-= The #1 Videogame Magazine RA ON T WWW.1UP.COM “ам” ша ML f MASS EFFECT EXPLORE ТНЕ GALAXY IN ТНЕ LATEST EPIC RPG FROM ТНЕ MAKERS OF K e PS3/Wü * Sonic's * Splinter Cell Double Agent mu * Rev Okami, Xbox 360 From the makers би the most realistic motore Featuring over 35 геаНіге and fantasy riding gear, and over 100 licensed sport біКеб'а at truly capture the fluid movement of man and ma in this game are trademarks and/or copyri is a registered trademark of Sony Computer 5 STEP INTO THE SHADOWS OF JAPAN'S UNDERWORLD. -*... А MASTERPIECE.” =~ æ > a2 » 7 "AND WHAT A STORY IT IS!" - PLAY MAGAZINE - IGN.COM “... EVERYTHING FELT SO IMMERSIVE, “WHO'S TO SAY WHETHER NORTH AMERICA 1 WE JUST HAD TO KEEP PLAYING.” IS READY FOR A GAME ABOUT JAPANESE зай = PS MOBSTERS? WE SURE AS HELL ARE!” е - GAMESPOT.COM — UNLOAD DEADLY COMBOS WITH KEEP HER SAFE AND FIND THE STRIKE WITH POWERFUL FINISHING AVENGE DISHONOR THROUGH THE OVER 300 ITEMS AND WEAPONS TRUTH BEHIND THE MYSTERY BLOWS AS YOU UPGRADE YOUR SKILLS TWISTING, DRAMATIC STORYLINE Blood Sexual Themes аа” PlayStation. Violence PlayStation.2 SEPTEMBER 8, 2006 SEE THE STORY UNFOLD AT... WWW.YAKUZAGAME.COM SEGA is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. SEGA, the SEGA logo and YAKUZA are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Corporation. © SEGA. All rights reserved. "PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. www.sega.com тм ` BANDAI NAMCO Games logo (ТМ and @) IE PlayStation. X XBOX Make it to the top and you'll have it ай. Money, cars, women, and a bunch of people who want to kill you. | In stores August 29th | © 2006 THA Inc. Developed by Volition, Inc. Saints Row. Volition, Inc.. THQ and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Inc. Compatible phone and carrier service required. Text messaging and data service charges. may apply. Check your carrier for more details.All Rights Reserved. АН other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, the Xbox logos, and the Xbox Live logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. SINNETS Wellcome най. ER da Bn | y ==. iy " 9 > 3 л 1 Ld E E spe 5 М. гі z \ 1 17143 3 88 3 {1141-1 11 is | | “If the Grand Theft Auto series lit a fire under the ass of the action genre, then Saint's Row burns down the whole damned house. -GamePro www.saintsrow.com Blood and Gore Intense Violence Partial Nudity Strong Language Strong Sexual Content Use of Drugs and Alcohol MATURE 17+ ® volition inc www.thq.com L * 14 Because the moogle mail carriers will riot if we stop taking snail mail PRESS START Your source for the hottest news, previews, and features 20 FALSE ADVERTISING We demand the naked truth from videogame commercials 28 PREVIEW: NBA STREET V4 Turn your hometown into the next streetball hotspot 34 ONLINE: CLASSIC COMEBACK Check out these legendary games coming to Xbox Live Arcade 36 GAME DAY 11 teams are given 24 short hours to design and complete an original game 40 15 YEARS OF SONIC E Sega's famous "hog is blowin’ up 44 THE SURREAL LIFE Meet4he wunderkids behind the home-grown web video hit, GameLife 48 SPLINTER CELL DOUBLE AGENT Sneaky sneaky! We spy exclusive screens and info about next-gen Splinter Cell multiplayer .] 54 THE BIG ONES Get your fix on heavy hitters like Halo З and*Grand Theft Auto IV 62 RUMOR MILL Stuff we hope turns oi be true GAME OVER Oh, we’re not done yet! 114 SEANBABY’S REST OF THE CRAP Games still suck in the year 200X 116 CROSSWORD/GRUDGE MATCH 118 EGM RETRO Celebrating 25 years of apes escaping 120 FINAL WORD 122 HSU & CHAN COVER STORY: MASS EFFECT Join us on our interstellar joyride through the galaxy in the latest role-playing game from the makers of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Just don’t put the top down or your head will explode... Zy ZIFF DAVIS MEDIA EDITORIAL ter ary Pinkham DESIGN Gaming Accounts Nort 12 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY, Scarface: The World The Sopranos & 2 айд < £s TOUGH GUY GAMES Nerds better watch their step—it’ll take cojones to play these games CONSOLE COUNTDOWN The clock's ticking down to this fall’s launch of PS3 and Wii, and we’ve got all the latest info 106 Dance Factory 92 Dead Rising 94 Prey DS 96 Ninety-Nine Nights 106 Deep Labyrinth 97 Bomberman Act: Zero | Multiplatform PSP | 98 FlatOut 2 108 Bomberman 98 Super Monkey Ball 108 Ultimate Ghosts 'n Adventure + Goblins | 99 Pac-Man World Rally 109 Tekken: Dark Resurrection | PlayStation 2 | 99 Disgaea? 100 Okami Extra Stuff | 103 Dirge of Cerberus; Final 110 Reviews Wrap-up Fantasy VII 111 Reviews Archive 104 Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria Some fanboys will look so hard for “proof” of bias from us, they won't even read the magazine to "find" it. Case in point: Some random guy on a message board thought he was calling me out when he pointed to my July issue editorial (in which | said the S600 price tag for the PlayStation 3, in the grander scheme of things, may not be as big a deal as people are making it out to be). He claimed | was pro-Sony and anti-Microsoft because | didn’t give Sony as hard a time for this price announcement as І did Microsoft in an interview that took place shortly after the Xbox 360 launched. Woe is the magazine editor who responds to a message-board post like this, but here | go. ў 1) If this person would've turned just 10 pages, he would've seen з our interview with Kazuo Hirai, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America, where we , grilled him about the price (over four questions, no less), the fake gameplay videos they showed the year before, and more. So you see that we treat all our kids equally and fairly, we also gave Nintendo a hard time about the name "Wii" in that same issue. 2) The Xbox 360 interview this guy is referring to was done after the system сатвюці (search "Moore's | Law” on 1UP.com to read it). Unless this guy knows something І don't, the PlayStation 3 is not out yet, and therefore, the interviews won't take | the same tone. Sure, we can ask Sony about its perceived mistakes, but no | one (not you, not me, not the forum диујсап say thatthe company has | done anything wrong...yet. 15 S600 too expensive? It sure seems to be (as | indicated in that editorial and in | our new hype meter on pg. 26), but | we don't know if the PS3 will flop at | that price or not until it actually hits store shelves. Until then, we're all just speculating. Believe me, if Sony | screws up the PS3 launch, we'll be | as tough on them as we were on | Microsoft and the Xbox 360 release—# | ditto for Nintendo and the Wii, —Dan "Shoe" Hsu, Editor-in-Chief J + ZIFF DAVIS MEDIA ING. All content copyright © 2006 Ziff Davis Media Inc. Reproduction, modification, or transmission, in whole or in part, by any means, without written permission from Ziff Davis Media Inc. ESRB is strictly prohibited. pe All rights reserved, ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com • 13 commie plotting, cartoon shilling, and videogaming Tingle lovers | find it absolutely not cool how you responded to a letter by Chris Hague, who called you out on your socialist comments [EGM #204]. You pull the classic liberal line of free speech. It amazes me how you dismiss his points in an effort to uphold your own. Maybe you should all wear Che [Guevara] T-shirts while you're at it... with burning crosses on the back. In an age where the news and editorials are often one and the same, when it comes to games, my favorite escape, | don't want EGM to read like The New York Times: lies, editorials, and liberal rants. —tarry Ragland Muahahaha! Our readers only think they’re boning up on games. In fact, they’re submitting to a devious commie brainwashing program, a secret plot to redistribute the nation’s wealth by pouring it into videogame publishers (also undercover commies). critical I'm а dad, and | like to play games my OF THE MONTH Vampirism Sink your teeth into this: | was playing Oblivion the other day when—out of nowhere—l received the so-called "vampirism." | had heard of it from other players, but never thought it would happen to me. How could I have been so oblivious? You see, in real- ity, Рт a Type-1 diabetic, and games have always allowed me to escape that reality, until now. There were so many similarities between vampir- ism and diabetes that it forced me to reconsider my quest. Would 1 just cope with the disease and live from victim to victim, or might there be some other way? | haven't answered that yet, but | will say that I'm tired of all those guards and townspeople com- menting on how pale I look... Don't | get enough of that in the real world?! —Aaron Small-Stryker [E 14 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com sons (six and four) can watch. One of the very best of those games was Grabbed by the Ghoulies (XB). | saw how you panned it in the reviews archive and got really ticked off, because it was one of the very few games I’ve been able to enjoy. My sons got a kick out of watching, and it wasn't so difficult, so they were able to play it a little bit. Almost every review you guys write either compares the game unfavorably to something that has already come out, or it complains that there is "nothing new" about it. How about throw- ing a bone to those of us that don't mind a game that is just like something else? —Paul Wright Different people have different tastes in games (as the three-reviewer ЕСМ format highlights), and bad reviews shouldn’t change the way you feel about a game you love. That said, if you don’t mind games that offer noth- ing new, why bother reading reviews? The store shelves are full of them. Space Ghost What’s with the last paragraph of Shoe’s editorial in EGM #205? Since when has the editorial been about shilling a prod- uct? In this case, the product in question is GameTap. Shoe gives his editorial, then subtly segues into an (unrelated and Space Ghost: “That’s some real journalism you're doing there, Shoe.” unnecessary) advertisement by saying, “If you want to call me an idiot and are looking for more ammo, peep Space Ghost interviewing me on GameTap.” Then he proceeds to tell us to sign up for a free trial. He mentions GameTap four times in three sentences! Is this the same guy who, in EGM #192, refused to take a free TV from Microsoft, then proceeded to call for games journalists to start acting like journalists? | want to see insight and opinions in edito- rials, not advertisements. —Michael Marks Editor-in-chief Dan Hsu responds: “Ouch! Let me just say this: | wasn't paid ог compensated in any way. It was fun and silly (an EGM editor on Space Ghost!), and | thought readers might want to know about it. | couldn't help mention- ing GameTap four times because, in telling people how to navigate to the video, every menu item or URL had the word GameTap in it. No shilling here." hard It's been over one full month since Zipper Interactive came out of hid- ing to tell their fans that the (delayed) downloadable map packs for SOCOM 3 should be available in mid-May. This, of course, was the first communication from Zipper that addressed this subject since February 21, when the maps were announced. It's well past May, and there is still no downloadable content [Ed: SOCOM 3 Map Pack #1 was since released on June 27). I'm fairly confident > Underneath his mask, the SOCOM soldier cries for the death of innocence...and delayed downloadable maps. Rambling and ranting from our message boards, boards.1UP.com (look for EGM’s forums) CONTACT EGM “The new hype is...” „пої curable and leaves а nasty rash. ..attacking weak spots for massive damage. „а sequel! „тойоп sensing. Am І supposed to get excited about some- thing my inner ear does every day? E-mail us at: EGM@ziffdavis.com Or write to: EGM Letters 101 2nd Street, 8th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 „пої worth $600. „пем systems, same old games. For subscription help, contact: E-mail: subhelp@egmmag.com Web: http://service.egmmag.com Phone: (800) 779-1174 ..better and shinier than the Old Hype (now with 62% more FUN!). ...the old hype with a new coat of paint. To order back issues: E-mail: back_issues@ziffdavis.com > that we'll get the content repackaged into SOCOM: Combined Assault (or, as | like to call it, SOCOM 3.5). | worry that, when it comes to online games, we will always get a half-baked, half-functional product. —Brian W. Seth Luisi, SOCOM senior producer, responds: “It certainly took us longer than expected to release the map pack, but this is due to the fact that the com- merce and download system needed more time to finish, and we had many issues to resolve. SOCOM 3 is the first PS2 game to offer online downloadable content, and we needed to make sure it was not released “half-baked” or *half-functional." It is always a chal- lenge for game developers to meet the consumer expectation to have the product on time while at the same time delivering the best possible product. This is a challenge that game devel- opers have been struggling with for many, many years.” Misplaced On July 4th, North Korea shot five missiles BONUS GALLERY Kirby Fiesta Chris DeCastro say: toward Tokyo as a test launch. Thankfully, the test failed and the missiles landed harmlessly in the ocean. But what if the missiles had hit Tokyo? Games like The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy, and Metal Gear Solid 4 would not see stateside release. Unfortunately, it is a fact that most of the gaming world originates in Tokyo, and a large-scale attack on that city could certainly spell problems for obsessed U.S. fans. North Korea is likely to attack again in the near future. If successful, do you think that it could spell the end of gaming (at least as we know it)? —Chris Day In the event of a nuclear attack on Tokyo, we're pretty sure you'll have other things to worry about, like being drafted. Bored with I'm getting tired of realistic violence in videogames. Every game has guns in it now except Animal Crossing and Madden, but I’m certain that they'll add zappers to Animal Crossing and a football target- shooting minigame in Madden. | know “For my final semester project in Spanish class, we had to make a pifiata. | decided to do something fun. Needless to say, | got a good grade. Too bad not many people in my school know Kirby." EGM: Donde estan sus huevos? Chiis: En mis pantalones у mi huevos son muy grandes... They're іп mı and they're large. EGM: What kind of candy did you put inside? Chris: Unfortunately, the teacher would not allow us to fill it with candy. Га be all for it, but that would require breaking Kirby. Instead, | papier-machéd a 20” (or so) beach ball, then covered it in frills. The eyes, feet, and arms are made of fun foam. Overall, it was pretty cheap to make, just a few trips to the dollar store. 16 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com many people want to use the new Wii controller for violence, shooting people and slicing off their heads, but | want to see some changes. Why not use the Wii Remote for constructive fun, like racing a horse (whip! whip!), paddling a boat, stirring virtual food, darts, pool, balloon piercing, archery.... | mean, look at all the fun that can be had without realistic violence! —Philip Sounds like a real blast, Phil. We can’t wait to play awesome nonvio- lent games like Bricklayer: Legend of Farmer’s Tan, Мар-іп-а-Наттоск, and the action-packed thrills of 1040EZ: Tax Preparation Deathmatch. persecution Why do you always post letters and make comments about citizens who live in their parents’ basements? | am still in my mom’s basement and I'm very healthy. | have a Steady girlfriend (who is also an avid gamer), a well- paying job, and the responsibilities of being the front man in a band. So, what's so wrong with being in a basement? —CA Burke All this time we thought we were making fun of a stereotype! Say hello to your Dungeon Master for, us rock star... more macho І was reading the July edition of ЕСМ [#205] the other day while | was playing in the pit orchestra for The Sound of Music. I started to become self-conscious once | realized | was waving around a magazine with a huge cartoon game advertise- ment. | immediately folded the back cover around, did a quick look left and right, and then leaned over and continued to read. Is there any way you guys could put some- thing really macho on the back cover next time? —Chris Cornelius Like what, a picture of Julie Andrews frolicking among the flower-covered hills of wartime Switzerland? - Ir You &riwk, Ir WOULON’T MATTER ТЕ You Were THE Last Guy On EARTH. Next time, use the strongest Old Spice clear де! on the planet. New Red Zone Clear Gel. | «аа EVERYONE Mild Cartoon Violence WEST. Available on PlayStation^2 computer entertainment ESRB CONTENT RATING —— wieso замене е system and PSP”(PlayStation°Portable) system PlayStation.e “CEE. MONKEY, ‘ADVENTURE! (ipm ышы i www.sega.com d. "PSP" is a trademark and “PlayStation” and the “PS” Fam is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Softwa © SEGA. SEGA is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. SEGA, the SEGA logo and Super Monkey Ball Adven registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Memory Stick Duo™ may be required (sold separately), и. e either registered trademarks ог trademarks of SEGA Corporation, All rights reserves Nintendo GameCube are trademarks of Nintendo. i ress start gaming news, previews, gaming MOTs, and other stuff Game commercials have tried to sell us on phony footage for years, so when will we finally see reality in TV advertising? 5 American consumers, we base an extraordi- nary number of our purchasing decisions on the info we get from television advertising. And we sure do let a lot of things slide. Truth is, you don’t get to slay dragons if you join the Marines. The Clapper requires an intricate knowledge of hand-clap pitch and timbre that only the old lady in the ad can pass down. The taste of Juicy Fruit will “move you” for about 18 seconds. And a fast-food burger has never quite matched its succulent TV appearance. But is it really worth going to court to have your deflated Whopper restored to picture-perfect proportions? Maybe—some battles are worth fighting, particularly the ones related to videogames. Most of us have seen an ad or two that got our gaming juices flowing strong enough to make a purchase, only to be let down when the game doesn’t deliver what the TV spot seemed to show. Creative advertising can turn a bargain-bin reject into this year’s killer app with tricky editing, graphical enhancements, and flat-out avoidance of actual game- play footage. It's not like software publishers haven't been exaggerating their ads for decades; no one ever sued Atari because Air-Sea Battle's explosive box art wasn't faithfully re-created by the 43 pixels charged with the task of depicting blocky combat on your Atari 2600. But how is the average consumer—moms and grandads and mainstream gamers—to know the differ- ence between what's freely playable and what's strictly displayable in gaming commercials? The Brits asked just this question. Back in February, the U.K.’s Advertising Standards Authority demanded networks pull commercials for Activision's Call of Duty 2 (Xbox 360, and Big Red One for PS2/XB/GC) after three consumers filed gripes that the ad’s scenes misrepre- KONAMI, WHICH OWNED THE GUITAR-RIFFING GENRE WITH ITS JAPAN-ONLY GUITAR FREAKS SERIES BEFORE REDOCTANE'S GUITAR HERO CAME 20 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com sented the games. “Viewers felt that the ad was misleading because the quality of the graphics was superior to that of the game's," says ASA spokesperson Donna Mitchell. “They felt that viewers could assume that the scenes shown were taken from the game and may buy it on the strength of the quality of the scenes." Conveniently timed with the release of the Xbox 360, the ad sold enough folks on COD's super graphics to make it one of the 20 top-selling titles of 2005—and the console had only been out for a month. In reality, the advertised clips were computer-generated sequences created by Los Angeles animation studio Rhythm & Hues. They showed intense, detailed action from a first-person perspective, not unlike the viewpoint COD gamers. assume when playing the game. It’s pos- sible less-seasoned first-person shooter fans could have thought the footage was ripped from a gameplay sequence when shown through this familiar viewpoint. But Activision denies its intention was to posit the ad’s movie sequence as a glimpse of COD's main game. “The footage was intended purely to communicate the subject matter of the game rather than to represent actual gameplay,” the company said in a press release following the U.K. ban. “Activision made every effort to com- ply with advertising guidelines and acted in good faith in screening these adver- tisements. Activision believes that such footage is commonly used in this way throughout the videogames industry.” And you needn't look far to see where they got that notion. Americans are used to the idea that what you see isn't always what you get—game publishers have been and continue using ads that don't show actual gameplay when plugging their wares. Final Fantasy VII helped usher in the use of showy video intros and cut- Scenes, as well as the practice of using these flashier scenes to sell games on TV. The game's television commercials featured nothing but prerendered, wholly unplayable movies. Number of ads show- ing gameplay: zero. And it's not just about showing off the best parts of a particular game—some- times, it's not even the same piece of software. Most times, publishers will use the highest-quality image available for TV spots and online ads to advertise a game that gets released on several very different platforms. That means the latest Splinter Cell installment you bought for the PS2 looks remarkably crappy next to the TV ads that show the graphically superior PC version or hi-res images from a devel- oper's souped-up hardware. Electronic Arts took cross-platform advertising a step further and ran an ad for the PSP's porta- ble version of Madden NFL 06 using video footage from the beefier PS2 release. “The PSP's video-playback capabilities are one of the hardware's selling points," says EA VP of Marketing Todd Sitrin. “We saw it as an interesting way to say that Madden was on the PSP by playing back our Madden as seen on UMD, not PSP. Madden ad off a UMD. We were not try- ing to mislead consumers." OK, so if you see an ad for any PSP games, folks, just assume you're looking at an unreleased UMD showing video of a better-looking game bearing the same name as the one advertised. Not misleading at all. As bad as that Madden switcheroo is, dozens of publishers are just as guilty. While Activision may have borne the initial NOT AS ADVERTISED сос brunt of the heat for misleading ads, other games like Ubisoft's Brothers in Arms, Far Cry Instincts, and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter employ the same kind of prer- endered videos in their advertising (Ubisoft declined to comment for this story). But how’s the public to know that what they’re seeing isn't really what they'll be play- ing? Interactive Entertainment Merchants Association President Emeritus Hal Halpin has one idea. "A fair compromise would be to subtext, in a clear and readable font, something like, ‘Not actual gameplay foot- аде,” he says. “Game companies have a duty to both the retailers and the end users to accurately depict their products, and that includes cut-scenes and other prerendered footage, but not without dis- closing the difference." Increased public sensitivity to exag- gerated advertising could mean more TV spots getting pulled for retooling. After all, the Federal Trade Commission does have an act that prohibits false advertising, and it's only a matter of time before consum- ers take a game company or its ad agency to task for airing misleading footage. “There would be liability on the part of the advertiser showing footage of a video- game that is not the actual footage,” says Advertising Law Attorney Lisa Dubrow, “particularly if it was footage that looked materially different from what a consumer would see when playing the game.” Until then—and as long as prerendered videos upstage true game content—we can expect game ads filled with flashy, phony computer-generated footage. Newer hardware, however, means more advanced real-time graphics, and the need to show off a game with prerendered movies may diminish as playable scenes become more visually appealing. The vast majority of PS2 and Xbox ads use in-game footage already—we may be just a generation of hardware away from the extinction of doc- tored ads altogether. As for a true-to-life Chia Pet ad featuring that ceramic sheep with patchy, green stubble...we’re not holding our breath. ќа. —dJon Dudlak 22 © ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www. 1UP.com UNREALITY TV Three games that got the phony-footage treatment... \ Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter in те ad Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter on 360 > ALTHOUGH MICROSOFT SAYS "NO COMMENT.” THE COMPANY IS REPORTEDLY READYING AN ALL-PURPOSE HANDHELD NAMED THE “ZUNE”... LI i У MITED EDITION BI LEMITED EDITION mex S THE[ORD OF ~"JWOTOWE зоо OF iE RINGS "J 345) OWS Ia) JORDs&RINGS 2-DISC SETS LIMITED EDITION Ў Disc 1 FOR THE FIRST TIME, the theatrical and extended versions of the film on one disc. Ў d Disc 2 NEW BEHIND-THE-SCENES DOCUMENTARY FEATURING NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN FOOTAGE! Created by filmmaker Costa Botes (personally selected by Peter Jackson), each unique documentary uses raw footage to reveal the inside story on how the greatest adventure film franchise was born. AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY wWww.newline.com - www.lordoftherings.net й Nx ном ENTERTAINMENT he Lord of te Rings, The Fellowship ofthe Bing; The Two Towers, and Te Return of the King, and the names of t marks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, nc. АП Rights Re M Nintendo DS FRESHLY -PICKED TINGLE'S ROSE-TINTED RUPEE LAND Got any Zelda dirt? Besides Nintendo's chest- thumping about how Twilight Princess is going to be the best Zelda ever, all's been quiet on that front lately. So quiet, in fact, that we savor any news to come down the pipe—even when it’s | about (shudder) the long-feared Tingle role-play- " У ing game. De You mean that potbellied pixie is getting v ў | his own game? Yep, Nintendo has launched e | a website (www.nintendo.co.jp/tincle) for the solo outing of Link's little companion оп DS. Assuming these website graphics resemble the real game, we're actually kind of looking forward to it. (Against our better judgment.) W Nintendo DS MAWASUNDA!! І can’t wrap my mind around all these loopy DS games. Neither can we, but the DS always has room in its madhouse of goofy games. Its latest patient, Mawasunda!! (that's Japanese for "Spin it!!") has you touching the screen to operate a spinner on the bottom screen to play a bunch of silly minigames. Silly? Such as? You name it: crack open safes, make sushi for impatient customers, play a round of the brick-busting classic Arkanoid, or (in a very, very cut-down version of Tony Hawk) spin your skater in the air as many times as you can. Sure, it may sound simple, but try twirling your way to victory without suffering from a nasty case of high-speed hand cramps. BY THE NUMBERS Tech Attack 1994 Year the original Tekken was released in arcades Number of Tekken games (excluding the crappy Wonderswan card game) Different bear brawl- ers in the series m PETA’s down kick-ass kangaroos. _ Number of terrible spin-offs starring Nina WHATS PLAYING IN THE On this week’s episode... As anyone who watches shows like Lost or 24 сап avow, episodic series keep TV junk- ies glued to the boob tube week after week, thanks to ever-evolving plot threads and compelling characters who develop over months or even years. PC gaming continues to creep further into episodic territory due to the rapid prolif- eration of digital distribution models like Steam and GameTap. Earlier this year, Valve Software’s Steam service unveiled the season premieres of two of the biggest > episodic PC games É à а 4; to date: Ritual i ? p Entertainment's га SiN Episodes: Кей, Emergence and Valve's own Half- Life 2: Episode One. Twenty bucks apiece for Í five-plus hours of г å first-person shooter gameplay doesn’t sound too bad, but considering that new episodes are (so far) spaced a whopping six months apart, the whole “episodic” definition loses more than a little meaning. Conversely, developer Telltale Games seems to have the right idea, at least on paper: As we recently unveiled in our August 2006 cover story (CGW #265), the new adventures of fan-favorite adventure game protagonists Sam and Max utilize the sub- scription-based GameTap model (as well as Telltale Games’ own online store) to bring a new (albeit brief) episode to players every single month, beginning this October. At this point, developers still have a lot to learn about this type of distribution. Timeliness is a much bigger factor in the episodic equation; the “it comes out when it's done" mentality we see from so many companies these days doesn’t quite work here. If you want gamers to feed their fix, you can’t keep "ет waiting six months between episodes...right? — Ryan Scott Ryan Scott is the reviews editor for our sister publication Computer Gaming World >> SEVERAL FORMER ADVENT RISING DEVELOPERS HAVE FORMED THEIR OWN STUDIO, CHAIR ENTERTAINMENT, TO CREATE A SCI-FI SHOOTER... 