002 5 Dec0! Cel Damage Б Mar02 МВА2К2 9 Mart? РОМАТ иет леа, NOV.OI Baldur's Gate: Dark Aliance 875 Dec0i МСАА Football 2002 9 0801 Crazy Tad 75 Jan-02 NBA Live 2002 35 ал02 Bloody Roar 3 8 Aug0! NCAAMarchMadness2002 475 Mar-02 Оауе Mirra Freestyle BMX2 875 Feb02 NFL2K2 925 Маго2 T bi: I'm elated to tell you that | Burnout 775 4102 NFL2K2 85 49702 Extreme G3 825 206-02 NFL Fever 2002 8.25 Dec-01 VM ] ^ M " Capcom Vs. SNK 2 775 DecO! NFL GameDay 2002 5 Feb02 FIFA Soccer 2002 8 Feb02 NHL2002 925 Dec! я haven't had this much fun with CART Fury NFL ОВ Club 2002 75 Nov-01 Luigis Mansion 9 NHLHiz 2002 85 Jan-02 an action/shooter of this ilk Championship Racing в Ашот NHL2002 95 Мой! Madden NFL 2002 ә Feb02 Nighasier 55 Feb-02 4 /shoo Casper: Spirit Dimensions 625 NovO! NHL Hitz 2002 85 Оес0 МВА Courtside 2002 825 Mar-02 Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee 7 Deci! since | was painfully addicted City Crisis 7 Sepo No One Lives Forever. 7 0ес01 NHL Hitz 2002 8 Feb02 Project Gotham Racing 85 Decot s, 'er-Strike. Altho! Crash Bandicoot: Okage: Shadow King 8 Мо! Pikmin 325 ип Shek 2 Jan02 to Count А ugh The Wrath of Cortex 675 Jan02 Pac-Man World 2 55 Mar02 Simpson's Road Rage 8 Маб? Silent Hil 2: Restless Dreams 825 Feb-02 fundamentally different from its Crazy Taxi 825 Jun-01 Рагарра The Rapper 2 75 Feb02 Sonic Adventure 2 Ваше 75 Mar02 Simpsons Road Rage, The 8 0ес01 online cousin, Operation Feed. 3 JO! Pirates: The Legend SSX Tricky 85 Feb02 55Х Tricky 9 Feb-02 Е за РОМ eves e | glo 725 Мак? Star Wars: Rogue Leader 95 0901 Star Wars: Obi Wan 625 Feb-02 Flashpoint exhibits the same avo Mira Freestyle 10! Рода Runner 4 0801 буры Monkey Ball 85 Мо! i " n Tarati ^ | Devil May Cry. 95 0401 Project Eden 55 Jan02 Me hod ua 5 de r^r d в Dew У of intense and exhilarating play we've all come to know. Drakan: The Ancients’ Gates 9 Feb02 Red Faction 9 JunO! Tony Hawks Pro Skater 975 Jan2 Test Drive Off Road: and love from Counter-Strike. Focused more around a realistic Driven 65 Feb02 Resident БИ Code: Wide 65 Decot 1 it Dynasty Wariors 3 7 м Veronica X s25 agoi а Sudos И а кмш; Tom Hewes Po Skater2X 55 moo; Combat simulator, OpFlash (as the cool Kids are calling it Ephemeral Fantasia 4 00 = ij bes Wave Race: Blue Storm. 85 №01 Transworld Surf 55 Deco! nowadays) forces the player to use brains as well as brawn Escape From Monkey Island 85 Зеро Rugby 5 Aug! UFC Ta 825 Мао T 8 " ESPN International Rune: Viking Warlord 725 Sep0! ^ DREAMCAST Pci з we евресайу during campaign play. Be too ЗЕЕ and you'll к. 2002 z nage Shadow Hearts 775 Jan-02 18 Wheeler get yourself killed. Too cautious and you'll let your squad гайте jun- Shaun Palmer's ‘American Pro Trucker 85 Дио! PC i t ituation i. ESPN NFL PrimeTime 2002 6 Јал02 Pro Snowboarder 825 08001 Aen Front Onine 8 Sep-01 Aiens Versus Predator2 925 дим? down. Adapting your style to the situation is ESPN Winter X Siem ни? 7 0901 доле the Dark: ‘Anachronox 725 omo! necessary if you want to finish your tour of duty Snowboarding 2002 7 Mar-02 Silent Scope 2: Dark Silhouette 8 Sep-0t The New Nightmare 8 №01 ‘Anarchy Online 85 берб! г 3 KRISTIAN ESPN X Games Skateboarding 5 Зеро! ‘Simpsons Road Rage 8 Dec-01 Atari Anniversary Edition 6 бер01 Асало: Of Sisemwicrks & In one piece. MN passe Г. M GMT 25 deco, Bomberman Onine 85 Моб! Мад Obscura 675 0001 Super Dodge Ball Advance 9 М Extermination. $25 Зри юбі Terry н 5 Confidential Mission 55 lund! Baldurs Gate ll: Startopla 925 A0! Spyro: Season of ee 6 Jano? Erromo 03 ї п башто 4, MO Crazy Taxi 2 875 №1 Тмопе of Bhaal 975 Aug0! Star Wars: Super Mario Advance 85 мо FIFA Soccer 2002 в Вест Soul Reaver 2 875 0901 Death Crimson OX 4 Dec-01 Black & White з Junot Galactic Batlegrounds 45 0001 Syper Svep! Fighter Il Final Fortan X 915: «ин ©шм 9 0801 Fioigan Bros. 825 Aug-01 Вак & White: Creature Isle 825 Marü2 Зее Soldiers 625 Ай! “Тибо Revival 9 Aug Forever Kingdom 5 эе ins 85 №01 Heavy Metal: Geomatrix З Dec0i СагТусооп 675 Миф? Stronghold 9 02 Tekken Advance 85 Ма ка Ою 2003 35 м чы S 0801 цы 5 Jun-01 Civilization It 85 Decot SWINE 85 Ma0? qus Worlds 7 dane Frequency 85 0801 StarTrek Voyager: Elte Force 45 Feb02 | ast Blade 2: come 65 Maroz Throne of Darkness 65 Decl Toy Hawks ProSkaler2 925 МО Fur Fighters: Viggo's Revenge 65 401 Stretch Panic 75 Seol “Heart ofthe Samurai, The 8 бер! Command Conquer Tribes 2 NEC S n о же Gallop Racer 2001 75 Sep-02 StntGP 4 Jan-02 ма Hoffman's Pro ВМХ 7 Dect Yuri's Revenge 925 Decot Торо 925 А01 Wendy: Every Witch Way 75 бер! Gauntlet Dark Legacy 775 Jun-02 Supercar Street Challenge 6 Dec-01 МВАФКО 925 001 Commandos 2: Men of Courage 75 Nov! World War II Onine: Blitzkrieg 825 АТ X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse 775 Oct-01 Giants: Citizen Kabuto 9 Dec-02 Tarzan Untamed 775 Jan02 NCAA College Football 2K2: Cultures 75 Sep-01 260 Tycoon 75 Deco! Jone ofthe Enders Gitaroo Man 9 Mar-02 Test Drive Off-Road: Road to the Rose Bow! 8 Odo Dark Age of Camelot 85 Jan-02 The Fist of Mars 65 Mar02 Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec 5 Aug-02 Wide Open 625 №01 wrLoko 9 NovO! Desperados 725 3ер01 GAME BOY ADVANCE Grand Thell Auto 1 95 Dec02 Tunc. рй Ooga Воода 6 Octo Diablo |: Lord of Destruction 7.25 Sep-01 Advance Wars. 925 берб! GAME BOY COLOR Grandia Il 65 Merve драми ed FA toph Alienators: Evolution Continues 7 Feb-O2 Alone in the Dark: Guilty Gear X 6 0-02 F ж ‘American Bass Challenge 6 Feb-02 The New Nightmare 75 Зеро ш 8 Qi Токуо Xtreme Racer: Zeo 8 Jun01 prd <i densus 5 MAD DASH RACING c ти Sey „м Save пе напеви 15 Deco! Тоби Combai Zones 775 0979 FORMAT XBOX M STYLE 1 TO 4-PLAYER RACING Bomberman Tournament Sepo! Dragon Мато Матев? в Nord! рате нака мое о оил рев 2 "Ae PUBLISHER EIDOS INTERACTIVE REVIEWED JAN-02 Ban Fe же куте 875 Mayot ы Nds astlevania: end of Jade Cocoon 2 825 Feb-02 Vampire Night 65 08:41 | think the real problem with Circe of the Moon 875 Jurî аде ot Ages, The 95 ки Jak and Daxter: Victorious Boxers: 4 ы ChuChu Rocket 8 шо Legend of Zelda: The Presson Legacy 825 Jano pos Road To Gy WS nu Mad Dash is that its basic бесте Croun 6 Decot Oracle of Seasons, The 925 Jui James Bond 007 In. larJetz Ў. ер-01 m В " Pg y 85 Мау! Agent Under Fire 925 Jan02 Wave Rally 4 Ро Premise tS Да ШИШЕ ps Mea ese m arte Hepa Мел irene 2 7 Mai Jeremy McGrath's Wizardry: terms, the things that are Dokapon: Monster Hunter 7 Feb02 Mickey's Speedway USA 6 Мауй! Supercross World 5 Jan 02 Tale ofthe Forsaken Land 65 Feb-02 ds в соса Te бой мамите te $ ма Kessen I 8 Оз! World Tour Soccer 2002 B825 Feb-02 good about racing games К ndo 7 ALOI FO Cea x 0901 Kinelica в №01 WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It 8 Decot (high speeds and precision $ Cea йай (05. ОДИН Klonoa 2:Lunatea's Vel 825 Ашу Уапуа Caballista: City Skater 75 Осы! A id the things that pos Saor e 2 р p Fans ETSI Bin His = шн ыы» К м шы шешн Fata Tomat & dnog Treehouse of Honor Te ^ 75 dunt HM [3E 7] ТОВ are good about platforming F-Zero: Maximum Velociy 9 207 Snoopy Tennis, т ма fans 24 Hours : e i E та dod Man 2: The Sinister Sh Madden NFL 2002 975 0201 The New Nightmare 8 Асо games (exploration, climbing, and tricky jump sequences) гата он КА 939 ise А prts roe Ghosts ю Glory E we AG as наш ri Er are mutually exclusive, in that the racing tends to make the Fa 919 65 Мой Тото Raider: аупе E е! " " | " 8 берб! Metal Gear Sold 2 Castlevania Chronicles 675 Озот platforming frustrating and vice versa. Yes, the levels are тшм деше ОЙ M REM PO bes Keene m знай pr Revolution: оро geo Very large and it looks reasonably good, but aan N 85 Janog Toy Slory Racer 4 Mayî Journey to Jaburo 55 Sew Dawe Miva FreesyieBM ... мо Ма Dash is not a reason to buy an Xbox. Gradus alesis LE EE E Mobile Suit Gundam: laximum Remix 25 Аю ane с Zeonic Front 735 Feb-02 Digimon Digtal Card Bate 75 беро ~~ MATT Championship Racing 6 hoi WWFBetrayal | 3 uel Monster Rancher 3 925 Мой! Ki Wasg 7 869



. . Batman: Dark Tomorrow


Title Publisher/ Publisher/ Distributor Distributor

System Release



- Solitaire Antics Ultimate . .

Baseball Advance. Army Men: RTS . . Mad Dog Месте . XBladez: In-Line Skating... Yugioh! Dark Duel Stories James Bond 007 in... Agent Under Fire.

Command & Cong Hooters Road Trip 2. Sniper Hooters Road Trip Worms World Party. . Yugioh! Forbidden Memories. Deus Ex: The Conspiracy. . . .



With the tag line, "There's a riot at the bat rack!"; you should be able to draw your own conclusions as to what kind of a game MLB Slugfest is. Intentionally bean batters, hit mile long home run shots, stampede through catchers, just don’t play the sport in the way it was meant to be. As Midway says, "This is baseball without the lollygaging between pitches." America’s favorite pastime just got violent. When you see the animations that Midway has in store for this game, you'll know exactly what we mean. Look out!

ted Strike Bundle

3/19/02. . 3/19/02. 3/19/02. .

- Monsters, Inc... . Red Card Soccer

Tetris Worlds . 3/19/02. . . Triple Play 2002. 3/19/02. . . Virtua Fighter 4 . 2. Gun Valkyrie Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat ‚. Triple Play 2002. -. Shifters Muppet Pinball Mayhem . . . . . Britney's Dance Beat . 3/25/02. ... Ripping Friends, The, . - Atari Anniversary Advance. . Decathlon Advance. . . „се Age. . 2 Monster Jam: Maximum Destruction. - Motocross Maniacs Advance . Space Invaders. © Scorpion king: Sword of Osiris, The . . Bloody Roar: Primal Fury... . . + Donald Duck: Goin Quackers +. Home Run King NFL Blitz 2002

- Electronic Arts „Electronic Arts

- Ubi Soft. . Konami . . Activision - Vivendi Universal. . . . Activision.

~ Ubi Soft.

. Soccer Slam ... ... Sega. вс 2. Carnivores: Cityscape . . Infogrames. PC . Elder Scrolls Ill: Morrowind . . . - Bethesda Softworks. PC

. Freedom Force. ` Ghost Recon: Mission Pack #1 ~ Hitman 2 - MechWarrior . Rayman Arena . . Risk Gold . ` Season Ticket Baseball 2003 . . Sims Vacation, Тпе....... - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. . Power Play: Sports Trivia. . .

