GANIEINFONMER \ : IS ‚ AE Vor, CE NY Тууды $ 3.95 / $ 4.95 Canada / 2.50 £2.50 MAY/ JUNE 1993 0" "74470 82824" 2 The Best Super NES Game Yet.....0r Ever! LICENSED BY NATSUME: | СА (SX 415 <1 L TIME ge 1*2 ООООООО ө • 2 Player Simultaneous Action * Pocky and Rocky play differently Official intendo) Seai of Quality NATSUME” | Serious Fun. Natsume Inc. 1243A Howard Ave. Burlingame, California 94010 Pocky and Rocky is a trademark of Natsume Inc. Natsume is a registered trademark of Natsume Inc. © 1993 Natsume Inc. Nintendo and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. Mario and Yoshi are filling in at the Cookie Factory, and the snacks are piling high! As fresh baked cookies roll out of the ovens, it’s up to Mario to sort and stack ’em before they pile too high! Line up a row of the same kind of cookies either vertically or horizontally, and they vanish. Clear the screen to move on to anew level of munchie-madness! Yoshi appears from time to time to stir things up. Play for high score or go head-to-head against a friend or the computer. The mouth-watering madness doesn't let up! In the tradition of Tetris™ and | Dr. Mario", Yoshi's Cookie is a | heaping helping of lip-smacking, | snack-stacking cookie chaos! It’s a heapin' helpin' of cookie crunchin' fun! Challenge a friend or the computer for more munchie-madness! EN OS MES % 100 stages, plus bonus rounds. e» 1 or 2 players, or play against the computer. $3 Choose to be Mario, Yoshi, the Princess or Bowser. e» Extra puzzle game from the creator of Tetris. Polet -Pros „Ж: Ға С a : Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. «5/2 id 8337 154th Ave. NE 4 Redmond, Washington 98052 Yoshi's Cookie is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1992,1993 Nintendo of America Inc. ©1993 Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. Original design oy Home Data Corp. Puzzles by Alexey Pajitnov and BPS. Dr. Mario, Nintendo, Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. Tetris™ & ©1987 Elorg. Bullet-Proof Software and BPS are registered trademarks of Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. All rights reserved. "700 REAL Major League Baseball Players from ай 28: Professional rosters; including Golorado Апа Florida. Plus you af fate. them, on their own-turffrom Chicago’ & wr friehdly. confines to the’ Big | ‘Green Monster in топ So ‘Before you pick. up a baseball gare for your'GeneSis, make, "Sure. at sS not one:of those bushe league, efforts with phony | , stadiums and fake player names "taken frofn-the local phone book 1 Jt s €asys just look for FRB. I 93... it 5 the oni Keep rosters curre Option—or make how would Jose | nt with eum Тад, your own trades.. 00К in Florida teal? 97 baseball series in “C wideo-game/history \ ы. "Improved and upgraded gameplay- features, including Home Run ^ = | ;, Derby, Fielding Practice and Individual . ух" Player Performance.Stats. Э 2) Full player rosters for all 28° вЫ at chalet new Colorado and ends franchises: 2 * Real, ЫШ detailed home stadiums for all 28 ж "yr You'll know ho the barrel of Nolan lights y w it es to Stare down a loaded cannon when p the radar at 100 "PN " “. беда and Genésis'are Trademarks’ of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. ‘RBI: ТМ Atari Games; Gcensed == eee Inc ©1993 ek ‘Inc. «. Regular Features: ( Game Consultants & The Letter From the Editor .................................. 6 № Dear Game Informer: лігі цит Оаа MO NL 7 Game Tech Та; рата E E 41 Game Genie Swap бор: ТШ ТШИ 42 E nfo rmer The Fun Club Tip Lime досы a MM LU 43 | d Classics Attic: Ms. Pac-Man DNE СЫ 46 n ex What's НОЕ... ли 58 О ИН 8 | Game Informer Gets a Visit From Star Fox . T. ен History of Video Gaming - Part З...................- ЛЕГІН... "Segawood": Тһе Sega Multimedia Studio.............: | В. 48 Street Fighter ІІ: Champion Edition: ......................... Е ess 37 Happy Anniversary!: Marvel Celebrates 30 Years of X-Men ................... 54 Return ООС ВИШУ АИ Spotlight: Super Nintendo SNES Reviews Star Fox, Shadow Run, Mech Warrior....................... 11-14 Fatal Fury: SNES and Genesis Stand-Off in a "Duel" Review................. 16 Super Nintendo — At à Слсе... esL loves vert bo ta eee 18 A Run Sabor, Ultima: The False Prophet, Ultimate Fighter, Inindo p Batman Returns, and Mario is Missing Spotlight: Nintendo NES Reviews Zen: Intergalactic Ninja................... eese 20 RISUS OEC NU CV LAIT TT TTE LERRA 2 Duck Tales Il, Jimmy Conners Tennis, Tiny Toons II, Battletoads and Double Dragon, Kirby's Adventure and Mighty Final Fight Special Speedway Feature: Introductión................— ec oo T 24 High Speed Coin-Op: Andy Catches Up With The Fastest Coin-ops...... 26 GI Reviews.: e ш.и 4 кы 2.7 28-36 Battle Grand Prix, Jaguar, Outrun 2019, Road Rash 11, Lotus Turbo Challenge, Battlewheels GI Guest Review, by Scott Robinson Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge... 33 Spotlight: Sega Genesis Genesis Reviews Cool SPOT, X-Men, Топу La Ҝиѕѕа........................ 50-55 Sega Genesis ан 56 Elemental Master, Jeopardy, Rolling Thunder Ш, Jungle Strike, Mutant ЧИ league Football, Bill Walsh College Football зоо ооо ооо ооо ооо ооо ооо ооо ооо ооо ооо ооо ооо ооо ооо о Te This Ain't No Game. STARTS FRIDAY, MAY 28 AT THEATRES EVERYWHERE v p Al ROSS By Elizabeth A. Olson Spring is a time of rejuvenation; nature cleanses itself and begins life anew. It’s only natural that Game Informer do a little Spring cleaning of its own, in an effort to serve our readers. That explains the changes that you'll see in Game Informer’s format this month. Reader Mark Macoun writes in to ask if we think we can cover all the news from the video game world in seventy pages every two months. Well, no. We are well aware of the downside of our size and bi-monthly status. But lets put the cost of each issue into perspective. Each time an issue is printed it requires approxi- mately 33 tons of paper, 2400 pounds of ink, and enough postage to mail to more than 147,000 people across the country. That doesn’t include production costs, film costs, and the money that pays for artwork, photography and writing. So why am | telling you all this? The staff of Game Informer is dedi- cated to producing the best publica- tion possible and, until we are able to expand, that task is an even greater challenge. However, with more text per page and a lower ad- to-editorial ratio, we often pack more information in our 68 pages than some bigger magazines. We have read the reader survey responses and are pleased you enjoy our in-depth reviews. But we are also aware that you would like to see more games covered. In an effort to cover the maximum number of games per issue, we have trimmed several of our reviews back to a single page. We have also added “At a Glance” pages for each platform, in order to mention additional upcoming games. “ы % d THE REBEL GAMER Once we can afford to expand either in size or frequency, we will return to the two page reviews that have been so popular. Additionally, we have increased the size of the Fun Club Tip Line and have added the Game Genie Swap Shop for those readers in search of more codes. We removed the reviewer’s summations, known as The Bottom Line, but you can still find the average score of each game in the bullets at the top of each review. We will continue in our attempt to bring you more strate- gies, more hints and more pictures, just as you’ve requested. Our thanks to everyone who sent in a reader survey. As always, we love to hear from you, so please write and let us know what you think. By the way, this issue focuses in on the hottest new racing games. So without further delay, “Gentlemen, start your engines!” Be Andy, the Game Hombre’ Our undisputed hard-core vidiot has been giving his thumbs a workout with NHLPA, Star Fox, NCAA, Mech Warrior, Road Rash II, X- Men and Tony La Russa. He favors his Genesis, with SNES coming in a close second; Lynx is his portable of choice. When not busy playing vids, he’s hitting the skins in a garage-style band. Ross, the Rebel Gamer Ross’s roll-out of all-time favorite games includes Castle of Illusion and Road Rash for Genesis; PGA, SF2 and Out of This World for SNES; Black Bass and Little Nemo for the 8-bit; with Stun Runner, Shinobi and Prince of Persia heading up the hand-helds. He prefers the Genesis, Lynx and Sports titles. When not at the drawing board, his favorite pastime is hockey. Rick is our family man, which reflects in his game choices. His favorites include Shadowrun, Flash Back and NHLPA, as well as Castle of Illusion, the Phantasy Star series, Bubsy and both Sonic titles. He enjoys both participating in and watching sports, although he'd rather play Frisbee with his kids. This self-proclaimed Genesis fan loves RPGs and Action or Adventure games. Paul, the Pro Player As our newest reviewer, his list of favorites runs almost parallel to Andy's, with PGA Папа Flash Back substituted for Road Rash II. His favorite genres of carts include Sports games and Driving or Simulation games. His other hobbies include softball, music, and more vids. Want to stay on top on what's new in the video game world? Keep the Game Informer coming to your home. Subscribe now for only $17.88 and receive six action-packed issues; one every other month. That's almost $1.00 off each issue. Look for the subscription card in the issue and sign up today! The release dates listed in these pages are those currently available at the time the Game Informer goes into production and are subject to change. Dear Game Informer: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the satisfaction that | have received from your magazines. The qualities of your publication, like outstanding layout and excellent pictures have been certain- ly met. The information provided in each magazine is up-to-date and well written. Also, the rating system is very clear. Josh Driver Riverside, CA | think your magazine is great. | subscribe to Nintendo Power, ЕСМ, GamePro, and VG&CE, but your mag is one of the best because of its personal game reviews, specifically the explanations behind the numbers. | am writing to you for informa- tion on Squaresoft's new Final Fantasy V, released in Japan, for the Super NES. | hear it is 16-meg. Do you know when it will be released in the states? Jason Sparks Knowville, TN Squaresoft will release a 16-meg Final Fantasy Adventure II in the States around October ‘93, but this will not be Final Fantasy V from Japan. This one was pro- grammed right here in the good old USA. There's a 90 percent chance Final Fantasy V could be making its US appearance as Final Fantasy Ш around March '94. -Ed. l've been hearing all this cool stuff about Street Fighter Il. | played the first Street Fighter in an arcade and enjoyed it immensely. Therefore, | would be inter- ested in purchasing this cartridge. | do not own an Super NES, but | do own a Sega Genesis. What is the possibility that Street Fighter Il will be available on the Sega Genesis system? | would also like to inform you that your magazine is very beneficial and extremely worthy of read- ing. It has been very helpful in making decisions on what games to buy. Amanda Skerbinc Coon Rapids, MN In your Jan/Feb issue, a reader asked how to use Vega for Street Fighter ІІ on the SNES. You said it was impossible because Vega is a boss. Recently, EGM published a code that enables you to use the bosses. To do this code, you need a SNES Game Genie. It actually works, but it’s hard to do moves with the bosses. Can you tell us how to do moves with the bosses? Tshalla Hernandez Flushing, NY Genesis owners will finally get a Street Fighter ІІ of their own. Turn to Pg. 37 for details. It is true that a 'Boss Code’ exists when played with the SNES Game Genie. To do this, enter the codes 10A4-0767 and FOAE- 6004. Select the VS. mode and choose Ken and Ryu. Press Start on both controllers. Player 1 must select the area of the boss you wish to play as, and Player 2 will be able to play as the boss of that stage. You can be the boss, but not play a complete game. The characters start out neon and must be hit to become fully visible. This works for one round, then your character's appearance changes back, glitches, and gets progressively worse with each round. Performing the boss moves is difficult in that you must per- form Ken or Ryu's move sequence to do a selected boss's moves (ie: Ken's Hurricane Kick results in M. Bison's Flaming Torpedo). Our reviewers’ consensus, “Hated it!” -Ed. Vid History 101 | was playing Atari the other day and | have a couple of questions. How many bits are in the Atari 2600, 5200, and 7800, and what is the difference between the three? I’ve noticed that all video game systems seem to be 8- bit multiples. NES and Sega Master are 8-bit; the SNES, TG-16, and Genesis are 16-bit; NeoeGeo is 24-bit and, according to the December issue of Electronic Games, CD systems are supposedly 32-bit. Is this a coinci- dence or the only way bits come? Robbie Price Naples, ME Robbie, the Atari 2600, 5200 and 7800 are all 8-bit systems. The differ- ence is in the memory capacity and speed of the processors. Your second question gets into the complicated area of binary relationships, so there is no easy answer without getting highly technical. To put it as simplistic as possible, it centers around the Bit-Byte correlation; eight bits make up one byte, thus the multiples of eight. An 8- bit system accesses memory from one chip, a 16-bit chip can pull informa- tion from two 8-bit chips simultane- ously, and so on. -Ed. May/June Issue 1993 Volume П, Number З Richard A. Cihak Publisher Elizabeth A. Olson Executive Editor Kimberley Thompson Benike Editorial Consultant Production Manager Kerry Cousineau Art Director Andrew McNamara Editorial Assistant Paul Anderson Rick Petzoldt Andy McNamara Ross Van Der Schaegen Video Game Consultants Thomas Blustin Production Chris Grun Bryan Vollman Joyce Nentl Illustrators Advertising Sales Walter Baumgartner Richard S. Cegielski National Advertising Sales Directors 144 Oak Court Barrington, IL 60010 (708) 381-8770 Bob Rosen Don Miller Janet Kleinman East Coast Sales Representatives Kalish, Quigley & Rosen, Inc. 850 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10019 (212) 399-9500 Tony Sureau & Associates Northwest Coast Sales Representatives 11531 197th Southeast Snohomish, WA 98290 (206) 668-7978 R.C. Bublitz & Associates Southwest Coast Sales Representatives 22247 Burbank Boulevard Woodland hills, CA 91367 (818) 992-0366 The Game Informer Magazine (ISSN 1057-6392) is pub- lished bi-monthly at_a subscription price of $17.88 ДЕ? | ear, by Sunrise Publications, 10120 W. 76th treet, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. (612) 946-7245 or FAX (612) 946-7250. Application to mail at Second Class Postage rates is pending at Hopkins, MN, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Game Informer Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 The Editor welcomes company product information for all video games. Such materials should be addressed to: Editor, Game Informer Magazine, 10120 W. 76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Editorial phone and FAX num- bers are noted above. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned or acknowledged. Entire contents copyright 1993. Game Informer Magazine. All rights reserved; reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Game Informer is a trademark of FUNCO, Inc. Products named in these pages are trade names, or trademarks, of their respective companies. For a copy of Game Informer Magazine, please call our Circulation Department (612) 946-7245. BPA Membership Applied for September 1992 Сате Воу 99 levels of mind-bending challenge Password feature, plus continues Created by Infogrames for Takara, available now The Bottom Line: rA What's a little round guy to do? You're bopping through the cosmos with your girlfriend Suzette. Next thing you know, the Big Bang comes along and she's sent flying off through the chaos. Major bummer! Being the gentleman that you are, you're out to prove that chivalry is not dead. You'll fight through brick walls, fire, hungry piranhas, killer rats and a bottomless abyss to find her! What a guy! In all seriousness, it will take all your coordination and concentration to make it through the ninety-nine increasingly difficult levels of Cool Ball. Bounce your shade-wearing little sphere from platform to platform, Fight for yo collecting all the power-ups while avoiding those deadly enemies and traps. You retrieve all the items on a screen before the exit appears, allowing you to progress to the next level. Each time you successfully complete a puzzle you'll be rewarded with a password for future play. Each screen is full of items like water drops, helpful for putting out fires, hammers, extra Lives, and keys for opening up locked walls. Aside from the regular platforms, these puzzles are made up of sticky platforms, shrinking platforms, spiked platforms and impassable brick walls. You'll also run into raging fires, indestructible poles and crazy creatures like pesky Pterodactyls and bothersome swooping birds. It’s important to plan ahead to find the best route. In other words, look before you leap or you may walk right into a trap. You'll have to ER to the exit, no matter where У Cool Ball R Review Reviewed by Andy, The Game Hombré Concept: 8 Graphics & Animation: 6 Sound: 5 Reviewed by Rick, The Video Ranger Concept: Graphics & Animation: Sound: 8 Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gamer Concept: Graphics & Animation: Sound: 8.5 6.5 A Bouncy Brain-Teaser \ for Game Boy it appears, so be sure to leave yourself a path. Most importantly, keep a look- out for disappearing platforms at the bottom of the screen, or it’s bye- bye, Cool Ball. Cool Ball is a strategy cart that’s easy to pick up, but difficult to master. Even the best gamers will be put to the test. Ay Beware of о along the hoe ae KA Caring platforms Playability: Entertainment Value: Overall Rating: Playability: Entertainment Value: Overall Rating: Playability: Entertainment Value: Overall Rating: VY Nintendo's Star Fox Visits Game Informer Magazine By Elizabeth Olson Late last Summer we stopped the presses in order to insert a piece of news into our September/October issue regarding Nintendo's new Super FX chip. It stated that Nintendo had ceased development of their 16-bit driven CD ROM unit and had replaced it with a new chip that would be installed in selected soft- ware. This chip would utilize RISC technology, a type of simplified instruction coding that would remove some of the burden from the system's central processing unit, and calculate at speeds fast enough to produce real-time, three-dimensional graphics. The first cartridge to possess such technology would be Star Fox. | nts with Ninten The whole industry awaited the arrival of Star Fox, to see if this little SFX chip could really deliver every- thing it promised. It was no surprise when Nintendo kept the project shrouded in secrecy, eeking out tid- bits of information here and there. The staff of Game Informer was dis- heartened to learn that we could not receive a preview ROM of the game for coverage prior to the release of go's Mark Coates” gave our reviewers ample the game. Being off the indus- try's beaten path a bit, we were surprised to receive a phone call that same day from Nintendo notifying us that their Star Fox media tour included the Twin Cities. Oh, Joy! The Star Fox van made the rounds in a six week, twelve city tour in order to bring the Star Fox expe- rience to the media. М The 'van' is actually an 8' x 14' truck converted into a comfortable, yet portable