24 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com 5 of Apple Computer, Inc.: registered i С Made for fal iPod countdown to launch T-MINUS THREE MONTHS Your monthly prep for the PlayStation 3 and Wii liftoffs The Xbox 360 is already enjoying its head start in the console race, but in mere months, Sony and Nintendo will be back for the attack. So before the battle, read up on who’s got the goods to deliver. Each month until launch, PLAYSTATION 3 Release Date: November 17, 2006 Two hardware configurations: A 20-gig hard drive model retails for $499, while the 60 gigger goes for $599. The two models also sport wildly different outputs—the 60GB monster gets an HDMI connection (used for high-definition TVs) and Memory Stick/SD/ CompactFlash slots (used for various multimedia functions). Online: Sony claims they will offer a robust service similar (in almost every way) to Xbox Live...only free! More ray for your day: The PS3 comes equipped with a Blu-ray DVD player from the get-go. The next generation of DVDs may not be showing up on your monetary radar now, but when you consider that current Blu-ray players are retailing for more than a thousand bucks, the PS3’s bloated price tag is actually a little thinner than most may think. Graphics: Pretty much on par with Xbox 360. Some games (Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII) look a little better, but overall, don't expect to see much of a difference among launch software. Crazy controller: Like Nintendo, Sony hopes to change the way we look at—or better yet, use—controllers. The new DualShock doesn’t look all too different, but the added motion sensors regis- ter your movements. Sure, the setup isn't as snazzy as Nintendo's Wii Remote, but it's at least a turn in the right direction. THIS MONTH'S BURNING QUESTION 1 hear the motion-sensing PlayStation 3 controller won’t have vibration. Wha? Depends on whom you ask. Sony says it nixed vibration because it interfered with the controller's motion sensor. But the folks at Immersion—a company that specializes in con- troller-feedback tech—don't see why Sony can't make wig- gling and buzzing coexist. “Our engineers, in matter of hours, came with three solutions," says Immersion Prez Vic Viegas, whose company is trying to get its enhanced feedback tech- nologies into the next-gen consoles. "We'd be happy to share them with Sony if they'd like to solve their problem." But Sony isn't exactly saying “please” and “thank you,” and we figure that has much to do with the $91 million patent-infringement lawsuit the company lost last year to Immersion (the case is being appealed). Including vibration in the PS3 pad would mean Sony would have to settle its case with Immersion (something Microsoft has already done), and there's little chance of that happening in time for the PS3's November release (Sony reps did not get back to us оп this issue). “The PS3 will be the only next-gen console without vibration,” says Viegas. “They are taking a major step backward.” PORTABLE PUZZLE FIEND: 26 “ ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com PREDICTED LAUNCH LINEUP we'll let you know who's inching closer to console supremacy. Bring it, boys! Resistance: Fall of Man MotorStorm Warhawk Tony Hawk's Project 8 Genji 2 Sonic the Hedgehog Formula One "06 HYPE TRACKER Rainbow Six: Vegas Madden NFL 07 Need for Speed Carbon WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2007 John Woo Presents Stranglehold Sept. опу delays PS3 by six months, promises bizarro 4D Live gameplay. Yikes, April '06: Sony Online reveals Untold Konami shows Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer at Tokyo Game Show. Legends: Dark Kingdom. Double yikes. May "06: Sony throws down ISTEN UP—Q ENTERTAINMENT IS WORKING ON REMAKING THE PORTABLE PUZZLE GAME GUNPEY, BY LATE GAME Release Date: Fall 2006 Price: Nintendo promises under $250 Online: The "WiiConnect24" service ensures the system will stay connected to the Internet even when it's pow- ered off. Nintendo is keeping mum about what else the service will offer, but we do know online play is free. Extended play: The Wii's Virtual Console offers a mas- Sive back catalog of pixel-perfect classics, starting with original NES games and ending with Nintendo 64 titles. Oddly enough, Nintendo games aren't the only classics to choose from on the service. Old-school competi- tors—now new-school companions—Sega (Genesis) and NEC (TurboGrafx-16) will both have select games available. Nintendo has yet to reveal what games will be available or how much they'll cost. Graphics: Look marginally better than top-tier GameCube games. Crazy controller: Better loosen your limbs, because Nintendo's innovative Wii Remote is going to have you waving your arms like a chirpy cheerleader. Unlike Sony's controller, the Wii-mote not only has rumble, but speakers in the center that will register gameplay actions (shooting an arrow for instance). The standard Wii-mote also connects to an analog-nubbed Nunchuk, which also registers motion, for games that require more precise movement. Weh witl з Wii? While Nintendo remains tight-lipped about the full scope of the Wii’s online functionality, we do know that you'll definitely be browsing the Web with your Wii Remote. Expect a special version of the freeware Opera browser to come bundled with the Wii— you'll use the motion-sensing controller to point and click your way to information, Web-based e-mail, and (hopefully) plen- tiful porn. USB keyboard support isn't expected, but you'll be able to use a virtual keyboard for e-mail and composing inflammatory message-board posts. лё. = The Wii Remote offers a new twist to gaming. BOY CREATOR GUNPEI YOKOI, FOR BOTH THE NINTENI The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz Rayman Raving Rabbids Sept. "05: Nintendo reveals unique motion'controller. April '06: Nintendo reveals “Wii” name. Urine jokes abound! AND THE PSP. GUNPEY ORIGINALLY SAW LIFE ON THE JAPANESE WONDERSWAN. May "06: First May "06: Solid Wii Red Steel screens revealed. Looks good! ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com • 27 "PREVIEW: EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK | EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK NGA _ , STREET A legend in the making Publisher: EA Sports Big Developer: EA Canada Release Date: Spring 2007 Vinsanity offers a gift to the basketball gods. а >> THROWBACK ENTERTAINMENT HAS PICKED UP А SLEW OF PROPERTIES FROM THE NOW-DEFUNCT PUBLISHER ACCLAIM, INCLUDING LEGENDS 28 “ ELECTRONIC GAI JONTHLY • armelo Anthony didn’t need e basketball camp to become a Division I national champion. He didn’t need to participate on those top- tier AAU teams to become an Olympian. Heck, he didn’t even need four years of college to become an NBA lottery pick (Anthony left Syracuse after his freshman campaign). He learned how to play the game—and master it—just down the road on the local blacktop. During a brief conversation with the Denver Nuggets small forward (which you can see this fall on gamevideos.com), Anthony stressed how important those countless days of pick-up games were to perfecting his craft. His success has also helped transform Anthony’s hometown court of Cloverdale (located in Maryland) into another streetball hotspot. In NBA Street V4, the next iteration in EA's dunktastic franchise, you'll be taking a similar path to ‘Melo. “The idea here is that every legend has a beginning," says Producer Dan Ayoub. "Every star has to ш Compared to some of the dunks we've seen, this aerial display is minor league ball. OF WRESTLING, VEXX, EXTREME- come from somewhere. This is your jour- ney to put your hometown on the map." Earning respect It’s late afternoon, and the sky has turned an orange-purple over the famous oceanside courts of Venice Beach, CA. You, a relative no-name, survey the scene: Half-court matchups occupy the first few baskets, but you don’t find any real competition so you keep on moving to the far playground. And there you spot them—LeBron, T-Mac, and Shaq—three basketball icons. The trio looks you up and down, and then gives you a “Sorry, son, but you ain’t ready for us” glare. This means it’s back to challenging Venice’s other ballers until you earn enough cred to take on the МВА elite. Welcome to NBA Street V4. “We have this level-up system where you'll earn better moves, more outra- geous moves, but it’s also now about earning respect,” says Ayoub. “So say I'm a level 5 and | meet LeBron, who's ш Don't look 50 happy, 'Melo. a level 60. There's no way he's gonna play a game with me. He's not going to waste his time. But as І get more respect and gain more levels, now you're going to start to notice me and eventually ГИ be a big enough name, a big enough talent to take on the likes of LeBron." So unlike previous editions, this Street tries to mimic what actually happens on well-known courts such as Rucker Park, The Cage, and Kentucky's Dirt Bowl. You can't just go against the best of the best because you happen to be at the court on that particular day; you've gotta earn your shot at the big boys. Another change-up here is the pres- ence of Brand Jordan, Nike's exclusive line of footwear and the clothing of several top NBA players such as Anthony, Sonics sharpshooter Ray Allen, and Pistons masked-man Richard Hamilton. But it ain't just another clever (and sometimes annoying) marketing scheme for dressing up your custom baller with top-of-the-line gear. Some of the Brand Jordan athletes will play a crucial role in the story mode. “You'll actually go to these guys' real hometown courts," says Ayoub. "They'll act as the ‘boss charac- ters’ in NBA Street V4.” And speaking of hometowns, as you ascend to “legend- ary" status, the NBA's top talent will eventually make their way to your own digs for the ultimate streetball tourney. Win there and, like Ayoub mentioned ear- lier, your personal playground (EA mod- eled one of the courts after the gym from the sports flick Hoosiers—very nice) will become another prominent location on the basketball map. It rests in your hands Here’s an oddity: A developer who thinks his game got too much credit. Despite glowing reviews, Executive Producer Wil Mozell felt EA somewhat dropped the ball with its last arcadey hoopster. “Some people called V3 really pretty, polished, and great—but not fun,” he says. “From a gameplay perspective in NBA Street > SUMMER HEAT BEACH VOLLEYBALL, AND GLADIATOR: SWORD OF VENGEANCE. ONE QUESTION: WHY?. ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com • 29 NBA STREET V4 > V4, we want to make the darn game fun again.” Over and over again, members of the dev team talked with us about “put- ting the ball in your hands.” Huh? Hasn’t it been there the whole time? “Over the years with NBA Street, we've pretty much mastered ‘in the air," says Mozell. "Where we haven't broken through with innova- tion are the simple things, like tricks and dribbles. In the past, it was satisfying to say, 'Hey, | wanna do the slip-n-slide, and | know it's this button combination. But it’s still a canned animation, it’s really not that rewarding, and it certainly doesn’t reward you for user skill. So we're focus- ing on bringing back user skill. Now, we're allowing people to create their own tricks on the fly." We can't reveal the exact mechanics behind customizing your shake-and-bakes just yet, but we can tell you, after a short playtest, that it already requires a bit more ability with the con- troller (in a good way). Now, say you're still struggling with getting tricky—won’t that put you at a distinct disadvantage? In any other МВА (CONT.) Street, yes, it would. But No. 4 will coun- teract the fancy fakers by enabling you to get physical. “Before, physical play was kind of a result of faking a guy out, and he fell over,” says Mozell. “Now, we want to push the boundaries on physical play in terms of giving back control to the user. What we want to do is that, if you don’t have the wicked handles, physical play will then be your weapon. With next-gen NBA Street, physical play allows you to play defense and have fun doing it.” This battle of varying styles will really come into play within the new 1-on-1 matchups that take place within the standard 3- on-3 games. “Obviously, NBA Street V4 is still a 3-on-3 game, but now you can call someone out,” says Ayoub. “І use the analogy of fights in a hockey game: | can challenge you, and you don’t necessarily have to accept, but if you do, it'll bring you into another aspect of the game.” The developers hint that 1-on-1 play will be a big part of /4’s gamebreaker, the series’ famed game-changing, yet high-risk, sequence. —Bryan Intihar In V4, physical play will be an integral part to putting the claps on tricksters. EAS “REAL” NBA GAME NBA Live 06 was easily the slickest-looking sports game at the 360 launch, but the sim didn't have much meat on its bones. Expect the next-gen version of 07 E: (due this fall on both the PS3 and Xbox 360) to have a respectable feature set compared to the current-gen editions. All-Star Weekend, which includes the 3-point and slam dunk contests, will be present, as well as a beefy Dynasty mode. On the court, players will finally show some emotion (meaning no more dead-man stares after fouls ог big shots), and the new “Superstar” ratings will unlock additional moves for select players (so, for example, the Nets’ dunkaholic Vince Carter will have access to jams that benchwarmers don't). Oh, and remember how everyone felt like Shaq at 06's free-throw line? EA promises that this season, you'll actually be able to score from the charity stripe, ќа. >> ATARI'S WHEELMAN GETS A NEW BOSS, AS UBISOFT HAS RECENTLY ACQUIRED THE RIGHTS TO THE DRIVER FRANCHISE.... >> 30 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY г www.1UP.com рвецешац, ў K l س‎ „АА d Ко ` "Prey looks like one of the best first-person shooters of the year іп both graphics and gameplay." ‘cx = “Absolutely incredible to look at, packed with scintillating effects." vu 3 с- Ичрбат 3" hiked the bar. Prey may transform the bar altogether." к» \ wort 4 " Digital Delivery at www.PlayTriton.com ; the Venom Gaines lugo and Take-Two Interadtive Software аге all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. ogo, 3D Realms Entertainment and the 3D Realms logo are trademarks of Apogee Software, td. Developed by Human Head Studios, Inc. Human Head Studios and the Human Head Studios logo are. wrk of the Entertainment Software Association. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, the Xbox logos, and thé Xbox Live logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in ATI and the ATI logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of ATI Technologies Inc. Al sights reserved. All other marks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2006 Take-Two Intoractive Software and its Subsidiaries. АЙ rights reserved. 2K Games, the 2K logo, Venom Gan ©2006 30 Realms Entertainment. All rights resen trademarks of Human Head Studios, Inc. The ratings icon is а tra the US. and/or other countries, Copyright 2005, ATI Technologies: xoa d = Miller's details Experience: Six-and-a-half years Notable games: Star Wars Battlefront. 1, Mercenaries, RTX Red Rock, Escape from Monkey Island. Now working on LucasArts’ Thrillville (PS2, XB, PSP). What's a producer? He or she is a development team's orga- nizer, cheerleader, and main facilitator, making sure no task falls through the cracks—and making sure someone picks up the slack when they do. Development teams face numerous “milestone” dead- lines; it's Miller's daily grind to keep everyone on track for reaching those milestones. “Being in production is all about removing roadblocks for the team members,” Miller says, “solving problems every day, keeping people aware of what the schedule is, and making sure that everyone is totally committed to the game that they're working on." Producer job data Salary range: $60,000 to $85,000 Recommended education: While Miller 32 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.TUP.com is very impressed by what she's seen from game-specific school programs, she thinks that studying what you love—whatever that may be—and then applying that knowledge to games is the way to до. “І studied anthropology,” she says, “and working with games is so much about working with different cultures, Even with the British developer [Frontier Developments] I'm working with now, there's a whole different mindset to interacting with people outside of this country. It's a background that’s taught me how to examine the way groups work and think together.” Location of most jobs: West Coast Current level of demand: High. "There's always а high demand for smart, talented, hardworking people who care about games,” says Miller. “Always.” Miller's typical day Videogame development is a hectic job, so for the producer, it's all about making sure the people building the game have what they need to get that job done. "A normal day usually starts with a phone BLIZZARD, OF PC WARCRAFT FAME, IS HIRING A PRODUCER WITH A CONSOLE ВАСКСКО Call to our developer in England," says Miller. "After that, | usually spend some time playing the latest build of Trillville, taking notes, and—let's be honest—trying to get a new high score on the trampo- lines minigame.” Throughout the day, she checks in with folks from the sound, voice, and music team, localization, the legal department, testers, artists, sales, and marketing. “My day-to-day goal is to make sure that no one on my core team ever gets impeded by bottlenecks,” she says. How'd she get the gig? Miller was at Microsoft's Interactive Media Division—which included games, Web, and CD-ROM development. “І left Seattle and Microsoft, where the coolest and most fun people I'd worked with were on the games side,” she says. “I wanted to do that again, so | moved to the Bay Area looking to get into making games.” Miller sent her résumé to LucasArts, came in for an interview, and got the job. “It was that simple,” she says. “I never even looked anywhere else.” —Evan Shamoon WORK ON NEXT-GEN PROJECTS.... “TOOLS OF HER TRADE Office whiteboard “We have meetings in my office all the time,” says Miller, “and it's always cen- tered around the whiteboard to make sure we never forget our priorities. It's simple...like, black-and-white simple." Phone and e-mail As a producer, you've got to constantly stay in touch with your team—and Miller talks with her team one to three times а day, every day (even those across the planet in the U.K). “The second you lose touch," she says, "that's when people veer off into their own directions and the project goes off track." Console debug kits “You can never step away from the game,” says Miller. “You need to get to know your game intimately, watch other people play it...to really understand it from the ground up.” жа. РИТЕ SUPERSTRUCTURE @nline this month Xbox Live Arcade cashing in on Castlevania and other classics he next generation may be upon us, but it’s nice to remember the good ol’ days of gaming. You know, back when a quarter bought a few minutes of fun (or frustration, depending how much you suck). That’s not to say today’s games aren’t memorable, but people seem to always flock back to the oldies. Maybe it’s the simplicity, maybe it’s nostalgia, or maybe it’s because the games are actually fun...but whatever it is, Xbox Live Arcade is housing a slew of new old games. Here’s a list of old-school classics, and one PS1 surprise, coming to your Xbox 360. Symphony of the Night will be the first Я PlayStation 1 game to appear on Xbox‏ ڪڪ T Live Arcade. Konami Hungry for more batty castle crawls? Well, sink your teeth into this: Konami is resurrecting the cult PS1 game Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on Xbox Live Arcade. Along with SOTN, Konami is also bringing back other classic hits, some revered (Frogger, Contra, Super Contra, Track & Field), some obscure (Time Pilot), and some really obscure (Scramble). —Michael Donahoe Namco While Namco probably has the most well-known relics (Pac- Man, Galaga, Dig Dug, Rally-X), most of these upcoming Live games have appeared in countless compilations over the past few years. Even so, if you factor in the achievements with the simple pick-and-play simplicity, they'll be hard to ignore in your online downtime. Sega Leave it to Sonic to whore himself out to all the consoles. Їп addition to appearing on the Wii’s Virtual Console, you can also find the first Sonic on Xbox Live Arcade, now titled Sonic the Hedgehog High Speed. le oT а eS z ce Pd Capcom Fighting buffs can get their fix with Capcom's Street Fighter И" Hyper Fighting. Not much has changed, but since it's online, finding a fight is a cinch. But before you put your quarter up, read our wrap-up on page 110 to see if the fight is worth it. Midway Like Namco, most of Midway's lineup (Defender, Paperboy, Root Beer Tapper, Cyberball) has appeared across various col- lections. However, Midway's fume Кага is the inclusion of ш online capable Ultimate | Mor ER RET A A, >> EA IS THE LORD OF MILKING OF A PRODUCT DRY —A NEW RPG, LORD OF THE RINGS: THE WHITE соим. IS COMING ТО 360 AND Р53.... >> 34 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY “ www.1UP.com POLL POSITION Sure, all these companies are pimping out their classics, but who's got raddest arcade games of all time? We let our 1UP readers answer that question.... Here's what they think: ENCHANTED Experience one of the first true next-gen role-playing adventures. Experience an epic story with over 50 hours of gameplay. DEVEL xum EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE XBOX 360" VIDEO GAME CONSOLE. Mild Fantasy Violence Mild Language OWL: Simulated Gambling e боца би ЕЛ) Coming Summer 2006 ру Suggestive Themes (eee Е [ШШЕ С СЦ www.EnchantedArmsGame.com © 2006 FromSoftware, Inc. All rights reserved. Published and distributed by Ubisoft Entertainment under license from FromSoftware, Inc. Enchanted Arms is a trademark of FromSoftware, Inc. and is used under license. Ubisoft, Ubi.com and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox ie. the: Xbox logos, and the Xbox Live logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries; | UuBISOFT САМ We lose sleep in a 24-hour design contes he annual “Mobile Game і” hosted by New Yo design school Parsons, is a crunch time right out of the De Star trash compactor: 60 undergrad ‘students from area universities get The Each makeshift mobile team was given one Mac and one PC installed with Flash, Adobe Photoshop, and Game Maker to design a portable time waster for the Nokia N70 phone. Squads also received an envelope of four randomly selected verbs, two of which had to be incorporated into their game’s concept—mainly to keep any teams from cheating and making games beforehand. The Brainstorm Las Pwnistas, the only all-undergrad group made up of Parsons’ own design and technology majors, were pumped to get pondering. “Last year, a Parsons undergrad team won,” says member Becky Stern, sporting a black bandana bearing the team name. “We have a reputation to uphold.” They get stuck with the words “bind,” “snap,” “wander,” and “illuminate.” After four hours of brainstorming, Las Pwnistas decide on a multiplayer game inspired by their own terrible times in gym class. Dubbed Gym Jungle, the concept involves dodgeball and rope climbing. “Who the hell ever made a game about gym class?” asks team member Ira Sutcliffe. Disaster Strikes With Las Pwnistas’ sweaty concept set, the joking stops and the work begins—until 2 a.m. The group can't sync ир multiple phones and the server. On top of that, Flash keeps crashing. “If it crashes again, I’m quitting,” says program- mer Todd Vanderlin. (Seconds later, it does crash; fortunate- T ly, Vanderlin stays.) Meanwhile, everyone else continues work- ing on gameplay and sound. At 4 a.m., all that's left is to get the cell-phone dodgeball game to link up with rope-climbing (left), which every- one plays on а big theater screen. “Does Red Bull ruin your liver?" asks member Anna Lowe, before dozing off. Too tired to think, member Lowe drops dead. The Finish Line The team rallies after a 7 a.m. breakfast, but communica- tion between the phones and server is still a problem. Worst-case scenario: Las Pwnistas will need to walk judges through the game’s pieces without actually playing it. The outlook is bleak, but when the clock strikes 10 a.m., the Parsons faculty member who helped create the server appli- cation arrives to help. Turns out that Vanderlin had missed a step. Back on course, the team races to finish Gym Jungle. Time is called at noon. Las Pwnistas cobbles together and hands in what they’ve finished. Alas, Gym Jungle doesn’t win. “If we just had one more hour,” laments Vanderlin. And the IS... Although Las Pwnistas didn’t win any top prizes (such as software from sponsors Atari and Adobe, thousand-dollar checks, and the chance to have their game published), they still landed honorable mentions in the sound and innovation categories. The top winner, picked by a panel of industry pros, is a game called Moth from The Difference Engine, a team from Union Theological Seminary and Teachers College at Columbia University. They garnered weird looks for their oddball game-making methods, like using a didgeridoo for sound (right) and hand-painting—then scanning—the game’s graphics. In the end, they came up with a simple, visually impressive game in which a moth tries to find its way to the moon via a puzzle- clearing path. “If these kids are able to do these kind of games in 24 hours,” says Bruno Bonnell, CEO of event sponsor Atari, “what can we expect from them working for a month? It's scary." ќе. content f long with lig ] е st connection апа content you ke betas, clips and t nd anywhere Upgrade today and game like you mean it. That's Come comcast.com/8Mbps | comcast. RATING PENDING ра Е Visit www.esrb.org nP for updated rating information. EEE i PlayStation.e The Fast and The Funus is a t а Studios License, idios Licensing LÛLÊ A Rights Кі PlayStation" and the “PS Family lo ot Entertainment Inc. A Note to ind The Furious motion pictur 2 under es he use OF this OF any related product n any manner whit (ved AV other trademarks Belong to thei iespective bwnet Шу controlled conditi Я а puk be сако any of the a : Unive over other than in strict accordance with applicable fede SUPER 5 Ithough he’s not quite as ubiquitous as Nintendo’s all- star plumber (Mario's been unclogging drains for 25 long years), Sonic the Hedgehog has assuredly earned his spot as runner-up in the videogame mascot pantheon. In the 15 years since his Sega Genesis debut, countless competitors have tried to emulate his style, speed, and no-non- sense attitude...but you don’t see us raising a toast to long-forgotten los- ers like Bubsy the Bobcat or Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel. Nope, Sonic out- lasted them all, building an impressive resume of work across all manner of platforms along the way. And he’s not taking a break—Sonic has three wildly different games in the pipeline, prov- ing that he’s still as relevant as ever. —Shane Bettenhausen >> HERE'S A QUICK PS3/X360 SONIC INFO ROUNDUP. ... CAN WE EXPECT ONLINE MULTIPLAYER? SEGA SAYS MAYBE. WHAT ABOUT SUPPORT FOR ONIC PS3/XB360 е November 2006 By naming Sonic's next-gen debut simply Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega hopes to reboot the franchise and reintroduce gamers to the titular "Под. But if he’s still So popular, is that really necessary? Hell yes. Although recent offerings such as Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog have been a hit with the grade-school crowd, many of the hedgehog's older fans gravitated away from these overly cutesy, slower-paced duds. Despite all of Sega's talk about reinvention, this PS3/XB360 outing actu- ally feels an awful lot like a gussied-up retread of Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast). That's not necessarily а bad thing, though—here, you guide a slightly older, more athletic Sonic through a grandiose quest to save Princess Elise from the clutches of series nemesis Dr. Robotnik. In fact, the game's weighty story line (told via gorgeous, Final Fantasy- quality CG cut-scenes) even hints at a possible romance between Sonic and this human female. Wow, Sonic really has grown up... and gotten kind of freaky, too. The majority of Sonic's stages play out just as they have in all of his 3D adventures: lots of running, jumping, bouncing from foe to foe, and, unfortu- nately, careening to your death due to the deadly combination of breakneck speed and iffy camera angles. Some THE HEDGEHOG things never change, eh? Fortunately, it's not all about falling off edges. Just as in Sonic Adventure, you often take a breather from platforming to explore residential areas. This time, you can talk to townsfolk, take on optional quests, play minigames (tag, races, and quizzes), and gather power-ups and new moves. Plus, this Sonic introduces an all- new (and surprisingly fun) level type— so-called Speed Stages where Sonic shifts into high gear for absurdly fast dodging, jumping, and attacking. Despite being remarkably simple and straightfor- ward, these new areas reduce the Sonic experience to its purest, twitchiest core (much like Super Mario Sunshine’s tricky platforming minilevels). And although you might expect this to be a back-to-basics all-Sonic affair, he's not the only hedgehog you'll be control- ling. Bad-seed antihero Shadow returns with new moves, new motivations, and (regrettably) more of the clumsy gunplay and lame vehicles that plagued his recent solo outing. Newcomer Silver the Hedgehog seems far more promising— this mysterious freak levitates through levels, telekinetically tossing giant boul- ders at foes. Since Shadow and Silver play through the same stages as Sonic, you'll have to use their unique abilities to find alternate paths to victory. SONIC NIP/ TUCK What's Sonic’s dirty little secret? Like many celebs, he's had a little work done. With the public scrutinizing his every move, can you really blame him? Take one look at how he appeared when he first hit the scene in 1991—fresh-faced, stub- by-legged, and a little thick around the middle. By the late "905, he was sporting a new look, with thicker quills, longer legs, green contacts, and an even sassier atti- tude. These days, he's looking even taller and thinner, and he's even got a slightly different quill coif. > © Silver the Hedgehog hovers above it all. ee ج‎ press start SONIC ROGUES GALLERY Although Sonic remains one of the coolest characters in gaming, he tends to hang out with some truly obnoxious anthropomorphic critters. We'd like to think that we've seen the last of these embarrassing wannabe mascots...but we're probably not that lucky. Team Chaotix Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon, and Charmy the Bee once starred in a forgotten Sonic spin-off, Knuckles' Chaotix (for the doomed 32X “console”), and for reasons unknown, Sega revived these no-talent freaks as playable characters in Sonic Heroes. If you think they /ook annoying, you should hear them speak. © = f^ Cream the У Rabbit 1 Introduced in Sonic Advance 2 (GBA), Cream the CZ Rabbit might be the least menac- ing heroine ever: She's a naive 6-year-old who attacks by throwing her pet Chao (named Cheese) at foes. We dare male gamers to maintain their masculinity while controlling this juvenile abomination. eS Big the Cat This sweetly retarded, morbidly obese feline single-handedly attempts to destroy Sonic Adventure (DC) with his mind-numbingly dull fishing stages. He was apparently designed to appeal to gamers fed up with characters that were "fast" or "cool." “We originally considered making something that’s a lot more like the Sonic games you've seen on other plat- forms,” says Sonic Wild Fire producer Yojiro Ogawa. “However, since the Wii hardware gives us the opportunity to revolutionize traditional games and make them better, we wanted to create а deep game with incredibly simple control.” That could end up being the smartest decision that Sega has made about the Sonic franchise in years— Wild Fire feels incredibly fresh and addictive. So much so, in fact, that this should easily one-up Sonic’s upcoming PS3/XB360 adventure. At first glance, however, the game- play here seems awfully limited. Sonic runs through levels along a preset, on- rails path—you take control by holding the Wii Remote horizontally and tilting it to the left and right in order to steer your ‘hog. Jumping over obstacles requires a simple button press, while thrusting the controller forward during a leap initiates a homing attack that you can then combo across multiple enemies. And once you've collected enough energy orbs, you can also bust out a special maneuver that automati- Cally rockets Sonic forward at maxi- mum velocity. Wild Fire's startlingly pared-down design appears to eliminate the annoy- ing problems that continue to hinder traditional 3D Sonic games. Because it's a more controlled experience, the confusing camera angles and cheap deaths you've become accustomed to are history, yet the game still retains the speed and spectacle we all demand from a killer Sonic title. And don't worry that the game will force you to play as some totally lame Sonic hanger-on (scope the sidebar to meet the franchise's least appealing costars). Not pictured: silly body gesticulations. же “We really felt that it was important to focus on Sonic in this game,” explains Ogawa. “Therefore, Sonic is the only character that players can control in the main game.” Despite our glowing praise, don’t be shocked if your first attempt at control- ling Sonic with the remote ends in trag- edy. You're initially tempted to make sudden, jarring controller motions, but Slightly tilting the Wii Remote yields far better results. It's an easy learning curve to master, though—our Sonic- steering skills improved dramatically during our short time playing the game. As engaging as the main game feels, expect to spend plenty of quality time with Wild Fire's suite of multiplayer contests. "We are planning on includ- ing loads of minigames,” says Ogawa. “These will be simple, challenging party games designed around the Wii controller capabilities.” >> ELECTRONIC ARTS HAS ANNOUNCED THAT ACTRESS EMMANUELLE VAUGIER (SAW //, WISHMASTER 3: BEYOND THE GATES OF HELL) WILL Sonic’s first foray onto the PSP isn’t what you might expect. Rivals hearkens back to the classic 2D side- scrolling Sonic games of yore with its basic run-and-jump gameplay, yet its striking 3D visuals and Wi-Fi multi- player footrace gameplay couldn’t be more modern. Here, you take control of Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, or newcomer Silver (who's also in the PS3/XB360. Sonic game) in a series of grueling one-on-one races across traditional platforming stages. You can tackle the game solo (racing against А.