» Electronic Arts . . - Red Storm Entertainment. . Eidos... . Infogrames. - Ubi Soft. . Infogrames. . Infogrames. + Electronic Arts

3/26/02. 3/26/02.

3/26/02. . . Rayman Rush .

3/26/02. . . Army Men: RTS

3/26/02. . . Caesar's Palac

3/26/02. . . King's Field: The Ancient City. . 3/26/02. . . Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2. 3/26/02. . . Smash Court Tennis: Pro Tournament 3/26/02. . . Transworld Surf

Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex . James Bond 007 in.. Agent Under Fire Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2. NFL Blitz 2002 Superpower Heroes of Might & Magic IV. -. Shadow of Zorro . .

Pocky & Rocky. Urban Yeti. Dragon's Lair 30. ©. Evi Twin: Cyprien’s Chronicles. :

3/26/02. 3/26/02. 3/26/02. 3/26/02. 3/21/02. 3/28/02.

Vivendi Universal . Electronic Arts . Eidos . Midway Dreamcatcher .

4/16/02. 4/16/02. 4/16/02. 4/16/02. 4/16/02. 4/16/02.

4/16/02. 4/22/02. 4/23/02. 4/23/02. 4/23/02. 4/23/02. . 4/23/02. 4/23/02. 4/24/02. 4/30/02. 4/30/02.

++ Industry Tycoon 2 .... ..... Aliens: Colonial Marines .

Instead, it's a brand new 6/10/02. . . StarFox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet . .. . .. Nintendo endeavor for Acclaim Max Sports, Z-Axis, and the action sports 6/11/02. . . Bonx Racers .. - Ubi Soft. genre as a whole. Z-Axis is definitely not resting on its Mirra [An E- Dragon Ball Z: Collectable, Card бате. ++... Шева accomplishments. Chris Edwards Aggressive Inline will not only o. Me oed ie stand on its own two feet, it's poised to revolutionize action 5. WA

Sports as we know it.

5/1/02. 5/1/02. 5/6/02. 5/6/02. 5/7/02. 5/7/02. 5/7/02. 5/1/02. 5/1/02. 5/1/02. 5/1/02. 5/14/02. . 5/14/02. .


. Hidden Invasion. . .... 5/15/02... Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius . ~ = No One Lives Forever . . 5/15/02. . . Rayman Arena. . Burnout 5/15/02. . . Skies of Arcadia.

. Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis Atlus . 5/15/02. . . Worms Blast . Three Stooges... . Metro3D . . . Virtua Tennis 2K2 . . Sega...

+ Duke Nukem... ..

« . Resident Evil Gaiden. . Spider-Man: The Movie . | Austerlitz: Napoleon's Greatest Victories.

. Grand Theft Auto Ш ..... . Take 2 PC M4 Armored Clash... - WizardWorks.. вс The PlayStation 2 is already . Spider-Man: The Movie . . . - . Activision PC

» Spider-Man: The Movie » Spider-Man: The Movie

- FIFA World Cup 2002 Dance Dance Revolution Konamix

+. Cubix Robots for Everyone: Clash п’ Bash. . . Defender Of The Crown.


. Downforce..

. Sheep.

PC Ps2 ‚РС

. . Masque Acclaim . Midway „Acclaim . Strategy First .. Н;

. . Acclaim .

5/14/02. . . Legends of Wrestling . Z00 Cube ....

. Britney's Dance Beat

MLB Slugfest 2003 .

„Star Wars: Jedi Outcast,

LucasArts. PC „срив Edwards Aggressive Inline. » Star Wars: Jedi Outcast Collector's Edition . . LucasArts. -PC . Space Race. m + Infogrames Factory Mogul ...... з cae Dreamcatcher. -PC » Legends of Wrestling . „дебат. Xbox » Dungeon Siege . Microsoft . . Smashing Drive . Xbox. . NASCAR Heat .... . Infogrames . Star Wars Episode Il: Attack of the Clones . . THQ. . - Smuggler's Run. - Destination Software . . Arx Fatalis. . - Fishtank interactive . Shantae 5/15/02. .. Beam Breakers. - Fishtank Interactive - Burnout 5/15/02, . . Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles.

„Тайе 2... - Activision . «Capcom. - Activision - Strategy First

SpiderMan: The Movie


overflowing with first-person shooters, but we have a feeling that Medal of Honor will tower above them all. World War II is а touchy subject, but as we've seen through two installments already, you really couldn’t ask for a more realistic or gripping recreation. While some may think it just a game, it's more an interactive history lesson that covers just about every aspect of the war, putting players closer to the intense emotions of WWII than any movie could. Suit up, soldier. The war begins again this June.

Activision . - Activision. -TDK.. - Electronic Arts . Konami... - Electronic Arts » Electronic Arts . Electronic Arts. . Sega... . Bethesda Softworks Gathering of Developers Take 2 300. Metro3D _ Bam! Entertainment . -..Telegames .

-Metro3D ..

Pryzm Chapter One: The Dark Unicorn

FIFA World Cup 2002 FIFA World Cup 2002... FIFA World Cup 2002 . World Series Baseball 2K3 . Elder Scrolls Ш: Morrowind . Age of Wonders 2 ....

Kong . Ultimate Brain Games.

Wings Advance . . 5/21/02...

Gravity Games ВМХ . Midway . 5/21/02. . 1

MLB Slugfest 2003 . Midway . 5/21/02. . . Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2. - Electronic Arts ~

Red Card Soccer . . . Midway . 5/24/02. . . Space Ace... . - Digital Leisure. PC Half-Life: Condition Zero . . Vivendi Universal. 5/21/02. . . Pinball of the Dead. . THQ. GBA

. Macmillan. . Electronic Arts «Midway ...... - Bam! Entertainment, . Midway .

5/21/02. 5/28/02. 5/28/02. 5/28/02. 5/28/02.

‘Smash Pack . Master of Oron И Commandos 2: Men of Courage. FreekStyle. . Monster Jam:

.THQ. Infogrames .

Gravity Games BMX . King Of Coliseum. Legion: The Legend of Excalibur

UFC: Throwdown . . Crave. . PS2 5/28/02... . Ballistic Gravity Games BMX . - Midway . . Xbox 5/28/02. . . Commandos 2: Men of Courage. MLB Slugfest 2003 - Midway . Xbox 5/31/02... Hidden & Dangerous Il . Talonsoft

Aero The Acrobat... . Metro3D_ . . Disney's Jungle Book . : Dual Blades .... . . Fire Pro Wrestling 2. . Hey Arnold! The Movie . Scooby Doo: The Motion Picture. Spirit.

Spy Hunter . Toxic Grind . H20 Overdrive . Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 Way Of The Samurai. Toxic Grind

The same studio that brought you the best BMX game around is now entering the uncharted waters of inline skating. Unlike Mat Hoffman was to Tony Hawk, Chris Edwards Aggressive Inline isn't just the old game's engine with a new lead character.

Bam! Entertainment. HORS Е Electronic Arts. . Electronic Arts . NewKidCo. . . . Disney Interactive .

. Xbox

Medal of Honor: Frontline . . Tom & Jerry: War of the Whiskers Disney's Lilo and Stitch

6/17/02. . . Crazy Taxi Next .. . . House of the Dead 3 . . Black Moon Chronicles

Neverwinter Nights

Persian Wars.

Unreal Il $

ета! Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem: Hunting.

Mega Man Battle Network 2 .

. . Dreamcatcher. Infogrames. . . Dreamcatcher .

Red Card Soccer . . . Shikami Castle . Britney's Dance Beat .. .

Midway... Bam! Entertainment

Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix .

MLB 2003 . Test Drive . Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Hitman 2 . Test Drive. Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku.

Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius. WWF WrestleMania X8 .

. . . „Vivendi Universal. . . Vivendi Universal.

Warcraft Il: Collector's Edition,



U 4 га гс

Mario World was the first, and easily one of the best, Super Nintendo games in the 16-bit console's library. It introduced us to Yoshi, and expanded on the nonlinear style of Super Mario Bros. 3, allowing you to choose which

stages to play.

Now that it's being re-released as Super Mario. Advance 2 on Game Boy Advance, we felt it was a good time to tell you all the ins and outs of one of Mario's greatest adventures. Amazingly, Nintendo further advanced this great game by making Luigi more of a factor, and increasing the importance of the Dragon Coins on each

get all five.


level. Read on as we break Mario World wide open.

: 1. YOSHI'S ISLAND 1 When you see a vacant red shell, toss it up to make the 1-Up move right. Follow and catch it. If you're unfamiliar with the mechanics, you'll get your bearings here.

2. YELLOW SWITCH PALACE Jump on the P-Switch and reap the monetary benefits. Now just mosey through the pipe and hop on the big yellow switch. Every space with dotted yellow lines is now filled with yellow blocks.

ЛО) 10707016 3. YOSHI'S ISLAND 2 In the beginning, grab the red shell and toss it on the higher platform. Run behind it, and | you'll get a 1-Up for all the Koopas it trounces. In the pipe with flying blocks, jump, then hit R to jump off Yoshi to reach them | all. One has a 1-Up in it.

4. YOSHI'S ISLAND 3 When riding the circular-moving wooden platforms, look below for yellow blocks to jump down to. They usually hide pipes or power-ups.

5. YOSHI'S ISLAND 4 Along your journey, you'll see a shell. Toss it on the block under the P-switch (or double- jump with Yoshi). Before standing on it, though, get the star. Now run right, killing Koopas and floating spikes to get 1-Ups and sprint to the finish.

6. IGGY'S CASTLE Hit the fences, then dodge the crushing pillars. Play king of the hill with Iggy. Just jump on him when the platform is slanted a certain way, or shoot him with fireballs to knock him off the base.

* You can quickly exit levels you've already beaten by pausing and selecting Back. Use this to your advantage to collect power-ups and extra lives with ease. However, this will not count the Dragon Coins collected, even if you

е The spin jump (R-button) is more powerful than the standard jump. It can destroy more enemies, and even shoots fireballs on its own when Mario or Luigi are fire-

е It's important to master flying. When you sprint then take. to the skies, tap backwards to stay aloft. Press forward slightly to gain speed, or hold it to.do a super-fast dive, which will crush unsuspecting enemies.

* The colored Koopa shells Yoshi eats give him different powers. While green are generic, red shells let him spit. Experiment with each character to see which suits youi fire, yellow make a powerful stomp, blue make him fly, 3 and the elusive blinking shells give him all three. Ifyou

find a colored Yoshi, he will get his color-coded power from every shell he eats. no matter the hue.

е If you're hurting for 1-Ups or are just plain greedy, each enemy or red apple Yoshi swallows gives you a coin. Also, eating a pair of pink apples will make a coin-tossing cloud come out.

е If you miss all five Coins in a castle or fortress, worry not. Once you beat Bowser, you can go back to them just like other levels. »

е Luigi's jumps are higher than Mario's, and float further. However, they're more difficult to control. When Luigi tides Yoshi. your dino friend will keep gobbled enemies in his mouth long enough to spit them out; as opposed to

| his quick swallowing while Mario is mounting him.

liking. A * If you carry an item through the exit gate, it will either turn into a power-up or 1-Up mushroom.

7. DONUT PLAINS 1 This is the first stage you'll learn to fly in. Either hit a shellless Koopa with a flashing wing to get a feather, or go into a pipe to find loads of coins.

E x 10. GREEN SWITCH PALACE To get the extra life in the pre-switch room, you must use the red shell to take out all shelled Koopas. Ignore the naked one, bounce the shell off the wall, then chase after it.

8. DONUT PLAINS 1 PART И Near the end, there's a section with a wall of green-dotted line blocks. You can get the Green Switch Palace to run up these, but you don't have to wait that long. While riding Yoshi, jump on the purple-ish triangle. If you get a good leap, jump off Yoshi and hold right on the d-pad. You'll be able to walk ир to the key and hole to beat the alternate path of Donut Plains 1. If this is proving too

just skip it and do it after level 10.

B Ti. DONUT PLAINS 2 PART II Now you can work all the way through this level. There is little to no advice we can give, except not to get killed by the forced scrolling.

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9. DONUT PLAINS 2 The alternate path is the first one to beat, since it takes you to the Green Switch Palace. Go in the second green pipe, which is hanging above you. When there, spin jump to grab the blue shell. Use it to hit the highest yellow block, and climb the vine up to the key and hole.


his route unlocks one of the most helpful | things in the game: Top Secret Area. This | room-sized stage has power-ups and easy | access. To get there, have a Feather in the - Ghost House. Run toward the right, then | sprint back left and fly up the left side of the | screen. You'll be able to run along the ceiling all the way to a doorway. Now Top Secret | Area will be above the house on the map.

| 13. DONUT GHOST HOUSE PART II | Now you have to beat this level for real.

| There are two identical rooms which can be

| confusing. One has a P-switch that unveils a | door. The other has a Piranha plant vine going up to the end gate.



Spin around back to the water level. The first

gray pipe takes you to a wild room where

| your character turns into a floating balloon.

| There's a 1-Up mushroom high above, as well as two of the Dragon Coins (one on each side, though you don't need them both). You can't make it all the way up

| without getting a second balloon power-up

| near the left-hand side. Don't waste too

| much time here, though, as the clock is ticking.