gaming facility. It features wall-to-wall carpet, a COZy seating or eating area and stereo sound throughout. It includes two play stations, both currently hooked up to Star Fox, a VCR, receiver, and a host of monitors to preview additional Nintendo releases. We were greeted by Nintendo Game Counselor Mark Coates and Palmer Moody of Nintendo's public relations firm. Minneapolis was the eighth city on the tour and they had already been to see several radio and television stations, as well as newspapers in the area. Nevertheless, they time for hands-on experience with the game. What an experience it is. We found ourselves leaning into every turn, as the sound effects rumbled around us. The review- ers agree that Star Fox is well worth the wait. Nintendo has taken the technology of the 16- bit system one step further with the new SFX chip. By the time you read this, Star Fox should be on the shelves at a store near you. To highlight the release of the game, Nintendo sponsored a Star Fox competition the last weekend in April. Players were able to stop by one of thousands of stores across the country to enter the contest worth $5,000,000 in prizes. Top scores from each location were entered into a grand prize drawing for a trip for four to either Australia, Japan, England or France. Be sure to stop by and check out this winning title for yourself. Super FX Chip Go Where No 16-Bit Has Gone Before е Super Nintendo 1 player action/flight simulator е SFX chip RISC technology for real-time, 3-D polygon graphics * Special training mode 3 separate routes е 20 stages, plus 2 ‘expert’ bonus stages * By Nintendo of America, available now е The Bottom Line: 9.25 When Nintendo announced their plans to introduce games integrating their new Super FX chip, we could only imagine the effect it would have on our Super Nintendo System. When they explained that the SFX chip was a math co-processor utiliz- ing RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) technology, which was capable of calculations fast enough to produce real-time 3-D QnTROLSN um |Ветер and the polygon graphics and special effects, we were curious. When Nintendo pulled up in their game van and let us play their new game, Star Fox, we had to admit we were impressed. Star Fox, the first Super Nintendo game to debut the SFX chip, is a action-flight simulator like none ever seen before on a video game format. The polygon graphics feature texture mapping, the process of wrapping an image around a polygon or sphere, and light source shading. The appear- ance is every bit as beautiful as any flight sim we've seen on computer. And, thanks to the speed of the SFX chip, the animation and control are superior. The storyline is sort of a Star Wars meets Dr. Doolittle. It takes place т an all-animal universe in the Lylat planetary system. You are Fox McCloud, commander of a mercenary squadron of fighter pilots known as Star Fox Review Concept: 10 Graphics & Animation: 10 Sound: 10 the action. Ill Playability: 9 Entertainment Value: 10 Overall Rating: 9.75 у: “ 2 Star Fox. Your teammates include Falco Lombardi, a bird being from a superior avian race; Peppy Hare, a brainy rabbit that proves to be a wealth of information; and Slippy Toad, an optimist who’s backside you better get used to saving. The four of you will fly through each mission in formation, with your crew communi- cating their problems or input via radio. The digitized voices are in “animal-speak” but don’t worry, sub- titles are provided. The tale begins when a scientific ape named Andross starts conducting some questionable experiments. He is banished to the far-away planet Venom. Now “Emperor” Andross has returned, complete with a skilled space fleet, with his sights set on Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gamer Star Fox has one of the newest concepts around. Can you say real-time 3-D? Lead three other pilots on some incredible missions. These are some of the best polygon graphics I’ve ever seen; | repeat, real-time 3-D. There are so many sprites going by so fast, that | can hardly say anything negative. Great sound effects that completely coincide with Knowing where to go was mapped out plainly enough and the player controls are sweet; totally responsive. But no break in the action made it impossible to fully enjoy. Action, action, and more action. So much so that you may have to play the levels at least ten times to see it all. Two thumbs up for Star Fox. 7 < т > I'm headin’ in, Star Fox Review Reviewed by Rick, The Video Ranger Concept: 9 Star Fox is more than a video game; it’s an effort to provide gamers with the best technology available. | credit Nintendo for their attempt. This is the first quality polygon graphics game for home systems. Graphics & Animation: 9 Star Fox isn't quite ready to challenge Virtua Racing, but it’s a big step forward for home systems. The graphics are very three-dimensional and seem to jump off the screen. Sound: 7 Good background music. It didn’t get on my nerves. Playability: 8 Star Fox is a SNES shooter that uses all the buttons. Better players will love it; beginners will be lost for awhile. | love the ability to tip and roll your ship by using the Left and Right buttons. Entertainment Value: 9 As far as immediate fun, Star Fox is equal to Axelay. In the long run, Star Fox is better because of all the options and the high level of challenge. Overall Rating: 8.5 revenge. It is up to Team Star Fox to applauded for pushing open the undertake the dangerous missions envelope of 16-bit gaming. With all on one of the three routes that this potential, we'll be waiting leads to Venom and a showdown anxiously at our controls. with Andross. Star Fox is a game that must be taken for a test flight to be truly ж appreciated. Nintendo must Бе Star Fox Review Reviewed by Andy, The Game Hombré Concept: 9.5 Star Fox is the perfect mix of Wing Commander and arcade shooters. Something about being on a squadron mission lets you get into the game so Come “face-to- face” with Emperer Andros, much more. Graphics e & Animation: 9 The Super FX chip can really put on a show. But this is nothing compared to what they can do down the road. For now, Гт gonna play a lot of Star Fox. Sound: 8.75 Itfeatures sound effects and tunes that are nothing less than expected for this showcase cartridge. Playability: 9.25 Тһе control is smooth, making great use of all six buttons. The ability to fly over and under your opponents adds to the realism. It's kind of a futuristic Pilot Wings with guns. Entertainment Value: 9.25 Dispelling all rumors regarding the $100 price tag, this baby's coming in at $60, and well worth it. Overall Rating: 9.25 „àT Tw x е Super Nintendo * Role-play, action/adventure е Based on the FASA Shadowrun series е Battery back-up saves 2 games е Created by Data East, available June е The Bottom Line: 9 Man, you've got this massive headache to beat heck. And, to top it off, you've awakened in the city morgue with no earthly idea of how you got there or the events leading up to your untimely demise. This much you're sure of; you are Jake Armatage, and this is Seattle, a city that has seen a lot of changes over the last fifty years. Life is pretty routine if you live in one of the arcologies. These artificial environments house the Megacorps and their employees. But if you want to experience the action, the only place for you is on the streets below, where real life lurks in the shadows. Here you can buy yourself a Shadowrunner; adventurers-for-hire. Just meet their price. Shadowrunners have become a way of life on the streets since the time of the "awakening". The awakening was a time when magical creatures, once thought to be just the stuff of legends, rose up after several | Shadowrun: centuries of dormancy. The return of elves and orcs resulted in a never- ending power struggle between magic and technology. Maintaining that balance is just one duty of a Shadowrunner. This latest offering from Data East is based on the Shadowrun text adventure series from FASA, the creators behind several leading RPG books, board games, and the BattleTech/Mech Warrior adventures. The result is an intricate adventure that melds the worlds of Role-play and action, as well as the mystical past and the cybernetic future. Did we mention this game is complex? The manual is a whop- ping 45 pages in length, so we can hardly begin to tell you about it in these few paragraphs. The essence of this game is that you take on the role of Jake Armatage, a runner who has been * An Intricate Web of Role-Play and Adventure hit. Fortunately, a mysterious character was on the scene and cast a healing spell. Now you've awakened with amnesia and must put together all the pieces behind your assassination before they strike again, or worse. Who said good Role-playing games have to take place in the Shadowrun Review | unded т one r the Indian Shama the many crypts: Overall Rating: 9.25 medieval era? This is an elaborate adventure you can really sink your time into. To play Shadowrun is to love it. What more can we say? Æ Shadowrun Review : Overall Rating: 9 Песі money and increase g se the Caryards to CO nd car. е Super Nintendo 1 Player Action/Strategy based on the BattleTech board games & virtual reality centers * Practice mode and Save feature • 8 Megs * Created by Activision, available now е The Bottom Line: 7.75 The year is 3027. A renegade mercenary group known as The Dark Wing Lance has re-emerged after ten years of hiding. Little do they know you are lying in wait, plotting your revenge. Your father, Colonel Joseph T. Ragen, was once the best Mech Warrior in the House of Davion's army. Until the night he was struck down in cold blood, along with your mother and sister. You have been tracking their assassins, and now they are back to complete the evil plan your father infiltrated a decade ago. h flying mechs: Ww 5 Sound a bit familiar? You must be a fan of the RPG BattleTech board game or the BattleTech Entertainment Centers. Mech Warrior was the first game designed for use in Virtual World’s futuristic Virtual Reality Entertainment Centers. (see story in Jan/Feb ‘93 issue). What about all Brings BattleTech To Your Local Super NES System you Mech Warrior e enthusiasts that don't live near Chicago, Yokohama or Tokyo? Thanks to Activision, you won't have to wait until BattleTech reaches your local mall. It's now available on your own Super Nintendo system! You play Herras Ragen, a free- lance Mech Warrior in search of those responsible for your father's death. You must take on a variety of contracts to earn enough money to upgrade your Battle Mech, a highly- sophisticated war machine. As you earn battle experience, you'll also gain information that will help you track down the Dark Wing Lance. Operating your ‘mech is the easy part, as it equipped with a weapon select, jets, target control, radar scope, status display and OWACS (Orbital Warning And Control System). The tough part is figuring out which 'mech or custom feature is the most effective on a given mission. This complex game requires both strategy and a quick trigger finger. Each time you successfully complete a contract you may return to the “chop shop" for repairs and upgrades, or purchase a new machine. Then it's on to scrounge out more information or another contract that will bring you on step closer to your true target and your just revenge. 4 f£ { i Ret SE, { ит 10 ре city to make Етте ЕЗ airs, Dont Smile Whe пу Youre Groundec Act like it's a punishment. Keep your cool as you make it to your room. Then grab the latest in hand-held video game _ excitement from Hudson Soft! Explore a demon-filled fortress in Milon's Secret Castle. Fight off dinosaur invaders in - _ Bonk's Adventure or explore a world of magic and imagination in Felix the Cat! Any one of our titles are guaranteed 0 кз REVERS plore 9 ag с Any 0 to transport you to realms of wonder and adventure! So don't worry about it, we won't tell if you won't. | ICENSED BY, SETS nou. maissia Hudson Soft USA, Inc. шш | HUDSON SOFT” 400 Oyster Point Blvd. Suite 515 Nintendo) | (А262 South San Francisco, СА 94080 Adventure Island ІІ, Milon's Secret Castle, Bonk's Adventure and Buster Bros. are trademarks of Hudson Soft USA, Inc. © 1993 Hudson Soft USA, Inc. All rights reserved. Hudson oft is gister. d trademark of Hudson Soft Co., Ltd. endo, Game Boy and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. Felix the Cat is | i eed trademark of Felix the с Productions, Inc. 1993 Felix the Cat Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Software © 1993 Hudson Soft USA, Inc. ТаКага Brings | Мео*Сео% Сот-ор to the 16-Bit Sega Genesis & Super Nintendo 1 or 2-player marital arts action Champion Battle or Street Fight mode Adjustable difficulty & continues Fight as any of the 9 characters Created by Takara, available now The Bottom Line: 7.5/7.5 There is one neighborhood you never wander into in broad daylight, much less after nightfall; South Town. This area is controlled by the evil Geese Howard. Geese believes in violence, money and power. He'll stop at nothing when it comes to any one of the three. But Geese represents more to Terry and Andy Bogard. He's respon- sible for their father's death. They have followed in his footsteps and become martial arts experts, and it's time to seek their revenge. Geese himself has provided the per- fect opportunity. A man of great ego, he is sponsoring the King of Fighters Tournament, gathering com- petitors from all over the world. Geese will be there and so will the Bogard brothers. Stay low to avoid Меуер% kicks. $c = E / Fatal Fury Review Genesis/SNES Concept: 4/4 Reviewed by Rick, The Video Ranger The tournament-style beat ‘em up is getting beat to death. Fatal Fury is an excellent game for the Мео• Geo, though it's outdated by World of Heroes and Art of Fighting. Put this game оп а smaller system and it’s disappointing. Graphics & Animation: 6/7 | can’t rate this game without comparing it to Street Fighter Il. The graphics and animation are good (better on the SNES), but are blown away in clarity and color by SF2. Sound: 8/8 Playability: Good sound and voice-overs. 6.5/6.5 Fatal Fury has decent control, although it's a little slow. It's definitely challenging, but adjustable from beginner to expert. Entertainment Value: 6.5/6.5 | enjoyed both versions. It's a good beat'em up with plenty of moves and opponents. However, after playing SF2, World Heroes, and Art of Fighting, this was a step backwards. Overall Rating: 6.25/6.5 The Bogards have teamed up with their friend and Kick Boxing champ, Joe Higashi. Terry is the older of the two brothers and a martial arts expert known for his powerful Burning Knuckle and Slam Attack. Andy is lighter weight than his brother. He has undergone special Karate training and turned his body into a lethal weapon. His favorite attacks are the Flying Punch and the debilitating Body Spin. Joe is along to help out and take down Geese with his destructive Slash Kick. Enter the six stages of Champion Battle and face strong competition in the best two out of three rounds. еі Te Tung Fu Ru gets a little ups? In addition to competing in the Champion Battle, choose to be any of the fighters, including Geese himself, in the Versus or Street Fight Mode. Play against a friend or a computer fighter. Select opponents from a list including Michael Max, a former Y N t when he starts to lose. та Higashi: Master of the Hurric boxing champ who dislikes rules; Richard Myer, an expert at the multi- ple kick technique of Kapo-Era. Opponents also include Duck King, practitioner of the quick ‘street- dance’ style; Raiden, the pro-wrestler with a hot temper; and Tung Fu Rue, the aged Sensei that trained both Geese and the Bogard’s father. He may be older, but he has a few secret techniques up his sleeve. Takara has successfully bought this Мео• Сео classic to the 16-bit. Watch for other Мео®Сео coin-op titles to follow from the company behind the successful Transformers toy line. п Теггу % powerful B urning Knuckles. Super Nintendo - At a Glance... The 16-bit war continues as licensees keep cranking out solid carts like those listed below. Run Sabor by Atlus Available: Now By 2998 AD., Earth had become too polluted to be habitable. A power- hungry scientist tricked everyone into evacuating, evolved into mutant super-human, and created mutant off- spring. The great scientists have developed a corps of Super Cyborgs to fight back; Codename: Run Sabor. Ultimate Fighter by Culture Brain Available: Now Ultimate Fighter has four playing modes: Story, Animation, Versus Tournament, and Battle Mode. With 150 techniques and 12 megs of action, they seem to have all bases covered. The moves are easy to execute, and it has tons of options and multi-player tourneys. о DD idi Bis. Ultima: The False Prophet by ЕСІ. Available: August It's another installment of the Ultima RPG saga, this time for the SNES. Britannia's invaded by an army of Gargoyles, caused by the removal of the Codex from the Underworld. A must for Ultima fans; hopefully the first of many 16 bit epics. Mario is Missing by Mindscape Available: May This cart really shows up the PC version. With a scrolling playfield and improved play control, it's the perfect introduction to Edutainment games. Mario's been abducted by Bowser, so Luigi must search the world to find him. You'll learn different things about the people and places you visit. Фф % Inindo: Way of the Ninja by KOEI Available: Now This RPG casts you as a young ninja, hungry for revenge against the ruth- less Nobunaga, who has destroyed your village. It’s similar to Dragon Warrior, with the complexities of 16- bit and the authenticity of a KOEI game. Availab Relive the blockbuster movie on your SNES. Eight levels of play take you through Gotham City, Schreck’s Department Store, and the Penguin’s Arctic Lair. Have no fear, Batman’s brought along some of his favorite toys, like the Batmobile and Batskiboat. le: May You'll need to unleash your fatal fists on some bad dudes and crazy creatures. Punch-in and get to work because this job will take a real super hero! The smash arcade hit has А, [ glue There's bone crunching been given a few new dents. rus pet action for Sega Genesis too. Lead-footed criminals will fy d айы 42 Unless you want some free grind your gears, not only on CONO 1 AA Vo | dental work you had better the highway, but the jungles ее MI WE d stick in the mouthpiece, and snow choked mountains d m strap on the pads and as well. O 1А CHECK it out! | This head bangin’ hard 7 v4 ™ checkin free for all will Sonic Blastman and Chase H.Q. ІІ are trademarks of Taito Corporation. Hit The ' rattle your bones and send Ice" ©1993 Taito Corporation. ©1990 Licensed from Williams Electronics 4 А you flyin' into the next Т THE ONLY САМЕ IN TOWN. county. So, lace 'ет up and Right: d CHECK it T ©1993 All Rights Reserved. It out! е Nintendo, also available for Game Boy * 1 player ninja action game Based on the comic book 12 environmentally hazardous levels е Created by Konami, available now е The Bottom Line: 7.75 What do you get when you cross an alien superhero with an environ- mentally safe story line?... Zen: Intergalactic Ninja. Zen and his cohorts, known as the Recycled Heroes, are famous for their battles with Lord Contaminous and his army of living contaminants in their quest to "Defend the Earth". These guys give new meaning to the term fighting dirty. i “ = a a ч E Use the pipe t ау expanses: о cross over dea Konami has brought the adventures of Zen to your Nintendo system with their new game based on the comic book series. This one player adventure slips you into Zen’s powerful airboots to battle through twelve action-packed