І.-соп- trolled critters), but Rivals is clearly intended for two-player action. Sprinting, running, and looping suddenly become far more dramatic when you're constantly trying to stay ahead of a rival. Success doesn’t rely solely on platforming prowess, though—you'll pick up various power- ups along the way that dynamically morph into offensive or defensive tools depending on whether you're in first or second place. End-of-level boss encounters get particularly tense, as you're tasked with defeating a giant metallic monstrosity while Competitive boss simultaneously keeping your enemy from doing so. In its current state, Rivals certainly feels quirky and looks great, but the gameplay lacks the precision of the old side-scrolling Sonic classics. Something just feels a bit off about the control—the way the characters collide with the levels seems touchy and haphazard, and in a contest where millimeters matter, that's not a good thing. Rivals developer Backbone (the guys behind Death Jr) needs to address this problem before the race kicks off... battles get a li'l hectic. SONIC 101 If you’re new to this whole Sonic business (or simply want to relive some childhood memories), Sega makes it extremely easy to get up to speed on the hedgehog's gameography. Sonic Mega Collection (PS2/XB/GC) collects all of his killer Sega Genesis titles, while the GameCube-only Sonic Gems Collection rounds up the esoterica, including the brilliant Sonic CD (Sega CD). Sega also plans to celebrate Sonic’s birthday by releasing the original Sonic the Hedgehog (updated with Sonic's spin-dash from Sonic 2) for the Game Boy Advance this November. Sonic CD, the secret [М best Sonic game ever, TINI A SONIC'S ESTRANGED DADDY Sonic's 15th birthday celebration feels slightly bittersweet because his creator, Sonic Team founder (and race car enthu- siast) Yuji Naka, recently left Sega to form his own com- pany, Prope. He's not entirely severing his ties with his former employer, though— Sega owns 10 percent of his new [Т the hell is a Prope, КЕНЕН In the divorce, Sega retained custody йа ей |] of Sonic, but Мака got this sweet ride. anyway? “We named our company Prope in the hopes of bringing game entertainment much closer to users, establishing closer ties between users and us, and creating near-future entertainment,” explains Naka, CEO and president of Prope. “І am looking forward to the challenge of embark- ing on this new entrepreneurial venture supported by such a powerful global publisher as Sega.” Wait, that didn’t explain anything! ќа. We wade through the Internet muck and emerge hours later, covered in gross webcam footage of teenage girls lip-synching to Cheyenne, bear- ing these game-related gems. See them all (along with more traditional game trailers for you squares) at www.gamevideos.com/egm. Seanbaby joins various EGM and 1UP.com staffers to mock horrible games, with hilarious and decidedly R- rated results. This episode, Ring King and that Aerosmith game (Revolution X) get their sweet comeuppance. Watch as the stirring music to Halo 3’s teaser trailer transforms a shirtless kid in a motorcycle helmet into the Master Chief. Not pictured: his poodle, aka Cortana. Who wins in a battle between Guile’s Sonic Boom Tank and М. Bison's Crimson Cruiser? Who cares? You'll be too busy laughing at the cheesy actors dressed up to (barely) look like your favorite World Warriors. In this incred- ible clip by stop-motion animators PES, arcade classics Centipede, Frogger, Asteroids, Space Invaders, and Pac-Man are reimagined with cupcakes and pizza slices. Watch it. PORTRAY NIKKI, YOUR DRIVER'S SASSY EX-GIRLFRIEND, IN THIS NOVEMBER'S NEED FOR SPEED: CARBON (COMING TO EVERY CONSOLE)... >> he endearing oddb ушш we mean апу! elcome to the gamers’ lounge,” says Andrew Rosenblum as we descend into the basement of his family’s suburban home on the outskirts of Boston. It looks like a typical teenage gaming haunt, with overstuffed couches and beanbag chairs parked in front of a big-screen TV and games scattered across the floor. But this is no normal subterranean nerd lair—it’s the set of literally homegrown Internet show turned MTV curiosity GameLife. With two low-end video cameras and PC editing software, Rosenblum, 19, and his friends Alex Lizarbe, 19, and Dave Cohen, 21 (plus two out-of-state hosts), set out last summer to put together а homemade version of the gaming shows they'd seen on TV. "We were bored," Rosenblum says, *and we just thought, 'Let's use the camera to record some [game] reviews." The resulting Show, posted on video-upload sites like GameVideos.com and YouTube.com, was an unexpected hit. “I was at school and someone was like, 1 saw you on the Internet the other day," Rosenblum says. “| checked my Gmail account and there was a whole flood of messages there, both fan mail and hate mail. | thought, ‘We have a monster on our hands.” Unapologetically amateur, GameLife is as much about the show’s comically awkward hosts as it is about games (search for GameLife on GameVideos.com to see what we're talking about). That’s what attracted Alex Porter, MTV Overdrive’s games producer. He hired GameLife to do minute-long reviews for The G-Hole, a gaming program that runs on MTV's website and the MTV2 cable channel. “І find the whole thing incredibly charming,” says Porter. “You've got these—let's face it—not terribly telegenic guys who are just really into games, and they've decided to put this thing together. It's very Wayne's World." Of course, not everyone who watches the show finds it charming. Some of GameLife's audience watches to laugh atthem, not with them, regularly making their presence felt on the show's website hind MIV-endorse gps ean start the Chewing scenery: Host Cohen hams it up. (www.gamelifeshow.com). “I've read a lot of really insulting comments about them, which І find annoying,” says Porter. "They're doing what they love, going out and creating something, which | admire." In a time when Paris Hilton poses for videogame promotions, GameLife remains proudly nerdy—a dose of authenticity that Rosenblum and company are happy to provide. “Other gamers can relate,” he says. “If they wanted to, they could make a show like this. It’s not something that’s hard to do. We were just the ones to do it.” —Robert Ashley DIY-TV: GAMELIFE ISN'T THE ONLY HOMEMA Game Jew г www.gamejew.com “Mario, he’s Italian. What’s a Jewish boy to do? Put on the hat and the overalls, then you get Game Jew.” So goes the catchy theme song to this Nintendo love-in. It's a little easier to swallow than Game Jew's folkier side, "The DE GAMING SHOW OUT THERE... Mega64 * mega64.com A web show that re-creates videogames in real life to see how real life reacts, Mega 64 has been called "Jackass with videogames." Nothing beats seeing the show's cast dress up as freaky characters from the arcade classic Paperboy to harass their local paper delivery man. d GameLife prove that ir own videogame show FIVE TO LIFE: MEET THE CAST OF GAMELIFE Andrew Rosenblum Andrew is а is a tightly wound . bundle of nervous energy. Though his wardrobe consists almost entirely of Nintendo T- shirts, he's known to repeat over and over, “I'm not a Nintendo fanboy!” Alex Lizarbe The shy one of the bunch, Alex nevertheless has some advice for anyone who wants to start a gaming show of their own. "It's always good to use a tripod,” he says. Dave Cohen Dave’s a big guy who’s hot for wrestling, which explains the show’s WWE-style plot twists. “You thought you could replace me?” Cohen asks after mysteriously disappearing from the show's website. “No one can replace me!" У Melissa By day, Melissa is a private gourmet chef. By night, she’s GameLife’s only female = reviewer, which may explain why this oddly out-of-place cutie wants her last name withheld. “I get enough death threats as it is,” she says. Geoff Mendicino GameLife’s 16-year-old loose cannon is a walking, talking freak-out, the kind of guy you notice from a mile away. “I walked into GameStop,” Mendicino says, “and the manager said: ‘Holy s***— you're that a**hole from GameLife’” ќа. >> CLASS АСТ: TORU IWATANI, THE MAN WHO MADE PAC-MAN, IS LEAVING NAMCO TO TEACH GAME-DEVELOPMENT COURSES ІМ JAPAN.... >> 44 * ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com Ф] cance. | Rack ‘em up and sink ‘em all! стени TEXT THE GAME'S KEYWORD TO 82174 ТО GET THE GAME TODAY Standard text message, airtime and game charges apply УФ анне gl, | : " ШЕСТЕ Јкїсезу Јес Keyword : AND1 Keyword : BOWL Keyword : ASPHALT Keyword : CARD Keyword : PRINCE verizonwireless gameloft DEAD ON ARRIVAL? We go toe-to-toe with producer Mark Altman about the upcoming Dead or Alive movie ark Altman knows he screwed up. He knows that House of the Dead, his first gamos- to-film collaboration with infamous ~game-movie director Uwe Boll, is rot- ten, If fact, he'll tell you that. “І did a lot of commentary on the House of the Dead DVD talking about the problems,” says the Los Angeles-based writer and producer. Now Altman is in for his toughest challenge: porting the bouncy female fighters from Dead or Alive to the silver screen, —Damon Brown EGM: You're a producer оп the upcoming Dead or Alive movie—so what's up with the studio yanking the trailer off the net shortly after it appeared? Was it that bad? Mark Altman: | don't know about that to he honest. І know that there was a teaser Fear Effect movie. trailer that was made to show distribu- tors—I'm not sure if that was online and if it was taken down. That's something that Dimension [Films, the distributor] would have done. I'm not up on that controversy. EGM: So you aren't trying to copy the Snakes on a Plane marketing strategy of releas- ing something terrible with the hope that people may think it’s so bad it’s good? MA: [Laughs] No. The release is great. It is really fun. How do you adapt a fight- ing game without an elaborate story? | think it’s really good. We may get gamers wanting more screen time for the more obscure characters, but the movie is just fun. With some games you can literally transcribe a game and create a movie. This one needed to be filled out. EGM: So if it isn’t bad, then tell us why it’s good. MA: The best way to describe it: Enter the Dragon meets Charlie's Angels. It is true to the game. [Director Corey Yuen] did a remarkable job shooting the film and giv- ing it a great look. It's a popcorn movie, It is not An Inconvenient Truth. I is not going to change the world. EGM: What about the locales? How karate-kickin’ faithful are they? MA: The film was shot in Asia, so there are really exotic venues. In DOA, fights can break out anywhere, so you see them on vistas, mountain peaks. There’s a fight in the bamboo forest, in the rain. Опе fight takes place in а character's bed- тоот. There is always something exciting and surprising. EGM: So your buddy Uwe Boll recently challenged his critics to a boxing match. Think you can take him? MA: [Laughing hard] He would kick my ass, First of all, he is a boxer. I've never boxed a day in my life. Second, we'd never be in that situation, as he and І continue to be friends. Regardless of the disappointments we had about the [House of the Dead] томе---| thought there was a better movie in there that didn't come out—I wish him all the best and think that each of his films has been better than the one before it. EGM: Be honest with us now: What's your favorite Uwe Boll movie? MA: Oh god. Overall, the best movie when you're inebriated is House of the Dead. [Pause] Actually, it’s hard to say. АН of them have interesting aspects to them. There are moment in House of the Dead. that | really like, some creature stuff in Alone ín the Dark is good, interesting visuals in BloodRayne, so all of them have interesting aspects. I'm reluctant to say my favorite and reluctant to say that he’s done his best. DIRECT-TO- DUMPSTER | mew 8 DER КЕЗЕТ several games into films, but what would hap- pen if he clashed with some classics? We ask him how he would transform these games into box office gold. Space Invaders "| ^| guess you could say Tim Burton sort of did this with Mars Atlacks!, but | actually think this could be a great movie if played in the spirit of Earth vs. the Flying Saucers or the classic '50s alien invasion movies, It beats the hell out of Missile Command at least." Burgertime “Is that anything like Hammer time? We actu- ally had the rights to do Pitfall, which 1 would have loved to have done. We lost the rights and were never able to get them back from Activision since the franchise became а kids’ fran- It's too bad because that classic game would make a great movie.” Metal Gear Solid "| know Kojima would love * to direct this. Why not? He's lived with this property lon- ger than anyone. To me, the problem here is that 24's doing this so well every week. The appeal of this as a movie is lessened. It's all about Jack Bauer,” ќа. UNCHED, BUT THE CRASH-CRAZY RACER IS ALREADY SHIFTING GEARS—A NEW FLATOUTIS REVVING UP FOR THE 360.... >> MONTHLY • www.1UR.com GET TOGETHER. ROLL SOME DICE. HAVE FUN. наве m $i XB360 ' SPLINTER CELL JOUBLE AGENT Developer: Ubisoft Shanghai Release Date: September 2006 world’s coolest multiplayer gets a makeover е now people will actually play it) t was the ultimate game of on the offensive and taking out merce- cat-and-mouse—until the mice naries before they knew what hit them. ruined all the fun. A few years The game failed the other way, too: It back, Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow was near impossible for new spies to (PS2/XB) introduced a revolutionary beat a couple of veteran meres. It was multiplayer game to the stealth genre. enough to frustrate even the most sea- It was ingenious—a tense 2-on-2 mode soned of gamers. where sneaky spies went on covert Now the developers are shooting for missions while heavily armed mer- à more accessible, newbie-friendly cenaries hunted and gunned them 3-on-3 game in the Xbox 360 edition of down. But a funny thing happened: Double Agent (it’s also scheduled to hit The mice got good. “The hardcore PS2, Xbox, and GameCube with different fans have gotten so good, they feature sets). It’s the right idea, but will slaughter the newbies before they're Й turn off the hardcore fans of Pandora given а chance to enjoy the game,” Tomorrow and its sequel, Chaos Theory? the developers tell us. You don’t say. Here's a look at what’s new, what’s It was obvious the multiplayer, while out, and what’s being done to give the critically acclaimed, wasn’t quite cats (and rookie mice) a fighting chance working when pro spies were going in the world of Splinter Cell. - س‎ THE SPY Then: In Pandora and Chaos, spies were equipped to hold their own against the mercs. They had four slots to hold stuff like smoke grenades, flashbangs, or sticky cameras (that emitted knockout gas) to help get mercs off their backs, and they had offensive help in a shocker gun and combat moves like an elbow smash or body-drop attack. Now: The spies return to do their good, government-approved deeds. But with the focus on simplifying the gameplay, the developers neutered these shadowy agents. The shocker gun, elbow smash, and most of the gadgets are out—point being, these guys are supposed to be sneaking around, not charging in for battle. The spies only carry one gadget at a time, which they can pick at the start of the mission and swap out at the designated “drop zone.” These include smoke grenades, flashbangs, health needles (to heal you or a teammate), and jam- mers (which spook a mercenary into thinking a spy is somewhere that he’s not). The spies keep their drop attack and humiliation-inducing rear chokehold for the 360. The spies are slightly more nimble than before, which helps alleviate the pain from the offensive castration. Hitting the right bumper in certain places, for example, will allow spies to do a quick "escape move,” such as leaping through a window or sliding into an air vent. The spies also have an all-purpose hacking device; they can use it to shoot out lights, mess up mercenary electronics, or grab computer files from a distance. Г ы THE MERCENARY Then: Mercenaries were stacked in Chaos Theory: three types of guns and mines, spy traps, frag grenades, and so on. They also had several tools such as laser sights, flashlights, sound detectors, and a couple of different vision modes to track down well-hidden spies. Now: The mercs lose most of their goodies, but they’re still well-equipped to deal with the government boys in tights. Their (only) gun is the assault rifle with integrated grenade launcher and sniper scope. Instead of mines or spy traps (or gas masks or flares or...), the mercs get remote-controlled, camera-equipped ~% drones that can go into those areas that spies love and mercs can’t reach, like b. air vents and crawlspaces. Oh, these things can be set to explode, too. But as far as gadgets go, the drone’s it for this team. Mercs see the world in such a more simplified manner now. They can turn on an adjust- able flashlight on their guns, but they no longer have a laser sight. The motion-tracking display is now built into the visor—if the spies run around, they will appear highlighted to the mercenaries without the mercs having to switch on a separate motion-tracking vision. But EMF vision is still something the mercs have to activate manually: Turn it on, and if a spy’s using any of his vision modes (thermal, night), he'll light up on the merc’s screen like a neon “please shoot me” sign. Instead of arrows pointing out to mercs where sound (from an on-the-move spy) is coming from, they get less direct help from a proximity detector, which works visually (an onscreen range indicator), audibly (heartbeat), ف‎ and tactilely (controller rumble) when a spy (or his fake-out jammer) is nearby. > у І Sneak, don’t run: Fast-moving spies will be highlighted on the merc's new built-in motion-sensing visor. (g) Atone hos stolen а file ! Stop Мт! ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1URcofi« 49- = h eue. gd SPLINTER CELL DOUBLE AGENT соо THE GAMEPLAY Then: Two spies worked together to clear objectives—that was the easy part. The hard part was avoiding mines, spy traps, laser trip wires, cameras, and presence detectors. That was enough crap to keep a spy busy for, oh...two minutes until he got caught and killed. Now: All that stuff above? Gone. The only things spies have to worry about are merc drones and, well, the mercs themselves. Spies are more free to run about the levels, since the dangerous obstacles you had to stop and scan for are things of the past. All objectives are just.a straightforward “infiltrate and extract,” where the spies have to hack into various computer terminals to download data to take back to the drop zone (the farther away a spy is from the station, the weaker his hacking signal and, therefore, the slower the download). A helpful onscreen minimap helps spies and mercs see where their teammates and objectives are, including which terminal is actively being hacked. The map designs are taking the “simpler” and “accessible” route as well. The designers are toning down the mazes of vents, multifloored rooms, and alternate paths from previous games to create more straightforward stages that are a bit easier to navigate. “Each map is designed and playtested to be memorized in 10 to 15 minutes max,” the developers tell us. On top of that, animated helper “ghosts” are scattered throughout each level to help beginners get their bearings. For example, a ghost with a large “Y” icon above his head might be climbing a pipe, letting players know that a.) that pipe is climbable to reach a higher elevation, and b.) you need to hit a button to do it (guess which one?). These friend- ly ghost guides eventually disappear after the player sees them a few times. > W If you're short a few players, you can turn on up to three merc bots to play against your team of human spies. No-go on spy bots, though: Spy А.І. proved to be too complicated to program. 18 Double Agent will stat-track just about everything you do (spy using night vision, merc getting grenade kill, etc.). Do "ет enough, and you'll. rank up, unlocking new skins (you can be a girl spy!), maps, and co-op challenges. This ranking system will also be used for online matchmaking. THE SECRETIS О! WHO'S MAKING THE NEXT JAMES BOND GAME—DEVELOPER TREYARCH (SPIDER-MAN 3)15 DOING THE JOB.... 50 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com 08:47:07 08:47:08); © 08:47:44, © navy.com/seals C) press start SPLINTER CELL DOUBLE AGENT cov» THE CO-OP GAME Then: Chaos Theory let you play through campaign-style missions with a fellow spy. It was cool, but short—with an abrupt no-ending. mon ІЯ You аге а secret govern- | ment agent. Your objective: q Press and hold the “A” button. Now: In Double Agent, cooperative mode is a series of ја standalone missions done more in the style of the versus game rather than a story- and dialogue-driven campaign mode. Your team of human spies goes up against com- puter-controlled mercs and takes care of specific tasks, such as "download as much data as possible within the time limit (without needing to secure the data back at the drop гопе)." Some of these “co-op” missions are even competitive, like "the first to bring back two discs of data wins." Ubisoft is planning on having six co-op challenges 2E available from the start, 12 more to unlock after you've £ [] progressed a little bit, then another 12 to download over Xbox Live at a later date. 4 E Beware the теге? flying drone. It can go places and it can explode. Boom goes the spy! THE OPINION OF A LONE GAMER Then: Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory: two of the finest multiplayer games I've ever played, handicapped only by the fact that most of my gaming friends and co-workers won't even touch them because they're too complex, hard- core, and frustrating. My gaming friends and co-workers are a bunch of big babies. Now: Initially, | was underwhelmed by the new direction of Splinter Cel! multiplayer. No multiple gadgets? No clever traps to catch spies? Where's all the strategy that went into each matchup? Alas, those days look to be over, unless І want to keep my Chaos Theory disc permanently on deck. But the more | played Double Agent multi, the more it grew on me. I’m not sure if it's because I'm jonesing for any Splinter Cell versus action (it’s been over a year since Chaos Theory came out) or what, but | was starting to appreciate how smoothly the game was moving along because, as a spy, І didn't have to stop every few tiptoed steps to scan for cameras, mines, spy traps, and all that crap—1 only needed to worry about the mercs, objectives, and keeping quiet like a good spy should. And once І realized І shouldn’t actively be going after тегс all the time (you know, being offensively neutered and all), it did put me in a more paranoid role. I'm weak, I’m near- powerless, and | really need to stick to the shadows and keep out of sight. Hey, what do you know? This new spy game may actually end up being more intense... But on the merc side, І was definitely missing setting up all my antispy wares. At the same time, though, | can appreciate how much less frustrating my new merc was making the game for the spies and how interactions needed a more personal touch (по more anonymous mine kills—you'll have to see the spy to put him to rest). So while we lose a lot of the hardcore, strategic gameplay in versus play, at the very least, | know more of my big-baby friends and co-workers will be willing to face off with and against me in Double Agent. And seeing as how most of them wouldn't play Chaos Theory with me, it looks like these changes are for the better after all.... а. —Dan “Shoe” Hsu 52 е ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com >> EPIC GAMES ANNOUNCED IT WILL TACK ON A TRAILER OF GEARS OF WAR TO A FEW FLICKS THIS SUMMER. NO NEW FOOTAGE, THOUGH.... >> Thwarting the min- ions of evil ў takes a Я whole lot Е е: is eas стат Saving worlds is fine and dandy, but | wouldn't mind devoting my time to music. | may be famous for my world- „ saving skills, but not many Я people know т also a talented topiary artist. People say ights are passé, but they're obviously blind to style. 5 , | pre l „ Cine—that stuff sure is tasty. | яшт зерә? jo ТЕЛ 1 UC 3 LET THERE BE LIFE Half-Life 2 materializes onto next-gen consoles Want to find out what all the Half-Life hubbub is all about? Don’t worry, you don’t need to plunk down cash for a new gaming rig—EA is not only bringing the popular PC shooter Half-Life 2 to both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, but it's also throwing in its two episodic sequels as well. But wait, there's more! The pack- age also throws in the multiplayer-heavy Team Fortress 2. Still not pleased? In addition to already getting four frickin’ games, the bundle also packs Portal, a brand-new puzzle-y first-person shooter set in the Half-Life universe. Phew, if that doesn’t sound look a good deal, someone swindled you out of your common sense. ЗУ TAKE OUT ENEMIES USING “THE ROCKS” AURESTLING- INSPIREU COMBAT MOVES. EQUIPPED WITH RN RRSENRL OF WEAPONS, THE INTERCEPTOR 15 LETHAL ON LAND ОН WATER. THE ULTIMATE ASSAULT VEHICLE TRANSFORMS FROM CAR ТО BOAT ТО MOTORCYCLE. “NOW THIS 1S BURNOUT WITH GUNS.” —OFFICIAL XBOX MAGAZINE the BIG ones Our monthly check-in with the games you really care about Rockstar • PS3/XB360 • October 16, 2007 Rockstar rep: “The screenshot is bogus.” estate: location, location, location. OMFG!11! Did you see the supposedly leaked screen of GTA4 on the Net (below)? WTF!1!! But in case the generic red-brick buildings and dressed-for-a-funeral pedestrians didn’t make you LOL, let’s get the official word from a So what’s a virtual thug to do with no info and a year to wait for the game to drop simultaneously on the PS3 and Xbox 360? Speculate up a storm, of course. To wit, we polled EGM readers about the most vital issue in GTA real Where would you like to see Grand Theft Auto IV take place? Across the U.S. Chicago, Illinois: 22% Paris, France: 19% Antarctica: 11% Walla Walla, Washington: 4% Hell, Michigan: 3% Cleveland, Ohio: 2% | Paris, Texas: 2% Microsoft « XB360 • Fall 2007 A recent interview with composer Marty O'Donnell (peep it at gamevideos.com) revealed that developer Bungie is indeed working on stuff besides Halo 3—could it be that long-rumored Xbox Live Arcade game? Anyway, the studio’s weekly website update at bungie.net has trickled out an obvious Halo 3 bit: the return of the Warthog. As for not-so-obvious info, Frank O'Connor, the “Bungie Weekly Update” scribe, has confirmed that, in addition to daily Halo 3 multiplayer sessions, the guys around the office are now meeting on a regular basis to run through some of the game's campaign scenarios. Also, Weapon Designer Tom Doyle recently confirmed the return of the Beam Rifle (the Covenant sniper). "The Covenant sniper is one of my favorite weapons—it just feels so powerful,” he said. “І wanted to emphasize that in the new version, so we're adding some detail that will really show off the building energy in the weapon.” Now, could you pay that much attention to improving the wimpy Needler? And in Halo movie (2008) news, author DB Weiss said he’s now working on a second draft of the script. = Fakey! Square Enix е PS3 * 2007 Stand down, Fantasy fanatics—we probably won't learn anything new about ЕЕХИ (the first chapter in Square Enix’s ambitious multigame Fabula Nova Crystalis project) until the Tokyo Game Show at the end of September. And the bummers don’t end there: At a recent shareholders’ meeting, Square Enix President Yoichi Wada made some startling comments about next-gen development, promising more episodic online content, increased in-game advertising, and regular “software updates.” Frankly, Wada’s planned “updates” sound more like bug-fixing patches than cool bonus content. He explained that Square Enix could save on the huge cost of debugging by passing the bugs on to consumers and fixing problems after the fact. Yikes! MGS4’s Liquid Ocelot rocks his Wal-Mart greeter badge. Konami е PS3 • Fall 2007 Solid Snake may now be a geriatric, but that isn’t stopping the sneaky SOB from getting out there and pressing the-flesh—a new hot-to-trot MGS4 trailer will debut at the Leipzig Games Convention in August (which; depending on when you read this, may be on gamevideos.com right now). And after you're done viewing the footage for, like, the 20th time, head over to improvemgsonline-club.1UP.com and take Kojima Productions' quick poll on how the studio can make the online play in MGS4 better. (A more accessible control scheme would be our first request.) зё. 54 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com >> DEVELOPER LIONHEAD HAS COMMENTED THAT FABLE 2 (XB360) WILL BE A MORE "MATURE" RPG AND TAKE PLACE 500 YEARS AFTER NO. 1....