15. DONUT SECRET 1 PART 11 You'll finally be able to get to that lower-right Ghost House with this alternate route. You should run across a P-switch past the halfway marker. Grab it and carry it to where the hole is. Activate it, and go down to find

| the key, which you bring up to finish this level

1 16. DONUT SECRET HOUSE | This is the most confusing level yet. Ignore the trampoline and the big Boo and go in the | door. In the next room, take the P-switch and get the coins that look like they're outlining a door. Hit the switch, and find out that they are. Go in this blue door to exit.


Things are tougher the second time around. You need a cape, so use Top Secret Area if you don't have one. This time, the P-switch should be used to go in the door where the yellow blocks are. Go in the right-hand door, gathering the Dragon Coins along the way. Get the 1-Up, and go through the door. You'll end up in the same room again. There is a Dragon Coin on the high left side. Now, grab the P-switch and fly upright to a landing. There's the last Dragon Coin. Use the P- switch for the secret door, and lob blocks at the Boo to kill it.

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18. DONUT SECRET 2 Go in the pipe accessible after 16 to get a sneak peek at Bowser's lair. Inside, the ground is very icy. At the end, jump on the highestflying Koopa, and bump each one on the way down for a 1-Up.


19. DONUT PLAINS 3 Since this level takes place above a seemingly endless pit, the cape is a nice thing to have. You'll be riding lots of platforms. Try to stay as high on their tracks as possible, since a pipe and most Dragon Coins are there.

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à | К 20. DONUT PLAINS 4 Not much here, save for lots of Goombas. Dragon Coins are easy to find, and there

Ny надува 21. MORTON'S CACTLE The key here is to have patience. When traveling upwards, take your time especially since many Dragon Coins are only visible some of the time. When fighting Morton Koopa Jr., though, speed it up. Hit him fast, let him recover, then hit him again. Repeat once more to take him out before he even climbs the wall.

22. VANILLA DOME 1 This is Buzzy Beetle central right here. There is a 1-Up among all the yellow blocks near the beginning of the level. For one of the Dragon Coins, you'll need to be small.

23. VANILLA DOME 2 Worry not this level isn't all underwater. The first order of business is to go the key/hole route, so you open up another switch palace. Go up at the opening with the power-up block, and swing left. Take the P- switch all the way left, then use it to go further. Down below you'll find the dry key and the wet hole.

24. RED SWITCH PALACE Spin jump to kill the flashing shell. Now grab the next Koopa's covering, hit the P-switch,

and launch the shell. If you keep up, you'll receive a 1-Up for the carnage.

b $ oes T2727 20272727 2727 278327 77277 77. 25. VANILLA DOME 1 PART II

Back to the back to the dome, y'all. After hitting the red switch, you can now get this alternate path. Go forward until you see the red stairs. Take 'em up, climb the vine, and put the key in the hole.

. VANILLA DOME 2 PART И Go back here, and beat it for real. Time and Dragon Coin locations are again hurdles in your quest. One of the Coins is near the key, and you've got to place the spring on the red block to get back on track.

27. VANILLA SECRET 1 This level is very vertical and pretty short. Two of the Dragon Coins require either flying or use of the springs.


PART il Make sure you're caped, and go right back into this stage. Work your way to the area before the flying Koopas block your path up. Drop to a larger flat surface, and fly up to the far left. There's a pipe to enter. You get another Star Road entrance, but hold off on going inside yet.

29. VANILLA SECRET 2 Take the newly opened pipe up to the surface. Koopa Paratroopas inhabit this level. Yoshi's a huge help. If you can time your jumps on the Koopa's heads, you can pick up a few more 1-Ups. There's also a Y Switch by the spiny guys that'll turn things into silver coins, and gives you up to three lives for the coins. Don't forget the green

30. VANILLA SECRET 3 Dolphins! That Yoshi can eat! Woohoo! Try to stay out of the water, as a prickly puffer fish will put a hurtin’ on you. This is a straightforward level, so just collect your coins and work to the end.



| This is your first fortress, and it's a trial by fire or rather, by water. This whole stage (save for Reznor) is underwater. Who's

| Reznor, you ask? The four-dino boss, of

| course. They're on a rotating platform, spewing fireballs, and the bridge to them rapidly disappears. To kill them, hit the bottoms of as many pedestals as you can, then jump up on one and clean up.


Come back underground and hit this Ghost

| House. If you're collecting Dragon Coins (which you should be) there's one you have

| to use a vine to reach. Said vine is in the yellow blocks by the big Boo. The transparent green globes can go through solid surfaces, зо be careful. To find the only ending, just get the coins on the far right, then activate the P-switch.


Ride those skulls! In the section with the two | tall, orange pipes, if you've got a cape, you

can get your hands on a 3-Up moon. Fly up

left from this area, and you'll find a hidden

passage in the wall. Cha'ching! Fly right and

straight from there to a pipe with a bonus


34. VANILLA DOME 4 Bullet Bills will give you headaches here, especially when they come at you in fours. The silver jumping Piranha plant pipe has a Dragon Coin in it. A cape definitely comes in handy here.

25. LEMMY'S CAGTLE No, this isn't the guy from Mótorhead, which makes him a lot easier. The wizards, however, complicate things. There's another coin/P-switch/secret door trick in this room. In the rising/falling floor part, you'll find it tough collecting Dragon Coins using Mario, but Luigi is slightly easier. Lemmy's lair has a perpetual fireball and two decoys. Just hit

the real deal three times when they emerge from the pipe.

36. STAR WORLD 1 Since your skills should be honed by now and you have the Switch Palaces you need, it's time to tackle the Star Road. For the first one, stay on the right side of the second section of spin jumpable yellow blocks to find the key and hole for the secret passage;

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37. STAR WORLD 1 PART II You must beat each Star Road twice to get full credit the key/hole way and the regular way. The regular way is pretty easy, so we'll just tell you the Dragon Coin locations. The first Coin is on the right side of the first block section. Go left in the next section for number two, then left again. There are two more on the left in the section after the stars.

38. STAR WORLD 2 Swim along to the pipe exit, but go under it instead. You'll find the key and hole, and be livin’ large.

39. STAR WORLD 2 PART 1 Just swim, grab Coins, and exit. Let the Starman go into the baby Yoshi's mouth to grow him up in a hurry. Don't miss the final posce Coin above the end pipe.

40. STAR WORLD 3 Hit the switch to make Lakitu toss coins, then either fly up the middle of the stage, or

hit Lakitu with a block and use his cloud to float up. The key's on the left, hole's on the

41. STAR WORLD З PART И This should be easy, right? Uh, no. Three Dragon Coins are on the other side of the end gate. Get them by tossing a block at Lakitu, pulling a few blocks from the ground, then floating underneath the end gate to the Coins. Whew!


Mosey along until you see some colored blocks underneath your path. Follow the multi-colored road to a block with a key, and a hole. If you're capeless, there's a Feather in the right-most green block. This will actually open a path to Bowser's front door, if you want to end the adventure already.

43. STAR WORLD 4 PART II Two tricky Coins are located down on a four- story Koopa platform early on, and above the multi-colored blocks from 41, respectively.

44. CTAR WORLD 5 Unfortunately, you won't be able to unlock the key/hole way easily on this level until you get the Blue Switch Palace. Just beat it by racing to the finish to make one less thing for you to do later on. Again, having a cape is a very smart move, especially when collecting Coins.

45. BUTTER BRIDGE 1 Go back to the Vanilla Fortress, and the level it opened up. This stage is a bear. Have a cape and Luigi for the easiest run. That way, you can float through without spending so much time on the lowering platforms. The scrolling plane speeds and slows at random,

so watch out. : wl velie


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46. BUTTER BRIDGE 2 15 this level as hard as the previous bridge? Oh, yeah. This stage is a nudist colony for Koopas, and there will be many shell-less enemies zipping past your head. If it weren't for the Dragon Coins, you could fly right over everything; but because of them, you're stuck in the trenches. There's one high above where you toss the green shell at the lofty question box. Get the last Coin either by sacrificing Yoshi to save your own life, or have a cape and float down from the higher platform.

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47. LUDWIG'S CASTLE Here's another Koopa kid to kick. In the falling spike ceiling room, make sure you're sprinting in the straightaway, or you'll get caught and flattened. The cage room has the majority of the Dragon Coins, as well as plenty of power-ups. To annihilate Ludwig, jump over his fireballs and hit him. Dodge his shell spinning and repeat. Easy.

48. CHEEGE BRIDGE AREA Tie up some loose ends before entering the forest. Go back through Vanilla to the lower bridge section. Bring Yoshi and snag the wings after the three moving platforms to grab a bunch of Dragon Coins. This will also give you a quick exit.

49. CHEESE BRIDGE AREA PART И Keep your Yoshi from 48 and make your way through the level. A cape is vital to this exit, too. When you reach the long rope, don't

abandon your steed. Instead, just hop on the.

chainsaws to get to the end gate. Instead of - using it, jump under it, then hop off Yoshi to епа up past it. There's a 3-Up moon and another, alternate gate.

50. SODA LAKE In Minnesota, they call it Pop Lake. This is a standard swimming level, aside from the large missiles being fired at your Italian rear end. At this point, though, you should have little problems acing it. You now have another Star Road point.

De. 22/00: 1 51. COOKIE MOUNTAIN Are all these level names getting you hungry? Skip the cookies and soda, and have some protein bars. Little gopher creatures inhabit this area. Their emergence from the ground is unpredictable, so be patient. Don't bother going in any tubes, pease the puffer fish place it warps you to | blows.

52. FOREST OF ILLUSION 1 _ This is a simple jaunt through the forest. The first Coin is behind the tree trunk right at the ‘start. If you're not too powered up, carry the spring for height. Look out for blocks that break and rain down enemies. Yoshi's a good vacuum here.

53. FOREST OF ILLUSION 1 PART II You probably already saw the hole. To get there, go slightly past it and hit the question block to get the balloon power-up. Now float left, past the flying Koopa, and get the key from the question block by the hole.

54. FOREST OF ILLUSION 2 This level's huge for a water stage, so collecting Dragon Coins will be tough. Forget them until Part Il and concentrate on the alternate path here. A bit past the halfway checkpoint, you'll be going downward. Keep this up, and you'll see a yellow block, with a Rip Van Fish sleeping to its left. There's a fake wall there. Go left for the key and hole.

CUERO 3 А 55. BLUE SWITCH PALACE This is the last switch palace. First, clear away the coins. Then activate the blue

P-switch, followed immediately by the silver one. Run back and forth to get the silver

56. FOREST GHOST HOUSE Dodge ghouls until you reach the second room. Take the P-switch below the line of coins and get the blue door. Now, work all the way left to the last door. You'll get a 3-Up moon and one exit.

57. FOREST GHOST HOUSE PART II Do the same as above. This time, though, go through the first door on the left, not the last.

58. FOREST OF ILLUSION 4 Be either caped or have a Yoshi. If you grab the 1-Up from Fishin’ Lakitu, he'll start throwing spiny guys at you. It's best to avoid this as long as possible. Past the halfway checkpoint there's a silvery blue pipe

suspended in the air. Get in and you're in


59. FOREST SECRET AREA Ride the winged platforms! Stay on the first one to get the first three Dragon Coins, then switch at the blue blocks to grab number four. Go back to the original one for the fifth, and take 'er home. Don't worry about the 1-Ups on the other side of the goal. You'll get credit for them just by crossing the gate.

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60. FOREST FORTRESS Don't slack or you'll miss the Dragon Coin above your head when you start. You're going to take some hits to get the other Coins. Go up and over the red door for the final Coin. Now you just have to beat Reznor again to be victorious. This opens another Portal to Star Road.


For one of the Coins, you'll have to get in Lakitu's cloud, fly, or be clever with the P- switch. This spot is after the steps where the flying Koopa is. There are coins high above that can be turned to blocks, and a Dragon Coin above.


Take the plunge yet again. Time is of the essence for Coin grabbing. The only one that's really out of the way is found by going low in the section after you swim up through fish and find a power-up block. It's at a dead end where you can't go up because of invisible coin blocks and а 1-Up.


63. FOREGT OF ILLUGION 3 This isn't the most fun level out there, but you have to beat them all. Bubbles are everywhere. Most contain a Goomba or a Bob-omb - neither of which is a good thing. At least Dragon Coins are easy to find.


After all these pipes, one of the last you come across leads to the key and hole. It's the big green one immediately after the football player guy who splits in three if given the chance. Time to wax ol' Roy.

65. ROY'S CASTLE Forget Roy. He's a dork. He just tries to be like his brother, Morton Koopa, Jr. His stage is easy, too. Stay in the middle of the traveling Tootsie Roll and nab the Coins. The fireballs shot by the statues can't be ducked.

66. CHOCOLATE ISLAND 1 New enemies, slidey gameplay. Take the pipe to the left of the red blocks to get a 1-Up and a dangerous upstream, then get shot out to the last Dragon Coin and the level end.

67. CHOCO-GHOST HOUSE The ghost house greets you on the brown ground. You'll need some fancy jumping to avoid all the enemies. When you enter the second room, the three gray blocks below the question block are ghosts. Bait to the right of the high door, and face them so they're solid. Hop up and you're Audi. Don't forget the two Dragon Coins to the right of there, though.


There are many rooms in this stage. The strange thing is, they vary based on the speed you enter the first pipe. Take your time on the first room for this exit; have a look around for a while. The first section has dinosaurs and two Coins. The next has the two-hit monsters; followed by a section with lots of floating mushroom bubbles and one with two P-switches that would be tough, were it not for us opening all Switch Palaces already.