levels. Zen was first brought to Earth as a soldier of fortune, fulfilling an intergalactic contract to retrieve a buried geocrystal. However, Zen wasn’t the only one after the precious box. It seems Lord Contaminous, a vile villain created from generations of sludge and Clean Up Lord Contaminous \ With Zen: Intergalactic Ninja pollution, had his sites set on destroying the geocrystal and the hope of a cleaner planet. That’s where Zen first encounters Jeremy Baker, the predestined “starchild” of Earth who must ful- fill his destiny of defend the planet and defeat Contaminous and his cruddy cronies. Test Zen’s fighting abilities and the power of his Photon-stick in four ecological disaster zones. Save the flowers from acid rain and challenge the venomous Sulfura. Battle run- away flames and rescue trapped workers in an oil rig invaded by the crude Oil Slick. Speed through an ominous Plutonium mine, taking out the gigantic Garbageman’s gaseous goons, and seek out Smogger in a toxic industrial plant. Recycle in the bonus round, then progress through a rescue stage and six additional sub-games that will pit you face-to- face with the menacing Lord Contaminous. Konami has incorporated an impressive three-dimensional, three- quarter. view, as well as multi- directional scrolling. Adjust the skill level to one of three set- tings. The number of lives can also be increased and there are three con- tinues, allowing players of all abilities to dispose of Lord Contaminous. Nintendo - At a Glance... ‘Tis the time for sequels. If you’ve already studied the CES report and have a plan as to what buy іп ‘93, you're a lucky individual. For the rest of us, it’s time to do some investigating. Here’s a look at some sure fire games coming this season. Duck Tales П from Capcom Available: May Scrooge McDuck has returned for his second treasure hunt. The game sticks to the original game plan, with the addition of newer and more challenging levels. If you were a fan of the first, make sure you don’t miss this one. Battletoads & Double Dragon by Tradewest Available: Now The Battletoads are back and, this time, they’re not alone. The evil Dark Queen has teamed up with the Shadow Boss and they’ve come with a new plan for intergalactic domination. The Toads have a differ- ent idea and enlist the help of the infamous brothers, Billy and Jimmy Lee. Together, they form the Ultimate Team. Jimmy Conner by Ubi Soft Available: Now Ubi Soft brings another tennis game to the NES. Jimmy Conners Tennis features a tournament mode as well as three different skill levels to challenge even the most experienced video jockey. Kirby's Adventure by Nintendo Available: May Kirby’s gone 8-bit! He must restore the Fountain of Dreams on his eter- nal fight of good versus evil. With new levels and new abilities, Kirby will surely be another shining star on the Nintendo horizon. The ‘Big N’ has been hush-hush on this one; look for more info in the next Gl. * Tiny Toons 11 by Konami Available: Now Your favorite Tiny Toons are heading out on yet another adventure. This time they are headed down to their favorite amusement park, Wacky- Land. Ride on the runaway roller- coaster, the high-speed log ride, and more to reach your final destination, the Funhouse. Be careful, because there's Trouble in WackyLand. Mighty Final Fight by Capcom Available: June By popular demand, Capcom has shrunk this coin-op into a mighty 8- bit cart. Fight through five intense levels of gritty streets, subways, ware- houses, and wrestling rings. Although it’s only one player, you can choose from all the original characters; Haggar, Cody, or Guy. If you love the arcade and haven't jumped to 16-bit, give this cart some thought. "Busen Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Еп! System, Game Boy and the official seals rested trademarks of Nintendo of. America "n : ving уои and tad = with a blows ie cost you a oe for second. So far, you've been able able lead, but with 34 laps. there to work the traffic, as long as you run may still be some hope of closing this under green. Earnhardt is getting race up. That is, if you don't run out loose as he drops down, sending him of track. Indianapolis is Nascar racing oll paee, There's a spin-out on the | at its best, pitting you against the back stretch and Earnhardt is by the country's stiffest competition. wayside. It looks like it’s | Rusiy Wallace leads with a full y ` you and Rusty іп a race 1.7 second advantage between | i > e for Victory Lane his car and second place. Dale бе: ә a As the temperatur begins to climb, it's time put on a new wax job a polish that chrome. love affair with са ' as inherent as our need С. w breathe. Your пе for speed increases the weather ed oves Earnhardt is working hard to reel him in. In third, Harry Gant is picking up time by swinging up to the top to avoid lap traffic and then diving down to the bottom to gain on the leaders. He's flirting with the wall and, sure enough he kisses it, bringing out the * caution. Earnhardt takes this | opportunity to head о Pit oad for new rubber. | - unit _ It's back to the green j | to мы a few. as you throttle up and ' So slide behind . try to get back into the | the wheel of groove. It looks like : Gant has put his car in the garage, Hurl for your country. Summer Challenge" for the Sega" Genesis" pits you against the world's greatest athletes in eight gut wrenching events. Hurl the javelin. Kick butt in a kayak. Haul bananas in the hurdles. Totally sky in the pole vault. Sprint and spring in the high jump. Leg it out to the / __ max cycling. Fire arrows with amazing accuracy in archery. Then try to handle a 1200 Ib. A 67 ‚ horsey in the equestrian event. 3 Play by yourself or at a party, Summer Challenge ч E. allows up to 10 players to compete for the gold, silver or bronze. 55 Таке the MI ЙУ -< Summer Challenge. It's the only sports game tough enough to make you hurl. ғалхл/хчл-| GAMES WITH PERSONALITY, Neither Accolade nor this product is associated with, or authorized by, the International Olympic Committee, The United States Olympic Committee or any similar organization for any other country. Sega and Genesis are trademarks owned by Sega Enterprises, Ltd. Accolade, Inc. is neither affiliated with, nor a licensee of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. or any of its affiliates. Summer Challenge is a trademark of Accolade, Inc.© 1993 Accolade, Inc. _ Ву Andrew McNamara Suzuka 8 Hour Suzuka 8 Hours is a dawn-to-dusk racing simulation of-the actual Suzuka circuit, where up to eight can compete in a multi-lap endurance race. The Suzuka track has every thing a racer needs, from hairpin turns to a twisting chicane. However, the biggest. plus for this machine is the individual motorcycle units. it gives each player a chase perspective If you haven't visited your local arcade lately, you might have missed one or two games that any self-respecting video racer should play; Namco's Suzuka 8 Hours, and Sega’s Virtua Racing Deluxe. These machines are expensive but nothing, short of the real thing, gives you the eerie thrill of high-speed, seat-of-your-pants dri- ving, like these coin-ops. Namco, the designer of. the. ‚ racing classic Pole Position, has . come up with another instant winner. has a brake and a push button throttle, but the steering is relayed through -your body motion; by leaning the bike in and out of the corners. This.specially-designed mechanical system is what brings the whole simulator together; every thing relates to how hard you throw the bike into the corner, or whether or not you counter steer. You can't just hop on and take a leisurely trip through the country. This game demands that you become an. integral part of the race; Virtua Racing Deluxe- Sega E Experience high-speed racing on three beautifully-orchestrated circuits in the sit-down racing machine affec- tionately known as Virtua Racing Deluxe. From the second you sit down, you realize this is no run-of- the-mill arcade game. At first glance, you'll notice-the: cockpit has four “virtua perspective" buttons, a start button, brake, an accelerator, and butterfly shifters on the wheel. Just to your right you'll find the chair adjustment..Get comfy ‘cuz you're in for the ride of your life. By now you should be in the pits getting ready to roll. Race from one of the four different-views: first-per- son; chase view; a close, three-quar- ter overhead view; and a staggered, three-quarter overhead. perspective.'re off. You'll start to see and feel how awesome this game really is. The bay of the cockpit is filled with a huge 36 іпсһ Wide- Vision Monitor. Your seat is lined with a air-drive system-to create the sensation of G-forces that. push and pull you around the vehicle. = - Virtua Racing is driven Бу а 32-bit RISC CPU. As - the heart of this amazing “ability to produce a large of the race, his own bike, and lots of that’s what makes it great. room, which you'll need:.The bike d | As you begin to circumvent the track, the use of polygon graphics really shines. machine, it features the number of sprites and create multiple texture-mapped poly- gons. Using this technology, Sega created a smooth, realistic and challenging racing simulation. Up to eight machines сап Ве linked and raced against each other for what has to be the most amazing auto- racing experience available. n - > © ‹ іл -—— ie = А Е М | 16.7 М 20 1 2 | лесной со әріне Э; ^ Shopr 9 Се — You could find yourself in the year 2050, running for your life in a UO race against time, technology and termination . . . or you could _ % enter Data East's Shadowrun Sweepstakes and find yourself going wild in the aisles of Electronics Boutique. That's right, cruise the store and load up on all the stuff you gotta have. And when you get to the . check-out stand, tell the cashier: On top of the shopping spree, Data East will fork over more than 2,000 prizes—from Shadowrun T-shirts and satin jackets to limited-edition Shadowrun prints by the original Shadowrun artists—in a random drawing- of sweepstakes entrants. And don't forget to play Shadowrun—the hottest strategy-adventure cart of 1993—and shatter the megaplexes before your friends do. TI _ For info on getting — / an official sweepstakes / entry form just check | _ out any package of . Shadowrun for the Super NES 7 4 | белемен OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR CLAIM A PRIZE Not sponsored by Nintendo®. j 1. HOW TO ENTER: (1) Be sure to answer the questions about SHADOWRUN. The answers to the | 2 1 1 questions can be found by playing the SHADOWRUN game, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped ] ? envelope to: SHADOWRUN Game Answers, Р.0. Box 656, Sayreville, NJ 08871-0656. Requests must be received by September 15, 1993. (2) Completely fill out the official entry blank (print only) and mail it to: “SHADOWRUN” Sweepstakes, P.O. Box 8185 Grand Rapids, MN 55745-8185. All entries must be received by Nov.1, 1993. Mechanically reproduced entries not eligible. Not responsible for printing errors, or for mutilated, late, lost, postage due or misdirected mail. Only one entry per person. All entries become the property of Data East and will not be returned. ALTERNATE MEANS OF ENTRY: To obtain an official entry blank, rules, questions and answers, without purchasing the game, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to SHADOWRUN ENTRY, P.O. Box 656, Sayreville, NJ 08871-0656. All requests must be received by October 1, 1993. Residents of VT & WA need not include return postage. 2. JUDGING: Winners will be selected on or about November 15, 1993 in a random drawing from all entries received with the correct answers by Marden-Kane, Inc. an independent judging organization who reserves the exclusive right to interpret all conditions in regard to this promotion without claim for damage or recourse of any kind. By participating in the sweepstakes, entrants agree to be bound by the rules and the decision of the judges which shall be final. All prizes will be awarded. Odds of winning depend upon the number of correct entries received. Only one prize per person, family, organization or household. 3. NOTIFICATION: Winners will be notified by mail by November 16, 1993 and Grand Prize winner will be required to sign an Affidavit of Eligibility and Publicity/Liability Release which must be returned within 14 days from date of notification. If the affidavit is not returned within this time period properly executed, Y И s ү or is returned from the post office as undeliverable, an alternate winner(s) will be selected. Winners grant | д j us a a ; ШИ permission to the use of their name, photograph/likeness for advertising and promotion for this and simi- j BE lar promotions without additional compensation. 4. PRIZES: (1) Grand Prize: $500.00 Shopping Spree at Electronics Boutique, plus a complete SHAD- OWRUN package consisting of Jacket, Books/Game and Figures. Approx. Value $1500. (10) First Prizes: SHADOWRUN satin Jacket. Approx. Value $125.00 еа. (250) Second Prizes: SHADOWRUN T- Shirt. Approx. Retail Value $15.00 еа. (2000) Third Prizes: SHADOWRUN Poster. Approx. Retail Value $10.00 ea. В 5. GENERAL CONDITIONS: Winners accepting prizes agree that all prizes are awarded on the condition that DATA EAST and their agents, representatives and employees will have no liability whatsoever for any injuries, losses, or damages of any kind resulting from acceptance, possession or use of the prizes. BUE Winners further acknowledge that said parties have neither made nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation, or guarantee expressed or implied, in fact or in law, relative to any prize, including but not limited to, its quality, mechanical condition or fitness. All taxes are the sole responsibility of the winners. Grand prize winner may elect to receive $500.00 cash in lieu of the Electronics Boutique shopping spree, otherwise no prize substitutions permitted except by sponsor due to unavailability, in which case a prize of equal or greater value will be awarded. Prizes are not transferable. If a minor wins the grand prize, they must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian on the ! Ж ^ Қы. ç shopping spree. 2 Ш LE 5 ч й Е 6. ELIGIBILITY: Sweepstakes open to all persons who are residents of the United States. Employees — PARATA раа о Street À and their immediate family members of DATA EAST, its divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising and iu t promotion agencies and any other persons or agencies involved with this promotion are not eligible. — xx CA ace PE San J e, CA. 951 25 ШІ; i d i Pl [ Em ЛШ Void in Puerto Rico and where prohibited by law and subject to applicable federal, state and local taxes - ҹә "Шаш i Tel: 408/286-7074 | and regulations. 7. WINNERS LIST: For the names of the winners, available after November 16, 1993 to December 31, 1993, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to SHADOWRUN Sweepstakes Winners, c/o Marden- Kane, Inc., Р.О. Вох 713, Sayreville, № 08871-0713. and courses. You decide whether you | want to go it alone, race against the computer, or go head-to- head. бт a friend. ow _ series of races and must achieve а ` mLine:. 6 certain placement before progressing | T on. Your title in the Competition There are four modes of play. ‘In p the Survival mode you compete in a- given. you several selections in eight different categories ranging from tires to transmission to suspension. Experiment to find your dream machine. Once you've found the 'right combination that works best for you, get ready to slip behind the con- trols and experience the sheer power of the world's fastest racing rails! Tired of all those racing games that merely stuff you behind the wheel to see how fast you can go, without giving you any choices? Well, has Hudson Soft got a game for you. The name of this game is options, options, options. Actually it's Battle Grand Prix, but you get the picture. Battling it out on some of the roughest raceways in the és d r car into T dream machin s world at break neck speed is only half the fun of this title. You have your work cut out for you before you ever slip into the driver's seat. The object of Battle Grand Prix is to put together the ultimate racing team of driver, pit crew, performance Formula One. The designers have given you plenty of options to choose from. Just how many options are we talking? For starters, pick.from the skill Modify you levels; Beginner, Professional or. Expert, each with a selection of cars > mode depends on your overall rating in a set number of races. The Versus...» қ mode is a heated battle between you ™ Ж апа а friend, and the Slot mode does ES the steering while you learn the ins and outs of a course... There is a wide range of drivers to choose from; each with their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as twenty- | four potential-pit crews, so. fi make-your selections. carefully. There are twenty-four interna- tional race circuits to try, and you determine the length of the race. The best part is modifying. your sleek racing machine. Hudson has Overall Keating: Overal Rating: 21 Kane I Tq | bl ой 4 LE IO: EE d E AMEN _ ДЕУ ==” le S нойне лыман -l » пиши е * gg gu ug 4 zzz; ШШШ E ВЕНН -— | кететын, тазаа | > ORE ас М B | Se US DU BU ce ОИЕИИНЛИРИЯ п зни к C Д ааа cu mM зада Б a нака и в тапк . 395 —— $ $ жа э» жы o ow ш || g [| [| | ОИ жешн э » ШЕННЕН ии D un T 2 on Un | почин е eee 23 PIG E à өөө ——- £ КЕД» = ЕЯ TETE ee ‚итак роман титл | та . 