>> MIDGAR DIED... v PlayStation. SQUARE ENIX. www.square-enix.com Published by Square Enix, Inc. © 2006 SQUARE ENIX СО, LTD. CHARACTER DESIGN: TETSUYA NOMURA. FINAL FANTASY ved trademark at Square Enix Co., Lid. DIRGE OF CERBERUS, SQUARE ENIX and JUARE ENIX loo are trademarks of Square Enie Go., Lid. АЙ Rights Reserved PlayStation” and the "PS" Family logo are registered! trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment inc. The ratings Icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association, Mild Language Use of Tobacco Violence а" SOMETHING SURVIVED... | . THE WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY’ VII IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE. A mysterious organization has emerged from the wreckage of the Meteor disaster. The enigmatic Vincent Valentine may be the only one who can save this shattered world. Set after the events in FINAL FANTASY УП and FINAL FANTASY VII ADVENT CHILDREN, this entirely new game features familiar characters, dazzling gunplay and shocking truths never before а ES - AN | Ца ы - > c @ 7 Г f? Я а. ране $ E Take on new enemies and dangers Stunning graphics and CG cinemas Meet familiar faces and unique in dazzling 3D environments continuing the epic storyline allies in an all-new action adventure © press start | з - e5 MAY ae” sales charts ЭМ (2006 ` ТОР 10 BEST-SELLING GAMES TOF 10 XBOX 360 | Са x The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 2 Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 3 Fight Night Round 3 4 Battlefield 2: Modern Combat 5 MLB 2K6 ; X-Men: The Official Game 7 Table Tennis з Call of Duty 2 ) Tomb Raider: Legend 10 FIFA World Cup 2006 1 | New Super Mario Bros. • DS • Nintendo [2 | Kingdom Hearts ІІ • PS2 • Square Enix 3| Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes а Day! • DS • Nintendo сана. гэ? зс ў 5 Tre вае Scrotis IV: Oblivion + XB360 + Take 2 Wi Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Kingdom Hearts 1 | е Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter • XB360 • Ubisoft сная заа um: 2 God of War 3 MLB ’06: The Show В LTECACETUERL EET ; Guitar Hero Bundle == 5 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas [8 | Guitar Hero Bundle • PS2 • Red Octane г а 5 Kingdom Hearts 7 X-Men: The Official Games | 9 XX Theft Auto: San Andreas • PS2 • Rockstar Over the Hedge Е ) FIFA World Cup 2006 Е о] Kingdom Hearts е PS2 e Square Enix 10 The Godfather (0 RENTALS FOR THE WEEK ENDING 06/25/06 Over the Hedge Cars • PS2 2 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 2 Rampage: Total Destruction 2 Over the Hedge г PS2 3 Halo 2 3 Naruto: Clash of Ninja 3 Super Mario Advance е GBA 3 Cars е GC | Fable 4 Paper Mario 2 1 Over the Hedge е GBA | Hitman: Blood Money • PS2 5 X-Men: The Official Game 5 Mario Kart: Double Dash!! 5 MLB ?06: The Show • PSP j X-Men: The Official Game • PS2 5 The Godfather Sonic Riders ў Daxter е PSP 5 Kingdom Hearts И • PS2 8 7 FIFA World Cup 2006 7 Super Smash Bros. Melee 7 Metroid Prime Hunters г DS 7 AND 1 Streetball • PS2 а 8 Tomb Raider: Legend 3 DDR: Mario Mix з GTA: Liberty City Stories • PSP в Hitman: Blood Money г XB360 2 ) Over the Hedge ) Lego Star Wars ) Kingdom Hearts: COM • GBA 9 MLB 2K6 е PS2 8 10 Lego Star Wars 0 Super Mario Sunshine 10 Pokémon Emerald г GBA 10 Cars • ХВ E >> COSPLAYERS NOW HAVE A LEGITIMATE REASON TO DRESS UP LIKE FREAKS—FINAL FANTASY XII WILL ARRIVE IN STORES ON HALLOWEEN.... >> 58 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com b А Я i | а М || ; iW и ; и 4 : 4 m аз СУД. ^4 |” ALL DRESSED UP / AND NO ONE TO K.0. © press start the hot 10 Gaming hipsters are abuzz about... FINAL FANTASY ХИ COLLECTOR'S EDITION Devout FF fans will want to shell out $59.99 to pre- order this slick two-disc set (available exclusively at EB/GameStop stores on October 31st). Your extra cash goes toward a nifty steel case and a disc loaded with trailers, interviews, and featurettes. XBOX LIVE CURRENCY CALCULATOR CLUB NINTENDO In Japan, gamers get sweet rewards for buying Nintendo products—Club Nintendo lets them exchange proof-of-purchase vouchers for exclusive loot, including a special DS cartridge containing three classic Game & Watch games. Bring this crap to America, guys! TURNING JAPANESE Sega’s upcoming Yakuza brings the seedy underbelly of Tokyo’s gang culture to life with the help of all-star Hollywood voice talent. Videogame voiceover vets Mark Hamill (aka Luke Skywalker) and Michael Madsen (the drunk dude in BloodRayne) get gruff and surly, while hotties Eliza Dushku and Rachel Leigh Cook titillate with feminine wiles. Are you sick of using an old-fash- ioned calculator (or even worse— actual mathematics) to determine how much microtransactions really cost on Xbox Live? Head over to www.stevehunter.co.uk for a quick and easy way to see the real price of Microsoft Points in six different currencies. FFIII DS LITE Just when you think that Nintendo’s DS Lite couldn't get any sexier, they go and doodle Final Fantasy charac- ters on it. These limited (and numbered) "crystal white" units ship with а copy of Final Fantasy Ill in Japan on August 24th. Good luck finding one. PONG CLOCK Tragically, this totally radical wall clock that plays Pong with itself while accurately telling time (via the score display) isn't actually for sale—some inventive artist crafted the one-of-a-kind timepiece. BATEN KAITOS Nope, that's not a mirage—it’s actually а new GameCube game. If history is any indication, RPG fans should grab this late-gen gem before those damned eBay speculators get to it. MINIATURE COLOSSUS Show your support for Sony's art-house hit Shadow of the Colossus by importing this classy statue of the game's most recognizable stone giant. Fine art isn't cheap, though—expect to shell out about $100 for this piece when it ships this October. 60 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY * www.1UP.com EGM LIVE’ PODCAST It’s just like this magazine, only with way less reading and tons more bickering. You'll love it. Head over to egmlive.1UP.com and listen to our editors talk shop every week. *not actually live JACKASS NUMBER TWO Call us immature, but EGM’s editors will be totally cracking up when Jackass 2 hits the- aters on September 22nd. We're still not sure how much fun the corresponding Jackass game (PS2/PSP) can be, though—a virtual kick to the nuts just doesn’t make us laugh. а Share your customized character through Wireless ad hoc battle with up to 2 ~ wireless infrastructure Ghost mode. players ta prave who is the real champion. Updated and enhanced graphics Play mini-games in ad hoc mode or on 19 stages of pain. individually for a change in the action. = == ЖА 2299 FRESURREGCTION Tekken: Dark Resurrection has arrived on the PSP® (PlayStation® Portable] system. Fight with new characters Lili and Dragunov or other favorites including Jin, Heihachi, and Armor King. “Best PSP Fighting Game” Crude Humor Mild Language Suggestive Themes Violence ESRB CONTENT RATING —— www.esrb.org TEKKEN® DARK RESURRECTION & © 1994-2006 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. "PlayStation" , "PS" Family logo and “PSP” are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Memory Stick Duo™ may be required (sold separately). The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other trademarks are owrfed Буй е respective owners. rumor mill It's raining rumors ading through the relent- w less stream of so-so games the past few months has turned The Q into a certified crazy- man. If | see one more Blade Dancer or Crusty Demon, эт going to be put into a premature coma. But enough yawning about the present—let me predict what you'll be yelling about in the future. As always, І turned all the wild gaming gossip into easily tamed tidbits, so chew on this fresh batch of rumors while І ready up a yummy round for next month. —The Q Another row of saints As we creep closer to the PlayStation 35 launch, any Xbox 360 = game that hasn’t “Saint's Row BEN Crum 8 giance to Sony's new console is looked at with question. Is anything a console exclu- Sive anymore? | won't answer that obvious question, but | will answer a not-so-obvi- ous one—my gang of rumor rats told me the 360 gangsta romp, Saint's Row, will also be а PS3 launch title. Turning back time If you thought the Prince of Persia sang his swan song with last year’s The Two Thrones, rewind that gloomy tune and lis- ten to this—a new Prince of Persia may be coming to next-gen consoles next year. Whether or not it features the same prince from the last few games remains to be seen, but | do know you can expect тоге awesome acrobatics and twitchy time finagling. Console crisis When it comes to dazzling PC first-person shooters, none look quite as snazzy as EA's upcoming Crysis. Sadly, any console owners who were hoping to explore the picturesque jungles in Crysis were disappointed when no next-gen version was announced at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). Well, dry your eyes, shooter fans: | hear a next-gen Crysis is actually in the works, only it’s not a port of the PC game. Instead, the game will be either a sequel or a side story set in the Crysis universe. Luigi’s new crib Besides hopping behind the shadows of his portly brother, Luigi occasionally fends off freakies with a ghost-sucking vacuum cleaner. His first game, Luigi's Mansion, launched alongside the GameCube, and now it appears that Nintendo is call- ing for a Luigi’s Mansion sequel for the Wii. Bi I'ma gonna Wii my pants. Q-TIPS * Itching to play some old-school classics? Well, Nintendo's got a deal for you— \ | heard free Virtual Console games will be packaged with select titles in the Wii’s launch lineup. ~ Halo 315 still a ways away, but that hasn't stopped me from getting my hands \ on this hot one—if (more like when) Microsoft launches a handheld, it’s going to launch with a simpler, dumbed-down version of Halo. = Still trudging through Oblivion? Well, pick up the pace—the next Elder Scrolls \ is apparently set to ship next summer. $k EA IS CRANKING OUT THE GAMES FOR NINTENDO —IT ANNOUCED TIGER WOODS, SSX, HARRY POTTER, AND THE GODFATHER FOR THE WII... 62 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com CONSIDER YOURSELF . With 3D games, players must manage the camera while performing more complicated maneu- - vers than ever before. We want to move away from that with Wii. Everybody should be able to play." tor A сл “Many feel that the M for Mature rating is too vague in describing content, not to mention удате. They propose a three-tiered system that would start with D for ‘Dropout, W for ‘Wastoid, and max out at ‘CMB, Child in Man’s Body’...that would be me.” —Daily Show host Jon Stewart reports оп the congressional debate on videogames “Fifteen Bucks Рог new GRAW Levels," Said the devil with delight - young Men raged on the Porum page, then bought it in the night And then they tried, with tear in Pile - but the They had no points, eb ween joints they bought that currency, the twenty dollar minimom Made twenty bucks the Pee аі 0 “Рт unsure about its appeal to the main users, namely middle- and high- school students. Also, when you —Namco Bandai Vice President Shin Unozawa explains his concerns about Nintendo's Wil "You'll pay twenty when it should be ten, and ten when it Should be Pive: апа you'll pay Pive when it зі Pree, as sure as you're alive. “I'm а gamer myself—| was an expert in Pong. | 52 gi 2. Веер, boop, beep...” : i $ i x ё H з —Michigan Representative Fred Upton reveals his taste for cutting-edge games on the Hause floor. QUOTATION SOURCES (LEFT PAGE): LEVEL MAGAZINE (RIGHT PAGE, CLOCKWISE FROM UPPER RIGHT) IGN, CGW, THE DAILY SHOW, THE DAILY SHOW IN JAPAN THIS SEPTEMBER FOR PLAYSTATION 2. WHEN THE GAME COMES STATESIDE, EXPECT A NAME CHANGE ТО HOT SHOTS ТЕММІЅ.... >> ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com • 65 @ press start coming soon Oh, so that’s where all the DE games have been XB360 г Atari Screw island fever—get behind the wheel (ог е. handlebars) of more than 125 customizable licensed vehicles and enjoy 1,000-plus miles of pavement in sunny Oahu, Hawaii. Keep your 360 online and you'll find competitors popping up all | over this free-driving vacation destination. Luneth. 726/75 arc 557757) ingus 361/82 кена 725/72 MARIO HOOPS 3-ОМ-3 AL FANT LOCOROCO DS е Square Enix DS г Nintendo PSP е Sony СЕА Those on this side of the Pacific can finally roleplay It’s basketball...but with Nintendo characters, red Simple controls (use the handheld’s shoulder buttons through this Fantasy (the NES original never came out shells, mushrooms, minigames, and what every great to tilt the environment and move these blobs) and an here), which also goes under the 3D knife for its U.S. roundballer lacks: coin collecting. We’re scouting almost overwhelmingly happy atmosphere make this close-up. If your mom asks what job you want come 3-on-3 for the touch controls, but keep the “Hotplate” quirky side-scroller a much-needed boost in the PSP's September, tell her you're applying to be a Black Mage. Williams to Mario jokes to yourself, please. library. Are you happy now? No? Well, you will be. >> TIRED OF WAITING FOR THE WII? WELL, AN ECENTLY TOLD CNN.COM THAT MARIO'S BUNCH WOULD ICH THE CONSOLE IN 66 “ ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com VS. | A М DS г Nintendo Use the touch-friendly mechanics in this puzzler to guide a bunch of teeny-tiny Marios Lemmings-style past obstacles to safety. This sequel will also feature a level editor and Wi-Fi support that enables you to trade your creations with everyone else. ай GC • Nintendo True to its name, this role-playing prequel takes place 20 years before its surreal predecessor. Expect more card-combo battling, lots of side quests, and...do we really need to list the rest of the features here? With so few RPGs on the system, it’s not like GC owners can afford to be picky. XB360/PS2/XB/GC/PSP/DS/GBA • LucasArts The licensing duo proved to be a cash cow in its inaugural trip around the galaxy. This game focuses on the first three films (the good ones) and crams tons of extras that should make even the most jaded Star Wars nerd leap for joy. | | f | ACE COMBAT X: | SKIES OF DECEPTION | PSP г Namco Bandai | ATV OFFROAD FURY 4 | PS2 • Sony CEA | DRAGON QUEST: ROCKET SLIME DS г Square Enix | | THE GODFATHER | XB360/PSP “ EA Games | GUN SHOWDOWN | PSP • Activision | JUST CAUSE | XB360/PS2/XB • Eidos NASCAR 07 XB360/PS2/XB “ EA Sports NHL 07 XB360/PS2/XB “ EA Sports NHL 2K7 XB360/PS2/XB • 2K Sports POKEMON MYSTERY DUNGEON: RED/BLUE RESCUE DS • Nintendo SPLINTER CELL DOUBLE AGENT XB360/PS2/XB/GC г Ubisoft SPY HUNTER: NOWHERE TO RUN PS2/XB • Midway YAKUZA PS2 е Sega th SEPTEMBER, BUT NINTENDO QUICKLY DISPELLED THE RUMOR, CLAIMING IT'LL ANNOUNCE LAUNCH DETAILS DURING THAT VERY MONTH.... >> ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com • 67 Athlon X2 Turionó4 MOBILE TECHNOLOGY maximum potential. Igercreuon 5550 TURBO j 15.4"Wide Screen 16:10 WXGA TFT LCD 1 «800 Display AMD? Turion™ 64 Mobile Technology - AMD® PowerNow! Technology - HyperTransport Technology: - Enhanced Virus Protection Technology MS WINDOWS? XP Media Center Edition 2005 w/ Service Pack 2 Mobile ATI Radeon'" X700 128MB DDR Video 1024МВ DDR-400 Memory Removable 8x DVD+R/+RW / CD-RW Drive 80GB 5400RPM Ultra-ATA100 Hard Drive 10/100MB Ethernet LAN & 56K Modem Wireless 802.119 54MBps Міпі-РСІ Network 4x USB 2.0 & 1x Firewire IEEE-1394 Ports; 3-in-1 Build-in Media Card Reader High Performance Li-lon Battery Free Deluxe Carrying Case AMD Turion™ 64 MobileTechnology MT-34 Processor $1255 AMD Turion'" 64 MobileTechnology MT-37 Processor $1269 AMD Turion™ 64 MobileTechnology MT-40 Processor $1299 em. 5 ! AMD Athlon™ 64 FX processors feature an integrated memory controller. Data latency can be reduced to a minimum as HyperTransport™ technology provides a high-bandwidth, low-latency connection between the processor and your system. Latency is the enemy—don't let it get in your way! е Raw power, оп a chip. Don't let latency ruin your experi WE BUILD IT, YOU PLAY ІТ. 4 B е It's your processor, your limits. Your processor should not just be adequate—it should rise to meet your demands. AMD Athlon™ 64 FX processors enable you to discover the true potential of your personal computer. Break the speed limit; it's YOUR processor! е Reduce the bottlenecks. A fast processor is one thing, but a fast computer system is another. HyperTransport™ technology featured on AMD Athlon™ 64 FX processors is the key. With a 2000MHz doubledata clock rate, HyperTransport technology provides a fast and low- latency connection throughout your computer system. With free flowing data, you can feel confident your applications are operating at their [зат таце cus-rumaoj 15.4"Wide Screen 16:10 WXGA TFT LCD 1280x800 DisplayCL AMD? Turion'" 64 Mobile Technology - AMD® PowerNow! Technology - HyperTransport Technology - Enhanced Virus Protection Technology MS WINDOWS? XP Media Center Edition 2005 w/ Service Pack 2 Mobile ATI? Radeon™ Х1600 256MB DDR Video 512MB DDR-400 Memory Removable 8x DVD+R/+RW / CD-RW Drive 40GB 5400RPM Ultra-ATA 100 Hard Drive 10/100/1000 MB Ethernet LAN & 56K Modem Build-in CMOS Camera 1.3 Mega Pixels Wireless 802.11g 54MBps Mini-PCI Network Ax USB 2.0 & 1x Firewire IEEE-1394 Ports; 6-in-1 Build-in Media Card Reader High Performance Li-lon Battery Free Deluxe Carrying Case AMD Turion" 64 MobileTechnology MT-34 Processor $1149 AMD Turion™ 64 MobileTechnology MT-37 Processor $1169 AMD Turion!" 64 MobileTechnology MT-40 Processor $1199 Огаег ТОП Free 288. NVIDIA® GeForce™ 6200 w/TurboCache 256 MB 16Х PCI Express Video Card 8 Channel Surround 3D Premium Sound 10/100/1000 MBps Ethernet LAN 600Watt Surround Sound Speakers Logitech Deluxe Keyboard & Optical Mouse Add ViewSonic® VX922 19” LCD - Xtreme 2ms video for ultimate gaming Ф 5319 16x Double Layer DVD+R/+RW Drive NVIDIA® GeForce™ 7600GT 256MB 16X PCI Express Video Card 8 Channel Surround 3D Premium Sound; 600Watt Surround Sound Speakers 10/100/1000 MBps Ethernet LAN 17" Viewsonic? Q7B LCD Monitor Logitech Deluxe Keyboard & Optical Mouse Free Wireless 802.11g 54MBps Network Adapter 16x Double Layer DVD+R/+RW Drive 16x DVD-ROM Drive 2X NVIDIA® GeForce™ 7900GT PCI Express 256MB Video Cards - SLI Enabled 8 Channel Surround 3D Premium Sound Creative Inspire 8 Channel Surround Sound Speakers 10/100/1000 MBps Ethernet LAN Logitech Deluxe Keyboard; Optical Mouse Free Wireless 802.11g 54MBps Network Adapter NVIDIA® nForce" 4 SLI Chip Dual PCI Express Motherboard AMD Athlon™ 64 3500+ Processor NZXT® Trinity Mid-Tower Case + See Through Window + Neon Light AMD Athlon™ 64 3800+ Processor Corsair 512MB DDR400 Memory AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+ Processor Serial-ATA-I| 160GB 7200RPM 3 Gb Hard Drive AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4200+ Processor 16x DVD-ROM + 52x32x52 CD-RW Combo Drivre AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4600+ Processor IL sd загсе suj STR ¥ 1 MOR LE $499 $519 $559 $619 $689 знання і ALIJE Ы TEES I STS NVIDIA® nForce™ 4 SLI Chip Dual PCI Express Motherboard AMD Athlon™ 64 3500+ Processor $999 MS WINDOWS® XP Media Center Edition 2005 w/ Service Pack 2 AMD Athlon™ 64 3800+ Processor — $1029 Cooler Master Ammo-533 Gaming Tower Case AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+ Processor $1059 Corsair 1024MB DDR400 Memory AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4200+ Processor $1119 Serial-ATA-II 250GB 7200RPM 3Gb Hard Drive AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4600+ Processor $1179 NVIDIA® nForce" SLI Chip Dual PCI Express Motherboard AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 dual-core Processor MS WINDOWS? XP Media Center Edition 2005 w/ Service Pack 2 5000+ (Socket AM2) $1759 Raidmax? RX-9 Gaming Case 4600+ (Socket AM2) $1629 IBuypower? CPU Liquid Cooling System 4200+ (Socket AM2) $1569 Corsair 1024MB DDR 2-800 Memory 3800+ (Socket AM2) $1499 Serial-ATA-II 300GB 7200RPM 3Gb Hard Drive AMD Athlon™ 64 FX-62 (Socket AM2) $2469 NVIDIA® nForce™ SLI Chip Dual PCI Express Motherboard NVIDIA® nForce" dicio Dual PCI Express Motherboard MS WINDOWS? XP Media Center Edition 2005 w/ Service Pack 2 MS WINDOWS® XP Media Center Edition 2005 w/ Service Pack 2 NZXT Apollo Gaming Case Tuniq Symmetry Gaming Case IBuypower? CPU Liquid Cooling Technology IBuypower? CPU Liquid Cooling Technology Corsair 1024MB DDR2- 800 Memory Corsair 1024MB DDR2-800 Memory Serial-ATA-ll 250GB 7200RPM 3Gb Hard Drive Serial-ATA-II 300GB 7200RPM 3Gb Hard Drive 16x Double Layer DVD+R/+RW Drive AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 dual-core Processor 16x Double Layer DVD+R/+RW Drive AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 dual-core Processor 6-in-1 Media Card Reader 5000+ (Socket AM2) $1279 16x DVD-ROM Drive 5000+ (Socket AM2) $1529 2X NVIDIA® GeForce™ 760065 256MB 4600+ (Socket AM2) $1179 2X NVIDIA® GeForce™ 760061 512MBDDR3 * 4600+ (Socket AM2) $1419 16X PCI Express - SLI Enabled 4200+ (Socket AM2) $1099 16X PCI Express Video Card - SLI Enabled 4200+ (Socket AM2) $1339 8 Channel Surround 3D Premium Sound 3800+ (Socket AM2) $1039 8 Channel Surround 3D Premium Sound 3800+ (Socket AM2) $1269 10/100/1000 MBps Ethernet LAN AMD Athlon™ 64 FX-62 (Socket AM2) $1989 10/100/1000 MBps Ethernet LAN AMD Athlon™ 64 FX-62 (Socket AM2) $2239 600Watt Surround Sound Speakers Logitech X-530 5.1 Surround Sound Speakers Logitech Deluxe Keyboard & Optical Mouse Logitech Deluxe Keyboard & Optical Mouse Free Wireless 802.11g 54MBps Network Adapter Free Wireless 802.119 54MBps Network Adapter e Multi-tasking with extreme performance. Stop juggling applications. With the AMD Athlon™ 64 FX dual-core processor, you can run multiple process-intensive applications and still rely on truly exceptional performance. Play the latest intense 3-D game while instant messaging, creating „editing or enjoying your favorite digital media. Explore the possibilities of extreme multi-tasking. е Step up to 64-bit gaming. Today's games demand more than good graphics—they demand realistic physics, lighting, artificial intelligence, and AthlonX2 sound previously only reserved for the world of simulations. AMD64 technology, featured оп AMD Athlon™ 64 FX processors, is the key to bringing the next generation of games to life. Don't get left in the dust—64-bit is here to change the world of 3-D games. IBUYPOWER.COIM preview Feature: the tough guys Don't you dare f*** with these bad boys (and girls) of town when the bars let out. You could grow accustomed to the lump made by a .45 under your pillow. You could take a bullet in the shoulder and stay alert enough to weave through rush hour traffic at 120 mph. You could solve problems the easy way, through over- whelming violence.* Or you could wake up at noon, switch on your gaming box, and settle into that comfy, ass-shaped crater in your couch. Being tough is a lot easier with three lives and infinite continues, so we've scouted out the future of tough guy games. —hRobert Ashley and the ЕСМ brute squad 5 ure, you could take a stroll through the bad part “If the thought of virtual murder and mayhem gets your pil- grim pantaloons in a twist, please refer to our special Jack Thompson meter. It's a measure (on a scale of one to five Thompson heads) of how outraged puritanical types like the Florida-based attorney will become at the sight of each game. ECCS 70$ ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY “ www.1UP.com | THE TOUGH DRUG LORD SCARFACE: THE WORLD IS YOURS PS2/XB “ VU Games “ October 2006 “TONY MONTANA IS NOT A F***ING BITCH!” screams Executive Producer Peter Wanat into — the phone. He takes on the attitude (and volume) of his open-world game’s coked-up gangster antihero, so much so that the only way to print his speech is in all caps. It's a little over the top, but The World is Yours—the interactive follow-up to the film that broke. the record for dropping F-bombs—is just that. In the words of Wanat, “THE GAME IS. ABOUT THE TOTAL F***ING EXCESSES OF TONY MONTANA!” Tony's biggest excess is, apparently, in his pants. We've all seen power meters, life meters, ammo, magic, and golf swing meters, but here's the only game to include a “balls meter.” You get balls for doing anything Tony would do. “YOU WANNA GO FOR SIX CONSECUTIVE HEADSHOTS? WE'LL REWARD YOU WITH BALLS!” shouts Wanat. “YOU WANNA POP SOMEONE IN THE LEFT NUT AND THE RIGHT NUT? WE'LL GIVE YOU EVEN МОВЕ. BALLS!” Yes, in case you're wondering, the game features testicle-specific targeting. So, what happens when your balls meter fills up? In short, you're primed for a mas- Eon Заў a Я % sacre. Maxing out your cojones will switch the perspective from third- to first-person and make you invincible. Or, аз Wanat says, "IT'S EIGHT ТО 10 SECONDS OF A TOTAL F***ING CRACK COCAINE HIGH!” > Upon hearing about the “balls meter,” Thompson will get his publicist on the phone and yell, “I’m back in > > action, baby! Get Donny Deutsch on the phone.” X Tony does his part to keep Hawaiian shirts in style. —Peter Wanat, Executive Producer ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY * www.1UP.com “ 71 = preview Feature: the tough guys | THE TOUGH MOVIE COP DIRTY HARRY PS3/XB360 “ Warner Bros. Interactive “ 2007 Here's a refresher on what makes loose-cannon cop "Dirty" Harry Callahan's day: blowing big holes in serial killers, demolishing property in the pursuit of justice, and flaunting basic civil liberties to get his way (Miranda rights: for sissies). And he’s not about to turn good cop in this action game, for which Clint Eastwood is providing his likeness and concept approval. “[You] can choose to use a bit more force with an unsavory character in interroga- tions or combat,” says Senior Producer Scot Kramarich, adding that playing rough will tick off Harry’s superior (portrayed by Gene Hackman). Oh, and you might want to ask yourself if you fired five shots or six, punk. “You are limited with your ammo,” Kramarich says, “so make every shot count.” “You can choose to use a bit more force with an unsavory character in interrogations or combat.” —Scot Kramarich, Senior Producer Although he doesn’t mind the cop-on-creep violence, Thompson’s more of a Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol kinda guy. Harry’s fashion sense can mean only one thing: The game's set in 1970s San Francisco. | THE TOUGH EXTRATERRESTRIAL DESTROY ALL == HUMANS! 2. 553 PS2/XB “ THQ “ October 2006 “Crypto’s attitude makes him a pretty tough cookie,” says Producer Derek Proud. “He believes himself superior to everyone on planet Earth, which is not surprising because it’s true." Sure, he’s got that going for him. But he's also got that anal probe. Can't forget the anal probe. In the original Destroy All Humans!—a go-at-your-own-pace open-world action-shooter—Crypto wreaked all sorts of havoc with tractor beams and death rays, and the sequel distances him even further from E.T. on the least-pansy-alien scale (while also sending him globe-trotting to England, Japan, and Russia). Along with greater mind powers and new weapons, Crypto now has the abil- ity to call down a meteor strike. You better believe that puts a kink in the Thursday night mah-jongg throwdown. > No doubt DAH2 features ЕЕ ot — but who's Thompson to judge what qualifies as offensive in the extraterrestrial scheme of things? Perhaps “death ray” is alien for “hug.” 72 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com pictures. And the difference is obvious in our 1080p HDTVs’ 2,000,000 pixels. | Ме the world’s only HDTV maker using а sixth color—magenta—to create our MITSUBISHI ‘more about our light engine at 6colorto80p.com. DIGITAL TELEVISIONS™ DLP logo are registered trademarks of Texas Instruments. preview Feature: ў? the tough auus ET е ( by ly never watched The Sopranos; d amd Elizabeth Dahm, producer of шестте amily’ ideogame debut, Road to Respect. “Big Pussy was part of the inner- most trusted circle of Tony Soprano’s mob family until he turned rat and Tony had him © whacke "The game picks up between seasons five and six and puts you into the role of “ Joey, the illegitimate son of season two victim Sal “Big Pussy” Bonpensiero, as you take on missions scripted around a feud between the Philly and Jersey crime families. “Our goal is to capture the experience of working for the Sopranos,” says Dahm. In this line of business, of course, “working” is synonymous with “beating the living . сгар out of people.” But anyone who has watched the show will tell you that, aside from occasionally shocking bouts of violence, The Sopranos is mostly about people standing around talking. How, exactly, do you get that across in a game? “Matching the show’s tone was extremely important,” says Dahm. “Road to Respect features an interactive dia- logue system that allows the player to choose how to speak to various characters in the game.” Don’t worry, though: Mob life and boring dialogue trees don’t mix, so the game boils your conversational choices down to “smooth” and “tough.” “Different choices will result in different outcomes,” says Dahm. “Every effort was made to give language as strong a role in the game as it has on the show.” Bada-bing. > - Y TV and movie-based violence don't seem to bother unhappy Jack, so Road to Respect may fall off his radar (at least for a little while). 74 * ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UPcom — и us © In this line of business, of course, “working” is synonymous with “beating the living crap out of E o mem і That's right; now just turn your head and cough. шы, preview Feature: -* the tough guys | THE TOUGH IMPORT YAKUZA PS2 • Sega • September 2006 Don't let the sleek suit fool you. For protagonist Kazuma, a typical business negotiation involves guarded courtesies, some heated words, and then, well, a face planted into the wall and a seeing- stars uppercut. Such is the grind as Kaz works his way through the world of the yakuza, more commonly known as the Japanese Mafia. And while it's easy to think of the game as ап Eastern- developed Grand Theft Auto, Yakuza—a mission-driven brawler heavy on the cut-scenes—has some key differences. It's got no grand theft auto-ing for one, it sports a more methodical pace, and you'll even have to buy gifts for your girlfriends. Makes you won- der if trigger-happy Western gamers will readily adopt this import. \ \ Ў. Ў vw SCF While Thompson may be happy that innocent pedestrians are off-limits here, Jack might crack when he realizes that progression relies almost exclusively on throwing fists at virtual pie holes. Oh, these balls are coming right over the plate. | THE TOUGH CREATE-YOUR-OWN TOUGH GUY CRACKDOWN XB360 “ Microsoft “ Fall 2006 Ever since Grand Theft Auto took the muzzle off morality, devel- pers have been pimping a bunch of out-of-control antiheroes. Well, in the futuristic metropolis of Crackdown, cops are the new criminals—you play as an agent of the law who isn't against сар- pin’ crooks to bring about a little justice. Customizing your cop goes way beyond picking up lame power-ups, too; every combative action you perform in the game (fighting, shooting, etc.) helps turn your officer into a beefed-up crime fighter. So that means the more asses that meet your foot, the stronger your crime-fighting kick will become (for instance, you'll gain abilities like tossing cars). If this lawyer really thinks violent games cause shootings, wait until he blames accidental circus deaths on Crackdown's Superman-like building leaping. 