This time, quickly get into the first pipe you have time to grab Yoshi, though. Notice anything different? Now you've got a red Koopa-illed, slanted section. Keep your speeding ways, though (exiting with 250 left on the timer), and you'll get to a room with baseball tossers. Use the colored blocks to stay above them, and put the key in the hole.

Grab the pipe and get another look at Bowser's world. As you drop into the level, don't move. Don't miss the Coin in the green pipe. In the second room (sliding down), just keep holding down to pick up some 1-Ups. When the flat, yellow ground sinks into the. lava, make sure you're running fast enough to grab the Dragon Coin and make it to the other side.


This is a wild level. Getting the Coins isn't too tough; just keep your eyes open. There's a pipe that will take you to a coin-filled area, but you may want to backtrack a bit when you exit it. At the end, take the vine to the top and hit the gate.

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Do the same thing as in 71, up until the end gate. Instead of going up, fly to the right.


You'll find an alternate gate and three 1-Up mushrooms. Score!

This fortress looks cool, but it's pretty easy as far as fortresses go. You never find out where the fireballs come from, and the Thwimps have predictable jumping patterns.

getting across all the floating, slanted platforms (don't fall into the Ovaltine ocean), go below for some extra lives. Grab the P- switch hidden in the third diagonal yellow block from the top and use it. Grab the Coin in the first opened slot, then go into the pipe below that. Hit the P-switch, then wait eight seconds (seven if you've got a cape already) before you drop down. You'll land by a feather. Now fly up a level for five 1-Ups. Woohoo! One of the Dragon Coins is here too, though. To get it, go back into this pipe, use the P-switch right away, and float to the third opening down. Thar she be, matey.

Take the P-switch and grab the previously unattainable Coin, then go into the pipe. Once you exit, backtrack and go in the other pipe. You should be one obvious Coin away from all five. You'll even run across number six, too.

Nice to see someone at Nintendo giving props to deceased punk rocker Wendy O. Williams. In the dropping spikes and sawblade room, look for safe spots where you can stand unharmed. A few of the Coins in the moving platform sections are a bit tough, but just be patient. Wendy's style is identical to Lemmy's.

When the ghosts make the noise that Signals they're going to appear, don't move. Then, swim around them slowly. Even with a cape (which you need), it's going to be tough to grab the five Dragon Coins during the free- fall. Forget the star and just float, hitting Koopas that you meet. The first Coin is slightly right from where you drop down. Go right again for the next. The following coin is in the same proximity. When you get to the platform in the middle with a question block above it, jump off left a bit. Then, when you see the section with coins, stay near the middle. This may take you a few tries. Once you reach the bottom, jump in the water for some floating 1-Ups. The level ends when you touch the green globe.

OF BOWGER 1 You're in the jungle, baby. You're gonna dieeeeeee. Or not. Go in the bottom section for the first Coin. In the three-way fork, go to the top for Coin two. Go second from the top in the four-way fork. Go down one, then drop down again for the fourth. The final is at the far right section, going above and right from the end pipe. Also, look for a high section with one blue block up it. Get up there (fly or jump off Yoshi) for a 3-Up moon and the checkpoint (ride a gopher across the

dangerous creatures).

Bring a Yoshi here with you. In the second room, take off with the wings. There are four Coins here, and you should've grabbed the high one in the first room. Ba'da'bing!

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When going through the shifting maze, plan ahead. There are times when you must wait

for the ground to go either up or down before

it's safe to move again. In the next room, jump above the ceiling and go left unseen.

No cape? No problem, just run. You'll find a key and hole for your use.

This leads to the back door so, when you want to take on Koopa, you need not bother with the other rooms leading to him. The level's extremely short. All you need to do is avoid the fireballs and spikes to get to Reznor. There's a good chance you'll take a hit or two going for the Coins.

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Activate the P-switch (don't forget the Coin above it) for paths in the seemingly dead-end room. Go left first, but wait for the star. You'll wind back around the same way. Next time take the right path. The third and forth doors lead to an exit. The last door leads to a new room that connects to the secret from 83 and has a superfluous Coin.

Have a cape, and go left at the P-switch room. Fly up in the next room, and you'll see a key and hole, but with a tiny opening to it. Fly above it, get out of your flying stance, float to the ledge, and duck. Now duckjump

e VALLE SU VV K Yet another new gimmick: the numbered platform. Their uses are obvious, as is the helpfulness of a cape. You can find a gold pipe with a shell game for a few lives, but for the most part, you should breeze straight through.

85. VALLEY OF BOWSER 4 Do those thrower guys ever run out of new ‘stuff to chuck at you? The pipe before you go | up the vine holds a Coin. Then it's a mad dash, avoiding ashy soccer ball things and | fiery lava to the end.


| There's a Yoshi after the vine. The mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep

| said Yoshi the entire way through. This is

| because the only way to grab the key near the end is to have Yoshi snag it with his long tongue. A good strategy is to jump off him

| every time you encounter а tosser (if you're big, that is).


| Here's a longer Tootsie Roll to travel on. There are three obvious Coins in this first

| room. The other two are pretty darn tricky.

| Instead of jumping off at the door, ride down the seemingly endless hole. Voila! Hit the other Coins, a halfway marker, and a Mushroom.


88. STAR WORLD 5 PART II You're not done yet, but you're on the home Stretch. Go back to Star World 5 again, and

have a cape handy. Your goal is to fly as high as possible, until you land on a yellow block platform, which leads to the key and hole. You may not get the height at the beginning, 50 go to the P-switch and activate it. Next, hit the question block, and press right to give yourself a nice runway.

89. GNARLY You're in the special area now, punk. Can you handle it? If you sit on the overworld portion long enough, you'll hear some classic Mario music. In this first stage, hit the yellow blocks on your way up. When you find the P-switch, take it to the top of the Stage (not as easy as it sounds). Activate it, then jump down, hugging the right wall. You'll enter a pipe to get three Coins. Now hit the other switches and book right.

90. TUBULAR This stage is one of the toughest, so you'd better be caped. Get the first balloon power- up and work to the next one. This time, try to stall as long as possible before grabbing it. Don't forget the Coins. Now hold down jump for when the helium runs out, and you should glide to the finish.

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91. WAY COOL Take a Yoshi with you. Make the first lever OFF, then have the other ones be ON. Now,

grab the wings from one of the early question

blocks after the conveyor, and grab the rest of your Coins.

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You still have 91's Yoshi, right? Eat either a flashing shell or a blue one, then fly slightly. above the mess; but low enough to spot the Coins. With Yoshi, if you miss one of the later jumps, you can just hop off him to save your skin. Should this fail, use the P-switch to grab the star after the ground disappears.



93, GROOVY This is quite the list of cheesy phrases here. Again, Yoshi's great to have (if you have a cape, there's one in the level), especially for his ability to eat the cacti. Remember, as Luigi, Yoshi can spit the pieces at enemies. Grab the Starman from the rotating power-up cise to BIW through trouble.

94, MONDO Yoshi is once more vital (and available). He can stand on places Mario and Luigi can't, and he's easy to get back if you lose him. After the Yoshi-giving block, go down a pipe



for a nice slide to a Coin. Just make sure you don't get caught in bottomless areas once the tide goes down.

95. OUTRAGEOUS Yoshi may be able to eat the flames, but he makes you too big of a target to bring with for the first half of this level. It's a pain, but take the spring thing all the way right, until you see the orange-ish tube. That's the only way over it. Now grab the Yoshi, and it should be moderately easy to get to the finish.

96. FUNKY Last one! Time is your worst enemy here, as this stage just keeps going. It's not that hard, though. Grab shells for weaponry, and don't dilly-dally. The star in the rightmost note by the two sumo will help you cruise. You'll then get a coin message, and the overworld will change color not to mention some of the enemies.

BOWGER'G CAGTLE BACK DOOR Bowser's not that tough, especially after all you've been through. You can beat him

anytime. It doesn't really matter. First, he'll

just fly around, looking bad. Jump on the Mechakoopas and throw them so they land on Bowser's head. He'll disappear and come back. This time, he'll toss large balls in between the Mechakoopas. Jump over them. In the final confrontation, his ship will bounce after you. Dodge away. Beat him,

| and get a smooch from Peach. Woohoo!

SPEED-BEATING If you care not for thorough completion and just want to beat the game as quickly аз possible, we'll still help you on one condition: you hang your head in shame as you read this. Do these steps in the guide: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 15, 17, 37, 39, 41, 43, then &o to Bowser's lair. Keep in mind that things are tougher without the switch palaces beaten, but such is the price for speed.

BONUS GAME When you hit the end gate, you're rewarded based on how high you touch the stick. Once you've gathered 100 stars, you're taken to a bonus game. To maximize the lives you win,

‘stay in one spot and jump straight up over and

over. As. long as your timing's right, you'll get the same icon each hop, and be rewarded at. least four 1-Ups.

There are nearlimitless places to collect extra 1-Ups, as evident by our tally of 396 lives upon completing this guide. Some of the best include getting a cape and jumping from Koopa to Koopa while holding down the jump button, or to keep hitting Koopa shells with your cape, racking up points and then 1-Ups. Our favorite is in Forest of Illusion 1. At the halfway point, you'll see а rotating power-up shooter, Hit it on Flower, and &rab when it's Starman. Now, speed to the right, running into as many enemies as you can. The extra lives will rack up like mad. If you've beaten the level already, just pause and hit select before you finish, and repeat the process as many times as you want.





SMUGGLER’S RUN 2: HosriLE TERRITORY Enter this code from the in-game pause menu.

Increase Framerate - R3, L3 (x2), R3, Left, D, Left, Unlimited Countermeasures - R3 (x3), R1 (x2), R2 (x2) “а! Droid” (location unknown last seen beating the tar out of the French figure skating judge)



Enter all of these codes during gameplay. A message will appear in the upper left-hand corner when the cheats are entered correctly.

Extra Cash - Press and hold L1, R2, L2, and R1 (in this order), then with this combo held,

tap, Down, Up. MX. Full Health & Mana - Press and hold L1, R2,

L2, and R1 (in this order), then with this combo held, tap A, Down, O, Left, LI, Right, ><, Up.

Increase Character Level - Press and hold L1, R2, L2, 1

and R1 (in this order), then with this combo held, tap J, A, O, X, Right, Down, Left, Up. Increase Spell Level - Press and hold L1, R2, L2, and R1 (in this order), then with this combo held, tap Up, Down, Left, Right (x2), Left, Down, Up. Invincibility Press and hold L1, R2, L2, and R1 (in this order), then with this combo held, tap XS Down, A, Up, ©, Right, ÛJ, Left. "The Rhino" 4 Toledo, OH ФВ


Right, Left, Х, A, ^ fs



Enter all of these codes during gameplay.

Big Player - R1, R2, L1, L2, A

Bull - Right (x4), Х

Freak - Right (х4),

Infinite Ammo - L1, L2, R1, R2, A. Infinite Time - L1, L2, R1, R2, Invulnerability - L1, L2, R1, R2, X Little Player - R1, R2, L1, L2, Х Looting on the Rise - R1, L1, R2, L2, A


Enter this code at the Player Name screen. Note: The code effects will be disabled if the game is saved.

All Planes & Levels - SHPONGLE

Jaris Seahorn Milwaukee, WI

Dynasty Warriors З

Level Select - At the Main Menu, press R1, R2, L2, L1, ÛJ, L1, L2, R2, R1, A.

, Opening Edit - At the Main Menu, press DR R1, Ова, A, R1, L1, O, L1, A, L1.

Secret Ending - Enter the Opening

Edit option and highlight Replay. Now,

hold L1, L2, R1, and R2, then press x.

Susan Valow Greta Village, GA

Normal Player - R1, R2, L1, L2, Punches Decapitate - L1, L2, R1, R2, Spanky - Right (x4),

Here's a brief rundown showing you how to unlock several of the characters and bonus options for Kaos

^ mode.

Chinatown Level Score over 25,000 points in the Capitol City Mall level in Kaos mode. Corporation Central Level - » Score over 100,000 points in the East Side level in Kaos mode. 1 East Side Level - Score over 50,000 points in the Chinatown level in Kaos mode. Last Clone Standing - With any character, complete the 3-minute and 5-minute game modes. Spanky - Complete the Mall level in Revolution mode. Unlimited Time - Complete all of the Kaos mode levels in Arcade mode. Kenneth Greenberg Trenton, NJ


To enter these Easter egg cheats, you'll need to select a new game file, then enter the code as your name. Once entered, input any name you want, then enter the System Options to find the goodies.

Concept Art - SCW823

Making of FMV - MAKING

Saliva Spy Hunter Theme FMV - GUNN

Saliva Your Disease FMV - SALIVA

Test Animatic FMV - WWS413

"Bad Bad Billy" Santa Fe, NM




Enter all of these codes from the in-game pause screen. Note: Some of these cheats need to be re-entered after an auto-save.

All Weapons & Full Ammo - L1, L2, R1, R2, A, O, X, O Infinite Bullet Time - L1, L2, R1, R2, A, X (x2), A Invincibility L1 (x2), L2 (x2), R1 (x2), R2 (x2) Max Pain Killers L1, L2, R2, R1, A, O, X, O Slow Motion Sounds - L1, L2, R1, R2, A, O, 5X, O Jesse Williams Houston, TX

EVIL Twin: CYPRIEN’S CHRONICLES Enter all of these codes at the Cheat Codes menu.