2 ша хы ее те гө м ug dg Ce TURION UA р « өөө — Г ж g а Gum rus о || НЕВЕ see өм me ЕЯ s пип nanona O dE c (дее дсген rid b ---2.: | — À | “srt: виа в в ГЕ „к=к аА ван Бае M Р | " ia Ееее EERE, —€— tà ЕЕ Е Е Aas Saree та PS mmus | ВВ ule Beg s — ГІН ШЕН С шли» | 1... ------ вн канды System: Data East Role-play Ж | EET инь 8 megs One player в а Ed Game save p—— ЕН НЕ —— i ранее Ut SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM Watch your back... shoot strait id never, ever, cut a deal wi d Data East USA, Inc. 1850 Little Orchard St. SHADOWRUN is a registered trademark of FASA Corporation, used under license by Data East USA, Inc. € 1992 FASA Corporation. San Jose, CA 95125 Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and the official seal are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. Race alone or against а friend on any of the thirty-two tracks in Practice Mode. The coolest feature is the Track Edit option, where you create your own tracks from any elements found in the existing courses. Throw іп а. tunnel here and a hairpin turn there. The sky’s the limit. / £ Okay, so you got a w Jag'. Have you got the guts to let it lose? JVC's gonna test your mettle with their latest disc for the Sega CD. Jaguar XJ220 takes the features of top-selling racing carts and rolls them into one. First, you're behind the wheel of a Jag, which is а cool thing. Next, select an automatic or manual transmission. It’s one or two player in four modes of play and they let you save your game. Reviewed by Andy, The Game Hombré The Grand Prix mode tests your Concept: 6 Playability: skill on sixteen Grand Prix courses. The object is to complete the circuit before you run out of money. You Sound: 7 select the number of laps and there's even a practice run. Don't forget to Reviewed by Paul, The Pro Player make a pit stop during races of five Concept: 8 Playability: 9 laps or more. The World Tour takes you on a sixteen country circuit from Egypt to Sound: 5 Italy. You control which track you'll take on next and a financial advisor Reviewed by Rick, The Video Ranger will help keep you оп track. After Concept: 7 Playability: 7 a race, you'll want to check the status of your car. You may need to make repairs, provided you have the Sound: money. Save up to four games and pick up where you left off. Graphics & Animation: 8 Entertainment Value: Graphics & Animation: 6 Entertainment Value: 7 Graphics & Animation: 8 Entertainment Value: 7.5 Outrun 2019 An Arcade Classic Makes Its Way Into the Future Sega Genesis Sequel to Outrun; coin-op classic 4 stages, 25 race routes Three skill levels and unlimited continues From Sega of America, available now The Bottom Line: 7.5 Ever wished that you could take some of the older, classic arcade games and bring them up to date? Sega has the answer to your prayers. Last year Sega brought you a suc- cessful translation of the stand-up hit, Outrun. This year they've brought you the sequel, complete with a high-tech set of wheels and futuristic settings. | guess our love affair with the automobile is here to stay. Don't worry, the intense circuit racing that you know and love from the original is still intact. In fact, it's been sped up a few hundred miles per hour. Hey, whadda expect? This is the twenty-first century! Just as in the original, it's a cross-country race consisting of several legs. You must reach each check-point before time runs out or you're out of the race. Unlike the original, Outrun 2019 is no drive along the beach. There are four stages, each consisting of several paths, for a total of more than twenty-five different race routes. Cruise through futuristic cities, subur- ban settlements, ancient ruins, icy expanses and snow-capped moun- tains, but don't count on stopping to check out the view. Traveling at speeds well over 500 MPH, every- thing turns into a bit of a blur and it will take all your concentration to pull through the sharp turns and sus- pended roadways. There are a few new additions to this updated game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. You'll encounter speed ramps and jumps that will send you airborne. Hit them just right and you'll pick up time on the competition. There are miles of twisting and turning tunnels just dying to do а number on your paint job. Worst of all are the suspended roadways and bridges. One false move and you'll plunge to the ground below. These new obstacles are enhanced with full 360 degree spin-outs and end-over-end flips. poc > — == — = = = LORIN APSE OIE — » —— — / Outrun 2019 Review Reviewed by Paul, The Pro Player Concept: Graphics & Animation: Sound: Reviewed by Rick, The Video Range Concept: 8 Graphics & Animation: 8 Sound: 7 Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gamer Concept: 7 Graphics & Animation: Sound: Playability: Entertainment Value: Overall Rating: Playability: Entertainment Value: Overall Rating: Playability: Entertainment Value: Overall Rating: There are three difficulty levels, making Outrun 2019 a challenge for gamers of any experience. If you real- ly want to make things interesting, switch to a manual transmission. This baby's even got turbo power to really get your tires churning. ж ОО „шл —À Ба the height sae ent suspension bridges are Transpar of per! . 702-3 ЖА Моге Bone-Cruné 27/7 Action in Road Rash II * Sega Ones i 1 or 2 player cycle rashing action Five г рн ES eature D Electronic Arts, available now The Bottom Line: 8 So you say ordinary racing games leave you asleep at the wheel? Electronic Arts has the wake up call you've been waiting for in the form of Road Rash II. This коне has more spills and ay original. It’s ip, that's just Y ra eh E Ж hed" before, you' vi for a real t т, Thi a rea is pp" E. is cycle racing at its bloodi- est. You'll face fourteen of the-mean- est rashers around. Sportsmanship doesn't exist in their vocabulary; winning is the only objective, no matter what the cost. A good rasher not only keeps a.keen eye on the road, but stays on the defensive and is ready to take out the opponent with a well-placed back-hand. Your fellow racers are armed with cubs and chains, and will stop at nothing to take the lead. . The sequel has you racing on five new courses, ranging from the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee to the to the hot asphalt ribbons of Hawaii. There are five levels of diffi- culty, each with increasingly long runs, more obstacles and stiffer competition. Place in one of the top three slots on each course to qualify for the next.round. The higher you place, the big- ger the prize money, which comes in handy for buying one of the fifteen bikes- available. They fall into three c gories; Ultra lights, № Super bikes, аа i you to fin séveral new features to ES you speed freaks with a taste for blood. There are four playing modes. The Solo mode pits you against the pack or lets you and a friend take turns, just like its predecessor. The most major addition is the new Split-screen = mode, that allows you and a friend to follow their own-move- ment while simultaneously racing against the other rashers. Finally, there's the Mano a Mano mode, or one-on-one, where you race head-to- head in an all-out battle with no other crazies to hinder the competition. The detailed settings and digitized graphics add plenty of real- ism. The action fierce, you may > 4 Road Rash И Review Reviewed by Andy, The Game Hombré Concept: 8 Graphics & Animation: 9 Sound: 8 Reviewed by Rick, The Video Ranger Concept: 8 Graphics & Animation: 8 Sound: 8 Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gamer Concept: 9 Graphics & Animation: 8 Sound: 6 even Беріп. to feel each bone-crunch- ing crash. Suffering from “white line fever"? Road Rash II may just be the jolt to knock you out. A Playability: Entertainment Value: Overall Rating: Playability: Entertainment Value: Overall Rating: Playability: Entertainment Value: Overall Rating: | joe: Шакир d #PA2021: Block-Out T а. of PA2030; or Here’s а hint you can really sink your teeth into: When you're in the cavernous catacombs beneath the castle, you'll come to a rock covered with blood. Immediately turn down your lantern and proceed forward. Soon you'll find Dracula’s coffin. Pick up the crowbar - you'll need it to break into the sewing room upstairs. By the way, if you don’t turn down your lantern, the light will wake up Dracula. And we guarantee you - he'll be thirsty! Retail purchasers can collect UPC codes from the boxes and send them, with the original store cash register receipts (receipts must be dated February 1, 1993-September 10, 1993) for LYNX" software titles, and $3.50 postage and handling to: Atari* LYNX" Two-Way Offer, Р.О. Box 61657; Sunnyvale, CA 94089. Or call toll free for instant action. | Yous ve spotted Рае: in the dining roo o Did you remember to и. the cross from the bedroom? You'll need it to survive. | | This really sucks - blood, that is! You're 522. in Dracula's castle and there isn ң а love of garlic anywhere in sight. Make your way through the dark, mysterious corridors and rooms. It's home to the Prince of Darkness and there are surprises around every corner. Pick up the cross, the lantern and other items you'll need to defeat your foe. And never take anything for granted (definitely check out what's waiting outside the upstairs bedroom window). And you know those babelicious Vampire Brides? | Careful – their bite is definitely worse than their bark. Your only hope of survival is a series of clues | offered from Bram Stoker himself. Good luck, Lunch Meat . . . you'll need it. Comprised of rich, sepia tones, stunning graphics and digital stereo sound, this isn't like any video game you've played before. As you progress through the castle on this role-playing adventure, you'll discover it's a trip worth taking. For ages 14 and up. #PA2087 Dracula” $39.99 Ж ATARI’ WE MUST HAVE OWR SHARE These Brides of the Damned are a pain in the neck. Г, 199 2. = „тел № a с = Awesome Golf” Basketbrawl” Bill & Ted's Шет #PA2049 339,99 Item #PA2034 $39.99 Excellent Adventure" Пет #РА2020 139,99 | Item ЯРА2068 $39.99 Blue Lightning" Ta | artt ТТТ inte 11) CATCH THIS санан) | -LAST SEEN- | | ты, . HUY 10 Hard Drivin” Dirty Larry y oo Е A.P.B." _ item 4PA2044 | ... Renegade Сор" Пет ЯРА2052 $39.99 — Мет #PA2042 $39.99 ltem ЯРА2072 $39.99 | Oy NE experienced \: n Up Metagame? SIDES — Metagame is a term that describes the intense vibes and energies that are generated when you and your friends LynxUp during the same game. For example, you and three of your buds can be exploring the dark, cavernous space stations in Xenophobe". You can help each other or you can destroy each other. It's up to you. LynxUp refers to how many players can jam at the same time with the ComLynx" Cables.* "Each participating player must have the GameCard for their Lynx. One ComLynx Cable hooks up two machines. A thir mLynx Cable is needed for the third d" machine, and so on. Item #PA2059 $29.99 in Slime World" Item #PA2029 $29.99 8 Mime поделят қанында ар отр ынаны dips emo кыз P gm енемен те $999 $ ++ А ААА As sus =i California Games Crystal Mines 11“ Dinolympics" Batman Returns" ltem #РА2025 $39.99 Item ЯРА2105 $39.99 Item #PA2089 $39.99 Item #PA2101 $49.99 T р ip 15 i TE anm ААА p Lynx Casino" = NFL Football” ш Ninja — ltem #РА2061 339.99 Пет ЯРА2045 $39.99 Item ЯРА2039 $39.99 ттт Food" Item #РА2076 $39.99 шетш Роууег Higgs: — -~ | Superskweek® = Switchblade = 224 13999 | Hem WP A210 Е 7 o о $39.99 | Hem ҰРА2066 $19.99 It's the deal of the century - and it's only for people who are willing to push their minds to the edge with the power of Atari" LYNX". If you buy two games (each priced at $39.99 or higher), you can choose one of the five games below for FREE. Just call 1-800-221-EDGE and tell them your first, second 788) 2886 ШШ | and third choices. 830000588) ке 8111958 mes Electrocop" #РА2021; Block-Out" #РА2056; Gates of Zendocon" #PA2023; Zarlor Mercenary” #РА2030; or Robo-Squash" ЯРА2035. ORDER TOLL FREE г FÉ suu 2... Retail purchasers can collect UPC codes from the boxes and send them, with the original store : : cash register receipts (receipts must be dated February 1, 1993-September 10, 1993) for LYNX" Paperboy software titles, and $3.50 postage and handling to: Atari? LYNX" Two-Way Offer, P.O. Box Item #PA2063 $29. 99 Item #PA2041 $29.99 61657; Sunnyvale, CA 94089. Or call toll free for instant action. L Ж At 211 miles per hour, not even the Drones can keep up with you! The other drivers (the robotic “Drones” - or up to five of your friends when they LynxUp) are catching up to your car. There’s a bend in the road. Do you slow down like a wimp? Or do you floor it and risk crashing into the billboard? Remember, winning is everything - especially when you consider that the first driver to cross the finish line gets kissed by the babe in the bathing suit. The action is incredibly real. You choose the track, the city, the transmission - even the color of your car. Just be sure you make the right choices, because the competition is fierce and it’s the race of your life! There are over 16 incredible racetrack options, accompanied by brilliant graphics, stereo sound - even racetrack announcers that let you know when it’s time to “Start your engines.” #PA2053 Checkered Flag $39.99 [ ее | Have you experienced Metagame? Metagame іѕ а term that describes the intense vibes and energies that are generated when you and your friends LynxUp during the same game. Forget that “Player 1/Player 2” stuff. With LYNX", you and up to five of your buds can be careening down the raceway vying for the trophy. You can crash into each other, pass each other or play along with each other. It’s up to you. All you need is a ComLynx™ Cable and the willingness to push your mind to the edge. It's a no-holds-barred fighting match between you and some scum-sucking enemy. This isn't a legal sport - everything's been fixed, from the Ref to the Judge - and the crowd wants to see you get ripped to shreds. But you know better, don't you? _ You're going to fight this guy till he mox su xn begs for mercy and you come away a BEG МЛ CE | big-time winner. Or will you? The TRUM digitized graphics bring out all the color, action and stereo sound of the arcade original. This is one GameCard ры __ | you've gotta have. #РА2070 Pit Fighter $49.99 ІЗ CREDITE b 2:00 RECORD 2%. 977ZRT cee. НЕ : s Screech into action on the raceway of your choice. v М ғ “ын жылына, misi те L dee urn gms m|2ND ишпе 143.7 MPH Г В f 2141 | | | Cross the finish line to get a winning kiss. кы ыша с Get your free game when you buy two games! Get the LYNX" at its lowest price ever! Get the accessories so you can LynxUp! C'mon — what are you waiting for? Push your mind to the edge with the power of LYNX”! Pick up the phone and dial today! ORDER TOLL FREE Our operators are standing by to take your order. (Okay, okay, some of them are sitting by - but you know what we mean.) We take VISA and MasterCard. If you have any questions or would like to mail in your order with a check or money order, write: Atari® LYNX”; P.O. Box 61657; Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1657. (CA residents, please add sales tax.) Call for shipping information. Call Customer Help Hint Line: 1-900-737-Atari* (956 per minute) Callers to all lines should be 18 or over, or have parents permission. Touch-tone phone required. МАИ УАХАВШТу E YOUR 7 Wim THE АСЕК VOU CAN'T Liye ANOTHER 95 WITHOJ; #РАС-3200 $9.99 LynxUp with your multiplayer action. competition for radical 27 #РАС-1200 $17.99 Plug it in, turn it on and forget _ about battery fizzle when you're on the ultimate level. #PAG-3300 $20.99 Hit the open road with LYNX". There's a 9 ft. cord that'll even reach the trunk. #РАС-3425 $7.99 Allows for easy playing in the hot, midday sun. #РАС-3325 $17.99 Provides up to 80 hours of portable play! Complete with shoulder pack. #РАС-3350 #PAG-3375 $19.95 Kangaroos do it - now [УМХ" does, too. Carry it and GameCards Atari: an American company traded on the American Stock Exchange. Atari, the Atari logo, and Lynx are ™ or ® of Atari Corporation. © 1992 Atari Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1302. All rights reserved. Robo-Squash, Baseball Heroes, Hockey, Awesome Golf, Basketbrawl, Lynx Casino, Checkered Flag, Turbo Sub, Warbirds, Dirty Larry Renegade Cop, Kung Food, World Class Soccer, Dinolympics, and Dracula аге ™ and © 1992 Atari Corp. All rights reserved. Todd's Adventures in Slime World, California Games, Chip's Challenge, Gates of Zendocon, Zarlor Mercenary, Blue Lightning, and Electrocop are ™ of Epyx, Inc. 1990. All rights reserved. Licensed to Atari Corp. Gauntlet-The Third Encounter, A.P.B., Hard Drivin’, Klax, Paperboy, S.T.U.N. Runner, Tournament Cyberball, Xybots, Hydra, Pit Fighter, and Steel Talons are ™ of Atari Games Corp. © 1989, 1990, 1991. All rights reserved. Licensed to Atari Corp. Shanghai is a ™ of Mediagenic. © 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. licensed to Atari Corp. Xenophobe ® © 1987 Bally Manufacturing Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed through Midway Manufacturing Company, a subsidiary of WMS Industries Inc., Licensed to Atari Corp. Ms. Pac- Man and Pac-Land аге ™ of Namco, Ltd., Licensed to Atari Corp. © 1982 Namco, Ltd. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, ™ and © 1989, Nelson Films, Inc., Licensed to CLC. All rights reserved. Licensed to Atari Corp. Toki © 1989 Tao Corporation, licensed to Fabtek, Inc. Licensed to Atari Corp. Roadblasters is a ™ of Matchbox Toys USA Ltd., © 1990 Tengen Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed to Atari Corp. Rygar and Ninja Gaiden are ™ of Tecmo. © 1986, 1990. All rights reserved. Licensed to Atari Corp. Viking Child is ™ and © 1991 Imagitec Design Ltd., Licensed to Atari Corp. Superskweek © 1991 Loriciel. All rights reserved. Licensed to Atari Corp. Block-Out is a ™ and © 1990 of LDW, Inc., Licensed to Atari Corp. Ishido, © 1989, 1990 by Michael Feinberg and Software Resources International. Published under license from Publishing International. Publishing International and Ishido are ™ of Publishing International. All rights reserved. Licensed to Atari Corp. Rampage is a ® of Bally Manufacturing Corp. © 1986, Bally Manufacturing Corp. Licensed to Atari Corp. Shadows of the Beast © 1992 Psygnosis. Licensed to Atari Corp. АЙ rights reserved. NFL is a ™ of the National Football League. Licensed to Atari Corp. through МИР. All rights reserved. Switchblade Il © 1992 Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd. Licensed to Atari Corp. All rights reserved. Power Factor © 1992 Handmade Software, Inc., Licensed to Atari Corp. All rights reserved. Crystal Mines || Color Dreams € 1990-91 Ken Becket Lic. to Color Dreams and Atari Corp. All rights reserved, Rampart Atari Games Corp. Lic. to Tengen. Lic. to Atari Corp. © 1991 Tengen Inc. BATMAN and all related elements are the property of DC Comics, Inc.™ and © 1992. All rights reserved. Elvira 8 and the Party Monsters™ © 1989; Lic. to Midway Manufacturing Co. Elvira is a trademark of Queen "B" Productions. Police Force 6 © 1989; Lic. to Williams Electronics Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Robotron™ 2084 is lic. to Williams Electronics Games, Inc. Lic. through Shadowsoft Inc. All rights reserved anywhere. Atari? LYNX" delivers over 4000 colors. Over 50 games. And 1 Special Price. Was °99:99 Now 579.99 ComLynx" Capability that allows you to LynxUp in game competition with up to 8 different players Digital stereo sound Over 4000 brilliant colors (16-bit graphics engine) Controls "flip" for right- or left-handed players Backlit with adjustable brightness for easy viewing — World's largest anywhere portable video game screen (3.5" diag.) Atari^ LYNX" is the ultimate portable video game machine. The thrilling graphics, the amazing sound, the incredible games - it makes Game Boy’ look like Baby Boy. And now you can get LYNX" for the unheard-of price of $79.99 – that's a $20.00 savings off the old price. C'mon - join the LYNX" revolution today. It just goes to show you — bigger is better! LYNX" YES HARDWARE SCALING БІЗ RIGHT OR LEFT HAND PLAY YES BACKLIGHT ON/OFF @ 2 RECESSED SCREEN YES RUBBER HAND GRIPS ШАХ) MULTI-PLAYER Up to 8 Up to 2 Players Players SCREEN SIZE 25! COLOR DISPLAY YES | | | | ІШІ 579.99 . PME ME il M | eli n i u мы ORDER TOLL FREE : м SIZE 3.5" 16 BIT GRAPHICS ENGINE Hih Many titles available at these fine locations: Electronics Boutique • Software Etc. • Babbages « Waldensoftware е Nobody Beats The Wiz • The Good Guys * Video Game Exchange Atari: an American company traded on the American Stock Exchange. Game Informer Guest Review: Racing Enthusiast, Scott Robinson Takes Kawasaki Challenge For a Spin е Super Nintendo е Pilot a high-speed Motorcycle or Jet Ski е Realistic, digitized island settings е By Park Place Productions for Gametek, available now ° The Bottom Line: 8.5 This high-velocity SNES title provides players. with the hottest Kawasaki bikes.or Jet Ski Watercrafts’ for stirring things up in the land. of coconuts and limes. Gametek went on location to capture the beauty of the Caribbean and con- sulted Kawasaki for mechanical i Scott % 7 Psyching-up” before the race E ND Wa 77% `A accuracy, so we wanted a real racing expert to put it to the.test. Scott has been racing cycles for more than three years and has placed Third for the points at Brainerd International Speedway two years running. When he isn', this family man enjoys jet skiing on Minnesota lakes or snow-mobiling in its ample snow. Scott гасес-а 1989 Yamaha FZR 600 cc, capable of speeds up to 140 MPH. We caught up with him in the shop, fine-tuning his mean machine for the ‘93 season, and asked him what he thought of Kawasaki Challenge. олу 4 А4» т > D - y E Lotus Turbo Challenge: Precision Speed at a Fraction of the Cost * Sega Genesis е 1 or 2-player competition * 8 