76 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com | THE TOUGH CHICK HEAVENLY SWORD PS3 “ Sony CEA “ Spring 2007 Beating up dudes as a man is not too hot. But replace the brawny meatbag with a feisty broad and you have an entirely Ц different дате (and опе that is 100 percent sexier). Nariko, Heavenly Sword’s redheaded hottie, may look nice on the outside, yet she has no prob- lem tearing your insides out. She shouldn't have much trouble doing so either, con- sidering the variety of ways she can mince your meat—with her massive sword, dual swinging blades, and a variety of probing projectiles, Nariko is the type of woman you don't want to rub the wrong way (though, judging by her vicious crotch shots, even the right way sounds a little sketchy). > ( ( ( 9 9 VÀ үй У we OY’ Jack may not dig Heavenly Sword's stylish carnage, but he knows better than to mess with a lady who's proficient at nut-cracking. m ج A‏ ET STOTT "? ADVENTURE CALLS...DO YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO ANSWER? Deep within the battered fortress of Zharrkarag, an evil most foul has taken hold. Armed with courage and a mystical wand, you must descend into the spiraling labyrinth and defeat the minions that lie in wait. Go forth cautiously, young elf. + PURCHASE NOW! TEXT KEYWORD “ORCS” ТО 22123 OTHER COUNTRIES. EA AND THE EA LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OR REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF ELECTRONIC ARTS INC. IN THE U.S. AND/OR A SECRET TO UNLOCK AT OTHER COUNTRIES. FOUNTAINHEAD ENTERTAINMENT AND THE FE LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OF FOUNTAINHEAD ENTERTAINMENT, INC. ALL WWW.ORCSANDELVES.COM OTHER TRADEMARKS AND TRADE NAMES ARE THE PROPERTIES OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. EA TM IS AN ELECTRONIC ARTS TM BRAND. T Я МУ © 2006 iD SOFTWARE, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PUBLISHED BY ELECTRONIC ARTS UNDER LICENSE FROM ID SOFTWARE, INC. ORCS & a? го На. 4 е ELVES, DOOM RPG AND ID ARE EITHER TRADEMARKS OR REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF ID SOFTWARE, INC. IN THE UNITED STATES AND/OR. | THE TOUGH ACTION HERO SPY HUNTE NOWHERE TO RUN PS2/XB • Midway • September 2006 xs You may recognize the Spy Hunter name from the classic '80s arcade game. The less fortu- ° z y ў Я nate may recognize it from the franchise's last Y T ы Ѓ ў showing, the pitiful бру Hunter 2 (PS2/XB/GC). Either way, it’s always kept to a simple con- cept: Drive a fast car loaded with weapons and blow crap up. And now Hollywood thinks this formula can work on the silver screen, as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is headed your way in a Spy Hunter movie (which has been mysteri- ously delayed until next year). This is the official game. Yep, Nowhere to Run is a game about a movie about a game. "We're trying to bring a different experience to Spy Hunter than just shooting and blowing up cars,” says Producer Jeremy Airey. That “something more" is the addi- tion of on-foot action levels starring the movie's beefy hero. And yes, the character will take a page from Johnson's former career and perform wrestling moves on his. enemies. “Were not necessarily a wrestling game,” says Airey. In fact, Nowhere to Run isn't any particular kind of game. Aside from to the manhandling moves, The Rock will pack an assortment of firearms, making Spy Hunter a game about а car (which transforms into both a boat and a motorcycle) with guns, driven by a pro wrestler with guns, Macho indeed, Compared to these other tough guys, The Rock is as wholesome as a glass of warm milk. The Rock gives ба опе helluva facial. | THE TOUGH KID | THE TOUGH ARCHAEOLOGIST (К. INDIANA JONES fa 6, MU У PS3/XB360 • LucasArts • Fall 2007 PS2 “ Rockstar * Fall 2006 HA 5 i Before he's even had a chance to ditch class or hock a loogie in a single freshman's face, Jimmy Hopkins—Bully’s 15-year-old hothead—is already making a name for himself as the "hero" of the next bad game to ban. What, you mean PTA groups and antiviolence crusaders take issue with a game in which your main mission is to rise to the top of а juvie-delinquent school's social order by fighting dirty and attending as few classes as possible? It doesn’t help that Bully is from the publisher of the Grand Theft Auto and employs the same do-anything mechanic—even if the hero isn’t old enough to drive. > TEE Jack has made no secret that this game is at the top of his hit list. So what if he’s got a little snake phobia and a fighting style that relies more on derring-do than tae kwon do? Indiana Jones always got by with pluck and luck in his movie adventures, and it's a formula worth following in this next-gen brawler. "You'll be using everything at your disposal to win the encounters,” says Project Lead Chris Williams. “Disarm an enemy with the whip, head-butt his companion, throw a bottle at the third guy coming through the door, and then roll a barrel toward him while turn- ing to deliver a whirling punch before grabbing an enemy and throwing him into another. There's a frantic and desperate feel to every fight.” EA ( 3 (Sm FR | | | | ) 900 WEE Vey vu OU © Not even Thompson can get worked up over an archaeology professor who busts Nazi butt. са The game’s souped-up animation system means you'll rarely see the same move twice. 78 “ ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY “ www.1UP.com A REBEL SPIRIT, ; THE GODS HAVE EXILED YOU TO THE й MORTAL WORLD. WHEN THE WARRIOR ? WITHIN YOU AWAKES, YOU MUST FLEE THOSE WHO WOULD CONTROL BOTH YOUR BODY AND YOUR SOUL; AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 26 a EN NET Hs RETURN TO A WORLD OF MYTH, 1 ' CENTURIES AFTER SILMERIA'S STORY. PlayStation.c AVAILABLE NOW ow tue PSP" (PLAYSTATION'PORTABLE) SYSTEM. SQUARE ENIX. www.square-enix.com Alcohol Reference Published by Square Enix, Inc. Fantasy Violence © 1999, 2006 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Developed by tri-Ace Inc. Character designa PRODUCTION I.G. Character illustration: KOU YOSHINARVYOU YOSHINARI. VALKYRIE PROFILE, LENNETH, SILMERIA, SQUARE ENIX and the SQUARE ENIX logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Square Enix Co.,Ltd. “PlayStation”, “PS” Family logo and "PSP" are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment ine. Memory Stick DUO!" may be required (sold separately). The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association Mild Language Suggestive Themes ‘the tough guys | THE TOUGH MEN IN BLACK RESERVOIR DOGS PS2/XB • Eidos • Fall 2006 The iconic image of Reservoir Dogs—tough guys іп black suits, skinny ties, and dark sunglasses—represents a challenge for а videogame adaptation. In the leg- endary indie flick, each of the sharply dressed jewel thieves (with the colorful code names of Mr. White, Mr. Blonde, Mr. Pink, Mr. Orange, Mr. Blue, and Mr. Brown) has his own distinct personality. But when you turn a charismatic, real actor (say, Steve Buscemi) into a polygonal dummy, any personality not conveyed by clothing tends Хо, МЕ, Я 4 А Whatever-color- to get lost in translation. The challenge: How do you make a Reservoir Dogs game : ۴ и а ч you-are! Try look- that doesn’t just feel like a bunch of nobodies in black suits? ing to your left. “Each character's dialogue is based heavily on their personality,” says Project Manager Dave Manuel, “and they have their own method of torturing a victim.” Wait—can we roll that back? Each character has his own special torture move? “І personally like to grab a groveling hostage and slice an ear off, which makes any cops facing me drop their weapons іп the hope that | won't go any further,” says Manuel. That might help explain why Reservoir Dogs has already been.banned in Australia, even though, according to Manuel, you can play through the entire game without killing a single person. Australia has a rough-and-tumble tough guy image, but considering their ninny censoring (the country also banned the Grand Theft Auto series), are they really a bunch of pussies? “You know, they almost chose ‘Waltzing Matilda’ as their national anthem,” says Manuel. “You tell те..." с Thompson will momentarily spout righteous streams of blood from his stigmata when he hears about Reservoir Dogs’ torture moves, but then he'll realize that torture is legal and necessary to prevent acts of terror. | THE TOUGH BOUNTY HUNTER METROID PRIME 3: CORRUPTION Wii е Nintendo • Fall 2006 Metroid heroine Samus has been helping close the gender gap in gaming ever since her seminal NES adventure. In Corruption, she'll be manhandling aliens and space pirates on the Wii, with players using the system's unique controller to open doors and launch grapple beams with hand motions. Still, the biggest draw here remains the series' addicting action-adventure formula and memorable boss battles. We can't help but wonder if ultimate toughie Master Chief could pull off а boss battle as sweet as Samus’ versus the dragonlike Ridley: The two combatants plummet down a seem- ingly bottomless shaft while exchanging fireballs and energy shots. ќа. Corruption won't have any multiplayer modes. That’s probably a smart move consid- ering Prime 2's craptastic versus action. © ON С>, жа. OO I um: К. жщ. 4 \ ) "e. 9 ў. Ў wW NO С? чаў ав ЧИ Unless he wants to go after the women’s lib move- ment, Jack may want to steer clear of this one. 80 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com пенора--. [it a ram ооо 0008 0000. ROBERT WILLAMS IIEWEUgg --- Visit Newegg.com for today's prices, complete product list, and in-depth product info. AMD; AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ Manchester 2000MHz HT 2 x 512KB L2 Cache Socket 939 Dual Core Processor 1 Increase your performance by up to 8096 with 5 D the AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual-Core processor. He Work or play with multiple programs without any stalling or waiting. 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Express x16 | VIVO PCI Express x16 All-In-Wonder ее «Enter Promo Code EGM10906 for a with these items w w w * 98% of orders ship within 1 business day “ "A" rating on ANY merchant ranking site • 500,000 product reviews from customers “ Over 50,000 customer testimonials By Jennifer Tsao The galaxy is your oyster in Mass Effect, the next epic role-play- ing game from the makers of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic pace may have been the final frontier back when Star Trek was in vogue, but it’s kinda been done to death in the intervening decades. So, how surprising was it when, at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo, the videogame industry got collective interplanetary chills from Mass Effect? Sure, the sci-fi role-playing game for the Xbox 360 looked amaz- ing—next gen in all its glory—but so did about half the other games on display. What wowed the crowds was just how up close and personal the game takes you, through its compelling dialogue technology, to civilizations way out there in the Milky Way. When BioWare, the game’s creator, invited us to take an exclusive closer look at Mass Effect, naturally we strapped into our space machine and issued the warp command. Join us for a galactic tour you won’t soon forget. > 82 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY “ www.1UP.com КЕ Space may be vast and mysterious, but only the Internet has exclusive Mass Effect footage and extended interviews with the folks mak- ing the game. Head to egm.1UP.com to check it out! . SPACE ODYSSEY An epic voyage deserves an epic tale Gazing out the window at unfamiliar, exotic new solar systems may take your breath away, but it's important to remember why you're here. It's the 22nd century, and human beings have only just been able to make their way into the farthest reaches of our galaxy. We’re becoming familiar with its alien civilizations, but as newcomers to outer space, "we're not major players yet,” says Project Director Casey Hudson. BioWare со-СЕО Ray Muzyka puts it more poetically: "You're the tip of the spear of humanity in the galactic space, the first rep- resentative of humanity in a wider galactic alien civilization.” In an attempt to gain political power, the human race is trying to place its members in key strategic positions, and that’s where you come іп, Playing the role of Commander Shepard, you're one of the human race's greatest mili- tary veterans. As such, you're a perfect candidate to become a power player—a Spectre, the most elite rank of soldiers that report directly to the galactic council. In that process, however, you discover a chilling reality—"the scariest thing possible,” according to Hudson. Apparently, the entirety of organic civilization as you know it is merely a Matrix-y crop, allowed to grow up by ancient machine races that have ruled the galaxy for millions and millions of years. They come to harvest us on a routine cycle, decimating civilization every couple thousand years. You quickly determine that you have a job to perform: save all of organic civilization. (Nobody said this tour would necessarily be a relaxing one....) ш Characters are realistically designed, but they're also stylized. Says Hudson: “It’s more about angular people from the future—where everybody’s in really good shape.” FANTASTIC VOYAGE Fasten your seatbelts—the g-forces are intense Before you venture too far, take a moment to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. In Mass Effect, you'll pilot your starship, the Normandy, through a vast array of planetary systems, space stations, abandoned freighters, asteroid fields, and other heavenly bodies, both charted and otherwise. You will be able to see these locations as you orbit them, though actual space travel will utilize a star map system similar to the interface in Knights of the Old Republic. BioWare M Biotics specialists promises that, with several hundred unique locations to explore, this will learn to channel game’s тар will dwarf KOTOR’s—one sign of the company’s grand dark energy, known ambitions for Mass Effect, which is planned as the first game in a as “mass effect.” trilogy. Hudson explains that this all starts with the title, which he hopes will evoke “the biggest scope, the biggest story, huge con- cepts, massive ideas, the player having a big effect on the world...” Physically, “mass effect” is a real force in the game, one that will play a crucial role in both space travel and combat. Hudson likens it to today’s theoretical dark matter: “Even in current astronomy, they’re discovering a force that wasn’t previously accounted for in physics that is causing all these things that aren't supposed to be happen- ing,” he explains. In the game world, this natural force enables the player to travel across great distances of space, and it can give you superhuman powers called “biotics” (to be covered later on the tour). 84 « ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com * Jade Empire (also from BioWare). “You don't have to stop and wait while your character ' Effect will have significant impact on the story development,” says Hudson. $ the consequences of moral choices they make throughout the game. “We’re trying to | build that into the gameplay, maybe оп a deeper level than we ever have before,” says in the characters around you and even in the things you'll encounter hours later in the 1 dc “ game, and in the ultimate end of the game.” Indeed, your choices can affect future epi- Ede s Шо к Б sodes of the trilogy, but we'll save that for the end of the tour. > à > 4 a LOVING tHEJALIEN ~ Come face-to-face with friends and foes across the universe The best part of traveling is meeting people from foreign lands, and this galactic voy- age should present plenty of opportunities for that. Indeed, for BioWare, this is really what Mass Effect is all about. The company feels this game is next gen in ways far beyond graphics and gameplay. “Our strength is storytelling," says Muzyka. "What's aren't ready to the technology that gets us to better stories?” Muzyka says the company has focused ` comment just yet many, many years developing technology strictly for creating digital characters that m оп how they'll are better actors and can deliver the story in a better way. Many of the characters / handle alien Іап- EN guages like those ‘surely spoken by & the pointy-headed | guys shown here. in Mass Effect are developed using procedural tools that enable programmers and designers to control exactly how the characters’ facial expressions move. They can then match those animations precisely with speech intonations to convey emotion. “When a character raises an eyebrow, the way that it wrinkles looks like a real person doing it,” Muzyka says. “You forget that it’s a digital character, and you start caring about what they’re saying and feeling.” The goal is to make these characters believable enough that you can look in their eyes without thinking about the lip-syn- ching or the gestures. "You're actually thinking about what they're feeling as a char- acter," he says. Muzyka hopes gamers will get really excited threatening or flirting with a character not just because of the logical results of such behavior, but because they truly see and feel how the other character is responding to what they're doing. “It's so much more empowering,” says Muzyka. “You start forgetting that you're in a Story—you're actually there." й The dialogue system is another hugely important aspect of creating more compelling а stories. With а dynamic wheel, you select a direction that indicates the type of response ки you want to give—angry, threatening, or compassionate, for example. You'll have some sense of what your character is going to say or how they'll react, but it's a vast step beyond the normal dialogue trees from even recent story-based RPGs like KOTOR or watches you look through the list of options,” says Hudson. “You can respond as soon as the other character is done. It makes a huge difference—you forget that you're playing something.... You have this unprecedented feeling that you're in control in a more tactile way than ever before.” The dialogue system is intended to be intuitive and easy to use. “It makes having a conversation, for the first time in any RPG, easy, very accessible, and fun,” says Muzyka. These conversations won't just be idle side quests that help you earn a few extra space dollars, either. “Negotiation, diplomacy, threats, coercion, flattery—all sorts of different ways of interacting with the characters in Mass Like KOTOR and Jade Empire before it, Mass Effect will further impress upon players Muzyka. “Your decisions have tremendous impact on the way the story unfolds, both mc and ЌИ cost you MASSIVE ATTACK When you cant talk your way out of it... In the course of your trip, be nice to the friendly characters you encounter; you'll need them when you head into combat (you can take two other team members with you). Each character can special- ize in any combination of three classes: soldier, tech, or biotics (those superhuman powers where you can feel and shape the "mass effect" energy force). The soldier class is the conventional combat-oriented character that will focus on traditional weapons such as rifles and grenades, while tech users learn to control and manipulate enemy weapons and defenses. Biotics specialists have a whole other range of aggressive abilities—they can ignite items, freeze them, control objects remotely, use plasma and fusion effects, and more. The designers want all the classes to be equally exciting to use in a fight. “In a typical RPG, the magic user or tech specialist does stuff as an alternative to combat,” says Hudson. “In Mass Effect, the biotics and tech users have amazing things they do in combat that are as cool as [what] the soldier [does].” They're also focusing on making these skills truly team-based. “The idea was to create powers that could be used in interesting combinations,” says Lead Designer Preston Watamaniuk. “By themselves, they're still powerful and effective, but it’s when you stop and think how you can use them in conjunction that the really powerful effects come out of them.” Your stable of companions is, of course, completely customizable, from the characters’ basic skills down to their armor and weapons. You'll find all sorts of things around the worlds that you can modify your equipment and companions with. For instance, you can alter your weapon so it'll make enemies disappear, or you can make it freeze the enemy, where they'll actually turn into an icy solid and slide down a staircase, and if they take damage they'll shatter. “The mods and stuff you can do can allow you to use these things as chess pieces,” says Hudson. Throughout the game, you'll be able to swap squad members in and out, depending on what situations you face, and smart tactics become essential to survival. The combat is real time, but you can control any of your party members using context-sensitive commands. “Say you're fighting a horde of smaller creatures coming at you from all directions,” says Hudson. “You can be picking off the smaller creatures, and your squad members will use their own А.І. to choose the best targets for them." The D-pad and shoulder buttons will allow you to tell vari- ous squad members to target particular enemies. "You can just hit а button to say, ‘You take out that guy, you take out that other guy," Hudson adds. "You're simultaneously fighting three different enemies with real simple commands.” And what if, as in the screenshots here, there's a larger boss-type enemy coming at you at the same time? This is where powerful tacti- cal planning—and the pause feature—come in. "If you're finding that you can’t defeat that boss in the real-time game,” says Watamaniuk, “you can pause and order your tech guy to take over that machine boss, and for a while, he'll start firing and wiping out his own troops." Or you could thin out his shields, or tip him over, or designate him as an enemy to other baddies around him. The squad-based command system “puts all these tactics at your fingertips,” says Hudson, “to very easily create all kinds of mayhem.” > 86 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com Я “it's not an attempt at redefining a shooter. It's actually an evolution from KOTOR into the realm of third-person shooter action,” says Casey Hudson, who also directed the breakthrough Star Wars RPG. “у Я Shepard сап choose to go it solo, if that’s how you want to play it. 18 The big mechanical beastie pictured here, called an Armature, is part of an enemy machine race called the Geth. . DROP SHIP Explore uncharted turf in your own all-terrain vehicle What epic journey would be complete without some off-roading opportunities? Mass Effect promises more than a few of these; you should have unprecedented freedom to explore the universe on your terms—we saw underground bases, caves, and abandoned mines among the various exotic locations the player may happen upon. “You might have a really clear idea of what story location you à want to visit next, so you go to the galaxy map and navigate around and find the planet you want,” explains Hudson. “But as you enter that star system, you might pick up a signal from a derelict ship floating in space, and you think, ‘Oh ГІІ go to that first.” What you encounter there might turn out to be a required story quest, or it could be an optional side quest, for which you're rewarded with new weapons and mods for your armor. How you do this exploring is also noteworthy. You'll have a very capable all-terrain vehicle that you can customize to better handle the various types of terrain you'll encounter. "If you're exploring off the beaten path, you're going to be driving [your vehicle] on the edges of mountains and over the edges of cliffs, across icy lakes—it could be anything," says Hudson. “That's where some of the neat modifications come in.” Since the driving mechanic is completely physics-based, you can give your ATV better grip, more power, better handling, and other special modifications that will help you get to loca- tions that you wouldn’t be able to otherwise reach. The vehicle will also have turrets and weapons, so naturally it will be involved in some vehicle-based combat. Think of it as another member of your party, one you'll customize and use during the story quest and beyond. * омеги Созина. 601475 зө е 21228633 1058609 Sector 3 88 “ ELECTRONIC GAMING МО! * www.1UP.com W Shepard may look like he’s going toe-to-toe with the Harvester pictured below, but Lead Designer Preston Watamaniuk calls that an “almost impossible” scenario. “We wanted to give you enemies that were going to challenge you in your vehicle,” he says, and with this creature’s running, crushing, and acidic venom attacks, it’s meant to be а boss-level battle, even in your vehicle. “So this [screenshot] is just before Shepard gives up and runs as fast as he can back to ‘the car,” jokes Hudson. 8 The safer way to defeat the gigantic space dragon. 41 dod pon 23225633 20565.04 Sector 3 u c4 М LOST ІМ SPACE It aint over, even when it's over BioWare is promising to extend your galactic tour with unlockable areas and missions (available right out of the box), plus downloadable content on Xbox Live. The team is also committed to letting you use the main character you created to do it. “It’s too cool a concept not to do," says Hudson. “The more you invest in this character, the more you're going to want to keep that character around," ` he says. You'll also have the option to use your character from this game when starting future episodes of the trilogy. But don’t think of Mass Effect as one gigantic tale divided into three episodic chapters that end with cliffhangers and force you to play on to find out how things unfold. Yes, each game's plot is planned within a larger arc, but Hudson emphasizes that the individual episodes will be discrete entities, satisfying in their own right. If, however, you do choose to continue with the saved character you've developed over months and years, expect future content to work with you. The team hasn't figured out exactly how it will work, but this is an important facet of designing the trilogy. “Of course, you'll want the major decisions you made to carry through,” says Hudson. “It is going to be the universe that you created through your decisions in the first game.” The experience should be well worth it, too. “The further we go in detailing [Mass Effect's] story, the more clever hooks and fun things we're putting in the long-term story arc and downloadable content,” says Hudson. You never really know what you'll find—weapons, char- acters, and quests are all part of the plan for Xbox Live expansions. “You might find out that a new region of space has opened up, and there’s a whole bunch of new worlds out there to explore,” says Hudson. Might a futuristic planet Earth be one of those? “І can’t say,” he says, “but anything's possible." So while BioWare estimates that the game will rival its previous works in length of the main story quest, the traditional end won't really be the end. "When you look at the horizon and wonder what else is there, you can actually go there, and there's always really cool stuff for you to find,” says Muzyka. In other words, our tour may have come to a close, but one need only look at the horizon and dream of the adventures to come. ЖЕ. W “This isn’t the bald humanoid you're looking for. Move along." frevieW сгеш ıs it art? ıs it а game? who cares, Just ensoy the game THIS MONTH IN REVIEWS.. ell, blow me down. We actually have a healthy- looking Reviews section this month, with a couple of award- winners to boot. Does this mark the end of the summer drought? Looking at the upcoming release list: Yes, yes, it does (of course, РИ probably be eating my words in 30 days now). What has the staff most excited this month is the “Is it art?” Game of the Month, Okami. Paintbrushes, magic wolves, and a definite Zelda vibe equals a killer pedigree. Right behind Okami, though, is Dead Rising, and not just for what it did to Crispin (see his bio on the opposite page). In more unfortunate news, we didn’t get Madden NFL 07 reviewable discs in time for this issue. Check out Reviews Wrap-up for our early impressions. —Greg Ford, Reviews Editor GAME DIRECTORY Xbox 360 92 Dead Rising 94 Prey 96 Ninety-Nine Nights 97 Bomberman Act: Zero Multi 98 Super Monkey Ball Adventure 98 FlatOut 2 99 Pac-Man World Rally 99 Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories PlayStation 2 100 Okami 103 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy МИ 104 Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria 106 Dance Factory 05 106 Deep Labyrinth PSP 108 Bomberman 108 Ultimate Ghosts 'п Goblins 109 Tekken: Dark Resurrection Extra Stuff 110 Reviews Wrap-up 111 Reviews Archive 90 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com 0-7 | GOOD Platinum Gold Silver Straight 10s. For For games with games that are | an average score life-changing of 9.0 or higher, | or higher. For games with a mean score of 8.0 GAME OF THE MONTH & 27 SHAME OF THE MONTH The highest-scor- | The lowest-rated | ing game with unanimously "good" scores. game with unani- mously “bad” scores. ESRB Ratings The ESRB's game ratings range from “Everyone” to "Adults Only.” Visit www.esrb.org for the full lowdown. THE REVIEW CREW Don’t shoot the messengers DAN “SHOE” HSU * Editor-in-Chief College football's about to start, but Shoe's trying to hide his excitement. If Greg Ford finds out, he'll be assigning Shoe a ton of sports-game reviews, z leaving him less time to watch the real deal. Now Playing: Shadow of the Colossus, Psychonauts Blog: egmshoe.1UP.com JENNIFER TSAO * Managing Editor Jen was so busy visiting the outer reaches of ‘the galaxy for this month’s cover story, she only had time to review one game. (Too bad the cheapo space airline only gave her miles for the Canadian leg of the trip....) Now Playing: Okami, New Super Mario Bros. Blog: egmjennifer.1UP.com BRYAN INTIHAR * Previews Editor During their daily Tekken: Dark Resurrection bouts, Bryan made Shane look foolish (Greg Ford can testify to that). But when it comes to Soul Calibur Ill, well, Big B really doesn't like to discuss it. Now Playing: Okami, Tekken: Dark Resurrection Blog: egmbryan.1UP.com MICHAEL DONAHOE News/Features Ed. Michael's bummed he finally finished Kingdom Hearts И. Іп fact, he’s contemplating quitting his job to set up shop in the Magic Kingdom...as a janitor. It's а dirty job, but someone's gotta clean the crapper. Now Playing: New Super Mario Bros. Blog: egmiked.1UP.com MARK MACDONALD • Editor-at-Large Each fall, Mark celebrates the birth of our nation’s first game reviewer іп a tasteful ceremony. We don’t have the heart to tell him Lincoln never reviewed games, And he was born in February. Now Playing: Ultimate Ghosts 'п Goblins, Okami Blog: egmmark.1UP.com JAY FRECHETTE г Staff Reviewer Jay Fresh had to bid a tearful good-bye as his short but sweet internship came to an end this month. GameVideos.com snatched him up, so he can still be seen around the office annoying EGM editors. Now Playing: Geometry Wars, Valkyrie Profile 2 Blog: egmjay.1UP.com GREG SEWART * Staff Reviewer Sewart would have reviewed more games this month, but the Canadian border patrol had other plans for him.... Guess it's time to bribe a few more officials. Corruption rules! Now Playing: Prey, NCAA Football 07, Oblivion Blog: stewy.1UP.com SHANE BETTENHAUSEN • Exec. Editor This month, summer's bleak gaming drought finally ends, so Shane offers you a toast to kick off the monumental 2006 fall gaming season. Plus, he really needed a drink after beating Dirge of Cerberus. Now Playing: Disgaea 2, Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria Blog: egmshane.1UP.com CRISPIN BOYER * Senior Editor In what can only be described as a bizarre office mishap, Crispin's fist accidentally punched his phone during a maddening portion of Dead Rising. Cha-ching! Can you say “workers’ comp"? Now Playing: Dead Rising, Bomberman (PSP) Blog: egmcrispin.1UP.com GREG FORD • Reviews Editor After witnessing Crispin’s “This game *&$^ing "88575!" freak-out to a tough game firsthand (the poor phone will never be the same), Ford has since taken the proper precautions. Now Playing: Ghost Recon S Advanced Warfighter Blog: egmford.1UP.com ADAM GOTHELF * Editorial Intern After reviewing a Pac-Man kart racer and a Super Monkey Ball platformer, new intern Adam now specializes in crazy-person/baby/ crazy-baby games. Now Playing: Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, King of Pro Baseball (N64, Japan-only) Blog: egmadam.1UP.com ROBERT ASHLEY • Staff Reviewer Sure, Okami was an adventure, but it paled in comparison to Robert's journey to GameLife's Gamer's Lounge, where he made a cameo appearance in episode 6. Now Playing: Okami, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Blog: robertashley.1UPcom 5 DEMIAN LINN • Staff Reviewer Dead Rising can inspire even the most mild-mannered to fits of office equipment destruction. But after Demian got a few good licks in оп Crispin's phone, he felt a lot better. That phone had it coming. Now Playing: World of WarCraft (PC), Dead Rising Blog: egmdemian.1URcom ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY “ www.1UP.com • 91 @ review Crew: xbox 360 DEAD RISING Maul of America SPIN: Gamers who grew up surviving horrific Resident Evil videogames and watching gore-de-force Dawn of the Dead remakes know that any real-life walking-dead uprising would both kick ass (hey, everything's free at the mall!) and suck ass (why is Aunt Karen trying to eat my large intes- tine?). No game encapsulates that apocalyptic dichotomy like Dead Rising, a million-zombie-march brawler that just happens to be the best s***ty game you'll ever play. How easy it would have been for Mega Man/ Onimusha creator Keiji Inafune, wielding the mighty 360 hardware, to pump thousands of zombies into a so-real-you-can-smell- the-Cinnabon mall, then simply give gamers carte blanche to carve through the recently deceased. But Dead Rising is so much more balls to the mall than, say, the similarly venued State of Emergency. Not only can your hero, every- man photojournalist Frank West, use everything from HDTVs to lawn mowers as weaponry, but most items have unique effects. Wailing on corpses with a guitar produces power chords with each impact. Skateboards serve as transporta- tion and a way to clear a path. And careening through herds of zombies in a jacked car is just the coolest thing ever. It makes for an experience that’s as fun to watch as it is to play—until you spook your peanut gallery with frustrated hollering that would wake the dead. Dead Rising’s save system is an outdated pain in the ass that holds only one slot at a time. The old gaming adage "save often" isn’t an option, either, because you must hike to certain areas to do it. Now consider that you're on the clock here: The game gives you 72 hours (which whiz by faster than real time) to dig up the reasons behind the undead’s return. Dally too long on one of many maddening escort side missions, and you run the risk of arriving late for a crucial story event. The upshot: You'll have to start this game over a few times until you learn to focus on the important stuff and avoid getting burned by the save system (fortunately, you keep the spe- cial moves you earn from building your character). It turns Dead Rising into a sort of Groundhog Day of the Dead, in which you replay the story from scratch over and over until you get things right. It's as if Dead Rising keeps resurrecting itself, as unkillable as your Aunt Karen. 