Bounces -O, ПО, A, X

Gun Sights - O (x2), X, A, O Infinite Lives - X, О, A, X,O Rapid Fire - 0, A, X, A,O Sniper Mode - L, O, Super Shots - ©, A (x

> хо

"Air Akira" Boris, NM



6 1 мен

Jonny МоѕЕіЕҮ Map Trix

Enter this cheat at the Press Start screen to unlock everything, including all of the levels, outfits, and the mysterious Skier X. A sound won't confirm correct entry, so make sure you nail it before pressing Start.

Master Code - Press and hold L2, L3, R1, Down, J, O (in this order).

Tad Dungle

Salt Lake City, UT.

t any Pirates that get in youleway ви Press to clear а:


Enter all of these codes during gameplay.

Command & Conquer Kane - Hold R1 and R2, then press A, L2, L1, LJ, L3, X, L3, О, R3, Select. Now, whenever a character is poisoned, the head of Kane will appear atop their body.

All Treasure Chest Keys - Hold R1 and R2, then press

О, Select, X, LI, R3, L1, 13, L2, A, L3.

Easy Chest Location - Hold R1 and R2, then press О, x, A, L1, Select, L3, L2, L3, R3. An X on the Captain's Map will now denote all of the buried chests in the game.

Easy Chest Location 2 - Hold R1 and R2, then press R3, X, A, L3, О, L1, Select, L3, ÛJ, L2. Likewise, this will reveal all unopened chests on the Captain's Map.

Helium Mode - Hold R1 and R2, then press R3, O Select, X, R3, A, L1, ÛJ, L2, L3. All of the speech will now be high-pitched.

Infinite Items - Hold R1 and R2, then press A, L1, Select, L2, R3, L3, 1, X, R3, О. From here on in, all of the items you purchase will be infinite in supply.

Infinite Wind Boost - Hold R1 and R2, then press Select, L1, R3, LI, L3, О, L2, A, X, 13.

Invincibility - Hold R1 and R2, then press XX, O, L3, A, R3, Select, АЗ, L1, L2, LJ

Invincible Wind Dancer - Hold R1 and R2, then press Select, A, 11, X, R3, L2, LI, R3, O L3.

New Sword - Hold R1 and R2, then press R3, Select, L2, L3, LI, X, L1, O, L3, A. Katarina's sword will change to the next one available.

SSX Music - Hold R1 and R2, then press L1, XX, A, L2, ЦО, L3, Select, R3, L3. You'll only hear it when you slide down the Glacial Gulf slope.

Tons of Cash - Hold R1 and R2, then press A, R3, L1, LI, X, R3, Select, L3, O, L2.

Valkyrie Cheerleader - You won't need to enter a code sequence for this one. To activate this silly routine, allow the Valkyrie to kill Katarina without damaging the Valkyrie herself. She will then perform a dance number for your amusement.

Wild Dancer Galleon Upgrade - Hold R1 and R2, then press L2, A, АЗ, L3, X, LI, R3, Select, L1, О. Now, when you sail to another map, you will have the Galleon. "The GI Staff"

Minneapolis, MN

NFL Butz 2002

Input the following Player ID/PINs to unlock several of the hidden player models in the game.

Player Player ID PIN

Bear BEAR 1985 Clown CLOWN 1974 Cowboy COWBOY 1996 Deer Hunter DEER 1997 Dolphin DOLPHIN 1972 Eagle EAGLE 1981 Horse HORSE 1999 Indian INDIAN 1992 Lion LION 1963 Ram RAM 2000 Pinto PINTO 1966 Pirate PIRATE 2001 Tiger TIGER 1977 Viking VIKING 1977

Below is a listing of the Programmer Cheats. All of these codes are entered at the Match-Up Screen. The digits represent the number of times the Match-Up screen icons must be changed. In such, L2 changes the first icon, R2 the second, and Ж the third. Once the sequence is entered, tap the listed direction.

Always Quarterback - 2, 2, 2, Left

Always Receiver - 2, 2, 2, Right

Armageddon Team - 5, 4, 3, Right

Big Feet - 0, 2, 5, Left

Big Head - 2, 0, 0, Right

Big Heads (Team) - 2, 0, 3, Right

Bilders Team - 3, 1, 0, Up

Brew Dawgs Team - 4, 3, 2, Down

Butter Fingers - 3, 4, 5, Up

Chimp Mode - 0, 2, 5, Up

Chrome Ball - 0, 3, 0, Down

Classic Ball - 0, 3, 0, Left

Clear Weather - 1, 2, 3, Right

Crunch Team - 4, 0, 3, Right

Extra Code Time - 2, 1, 2, Right

Extra Game Time - 0, 0, 1, Right

Extra Offensive Plays - 3, 3, 3, Down

Faster Passing - 2, 4, 0, Left

Faster Running - 0, 3, 2, Left

Ground Fog - 2, 3, 2, Down

Gsmers Team - 5, 0, 1, Up

Huge Head - 1, 4, 5, Left

Indians Team - 0, 4, 5, Left

Infinite Turbo - 4, 1, 5, Up

Intelligent CPU - 3, 1, 4, Down

Midway Team - 2, 5, 3, Right

Neo Tokyo Team - 3, 4, 4, Down

No CPU Assist - 0, 1, 2, Down

No First Downs - 2, 1, 0, Up

No Fumbles - 5, 2, 3, Down

No Interceptions - 3, 5, 5, Up

No Punting - 1, 4, 1, Up

No Receiver Highlighting - 3, 2, 1, Down

No Replays - 5, 5, 4, Right

Out of Bounds - 2, 1, 1, Left

Power Loader - 0, 2, 5, Right

Power Up Defense - 4, 2, 1, Up

Power Up Linemen - 5, 2, 1, Up

Power Up Offense - 4, 1, 2, Up

Rain - 5, 5, 5, Right

Rollos Team - 2, 5, 4, Up

Show More Field - 0, 2, 1, Right

Show Time - 3, 5, 1, Right

Snow - 5, 5, 5, Left

Super Blitzing - 0, 5, 4, Up

Super Kicking - 1, 2, 3, Left

Tournament Mode - 1, 1, 1, Down Josef Tenale

Orlando, FL





To enter these codes, head to the Character Selection screen, then head into the Load screen. From here, input the cheat below.


Jungle World - TWRECKSPAD Movement Power-Ups - MOVEITNOW Ranged Weapons - GUNSMOKE! Space World BRAINSALAD

If you truly want to freak out the competition, enter the cheat below.

Big Heads - During gameplay, simultaneously press and

hold Up, and the L and R buttons. Since the game is

touchy, we recommend holding this combo from the pause screen, then returning to the game.

David Jones

Charlotte, NC


Death Star Escape - Head to the Passcodes screen and input “PYST?000”. Unlike the majority of the codes in the game, R2 won't beep in acceptance. From here, input “DUCKSHOT”. This time around, R2 will flip a lid as the code will be activated. Now, head into a game and press Up on Death Star Attack to find the bonus level.

Level Select Head to the Passcodes screen and input “122?QWTTJ”. Unlike the majority of the codes in the game, R2 won't beep in acceptance. From here, input "CLASSIC". This time around, R2 will flip a lid as the code will be activated.

Millennium Falcon - Head to the Passcodes screen and input “MVPQIU?A”. Unlike the majority of the codes in the game, R2 won't beep in acceptance. From here, input ^OHIBUDDY". This time around, R2 will flip a lid as the code will be activated.

Naboo Starfighter - Head to the Passcodes screen and input "CDYXF!?Q". Unlike the majority of the codes in the game, R2 won't howl with glee. From here, input “ASEPONE!”. This time around, R2 will jump for joy as the code will be activated.

TIE Fighter - Head to the Passcodes screen and input "ZT?!RGBA". Unlike the majority of the codes in the game, R2 won't beep in acceptance. From here, input “DISPSBLE”. This time around, R2 will flip a lid as the code will be activated. Lyra Daemon Mendoza, KY


Tur Simpsons: RoAD RAGE

Enter all of these cheats within the Options screen. A noise will confirm correct code entry.

2D Characters - Hold the | and R Buttons, then press X (x4).

Additional Camera Views - Hold the L and В Buttons, then press B (x4).

Christmas Mode - Hold the L and R Buttons, then press B (x2), X, B.

Collision Lines - Hold the L and R Buttons, then press B (x2), A (x2).

Extra Cash - Hold the L and R Buttons, then press Y (x4). Halloween Mode - Hold the L and R Buttons, then press

B (x2), X, A.

New Year's Mode - Hold the L and R Buttons, then press B (x2), X, Y.

Nightmare Mode - Hold the L and R Buttons, then press A (x4).

Nuclear Bus - Hold the L and R Buttons, then press B (x2), Y, A.

Smithers’ Car Hold the L and В Buttons, then press В (x2), Y (x2).

Soapbox Car - Hold the L and R Buttons, then press B (x2), Y, X.

Thanksgiving Mode - Hold the L and В Buttons, then press B (x2), X (x2).

*The Gaming Wizard"

Rockford, IL



Wrestling fanatics jump for joy! Fred Durst is in another game! Below is a listing of the techniques needed to unlock all of the hidden wrestlers.

Fred Durst Win all of the Championship Belts. Shane McMahon - Win the Hardcore Title. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley - Win the Women's Title. Vince McMahon - Win the WWF Heavyweight title. “Joystick Juggalo” Detroit, MI


Cheat Menu - Begin a game, then press the Back but- ton to bring up the Main Menu. Now, press and hold the L Button, R Button, click the Left analog stick, click the Right analog stick, then quickly tap White, Black (x2), White (x2), Black. If entered correctly, a cheat menu will appear with a Refill option for Ammo, Pain Killers and Bullet Time. Other cheats will be added to the menu throughout the course of the game. This code is extreme- ly fidgety and must be nailed on the first try whenever you leave the game. Good luck! “Daddy Fat Sacks” Memphis, TN

WRECKLESS: THE Yakuza Missions

Below you'll find a listing of how to unlock all of the vehi- cles in the game.

4x4 Monster Truck - Enter Mission B-3 and locate the question mark on the map. Hit this mark, then complete the mission.

AUV - Complete Mission А-9. Dragon-SPL - Simply complete Mission А-1.

Kowloon Medallion Taxi - Enter Mission A-7 and locate the question mark on the map. Hit this mark, then com- plete the mission.

Police 3x4 Monster Truck - Enter Mission А-4 and locate the question mark on the map. Hit this mark, then complete the mission to add this monstrous ride to your garage.

Super-Car - Complete Mission B-1.

Tank-90 - Complete Mission B-9. Press Y to fire the cannon.

Tiger-SPL - Complete Mission A-8.

Vaultsafe Enter Mission B-2 and locate the question mark on the map. Hit this mark, then complete the mis- Sion.

Yakuza Car - Complete Mission B-8. Jamie Redmond Lake City, WA


Enter all of these codes at the Title Screen. Note: If the code doesn't activate on the first try, you'll need to reset the Xbox and try again. A subtle swooshing sound will ring out when a cheat is entered correctly.

All Arenas - X, Y, Up, Right, Left, Down, Up, Down, L Button (x2), Start All Battle Modes - Y, A, X, B, click Left analog, click Right analog, Black, White, R Button (x2), Start All Boats - Up, Down, Left, Right, L Button, B, X (x2), click Right analog, Start Infinite Ammo - Black, White, L Button, В Button, click Right analog (x2), Y, X, Start Infinite Turbo - Up (x2), Down (x2), Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start Invincibility Click Left analog, click Right analog, Down, Left, Down, Left, B, Y, Start Michael Gram Newport, MA



Bishamon Ocarina Complete all 20 levels in the Dark Realm, then open the chest within the final room. To get to the Dark Realm, enter the well entrance within the western area.

Bishamon Sword - Just after defeating the Marcellus, play the Bishamon Ocarina near the goofy-looking wall to reveal the Sword.

Dragon Costume - Collect all 30 Fluorite fragments, then beat the game.

Easy Mode - Simply die five times under the Normal £ame setting to unlock this simplistic mode.

Hard Mode - Complete the game in under three hours.

Ogre Armor - Complete all 30 levels of Ogre Tower to get this amazing defensive armament.

Oni-Spirits Minigame - Collect at least 20 Fluorite frag- ments, then complete the game.

Panda Costume - Compete the game under the Hard dif- ficulty setting with an S Ranking. If you press the Black button while wearing this costume, the baby panda will jump out of the pouch and will hunt down items (such as Fluorite).

Secret Key - Complete all 10 levels of the Dark Realm, then open the chest within the final room. The location of this Dark Realm is near the entrance to the Keep.

Ultimate Mode (Easy & Normal) - Complete all 12 levels of the Oni-Spirits minigame.

Ultimate Mode (Hard) - First, unlock Ultimate mode

for the Easy difficulty, then beat the game on the Hard difficulty.

Simon Leer

Los Angeles, CA

NBA 1м5юЕ Drive 2002

Enter all of these cheats from the Codes screen.

ABA Basketball - OLDSCHOOL Chicago Rooftop Court - WINDYCITY Infinite Turbo - CARDIOMAN

Soccer Ball - HOOLIGAN

Tiny Players - SMALLSHOES

WNBA Basketball - GOTGAME

Xbox Ball - BACHMAN

Get Ejected - To get thrown out of the game, run over to

the referee (you must be out of bounds) and press the Back Button.

Ivan Lewis

Minnetonka, MN




Human Smoke - Complete the game under the Warrior difficulty setting. Now, begin a new game and select the blank character square.

Motaro - Complete the game under the Master difficulty setting. Now, begin a new game and select the blank character square.

Shao Khan - Complete the game under the Supreme difficulty setting. Now, begin a new game and select the blank character square. Pete Hoff Minot, ND


Enter all of these codes at the Password screen. If a code is entered correctly, it will disappear from the Password screen.