courses and password feature ° By Electronic Arts, Available now. e The Bottom Line: 5.5 7 Feel.the thrill of sprinting from sixty іп 6.7 seconds behind — thé wheel of your Lotus Elan SE. Better yet, hit a clean 100 MPH ina mere twelve seconds flat in your precision Lotus Esprit Turbo SE. It’s in the shop?! No problem. EA has you covered with their title, Lotus Turbo Challenge. -+ screen VIEW: layers enjoy а gplit-scre Two P Hug the curves of a mountain pass at 160 miles per hour. Your Elan stays tight as you fly through wayward creeks, showering your competition with off-spray. You'll have to hold your line to make it to each check- point before the clock runs out. There are eight twisting courses in all, each with their own obstacles and hazardous road conditions. Test your night sight on the roads of San Francisco, where each turn could be your last. Try high-speed maneuver- ing through fog as thick as pea soup. This is not a ride for the squeamish. It will take a sharp instinct and feather- light steering to survive the snow and ice of the Northland. Your reward comes in the shape of the Esprit Turbo SE. Think you've got that traction problem licked? Try racing through the barren desert. Wo h*a t could be 50 tough about touring along the interstate, America’s fastest ad- ways? Traffic, that’s what. Take care when you cross the white line for some open road, or you'll meet your demise head-on» Wind along the narrow. ribbon of asphalt through the marsh, then test your Turbo bursts on the hairpin turns of the rain- soaked streets. ; Lotus Turbo ФЕ лге lets. you adjust your controls and choose A between a manual or automatic trans- mission. The handy password feature lets you pick up where you left off. Fulfill your need for speed solo-or compete with a friend. One word of warning. Go easy celebrating your victories with the “Yeeee-Haa!” but- ton, or you ‘Il end up wearing. your opponent s controller. | Lotus Turbo Review Reviewed by Paul, The Pro Player Concept: 5 Graphics & Animation: 6 Sound: 4 Reviewed Бу Rick, The Video Ranger Concept: 7 Graphics & Animation: 8 Sound: 6.5 Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gamer Concept: 5 Graphics & Animation: 6 Sound: 3 Want to converse dn the road in a language only a dream machine like the Lotus сап understand? and the Esprit SUFRE at $79, 500, might we suggest. game as a substitute. f£ Playability: Entertainment Value: Overall Rating: Playability: Entertainment Value: Overall Rating: Playability: Entertainment Value: Overall Rating: Rission Dricfing, ү i d : i Filled with pride, you песе the applause of Enyo System, 66:06 hours, 254.119. | (= А. your fellows. More than 40 separate missions that It's like you're the star in a deep Wingmates like "Spirit" cover your Trounce the Kilrathi and be a hero- get more complex as you progress space action-adventure movie tail as you fight the tiger-like Kilrathi Lose and attend your own funeral Nothing else will have Wing Commander is the Are you up for the challenge? prepared you for the look most extremely cool, 3-D This award-winning megahit is and feel of Wing Commander Space Combat Simulator now available for the Super on your Super NES. with more than 40 separate NES. Kick some Kilrathi butt Here's wliy! deep space missions that with Wing Commander. progress to near suicide Wing Commander has dogfighting with the tiger-like incredible 3-D action, full- Kilrathi. It's like an action- screen explosions, 33 super adventure movie - and you're qu stereo soundtracks and CD the star! : game quality. But it plays SOFTWARE . A on your Super Nintendo. — 4 ue 1 1 WING COMMANDER i tered trad k of ORIGIN Systems, Inc ©1990-1992 ORIGIN Systems Inc. © 1992 MINDSCAPE Inc. eins TOOLWORKS All Rights Reserved. Licensed by MINDSCAPE, Inc., A Software Toolworks Company. MINDSCAPE and its logo are registered COMPANY И а MINDSCAPE The 3-D Space Combat Simulator Hand- held Briving | With an Attitude © Atari Lynx • 1 to 6 Player Race-Combat with Comlynx cable * Team or combat play; Custom mode е 6 levels of mm е Created by Beyond Gaming, available now • The Bottom Line: 8.5 Pick you The object’ Ж this turn and burn title is survival: It’s not whether you win or lose; it’s how ' badly you. cream your competition. “Тһе year is 2019. Society's ever- growing hunger for more dangerous entertainment has given birth to a “new breed of spectator sports. The most popular of these is Battle | Wheels, an arena combat using | heavily armored cars. Compete — against Cyberbrains or up to five of your friends in this duel to the death. » What makes Battle Wheels so , different is the abundance of options ’ that allow players to customize each game. You select the style of play field, the number of "kills" required to win a game, and the warrior you wish to play. Choose either the Action mode, which allows you to select one of five pre-built cars, or the Custom mode, which allows you to build your own vehicle. The “у 4 Custom mode will also let you deter- mine the style and placement of your weapons. Go for the cash prizes in this mode, because your custom car will need to be repaired. In the Action mode, players can adjust the level of difficulty by deter- mining the experience level of the Cyberbrains, as well as the class of your own vehicle. Rookies may wish to start with a heavily armored car, while more experienced players may opt for the light or middle weight class. This handicap allows players of any level to compete against each other. You can always make life a bit more interesting in either mode by shutting off your radar. Select your battle field from six- teen arenas, ranging from a wasteland to Main Street to Las Vegas. Each field contains bonus money and it’s up to you to find it, presuming you live that long. Once the game is setup, you’re Battle Wheels Review Reviewed by Andy, The Game Hombré Concept: 9 Graphics & Animation: 9 Sound: 8.5 Reviewed by Paul, The Pro Player Concept: 9 Graphics & Animation: 9 Sound: 7 Reviewed by Rick, The Video Ranger Concept: 9 Graphics & Animation: 9 $оипа: 7 rearview. mirror to guard against sneak .. Watch your damage meter and be sure to eject before your car explodes. On your. mark...get set...and come off the line shooting! 2 Т, ry to take out the dri Vers on fo, беа 001 Playability: Entertainment Value: 9 Overall Rating: 8.5 Playability: 9 Entertainment Value: 9 X Overall Rating: 8.5 a Playability: 9 Entertainment Value: 8.5 | Overall Rating: 8.5 7 ( The News You’ve All Been Waiting For... €— M wom = ^5. for Genesis we knew, but we wanted to hear it from the lips of Capcom and Sega of America. It's official. Both companies held a press conference on March 10th to announce their new 'strategic alliance'. In plain terms that means Capcom has signed on as a third-party licensee for Sega formats. To seal this agreement, Capcom will release Street Fighter ІІ: Champion Edition for the Genesis this August. Since it's release in the arcades, Street Fighter II: Champion Edition has sold more than 50,000 units in the US. And the Super Nintendo game literally flew off store shelves. The Genesis game is like the third coin-op release. There's a built-in feature allow- ing players to battle as the four bosses; Balrog, Vega, Sagat, and the big guy himself, M. Bison. No passwords! Not only can you battle as the same character, you can be boss versus the same boss, which creates 42 addition- al match-ups. It's three- button compatible, but skill playing Sega is releasing a six but- Tast yOu жее ton controller in conjunc- character vs. 54 tion with the game's release; the same time Capcom will release their Genesis Power Fighter Joystick. SF2:CE is just around the corner. Here's what it looks like. ‘Nuff said. News Flash: It's good news for SNES owners, too. Street Fighter ЇЇ: Turbo is headed your way this fall. Stay tuned for more info. us screens not see №. Воп Battle М, Bison ys, M. Bison! e ® A Historical Look Back At Video Games: Where We’ve Been & Where We’re Headed By Elizabeth Olson & Andy McNamara (Part Three of Three) The video game industry has come a long way in the last twenty years. Technology-wise, we've seen game systems evolve from simple 8-bit processor-based units to WE =b i 16 and 32-bit units, incorpo- rating near infinite colors, rotation and scrolling, stereo sound and 3-D graphics. As we stand on the thresh- old of yet a new generation of CD ROM and interactive, multi- media laser technology, it's important to take a look back at where we've been. Cartridges Become Hot Commodities As new developments come and go in the realm of video games, the past begins to take on an air of nostalgia. A game can gain the status of a classic for one of several reasons. Nintendo and their licensees released several carts in 1989 that would later become big hits and, eventually, collector's items. Mega Man was not an instant success, but the release of its sequel sent gamers in search of the original. Tecmo's gridiron title, Tecmo Bowl and Hot B's Black Bass experienced the same kind of delayed popu- larity. Once gamers turned on to these titles, the manu- facturers had ceased publishing them and cartridges were in short supply. Demand eventu- ally persuaded companies to re- issue certain titles. When SNK moved away from manufacturing Nintendo titles to pursue coin-op and their own 32-bit system, prices soared on remaining copies of their Baseball Stars. The biggest and most memorable case of a collector game centers around Alexey Pajitnov's Tetris. Tengen believed they had purchased the Nintendo version rights to this computer classic from the British company, MirrorSoft. MirrorSoft purchased the rights from a company y £3 ЕЕ | Hot-B’s Black Bass, called Andromeda, which claimed to have purchased them directly from the Russian developers. At the same time, Nintendo had pursued other channels in obtaining the rights. Court proceedings forced Tengen to halt production on their version. Unfortunately for gamers, the U.S. District Court ruled in Nintendo’s favor and Tengen's superior version of the game was pulled off the shelves. Hand-Helds and 16-Bit Hit the U.S. The biggest news of 1989 was the onslaught of new systems hitting the market. After capturing a huge percentage of the Japanese market with their PC Engine system, NEC Home Electronics introduced the U.S. version, the TurboGrafx-16, along with the optional TurboGrafx-CD drive and the TurboBooster, an audio/video enhancer. NEC followed the TG-16 with the release of the TurboGrafx-CD, the first CD ROM drive for a video game unit. Sega beat Nintendo to the 16-bit market with their Sega Genesis System and Nintendo introduced the first hand- held, interchangeable cartridge unit, the Game Boy. Late that same year, Atari began to test market their 16-bit color hand-held system, the Atari —— Lynx. | Marketing strategies played a big part in capturing the hearts of game enthusiasts. In addition to packaging the TG-16 with Keith Courage, NEC introduced a unique five-player adapter and several multi-player sports cartridges to support it. Unfortunately, additional strong titles were few and far between. Similarly, The TG-CD was introduced with Monster Lair and the popular arcade title, Fighting Street (the original Street Fighter). It was trailed by the role-play adventures Y’s Books І & Il, but it was nearly a year before programmers displayed CD's full- motion video capabilities in Sherlock Holmes and It Came From the Desert. The lag in title development and poor marketing strategy were strong factors in positioning Turbo products behind both Nintendo and Sega here in the States. In a wise move, Sega posi- tioned their new machine as the premier 16-bit system, capable of improved graphics and sound, as well as more complex game play. They also introduced the Power Base Converter, a peripheral that upgraded the Sega Master cartridges for play on the Genesis system. Both moves placed Sega as the clear leader in the 16-bit market. 1990 marked the beginning of the RAM race. Developers had been in search of a way to push the origi- nal Nintendo system past its limits. With 16-bit machines taking a sizable chunk of the market, this was now crucial. The Research and Design chip for the Nintendo and later, the EE MMC (Memory Map Controllers) ph 9 ш, found in games like Metroid 777 €^ by and Zelda, devised the MMC3 chip. The MMC3 allowed the screen to be split in two and move independently. Next came the MMC5, which allowed for 8 megabytes of storage, thirty-two times more than original carts. Nintendo introduced their first 3-megabit game, Super Mario Bros 3, but there was more to come. Nintendo introduced the MMC6 chip, pushing the 8-bit system to its full capacity. An example of these capabilities put to use is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II. Video game systems were now installed in more than thirty percent of all homes in America. Sales showed a growing percent of the market included adult players and players on the go. NEC joined the hand-held craze with their TurboExpress, which played the same HuCards as the TurboGrafx-16. Games continued to expand with the introduction of Strider, an 8 meg game, and Star Control, the first 12 meg game Realizing that game enthusiasts were pushing for bigger and better, beyond the limits of the 8-bit system, Nintendo introduced their 16-bit Super Famicom in Japan. Also in Japan, SNK debuted the home version of their 24-bit arcade system, the Neo*Geo, which con- sists of a 16-bit 68000 processor and an 8-bit Z80A processor working side by side for ‘parallel processing’. With sales sky-rocketing to an all-time high, the video game indus- try re-cemented itself as a major part of American The first 8, 12, and 16 Meg games for Genesis. culture. Whether life was imitating art or vice versa, movies and books featuring video game characters developed almost as quickly as games based on movies and TV shows. Original PC and video game characters such as Tradewest's Battletoads, LucasFilm and — JVC's Defenders LPs | of Dynatron City, Мий Carmen Sandiego апа the Toxic Crusaders all found their way to either comic books, television, or the big screen. 1991 proved to be a banner year for both Sega and Nintendo. Sega introduced their 8-bit, color hand-held system, the Game Gear, which could be adapted as a portable television receiver. Essentially, it was the Master System for those on the go. Perhaps more importantly, they intro- duced the world to a new trademark character, Sonic the Hedgehog. Comparable to Nintendo’s Mario or NEC’s Bonk, he was faster and more colorful than anything we’d ever seen before. This little, blue speed-demon captured the hearts of game players around the world, resulting in more than one million Genesis and Game Gear cartridges sold in under one year. His popularity landed numerous merchandising contracts worldwide, including his own soft drink in Japan. When Sega packaged the blue won- der with the Genesis, Sonic more than doubled the installed base of the Genesis single-handedly. Sonic pushed 16-bit sales up just in time, as Nintendo was about to challenge them to a real clash of the titans with their new U.S. 16-bit Super Nintendo System. The new system had stronger sound, along with scrolling and Mode 7 capabilities. Sega had the advantage of an installed base and a reasonable selection of titles, but Nintendo set out on an aggressive development path. The ever-expanding list of third party NES licensees concentrated on releases for the new platform and introduced new titles at a head-spinning rate, which helped push Super Nintendo unit sales well beyond initial expectations. A full- fledged marketshare battle ensued, which meant creative packaging, aggres- sive marketing and price-slashing for the consumer. Not to be outdone, Sega was already =. introducing а # CD peripheral, the Mega CD in Japan. The Present Day and Beyond The technological advances and the hunger for more realistic game play have brought us to yet another new generation of gaming. 1992 saw the introduction of Sega’s U.S. CD peripheral the Sega CD, as well NEC’s latest upgrade to the 4-meg Super CD Chip and their combined system CD unit, the Duo from Turbo Technologies. Developers are already hard at work using the new SFX RISC chip to enhance the capabilities of the Super NES and several companies are concentrating on 32-bit development. From what we've seen, the future promises further technological advancements made possible by competi- tion in the CD ROM arena, as well as new interactive, multi-media plat- forms such as 3DO and Virtual Reality. It's hard to imagine where we might be twenty years from today. Playing experiences that were once only the wishes of gamers are within our grasp. Welcome to the next gen- eration. The staff of Game Informer Magazine would like to thank the representatives of Atari Games, Tengen, Rogers & Associates, Manning Selvage & Lee, Berkhemer Kline Golin/Harris, Activision, Turbo Technologies, Aldrich & Associates, Williams/Bally/Midway, Roger Sharpe and other individuals for providing background information for this article. It’s the Only Way to Fly If flight simulators are your bag, you'll love this new product form CH Products. The Virtual Pilot is the lat- est in their line of flight simulation tools. Virtual Pilot is an actual air- plane yoke, or steering wheel, that mounts on a desk and plugs into an IBM-compatible com- puter through the joystick port. All the controls are N within reach y of the play- у er’s thumb and include Х апа ¥ axis control, throttle, flap and gear con- trol, tactical fire buttons and a coolly switch with eight-way viewing. Virtual Pilot is available on two ver- sions: Virtual Pilot Pro™, which has a suggested retail price of $149.99; and Virtual Pilot, which is does not feature the coolly switch or the flap and gear controls, and sells for $109.99. Virtual Pilot is designed by master airplane builder, Charles Hayes. “1 designed Virtual Pilot to be the real thing. It makes flying a com- puter much more rewarding.” Our staff has been taking a few test flights of our own with the Virtual Pilot and LucasFilm’s X-Wing. This is a flying experi- ence you don’t want to miss. -Ed. Silence is Golden Tired of being yelled at to turn the TV down when- ever you're in the heat of play? Lightwave Technologies has the solution. Their new product, Silent Zone, is a cord- The Latest in Video Game Hardware & Software less remote stereo headphone system designed with video gamers in mind. Unlike other cordless headphones, which use infra-red transmissions, Silent Zone uses FM radio transmis- sions which can pass through objects in any direction up to twenty feet away. Silent Zone connects to your system with the adapters packaged with the headphones or the game unit. When not hooked up to your system, it can be used with CD players, VCRs, as well as picking up FM radio stations. It has a suggested retail price of $34.99. Bring Stereo to Your Mono TV Many gamers are missing out on 16-bit stereo sound because they have their systems hooked up to a mono television or monitor. Never fear, Lightwave Technologies has cre- ated Microsound. These four-inch, digitally balanced speakers bring out big, amplified, bass-boosted stereo sound right from your system's sound chip. You may never have to listen to canned cart sound again. Super FX: The Magic Behind Star Fox So what is the SFX chip and how does it work? It is a proprietary chip that utilizes RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) technology. What that means is that this chip can read certain instructions in a very simplified form, which speeds up cal- У “7 @ culations. These