0 £ | just don’t understand how this could happen. And no, | don't mean, "How could a whole town come down with a bad case of the zombies?" | mean, "How could a game with so much potential just totally fail to get the easy stuff right?” Dead Rising shows moments of awesomeness, but the good bits are often buried under classic, cardinal design sins, such as the horrible save system that Crispin B Know what pisses off zombies more than giving them airplane rides? Nothin’. already eviscerated, stop-running-into-the-wall-already ally A.l., and unfun, frustrating boss battles. But if you can come to terms with Dead Rising’s peculiar quirks—and avoid flying into a rage when it totally screws you—you'll find some really cool moments. Wade into a gaggle of undead with a chain saw, bust open a gum ball machine and watch the zombies go into pratfall mode, heat up a frying pan on the stove, and then one-shot the brain- dead... If you have the patience, there's a great game here. TURCON Dead Rising nails the ambiance of shopping in America: the dinky music, the gaudy decor (Wild West-themed food court!), and the creepy neatness (stacks of shirts, rows of canned goods, etc.). The whole thing is a send-up of consumer culture, which elicits a simple cus- tomer complaint: High-definition is great, but you've gotta include an option for old-school boob tubes. | destroyed my eyes trying to read the microscopic text in Dead Rising. It didn't ruin the joys of conducting zombie dismemberment experiments with power tools and “fixing” the game’s ter- rible story scenes with silly costumes (Mega Man helmet + drama = hilarity). Dead Rising is only frustrating when you play it in a straight line. Enjoy some carnage, take some pic- tures, level up, then restart and make a run for the ending. Good: Dozens of ways to kill hundreds of zombies Bad: Too easy to screw up and have to start over Don’t Expect Much Help From: Brad while fighting Carlito 92 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com THE VERDICTS (QUTOF 10) CRISPIN DEMIAN Developer: Capcom Players: 1 ESRB: Mature Publisher: Capcom ROBERT | www.capcom.com That’s Awesome! Hard driving — Cruising through wall-to- wall zombies is rad, but don’t break down! The Good and Bad Side of Dead Rising... That Sucks! Ё Hate radio — Answering this gizmo for mission info leaves you defenseless, E All this and brains, too. Delicious brains... Braaaainss..... mill Style points — Raid stores for outfits. Hey, It's not stealing when it's the apocalypse. Busted bosses — Most main baddies blow. One will ruin clownophobes for life. mane nn OE Sharp shooting — Taking hot photos (i.e., Й upskirt zombie erotica) gets you experience. 542 KILLED It’s the little things that put a smile on our faces while playing Dead Rising. Ramming a showerhead into rotting foreheads, for instance, brings new meaning to the word “bloodbath.” : Ms Smooth moves — Experience grants you Rest areas — You get just one save slot, killer hand-to-rotten-hand fighting moves. only accessible in areas like the bathrooms. аб kh, Grave humor — Intentional or not, the cheesy plot evokes B-movie hilarity. Readers’ block — The game’s tiny text Zombies become the least of your worries as the game progresses. Soon you'll dodge will send non-HDTV gamers to LensCratters. rain-slickered suicidal cultists keen on sacrificing you in your skivvies. Seriously! Near-Death Experience Points: Five not-in-the-manual tips that'll save your sanity... You can't save everybody: Over- Focus on the big stuff: The main Don’t be afraid to start over: Call Friendly fire: Those annoying Shake it up: Toss every food item eager completist players may find missions, called “cases,” kick off at ^ ita bold game-design concept or bosses go down easier if you use you find into restaurant blenders to this hard to take, but there just aren't specific times and places. Missing just busted gameplay, but you'll the Uzi lying in the Al Fresca Plaza whip up super smoothies, Coffee enough minutes in Dead Rising's а key event closes all future cases, ^ likely have to redo the story at least fountain. You'll find another Uzi in creamer and OJ, for instance, nitro- three days to do every side mission. locking you out of the unfolding once. Fortunately, you can skip cin- the parking garage, located along boost your speed—handy for when. | That brings us to our second tip... story. So, here's our third tip.... emas, so do-overs go much faster. . the western wall of the park. you're running behind schedule. zx Mead money madness’ Buy Mead. Get Rewarded.. 2. Prey’s portals and anti- gravity tricks are fun for the first few hours... =. Buy Mead® school supplies апа you could win great gear! box 360 PREY Unanswered prayer 6, FORD: For an enthralling few hours, out-there first-person shooter Prey blew my mind. The game opens with some edgy extraterrestrials abducting your ass and dropping you into their organic, pulsating, Death Star-sized ship, which houses a bevy of awe- somely otherworldly rules. To wit: Rooms with multiple gravitational fields create М.С. Escher-esque scenes, as enemies walk on walls while you stand on a different “floor.” Your ghostlike spirit lets you both spirit walk (leaving your body behind as you sneak through force fields and pick off enemies) and death walk (in which, upon dying, you head to a trippy shooting gallery and take potshots for health before pop- ping back where you left off). Finally, both you and enemies can see, shoot, and hop through portals to reach other parts of the ship all quicklike. After this multihour undertaking of discovery, though, it seems all creativ- ity gets sucked away. The level design devolves into the straightforward, corridor-based layouts you'd find in any generic FPS, and each innovation stumbles to some degree (as the other guys will point out). Prey’s atmosphere and creativity deliver—it's the uneven execution (especially with the portals) and multiplayer (just deathmatch and team DM, plus lag) that holds it back. MICHAEL: Spend a couple hours globe-trotting Prey's extraterrestrial fun house and witness your mind turn to mush as it soaks in all the bizarre gimmicks—portals, walking on walls, immortality—that help the game stand out from other ho-hum shooters. Well, at least until the wackiness wears thin. After that, the game is about as interesting as any game involving fugly demons and а balls-out hero (i.e. any first-person shooter from the "905). Being immortal (thanks to death walking) is cool, but once you realize you can’t die, the challenge goes down the crapper. Bosses? Who cares about "ет if you're a wiseass Cherokee god? And while the multiplayer does its duty, having only two play options is pretty pathetic—not to mention that the action suffers from nasty lag if slow- connected users join your game. 1UP.COM—GARNETT: Wow, | remember the days when Prey was billed as the first-person shooter that would change (PC) gaming. That was a decade ago (I’m not kidding). The inter- vening years have made portal-hop- ping and wall-walking no less unique, but a retrotastic residue remains. Mowing down biomechanical aliens and fragging online elicits the involun- tary “Hell yeah!” old id games did (like Doom). М only it stepped past that. But the story misses a chance to elevate the game further (think Half-Life), instead delivering a narrative that amounts to nothing more than a reason for the hero's cool supernatural powers. Check it out today MeadMoneyMadness.com/games m NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. OPEN TO LEGAL RESIDENTS OF THE 50 UNITED STATES AND ОС, 13 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Game begins 12:00:01 AM EST on 7/14/06 and ends 11:59:59 PM EST on 11/5/06. GAME SUBJECT TO FULL OFFICIAL RULES. For full Official Rules visit wwwmeadmoneymadness.com. Sponsor: MeadWestvaco Consumer & Office Products, a division of MeadWestvaco. (OUT OF 10) THE VERDICTS G. FORD MICHAEL The makers of the prizes in this promotion are not connected in any way with Mead and do not sponsor or endorse this promotion. ©2006 MeadWestvaco Corporation ESRB: Mature GARNETT Publisher: 2K Games Developer: Human Head Players: 1 (2-8 online) www.2kgames.com eS ў: ў. ana) —— 00 ——— —— 25 н ——— с —— — سے‎ f у ر‎ / FIVE STAR | Introducing „| «*««««- k notebook. The NEW Hybrid NoteBinder” You asked For it. We built it. " 02 Get a FREE Five Star Flex™ Card at FlexitNow.com Part Buy any Five Star Flex™. Then, register online today and binder. get access to thousands of discounts. Save on food, movies and more of the things you love! “ад xbox 360 — м. | Xbox 360 Á 3 NINETY-NINE NIGHTS 99 problems and this game is one of them BRYAN: Rez (PS2), Meteos (DS), Space Channel 5 (Dreamcast)—as evidenced by this résumé, Tetsuya Mizuguchi is one developer who doesn't stick to the videogame norm. Or that's what I thought. His latest ‘project, the fantasy-rich hack-n-slasher Ninety-Nine Nights (МЗ), is as generic as they come. 5 this really what we should expect from Microsoft’s much-hyped Japanese support for the Xbox 360? Similar to the Dynasty Warriors series, N3 is all about the kill. It packs an insane amount of enemies onto the battlefield (the action rarely chugs), and the simple yet ‘stylish combo system ensures you'll always look like a pro while bludgeoning thousands of orcs and goblins. Technological feats aside, МЗ doesn't do much else...er, make that anything else that you haven't seen from this Stuck-in-the-mud genre. The missions here—regard- less of the character you use—are cut from the same superrepetitive mold; go from point A to point B while ‘slaughtering as many foes as possible. Innovative? No. Add to that the lack of checkpoints, and trudging through these areas multiple times (especially when some mis- sions can be 40-plus minutes long) suddenly becomes a а. тыз x x Ninety-Nine Nights would've benefited greatly from ап online—or even splitscreen—co-op mode. Good: Sweet-looking combos Bad: Stupid А.І. troops, repetitive mission structure At Least: The music’s good 96 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com | 792 каа major hassle. Well, maybe it wouldn't feel so taxing if my АІ. troops actually had something upstairs. These guys act more like spectators than bloodthirsty warriors. SHOE: Cutting down enemies in A3 is about as thrilling as singing through “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall"... while sober. Hack and slash and hack and slash end- lessly until your fingers, mind, and soul are numbed away with repetition and boredom. Are developers pow- erless to turn this army-busting genre into something, you know, fun? Even with the power of the Xbox 360, all the game really gives us is more enemies, which equates to more hacking and slashing. Great, now my brain knows what next-gen anesthesia feels like. І сап appreciate the occasional mindless, all-action affair, however, and N3 is technically superior to any Dynasty Warriors game (with more moves, varied envi- ronments, and a near-comprehensible story line). But what's with the awkward save system, lack of check- points, useless allies, and enemies that blend right in with your own army? 1UP.COM—MILKMAN: It’s too bad that plowing through countless enemies and finishing N3's narrative is such a repetitious chore, because its multiple-perspective story line (with no clear-cut good and evil sides) is worth unveiling. It has solid controls, sexy character designs, and when you play it on a high-def setup, N3 is occasionally stunning. Thankfully, N3 avoids any broken strategic elements and focuses on the action, but clear- ing one scenario with one character only to move on to more of the same with another is a tough sell. If you're tired of the Dynasty Warriors formula, this won't change that, but it is a solid foundation for future iterations. фа. | THE VERDICTS (ОЛ ОРТО) Ninety-Nine Nights Troops who are dumber than a box of rocks SHOE MILKMAN Dynasty Warriors Two busy battlefields Enemy Casualties War heroes that only folks with a Ph.D in Chinese history would know Orcs, trolls, giant royal toads Advantage: N3 Allies Ditto Advantage: Tie Advantage: Tie Rations Steamed pork buns Advantage: DW Red vials Say What? Unlockable character Cao Pi of DW5 (that’s pronounced “cow pee”) Advantage: DW Vigk Vagk In the end, it was the energy boost from the dim sum table that put Koei’s hack-n-slasher over the top in this enemy-drenched war zone. Publisher: Microsoft Developer: Q Entertainment/ Phantagram Players: 1 ESRB: Mature WWW.Xbox.com BOMBERMAN ACT: ZERO This bomb really blows © НЕ MONTH Good: Despite the changes, it plays like Bomberman Bad: Ridiculous new getup, severely lacking play options Should Have Been: An Xbox Live Arcade game MICHAEL: Who green-lit this abomina- tion? Now I’m a mature lad, and yes, I understand cutesy bomb-chucking characters may not be all that hip with the kiddos these days, but did the developers really need to transform Bomberman into a hackneyed Halo holocaust? Just the idea of replacing warm-spirited fun with coldhearted killing completely negates the happy-go-lucky feel of the original games. But enough about the tacky makeover; the real problem with Act: Zero is the fact that you get royally ripped off when it comes to gameplay variety. Sure, the single- player game has 99 stages, but considering the levels offer little to no differences, it's more a marathon of monotony than anything closely related to fun. Not even the multi- player—the series’ hallmark—saves this from being a dud. Hell, the PSP Bomberman (page 108) has more multiplayer options than its console cousin. Of course, that’s not saying much, considering Act: Zero offers a whopping two modes to choose from. Even the new “first-person bomber” view is lame—all it does is hamper your view. Sorry, B-Man, you went from hero to a big zero. CRISPIN: Twenty-first cen- tury makeovers for classic game charac- ters are one thing, but—yeesh!—seeing these revamped Bombermen (plus new heaving-bosomed Bomberwomen) in action is like watching Nintendo's Mario morph into a cold-eyed mafia hit man. It's like the Borg assimilated the cute, square-skulled TNT poopers of this clas- Sic series and then set them loose in a schlocky future-shocked world. But even minus the sense of crapped- on nostalgia, Act: Zero still doesn't offer enough stuff for its 50-buck price tag. You get repetitive single-player missions with soul-crushing music you'll switch off in a jiff. And the all-important multiplayer doesn't deliver enough options or power- ups—or even enough players. (C'mon, only eight?! Saturn Bomberman supported 10 players nearly 10 years ago!) 1UP.COM—RAY: Hardcore Bomberman fans like myself recognize only a handful of games in the series as being great, with the rest being mostly missteps. And Act: Zero is the biggest misstep of all—more of a misleap, really. Where, exactly, is the logic in a full-price, single-player-only Bomberman game that requires an Internet connection for multiplayer and saving stats? (It doesn't even support single-screen multiplayer!) The core game is still enjoyable, but no attempt was made to flesh out the single- player mode. And the camera is either too zoomed in or out (and hard to see without an HDTV) depending on the mode. Basically, you have to be really desperate for some form of Bomberman to pick up Act: Zero. (OUTOF 10) THE VERDICTS MICHAEL ЕТ Publisher: Konami Developer: Hudson Soft Players: 1 (2-8 online) ESRB: Teen RAY www.konami.com К an A бо, 3 A 5 а. € o = е Ж © S КА ка review сгеш: ДЕ multi/pse a ЕН м Bea ie о О PS2/XB Good: Eject-the-driver minigames are funny...at first Bad: Running over garbage for nitro = fundamentally flawed We'd Rather Be Playing: Burnout. Checkers. Trombone. DEMIAN: FlatOut 2 is pretty much like the first FlatOut, which was pretty much like a poor man’s backwoods Burnout. Nudging a fellow jalopy into a tree is kind of fun (although the driver’s scream as he or she flies through the windshield is disconcert- ing), but smashing old fridges and other junk in order to build up your nitro is just stupid. Really, who thought that running over garbage was enough fun to be a core mechanic in a racing game? And why is it that some of the detritus littering FlatOut's mostly dirt roads will send you cartwheel- ing off the track? Ah, so that's why the Reset Car button is one of the primary face buttons—you'll end up using it mul- tiple times in every race, as you nudge a guardrail and find yourself stuck or botch ajump and end up on your roof. Online racing works fine—the minigames (based around ejecting your driver through the windshield and int targets, bowling pins, etc.) can be а піді mare, though, as you wait for up to eight people to take their turns. It ain't worth it. BRYAN: Good thing the developers wised up and made all of FlatOut 2’s minigames DEMIAN BRYAN FLATOUT 2 Another trip to the dump Player № XB 1-4 (2-8 online) ІЯ Hot tip: Go backward down the track to lose even quicker! playable from the onset— crazy stunts such as launching your rag- doll driver through rings of fire (cue that Johnny Cash tune) remain the only reason to get behind this franchise’s wheel. Yep, this sequel's conventional races—whether you're fishtailing on muddy backcountry roads or burning rubber on those new city streets—are just as worthless as the original's. Poor handling and ridiculously skilled А.І. drivers make a repeat perfor- mance here, as does that whole ass-back- ward gameplay mechanic of plowing into stuff around the track (which slows you down or causes you to wreck) in order to earn nitro boosts. Seriously, why deal with these speed bumps when you've got so many high-quality racing alternatives? 1UP.COM—JOHN: Though I liked the game a little more than these guys did, | gotta agree with them: Much of the "proper" racing in FlatOut 2 is like a grungier, jalopy-filled ghetto take on Burnout. The crashes are spectacular, the sense of speed remarkably convinc- ing, and the feel of sliding a crappy car sideways through the dirt suitably vis- ceral. Sadly, it's not exactly jam-packed with originality, and while the rag-doll stunts that proved so popular in the first game are now modeled on stuff like ski jumping and basketball, they still involve little more than just driving in a straight line, holding down a button for the right amount of time, and then hoping for the best. It's a post-night out, guys-passing- around-the-controller time killer at best, albeit a reasonably well-executed one. Publisher: VU Games Developer: Bugbear Р52 1-2 (2-6 online), ESRB: Teen JOHN www.vugames.com 98 “ ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com PS2/GC SUPER MONKEY BALL ADVENTURE A not-so-super sequel tO CHANT 5) boost Good: Classic minigames are still good Bad: Story mode—all of it Thank God For: The mute button It's all here: the puzzle stages that have you rolling precariously inside your ball from point A to point B, as well as the always entertaining party games such as monkey boxing and hang gliding. So if all the pieces that make the Monkey Ball games great are here, why the lame score? Because you can get a bigger, better version of this game already via Super Monkey Ball Deluxe (on the XB and PS2)—which nets you more content for half the price. Adventure (or Diet Monkey Ball, as | like to call it) gives you а measly 50 puzzle stages (Deluxe has 300) and fewer than half the party games of its predecessor (five versus Deluxe's 12). The newest addition, the story mode, sucks hard. You roll around in your ball, talking to amazingly annoying monkeys (their voices are so bad that | scrambled for the mute button), who give you mun- dane tasks that'll have you heading back to the puzzle stages in no time. Also, the long load times and confused camera sys- tem feel awfully sloppy. Monkey Ball has been a good series these past few years, so let's pretend this game never happened. Sometimes when you hand a little kid a gift, he ends up beguiling himself with the box instead of the toy inside. That’s pretty much what Adventure was to me. The whole time | was playing the game’s supposedly appealing adventure (which is essentially a collection of tedious errands), | just craved the series’ traditional wrappings of ball-rolling puzzles and minigames. Thankfully, you can find them in a separate mode and lightly sprinkled throughout story mode. Adventure is also home to 5 Еј е THE VERDICTS ADAM 7 4 4 L i perhaps 2006'5 most annoying videogame voice acting. The characters’ vocabulary consists solely of the word “monkey”...which is as excruciating as it sounds. Play Adventure for the solid tradi- tional modes and adequate multiplayer, but don’t expect to get much enjoyment out of the dull platforming. Don’t spend 40 bucks here. Go on, friend; keep walking. Move over to Sly Cooper, pick it up, and go ahead and grab a copy of Super Monkey Ball Deluxe ог one of the GameCube Monkey Balls—that's spending your money much more wisely. Adventure’s new minigames and puzzle stages don’t offer any real improvement over previous Balls'—and you can expect the same horrific camera. Meanwhile, the new plat- forming portions will give you nightmares. To make this idea work, the developers either need to design stages around the idea of a rolling character or just let you be a monkey, sans ball. Instead, you're a monkey in а ball іп а world full of mon- keys who aren't trapped in balls—and it's a crummy, barely navigable world indeed. aur Publisher: Sega Developer: Traveller's Tales Players: PS2 1-2 (2-4 w/Multitap), GC 1-4 ESRB: Everyone PATRICK www.sega.com PS2/GC PAC-MAN WORLD RALLY A trip down easy street ADAM SHARKEY 5 JAY PlayStation 2 DISGAEA 2: Publisher: Namco Bandai Developer: Smart Bomb Players: PS2 1-2, GC 1-4 ESRB: Everyone www.namcobandaigames.com CURSED MEMORIES More strategy gone crazy 481-7481 1807180 183 217 213 M 20 THE VERDICTS (OUT OF 10) SHOE SHANE i Display move range (Weapon) (Other) (Other) (Other) 4 -503 Publisher: NIS America Developer: Nippon Ichi Software Players: 1 ESRB: Teen www.nisamerica.com Good: Overall a solid kart racer but... Bad: ...it's way too easy Most Random Character: Toc-Man JAY: Well here’s a shocker: Megamascot Pac-Man and friends star in their very own kart racer. And as you'd expect, you choose from a selection of classic Namco characters and race through various themed circuits, all while making use of shortcuts, powerslides, and carefully placed weapons. World Rally breaks the kart-racing mold ever so slightly with its Pac pellets. Grabbing enough of these yellow orbs allows you to temporarily transform into a mechanical Pac-Man monstrosity on wheels, chasing down and eating opponents who have changed into unicycle-riding ghosts—good stuff. The easy-to-learn, tight controls will have you powersliding to victory in no time. Many times | blew ahead of comput- er-controlled opponents and never looked back, even on the toughest difficulty set- tings. Multiplayer offers a nice distraction (these games are always best played with friends), with a couple of battle modes and a Pac pellet collect-a-thon—and it's worth noting that the action runs smoother on the GameCube. Though it's a solid entry to the staid genre, World Rally is a bit too kid friendly to recommend to anyone who reads past a fifth-grade level. ADAM: While playing this derivative game, | wanted to call it Mario Kart Pac-Man 64, Good: Deep, flexible strategy gaming Bad: Very Japanese story line and dialogue Dood!: Playable prinnies are back Once again, ! risked good mental health by delving into the latest strategy- RPG from those lunatics at NIS. Disgaea 2, like others before it, unapologetically throws together deranged characters (like а dual-personality talking frog...who's French) and eardrum-piercing voice acting with the deepest, most hardcore gameplay around. If you regularly immerse your- self in the crazy s*** that comes out of Japan, Disgaea 2 probably won’t faze you. Everyone else: You’ve been warned. Like | said, this game is hardcore. You can (but don’t have to) worry about things such as setting up your fighters for team attacks; raising their skills; “cheating” the system by moving characters around for support actions, then canceling their moves to do something else; having them throw each other around to position for maximum efficiency; improving items; creating combos to find better bonuses; bribing the Senate to get what you want out of the game (new characters, better items, tougher enemies, etc.).... You get a ton of strategy options here, though most of what Disgaea 2 is offering, its predecessors (including its own prequel) have already given us. Still, І can think of worse ways to go insane than by playing another excellent NIS strategy-RPG...just do yourself a favor and skip the story and dialogue stuff. but that name isn’t entirely fair. Sure, Pac-Man and friends peel out powerslides with multiple-color exhaust— just like in a Mario Kart 64—but the colors vary in this game, and the item boxes are different shades! But you know what? Mario Kart's gameplay is nearly flawless, and Pac- Man World Rally wisely simulates the better elements of that classic series. It has partic- ularly strong course design, and the whole Pac-Man vibe—characters gobble fruits and ghosts aplenty—extends its appeal. Regardless of World Rally's DNA, it turned out sturdy and quietly entertaining. I'd be thrilled to find this game in a cereal box. 1UP.COM—SHARKEY: Like these other guys said, in a world already choked with mascot kart racers, Pac-Man World Rally doesn't do much to stand out. It may seem lazy to blow off one of these things as "Mario Kart, but with Sonic/Crash Bandicoot/Pac-Man/whatever characters," but in this case, it's completely deserved. The developers didn't even bother to Switch around the colors and functions of the shells...er, bombs. Red ones track the car ahead of you, blue ones take out the leader, and greens are dumbfire. It isn't a bad game; it's just unnecessary. Really young kids might dig it, but hell, little kids try to eat rocks. Year after year, pub- i = lisher NIS consistently delivers com- plex, enjoyable strategy-RPGs, and Disgaea 2will handily satiate fans of the genre. Like its predecessor, Cursed Memories feels like a twisted fun-house version of Final Fantasy Tactics, blending deeply strategic gameplay, nearly limitless customization, and cornball humor with finesse. Sure, it's similar to the last game, but subtle improvements (high-res graphics, earlier access to the cool Dark Congress system, and a less exploitable endgame) make it a worthwhile investment for strat fans. 1 was completely into the original Disgaea but was burned out by the time its NIS successors (Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom, etc.) arrived. Still, it's пісе to come back to a familiar world. Apparently, the developers wanted something overly familiar, though, because Disgaea 2 feels a heck of a lot like the game | played three years ago. It certainly looks more colorful and detailed—or as detailed as these games get, anyway. Still, battling foes and upgrading your party follows the same routine as the original. I'm playing a good guy this time; shouldn’t that warrant some new takes on things? І couldn’t help but be drawn back in, but this so-called Disgaea 2 just isn’t as cool as it could have been. ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com • 99 review crew: playstation 2 A Fair Fight? Okami borrowed most of the good stuff from Zelda, but it left out one crucial bit: It has no lock-on button to help you engage the enemy head-on. To enjoy yourself in Okami's battles, you need to be a pro at controlling the camera yourself (using the right analog stick). The game is so generous with power-ups, how- ever, that suck- ing won't often get you killed. NS чыў | = PlayStation2 f 2 OKAMI «г: A Refusing to paint by numbers ROBERT: Гуе never been the type to go googly- eyed at the sight of a pretty game, but | can’t talk about Okami without first giving а nod to its visionary art direction. Fuzzed out on faux paper, punctuated by thick black lines, and stained with a cornea-buzzing palette of bright and muted colors, Okami is a painter's imagina- tion come to life. It proves that intrepid game- makers can blow your mind without the use of bleeding-edge computer hardware, confirming what I’ve long suspected: Great art is more important to the visual experience of a game than great technology. That painted-canvas look ties directly into Okami's hook. An adventure game very much in debt to the Zelda series, Okami replaces the usual inventory of puzzle-solving, path-unlock- ing gadgets with a paintbrush. As you traverse mythological Japan, killing monsters and solving puzzles, you can pause the game at any time and use the Celestial Brush to affect the onscreen action. From drawing in a missing section of bridge to slicing an enemy in half with a single stroke, the brush plays into every aspect of the game. Okami throws new brush uses at you all the way up to the end, quite a feat considering its length of approximately 40 hours. Epic adventures are great and all, but Okami could have used tighter pacing. The first five hours of the game are a slow mix of long-winded character speech and basic training. In fact, the entire game is packed with reams of text. That's fine in principle, but you'll find yourself forced to read the same details over and over as helpful townspeople beat clues into your brain (while you wish for an adult text-speed option). But just when it seems that Amaterasu (the game’s wolf-goddess protagonist) and Issun (her sprite sidekick) have settled into a rut, Okami wows you with something new, a shrink-ray jaunt into the garden to fight spiders and ride on the feet of passersby or a journey into the snowy 15 Okami Too Exotic to Understand via Words? Look, Pictures! THAME oF THE MONTH North. Okami developer Clover obviously put a lot of love into its creation and, as you travel the countryside, painting barren landscapes into bloom, that love radiates from the screen. MARK: Next gen schmext schmen. Who needs expensive new hardware when Okami delivers graphics so rich, so vibrant, and so spectacular that you often can’t help but pause just to admire them? Who needs extensive online options when you have a world full of great characters, sharp dialogue, and tons of secrets? Who needs fancy new controllers when Okami’s brilliant brush system innovates, simplifies, and entertains all in one (ahem) stroke? As recent Castlevania games did with the Metroid formula, Okami takes a well-established game template (in this case the Zelda series) and reinvents it with a style all its own. The sleepy villages, sprawling valleys, and clever dungeons of Okami’s mythic Japan induce the same wide-eyed wonder and thrill of discov- Take Zelda's puzzle-heavy adventuring... Good: Amazing art, novel gameplay ideas Bad: Long-winded, repetitive text, no locking on in battle Did You Know: Okami originally didn’t feature its painted look 100 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY “ www. 1UP.com ( THE VERDICTS ROBERT MARK Publisher: Capcom Developer: Clover Players: 1 ESRB: Teen ANDREW www.capcom.com It's а giant-nine-tailed- cat-eat-dog world. ery you'd encounter in Link’s finest adventures. Which is not to say it’s the same old game with a fresh coat of ink; the developers have seamlessly worked the unique brush mechanic into every aspect of Okami, especially its epic boss battles. I could've done with a bit more challenge in combat and fewer, less preachy story bits, but these complaints are so minor in the face of Okami's achievement that | almost feel silly even bringing them up. I'd be surprised if you find a better game on any system this fall. As much as it owes to the Zelda series, Okami is every bit as good: It has a charming, classic story; characters who actually possess character; entertaining and varied side quests; and a visual aesthetic that manages to make The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker look like a paint-by-numbers piece. But every time my mind crept toward "This is a total rip-off" territory, Okami surprised me by doing и Же Co» something new. The Celestial Brush had much to do with this, as the other two guys have said. What they didn't point out was this creative technique's misstep (cue evil eyes in Mark and Robert's direction): Whether it’s due to finicky recognition or the DualShock 2’s shoddy analog sticks (or perhaps even your own lack of artistic talent), sometimes your lines and curves won't translate into the actions you want. (I'd love to see what the developers could do if they ever bring the game to the DS or Wii.) But once you get the hang of it, you’ll love it: Whether drawing bombs to open up new areas or bringing barren trees to bloom, you'll find that this game world truly does feel like a giant canvas that you’re breathing life into. But Robert is absolutely right: If you're a developer thinking of pouring tons of money into graphical engines and CG cut-scenes, for the love of dog, stop and hire some brilliant artists. Okami proves that we'd all be better off for it. ..add an Ofogi-like tale based on Japanese mythology... ..use Japanese artist Hokusai's woodblock print style... ..and you get Okami. Ј ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com » 101 ОКАМ! (CONT.) The Write Stuff We paint a picture of Okami’s in-game calligraphy So, how do you draw a picture in the middle of an adventure game? Okami allows you, via the R1 button, to pause the action at any point, turning the color- ful scenery into a washed-out canvas. You then use the left analog stick to guide the brush across the screen. You'll come across 13 brush techniques in all. Battle: Among other methods, you'll find yourself slashing enemies with a quick stroke, channelling the power of wind by drawing curlicues to blow away flying foes, and firing “ink bullets” by covering an enemy in dots, Puzzles: Bringing out your inner art- ist is also key to solving most Okami puzzles. You'll often find yourself draw- ing a line from a flame to a flammable surface, changing the night to day by drawing a sun in the sky, and slipping past fast-moving gates by slowing down time with a special symbol. Travel: Much of Okami’s world is sealed off until you learn the right brush tech- niques to pass. You'll gain the ability to bomb your way through walls by drawing a bomb (a circle with a line through it), to make your way to upper reaches of forests by connecting vines to Amaterasu, and to slice your way through giant boulders. $ 102 “ ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com SUCI ZZ У «масы 1 apo We сап buy the Celestial Brush | thing, but the wolf and the cannon... | m Playstation 2 £ 2 DIRGE OF CERBERUS: . FINAL FANTASY VII , Funeral for a friend Let's face it: This whole "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" thing has turned out to be a total bummer. The world's most beloved role-play- ing game should have provided the perfect spring- board for killer sequels, but so far, the results have been dire. The visually stunning CG-animated flick Advent Children ended up a confusing bore, mobile phone game Before Crisis soiled Japanese handsets with its crappy gameplay (watch out: America is next!), and now Dirge of Cerberus makes a dull stab at the shooter genre. Weak-willed FFVII fans who take the plunge will find that Dirge isn't really much of a shooter—you can easily power your way through the game à la. Devil May Cry using Vincent Valentine's meager hand-to-hand combos to dispatch the legions of brain-dead Deep Ground soldiers in your way. Of course, the game encourages gunplay, but eager- to-assist autoaiming leeches much of the chal- lenge, while sloppy camera angles in the claustro- phobic levels often obscure your targets. Ultimately, the game simply isn't that engaging: Hot Mess The unique FFVII setting feels totally wasted here, as you're often running through boring corridors looking for keycards. The sickest moves that you'll see Vincent pull off appear only in Dirge's gorgeous CG cut-scenes...the game itself offers no surprises. Hardcore FFVII nuts might eke out enough enjoyment from the flashback-laden story line to validate their purchase, but, truth- fully, Vincent's past is about as enthralling as his mediocre game. Dirge surprised me. Not that | expected great things, mind you—l'd played the import. But it was how the final English version disappointed me that | didn’t expect. It wasn’t in the adequate gameplay, a fairly standard (if slower and slightly clunky) take on Devil May Cry’s run/gun/melee template, or in the decent graphics. No, it was actually the one aspect І was genuinely looking forward to: the plot. The thought of continuing Final Fantasy ИР epic story line is damned excit- ing in theory, but Dirge's melodramatic dialogue, Dirge of Cerberus introduces several utterly embarrass- ing new characters to the FFVII universe, but none is. quite as alluring/repulsive as Shalua Rui, the sultry yet handicapped scientist tasked with saving her sister from the Deep Ground project. Sure, she might have only one working eye and one human arm, but we'd still hit it. Good: Gorgeous cut-scenes, fleshes out the FFVII backstory Bad: Too short, too easy, camera issues Nobody Wants: Crappy stealth missions THE VERDICTS (OUTOF 10) SHANE idiotic characters, and just overall awkwardness had me rejoicing when cut-scenes (some of which drone on for more than 10 minutes) finally ended and returned me to its tepid gameplay. Mark finds Dirge’s game- play design adequate and standard, which | think is just a nicer way of saying “unoriginal, piecemeal, and insulting.” Escort mission? Check. Stealth mission? Check. Mine cart section? Explosive barrels? Crates? Shoot X number of enemies before you get a key card for arbitrary gates? Checkmate. And even after nine years have passed, I’m still interested in the FFVII lore—so why does it take so long for Dirge to actually feel like FFVII? Boring new characters, dull music, and drab interpreta- tions of favorite locations have supplanted all of the original RPG's charm and character—most of the game occurs in a blue, green, or brown hall- way. Square has wasted an unbelievable amount of potential here. sh What About Online Play? Although Dirge offers an extensive online multiplayer mode (with both deathmatch and co-op mission play) in Japan, all of that content has been stripped from the U.S. release. What gives? Well, the game requires the . optional PS2 hard drive unit, which isn't compatible with the redesigned slim-line PS2. Oops. If it's any consolation, Square Enix reworked some of - | these quests as bonus levels for the new Extra Hard difficulty setting. Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Players: 1 ESRB: Teen MARK ANDREW www.square-enix.com ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com • 103 PlayStation 2 VALKYRIE PROFILE 2: SILMERIA Joyride of the Valkyries Finally, a Japanese role-playing game for everyone who hates how talky and slow-moving the genre has become—Silmeria thrusts you into an action-packed quest laden with complex dun- geons, tricky puzzles, and plenty of intense, stra- tegic combat. Don't expect a real crowd-pleaser, though—VP2 isn't afraid to kick your ass and leave you for dead. But hardcore questers who welcome a sizable challenge will likely love what developer tri-Ace has done with this new Profile. Although narrative often takes center stage in RPGs, gameplay reigns supreme in Valkyrie Profile. And, at its core, Silmeria plays much like its PS1 predecessor—you control a spunky Norse Valkyrie who amasses a small army of warriors (both living and deceased) while traversing vari- ous towns and dungeons. Surprisingly, explora- tion here still unfolds like in an old-school 2D platformer. You’re constantly running, jumping, solving puzzles, and dodging enemies in real time; VP2’s tightened-up controls and clever new twists (the previous game’s Photon system now 104 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com allows you to both freeze enemies and teleport to their location) make these labyrinths wonderfully engaging. Plus, the mazes get exponentially more complicated as you progress, thanks to the new Seal Stone system (you can add or remove gems that imbue either your party or dungeons them- selves with various effects) and plenty of difficult block-sliding puzzles. Whereas the original VP’s battles are simple 2D affairs that often boil down to frantic button mashing, Silmeria's new 3D melees actually demand your full tactical attention. You still execute attacks by jamming on the face buttons (each one corresponds to a party member), but now you must also run around the battleground, carefully choosing your opponents while trying to avoid enemies’ sights. You have several attack options—you can choose to quickly fell the leader (thereby ending the battle early), target foes’ individual body parts (to snag bonus items), or split up your party to handle multiple enemies at once. With all these options at your disposal, combat never bores, and the game’s many boss encounters provide the perfect showcase for how deep the system truly is. Silmeria isn’t a complete success, however. The otherwise fantastic combat engine some- times glitches out when you use the R1 button to dash around the battlefield—your party members can get stuck, becoming easy targets for foes. Lame. And the overly intricate skill and equipment systems could have easily been streamlined...the game is tough enough already. But really, the game’s plot presents the biggest problem. Narratively, it’s a slow burn from the outset—newcomer Alicia fails to inspire confi- dence as a heroine, and her exploits don’t really get interesting until the endgame. Likewise, very little effort goes into characterizing her comrades (scope the sidebar to see the sad fate of the Einherjar), making them infinitely interchangeable and weirdly disposable. Luckily, stellar gameplay, lush audiovisual trappings, and sizable challenges easily eclipse the story line’s shortcomings. 5 Publisher: Square Enix 5 Developer: tri-Ace 52 Players: 1-2 55 ESRB: Teen uS € = SHANE JAY MILKMAN www.square-enix.com © The photon teleport system transforms every dungeon into a brain-bending platforming puzzle. The PS2 has certainly aged well. We are seeing some truly beautiful games in the console’s twilight years, and Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria is no exception. The game's realistic visual style (which looks a lot like Square Enix’s upcoming Final Fantasy XII, oddly enough) pushes the PS2 to the brink—every environ- ment and character impress with meticulous detail and breathtaking lighting. You'll even spot some соо! depth-of-field and focus tricks that lend the game an unexpected cinematic edge. You'll still be traversing dungeons, temples, and towns in classic side-scrolling VP1 style, but the sur- prising new 3D battle system might overwhelm even returning VP fans. Those with enough patience to master its complexities will be rewarded with some of the best role-playing combat in the genre, but don't expect an easy acclimation. After a few hours of practice—and a lot of dying—1 was darting across the battlefield, splitting up my party, and tag-teaming hordes of lizards, kobolds, and all other manner of fantasy beasts in a flurry of seizure-inducing magic attacks and flashy sword combos. That learning curve sure is steep, though. Managing endless stats and skills isn’t easy, and the daunting combat initially frustrates as you learn the path to victory through painfültrial and error. Be patient though—this is one tht ‘best role-playing experiences on the Рб? and shouldn't be missed. This Valkyrie Profile prequel certainly took a long time, and it’s really quite amaz- ing that one was made at all. So thank developer tri-Ace for caving in to fan demand and creating the sequel everyone wanted but didn’t expect. It’s funny, though, even with six years between Lenneth and Silmeria, how familiar things seem. While obviously a design choice, the decision to stick with side-scrolling exploration segments in towns and cities allows the developer to create beautiful 3D environments that maintain the spirit of the 2D backdrops of the original. Shimmering, warm, and bright, Silmeria's landscapes sparkle in the glow of an almost overt use of oversaturated lighting effects. Of course, it goes the other way once you make your way down into any of the game’s wonderfully labyrinthine dungeons. While the graphic detail of the dungeons veers from mediocre to stunning, one thing that always remains beautiful to watch is the battles themselves, particularly the Soul Crush moves. Silmeria isn’t easy, though. If you don’t pay attention to the equip- ment you're wearing, explore all of the abilities at your disposal, or master the art of dashing in the increasingly difficult battles, you may find Silmeria tough going. But veterans who wanted a fresh spin оп the original formula will truly enjoy tri-Ace’s best game since the original Valkyrie Profiles: 75 That random roadside trash could be a valuable ally... 19 She'll totally kick any Bratz’s ass. ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY « www.1UP.com г 105 review crew: pse/ds гай! PlayStation 2 DANCE FACTORY The rhythms of randomness Good: Dance to your favorite tunes Bad: Makes those tunes seem extremely boring A Shame: The game's record mode won't let you edit your work ROBERT: Script for Dance Factory TV commercial (to air during Dr. Phil): Mom: “Get your greasy fists out of that chicken bucket, Billy. It's time for another round of good- ои dancepad gaming!" Bill, w, Mom, but those Japanese disco songs make me feel all weird and tingly.... Why isn't there a dance game that lets me shake my humps to the disposable pop songs | like this week?" Mom [Chime sounds as game appears in her hands]: "That's why | got you Dance Factory, the only game that lets you dance to your own CDs." Billy: “Gosh... that's hella crunk! Maybe | won't need my stomach stapled after all!” But Dance Factory doesn’t really work as advertised. After you replace the game disc with your own CDs, the game slowly digests your chosen song(s), then spits out a bargain-bin version of Dance Dance Revolution to the tempo (not the beat) of the track. The timing works, but the moves are totally random, defying all graceful movement and sucking the life out of ass-shaking hits. Fun dance patterns, not great music, make dance games worth playing. It’s an interesting idea that doesn’t quite work. THE VERDICTS (ОТОР ROBERT JENNIFER JARED JENNIFER: | couldn't dis- agree more with this bunch of haters. You have to be a hardcore geek to care about choreography in a dancing game. For me, these games are about having fun and looking silly with a bunch of friends, and Dance Factory lets in all those people turned off by the sounda- like techno drivel that dominates this genre. Who cares if the autogenerated routines won’t make me look cool in the arcade? And so what if the trappings are а bit...low-rent? If | really wanted style and choreography, I'd be watching the latest Beyoncé clips on MTV. Plus, this game has the first fitness mode that’s good for the long haul, because you get ready-made routines to your favorite songs. Don’t listen to these guys—they’re clueless! 1UP.COM—JARED: If you find the con- cept of dancing to your favorite songs fascinating enough to consider playing a videogame based around it, І have a suggestion for you: Open up iTunes on your computer and commence danc- ing immediately instead. While Dance Factory works as advertised, it does so in the most piss-poor way imaginable (and don’t let Jennifer convince you other- wise). The step charts gradually become more and more off synch as songs prog- ress, breaking the single most important rule of any music game. Couple this with repeated crashes, a total lack of interest- ing step generation, and an absolutely appalling interface and you have a game more ghetto than your downtown club. Publisher: Codemasters Developer: Codemasters www.codemasters.com 106 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com CH DEEP LABYRINTH Bad touch! F2: Chamber of Decision ` 4— Good: Decent full-motion video bits Bad: Horrible controls origi It seems as though the RPG medi- ocrity fairies have left the PSP alone just long enough to work their magic on the latest roleplayer for the Nintendo DS. Wow, is Deep Labyrinth ever boring. This game hearkens back to the DS’ early days, when using the touch screen for something—no matter how awkward or useless, like it is here—was more important than the game's quality. Deep Labyrinth’s combined D-pad/touch screen control scheme will have you begging for mercy within an hour, as it actually makes everything more complicated. Rather than just hitting a button to cast a spell, you have to touch the proper onscreen icon, draw the spell from memory, then hit another icon to cast it. As you can imagine, this leads to loads of fun while you wrestle with the digital pad, especially when a group of enemies surrounds you. And honestly, the pain ain't worth it. І can forgive Deep Labyrinth’s bizarre story about a boy and his mutt lost in a world where useless memories go to die, but it's not nearly compelling enough to make me suffer through the fugly visuals and knuckle-knotting interface. Talk about underwhelming. This game looks (and plays) like a student project out of junior college. You'll trudge through the similar environments with repeatedly recycled characters, although they'll be a different color or have a new accessory, which is supposed to trick us into thinking we are seeing something new. The lame, Stylus-driven combat and cheesy dialogue further compound the game's problems. МІ give Deep Labyrinth points because it actually works when you boot it up and the 5 = е THE VERDICTS А role-playing game for cell phones music is surprisingly enjoyable. But only hardcore RPG apologists (looking your way, Jeremy) will mine fun from this turd. What the...? These guys are way off (well, except on the lame interface thing). Despite initial impressions, it's quite easy to enjoy Deep Labyrinth. The secret? Be patient. The first hour is quite possibly the most god-awfully boring thing you'll ever experience, a maze of simple boxes (all alike). Once you get into the labyrinth proper, though, the action picks up. Alternately, you could just skip straight ahead to the more challenging second chapter. Aside from its lousy graphics and awkward, unwelcome DS functionality (note to Atlus: making fun of the act of blowing into the DS mic doesn’t excuse forcing us to do it), Deep Labyrinth is a classic dungeon hack (stranded in a dungeon, no way out, fighting from level to level, acquiring better gear and skills, etc.) straight out of the Wizardry school of RPG design. That is, the old school. Oh, and bring headphones—Yasunori “Chrono Cross” Mitsuda’s soundtrack is truly a thing of beauty. What, they couldn’t afford the third head? Publisher: Atlus Developer: Interactive Brains Players: 1 ESRB: Everyone 10+ JEREMY www.atlus.com Compete in DigitalLife’s $100,000 Pro-Am Gaming Tournament and find out. Play the latest, unreleased games at the РС & console arcades and get your hands оп the hottest gear before it hits the streets. Meet your favorite celebrities. Win tons of Cool prizes. Don’t miss the largest gaming tournament on the East Coast! Get Tickets NOW to DigitalLife! 50% off with promotional code: at www.digitallife.com each adult ticket is only $6.00! digitallite the ultimate consumer technology, gaming and entertainment event october 12-15, 2006 javits convention center new york, new york learn it hear it try it play it тоск it live it IOSD www.digitallife.com produced by: Oke a VIVENDI UNIVERSAL cc official media partner: TOSHIBA AMD BELKIN. Ај Windows? MedaCenterdon y E ee ius A THOMSON verizon rr BOMBERMAN Not quite dynamite (OUT e ge 9 5 c 5 > EE = CRISPIN MICHAEL ULTIMATE RAY Publisher: Konami Developer: Hudson Players: 1 (2-4 via local Wi-Fi) ESRB: Everyone www.konami.com GHOSTS 'N GOBLINS From the arcade to the grave THE VERDICTS (OUTOF MARK G. FORD JEREMY 108 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com Players: 1 ESRB: Everyone 10+ www.capcom.com Maybe I’m just relieved to play anew Bomberman game that hasn't been reimagineered into “edgy,” future-shocked horridness (see my review of Bomberman Act: его on page 97), or maybe I’m just a softy for this classic series. Whatever. The multiplayer formula here—immolate buddies with bombs while dodging theirs and nab- bing power-ups—is as dandy as ever, even if the rest of the game is a dud. Take the single-player story mode, a collection of 100 levels that offers so little variety that only gamers with Rain Man-style single-mindedness will have a blast playing through them. You do get to hoard a huge variety of power-ups and essentially custom- ize your Bomberman experience, but eventu- ally, you'll amass so many invincibilities that later levels lose their challenge. But really, it goes without saying that mul- tiplayer is why you show up to a Bomberman game. Fortunately, this version comes with game sharing, so you only need one disc to play with other PSP-owning pals over local Wi-Fi—although you get niftier stages if all players have their own game. If only the wackier worlds of the single-player game were available in multiplayer... See, it is possible to make а Bomberman without balls. So what if this portable bombarder's saccharine appearance MARK: "Single Japanese PSP platform- action game (3D graphics/2D gameplay) looking for dedicated gamer to enjoy fun times. You: into older games, patient, willing to put up with me when | get dif- ficult (which | do а lot, even on my Novice setting!). Me: absolutely gorgeous, simple controls, no story worth mentioning. Into double-jumping, epic boss battles, and (І admit it!) cheap deaths. | need a gamer who's willing to put in the time to really know me; if you think you're gonna get to my ending without truly exploring my levels, replaying them over and over until you find key hidden items, you'll be disap- pointed. And yes, | know І can be difficult, especially at first. But stick with me, and eventually, l'II reward you with powerful shields and new spells. Hell, you might even come to appreciate my toughness. | guess I’m an old-fashioned kind of game (people tell me | play just like my 16-bit parents all the time), so if you're an old- fashioned kind of gamer, | know І can make you happy. If you’re just looking for a quick thrill, you're better off with one of those easy DS platformer sluts.” &. FORD: Looking at the above personal, МІ admit | was intrigued. I've always con- sidered myself a hardcore gamer...until | took on this beast. While | love Ultimate's throwback-yet-gorgeous graphics, the dif- € 6 lacks Act: Zero’s forced future crap? You don’t need grizzled visuals and smokin’ bomberbroads to have a blast. But you do need some variety, something this Offering fails to pack. Like Crispin said, once you dismantle the single-player game, you'll find it isn't worth the time (or frustration) to complete. The better route is the explosive multiplayer. Just don't expect as many options as in previous Bomberman games...or play- ers—only four peeps can make each other до “ba-boom.” Sure, it's fun, but it's hard to plop down your dough considering last year’s Bomberman 05 allowed eight-man fragfests. Now this is better: a Bomberman game that doesn't КИ my spirit (see my Act: Zero review as well). The PSP game takes the same road of simplicity as the DS version, but the single-player mode is more robust, with actual worlds to travel to and stages that aren't as bland looking (though they're still unimpressive). I'd even say the trancey soundtrack is the best music in the series in years. The only big nuisance is the forced item storing. Bomberman items are meant to be instant, and the shoulder buttons add more multitasking to an already hectic game. Multiplayer is nice, but the seconds- long pause before matches can get irritating. Quirks aside, it's a challenging Bomberman that’s not half bad, especially for a handheld. ficulty drove a stake through this former traditional romantic’s heart. The relentless reappearing enemies make progress a frustrating grind, rewarding good fortune (like stumbling upon the correct weapon) as much as skill. The fact that | greeted each completed level with relief rather than satisfaction ain't encouraging. Yet, like some poor, abused pooch, | kept coming back for more. And while this could be misjudgment on my part, it says some- thing about the game's definitely mixed appeal. Or maybe it's just the remaining bit of stubborn hardcore blood in my veins. Oh, pick up any gold rings you find—it'll save you from some additional grief later on. 1UP.COM—JEREMY: Even though playing through Ultimate Ghosts п Goblins was the worst thing to happen to me all month, it wasn't a complete loss. For instance, while playing through the game, | invented dozens of interesting new obscenities, one for each time | died due to cheap death- traps or clumsy controls. Ultimate put me in touch with my emotions, 100—1 wept a little every time | came across one of the game's sporadic good ideas, heartbroken that it was wasted on such a lousy update of an arcade classic. Best of all, | finally have a perfect example of how not to revive a franchise. On the whole, though, | think Га have simply preferred a better game. Note to cosplayers: Good luck with this one. TEKKEN: DARK RESURRECTION Tekken it on the road Good: Lightning-quick load times Bad: No gameplay improvements from past Tekkens Where іп the Tekken World: Is the stumblin’ Dr. Boskonovitch? Think Tekken 4 is the black Sheep of the franchise? Pfft, that game's a beaut compared to the series’ portable debut, the disastrous Tekken Advance (GBA). So, yeah, | had some reservations about step- ping into Dark Resurrection’s ring. But they sure didn’t last long. Minus a slight graphical dip (Shane's nutso for thinking otherwise), this handheld fighter can easily stand toe-to-toe with the series’ last con- sole installment. It plays just as well (don’t expect any refinements to the fighting engine, though), and the new Dojo mode, albeit being a complete tip-off of Virtua Fighter's charac- ter-customization system, provides enough incentive to continue punch- ing and kicking. And while Shane may disagree, | find the two new brawlers here—the powerful Nazi-wannabe Dragunov and long-legged blonde Lili—welcome additions to the King of the Iron Fist lineup. Still, we can't help but agree that Dark Resurrection is а fine fit for on-the-go fisticuffs, thanks to lots of minigames, blisteringly fast load times (by which all PSP games should now be judged), and Wi-Fi matches that are mostly lag free. I traditionally begin my Tekken reviews by reminding read- ers that both Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur handily outclass Tekken in every way—but hell, neither of those franchises has made the leap to the PSP. Until they do, you won't find finer 3D fighting on any hand- held—this port successfully puts the latest arcade revision of Tekken 5 іп your pants. You'll notice a nasty visual downgrade, especially with the character models, but everything else survives the trip unscathed. The mash-happy, offensively- minded gameplay remains dumb fun, especially against a real human opponent (props to Namco for includ- ing download play with just one disc). Plus, a smorgasbord of modes makes this the perfect game to return to time and time again. Unlockables like THE VERDICTS (QUTOF 10) BRYAN SHANE ESRB: Teen PATRICK goofy fan-fave Tekken Bowl and the new combo-for-money Gold Rush mode provide perfect pick-up-and- play thrills in bite-sized chunks. Dark Resurrection will have people on your commute staring at your PSP, won- dering, “How quickly can І get a PSP and that game?” This one is so good that the PSP's D-pad, which is crappy for most fighters, doesn’t cripple it. In fact, it works pretty well if your pad is broken in. All the game’s modes load whip-fast, the PSP's batteries can go for a good three hours running Resurrection, and the Tekken game- play is intact and excellent. Also cool is the bounty of unlockables, nary a one of them а fighter—every charac- ter starts unlocked from the get-go. This should be required for all fight- ers. Pick up Resurrection and you'll discover how robust a PSP game can be—the great fighting just sweetens the package. Publisher: Namco Bandai Developer: Namco Bandai Players: 1 (2 via local Wi-Fi) www.namcobandaigames.com ONE OF THE TOP FIVE GAME-DEGREE PROGRAMS - Electronic Gaming Monthly Student Artwork Francisco Cruz Real World Education School of Game Development School of Computer Animation 800.226.7625 [74 fullsail.com GET STARTED 3300 University Boulevard Winter Park, FL 32792 Financial aid available to those who qualify Career development assistance Accredited College, ACCSCT SNIYNOL з NOILLINGOYd MOHS < SLYY 9NIQHO23H < 1N3Ad013A30 IWY9 < Wild < SSANISNG LN3AINIVLH31N3 < М91530 9? SLYY IVLIDIO < NOILVWINY УЗ Пао? :30 100Н95 review crew: Little and late games, surveying the scene XB360 ¢ EA Sports е ESRB: E Talk about power of the people—after several gaming journalists and fans bel- lyached about next-gen Madden lacking (again!) the series’ popular Superstar mode (which now sports position-specific camera angles and training drills like the 40-yard dash and bench press), the developers suddenly found a way to include it. Also, 07’s on-field action is moving more smoothly (actually, the entire game seems to be much more polished) than EA’s first pro season on the next-gen gridiron. Thanks to the last-minute addition of Superstar mode, Johnny’s finally looking like he’s worth $60. Expect a full review next issue. XB360 * Capcom е ESRB: T — Good news for fans anticipating this Xbox Live Arcade port of the classic fighter: It runs smoothly online (though missed the occasional button push during some of our test matches), and the Quarter Match mode—in which two players fight while others wait to challenge the win- ner—adequately re-creates the arcade turn-taking tradition of “quartering up.” Plenty of more recent ver- sions of this series exist in compilations, but Hyper Fighting’s splendid simplicity (the 12 original characters, no specials) on Live Arcade has its appeal. UTE 7 аа n ако gd T 34h PS2 • Namco Bandai « ESRB: E Even despite its aging graphics, MotoGP 4 is, hands-down, the best choice for two-wheel racing this year. Forget that other MotoGP, MotoGP 06 on Xbox 360. Forget Tourist Trophy. MotoGP 4 delivers in almost every department. It’s got excellent online play, a wonderful selection of bikes, plenty of tuning options, and a fantas- tic career mode that'll take your driver from the lowly 125сс rides to the powerful beasts of MotoGP. Even the slightly dated driver roster doesn’t hurt this game. PSP • Majesco е ESRB: T — Tired of Street Fighter? Well, put up your dukes for this wacky 2D fighter that sports a huge cast of kick-ass crazies. Sure, the side-scrolling beat-em-up mode is hokey, but it's really just an opener for the main act: a full arcade version of Guilty Gear X2 #Reload. Don't buy this for the wonky side-scroller (though it does support two- player co-op). Rather, get it for the pristine arcade port. ќа. TIO “ ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com Which of the following console shooters has had the best additional downloadable content (тар packs, weapons, etc.)