All Keys - KNGHTSFR All Maps - LMSPLLNG All Weapons - THRBLDNS Infinite Ammo - NDCRSDRT Invincibility - HLGNDSBR Level Skip - NFTRWLLH (Press Select at the Map screen to warp to the next stage) Sound Test - CRSDR Dwayne Anderson Florence, А

момент CLUB RACING Enter а! of these cheats at the Password screen.

All Emilio Races Complete - ММ

All Keiko Races Complete - LGKG

All Larry Races Complete - СТВР

All Races Complete LAPC Don Mattingly New York, NY


Maximo: Guosts то Слову

Master Code (Must Ве Оп) OE3C7DF21853E59E EE8CAD46BCBD8622

99 Death Coins CE992836BCA99BE6

99 Iron Keys CE99282ABCA99BEG

99 Lives CE992826BCA99BE6

999 Coins CE992822BCA99E6A

999 Spirits CE99282EBCA99E6A

Armageddon On Weapon-Up - CE992812BCA99B87

Cow Boxers CE9928D6BCA99B87

Death Touch CE992F84BCA99B88

Flame Tongue On Weapon-Up - CE992812BCA99B84

Frost Biter On Weapon-Up CE992812BCA99B85

Gallery Mode CE82058ABCA99B84

Gold Shield СЕ9928СЕВСА99В87

Infinite Armor CE99281EBCA99B93

Mastery Mode - CE8205FABCA99B84

Monogram Boxers CE9928D6BCA99B84

Pow Boxers CE9928D6BCA99B85

Story Sequences CE82054ABCA99B84


Master Code (Must Be On) - OE3C7DF21853E59E EEB2A8C6BCF4A112

Infinite Cash DE4F355E3BA89AC8

Invincibility DE4F354A2F4344C8

Max Skill Points DE4F356A2F439AC8

Quick Level Up DE4F35623BA89AC8


Send in your codes and passwords, and if we

choose your entry as Code of the Month you'll

win a wonderful prize from the Game Informer

Vault! All other entries printed within these hal- lowed pages will receive a Secret Access T-shirt.

Send To: Secret Access Game Informer Magazine 724 North First Street, 4th Floor Minneapolis, MN 55401 secretaccess@gameinformer.com



Everyone has a favorite video game character; but for most of us, the mascot closest to our hearts is Mario, the portly Italian plumber who introduced an entire generation of American children to the joys of video games. Mario р was not the first great star of the gaming pan- S i, theon, but he has proven to be the most enduring. Since his birth in 1981, Mario has been successful in every era, and on every Nintendo system. While Pac-Man and Frogger are now mere footnotes in pop culture history, Mario remains a bankable star, and is soon slat- ed to make his latest comeback with the release of Mario Sunshine for the GameCube. Inspired by this month's Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2, we've decided to take a look back at the career of Nintendo's


Until the release of Donkey Kong in 1981, Nintendo had not been a major force in the arcade scene. After an early Nintendo arcade unit, Radar Scope, failed dis- mally, the compa- ny had to con- struct another game in order to use up the leftover Radar Scope circuit boards. A then-unknown Shigeru Miyamoto was tapped to cre- ate Donkey Kong, a new title inspired by the film classic King Kong. The game's short, stocky main character was originally named Jumpman. However, legend has it that a Nintendo of America executive, upon seeing the game, remarked that the character bore a striking resemblance to the landlord of their offices, a man named Mario Sengali.


i Donkey Kong was a tremendous success, and established Mario as one of the ris- ing stars in video games. As a result, Nintendo decided to let Mario out from under the shadow of the simian, and gave him a game all his own. Of course, this wasn’t totally true, as multiplayer concerns necessitated the creation of a svelte sibling for Mario, named Luigi. Their first game together, Mario Bros., was a moderate hit, and is fondly remembered for its sim- ple, yet addictive gameplay.


most valuable player.


Super Mario Bros., which we picked as

_ the second best game ever made in Gl #100, has achieved an iconic status that few games could ever dream of. While it is debated whether it's the first side-scroller ever made, it most certainly established the blueprint for thousands of action/platform titles that came after it. By spurring on sales of the Nintendo Entertainment System (which came packed with a copy of SMB), it also helped to pull the entire video game industry off life support after the meltdown of 1983.


Doki Doki Panic

Super Mario Bros. 2, considered by some to be the black sheep of the NES trilogy, is most significant for the fact that it was not really a Mario game at all. Instead of releasing the Japanese version of Super Mario Bros. 2, which used the original SMB engine enhanced with new, more difficult levels, Nintendo simply inserted Mario Bros. characters into an already released title called Doki Doki Panic. Some felt the results were not up to Miyamoto's exacting standards, but it still stands as an amazing game in its own right, and was recently re-released for Game Boy Advance as Super Mario Advance. The Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2 eventually appeared in the US as "The Lost Levels" in Super Mario All-Stars for the SNES.

CEREAL ADVENTURES Nineteen eighty-eight was also the year that saw Mario receive 4 what might be pop culture’s highest honor: his very own breakfast cereal. Dubbed the Nintendo Cereal System, the unique boxes actually held not one, but two, types of sucrose- laden puffed treats (the other being modeled after the Legend of Zelda series). The dual-cham- bered boxes had two openings, each dispensing a different kind of sickly-sweet corn nugget, much like the containers for the popular Nerds candy of the ‘80s.

LET’S GET SMALL To jumpstart its nascent Game Boy handheld sys- tem, Nintendo launches the unit with a Mario title (Super Mario Land); a tactic the company would employ with every hardware launch until the GameCube.


With the land of cereal already at his feet, Mario conquers Saturday morning television, another staple of the children's market. In September of 1989, the Super Mario Bros. Super Show debuts in syndication across the United States. Starring WWF wrestling manager and Cyndi Lauper associate Captain Lou Albano as Mario, the show (which lasted for 65 episodes) aired animated shorts based on Mario and other popular Nintendo franchises, including the Legend of Zelda.


а Just as the NES’ wave of success crested, Miyamoto released Super Mario Bros. 3, a game some consider the apex of his 8-bit Mario series. This amazing title trumped both its predecessors by incorporating amazing new animal outfits, like the Frog and Raccoon, that gave Mario theretofore-unimagined powers. Simply put, SMB 3 still might be the most fully realized Mario title ever.


> Ta « After falling behind рае тта rim иш Sega апа its suc- cessful Genesis sys- tem, Nintendo aimed to reclaim its domi- nance over the game industry with the launch of its Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Of course, the big gun in its software arsenal was Super Mario World, a game that built on the advancements of Super Mario Bros. 3. It was not the dramatic re-invention of the series some had hoped for, but it was a masterfully done title that also introduced a new character to the Mario universe, a small green dinosaur named Yoshi.

RACING TOWARD THE FUTURE Already well established as the king of the action/platformer, Mario conquered racing games in 1992, with Super Mario Kart, a cartoonish driving title featuring a veritable who's who of Nintendo's well-loved character roster.

THE NE no MARIO У In this same year, the

J most obscure Mario game in history, Hotel Mario, was also released. Created by Philips for its | ill-fated CD-I console,

Hotel Mario was reported- | ly an unimaginative puzzle title that sold poorly. More interesting than the game itself is the story behind it. Apparently, Nintendo had been working with Philips to create a CD-ROM peripheral for SNES. The project was ultimately abandoned, but Philips’ contract with Nintendo stipulated it had the right to produce four Nintendo-licensed games for the CD-l. Hotel Mario was one of these, along with three Zelda titles including Zelda's Adventures and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon.


Even though he was a few years past his late-'80s salad days, Mario finally made it to the big screen in 1998, in the dreadful Super Mario Bros. Starring a woefully miscast \ Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo as =) Mario and Luigi, the film was poorly received by both critics and the pub- lic. It did win one award, however as esteemed critic Gene Siskel named it his "Worst Film of 1993."

таам кийин


Already having mastered platforming and racing, Mario does Bo Jackson one better by branching out into the role-playing realm in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Nintendo wisely delegat- ed the game's development to Square Soft, allowing the RPG powerhouse to produce an amazing visual masterpiece.


If Super Mario RPG was noteworthy in terms of visuals, our hero's maiden Nintendo 64 voyage was utterly mind- blowing. Using the N64's powerful graphics chip, Super Mario 64 was one of the pioneers in the use of fully polygonal 3D environments. This game broke the series’ well-worn mold, allowing Mario to freely explore, swim, and even fly through the gorgeous landscapes. Once again, Nintendo had set a new standard in both gameplay and graphics.

THE RETURN? Many were puzzled when Nintendo launched the GameCube without a Mario title, opting instead for the modest Luigi’s Mansion, and wondered when the Big 1 M would come back into the fold. These doubts were allayed during E3 2001, when Nintendo debuted footage of Mario Sunshine during its pre- show press conference. To date, little is known about this game, other than the enigmatic water gun unit Mario appears to be wearing on his back. We know one thing: We can't wait to find out more, and Nintendo promises to shed more light on Mario Sunshine in the coming months. See page 25 for more.



enced to do so by violent video games struck down

4 the courts should not pr try to any number of similar suits, with p:

This month in gaming history marks a little-known, but tremendously important court decision for the game industry. In April of 2000, US District Judge Edward Johnstone dismissed a lawsuit against Sega of America, Sony Computer Ent nment, Atari Corp., Palm Pictures,

er entertainment companies, filed by the families of three victims of the 1997 Paducah, Kentucky school shootings. The lawsuit stated that Micheal Carneal, а 14. y old stu who fired shots into a films, and tele

School prayer-group meeting, had been influ- n. While expressing sympathy for the victims, Johnstone

a tragic situation, but tragedies such as this simply defy rational explanation

If successful, the suit would hav Sibly disastrous financial implications.

end otherwise

likely opened up the video game indus-

By Deric imblin

Every month one of Game Informer's readers picks his or her personal choice for Greatest Game Of All Time.


У 5, ш FORMAT NES/ARCADE pre 28 m PUBLISHER TATO When in the course of electronic entertainment events, it becomes necessary for one video game company to break the bonds of the cinematic evolution of the gaming world and create a game that is so simple and cute, it's just plain fun. Bubble Bobble, on the classic (but not dead) NES, is this game. With its adorable characters and great replayability, this is a title not to be forgotten by the wheel of time.

The plot couldn't be sim- pler. The love interests of our heroes are captured and it's up to them to save their chicks. There's just one catch: Our pimps were trans- formed into short, squat dinosaurs whose only basic attack is to spit bubbles out of their mouths. The gameplay is not too complex, either. All the levels are just one big square with oddly shaped platforms. If you fall off the bottom of the screen, you reappear at the top. But don't be deceived, there are some elements of strategy involved. The only way to proceed to the next level is to defeat all the ene- mies in the room. To do this, the adversary must be trapped in a bubble and then popped by jumping directly on top of it. If the bubble is left unpopped, the enemy will break free and turn pip- ing red with anger, allowing it to move and attack twice as fast.

Besides bubbles, certain items appear which grant special abilities. Two spell books make the room fill with either thunder or lightning. Magic crosses allow the dinos to spit things like fire- balls from their mouths. A necklace makes a ball of light (similar to the diamonds in the Castlevania games) bounce around the room and kill everything it hits. Besides these three, there are other items which enhance abilities or allow level skips. However, these items only appear on the board for a certain period of time. The thrill of frantically trying to capture these items before they're gone is one of my favorite aspects of Bubble Bobble. Upon beat- ing the game, a password is given that allows the player to replay the game with different and more difficult enemies in the levels. Also, there is two-player mode that allows some friendly point- gathering competition. The hardest thing to figure out is how to get the true ending. In the second to the last level, a crystal ball appears. This must be captured before disappearing and the character who captures it must not die before, or while, fighting the final boss. | won't give away what this crystal ball does, but | will say that the girls would be much happier with it.

All in all, Bubble Bobble is a game that offers so much, given the tiny 8-bit processor that supports it. No one should go with- out playing this game.





hen gaming just started to get into the 16bit swing, strategy fans were few and far W between. However, both new systems had their strategic superstar. Genesis got

Herzog Zwei, and TurboGrafx had Military Madness. Using a hexagonal grid to plot their moves, Blue and Green armies would wage war on dozens of militant map areas. At first, only tanks and foot soldiers were in your arsenal. As you progressed, you gained access to bigger, better weapons. Each had its own attack and defense statistics which changed depending on the terrain and the supporting troops in the vicinity. Flying craft could move to any location at will, and longrange firearms made it impossible to counterattack. Factories were even set up to keep pumping out the cannon fodder. Each attack displayed a close-up of the firefight, and a point graph at the level's end would show the balance of power. Expanded later as Nectaris on PlayStation, Military Madness earns the Silver Star in the field of video game armed forces battles.



ith every update in video game technology, there are those titles that are W basically identical to games of previous generations, but with better graphics.