highly-specialized h calculations are then read by the sys- tem as digital signals. What results is the ability to create real-time, three- dimensional effects. The SFX chip allows for smoother, more continuous graphics than are possible just by rotating polygons or objects. By being able to calculate much faster, these objects can be rotated on any of their three axes. While you may only see one side of the object, all sides of the object actually exist within the image. This allows various angles or movements of an object to be calculated rather than being individual- ly drawn and stored in the memory. The means more realistic graphics апа enhanced gameplay speed. Another special effect that enhances SFX graphics is Texture Mapping. This process creates objects out of polygons and then applies a photo or image onto that polygon. The result is a polygon that looks more like the actual object. Additionally, the SFX chip can continually calculate and re-draw the image in per- spective from all different angles, so that it appears to be the real object. To add to this effect, the Super FX chip can render Light Source Shading. While the SNES color palette is already capable of generating hues of the same color for light and shadow effects, the chip enables objects to move and display shadows at the same time. Game Genie ф Swap Shop Welcome to the Swap Shop, the newest and hottest part of the Tip Line. Where you can send and receive new and undiscovered Game Genie codes. Because, we all know, you can never have enough codes. So when you need a code, send in a request and we'll put out an All Points Bulletin to get an answer. Or if you have codes, and we know you do, send them in and we'll print them here in the Swap Shop. So everybody.... let's get crackin’ on new codes. poss Ga All Points Bulletin We need Game Genie codes for these games and fast. Some fellow gamers are stuck out there and if we put our heads together we just might come up with some good codes for them X-Men Blaster Master Roger Rabbit Darkman Genesis: NES: Send your Game Genie codes and requests for help to: The Swap Shop Game Informer Magazine 10120 West 76th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Rad Racer - NES PEEGPIAE: Super Acceleration Lots of time Darrell Fint Aurora, WV KLXIUVIX: Street Fighter П - SNES EO6E - DAOD: Super Speed game, but you must turn the Game Genie off until the com- puter says "Fight" and then turn it on. Then, when the round is over, turn it off. Lach Tang * Santa Ana, CA “Р | ! | } 6229-A7A7 : Hit your Oppo- nent from anywhere on the screen. ы Jeff Batt St. Paul, MN Super Ghouls & Ghosts - SNES A2C1 - ADO1:Play with infinite lives. A286 - OFO1: Stops clock. The Tip Library A Super Mario World - SNES C222 - D4DD: Infinite lives. DD32 - 6DAD: Invincibility through most of the game. Stephen Barnhart e Deerfield, IL | | $ | | E | | | | | AYIPOG Answers to Last Issues All Points Bulletin iderman and the -Men - SNES E 646D Start with 100 lives. Timar Long Fort Worth, TX Spiderman and the -Men - SNES EE68-646D Infinite lives for Spiderman, Gambit, Storm, and Wolverine. Calvin Holland Baltimore, MD Fester's Quest - NES Invincibility Richmond, VA David “Nespro” mond, VA / Super Mario Land - Game Bo 008-60А-ЕбЕ:Тигпѕ off the clock. However you must turn the Game Genie off to end the level. Charles Volcher Chino, CA SWAP HUP Dynowarz - NES Here are the codes for Stages Two through Seven. Stage 2: 5431 Stage 3: 9892 Stage 4: 6315 Stage 5: 7452 Stage 6: 1697 Stage 7: 6425 The Tip Library A © Q-Bert - Game Boy To see all of the movie seg- ment, just enter in this code at the Title screen: Right, Up, B, A, Down, Up, B, Down, Up, and B. Immediately after you finish, the film should start rolling. The Tip Library * 4 Boxxle - Game Boy These are the passwords to each part of the game. . BDBD 7. LBBL . DBBD 8. MBBM . GBBG 9. NBBN . HBBH 10. PBBP . JBBJ 11. QBBQ . KBBK The Tip Library Ninja Spirit - Duo To get a Stage Select for this great game, turn on your Duo and enter this code at the title screen: Button II, Button I, Button Il, Button 11, Button I, Button Il. Hold down Select while pressing Run and you're off and running. The Tip Library G.I. Joe - NES 1st Quest Mission 2: BRJJOVD8H Mission 3: 3ZDX9N5X5 Mission 4: ORBJHVD83 Mission 5: NZD39G5X5 Mission 6: 5ZD3NN5X5 2nd Quest Mission 2: ZND39N5XF Mission 3: BV9JOVD87 Mission 4: 5X03H8GZ8 Mission 5: NNV2R5X9 Mission 6: Х58Н8О266 Final Quest Mission 2:3R69N5XGG Mission 3:DG239N5X1 Mission 4:NR8VN5GG6 Mission 5:VH959V38C Mission 6:DHJ59VD87 The Tip Library А Baseball Stars - NES To start off with a powerful team in this classic cart, follow these simple steps. Select “Make Team”, then push Down, Right, Left, Down, Down, Right, and Up. You should now be on “Balanced Team.” Press the A Button and go to the “Enter Your Team Name” screen. Change the words “WHEN ISN'T IT?" to ^WHEN IT IS" and your team will be quite powerful. The Tip Library Vice: Project Doom - NES When the American Sammy logo appears, hold down Button A and press Reset. While still holding down the A Button, wait for the logo to reappear and then push the A Button on Controller 2. Push the controller Up or Down to select your level. The Tip Library A * Operation C - Game Bo To get a Stage Select, wait for the entire title screen to appear, then enter the classic Konami code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, B, A, and Start. Then, choose your level by pressing Up and Down on the direc- tional pad. The Tip Library 4 % Zelda - NES ы То go straight to the Second Quest, enter your name as “Zelda” The Tip Library A * Road Rash II - A Genesis Ф Set the player mode to Mano-e- Mano in the Option screen. Select your weapon and level, then exit to the main screen. Select “Bike Shop”, pick any bike and return to the main screen. Go back to the Option screen and this time set the player mode for Take Turns, then exit to the main screen. Return to Option screen one more time and set the player mode for Solo. Your password is now your current level and bike. You'll need to learn how to ride fast, because you won't have enough money for a sin- gle crash. R.D. Jennings Snoqualmie, WA A % Ф Black Hole Assault - Sega CD To play Black Ball Assault, a game very similar to Pong, just register your name as "AZY", and go on to Operation BHA. Then, if your having trouble winning the actual game, enter your name as “Bignet” and whenever you press Start on controller Two, you will always win. Henry Paul Behnen Sauk Centre, MN Sonic 2 - Genesis Stage Select: Go to the Options screen and play these songs in this order: 19, 65, 9 and 17. After the last song, you should hear a ring. Now press Start to go to the title screen. Press and hold the A Button and press Start. Debug Mode: After enter- ing the first code, return to the Stage Select screen and play these songs in this order: 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2 and 4. Now choose a stage, press and hold the A Button and press Start. It’s important that you don’t release it until the game begins. Now you can use the B Button to change Sonic into an object. Use the A Button to change objects, and the C Button to place them. Super Sonic: Also on the Stage Select screen, you can play these songs in this order and become Super Sonic when you collect Fifty Rings: 4, 1, 2 and 6. After entering any of these codes you can press the B Button and Start for Slow Motion, or the A Button and Start to exit. * Lotus Turbo Challenge - Genesis Here are the passwords for the last seven levels: Level 2 -SLEEPERS Level 3 -HERBERT Level 4 -BUSINESS Level 5 -SNOW Level 6 -STANDISH Level 7 -MALLOW Level 8 -TEACUP Chris Bueckers Osceola, WI Katie Hilal Cherry Hill, NJ E эй ы Starfox - SNES 4 Want to get into the Black Hole? On Level 1: Stage 2 “The Asteroid Belt” you will encounter three spinning rows of grey asteroid with a single brown asteroid in the middle. Fly in as close as possible and destroy the center asteroid. Do this correctly on all three rows, and a grey asteroid with a smi- ley face will appear. Destroy it and you will be sucked into the Awesome Black Hole. Once inside the Black Hole you can skip straight to Sector Y, Sector Z or Venom. To do this you must avoid the Supply Ring following the small port- hole with a Twin Blaster or a Nova Bomb icon. For instance, the first time you enter the Supply Ring you will warp to Sector Y. The second time, Sector Z. The third time, Venom. Catch on to the trend? Remember that while you’re here, you can charge up your blaster and collect a ton of Nova Bombs. Good Luck! Rick Lyons di Mt. Prospect, IL Ecco the Dolphin - Genesis To turn off the background music, pause the game and press the A, B, and C Buttons simultaneously. Repeat the pro- cedure to turn it back on. Brandon O'Brien Orange, CA Road Rash II - A Genesis To get the Wild Thing 2000 enter this code: OODA 1VON Gene R. Smith Hazel Crest, IL Prince of Persia - SNES Here are all the codes for each level: Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: Level 7: BRNGBB9 MRG5L2X B6+TWNN 923NRDX LQHWTVR CGKDBZ2 THQ++B Level 8: VXPNBY1 Level 9: QLL!'WHR Level 10:HWB93WX Level 11: 7F39R1B Level 12: H9T2D8N Level 13: 7TXF+9V Level 14: H+KX3L7 Level 15: G29MRZJ Level 16: 84CPBC6 Level 17: QQNL2PV Level 18: 4О7ТМН) Level 19: QHJG!Q7 Level 20: H8J12+Y Randy Law North Highlands, CA * A 0 Spiderman & the X-Men - SNES To get as many men as you desire on this great cart for SNES do the following. Go to Gambit's first world, then when you reach the first "B" go to where the green ball is and jump onto the first block and destroy the second. Do not however get the Stars. Jump halfway over the Stars and turn back in mid air. You should receive a lot of Stars. You will continue to receive Stars here unless you get one of the visi- ble stars. Then you will have to die and repeat the process. Matt Hickey Beavercreek, OH Starfox - SNES 4 Want to get out of this dimen- sion? On Level 3: Stage 2 ("The Asteroid Belt") towards the beginning of the stage you will see a large grey planetoid on the left. When you see this head towards the right side of the screen. By now a second grey planetoid should appear in your path. Destroy it. You should hear a familar bird sound and seen the him flying off in the distance. Wait for him to head back towards your ship (trust me, he will). As the bird approachs your ship, dive down and then up into the belly of the bird. Waaaaaaarp! Erik Christensen 4 Granby, СТ Streets of Rage 2 - Genesis At the beginning of Level 1, there is a hidden 1-Up in the bottom left corner. Jason Fann A Old Tappan, NJ Out of this World - Super NES Here are the passwords to this award-winning game. Section 1 -LDKD Section 8 - KLFB Section 2 - HTDC Section 9 - HRTB Section 3 - CLLD Section 10 - BRTB Section 4 - LBK] Section 11 - TFBB Section 5 - XDD) Section 12 - TXHF Section 6 - FKLC Section 13 - CKJL Section 7 - KRFK Section 14 - LFCK Mark Woody Whiteville, NC Streets of Rage - Game Gear Chose the stage you want to play and have the option of taking damage or not. All you have to do is go to the Options screen. Go to Sound Test #11 and press the 1& 2 Buttons at the same time. А Chris Reinhart Marshfield, WI Power Moves - Super NES Here are the passwords. Now you can have any person defeated or go straight to the last boss. 1) ++1 NAFS &=M 2) 2C$ NAM6 С-Н 3) K38 NAM7 GN2 4) K31 Р92р XK2 5) K3] 39F3 eK 6) L:6 T9FT Q47 7) V$1 99F9 #+7 Scott Slauson Fayetteville, AR Streets of Rage 2 - Genesis To add a Level Select and the Hidden Mania Level game, go to the Player, Duel, and Option screen. Move the cursor to Options, then press and hold both the A & B Buttons on Controller 2. Now go to the Options screen and choose Away. Milan Gohil Edinburg, TX & Prior to the Street Fighter phenomenon, Pac-Man was the sin- gle most successful coin-op title in arcade history. How do you follow a performance like that? With a sequel, which arrived in the form of Ms. Pac- Man and was later followed by Pac- Man Jr., Super Pac-Man, and Pacmania. Ms. Pac-Man resembled her counterpart, with the addition of a pink bow, lip stick, eyes and dimples; a girl’s got to look her best, you know. ghost b Gobble the Tengen brought this little, yellow lady to the 8-bit Nintendo some years back. This year they have resur- rected her for the 16-bit Genesis sys- tem. The new version has improved graphics and a new two-player fea- ture that allows two people to alter- nate, play as partners or as орро- nents. The object of the game is to work your way through thirty-six dif- ferent mazes, including four from the original arcade. Gobble up dots and fruit power-ups before the pesky ghosts do you in; there’s a Pac = Welcome again to Classics Attic, where Game Informer takes a look back at favorite games of the past. This time we’ve selected a new version of an old arcade winner, Tengen’s Ms. Pac-Man for the Genesis. Ms. Pac-Man: The Little Lady With The Big Appetite ... fi уе SCreen 5 from the Original arcade ЕЕЕ) Booster for extra speed if you get into .... PM E a jam. Ms. Pac-Man has four difficul- - №. |. № ty settings, so the whole family сап „га join in. “Waukka-waukka-wauk.” ж Апау, Тһе Сате Нотһге Сопсері: 7 Playability: 9 Graphics & Animation: 7 Entertainment Value: 8 Sound: 6 Overall Rating: 7.5 “This is a game you would have had to experience the first time to love. It’s unbelievable how many hours you can lose wrapped up in a single game. The 2-player option is weak, but the 1-player is nothing short of the stand-up.” Rick, The Video Ranger Concept: 7 Playability: 6.5 Graphics & Animation: 8 Entertainment Value: 6 Sound: 8 Overall Rating: 7 “The improvements include larger characters, better color and faster anima- tion. Tengen added 2-player Cooperative and Versus modes, which are great except that one player drops off when they are at opposite ends of the maze. | found it enjoyable for a while, but the thrill wore off quickly.” Paul, The Pro Player Concept: 10 Playability: 9.5 Graphics & Animation: 6 Entertainment Value: 9 Sound: 8 Overall Rating: 8.5 “The simple control and pattern-forming levels make the game challenging and intense. There’s a bit of the Pac Man family in most popular video game. After all, they had a cartoon show long before Mario.” Sd 1 ыы one | ЕЎ T Ё p xi i . Ба тепяа w a Official олтин 4 /, : (Gintendo) ) Seal Of Qualit This official assurance t approved t product, А) Seal when bi 22. es plete com Super Ni 1993 American Sammy Corporation - 901 Cambridge Drive, Elk C SAMMY® AND THE SAMMY LOGO ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF AMERICAN SAM IRA ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARK | ( y { À % Aa rm Dri ne aes \| | There is a small building adjacent to Sega of America’s headquarters. There is no big sign announcing its presence. In fact, one could easily miss it. But amazing things happen within these walls; things limited only by the imagination. The building is Sega's new Multimedia Studio, affection- ately referred to as "Segawood". Sega's release of their CD peripheral рге- sented them with a new challenge; to develop a library of titles that would take full advantage of CD ROM's capa- bilities. The plat- form incorporates new areas of tech- nology, such as full- motion video, three-dimensional graphics, CD high-fidelity sound, and computer-generated animation. The sophisticated development of a CD differ greatly to those necessary for cartridge-based games. CD software production requires expertise much like that in the movie industry; employing cameramen, actors, pro- ducers, musicians and set construc- tion. A full production can take up to thirteen months, demanding facilities much like those found in Hollywood. Thus, the Sega Multimedia Studio was born. The multimedia facility is home to three major workshops; the art group, the video and sound produc- tion TV workshop, and the Sega CD recording workshop. Each area plays an important part in the creation of Wom К all interne al Seg Минг oes »rdahl mé "CB ge By Elizabeth A. Olson interactive, multimedia software. Additional staff members are respon- sible for managing production and fine-tuning each product. The art department accounts for one-third of the Studio staff. Here some of the industry’s top graphic artists gener- ate the story- boards and settings of each game. They use a mixture of freehand and computer art, to create ani- mation for cinematic style effects. They pull from both reality and the imagination to bring fictional places to life. The attention to detail is so great they turned to fossil reconstruc- tion when creating a cast of dinasaurs. The audio visu- team utilizes state-of-the-art rivaling television 2р projec ts al dios. al equipment, and motion-picture production houses. Here Sega can create the original movies or scenes that will be incorporated into their CD games. The studio is equipped with an isolation booth for recording voice-overs and a “Blue Screen” for filming action shots, which are then digitized. This area is also used by the model construction crew for photographing and scan- ning special effects like miniature-scale sets or the Silicon Graphics-generated dinosaurs featured in their upcoming Jurassic Park. Another exciting area of the facility is the | recording studio. Sega E Te er Nilsen > The Sega Multimedia Studio: р 2 A Playground for the Imagination Ф 4 employs numerous musicians and sound-effect specialists who create the audible magic that pulls a player into a game. These audio experts cre- ate original compositions and collab- orate with popular recording artists to give each game a beat. Sega experiments with new types of equipment to develop the unique sounds required in each situation. One such technique found them wading around the Okefeenokee Swamp, recording actual sounds. These sounds were later altered and re-mixed to create the audio back- grounds for Jurassic Park. Currently, this department is testing various methods of recording cycle sound; sound that moves around the player. They record live sounds digitally and then re-mix them using Q Sound, a mixing environment which “grows” the sound and throws it around the listener. Due to the experimental nature of their work, all this state-of-the-art equipment is kept behind closed doors, which is a bit intimidating. However, you only have to follow the dinosaur prints on the floor to sense the creative energy. Sega is committed to pioneering new forms of entertainment. The Multimedia Studio is a center for research and development, where they can gain first-hand knowledge of cutting edge audio, video, and graphic technolo- gies. With each generation of software, the Multimedia Staff breaks new ground. We can hardly wait to see what's next. Creates g YOU АВЕ A LONE WARRIOR SENT BACK TO SAVE THE FUTURE! , 3 TIMES THE SUSPENSE , J ЩЕ THE DANGER ПІШІНІҢ, ig WA bd ч Жу FEEL THE TERROR! EXPLOSIVE DESTROY CYBER- HASTA LA VISTA, FIREPOWER DYNE RESEARCH BABY! THE FUTURE IS IN YOUR HANDS AS A LONE WARRIOR IN THE ULTIMATE METAL-WRENCHING BATTLE AGAINST THE MIMETIC POLYALLOY T-1000 TERMINATOR. EXPERIENCE 3 TIMES THE TERROR BLASTING DEADLY FACE-HUGGERS, ACID-SPITTING ALIENS AND THE EGG- LAYING QUEEN WITH YOUR FLAME THROWER. GET READY FOR HEART POUNDING ACTION, EXPLOSIVE FIREPOWER AND AWESOME GRAPHICS AND GAME PLAY! THEY'RE BIG, THEY'RE BAD AND THEY'RE BACK ON SUPER NES"! LICENSED BY ALIEN3 TM & ©1993 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. TERMINATOR™ 2 JUDGMENT DAY, T2, ENDOSKELETON AND Depiction of ENDOSKELETON are trademarks of Carolco Pictures Inc. (U.S. and Canada); Carolco International М.