? ]————— Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (XB360) Perfect Dark Zero (XB360) Call of Duty 2 (XB360) SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs (PS2) | | | 13.5% 24.7% 5 Brothers in Arms: ў Earned in Blood (XB) 7.4% | 1.3% Re ра Results from an online survey of EGM and 1ИРсот readers taken in July 2006. Scored, but not forgotte Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War PS2 AND 1 Streetball PS2/XB Astonishia Story PSP Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny PS2 Battlefield 2: Modern Combat XB360 | SONIC BOOM The spiky-haired | blue rodent with an "соі but eventually evolved into a mul- iplatform hedgehog. Like most video- game icons, Sonic's starred in various genres, some that were a good fit, ‘others—well, check out what we | thought (all scores out of 10). Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light PSP. Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII XB360 Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! DS Capcom Classics Collection Remixed PSP Chromehounds XB360 Crusty Demons: Freestyle Moto-X XB Daxter PSP Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover PSP Dreamfall: The Longest Journey XB Field Commander Final Fantasy XI Online Freedom Wings Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter The Godfather Hitman: Blood Money The Legend of Heroes І! Lemmings Lost Magic 05 Major League Baseball 2K6 PS2/XB/GC Marc Ecko's Getting Up PS2/XB Me & My Katamari PSP Metal Gear Acld 2 PSP Metroid Prime Hunters DS MLB 06: The Show Ps2 Monster Hunter Freedom PSP NBA Ballers: Phenom Р52/ХВ NCAA Football 07 XB360 Odama вс Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams PS2 The Outfit XB360 OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast PS2/XB Over G Fighters XB360 Pirates of the Caribbean: Lgd. Jack Sparrow PS2 Point Blank DS DS Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis — XB360 Rogue Trooper PS2/XB Ruff Trigger: The Vanocore Conspiracy PS2 Rumble Roses XX XB360 Splinter Cell Essentials PSP Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max PsP Suikoden V PS2 Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll Ds Super Princess Peach Ds Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror PSP Tao's Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal 05 Tetris 05 05 Tomb Raider: Legend PS2/XB Top Spin 2 X8360 Tourist Trophy PS2 Urban Chaos: Riot Response PS2/XB Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth PSP Warpath xg Winback 2: Project Poseidon PS2 X-Men: The Official Game *Games in red are previous Game of the Month winners. PS2/XB/XB360 SCORES VERDICT (out of 10) W Great graphics can't make up for boring missions and a forgettable story W Ali the moves and personalities of the sport but with none of the excitement W Looks and plays like a 12-year-old role-playing game—oh wait—it is AWARD E A niche RPG that, despite new features, still ends up feeling dated W Over-the-top shooter with lots to do—and lots to ride—that's best played online Another crappy portable role-playing game—nuff said WB A pick-up-and-fly WWII fight-combat title full of planes, but its missions get tedious WI A smart “game” filled with tons of brainteasers that graphs how smart you are (or aren't) Wi Bright graphics and classy, classic games fill this portable powerhouse E Big mechs with big guns in big, boring environments Wi This poorly named Tony Hawk clone with bikes can't seem to break mediocrity W This bright, beautiful action-platformer feels cramped by the PSP's limitations I8 A console port with hardly any new content and cheap А1.—И looks good, though W This adventure title offers an immersive narrative but no game to go with it W Sure, it's a rip-off of Advance Wars, but it's so good that you won't care W This onlinc-only sequel has all the things you love—and hate—about the genre т Flight sim meets RPG and sky pirates, but complicated controls hold it back W Amazing, war-is-hella-fun shooter with great multiplayer. Next gen is finally here! W Grand Theft Auto: Gangster. Atmospheric, faithful to the films, but a bit cheesy ШЕ The bald assassin retums with some great level design but a hurtin’ save system WA role-playing adventure that plays solid but still f W The addictive puzzler returns with new levels and updated graphics E This innovative strategy-RPG unfortunately lacks the magic touch like more of the same W Reworked the swinging and hitting but forgot to help fielding and baserunning W This partly broken, gritty graf-art action game isn't half as cool as it thinks it is W The PSP's controls hobble the Prince's ball-rolling, garbage-grabbing magic I A short, streamlined, card-based tactical roleplayer that stars Mr. Snake W Samus looks great on the DS, but she can be awkward to control in first-person Wi Innovation isn't defined as finally adding a decade-old feature to your baseball game А beautiful action game that is best played with friends...too bad it ain't online. W Shows good off-court ambition, but the gameplay shoots too many air balls W A faithful update but with less features than the current-gen version WI This mash-up of pinball and strategy (with voice commands) is more strange than fun Wi We agree this samurai game is beautiful but aren't sure about its RPG aspects E Linear single player, but this WWII shooter's dash of strategy is fun in multiplayer W A solid arcade racer that's easy to pick up but lacks the variety of a Burnout E This extensive fight sim offers realism —and not much else besides sporadic difficulty E Not even Johnny Depp's Capt. Jack Sparrow can save this game from mediocrity I It’s a port of a light-gun game—but without the lightgun 1а Ping-Pong done right—but the lack of extras will leave you wanting more I This action-shooter shows it's easy being blue, thanks to engaging combat and co-op W A Ratchet & Clank clone that copies everything but the charm I8 Wrestling with sluts has never been more next gen or more pandering to perverts E The controls might be difficult for some—Sam Fisher just doesn't feel right on PSP. WI The same Street Fighter you loved—without enough new features to make it shine W Slow to start and a bit dated, yet a compelling RPG with collect-em-all fun lm А maze game that blends infuriating ball-rolling and adorable ape themes W A shiny new Mario-style adventure that needs to take the difficulty up a notch E Lots of guns and interesting gameplay aren't as much fun with awkward controls W An ambitious RPG that's stunted with a totally broken interface and battle system E Classic puzzler brought to the DS, but with only one new mode for the touch screen W The titular raider is back, swinging and clinging in this solid tomb-robbing game W Deep career mode, graphics update, and new shots make this a grand slam W Gran Turismo on two wheels, this racer offers realism with a steep learning curve т With dated graphics and boring levels, this shooter never passes mediocrity Wi Port issues aside, it's the best role-playing experience on the PSP 38 Bargain-priced action-shooter's online action is smooth but limited and clichéd W A boring, low-budget stealth-action title that's more frustrating than fun. E Not even the X-Men can save this crappy mess of а game ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com е 111 geriet? nning 7 р RY got > це ара О Р Е ко ея), can xo cute аке = ho Od, V [3 Е Ofi Or; 07 е 14 n $; А e с ќи, t ta NK Fy ° Wh \\ е ја ел, чот!“ ў 3 “ s Want to hear what our editors are excited about before your next issue arrives? E Tune in to 1UP Radio where the editors of 1UP, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Computer Gaming World, and the Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine sound off on various topics each week. Each episode is filled with juicy tidbits and behind- the-scenes info that we couldn't fit in the pages of this magazine. Log on to http://podcasts.1up.com/ and choose your poison: 1UP Yours EGM Live CGW Radio сада RadiOPM “ац | | == NETWORK * Warning: These podcasts are pretty addictive. You should probably subscribe and download our podcasts to your MP3 player - then you can take us on the road with you! xx а SEANBABY'S ame over not even an army of timecopping van dammes can save us this time VIDEOGAMES THAT PREDICT ‘We are all doomed!!! Videogames have seen through the veil of time, and we're all going to die, Did you know, for example, that our planet won’t make it through the year? Water War did. It’s a Korean cell-phone game made in English by people who don’t speak it, but they do speak Future. Here’s its bone-chilling description in its entirety (spelling errors made by Koreans, not me): “The gruesome struggle for survival with water... In 2006, the Water-war happen on the huge disaster, the pole jump!! There are gruesome struggles between Bentley company which held water and 5th Heaven worriers.” Water War isn't alone in its psychic ability. Using cryptology and Nintendo manuals, I've decoded terrifying mes- sages from seven old games that are set right about now (which was “the future” back when these suckers were made). To avoid sensationalism, the date of each game’s doomsday predic- tion will be referred to as EARTHDEATH CORPSEDAY. Now І could rate the accu- racy of these predictions on a scale of one to 10, but we all know numbers will be the first things to turn against us come the apocalypse. Instead, РИ rate the predictions using enemies from Water War. Your key: One tiny, spitting dragon is equal to one any- thing, and a moonwalking bull is worth five tiny, spitting dragons. Finally, РИ offer shreds of hope to soften each game’s dire prediction. This will almost always be in the form of words instead of moonwalking bulls. And just so we're straight on the code before we start, here’s the number 17 in Water War enemies: 114 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com 9 say top videogame psychics MEGA MAN 2 (NES) EARTHDEATH CORPSEDAY: 200X OUR FATE: Evil robots capable of countering super robot Mega Man “ЕЗ SHREDS OF HOPE: This game has some good in its vision: Do-gooder scientist Dr. Light creates blue boy Mega Man to stop the evil desires of Dr. Wily. But then these doctors seem to be the only two humans left, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why the only two humans left alive are the ones who can make robots. PROPHETIC ACCURAC' FACEBALL 2000 (SUPER NES) EARTHDEATH CORPSEDAY: Six years ago! OUR FATE: Faces on shapes too horrible and polyhedral to describe EE, SHREDS OF HOPE: The only thing that can kill a Faceball, apparently, is sad- ness, and the only thing that makes them sad is shooting them. So | guess what I'm saying is that if a giant shape takes flight, forms its own smile, and - charges you, shoot it. But you probably would have thought of that yourself, so never mind. І suppose that’s why we're still alive today. PROPHETIC ACCURACY: E + SHOOT ME} =m 5 The future’s so bright, those seagulls gotta wear shades. RAID 2020 (NES) EARTHDEATH CORPSEDAY: 2020 OUR FATE: “A plague of narcotics transcending the boundaries of race, economy, and time” PROPHETIC ACCURACY: E SHREDS OF HOPE: Raid 2020 pulls no punches with its terrible lack of gameplay or its grim forecast of our nation’s drug prob- lem. In 14 years, drugs that transcend the boundaries of time will hit the street. І know: “What?” That could mean people will be taking drugs way too early in the morning, or that caveman and Old West drugs will fall out of holes in the chronosphere like the rupture of some kind of impossible time pifiata. This prediction should be taken with a grain of salt, since Raid 2020 was made by Color Dreams, which later went on to change its name to Wisdom Tree and make games based on the glory of the Lord our God. And after the sky didn’t open up in the year 2000 and rapture-beam all Christians into His Bosom, | knew right then that these people weren't the ones to go to for magical fortune telling. On the off chance that they're right, Raid 2020's ultra- violent gameplay makes it look like you can just kill everyone and things will work out just fine. -COMMUNIST MUTANTS FROM SPACE (ATARI 2600) REVOLUTION X (ARCADE) EARTHDEATH CORPSEDAY: It’s a secret to everybody. OUR FATE: "The evil ruler of the planet Rooskee has launched a diabolical attack." PROPHETIC ACCURACY: SHREDS OF HOPE: Historical documents from this Atari 2600 Supercharger game do not make it clear exactly when communist mutants will invade our planet—only that they will. It implies that the mutants will be Russian, but this seems unlikely. since they're not communists anymore and they've sold all their women on the Internet. It's more likely. that the game refers to a Chinese space program, designed to explore the reaches of the unknown, and then turn around and shoot lasers at America. The good news for future victims of commie death, though, is that killing a Mother Creature gives you 500 points. So lay all the eggs on us you want, space Chinese. When we go out, we'll be holding all the points. And you'll have to pry freedom from our cold, dead hands. Future America rules! EARTHDEATH CORPSEDAY: November 11th, 1996 OUR FATE: Stupid PROPHETIC ACCURACY: = SHREDS OF HOPE: In Revolution Х, you, friend of rock band Aerosmith, battle against a new world order using the power of music. Technically, the simple act of saying those words aloud during a pitch meeting should have fulfilled some dark prophecy and killed us all. And here are two more reasons why this game's a false prophet: Exhibit #1: The music industry isn’t our savior against oppression and corruption. In fact, it probably gets 25 cents out of every dollar someone spends on evil. Exhibit #2: By the year 1996, Aerosmith would have been in their 82nd year of shambling unlife, immune to even the most enchanted weapons. Aerosmith lyrics such as "Yakyakyakyak YOOOW!" are actually an ancient curse designed to bring about the resurrection of Moonwalking Bull, the bull that moonwalks. E. EPIRI) er credits 12 PRESS. FIRE . SMASH TV (ARCADE) STREET FIGHTER 2010: THE FINAL FIGHT (NES) EARTHDEATH CORPSEDAY: The year 1999 OUR FATE: Big money, big prizes. PROPHETIC ACCURACY: + SHREDS OF HOPE: Maybe Smash TV missed the prediction mark a bit when it fore- casted contestant-liquefying game shows would be all the rage before Y2K, but with the unchecked one-upmanship in reality and game shows, a Running Man or Smash TV scenario could happen any day now. Did you see when they remade The Bachelor, only everyone was a midget? Or Temptation Island, where happy couples split up and tried not to accept sex from hot people? On Fear Factor they eat things that used to be and still are butts— ; JET т TNR F Ve „ YL that's like two spin-offs |= away from hunting a man 105898017 to death. Luckily, the Smash TV dark future, where you win toasters for sawing through swarms of ape-people with a personal force field power-up, is going to be so, so sweet. Man, | can’t wait for 1999. EARTHDEATH CORPSEDAY: Less than four years from now OUR FATE: Awesome cyboplasm-enhanced street combat Ei SHREDS OF HOPE: By the end of next year, a street fighter named Ken will invent cyboplasm. In small doses, it gives you an edge in a fight. In large doses, it takes over your body and kinda makes you into a scorpion monster, maybe. The prophecy has some holes in it. Now - you do stand a chance if you teleport to other plan- ets and street fight. Four years isn’t much time to prepare for something like that, but by that point we'll have survived killer boy robots, lethal reality TV, Aerosmith’s freedom rock, and one hell of a faceball- ing. If we're not ready by then, screw it: We deserve extinction. ќа. PROPHETIC ACCURACY: ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com » 115 (З game over ACROSS 1. “Kept up with” in racing games 4. Like Grand Theft Auto's Faggio 7. RPG tavern drink? 9. Indy Xbox 360 title Project _ 12. Like Suffering star Torque 14. SNK fighter 16. Chronicles of Riddick prison weapon 18. Guards graves in Zelda 19. Futuristic first-person shooter Ех 20. QB takes one to down the ball in Madden 22. Toyota racing acronym in Sega GT 23. NeoGeo slasher _ Shodown 25. RPG abbreviation for “strength” 26. TurboGrafx-16 puzzle title 28. тап of Battle for Atlantis fame 29. Annual charge for Xbox Live 31. Final Fantasy Easter egg tombstone text: “Here _ Erdrick” 33. Game Boy’s Adventures of _ 36. Resident Evil 4 unit of currency 37. NASCAR racetrack 38. Atari’s early system acronym 39. Up-and-down joystick plane 40. Dance Dance Revolution themes DOWN 1. Eternal Darkness’ Augustus 2. Castlevania’s Dracula's bed 3. Two-player Karaoke Revolution? 4. Intro screen 5. Picked up a controller 6. Two-player Star Wars lightsaber battles 8. 1-up 10. Emulator reloadable file 11. Multi accommodates extra controllers 13. Dreamcast/portable digging puzzle title 15. Project Gotham Racing British rides 17. Need For Speed Underground aftermarket manufacturer 21. Xbox Live headset attachment point 22. Staff of Dreams was his PS2 sequel 24. TurboGrafx-16's Legendary _ 25. Spartan: Total Warrior developer's UK location 27. Mega Man 2 windbag 28. Accept configuration changes? 29. Online kill 32. Fight Night Round 3 footwear accessory 34. Vehicles of Offroad Fury 35. Tony Hawk shoe-sponsored skate park 16 • ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com GRUDGE MATCH A tough sell SUMMER GAMES SUMMER JOBS Yes, the new-release lineup this summer consider making some extra scratch at a gonna spew out wads of hot new release: is bad enough that you might want to summer job. You know old man winter's 5 this holiday season, so weigh the fol- lowing and consider planning ahead for once, ya bum: PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN Pillage and plunder with Jack Sparrow Advantage: Game Steer Pixar characters through assorted races Nickelodeon-movie-inspired- mindless-kiddie romp Advantage: Tie HARDCO! Another damn pool game? Who buys these things? Grease up yer animatronic mateys at the Disneyland attraction Valet park for a local eatery and tip yourself in change-drawer takings Advantage: Job Shovel slop and assess bovine fertility in the hot summer sun Advantage: Tie ВЕ POOL Could make for a profit- able summer porno flick...get the camera! Advantage: Job ANT BULLY “Honey, | shrunk this kid 'cause he's being a dick to those ants.” People are scared of bugs —remember to price-gouge „Нај as their new exterminator Advantage: Job WORLD TOUR GOLF Interact with the world’s most boring pseudosport If you're on the PGA tour, you sure as hell don’t need our help Advantage: Job WINNER: SUMMER JOB See? Now isn’t that better than dedicating your summer to finishing the Barbie Compilation on Game Boy Advance? Bah, уои"! thank us when everyone else is taking out loans for a PlayStation 3. EVERYONE Xoouo poo Фэ 8 game to www.ESRB.org help © 2006 ESRB. All rights reserved egm retro A history of violence onkey Kong turns 25 this month, marking the debut of two of gaming’s most impor- tant characters: the big dumb ape himself and some dude named Mario. Though the goofy gorilla has had his ups and downs, one thing remains con- sistent: He’s always leaving a trail of destruction. All his monkeying around has earned him quite а rep, too—read up on his road to rampage. —Jeremy Parish Claims Adjuster, 1UP Insurance Co. FILE NUMBER: DKO1 CASE ALIAS: Donkey Kong DATE: Summer 1981 Witnesses report seeing an escaped gorilla ascending a con- struction site, violently warp- ing the building’s girders out of shape, and throwing barrels at the site’s foreman, Mario (aka, Jumpman), who attempted pursuit. Explosions were also reported, and a secondary site was completely collapsed by Mario in his efforts to subdue the beast. DAMAGES: Roughly $2.3 million. Fortunately, despite reports of a human abductee, no casualties were reported. STATUS: Awarded Note: Extensive damage has been reported in a nearby cement factory, but most witnesses of the incident have no recollection. We will therefore be filing the cement factory claim separately (see report G&W102). ІС GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com : DK03 LE NUMBER: us ALIAS: Donkey Kong 3 DATE: Spring 1983 c.f. File а assi holed up E. greenhouse. БЕ А da а е has been reporte келуге structure as well as to crops. STATUS: Dismissed ince Claimant s ТЕ i laim. Si М і awn this С 2 и oid of illegal cash ii ae eu Recommend police at S . low-up. Note: Photographs by R: Dodson/Si FILE NUMBER: DKGB CASE ALIAS: Donkey Kong GB DATE: Summer 1994 Rogue ape Donkey Kong (c.f. Files DK01, DKJR, DK03) reported loose within the city; extensive structural and incidental damage incurred before his escape to the jungle. ој DAMAGES: Upward of $21.9 million. damages forthcoming once bystander: property owners file civil suits. STATUS: Awarded. Additional 5 and Note: Despite remarkable similarities to events of mpassed a far wider area. ederal 1981, this event encoi (Recommend we seek f assistance.) ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY * www.1UP.com е 119 game ov let’s see what the veterans have to say. Editor-in-Chief Dan “Shoe” Hsu and Senior Editor Crispin Boyer both started at EGM in 1996, back when the magazine was put together by gypsies and old fellas wearing spectacles on their faces and black leg warmers on their forearms. Can these two old-timey EGM editors put down their bingo wands long enough to give us intelligible comments on the next generation of gaming? FINAL WORD Taking sides in the next-gen war Г ast month, the two new guys оп EGM went head-to-head in Final Word. This issue, Bi It’s like watching two elderly kangaroos trying to box. PlayStation 3: Preorder or Wait? Wait: As much as | would like to preorder a PS3, sell it on eBay, and donate the profits to save a local orphan- age, $600 is just too wallet-nuking for a holiday-season purchase. This'll be the first major console in 10 years І don’t get on day one, and unless Sony shows launch games more wowie-zowie than Warhawk and Resistance: Fall of Мап,"т fine with it. Sorry, orphans. Preorder: ГИ have to get a PlayStation 3 right away, and it won't be so І can save an orphanage with it (sorry, orphans...again). I'm not dying. to have one at the moment, but | pretty much need all new consoles on day one. It just doesn't feel right being a hardcore:gamer and working at a videogaming magazine and not having a system that half your readers have. E Who will have the best classics library: the PlayStation 3, Wii, or Xbox 360? Wii: No one can come close to what the Wii will offer. NES, Super NES, even Sega Genesis...can you imagine playing all those classics on one supersystem? But all that nostalgia might cost us a Princess Peach’s ransom. Remember the crazy-ass prices for those rereleased NES games on the Game Boy Advance a few years back, like $20 for the origi- nal Excitebike? Nintendo better not pull that BS on us for Wii's Virtual Console: Wii: Let's agree to agree, old friend. And don't forget the TurboGrafx-16 games, too (my favorite underdog system). Sure, Xbox Live Arcade has a lot of sweet old coin-ops, but it’s taken way too.long to play Psychonauts and a lot of other killer Xbox 1 stuff in the 360'5 backwards-com- patible mode. As for the PlayStation 3, maybe I’m splitting hairs, but it'll be weird playing old hits like Metal Gear Solid with the vibration-less PS3 pad. Wii online: Promising Future or Future Flop? Future Flop: | think Nintendo proved with the DS’ overly complex Friend Code system that it has no clue how to approach online gaming—which is ironic, because Crispin ease-of-use is one of the things they’re touting with the “always-online” Wii. We'll see. But if | have to jot down a different megadigit numerical code for each game and deliver it to friends 1 want to play with, then I'm not even going to bother hooking my Wii to the Internet. Promising Future: Nintendo would have to be crazy to use the DS system for friends lists on the Wii—but then again, look at what they named that system. But check out the potential here: Mario Kart online. Smash Bros. online. Mario Party online. All those Mario sports games...online.... Imagine playing all those multiplayer games, but you don't have to shower or straighten up the living room because your competi- tion’s online! What a life... Microtransactions: Like ’Em or Hate "Ет? Like ’Em: I’m always afraid that developers will start cutting back on content so they can charge you for the stuff separately, but І gotta admit, Рт a sucker Ѓог Шезе tiny, seemingly harmless transactions. What's.a few dol- lars for some extra multiplayer maps or a new theme for my Xbox 360 dashboard? It helps that I’m ignorant to what I’m actually spending—what's the “Microsoft Points to U.S. dollars” conver- sion rate anyway? Ah, who cares. Hate ’Em: Don’t support these things, Shoe—they’re а slippery slope! Sure, you can buy nifty stuff now like cars for Project Gotham Racing 3 and a vampire party Crispin lair for Oblivion, but your fear will come to pass. Why will developers bust their butts getting in every feature if they can ease back and sell that stuff later for online spacebucks? The second | see more crap like that Oblivion horse armor, I'm gonna vote with my dollar by keeping it firmly in my Velcro wallet. Xbox Live: Online All the Time or Rather Go Solo? Solo: Hoo boy. I've already made myself sound like a grumpy grandpa with my anti-Nintendo and boo-to- microtransactions stances, but I’ve just never been that good at playing well with others online. I'm tired of getting decapitated in Halo 2 with that damn plasma sword. The learning curve in the Splinter Cell games has always turned me. off. But if à decent massively multiplayer role-playing дате ever hits the consoles, then РИ change my tune—and you just might never see me again. Online All the Time: Halo 2, Splinter Cell, Phantasy Star Online, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter...when a cool online game hits, I’m already off the real-world radar and buried in my virtual games for hours a night. | actu- ally.hate it because there's no end to it—you can never “beat Halo 2 multiplayer”... I'm going to be in real serious trouble late this year when the PS3 gets an Xbox Live-like service, Wii games are online, and Gears of War is released. And, for the love of god, don't tell me when Halo 3's out, please! ќа. “Don’t tell me when Halo 3’s out, please!” б. MONTHLY • www.1UP.com NEXT MONTH: OCTOBER + ISSUE #208 WORLD EXCLUSIVE: PIDER-MAN 3 "re way ahead of the i ani Hel Xhox 360. You'll see Spidey resplen- uch as Venom, Sandman and more. We til next summer, but k won't be the new red-and- -blue ип! йбн? first look at Spider-Man 3 for the PS3, аР ай à dent in his gooey coal- -black unitard, tangling wes ing wi ame’s makers at Treyarch, the same да! а рана the sling-anywhere formula to mesh with one of next Then we meet some players who are superheroes in твата id who сап kiok your ass at Fale а ady to 5 big in the pro-gaming world, and they're re uae get ready 10 level up with our role-playing-game of Final Fantasy Xll, Crisis Core: ү кач to name just a few. It's enough to keep even the то: the chain-mail brassiere is so the new leather jerkin. 2movie developed the Spider- -Мап summer's biggest films. their own right: The five most dangerous gamers in unbeatable Street Fighter hare their skills. Pay attention, апі blowout. We're breaking down ип, Blue Dragon, Rogue Galaxy, dem Gn st casual cosplayer clothe fashions with our world- game, to see how the world. From a it these guys (and girl) are making x just might join their ranks someday. the castle walls with pre- Persona 3, and Phantasy d for months. We hear ADVERTISER INDEX 2k Games Midway Games, Inc. WWW.Zkgames.com .............. НО 31 wwwamidway.com ...:... E E Comcast Corporation Milk Processors млн сотсазі.сот.....................37 www.gotmilk.com ............... E 15 Eidos Interactive, Inc Mitsubishi Electronics www.eidos.com ...................... 8-9 — умматіеасот....................... 73 Foot Locker, Inc. Namco Hometek www.footlocker.com. ................... 33 — зммлатсосоп..................... 6-7 Full Sail Real World Education Namco Hometek www.fullsail.c0m.....................109 малюлапсосот............. ...... ЕТ NewEgg.com www.newegg.com ..................... 81 Office for National Drug Control Policy www.whatsyourantidrug.com ........... 123 Old Spice этт.дЇйзрелсот..................... 7 Sega Of America ‘www,sega.com. 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ON LAB ARG. st берде а наго бате? ther products and the characters contained herein are owned by the йин ra Viene al ши pio Arete pri Vance тё iy ich ngs Th Canadan GST Restat mumbar i 40496720 Pubcalne Ha Agreement o. 40S eum шти Canadian оо Io РО. Бос Printed in the U £ ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com е 121 HSU AND CHAN'S OFFICIAL WEBSITE — WWW.APE-LAW.COM/EVILMONKEY GREETINGS, VIDEOGAMERS! LOOK FOR FULL-LENGTH HSU AND CHAN COMICS AT YOUR LOCAL COMIC SHOP! (OR ORDER ONLINE АТ WWW.SLAVELABOR.COM.) RANDOM баі FINAL | ¥ ето BATTLE 4| 122 е ELECTRONIC GAMING MONTHLY • www.1UP.com IF PRESSURE'S PUSHING YOU TO GET HIGH AND GET INTO THINGS YOU'RE NOT REALLY INTO... MAYBE IT’S TIME TO PUSH BACK. RY OFFICE or NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL PoLicY/PARTNERSHIP FOR A DRUG-FREE AMERICA? LISTEN TO OVER 2 MILLION AT NAPSTER.COM Маче мі оче Бу;