China Warrior exemplifies this phenomenon to a tee. Little more than a gussied- up version of the arcade classic Kung Fu, this title merely offered some sharper visuals in an otherwise painstakingly boring package. The main character had a handful of moves punch, kick, jumpkick, and ducking punch. These were used on robed monks who walked forward with no purpose, hummingbirds that fluttered by, and knives that came at you out of nowhere. Bosses were prevalent, but these were far from Street Fighter Il-worthy fights. The difficulty was extremely high, but it's not like you'd want to continue your game after dying anyway. While the sprites are large, there is no other reason to play China Warrior. Away with ye!




hen you think of great ninja games, what do you think of? Tenchu? Ninja Gaiden? WwW What about Ninja Spirit? Chances are, if you weren't a TurboGrafx owner, you

missed out on the latter, and that's a shame. While not too sneaky and not very story-driven, Ninja Spirit was a heck of a lot of fun to play. Originally an arcade title, it followed a slain warrior on his path to vengeance. Hundreds of enemies would die by your sword, but most times the odds were against you. To even things up, you can get up to two more shadow ninjas, who mimic your every move, but are a step behind you. If you jump and then stand still, they'll hover in the air to take out higher foes. Power-ups also make you a more lethal assassin. The bosses are impressive and the action intense. If you missed Ninja Spirit, you missed sword-slashing arcade gameplay at its finest. Hang your head in shame, young &rasshopper.




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ven if you didn't own a TurboGrafx, you knew Bonk. This loveable, bald-headed caveman E was put into the mascot role for the TurboGrafx, much like Sonic was for the Genesis. While TurboGrafx eventually gave up the ghost, Bonk's games were some of the best of that era. Bonk's Adventure was full of all the platform goodness one would expect: bonus levels, swimming areas, and big bosses. Keeping with the caveman gimmick, Bonk loved gobbling up big chunks of meat (which gave him a power boost), and used his teeth to climb up ledges. His main means of offense was a massive headbutt, and he could travel long distances by somersaulting through the air. TG-16's turbo controllers really aided in this activity. Bonk's graphics were vivid and bright, with just the right amount of parallax scrolling. The adventure was a tad easy, but that only served to appeal to a broad demographic. Years later, after the Turbo had already died, Bonk was ported onto various other systems, including the NES and Game Boy. Is nothing sacred?







When you come to, you'll quickly learn that ten years have passed. Ask the elder for work. He'll ask that you find a pig named Suzy. Before embarking, search the town carefully, then level up a tad (level 4 is preferred) and buy some new equipment for your team. Also, grass may appear on the overworld after battles. If you need health, head into these areas and hunt to obtain meats and roasts. When ready, tra- verse south to the circus.

You can skip this portion if you like and head straight for Mount Fubi, but the turtle is worth seeing. Now then, continue south to Fubi. Work your way along the treacher- ous path to the boss trio: Palo, Puti, and Peach. Start out with Ryu attacking, then have Bow cast Def-Up on Ryu. Now, just pound away. Exit the mountain and push the rock out of the way to create a new entrance. Pass through and grab all the goodies along the way. You'll eventually reach a room with Azusa inside. Take into consideration what he has to say, then

After the introductory scene comes to a close, head downstairs and talk to your father. Now, chat with the women in front of the church. With a new clue in hand, head north and you'll run into a bush. Press A to pass through to the forest. Proceed forward to Yua's location. At the worst possible time, a boss will appear. Combat this beast until your HP reaches 7. At this point, your father will come to the rescue. From here, return to the village and enter the

church. Talk to Hulk, then rest. When you awaken, you'll see a thief steal a candle. After a brief story break, tell the miscreant that you'd like to stay. Bow will now join your party. Now that it’s night, sneak out of the village through the gate. Head for shelter in the northwest cave. You'll need to use Bow's candle to illuminate the cavern. As you meander forward, you'll eventually run into the boss, Barubary. Don't even bother fighting, just give in and lose the battle. You can't win.

leave Fubi and head west to the building ruins. Battle the pests and slay the Roach boss. Niro will thank you for the assist and ask if you'd like to feast upon a pig. Gulp! Rescue Suzy and bring her back to your hometown. You'll have to pass through Fubi again, but a shortcut is now available. Talk to the elder in the guild and hand over the swine to Mina. Now, fulfill Bow's wish of resting. During the night, Kilgore will appear and Bow will leave the party.

Not one to sleep, you'll awaken in the night. Exit the house and head north through the previously unavailable area. Talk to Kilgore (in the mansion), then return to your room and speak with Bow. Answer "no" to Bow's stealing inquiry, and he'll hide in a trashcan when a soldier knocks at the door. Leave the house and head south. Talk to the solider to pass. Re-enter Fubi and head to the hideout. Niro will suggest heading to Coursiar.

Make sure your level is at least 7 and

you have the best available equipment. Maneuver east across the bridges to Coursiar. Talk with all of the villagers, then converse with the pub's bartender to

room. If you pass, don't speak to any guards, then grab it and store it (along with the rest of your loot) in the bank. Rand will eventually confront you in the locker room and ask for all of your advance the clock to night. Talk to Rand to money. Good thing you just deposited it. learn of the coliseum contestants. Leave _ Continue forward and you'll run into the town and head north to Tag Woods. г> ^*«.. Katt. Knock her out, and save her Work your way through this area to the /# X from the needle shower. Katt tree house. Ride the series of buckets | will now join your party. Buy to Baba's location. He isn't pleased her some equipment, then with your late arrival, so you'll return to the coliseum. need to knock him silly before Augus will mutate and he'll cooperate. It's now time to attack. As luck would have enter the coliseum. Before you it, Rand just joined the fight can enter, you'll need to talk to as well. After the battle, head Rand at the pub. back to the ruin hideout. Rand With a slew of Herbs in your will tell you of a mystical school pocket, approach the colise- which just happens to be your um. Pass the test by beating next stop. the instructor, then speak | Return to your hometown with the manager. If you can and enter the Magic School. avoid the darts, a 1,000 coin Head upstairs and eavesdrop on reward awaits in your locker the conversation. A startling



event will take place and reroute your quest to the northeast. Your destination is the cave surrounded by mountains better known as Mount Rocko. Enter and talk to the hood. He'll attack, but he's no match for you. Continue forward to the opening to the northeast. Tell the hood that the boss' nephew is named

Pain. If you answer cor-

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Come on, how can you refuse a talking frog? Depart and head north to the Witch Tower. With Ryu in front, enter and step on the obscure tile. Continue stepping on it until the witch opens the passage. Avoid the chests (traps) and ride the left-most lift to the boss’ location. If you have some time on your hands, ride the other lifts to riches galore. After

rectly, a fight awaits. You'll now 4 defeating this monstrosity, cure have access to pass through шай the frog and head toward the gate, but you'll be tricked E MT 3 Simafort. Before doing any-

and will fall into a hole. The lead person in your party will be poisoned, so plan accordingly. Work your way along the path and up the stairs. After a series of bat- tles, Joker will emerge. + Use Nina's Tornado when- E F ever you can and slash away. = He's difficult, but should fallit f you keep an eye on your health.

Nina will now want to go to Windia, which is to the north- west of Tag Woods. To reach this sacred place, you'll first need to pass through the maze (left, left, down, right, down, then up the stairs). Move south to the magic show where Sten will join the party. Continue min- &ling with the Windians, then head west to the town known only as Captain. If you choose to, you can enter another circus along the way. Just before reaching Captain, you'll see a log cabin nearby. Check it out for items and info, then pro- ceed into town. Talk to everyone you see and stock up on supplies. Throw caution to the wind and drop into the dry well. Explore every room and ride the turtles. After a brief scene, you'll eventually run into another boss. Afterwards, talk to Ray. A tidal wave will knock the villagers deeper within the well. Save all six of them and tell Ray that you've completed the mission. You'll even- tually pop out of the well and Ray will thank you. If you saved all of the villagers he will give you the Renew spell. Continue explor- ing The Captain region (with Ryu as your lead). Talk to Sana to awaken the dragon in Ryu. After burning down the house, return to the hideout and talk to everyone. You'll now need to backtrack to Captain to find a carpenter. First, talk to the man standing by the inn. Again, retreat to Captain and pick out the house of your dreams (we recom- mend the regular design) Once you've decided, head north to the harbor and use the boat.


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When you reach land, enter the forest (near the sign). Here, you'll run into a pond full of frogs. One of them will begin conversing with you. He asks for your help.



thing in this town, a side- quest awaits. Head north- west of Simafort to The Wild Cat Café. Follow the owner's instructions, and say you like your meal rare. You, of course, are the meal. Defeat the cat P boss, and follow him wherever he goes. Tell him that you're not = mad about the eating thing and Е that you actually are softheart- ЧОР ed. He will now teach you the Chop-Chop technique. Before returning to Simafort, head to the water- fall. Use Jean's transformation to reach the cave where Ryu will learn a new drag- on power. You can also head back to the hideout to learn of some new character abilities.

At long last, enter the elusive Simafort. Once inside, you'll be forced out. After a strange sequence, the princess will give you gills. Head north to the far side of the fort and descend down the stairs. You'll eventually reach a jail. Free Jean and ask for his help. Now, leave Simafort and head to the Wild Cat. Maneuver to the back room, then after conversing in the bath- room, jump into the toilet, then head south to find the ring. The only thing you can do now is head back to Simafort. Talk to Jean again and you'll be thrust into a cooking contest. You'll need to return to the dun- geon to find three ingredients: WormMeat, RochMeat, and GoldFly. From the kitchen, locate the king's chamber and enter the right opening behind the throne. Head up the stairs and search in front of the arrow to find a secret entrance. Continue upward, then help the soldier. You'll find Fiolina in front of the pond (downstairs). Trail her to Tata and he will hand you two keys. Use the keys to open the nearby buildings, then head to the basement via the buckets. A lit- tle ways down, you'll run into the Gold Fly. Battle it, then give chase. When you cross the bridge, a boss will confront you. Defeat itto get the WormMeat. Follow the Fly again and work your way along the path from the main room to the next boss. If you win the battle, you'll receive the RochMeat. Continue north and you'll snag the GoldFly.

Return to the kitchen and wait in the din- ing room. Talk to the guard to trigger the taste test contest. Take a nibble yourself, and Petape will be displeased with your input and will threaten to blow up the cas- tle. Find the secret entrance in the room marked WC, then take the hidden elevator down. Move to the right to find Jean and another boss. Dragon attacks will quickly dispose of this demon. After the battle, Jean will join the party. Pillage the castle of all its chests and you will also run into the real thief, thus clearing Bow's name. It's now time to return to Home Town.


Place all of your money in the bank, then talk to the guard to enter Trout's house. Converse with him, then search the house. Leave, then talk to Kilgore. Add Bow to your active party and head to Kilgore's house. Confront Trout again and a mas- sive battle will ensue. Cut your way through the soldiers and work your way to the mirror. It's actually a secret door lead- ing to the real basement. After a brief cutscene, Trout will attack. If you didn't put your cash in the bank, Trout will steal your loot. Slay him as quickly as you can. After obtaining the Magic Hood, proceed to the city entrance, and you'll be swept away to the guild. Leave the city and trek across the sea once again. Head south and use Jean's frog power to navigate the rivers. Now, continue east. Enter the house on the peninsula. The man inside will direct you to Whale Cave. Head outside and fall in the hole. Use Katt's field ability to remove the fence. Move through the second opening. After talk- ing with Maiyoru, head north. You'll run into the stone doll. Of course, a boss battle awaits. Defeat the Munmar and head back to the

Adam's apple you passed up earlier on. Use Katt's ability to whack it.

After an amusing sequence, you'll end up on a Shore. Talk to Maiyoru to get the Whale Bell. Use this new item on the shore to bring about your ocean transportation for the remainder of the game. Head south to the town of Tunlan. The first order of busi- ness here is to head to the circus. This time around, something hap- pens. Pay the man 100 coins. Walk past the demon cages to the chief stand- ing beside Grass Man. When you talk to him, try to stop the show from happen ing. Exit the circus, then return to the water. Head northeast past a few islands, then over to the continent with a bridge on it. Your destination is the nearby cave. Work your way through the cavern to the Uparupa Hunters. Pay

an Uparupa in the next room. After a brief fight, the Uparupa will escape and you'll need to find more feed. You'll find some in Owl Woods, which is west of Windia. To get there, you'll need to pass through a lodge. As you head

up, you'll encounter a girl who happens to be an extremely difficult boss. We suggest leveling up prior to this battle. Victory will


reward you with OwlFruits. From here, back- track to Uparupa Cave. You'll now need to catch two of these critters. There are eight of them, but you'll only be able to snag two. For completing this task, you'll get a special item. You can free the Uparupas now to make two hidden chests appear (you'll need to reenter the room for the second).

Return to the circus, and tell the chief that you won't give him a thing. He, of course, will become enraged and fight you. He's susceptible to fire attacks, so make sure Sten is in your party. When he falls, Grass Man will free himself. Place him in the front of your party and trek to the forest just south of Simafort. After conversing with the Wise Tree, make way to Tunlan. The vil- lagers speak a different tongue, so you'll need to find the Famous Flute next. Warp to Town Ship, then call Grandpa from the shore. Float south to the shore of a new continent. Use Jean's frog power, then head east (passing the house for now). Enter the castle town of Highfort. Have Sten swing across to the other side. Next, tell Sten that you must continue onward, then talk to the gate guard. Sten will now depart on his own. When you regain con- trol, talk to Sten. From here, head back up the stairs and enter the northern door. Continue forward past the war meeting and you'll fall into a trap. Control will be handed over to Sten. Head down to the dungeon to locate some amazing equipment. Now, backtrack to where you met Gayne. Maneuver north and Trubo will battle Sten. When the bridge breaks, you'll only have three rounds to take him out. Casting Flame twice will do the trick.

After the fight, stick with the plan, explore the multitude of routes, then work your way to the trap. You'll now be rejoined with the party. Work your way through the dungeon to the teleporters.

Step on the middle one to y warp to Trubo. Open the

gate and a boss will attack.