М. (All Other Countries) © 1993 Carolco Pictures Inc. and used by LJN, Ltd under authorization. Nintendo®, Super Nintendo Entertainment System® and the official seals are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1991 Nintendo of America Inc. LJN® is a registered trademark of LUN, Ltd. © 1993 LUN, Ltd. All rights reserved о) Sega Genesis 1-player, effervescent adventure 11 levels, 6 bonus rounds Adjustable difficulty 8 megs of cool tunes and humorous animation е Created by Virgin for Sega, available now * The Bottom Line: 8.5 e 9 ө ө ә He makes us laugh by playing football on a pool-table. We chuckle at his practical jokes and semi-truck antics. His commercials have won awards and entertained television audiences like few other cartoon creatures, and he’s the latest product spokesperson (spokes-SPOT?) to make the jump to video games. The 7-Up Cool SPOT shows that an object as simple as a red dot can pack a ton of character. What is it about this little guy that is so appeal- ing? Maybe it's his high-tops and his cool shades. Or maybe it's his "bub- bly" personality. At any rate, here's your chance to guide him through eleven wacky levels as he rescues his fellow SPOTs. You see, they've been captured by the no-good-nick, Wild Wicked Wily Will, and locked up in cages. (1 ui Cool SPOT: Virgin and Sega Team Up For Some Fizzy Fun Virgin has incorporated impressive graphics, superior sound effects, uncomplicated game play and their sense of humor in this game designed for and distributed by Sega of America. SPOT "hangs ten" on a wayward 7-Up bottle to the tune of Wipeout. He diligently _ double-checks his map, cleans his Release your felloy sunglasses, plays with a yo-yo and eventually breaks into a yawn if you let him sit too long. This laid-back little hero fires effervescent “cool shots” at his enemies. His adventures range from the crab-infested beaches of “Shell Shock” to battling the night-shirt clad mice of “Off the Wall”. Get into the western spirit on a runaway playroom train in “Loco Motive” or take a stomach- Spell “UNCOLA” for bonus points. pe churning rollercoaster ride in the level called “Wild Rails.” But there’s more to this game than colorful graphics and great music. If SPOT collects sev- enty-five red spots on any level of his quest, you'll be rewarded with one of six bubble-filled bonus rounds. Collect 7-Ups, one-ups, or spell "UNCOLA" for additional points. Cool SPOT is eight megs of high- energy fun that requires a quick reaction time and a sense of humor. Everything about this game has been designed with your funny bone in mind. Cool SPOT's antics are sure to bring a smile to your face. f£ | ¢ hirted ра сап be а real nightmare. 5 Night- Sega Genesis Action/Adventure 1 or 2-player cooperative play 6 challenging combat zones 3 difficulty settings Created by Sega, available now The Bottom Line: 8.75 That contemptuous Magneto has returned and he’s cooked up a scheme to put a stop to our mutant Super heroes. He has devised a deadly computer virus and he’s le simulation- jun pit works through the jung right toward Earth. Final destination: Professor Xavier's simulation comput- er that controls the Danger Room in the X-mansion. Talk about hitting someone where they live! If his plan succeeds, his computer-generated goons will polish off the X-Men right in their own home. In order to survive the Danger Room simulations gone astray, it will take all the mutant powers the X-Men can muster. Gambit, Nightcrawler, Wolverine and Strut Their Stuff on the Sega Genesis Cyclops head up your assault team. Pick one of these four to work your way through the simulations or team up with a friend. If you run into trouble, switch to one of the other characters or call in reinforcements. Backup is available in the form of Rogue, Archangel, Iceman, Storm or Jean Grey. Their special talents come in handy in your hour of need. Just as in the comics, each X-Man has their own special talents and attacks. It's up to you to discover what works best in each simulation. Gambit is lethal with a slash of his staff or his energy-charged playing cards. Nightcrawler's an acrobatic wonder that can transport through p ( X-Men Review Concept: 8.5 this cart, Graphics & Animation: 9.5 Most comic book characters that transfer to vids tend to lose some of their feel and charisma; not obstacles. Cyclops can toast any enemy with his optic beam and Wolverine has a nasty set of claws, as well as being the only X-Man with the power to heal himself. You'll be transported to six bloodthirsty combat zones. The Savage Land is riddled with spear- throwing leopard-men trying to slow your progress as you meet up with Juggernaut. Battle hordes of Shi'ar Empire guards as you fight to hijack a space shuttle and fly to Deathbird's Palace. Next, walk the edge of insani- ty in a castle haunted by visions of your fellow X-Men in Excalibur's Lighthouse. Ahab's Future World is Reviewed by Andy, The Game Hombré Sound: 8.5 Playability: 9.5 | | | | | Entertainment | Value: 9.5 \ \ Overall Rating: 9 The graphics are awesome; full, rich backgrounds and large, well-defined characters. The only prob- lem 15 that they look a little goofy when they walk. The soundtrack is a little unexciting, but the sound effects are great. The mixture of play in this game is superb. It’s a fast-paced, high action, hack ‘n’ slash adventure. If you own a Sega you should have this game. If not, buy one and get this game. The mixture of play, graphics and challenge make this a must for any true vidiot's collection. out to make sure you don't live that If you're looking for non-stop long, with its toxic ooze and mutant challenge with Marvel's greatest life forms. Survive the searing flames Super heroes, Sega’s X-Men is a must. and other hazards of Mojo's Crunch and it's on to face Magneto on | Use W, . Asteroid M. ж Work of йе Andominium cia " WS to make у; quick \ Wolverine, Gambit, Cyclops, Phoenix...these are Marvel’s super- heroes known as the X-Men. Originally, they were a half-dozen in number; today it’s a challenge to name all the members of Professor Xavier's tutelage. Over the past thirty years, this mixed-up menage of mis- fits has undergone numerous facelifts, ( but one thing remains the same. Since 1963, the X-Men have become the number one selling comic book series of all time, ranking ahead of Spiderman, Superman, the Fantastic Four and the Avengers. The X-Men phenomenon began in the September of 1963, when writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby A Marvel Celebrates the 30th Anniversary of the X-Men By Elizabeth A. Olson introduced the vigilant mutants. The first issue sold for a mere twelve cents. It pitted the X-Men against the evil mutant Magneto, who would go on to become their biggest (ж nemesis. Тһе series opened with Professor Xavier, whose parents had worked on the first A-bomb. His power to project his thoughts and read the minds of others told him that normal humans feared him. He was also aware that other mutants existed; those who, as a superior race, wished to enslave homo sapiens and rule the Earth. Thus, he created the Danger Room and the School for Gifted Youngsters, where mutants could train in secret and learn to use their skills for the good of mankind. His first students included Hank McCoy, a gifted honor student with great strength and prehensile toes, who was nicknamed the Beast. Bobby Drake, then an energetic 16 year-old, could encase himself in frost, hence the name Iceman. Warren Worthington Ш, who was born with wings and the ability to fly, became the Angel, (he was later transformed into the Death Angel). Scott ‘Slim’ Summers, the unspoken leader of the group, was called Cyclops due to the power beam he emits from his eyes. Jean Grey, a tele- kinetic known as Marvel Girl, was the first female to join the team. Her character was killed and she was res- urrected as Phoenix, an evil mutant who was defeated in March of 1979. Since the X-Men's introduction, many new characters have emerged and claimed their own spotlight. Wolverine, perhaps the most popular X-Man, first appeared in the Incredible Hulk series, issues 180-182. The last story featuring the original X-Men, printed in 1970, had the team battling Hulk. When a new team was introduced in August of 1975, Wolverine was among their ranks. Other such additions have included Rogue in 1983; Storm, the - 4 У. misunderstood Night Crawler, and Scott Summer’s brother, Havoc, who joined in 1987. A new team of X-Men was introduced in May of 1990, which included characters like Gambit and Jubilee. They joined another team, introduced in September of 1992, which can currently be seen on the FOX television show, as well as both the X-Men and X-Men Adventures comic book series. Over the years the X-Men have faced innumerable foe, including evil mutants, fearful humans and even each other. From the early days of ; | 49%, К Magneto, the Blob, the | Vanisher and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants to current villains like Sabretooth, Bishop and the Ghost Rider, the X-Men have never let their audiences down. We hope Marvel and their mercenary mutants enjoy another thirty years in the battle of good versus evil. EA Sports Hits One Out of the Park With @ Tony La Russa Baseball 1 315 at АП LU goes қ е Sega Genesis Simulation. The all into this game. Pitch-outs, * 1 or 2-player baseball Arcade mode intentional walks, it’s in here. Е е Arcade or Simulation style of play enhances play, making things тоге Pitchers have an extensive arsenal * Real teams, players and statistics interesting with hitting and fielding including a Fast-ball, Curve-ball, * Created by Electronic Arts, you would usually find in a video Сһапре-ир, and a special pitch. available now game. The Simulation mode is base- | Depending on the pitcher, that spe- е The Bottom Line: 8.5 ball that rivals the real thing. Seasons cial pitch could be a Slider, can consist of 162 or 81 games. Or, Knuckler, Sinker, Fork-ball, or the Managing a baseball team takes play head-to-head, exhibition, or a split-finger Fast-ball. more than standing іп the dug-out seven game play-off series. Once your team is at bat, try for and spitting. Tony La Russa, a man Fielding and pitching are translat- а normal, power, or a contact hit. If known for his play strategies, has еа to video through the use of that isn't enough, you can send in a signed on to help Electronic Arts simple on-screen prompts, and EA sign for а steal, double steal, a bunt, make what has to be the most has managing to squeeze it or the hit-and-run play. Aside from realistic baseball game to date. The all these play options, you must name of this game is strategy and also manage your team during play. planning. > Position players for фе best defense, It takes a full 16 megs to +,— ог call pitch hitters or runners. You incorporate all the aspects of * can even call up pitchers for warm- 'American's favorite pastime’. It up in the bullpen. [^ includes all twenty-six teams and EA Sports has left nothing out, player statistics from the 1992 short of the ball park hot dogs and season, and two All-Star teams | oi Iter its » pitches, then а | p ith the control pad pick from the fo that can be edited to include play- ers of your choice. There are two modes of play, Arcade and Mea И “Ca 4 ж n “О Corn! (easy Pop fly) pretzels. If you’re ready for the Boys of Summer and the ultimate in realis- tic baseball, don’t let this one slip out of your mitt. f£ Sega Genesis — At a Glance... Sega will have expanded their third party licensees to an estimated 51 by the end of 1993. Here’s a few of the latest titles, with Electronic Arts leading the way. Elemental Master by Renovation 9 Available: Now Find Junos’ control of the elements in order to defeat the evil sorcerer, Gyra, who has taken over the kingdom of Lorelei. This game incorporates the aspects of Role Play with a hard-core overhead shooter. It has multiple levels, power-ups, and multi-directional shooting. Rolling Thunder III by Namco Available: Now The saga of the World Police Criminal Organization continues. Agents Albatross and Leila head out to stop Gimdo, leader of the Geldra terrorists, leaving you to stop his right-hand man. Work through ten levels of play, including battles on a motorcycle and a jet ski. Jeopardy by Gametek Available: Now Alex Trebek comes into your living room, with over 700 categories and 3,500 questions. Play with up to three human contestants, or test your wits up against the computer. It's the classic game-show format, with digitized graphics. You AR CORREC Jungle Strike by Electronic Arts Available: July/August The sequel to Desert Strike is back with a 16-meg vengeance. Better graphics and increased difficulty are just two improvements. The madman’s son has hooked up with a drug lord. Find and destroy enemy hideouts using your high-powered chopper, hover-craft or motorcycle. 4 % ВИ Walsh College Football by Electronic Arts Available: July/August College Football features the top 24 teams from the ‘92 season, as well as All-Time greats from the past. Play college regulations, including the two-point conversion, and set audibles. Larger players and a lower view make a great-looking cart. SACK BY #01 Am À М В YARD LOSS Mutant League Football by Electronic Arts Available: July Mutant League takes football to a new dimension. When was the last time you played football on a minefield, or bribed the ref to call drooling? Destroy the other team’s players, or fall into a fire pit. Rumor has it, Mutant League Hockey is in the works for Christmas. 1 АХУ ACES LICENSED BY IMAGINE A WORLD WITHOUT MARIO Mario's NEWEST ADVENTURE Is ® COMING SOON ON SuPER NES "м and Copyright 1993 © Nintendo. Copyright © 1993 The Software Toolworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. MARIO IS MISSING!V, MARIO™, LUIGE™, and BOWSER™ are trademarks of Nintendo. Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Super NES are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. e e MS " nad News & Rumors From S55» the Video Game Industry Two Powers Become an Alliance Capcom USA and Sega of America held a press conference in March, to announce their new licensing agreement. Capcom will become a third- party licensee and develop games for the Sega Genesis, Game Gear and Sega CD platforms. Sega and Capcom pro- duced the number one and two best selling video games last year, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Street Fighter II. To kick of this new alliance, Capcom will release Street Fighter Il: Champion Edition for the Genesis this August. Other Sega cartridges are in the works, although no titles were released. Could the Genesis system soon be home to another blue hero? Get Into the Action With Street Fighter Now kids can do the moves of Capcom's Street Fighter™ characters in more ways than one. As part of Capcoms aggressive mer- chandising program, Hasbro, Inc. has obtained the master toy license to manufac- ture a line of exclusive action figures, vehicles and playsets. Hasbro is one of more than twenty- four companies signed on to produce Street Fighter products, including Halloween costumes, comic books, skateboards and roller blades. — | Want My Sega ТУ Sega of America has announced plans to form a joint venture with Time Warner Company, L.P., and Telecommunications, Inc. in order to develop and market “The Sega Channel" for cable television. The Sega Channel will offer a wide selection of popular Sega games, previews, gameplay tips and news to Sega Genesis owners. Subscribers will access The Sega Channel via cable television, with the help of a special tuner/decoder that will plug into their Sega Genesis car- tridge slot and into the TV. A menu will appear on the screen so the user can easily select a game, preview, or other program material. “The consumer will get a great value; a well-stocked and constantly updated library of games for a low monthly fee.", Tom Kalinske, Sega president and CEO, stated. The Sega Channel will be priced in the range of most pay-cable ser- vices and will be test-marketed in select areas this Fall. It could be avail- able to all U.S. cable system operators by early 1994. Sega's partners in the project are the two largest cable system opera- tors. Time Warner was among the first to market a premium cable service. TCI serves over 10.2 million subscribers as the world's largest cable company. Kaneko Presents Fido Dido, The World's Latest Cartoon Hero Since 1985, his wide-eyed, savvy but innocent face has been popping up around the world on everything from T-shirts to books to popular soft drink commercials. Fido Dido (pronounced FI-DO DEEDOUGH) has stolen hearts his laid back, but insightful look on life. His T-shirts proclaim his philosophies like, “Normal is Boring". Late this year he'll AR ww 21 ағ ae X with his eight strands of hair and а make the jump from cartoon star to video game hero, thanks to Kaneko. The Chicago-based company has announced plans to develop Fido games for both the Sega Genesis and the Super NES systems. Each will have a separate storyline in order to compliment each unit’s capabilities. The Genesis game is due out in time for Christmas and the SNES game is expected in early ‘94. Kaneko is also hard at work on a game featuring the nation’s “First Feline”, Socks the Cat, and a sequel to their popular Chester Cheetah game. Attention Arcade Fighter Fans! Thanks to a close relationship with SNK, Takara will follow up their Super NES and Genesis conver- sions of arcade hit Fatal Fury with more Neo*Geo coin-op titles.They have planned a late Fall release for 16-bit versions of Art of Fighting. Additionally, King of the Monsters is in the works for Spring of '94 and Fatal Fury 11 is slated for Fall of next year. Originally known for the Transformers, which they produced in conjunction with Hasbro, Takara is also working on a video game based on the new Transformers Generation И line, which will designed by Argonaut and feature the Super FX chip. Atari Cross-overs for Super Nintendo Activision gained their fame by making some incredible games for the Atari 2600. Three of their biggest hits, River Raid, Kaboom ; and Pitfall are in the works Ж > for the Super Nintendo and 44 аге expected to debut this Fall. Activision is concentrating on taking advantage of technical capabilities, while retaining the same exciting game play as the originals. ІШ y же м ee a ш Ira. 7. "e “4 - hey, 4 күрө E > тшш as SCORE OOO198601 ы You have the POWER. Іп this contest you don't rely on the luck-of- the draw. You determine if you win or not. You win by outscoring others in a game of skill. Can you solve the puzzle below? Then you have what it takes. It looks simple, but it's only the start. Each of five more puzzles gets a little harder. But this time its all up to you. Stay in to the end with the highest score and the gear is yours. With whatever options you want. Do you have what it takes? Then play to win! Video Gaming Rig Contest. Win the ultimate home theatre/video game rig. You'll win all the audio/video components shown plus the Sega Genesis, Gaming Gear (w/TV tuner), Power Clutches, Intruder and Joystick. Bonus Options include: CD-ROM drive, VCR, $1,000.00 in games, cash, accessories and more! Computer Gaming Contest. Win а 50 Mhz 486 with 17" SVGA monitor, 8 meg RAM, 340 meg hard drive monster machine (upgrade to '586 or WORD LIST QUEST ANT INVADER TOWER SET ARC MAJOR INDIANA EAT MICRO APE WINGS RUNNING SIT FLINT DREAM FIT : One who practices the ancient Japanese martial art of assassination and terrorism. TURBO ACE CRAWLER ASK MUTANTS CHASE PET D the Ultimate ЕНШІ E Gaming Rig?! 51600000 IN PRIZES! oo" SU. TUNER. TUNERE = Е =. =осссе лан c АТИ 66 Mhz at your option) . Bonus options include: CD-ROM, Thrustmaster joystick and weapons controller, Sound Blaster Pro, modem, cash, games and more! We're talkin’ GAMING HEAVEN! Directions. Fill in the Mystery Word Grid with words going across that spell out the Mystery Word down the middle. Hint: use the Mystery Word Clue. In the future. There will be four more puzzles at $2.00 each and one tie- breaker at $1.50 for each prize package which will be sent to you by mail. You will have 3 weeks to solve each puzzle. We don't know how many will play but typically 47% will have the highest score possible score to Phase |, 30% to Phase Il, 25% to Phase Ill, and 20% to Phase IV. The tie-breaker determines the winner. If players are still tied they will split the value of the prizes. Yes! ENTER ME TODAY, HERE'S MY ENTREE FEE: a C] ($3.00) Video Gaming Rig Contest C] ($3.00) Computer Gaming Contest C] ($5.00) SPECIAL! Enter Both (SAVE $1.00) TVW ONY апо Address City State Zip [=> SEND CASH, М.0., OR CHECK ТО: PANDEMONIUM, Р.