Dispose of this goon, then continue onward. Navigate the dungeon and you'll run into Shupkay up the last staircase. She's one of the easiest boss- es in the game, so don't worry. After the action-packed sequence, you'll receive the Famous Flute. Leave the castle and return to Tunlan. Meet with the queen and talk with the vil- lagers. The man you're looking for is located at Mount Maori, which is to the northeast (just above Home Town). Pass into the cave and speak with the old man. He'll ramble on, unless you talk to him with a female in the lead. With Gedd in the party, head back to Tunlan. When he talks to the queen, bring his let- ter back to Mt. Maori. Follow the assistant's advice, then use Sten's ability to navigate Й the path. Maneuver through

the mountain. Grab the mush-

room that matches the one the

assistant showed you and hand it over to get the Mirror.

Return to Tunlan and talk to Gedd. He will shrink you and insert you inside the

queen's body. Gross! Slay all of the mon- sters here and you'll be rewarded with the Therapy Pillow (which you'll have to locate and retrieve from a guarded chest in the castle). Just search the castle and talk to everyone to get it. Make sure Spar is in your party, then return to the Wise Tree.


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Enter Ganaroof's mind and explore the town to the west. Chat with everyone, then head to the east to the next town. Mingle again, then make way for the last city. Locate the pub and talk with Barose to learn new magic. Make sure you heard everything the locals have to say, then return to the first village you visited. Everything will now be different. This dun- geon is very confusing, so take your time. Talk to the old man to have him teleport you through the darkness. After traversing all seven levels, you'll run into a boss. Thankfully, he's not very tough. Whew! Cast Exit to leave the dungeon. From here, return to the northernmost town and talk to the child to the right of the counter. Retreat from Ganaroof's mind and head south to Fog Valley. It is, of course, too foggy to navigate, so you'll first need to go to Sky Tower, located in the ocean to the north of Tunlan. Explore the tower and talk to Wind Shaman. She will remove the fog, allowing you access through Fog Valley. Work your way through this area to the south. You'll run smack dab into a giant tree. Use Jean's power to reach it, then Switch to Spar to hear what the tree has to say. Now, continue south to Farm Town.

Place Rand in the lead and talk with everyone. A scene will take place where a person gets knocked out of a house. Enter this house and speak with Daisy. Plow her fields, defeat the enemies, then return to the house. The next morning, converse with Daisy one more time to learn of Namanda your next destination just to the west of Farm Town. Hear what the villagers have to say, then head north through a series of rooms. Step on the box in the center of the room - if you donate 20 times, you'll be able to obtain the Earth Shaman later on. From here, leave the city and head to Guntz, south of Tunlan. Buy the equipment you need, then leave and work your way south to the hut on Monster Island. Hey! It's Bo and Karn from the original Breath of Fire! This is a great place to level up - by now most of your characters should be at level 32 or higher.

After this brief, yet helpful detour, return to Daisy's house. A cutscene will take place, and before long, Rand will be thrust into battle. Eliminate this bothersome pal- adin, then talk to everyone in town again to learn about the church. You can either con-

tinue on to Windia, or head back to Namanda to learn a new spell. In Namanda, locate the room with the men ringing bells. A man will tell you to play the Prayer Song (on the A and B buttons). Memorize the sequence, then play it back for him. If you do it correctly, you'll be rewarded with the Bombada spell. If you completed this sidequest, now may be a good time to recruit two more tenants. Hire Hanz from Home Town, then head to Windia, and employ Daiye. Now, return to the Wise Tree to learn of Eichichi. With this tip in mind, return to Guntz and talk to Eichichi (she'll only be there if you entered the well in Town Ship). When she departs, warp back to Town Ship and drop into the well. She will tell you that you should go to Windia. Place Nina in the lead and talk to the guard at the castle gate.

At this point, speak with the king. Head down into the Sky Cave basement and carefully explore the northern surroundings to find a weapon for Nina. Now, proceed due west, then down a series of stair- ways to a statue. Have Nina speak with this inanimate object to open a new route. Move quickly so that the boulders don’t block your path. In due time, you'll reach the guardian. When he attacks, Freeze magic will deal the most damage. Just pound away 4 until he collapses. After the ЁМ battle, you'll receive the mark W ofthe wing. Rejoin the party by confronting the statues. It's & now time to speak to the king with Nina in the lead. The party will rest, but while doing so, someone will steal the mark. Traverse west and descend the Southern staircase to the Ceremonial Tower. Use the stairs to reach Mina, who transforms into the Great Bird. When this amazing sequence concludes, she will fly you wherever you desire. If you re-enter Windia, the king has given you permission to open all of the chests. Next, fly just south of Guntz to Evrai.


Again, lend your ear to the townsfolk. If you spoke with everyone, you won't be able to leave the city, but try to do so. Head into the house to the north and Claris will help you out of town. The secret passage is the toilet. If you cast Smoke, you should be able to hop into the holes fairly quickly. When you resurface, head

upstairs and snag the CharmRod from the dresser. You can use this Rod in a secret fishing hole west of Town Ship. You'll need to battle repeatedly to make the hole appear. We recommend doing so because you'll hook an EmpireSD, a powerful weapon for Ryu. From here, head toward Farm Town, but veer south to Cot

Land. ` Katt can knock away the boulders that block the path. Speak with Tiga and you'll find out that you should enter the Thieves Tomb next. You'll find this obscure shrine in the desert

south of Highfort. Enter the

Tomb, and mess around with the tiles (smiley faces bring fortunes). Work your way to Patty and free her from her prison. Follow her to the next room, then examine the treasure to find a hidden switch. In this chamber, you'll find the evidence you need. Now, cast Exit and return to Cot Land.

Enter Tiga’s house and tell her that you are Katt's friend. Before departing for Bando, return to Town Ship and add a fourth member to your team. You can also make Nina a Shaman. Bando is just south of Cot Land. The first stop here is the church. Enter the secret passage that Katt uncovers. Navigate the halls of this dungeon and step on the switch four times to reveal the next area. Navigate this bizarre habitat and you'll run into Father Manson who happens to be com- pletely evil! Destroy his zombie army, then take it to him next. He's incredibly tough and really doesn't have any weaknesses. Def-Up everyone and cast as much magic as you can.

When he sees the light, you'll be reward- ed with Evrai RD. Tell Katt that you are upset, then listen to what Tiga has to say.

Before heading to Claris' house, first go to )

Home Town and donate 20 times at the church to get the Evans Bib. Return to Evrai and check out Claris’ crib. Tiga will inform you that Claris is out. When asked a question, answer Evans (as you just learned) to be granted access to St. Eva Church. Explore this beautifully detailed chapel, then a startling. cutscene will take place, followed by a battle against Ray. There’s a big buildup for this battle, but it really couldn't be much easier. From here, ascend the stairs and release Daisy. Have Rand roll through the walls that block your progress. Continue up the stairs and Habaruku will confront the party. Follow him when he flees (to the east). Tricky as ever, he had a trap waiting for you. Explore the new area you fall into and you'll stum- ble upon a room with moving platforms. To get the chest from here you'll need to enter the pattern: right, up, right, right, down, up, down. To reach the stair, input this sequence: right, up, right, right, down, up. Trek deeper into the church.

At this point, your actions will determine

what ending you get. When the Oldman and Guardeyes attack, do not attack the Oldman. You'll need to save him to produce a better ending sequence. When all three of the Guardeyes are disposed of, the church will begin to collapse. The Oldman will tele- port the party back to Town Ship. Exit the carpenter's house and move to the eastern portion of Town Ship. Head into the well to check on Eichichi. She's discovered that the Town Ship can actually fly. Woo hoo! After Garner connects to the machine, talk to Eichichi again to move the controls.

With your flying city, soar back to Farm Town. If you donated 2,000 coins at the shrine, step on the plowing field to get the Earth Shaman. The Holy Shaman can also be picked up at this time within the Bando basement. From here, zoom over to the Wise Tree and learn of the evil that is suck- ing the life out of the land. At long last, you can finally head to Gate (north of Tunlan, by a burning forest).


Head into the forest where you met Yua years ago. Speak with Father Hulk, then leave the city. You'll now need to locate Patty. Start your search in the Cot Land, when you hear she's gone; continue on to Simafort café, over to the Thieves Tomb, and finally to Town Ship. Chat with her, then return to Father Hulk's side. Babaruku will attack. When he falls, select Defeat as your answer, otherwise the game will end. The sacred dragon will awaken and reveal the entrance to Infinity. This freaked-out zone consists of 10 har- rowing floors. Explore each one carefully. At the end, you'll reach Dologany. After getting caught up on the events at

x hand, and partaking in a flashback sequence, it's off to the second section of Infinity. Drink from the altar and talk to the monk dressed in red. Tell him that you won't sacrifice anybody, then navigate the four levels.

Barubary awaits. Use all of

your powers to topple this behemoth. Take the teleporter to the final segment of the game. Enter the northern door. Ryu will sud- denly go blind. Rotate the control pad as fast as you can to free him of the curse. Ryu will lunge at Deathevn and the final bat- tle will ensue. You've come this far and should know how to manage your team in combat. This battle may seem like it never ends, and you may not be able to cast spells, or may succumb to the Death spell more than you care to, but if you can pull through, an amazing ending awaits. Congratulations!


ONIMUSHA 2: SAMURAI’S DESTINY Manufacturer: McFarlane Toys Website: www.spawn.com List Price: TBA

The creators of the intricately detailed Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty action figures are reentering the digital bitstream, this time taking a stab at Capcom's survival horror title, Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny. Set to hit retail shelves in May, this assortment accurately captures the likeness of each in- 6 game character model. The exciting lineup consists of Jubei, his nemesis Nobunaga, secondary characters Oyu, Magoichi, Kotaro, and the mysterious adversary Gogandantes.

HIS DARK MATERIALS Manufacturer: Ballantine Books Website: www.randomhouse.com/features/pullman/index.html List Price: $20.97 (Paperback Box Set) If you've already reread The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and have grown tired of waiting for J.K. Rowling to finish the long-awaited Harry Potter: The Order of the Phoenix, we highly recommend you take some time to explore Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials series. In the three novels that make up the trilogy, Pullman, a respected children’s author who won England's prestigious Carnegie Medal in 1996, has created perhaps the most intriguing and finely wrought fantasy saga in recent memory. The books follow the story of Lyra, an orphan girl (much like Harry Potter) with burgeoning occult powers and a mysterious family lineage. Through elegiac prose, a fascinating imaginary world is created, one that is a magical parallel to 19th century England. On her journeys, Lyra encounters all manner of interesting characters, from the noble Gypsy king |THE AMBER] John Faa to the fearsome Gobblers, all the while confiding in her daemon, SPYGLASS Pantalaimon (a shape-shifting spirit creature that is her constant companion). Pullman is a master writer, and His Dark Materials are a spellbinding and fast-paced THE X-CONNECTOR read. If you're looking for the next big thing in fantasy, this is it. This series blows Manufacturer: Innovation the doors off Harry Potter, and we wouldn't be surprised to see a bidding war erupt

Website: www.innovation1.com over the movie rights. Fiction just doesn’t get much better than His Dark Materials. List Price: $24.99

We've received thousands of emails from readers complaining about the awkward size and obscure NYKO GAMECUBE MEMORY CARDS button layout of the Xbox controller. Our good friends Manufacturer: Nyko Website: www.nyko.com

over at Innovation have concocted a solution that List Price: $14.99 (4Mb), $19.99 (8Mb), 16Mb & 64Mb (MSRP TBA)

should make your Xbox gaming sessions stress-free. We'll admit it, the GameCube memory card is extremely limited in storage space. The X-Connector will allow Simply said, 4MB (59 blocks) just doesn't cut it nowadays especially gamers to connect Sony's y considering many sports games consume most of this space. If

Dual Shock and Dual Shock 2 controllers to the Xbox. This device works surprisingly well. The analog sensitivity is right on par, and since the Xbox controller only features two shoulder buttons, L1 and L2 have been assigned to

you tire of constantly deleting game saves, Nyko has created

a number of options that should cater perfectly to your gam-

ing needs. Along with a standard third-party 4Mb card, Nkyo

is also manufacturing an 8Mb card (double the space), as well as a 16Mb card (four times the space). Seeing that the GameCube library is still 5 2 incredibly small, there really is no need for anything larger, yet Nyko decided to give the Black and White buttons. If you despise the gamers the full Monty with a massive 64Mb card (eight times the space, baby!!!!). As an

Xbox controller, we strongly recommend investing added incentive to buy, all of these cards come packaged with a cute little protective storage in this secondary option. case. Neat!

Game Informer Magazine" (ISSN 1067-6392) is published monthly at а subscription price of $19.98 per year, or twenty four issues for $24.98 by Sunrise Publications", 724 North First Steet, ath Floor, Minneapolis, MN 55401. (612) 486-6100 or FAX (612) 486-6101. For subscriptions, back issues, or customer service inquiries (612) 486-6100, Periodicals postage paid at Minneapolis, MN, and addtional mailing offices. SUBSCRIBERS/POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine", 724 North Fist Street, 4th Floor, Minneapolis, MN 55401. Foreign or Canadian orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars and must include $20/year additional postage per year. Game Informer” does not claim any copyright in the screenshots herein. Copyright in all screenshots contained within this publication are owned by their respective companies. Entire contents copyright 2002. Game Informer Magazine". AII rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in рап without permission is prohibited. Game Informer” is а trademark of GameStop « Products named in these pages are каде names, ог trademarks, of their respective companies.


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