О. BOX 26247 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55426-0247 VOID WHERE PROHIBITED • ENTRY DEADLINE: POSTMARKED BY AUGUST 7, 1993 * ENTRY FEE MUST BE INCLUDED Qnly one entry per person. Employees of Pandemonium, Inc. and its suppliers are ineligible. Judges decisions are final. Where judges are in error the sponsor's liability is limited to the amount of entry fees paid. Not responsible for lost, delayed or stolen тай. Merchandise names and models are trademarks of their respective companies who have no affiliation with this contest. © 1992 Pandemonium, Inc. They’re Back and More Popular Than Ever: / Dinosaurs have been extinct for more than sixty-five million years, 1 but in the last few years there have been more dinosaurs sighted than : during the entire Mesozoic era. They've been spotted on kid's appar- el, books, posters and greeting cards, sheets and towels, jewelry, tennis ГА пате it. There’s a crowd of inflatibles, miniatures, bendables and plush replicas. It’s estimated that now the dinosaur genre is responsible for more than $50 million a year in the toy industry alone. Over the last decade, dinosaurs E have un gained By Elizabeth A. Olson unprecedented popularity; a popular- ity that may reach its peak this year. 1993 has been dubbed "The Year of the Dinosaur" by merchandisers, as well as the entertainment and toy industries. That may be attributed to characters like Barney, Sheryl Leach's friendly purple and green dinosaur targeted at young kids. Barney's videotapes, books, stuffed animals and related merchandise has been one of the hottest sellers of the year. In addition, MCA/Universal will be unveiling Steven Spielberg's much anticipated movie, Jurassic Park, this June. Based on the best-sell- ing book by Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park already has an impressive list of more than one hundred licensees. There will soon be more than a thou- sand different Jurassic Park in America products on store shelves, ranging from action figures and books to computer games, clothing, school supplies, and more. Sega of America is planning to release a Genesis game based on the movie this June, fol- lowed by Game Gear and Sega CD versions in July. Ocean of America will release both their Nintendo and Game Boy cartridges concurrently with the movie release, followed by a Super NES game in the Fall. Sega is also planning an arcade stand-up and Data East Pinball will create the pinball version. According to Sid Kaufman, president of MCA/Universal Merchandising, Jurassic Park may be the biggest license of 1993. ^Through the development of quality product and strategic market- ing we are confident that Jurassic Park will make all other dinosaur products extinct," Kaufman stated. Since the first dinosaur bones were unearthed by Mary Ann Mantell near London in 1822, the world had been captivated by these giant crea- tures. Dinosaurs, named for the Greek words for "terrible lizard", have repeatedly resurfaced as a EXC Sy ә topic of scientific fascination and а popular icon of our society. Cartoon characters Alley Oop and Fred Flintstone both sported dinosaurs as a faithful family pet. Don Bluth featured the creatures in his 1986 animated movie, The Land Before Time. More recently, the TV shows Dino Riders and ABC’s Dinosaurs have brought dinosaurs into our homes. What is it about these mysterious monsters that has stolen the hearts of young and old alike? There are several theories behind the dinosaur’s appeal. Psychologists such as Dr. Joyce Brothers theorize that dinosaurs are symbols of power and strength that children can relate to, as well as providing the perfect blend of fantasy and reality. “Dinosaurs are better than uni- corns because they are real. Adults are attracted to dinosaurs partly out of nostalgia for their own childhood,” Brothers added. sie Other jie psycholo- gists believe that kids like dinosaurs because they’re big, scary, real anconve- niently dead so they pose no threat. Some claim that in a time where the destruction of the Earth and our own extinction has become a real threat, adults relate well to dinosaurs. Others feel that dinosaurs are “guilt-free” because they have no habitat for us to destroy and we were not responsible for their extinction. Paleontologists such as Robert Bakker and Edwin Colbert follow yet another school of thought. Most advances in the science of Dinosaurs have taken place in the last twenty years. In fact, while there are only thirty or so full-time paleontologists excavating throughout the world at \ \ this time, it’s estimated that a new species of dinosaur is discovered every seven weeks. Currently, there are approximately 300 different species identified. New research has shown us that dinosaurs may have been warm-blooded, intelligent, agile and very nurturing of their young. All these traits help humans identify with the mysterious beasts. So if you think dinosaurs are dead and gone, just ask Barney or Steven Spielberg. Whatever the rea- son for their popularity, it looks like dinosaurs are here to stay and this is the year to be part of the growing ‘dino-mania’. Perhaps Don Lessem, writer and founder of the non-profit Dinosaur Society, has the best expla- nation for this phenomenon, “| prefer the simple explanation. Dinosaurs are neat.” Great Places For Dinosaur Sightings... In the United States: е Amherst, Massachusetts: Amherst College - Displays include a major collection of dinosaur footprints. е Austin, Texas: Texas Memorial Museum - On exhibit аге Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic reptiles, and Pleistocene mammals. * Berkeley, California: University of California Museum of Paleontology - Collection includes Triassic and Jurassic reptiles. * Boulder, Colorado: University Natural History Museum - Exhibit covers Jurassic dinosaur fossils. * Buffalo, New York: Buffalo Museum of Science - Fossils include dinosaur bones, footprints, eggs and skin impres- sions. * Cambridge, Massachusetts: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University - Noted for its major collec- tion of fossil vertebrates and fossil fish. The best North American collection of South America's Early Mesozoic amphibians and reptiles, as well as North American Dinosaurs. е Canyon, Texas: Panhandle Plains Museum - Displays local Triassic reptiles. * Chicago, Illinois: Field Museum of Natural History - This exten- sive collection includes fossil plants, invertebrates, | and vertebrates from South American and the Western. wr United States. * Cleveland, Ohio: Natural History Museum - This museum is famous for its Dunkleosteus, Devonian fish, and Pleistocene mammals. * Denver, Colorado: Denver Museum of Natural History - Their ^Succession of Life" exhibit includes dinosaurs, marine reptiles and 50 million years of mammal evolution. е Durham, North Carolina: North Carolina Museum - The fossil collection includes dinosaur bones. * East Lansing, Michigan: The Museum, Michigan State University - The exhibit includes fossils and wall paintings through geological eras. * Flagstaff, Arizona: Museum of Northern Arizona - Display includes fossils of a early ornithopod dinosaur. е Fort Worth, Texas: Fort Worth Museum of Science and History - Exhibit includes mounted dinosaurs. * Hays, Kansas: Sternberg Memorial Museum - Local Cretaceous fossils include toothed birds. е Houston, Texas: Houston Museum of Natural Science - Large exhibits include a near-complete Diplodocus. * Jensen, Utah: Dinosaur National Monument - Comprised of more than 200,000 acres of fossil-rich canyons known as the Morrison Formation. It includes the Carnegie Quarry, which is now a covered visitor's center where you can watch technicians free dinosaur bones from the rock. | * Laramie, Wyoming: W.H. Reed Museum - Exhibits includes a partial fossil sauropod, Apatosaurus. * Lawrence, Kansas: University of Nebraska Museum of Natural History - Displays include Mesozoic Fossils. * Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska State Museum - Collection includes a range of fossil mam- mals. * Los Angeles, California: Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History - Exhibits include a big collection of Cretaceous fossil vertebrates and the world's largest collection of Pleistocene fossil vertebrates. Watch techni- cians excavate prehistoric bones from its La Brea Center. * Newark, Delaware: University of Delaware - Collection includes fossils of sauropod dinosaurs. * New Haven Connecticut: Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University - The major collection of fossil vertebrates features American dinosaurs and early mammals. * New York City, New York: American | - Museum of Natural History - The extensive collection includes mounted skeletons of fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals, and boasts more dinosaurs than any other museum. е Norman, Oklahoma: Stovall Museum, University of Oklahoma - Display includes a local carnivorous dinosaur. * Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Academy of Natural Sciences - Collection includes some of the first dinosaur fossils found in North America. e Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Carnegie Museum of Natural History - The major fossil displays include some of the world's best-preserved, mounted late Jurassic dinosaurs, as well as mosasaurs. * Princeton, New Jersey: Museum of Natural History, Princeton University - Fossils include Late Cretaceous dinosaurs and one of the first-known bats. | * Saint Paul, Minnesota: The Science Museum of Minnesota - Collection contains local Cretaceous Fossils including champsosaurs. * Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Museum of Natural History - Collection includes fossils from the Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry and pterosaur tracks. * San Francisco, California: California Academy of Science - Fossil collection includes single dinosaur bones. е Scranton, Pennsylvania: Everart Museum - Fossils include some dinosaur bones. * Vernal, Utah: Utah Natural history State Museum - Displays include a Diplodocus skeleton. e Washington, D.C.: National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution - This major museum has fossils representing most phases of prehistoric life. The Department of Paleobiology has one of the world's largest collections of type specimens. Вы e The Bottom Line: TTI’s Treat For The * Duo & TurboGrafx Super CD 1 player shooter with a hard rockin' soundtrack * 7 levels, limited continues and 3 difficulties е By Hudson Soft for TTI, available now 7.5 e stronger armor t crystals to purchas пога Collec Attention all shooter fans! Turbo Technologies presents a title that’s as much a gift to your eyes and ears as it is to your trigger-happy thumbs. Lords of Thunder, the sequel to Gate of Thunder, brings the sights and sounds of the arcades to your Duo system. During the birth of the world, the Holy God, Pharina enlisted of a hero named Dyu to overthrow Zaggart, The Dark One. They imprisoned him deep within the Lands of Mistral. As time passed, their rulers foolishly allowed each province to fall into the hands of evil beings of the Shadow Realm. Their mission is to restore The Dark One. As Landis, the sole descendant of Dyu, you must reclaim the Lands of Mistral and stop the resurrection of Zaggart. Eyes and Ears unitions. Dyu has left you four suits of armor to aid you: Fire armor, Water armor, Earth armor and Wind armor. Battles take place on each of the six provinces; Dezant, Aqual, Lavadara, Wildon, Freezel, and Ciodant. Each suit has varied capabilities and it’s up to you to discover which works best in each battle field. If you defeat the evil ruler of each land, Pharina will join you to defeat Zaggart in the heart of Mistral. You begin with limited life bars and three continues. Collect crystals and power-up icons as you defeat your enemies. Your rewards can be used in the shops at the end of each level to purchase extra life, stronger armor and ammunition. Lords of Thunder has beautifully detailed backgrounds and charac- ters, complemented by huge bosses. If your thumbs get tired, just turn on Lords of Thunder Review Reviewed by Ross, The Rebel Gamer Concept: 6 Graphics & Animation: 8 Sound: 10 Reviewed by Paul, The Pro Player Concept: 7 Graphics & Animation: 8.5 Sound: 9 Reviewed by Rick, The Video Ranger Concept: 8 Graphics & Animation: 8.5 Sound: 9.5 the option screen | and jam to one of the twenty selec- tions on this hot soundtrack. If you’re a shooter fan, Lords of Thunder is a must have; if not, it might just convert you. A e 60 asses Will greet you at Playability: 6 Entertainment Value: 7 Overall Rating: 7.5 Playability: 7 Entertainment Value: 8 Overall Rating: 8 Playability: 7.5 Entertainment Value: 7.5 Overall Rating: 8 Жет міне hor n $ tr Ste a FUN.FUN.FUN!! A peaceful life in quiet Chinaland was suddenly thrown into disaster, after the Universal Peace Conference was over. The Emperor's concerns kept growing until Jack and Ryu decided to go out and settle the problem. The places they visited during their. expedition were:Chinaland, Mysteryland, Fairyland and Future- land. The more they advanced, the more suspenseful it became. What they found out was a devastating plot. There are loads of exciting action, cool items, neat vehicles, great attacks, and magic spells available. They are all yours to blow adversaries out of the way of the once peaceful Chinaland. FOR ALL GAME PLAYERS FROM BEGINNERS ТО EXPERTS!! 2inl FLYING WARRIORS. THIS GAME HAS FOUR MODES IN IT. IT'S ALMOST LIKE TWO GAMES IN ONE CARTRIDGE! OPERATION MODES ARE AVAILABLE. p" MODE WHAT IS THE NEW HIRYU HRYU ка SYSTEM WAS NO KEN SYSTEM? TORT | ЖҮГІ ; FROM ACTION GAME MANIACS TO PEOPLE МНО ARE NOT SO HOT ABOUT ACTION GAMES CAN HAVE FUNI THIS IS THE NEW HIRYU NO KEN SYSTEM THAT PEOPLE WAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT! EXPERT MODE THAT FULLY UTILIZES THE HIRYU NO KEN. 2). EXCITING FIGHTING MODE THAT REQUIRES SIMPLE CONTROL. 3). COMMAND BATTLE STYLE, ANIMATION MODE FOR PLAYERS WHO WANT TO ENJOY THE STORY. 4). AND LAST BUT NOT SYSTEM, WHICH.” PRODUCES, т өз LEAST, VS TOURNAMENT MODE WHERE EIGHT PLAYERS САМ THIS GAME HAS FOUR DIFFERENT MODES. ENJOY SUPERB FIGHTING ACTIONS! EN PARTICIPATE. FIRST, YOU CAN ENJOY EXCITING ATTACKS NIQUES THAT HAVE ALL THE ELE- HA КОТ. AND ARE NOT REQUIRED TO DEFEND YOUR- mmo AM m к THE FIGHTING GAME HAS FINALLY СОМЕ THIS FAR! THE SELF IN FIGHTING MODE SECOND, EXPERT Y Р нші ULTIMATES 150 TECHNIQUES! MODE FOR FIGHTING MANIACS. IT'S GOT JOINT T HAS GOT YOUR BASIC TECHNIQUES, LIKE PUNCHING AND KICKING. ALONG WITH THROWING, FINISHING AND ALSO THE NEW FEATURE, OVERTURNING TECHNIQUE IS AVAILABLE? OUR OWN SYSTEM REPRODUCES OVER 150 DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES THAT HAS ALL ELEMENTS OF FIGHTING SKILLS! A FIGHTING GAME THAT IS NOW CLOSEST TO PERFECTION! STORY MODE HAS A POWERFUL ENEMIES TOO! MYSTERIOUS ENEMY THAT HAS SUPERHUMAN SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES MOVES SUPER QUICK AND ATTACKS WITH А BIG HAMMER, GIVING FLYING WARRIORS А LOT OF TROUBLE WHEN YOU FIND THE TUSK SOLDIERS AND THE MOONLIGHT WARRIORS AMONG THE FIGHTERS, TRANSFORM INTO THE FLYING WARRIOR AT ONCE AND FIGHT AGAINST THEM IN THE FIGHTING DIMENSION. USE MAGIC SPELLS AND OTHER ITEMS | МО ТНО5Е на T OM Erde RONS AND VS TOURNAMENT MODE THAT LETS UP WITH SIMPLE OPERATIONS. TWISTING, OVERTURNING, COMBINATION TECH- NIQUES AND MUCH MORE! THE FIRST VIDEO Ё IGHTING MODE TO EIGHT PEOPLE PARTICIPATE IT'S A SUPER THE STIRRING, FIGHTING MATCHES GAME SYSTEM TECHNIQUES CAN BE PLAYED WITH SIMPLE BUTTON OPERATIONS! EVEN BEGINNERS CAN ENJOY THE FULL NEW HIRYU NO KEN SYSTEM / SCALE FIGHTING ACTIONS тене шийи / nc MODE WISELY! YOU'LL HAVE A SHOWDOWN WITH DARGON AT THE END! mum r >. WIN ТЕ ТОМ —— | UP TO BT PLAYERS CAN PARTICIPATE IN ТЕ VS TOURNAMENT MODE! FOR THOSE FON PLAYERS y НИЕ (НДІ THE STORY MODE IS MUCH MORE FUN WHO EDT | continuing f ACTION GAME WITH AND INTERESTING! U P TO EIGHT PLAYERS CAN PARTICIPATE IN THE VS TOUR THE STORY | ACTION LOVERS YOUR FRIENDS NAMENT MODE! Deng шиш тыша =a О “ACTIONS. COM. MAND BATTLE STYLE, ANIMATION MORE THAN 150 TECHNIQUES ARE AVAILABLE FOR YOU ТО CHOOSE FROM OF COURSE. YOU CAN ENJOY THE GAME BY YOURSELF OR WITH YOUR GOOD FRIENDS. PUSH THE START BUTTON! LET'S SEE WHO IS GOING TO WIN THE TOURNAMENT! ЕН NE НТІ TOURNA WARRIOR: HE rn ME 3 үз MODE LON WHO'S RISEN FROM THE DEAD EXPERT MODE SP AS A BLACK GHOST! CULTURE BRAIN™, ULTIMATE FIGHTER™, SUPER NINJA (Ganna) “Сенхо ве мниноо FOA Peay on іні BOY™, FIGHTING SIMULATOR 2 in1 FLYING WARRIORS™ NINTENDO? AND NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM" , SUPER NINTENDO ENTER: and NINJA BOY 27м are trademarks of CULTURE BRAIN 1/5. ERAN. НАЯ е ааа A, INC. All rights reserved. C1991 NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC CULTURE BRAIN USA. INC. Bldg. D-130 18133 NE 68th St. Redmond, Wa 98052 AT Din olim YOU CAN PLAY VARIOUS KINDS OF CON- TACT SPORTS: IN FIGHTING SIMULATOR ae и ‚ ¥ zu 7 А JACK АМО RYU WENT ОМ А SPACE TRIP WITH THEIR MODE ONE OR TWO PEOPLE CAN PLAY, OR A < к PALS, WHERE THEY CAME ACROSS THE GALANDS, мы п FIERCE PIRATES OF SPACE. WHAT THEY ARE AFTER IN THE FIGHTING ACTION GAME MODE, MANY Га) 5 CONTROL OVER THE UNIVERSE WITH THE з FEATURES LIKE SIDE SCROLLING ACTION, MIGHTY POWER OF 7 TREASURES. RIGOROUS BAT- AND COSMC SAUCERS ARE AVAILABLE. Lm Ду TLES AROUND THE TREASURES BREAK OUT WITH YOU IN PART OF THE ACTION AGAIN! аште) ebeg Нұ uogemossy 539461 Недәсен enDee юг eui Aq pesus А v d z] 1 У а: i ese) suu рөл» еден озон uepiv 965$ 593$ 666: 2 siuBu ну Syse YO ‘ра рэләѕә; Important things to do: SAVE THE PLANET. SAVE THE WHALES. SAVE $50 ON GAME GEAR SUPER ОМС SPORTS PACK. Buy the Super Sonic Sports Pack and you'll get a color portable Sega Game Gear, a Deluxe Carry-All case, and two hit games—Sonic the Hedgehog" 2 and The Major’s Pro Baseball™ Buy it for Father's Е / Day. Buy it for graduation. Just buy it and you'll save $50. Hey, maybe you could use that money to аы help save some humpback. Then again, maybe you could buy Streets of Rage" 2. It’s your dough. PAVERS bress МИ ‘эм!ела uop3 199115 U197 "M 02101 әшгедберу Stay Ahead 6 Issues Only Magazine Of The Came? $417.88 С] New [] Renewal Keep on top of the latest game tips and news from the video ғ — tune into the hottest new magazine out there. Subscribe to Game Informer Magazine TODAY and receive six information-packed issues for only $17.88. You won't want to miss à single one! ме | ТТІТІТІТТІТІТІТІТІІІНІ а ТТТ E Payment Enclosed ог... Charge My [Г] = O es [] re] EXP. / CARD % Signature Foreign add $10. Minnesota Residents Add 6.5% Sales Tax. 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